UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. Bl9574 iMBfRSU. MWtQtttMl INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE UNITED STATES ARMY AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS THIRD SERIES VOL. II ARNAL-BLONDLOT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT $2.00 PER COPY V ArcM. Q> 75, M^- ser■-, 3 V, 2. c. I War Department, Office of the Surgeon General, Army Medical Museum and Library, Washington, February 10, 1920. Maj. Gen. M. W. Ireland, Surgeon General, V. S. Army. General: I have the honor to present herewith the second volume of the Third Series of the Index-Catalogue of the Library, representing 2,644 volumes and 4,389 pamphlets, and 29,504 titles of articles in periodicals. The Library now contains 198,900 bound volumes, 35,092 unbound volumes, and 361,455 pamphlets, in all a total of 595,447 volumes and pamphlets, with 5,631 portraits of physicians, 136 medical engravings and prints, and 316 medical caricatures. Exclusive of transactions of societies, the number of current periodicals now on file in the Library is 1,568, of which 1,480 are kept in the open shelves in the Reading Room. Through the opening of channels of communication with Germany and Austria most of the medical periodicals of these countries, covering the years 1915-18, have now been received and those of the current year are coming in. These are being indexed as rapidly as possible. No medical periodicals have been received from Russia or the Balkan countries since our entry into the war. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue as far as published: AUTHOR TITLES. SUBJECT TITLES. Titles. Volumes. Pamphlets. Book titles. Journal articles. Portraits. 176,364 169,812 3,137 2,983 85,663 86,248 6,089 2,644 151,504 166,291 1,702 4,389 168,537 136,405 4,537 2,700 511,112 645,557 29,602 29,504 4,335 914 Third Series, Vol. I................................. Third Series, Vol. II................................ 141 241 352,296 180,644 323,886 312,179 1,215,775 5,631 Robert E. Noble, Brig. General, Medical Department, U. S. A., Librarian, S. G. O. in SECOND ADDITION TO THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN THE TWENTY-FIRST VOLUME, SECOND SERIES OF THE INDEX CATALOGUE. VSfFoT explanations, see the Alphabetical List of Titles, etc., in Vol. XXI, 2. s. A. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Sex.- Forsch., Bonn. Abhandl. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-phys. 3D. Abhandl. a. d. Neurol, [etc.], Berl. Album Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1918. Alumni Beg. TTniv. Perm., Phila. Am. Anat. Mem., Phila. Am. Architect, N. Y. Am. Ass. Study Feeble-minded. Proc, N. Y. Am. Child, N. Y. Am. Hist. Ass. Ann. Rep., Wash. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., Wash. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Sexualforschung. Heraus- gegeben im Auftrage der Gesellschaft fur Sexualforschung. Bonn. v. 1, 1918-19. 8°. Abhandlungen der koniglich bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse. Munchen. v. 21-26, 1904-14; suppl., v. 1-2, 1908-14. 4°. Abhandlungen aus der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Psychologie und ihren Grenzgebieten: Beihefte zur Monatsschrift fur Psychia- trie und Neurologie. Berlin. 1918. 8°. Academia nacional de medicina. [See Gac. m£d. de Caracas.] Album of the Fellows of the American Gynecological Society 1876-1917. Philadelphia. 1918. 8°. Alumni Register (The) University of Pennsylvania. Philadel- phia, v. 5-21,1900-1901 to 1918-19. 8°. American (The) Anatomical Memoirs. Philadelphia. No. 8-9, 1918-19. 8°. [Continuation of: Mem. Wistar Inst.] American (The) Architect. New York. v. 115, 1919. 4°. American Association of Museums. [See Museum Work.] American Association for the Study of the Feeble-minded. Pro- ceedings and addresses of the forty-second annual session, held at Buffalo, New York, May 31 and June 1, 1918. New York, 1918. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Psycho-Asth.] American (The) Child. New York. v. 1, 1919. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Child Labor Bull.] American Gynecological Society. [See Album Am. Gynec. Soc] American Historical Association. Annual report. 1916. Wash- ington, D.C. v. 1,1919. 8°. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Washington, v. 1, 1918. 8°. 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19- [2] Am. J. Vet. Med., Chicago. Amazon, med., Manaos. An. Fac. de med., Montevideo. Ann. Applied Biol., Lond. Anthrop. Pap. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., N. Y. Arch, di chim., farmacog. [etc.], Boma. Arch. f. Kriminol., Leipz. Arch, neerl. de physiol., LaHaye. Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat., Chi- cago. Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. Path. Lab., Lond. Ausstell. Kriegsbeschadigt. Fiir- sorge in Deutschl., Dresd. American Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 1918. 8°. Chicago, v. 13, American Museum of Natural History. [See Anthrop. Pap. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., N. Y.] American Orthopaedic Association. [See J. Orthop. Surg., Bost.] Amazonas medico, orgao official da Sociedade de medicina e cirur- giado Amazonas. Manaos. 2. s., v. 2, 1919. 8°. Anales de la Facultad de medicina; publicados bajo la direccion del decano de la facultad. Montevideo, v. 4, 1919. 8°. Annala (The) of Applied Biology. The official organ of the Asso- ciation of Economic Biologists. London, v. 5, 1918. 8°. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural His- tory. New York. v. 23, 1918. 8°. Archivio di chimica, farmacognosia e scienze affini, fondato e diretto dal dott. Ruggero Ravasini. Roma. v. 7, 1918: 8°. [Continuation of: Arch, di farmacog. [etc.].] Archiv fur Kriminologie. Leipzig, v. 70,1919. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz.] Archives neerlandaises de physiologie de l'homme et des ani- maux. La Haye. v. 3, 1918. 8°. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. Chicago, v. 1, 1919. 8°. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry from the Pathological Lab- oratory of the London County Asylums. London, v. 4, 1909. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County Asyl. Calybury, Lond.] Association beige de medecine sociale. [See Bull, de l'Ass. beige de med. soc] Association of Economic Biologists. [See Ann. Applied Biol.] Associazione italiana pro piante medicinali. [See Boll. d. Ass. ital. p. piante med] Ausstellung "Die Kriegsbeschadigten-Fursorge in Deutschland," veranstaltet vom National-Hygiene-Museum, neues Ausstel- lungsgebaude Linnestrasse, Dezember 1917—Januar 1918. Dresden, 1917. 8°. B. Ber. u. d. Verhandl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Leipz. Math.-phys. CI. Boll. d. Ass. ital. p. piante med., Milano. Boll. d. Federaz. naz. d. com. d. assist, ai mil. ciechi [etc.], Boma. Bull, de l'Acad. d. sc. . . . de Montpellier. Bull, de l'Ass. beige de med. soc, Brux. Bull. Bur. Standards, Wash. Bull. Chicago Municip. Tuberc. Sanit. Bull. Colorado Dental Ass., Denver. Bull. Dep. Health Maine, Au- gusta. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der koniglich sachsischen Ge- sellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Mathematisch- physischeClasse. Leipzig. 59 v. (boundin29). 1849-1907. 8°. Bollettino della Associazione italiana pro piante medicinali, aromatiche ed altre utili. Milano. v. 1, 1918. 8°. Bollettino della Federazione nazionale dei comitati di assistenza ai militari ciechi, storpi, mutilati. Roma. v. 1-2, 1916-17. roy. 8°. British Orthopaedic Association. [See J. Orthop. Surg., Bost.] Bulletin de l'Academie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. 1918-19. Montpellier, 1919. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. mens, de l'Acad. d. sc . . . de Montpellier.] Bulletin de l'Association beige de medecine sociale. Bruxelles. v. 1, 1913. 8°. Bulletin Bureau of Standards, United States Department of Com- merce. Washington, D. C. v. 14, 1918. 8°. Bulletin of City of Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Chicago, v. 1, 1918. 8°. Bulletin of the Colorado State Dental Association. Denver. Nos- 9, 11, 1918-19. 8°. Bulletin of the State Department of Health of Maine. Augusta. N.s.,v. 1,1918. 8°. Canad. J. Ment. Hyg., Toronto. Carry On, Wash. Child, Lond. Clin. med. spec, Milano. Crouse-Irving Bull., Syracuse. [3] C. Canadian Journal of Mental Hygiene. Toronto, v. 1, 1919. 8°. Carry On; published by the Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C. v. 1, 1919. 8°. [See Proc Centr. Soc. [See Bull. Chicago Central Society of Physical Therapeutists. Phys. Therap.] Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Municip. Tuberc Sanit.] Child (The), a monthly journal. London, v. 10, 1919. 8°. Clinica medica specializzata. Milano. [1918.] 8°. Colorado State Dental Association. [See Bull. Colorado Dental Ass.] Congreso cientffico (pan-americano). [See Trab. d. Cong, cient. (pan-amer.).] Congreso medico nacional. [See Rev. med., Puebla.] Congreso nacional de tabardillo. [See Mem. y actasd. Cong, nac d. tabardillo, Mexico.] Crouse-Irving (The) Bulletin. Syracuse, v. 4, 1917. 8°. D. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur angewandte Entomologie. [See Ztschr. f. ang. Entomol.] Deutscher Verein fur offentliche Gesundheitspflege. [See Oef- fentl. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg.] E. Ersatzglieder u. Arb.-Hilton f. Kriegsbeschadigte [etc.], Berl. Egypt. Department of Public Health. [See Rep. Pub. Health Lab., Cairo.] Ersatzglieder und Arbeitshilfen fur Kriegsbeschadigte und Un- fallverletzte. Berlin. 1919. 8°. Escuela medico-militar, Mexico. [See Rev. de cien. me"d. de la Escuela med.-mil.] F. Facultad de medicina. Montevideo. [See An. Fac de med., Montevideo.] Federazione nazionale dei comitati di assistenza ai militari ciechi, storpi, mutilati. [See Boll. d. Federaz. naz. d. com. d. assist. ai mil. ciechi.] G. Gac med. de Caracas. Gazz. med. napolet. Genetica, 's Gravenh. Gior. p. lamorfol. d. uomo [etc.], Pavia. Gaceta medica de Caracas. Organo de la Academia nacional de medicina. Caracas, v. 26,1919. 4°. Gazzetta medica napoletana. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1918-19. 4°. Genetica. Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor erfelijkheids- en afstam- mingsleer. 's Gravenhage. Deel 1, 1919. 8°. Giornale per la morfologia dell' uomo e dei primati. Pavia. v. 1, 1917. 8°. Halbmonatsschr. f. soz. Hyg. [etc.], Berl. Harvard Alumni Bull., Bost. [4] II. Halbmonatsschrift fur soziale Hygiene und praktische Medizin. Berlin, v. 24, 1916. 4°. [Continuation of: Med. Reform.] Harvard Alumni Bulletin; published weekly during the college year. Boston. 1918. 8°. Harvard University. [See Off. Reg. Harvard Univ.] I. Igiene e vita, Boma. Illust. med. ital. Insecutor [etc.], Wash. Inter-Allied Confer. After-Care Disabled Men, Lond. Internat. Ass. Dairy & Milk Insp., Wash. Italia san., Boma. Igiene (L') e la vita. Roma. v. 2, 1919. 8°. Illustrazione (L') medica italiana. Genova. v. 1, 1919. fol. Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Research Fund.l [See Scient. Rep. Imp. Cancer Insecutor inscitiae menstruus; a monthly journal of entomology. Washington, D. C. v. 1, 1913. 8°. Institute of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene of Porto Rico. [See Rep. & Coll. Stud. Inst. Trop. Med. Porto Rico.] Inter-Allied (The) Conference on the After-Care of Disabled Men, second annual meeting held in London, May 20 to 25, 1918. Reports presented to the conference. London, v. 2, 1918. 8°. International Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors. Fourth annual report; including papers read at the annual convention in Washington, D. C, Oct. 27-29, 1915. Washington, D. C. 1916. 8°. Italia (L') sanitaria. Roma. v. 1, 1919. fol. J. J. Dent. Besearch, Bait. J. Gen. Physiol., Bait. J. Indust. Hyg., N. Y. & Bost. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost. J. Boentgenol., Iowa City. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. . . . Chir., Wiesb. Journal of Dental Research. Baltimore, v. 1, 1919. 8°. Journal (The) of General Physiology. Baltimore, v. 1,1918. 8°. Journal (The) of Industrial Hygiene. New York & Boston, v. 1, 1919. 8°. Journal (The) of Orthopaedic Surgery. The official publication of the American Orthopaedic Association and of the British Ortho- paedic Association. [Monthly.] Boston, v. 1, 1919. 8°. Journal (The) of Roentgenology; published quarterly by the Western Roentgen Society. Iowa City. v. 2, 1919. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Chirurgie. Wiesbaden, v. 21, 1917. 8°. K. KriegsarztL Vortr., Jena. Kaiserliche Universitat zu Sendai. [See Mitt. a. d. path. Inst. d. k. Univ. zu Sendai.] Koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. [See Ab- handl. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-phys. Kl.] Koniglich sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. [See Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. k. sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Leipz.] Kriegsarztliche Vortrage. Wiihrend des Krieges 1914-1917 an den kriegsarztlichen Abenden in Berlin gehalten. Jena. v. 5, 1918. 8°. L. London County Asylums. [See Arch. Neurol. & Psychiat. Path. Lab., Lond.] [5] M. Maternity & Child Welfare, Lond. Med. Econ., Brooklyn. Med. ibera, Madrid. Med. Quart., Ottawa. Med.-techn. Mitt., Jena. Mededeel. u. h. geneesk. lab. te Weltevreden, Batavia. Mem. y actas d. Cong. nac. d. ta- bardillo, Mexico. Mich. Out-of-Doors, Ann Arbor. Mitt. a. d. path. Inst. d. k. Univ. zu Sendai. Mod. Med., Chicago. Month. Bull. Mass. Dep. Health, Bost. Month. Bull. Penn. Dep. Labor, Harrisb. Municip. Engin. & San. Bee, Lond. Museum Work, Providence. Mycologia-, Lancaster, Pa. Maine. State Department of Health. [See Bull. Dep. Health Maine.] Massachusetts Department of Health. [See Month. Bull. Mass. Dep. Health.] Maternity and Child Welfare. [Monthly.] London, v. 1, 1917. 8°. Medical (The) Economist. Brooklyn, v. 6, 1918. 8°. Medicina (La) ibera; re vista semanal de medicina y cirugia. Madrid, v. 6, 1919. 8°. Medical Quarterly, Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establish- ment, Canada. Ottawa, v. 1, 1919. 8°. Medizinisch-technisiche Mitteilungen aus den Gebieten der in- strumentellen Technik einschl. Heil-Apparate und Kranken- mobel, Elektromedizin, Optik, medizinischen Chemie und Nahrmittel, Balneologie und Badereinrichtungen. Jena. v. 1, 1918. 4°. Mededeelingen uit het geneeskundig laboratorium te Welte- vreden. Burgerlijken geneeskundigen dienst in Nederlandsch- Indie. Batavia. 3. s., v. 1, 1918. 4°. Memorias y actas del Congreso nacional del tabardillo; verificado en la Ciudad de Mexico del 14 al 21 de enero de 1919. Mexico. v. 1, 1919. 8°. Michigan Anti-tuberculosis Association. Doors.1 [See Michigan Out-of Michigan Out-of-Doors; issued quarterly by the Michigan Anti- tuberculosis Association. Ann Arbor. 1918. 8°. Mitteilungen aus dem pathologischen Institut der kaiserlichen Universitat zu Sendai. Sendai, Japan, v. 1, 1919. 8°. Modern Medicine; published monthly. Chicago, v. 1, 1919. 4°. Monthly Bulletin Massachusetts Department of Health. Boston. v. 5, 1918. 8°. Monthly Bulletin Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Indus- try. Harrisburg. v. 4, 1917. 8°. Municipal Engineering and the Sanitarv Record. London, v. 63, 1919. 8°. [Continuation of: San. Rec] Museum Work, including the Proceedings of the American Asso- ciation of Museums. Providence, R. I. 1919. 8°. Mycologia; published bimonthly. Lancaster, Pa. v. 11, 1919. 8°. [Continuation of: J. My col.] N. Nat. Tuberc Ass. Tr., N. Y. Neurotherapie, Amst. National Tuberculosis Association; transactions of the fourteenth annual meeting. New York. v. 14, 1918. 8°. [Continuation of: Nat. Ass. Study & Prev. Tuberc. Tr.] Neurotherapie. Amsterdam, v. 1, 1919. 8°. [Supplement of: Psychiat. en Neurol. Bl.] New York and New England Association of Railway Surgeons. [See Tr. N. York & N. Eng. Ass. Railway Surg., N. Y.] New York Zoological Society. [See Zoologica, N. Y. Also: Zoopa- thologica, N. Y.] North Carolina Dental Society. [See Proc. North Car. Dental Soc] [6] O. Oeffentl. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg. Off. Beg. Harvard Univ., Cam- ' bridge. Oeffentliche Gesundheitspflege mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der kommunalen und sozialen Hygiene. Organ des Deut- schen Vereins fur offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Braunschweig. v. 1, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.] Official Register of Harvard University. Reports of the presi- dent and the treasurer, 1917-18. Cambridge. 1919. 8°. P. Phytopathology, Bait. Proc. Centr. Soc. Phys. Therap., Chicago. Proc. North Car. Dent. Soc, Raleigh. Pub. Health Nurse, Cleveland. Pubb. d. stazione zool. di Napoli. Panama Pacific Dental Congress. [See Tr. Panama-Pacific Dent. Cong.] Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. [See Month. Bull. Penn. Dep. Labor.] Phytopathology. Baltimore, v. 9, 1919. 8°. Proceedings of the first annual convention of the Central Society of Physical Therapeutists, held at Atlantic Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, 2,1918. Chicago. 1 v. 1918. 8°. Proceedings of the North Carolina Dental Society, held at Durham, North Carolina, June 27-29, 1917, forty-third annual meeting. Raleigh. 1917. 8°. Public (The) Health Nurse. Cleveland, v. 10, 1918. 8°. Pubblicazioni della stazione zoologica di Napoli. Milano. v. 1, 1916. 8°. Q. Quart. J. Speech Educ, Mena- sha, Wis. Quart. M. Clin., St. Louis. Quarterly Journal (The) of Speech Education. Menasha, Wis. v. 5, 1919. 8°. Quarterly Medical Clinics; a series of consecutive clinical dem- onstrations and lectures by Frank Smithies. St. Louis, v. 1, 1919. 8°. R. Bac di mem. biol., Boma. Bep. & Collect. Stud. Inst. Trop. Med. Porto Bico, San Juan. Bep. Direct.-Gen. Pub. Health, N. S. Wales, Sydney. Rep. Pub. Health. Lab., Cairo. Rep. Surg. Staff Woman's Hosp. N. Y. Bev. de cien. med. de la Escuela med.-mil., Mexico. Rev. cubana de obstet. y. ginec, Habana. Rev. cubana de oftal., Habana. Bev. espafi. de med. y cirug., Barcel. Raccolta di memorie biologiche. Roma. No. 1, 1915. 8°. Reports and Collected Studies from the Institute of Tropical Medi- cine and Hygiene of Porto Rico. San Juan. v. 1, 1913-17. 8°. Report of the Director-General of Public Health, New South Wales, for the year ended 31st December, 1916. Sydney. 1918. fol. Reports and Notes of the Public Health Laboratories, Ministry of the Interior, Egypt. Department of Public Health. Cairo. 1918. 4°. Report on the scientific work of the Surgical Staff of the Woman's Hospital of the State of New York. New York. 1 v. 1918. 8°. Revista de ciencias m^dicas de la Escuela medico-militar; 6rgano de la Sociedad de alumnos de la Escuela. Mexico. 2a epoca. v. 3,1919-20. 8°. Revista cubana de obstetricia y ginecologia. Habana. v. 1,1919. 8°. Revista cubana de oftalmologfa. Habana. v. 1, 1919. 8°. Revista espafiola de medicina y cirugia. Barcelona, v. 2, 1919. m Rev. maxillo-f ac., Par. Rev. med., Puebla. Rev. med. del Rosario. Reveille, Lond. Riv. di biol., Roma. La revue maxillo-faciale. Medecine, chirurgie, prothese, ortho- pedie, bucco-dentaires. H. Villain, administrateur-gerant. Paris, v. 3, 1919. 8°. [Continuation of: Restauration maxillo- fac] Revista medica. Publicacion iniciada en el V. Congreso medico nacional. Puebla. v. 1,1913. 4°. Revista medica del Rosario (Republica Argentina); organo del circulo medico. Rosario de Santa Fe. v. 9, 1919. 8°. Reveille. Edited by John Galsworthy. Rivista di biologia. Roma. v. 1, 1919. London, v. 1, 1918. 8C S. Scient. Rep. Imp. Cancer Re- search Fund, Lond. Seale Hayne NeuroL Stud., Lond. Sicilia ospedal., Palermo. Stud. Hist. & Meth. Sc, Oxford. Surv. Head Surg., Wash. Scientific Report on the Investigations of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund; by direction of the Royal College of Physicians, London. London, v. 6, 1919. 8°. Seale Hayne Neurological Studies. London, v. 1, 1918. 8°. Sicilia (La) ospedaliera. Palermo, v. 8,1918. 8°. Studies in the History and Method of Science; edited by Charles Singer. Oxford. 1 v. 1917. 4°. Survey of Head Surgery; prepared by the Division of Surgery of the Head in the Office of the Surgeon General. Washington, D. C. v. 1, 1918. 8°. T. Tr. N. York & N. Eng. Ass. Rail- way Surg., N. Y. Tr. Panama-Pacific Dent. Cong., N. Y. Trab. d. Cong, cient. (pan- amer.), Santiago de Chile. Transactions of the New York and New England Association of Railway Surgeons. New York. v. 26,1916. 8°. Transactions of the Panama-Pacific Dental Congress, held at San Francisco, Cal., U. S. A., August 30 to September 9, 1915. New York. 3v. 1915. 8°. Trabajos del cuarto Congreso cientifico (1° pan-americano), cele- brado en Santiago de Chile del 25 de diciembre de 1908 al 5 enero de 1909. Trabajos de las ciencias m^dicas e higiene, V. seccion. Santiago de Chile. 1 v. 1909. 8°. u. University of Pennsylvania. [See Alumni Reg. Univ. Penn.] V. Verhandl. d. feldarztl. Tag. d. k. k. Armee Lemb., Wien & Leipz. Verhandlungen der feldarztlichen Tagung bei der k. u. k. 2. Armee Lemberg, 20. bis 22. Februar 1917. Wien & Leipzig. 1917. 8°. w. War Med., Par. War Medicine; published by the American Red Cross Society in France for the Medical Officers of the American Expeditionary Forces. Paris, v. 2, 1918. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Bull., Par.] Western Roentgen Society. [See J. Roentgenol., Iowa City.] Wistar Institute. [See Am. Anat. Mem.] Woman's Hospital, New York. [See Rep. Surg. Staff Woman's Hosp.] [8] Z. Zoologica, N. Y. Zoopathologica, N. Y. Ztschr. f. ang. Entomol., Berl. Ztschr. f. Bevolkrngspolit. [etc.], Leipz. Zoologica. Scientific contributions of the New York Zoological Society. New York. v. 1-2, 1907-19. 8°. Zoopathologica. Scientific contributions of the New York Zoo- logical Society on the diseases of animals. New York. v. 1, 1917. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Entomologie. Zugleich Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir angewandte Entomologie. Berlin. v. 4, 1917. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Bevolkerungspolitik und Sauglingsfursorge. [Con- tinuation of: Ztschr. f. Sauglingsfursorge.] Leipzig, v. 9, 1916. 8°. CATALOGUE. ARNAL. ARNAULT DE NOBLEVILLE. Arnal (Albert-Emile). "Luxations trapezo-meta- carpiennes. 51 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 181. Arnal (A[ntoine-Albert]) [1880- ]. *De la toxicity des viandes, de celle de pore en parti- culier. Faut-il empgeher la consommation de cette derniere pendant l'ete? 44 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 7. Arnal (Auguste). *Du traitement local des syphilides muqueuses secondaires par le bleu de methylene. 56 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904. Arnal (Emile) [1870- ]. *De l'intervention chirurgicale dans la rupture traumatique des kystes de l'ovaire. 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 454. Arnal (Henri) [1888- ]. *Les complications urinaires de l'appendicite. 53 pp. 8 . Mont- pellier, 1913, No. 39. Arnal (Henry). *Contribution a l'etude de l'ute- russenile. 184 pp., 2pi., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 443. Arnal (Louis-Victor-Francois-Marie) [1874- ]. "De la tuberculose testiculaire et de ses divers traitements chez l'adulte et chez l'enfant. 68 pp. 8°. Lille, 1900, No. 147. Arnal (Raoul). "De la cure radicale des sinusites maxillaires chroniques par voie endonasale; methode de Rethi-Claoue\ completee par Mahu. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 190. Arnaldi (Carlo). Igiene nuova; medicina nuova; lezioni. v. 1. xvi, 150 pp., front. 8°. Vscio (Genova), Colonia della salute "Carlo Arnaldi," 1913. Arnaldus de Villa Nova. See Arnoldus de Villa Nova. Arnaoudoff (Theodore) [1874- ]. "Contribu- tion a l'etude des tuberculides cutanees et particulierement de la forme acnitis. 88 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 4. Arnau (R. Ruiz). Influencia en la medicina del caracter de los pueblos. 109 pp. 16°. Buerto Bico, 1904. Arnaud. De la conservation des dents; suivi de quelques renseignements sur l'elixir dentrifice des RR. PP. Benedictins de Soulac (Gironde). 28 pp. 24°. Bordeaux, A. Bellier, [n. d.]. Arnaud (Aime) [1879- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de l'amputation osteoplastique femoro- rotulienne (procede de Gritti). 30 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1913, No. 101. Arnaud (Angelo). Casuistica medica. Sei os- servazioni cliniche raccolte ed annotate. 48 pp., 5 pi 1 ch. 8°. Cuneo,frat.Lsoardi, 1905. Arnaud (Charles) [1879- ]. *De l'anesthesie discontinue en chirurgie gastrique et intestinale. 71 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 157. Arnaud (Francois). Etudes sur le phosphore et le phosphorisme professionnel. 382 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Baillttre dc fils, 1897. Arnaud (Guillaume). "Considerations sur les metastases laiteuses. 1 p. 1., 45 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, an XL [1803]. 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----1 Arnaud (Jean) [1889- ]. "De l'hemiplegie chez les tab^tiques. 43 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1911, No. 124. Arnaud (Joseph) [1878- ]. "Essai sur la hernie periduodenale droite. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 190. Arnaud (Leonce) [1883- ]. "Le traitement des peritonites diffuses aigues. 351 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1911, No. 131. Arnaud (Louis) [1882- ]. "Des stenoses in- flammatoiresdu rectum. Stenoses syphilitiques, tuberculeuses, blennorragiques, etc Traite- ment chirurgical et resultats eloignes. 124 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 73. Arnaud (Louis) [1886- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de la torsion des pedicules des kystes de l'ovaire (pathogenie et diagnostic). 43 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1911, No. 71. Arnaud (Luigi). Lo zucchero nell'alimentazione del bambino; note di igiene, fisiologia e di clinica. 15 pp. 8°. Torino, A. Locatelli, 1899. -----. La sala incubatrice nell'ospizio dell'in- fanzia abandonnata di Torino. Contributo alio studio della fisiopatologia dei neonati prema- turi. 25 pp. ,8°. Torino, A. Locatelli, 1900. Arnaud (O.) Etude generale sur l'assainissement desetablissementscollectifs; casernes, hopitaux, creches, asiles, ecoles et lycees. 247 pp. 8°. Limoges, Ve. H. Ducourtieux, 1900. Arnaud (Pascal) [1858- ]. "Contribution a l'etude des urethrites liees aux retrecissements de l'urethre. 54 pp. 8°. Boris, 1898, No. 362. Arnaud (Paul). "La nirvaine et ses applications en chirurgie. xii, 13-48 pp., 2 1. 8°. Montpel- lier, 1900, No. 79. Arnaud (Paul) [1876- ]. "La tarsectomie interne dans le pied plat, valgus douloureux invetere\ 38 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 62. Arnaud (Paul) [1879- ]. "La rougeole en 1904 a la Ch.ari.t6 chez les filles. 52 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 159. Arnaud (Roger) [1888- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de quelques precedes pratiques de l'examen de l'audition. 63 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1915, No. 23 Arnaudet (Jean). "De la lipemie chez les diab6- tiques. 48 pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 416. Arnaudon (Marcel) [1884- ]. "L'actinomy- cose cerebral. 110 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 8. Arnaudus (Alexander). See Sylvius (Jacobus) [in 2. s.]. In Hippocratis et Galeni physiologiae partem anatomicam isagoge [etc.], 16". Paris'iis, 1561. Arnault (Charles) [1873- ]. "Contribution a l'etude du traitement des fractures de la clavi- cule. 39 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 232. Arnault de Nobleville. See Geoffroy (Estienne-Francois) [in 2. s.]. Tractatus de materia medica [etc.]. 8°. Venetiis, 1756-1760. ARNAUT0V1C. 2 ARNICA. Arnautovic (Dobrivoje) [1876- ]. "Die kon- genitale Syphilis, ihre Erkennung und ihre Be- handlung mit Salvarsan. 28 pp. 8°. Munchen, E. Frohlich, 1911. Arnavielhe (Joseph-Marius-Polydore) [1866^ ]. Guide administratif a l'usage des medecins des corps de troupe. 320 pp. 8°. Baris, H. Charles- Lacauzelle, [1911]. Arnd (Thankmar) [1878- ]. "Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Semicarbazid auf Benzil, Benzoin und verwandte Stoffe. 44 pp., 1 sheet, 11. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1903. Arndt (Arthur) [1883- ]. "Das Lebensalter der Myomkranken in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Indi- kationsstellung zum operativen Eingriff. 30 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., E. Kuttruff, 1906. Arndt (Curt). "Ueber normales und pathologi- sc-hes Schleimgewebe mit besonderer Beruck- sichtigung der Blasenmole. 31 pp. 8°. Gbttin- gen, W. F. Kastner, 1895. Arndt (Curt [Bruno Camillo]) [1875- ]. "Ueber Noma. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, E. Lehmann, 1910. Arndt (Georg) [1874- ]. "Tod durch Ueber- fahrenwerden und Sturz aus der Hohe. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, 1899. Arndt (Georg). "Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Lehre von der Ruckenmarkserschutterung. [Munchen.] 27 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 1904. Arndt (Gustav Johannes) [1872- \ "Beitriige zur Kenntnis des malignen Chorion-Epithelioms. 43 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1900. Arndt (Hans Gustav Friedrich) [1885- ]. "Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ketonanile und der Einwirkung von Organomagnesiumverbindun- gen auf Arylhydroxylamine. 47 pp. 8°. Er- langen, E. T. Jacob, 1911. Arndt (Heinrich). "De tumoribus cordis tuni- catis. 20 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Berlin, Haynian, 1817. Arndt (Hugo Reinhold). SeeHempel (Charles Julius) [in 2. s.]. Materia medica and therapeutics [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1880.—System (A) of medicine [etc.] [in 2. s.). 8°. Philadelphia, 1885-6. Arndt (Johannes) [1876- ]. "Das Verhalten der Kalksalze in den Faeces und im Harn von Siiuglingen bei Darreichung gekochter und ungekochter Milch. 2 p. l.,38pp. 8°. Breslau, 1901. Arndt (Max). "Ein Fall von Vesania typica legiti- ma vera completa hysterica. 30 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1896. Arndt (Rudolf [Gottlieb]) [1835-1900]. Was sind Geisteskrankheiten? 50pp. 8°. Hallea.S.,C. Marhold, 1897. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nerv.- u. Gei- steskr., Halle a. S., 1897, ii, 1. Hft. ------. Wie sind Geisteskrankheiten zu werthen? 62 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1900. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nerv.- u. Gei- steskr., Halle a. S., 1900, iii, 2. Hft. For Biography, see Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Leipz. & Bed., 1900, xxvi, 666 (A. E.). Arndt (Theodor) [1889- ]. "Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungen einiger neuer Derivate der 2-Phenylchinolin-4-carbonsaure im Vergleich mit dem Atophan und Acitrin. [Breslau.] 28 pp. 8°. Gorlitz, 1914. Arndt (Wilhelm) [1877- ]. "Zur Lehre von der Entstehung des Speiserohrenkrebses. 12 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, 1901. Arne (Louis-Pierre [1884- ]. "De l'occlusion intestinale au cours de l'appendicite. 68 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 49. Arneill (James Rae) [1869- ]. Clinical diagno- sis and urinalysis.. A manual for students and practitioners. Ed. by Victor Cox Pedersen. 244 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1905. ------. The same. 2. ed., rev. andenl. 6,17-270 pp., 1 col. pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea dc Febiger, [1914]. Arneman (Justus) [1763-1806]. Chirurgische Arz- neymittellehre. 3. Aufl. v, 210 pp., 6 1. 12°. Wien, 1799. Arnemann [Ernst Otto]. Die Anomalien des Ge- schlechtstriebes und die Beurteilung von Sitt- lichkeitsverbrechen. 32 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Konegen, 1904. -----. Ueber Jugendirresein (Dementia prsecox). 47 pp. 12°. Leipzig, B. Konegen, 1906. Arneth (Joseph). "Glia und Gliom. 71 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1897. -----. "Die neutrophilen weissen Blutkorper- chen bei Infektions-Krankheiten. [Habilita- tionsschrift.] 40 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, H. Stiirtz, 1903. ------. Die neutrophilen weissen Blutkorperchen bei Infektions-Krankheiten. 200 pp., 37 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1904. ------. Die Lungenschwindsucht auf Grundlage klinischer und experimenteller hamatologischer Untersuchungen. Mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der sich in diagnostischer, prognostischer und therapeutischer Hinsicht (speziell mit Be- zug auf die Tuberkulinbehandlung) ergebenden Gesichtspunkte. 105 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1905. ------. Diagnose und Therapie der Anamien. Nach funktionellen Gesichtspunkten auf Grund- lage qualitativer Blutuntersuchung. Besonders fiir Aerzte und Studierende. ix, 208 pp., 15 pi. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Stuber, 1907. Arnfeld (Berthold). "Ueber die Neuritis hyper- metropum (Wolffberg). 38 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1895. Arnheim (Alfred). "Zur Casuistik der Zwerchfells- hernien. 43 pp. 8°. Giessen, 1896. Arnheim ([Bernhard] Felix) [1880- ]. "Dar- Btellung der neueren und neuesten Ansichten iiber das Verhaltnis der Myome zur Schwanger- schaft. [Munich.] 64 pp., 11. 8°. Frankenlhal, B. Goring dc Co., 1904. Arnheim (Heinrich) [1873- ]. "Zur Prognose der vaginalen Radicaloperation bei Carcinoma uteri. 29pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering. 1898. Arnheim (J[ulius]) [1878- ]. "Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Nahrungsmengen des Brust- kindes. [Jena.] 41 pp., 11. 8°. [Jena], 1903. Arnica. See, also, Arnidiol; Arnistearin. Garnier (F. C. J.) "I. Etude chimique des fleurs de tilleul. II. Sur les carbures satures de l'arnica et de la linaire. 8°. Nancy, 1910. Reyes Bruciaga (A.) "Estudio comparativo sobre las flores del arnica del pafs y extranjera. 8°. Mexico, 1886. Gerardln(E) Notes pour l'histoire des simples. L'Ar- nica montana (doronic des Allemands) a travers les bouquins. Union mM. du nord-est, Reims. 1906, xxx, 89-96.—Lloyd (C.) Arnica montana, leopard's bane. Eclect. Rev., N. Y.. 1903, vi, 241-245.—Rice (P.) Arnica and svmphitum. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., Lancaster, Pa., 1912, xviii, 292. Arnica (Toxicology of). de Cresantignes. Dermite pseudo-^rysipelateuse de la face due a des applications de teinture d'arnica dilude. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par.. 1904, xvi, 114-116. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi, 79.—Desmons (B.) Accidents ARNICA. Arnica (Toxicology of). cutanes causes par la teinture d'arnica. Ann. de therap. der- mat. et syph., Par., 1902, ii, 241-244— Lantier. Un cas d'empoisonnement par la teinture d'arnica; guerison. Ass. franc, p. l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1894, Par., 1895, xxiii, pt. 2, 880— Leibholz (A.) Vergiftung mit Flores arnicse. Deut- sche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xxiii, 1062.—de Molenes (P.) Dermites produites par la teinture d'arnica. Ann. de der- mat. et syph.. Par., 1886, 2. s., vii, 65-74— Mouillot. Arnica dermatitis. Tr. Dermat. Soc. Gr. Brit. . . . Lond., 1898-9, v. 87.—Proctor-Sims (F. R.) Arnica dermatitis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 1707. Arnica, rhus and calendula; with directions for their use in mechanical injuries and other affec- tions. With an appendix, containing forms for lotions and other preparations, and some illus- trative cases. 54 pp. 24°. London. W. Head- land, 1852. Arnidiol. Klobb (T.) L'arnidiol, phytosterine alcool-bivalent. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1905, xii, 154-157. Arning (Adolph [Otto]) [1869- ]. "Ein Fall von peniicioser Ansemie mit Degenerations- erscheinungen in den Hinterstrangen. [Leip- zig.] 22 pp. 8°. Hamburg, C. Mcissel, [1894]. Arnisseus (Henningus). "Disputatio medica de lue venerea cognoscenda et curanda . . . Re- spondente Martini Gosky. 13 1. sm. 4°. Fran- cofurti, A. Eichorn, 1610. Bound with: Gosky (Martin). Disputatio medica de apoplexia et epilepsia [etc.]. sm. 4°. Francofurti Marnhio- num, 1610. Arnison (George) [1830-1904]. Obituary. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1903-4,iv, 122. Arnison (WiUiam Christopher) [1837-99]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1453. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1322. Also: Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1901-2, ii, 99, port. Arnistearin. See, also, Arnidiol. Klobb (T.) L'arnisterine, phytosterine de 1'Arnica montana L. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1904, cxxxviii, 763-765. Also: Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1904, ix, 196-199. Arnold (Abram B.) [1819-1904]. Obituary. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 577. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xlii, 968. Arnold (Albert). "Ueber einen Fall von allge- meiner Melanosarcomatose. 40 pp. 8°. Mun- chen, M. Ernst, 1900. Arnold (AlexanderWoldemar) [1884- ]. "Urin- untersuchungen bei phlyktanularen Augener- krankungen. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bostock, Adlers Erben, 1912. Arnold (Alfred Ernst Heinrich) [1885- ]. "Ueber Pemphigus. 40 pp. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, B. Noske, 1910. Arnold (Alma C.) The triangle of health. 4 p. 1., 184 pp. 12°. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1918. Arnold (Arthur) [1885- ]. "Ueber Folgezu- stiinde und Komplikationen der Laennecschen Lebercirrhose. 74 pp. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, B. Noske, 1910. Arnold (Benedict) [1741-1801]. Abbott (W.) An historic druggist. Am. Druggist, N. Y., 1900, xxxvi, 186. Arnold (Bernhard) [1828-1905]. Schickler. [Nekrolog.) Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1905, lxxv, 922. Arnold (Carl) [1853- ]. Kurze Anleitung zur qualitativen chemischen Analyse anorganischer und organischer Korper sowie zur toxikologisch- chemischen und medizinisch-chemischen Ana- lyse, namentlich zum Gebrauche fiir Mediziner und Pharmazeuten. 4. Aufl. ix, 196 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Hannover d Berlin, C. Meyer, 1898. ARNOLD. Arnold (Carl)—continued. ------. Repetitorium der Chemie. Mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung der fiir die Medizin wichti- gen Verbindungen sowie des "Arzneibuches fiir das Deutsche Reich" und anderer Pharmako- poen, namentlich zum Gebrauche fiir Mediziner und Pharmazeuten. -9. Aufl. xii, 611 pp. 12°. Hamburg dc Leipzig, L. Voss, 1899. ------. The same. 10. Aufl. xii, 606 pp. 8°. Hamburg dc Leipzig, L. Voss, 1900. ------. The same. 11. Aufl. xiv, 646 pp. 8°. Hamburg dc Leipzig, L. Voss, 1903. ------. The same. 13. Aufl. x (11.), 710 pp. 8°. Hamburg dc Leipzig, L. Voss, 1909. ------. 'The same. 14. Aufl. xii, 574 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Hamburg, L. Voss, 1913. ------. The same. A compendium of chemistry, including general, inorganic, and organic chemis- try. Authorized transl. from the 11. enlarged and revised German ed., by John A. Mandel. xii, 627 pp. 8°. New York, J. Wiley dc Sons, 1904. Arnold (Edmund Samuel Foster) [1820- 1907]. Obituary. 'Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 773. Also: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 2024. Arnold [Eduard Otto]. Diat und Lebensweise. 111pp. 8°. Halle a.S., C. Marhold, 1905. Arnold (Felix). The psychology of association. 80 pp. 8°. New York, Science Bress, 1906. Forms No. 3 of: Arch. Philos., Psych, [etc.], N, Y. ------. Attention and interest; a study in psy- chology and education. 272 pp. 8°. New York, MacMillan Co., 1910. Arnold (Francis Sorrell). Do the interests of hu- manity require experiments on living animals? And if so, up to what point are they justifiable? 15 pp. 8°. London, Pewtress dc Co., 1892. See, also, Bing (Robert). Compendium of regional diag- nosis (etc.]. 8°. New York, [1911?].—Guelpa (Guillaume). Auto-intoxicationanddisintoxication[etc.]. 8°. New York, [1914]. Arnold (Franz Woldemar) [1845- ]. "Digital- " compression zur Heilung von Aneurismen. [Leipzig.] 16 pp. 8°. Neureudnitz, H. Bach- mann, 1868. Arnold (Georgius Christianus) [1747-1827]. Obser- vationum physico-medicarum annus mdcclxxii. viii, 72 pp. 8°. Vratislavise, apud J. F. Kor- nium, 1777. Arnold (Glover C.) [ -1906]. Obituary. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 1143. Arnold (Herbert A.) [1857- ]. See Wallace (William). Military training. 12°. Har- risburg, Pa., 1915. Arnold (J. L.) Lectures on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene; and disease, its cause, preven- tion, and cure. Written in a familiar style; designed for the general reader. Illustrated edition. 196, 225 pp., 2 pi. 12°. Cincinnati, H. M. Bulison, 1859. Arnold (Jerzy Chrystyjan) [1747-1827]. Skobel F. K.) [Biography.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1874, xiii, 100. Arnold (Joh. Alfred) [1884- ]. "Zur Trichi- nose und Trichinenschaufrage in Bay em. [Giessen.] 55 pp. 8°. Homberg a. d. Ohm, T. M. Spamer, 1910. Arnold (Joh. Wilhelm) [1801-73]. Hodegetik fur Medicin-Studirende, oder Anleitung zum Stu- dium der Medicin, nebst einer ausgewahlten medicinischen Literatur. Ein Handbuch zum Gebrauch bei akademischen Vorlesungen. vi, 258' pp. 12°. Heidelberg dc Leipzig, K. Groos, 1832. 3 ARNOLD. 4 ARNOLDUS DE VILLA NOVA. Arnold (Jonathan) [1741-98]. Packard (F. R.) Jonathan Arnold, army surgeon and Member of Congress from Rhode island. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1901, xiv, 133. Arnold (Julius) [1835-1915]. Ueber feinere Strukturen und die Anordnung des Glykogens in den Muskelfaserarten des Warmbluterherzens. 34 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1909. ------. Ueber Nierenstruktur und Nierenglyko- gen; mit einer Tafel. [Title-portrait.] 24 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1910. Sitzungsberichte der Ileidelberger Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Math.-naturw. Klasse, 1910,10. Abhandl. ------. Ueber die Resorption "vitaler'' Farbstoffe im Magen und Darmkanal. 20 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1911. ------. Ueber Plasmastrukturen und ihre funk- tionelle Bedeutung. xviii, 471 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1914. See, also, Festschrift fiir Professor Julius Arnold [etc.]. 8°. Jena, 1905. For Biography, see Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1915, Ix, p. i. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1319, port, in text (P. Ernst). Also: Ibid., 1915, xii. 379(P. Ernst). Also: Foliahaematol. Leipz., 1915, xix, Arch., 220-225 (P. Ernst). Also: Uunl chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 370-372, port. (P. Ernst), Arnold (Julius) [1883- ]. "Beitrage zur Wurdi- gung der Uterusspiilung bei Puerperalfieber; eine statistische Arbeit mit 11 Tabellen. 58 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1910. Arnold (Karl) [1882- ]. "Aetiologie und Be- handlung der Fistula ani. 66 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Zalachowshi, 1910. Arnold (L.) "Les bles fermented en Algerie. 63 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 45. Arnold (L. R.) "Contribution a l'etude des laits fermentes. Le leben. 41 pp., 3 1. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1899, No. 604. Ecole de pharmacie. Arnold (Leo) [1879- ]. "Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Erbiums. 68 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1905. Arnold (Max). Sec Hager (Hermann). Handbuch der pharmaceuti- schen Praxis [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1899-1900. Arnold (Paul) [1879- 1. "Ueber die Bezie- hungen chronischer Blutdruckerhohung zur Blutkorperchenzahl und zum Hamoglobinge- halt. 18 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1907. Arnold (Philipp) [1885- ]. "Veranderungen des Oberflachenreliefs der Iris an der Stelle des Augenblasenspaltes. [Munchen.] 16 pp.. 1 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Krais, 1911. Arnold (Venanz) [1877- ]. "Ueber Scoliosis ischiadica. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1903. Arnold (Walter) ]1886- ]. "Ueber orthotische Albuminurie und ihre Beziehungen zur Tuber- kulose nach Untersuchungen bei Hautkranken, insbesondere bei Hauttuberkulose und Syphilis. [Wiirzburg.] 13 pp. 8°. Neustadt, S.-Coburg, E. Batzschke, 1914. Arnold! (Walter) [1881- ]. "Zwei Falle von Muskelatrophie. [Berlin.] 28 pp. 8°. Grafen- hainichen, C. Schulze dc Co., 1908. Arnoldoff (V[ladimir Andreyevich]) [1861- ]. O higroskopichnosti nTekotorikh veshtshestv i yeya otnoshenii k higienie. [Hygroscopic quality of various materials and its relation to hygiene.] 151 pp., 2 diag. 8°. Kazan, 1899. Arnoldson (Tonld Washington). Parts of the body in older Germanic and Scandinavian, xii, 217 pp. 8 °. Chicago, University of Chicago Br ess, 1915.• Arnoldt (Moritz) [1865- ]. "Ueber eine Ver- giftung mit Kautabaksaft. 59 pp., 21. 8°. K6- nigsberg i. Br., 0. Kiimmel, 1908. Arnoldt (Walter) [1887- ]. "Salvarsan und seine Vorstufen bei Blutkrankheiten. 1 p. 1., 38 pp. 8°. Greifswald, E. Banzig, 1912. Arnoldt (Wolfgang) [1873- ]. "Operative Erfolge bei Carcinoma mammae. 27 pp., 2 sheets. 8°. Halloa. S.. C.A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1896. Arnoldus de Villa Nova [1235?-13121. Incipit tractatus de virtutibus herbarum. 3 p. 1., cl 1., 171. 4°. Venetiis, per SimonemBapiensem, 1499. ----:—. Haec sunt opera Arnaldi de Villa Nova nuperrime recognita ac emendata diligentique opere impressa quae in hoc volumine conti- nentur. 9 p. 1., 355 ff. [In fine:] Opus praecla- rum Magistri Arnaldi de Villa Nova impendio heredum nobilis viri quondam Domini Octaviani Scoti Civis Modoetiensis. Summa cum diligen- tia Venetiis impressum. Anno salutis dominicse quinto supra millenarium et quingentenarium decimoquarto kalendas Februarias per Bonetum Locatellum presbyterum. fol. [1514.J ------. Del modo di conservare la gioventu, e ritardare la vecchiezza. In: Pittore (Giorgio). Dialogi del modo del conservare lasanita. 24°. Vinegia, 1550, 99-144. ------. Regulse universales curationis morborum, tercentum quadragintaquinque aphorisimis per D. Arnoldum Catalanum philosophum et medi- cum diligenter conscriptae, atque D. Georgii Pictorii villingani, Ensishemii superioris Alsa- tiae archiatri, commentariis utilissimis illustra- tae, et evacuandi ratio, per Antonium Gazio- nem, medicum Patavihum brevissima methodo conscripta, ejusdemque D. Georgii Pictorii scho- liis diligenter explicata, praeterea rerum fortuito evenientium consolationes quatuordecim, omni- bus moerore affectis non solum utiles, sed etiam multum necessariae, autore D. Georgio Pictorio Villingano: quibus adnexa sunt L. Annaei Se- necae Fortuitorum praesentissima remedia, [etc.]. 311 pp. 16°. Basilese. [per H. Betri, 1565]. ------. Praxis medicinalis, universorum mor- borum humani corporis, tarn internorum quam externorum, eurandi viam ac methodum, summa cum doctrina et certa experientia praescribens. Hac ultima editione doctorum medicorum judi- cio a sua theoria disjuncta, et summo cum studio ac diligentia ab infinitis erroribus ac mendis superiorum editionum repurgata. Cui accesse- runt sub finem tractatus ejusdem aliquot, par- tim exoterici [etc]. 1 p. 1., 244 pp. fol. Lug- duni, apud J. Stratium, 1586. ------. Tractatus varii exoterici ac chymici, versa pagina enumerati. Quibus ultra editiones praecedentes hactenus editas, accesserunt ca- thena aurea, et testamentum ejusdem philoso- phicum. 1 p. 1., 47 pp. fol. Lugduni, A. Tar- dif, 1586. Bound with his: Praxis medicinalis. fol. Lugduni, 1586. ------. Compendium medicinae practice, cui accesserunt tractatus generates de urinis, de peste, de omnibus febribus, et alii complures. 314 pp., 9 1. fol. Lugduni, 1586. Bound with his: Praxis medicinalis. fol. Lugduni, 1586. ------. Le tr£sor des pauvres, auquel sont con- tenus plusieurs remedes, bruvages, oignemens, emplastres, pillules, £leetuaires, pr6servatifs et receptes contre toute sorte de maladies. 392 pp., 8 1. 16°. Baris, N. Lescuyer, 1618. See, also, Alvarez Cbanca (Diego). Commentum novum inparabolis [etc.]. fol. [n. p., n. d.]—Collectlo ophtalmolo- gicaveterumauctorum[etc.]. 8°. Pans, 1903.—Salemum (Schoolof)rm2.s.]. Conservandaebonaevaletudinispraeeepta [etc.]. 32 . Lugduni, 1577. -----. Medicina salernitana [etc.]. 24°. Francofurti, 1605.—Tresor (Le) des pauvres [etc.]. [in 2. s.]. 8°. Lyon, 1527. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1001. Also: Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1905, vii, 357; 373. ARNOLDUS DE VILLA NOVA. 5 Arnoldus de Villa Nova—continued. ------. See, also: Diepgen (P.) Arnald von Villanova als Politiker una Laientheologe. roy. 8°. Berlin dc Leipzig, 1909. Lalande (E.) "Arnaud de Villeneuve, sa vie et ses ceuvres. 4°. Baris, 1896. Pelayo (M. M.) Arnaldo de Vilanova, m6dico Catalan del siglo xiii. Ensayo historico seguido de tres opiisculos ineditos de Arnaldo y de una coleccion de documentos relativos £ su persona. 12°. Madrid, 1879. Rennau (Therese). "Die Gynakologie des Arnold von Villanova, mit Erlauterungen. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1912. Diepgen (P.) Studien zu Arnold von Villanova. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Leipz., 1909, iii, 115; 188; 369: 1911, v, 88: 1912, vi, 380. Arnone (Luigi). Manuale di odontoiatria ad uso dei medici pratici e degli studenti. (Dalle le- zioni del dott. Arnone date nella r. Universita di Pisa negli anni accademici 1896-8. xii, 203 pp. 8°. Bisa, F. Simoncini, 1898. See, also, Colucci (Vincenzo) & Arnoni (Luigi). Di un rarissimo parassita [etc.]. 8°. Bologna, 1896. Arnott (Archibald) [1772-1855]. Collington (F. A.) Napoleon's last medical attendant. [Archibald Arnott.] Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1915, xiv, 161-165.—Steel (E. B.) [Biography.] J. Roy. Army Me.d. Corps, Lond., 1913, xx, 239-241. Arnott (James). On the present state of thera- peutical inquiry. 35 pp. 24°. Brighton, H. S. King, 1845. ------. On benumbing cold, as a preventive of pain and inflammation from surgical operations, with minute directions for its use. (With post- script.) 22 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill,,1854. ------. The question considered: Is it justifiable to administer chloroform in surgical operations, after its having already proved suddenly fatal in upwards of fifty cases, when pain can be safely prevented, without loss of consciousness, by mo- mentary benumbing cold? 31 pp. 12°. Lon- don, J. Churchill, 1854. ------. On improvements recently made in the treatment of stricture of the urethra; being a supplement to A treatise on stricture and stone. 36 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1856. ------. On the expediency of instituting an academy of medicine in England; illustrated by the prevailing opinions and practices respecting the use of chloroform in operations. 23 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1857. ------. On the painless extirpation of cancerous growths by congelation and caustic; including a report of the recent use of prolonged congela- tion in the cancer wards of the Middlesex Hos- pital. 28 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. ------. On an improved treatment of stricture of the urethra; being one of the successful com- petitive essays for the sexennial Argenteuil prize of 1856. 36 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1859. See, also, Directions for using Dr. James Arnott's current apparatus, [in 2. s.j. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Arnott (James Moncrieff) [1794-1885]. "De apo- plexia phrenitica. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Billans, 1820. [P., v. 2295.] Arnott (Neil) [1788-1874]. Elements of physics; or, natural philosophy, general and medical, written for universal use in plain or non-technical language, and containing new disquisitions and practical suggestions. A new ed., revised and corrected from the last English ed. by ,Isaac Hays. 5 pts. in 1 v. 486 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Lea dc Blanchard, 1845. ARNSPERGER. Arnott (Neil)—continued. ------. Report on the fevers which have prevailed in Edinburgh and Glasgow. 12 pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. Clowes dc Son, [n. d.]. Arnoul (Etienne). "Sur la sclerose en plaques fruste a type spasmodique. 125 pp. 8°. Tou- louse, 1900, No. 201. Arnould (Albert) [1880- ]. "Formes anormales de la meningite tuberculeuse chez l'adulte. 143 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1905, No. 10. Arnould (Andre-Theophile) [1878- ]. "Con- siderations sur la gastrostomie, en particulier par le proc^de" valvulaire de Fontan. 88 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1903, No. 2. Arnould (Jules). Nouveaux elements d'hygiene. 4. 6d., entierement refondue par E. Arnould. viii, 1017 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1902. ------. The same. 5. ed., entierement refondue par E. Arnould. viii, 1048 pp. 8° Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1907. Arnould (Jules-Adolphe-Henri) [1885- ]. "Ex- ploration comparee du rein par l'epreuve du bleu et la methode d'Ambard. 88 pp. 8°. Bille, 1912, No. 6. Arnould (Marie-Joseph-Ren6) [1882- ]. "Po- lyurie au cours d'une tuberculose de l'hypo- physe. 44 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1908, No. 14. Arnoux (Auguste) [1878- ]. "Etude sur l'iso- pral. 64 pp. 86. Montpellier, 1904, No. 78. Arnoux (Emile) [1871- ]. "Contribution a l'etude du kraurosis vulvae. 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 621. Arnoux (Ferdinand) [1874- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de la galactophoromastite. 62 pp., 11., 4 diag. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 53. Arnoux (Louis-Pierre-Silvere) [1851- ]. "Con- tribution a l'etude de l'adenopathie bronchique tuberculeuse. (Quelques cas observes aux colo- nies.) 56 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 258. Arnozan (Charles-Louis-Xavier) [1852- ]. Pre- cis de therapeutique. Tome I. Generalites the- rapeutiques des maladies infectieuses et des ma- ladies de la nutrition. Tome II. Medicaments a action elective, revulsion, agents physiques et m^caniques. 2 v. 1 p. 1., iv, 554 pp.; vii, 648 pp. 12°. Baris, 0. Doin, 1900-1901. ------. The same. 2. 6d. 2 v. ii, 599 pp.; 636 pp. 12°. Baris, O. Doin, 1903. ------. The same. 3. ed. 2 v. 1 p. 1.. ii. 632 pp.; 1 p. 1., 664 pp. 12°. Baris, O. Doin, 1907. ------. The same. Avec la collaboration de Ch. Mongour. 4. 6d. 2 v. 2p. 1., ii, 644 pp.; 2p. 1., 669 pp. 8°. Baris, O. Doin dc fils, 1912. ------. Precis de consultations m^dicales. vi, 460 pp. 8°. Baris, O. Doin dc fils, 1910. See, also, Lamarque (Henri) [in 2. s.]. Du choix d'une station [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1903. Arnshtein (K[arl] A[vgustovich]) [1840- • ]. Ucheniye o neironakh pered sudom novieishikh izsliedovaniy. [Neurons before the tribunal of recent researches.] 26 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Kazan, 1900. Bound with: Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1900, viii. Arnsperger (Bernhard Gustav) [1877- _ ]. "Zur Kasuistik der plastischen Operationen am Streckapparat des Unterschenkels. 32 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speier dc Kaerner, 1903. Arnsperger (Hans [Emil Rudolph]) [1872- ]. "Ueber verastelte Knochenbildung in der Lunge. [Heidelberg.] 1 p. 1., 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer,^ 1896. ------. "Die Aetiologie und Pathogenese der Aor- tenaneurysmen. [Habilitationsschrift.] [Heidel- berg.] 71pp, 8°. Naumburga.S.,G.Batz, 1903. ARNSPERGER. 6 ARON. Arnsperger (Hans [Emil Rudolph])—continued. ------. Die Rontgenuntersuchung des Magen- Darmkanales und ihre Ergebnisse fiir Physiologie und Pathologie. viii, 72 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Leip- zig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1912. Arnsperger (Ludwig). "Ueber den Rose'schen Kopftetanus. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1901. ------. "Die chirurgische Bedeutung des Icterus zugleich ein Beitrag zur Pathologie und Chirur- gie der tiefen Gallenwege. [Habiiltationsschrift.] [Heidelberg.] 107 pp. 8°. Tubingen, II. Laupp, jr., 1906. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubingen, 1906, xlviii, 3. Hft. ------. Der gegenwartige Stand der Pathologie und Therapie der Gallensteinkrankheit. 79 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1911. Forms 3. Hft., v. 3, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Verdauungs- u. Stofiwechsel-Krankh., Halle a. S. Arnst (Josef) [1885- ]. "Ueber zwei Fiille von Mikulicz'scher Erkrankung. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 2 1. 8°. Marburg, Grewer dc Majert, 1913. Arnstein (Feliks) [1849- ]. Zawadzki (J.) [Biography.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1913, xlviii, 874-876 [port, in text]. Arnstein (Fritz). "Beitrag zur Casuistik der Hemianopsia homonyma und der Hemianopsia bitemporalis. 34 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Goeller, 1895. Arnstein (Hugo)._ "Ueber den Einfluss der Phenylgruppen in phenylierten Aethylendia- minen auf deren Condensierbarkeit zu ring- formigen Verbindungen. 47 pp. 8°. Bern, Fischer, 1896. Arnswalder (Alfred^ [1879- ]. "Resultate der offenen Silberdrahtnaht bei frischen, subcutanen Querfracturen der Patella. 37 pp. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1907. Arntz (Aegidius [Eduard Rudolf]) [1868- ]. "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Nitro- prussidnatrium. 23 pp. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1897. Arntz (Karl [Friedrich Ludwig Adolph]) [1880- ]. "Ueber die Einwirkung von Hydroxy- lamin auf Isorosindon und Thiorosindon. 39 pp., 11. 8°. Erlangen, E. II. Jacob, 1906. Arntzenius (Alexander Karel Willem). De verzorging van het uiterlijk voorkomen. Vol- gens de moderne Amerikaansche methoden van Wilh. Walter Gebhardt. vii, 257 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. Dalmeijer, [1905]. See, also, Ughetti (Giambattista B.) Artsen en patien- ten, [etc.] 8°. 's-Gravenhage, [n. d.]. Arnulphy (Victor). La respiration m^thodique dans l'education physique, les sports et l'athl6- tisme; cours complet de gymnastique respira- toire. 44 pp. 8°. Baris, Biblioth. univ. Beaude- lot, 1908. ------. La sante par la respiration; cours complet de gymnastique respiratoire, suivi d'un manuel de therapeutique respiratoire. 2. 6d. 83 pp. 8°. Bans, Biblioth. univ. Beaudelot, 1908. ------& Cornet (C") Force et beauts pour tous. Causerie sur l'education physique d6diee a la jeunesse. 41pp. 12°. Baris, L. Michaud,[n.d.]. Amy (Henry V.) Principles of pharmacy. 1175 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, W.B.Saunders Co., 1909. Arochas (Henri) [1885- ]. "Traitement chirurgical de l'ulcere variqueux chronique; methode ultra-combinante. 43 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1914, No. 27. ic series. See, also, Acids (Aromatic). Erb (F. H.) "Beitrage zur Esterbildung aromatischer Sauren. 8°. Heidelberg, 1896. Guerbet (M.) "Composes hydroaromatiques. 8°. Baris, 1899. Concours. lEcole de phannacie. Janicke (H.) Einwirkung von Amidosul- fonsaure auf aromatische Basen. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Neresheimer (H. [P.]) "Ueber Ozonide hydraromatischer Verbindungen und Terpen- korper. 8°. Kiel, 1907. Weiss (V.) "Zur Konstitution aromatischer Verbindungen. 8°. Kiel, 1905. Amann (J.) L'origine et le sort des derives aromatiques dans l'organisme. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1903, vii, 193-209. Also: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom Geneve, 1903, xxiii, 392-411.—Blum (L.) Ueber den Abbau aromati- scher Substanzen im menschlichen Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1908, lix, 273-298.— Carlettl (E.) Ricerche sull'origine delle sostanze aro- matiche nell' organismo. Arch, di farm, e terap., Paler- mo, 1899, vii, 322-388.—Divers (E.) [et al.]. The study of hydro-aromatic substances. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1908, Lond., 1909, 221-230.—Heinz (R.) Behandlung der Vergiftungen durch aromatische Verbindungen. Handb. d. ges. Therap. (Peneoldt u. Stintzing), 4. Aufl., Jena, 1909, i, 484-498.—Mameli (E.) Sul riconoscimento del gruppo diossimetilenico nelle sostanze aromatiche. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1910, xxiv, 646-654.—Per kin (W. H.) Ueber die magnetische Drehung insbesondere aromatischer Verbindungen. I. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1896-7, xxi, 451, 561—Sasaki (Y.) & Okushima (K.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Pharma- cologic der oxyhydroaromatischen Korper. Acta scholae med. univ. imp., Kioto, 1918, ii, 257-270.—Semichoff (A. V.) [On the influence of aromatic substances upon gas interchange and upon the general condition of warm-blooded animals.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 85-87. Aroma tics. Da Costa (C.) Aromatum et medicamento- rum in Orientali India nascentium liber, pluri- mum lucis adferens iisquse a Garcia de Orta in hoc genere scripta sunt; Caroli Clusii opera ex hispanico sermone latinus factus, in epitomen contractus et quibusdam notis illustratus. 2. ed. 12°. Antverpise, 1543 ------. The same. 16°. Antverpise, 1582. Carbonelll (G.) Un privilegium in arte aromataria veneto del sec. xviii. Rassegna di clin. e terap., Roma. 1910, xxxiii, 157-161.—Kryi (F.) Ueber den Einfluss von Kam- fer-, Thymol- und Mentholdampfen auf im Treibstadium eflndliche Hyazinthen und Tulpen. Ztschr. f. Pflanzenkr., Stuttg., 1911, xxi, 199-207. Aromotherapy. Tonta (I.) L'aromoterapia. Riv. internaz. di terap. fis., Roma, 1908, ix, 137-140. Aron (E[mil]). Die Mechanik und Therapie des Pneumothorax. Eine klinisch-experimentelle Studie. vi, 60 pp., 3 ch. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1902. Aron (Gita) [1872- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de l'aphasie hysterique. 66 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 399. Aron (Hans) [1881- 1. "Kalkbedarf und Kalk- aufnahme beim Saugling und die Bedeutung des Kalkes fiir die Aetiologie der Rachitis. 59 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1908. Aron (Jules) [1875- ]. "L'exantheme scar- latiniforme dans la fievre typhoide. 104 pp 8° Baris, 1900, No. 531. Aron (Moise) (1858- ]. "Du traitement des fractures de la rotule par le procede' de cerclage. 49 pp. 8°. Baris, 1896, No. 113. Aron (Polack) [1872- ]. *R61e de l'etat de refraction de l'ceil dans l'education et dans 1'ceuvre du peintre. 96 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 397. ARONADE. 7 ARREAT. Aronade (Otto) [1881- ]. "Die Alkoholpsy- c-hosen in der psychiatrischen Klinik zu Freiburg i. Br. 1887-1905. 22 pp., 21. 8°. Freiburgi. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1905. Arondel (Auguste) [1873- ]. "Etude sur les hallucinations des moignons. 46 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 489. • Aronheim (Ernst) [1881- ]. "Die Bedeutung der Leukocytenzahlung fiir die Diagnose des Abdominaltyphus. 34 pp., 1 1. 8° Strassburg i. E., C. Miih dc Co., 1906. Aronoff (Abraham) [1874- ]. "Bericht iiber 1000 Kataraktextraktionen, zusammengestellt nach 153 Fallen aus der Marburger und 847 Fallen aus der Breslauer Augenklinik. 54 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1904. Aronovici (Carol). The social survey, ix, 255 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, The Harper Bress, 1916. Aronovici (7.) [1857- ]. [Biography.] ~ Spitalul, Bucurescf, 1897, xvii, No. 1, Suppl., 12. Aronovitch (Sabina) [1883- L "La coxalgie double, envisagee surtout au point de vue de son traitement. 62 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 441. Aronsohn (Bernhard) [1874- ]. "Ueber Cho- rea gravidarum. 33 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1901. Aronsohn (Eduard) [1858- 1. Quelques con- siderations sur la curability de la tuberculose pulmonaire et sur l'effet favorable des inhala- tions de menthol. 51 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1109. ------. The same. Sur la curability de la tuber- culose pulmonaire [etc.]. 53 pp., 11. 8°. Bois- le-Duc, Bobijns dc Cie., 1895. Aronsohn (Eduard [Hermann]). Allgemeine Fie- berlehre. vii, 220 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1906. Aronsohn (Oscar) [1870- ]. Der psycholo- gische Ursprung des Stotterns. 24 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1914. Forms 1. Hft., v. 11, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nerv.- u. Geisteskr., Halle a. S. Aronson (Eugen) [1884- ]. "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Beschaffenheit des Brotes vom hygienischen Standpunkt aus. 22 pp. 8°. Strassburg, 1910. Aronson (Samuel) [1880- ]. "Das primare Carcinom der Papilla Vateri. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Siebert, [1907]. Aronssohn (Frederic). "Contribution a l'etude du ferment glycolytique du sang. 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 426. Aronssohn (Jacobus). "De phrenitide sympto- matica. 32 pp. sm. 4°. Gtssse, J. J. dc. J. W. Braun, 1790. Aronstam (Naphtali) [1874- ]. "Der gonor- rhoische Gelenkrheumatismus. 33 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1899. Aronstam (Noah E.). See Rosenberg (Louis J.) & Aronstam (Noah E.) [in 2. s.] Sociologic studies [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1902. Aroud (Leopold) [1873- ]. "Contribution a l'etude de l'appendicite a gauche. 48 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 157. Aroztegui (Roberto) [ -1914]. Obituary. Rev. Asoc. mM. argent., Buenos Aires, 1915, xxiii, 326-328. Arp (August H.) [ -1917]. <)bituary. Illinois M. J., Chicago, 1917, xxxii, 302, port. Arpal y Daina (Francisco). Intervencidn qui- riirgica en los traumatismos del craneo. ii, 218 pp. 8°. Zaragoza, M. Salar, 1897. Arpe (Petrus Fridericus). De prodigiosis naturae et artis operibus; talismanes et amuleta dictis cum recensione scriptorum hujus argumenti liber singularis. 2 p. 1., 184 pp., 8 1., 1 pi. 12°. Hamburg, C. Liebezeit, 1717. Arphanes (Euag. Eustratios). See Laveran (A.) 'Evxtipiiiov [etc.], 8". 'Ev 2i>p, 1900. Arpino (Piero). Haschisch, cannabis indica. 46 pp. 8°. Torino, Unione lipo-ed. torinese, 1909. Arquembourg (Leon-Emile-Charles) [1881- ]. "Etude experimental de l'influence de l'opo- th^rapie resale en ingestion sur le rein et les eliminations renales chez l'homme et chez le chien atteints de nephrites. Travail du Labora- toire de pathologie interne et expenmentale. 124 pp., 2 1., 1 pi., 3 ch. 8°. Lille, 1907, No. 30. Arquier (Louis-Emile-Osmin) [1873- ]. "Con- siderations generales sur la suppleance nerveuse dans un cas de paralysie faciale. 57 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 105. Arquier (Paul). "Du easier medical. 38 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 93. Arquivos de higiene e patologia exoticas. v. A, 1913. 8°. Lisboa. Continuation of: ArcbJvos de hygiene e pathologia exo- ticas. Arquivos do Instituto bacteriologico Camara Pes- tana. v. 4, 1913-14. 8°. Lisbonne. Continuation of: Archivos do real Instituto bacteriologico Camara Pestana. Arrack. See Arack. Arragon. "Le lait (son usage dans 1'alimentation des enfants et des malades) et la loi sur la re- pression des fraudes. (Aoutl905.) 137 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1909, No. 824. Arragon (Matthseus). "Estne motus prsecipua sani corporis medicina? Joanne Claudio Adriano He- lutius, praeside. 4pp. 8°. Barisiis,typ.Quillau, 1741. Arraiz (Juan). Ligeros esbozos; medicos vene- zolanos contemporaneos; Doctor Francisco A. Risquez. 46 pp. 8°. Caracas, 1916. Arrandas. Mathews (R. H.) Notes on the Arranda tribe. J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. South Wales 1907, Sydney, 1908, xii, 146-163. Arratia (Aurelio). "Algunas consideraciones sobre la laparotomia como diagn6stico y trata- miento en las heridas penetrantes de vientre por armadefuego. 37 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1893. Arrau (Rodolfo). Neue Methode iiber die Be- handlung der Tuberkulose. 12 pp. 8°. Mun- chen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1888. Arrault (Henri). Medicina dom^stica de los paises calidos. 4. ed. 1 p. 1., 421 pp. 8° Baris, 1859. Arrault (Henri) [1870- ]. *Des perforations intestinales par les ascarides lombricoides. 71 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 258. Arrault (Nicolas-Arsene). "Contribution a l'etude du traitement des pseudarthroses de la jambe. [Paris.] 90 pp. 8°. Be Havre, 1904, No. 513. Arreat (Gaspard-Francois-Charles). De l'homceo- pathie; simples reflexions propres a servir de reponse aux objections que les medecins et les gens du monde elevent contre cette methode de guerison des maladies. 84 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Baillifre, 1859. Arreat (Lucien). >See Hirth (Georges). Les localisations cerebrates en psychologie, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1895. ARREGGER. 8 ARROW. Arregger (Eduard). "Ueber Pylorusstenose im Kindesalter, bedingt durch Schleimhauthyper- trophie. 33 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Zurich, 0. Fiissli, 1896. c. Arregger (Josef). "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der zen- tralen Luxation des Oberschenkels im Huft- gelenk. [Basel.] 32 pp., 1 pi. 8° Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1904. Arres (Bernard-Marie-Jean-Joseph-Roger) [1881- ]. "Des scolioses liees a 1' existence de la Saralysie infantile. 52pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909, \o. 90. Arrhenius (Svante [August]) [1859- ]. Im- munochemistry: the application of the princi- ples of physical chemistry to the study of the biological antibodies, xi, 309 pp. 12°. New York,, MacMillun Co., 1907. ------. The same. Immunochemie. Anwen- dungen der physikalischen Chemie auf die Lehre von den physiologischen Antikorpern. Mit Unterstutzung des Verfassers aus dem engl. Manuskript xibersetzt von Alexis Finkelstein. vi (11.), 203 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. —:----. Theories of chemistry; being lectures de- livered at the University of California in Berke- ley. Edited by T. Slater Price, xii, 212 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1907. ------. Forsok angaende agglutination och koagu- lation. [Experiments concerning agglutination and coagulation.] 29 pp. 8°. Stockholm, 1908. In: Hygiea, Festband, Stockholm, 1908, i. ----—. Die Absonderung von Magen- und Pan- kreas-Saft. 20 pp. 8°. Upsala, Almqvist dc Wicksells, 1909. ------. Die Gesetze der Verdauung und Resorp- tion nach Versuchen von E. S. London. 31 pp. 8°. Upsala, Almqvist dc Wicksells, 1909. —:----. Die Reaktionen des Vibriolysins nach Ver- suchen von Thorvald Madsen und Yutaka Terauchi. 39 pp. 8°. Upsala dc Stockholm, Almqvist dc Wicksells, 1913. ------. Quantitative laws in biological chemistry. xi, 164 pp. 8°. London, G. Bell dc Sons, 1915. For Biography, see Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1909, lxix, pp. i-xxvii, portr. (W. Ostwald). ------ & Bubanovic (Fran). Verteilung, Hem- mung und Beschleunigung bei der Hiimolyse. 22 pp. 8°. Upsala dc Stockholm, Almqvist dc Wicksells, 1913. Arrhenurus. Lundblad (O.) Leber das bisher unbekannte Weibchen des Arrhenurus Kjerrmani Neuman. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1914. xliv, 427-430.—Marshall (Ruth). The Arrhenun of the United States. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. 1906, Chicago, 1908, xxviii, 85-134, 16 pi. Arrhinencephalia. See Brain (Abnormities of); Monsters from defect, etc., of brain. Arrhythmia. See Heart (Arrhythmia of). de Arrieta (Filippo). Raguaglio historico del con- taggio occorso nella Provincia di Bari negli anni 1690, 1691 e 1692. 11 p. 1., 413 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Napoli. A. Barrino dc M. L. Mucix, 1694. Arrighetti (Paulus Joannes). "De hernia ingui- nali. 19 pp. 4°. Genuse, 1813. [P., v. 2151.] Arrighi (Pascal). "Contribution a l'etude des luxations traumatiques du genou en dehors. 3 p. 1.. 91 pp. 8°. Boris, Jouve dc Cie., 1913, No. 334. Arringer (Rudolf M.) Der weibliche Korper und seine Verunstaltungen durch die Mode, viii, 215 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Bermuhler, 1906. Arrington (Benjamin Franklin) [ 1907]. Johnson (J. N.) Obituary. Dental Brief, Phila., 1908, xiii, 104-106. Arrive (Ren£) [1871- ]. "Influence de l'al- coolisme sur la depopulation. 72 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 142. Arrou (J[oseph]) [1861- ]. Chirurgie de l'ap- pareil genital de l'homme. 2 p. 1., 344 pp. 12°. Baris, O. Doin, 1901. Arrous (J.) [1876- ]. "Action diwetique des Bucres en injections intraveineuses. viii, 100 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1900, No. 21. Arroux (Abel). "Contribution a l'etude de la res- ponsabilite" m^dicale. 93 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1910, No. 904. Arrow poison. See, also, Antiarin; Curare; Ouabain; Stro- phanthus. Le Dantec (J.-F.-M.) "Etude sur les armes empoisonnees et les poisons des fleches. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896. Menvielle (J.) "Etude sur le poison des fleches. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Vogt (E.-F.) "Les poisons de fleches et les poisons d'6preuve des indigenes de l'Afrique. [Paris.] 8°. Lons-le-Saunier, 1912. Pharmacie. Weigt (M. J. W.) "Pharmakognostische Studie iiber Rabelaisiarinde und philippinisches Pfeilgift. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 1895. Arnaud (J.) Etude sur les fleches empoisonnees du Soudan. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1901, xvi, 1-3.—Bacon (R. F.) Philippine arrow poisons. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1908, hi, 41—44.—Bancroft (E.) Poison arrows. In his: An essay on the natural history of Guiana, 8°, Lond., 1769, 283-307—Benedicenti (A.) Ricerche farmacologiche su alcuni veleni usati dai Negritos dell'Arcipelago Malese. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1X97, xxvi, 385-407. -----. Sur Paction physiologique du poison de quelques fleches de I'Amerique du Sud. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1897, xxvii, 289-295.—Benedicenti (A.) & De-Toni (G. B.) Sul broial usato dai Sakey come veleno delle freccie. Ann. farmacol. sper., Roma, 1902, i, 433-450.—Boehm (R.) Das sudameri- kanische Pfeilgift Curare in chemischer und pharmakologi- scher Beziehung. Abhandl. d. math.-phys. CI. d. k. sachs. (iesellsch. d. Wissensch., Leipz., 1898, xxiv, 1-52. 4 pi.— Boinet (E.) Recherches sur le poison des fleches au Haut- Oubanghi. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1896, 5. s., viii, 952-967. Also: Marseille med., 1897, xxxiv, 33; 65; 97—Bolton (C.) On the physiological action of a recently-discovered African arrow-poison. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1906-7, s. B., lxxviii, 13-50.—Breltensteln (H.) Pfeilgift der Dajaker. In his: Einundzwanzig Jahre in Indien, 1. Th. Borneo, Leipz., 1899,65— Brieger (L.) Ueber das Pfeilgift der Wakamba (Deutsch-Ostafrika). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., Ib99, xxv, 637-f>39: 1900, xxvi, 45. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1902). 1903, xxxiii, pt. 2, 81-88.—Brleger (L.) & Diesselhorst (G.) Untersuchungen iiber Pfeilgifte aus Deutsch-Ostafrika. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 357.—Brieger (L.) & Krause (M.) Untersuchungen iiber Pfeilgifte aus Deutsch Ost- Afrika. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par 1903-4, xii, 399-406—Chalmers (A. J.) A further report of experiments upon the Fra Fra arrow poison. J. Rov. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, v. 213-223.—Charteris (F.) The action of poisoned arrows obtained from the Aros district of Nigeria. Glasgow M. J., 1905, lxiii, 30-32.—Colornl (U.) & Bressanin (R.) II veleno delle freccie dei Somali oOua- baio. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1897, iii, 1327-1358.— Corson (J. F.) A case of empyema following a poisoned arrow wound, natural cure by absorption. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 868.—Delogu (G.) Sul potere antitossico del per- manganato potassieo noil' avvelenamento da uabajo. Arch. di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1911, xii, 251-264.—Faust (E. S.) Ueber das Acocantherin; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der afrikanischen Pfeilgifte. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1902, xlviii, 272-281.—Fraser (T. R.) The poisoned arrows of the Abors and Mishmis of North-East India, and the composition and action of their poisons. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1915,1, pt. 4 897-930, 3 pi— FrOhllch (A.) Observations on the Munchi arrow poison. J. Physiol., Lond., 1905, xxxii, 319-:iHi.—Galli-Valerio (B. )& Vo urloud (P.) Fleches empoisonnees; recherches sur les fleches empoisonnees avec l'Erythrophlfeum guineense. Arch, f Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., 1907, xi, 347-371.—Garland (P. J.) ARROW. 9 ARSENIC. Arrow poison. Report on the arrow poison used by the Fra Fra. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond., 1905, v, 113-118.—Heubner (W.) Ueber das Pfeilgift der Kalahari. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1907, lvii, 358-366.—Howard (R. W.) Notes on Bushman arrow poison. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1893-4, i, 110.—Kehding (F.) Ueber das Pfeilgift der Karo Batta's der Hochebene Sumatras (nord- ostlicher Theil der Batta-Lander). Schrift. d. naturf. Ge- sellsch. in Danzig, 1897, n. F., ix, 268-274.—Krause (M.) Untersuchungen iiber Pfeilgifte aus unsern afrikanischen Kolonien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kolonialkong. 1905, Berl., 1906, 264-288. -----. Uber Pfeilgifte aus den deutschen Kolonien Afrikas. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1906. x, 105-108.-----. Das Pfeilgift der Watindigas. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvii, 1699-1702.-----. Gift- pfeile aus Kilo von der centralafrikanischen Seenexpedition Seiner Hoheit des Herzogs Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg 1907-8. Ibid.. 1911, xlviii, 1178. — Lange (C.) Experi- mentelle Beitrage zur Lehre vom amerikanischen Pfeilgifte. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen, 1868, iv, 390-399. Also,in: Schiff (M.) Ges. Beitr. z. Physiol., 8°, Lausanne, 1896, iii, 215- 224.—Le Dantec, Boye & Bereni. Etude des fleches empoi- sonnees du Haut-Dahomey. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1897, lxviii, 401-417.— Lewin (L.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Pfeilgifte der Buschmanner. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1912, xliv,' 831-837.—Llvon (C.) & Boinet. Recherches physiologiques sur le poison des fleches des Somalis. J. de Physiol, et de path, gen., Par., 1901, iii, 234-249.----------. Recherches. physiologiques sur le poison des fleches des Somalis. Ecole . . . de mM. et de pharm. de Marseille. Lab. de Livon. Trav. de phvsiol. exper.. Par., 1910, 3. s., 1-26.—Malbec (A.) & Bourgeois, (H.) Poison des fleches du Venezuela. Rev. mens, de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1897, vii, 248-253.-----------. Les fleches empoisonnees du pays Baya (Haute-SanghaL Ibid., 1898, viii. 323-330. -----------. Les fleches et les armes empoisonnees. Ibid., 1900, x, 108; 167; 190— Neuville (H.) Notes sur le ouabe, poison de fleches de PAfrique orientale et sur la tribu des Mitgen. Anthropologic, Par., 1916, xxvii, 369-386.—Perrot (E.) Le "ouabe," poison de fleches de PAfrique orientale (d'apres H. Neuville). Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1917, xxiv, 107-115.—Reichert (E. T.) Anno noki, or bushi: the arrow poison of the Ainus. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1903-4. xvi, 61-63.—Reinach (A.-J.) La fleche en Gaule, ses poisons et ses contre-poisons. Anthropologic, Par., 1909, xx, 51-80.—Reutter (L.) Les fleches empoisonnees; analyse . de poisons. Rev. anthrop., Par., 1916, xxvi, 80; 290; 1917, xxvii, 329-332: 1918, xxvhi, 64— Samter (P.) Ueber ein sumatranisches Pfeilgift. Schrift. d. Naturf. Gesellsch. in Danzig, 1897, n. F., ix, 271-274.—Santesson (C. G.) [Lu- lengo, an arrow poison from Central Africa.] Svenska lak.- sallsk. handl., Stockholm, 1916, xlii, 1281-1292.—Sapin (A.) Sur le poison des fleches. employeesjpar les Lukarets (enclave de Lado). J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1905, 6. s., xxi, 397.— Schaer (E.) Betrachtungen und Nachrichten iiber thieri- sche Pfeilgifte. Janus, Amst., 1897, ii, 261-270.—Schulz (F. N.) Ueber ein Pfeilgift aus Deutsch-Westafrika (Togo- land). Naturw. Wchnschr., Berl., 1903-4, n. F., iii, 2.— Stockman (R.) Malayan arrow poisons. Rep. Lab. Roy. Coll. Phvs.. Edinb., 1897, vi, 297-300. -----. Arrow- ?oisons; their history, sources and constituents. Pharm. ., Lond.. 1898, 4. s., vii, 548; 585. Also [Abstr.]: Pharm. Era, N. Y., 1899, xxi, 7— Trommsdorff. Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die von Buschleuten zum Vergiften der Pfeilspitze benutzte Kaferlarve. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1911, xv, 617-630.—Vinci (G.) Sopra alcune freccie del Congo belga; contribute alia conoscenza dei veleni delle freccie dell'Africa. Arch, internat. de phar- macod.. Brux. & Par., 1910, xx, 353-367. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 116-121. -----. Sur une strychnos et sur un poison du Congo beige; contribution a la connais- sance des poisons des fleches de PAfrique. Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, 1910-11, liv, 305.—Weefers-Bettink (H.) Pfeilgifte von Borneo. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviii, 699 — Windsor (F. N.) An examination of Abor arrow poison. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, i, 14. -----. Abor arrow poison. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1912 xlvii, 11—Zanda (G. B.) & Facco (A.) Sopra alcuni veleni delle freccie dell' Africa. Arch, di farmacog. [etc.], Roma, 1915, iv, 53-75, 2 pi.— Zanda (G. B.) & Spano (S.) Sopra un veleno proveniente dai Congo belga. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1912, 4 s., xviii, 354-366. Arroyo (Manuel) [1875- ]. "Contribution a l'etude des hemorragies intra-peritoneales con- s^cutives a la rupture de la trompe dans la gros- sesse tubaire et en particulier de leur traitement. 74 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 482. Arroyo Villaverde (Trinidad). "Musculos intrfn- secos del ojo en estado normal y patol6gico. Acci6n de los medicamentos. 60 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1896. de Arruda Cardoso (Jose Carlos). "Semiologia da lingua. 67 pp. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Carval- haes, 1905. de Arruda Sampaio (Arthur). *Le tetanos trau- matique, sa serotherapie. 46 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 654. Ars medendi, sive, doses et vires medicamentorum omnium tarn Galenicorum quam chemicorum in pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, impressa anno Dom. 1746. 565 pp., 9 1. 8°. Londini, J. Waugh, 1760. Ars moriendi: the book of the craft of dying, and other early English tracts concerning death; taken from manuscripts and printed books in the British Museum and Bodleian libraries, now first done into modern spelling and edited by Frances M. M. Comper, with a preface by the Rev. George Congreve. front., xliii, 173, [1] pp. 24°. London, New York [etc.], Longmans, Green dc Co., 1917. Arsac (Paul) [1874- ]. "Contribution a l'etude du redressement brusque des gibbosites pottiques par la methode de Calot. 60 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 129. Arsacetin. See, also, Syphilis (Treatment of) with arsa- cetin. Georgiewsky (K.) & Chmelnitsky (B.) Zur Frage iiber die Arsacetin-Glykosurie. Med. Klin., Berl., 191L x, 856.—Hammes (F.) Zur Beurteilung des Arsacetins (Ehr- lich) und seiner Einwirkung auf den Sehnerven. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 267-269.— Khmelnitski (B. M.) [Arsacetin glycosuria.] Russk. Vrach. S.-Peterb., 1914, xiii, 20— Naegeli. Ueber die Be- handlung (Heilung?) pseudoleukamischer Driisenaffek- tionen mit Arsazetin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1910, xxiv, 57-63. Arsacetin (Toxicology of). Borchers (H.) "Die toxischen Nebenwirkun- gen des Arsacetins unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Nierenreizungen. 8°. Jena, 1910. Borchers (H.) Die toxischen Nebenwirkungen des Arsazetins, insbesondere die Nierenreizungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 408-410.—Sattler (C. H.) Pa- thologisch-anatomische Untersuchung eines Falles von Er- blindung nach Arsacetininjectionen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz.,1912, lxxxi, 546-555— Valnshteln (A. S.) [Atrophy of the optic nerves, following the use of arsacetin.) Vestnik oftalmof., Mosk., 1910, xxvii. 175.—Yudln (K. A.) [Atro- phy of both optic nerves after treatment with arsacetin.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 342. Arsalyt. MUhlens (P.) & Gelhaar (F.) Ueber Arsalytbehand- lung, insbesondere bei Syphilis und Malaria. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz., 1914, xviii, 302-310. Arsan. Amende (D.) Ueber Arsan, eine neue Anwendungsform der arsenigen Saure. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1910, xiii, 130-133. Arsen-haematose. Baruch (F.) Erfahrungen iiber Arsen-Hamatose-Be- handlimg. Med. Bl., Wien, 1910, xxxii, 289.—Burow (R.) Ueber Arsen-Hamatose. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1910, xxiv, p. i.—Conn (R.) Erfahrungen mit Arsen-Hamatose. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1913, lxxxii, 403.—Joachim (A.) Ueber Arsen-Hamatose. Med. BL, Wien, 1910, xxxiii, 50. Arsenic [and compounds]. See, also, Atoxyl; Salvarsan; Sodium (Ar- seniate of); Waters (Mineral, Arsenic in). Caboche (G.) "Etude comparee des differents composes arsenicaux. 8°. Baris, 1904. _ Cantu (J. L.) *[De arsenico. De aquis mine- ralibus sulphureis. De veneficio ab acido arse- nioso.] 12°. Augustse Taurinorum, 1823. Dessner (G.) "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Arsenite des Bleis und Quecksilberoxyduls. 12°. Broskurov, 1897. Juhel (L.-J.) "Essai sur l'arsenic colloidal electrique. 8°. Bordeaux, 1911. Kleinert (C F.) "De arsenico. 8°. Lipsise, 1825. ARSENIC. 10 ARSENIC. Arsenic [and compounds]. Lebeau (P.) "Sur la preparation et les pro- prietes des ars^niures alcalino-terreux. 8°. Baris, 1899. Ecole de pharmacie. Prtjmbs (A.) "Neue Versuche iiber den Nach- weis von Arsen aus organischer Substanz. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1904. Schulze (W. H. A.) "Beitrage zur Elektro- chemie des Arsens. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Siew (B.) "Ueber die Einwirkung von Jod- kalium una Jodnatrium auf arsenigsaure Salze. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1904. Thiele (M.) "Ueber die allotropen Modifika- tionen des Arsens. [Konigsberg i. Pr.] 8°. Berlin, 1910. Vilmin (P.) "Action des trichlorure et tribro- mure d'arsenic eur les amines, quelques alca- lo'ides, l'antipyrine et l'ammoniaque. [Nancy.] 8°. Bar-le-Duc, 1914. Pharmacie. Wanklyn (J. A.) Arsenic. 12°. London, 1901. Wieser (O.) "Ueber den sogenannten natiir- lichen Arsenik. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1903. Bart he (L.) Sur la presence de Parsenic dans la glycerine officinale. J. de pharm. et chim.. Par., 1902, 6. s., xvi. 52- 55.—Baxter (G. P.) & Coffin (F. B.) A revision of the atomic weight of arsenic; preliminary paper; the analysis of silver arsenate. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc., Cambridge, 1908-9, xliv, 179-197— Binz (C.) Die Reduction der Arsen- saure durch Organsafte. Arcb. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1896-7, xxxviii, 259-265.—Binz (C.) & Laar (C.) Die Oxydation der arsenigen Saure im Organismus. Ibid., 1898, xii, 179-184.—Bleyer (BJ & MtiUer (B.) Verbindun- fen der arsenigen Saure mit Beryllium. Arch. d. Pharm., terl., 1913, ccli, 304-319.—Blumenthal (F.) Aromatische Arsenkorper. Ergebn. d. inn. Med. u. Kinderh., Berl., 1912, viii, 90-141.—Brunner (E.) Theorie der Auflosungs- geschwindigkeit des Arseniks. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1905, li, 494--199.—Brunor (E.) Notes on a new organic arsenic preparation. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1914, n. s., ix, 475-484.—Buzio (G.) Sulla pretesa riducibilita degU arseniati in mezzo alcalino. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1910, xxiv, 609-630.—Carles (P.) Gra- nules arsenicaux sans arsenic. Bull, commerc, Par., 1902. xxx, 134.—Chauffard (A.) & Grigaut (A.) De la stability des differents composes arsenicaux, et en particulier de Phectine et de l'arsenobenzol, en presence des agents reduc- teurs. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 480-484.—Danlos. Modifications a deux formules classiques de preparations arseDicales. Bull. gen. therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxlv, 467-469.—Deleplne (A. S.) Arsenic in modern life, and scheme for improved means of public health investigations. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, 244-268,2 pi.—Eddowes (A.) What is arsenic? Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1900, xxviii, 468.—Fischel (R.) Ueber die Beziehungen des Jodismus zu Allgemeinerkran- kungen. nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Arsojodin. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 507; 522.—Fischer (E.) & Klemperer (G.) Ueber eine neue Klasse von lipoiden Arsen- verbindungen. Therap. d. Gegenw.r Berl., 1913, liv, 1-3 — Forrester (G. P.) Organic preparations of arsenic. Lan- cet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1858.—Freundlich (H.) & Schucht (H.) Ueber das Ausfallen von Arsentrisulfidsol durch Salze der seltenen Erden. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1912, lxxx, 664-572.—FUhner. Der Arsenwasserstoff und seine thera- pe.itische Verwendung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 763.—Garrigou (F.) La diffusion de Parsenic dans la nature. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxv, 1113- 1115.—Gautier (A.) Arsenic dans les eaux de mer, dans le sel gemme, le sel de cuisine, les eaux minerales, etc.; son dosage dans quelques reactifs usuels. Ibid., 1903, cxxxvii, 232-237.-----. Sur l'activite des nouveaux arsenicaux or- ganiques. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1910, 3. s., lxiv, 250- 259.-----. Sur la genese des nouveaux arsenicaux et sur leur activite speciflque. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 463-474—Gosio (B.) Ulteriori ricerche sulla biologia e sul chimismo delle arseniomuffe. Policlin., Roma, 1900, vii, sez. med., 457-468. Also: Riv. d'ig. esan. pubb., Torino, 1900, xi, 661; 693.—Greaves (J. E.) Stimulating influence of arsenic upon the nitrogen-fixing or- ganisms of the soil. J. Agr. Research, Wash., 1916, vi, 389- 416.—Hausmann (W.) Zur Kenntnis der von Schimmel- pilzen gebildeten gasformigen Arsenverbindungen. Ztschr. I. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1906, liii, 509-511.— Heflter (A.) Das Verhalten des Arseniks im Organismus. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2,2. Hlfte., 50.—Hue hard (II.) & Fies- slnger (C.) L'arsenic. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 692-696.—Humphrey (J.) Modern or- Arsenic [and compounds]. ganic arsenic compounds. Pharm. J., Lond., 1909, 4. s., xxviii, 83.—Huss (H.) Zur Kenntnis der biologischen Zer- setzung von Arsenverbindungen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infek- tionskrankh., Leipz., 1914, lxxvi. 361-406.—Ide (M.) Com- poses arsenicaux en presence d'albuminoldes. Arch, inter- nat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1905, xv, 333-338— Jadin (F.) & Astruc (A.) Sur la presence de Parsenic dans quel- ques aliments vegetaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1912, cliv, 893-896.-----------. Sur la presence de l'arsenic dans quelques plantes parasites et parasitees. Ibid., civ, 291-293.-----------. La presence de Parsenic dans le regne vegetal. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1912, 7. s., vi, 529- 535.-----------. L'arsenic et le manganese dans quelques produits vegetaux servant d'aliments aux animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1914, clix, 268-270.—Karrer (P.) LTeber die Rolle der organischen Arsenverbindungen in der modernen Medizin. Naturwissenschaften, Berl., 1915, iii, 563-569—Kebler (L. F.) The presence of arsenic in chemi- cals. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Bait., 1902,1, 456-467. Also: Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1903, lxxv, 30-39.—Kopke (O.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Arsen in Speisegelatine. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1911, xxxviii, 290-293.—Locke- mann ((i.) & Lucius (F.) Ueber die Totaladsorption von Arsen durch Eisenhydroxyd. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1913, lxxxiii, 735-758.—Lockemann (G.) & Paucke (M.) Ueber die Adsorption von Arsen durch Aluminium- und Eisenhydroxid. Ztschr. f. Chemie u. Indust. d. Kol- loide, Dresd., 1911, viii, 273-288.—LOb (W.) Zur Kenntnis eines Arsenglidins. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, 625.—Lovett (A. L.) & Robinson (R. H.) Arsenic as an insecticide. J. Econom. Entomol., Concord, N. H., 1917, x, 345-348.— Lucas (E. W.) The limitation of arsenical impurity. Pharm. J.. Lond., 1904, 4. s., xix, 448.—Mameli (E.) & Patta (A.) Sull' acido para iodiofenilarsenicoe sull' ioduro di para iodiofenilarsenico. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1909, xxiii, 23-25.—Martin (E. H.) Some observa- tions on the arylarsonates. Memphis M. Month., 1909, xxix, 455-461—Miller (H. B.) Arsenicum. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1906-7, xi, 236-240.—Monneyrat (A.) Relations entre la constitution chimique des corps arseni- caux organiques et leurs proprietes microbicides. Cong. franc, de med. C. r. 1910, Par., 1911, xi, 281-287.—Murua y Valerdi (A.) Derivados metilicos del arsenico deducidos de la atomicidad de este radical y especial estudio quimico- farmaceutico del acido cacodllico y de los cacodilatos metili- cos. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de pharm., 87-118.—O'Gara (P. J.) Presence of ar-. senic in fruit sprayed with arsenate of lead. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1911, n. s., xxxiii, 900.—Patta (A.) & Caccla (P.) Sul tetraioduro di para-aminofenilarsenico. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1911, xii, 546-554.—Popp (G.) Der Arsengehalt der Frankfurter Friedhofserde. Zt- schr. f. Untersuch. d. NahrunKS- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1907, xiv, 38-40.—Richter (E.) Ueber Arsentrijodid. Apoth.- Ztg., Berl.. 1911, xxvi, 728; 742— Sandwith (F. M.) The Gresham lectures. Lecture III. Arsenic. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1913, n. s., xcv, 659-663. Also: St. Thomas's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1913, xxhi, 163-173.—Schiff (E.) Ueber die Ablagerung von Arsen in den Haaren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 537— Schmitt (J.) Un kermes d'ar- senic. Rev. pharm., Gand, 1S97, n. s., iii, 321-328.—Stewart The pharmacology of arsenic. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Mon. treal (1887-9), 1890, iv, 88-95.—Stich (C.) Zur Arsenfrage. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 424-427.—Valentl (A.) Contributo alio studio del comportamento nell' orga- nismo di alcuni derivati arsenicali organici (salvarsan e cacodilato di sodio). Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1912, xiii, 165-185. Also, tansl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1912- 13, lvii, 425-138— Vanino (L.) Ueber den Arsenwasserstoff. Ztschr. f. ang. Chem., Berl., 1902, 856-858.—Vitali (D.) Nuovo contributo alio studio delle trasformazioni dell' ani- dride arseniosa nell' organismo; nota. Mem. r. Accad. d sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1895, 5. s., v, 677-686.—Weigl (J.) Das Arsen. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 126; 146; 185; 224; 245—Wleland (H.) Warum wirken aromatische Ar- senverbindungen starker auf Protozoen ein als aliphatische und anorganische? Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper Therap., Jena, 1913, Orig., xx, 131-136. Arsenic (Anaphylaxis to). See Anaphylaxis to drugs. Arsenic (Antidotes of). See Arsenic (Boisoning by, Treatment of). Arsenic (Effects of, Cutaneous). Gabler (J. R.) "Ein Fall von Melanose der Haut nach jahrelangem Arsengebrauch. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Adamson (H. G.) Arsenical pigmentation with hyper- keratosis of the palms and soles. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.. Lond., 1908-9, ii, Dermat. Sect., 3.—Alderson (H. E.) Ar- senical pigmentation and keratoses. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1913, xi, 390.—Aldrlch (C. J.) l^uconychia striata arsenicalis transversus, with report of three cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1904. n.s.,cxxvii, 702-709.—Audry (C.) Sur un cas de melanodermie arsenicale de la peau et ARSENIC. 11 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Effects of, Cutaneous). des muqueuses d'origine m^dicamenteuse. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896,3. s., vii, 1415-1418.—Bettmann. Ueber Hautaffectionen nach innerlichem Arsenikgebrauch; ein Beitrag zur Frage des Zoster arsenicalis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1900, li, 203-224, 1 pi.—Biach (M.) Ein Fall von Arsenkeratose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 989-991.—Brault (J.) Keratodermie arsenicale chez les vignerons algeriens. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 174-176.—Brouardel (G.) Troubles de Pappareil cutane dans l'arsenicisme (etiologie, symptoma- tologie et evolution). Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 601-307.—Caiger (H.) A bullous eruption following the administration of arsenic Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 967.— Carpentier (E.) Taches pigmentaires cutanees a forme de masque de grossesse, dans le cours d'un traitement par la liqueur de Fowler-, Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 620.— Cathelineau. Eruptions medicamenteuses et profession- nelles provoquees par l'arsenic. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1898, ii, 192-207.—Clark (L. P.) Herpes zoster following the administration of arsenic in a case of epilepsy. N. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 803.—Coffin. Dermatoses arsenicales; un cas de zona par intoxication. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896, viii, 645-651.—Cummins. Keratoderma arsenicale. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 812—Darier (J.) Melano- dermie et hyperkeratoses d'origine arsenicale; cancer arse- nical. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 1121- 1128. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 497 - 504.—Dubreuilh (W.) Keratose arsenicale et cancer arsenical. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1910, 5. s., L 65-83.—Enriquez & Lereboullet (P.) Un cas de melanc- dermie arsenicale generalisee simulant la maladie d'Addi- son. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1899, 3. s., 630-637.-----------. Sur deux cas de melanodermie arse- nicale generalisee. Ibid., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 393-397.—Finley (R. C.) Herpes zoster following arsenic. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1914, xxxii, 794.—Fiorito (G.) Tossico- dermia arsenicale; cheratosi palmare. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 518-527.—Fox (H.) Diffuse mottled pigmen- tation, probably arsenical. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 348.—Gans (O.) Zur Histologic der Arsenme- lanose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1914, lx„ 22-38.—HakeU (R. W.) A case of acute arsenical poisoning, followed by symptoms implicating the skin and peripheral nerves. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1893-4, i, 61.— Hamburger (L. P.) Arsenical pigmentation and keratosis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1900, xi, 87-91, 1 pi — Hardaway (W. A.) Remarks on arsenical pigmentation, with a report of two cases. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1898, xvi, 184-187.—Heidingsfeld (M. L.) Psoriasis with arsenical pigmentation and keratoses. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1915, cxiii, 580.—Hohlfeld. Demonstration einer Arsendermatose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 504.—Hooker (R. S.) Zoster arsenicalis, with a report of three cases. Med. & Surg. Rep. Episc. Hosp., Phila., 1916, iii, 101-103.—Hutchinson (J.) Zosteriform pigmentation of skin as a consequence of the medicinal efnployment of arsenic. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1898, ix, 86. —---. Arsenic- keratosis and arsenic-cancer. Ibid., 223-229, 1 pi.—Jordan (A.) Casuistische Mittheilungen iiber Hautveranderungen durch Arsenik. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1902, n. F., xix, 171-173.—Kingsbury. Arsenical pigmentation. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 301.—Lttwen- berg (M.) Ueber Arsehhyperkeratose und Epitheliom. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Miin- ster) 1912, Leipz. 1913, lxxxiv, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 312— Mac- Leod (J. M. II.) Case of dermatitis following large dose of arsenic. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1912-13, vi, Dermat. Sect., 109-111.—Meneau (J.) Les dermatoses arsenicales. Ann. d. dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 345-379.— Mibelli (V.) Le cheratosi arsenical!; sunto storico e contri- buto casistico. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1898, Iii, 249-282.—Minkowski. Arsenmelanose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, xxxiv, 2195.—Mor- row (P. A.) Arsenical eruptions. J. Cutan. & Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1886, iv, 195-201.—Neumann. Ueber ein durch den internen Gebrauch von Solutio Fowleri entstandenes Ery- thema gyratum, papulosum und bullosum. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 1145. -----. Zur Kenntnis der Arsendermatosen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1906, li, 1; 13; 25; 37.—Nielsen(L.) Melanosis et Keratosis arsenicalis. Hosp- Tid.,K0benh., 1896,4. R.,iv,1009; 1037. Also.transl.:Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1897, xxiv, 137-156. —O'Dono- van (C.) A case of herpes after large doses of arsenic, with some remarks on the etiology. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1899, xvii, 134-137— 0rbaek (W. P.) [A case of melanosis arsenicalis.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1896, 5. R., iii, 1116-1118.—Rasch (C.) [A case of arsenic mela- nosis and keratosis.] Hosp.-Tid., Krfbenh., 1914, 5. R., vii, 859.—Rille. Zur Frage der Arsenik-Dermatoscn. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 437-439.—Robinson (A. R.) Keratosis of palms and soles from arsenic. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 415.—Schamberg (J. F.) An extensive case of arsenical keratosis, with multiple epitheliomata. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1909, xxvii, 130.—Sequeira (J. H.) Herpes zoster associated with generalized bullous eruption from prolonged administration of arsenic. Brit. J. Child. Arsenic (Effects of, Cutaneous). Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 158-160.—Smetana (S.) UeberBraunfar- bung der Haut beim Gebrauche von Arsenik. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 903-905.—Sobel (J.) Generalized pig- mentation and palmar keratosis following the use of Fow- ler's solution. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1907, xxiv, 38-42.— Solger (B.) Ueber Arsenzoster. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906-7, x, 1-8.-----. Nachtrag zu dem Aufsatz. Ueber Arsenzoster. Ibid., 1907, x, 98-100— Stadelmann (E.) Ueber Auftreten von abnormen Pigmentierungen und Veranderungen der Haare nach Arsenikgebrauch: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1910, 389-391.—Ullmann (K.) Ueber einen Fall von ausgebreiteter Arsenikkeratosis mit Ausgang in Epitheliom. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1906, Ii, 59-61.-----. Fall von Arsenikkeratosis der Palmse una Plantae. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xxv, 1244.—Waelsch (L.) Zur Histologic der Arsenkeratose. Arch. J. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1907, lxxxvi, 245-256.—Wanklyn (J. A.) Arsenical pigmentation. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1901, lxxi, 816.—White (C. J.) A case of dermatitis medicamentosa due to the ingestion of arsenic. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 434—White (J. C.) Cases of arsenical dermatitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi, 433- 435.—White (R. P.) Acute symmetrical erythematous keratodermia, caused by the administration of arsenic. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1903, xv, 21-24.—Wise. Arsenical pigmentation. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., Chicago, 1918, xxxvi, 237.—Zeisler (J.) Zoster arsenicalis. Ibid., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 515-521. Also: Intefnat. Dermat. Cong, vi, 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, ii, 851-862. Arsenic (Effects of, Physiological and pathological). See, also, Anaphylaxis to drugs; Arsenic (Effects of, Cutaneous); Arsenic (Elimination of); Arsenic (Boisoning by); Arsenic (Toler- ance of). Bettmann (S.) "Ueber den Einfluss des Arseniks auf das Blut und Knochenmark des Kaninchens. 8°. Heidelberg, 1897. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1898, xxiii, 377-497, 2 pi. Bloch (L.) "Action de l'arsenic sur le sang et les organes hematopoi°6tiques; etude experi- mentale. 8°. Baris, 1908. Dupoux (P.) "Accidents de la medication arsenicale interne. 8°. Baris, 1900. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 1323-1325. Hirata (G.) "Ueber die Einwirkung des Arsens auf das Pankreas des Meerschweinchens. 8°. Greifswald, 1909. Also, in: Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1909, xix, 371-391. Konow (W.) "Pseudotabes arsenicalis peri- pherica. 8°. Bostock, 1907. Agazzi (B.) Dell'influenza di alcuni preparati arsenicali sopra l'intensita di formazione di anticorpi batterici (aggluti- nine) nel coniglio. Biochim. e terap. sper., Milano, 1909, i, 79-82.—Albertario (E.) Contributo clinico alio studio delle paralisi arsenicali. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1913, lxiv, 131; 141.—Begemann (H.) Die Einwirkung des Arsens auf die kunstlich erzeugte Glykosurie beim Hunde, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die alimentare Glykosurie. Arch. internat. de parmacod., Brux. & Par., 1912, xxii, 97-129.— Biernackl (E.) Ueber die angebliche blutbildende Wir- kung des Arseniks. Wien. med. Wchnsch?., 190 i, liv, 1161; 1216; 1276.—Cloetta (M.) Ueber Arsenikwirkung und Angewohnung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, 737-712— Colman(W. S.) A case of peripheral neuritis due to internal administration of arsenic. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, xxxi, 287.—Croce (S.) Ueber den Einfluss nattirlieher Arsenwasser und kunstlicher Arsenlosungen auf den Stoffwechsel. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1911, lxxiii, 103-115.—Davis (B. F.) Two cases of perforation of the nasal septum due to the inhalation of arsenic trioxid. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 1620.—EUett (E. C.) The action of the aryl-arsonates on the eye. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1910-11, iii, 285-287.—Evangelista (A.) Sulla causa della diversa intensita di azione dei preparati organici ed inorganici di arsenico. Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, iii, 800; 824.—Facklam (F. C.) Ein Fall von acuter Arse- mklahmung. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1898, xxxi, 258-273.— Fischer (P.) & Hoppe (J.) Das Verhalten organischer Arsenpraparate im menschlichen Korper. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, hi, 1459-1461.— Gianasso (A. B.) Sul- 1' azione dei preparati arsenicali sui reni dei bambini. Gior. d. r. Accad. di Torino, 1903, 4. s., ix, 782-792.—Gunn (J. A.) & Feltham (W. J.) The antihsemolytic action of arsenic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1811, i, 134—de Haas (H. K.) Ueber durch Arsen erzeugte Augenstorungen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. ARSENIC. 12 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Effects of, Physiological and pathological), Aiigenh., Stuttg., 1916, lvii, 402. Neuro-retinitis arsenicalis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1917, i, 1064-1067.—Hefter (A.) Studien iiber das Verhalten des Arsens im Organismus. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1905, xv, 399-417.—Henderson (F. L.) Blind- ness due to the administration of synthetic arsenical com- pounds. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1910, xxvii, 336-342.— Hess (L.) & Saxl (P.) Dis Einwirkung des Arsen auf die Autolvse. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1908, v, 89-93.—von Hoesslin (R.) Ueber den Einfluss des Arseniks auf den Blutbefund. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1913, xxvii, 849-851.—Inglis (O. E.) Arsenical necrosis. Tr. Acad. Stomatol. 1897, Phila., 1898, 46-59. Also: Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1898, xix, 76-86.—Izar (G.) Ueber die Wirkung des Arsens auf die Autolyse. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xxi, 46-50. Also, transl.: Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1910, ix, 254-259.—Kionka (H.) Ueber die Arsenik- wirkung. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1911, xxi, 489-512.—Kluyskens (G.) fils. De l'influencc eloigned de l'arsenic sur l'organisme. Belgique med., Gand- Haarlem, 1907. xiv, 459-461— Lancereaux. Les paralysies toxiques, en general, et la paralysie arsenicale en particulier; dangers de la medication par l'arsenic. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxvi, 41-52.—Loeb (A.) Zur Ge- fasswirkung des Arseniks. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karlsruhe) 1911, Leipz., 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2,2. Hlfte., 489-49L—McAlester (A. W.) Blindness fol- lowing the administration of organic arsenic. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1911-12, viii, 144-146—Massaglia (A.) Della pretesa azione sui rem di alcuni preparati di arsenico. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6. i, 451—Onaka (M.) Ueber die Wirkung des Arsens aur die roten Blutzellen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1910-11, lxx, 433-440.—Panton (P. N.) An investigation into some aspects of the action of arsenic. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Path. Sect., 1-26. Also: St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1907, Lond., 1909, n. s., xxxvi, 363-390.—Paslni (A.) Azione caustica dell' anidride arseniosa sopra i tessuti epiteliali. Gior. ital. d.;nal. ven., Milano, 190.">, xl, 726-739.—Pearce (Louise) & Brown (W. H.) Chemopathological studies with com- pounds of arsenic. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1915, xxii, 517; 525; 535: 1916, xxiii, 443-459, 2a pi. Also, Reprint — Phillips (J.) Arsenical idiosyncrasy. Lancet, Lond, 1«03, ii, 97.—Power (J. E.) Case of arsenical necrosis. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1902, xxiii, 790-793, 1 pi—Pukhovski (L.) [Idiosvncrasy to arsenic] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. Med./' S.-Peterb., 1900, vii, 717.—Putnam (J. J.) The character of the evidence as to the injuriousness of arsenic as a domestic poison. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, cxxiv, 623-326. Also, Reprint.—Ravenna (F.) Le emazie granulose sotto l'azione del ferro e dell'arsenico. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1910, Roma, 1911, xx, 157.—Rethi (L.) Kehlkopf- und Luftrohrenentzundung ir.folge von Arsenikgebrauch. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 325-327.—Rieger (J. B.) & Solo- mon(TI. C.) Tne circulation of arsenic in the cerebrospinal fluid. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 15-17. Also, Reprint.—Rlehl (M.) Verschiedene Arsenwirkung bei Muskelarbeit und bei Muskelruhe. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1908, lv, 2661.—Robin (A.) & Binet (M.) Action de l'arseniate de sonde et de l'arsenite de potasse sur le chimisme respiratoire. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.), Par., 1899, cxxxviii, 40L409.— Romero (F.) Observaciones de gangrena o esca- rificacion aseptica por el acido arsenioso. Repert. de med. y cirug., Bogota, 1916, vii, 312-315.—Scandallato (S.) Sull' azione ematogena del metarsolo. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1903, n. s., xxv, 883-894—Schilling & Nau- mann. Ueber die Verteilung des Arsens im ticrischen Organismus. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1912, xvi, 101-109.—Scofone (L.) & Brinda (A.) Azione di alcuni preparati d'arsenico sui reni. Gazz. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1903,4. s., ix, 313-323.—Simon. Arseniklah- mung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 235. —Stockman. The action of arsenic on the bone-marrow and blood. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1898-9, vii, 246.—Stockman (R.) & Charterls (F. J.) The action of arsenic on the bone marrow of man and animals. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1902-3, viii, 443-447, 1 pi—Stockman (R.) & Grelg(E. D. W.) The action of arsenic on the bone-marrow and blood. J. Physiol., Lond., 1898-9, xxiii, 376-382,1 pi.— Thomson (A.) Effets produits par une petite quantite d'arsenic prise interieurement. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc. d'Edinb., Par., 1742, iv 51-53—Tlnel (J.) & Lerolde (J.) Recherches sur la permeabilite a l'arsenic des meninges normales et pathologiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, Ixxiv, 1073-1075.—Ullmann (K.) The various effects produced by subcutaneous or intravenous injections of the several arsenical compounds on the liver. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1914, xviii, 519-526. -----. Experi- mentelles zur Arsenwirkung auf die Organe. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 838-843.— Waugh (W. F.) Arsenic anantihemolysin. Denver M. Timesfetc], 1912-13, xxxii, 57. Arsenic (Elimination of). Fallourd (E.) "Elimination de quelques composes arsenicaux organiques et mineraux par la glande mammaire. 8°. Montpellier, 1903. Arsenic (Elimination of). Charles-Bongrand (J.) L'ehmir.ation de l'arsenic dans le traitement par les produits organo-arsenicaux. Rev. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1911, xviii, 52-157.—Dutcher (R. A.) & Steel (M.) The elimination and retention of arsenic as determined by the Koch-Norton method. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1914, xxxvi, 770-773.—Knecht (E.) & Dearden (W. F.) The elimination of arsenic through the hair and its relation to arsenical poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 8.11.— Lockemann (G.) Ueber die Arsenausschei- dung nach Injektion von Arsenikalicn. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911,1, Kef., Beiheft, 114-116.— Scherbatscheff (D.) Ueber die Dauer der Ausscheidung des Arsens in gerichtlich-chemischer Beziehung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1900, 3. F., xix, 233-262.—Tendron (E.) Recherches sur l'elimination de l'arsenic apres injec- tion sous-cutanee d'arsenophenylglycine. Bull. Soc. path. exot, Par., 1909, ii, 625-627.-----. Etude comparative de l'elimination de rarsenic apres injections de divers medica- ments arsenicaux, atoxyl, arsenophenylglyeine, arseno- benzol. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1910, n. s., xxx, 474-476.—Ullmann (K.) & Haudek. L'elimi- nation et l'accumulation des preparations arsenicales. Clin. prat, med.-chir. depath. [etc.], Par., 1911, vii, 113. Arsenic (Normal occurrence in the ani- mal body of). Bertrand (G*.) Sur l'existence de l'arsenic dans l'orga- nisme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 1434- 1437.-----. Sur la recherche et sur l'existence de l'arsenic dans l'organisme. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1902, xvi, 553-561.-----. Sur l'existence de l'arsenic dans la serie animale. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1902, v, 329-332. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur l'arsenic de l'organisme; Fresence de ce metalloide dans la serie animale. Ann. de Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1903, xvii, 1-10.—Bloemendal (W. H.) Arsen im tierischen Organismus. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1908, ccxlvii, 599-616.—Bonn (A.) & Riviere (C.) Sur la presence d'arsenic dans le foie des chevaux emphysemateux (chevaux poussifs). Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1907, xxix, 97-99.— Cantalamessa (C.) Arsenico nelle ossa. Gior. di med. leg., Lanciano, 1897, iv, 33-40.—Cerny (K.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Arsen im thierischen Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901-2, xxxiv, 408-416.—From- mer (V.) Das Vorkommen des Arsens in menschlichen Organen, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des weiblichen Organismus. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1914, ciii, 338-366.— Gautler (A.) Sur l'existence normale de l'arsenic chez les animaux, et sa localisation dans certains organes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1899, cxxix, 929-936. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii, 561-568. Also, transl.: Chem. News, Lond., 1900, lxxxi, 135.-----. Sur l'arsenic normal des animaux et son r61e dans l'economie. Cong. internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de physiol., 86-99. -----. Localisation, elimination et origines de l'arsenic chez les animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, cxxx, 284-291. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, 116-126.-----. Localisation de l'arsenic normal dans quel- ques organes des animaux et des plantes; ses origines. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxv, 833-838. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1242-1244. -----. L'arsenic existe normalement chez les animaux et se localise surtout dans leurs organes ectodermiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 1394-1399. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1902, xxxvi, 391-397.-----. Sur l'arsenic normal des animaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 727-729.-----. L'arsenic existe-t-il dans tous les organes de reconomie ani- male? Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvii, 295- 301. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1076.—Gautler (A.) & Clausmann (P.) Origines ali- mentaires de l'arsemc normal chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, cxxxix, 101-108. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 55-58.—Gross (II.) Arsen im menschlichen Korper. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist, Leipz., 1900, iv, 186.—Halphen (G.) L'ar- senic normal. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 569.—HOdlmoser (C.) Enthalten gewisse Organe des Korpers physiologi- scher Weise Arsen? Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901, xxxiii, 329-344.—Kunkel (A. J.) Ueber den normalen Arsengehalt des menschlichen Organismus. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1905,12.-----. Beitrage zur Frage des sogenannten normalen Arseniks. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1905, xliv, 511-529.—Schlagden- hauffen & Pagel. Sur la presence de l'arsenic normal dans les organes. Bull, commerc, Par., 1900, xxviii, 467-469. Also: Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de pharm. 1900, Par., 1901,75.—Segale (M.) Untersuchungen iiber das Vor- handensein von Arsen in den normalen Geweben vermittelst der biologischen Methode. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1904, xiii, 175-180.—Todeschlni (G.) Sull' esis- tenza dell' arsenico nell' organismo umano. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1892-3, 8. s., v, pt. 2, 193-195—VAmossy (Z.) & Balogl (M.) [Presence of arsenic in the normal human organism.] Orvostud. crtek. gyiijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1914, ii. f., xv, 363-381, 1 diag. ARSENIC. 13 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Poisoning by). See, also, Arsenic in coloring matters, etc.; Bismuth (Toxicology of); Hydrogen arsenid; Wallpaper; Wines (Toxicityof'). Fromm (A. L.) Abhandlung iiber die Ver- giftung mit arseniger Saure, nebst einer kriti- schen Beleuchtung des Marsh'schen Apparats. 8°. Wien, 1842. Great Britain. Royal commission on ar- senical poisoning. Final report of the royal commission appointed to inquire into arsenical poisoning from the consumption of beer and other articles of food or drink. Part I. Final report, fol. London, 1903. Grote (L. R.) "Die pathologische Anatomie der Arsenvergiftung. 8 . Berlin, [1912]. Guber (Chaja). *Ueber Arsenvergiftung nach Beobachtungen auf der medizinischen Univer- sitateklinik Zurich. 8°. Zurich, 1910. Haas (A.) *Ueber Vergiftung durch Arsen- wasserstoff gas. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Ros (V.) *Sur les dangers de l'emploi des sels arsenicaux en agriculture au point de vue de l'hygiene publique. 8°. Montpellier, 1908. Schlosser (H.) *Ueber einige seltenere Vorkommnisse nach akuter Arsenvergiftung. 8°. Basel, 1896. Valeur (A.) *Arsenic (chimie et toxicologic). 8°. Pans, 1904. Concours. ------. The same. Chimie et toxicologic de l'arsenic et de ses composes. 8°. Baris, 1904. Werner (E.) *Beitrage zur Pathologie der Arsenvergiftung. 8°. Breslau, 1901. Anderson (W. J. W.) Unusual ending in a case of arsenic poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 1138.—Barnett (E. C.) Arsenical poisoning from preserved eggs. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1917, xvi, 175.—Beggs (S. T.) Notes on twenty- eight cases of poisoning by arsenic. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 647— Bertin-Sans (H.) & Ros (V.) L"emploi de Parsenic en agriculture; ses dangers. Montpel. med., 1907, xxv, 323-332.—Besredka. Du r61e des leuco- cytes dans l'intoxication par une combinaison sulfuree d'arsenic. Ann. de l'Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1899, xiii, 49-66.— Blarez (C.) & Denlges (G.) Contribution a l'etude de la localisation de l'arsenic dans l'intoxication par l'anhydride arsenieux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 279- 282— Brault (J.) Accidents arsenicaux chez les colons algeriens. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1908, 4. s., x, 136-143.— Brouardel (G.) Empoisonnements par l'arsenic. Arch. gen. de mea., Par., 1900, n. s., iv, 614-638.—Brouardel (P.) & Pouchet (G.) Sobre algunos de los sintomas de la intoxi- cation arsenical crdnica; sobre los modos y duration de la eliminaoidn fuera del cuerpo humano del arsenico y de sus compuestos. Cong, internac. de med. leg., Madrid, 1899, iii, 110-121—Carrara (M.) Avvelenamento per arsenico della via vaginale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 429.—Caze- neuve. Sur les accidents d'intoxication par les arsenicaux a Poccasion des traitements de la vigne contre la cochylis. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1911, Ixvi, 8-1L—Cazeneuve, Chantemesse[<-« at.]. Sur Pemploi des composes arsenicaux en agricuture considere au point de vue de l'hygiene publi- que. Ibid., 1909, 3. s., lxi, 17-57—Cebria (R. M.) Envene- namiento de un niflo por el arsenico. Med. de los niflos, Barcel., 1906, vii, 17.—Colombano (A.) Un caso d'awe- lenamento multiplo per arsenico per l'uso di damigiane che contennero acido solforico. Boll. chim. farm., Milano, 1913, Iii, 500 —Coover (F. W.) Specimen of stomach from case of poisoning by Rough on Rats. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc., Phila., 1884-5, vii, 123—Corln (G.) Sur la repartition des toxiques dans l'economie, a propos de deux cas d'empoison- nement par l'arsenic. Arch, internat. de med. leg., Brux. [etc 1,1911, ii, 242-258.—Dangers in the manufacture of pans green and Scheele's green. Month. Rev. U. S. Bureau Labor Statistics, Wash., 1917,v,278-283— Deleonardl& Pergher. Un caso d'awelenamento per soluzione arsemcale del Fowler. Boll. d. Ass. med. tridentina, Trento, 1896, xv, 198-200 —Denlges (G.) Les empoisonnements par l'arsenic. par 1905, xxxv, 132-Depolovich (P.) [Influence of arsenic upon the cadavers of those poisoned by it.] Vestnik Obsh. Hig , Sudeb. i Prakt. Med.. S.-Peterb., 1914, 1, 700-705.— Deri (H ) Ueber zwei Falle von Fliegensteinvergiftung (Vrsenkobalt). Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1898, xxxiv 985-989.—Dumesnil (E.) Sur la toxicite de Pamal- Arsenic (Poisoning by). game d'arsenic As* Hgs. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1914, clxvii, 552-555.—Ekeley (J. B.) On the distribution of ante-mortem administered arsenic in the human cadaver. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1913, xxxv, 4S3-J85.— FUomusi Guelfl (G.) Sopra un caso di avvelenamento per arsenico in donna gravida. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, Milano, 1888, No. 1, 29-31— Fuchs (K.) Klinische Erfahrungen iiber Neo-Arsvkodile. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1903, xvii, 508-510—Fuchslg (E.) Ueber Arsenik- vergiftung vom Uterus aus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xxv, 631—Garnler (L.) L'arsenic dans le foie dans les intoxications aigues. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1909, lxvii, 738.—Gascard (A.) Deux cas d'empoisonnement (aiguetsubaigu)parranhydridearsenieux. J.depharm.etde chim., Par., 1913, 7. s., vii, 329-335.—Glaister (J.) Poisoning by arseniuretted hydrogen and arsenical fumes from scien- tific and industrial operations. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond., 1914, Sect, xix, Forens. Med., pt. 2, 139-152.— Gulewitscn (W.) Ein Fall von Vergiftung mit Arsen- wasserstoff. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1898, xxiv, 511.—Haberda (A.) Ueber Arsenikvergiftung von der Scheide aus und iiber die locale Wirkung der arsenigen Saure. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 201-206—Hadley (W. J.) [Case] Clin. J., Lond.. 1890-7,viii,372.—Harnack (E.) Die Arsenvergiftung. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1899, 3-10.—Harvey (R.) On some points in cases of arsen- ical poisoning. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1897, x, 7-9.— Heard (R. L.) Recovery from arvlarsonate poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, if, 623—Heffter (A.) Leber die Ablagerung des Arsens in den Haaren. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1915, xlix, 194-205.—Henrijean (F.), Honore [et al.]. Recherches sur une pretendue intoxication arsenicale collective en Suede. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1913. xxxv, 552; 660.—Heymans. Degre de toxicite, rapidite d'absorption et pouvoir d'immunisation de l'arsenic. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1900, 4. s., xiv, 68-73.— HOdlmoser (C.) (Case! Wien. klin. Wchnschr., Ih98, xL 849.—Hofler(G.) Ein Fall von gewerblicher Arsenwasserstoft- vergiftung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 158.— Hutchinson (J.) Clinical remarks in a case of poisoning by the medicinal use of arsenic. Polyclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 257-260—Joachim (G.) Ueber Blutveranderungen bei Vergiftung mit Arsenwasserstoff. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1910, c, 52-67,1 pi— Joachlmoglu (G.) Ver- gleichende Untersuchungen uber die Giftigkeit der arsenigen Saure und Arsensaure. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, lxx. 144-157.—Kelynack (T. N.) A fatal case of acute arsenical ?oisoning. Edinb. M. J., 1898, n. s ,iv,353. lpl.—KUhnau. alle aus einer kleinen Epidemie von Arsenintoxication. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Knit. 1899, Bresl., 1900, lxxvii, 1. Abt, med. Sect., 12(1-128.—Lafon (C.) In- toxication arsenicale par la medication cacodylique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv, 273. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 40L—Launoy (L.) A propos de la toxicite de quelques composes mineraux et organiques de l'arsenic et sur l'accoutumance a ce poison. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1910, cli, 897-899.—Lavves (C. H. E.) Notes on a fatal case of arsenical poisoning. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1908, xxvii, 544. — Lecoq. Toxicite de l'arsenic metalloidique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1910, cl, 887-889— Lepine (R.) Sur un cas dans Sequel quince grammes de liqueur de Fowler ont sejourne' deux heures et demie dans l'estomac sans amener de symp- t6mes d'intoxication; importance de la crampe du pylore. Semaine med., Par., 1901, xxi, 161.—Lescceur (H.) Sur la repartition de l'arsenic dans les dillerents organes a la suite de l'intoxication aigue. Nord med., Lille, 1907, xiii, 193 — Lugaro (E.) Sulle alterazioni degli elementi nervosi negli avvelenamenti per arsenico e per piombo. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze, 1897, ii, 49-64.—McNally (W. T>.) The reten- tion of arsenic in the organs. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1917, xxxix, 826-828.—Martin (T. A.) [Case.) St. Louis Cour. Med., 1900, xxii, 138— Meniere (G.) Intoxica- tion arsenicale industnelle; recherche de l'arsemc dans les phaneres (cheveux, poils). J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiv, 5-8.—Mestrezat. La question du danger de l'emploi des sels arsenicaux en agriculture. Ibid., 1908,6. s., xxviii,393-397—Meyerhoff. [Case] Berl.klin.Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1044-1046.— Mlchaelis (P.) Ueber Arsenikvergif- tung; ein kasuistischer Beitrag. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 802-804.—MOrner (C. T.) Nigra ord i fragan om andring af gallande arsenikstadga. [Beitrag zur Frage iiber die Aenderung der geltenden schwediscben Arsenikverordnung. Uebers., p. xxv.l Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1901-2. n. F., vii, 535-543.—Morisnima (K.) Giftigkeitsgrad, Absorptions- geschwindigkeit und lmmunisirungsvermogen des Arse- niks. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Gand & Par., 1900, vii, 65-114.-----. Ueberdas Vorkommen der Milchsaure im thierischen Organismus mit Beriicksichtigung der Arsenver- giftung. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1900, xiv, 191; 245.—Moser (W.) The anatomical changes in arsenical poisoning. N. York M. J., 1X96, lxiii, 746.—Moureu (C.) Sur l'emploi des composes arsenicaux, en agriculture, consideYe au point de vue de l'hygiene. publique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1909, 3. s., lxi, 17; 61; 99; 140; 177.—Mliller. Acute todliche Arsenikvergiftung bei externer Anwendung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. ARSENIC. 14 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Poisoning by). arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1897, lxvii, 287.— Nabers (F. E.) A case of Rough on Rats poisoning. Alabama M. & S. Age, Annis- ton, 1896-7, ix, 393-395.—Pel (P. K.) Poging tot arsenicum- vergiftiging. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1905, 2. r., xii, d. 2, 1030-1037.—Porcher (C.) La toxicite des composes arsenicaux. J. de med. vet. et -/ootech., Lyon, 1911, 5. s., xv, 611-626.—von Raumer (E.) & Spaeth (E.) Eine Arsenvergiftung nach dem Genusse von Schwarzbrod. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs-und Genussmittel, Berl., 1902, 411-413.—Raymond. Intoxication arsenicale surai- gue. J. de med. int., Par., 1906, x, 12-14—Reed (A. C.) Arsenic poisoning; case reports from China. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 561. Also, Reprint.—Reld (J.) A point in arsenical poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 13.54.—Reynolds (E. S.) Some old records of epidemic arsenical poisoning. Med. Chron., Manchester. 1901, 4. s., i, 17-31.—Ring (J. W.) Arsenious poison. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1907, xxix, 792-795.—Ryan (L. A.) The distribution of arsenic in liver tissue in cases of poisoning. J.Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1915, xxxvu, 1959—Salmon (D. E.) Arsenical poisoning from smelter smoke in the Deer Lodge Valley, Montana. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1911, xxxix, 14; 245; 517: 1911-12, xl, 164; 579-739.—Schmidt-Nielsen (S.) [Case.l Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., 1910, 5. R., viii, 299-304—Schoo (H. J. M.) Een geval van paralytischen vorra der arsenicumvergifti- ging door een zeer geringe gift veroorzaakt. Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1912, ii, 239-244— Shattuck (F. C.) Some remarks on arsenical poisoning, with special reference to its domestic sources. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1891-3, xvi, 285-300.—Slovtsofl (B. I.) [Fixation of arsenic by the liver tissue in chronic poisoning.) Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1900, xxi, 1333— Smythe (R. H.) Arsenical poisoning m the horse with pulmonary complications. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1918-19, xxxi,-90.—Soukhanofi (S.) De l'influence de l'intoxication arsenicale sur les cellules nerveuses. [Rap. de Van Bambeke, 351-354] Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1898, 4. s., xii, 374-390, 1 pi.—Taylor (J. G.) & Trubshaw (K. V.) A report of six cases of arsenical poisoning caused by fumes from a cook stove. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 1591.—Taylor (W. H.) A group of cases of arsenical poisoning, and remarks on arsenic as a poison. Med. Reg., Richmond, 1898-9, ii, 267-273—Tessier (J.-P.) Intoxications arsenicales. Art med., Par., 1896, lxxxiii, 81-87.-----. Un cas d'empoisonnement par Pacide arse- nieux. Med. mod., Par., 1900, xi, 276.—Trouette (G.) Quadruple empoisonnement par le trisulfure d'arsenic. Rev. mea. et pharm. de PAfrique du nord, Alger, 1898, i, 53.—Underhill (F. P.) The distribution of arsenic in a human body. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1914, xix, 513-515.— Van Geyzel (J. L.) An unusual case of arsenical poisoning. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1901-2, ix, 62.—Verite (A.) Sur un mode non decrit d'intoxication arsenicale. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1321. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 554-5")6.—WUlcox (W. H.) Acute arsenical poison- ing; arsenical mirrors. Tr. Med.-Leg. Soc, Lond., 1912-13, x, 135-138. Arsenic (Poisoning by, Chronic). See, also, Arsenic in coloring matters, etc.; Arsenic-eating. Brouardel (G.) *Etude sur l'arsenicisme. 8°. Baris, 1897. -------. The same. 8°. Pans, 1897. Blomquist (A.) [The chronic arsenic poisoning and a few of its causes.] Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Forhandling, Stock- halm, 1910, 103-124.—Chronic arsenical poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 33.—Eberson (J. H.) Een geval van chronische arsenik-vergifting bij een hystericus. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 1, 1079- 1090—Edsall (D. L.) Chronic arsenic poisoning. In: Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, i, 114-123.- Geyer (L.) Ueber die chronischen Hautveranderungen beim Arsenicismus und Betrachtungen iiber die Massener- krankungen in Reichenstein in Schlesien. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1898, xliii,221-280,2pi.—Lawrence (R.) The brain and spinal cord in chronic arsenical poison- ing. Arch. Pub. Health Lab. Univ., Manchester, 1906, i, 303-338.—Lennmalm (F.) Om kronisk arsenikforgiftning sarskildt om kronisk arsenikforgiftning i bostader. Svensk Lak.-Sallsk. Forhandling, Stockholm, 1911, 93-166.—Llebig (Carrie E.) A case of chronic arsenical poisoning. Med. Sentinel,Portland,Oreg., 1896,iv,550—Mann(E.) Ueber die chronische Arsenikvergiftung vom Standpunkt der ferichtlichen Medizin. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., liirnb., 1909, lx, 81-92.—Menz (E.) Arsenicismo cronico. Riv. veneta di sc. med.. Venezia, 1899, xxx, 21-27.—Morse (J. L.) A case of chrome arsenical poisoning in an infant of seven months. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1901, xiii, 119- 121. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii, 702-704.— Muir (J. C.) The condition of the blood and marrow in chronic arsenical poisoning, with special reference to the oc- currence of cutaneous pigmentation. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1900-1901, vii, 420-446.—Oppenheim (H.) Ueber einen bemerkenswerten Fall von Intoxikatioiis- Arsenic (Poisoning by, Chronic). erkrankung des Nervensystems (chronische Arsen-Antimon- vergiftung?). Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psvchiat., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, Orig., iii, 345-370.—Slmionescu. Notes sur un cas d'anaphrodisie provoquee par l'emploi prolonge des preparations arsenicales (liqueur de Fowler). Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1898, exxxvi, 857-860— Tomellinl (L.) Sul comportamento della viscosita del sangue negli awele- namenti da sublimato ed arsenico. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1910, xxv, 60-80.—Zayas (S. M.) Un caso de arse- nicismo cr6nico. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1918, xxv, 43^16. Arsenic (Poisoning by, Criminal cases and trials of). Danval (L.) L'affaire Danval devant l'opi- nion publique. Documents scientifiques et authentiques. Le fait nouveau. 12°. Baris, 1905. Rotjghead (W.} Trial of Mary Blandy. 8°. Edinburgh & London, [1914]. Young (F.) Trial of the Siddons. 8°. Edin- burgh dc London, [1914]. Abels (A.) Seltsame Arsenik-Vergiftungen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1913, Iii, 307-321.— Affaire Rachel Galtie (l'empoisonneuse de Saint-Clar). Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1905, xx, 81-143.— Ajello (S.) Relazione medico-legale. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1902, v, 139: 1903, vi, 1; 15— Amain (G.) Conse- guenze giuridiche di un caso di avvelenamento per composti arsenicali nel quale non si e fatto uso della lavanda dello stomaco. Stomaco, Napoli, 1896, ii, 1-3.—Bacon (T. S.) Arsenical (Paris green) poisoning; suicidal; report of a case. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1914, iv, 63-69.—Bartlett (E.J.) The arsenic in the Marsh case. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 487-490—Bell (C.) The Mavbrick case. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1911-12, xxix, 72-75.—Benjamin (D.) The case of Emma Bethel, charged with poisoning by arse- nic Ibid., 1896, xiv, 81-86.—Binda (C.) Arsenicismo acuto; doverose rettifiche. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1905, lxiv, 74-76.—Bose (C.) Arsenic poisoning—homicidal. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, li, 346.—Carles (P.) L'af- faire Danval; empoisonnement par l'arsenic. J. de mdd. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxxii, 249.-----. Faux et empoisonne- ment; affaire dite des Chartrons de Bordeaux. Ibid., 1906, xxxvi, 395-398.—Conti (P.) Arsenicismo acuto (a propo- sito d'un processo celebre). Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1905, xxii, 1-7.—Curious (A) medico-legal case. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 850.—D. (H.) L'affaire de l'empoisonneuse de Saint-Clar; impressions d'audience. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1904, xxxiv, 830-S32— De Visscher & Van Vyve. Affaire X . . ., empoisonnement par l'anhydride arsenieux. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1895-6, vii, 383- 427.—Hamonic (N.) Une expertise medico-legale dans une affaire criminelle en 1839. Rev. clin." d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1909-10, xvi, 380: 1911-12, xvii, 21; 36; 7S; 103; 135; 167; 204; 234; 272; 300.—Hellwig (A.) Die Arsenver- giftungen in Hirschberg. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1914, 3. F., xlviii, 226-233.-----. Der Arsennachweis in der Asche der Mutter Hopfs. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1915, lxi, 92-98.—Hughs (E.) Ein Fall von Medizinalvergiftung mit Arsen. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte. Berl., 1907, xx, 36.—Ionescu (G. A.) [Three medico-legal cases of criminal poisoning with arsenic] Spitalul. BucurescI, 1911, xxxi, 101-117.—Keatlnge (Har- rietteC.) Medico-legal points in the May brick case. Med.- Leg. J., N. Y., 1896-7, xiv, 257-269.—Robert (R.) Ein Fall von Arsenikmord. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl, 1903, ix, 369-374.—Lande, Bart he & Blarez. Une affaire d'em- poisonnement par l'arsenic (affaire Gilbert). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1909, 4. s., xi, 493-516.—Lauterbach (M.) Ein Fall von subacuter Arsenvergiftung mit vorwiegenden Magen- und Darmerscheinungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 1339-1341.—Leffmann (H.) The Haines case and the medico-legal relations of arsenic. Phila. M. J., 1902, ix, 704.—Lewin (L.) Eine todliche Arsenvergiftung; chroni- sche Selbstvergiftung oder Giftmord? Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 1624-1629.-----. Lehren aus dem Arsen-G iftmord- prozess Kieper. Ibid., 1918, vix, 386-388.—Martini (J.) Hochst wahrscheinlich durch Arsenik bewirkte Vergiftung; Ausgrabung und Untersuchung eines 5 Jahre lane beerdigt gewesenen Leichnams. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. a. Staats- Arznky Freib. i. Br., 1850, n. F., viii, 301-436.—Reinsberg (J.) [Poisoning by arsenic; murder or accidental death?] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1888, xxvi, 465; 828.—Riedel. Todtliche Arsenikvergiftung durch Einreibungen eines Kurpfuschers. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1899, 3. F., xvii, 49-56.—Salomonson (H.-W.) Expertise dans un proces de tentative d'empoisonnement par l'arsenic. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1907, 4. s., vii, 44-70.—Sheridan (J. J.) Arse- nic; a summary of historical poisonings. Am. Med. Bur- lington, Vt., & N. Y., 1911, n.s., vi,381-384.—Stempel(W.) Tod durch Arsenvergiftung; Betriebsunfall? Aerztl. Sach- verst.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, ix, 497-501.—Vaughan (V. C.) The ARSENIC. 15 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Poisoning by, Criminal cases and trials of). medico-legal points in the case of the People of the State of Michigan vs. Matthew Millard. Bull. Internat. Med.-Leg. Cong. 1889, N. Y., 1891, 190-201—White (M. C.) The case of Hayden. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1896-7, xiv, 310-313,1 pi.— Wittmer (J. G.) Geschichte einer Arsenik-Vergiftung bei sechsundzwanzig Personen, wovon ein Fall todlhch endete. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br., 1850, n. F., viii, 191-242. Arsenic (Poisoning by, Experimental). Benz (F.) *Ueber den Kohlehydrat-Stoff- wechsel beim Kaninchen nach akuter Vergif- tung mit arseniger Saure. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1897. Simonot (E.-L.) *Etude toxicologique de quelques cas d'inondation experimentale de 1 organisme du chien par l'arsenic mineral. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912. Vladichko (S. D.) Izmieneniya vnutriklie- tochnikh neirofibrillei pri otravlenii mishyakom i fosforom; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovaniye s obzorom sovremennavo sostoyaniya ucheniya o vnutriklietochnikh neirofibrillakh. [Changes of the intracellular neurofibrils in arsenic and phos- phorus poisoning; experimental investigation, together with a review of the present state of our knowledge concerning intracellular neuro- fibrils.] 8% [Kiev, 1908.] Denlges. Etude experimentale de la localisation de l'arsenic; infirmation de la loi de Scolosuboff. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 225.—Ringer (S.) & Murrell (W.) The action of arseniate of soda and arsenious acid on frogs. J. Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, i, 213-231.— Soukhanoff (S.) Contribution a l'etude de l'etat des cellules nerveuses modifiees experimentalement par l'in- toxication arsenicale, quelque temps apres la cessation de cette derniere. J. de neurol., Par., 1899, iv, 41-48—Towles (Caroline). The lethal dose of arsenic for splenectomized mice. J. Pharm. & Exper. Therap., Bait:, 1916, viii, 465- 470.—Tsvletayeff (A. A.) [Pathologo-anatomical changes in the nervous system of dogs poisoned by arsenic] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1898, vi, No. 2., 139-154, 1 pi.— Wurtz. Du cholera arsenical experimental. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 1011-1014. Arsenic (Poisoning by, Jurisprudence of)- See, also, Arsenic (Boisoning by, Criminal cases and trials of); Arsenic (Tests for). Astrom (E. E.) *Om de mediko-legale bevi- sen uti fall af arsenikforgiftning. 8°. Helsingfors, 1872. Danger & Flandin. De l'arsenic, suivi d'une instruction propre a servir de guide aux experts dans les cas d'empoisonnement. 8°. Baris, 1841. Duflos (A.) & Hirsch (A. G.) Het arsenik, deszelfs herkenning en vermoedelijk voorkomen in bewerktuigde ligchamen; leiddraad tot zelf- onderrigt en tot praktisch gebruik bij geregte- lijk-scheikundige onderzoekingen voor artsen, natuurkundigen, apothekers en regtsgeleerden. Naar het Hoogduitsch door P. van Genderen Stort. 8°. Groningen, 1843. Arsenical poisoning and circumstantial evidence. Med.- Leg. J., N. Y., 1896-7, xiv, 207.—Dahm. Ueber Arsenver- eiftunc vom Standpunkte dei- gerichtlichen Medizm. Deut- sche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xxviir, 591; 603; 615; 627.—DI Mattel (E.) II criterio microbiologico nella diagnosi medico-legale dell' avvelenamento per arsenico. Ufliciale san., Napoli, 1898, xi, 529-549. Also [Abstr.l: Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1899-1900, iii, 1-4.—Haberda. Ueber Arsenik- vergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Leipz., 1914, 3. F., xlvii, 1. Suppl., 216—Haines (W. S.) Evidences of ar- senical poisoning. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 901 — von Horoszkiewicz. Arsenikvergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Leipz., 1914, 3. F., xlvii, 1. Suppl., 213-216.— Kassner. Ueber das Arsen und seine gerichtlich-chemische Bedeutung. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 449; 465.— Krtigel (C.) Kriminell-chemische Notizen iiber das Arsen. \rch f Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1900-1901, vi 195-204.—Mann (E.) Ueber die chronische Arsenik- vergiftung vom Standpunkt der gerichtlichen Medizin. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1909, lx, 199; 278.—Notthaft (A.) Die Arsenikvergiftung in genchthch- Arsenic (Poisoning by, Jurisprudence of). medicinischer Hinsicht. Ibid., 1898, xlix, 51; 108; 219.— Pohl (H. J.) Beitrag zur Bedeutung der gerichtlich- medicinischen Expertise bei Arsenvergiftung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, lxxii,-807; 827; 849; 869: 1904, lxxiii, 637; 674. Also: Med. Woche, Berl., 1904, v, 137; 153; 209; 295; 305; 317; 327; 361.—PrOlss. Ueber die Vergiftung mit Arsenik in gerichtsarztlicher Beziehung. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb., 1901, Iii, 176; 286; 347; 417.— Roccavtlla (A.) Contributo alio studio della tossicologia forense dell' arsenico e della importanza nella pratica medico- legale del metodo biologico del Gosio per la ricerca dell' ar- senico. Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1913, 4. s., v, 441; 548; 715.—Weimann (H.) Ueber die akute Arsenik- vergiftung vom gerichtsarztlichen Standpunkt. Fried- reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1905, ivi, 1; 114; 189; 288; 385; 460. Arsenic (Poisoning by, Treatment of). Sieber (H. D.) *Ist es moglich arsenvergiftete Tiere durch subkutan verabreichtes Magnesium sulfuricum zu retten? 8°. Greifswald, 1913. Also, in: Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1912, xxii, 269-282. De Busscher (L.) L'antidote de l'arsenic est nuisible en cas d'empoisonnement par Panhydride arsenieux et d'une efficacite temporaire contre la liqueur de Fowler. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1902, x, 415- 461.-----. Traitement de 1'empoisonnement arsenical. Bull. Soc. de m£d. de Gand, 1903, lxx, 11-15.—Glttcks- mann (C.) Ueber die Antidota der arsenigen Saure. Zt- schr. d. allg. osterr. Apoth.-Ver., Wien, 1898y Iii, 181-185.— Kraft (B.) Ueber die Antidota der arsenigen Saure. Ibid., 545; 565.—Strzyzowski (C.) Sind unsere Arsengegengifte immer arsenfrei? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, u, 1001- 1003. Arsenic (Testsfor). Cevey (F.) L'arsenic au point de vue de l'hy- giene et 6a recherche par la methode biologique de Gosio. 8°. Lausanne, 1902. Engelhard (P.) *Eine neue massanalytische Bestimmungsmethode des Arsens. 8°. Giessen, 1910. Falk (A.) *Ueber den Nachweis von Arsen. 8°. Munchen, 1901. Folghera (J.-B.) *Recherches de l'arsenic dans les medicaments par l'hypophosphite de soude. 8°. Lyon, 1909. * Gibb (A.) Detection and determination of arsenic. Reprinted, with additions, by order of the council, from the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, roy. 8°. London, 1901. Marcello (B. P.) *Ultimi lavori sulle ri- cerche dell' arsenico. roy. 8°. Torino, 1904. Roget (P. M.) A case of recovery from the effects of arsenic; with remarks on a new mode of detecting the presence of this metal. 12°. London, 1811. Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., ii. Thudichtjm (J. L. W.) Essays in toxicology. Historical sketch of the analysis for arsenic. 12 °. London, 1860. United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Chemistry. Circular No. 99. The esti- mation of minute amounts of arsenic in foods. By E. Clark and A. G. Woodman. 8°. Wash- ington, 1912. ------. Circular No. 102. The determination of arsenic. By Claude R. Smith. .8°. Wash- ington, 1912. Abba (F.) Ueber die Feinheit der biologischen Methode beim Nachweis des Arseniks. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 806-808.-----. Sulla squisitezza del metodo biologico nel riconoscimento dell' arsenico. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1898, ix, 407-410.—Avery (S.) Note on the A very-Beans method for the determination of arsenious acid in Paris green. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1903, xxv, 1096.—Barabas (J.) [Diagnosis of chronic arsenic poisoning after exhumation.] Gydgyaszat, Buda- pest, 1914, liv, 578-581..—Beck (K.) & Merres. Ueber die Bestimmung kleiner Arsenmengen mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Verfahrens von Smith. Arb. a. d. k. Gsnd- htsamte, Berl., 1915,1, 38-49, 2 pi.—Bell (A. E.) A delicate ARSENIC. 16 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Testsfor). biological test for arsenic. Pharm. J., Ixmd., 1903, 4. s., xvii, 484.—Bernstein (E. D.) [New method of quantita- tive analysis of arsenic and destruction of organic matters by Bernstein'smethod.] VestnikObshtsh. Hig.,Sudeb.i Prakt. Med., S.-Peterb., 1912, xlviii, 401.—Berntrop (J. C.) Ueber den Nachweis von kleinen Mengen von Arsen in Nahrungs- mitteln. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1902, xii, 11-13. Also, transl.: Rev. internat. d. falsinc, Par., 1902, xv, 90.— Bertrand (G.) The detection of very small quantities of arsenic. Chem. News, Lond., 1902, Ixxxvi, 193.-----. Emploi de la bombe calorimeLrique pour demontrer l'exis- tence de l'arsenic dans l'organisme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvii, 266-268. Also: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1903, xvii, 581-586.—Bird (F. C. J.) The Gutzeit test for arsenic. Analyst, Lond., 1901, xxvi, 181- 188.—Bordas (V.) Recherche de l'arsenic dans quelques produitsalimentaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, cxxxix, 234-236—Bujwid (O.) (Biologic method of de- tecting arsenic by means of cultures of moldj Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1899, xxxviii, 116.—Carlson (C. E.) Eine neue Methode zum leichten Nachweis und zur raschen Ausschei- dung von Arsen und gewissen Metallsalzen aus Flussigkei- ten. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1910, lxviii, 243- 262.—Cerruti (R. F.) Intorno alia ricerca dell' arsenico nei medicinali. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 36.5-382. Also: Arch, farmacol. sper., Roma, 1902. i, 169- 185.—Chapman (A. C.) The estimation of minute traces of arsenic: the insensitiveness of zinc. Analyst, Lond., 1907, xxxii. 247-249.—Chiapella (A. R.) Contributo alia ricerca dell' arsenico col metodo Gosio. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1901, lv, 214-247.—Collins (S. W.) The separation of arsenic from antimony and other metals; with some applications to toxicological work. Analyst, Lond., 1912, xxxvii, 229-238.—Cowley (R. C.) & Catford (J. P.) The determination of arsenic. Pharm. J., Lond., 1904,4. s., xix, 897.—De Dominicls(A.) Contributo alia di- mostrazione dell' arsenico. Gazz. intemaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1902, v, 5. Also: Morgagni, Milano, 1902. xliv, 119- 123.-----. Per la microchimica tossicologica deli' arsenico. Gazz. internaz. d. med., Napoli, 1903, vi, 73.—Denlges (G.) Determination qualitative et quantitative de traces d'anti- moine en presence de fortes proportions d'arsenic J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1901, 6. s., xiv, 443-449.-----. Em- ploi de la solution chlorhydrique d'acide hvpophosphoreux pour la determination de l'arsenic en toxicologic. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 783-785.---:—. Etude experimentale de la localisation de l'arsenic; infirmation de la loi de Scolosubofl. Ibid., 781-783.-----. Recherches toxicologiques de l'arsenic dans l'etat actuel de nos connais- sances. J. de med. de Par., 1906, 2. s., xviii, 131.-----. i Reactions microchimiques de l'arsenic applicables en mede- cine legale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvii, 596. -----. L'azotate mercureux reactif microchimique pour l'arsenic. Ibid., 744.—DI Mattel (E.) Ricerca microbiolo- gica dell'arsenico nei cadaveri in putrefazione. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1900, xxiv, 123-135. -----. Ricerca micro- biologica dell'arsenico nei visceri conservati in alcool e in formalina. Ibid., 137-140.— Dowzard (K.) A modification of Gutzeit's test for arsenic. J. Chem. Soc. Lond., 1901, lxxix, 715-718.-----. An apparatus for the detection ana determination of minute traces of arsenic. Chem. News, Lond., 1902, Ixxxvi, 3.—Dunstan (W. R.) & Robinson (II. H.) The official tests for arsenium. Pharm. J., Lond., 1904, 4. s., xix, 381; 405; 426; 448—Endelman (L.) [Sim- plest chemical methods of detecting arsenic in medical juris- prudence.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Sled., S.-Peterb., 1900, pt. 2, 1221; 1331.—Fllhol (E.) Recherche de Parsenic; remarques prteenttes, k l'occasion d'une com- munication recente. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1859, xlix, 677.—Fleury (E.) Petite note au sujet de recherche do l'arsenic dans les sulphates purgatifs. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiii, 385.—Gadamer (J.) Das Atoxyl beim forensischen Arsennachweis. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xxii, 566.—Gaultier de Claubry. Recherche de l'arsenic; remarques presentees a l'occasion d'une commu- nication recente. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1859, xlix, 541.—Gautler (A.) Recherche et dosage de trea petites quantites d'arsenic dans les organes. Ibid., 1899, cxxix, 936-938. -----. A new method for the detection and estimation of the minutest traces of arsenic. Chem. News, Lond., 1903, lxxxviii, 177.-----. Estimation of arsenic in sea-water, sea-salt, rock-salt, mineral waters, etc, and in some of the ordinary reagents. Ibid., 189.-----. Methode nouvelle pour rechcrcher l'arsenic, et doser, avec precision, jusqu'a un milliardieme de ce metalloide dans les eaux de de mer, les eaux minerales, les tissus, etc. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1025-1027— Gautler (A.) & Claus- mann (P.) Sur une methode nouvelle de destruction des tissus pour la recherche de l'arsenic et l'examen de leurs cendres. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1917, clxv, 11-16.— Ghlgllone (C.) Contributo alia ricerca dell' arsenico medi- an te la prova biologica del Gosio nei colori delle tappezzerie, flori artificiali, stoffe, carte colorate. Riv. d' lg. e san. pubb.,Torino, 1900,xi,274-280— Gludlce(G.) Sulprocesso di Selmi per la ricerca tossicologica dell' arsenico. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1901-2, 8. s., iv, pt. 2, 63-71.— Arsenic (Testsfor). Goode (J. A.) & Perkin (F. M.) Notes on the Gutzeit test for arsenic. J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond., 1906, xxv, 507- 512.—Gosio (B.) Ulteriori ricerche sulla biologia e sul chimismo delle arseniomufle. Orosi, Firenze, 1900, xxiii, 361-377.—Guerin (G.) & Quirin (G.) La recherche de Parsenicpar la methode de Fresemus-Babo modifiee. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1905, 4. s., iii, 354-357—Hausmann (W.) Zur Kenntnis des biologischen Arsennachweises. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1904, v, 397.—Hill (C. A.) & Collins (H. S.) An effective method of applying the Gutzeit test for arsenic. Chem. & Drug., Lond., 1905, lxvii, 548.—Ignatovich (D. V.) [Biological reaction to arsenic] Kazan. Med. J., 1910, x, 67-91— Jadin (F.) & Astruc (A.) Appareil producteur d'hydrogene pour la recherche de Parsenic dans la methode de Marsh. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1912, 7. s., v, 233-240—Judd (A. F.j Examination of tin foils for arsenic, and a modified Gutzeit's test. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Columbus, 1913, ii, 961-963.—Justus (J.) Ueber Arsenvergiftung auf Grand einer mikrochemisch-histologischen Methode. Dermat. Zt- schr., Berl. 1905, xii, 277-284, 1 pi. Also: Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905, ii, 509-514.— Lehmann (F.) Zur quantitativen Ausmittelung des Arsens. II. Untersuchung von Blut und Harn. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1913, ccli, 1-4.—Letheby (H.) A description of a newprocess for the detection of arsenic in organic tissues and fluids. Pharm J. & Tr., Lond., 1S45, v, 165-171. Also, Reprint.—Lewin (L.) Der Nachweis des Arsens nach akuter und chronischer Vergiftung. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Jena, 1914, xi, 65-70.—Ling (A. R.) & Rendle (T.) Note on the removal of arsenic from hydrochloric acid for • use in the Marsh-Berzelius method. Analyst, Lond., 1906, xxxi, 37.—Lockemann (G.) Leber den Nachweis kleiner Arsenmengen in Harn, Blut und anderen organischen Subs- tanzen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1911, xxxv, 47V493 — Maassen (A.) Die biologische Methode Gosio's zum Nach- weis des Arsens und die Bildung organischer Arsen-, Selen- und Tellurverbindungen durch Schimmelpilze una Bak- terien.. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1901-2, xviii, 475- 489.—Maggiora (R.) Alcuneprove con la recente modifi- cazione del Gosio al suo metodo biochimice di ricerca del- P arsenico. Rassegna di sc med., Modena, 1901-2, xvi, 149- 163.—Mai (C.) Quantitative Arsenbestimmung fiir foren- sisch-chemische Zwecke. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nan- rungs- u. Geaussmittel, Berl., 1905, x, 290-292.—Mai (C.) & Hurt (H.) Elektrolytisehe Bestimmung kleiner Arsen- mengen. Ibid., ix, 193^199.—Mai (J ) Versuche zur colori- metrischen Bestimmung der arsenigen Satire. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1902, xii, 362-365.—Mann (E. W.) Note on the proposed new official test for arsenic. Pharm. J., Lond., 1904. 4. s., xix, 806-808.—Marpmann. Ueber die biochemiscne Arsen-Reaktion. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Weimar. 1900, vi, 143-153— Meniere (G.) Recherche et dosage de l'arsenic par l'appareil de Marsh. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 19J3, 7. s., vii, 425-431.—Meurer (F.) Die Auffindung des Arsens in den zweiten Wegen. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1842,i, 290-295.-----. FortgesetzteVer- suche iiber die Auffindung des Arsens in den zweiten Wegen. Ibid., 1844, ii, 243-248.—MOrner (C. T.) Forslag till metod for kvantitativ bestamning af sma arsenikmangder. [Vor- schlag einer Methode quantitativer Bestimmung gennger Mengen Arsens. Uebers., p. xii.] Upsala Lakaref? Fbrh., 1900-1901, n. F., vi, 553-571. -----. Methode zur quantita- tiven Bestimmung geringer Arsenmengen. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1902, xii, 397-413.—Moreau (L.) & VInet (E.) Sur une methode de dosage de traces d'arsenic de Pordre du millieme de milligramme. Compt. rend. d. sc, Par., 1914, clvLii, 869-871.—Naylor (W. A. H.) Examina- tion of drugs for arsenic. Pharm. J., Lond., 1905, 4. s., xx, 33—Norton (F. A.) & Koch (A. E.) A method for the detection and determination of arsenic and antimony in the presence of organic matter. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1905, xxvii, 1247-1251 .—Prinz (IL) A biologic test for arsenic. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1915, lvii, 790- 794.— Richter (R.) Untersuchung des Haras gesunder Personen auf Arsen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1898,3. F., xv, 409—Rupp apeutiques dans son action sur la di- gestion et la nutrition. 4°. Baris, 1895. Mouneyrat (A.) *De la medication arseni- cale. 8°. Baris, 1902. Righi (G.) Contributo all'azione terapeutica dell'arsenico organico. 8°. Begnago, 1903. Schwaer (G.) *Ueber die Einwirkung thera- peutischer Arsendosen auf die Leukocyten beim Menschen mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Atoxyl wirkung. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, 1908. 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----2 Arsenic (Therapeutic use of). Weigl (J.) Das Arsen und seine therapeuti- sche Verwendung. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Abbott (W. C.) The truth about arsenic; its toxicology; its physiologic action, the true indications for its exhibition. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1902, ix, 115; 213.—Agniel. Choree moyenne et eczema datant de six ans gu&is par le traitement arsenical. Lyon med., 1902, xcix, 15-17.—Antoni (G.) Chemoterapia arsenicale. Boll. chim. farm., Milano, 1915, liv, 129; 161.—Astruc (A.) Sur la liqueur de Donovan. N. Montpel. med., 1901, xii, 124-127— A ton! (G.) Chemotera- pia arsenicale. Boll. chim. farm., Milano, 1915, hv, 129- 134.—Bachem (C.) Die moderne Arsentherapie. Berl. Klinik. 1910, xxiL 268. Hft., 1-26.—Barclay (W. F.) Arse- nic in therapy. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1913, cix; 122-L27 — Bartlett(F. I.) A golden rule for the use of arsenic. Dental Brief, Phila., 1903, viii, 715-717.—Bichler (Matylda). [Ac- tion of subcutaneous injection of arsenic in children.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1904, xxv, 801; 853.—Bilvels (I. Y.) [Sub- cutaneous injection of Fowler's solution of arsenic] Vo- yenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1901, Ixxix, med.-spec pt., 1876- 1878.—Bramwell (B.) Therapeutic value of arsenic. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1909-10, viii, 36.5-367.—Brown (W. H.) Lesions produced by arsenicals and their bearing on the problem of specific arsenic therapy. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1915, xxvi, 309-314. Also. Reprint.—Bush (A. D.) The therapeutics of a pharmacologist; arsenic. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 1197— Charteris (F.) The ac- tion and uses of arsenic. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1902, xxx, 1473-1478.-----. The comparative value of arsenious acid and salvarsan in non-syphilitic diseases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 704.—Chauffard. La medication arsenicale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 265-267.—Chau- mler (E.) Guerison rapide de la choree et de la coqueluche par l'acide arsenieux. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1900, ii, 226-228.—Clark (G. H.) Some new toxic effects and therapeutic uses of arsenic. Clinique. Chicago, 1903, xxiv, 406-408.—Cremer. Arsen und Sublimat bei Infections- krankheiten. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, ix, 322- 327.—D'Emilo (L.) L'arsenico organico in terapia; acido cacodilico, metilarsinico e loro sali. Gior. di farm, [etc.], Torino. 1902, li, 433-441.—DOUlng (M.) Beitrag zur Arsen- therapie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., BerL, 1909, lxxviii, 505.— Eckhard (II.) Zur Eisen-Arsen-Therapie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, Iviii, 1186—Falkiner (N.) Notes on the doses of the arsenium compounds of the British . pharmacopoeia. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1900- 1901, xix, 21-24.—Fleig (C.) On the comparative nocuous- ness of concentrated and diluted arsenobenzene solutions; the dilution to be applied in intravenous injections. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1912, pt. 2, xiv, 893-902.—Foreman (W. H.) & Gertler (J. H.) Ar- senical liquors. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1909, ii, 372-375.—Frledlaender (M.) Zur internen Arsenmedika- tion. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1911, 78-81.—Gautier (A.) La medication par l'arsenic latent. Bull. Acad, de mea., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlvi, 20; 64. Also, Reprint.-----. Sur une forme et des applications nouvelles de la medication par l'arsenic organique. Bull, med., Par., 1902, xvi, 191-198. -----. Reponse a Rist et Danlos relativement aux origines et a l'efficacite de la medication par l'arsenic organique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 702- 704.—Gerard (E.) Les medicaments arsenicaux. Echo m^d. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 349-352.—Golubofl (N. F.) [On treatment by subcutaneous injections of arsenic] Terap. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1S98, i, 657-665. Also, Reprint- Gordon (J.) Zur Eisenarsenbehandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909, v, pt. 1, 737. Also. Reprint.—Hauck (L.) Arseniktherapie. Prakt. Ergebn. a. d. Geb. d. Haut- u. Geschlechtskr., Wiesb., 1910, i, 151-194.—Herzfeld (A. A.) A modified method for the subcutaneous use of arsenic. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii, 557.—Jesionek. Die Modifikation der subkutanen Arseniktherapie nach Ziemssen Speth. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1254-1256.—Joachim (G.) Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Eisen- Arsen-Therapie. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1911, xviii, 1002-1004.—Krichbaum (P. E.) Kali arsenicum and arsenicum album compared. Med. Advance, Batavia, 111., 1912, xxxviii, 661-664.—Lahusen. Neue Gedanken iiber die Arsen-Therapie. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1901, xix, 598-600.—Lemaire (P.) Sur la liqueur de Donovan et ses modifications; une erreur a eviter dans sa prescription. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 366.—Letort (A.) L'administration intestinale de l'arsenic et de ses derives. Med. orient., Par., 1903, vii, 289- 292.—Levrier. De la possibilite d'administrer a l'homme par voie veineuse les sels d'arsenic; de l'innocuite de l'ar- seniate de soude introduit par cette voie. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1895, lxiv, 450-455: 1896, Ixv, 127-133.—Lewis (A. C.) Some observations on degenerative changes pro- duced in optic nerves through administration of certain arsenic preparations in the treatment of syphilis and pella- gra; report of two cases. Memphis M. Month., 1914; xxxiv, 1062-1065.—Licciardi (S.) Sull'efncacia dell' Arsichinina Le Maitre in diverse infezioni. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1914, xl, 30-39.—Lustverk (E.) [Combined treatment with arsenic, iron, and iodine in internal diseases.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1913, vi, 384-387.—Maass (T. A.) Arsen als ARSENIC. 18 ARSENIC. Arsenic (Therapeutic use of). Gift und Heilmittel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907. xliv, 523-526.- -Marrs (J. F.) The action of arsenic on the hu- man economy from a therapeutical standpoint. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1908, vi, 224.—Moore (B.) The his- tory of organic compounds of arsenic in the treatment of protozoan diseases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 616-4)18.— Mouneyrat (A.) De la toxicite des arsenos employes en therapeutique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1912, cliv, 284-286.—Moyer (II. N.) Hypodermic use of arsenic Chicago Clinic, 1899, xii, 271-274. Also: Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1899, v, 52-56.—Murua y Valerdi (A.) Estudio bio-quimico de la medicacWn arsenical. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de physiol. [etc.], 77- 85.—Nishi (M.) Ueber die Resorption und Ausscheidung des Arsens bei einer Arsenwasserkur. Internat. Beitr. z. Path. u. Therap. d. Ernahrungsstor., [etc.], Berl.. 1910, ii, 7-10.—Norman (F.) The therapeutics of arsenic. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1906, xxxiv, 601-608.—Nouveautes thera- peutiques; deux nouveaux arsenicaux: le galyl et le ludyl. Hygifene, Par., 1913, iv, No. 47, 17.—Peracchia (A.) La cura ferruginosa arsenicale nella pratica. Lavori d. Cong. di med. int. 1901, Roma, 1902, 543. . La cura arsenico- ferruginosa. Atti d. x. Cong, interprov. san. d. alta Italia 1902, Mantova, 1903, 341-343.—Perry (R. St. J.) Arsenic— the multipotent drug. Am. J. Clin. Med., Chicago, 1912, xix, 54-59.—Renault (J.) Note sur les injections rectales d'arsenic. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1898, cxxxv, 496-512.—Robin (A.) Les recents travaux de M. Armand Gautier sur l'arsenic; leur importance pour la therapeutique. Ibid., 1902,cxliv,837-839— Rohden(B.) Interne Arsenthe- rapie unter Verwendung des Ichthyolsalizylatoxyls. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1903, xiii, 154.—Rolleston (H. D.) Some remarksontheusesandabusesofarsenic. Treatment, Lond., 1901-2, v, 81-91.^Sandwith (F. M.) Abstract of the Gresham lectures on drugs, old and new. Lecture 3. Arsenic Med. Mag., Lond., 1913, xxii, 333-335.—Scher- batscheff (D.) Du temps pendant lequel l'arsenic employe en medecine peut rester dans l'organisme. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1898, 3. s., xxxix, 107-113.—Sersiron (G.) Medica- tion arsenicale et cure d'altitude associees dans le traitement de certaines dystrophies. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1904, xlvii, 353; 361.—Shtange (V. A.) [Hypodermic injections of arsenic] Yubil. shorn, v chest. . . Sklifosovskavo, S.-Peterb., 1900, 423-435.—Snowman (J.) Recent developments in the therapeutical applications of arsenic. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1149-1151.—van der Spek (J.) [Subcutaneous injec- tions of arsenic] Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1895-6, ii, 578 — Stelner (R.) Ueber die subkutanen lnjektionen natiir- licher und kunstlicher Arsenpraparate. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1901, xxii, 745-751. A ho: Veroffentl. d. Hufe- Iand. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1901, 354-374—Stockman (R.) The therapeutic value of arsenic and the justification of its continued use in the light of recent observations con- cerning its toxic action. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1227- 1229.—Syllaba (L.) [The therapy of Ziemssen by arsen- iate of sodium in large doses.] Sborn. poliklin. 1897, v Praze, 1898, 28-68.—Valentl (A.) Brevi considerazioni sulla farmacoterapia arsenicale. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat., 1449-1451.—VAmossy (Z.) & Toffler (L. P.) [Experiments with very small quantities of arsenic] Orvc- stud. ertek. gyujt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1914, d. f., xv, 382-390.—Verpy (M.) Quelques indications de l'arse- nic Bull, med., Par., 1911, xxv, 425.—Vinay (C.) Quel- ques considerations sur l'administration de l'arsenic Lyon med., 1896, lxxxi, 493-495.—Vogel (G.) 1st die unversehrte Haut durchgangig fiir Arsenik? Arch, internat. de phar- macod., Gand & Par., 1898-9, v, 217-223.—von Zeynek (R.) Ueber aie Bindung des von der menschlichen Leber nach \rseneinnahme festgehaltenen Arsens. Centralhl. f. Phy- siol., Leipz. A. Wien, 1901, xv, 405-408. Arsenic (Tolerance of). See, also, Arsenic-eating. Besredka. Etude sur l'immunite vis-a-vis des composes arsenicaux. Ann. de l'Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1899, xiii, 49; 209.—Biryukoff (M. I.) [On the toleration of large doses of arsenic in childhood.] Med. besleda, Voronezh, 1899, xiii, 323.—Cloetta (M.) Ueber die Ursache der Angewohnung an Arsenik. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., Leipz.. 1906, liv, 196-205.—Harding (H. G. A.) The tolera- tion of arsenic by the human system. Lancet, Lond., 1914, i, 241.—Hausmann (W.) Zur Kenntnis der Arsengewoh- nung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1906, cxiii,327-340.— Mackenna(R. W.) The toleration of arsenic. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1901, i, 85.—Salnt-Ange (L.) L'accoutumance a l'arsenic. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1906, xii, 181-199.— Wlllberg (M.) Zur Frage nach der Resistenz verschiedener Tiere gegeniiber Arsen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1913, li, 231-252. Arsenic (Trioxide of). Hofmann (J. A.) *Ueber den Einfluss der arsenigen Saure auf die Zahl der roten und weis- j sen Blutkorperchen. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Blondlot. Influence des corps gras sur la solubilite de l'acide arsenique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1860, | Arsenic (Trioxide of). 1, 165.—Boselllnl (p. L.) Arsenizismns mit retikularer Melanodermie. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1911, cix, 37-50—Doyon (M.) & Morel (A.) Resistance du chien a Paction de l'acide arsenieux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 116. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1906, v, 400-402.- Doyon (M.) & Policard (A.) In- toxication suraigue par l'acide arsenieux; rapport entre les lesions hepatiques et la teneur en fibrine du sang. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 307.—Francois (M.) & Lassausse (E.) Essai des granules d'acide arsenieux et des granules d'arseniate de soude. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1915, 7.s., xi, 226-237—Imyanitoff (A. I.) [Influence of arsenious acid on the animal organism.] Farmats., Mosk., 1902, x, 505; 538; 567; 600; 632; 664; 701; 734; 767; 799.— Littlejohn (H.) & Drinkwater (T. W.) Two cases of pois- oning with arsenious acid in which the yellow sulphide of arsenic was found in the alimentary canal. Edinb. M. J., 1906, n. s., xix, 26-42.—Reychler (A.) Sur l'adsorption de l'acide arsenieux par l'hydroxyde ferrique. J. de chim. phys., Geneve & Par., 1910, viii, 10. Arsenic in coloring matters, wall-papers, etc. See, also, Colors (Boisonous); Cosmetics (III effects of); Wall-paper. . Great Britain. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Commercial. Xo. 40 (1883). Corre- spondence respecting the presence of arsenic and other poisonous pigments in wall-papers and textile fabrics, fol. London, 1883. Kedzie (R. C.) Shadows from the walls of death; facts and inferences prefacing a book of specimens of arsenical wall papers. 8°. Lansing, 1874. Massachusetts. House of Bepresentatives. An act relative to the manufacture and sale of papers containing arsenic. [Reported by the committee on public health who were instructed to consider the expediency of legislation rela- tive to the sale of paper hangings containing poisonous substances. No. 417. June 1, 1886. With appendix, containing the testimony. March 2 to April 2, 1886. 8°. Boston, 1886.] Angell (R. R.) Poisonous wall-paper. Rep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Concord, 1889, iii, 183-190.—Arsenic in wall- paper. Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv, 401-403.—Arsenic in wall paper. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1891, 44- 46.—Bingham (R.) Danger to human beings from use of Paris green. U. S. Dep. Agric. Div. entomol., Wash., 1888-9, i, 142.—Bolas (T.) The cause of arsenical poisoning by wall papers. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1896-7, xiv, 1101.— del Castillo y Bravo (S.) & Fernandez y Benitez (J. A.) Intoxicacidn por el verde de Schweiniurth; sobre un caso de investigation qufmico-legal. Rev. de med. v cirug. de la Habana, 1905, x, 605-607.—Chronic arsenical poisoning from wall-papers and fabrics. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxx, 246.—Dove (E. L.) Notes on the presence of arsenic in modern wall papers and textile materials. Pub. Health, Lond., 1911-12, xxv, 425.—Dubrlsay. Preparation du vert de Schweinfurt; projet d'iustruction sur les mesures a prendre par les patrons et par les ouvriers qui s'occupent de cette preparation. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1894, Melun, 1895, xxiv, 64-67— FUrbring'er. Fall von todtlicher Vergiftung mit Schweinfurter Grim. Vcrhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., l*ss->j, viii, 28.— Gaffky. Ein Fall von chronischer Arsenvergiftung in Folge des Gebrauchs farbiger Zeichenkreide. Festschr. z. lOOj. Stiftungsfeier d. med.-chir. Fried.-Wilh. Inst., Berl., 1895, 453-461.^-Gosio (B.) The influence of microphvtes on arsenical wall-paper. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, ii, 316-318.—Gram (C.) [Results of examination for arsenic of carpets, cloths, flowers and foliage, paper and lampshades, etc., in the laboratory of the Board of Health of Copenhagen, 1890-91, with demonstra- tion.] K0benh. med. Selsk. Forh., 1890-91,131-133.—de Haas (H. K.) [The dark side of arsenic in our daily surroundings.] Geneesk. Bl. uit Klin, en Lab. v. de Prakt., Haarlem, 1917-18, xx, 1-42.—Henry (B.) Vert de Schwinfurth en pate a la benzine; conditions particulieres de recette; methode analytique. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1912. xcvii, 52-61.— Hogg (J.) Inflammation of the eye and injuries to health by arsenical wall-paper poisoning. San. Rec, Lond., 1879. x, 257-262. Also, Reprint.-----. Arsenical wall-papers and cretonnes. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 405-407.—Hutchinson (J. R.) An outbreak of poisoning by arsenical sweets. J. Roy Inst. Pub. Health, Lond., 1910, xviii, 601-612. Also [Abstr.]: J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond , 1909-10, xxx, 343.—Johnston (\V.) Poisoning by Paris green. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal, (1892-4), 1895, vii, 222-225.—Kuttner (L.) Ueber Vergiftung durch arsen- ARSENIC. 19 ART. Arsenic in coloring matters, wall-papers, etc. haltige Tapeten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 1536; 2122.—Lancet (The) Special Analytical Commission on arsenical wall-papers. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 43.—Landin (J.) The examination of wall-paper, carpets, and textile goods for arsenic, in Sweden. Analyst, Lond., 1892, xvii, 119.—Lautenschlager (T. H.) Green paint. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1914, cxi, 452.—Lennmalm (F.^ Ueber chromsche Arsenikvergiftung, speziell iiber chronische Ansenikvergiftung in Wohnungen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1912, xxxvii, 507; 518; 529.—Markmiller (H. G.) Local poisoning from Paris green. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xl, 653.—Martini (J.) Gutachten iiber arsenikhaltige Farben auf Backerwaaren. Ver.■ deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br., 1850, n. F., viii, 243-252.—Metz (A. L.) Arsenic poison by wall paper; a preliminary note. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1893, 118-121—Putnam (J. J.) On chronic arsenic poisoning, especially from wall- paper, based on the analysis of twenty-live cases in which arsenic was found in the urine. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxx, 235; 253. Also, Reprint.—Robinson (F. C.) Arsenic in wall paper. Rep. Bd. Health Maine, 1889, Augusta, 1890, v, 284-290.—Sanger (C. R.) On the formation of vola- tile compounds of arsenic from arsenical wall papers. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1893-4, n. s., xxi, 112-147. -----. On chronic arsenical poisoning from wall papers and fabrics. % Ibid., 148^177— Smith (T.) The estimation of arsenic in Paris green. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1899, xxi, 769-772.—Smith (W. E.) A case of poisoning from arsenical wall-paper. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 699-702.—Sudendort (T.) Mit Arsenik praparierte japanische Kiiken, ein neues Spielzeug fiir Kinder. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl.; 1914, xxvu, 281-285.—Zabel. Chronische Arsentapetenvergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 92.—Zinn. Ueber eine todtliche Vergiftung mit Schwein- furter Griin. Ibid., 1901, xxvu, Ver.-Beil., 74. Arsenic and iron preparations. See, also, Anaemia (Treatment of) ivith arsenic, etc. Bardach (L.) Ueber Anwendung und Wirkung der Ar- sen-Ferratose. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1905, xix, 406- 409.—Crispolti(C. A.) & Marinacci (M.) Sullaimportanza terapeutica dell' ammiuistrazione associata del ferro e dell' arsenico; contributo clinico. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1911, 1, 153-182.—Ewald (C. A.) Ueber Arsentriferrol. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 94-96.—Gehring (F.) Meine Erfahrungen mit Arsentriferrin. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1913, xxxi, 847-853.—Leprince (M.) Sur les combinaisons de l'acide monomethylarsinique avec 1'hydrate de peroxyde defer. Moistherap.,Par., 1902,iii, 126.—Linke. Assoferrin. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1908, iii, 345-347.—Nikolskaya (V. F.) [Clinical observations on Boehringer's arseno- ferratose.] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1912, v. 93-95.—Salkow- skl (E.) Ueber das Verhalten des arsenparanucleinsauren Eisens und der arsenigen Saure im Organismus. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xiii, 321-338.—Schleyen (K.) Erfahrun- gen iiber die therapeutische Wirksamkeit der Arsoferrin- Tektolettes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2546. Also, Reprint.—Siboni (G.) Arseniato ferroso solubile. Farma- coterap., Lodi, 1910, x, 66.—Spiegel (L.) Soluble compound of iron and arsenic and process of making same. [Pat. Spec] No. 768886; Aug. 30, 1904.—Tavonius (E. A.) [Liquor ferratini arseniati; a new preparation of arseniated iron.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 67. Arsenic-eating. Fraenckel (P.) Arsenikesser und Arsenvergiftung. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl, 1914, xx, 353-358.—Hausmann (W.) Zur Kenntniss der Arsengewohnung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxix, 987-989.-----. Zur Kenntnis der Arsengewohnung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 406-408.—Serena (M.) Ricerche sull' abitudine all' arse- nico. Policlin., Roma, 1900, vii, 372-376.—Vftmossy (Z.) & Tomer (L. P.) [Traces of arsenic in the organs and its excretion in an arsenophagic dog.] Orvostud. ertek. gyiijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1914, u. f., xv, 399-403. Arsenious acid. See Arsenic (Trioxide of). Arsenobenzol. See, also, Arsphenamine; Neosalvarsan; Novarsenobenzol; Salvarsan; Syphilis (Treat- ment of) with salvarsan. Ach (L.), Rothmann (A.) & Giemsa (G.) Process of preparing stable solutions of dimethylamino-tetramino- arsenobenzene. [Pat. spec] No. 1,265,864; May 14, 1918. Danysz (J.) Les proprietes physico-chimiques des produits du groupe des arsenobenzenes; leurs transformations dans l'organisme. Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1917, xxxi, 114- 137. -----. Transformation des arsenobenzenes et leur Arsenobenzol. action sur l'organisme. (2. mem.) Ibid., 483-491.—Greggio (P.) Le novarsenobenzol et quelques affections au Congo beige. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1916,ix, 760,1 pi.—Moles- worth (E. H.) Arseno-benzol substitutes for German sal- varsan. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, ii, 129. Arsenophagy. See Arsenic-eating. Arsenophenylglycin. Breinl (A.) & Nierenstein (M.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Arsenophenylglycins. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1909-10, iv, 169-179.—Iversen (Y.) [Theory of action of salvarsan and arseno-phenylglycin.] Novoye'v Med., S.-Peterb., 1912, vi, 13-15.—Ziegelroth. Arsenophenvlglycin. Arch. f. phys.-diatet. Therap., Frankf. a. d. O., 1909, xi, 329. Arsimoles (L.) *Des abces peri-amygdaliens; re- cherches sur leur siege anatomique. 2 p. 1. (1 1.), 164 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1902, No. 472. ------. The same. La fossette sus-amygdalienne et les abces peri-amygdaliens; recherches sur leur siege anatomique. 166 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1902. Arsine. See Hydrogen arsenid. Arsonneau (Alexandre) [1871- ]. *Reunion par premiere intention des fistules a l'anus. 57 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 619. dArsonval (AJrsenel ) [1851- ]. See Besson(Paul). Le radium [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1904.— Bordler (Leonard-Henri) [in 2. s.]. Precis d'eiectrotherapie [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1897.—Foveau de Co urine lies (Fran- cois) [in 2. s.]. Traite de radiographic [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1897.—Glover (Jules). Les calorisateurs [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1904.—Traite de physique [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Pom, 1903. Arsonvalization. See Arteries (Hypertension of, Treatment of, Electric); Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Elec- tric); Electrotherapy by currents of high fre- quency. Arsotonin. Stuchlik (J.) Ueber Arsotonin. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1916, Iii, 7-9. Arsphenamine. Arsphenamine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 167.—Arsphenamine (salvarsan); licenses ordered and rules and standards prescribed for its manufacture. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxii, 2071.—Arsphenamine (salvarsan) and neo-arsphenamine (neo-salvarsan); licenses ordered and rules and standards prescribed for their manu- facture. Ibid., 1918, xxxiii, 540-542.—Boyd (A. S.) & Joseph (M.) Intrarectal administration of arsphenamin. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 521-523. Also, Re- print.—Meddis (V. N.) & Stirling (W. C.) Report on arsphenamin; satisfactory use of the arseno-benzol brand in one thousand one hundred and four injections for syphilis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1458.— Myers (C. N.) & Du Mez (A. G.) Some qualitative and quantitative tests for arsphenamine (3, 3'-diamino-4, 4'-dioxy-arsenobenzene dlhydrochloride) and neo-arsphenamine (sodium-3,3'-diami- no-4, 4'-dihydroxy-arsenobenzene-methanal-sulphoxalate). Pub. Health'Rep., Wash., 1918, xxxiii, 1003-1018.—Sargent (J. C.) The toxicity of various preparations of arsphena- mine. Am. J. Syph., St. Louis, 1918, ii, 537-543. -----. Toxicity of the American-made arsphenamin (salvarsan); report of cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 908.— Warren (H. S.) Arsphenamin (salvarsan) reactions. Ibid., 1562-1563. Also, Reprint. Arsumanianz (Artasches) [1882- ]. *Zur traumatischen Entstehung der Basedow'schen Krankheit. 45 pp. 8°. Berlin, H Blanke, 1901. Arsumanjanz (Rafael) [1883- y *Komplika- tionen und abnorme Verlaufsweisen des Schar- lach nach den Krankengeschichten der medi- zinischen Klinik zu Leipzig. 37 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Lehmann, 1910. Art. See, also, Anatomy (Artistic); Medicine and the fine arts. Hellpach (W. H.) Das Pathologische in der modernen Kunst. 8°. Heidelberg, 1910. ART. 20 ARTERIAL. Art. Marx (K. F. H.) Ueber die Beziehungen der darstellenden Kunst zur Heilkunst. fol. Got- tingen, 1861. Spinden (H. J.) A study of Maya art; its sub- ject matter and historical development, fol. Cambridge, Mass., 1913. Witkowski (G.-J.) L'art profane a l'eglise, ses licences symboliques, satiriques et fan- taisistes. 8°. Baris, 1908. Adams (J. B.) The orientation of human and animal figures in art. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1917, lxiii, 506-537.— Boas (F.) Representative art of primitive people. Holmes Anniv. Vol. Anthrop. Essays, Wash., 1916, 18-24.—Bour- lon. Nouvelles d6couvertes a l'Augerie-Basse; rabots, os utilises, ceuvres d'art. Anthropologic, Par., 1916, xxvii, 1-45.—Capitan. Les dernieres decouvertes prehistoriques se rapportent aux origines de l'art. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1913, 3. s., brix, 296-301.—Clark (L. P.) Mental and nervous diseases in classic pictorial art. Med. Pickwick, Saranac Lake, 1916, ii, 1-14.—Drlnkwater (H.) Inheri- tance of artistic and musical ability. J. Genetics, Cam- bridge, 1915-16, v, 229-241,1 pi.—Finney (R. L.) The social function of art. School & Soc, N.Y., 1917, vi, 395-398.— Fontaine(A.) Feiibien et les poussinistes. Bull.de 1'Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1909, ix, 481-502.— Franckel (W.) Pro- blemes d'esthetique; le r&le sociologique et psychologique de l'art. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1904, iii, 323- 331.—Gaillard (G.) De l'influence d'un type blond dans Part de la Renaissance. Bull, et mem. Soc d'anthrop. de Par., 1913, 6. s., iv, 589-596.—Haenel (H.) Zur Psychologie der primitiven Kunst. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 1188.—Jacobson (A. C.) The pathologic in art. Critic & Guide, N. Y., 1909, xii, 321-335.—Jorissenne (G.) Mo- deles et concepts artistiques au xiv siecle et au xv« siecle. Chron. med., Par., 1905, xii, 497-506.—Kainzbauer (L.) Zur Psychologie der primitiven Kunst. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1909, xxxix, 139-147.—Ktllpe (O.) The conception and classification of art from a psychological standpoint. Univ. Toronto Stud. Psychol, s., 1902, ii, 3-23.—Lanz-Liebenfels (J.) Die Urgeschichte der Kiinste. Polit.-Anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz., 1903, ii, 134-156.— Lenoir (A.) Les evolutions et les parentes en art. Bull.de 1'Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1908, viii, 264-28L 3 pi.—Mac- Dougall (R.) The colored words of art. Psychol. Rev., Princeton, N. J., & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, xx, 505-516.— MuHer-Frelenfels (R.) Individuelle Verschiedenheiten in der Kunst. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1908, 1, 1. Abt., 1-61.—Nass (L.) Le macabre dans l'art. Corresp. med., Par., 1913, xx, fasc. 436, 5-11— Pflster (O.) Die Entstehung der kunstlerischen Inspiration. Imago, Leipz. & Wien, 1913, ii, 481-512.—Pudor (H.) Mannliches und weibliches Empflnden in der Kunst. Polit.- anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz., 1902, i, 640-648.—Re- gnault (F.) Contribution a l'etude de la frontalite des statues dans l'art primitif. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1914, 6. s., v, 143-147.—Robinson (D. M.) Reproduc- tions of classical art. Art & Archseol., Wash., 1917, i, 221- 234.—Schmldkuz (H.) Psychologisches zur christlichen Kunst. Ztschr. f. RcligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1911, v, 277-295.—Smith (G. E.) Pre-Columbian representations of the elephant in America. Nature, Lond., 1915, xcv, 425.— Spinden (H. J.) Portraiture in Central American art. Holmes Anniv. Vol. Anthrop. Essays, Wash.. 1916, 434-450, 12 pi.—Thompson (R. L/) Some medical paintings in the Madrid Prado. Med. Pickwick, Saranac Lake, 1915, i, 51-55.—Tudor-Hart. Projet de recherches de psychologie artistique sur une base positive et scientifique. Bull, de 1'Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1908, viii, 214-219.—Utltz (E.) Ausserasthetische Faktoren im Kunstgcnuss. Ber. ii. d. Kong. f. exper. Psychol., Leipz., 1912, v, 282-284. Art and Archaeology, v. 6-8,1917-19. 4°. Wash- ington. Art (The) of invigorating and prolonging life by food. See [Kitchiner (William)] [in 2. s.]. Art (L') medical. Bulletin de la Soci6te des m^decins de l'HSpital Louise-Marie d'Anvers. v. 5-6, 1912-13; Nos. 1-6, v. 7, 1914. 8°. Anvers. Art (L') medical. Journal de medecine generale et de me\lecine pratique, v. 1-115, 1855-1912. 8°. Baris. Want v. 36-37,1873. Art (The) of preserving the hair on philosophical principles by the author of The art of improving the voice, x, 260 pp. 8°. London, S. Prowett, 1825. Artamonoff (Alexander) [1883- ]. *Myositis ossificans traumatica. 35 pp. 8°. Munchen, A. Victor, 1910. Artarit (Jules-Elie-Francois). Contribution a l'etude du bromdiethylacetamide (neuronal), son action hypnotique et sedative chez les alienes. , 82 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 230. Artaud (Etienne). *Expose' de quelques-uns des traitements des fractures de la rotule. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 2. Artaud (Marcel) [1877- ]. * Forme nerveuse de la rievre typhoide avec contractures. 35 pp., 2 1. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 214. Artault (Aim6). *Appendicites et ententes. 88 pp. 8°. Baris, .1907, No. 153. Arte (L') di eonoscere i buoni da' cattivi medici e di ben regolarsi nelle malattie. 80 pp. 12°. [Torino], 1791. Arte (L') medica. Giornale settimanale illus- trato. v. 1-4, 1899-1902. 8°. Napoli. Arte (L') ostetrica. Giornale per i medici e per le levatrici. v. 13-32, 1899-1918. 8°. Milano. Artemia. Aponyi (A.) Experimentelle Daten zum Erkennen der Artemia-Gattung. Ztschr. f. wissensph. Zool., Leipz., 1915, cxiv, 95-168, 3 pi.—Anlkin (V. P.) Artemia brevicauda nov. sp. Izvlest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1896, x, No. 3, 1-27, 2 pi.—Behning (A.) Artemia salina aus dem Astrachan- schen Gouvernement in Russland. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1912, xxxix, 196-199.—Bujor (P.) Contribution a la biologie de P Artemia salina Leach. Ann. de biol., Par., 1911, i, 207- 220.—Cusmano (G.) Sul grasso dell' Artemia salina (Linn.) di Cagliari. Biologica, Torino, 1909, ii, No. 11,1-7.— Evans (T. J.) The organisms of brine cultures. [Artemia.] Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1913, Lond., 1914, 530.—Harmer (D.) Specimens of Artemia salina from the nose (a new form of sea serpent). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1912-13, vi, Laryngol. Sect., 93.—Jensen (A. C.) Some observa- tionson Artemia gracilis, thebrineshrimpof Great Salt Lake. Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, Mass., 1918, xxxiv, 1^32. 1 pi. Artemidol. Manche (P.) Ein in Vergessenheit geratenes Heilmittel, das Artemidol. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1913, xxxi, 115-117. Artemisia. Daufresne (M.) Sur les principes constituants de 1'essence d'estragon. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1908 xv, 11-20. Arterial duct. See also, Aorta. Biel (G. E.) *De foraminis ovalis et ductus arteriosi mutationibus. 4°. Berolini, 1827. Pollot ([G. L. T. n.] W.) *Histologischer Bau und Ruckbildung des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. 8°. Heidelberg 1909. Argaud. Sur la structure du canal arteriel chez le foetus du &*» mois. Toulouse med., 1905, 2. s., vii, 274.—Faber (A.) Die anatomischen und physikalischen Verhaltnisse des Ductus Botalli. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1912, 157-170.—Fleux. De l'oblheration du canal arteriel. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1894, xv, 36-39.—Fromberg (C.) Studien iiber den Ductus arteriosus. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst, zu Tubing., Leipz., 1914, ix, 198-224—Gerard (G.) De l'obli- teration du canal arteriel; les theories et les faits. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1900, xxxvi, 323-357—Kir- steln (F.) Der Verschluss des Ductus arteriosus (Botalli). Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1910, xc, 303-334, 4 pi.—Llnzen- meler (G.) Der Verschluss des Ductus arteriosus Botalli nach der Geburt des Kindes. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. Stuttg., 1914, lxxvi, 217-253.—Roeder (II.) Die Histo- genese des arteriellen Ganges; ein Beitrag zur Entwicke- lungsmechanik der Fotalwege. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxiii, 147-161.—Schaeffer (J. P.) The behavior of elastic tissue in the post-fetal occlusion and obliteration of the ductus arteriosus (Botalli) in Sus scrofa. J. Exper. M., Lancaster,Pa., 1914,xix, 129-143,6pi.—Schanz(F.) Ueber den mechanischen Verschluss des Ductus arteriosus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1888-9, xliv, 239-269, 2 pi—Scharfe (H.) Der Ductus Botalli; Beitrage zur Physiologic und Pathologie des Verschlusses. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gy- naek., Leipz., 1900. iii, 368-381,1 pi—Stienon (L.) Sur la fermeture du canal de Botal. Arch, de biol., Liege & Par., 1912-13, xxvii, 801-813, 1 pi.—Strassmann (P.) Ueber den Mechanismus des Verschlusses des Ductus arteriosus (Botalli). Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1893, 566.—Vlssman (W.) Abnormal ductus arteriosus. Proc. N.York Path. Soc. (1895), 1896,73.—Walkhofl (F.) Das Gewebedes Ductus ar- teriosus und die Obliteration desselben. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. & Heidelb., 1869,3. R.,xxxvi, 109-129. -Weill. Canal arteriel avec insertion anormale. Lyon med., 1903, c, 756. ARTERIAL. 21 ARTERIES. Arterial duct (Aneurism and dilatation of). Balfour (G. W.) Aneurism of the ductus arteriosus. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1881-2, i. 68. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1881-2, xxvii, 920.—Dry (D. M.) Congenital aneu- rysmal dilatation of ductus Botalli. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1916), 1917, xxxvii, 49.—Haushalter. Dilatation du canal arteriel chez un enfant de deux mois. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . ., 1904-5, 23. Also: Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1905, xxxvii, 119. Arterial duct (Ligation of). Munro (J. C.) Ligation of the ductus arteriosus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xlvi, 335-338. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1908, x, 11S-121. Arterial duct (Persistence of). Bommer (M.) *Ueber offenen Ductus arte- riosus Botalli. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1900. Brettatjer (A.) *Drei Falle von Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. 8°. Zurich, 1905. Dorvatjx (A.-F.) , *De la persistance simple du canal artenel. Etude £tiologique, anatomo- pathologiqueetsymptomatologique. 8°. Lille, 1900. Arnheim (G.) Persistenz des Ductus Botalli. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv, pt, 2, 277-280.—Becher (E.) Beobachtungen an einem Fall von persistierendem Ductus Botalli iiber eine seltene Welle im Venenpuls. Med. Klin., Berl., 1918, xiv, 882-885.— Bosch (B.) & Barabino Amadeo (S.) Persistencia del agujero de Botal; observation de un caso y algunas con- sideraciones clinicas. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, 292-294.—Brooks (C.) Persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus Botalli in the dog. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1912, ix, 44-54.—Chapman (C. W.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus in a girl, aged nine years. Rep. Soc Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 188-190.—Daisjti (O.) [Zwei Falle von Ductus arteriosus persistens.] Ref., 239.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1904 2. f., iv, 225-239.—Deeks (W E.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus. Proc. Canal Zone M. Ass., Mount Hope. C. Z., 1909, 176— Dresler (K.) Beitrag zur Diagnose der Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1902, lvi, 705-718.— Ferguson (F.) Persistent ductus arteriosus. Soc. Lying- in Hosp. N. York. Med. Rep. (1893), 1894, 119— Forsch- bach (J.) & Koloczek (M.) Zur Symptomatologie des offenen Ductus Botalli. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, lxiii, 1617-1619.— Foulis (J.) On a case of patent ductus arteriosus, with aneurism of the pulmonary artery. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb., 1883-4. n. s., hi. 156-175, 2 pi.— Gerard (G.) Le canal arteriel. J. de Panat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1900, xxxvi. 1-21.-----. De la persistance simple du canal arteriel: etiologie; physiologie pathologique et symptomatologique. Rev. de med., Par., 1900, xx, 645; 837— Gibson (G. A.) A clinical lecture on persistent ductus arteriosus. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 572-574.—Gillet (H.) Persistance du canal arteriel (cas clinique). Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1904, vi, 82- 85. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1904, vi, 113.— Goodman (E. H.) Report of a case of patent ductus arteriosus Botalli, with a study of the cases heretofore pub- lished. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1910-11, xxiii, 509- 538 _Griffith (T. W.) Two cases of patency of the ductus arteriosus. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1915, viii, 191-200, 2 pi.—Hamilton (W. F.) & Abbott (Maude E.) Patent duc- tus arteriosus with acute infective pulmonary endarteritis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila.,1914, xxix, 294-308.—Hand (A.) Patulous ductus arteriosus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1898, xviii, 228.—Harrington (A. W.) Case of patent ductus arteriosus. Glasgow M. J., 1914, lxxxi, 101-106, 1 pi.—Heichelheim. [Fall von Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus Botalli bei einem 19jahrigen Patienten.] Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 280.—Hondo (T.) Ein klinischer Beitrag zur Diagnose der Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 440-443.— Lisenko (V. I.) [Open ductus Botalli in a child half a year old.] Klin. J., Mosk., 1900, iv, 37-49.— Manges (M.) Infective pulmonary endarteritis occurring with patent ductus arteriosus. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ. 581-583. -----. Patent ductus arteriosus with infective pulmonary endarteritis. Tr. Am. Climat. & Clin. Ass., Phila., 1916, xxxii, 313-322.—Martin (A.) Case of patent ductus arteriosus. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1892, v, 165- 167.—Miller (R.) & Orton (G. H.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus, with skiagram. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond.. 1913, x, 109-111.—Motzfeldt (K.) Drei Falle von offenstehen- dem Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 2037-2039.—Murray (H. M.) Specimen of a patent ductus arteriosus in a woman who died, aged thirty-six, of malignant endocarditis. Lancet, Lond 1888, i, 879.—Oldright. Patent ductus arteriosus. Proc. & Tr. Path. Soc. Toronto, 1890-91,ii, 17.—Olivier (P.) & Deve (F.) [Persistance du canal arteriel a l'exclusion de toute autre anomalie cardiaque.] Rev. med. de Normandie, Arterial duct (Persistence of). Rouen, 1908, 10-14.—Parkinson (J. P.) Morbus cordis; patent ductus arteriosus. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1913-14, xxxvii, 351.—Riva (A.) Un caso di persistenza del dotto arterioso. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1898, Iii, 145; 158.—Sawyer (J. E. H.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1908, v, 476-479.— Schulhot (K.) K symptomatologii persistence duktu Bottalova. Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1915, liv, 863-870.— Sessa (P.) Permanenza del dotto arterioso di Botallo. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1916, 2. s., iv, 140-143.—Sidlauer (H.) Ein Fall von Persistenz des Ductus Botalli. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxiv, 331-354—Simons (I.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus (Botalli), with report of a new physical sign. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxii, 34.— Sison (A. G.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus Botalli, with a brief discussion of the diagnosis of this condition. Bull. Manila M. Soc. 1911, iii, 198-200.—Stepp (W.) & Weber (A.) Zur Klimk des persistierenden Ductus Botalli. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 1534- 1536.—Sternberg (C. ) Ueber selbstandige Persistenz des Ductus Botalli. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1910, 357-362.—Stoddard (J. L.) A case of open ductus arteriosus (Botalli), with necropsy. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1915, xvi, 38-53. Also, Reprint.—Studzinski (I. B.) [Two cases of patent duct of Botallis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1913, xii, 1322-1326.—Tron (G.) Delle varie modality di permanenza del forame di Botallo nella vita extrauterina. Pathologica, Genova, 1913-14, vi, 597- 602. Also, transl.: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1914, xlvi, 348-359 — Turney (H. G.) Three cases of patent ductus arteriosus with arterio-venous murmur. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1907, xl, 245.—Wells (H. G.) Persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1908, cxxxvi, 381-400.—Wessler (H.) & Bass (M. H.) Persistent ductus Botalli and its diagnosis by the orthodiagraph. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1913, cxlv, 543. Also, Reprint.—Whipham (T. R.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med,. Lond., 1910-11, iv, Sect. Stud. Dis Child., 31.— White (W. H.) Patent ductus arteriosus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 182.—Williams (E. C.) A case of patent ductus arteriosus. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1903-4, iv, 310-312.—Wynter (W. E.) Patent ductus arteriosus. Proc Roy. Soc. Med., Lond.. 1913-14, vii, Clin. Sect., 67.—Ziembicki (W.) & Sabat (B.) [Persistent duct of Botalli and its unusual radioscopic picture.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1912, vii, 382,1 pi.—Zinn (W.) Zur Diagnose der Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Berl. kiin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 433-435. [Discussion], 850.—van Zwaluwenburg (J. G.) Report of a case of persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1910, xxxii, 159-162. [Discussion], 163. Arterial duct (Rupture of). Esser (J.) Die Ruptur des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxiii, 398-405.—Roeder (H.) Die Ruptur des Ductus arterisstTs Botalli: eine mono- graphische Studie zur Patholozie des Ductus. Ibid^, 1900, xxx, 157-216. -----. Zwei Falle von Ruptur des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Berl. klin.. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 72-78.—Rupture of the ductus arteriosus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1119. Arteriensystem (Das) des Menschen im stereo- skopischen Rontgenbild. Hrsg. von Hilde- brand, Scholz & Wieting. 27 pp., 10 pi. obi. 12°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. ------. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 29pp., 10pi. obi. 12°. Wiesbaden, 1904. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 29pp., lOpl. obi. 12°. Wiesbaden, 1911. Arteries. See, also, Aorta; Blood-vessels; Pulse. Bory (L.) Lesarteres; £tude anatomo-patho- logique sur le tissu conjonctivo-elastique arte- riel et ses reactions generates. 8°. Baris,^ 1910. Full (H.) *Versuche iiber die automatischen Bewegungen der Arterien. [Wiirzburg.] 8°. Munchen, 1913. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen & Berl., 1913, lxi 287- 310. Hellenda (Martha). *Der Kaltereiz als Mittel zur Funktionspriifung der Arterien. 8°. Berlin, 1912. Also, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1912, lxxiv, 334-346. Korotkofp (N. S.) *Opit opredieleniya sili arterialnikh kollateralei. [Determination of the strength of the arterial collaterals.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1910. ARTERIES. 22 ARTERIES. Arteries. Kramp (C.) *De vi vitali arteriarum. 12°. Argentorati, 1785. Long (A.) *I)e la tension arterielle, ses modi- fications chez les vieillards. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Aikman (J.) The arteries during some infections dis- eases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 920.-Alfaro (M.) & Palacios (M.) Apuntes sobre el diametro de las arterias. Peridd. Acad, de med. [de Mexico], 1*51-3, 91-93. -Bassuel. Nouvel aspect de l'interieur des arteres, et de leur structure par rapport au cours du sang. Mem. de mathemat. et de phys. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc, Par., 1750, 23-54, 2 pi.—Baum (II.) Ueber die Benennungder Hand-una Fussarterien. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 454.—Bindi (F.) Sul comporta- mento del tessuto elastico nelle arterie in rapporto a varie eta della vita. Morgagni, Milano, 1908, 1, 197-213, 2 pi.— Bing (II. I.) [Recent investigations on the ability of the arteries to accelerate circulation of the blood.] Ugeskr. f. Lajger, K0benh., 1916, lxxviii, 601-606.—Bory (L.) R61e de la tunique interne dans la constitution des parois arterielles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, Ixvi, 1016.—Bosc (F.-J.) & Vedel. La tension arterielle dans les maladies. Cong, franc, de med. Rap., Par., 1904,208-537. [Discussion], C.-r. 1904, Par., 1905, 26-52.-Carrel (A.) Latent life of arteries. J. Exper. M. Lancaster, Pa., & N. V., 1910, xii, 460-486. Also, Reprint. —Cow (D.) Reactions of arteries to certain drugs. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Therap. & Pharmacol. Sect., 77-96.^Cowan (J. M.) The influence of the acute infections upon the arteries. Glasgow M. J., 1906, lxvi, 88-92.—Danis (R.) Une experience sur le pouvoir coagulant de la paroi arterielle. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1912, xii, 12-15- D'Antona (S.) Contributi alio studio della parete arteriosa in condizioni normali e patologiche. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1913, xxxvii, 169-198,1 pi.—De Bonis (V.) Sullareviviscenza del tessuto muscolare di arterie umane. Pathologica, Genova, 1910-11, iii, 22— De Stone (F. G.) The arteries. Calif. M. J., San Fran., 1906, xxvii, 198-202.—Drizin (Kh.) [Fluc- tuation in the power of tonus in the peripheral arteries when the position of the extremities is altered.] Sibirsk. Vrach, Tomsk, 1913-14, i, 183-189.—Ewald (J. R.) Zur Methodik der Mcssung des peripheren Widerstandes in einer Arterie. Arch. f. Physiol., I^ipz., 1899, Suppl.-Bd., 245-250.—Gibson (G. A.) Arterial structure and arterial function. Edinb. M. J., 1908, n. s., xxiii, 509-514.—Graziani (G.) Sopra i rapporti delle arterie, delle vene e dei nervi satelliti. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1900, xi, 201-208, 1 pi.—Gunther (G.) Zur Kenntnis der Spontanbewegungen uberlebender Arterien. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen & Berl., 1915, lxv, 401-415.--Hartman (F. A.) The differential effects of adrenin on splanchnic and peripheral arteries. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1915, xxxviii, 438-455. Also, Re- print.—Hess (W. R.) LTeber die funktionelle Bedeutung der Arterienmuskulatur. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1914, xliv, 993-1000.—Katzenstein (M.) Ueber Knt- stehung und Wesen des arteriellen Collateralkreislaufs. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxvii, 189-226 — Kaufman (P. Y.) [Centripetal nerves of the arteries.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1912, ccxxxiv, med.-spec pt., 1-17. Also, transl.: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1912, cxlvi, 231-248.—Lejars. De l'attrition sous-cutanee airecte des grosses arteres. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 609-619. -Lexer. [Die Arterienversorgung der gesunden und kranken Knochen.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 483.—MacWilllam (J. A.) & Mackle (A. H.) Sections of human arteries. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1906, p. xxxiv. -Muller (O.) Zur Funktionspriifung der Arterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 1531,1577. -Park(K. A.) & Janeway (J. C.) A study of the Meyer method of the effect of blood serum and certain inorganic salts on surviving arteries. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1911-12, ix, 51.—Rtissle. Wachstum und Altera der grossen Arterien und ihre Beziehung zur Pathologie des Gefiissystem. Si- tzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1909), 1910, xxv, 110-118.—Stanton (W. B.) The relation of the cardiac muscle and valves to arterial tension. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1900-7, x, 774-777—Stevenson (C. M.) The resistance of the arterial wall. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1909-10, xiv, 466-483. -Stewart (H. A.) & Har- vey (S. C.) Variations in the response of different arteries to blood serum and plasma. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med., N. Y., 1911-12, ix, 84-87.—Thoma (R.) Arteriendurch- messer und Organgewicht. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, lxxxii, 474-504,1 tab. —---. Ueber den Verzweigungs- modus der Arterien. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1901, xii, 352-413—Tigerstedt (C.) Vermutliche Aktionsstrome bei den Arterien. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1913, xxviii, 433-44L—Williams (L.) Arterial tension. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 610. Arteries (Abnormities of). See, also, Aorta (Abnormities of); Blood-ves- sels (Abnormities of); and under names of the various arteries. Arteries (Abnormities of). Vincent (A.) Contribution a l'etude des anomalies arterielles, consideree dans leurs rap- ports avec le systeme veineux normal. 8°. Geneve, 1878. Anderson (J. H.) & Anderson (J. H.) A case of non- union of the vertebrales with consequent abnormal origin of the basilaris. Anat. Anz.. Jena, 1909, xxxv, 54-65.—Aubert (V.) & Bruneau (A.) Anomalies arterielles; brides intra- vasculaires; considerations embryogeniques et pathologi- ques. Rev. de med., Par., 1903, xxiii, S53-868.—Blunt- schll (H.) Varietaten der Arteria profunda femoris und der Arteria circumflexa femoris medialis des Menschen. Mor- phol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1907, xxxvii, 142-154.—von BOkay (Z.) Ueber Transposition der grossen Schlagadern des Herzens. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1911, Iv, 321-338.— Breme (G.) Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Anomalien der Armarterien. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. An- throp., Stuttg., 1899, i, 483-494.—Btihler (A.) Ueber eine Anastomose zwischen den Stammen der Arteria cseliaca und der Arteria mesenterica superior. Morphol.. Jahrb., Leipz., 1904, xxxii, 185-194.—Bussiere. Sur quelques anomalies arterielles. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 101.—Casali (R.) Dei tre rami soprannumerari non ancora descritti dell' A. succlavia; arteria del musculo succlavio, arteria della cupola pleurica, arteria esofagea superiore. Arch. ital. di anat. ediembriol., Firenze, 1911, x,122-128.—De- lltzln (S.) Ueber eine complicirte Anomalie im Gebiete der Arteriaobturatoriaundepigastrica inferior. Arch.f. Anat.ii. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 18%, 413-422, lpl.-----. Ein Fall von Durchbohrung des M. scalenus anterior durch den Trun- custhyreo-cervicalis. 7M ment. Am. Med, Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 27-30.— Williamson (O. K.) Some points in regard to the treat- ment of cases of high arterial blood-pressure, with a note on prognosis. Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond, 1909-10, xiii, 43-51.—Willis (J. D.) Blood pressure variations and treat- ment of hypertension. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Rich- mond, 1912-13, xvii, 537-539.— Zlmmern & Cottenot. Resultats et technique de l'irradiation des glandes surre- nales dans l'hypertension arterielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de radiol. med. de Par, 1912, iv, 174-180. Arteries (Hypertension of, Treatment of, Dietetic). See, also, Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Dietetic). Dube (J. E.) Hypertension arterielle et son traitement hygieno-dietetique. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1916, xiv. 1-30— Elliott (A. R.) Hygienic and dietetic treatment of arterial hypertension. Therap. Gaz. [etc], Detroit, 1911, 3. s.. xxvu, 837-841.—Eustis (A.) The die- tetic treatment of nigh blood pressure. South. M. J, Nash- ville, 1912, v, 244-247.—Hecht (V.) Ueber die diatetische Beeinfiussung pathologischer Blutdrucksteigerungen. Zt- schr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1912, lxxvi 87-114, 2 pi—Madsen (S.i [High blood-pressure; vegetable diet.) Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh, 1913-14, xii, 97-109.—Soper (H. W.) The dietetic treatment of arterial hypertension. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1915, xxii, 1101-1110. Arteries (Hypertension of, Treatment of) by electricity. See, also, Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of) by electricity. Aulong (G.) *Courants de haute frequence et d'arsonvalisation; action sur la pression sanguine; application au traitement de l'hyper- tension arterielle permanente et accessoirement au traitement du diabete. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Challamel (A.) *La d'arson valisation de l'hypertension arterielle. 8°. Baris, 1905. ------. Thesame. 8°. Baris, 1905. Griveatj (A.) *Du traitement 61ectrique de l'hypertension arterielle. 8°. Baris, 1903. Askenstedt (E. C.) Auto-condensation in the treatment of high blood-pressures. Med. Times, N. Y, 1916, xliv, 370-372. -----. The question of auto-condensation for high blood-pressure. Ibid.. 1917, xiv, 165— Bidou (G.) Hy- pertension arterielle et haute frequence. Dauphine med, Grenoble, 1908, xxxii. 25-32 — Burch (J. H.) The electrical treatment of arterial hypertension. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1911, lxxx, 866-868.—Cabrera Benltez (F.) Autocondensacidn e hipertension. Actas y trab. d. ii. Cong. med. nac. Ha- bana, 1911, 94-97. Also: Crdn. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvii, 162-165.— Carrlere (G.) D'arsonvalisation, tension arterielle, diurese chez les arteriosciereux hyper- tendus. Paris med, 1911-12, v, 191-194.—Delherm & Laquerrlere. Sur Paction des courants de haute frequence chez les hypertendus. Arch, d'eiectric med, Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 501-518. Also: J. de physiotherap. Par, 1907, v, 27.5-301—Doumer (E.) Action de Pautoconduction sur l'hvpertension arterielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. med.-chir. du Nord, Lille, 1907, iii, 85-92. Also, transl: Deutsche Rev, Stuttg. & Leipz, 1908, ii, 336-340.-----. De la duree des etfets hvpotenseurs de la d'arsonvalisation. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1909, cxlviii, 312-314. -----. Traitement de l'hypertension arterielle par Peiectrisation de Pabdomen et de la region renale. Ibid., 1912, civ, 358.— Eberhart (N. M.) Autocondensation in the reduction of high blood pres- sure. Chicago M. Recorder, 1915, xxxvii, 136-140.—Fon- tana (M.) DelPazione delle correnti ad alta frequenza sulla pressione arteriosa in rapporto alia permeabilita renale. Idrol. c climaL, Firenze, 1914, xxv, 170-181— Gullleminot (H.) Resultats de Pautoconduction par les spirales dans l'hypertension arterielle. Arch, d'eiectric. med, Bor- ARTERIES. 29 ARTERIES. Arteries (Hypertension of, Treatment of) by electricity. deaux, 1906, xiv, 663-666 —. Action des courants de haute'frequence (autoconduction) sur Phypertension arte- rielle; statistique d'observations prises avec le sphygmo- manometre de Potain et Poscillometre de Paction. Ibid., 1911, xix, 165-176.—Hiss (E.) Hypertension und ihre Be- handlung mit Hochfrequenzstromen. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz.. 1913, xvii, 277-286.—Humphris (F. H.) Pathological blood pressure and its treatment by modern electro-therapeutic measures. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1913, ii, 93.5-938. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 1891-1894— Lemolne (G.) Note cnnique sur le traite- ment de Phypertension arterielle par la d'arsonvalisation. Nord med, Lille, 1909, xvi, 13-15—Letulle (M.) & Moutler (A.) Action hypotensive de la d'arsonvalisation dans Phypertension arterielle permanente. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1909, cxlviii, 375.—Moutier (A.) Sur les nou- veaux resultats obtenus dans le traitement de l'hyperten- sion arterielle par la d'arsonvalisation. Ibid., 1903, cxxxvi, 1655-1657. Also: Rev. internat. de therap. phys, Turin, 1903, iv, 361.-----. Sur dix cas d'hypertension arterielle traites par la d'arsonvalisation. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1904, cxxxviii, 1367.-----. Sur la duree des seances dans'le traitement de Phypertension arterielle par la d'arson- valisation. Ibid., cxxxix, 238-241. -----. Du reievement et de Pabaissement de la pression arterielle dans les cas d'hypotension ou d'hypertension arterielles permanentes par les courants de haute prequence. Cong, franc, de med. C.-r. 1904, Par, 1905, 58-60.-----. Sur la duree de Pabaisse- ment de la pression arterielle a la suite du traitement de Phypertension permanente par la d'arsonvalisation. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par, 1907, 2. s, v. 136-138. -----. Hypotension externe et hypertension interne; repercussion de Paction hypotensive ae la d'arsonvalisation apphquee localement a l'hypertension interne. Compt. rend. Acad. d sc. Par, 1912, cliv, 1831-1833.—Moutier (A.) & Chal- lamel (A.) Etude comparative sur l'action de la cage auto- conductrice et du lit condensateur dans le traitement de Phypertension arterielle par la d'arsonvalisation. Arch. d'eiectric med, Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 228. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1905. cxl, 462; 602.-----------. Sur 50 nouveaux cas d'hypertension arterielle permanente traites par la d'arsonvalisation. Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etc.], Par, 1904, vii, 657-673. Also: Cong, franc, de med. C.-r. 1904, Par, 1905, 60-76.-----------. L'hypertension arte- rielle permanente traitee par la d'arsonvalisation. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1904, ii, 2833-2835.—Petit (P.-C.) Haute frequence et hypertension arterielle. J. de med. int., Par, 1906, x, 337-339. Also: Rev. med. Par, 1906, xv, 835-840.— Slavfk (E.) Hypertension arterielle; Arteriosklerose; d'Ar- sonvalisation. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn, Leipz, 1911-12, vi, 162-214— Stamp (H.) Is there error at times in using auto-condensation in the treatment of high blood pres- sures? Med. Times, N. Y, 1917, xiv, 66-70.—Summons (W H.) High blood-pressure treated by high-frequency currents. Austral. M. J, Melbourne, 1911, xvi, 218^221— Van Rensselaer (H.) The high-frequency current in the treatment of high blood-pressure. Tr. Am Therap. Soc 1912, Phila, 1913, xiii, 71-76. Also: Albany M. Ann, 1913, xxxiv 77-84 —Vaquez. Hypertension arterielle et haute frequence. Arch, d'eiectric. m6d, Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 624^624.—Watson (C. W.) The d'Arsonval current in the treatment of hypertension. Journal-Lancet, Minneap, 1914, xxxiv, 437.—Westney (A. W.) High frequency elec- tricity as a means of controlling high blood pressure. Hahne- man. Month, Phila, 1913, xlviii, 688-695. Arteries (Hypertension of, Treatment of) by hydrotherapy. Baruch (S.) Hydrotherapy in hypertension. Am. J Physiol. Therap, Chicago, 1910-11, i, 398-402.-Guipert (H ) L'hypertension arterielle et la medication hypoten- sive a Balaruc-les-Bains (eaux chaudes chlorurees sodiques fortes, cuivreuses et magnesiennes). Montpel. med, 191-J, xxxiv, 613-621.—Heitz (J.) Hypertension et bains car- bogazeux. Rev. de med. Par., 1906, xxvi, 523-534. ——-. Quels sont les hypertendus qu'il faut envoyer a Royat? J. de physiotherap, Par., 1914, xii, 313-321.-Huchard (H.) & Mougeot (A.) Sur Paction hypotensive des bains carbo- ■sazeux naturels dans les hypotensions arterielles (grandc It petite circulation). Ibid.. 1907, v, 538-551.-de Kervily (G ) Hypertension arterielle et eaux thermales k efiet hypotenstt Gaz. d. eaux, Par, 1918, lix, 79-81 -Lefebvre (M ) Le traitement des hypertensions arterielles par les bains carbo-gazeux (Royat) Gaz. d. prat, Lille, 1914 xxi 35-39.—Lopez. Action des bains carbo-gazeux dans un cas d'hypotension essentielle avec tachycardie. Gaz. a. eaux Par, 1906, xlix, 55-Pariset. La reaction circula- toire en hydrotherapie; consequences pratiques pour le traitement de Phypertension arterielle. Progressi med Par, 1908, 3. s, xxiv, 149.-----. Hypertension arterielle et hydrotherapie. J. de physiotherap. Par 1909 vii 184-194.- Zuenlln (E.) Hypertension under the treatment with radioactive mineral water. Am. Med, Burlington, Vt, 1917, n. s, xii, 98-102. Arteries (Hypotension of). Baduel (C.) Terapia fisica e dietetica dell' artero-ipoten- sione costituzionale. Idrol. et climatol, Firenze, 1903, xiv, 196-210.—Bayliss (W. M.) Methods of raising a low arterial pressure. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond, 1916, s. B, lxxxix. 380- 393. -----. Intravenous injections of gum in low blood pressure. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1917, ii, 808.—Castelllno (P. F.) Un caso tipicodiangio-ipotonia costituzionale. Tom- masi, Napoli. 1905-6, i, 316-320. -----. Pseudo-aneurisma aortico e degh altri grossi tronchi arteriosi per angio-ipotonia generale. Ibid., 396.—Cornwall (E. E.) Low blood pres- sure; practical points in its interpretation and management. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, xcix, 470-475. Also, Reprint.— Faught (F. A.) Hypotension; its clinical significance. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1912, xix, 950-957—Ferrannhil (A.) L'artero-ipotensione cronica. Med. ital, Napoli, 1903, i, 374; 410; 441; 463.-----. II secondo tono aortico nell' angio-ipotonia costituzionale. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1904, xliii, 684-695. -----. L'angio-ipotonia costituzionale. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 35-37.-----. Nefrite da angio- ipotonia costituzionale. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1905, Roma, 1906, xv, 401-404.—Goodman (E. H.) Some cases of hypotension associated with a definite symptomatology. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1914, cxlvii, 503-514.— Grasset & Calmette. Le pouls instable dans Phypotension arte- rielle. Cong, franc, de med. C. r. Par, 1902, u, 508-513.— Knapp (A.) Die Hypotonic, eine klinisch-physiologische und anatomische Untersuchung. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1908, xxiii, Ergnzngshft, 16-97.— Low pulse pressure. Boston M. & S. J, 1918, clxxviii, 722.—Mar- tinet (A.) Hypotension arteriejle et viscosite sanguine. Presse med. Par, 1911, xix 870— Moulinier (R.) Sur les etats d'hypotension arterielle; la tension arterielle minima juste suffisante. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1914), 1915,163-170. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1914, xxxv, 255-257— Oddo. L'hypotension d'effort chez les convalescents. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1905, lviii, 1089-1091.—Pariset. Un cas d'hypoten- sion d'origine cardiaque ameiiore par Phydrotherapie. J de physiotherap. Par, 1904, ii, 265-271.—Pierson (G. M.) The clinical significance of low blood pressure. Penn. M. J, Athens, 1913-14, xvii, 62.5-633. —Porter (W. T.) Obser- vations sur les pressions arterielles basses et leur traitement. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1916, clxiii, 492-494.— Teissier (J.) & Morel (A.) Resultats de la recherche de la choline dans le sang des sujets hypotendus. Lyon med, 1909, cxiii, 916. Arteries (Inflammation of). See, also, Arteriosclerosis; Periarteritis nodosa. Camtjset (R.-H.) Contribution a l'etude de Partente dite spontanee. 8°. Baris, 1902. ------. The same. 8°. Baris, 1902. Lagane (L.) *Les arterites intestinales; etude clinique, anatomo-pathologique et ex- perimentale. 8°. Baris, 1911. Schreiber (R.) *Ueber Polyarteritis no- dosa. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1904. Baglnsky (A.) Septische Arteriitis und Aneurysma beim Kinde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1908, xiv, 144-147. Abo: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1908), 1909, xxxix, pt.2,11-18.—Beattie(J.M.)& Douglas(M.) Acaseofpoly- arteritis acuta nodosa. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Cambridge, 1912-13, xvii, 195-198, 2 pi.—Beitzke (H.) Ueber einen Fall von Arteriitis nodosa. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1910, cic, 214-237, 1 pi.—Boy-Teissier. De Parterio- xerose et pathogenie de Parterite chronique. Cong, franc. de med. 1895. Par, 1896, ii, 581-583.—Bruno (A.) Sopra le arteriti nei decorso delle malattie infettive. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1903, xiii, 136-148.—Clow (G. B. N.) Periph- eral endarteritis. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1908, vi, 262 —Datnowski (H.) Ueber Periarteriitis nodosa. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1911, xxv, 469; 488; 503; 520.—De Renzi (E.) L'arterite cronica. N. riv. clin.-terap, Napoli, 1913, xvi, 1-10.—Dickson (W. E. C.) Polyarteritis acuta nodosa and periarteritis nodosa. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Cambridge, 1907-8, xii, 31-57, 3 pi. [1 col.].—Ferrari (E.) Ueber Poliar- teriitis acuta nodosa (sogenannte Periarteriitis nodosa) una ihre Beziehungen zur Polymyositis und Polyneuritis acuta. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path Jena, 1903 xxxiv, 350-386,1 pi.—Fox (H.) Peripheral endarteritis with symp- toms of Raynaud's disease. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph, N. Y 1910, xxviii, 293.—Freund (G.) Zur Kenntniss der Periarteriitis nodosa. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz, 1898-9, lxii, 537-563,1 pi.—Giorgi (E.) Considerazioni sul- Peziologia e sullapatogenesidell' endoarteritenei vecchi. Riv. venetadisc. med,Venezia, 1902, xxxvi, 388; 454.—Greves(E. H.) Acute arteritis. Clin. J, Lond, 1916, xiv, 85-87.—Gul- y4s (K ) [A case of endoarteritis in horned cattle.] Allator- vosilapok, Budapest, 1906, xxix, 73.—Hafner(B.) Arteriitis petrificans; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Arterienerkrankun- gen des Rindes. Mitt. d. Ver. badisch. Tierarzte, Karlsruhe, 1912 xii, 145-149.—Hart (C.) Die Meso-Periarteriitis (Pe- ARTERIES. 30 ARTERIES. Arteries (Inflammation of). riarteriitis nodosa). Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1908, xiv, 1305- 1309.—Higier (II.) [Acute arteritis with intermittent claudi- cation.] Medycynai Kron. lek, Warszawa, 1910, xiv, 1014; 1047.—Hollis (W. A.) Endarteritis proliferans. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1897-8, xxxii, 153-163. Also, Reprint.— Istomin (E. K.) [Chronic nodular periarteritis with aneurisms.) Pat.-anat. kazuist.. . . Kharkov. Univ. 1902-3, Mosk, 1904, 60.—Jores (L.) Ueber die Neubildung elasti- i-cher Fasern in der Intima bei Endarteriitis. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1898, xxiv, 458-474, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1S97, Leipz, 1898, lxix, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 33-36.—Krzyszkow- ski (J.) [Periarteritis; a case of the class of Kahlden's re- searches.] Przegl. lek, Krak6w, 1899, xxxviii, 30; 45; 58.— Lecene (P.) Arterite et thrombose de Partere numerate; arteriotomie; extraction du caillot; suture de Partere; refor- mation d'un caillot. Arch. d. mal. du coeur [etc.], Par, 1909, ii, 138-143.—Lunn (J. R.) A case of arteritis. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1902, vii, 311.—Marburg (O.) Endarteriitis carti- laginosa der grossen Hirngefasse. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, Jena, 1902, xiii, 300-304.—Mttller (P.) Ueber Periarteriitis nodosa. Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. Stadt- krankenh. zu Dresd.-Friedrichstadt, Dresd, 1899, pt. 2, 457-480,1 pi.—Pernice (B.) Ricerche intorno alia etiologia dell' arterite (arterite sperimentale di origine microbica). Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1895), 1896, 101- 112.—Sabin (Florence R.) A ease of arterial disease, possi- bly periarteritis nodosa. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1901, xii, 195-198.—Tatarinofl (D. I.) [Pathology of embolic arteriitis.) Raboti hosp. khirurg. klin. Dyakonova, Mosk, 1903, ii, 173-187, 1 pi.—Vaquez & Bricout. Varietes evolu- tives des arterites subaigues et chroniques avec ou sans clau- dication intermittente. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par, 1913, 3. s.. xxxvi, 158-175.—Wiesel (J.) Die Erkran- kungen arterieller Gefasse im Verlaufe akuter Infektionen. 3. Teil. Die akute herdformige Mesarteriitis der Koronar- arterien und ihre Folgezustande. Ztschr. f. Heilk, Wien & Leipz, 1907, xxviii, Abt. f. path. Anat, 69-100, 1 pi.— Ziegler. Ueber traumatische Arteriitis und deren Bezie- hungen zur Arteriosklerose und zum Aneurysma (nach Experimental-Untersuchungen von Dr. Malkoff). Ver- handl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1898, Berl, 1899, 85-88. Arteries (Inflammation of, Obliterative). See, ateo, Gangrene (Spontaneous); Thrombo- angiitis obliltrans. Berard (L.) *Le traitement chirurgical des arterites obliterantes aigues localises des mem- bres. 8°. Lyon, 1909. Gubarefp (P. A.) *K patologicheskoi ana- tomii endarteriitis obliterans. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1902. Wienhues (II.) *Ueber Endarteriitis produc- tiva. 8°. Munchen, 1908. Adert. Obliterations vasculaires. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1904, xxiv, 306-308.—Augier. Arte- rite obliterante progressive. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1904, i, 139-141.—Ayerza (A.) Sobre un caso de endarteritis obli- terante. Semana me.d, Buenos Aires, 1913, xx, pt. 2, 502.— Barber (R. F.) Thrombo-angitis obliterans. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1917, xi, 29. -----. Thrombo-arteritis. Ibid., 30.—Bennett (R. A.) A case of obliterative arteritis. Lancet, Lond, 1909, ii, 1207-1209.—Borchard. Beitrage zur primaren Endarteriitis obliterans. Deutsche Ztschr, f. Chir, Leipz, 1896, xliv, 131-178,1 pi.—Branson (W. P. S.) Obliterative arteritis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1904-5, lvi, 212- 223.—Buerger (L.) Recent studies in the pathology of thromboangiitis obliterans. J. Med. Research, Bost, 1914-15, xxxi, 181-194, 5 pi.-----. Cases of thromboangiitis obliterans. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914, Ixxxvi, 860. -----. Is thrombo-angiitis obliterans an infectious disease? Surg, Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1914, xix, 582-588. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914, Ixxxvi, 863. -----. Recent studies in thrombo-angeitis obliterans. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1914, xiv, 108-113. -----. Concerning vasomotor and trophic disturbances of the upper extremities; with particular refer- ence to thrombo-angiitis obliterans. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1915, cxlix, 210-229. -----. The pathological and clinical aspects of thrombo-angiitis obliterans. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila, 1916, 3. s, xxxviii, 214-225. Also: Am. J. M. Be, Phila, 1917, cliv. 319-328.—Christiansen (V.) [A case of ... in a man oi 32 years.] Hosp.-Tid, K0bcnh, 1903, 4. R, xi, 653-665.—Despard (D. L.) Endarteritis obliterans. Ann. Surg.. Phila, 1916, lxiv, 751— Eislng (E. H.) Obli- terative endarteritis of femoral distribution with gangrene of the feet. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1906, lxx, 739-741.—Evans (E.) A case of thrombo-angeitis obliterans? Wisconsin M. J, Milwaukee, 191.5-16, xiv, 430.—Frauenthal (H. W.) Obli- terating endarteritis of the digitals, dorsals, and plantares. J. Advanc Therap, N. Y, 1910, xxviii, 26.5-268.— Ginsburg (N.) A consideration of the treatment of peripheral gan- grene, due to thrombo-angiitis obliterans, with reference to femoral vein ligation and sodium citrate injections. Tr. Arteries (Inflammation of Obliterative). Coll. Phvs. Phila, 1916, 3. s, xxxviii, 226-243. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1917, cliv, 328-338.—Goodman (C.) A serological study of presenile gangrene (thrombo-angeitis obliterans) with reference to the possibility of typhus fever being an etiological factor. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1916, lxxxix, 805: 1917, xcii, 275.—Goodman (C.) & Bernstein (E. P.) Presenile gangrene, thromboangiitis obliterans. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 1073.—Gottheil (W. S.) Endarteritis obliterans (syphilitica?). J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph, N. Y, 1909, xxvu, 185.—Gottlieb (I.) The r61e of minor surgical procedures in the development of thromboangiitis obliterans. N. York M. J. [etc], 1918, cvii, 65-67.—Guthrie (L.) Arte- ritis obliterans of right upper extremity associated with malformation of both clavicles. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1907-8, i, Neurol. Sect, 101-103—Heydenreich (A.) Un cas d'endarterite obliterante. Cong, franc, de med. Par. & Nancy, 1896-7, iii, fasc 2,178.—Johnson (H. P.) A case of obliterative arteritis. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond, 1904, ii, 59S—Johnson (W. T.) The diathermic treatment of thromboangiitis obliterans. Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol, N. Y, 1916, xxxiv, 72-78— Kjargaard (S.) Ein Fall von praseniler Gangran (Arteriitis obliterans). Nord. med. Ark.. Stockholm, 1916, 3. f, xvi, Afd. i, No. 10, 1-11 — Kraft (L.) Et tilfaelde af endarteritis obliterans med Pt.- demonstration. Hosp.-Tid, K0benh, 1911, 5. R.,'iv, 641- 645.—Landau (A.) [Endoarteriitis obliterans.] Neurol. polska. Warszawa, 1910, i, No. 3,11").—Lepoutre (C.) Arte- rite calcifiante et obliterante et gangrene senile; sclerose du myocarde et asystolie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1906, ii, 216- 219.—Levin (I.) A case of endarteritis obliterans. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1907-8, n. s, vii, 213-219.—Lund (F. B.) A case of arteriovenous anastomosis for obliterative endarte- ritis. Boston M. & S. J.. 1908, clix, 683.— Lusk (W. C.) Endarteritis obliterans relieved of symptoms and function becoming restored in conjunction with the use of the Schnee four-cell electric bath. Tr. N. Y. Surg. Soc, Phila, 1913, ii, 304-309, 1 pi. Also: Ann. Surg, Phila, 1913, lviii, 670-675, 1 pi.-----. A case of thrombo-angiitis, whose Wassermann was for a long time negative, but is now positive. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914, Ixxxvi, 833—Maes (U.) The conservative treatment of thrombo-angiitis obliterans. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1916-17, lxix, 449-452.—Marquis. Nevrotomie pour endar- terite obliterante. Arch. gen. de chir. Par, 1911, vii, 867- 873. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par, 1911, n. s, . xxxvii, 1000-1006.—Meyer (W.) The conservative treat- ment of gangrene of the extremities due to thrombo-angiitis obliterans. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1916, lxhi, 280-296.-----. Remarks on the conservative treatment of gangrene due to thrombo-angiitis obliterans. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1916, lxxxix, 494.—Michels (E.) & Weber (F. P.) Two cases of oblitera- tive arteritis in young men leading to gangrene in extremities. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1903, ii, 566-568.-----------. Oblitera- tive arteritis, leading to gangrene of extremities in otherwise apparently healthy men in the prime of life. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1904-5, lvi, 223-230.—Nobecourt (P.) & Paisseau ((J.) Arterite obliterante d'un membre inferieur et paro- tidite suppuree terminees par la guerisoh chez une enfant de cinq ans. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par, 1911, xv, 194-199. Also: Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par, 1911, xiii, 45-50.—Pain- ter (C. F.) Obliterating endarteritis; types and their sur- gical importance. Boston M. & S. J, 1908, clix, 36; 80. -----. The operative treatment of thrombo-angiitis oblite- rans. St. Paul M. J, 1916, xviii, 41-46.—Pop-Avramescu. kArteritis obliterans followed by intermittent lameness.) pitalul, BucurescI, 1906, xxvi, 537-539.— Rupfle (J.) Ein Fall von Arteriitis obliterans ascendens nach Trauma. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 215.—Saundby (R.) Obliterative endarteritis and the inflammatory changes in the coats of the small vessels. J. Anat. & Phvsiol, Lond, 1882-3, xvii, 180-187. Also, Reprint.—Stnkowltz (S. J.) & Gottlieb (I.) Thrombo-angiitis obliterans; the conserva- tive treatment by Bier's hyperemia suction apparatus. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917,lxviii, 961-963. Also, Reprint.— Skillern (P. G.) Thrombo-angiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease). Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg, 1914, xvi, 319-323. Also: Ann. Surg, Phila, 1914, lix, 443-447. -----. Thrombo- angiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) of the lower extremit y, with relief of pain bv neurectomy. Internat. Clin, Phila , 1914, 24.s,i, 200-202, 1 pi—Spencer (W. G.) A case of arteritis obliterans affecting three limbs, with photographs of the microscopical appearance of the arteries in the ampu- tated leg. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond, 1897-8, xxxi, 89-93, 3 pL— Stooke (G. F.) & Graham(A.) Case of obliterating arte- ritis. China M. Miss. J.. Shanghai, 1904, xviii, 126.—Sy- monds (C. J.) A case of obliterative arteritis. Proc Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1911-15, viii, Surg. Sect, 32-36— Timme (W.) A case of endarteritis obliterans. Boston M. & S. J, 1916, clxxiv, 539. -----. Obliterative arteritis and lead poisoning. Lancet, Lond, 1916, ii, 162.—Trimble. Syphi- litic obliterating endarteritis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph, Chicago, 1918, xxxvi, 179.—Tuholske (L.) Thrombo obli- terative anghtis, so-called presenile gangrene. J. Missouri M. Ass, St. Louis, 1917, xiv, 457.—Van Beuren (F. T.) Thromboangiitis obliterans, ulcer of toe. Med. Rec, N. V, 1914, Ixxxvi, 860. -----.Thrombo-angiitis obliterans. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1916, lxiv, 102-105, 1 pi.—Velel (E.) Beitrag ARTERIES. 31 ARTERIES. Arteries (Inflammation of, Obliterative). zur Arteriitis obliterans. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lx. 2560-2562.—Viannay (C.) Un cas d'arterite avec gan- grene; tentative infructueuse de traitement chirurgical. Prov. med. Par, 1909, xx, 303.-----. Anastomose arterio- veineuse termino-terminate pour,arterite obliterante; eehec therapeutique. Loire med, St.-Etienne, 1910, xxix, 433- 438.—Villard (E.) & Perrin (E.) Traitement des oblitera- tions vasculaires. Lyon chirurg, 1913, ix, 4-30.—Weber (F. P.) Arteritis obliterans of the lower extremity with intermittent claudication (angina cruris). Lancet, Lond, 1908, i, 152-154. Also, Reprint.-----. Chronic arteritis obliterans (lower extremity) associated with phlebitis. Proc Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1909-10, iii, Clin. Sect., 97. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1909-10, xxxiii, 394. Also, Re- print. -----. Non-syphilitic arteritis obliterans (thrombo- angeitis of Leo Buerger) with intermittent claudification of the left lower extremity. Proc Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Clin. Sect, 72-78. Also: Lancet, Lond, 1912, i, 169. -----. Non-syphilitic arteritis obliterans ("thrombo- angitis" of Leo Buerger), with gangrene of toes; remarks on the occasional connexion with traumata. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1914-15, viii, Clin. Sect.. 49-52. Also, Reprint. -----. Intermittent claudication of the right leg in an early case of thrombo-angiitis obliterans (non-syphilitic arteritis obliterans of Hebrews). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1916-17, x, Clin. Sect, 18.-----. Thrombo-angiitis oblite- rans (non-syphilitic arteritis obliterans of Hebrews) affect- ing three limbs. Ibid., 1-7. Also, Reprint. Also: Quart. J. Med, Oxford, 1916, ix, 289-300, 2 pi. Also, Reprint — Whyte (G. D.) Thrombo-angitis obliterans. China M. J, Shanghai, 1917, xxxi, 371-378, 2 pi— Wwedensky (A. A.) Ueber Arteriitis obliterans und ihre Folgen. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1898, lvii, 98-117. Arteries (Inflammation of, Syphilitic). See Arteries (Syphilis of). Arteries (Inflammation of, Tuberculous). See Arteries (Tuberculosis of). Arteries (Ligation of). See, also. Aneurism (Treatment of) by liga- tion; Ligation; and under names of the various arteries. Arcoleo (E.) Sull' allacciatura e sulla com- pressione temporanea delle arterie. Nota speri- mentale. 8°. Balermo, 1898. Meriel (E.) & Rougeau (R.) Les ligatures d'arteres a l'amphitheatre (precis iconographi- que). 8°. Baris, [1908] 1909. Peypers (H. F. A.) De ligatuur v66r A. Pare. (Protest tegen de ten name van Dr. K. Prins staande kritisch-historische bijdrage.) 8°. [Amsterdam, 1901.] Scarpa (A.) Lettere al Cav. Professore A. Vacca Berlinghieri sulla .legatura delle grosse arterie degli arti e risposta alle medesime del Cav. Professore A. Vacca Berlinghieri. 8°. Bisa, 1820. Vacca Berlinghieri (A.) Lettere al profes- sore Antonio Scarpa. 12. Bisa, 1820. Veitch (J.) Observations on the ligature of arteries, secondary hemorrhage and amputation at the hip-joint. 8°. Bondon, 1824. Ajello (A.) Contributo alia chirurgia delle arterie. I. Allacciatura dell' iliaca esterna per emorragia secondaria; guarigione. II. Allacciatura della femorale per ferita; guarigione. Gazz. di med. e chir, Palermo, 1909, viii, 229- 235.—Alegianl (U.) Compressione e allacciatura tempo- ranea delle arterie. Policlin, Roma, 1902, ix, sez. chir, 264- 288.—Allen (C. W.) Testing the efficiency of the collateral circulation as a preliminary to the occlusion of the great surgical arteries. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1912-13, ix, 91-98.—Alves Pinheiro (A.) Laqueacao das grandes arterias. Med. contemp, Lisb, 1915, xxxiii, 105-108 — Bardach (H.) Die Durchleuchtung von Blutgefassen und die Drosselung des arteriellen Gefassrohres. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1914, xxvii, 1175-1177.—von Beckh-Widman- stetter (H. A.) Ueber Ligaturen an schwer zuganglichen Stellen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1914, lxi, 1516.—Bick- ham (W. S.) Ligation of arteries in continuity. In: Surgery (Keen), 8°, Phila. & Lond, 1909, v,655-731.—Bishop (G. T.) Ligature of arteries in the continuity of a limb; notes from the surgical practice of the Royal Naval Hospital, Malta. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv, Lond, 1916, ii, 153-157.—Campbell (H. F.) The Hunterian ligation of arteries to relieve and to prevent destructive inflammation. South. J. M. Sc, N. Orl, 1866, i, 201-218. Also, Reprint—Cooper (E. S.) Ligating the arteries with their satellite veins. Tr. M. Soc. Arteries (Ligation of). Calif, Sacramento, 1858. ii, 128-132.—Doberauer. Die Unterbindung grosser Gefassstamme mit Hilfe der allmah- lichen Zuschniirung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir, Berl, 1908, xxxvii, 122-126— Duplay (S.) & Lamy (II.) Cicatrisation des arteres a la suite de la ligature dans la continuite; effets compares des ligatures septiques et asep- tiques. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1897, ii, 513-535.—Ender- len. Unterbindung frischer Arterienverletzungen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr, 1916, lxiii, 265.—Faure (J.-L.) Sur la ligature temporaire des arteres. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1899, xiii, 713-717.—Fifteen hundred B. C. to 1915 A. D, such is the stretch of time over which ligatures have traveled to present-day perfection. Mod. Hosp, St. Louis, 1916, vi, 337.—Fiori (P.) Influenzadell'al- lacciatura delle giugulari sugli esiti della legatura dei grossi tronchi arteriosi del collo. Riforma med, Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 981-985. Also: Rassegna di sc. med, Modena, 1904-5, xix, 261-275.—Giovanni (M.) Alcuni casi di impro- pria legatura delle arterie nella continuity del vaso. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 1027-1030. — Konig ( F.) Priifung des Kollateralkreislaufs vor der Unterbindung grosser Arterienstamme. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1916, xliii, 909; 963.—Kozlovski (B. S.) [Tying at the same time of both external iliac artery and vein for false (traumatic) aneurysm.] Khirurgia, Mosk, 1897, i, 219- 228.—Krttnig (B.) Die Unterbindung zufiihrender Gefasse am Orte der Wahl bei schweren postpartalen Blutungen. Zentralbl. f. Gynak, Leipz, 1911,xxxv, 1575.—Lastaria (F.) Sull' allacciatura e sulla compressione temporanea delle arterie. Attie rendic d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1897, ix, 346-357.-----. L'allacciatura e la compressione tem- poranea delle arterie nella clinica e nei laboratorio. Riforma med, Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 1, 373-375.—McDonald (E.) An improved method of preparing catgut ligatures; a pre- liminarv communication. Am. J. Surg., N. Y, 1910, xxiv, 129-131.—Mallett (E. P.) An automatic ligature passer. Tr.. South. Surg. &. Gynec Ass. 1900, Phila, 1901, xiii, 4?6-429— Matas (R.) Tests to determine the efficiency of the collateral circulation before attempting the permanent occlusion of the great surgical arteries. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1910, Hi, 126-130. ■-----. Testing the efficiency of the collateral circulation as a preliminary to the occlusion of the great surgical arteries; further observations, with special reference to the author's methods, including a review of other tests thus far suggested (abridged). J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 1441-1447. [Discussion], 1450- 1452.—Monks (G. H:) Tying the knots of ligatures and sutures with one hand. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1912, lvi, 780- 782, 4 pi.—Pugh (T. J.) Subcutaneous arterial ligation. Tr. Texas M. Ass, Austin, 1898,176-178. Alio: Med. Times, N. Y, 1899, xxvii, 16.—Razzaboni (G.) Suite fine altera- zioni strutturali della parete arteriosa nei casi di emorragia secondaria verificatasi nella sede di una pregressa legatura. Policlin, Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. chir, 145-158.—Ricketts (B. M.) Ligation of arteries; cocaine anesthesia. Inter- state M. J, St. Louis, 1902, ix, 188-191. Also: Med. Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 795-800. A Iso, Reprint—Sche- pelmann (E.) Eine Ligaturklemme fiir Aluminium- agraffen. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1912, xxxix, 772-774.— Seggel (R.) Ueber die Naht der Arterien. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1900), 1901, x, 61-78—Thomas (H. L.) Cases of gunshot injury requiring ligation of the artery. Confed. States M. & S. J, Richmond, 1864, i, 184-186.— Thomas (W. T.) Descriptions of conditions found in the head and neck two years and a quarter after ligature of all the carotid arteries, jugular veins, etc, of the left side. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1897, ii, 465.—Turner & Hallion. Sur un procede permettant de prevoir que Pirrigation sanguine per- sistera dansun membre apres ligature de son artere principale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1912, lxxiii, 606.—Unger (E.) Zur Behandlung der Extremitaten nach Unterbindung. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1916, xliii, 73.—Veau (V.) La suture des arteres. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1901, lxxiv, 297- 300.—Wehlritz. Ueber Arterien unterbindung nach se- kundaren Nachblutungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1915, xii, 179—Wright (D. F.) The effects of the Hunterian method of ligation on inflammation. Confed. States M. & S. J, Richmond, 1864, i, 177-179 — Wyeth (J. A.) Ligation of arteries. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1894, Phila, 1895, vii, 219-233. Arteries (Ligation of, Experimental). See, also, under names of various arteries. Delrez (L.) Recherches experimentales sur la ligature aseptique des arteres. Arch. gen. de chir. Par, 1911, v, 488- 508.—Githens (T. S.) The results of ligation of the pul- monary and cutaneous arteries in the frog. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol. Med, N. Y, 1911-12, ix, 82-84.—Murphy. Resection of arteries and veins injured in continuity; end to end suture; experimental and clinical research. Railway Surgeon,Chicago, 1896-7,iii, 385-404. [Discussion], 418-420.— Offergeld. Ueber die Unterbindung der grossen Gefasse des Unterleibes; experimentelle und kritische Studien. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1907, lxxxviii, 217-310.—Schaef- fer (J. P.) The behavior of the elastica in arteries following ligation and in the organization of thrombi which ensue. Anat. Record, Phila, 1916-17, xi, 400-403—Sehrt (E.) ARTERIES. 32 ARTERIES. Arteries (Ligation of, Experimental). Ueber die kiinstliche Blutleere von (Uiedmassen und unterer Korperhalfte, sowie fiber die Ursache der Gangran des Gliedes nach Unterbindung der Arterien allein. Med. Klin, Berl, 1916, xii, 1338-1341.—Wyeth (J. A.) Demonstration by experimental studies on animals and operations on human beings, of the process of permanent arterial occlusion after deligation. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1910, liv, 1301. Arteries (Morphology of). See Arteries (Embryology and morphology of). Arteries (Murmurs in). See, also, Aneurism (Diagnosis of); Blood- vessels (Murmurs in). Ferrario (A.) Ricerche sui rumori delle ar- terie indipenti da vizio organico. 8°. Milano, 1847. Valentin (P.) *Du double souffle intermit- tent crural et de sa pathogenic 8°. Lyon, 1904. Bard (L.) De Pappreciation des resistances periphe- riques par Pauscultation des souffles arteriels. Arch. d. mal. du cceur[etc], Par, 1915, viii, 105-111.—Dehio (K.) Ueber das pulsatorische Tonen der Arterien. Petersb. med. Ztschr. St. Petersb, 1913, xxxviii, 259-263.—Ferrio (L.) & Bosio (E.) Sul meccanismo di produzione del doppio soflio crurale (fenomeno di Durosiez). Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1901, ii, 61-67. Also, transl.: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr.. Wien, 1901, viii, 305; 339.—Phillips (S.) On some arterial murmurs. Lancet, Lond, 1889, i,979; 1024.—Roberts (S. R.) A study of arterial sounds. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxix, 873-878. Also, Reprint. Arteries (Necrosis of). See Arteries (Diseases of). Arteries (Obliteration of). See Arteries (Inflammation of, Obliterative); Arteries (Occlusion, etc., of); Blood-vessels (Obliteration of); Thromboangiitis obliterans. Arteries (Occlusion and obstruction of). See, also, Embolism; Thrombosis. Bogoliepoff (L. P.) Metodi razrabotki kli- nicheskavo materiala s obraztsom analiza 30 slu- chayev zakuporki arteriy serdtsa. [Methods of working up clinical material, with a specimen analysis of 30 cases of thrombosis of the cardiac arteries.] 8°. Moskva, 1904. Paradis (L.) *De l'etroitesse congenitale du Bysteme arteriel. 8°. Lyon} 1903. Balard (P.) Valeur diagnostique et prognostique de Pindice oscillometrique au cours de Pobliteration arterielle des membres. Progrfes med. Par, 1917, 3. s, xxxii, 217; 225.—Bryant (T.) On obstructed arteries. Lancet, Lond, 1896, i, 1274.-----. Occlusion of arteries the result of injury. Ibid., 14*6-1489.—Cawadlas (A.) L'exploration de la pcr- meabilite des arteres des membres par Poscillometre. Bull. Acad, de mea. Par, 1915, 3. s, lxxiv, 591.-----. L'explo- ration de la permeabilite des arteres des membres par f'os- cillometrie. Arch. d. mal. du cceur, Par.. 1916, ix, 201-208 — Frenkel (H.) & Sarda (H.) Stenose du tronc brachioce- phalique ayant simuie un retrecissement de Paorte; oblite- ration de Partere coronaire droite; mort subite. Echo med, Toulouse, 1900, 2. s, xiv, 601-607—Goodklnd (M. L.) & Eisendrath (D. N.) Pathological closure of the large arte- ries arising from the arch of the aorta. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xiii, 69-76— Halsted (W. S.) Partial, progressive and complete occlusion of the aorta and other large arteries in the dog by means of the metal band. J. Exper. M, Lan- caster, Pa, 1909,373-391,3 pi.-----. Der partielle Verschluss grosser Arterien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir, Berl, 1914, xliii, pt. 2, 349-367. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1914, cv, 580-599.—Halsted (W. S.) & Sowers (W. F..M.) Experimental partial occlusion of arteries. Internat. J. Surg, N. Y, 1907, xx, 186.—Hutchinson (J.) On sudden occlusion of arteries by coagulation. Arch. Surg.. Lond, 1898, ix, 100-106—Le Play (A.) Pieces relatives a des retre- cissements arteriels experimentaux. Bull, et mem. Soc anat. de Par, 1906, lxxxi. 393.—Leriche (R.) Du syndrome sympathique consecutif a certaines obliterations arterielles traumatiques et de son traitement par la sympathectomie peripherique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1917, n. s, xliii, 310-314.—Leriche (R.) & Heitz (J.) De la reaction vaso-dilatatrice consecutive a la resection d'un segment arteriel oblitere. Compt. rend. Soc de biol.. Par.. 1917, lxxx, 160-162.— Syers (H. W.) Case of arterial occlusion. Clin. J, Lond, 1899-1900, xv, 138.—Vanverts (J.) Valeur du signe de Moskowiez pour le diagnostic du siege de l'ob- struction arterielle dans les gangrenes dues a cette obstruc- tion. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 592-594. Arteries (Ossification of). O'Brien (S. J.) Ueber Verknocherungsvor- giinge in den Arterien. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1902. Bassal. Sur un cas d'ossification d'une artere. Toulouse med, 1911, 2. s, xiii, 158.—Harvey (W. H.) Experimental bone-formation in arteries. J. Med. Research, Bost, 1907-8, xvii, 25-34,2pl.—Miesowlcz (E.) Ueber die experimentelle heteroplastische Knorpelbildung in der Tieraorta. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, Jena, 1907, xviii, 8-10.- MOnckeberg (J. C.) Ueber Knochenbildung in der Arte- rienwand. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1902, clxvii, 191-210, 1 pi. Arteries (Rigidity of). Hamburger (F.) Leber Arterienrigiditiit im Kindes- alter. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lviii, 250.—Rit- tenhouse (W.) Ueber Arterienrigiditat bei Kindern. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xxv, 920.—Roemheld (L.) [Eine abnorme Rigiditat der Arterien nervoser jugendlicher Individuen.l Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg, 1909, Ixxix, 795.—Wolkow (M.) Arterienrigiditat und Aortenenge. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1910, xxvii, 611-616. Arteries (Rupture of). See, also, Aneurism (Aortic, Bupture of); Blood-vessels (Rupture of). Jungling(T. P. T.) *Ueber Arterien-Zerreis- sungen, nebst zwei Fallen spontaner Aortenrup- tur. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Michaut (P.-E.) *Ruptures spontan£es des arteres. 8°. Bans, 1910. Picqtjet (P.) *Les ruptures arterielles trau- matiques. 8°. Baris, 1906. ------. The same. 8°. Baris, 1906. Hot tidier (C.) Ueber den Mechanismus subcutaner Ge- f assrupturen im Anschluss an einen Fall von Zerreissung der Arteria poplitea. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1898, xlix, 267-292.—Crook (J. A.) Subcutaneous rupture of large arteries from contused wounds. Tr. M. Soc. Ten- nessee, Nashville, 1899, 59-63. [Discussion.], 57. Also: South. Pract, Nashville, 1899, xxi, 245-249.—Klotz (O.) Fracture of arteries. J. Med. Research, Bost, 1916, xxxiv, 495-507. Also, Reprint.—Lejars (F.) Des ruptures sous- cutanees directes des grosses arteres et des gangrenes con- secutives. Rev. de chir. Par, 1898, xviii, 290; 540.—Petit (G.) Le mecanisme histologique de la rupture tardive des arteres. Presse med. Par, 1915, xxiii, 457.—Ritter. Ueber traumatische Schlagaderrupturen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med, Berl, 1904, xxvii, 1-35.—Schorong (A.) Zwei Falle voft direkter subkutaner Ruptur grosser Extremitatenar- terien. Strassb. med. Ztg, 1905, ii, 192-202.—Vanverts (J.) Du traitement de la rupture incomplete des arteres. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 453-460. Arteries (Sounds in). See Arteries (Murmurs in). Arteries (Spasm-of). De Kraft (FT) The relief of localized arterial spasm by electricity. J. Advanc. Therap, N. Y, 1912, xxx, 444- 450.—Lazarus (P.) Spasm of the arteries; translated and abstracted by A. A. Eshner. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila, 1909, 3. s, xxxi, 190-192— Sharp (J. G.) A series of cases of transient aphasia, hemiplegia, and hemiparesis due to arterial spasm. Lancet, Lond, 1915, ii, 863-866. Arteries (Stenosis of). See Arteries (Occlusion and obstruction of). Arteries (Surgery of). See, also, Arteries (Ligation of); Arteries (Suture of); Arteries (Transplantation vf); Ar- teries (Wounds of); Blood-vessels (Surgery of). [Butler (W.)l An improved method of open- ing the temporal artery; also, a new proposal for extracting the cataract; with descriptions and delineations of the instruments contrived for both operations. By the author, when a student at Edinburgh. To which are now added a mis- cellaneous introduction, and cases, and observa- tions, chiefly tending to illustrate the good effects of arteriotomy in various diseases of the head. By the same author. 8°. London, 1783. Delbet (P.) & Mocquot (P.) Affections chirurgicales des arteres. roy. 8°. Baris, 1911. Maunder (C. F.) Surgery of the arteries; Lettsomian lectures of the Medical Society of London. 12°. London, 1875. ARTERIES. 33 ARTERIES. Arteries (Surgery of). Monod (0.) & Vanverts (J.) Chirurgie des arteres. Resume du rapport presente au xxiie Congres francais de chirurgie. 8°. Lille, 1908. ------------. Chirurgie des arteres. Rap- port au xxiie Congres de chirurgie. 8°. Baris, 1909. Also, in: Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 20-166. Also [Abstr.], in: Ann. de chir et d'orthop. Par, 1909, xxii, 292-312. Vance (R. A.) Surgery of arteries. A paper read before the Ohio State Medical Society, June 14th, 1882. 8°. Columbus, 1882. Ajello (A.) Contributo alia chirurgia delle arterie. Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, iii, 641-646.—Auvray. Chirurgie des arteres. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 184-190.—Bajardi (D.) Contributo alia chirurgia delle arterie. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1898, Iii, 25; 37. —Carrel (A.) & Guthrie (C.-C.) Resultats du patching des arteres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1906; Ix, 1009-1011.—Cary (F. S.) Arterio-arterial anastomosis by telescoping a branch into a trunk. Bull. El Paso Co. M. Soc, El Paso, Tex, 1909, i, No. 2, 21. —Cauccl (A.) Lo zaflamento intravasale dei grossi tronchi arteriosi. Nota preventiva. Policlin., Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. prat, 509.— Darpres (J.) Chirurgie des arteres. Arch. prov. de chir. Par., 1909, xviii, 655. Also: Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 210-215.—Doyen (EJ Chirurgie des arteres. Ibid., 181— Ehreniried (A.) & Boothby (W. M.) The technic of end-to-end arterial anastomosis, with report of a case. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1911, liv, 485-495, 3 pi. Also, Reprint.—Forgue (E.) Chirurgie des arteres. Ass. franc de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 166-168.—Fummi (A.) Chirurgia dei vasi succlavi e del troneo innominat o. Policlin, Roma, 1904, xi, sez. chir, 408-429.—Golden (W. W.) Ar- terio-arterial anastomosis by telescoping a branch into a trunk. West Virg. M. J, Wheeling, 1906-7, i, 216.—Greiflen- hagen (W.) Zur Kasuistik der arteriovenosen Anastomose bei drohender Gangran. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1911, xxxvi, 484-486.—Hoffmann (A.) Arterienplastik nach Arterienresektion. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1916, xliii, 981-983.—Jourdan. La chirurgie des arteres. Ass. franc. de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 226.—Matas (R.) Testing the efficiency of the collateral circulation as a pre- liminary to the occlusion of the great surgical arteries. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1911, liii, 1-43.—Mattocks (B.) The key- ring artery-clamp. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc, Lincoln, 1884, 245.—Nefl (J. M.) A method of gradual automatic occlu- sion of the larger blood-vessels at one operation. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1911, lvii, 700-708.—Neuhof (H.) Fascia transplantation into lateral defects of the major arteries. Surg, Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1918, xxvi, 324-330. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1917, xcii, 217—von Oppel (W. A.) The surgery of the arterial system; reduzierter Blut- kreislauf. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med, Lond, 1913, Sect vii, Surg, 189.—Princeteau. Chirurgie des arteres. Ass. franc. de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 195-199.—Salvia (E.) La resezione delle arterie. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Na- poli, 1902, n. s, xxiv, 631-640. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1902, Iii, 841; 895; 970.—Savariaud (M.) Chi- rurgie des arteres. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 194.—Sorel (R.) Chirurgie des arteres. Ibid., 206-208.—Vander Veer (A.) Surgery of the arteries; some personal experiences. Tr. Am. Suig. Ass, Phila, 1912, xxx, 366-380. Also: Surg, Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1912, xv, 255-261.—Vidal (E.) Sur quelques cas de chirurgie des arteres. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 199-205. Arteries (Surgery of, Experimental). See, also, Arteries (Ligation of, Experimental); Arteries (Suture of, Experimental); Arteries (Transplantation of). Carrel (A.) Au sujet de la conservation des arteres en cold storage. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1907, lxii, 1173-1175.-----. Latent life of arteries. J. Exper. M, Lan- caster, Pa, 1910, xii, 460-486, 4 pi.—Cow (D.) Some reac- tions of surviving arteries. J. Physiol, Lond, 1911, xiii, 125- 143.—Hagemann (R.) Ueber die Resorbierbarkeit in Formol geharteter Kalbsarterien. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Konigsb, 1910, Leipz, 1911, lxxxii, pt. 2,121-123.—Kesson (J. E.) Some properties of surviving arteries. Heart, Lond., 1912-13, iv, 259-272.— Murphy (J. B.) Resection of arteries and veins injured in continuity; end-to-end suture; experimental and chnical research. Railway Surg, Chicago, 1896-7, iii, 385-404. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1897,li, 73-ss.—Salinari(S.) & Virdla (T.) Contributo sperimentale ed istologico allasutura delle arterie. Gior. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1902, 1,463; 561.—Somers (W. F. M.) Experimental partial occlusion of arteries. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1906, Phila, 1907, xix, 486-490.—Strat- ton (R. T.) The gradual surgical occlusion of large arteries; its relative advantages, together with an experimental inquiry as to its feasibility. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1903, xxxviii, 256-264.—Torraca (L.) Sulla soprawivenza delle arterie 96808°— Vol. II. 3d series—19----3 Arteries (Surgery of, Expetimental). isolate e conservate a bassa temperatura. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 1911, lxv, 319-325.—Vitale (E.) Ri- ccrche sperimentali sulla rigenerazione delle tonache interne delle arterie in seguito a raschiamento. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1906, n. s, xxviii, 740; 775. Arteries (Survival of). See Arteries (Surgery of, Experimental). Arteries (Suture of). Baum (F. L.) *Ueber die Blutgefass-Xaht. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Greifswald, 1902. Bourderon (A.-F.-A.) Contribution a l'etude de la suture arterielle circulaire com- plete. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909. Fighiero (P.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement des plaies arterielles par la suture. 8°. Montpellier, 1903. Landais (M.) *Sutures arterielles chez l'homme; resultats immediats et resultats eloignes. 8°. Baris, 1904. Levy (M.) *Traitement des plaies arterielles par la suture. 8°. Montpellier, 1910. Battistini (A.) Sulla sutura delle ferite arteriose. Poli- clin., Roma, 1896, iii-C, 141-144.—Couteaud. Echecd'.une suture arterielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xiii, 696-698.—Delanglade. Suture circulaire des arteres radiate et cubitale. Ibid., 1903, n. s, xxix, 401-405.—Delia Rovere (O.) Contributo alia sutuia delle arterie secondo il metodo Salomoni. Clin, chir, Milano, 1909, xvii, 2S-35.— Djemil-Pacha. Sutures des plaies arterielles. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, 663-666. ------. A propos des sutures arterielles. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1904, n. s, xxx, 718.—Dorfler (J.) Ueber Arteriennaht. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1899, xxv, 7J1- 825.—F&ykiss (F.) [The suture of the arteries.] Buda- pesti orv. ujsag, 1907, v, 567; 587; 603. Also, transl.: Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1908, lviii, 606-650.—Fowelin (II.) Ein Fall von partiellcr Naht der Arteria brachialis und ein Fall von zirkularer Naht der Arteria femoralis. Ibid., 1913, lxxxiii, 56-61.—Gobiet (J.) Beitrage zur Arteriennaht. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xxii, 1433-1439.—Grasmann (M.) Ueber die Naht der Gefasstamme bei Stichverle- tzungen der Extremitaten; ein Beitrag zur zirkularen Arte- riennaht am Menschen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1909, lvi, 807-809.—Hoogenboom (J. H.) Een en ander over arterienaad. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1909, ii, 382-389.—Hubbard (J. C.) The suture of arteries. Boston M. & S. J, 1902, cxlvi, 323-327. [Discussion], 339. Also, Reprint.—Jacobsthal (H.) Zur Histologic der Arterien- naht. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1900, xxvii, 199-230, 1 pi.—Knoll (W.) Arteriennaht in inficiertem Gebiet. Ibid., 1917, cv (Kriegschir. Hefte, vii), 350-35S.—Lejars (F.) Valeur pratique de lasuture arterielle. Semaine med. Par, 1903, xxiii, 109-111.—MacLaurin (C.) Two cases of arte- riorrhaphy. Austral. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1913, xxxiii, 122.— Martin (E.) Zirkulare Arteriennaht beim Menschen. Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, 1455-1458.—Matas (R.) The suture of the arterial system; the suture as applied to the surgical cure of aneurysm. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond, 1914, Sect, vii, Surg, pt. 2, 149-172. [Discussion], 173-190, 3 pi—Mehliss. Ein Fall von zirkularer Arte- riennaht. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1915, lxii, 7.— Morestin (H.) Un cas de suture arterielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1911, n. s, xxxvii, 1012-1015.—Mur- phy (J. B.) On end to end suture of large vessels. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1897, 274-280.—Opokin (A. A.) [Circular arterial suture.] Khirurgi'a, Mosk, 1907, xxi, 277- 305.—Orlofl (L. V.) [On suturing wounds of arteries.] Vestnik Med, Kharkov, 1896, i, 87.—Papaloannou (T.) Ein Fall von zirkularer Arteriennaht. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 1179.—Pluyette. Suture circulaire des arteres. Marseille med, 1903, xl, 304-308.—Proust (R.) Les resultats actuels des sutures arterielles chez l'homme. J. de chir. Par, 1908, i, 94-106.—Salomoni (A.) Sulla sutura delle arterie. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1903, xxiv, 591.— Schmitz (H.) Die Arteriennaht. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1902-3, Ixvi, 299-318.—Seggel (R.) Ueber die Naht der Arterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1900, xlvii, 1105; 1138.—Smith (A.) Ueber Arteriennaht. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1909, xxviii, 729-766, 1 pi.—Smith (E. A.) On circular or end-to-end suturing of arteries; being a modification of an already published method. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, i, 1407-1409.—Tomaselli (G.) Sugli esiti lontani della sutura col metodo dell'aflrontamento del- l'endotelio e sui processi di guarigione delle ferite arteriose. Clin, chir, Milano, 1903, xi, 367-379,2 pi.—Vogel (R.) Ueber Arteriennaht; Beitrage zur Gefasschirurgie. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lxiii, 43-15.—Wiart (P.) Un cas de suture arterielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1903, n. s, xxix, 347-353.— Wille (H.) Cirkulser arteriesutur. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk, Kristiania, 1910, 5. R, viii, 530-539.— Wolf (A.) [Suture of arteries.] Lwow. tygodn. lek, 1913, viii, 381-383. ARTERIES. Arteries (Suture of, Experimental). Amberg (H.) *Experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der circularen Arteriennaht. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1903, lxviii, 1-16. Smith (E. A.) Suture of arteries; an experi- mental research. 8°. London, 1909. De Gaetano (L.) Sutura delle arterie; ricerche speri- mentah sul processo di guarigione delle ferite delle arterie, in rapporto alia rigenerazione delle fibre elastiche. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1903, n. s, xxv, 289-312.— Dorrance (G. M.) An experimental study of suture of arteries, with a description of a new suture. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg, 1908, ix, 106-121, 8 pi.—Pozzilli (P.) Contri- buto sperimentale e clinico alia sutura delle arterie. Poli- clin, Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. prat, 577-580. Arteries (Syphilis of). See, also, Aneurism (Aortic, Syphilitic); Ar- teriosclerosis (Syphilitic). Darier (J.) De l'arterite syphilitique. 8°. Baris, 1904. Dtjrandard (M.) Contribution a l'etude des arterites syphilitiques des membres. 8°. Baris, 1902. • ------. The same. 8°. Baris, 1902. Belkowski (J.) [Syphilis of the arteries of the extremi- ties.] Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1906, 2. s, xxvi, 1249; 1280; 1309.—Bonnet (L.-M.)&Courjon. Arterites syphilitiques; considerations sur les consequences de l'obliteration des arteres peripheriques. Lyon med, 1909, cxii, 813-821 — Bory (L.) Contribution a, l'etude anatomique de l'arterite syphilitique des membres. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par, 1908, iii, 801-830.—Caussade (G.) & Levy-Franckel (G.) Un cas d'arterite syphilitique des collaterales des doigts gueri par le traitement mercuriel. Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et syph. Par, 1913, xxiv, 236-241—Cipollina (A.) Con- tributo alio studio dell' endoarterite sifilitica. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1902, xh, 579-583.—Darier (J.) Syphilis arte- rielle ou de l'arterite syphilitique. Syphilis, Par, 1906, iv, 86-109.—Davies (H. M.) Arteriovenous anastomosis for gangrene due to syphilitic endarteritis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.. Lond, 1911-12, v, Clin. Sect, 25-27.—Gaucher. Les arterites syphilitiques. Progres med. Par., 1913, xxix, 475- 478.—Gaucher & Bory. Arterite syphilitique et gangrene du pied gauche. Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et syph. Par, 1908, xix, 58-62.—Gowers (Sir W. R.) On a case of syphi- litic arterial disease. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1901, ii, 1581- 1584.—Grau (R.) Un caso de arteritis sifilftica. Actas y trab. d. 1" Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1905, i, 109-112.—Hays (J. E.) Arterial disease due to syphilis. Louisville Month. J. M. & S, 1914-15, xxi, 1-8.—Hummel (E. M.) Syphilitic disease of the arteries of the central nervous system, with detailed report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1910, lv, 994-997.—Iglesias y Carral (M.) Arteritis sifilitica; locali- zation cerebral. Ciencia mod, Madrid, 1897, iv, 334-337.— Klotz (H. G.) Peripheral syphilitic arteritis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph, N. Y, 1907, xxv, 449-459. Also: Internat. Dermat. Cong, vi, 1907. Tr, N. Y, 1908, ii, 812-825.— Letulle (M.) Syphilis arterielle. Presse med. Par, 1896, 605-608.-----. Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis arte- rielle; les ruptures spontanees de Paorte par aortite sciero- atrophique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1909, lxxxiv, 473-509.—Leudet (E.) Curabilite de l'arterite syphilitique. Ass. fran?. pour Pavance. d. sc. C.-r. 1884, Par, 1885, xiii, pt. 2, 452-459.—McPhedran (A.) Syphilitic disease of the arteries. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1916, xvi, 10.—Millan (G.) Syphilis arterielle. Progres med. Par, 1909, 3. s, xxv, 21.—Nordman. Gangrene du pied par arterite syphilitique. Loire med, St.-Etienne, 1909, xxviii, 75-77 — Platot. Diagnostic etiologique precoce des affections arte- rielles, role capital de la syphilis. Paris med, 1911-12, 631- 634.—Sfizary (A.) Histo-'microbiologie de l'arterite syphili- tique. Presse med. Par, 1910, xviii, 929-931—Trois- fontaines. Gangrene de la phalangette par arterite syphi- litique obliterante. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph. Par, 1908, xix, 36-38.—Vanzetti (F.) Ricerche sperimentali sull' arte- rite sifilitica dei grandi vasi. Pathologica, Genova, 1909-10, ii, 441-442. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1910, 4. s, xvi, 276-278.—Walker (T.) Syphilitische Arteriitis. Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, Berl, 1905, ii, 238-248. Arteries (Tonus of). See Arteries (Elasticity, etc., of); Blood- pressure. Arteries (Torsion of). Schrader (C.-A.-C.) *De la torsion des ar- teres. Traduit du latin par A. Petit. 8°. Baris, 1831. ARTERIES. Arteries (Torsion of). Vitellini (M.) De la torsion des arteres. 8°. Montpellier, 1833. Macfarlane (J. W.) Torsion of arteries. Penn. M. J, Pittsburgh, 1901-2, v, 241-246. Arteries (Transplantation of). Christian (S. L.) & Sanderson (E. L.) Arterial trans- plantation, with technic employed. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1913-14. lxvi, 517-521. [Discussion], 547-550.—Delbet (P.) Tentative de greffe arterielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1907, n. s, xxxiii, 413-421.—Hubbard (J. C.) Trans- plantation of arteries. Div. Surg. M. Sch. Harv. Univ., Bost, 1902-3, 80-85, 1 pi. Also: J. Med. Research, Bost, 1903, ix. 456-461, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Ingebrigtsen (R.) The influence of isoagglutinins on the final results of homo- plastic transplantations of arteries. J. Exper. M., Lancas- ter, Pa, 1912, xvi, 169-177, 1 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 1475.— Levin (I.) & Larkin (J. H.) Transplantation of devitalized arterial segments. Proc Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med, N. Y, 1S07-8, v, 109-111.-----------. Transplantation of devitalized arterial segments; morphologicalchanges in the implanted segments. J. Med. Research, Bost, 1909-10, xxi, 319-326, 1 pi.—Moure (P.) Technique des greffes vascuiaires ap- pliquees au retabhssement de la continuite des arteres. J. de chir. Par, 1912, ix, 541-560.—Perrln & Delachanal (J.) Heterogreffes arterielles; considerations histologiques. Lyon med, 1911, cxvii, 1491-1496.—Plrovano (A.) Un cas de greffe arterielle. Presse med. Par, 1911, xix, 55.—Taver- nier & Dubreuil. De la survie des greffes arterielles homo- plastiques. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lvon, 1912, x, 543- 547. Also: Lyon med, 1912, cxix, 1038-1042.—Tavernier & Perrin. Greffe arterielle heteroplastique. Ibid., 1911, cxvii, 434-436.— Villard (E.), Tavernier (L.) & Perrin (E.) Recherches experimentales sur les greffes vascuiaires. Lyon chirurg, 1911, v, 144-171, 2 pi. Arteries (Tuberculosis of). Bosco (G. A.) Arteritis tuberculosa en la circunvolu- cioh de Broea y afasia motriz verdadera. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1914-15, i, 66-68,1 pi.—Chalier (A.) Tuberculose inflammatoire des arteres; anevrismes, en particulier del'aorte, d'origine tuberculeuse. Progres med. Par, 1907, 3. s, xxiii, 230-233.—Cornil. Arterite tubercu- leuse de Partere pulmonaire chez le chien. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1901, lxxvi, 525-527.—Geissler (O.) Ueber Arterientuberkulose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1906, clxxxvi, 135-145.—Giannettasio (N.) Sull' arterite tubercolare. Policlin., Roma, 1903, x, sez. chir, 441-457,1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Hay thorn (S. R.) Tuberculosis of the large arteries, with the report of a case of tuberculous aneurism of the right common iliac artery. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913,lix, 1413-1416. Also, Reprint— Vanzetti (F.J Ricerche sperimentali suite alterazioni tubercolari dei vasi sanguigni e sulla produzione degli aneurismi. Pathologica, Genova, 1909-10, 203-205. Arteries (Wounds of). See, also, Aneurism; Heematoma; Haemor- rhage; and under names of arteries. Carozzo (Q.) *Des plaies arterielles. 4°. Gtnes, 1811. [P., v. 2151.] Razzaboni (G.) Processo di guarigione delle lesioni traumatiche delle arterie. roy. 8°. Bo- logna, 1910. Vaccari (L.) Le ferite delle grosse arterie e la loro sutura. 8°. Bologna, 1910. Alamartine. Sur les plaies arterielles a manifestations tardives. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1917, n. s, xliii, 177-182.—Arnsperger. Arterienverletzungen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1904, xliii, Suppl.-Hft, 205.—Bar- denheuer. Die ischamische Kontraktur und Gangran als Folge der Arterienverletzung. Gdnkschr. f. d. verstorb. Generalstabsarzt d. Armee ... v. Leuthold, Berl, 1906, ii, 87-131.—Bazy (L.) Traitement des hematomes arteriels. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1913, xxvii, 228-231.— Bernhardt (M.) Trauma una Arterienerkrankung. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1907, xxxii, 294-296 — Brewer (G. E.) Some experiments with a new method of closing wounds of the larger arteries. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1904, xl, 856-864, 4 pi.—Brown (C. S.) Traumatic arterial hematoma. Tr. Florida M. Ass, Jacksonville, 1899,56-61 — Burrows (H.) Paralvsis following arterial injuries. Brit. M. J, Lond., 1918, i, 199-203.- Busalla. Ueber die Versor- gung verletzter Extremitaten-Schlagadern in der Nahe des Schultergurtelsund des Beckenringes. Med. Klin., Berl„1917, xiii, 14.—Catorio (L.) La rigenerazione delle fibre elastiche neile ferit e delle arterie in rapporto al materiale di sutura ed al fattorefunzionale; contributosperimentaleallameceano-mor- fosl in patologia. Riforma med, Napoli, 1914, xxx, 59-«8.— Crainz(S.V.) Lesionichirurgiche delle grandi arterie. Clin. chir, Milano, 1916, xxiv, 546-564.—De Gaetano. Ricerche sperimentali sul processo di riparazione delle ferite delle arterie, in rapporto alia rigenerazione delle fibre elastiche. 4 ARTERIES. 35 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteries (Wounds of). Arch, ed atti.d. Soc. ital. ai chir. 1902, Roma, 1903, xvii, pp. lxxx-lxxxii.—Dry wounds of the arteries. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxix, 1019—Edlngton (G. H.) Obser- vations on the laceration of large arteries. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1912, ii, 875-877.—Erdman (S.) Wounds of arteries; incomplete division, the cause of repeated hemorrhages and the formation of false aneurysm. N. York M. J. [etc], 1914, c, 1261. Also. Reprint.—Ferran (T.) Six observations de plaies arterielles sans hemorragie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par, 1917, xxxi, 311.—Kroh (F.) & Krahbel (M.) Arterial contractility in wounds. Brit. M."J, Lond, 1918, i, 574.—Lefevre (H.) Lesions des arteres d ans les plaies par arrachement. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 379.— Malkoff (G. M.) Ueber die Bedeutung der traumatischen Verletzungen von Arterien (Quetschung, Dehnung) fiir die Entwicklung der wahren Aneurysmen und der Arterioskle- rose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg Path, Jena, 1899, xxv, 431-446, 2 pi.—Martin (A.) Les plaies seches des arteres. Presse med.. Par, 1917, xxv, 460.—Monod (C.) & Vanverts (J.) Dutraitementdeshematomesarterielsetarterioveineux. Rev. de chir. Par, 1911, xliii, 46; 196.—Renon (L.) Valeur diagnostique et pronostique del'oscillometre au cours de Pob- literation traumatique des grosses arteres. Bull. Acad, de med,Par,1915,3.s,lxxiv,125-128. .47so.-Rev.gen.declin.et de therap. Par, 1915, xxix, 497.—Sannie(P.) Geneezingvan twee gckwetste slagaders. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1757, iii, 575-597,1 pi.— Treatment of arterial wounds. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1917, i, 403.—Turner. De l'intubation dans les plaies des grosses arteres. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915,3. s, lxxiv, 455-460. -----. A propos des plaies des arteres. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1917, n. s, xliii, 1469-1471.—Weiss. Apro- pos du traitement des plaies des arteres. Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1912, xliv, 706-708.—Wieting. Zur Frage der traumatischen falschen Aneurysmen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1914, xciv, 1-8.—Witzel. Behandlung der Arte- rienverletzung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. & Berl, 1906, xxxii, 1518.—Wylie (S. M.) Traction injuries of arteries. Illinois M. J, Springfield, T903-4, v, 139-143 — Yvert (A.) Traitement d'une blessure de grosse artere. Presse med. Par, 1904, i, 69. Arteries (Wounds of, Gunshot). Eckert (F.) *Ueber die Schussverletzungen der Arterien. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Makins (G. H.) Gunshot injuries of the arteries. The Bradshaw lecture. 8°. London, 1914. Also, in: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1913, ii, 1569-1577. Also, in: Lancet, Lond, 1913, ii, 1743-1752. Bergasse. Revue des modes d'hemostase actuels dans les blessures des grosses arteres par les armes a feu. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence, 1912, xiii, 161-180.— Dupuich. Des modes d'hemostase actuels dans les bles- sures des grosses arteres par les armes a feu. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil. Par, 1913, lxi, 113-158..—Enderlen.— Behandlung der Arterienverletzungen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing.. 1916, xcviii (Kriegschu. Hefte, hi), 677-681. Grfigoire (R.) Ouverture tardive des arteres dans les plaies par projectiles de guerre. Presse med. Par, 1915, xxiii, 372.-----. Lesions des arteres par projectiles de guerre. Paris, med, 1916-17, xxi, 22-25.—Lampe. Ein und funfzig Falle von Verletzungen der Schlagadern. Med. Klin, Berl, 1915, xi, 201.—Lapeyre. Plaies laterales arte- rielles. Presse med. Par, 1916, xxiv, 206.—Laurent (O.) Les blessures latentes de Partere humerale. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1915, 3. s, lxxiii, 402-404.—Macewen (J. A. C.) Three cases of gunshot wounds of large arteries, with trau- matic aneurysms. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1915, ii, 464.—Mon- dor (H.) Plaies des arteres par projectiles de guerre. Rev. fen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1917, xxxi, 771-774.—Orhan- tey. Zwei falsehe Aneurysmen durch Schussverletzung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1914, xciv, 9.—Orth (O.) Epikritische Bemerkungen zu den Arterienverletzungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Spiitfolgen. Ibid., 1917, cv (Kriegschir. Hefte, vii). 342-349.—Picque. Fonctionne- ment du Service de sante a 1'armee d'Orient; causes et evo- lutions des plaies arterielles seches. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1917, 3. s, lxxvii, 84-86—Pybus (F. C.) Note on arterial wounds, with four cases. Brit. J. Surg, Bristol, 1915-16, iii, 494-496.—Rouvillois (H.) Deux cas de plaie arterielle par coup de feu. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1913, n. s, xxxviii, 128-138.—Weiss (T.) Le traite- ment des plaies des grosses arteres et plus specialement de celles qui sont produites par les balles de petit calibre. Paris med, 1912-13, xi, 119-125.—Wilson (J. B.) Two cases of traumatic aneurism from gunshot wounds, treated in a station hospital, South -Africa; operation; recovery. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond, 1905, iv, 513-517. Arteriofibrosis. See Arteriosclerosis. Arterioles. DCvaux (E.) De la perte de tonicite dss arterioles preca- pillaircs. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par, 1904,3. s, xxi, 852-854.—Johnson (Sir G.) A post-graduate lecture on the influence of the arterioles m relation to various path- ological conditions. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1894, i, 841;897. Arteriosclerosis [and atheromatosis]. See, also, Aorta (Sclerosis of); Arteries (Hy- pertension of); Arteries (Inflammation of). Alonzo (A. F.) *Breve estudio sobre la arterioesclerosis y su importancia patologica. 8°. Mexico, 1892. Baerthlein (K.) *Ueber prasenile Arterio- sklerose. 8°. Munchen, 1904. Bishop (L. F.) Arteriosclerosis; a considera- tion of the prolongation of life and efficiency after forty. Second impression. 8°. London, 1915. Bratjlt (A.) Les arterites et les scleroses. 12°. Baris, [1897]. Burwinkel (O.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. 8°. Munchen, 1908. Also, in: Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 133; 145. Corsten (J.) *Ueber das Verhalten der elasti- schen Fasern in den Arterien bei der Arterio- sklerose. 8°. Bonn, 1899. Donner (H.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Ver- kalkung der Arterien. 8°. Stuttgart, [n, d.]. Edgren (J. G.) Klinjska studier ofver arterio- skleros. 8°. Stockholm, 1897. ------. The same. Die Arteriosklerose. Klinische Studien. 8°. Beipzig, 1898. Hirsch[E.] Ueber Arteriosklerose. 8°. Mun- chen, 1902. Also [Abstr.], in: Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1902, xii, 181-186. Jutting ( H.) *Zur Lehre von der Hirnar- teriosklerose mit Herdsymptomen und multi- plen Erweichungsherden. 8°. Kiel, 1912. Ljtjngdahl (Al.) Untersuchungen iiber die Arteriosklerose des kleinen Kreislaufs; aus der med. Universitatsklinik zu Lund. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. K. Petren. 4°. Wiesbaden, 1915. Murawtschik (L.) *Ueber Arteriosclerosis cerebrospinalis. 8°. Basel, 1908. Oliver (G.) A resume of recent clinical stud- ies of atheroma and arterio-sclerosis. 12° Lon- don, 1908. Also, in: Clin. J, Lond, 1908, xxxii, 337; 358. Schwarz (A.) *Nebenniere und Arterioskle- rose. 8°. Bonn, 1906. Smith (A.) I. Die Gefassentartung (Arterio- sklerose). 8°. Berlin, 1908. von Strumpell (A.) Blutkreislauf und Arte- riosklerose. 8°. Wien & Leipzig, 1914. * Teissier (J.) Arterio-sclerose et atheromasie 8°. Baris, 1908. Warfield (L. M.) Arteriosclerosis; etiology, pathology, diagnosis, prognosis, prophylaxis and treatment; with a special chapter on blood pres- sure, roy. 8°. St. Bonis, 1912. Adler (J.) Remarks on arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1902, lxi, 921-924.—Allbutt (Sir C.) An address on arterio-sclerosis and the kidneys. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1911, i, 853; 922.—Allen (C. L.) Arteriosclerosis and nervous sys- tem. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1901, 129-139. Also: Phila. M. J, 1902, ix, 590-593—Arnold (II. D.) Arterio- sclerosis. VermontM. Month, Burlington, 1907, xiii, 1-10.— Aschoff (L.) Arteriosklerose. Beihefte z. Med. Klin Berl. & Wien, 1914, x, 1-16.—Aulde (J.) Arterio-sclerosis! Pacific M. J, San Fran, 1913, lvi, 267; 330; 385.—Baumler (C.) Ueber Arteriosklerosis und Arteriitis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1898, xiv, 133-135.—Baines (A.) [Case 1 Arch. Pediat, N.Y., 1901, xviii,583-588.—Barr(J.) Arterio- ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 36 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis [and atheromatosis]. sclerosis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J, 1905, xxv, 1-24. Also [Abstr.l: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1905, i, 53-57.—Baumgartner. Die Arteriosklerose. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1906, 385- 389.—Bernheim. Sur le cceur des arteriosctereux. Clini- que, Brux, 1906, xx, 351-357.—Bishop (L. F.) Arterio- sclerosis; orthecardiovasculardisease. N.York State J. M, N.Y, 1911, xi, 416-420.-----. The nature of arteriosclerosis and its relation to mental efficiency and deterioration. Med. Times, N. Y, 1915, xliii, 191.-----. Cardiovascular-renal disease (arteriosclerosis). Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxviii, 593-595. Also, Reprint.—Blight (W. L.) Arterio-sclerosis. Lancet, Lond, 1915, i, 1167-1169.—Bollinger. Ueber Arte- riosklerose. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1902), 1903, xii, 2.—Botts (J. W.) Arterio-sclerosis. Kentucky M. J, Bowling Green, 1909-10, viii, 1336.—Bozzolo (C.) Arte- riosclerosi; disbasia angiosclerotica. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 121-127.—Brown (A. G.) Present-day view of arteriosclerosis and its significance. South. M.J, Nashville, 1908, i, 372-375.—Brown (T.) Arteriosclerosis. J. Mis- souri M. Ass, St. Louis, 1906-7, iii, 409-412—Burwinkel (O.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Reichs-Med.-Anz, Leipz, 1905, xxx, 503-507.—Carpenter (W. B.) Arterio-sclerosis and the nervous system. Cleveland M. & S. Reporter, 1909, xvii, 66-70.—Castellino (P. F.) [Case.] Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoli, 1903, vi, 323: 1904, vii, 17. -----. Relazione sull' arteriosclerosi. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1371.—Clarke (J. F.) Arterio-sclerosis. J. Iowa State M. Soc , Clinton, 1912-13, ii, 534-540—Coleman (T. D.) Arte- riosclerosis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1912, fix, 1933-1937 — Colombo (K.) Die Arteriosklerose, ihre Pathogenese und ihre Behandlung. Med. Klin, Berl, 1907, iii, 1903-1905.— Courtney (J. E.) Arterio-sclerosis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Phila, 1899, 322, 1 pi.—Cowan (J.) The current theories regarding arterio-sclerosis. Practitioner, Lond, 1911, Ixxxvi, 750-771.—Curtis (G. L.) Arteriosclerosis; its cause and cure. Am. J. Clin. M, Chicago, 1918, xxv, 189-193.— Cutter (E.) Arteriosclerosis. Med. Bull, Phila, 1906, xxviii, 448. Also, Reprint. —De Buck (D.) De Pin- fluence des affections intercurrentes sur la marche de l'ar- teriosclcrose. Belgique med, Gand-Haarlem, 1898, ii, 193- 196.—De Renzi (E.) Arteriosclerosi. Gazz. d. osp, Mi- lano, 1908, xxix, 1089-1091.—Devoto (L.) Sull' arterio- sclerosi. Clin. med. ital,Milano, 1907, xlvi, 128-145. Also: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1906, Roma, 1907, xvi, 67-89.— Devoto (L.) & Riva (A.) Relazione sull'arteriosclerosi. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 857-860.—Dixon (W. E.) Ar- terio-sclerosis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1907-8, i, Therap. & Pharm. Sect, 33-38.—Dominick (G. C), Min- ton (H. B.) [et al.]. A symposium on arteriosclerosis. J. Am. Inst. Homceop, Cleveland, 1911-12, iv, 804-832 — Doyne (R. W.) [Case.] Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1903-4, xxiv, 124.—Eichberg (J.) Arteriosclerosis. Phila. M. J, 1900, v, 585-589.—Elliott (J. B.) Arterioscle- rosis. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1911-12, lxiv, 496-501—Emme- rich (M.) Arteriosklerose. Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen, 1915, xiii, 21-28.—Emmert (M.) Arterio-sclerosis. J. Iowa State M. Soc, Clinton, 1912-13, ii, 542-549.—Epstein (S.) Arteriosclerosis as the orthopedist views it. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914, lxxxv, 797-799.—Faber (A.) Die Arte- riosklerose. Repert. d. prakt. Med, Berl, 1914, xi, 352.— Federn (S.) Ursache, Diagnose und Behandlung der Arte- riosklerose und ihrer Folgen. Wien. Klinik, 1905, xxxi, 193-228.-----. Ueber Arteriosklerose. Beibl. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med, Wien, 1909-10, ii, 22-30. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1909, lix, 2363-2367.—Ferguson (J.) Arteriosclerosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii, 423- 433. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev, Toronto, 1908, xxxiii, 92-103. -----. Discussion on arteriosclerosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii, 856-862—Ferrannini (A.) Sull' arterosclerosi. Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, iii, 625-327.— Fitz (R. H.) The clinical significance of arteriosclerosis. Boston M. & S. J, 1903, cxlviii, 357-359. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1903, xiii, 537-539.— Fraid (N. I.) Atheroma, or endarteritis deformans. Lan- cet-Clinic, Cincin, 1906, n. s, lvii, 627-631.—Fremont- Smith (F.) Arteriosclerosis in the young. Am. J. M. Sc, arteriosclerosis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago. 1908, 1, 761-763. Also, Reprint.—Frlck (D. J.) Arteriosclerosis; review of cases. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1911, ix, 337-340.— Fulton (D.) The clinical course of arterio-sclerosis and chronic vascular hypertension. Calif. M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1905, i, 337-340. [Discussion], 350; 388. Also: Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1906, xxxii, 156-159.—Geigel (R.) Sklerose und Atherom der Arterien. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med, 1904, iv, 107-136.—Gendron. Atherome. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1905, 2. s, xxiii, 217.— de Giovanni (A.) Sur Parterio-scierose. Clinique, Par, 1909, iv, 421—Giuffre (L.) Ateromasia ed arteriosclerosi. Gazz. med. lomb, Milano, 1910, lxix, 289-291—Gordinier (H. C.) [Arteriosclerosis.] N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1909, ix, 8-10.—Grassmann (K.) Ueber neuere klinische Gesichtspunkte in der Lehre von der Arteriosklerose. Mtin- chen. med. Wchnschr, 1902, xlix, 347-351. Also.- Si- tzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1902), 1903, xii, 3-16.— Hall (S. II.) Some notes on arterio-sclerosis and allied con- ditions. Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1909, n. s, lxxxviii, Arteriosclerosis [and atheromatosis]. 500-503.—Hardin (C. B.) Scattering thoughts on arterio- sclerosis or arterio-capillary fibrosis. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1908, n. s, xxvii, 435-439.—Hart (C.) Ueber die Atherosklerose. Med. Klin, Berl, 1916, xii, 75-78.—Heine- man (H.N.) Observations on arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1907, lxxi, 673-678.—Herringham (W. P.) [Case] Clin. J, Lond, 1906-7, xxix, 49-52. -----. An address on arterial sclerosis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1907, i, 61-63. Also, transl.: Lavori e riv. di chim. e micr. clin, Salsomaggiorc, 1908-9, i, 158-163.—Herz(M.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1908, liii, 187; 197.—Hill (E. C.) Arterio- sclerosis. Denver M. Times, 1902-3, xxii, 39.5-398.—Hirsch (C.) Sur Parterioscterose; pathologie et nature physique de Parterioscterose. Medecin prat. Par, 1914, x, 99.—Hohn (J.) Neue Forschungsergebnisse au f dem Gebiete der Arte- riosklerose. Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg, Wien, 1913, x, 21. -----. Neuere Arterioskleroseforschung. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1914, li, 201-205.—Holmes (A. W.) Arte- riosclerosis. Canad. J. M. & S, Toronto, 1917, xii, 71-79.— Homfin (E. A.) Ein Fall von verhaltnissmassig schnell fortschreitender Arteriosklerose,insbesondere in denunteren Extremitaten. Finskalak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1903, xiv, pt. 2, p. xliv.—Howard (H. W.) Arteriosclerosis. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1908, vi, 205-214.-----. Sympto- matology, diagnosis and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Tr. Oregon M. Soc, Portland, 1908, xxxiv, 122-127.—Huchard (H.) L'atherome et Parcerioscierose. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1903, xvii, 322-324.-----. Quelques con- siderations sur les causes, la nature et le traitement de l'arterio-scterose. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1908, 3. s., Ix, 59-73. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1908, xxii, 473-476.-----. Considerations generates sur Parterio- scterose. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1909, xxiii, 497-501. Also, transl.: Med. Klin, Berl, 1909, v, 1318-1321. Also, transl.: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz, 1909, n. F, No. 561 (Inn. Med, No. 175), 179-191. -----. L'arterio-scierose. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1909, Sect. vi, Med. Intern, 64-119. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux, 1909, lxi, 769; 787. Also, transl.: Clin, mod, Zaragoza, 1909, viii, 543; 651; 735: 1910, ix, 330— Hume (W. E.) Arterio- sclerosis. Clin. J, Lond, 1913-14, xiii, 257-261—Hum- phrey (W. A.) Arteriosclerosis; a study. Cleveland M. & S. Reporter, 1907, xv, 55-64—Hunt (E. L.) Arterioscle- rosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1916, lxxxix, 958.—Jackson (H.) The chnical aspects of arterio-sclerosis. Boston M. & S. J, 1910, cxliii, 237-245.----Jones (H. W.) Arteriosclerosis. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap, 1904, xxiv, 438-440.—Jones (T.) Arterio-sclerosis. Gaillard's M. J, N. Y, 1901, lxxv, 1-9.—Josue (O.) Atherome arteriel et arterio-scierose. Presse med. Par, 1904, i, 281-284.—Jousset (P.) De l'arterio-scierose; de Paortite chronique. Art med. Par, 1907, cv, 401-430.—von Ketly (K.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C. r, Budapest, 1909, Sect. vi, Med. Intern, 120-156. Also: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1909, xvi, 885; 954.—Kimberlin (A. C.) Clinical consideration of arteriosclerosis. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap, 1904, lv, 84-97. Also: Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag, 1904, xxiv, 214-221.—Klemperer (G.) Neuere Arbciten iiber Arteriosklerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1915, Iii, 251.— Klotz (O.) Studies in arteriosclerosis. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1911, n. s, xxxiii, 899.—Krlloff (D. O.) [Clinical data on the rapidity of the blood supply in arterio- sclerosis.] Izvlest. Imp. Vovenno-Med. Akad, S.-Peterb, 1910, xx, 19; 150; 269; 360.—L. (A. J.) Arteriosclerosis. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1909, vii, 121-123.—Lavagna (S.) Arteriosclerosi ed ateromasia. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1908, xxix, 1603.—Lichty (D.) Arteriosclerosis not a dis- ease of old age alone. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1913, xxiii, 402-416.—Lots. Arterienfunktion und Arteriosklerose. Psychiat.-neurol. Wchnschr, Halle a. S, 1912-13, xiv, 331; 345; 356.—Lowder (H. R.) Arteriosclerosis. J. Indiana M. Ass, Fort Wayne, 1911, iv, 205-209.—Lubarsch (O.) Ueber die Atherosklerose der Schlagadern. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Miinster), 1912, Leipz, 1913, lxxxiv, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 7-10—McAlpin (D. H.) A pronounced case of arteriosclerosis. Proc N. York Path Soc. (1899-1900), 1901, 192.—McCarty (M. T.) Arterio- sclerosis. Med. Insur. & Health Conserv, Dallas, 1917-1S, xxvii, 402-407.—MrDonell (J. A.) Arterio-sclerosis. Chi- cago M. Times, 1909, xiii, 59.—Mackenzie (J.) Arterio- sclerosis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1906, i, 319.—Mahaney (R. C.) An interesting case of arteriosclerosis. Am. J. Roent- genol, N. Y, 1916,iii,537.— Maier. Zur Aetiologie, Sympto- matologie und Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl, 1912, lxxxi. 443-446.—Marchand. Ueber Arteriosklerose. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1904, xxi, 23-59. [Discussion], 143-180.—Marcy (M. S.) Arteriosclerosis. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1911, xx, 287- 291—Marlotti-Bianchi (G. B.) Un caso di arteriosclerosi endocerebrale. (Contributo alia conoscenza dell'arterio- sclerosi circoscritta.) Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1907, xxvii, 18-21.—Martinet (A.) Viscosite san- guine et arterio-scterose. J. med. franc. Par, 1912, vi, 60- 63.—MartinottI (C.) Dell' arterio-sclerosi. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 407-417,1 pi. -----. Del' P arterio-sclerosi. Confer, clin. ital, Milano, 1897, i, 125- 179.— Matthews (W. J.) Arterio-sclerosis. J. Tenn. M. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 37 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis [and atheromatosis]. Ass, Nashville, 1911, iv, 153-159.—Mentzer (S. E.) Arterio- sclerosis. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag, 1907, xxvii, 414-420.— Merritt (C. H.) Arterio-sclerosis; arterio-flbrosis; athero- ma. Chicago M. Times, 1909, xiii, 279-281.—Meynold (X.) Arteriosklerose. Leipz. med. Monatschr, 1907, xvi, 235- 239.—Millard (O.) Arteriosclerosis (Ix)bstein). Med. Ex- am. & Pract, 1905, xv, 163-165.—Minor (T. C.) What is arterio-sclerosis? How to avoid and how to cure it. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1909, cii, 396-398.—Moritz (E.) De Parteriosclerose. Cong, internat. d. med. de comp. d'assur, Brux, 1901, ii, pt. 4,1-25. Also, transl.: Gaillard's M. J, N. Y, 1902, Lxxvi, 197-208. Also, transl.: Med. Exam, N. Y, 1902, xii, 223-229.—Moyer (H. N.) Arteriosclerosis. Medicine, Detroit, 1901, vu, 811-814—Mtlller (O.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1909, xii, 329-360.—Murray (C. D.), Skinner (S.) [et al.]. Arterio- sclerosis. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1900, xii, 306-319.— Musser (J. II.) [Arterio-sclerosis.] Centr. States M. Mag, Anderson, Ind., 1904, ii, 345-348— Nammack (C. E.) Arterio-sclerosis; importance, definition, etiology, and symptomatology. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1901, lx, 653-656. Also: N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1901, i, 318-320. -----. Arterial degeneration. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1916, lxxxix, 681- 685.—Nascher (I. L.) Some remarks on arteriosclerosis. Am. Med, Burlington, Vt, & N. Y, 1913, n. s, viii, 531- 533.—Nevitt (J. R.) Arteriosclerosis. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1916, xxi, 455-457.—Nichols (J. B.) The etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Internal. Clin, Phila, 1904, 14 s, ii, 134-150, 4 pi.-----. Arteriosclerosis. Wash. M. Ann., 1906, v, 143-159. Also, Reprint.—von Noorden (C.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, 1-5.-----. Klinische voordracht over arteriosclerose. Med. Weekbl, Amst, 1908, xiv, 549; 573.—Olmer (D.) Cachexie arterielle; sclerose des grosses arteres k manifestations multiples. Marseille med, 1899, xxxvi, 686-691.—Patino Mayer (C.) Arterioesclerosis. Semanamed, Buenos Aires, 1915, xxujt. 2,183; 239.—Pear- son (M.M.) Arterio-sclerosis. Am. Pract. & News, Louis- ville, 1905, xxxix, 615-624.—Pitner (T. J.) Arteriosclerosis. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1908, xiv, 141-150.—Plumier (L.-L.) L'arterioscterose extra-cardiaque. Scalpel, Liece, 1908-9, lxi, 239-243.—Potter (L. A.) Arterio-sclerosis. Wisconsin M. J, Milwaukee, 1905-6, iv, 402-407.—Price (G. E.) [Case] J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa, 1908, xxxv, 568.—Quattlebaum (T. A.) Arterio-fibrosis. J. South Car. M. Ass, Greenville, 1909, v, 14-18.—Rlva. SulParteriosclerosi. Rassegna san. di Roma, 1906, iv, 256; 266. Also: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1906, Roma, 1907, xvi, 89-107.-----. Ancora sull'arteriosclerosi. Ibid., 1908, Roma, 1909, xviii, 87.—Roberts (D. J.) Arteriosclerosis. South. Pract, Nashville, 1913, xxxv, 551-563.—Robertson (C. H.) Arterio-sclerosis. Guy's Hosp. Gaz, Lond, 1903, xvii, 68-70.—Romberg (E.) Ueber Arteriosklerose (Athero- sklerose). Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb., 1904, xxi, 60-94. [Discussion], 143-180.—Rosenfeld (F.) Ueber einige seltene Lockalisationen der Arteriosklerose. Deut- sche Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1906, 412-416.—Rumpf (T.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, Iii, 45.— Rupp (F. A.) Arteriosclerosis. Penn. M. J, Athens, 1911-12, xv, 804-808. —Sand (R. ) Zur Atheromfrage, mit besonderer Berueksichtigung des kleinen Kreislaufes. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxiii, 753-757.—Sapping- ton (S. W.) Observations in arteriosclerosis. Hahnc- man. Month, Phila, 1908, xliii, 889-899.—Satterthwaite (T. E.) Arteriosclerosis; angiosclerosis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Albany, 1904, xcviii, 354-365. Also: Post-Graduate, N. Y , 1904, xix. 277-291.—Sawyer (J. E. H.) On arterial sclerosis. Birmingh. M. Rev, 1913, lxxiv, 112-117.—Schilling (F.) Arteriosklerose. Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1902, xxxvii, 297-301.—von Schrotter (L.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1901, iy, 2. Abth, 23-40 — Schuster (B.) Ueber den heutigen Stand der Arterio- sklerose. Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1910, xxxi, 109-111.— Shannon (W. A.) Arteriosclerosis; history, etiology, and pathology. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1905, iii, 327-330.— Shoemaker (J. V.) Arteriosclerosis. Med. Bull, Phila 1905, xxvii, 119.—Smith (W. F.) Arteriosclerosis. North- west. Lancet, St. Paul, 1900, xx, 8-12.—Starokadomski (L. M.) [Arteriosclerosis in man and animals.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sbarniku, S.-Peterb, 1909, 353: pt. 2, 30- 76; 179.—Stengel (A.), Daland (J.) [et al.]. Symposium on arteriosclerosis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila, 1905-6, xxvi, 427-458.—Stockton (G.) Arteriosclerosis. Am. Med,Phila, 1905,x,240-242.—Sumikawa(T.) Ueberdas Wesen der Arteriosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat [etc], Berl, 1909, exevi, 232-303, 1 pi.—Symposium on arterio-sclerosis. Albany M. Ann, 1903, xxiv, 127-169. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1903-4, xxxvii, 13-33 — Thayer (W. S.) fc Fabyan (M.) Studies on arterioscle- rosis, with special reference to the radial artery. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1907, xxii, 694-715. [Discussionl, 731-733. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1907, n. s, cxxxiv, 811-829.—Thiroloix. L'arteriosclerosi all'inizio. Gazz. internaz. di med.; Napoli, 1909, xii, 38.—Tieken (T.) Arteriosclerosis. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1913, xxiii, 64.3- 656.—Toepfer (A.) Arteriosklerose eines Arztes. N. Yorker med. Monatschr, 1905, xvi, 389.—Torreggiani. Arteriosclerosis [and atheromatosis]. Contributo alio studio della arteriosclerosi. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital, Torino, 1905, liv, 1145-1149.—Toye (J. E.) Arteriosclerosis. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1912, exxi, 67-77.—Tuffley (F. S.) Arteriosclerosis. Wis- consin M. J, Milwaukee, 1906-7, v, 17-25.—Verstraeten (C.) L'athero-sclerose des arteres n'est pas rigoureusement symetiique chez l'homme. Cong, franc, de med. C.-r. 1904, Par.. 1905, 38-41—Voje (J. H.) Arteriosclerosis. Mil- waukee M. J, 1905, xiii, 279-283.—Wagner (G. W.) Arterio- sclerosis and atheroma. Detroit M. J., 1904-5, iv, 72-75.— Walbridge (J. S.) Arterial sclerosis. Wisconsin M. J, Milwaukee, 1904-5, iii, 79-81.—Walton (G. L.) & Paul (W. E.) Arteriosclerosis; a contribution to its clinical study. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1908, 1, 169. Also: Pub. Mass. Gen. Hosp, Bost, 1908, ii, 175-1S4. Also, Re- print.—Watson (C. W.) Arteriosclerosis. Journal-Lan- cet, Minneap, 1914, xxxiv, 165-167.—Waugh (W. F.) Arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1911, lxxx, 624-626.— van der Weijde (A. J.) Arteriosclerose. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt, Haarlem, 1904-5, xi, 237-262 — Whittaker (J. T.) Arterio-sclerosis. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1899, x, 153-167. Also: Penn. M. J, Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 449-463. Also, Reprint.-----. Varieties of arteriosclerosis. Phila. M. J, 1899, iii, 277-280.—Wiesel (J.) Der heutige Stand der Lehre von der Arteriosklerose. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med, Wien, 1909, ii, 24.—Williams (L.) Arteriosclerosis. Lancet, Lond, 1914, L 815-817. Also: Med. Mag.. Lond, 1914, xxiii, 198-210.—Zoege von Manteuffel (W.) Die Arteriosklerose der untercn Extre- mitaten. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1902, x, 343-410, 1 pi. Arteriosclerosis (Abdominal). See, also, Aorta (Sclerosis and atheroma of); Arteriosclerosis (Gastro-intestinal); Arterio- sclerosis ( Visceral). Dunkeloh OY.) *Ein Beitrag zur Atheroma- tose der splanchnischen Arterien. 8°. Mun- chen, 1909. Buch(M.) EnteralgieundKolik. III. Pathogeneseund Behandlung des arteriosklerotischen Leibwehs. Arch. f. Verdauungskr, Berl, 1904, x, 557-598.-----. Das arterio- sklerotische Leibweh. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1904, xxix, 289-293.—Dupaquier (E. M.) Points oh treatment of abdominal arteriosclerosis; outline of treatment of black- water fever. [Abstr.] N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1905-6, lviii, 617- 621—Hamburger (W. W.) Arteriosclerotic changes in the abdominal vessels. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1911, xviii, 659-668.—Jaquet (A.) Zur Symptomatelogie der ab- dominalen Arteriosklerose. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Ba- sel, 1906, xxxvi, 481; 522.—Kreuzfuchs(S.) Ueber Angina abdominalis. [Abdominalpefasssklerose.] Mitt. d. Gesell- sch. f. phys. Med, Wien, 1909, ii, 57-61—Lauterbach (M.) Ueber arteriosklerotisehe Abdominalbeschwerden. Wien med. Wchnschr, 1909, lix, 2793.—Lucibelli (G.) Arterio- sclerosi addominale. Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoli, 1913, xvi, 1-4.—MUller (K.) Ueber abdominale Arteriosklerose. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1909, Sect. vi, Med. Intern, 157-176. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1909, liv, 403; 413; 425; 433.—Nazari (A.) Arteriosclerosi e occlu- sione delle arterie mesenteriche. Policlin, Roma, 1907 xiv, sez. med, 42; 87.—Perutz (F.) LTeber abdominale Arterio- sklerose (Angina abdominis) und verwandte Zustande. Miincl.en. med. Wchnschr., 1907. liv, 1075 1135. [Discus- sion], 1104. Also: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1907), 1908, xvii, 30-52.—Rosengart (J.) Einige Beitrage zu den khnischen Erscheinungsformen der abdominalen Arterio- sklerose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1906, liii, 966-970 — Sgalitzer (M.) Ein unter dem Bilde der Cholera nostras verlaufender Fall von Arteriosklerose der Mesenterial- gefasse. Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1910, xxxv, 446.—Wlrsing (E.) Ueber arteriosklerotischen Leibschmerz (nebst einem Fall von arteriosklerotischem Leibschmerz und Aortenaneu- rysma). Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild, Jena, 1906, iii, 442-447. Arteriosclerosis (Blood-pressure in). See, also, Arteries (Hypertension of). Frank (L.) *Wirkung des Blutdrucks und Blutdruckmessung bei der Arteriosklerose. [Freiburg im Breisgau.l 8°. Freiburq i. Br , 1908. Rotermund (K. II.) *Ueber den Capillar- druck besonders bei Arteriosclerose, nebst Be- merkungen iiber den Blutdruck bei Arterio- sclerose. 8°. Marburg, 1904. Russell (W.) Arterial hvpertonus, sclerosis and blood-pressure. 8°. Edinburgh & Bondon, 1907. Amblard (L.-A.) Variations des tensions vascuiaires chez les arterio-sclorenx hvpertendus; leur valeur semiolo- gique et pronostique. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1907, lxxx, 1299- ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 38 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Blood-pressure in). 1302.—Bishop (L. F.) Significance of low blood pressure in arteriosclerosis. Arch. Diagn, N. Y.. 1909, ii, 358. Also, Reprint.—Bodenstab (W. H.) High blood-pressure and arteriosclerosis. Journal-Lancet, Minneap, 1913, xxxiii, 193-196.—Brasher (C. W.J.) Hyperpiesis and arterio-sclero- sis. Bristol M.-Chir. J, 1914, xxxii, 41 -54.—Briggs (J. B.) Certain hypertensive crises in arterio-sclerotic subjects. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1905, n. s, exxx, 252-259.— Bucco. Le scosse ritmiche del capo nell' ipertensione con arteriosclerosi. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1902, Roma, 1903, xii, 145-148.—Campbell (H.) Arterial hypertonus and arteriosclerosis. Lancet, Lond, 1901, i, 1627.—Can- tieri (C.) Hypertension und Cholesterinamie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, xxvi, 1692-1698.—Colombo (C.) La pressione del sangue nell' arteriosclerosi. Lavori d. Cong. di med. int. 1908, Roma, 1909, xvdi, 88—Danforth (L. L.) Arterio-sclerosis and arterial hypertension. N. Am. J. Homceop, N. Y, 1911, lix, 363-372.—Davidson (J. T. R.) High blood pressure in arteriosclerosis. Lancet, Lond, 1912, ii, 850.—Dobson (L.) A case of arterio-sclerosis with high blood-pressure varying from 220 mm. to 165 mm. Hg. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1913, xviii, 128-131.—Dunin (T.) Der Blutdruck im Verlaufe der Arteriosklerose. Ztschr. i. klin. Med, Berl, 1904, liv, 353-372.—Engel (H.) Ueber arteriosclerotische Blutdruckunterschiede beim einzelnen Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xlvi, 1727.— Etienne (G.) & Parisot (J.) Pressure arterielle et arterio- sclerose. Cong, frang. de med, 10. session, 1G08, Geneve, 1909, ii, 68-70.—Ferrannini (A.) Arteroipotensione e arterosclerosi. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1903, Padova, 1904, xiii, 235-239.—Finck (C.) Nouvelles recherches sur la valeur du rapport des tensions arterielle et capillaire dans l'arterio-scierose. Rev. de med. Par, 1908, xviii, 747- 757.—Francois-Franck (C.-A.) Deformation speciale des arteres sctereuses en presence des contre-pressions maxima; surestimation de la pression systolique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1910, lxviii, 1130-1133.—Ftirst (L.) Die Herabminderung des intraarteriellen Druckes bei Arterio- sklerose. Wien. med. Presse, 1904, xiv, 2452-2455.—Graup- ner. Funktionelle Diagnostik des hohen Blutdrucks bei Arteriosklerose und bei chronischen Nierenleiden; die Be- handlung derselben. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch, 1907, pt. 2, 61-68. [Discus- sion], pt. 1, 19.—Grossmann (M.) Das Verhalten des Blutdruckes und der Herzarbeit bei der Arteriosklerose. Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ, Leipz. & Wien, 1907, xvi, pt. 2, 151-166.-----. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen dem Blutdrucke und dem Nutzeffekte der Herz- arbeit bei der Arteriosklerose. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lviii, 2129; 2223.—Hammes (T.) Spierarbeid, resp. exci- tatie, blooddrukverhooging, resp. apoplexie. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1906, i, 403^06.—Jackson (J. M.) Remarks on high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Bos- ton M. & S. J, 1911, cxlv, 675-679. Also: Med. Commu- nicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1911, xxii, 335-346.—Janowski (W.) [B lood-pressure and arterial pressure in arteriosclero- sis and nephritis.] Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1914, 2. s, xxxiv, 257; 289; 313. Also [Abstr.]: Now. lek, Poznan, 1914, xxvi, 121-124.—Kisch (F.) Ueber das Verhalten des Pulsdruckes bei Arteriosklerose. Med. Klin, Berl, 1909, v, 1193-1195. Also: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl, Berl. & Wien, 1909, pt. 2, 337-344.—Litchfield (W. F.) High blood tension in arterio-sclerosis. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1918, i, 58.—Mengeaud. Importance de l'etude des rapports des tensions radiates et digitales dans la marche de l'arterio- scierose. Cong, franc, de med. C.-r. 1904, Par, 1905, 83- 86.—Porter (W.) Arterio-sclerosis, with especial reference to the blood-pressure changes in this condition, and to the use of the sphygmometer for determining the pressure in routine practice. Proc Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1906, 205-220.—Reed (B.) Arteriosclerosis, with report of obser- vations on blood pressure. South. Calif. Pract, Los Angeles 1910, xxv, 361-367.—Rudolf (R. D.) The blood pressure in arteriosclerosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1908, exxxvi; 374-379.-----. An address on high blood pressure in arterio-sclerosis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, ii, 1667-1669.— Russell (W.) Arterial hypertonus and arterio-sclerosis; their relations and significance. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1900-1901, n. s, xx, 132-146, 5pi. Also: Lancet, Lond, 1901, i, 1519-1524.—Sajous (C. E. de M.) The adrenals and the blood-pressure in their relations to arteriosclerosis. Tr Am Therap. Soc 1912, Phila, 1913, xiii, 51-54. Also: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull, Phila} 1913, vi, 228-231.—Sawada (K.) Blutdruckmessungen bei Arteriosklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. & Berl, 1904, xxx, 425.—Schrumpf (P.) Die dynamische Pulsuntersuchung bei beginnender Arterio- sklerose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1918, lxv, 348-350.— Thorne (R. T.) Arterio-sclerosis in relation to blood pressure. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1912, i, 1363.—Tixier (J.) Rapports de la pression et de la viscosite sanguines avec la sclerose arterielle. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1913, xiii, 193-198.—Williamson (O. K.) Variations of arterial blood-pressure in cases of arteriosclerosis. Practitioner, Lond, 1909, lxxxii, 626-636.—Zimmermann. Beitrag zu den Blutdruckmessungen bei Arteriosklerose. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst, Leipz. & Hamb, 1911, xii, 465- 474. Also: Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 'l911 Hamb. & Leinz, 1912, xvi, 465-474.—Zoja (L.) Arterio- sclerosi e ipertensione. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma. 1909 2. s, ii, 29-36. ' ' 1907. Arteriosclerosis (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Arteries (Hypertension of); Arte- riosclerosis (Abdominal); Arteriosclerosis (Blood-pressure in); Arteriosclerosis (Experi- mental); Arteriosclerosis (Eye in); Arterio- sclerosis (Gastro-intestinal); Arteriosclerosis (Generalized); Arteriosclerosis (Hemorrhage in); Arteriosclerosis (Heart in); Arterio- sclerosis (Mental condition in); Arteriosclero- sis (Metabolism in); Arteriosclerosis (Beriph- eral); Arteriosclerosis (Senile); Arterioscle- rosis (Syphilitic); Arteriosclerosis (Trau- matic); Arteriosclerosis (Urine in); Arterio- sclerosis (Visceral); Arteriosclerosis in chil- dren; Arteriosclerosis in soIdiers; Brain(,4rte- riosclerosis of); Kidney (Inflammation of, Com- plications, etc., of). Delventhal (K.'F. A.) *Ein Fall von weit verbreiteter Verkalkung der mittleren und kleineren Arterien der Haut und der Extremi- taten. 8°. Kiel, 1902. Faber (A. Die Arteriosklerose; ihre patholo- gische Anatomie, ihre Pathogenese und Aetio- logie. 4°. Jena, 1912. Fritsch (A.-J.) ^Contribution a 1 'etude de la chaux dans l'organisme, specialement dans ses rapports avec la pathogenie de 1'arteriosclerose. 8°. Nancy, 1909. Gentili (G.) L'ateromasia arteriosa e la sua patogenesi. 4°. Bescia, 1910. Hirsch(E.) Ueber Arterienverkalkung. 8°. Munchen, 1902. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Munchen, 1904. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Munchen, The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Munchen, Lemoine (G.) Du role de la cholesterine dans le developpement de l'arterio-scierose et de l'atherome: 8°. Baris, 1911. Also, in: Nord med, Lille, 1911, xviii, 69-72. Lustig (A. A.) Arterienverhartung und Ar- terienverkalkung. 8°. Tachau, 1910 Matusewicz (J.) *Isolirte Verkalkung der Elastica interna bei Arteriosclerose. rZiirich 1 8°. Jena, 1902. L 'J xxx/'217"2M ^i Z' S!ih-|An^tVU- ^allg- Path- JeDa- 1902> xxxi, J17-Z49, 2 pi. See, also, inpa, Jores. • P.^Rico (L.) Cause esterne e condizioni individuali nell' arteriosclerosi. 8°. Vicenza 1905. Ratzeburg (H. L. H. E.) *Ueber Vorkom- men und Aetiologie der Arteriosklerose; nebst einigen anhangsweisen symptomatischen Bemer- kungen. [Breslau.] 8°. Borna-Leipzig, 1905 Reich (F. L. C.) *Ueber Arteriosclerosis no- dosa mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Ver- haltens der elastischen Elemente der Gefass- wand. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1896. Rocher (E.) De l'inegale repartition des lesions arterielles dans rarterio-sclerose genera- lisee. 8°. Baris, 1897. Ziegelroth. Die Arterienverkalkung 12° Frankfurt (Oder), [n. d.]. G' p,™d ^l^'^r'6 natnre of the arteriosclerotic process. Proc. Path Soc Phila, 1909, n. s, xii, 309-334. Also: Am ™# A.hPhllh' 19r0.9\n-,s-' <***vm- 4S.W504. Afeo,X K. a, ■ T,ht- [Aetiologie und pathologische Anatomie ?i«m iec£?Skl"r°oH, Slt?unpb- d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1902), 1903, xn, 24-31.-Anderson (H. B.) The etiology and pathology of arteriosclerosis. Am. Med, Phila 1904 vii, 426-430-Anichkoff (N. N.) [New data on the pa^ thology and etiology of arteriosclerosis.] Russk. Yrach Petrogr, 1915, xiv; 184; 207-Askanazy (M ) Ueber Arteriosklerose; Aetiologie und pathologische Anatomie Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1907, xxi, 443-44!).— Auirecht (J ) Die Genese der Arteriosklerose (Arteriitis) Deutsches 1910. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 39 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Causes and pathology of)- Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1908, xcm, 1-14. Also [Abstr.]: Repert. d. prakt. Med. Berl, 1908, v, 393-395.—Baldauf (L. K.) The chemistry of atheroma and calcification (aorta). Stud. Bender Hyg. Lab, Albany, 1906, hi, 18-23 — Barach (F.) [Duerck's fibers in the blood-vessel walls, their role and alterations in arterial atheroma.] Pam. Towarz. Lek, Warszaw, 1910,cvi,281-394,6pi. Also,transl.: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1911,1, 71-112—Bar- bacci (O.) Sulla patologia delle Gittcrfasern in alcuni organi parenchimali. Pathologica, Genova, 1909-10, ii, 219-221.-----. II fegato duro arteriosclerotico. Speri- mentale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 1910, lxiv, 31-48.—Bastai (P.) La milza arteriosclerotica. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1913, lxvii, 473-482.—Belli (C. M.) Le nuove dottrine sul- 1' arteriosclerosi concepita come malattia cardio-vascolo- renale. Ann. di med. nav, Roma, 1915, ii, 460-467.—Ben- venuto (M.-S.) Contributo alia patogenesi della arterio- sclerosi da strapazzo fisico. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1913, hi, 163-228.—Bernheim (S.) Causes de l'arterio-scierose. Independ. med. Par, 1900, v, 193-196—Bertrand (E.) Nature de l'atherome et role de la cholesterine dans sa forma- tion. Rev. mod. de med. et de chir. Par, 1913, xi, 380- 382.—Biasiotti (A.) Patogenesi dell' arteriosclerosi. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1908, xxviii, 127-134.— Billings (F. S.) Arteriosclerosis due to lead. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xliii, 772-774—Bishop (L. F.) The cellular factor in arteriosclerosis. J. Med. Soc N. Jersey, Orange, 1915, xii, 375-377.-----. Arteriosclerosis as a cellu- lar disease, together with a study of its hygienic treatment. N. York M. J. [etc], 1915, cii, 1121-1123. Also, Reprint. -----. Food idiosyncrasies; the relation of those acquired through protein sensitization to the development of cardio- vascular-renal disease (arteriosclerosis). N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 738. Also, Reprint.—Bond (C. S.) Chnical ob- servations of arteriosclerosis from alimentary toxins. Tr. Ass. Am. Phys, Phila., 1906, xxi, 73-79.—Boveri (P.) Arteriosclerosi e cardiopatie da lavoro. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1909, iii, 415-447,1 pi.—Brown (A. G.) Arteriosclerosis; its causes and significance. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Rich- mond, 1908-9, xiii, 227-233.—Buerger (L.) & Oppenheimer (Adeie). Bone formation in sclerotic arteries. J. Exper. M, Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y, 1908, x, 354-367, 2 pi.—Cabot (R. C.) The relation of alcohol to arteriosclerosis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904,xliii, 774. Also, Reprint.—Caven (J) The renal aspect of arterio-sclerosis. Dominion M. Month, Toronto, 1903, xxi, 174-179.—Clapp (H. C.) Worry as a cause of arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1912, lxxxii, 519-522.—Colbeck (E. H.) The pathogenesis of arterio- sclerosis. Practitioner, Lond, 1908, lxxxi, 768-775.— Constant. L'uricemie de 1'arteriosclerose. Gaz. med. de Strassb, 1911, lxx, 41; 78. Also: Ann. Soc. de med. d'An- vers, 1912, lxxiv, 101-113.-----. Uricemie, menopause et arterio-scloiose. J. med. de Brux., 1911, xvi, 335-338.— Coplin (W. M. L.) The early lesions of arteriosclerosis, with special reference to alterations in the elastica. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila, 1904, n. s, vii, 133-156.—Cowan (J. M.) The current theories regarding the carsation of arterio- sclerosis. Practitioner, Lond, 1805, Ixxv, 203-216: 1906, lxxvi, 317-331,4 pi.—Dmitrijefl (A.) Die Veriinderung des elastischen Gewebes der Arterienwande bei Arteriosklerose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1897, xxii, 207- 247, 1 pi.—Dock (G.) Arteriosclerosis of nephritic origin. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xliii, 730.—Eiker (B. L.) Etiology and pat hology of arteriosclerosis. J. Iowa State M. Soc, Clinton, 1912-13, ii, 541.—Emmerich (M.) Jodka- chexie bei Arteriosclerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvii, 2015.—English (D. E.) The infancy of migraine and arteriosclerosis. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1914, xi, 386-390. Also, Reprint.—Epplen (F.) The etiology and pathology of arteriosclerosis. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1916, xv, 289-294.—Ernst. Isolirte Verkalkung der Membrana elastica der Arterien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesell- sch. 1901, Berl, 1902, 240. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz, 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth, 23—Etienne (G.) & Dauplais (H.) Sur la pathogenie de l'atherome a propos d'un cas d'osteomalacie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1910, lxviii, 1025-1027.— Farmachidis (C. B.) Alcune osservazioni a proposito della arteriosclerosi e colesterinemia. Tommasi, Napoli, 1914, ix, 124.—Ferreira (J. C.) Tachyphagia, polyphagia, arthri- tismo e arteric-esclerose. Brazil-med, Rio de Jan., 1912, xxvi, 385; 395; 407.—Fraenkel. [Domonstrationen aus dem Gebiete der Verkalkung.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lv, 1102.—Frothlngham (C.) Etiology of arteriosclerosis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1913, xxiv, 323-326. Also, Reprint.—Gascard (A.) Radiographic et analyse chimique d'arteres calcifiees. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 253-255, 1 pi.—Gazert. Ueber den Fett- und Kalkgehalt der Arterienwand bei Atheromatose und Arteriosclerose. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1898-9, lxii, 390-402. Also: Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. zu Munchen, Leipz, 18C9, iv, 636-648.—Giani (P.) AlterazionI del fegato nell' arterio- sclerosi. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.l, Poma, 1897, xiv, 1243-1246.—Hammerschlag (V.) L'etiologie de 1'otoscle- rose. Arch, internat. de larvngol. [etc.], Par, 1908, xxv, 397; Arteriosclerosis (Causes and pathology 752.—Harvey (W. H.) Die Ursache der Arteriosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl. 1909, exevi, 303- 312, 1 pi.—Hasebroek (K.) L'arteriosclerose comme type de la fatigue et de l'insuffisance de la circulation extracar- diaque. Ann. de med. phys, Anvers, 1914, xii, 2-7.— Heineke (A.) Ueber Beziehungen des renalen Oedems zur Arteriosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1909, exevi, 313-321.—Herz (M.) Ueber die Aetiologie der Arteriosklerose; Ergebnisse einer Rundfrage. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xxiv, 1526-1530—Hirsch (C.) Zur Patho- genese und Physik der Arteriosklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 1817-1819.—Hirtz. Ueber die Aetiologie und Symptomatologie der Arterioscle- rose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg. 1902, xlvii, 100; 123.—Hollis (W. A.) Atheroma. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Edinb. & Lond, 1894-5, iii, 1-31,2 pi—Huchard (H.) R61e de l'intoxication dans l'arterio-scierose et les cardiopathies arterielles. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di terap. fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii, pt. 1, 167-181. -----. Principales causes de l'arterio-scierose. Rev. gen. de clin. et de cherap. Par, 1909, xxiii, 322-325. — Huebschmann (P.) Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der Arterienverkalkung. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1906, xxxix, 119-130, 1 pi.—Huynen. Calcifi- cation des arteres cerebrales et spinales chez un bouvillon; sympt6mes d'immobilite. Ann. de med. vet, Brux., 1907, lvi, 80-83.—Jankau (L.) Zur Aetiologie der Arterioskle- rose. Repert. d. prakt. Med, Leipz, 1906, iii, 103; 165.— Jores (L.) Isolirte Verkalkung der Elastica interna; Be- merkungen zu dem gleichlautigen Aufsatze von Jadwiga Matusewicz. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1902, xxxi, 571.—Josue (O.) Les lesions du tissu elastique des arteres dans l'atherome. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par, 1904, lvii, 539-541. -----. Pathogenie de l'atherome arteriel. Cong, franc, de med. C.-r. 1904, Par, 1905, 33-38, ---—. L'arterio-scierose; anatomie patliologique et patho- genie. Presse med. Par, 1906, xiv, 743-745. -----. Athe- rome arteriel et calcification. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1907, lxii, 1189.—King (II. M.) A case of arterio- sclerosis; necropsy. Med. News, N. Y, 1899, lxxiv, 395- 397.—Klotz (O.) Calcification of the media in arteries of the elastic tissue type. J. Exper. M, N. Y, 1906, viii, 330- 336.-----. The closure of the ductus arteriosus and its bearing on arteriosclerosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1907, xxii, 213-228.—Kreuzfuchs (S.) Nikotin und Arteriosklerose. Beibl. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med, Wien, 1909-10, ii, 13-15. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1909, lix, 2309-2311.—Landau (H.) Ueber die anatomischen Veranderungen in den Nebennieren bei Arteriosklerose. Ztschr. f. klin. Med. Berl, 1907, lxiv, 227-246.—Langheld. Is arteriosclerosis a form of gout? Therapist, Lond, 1906, xvi, 130; 141.—Lavagna (S.) Sulla patogenesi dell' arterio- sclerosi e dell' ateromasia. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1909, xxx, 281.—Lemoine (G.) Sur la presence de depots de choleste- rine dans les tumques arterielles sciero-atheromateuses. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1910, cli, 1079. -----. Theo- rie et l'arterio-scierose basee sur la cholesterinemie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1912, 3. s, xxxiii, 227; 280. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. prat, Lille, 1912, xix, 137^139. -----. Du mode d'obliteration des arteres atheromateuses. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1914, 3. s, xxxviii, 154- 157. -----. Medicaments sclerosants et toxines scterosantes. Rev. mod. de therap. et de biol. Par, 1914, hi, 175-178.— Levin (I.) & Larkin (J. H.) On arteriovenous anastomosis and the mechanical theory of arteriosclerosis. J. Exper. M, Lancaster, Pa, 1911, xiii, 24-30, 4 pi.—des Ligneris (M.) Intimal keloid-Iike thickening of the femoral and external iliac artery, and its relation to arteriosclerosis. Heart, Lond, 1916-17, vi, 249-268, 1 pi.—Loeper (M.) Les poisons des arteres et l'etiologie de l'atherome et de l'arteriosclerose. Presse med. Par, 1906, xiv, 233. -----. Le processus his- tologique de l'atherome et de l'arteriosclerose. Ibid., 225. -----. Poisons alimentaires et atherome. Cong, franc, de med. 1907. Compt. rend. Par, 1908, 52-62. -----. Verienos de la alimentacion y ateroma. Escuela de med, Mexico, 1908, xxiii, 313-318.—Loeper (M.) & Boveri (P.) La chaux et les arteres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1907, lxii, 1160-1162. Also: Presse med. Par, 1907, xv, 401.—Loeper (M.) & Gourand (X.) Calcification et decalcification dans l'atherome arteriel. Bull, med. Par, 1908, xxii, 817 — Lubarsch (O.) Ueber alimentare Schlagaderverkalkung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 1577-1580.—Mac- Cordick (A. H.) On the rigidity of calcified arteries. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1913, ii, 980. Also: Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond, 1914, Sect, iii, Gen. Path. & Path. Anat, pt. 2,309-312.—MacKenzie (J. J.) The pathology of arterio- sclerosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1C07-8, xh, 817-820.— Magnus-Levy (A.) Ueber ungewohnliche Verkalkung der Arterien (Arterienverkalkung ohne primare Arterioskle- rose?). Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1914, xl, 1305-1309.—Manoueiian (Y.) Recherches sur la patho- genie des lesions arterio-sclereuses. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1911, cliii,303. Also: Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1913, xxvii, 19-22, 2 pi.—Marcozzi (V.) Differenze istolo- giche tra Parterio-sclerosi, l'endo-arterite cronica e l'atero- masia. Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoli, 1906, ix, 36; 46; 56.—Marcuse (J.) Zur Aetiologie der Arteriosklerose. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 40 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Causes and pathology of). Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1899, xx, 1081.—Marini (G.) & Scandola (C.) Esiste rapporto tra dieta calcica e ateroma? Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1909, Roma, 1910, xix, 260 — Marshall (II. T.) The pathology of arteriosclerosis. Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1910-1L xv, 388-390 — Martius (K.) Beitrag zur Frage der Entstehung der Arteriosklerose und der weissen Flecke des Mitralsegels. Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Path, Wiesb, 1914, xv, 135-145 — Mttnckeberg (J. G.) Ueber die reine Mediaverkalkung der Extremitatenarterien und ihr Verhalten zur Arteriosklerose. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1903, cxxi, 141-167, 1 pi. -----. Mediaverkalkung und Atherosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1914, ccxvi, 408-416.—Mora Guarnldo (A.) La histogenesis de la arterio-esclerosis. Gac med. d. Sur de Espafia, Granada, 1910, xxviii,316-322.— Morwitz (E.) Zur Aetiologie der Arteriosklerose. St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr, 1904, xxix, 115. Also, transl.: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1904, xiv, 600.—Moutier (A.) Mecanisme des troubles generaux ou locaux de la circulation arterielle engendrant l'arterio-scierose generate ou locale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1911, cliii, 1040-1043.— Murray (A.) The pathology and etiology of arterio-sclero- sis. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1909, iii, 329-336 — Nascher (I. L.) A new conception of arteriosclerosis. Med. Insur. & nealth Conserv, Dallas, 1917-18, xxvii, 102- 106.—Nenadovics (L.) Die Myastheme der Herz- und Ge- fassmuskulatur als Grundlage der Arteriosklerose. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1910, xxvu, 705-730. Also: Zentralbl. f. Herzkrankh, Wien & Leipz, 1910, 314; 342; 377. -----. Zur Genese der Arteriosklerose. \ eroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl, Berl. & Wien, 1910, 284-296.—Oguro (Y.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Arterio- sklerose und der Gefiissnerven-Veranderung bei derselben. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1909, cxcviii, 554- 563.—Osborne(0. T.) The etiology of arteriosclerosis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1904, 278-287.—Pagano (G.) Sul meccanismo delle alterazioni funzionali del circolo nella arteriosclerosi. Lavorid. Cong, di med. int. 1908, Roma, 1909, xviii, 93.—Pawinski (J.) Ueber den Einfluss der Gemutsbe- wegungen und geistiger tJeberanstrengung auf das Herz, ins- besondere auf die Entstehung der Arteriosklerose. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1913, lxxix, 135-146—PelnSr (J.) [A case of calcification of the arteries; neuropragia.] Casop. lek cesk, v Praze, 1S03, xiii, 336-338, 1 pi.—Pic (A.) & Bonnamour (S.) Etiologie et pathogenie de 1'arterio-scierose. J. de physiol. et de path, gen. Par, 1906, viii, 494-507.—Pieraccini (G.) II lavoro quale coefliciente patogenetico dell' arterio- sclerosi. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1908, ii, 529-572, 1 pi. -----. Strapazzo fisico abiruale e tumultuario causa ai arterio- sclerosi a placche multiple disseminate in giovani soggetti. Ibid., 1915, ix, 3-25.—Pirera (A.) Altre cause e meccanismi patogenetici dell' arteriosclerosi. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1912, n. s, xxxiv, 385-413.—Pissavy (A.) Valeur recite et importance reciproque de quelques facteurs etiolo- giques de l'arterio-scierose. Bill, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1913, 3. s, xxxv, 353-355. Also: Rev. internat. de m6d. et de chir. Par, 1913, xxiv, 89.—Remlinger (P.) Continence sexuelleet arterio-sclcrose. Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 821.—Ribbert (I-I.) Ueber die Genese der arterio- sklerotischen Veranderungen der Intima. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1904, Jena, 1905, viii, 168-177. —---. Ueber Arterienverkalkung. Sitzungsb. hrsg. v. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westfal, Bonn, 1911-12, B, 17.—RitoOk (Z.) [Contributions to the aetiological con- ditions of arteriosclerosis.] Orvosihetil, Budapest, 1896, xl, 547; 561; 575; 589; 600. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1897, ii, 78.—Robertson (W. E.) The etiology and pathology of atheroma and arteriosclerosis. Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1907, xvii, 152-154. Also: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med, Phila, 1907, xxi, 159-163.— Roux (W.) BeriChtigung zu dem Aufsatz R. Thoma's: Ueber Histomechanik des Gefasssystems und die Pathologie der Angiosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1911, ccvi, 190.—Royster (L. T.) Arteriosclerosis, its etiology and symptoms. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Rich- mond, 1910-11, xv, 385-388.—Russell (W.) On arterial sclerosis and hypertonus in their relation to diet and to the digestive system. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1904, i, 1297-1300.— Rusznyak (S.) Die Struktur der Kalkplatten der Intima bei der Atherosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1913, ccxiii, 519-522.—Saltykow (S.) Aetiolo- gie der Arteriosklerose. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, 897; 940.—Sand (R.) Anatomie pathologique et etiologie de l'arterio-scierose. Mem couron. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg, Brux, 1910, xx, fasc. 6, 111 pp., 2 double pi.— Sanders (W. E.) Atherosclerosis with special reference to the physiological development and pathological changes in the intima. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1911, n. s, cxiii, 727- 738.—Savill (T. D.) On arterial sclerosis, especially in regard to arterial hypermyotrophy and the other morbid changes which occur in the muscular tunic of the arteries Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1903-4, lv, 375-449. Also: Lancet, Lond, 1904, ii, 875-8S2.—Scandola (C.) Sull' importanza del calcio nella genesi dell' ateroma e dell' arteriosclerosi e la loro cura colla dieta acalcica. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1913, xxxiv, 1111-1119.—Scheffer. L'arteriosclerose; nouvelle theorie pathogenique; traitement par le silicate de sonde Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1908, 337-358.—Scherk (P.) Die Arteriosclerosis (Causes and pathology of). neurogene Aetiologie der Arteriosklerose. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg, Berl, 1908, 361-304. -----. Zur Aetiologie der Arterio- sklerose. Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1910, xxxi, 55.— Schneider (H.) Ueber Erblichkeit des Atheroms. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lx, 294.—Schuster. Die kli- makterische resp. praklimakterische Atherosklerose, eine Folge innersekretorischer Storungen. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1910, xxviii, 257-260.—Shedd (J. Z.) A thief in our homes. [Lead as a cause of arteriosclerosis] Tr. N. Hamp- shire M. Soc, Concord, 1913, exxii, 215-234.—Simon (C.) L'arterio-scierose consideree comme une reaction de defense contre des influences morbides diverses. J. de med. et chir. prat. Par, 1914, lxxxv, 81-87.—Sondern (F. E.) The etiology and diagnosis of arteriosclerosis. Arch. Diagn., N. Y, 1910, iii, 118-127.—Sumikawa (P.) Ein Beitrag zur Genese der Arteriosklerose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 242-252.—Tawara (S.) Referat iiber Arteriosklerose; pathologisch-anatomischer Teil. Ver- handl. d. Japan, path. Gesellsch, Tokio, 1913, hi, 4-8.— Thayer (W. S.) & Brush (C. E.) The relation of acute infections to arteriosclerosis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xliii, 726-729— Thiem. Der derzeitige Stand der An- schauungen iiber die Ursachen der Schlagaderwandverhar- tung (Arteriosklerose), erortert an einem arztlichen Gutach- ten. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1915, xxii, 201-219.— Thoma (R.) Das elastische Gewebe der Arterienwand und seine Veranderungen bei Sklerose und Aneurysmabil- dung. Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Besteh. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Magdeb, 1898,19-38, 2 pi.-----. Ueber die Histomechanik des Gefasssystems una die Pathogenese der Angiosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1911, cciv, 1-74. See, also, supra, Roux.-----. Die Gestalt der Gefasslichtung bei der diffusen und knotigen Arteriosklerose. Ibid., 1914, ccxvi, 314-320—Ullmann (K.) Der anatomisch-klinische Begriff der Arteriosklerose in seinen Beziehungen zu gewissen Hautveranderungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xxii, 667; 718.—Vaccaro (G.) Patogenesi meccanica dell' arterio- sclerosi. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 825; 847.— Valin (C. N.) Atherome et arteriosclerose; anatomie pathologique et etiologie, traitement prophjdactique. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1906, xxxv, 397-399.—Van Bogaert (L.) Le tabac et l'alcool comme facteurs etiologiques de l'arte- riosclerose. Cong. fran?. de med, 10. sess, 1908, Geneve, 1909, ii, 117-122.—Van Cott (J. M.) A pathological-clinical consideration of arterio-sclerosis. N. York State J. M, N. Y. 1906, vi, 163-167— Warfield (L. M.) The etiology of arterio- sclerosis. J. Lab. & Clin. M, St. Louis, 1917-18, iii, 115- 117.—Weil (L.) Ueber Autointoxikation bei Arterioskle- rose. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver, Stuttg, 1907, lxxvii 101-109.—Weinberg. De Pinfluence du regime sur la production de l'atherome spontane. Compt. rend . Acad. d. sc, Par, 1910, cl, 940-942—Weiss (E.) Die Pathologie der Arteriosclerose. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1909, xxxiv, 473-4S0.—West (S.) Forms of arterial thickening. Clin. J, Lond, 1915, xliv, 191— Wijn (C. L.) Hypopitui- tarisme oorzaak van arterio-sclerose. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1913, ii, 1589-1598.—Winter (H. L.) The etiology of arterial sclerosis. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1912, xii, 40-43.—Ziegelroth. A calcificacao das arterias. Brazil-med, Rio de Jan, 1909, xxiii, 96-9S. Arteriosclerosis (Cerebral). See Arteriosclerosis (Mental condition in); Brain (Arteriosclerosis of). Arteriosclerosis (Complications and se- quelse of). Sec, also, Arteriosclerosis (Abdominal); Ar- teriosclerosis (Eye in); Arteriosclerosis (Gas- tro-intestinal); Arteriosclerosis (Generalized); Arteriosclerosis (Haemorrhage in); Arterio- sclerosis (Heart in); Arteriosclerosis (Mental condition in); Arteriosclerosis (Senile); Ar- teriosclerosis (Syphilitic); Arteriosclerosis (Traurnatic); Arteriosclerosis ( Visceral); Brain (Arteriosclerosis of). Bernot (J.) ^Manifestations pleurales droites dans les cardiopathies, le brightisme et l'arterio- sclerose; ^tude clinique et pathogenie. 8° Baris, 1910. Gourcon (V.-A.) *Vertige des arte>io- sclereux. 8°. Baris, 1S97. Klotz (O.) Arteriosclerosis; diseases of the media and their relation to aneurvsm. 4°. Leincaster, Ba., 1911. Lampe (C.) *Arteriosklerose, Spatparalvse und Unfall. [Gottingen.] 8°. Berlin, 1913." Also, in: Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl 1913 xxxiii, 335-354. Also, Reprint. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 41 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Complications and se- quelae of). Luda (G.) Die Arterienverkalkung und ihre Folgen, Lahmungen und Schlagfluss, Wesen, Verhutunw und Behandlung. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin & Leipzig, [1912]. Sasse ([A.] F. G.) *Ueber die bei Arterio- sklerose vorkommenden Llerdsymptome, be- sonders die Aphasie. [Kiel.] 8°. Hildesheim, 1910. Stamm (H.) *Ueber einen Fall von Arterio- sclerose und multipler Aneurysmabildung. 8°. Gottingen, 1896. Alagna (G.) Arteriosclerosi ed aflezioni dell' acustico. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 758-761—Anglade (J.) Syn- drome d'angine de poitrine chez un arterio-sclereux, avec nevralgie du plexus cardiaque; predominance du processus arterio-sclereux et localisation des irradiations douloureuscs a toute la moitie gauche du corps. Montpel. med, 1908, xxvu, 179-191.—Apelt (F.) Arteriosklerose und Commotio cerebri. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1902, viii, 248-253.— Bishop (L. F.) Arteriosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, and in- testinal putrefaction. N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv,512-515. Also, Reprint.-----. Arteriosclerosis and diseases of the skin. Urol. & Cutan. Rev, St. Louis, 1913, xvii, 294-297.— Bosse (II.) Ein Fall von arteriosklerotischer Schrumpf- niere mit Endarteriitis pulmonalis thrombotica. Zentralbl. f.innereMed, Leipz.,1905,xxvi,857-862.—Brunton(T. L.) On atheroma and some of its consequences, with their treat- ment. Lancet, Lond, 1895, ii, 897-904. Also, Reprint.— Camac (C. N. B.) Some observations on aneurysm and arteriosclerosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1905, n. s., cxxix, 845-875. Also, Reprint.—Castelllno (P. F.) Arterio- sclerosi diffusa con localizzazioni cerebrali, cardiache e renali; angina pectoris. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 743 — Cauts (J.) & Auld (A. G.) On endarteritis deformans, or atheroma, and aneurysm, and their relations to each other. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Edinb. & Lond, 1896-7, iv, 78-118, 2 pi.—Caven(J.) The renal aspect of arterio-sclerosis. Can- ada Lancet, Toronto, 1903-4, xxxvii, 18-23.—Chevron (J.) Des etats cataleptiques chez les arterio-sclereux. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1907, xxxi, 161-172.—Collins (J.) Arterio-sclerosis; its relation to disease of the nervous system and to disorder of function. South. M. & S, Chattanooga, 1906, vi, 1; 17; 39.—Coulter (F. E.) Some nervous symp- toms depending upon arteriosclerosis. West. M. Rev, Omaha, 1907, xii, 456-464.—Donettl (E.) Sulla dispnea toxialimentare nell' arteriosclerosi. Morgagni, Milano, 1900, xiii, 247-257.—Dunn ( A. D.) Some general considerations in regard to arteriosclerosis with special reference to inter- mittent claudication. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1907, xii, 447-456. [Discussion], 463.—Fisher (E. D.) & Brooks (H.) Arteriosclerosis in its relation to diseases of the nervous system. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa., 1905, xxxii, 289^309. Also, Reprint.—Fleckseder (R.) [Folge- erscheinungen allgemeiner Arterio-Sklerose.l Mitt. d. Ge- sellsch. f. inn. Med. U. Kinderh. in Wien, 1908, vii, 103 — Foerster (O.) Die arteriosklerotische Neuritis. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lxiii, 313-321.—Grassmann (K.) Ein auf Arteriosklerose zuruckzufuhrendes Schluckhinder- nis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1904, xviii, 723.—Hagelstam (J.) [Claudication intermittente (Charcot) comme symp- tome de l'arteriosclerose. Res, pp. xi-xhi.] Finska lak.- sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1901, xliii, 107-155.—Hamilton (A. S.) Arteriosclerosis in the nervous system, with special reference to apoplexy. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Mihneap, 1910, xxx, 337-340.—Herrick (J. B.) Arterio-sclerosis with cases illustrating its effects on (1) the kidney, (2) the brain, (3) the heart, and (4) the large vessels. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1897, 7. s, ii, 146-156—Hirschfeld (F.) Ueber Arteriosklerose und Nephritis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1S06, xliii, 387; 427.—Hoist (P. F.) Arteriosklerose med skrump- nyre og hjertehypertrofi; hjerteinsufficiens med hdit bfodtryk; toxisk dyspnoe. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1909,5. R, vii, 1-12—Hoppe-Seyler (G.) Ueber Veranderungen des Pankreas bei Arteriosklerose. Mitt. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1903, x, 14.—Houck (G. E.j Arteriosclerosis, with report of a rapidly fatal case. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg, 1904, xii, 315-318.—Jores (L.) Ueber die Arteriosklerose der kleinen Organarterien una ihre Beziehungen zur Nephritis. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1904, clxxviii, 367-406.—Josue (O.) & Alexandrescu (C.) Pathogenie de la nephrite intersti- tielle des arteriosciereux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par., 1906, lx, 943-945.—Klotz (O.) Fracture of arteries. J.Med. Research, Bost., 1916, xxxiv, 495-506, lpl—Kyle (J. J.) A study of ear symptoms in arterio-sclerosis, with special refer- ence to the labyrinth. Tr. Am. Laryngol, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, St. Louis, 1907, 123-134. Also: Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1907, xvi, 326-337. Also, Reprint — Landau (A.) Ueber die intermittierende Niereninsuffl- cienz bei Arteriosklerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1903, xl, 1171-1173.—Lazarus (P.) Ueber arteriospastischeZustande. Ibid., 1907, xliv, 322.—Lyon (I. P.) Arterio-sclerosis and the Arteriosclerosis (Complications and se- quelae, of). kidney. Albany M. Ann, 1903, xxiv, 137-140 lho Re- print.—McCreery (W. B.) Arteriosclerosis; complications and sequelae. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1905, iii 333-335 Also: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1906, xvi, 43 —Mark- wald (B.) Ueber ischamische Schmerzen; ein Beitrag zur Symptomatologie der Arteriosklerose. Ztschr f nrakt Aerzte, Munchen, 1900, ix, 81-89.—Mayer (M ) Plotzl hcher Tod bei Arteriosklerose; Apoplexia serosa; agonale Verletzung. Aerztl. Sachvcrst.-Ztg, Berl 1904 x 181 183-Norbury (F. P.) Arterio-sclerosis as it affects the brain and spinal cord. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago 1897 88-97.—Pick (A ) Arteriosklerose und Verdauungsstc^ rungen. Med Klin, Berl, 1912, viii, 767-770.-Potain. L atherome arteriel; quelques-unes de ses consequences- son traitement. Echo med, Toulouse, 1899, 2 s xiii 18L 193; 205; 217; 241. Also: J. de med. int., Par, 1899 Iii" 355-361.—Prescott (W. H.) Arterio-sclerosis, with report! of a case of thrombosis of the basilar and coronary arteries PnnSt0£ *L* ?• h ,1896? exxxv, 588-590. [Discussion], 597- 599—Babe. Arteriosclerose et respiration de Cheyne- Stokes. Bull, et mem. Soc. nted. d. hop. de Par 1900 3 s xvii 331-338.—Randolph (B. M.) The kidney in' arte^ noscierosis. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond 1912-13 xvii, 497-499.—Richardson (F. C.) The relationship be- tween arterio-sclerosis- and nervous diseases. N Ene M Gaz, Bost, 1911, xlvi, 1120-1124.—Rod he (E.) [Gastn> intestinal disturbances from arteriosclerosis 1 Hvciea Stockholm, 1905, 2. f, v, 1054-1061.—von Romberg. AW nosclerosis and nervous affections; a clinical lecture Post- Graduate. N. Y, 1911, xxvi, 11-23.—Rossi. Sindrome spastica degh artenosclerotici. Gazz. d. osp, Milano 1906 xxvii, 852—Russell (W.) Cerebral manifestations of hypertonus in sclerosed arteries. Practitioner, Lond 1906, lxxvi, 306-316.—Sofrfi (G.) Forma ricorrente e continua di pseudo-stenosi mitralica nell'arteriosclerosi. Lavori d Cong, di med. int. 1909, Roma, 1910, xix, 574-577.—Stengei (A.) Nervous manifestations of arteriosclerosis. Tr Ass Am. Physicians, Phila, 1907, xxii, 716-733. Also- Am J M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1908, n. s, exxxv, 187-199. Also, Reprint.—Stocker. Kombinierte Hinterseitenstranzer- krankungbei Arteriosklerose. Berl.klin. Wchnschr, 1913 1 703.—Vaccaro (G.) Sindromi nervroipertensiche e nevra- steniche nell' arteriosclerosi. Med. ital, Napoli, 1909 vii 453-458.—Wandel (O.) Ueber nervose .StOrungen' der oberen Extremitat bei Arteriosklerose (Dyskinesia und Paraesthesia intermittens). Munchen. med. Wchnschr 1908, lv, 2268-2271.-Weber (A.) Du point de cote chez les arterio-sclereux et de la stenose des arteres intercostales Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1897, xi, 65-67.—Wil- liams (T. A.) Nervous symptoms of arteriosclerosis and the removal of the state causing them. Alabama M. J Birmingh, 1911 xxiv, 132-134.—Windscheid. Die Be^ ziehungen der Arteriosklerose zu Erkrankungen des Ge- hirns. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1902, xlix, 345-347 — Zangger (T. F.) On the danger of hnh altitudes for pa- tients affected with arteriosclerosis. Lancet, Lond . 1899 i 1628. ' ' Arteriosclerosis (Diagnosis and semi- ology of). See, also, Arteriosclerosis (Blood-pressurein); Arteriosclerosis (Eye in); Arteriosclerosis (Gastro-intestinal); Arteriosclerosis (Hemor- rhage in); Arteriosclerosis (Mental condition in); Arteriosclerosis (Senile); Arteriosclero- sis in children. von Basch. O skritom arteriosklerozie. [Masked arteriosclerosis.] [Transl.] 8° f Mos- cow, 1895.] Douville (G.) *De quelques signes d'arte- rite chez des arteriosciereux. 8°. Baris, 1910. Tete (J.-U.) *Du double souffle intermittent crural en dehors de l'insuffisance aortique et particulierement dans l'atherome artenel 8° Lyon, 1897. Toullec (F.-L.) *Les symptomes d'alarme de l'arterio-scierose; contribution a l'etude des petits signes. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912. Allerhand (J.) Zur Klinik der Arteriosclerose. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz, Wien, 1899, xi, 33-42.—Arullani (P. F.) 11 piccolo aneurisma cutaneo nella diagnosi precoce dell' arterio- sclerosi. Morgagni, Milano, 1917, lix, pt. 1, 285-290, 2 pi.— von Basch (S.) Ueber Arteriosklerosis und Angiosklerosis; eine diagnostische Betrachtung. Wien. med. Presse, 1905, xlvi, 373-379.—Beck (C.) Ueber den diagnostischen Werth der Rontgenstrahlen bei der Arteriosklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1898, xxiv, 106.—Bishop (L. F.) Some diagnostic features of arteriosclerosis in clinical medicine. BostonM. & S.J, 1907, clvi, 273-275.-----. Some ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 42 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Diagnosis and semi- ology of). points in the diagnosis of arteriosclerosis. Arch. Diagn, N. Y, 1913, vi, 335-337. -----. The diagnosis of arterioscle- rosis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcviii, 1050. A Iso, Reprint. -----. The importance of the early recognition of arterio- sclerosis. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1916, xvi, 237-239 — Blake (A. H.) A case report. [X-ray diagnosis of arterio sclerosis.) Boston M. & S. J, 1917, clxxvi. 356.—Boulen- gier. La presclerose arterielle. Presse med. beige, Brux, 1907, lix, 173-176.—Bouveret (L.) [Prognosis m arterio- sclerosis.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1902, i. 80; 97.—Buch- man(A. P.) The etiology and symptomatology of arterio- sclerosis. Fort Wayne M.J.-Mag, 1906, xxvi, 58-63.—Cap- piello(S.) SudiunparticolaresintomadelPartero-sclerosi. N.riv. clin.-terap, Napoli, 1906, ix, 192.—Castex. Radio- graphies d'arteres atheromateuses. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de Pouest, Rennes, 1908, xvii, 44.—Chapman (C. W.) Prognosis in arteriosclerosis. Clin. J., Lond, 1918, xlvii, 10-12.—Chartier (M. E.) Etiology and symptom- atology of arteriosclerosis. Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1902, xii, 432-434.—Cherie-Lignlere (M.) Ricerche sullo scroscio laringeo. Med. ital, Napoli, 1905, iii, 82.—Clark (R.) Symptoms and physical signs of arterio-sclerosis. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1909, hi, 337-348.—Cli- menko (H.) Prodromal symptoms of the nervous form of arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1918, xciv, 366-369. Also, Reprint.—Coffen (T. H.) Cerebral and cardiac types of arteriosclerosis. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1918, xvii, 1-6.—Cowan (J. M.) The current theories regarding arterio- sclerosis. III. The symptoms. Practitioner, Lond, 1905, lxxv, 203-216: 1906, lxxvi, 317-331, 4pl.: 1909, lxxxiii, 614- 631.—Daland (J.) Clinical diagnosis of arterial sclerosis. Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1907, xvii, 145-147. Also: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med, Phila, 1907, xxi, 145-149. Also, Reprint.—Dexter (R.) The clinical manifestations of arte- riosclerosis. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat, Bost, 1907, xx, 545- 560.—Dodds (W. T. S.) Arterio-sclerosis from a clinical standpoint. Med. Council, Phila, 1912, xvii, 90-95.—Doll (K.) Die sichtbare Pulsation der Arteria brachialis bei Arteriosklerose. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1907, xxi, 197; 214.—Dupaquier (E. M.) Some observations on latent cases of arterial sclerosis. Proc Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1893, N. Orl, 1894, i, 33-45.—Elliott (C. A.) Clinical obser- vations on arteriosclerosis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 190^4, n. s, v, 728-734—Fischer (H.) & Schlayer. Arteriosklerose und Fiihlbarkeit der Arterienwand. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1909, xcviii, 164- 185. Also, transl.: Gazz. med. lomb, Milano, 1910, brix, 265.—Garcia Guerrero (D.) Formas clinicas de la ar- terio-esclerosis. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1902, xxx, 58; 101; 148.—de Grandmaison (F.) L'exagera- tion des reflexes patellaires et le clonus du pied chez les atheromateux. Med. mod. Par., 1896, vii, 785.—Green (J. T.) Arteriosclerosis and the importance of an early diagnosis and treatment. Kentucky M. J, Bowling Green, 1907-8, v, No. 8, 14-16.—Gubb (A. S.) The premonitory signs of arteriosclerosis. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 84.— Hampeln (P.) Ueber den Volarton. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 307.—Hawxhurst (H. H.) The diagnosis of incipient arteriosclerosis. Hahne- man. Month, Phila, 1908, xliii, 111-119.—Heard (J. D.) The significance of transient cerebral crises and seizures, as occurring in arteriosclerotics. Edinb. M. J., 1910, n. s, v, 417-427. Also: Penn. M. J, Athens, 1910-11, xiv, 174-182 — Heitz (J.) & Infroit (C.) Radiographics d'arteres athero- mateuses; meme degre de lesions arterielles du c6te hemi- ptegie et du cote sain. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1903. lxxviii, 142-144.—Hertzell (C.) Die Stauungsreaktion bei Arteriosklerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 535-538 — Hoppe-Seyler (G.) Ueber die Anwendung der X-Strahlen zum Nachweis der Arteriosklerose. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1895-6, n. F, iv, 66-68.-----. Ueber die Verwendung der Rontgen'schen Strahlen zur Diagnose der Arteriosklerose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1896, xliii, 316, 1 pi.—Huchard (H.) Formes cliniques de Parterio-scterose. Cong, franc, de med., 10. session, Geneve, 1908, i, 5-72. [Discussion], ii, 47-54. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hdp. Par, 1908, lxxxi, 1191-1195. [Dis- cussion], 1215. Also, transl.: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1908, xv, 1041-1047. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1909, n. s.? lxxxvii, 550.—Jackson (H.) The clinical aspects of arteriosclerosis. Med. Commumcat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1910, xxi, 833-852.—Jacquet (A.) Les formes cliniques de l'arterio-scierose. Cong, franc, de med 10. session, Geneve. 1908, i, 73-99.—Jardini(A.) Maladie de Dupuytren et arteriosclerose medullaire. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1906, xix, 552-560, 1 pi.—Josue (O.) Les petits signes de l'arterio-scierose. Presse med. Par., 1907, xv, 689-691.-----. Le diagnostic de Parterio-scterose. Gaz d. hop. Par, 1908, lxxxi, 1467-1470.—Kudo (S.) Referat iiber Arteriosklerose; klinischer Teil. Verhandl. d. japan. path. Gesellsch, Tokio, 1913, iii, 1-4.—Leclercq. Signes cliniques de l'arterio-scierose. J. de med. de Par, 1909,2. s., xxi, 34.—McCreery (C. R.) Symptoms and diagnosis of arteriosclerosis. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1916, xv, 294- 296.—Maragliano (E.) Le forme cliniche dell' arterioscle- rosi. Boll. d. clin, Milano, 1900, xvii, 385-391. Also: Gazz d. osp, Milano, 1900, xxi, 625-627.—Menotti (B.) Le scosse Arteriosclerosis (Diagnosis and semei- ology of). ritmiche del capo nell' ipertensione con arteriosclerosi. Ri- forma med, Roma, 1903, xix, 197-203.—Merklen (P.) Pre- cocite et longue duree de la respiration de Cheyne-Stokes dans l'arterio-scierose. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1900, 3. s, xvii, 338-343.—Milan! (A.) Contributo alia sintomatologia dell' arteriosclerosi degli arti. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1906, xxvi, 80-91.—Miller (A.M.) Clinical manifestations of arteriosclerosis. Hlinois M. J, Springfield, 1911, xx, 545-548.—Minervini (L.) Les trois points pulsatiles de la radiate dans l'arteriosclerose. Semaine med., Par, 1906, xxvi, 111. -. Ipuntipulsanti e la diagnosi d'arteriosclerosi. Corriere san., Milano, 1907, xviii, 383; 408. Also: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1907, n. s., xxix, 193-212.—Mix (C. L.) Physical signs of arterio-sclerosis. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y.. 1903, xiii, 404-407.—Osborne (O. T.) The early diagnosis and pre- vention of arteriosclerosis. Yale M. J, N. Haven, 1906-7, xiii, 115-123.—von Phul (P. V.) Arteriosclerosis; symp- tomatology and course. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1905, iii, 330-333. Also: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1906, xvi, 42.—Plumier (L.-L.) Les formes cliniques de l'arterio- scierose. Scalpel, Liege, 1908-9, Ix, 181-184.—Rheiner (G.) Zur Diagnoatik der Arteriosklerose. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1909, xxvu, 1281; 1324.—Rlva( A.) Lo scroscio laringeo e lo iniurimento giovanile delle arterie. Med. ital, Napoli, 1905, iii, 81. Also: Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1905, vi, 15.—Roberts (S. R.) The diagnosis of the arterial group. Arch. Diag, N. Y, 1917, x, 129-139.—Rochester (D.) The early diagnosis and symptoms of arterio-sclerosis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Albany, 1903, 86-91. Also: Albany M. Ann, 1903, xxiv, 127-133.—Rosenbusch (J.) Zur Diagnose der arteriosklerotischen Erkrankungen der unteren Extre- mitat. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 1712-1714.— Runeberg (J. W.) [L'arteriosclerose. son image clinique, ses symptdmes, sa marche et son traitement. Res., p. lxxxiv.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1900, xlu, 793-818.—Russell (W.) Some of the clinical phenomena associated with arteriosclerosis. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1912, 22. s, iv, 45-54.—Scheel (O.) Gefassmessungen und Arteriosklerose. Virchow's Arch.f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl, 1908, exci, 135-167.—Schmilinsky (H.) Zwei Diagramme einer Arteriosclerose und geringgradigen Erweiterung der Aorta ascendens und des Aortenbogens. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, namb, 1897-8, i, 235-238, 1 pi.— Sihle (M.) Beitrage zu einer funktionellen Diagnose der Arteriosklerose und zur Differentialdiagnose der Angina pectoris. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xvii, 379-393.—van Spanje (N. P.) Enkele opmerkingen over aetiologie en klinische verschijnselen der arteriosclerose; tevens een bijdrage tot de functioneele diagnostiek van hart envaten. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1911, ii, 1321-1343.— Stengel (A.) The clinical course and diagnosis of arterio- sclerosis. Penn. M.J, Pittsburg, 1903-4, vii, 585-597. Also: Wisconsin M. J, Milwaukee, 1904, iii, 137-153. Also, Re- print. -----. The early diagnosis of arteriosclerosis. Am. Med, Phila, 1904, vii, 9-11. Also, Reprint. —•—. Clinical studies in arteriosclerosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1904, xix, 512-519. Also: Cleveland M. J, 1904, iii, 525- 530.—Swan (J. M.) A case of extensive arteriosclerosis simulating aneurysm of the arch of the aorta. Univ. Penn M. Bull, Phila, 1903-4, xvi, 384-388. Also, Reprint — Teissier (J.) Valeur semeiologique des hypertensions par- tielles dansleursrapportsaveclessymptdmesetles complica- tions de l'arteriosclerose; interpretation pathogenique. Bull Acad, de med. Par, 1908, 3. s, lix, 283-293. ----- Les formes cliniques de l'arterio-scierose. J. med. franc Par 1908, ii, 629-638. Also: Prov. med. Par, 1908, xix, 351-355' Also, transl.: Brazil-med, Rio de Jan, 1908, xxii, 448- 466- 478: 1909, xxiii, 7.—Third (J.) Some clinical aspects of arterio-sclerosis. Canad. J. M. & S, Toronto, 1913, xxxiii 274-289. Also: Canad. M. Ass. J, Toronto, 1913, iii, 261- 268.—Tuxians Pedragosa (J.) El sindrome de Josue en las arterio-esclerosis. Rev. valenc. de cien. med, Valencia 1914, xvi, 249-257—VirshubskI (A. M.) [Pseudoartcrk> sclerosis.] Prakt. Vrach. Petrogr, 1915, xiv, 377- 391 — Walton (G. L.) & Paul(W.E.) Arteriosclerosis; a'contri- bution to its clinical study. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago 1908 b 169-172.-Weber (L. W.) Zur Klinik der arterios'klero: tischen Seelenstorungen. Monatschr. f. Psychiat u Neu- ?£!•' ?v"1^1908'zxiii.Ergnzngshft, 175-212,1 pl.-Williams (1. A ) Lrrors in the diagnosis and treatment of arterio- sclerotic antecedents. Virginia M. Semi-Month Rich- mond, 1912-13, xvii, 457-460. -----. The detection and treat- ment of the neurological phenomena preceding arteriosclero- sis. Med. Times N. Y 1913 xii, 139-141. ——. Detection and treatment of neurological phenomena preceding arterio- sclerosis, illustrated by cases and some errors. Am Pract N. Y, 1914, xlviii, 74-81. *' Arteriosclerosis (Epistaxis in). See Arteriosclerosis (Haemorrhage in). Arteriosclerosis (Experimental). See, also, Arteries (Biseases of, Experimen- tal). ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 43 Arteriosclerosis (Experimental). Albarede (L.) *Etude pathogenique et experimentale de l'atherome. Atherome et hyperepinephrie. 8°. Toulouse, 1904. Feuillie (P.) *Contribution a l'etude de l'atherome experimental. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Hildeurandt (F.) *Experimentell erzeugte lokale Atherosklerose und ihre Beziehungen zur Niere. 8°. Heidelberg, 1912. Jores (L. A.) Wesen und Entwickelung der Arteriosklerose auf Grund anatomischer und ex- perimenteller Untersuchungen. roy. 8°. Wies- baden, 1903. KrIloff (D. D.) *K voprosu o tak nazivaye- mom eksperimentalnom arteriosklerozie; sovre- mennoye sostoyaniye voprosa voobshtshe i ob izmieneniyakh, vizivayemikh v aortie krolika pod vliyaniyem sporinyi v svyazi s ucheniyem ob eksperimentalnom arteriosklerozie v chast- nosti. [On so-called experimental arteriosclero- sis; present state of the question in general, and the alterations produced in the aorta of rabbits under the influence of secale cornutum in con- nection with the study of experimental arterio- sclerosis in particular.! 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1910. Oertel (R.) *Die Bedeutung des Nervus de- pressor fiir Blutdruck und Aorta. Experimen- telle Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Arterio- sklerose. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, 1913. Shirokogoroff (I. I.) *Adrenalinoviy skleroz arteriy; eksperimentalnoye izslledova- niye. [Adrenalinic arteriosclerosis; experi- mental investigation.] 8°. Yuryev, 1907. Starokadomski (L. M.) *K voprosu ob eksperimentalnom arteriosklerozie; eksperimen- talnoye i sravnitelno-patologo-anatomicheskoye izsliedovaniye. [Experimental arteriosclerosis; an experimental and comparative pathologo- anatomical investigation.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1909. StukkeI (N. V.) *Ob izmieneniyakh aorti krolikov pod vliyaniyem usilennavo kormleniya zhivotnoi pishtshel; k voprosu o dieteticheskom arteriosklerozie. [Alterations in the aorta of rabbits under the influence of excessive animal diet; on dietetic arteriosclerosis.] 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1910. Adler (I.) Studies in experimental atherosclerosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila,.1914, xxix, 512-527, 4 pi. Also: J. Exper. M, Lancaster, 1914, xx, 93-107, 4 pi. -----. Fur- ther studies in experimental atherosclerosis. J. Exper. M, Bait, 1917, xxvi, 581-602, 4 pi—Adler (I.) & Hensel (O.) Studies of so-called experimental arteriosclerosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1907, xxii, 683-693. [Discussion], 731-733.—Baduel (A.) Per 1'etiologia e patogenesi delle alterazioni arteriose sperimentali in relazione con l'ateroma- sia umana. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1907, viii, 273- 277.—Bailey (C. H.) Atheroma and other lesions produced in rabbits by cholesterol feeding. J. Exper. M, Lancaster, Pa, 1916, xxiii, 69-85. Also, Reprint.-----. The produc- tion of arteriosclerosis and glomerulonephritis in the rabbit by intravenous injectionsof diphtheria toxin. J. Exper. M, N. Y, 1917, xxv, 109-127. Also, Reprint.—Baldauf (L. K.) Experimental arterio-sclerosis. St. LouisM. Rev., 1909,lviii, 257-261.-----. Experimental arterio-sclerosis. Louisville Month. J. M. & S, 1915-16, xxii, 97-105.—Benda (C.) Die Arteriosklerose (Atherosklerose) im Lichte der experimen- tellen Forschung. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1909, 1, 121- 126.—Bledl (A.) & Braun (L.) Zur Pathogenese der ex- perimentellen Arteriosklerose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xxii, 709-711.-----------. Experimentelle Studien uber Arteriosklerose. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Kl, Wien, 1910, cxix, 329-262, 2 pi—Bon- namour (S.) & Thevenot (L.) Toxine diphthenque et adrenaline dans la production de l'atherome experimental. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1909, lxvi, 387-389. ----- -----. Du mode d'action de 1'adrenaline dans la production de l'atherome experimental; dissociation des propriclos vasomotrice, toxique et atheromatogene; action des rayons X et de la lampe de Kromayer. J. de physiol. et de path. gen. Par, 1910, xii, 248-252.—Boveri (P.) Contributo alio studio degli ateromi aortici sperimentali; fatti nuovi in- torno all' eziologia dell' arteriosclerosi. Clin. med. ital. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Experimental). Milano, 1906, xiv, 41-64, 2 pi. -----. Arteriosclerose experi- mentale chez le singe. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1908, lxv, 597: 1909, lxvi, 753. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1908, Roma, 1909, xviii, 177.-----. Nuovo contributo alio studio dell'arteriosclerosi sperimen- tale nella scimia. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1909, Roma, 1910, xix, 640.—Cheboksaroffl (M. N.) [TscheboksarofI in German.) [Experimental atheroma of the aorta in rabbits and the influence of the so-called inorganic serum of Tru- necek.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1907, vi, 1600. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Herzkrankh, Wien, 1910, iii, 160; 200; 274. -----. [On experimental arteriosclerosis.] Kazan. Med. J, 1909, ix 247-329, 1 pi—Cummins (W. T.) & Stout (P. S.) Experimental arteriosclerosis by adrenalin inoculations and the effect of potassium iodide. Univ. Penn. M. Bull, Phila, 1906-7, xix, 101.—Denny (G. P.) & Frothingham (C.) Experimental arterial disease in rab- bits. J.Med. Research,Bost, 1914,n.s,xxvi,277-283. Also, Reprint—Etienne (G.) & Fritsch. Leroleatheromatisant du chlorure de calcium dans l'atherome experimental n'ap- partientpas a sa chaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1909, lxvi; 937-939.—Fahr (T.) Beitrage zur experimentel- len Atherosklerose unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen Nebennieren- veranderungen und Atherosklerose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch, Jena, 1912, xv, 234-249.—Fischer (B.) Zur Frage der experimentellen Arterionekrose durch Adrena- lininjektionen; Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz des Herrn Kaiserling. Berl.klin. Wchnschr, 1907, xliv, 262.—Gaultier (R.) Recherches sur le role de la tension arterielle dans la production de l'atherome experimental par l'etude de Pac- tion simultanee de "1'adrenaline," substance hypertensive, et de "l'extrait aqueux de gui," substance hypotensive. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1908, lxiv, 1159.—Gilbert (A.) & Lion (G.) Ai propos du proces-verbal, note sur l'atherome arteriel experimental. Ibid., 1S03, lv, 1408.----- -----. Note sur l'atherome arteriel experimental. Arch. de med. exper. et d'anat. path. Par, 1904, xvi, 73-82,1 pi.— Gouget.- Sur l'atherome tabagique experimental. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1908, 3. s, xxv, 1005-1007. -----. Atherome experimental et silicate de soude. Presse med. Par., 1911, xix, 1005.—Heubner (W.) Experimen- telle Arteriosklerose. Ergebn. d. inn. Med. u. Kinderh, Berl, 1908, i, 273-297.—Hirsch (C.) & Thorspecken (O.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Arterio- sklerose. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1912, cvii, 411-422.—Hornowski (J.) [Arteriosclerosis, specially of the pulmonary artery, idiopathic and experimental direases of the arteries in animals and on the mutual relations of those processes.] Now. lek, Poznaii, 1910, xxii, 584; 641.-----. Untersuchungen iiber Atherosklerosis (Atherosklerosis art. pulmon, Atherosklerosis beim Pferd und beim Rind, Veranderungen in Arterien von Kaninchen, hervoreerufen durch Transplantation von Nebennieren.) Virchow 's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1914, ccv, 280-309.—Klotz (O.) Experimental production of arteriosclerosis. Brit. M. J Lond, 1906, ii, 1767-1772. Also: Canad. J. M. & S.. Toronto, 1907, xxii, 223-234.-----. Experimental studies in arterio- sclerosis. Boston M. & S. J, 1907, clvi, 267-269. -----. Studies upon calcareous degeneration; the relation of experi- mental arterial disease in animals to arteriosclerosis in man J. Exper. M, N. Y, 1906, viii, 504-513,1 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Experimental "work-arteriosclerosis." Montreal M. J, 1908, xxxvii, 165-169. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, Jena, 1908, xix, 535- 539.—Knack (A. V.) Ueber Cholesterinsklerose. Vir- chow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1915, ccxx, 36-52.— Kon (J.) Lcferat iiber Arteriosklerose; experimenteller Teil. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch, Tokio, 1913, 8-19, 4 pi.—Kriloff (D. D.) [Rising of blood pressure in experimental arteriosclerosis; experiments on rams.] Vrach. Gaz, S.-Peterb, 1911, xviii, 497; 541. -----. [Experimental arteriosclerosis.] Voyenno-Med. J, Petrogr, 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt, 293-310.-----. Sur l'arteriosclerose experi- mentale des arteres coronaires du cceur. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1916, Ixxix, 399.—van Leersum (E. C.) Zur Frage der experimentellen alimentaren Atherosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1914, ccxvii, 452- 462.—van Leersum (E. C.) & Rassers (J. R. F.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis des experimentellen Adrenalin-Atheroms. Ztschr. f. exper. path. u. Therap, Berl., 1914, xvi, 230-236,1 pi.—Lemoine (G.) Production experimentale de plaques atheromateuses de cholesterine chez les lapins; nouvelle conception pathogenique de l'arterio-scierose. Nord med, Lille, 1911, xviii, 237-240—Levi della Vida (M.) Ueber ex- perimentelle Arteriosklerose; Bemerkung zu der Arbeit von O. Loeb. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 2200.—Loeb (O.) Ueber Arteriosklerose. II. Ueber experimentelle Arterienveranderungen mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung der Wirkung der Milchsaure auf Grund eigener Versuche. Ibid., 1819-1822.-----. Experimental- untersuchung zur Storlwechselgenese der Arteriosl-lcrose. Ibid., 1915, xfl, 178.—Lucien (M.) & Parisot (J.) Note sur les rapports entre les lesions de l'atherome experimental et spontane. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1908, lxiv, 467- 469.----- -----. La pathogenie de l'atherome d'apres l'etude de ses lesions experimentales et spontanees. J. med. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 44 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Experimental). franc. Par, 1909, iii, 88-93,2 pi—LukeS (J.) [Experimental lesions of the arteries and their significance in atherosclerosis.] Casop. lek. desk, v Praze, 1914, liii, 1381-1391.—Miller (J. L.) Experimental arterial degeneration. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1907, n. s, cxxxiii, 593-601.—Orlowski (Z.) [Ex- perimental atheroma of the arteries in rabbits.] Przegl. lek, Krakow, 1906, xiv, 277-280—Parisot (J.) Atherome ex- perimental par injections repetees de chlorure de baryum. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1908, xl, 444-447. Also: Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8, 136-139— Pearce (R. M.) Experimental arteriosclerosis and myocarditis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1906, xvii, 94.—Pearce (R. M.) & Stanton (E. McD.) Experimental arteriosclerosis. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med, N. Y, 1904-5, ii, 77-79. ----- -----. Experimental arteriosclerosis. Albany M. Ann, 1906, xxvii, 77-88, 2 pi. Also: J. Exper. M, N. Y, 1906, viii, 74-86, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—Pic (A.) & Bonna- mour (S.) Du role des modifications de la pression san- guine dans la production de l'atherome experimental. J. de physiol. et de path, gen. Par, 1906, viii, 460-465.—Rauten- berg (E.) Experimentell erzeugte, mit Arteriosklerose verbundene chronische Albuminurien. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz, 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 66.—Rickett (G. R.) Experimental athero- ma. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Cambridge, 1907-8, xii, 15-30, 6 pi. [2 col.].—Rubinstein. L'atherome experimental par ingestion de cholesterine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1917, lxxx, 191-194—Saltykow (S.) Ueber experimentelle Atherosklerose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch, Jena, 1908, xii, 197-202.-----. Die experimentell erzeugten Arterienveranderungen in ihrer Beziehung zu Athero- sklerose und verwandten Krankheiten des Menschen. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, Jena, 1908, xix, 321; 369.-----. Experimentelle Forschung in der Lehre der Arteriosklerose. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol. U. Path. d. Stoffwechs, Berl. & Wien, 1908, n. F, hi, 654-665.-----. Experimentelle Atherosklerose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1913-14, lvii, 415-473, 2pl—Schmiedl (H.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen • zur Frage der mechani- schen Genese der Arteriosklerose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1914, xxvii, 597-606.—Sorel (E.) Contribution a l'etude experimentale de l'atherome. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1905, xi, 228-236.-----. Atherome experimental. Langue- doc med.-chir, Toulouse, 1905, xiii, 76.—Starokadomsky (L. M.) & Ssobolew (L. W.) Zur Frage der experimentel- len Arteriosklerose. Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path, Wiesb, 1903, iii, 912-925, 2 pi.—Steinbiss (W.) Ueber experi-nentelle alimentare Atherosklerose. Virchow's Arch, f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1913, ccxii, 152-187,1 tab—Tsumoda (T.) & Umehara (N.) Ver^leichende Studien der experimentellen Atherosklerose durch verschiedene Nahrungsmittel. Ver- handl. (Ljap. Path. Gesellsch, Tokyo, 1915, v, 62: 1916, vi, 90-93.—Wacker (L.) & Hueck (W.) Ueber experimentelle Atherosklerose und Cholestcrinamie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1913, lx, 2097-2109.—Ziegler (K.) Ueber die Wirkung intravenciser Adrenalininjektion auf das Gefasssystem und ihre Beziehung zur Arteriosklerose. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1905, xxxviii, 229-254. Arteriosclerosis (Eye in). See, also, Retina (Blood-supply of, Bisorders of). "Walther (H.-F.-J.) *Arterio-sclerose et arterc centrale de la retine. 8°. Nancy, 1906. Zentmayer (W.) Rome unusual ocular mani- festations of arteriosclerosis. 8°. Chicago, 1900. Also, in: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 750-754. Antonelli. L'appareil oculaire dans quelques formes cliniquesdel'arteriosclerose. Cong.frang. demed, 10.session, 1908, Geneve, 1909, ii, 91-101.—Bardsley (P. C.) The retinal si^ns of arteriosclerosis compared with those due simply toin- creased blood-pressure. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1916-17, x, Sect. Ophth.. 34-42. Also: Clin. J, Lond, 1918, xlvii, 130-139. Also: Brit. J. Ophth, Lond, 1917, i, 239-245.—Bar- rett (J. W.) & Orr (W. F.) A note on the ophthalmoscopic appearance of arteriosclerosis. Austral. M. J, Melbourne, 1911-12, n. s, i, 3'i, — Bishop (L. F.) The relation of arterio- sclerosis to ophthalmology, neurology, and surgery, from the viewpoint of the internist. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxviii, 85. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 987. Also, Reprint.—Blstis (J.) Des troubles des alterations de la vue pendant l'arteriosclerose. Grece med, Syra, 1904, vi, 38.— Bruner(W. E.) Ocularsymutoms of arteriosclerosis. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1903, xviii, 683-702, 1 pi. Aho: Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1910, vi, 78-88— Cantonnet (A.) Les pa- ralysies oculaires des arterio-sclereux. J. de med. et chir. prat. Par, 1913, lxxxiv, 2-9-291.—Claude (II.) Ophtal- moptegie transitoire, regressive, chez un arterio-sclereux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1906, 3. s, xxiii, 567-571.—Connell (J. C.) Eye-symptoms in arterio-scle- rosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1903-4, xxxvii, 27-29. Also: Canad. Pra~t. & Rev, Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 475-477.— Fehr. Verstopfun?derCentral-Arteric bei Skleroseder Arie- rien und Periarteritis. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh, Leipz, Arteriosclerosis (Eye in). 1902, xxvi, 240.—Greenwood (A.) Early fundus signs of arteriosclerosis. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1913, xxii, 248- 254.—Henschen (S. E.) Ueber circumscripte arterio-skle- rotische Nekrosen (Erweiehungen) in den Sehnerven, im Chiasma und in den Tractus. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1911, lxxviii, 212-223,1 pi—Hertel (E.) Veranderungen der Netzhautgefasse bei Arteriosclerose. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1900, Wiesb, 1901, xxviii, 150-154,1 pi.— MacLeish (A. L.) The contribution of ophthalmology to the diagnosis of arteriosclerosis. South. Calif. Pract, Los Angeles, 1907, xxii, 1-6.—Marple (W. B.) The ocular le- sions of general arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1907, lxxi, 421-425. [Discussion], 454. —----. Arteriosclerosis as seen by the ophthalmologist. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 988-993. Also, Reprint.—Moore (R. F.) The retinal circulation in arterio-sclerosis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1916, xxxvi, 319-335.------. The retinitis of arterio- sclerosis, and its relation to renal retinitis and to cerebral vascular disease. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1917, x, 29-77, 8 pi.—Possek (R.) Ueber senile Maculaveranderung bei Arteriosklerose. Ztschr. f. Augenh, Berl, 1905, xiii, 771- 779.—Reber (W.) The value of the ophthalmoscope in the early diagnosis of arteriosclerosis. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med, Phila, 1907, xxi, 149-159. Also: Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1907, xvii, 147-151.—Sanderson (H.) Ocular manifestations of arteriosclerosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii, 848-851.—Sibley (B. D.) Ophthalmic signs in arteriosclerosis. Alabama M. J., Birmingh, 1908-9, xxi, 650-655.—Smith (E.) Relation of general arteriosclerosis to certain ocular conditions. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1914, xxiii, 62-77. Also: Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1914, xxi, 52- 64.—Snyder (W. H.) The relation between general arterial sclerosis and increased tension in eye-ball; some practical observations on the use of the Schiotz-tonometer. Ophthal- mol, Seattle, 1910-11, vii, 586-592. Also, Reprint.—StUlson (H.) The eye symptoms in arteriosclerosis. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1916, xv, 300—Stblting (B.) Zirkulations- storungen in der Netzhaut bei Arteriosklerose. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg, 1910, xlviii, 305-314.—Straub (M.) Over de prognose bij netvUesbloedingen door arterio- sclerose. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1908, i, 1838-1842.—Suffa (G. A.) Ocular manifestations of arterio- sclerosis. N. Eng. M. Gaz, Bost, 1911, xlvi, 1117-1119.— Suker (G. F.) Diagnostic eye-findings in arteriosclerosis (angiosclerosis). Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1906, n. s , lvii, 595- 601. Also, Reprint—Swift (G. W.) The fundus of the eye in arterio-sclerosis. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1911, n. s, iii, 251.—Veasey(C. A.) The ocular manifestations of arterio- sclerosis and their diagnostic and prognostic significance. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryns;ol, Chicago, 1911, v, 137-145. Also: Northwest Med, Seattle, 1911, n. s, iii, 34-37. Also, Re- print— Venneman. The senile eye and the arterioscle- rotic eye. Homcoop. Eve, Ear & Throat J, N. Y, 1906, xii, 342-345.—Wiener (M.)A Wolfner (H. L.) A reaction of the pupil, strongly suggestive of arteriosclerosis with increased blood pressure. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1915, lxv, 214- 210—Williams (E. R.) The eye examination a help to diagnosis of commencing arteriosclerosis. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Phila, 1913, xiii, pt. 2, 531-554.—Wilmer (W. H.) Arterio-sclerosis in relation to ocular lesions. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol, Chicago, 1909, hi, 213-218. Also: Old Do- minion J. M. & S, Richmond, 1909, viii, 317-323.—Wright (E. W.) Early diagnosis of arteriosclerosis from the retinal vessels. Med. Council, Phila, 1917, xxii, 31-33. Arteriosclerosis (Gastro-intestinal). Ott (A.) L'arteriosclerosi gastrica e intesti- nale (con contributo sperimentale sulla pato- genesi). 8°. Sassari, 1910. Akin (H. L.) Gastric symptoms consequent on arterio- sclerosis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1909, hi, 1825-1828 — Blerring (W. L.) The gastro-intestinal type of arterio- sclerosis. Iowa M. J, Des Moines, 1902, viii, 629-639. -----. The significance and treatment of the gastro-intestinal form of arteriosclerosis. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1904, 14. s, ii, 151-164, 1 pi —Blind. Des troubles digestifs dans l'arterio- scierose. Cong, franc, de med. Rap, Par, 1899, y, 696- 700.—Buch (M.) [Arteriosclerotic gastric pains.] Finska lak.-siillsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1904, xlvi, pt. 2, 118-155.— - Canaveri (C.) Sopra un caso di dispragia arteriosclerotica intermittente intestinale. Progresso med., Torino, 1906, v, 39-42.— Cheinisse (L.) L'arWrioseierose gastrique. Se- maine med. Par, 1907, xxvu, 385-387.—Frugoni (C.) Arteriosclerosi gastro-intestinale. Riv. crit. d. clin. med Firenze, 1913, xiv, 104; 120; 135; 153; 168; 184; 197; 204. Aho, Reprint.—GUbride (J. J.) Gastrointestinal disturbances due to arteriosclerosis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1909, Iii, 955-957— KUmmell (R.) Ueber die Sklerose der Einge- weidearterien der BauchhShle. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, Jena, 1900, xvii, 129-134—Lagane (L.) L'ar- terio-scierose intestinale. Progres med. Par, 1911, 3. s, xxvii, 505-512— Longcope (W. T.) The early changes in arteriosclerosis of the gastrointestinal tract. Proc. Path Soc. Phila, 1904, n. s, vii, 165-172.—Neusser (E.) Zur Symptomatoloj;ie gastrointestinaler Storungcn bei Arterio- ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 45 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Gastro-intestinal). sklerose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1902, xv, 965-967.— Nuckols (O. P.) Splanchnic arteriosclerosis. Kentucky M. J, Bowling Green, 1909-10, viii, 1203,1221—Raulin (L.) L'arterio-scierose gastro-intestinale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxix, 409-411.—Shtshukin (I. V.) [Pathology and treatment of gastro-intestinal arteriosclero- sis.! Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1913, xii, 3; 24.—Stockton (C. G.) Arterio-sclerosis and the digestive system. Albany M. Ann, 1903, xxiv, 140-145. Arteriosclerosis (Generalized). Rocher (E.) *De l'inegale repartition des le- sions arterielles dans l'arterio-scierose genera- lisee. 8°. Baris, 1897. Boteano (E.-R.) Arterio-scterose generalisee avec dys- trophic cardiaque et insufflsance renale; epitheiiome de l'estomac; intoxication par les boissons a essences et par l'alcool; mort subite par rupture du cceur. J. de med. int., Par, 1908, xii, 252-254.—Brady (C. M.) General arterio- sclerosis. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1907-8, lx, 221-229. Also: Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc, N. Orl, 1907, 140-148.— Castex (M. R.) Arterioesclcrosis generalizada; nefrocsclero- sis primitiva; paralisis total del oculomotor comunizquierdo. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1915-16, ii, suppl, 125-127.—Chapman (C. W.) A case of generalized athero- ma without apparent valvular disease. Tr. M. Soc. Lond.j 1910-11, xxxiv, 421.—Ecker (L. C.) General arterial sclerosis with aneurysm of the ascending aorta. Virginia M. Semi- Month, Richmond, 1913-14, xviii, 275— Laubry (C.) & Parvu. Arterio-scterose generalisee de l'artere pulmonaire. Tribune med. Par, 1909, n. s, xh, 485— Saladrigas (E.) Lecci6n clinica sobre un caso de arterio-esclcrosis generaliza- da. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1904, ix, 131-134.— Stengel (A.) Arteriosclerosis as a general disease. Am. Med, Phila, 1906, xi, 195-198. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1906, xii, 422-428. Also, Reprint. -----. Some chnical manifestations, visceral and general, of arteriosclerosis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1906, ii, 1010-1012.—Stordeur. Arterio- scterose generalisee. J. med. de Brux, 1903, viii, 156; 788.— Williamson (O. K.) Symptoms which precede and are associated with general arterio-sclerosis. Lancet, Lond, 1918, i, 627-630. Arteriosclerosis (Haemorrhage in). See, also, Brain (Haemorrhage in). Bailly (A.) *Le purpura chronique de l'an°io-sclerose. 8°. Baris, 1910. Bitot (E.) & Mauriac (P.) Arterio-sclereux; mort par hematemese. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xl, 76.—Escat (E.) L'epistaxis grave des arterio-sclereux; topographie des foyers; traitement local. Presse med. Par, 1905, 509-571. Also, transl: Gior. ital. di laringol, otol. e rinol, Napoli, 1906, vi, 5-7.—Healy (W. P.) Arteriosclerosis and the con- trol of uterine hemorrhage, N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 996. Also, Reprint— Hilliard (J. W.) Spontaneous haem- orrhage into the peritoneal cavity in arterio-sclerosis Brit. M. J, Lond, 1918, i, 231—Lucas-Championniere (P.) Purpura chronique de l'angio-scierose. J. de med. et chir. prat. Par, 1911, lxxxii, 408.—Perkins (C. E.) Epistaxis in arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxviu, 86. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 995. Also, Reprint.—Vergely (J ) Hematemese chez un arteriosciereux. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xii, 407-409. Arteriosclerosis (Heart in). See, also, Artery (Coronary). von Basch (S.) Die Herzkrankheiten bei Arteriosclerose. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Huchard (H.) Maladies du cceur; arterio- sclerose. 8°. Baris, 1910. Rit (E.) Du syndrome mitro-aortique chez les atheromateux. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Schneller (P.) *Ueber die ieolierte Arterio- sklerose des kleinen Kreislaufes mit isolierter Hypertrophic des rechtenVentrikels. 8°. Mun- chen, 1912. Wachenfeld. Herzkrankheiten und Arte- rienverkalkung. 8°. Munchen, 1910. Anelada & Chauvin. Volumineuse plaque d'atherome sous-aortique. Montpel. med, 1912, lv, 516-518.-Babcock (R H ) Arterio-sclerosis, with special reference to its effects on the heart, and to treatment. Tr. Colorado M. Soc., Den- ver 1899 72-88 —Bernheim. Sur le cceur des artenoscie- reu'x. Rev med. de Pest, Nancy, 1906, xxxviii, 233^388. Also [AbstrJ: Soc. de med. de Nancy C.-r ,1905-6, P^Wli:T,1!7C7^9:-De^pline7A.T Sopra un caso di arterio-sclerosi con insufflcienza delle valvole. aortiche e ateroma diffuso della polmonare e dei suoi rami. Gazz. a. Arteriosclerosis (Heart in). osp, Milano, 1912, xxxiii, 1297.—Faber (J.) Diagnose und Therapie der arteriospastischen Herzschwache, nebst Unter- suchungen iiber das Zustandekommen der beiden ersten katakroten Elevationen der Pulskurve. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1897, xiii, 156-161.—HasenfeldT (A.) Ueber die Herzhypertrophie bei Arteriosclerose, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Herzhypertrophie bei Schrumpfniere. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1897, lix, 193-221 — Hawes (Mary). Arterio-sclerosis ending in cardiac insuffi- ciency and acute glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis. Colorado Med, Denver, 1905, ii, 192-195— Johnston (C. H.) The heart in arteriosclerosis. J. Mich. M. Soc, Battle Creek, 1913, xii, 256-261—Josue (O.) Formes cliniques de l'insuffi- sance cardiaque des arteriosciereux. Progres med. Par, 1908, 3. s, xxiv, 517.—Klemperer (G.) Die Prognose der arteriosklerotischen Herzerkrankung. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1914, lv, 289-292—Longcope (W. T.) & McClintock (A. T.) The effect of permanent constriction of the splanch- nic arteries and the association of cardiac hypertrophy with arteriosclerosis. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1910, xxv, 45-57.—McKay (T..W. G.) The cardiac aspect of arterio-sclerosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1903-4, xxxvii, 13-17. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev, Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 470-475.—Marshall (C. R.) On the treatment of the heart failure of arterio-sclerosis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1897, ii, 1715- 1717.—Neu (C.) Arteriosclerosis, with especial reference to the heart and kidneys. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1911, n. s, iii, 245-248.—Pirera (A.) Alterazioni indotte sul cuoie dall' arteriosclerosi e dalle modificazioni della pressione delle arterie. Gior. internaz. d.sc. med, Napoli, 1912, n.s, xxxiv, 961; 1009.—Preble (R. B.) The effects of arterio-sclerosis upon the heart. Medicine, Detroit, 1897, iii, 551-555.— Schabert (A.) Ueber die Ventrikelhypertrophie bei Arte- riosklerose und chronischer Nephritis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1908, xxxiii, 327-329.—Scherb. Retrerissement mitral chez un arteriosciereux. Bull. med. de PAfrique, Alger, 1904, xv, 77. Arteriosclerosis (History and statistics of)- Ratzeburg (H. L. II. E.) *Ueber Vorkom- men und Aetiologie der Arteriosklerose, nebst einigen anhangsweisen symptomatisehen Bemer- kungen. [Berlin.] 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Remlinger (J. A.) *Zur Statistik der Arterio- sklerose. 8°. Marburg, 1905. Baumler. 1st die Arteriosklerose eine Allgemeinkrank- heit? Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1905, xiii, Fest-Num, 38- 44.—Kluczenko (B.) [Statistics of atheroma.] Przegl. lek, Krakow, 1872, xi, 293; 301; 313—Laubry (C.) L'arte- riosclerose (d'apres Josue). Arch. d. mal. du cceur [etc.], Par, 1909, ii, 469-477.—Saltykow (S.) Ueber die Haufig- keit der Atherosklerose. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Arezte, Basel, 1915, xiv, 1379-1388.—Zonchello. La diffusione e la distri- buzione geografica deh'arteriosclerosi in Italia. Salute pubb, Perugia, 1906, xix, 97-109. Arteriosclerosis (Mental condition in). See, also, Brain (Arteriosclerosis of). Rogge (H.) *Ueber sensorische Aphasie und Geistesstorung bei Arteriosklerose. 8°. Kiel, 1911. Seringes (G.) Contribution a l'etude des psychopathies dans l'arterio-scierose. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1914. Tamarin (A.) *Zur Kenntnis der arteriosklero- tischen Psy chosen. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1913. Also, in: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xix, Orig, 497-527. Albrecht. Ein forensischer Fall von arteriosklerotischer Geistesstorung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl, 1904, xvii, 683-687.—Aretini (A.) La demenza senile e l'arterioscle- rotica rappresentano due forme cliniche distinte od una stessa entita nosologica? Gior. di psichiat. clin. e teen. manic, Ferrara, 1909, xxxvii, 23-48— Campbell (C. M.) Arterio-sclerosis in relation to mental disease. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass, Bait, 1907, xiv, 171-180.—Castellino (P. F.) I fenomeni cerebrali transitori dell' arteriosclerosi; raccolta A. Marotta. Tommasi, Napoli, 1911, vi, 473-478 — Courtney (J. E.) Nervous and mental phenomena of arte- rio-capillary fibrosis and atheroma. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1902, 189-193.—Cramer (A.) Die nervosen und psychischen Storangen bei Arteriosklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 1595-1600. Also: Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1910, Sect. xii, Psychiat, 173-192.—Leonard (E. F.) Arteriosclerosis and its relation to mental diseases. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1914 cxi, 641. -----. Arteriosclerosis and its relation to mental diseases. Illinois M. J, Chicago, 1917, xxxi, 393- 395. Also: Inst. Quart, Springfield, 111, 1917, vin, 32-34.— Marinesco (G.) & Minea (J.) Lesions de la nevroghe cor- ticate dans un cas d'angio-sclerose avec demence. Compt.- ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 46 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Mental condition in). rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1916, Ixxix, 454—Olah (G.) Psy- chosis arteriosclerotica. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte 1907, Budapest, 1908, 94. Also: Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1907, li, 881.-----. Was kann man heute unter arteriosklerotischen Psychosen verstehen? Cong. internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1909, Sect, xii, Psychiat, 45-48. Also: Psychiat.-neurol. Wchnschr, Halle a. S, 1909-10, xi, 455-457—Penta (P.) In tema di demenza arteriosclerotica; parere medico-legale sur un caso di furto qualificato. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1904, vii, 83-114.—Pilcz. Klinik der arteriosklero- tischen Geisteserkrankungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lxi, 305; 382; 443; 509.—Price (G. E.) Arteriosclerosis with symptoms resembling pseudobulbar palsy of gradual onset. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1916, xliii, 58—Reckzeh. Ueber die Begutachtung arteriosklerotischer und konsti- tutioneller psychischer Anomalien. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1914, xxxii, 809-813. Also: Ztschr. f. Versicherungs- med, Leipz, 1914, vii, 193-197.—Schrttder (P.) Hirnrin- denveranderungen bei arteriosklerotischer Demenz; mit Demonstration von Mikrophotogrammen. Verhandl. d.Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz, 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 238-240.—Stephenson (F. H.) Notes on nervous and mental manifestations due to arteriosclerosis. Buffalo M. J, 1909-10, lxv, 416-419—von Tschirch (W.) Die im Verlauf der Arteriosklerose auftretenden nervosen und psychischen Storungen. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1909, Sect. 12, Psychiat, 37-44.—Water- mann (O.) & Baum (F. L.) Die Arteriosklerose eine Folge des psychischen und physischen Traumas. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1906, xxv, 1137-1143.—Weber (L.W.) Ar- teriosklerotisehe Verstimmungszustande. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 1524-1527. Arteriosclerosis (Metabolism in). Bakscht (Frieda). *Ueber Jodausscheidung bei Arteriosklerose. 8°. Zurich, 1912. Bollag (K.) *Untersuchungen iiber den Kalkstoffwechsel bei Atherosklerose. [Zurich.] 8°. Winterthur, 1911. Bishop (L. F.) Metabolism, Arteriosclerosis and diet. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1917, xiv, 49-52. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 265-268. Also, Reprint. Arteriosclerosis (Pathology of). See Arteriosclerosis (Causes and pathology of)- Arteriosclerosis (Peripheral). Burr (C. W.) Intermittent lameness and other nervous symptoms of peripheral arterial disease. Am. Med, Phila, 1904, viii, 497. Also, Reprint.—Coleman (T. D.) Localized arteriosclerosis. Tr. Am. Climat. & Clin. Ass, Phila, 1917, xxxiii, 1-6.—Klotz (O.) Arteriosclerosis of the peripheral vessels. Cleveland M. J, 1914, xiii, 207-211.—Morris (R. S.) & Woolley (P. G.) Peripheral arteriosclerosis. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin, 1916, cxvi, 235-237.—Oberndorfer. Beitrag zur Frage der Lokalisation atherosklerotischer Prozesse in den peripheren Arterien. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1911, cii, 515-519, 2 pi.—Tedeschi (E.) L'artcrio- sclerosi localizzata periferica considerata dai punto di vista clinico. Tommasi, Napoli, 1911, vi, 49-57. Arteriosclerosis (Prevention of). See Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Brophy- lactic). Arteriosclerosis (Retinal). See Retina (Blood-supply of, Bisorders of); Retina (Biseases of, Causes, etc., of). Arteriosclerosis (Senile). Valleteau de Moulliac (E.-J.-A.) Contri- bution a. l'etude de l'age critique. L'age critique chez l'homme (troubles nerveux et psychi- ques). 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Allaman. Neurasthenic de Parterio-scterose chez un vieillard de 91 ans; troubles cardiaques et urinaires; tenta- tives repetees de suicide. Progres med. Par, 1913, 3. s., xxix, 533.—Brtinniche (A.) Senilitas, Arteriosclerosis, et quidemrenum. In Ms: Praktikantklin, 8°, Kjobenh, 1892, 124-127.—Curl (S. W.) Senile arterio-sclerosis with second- ary dilatation of the heart and incompetence of the mitral valve. Med. Press & Circ. Lond, 1905, n. s, lxxix, 560.— Doyen & Takamine. Reaction specifique d'Abderhalden en presence des tissus mesoderiniques dans l'arterio-scierose dela vieillesse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1914, lxxvii, 315— Friedmann (F.) Ein Beitrag zur Symptoma- tologie der Alterssklerosc; ein bemerkenswerthes Phiinomen bei der Auscultation der Aorta descendens. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1900, xiii, 569-573.—Galezowski (J.) & Berie- detti. Alterations seniles de la macula chez un arterio- Arteriosclerosis (Senile). sctereux. Clin, opht. Par, 1906, xii, 234.—Hampeln (P.) Ueber Arteriosklerose des Greisenalters. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr, 1912, xxxvii, 209-212.—Hasenfeld (A.) & Szili (A.) Greisenalter, Arteriosklerose und die Wassermannsche Reaktion. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1910, Sect, vi, Med. Int., 364-368—Letienne (A.) De la senilite; l'arteriosclerose. Presse med. Par, 1906, xiv, 129.—McCorkle (J. A.) Senility; with suggestions as to management. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1912, vi, 195- 200. [Discussion], 234— McGunagle (J. E.) The degen- erative and vascular changes of the aged; arteriosclerosis and atheroma. J. Florida M. Ass, Jacksonville, 1916, iii, 233.— Morandi (E.) Contributo alio studio dell' equilibrio cir- colatorio nell' aterosclerosi senile. Policlin., Roma, 1912, xix, sez. med, 19-41.—Nascher (I. L.) Amorphous phos- phorus in seni le arteriosclerosis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcviii, 1042.—Rosenthal (G. E.) Senile arterio-sclerosis. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1906, xxx, 438-440—Shepard (B. A.) Age and arterial degeneration. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1916, xv, 515-521.—Smith (W. H.) Age in its relation to arteriosclerosis and death from arteriosclerosis. Boston M. & S. J, 1908, clviii, 701-705. Also: Pub. Mass. Gen. Hosp, Bost, 1908, ii, 18.5-195. Also, Reprint- Stewart (W. B.) Premature arterial senility. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1912-13, ix, 383-385.—Vaccaro (P.) L'arteriosclerosi dell' eta matura. Med. ital, Napoli, 1908, vi, 274; 293; 318; 341. Arteriosclerosis (Statistics of). See Arteriosclerosis (History and statistics of)- Arteriosclerosis (Syphilitic). Molinari (G. G.) *Ueber die schwielige Ar- teriosclerose und ihre Beziehung zur Syphilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Campana (R.) L'arteriosclerosi nei suoi rapporti colla sifilide. Riforma med, Napoli, 1911, xxvii, 1317-13'9. -----. Le arteriosclerosi caseose nei rapporti colla sifilide. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1914, xxxii, 26- 30.—Flessinger (C.) L'arterio-scierose du cceur et de l'aorte n'est souvent que de la syphilis. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1911, 3. s, lxvi, 135-140.—Kohler (A.) Lues; Arterio- sklerose. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb, 1902-3, vi, 247-251, 1 pi.—Weber (F. P.) Syphilis and the etiology of atheroma. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1896, n. s, cxi 531-537. Also, Reprint. Arteriosclerosis (Traumatic). Lehmann (G.) ^Arteriosklerose und Unfall. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Bloch (E.) Arteriosklerose und Unfall. Aerztl. Sach- verst.-Ztg, Berl, 1911, xvii, 502-506.—Colella (R.) Arterio- sclerosi e nevrosi post-traumatiche. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di nevrol, Roma, 1914^iv, 275-286. Also: Tommasi, Napoli, 1914, ix, 424-430.—Holzmann (W.) Ueber Arterio- sklerose und Unfall. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1910, xvi, 297-304.—Leers (O.) Ueber die Beziehungen der trau- matischen Neurosen zur Arteriosklerose. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz, 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 350— Pickenbach. Arterienverkalkung nach Unfall. (Kasuistischer Beitrag.) Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1912, xviii, 53.—Rivalta (F.) Arteriosclerosi precoce traumatica. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1906, Roma, 1907, xvi, 116-120. Also: Policlin, Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. med, x, 108-113— Rumpf (T.) Ueber Arteriosklerose und Un- fall. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl: & Leipz, 1914, xl, 1059.—Schulz. Kann Arteriosklerose durch eine Unfallver- letzung verschlimmert werden? Rcichs-Med.-Anz, Leipz, 1903, xxviii, 107.—Voltz (W.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Arteriosklerose der unteren Extremitaten zur traumatischen Arthritis des Fussgelenkes, nebst einem Fall von lokaler traumatischer Arteriosklerose. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb, 1905-6, iv, 101-119, 3 pi.—Windscheid. Verschlim- merung einer Arteriosklerose und Myocarditis mit todtlichem Ausgang durch eine Brustquetschung. Monatschr. f. Un- fallheilk, Leipz, 1910, xvii, 8-11.—Ziegler. Ueber trau- matische Arteriitis una ihre Beziehungen zu der Arterio- sklerose und der Aneurysmabildung. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz, 1899, lxx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 13. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of). See, also, Arteries (Hypertension of, Treat- ment of). Amblard (L.-A.) *Variations quotidiennes des tensions arterielle et arterio-capillaire chez les arterio-sclereux hypertendus en cours de traitement. 8°. Baris, 1907. Aufrecht (E.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Arteriosklerose. roy. 8°. Wien & Leipzig, 1910. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 47 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of). Barbet (G.) *La medication de Trune- cek dans l'arteriosclerose; etude clinique. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Bishop (L. F.) Arteriosclerosis; a considera- tion of the prolongation of life and efficiency after forty. 8°. London, 1914. Gotjget (A.) L'arteriosclerose et son traite- ment. 12°. Paris, 1907. Josue (0.) Traite de l'arteno-sclerose. Pre- face de M. le Professeur Rodger. 8°. Baris, 1909. Ktjhner (A.) Arterienverkalkung heilbar! Neue Mittel und Wege zur Erkenntnis, Verhii- tung und Heilung. 8°. Leipzig, [1911]. Leclercq (A.) L'arteriosclerose (evolution clinique et traitement). 8°. Baris, 1911. Mengeaud (A.) Rapports des tensions radiale et digitale dans l'arte>io-sclerose et les insuffi- sances hepatiques. 8°. Baris, 1904. Munz (P.) Die Arterienverkalkung (Arterio- sklerose), ihr "Wesen und ihre Behandlung. Mit einem Anhang: Ihre Behandlung in Bad Kis- singen. 8°. Berlin, [1907]. Alpestri (A.) Contributo alio studio della sclerosi vasale ed indicazioni terapeutiche. Rassegna di clin. e terap, Roma, 1914, xiii, 635-642.—Amblard (L. A.) Arterio- scterose et bains lumineux. J. de physiotherap. Par, 1912, x, 456-466.—Anders (J. M.) The treatment of arteriosclero- sis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xliii, 776-783. Also: Med.-Chir. J, Phila, 1904, v, No. 9,29-35—Arthur (H. M.) Arteriosclerosis and its treatment. Therap. Med, N. Y, 1910, iv, 431-437.—Bacelli (G.) La cura deh' arteriosclerosi. Med. ital., Napoh, 1908, vi, 740-745.—Barr (Sir J.) On the treatment of arterio-sclerosis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1905, xxv, 351-377. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1906, i, 121- 126. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1906, li, 526; 538; 550; 560; 572; 584.—Baumgartner. Die moderne Behand- lung der Arteriosklerose. Heilkunde, Berl, 1S07,182-190 — Bergemann (W.) Die Bedeutung der reaktiven Hypera- mie bei arteriosklerotischer Nekrose. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1909, lxiii, 1-18.—Bishop (L. F.) The treatment of arteriosclerosis. Tr. Am. Therap. Soc, Phila, 1913,16-19. Also: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull, Phila, 1913, vi, 449-453. -----. Arteriosclerosis as a cellular disease; together with a study of its hygienic treatment. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 1121-1123. Also, Reprint.—Bjorkmann (G.) The treatment of arteriosclerosis. Med. Exam. & Pract.: N. Y.. 1905, xv, 547.—Bonnier (P.) Les centres manostatiques et le traitement physiologique de l'arteriosclerose. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1909, cxlviii, 730.—Branson (W. P. S.) The treatment of arterio-sclerosis and high tension. Lancet, Lond, 1913,i, 1343.—Braun (L.) Zur Pathogenese und Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, 983-988.—Brooks (H.) The modern treatment of arteriosclerosis. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1911, 21. s, iii, 32-47.—Brown (A. G.), jr. The therapeutic management of arteriosclerosis based on the present view of its pathology. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1910, liv, 104-108.—Burwinkel (O.) Aetiologie und allgcmeine Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1905, xiii, 472-475. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch, 1S05, pt. 2,124-132.-----. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Lehre von der Aetiologie und Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Deut- sche klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Leipz, 1906, hi, 585; 618. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr, 1906, hi, 585; 618. -----. Zur Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Med. Bl, Wien, 1906, xxix, 461.-----. Die Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1912, xxx, 577; 609. -----. Ueber Arteriosklerose und ihre Behandlung. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1914, xxiv, 40; 49; 61; 77.—Butler (G. F.) Treat- ment of arteriosclerosis. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1906, xxix, 641.—Butler (G. R.) Medical treatment of arterio- sclerosis. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1909, iii, 348-351. Also: Therap. Med, N. Y, 1909, iii, 216-221— Cabanes. Hygiene et traitement de Parterio-scterose. J. de la sante, Par, 1901, xviii, 464-466.—Camurri (V. L.) II trattamento dell' arteriosclerosi. Farmacoterap, Lodi, 1906, vi, 33-44.— Cartier (F.) The action of barium salts in arterio-sclerosis. Med. Century, N. Y. & Chicago. 1907, xv, 65-67.—Cassine. Traitement de l'arteriosclerose et de ses localisations: angine de poitrine et hemorrhagic cerebrate. Nord nted., Lille, 1899, v, 28-31.—Cavacini (V.) Azione di talune sostanze sulla eliminazione del calcio attraverso le urine in rapporto alia cura decalciflcante dell' arteriosclerosi. Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoh, 1916, xix, 109; 121.—Charteris (F. J.) Arterio-sclerosis and its treatment. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1906, xxxiv, 523-526.—Coleman (T. D.) Treatment of arteriosclerosis. Tr. Am, Climat. Ass, Phila, 1912, xxviii, 212-220.—Coleschi (L.) Contributo alia terapia dell' arte- riosclerosi. Rassegna di clin. e terap, Roma, 1911, x, 273- Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of). 292—Colombo (C.) La cura fisica delF arteriosclerosi giustificata dai la nuova interpretazione della sua patogenesi. Riforma med, Palermo-Napoli, 1907, xxiii, 701-703.-----. L'arteriosclerosi; sua patogenesi e cura. Riv. internaz. di terap. fis, Roma, 1907, viii, 99-102. Also, transl.: Lyon med, 1907, cix, 433-440—Crofton (W. M.) Recovery from apparent arterial sclerosis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, ii, 311.— Crothers (T. D.) The radiant-light bath in arteriosclerosis. J. Advanc. Therap, N. Y, 1905, xxiii, 437-442.—Davison (J. L.) Therapeutics of arterio-sclerosis. Canad. Pract. & Rev, Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 465-470.—Dioseine (La) Prunier et le vertige de l'arterio-scierose. Chron. med. Par, 1917, xxiv, 48-51.—Dioseine (De la) Prunier. II. Therapeutique de l'arterio-scierose. Ibid., 138; 201.—Eisner (H. L.) The control and treatment of hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1911, cxli, 22-34—Erlen- meyer (A.) Die Steigerung des artenellen Druckes bei der Arteriosklerose und deren Behandlung. Deutsche med. * Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1906, xxxii, 259-261.—Faivre. Considerations nouvelles sur la pathogenie de l'arterio-scie- rose; les proprietes hypertensives de l'acide urique. Gaz. med. de Par, 1915. Ixxxvi, 42.-----. Un cas de vertige arterio-sclereux gueri par l'urodonal. Ibid., 1916, lxxxvii, 141.—Favill (H. B.) Treatment of arteriosclerosis. Med. News, N. Y, 1898, lxxii, 364-366.—Fournes. Un cas d'arte- rioscterose cardio-aortique traite par les phosphatides col- lofdaux. Rev. mod. de therap. et de biol. Par, 1914, iii, 206-208.—Fraenkel (A.) Ueber Theorie und Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Wien. klin. Rundschau. 1905, xix, 509; 527.-----. Ueber die Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 765-768.—Franze (P. C.) Treatment of arteriosclerosis. Folia Therap, Lond, 1910, iv, 43-46.—Glax (J.) Arteriosklerose und Seeklima. Zen- tralbl. f. Thalassotherap. [etc.], Abbazia, 1911, iii, 92-95.— Goldscheider. Die Behandlung der arteriosklerotischen Schmerzen. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1909-10, xiii, 5-22—Goldschmidt (S.) Antisklerosin bei Arteriosklerose. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1SJ03, xiii, 552.-----. Zur Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Repert. d. prakt. Med, Leipz, 1906, iii, 435-443.—Gordon (WT S.) The treatment of arteriosclerosis. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 390-392.—Groedel. Ueber den Wert der Blutdruckmessung fiir die Behandlung der Arterio- sklerose. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1904, xxi, 113-123.—Hall (F. de H.) Discussion on the treatment of arteriosclerosis and high tension. Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1912-13, xxxvi, 247-271. Also: Clin. J, Lond, 1913-14, xiii, 161-176.—Haller (A.) Die Arteriosclerose des Herzens und der Aortaund die Therapie der Arteriosclerose. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 19C9, xxxiv, 133-139.—Hasebroek (K.) Ueber Arteriosklerose und aktive Zander-Gymnastik. Deutsche klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Leipz, 1906, iii, 553-556. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr, 1906, xiii, 553-556. -----. Arteriosclerose und Gymnastik. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 4,104-110. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1907, xxxiii, 836-840.— Herz (M.) Die abdominale Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Berl, 1910, xvii, 1037-1039.-----. Die psychische Aetiologie una Therapie der fruhzeitigen Arteriosklerose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lviii, 771. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xxiv, 484-487.-----. Die Aetiologie der Arteriosklerose und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Therapie. Med. Klin, Berl, 1913, ix, 1362-1366 — Heussy (W. C.) Some recent forms of treatment for arterio- sclerosis. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1911. n. s, hi, 248-251.^ Hcyn (L. G.) Pathology and treatment of arterio-sclerosis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1909, cii, 83-87.—Hirschberg (R.) Le massage dans le traitement de l'arterio-scierose generali- see. Arch. gen. de Mnesither, Par, 1910, xii, 61-69. Also: Cong, internat. de physiotherap. Compt. rend. 1910, Par, 1911, hi, 329-336.—Hirschteld (A.) Untersuchungen iiber die Beeinflussung des erhohten Blutdrucks bei Arterio- sklerotikern durch Rhodalzid. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap, Wien, 1914, xxxii, 519-525.—Hirshfeld (R. B.) [Treatment of arteriosclerosis and similar diseases by iodine combined with theobromine.] Novoye v Med, S.-Peterb, 1911, v, 70-74.—Hochhaus (H.) Die Behandlung der Arterioskle- rose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xxxviii, 1529-1531.—HOhn (J.) Ziele und Aussichten der Arteriosklerosebehandlung. Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg, Wien, 1911, viii, 169-172.—Huchard (H.) Traitement de la pre- scterose. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1E07, xxi, 35-39.-----. Ce qu'est l'arterio-scierose; comment l'eviter et la guerir. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1909, clvh, 881- 889.—Ide. Arteriosklerose und Seeklima. Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, 871.—Josue (O.) Traitement de l'arterio- scierose. J. nted. franc. Par, 1912, vi, 73-83. Also, transl.: Med. Notes & Quer, Lancaster, Pa, 1912, vii; 80; 87.— Jousset (P.) Action de 1'adrenaline dans l'arterio-scierose. Art med. Par, 1904, xcviii, 325; 401. Also, transl: N. Am. J. Homceop, N. Y, 1905, liii, 68-71.—Kahane (M.) Bemer- kungen zur Pathologie und Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1909, lxix, 2846; 2904; 2972.—Kirby (F. B.) The treatment of arteriosclerosis. Therap. Med, N. Y, 1907, i, 234-236.—Kirchberg (F.) Wirkung der Massage bei Arteriosklerose und chronischer Kreislauf- schwache. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1913, ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 48 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of). xvii, 672-678.—Klemperer (G.) Einige Erfahrungen uber Aetiologie und Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Therap. d. Gegenvv, Berl, 1905, xlvi, 481-483—Kose(0.) [The treat- ment of arteriosclerosis.] Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1902, xii, 713; 744.—Laidlaw(G. F.) What shall we do for arterio- sclerosis? N. Eng. M. Gaz, Bost, 1911, xlvi, 1124-1130.— Lancereaux. L'arterio-scierose; sa pathogenie et son traite- ment. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1908, 3. s, 1L\, 597-605. Also: J. de m6d. int., Par, 1908, xii, 161-163.—Le Fevre (E.) The management and treatment of arterio-sclerosis. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1902, ii. 47-51.—Lemoine (G.) Traitement de l'arteriosclerose par des solutions de phospha- tides extraits des lipoldes et dissdlvant la cholesterine. Nord med, Lille, 1911, xviii, 93-98. -----. L'arterio-scierose et l'atherome; leur pathogenie; leur therapeutique; leur regime alimentaire. Presse med. beige, 1913, Ixv, 999-1006. 1914, lxvi, 5-12. -----. Note sur un nouveau cas d'arterio- sclerose du type cardio-renal traite par la solution de phos- phatides. Rev. mod. de therap. et de biol. Par, 1913, ii, 107-109.-----. Action de la cholesterine sur rarterio-scle- rose; faits experimentaux pubhes en 1913. Gaz. d. prat, Lille, 1914, xxi, 77-79—Lowndes (C. H. T.) The rational treatment of arteriosclerosis. U. States Nav. M. Bull, Wash, 1910, iv, 150-154—Lustig (A. A.) Die Arterio- sklerose und Gcfiissverkalkung und deren erfolgreiche Be- handlung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz, 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 64-6X.-----. Die Arteriosklerose und deren Behandlung. Med. Bl, Wien, 1907, xxx, 76; 75.—Lydston (G. F.) Note on thiosinamine in arteriosclerosis. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1912, 3. s, xxviii, 466.—M'Caskey (G. W.) Etiology and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1913, cix, 178- 183.—McPhedron (A.) The treatment of arteriosclerosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xh, 851-836.—Malan (G.) Sulla cura dell' arteriosclerosi con 1' ipotenina Serono. Riv. internaz. di clin. e terap, Napoli, 1913, viii, 121-125.—Mar- chand (L.) De la poudre minerale de Trunecek dans le traitement des aliened arteriosciereux. Ann. med.-psychol. Par, 1903, 8. s, xvii, 112-114— Martinet (A.) Traitement medicamenteux systematique de l'arterio-scierose. Presse med. Par, 1907, xv, 629.—Massalongo (R.) & Malenza (G.) SulP ipotenina. Riv. internaz. di clin. e terap, Napoli, 1910, v, 219-223.—Mazzolani (A. D.) Sulla ci ra dell' arteriosclerosi. Rassegna di clin. e terap, Roma, 1914, xiii, 39.5-406.—Minkows! i (O.) Die Diagnose und Thera- pie der Arteriosklerose. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1907, xxi, 449-460.—Mohr (L.) Einiges zur Pathologie und Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1906, xliii, 722; 755.—Mora Guarnido (A.) Tratamiento de los accidentes en los arterio-escter6sicos. Gac. med. d. Sur de Espaf a, Granada, 1910, xxviii, 433; 462.—Morison (A.) On the use of mercury in the treatment of cardiac failure due to ar- terio-sclerosis. Lancet, Lond, 1900, i, 1KH1-18X3.—Morosow (N.-A.) Emploi de la spermine de Poehl dans te traitement de rarterio-sclerose. Belgique mod, Gand, 1909, xvi, 327- 329. Also: Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg, Wien, 1911, viii,91.—Mai- ler (n.) Die Arteriosklerose und ihre Behandlung. Univ. Zurich. Festgabe, 1914, pt. 3, 233-252.—von Noorden (C.) On the etiology and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Post- Graduate, N. Y, 1913, xxviii, 415-431.—Ortner (N.) Mcdi- kamentose und physikalische Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Jahresk. f. arztl. Fortbild, Munchen, 1911, 37-57.—Osborne (O. T.) The aetiology and treatment of arteriosclerosis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 349-352. Also, Reprint.— Perchon. Technique du traitement de l'arterio-scierose par les phosphatides colloldaux. Rev. mod. de therap. et de biol. Par, 1914, iii, 140-144—Pick. Behandlung der Arterienverkalkung durch Gymnastik in Gestalt von Unter- druckatmung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl, 1911, lxxx, 643-645.—Pope (C.) Rational treatment of hvpertension and sclerosis of the arterial system. Month. Cycl. & M Bull, Phila, 1910, iii, 1; 82.—Price (B. S.) The diagnosis and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1915, 25. s, ii, 17-38.—Reed (B.) The hygiene and climatic treatment of arteriosclerosis. Calif. State J. M.. San Fran 1909, vii, 322-326—Ribas y Perdig6 (M.) Tratamiento general de la arteriosclerosis. Rev. balear de cien. med Palma de Mallorca, 1909, xxxi, 421; 449; 477; 529.—Riviere (J.-A.) La physico-therapie et l'arteriosclerose. Gaz. d. eaux, Par, 1908. li, 105-107. Also: Medecine scient. Par, 1908, xvi, 3-5. AIso, transl: Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1908, n. s, lxxv, 317-320.—Robin (A.) L'arterio-scierose et son traitement. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1907, cliv, 686; 918. Also: J. de med. int., Par, 1908, x, 1-3.—Robinson (B.) Arteriosclerosis; points in its treatment. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 375-376. Also Reprint.—Ropke (W.) Aktive Hyperamie in der Behandlung arteriosklerotischer Gangran. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 666.— Rohde (F.) Zur Kenntnis arteriosklerotischer Schmerzen und deren Behandlung. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1910-11, Munchen, 1911, 46-53. Also- Med. Klin.. Berl, 1911, vii, 74—Romberg (E.) Die Be- handlung der Arteriosklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1905, xxxi, 1377-1381.—Rutkewitsch (K.) Zur vergleichenden Bewertung der Medikamente bei Hyper- tension der Arteriosklerotikcr. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl 1914, lxxix, 231-247.—de Sa (A.) Contribuicfto ao trata- Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of). mento da arterio-esclerose. Brazil-med, Rio de Jan, 1910, xxiv, 405; 415.—Salerni (A.) Su P azione dell' ipotenina nei disturbi da arteriosclerosi. Rassegna di chn. e terap, Roma, 1913, xii, 245-250.—von SchrOtter (L.i Zur Thera- pie der Arteriosclerose. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl. & Wien, 1899, n. F, i, 13-18.—Selig (A.) Das Verhalten der Arterio- sklerotiker bei Schwitzprozeduren. Bl. f. klin. Hydro- therap, Wien, 1907, xvii, 113-121.—Senator (n.) Ueber die Ursachen una die Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl, 1907, v, 24-30. Also: Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1907, xlviii, 97-101.-----. Ueber die Ur- sachen und die Behandhng der Arteriosklerose. Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1911, viii, 105-107.—Snow (W. B.) The treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypertension. J. Advanc. Therap, N. Y, 1909, xxvii, 280-291. Also: Med. Counselor, Detroit, 1909, xxviii, 202-212.—Steins berg (L.) Zur Be- handlung der Arteriosclerose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1905. xiii, 568-570.—Stoner (W. J.) The symptomatology and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1917, cliii, 693-701.—Strubell (A.) Die Therapie der Arterio- sklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 2107-2111.—Sutherland (J. P.) Arterio-sclerosis; what can we do about it? N. Eng. M. Gaz, Bost., 1911, xlvi, 1130-1138.—Swan (J. M.) The treatment of arterio- sclerosis by physiological methods. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1912,xii, 376-387. Also: South.M. J, Nashville, 1913, vi, 43-53.—SzScsi. Der gegenwartige Stand des Heilver- fahrens bei Arteriosklerose. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1914, lxiv, 440-447.—Taylor CM. R.) The etiology and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Med. Bull., Phila, 1907, xxix, 283-2S7 — Terrile (E.) L'asclerosina; di un nuovo prodotto organico contro P arteriosclerosi da usarsi specialmente nelle forme gravi di ipertensione arteriosa. Riforma med, Napoli, 1915, xxxi, 1041-1046.—Tranquilli (E.) La cura dell' arterio- sclerosi. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1908, xxxiv, 561; 5MJ.— Trunecek (C.) Arteriosklerose; ihr Wescn und ihre Be- handlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1905, lv, 1093; 1160: 1225. -----. Die Pathologie und Therapie der Arteriosklerose. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1909, xvi, 190; 21s; 247.— Uhlirz (R.) Ziele und Grenzen der Arteriosklerosethera- pie. Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg, Wien, 1912, ix, 294; 309.—Vela Gonzalez (M.) Tratamiento de la arterio-esclerosis. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1910, lv, 18; 42; 75; 101.—Waterman (N.) Einige Bemerkungen zur FTage: Arteriosklerose nach Adre- nalin-Iniektionen. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1908, exci, 202-208.—Wedekind (C. H.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Arteriosklerose und Fettleibigkeit. Med. Klin, Berl, 1914, x, 1646.—Well (L.) Klinisch-therapeu- tische Studien zur Arteriosklerose. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver, Stuttg, 1906, lxxvi, 698-710—Wetter- wald (F.) La kinesitherapie dans l'arteriosclerose. Rev. de cinesie, Prag, 1908, x, 159-167.—Wlesel (J.) Der heutige Stand der Lehre von der Arteriosklerose (Atherosklerose) und ihre medikamentose Behandlung. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr, 1909, xxii, 401; 455.—Wiesel (J.), Erlenmayer & Stein. L'arteriosclerosi e la sua cura medicamentosa. Gazz. med. lomb, Milano, 1909, lxviii, 237-241.—Winter- nltz (W.) Physiologic therapeutics in the treatment o, arteriosclerosis. Mod. Med, Battle Creek, Mich, 1908, xvhf 193; 220.—Wybauw (R.) Arteriosclerose; pouls irregulier; indications therapeutiques. Policlin, Brux, 1909, xviii, 340-342. -----. Le traitement physiotherapiquede l'arterio- scierose. Ann. de med. phvs, Anvcrs, 1911, ix, 189-203. Also: Policlin, Brux, 1911, xx, 305; 321.—von ZgOrski (L.) Antisklerosin bei Arteriosklerose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1904, xlix, 505. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Die- tetic). Oavailles (M.) *Pyspn£e et mort rapide chez les arterio-sclereux, rapports de ces accidents avec regime alimentaire. 8°. Baris, 1913. Lematte (L.) Les regimes alimentaires dans l'enteriteetl'arterio-scierose. 8°. Baris, [1908]. Sheveleff (N. N.) *0 vliyanii vinograd- navo sakhara na vldleleniye i/.vesti pri arterio- sklerozie. [On the influence of grape sugar on the excretion of lime in arteriosclerosis.] 8°. 5.- Petcrburg, 1897. Amblard (L.-A.) Influence du regime antitoxique et diuretiqi-e sur les tensions arterielle et arterio-capillaire des arterio-sclereux hypertendus. Atti d. Cong, internaz. de terap. fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii, pt. 1, 203-214. Also: J. di physiotherap. Par, 1908, vi, 16-27. Also, transl: Riv. internaz. di terap. fis, Roma, 1908, ix, 157-159.-----. Faut- il ou ne faut-il pas prescrire des boissons abondantes aux arterio-sclereux? Monde med. Par, 1914, xxiv, 44-49.— Bayer (R.) Ueber den Einfluss des Kochsalzes auf die artcnosklerotische Hypertonie. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1907, lvii, 162-176.—Bishop (L. F.) Diet in arteriosclerosis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 455. Also: Boston M. & S. J, 1917, clxxvi, 721-7.'.').—Bock (II.) Die diiitetische Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Ztschr. f. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 49 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Die- tetic). diatet. u.physik. Therap, Leipz, 1898, ii, 33-41.—C'oley (T. L.) The dietetic treatment of arterio-sclerosis. Med". News, N. Y, 1904, lxxxiv, 292-297.—Daude (O.) Ueber wertvolle Heilfaktoren der physikalisch-diatetischen Be- handlung der Arteriosklerose. Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg, Wien, 1912, ix, 109-111.—Huchard (H.) Importanza dell' intossi- cazione nell' arterio-sclerosi e nolle cardiopatie arteriose, loro trattamento con il regime alimentare. Riv. internaz. di terap. fis, Roma, 1908, ix, 179-182.—Josue. Regime habi- tuel des arteriosciereux. Paris med, 1911-12, iv, 88-90.— Jousset (M.) Le regime decalcifiant dans l'atherome arteriel. Art med. Par, 1909, cviii, 38-48.—Lemoine (G.) Le regime hypocholesterinique des arterio-sclereux. Gaz. d. prat, Lille, 1913, xx, 45-49. Also: Presse nted. beige, Brux, 1913, lxv, 221-227.-----. L'arterio-scierose et l'atherome; leur pathogenie; leur therapeutique; leur regime alimen- taire. Ibid., 1914, lxvi, 19-23.—Loeper (M.) & Gouraud (X.) Le regime decalcifiant dans l'atherome arteriel. Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 705.—Lustig (A.) Die Diatetik bei Arterienverkalkung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz, 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 58-61 — Marini (G.) & Scandola (C.)_ Sulla dieta acalcica negli ateromatosi. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1909, Roma, 1910, xix, 258-260.—Powell (A. E.) Diet and arterio-sclerosis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s, 1, 428-432.—Strasser (A.) Die physikalisch-diatetische Behandlung der Arterioskle- rose. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med, Wien, 1909, ii, 27-32. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xxii, 482-526.—Strauss (H.) Die diatetische Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Jahresk. f. arztl. Fortbild, Munchen, 1911, 8. Hftv 50-58.— Watson (C.) The influence of a milk diet on arterial sclero- sis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1907, i, 175.—Winternitz (W.) Ein Beitrag zur physikalisch-diatetischen Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1907, xi, 520-538. Also: Bl. f. klin. Hydrother, Wien, 1908, xviii, 25-43. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Opera- tive) . Hauke (H.) *Die Wieting'sche Operation. [Breslau.] 4°. Tubingen, 1912. Bissell (J. B.) The field of surgery in arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxviii, 85. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 993-995. Also, Reprint.—Carrel (A.) & Guthrie (C.-C.) Arterio-sclorose par modification chirur- gicale de la circulation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1906, lx, 730.—Pilcher (P. M.) The surgical treatment of lesions due to arteriosclerosis. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1909, iii, 352-355.—Siegel (E.) Die Arteriosklerose in der Chirurgie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1906, lhi, 595-597.— Wettstein (A.) Die Behandlung der angiosklerotischen Ernahrungsstorungen durch die arteriovenose Anastomose: die Wietingsche Operation. Med. Klin, Berl, 1914, x, 28; 71.—Wieting. Die erfolgreiche Behandlung der angioskle- rotischen Ernahrungsstorungen durch die arteriovenose Anastomose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz,-1912, cxix, 515-551. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Pro- phylactic). Pick (J.) Welchen Schutz gibt es gegen fruhzeitige Arterienverkalkung. 8°. Berlin, 1912. Tonniges (C. W. C.) Wie schutze ich mich gegen Arterienverkalkung? Ursachen, Verhu- tung und Heilung der Krankheit. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, [1911]. ------. The same. 12°. Leipzig, [1912]. Bishop (L. F.) The prevention of arteriosclerosis. Am. Pract, N. Y, 1914, xlviii, 411-413. Also: Good Health Mag, Battle Creek, 1914, xlix, 113-117—De Paola (D. P.) Della presclerosi come causa dell' arteriosclerosi e mezzi per com- batterla. Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoli, 1906, ix, 284 — Goldmann (J. A.) Zur Therapie und Prophylaxe der Arteriosklerose. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1906, 437- 440—Herz (M.) Zur Prophylaxe der Arteriosklerose. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, 1910, xvii, 102-104.—Huchard (H.) Traitement de la prescterose. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1907,3. s, lvii, 108-121. -----. Qu'est-ce que Parterio- scterose? Comment l'eviter et la guerir. J. de med. de Par., 1909, 2. s, xxi, 374-376.-----■. L'arterio-scierose; comment on peut l'eviter et la guerir. Actualites med.-chir. (Roth- schild), Par, 1911, 87-105.—Janes (E. W.) Prophylaxis and treatment of arteriosclerosis. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1916, xv, 296-300. Also: Med. Fortnightly; St. Louis, 1917, xlix, 65-69.—Jousset (P.) La medication hypotensive dans la pre-scterose et les cardiopathies arterielles. Art med. Par, 1903, xevi, 262-274— Koenig (D. H.) & Po- totzky (C.) Die prophylaktische Behandlung der Arterio- sklerose. Ztschr.f. Balneol,Berl, 1908,i,357-360—Walton OGSOS0— Vol. II, 3d series—19----4 Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of, Pro- phylactic) . (3. C.) Arterio-sclerosis; a plea for its prevention by early diagnosis and treatment with auto-condensation, light baths, hydrotherapy and regulation of the diets and habits; clinical summary. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1910-11, xv, 376-379.—Warfield (L. M.) Points in the pro- phylaxis of arteriosclerosis. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1909, lx, 462-469.—Williams (T. A.) On the radical removal of the conditions causing arterial changes leading to non- psychogenic disturbances of the nervous system. Month: Cycl. & M. Bull, Phila, 1911, iv, 651-655. Also: Nashville J. M. & S, 1912, cvi, 145-152. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of) with baths and mineral waters. Munz (P.) Die Arterienverkalkung (Arterio- sklerose), ihr Wesen und ihre Behandlung; mit einem Anhang: Ihre Behandlung in Bad Kissin- gen. 8°. Berlin, [1907]. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1913. Amblard (L.-A.) Arterio-scierose et bains thermo-lu- mineux. J. de med. int., Par, 1912,,xvi, 211-214.—Baup. Le traitement de l'arteriosclerose a Evian-les-Bains. Paris med, 1911-12, 611.—Beni-Barde. De Phydrotherapie dans quelques affections cardio-vasculaires et particulierement dans l'arterio-scierose. Cong, internat. de phvsiother. C.-r. 1910, Par, 1911, iii, 819-823.—Bergouignan"(P.) Clinical lecture on arteriosclerosis and its treatment by means of diu- retic waters. Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1915, n. s, xcix, 534.—Groedel (J.) Bader bei Arteriosklerose. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch, 1895, xvi, 10-22. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1896, xlvi, 665; 727.-----. Baths and gymnastics in arterio-sclerosis. Lan- cet, Lond, 1897, i, 1080. Also, Reprint.—Guillaume (E.) Action du bain carbo-gazeux dans l'arteriosclerose. Cong. frang. de med. C.-r. 1904, Par.; 1905, 159-166.—Heitz (J.) Indications et resultats des bams carbogazeux de Royat chez les arterio-sctereux. Gaz. d. eaux, Par, 1907, 1, 409: 1908, h, 1. —Kerr (W. W.) Danger of baths in patients suffering from arterio-sclerosis. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1916, xiv, 279-282.—Loebel (A.) Die Bader- und Diatotherapie der Arteriosclerose mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Dornaer Moorbader. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1899, xlix, 2279; 2333; 2379. Also: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1899, vi, 601; 633; 669. -----. Die Behandlung der Arteriosklerose mit Moorbadern. Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1900, xxi, 581-585. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl, 1900, 226-241. -----. Zur Behandlung der Arteriosklerose mit Moorbadern. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz, 1905, ix, 90.—Martinet (A.) Traitement hyuriatique de Parterio-scterose. Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 842.—Perrier. L'arteriosclerose et les eaux sulfatees calciques magnesiennes. Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1909, x, 342-348.-----. Considerations sur le traite- ment hydro-mineral de l'arteriosclerose. Ibid., 1910, xi. 77- 85.—Piatot (A.) & Bergouignan (P.) L'arterio-scierose (cardiopathies arterielles) et son traitement hydro-mineral. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. C.-r, 1911, lvi, 229; 241. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1911, 2. s, xxix, 728-736—Sad- ger (J.) Die Hydriatik der beginnenden Arteriosklerose. Beibl. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med, Wien, 1909-10, ii, 16-21. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1909, lix, 2367- 2371.—Schntttgen. Ueber Sarasonsche Ozetbader bei Arteriosklerose; einige Bemerkungen iiber das Kohlensaure- und Sauerstoff-Perlbad. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1908, xlix, 353-357.—Selig (A.) Die Arteriosklerose und ihre balneologisch-physikalische Behandlung. Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1907, xxxii, 249-252.—Steinsberg (L.) Zur Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch, 1905, pt. 2, 186-194. [Discussion], pt. 1, 9-11.—Wickhoft (M.) Die Kohlen- saurebadtheorie bei den arteriosklerotischen Schmerzen. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lx, 1812-1817. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of) by elec- tricity. Antonjewitsch (A.) *Arteriosklerose und Hochfrequenzbehandlung. 8°. Zurich, 1911. Bossart (L.) *Ueber den Einfluss der Hoch- frequenzstrome (Arsonvalisation) auf den arte- riellen Blutdruck, speziell bei Arteriosclerose. [Zurich.] 8°. St. Gallen, 1910. von Aufschnaiter (O.) Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel: Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung der Wechselstrombader bei Arte- riosklerotikern mittleren Grades, von L. Pohlmann. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1907, xx, 263.—Berdez. Snr le traitement eiectrique de l'arteriosclerose. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1909, xxix, 220.—Birdsall (S. T.) Electricity in the treatment of arterio-sclerosis. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 50 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of) by elec- tricity. 1909, liii, 291-294.—Buhler (A.) Die Behandlung der Arte- riosklerose mit hochfrequentem Strom. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xlh, 473-485.-----. Erfolge der Hoch- frequenzstrome bei Arteriosklerose. Med. Klin, Berl, 1914, x, 55-57.—Dumont (L.) La d'arsonvalisation guerit-elle l'arteriosclerose? Rev. med. Par, 1913,xxiii, 204.—Foa (C.) La corrente ad alta frequenza ed ad alta tensione nelle malat- tie del ricambio, e nell' arterio-sclerosi in particolare, ed . ipertensione vasale. Gior. di elett. med, Napoli, 1908, ix, 180-190.—Humphris (F. H.) Electric treatment in arterio- sclerosis. Lancet, Lond, 1915. i, 1261.—Libotte <0.) The- rapeutique eiectrique de l'arterio-scierose et de ses determi- nations. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'eiectrol. et de ra- diol. med, Amst, 1908,iv, 256-271. Also: J. deneurol. Par, 1908, xiii, 341-354. Also, Reprint.-----. Le traitement de choix de 1'arterioscterose appartient a Peiectrotherapie. J. med. de Brux, 1911, xvi,512-514.—dl Luzenberger (A.) L'ar- teriosclerosi e Palta frequenza. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoh, 1910, ix, 71-89.—Mdglie (G.) II bagno idro-elettrico neltrattamento dell' arteriosclerosi. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1897, xxiii, 197-208.—Moutier (A.) Sur la duree du traite- ment de l'hypertension arterielle dans 1'arterioscterose par la d'arsonvalisation. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1904, cxxxvih, 781-783.-----. Traitement de l'arteriosclerose par la d'arsonvalisation. Arch, d'eiectric. med.. Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 701-707. Also: Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par, 1904, 2. s., ii, 397-405.-----. Die Behandlung der Arterio- sklerose mittelst Arsonvalisation. Ztschr. f. Elektrother, Leipz, 1905, vii, 33-40.—Pohlmann (L.) Ein Beitrag zur Wirkung der Wechselstromtherapie bei Arteriosklerose mittleren Grades. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1906, xix, 1589- 1592—Prapopoulos. Un cas d'un malade arteriosclerose qui a ete gueri avec les courants de haute frequence. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di terap. fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii, pt. 1,627.— Royo y Villanova (R.) Electroterapia circulatoria; las corrientes de gran frecuencia y la arterio-esclerosis. Clin. mod, Zaragoza, 1907, vi, 369; 415.—Butter (G. H.) Electric treatment in arteriosclerosis and cases of high blood pressure. Lancet, Lond, 1915, ii, 42.—Satterthwaite (T. E.) High frequency currents in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1910, lxxviii, 166. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 6-9.—Seeuwen. Ipertensione; arterioscle- rosi; arsonvalizzazione. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1910, ix, 281-284.—Snow (W. B.) D'Arsonvalization in the treatment of hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1911, lxxx, 1222-1226.—Valobra (I.) La d'arson- valisation dans le traitement de l'arteriosclerose. Atti d. Cong, internaz, di terap. fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii, pt. 1, 647- 650.—Walton (J. C.) The treatment of arteriosclerosis or general arterial fibrosis with the d'Arsonval current, with reports of cases. J. Advanc. Therap, N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 9-16. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of) with iodine preparations. Kern (H.) *Beitrage zur Frage der Jodwir- kung bei Arteriosklerose. 8°. Tubingen, 1909. Ajello (S.) Un caso di arteriosclerosi delle coronarie e generalizzata, curato con la jodipina. Gazz. med. sicil, Catania, 1903, vi, 125-128.—Capps (J. A.) Effect of iodids on the circulation and blood-vessels in arteriosclerosis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1912, lix, 1350-1352.—Erlenmayer & Stein (H.) Jodwirkung, Jodismus und Arteriosklerose. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1909, xxiii, 133-145.—Etienne (G.) & Parlsot (J.) Les composes iodes jouissent-ils de pro- prietes anti-atheromatisantes? Recherches experimentales. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8,95—Flury (F.) Ueber die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Jodkaliumtherapie bei der Arteriosklerose. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1913, lxxv, 240-256. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth, N. Y, 1914, xliii, 405-416.—Hoffmann (A.) Eisensajodin bei Arterio- sklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 945.—Ide (M.) lodure et arteriosclerose. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1914,142-144.—Indications de lalipoidinechez les sctereux hypertendus. Caducee, Par, 1918, xviii, 23 — Jodlbauer. Kann man eine Jodwirkung bei Arterioskle- rose pharmakologisch begriinden? Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1902, xlix, 653. Also: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Mun- chen (1902), 1903, xii, 16-23—Kalmus (F.) The impor- tance of iodipin in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. Folia Therap, Lond, 1908, ii, 93. Also: Merck's Arch, N. Y, 1908. x, 347.—Kravkoff (N. P.) [Action of iodide prep- arations on experimental arteriosclerosis.] Russk. Vrach, S .-Peterb., 1908, vii, 285-287.—Loewy (J.) Ueber die Beein- flussung arteriosklerotischer Beschwerden durch Jodtropon. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xxxviii, 1091-1093.—Matthew (E.) Iodides in high blood-pressure and arteriosclerosis. Edinb. M. J, 1911, n. s, vi, 228-241.— Muller (O.) & Inada (R.) Zur Kenntnis der Jodwirkung bei Arteriosklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1751-1753.—Patschke (F.) Die Behand- lung der Arteriosklerose des Zentralnervensystems mit Tiodine. Ibid., 1911, xxxvii, 1513-1515.—Sarvonat (F.) & Cremieu (R.) Traitement iodur6 et dechloruration. Province med., Par., 1913, xxiv, 184.—Schwalbe (J.) Wel- Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of) with iodine preparations. chen Einfluss hat die Jodtherapie auf die Arteriosklerose? Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1914, xl, 749; 801. Also: Vortr. ii. prakt. Therap, Leipz, 1914, 5. s, 717-741.— Shtremberg (G. Kh.) [Influence of iodine upon expe- rimental atheromatosis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1909, viii, 1018-1020.—Spitzly (J. H.) Potassium iodide and arterial thickening. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1908, ii, 1009 — Steiner. Jodozitin und Arteriosklerose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xxxviii, 1371-1373.— Vlerordt (O.) Ueber die Wirkung des Jods bei Arterio- sclerose, besonders bei Coronarangina. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1897, xv, 277-282.—Zlegelroth. Das Jod bei der Arteriosklerose. Arch. f. phys.-diatet. Therap, Frankf. a. 0,1915, xyii, 153. Arteriosclerosis (Treatment of) with serum [Trunecek]. Carbonell y Soles (F.) Las inyecciones de suero en los sujetos con arterioesclerosis. Arch, de ginecop. [etc.], Bar- eel, 1908, xxi, 317-319.—Kittel (F.) Behandlung der Arte- riosklerose nut Trunecekserum. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Berl, 1914, xxi, 386-391.—Levi (L.) Le serum de Trunecek. Presse med. Par, 1902, i, 51; 63. Also, transl: Internat. Clin, Phila, 1903,13. s,u, 113-123.—MaIkoff(S. F.) [Bene- ficial action of Trunecek's inorganic serum in vascular sclero- sis and atheromatosis.] Med. Obozr, Mosk, 1913, lxxx, 651-662.—Merklen (P.) Les indications du serum de Trunecek chez les arteriosciereux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Par, 1902, 3. s, xix, 516-519.—RonsoH. H siero Trunececk nella cura dell' arterio-sclerosi. Gazz. san, Catania, 1906, vi, 1-4.—Saccone (A.) 11 siero di Trunecek nella terapia dell' arteriosclerosL Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoli, 1909, xii, 63-66.—St. Clair (C. T.) Trunecek's serum in a case of arteriosclerosis. Mobile M. & S. J, 1907, xi. 225-227. Also: Charlotte [N. C] M. J, 1908, xxxii, 83.— Shurlgin (N. A.) [Treatment of arteriosclerosis by hypo- dermic injections of inorganic serum by Trunecek's method.] Russk. Med. Vestnik, S.-Peterb, 1901, hi, No. 21, 1-13.— Stern (G.) [Arteriosklerose der Koronararterien; Schlaf- losigkeit; Behandlung mit Serum Trunecek.] Med. Bl, Wien, 1906, xxix, 375.—Teissier (J.) & Thevenot (L.) serum de Trunecek et atherome experimental. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1908, lxiv, 1084.—Tranquilli (E.) & Basile (G.) H siero inorganico Trunecek nella cura del- P arteriosclerosi. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1902, xxviii, 421- 431.—Trunecek (C.) Traitement de l'arteriosclerose par les injections sous-cutanees de serum inorganique. Arch, de med. et chir. spec. Par, 1901, ii, 385; 469. Also: Semaine med. Par, 1901, xxi, 137. Also, transl: Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1902, n. s., lxxiv, 567-569. Also, transl: Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg, Wien, 1902, xiv, 37-40. Also, transl: Klin.- therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1902, ix, 1672; 1703.—Zanoni (G.) & Lattes (C.) Alcuni risultati di cure della arteriosclerosi col siero inorganico di Trunecek. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1902, viii, 193-200. Also: Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1902, xxiii, 47; 797. Arteriosclerosis ( Urine in). Maes (V.) De la cryoscopie des urines chez les arteno-sclereux. 8°. Lille, 1901. Paul (W. E.) Excessive polyuria of arteriosclerosis. Boston M. & S. J, 1913, clxix, 57. Arteriosclerosis (Visceral). See, also, Arteriosclerosis (Abdominal); Ar- teriosclerosis (Gastro-intestinal). Bauer (J. A.) Arteriosclerosis of tne hollow viscera Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii, 837-842.—Frugoni (C.) Arteriosclerosi viscerali. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1911, Roma, 1912, xxi, 215—241. [Discussion], 242-245.—Le Clerc (R.) Sclerose arterio-viscerate; un syndrome bulbo-protu- berantiel special. Bull, et mem. Soc." med. d. h6p. de Par, 1911, xxviii, 320-325.—Rossi (A.) L'arteriosclerosi viscerate. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1911, Roma, 1912, xxi, 199-215. [Discussion], 242-245. Arteriosclerosis in animals. Lyding (J. K.) ^Zur. Kentniss der Arterio- sklerose bei Haustieren. 8°. Jena, 1907. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Tiermed, Jena, 1907, xi, 359-377,1 pi. Mettam (A. E.). Arteriosclerosis in a dog. J. Comp. Path. & Therap, Lond, 1915, xxviii, 43-49.—Otto (C.) Ueber Arteriosklerose bei Tieren und ihr Verhaltnis zur mensch- lichen Arteriosklerose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1911, cciii, 352-404,1 pi.—Pearce (R. M.) Occurrence of spontaneous arterial degeneration in the rabbit. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago. 1908, li, 1056—Quadri (G.) Alterations atheromateuses de l'aorte des lapins en Pabsence de toute injection de substances toxiques. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par., 1907, xxi, 519.—Satterlee (G. R.) A case of arteriosclerosis with production of bone and bone marrow in the aorta of a cockatoo. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1906, n.s, vi, 121-126.—Torrance (F.) Arteriosclerosis epidemic in ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. 51 ARTERY. Arteriosclerosis in animals. sheep. Am. Vet. Rev, N.Y,1912,xlii,284-292.—Weinberg &Veillard(A.) Atheromespontanechezlecheval. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1908, lxv, 616-618.—Yamagiwa (K.) & Adachi (O.) Ueberdie Arteriosklerose bei Hii hnern. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch, Tokio, 1914, iv, 55-60,1 pi.—Zinserling (W. D.) Ueber die pathologischen Verande- rungen der Aorta beim Pferde in Verbindung mit der Lehre der Atherosklerose beim Menschen. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1913, ccxiii, 23-41. Arteriosclerosis in children and young subjects. Vollbrecht (R.) *Ueber jugendliche Arte- riosklerose bis zum 36. Lebensjahre. 8°. Leip- zig, 1907. Bahrdt. Juvenile Arteriosklerose. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1908, xiv, 1424.—Baines (A.) A case of advanced arteriosclerosis in a child. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1900- 1901, xxxiv, 632-636.-----. Case of arteriosclerosis. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y, 1901, xiii, 58-63.—Boteans (E. R.) Observation d'un cas exceptionnel et grave d'arterio-scterose chez un jeune homme. J. de med. int., Par, 1913, xvii, 71- 73.—Bucliwald. Ein Fall von juveniler Arteriosklerose mit genuiner Schrumpfniere und Retinitis albuminurica. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien. 1914, xiii, 118.—Chapman (C. W.) Arterio-sclerosis with ab- sence of both radial pulses in a girl, aged 15 years. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 109- 111.—Dean (T. J.) Arteriosclerosis; a clinical study of the disease as to its comparative frequency in the young, the middle age, and the old. Tr. Med. Ass. Alabama, Mont- gomery, 1914, 643-648.—Ferenczi (A.) Ueber die friinzeitige Arteriosklerose. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1905, x, . 411 - 415.—Fremont-Smith (F.) Arteriosclerosis in the young. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1908, n. s, exxxv, 199-207. Also, Reprint.—Friedrich (W.) Arteriosklerose im J ugend- alter. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1910, Sect, vi, Med. Int., 355-363. Also: Zentralbl. f. Herz- krankh. [etc.], Wien, 1910, 6; 46.—Halbey (K.) Ueber die fruhzeitige Verhartung des arteriellen Blutgefasssystems (Atherosklerosis praecox). Med. Klin, Berl, 1915, xi 1135- 1139.—Hasenfeld (A.) Ueber die Bedeutung und" die Ursachen der fruhzeitigen Arteriosklerose. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, No. 24,1-4.—Hattori (S.) Ein Fall von juveniler Arteriosklerose. Verhandl. d. jap. path. Gesellsch, Tokyo, 1915, v, 122—Hirsch (M.) Zur Frage der Arteriosklerose vor dem 30. Lebensjahre. Med. Klin, Berl, 1913, ix, 1119-1121. Also: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl, 1913, xxxiv, pt. 2.185-193. [Discussion], pt. 1, 20- 2S.—Hopklnson (D.) Arterio-sclerosis in the voung. Wisconsin M. J, Milwaukee, 1911-12, x, 491-500.—Oppen- heimer (R.) Ueber Aortenruptur und Arteriosklerose im Kindesalter; ein Beitrag zur Entstehung der Arterioskle- rose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1905, clxxxi, 382-390,1 pi.—Rach (E.) [Gehirn una Nieren eines Falles von hochgradiger Arteriosklerose und Schrumpfniere bei einem 13jahrigen Madchen.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1906, v, 143-145.-----. Ueber einen Fall von Arteriosklerose bei einem dreizehnjahrigen Madchen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1907, lxv, 221-239.— Riva (A.) Ancora dell' induramento giovanile delle arterie. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1905, Roma, 1906, xv, 243.— Saltykow (S.) Jugendliche und beginnende Atheroskle- rose. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xiv, 1057; 1089, 1 pi.—Schlayer. Ueber die sogenannte Arteriosklerose der Jugendlichen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lv, 50. Arteriosclerosis and life insurance. Bahrdt. Arteriosklerose und Lebensversicherung. Ver- handl. d. Kong. f. innere Med, WTiesb, 1904, xxi, 124-130.— Burwinkel (O.) Arteriosklerose und Lebensversiche- rung. Ztschr. f. Versicherungsmed., Leipz7 1909, ii, 165; 198.—Cuthbertson (W.) Arterio-sclerosis in its relation to life insurance. Med. Exam. & Pract, N. Y, 1904, xiv, 337.—Jones (T.) Arterio sclerosis; the greatest foe of the life insurance company. Med. Exam, N. Y, 1901, xi, 272-278.—Quackenbos (H. F.) Arteriosclerosis in its rela- tion to life insurance. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxviii, 87. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cl, 999. Also, Reprint. Arteriosclerosis in soldiers. Baker (R. W.) Arterio-sclerosis as a pensionable dis- ability. Tr. Nat. Ass. U. S. Pension Exam. Surg, Rochest, N. Y.", 1904, ii, 175-180.—Bussenius. Die Beziehungen der Arteriosklerose zum Heeresersatz und Heeresdienst. Fest- schr. d. med.-naturw. Gesellsch. in Minister, 1912, 299-314.— Drenkhahn. Die Arteriosklerose bei dem Ersatze des Fiisilier-Regiments General-Feldmarsehal' Graf Moltke (Schlesischen) Nr. 38. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr, Berl, 1905, xxxiv, 425-428.—Mdnckebcrg (J. G.) Ueber die Atherosklerose der Kombattanten (nach Obduktionsbe- funden). Zentralbl. f. Herzkrankh. [etc.], Dresd. & Wien, 1915, vii, 7-10. Arteritis. See Arteries (Inflammation of). Artery (Appendicular). Robinson (B.) A summation of data in regard to the appendicular artery in 65 personal dissections. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1908-9, xxviii, 323-331. Also [Abstr.]: Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1909, xxv, 103.-----. Appendicular artery: arteria appendicularis; ramus appendicularis; arteria vermicularis. Milwaukee M. J, 1908, xvi, 291; 325. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1908, xcic, 452-459. Artery (Axillary). See, also, Aneurism (Axillary); Embolism. in axillary artery. Batlltet (A.) Contribution a l'etude des hematomes traumatiques de l'artere axillaire (pathogenie des troubles paralytiques; traite- ment). 8°. Baris, 1911. Grant (E. O.) End-to-end anastomosis of the axillary artery, with report of a case. Surg, Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1915, xx. 447-449.— Hitzrot (J. M.) A composite study of the axillary artery in man. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1901, xii, 136-145. Also, Reprint.— Urrutia (A.) Arteria axilar. Gac. med, Mexico, 1902, 2. s, ii, 3, 1 pi.— Witney (E. W.) A case of arterial haematoma of the second part of the axillary artery of unusual type. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1916, ii, 759. Artery (Axillary, Abnormities of). Ferrari (G.) Anomalie di rapporti e distnbuzione del- P arteria ascellare. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1902-3, lxxvii, 259-262.—Garrigues (H.) & Vallois (H.) Sur une anomalie de Partere axillaire. Montpel. med, 1909, xxviii, 356.—Kubo & Shirota. Varietaten der Aeste der A. axillaris. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1906, xx, 467-481: 14. Hft, suppl, 3—Michel. Des rapports que les anomalies des arteres axillaire et humerale determinent avec le plexus brachial et ses branches termi- nales; deductions operatoires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1855, xl, 1299-1301.—Sakurai. Ueber eine seltene Anomalie der Arteria axillaris. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1902, xvi, 633-645—Walsh (J. J.) Anomalies of the axulary arteries. Univ. M. Mag, Phila, 1897-8, x, 228. Artery (Axillary, Ligation of). See, also, Aneurism (Axillary); Aneurism (Axillary, Arterio-venous). Arkhangelsk! (A.P.) [Ligation of the axillary artery and vein with preservation of the extremityj KhirurgVa, Mosk, 1913, xxxiv, 675-681.—Camaggio (F.) Legatura dell' arteria ascellare sotto la clavicola. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat, Napoli, 1899, 125.—Carle. Recherches sur la veine basilique; application a la ligature de Paxillaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1900, lxxv, 321-329.— Derocque (P.) De la ligature de Partere axillaire. Nor- mandie med, Rouen, 1898, xiii, 237-243.—Froelich. He- morragie foudroyante de Paxillaire trois mois apres sa bles- sure; ligature de Partere; fausse paralysie ischemique de Volkmann. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par, 1913, xvh, 395. Also: Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1913, xiv, 294-296— Pe- raire (M.) Hemorrhagic secondaire dans une plaie de ' guerre; hgature de Partere axillaire; guerison. Paris chir, 1915, vii, 118-120.—Phocas (G.) Hemorragie secondaire de • la region de Pepaule; hgature de Paxillaire sous la clavicule; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1915, n. s, xii, 2479.—Soupart (F.-J.-D.) Dangers de la hgature de Partere axillaire. Belgique med, Gand-Haarlem, 1898, i, 353-363. Also: Bull. Acad. roy. de nted. de Belg, Brux, 1898,4. s, xii, 27-36.—Vanverts (J.) & Looten (J.) La liga- ture de Partfere axillaire n'expose pas a la gangrene du membre superieur. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xiii, 575-577.—Zerenln (V.) [Ligature of axillary vein and artery in removal of tumors.] Trudl Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v Mosk, 1897, xxxvi, pt. 1, 124-138.—Zimin (A. N.) [Simultaneous ligation of axillary and cephalic veins.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Vfedom, Krasnoyarsk, 1902r-3, i, 265. Artery (Axillary, Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Aneurism (Axillary); Axilla (Wounds, etc., of); Shoulder-joint (Bislocation of, Complications, etc., of). Tafelmeier (H.) *Ueber einen Fall von voll- standiger subcutaner Zerreissung der Arteria axillaris. 8°. Munchen, 1899. Armstrong (L. C.) Ligation of the left subclavian artery from pistol-shot severing axillary artery. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1898, xxxviii. 302.—Bergasse. Plaie par coup de revolver de Partere et de la veine axillaires; suture, guerison. Bull. Soc. med. chir. de la Dr6me [etc.], Valence, 1911, xii, 129-133.—Bogart (J. B.) Bullet wound involving the axillary artery. Brooklyn M. J, 1906, xx, 142-144.—Cleaves (F. H.) Incised wound of the axillary artery. • Med. Rec, N. Y, 1898, hii, 282.—Coulain (J.) Hematome trauma- tique circonscrit de l'artere axillaire, du a un coup de cou- ARTERY. 52 ARTERY. Artery (Artillery, Wounds and injuries teau; section partielle du nerf brachial cutane interne; in- cision de l'hematome et suture laterale de l'artere quinze jours apres l'accidant; guerison avec persistance de troubles nerveux. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1911, i, 537-543.—De- rocque. Rupture traumatique de l'artere axillaire; ligature des deux bouts; sphacele consecutif du membre; desarticu- lation de l'epaule; guerison. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1897, lxx, 1121-1124—Dobson (J. F.) & Higgins (W. R.) A case of contusion of the axillary artery. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1918-19, vi, 15-18.—Gayet. Ligature de l'artere axillaire sectionnee par une balle de revolver. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1905, viii, 5-10. A Iso: Lyon med, 1905, civ, 274-279.— Gross (G.) Plaie par balle de revolver de la veine et de l'artere axillaire; hematome anevrysmal diffus secondaire; ligatures arterielle et veineuse; guerison. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1911, xliii, 432-436— Imbert (L.) & Clement. Plaie de Partere axillaire; ligature. Marseille med, 1912, xlix, 785.—Lucas (A.) Rupture of the axillary artery. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1904, i, 731.—Morestin. Plaie de l'artere axillaire droite; hgature de Partere axillaire sous la clavi- cule; retour de Phemorragie; hgature des deux bouts de Partere dans la plaie; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1901. n. s, xxvii, 365-374.—Murry (F. W.) A case of pistol-shot wound of the axillary artery; hgation of first portion; recovery. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1909, 1, 448-456.— Pomponi (E.) Ferita dell' arteria ascellare; guarigione spontanea. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1902, xxviii, 141-150.— Ricard. Plaie longitudinale de l'artere axillaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1899, n. s, xxv, 562.—Salvetti (C.) . Infiltrazione emorragica per ferita dell' arteria ascellare simulante un' infezione acuta. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1910, xxxi, 913.—Terry (C. H.) Stab wound of the axillary artery. Brooklyn M. J, 1900, xiv, 386.—Vaivrand (M. G.) General considerations on the treatment of wounds and aneurisms of the axillary artery. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1916, 26. S, iv, 236-257. Artery (Basilar). See, also, Aneurism (Basilar). de Vriese (Bertha). *Recherches sur la mor- phologie de l'artere basilaire. 8°. Gand, 1905. Bender (B.) Obliteratio art. basilaris. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 281.—Elze (K.) Ueber das Verhalten der Arteria basilaris bei verschiedenen Species des Genus Ateles. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1910, xxxrii, 33-38. Artery (Brachial). See, also, Aneurism (Brachial); Embolism of brachial artery; Thrombosis (Brachial). Becco (A.) Sui rapporti dell' arteria brachiale col nervo mediano ed applicazioni chirurgiche. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1897, xii, 145-290,1 pi.—Georgiyevski (I. V.) [A variant of the brachial artery, combined with other peculiar- ities of the case.] Khirurgia Mosk 1906, xx, 475-486.-----. [Rare relationship between the median nerve and brachial ar- tery.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1906, v, 33.—GOppert(E.) Ueber Riickbildung und Ersatz der Arteria brachialis bei Echidna; Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Arterien der Vorderglied-. masse bei den Saugetieren. Morphol. Jahrb, Leipz, 1905, xxxiii, 535-554.—Hewlett (A. W.) The pulse flow in the brachial artery; the influence of certain drugs. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1916, xx, 1-9.—Tonkoff (V. N.) [Develop- ment of the brachial artery.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1909, viii, 841-843. Artery (Brachial, Abnormities of). Bourguet. Anomalies arterielles du membre superieur. Languedoc med.-chir, Toulouse, 1905, xiii, 118.—Gerard (G.) & Breucq (E.) Sur un cas de bifurcation precoce de l'artere humaine. Bibliog. anat. Par. & Nancy, 1905, xiv, 164-170.—Haberer (H.) [Fall von Kommunikation der Arteria und Vena brachialis.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904, hi, 68.—Hawthorne (CO.) A patient with an abnormal condition of the arteries of the left upper limb. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1895-7, i, 6 — Herrington (Minerva). High bifurcation of the brachial artery with reunion at the elbow. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1905, xvi, 65.—Lafite-Dupont. Dessins d'anc- malies diverses de l'artere numerate et de ses branches. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 67. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 153.—Stadnit- ski (N. G.) [Very rare, so called low division of the bra- chial artery in man, in connection with the origin of anoma- lies of this artery and its forearm branches.] Russk. Khir. Arch, S.-Petcrb, 1907, xxiii, 574-593.—Svenson (G.) & Wetterdal (P.) [A study of the variations of the brachial arteries in man.] Svenska lak.-sallsk. handl., Stockholm, 1916, xiii, 1300-1319, 2 pi.— Vlnon & Ducos. Anomalie de l'artere humerale avec apophyse sus-epitrochteenne. Mont- pel, med., 1912, xxxiv, 132. Artery (Brachial, Diseases of). See, also, Aneurism (Brachial); Embolism of brachial artery; Thrombosis (Brachial). Artery (Brachial, Diseases of). Junghanns (G. R.) *De obliteratione arte- riarum adjecto hujus modi casu novo ad arte- riam brachialem pertinente. 8°. Lipsiie, 1853. Cafferata (J. F.) Ulceracidn de la arteria humeral por un absceso del pliegue del codo, ligadura en el tercio medio del brazo; curacidn. Arch. Latino-Am. de pediat, Buenos Aires, 1906, ii, 343.—Carbonera (A.) Sul modo di con- tenersi dell' arteria omerale nell' arteriosclerosi. Clin, med, ital.. Milano, 1911,1,681-689,1 pi.—Gross (G.) & Heully (L.) Endarterite obliterante de l'humerale et de ses branches. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1912, xliv, 541-543.—Le Jemtel. Obliteration arterielle de l'artere humerale avec syndrome sympathique consecutif. Dull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Par, 1917, n. s, xliii, 1085.—Pagniez (P.) Constatations oscillometriques dans un cas d'arterite humerale. Bull, et mem Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par, 1914, 3. s, xxxvii, 807-810. Artery (Brachial, Ligation of). See, also, Aneurism (Brachial); Aneurism (Brachial, Arterio-venous). Cestan (E.) Hematome anevrysmal de l'artere humerale par coup de couteau; hgature des deux bouts de l'artere. Toulouse med, 1901, 2. s, iii, 223-225.—levers (P. G.) Notes on hgature of the brachial artery for wound. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1898, ii, 1551.—Mally. Ligature de l'artere hume'rale au pli du coude; troubles paralytiques. J. de med. de Par., 1898, 2. s, x, 227-229. Also: Rev. de psychiat. Par, 1898, n. s, 70-75.—Presno y Bastiony (J. A.) Las anomalias musculares en el pliegue del codo. desde el punto de vista de la ligadura de la arteria humeral. Rev. de cien. med. Ha* bana, 1896, xi, 77-79. Artery (Brachial, Surgery of). See, also, Aneurism (Brachial); Artery (Brachial, Ligation of); Artery (Brachial, Wounds, etc., of). Eichel. Stichverletzung der Arteria brachialis; Arterien- naht. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr, Berl., 1906, xxxv, 549- 552.—Glauner. Ein Fall von Naht der Arteria brachialis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1049.— Le Fur. Suture de l'artere humerale pour plaie laterale par balle; conservation du pouls radial. Paris chir, 1915, vii, 111.—Millikin (M.) An unsuccessful anastomosis of the brachial artery. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1908, xcix, 247.— Rosa (U.) Contributo clinico alia sutura delle arterie; sutura della omerale. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1900, Roma, 1901, xv, pp. lxiv-lxviii.—Sherrill (J. G.) Direct suture of the brachial artery for traumatism; resto- ration of circulation; subsequent development of ischemic paralysis. Louisville Month. J. M. & S, 1913-14, xx, 289- 294. Also: Old Dominion J. M. & S, Richmond, 1914, xviii, 113-120. -----. Direct suture of the brachial artery following rupture, result of traumatism. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1913, lviii, 534-536, 2 pi—Stewart (F. T.) End-to-end anastomosis of the brachial artery. Ann. Sure, Phila, 1908, xlviii, 152-155. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg, 1909, xi, 73-76.—Torrance (G.) Suture of the brachial artery. Am. Med, Phila, 1904, viii, 1038. Also: Ann. Surg, Phila, 1904, xl, 107.—Turner (R. L.) End to end anastomosis of the brachial artery. Gulf States J. M. & S. [etc.], 1910, xvi, 420-423. Artery (Brachial, Wounds and injuries of). Otten (M. O.) *Ein Fall von Stichverletzung der Arteria brachialis. 8°. Kiel, 1901, Blanc (H.) Plaie seche de l'artere humerale (section complete par balle sans hemorragie). Paris chir, 1917, ix, 108-113.—Burk (W.) Schussverletzung der Arteria bra- chialis; Resektion und zirkulare Naht der Arterie. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr, 1909,lvi,25-28.—Cestan (E.) Hema- tome anevrysmal de l'artere humerale, par coup de couteau; ligature des deux bouts de l'artere. Echo med, Toulouse, 1901, 2. s, xv, 499-501.— Lee (B. J.) Rupture of the brachial artery and musculo-spiral nerve, without fracture of the humerus. Tr. N. York Surg. Soc, 1912, i, 292— Magenau (F.) Verlegung der Arteria brachialis durch Abknickung bei komplicierter Epiphysenlosung am unteren Humerus- ende. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing, 1907, hi, 590-593.— Mauclaire (P.) Hemorragie secondaire par ulceration de l'artere humerale au contact de la pointe d'un fragment de balle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1914, n. s, xii, 322.—Michel (G.) Rupture sous-cutanee directe de l'artere humerale; obliteration consecutive; guerison sans gangrene. Gaz. d. h6p. Par, 1901, lxxiv, 49-51.—Moty. Section de Partere humerale par balle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1915, n. s, xii, 2100.-----■. Hemostase des sections totales de l'artere humerale par simple pansement com- pressif. Ibid., 1916, xhi, 158-161.—Murard (J.) Des rup- tures de l'artere humerale par balle. Lyon chirurg, 1914-15, xii, 789-802.—Newton (R. c.) Destruction of the brachial artery. N. York M. J, 1898, lxviii, 62.—Schorong. [Ver- letzung der Arteria brachialis durch Schrotschuss.) Deut- sche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1906,xxxii. 902. Also: ARTERY. Artery (Bracliial, Wounds and injuries of)- Strassb. med. Ztg, 1906, iii, 67.—Stiles (H. J.) Punctured wound of brachial arterv. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1901-1902, n. s, xxi, 68.—Tissot (J.) Plaie de l'humerale gauche; an6vrysme diffus consecutif; ligature au-dessus et au-dessous de la poche; guerison. Paris chirurg, 1910," ii, 146.—Van Arsdale (W. W.) Gunshot wound of the arm severing brachial artery. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1898, xxvu, 666. Artery (Brachiocephalic). See Artery (Lnnominate); Thrombosis (Bra- chial and brachiocephalic). Artery (Bronchial). See, also, Lungs (Circulation of blood in). Susloff (K. I.) *K anatomii bronkhialnikh arteriy u chelovieka. [On the anatomy of the bronchial arteries in man.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1895. Artery (Cxcal). Patel. Coup de couteau de l'abdomen; blessure d'une artere caecale; intervention; guerison. Lyon med, 1913, exxi, 154. Artery (Carotid). See, also, Aneurism (Carotid); Embolism of carotid artery; Thrombosis (Carotid). Ayers (H.) The morphology of the carotids, based on a study of the blood-vessels of the Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garman. 8°. Cambridge, 1889. Cutting from: Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool: Harv, Cambridge, 1889. Allis (E. P.) The pseudobranchial and carotid arteries in Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1911, xxxix, 511-519.—Keiller (W.) A note on the relation of the external carotid artery. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat. 1899, Wash, 1900, 20.—La Rocca (C.) Le fasi di sviluppo e di regresso dell' arteria carotide interna in Bos taurus. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1910-11, xvi, 107-113, 1 pi.—Livini (F.) II tipo normale e te variazioni dell' A. carotis externa. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 1902, lvi, 473-486.-----. L'arteria carotis externa. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol, Firenze, 1903, ii, 653-741.— Rathke (H.) Ueber die Carotiden der Krokodile und der Vogel. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wissensch. Med, Berl, 1850,184-192.-----. Bemerkungen iiber die Entstehung der bei manchen Vogeln und den Krokodilen vorkommenden unpaarigen gemeinschaftlichen Carotis. Ibid.. 1858, 315- 322.—Siciliano. Les eiiets de la compression des carotides sur la pression, sur le cceur et sur la respiration. Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1900, xxxiii, 338-344— Tanasescu (I) Situation, rapports et branches de la carotide interne dans le sinus caverneux. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1906, xx, 73-88, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1905, lxxx, 834.—Tsiminaskis (0.) La compression des carotides dans Pepilepsie et Phvsterie. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1916-17, xxviii, 52-64— Twining (G. H.) The embryonic history of carotid arteries in the chick. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1906, xxix, 650-663. Artery (Carotid, Abnormities of). von Angermayer (S.) Ein Fall von getrenntem Ur- sprung der Carotis externa sinistra und der Carotis interna sinistra aus dem Aortenbogen in Verbindung mit Anoma- lien der Wirbelsaule und der Rippen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb, ^906-7, xxxii, 213-230, 1 pi.—Antipas (A.) Anomalie de la carotide primitive droite. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant, 1900-1901, xliii, 299— Descomps & Vincotte. Anomalie de trajet et de ramescence de la carotide externe. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1910, Ixxxvi, 749— Edlngton (G. H.) Tortuosity of both internal carotid arteries. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1901, ii, 1526.—Fisher (A. G. T.) Sigmoid tor- tuosity of the internal carotid artery and its relation to tonsil and pharynx. Lancet, Lond, 1915, ii, 128-130.—Fontan (C.) Anomalie arterielle de la region cervicale inferieure. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1911, Lille, 1912, 202— Hansen (E.) Ein Fall von Verlauf der Carotis interna durch die Paukenhohle. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 949.— Hopkins (G. S.) Notes on the variation in origin of the internal carotid of the horse. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat, Bait, 1902-3, p. xi— Kantor (H.) Tiefe Teilung der Arteria carotis communis. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1905, xxvi, 492-496.— Kelly (A. B.) Cases in which the internal carotid bulges into the pharynx. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1905-7, vi, 355.—Kubo. Ueber die Varietaten der A. carotis. Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1906, xx, 14. Hft, Suppl. 3.—Lake (R.) Case of aberrant carotids. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Otol. Sect, 21.—Mage. Anomalie de la carotide primitive. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bor- ARTERY. Artery (Carotid, Abnormities of). deaux, ls, 37.—Moorhead (T. G.) Tortuosity of internal carotid arteries. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1902, i, 332— Morita. Eine seltene Anomalie von Verlauf und Verastelung der Arteria carotis externa. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1902, xvi, 692-697, 1 pi— Orr (A. E.) A rare anomaly of the carotid arteries (internal and external). J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1900-7, xh, 51— Pereira Cou- tinho (A.) & da Costa e Silva (G. C.) Anomalia da caro- tida externa. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat, Lisb, 1898-9, v, 359-363.—Pisk (E.) Ueber eine seltene Varietat im Verfaufe der Arteria carotis externa. Ztschr. f. ang. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1913, i, 99-101. Also: Anat. Anz, Jena, 1914, xiv., 373-378.—Powell (Sir R. D.) Tortuosity of the common carotid artery (with high division of the inno- minate) simulating aneurysm. Middlesex Hosp. J, 1909-10, xiii, 1-5.—Roope(A. P.) Anomalous internal carotid artery. J. Indiana M. Ass, Fort Wayne, 1913, vi, 162.—Rowlands (R. P.) & Swan (R. H. J.) Tortuosity of both internal carotid arteries. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1902, i, 76.—Sack (N.) Ein Fall von anormalem Verlauf der Carotis interna im Rachen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1907, xh, 277.— Saint-Martin. Division tardive de l'artere carotide primitive dans Pepaisseur de la parotide. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s, xxv, 551-553.-----. Brievete du tronc de l'artere carotide externe et naissanee presque immediate d'un bouquet de collaterales. Ibid., 553.—Skillern (P. G.) Anomalous sigmoid tortuosity of cervical portion of internal carotid artery. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila, 1912, n. s, xiv (xv), 166.—Skoda (K.) Eine seltene Anomalie des Carotidenur- sprunges: Maneel des Truncus bicaroticus, beim Pferde. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1912, xl, 540-544.—Smith (G. E.) Note on an anomalous anastomosis between the internal carotid and basilar arteries. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1909, xliii, 310.—Smith (G. M.) Tortuosity of internal carotid. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1902, i, 1602— Thompson (J. A.) An anoma- lous position of the internal carotid artery. Milwaukee M. J, 1898, \i, 12.—Wood (G. B.) Anomalous position of the common carotid, visible in the pharynx. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1902, n. s., exxiv, 478-481— Yevrelnoff (M. V.) & Botezat (M. J.) [Anomalies of the common carotid artery.] Russk. Khir. Arch, S.-Peterb, 1902, xviii, 1049-1058, 1 pi. Artery (Carotid, Aneurism of). See Aneurism (Carotid). Artery (Carotid, Diseases and tumors of). Sec, also, Aneurism (Carotid); Embolism of carotid artery; Thrombosis (Carotid). Baillet. Ulceration de la carotide interne produite par un adeno-plegmon; mort. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1904, iv, 22.—Chiari. Ueber das Verhalten des Teilungswinkels der Carotis communis bei der Endarteriitis chronica deformans. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1905, Jena, 1906, 326-330.—Cook (J. E.) Case of tumor of the carotid artery. Surg, Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1907, v, 324-326.—Erb (W.) Ein Fall von ausgedehnter Gehirnei- weichung bei totaler Obhteration der Carotis communis sinistra. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1904, li, 946.—Freed- man(A.) Cyst of the wall of the carotid artery. Montreal M. J, 1909, xxxviii, 583-586.—LecSne. Sarcorrie de la gaine des vaisseaux carotidiens; extirpation avec resection de la carotide primitive, des deux carotides externe et interne du cote ganche, de la jugulaire interne et du pneumogastrique; mort le 8e jour par ramollissement progressif de Phemisphere cerebral gauche. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1905, lxxx. 746-751.—Poyet (G.) Ulceration tuberculeuse de la carotide; hemorrhagic; mort- examen histologique. > nn. d. mal. de Poreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1907, xxxiii, 319- 330.—Tweedie (A. R.) Specimen showing (?) ulceration of the left internal carotid artery from a boy, aged 1 year 8 months. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Laryn- gol. Sect, 15. Artery (Carotid, Excision of). See Artery (Carotid, Surgery of). Artery (Carotid, Ligation of). See, also, Aneurism (Carotid); Aneurism (Lnnominate, Treatment of, Operative). Coulon (J.) *De la ligature de la carotide ex- terne chez le vivant; procede Morestin. 8°. Baris, 1911. Kranepuhl (J. T.) *Zur Unterbindung der Arteria carotis communis. 8°. Marburg, 1901. Lossen (W. K. M.) *Ein Beitrag zur Frage der praliminaren Carotisligatur. 8 . Leipzig, 1909. Pavloff (Nadine). Contribution a l'etude de la ligature de l'artere carotide primitive. 8°. Lausanne, 1906. 5 ARTERY. 54 ARTERY. Artery (Carotid, Ligation of). Rennefahrt (K. R.) *Drei Falle von Unter- bindung der Carotis communis zur Verhinderung des Wachsthums inoperabler Krebse des Ge- sichts. 8°. Kiel, 1901. Schirmer (R.) *Die Unterbindung der Ar- teria carotis communis und ihrer beiden Endaste. 8°. Marburg, 1906. Amenta (G.) Legatura della carotide esterna. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1905, xxvi, 137.—Bartlett (W.) & McKittrick (O. F.) A study of secondary hemorrhage treated by liga- tion of the common carotid artery. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1917, lxv, 715-729.—Billet. Ligature de la carotide interne. Paris med, 1917, xxiii, 44.-----. Ligature de la carotide primi- tive. Presse med. Par, 1917, xxv, 325.—Boari (A.) Con- tributo chnico alia teoria del prof. Ceci sulla allacciatura simultanea della carotide e della giugulare interna. Arch. ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1905. Roma, 1906, xix, 183-186 — Broca (A.) & Farabeuf (L. H.) Ligatures des arteres caro- tides. Presse med. Par, 1915, xxiii, 404.—Broca (P.) Plaie par balle eclatee de la machoire inferieure et du cou; ulceration secondaire de la carotide primitive; hgature; guerison. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1915, xxix, 641-643 —Browne (H. L.) Traumatic aneurism of the in- ternal maxillary treated by ligature of the common carotid. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1897, hi, 360.—Capdepon. Ligature de la carotide primitive non suivie d'accidents cerebraux. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 299. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1897, xi, 103.—Cappeul (L.) Con- tributo chnico alia allacciatura della carotide e giugulare. Arch. ed. atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1906, Roma, 1907, xx, 207- 213.—Cavazzanl (E.) Sugh effetti della legatura delle caro- tidi comuni associata al taglio bilaterale del simpatico cervi- cale nei conigho. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Modena, 1911- 12, xiv, 57-105.—Chalot (V.) Ligature simultanee des deux carotides externes et, plus tard, hgature de la carotide primitive gauche pour un anevrysme cirsoi'de qui occupait principalement la tempe, les paupteres et le front du cote gauche, ainsi que la racme du nez: resultats eioignes tres satisfaisants. Independ. med. Par, 1896, ii, 129.—Che- vasse. Ligature de la carotide primitive droite pour une plaie par coup de feu. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1904, n. s, xxx, 714-718.—Clutton (H. H.) Case of pharyn- geal abscess; hemorrhage; ligature of carotid arteries. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond, 1896-7, 3. s, ix, 143-146 — Collins (Sir W. J.) Three cases of ligature of the common carotid artery. Lancet, Lond, 1903, i, 1090.—Crosson (D. M.) Successful hgation of the common carotid artery. Tr. South. Car. M. Ass, Charleston, 1899,113.—Davenport Ligature of left common carotid. China M. J, Shanghai, 1911, xxv, 232.—Depage. A propos de la hgature de la carotide externe. Ann. Soc. beige de chir, Brux, 1897-8, v, 264-269. Also: Rev. internat. de rhinol, otol. et laryn- gol. Par, 1898, ix, 304-311.—Derby (G. S.) Ligation of the common carotid artery for malignant recurrent hemorrhage of the vitreous. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1907, xlix, 107-110. Also, Reprint.—Descomps (P.) La ligature de l'artere carotide externe. Presse med. Par, 1912, xx, 325-329.— Desgouttes. Un cas de hgature de la carotide primitive a la base du cou; guerison operatoire. Lyon med, 1910, cxiv, 1069-1072.—Diel (A.) De la hgature lente et progressive de la carotide primitive. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1903, ii, 3272-3275.—Duncan (R. B.) Ligature of both carotid arteries; paralysis; death. Intercolon. M. J. Australas, Melbourne, 1898, iii, 35.—Dunn (T. D.) Ligation of the common carotid artery in a child of three and one-half years, for hemorrhage following peritonsillar abscess; recovery. Univ. M. Mag, Phila, 1891, iii, 455-458. Also, Reprint.— Eisengraber. Eine seltene Indikation zur Unterbindung der linken Carotis communis. Med. Klin, Berl, 1913, ix, 62.—Eliot (E.) Ligation of common carotid for pulsating exophthalmos. Ann. Surg, Phila., 1912,lv, 454.—Fiori (P.) Ulteriori ricerche sul valore della allacciatura della giugulare come alto complementare alia legatura della carotideprimi- tiva. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Modena, 1905-6, ix, 21-27.— Fisher (J. H.) Case of arterio-venous communication in the cavernous sinus successfully treated by ligature of the common carotid. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Ophthalmol. Sect, 99-101.—Fiske (A. L.) Ligation of the external carotids, with reports of seven ligations in four cases. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1909, xlix, 766-776. [Discussion], 872.—de Fourmestraux (J.) Pronostic actuel de la liga- ture de la carotide primitive. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par, 1908, xxi, 855-858. -——. Suture et liga- ture de l'artere carotide primitive. Ibid., 1909, xxii, 215- 221.—Frank (R.) Hsemorrhagia eximia post operationem cystidis venosae faciei; Ligatura carotidis communis; Hei- lung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1896, Wien & Leipz, 1898, v, pt. 2, 249.—Franz (V.) Zur Ligatur der Karotis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1915, lxu, 966.— Fummi (A.) Un caso di allacciatura della carotide pri- mitiva. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1900, xxvi, 31-52, 1 pi.—Garovl (L.) Contributo alia legatura della carotide esterna per la cura di vasti angiomi facciali. Gazz. med. ital, Torino, 1904, lv, 171-174—Gestro (G. LJ Allaccia- tura dell' arteria carotide esterna. Policlin, Roma, 1916, Artery (Carotid, Ligation of). xxiii,sez. prat, 1204. Also: Riv. med, Milano, 1916, xxiv, 119.—Griffiths (C. A.) Haemorrhage from a large vessel in or about the base of the skull, internal hgature of both common carotids. Brit. J. Surg, Bristol, 1915-16, iii, 302.— Guenlot (P.) Hemorragies et hemostase dans les mutila- tions de la face (cinq observations de ligature de la carotide externe). Bull, med. Par, 1916, xxx, 405-409.—Horner (A.) Unterbindung der Carotis communis wegen Arrosionsblu- tung (Halsabszesse nach Oesophagusverletzung). Frag. med. Wchnschr, 19*14, xxxix, 365-367.—Jackson (C.) Ligation of the external carotid artery, considered from a rhi- nological and pharyngological viewpoint. Tr. Am. Laryn- gol. Ass, N. Y, 1907, xxix, 14-26. Also: N. York M. J, 1907, Ixxxvi, 305-309. AIso, Reprint.—Jordan (M.) Zur Ligatur der Carotis communis; eine neue Methode zur Orien- tierung iiber eventuelle Circulationsstorungen. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1907, Ixxxiii, 23-29. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir, Berl, 1907, xxxvi, pt. 2,83-89 — Kaeppelin. Hemorragie grave par ulceration de la carotide interne au cours d'une otite; hgature de Partere carotide primitive; guerison. Lyon med, 1906, cvi, 122-124.—Keen (W. W.) Two cases of ligation of the external carotid for severe haemorrhage^ one after tonsillotomy, the other af- ter a slight intranasal operation. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1901, xxxiv, 21-24. Also: Tr. Acad. Surg, Phila, 1902, iv, 142-146.—Kudryashoff (A. I.) [Ligation of the left common carotid artery.] Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1892, xiii, 932.—Lauwers. A propos de la hgature de la carotide externe. Ann. Soc. beige de chir, Brux, 1898-9, vi, 67.— Ieser(E.) Ligature of the common carotid artery. Inter- nat. Clin, Phila, 1903, 12. s, iv, 175, 1 pi— Lilienthal. Ligation of both common carotids. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1903, xxxvii, 443.—Lynn. The first ligation of the carotid artery ever performed in this country. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1100.—McKone (J. K.) Ligation of common carotid artery for hemorrhage following injury of superior maxilla. North- west Med, Seattle, 1908, vi, 386.—Maisonneuve (J.-G.) Memoire sur la hgature de l'artere carotide externe. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1855, xl, 168-171.—Melampo (G.) Ferita con emorragia infrenabile e allacciatura della carotide esterna. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1898, xlvi, 1245- 1251.—Mirotvortseft (S. R.) [Collateral circulation: tying the carotid artery in experimental and human pathology from this viewpoint.] Imp. Vovenno-Med. Akad. Raboti Proped. Khirurg. Khn____Oppel, S.-Peterb, 1912, iv, 243- 285,2 pi.—Morestin (H.) La hgature de la carotide externe sur le vivant. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 492-496. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1909, lxxxiy, 539-542.—Morris (R. T.) Ligations of the common carotid. Southwest. M. Rec, Houston, 1897, ii, 270-278.— Murdoch (R.) Reportof a case of hgation of both common carotids for secondary hemorrhage. Confed. States M. & S. J, Richmond, 1864, i, 137.—Nicoll (J. H.) The collateral circulation after hgature of the common carotid. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1897, ii, 683.—Pfeiffenberger (J. M.) Ligation of the common carotid artery. Scient. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni St. Louis (1904), 1905, 28-33.—Polak (M.) Dub- belzijdige afbinding van de art. carot. comm. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1900,2. R,xxxvi,d. 1,1213-1215.— Prior (S.) Dobbelsidig Underbinding af Carotis communis for postoperativ Epistaksis. Ugesk. f. Laeger, K0benh, 1907,5. R, xiv, 1107-1110.—Quenu. Apropos de la hgature de la carotide primitive. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1904, n. s, xxx, 686-694.—Radzlyevski (A. G.) [Ligation of the internal carotid artery near the base of the skull in the removal of tumors.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1911, xxx, 146-15S.— Ransohofl (J.) Rupture of middle meningeal artery with- out fracture; ligature of common carotid artery for secondary haemorrhage. Ann. Surg, St. Louis, 1890, xii, 116-124.— Rectus. Ligature de la carotide primitive. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1901, n. s, xxvii, 279.—Riedinger. Zur Unterbindung der Carotis communis nach Schussver- letzung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1915, lxu, 561.—Roll- Hansen (D. H.) [A case of angina phlegmonosa with liga- tion of the external carotid for haemorrhage.] Med. Rev, Bergen, 1918, xxxv, 283-287.—Santucci (A.) Grave emor- ragia per ferita della regione carotidea superiore; legatura della carotide primitiva. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1903,4. s, xv, 9-19.—Santy. Un cas de hgature de la carotide primitive avec hemiptegie immediate transitoire. Gaz. med. de Par, 1913, Ixxxiv, 368-370.—Sattler (M.) Zur Kasuistik der Unterbindung der Arteria carotis externa. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii; 57-59.—Schwartz (A.) Plaie et ligature de la carotide primitive. Progres med. Par., 1908, 3. s, xxiv, 76.—Senn (N.) Ligation of internal and excision of external carotids for malignant disease. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1905, xiii, 310—Shaw (J. J. M.) Notes on three cases of ligature of the common carotid artery at a casu- alty clearing station. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond, 1917, xxxix, 333-336.-----■. Ligature of common carotid artery. Lancet, Lond, 1917, i, 879. —Smoler (F.) Zur Unter- bindung der Carotis communis. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1912-13, lxxxii. -194-507.—Snyder (A. A.) Two cases of hgation of carotid artery for inoperable malignant growth. Wash. M. Ann, 1902, i, 296.—Stevens (R. H.) Ligation of the common carotid for traumatic aneurism; recovery. Homeop. J. Surg. & Gynec. Chicago & N. Y, ARTERY. 55 ARTERY. Artery (Carotid, Ligation of). 1898, i, 143-147.—Symonds (C. J.) Ligature of both com- mon carotid arteries. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. Lond, 1894-5, 135.— Tandler (J.) Die Unterbindung der Arteria carotis externa am Ligamentum stylomandibulare. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1911, xcvi, 553-555.—Tayloe (D. T.) [Ligation of the common carotid artery for stab wound of the neck.] Charlotte M. J, 1906, xxix, 282.—Thomas (T. T.) Ligation of both common carotid arteries; report of a case in which the right common carotid artery was ligated for inoperable sarcoma, with temporary improvement; liga- tion of the left common carotid sixty-nine days after the first operation. Ann. Surg, Phila., 1904, xl, 669-674.—Vanverts (J.) Sur la hgature de la carotide primitive. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1907, n. s, xxxiii, 1193.—Wessely. Ueber die Wiederherstellung der normalen Blutversorgung des Auges nach Karotisunterbindung. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb, 1909, 23-26.—Wletlng. Ueber den Nutzen und die Gefahren der ein- und doppelseitigen Oberkieferresektion vorausgeschickten Carotisunterbin- dung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1907, xc, 1-22.— Wilkinson (H. B.) Ligature of the common carotid. Do- minion M. Month, Toronto, 1904, xxii, 213.—Wyeth (J. A.) Ligation of the external carotid arteries. Country Doctor, Sparta, Tenn, 1899, v, 411-413. Artery (Carotid, Ligation of, Complica- tions and sequelse of). Capdepon (P.-H.) *De l'hemiplegie tardive apres la ligature de la carotide primitive (essai sur sa pathogenie). 8°. Bordeaux, 1898. de Fotjrmestraux (J.-J.) *Les accidents cerebraux et oculaires consecutifs a la ligature de la carotide primitive; £tude experimentale et clinique. 8°. Baris, 1907. Also, in: Chir. d. alien. 1907, Par, 1909, vii, 327-418. Lestelle (J.) *Des accidents cerebraux consecutifs a la ligature de • l'artere carotide primitive. 8°. Baris, 1903. Mutke (E.) *Ein Fall von Hemiplegie und Aphasie nach Ligatur der Arteria carotis com- munis sinistra. [Greifswald.] 8°. Botsdam, 1901. Bereznegovskl (N.) [On the influence of tying the com- mon carotid artery upon the central nervous system.] Obozr. psikbiat, nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb, 1908, xiii, 353- 361.—Cavazzani (E.) Sugli effetti della legatura delle caro- tidi comuni associata al taglio bilaterale del simpatico cervi- cale nei conigho. Arch, di fisiol, Firenze, 1910-11, ix, 285-296. Also: Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1910-11, lxxxv, 117-143,1 pi.—Crile (G.) An experimental and clin- ical research on the temporary closure of the carotid arteries. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1902, xxxv, 441-454, 4 pi— D' Anna (E.) Effetti dell' allacciatura della carotide sul cervello di ani- mah neonati. Pisani, Palermo, 1902, xxiii, 231-233.— Elschnig (A.) Die Folgen der Carotisunterbindung fur das Centralgefasssystem der Retina. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vii, 1493.—Emln. Schwere Hirnstorung nach Unter- bindung einer A. carotis communis und Vena jugularis interna mit Ausgang in vollige Heilung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 1736. — Ferrand (J.) Aphasie avec hemipteeie gauche par ligature de la carotide. Paris med, 1916, vi, 537-540.—de Fourmestraux (J.) La ligature de la carotide primitive (pronostic et complications). Arch. gen. de chir. Par, 1907, i, 515-535.—Gentes & Bellot. Al- terations des neurofibrilles des cellules de Pecorce cerebrate du chien, apres hgature de la carotide primitive. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1904, lvii, 004.—Gonzalez (J. M.) Un caso de ligadura de la car6tida externa practicada con exito en el Hospital Gonzalez, Monterrey (Nuevo Leon). Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1898-9, ii, 125-128.—Konose- vich (M. A.) [Influence of tying the cervical arterial trunks in youth on the development of the skull and brain.) Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1900, viii, No. 2,111-163,2pl.—Kummer(E.) Ligature de la carotide primitive, suivie d'un ramollisse- ment cerebral, qui evolua lentement vers la guerison; mort par pneumonic Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1909, xxix, 143.—Lebram (P.) Ueber Storungen des Ge- hororgans nach Unterbindung der Carotis. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1905,1, 176-181— Madden (F. C.) A case of marked temporary aphasia after ligature of the common carotid artery for traumatic aneurysm. Brit. M. J, 1916, i, 585.—Martins da Suva. Dois casos de laqueacao da caro- tida primitiva sem o desequilibrio circulatorio produzir perturbacOes cerebraes apreciaveis. Med. mod, Porto, 1905, xii, 277.—Santy. Un cas de ligature de la carotide primi- tive avec hemiptegie immediate transitoire. Lyon med, 1913, cxxi, 586-591.—Siegrist (A.) Die Gefahren der Ligatur der Carotis communis und interna fiir das menschliche Sehorgan. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth.Gesellsch. Hei- Artery (Carotid, Ligation of, Complica- tions and sequelse of). delb. 1898, Wiesb, 1899, xxvii, 10-28, 7 pi.-----. Die Ge- fahren der Ligatur der grossen Halsschlagadern fiir das Auge und das Leben der Menschen. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1900, 1, 511-646, 7 pi.—Stewart (F. T.) Ligation of the common carotid artery for hemorrhage from the cheek; hemiplegia; recurrence of bleeding; death. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1901, n. s, cxxii, 775.—Valence. Phlegmon pterygo- maxillaire; hemorragies; hgature de la carotide primitive; accidents cerebraux; guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav. Par, 1913, c, 279-295.—Wagenmann. Exophthalmus pulsans des recnten Auges mit Erblindung des Auges langere Zeit nach Unterbindung der Carotis communis. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar, 1901, xxx, 263.—Wessely (H.) Ueber den Einfluss der Carotis- unterbindung auf die Blutversorgung des Auges. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz, 1909, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 411-414. Artery (Carotid, Rupture of). See, also, Aneurism (Carotid). Lebon (H.) *Sur les ruptures de la carotide interne dans le sinus caverneux (anevrysme caro- tido-caverneux). 8°. Baris, 1902. Carlotti (P.) Un cas de rupture de la carotide interne dans te sinus caverneux, traite par les injections de serum gelatine. Ann. d'ocul. Par, 1908, cxxxix, 450-456.—Gibson (J. L.) Traumatic rupture of carotid into cavernous sinus; pulsating exophthalmos. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1896, xv, 147.—Kurosawa (Y.) Spontane Ruptur des intrakraniellen Abschnittes der Arteria carotis interna dextra. Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokyo, 1918-19, xchi, 51-69,3 pi.—Nuernberg (F.) Ueber spontane Arrosion una Ruptur der Carotis interna nach Jugularis- unterbindung. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1910, lxxxi, 200- 207.—Preston (R. J.) Rupture of carotid artery; success- fully ligated. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1903-4, viii, 75. Artery (Carotid, Surgery of). See, also, Aneurism (Carotid); Artery (Ca- rotid, Ligation of). Bristow (A. T.) Double extirpation of external carotids. Brooklyn M. J, 1903, xvh, 499-502.—Carrel & Morel. Anastomose bout a bout de la jugulaire et de la carotide pri- mitive. Lyon med, 1902, xcix, 114-116.—Dawbarn (R. H. M.) Excision of both external carotids for sarcoma. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1897, xxvi, 366-368.—Everhart (G. H.) Exci- sion of the common carotid artery in connection with starva- tion treatment of malignant growths; case reports. Mary- land M. J, Bait, 1915, lvhi, 287-294.—Fummi (A.) La chirurgia della carotide. Policlin., Roma, 1903, x, 411-432.— Geary (E. P.) Extirpation of external carotid arteries with branches, for cure of certain malignant growths. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg, 1905, xiii, 104-109.—von Haberer (H.) Zirkulaxe Naht der Carotis communis (Aneurysma durch Schuss). Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1914, xxvii, 1533- 1536.—Jaboulay. La perte de connaissance provoquee par la compression de la region carotidienne peut-elleetre utilisee en chirurgie? Lyon med, 1897, Ixxxvi, 177-179.—Lexer. Ringformige Naht der hnken Car. commun. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1918, lxv, 468.—Malda (G.) Algunas considera- ciones sobre la car6tida interna desde el punto de vista de la anatomia quirflrgica. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1908, hi, 441- 446.—Nicolson (W. P.) Personal experiences in operations upon the carotid arteries, comprising twenty-three ligations and four excisions. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1902,196- 210. -----. Some points in surgery of the external carotid artery. Tr. South. Surg. Ass. 1916, Phila, 1917, xxx, 349- 356. [Discussion], 365-368.—von Parczewski. Resektion und Naht der A. carotis communis. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1916, lxhi, 1646.—Stoney (R. A.) Occlusion of the common carotid by a metal band. Clin. J, Lond, 1912-13, xh, 334.—Summers (J. E.) Contribution to the surgery of the carotid arteries. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1897, xxv, 617-622. Artery (Carotid, Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Aneurism (Carotid); Artery (Ca- rotid, Ligation of). Alexander (E.G.) Gunshot wound of the carotid artery. Ann. Surg.. Phila, 1917, lxv, 115-119.—Bastogi (G.) Sin- drome cerebrate successiva a lesione della carotide interna ed allacciamento della carotide esterna. Riforma med, Napoli, 1918, xxxiv, 444-446. —Betcke. Schussverletzung der Karotis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1915, lxu, 870.— Carlyon (T. B.) Gunshot wound of the right common carotid artery. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 1918, xxv, 105.— Catterina (A.) Ferite della carotide. Boll. d. Soc. Eusta- chiana, Camerino, 1903, i, Nos. 1-2, 12-17.—CoUedge (L.) & Dunn (J. S.) Four cases of hemiplegia caused by embo- ARTERY. 56 ARTERY. Artery (Carotid, Wounds and injuries of)- lism following gunshot wounds of the carotid arteries. Lan- cet, Lond, 1917, i, 57-59.—Croisier & Mauclaire. Ligature de la carotide primitive droite pour hemorragie tardive, con- secutive a une plaie par eclat d'obus de la carotide interne ?res de la base du crane. Bull, et ntem. Soc. de chir. de ar, 1916, xiii, 110-112.—Faucello (D.) Ferita della caro- tide interna destra e morte per flebotrombosi diffusa, e ram- mollimento cerebrate. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1908, xxix, 947-951.—Heermann. Ein Fall von Carotisblutung. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1902, lv. 86-89— Jacob! (A.) & Ewing (J.) Septic perforation of the right internal carotid artery; autopsy five months after death. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1898, xiii, 326-332. Also: Phila. M. J, 1898, i, 1061-1063. A Iso, Reprint.—Launay. Plaie longitu- dinale de la carotide primitive gauche au niveau de sa bifurcation; suture laterale; guerison. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1904, n. s, xxx, 672-681.—Magulre (L. C.) Complete severance of carotid artery with sponta- neous arrest of haemorrhage. Vet. Rec, Lond, 1917, xxx, 191.—Marx (H.) & Pfleger (E.) Eine interessante Verlet- zung der Carotis interna. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1914, li, 1220.—Morestln (H.) Coup de feu de la face; blessure de la carotide externe; anevrisme diffus parotidien. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1913, n. s, xxxix, 1783-1792.— Naegeli (O.) Schusse durch beide Halsschlagadern. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1909, xxxix, 84-86.—Northrup (H. L.) Punctured wound of the common carotid artery. Hahneman. Month, Phila, 1898, xxxiii, 714-720. Also: Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn. 1898, Phila, 1899, 108-114.— Perez Noguera (E.) Un caso de herida por bala de fusil con hemorragia secundaria de la caroLida primitiva. Rev. de san. mil, Madrid, 1899, xiii, 446-450.—Picque (L.) Plaie, par balle de revolver, de la carotide primitive et de la jugulaire interne; hgature de la carotide; suture laterale de la jugulaire; accidents cerebraux immediats; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1906, n. s, xxxii, 779- 787— Pybus (F. C.) Wound of the external carotid artery. Brit. J. Surg, Bristol, 1915-16, hi, 496.—Reinecke (R.) Anspiessung der Carotis communis durch einen Stahl- splitter. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb, 1910-11, xvi, 432-434, 1 pi.—Rivet (A.) De la contusion des carotides. Semaine med. Par, 1898, xviii, 99.—Savariaud. Section complete de la carotide primitive par balle; hemo- stase spontanee par formation de caillot et obliteration fibreuse de Partere; hemiptegie et aphasie consecutives expliquees par de nombreuses anomalies du systeme caroti- dien, constatees a l'autopsie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1916, n. s, xiii, 2426-2429.—Sernau. Zwei Fallevon Gehirnstorung bei Karotisverletzung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1918, lxv, 946.—Shvarts (N. V.) [Wounds of the internal carotid arterv.] Khinirg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb, 1911, 1175-1178—Sterrs (W. E.) Wounds of carotid artery; reports of two cases. J. Nat. M. Ass, Tus- kegee, Ala, 1912, iv, 42.—Treves (F.) The treatment of carotid haemorrhage. Proc. M. Soc. Lond, 1887-8, xi, 115- 119.—Whale (II. L.) Two cases of fatal wounds involving the carotid vessels and presenting unusual features. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1916-17, x, Sect. Laryngol, 35-37. Artery (Caudal). Hochstetter (I. F.) Ueber den Ursprung der Arteria cau- dalis beim Orang und beim Kaninchen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber sogenannte Gefasswurzelwanderung. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb, 1911, xliii, 243-334, 1 pi. Artery (Central) [of retina]. See, also, Artery (Hyaloid); Embolism (Bcli- nal); Retina (Blood-supply of); Thrombosis (Betinal). Bailliart (P.) Circulation arterielle retinienne; essais de determination de la tension arterielle dans les branches de l'artere centrale de la retine. Ann. d'ocul. Par, 1917, cliv, 257-271.—Baumgartner. Ueber die regressiven Ver- anderungen der Arteria centralis retinae bei Arteriosklerose. Arch. f. Augenh, Wiesb, 1914, lxxvii, 145-172. 2 pi.—Gil- bert (W.) Ueber Sklerosen, Thrombosen und Aneurysmen der Zentralgefasse (mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gefasswandentartung). Arch. f. Augenh, Wiesb, 1914, lxxvii, 131-144, 3 pi.—Haitz (E.) Vier Fiille von Erkran- kung der Zentralarterie. Beitr. z. Augenh, Hamb. & Leipz, 1902, 50. Hft, 1-48.—Lundie (R. A.) Transient blindness due to spasm of the retinal artery. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1905-6, n. s, xxv, 173-182. Also: Ophth. Rev, Lond, 1906, xxv, 129-140.—Stephenson (S.) Ob- struction of the central artery of the retina in a girl of fifteen years. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child, Lond, 1905-6, vi, 46- 51, 1 pi.—Zentmayer (W.) A case of complete sclerosis of the retinal circulation. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1915, xxiv, 65,1 pi. Artery (Cerebellar). See, also, Aneurism (Cerebellar). Schwarz (E.) *Ueber den anatomischen und klinischen Befund bei Verschluss der Arteria Artery (Cerebellar). cerebelli posterior inferior. [Breslau.] 8°. [Berlin, 1912.] Also, in: Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1912, xxxii, 132-159. Gordinier (H. C.) Occlusion of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, a definite symptom-complex; with the report of three cases of thrombosis of the right inferior cere- bellar artery. Albany M. Ann, 1911, xxxii, 585-601.— Robinson (G. W.) Occlusion of the posterior inferior cere- bellar artery; report of case. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lxi, 179. Artery (Cerebral). See, also, Aneurism (Cerebral); Brain (Blood- vessels of); Embolism (Cerebral); Thrombosis (Cerebral); Willis (Circle of). Tixier (Mme. Jeanne). *Artere sylvienne, branches corticales et reseau de la pie-mere. [Paris.] 8°. Tours, 1912. Chevers (N.) Disease of the cerebral arteries. Med. Times & Gaz, Lond, 1885, i, 474-476.—Coudray (J.) Bles- sure directe, par coup de couteau, d'une branche de l'artere sylvienne. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1913, lxxxviii, 324-326.—De Friese (Bertha). Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Arteriae cerebrates anteriores. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1907, xxx, Ergnzngshft, 125-129.—Nicoll. Case of ligature of a cerebral artery. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1897-8, ii, 23- 25.—Vasterini Cresi (G.) Su di una vaneta delle arterie cerebrali anteriori. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1897, n. s, li, 153-158,1 pi.—Verse. Ein Fall von ungewohn- lich grossem Angioma arteriale racemosum der A. cerebri ant. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1918, lxv, 224. Artery (Cervical). Voss. Stichverletzung der Arteria cervicalis superfi- cialis dextra. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr, Berl, 1898, xxvii, 383-390. Artery (Ciliary). Coats (G.) Infarcation of the posterior ciliary arteries. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond. 1914, Sect, ix, Oph- thalmol, pt. 2, 277-286.—Huguenin (M.) Ruptures trau- matiques des arteres ciliaires. Chn. ophth. Par, 1916, xxi, 78-93, 1 pi.—Schreiber (L.) Ueber Drusenbildung des Pigmentepithels nach experimenteller Ciliararterien-Durch- schneidung beim Kaninchen. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1906, Wiesb, 1907, 286-288 Artery Cilio-retinal). Levy (A.) Obstruction of cilio-retinal artery. Tr. Ophth. Soc. L. Kingdom, Lond, 1908-9, xxix, 130,1 pi. Artery (Circumflex) [of shoulder]. Dullest. Anomalie de l'artere circonflexe posterieure. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1907, lxxxii, 327.—Wieder- wald(A.) Verletzung der Art. circumflexahumeri posterior; Tod durch Verblutung aus dem genannten Gefasse. Med.- chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1896, xxxi, 423. Artery (Circumflex) [of thigh]. Adat-hi (B.) Zwei Anomalicn der Arteria circumflexa femoris medialis. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1896, x, 10. Hft, 42-44.—Auburtin (G.) Die beiden Arteriae circumflexae femoris des Menschen. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1905, xxvu, 247-269 Artery (Codiac). See, also, Thrombosis (Cceliac). do Rio-Branco (P.) *Essai sur l'anatomie et la medecine operatoire du tronc cceliaque et de ses branches de l'artere hepatique en particulier. 8°. Baris, 1912. Yincens (L.-A.) *Etude anatomique du tronc cceliaque et des arteres hepatiques. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1910. Aubaret & Vincens. Constitution anatomique du tronc ccehaque. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xl, 645.—Eaton (P. B.) The cceliac axis. Anat. Rec, Phila, 1917, xiii, 369-374.—Hecht (V.) Ueber einen Fall von Kollateralkreis- lauf im Gebiet der Arteria coehaca. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1905, xxvi, 570-576.—Llpshutz (B.) A composite study of the cceliac axis artery. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1917, lxv, 159-169.— Mariconda (P.) SulP arteriosclerosi del tronco celiaco (tnpode di Halter). Policlin, Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat, 520.—Robinson (B.) Coeliac axis (arteria coeliaca). Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1908, xiii, 206-214.—Tandler (J.) Ueber die Varietaten der Arteria cceliaca und deren Entwickelung. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb, 1904, xxv, 473-500. Artery (Coronary). See, also, Aneurism (Coronary); Embolism of coronary artery; Thrombosis (Coronary). ARTERY 57 ARTERY. Artery (Coronary). Chevers (N.) Observations on the structure, functions, and diseases of the coronary arteries of the heart. 8°. [London, n. d.] Dock (G.) Notes on the coronary arteries. 8°. Ann Harbor,Mich., 1896. Dragnefp (S.) *Recherches anatomiques sur les arteres coronaires du cceur chez l'homme. 8°. Nancy, 1897. Brodie (T. G.) & Cullis (W. C.) The innervation of the coronary vessels. J. Physiol, Lond, 1911, xliii, 313- 324.—Eichhorst (H.) Die Beziehungen der Coronar- arterien zum Herzmuskel. Med. Klin, Berl, 1918, xiv, 753-755.—Eppinger (H.) & Hess (L.) Versuche uber die Einwirkung von Arzneimitteln auf uberlebende Coronar- gefasse. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap, Berl, 1908-9, v, 622-625.—Fieschi (D.) Innesto delle carotidi. Riforma med, Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 2, 543-546.—Le Roy des Barres. Plaie par coup de poignard de l'artere coronaire stomachique; laparotomie; hgature du vaisseau; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par, 1912, n. s, xxxviii, 1407.—Meyer (F.) Ueber die Wirkung verschiedeher Arzneimittel auf die Coronargefasse des lebenden Tieres. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz, 1912, 223-258—Babe (F.) Die Re- action der Kranz^efiisse auf Arzneimittel (nach Untersu- chungen am uberlebenden Warmbluterherzen). Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap, Berl, 1912, -xi, 175-190.— Spalteholz (W.) Zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Ar- teriae coronariae cordis. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1908, xxxii, Er- gnzgshft, 169-180, 1 pi.—Taliani (F.) Contributo alia dehmitazione del territorio delle AA. coronarie cordis. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1914-15, xviii, 209-215, 1 pi— Talyantsefl (A.) [On the coronary circulation of the heart.] Russk. Arch. Patol, Klin. Med. i Bakteriol, S.-Peterb, 1896, i; 367; 407; 5 tab.— Voegtlin (C.) & Macht (D. I.) The action of nitrites and drugs of the digitalis group on the isolated coronary artery. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap, Bait, 1913-14, v, 77-86.— Wheeldon (T. F.) The coronary vessels of the heart of the 20-mm pig embryo. Anat. Record, Phila, 1916-17, xi, 430.—Wiggers (C. J.) The innervation of the coronary vessels. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost, 1908-9, p. xxiv. Artery (Coronary, Abnormities of). Banchi (A.) Un nuovo rarissimo caso di arteria coro- naria cordis soprannumeraria. Monitore zool. ital, Firenze, 1907, xviii, 162-165.—Cazzaniga (A.) Anomala origine della arteria coronaria cordis sinistra dalla arteria polmonare, miocardite consecutiva, lieve trauma; morte immediata. Morgagni,Milano, 1915, lvii, pt. 1. 466-480.—Engelman (G.) Ein Fall von Mangel einer Coronararterie. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1897-8, xiv, 348-350.—Fetterolf (G.) A case of anoma- lous origin and distribution of the coronary arteries. Univ. Penn. M. Bull, Phila, 1909-10, xxii, 243—Folli (A.) Ano- malia di origine delle arterie cardiache; morte improwisa. Anniv. (Nei xxv) di insegn. clin. d. prof. A. Riva, Parma, 1902, 217-223.—Garaud. Un cas de malformation congeni- tale des arteres coronaires; mort subite. Marseille med, 1909, xlvi, 82-84.—Irkura (S.) Ueber einen Fall von be- deutend hohem Ursprung der rechten Kranzarterie. [Japa- nese text. Ausz, Hft. 6.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1904, xviii, 299-302—Monckeberg (J. G.) Ueber eine seltene Anomalie des Koronararterienabgangs. Zen- tralbl. f. Herzkrankh. [etc.], Dresd. & Leipz, 1914, vi, 441- 445.—Symmers (W. St. C.) Note on accessory coronary arteries. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1906-7, xh, 141 — Wolffhiigel (K.) Ursprung der Arteria coronaria cordis dextra aus der Arteria pulmonalis bei einem Rinde. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg, Berl, 1901, xii, 38-42. Artery (Coronary, Diseases of). See, also, Aneurism (Coronary); Angina pectoris (Causes, etc., of); Embolism of coronary artery; Thrombosis (Coronary). Goldberg (Fejga). *Ueber den plotzlichen Herztod bei Kranzadererkrankung. 8°. Zurich, 1913. Pozaryska (Felicie). *Ueber die Arterio- sclerose der Aorta und der Coronar-Arterien. [Zurich.] 8°. Zurich, 1908. Stierlin (C.) *Ueber den plotzlichen Tod bei Arteriosklerose der Kranzarterien des Her- zens. 8°. Zurich, 1902. Weintraub (Sophie). *Ueber Kqronarskle- rose mit Magensymptomen. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Zlateva (Theodora). Contribution a l'etude d'un cas de mort subite par lesions des arteres coronaires. 8°. Gentve, 1904. Akita (T.) Ueber die Koronarsklerose. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch, Tokio, 1912, ii, 66-68.—Brooks (H.) Artery (Coronary, Diseases of). A study of sclerosis of the coronary arteries. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 825-832. Also, Reprint.—Dunn (A. D.) Coronary artery sclerosis. West. M. Rev, Omaha, 1890, xiii. 462-471— Goldberg (F.) Ueber den plotzlichen Herztod bei Kranzadererkrankung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1916, xxx, 43; 55, pnssim.—Held (T. W.) Coronary sclerosis with special reference to gastric symptoms. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1912, lxxxii, 336-339—Lyonnet. Atherome tres marque des arteres coronaires sans angine de poitrine. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 130.—Marchlafava (E.) Sulla sclerosi dell'arterie coro- narie del cuore. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 1903, lvii, 708-710. -----. Sopra la sclerosi delle arterie coronarie. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1904, v, 205-272.-----. Sopra due casi di sclerosi delle arterie coronarie. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1905, xxv, 43-46.—Mol- laret. Artente des coronaires. Marseille med, 1906, xliii, 405.—Muir (It.) Changes in the myocardium as a result of lesions of the coronary arteries. Proc. Scot. Micr. Soc, Lond. & Edinb, 1890-95, i, 17.5-177.—von Openchowski (T.) Sclerose und Erweiterung der Coronararterie des rechten Herzens durch Digitalis ermittelt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xii, 1045-1047.—Perrin (M.) Calcification des arteres coronaires. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . ., 1904-5, 18. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, "1905, xxxvii, 87.—von Redwltz (E.) Der Einfluss der Erkrankungen der Koronararterien auf die Herzmuskulatur mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der chronischen Aortitis. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1909, cxcvii, 433-472,1 pi — Remlinger (P.) Sclerose de l'artere coronaire anterieure; degenerescence consecutive du ventricule gauche; ane- vrysme du cceur diagnostique pendant la vie. Bull, med. Par, 1896, x, 483-485—Silverthorn (G.) Disease of the coronary arteries and its effects. Canad. Pract, Toronto, 1898, xxiii, 193-198.—Traversier. Coronarite obliterante. Dauphine med, Grenoble, 1909, xxxiii, 63-66.— Vigouroux & Collet (G.) Obliteration des deux coronaires; mort subite. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1906, lxxxi, 704- 708.—Wiesel (J.) Ueber akute Erkrankungen der Coro- nararterien. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1906, v, 133. -----. Ueber Erkrankungen der Koro- nararterien im Vcrlaufe akuter Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1906, xix, 723-725.—Wiesner (R.) Ueber Veranderungen der Koronargefasse bei Infektions- krankheiten. Ibid., 725— Woolley (P. G.) Three cases which illustrate the consequences of coronary lesions. J. Lab. & Clin. M, St. Louis, 1917-18, hi, 192-198. Artery (Coronary, Ligation of). Brun (H.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Unterbindung der Arteria coronaria sinistra bei Resektionen des Magens, insbesondere der Kardia. Deutsche Z tschr. f. Chir., Leipz, 1916, cxxxv, 81-100— Connio (G.) Sulla soprawivenza alia allacciatura della coronaria sinistra. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1908, xxiii, 172-176. Also: Pathologia, Genova, 1908-9, i, 652-654.— Guibe. Sur la hgature de Partere coronaire stomachique a propos d'une anomalie de cette artere. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1901, lxxvi, 212-214.—Miller (J. L.) & Matthews (S. A.) Preliminary report on experimental ligation of the coronary arteries. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1908, xxiii, 83-91.—Smith (F. M.) The ligation of coronary arteries with electrocardio- graphic study. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1918, xxii, 8-27. Artery (Coronary, Rupture of). Ahern (R.) Atheroma of right coronary artery; soften- ing; rupture. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1905, ii, 329.—Condcr (A. F. R.) Rupture of the left coronary artery. Ibid., i, 653.—Dean (J. S.) Rupture of the coronary artery; a clinical report. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1906, xxix, 359-361— Ehrhardt (A.) Die Diaenose der plotzlichen idiopathischen Todesfalle im Anschluss an einen Fall von todlicher Ruptur einer Kranzarterie. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med, Berl, 1904. 3. F, xxviii, 1-56.—Humphry (L.) Rupture of the left coronary artery; haemopericardium; failure of pulse in the right carotid and radial arteries. Lan- cet, Lond, 1898, ii, 689.—Magnin (L.) Rupture de l'artere cardiaque droite. Rec. de med. vet. Par, 1903, 8. s, x, 693-695. Artery (Coronary, Stenosis and obstruc- tion of). See, also, Embolism of coronary artery; Throm- bosis (Coronary). Barth. Plotzlicher Tod durch Verstopfung der rechten Kranzarterie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1896, xxii, 269.—Biggs (G. P.) Occlusion of the coronary arteries. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1896), 1897, 8-11.— Chiari (H.) Thrombotische Verstopfung des Haupt- stammes der rechten und embolische Verstopfung des Hauptstammes der linken Coronararterie des Herzens bei einem 32iahr. Manne. Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1897, xxii, Bl; 7.5.—Cowan (J. M.) On obstruction of the coronary arteries. Tr. Glass. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1901-2, ix 49-63. Also: Glasgow M. J, 1902, lvii, 260-275.—Finny (J. M.) A ARTERY. 58 ARTERY. Artery (Coronary, Stenosis and obstruc- tion of). case of sudden death due to thrombosis and advanced endar- teritis of the coronary arteries. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubhn, 1896, xiv, 330-337. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1896, ci, 289-294.—Herrick (J. B.) Clinical features of sudden ob- struction of the coronary arteries. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1912, xxvii, 100-116/ Also: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1912, lix, 2015-2020.—His & Beitzke. Demonstration einer Dilatation und Thrombose der Coronararterien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvii, 645—Hochhaus (H.) Zur Diag- nose des plotzlichen Verschlusses der Kranzarterien des Herzens. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1911, xxxvii, 206.5-2068.—Marchiafava. Sulla stenosi degli orifizi delle coronarie. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1897, xvii, fasc. 1, 276-279. Also: Riforma med, Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 2, 198.—Miller (J. L.) & Matthews (S. A.) Effect on the heart of experimental obstruction of the left coronary artery. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1909, iii, 476- 484.—Nothnagel (H.) Stenocardia ex sclerosi arteriarum coronarium cordis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1897, xiii, 39; 49; 61.—Parisot (P.) Mort rapide; soupcon d'empoisonne- ment; obstruction d'une artere coronaire. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 708-712.—Porter re- parati). Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1909, xxiii, 225-243.—Taylor (J. G.) Obliteration of the orifice of the right coronary artery. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila, 1897-8,1, 243. Artery (Dorsal) [offoot]. See, also, Aneurism (Bedal). Viannay. Note sur Panatomie de Partere pedieuse et sur la hgature de ce vaisseau. Lyon med., 1902, xcviii, 84-87.—Villar (F.) La hgature de Partere pedieuse. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 607-609. Artery (Epigastric). See, also, Aneurism (Epigastric). Boutin (A.-V.-M.) *Siir l'anastomose de 1'epigastrique et de la mammaire interne. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909. Emerson (M. L.) Rupture of deep epigastric artery by muscular strain; report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1145.—Foy (G.) & Wolmant (H.) Perforation de l'artere epigastrique au cours d'une paracentese abdomi- nale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1910, lxxxv, 225- 227.—Legueu (F.) Rupture indirecte de l'artere epigas- trique. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 122.—Merle (P.) Perforation de l'artere epigastrique au cours d'une paracentese abdominale; mort. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1907, lxxxii, 522-524—Michaux (P.) Hematome sous-peritoneal par rupture spontanee de Partere epigastrique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1906, n. s, xxxii, 715— Skillern (P. G.) Stab wound of the deep epigastric artery, with comment upon the surgery of that vessel. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1917, lxv, 450-455, 2 pi. Artery (Facial). See, also, Aneurism (Facial). DalP Acqua (U.) & Meneghetti (A.) Suite arterie della faccia nell' uomo. Monitore zool. ital, Firenze, 1902, xiii, 243-245. Artery (Femoral). See, also, Aneurism (Femoral); Embolism of femoral artery; Thrombosis (Femoral). Bluntschli (H.) *Die Arteria femoralis und ihre Aeste bei den niederen catarrhinen Affen. [Habilitationsschrift.] [Zurich. ] 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Alio, in: Morphol. Jahrb, Leipz, xxxvi, 276-461. Lipschutz (B. B.) Studies on the blood vascular tree. I. A composite study of the femoral artery. Anat. Record, Bait, 1916, x, 361-370.—Mader (J.) Thrombose beider Arteriae femorales ohne Gangran; Besserung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien & Leipz, 1896, iii, 846.— Pearce (F. S.) Thrombosis of femoral artery. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. (1893-5), 1896, xvii, 80-82.—Rodman. Perfora- tion of femoral artery by osteophyte. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1909, xlix, 427— Schultz (W.) Ueber Doppeltonbildung an den Cruralgefassen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1905, xxxi, 1381-1383. Artery (Femoral, Abnormities of). Adachi (B.) Seltene Missbildung der A. profunda femo- ris. [Japanese text.) Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1896, x, 6. Hft, 8-19, 1 tab, 1 pi.-----. Das Verhaltniss von A. femoralis prof, beim Menschen und Thiere. [Japanese text.] Ibid.. 1898, xii, 6-9—Avtokratoft (D.) [Anomalous division of the femoral artery in the horse.] Arch. vet. nauk, S.-Peterb, 1902, xxxii, pt. 2, 16-20.—Johnston (T. B.) Artery (Femoral, Abnormities of). A rare anomaly of the arteria profunda femoris. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1912, xlh, 209-272.—Lenormant (C.) & Desjar- dins (A.) Deux cas d'anomalie de l'artere femorale pro- fonde. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1904, lxxix, 121- 123— Mallnovski (I. S.) [Rare anomalous deep femoral artery.] Khirurgia, Mosk, 1913, xxxiv, 440-443. Artery (Femoral, Ligation and excision of)- ■ See, also, Aneurism (Femoral, Treatment of, Operative). Kirstein (A. [G.]) *Historisch-kritische Untersuchungen iiber die Unterbindungen der Arteria femoralis. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1896. Mayer (K. H.) *Beitrag zur Unterbindung der grossen Schenkelgefasse am Ligamentum Poupartii. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1903. Adamson (H. K.) Gunshot wound of femoral artery; ligation; recovery. Tr. Kentucky M.' Soc. 1899, Louisville, 1900, xliv, 221-224.—Barbarroux (T.) Quelques observa- tions de ligature des vaisseaux femoraux primitifs. Marseille med, 1918, lv, 720-725—Barthelemy. Blessure de l'artere femorale profonde par coup de couteau; hemorragies secon- dares tardives; hgature de la femorale profonde a sa nais- sance 50 jours apres Paccident; guerison. Arch, de med. nav. Par, 1901, Ixxv, 221-225.—Briegleb (K.) Durchtren- nung der Arteria femoralis mit gunstigem Ausgang. Deut- sche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1902, xi, 130-133.—Clark (H. E.) Case of ligature of the profunda femoris artery, common femoral artery, and common iliac artery on the same side, with perfect recovery. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1905, h, 850.—Davenport (C. J.) Ligature of the common femoral. China M. Miss. J, Shanghai, 1906, xx, 14.—Delagfiniere (H.) Resection de l'artere femorale pour . hematome diffus; une observation. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb, Par, 1909, xxii, 221-225.—Fanchiotti (E.) Sopra un caso di allacciatura della femorale per ferita d'arma da punta e taglio. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1897, xiv, 696-709.—Gubb & Duvernay. Resection of the middle third of the femoral artery for secondary haemorrhage. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1915, i, 224.—Hartleib. Unterbindung der Arteria femoralis im oberen Drittel. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1916, xliii, 185.—Hutchinson (J.) A case of hgature of the common femoral artery and vein; gangrene; amputa- tion; recovery. Lancet, Lond, 1906, i, 1388.— Inouye (T.) & Okamoto (R.) [Experiments on tying the arteries of the thigh.] Tokyo-med. Wchnschr, 1896, No. 944,1-6.—Isam- bert & Petit (J.-J.-H.) Blessure de l'artere femorale gauche par une pointe de couteau; anevrysme faux consecutif; hga- ture; guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil. Par, 1904, xliii, 121-126.—Jean nei. Hemorragie de la femorale infec- tee par un abces poplite, ayant pour origine une osteomyeiite de l'extremite inferieure du femur; hgature double de l'artere. Arch. prov. de chir. Par, 1913, xxii, 46^-470.— Johnson (R.) Ligature of femoral artery for aneurism in a child. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1898, n. s, lxv, 54.— Kageyama (M.) [Tying the arteries of the thigh.] Tokyo- med. Wchnschr, 1896, No. 945, 1-9; No. 946, 24-26; No. 950, 10-13; No. 957, 8-10; No. 962, 8-10; No. 968, 8-10; No. 969, 10-13; No. 970, 13-17; No. 971, 10-15— Kalantariants (S. I.) [Ligation of the femoral artery in the femoro-pop- liteal canal.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1904, hi, 1609-1611. Also, Reprint.—Layton (H. R.) Traumatic aneurism with ligation of femoral artei \ and vein. Iowa M. J, Des Moines, 1895-6, i, 493-495- Mally. Ligature de l'artere humerale au ph du coude; troubles paralytiques consecutifs. Cong. d. med. alienistes et de neurol. de France . . . 1898. C.-r, 1899, ix, 608-614.—Marlnaccl (S.) Due casi di allac- ciatura dell' arteria femorale. Policlin, Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. prat, 227.—Martin (E.) Suture of the femoral artery. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1905, xlh, 618-623.—Mears (J. E.) Ligation of the femoral artery for large aneurism of the pophteal artery; recovery. Phila. M. Times, 1873, hi, 500. Also, Reprint.—de Mello Breyner (T.) [Laqueacao da arteria femoral para tratamento de aneurisma.] Rev. portu- gueza de mod. e cirurg. prat, Lisb, 1897-8, ii, v. 1, 295-301.— Morgan (J. B.) Ligation of the femoral artery for trau- matic aneurism; report of four cases. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1902, 211-219.—Nott (T. E.) Gunshot wound of femoral artery; ligation; recovery. Tr. South Car. M. Ass, Charleston, 1896,105.- Orecchla (C.) Su la legatura simul- tanea dell' arteria e della vena femorale. Atti Cong, region. ligure, Genova, 1901, vii. 48-50. Also: Gazz. d. osp, Milano 1903, xxiv, 1095— Paddison (J. R.) Ligation of the femoral artery; results. Charlotte [N. C] M. J, 1908, lviii, 253- 255.—Parker (W. E.) Clinical report of two cases of ligation of the femoral artery. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 189,5-6, xxiii, 647- 649.—Robelo (A.) Ensayo de un nuevoprocedimieuto para la ligadura de la arteria femoral en el canal de Hunter. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate," Mexico, 1895-6,ix. 73-75,1 pi.— Rousseau (R.) liemorragies secondaires recidivantes des arteres femorales profonde et superficielle; hgature et mort par infection. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1915, xix, 57-59.— Rustin (F.) Collateral circulation following hgation of the ARTERY. 59 ARTERY. Artery (Femoral, Ligation and excision of). femoral artery, with report of a case. West. M. Rev, Omaha, 1906, xi, 184-188.—Senn (N.) Amputation made necessary by gangrene of the limb resulting from hgation of the femoral artery. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1902-3, xvii, 115.— Ullrich (W.) Achtstiindige doppelte Unterbindung der Arteria femoralis ohne Dauerschadigung. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1917, xliv, 29.—Wallace (C. S.) A case of hgature of superficial femoral artery and vein for secondary haemor- rhage. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1896, xxix, 226.—Zondek. Hohe Unterbindung der Arteria und Vena femoralis. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 559. Artery (Femoral, Rupture of). Brown (W. H.) A case of rupture of the femoral artery. Lancet, Lond. 1900, l, 539.—Hunt (E. H.) A case of rup- tured femoral artery and vein. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 1901-2, ix, 174.—Lazard (J.) Report of a case of subcuta- neous rupture of femoral artery. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 796—Letulle (M.),'Walther (C.) & Larden- nois (G.) Rupture spontanee de l'artere femorale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1910, lxxxv, 509-515.—Picquet. Rupture de l'artere femorale par coup de feu; gangrene de la jambe et du pied; amputation de cuisse. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1915, n. s, xh, 1195-1200.—Purves (R.) Rupture of the femoral artery. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1901-2, n. s, xxi, 282.—Walther. Rupture spontanee de Partere femorale. Bull, et ntem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1903, n. s, xxix, 729-731. Artery (Femoral, Suture of). Camaggio (F.) Un caso di angiorafia per ferita da punta e taglio dell'arteria e vena femorale. Riforma med, Napoh, 1898, xiv, pt. 4, 304; 315. —DaUa Vedova (R.) Ematoma arterioso, diffuso da ferita della femorale; inci- sione; arterorrafia; guarigione. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1913, xxxix, 90-96.—Gellert (E.) Zirkulare Naht der Arteria femoralis nach einer Schussverletzung; Heilung. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte (1911), 1912, 46-51. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1912, xlviii, 52.—Gubb & Duvernay. Secondary haemorrhage, suture of the femoral artery for secondary haemorrhage. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1915, i, 224.—Henderson (W. T.) Suture of the femoral artery. Am. Med., Phila.. 1905, ix, 53.—Lieblein (V.) Ueber einen Fall von Resektion und gelungener cir- cularer Naht der Arteria femoralis wegen Aneurysma trau- matism spurium. Beitr. z. khn. Chir, Tubing, 1910, lxvii, 44-60.—Lund (F. B.) Angeiorrhaphy; suture of a double stab wound of the femoral artery and vein. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1909, xlix, 394-401.—Martin (E.) Suture of the femoral artery. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. (1905), 1906, viii, 143-148.—Mauclaire (P.) Plaie et suture de l'artere femo- rale au cours de l'ablation en bloc d'un epithelioma vulvaire et de son territoire lymphatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1915, n. s, xh, 1979.—Ortiz de la Torre. Su- tura de la arteria femoral. Cong, internat. dc med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de chir. gen, 898-900.—Sehrt (E.) Vollkommener Dauererfolg von Venenautotransplan- tation eines Defektes der Arteria femoralis nach l\ Jahren. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1918, lxv, 326—Sencert (L.) Un nou veau cas de suture de la femorale commune. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1913, n. s, xxxix, 1387-1389.— Sonnenburg (E.) Erfolgreiche Naht der fast vollig quer zerrissenen Arteria femoralis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1910. xxxvi, 601. [Discussion], 636.—Stewart (F. T.) Suture or the femoral artery. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. (1905), 1906, viii, 61.—Swiqtecki (J.) [Suture of the femoral artery.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1906, xxxiv, 825- 828. Artery (Femoral, Wounds and injuries of)- See, also, Aneurism (Femoral). Bruggemann(R.) *Ein Fall von Verblutung in Folge von Perforation einer Oberschenkelar- terie in der Wandung eines intermusculiiren Abscesses. 8°. Munchen, 1901. Dubois (J. B.) *An, vulnerata crurali arteria ab amputatione auspicandum? 8°. Barisiis, 1726. Goursolle (M.-P.-M.) Contribution a l'e- tude du traitement moderne des plaies re- centes de l'artere femorale primitive. [Nancy.] 8°. Saint-Nicolas, 1913. Amchlslavskl (M. L.) [Wounding of the femoral artery and vein by a small caliber bullet with formation of false aneurism.] Vrach. Gaz, S.-Peterb, 1905, xh, 1347.—Bettl (O.) Ematoma saccato secondario a ferita dell' arteria femorale. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1899, xx, 1127.—Brin. Plaie par baionnette de l'origine de la femorale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1916, n. s, xiii, 2042-2044.— Butruille. Plaie de la femorale par coup de couteau. Nord Artery (Fem,oral, Wounds and injuries of)- med, Lille, 1908, xv, 60.—Darling (C. G.) Wounds of the femoral artery. Tr. Chn. Soc. Univ. Mich, Ann Arbor, 1914, v, 33-36. Also: J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1914, xiii, 46-49.—Fox (A. C.) Femoral artery severed and not ligated. Confed. States M. & S. J, Richmond, 1865, ii, 36.— Hickson (S.) Notes on some cases of gunshot injury to the femoral artery. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond, 1904, ii, 23-26.—Jones (C. P.) Gunshot wound involving femoral artery and vein; ligations under difficulties; death during amputation. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1896-7, l, 629.—Mulder (E. M.) [First aid in wounds of the femoral artery.] Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1916, v, 299-302.— Neff (W.) Ruptured traumatic aneurism of the femoral artery, due to gunshot wound; with report of a case. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1901, Wash, 1902, vi, 109-113.— Plcque (R.) Contusion de l'artere femorale; hemorragie secondaire mortelle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1917, n. s, xliii, 1794-1796.—Rainer (Mmc. M.) Plaie par come de bceuf au niveau du triangle de Scarpa droit. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1906-7, ix, 42—44.— Ricketts (B. M.) Femoral artery and vein; their destruc- tion without loss of leg. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1899, xxx, 381. Also, Reprint.—[Simard (A.)] Blessure de l'ar- tere femorale par instrument tranchant. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1903-4, v, 201-207.—Tsigler (D. K.) [Wound of the femoral artery.] Vrach. Gaz, S.-Peterb, 1914, xxi, 1034.— Vaughan (G. T.) Perforating bullet wounds of the femo- ral artery and vein resulting in aneurysmal varix; two wounds in each vessel closed by sutures; recovery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass, Phila, 1911, xxix, 422-425. Also: Surg, Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1911, xiii, 155.—Vincent. Broiement de l'artere femorale droite dans le triangle de Scarpa. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1901-2, v, 329-331.—White (S.) Bullet wound of the profunda femoris arterv. Brit. J. Surg, Bristol, 1915-16, hi, 326. Artery (Frontal). See, also, Aneurism (Frontal). Mobilio (C.) Origine dell' arteria frontale dalla menin- gea media in un Equus mulus, con osservazioni sul foro meningeo. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital, Torino, 1909, vii, 54-61. Artery (Gastric). Aihara (S.) Ein interessanter Tail von Ttuptur der Magenarterien. Verhandl. d. jap. path. Gesellsch, Tokyo, 1915, v, 95. Artery (Gastro-epiploic). See, also, Embolism of gastro-epiploic artery. Krieder (G. N.) Ligation of the gastro-epiploic arterv. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 110.—Vatter (G.) Ein Fall von subkutaner Ruptur der Arteria gastroepiploica dextra. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1904, xxxi, 1252. Artery (Gluteal). See, also, Aneurism (Gluteal); Embolism of gluteal artery. Stelling (H. G. M. A.) *Ein Fall von Stichverletzung der Arteria glutea. 8°. Kiel, 1902. von Varendorff (R.) *Ueber die Verle- tzungen und Aneurysmen der Art. glutsea und ischiadica. 8°. Marburg, 1899. Fischer (G.) Die Wunden und Aneurysmen der Arteria glutea und ischiadica. Arch. f. khn. Chir, Berl, 1869, xi, 762-838.—Nasi-Kolb (A.) Unterbindung der Arteria glu- taea inferior wegen subkutaner traumatischer Zerreissung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 643.—Paget (S.) Ligature of gluteal artery for secondary haemorrhage. Chn. J, Lond, 1897, x, 8.—Rottenstein. Hemorragie de l'artere fessiere consecutive a Un abces quinique. Marseille med, 1917, n. s, 309-312. Artery (Hepatic). See, also, Aneurism (Hepatic). Alessandri (R.) Lesione del ramo destro dell' arteria epaticadurante unacolecistectomia per calcolosi. Policlin, Roma, 1908, xv, sez. prat, 837-840.—Danforth (C. H.) The structural relations of anterior hepatic arteries. Anat. Re- cord, Phila, 1915, ix, 72—Gentes (L.) & Philip (M.) L'artere Itepatique gauche; sa signification; ses rapports avec Pindependance des lobes du foie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1906, lxi, 640-642.------------. L'artere hepatique et quelques-unes de ses variations. Bibliog. anat. Par. & Nancy, 1907, xvi, 175-189.—Piquand (G.) Les arteres hepatiques accessoires. Progres med. Par, 1910, 3. s, xxvi, 26-31. Artery (Hepatic, Abnormities of). Gerard (G.) & CordonnlT (D.) Un cas-type de tripli- cite de l'artere hepatique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, ARTERY. 60 ARTERY. Artery (Hepatic, Abnormities of). 1914, lxxvi, 619. Also: Bibliog. anat. Par. & Nancy, 1914, xxiv, 211-217.—Kuss (G.) Anomalie de Partere hepatique; artere hepatique droite naissant du tronc caehaque et artere hepatique gauche naissant de la m6senterique superieure. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1909, lxxxiv, 733-735.— Leriche (R.) & Villemin (F.) Deux cas d'anomalie de Partere hepatique. Ibid., 1907, lxxxii, 229.—Piquand (G.) Artere hepatique fournie par la mesenterique superieure. Ibid., 1909, lxxxiv, 547-550. -----. Volumineuse artere hepatique accessoire fournie par la coronaire gastrique. Ibid., 550.—Rivero (F. H.) Contribution al estudio de las anomalias de la arteria hepatica. Gao. nted. de Caracas, 1896, iv, 185.—da Silva Rio-Branco (P.) Deux cas d'ano- malie de Partere hepatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1906, lxxxi, 526-531. Artery (Hepatic, Ligation of). Baudouin(M.) La hgature de l'artere hepatique. Ann. internat. de chir. gastro-intest. Par, 1909, hi, 39-42.— Bereznegovski (N.) [Morphological changes of the liver from tying the hepatic artery.] Russk. Chir. Arch, S.-Pe- terb, 1906, xxii, 413-430.—Burdenko (N.) [Ligature of the hepatic artery with simultaneous and preliminary vasculari- zation of the hver by means of the omentum.] Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb, 1911, xxvu, 17-46.—Ha- berer. Experimentelle Unterbindung der Arteria hepatica. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir, Berl, 1905, xxxiv, 167-171.—Kehr (H.) Ueber die Stillung der Blutung aus der Art. cystica durch Unterbindung der Art. hepatica propria. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1909, lvi, 237-239.— Lanphear (E.) Ligation of the common iliac artery under unfavorable conditions; a case report. Am. J. Surg, N. Y., 1909, xxiii, ISO.—Narath (A.) Onderbinding Art. he- patica. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1905, 2. r, xii, d. 2, 1529. -----. Ueber die Unterbindung der Arteria hepatica. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1909, lxv, 504-521,1 pi. -----. Die arterio-venose Anastomosis an der Pfortader als Mittel zur Verhutung der Lebernekrose nach Unterbin- dung der Arteria hepatica. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz.. 1915, xlh, 1.-----. Ueber Entstehung der anamischen Leberne- krose nach Unterbindung der Arteria hepatica und ihre Verhutung durch arterio-portale Anastomose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1916, exxxv, 305-379.—Nicoletti (V.) Sugli effetti della legatura dell' arteria epatica. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1908, Roma, 1909, l, 925-929. -----. La legatura dell' arteria epatica e dei suoi rami; studi speri- mentali e clinici. Policlin., Roma, 1910, xvii, sez. chir, 50; 124.—Tenant (O.) La legatura dell' arteria epatica e il tentativo di creare al fegato nuove vie circolatorie di com- penso mediante l'omentopessia peri ed intraepatica. Pen- sion) med, Milano, 1917, vii, 122-126. Artery (Humeral). See Artery (Brachial). Artery (Hyaloid, Persistent). Luchttng (G. H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Arteria hyaloidea persistens. 8°. Kiel, 1897. Peserico (L.) Delia persistenza dell' arteria jaloidea. 8a. Vicenza, 1902. Bowes (L. M.) Persistent hyaloid artery. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, l'.U3, lx, 173— Calderaro. Contributo alio studio dei tessuti jaloidei persistenti; loro classificazione e genesi. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. 1908, Palermo, 1909, 70-122,1 pi.—van Duyse. Tcrminaisonparacristalliriienne d'une artere hyaloidienne persistant* et permeable. Arch. d'opht. Par, 1902, xxii,305-310.—Eason(H. II.) Persistent patenthyaloid artery. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1903-4,xxiv,324.—Fllatoft(V.) Arteriahyaloidea persistens. VestnikOftalmol, Kiev, 1898, xv,359-363. -Flemmlng (P.) & Parsons (I. II.) Persistent hyaloid artery. Tr. Ophth. Soc. r.Khu'dom, Lond, l!K>?-3,xxih, 242.—Giles (.I.E.) A ease of persistent hyaloid artery. Manhattan i'.ye & Far Hosp. Rep, N. Y, 1897,iv, 12— Glnzburg (I. I.) Sluchal arteriae hyaloideie persistentis. Vestnik Oftalmol, Kiev, 1895, xii, 369-371.—Gunn (A. R.) Persistent hyaloid artery with massive white formation obscuring the optic disk. Proc. Roy. Soc. Mod, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Ophthalmol. Sect., 57, 1 pi Ileising. Ueber Arteria hyaloidea persis- tens. Amtl. Ber. ii.d. Yersaminl. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1.X83, Freiburgi. B, 1884,lvi,2.'.2-2._.5. -IerusallmskUM.I.) Sluchal arteriae hyaloideae persistensis complet ;c Vestnik Oftalmol., Mosk, 1904, xxi, 537-539— Killlck (C.) Case of complete persistent hyaloid artery. Proc. Hoy. Soc. Med, Lond., 1913-14, vii, Ophthalmol. Sect, 9.—Little (W. S.) Remarks on persistent hyaloid artery; two cases presented for observation. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. lssi-2, Phila, 1882, iv, 54.—Marlow (F. W.) A case of persistent hyaloid artery containing blood. Ann. < "phth, St. Louis, 1898, vii, 226-228.—Marx (E.) Over arteria hyaloidea persistens. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, l'.KtS, 2. R, xliv, 1. Afd, 124.5-1251. -Mitvalsky. Ein typischer Fall von per- sistirendcr Arteria hyaloidea. Arch. f. Augenh, Wiesb, 1893-4, xxviii, 235.—Nelson (R. M.) Rarity of certain va- riety of persistent hvaloid artery, with report of a case. South. M. J, Nashville, 1914, vii, 561-563.—Pulvermacher Artery (Hyaloid, Persistent). (E.) Arteria hyaloidea persistens. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh, Leipz, 1892, xvi, 329.—Renault. Persistance de l'artere hyaloidienne et du canal de Cloquet. Bull, med., Par7 1909, xxiii, 877-879—Sher (S.) Arteria hyaloidea persistens. Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb, 1896, clxxxvi, 1. sect, 729-731.—Shoemaker (W. T.) Persistent hyaloid artery in both eyes; unusual variety in one eye. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1906, xv, 201.—Silcock (A. Q.) Vestigial hyaloid artery starting from a macular coloboma. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1899-1900, xx, 188, 1 pi, 1 L—Talko (J.) Arteria hyaloidea persistens. Post, okul, Krakow, 1901, iii, 225-227.—Terrien (F.) Constance chez l'homme d'un vestige de l'artere hyaloide dans les premiers mois de l'existence. Arch, d'opht. Par, 1897, xvii, 675- 689.—de Vrles (W. M.) Arteria hyaloidea persistens. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1908, 2. R, xliv, 1. Afd , 1399-1401.—Waardenburg (P.J.J Twee gevallen van arteria hyaloidea persistens met een eigenaardige gezichts- veldbeperking. Ibid., 1915, ii, 2396-2400.—White (J. A.) Case of double persistent hyaloid artery. Ann. Ophth. & Otol, St. Louis. 1896; v, 483-485.—Yurgelyunas (A. A.) Sluchal arteriae hyaloid, persist. Vestnik Oftalmol, Kiev, 1903, xx, 53.—Zentmayer (W.) A case of probable rem- nants of the sheath of the hyaloid artery. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1898, vii, 209. Artery (Hypogastric). See, also, Aneurism (Hypogastric). Gills. Le tronc de Partere hypogastrique. Montpel. med, 1902, xiv, 74; 97.—Llpshutz (B.) A composite study of the hypogastric artery and its branches. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1918, lxvii, 584-608.—Serafini (G.) Rara ferita del- Parteria ipogastrica. Progresso med, Torino, 1903, ii, 74.— Tracy (S. E.) The possibility of mistaking the remains of the hypogastric artery for a ureter. Am. J. Obst, N. Y, 1918, lxxvii, 947. Artery (Hypogastric, Ligation of). Baudet (R.) & Kendirdjy (L.) Ligature de l'artere hyposiastrique; de son application therapeutique, en particu- lier dans les anevrvsmes fessiers. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1899, lxxii, 349-358 —D'Antona (A.) Ligature della seconda ipogastrica nello stesso individuo. Atti d. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoh, 1903. n. s, lvii, 4s-51.—Floreken. Zur Be- kampfung der Nachblutung aus der A. glutea sup. durch Unterbindung der A. hypocastrica. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1916, lxiii, 1499.—Israel (C.) Unterbindung der Arteria hypogastrics dextra wegen Aneurysma der Arteria glutaea inferior. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. ">.—Harmer (W. D.) A case of hgature of the external iliac artery for secondary haemorrhage. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond, 1900, xxxv, 269-271.—Maklns (G. H.) A case of ligature of both external iliac arteries by the transperitoneal method. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1896, xxix, 228.—Moschco- wltz (A. V.) Simultaneous ligation of both external iliac arteries for secondary hemorrhage following bilateral uretero- lithotomy. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1908, xlviii, 872: 1911, liii, 547.—Nydegger (J. A.) Extraperitoneal hgature of exter- nal iliac artery for aneurism; report of a recent case followed by recovery. Ibid., 1906, xliv, 96.—Benton (J. C.) Liga- ture of right external iliac artery for ilio-femoral aneurysm. Edinb. M. J, 1902, n. s.. xi, 463.—Romanin (I. A.) [Tying the external iliac and femoral arteries and femoral vein at Artery (Iliac, External, Ligation of). the same time.] Khirurgia, Mosk, 1902, xii, 559-562.— Ross (P.) Ligature of external iliac artery. Brit. Guiana M. Ann, Demerara, 1897, p. xxxiv.—Smith (A. C.) A hgation of the external iliac artery. J. Am. M. Ass, Chi- cago, 1904, xhii, 813.—Tonkoff (V. N.) [On the develop- ment of anastomosis after tying the external iliac artery.] Russk. Khir. Arch, S.-Peterb, 1895, i, 474-486, 1 pi. Also, in: Protok. i Trudi Russk. Khir. Obsh. Pirogova, S.- Peterb, 1894-5, xiii, pt. 2, 26-38, 1 pi.—Trancu-Rainer (Marta). [A case of ligation of external iliac for a wound in the femur.] Rev. de chir, Bucuresci, 1906, x, 487-499.-- Westbrook (R. W.) Ligation of external iliac arterv. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1908, ii, 237.—Wilcox (DeW. C.) Ligation of the external iliac artery. Med. Counselor, Detroit, 1897, xvi, 371-376. Artery (Iliac, External, Rupture of). Letoux. Sur un hematome du, a la rupture de 1'iliaque externe gauche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1915, n. s, xii, 1803.—Loubat & Perruchot. Rupture com- plete de l'artere iliaque externe; plaie contuse etendue et profonde de la paroi abdominale et de la fosse iliaque; rup- ture du muscle psoas iliaque; guerison. J de med. de Bor- deaux, 1913, xliii, 692. Artery (Iliac, External, Wounds and in- juries of). Prince (J. H.) Wound of the external iliac artery treated by suture. Scot. M. & S. J, Edinb, 1901, ix, 329-322.— Pringle (J. H.) Wound of the external iliac artery. Glas- gow M. J, 1901, lvi, 195. Also: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1902, hi, 405-406.—Shattuck (F. C.) Rupture of the right iliac artery. Boston M. & S. J, 1901, cxliv, 183.—de la Torre (O.) Sutura de la arteria iliaca externa. Siglo med, Madrid, 1907, liv, 802-805. Artery (Iliac, Internal, ligation of). Fick (F. L.) *Diss. exhibens historiam com- memorabilem deligationis arteriae iliacse internee ob immensum femoris tumorem institute. [Mar- burg.] 12°. Cassellis, 1836. Dervaux. Plaie de la fesse par coup de feu; hematome avec hemorragies a repetition; hgature de 1'iliaque interne; guerison. Bull, et ntem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1912, xxxviii, 1222-1227.—Gay (G. W.) Ligature of the internal iliac artery. Boston M. & S. J, 1906, elv, 615.—Haynes (J. S.) Ligation of the internal iliac arteries. Am. Med, Burling- ton, Vt, & N. Y, 1912. n. s, vii. 535-541.—Merrill (N.) Ligation of the internal iliac artery for aneurism; successful. Iowa M. J, Des Moines, 1897, hi, 324-326.—Robinson (B.) Note on the distribution of the branches of the internal iliac artery and the zones of exsanguination resulting from its deligation. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1902, xxxv, 189-206.—Scott (R. L.) & McLachlan (A. R.) Ligature of the right inter- nal iliac artery for secondary haemorrhage from the buttock. Lancet, Lond, 1916, ii, 559. Also: J. Roy. Army Med Corps, Lond, 1917, xxix, 592.—Vulliet (H.) Ligature de l'artere iliaque interne (hypogastrique) pour hemorragies secondaires de la fessiere inferieure (ischiatique). Arch internat. de chir, Gand, 1903-4, i, 446-452. Artery (Iliac, Internal, Wounds of). Maxwell (J. P.) Gunshot wound, injury to the right internal iliac artery. China M. J, Shanghai, 1917, xxxi 295-298. Artery (Iliolumbar). Patel & Murard. Un cas de mort par ulceration de Pilio-lombaire au cours d'une appendicite avec abces lom- baire draine. Lyon med, 1911, cxvi, 1116-1118. Artery (Inferior dental). See Artery (Mandibular). Artery (Inguinal). See, also, Aneurism (Inguinal). Spencer (W. G.) Wound of a large superficial inguinal artery in which the blood was flowing from the trunk to the -thigh. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1898-9, xxxii, 156. Also: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1899, i, 963. Artery (Innominate). See, also, Aneurism (Innominate); Embol- ism of innominate artery. deIsla(E.) Anomaliadeltroncobraquio-cefalico. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'anac, 34. Artery (Innominate, Ligation of). See, also, Aneurism (Innominate); Aneurism (Subclavian, Treatment of, Operative). Albert. Un cas de hgature du tronc innomine suivi de guerison. Cong, internat. de med. C. r. Par, 1900, sect de chir. gen, 309-316.—Bennett (A. L.) Ligature of the ARTERY. 62 ARTERY. Artery (Innominate, Ligation of). innominate for aneurism of right common carotid and sub- clavian. Colorado M. J, Denver, 1900, vi, 467-475.— Buchanan (G.) Aneurism of innominate artery; galvano- puncture; rupture of sac; ligature of innominate artery. Glasgow M. J, 1880, 4. s, xiv, 152.—Burns (W. B.) Suc- cessful hgation of the innominate artery. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1908, h, 1671-1677. -BurreU (H. L.) Ligatureof the innominate artery. Boston M. & S. J, 1895, cxxxiii, 125- 131. Aho, Reprint.—Coughlin (W. T.) Removal of por- tion of sternum for ligation of the innominate artery, with reports of two cases. Tr. West. Surg. Ass, Minncap, 1916, xxvi, 271-283, 3 pi.-----. Removal of portion of sternum for ligation of the innominate artery. Surg, Gynec. & Obst.. Chicago, 1918, xxvi, 112-116.—Curtis (B. F.) Suc- cessful ligature of the innominate artery. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1900, xxxi, 629-632. -----. Milton's method of ex- posing theanterior mediastinum modified for hgature of the innominate artery. Ibid., 1901, xxxiv, 472-480, 3 pi. -----. Ligature of the innominate artery. Ibid., 1907, xiv, 966.— Delaup (S. P.) A case of hgature of the innominate artery for aneurysm. Phila. M. J, 1901, vii, 171-177. -----. Triple ligature of the innominate artery for high innominate and carotid aneurism, followed by a simultaneous double ligature of the common carotid and vertebral arteries at a subsequent operation; death from shock on the twenty-first day. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1900, N. Orl, 1901, 147; 160—Gay (G. W.) A case of ligature of the innominate artery for aneurism. Boston M. & S. J, 1897, exxxvii, 73-77. Also, Reprint.—Giordano (E.) Nuovo processo per l'allaccia- tura dell' arteria innominata. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1906, xxvu, 409.—Hall (J. C.) The first successful hgation of the innominate. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1907, xlix, 55.— Hamann (C. A.) ligation of the innominate artery; re- port of a successful case. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass, Phila, 1914, xxxii, 44.5-450. [Discussion], 483-4&3d. Also: Ann. Surg, Phila, 1914, hx, 962-967.— Harte (R. H.) Ligature of the innominate artery for hemorrhage, with report of a case. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila, 1897, 3. s, xix, 191-198. Also: Ann. Surg, Phila, 1897, xxvi, 489-497.—Lewtas (J.) Ligature of the innominate artery. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, i898, xi, 494. Also: Tr. Indian M. Cong. 1894, Calcutta, 1895, 192- 194—Myles (T.) A case of ligature of the innominate artery. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1907-8, xxvi, 178-180.—Persons (R. C.) Ligation of the right innominate artery. Rep. Surg.-Gen. U. S. Navy, Wash, 1904, 272.— von Ruediger Rydygier (R.) Ein neues Verfahren zur Unterbindung der Arteria anonyma, eventuell des An- fangsteiles der Arteria subclavia. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1906, xix, 1514—Rydydier (L.) [New method of tying the innominate artery, and description of a case of tying the subclavian arterv.] Przegl. lek.. Krak6w, 1901, xl, 541- 543.—Sheen (W.) Ligature of the innominate. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1905, xiii, 802.-----. A case of ligatureof the innominate artery. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1905. ii, 870.— Vvedenski (A. A.) [Modern methods of tying the innomi- nate artery and their application in other operations on the anterior mediastinum.] Russk. Chir. Arch, S.-Peterb, 1905, xxi, 1-45. Artery (Innominate, Occlusion and ob- literation of). See, also, Embolism of innominate artery. Cottu (A.) Obliteration atheromateuse complete du tronc brachio-cephalique arteriel et de la sous-claviere gauche. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1902. lxxvii, 634— Thurs- fleld (H.) Occlusion of the innominate artery without sub- sequent thrombosis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1902-3, liv, 146—Winiarski (J.) [Obhteration of the innominate and left subclavian arteries.] Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1906, 2. s, xxvi, 1233-1239. Artery (Intercostal). See, also, Aneurism (Intercostal). Brlk (A. I.) [On the so-called high recession of the inter- costal artery.] Khirurgia, Mosk, 1909, xxvi, 68(H>96.—Luna (E.) Rara anomalia dell' arteria intercostalis suprema. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma. 1908-9, xiv, 243-247.—Pensa (A.) Osservazioni sulla morfologia e sullo sviluppo della arteria intercostalis suprema e delle arteriae intercostales. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1905, 48-83, 1 pi. Also: Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Umv. di Roma, 1905-6, xi, 33-142, 2 pi. Artery (Intercostal, Wounds and in- juries of). Froriep (L.) *Ueber Verblutung nach Yer- letzung einer Intercostal-Art erie. 8°. Tubin- gen, 1898. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1S9S, xxii, 2. Hft, 457-501. Lewenstern (E.) [Severe haemorrhage from intercostal artery into the pleural cavity.] Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1900, 2. s, xx. 28-31.—Miller (J. S.) Hemothorax from stab- wound oi an intercostal artery; operation; recovery. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila, 1896, lxxiv, 739. Artery (Internal mammary). See, also, Aneurism (Mammary). Anile (A.) Di un' arteria mammaria interna laterale. Riforma med, Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 4, 352.—Fawcett. The internal mammary arising from the thyroid axis. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1914-15, xlix, 343— Hepburn (D.) The lateral thoracic branch of the internal mammary artery. Ibid., 1898-9, xxxiii, 259.—Mall (F. P.) Development of the internal mammary and deep epigastric arteries in man. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1898, ix, 232-235. Also, Reprint. Artery (Internal mammary, Wounds and injuries of). Carson (N. B.) Ligature of the internal mammary artery for stab wound. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1912, xix, 533-535. —Desgouttes (L.) & Lambert (L.) Sur un cas de plaie de poitrine compliquee de blessure de la mam- maire interne. Lyon med, 1913, exx, 1008-1011.— Jopson (J. H.) Stab wound of the internal mammary artery. Ann. Surg, Phila.,1906, xliv,948-952. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg, 1908, ix, 156-160.—Turner (F. C.) Wound of left internal mammary artery; septicaemia, ulcerative aortitis; death from haemothorax. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1886, xxxvii, 176- 182. Artery (Internal pudic). See Artery (Budic). Artery (Jejunal). Robinson (B.) Jejunal artery (arteria jejunalis). N. Eng. M. Month, Danbury, Conn, 190s, xxvu, 402-40S. Artery (Lingual). Fleche (J.-L.-P.-M.) *Recherches anato- miques sur l'artere Linguale et ses branches; em- ploi du proced6 radiographique. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1911. Meriel & Florence. Anomalies de l'artere linguale au point de vue operatoire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1903, lxxviii, 573-575—Shepherd (F. J.) Rare anomaly of the lingual artery. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal (1887-9), 1890, iv, 254. Artery (Lingual, Ligation of). See, also, Tongue (Surgery of). Mink (O.J.) Point sin the post-mortem hgation of the lin- gual artery. U. States Nav. M. Bull, Wash, 1914, viii, 462- 464.—Mohcalvi (L.) Allacciatura dell' arteria linguale per emorragia secondaria dells lingus. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii. sez. prat, 273-276.—Parodl (F.) Ricerche sul tri- sngolo di Hueter in rapporto all' sllaccisturs dell' arteris linguale. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, Siena, 1904, xix. 45-54.—Stlnccr (R.) La ligadura de la srtcris lingual en los triangiUos de Beclard y Pirogoff. Arch, de Is Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1916, xxiii, 88-90. Also: Rev. de med. y drug, de la Habana, 1916, xxi, 149-151.—Volar. Ar- rachement d'un segment de l'artere linguale au cours de Is ligature de cctte srtere en dehors du triangle hypoglosso- hyoi'dien, su-dessous du tendon digastrique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xxix, 523. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1S99\ 1900, 110.—Voskresenski (V. F.) [On ligature of lingual artery.] Russk. Khir. Arch, S.-Peterb, 1895, i, 599-605. Artery (Lumbar). See, also, Aneurism (Lumbar). Young (A. II.) Observations on trie lumbar arteries. Stud. Anat____Lniv. Msnchester, 1906, iii, 285-289, 2 pi. Artery (Mandibular). AHIs (E. P.) Tbe so-called mandibular srtery snd the persisting remnant of the mandibular aortic srch in the adult selachian. J. Morph, Phila, 1916, xxvii, 99-118. Artery (Maxillary). Sec, also, Aneurism (Maxillary). Blen (Gertrud). Eine seltene Varietat der Arteria maxil- laris interna. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1907, xxx, 421-426.— GrOnroos (II.)_ Eine seltene Anordnung der Arteria maxil- laris externa bei einem Erwachsenen. Ibid., 1901, xx, 9-16.— Lauber (II.) Ueber einige Varietaten im Verlaufe der Arteria maxillaris interna. Ibid., xix, 444-44S.—Monjar- dlno (A.) Anomaha da arteria maxillar interna. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb, 1906, lxx, 1SL—Whoerlin (A.) Ueber Verletzungen und traumatische Aneurysmen der Arteria maxillaris interna. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1898, xxi, 663-690. Artery (Median). Delitsln (S. N.) [Anomalies of the median artery (cases of the median nerve passing through it).] Lai top. Russk. Khir., S.-Peterb., 1901, vi, 515-534,1 pi— Dubreull-Cham- bardel (L.) L'artere mediane. Gaz. med. du centre, Toursj 1906, xi, 115; 167.—Georgiyevskl (I. V.) [Certain variations in the modian artery of the forearm.) Khirurgia, Mosk, 1906, xix, 356-369. ARTERY. 63 ARTERY. Artery (Meningeal). See, also, Aneurism (Meningeal). Yatsuta (K. Z.) *K anatomii arteriae menin- geae mediae u chelovleka i mlekopitayushtshikh. [Anatomy of the ... in man and mammals.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1905. Bouchon (J.) Anatomie topographique chirurgicale. Artere meningee moyenne. Arch, de Doyen, Par, 1910, i, 5-11.—Glannelli (L.) Ricerche anatomiche sull' arteria meningea media. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1895, 4. s., vii, 193-214.—Giuffrida-Ruggeri (V.) Proposta di uno studio delle ramificazioni dell' arteria meningea media nei de- generati. Riv. sper. difreniat., Reggie-Emilia, 1905, xxxi,379. -----. Ueber die endocranischen Furchen der Arteria menin- ea media beim Menschen. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop, tuttg, 1912; xv, 401-412.-----. Variability delle ramifi- cazioni terminali dell' arteria meningea media nell uomo. Ricerche di nevrol. [etc.], Catania, 1913, 211-217.—Guidone (P.) Un nuovo metodo per la rapida e sicura ricerca del- P arteria meningea media. Gazz. Internaz. di med, Napoli, 1911, xiv, 1165-1170.—Latarjet. L'artere meningee moy- enne chez le nouveau-ne. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par, 1909, xh, 277-281.—PIsand (G.) Su di un metodo per la ricerca della meningea-media. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1907, xxviii, 1583.—Sifton (H. A.) Anatomy and surgery of meningeal artery. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi; 103- 119.—Yatsuta (K. Z.) [Surgical anatomy of meningeal artery.] Vrach. Gaz, S.-Peterb, 1905, xii, 497-500. Artery (Meningeal. Abnormities of). Malaguzzi-Valeri (R.) Arterie meningee dalla occipi- tale. Monitore zool. ital, Firenze, 1914, xxv, 231-245.— Meyer (A. W.) A unilateral accessory aberrant meningeal artery, arising from the occipital. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1913-14, xlviii, 143.—Rocher. Anomalie de l'artere meningee moyenne. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 394. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 32. Artery (Meningeal, Haemorrhage from). See, also, Brain (Haemorrhage in or on). Baldwin (H. C.) & Brewster (G. W. W.) Report of a case of middle meningeal hemorrhage successfully operated upon; surgical aspects of the case. Pub. Mass. Gen. Hosp, Bost, 1909, h, 761-767.—Hammesfahr. [Ein bemerkens- wertes Hamatom der Arteria meningea media.] Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn (1903), 1904, med. Sekt, 56-58.—Landry (L. H.) Intracranial hemorrhage due to rupture of middle meningeal artery; re- port and exhibition of three operated cases with recovery. N. Orl. M. & S. J.,1914-5, lxvii, 783-786.—Hummer (S. C), jr. The Hartley-Krause flap in haemorrhage from the mid- dle meningeal artery, with reports of two cases. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1902, xxxvi, 591-605.—Pringle (J. H.) An unusually situated haemorrhage from the meningeal artery. Scot. M. & S. J, Edinb, 1904, 328-330, 1 pi. Artery (Meningeal, Rupture of). Hovxanian (S.) *Rupture de l'artere menin- gee moyenne sans fracture du crane. 8°. Baris, 1902. Defranceschi (P.) Tod durch Zerreissung der mittleren Hirnhautarterie ohne Schadelverletzung. Aerztl. Sachverst.- Ztg, Berl, 1902, viii, 132-134.—Egidi (G.) Ematoma epidu- rale per rottura del ramo arteriore dell' arteria meningea media sinistra. Riv. ospedal, Roma, 1911, i, 288-290.—Har- rison (L. W.) Traumatic rupture of middle meningeal artery; operation; recovery. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps. Lond, 1906, vi, 459-461.—Jopson (J. H.) Extradural haemorrhage from rupture of the middle meningeal artery. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg, 1903, v, 136-148.—Keen (W. W.) Traumatic rupture of middle meningeal artery without skull fracture. (1902.) J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lx, 1420.— Landry (L. H.) Intracranial hemorrhage due to trauma- tic rupture of arteria meningea media, report of six operated cases with one death. South. M. J, Nashville, 1916, ix, 157- 166.—Lemon (C. H.) The diagnosis of rupture of the mid- dle meningeal artery. Wisconsin M. J, 1905-6, iv, iv, 125- 133.—Leoncini (F.) Un caso di ematoma estradurale traumatico per rottura della meningea media senza frattura del cranio.' Clin, mod, Firenze, 1906, xii, 25-33.—Martin (E. D.) Rupture of the middle meningeal artery in a boy 13 years of age, produced by a blow on the right temple with a baseball, no grave symptoms for first twenty-four hours; convulsions and death. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1905, N. Orl, 1906, 131-134.—Ryfkogel (H. A. L.) Rupture of the posterior meningeal artery without fracture at the point of injury. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1907, v, 180.— Smith (G. M.) Case of rupture of middle meningeal artery; operation; recovery. Bristol M.-Chir. J, 1908, xxvi, 58.— Stewart (F. T.) Rupture of the branches of the middle meningeal artery by contre-coup. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1904, Artery (Meningeal, Rupture of). xxxix, 451.—Weston (A. T.) Rupture of the meningeal artery. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1892), 1893, 50. Artery (Meningeal, Surgery of). Aievoli (E.) Sui criteri direttivi negh interventi sul- 1' arteria meningea media. Gazz. internaz. di med, Na- poli, 1912, xv, 154-158.—GentUe (R.) Topografia ed allac- ciatura dell' arteria meningea media col metodo del Prof. F. Padula. Ann. di med. nav, Roma, 1900, vi, 544-554.— Kimont (M. P.) [Ligation of the middle meningeal artery.] Protok. zasled. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh, Tiflis, 1902-3, xxxix, 497-501.—Shiman (O. G.) [Ligaure of meningeal artery.] Vestnik Khir, Mosk, 1901, it, 385-387. Artery (Meningeal, Wounds and inju- ries of). Gustodis (U.) Die Verletzung der Arteria meningea media. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Geschke (B. E. L.) *Ueber Schussverletzun- gen der Arteria meningea media. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Golling (P. G.) *Ueber Verletzungen der Arteria meningea media. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Faguet (C.) Section de la branche anterieure de Partere meningee moyenne gauche par un coup de couteau; mort rapide en quelques minutes. Med. d. accid. du travail, Par, 1905, hi, 190-192.—Fuiano (L.) Due casi di ematoma extradurale per lesione dell' arteria meningea media senza frattura del cranio. Med. ital, Napoh, 1909, vii, 165-169.— Makels (M. S.) Hemorrhage from middle meningeal artery due to traumatism; hemiplegia, motor aphasia; osteoplastic flap for ligation of vessel; recovery. Am. J. Surg, N. Y, 1915, xxix, 16-18. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxvii, 120.—Vcnturi ( \.) Lesione della a. meningea per contraccolpo con lungo intervallo libero. Riv. ospedal, Roma, 1911, i, 538-540. Artery (Mesenteric). See, also, Aneurism (Mesenteric); Embolism of mesenteric blood-vessels; Thrombosis (Mesen- teric). Aldrich (C. J.) Traumatic rupture of the mesenteric arteries. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1902, xxxv, 342-344.—Brin. De l'infarctus intestinal par obliteration des vaisseaux me- senteriques. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1914, xviii, 14; 43.— Dwight (T.) Distribution of superior mesenteric artery. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1897-8, ii, 47.-----. The branches of the superior mesenteric artery to the jejunum und ileum. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1903, xxiii, 184-186. Also, Reprint.— Gelsler (F. K.) [Symptomatology of the occlusion of the mesenteric artery.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1906, x, 570- 573.—Hall (J. M.) TherSle of the superior mesenteric vessels in abdominal disease. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1916, xvi, 135-142.—Kirkoroff (S. K.) [Contribution a la question de la formation de l'infarete hemorrhagique dans l'artere mesente- rique superieure. Extr, 978.) Russk. Arch. Patol, Klin. Med. i Bakteriol, S.-Peterb, 1902, xiv, 970-973.—Krakht- Palleyeff (P. N.) [On the anterior mesenteric artery in do- mestic mammals.] Sborn. trud. Kharkov. Vet. Tnst, 1908-10, ix No. 3,1-44, 4 pi—Lardennois (G.) & Okinczyc (J.) La veritable terminaison de l'artere mescnterique superieure; de- ductions pathologiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1910, lxxxv, 13-23.—Ligature of a ruptured mesenteric ar- tery. Lancet, Lond, 1898, ii, 1077.—Longcope (W. T.) & McClintock (A. T.) The effect of compression of the su- perior mesenteric arterv upon the systemic blood pressure. Univ. Penn. M. Bull, Phila, 1909-10. xxii, 226-228.—Rob- inson (B.) Arteria mesenterica distal: the distal mesenteric arterv. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxii, 613; 1908, xxxiii, 7; 32.-----. Arteria mesenterica proximal: the proxi- mal (superior) mesenteric artery; composed of the jejunal artery and ileal artery. Physician & Surg, Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1908, xxx, 1-33.—Roughton (E. W.) A case of ruptured mesenteric artery; laparotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond, 1899, i, 89.—Schmiedl (H.) Die histologischen Veranderungen der Arteria mesenterica superior in den verschicdenen Lebensaltern. Ztschr. f. Heilk, Wien & Leipz., 1907, xxvhi, 165-193.—Sharpe (N. W.) The arcuate distribution of A. mesenterica superior and A. me- senterica inferior; surgical significance in intestinal resec- tions. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1913, xx, 1152-1156. Also, Reprint—Souligoux (C.) & Lagane (L.) Note sur le mode de terminaison fonctionnellement anastomotique des branches de l'artere mesenterique superieure. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1910, lxix, 612.—Theobalds (Annie F.) A note on a case of rupture of the superior mesenteric artery. Lancet, Lond, 1908, ii, 311—Thiele. Ein Fall von spontaner Ruptur der Arteria mesenterica superior und daraus erfolgter todlicher Blutung. Aerztl. Sachverst.- Ztg, Berl, 1906, xh, 193-197.—Vicq-d'Azyr. Sur un sujet ARTERY. 64 ARTERY. Artery (Mesenteric). dans leqnel la grande anastomose qui reunit les deux ar- teres mesenteriques manquoit absolument. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1776, Par, 1779, 702,1 pi. Artery (Obturator). See, also, Aneurism (Obturator). Delitzin (S.) Ueber eine complicirte Anomalie im Gebiete der Arteria obturatoria und epirastrica inferior. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol, Leipz, 1896, 413-422. Artery (Occipital). See, also, Aneurism (Occipital). Baviera (V.) Nuovo processo di allacciatura dell' occi- pitale. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1907, xxvii, 33-35— Powell (C. L.) A case of abnormal occipital artery. St. Thomas's Hosp. Gaz, Lond, 1911, xxi, 258. Artery (Omphdlo-mesentcric). Wasteels (E.) Artere omphalo-mesenterique tendue horizontalement entre la paroi abdominale et le mesentere chez l'adulte. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1906, lxxiii, IM, lpl. Artery (Ophthalmic). See Aneurism (Ophthalmic); Eye (Blood-ves- sels, etc., of). Artery (Ovarian). See Ovary (Blood-vessels of); Thrombosis (Ovarian). Artery (Palmar). See, also, Aneurism (Palmar). Philip. Anomalie du palmaire cutane. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xxix, 187. Artery (Parathyroid). Thompson (R. L.), Leighton (W.E.) A- Swarts CT. L.) Ligation of the parathyroid artery in the dog. J. Med. Re- search, Bost, 1909, xxi, 125-133, 1 pi. Artery (Pedal). See Artery (Borsal) [of foot]. Artery (Peroneal). Gfirard (G.) Note sur une pedieuse fournie par la perc- niere. Bibliog. anat. Par. . ------. The same. 8°. Baris, 1905. Dubreull-Chambardel (L.) L'artere poplitee et ses variations anatomiques. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1904, ix 4i_44.—Introna (N.) Dispragia intermittento angio- Artery (Popliteal). sclerotica ed embolismo della poplitea sinistra. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1903, xxiv, 86.—Parona (F.) Sopra rna rarissima anomalia anatomica al poplite destro. Policlin, Roma, 1903, x, sez. chir, 433-441. Artery (Popliteal, Ligation and suture of). See, also, Aneurism. (Bopliteal, Treatment of, Operative). Bertein. Hematome de la loge jambiere posterieure; ligature de la poDlitee. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1911, Lille. 1912, 80.—Kroiss. Ueber einen Fall von Naht der Arteria poplitea. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xxiv. 407.— Marinac'i (S.) Nuovoprocessoperl'allacciaturadell'arte- ria poplitea. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat, S*s.— Massimi (S.) Allacciatura dell'arteria poplitea per aneu- risma ialsodell' arteria tibialeantenorenei 3 supenoredella gamba sinistra; guarigione. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1903, xxix, 29-32.—Owen (E.) A case of simultaneous hgation of the popliteal artery and vein; recovery without gangrene. Lancet, Lond, 1898 i, 1115— Tinel CJ.) Paralysieischerni- que du membre inferieur par ligature de Partere poplitee. Rev. neurol. Par, 1914, xxii, 489.—Zappulla (A.) Lega- tura dell' arteria poplitea e in seeondo tempo della femorale per aneurisms falso dell' arteria tibi;de post en ore. Osp. di Palermo. Boll, trimest, 1909, ii, 2s2-2v5. Artery (Popliteal, Rupture and wounds of)- Ktjtscher (F.) *Ein Fall von subkutaner totaler Ruptur der Arteria poplitea. 8°. Strass- burg, 1902. Merle (A.) *Occlusion de Fartere poplitee par rupture de ses tuniques interne et moyenne. 8°. Baris, 1901. Behrend (M.) Traumatic rupture of the popliteal artery and vein., Proc. Path. Soc. Phila, 1908, xxxviii, 29.— Delore (X.) Ecrasement sous-cutar.e de Partere et de la veine poplitees sans lesions des os et des tissus voisins; gangrene consecutive; amputation de cuisse; guerison. Province med, Lyon, 1*96, x, 361-364.—Drew (D.) Rup- ture of the popliteal artery and vein; diffuse haematoma. Lancet, Lond, 1911, ii, 1100.—Ferguson ( A. H.) A case of end-to-end anastomosis of the popliteal artery for gunshot injury. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1903, xxxvii, 719-723—Ferrari. Plaie etanche de l'artere poplitee; gangrene gazeuse consecu- tive. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1917, n. s, xliii, 1954-1958.—Fredet (P.) Perforation de l'artere poplitee a sa parue iniiuue, par balle; hematomes anevrismaux du creux poulhe et de la cuisse; extirpation des deux poches: resection du segment d'artere perforce et hgature des deux bouts. /'■/./ . H'15, n. s, xii, 2347— Halstead (A. E.) Bul- let wound of the popliteal artery and vein; dry gangrene of the leg; amputation of the thiqh; Internat. Clin, Phiia, 1896, 6. s.. iii. 22S-23L—Klemiri (P.) Die resecirten Stiicke einer von ilun unterhundenen Art. und Vena poplitea. welche beide durch das Projectil einer Flobert-Bucnse quer durchsetzt sind. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1897, n. F, xiv, 417 —Le Fur (R.) De la conduitp a tenir dans les hemorragies secondaires de l'artere poplitee consecutives a des suppurations graves du creux poplite avec fracture de l'cxtremite inferieure du femur et arthrite purulente du genou. Paris chir, 1916, viii, 256-264.—Loo (G.) Apropos des hemorragies secondaires de l'artere poplitee dans leurs rapports avec l'amput.iLon. Ibid;, 322-;iU— Meyer (W.) Zur Ruptur der Arteria poplitea. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz., lv99, li. 356-3.—Miol (G. W.) Penetrating wounds of the popliteal artery. J. Am. M. Ass,Chicago, 1S9S, xxxi, 334-336.—Minin (, V." V.) [Spontaneous rupture of the pojv liteal artery.) l'rotok. Russk. Khir Obsti. Pirocova l>97->, S.-Peterb," 19on, xvi, 126-r>*.— Mulcrt. Ein Fall von Ruptur der Arteria poplitea durch Lcbersfreckunsj. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1S9S, xlviii. 423-425.—Or- solanl (M.) Sopra un caso di rottura dell' arteria popli- tea. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1907, xxviii, 530—Picquet & Claevs. Rupture traumatique de l'artere poplitee. Bull. et mom. Soc. anat. do Par, 1905, lxxx, 928-932. Ruptured popliteal artery; amputation; recovery. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1906, n. S, xxxiv, 358; 359— Srlinitzler (J.) Ueber einen Fall von subcutaner Ruptur der Arteria poplitea. Alls:. Wien. med. Ztg, 1897, xiii, 361; 373. Also: Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1895, Wien & Leipz, 1*97, lv, pt. 2,140-143.—Schulz (K.) Die totalen Rupturen der Arteria poplitea. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1S97, xlvi, 176-522- Thomas (L. K.) Bullet wound of leg with complete section of t lie popliteal artery. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1901, i, 956. —Voau (V.) Thrombose do l'artere poplitee par runture traumatique des tuniques moyenne et interne de ce vaisseau. Gaz. d. h6p. Par , 1902, lxxv, 461-461. Artery (Profunda femoris). See Artery (Femoral, Abnormities of). ARTERY. 65 ARTERY. Artery (Pudic). Golding-Blrd (C. H.) & Dunn (L. A.) A case of wound of the internal pudic artery; operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond, 1898, ii, 84.—Levi (G.) Di alcune frequeriti variazioni nei rami terminali dell' arteria pudenda interna. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. florent. 1901, Firenze, 1902, 60-62 — Mackintosh (J. S.) Rupture of the bulbar branch of the internal pudic artery. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1908, ii. 1745.— Middle ton (B. L.) Rupture of tne bulbar branch of the internal pudic artery. Ibid. ,1861 .—Petit (G.), Germain & Hannequln. Rupture spontanee mortelle, post-opera- toire, de l'artere honteuse externe, chez un cheval; etude histologique et pathogenique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1913; lxxxviii, 141-146.—Zuckerkandl (E.) Zur Morphologie der Arterie pudenda interna. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl, Wien, 1900, cix, 405-458, 1 pi. Artery (Pulmonary). See, also, Aneurism (Bulmonary); Embolism (Bulmonary); Thrombosis (Bulmonary). Bremer (J. L.) On the origin of the pulmonary arteries in mammals. Am. J. Anat, Bait, 1901-2, i, 137-144.---,—. On the origin of the pulmonary arteries in mammals. Anat. Record, Phila, 1909, hi, 334-340.-----. An acknowledg- ment of Fedorow's work on the pulmonary arteries. Ibid., 1912, vi, 491-493.—Fyodoroff (V. V.) [Development of pul- monary arteries in the guinea pig.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno- Med. Akad, S.-Peterb, 1911, xxii. 26-31— Jordan (H. E.) A note on the anatomy of the pulmonary arteries of mam- mals. Anat. Record, Phila, 1911, v, 457-460.—Karsner (H. T.) Nerve flbrillae in the pulmonary artery of the dog. J. Exper. M, Lancaster, Pa, 1911, xiv, 322-325.—Macht (D. I.) Action of the nitrites on the isolated surviving pulmonary arterv; prehminary report. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1914, lxii, 524. Also, Reprint. -----. The ac- tion of drugs on the isolated pulmonary arterv. J. Phar- macol. & Exper. Therap, Bait, 1914-15, vi, 13-37. Also, Reprint.—Pensa (A.) Osservazioni sulla morfologia e sullo sviluppo delParteria ptdmonalis nell'uomo. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1910, xxiv, 297-324, 2 pi.—Plana (G. P.) Osservazioni comparative intorno alia struttura delle ultime dhamazioni delle arterie pulmonari. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1880, 4. s7 i, 477-420,1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Rusca (C. L.) Osservazioni sulla distri- buzione della arteria pulmonahs nei polmone umano. Ri- cerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1913-11, xvii, 183-203, 6 pi—von Schrtttter (L.) Zur Kenntnis der im Gebiete der Lungenarterie entstehenden Gerausche. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1908, xxi,969-97L—Sclavounos(G.) De l'artere pulmonaire et plus specialement des rapports de sa branche droite avec le copur. BibTiog. anat. Par. & Nancy, 1911, xxi, 287-295.—Wlggers (C. J.) The variations of pressure in the pulmonary artery. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med, N. Y, 1911-12, ix, 81.-----. The contour of the pressure curve in the pulmonary artery. Am. J. Phy- siol, Bost, 1914, xxxiii, 1-12.-----. The nature and causes of the respiratory pressure variations in the pulmonary artery. Ibid., xxxv, 124-142. Also, Reprint. Artery (Pulmonary, Abnormities of). See, also, Aorta (Abnormities of); Artery (Bulmonary, Dilatation of). Laval (P. O.) *Ueber einen seltenen Fall von Missbildung der Arteria pulmonalis. 8°. Magde- burg, 1901. Desmeth (J.) Cas d'anomalie de l'artere pulmonaire. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux, 1897, No. 44, 13.—Glae- vecke & Doehle. Ueber eine seltene angeborene Anomalie der Pulmonalarterie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1897, xliv, 9.50.—Klsel (A.) [Congenital narrowing of the pul- monary artery in a boy one year and seven months old.] DIetsk. med, Mosk, 1896, i, 466.—KrassnJg (M.) Eine seltene Varietat der A. pulmonalis bei einem Hiihner- Embryo. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1913, xliii, 227-230— McCotter (R.E.) Ontheoccurrenceofpulmonaryarteriesarisingfrom the thoracic aorta. Anat. Record, Phila, 1910, iv, 291-297.— Meloy (C. R.) Abnormalities of the pulmonary blood-ves- sels. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1908, xix, 221-223.— Vervaeck (L.) & De Smeth (J.) Contribution a l'etude des anomalies valvulaires de l'artere pulmonaire. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux, 1897, No. 44, 73-79— Williams (S. R.) Anomalies of the pulmonary artery in Necturus. Anat. Record, Phila, 1909, iii, 409-414. Artery (Pulmonary, Dilatation of). See, also, Aneurism (Bulmonary). Zuber (B.) *Ueber einen noch nie bescnrie- benen Fall von hochgradiger angeborener Er- weiterung der Arteria pulmonalis in toto. rZurich.l 8°. Berlin, 1903. Also, in: Jahrb. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1904, lix, 30-53. Bacialli (L.) Un caso di dilatazione del tronco d'ori- gine dell' arteria polmonare. Pensiero med, Milano, 1914, 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----5 Artery (Pulmonary, Dilatation of). iv, 725-727.—Corsy (F.) Sur un cas de dilatation de Partere pulmonaire. Marseille med, 1911, xlviii, 350-353.—Dmi- trenko (L. F.) [Diagnosis of arteriosclerosis and dilatation of the pulmonary artery, and relative insufficiency of its valves in stenosis of the left auriculo-ventricular orifice.] Prakt, Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1912, xi, 303; 319; 340; 355.—Fran- cois (A.) Dilatation simple et primitive de l'artere pul- monaire. Presse med. beige, Brux, 1913, lxv, 69-71.— Littlejohn (H.) Dilatation of the pulmonary arterv. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1901-2, n. s, xxi, 9.—Weinberger (M.) Ueber die durch Erweiterung der Pulmonalarterie im Rontgenbilde entstehende. Schattenform. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'eiectrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 394-39S. Artery (Pulmonary, Diseases and tu- mors of). See, also, Aneurism (Bulmonary); Artery (Bulmonary, Dilatation of); Artery (Pulmonary, Stenosis of); Embolism (Bulmonary); Throm- bosis (Bulmonary). Bayer (J.) *Zur Casuistik der Defecte im Septum ventriculorum bei scheinbar weiter Lungenarterienbahn und compensatorischer Hy- pertrophic der Lungenarterienaste. 8°. Giessen, 1895. Ehlers (H. W. E.) *Zur Histologie der Ar- teriosklerose der Pulmonalarterie. [Bonn.] 8°. Berlin, 1904. Also, in: Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1904, clxxvui, 427-446, 1 pi. Giroux (L.) *Sclerose et atherome de l'artere pulmonaire; r61e des conditions m^caniques. 8°. Baris, 1910. Alto, in: Arch. d. mal. du cceur [etc.], Par, 1910, iii, 595-C24. Torhorst (H. It. O.) *Die histologischen Veranderungen bei der Sklerose der Pulmonal- arterien. [Naumburg a. S.l 8°. Marburg, 1904. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 210-241. Tugendreich (J.) *Ueber die Sklerose der Arteria pulmonalis. 8°. Berlin, 1912. Andrews (F. W.) & Branson (W. P. S.) Infective en- darteritis of pulmonary artery and of patent ductus arte- riosus; infective endocarditis of aortic valve. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1910, Lond, 1911, xlvi, 210.—Barlaro (P. M.) Enfermedad de Ayerza; algunas consideraciones. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1916-17. iii, 223.—Barth (II.) Ein Fall von Mesarteriitis luetica der Arteria pulmonahs mit Aneurysmenbildung. Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path.. Wiesb, 1910, v, 138-148.—Bolnet & Poesy. Atherome de l'artere pulmonaire. Marseille med, 1906, xliii, 151-153.—Boyd (F. D.) Regurgitation of the pulmonary artery. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1898-9, n. s, xviii, 41-49.—Chernevskaya- Shtshukina (Natalya A.) [Sclerosis of the pulmonary artery.) Sibirsk. Vrach, Tomsk, 1916, iii, 177-181.—Evans (F. A.) Unilateral sclerosis of the pulmonary artery. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1913, xxiv, 284-2S9. Also, Re- print.—Gerhartz (H.) Die diagnostische Bedeutung der rontgenologisch sichtbaren Lungengefasspulsation. Zen- tralbl. f. Herzkrankh.Jetc], Wien & Leipz, 1915, vii, 265- 267.—Josefson (A.) Offenstehender Ductus Botalli nebst Atherom in den Aesten der Arteria pulmonahs. Nord. med. Ark, Stockholm, 1897, n. F, vii, 2. Hft, No. ID, 1-12.— Kltamura (S.) Ueber die Sklerose der Pulmonalarterie bei fortgesetztem iibermassigen Biergenuss. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1908, lxv, 14-18.—Laubry (C.) & Parvu. Arte- rio-sclerose generalised de l'artere pulmonaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par, 1909, 3. s, xxvi, 1326-1332. Also, transl.: Tribune med. Am. ed, N. Y, 1909, v, 253-258.— Mair(W.) Atheroma of the pulmonary artery. J. Path. & Bacteriol,Cambridge, 1913-14 xviii, 127-129.—Maimer (E.) [Clinical study of sclerosis of the pulmonary artery.] Casop. tek.eesk, v Praze, 1914, lhi, 1003-1020.—Manges (M.) In- fective pulmonary endarteritis occurring with patent ductus arteriosus; with some observations on pregnancy and heart disease. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ, 581-583. Also, Re- print.—Morquio (L.) Un caso de obliteracion congenita de la arteria pulmonar. Semana m6d, Buenos Aires, 1901, viii, 335.—Patino Mayer (C.) Arterio-esclerosis de la pulmpnar; cardiacos negros de Ayerza. Ibid., 1916, xxiii, 115; 597.—Posselt (A.) Die klinische Diagnose der Pulmo- nalarteriensklerose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lv, • 1625-1629. Also: Samml. khn. Votr, Leipz, 1908, n. F,Nos. 504-507 (Inn. Med, Nos. 149-152, 361-474).-----. Die Er- krankungen der Lungenschlagader. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.], Wiesb, 1909, xih, 298-526.—Reiche (F.) Arteriitis pulmonalis. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskran- ARTERY. 66 ARTERY. Artery (Pulmonary, Diseases and tu- mors of). kenanst. 1891-2, Hamb. & Leipz, 1894, iii, pt. 2, 287-300.— Schmidt (M. B.) Ueber Krebszelleneinboliecn in den Lungenarterien. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, Jena, 1897, viii, 860.— Sequcira (J. H.) Tumour of the pulmonary arterv. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1896-7, xlviii, 58-60— Tirumufti (T. S.) A case of primary atheroma of the pulmonary artery and its branches contributing to valvular insufficiency of the heart. Indian M. Gaz.. Cal- cutta, 1915, 1, 45X-460.—Trugonl (C.) Arteriosclerosi pul- monare. Morgagni, Milano, 1912 liv, 561; 609. Also, Re- print.—Vaquez & Giroux. Arterio-scterose generalisee dc l'artere pulmonaire avec atherome; r61e de l'hypertension dans la genese de l'arterio-scierose. Bull, et mem Soc. med. d. hdp.de Par, 1908, 3. s, xxv, 183-190— Zinsser (H.) Notes on arteriosclerosis of the pulmonary arteries. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1908-9, viii, 74-78. Artery (Pulmonary, Embolism of). See Artery (Bulmonary, Stenosis, etc., of); Embolism (Bulmonary). Artery (Pulmonary, Ligation of). von Ostrowski (T. R.) Ueber den Einfluss der Unter- bindung der Pulmonalarterie auf die Lunge und iiber ihre therapeutische Bedeutung; experimentelle Untersuchunc. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xxix, 1353-1362.—Schu- macher (E. D.) Die Unterbindung von Pulmonalartcrien- asten zur Erzeugung von Lungenschrumpfung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir, Berl.. 1911, xl, pt. 2, 246-259. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 864. Artery (Pulmonary, Stenosis and ob- struction of). See, also, Embolism (Pulmonary); Heart (Valvular disease of right side of); Thrombosis (Pulmonary). Esser (W. H.) *Ueber Collateralkreislauf bei angeborener Pulmonalstenose. 8°. Bonn, 1908. Kidd (G. H.) On inflammation and obstruc- tion of the branches of the pulmonary artery. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Kissner (A.) *Ueber die Strictur der Pul- monalarterienaste. 8°. Giessen, 1895. Rocher (H -II.) ♦Contribution a l'etude des terminaisons , 3. s, xiii, 420-423. De Renzi (!•'.) In caso di com pressione dell' arteria polmonare con fenomeni di stenosi. N. Riv. clin.-terap, Napoli, 1902, v, 340-343.— Dickinson CL.) Thrombosis of the pulmonary artery inacaseof oon.enitalstcnosisof theorilice. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1S9I1-7, \l\iii, .'.7. Drzhevetski (A. F.) [Steno- sis of the pulmonary aiterv.] Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb, 1903, hi, med. pt, 715-725,1 diag.—Frlgo (F.) Stenosi con- genita ed aneurisma dell' arieria polmonale. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1902, xii, 34S-360. Harrington (A. W.) Ob- struction of the pulmonary artery due to carcinoma. Glas- gow M. J, 1913, lxxx, 250-253, 1 pi. Ibarguren (A.) Un caso de estrechez do la arteria pulmonar. Rev. Soc. med. argent, Buenos Aires, 1898, vi, 103-116.—Jarroud. Retre- cissement acquis de l'artere pulmonaire et tuberculose pul- monaire. Rev. prat. d. trav. de med. Par, 1899, lvi, 226. - Kasem-Beck (A.) Kin Fall von erworbener Stenose der Pulmonalarterie. Centralbl. f. innere Med, Leipz, 19(H), xxi, 393-598.—Klrzner (B.) Stenosis arterire pulmonalis, cirrhosis hepatis, atrophia-granularis renum et cet. Objazat. pat.-anat. lzslied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ, 1895, Artery (Pulmonary, Stenosis and ob- struction of). 529-538.—Launois (P.-E.) Retrecissement congenital de I'artere pulmonaire. Rev. gen. de elm. et de therap. Par, 1897, xi. 241.—Lefas (E.) Retrecissement de Pinfundi- bulum de l'artere pulmonaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1901, lxxvi, 210.—Mann (M.) Stenosis arteriae pul- monalis. Budapesti k. Orvosegy. evi evkonyve, Budapest, 19(#), pt. 2, 46. -Minich (K.) Ein Fall von Stenosis der Arteria pulmonalis. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xliii, 808.—Tikanadze (I. E.) [Acquired stenosis of the pulmonary artery.1 Klin. J, Mosk, 1901, v, 240-244.— Weinberger (M.) UeDer periphere Verengerung der Pul- monalarterie und die klinischen Zeichen derselbcn. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1903, xvi, 1149-1157. Artery (Pulmonary, Surgery of). See, also, Artery (Bulmonary, Bigation of). Lozano(R.) Cirurfa fie la arteria pulmonar. Clin, mod, Zaragoza, 1910, ix, 36.5-373, 1 pi.—Myer (W.) The surgery of the pulmonary artery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila, 1913, xxxi, 223-248. Also: Ann. Surg, Phila, 1913, lviii, 1*>- 205, 7 pi. Artery (Pulmonary, Wounds and inju- ries of). Brown (O. J.) Stab-wound of the pulmonary artery. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost, 1888-96, ii, 276-2S0. Also: Boston M. & S. J, 1896, cxxxiv, 330-332.—Martin (G.) Ein Fall von Naht einer Schusswunde der Lungenschlag- ader. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Landesver, Stuttg, 1913. lxxxiii, 333-337.—Pieri (G.) Ferita da punta e taglio dell' arteria polmonare; leeatura laterale. Riv. ospedal, Roma, 1915, v, 621.—Viscontini (C.) Ferita del- Parteria polmonare con caduta e permanenza innocua del proiettile nei ventricolo destro del cuore. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 697. Artery (Radial). See, also, Aneurism (Radial); Embolism of radial artery. LIallexberger iO.) *Ueber .Sklerose der Arteria radialis. 8°. Marburg, 1906. Al"', in: Deutsches Arch. f. khn. Med, Leipz, 1906, lxxxvii, 62-X6, 1 pi. Borden l.—Livini (F.) Studio morfologico delle arterie tiroidee. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 1900, liv, 42-129, 2 pi.—Meoni (L.) Contributo alia morfologia dell' arteria thvroidea interior. Ann. d. Fac. di med,' Perugia, 1901, 3. s, iv, 117-125.—Pratt (G. W.) The thyroideaimaartery. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1915-16,1, 238-242.—Shepherd (F. J.) A hitherto undescribed arrangement of the inferior thyroid arteries. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal (1887-9), 1890, iv, 254.—Shimonck (G. F.) Absence of left inferior thyroid artery. Am. Med, Phila, 1902, iv, 170— Toma- shevski (V. N.) [On a deviation from the normal in the situation of the right inferior thyroid artery, important from a practical viewpoint. Vrach, S.-Peterb.', 1899, xx, 484.— Varaglia (S.) Di un'arteria tiroidea inferiore accessoria. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s, vi, 248-252 — Whale (II. L.) Specimen from a case of fatal haemorrhage from gunshot wound involving the superior thyroid arten-. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1916-17, x, Sect. Laryngol, 73. Artery (Tibial). See, also, Aneurism (Tibial); Embolism of popliteal and tibial arteries- Thrombosis (Tibial). Baudet. Anomalie de Partere tibiale anterieure. Tou- louse med, 1907, 2. s, ix, 155. —Clemente (M.) Ateromasia difTusa dell' arteria tibialis anterior e posterior. Gazz. internaz. di med.; Napoli, 1915, xviii, 402.—Ricdel. Ver- schluss der Arteria tibialis antica durch Endarteriitis bei freier Art. tib. post. Nervenquetschung, Gritti. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1911, xcv, 529-535.—Valeri (T.) Un caso di ematoma arterioso successivo a ferita della tibiale ante- riore. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1903, xxiv, 1263— Waterhouse (H. F.) Ligaturing posterior tibial. Clin. J, Lond, 1901-2, xix, 78.—Whittaker (C. R.) A note upon the mode of termination of the posterior tibial arterj' and nerve. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1905-6, xl, 186. Artery (Ulnar). See, also, Aneurism ( Ulnar). Barlet (J. M.) A case of complete obliteration of the ulnar artery by suppuration. Lancet, Lond, 1917, ii, 715.— Barrcna (A.) Herida de la arteria cubital; aneurisma falso consecutivo; ligadura de la humeral. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1896, i, 76.—Fortun (E.) Herida por instrumento punzante de la arteria cubital; hemorragias secundarias; ligadura. Ibid., 1898, iii, 89.—Gcntes & Gen- dre. Un cas d'anomahe de l'artere cubitale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 46. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 69.— Guleke. Zirkulare Naht der A. cubitalis. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 1534—Morestin (H.) Hematome pulsatile enkyste consecutif a une plaie de l'ar- tere cubitale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1911, Ixxxvi, 590-592.—Peyronny. Artere cubitale anormale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, . 157 — Suslofl (K. I.) [Tying the ulnar artery in the lower third of the forearm.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1903, ii, 669.—Zuckerkandl (E.) Ueber die tiefen Hohlhandaste der Arteria ulnaris. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb, 1895-6, vi, 533- 559, 2 pi. Artery (Umbilical). See, also, Umbilicus (Blood-supply of). Audion (P.) Persistance de la communication d'une artere ombilicale avec Pexterieur sans inflammation ombili- cale notable, 10 jours apres la naissance; septicemic d'origine ombilicale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1900, lxxv, 291— Bovero (A.) Unicita dell' arteria ombelicale. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s, vi, 10-29— Bucura (C. J.) Casuistischer Beitrag zur Physiologic der Nabelar- terie, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Entwicklung der Gefass- musculatur im Nabelstrang. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gy- nak. Rudolf Chrobak ... 60. Geburtst. [etc.], Wien, 1903, Artery (Umbilical). i, 573-585.—De Arcangelis (E.) Sull' arteria ombelicale unica nei feto umano normale. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1901, viii, 419-437.—Frankl (O.) Ueber den Ver- schluss der Nabclarterien. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1903, liii, 1051; 1700— Hennebcrg (B.) Verhalten der Umbili- calarterien bei den Embryonen von Ratte und Maus. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1900, xvii, 321-324.—Mouchotte (J.) Artere ombiheale unique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1900, lxxv, 786-788.—Sala (L.) Di un caso intcressante di arteria ombehcale unica orieinantesi direttamente dall' aorta addo- minale. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1895-6, lxx. 175-208, 1 pi.—Wolff (B.) Ueber Missbildungen mit einfacher Nabelarterie. Arch. f. Gynaek, Berl, 1898-9, lvii, 635-661, 1 pi. Artery (Uterine). See, also, Aneurism ( Uterine); Embolism of uterine arteries; Uterus (Blood-vessels of). De Paoli' (E.) Legatura delle arterie uterine. Clin. chir, Milano, 1900, viii, 934-940.—Man gin. Action de la ligature des arteres uterines dans les hemorrhagies de Puterus. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de paediat. 1898. Mem. et disc. Par, 1900, ii, 174-184. Artery (Utero-ovarian). See, also, Thrombosis ( Utero-ovarian). Lamicq (E.) *Algunas consideraciones sobre la anatomia y fisiologia de la arteria utero- ovarica. 8°. Mexico, 1883. Robinson (B.) The pelvic floor segment of the utero- ovarian artery. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1901, n. s, xlvii, 643-649. Artery (Vertebral). See, aho, Aneurism (Vertebral); Embolism of vertebral artery. Boucaut (P.) *Contribution a l'etude des plaies de l'artere vert^brale. 8°. Baris, 1908. Delylle (H.) *Ligature de l'artere vertebrale dans sa portion sous-occipitale. 8°. Baris, 1912. von Oy (A.) *Ein Fall von Arrosion der Ar- teria vertebralis. 8°. Munchen, 1911. Carson (A. I.) Specimen of vertebral artery injured by bullet. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1899, n. s, xlhi, 645.—Cavaz- zani (T.) Un caso di ferita dell' arteria vertebrate. Clin. mod, Pisa, 1896, ii, 449-452—Garrelon & Lardennois (G.) Ligature des arteres vertebrates sur le chien. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1910, lxxxv, 559-565.—Kemmetmuller (H.) Ueber eine seltene Varietat der Art. vertebralis. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb, 1911, xliv. 305-363, 4 pi.—Krama- renko (Ye. Yu.) [Ligation of the vertebral artery ending in recovery.] Syezd Rossiysk. Khirurg, Mosk, 1911, x, 118- 120.—Krassnig (M.) Von der Arteria vertebralis thora- cica der Sauger und Vogel. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb, 1913, xlix, 523-609. 1 pi— Krlmgolts (M. L.) [Ligation of vertebral artery.) Khirurgia, Mosk, 1906, xx, 81-95.—Kuttner (H.) Ein typisches Verfahren zur Unterbindung der Arteria vertebralis in der Suboccipitalregion. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1917, xliv, 30.5-308.—Mannu (A.) Sopra una varieta dell' Art. vertebralis nell' uomo. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1913, 2. s, vi, 85. -----. Sulla morfologia del- P arteria vertebralis. Ibid., 86.-----. Variazioni dell' ar- teria vertebralis nell' uomo e nei mammiferi. (Con- tributo aha morfologia dell' arteria vertebralis nei mam- miferi.) Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol, Firenze, 1914, xiii, 79-113, 1 pi.—Marburg (O.) Ein Fall von Schuss- verletzung im Gebiete der Arteria vertebralis dextra. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1915, xxviii, 1175— Ninni (G.) Alcune considerazioni sull' allacciatura dell' arteria ver- tebrale. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1908, n. s, lxu, 207-214. [Discussion], 215-220. Also.- Gior. in- ternaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1908, n. s, xxx, 874-879.—Patter- son (H. S.) A case of thrombosis of the vertebral artery. St. Luke's Hosp. M. & S. Rep, Brooklyn, 1911, hi. 133.— Silvan (C.) Sopra una singolare forma di anomalia del- P arteria vertebrate con successiva espansione aneurismatica, comprimente il midollo cervicale e ilbulbo rachideo. Speri- mentale, Firenze, 1913,lxvii,614-638— Splllcr(W. G.) The symptom-complex of a lesion of the uppermost portion of the anterior spinal and adjoining portion of the vertebral arteries. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1908, xxxv, 775- 778.—Waldeyer (W-) Sur lasituation de Partere vertebrate. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat. Par, 1906, viii, 83. -----. Weitere Bemerkungen iiber die Lage dsr Arteria vertebralis. Ibid., 1909, xi, 181.—Walsh (J. J.) Anomalous vertebrals. Univ. M. Mag, Phila, 1897-8, x, 227. Artery (Vesical). Descomps (P.) Les arteres genito-vesicales; leurs rap- ports analogues, chez l'homme et chez la femme, avec Par- tere pelvicn. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1910, lxxxv, 552-557. ARTERY. 70 ARTHRITIS. Artery (Vitelline). Bailey (R. C.) [Band formed by the persistence of an obliterated vitelline artery.] Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit.. la pierre polie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1912, cliv, 1361-13H3. -----. L'osteo-arthrite deformante chronique a PAge de la pierre polie, dans Possuairo de Bazoges-en-Pareds (Vendee). Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. do la med. Par, 1914, xiii, 90-102.—Beitzke (H.) Ueber die sogen. Arthritis de- formans atrophica. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl, 1912, lxxiv, 215-229, 2 pi— Boorsteln (S. W.) Chronic progressive polyarthritis, or arthritis deformans, with a report of one hundred and five cases. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxvii, 1009-1019— Briscoe (J. C.) Rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M J , Lond, 1911, i, 511 "16— Brown (D. D.) Rheuma- toid arthritis. Ibid., 1911, ii, 666.—Butler (G. F.) Arthritis deformans. Illinois M. J, Chicaeo, 1916, xxix, 103-108. Also: Lancet -Clime, Cincin, 191*i, cxv, 80-S3 Cassidy (M. A.) [Care.] Proc. Hoy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Clin Sect, 31—Chloupek (C. J.) Arthritis deformans Wisconsin M. J, Milwaukee, 1913-14, xii, 221-225. -David- son (P.) Rheumatoid arthritis. Liverpool M. Chir. J.. 1915, xxxv, 305. 1 pi—Dent (E, A.) Notes on rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1918, i, 36.5-368.—Earp (S. E.) Arthritis deformans. Lancet-Clinic. Cincin, 1909, cii. 87. Also, Reprint.—Elv (L. W.) Arthritis deformans (prelimi- nary paper). Am. J. Surg, N. Y, 1912. xxvi, 49-52. Also, Reprint —Ewald (P.) Ueber Arthritis deformans. Berl. Klinik, 1911, 2x2. Hft, 1-17. -----. Arthritis deformans des Schultergelenks. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lviii, 1049— Gelst (K. S.) Chronic multiple arthritis. Journal- Lancet, Minneap, 1914, xxxiv, 128-131.—Harris (W. L.) Rheumatoid arthritis. N. Eng. M. Month, Bost, 1911, xxx, Arthritis deformans. 165-170. Also: Providence M. J, 1911, xh, 133-138— Heath (P. M.) Case of marked hypertrophic arthritis of the knee. Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1910-11, xxxiv, 431-434—Hillcr (K.) Arthritis deformans (chronic infective arthritis). Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1914, i, 341-344.—Jones (J. J.) Rheuma- toid arthritis, with exhibit of cases. Delaware State M. J, Wilmington, 1912-13 iv, 1-8.—Jones (R. L.) Arthritis de- formans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1909-10, hi, No. 0, Balneol. & Climat. Sect, 85-98. Also: Lancet, Lond, 1910, i, 997-1000.—Konig. Bemerkungen zur khnischen Ge- schichte der Arthritis deformans coxce auf Grund von Beobachtungen. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1909, xxviii, 319-327—Langmead (F.) [Case] Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1909-10, xxxiii, 343-345. Also: Proc. Rov. Soc. Med, Lond, 1910-11, iv. Sect. Stud. Dis. Child.. 33-38— Ledderhose. Arthritis deformans. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 2437.—Lyle (H. H. M.) Rheumatoid arthritis of the hip. Ann. Sun:, Phila, 1910, li, 937-939.— Macalister (C. J.) A clinical lecture on rheumatoid arthri- tis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, ii, 303-305. -MeCrae (T.) Arthritis deformans. In: Mod. Med. (0; 335.— Shands (A. R.) The prevention and correction of deformi- ties in chronic joint diseases. Tr. Tri-Statc M. Ass, Raleisih, 1904, vi, S2-95. -Sibley (W. K.) Two cases of rheuma- toid arthritis treated by the hot-air method. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1896, n. s, lxi, 597—Skinner (C. E.) The treatment of arthritis deformans Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, & N. Y., 1910, cxl, 684-696. Aho, Reprint.—Smith (J. S. K.) Arthritis deformans and a purin-free diet. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1912, n. s, xciv 56-58.—Somervtlle (W. F.) Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by cataphoresis. Brit. M J, Lond, 1909, i, 1120.— Stoutenimrgh (J. A.) What can be done for the relief of our arthritic patients? Am. Med, Burlington, Vt, & N. Y, 1913, n. 8.. viii, 259-263.— Thompson (E. C.) Rheumatoid arthritis treated by manual therapy. J. Advanc. Therap, N. Y, 1910, xxviii, 432-435—Use (The) of foreign protem in the treatment of chronic arthritis. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1917, xii, 327 —Walsh (C. J.) Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. J. Advanc. Therap, NT. Y, 1910, xxviii, 427—Webb (J. C.) Treatment of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis by radiant heat and cataphoreris. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909, i, 952.— Williams (C.) X-rays in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Practitioner, Lond , 1912, lxxxviii, 141-144.— Wilson. (II.) Thyroid extract in rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J, Lond , 1910, ii, 1769. Also: Therap. Med, N. Y, 1911, xxv (v), 381.—Wollenberg (G. A.) Zur Therapie der Arthritis deformans. Verhandl. d. deutsch. orthop. Ge- sellsch, Stuttg, 1913, xii, 190. Abo: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir, Stuttg, 1913, xxxh, 442.—Woodwork (A. S.) & ARTHRITIS. 73 ARTHROPODA. Arthritis deformans (Treatment of). Wallace (R. Ii. M.) The relation of the gastric secretion to rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond.; 1912, ii, 942-944.— Wright (S. J.) Advanced therapeutics of arthritis defor- mans; progressive polyarticular. J. Advanc. Therap, N.Y, 1908, xxvi, 559. Arthritis deformans (Treatment of, Op- erative ). Bastianelli (R.) Un tentativo di cura dell' osteoartrite deformante dell' anca mediante artroplastica. Riv. ospedal, Roma, 1911, i, 1-8,3 pi.—Brackett (E. G.) Operative treat- ment of osteoarthritis. Am. J. Orthop. Surg, Phila, 1914- 15, xhi, 46-58— Carothers (R.) Arthritis deformans, from the surgical standpoint. Ohio M. J.; Columbus, 1916, xii, 89-91— Elliott (G. R.) The operative treatment of con- tracted and deformed hands in multiple arthritis; a prelimi- nary paper. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, c, 957-959. Also, Reprint.—Fuller (E.) The cure through genito-urinary surgery of arthritis deformans and allied varieties of chronic rheumatism. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg, N. Y, 1913, viii, 121-134, 2 pi.—Lane (A.) & Barrlngton-Ward. A case of rheumatoid arthritis treated by ileo-colostomy. Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1911-12, xxxv, 384-386.—Lloyd (S.) The surgical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Am. Med, Bur- lington, Vt, & N. Y, 1915, n. s, x, 456-461.—Lyle (H. H. M.) Albee's operation for arthritis deformans of the hip. St. Luke's Hosp. M. & S. Rep. 1910, Poughkeepsie, 1911, ii, 24- 28.—Mtiller (W.) Zur operativen Behandlung der Arthritis deformans. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz, 1909, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 190.—Muller (G. P.) Surgical aspects of chrome hypertrophic arthritis. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1909,1, 630-635.—Murphy (J. B.) Rheuma- toid arthritis. Surg. Chn, Chicago, 1913, h, 531.—Richard- son (F. A.) Excision of the hip-joint in arthritis deformans. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1909, 19. s, i, 100-115.—Rowlands (M. J.) The radical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond, 1916, i, 133-135— Smith (R.) Ileocolostomy and colectomy for arthritis deformans. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1915, lxv, 771-773.—Tubby (A. H.) Arthritis deformans [osteo-arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis); with a notice of its surgical treatment. Lancet, Lond, 1908, ii, 1865-1870.—Tyler (G. T.) Some remarks on chronic arthritis, with report of a case. South. M. J, Birmingham, 1916, ix, 983-985.—Welsz (E.) [Straightening the upper extremities in case of deforming rheumatism.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1905, xlix, 308-311." Arthritis deformans (Treatment of) by vaccines. Bannatyne (G. A.) & Lindsay (J.) A note on the treat- ment of rheumatoid arthritis by vaccines. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1911, i, 192.—Davy (P. C. T.) Vaccine treatment in subacute and chronic arthritis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps,' Lond, 1913, xx, 53-55— Greene (H. M.) Arthritis defor- mans; successful treatment by an autobacterin. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcvi. 421. Also, Reprint.—Horder (T. J.) Vaccine-therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 1053—Oppehheim (R.) & Lamy (P.) Essai de traitement du rhumatisme deformant par la tuberculinc. Clinique, Brux, 1912, xxvi, 599-007.—Porter (F.) Notes on a case of rheumatoid arthritis treated with subcutaneous injections of rheumatism phylacogen. Lancet, Lond, 1913, i, 1588.—Smith (L.) Vaccine therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and alhed conditions. Glasgow M. J, 1911, lxxv, 218; 288.—Soltau (A. B.) A note on the use of vaccines in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond, 1913, i, 1379. Arthritis deformans (Vertebral). See Spine (Deformities of, Osteoarthritic). Arthritis deformans in children. See, also, Hip-joint (Deformities of, Osteoar- thritic); Joints (Diseases of) in children; Rheu- matoid arthritis in children. Bodlaender (H.) *Beitrag zur Arthritis de- formans juvenilis. 8°. Berlin, 1909. von Meyenbtjrg (H.) *Kasuistische Bei- trage zur Frage der Arthritis deformans juvenilis idiopathica. 8°. Zurich, 1914. Abt (I. A.) Arthritis deformans in children. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1908, xv, 581-585. Also, Reprint.—Ander- son (A. V. M.) A case oi subacute infective arthritis (Still's disease) treated by vaccines. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1911-12, n. s, i, 421.—Berg (J.) [A case of circumscribed arthritis deformans with loose joint-mouse in a child, with some remarks on arthritis deformans.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1916, lxxviii, 977-984.—Birk (W.) Der Stoffwechsel bei Arthritis deformans des Kindes. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol. u. Path. d. Stoflwechs, Berl. & Wien, 1908, n. F, hi, 801- 806.—Bolt. Juvenile Arthritis deformans. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 972.—Chenhall rthritis deformans in children. (W. T.) Still's disease. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1912, xxxi, 547.—Chornoff (V. E.) [Polyarthritis deformans in children.] Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1898, xix: 181; 221; 283.— Collins (J.) Report of a case of chrome infectious poly- arthritis (Still's disease) presented at the weekly chnical conference of the Neuroloeical Institute of New York. Am. Pract, N. Y, 1912, xlvi, 553-558.—Cunllffe (E. N.) Chronic joint disease of Still's type. Dreschfeld Memorial, Man- chester, 1908,217-225,1 pi.—Delearde& Fontan(C.) Poly- arthrite deformante chez une fillette de 14 ans. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 597-600. —Dock (G.) Defective development from arthritis in early life. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1912, xxvu, 332-337— Gibney (V. P.) A case of Still's disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1912, lxxxii, 93- 96.—Heath (P. M.) Bilateral hypertrophic arthritis of the knees, existing for fifteen years in a girl of 18. Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1910-11, xxxiv, 454-456— Hershfleld (A. S.) A case of arthritis deformans in a child. Pediatrics, N. Y, 1909, xxi, 219-221. [Discussion], 237-240.—Hlngston (D.) Still's disease; a report of two cases. Arch. Pediat, N. Y, 1909, xxvi, 417-423—Holden (O.) A case of Still's disease. Bir- mingb. M. Rev, 1914, lxxv, 83-90, 2 pi.—Jones (Eleanor C.) Arthritis deformans in children; report of a case of Still's disease. Arch. Pediat, N. Y.. 1911, xxvih, 135-141. [Dis- cussion], 155-157.—Jordan (W. R.) Rheumatoid arthritis in a child. Brit. J. Child. Dis, Lond, 1912, ix, 502-505. Also: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1912, i, 363.—Koeppe (H.) Ein Fall von Still'scher Krankheit. Jahrb. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1912, n. F, lxxvi, 707-716, 2 pi.—Koplik (H.) Chronic rheumatoid arthritis of childhood. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y, 1910, xxii, 72-90. Also: Arch. Pediat, N. Y, 1910, xxvii, 652-671.—Kunne. Arthritis deformans im Kindesalter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xxxviii, 337.—Lance (M.) La poliartritis rheumatica en los ninos (enfermedad de Still). Clin, mod, Zaragoza, 1914, xhi, 662-668.—Lindsay (J.) Rheumatoid arthritis in children. Edinb. M. J, 1913, n. s, x, 332-346, 3 pi— Longo (A.) Contributo alio studio della cosi detta malattia di Still. Riv. di chn. pediat, Firenze, 1917, xv, 225-251,lpl.— Lorenzlni (A.) Morbo o sindrome di Still? Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1916, 9. s, iv, 311-324.—Manning (J. B.) & Fassett (F. J.) Some considerations concerning Still's disease and arthritis deformans. Arch. Pediat, N. Y, 1914, xxxi, 414-418.—Ness (R. B.) Chronic polyarthritis with enlargement of the lymphatic glands (Still's disease). Brit. J. Child. Dis, Lond, 1910, vii, 199-207.—Okada (T.) Ueber infantile Formen der Arthritis deformans. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb, 1909, viii, 126-138.—Parkinson (J. P.) Rheumatoid arthritis in a child. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 118-121. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis, Lond, 1909. vi, 199-201. —---. Case of rheumatoid arthritis in a boy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1913-14, vii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 6-8— Plsek (G. R.) The present status of Still's disease. Arch. Diagn, N. Y, 1909, h, 355-357, 2 pi— Rhonheimer (E.) Arthritis de- formans juvenilis und Blutergelenke; mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Diflerentialdiagnose gegeniiber tuber- kulosen Gelenkerkrankungen im Kindesalter. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1917, lxiv, 1392-1394—Rosenfeld (A. S.) Still's disease; with report of acase. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxix, 115-118.—Schmidt (R.) Fall von Still-Chauf- fard'scher Erkrankung. Med. Khn, Berl, 1917, xhi, 1076.— Stainm (C.) Rheumatismus nodosus. Arch. f. Kinderh, Stuttg, 1913, Ix-lxi, 706-709.—Uffcnheimer (E.) Arthritis- mus im Kindesalter und Harnsaureausscheidung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karlsruhe) 1911, Leipz, 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2, 1. Hlfte, 330.—Weber (F. P.) A case of chronic rheumatoid disease in a child with anky- losis of both knee-joints. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child, Lond., 1907-8, viii, 280-285.—Young (J. K.) Arthritis de- 1 formans in children. Pediatrics, N. Y, 1912, xxiv, 276-279. Arthrodesis. See Joints (Surgery of). Arthromotor. Bidou (G.) Arthromoteur general. Soc. de med. mil. franc-, Par, 1909, hi, 372-374,1 pi.—Scholder. Der Arthro- motor. Zentralbl. f. phys. Therap. u. Unfallh, Wien & Berl, 1904, i, 36-43. Arthropathy. See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications, etc., of, Osteoarthropathic); Joints (Neuroses of); Os- teoarthropathy (Pulmonary). Arthropoda. Pavlovski (Ye. N.) *K voprosu o stroyenii yadovitikh zhelyoz sustavchatonogikh. [Struc- ture of the poison glands of Arthropoda.] [St. Petersburg. Army Medical Academy.] 8°. Yuryev, 1912. ARTHROPODA. 74 ARTILLERISTS. Arthropoda. Bet he (A.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die Functionen des Centralnervensystcms der Arthropoden. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1897, lxviii, 449-545, 1 pi. Also, transl.: J. Comp. Neurol, Granville, O, 1898-9, viii, 232-238.—Bbrdage (E.) Sur le mode probable de formation de la soudure femoro-troehanterique chez les arthropodes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par, 1S9S, 10. s, v, 839-842.— Burnet (J.) The r61e of blood-sucking arthropods in the causation of tropical diseases. Med. Times, Lond, 1909, xxxvii, 231—Carnoy (J.-B.) La cytodierese chez les arthropodes. Cellule, Lierre & Louvain, 1884-5, i, 189-440, 8 pi— Claypole (A. M.) Some points on cleavage among arthropods. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, Buffalo, 1897, xix, 74-82, 1 pi.—Cooley (R. A.) Killing small arthopods with the legs extended. J. Parasitol, Urbana, 111, 1914-15, i, 105.— Fasten (X.) Cilia in the Arthropoda. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1917, n. s, xlvi, 440-442— Gamble (M.) A list of blood-sucking arthropods from the lower Congo, with a vocabulary. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond, 1914, xvh, 148- 150.—Gilson (G.) Etude compare de la spermatogenese chez les arthropodes. Cellule, Lierre & Louvain, 1884-5, i. 7-188: 1S86, ii, xi-239: 1888, iv, 1-93, 16 pi.—Goodrich (E. S.) On the relalion of the arthropod head to the an- nelid prostomium. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond, 1897-8, xl, 247-268.— Henneguy (F.) Les modes d'inserlion des muscles sur la cuticule chez les arthropodes. Compt. rend. de l'Ass. d. anat, Par, 1906, vih, 133-140.— Holmgren (E.) Zur Kenntnis des Hautnervensystems der Arthropoden. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1896, xii, 449-457.—Joyeux (C.) Sur quelques arthropodes recoltes en Haute-Guinee francaise. Bull. Soc. path, exot. Par, 1915, viii, 656-659.—Kellosrg (V. L.) The divided eves of Arthropoda. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 189X, xxi, 2S0— Kflzenecky (J.) Ueber die typi- sche Korpermissbildung der Arthropoden. Anat. Anz.. Jena, 1913. xiv, 64-73. -----. Ueber die Homoosis una Doppelbildungen bei Arthronoden. Zool. Anz.. Leipz, 1913, xhi, 20-28.—Mirande (M.) Sur la presence d'un corps reducteur dans le tecuraent chitineux des arthropodes. Arch, d'anat. micr. Par, 1904-5, vii, 207-238. -----. Sur une nouvelle fonction du tegument des arthropodes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1904, lvii, 404.—MUller (R.) Ar- thropoden als Krankheitsiibcrtrager. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 239S-2102.—Packard (A. S.) Hints on the classification of the Arthropoda; the group a prophv- letic one. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila , 1903, xiii, 142-161. 1 ch.—Rabaud (E.) Generalite du reflexe d'immobilisa- tion chez les arthropodes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par, 1916, lxxix, 823-826. -----. Nature et mecanisme de Pim- mobilisation reflexe des arthropodes. Ibid., 826-829. -----. Immobilisation reflexe et immobilite simple chez les arthro- podes. Ibid., 930-934—Radl (E.) Ueber die Lichtreak- tionen der Arthropoden auf der Drehscheibe. Biol. Cen- tralbl, Leipz, 1902, xxxii, 728-732.—Schuchert (C.) The earliest fresh-water arthropods. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc, Bait, 1916, ii, 726-733— Stamm (R. H.) Ueber die Muskelin- sertionen an das Chitin bei den Arthropoden. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1909, xxxiv, 337-349.—Young (Anne). Arthropod parasites suggested as a factor in the aetiology of soldier's heart and allied war diseases. Canad. M. Ass. J, Toronto, 1917, vii, 1020-1024. Also, Reprint. Arthrotomy. See Joints (Surgery of). Arthuis (A.) Un traitement curatif de la tuber- culose pulmonaire. 43 pp., 11. 12°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1905. ------. Guide pratique des applications meMicales de l'edectricite statique. 62 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine. 1907. Arthur (David) & Muir (John). A manual of practical X-ray work, xii, 244 pp. 8°. London, Bebman, 1909. ------------. The same. 2. ed. xiv, 351 pp. 12°. London, W. Heinemann, [1917]. Arthur (David Mitchell) [1854-1905]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond, 1905, i, 198. Arthur (Hugh) [1844-1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909, ii, 1387. Arthur (Robert) [1819-80]. A treatise on the use of adhesive gold foil. 86 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Jones, White & Me Curdy, 1857. -----. Address before the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dental Science. 15 pp. 8°. Boston, Woodbury & Yates, 1877. For Biography, see Dental Rev, Chicago, 1903, xvii, 678- 684 (B. L. Thorpe). Arthur (William B.) Supplementary first aid to miners. 27 pp. 16°. Bristol. .1. Wright & Co., 1908. Arthus (Maurice) [1862- ]. Coagulation des liquides organiques, sang, lymphe, transsudats, lait. iii, 214 pp. 12°. Baris, Bueff & Cie., 1894. ------. *Nature des enzymes. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 136. ------. La coagulation du sang. 93 pp. 8°. Paris, G; Carre & C. Naud, [1899]. ------. Elements de phvsiologie. xii, 874 pp. 12°. Paris, Masson & Cie., 1902. ------. The same. 2. 6d. xv, 764 pp. 8°. Paris, Masson dc Cie.. 1905. ------. The same. 4. ed. xvii, 930 pp. 8°. Paris, Masson & Cie.. 1912. ------. L'alcool est-il un aliment? 16 pp. 8°. Lausanne, Lib. Nouvelle, & Paris, Masson & Cie., 1908. ------. Precis de chimie physiologique. 5. £d. vi, 427 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, Masson & Cie., 1908. ------. The same. 6. eU vi, 397 pp. 8°. Paris, Masson dc Cie, 1909. See, also, Gautier (Emile-Justin-Armand) [in 2. s.J. Lecons de chimie biologiijue normale [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1897. Arthus phenomenon. See Anaphylaxis (Local). Artiaco (Ignazio). *Ricerche batteriologiche so- pra alcuni mezzi di medicatura antisettica. Tesi di laurea originale. 35 pp. 8°. Napoli. G. M. Priore. 1901. Artichoke. Cockercll (T. D. A.) The girasole, or Jerusalem artichoke a neglected source of food. Scient. Month, N. Y, 191\ vi, 260-269—Coupin (IL) Sur Porientation des faisecaux dans les folioles involucrales de Panichaut. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par, 1905, lix, 70S—Howard (L. O.) The Jerusalem artichoke as a war plant. Science, N. Y, 191% xlvii, 344. Articles that interest practicing phvsicians. Xo. 92. Edited by A. F. Stephens. 16 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Artificial anus, eye, limbs, etc. See, Anus, Eye, Limbs, etc., Artijicial. Artigas (Gustavo R.) *Estudio sobre la flor de noche buena. 24 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Mata, 1880. ------. *Breves consideraciones sobre las perdidas seminales. 30 pp. 8° -l/drico, L Escalante, 1889. Artignan (Johannes) [1872- ]. *Du lait raa- ternise et ^pi'cialement du lait de Backhaus dans 1'alimentation du premier age. 39 pp. 8°. Xam-y, KS99, No. 19. Artigue (Alexandre) [1883- ]. *De la chan- i-ivlle en Algerie. Frequence et formes cliniques. vi, 7-36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, Xo. 74. Artillerists. See, aho, Deafness in soldiers; Ear-protec- tors. Asplund (G.) [A comparison between vision and skill of shooting in the neii during the fall manceuvcrs of 1909.] Tidsskr. i mil. Halsov, Stockholm, 1910, xxxv, 235-245.— lioKdauoff-llerezovskl (M. V.) [Influence of artillery fire upon I he ear, and protective measures for that organ.] Morsk Vrach, S.-l'ehih , 1911, 143-163.—Bostrom (C. G.) [The vision, quickness of conception and skill of snooting oi the gunners on ships] Tidsskr. i mil, Halsov, Stockholm, 1910, xxxv, 215-'235. -----. [Eye examination of artillery men.] Ibid., 245-249.— Jaehne (A.) Untersuchungen iiber HorstSrungen bei Fussartilleristen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb, 1910. lxii, 111-134.— Luzzatl (A.) Sui tappi antifonici adottati dalla r. marina per la protezione dell' orce- chio negh spari delle artiglieric. Ann. di med. nav, Roma, ARTILLERISTS. 75 ARZNEI-TAXE. Artillerists. 1916, i, 80-88.—Miranda (G.) Avvelenamento da balistite o ab ingestis? Considerazioni a proposito di 18 casi di avvele- namento acuto nei cantlere di S. Bartolomeo. Ibid., 1906, i, 699-722.—von Romer (L. S. A. M.) Ein neues Instru- ment zur Untersuchung der Richtfahigkeit der Artilleristen. Cong, internat. de psychiat. [etc.] 1907, Amst, 1908, i, 639. Artiques > (Paul-Gabriel-Raymond) [1880- 1. *L'intoxication saturnine; ses causes, ses conse- quences. 169 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 25. Artists. Jeffries (B. J.) Defects of vision affecting artists, fol. Boston, 1873. Rcpr.from: Boston Daily Advertiser, April 22, 1873. Uberir (J.) Sudhoff (K.) [et al.]. Eine Zeichenkunst- lerin Olympias? Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med, Leipz, 1909, ii, 426-436. Also, Reprint.—Patrizi (M. L.) La sensibilita tattile e la muscolare nell'emozione e nell'elaborazione artistica. Riv. di anthrop, Roma, 1915-16, xx, No. 23, 3-16_ Artmann (Adolf) [1871- ]. *Ehescheidungund Psychose. Klinische Beitrage zu § 1569, BGB. 52 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn, 1910. Artolin. Hayashi (H.) Ueber die peptischen Spaltungsprodukte des -Weuenklebereiweisses Artohn. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1904-5, hi, 289-314. Artsenstaking een teeken des tijds. 8 pp. 8°. Amersfoort, B. M. Wink, 1906. Artur (Rene-Francois-Eugene) [1886T _ ]. *De la possession demoniaque; 6tude clinique. 116 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 43. Artus (Alfred) [1877- ]. *Des pseudo-metrites. 60 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 10. Artyfechinostomum. Lane (C.) Artyfechinostomum sufrartyfex; a new para- sitic echinostome of man. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta, 1914-15,h, 977-983. Artzeney buchlein, darinne man schreibett was zur Wundartzeney gehort und wasz sonst altenn Schedenn. und andern Kranckheiten von nuten seinwill. MSS. 214 1. 16°. [n. p., 1583.] Artzncy Buchlein vor Menschen und Vieh, etc., erstlich vor allerhand Schaden, voralte Schaden, vor flussige Schenckel, vor Schwulsten und vor hart Geschwier. 16 1. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] Artzney Buchlein. [German Ms. of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.] Description: Paper, 6J by 8 inches, written in different hands, the numbered 74 11. in sixteenth century writing. Collation: Flyleaf (title), 74 numb. 11, numbered in the same hand, + 39 unnumbered 11, of which 27 11. are blank. Binding: Original, vellum, sides (double lines), stamped pattern on edges, title (ink): Barbare von Hausen. Libel- fusmedicus. (Line.) MS. Germanie, A. D. 1582. Stamped design in center of front and back cover, and stamped on front cover: B[arbara] V[on] H[ausen], 1582. Aruch (Eugenio). Malattie del sistema nervoso e dell' apparato genito-urinario. xi, 330 pp. 12°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1900]. Arum. Briens (G.-R.-E.) *Etude pharmacognosique des aroidees et en particulier de l'Arum macu- latum. 8°. Baris, 1916. Kemp ( Miss H. B.) & Sanders (Miss C. B.) Metabolism of Arum spadices; enzyme action and electrical response. Rep Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond, 1907, 667.—Richardson (C M) Arum triphyllum (dragonroot). J. Therap. & Dietet, Bost, 1910-11, v, 243. Arvedson (J.) Anteckningar i sjukdomslara for sjukgymnaster. [Vade mecum for kinesipa- thists.] 201 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Centraltrycke- riet 1908. ------. Anteckningar i fysiologi for gymnaster. [Physiological vade mecum for gymnasts.] 140 pp. 8°. Stockholm, 1909. von Arx (Max). lichen Lage des Gebarorgans. . In: Samml. klin. Vortr, n. F, Leipz,, i. nakol. No. 77,1185-1220). Ueber die Ursachen einer natiir- i, No. 210 (Gy- von Arx (Werner). *Zur Histologic der Herz- klappenaneurysmen. [Bern.] 36 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1913. Aryans. Penka (K.) O. Schraders Hypothese von der sudrussischen Urheimat der Indogermanen. roy. 8°. Leipzig, [1908]. Zaborowski (M.-S.) Les peuples aryens d'Asie et d'Europe, leurs origines en Europe. La civilisation protoaryenne. 12°. Baris, 1908. Brunnhofer (IL) Die Herkunft der Sanskrit-Arier aus Armenien und Medien. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop, 1899, 47S-4S3.—Duret. L'origine des Aryens et le Sanskrit. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1912, i, 531-542—Far- dunji Dadabhai Mulla. On the geography of the ancient Aryans. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1899-1902, v, 107-200, 2 diag, 4 maps, 1 tab— Grierson (G. A.) Migrations into nearer and further India. Nature, Lond, 1906-7, lxxiv, 283.—Hubert (H.) L'origine des Aryens. Anthropologic, Par, 1910, xxi, 519-528.—Much (M.) Zur Frage der Indo- germanen-Heimat. Arch. f. Rassen- u. Gesellsch.-Biol, Berl, 1904, i, 575-578. See, also, infra, Penka—Penka(K.) Die Flutsagen der arischen Volker. Polit.-anthrop. Rev, Leipz, 1905, iv, 163-171. -----. Neue Hypothesen uber die Urheimat der Arier. Ibid., 1906, v, 200-221. -----. M. Much und die Heimat der Indogermanen. Ibid., 527-529. See, also, infra, Zaborowski.—Ratzel (F.) Die geographische Methode in der Frage nach der Urheimat der Indogermanen. Arch. f. Rassen- u. Gesellsch.-Biol, Berl, 1904, i, 377-385. -----. Zur Frage der Indogermanen-Heimat. Ibid., 579- 580.—Reibmayr (A.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der wichtigsten Charaktere und Anlagen der indogermanischen Rasse. Ibid., Leipz. & Berl, 1910, vii, 328-353.—Richard (E.) The Scandinavian theory of Indo-European origins. Boas Anniv. Vol, N. Y, 1906, 373-386.—Weber (A.) Zur Frage uber die Wanderung der Germanen ausihren Ursitzen. Ztschr. d. deutsch. morgenland. Gesellsch, Leipz, 1854, vhi, 389-391.—Wilser (L.) Was wissen wir von den Indo- germanen? Polit.-anthrop. Rev, Eisenach & Leipz, 1904, ih, 38-46.—Zaborowski. Le Centre-Asie et les origines aryennes. Rev. scient. Par, 1902, 4. s, xviii, 705-712. -----. La patrie originaire des Arvens d'apres O. Schrader. Rev. de PEcole d'anthrop. de Par.', 1903, xiii, 253; 301; 382. -----. Origine europeenne des Aryens de PAsie; comment s'est opere« Porganisation de PAsie. Rev. scient. Par, 1904, 5. s,i, 1-7.-----. Parties protogermaniqueet protoaryenne; refutation des opinions de MM. Kossinna et Penka. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par, 1906, 5. s, vii, 277-289. Arylarsonates. See, also, Arsacetin; Atoxyl; Soarnin; Syphilis (Treatment of) with arylarsonates. Lambkin (F. J.) The dangers of arylarsonates. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, i, 664.—Lane (J. E.) The dangers of arylarsonates. Ibid., 599.—Wray (C.) [et al.]. The dangers of arylarsonates. Ibid., 724. Arytenoid cartilage. See Larynx. Arzac (Marc-Michel) [1874- ]. _ *De la con- duite a tenir dans l'hydramnios a marche rapide. 89 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 8. Arzamasskoff (G[rigoriy] Ye[vdokimovich]) [1865-99]. *0 tiakteritsidnikh svoistvakh kro- vyanoi sivorotki loshadi normalnoi i immunizi- rovannei k difterii. [On the bactericidal prop- erties of the blood serum of the horse, normal and immunised, to diphtheria.] 92 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, G. Bernstein, 1896. For Bioaraphy, see Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St.-Peterb, 1899, x, 1073-1077 (M. Volkofi). Arzberger (Hans). Die Pruning der Arzneimittel der osterreichischen Pharmakopoe mit kurzen Erlauterungen zum Gebrauche fiir Apotheker, Amtsarzte und Studierende. 8. Aufl. 2. Teil. vii, 228 pp. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, F. Deuticke, 1908. Arzneimittel (Die) der heutigen Medizin mit therapeutischen Notizen zusammengestellt fiir praktische Aerzte und Studierende der Medizin von Otto Dornbluth. 10. Aufl. viii, 516 pp. 12°. Wiirzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1906. Arznei-Taxe fiir das Konigreich Bayern 1901 mit Dr. Bedall's Erganzungstaxe. 8. Aufl. 190 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, J. Grubert, 1901. ARZNEITAXE. 76 ASCARIDiE. Arzneitaxe zu der osterreichischen Pharmakopoe. Ed. VIII. xiv, 118 pp. 8°. Wien, Hof- u. Staatsdr., 1906. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. xv (1 1.), 129 pp. 8°. Wien, 1907. Arzneiverordnungen zum Gebrauche fiir Kli- nicisten und practische Aerzte. Zusammenge- stellt von S. Rabow. 22. Aufl. v (1 1.), 108 pp., 1 tab., interleaved. 16°. Strassburg, F. Bull, 1894. ------. Thesame. 25. Aufl. vi, 110pp., inter- leaved, 1 pi., 1 diag. 12°. Strassburg, F. Bull, 1896. ------. The same. 27. Aufl. v, 117 pp., 1 pi. interleaved 16°. Strassburg, F. Bull, 1898. ------. The same. 28. Aufl. 2 p. 1., 117 pp., interleaved, port. 16°. Strassburg, F. Bull, 1899. ------. The same. 36. Aufl. vi, 124 pp., 1 pi., port. 12°. Strassburg, F. Bull, 1905. ------. The same. 37. Aufl. vi, 154 pp., port., 2 pi. 12°. Strassburg, F. Bull, 1906. ------. The same. 40. Aufl. iv (1 1.), 132 pp. port. 12°. Strassburg, F. Bull, 1909. Arzoulan (Sarkis-Kirkor). *( ontribution a l'e- tude de l'etsat fen£tre des valvules sigmoides du coaur chez l'homme. 39 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1897, Xo. 29. Arzt (Der) als Erzieher. Blatter fur naturgemasse Lebensfuhrung in gesunden und kranken Tagen. v. 1-10, 1905-14; Nos. 1-10, v. 11, 1915. fol. Munchen. Arzt (Der) im Hause, ein Rathgeber fiir Gesunde und Kranke. v. 2-3, 1901-2. fol. Berlin. Arzt und Privatversicherung. 102 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, 1912. Bibliothek fur soziale Medizin, No. 5. Asada (Shigetaro). *Ueber die Diazo-Reaction im Harn der Phthisiker. [Erlangen.] 23 pp. • 8°. Berlin, 0. Bothacker, 1901. Asafcetida. See, also, Ferula. Polasek (J.) *Ueber Asafoetida. 8°. Bern, 1897. Harrison (E. F.) & Self (P. A. W.) The oil of asafetida and the valuation of the drug; preliminary report. Pharm. J, Lond, 1912, 4. s, xxxiv. 205-209— Moore (H. W.) Ad- ditional analyses of asafcetida. J. Soc. Chem. Indust, Lond, 1906, xxv, 627 — Reasoner (M. A.) A peculiar case of poisoning [asafcetida]. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1230.—Itippetoe (J. R.) On the method for determining the lead number of asafetida. Am. J. Pharm, Phila, 1913, lxxxv, 199-203.-Schler (H. M.) & Becker(M) The detec- tion of gum ammoniacum and gum galbanum in asafetida. Ibid., 1912, lxxxiv, 4-7. Asahara (Shinjiro) [1871- ]. *Ueber Meta- stasis der Gonorrhoe. 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1898. Asai (K.) Bei trace zur pathologischen Anatumie des Ohres bei Lues hereditaria. 135 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1908. Asai (Kwairhiro) [1882- ]. *Ueber akuten Morbus Basedowii. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, E. Hartmann, 1913. Asakura (Bundzo). *leber Cysticerken im Aquteductus Sylvii. 25 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann, 1896. Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaeeuticos de Filipinas. Memorias y comunicaciones. v. 1-2, 1912-14. 8°. Manila. Asaprol. See, also, Abrastol. De Buck (D.) L'asaprol. Belgique med, Gand-Haar- lem, 1897, ii, 76-80— Massalonjro (R.) & Sllvestrl (S.) Deli' asaprolo. Riforma med, Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 3, 734- 737 Also: Terap. clin, Napoli, 1890, v, 431 437— Mon- corvo hijo. De la accidn hcmostatica del asaprol. Prim. Asaprol. reun. d. Cong, cient. lat.-amer, Buenos Aires, 1898, iv, 667- 670.—Blegler(E.) Zur Anwendung des Asaprol als Reagens auf Eiweisskorper und Alkaloide. Wien. med. Bl, 1896, xix, 197. Asarum. Brissemoret (A.) & Combes (R.) Contribution a l'etude pharmacologique de quelques plantes a asarone. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol, Par, 1906, xhi, 368-378.—von Sury (K.) Fruchtabtreibung mit Asarum europaeum. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 26. Asbeck (Fritz Paul Eduard) [1873- ]. *Vier Falle von Sanduhrmagen und ihre operative Behandlung. 24 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1898. Asbestos. Taea(A.) *Dell'amianto. 8°. Bavia, 1848. Coplans (M.) The action of the asbestos minerals and allied materials on bacterial and other substances. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1913, ii, 1360-1363.—Ceplans (M.) & Lloyd (W. G.) On the action of asbestos on certain physiological substances. Ibid., 1375-1377.—Kane (E. O'N.) Asbestos in emergency surgery. Railway Surg. J, Chicago, 1915-16, xxii, 244. Ascanio Rodriguez (J.-B.) Comment on peut faire a Caracas le diagnostique differentiel pre- cis entre la fievre jaune et la fievre typhoide, des le d£but de l'une et l'autre de ces maladies. 10 pp. 8°. Caracas, Vnraas, 1913. ------. Le sel et le sucre dans le diabetfe. 29 pp. 8°. Caracas, Vargas, 1914. ------. Trabajos del Laboratorio bioqufmico. 20 pp. 8°. Caracas, Vargas, 1915. Ascari (Domenico). Un caso di cistoma dell'ilo dell' ovaio destro con ripetute rotture. 14 pp. 8°. Brescia, F. Apollonio, 1903. Ascariasis. See Ascaris lumbricoides (Infection by). Ascaridse. Flury (F.) *Zur Chemie und Toxikologie der Ascariden. [Habilitationsschrift. Wiirz- burg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1912. Also, in: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1911-12, lxvii, 275-392. von Apathy (?.) Meine angebhche Darstellung des Ascaris-Nervensystems. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1907, xxxi, 381- 385.—Baylis (II. A.) Some ascarids in the British. Museum (natural history). Parasitology, Cambridge, 1915, viii, 260- 378, 4 pi.----—. The tvpes of the species of Ascaris de- scribed by Baird. Ibid'., 411-419.—Bllek (F.) Leber die fibrillareh Strukturen in den Muskel-und Darmzellen der Ascariden. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool, Leipz, 1909, xciii, 625-667, 2 pi.-----. Die Muskelzellen der grossen Ascaris- Arten. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1910, xxxvii, 67-7S. -Boveri (T.) Die Potenzen der Ascaris-Blastomeren bei ahiieiinderter Furchung; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage qualitativ-unglei- cher Chromosomen-Teilung. Festschr. z. 60. Geburtst. Richard Hertwigs, Jena, 1910, iii. 131-214,6 pi.—Boveri (T.) & Ilogue (M. J.) Ueber die Moglichkeit, Ascariseier zur Tei- lung in zwei glcichwertige Blastomeren tu veranlassen. Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-mcd. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb, 1909, 44.— Boveri (T.) & Stevens (N. M.) Ueber die Entwicklung dispermer Ascaris-Eier. Zool. Anz, Leipz.. 1904, xxvu, 406- 417. -Bussano (G.) Ricerche sperimentali sulla cosl detta azione urticante degli ascaridi. Clin, vet, Milano, 1911, xxxiv, 337-351. —Carnoy (J. B.) Conference donnee ft la Society beige de microscopic le 5 mars 1887: suivie d'un appenuice sur les globules polaires de l'Ascaris clavata. Cellule, Lierre & Louvain, iss7, hi. 227-324, 1 pi.- Cat- taneo (C.) Nota preventiva sulla tossicit ft degli ascaridi. I'edlatria, Napoli, 1903, 2. s, i, 257-265. Also: Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1903, iv, 53-58. Also, transl. [Ab- str]: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, \iv. sect, de pediat.. 961.—Cosentlno (A.) Sulla tossicita degli ascaridi. Spenmentale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 1904, lvhi, 530-534.—Edwards (C. L.) The sex-chromosomes in Ascaris felis. Arch. f. Zellforsch, Leipz, 1911, vii, 309-313, lpl. Favre A- (Sarin (C.) Sur un ascaride appartenant a 1'espdco Heterakis inflexa; trouve dans un ceuf de poule. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1913, xi, 130-132. Also: Lyon med, 1913, cxx, 410-412. Flury. Zur Toxikologie der Askariden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xxxviii,784.—Francke. Perforation des Dunndarmesbeim Pferde durch Askariden verursacht. Fortschr. d. Vet.-II vg, Berl, 1904, ii, 185-1*8. -Gelnltz (B.) Ueber Abweiclningen bei der Eireifung von Ascaris. Arch. f. Zellforsch, Leipz, ASCARIDI. 77 ASCARIS. Ascaridse. 1915, xiii, 588-633,3 pi.—Giard (A.) Exuviations metamor- phiques chez les ascarides des poissons (groupe de l'Ascaris adunca Rud.). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1903, lv, 627-630.—Goldschmldt (R.) Mitteilungen zur Histologie von Ascaris. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1906; xxix, 719-737.— Guerrini (G.) Sulla cosi detta tossicita degli ascaridi; osservazioni critiche e ricerche sperimentali. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 1910, lxiv, 549-580, 1 pi. Also [AbstrJ: Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1911-12, lx, 283-296, lpl.—Hall (M. C.) The longevity of adult ascarids out- side the body of the host; its bearing on anthelmintic treatment. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 772. Also, Reprint.—Harms (W.) Abnormitaten des Genital- apparats bei Ascariden. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1906, xxx, 487.—Hirschler (J.) Cytologische Untersuchungen an Asca- riden-Zellen. Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1910, s. B, 638-645.—Jagerskidld (L. A.) Ueber die buschelfor- migen Organe bei den Ascarisarten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1898, xxiv, 737; 785.—Logan(O. T.) An undescribed form of Ascaris and its egg; is it a new species? China M. Miss. J, Shanghai, 1906, xx, 193-198, 1 pi—Ma- gath (T. B.) The catalase content of Ascaris suum, with a suggestion as to its role in protecting parasites against the digestive enzymes of their hosts. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y, 1918, xxxiii, 395-400.—Marcus (H.) Ein Rhachiskern bei Asca- riden. Biol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1905, xxv, 479-482.—Mi- dulla (C.) L'ulcera degli arti inferiori fra gli ascari libici nella Tripolitania. Morgagni, Milano, 1915, lvii, pt. 1, 391- 408, 1 pi.—Nassonow (N.) Sur les glandes lymphatiques des ascarides. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1897, xx, 524-530.-----. Sur les organes terminaux des cellules excreteures de Mr. Hamann chez les ascarides. Ibid., 1898, xxi, 48-50.-----. Sur les organes phagocytaires des ascarides. Arch, de para- sitol. Par, 1898, i, 170-179.—Pavoni (G.) Sviluppo pre- coce degh organi della riproduzione in un nematode, Ascaris capsularia Rud, nello stadio di passaggio dalla forma embrionale a quello larvale. Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital, Roma, 1906, 2. s, vii, 215-220,1 pi.—Perroncito (E.) Note ed osservazioni sulla vita degli ascaridi. Clin, vet, Milano, 1912, xxxv, 966-970. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Tonno, 1912, 4. s, xviii, 73-76. Also, transl.: Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1912,3. s,lxvii, 167-170— Railliet (A.) & Henry (A.) Recherches sur les ascarides des carnivores. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1911, lxx, 12-15.—de Bouville (E.) Le systeme nerveux de l'Ascaris. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Notes et rev.: Par, 1910, xlv; p. lxxxi: 1910-11, xlvi, p. xx: 1911, 5. s, vii, pp. xxviii-xlix: viii, pp. cii-cxxhi — Sala (L.) Intorno ad una particolarita di struttura delle cellule epiteliah che tappezzano il tubo ovarico e spermatico degh ascaridi. Arch, per le sc. med, Torino, 1904, xxviii, 301-317, 2 pi. Also: Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1905, 168.—Seurat (L. G.) Sur une ascaride de la grenouille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1917, lxxx, 94-97.—Smith (A. J.) & Goeth (R. A.) Ascaris texana; a note on a hither- to undescribed Ascaris parasitic in the human intestine. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xliii, 542-544—Stewart (F. H.) Note on Ascaris infection in man, the pig, rat, and mouse. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1917, Iii, 272.—Stiles (C. W.) Notes sur les parasites; sur la dent des embryons d'Ascaris. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1891, 9. s, hi, 465. Also. Reprint— zur Strassen (O. L.) Riesenembryonen bei Ascaris. Biol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1896, xvi, 426-431. ——. Ueber die Riesenbildung bei Ascaris-Eiern. Arch. f. Ent- wcklngsmechn. d. Organ, Leipz, 1898, vii, 642-676, 2 pi — Tremmel (L.) Ascaris capsularis beim Kabljau. Thierarztl. Centralbl, Wien, 1900, xxiii, 361.—Walton (A. C.) A case of the occurrence of Ascaris triquetra Schrank in dogs. J. Parasitol, Urbana, 111, 1916-17, iii, 39-41—Weinland (E.) Ueber die Zersetzung stickstoffhaltiger Substanz bei Ascaris. Ztschr. f. Biol, Munchen & Berl, 1904, xiv, 517-531. Ascaris canis. Glaue (H.) Zur Unterscheidung von Ascaris canis und A. felis (Ascariscanis s. mystax). Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1908-9, xxxih, 785-790.—Ihle (J. E. W.) Twee ascariden van den hond. Tijdschr. v. diergeneesk, Utrecht, 1916, xliii, 276- 278.—Marcus (H.) Ei und Samenreife bei Ascaris canis (Werner) (Asc. mystax). Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1906, lxviii, 441-490, 2 pi— Schttppler (H.) & Krttger (P.) Zur Unterscheidungsfrage von Ascaris canis und A. fehs (Ascaris canis s. mystax). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1912, Orig, lxii, 143-146.—Walton (A. C.) Ascaris canis (Werner) and Ascaris fehs (Goze), a taxonomic and a cytological comparison. Biol. Bull, Bost, 1916, xxxi, 364- 370, 1 pi.-----. The oogenesis and early embryology of Ascaris canis Werner. J. Morphol, Phila, 1918, xxx, 527- 603. Ascaris lumbricoides. von Kemnitz (G. A. H.) *Die Morphologie des Stoftwechsels bei Ascaris lumbricoides, ein Beitrag zur physiologisch-chemischen Morpho- logie der Zelle. rMunchen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1912. Aho, in: Arch. f. Zellforsch, Leipz, 1911-12, vii, 463-603, 5 pi. Adriano (C.) Su di una anomalia nell' apparato genitale femminile di "Ascaris lumbricoides" L. Boll. d. Soc. zool. Ascaris lumbricoides. ital, Roma, 1912,3. s, i, 161-163.—Balss (H.) Mitteilungen uber einen abnormen 9 Geschlechtsapparat von Ascaris lumbricoides L. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1906, xxx, 4a5-487.— Bonnevie (Kristine). Abnormitaten in der Furchung von Ascaris lumbricoides. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw, Jena, 1902, n. F, xxx, 83-104, 3 pi— Brandes (G.) Die Ent^ick- lung von Ascaris lumbricoides. Biol. Centralbl, Leipz, 18%, xvi, 839-841.—Brinda (A.) Contribution a la connais- sance de la toxicite des ascarides lombricoides. Arch, de med. d. enf. Par, 1914, xvh, 801-906.—Doglel (A. S.) Einige Worte aus Anlass des "Nachtrag bei der Korrektur" zur Arbeit von R. Goldschmidt: Das Nervensystem von Ascaris lumbricoides und megalocephala. Ztschr. f. wis- sensch.,Zool, Leipz, 1908, xci, 659-662.—Edwards (C. L.) The idiochromosomes in Ascaris megalocephala and Ascaris lumbricoides. Arch. f. Zellforsch, Leipz, 1910, v, 422-429, 2 pi.—Fearnslde (C. F.) Memorandum on Ascaris lum- bricoides. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Madras, 1897-8, vii, 191-221,1 pi 2 diag.—Foster (W. D.) Observa- tions on the eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides. J. parasitol, Urbana, 111, 1914-15, i, 31-36.—Goldschmidt (R.) Das Nervensystem von Ascaris lumbricoides und megalocephala; ein Versuch, in den Aufbau eines einfachen Nervensystems einzudringen. III. Festschr. z. 60. Geburtstag Richard Hertwigs, Jena, 1910, ii, 253-354, 7 pi. See, also, supra, Dogiel.—Gonzaga (L.) Nocividade das ascarides lombri- coides. Brazil-med.j Rio de Jan, 1918, xxxii, 206.—Hall (M. C.) The longevity of adult ascarids outside the body of the host; its bearing on anthelmintic treatment. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 772-773. Also, Reprint.— Hori- sawa (J.) Beitrage zur Frage von Ascaris lumbricoides. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch, Tokio, 1914, iv, 126.— Kautzsch. (G.) Studien iiber Entwicklungsanomalien bei Ascaris. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ, Leipz, 1912-13, xxxv, 642-691.—von Kemnitz (G.) Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen J. Hirschler's uber meine Ascaris- Arbeit. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1912, xhi, 29.—Lane (C.) The life-history of Ascaris lumbricoides. Indian M. Gaz, Cal- cutta, 1917, hi, 380.—Logan (O. T.) The httle known atypical (unfertilized) egg of Ascaris lumbricoides. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, Ixxxvi, 1164. Also, Reprint.—Low (G. C.) The life-history of Ascaris lumbricoides. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1918, i, 286—Mlura (K.) & Nishiuchi (N.) Ueber befruchtete und unbefruchtete Ascarideneier im menschlichen Kote. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1902, xxxii, 637-641.—Morris (R. S.) The viability of parasitic ova in two per cent formalin, with especial refer- ence to Ascaris lumbricoides. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1911, xxh, 299.—Pantin (Mabel). Life history of Ascaris lumbricoides. Brit. M. J.. Lond, 1918, ii, 287 — Ransom (B. H.) & Foster (W. D.) Life history of Ascaris lumbricoides and related forms. J. Agric. Research, Wash, 1917, xi, 395-398. Also, Reprint.—de Bibaucourt (E.) Sur les glandes de Morren des lombricides d' Europe. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1899, cxxvui, 1528-1535.—Ross (E. N. MacB.) Ascaris lumbricoides. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1908, i, 1232.—Ross (R.) The life-history of Ascaris lumbricoides. Ibid., 1916, ii, 60.—Stewart (F. H.) On the life-history of Ascaris lumbricoides. Ibid., 5; 474; 753. Also: China M. J, Shanghai, 1917, xxxi, 113-118. -----. On the development of Ascaris lumbricoides Lin. and Ascaris suilla Duj. in the rat and mouse. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1917, ix, 213-227, 2 pi.—Stott (J. S.) The lumbricoid of the Tropics. North- west Med, Seattle, 1903, i, 532.—Tirumurti (T. S.) The vagrant habits of Ascaris lumbricoides, with the report of a case of interest. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond, 1913, xvi, 379.— Weinland (E.) Ueber Kohlehydratzersetzung ohne Sauerstoffaufnahme bei Ascaris, einen tierischen Garungs- prozess. Ztschr. f. Biol, Munchen & Leipz, 1901, n. F, xxiv, 55-90.-----. Ueber ausgepresste Extrakte von As- caris lumbricoides und ihre Wirkung. Ibid., Munchen & Berl, 1902, n. F, xxv, 86-111.-----. Ueber Energiegewin- nung durch Zersetzung von Kohlehydrat ohne Sauerstoff- zufuhr bei Ascaris lumbricoides. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1901), 1902, xvii, 1.-----. Ueber die von Ascaris lumbricoides ausgeschiedene Fctt- saure. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Munchen & Berl, 1903, xiv, 113- 116.—Wharton (L. D.) The eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1915, x, B, 19; 111. -----. Devel- opment of the round worm. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1918, liii, 74. Ascaris lumbricoides (Infection by). See, also, Intestines (Parasites in); Worms (Intestinal, etc.). Liesen (P.) *Ueber das Vorkommen von As- caris lumbricoides im menschlichen Korper, speciell in der freien Bauchhohle. 8°. Bonn, 1904. Maradei (M.) Di un raro caso di elmintiasi intestinale da ascaridi lombricoidi. 8°. Castro- villari, 1902. Alessandrini (G.) Sovra due casi di anormale espul- sione di Ascaris lumbricoides Lin. Boll. d. Soc. rom. per gh stud, zool, Roma, 1899, viii, 83.—Alessandrini (G.) & ASCARIS. 78 ASCARIS. Ascaris lumbricoides (Infection by). Paolucci (G.) Sulla tossicita degli ascaridi. Ann. d'ig. sper, Roma, 1909, n. s, xix, 497-542— Barnabo (V.) L'ascariasi a tipo epidemico in Cadore. Clin, ostet , Roma, 1909, xi, 193-204.—Calvert (J. T.) Note on the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides in the Darbhanga district. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1900, xxxv, 385.—Cartolarl (E.) Sugli accidenti chirurgici determinati dalla presenza degh asca- ridi. Fracastoro, Verona, 1911, vii, 91; 107; 128; lt>8; 189; 212.—Consorti (D.) Alcune considerazioni sull' elmintiasi dei bambini e specialmente sull' ascaride lombricoide. Pediatria, Napoli, 1912, 2. s, xx, 855-v>.— Crouzel (E.) De la resistance des teguments des ascarides lombricoides aux sues digestifs de Porganisme humain. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxxvii, 312.—Dale (W. C.) Cyst in abdominal wall containing ascarides. China M. J, Shanghai, 1918, xxxii, 131-133.—D'Alessandro (F.) L'im- portanza dello ascaride lombricoide nclle ferite degh intes- tini. Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoli 1905, vhi, 57.—Doyle (E. A.G.) Ascarides lumbricoides in an adult. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1900, i, 840.—Epstein (A.) Leber experimentelle Ascaris-Infection. Verhandl. d. (iescllseh. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1891, Leipz, 1892, lxiv, 323-325—Flury. Zur Toxikologie der Askariden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 564.—Fontoynont. La lombricose. Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop. Par, 1909, vi, 8-12— Gaujoju & Bru- nei. L'ascaridiasechezl'enfant. Montpel. med, 1909, xxix, 321-323—Gibbs (M. D.) Report of a case of round worms in an adult. Colorado Med, Denver, 1906, hi, 231— Gobin- dan X air (T. K.) Ascaris lumbricoides infection in Malabar district. IndianM.Gaz,Calcutta, 1914,xhx,349-352.—Gold- schmidt (R.) Die Askarisvergiftung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 1991-1993— Hainiss (G.) Ascaris in- vasion in aehildset.six. Med. Press&Circ, Lond, 1903, n.s, lxxvi, 170. -----. Eine Ascaris-Invasion bei einem 6 Jahre alten Kinde. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 966.—Haynes (B.) Ascaris lumbricoides, and report of cases. J. South. Car. M. Ass, Seneca, 1913, ix, 340— Hehir (P.) Remarks on ascariasis. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1911, xlvi, 75.—Infection with the round worm Ascaris. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1918, lxx, 4fi0.— Jefferys (W. II.) A peculiar case of Ascaris lumbricoides. China M. Miss. J, Shanghai, 1903, xvh, 145 - 1 lv Kermorgant. Observa- tions de lombricose aux colonies. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1904, 3. s, li, 335-342.—Lane (C.) Ascaris lumbri- coides and coprophagia. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1917, Iii, 269-272. -----. Major Stewart on Ascaris infection. Ibid., 301.—Lapasset. Contusion de l'abdomcn par roue de canon; abces stercoral, avec expulsion d'Ascaris lombri- coides; guerison. Soc. de med. mil. franc. Bull, Par, 1910, iv 139-142.—Lutz (A.) Zur Frage der Invasion von Ta?nia elliptica und Ascaris lumbricoides. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk, Jena, 1887, ii, 713-718. -----. Weiteres zur Frage der Uebertragung des menschlichen Spulwurmes. Ibid., 1888, hi, 265; 297; 553; 585; 617.—Macgregor (R. F.) Ascaris infection. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1914,- xlix, 187. —Martini (N.) Nouvelles recherches sur la nature de la lombricose. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1909, xxiii, 646-648.—Maxwell (J. P.) The aetiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of round-worm infection. J. Trop. M, Lond, 1900-1901, iii, 56-59.—Mey. Fall von Entleerung massenhafter Ascariden bei einem Kinde. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1897, n. F, xiv, 447—Milne (C. J. R.) Two unusual cases of t he presence of A scaris 111 mbricoides. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1907, xlh, 140. -Miyake (IL) Ueber die Askaridenerkrankung in der Chirurgie. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1908, lxxxv, 325- 342— MUller (L.) Askariden und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Chirurgie. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Mod. u. Chir, Jena, 1909, xii, 11; 57; 91.— Peterl (I.) Vorkommen einer grossercn Anzahl von Aska- riden bei mchreren Mitgliedern einer Familie. Jahrb. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1911, n. F, lxxiii, 352-356— Radaell (S.) L'eosinofllia nella ascaridiasi. Clin, mod, Firenze, 1905, xi, 303-307.—Regnault (J.) La lombricose intestinale en Chine et en Indo-Chine. Caducee, Par, 1904, iv, 133.— Riesman (D.) Bound worms (Ascaris lumbricoides) from a patient with typhoid fever. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila, 1902-3, n. s, vi, 55.—Sehrt (E.) Ueber die Askaridener- krankung der Bauchhole. Beitr. z. klin. Chir,.Tubing, 1906, li, 699-713, 3 pi—Soma (N.) Sull' importanza degli ascaridi nella chirurda addominale. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1905, xxvi, 550— Spleth (H.) Beitrag zur Askaridener- krankung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage der Giftwirkung. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1914, ccv, 117-126 Stewart! \.D.) Twoc ascsofascariasis. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, l'Ml, xlvi, 16- Stewart (F. II.) Further experiment on Ascaris infection. Brit. M. .1, Lond, 1916, ii, 486-488.—Ward (G.) An interesting caso of Ascaris infection. Practitioner, Lond, 1918, c, 503. Weill & Mou- rlquand (G.) Lombricose chez un nourrisson de 13 mois. Lyon med, 1909, cxii, 340-345.—Weinberg (M.) & Julien (A.) Recherches sur la toxine ascaridienne. nvg. de la viande [etc.], Par, 1913, vii. 225-241- Wellmaii (F. C.) Ascariasis in the Tropics; analysis of 158 cases. J. Trop. M, Lond, 1905, viii, 328—Wettendorff (II.) Les Ascaris lombricoides chez les enfants. Policlin, Brux, 1903, xii, 244-249. Ascaris lumbricoides (Infection by, Com- plications and sequelse of). Berenguier (E.) *Les formes abdominales graves de la lombricose. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Feltmann (L.) *Des accidents chirurgicaux les plus frequents dus aux ascarides lombricoides. 8°. Baris, 1908. Fresen (J.) *Ascarislumbricoidesausserhalb des Darmes, speziell in perityphlitischen Abszes- sen. 8°. Greifswald, 1908. Masson (C-J.) *Crises gastriques et pseudo- appendiculaires causees par l'Ascaris chez l'adulte. 8°. Baris, 1905. Rehberg (T. F.) *Darminvagination durch Ascariden. 8 . Konigsberg i. Br., 1907. Sahattchieff (A.) *Ascarides lombricoides dans les voies biliaires et dans le foie. 8°. Mont- pelb'er, 1906. Xemard (G.) ^Migration des ascarides lom- bricoides dans le foie et le pancreas. 8°. Lyon, 1908. Alf aro (R.) Caso raro de emigraci6n de las ascarides lom- bricoides. Uni6n med. de Mexico, 1857-8, ii. 211-214.—Allen (Mary D.) Ascaris lumbricoides as a complication of a surgi- cal operation. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lx, 1953.— Andrews (O. W.) A case of appendicitis: removal of ster- colith, passage of an Ascarislumbricoides fourteen davs later. Brit. M. J., Lond, 1906, ii, 1174.-Anley (F. E.) Ascaris lumbricoides and appendicitis. Ibid., i, 677.—Aparicio. Peritonitis enquistada producida por ascarides. Gac. men. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1913, xix, 204-207. -Ajwstolldes (P.) Two cases of perforation of the intestine by Ascarides. Lan- cet, Lond., 1898,i, 1254. -Aymaretto(T.) Uncasoditiflite da ascaridi. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1905,Ivi, i«.i.^-197. -B. (J. M. L.) Absceso de la pared abdominal con eliminacion de los lombrices. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1900-1901, xxiii, 206-208. Balliano (A.) Sopra la presenza di un' ascaride lombricoide nella cavita plei.riea destra. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1917, 4. s.. xxiii, 185-193.—Barnabo (V.) La tosse nell' ascariasi. Clin, ostet, Roma, 1909, xi, 346- 351.—Bartet (A.) Lombricsettroublesintestinaux. Arch. de med. nav. Par, HK1S, lxxxix, 5-31. -Barthelemy. Contributiona l'etude de la perforation de l'intestin ^rele par les ascarides. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. viH, Par, 1905, lix, 27S-2SL- -Berne (J. G.) A case of ascariasis with enteric temperatures. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1904, ii, 1170.—Borini (A.) Pseudo-appendicite da ascaridi. Gazz. d. osp, Mi- lano, 1913, xxxiv, 1447.—Brun (V.) Appendicite provo- quee par un lombric. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s, xxvi, 311. -----. Le complicazioni da ascaridi nella chirurtria infantile. Policlin, Roma, 1912, xix, sez. prat, 1481-1 ivt. Candido (P.) Intossicazione acuta da ascaride lombricoide; nota clinica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1910, n. s, xxxii, 411-417. .4/so." Med. ital, Napoli, 1910, viii, 137; 160—Cannaday (J. E.) Perforation of appendix by round-worm. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago. 1909, liii, 1029.- Curlier (G.) Perforation intestinale et lombri- cose. Dauphine mod., Grenoble, 1905, xxix, 103-112.— Christie (W. F.) Notes on the migration of Ascaris lum- bricoides. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond, 1914, xxiii, 201-205. Correa Aloy (A.) Caso de meningismus por asca- rides. Kdv. med. de Yucatan, Mi^rida, 1911, vii, 29.— Deak (S.) Ein Fall von Pyromanie, der durch Ascaris lumbricoides verursacht wurde. Pest, med.-clm. Presse, Budapest, 1912, xlix. 65.—Duckworth (Sir D.i v Champ- neys. A case of pyrexia and vomiting relieved i>\ the pas- sage of a round-worm from the rectum. St. Barth. ITosp. hep, Lond, 1906, xii, 148.—Dolour (E.) Cas de kyste de l'ovaire renfermant des lombrics vivants; double perforation intestinale. Gaz. de gyniV, Par, 1905, xx, 97-9!). - Duprey (A.J. B.) Fever and* convulsions due to Ascarides. Lan- cet, Lond, 1903, ii, 1649. Elmgren (U.) [Some sluggish diseases from the vivification of Ascaris lumbricoides.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1906, xxii, 2si-2s7. -Estape. Caso clinico notable; [peritonitis septica con coleccion aparente debida a perforacitfn intestinal causada por ascarides lumbricoides]. Rev. de med. y chug, Barcel, 1903, xvii, 515-520. Freda (A.) Un caso di porforazione intestinale da ascaride lombricoide. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1907, n. s, xxix, 1029-1035.—Frolofl (V. T.) [Trau- matic rupture of the intestines with appearance of As- caridfe in the abdominal cavity.] Voyenno-Med. J, S.- Petcrb, 1903, ii, med. pt, 48-53.—Gullet de Santerre. Cas de diarrhee dvscntoriforme d'origine ascaridienne. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon. Par, 1913, xvi, 452-454. - Gardon i V.) Un cas de lombrico-tvphose a forme grave. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1907,"xviii, 27o.—Geraud. Ln cas de pseudo-crise appendiculaire provoquee par des ascarides lombricoides. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1901-2, v, 2,M-2(.M. < Unlets. Perforation de 1'intestin grele paries Ascaris. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet, Par,1905, lix, ASCARIS. 79 ASCARIS. Ascaris lumbricoides (Infection by, Com- plications and sequelse. of). 158-164.— Gomess (A. FT B.) Ascaris lumbricoides and pernicious anremia; gregarinosis in man. Lancet, Lond, 1907, i, 51.—Guegan. Ascarides et appendicite en Tunisie. Caducee, Par, 1902, ii, 116—Gupta (B. C. S.) A case of infantile convulsions due to "Ascarides." Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1913, xlviii, 332.—Hehir (P.) Remarks on ascaria- sis; is there a round-worm fever? Ibid., 1910, xiv, 287-290.— Helm (M.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Ascaris lumbri- koides und durch dieselbe hervorgerufene schwere nervose Symptome bei Kindern unter einem Jahre. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1900, xxvi, 166—Higgs (F. W.) Case of toxaemia apparently produced by Ascaris lumbri- coides. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 1-4.—Hornowski (J.) [On the possibility of perforation of the intestine by Ascaris lumbricoides. ] Medy- cyna, Warszawa, 1906, xxxiv, 464-466.—Huber (J. C.) Reizwirkung von Askaris am Darme des lebenden Menschen beobachtet. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 2669.— Ioffe (M. G.) [Presence of ascaris in the abdominal cavitv.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1911, x, 1506-1508.—Jacquet (G.) Peritonite tuberculeuse avec ascite; lombric vivant dans la caviteperitoneale(?);laparotomie; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. devaucluse, Avignon,. 1909, v, 119-121 — Lardenois. Ascaris lombricoide ehmine par un abces de la paroi abdominale. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1901, xv, 337.—Liston (P. St. L.) A case of severe cough and loss of weight due to round worms in the intestine. Lancet, Lond, 1905, i, 226.—Madelung. Operative Entfernung eines den Ductus choledochus verschliessenden Spulwurms. Strassb. med. Ztg, 1909, vi, 189.—Magi (A.)' Contributo alia casis- tica del meningismo da ascaridi lombricoidi. Clin, mod, Firenze, 1906, xii, 56?.—Mahood (C. F.) Migration of the Ascaris lumbricoides. West Virg. M. J, Wheeling, 1908-9, hi, 265.—Maillard (C. H.) Lombricose et perforation in- testinale. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil. Par, 1911, lvii, 219-223.—Malagodi (A.) Sindrome epilettica in un bam- bino affetto da ascaridiasi. Riv. di clin. pediat, Firenze, 1904, ii, 433-440.—Matas (R.) A vermicular abscess of the anterior abdominal wall, which contained a large living Ascaris lumbricoides nine inches in length. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1900, N. Orl, 1901, 34-36.—Meriel. Deux formes de pseudo-memngite due aux lombrics. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par, 1900, iv, 434-439. Also, transl: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xix, 284.—Mertens. Zwei Falle von Einwanderung von Spulwurmern in das Ga'.len- gangssystem. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1898, xxiv, 358-360.—Moussu (G.) Sur le role des ascarides dans les perforations intestinales. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet. Par, 1905, lix, 502-504.-----. Sur les perforations de l'intestin par des ascarides. Ibid., 1906, lx, 225-232.—Naab (J. P.) Reflexkrampfe bei Ascarislumbricoides. Med. Bl, Wien, 1902, xxv, 407. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1902, xlix, 793—Nystrom (G.) [Ein Fall von Enteritis und Ascaris mit Ileus-Svmptomen; Laparotomie. Uebers, p. xvh.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh, 1903-4, n. f, ix, 304-315.— Parrelras (D.) De un caso de ascaridiose com localisagoes hepaticas. Arch, brasil. de med, Rio de Jan, 1916, vi, 530-536.—Pierantoni (G.) Laringo-spasmo e pseudo- meningite da ascaridi lombricoidi. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1903, xxiv, 694-696.—Pillary (T. J. M.) A remarkable case in which Ascaris lumbricoides find their way out of the gut through the abdominal wall; recovery. Indian M. Rec.j Calcutta, 1902, xxiii,600.—Plew (H.) Ueber die Perforation des Darmes durch Askariden. Arch. f. Kinderh, Stuttg, 1913, lxu, 11-13.—Poucel. Ascaris dans l'appendice caecal. Marseille med, 1904, xii, 150— Badaeli (S.) Pseudo-epiles- sia da ascaridi e la teoria della loro tossicita. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1905, xxvi, 773-776.—Bibon (V.) Las ascarides;- su verdadera sintomatologia y accidentes que determinan. Repert. de med. y cirug, Bogota, 1917-18, ix, 66-75.—Rizza- casa (N.) Ascaridi quale complicazione durante e dopo gli interventi addominali. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoh, 1908, 2 s i, 161-168.—Bobbe & Duvernoy. Pseudo-memngite; ascarides lombricoides dans les canaux biliaires. Rev. m<5d. de Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1908, xvi, 39-41.—Santar- necchi de Francony (G.) Sindromi meningee e ascari- diasi Riv. di chn. pediat, Firenze, 1915, xiii, 97-109.— Schlossmann. Ueber chirurgische Erkrankungen durch Askariden. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1914 xc, 531- 548 1 pi —Spencer (W. G.) Acute septic peritonitis fol- lowing inflammation of the ileum by a round worm. West- minst Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1909, xvi, 36-38.-Szinessi (J.) Ein Ascaris, welcher ungewohnliche Erscheinungen verur- sachte. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904 xl, 852.— Taillens. Ascarides et meningisme. Arch, de med. a. enf. Par , 1906, ix, 409-422.—Teoflli (R.) Migrazione pleu- rica di Ascaris lumbricoides in reperto pleuro polmomtico. L' Abruzzosan, Chieti, 1904, i, 129-134.—Torres Casanovas (R ) Perforaci6nintestinalproducidaporunascarides. Kev. de'med. y cirug, Barcel, 1914, xxviii,, 46-49.-Tribou!et (H ) Lombricose et accidents meninges. Chnique, Par, 1908 iii 775—Turri(R.) Lombricosi biliare. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1903-4, lxxviii, 49-52.-Varlot. Accidents eclamptiques dus a la lombricose. J. de med. int., Par 1908, xii, 172.—Vermersch. Migration cmeuse a un ascaride lombricoide; abces vermineux de 1 'ombilic. | From: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, L] J. de chn. et de therap. Ascaris lumbricoides (Infection by, Com- plications and sequelse of). inf., Par, 1897, v, 854.—Viola (G.)\Un caso di migrazione degli ascaridi lombricoidi nelle vie biliari maggiori e nei fegato; ascesso epatico secondario. Riforma med, Napoli, 1896, xh, pt. 1, 603-605.—Walther. Lombric emprisonne dans le duodenum apres une gastro-enterostomie et expulse par vomissement. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1911, n. s, xxxvii, 656.—Whitelocke (R. H. A.) A case simu- lating meningitis, in which the symptoms were caused by the escape of threadworms into the peritoneal cavity through a perforated appendix vermiformis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 192-194—Zie- mann (H.) Ueber eitrige Perforationsperitonitis und Spul- wiirmer (Ascaris lumbricoides) bei einem Neger. Arch. f. Schifls-u. Tropen-Hyg, Cassel, 1905, ix, 32. Ascaris lumbricoides (Infection by, Deaths from). Castor (R. H.) Ascaris lumbricoides causing perforation of stomach and intestine and death. Indian M. Gaz, Cal- cutta, 1903, xxxviii, 295— Enernao (T.) Sopra un caso di morte causata da ascaridi. Policlin, Roma, 1914, xxi, sez. prat, 163.—Fournie (H.) Suffocation mortelle par les as- carides lombricoides chez un adulte. Arch, de parasitol. Par, 1898. i, 23-29.—Hattori (S.) A case of cardiac paraly- sis with Ascaris lumbricoides in the bronchus on autopsy. [Japanese text.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J, Tokyo, 1910, xxix, No. 5 [May].—Hazen (C. MJ Death from lumbricoid worms. Old Dominion J. M. & S, Richmond, 1910, x, 127.—Jullien. Perforation intestinale par des ascaris lombricoides; mort rapide par peritonite suraigue. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1908, xxii, 247.—Katsurada (F.) Three cases oi death caused by emigration of Ascaris lumbricoides. Sei-i-Kwai M. J, Tokyo, 1899, xviii, Nos. 3-14—Lamou- reux (A.) Un cas d'ascaridiase mortel. Bull. Soc. path. exot. Par, 1912, v, 842.—Leon (N.) Mort par asphyxie produite par des ascarides. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1913, lxxii, Orig, 380-332.—Mclisson & Brou- telle. Cas de mort due a la presence de nombreux lombrics dans le tube digestif. Arch. med. d'Angcrs, 1899, iii, 121.— Negresco. Mort d'un enfant de trois ans par penetration dans les voies aeriennes d'un ascaride lombricoide. J. de med. de Par, 1904, 2. s, xvi, 35. Also: Rev. de med. leg. Par, 1904, xi, 37-39.—Orosa (S. Y.) One fatal case of ascariasis and six cases with severe symptoms. Rev. filipina de med. y farm, Manila, 19IS, ix, 188-194.—Tri- boulet (H.), Bibadeau-Dumas ses. In: Samml. klin. Vortr, Leipz, 1906, No. 435 (Chir. No. 121). ------. Ueber die Entwicklungs-, Waehsthums- und Alters-Vorgange an den Gefassen vom elasti- schen und muskularen Typus. Vortrag. 24 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1908. ------. Bemerkungen zur Sauglingsernahrung. 1 p. 1., 21 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1911. Aschoff (Hermann) [1878- ]. *Untersuchungen iiber die Verwendbarkeit des Hydrargyrum di- jodparakresolsulfuricum (Veterol) in der Tier- heilkunde. [Bern.] 8°. Herzberga. H., G. F. Breiss, 1910. Aschoff (Karl). Die Raclioaktivitiit der Kreuzna- cher Solquellen und die therapeutische Yer- wendung der aus denselben gewonnenen ra- dioaktiven Substanzen. 8 pp. S°. Bad Kreuz- nach, Voigtldnder Nachfolger 1908. ------. The same. Hi pp. 8°. Kreuznach, B. Voigtldnder Nachf., [1911]. Aschoff (Ludwig) [1866- ]. Kurze Ueber- sichtstabelle zur Gesehichte der Medizin. 26 pp. | 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1898. ------. Ueber die \Yirkungen des Sonnenlichtes nuf den Menschen. Vortrag. 33 pp. S°. Freiburg & Leipzig, Speyer d> Kaerner, 1908. ------. Die WurmforLsatzentzundung. Eine pathologisch-histologische und pathogenetische Studie. vi, 111 pp., 18 pi., 1 1. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1908. ------. Patholotrische Anatomie; ein Lehrbuch fiir Studierende und Aerzte, bearb. von L. Aschoff, M. Askanazy, etc., hrsy;. von L. Aschoff. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 4°. Jena,G. Fischer, 1911. CONTENTS. v. 1. Allgemeine Aetiologie; allgemeino pathologische Anatomie. xii, 778 pp., 1 1. 1911. v. 2. Spczielle pathologische Anatomie. viii, 997 pp., 1 pi. 1911. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1913. ----—. Arteriosklerose. 16 pp. 8°. Berlin & Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberq, 1914. Forms 1. lift, v. 10, of: Beihcfto z. Med. Khn. See, aho, Ci ay lord (Harvey Russell) & Aschoff (Ludwig). The principles of pathological histologv [etc.]. roy. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1901—Tawara (S.) Das Reiz- leitungsystem des Saugetierherzens [etc.]. 8°. Jena, 1906. ASCHOFF. 83 ASCITES. Aschoff (Ludwig)—continued. ------& Bacmeister (Adolf). Die Cholelithiasis. vii, 117 pp., 18 pi. roy. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1909. ------, von Beck (B.) [et al.]. Beitrage zur Thrombosefrage, von L; Aschoff, B. von Beck, 0. de La Camp, B. Kronig. 99 pp. 4°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1912. ------ & Gayiord (H.) Kursus der pathologi- schen Histologic, mit einem mikroskopischen Atlas, xix, 340 pp., 36 1., 36 pi. roy. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1900. ------ & Tawara (S.) Die heutige Lehre von den pathologisch-anatomischen Grundlagen der HerzschwaChe. Kritische Bemerkungen auf Grund eigener Untersuchungen. 1 p. 1., 79 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. Aschpiz (Aron). *Kindersterblichkeit beim engen Becken im Frauenspitale Basel-Stadt. 23 pp. 8°. Basel, Brin dc Co., 1908. Aschrott (P. F.) Aus dem Strafen- und Ge- fangnisswesen Nordamerikas. 60 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1889. Forms 76. Hft. n. F, of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wis- sensch. Vortr, Hamb Aschwanden (Joseph). *Ueber Myocarditis tuberculosa und ihre Differenzialdiagnose. [Zurich.] 26 pp. 8°. Einsiedeln, Eberle, Kalin & Cie., [1906]. Ascidia. Huntsman (A. G.) Ascidians from the coasts of Canada. 8°. [Toronto], 1912. Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol, s. No. 12. Daumezon. Dosage du fer assimilable chez une ascidie ahmentaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1914, lxxvi,. 142.—Fechner (P.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Kiemen- spaltenbildung der Ascidien. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool, Leipz, 1907, Ixxxvi, 523-556, 2 pi— Hccht (S.) The water current produced by Ascidia atra Lesueur. J. Exper. Zool, Phila, 1916, xx, 429-434. -----. The physiology of Ascidia atra Lesueur. Am. J. Physiol, Bait, 1918, xiv, 157-187. Also: J. Exper. Zool, Phila, 1918, xxv, 229-299.—Henze (M.) Ueber das Vorkommen freier Schwefelsaure im Mantel von Ascidia mentula. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem, Strassb, 1913, Ixxxvi, 345.—Huntsman (A. G.) Protostigmata in ascidians. Proc. Rov. Soc, Lond, 1913, Ixxxvi, s. B, 440- 453.-----. On the "origin of the ascidian mouth. Ibid., 454-459.—Oka (A.) Zur Kenntnis der zwei aberranten Ascidiengattungen Dicopia Sluit. und Hexacrobylus Sluit. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1913, xliii, 1-10. Ascites. See, aho, Ascitic fluid; Dropsy; Heart (Bis- eases of. Complications, etc., of); Liver (Cirrhosis, Complications, etc., of); Peritoneum (Effusion in); Pregnancy (Bropsy in); Thrombosis (Bortal). Blancardus (S.) *De hydrope ascite. sm. 4°. Franekerx, 1674. Crabbe (H.) *De hydrope ascite. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1708. Ritzius (J.) *De hydrope ascite. sm. 4°. Basilex, 1592. . van Sittebt (H.) *De hydrope ascite. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1703. Wolff (J.) Casus medico-practicus ascitico- tympanitici exponens hydropem renalem cum annotionibus practicis, et animadversionibus anatomicis illustratus, cum figuris seneis in incre- mentum artis medicse typis vulgatus. 24°. Olmucium, 1750. Bryant (T.) Ascites. Guy's Hosp. Gaz.; Lond, 1900, xiv, 141-148.—Cabot (R. C.) A study of ascites. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1911, xxvi, 8-21—Cadbury (W.W.) A study of cases of ascites in the wards of the Canton Hos- pital; China. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1917, cliv, 425-435. Also, Reprint.—Cerf (L.) Pcsee quotidienne d'une ascite. Anjou m('>d. Angers, 1902, ix, 263-268.—Clotet. Auto-reab- sorci6enl'ascites; son mecanisme. An. Acad, y lab. de cien. med. de Cataluna, Barcel, 1912, vi, 217-221.—Darwin (E.) Hydropisie du bas-ventre. Biblioth. med.-phys. du nord, Ascites. Lausanne, 1783, i, 132-134.—De Loffre (S. M.) A case of enormous ascites. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xci, 547.— DougaU (J.) An unusual case of ascites. Edinb. M. J, 1899, n. s, vi, 350-353.—Ettles (W. J. McC.) Case of ascites lasting four vears. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond.. 1900- 1901, 116.—Froes (J. A. G.) Ascite. Brazil-med, Rio de Jan, 1908, xxii, 41; 51'.—Gerhardt. Drei Falle von Aszites. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1918, lxv, 520.—Gomes (V.) Um caso raro de ascite. J. de med. de Pernambuco, 1909, v, 108-110.—Idone (C.) Intorno alle asciti. Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoh, 1906, ix, 513-517.—Loewe (O.) Bcricht iiber einen Fall von Ascites necessitatis mit historischen und therapeutischen Notizen. Aerztl. Prax, Berl. & Leipz, 1902, xv, 163-166.—Marischler (J.) & Ozarkiewicz (E.) Stofl- wechsel bei abnehmendem und zunehmendem Ascites. Arch. f. Verdauungskr, Berl, 1899, y, 222-237.—MarteUi (C.) Sindrome ascitica epato-miocardica. Pediatria, Na- poh, 1917, 2. s, xxv, 401M12.—Perez MirO (A.) Ascitis intraepiploica; apuntes para el estudio de la hidropesia de la gran cavidad de los epiploones. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1897, h, 51-64.—Richelot. Ascite conside- rable. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1902, n. s, xxviii, 444-447.—Rolleston (H. D.) A chnical lecture on ascites. Clin. J, Lond, 1900, xvi, 289-297.—Schulz (O.) & Miiller (L. R.) Klinische, physiologische und pathologisch-anato- mische Untersuchungen an einem Fall von hochgradigem Ascites bei Pfortaderthrombose. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. in Erlang. (1903), 1904, 231-237.—Shaw. Ascites. Guy's Hosp. Gaz, Lond., 1898, xh, 345-349.—Smith (F. J.) Multiple attacks of ascites. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. 1901-2, Lond, 1903, 71.—Smith (W. R.) Tympanitic ab- domen with fluid. Medicine, Detroit, 1902, vhi, 224.— Turner (Q. M.) A curious if not a unique case of abdominal dropsy. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1900, xxix, 449. Ascites (Biliary). See Gall-bladder (Bropsy of). Ascites (Causes and pathology of). Binetti (G.) Contributo alio patogenesi dell' ascite. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1901, 23-31.—Cabot (R. C.) The causes of ascites; a study of five thousand cases. Am. J. M- Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1911, cxliii, 1-14. Also. Reprint— Emrys-Roberts (E.) Ascites and tumours oi the ovary. Lancet, Lond, 1908, ii, 234-236.—Guthrie (L.) Case of ascites of obscure origin. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1916-17, x, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child.. 20-24.—Lascals (H.) Pathogenie ,des anasarques sans albuminurie ni lesions viscerales. Echo med. de Lyon, 1898, iii, 331-337.—Malkofl (G. M.) [On ascites caused by complete and incomplete re- tention of bile; experimental investigation.) Trudi Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v S.-Peterb, 1896-7, 109-136.—Martelli (C.) Ascite epato-pericardica di origine polisierositica. Gazz. in- ternaz. di med, Napoli, 1916, xix, 205-209.—Mitchell (J. E.) Traumatic ascites. Chn. J, Lond, 1917, lxvi, 104.—Neilson (C. H.) The etiology and clinical aspect of ascites. Inter- state M. J, St. Louis, 1912, xix, 343-348. A&o-[Abstr.]: Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1912. vi, 310.—Orlandi (E.) & Cova (F.) Su la diffusione e l'eliminazione del bleu di metilene in alcuni casi di ascite in rapporto colla loro ezio- logia. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1903, No. 4, pp. xxxi-xxxv. Also: Gazz. med. ital, Torino, 1903, hv, 231- 233.—Osier (W.) Note on the occurrence of ascites in solid abdominal tumors. Phila. M. J, 1902, ix, 928— Phillips (L. P.) The r61e played by malaria in the production of ascites, being observations on 100 consecutive cases of ascites at Kasr-el-Aini Hospital, Cairo. Rec. Egypt. Gov. Sch. Med, Cairo, 1904, h, 45-65— Poljakoff (W.) Zur Pathogenese des pseudochylosen Ascites. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1903, xxi, 1081-1084.—Sampietro (E.) & Martini (E.) Ueber einen interessanten Fall von Ascites filante, bedingt durch eine Bauchfellgeschwulst. Ztschr. f. Krebsforsch.; Berl, 1908-9, vh, 431-461, 1 pi.—Smith (A. L.) Ascites with abdominal tumors. Phila. ~M. J, 1902, x, 190.—Takata. [A case of ascites of obscure origin.] Saisei Gakusha Iji Shimpo, Tokyo, 1902; 295-299.— Tieken (T.) Pathogenesis of ascites. Illi- nois M. J, Springfield, 1906, x, 373-379.—Valle. Un caso de ascitis de causa desconocida. Rev. espec. med. La oto- rino-laringol. espan, Madrid, 1903, vi, 17.—Waldo (H.) A case of ascites most probably caused by infective throm- bosis of the hepatic veins. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1903, ii, 79. Ascites (Chylous). See, aho, Ascites (Bseudochylous); Ascites in children. Dieck (W. T.) *Ueber die diagnostische Be- deutung und Verwendung des Jodipin bei As- cites chylosus. 8°. Halle a. 5., 1903. Dresch (R.) *Ueber Ascites chylosus und chyliformis. 8°. Gottingen, 1913. Lauquin (M.) *De l'ascite chyleuse. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Moehle ([J.] H. [G.]) *Beitrage zum Ascites chylosus et chyliformis. 8°. Greifswald 1896. ASCITES. 84 ASCITES. Ascites (Chylous). Nieriker (A.) *Ueber Chylothorax und Chy- loperikard; drei Falle von chylosen Ansamm- lungen. 8°. Zurich, 1911. Sarrazin (L.) *Ein Fall von chvlosem As- cites. 8°. Gottingen, 1896. Schirmer (K. E. W.) *Ein Fall von chylo- sem Ascites. 8°. Munchen, 1903. Witte (G. C. W.) *Ein Fall von Chvluserguss in Brust-und Bauchhohle. 8°. Halle a. S., 1901. Bartolotti (C.) Contributo alia patogenesi delle asciti chilose. Riv. ospedal, Roma, 1913, hi, 45-53.—Bayer (J.) Ueber chylosen Ergussin Brust- una Bauchhohle. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1897, ii, 67-85.—Bell (J. F.) Chylous ascites, with report of chemie examination of the fluid by S. P. Beebe. Am. Med, Phila, 1905, ix, 861-866. Also, Reprint.—Bolnet. [Cases.] Cong, franc, de med. C.-r, Par, 1902, ii, 467-472— Bonorino Udaondo (C.) & Castes (M. R.) Contribucioh al estudio de la etio- patogenia de los derrames quilosos. Rev. Asoc. med. ar- gent, Buenos Aires, 1916. xxv, 130.—Boston (L. N.) Chy- lous ascites with eosinopnilia; an analysis of reported cases. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1905, xliv, 513-518— Boyd (F. D.) Chyliform ascites. Edinb. Hosp. Rep, 1900, vi, 104-112.— Burgess (A. H.) [Case.] Lancet. Lond, 1903, i, 1740 — Carpi (U.) Beitrag zur biologischen Analyse der chyli- formen Ergiisse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvh, 1536- 1538. -----. Contributo all' analisi biologica dei versa- menti chiliformi. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1910, xxiv, 433. Also: Gazz. med. ital, Torino, 1910, lxi, 311- 313— Ceconl (A.) [Case.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1899, xhi, 477-480.-----. Die milchahnlichen Ergiisse in den serosen Hohlen. Wien. med. Bl, 1899, xxii, 84; 107.— Christen (T.) Zur Lehre vom milchigen Ascites. Zen- tralbl. f. innere Med, Leipz, 1903, xxiv, 181.—Christie (R. J.) [Case] Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1900-1901, n. s, ii, 387.—Clpolllna (A.) Versamenti chilosi e chihformi. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1903, ix, 293-298. Also: Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1903, xxiv, 964—Clarkson (G. A.) [Case.] Lancet, Lond, 1903, i, 960.—Collins (H. D.) Chylo- ascites of traumatic orisrin. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1913. lviii, 553.—Corselli ((}.) & Frisco (B.) Le asciti lattee e la loro patogenesi. Riforma med., Napoh, 1896, xh, pt. 4, 630; 642; 651. Also: Pisani, Palermo, 1897, xviii, 79-107.—Co- mey (P. B.) Chylous ascites; report of a case due to total occlusion of the thoracic duct; pathology by W. W. McKib- ben. Boston M. & S. J.. 1903, cxlvih, 109-114.—Czerny. Ein Fall von Hydrops chylosus der Bauchhohle. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1898, xiv, 30.—Day (J. A.) [Case.] Med. News, N. Y, 1897, lxxi, 469— Edwards (A. R.) [Case.] Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1895-7, ii, 10.5-111. Also: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 1166-116S—Eisenschitz (E.) [Case.] Wien klin. Rundschau, 1895, ix, 785; 805.—Francois (L.) Les ascites laiteuses. Gaz. d. h6p. Par, 1899, lxxii, 1113-1118.—Gandln (S.) Pathogenese und Klassiflkation der milchartigen Ergiisse. Ergebn. d. inn. Med. u. Kin- derh, Berl, 1913, xh, 218-326—Gaultier (R.) Essai pathogenique d'une variete d'ascite graisseuse; du r61e probable du pancreas. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1906, lxi, 429.—Gros (H.) Sur un cas d'ascite chyleuse guerie par la ponction suivie d'injection d'air. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1905, xvi, 653-655—Guillaumln (A.) Examen d'un liquide de ponction peritoneale; ascite chy- leuse. J. de pharm. et chim. Par, 1909, 6. s, xxix, 283- 288.—Hall (W. S.) & Morgan (W. E.) Clinical and physio- logical aspects of rupture of the chyleduct. Quart. Bull. Northwest. Univ. Med. Sch, Chicago, 1909-10, xi, 44-55.— Ilaushalter & Richon. Un cas d'ascite opalescente. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8, 130-132. Also: •'Rev. mM. de Test, Nancy, 1908, xl, 438-440— Herczel (E ) [Case] Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904, xl, 1257 —HOdl- moser (K.) Chemische Untersuchung einer fetthalligen Ascitesfliissigkeit. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1898, xi, 1149- 1152—Hutchinson (R.) Chylous and chyliform ascites. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1901-2, liii, 274-276— Joachim (J.) Ueber die Ursache der Triibung in milchigen Aszitesfliissig- kciten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1903, 1, 1915.—Kahn (L Z.) Sur un cas d'ascite chyliforme. Bull, med. Par, 1900 xiv, 321-324.-----. Do l'ascite chvleuse ou chyliforme. Med. orient. Par, 1900, iv, 41-45— Kaks (J. W.) Chylous ascites. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1900, lviii, 795.—Laurenti (T.) Ascite lattescente. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1914, xl, 58-64 — Ledlard (H. A.) [Case] Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Med. Sect, 123-135. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis, Lond, 1913, x, 433-443.—Lendon (A. A.) A case of serous ascites converted into chylous ascites. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1892, Sydney, 1893. hi, 180-184.—Lescht- schinski (A. E.) Ueber einen Fall von Ansammlung von chvloser Flussigkeit in der Bauch- und Brusthohle. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1907, xxxiii, 101-103.— LOfner (W.) Ueber Chylascites und Chylothorax. Cor.- Bl f schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xiii, 1049-1064.—Lyonnet (B ) & Martz (F.) [Two casesj Province med, Lyon, 1897, xi, 433-436.—Macaigne & Vallcry-Radot (P.) Sur Ascites (Chylous). un cas d'ascite lactescente graisseuse. Bull. et. mem. Soc. meU d. hdp. de Par, 1911, 3. s, xxxi, 234-246.—Masing (E.) [Three cases.] St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1907, xxxii, 231-234.— Mauclalre. JTwo cases] Arch. gen. de chir. Par, 1908, ii, 37-42.—Merigot de Treigny. Ascites chyleuses et chyliformes., Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1898, xh, 51-55.—Mlllan (G.) Les varices macrosco- ?iques de l'ascite chyliforme. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de ar, 1900, lxxv, 912-914.—Minkowski. [Case.) Berl. khn. Wchnschr.. 1912, xhx, 38.—Moorhead (T. G.) Chyliform ascitic fluid. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1907, exxiii, 81-84.—Morgan (W. E.) Exhibition of case of traumatic chylous ascites. Illinois M. J.. Springfield, 1908, xhi, 457-459.— Morse (C. W.) A case of cnylous ascites; venous peritoneal anastomosis; recovery. Boston M. & S. J, 1912, clxvi, 294.—Mosse (M.) Zur Lehre vom milchigen Ascites. Internat. Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Leyden), Berl, 1902, ii, 299-305.—Nash (J. B.) Lac- tescent ascites. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1913, xxxiv, 427^130.—Nehrkorn & Kaposi. Ascites chylosus mit allge- meinem Hydrops. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1904, xliii, Suppl.-Hft, 123-126.—Pagenstecher (E.) Ueber Ascites chylosus. Deutsches Arch. f. khn. Med, Leipz, 1901-2, lxxii, 105-160. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1901-2, lxii, 313-322.—Pateln (G.) Contribution a l'etude des liquides pathologiques d'apparence chyleuse. 2. Liquides d'ascite chvliformes. J. de pharm. et de chim. Par, 1916, 7. s, xhi, 317-327— Philip (R. W.) A case of chylous ascites. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1906-7, n. s, xxvi, 67.—PuslneUi & Gelpel. Ueber chylose Ergiisse. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat. u. Heilk. in Dresd, Munchen, 1904-5, 1-5.—Rendu. Ascite chvleuse. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1901, xv, "161-163.—Ressen. [Case.] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 190s, ii, 1284-1288.— Salmon (P.) Ascite chyleuse ou ascite chvlifonne. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1896 i, 464-473.—Schumm (O.) Che- mische Untersuchung des Inhaltes einer Chyluscvste. Zt- schr. f. physiol. Chem, Strassb, 1906, xlix, 266-272, 1 pi — Shaw (H. B.) Milky effusions occurring in serous cavities; with report on a case of chvlous ascites and chylous hvdro- thorax. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Edinb. & Lond, 1899-1900, vi, 339-355.—Sommer. Leber Hydrops chylosus und chy- liformis; ein kasuistischer Beitrag. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1906, lxxxvii, 87-97.—Stalker (A. M.) A case of chylous ascites. Scot. M. & S. J, Edinb., 1897, i. 238- 242.—Stroll (K.) Ascites chylosus bei einem Fall von Amyloidcntartung komhinicrt mit Leberzirrhose und Schrumpfniere. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1907, xxxi, 16-20.— von Tabora. Ueber Ascites chvlosus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1595— Talierclo (A.) [Case.] Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1906, n. s, xxviii, 76-80.—Tiling (P.) [Case] St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1906. xxxi, 430-433—Van Zant (C. B.) Report of a case of cnylous ascites and chvlothorax. Denver M. Times & Utah" M. J, 1910-11, xxx, 1-5.—Vaquez & Esmonet. Ascite chvleuse vraie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par, 1900; 3. s, xvii, 207-212— Verdelll (C.) Ancora sulle asciti chihformi. Morgagni, Milano, 1897, xxxix. 800-811.— Volpe (M.) Dell' ascite lattescente. Gior. med. d. r. escr- cito, Roma, 1905, liii, 512-520.—Wallis (R. L. M.) Chylous and pseudo-ohvlous ascites. Troc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13. vi, Med. Sect, 136-142.—Wallis (R. L. M.) & SchOl- berg (H. A.) On chvlous and pseudo-chylous ascites. Quart. J. Med, Oxford," 1909-10, hi, 301: 1910-11, iv, 153 — Wldal (F.) & Merklen (P.) Ascite lactescente a leuco- cytes d'orkune lvmphatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1900, 3. s, xvii, 200-207 Also: Presse mM, Par, 1900, i, 97—Winkler. Hydrops chylosus. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. ii. Ai-rzte 1899, Leipz, 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 25-27.—Wise (K. S.) Chvlous ascites. J. Trop. M. [etcj. Lond., 1909, xii, 227 229.—Zorab (A.) & Daw (S. W!) The examination of a chylous ascitic fluid; with an account of the case by J. M. Bryd'one, and a note on milky ascitic fluids by E. I. Sprig^s. Guv's Hosp. Gaz, Lond, 1904, xviii, 464-466. Ascites (Complications arid sequihr of). See, aho, Ascites (Chylous); Ascites (He- morrhagic); Ascites (Spontaneous evacuation of fluid in); Pregnancy (Bropsy in). Cuozat (P.-F.) *De la tension intra-abdo- minale dans l'ascite; contribution a l'etude de sa mesure, de ses variations, de ses rapports avec la respiration de la tension arterielle. 8°. Bordeaux, 1913. Gilbert (A.) [Exa- men chimique du liquide dans un cas d'ascite laiteuse non chyleuse. Extr, 200-202.] Russk. Arch. Patol, Klin. Med. i Bakteriol, S.-Peterb, 1900, x, 184-195.—Szabad. Wypadek wrzekomo mleczowej puchliny brzusznej (ascites pseudochylosus). Lek. Wilehski, 1913, i, No. 10, 1-3.— Taylor (F.) <& Fawcett (J.) A case of milky ascites in which opalescence was not due to fat. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1904-5, xxxviii, 169-173—Zypkln (S. M.) Ueber pseudo- chylose Ergiisse. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1906, xix, 1377. Ascites (Spontaneous evacuation of fluid in). Boutry (H.) *De 1'evacuation spontanee de l'ascite par l'ombilic. 8°. Baris, 1912. Glais (R.) *Des ouvertures spontanea de l'ascite. 8°. Baris, 1903. Chalier (J.) Evacuation spontanee d'ascite par perfora- tion de l'intestin. Prov. med. Par, 1907, xx, 407-409.— Chalier (J.) & Chattot (J.) Des divers modes d'evacua- tion spontanee des ascites a 1'exterieur. Gaz. d. h6p. Par, 1908, lxxxi, 1659-1662.—Cochez (A.) Un cas de rupture spontanee de l'ascite a l'ombilic. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h&p. de Par, 1904,3. s, xxi, 671-674.—Cudmore (A. M.) A case of rupture of abdominal wall in ascites. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1902, xxi, 256.—Lechevalller (E.) Evacua- tion spontanee d'ascite par l'ombilic. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par, 1914, xxviii, 136.—Merklen (P.) & Gouge- let. Rupture spontanee d'ascitea l'ombilic. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Par, 1901,3. s, xviii, 952-954.—Mollard (J.) & Chattot (J.) Evacuation spontanee de l'ascite par l'ombilic, particulierement dans la cirrhose de Laennec. Lyon meU, 1908, ex, 1187-1193. [Discussion], 1280.—Molle. Deux observations de fistulisation spontanee d'ascite abdo- minale chronique d'origine cirrhotique, au niveau d'une ASCITES. 86 ASCITES. Ascites (Spontaneous evacuation of fluid in). hernie ombilicale surdistendue par le hquide abdominal; effets favorables de cette flstulisation; considerations sur le mecanisme de I'amelioration observed dans ces cas. Loire med, St.-Etienne, 1900, xix 213-217—Perrin (M.) Rup- ture spontanee d'ascite a l'ombilic. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1903, xxxv, 737-745.-----. Deux nouveaux cas de rupture spontanee d'ascite a l'ombilic. Ibid., 1909, xii, 355- 358.—Ralfe (C. II.) The spontaneous relief of ascites. In- ternat. Clin, Phila, 1896, 6. s, ii, 118-123. Ascites (Treatment of). Maionot (A.) *Traitement de l'ascite par les injections intraperitoneales d'oxygene. 8°. Lyon, 1898. Roure (II.) Ilyperchloruration et deehlo- ruration specialement dans l'ascite; applications therapeutiques. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Terai (L.) *Les injections intraperitoneales de strophanthine dans le traitement des ascites d'origine hepatique et cardiaque. 8°. Baris, 1911. Achard (C.) & Paisseau (G.) Chloruration et deehloru- ration dans l'ascite de cause cirrhotique et cardiaque. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par, 1903,3. s, xx, 1165-1173 — Bigg (A. H.) The treatment of ascites. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1901, lix, 635— Hall (F. de H.) A case of ascites and its treatment. Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1913-14, xxxvii, 294-314.— Hare(ILA.) Oxvgen injections for ascites. Internat. Clin.. Phila, 1898, 7. s,'iv, 111.—Herringham (W. P.) & Had- fleld (C. F.) Cases of ascites treated by deprivation of salt. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1905, Lond, 1906, xii, 25-35, 4 eh — Jump (H. D.) & Tyson (T. M.) A note on the treatment of ascites by the intraperitoneal injection of adrenalin. Phila. Gen. Hosp. Rep. (1910) 1911, viii. 121-123. Also: Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1911, 3. s, xxvu, 10-12.—Knox (R.) The treatment of ascites. Lancet, Lond, 1906, i, 1639.—Lance (M.) Les essais rfcents de traitement de l'ascite. Montpel. med, 1911, xxxvi, 581-593.—Landau (J.) Ueber Behandlung der Bauchwassersucht. Med. Woche, Berl, 1901,3; IL—Lisbonne. Coagulation de liquides d'as- cite par le chloroforme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1915, lxxvhi, 40.5-407.—Mclntyre (C.) The treatment of abdominal dropsv. N. Am. J. Diag. & Pract, St. Louis, 1901, iv, 17-21.- Muret (M.) Du traitement de l'ascite par la faradisation des parois abdominales. Rev. de mW., Par, 1888, viii, 719-725. -Ostertag (W.) Ueber die Behandlung des rezidivierenden Ascites mit einer neuen Leibbinde. Deutsche Aerzte-Zte:, Berl, 1902, 292-295.—Paterson (J. ILL.) Treatment ofascitesbv calcium chloride. China M. J, Shanghai, 1913, xxix, 396-398. - Pereira (J. A. W.) A case of ascites rapidly cured on the administration of iodide of potassium. Lancet, Lond, 1904, i, 24; 190. -Pisani (A.) Ascites; its etiology and treatment. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1907, xxii, 111.5-1121. Riehl. Zur Behandlung der Bauch- wassersucht mit Kollargol. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 1120-1122. -Ripamonti (A.) Storiadiun ascite, e di una dose s.traordinaria d'oppio. N. gior. d. pi ft recente lett, med.-chir. d'Kuropa, Milano, 1796, x, 144-151.—Teissier. Injections d'oxvgene dans le peritoine dans l'ascite. Lyon med, 1896, lxxxii, 35K-360. -Valle y Aldabalde. Ascitis de origen obscuro tratada con ('■xito por los calomelanos. Rev. de med. v cirug. pract, Madrid, 1903, lviii, 227.—Wil- son (W. J.) Treatment of abdominal ascites. J. Mich. M. Soc, Battle Creek, 1912, xi, 633-636.— Zapolskl (A.) [Treat- ment of ascites of cardiac origin by diminishing the salt al- lowance.] Vrach. Gaz, S.-Peterb, 1903, xii, 879. Ascites (Treatment of, Operative). Seel also, Abdomen (Paracentesis of); Ascites (Treatment of) by abdominal drainage; Paracen- tesis. Grunvald (Mile.) Complications mortelles de la paracentese chez les ascitiques. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1912. Hunauld (F. J.) Utrum in ascite paraconte- sim tardare, malum? Thoma-Bernardo Bertrand prseside. 8°. Parisiis, 1730. Roeder (J. J.) *De paracentesi abdominis i evacuantibus internis in ascite anteferenda et de | eandem recte instituendi methodo. 16°. Er- fordix, 1799. Arcelaschi (O.) Contributo alia cura chirurgica dell' as- cite. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb, Milano, 1896, 45-62.—Ardin- Deltcil (P.) Modification du trocart pour ponction d'ascite. Montpel. med, 1904, xviii, 197-199.—Ball (Sir C.) Vcno- I venostomy for ascites. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1911, ii, 1697. -----. Case of veno-venostomy for the relief of ascites. Ascites (Treatment of, Operative). Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1912, xxx, 142-146.— Berg-Hansen (C.) [An unusually chronic case of ascites treated by repeated punctures.) Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh, 1916, lxxvhi, 177-179— Bernheim (B. M.) Saphenoperito- neal anastomosis for ascites. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1916. cii, 806-811.—Bidwell (L. A.) Some cases of ascites treated by abdominal section. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1901, xxxiv, 171-178. -----. The surgical treatment of ascites. Chn. J, Lond, 1906-7, xxix, 344-346— Bin nie (J. F.) The surgical treatment of ascites. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1912, xix, 338-342. Also: Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1912, vi, 320-323— Blad (A.) Ascites og dens kirurgiske Behandling. Ugeskr. f. Larger, Kdbenh, 1915, lxxvii, 1124; 11(19— Bobbio (L.) A proposito della safeno-peritoneo-anastomosi. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1911, 4. s, xvh, 85-89.— Boidin (L.) Embrochement de l'artere epigastrique par le trocart, au cours d'une ponction d'ascite. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1903, lxxvhi, 415— Borelli (L.) Effetto ritardato dell' omentopessia in un caso di ascite da cirrosi epatica. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1911, 4. s, xvii. 112-118,—Branham (J. H.) Suture of the omentum to the parietal peritoneum (epiplopexv) for ascites. Med. News, N. Y, 1904, lxxxiv, 448— Browd (E. K.) Abdomi- nal ascites with 150 tappings. Ibid., 640.—Buth. Kapillar- Eunktion des Ascites. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & -eipz, 1914, xl, 1217.—Castle (H. E.) Improved technic of venoperitoneostomy for relief of ascites. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1911, lvii, 2123—Clarke (J.) Omentopexy for ascites. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.j 1912, n. s, xciii, 379.— Dandois (L.) Les ascites au point de vue chirurgical. Rev. ntfd. de Louvain, 1904, n. s, i, 307-313— Davies (J.) Frequent repetition of tapping for ascites. Lancet, Lond, 1902, i, 513.—Dock (G.) A pica for laparotomy rather than paracentesis in ascites. Internat. Chn, Phila, 1907, 17. s, ii, 51-63.—Drummond (D.) & Morison (R.) A case of ascites due to cirrhosis of the liver cured by operation. Brit. M. J, Lond., 1^16, ii, 728— Estachy. Hemorrhagic mor- telle apres ponction d'ascite. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. de Vaucluse, Avignon. 1906, ii, 432.—Giuseppi (P. L.) Ascites due to heart disease cured by the Talma-Morison operation. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Clin. Sect, 47-49—Goetjes (H.) Zur Frage der Talma-Opera- tion. Deutsche Ztschr: f. Chir, Leipz, 1912, cxvii, 252-283. -----. Zur chirunhschen Behandlung des Aszites. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte < Minister) 1912, Leipz, 1913, lxxxiv, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 152-156. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. , viii, 193-204.—Masson (G.) Sur I'hydrate de carhone levogyre du rhizome d'Ascle- pias vincetoxicum. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol, Par, 1911, xviii, 282. Asclepieion. Giiiard (P.) L'Asclepieion d'Athenes d'apres de recentes decouvertes. 8°. Baris, 1881. Asclepiodotus. Asmus (R.) Dor Neuplatoniker Asklepiodotos d. Or. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med, Leipz, 1913, vii, 26-42. Asclepius. Arabantinos (A.) [Asclepios and his remedies.] 'Iorpi- k6s firivbrup, 'k&rjvai, 1907. vii, 101; 111.—Asclepios worship. Lancet, Lond, 1917, ii, 145. Ascobolese. Molllard. RAle des bact^ries dans la production des peritheccs des Ascobolus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, ASCOBOLE^. 89 ASHBURN. Ascoboleae. 1903, cxxxvi, 899-901.—Ramlow (G.) Beitrage zur Entwick- Iungsgeschichte der Ascoboleen. Mycol. Centralbl, Jena, 1914-15, v, 177-198, 4 pi.—Welsford (E. J.) Fertilisation in Ascobolus furfuraceus (Pers.). Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Lond., 1907, 688. Ascochyta. Glover (W. O.) Ascochyta clematidina, the cause of stem-rot and leaf-spot of clematis. J. Agric. Research, Wash, 1915, iv, 331-342, 3 pi. Ascoli (Alberto). Elementi di sierologia. 163 pp., 2 1., 12 pi. 8°. Capodistria, C. Briora, 1911. ------. The same. 2. ed. 193 pp., 11., 6 col. pi. 8°. Milano, Stucchi: Ceretti & Co., 1912. Also, Editor of: Biochimica e terapia sperimentale, Milano, 1909-14. Ascoli (G[iulio]). Vorlesungen iiber Uramie. vi (1 1.), 296, xcii pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1903. Ascoli (Vittorio). Lezioni di patologia speciale medica. Raccolte da G. Catalano. 871pp. 8°. Boma, C. Audisio, 1905. ------. La febbre dai punto de vista clinico. 96 pp. 8°. Boma, C. Colombo, 1912. Ascoli reaction. See Anthrax (Serodiagnosis of). Ascomycetes. See, aho, Aspergillus; Ergot; Fungi; Molds; Yeasts. Bessey (E. A.) Some suggestions as to the phylogeny of the Ascomycetes. Mycol. Centralbl, Jena, 1913, hi, 149- 153.—Ewert. Die Ueberwinterung von Sommerkonidien pathogener Ascomyceten und die Widerstandsfahigkeit derselben gegen Kalte. Ztschr. f. Pflanzenkr, Stuttg, 1910, xx, 129-141.—Fraser (Miss H. C. I.) Nuclear fusions and reductions in the Ascomycetes. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond, 1907, 688.—Guilliermond (A.) Nouvelles recher- ches sur l'epiplasme des ascomycetes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1903, cxxxvi, 1487-1489. -----. Contribution a l'etude cytologique des ascomycetes. Ibid.; exxxvii, 938. -----. Remarques sur la cytologic des ascomycetes. Ibid., 1904, lvii, 208.-----. Sur le nombre des chromosomes chez les ascomycetes. Ibid., 1905, lviii, 273-275.—Klebalin (H.) Zusammenhange von Ascomyceten mit Fungis imperfectis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1905, xiv, 336. -----. Untersuchungen fiber einige Fungi imperfecti und die zugehorigen Ascomycetenformen. Z tschr. f. Pflanzenkr., Stuttg, 1906, xvi, 65-83: 1908, xviii, 5-17, 3 pi—Maire (R.) La formation des asques chez les p^zizes et revolution nucleaire des ascomyofetes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1903, lv, 1401.-----. Remarques sur la cytologie de quelques ascomycetes. Ibid., 1904, lvi, 86.-----. Sur les divisions nucleaires dans l'asque de la morille et de quelques autres ascomycetes. 76^,822-824.—Obermeyer(W.) Geo- pora graveolens n. sp. und Guttularia geopora n. sp, zwei neue Ascomyceten. Mycol. Centralbl.,, Jena, 1913-14, iii, 2-10.—Rehm (H.) Ascomycetes phihppinenses collecti a clar. C. F. Baker. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1913, vhi, s. C, 181; 251.—Zlmmermann (A.) Einige javanische, auf Coc- ciden parasitierende Ascomyceten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1901, vii, 872-876. Ascospores. , Bezssonofl (N.) Sur quelques faits relatifs a la formation du perithece et la delimitation des ascospores chez les Erysi- phaceae. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par, 1914, clviii, 1123- 1125. Asdale (William James) [1842-1912]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1912, lvih, 1701 — Werder(X. O.) In memoriam. Am. J. Obst, N. Y, 1913, lxvii, 762, port. Also: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1912, York, 1913, xxv, 595, port. Asef (Nota). *Die Mortalitatsstatistik der Peri- typhlitiden in der Schweiz. Eine medizinisch- statistische Studie. [Wiirzburg.] 40 pp. 8°. Bern, Stampfli & Co., 1898. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statist, Bern, 1898. Aseliius (Caspar) [1581-1626]. Albertoni (G.) *Della vita e delle opere di Gaspare Asellio, Cremonese. 12°. Bavia. 1847. Henry (F. P.) Aseliius and the discovery of the lym- phatic circulation. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcvii, 321- 324. Also, Reprint. Asellus. Miethe (C.) *Asellus cavaticus Schiodte in 1. leste Leijdig (As. Sieboldii de Rougemont). Ein Beitrag zur Hohlenfauna der Schweiz. [Bern.] (Extrait de la Revue suisse de zoolode, t. 7, 1899.) 8°. Geneve, 1899. von Kaulbersz (G. J.) Biologische Beobachtungen an Asellus aquaticus, nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber Gam- marus und Niphargus. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. allg. Zool, Jena, 1913, xxxiii, 287-359, 3 pi.—Wege (W.) Morpholo- gische und experimentelle Studien an Asellus aquaticus. Zool. Jahrb, Jena, 1910-11, xxx, 217-320, 2 pi. Asemia. See Asymbolia. Asepsis. See, also, Obstetrics (Antisepsis and asepsis in); Surgery (Antiseptic and aseptic); Wounds (Treatment of, Antiseptic and aseptic). Armstrong (E. K.) Medical asepsis. Interstate M. J, St. Louis; 1918, xxv, 262-270.—Dukeman (W. H.) Surgi- cal technique without the use of antiseptics; with report of forty-one consecutive successful abdominal operations. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1908, lxxiv, 184-186.—Edsalf (D. L.) Medical sepsis and asepsis. [Abstr.] Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1913, exxii, 196-205.—de Garay (A.) La practica de la asepsia y de la antisepsia, se impone oomo un deber. moral y socialmente considerado para los gobiernos, los medicos y el publicoengeneral. Escuela de med, Mexico, 1908, xxiii, L—Griffith (F.) An aseptic instrument holder. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 791.—Grosse. Ueber improvi- sierte Asepsis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 1849.— Keen (W. W.) On the use of gloves in surgical operations. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1898, xxvii, 224-227.—Odebrecht (E.) Ueber die Grenzen der Aseptik gegen die Antiseptik. Med.- chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1899, xxxiv, 387; 403.—Sailer (J.) Changes in the central nervous system after aseptic injury. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila, 1897-8, n. s, i, 45-49—Wollman (E.) La vie aseptique. Bull, de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1914, xii, 921; 953. Aseptolin. Edson (C.) Aseptolin; a formulated treat- ment for tuberculosis, septicaemia, malaria and la grippe, with report of cases. 12°. Jersey City, N. J., 1896. Dodge (W.) Edson's aseptolin. Tr. M. Soc. Calif, San Fran, 1896, xxvi, 48-58.—Lengfeld (A. L.) Aseptolin. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull, N. Y, 1896, ix, 878. Aserjer (Ber). *Untersuchungen iiber den Ge- burtsharn. 20 pp. 8°. Bern, H. Stolz, 1914. Asersky (Alexander). *Intermediar geheilte Falle von Eklampsie. 17 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Bernhardt, 1914. Asersky (Lima) [1889- ]. *Ueber Pancreas- cysten. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1912. Asferryl. Bachem (C.) Ueber Asferryl. Therap. Rundschau, Halle a. S, 1908, ii, 413.—Linke. Asferryl. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz, 1909, iv, 33-35. Ash (Edwin [Lancelot]). Hypnotism and sug- gestion. A practical handbook. 2 p. 1., 134 pp., 2 pi., 11. 12°. London, J. Jacobs, 1906. ------. Mind and health; the mental factor and suggestion in treatment, with special reference to neurasthenia and other common nervous disorders. 116 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood & Co., 1910. ------. Nerves and the nervous, vii (11.), 239 pp. 8°. London, Mills dc Boon, [1911]. ------. The nursing of nervous patients, iv (11.), 116 pp. 8°. London, The Scientific Bress, [1913]. ------. Nerve in war-time. 126 pp. 8°. London, Mills dc Boon, [1914]. ------. Stammering and successful control in speech and action. 4 p. 1., 116 pp. 8°. London, Mills 6c Boon, 1916. Ashburn (Percy M.) [1872- 1. The elements of military hygiene; especially arranged for officers and men of the line. 314 pp. 12°. Boston & New York, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1909. ASHBURN. 90 ASHTOX. Ashburn (Percy M.)—continued. ------. The same. [2. ed.] viii, 351 pp. 8°. Boston dc New York, Houghton, Mifflin Co., [1915]. ------. Mosquito-borne diseases. 19 pp. 12°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1914. Ashby (Henry) [1845-1908]. Health In the nursery, xii, 227 pp. 12°. London, New York dc Bombay, Bongmans, Green dc Co., 1898. ------. The same. 3. ed. xii, 241 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1902. ------. The same. De hygiene der kinderkamer. Vrij bewerkt naar Ashby: Health in the nur- sery, door Cornelia de Lange. 2. ed. l(i"> pp., v, 1 pi. 8°. Hengelo, B. T. Blenken. 1902. ------. Notes on physiology. 7. ed. xxi, 406 pp. 12°. Neiv York dc Bombay, Bongmans, Green dc Co., 1900. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond, 1908, ii, 198. Also: Monatschr. f. Kinderh, Leipz. & Wien, 1908, vii, 533 (J. Thomson). ------ & Wright (G. A.) The diseases of chil- dren, medical and surgical. Edited for Ameri- can students by William Berry Xorthrup. 2. ed. 773 pp. 8°. New York dc Bondon, Long- mans, Green dc Co., 1893. ------------. Thesame. 4. ed. xxvi, 872 pp., 12 pi. 12°. London, New York dc Bombay. Longmans, Green dc Co., 1899. ------------. The same. 5. ed. xix, 920 pp., 14 pi. 8°. London, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1905. Ashby (Hugh Tuke) [1880- ]. Infant mor- tality, x, 229 pp. 8°. Cambridge, University Br ess 1915. Ashby' (Thomas Almond) [1848-1916]. A text- book of the diseases of women. 661 pp. S\ Baltimore, Williams dc Wilkins Co., 1903. For Biography, see Bull. Med. & Chir. Fac. Marvland, Bait, 1916, ix, 7. Also: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 133. Also: Marvland M. L. Bait, 1916, lix, 203-207, port. Also: Univ. Gaz, Bait, 1916, iii, 26-28, port. Ashdown (A. Millicent). A complete system of i nursing, xv, 746 pp. 12°. London dc Toronto J. M. Bent dc Sons; New York. E. B. Button & I Co., 1917. Ashe (Evelyn Oliver). Besieged by the Boers, a diary of life and events in Kimberly during the siege. 6 p. 1., 2-175 pp., 24 pi. 8°. New York, Boubleduy, Buge dc Co., 1900. Ashe (Mikhail Antonovich) [1853-1909]. Andres (V.) [In memoriam.] Vestnik S.-Peterb, Vrach. Obsh. Vza'imn. Pom, 1910, ix, 1, port. Asher (Leon) [1865- ]. Der physiologische Stuffaustausch zwischen Blut und Geweben. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1909. Samml. anatom. u. physiol. Vortrage u. Aufsiitze, 5. Hft. .------. Der Anteil oinfachster Stoffe an den Lebenserscheinungen. 29 pp. 8°. Bern, M. Brechsel, 1913. Asher (Philip) [1867- ]. Chemistry and toxi- cology for nurses. 190 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia d- London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1914. Asher (Wilhelm) [1869- ]. Repetitorium der Augenheilkunde, im Anschluss an die neueren Lehrbucher dargestellt. \ i, 209 pp. 12° Leip- zig, A. Beichert, 1900. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. vii, 278 pp. 12°. Leipzig, G. Bohme, 1906. ------. Thesame. 3. Aufl. xlvi, 346 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Beichert, Nachf, 1912. Ashes. Aron (n.) Aschenanalysc. In: Abderhalden (E.) nandbuch der biochemischen Arbeitsmethoden, 8°, Leipz, 1909, j, 372-42X.—Stolte (K.) Fine einfache und zuver- lassige Methodik der Aschenanalyse. Biochem. Ztschr, Berl, 1911, xxxv, 104-107. Asheville, North Carolina. Llnn(T. K.) Asheville, North Carolina. Med. Century, Chicago, 1894, ii, 529-533.— Paquin (P.) The climate of Asheville for malarial disease, tuberculosis, etc. N. York M. J,1899, lxx, 563. Ashford (Bailey K.) [1873- ]. The relation of the genus Monilia to certain fermentative con- ditions of the intestinal tract in Porto Rico. 8 pp. 8°. Borto Bico, 1915. See, also, Report of the commission for the study and treatment of anemia [etc.] [in 2. s.L 8°. San Juan, Porto Rii o,1904. ------& Gutierrez Igaravidez (Pedro). Uncina- riasis (hookworm disease) in Porto Rico: a med- ical and economic problem. 335 pp., 28 pi., 1 map. 8°. Washington, Govt. Brint. Office, 1911. Ashhurst (Astley Paston Cooper) [1876- ]. An anatomical and surgical study of fractures of the lower end of the humerus. 163 pp. 4°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea dc Febiger, 1910. ------. Surgery; its principles and practice, for students and practitioners, ix, [171-1141 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea dc Febiger, 1914. See, also, Denver (John B.) & Ashhurst (Astley Paston Cooper). Surgerv of the upper abdomen, [etc.]. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1909. Ashhurst (John), jr. [1839-1900]. Harte (R. H.) [Biography.] Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila, 1902, 3. s, xxiv, pp., xliii-lvii. Also: Univ. Penn. M. Bull.. Phila, 1902-3, xv, 44-51, port. Also, Reprint. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J, 1900, cxliii, 71. Also: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 178. Also: Med. Nevs, X. Y., 190n, lxxvii, 65. Also: Nashville J. M. & S, 1900, lxxxviii. 47. Ashihara (Nubuyuki) [1868- ]. *Ueber das Lupus-Carcinom. 60pp., 11. 8°. Breslau, 1900. Ashley (Edward Fiske) [1*77-1911]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1911, lvi, 979. Ashmead (Albert Sidney) [1831-1911]. Suppres- sion and prevention of leprosy, xiv, 94 pp. 8°. Norristown, Ba., 1897. For Biography, see 3. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1911, lvi, 75s. Also: Pacific M. J, San Fran.. 190s, li, 621-624. Ashmore (Edythe Florence) [1S72- ]. Oste- opathic mechanics: a text-book; 3 col. pi., 2:'»7 pp. 8°. Kirksville. Mo.. Journal Printing Co., 1915. Ashton (Thomas G.) [1867- ]. Diseases oi the stomach. In: Syst. Pract. Therap. (Hare), Phila, 1S97. iv, 533-5S0. Ashton (Thomas John). On the diseases, inju- ries and malformations of the rectum and anus; with remarks on habitual constipation. 2. ed. xxiv, 396 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1857. Ash toil (William Easterly) [1S59- ]. Essen- tials of obstetrics, arranged in the form of ques- tions and answers, prepared especially for stu- dents of medicine. 5. ed. xv, 17-256 pp. S°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders dc Co.. 1900. • ------. The same. 6. ed. xv. 256 pp. 16°. Philadelphia d> London, W. B. Saunders <.(• Co., 1905. ------. The same. 7. ed., revised by John A. Mciilinn. 287 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Company, 1911. ------. Thesame. 8. ed., revised bv J. A. McGlinn. 2 ]). 1., 11-290 pp. 12°. Philadelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Company, 1916. ------. A text-book on the practice of gynecology for practitioners and students. 1079 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Sounders A> Co., 1905. ------. The same. 2. ed. 1079 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1906. ------. The same. 3. ed. 1097 pp. S°. Phila- delphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1906. ------. The same. 4. ed. 1099 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1909. ASHTON. 91 ASPARAGIN. Ashton (William Easterly)—continued. ------. The same. 5. ed. 1 p. 1., 9-1100 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Company, 1912. ------. The same. 6..ed. 1 p. 1., 9-1097 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Company, 1916. Asia. See, also, Cholera (History and statistics of), Epidemics (History of), Fever (Malarial, His- tory of), Fever (Typhoid, History of), Fever (Typhus, History of), Insane (Beghlation relat- ing to), Leprosy (History and statistics of), Men- ingitis (Cerebrospinal, History and statistics of), Plague (History of), by localities. Bretschneider (E.) Mediaeval researches from eastern Asiatic sources. Fragments towards the knowledge of the geography and history of central and western Asia from the 13th to the 17th century. 2 v. 8°. Bondon, 1910. Cajander (A. K.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Vegetation der Alluvionen des nordlichen Eura- siens. 4°. Hehingfors, 1903. Hrdlicka (A.) Remains in eastern Asia of the race that peopled America.' 8°. Washington, 1913. Lorentzen (O.) *Die mittlere Hohe von Asien. [Kiel.] 8°. Leipzig-B., 1906. Czaplicka (Miss M. A.) The influence of environment upon the religious ideas and practices of the aborigines of northern Asia. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1913, Lond, 1914, 642.—Jauffret (L.-F.) Cours d'histoire naturelle de l'homme fdeuxieme race); peuples de 1'Asie orientale. Rev. anthrop. Par, 1914, xxiv, 261-276.—Khanzadian. Mesures sanitaires en Asie occidentale. Cong, internat. de path. comp. Par, 1914, ii, 387-392.—"Krebs (W.) Ueber das Klima Ostasiens in seinen weltwirthschaftlichen und sani- tiiren Beziehungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte, Leipz, 1895, lxvii, pt. 2, 1. Hlfte, 145.— Lannelongue (O.-M.) Inde, Chine: impressions de voy- age. Rev. scient. Par, 1910, 5. s, xiii, v. 2, 481-490— von Luschan(F.) Anthropologic von Vorder-Asien. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, ii, sect. 1, 67.-----. The early inhabitants of western Asia. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1914, Wash, 1915, 553-577, 12 pi.—Maxi- mowicz (C. J.) Diagnosesplantarumnovarumasiaticarum. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb, 1880-83, xi, 623-876, 3 pi.—Sarasin (F.) Les types humains inferieurs du sud-est del'Asie. Rev. gen. d. sc. pureset appliq. Par, 1908, xix, 303-313.—Scheerer (O.) Zur Ethnologie der In- selkette zwischen Luzon und Formosa. Mitt. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Tokyo, 1906, xi, l_31._Senn (N.) Medical and surgical notes from Asia. Am. Med, Phila, 1902, iv, 467-469. Also, Reprint — Urstein CM.) Klinisches und TherapeutischesarsMittel- asicn. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1906, xlvii, 417-421.— Weissenberg (S.) Medizinisches aus Zentralasien. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr, 1913, xxxix, 1417-1419. Asiain (Manuel). *Breves consideraciones acerca de las indicaciones que hacen riecesaria la resec- ci6n en las fracturas ccmplicadas del brazo. 65 pp. 8°. Mexico, B. Veraza, 1885. Asiatische (Ueber die) Brechruhr (Cholera morbus) und das Verhalten vor und bei dem Erscheinen derselben. Ein Wort an unsere verehrten Mitbiirger von dem Sanitats-Amte der freien Stadt Frankfurt. Im September 1831. 14 pp. 12°. Frankfurt a. M., J. F. Wenner, 1831. Asilidse. Enderlein(G.) DipterologischeStudien. XL Zur Kennt- nis tropischer Asiliden. Zool. Anz, Leipz, 1914, xliv, 241- 263. Asimina. Barber (M. A.) Poisoning due to the papaw (Asimina triloba). J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1905, xiv, 2013. Ask (Carl Jakob) [1825-97]. Ask (J.) Nagra minnesblad. 93 pp., 2 port. 8°. Lund, 1898. Akerman (J.) [Biography.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1897, lix, pt. 2, 267-272. Ask (Fritz) [1870- ]. *Cysticercus cellulosae subconjunctivalis. 49, xliii pp., 2 pi. 8°. Lund, H. Moller [19021 ------. Studien iiber die pathologische Anatomie der erworbenen Linsenluxationen, nebst Beitrii- gen zur Kenntnis der pathologischen Anatomie der Spontanresorption der Linse in geschlos- sener Kapsel una der traumatischen Irisablo- sung. 3 p. 1., 164 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1913. Askanazy (Hans) [1877- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der chorioepitheliomatosen Wucherungen in den Teratomen der Keimdrusen. [Leipzig.] 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, B. Schumacher, 1904. Askanazy (M[ax]) [1865- ]. _ Die Dermoidcys- ten des Eierstocks, ihre Geschichte, ihr Bau und ihre Entstehung, sowie ihre Beziehung zu verwandten pathologischen Bildungen. viii, 116 pp., 6 pi. 4°. Stuttgart, E. Nagele. 1905. Forms 19. Hft. of: Bibliotheca medica, Abth. C. Askew (Anthony). Barnes (H.) On Anthony Askew, M. D, F. R. S, and his librarv. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915, ix, Sect. Hist. Med, 23-27. Askowith (Hyman). Fletcherism as household economy. A paper prepared under the direc- tion of Horace Fletcher, the apostle of thorough mastication. 2 1. 8°. Brooklyn, 1906. Repr.from: Good Houskeeping Mag, Brooklyn, 1906. Aslanian (Goloatt). Contribution a l'etude de la peritonite cancereuse. 152 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 150. Asmus (Eduard). Das Sideroskop und seine Anwendung. 4 p. 1., 88 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1898. Asness (Vera). *Cancer du col de l'uterus et grossesse. 52 pp. 8°. Bausanne, C. Bache, 1908. Asociacion medica de Puerto-Rico. Boletin. Director: Agustin Stahl. v. 1-6, 1903-8. 8°. San Juan, Buerto-Bico. Asociacion medico-farmaceutica de la Isla de Cuba. Revista. Director-administrador: El secretario de la asociacion, Enrique B. Barnet. v. 1-2, 1900-1902. 8°. Habana. Asociatiunei generale a medicilor din tera. Bule- tinul. v. 3-4, 1899-1901. 8°. Bucuresci. Asparagin. Chomsky (M.) *Ueber die Bedeutung des Asparagins fiir die thierische Ernahrung. 8°. Halle a.S., 1895. de Tryniszewski (S.) *Versuch uber die Bedeutung des Asparagins fiir die Ernahrung des Kalbes. 8°. Halle, 1898. Blanchetiere (A.) Action du bacille fluorescent liquet riant de Fliigge sur l'asparaeine en milieu chimiquement defini; vitesse et limite de l'attaque. (2. memoire.) Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1917, xxxi, 291-312.—Bourquelot (E.) & Herissey (H.) Sur la presence d'asparagine dans la gousse de grosse feve. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par, 1898, 10. s, v, 948.—Bresler (LI. W.) Ueber die Loslichkeit des fl-i-Asparagins und der /3-1-Asparaeinsaure. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz, 1904, xlvii, 611-617— Ehrlich (F.) & Lange (F ) Ueber die Umwandlung des Asparagins beim Kochen in wiisseriger Losung. Biochem. Ztschr, Berl, 1913, liv, 256-276.—Guareschi (I.) Studisull' asparagina e sull' acido aspartico. Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei, Roma, 1875-6, 2. s, iii, pt. 2,378-393.—Johnson (T. B.)& Guest (H. H.) C.C.- Hvdantoins; tbe action of potassium thiocyanate on aspara- ghie. Am. Chem. J, Bait, 1912, xlviii, 103-110.—Jolles (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Asparaginsaure und des Aspara- gins. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1901, lxxxiv, 446- 450—Kellner (O.) Untersuchungen uber die Bedeutung des Asparaeins und der Milchsaure fiir die Ernahrung des Pflanzenfressers. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Leipz, 1905. pt. 2, 145-148. -j----. Notiz betreffend die Xiihrwirkung des Asparagins. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1907, cxvhi, 641— Kiesel (A.) Ueber das Verhalten des Asparagins bei Autolyse von Pflanzen. Zt- schr f physiol. Chem, Strassb, 1909, lx, 476-481.—Leh- mann (C.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Asparagins auf den Stickstoflumsatz im Thierkorper. ASPARAGIN. 92 ASPERGILLUS. Asparagin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1906, cxii, 339-351: cxv, 448- 451, 1 pi.—Mtiller (M.) Untersuchungen uber die bisher beobachtete eiweisssparende Wirkung des Asparagins bei der Ernahrung. Ibid., 245-291, 3 pi. -----. Untersuchun- gen uber die Wirkung des Asparagins auf den Stickstoifum- satz und -ansatz des Tierkorpers. Ibid., 1907, cxvii, 497- 537— Neuberg (C.) & Capezzuoli (C.) Biochemische Cm- wandlung von Asparagin und Asparaginsaure und Bern- steinsaure. Bioehem. Ztschr, Berl, 1909, xviii, 424-430.— Petit (G.) & Thczard (A.) Asparaginc; son emploi en therapeutique. Med. orient. Par, 1907, xi, 257-261.— Pteifler (T.) Einfluss des Asparagins auf die Milchproduk- tion. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzlc 1904, Leipz, 1905, pt. 2, 172-175.—Prlngsheim (H.) Notiz uber das Vorkommen von Rechts-Asparagin in der Natur. Zt- schr. f. physiol. Chem, Strassb, 1910, lxv, 89-95— Salkow- skl (E.) Ueber das Verhalten der Asparaginsaure im Organismus. Ibid.. 1904, xiii, 207-212.—VOItz (W.) Be- merkungen zu der Arbeit von T. Pfeilfer, W. Schneider und A. Hepner: Ueber den Einfluss des Asparagins auf die Erzcugung der Milch und ihrer Bestandteile. Zentralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. & Wien, 1906, xx, 549-552. Asparagus. Morse (F. W.) Experiments in keeping asparagus after cutting. 8°. Amherst, Mass., 1917. Gttntz (J. E.) Miliaria-Ausschlag in Folge von Beruh- rung mit rohem Spargel (Asparagus officinalis). Vrtljschr. f. Dermat, Wien, 1880, vii, 05.—Hare (H. A.) A prelimi- nary note on the use of asparagus as a diuretic. Therap. Gaz, Detroit, 1899, 3. s., xv, 589.—Mackintosh (J. S.) As- paragus and haematuna. Lancet, Lond, 1901, i, 1825.— Morse (F. W.) The soluble carbohydrates in asparagus roots. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa, 1911, xxxiii, 211- 215.—Roberts (E.) Asparagus falcatus. J. Ceylon Br. Brit. M. Ass, Colombo, 1905, ii, 37, 1 pi.—Tauret (G.) Sur deux nouveaux hydrates de carbone retires de rasperge. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc, Par, 1909, cxlix, 4S-50.— Win- discli (K.) & Schmidt (I'.) Ueber die Veranderungen des Spargels beim Aufbewahren in Wasser. Ztschr. f. Unter- such. d. Nahrunes- u. Genussmittel, Berl,' 1904, vhi, 352- 355—Wlnterstcin (E.) & Huber (P.) Zur Kenntnis der Bestandteile des Spargels. Ibid., vii, 721-730: 1905, ix, 411-413. Aspects of child life and education. By G. Stan- ley Hall and some of his pupils. Edited by Theodore L. Smith, ix (1 1.), 326 pp. 12°. Boston, Ginn dc Co., 1907. Asper (Burt Jacob) [1889-1918]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1392. Aspergillosis. See, aho, Auditory canal (External, Barasitic disease of); Lungs (Mycoses of); Skin (Biseases of, Barasitic). Albertotti (G.) Contributo alio studio di una forma benigna di cheratomicosi aspergillina. 4°. Modena, 1906. Repr.from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc, Modena, 1906, 3. s, vii. Niel (P.-S.) "Contribution a l'etude de raspergillose des fosses nasales et des Binus de la face. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898. Renon (L.) Etude sur l'aspergillose chez les animaux et chez l'homme. 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Abces sous-dermiques a repetition produits par l'as- pergillus Fontoynonti n. sp.; morphologie et biologic do cctte espece. Arch, de parasitol. Par, 1910, xiv 177-192 — Holden (G. W.) A caso of pulmonary and glandular asper- gillosis. Tr. Am. Climat. & Clin. Ass, Phila, 1915, xxxi, 97-105,1 pi.—Hoover (F. P.) Aspergillosis; its diagnosis and Aspergillosis. treatment. Med. Council, Phila, 1912, xvh, 106-108.— dc Jong (D. A.) Aspergillosis der Kanaricnvogel. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1912, lxvi, Orig, 390-393.—Jowett (W.) Pulmonary mycosis in the ostrich. J. Comp. Path. & Therap.. Edinb. & Lond, 1913, xxvi, 253- 257.—Leopold-Levt. De i'apergillose. Gaz. d. h6p. Par, 1R97, lxx. 721-729.—Lucksch (F.) Vegetation eines bisher noch nient bekannt gewesenen Aspergillus im Bronchial- baume eines Diabctikers. Ztschr. f. Heilk, Wien & Leipz, 1902, xxiii, Abth. f. path. Anat, 153-170, 1 pi— Mahon (F. C.) The aspergillosis of buds, man, and animals; a resume. Vet. J, Lond, 1918, lxxiv, 59-65—Mettam (A. E.) Asper- gillosis; aspergillar mvcosis. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1911, xxix, 484^494.—Mort (N.) Natura ifomicetica dei corpuscoli della pleuropolmonite essudativa delle capre, il germe speciflco della malattia e un aspcrgillo. Pathologica, Genova, 1915-16, viii, 311-315.—NicoUe (C.) & Pinoy. Sur un cas de myotome d'origine aspergillaire observe en Tunisie. Arch, de parasitol. Par, 1905-6, x, 437-458 1 pi.— Nuvoletti (G.) & Casella (A.) Un caso di aspergillosi dif- fusa nei maiale. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital, Torino, 1903, i, 6; 21.— Renon (L.) Recherches sur le premier stade de l'infection dans l'aspergillose experimen- tale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par., 1896, 10. s, hi, 851- 854.-----. L'aspergillose, maladie primitive. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C. r./Par, 1900, sect, de path, int., 312-314. Alio: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par., 1900, xiv, 533.— Roth well (T. A.) Experimental aspergillosis. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Edinb. & Lond, 1900-1901, vh, 34-52, 1 pi — Zironi (A.) Sul potere patogeno deeh aspergilh. Ann. d'ig. sper, Roma, 1915, n. s, xxv, 167 -203—Ziveri (P.) As- pergillosi sperimentale. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital, Torino, 1904. ii, 97-101. Aspergillus., Codur (L.-E.-J.) Contribution a l'etude de Faction des sels inorganiques et organiques d'argent sur diverses especes d'Aspergillus, suivie d'un essai therapeutique. 8°. Nancy, 1905. Mirsky (BojanaL *Sur quelques causes d'erreur dans la determination des aspergilloses, parasites de l'homme. 8°. Nancy, 1903. Pinard (P.-M.-P.) *Ferments solubles s£- cr£tes par les muc^din^es et en particulier par l'Aspergillus repens et 1'Aspergillus clavatus. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Schmidt (A. O. II.) *Ueber die Bedingungen der Conidien-, Gemmen- und Schlauchfrucht- Production bei Sterigmatocystis nidulans, Eid[amJ, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Asper- gilleen (Pinselschimmel). [Greiiswald.] 8°. Halle a. S., 1897. Blochwitz (A.) Vergleichende Phvsiologie der Gattung • Aspergillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1913, xxxix, 497 502—Boston (L. N.ji Cultivation of the Aspergillus on urine. Phila. Hosp. Rep. (1900), 1901, iv, 243-247. Also: Proc. Path. Soc. Phila, 1900-1091, n. s, iv, 104-107—Ceud (C.) Sulla variability tossica del mulfe nelle stagioni dell' anno, a proporito di un lavoro dei C. Ravennae G. Pigheni. Riv. pellagral, ital, Udine, 1911, xi, 23-25—Codur (L. E. J.) & Thiry (G.) Aspergillus et argent metalliquc. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1913, lxxiv, 487.—Currle (J. N ) Production of oxahc acid by Aspergillus flcuum. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1915, n. s, xiii, 952.—Golden (K E ) Aspergillus orvzsc. Am. Month. Mier. .1, Wash, 1S99, xx, 351-360, 1 pi—Gueguen (F.) Formes evolutives et caraeteres sptrifiques de l'aspcr- cillus Fontoynonti. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1909, lxvi, 10 12.-----. Aspergillus Fontovnonti nova sp, parasite probable des nodosites juxtn-artieulaires. Ibid., 1052 — Herter (W.) Zur Kritik neuerer Speciesbeschrei- bungen in der Mvcologie. Ueber drei angeblich neue As- pergillaeeen. Mycol. Centralbl, Jena, 1913, hi, 286-290.— Jean (F.) & Bruhat (J.) Note sur la composition d'une pluie dite do sang. Repert. de pharm. Par, 1901, 3. s, xiii, 193.—Jousset (P.) De l'aetion empechante du chlorure d'or sur le developpement de l'Aspergillus. Art med. Par, 1904, xcviii, 192-194— Kita (G.) Einige japanische Schim- melpilze. II. Ueber die Aspergillusarten aus Katsuobushi und Vergleichung von vier A. ochracensartigen Pilzen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1914, xii, 351- 363— Ktthl (H.) Zur Charakteristik des Aspergillus glau- cus Link. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr, Leipz, 1910-11, xvi, s.5-88.— I-eplerre (C.) Zino et Aspergillus. Arg. do Inst. bact. Camara Pestana, Lisb, 1913-14, iv, 125; 235. -----. Zinc et Aspergillus; les experiences de Coupin et dc Javillier. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc. Par, 1914, chin, 67-70—Lode (A.) Studien iiber die Ahsterbebedingungen der Sporen ciniger Aspergillusarten. Arch. f. Hyg, Miinchen & Berl, 1902, xiii, 107-152.—Mangin (L.) Formation normale et forma- ASPERGILLUS. 93 ASPERGILLUS. Aspergillus. tion desordonnee des conidies chez les aspergillacees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1908, cxlvii, 260-263.—Okazaki (K.) Eine neue Aspergillus-Art und ihre praktische Anwendung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1907, xix, 481-484, 2 pi.-----. Beitrage zur Affinitat eines neuen weissen Fadenpilzes (Aspergillus Okazakah). Ibid.. 1914, xlh, 225- 240.—Pritchard (U.) Specimen of Aspergillus. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1902, hi, 17, 2 pf.—Sartory (A.) De 1'influence d'une bacterie sur la production des peri- theces chez un Aspergillus. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1916, lxxix. 174.—Sartory (A..) & Bainler (G.) Sur un pigment produit par deux Aspergillus. Ibid., 1911, lxx, 639-641.—Scales (F. M.) The enzymes of Aspergillus ter- ricola. J. Biol. Chem, Bait, 1914, xix, 459-472—Trubln (A. G.) [A new species of mold fungus belonging to the Aspergillus family.) Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1911, x, 1839.—Wehmer (C.) Aspergillus Wentii eine neue techni- sche Pilzart Javas. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1896, ii, 140-150, 1 pi.-----. Zur Kenntnis einiger Aspergillus-Arten. Ibid., 1907, xviii, 385-395. Aspergillus auricularis. See Auditory canal (External, Parasitic disease of). Aspergillus fumigatus. See, aho, Lungs (Mycoses,of). Bainier (G.) & Sartory (A.) Etude d'un Aspergillus Eathogene; Aspergillus fumigatoides. Compt. rend. Soc. de iol. Par, 1909, lxvi, 22.—Besta (C.) Nuove ricerche sopra il tossico delP Aspergillus fumigatus. Riv. pellagral, ital, Udine, 1905, v, 222-226.-----. Sopra il potere patogeno dell' Aspergillus fumigatus. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio- Emilia, 1905, xxxi, 502-517, 1 pi.—Bodin (E.) & Gautier (L.) Note sur une toxine produite par l'Aspergillus fumi- fatus. Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1906, xx, 209-224.— (odin (E.) & Lenormand (C.) Recherches sur les poisons produits par l'Aspergillus fumigatus. Ibid., 1912, xxvi, 371- 380.—Ceni (C.) Le proprieta tossiche dell' Aspergillus fumigatus in rapporto colle stagioni dell' anno. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1904, xxxv, 528-535. Also: Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggie-Emilia, 1904, xxx, 85- 95.—Colas (A.) Action des metaux colloidaux electriques sur l'Aspergillus fumigatus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par., 1909. lxvii, 374.—Grijns (G.) Die Ascusform des As- pergillus fumigatus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1903, xi, 330-332. Also: Versl. d____wis-en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch, Amst, 1903-4, xii, 1. ged, 454.—Lucet (A.) Aspergillus fumigatus chez les animaux domestiques et dans les ceufs en incubation. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1896, 3. s, xxxvi, 377-380.-----. Experimental and clinical study of the Aspergillus fumigatus. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path, Lond, 1897, xliv, 215; 285; 392: xiv, 226; 301.—Obici (A.) Ueber die pathogenen Eigenschaften des Aspergillus fumigatus. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1898, xxiii, 197-237.—Pighini (G.) & Bavenna (C.) La pretesa influenza delle stagioni sulla tossicita delle culture di Aspergillus fumigatus. (In risposta al Prof. C. Ceni.) Riv. pellagral, ital, Udine, 1911, xi, 41-43.—Renon (L.) Passage du mycelium de l'Aspergillus fumigatus dans les urines au cours de l'aspergillose experimentale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1896,10. s.. hi, 393-395.-----. Re- cherche des spores de l'Aspergillus fumigatus dans le mucus nasal et la salive de personnes saines et malades. Ibid., 456- 459.-----. De l'attenuation de la vitalite des spores de l'Aspergillus fumigatus dans les membranes organiques. Cinquanten. de la Soc. de biol. Par, 1899, 450.-----. Dis- parition de la vitalite et de la virulence des spores de l'As- pergillus fumigatus, apres 25 ans de sejour dans une vieille culture. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1917, lxxx, 616.— Sauton (B.) Sur la sporulation de l'Aspergillus niger et de l'Aspergillus fumigatus. Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1913, xxvii, 328-333.-----. Sur la sporulation de l'Aspergillus fumigatus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par, 1913, lxxiv, 38.—Saxer. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber As- pergillus-Mvcosen (Aspergillus fumigatus). Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1898, Berl, 1899, 149-151— Sion (V.) & Alexandrescu (N.) Sur la toxicite d'un type d'As- pergillus fumigatus isole1 dn mai's avarie; note preliminaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1908, lxiv, 288.—Vuillemln (P.) L'Aspergillus fumigatusest-ilconnual'etat ascospore? Arch, de parasitol. Par, 1904, vhi, 540-542. Aspergillus niger. See, also, Auditory canal (External, Parasitic disease of). Orlovski (Z. F.) *0 vliyanii mishyaka na rost i khimicheskiy sostav Aspergilli nigri; eksperimentalnoye lzsliedovaniye. [Influence of arsenic on the growth and chemical composi- tion of Aspergillus niger; experimental investi- gation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1902. Also, transl. in: Polnisch. Arch. f. biol. u. med. Wissench, Lemberg, 1903-4, ii, 182-193. Aspergillus niger. Reese (H.) *Der Einfluss der gebrauchten JNahrlosung, des Zinks und des Mangans auf das Wachstum von Aspergillus niger. 8°. Kiel. 1912. 8 Abderhalden (E.) & Bona (P.) Die Zusammensetzung des Eiweiss von Aspergillus niger bei verschiedener Stick- stoflquelle. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem, Strassb, 1905, xlvi, 179-186.— Abderhalden (E.) & Teruuchl (Y.) Kultur- versuche mit Aspergillus niger auf cinigen Aminosauren und Peptiden. Ibid., 1906,xlvh,394-396—BaUand&Droz. Sur l'Aspergillus niger des tanneries. J. de pharm. et chim. Par, 1909, 6. s, xxix, 573-575.—Bertrand (G.) Sur l'ex- traordinaire sensibilite de l'Aspergillus niger vis-a-vis du manganese. Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1912, xxvi, 767-777. -----. Sur le rdle capital du manganese dans la production des conidies de l'Aspergillus niger. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol, Par, 1912, xix, 321-324. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1912, cliv, 381-383.-----. L'argent peut-il, a une concentration convenable, exciter la croissance de l'Aspergillus niger? Ibid., 1914, clviii, 1213-1216.—Ber- trand (G.) & Javlllier (M.) Influence du zincet du manga- nese sur la composition minerale de 1' Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1911,clii, 1337-1342. Also: Ann. del'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1912, xxvi, 515-521.-----------. Influence du manganese sur le developpement de l'Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1911, clii, 225-228. Also: Ann. de 1'Inst. Pas- teur, Par, 1912, xxvi, 241-249.—Bierry (H.) & Coupin (Mile. F.) Stengmatocystis nigraet lactose. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1913, clvii, 246.—Bornand (M.) Influ- ence des metaux sur le developpement de l'Aspergillus niger cultive sur liquide de Raulin. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1913, xxxLx, 488-496— Boselli (J.) Etude de l'inulase d'Aspergillus niger. Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par.. 1911, xxv, 69.5-704.—Buromsky (J.) Die Salze Zn, Mg und Ca, K und Na und ihr Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Aspergillus niger. Centralbl. f. Bateriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1912, xxxvi, 54-66.—Clement (II.) Action de l'argent sur la vegetation de l'Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend Soc. de biol. Par, 1913, lxxiv, 749.—Coupin (Fernande). Re- cherches sur l'adaptation du Sterigmatocystis nigra au lactose. J. de physiol. et de gen. Par, 1914, xvi, 419-434.— Coupin (H.) Zinc et Sterigmatocystis nigra. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1913, clvii, 1475.—Currie (J. N.) Production of citric acid by black Aspergillus. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1915, n. s, xlh, 952.-----. On the citric acid production of Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1916, n. s, xliv, 215.-----. The citric acid fermentation of Aspergillus niger. J. Biol. Chem, Bait, 1917, xxxi, 15-37, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.—Dox (A. W.) The phosphorus assimilation of Aspergillus niger. J. Biol. Chem, Bait, 1911, x, 77-80.-----. Influence of exhaustion of the medium upon the rate of autol- ysis of Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1913-14, xvi, 479-484.-----. The influence of autolysis on the mycodextran content of Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1915, xx, 83-85.—Dox (A. W.) & Neidig (R. E.) Spaltung von o- und 0-Methylglucosid durch Aspergillus niger. Biochem. Ztschr, Berl, 1912, xlvi, 397-402.—Engelka (C.) Sceptromyces opizi Corda (Bo- trytis sceptrum Corda) ist erne Conidienform von Asper- gillus niger Rob. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr, Leipz., 1903, ix, 40.—Fernbach (A.) Influence de racide.sulfocyanique sur la vegetation de V Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1902, exxxv, 51— Galll-Valerlo (B.) & Rochaz- de-Jongh (Jeanne). Ueber die Wirkung von Aspergillus niger und Aspergillus glaucus auf die Larven von Culex und Anopheles. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. fete], 1. Abt, Jena, 1905-6, xl, 630-633.—Grezes (G.) Recherches sur la sucrase de l'Aspergillus niger: contribution^, l'etude de l'influence de 1'aliment carbon^ sur la secretion des diastases. Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1912, xxvi, 556-573.—Herissey (H.) Action du chloroforme sur la maltase de l'Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1896. 10. s, hi, 915-917.— Herissey (H.) & Lebas (C.) Utilisation de raucubine par l'Aspergillus niger V. Tgh. J. de pharm. et chim. Par, 1911, 7. s, iii, 521.—Javlllier (M.) Sur l'influence favorable qu'exercent de tres petites quantites de zinc sur la vegetation de 1'Aspergillus niger Cramer. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol, Par, 1907, xiv, 694-698.-----. Sur l'influence favorable do petites doses de zinc sur la vegetation du Sterigmatocyslis nigra V. Tgh. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1907, cxiv, 1212-1215.-----. Influence exercee par le zinc sur l'utilisa- tion par l'Aspergillus niger de ses aliments hydrocarbones, azotes et mineraux; definition nouvelle des coefficients d'utihte specifique des elements. Bull. d. sc. pharmacol. Par, 1912, xix, 513-520.-----. Influence de la suppression du zinc du nulieu de culture de 1'Aspergillus niger sur la secretion de sucrase par cette mucedinee. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1912, cliv, 383-386.-----. Sur la substi- tution au zinc de divers elements chimiques pour la culture du Sterigmatocystis nigra. Ibid., civ, 1551.-----. Re- cherches sur la substitution au zinc de divers elements chi- miques pour la culture de l'Aspergillus niger (Sterigmato- cystis nigra V. Tgh.): etude particuliere du cadmium et du glucinium). Anil, de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1913, xxvu, 1021-1038. Also: Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol, Par, 1913, xx, 321-337.-----. Essais de substitution du glucinium au magnesium et au zinc pour & culture du Sterigmatocystis ASPERGILLUS. 94 ASPHYXIA. Aspergillus niger. nigraV. Tgh. (AspergillusnigerV. Tgh.). Compt.rend. Acad. d.sc. Par, 1913, clvi, 406-409.-----. Nouveauxfaits relatifs ii 1'intervention du zinc dans le developpement de l'Asper- gillus niger; la culture de l'Aspergillus sur milieux profonds. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol, Par., 1914, xxi, 278-287. -----. Sur la culture de l'Aspergillus niger (Sterigmatocystis nigra V. Tgh.) dans des miLeux oh le zinc est remplace par divers elements chimiques (cuivre, uranium, vanadium). Ibid., 452-163.-----. Utilitedu zinc pour la croissance del' Asper- gillus niger (Sterigmatocystis niger V. Tgh.) cultive en milieux profonds. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1914, clviii, 1216-1219.—Javillier (M.) & Sauton (B.) Le fer est-il indispensable k la formation des conidies do 1'Asper- gillus niger? Ibid., 1911, cliii, 1177-1180.—Javillier (M.) & Tchernoroutzky (Mme. H.) L'amygdalase et l'amygda- linase chez l'Aspergillus niger (Sterigmatocystis nigra V. Tgh.) et quelques hyphomycetes voisins. Bull. d. sc. Phar- macol, Par, 1913, xx, 132-140.—Jousset (P.) De Paction empechante des doses infinitesimales de nitrate d'argent sur la vegetation de l'Aspergillus niger. Art med. Par, 1903, xcvii, 81-95. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1903, lv, 942.—Kiesel (A.) Recherches sur Taction de divers aeides et sels acidessur le developpement de l'Aspergillus niger. Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par, 1913, xxvu, 391-420.-----. Changements morphologiques de l'Aspergillus niger en presence de divers aeides et sels aeides. Ibid., 481-4^, 2 pi.-----. L'influence de la reaction du mi- lieu sur Taction de Tinula.se de l'Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1914, xxviii, 747-757.—Koch (W.) & Reed (H. S.) The relation of extractive to protein phosphorus in Aspergillus niger. J. Biol. Chem, N. Y, 1907-8, hi, 49-52.—Lepierre (C.) Remplacement du zinc par le glucinium dans la culture de l'Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1913, clvi, 409-411.-----. Remplacement du zinc par Turanium dans la culture de TAspergulus niger. Ibid., 1179- 1181.-----. Remplacement du zinc par le cuivre dans la culture del'Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1489-1491.-----. Non- specificity du zinc comme catalyseur biologique dans la culture de l'Aspergillus niger, son remplacement par d'autres elements. Arq. do Inst, bacteriol. Camara Pestana, Lisb, 1913, iv, 93-123. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1913, clvi, 258-261.-----. Inutilite du zinc pour la culture de 1'Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1913, clxvii, 876-879.—Linossier (G.) Influence du fer sur la formation des spores de l'Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1910, ch, 1075.—Malfltano (G.) Sur la protease de l'Asper- gillus niger. Ann. de TInst. Pasteur, Par, 1900, xiv, 420- 448.—31ortensen (M. L.) Versuche iiber die Giftwirkung von Kobalt-Salzen auf Aspergillus niger bei Kultur auf festen und fliissigen Medien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1909. xxiv, 521-538.—Mostlnski CV. A.) [Impressibility of cultures of Aspergillus niger to minimum doses of silver nitrate in the nutritive medium.] Vet. Obozr, Mosk, 1904, vi, 485.—Oestling (G. J.) Ueber die Inversion von Rohrzucker durch Aspergillus niger. Mycol. Centralbl, Jena, 1914, iv, 233-236.— Bariborski (M.) Einige Chemomorphoscn des Aspergillus niger. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr, Leipz, 1906, xii, 131-139.—Robert ( Mile.) Influence du calcium sur le developpement et la composition minerale de l'Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1911, cliii, 1175-1177.-----. Mode de fixation du calcium par l'Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1912, cliv, 1308-1310.-Sauton (B.) Le fer est-il indispensable a la formation des spores de PAspergillus niger? Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1911, lxxi, 589.-----. Germination in vivo des spores d'Asper- gillus niger et d'A. fumigatus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1911, clii, 1697. Also: Ann. de TInst. Pasteur, Par, 1912, xxvi, 48-50.-----. Influence compareedu potassium, du rubidium et du caesium sur le developpement et la sporu- lation de l'Aspergillus niger. Compt. rend. Acad. a. sc. Par, 1912, civ, 1181-1183.-----. Sur la sporulation de l'Aspergillus niger et de l'Aspergillus fumigatus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1913, lxxiv, 263-265-Thorn (C.) & Currle (J. N.) Aspergillus niger group. J. Agric. Re- search. Wash, 1916, vii, 1-15.—Thomas (P.) & Moran (R.-C.) Sur les substances proteiquesdel'Aspergilh is niger. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1914, clix, 125-127.- Toep- litz (M.) [Kin mikroscopisches Praparat von Aspergillus niger.] N. Yorker med. Monatschr, 1902, xiv, 453.—Water- man (II. J.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der KohlenstolTnahrung von Aspergillus nh'cr. Folia microbiol. Delft, 1912. i, 422-486. -----. Action of hydrogenous substances, boric acid, copper, manganese, zinc, and rubidium on the metabolism of Asper- gillus niger. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Yersl, 1912-13, xv, 753-764,1 pi.-----. Metabolism of the nitrogen in Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1047-1057, 1 tab.---. Meta- bolism of the phosphorus in Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1058- 1063.-----. Potassium sulphate and magnesium in the metabolism of Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1349-1355. -----. I tie Sclektion bei der Nahrung von Aspergillus niger (Rohr- zucker, Maltose, Rafnnose und Gemische von Rechts- und I.inksweinsiiurealsorganische Nahrung). Folia microbiol. Delft, 1913, ii, 13,5-161.—Wehmer (C.) Zur Oxalsauregii- rungdurch Aspergillus niger. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.|, 2. Abt, Jena, 1897, iii, 102-104, 1 pi.-----. Zur Oxalsaure- bildung durch Aspergillus niger. Ibid., 1905-6, xv, 6ss-6«i0. -----. Der Gang der Aciditat in Kulturen von Aspergillus niger bei wechsclnder StickstofTquelle. Biochem. Ztschr, Berl, 1914, lxix, 63-76. Asperniarism. See, also, Impotence. Brown (F. F.) Aspermia. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1893), 1894, 5.—Dubois-Havenith. Un cas d'asperma- tisme; impuissance par absence d'ejaculation. Presse med. beige, Brux, 1912, lxiv, 121-124.—Feleki (H.) [Case.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1905, xlix, 93.-----. [Ein Fall von AspermatismusJ Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1905, xh, 206; 1141.—Font y Monteros (J.) Un caso tipieo de aspermatismo.' Rev. balear de cien. med, Palma de Ma- llorca, 1899, xvii, 217-224. -Lespinasse (V. D.) Asperma- tlsm. Tr. Urol. Soc, Chicago, 1915-16, 213. [Discussion], 217-219. Also: Urol. 99.—Cas- tellino (P. F.) Asma essenziate; enflsema; lieve iposistolia eardiaca; iniziale scompenso. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 150.—Dlinges. Asthma und infektiose Lungenleiden (Tu- berculose, Pneumonie). Deutsche med. Wchnschr Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 167S-16M.—Fickler (A.) Atropinwahn- sinn bei eihem Asthmatiker. Ibid., 1910, xxxvi, 1033.— Gilbert (A.) & Vtllaret (M.) L'hepatalgie des asthma- tiques. Presse med. Par, 1906, xiv, 81—Langstein (L.) Ekzem und Asthma; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der exsuda- tiven Diathese. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1908, xiv, 1218.— Leven (G.) Asthme, dvspnee, et toux gastriquos. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1912, clxiv, 833-850.—Merklen. Asthme, emphysemo pulmonaire, nephrite et asvstolie. J. de med, int., Par, 1904, vhi, 305-307— >niler (W.) A case of asthma with vaso-motor complications. Lancet, Lond.. 1909,ii, 1587.—Moncorge. Del'amaigrissement chez les asthmatiques. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1897, ii, 76-84.— Olshi (B.) A case of spasmodic stricture of oesophagus due to asthma. Sei-i-Kwai M. J, Tokyo, 1910, x\i\. No. 2, 1910.—Osier (W.) Case of asthma with cyanosis, extensive purpura, painful muscles, and eos&iophiha. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1901, xii, 17—Percepied (E.) La con- gestion pulmonaire unilaterale dans les attaqucs d'asthme. Bull, med., Par, 1910, xxiv, 588-590.—Shaw (II.B.) Re- current attacks of dyspncea (asthma), accompanied on each occasion by a faint erythymatous annular rash on the limbs and body. Clin. J, Lond, 1911-12, xxxix, 94— Taylor (H. N.) A chnical note on the connection between asthma and eczema. N. York M. J.; 1899, lxx, 593 —Whitby (C J ) Subcutaneous emphysema m a case of spasmodic asthma. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1905, i, 73. Asthma (Diagnosis of). See, aho, Asthma (Blood in); Asthma (Spu- tum in); Curschmann's spirah. Ricci (O.) Sintomatologia e patogenesi delle vane forme di asma. 4°. Lirorno, 1910. Abrams (A.) The tracheal traction test as an aid in the recognition of the asthmatic lung. Med. News, N. Y, 1904, ASTHMA 109 ASTHMA. Asthma (Diagnosis of). lxxxiv, 1207-1209—Andre (.1.) Aura et asthme. Bull. Soc. med.-chir.,de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par, 1902, iii, 91-93. Also: Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1903, iv, 109- 111.—Bcal. La p6riode preasthmatique. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1911, lxxxiv, 777-782.—Cutter (E.) The pre-asthma- tic state. Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 481-483. Also, Re- print.—Davies (B. C.) A clinical study of asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1914, lxii, 1006-1008.—Fennwick (P. C.) Pseudo-asthma. N. Zealand M. J, Wellington, 1903, iii, 96-100—Gilfin (II. Z.) The examination of the nose and throat in relation to general diagnosis; results in asthma fol- lowing nasal operation. Boston M. & S. J, 1911, clxiv, 228- 230.—Goldschmidt (S.) Ueber zwei Falle von Pseudo- asthma. Deutsche Prax, Munchen, 1903, xh, 677-680.— Halbert (H. V.) A clinical study of asthma. Clinique, Chicago, 1906. xxvii, 293-297.—Hayem (G.) Sur un cas de faux asthme d'origine gastrique. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1903, 3. s, 1, 471^76.—Jack (G. N.) The prognosis of asth- ma from a digestive blood metabolic etiologie standpoint. Buffalo M. J, 1905-6, lxi, 16-20.—Laubry (C.) Sur le di- agnostic et le traitement de l'asthme. Tribune med. Par, 1903, 2. s, xxxv, 456.—May (W. L.) Case of bronchial or catarrhal asthma followed by very peculiar symptoms. Memphis M. Month, 1898, xviii, 163-165.—Minervini (L.) & Tagllamuro (P.) La posizione del corpo nell' asma e sue varie forme. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1905, xxvi, 1461- 1465.—Moncorge. Pression arterielle et reflexes rotuliens chez les asthmatiques (loi d'opposition). Lyon med, 1903, c, 414-419.—Monro (A.) Observation sur un asthme ac- compagne de, symptomes bizarres. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc. d'Edinb, Par, 1742, hi, 426-432.—O'Connor (C. E.) A plea for the routine examination of the nose in all persons affected with asthma. Queen's M. Quart, Kingston, Canada, 1908-9, xiii, 123-126.—Pignatti Morano (G.) Polso paradosso nell' asma bronchiale. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1900, xxxix, 622-624.—Porter (H. G.) Asthma; its various forms. Mass. M. J, Bost, 1903, xxiii, 193-199.— Rellly (T. F.) The diagnosis of bronchial asthma. Arch. Diagn, N. Y, 1910, iii, 223-226.—Smith (A. A.) Some clinical features of spasmodic asthma. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1906, lxix, 40.—Vires (J.) Diagnostic de l'asthme vrai et des asthmes symptomatiques. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1900, lxxiii, 765-771. Also: N. Montpel. med, 1900, xi, 161-183. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1899- 1900, i, 540.—West (S.) A clinical lecture on asthma. Clin. J, Lond, 1909, xxxiv, 273-277. Asthma (Dyspeptic). Boas (J.) Ueber Asthma dvspeptieum. Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Physiol, Path. u. Therap, Berl, 1886-1906, i, 619- 630.—Boutavant. Asthme dyspeptique de Henoch et aerophagie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1914, xxviii, 472.—Crlstalli (G.)- Tre casi di asma dispeptico. Pediatria, Napoli, 1902, x, 76-89.—Ehrllch (F.) Casuisti- scher Beitrag zum Asthma dyspepticum. Arch. f. Ver- dauungskr, Berl, 1899, v, 126-128—Einhorn (M.) Dys- peptic asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 3i0- 313. Also: Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1902, xiv, 490-498 — Murdoch (F. H.) Dyspeptic asthma. N. York M. J, 1901, lxxiii, 58-60. Asthma (Nasal). Braun (E.) *Ueber das Asthma bronchiale bei Siebbemerkrankungen. 8°. Breslau, 1913. Francis (A.) Asthma in relation to the nose, with notes of 402 cases. 8°. London, 1903. Also [Abstr.], in: Clin. J, Lond, 1903-4, xxiii, 222-224. Muller (P.) *Ethmoiditis und Asthma. [Gottingen.] 8°. Hamm, 1912. Abbott (W. J.) Bronchial asthma and the relation of nasal conditions to it. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1914, xxih, 83-92.—Bosworth (F. H.) The rela- tion of pathological conditions of the ethmoid region of the nose to asthma; treatment. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1899, N. Y, 1900, xxi, 104-119.—Brown (J. M.) Asthma associated with ethmoidal disease. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1916, xxvi, 397-407.—Coggeshall (H.) The rela- tion of ethmoidal inflammation to asthma. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1905, lxvi, 855.—Cooke (W. H.} The part that affec- tions of the upper ah passages take in producing asthma. Med. Dial, Mmneap, 1903, v, 105— Crichton (L. M.) Report of cases of asthma due to intra-nasal pressure. Atlanta M. & S. J, 1898-9, n. s, xv, 669-673.—Downie (W.) Two examples in men of severe and prolonged attacks of asthma, associated with, and apparently dependent upon, the presence of nasal polypi, extirpation of which resulted in complete immunity from asthmatic symptoms. Glas- gow M. J, 1900, liv, 249-251— Dudley (W. H.) The consid- eration of nasal conditions causing asthma. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1914, xii, 456-459. Also: J. Ophth. & Oto- Laryngol, Chicago, 1915, ix, 14-19.—Egbert (J. H.) Asthma a nasal disease. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 380-384. Also, Reprint.—Farrell (P. J. H.) Asthma of nasal origin, its radical cure. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1901-2, n. s. Asthma (Nasal). hi, 588. Also: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 241. -----. Chronic nasal catarrh in its relation to asthma. In- ternat. M. Mag, N. Y, 1903, xii, 78-81.—Ferreri (G.) Siero- terapia dell' asma d'origine nasale. Atti d. clin. oto-rino- Iaringoiat. 1914, Roma, 1916, xii, 293-312.—Gelle. Acces d'asthme nocturnes par hemistenose nasale; experiences sur la respiration et la phonation nasales. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1900, xxv, 109-115.—Grant (D.) Nasal disease in relation to asthma. Practitioner, Lond, 1913, xc, 914-923.—Grossmann (M.) Experi- mentelle Beitrage zur Lehre vom nasalen Asthma. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lx, 145; 214; 272. Also, transl: Arch. internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1910, xxix, 836-847, 2 fold. pi. -----. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Lehre vom nasalen Asthma. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1914, li, 1000 — Haseltine (B.) The relation of asthma to ethmoid disease. Chmque, Chicago, 1913, xxxiv, 65-74.—Ingals (E. F.) The relation of pathological conditions of the ethmoid region of the nose to asthma; chnical phases. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1899, N. Y, 1900, xxi, 101-104. [Discussion], 110-119 — Jay (M.) Asthma in relation to the nose. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1911, xxx, 248-251.—Kaufmann. Asthme d'origine nasale. Anjou med. Angers, 1906, xhi, 146-148.— King (G.) Etiologie nasale et traitement de l'asthme. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1906, ii, 609-614.— Lewis (E. R.) Asthma in relation to nasal and accessory sinus conditions. Iowa M. J. [etc.], Des Moines, 1908-9, xv, 437-443.—McBride (P.) Asthma in relation to the upper air passages. Edinb. M. J, 1899, n. s, vi, 7-11.— MacPherson (D.) Asthma following operative measures in ethmoiditis. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1909, xix, 295- 298. [Discussion], 306-309.—Matthews (J.) The relation of nasal conditions to asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1912, lix, 1107. [Discussion], 1111. Also, Reprint—Men- gotti (E.) Di un caso tipico di asma di origine nasale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino-Palermo, 1908, xix, 108.— Neumayer. Behandlung des Asthma nasale durch Ner- venresektion. Ztschr. f. Laryngol, Rhinol. [etc.], Wiirzb, 1911, iv, 303-312.—Nikitin (W. N.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Nasenhohle in der Entstehung des Bronchialasthmas. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol, Berl, 1910, xxiii, 118-122.— Payne (R.) Asthma of nasal origin and its radical cure. Tr. M. Soc. Calif, Monterey, 1899, xxix, 124-129. Also: Pacific M. J, San Fran, 1899, xhi, 280-284.—Percepied (E:) L'asthme nasal. Normandie med, Rouen, 1911, xxvii, 193; 229.—Richardson (C. W.) Asthma as a reflex mani- festation from abscess of the antrum. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1899, vii, 87-89. Also: Tr. Am. Laryngol, Rhinol, & Otol. Soc. 1899, N. Y, 1900, v, 40-44—Roy (G. L.) L'asthme nasal, son traitement. Rev. med. Par, 1911, xxi, 517-519.—Sandusky (C. M.) Report of a case of reflex bronchial asthma caused by the presence of nasal polypi. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1907, xxx, 263.—Schech. Das nasale Asthma und seine Beziehungen zum Emphysem. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1896, xliii, 773.—Schmiegelow (E.) [Case of violent attack of asthma caused by bilateral disease of the accessory sinuses; recovery after operation.] Ugeskr. f. Ljeger, K^benh, 1916, lxxvhi, 189-191.—Smurth- waite. Asthma, with nasal stenosis; nasal treatment; dis- appearance of asthma. Northumberland & Durham M. J, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1905, xiii, 79.—Solow (J.) Nasal obstructions as causative factors in bronchial asthma cases. N. York M. J, [etc.], 1911, xciv, 637-639. Also, Reprint — Straughn (C. G.) Bronchial asthma as a nasal reflex. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat. J, Lancaster, Pa, 1909, xv, 334-336.—Swain (II. L.) The relation of pathological con- ditions of the ethmoid region of the nose to asthma. N. York M. J, 1899, lxx, 613-615. Also, Reprint.-----. Bron- chial asthma, its relation to nasal diseases. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Waterbury, Conn, 1900, 197-211, 3 pi. Also, Re- print.—Walb (G.) Leber Rachitis der Nase und ihre Beziehungen zum Asthma bronchiale. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 2300-2302.—Yajima (Y.) On the nasal asthma. See-i-Kwai M. J, Tokyo, 1911, xxx, No. 9. Asthma (Nervous). Berk art (J. I. B.) The pathology and treat- ment of the so-called nervous asthma. 8°. London, 1916. Also, in: Polyclin, Lond, 1915, xix, 79-N7. Salterini (G.) L'asma bronchiale e nervoso. 24°. Milano, 1895. Avellis (G.) Kann die Ursache des nervosen Asthmas in einer Storung des Organgefuhls fiir das respiratorisehe Gleichgewicht gefunden werden? Therap. Rundschau, Halle a. S, 1908, ii, 253-256. -----. Ueber Storung des Organgefiihls fiir das respiratorisehe Gleichgewicht als Ursache des nervosen Asthmas. Verhandl. d. deutsch. laryngol. Gesellsch. 1907, Wiirzb, 1908, ii, 75-91—Barto- lottl (C.) Sulla patogenesi e sulla terapia dell'asma nervoso essenziale. Folia med, Napoli, 1916, ii, 457; 505; 559; 586 — Fiessinger (C.) L'asthme neurasthenique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1902, xvi, 694-696.—Goldschmidt. ASTHMA. 110 ASTHMA. Asthma (Nervous). Ueber Initialsymptome bei Asthma nervosum. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch, 1892, xiv, 70-76.-----. Beitrage zum nervosen Asthma. Deut- sche Prax, Munchen, 1899, ii, 599; 636; 662; 687. Also: Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1899, ix, 737; 753; 807: 1900, x, 3.—Gualdrinl (G.) Contributo alio studio della pato- genesi nervosa dell' asma. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1906, xxvii, 563.—Hofbauer (L.) Zur Behandlung des Asthma bron- chiale (nervosum). Med. Bl, Wien, 1911, xxxhi, 73-75 — von Jagic (N.) Zur Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale (nervosum). Berl. klin. Wchnchr, 1909, xlvi, 583-585 — Katzenbach (AV. H.) Neurotic asthma. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1904,14. s, ii, 191-197.—Marfori (P.) Sulla terapia dell' asma nervoso. Med. prat, Napoli, 1917, ii, 273-279.— Pottenger (F. M.) Asthma; considered in its relationship to the vegetative nervous system. Tr. Am. Climat. & Clin. Ass, Phila, 1917, xxxiii, 129-141. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1918, civ, 417-424—Sadger (J.) 1st das Asthma bronchiale eine Sexualneurose? Zentralbl. f. Psychoanal, Wiesb, 1910-11, i, 200-213. Asthma (Reflex). de Boucaud (J.-L.) Contribution a l'etude de l'asthme reflexe. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1911), 1912, 613-619. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1912. xxxhi, 64-66.—Casarlni (C.) Asma riflesso. Rassegna di sc. med, Modena, 1896, xi, 212-215.—Chierici (L.) L'asma riflesso. Progresso med, Torino, 1906, v, 87- 89.—Eaton (G. L.) Asthma produced by urethral irrita- tion and stricture. Occidental M. Times, San Fran, 1903, xvii, 377-379.—Henderson (H. L.) A case of reflex bron- chial asthma and its cure. Eclectic M. J, Cincin, 1910, lxx, 237. Asthma (Senile). Courtellemont (V.) L'asthme des vieux. Clinique, Par, 1908, hi, 711: 1909, iv, 280.—Pawinski (J.) Asthme vesical; contribution a l'etiologie de l'asthme chez les vieil- lards dans l'evacuation incomptete de la vessie. Rev. de med. Par, 1899, xix, 219-243. Asthma (Sputum in). See, also, Curschmann's spirah. Bezancon (F.) & de Jong (S.-J.) L'eosinophilie du crachat des asthmatiques; sa valeur diagnostique, sa signifi- cation pathogenique. Presse med. Par, 1910, xviii, 785.— Buchanan (R. J. M.) Observations on the sputum in asthma, with special reference to the formation of Cursch- mann's spirals, and their relation to the spasm. Liverpool M.-Chir. J, 1898, xviii, 366-369— Casteigts (M. M.) & Martinez (B. D.) Nuevos dosajes de la urea y esputos en el asma esencial. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1914-15, i, 39.—Cutter (E.) Bifurcated double ended crystal from asthmatic sputum. Am. Month.- Micr. J, Wash, 1896, xvii, 242-244.—Fraenkel (A.) Zur Pathologie des Bronchialasthma; iiber den asthmatischen Katarrh und die Entstehung der Cursehmann'schen Spiralen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1900, xxvi, 269-272 — Kishenski (D. P.) [On the origin of eosinophile cellules and Charcot- Lcyden's crystals in the sputum of those suffer- ing from bronchial asthma.] Russk. Arch. Patol, Khn. Med. i Baktoriol, S.-Peterb, 1896, i, 88; 169. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ibid., 208.—Laslett (E. E.) On the nature of Curschmann's spirals. Lancet, Lond, 1903, ii, 1296.— Leyden. Demonstration eosinophiler Zellen aus dem Sputum von Bronchialasthma. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl, lv.91-2, xi, 122-126.—Montessorl (Maria). Sul significato dei eristalli del Leyden nell'asma bronchiale. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Boma, 1895-6, xvi, fasc. i, 69-72.—Oftedal (S.) Klective localization in the bronchial musculature of streptococci; from the sputum of cases of bronchial asthma; preliminary report. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 1693. Also, Reprint—Pennctta (Mi Le cellule eosinofile nell' espettorato degli asmatici. Poli- clin, Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat, 421-123. -Predtet- schensky (W.) Ueber die Struktur und die diagnostische Bedeutung der Cursehmann'schen Spiralen bei Asthma bronchiale. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1906, lix, 2'.t-37.— Rleder(IL) Ueber Vorkommen und Aufhnden derCursch- mann'schen Spiralen. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1890), 1891, vi, 166-169—Riehl (M.) Makroskopischo Asthmaspiralen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1906, hii, 2240; 2302. -----. Makroskopischo Asthmaspiralen im Auswurf. Ibid., 1909, lvi, 23-25.— Walker (I. C.) & Adklnson (June). Studies of diphthe- roid organism isolated from the sputum of patients with bronchial asthma. J. Med. Research, Bost, 1917, n. s, xxx, 391-402. Also, Reprint. ----- -----. The relationship between the cutaneous reaction, serum agglutination tests and bacteriological examination of the sputum and nasal secretions in determining the part staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and albus may play in the cause of bronchial asthma. J. Med. Research, Bost, 1917, xxxvi, 295-308. Asthma (Thymic). See Laryngismus stridulus; Thymus gland (Hypertrophy of). Asthma (Treatment of). Brissaud (E.) L'hygiene des asthmatiques. 16°. Baris, 1896. Chapin (J. B.) Asthma; its causes and treat- ment. 8°. Boston, 1843. Also, in: Boston M. & S. J, 1843, xxix, 189; 209. Cltjscard (S.) *An asthmali sudorifica? Ludovico Guillot, prseside. 8°. Barisiis, 1705. Gurewitsch (Sara Riwka). *Zur Gliihlicht- behandlung bei Asthma bronchiale. 8°. Zu- rich, 1911. Gustafsson (L.) ^Mobilisation des Thorax bei einem Asthmatiker. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Hunter (J. W.) On asthma, its causation and treatment; with reports of cases. The use of Alkalithia, as the best method of treatment of the uric acid diathesis. 8°. [Ballas, Tex., 1895.] Jacobsohn (M.) *Ueber die Behandlung einiger Falle von Asthma bronchiale mit Vasoto- nin. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Kingscote (E.) Asthma; recent develop- ments in its treatment. 8°. London, 1899. Lutheritz (K. F.) Der Arzt fiir Engbriistige, over guter Rath fiir Alle, so an kurzem Athem und den damit verbundenen Krankheiten lei- den. 16°. Llmenau, 1825. Saexger (M.) Ueber Asthmabehandlung. 8°. Magdeburg, 1905. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Magdeburg, 1906. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Magdeburg, 1907. —■——. Ueber Asthma und seine Behand- lung. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Saidiner (I.) *Die Zusammensetzung- der Geheimmittel gegen das Asthma bronchiale. 8°. Berlin, [1907]. Salter vH. H.) On asthma; its pathology and treatment. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1868. Warschavsky (Rachel). *Zur physikali- schen Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale und des Emphysems. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Also [Abstr.], in: Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1911, xv, 268-273. Wextscher (C. W.) *Ueber die mechanische Behandlung von Asthma bronchiale und Em- pyera. 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Abbott (W. J.) Chnical results of nasal treatment in asthma. Cleveland M. J, 1913, xii, 184-189.—Abrams (A.) The treatment of asthma. Am. Therapist, N. V.. 1S9S-9, vii, 41-44. ------. Inhibition of the asthmatic paroxysm. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1906, xxx, 611-613.— Adam (J.) Remarks oh the nature and treatment of asthma, with cases. Glasgow Hosp. Rep, 1901, hi, 151-201.—Ajello (S.) Tre casi di asma bronchiale curati con la jodipina Merck. Gazz. med. sicil, Catania, 1903, vi, 128.—Ambroslnt (G.) Alcune osservazioni sull' uso dell' antiasmatico Mafnoli. Ibid., 1916, xix, 423-126. Amreln(0.) Einige Erfahrungen bei Asthma bronchiale. Therap. Rundschau, Berl, 1910, iv, 193-196.—Apostolldes (A. G.) On the treatment of bronchial asthma. Folia Therap.. Lond., 1911, v, 38-46 — Apostolldes (L.) A Apostolldes ^Vl Leber Aetiologie und iiehandlimi: des Asthma bronchiale. Therap. Rund- schau, Berl, 190s. ii, 711-717.—Arncill (J. R.) Asthma; a report on the etioloirv and treatment of some interesting eases. Am. Med., l'hila, 1906, xi, 198-201.—Auld (A. G.) Preliminary note on a new treatment of bronchial asthma. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1917, i, 580.-----. Treatment of asthma by peptone injections. Ibid., 749: 191S. ii, 49.—Avellls iG.l Asthmakuren mit Oeheimmitteln und Patentmedis'inen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1904; li, 1923-1925.-----■. Heu- tige Grenzen und kunftige Ziele der Asthmatherapie. Ibid., 1905 Iii, 2010-2012.—Baar (V.) Asthma bronchiale und Luftdruck. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1914, lxiv, 1655; 1719.—Babcock (R. H.) The nature and treatment of bronchial asthma. J. Mich. M. Soc, Battle Creek, 1913, xii, 403-407.---—. The nature and treatment of bronchial asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 2115-2118. -----. A further discussion of the nature and treatment of bronchial asthma. Med. Herald. St. Joseph, 1917, xxxvi, 143.—Bader (J.) Aspirin bei Asthma und Emphvsem. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1907, xiv, 1291.—Baumler (C.) Die Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild, Jena, 1913, x, 129-137.—Ball (J. B.) On the ASTHMA. Ill ASTHMA. Asthma (Treatment of). nasal treatment of bronchial asthma. Med. Mag, Lond, 1905, xiv, 751-758.—Banon (E. A.) The successful treat- ment of asthma. Georgia J. M. & S, Savannah, 1903, xii, 161-168.—Barnes (G. E.) Sodium nitrite in bronchial- asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1909, hii, 2098.—Bass (II. T.) Report of five cases of asthma treated with silver nitrate injections. Phila. M. J, 1902, ix, 1137.—Below. Asthma bei Lichtbehandlung. Arch. f. Lichttherap. [etc.],, Berl, 1901, ih, 9-12.—Bennett (L.) The treatment of asthma, with chnical reports. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 229.—Bertram (H.) Zur Therapie des Bronchial- asthmas. Zentralbl. f. innere Med, Leipz, 1905, xxvi, 137- 143.—Bichaton. Sur le traitement nasal' de l'asthme. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1907, ii, 129-138. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1907, hi, 376 — Boellke (O.) Zur Therapie des. chronischen Lungenem- physems und Asthmas. Med. Khn, Berl, 1909, v, 283- 285.—Bonnier (P.) Traitement direct de l'asthme par voie naso-bulbaire. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1911, xxxi, 392-406.—Bornemann (W.) Behand- lung eines Falles von Asthma bronchiale mittelst Ner- venmassage. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1912, xxxvi, 578-580 — Bowie (J. C.) Asthma; its relation to atmospheric pressure; a rational and successful treatment. Edinb. M. J, 1897, n. s, ii, 143-154.—Bram (I.) Treatment of bronchial asthma. Merck's Arch, N. Y, 1914, xvii, 104-110.—Bram- well (B.) Spasmodic .tsthma and its treatment. Clin. Stud, Edinb, 1902-3, ; 149.—Bruck(L.) Zur Pathoge- nese und Therapie des sthma bronchiale. Memorabilien, Heilbr, 1899, n. F, xvii, 129-137.—BrUgelmann (W.) For- schungen uber das Wesen und die Behandlung des Asth- mas. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1897, xi, 74-86: 1899, xiii, 199; 263. . Die verschiedenen Formen des Asthma una ihre Behandlung. Berl. Klinik, 1901,162. Hft, 1-28.-----. Das Asthma hystericum und die Asthmatherapie im allge- meinen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1902, xxih, 969-972. -----. Ueber die Behandlung von Asthma und asthmaahn- licher Zustande; Erwiderung auf den gleichlautenden Aufsatz von W. Siegel. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1906, xx, 548-551.—Camescasse (J.) Un traitement de l'acces d'asthme. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1918, clxix, 865- 870. [Discussion], 871.—Campbell (C.) The treatment of asthma by the direct route. Liverpool M.-Chir. J, 1903, xxih, 415-421.—Campbell (H.) The treatment of spas- modic asthma. Clin. J, Lond, 1909-10, xxxv, 193-199.— Campbell (H.) & Pearson (J. S.) The mechanism and treatment of the attack in spasmodic asthma. Lancet, Lond, 1905, ii, 1642.—Casorati (E.) L'eupnina Toschi nella cura dell' asma. Rassegna med, Bologna, 1903, xi, No. 12, 2-4.—Castellino (P.) & Albanese (F. N.) Cura dell' asma bronchiale. Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, hi, 278-283.— Cloetta (M.) Zur experimentellen Pathologie und Thera- pie des Asthma bronchiale. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol, Leipz, 1913, lxxiii, 233-250.—Cohen (S. S.) A note on the treatment and clinical pathology of asthma. Phila. M. J, 1898, ii, 803.-----. Asthma; its varieties and their treatment. Penn. M. J, Athens, 1904, viii, 92-98. Also, Reprint.-----. Some unfamiliar methods in the treat- ment of asthma. Med.-Pharm. Critic, N. Y, 1913, xvi, 7-10. Also, Reprint.—Cohen-Kysper. Zur Pathogenese und Therapie des Asthmas. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz.', 1900, xxvi, 739-743. [Discussion], Ver.-Beil., 119; 126.—Corin (G.) Nouvelles recherches sur la nature et le traitement de l'asthme. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1898, xxxvii, 91-97.—Courtry (A.) De la narcotisation localisee pratiquee a l'aide d'injections de sulfate d'atropine sur le nerf pneumogastrique comme nouveau moyen de guerir les attaques d'asthme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1859, xhx, 666-670—Creed (J. M.) Yellow sandal- wood oil as a remedy for asthma and bronchitis, accompa- nied by excessive bronchial secretion. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, i, 291.—Curschmann (H.) Zur Frage der Bronchotetanie der Erwachsenen und ihre Be- handlung mit Kalzium. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1914. lxi, 289-293.—Dagrin. Cocaine-tampon in den neus bij asthma. Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk, Batavia, 1895, iii, 28-30.—Dariysz (J.) Traitement anti-anaphylactique de l'asthme de certaines dermatoses et des troubles gastro- intestinaux. Presse med. Par, 1918, xxvi, 367-369.—De Luca (B.) II metodo auto-neuro-terapico nell' asma bron- chiale. Riforma med, Roma, 1902, xviii, pt. 1, 39-43.— Desai (C. K.) Asthma and ajwan ash; a cheap and prompt remedy. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1917, hi, 116.—Dtinges. Asthma und Nasenbehandlung. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1918, lxv, 440.—Eckstein (G.) Rontgenbehandlung bei Asthma bronchiale (Demonstration). Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1907, xxxih, 173.—Ewbank (W. W.) Asthma; its cause and treatment. Med. J. Austraha, Sydney, 1916, ii, 53-55.—Fairbairn (H. A.) Asthma, from the stand- point of the practitioner. Brooklyn M. J, 1901, xv, 530- 534.—Florand. Traitement des acces d'asthme. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par, 1918, xxxii, 105.—Francis (A.) The nasal treatment of asthma. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1902-3, xxxvi, 1-51. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond, 1904, iii, 459-468.-----. Nasal cauterization in asth- ma. Brit. M. J., Lond, 1910, ii, 54.—Freudenthal (W.) Asthma (Treatment of). Contributions to the therapy of bronchial asthma. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1916, xvi, 574-580.—Friedeberg (J.) Beitrag zur medikamentosen Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1911, xxxvii, 265.—FUrbringer (P.) Ueber die Behand- lung des Bronchialasthmas. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1907, xlviii, 193-199.—Gacey (P.) Reeducation de la respi- ration de l'attitude droite chez un asthmatique. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1911, xii, 271-276.—von Gebhardt (F.) Ueber die Behandlung des Asthma. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxvih, 223-227.—Geyser (A. C.) The successful treatment of asthma. Am. Med, Burling- ton, Vt, 1917, xii, 248.—Ghosh (B. N.) Soamin in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Glasgow M. J, 1918, lxxxix, 343-347.—Gibson (G. A.) Discussion on the varieties and treatment of asthma. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1911, ii, 791-795.—Gilg (E.) Ueber die als Heilmittel gegen Asthma empfohlene Punaria ascochingae. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch, Berl, 1908, xviii, 277-283.—Glasgow (L. E.) Salvarsan in asthma. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcvii, 663. Also, Reprint.—Goldmann (A.) Zur medica- mentosen Therapie des Asthma bronchiale. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1899, xlix, 1989-1991.—Goldscheider. Die physikalische Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1909, xiii, 176-184 — Goldschmidt (A.) Ueber Asthma. Repert. d. prakt. Med, Leipz, 1906, hi, 291: 339. ——. Ueber die Anwendung des Morphiums bei Asthma. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1907, xhv, 807. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Bal- neol. Gesellsch, 1907, pt. 2, 251-253.-----. Zur Pathologie und Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Repert. d. prakt. Med, Berl, 1908, v, 189-196. -----. Therapie des Asthma. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1909, xix, 544- 549.-----. Zur medikamentosen Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 2241.— Goluboff (N.) Das Bronchialasthma und seine Behand- lung. Samml. klin. Vortr, n. F, Leipz, 1899, No. 256- 257 (Innere Med, No. 77,1515-1570). —Greene (W. A.) The treatment of bronchial asthma. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, Ixxxiii, 36.—Grose (B. D.) Severe bronchial asthma; recovery under sedative treatment. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1900, xix, 37.—Gramme. Beitrag zur Jodbehandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1916, xiii, 256.—Gttnzel (O.) Eine neue Behand- lung von Bronchialasthma. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1908, xiv, 2021-2023.—Guye (A. A. G.) Over bronchiaal-asthma en ademhalings-gymnastiek. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk, Amst, 1899, 2. R, xxxv, d. 1, 37-41.—Haynes (G. S.) The nature and treatment of spasmodic bronchial asthma. Practitioner, Lond, 1906, lxxvii, 524-529.—Hett (J. E.) The aetiology and treatment of asthma. Dominion M. Month, Toronto, 1897, ix, 808-812.—Hlrschberg (J.) Ueber die Behandlung des Asthmaanfalls durch Exibards abyssinisches Raucherpulver. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1913, liv, 189-191— Hirschkron (J.) Das Asthma und seine Behandlung im akuten und chronischen Stadium. Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1906, xxxi, 342—Hitz (H. B.) Asthma and its treatment. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1899, xxxiii, 401^15.—Hofbauer (L.) Atmungsgymnastik beim Bronchialasthma. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1909, lix, 1489-1493. -----. Technik und Erfolge der Atmungsgym- nastik beim Bronchialasthma. Med. Klin, Berl, 1910, vi, 430; 894.-----. Welche Berechtigung hat Ausatmungsfor- derung bei der Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale? /6m?, 1911, vh, 140.-----. Wesen und Behandlung des Bronchial- asthmas. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lxi, 3262-3264.— Hoffmann (R.) Die Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale und verwandter Zustande mit Kalziumsalzen. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1912, xxvi, 352.—Hrach (J.) Das Bron- chialasthma und die pneumatische Kammer. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1905, lv, 2025-2028.—Huber (J. B.) Bronchial asthma. Therap. Med, N. Y, 1910, iv, 121-127.—Hughes (W. K.) Notes on nasal treatment of asthma. Intercolon. M. J. Australes, Melbourne, 1904,ix,570-574. [Discussion], 580. -----. Asthma; its cause and treatment. Med. J. Austraha, Sydney, 1916, ii, 83.—Hunter (J. W.) Asthma; etiology and treatment. Southwest. M. Rec, Houston,1898, hi, 479-491.—Iskowitz (H.) Immunization with autoge- nous proteins in bronchial asthma; a preliminary communi- cation. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 950-953. Also, Re- print.—Jack (G. N.) The hygiene of the asthmatic. Buf- falo M. J, 1899-1900, n. s, xxxix, 405-414.—Jackson (D. E.) The pharmacology of bronchial asthma. J. Lab. & Clin. M. St. Louis, 1915, i, 126-130.—Januschke (H.) & Pollak (L.) Zur Pharmakologie der Bronchialmuskulatur. (Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Lungenstarre.) Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1911,lxvi, 205-220.—Jen- sen (G.) [Some cases of bronchial asthma treated with acetylsahcylic acid, and some remarks on asthma.] TJgesk. f. Lseger, K0benh, 1914, lxxvi, 1449-1459.—Johns (J.) Bronchial asthma; a study of its pathogenesis and therapy. Am. J. Chn. Med, Chicago, 1914, xxi, 239-241.—Johnson (G. R.) The study of the etiology of asthma as necessary for treatment. Med. Times, N. Y, 1901, xxix, 290-292.— Joppich (O.) Die Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Beitr. z. Khn. d. Tuberk, Wiirzb, 1914, xxxi, 247-260.— ASTHMA. 112 ASTHMA. Asthma (Treatment of). Kafemann (R.) Zur Entwicklung der medikamentosen Asthmatherapie. Med. Klin, Berl.; 1911, vh, 1816.—Kahn (M. H.) & Emsheimer (H. W.) Autogenous defibrinated blood in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1916, xvh, 445-454. Also: Med. Rev. of Rev, N. Y, 1917. xxiii, 353-360. Also, Reprint.—Kayser (C.) Die Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale und verwandter Zustande mit Kaliumsalzen. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1912, xxvi, 165-169. -----. Klinische und experimentelle Studien zur Kalktherapid, speciell beim Asthma bronchiale. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap, Berl, 1914, xvi, 369- 378.—King (G.) Observations on the nasal treatment of spasmodic asthma. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1908-9, lxi, 285-290.— Knight (F.I.) The treatment of bronchial asthma. Boston M. & S. J, 1897,cxxxvi, 273-275. [Discussion], 28.5-287. Also, Reprint.—Knopf (H. E.) Ueber Atmungstherapie bei Asthma. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1909, 1, 268-273.— Kochs (J.) P. Harold Hays Asthma-Medizinen. Apoth.- Ztg, Berl, 1906, xxi 367.-----. B. W. Hairs asthma cure. Ibid., 749.—Kraus (F.) Zur Behandlung des asthmatischen Anfalls. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl.-Wien, 1900, n. F, ii, 390-393.—Krause (II.) Zur Theranie des Asthma bron- chiale. Ibid., 1913, liv, 292-295.— Krohenherg (E.) Asthma bronchiale und Salicylpraparate. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1908, xv, 294-290—KUss (O.) Traitement de l'asth- me par l'atropine. Bull, med. Par, 1898, xii, 1030.—Kuhn (E.) Physikalische Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Med. Klin, Berl, 1910, vi, 1656; 1697.—Lamont (W. A.) Treatment of bronchial asthma. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1906, xxvi, 81.—Latham (A.) Some points in the treat- ment of bronchial asthma. Practitioner, Lond, 1913, xc, 909-913.—Leclerc (C.) Un remede empirique de l'asthme. Gaz. d. h6p. Par, 1914, lxxxvii, 107S-1080— Lemann (I. I.) The treatment of bronchial asthma. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1911, cxiii, 865-869.—de Levle (D. J.) Intra- tracheale behandeling van asthma bronchiale. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1918, i, 221-226.—Liberofl (N.) [Treatment of bronchial asthma with asthmolysin.] Sibirsk. Vrach, Tomsk, 1913-14, i, 411-415— Macgregor (A.) Paral- dehyde in asthma. Lancet, Lond, 1899, i, 363.—Machado (M.) Tratamento da asthma bronchica. Brazil-med, Rio de Jan, 1918, xxxii, 301.—Manquat. Heroinisme chez un asthmatique. Bull, gen de therap. [etc.], Par, 1903, cxlvi, 256-259.—Marrs (W. T.) Bronchial asthma and its treatment. Med. Times, N. Y, 1908, xxxvi, 35-40.— Martin (S.) A clinical lecture on asthma and its treat- ment. Brit. M. J, Lond 1898, ii, 1861-1863. Also: Gail- lard's M. J, N. Y, 1899, lxx, 133-139. Also, transl: Med. Rundschau, Berl 1899, Nos. 61 - 63.—Martin (T. M.) The treatment oi bronchial asthma. Clin. J, Lond, 1914, xliii, 622-624—Martinet (A.) Mecanisme des me- dications antiasthmatiques. Presse med. Par, 1912, xx, 271.—Meyer (E.) Zur Behandlung des Asthma bron- chiale. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xxxviii, 1812. Also, transl: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1913, xvi, 177.—Meyer (F.) Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber Koffein als Asthmamittel. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz, 1915, 1-8.—Moeller (A.) Zur Asthmaentstehung und -behandlung. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1908, xlix, 250- 253.—Moon (R. O.) The treatment of spasmodic asthma. Folia Therap, Lond, 1910, iv, 65-71— Morison (A.) A lecture on the mechanism and treatment of the attack in spasmodic asthma. Lancet, Lond, 1905, ii, 1521-1524.— Morrlsh (R. S.) Treatment of asthma and hay fever by active immunization. J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1915, xiv, 400-402.—Naumann (H.) Die physikalische Behandlung des Asthmas. Therap. d. Gegeriw, Berl, 1908, xlix, 108-111— Nerklng (J.) Ueber Aslhma und seine Behandlung. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap, Wien, 1911, xxix, 393-395.—Netolltzky (F.) & HIrn (U.) Rauch- versuche mit einigen Asthmamitteln. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr, 1903, xvi, 583-58." von Noorden (C.) Zur Behand- lung des Asthma bronchiale. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 1657-1660.—Oliver (J. P.) & Nelson (F. L.) How do you treat bronchial asthma? N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 37— Ott (A.) Die Behandlung von Asthma una Lungenemphysem mit einer neuen Atmungsmachine. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1911, xxviii, 648-651.—Pal (J.) Action de la cafeine sur les bron- ches et dans le traitement de l'asthme; contribution expe- rimentale a l'etude du spasme des bronches. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1913, vi, 69-71— Palmer (E. P.) Some points in the treatment of idiopathic asthma. Tr. Arizona M. Ass, Phoenix, 1902-4 73— Pescatore. Zur Theorie der physikalischen Asthmatherapie. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vii, 224.—Plromm (G. W.) The treatment of asthma. Med. Bull, Phila, 1903, xxv, 341-344.—Philippart. Traite- ment propnylactique de l'asthme. Ann. med.-chir. Dour, 1913, xxi, 172.—Posselt. Therapie des Asthma bronchiale. Med.Klin, Berl, 1909,v, 879-881.—Quadrl(A.) Tratamiento bulbo-nasal del asma (metodo de Bonnier). Semana med, Buenos Aires, 1914, xxi, 991-998.—Rackemann (F. M.) Interesting reactions incidental to the treatment of two cases of bronchial asthma. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1917, lxix, 889. Also, Reprint.—Randolph ((J.) Hystero- asthma; report of an illustrative case, cured by tincture of Asthma (Treatment of). stramonium. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1902-3, vh, 514.—Reilly (T. F.) The management of some forms of asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xhi, 1475.—Renon. Traitement de l'asthme et de ses di verses varietes. Rev. internat de med. et de chir. Par, 1910, xxi, 173-176.— Riegel (F.) Zur Behandlung des asthmatischen Anfalls. Deutsche med. Wchnschr7 Berl. & Leipz, 1899, xxv, 669- 671.—Robinson (B.) Cluneal notes on asthma and its treatment. Therap. Gaz, Detroit, 1899, 3. s, xv, 1-9.— Rochester (DeL.) The treatment of asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1906, xlvh, 1983-1986.—Roger (P.) Traite- ment de l'asthme. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1915, xxix, 825.—Ross (W. H.) Some experiences in the treatment of asthma. Tr. Ass. Physicians Long Island, Rahway, N. J, 1900-1901, ii, 93-103.—Rothschild (M.) Zur Therapie des Asthma bronchiale mit Vorstellung eines neuen Apparates. N. Yorker med. Monatschr, 1898, x, 221-231.—Rudolf (R. D.) The nature and treatment of bronchial asthma. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1911, xiv, 184- 189.—Saenger (M.) Ueber Asthmabehandlung. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1905, 289-295.-----. Zur Asthmatherapie. Med. Klin, Berl, 1909, v, 966.—Sajous (L. T. de M.) Vi- cious circles in respiratory disorders and their treatment; bronchial asthma. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1918, cvhi, 565.— Schilling. Demonstration eines Apparates gegen Asthma. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl, 1904, xxxiv, 175. Also: Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1903, xl, 576.—Schlesin- ger (E.) Beitrag zur endobronchialen Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol, Berl, 1914, xxviii, 310-323.—Segel (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Therapie des Asthma bronchiale. Zentralbl. f. innere Med, Leipz, 1910, xxxi, 569-571.—Short (A. T.) A sure cure for asthma. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S, Carlisle, 1906, xviii. 1^5 — Siegel (W.) Ueber die Behandlung von Asthma und asthmaahnhcher Zustande. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1906, xx, 327-333. -----. Ueber Asthmabehandlung. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1907, xx, 105-108. -----. Vibrationsmassage bei Asthma. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1912, hii, 67-70.—Sthle (M.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Asthma. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1903, xvi, S.vy5.—Squire (J. E.) Asthma and its treatment. Hospital, Loud, 1909-10, xlvii, 653-656.— Stadler(E.-> Die Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Med. Klin, Berl, 1913, ix, 123-12V—Staelielin (R.) Entstehung und Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Jahresk. f arztl. Fortbild, Munchen, 1912, 2. Hft, 25-39— Staubli (C.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Asthma bronchiale. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1911, xxviii, 284-287.-----. Beitrag zur Kenntnis und zur Thera- pie des Asthma. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lx, 113- 119.—Stoeckel. Beitrage zur Pathogenese und Therapie des Asthma bronchiale. Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutsch. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb, 1904, 649-670.—Strasser (A.) Termoterapia dell' asma bronchiale. Boll. d. clin, Milano, 1909, xxvi, 279-2S3.-----. Zur physikalischen Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Monatschr. f. d. phys.-diatet. Heilmeth. [etc.], Munchen, 1909, i, 27-32.—von Striimpell (A.) Zur Pathologie und Behandlung des Bronehialasth- mas. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1907, Bresl , 1908, lxxxv, 160-168. Also: Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, ^ 10. -----.Leber die Pathologie und Therapie des Asthma bronchiale. Allg. Wien. med.'Ztg, 1910, lv, 295 — Symonds (C. J.) The nasal treatment of asthma. Lancet, Lond, 1902, ii, 1151— Tauszk (F.) Die Behandlung des Ast lima bronchiale mit Jodpraparaten. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 213-218.—Terray (P.) Ein mit Atropin ge- heilter Fall von Asthma bronchiale. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xliii, 709. -----. Ueber Asthma bronchiale und dessen Behandlung mit Atropin. Med. Klin, Berl.. 1909, v, 79-83.—Thomas. Note sur lespecifique Tucker. Clinique, Par, 1909, iv, 492— Tobias (E.) Er- fahrungen iiber die Gluhlichtbehandlung des Asthma bron- chiale. Med. Klin, Berl.. 1910, vi, 547-549. Also: Ver- iiifentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl, Berl. & Wien, 1910, 76 si. -Tracy (J. L.) Bronchial asthma and its curability. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, ev, 149-152. Also, Reprint.— Treupel (G.) Die Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1908, xxxiv, 2297-2300. Also: Vortr. ii. prakt. Therap, Leipz, 1909, 3. s, 51-62.—Tucker's Asthma Specific; an insidiously dan- gerous cocain mixture. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1495—Van Sweringen (B.) The effect, of quinine on asthmatic attacks. Indiana M. J, Indianap, 189S-9, xvii, 342-344.—Walker (I. C.) Studies on the cause and the treatment ol bronchial asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxix, 363 366. Also, Reprint.-----. The treatment of patients with bronchial asthma with subcutaneous injec- tions of the proteins to which they are sensitive. J. Med. Research, Bost, 1917, xxxvi 423-480. Also, Reprint.-----■. The treatment of bronchial asthma with proteins. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1918, xxii, 466-476.—Wall (C.) The treatment of spasmodic asthma. Proc. Rov. Soc. Mod , Lond., 1908-9, ii. Therap. & Pharmacol. Sect, 113-126.— Waterman (J. S.) Treatment of asthma. Brooklyn M J., 1901, xv, 539-542.— Weiss (L.) The treatment of bronchial asthma. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcvi, 854; 905.—Weiss (O.) Neuer Wejj zur Asthmabehandlung. Deutsche med. ASTHMA. 1 13 ASTHMA Asthma (Treatment of). Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1912", xxxvih, 1789.—Whltaker (F.) Paraldehyde in asthma. N. York M. J, 1896, lxiii, 591.—Wilkinson (A. T.) The nature and medical treat- ment of spasmodic asthma. Med. Chron, Manchester, 1903-4, 4. s, vi, 219-242.—Williams (P. W.) The varieties and treatment of asthma. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1911, ii, 1676.— Zehden (G.) Ueber Asthmacarbon. Med. Woche, Halle a. S, 1906, vii, 361-363.—Zelenin (V. F.) [Treatment of bronchial asthma.) Kharkov. M. J, 1916, xxi, 405-423.— Zuelzer (G.) Zur Therapie des Bronchial-Asthmas. The- rap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1906, xlvii, 391-394. -----. Ein neuer Apparat zur Asthmabehandlung. Ibid., 1910, li, 157. Asthma (Treatment of Climatic). Avellis (G.) Klimatische Einflusse auf Asthmatiker. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1904, h, 2048.—Bell (R.) Ex- perience in search of a cure for asthma in the far Southwest; with observations of the comparative value of dilTerent sec- tions in respiratory diseases. Boston M. & S. J, 1901, cxliv, 395-397.—Hartog. Asthma bronchiale an der Nordsee. Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap. 1908, Berl, 1909, 87-94.—Ide. Zur Wirkung des Seeklimas auf das Asthma. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1892.—Knight (F. I.) The climatic treatment of bronchial asthma. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass, Phila, 1889, 159- 164. Also, Reprint.—Nicolas. Nordsee und Asthma. Zt- schr. f. Balneol, Khmat. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1913-14, vi, 548-565.—Robinson (B.) Bronchial asthma and allied dis- orders; their summer treatment. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass, Phila, 1902, xviii, 233-240. Also: Med. News, N. Y, 1902, .lxxxi, 598-600.—Turban (K.) & Spengler (L.) Resultate der Asthmabehandlung im Hochgebirge. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch, Aarau, 1906, 2. Hft, 72-84. Asthma (Treatment of Dietetic). Eustis (A.) Experiences in the dietetic treatment of bronchial asthma. South. M. Jv Nashville, 1916, ix, 387- 394.—Hare (F.) The food factor in asthma; hyperpyraemia. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 573; 647. Also, Reprint.— Jack (G. N.) The diet of the asthmatic. Buffalo M. J, 1902-3, n. s, xlh, 317-324. Also, Reprint.—Rabagliati (A. C. F.) The treatment by diet of bronchial asthma. Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1908, n. s, lxxxv, 688-690. Asthma (Treatment of, Electric). Courtade (D.) Pathogenie et traitement etectrique de 1'attaque d'asthme. Bull. orl. Soc. franc, d'electrother. Par, 1906, xiv, 81-84. Also: Rev. gen. declin. et de therap. Par, 1906, xx, 247.—Freudenthal (W.) On the direct gal- vanization and faradization of the bronchi and their topical medicinal treatment in bronchial asthma. Am. Med, Bur- lington. Vt, & N. Y, 1915, n. s, x, 176-184. Also, transl: Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol, Berl, 1915, xxix, 443-452.— Grttnzel (O.) Eine neue Behandlung von Bronchialasthma (auf etektrischem Wege). Med. Khn, Berl, 1909, v, 1190- 1192. Also: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl, Berl. & Wien, 1909, pt. 2, 329-336. Asthma (Treatment of, Endobronchial). Bourgeois (H.) Experience sur le traitement de l'asthme par les injections intratracheo-bronchiques. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1914, 3. s, lxxi, 601-603. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir. Par, 1914, lxxxi, 299-301— Freudenthal (W.) The endobronchial treatment of asthma. Tr. Am. Laryn- gol, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, N. Y, 1911, xvh, 30-40. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciii, 1219-1222. Also, Reprint. -----. Further experience with endobronchial therapy of asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1912, lix, 1108-1112.— Galebsky (A.) Ueber die Anwendung der Bronchoskopie in 2 Fallen von Asthma bronchiale. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1908, xlh, 359. —---. Zur Pathogenese und Therapie des Bronchialasthmas auf Grund der Bronchoskopie. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr, Berl, 1910, xvii, 1189-1194.—Gignoux (A.) Le traitement endobronchique de l'asthme et des affections bronchiques chroniques. Oto-rhino-laryngol. in- ternat, Lyon, 1914, ii, 49-53—Grttnwald (L.) Ein ein- faches Verfahren der tracheo-bronchialen Injektion zur Asthmabehandlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lv, 1377.—Guisez. Du traitement endo-bronchique de l'asthme d'apres les plus recentes conceptions pathogeniques. Clin. prat, med.-chir. de path, [etc.], Par, 1914, x, 121-126.—Horn (H.) The bronchoscopic treatment of bronchial asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1910, lv, 930-934.—Helper (G. F.) The bronchoscopic treatment of spasmodic asthma. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1914, xxih, 53-58.— Large (S. H.) The bronchoscope in asthma. Cleveland M. J, 1913, xii, 426.—Mermod. Asthme et bronchoscopic. Larynx, 1'oreille et le nez, Marseille & Par, 1914, vh, 97- 106.—Nowotny (F.) Bronchoskopie und bronchoskopi- sche Behandlung von Bronchialasthma. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1907, xii, 697-711. Also, transl: Przegl. lek, Krakdw, 1909, xlviii, 371; 388.—Segura (E. V.) Tra- tamiento endobronquial del asma; metodo de Ephraim. Semana med, Buenos Aires, 1914, xxi, pt. 2, 853-860.— Sourdille (M.) Le traitement endobronchique de l'asthme. Presse med. Par, 1914, xxii, 122-126.—Stephan. Behand- 96908°—Vol. II, 3d series—10---1 Asthma (Treatment of Endobronchial). lung des Asthma bronchiale mit dem Endobronchialspray. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1914, h, 1478. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. & Berl, 1916, xiii, 102-105.—Svme (W. S.) Bronchoscopy in the treatment of asthma, lint. M. J, Lond, 1917, i, 868.—Tsltovich (M. F.) [Bronchial asthma treated by bronchoscopy.] Vestnik Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Bollezn, S.-Peterb, 1912, iv, 140-143. Asthma (Treatment of Operative). Adam (J.) Asthma and its radical treatment. 8°. London, 1913. Aboulker (H.) Deux cas d'accidents asthmatiques gueris par operation intra-nasale. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1908, xi, 252. Also: Verhandl. d. Internat. Laryngo-Rhinol.-Kong. 1908, Wien & Leipz, 1909, i, 589.— Andrews (E. W.) Chondrectomy or operative treatment of bronchial asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 1065-1069.—Grove (CE.) Asthmacuredby operation. J.Ori- flc. Surg, Chicago, 1899-1900,82-84.—Hirschberg (M.) Oper- ative Behandlung des Asthma. Samml. klin. Vortr, Leipz, 1910, n. F, No. 604 (Chir, No. 169, 257-279).—Hirtz (E.) & Braun (P.) Dyspnee asthmatique et operation de Freund. Progres med. Par, 1913, 3. s, xxix, 45— Lambotte (E.) Un cas d'asthme gited par la resection de l'epiploon. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux, 1900, x, 176-178.—Lenor- mant. Operation de Freund chez un asthmatique. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1911, xxviii, 748-750.— Moore (T. W.) Some cases of asthma treated by removal of the middle turbinate. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1903, xiii, 533-536._ [Discussion], 545-548.—Patton (W. T.) A few interesting points in regard to bronchial asthma, and report of a very severe case cured by intra-nasal surgery. Ibid., 1914, xxiv, 982-984.—Richter (E.) Operative Heilurlg eines Asthma. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1907, xii, 309-312 — Sicard & Gutmann. Operation unilaterale de Freund au cours d'un syndrome asthmo-emphysemateux; resultat negatif. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1912, 3. s, xxxih, 131-134. Asthma (Treatment of Patent specif - cations for). Day (G. F.) Medicine for asthma. No. 308,596; Dec. 2, 1884— Glrdwood (J.) Remedy for asthma. No. 333,513; Jan. 5, 1886.—Hair (B. W.) Improvement in medical com- pounds. No. 219,396; Sept. 9,1879—Iselln (C.) & Callahan (D.) Remedy for asthma. No. 437,599; Sept. 30, 1890.— Mendelsohn (A.) Cigar for asthma. No. 811,942; Feb. 6, 1906.—Nichols (D. G.) Medical compound for asthma, etc. No. 374,491; Dec. 6, 1887.—Pinchard (J.) Improve- ment in compounds and apparatus for the cure of asthma. No. 137,093; March 25, 1873. Asthma (Treatment of) with animal ex- tracts. Aronsohn (E.) Das Adrenalin zur Coupirung von Asthmaanfallen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1903, xxix, 59.—Bensaude (R.) & Halllon (LA La medication adrenalino-hypophysaire de l'asthme. Presse med. Par, 1918, xxvi, 185— Borchardt (L.) Asthma- behandlung mit Hypophysenextrakten. Therap. d. Ge- genw, Berl, 1913, liv, 536-541.—Bourgeois (II/) Traite- ment de l'asthme nasal et bronchique par les applications locales d'extrait d'hypophyse. Progres med. Par, 1917, 3. s, xxxii, 37.—Bufalinl. La medicazione adreno-ipoftsa- ria nella cura dell' asma. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1918, xix, 370-372.—Bullowa (J. G. M.) & Kaplan (D. M.) On the hypodermatic use of adrenalin chloride in the treat- ment of asthmatic attacks. Med. News, N. Y, 1903, lxxxiii, 787-790.—Clemesha (W. F.) A case of asthma treated by adrenahn chloride. Med. Council, Phila, 1906, xi, 297 — Cohen (S. S.) The use of adrenal substance in the treat- ment of asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 1164- 1166. Also, Reprint— Crookshank (F. G.) A note on the value of pituitary gland substance in some cases of asth- ma. Lancet, Lond, 1914, i, 747.—Dolg (R. L.) Epine- phrin; especially in asthma. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1905, hi, 54.—Dumstrey (F.) Das Suprarenin bei Asthma. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl, 1913, lxxxii, 531.-----. Noch einmal Suprarenin bei Asthma. Ibid., 1914, lxxxiii, 23.— Fishberg (M.) Treatment of certain forms of asthma with ovarian substance and corpus luteum. Med. & Surg, St. v Louis, 1918, ii, 26-34.—GlUck (T.) [Subcutaneous applica- tion of tonogen (adrenalin) in asthma] Gyogyaszat, Buda- pest, 1913, liii, 499.—Hall (J. N.) Prolonged use of epine- phrin in asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1910, lv, 128.— Hertz (A. F.) Adrenalin in asthma. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1914, i, 965.—Kaplan (D. M.) On the hypodermatic use of adrenahn chloride in the treatment of asthmatic attacks. Med. News, N. Y, 1905, Ixxxvi, 871-875.—Keyzer (W. H. C. G.) Het gebruik van adrenahne-oplossing bij asthma bronchiale. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1913, ii, 1304.—McCord (C. P.) The rationale of the use of adrenalin in the treatment of asthma. Med. Rec. N. Y, 1913, lxxxiii, 431-433.—Matthews (C.) The use of adrenalin in acute ASTHMA. 114 ASTHMA. Asthma (Treatment of) with animal ex- tracts. asthma. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, i, 441—Melland (B.) The treatment of spasmodic asthma by the hypodermic in- jection of adrenalin. Lancet, Lond, 1910, i, 1407-1411.— Mendez (M.) Algo sobre el tratamiento del asma esencial por las inyecciones de adrenalina. Repert. de med. y chug, Bogota, 1916-17, vhi, 554-558—Meulengracht (E.) Erfa- ringer og Bemaerkninger om Adrenalinbehandling ved Asth- ma bronchiale. Ugesk. f. Laager, Kj0benh, 1913, lxxv, 1847- 1864.—Panfiloff (P. V.) [Adrenalin in bronchial asthma.] Med. Obozr, Mosk, 1909, lxxi, 589-597.—Pick. Ueber die Wirkung von Nebennierenpraparaten bei Asthma bronchiale. Med. Khn, Berl, 1911j vii, 175.—Purjesz (B.) Therapeu- tische Erfahrungen nut Glanduitrin-Tonogen, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung bei Asthma bronchiale. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1915, lvi, 380-384.—Riese (E.) Zur Wirkung des Hypophysenextraktes bei Asthma bronchiale und zur Asthmatheorie. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1915, hi, 768-771.— Thiroloix (J.) Crise d'asthme; traitement par 1'adrenaline. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1916-17, clxix, 97— Tran- quilli (E.) L'adrenalina negh accessi d'asma. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1911, xxxvii, 646-649.—Waller (11. W. L.) A note on adrenalin chloride in the treatment of spasmodic asthma. Lancet, Lond, 1914, ii, 445— Warfel (F. C.) Report of seven cases of bronchial asthma treated with pituitary body anterior lobe. Indianapolis M. J, 1915, xviii, 287-290.— Well (M.) Ueber Adrenalin bei Asthma. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1903, xxix, 220— Zueblln (E.) Treatment of asthma by pituitrin and adrenalin injections. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1917, xci, 364-367: xch, 10-12. Asthma (Treatment of) with baths and mineral waters. Andre (J.) Asthme et Mont-Dore. Traite- ment du neuro-arthritisme asthmatique au Mont-Dore (cure constitutionnelle ou diath^si- que; cureasthmatogenetique). 8°. Nimes, 1902. Debidour. Traitement hydro-mineral de l'asthme. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1912, v, 302-309.—Ferras. Contri- bution au traitement de l'asthme. Ann. d'hvdrol. et de climat. med. Par, 1900, v, 124-137. [Discussion], 183-188 — Fischer (C. C.) Ueber hydrotherapeutische Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1907, xi, 141-150.—Richelot (G.) Du traitement de l'asthme par les eaux thermales du Mont-Dore. Union med. Par, 1859, ii, 267; 280; 297; 315. Also^Reprint.— Riva (A.) L'asma e le acque di Salsomaggiore. Rendic. d. Ass. med.- chir. di Parma, 1902, iii, 227-229.—Robinson (B.) Clinical notes on asthma and its treatment. J. Balneol. & Climat, Lond, 1899, hi, 281-290.—Schlemmer. L'asthme et son traitement hydromineral. J. med. de Brux, 1911, xvi, 193; 209.—Segard (M.) Les asthmatiques aux eaux minerales. Gaz. d. eaux, Par, 1914, lvii, 806.—de Souza Baptista (A. M.) Tratamento das bronchites asthmaticas pela agua d'Entre-os-Rios na Estancia da Torre. Med. mod, Parto, 1909, xvi, pt. 6, 63-66.—Tardieu. L'asthme et le Mont- Dore. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par, 1906, xvii, 237-246.— Valcarcel y Vargas (L.) Tratamiento hydromineral del asma esencial. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv,sect, d'hydrol. med, 188-194.—Vergara Lope (D.) Tratamiento del asma esencial por los bafios alternativos de aire comprimido y de aire enrarecido. Mem. Soc. cient. Antonio Alzate, Mexico, 1898-9, xh, 315-321.—Well (M. P.) & Renard (J.-B.) La medication sulfureuse sous la fount colloidale chez les emphysemateux asthmatiques. Lev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1914, xxviii, 4S7- Weill- Splre. Traitement de l'asthme par les eaux sulfureuses d'F.nghien. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1910, xvii, 409. Asthma (Treatment of) by hypnotism and suggestion. Brtigelmann. Le traitement de l'asthme par la psycho- thcrapie et l'education asthmatique. Rev. de l'hvpnbt. et psychol. physiol. Par, 1899-1900, xiv, pt. 2, 136-141.- Dellus (H.) Die hypnotische Behandlung des Asthma nervosum. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol, Leipz, 1912, xix, 374- 379.—Lopez Villalonga (J.) Asma de nueve meses y catarro-bronquial apiretico, curado por sugestidn en siete Msiones. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1914, xl, 3-6.— Marcinowski (J.) Die Heilung eines schweren Falles von Asthma durch Psvchoanalvse. Jahrb. f. psychoanal. u. l.sychopathol. Forsch, Leipz. & Wien. 1913, v, 2. Hlfte, 529- i,_'0. Stegmauu (A.) Krgebnisse der psychischen Be- handlungeiniger Fiille von Asthma. Zentralbl. f. Psychoa- nal, Wiesb, 1910-11, i, 377-382. Asthma (Treatment of) by inhalations. Brtigelmann. Die Dr. Brugelm'ann'sche Losung zum Kinatmen bei Asthma ids Krsatz fiir Strammonium. Deut- sche Med.-Ztg, Berl., r.n>3, xxiv, 86.—Einhorn(A.) Ueber ein Asthma-Inhalationsmiltcl. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 1314. Fraenkel (M.) Die Behandlung des As- thma mit Inhalationsmitteln. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, Asthma (Treatment of) by inhalations. 1907, xxv, 781-784.—Gerber (O. P.) Die Behandlung des Bronchialasthmas mit dem Dr. Bayer'schen Vibro-Inhala tionsapparat. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 2188.—Gtick (T.) [Treatment of bronchial asthma by atropin inhalation. Budapest, orv. ujsag, 1908, vi, 996-998.—Ingles (J. W.) An asthma-powder inhaler, patented. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1904, ii, 1468.—Sawyer (Sir J.) Fuming inhalations in asthma. Midland M. J, Birmingh, 1904, hi, 35—Schaefer (F.) Leber ein Asthma-Inhalationsmittel nach Alfred Einhorn. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 1378-1380. Asthma (Treatment of) with sera and vac- cines. A. (M. K.) Antidiphtheria serum in asthma. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909, ii, 300.—Acosta (E.) Tratamiento del asma por el suero antidifterico. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1900, xxvi, 27.—Barani (F.) Considerazioni a proposito dellasieroterapia applicata all' asma essenziale. Gazz. med. lomb, Milano, 1908, lxvii, 199; 210.—Billard (G.) & Maltet (L.) Serotherapie contre le rhume des foins et l'asthme. Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1909, lxxxii, 651-654.—Boucheron (A.) & Boucheron (F.) Serotherapie antistreptococcique dans l'asthme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1898, 10. s, v, 479.—Briscoe < J. C.) Asthma. J. Vaccine Therapy, Lond, 1913, h, 29-37.—Carmalt-Jones (D. W.) The treatmentof bronchial asthma by a vaccine. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1S09, ii, 1049.—Dobson (L.) A case of asthma cured by vaccine. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1916, xxi, 57— Espina. [Algunas ohservaciones de asma, curado o aliviado con las inyecciones de suero antidifterico.] An. r. Acad, de med, Madrid, 1901, xxi, 102-105— FindlayfC. W.) The treatment of bronchial asthma with autogenous vaccines. J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1916-17, vi, 198-201— Frankfurter (O.) Tuber- kulinbehandlung des Asthma bronchiale. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, xxvi, 970-973.—Galup (J.) Traitementde certains asthmes bacillaires par la crenotherapie et la medi- cation biologique assoch'es. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 159- 163.—Grau (R.) El empleo del suero antidifterico en el tratamiento del asma bronquica. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1908, xiii, 342-345— Hofbauer (L.) Die Serum- therapie des Bronchialasthmas. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr, Berl. & Leipz, 1914, xl, 1106-1109.—Hutcheson (J. M.) & Budd (S. W.) A vaccine for the treatment of bronchial asthma; report of twenty cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1918, civ, 826-829— Kitzmiller (F. E.) Diphtheria antitoxin in the treatmentof bronchial asthma. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1045.—Levison (L. A.) The treatment of horse asthma by repeated injections of normal horse serum. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 901-903. Also. Reprint.- Marti- net (A.) Resultats malheureux du serum antidiphterique avec etude speciale de ses relations avec l'asthme. Presse med. Par, 1909, xvii, 360.—O'Brien (M. C.) Clinical results with mixed infection phylacoeen in asthma. West. Canada M. J, Winnipeg, 1914, viu,254-258.—Parker (H. R.) Observations on the use of antitoxin in asthma. N. York Plate J. M, N. Y, 1911, xi, 35-37 —Revllliod (L.) Traite- ment de l'asthme par lesemrn antidiphterioue. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve. 1^.17, xvii, 689-697.—Rogers (StrL.) The vaccine treat ment of astl,main Bengal. Prac- titioner, Lond.. 1916, xcvi. 5,3-577.—Uubenstone (A. I.) Immunization therapy in bronchialasthma. N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1918, cviii, 2*5-287.— Ruiz Casab6 (MO Tratamiento del asma por el suero antidifterico. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1901, xxvii, 193-201— Scheppegrell (W.) The treatment of hay fever and asthma bv pollen extracts and bacterial vaccines. N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1918, cvh, 1016-1018. A Iso, Reprint.- Sioard(M. II.) The treatment of bronchial asthma bv vaccination, with report of cases. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1917, cliii, S56-867— Stearns (R. W.) A case of asthma relieved by normal horse serum. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1917, xvi, 376.—Thomas. (J. D.) A preliminary report of vaccine therapy in bronchial asthma. Tr. Am. Climat. A- Clin. Ass, Phila, 1916, xxxii, 209-220—Walker (I. C.) The treatment with bacterial vaccines of bronchial asthmatics who are not sensitive to proteins. J. Mod. Re- search, Bost, 1917, xxxvii, 51-74, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.— Willis (P. W.) The treatment of asthma with diphtheria antitoxin, with report of a death following its administra- tion. Northwest Med, Seattle, 1908, vi. 104-107—Wilson (A.D.) Bacterin therapy in bronchial asthma. Southwest. Med, El Paso, 1917, i, 18-23.—Zener (C.R.I norse asthma, treatment of a case with normal horse serum. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 843. Asthma in children. See, also, Laryngismus stridulus; Thymus gland (Hypertrophy of). Barbarin (H.) ^Contribution a l'etude de l'asthme chez 1'enfant. 8°. Baris. 1904. Camptjzan (J.-M.-E.) *Quelques considera- tions sur l'asthme et en partirulier sur l'asthme infantile et son traitement. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896. ASTHMA. 115 ASTIER. Asthma in children. Heizer (H.) *Ein Fall von Asthma bron- chiale bei einem zweijahri~en Kinde. 8°. Munchen, 1911. Lemonnyer (j.) ^Contribution a l'etude de l'asthme chez les enfants. 8°. Baris, 1902. Markel (II.) L'asthme chez les enfants. 8°. Baris, 1901. Abt (I. A.) Asthma in children. Med. Clin. N. Am, Phila.. 1918, i, 1425-1444.—Arkawin (J. S.) Ueber das Bronchialasthma der Kinder. Arch. f. Kinderh, Stuttg, 1908, xlviii, 226-244.—BeUotti. Asma infantile epidemico da autointossicazione. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1900, xxi, 1255- 1257.—Cameron. Asthma in childhood. Guy's Hosp. Gaz, Lond, 1915, xxix, 319-322.—Cautley (E.) Asthma in infants and children. Clin. J, Lond, 1906-7, xxix, 313-316.— Chaumler (E.) L'asthme chez les jeunes enfants. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1884, Par., 1885, xhi, pt. 2, 500-503.—Comby (J.) L'asthme chez les enfants. Arch. de med. d. enf. Par, 1911, xiv, 721-758.—Dabney (T. S.) Asthma in young children. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1902-3, lv, 732-739. Also: Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1903, N. Orl, 1904, 50-57.—Doming (J.) Bronchial asthma. Am. Text- Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2. ed, Phila, 1898, 956-962.—Ewart (W.) Dyspeptic asthma at the age of seven months. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child, Lond, 1900-1901, i, 119-121.—For- lanlnl (F.) L'asma infantile. Boll. d. clin, Milano, 1897, xiv, 533-540.—Frazier (B.C.) Asthma in a child 14 months old. Kentucky M. J, Bowling Green, 1909-10, vhi, 1561 — Friedjung (J. K.) Der gegenwartige Stand der Frage vom Asthma thy micum im Kindesalter und sein Verhaltniss zum sogen. Status lymphaticus. Arch. f. Kinderh.. Stuttg, 1900, xxix. 344-353.—Uutinel. L'asthme infantile. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1909, xxih, 501: 1914, xxviii, 23.—Johnson (C. K.) Bronchial asthma in children. Am. Med, Burlington, Vt, & N. Y, 1912, n. s.-, vh, 452- 454.—Kisel (A. A.) Fiinf Falle von nervosem bronchialem Asthma bei Kindern. Arch. f. Kinderh, Stuttg, 1898, xxiv, 172-186.-----. [Nervous bronchial asthma in chil- dren; treatment with sodium iodide.] Med. Obozr, Mosk, 1901, lv, 374-386.-----. [Three cases of nervous bronchial asthma in children (in boys of 6 years 3 months, and 11 years 6 months, and a girl 6 years old).] Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz, Irkutsk, 1911, iv, 323-331.—Knopf (H. E.) Ueber Asthma bei Kindern und dessen Behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr, 1912, xlix, 1566-1568.—La Fetra (L. E.) Bronchial asthma in infants and children, with an analysis of forty- three cases. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1904, N. Y, 1905, xvi, 252-266. Also: Arch. Pediat, N. Y, 1904, xxi, 904-918. Also, Reprint.—McClanahan (H. M.) The management of asthma in children. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1912, cxliii, 836-843.—Maurel (P.) De l'asthme infantile. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1909, 566-569.—Mery (H.) De l'asthme infan- tile. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par, 1902, iv, 49-52.-----. L'asthme infantile. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1905, xix, 774.-----. L'asthme infantile et son traitement. Med!, inf., Par, 1906, iv, 37-43.—Moon (R. O.) A chnical lecture on asthma in children. Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1911, n. s, xcii, 60-62.—Muggia (A.) L'asma infantile. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1897, xlviii, 421-429.—Neumann (G.) Ueber das Asthma bronchiale im Kindesalter. Zentralbl. f. Kinderh, Leipz, 1910, xv, 339-344.—Perpere (E.) Traite- ment de l'asthme chez l'enfant. Medecin prat. Par, 1910, vi, 453-455.—von Planta (A.) Einige Bemerkungen uber das alpine Hochgebirge in seiner Wirkung auf das Asthma nervosum der Kinder. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch, Aarau, 1910, 40-45.—Rietschel (H.) Bronchotetanie, Bron- chialasthma und asthmatische Bronchitis im Sauglingsalter. Monatschr. f. Kinderh, Leipz. & Wien, 1913. xh, Orig, 261-265.— Rohmer (P.) Zur Kenntnis des Asthma car- diale beim Kinde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1914, lxi, 2129-2131.—Scheltema. Asthma en asthma-achtige aan- doeningen bij kinderen. Nederl. Maandschr. v. Verlosk. [etc.], Leiden, 1913, ii, 398-404.—Smith. (E. B.) Asthma in children. Practitioner, Lond, 1913, xc, 924-939.—Sou- maripas (J. P.) Etude clinique sur l'asthme infantile. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.]. Par, 1902, iv, 313-315.—de Souza Baptista (A. M.) A astnmainfantil, as deformacoes thora- cicas e as aguas de Entre-os-Rios na Estancia da Torre. Med. mod, Porto, 1909, vi, 66-68.—Spolverlni (L. M.) Sulla etiologia e terapia dell' asma essenziale nei bambini. Riv. di clin. pediat, Firenze, 1913, xi, 736-745.----- Sulla etiologia e patogenesi della nevrosi asmatica infantile. Pe- diatria, Napoh, 1918, xxvi, 569-576.—Stanley (D.) Asthma in childhood. Birmingh. M. Rev, 1903, n. s, i, 104-109, 1 diag— Stegmann (A.) Zur Aetiologie des Asthmas bei Kindern. Med. Khn, Berl, 1908, iv, 1113-1116.—Szego (K.) [Asthma in children.) Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1909, xlix, 4; 23; 41; 58; 104.-----. Beitrage zur Pathologie una Therapie des Bronchialasthmas der Kinder. Verhandl. d. internat. Kon<;. f. Thalassotherap. 1908, Berl, 1909, 94-99.— Talbot (F. B.) Asthma in children; its relation to egg poisoning (anaphylaxis). Boston M. & S. J, 1914, clxxi, 708-712. Also, Reprint.-----. Asthma in children; its Asthma in children. treatment. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1917, xi, 245-250. [Discussion], 281-284.—Thomas. Traitement par la qui- nine de l'acces d'asthme infantile. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve. 1903, xxih. 275.—Thomas (J. D.) Asthma in children. Am. J. Obst, N. Y, 1909, lix, 904-909. [Dis- cussion], 873.—Vigouroux (H.) El asma infantil. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1913, xvi, 275-278.—Warbrick (J. C.) Infantile asthma. Buffalo M. J, 1914-15, lxxi, 57-60 — Webster (E. P.) Asthma in children. J. Maine M. Ass, Portland, 1916-17, vh, 225-230.—Wentzke. Zwei Falle von Millar'schem Asthma bei Kindern. Uebers. d. Arb. u. VeriLnd. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult, Bresl, 1825, 55.—Whitacre (M.) Asthma in children, Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1911, cv, 497-500. Asthma in pregnancy. Chambrelent. Crise d'asthme mortelle chez une femme enceinte. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 190.—Hepworth (W. G.) Primary asthma in a pregnant multipara. Canad. M. Ass. J, Toronto, 1917, vh, 1037.— Lugo-Vina (N.) Asmaticas nuliparas, y' ex-asmaticas multiparas y uniparas. Rev. de med. y chug, de la Habana, 1912, xvii, 480-483—Marek (R.) Asthma bronchiale in graviditate. Casop. lek. 6esk, v Praze, 1913, hi, 1397-1399 — Middlemiss (J. E.) A case of bronchial asthma associated with pregnancy treated by hypnotism. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1914, i, 194.—Terzaghi (G.) Contributo alia casistica del- 1' asma essenziale in gravidanza. Arte ostet., Milano, 1910, xxiv, 251-260. Asthma and tuberculosis. Reboul (A.-E.-E.) *De l'asthme pretubercu- leux. 8°. Montpellier 1904. Brown (O. H.) Tuberculosis and asthma. Southwest. Med, El Paso, 1917, i, No. 11, 31-33— Brugelmann (W.) Asthma und Tuberculose; kurzer Beitrag zur Lehre von Asthma. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1898, xh, 320-323 — Giffin (H. Z.) Asthma and tuberculosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1911, cxiii, 869-874.—Passini (R.) Sopra un caso di asma tubercolare con pecuhare alternativa di accessi asmatici e di periodi emottoici. Policlin, Roma, 1909, xvi, sez. prat, 205-210.—Pierson (P. H.) The interrelationship of asthma and tuberculosis. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1918, xvi, 284-287.—de Reynier (L.) Asthme et tuberculose. Tr. Internat. Cong. Tuberc. (Wash.), Phila, 1908, i, pt. 2, 1133-1142. Also, transl: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1909, xxix, 674-S86— Rozenfeld (K.) [Bronchial asthma and phthisis.] Przegl. lek, Krak(5w, 1913, hi, 309- 314.—Soca (F.) Les rapports de l'asthme et de la tuber- culose; asthme fruste; asthme secondaire. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1907, i, 353-380.—Vergano (R.) Contributo casuistico all' associazione dell' asma colla tubercolosi polmo- nare. Pensiero med, Milano, 1914, iv, 257-259. Asthmolysin. Fischer (C. C.) Ueber lokale Anwendung des Asthmo- Ivsins. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 1430: 1916, xhi, 1319. Astie (Andre) [1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la nevrtte amyotrophique des tuber- culeux. 85 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 472. Astie (Charles-Frederic) [1867- ]. *Le thorax en bateau de la syringomyedie. 60 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 225. Astie (Joseph) [1869- ]. *Contribution a l'etude de repitheliome de la main. 52 pp. 4°. Toulouse, 1895, No. 73. Astie (Rene-Francois-Gerard) [1887- ]. *Les complications nerveuses dans le cours du traite- ment de la syphilis par le 606. 83 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912, No. 50. Astier (Antoine-Mathieu-Jules) [1873- ]. *Etude critique de quelques observations d'arterites rhumatismales. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 60. See, also, Parrot (L.-M.) Petit manuel du paludisme a I'usage des ecoles primaires [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1911. Astier (C[amille]) [1854- _ ] & Aschkinasi (Isaac-Salmon). La chirurgie de l'oreille. 327 pp. 12°. Baris, 0. Boin, 1900. Astier (L6on) [1877- ]. *Rhumatisme tuber- culeux. Kystes poplites d'origine tubercu- leuse. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Byon, 1904, No. 143. Astier (Man-el) [1885- ]. *La loi Roussel et la surveillance des remplacantes. 63 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 85. ASTIER. 116 ASTIGMATISM. Astier (P.) [ls.50-1918]. Bardet (G.j Nerjrolo.ho. Gaz. d. ciix, Par, 1918, lix, 51—Necrologie. Monde med. Par, 1918, xxvii, 65-6H. Astigmatism. See, aho, Eye (Accommodation and refraction of, Bisordered). van den Borg (J.) *Statistische en andere bijdragen tot de kennis van het astigmatisme. 8°. Amsterdam, 1905. Botvinnik lX. P-) *Ob izmlenenii astigma- tizma pod vliyaniyem niekotorikh fizicheskikh i frziologicheskikh faktorov. [Changes of astigma- tism under the influence of various physical and physiological factors.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1898. Also, transl. in: Arch, f Augenh, Wiesb, 1899, xxxix, 336-375. Brandes (S.) *A8tigmatische accommodatie onder den invloed van eenzijdige inwerking van homatropine en eserine. [Leiden.] 8°. Gorin- chem, 1903. Faehndrich (E.) *Klinische Studien iiber Astigmatismus. [Bern.] 8°. Ziirich-Oberstrass, 1900. Labande (E.-M.) Contribution a l'etude clinique de l'astigmatisme. 8°. Baris, 1912. Lubx ([C] B. 0. W.) *Ueber die Haufigkeit des Astigmatismus und seine Beziehungen zur Sehscharfe. 8°. Marburg, 1909. Salis (A.) Manuel pratique de l'astigmatisme, sa determination et sa correction. 16 . Baris, 1898. Wilkinson (O.) Astigmatic accommodation. 4°. [Washington, 1907.] Allen (F.J.) Irregular astigmatism. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond, 1901-2; p. ii.—Amor (J.) Sar l'astigmatisme in- verse et son importance anthropologique. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par, 1907, 5. s, vhi, 509.—Antonelli (A.) Sur les rapports cntre l'astigmatisme corneen et l'astigma- tisme total (ophtalmometrie clinique et optometrie). Arch. d'opht. Par, 1906, xxvi. 116-157.—Axenfeld (D.) Schach- brettfigur durch Gitter hervorgebracht, abhiingig vom As- tigmatismus des Auges. Centralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. & Wien, 1898, xh, 389.—Bajardl. Delia visione negli astig- matici. Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital. 1888, Pavia, 1889, xi, 101-110.—Barrett (J. \V.) Diplopia-polyopia in connection with astigmatism. Ophthalmoscope, Lond, 1914. xii, 396-100.—Bennett (A. G.) & Clemesha (J. C.) A study in astigmatism. Am. Med, Phila, 1903, vi, 189-192.— Blanco (T.) Acomoda;i<5n astigmica. Arch, de oftal. hispano-am, Barcel, 1900, vi, 437-442.—van den Borg (J.) Statistische medeiieeling omtrent het astigmatisme. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1905, 2. r, xii, d. 1, 18x- 192.—Borschke (A.) Leber die Theorie der skiaskopischen Schattendrehung bei Astigmatismus. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1906, lxiii, 388-391.—Bourgeois (A.) Unification de la notation de l'astigmatisme. Arch, d'opht. Par, 1916- 17, xxxv, 641-646.—Broca (A.) & Sulzer. Compensation accommodative de l'astigmatisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par, 1899, 10. s, vi, 207-269.—Brown (J. E.) The trophic disturbances of astigmatism. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1896, 2X0-2X7. Also: Columbus M. J, 1896, xvi, 539-540.—Brims (II. D.) Change in astigmatism produced by chalazion. Ophth. Rec,.Chicago, 1905, xiv, 420.—Bur- nett (S. M.) Astigmia or astigmatism; which? Am. J. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1903, xx, 374-379. Also, Reprint.—Cady (W. G.) Color dispersion in the astigmatic eye. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1911, n. s., xxxiii, 26-2s—CliacOn (A.) Sobre la notacMn de los mendia:ios del asi igmat ismo. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1912, 3. s, vii, 717 721.—Chanoz (M. i Particularity dans la vision des astigmatcs; application a la determination subjective des meridiens principaux de Paul; appareil de l'auteur. Lyon med, 1907, cviii. 69-75.—Chlarl (CO Astigmatismo seeondo norma e contrazione dei muscoli retti superiori ed inferiori; astigmatismo contro norma o con- trazione dei quattro muscoli retti; modificazioni della cornea normale (emmetrope). Arch, di ottal, Napoli, 1906-7, xiv, 399-421.—Claiborne (J. II.) The axis of astigmatism. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago* 1905, xliv, 372-377. ^Discussion], 379.—Dimmer (F.) Zur Lehre vom Astigmatismus. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1897, xliii, 3. Abth, 613-642.— Doane(L. L.) Some observations upon astigmatism. Am. Med, Phila, 1905, ix, 25-27.—Druault (A.) Astigmatisme des rayons penetrant obliquement dans l'oeil; application de la skiascopie. Arch, d'opht, Par., 1900, xx, 21-28.— Dufour. L'accommodation et l'astigmatisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par, 1912, lxxii. 950.—Fergus (F.) A simple demonstration of the focusing of tins in astigma'ism. Ophth. Rev, Lond, 1S99, xviii, 1x7.—Fick (A. E.) Leber Astigmatism. das Accommodiren der Astigmatiker bei ungezwungenem Sehen. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1901, hi, 175-190.—Fowler (W. S.) High degrees of astigmatism. Pacific M. J, San Fran, 1900, xliii, 426-431.—Griffin (O. A.) Transient astig- matism. Am. J. Ophth, St. Louis, 1902, xix, 201-211.— Grossmann (K.) International notation of astigmatism. Brit. M. J, Lond.; 1909, i, 1573.—Guen (J.) & Hardy (VV. F.) Astigmatism against the rule. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1918, cvii, 1148.—Hummelslieim (E.) Ueber monoculares Dop- pelsehen bei Astigmatikern. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1901, Wiesb, 1902, xxix, 188-200. -----. Ein Vor- sehlag zur Einigung iiber die Astigmatismus- und Gesichts- fcldaufnahme. Cong, internat. d'opht. 1904, Lausanne, 1905, b3-b8.— Jenkins (N. B.) Crescj itic astigmatism. Med. Rec,N. Y, 189s, liv,52.—Jessop(W. H.) The report of the international commission on the determination of visual acuity and of the notation of the meridians of astigmatism. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 190X-9, xxix, 292-295.— Jusellus (E.) [Observations concerning the relation be- tween the corneal and the c )mplete regular astigmatism in different refractionary conditions.) Finska lak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1910, hi, pt. 1,115-157. -Kerrick (S. E.) Some points regarding astigmatism. Journal-Lancet, Min- neap, 1916, xxxvi, 45.—Klimovich (E. F.) & Zambrzhi- tskl. [Course of the ravs of hght in astigmatic media.] Vestnik Oftalmol, Kiev" 1899, xvi, 579-5x5— Knapp (H.) A point in the dioptrics 01 astigmatic refraction illustrated by a new model. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1902, ix, 620-022.—Koster (W.) Zum besseren Verstandniss des Astigmatismus. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1910, lxxiv, 168- 205.—Lapsley (R. M.) The importance of astigmatism. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1899, vhi, 563-566.—La Rosa (M.) Alcuni nuovi fatti sulla visione degh occhi astigmatici e normali e loro interpretazione. Progress© oftal, Talermo, 1909-10, v, 1-17— McClelland (E. S.) Variable hyperopic astigmatism in children and its correction. Med. Rec, N\ Y, 1918, xciv, 276-278. Also, Reprint— Markbrelter (I.) [Astigmatism as related to complete refraction and accommodation of the eyes.) Szemeszet, Budapest, 1913, xl, 347-353.—Marquez (M.) Sobre el biastigmatismo. Arch. de oftal. hispano-am, Barcel , 1909, ix, 401-405.-----■. Nota de un nuevo defecto de refractidn. el biastigmatismo.. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1912, vii, 324-320—.Martin (G.) Etudes sur les contractions astigmatiques du muscle ciliaire. Ann. d'ocul, Brux, 1886, xcvi, 5; 81; 217: 18S7, xcvh, 5; 141; 277.—Millikin (B. L.) Additional notes on a patient with high astigmatism. Arch. Ophth, N. Y, 1912, xii, 109-113 — Moffat (J. L.) Astigmia, not astigmatism. J Ophth, Otol, & Laryngol., N. Y, 1897, ix, 290. -Mtigge (F.) Ueber die Haufigkeit des Astigmatismus und seine Bezie- hungen zur Sehscharfe. Khn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg, 1908, xlvi, 474-4X9.—Oliver langen.] 8°. Bam- berg, 1909. Ottersbach (P.) *Ein Fall von Friedreich'- .scher Krankheit. [Bonn.] 8°. Siegburg, 1897. Uhlig (H. F.) *Drei Falle von Friedreich'- scher Ataxie. 8°. Leipzig, 1912. Abrahams (B.) Sporadic case of Friedreich's disease. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1903-4, xxxvii, 237.—Alkin (J. M.) Friedreich's ataxia. West. M. Rev, Lincoln. Neb, 1898, iii, 252— Aubertin (C.) La maladie de Friedreich et les ailections eongenitales au cceur. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1904, ii, 1993-1999—Bablnskl. [Case] Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1910, xxiv, 645—Babonneix (L.) & Roederer (C.) [Case.) Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par, 1913, xv, 112-116.—Bailly (U.) Un cas de maladie de Friedreich a evolution rapide. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1903, iii, 17.—Baldwin (A.) [Case] West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1906, xi, 197.—Baskett (B.) [Case.] Brit. M. J, Lond, 1896, ii, 749.—Bennett (G.) Case of Friedreich's ataxia, with abbreviated clinical digest. Kansas City M. Index- Lancet, 1899, xx, 449; 492— Berdez. Un cas isoie de maladie de Friedreich. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1896, xvi, 304-309— Biro (M.) Einige Mittheilungen iiber die Friedreich'sche Krankheit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1900-1901, xix, Hi 1-187.—Bornlkoel. Zur Casuistik der hereditaren Ataxie (Friedreieh'schen Krankheit). Charitc-Ann, Berl.; 1899, xxiv, 300-300.—Bouchaud. La maladie de Friedreich chez deux freres jumeaux. 3. d. se. med. de Lille, 1899, ii, 265-272.—Bowes (T. A.) [Two cases.] Lancet, Lond, 1897, ii, 87— Boxwell (W.) [Case.] Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1915, xxxhi, 123.—Bramwell (H.) Remarks on Friedreich's ataxia, with notes of three cases. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1897, ii, 896-899.—Brown (D. R.) [Case.] J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 871.—Camp- bell (H.) Some cases of Friedreich's ataxia. Polyclin, Lond, 1912, xvi, 106.—Candela (M.) [Case.] Riforma med, Napoh, 1909, xxv, 1217-1221.—Carslaw (J.) An iso- lated case of Friedreich's ataxia. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Clasg. (1899-1901), 1902, hi, 112-115—Cautley (E.) [Case ] Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915-16, ix, Child. Sect, 6 — Chiadini (M.) Un caso intcressante di atassia di Fried- reich. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1905, Roma, 1906, xv, 391—Christiansen (V.) [Four cases.) Hosp.-Tid, Ko- benh, 1906, 4. R, xiv, 877-888.—Clarke (F. H.) Fried- reich's ataxia; with report of two cases. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. 1899) Louisville, 1900, xliv, 172-181. Aho: Louis'viHe Month. J. M. & S, 1899. vi, 139-143—Cohn (P.) [Two cases] Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1898, xvii, 302-310.— Coles (W. W.) [Two cases.) J. Am. Inst. Homoson, N. Y, 1910, hi, 264-271.—Combe. Maladie de Friedreich. Ann. de med. etchir. inf., Par, 1898, ii, 825-842. Aho, transl: Boll.d. clin, Milano, 1892, xvi, 12K-135— Cousot. Sur la ma- ladie de Friedreich. J. med. de Brux,1903,vhi, 13.—dishing (G. M.) Friedreich's ataxia. Clinique, Chicago, 1903, xxiv, 304-307.—Del Piano (A.) Contributo clinico alio studio della malattia di Friedreich. N. raecoglitore med, Imola, 1903, ii, 193-510.—De Pastrovich (G.) Di un caso singolare di morbo del Friedreich (atassia ereditaria). Riv. sper. di freniat, Reg^io-Emilia, 1903, xxix, 346 353.—Devic (A.) & Kocher. Maladie de Friedreich. Lyon med, 1914. exxiii, 74-76 —Dodge (A. II.) & Lloyd (J. it.) An isolated case of Friedreich's ataxia. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1906, xlvi. 802— Durand (P.) Maladie de Friedreich. Bull. Sen med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1914, xhi, 111 115—Durand-Vicf (P.) [Case.] Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 19o:i, iv, 437^42.-Edleston (It. S. O.) [Case.) Brit. M. J., Lond . 1902, ii, 1612.—Elliott (T. R.) ?L'nilatcral Friedreich's disease. I'roc. Hoy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Neurol. Sect, 66.—Farnell ( F. J.) Hereditary spinal ataxia. Arch. Pediat, X. Y, 1916, xxxiii, 48-55.— Ferenczi (A.) [Case] Ungar med. I'resse, Budapest, 1904, ix, 603.—Fergus (J.) Two cases of Friedreich's ataxia in adolescents, (ilasgow M. J, 1917, lxxxviii, 193-207—Fernandez Sanz (E.) [Three cases] Siglo med, Madrid, ltioi, li, 850; 868.-----. [Case] Rev de med. y cirug. pra( t , Madrid, -1905, lxvii, h.'.k Fcrrier & Cliassin. Cas atypiquo de maladie do Friedrcii-li. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Par., 1906, 3. s, xxih, 880-HH5—Foerster (O.) [Two cases] Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaierl. Kult. 1905, Bresl, 1906, 50-52.— Fornarlo (G.) L'atassia ereditaria. Ann. di nevrol, Napoli, 1894, xii, 379-402.—Frazler (B. C.) [Case.] Louis- ville Month. J. M. & S, 1903-4, 191.—Frey (K.) Zwei Stammbaume von hereditiirer Ataxic. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1912, xliv, 351 379. 1 pi—Fry (F. R.) Additional cases of Friedreich's ataxia. Tr. M. Ass. Mis- | souri 1896-7, Kansas Citv, 1898, 96-106.—Gaussel. [Two cases.] Montpel. med, 1906, xxiii, 125-130.— Geerts (J.) [Two eases] J. de neurol, Par, 1908, xhi, 281-2M.— Gem- mell (S.) [Case.] Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1905-7, vi, Ataxia (Hereditary) [Friedreich]. 101-103. Also: Glasgow M. J, 1906, lxvi, 120-122.—Glo- rieux. [Case.) J. de neurol. Par, 1898, iii, 303-307.— Glynn. [Case.] Liverpool M.-Chir. J, 1898, xviii, 290.— Goltman (A.) Hereditary ataxia. Med. Critic, N. Y.i 1903, hi, 1096— Grannan (St. G. T.) [Three cases.] Pedi- atrics, N. Y.. 1910, xxh, 231-234— Greenlees (T. D.) & Purvis (G. C.) Friedreich's paralysis. Brain, Lond, 1901, xxiv, 134-148, 4 pi.—Hall (A.) [Two cases.) Lancet, Lond, 1906, ii, 1589.—Hallock (F. M.) Two cases of Fried- reich's ataxia; brother and sister. Neurol. Bull, N. Y., 1918, i, 57-61.— Haushalter (P.) [Case] Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par, 1899, hi, 197-199.—Hayes (A. I.) Friedreich's ataxia. Colorado M. J, Denver, 1902, vhi, 33K-34L—Heub- ner (O.) Ueber hereoitare Ataxie. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1907, xxxi, 115-119.—Higier. JCase of atypical Friedreich's disease.] Neurol, polska, Warszawa, 1911-12, ii, 602 — Hochhaus. Ein exquisiter Fall von Friedreichseher Ataxie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1903, 1, 669.—Hodge (G.) [Three cases.) Brit. M. J, Lond, 1897, i, 1405.—Hoff- mann (A.) Ueber hereditare Ataxie (Friedreich). Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.), Berl , 1899, lvi, 598-C02.—Hoff- mann (J.) Zur Lehre von der hereditaren spinalen Ataxie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1911, xxviii, 353-356.—Hoppe (H. II ) [Two cases.) Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s, 1, 361 —Hunt (E. L.) Fried- reich's ataxia. Am. J. Obst, N. Y, 1910, lxu, 125-137. -----. [Two cases.) Arch. Pediat, N. Y, 1910, xxvu, 373.—Jacod (M.) Maladie de Friedreich. Lyon med, 1905, civ, 341-344—Jelgersma (G.) De ziekte van Friedreich. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1905, 2. r, xh, d. 1, 1161-1184—Kalischer (S.) Ueber erbhche Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1898, xxxv, 401-103.—Kellogg (J. H.) Early observation of the disease now known as Friedreich's ataxia. Mod. Med. & Bacteriol. Rev, Battle Creek, Mich, 1898, vii, 273.-----. The first observed cases of Friedreich's ataxia in America. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914v lxxxv, 431.— Kinsman (F. S.) [Case.] Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1897, ix, &V-90—Knapp. [Two cases.) J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1908, xxxv, 36— Kopczynskl (S.) [Ataxia hereditaria s. morbus Fnedreichi.J Medycyna, Warszawa, 1899, xxvu, 5; 25; 58; 77.—Kramer. Demonstration von Fallen Friedreichseher Tabes bei Geschwistern. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1916, xlvi, 182-18L—Kroll (M.) & Terentjew (A.) Zur Kasuistik der hereditaren Ataxie. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psvchiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1914, xxvi, Oris, 352-360.—Lambrior(A.-A.) Un cas de maladie de Friedreich, avec autopsie. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxh, 525-540.—Lepine (R.) Maladie de Friedreich avec propul- sion en avant. Rev. de med. Par, 1896, xvi, 271 —Lloyd (J. H.) [Case.l J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. V, 1915, xlh, 156.—Long (E.) Du tabes hereditaire debutant a l'aee adulte. Rev. neurol, Par., 1911, xxii, 808-812— Lucidi (G.) [Case] Gazz. d. osp, Milano, lsos. xix, 7Lv— Lyman (H. M.) Hereditary ataxia. Internat. Clin, Phila , 1899, 9. s, ii, 126 l; i — Mai-kay (H. J.) The isolated tvpe of Friedreich's disease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1S94, n. s, eviii, 151-158. -Martin. [Case ) Nord med, Lille, 1898, iv, 91-94.—Massalonsro (R.) Delia sindrome atassica eredo- famigliare e sue variota. Policlin, Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. med, 229-243.— Melgnant- [Three cases] Anjou med., Angers, 1912, xix,~ l-2t.—Meyer-Hurlimanh. Fried- reich'sche Ataxie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xlh, 720-722.—Miller (J. W.) Friedreich's ataxia. Med. Rev. of Rev, N. Y, 1916, xxii, 192-195.—Mingazzini (G.) Beitrage zum Studium dor Friedrciehscheu Krankheit. Arch. I. Psychiat., Berl, 1907, xlh, 917-94s. 1 pi—Moore (\V. O.) An atypical case of Friedreich's ataxia J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, Lancaster. Pa, 1908, xxxv, 567.—Mover (H. N.) [Two cases] Chicago M. Recorder, 1S97. xh, 422. Aho: Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1897, xvu, 229.— Murray (G.) Cases of Friedreich's ataxia. Northumberland & Durham M. J, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1899, vii, 36-38.— Ulurrl (A.) [Cfisc | Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (.WHj), im»7, 30.--\eff (I. H.) A report of thirteen cases of ataxia in adults writ hereditary historv. Am. J. Insan, Chicago, 1894 5. li, 36,5-373.- Nesblt (A. D.) [Case.] West M. Rev, Lincoln, Nd>, 1898, iii, 253 Aocver (JO [Case.] J. med. de Brux, 1904, ix, 669. -Oettinger (B.) [Case.] Colorado Med, Denver, 1912, ix, 20.-. 211— Ogilvle (G ) [Case] l'roc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1907---, i, Neurol. Sect.. 92 —de Ollvelra (O.) [Case] Arch, brash, de med., Hio de Jan, 1912, ii, suppl. No. 2,141-149.— Ormcrod (J. A.) On Friedreich's disease. Clin. J, Lond, 189»>-7, vhi, 118- 122.—Osnaio (M ) An analysis of seven cases of Fried- reich's ataxia. N. York M. J. [etc.l, 1918, cvii, 204-208 — Ozorlo (,t ) Sobro um caso de molestia de Friedreich. Brazil-med, Rio de Tan , 1917, xxxi, 436.-----. Mal de Friedreich. Ibid., 137- Paglieri (L.) Di una forma frusta di malattia di Friedreich Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 629- 633— Palmer (F SI FriedrcU It's ataxia. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1907, n. s, lvwiii, 505-508. -----. Cases of Friedreich's ataxia. Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1912-13, xxxvi, 350. -----. [Two cases.] West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1913, xviii, 13.—Pearce (F. S.) es,and the pretabetic period. N. York M. 3. [etc.], 1917, cvi. 402.— Grossman (O.) [On alterations in the central nervous system in tabes dorsalis] Vopr. Nerv.-Psikh. Med, Kivev, 1898, iii, 217; 401.— Gumpertz (K.) Hautnervenbefundo ATAXIA. 133 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Causes and pathology of). bei Tabes. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1898, xxxv, 36-52.— Guthrie (L.) Acute ataxy, encephalitis cerebelh. Brain, Lond, 1905, xxviii, 363.—Hassln (G. B.) Pathogenesis of locomotor ataxia. Clin. Rev, Chicago, 1903s xviii, 258; 330; 413.-----. Contributions to the Obersteiner-Redlich theory of tabes dorsahs. Med. Rec.? N. Y, 1904, lxv, 168- 170.-----. Histo-pathological studies in tabes dorsahs. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1915, xlh, 699.-----. Beitrage zur Histopathologic der Tabes dorsalis. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1914, xxxih, 1138-1140.—Heym (A.) Wie entstehen die pathologjsch-anatomischen Veranderungen bei Tabes dorsalis? Ibid., 1909, xxviii, 1255-1261.—Hirschfelder (J. O.) The etiology of locomotor ataxia. Cahf. State J. M, San Fran, 1905, hi, 116.—Hitt (A.) Etiology of locomotor ataxia. Tribune med. Am. ed, N. Y, 1905, i, 283-286.— Holmes (G. M.) The aetiology of tabes dorsahs. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1901, cxii, 321-338.-----. A note on the condition of the postcentral cortex in tabes dorsahs. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1908, vi; 5-11, 1 pi.—Ingelrans (L.) Qu'est-ceque le tabes?, Dermeres recherches sur sa patho- genie et sa nature. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 137-144.—Jacobsohn (L.) Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Pathogenese und Therapie der Tabes. Berl. Klinik, 1901, 152. Hft, 1-21— Jelllffe (S. E.) On some of the more recent literature of tabes dorsahs; pathology and etiology. Internat. Chn, Phila, 1907, 17. s, ii, 257-268.— Jellinek (E. O.) Ueber das Verhalten des Kleinhirnes bei Tabes dorsahs. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1894-5, vi, 231-244, 1 pi.—Jones (A.) Histopathologic de la cellule nerveuse dans le tabes dorsalis et la tabo-parahsie. Rev. Soc. med. argent, Buenos Aires, 1907, xv? 5-27, 3 pi.— Kammerer (H.) Tabes und pseudokombinierte Strang- sklerose. Munchen med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 1437-1439.— Kende (M.) Die Aetiologie der Tabes dorsalis. Ztschr. f. khn Med, Berl, 1899, xxxvii, 49-80.—KUppel.—Le tabes d'apres les travaux du P*- Pierret. Rev. de psychiat. Par, 1897.. n. s, 291-296—Langdon (F. W.) Locomotor ataxia; its newer pathology and treatment. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897, n. s, xxxix, 269-275. [Discussion], 278.—Lapinsky (M.) Ueber die Affection der Vorderhorner bei Tabes dor- sahs. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1905, xl, 752-816, 2 pi.— Laspeyres (R.) Anatomische Befunde bei einem Fall von Tabes mit Kiefernekrose. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1898-9, xiv, 319-324.—Leclerc (J.) L'eiongation de la moelle chez les tabetiques. Presse med. Par, 1899, i, 161-163.—Lefevre. Nouvelle theorie sur l'ataxie. Arch. med. beiges, Brux, 1900, 4. s, xv, 189-304.—Leopold (S.) Sacral tabes; a case with necropsy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1909, xxxvi, 193-199, 1 pi.— Lesser (F.) Zur Aetiologie und Pathologie der Tahes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xii, 98-101. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, Berl, 1905, xxxv, pt. 2, 13-30. [Discussion], pt. 1, 24-32.—Levi (E.) Contributo critico all' anatomia ed alia patologia delle radici posteriori spinali con speciale riguardo alia patogenesi della tabe dorsale. Riforma med, Napoh, 1909, xxv, 449-456.—von Leyden (E.) Zur Aetiologie der Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1903, xl, 449-453.—von Leyden (E.) & Lazarus (P.) Ueber die sensorische Theorie der spinalen Ataxie. Festschr. J. Rosenthal [etc.], Leipz, 1906. pt. 2, 3-10.—Lissauer (H.) Ueber Veranderungen der Clarkeschen Saulen bei Tabes dorsahs. In: Weigert (C.) Gesamm. Abhand, 8°, Berl, 1906, ii, 539.—Loewenleld (L.) Tabes und korperliche Ueberanstrengung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat, Coblenz & Leipz, 1898, n. F, ix, 321-330.—Lukacs (E.) Amyotrophische Tabes mit histologischem Befunde. Zt- schr. f. a. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat. Berl. & Leipz, 1914, xxiv, Orig, 437-444.—Mader (J.) Tabes; die Hinter- strangaffection im Cervicaltheile am starksten und nicht ganz bis unten reichend; gesteigerte Patellarsehnenreflexe; einseitige Posticuslahmung; interne Oculomotoriuslahmung; Tod infolge von eitriger Cystopyelonephritis; Sectionsbe- fund. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien & Leipz, 1896, hi, 835.—Maloney (W. J. M. A.) The deter- minants of tabes. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, xcix, 1225- 1229.—Maragllano (F.) Contributo all' anatomia patolo- gica della tabe dorsale. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1901, ii, 504-506.— Marie (P.) Tabes et meningite spinale posterieure. Rev. neurol. Par, 1903, xi, 530.—Marie (P.) & Bischoffswerder. Trois cas de tabes presentant des corps granuleux dans les cordons posterieurs de la moelle. Ibid., 1902, x, 241-247.—Marie (P.) & Guillatn (G.) Les lesions du systeme lymphatique posterieur de la moelle sont l'origine du processus anatomo-pathologique du tabes. Bull, med. Par, 1903, xvii, 45. Also: Rev. neurol. Par, 1903, xi, 40-52.—Marinesco (G.) Recherches sur les lesions des cellules des ganglions spinaux dans le tabes. Presse med. Par., 1901, ii, 49-52.-----. Histologic pathologique du tates. Cong, internat. de med, Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 7, 625-631.-----. Contnbution a l'etude de l'histologie et de la pathogenie du tabes. Semaine med. Par, 1906, xxvi, 181-186.-----. Nouvelle contribution a l'etude de l'existence d'anesthesie ou d'anesthesie et d'hyperthermic locales dans l'arthropathie tabetique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1916, lxxix, 877-879.—Marinesco (G.) & Ataxia (Locomotor, Causes and pathology Minea (J.) Nouvelles recherches sur l'histologie fine de- ganglions et des racines posterieures dans le tabes. Ences phale, Par, 1907, ii, 243.----------. Contribution a l'ana- tomie pathologique et a la pathogenie du tabes. J. f. Psy- chol, u. Neurol, Leipz, 1908, x, 182-200.-----------. Lesions des ganglions craniens dans le tabes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1910, lxviii, 900.—Massalongo & Van- zetti. Alterazioni istologiche del midoho spinale in un caso di artropatie multiple tabetiche. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 43.—de Massary (EJ Le tabes; degenerescence du protoneurone centripete. Presse med. Par, 1903, i, 423-426.—Meirowitz (P.) Locomotor ataxia, induced by chronic alcoholism. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1896, xi, 386-391.—Mettler (L. H.) The newer conception of locomotor ataxia in the light of the neuron theory. Chicago M. Recorder, 1898, xv, 29.5-300. [Discussion, 34.5-349..-----. The newer pathology of locomotor ataxia and its bearing upon treatment. N. York M. J, 1898, lxviii, 550- 553. -----. The pathogenesis of locomotor ataxia. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1808, xxx, 701-705.—Milian (G.) La nature du tabes. Syphilis, Par, 1904, ii, 1-66.—Mochutkovski (O. O.) Ob etiologii tabes'a. Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, Kazan, 1899, vh, 94; 227. [Discussion], 280; 288.-----. Zur Aetiologie der Tabes. Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl, 1906, iv, 581-588.—Moxter. Beitrag zur Auffassung der Tabes als Neuronerkrankung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1896, xxix, 334-343.—Nageotte (J.) La lesion primitive du tabes. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par, 1894, lxix, 808-820.-----. Note sur la lesion primitive du tabes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1900,11. s, ii, 354- 356.-----. Note sur la theorie du tabes. Ibid., 357.-----. A pronos des lesions radiculairesdu tabes. Ibid., 1902,11. s, iv, 1226-1228. Also, Reprint.-----. Pathogenie du tabes dorsal. Presse me.d. Par, 1902, ii, 1179-1182. Also, Reprint. -----. Note sur la topographie, la forme et la signification de la bandelette externe de Pierret. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1904, lvi, 30-33.-----. Un cas de tabes amyo- tropnique etudie par la methode a l'alcool-ammoniaque de Ramon y Cajal; regeneration de fibres a myeline dans les racines anterieures, de fibres sans myeline dans les racines posterieures. Ibid., 1905, lviii, 849-851. -----. Note sur la regdneration collaterale des neurones radiculaires posterieurs dans le tabes et sur la signification physiologique des cellules pourvues d'appendices termines par des boules encapsuiees, de Ramon y Cajal. Ibid., 1906, lx, 745-747.-----. Note sur la regeneration amyeiinique des racines posterieures dans le tabes et sur les massues d'accroissement qui terminent les fibres neoformees. Ibid., 477-179. Aho: Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1905-6, Par, 1907, xxh, 100-102. -----. Un cas de tabes amyotrophique etudie par la methodea l'alcool-ammoniaque de Ramon y Cajal; regeneration de fibres a myeline dans le racines anterieures de fibres sans myeline dans les racines posterieures. Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav. 1905-6, Par, 1907, xxii, 16-18. -----. Le tabes nepeutetredefiniqueparl'anatomie patho- logique et l'etiologie. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxh, 752- 761.—Obersreiner (H.) Die Pathogenese der Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1897, xxxiv, 905-908. Aho: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 7, 326- 332.—Orta (F.) Sull' eziologia della tabe dorsale. Chn. mod, Firenze, 1906, xh, 368-370.—Pandy (C.) Die Entste- hung der Tabes. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1901, xx, 1083- 1086. Aho: Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1902, xxxvii, 258- 260.-----. Die Entstehung der Tabes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1903, xxiv, 124-176, 1 pi.—Patrick (H. T.) A case of superior tabes. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1904, xxxi, 675.—Peserico (L.) Studio morfologico chnico sulla patogenesi della tabe. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1906, xiv, 209-270. Also, Reprint.—Philippe (C.) Contri- bution a l'etude anatomo-clinique des localisations medul- laires du tabes dorsalis. Arch, de neurol. Par, 1897, 2. s, iv, 177-204.—Philippe (C.) & Decroly (0.) Integrity des fibres nerveuses, myeiiniques, de l'ecorce cerebrale dans trois cas de tabes dorsahs ancien. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1898,10. s, v. 524-527.----------. Etude sur l'ecorce cerebrale des tabetiques. Ann. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux, 1900, ix, fasc. 1, pt. 2, 1-30, 2 pi.—Pierret (A.) Considerations synthetiques sur la pathogenie du tabes. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 7, 332-371.—Pontiggia (C.) Contributo alia pato- logia della tabe dorsale. Gazz. med. lomb.? Milano, 1904. lxxiii, 193-197— Ponyatovski (A. A.) [Historico-critical sketch of the theories concerning the pathogenesis of tabes dorsalis.] Med. pribav. k morsk.sborniku. S.-Peterb, 1898. [i], 24; 91; 153.—Purser (F. C.) A case of tabes dorsalis (?) with spinal lesion. Dubhn J. M. Sc, 1913, cxxxv, 321-325. 2 pi. [Discussion], 373.—Putnam (J. J.) A side-light on the origin of tabes, drawn from a comparison of tabes with diffuse spinal degeneration as seen in certain anemias and kindred disorders of nutrition. J. Am. M. Ass, Chi- cago, 1909, liii, 996-998. Aho: Dep. Neurol. Harv. M. Sen. Contrib. [etc.], Bost, 1910, iv, 133.—Raymond. Evolution generate du tabes. Echo me'd, Toulouse, 1896, 2. s, x, 349; 361; 373. Aho: Progres med. Par, 1896, 3. s. ATAXIA. 134 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Causes and pathology of). hi, 337-343.—Regnault. Symptdmes de tabes dependant d'une auto-intoxication brightique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvh, 150-153.—von Reusz (F.) Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der Bulbarerkran- kungen bei Tabes. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1899, xxxii, 535-549.—Richter (H.) Zur Histogenese der Tabes. (Vor- laufige Mitteilung.) Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1914, xxxhi, 882-885.—Roasenda (G.) Reperto anatomo-patologico in un caso di tabe dorsale nei quale erano presenti il riflesso di retrazione ed il riflesso di allungamento crociato negli arti inferiori. Pensiero med, Milano, 1915, v, 261.—Roberts (D. J.) The influence of uric acid in locomotor ataxia. Clinique, Chicago, 1898, xix, 476-479.—Rodhe (E.) Tabes dorsalis patogenes. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1906, 2. f, vi, 922-927.—Rose (F.) La localisation segmentate de l'ataxie corticale. Semaine med. Par, 1914, xxxiv, 145-147.— Rosenbach (O.) Zum Problem der Aetiologie der Tabes. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1905, xix, 111-116.—Rosin. Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl. & Leipz, 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil.. 58.—Roux (J.-C.) Recherches sur les lesions du grand sympathique dans le tabes. Compt. rend. Soc. de Diol, Par, 1899, 11. s, i, 792-794. Aho: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r, Par, 1900, sect, de neurol, 290-292.—Rows (R. G.) The bearing of recent research in the posterior root ganglia upon the new theories concerning the aetiology oi tahes dorsahs. J. Ment. Sc, Lond, 1902, xlviii, 308-312.—Russel (C. K.) Tabes dorsahs and the Ersatz-Theorie; illustrated by four cases. Montreal M. J, 1910, xxxix, 162-167.—Saiz (G.) Traumatische Riickenmarksblutung bei beginnender Tabes dorsalis. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1907, xxvi, 1110- 1115.—Salaman (R. N.) Report of a case oi tabes with especial reference to the changes in the posterior root gang- lia. Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County Asyl. Clay- bury, Lond, 1900, 388-402.—Schaffer (K.) Das Verhalten der Spinalganghenzellen bei Tabes auf Grund Nissl's Far- bung. NeuroL Centralbl, Leipz, 1898, xvh, 2-7. —:—. Ueber die Localisation una das Wesen der tabischen Dege- neration. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1898, hi, 901; 925. -----. Ueber Fibrillenbilder tabischer Spinalgang- henzellen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. NeuroL u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1910, i, Orig, 439-468.—Schmey (F.) Zur Aetiolo- gie der Tabes. Reichs-Med.-Anz, Leipz, 1908, xxxiii, 405.—Schrdder (P.) Ein Beitrag zur Histopathologic der Tabes dorsalis. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1906, xxix, 585-593.—Sciuti (M.) Contributo all' anatomia patologica della tabe dorsale. Ann. di nevrol, Napoh, 1901, xix, 495-520, 1 pi.—Selling (L.) Die Zentral- windungen bei Tabes dorsalis. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1912, xxxii, 123-131, 2 pi. Aho, Reprint— Sepp (E.) Ueber die Pathogenese der Tabes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1914, hi, 46-53.—Sheafl (P. A.) Locomotor ataxia, following cholelithiasis, in which the gastric crises simulated biliary colic. Am. Med, Phila, 1905, x, 809.—Soury (J.) Anatomie et physiologic patho- logiques du tabes; doctrines de l'ecole de Vienne contempo- raines. Arch, de neurol. Par, 1901, 2. s, xi, 1; 115.— Splel- meyer (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der Tabes. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl.. 1905, xl, 389-401, 2 pL—Splller (W. G.) The pathology of tabes dorsalis; a critical digest. Internat. M. Mag, Phila, 1897-8, vi, 321-332, 4 pi.—Strauss (H.) Ueber zwei gleichartige Falle von rasch entstandener Ataxie mit Muskelsinnstorungen und Fehlen der Patcllarreflexe; ein klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre von den Neuronerkran- kungen. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1896, xxi, 264-287.—SUss- wein (J.) Ein Fall subacuter, spinocerebellarer Ataxic mit anatomischem Befund. Ztschr. f. Heilk, Wien & Leipz, 1903, xxiv, Abth. f. int. Med, 80-109,2pl.—Thomas (A.) De quelques alterations des racines anterieures dans le tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1909, xvii, 683-689.—Thomas (A.) & Bing (R.) Examen anatomique d'un tabes a debutsphincterienv Ibid., 1905, xiii, 140-144.—Thomas (A.) & Hauser (G.) Etude sur les lesions radiculaires etgan- glionnaires du tabes. N. iconoc. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1902, xv, 290; 412, 4 pi. Aho [Abstr.J: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1902, 11. s.. iv, 979-981.-----------. Les alterations du ganglion rachidien chez les tabetiques. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1904, xvii, 207-239, 2 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. neurol. Par, 1904, xh, 326-328.—Thomson (H. C.) The pathology of tabes. Arch. Middlesex Hosp, Lond, 1912-13, xxvi, Clin, ser. No. x, 20-23.—Thome (F. H.) Someof the histological changes found in tabes. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1914, xi, 504-509.—Tumpowski (A.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Symptomatologie der Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz., 1897, x, 467-477.-----. [Locomotor ataxia following an acute in- fectious disease.1 Medycyna, Warszawa. 1899, xxvii, 804- 807. — Valnshtein (Z.) [Etiology oi tabes dorsalis.] Obozr. Psichiat, Nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb, 1900, v, 721; 801.—Van Giessen. Locomotor ataxia as a form of chronic parenchymatous degeneration of the paraneural system. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1897, ii, 787— Von Raitz (F.) The etiology of tabes; its social, legal and therapeutic conse- quences. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1905, lxviii, 648-653.—Watson Ataxia (Locomotor, Causes and pathology of). (C.) The comparative pathology of ataxia; the primary importance of vascular disease. Tr. Med. -Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1900-1901, n. s, xx, 108-110, 13 pi— Welgert (C.) Bemer- kung uber Kleinhirnveranderung bei Tabes dorsalis. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz.. 1904, xxiii, 738. Aho, in his: Gesamm. Abhand, 8°, Berl, 1906,ii, 710.—Williams (T. A.) The pathogenesis of tabes dorsalis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N: Y, 1908, cxxxvi, 206-226. Also, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond, 1908, ii, 875.-----. The pathology of the cranial nerves in tabes dorsalis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1910, exxxix, 406-417. -----. Pathogenie du tabes et la delimitation clinique de cette affection. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxii, 799-802.-----. An unusual case of tabes with toxic complications in the etiology. Med. Rec. N. Y, 1912, lxxxii, 66.— Williamson (R. T.) Note on the early changes in the spinal cord in a case of locomotor ataxia. Med. Chron, Lond, 1897-8, vhi, 1-6.—Wolfstein (D. I.) Etiology of locomotor ataxia. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1900, n. s, xliv, 163-174. [Discussion], 180-185.— Zeri (A.) Sulle alterazioni dei centri nervosi nella tabe. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1895, xxi, 580-641, 2 pi. Ataxia (Locomotor, Cerebrospinal fluid in). Armand-Delille & Camus (J.) Examen cytologiqre du liquide cephalo-rachidien dans le tabes. Rev. neurol. Par., 1903, xi, 199-202.—Biissaud & Bruandet. Examen cytolo- gique dans huit cas de tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1903, xi, 337.—Bury(L S.) &Ramsbottom(A.) Onlymphocytosis of the cerebro-spinal fluid in relation to tabes. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1909-10, hi, 27-29.—Frenkel. Zur Cytodiagnose der Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 1199. Aho: Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1905, xxxix, 1335.—Gombault & Halbron. Examen cvtologique du hquide cephalc- rachidien dans le talies. Rev. neurol., Par, 1903, xi, 340.— Halverson (J. O.) & Bergeim (O.) The calcium content of cerebrospinal "fluid, particularly in tabes dorsalis. J. Biol. Chem, N. Y, 1917, xxix, 337-340. Also, Reprint — Lebas. Syndrome de coagulation massive du hquide cephalo-rachidien au dehut d'un tabes. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1914, xiv, 51-56.—Marie (P.) & Ciouzon (O.) Quelques resultats du cytodiagnostic du hquide cephalo-rachidien chez les tabetiques. Rev. neurol. Par, 1903, xi, 339.—Merle (P.) Ataxie aigue a guerison rapide (magmaalbumineux d'originecytolosiiqueobtenu par ponc- tion lombaire). Province med.J Par, 1913, xxiv, 527-530.— Milian (G.) Le hquide cephalo-rachidien des tabetiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par, 1903, 4. s, iv, 354; 555. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph. Par, 1903, xiv, 193.— Nonne (M.) & Holtzmann (W.) Ueber Wassermann-Reaktion im Liquor spinalis bei Tabes dorsalis sowie iiber quantitative Auswertung von Starkigraden der W.-Reaktion bei syphilo^enen Krankheiten des Zentral- Nervensystems. Monatschr. f. Psvchiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1910, xxvu, 128-152.—Sabrazes (J.)", Guerive& Mougneau. A propos de deux cas de tabes; stereotypies des doigts; absence de lymphocytose du hquide cephalo-rachidien chez un tabetique vieree. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med, de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 57S-585.—Severino (G.) Intorno alia diagnosi iniziale della tabe dorsale ed al valore diagnostieo del liquido cefalo-rachidiano in tale malattia. Riforma med, Palermo- Napoli, 1905, xxi, 459-164.—Souques (A.) Examen cvto- logique dans le tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1903, xi, 339.— Steinberg (S. U.) [Condition of the cerebro-spinal fluid in tabes dorsalis.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1915, xxii, 224- 228—Vlilard (M.) -412—Oczesalski (K.) [Fecal vomiting in the course of gastric crises in tabes dor- sahs.) Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1913, 2. s, xxxih, 803-J00.— Ostankow (P.) Ueber die Behandlung der gastrischen Krisen der Tabetiker. Therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1S96, hi, 282-584.—Pauchet (V.) Traitement chirurgical des crises gastriques du tabes; l'operation de Forster. Ann. internat. de chir. gastro-intest. Par, 191L v, 29-31.—Rauzier (G.) L'hematemese des tabetiques. Province med, Par, 1912, xxih, 113-117.—Rauzier (G.) & Roger. Crises gastriques subintrantes avec hematemeses au cours d'un tanes fruste d'origine specifique. Montpel. med, 1911, xxxiii, 342-351.— Raymond. Crises gastriques dans le tabes. J. de med. et chir. prat, Par, 1907,lxxvhi,809-S1L—RObin(W.) [Hsema- temesis in locomotor ataxy Y Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1903, 2. s, xxih, 503-512.—Roger (H.) & Baumel. Crises gastri- ques tabetiques traitees par les injections sous-arachno'i- diennes de novoca'ine et de sulfate de magnesie. Montpel. med, 1912, xxxiv, 561-566.-----------. Therapeutique intra-rachidienne des crises gastriques du tabes; ponctions lombaire et injections sous-arachno'idiennes. Presse med, Par, 1912, xx, 658-661.—Spallkowskl (E.) De l'influence du sommeil hypnotique sur les gastralgies du tabes dorsal. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc. Par, 1897, exxiv, 1401.—Taylor (J.) Tabes dorsalis with gastric crises. Polyclin, Lond, 1913, xvii, 7.—Tria (G.) & Landolfl (M ) Le crisi gastriche e lo stomaco dei tabici (contributo alio studio del chimismo gastrico e della patogenesi). Riforma med, Napoli, 1909, xxv, 673-680.—Turner (A. J.) Tabes dorsalis, alfecting eluelly the upper limbs, gastric crises; epileptiform seizures, following the injection of morphia. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1898, xvii, 463-465.—Vires. Du syndrome des crises gastriques. N. Montpel. med, 1899, ix, 837-867.— Weill (<>.) Ln cas de crises gastriques dans les sympt6mes habituels du tabes. Clinique, Brux, 1913, xxvii, 297-299. Aho: J. med. de Brux, 1913, xviii, suppl, 59.—Welsz (M.) [The therapeutic value of corvfln in the gastric crisis of tabes.] Budapest, orv. ujsag, i908, vi, 998. ' Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of Laryngeal). Dorendorp (II.) " Kehlkopfstorun^en bei Tabes. Nach dem Material der Gerhardt'schen Klinik. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Herms (F.) *Beitrag zu den Storungen des Kehlkopfes bei Tabes. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Zschirnt (A.) *Ueber Larvnxkrisen bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Erlangen, 1895. Baumgarten (E.) Ein Fall von Tabes, mit Kehlkopf- krisen einhergehend. Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1905, xii, 733. Aho: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest. 1905, x. !'"•-----• Kehlkopflahmung in einem Falle von begin- nender Tabos. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte (1911), 1912, 57— Chamberlain (W. B.) Two cases of locomotor ataxia with abductor paralysis of the vocal cords. Cleveland M. J., 1909, viii, 281 — Collet. Paralvsies et crises laryngees du tales. I von med, K03, c, 459-406 — Davidsohn (E.l A Westhermer(B) Uebereinen Fallvon ATAXIA. 139 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Laryngeal). Tabes mit Kehlkopfaflektion (Vagus-Accessoriuslahmung) und Erkrankung des Ohrlabvrinths. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1712-1714.—Davis (E. D. D.) Centrally caused bilateral laryngeal abductor paralysis in tabes, with a report of the post-mortem exami- nation. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1916, xxxi, 361-366.—Freer (O. T.) Tabes with laryngeal crises. [Discussion.! Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1908, xiv, 488.-----. Tabes with laryngeal crises. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1908, xviii, 398-400.-----. Laryngeal crises and paresis of the abductors of the vocal cords as important early symptoms of tabes, with the report of a case; with supplementary report by S. A. Friedberg. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1908, h, 815-818—Grabower & Oppenheim. Ueber einen Fall von Tabes dorsahs mit Kehlkopfsymptomen. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1896-7, xxix, 689-687.—Graeffner. Studien iiber Taoes dorsalis mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kehlkopfsymptome (221 Falle). Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, liv, 1775-1779.— Greene (D. C.) A study of the larynx in tabes. Boston M. & S. J, 1906, chv, 97-99. [Discussion], 107.—Harland (W. B. G.) The larynx in locomotor ataxia. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1907, xhx, 924-926.—Hoag (O. E.) A case of tabes dorsahs with laryngeal crises. J. Nerv. bras; appareil de contention pour reme- dier a rinsufTisance des muscles extenseurs de la tete sur lo cou. Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 1182-1188.—Raymond (F.) & Rendu (II.) Tabes avec atrophie musculaire des deux membres superieurs. Ibid., 1907, xv, 762-764—Rosen- bach (O.) Zur Lehre von der spinalen musculotonischen Insufficienz (Tabes dorsahs). Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1899, xxv, 153; 174; 190—Russell. A case of locomotor ataxia with muscular atrophy. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1903, vhi, 31-33.—Souques & Chene (H.) Tabes avec atrophie des muscles innerves par la branche motrice du trijumeau, le pneumogastrique, le spinal, l'hypoglosse et les racines inferieuresdu plexus brachial. Rev. neurol.. Par, 1909, xvh, 249-255.—Strassmann (R ) Mvoklonie bei Tabes. Ztschr.f. d. ges. Neurol.u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, x, Orig, 592-598—Tooth (H. HO A Howell (C. M. H.) Progressive myotrophy in tabes dorsalis. I'roc. Hoy. Soc Med, Lond, 1911-12, v, Neurol. Sect, 81 102.—Wall (C.) Tabes with amyotrophy. Ibid., 19) Ueber tabische Knochen- und Gelenkserkrankungen. Cen- tralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1903, vi, 849; 887.—Albee (F. H.) Charcot's arthropathy. J. Med. Soc N. Jersey, Orange, 1912-13, ix, 1-3.—Audibert (V.) Osteo- arthropathies et fractures spontanees a la poriode preataxique du tabes, avec radiographics. Marseille med, 1900, xxxvii, 513-522, 2 pL—Baduel (C.) Le osteo-artropatie vertebral! nella tabe; contributo di 2 casi. Riv. crit. di clin. med Firenze, 1905, vi. 537; 553; 569.—Ballet (G.) & Barbe (A.) Arthropathie tabetique monosymptomatique. Rev neu- rol. Par, 1908, xvi, 178. Aho, transl: Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1908, xxvu, 886.—Barkhash (P.) [Knee arthropa- thy in tabes dorsalis.] Kharkov. M. J, 1906, i, 187-194.— Barre (A.) Les arthropathies tabetiques; nouvel etat de la question. J. med. franc. Par, 1912, vi, 329-335. Aho, transl: J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol, Leipz, 1913, xx, 257-265.— Barth. Histologische Knochenuntersuchung bei tabischer Arthropathie. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1903, lxix, 174- 180.—Baylac. Tabes precoce avec arthropathies multiples; inefficacite du traitement mercuriel prolonge. Toulouse med, 1904, 2. s, vi, 253-257.—Baylac & Serr (G.) Necrose des maxillaires chez une tabetique. Ibid., 1906, 2. s, viu, 2-4.—Bergman (V. G.) Sluchal arthropathiae tabidorum. Trudi Kiyev Khirurg. Obsh. (1908-9), 1910, 197-207, 1 pi.— Billington (R. W.) Tabetic spinal arthropathy (Charcot's spine), treated by intradural injections of mercurialized serum. Am. J. Orthop. Surg, Bost, 1917. xv, 257-361.— Blencke (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Arthropathie bei Tabikern. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir, Stuttg, 1904, xh, 632-693.—Bram- well (B.) Tabes with Charcot's joint lesion. Clin. J Lond, 190^4, xxih, 238-240.-----. Tabetic arthropathy of the lower dorsal and lumbar vertebrae; remarkable de- formity of the spinal column. Clin. Stud, Edinb, 1909-10, n. s, viu, 245-248.-----. Tabetic osteo-arthropathies of the vertebral column. Ibid., 248-251.-----. A case of tabes with remarkable spinal curvature. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1909-10, n. s, xxix. 54-56.—Brissaud, Bauer & Gy. Arthropathie suppuree chez un tabetique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1909, xvh, 941.—Burnett (S. G.) What shall we do with Charcot joints? A chnical presentation. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxi, 160-163.—Campbell (W. H.) Report of a case of Charcot joint of the spine. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1918; xvi, 41.—Carman (R. D.) The Roentgen rays in the diagnosis of tabetic osteo- arthropathies; report of eight cases with skiagrams. J. Missouri M. Ass, St. Louis, 1910-11, vh, 385-394.—Carter (A. H.) A case of tabetic arthritis. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1897, 6. s, iv, 146-152, 1 pi.—Castay (F.) Sur un cas d'ar- thropathie tabetique du genou. Toulouse med, 1910, 2. s, xh, 270.—Cedrangolo (E.) Sulle artropatie tabetiehe. Riforma med, Napoh, 1910, xxvi, 484; 509.—Charcot (J.-B.) Arthropathie syringomyeiique et dissociation de la sensibility. Rev. neurol. Par, 1894, ii, 250-252.—Charcot (J.-B.) & Dufour (H.) Quelques mots sur un cas d'hemar- throse tabetique. Trav. de neurol. chir. Par, 1898, hi, 294-297.—Chekhovicli (M. I.) [Tabetic osteo-arthropa- thies.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1913, xh, 960-965.— Chlpaut (A.) De quelques interventions recentes pour arthropathies trophiques. Rev. de chir. Par, 1891, xi, 1037-1054.— Chompret. Necroses multiples du maxillaire superieur chez un tabetique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph. Par, 1903, xiv, 359-361. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par, 1903, 4. s, iv, 961-963.—Claude (H.) Trau- matismes e t localisation des arthropathies tabetiques. Rev. neurol. Par, 1907, xv, 1217.—Cohen (S. S.) On some angioneural arthroses (periarthroses, pararthroses) com- monly mistaken for gout or rheumatism. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1913, xxviii, 739-757.—Cotte (G.) Osteo- arthropathie tabetique du cou-de-pied a forme hypertro- phique. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1912, x, 469-474. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of Osteoarthropathic). Aho: Lyon med, 1912^ cxix, 872-877.—Cunning (J.) Charcot's joint. Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1907 n s lxxxiu, 41.—Delbet. Arthrites dites tabetiques. Rev! gen de chn. et de therap. Par, 1913, xxvu, 629.-----. Arthropathie tabetique. Ibid., 1915, xxix, 22.—Desquey- roux. Osteo-arthropathie vertebrate chez une tabetique J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1912, xiii, 573-575.—Destot. Ar- thropathies et osteopathies tabetiques. Lyon med, 1904, cu'n?7r59— Deutschlander. Genu valgum im Anschluss an Tabes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xxxviii, 581.—Donlon (S. E.) Charcot's tabetic joint. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897-8, xhi, 358-361.—Dufour (II) Cytologie du hquide sero-citrin d'une arthropathie tabe- tique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1901, 3. s, xviii, 1038-1040.—Eccles (W. M.) Charcot's disease of the right ankle-joint. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Clin. Sect., 150.—Ely (L. W.) The pathology of tabetic arthropathy; preliminary study of two cases. Am. J. Orthop. Surg, Phila, 1914, xi, 404-407.—Etienne (G.) Arthropathies tabe'tiques des pieds. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1911, xliii, 340-342.-----. Arthropathie tabetique et rhumatisme deformant. Ibid., 1913, xiv, 259.—Etienne (G.) & Perrin (M.) Traitement specifique et arthropathies tabetiques. Presse m6d. Par, 1911, xix, 809.—Ewald. Ein Fall von Crises noires (Charcot). Deutsche med. Wchn- schr, Berl. & Leipz, 1910, xxxvi, 865.—Frank (K.) Ueber tabische Osteoarthropathien der Wirbelsaule; eine kritisch- zusammenfassende Studie. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1904, vii, 561; 623; 658.-----. Wirbeler- krankung bei Tabes dorsahs. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xvh, 919-922.—Friedlaender (R.) Ueber Storungen der Gclenksensibihtat bei Tabes dorsalis. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1905, xxiv, 601-606.—Gangolphe. Tabes osseux et articulaire. Lyon med, 1906, cvi, 911-913.-----. Sur les formes osteo-articulaires du tabes. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1907, x, 269-281. Aho: Lyon med, 1907, cix, 1008-1019.-----. Resultats de l'intervention operatoire chez des tabetiques osteoartropathes. Lyon meci., 1907, cviii, 632.-----. Osteo-arthropathie pre-tabetique. Ibid., 1913, exx, 509.—Gaucher, Gougerot & Meaux Saint- Marc. Osteite du maxillaire inferieur chez un tabetique avec Elimination d'un volumineux sequestre. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph. Par., 1912, xxiii, 341-343.— Gayet. Arthropathies tabetiques. Lyon med, 1909, cxiii, 740.—von Genersich (A.) Arthropathien bei Tabetikern. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 717-719.—Gibert. Les arthropathies tabe'tiques et la radiographie. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1900, xiii, 145-152, 3 pi.—Gillette (A. J.) A Charcot's joint. St. Paul M. J, St. Paul, Minn, 1906, vhi, 418-420.—Gordon (A.) Pathogenesis of tabetic ar- thropathies, based upon an anatomo-clinical study of two cases. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1909, lxxvi, 812-815. Also, transl. : Rev. neurol. Par, 1909, xvii, 1133-1140.—Gougerot & Meaux-Saint-Marc. Arthropathies du type tabetique sans signes de tabes, chez un syphilitique. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par, 1913, viu, 50-54.—Grosse (F.) Patient mit tabetischen Entzundungen des linken Knies und rechten Fussgelenks. N. Yorker med. Monatschr, 1905, xvh, 315- 317.-----. A case of tabetic arthropathia. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1908, xxih, 447-449,2pi.—Haines (W. D.) A Charcot joint. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1916, lxvi, 397.—Handels- man. [Osteo-arthropathy in a case of tabes dorsalis.] Neurol, polska, Warszawa, 1913, hi, 214.—Harris (M. L.) Charcot's joint. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1905, n. s, viii, 88.—Henderson (V. E.) Joint affections in tabes dorsalis. J. Path. & Bacteriol, Edinb. & Lond, 1904-5, x, 211-264, 6 pi.—Homen (E. A.) Ein Fall von Tabes mit starker Hypotonic und Arthropathie in den Kniegelenken, mit Bandage behandelt. Finskalak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1903, xiv, pt. 2, p. xliii.—Idelsohn (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie und Histologic des tabischen Fusses. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1904, xxvu, 121-130.—Jagot. Deux cas d'arthropathies tabetiques; considerations thera- peutiques. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1906, x, 385-390.—Jaski (T. J.) Arthropathia tabica. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk, Amst, 1906,i, 1929-1932— Johnson (A. B.) Char- cot's joint; resection. Internat. J. Surg, N. Y, 1900, xiii, 79-81.—Jolly. Tabesa dehut arthropathique. Lyon med, 1903, c, 292-294.—Kawamura (K.) Beitrag zur tabischen Osteo-Arthropathie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Clur, Leipz, 1912, cxv, 368-406.— KUppel & Monler-Vinard. Forme osteo- hypertrophique de l'arthropathie tabetique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1907, xv, 742.—Konig. Surgical treatment of tabetic joints. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1899,9. s, ii, 201.—Kollarits (J.) Zur Kenntniss der tabetischen Arthropathie und Knoehenerkrankung. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1904, xxih, 304--31L—Kouindjy (P.) Traitement kinesithera- pique des arthropathies tabetiques. J. de physiotherap. Par, 1912, x, 130-138.—Krtlger (M.) Zur tabischen Ar- thropathie. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1911, xxiv, 109-122.—Lafarelle. Osteo-arthropathies pre- coces de la hanche et du pied dans un cas de tabes fruste. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xxix, 232-234.—Laurent (E.) Un cas rare d'arthropathie tabetique. Courrier med. Par, 1890. xl, 158-160.—Leavitt (B. C.) Charcot's joints. Den- ver M. Times, 1904-5, xxiv, 183.—Leclerc. Arthropathie ATAXIA. 142 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Osteoarthropathic). tabetique. Lyon med, 1909, cxiii, 1014-1016.—Leclerc, Cluzet & Pauly. La scoliose tabetique. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1911, x, 588-594. Aho: Lyon med, 1911, cxvii, 1115-1121.—Legueu (F.) & Deverre (G.) Deux cas d'ar- thropathie tabetique tobio-tarso-metatarsienne. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1908, lxxxiii, 13-32.—Lejonne (P.) & Gourgerot. Arthropathie vertebrate tabetique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1907, xv, 622-624.—Le Play & Sezary. Ar- thropathie du tarse dans un cas de tabes combine (discus- sion de sa nature). Ibid., 1910, xix, 392-394.—Levi (E.) Fall von hochgradiger tabischer Arthropathie des Hiiftge- Ienkes. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1913, xii, 59.—Lloyd (J. H.) Arthropathies and tro- phic lesions in locomotor ataxia. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1896, 6. s, ii, 160-173.—Londe (P.) Sur un cas d'arthro- pathie tabetique des deux hanches. N. iconog. de la Sal- petriere, Par, 1893, vi, 144-152, 3 phot—Londe (P.) & Perrey (J.) Des arthropathies syrmgo-mveliques. Ibid., 1894, vh, 232; 286.—Loxton (A.) Locomotor ataxia, with tabetic foot. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1907, i, 497.—>laas (O.) Ueber die Ursache' der Arthropathien bei Tabes dorsalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1915, Iii, 858.—Mailhouse (M.) Case of Charcot joint and tabes. Proc Connect. M. Soc, N. naven, 1914, cxxii, 161-164—Manheimer-Gommes. Troubles de l'ecriture par arthropathie de 1'epaule chez un tabetique. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1913, xxvi, 242-244—Marer (J.) nochgradige Deformation des Fusses bei Tabes dorsalis (pied tabetique). Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1906, h, 537. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xliii, 10-12.—Marie (r.) & Bouttier. Sur une variete de deformation du pied chez une tabetique. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1913, xxvi, 473-475, 2 pi. Aho: Rev. neu- rol. Par, 1913, xxvi, 627.—Marinesco (G.) Sur l'existence d'une hyperthermic locale et d'anesthesie vibratoire dans l'arthropathie tabetique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1914, lxxvii, 592-594.—Marino (S. A.) Artropatia tabetica de las articulaciones intervertebrales, vertebro-costales y condro-costales. Prensa nted. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1914-15, i, 189.—Martin (J. R.) Osteoarthritis in tabes dorsalis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 69. Aho, Reprint — de Massary (E.) & Pasteur-Vallery-Radot. Arthropa- thie a type tabetique du genou, avec signe d'Argyll et lymphocytose rachidienne, sans aucuu autre sympt6me de tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxh, 723.— Matsuoka (M.) Ueber Gelenkerkrankung bei Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1910, cvi, 292-300.—Mauelaire & Barre (A.) Osteo-arthropathie a type tabetique chez une malade non tabetique et tres probablement syphilitique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxii, 736-739.— Merkell Kieferne- krosenach Tabes. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh, Berl.,1910, xxviii,663-666.—Miclieleau (E.) Osteo-arthropathie tabeti- que delacolonnevertebrate(regionlombo-sacree). Gaz.hebd. d. sc. m4d. de Bordeaux, 1910, xxxi,536-538. Aho: Bull, et mem. Soc. de mod. etchir. de Bordeaux (1910), 1911,462-46S. -----. Arthropathie tabetique et gommes juxta-artieu- laires; bons effets therapeutiques de l'emploi successif do plusieurs sels mercuriels. Caz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1912, xxxih, 315.—Moravek (A.) [Arthropathy in tabes.] Shorn, lek, v Praze, 1911, xh, 181-106, 15 pi.— Moutier (F.) & Deroide (J.) Arthropathie tabetique de la hanche (type atrophique) et du genou (type hypertro- phique); participation du peron6a cette articulation. Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 568-570—Muchin (N.) Zur Frage iiber den Zusammenhang zwischen der tabischen Arthro- pathie und der Syphilis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1894, v, 255-264—Mulroney (C. II.) Charcot's joint simulating injury. Railway Surg. .1, Chicago, 1916, xxii, 481-484.—Murard. Arthropathie tabetique du genou gauche. Lvon med, 1912, cxviii, 488.- Murphy (J. B.) Charcot ankle-joint. Surg. Clin, Phila, 1912, t, No. 2, 151-153, 3 pi.—Nicolas (J.) & Charlet (L.) Curieuses de- formations des mains chez un tabetique; osteoarthropathies tabetiques metatarso-philangiennes. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1912, x, 221; 376. Aho: Lvon med, 1912, cxviii, 987; 1416.—Noyes (W. B.) The diagnosis of Charcot joint. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1894, xiv, 752-754— Oddo (C.) Tabes avec amyotrophie et arthropathie suppuree. Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 587-590.—Oehlecker (F.) Zur chirurgischen Behandlung tabischer Gelenkerkrankungen. Verhandl.d.deutsch. Gesellsch.f.Chir,Berl, 1913,xhi,pt. 1, 293-296.-----. Zur Klinik, Unfallbegutachtungund Behand- lung tabischer Gelenkerkrankungen. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1914, xxxii, 567-569. -----. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Klinik, Unfallbegutachtung und Behandlung tabischer Ge- lenkerkrankungen. Beitr. z. khn. Chir , Tubing, 1914, xen, 599-366.—Pansinl (S.) Sopraun caso di artropatia tabetica. Oior. internaz. d. sc. med, Nanoli, 1905, n. s,"xxvii, 1057- 1065.—Pauly (R.) Considerations pathogeniques sur les arthropathies tabetiques. Lyon med, 1899, xci, 190-193 — Perrin (M.) Arthropathie tabetique metatarsophalan- gienne. Soc. demed.de Nancy. C.-r___, 1905-6, pt. 2,35.— Potherat (E.) Exostose volumineuse du femur chez un tabetique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1906, n. s, xxxii, 463-165.—Potter (H. E.) X-ray findings in neuro- pathic joints. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1917, xiv, 449- 453.—Raymond. Les arthropathies tabetiques. Rev. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Osteoarthropathic). gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1906, xx, 661-663.-----. Arthropathies syphilitiques chez un tabetique. Ibid., 1910, xxiv, 134— Raymond & Guillain (G.) Osteo-arthropa- thies tabetiques; aspect elephantiasique des membres infe- rieurs; grosses alterations du squelette. Rev. neurol. Par, 1905, xiii, 772.—Report of a committee of the Society; nomi- nated November, 1884, to investigate joint disease in con- nection with locomotor ataxy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xx, 271-363.—Roasenda (G.) Sopra un caso di osteo- artropatie tabetiche (con reperti radiografici). Riv. neuro- pat, Torino, 1909-10, hi, 207.—ROpert (W.) Ein Fall von nochgradigen neuropathischen Gelenkerkrankungen bei Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1913, xlvh-xlviii, 684-693.—Sabrazes (J.) Monstrueuse defor- mation du tibia droit en fourreau de sabre chez un tabetique; heredo-syphilis et tabes. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1903, xvi, 118-122, 1 pi.—Schelber (S. H.) Ueber einen Fall von Arthropathie tabidorum (pied tabetique). Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1903, liii, 1151; 1207.—Schreiber (S. H.) Ueber Arthropathia tabidorum. Med. BL, Wien, 1903, xxvi, 71-73 —Schwab (S. I.) & Allison (N.) The tabetic foot as a factor in the ataxia of the lower extremities in tabes dorsalis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 1840- 1846.—Scott (S. G.) Charcot's joint associated with myositis ossificans. Arch. Radiol. & Electroth, Lond, 1916-i7, xx, 239—Seligmann (C. G.) The inhibitory effect on bacterial growth ofthe viscid exudate in tabetic joints, etc. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1902-3, liv, 68-74.—Senator (H.) Zwei Falle von Tabes dorsalis; Tabesfuss und Tabes mit Dupuy- tren'scher Sehnencontractur. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1898, xxxv, 633-636.—Sheaff (P. A.) A patient with locomotor ataxia, presenting unusual arthropathies of the feet. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1906, xxxih, 274— Slcard & Roger. Osteo-arthropathie tabetique typique du genou. Marseille med, 1918, lv, 677.—Simon & Hoche. Tuber- culisation ultime d'une arthropathie tabetique. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1907, xxxix, 369-372.-----------. Arthro- pathie tabetique terminee par tuberculose. Ibid., 423.— Sonnenburg (E.) Die Arthropathie tabidorum. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir, Berl, 1887, xvi, pt. 2, 1-26, 1 pi—Souques (A.) & Charcot (J. B.) Trois cas d'arthropathie tabetique. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1894, vii, 221-231, 1 pi— SplUmann (L.) Un cas d'arthropathie tabetique simulant la syphilis osteo-articu- laire du genou. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8, 225- 229. Aho: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1908, xl, 6S2-6S6.— Stargardt (K.) Ueber die Aetiologie der tabischen Ar- thropathien. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1912, xhx, 936-954, 2 pi.—Stefani (J.) Le tabes osteo-articulaire precoce; a propos de quelques cas de manifestations osteo-articiuaires pretabetiques. Gaz. d. h6p. Par, 1908, lxxxi, 267-272.— Strlckler (E. J.) Charcot's disease of knee. Kentucky M. J, Bowling Green, 1911, ix, 4S7— Tanon & Bijon. Ar- thropathie tabetique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix. 354-357— Targett (J. H.) On the tabetic or trophic foot. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond, 1896-7, xlviii, 2v>-300, 1 pi —Taylor (H. L.) Charcot joints as an initial or early symptom in tabes dorsahs. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1784-1788.—Thilo (G.) Charcot's Arthropathia bei Tabes dorsalis. N. Yorker med. Monatschr, 1903, xv, 165.—Ullmann (E.) Beitrag zur Therapie der tabischen Arthropathie. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1898, xlviii, 1209; 1266; 1316; 1373— Urbach (J.) Zwei Falle tabischer Kno- chen- und Gelenkserkrankung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxiii, 4S1: 501 —Verse. Demonstration einer noch- gradigen Arthropathia tabica des Hiiftgelenkes. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1915, lxii, 21.—VUlard. Arthropathie tabetique coxo-femorale droite. Lyon med, 1912, cxviii, 420-422. -----. Resection sans drainage pour une arthro- pathie tabetique. Ibid., 1913, exx, 1409.—VUlard & Mu- rard. Arthropathie tabetique de la hanche. Ibid., 1912, cxix, 967—Welborn (J. Y.) Charcot's joint. Illinois M. J, Chicago, 1916, xxix, 108. Aho: Lancet-Clinic. Cin- cin, 1916, cxvi, 327 — Wertheim-Salomonson (J. K. A.) Een geval tabische arthropathie van de heup. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1918, i, 52-54.—Wilms (M.) Arthropathie, Myositis ossificans und Exostosenbildung bei Tabes. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb, 1899, hi, 39-48, 1 pi— Wohlauer (F.) Merkwurdige De- formierung des Calcaneus bei tabischer Osteoarthropathie. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir, Stuttg, 1918, xxxviii, 311-314.— Wolfermann (S. J.) Bilateral Charcot hips, occurring simultaneously. J. Am. Ass, Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 1590.— Zoepffel (II.) Tabische Knochen- und Gelenkerkrankun- gen: kritisches Sammelreferat. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 2032; 2072.. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequel sp of Paralytic). Aknauo'(J.) *l)el'hemiplegie chez les tabe- tiques. 8°. Montpellier, 1911. Eaton (W. B.) *Ueber peripherische Lahmungen bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Berlin, 1895. ATAXIA. 143 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Paralytic). Jacquier (L.-A.-M.) *Tabes et paralysie fa- ciale. 8°. Baris, 1913. Salin (A.) *Du syndrome de paralysie gene- rale chez les tabetiques; etude clinique et patho- genique. 8°. Byon, 1908. Berger (A.) Zur Frage der Tabes mit Hirnnervenlah- mungen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxiii, 743-749 — Bornstein (M.) Ueber Lahmungen una Muskelatrophien bei Tabes dorsalis. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1901, xix, 653- 669.—Bouchaud. Ataxie locomotrice, paralysie et atrophie du nerf de la 3* paire du cote gauche. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 457-471— Boveri (P.) Hemipiegie et tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxii, 735.-----. Tabe ed emiplegia. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1912, Roma, 1913, xxh, 513.— Brissaud & Folx. Sur un cas de tabes avec paralysie anti- brachiale a type saturnin. Rev. neurol. Par, 1909, xvh, 1436-1439.—Charcot (J.-B.) & Dufour (H.) De l'hemar- throse tabetique et de deux symptomes rares dans le cours du tabes dorsalis; paralysie dans le domaine d'un nerf spinal (crural) et tremblement taxique de la langue. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1896, ix, 265-277, 1 pL— Chlapporl (R.) Tabes y hemiplejia. Semana med, Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, 597.—Crenshaw (H.) & Remsen (C. M.) A case of hemiparesis, ataxia and astereognosis associated with arachnoidal edema. J. Am. M. Ass, Chi- cago, 1916, lxvi, 262. Aho, Reprint.—Daume (F.) & d'Hollander (F.) Tabes amyotrophique avec paralysie labio-glosso-laryngee progressive. J. de neurol. Par, 1910, xv, 241-246.—Dreschfeld (J.) On ataxic paraplegia. Med. Chron, Manchester, 1896-7, n. s, vi, 256-261.—Eshner (A. A.) Locomotor ataxia and paralysis agitans in the same patient. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1909, n. s, cxxxvih, 729-733. Aho, Reprint.—Fenoglietto(E.) Paraplegiapre- atassica in una donna tabetica. Riv. neuropat., Torino, 1909-10, hi, 50-59.—Finkelnburg. Ueber Peroneusl&h- mung bei Tabes. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat, Coblenz & Leipz, 1899, n. F, x, 465.—Gilbert, Carnot & Descomps. Paralysie du biceps et du brachial anterieur chez un tabetique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1909, xvh, 374-376 — Halbey (K.) Tabes dorsalis und akute (apoplektische Bulbarparalyse). Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1909, xxviii, 7-11 —Hawthorne (CO.) A case of ataxic paraplegia. Polyclin, Lond, 1903, vh, 153.—Herzog (F.) [Tabetic ataxia and paralysis of sensation causing disordered move- ment.] Orvostud. ertek. gyiijt. Magy. orv. Arch, Buda- pest, 1909, h. f, x, 358-367.—Hunt (L R.) The relation of locomotor ataxia and paresis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, Lxxxviii, 3. Aho, Reprint.—Lubbers (H. A.) Ueber Lahmung des motorischen Trigeminus bei Tabes dorsahs. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1913, f, 1656.—Luzzatto (A. M.) Paralisi radicolare del plesso lombare nei corso della tabe dorsale. Riv. veneta di sc. med, Venezia, 1903, xxxviii, 529-541.—Marinesco (G.) & Nolca. Deux cas de tabes complique d'hemipiegie. Encephale, Par, 1913, i, 413-424.— Rauzier (G.) Tabes et hemipiegie. Montpel. med, 1912, xxxiv, 193; 222.—Raymond. Les parapiegies brusques au cours du tabes. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1906, xx, 97; 114.—Sclinell. De la paralysie du voile du palais dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1891, Par., 1892, xx, pt. 2,689-691.—Taylor (S.) A case of tabes dorsahs with signs of early generalparalysis. West Lond. M. J, 1910, xv, 132.—Whiting (A. f.) On paralysis and muscular atrophy in tabes dorsahs, with observations on the relation of afferent impulses to movement and mus- cular nutrition. Brain, Lond, 1898, xxi, 494-519, 2 pi. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Respiratory). Guyonnet (L.) ^Contribution a l'etude du diaphragme des tabetiques; spirometre, radio- scopie, radiographic instantanee. 8°. Lyon, 1912. Cluzet & Cordier (V.) Le diaphragme des tabetiques; etude radioscopique et radiographique. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1911, x, 741-745. Aho: Lyon med, 1911, cxvii, 1454-1458.—Egger (M.) Un cas de respiration rare chez une tabetique, ataxique des quatre membres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1899, 11. s, i, 536-538.—Eppinger (H.) & Hess (L.) Zur Kasuistik der Atemstorungen bei Tabes dorsahs. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1909, xxh, 852.—Faure (M.) L'm(K)ordination des muscles de la respiration chez les ataxiques et son traitement. Arch, de neurol. Par, 1905, 2. s., xx, 235-238. Aho: Cong. d. med. ahenistes et neurol. de France ... C. r. Par, 1905, xv, pt. 2,303-306.—Guillain (G.) & Laroche. Sur une forme apneique de La crise bul- baire des tabetiques. Rev. neurol. Par, 1908, xvi, 343.— Kraus (V.) [Respiratory troubles in progressive locomotor ataxia.] Casop. lek. desk, v Praze, 1911,1, 719-722.—Loeb (A.) Ein Fall von Atemstillstand bei Tabes. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1904, h, 1823-1825.—Perrin (M.).Acro- asphyxie et acro-sphacele dans un cas de tabes incipiens. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1907-8,123-126. A ho: Rev. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Respiratory). med. de l'est, Nancy, 1908, xl, 409-412.—Wibo (E.) Spasme respiratoire de cause emotive; un cas de bradvcardie; la santonine dans les douleurs fulgurantes du tabes. Presse med. beige, Brux, 1907, lix, 1138-1142.—Zamazal (J.) [Respiratory trouble in progressive locomotor ataxy.] Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1911, 1, 1364-1366.—von Ziegen- weidt. Stilstand der ademhaling bij tabes. Med. Rev, Haarlem, 1905, v, 117. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Sensory). See, also, Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse. of, Cutaneous). Carrez (H.-G.)^ *Etude clinique de quel- ques analgesies viscerales profondes dans le tabes; de 1 analgesie linguale. 8°. Baris, 1903. Hintze (W.) *Ueber Sensibilitatsstorungen am Rumpfe bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Bonn, 1896. Jullian (H.) *Troubles du gout et de l'odorat dans le tabes. 8°. Baris,,1900. Leitz (K.) *Sen8ibilitatsstorungen bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Nogue (M.-L.-L.-M.-O.) ^Recherches sur le tabes sans douleurs fulgurantes. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Pauly (E.-R.-G.) *De l'analgesie tendineuse a la pression et en particulier du tendon d'A- chille dans le tabes. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Reuss (H.) *Das Abadie'sche Phanomen (Druckanalgesie der Achillessehne), ein Fruh- symptom bei Tabes dorsalis? Eine kritische Kontrolluntersuchung aus der Miinchener med. Poliklinik. 8°. Munchen, 1908. Tardif (F.) ^Contribution a l'etude clinique de quelques analgesies viscerales profondes dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive; analge- sies tracheale, mammaire, epigastrique et testi- culaire. 8°. Baris, 1899. Abadie (J.) L'analgesie tendineuse a la pression et en particulier l'analgesie achilieenne dans le tabes. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 409-412.—Beljerman (H. D.) Eigenaardigestoornissen vanhetpijngevoel bij eene lijderesse aan tabes dorsalis. K. Akad. v. Wetensch te Amst. Versl, 1900-1901, ix, 254, 1 pi. Aho, transl: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1900-1901, hi, 253, 1 pi.—Bonar (A.) Sensory disturbances in locomotor ataxia; a study of the localization of anaesthetic areas as an early symptom. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1897, h, 721-726.—Bram- well (B.) Locomotor ataxia of eight years' duration; ex- treme inco-ordination and total abohtion of the muscular sense in the lower extremities; tactile sensibility of the skin of the lower extremities very slightly, if at all, impaired; increased sensibility to cold, and increased sensibility to pain in the same parts. Chn. Stud, Edinb, 1903-4, n. s, U, 374-377.—Burr (C. W.) Anesthesia of the trunk in loco- motor ataxia. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1898, xxx, 769.— Chipault (A.) Remarques sur la topographie des troubles sensitifs tabetiques. Med. mod. Par, 1896, vii, 345-347 — Egger (M.) De la genese de Panesthesie dans le tabes. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol. Par, 1902,11. s, iv, 752.—Frenkel & Foerster. Les troubles de la sensibilite dans le tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1899, vh, 822-826.------------. Unter- suchungen iiber die Storungen der Sensibilitat bei der Tabes dorsalis. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1900, xxxih, 108; 450.— Fry (F. B.) Astereognosis in a case of tabes. Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1903, x, 535-537.—Goldstein (M.) Ueber die Storungen des Muskeldruckschmerzes bei der Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1912, xliv, 1-20.—Gow (A.) Objective paraesthesia? of locomotor ataxy. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1911, ix, 69-71.—Gowers (Sir W. R.) A lecture on the pains of tabes. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1905, i, 1-5.—Grebner (F.) Ueber die Localisation der tactilen Hautanasthesie Tabetischer. Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 1902; 1949.—Heitz (J.) Du siege des anesthesies cutanees chez les tabetiques, dans leurs relations avec les crises gastriques et intestinales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1903, lv, 437-439.-----. De l'analgesie du nerf cubital a la pression et de la valeur semeiologique de ce signe dans le tabes. J. de clin. med. et chir. Par, 1906, i, 57-59.— Herzog (F.) Ueber die tabische Ataxie und uber die durch Sensibilitiitslahmung verursachte Bewegungsstorung. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1910, xxxix, 228-234.— Hunt (E. L.) The occurrence and treatment of pain in locomotor ataxia. Dominion M. Month, Toronto, 1917, xlvih, 65-68.—Jacob (P.) & Bickel (A.) Zur sensorischen Ataxie. Arch. f. Physiol, Leipz, 1900, 369-372—KUppel ATAXIA. 144 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelse of, Sensory). (M.) Des troubles du gout et de l'odorat dans le tabes. Arch, de neurol. Par, 1897, 2. s, hi, 257-281.—Lang (A.) Ueber lanzinierende Schmerzen im Bereiche des Kopfes bei Tabes dorsalis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1908, xxi, 1438- 1441.—van Londen. The extent of the sensory distur- bances in tabes dorsalis, and its significance in the study of segmentation. Folia neuro-biol, Leipz, 1910, iv, 6-15.— Lortat-Jacob (L.) Hyperesthesie tactile douloureuse a topographic radiculaire chez un tabetique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 1169-1172.—Marinesco (G.) De la topo- graphie des troubles sensitifs dans le tabes; ses rapports avec les sensations des tabetiques. Semaine med. Par, 1897, xvh, 369-372. Also, transl: Med. Week, Par, 1897, v, 565- 568.—Milian0 La cryesthesie tabetique. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par, 1912, 3. s, xxxih, 929-931 — Monrad-Krohn (G. H.) [The sensory disturbances in tabes with special consideration of joint sensibility and its clinical investigation (a standard of joint sensibility).] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk, Kristiania, 1914, lxxv, 1284- 1291.—Muskens (L. J. J.) Retardation of pain-sense in locomotor ataxia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1899, xxvi, 424-426.—Pal (J.) Die vasomotorischen Begleiterscheinun- gen der lanzinierenden Schmerzen und das Alternieren tabischer Krisen. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1904, hv, 1-6.— Patrick (H. T.) Anaesthesia of the trunk in locomotor ataxia. N. York M. J, 1897, lxv, 173-178.-----. Two cases of tabes with trunk anaesthesia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1898, xxv, 843-850.—PfeLter (B.) Verspatete Geschmacks- empfindung bei vorwiegend cerebraler mit bulbarparaly- tischen Symptomen beginnender Tabes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz, 1907, xxxih, 246-30L—Pitres (A.) De l'analgesie epigastrique profonde chez les tabetiques. J. de neurol. Par, 1898, hi, 413-417.—Price (F. W.) A case of tabes dorsalis in which widespread cutaneous sensory manifestations completely disappeared. Lancet, Lond, 1906, ii, 225.—Racine. Ueber Analgesie der Achillessehne bei Tabes (Abadie'sches Symptom). Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1906, hii, 963.—Rennie (G. E.) A clinical lec- ture on astereognosis in tabes dorsalis. Brit>M. J, Lond, 1903, i, 297.—Riche(A.) lfi3-177. "-----• [The diagnosis of tabes dorsalis now and fifty years ago.] Orvosi hecil, Budapest, 1906,1, 109 — Scnaller (W. F.) Early diagnosis of tabes dorsahs. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 190-194. Aho, Reprint — Scncrb (G.) & Lelouche. Tabes incipiens; le signe de Pilcz. Bull. med. de 1'Algerie, Alger, 1907, xviii, 433-435.— Scnermers. De prognose van de tabes dorsahs. Geneesk. Courant, Amst, 1906, lx, 25— Schlesinger (H.) Unem- pfindlichkeit der Bicepssehne als Symptom bei Tabes dor- salis. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1909, viii, 7— Schultzc (F.) Diagnose und Behandlung der . Fruhstadien der Tabes. Deutsche med. Wchnshr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1747-1749—Shoemaker (J. V.) Clinical lecture; tabes dorsalis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1909, xxxvii, 73-75. Aho: Merck's Arch, N. Y.. 1909, xi, 35-37.—Sicard, Souques [et al.]. Valeur diagnostique de la lymphoevtose rachidienne. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxii, 784.—Sicil'iano (L.) Atassia e fenomeno del Romberg. Riv. crit. di elin. med, Firenze, 1902; iii, 363; 379.—Singer (K.) Bemerkuu- gen iiber das Ulnarissymptom. Med. Klin, Berl, 1910, vi, 1563-1565.—Slnkler (W.) The prognosis in locomotor ataxia. Old Dominion J. M. & S, Richmond, 1909, viii, 233- 240.—Skoog (A. L.) Tabes dorsalis and allied states; three clinical cases. J. Kansas M. Soc, Kansas City, Kan, 1913, xiii, 198-205.—Souques ( \ 1 Dissociation cutaneo-muscu- laire de la sensibilite dans le tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1914, xxvu, 325-327.—Spender (J. K.) On points of affinity be- tween rheumatoid arthritis, locomotor ataxy, and exoph- thalmic goitre. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1891, i, 1169-1171 — Spillmann (P.) & Perrin (M.) Particularites symptoma- tiques relevees dans une serie de 105 cas de tabes dorsahs. J. med. franc. Par, 1909, hi, 681-683.—Stephenson (J. W.) Tabes dorsalis with pontine angle phenomena. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin, 1916, cxv, 410.—Stewart (P.) What is the earliest stage at which we can diagnose tabes dorsalis? Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond, 1905-6, lxxxvii, 88-91.—Stiefler (G.) Eine Tabes dorsalis mit bulbaren Symptomen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xxiv, 1144.—Swift (W. B.) Observations on the voice in tabes; a voice sign; preliminary report, with case. Proc. Am. Med„-Psychol. Ass, Bait, 1915, xxii, 357- 362. Also: Am. J. Insan, Bait, 1915-16, lxxii, 349-354. -----. The voice sign in tabes; technique of elicitation; studies in neurological technique No. 5. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1915, xiii, 487-490.—Taussig (A. E.) Tabes dorsalis simulating intra-abdominal disease. Quart. Bull. M. Dep. Wash. Univ, St. Louis, 1906-7, v, 54- 63.— Thlem. Ein Fall von Pseudo-Tabes alcoholica. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1901, viii, 380-382.—Tul- ler (J. JO The early diagnostic symptoms of locomotor ataxia. Hahneman. Month, Phila, 1900, xxxv, 348-353.— Valln (C. N.) Une observation de pseudo-tabes. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1899, xxviii, 193-212.—Van- dervloet. Del'importance des troubles de la sensibilite dans le diagnostic precoce du tabes. J. de neurol. Par, 1908, xiii, 341-344.—Varet (A.) Un sympt6me nouveau d'un tabes ataxique (le signe du diaphragme); le syndrome radio- logique de la maladie de Duchenne. Progres med. Par, 1910, 3. s, xxvi, 206-210.—Vavrouch (J.) [Puckered face in tabes.] Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1914, liii, 35-38.—Villas- Bdas (A.) Formas clinicas da tabes. Gaz. clin, S. Paulo, 1907, v, 96.—Wagner (L.) Ein Fall von Tabes mit Bul- barsyaJptomen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xlvi, 59-61.— Weddy-Poenlcke (W.) Zur Differentialdiagnose der Tabes und Lues spinalis. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl, 1912, xxxii, 502-525.—Weiss (K.) Ueber die Bezie- hungen der Muskelempfindung zur tabischen Ataxie. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lxi, 637-641.—Williams (T. A.) The prognosis in tabes dorsahs. Arch. Diagn, N. Y, 1910, iii, 143-147.-----. The clinical diagnosis of early tabes dorsalis with negative Wassermanh reactions; a case where reaction became positive only after salvarsan; comments upon salvarsan in pretabetic states. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1911-12, xvi, 33-36.-----. Remarks on acroes- thesia as diagnostic in tabes dorsalis. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1917, xiv, 442.—Williamson (R. T.) Remarks on the early recognition of tabes dorsalis. Med. Chron, Man- chester, 1902, 4. s, iii, 302-311—Wood (H. C.) Hypotonia; Fraenkel's symptom. Phila. M. J, 1899, iii, 1372.—Work (P.) Some difficulties in the early diagnosis of tabes dor- salis. Colorado Med, Denver, 1916, xiii, 245-248.—Young (A. D.) Diagnosis of tabes in the preataxic stage. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 1131. Also, Reprint.—Young (H. B.) The diagnosis of locomotor ataxia from optic nerve atrophy and absence of knee jerk. Iowa M. J, Des Moines, 1895-6, i, 399-406.—Zenner (P.) Diagnosis, of tabes and pseudo-tabes. Arch. Diagn, N. Y, 1908, i, 265-269. ATAXIA. 148 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Experimental). Dickel (A.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Compensation der sensorischon Ataxie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1901, xxvii, 181-183.—Muskens. Verschillende vormen van experimenteele ataxie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1907, i, 1589-1593.—OssokIn (N.) Experimenteller Beitrag zur Wicderkehr des Knie- phanomens nach Pyramidenlfision bei Tabes dorsalis. Mo- natschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1911, xxx, 204-207.— Perez Vento (R.) Ataxia cerebelosa experimental. Rev. frenopat. expan, Barcel, 1905,.iii, 207-209—Russel (C. K.) Tabes dorsalis; the exhaustion theory with experimental evidence. Canad. M. Ass. J, Toronto, 1912, ii, 406-413.— Vaschlde (N.) & Rousseau (P.) Contribution experimen- tale a la psychologie de la sensibilite tactile tabe'tique. Bull. de 1'Inst. gen. psychol. Par, 1903, iii, 517-531. Ataxia (Locomotor, Eye in). See, also, Nerve (Optic, Atrophy of, Causes, etc., of); Pupil (Rigidity of). Chastinet (M.) *Casuistischer Beitrag zur Tabes dorsalis mit Ophthalmoplegie und Mus- kelatrophie. 8°. Kiel, 1902. Dammermann (H.) *Zur Casuistik der Oph- thalmoplegie bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Galezowski (X.) Des troubles oculaires dans l'ataxie locomotrice; paralysie des nerfs moteurs, atrophie des nerfs optiques, nevrite de la cin- quieme paire, traitement; lecons faites a l'ecole pratique de la Faculte de meclecine, recuillies et redigees par F. Despagnet. 8°. Baris, 18N-1. Haas (E.-G.) *Lesfonctionsneuro-retiniennes dans le tabes. 8°. Baris, 1908. Jaworski (H.) *L'amaurose des tabetiques. 8°. Baris, 1909. Le Merle (E.-A.-H.) *La sensibilite" oculaire a la pression et ses modifications dans le tabes. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900. Leri (H.) *Cecite" et tabes. 8°. Baris, 1904. Aho [Abstr.], in: Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1904, lxxvii, 845-853 Marbe (M.) *Beitrag zu den Erkrankungen des Auges bei Tabes dorsalis und zur juvenilen Tabes. 8°. Breslau, 1900. Thibault (L.) *Tabes a debut par ophtalmo- plegie (faciesd'Hutchinson). 8°. Baris, 1907. Abadie (J.) & Rocher (L.) Note pour servir a l'etude des analgesies tabetiques; insensibilite des globes oculaires a la pression. Rev. neurol. Par, 1899, vh, 859-864.—Angelo (P.) Tabes superior con crisi oculari. Policlin, Roma, 1910, xvh, sez. prat, 99-106.—Babinski. Les paralysies oculaires dans le tabes; traitement. J. de med. int., Par, 1906, x, 169.------. Examen des pupilles dans le tabes: les reflexes chez les tabetiques. J. de med. et chir. prat. Par, 1907, Ixxviii, 487.—Babinski & Chaillous (J.) Du champ visuel et de la vision centrale dans l'atrophie tabetique des nerfs optiques. Rec. d'opht. Par, 1907, 3. s, xxix, 89-113.— Babinski, de Lapersonne [et at.]. Valeur diagnostique desprincipauxsympt6nies; troubles oculaires. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxii, 770-771.—Hailey (P.) The effect of early optic atrophy upon the course of locomotor ataxia. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1896,1, 710-712—Beckers (II.) The eye-symp- toms in incipient tabes dorsalis (after new statistics). M ifwau- kee M. J, 1903, xi, 62-65— Behr (C.) Ueber die Ernahrung des Sehnerven und ihre Beziehungen zu der Erfolglosigkeit der Therapie der tabischen Sehnervenatrophie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1917, lxiv, 517-521.—Benenati (U.) A proposito del rapporto tra cecita ed atossia in due casi di tabe. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1901, ii, 713; 725.— Bernstein (E. J.) Ocular symptoms in tabes dorsalis. Am. Med., Phila, 1906, n. s, i, 343— Bordon (G.) Rea- zione pupillare paradossa in un caso di tabe dorsale. Riv. med, Milano, 1910, xviii, 109-111.—Bramwell (B0 Pre- ataxic tabes with optic atrophy. Clin. Stud, Edinb, 1903-4, n. s, ii, 157-168. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond, 1903, ii, 29.------. A remarkably interesting case of tabes; com- plete clinical picture of all the symptoms of the disease. Clin. Stud., Edinb, 1908-9, vh, 63-66.------. Another case of tabes with optic atrophy and no improvement in the synvotoms after the development of the blindness. 76/rf, 66.—Bregman (L.) [Green and violet vision in locomotor ataxy.) Medycyna, Warszawa, 1904, xxxii, 231-234.— Calendoli (S.) Sopra un caso di tabe amaurotica. Gior. di med. mil, Roma, 1912, lx, 738-715, 3 pi—Campbell (II.) Tabes dorsalis and ocular paralyses. Polyclin, Lond, 1903, vh, 80.—Cestan (R.) & Rogues. Du syndrome thala- mique au cours du tabes. Toulouse med, 1909, 2. s, xi, 52-57.—de Coopmann. Larmes sanglantes au cours du tabes. Clin, ophl. Par, 1905, xi, 317-319— Crouzon (O.) & Nathan (M.) Paralysie des masticateurs, ophthalmo- Ataxia (Locomotor, Eye in). ptegie totale et bilatcrale, paralysie faciale unilaterate au cours du tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1907, xv, 403-406.— Curschmann. [Ein Fall von Tabes mit Konvergenz- krampfen.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1081.—Dagnini (G.) Atonia dell' elevatorepalpebrale e del retto interno in un caso di paresi dell' oculomotore comune di origine tabetica. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna, Resoc. (1913), 1914, 40—De Buck (D.) Een geval van tabes cervicalis zonder reflexe starheid der pupil (Argyll- Robertson). Med. Weekbl, Amst.. 1899-1900, vi, 361- 364.—Dejerine (J.) Tabes arrete par la cecite. M6d. mod. Par, 1895, vi, 177.—Dejerine (J.) & Petreen (K.) Sur un cas d'ophtalmoplegie externe totale et de paralysie laryngee relevant d'une nevrite peripheriquea marche rapide chez un malade atteint de tabes au debut. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1896, 10. s, hi, 822-825— Dodd (H. W.) Green vision in a case of tal es dorsalis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. King- dom, Lond, 1898-9, xix, 281-286.—Duncan (J. T.) On the importance of an early recognition of locomotor ataxia; do the eye symptoms assist us? Canad. Pract. & Rev, To- ronto, 1901, xxvi, 477-480. Also: Dominion M. Month, Toronto, 1901, xvii, 70-74.—Dunn (P.) The case of a blind man. West. Lond. M. J, Lond, 1906, xi, 41^3.—Elch- horst (H.) Einige Bemerkungen uber intermittirende Pupillenstarre bei Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr, Berl. A- Leipz, 1898, xxiv, 357.—Elschnig. Ueber tabische Sehnervenatrophie. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vh, 327-331.—Espejo (L. D.) Sobre un caso de amaurosis tabe- tica. Cr<5n. med, Lima, 1917, xxxiv, 403-411.—fitlenne(G.) Phenomenes oculomotevrs d'origine cutane'e, labyrinthique et cochleaire, chez un tabetique; leurs significations. Rev. neurol. Par, K'07, xv, 1025-1028—Fabinyi (R.) Leber tabische Augenkrisen und deren Entstehung. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psvchiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1914, xxii, Orig, 272-285.—Faure (M.) & Desvaux (G.) Le signe d'Argyll dans le tabes. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France ... Compt. rend. Par., If OS. xviii, 206. Aho: Rev. neurol. Par, 1908, xvi, 889.—Fisher (E. D.) Optic atrophy in tabes; a diagnostic symptom in the differential diagnosis from general paresis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1909, liii, 256.—Ftirster (O.) Zur Symptomatologie der Tabes dor- salis im prffiataktischen Stadium und fiber den Einfluss der Opticusalrophie auf den Gang der Krankheit. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1900, vhi, 1; 133.—Franchini (F.) Paralisi dissociate ed azioni associate di muscoli ocu- lari di origine tabetica. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1913), 1914, 41.—Fromaget (C.) Insucces del'arst'nobenzol dans l'atrophie tabetique du nerf optique. Clin, opht. Par, 1912, xviii, 244-2JS. Aho [Abstr.t: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1912, xlh 475.—Fuchs (E.) The field of vision in tabetic atrophy of the optic disc. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Phila, 1909-11, xii, 718-727. A ho: Arch. Ophth, N.Y, 1911 xl, 469-475.------. Tabes und Auge. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xxv, 511-514. ------. Dystrophic der Hornhaut bei Tabes. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh, Leipz, 1913, xxxvii, 260-262.—Galezowski (J.) L'evolution de 1'amaurose dans le tabes. Rec. d'opht. Par, 1905, 3, s, xxvii, 271- 276. Also: Tribune med. Par, 1905, n. s, xxxvii, 310.— Gibbons (E. E.) The ocular symptoms of tabes. Mary- land M. J, Bost, 1906, xhx, 19-23.—Gibson (A.J.) Dystro- phy of cornese in tabes. Ophthalmoscope, Lond, 1914, xh, 707.—Gilles de la Tourette. L'oeil tabetique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1S99, 3. s.. xvt.243.—Glnes- tous. 606 et atropine du nerf optique d'origine tabetique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1912, xxxiii, 126.— Gluflre (L.) Siniomi oculari prccoci nella tabe. Clin. ocul, Palermo, 1902, 957-661.—GOniez (V.) Sfntomas oculares de la ataxia locomotriz. Rev. med. cubana, Ha- bana, 1909, xiv, 208-211.—Haskovec (LO Crises oculaires et syndrome pseudobasedowien dans l'ataxie locomotrice. Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 391—Hawthorne (C. O.) The eye symptoms of locomotor ataxia, with a clinical record" of 30 cases. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1900, i, 498-500.— Hecht (D'O.) Tabes dorsalis (amaurotic type). J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, Lancaster, Pa, 1908, xxxv, 592.- Heitz (J.) & Harawchipy. De l'absence du signe d'Argyh ch.cz cer- tains tabetiques. Rev. de med. Par, 1909, xxix. 292-299.— Hlnsnelwood (J.) A case illustrative of the early occur- rence of eye symptoms in locomotor ataxia. G lasiro'w M.J, 1896, xlvi, 119-121.------. Case illustrative of the value of the eve symptoms in tho diagnosis of tabes in the pre-ataxic stage". Ibid., 1900, liv, 57-60. Aho: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Clasg, 1902, iii, 49-51.------. Eye symptoms in locomotor ataxia. Glasgow M. J, 1903, lx, 369. Also: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg. (1901-3), 1904. iv, 405-407.—Hutchinson (J.) Pupil audi bladder symptoms in the early stages of tabes. Arch. Surg., Lond, 1899, x, 241.—Jackson. Degeneration of the his in locomotor ataxia. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1911, xx, 229.—Jackson (J. II.) On eve symptoms in loco- motor ataxy. Tr. Ophth. Soc U. Kingdom, Lond, 1881, i, 139-154. Aho, Reprint.—Jocqs (R.) Du retrecissement hemiopique du champ visuel chez les tabetiques; sa valeur pronostique. Clin, opht. Par, 1902, vhi, 65-68. Aho, transl: Ophth. Klin, Stuttg.( 1902, vi, 117-119—Helper (G. F.) Case of locomotor ataxia detected in its incipiency by examination of patient's eyes, with observations con- cerning the disease. Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, ATAXIA. 149 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Eye in). 1902-3, vh, 97-101.—Kendall (li. W. M.) The ocular symp- toms and signs of locomotor ataxia. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1899, Brisbane, 1901, 367-371—Kingsley (J. E») Optic atrophy in tabes and its treatment by neo- salvarsan. Ophthalmoscope, Lond, 1914, xh, 550-553.— Knapp (A.) Tabes dorsalis und zentrale Skotome. Mo- natschr. f. Psychiat. n. Neurol, Berl, 1907, xxh, 355-360.— Knauer (A.) Ueber Pel'sche Augenkrisen und einige seltenere Sensibilitatsstorungen bei Tabes dorsalis. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr, 1908, xiv, 1926-1931.—Lacapere. Action du salvarsan sur la nevrite optique tabetique. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1912, lxxxv, 127-129.—Langenbeck (K.) Die Gesichtsfeldformen der tabischen Sehnervenatrophie. Khn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg, 1912, ii, 148-158 — Lassignardie. Signe d'Argyll-Robertson accompagne de quelques autres sympt6mes tabetiques, ayant apparu a la suite d'un violent traumatisme de la region lombo-sacrec. Clin. prat, med.-chir. depath. [etc.], Par, 1910, vi, 49-53.— Leri (A.) Presentation de coupes d'yeuxetdenerfsoptiques de tabetiques amaurotiques., Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1904, lxxix, 520.-----. Etude de la retine dans l'amau- rose tabetique. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1904, xvii, 304; 358,4 pi. —Lyle (W. H.) The ocular sy mptoms of tabes dorsalis. Hahneman. Month, Phila, 1900, xxxv, 515- 518— McWalter (J. C.) Tabes dorsalis in the blind. Med. Press & Che, Lond, 1913, n. s, xcv, 444.—Maloney (W. J. M. A.) Blindness and tabes; an introductory to a new method of curing ataxia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1913, xl, 553-573.—Mann (L.) Zur Symptomatologie der beginnenden Tabes unter specieller Beriicksichtigung der Augensymptome. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl, 1902, lxxi, 635; 647. Aho: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1902, Bresl, 1903, lxxx, med. Sect, 150-169. [Discussion], 193-20S.—Marburg (O.) Klinische Beitrage zur Neurologie des Auges; infantileund juvenile Tabes. Wion. klin. Wchn- schr, 1903, xvi, 1295-1302.—Marie (P.) & Leri (A.) Evolu- tion de l'amaurose tabetique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1904, xh, 190.-----------. Etude de la retine et du nerf op- tique dans 1'ainaurose tabetique. Ibid., 621.—Marie (P.) & Switalskl. Du tabes avec cecite. Cong, internat. de med. C. r. Par, 1900, sect, de neurol, 203-205.—Massia & Delachanal. L'oeil tabetique. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1908, lxxxi, 3; 39—Mirallie (C.) & Desclaux. Du defaut de coordination des muscles oculo-moteurs chez les ataxiques. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1904, 2. s, xxh, 11-14.—Moscato (P.) Un caso di tabe oeulare primitiva. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod, Catania, 1906, vh, 89-92.—Moyano (J. J.) A propdsito de un caso de amaurosis tabetica. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1916-17, hi, 241-243.—Negro (C.) Sul fenomeno di Abadie nella tabe dorsale. Riv. neuropat, Torino, 1906, i, 65-77. —---. Di una varieta del fenomeno di Abadie nella tabe dorsale. Ibid., 1909-10, iii, 76-79.— Nicolai. Ueber Sehnervenatrophie bei Tabes dorsalis. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1904, xxviii, 348-361.—Nolszewski (K.) Bezlad wzrokowy (ataxia optica). Post, okul, Krakow, 1908, x, 285; 313; 346—Painblan (E.) & Minet (J.) Deux cas d'hippus chez des tabetiques. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 277-280. Also: Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1910, Lille, 1911, 202-210.—Papadaki (A.) Paralysie du moteur oculaire, commun chez un tabetique; examen anatomique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1904, xh, 585-588.— Pearce (F. S.) A study of the diagnosis, etiology and treat- ment of tabes dorsalis, with special reference to precocious locomotor ataxia and the Argyll-Robertson symptom. Therap. Gaz, Detroit, 1898, 3. s, xiv, 654-660—Pel (P. K.) Augenkrisen bei Tabes dorsalis. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1898, xxxv, 25-27.—Perrod (G.) Dell' atrofia del nervo ottico nella tabe dorsale. Ann. di ottal, Pavia, 1913, xiii, 899-91L—Peter (L. C.) The intraocular muscles in tabes dorsalis. N. York M. J. Tetc], 1915, cii, 552-554. Aho, Re- print.—Petren (K.) Deux cas de tabes avec ophthalmo- plegic externe, et de paralysie larynsee provenant de ne- vrite peripherique. Nord. med. Ark, Stockholm, 1897, n. F, vhi, Hft. 5, No. 27, 1-30, 2 pL—Piltz (J.) Sur les nouveaux signes pupillaires dans le tabes dorsal. Rev. neurol. Par, 1900, vhi, 593-597.—Pischel. Vorstellung zweier Falle von Tabes mit Augensymptomen. N. Yorker med. Monatschr, 1904, xvi, 532.—Posey (W. C.) Ocular palsies in tabes. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1910, liv, 1277- 1281.—Ray (J. M.) Locomotor ataxia with optic nerve degeneration. Louisville Month. J. M. & S, 1903-4, x, 273.—Reiss (P. L.) Tabes arrested in its course by amau- rosis. N. Orl. M. & S. J, 1896-7, xlix, 252-255.—Rochon- Duvigneaud (A.) & Heitz (J.) Recherches cliniques sur les modahtes des troubles pupillaires chez les tabetiques. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1903, ii, 1675-1685.-----•-----. De Involution des troubles pupillaires chez les tabetiques a la periode d'etat. Rev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxv, 151-160.— Rdnne(H) Riihrtdie Optikusatrophie durch Tabes von einem Leiden der Ganglienzellen oder der Nervenfasern her? Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1909, lxxii, 481-484. Aho, transl: Ophthalmol, Seattle, 1910, vi, 387-390.-----. Ein Fall von Sehnervenatrophie bei Tabes mit einseitigcr nasaler Hemianopsie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg, 1912, i, 452-458.—Rummo (G.) Occhio tabico (Rummo). Riforma med., Napoli, 1915, xxviii, 461-463.—Sanger (A.) Ataxia (Locomotor, Eye in). Ueber die tabische Sehnervenatrophie. Deutsche Ztschr f Nervenh, Leipz, 1908-9, xxxvi, 26-31.—Schmldt-Rim- pler (H.) The ocular manifestations in tabes dorsalis. Hot Springs M. J., 1899, viii, 289-297.—Schuller (A.) [Ein 34jahnger Tabiker mit fast volliger Blindheit und hoch- gradiger Ataxie.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kin- derh. in Wien, 1909, viii, 212— Scrini. Traitement de l'oeil tabetique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1907, xxi, 185-187.—Sgrosso (E.) Sintomi pupillari ed iridei nella tabe dorsale. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 463-466.— Spiller (W. G.) The amaurotic form of tabes dorsalis; tabes arrested by blindness. Phila. M. J, 1898, i, 198-202. -----. The pathology of tabetic ocular palsv, with remarks on the relation of syphilis to the so-called parasyphilitic dis- eases. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila, 1914, xxxvi, 247-258. Aho: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1915, xiii, 15-23.-----. The pathology of tabetic ocular palsies. Boston M. & S. J, 1915, clxxii, 179. Also: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N.Y, 1915, xlh, 41. -----. Tabetic ocular crises. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 855. A ho, Reprint.—Stargardt. Ueber die Ursachen des Sehnervenschwundes bei der Tabes und der progres- siven Paralyse. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1913, li, 711-967, 4 pi.—Strieker (L.) The early ocular symptoms of tabes dorsalis, with a report of fourteen cases and eight charts of the field of vision. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1900, 10. s, ii, 243-254.— Suker (G. F0 Ventricular injections for tabetic optic atrophy. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1917, xxvi, 316. Aho: J. Ophth. & Oto-LaryngoL; Chicago, 1917, xi, 228 — Sy ndacker (E. F.) Absence of iritis and choroiditis among syphilitics, who have become tabetic. J. Am. M. Ass, Chi- cago, 1910, liv, 933.—Terrien (E.) La cecite et le pronostic du tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1904, xh, 519.—Terrien (F.) semeiologie de la pupille dans le tabes. Arch. g6n. de med. Par, 1904, ii, 2007-2018.-----. De l'atrophie optique tabe- tique. Presse med. Par, 1905, i, 172. ■-----. Sympt6mes oculaires du tabes. Clinique, Par, 1912, vii, 673-677.—Tivnen (R. J.) Ocular manifestations of locomotor ataxia. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol, Chicago, 1907, i, 83-87—Tomlln- son (J. II.) Eye symptoms in tabes dorsalis. Treatment, Lond, 1901-2, v, 249-258.—Treupel (G.) Demonstration eines Falles von intermittirender reflectorischer Pupillen- starre bei Tabes dorsalis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1898, xiv, 1121— Vaughan (P. T.) Some observations upon the ocular symptoms in locomotor ataxia. N. York M. J, 1900, lxxh, 280-283. Also: Proc. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock, 1900, 292-304.—Venetucci (G.) Sulla frequenza dell' atrofia grigia della papilla nei tabetici e sulla terapia della tabe. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir, Napoli, 1898, xiv, 88-108.—VigourouxA Pruvost. Ramollissement sous- cortical de rextremite du lobe occipital gauche chez un tabetique amaurotique devenu paralytique general. Bull. et m6m. Soc. anat. de Par, 1914, lxxxix, 181.—Wechsler (I. S.) Ophthalmic changes in tabes and paresis; their recent pathology and diagnosis, particularly with reference to cerebrospinal syphilis; with a study of 122 cases and two tables. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1918, xviii, 304-313.— Wernicke (O.) Iritis especifica y tabes. An. de oftal., Mexico, 1913-14, xvi, 536-53S—Westerraann (E.) Ce- cite et tabes. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1904, xviii, 500.—Zsak6(I.)& Benedek(L.) [Eye crises.] Budar pesti orv. ujsag, 1913, xi, 659. Ataxia (Locomotor, Familial). See, also, Ataxia (Hereditary); Ataxia (Lo- comotor) in children. Dtjbossarsky (J.) *Zur Kenntnis der fami- liiiren und hereditaren Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Ber- lin, 1905. Ernst (O.) *Zwei Falle von familiarer Ataxie. 8°. Kiel, 1896. Croner (W.) Ueber familiare Tabes dorsalis und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Aetiologie der Erkrankung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xh, 1266.—Crouzon (O.) Deux freres ■ tabetiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1912, 3. s, xxxiii, 497-499.—Heitz (J.) Du tabes chez here et soeur; contribution a l'etude du terrain dans l'etiologie du tabes. Paris med, 1911-12, v, 494-496.—Huet (W. G.) Vier gevallen van ataxie in 4dn gezin. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1899, liii, No. 40; No. 41— Manara (G.) A propositodi due casi di atassia familiare infantile. Pensiero med, Milano, 1912, ii, 301-307.—Sawyer (J. E. H.) Locomotor ataxia in two sisters. Birmingh. M. Rev, 1911, lxx, 23- 29.—Stiefier (G.) Ueber familiare und juvenile Tabes mit Infantilismus nach Lues acquisita. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1909, xxh, 163-166.—Strohmayer (W.) Familiare Tabes a if erbheh-degenerativer Grundlage. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1907, xxvi, 754-756.—Trevelyan (E. F.) Family tabes dorsahs; tabes in husband, wife, and daughter. Lan- cet, Lond, 1905, ii, 755-757. Ataxia (Locomotor, Gastric crises in). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications, etc., of, Gastric). ATAXIA. 150 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Incomplete) [formes frustes]. See Ataxia (Locomotor, Atypical forms of). Ataxia (Locomotor, Infantile). See Ataxia (Locomotor) in children. Ataxia (Locomotor, Jurisprudence of). See, also, Ataxia (Locomotor, Traumatic). Donet (C.) *Contribution a l'etude du tabes traumatique considere au point de vue medico- legal. 8°. Nancy, 1901. Courtois-Sumt & Bourgeois (F.) De l'etat anterieur devant la jurisprudence a propos de deux cas de trauma- tismes chez les tabetiques frustes. Cong, de med. teg. Par, 1911, l, 229-253. Aho: Rev. de med. leg. Par, 1911, xviii, 171-187— Kiernan (J. G.) Forensic eye aspects of tabes. Med. News, N. Y, 1904, lxxxiv, 555—Leppmann (F.) Die Begutachtung der Tabes dorsahs in der Invalidenver- sicherung. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1914, xx, 337- 340.—Parisot (P.) Quelques considerations medico-te- gales sur le tabes traumatique. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de Fraice . . . Proc-verb. [etc.]. Par, 1901, xi, 569.— Rlgler. Tabes als Unfallfolge abgelehnt. Ztschr. f. Versicherungsmed, Leipz, 1911, iv, 123-129. Ataxia (Locomotor, Juvenile). See Ataxia (Locomotor) in children. Ataxia (Locomotor, Laryngeal crises in). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelae of, Laryngeal). Ataxia (Locomotor, Mental condition in). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and se- quelae of, Mental). Ataxia (Locomotor, Paralysis in). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications, etc., of, Baralytic). Ataxia (Locomotor, Precocious). See Ataxia (Locomotor) in children. Ataxia (Locomotor, Pruritus in). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and se- quelae of, Cutaneous). Ataxia (Locomotor, Reflexes in). Busch (K.) *Der epigastrische Reflex bei Tabes und multipler Sklerose. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Friedlander (G.) *TJeber das Verhalten der Reflexe bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Erlangen, 1905. Seyer (R.) *L'abolition du reflexe du tendon d'Achille dans le tabes. 8°. Baris, 1902. Abadie (J.) Tabes sensitif avec conservation des reflexes rotuliens et arthropathie simulant l'hallux valgus. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 19)3, xxxiii. 145.—Achard (C.) Tabes avec integrite des reflexes pupillaires. Rev. neurol. Par, 1908, xvi, 447.—Achard (C.) & Levi (L.) Conservation des reflexes rotuliens dans un cas de tabes, avecautopsie. Bull. • et mem. Soc. mod. d. hop. de Par, 1898, 3. S., xv, 226-235. Aho: Gaz. hebd. de med, Par, 1898, n. S, iii, 265-268.— Babinski (J.) Sur le rellexe du tendon d'Achille dans le tabes. Ball, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par, 1898, 3. s, xv, 679-682. Aho: Gaz. d. hdp. Par, 1898, lxxi. 1182. -----. Importance de l'examen du reflexe du tendon d'Achille dans le diagnostic du tabes; utilite du traitement antisyphilitique au debut du tabes. J. de med. int., Par, 1899, iii, 463.—Behrend (M.) The biceps tendon jerk in locomotor ataxia. Phila. M. J, 1901, vii, 1062-1064.—Breg- man (L.) Sehnenreflexe und Sensibilitatsstbrung bei Tabes dorsalis. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1905, xxiv, 2-7.—Burnand (R.) La valeur do la pcrte unilaterale du reflexe rotulien dans le diagnostic du tabes. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1908, xxviii, 2s2 294— Catola (G.) Ueber den Bauchdeckenreflex bei Tabes dorsalis. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1905, xxiv, 7-10.—Cestan (R.) Re- cherches sur l'etat des reflexes tendineux et osseux dans le tabes dorsalis. Arch. m6d. de Toulouse, 1903, 361; 385.— Chalier (J.) & Nove-Josserand (L.) De la conservation ct du retour des reflexes rotuliens dans le tabes dorsalis, a pro- pos d'un malade atteint de crises gastriques tabetiques. N. iconog.de la Salpetriere, Par, 1912, xxv, 76-100, 2j>l — DSjerlne (J.) & Jumeatie (J.) Inversion des reflexes patellaires dans un cas de tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxii, 72">-72L—Denti (A.) Cinsiderazioni sui rillessi e ,s-.il loro andamento nei decorso della tabe dorsale. Riv. di patoL nerv, Firenze, 1914, xix, 1-20.—Donath (J.) Wie- derkehr des Kniephanomens bei Tabes dorsalis, ohne Hinzu- Ataxia (Locomotor, Reflexes in). treten von Hemipiegie. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1905, xxiv, 546-551. -----. Die Riickkehr des Kniephanomens bei Tabes dorsalis ohne Hinzutreten von Hemiplegia. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1905, x, 175.—Dupre (E.) & Camus (R.) Tabes avec conservation des reflexes cutanes et tendineux. Rev. neurol. Par, 1904, xii, 107-109.—Evoll (G.) I riflessi cutanei nella tabe dorsale. Arte med, Napoli, 1900, ii, 247; 264.—French (H.) Two cases of locomotor ataxy with absence of the knee-jerk upon the right side, but with a knee-jerk of normal briskness upon the left. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond, 1910, xxiv, 455. Also: Tr. M. Soc Lond, 1910-11, xxxiv, 412.-----. A case of tabes dorsalis with one knee-jerk absent and the other brisk. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1911-12, v, Clin. Sect, 149-151—Frenkel. Mechanische Musketerregbarkeit und Sehnenreflexe bei Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1900, xvii, 277-293— Goldflam (S.) Ueber das Erstsymptom und die Bedeutung der Achilles- sehnreflexe bei Tabes. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1902, xxi, 786-792—Gougerot & Quellien. Reflexes tendineux variables au debut du tabes. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par, 1916, xi, 705-714.—Grekofl (I. I.) [Locomotor ataxia; a few remarks on reflexes in the initial stage of tabes.l Bolnitsch. Gaz. Botkina, S.-Peterb, 1898, ix, 785; 840; 892; 941; 9%; 1044— Guillain (G.) & Barre (J.-A.) Sur le reflexe cutane plantaire dans un cas d'ataxie aisue; etat different de ce reflexe suivant la position du malade. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1916,3. s, xl, 131.-----------. Abo- lition prAcoce du reflexe peroneofemoral posterieur chez un tabetique polyurique. Ibid., 901.—Guillain (G.), Barre (J.-A.) & Strohl (A.) Etude, par la methode graphique, des reflexes tendineux dans le tabes. Ibid., 1917, 3. s, xii, 295-307.—Hlrschberg (R.) A propos du phenomene plan- taire dans le tabes dorsalis. Rev. neurol., Par, 1897, v, 377-379—Kollarits (J.) Das Verhalten einiger Reflexe bei Gesunden und bei Tabes: Bemerkungen zur Friihdiagnose der Tabes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1902-3, xxiii, 89-113.—Lenoble(E.) Un cas de tabes superieur avec conservation des reflexes. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1896, ix, 17-26, 1 pi.—LereboulleU Le reflexe achilleen dans le tabes. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1917, xxxi, 551.—Lesleur (CO, Vernet (M.) & Petzetakls. Note sur l'abolition frequente du reflexe oculo-cardiaque dansle tabes. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par, 1914, 3. s, xxxvii, 446-448. Aho: Lvon med, 1914, cxxii, 620 — Levine (S. A.) The oculocardiac reflex, an electrocardio- graphic study with special reference to the differences between right and left vagal and ocular pressures in tabetics and non-tabetics. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1915, xv, 75S-7S5— Llan (C.) Inversion du reflexe tricipital chez une tabetique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxih, 436—Loeper (M.) & Mougeot (A.) Absence frequente du reflexe oculo- cardiaque dans le tabes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1913,3. s,xxx\-i, 942-960. Aho: Progres med. Par, 1913, 3. s, xxix, 675-677.—McKennan (T. M. T.) A case of tabes showing some peculiar reflexes. Penn. M. J, Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 190.—Miner (C. H.) Report of a case of loco- motor ataxia, with increased patellar reflexes. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc 1901, Wilkesbarre, 1902, ix. 54.—Nolra. L'etat des reflexes tendineux au cours du tabes compliqite d'hemi- ptegie. J. de neurol. Par, 1907, xii, 81-86.—Noica & Stro- minger. Les reflexes cutanes dans leurs rapports avec les reflexes tendineux au cours du tabes. Presse mod.f Par, 1907, xv, 256.—Orschansky (J. G.) Tabes dorsahs und das Kniewinkelphanomen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz, 1906, xxv, 401-405.—Osnato (M.) Abnormal reflexes caused by morphin piisaning in a tabetic. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 191S, lxx, 1S15.—Pickett (W.) Lost Aehilles-jerk revealing sacral tabes; the cause of a remarkable case of retention of urine. Med. Bull, Phila, 1905, xxvii, 319- 321.—Plotrowskl (A.) LJeber ein neues Unterschenkel- phanomeu. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 2412-2414.— Ralchllne (A.) Note sur le phenomene plantaire signale par le Dr. Hirschberg dans le fab6s dorsalis. Rev. neurol., Par., 1897, v, 273-279.—Riley (W. H.) Report of seven cases of tabes dorsahs with the knee-jerk retained or exag- gerated. Physician & Surg, Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1911, xxxiii, 316-326.—Roque, dialler & Nove-Josserand. De la conservation et du retour des reflexes rotuliens dans le tabes dorsalis a propos d'un malade atteint de crises gas- triques tabetiques. Rev. neurol.. Par., 1911, xxii, 806.— Souques. Influence de rhemiplegie sur les reflexes tendi- neux du tabes. Ibid., 1916, xxix, pt. 1, 89S-901. —Spiller (W. G.) A case with tabetic symptoms and exaggerated knee-jerks. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1900, xxvu, 159.—Szab6 (J.) Wiederauftritt des Patellarreflexes in einem Falle von vorgeschritlener amvotrophischer Tabes. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, r§12, xlviii, 125-127.— Szuman (S.) [Reflex anomalies, especially of the knee, in cases of tabes dorsalis.] Przegl. lek, Krak6w, 1900, xxxix, 59-61.— Van Gehucliten (A.) Un cas de tabes incipiens avec exageration des reflexes rotuliens et aboli- tion du rellexe du tendon d'Achille des deux cdtes. J. de neurol. Par, 1899, iv, 85-87.—Vlanna (L.) Svnreflexia na tabes. Brazil-med, Rio de Jan, 1918, xxxii, 132 — Westphal (A.) Leber eine Beobachtung von 'Vieder- kehr des verschwunden gewesenen Kniephanomens in einem Fall von Tabes dorsalis. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1899, xxiv, 598-602. ATAXIA. 151 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Semeiology of). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications and sequelae of) [and subdivisions]; Ataxia (Locomo- tor, Biagnosis, etc., of). Ataxia (Locomotor, Senile). Desqueyroux (J.-M.-J.) Contribution a l'etude du tabes senile. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909. Abadie (J.), Lalon (C.) & Villemonte. Tabes senile avec glycosurie. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 165.— Bramwell (B.) Tabes in a man of seventy, the tabetic symptoms developing at the age of sixty-eight. Clin. Stud., Edinb, 1908-9, vii, 67.—Burr (C. W.) Spinal ataxia in the aged. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcvi, 1159. Aho, Reprint.—Ingram (R.) Report of a case of locomotor ataxia aged seventy-seven years. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1913, cix, 212-215— Pitres (A.) Du tabes senile. Cong. franc, de med. C.-r, Par, 1902, ii, 260-265. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxxii, 309-311.—Roussy (G.) & Rapin (A.) Trois cas de tabes senile. Rev. neurol. Par, 1914-15, xxvii, 116-119. Ataxia (Locomotor, Serodiagnosis of). See, aho, Nervous system (Syphilis of). Bonflgllo (F.) & Costantlnl (F.) La reazione del Wassermann nella tabe dorsale. Riv. ital. di neuropat. [etc.], Catania, 1912-13, v, 16-22.—Crocq (J.) Tabes et Wassermann. Progres med. beige, Brux, 1913, xv, 113- 115.—Kaplan (D. M.) Die Wassermann-feste Tabes; ein serologischer Vorlaufer der Taboparalyse. Deutsche Zt- schr. T. Nervenh, Leipz, 1914, Iii, 112-119.—Redlich (E.) Ueber die Wassermannsche Seroreaktion bei der Tabes dor- salis. Med. Khn, Berl, 1913, ix, 1539-1543.—Riggs (C. E.) Some atypical forms of tabes and paresis considered in the light of serodiagnosis. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1912, xxxix, 824-829. Ataxia (Locomotor, Spasmodic). See, also, Paralysis (Spinal, Syphilitic). Perramond (P.) Contribution a l'etude du Byndrome tabes spasmodique. 4°. Toulouse, 1895. Amantini (A.) Tabe dorsale spasmodica o malattia di Erb e Charcot. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1905, xxv, 806-808.— Babayeft (A. N.) [New case of spastic tabes dorsalis.] Protok. zasled. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh, Tiflis, 1895-6, xxxii, 152-168.—Bole. Tabes dorsal spasmodique. Nord med, Lille, 1897, iii, 103.—Graves (N. A.) Spasmodic tabes dorsalis. Chicago M. Times, 1896, xxix, 406-409.—Mare- clial. Le tabes spasmodique. Presse med. beige, Brux, 1896, xlviii, 65-67.—Raymond. Tabes a debut spasmo- dique. Rev. gen. de elm. et de therap. Par, 1910, xxiv, 295.—Tambronl (R.) & Finzi (J.) Sopra un caso di tabe spasmodica famigliare. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio- Emilia, 1897, xxiii, 270-289. Ataxia (Locomotor, Spontaneous frac- tures in). Birkenholz (V. N.) *Zur Casuistik der Spon- tanfracturen bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Kiel, 1905. Danziger (K.) *Spontanfrakturen von Wir- belsaule und Kiefer bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Breslau, 1913. Guichard (A.) Contribution a l'etude des fractures spontanees du tabes.. 8°. Baris, 1910. Guillet (P.) Contribution a l'etude des fractures spontanees dans le tabes. 8°. Baris, 1902. Monnikes (J.) *Ueber Spontanfracturen und Arthropathie bei Tabes. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Nussbaum (J.) *Des fractures spontanees des os du pied dans le tabes. [Lyon.] 8°. Trevoux, 1914. Rault (F.) *Des fractures chez les tabetiques avant la periode d'ataxie. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Abadie (J.) Tabes traumatiques: debut par huit frac- tures spontanees de la jambe et du pied; guerison de crises gastriques par les injections sous-arachno'idiennes lombahes de cocaine. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1902), 1903,115-119.—Bahr (F.) Tabische Spontanfraktur des Metatarsus V, nebst einigen Bemerkungen ii ber diese Frakturen. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir, Stuttg, 1911, xxix, 515-521.—Baum (E. W.) Knochenbriiche bei Tabes und deren atiologische Stellung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1907, lxxxix, 1-70.—Blencke (A.) Die tabischen Arthropathien und Spontanfrakturen in ihrer Beziehung zur Unfallversicherungsgesetzgebung. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir, Stuttg, 1910, xxv, 551-608. -----. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der tabischen Arthropathien und Spontanfrakturen. Ataxia (Locomotor, Spontaneous frac- tures in). Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1913, xxxi, 309-316.—Cohn (M.) Frakturen und Gelenkveranderungen bei Tabeskranken. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1905, xxxi, 729.— Delay. Tabes a symptome initial de fracture; fracture erxtracapsulaire du col du femur; fracture de la crete iliaque; artropathie tah-'tique du meme cote. Lyon mod, 1904, cii, 59.—Dudgeon (L. S.) A diphtheria-like bacillus caus- ing cellulitis in the region of a spontaneous fracture in a case of tabes dorsalis. J. Hyg, Cambridge, 1911, xi, 137-141.— Dutil. Fracture spontanee au debut du tabes; consolidation reguliere des fragments. Gaz. med. de Par, 1885, 7. s, ii, 279-281.—Gatithier (P.) Fracture spontanee de la rotule chez une tabetique. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1909, xxii, 27-31, 1 pi.—Goldstein (L.) Arthropathia tabica und spontane Fractur. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1896, hi, 299-303. Aho: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1806, Leipz, 1897, lxviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 563-565.—Habs. Ein Fall von Spontanfraktur bei Tabes dorsalis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lx, 728.—Hassler. Fracture, spontanee et non douloureuse, double du femur comme premiere manifestation appreciable du tabes. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 481-483.— Heine (O.) Bruch des linken Oberschenkels infolge Tabes. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1904, xi, 50-52.—.Tabou- lay. Fracture tabetique du col femoral avec cal exuberant; arthropathie nerveuse du genou; paralysie du plexus bra- chial par bequilles. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir. Par, 1906, xvii, 221-223.—Levy (R.) Tabische Spontanfraktur der Lendenwirbelsaute. Berl. klin Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 849.—Lian (C.) & RoIIand (J.) Fracture spontanee, osteo- arthropathies du type tabetique et tabes douteux; des alterations osteo-articulaires du cot6 presume^ sain. Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxiii, 846-851.—Linovv. Ueber Spontan- frakturen bei Tabes. Monatschr. f. Unfaliheilk, Leipz, 1915, xxii, 161-166.—Mllner. Spontanfrakturen an 4 (oder 7) Rippen bei einer Tabischen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lviii, 2771.—Morltz. Fall von Arthropathie und Spontanfraktur des Fusses bei Tabes dorsahs. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz, 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil, 164.—Pallasse. Pied tabetique et fracture spontanee de deux metatarsiens. Lyon med, 1908, cxi, 18-21, 1 pi.— Phelps (C.) Spontaneous fracture in a tabetic subject. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 723.—Pitres (A.) & Carrifere (G.) Fait relatif a l'etude de la pathogenie des arthropathies et des fractures spontanees chez les tabetiques. Echo med, Toulouse, 1897,2. s,xi, 1; 13:25.—Queyrat (L.) & Schwartz (C. F.) Fractures spontanees, multiples, des cotes chez un tabetique. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par, 1915, 3. s, xxxix, 474-476.—Roubier (C.) Les fractures spontanees des os du pied dans le tabes. Progres med. Par, 1916, xxxi, 1-3— Rudintrer (K.) [Fall von Tabes dorsalis mit Spontanfraktur des zweiten und dritten Len- denwirbels.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904, hi, 167. Schleinzer (J.) Zwei Falle seltener tabischer Knochenbriiche. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lxii, 1287-1296.—Sorel (E.) Fractures spontanees dans te tabes, leur interet au point de vue medico-legal. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1908, xv, 113-122— Taylor (H. L.) Neu- ropathic joints and spontaneous fractures in tabes dorsalis. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1912, xxvu, 794. -----. Spontaneous fracture as an initial or early symptom of tabes dorsalis. N. York State J. M, N. Y, 1912, xii, 580-585. Aho: Post- Graduate, N. Y, 1912, xxvu,970-982—Thiem. Bruch des rechten Schenkelhalses bei einem Tabischen. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk,Leipz, 1904,xi,52-55—Touche. Tabes;debut par fracture spontanee des deux femurs; pseudarthroses; broncho-pneumonie; suppuration des pseudarthroses; mort. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1899, 3. s, xvi, 964- 966.—Trttmner & Preiser. Friihfrakturen des Fusses bei Tabes als Initialsvmptom. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1908, xviii, 745-7.53.—Verneuil. Fractures spontanees des tabetiques. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1890, lxiii, 89.—Wohlauer. Spontanfrakturen der Mittelfussknochen im Initialstadium der Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 685. Ataxia (Locomotor, Statistics of). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Cases, etc., of). Ataxia (Locomotor, Superior). Baron (V.) *Le tabes superieur et ses formes cliniques. [Paris.] 8°. Auch, 1905. Hodiesne (G.) *Ein Fall von Tabes cervi- calis mit Betedigung einiger Gehirnnerven. 8°. Kiel, 1907. Wyscheslawtzewa (V.) *Der tabische Pro- zess im oberen Halsmark und im verlangerten Mark. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Bochroch (M. H.) Superior tabes. Phila. M. J, 1902, ix, 1070.—Debove. Sur un cas de tabes bulbaire. Gaz. hebd. de med. Par, 1901, n. s, vi, 289-291.---—. Tabes a forme bulbaire. J. de med. int., Par, 1904, vhi, 234.—De ATAXIA. 152 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Superior). Buck. A propos d'un cas dc tabes cervical. Belgiquemecl, C.and-Haarlem, 1899, ii, 65-69. Aho: J. de neurol. Par, ls99, iv, 241-244.—Gerard. Un cas de tabes superieur. J. de neurol. Par, vii, 289-292.—Grabower (H.) Ueber einen Fall von Tabes dorsalis mit Bulbarsymptomen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1896, ix, 82-98, 2 pL— Heveroch & Riegel. O tabes cervicalis. Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1898. xxxvii, 471; 489.—Labbe (M.) & Sainton (P.) Tabes a type bulbaire inferieur. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par, 1901, 3. s, xviii, 253-260—Lloyd (J. H.) A patient with marked ataxia of the arms and hands. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1913, xl, 531-533. Aho: Phila. Gen. Hosp. Rep, 1913, ix, 1914, 94-97.—Mann (L.) Demonstration iiber sogen. Tabes superior. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1904, Bresl, 1905, lxxxii, 74-76.—Mitchell (S. W.) Locomotor ataxia confined to the arms; reversed of ordinary progress. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, Lancaster, Pa, 1888, xiii, 221-224. Aho, Reprint — Noica. La pseudo-adiadococinesie tabetique ou un trouble ataxique du membre superieur chez les malades qui ont perdu de ce cote-la le sens articulable. Rev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxv, 264-268.—Pop-Avramescu. Un caz de tabes cerebro-bulbar, cu conservat;iunea normals, a reflexelor ten- dinoase, cu conservatiiinea ca si normal a coordinatiunei miscarilor, cu conservatiunea simfului atitudinelor segmen- tary Spitalul, BucurescI, 1907, xxvii, 218-223—Rennie (G. E.) Case of tabes dorsalis with bulbar symptoms. Brit. M. J, Lond., 1900, i, 500.—Souques & Vincent. Tabfes superieur ou meningite basilaire speciflque. Rev. neurol. Par, 1905, xiii,, 543-546.—Spiller (W. G.) & Cohen (S. S.) A case of cervical and bulbar tabes, with necropsy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1902, xxix, 159-164. Ataxia (Locomotor, Syphilitic). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Conjugal); Ataxia (Locomotor) and syphilis. Ataxia (Locomotor, Temperature in). Wegelix (F.) *Ueber Temperatursteigerun- gen bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1911. Burr (C. W.) The influence of fever on the pains of locomotor ataxia. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1904, xxxi, 320-323. Aho, Reprint.—Faure (M.) Les formes tebriles du tabes. Cong. d. nted. altenistes et neurol. de France . . . C.-r. Proc-verb. [etc.], 1904, Par, 1905, ii, 318-320. Aho: Rev. neurol. Par., 1904, xh, 905.—Holland (W.) Temperaturkriser og respirationskriser ved tabes dorsalis. Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk, Kristiania, 1912, 5. R., x, 713-726.—Lazarefl (V.) [Rise of temperature in tabetic crises] Vopr. Psikhiat. i Nevrol, Mosk, 1913, ii, 529-532.—Manabe (K.) Temperaturkrise bei Tabes dor- sahs. Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokyo, 1911, ix, 417-429.—Messing (S. V.) [Tabetic crises, accom- panied by fever.] Russk. Vrach, S.-I'eterb, 1910, ix, 185- 187— Oppler (B.) Ein Fall von Temperaturkriscn bei Tabes dorsalis. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1902, xxxix, 334 — Pel (P. K.) Tabetische Krisen mit hohem Fieber (Crises febriles). Ibid., 1899, xxxvi, 561.—Siegrist (R.) Nervoses Fieber bei Tabes dorsalis. Munchen. med. W chnschr, 1913, lx, 2726.—Stange (W.) & Brustein (S.) Leber Tempera- turknsen bei Tabikern. Berl. klin. V chnschr, 1911, xlviii. 527-529.—Wagner. Ueber Temperatursteigerungen bei Tabes dorsahs. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1908, xxxii, 61-67. Ataxia (Locomotor, Traumatic). See, also, Ataxia (Locomotor, Jurisprudence of). Gauraud (J.-E.-J.) *Traumatisme et tabes. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Kopke (E.) *Zur Lehre von der traumati- schen Tabes. 8°. Kiel, 1906. Lichte (G.) *Traumatische Tabes. 8°. Ber- lin, 1903. Mayaud (A.-J.) *Tabes et traumatisme; 6tude pathogenique et medico-legale. 8°. Baris, 1912. Woempner (M.) *Gibt es eine Tabes trau- matica? 8°. Borna-Leipzig, 1910. Adamklewlcz (A.) Ueber traumatische Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1899, xxxvi, 499; 528.—Baschierl-Sal- vadori (G.) Contributo alio studio della "tabes" trauma- tica. Riv. di patol. nerv, Firenze, 1912, xvii, 286-291.— Cates (B. B.) Locomotor ataxia of traumatic origin. Univ. M. Mag, Phila, 1898-9, xi, 270.—De Buck (D.) & De Raeve (A.) Un cas de tabes traumatique. Belgique med, Gand-IIaarlem, 1900, ii, 6.5-70. Aho: Bull. Soc de med. de Gand, 1900, lxvii, 276-280.—Donadleu-Iavlt. Tabes et traumatisme. Arch. prov. de med. Par, 1899, i, 205-209. Also: N. Montpel. med, 1899, vhi, 362-368 — Dreyer. Tabes und Unfall. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1908, xv, 366-368.—Duvoir. Le tabes traumatique. Ann. d'hyg. Par, 1913, 4. s, xix, 305-349.—Emmerich. Tabes nach Unfall. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, Iii, 675.—Ferranninl (L.) Tabe traumatica o post-traumatica? Ataxia (Locomotor, Traumatic). Studiuin, Napoli, 1912, v, 90-95.—GaspardI (E.) Sul valore etiologico del trauma nella atassia locomotrice. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1900, xxi, 446.—Gentile (E.) Tabe dorsale traumatica. Gazz. med. sicil, Catania, 1916, xix, 100-106. Also: Med. nuova, Roma, 1916, vh, 89; 102— Goldberg (L.) Die traumatische Tabes dorsalis vom Standpunkte des Sach- verstandigen. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1897, hi, 481- 485.—Greldenberg (B. S.) [Trauma and locomotor ataxia.] SovTem. Psikhiat, Mosk, 1916, x, 185-199.—Haenel (II.) Tabes traumatica. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 822. -----. Traumatische Tabes; Sympathikus-Tabes. Ztschr. f. Versicherungsmed, Leipz, 1910, hi, 225-235.— Hamilton (A. McL.) Traumatic locomotor ataxia. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1903, lxiv, 801-804. Aho, Reprint.—Hensgen. Tabes dorsalis als Folge eines vor Jahren erlittenen Sturzes. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1911, xvh, 48.—Koehler (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung des Zusammenhanges zwischen Trauma und Tabes dorsahs; Bewilligung der Unfallrente; Ablehnung der Hinterbliebenenrente. Ibid., 1914, xx, 333- 335.—Koeppen (P.) Zur Frage des ursachlichen Zusam- menhangs von Tabes und Trauma. Monatschr. f. Unfall- heilk, Leipz., 1908, xv, 80-90.—Ladame (P.-L.) Le tabes traumatique. Encephale, Par, 1910, i, 298-309. Aho, transl: Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1910, xl, 360- 365. Also, transl: Geneesk. Courant, Amst, 1910, lxiv, 369-371.—Lammers (R.) Ein Fall traumatischer Tabes. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz, 1897, xviii, 777-780.— Lembke (E.) Fin Fall von Tabes dorsalis nach LTnfall. Arch. f. Unfallheilk, Stuttg, 1899, hi, 34-37—Marcus. Fall von Tabes; Zusammenhang mit Unfall abgelehnt. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1912, xix, 368-372.— Mayer (W.) Zur Frage der traumatischen Tabes. 3. f. Psychol, u. Neurol, Leipz, 1913, xx, 105-111.—Mendel (E.) Tabes und mrltiple Sklerose in ihren Beziehungen zum Trauma. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1897, xxiii, 97-100.—Meyer (A.) Ruckenmarkschwindsuchtund Arthropatl ia tabica nicht Unfallfolge. Med. Klin, Berl, 1917, xiii, 371.—Mix (C. L.) Tabes and trauma. Chicago M. Recorder, 1904, xxvi, 679-fi.— Nasclniento Gurgel. Sobre um caso de tabes dorsualis consecutivo a trauma- tismo de ret*iao dorsal. Rev. da Soc. de med. e eirurg, Rio de Jan, 1902, vi, 263-270. Also [Abstr.]: Brazil-med, Rio de Jan, 1902, xvi, 302.--Roemert. Zur Frage der traumati- schen Tabes; zwei Fiille aus der Heilanstalt fiir LTnfallver- letzte. Monatschr.f. Unfallheilk,Leipz, 1909,xvi,230-235.— Schitrenhelm (A.) Zur Aetiologie der Tabes mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Beziehungen zwischen Trauma und Tabes. Deutsche Ztschr. i. Nervenh, Leipz, 1903, xxiv, 432-452.—Schflnfeld (R.) Ein Fall von Tabes dor- salis, der nicht als Unfallfotee erkannt ist. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk,Leipz, 1909, xvi,70-72.—Schultze(Iv) Tabes und Trauma. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 2113-2119 — Schwarz(E.) LTeber akute traumatische Ataxie. Monat- schr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1P09, xvi, 1-17- Seam (M.) Tabes et traumatisme. J. de neurol. Par, 1900, v, 201-i'07. Stlcker(G.) Tabes und Unfall. Deutsche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1903, xii, 35-40.—Terrtle (E.) Trauma ed atassia locomotrice. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 20-22.—Tourey-Plallat. Accidents du tra- vail; un cas do tabes. Clinique, Par, 1908, hi, 241.—Trflm- ner(E.) Uci or traumatische Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1898, xxxv, 803:1S9«, xxxvi, 146-14S.—Wallbaum (G. W.) Zur Frasie der Tabes traumatica. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1909, xv, 177-180.— Wlndscheld. Leber traumatische Tales. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. A- Leipz, 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil, 180.-----. Tabes und Trauma. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr, 1903, 1, 1115-1117.—Wolff. Tahes und Trauma. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 190S, xv, 279- 285. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of). Chilman- (Mile. Mirla). *La ponction lom- baire et les injections sous-arachno'idiennes dans le traitement des crises gastriques du tabes. 8°. Montpellier, 1914. Donath (J.) Wie sind Tabes und Paralvse in ihremBeginnzubehandeln? 8°. Wien, 1915. Repr.from: Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg, Wien, 1915, xh. Espitallier (J.) *Contribution a l'etude du tabes dorsal. 8b. Baris, 1902. Gauthier (J.) *Du traitement de l'ataxie locomotrice par la suspension. [Lyon.l 4°. Bourg, 1896. Jaworski (H.) Un nouveau traitement du tabes (ataxie locomotrice). 8°. Baris, 1910. Leclerc (J.) *Les traitements actuels du tabes. 8°. Baris, 1898. Luco (A. O.) Etiologia y terapeutica de la tabes dorsal. Comumcacion presentada al Congreso metlico latino-americano de Buenos Aires. 8°. Santiago de Chile, 1904. ATAXIA. 153 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of). Riche (A.) *L'ataxie des tabetiques ct son traitement. 8°. Baris, 1899. -----. The same. 8°. Baris, 1899. AZsoTAbstr.], in: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc], Tar, 1899, cxxxvhi, 833; 913. Adler. Zur kiinstlichen Fixation der Gelenke bei Tabes. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1900, xix, 102.—Allard (F.) & Cauvy. Les agents physiques dans le traitement du tabes. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir. Par, 1906, xvh, 123-126. -----. Tabes et agents physiques. Cong, internat. de physiother. C.-r, 1910, Par, 1911, iii, 611; 991.—Altman (E.) A case of locomotor ataxia treated with nitrate of strychnine. Coll. & Clin. Recv Phila, 1898, xix. 160. Aho: Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1898, xiii, 585.—Antonelli. A propos de l'etiologie et du traitement du tabes. J. de med. de Par, 1902 3. s, xiv, 119-123— Babinski Quelques particularites sur te tabes et son traitement mercurieh Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1906, xx, 404-406.-----. La ponction lombaire dans la cephalee des tabetiques. Ibid., 632.— Bade (P.) Zur Korsetbehandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1901, xlviii, 108.—von Baeycr (H.) Ibechanische Behandlung der tabischen Ataxie. Ibid., 1913, lx, 2621.—Ballnt (R.) Ueber die compensa- torische Behandlung der tabetischen Ataxie. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1900, v, 129-131.—Bartholow (P.) The use of injections of sodium cinnamate in locomotor ataxia. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 5S9.—Beer (B.) Zur Be- handlung der Tabes dorsahs. Wien. med. Bl, 1898, xxi, 807; 823.—Belugou (A.) Les traitements utiles du tabes. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1906, i, 851; 914; 980.-----. Quel- ques indications chmato-therapiques relatives au tabes. Cong, internat. de physiother. C.-r. 1910, Par, 1911, hi, 505-507.-----. Essai de dietetique du tabes. Ibid., 1174- 1178.—Benedikt (M.) Zur Therapie der Tabes. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1900, 1, 1017-1020.—Berillon. Action comptementaire de la suggestion hypnotique dans le traite- ment de l'ataxie locomotrice. Cong. d. med. ahenistes et neurol. de France ... C. r. Proc-verb. [etcj 1895, Par, 1896, ii, 448-452.—Bishop (F. B.) Locomotor ataxia. J. Advanc. Therap, N. Y, 1907, xxv, 217-227.—Blanchon (H.) Traitement des ataxiques. Corresp. med. Par, 1913, xx, fasc. 436, 16.—Blondel (R.) Traitement de l'ataxie par l'ineurvation forcee de la colonne vertebrate. Rev. de therap. med.-chir. Par, 1897, lxiv, 321-323.—Bodon (C.) Lokalanasthesie und Tabes dorsahs. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1909, hx, 466-469.—Bond (C. S.) The treat- ment of locomotor ataxy. Practitioner, Lond, 1906, lxxvi, 95-101.—Burwinkel (O.) Die Ruckenmarksschwindsucht (Tabes) ihre Ursachen und Bekampfung. Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen, 1909, v, 1; 15.—Campbell (GT) On the treatment of the pains in locomotor ataxia. St. Louis M. Rev, 1903, xlvh, I. [Discussion], 6-8.—Castaigne (J.-H.) & Gou- raud (F.-X.) Le traitement non speciflque du tabes. J. med. franc. Par, 1912, vi, 347-352.—Cauvy. Les indica- tions therapeutiques du tabes. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par, 1908, hi, 352-361.-----. Considerations generates sur le traitement du tabes. Arch. gen. de kinesither. [etc], Par, 1913, xv, 169-173.—Claus (A.) Le traitement du tabes. Belgique med, Gand-Haarlem, 1897, ii, 292; 358.— Coester (E.J Zur Diagnose und Therapie der Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xh, 732; 761.—Collins (J.) The modern treatment of tabes. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1913, lxxxiv, 645-650.—Crafts (L. M.) An improved outlook in the treatment of locomotor ataxia. Med. Progress, Louis- ville, 1904, xx, 355.—Cruz (J.) Ataxia locomotriz; su trata- miento por las inyecciones de jugo testicular. Ciencia mod, Madrid, 1896, hi, 37.—Daniel (J. W.) A prelhninary report on the treatment of tabes with the X-ray. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, 401-405. Also, Reprint—Darksche- witsch (L. O.) Ueber die Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1902, xlvii, 447; 459; 479; 491; 513 — Ddllken. Ueber Heifung tabischer Erscheinuneen durch Arsen und durch Bakterienpraparate. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr, 1913, 1. 962-965.—Donath (G.) [New treatment of tabes dorsahs and paresis.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1913, xi, 539-541.—Drysdale (H. H.) The curability of tabes dorsalis, and a few suggestions in treatment. Ohio M. J, Columbus, 1907-8, hi, 22-24.—Dufour (H.) A propos de la medication chloruree; reapparition des reflexes chez deux tabetiques. Bull, et ntem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1903, 3. s, xx, 699-701.—Edinger (L.) Einiges fiber Wesen und Behandlung der Tabes. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb., 1898, xvi, 293-309—Erb (W.) Die Therapie der Tabes. Samml. klin. Vortr,n. F, Leipz, 1896, No. 150 (Innere Med, No. 46, 563-604).-----. Die Therapie des Tabes vor dem xh. internationalen medic. Congress in Moskau. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1897, xi, 261-283. Aho: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 7, 383-393. Aho, transl: Rev. de therap. nted.-chir. Par, 1897, lxiv, 285-291— Faure (M.) Considerations sur le pronostic et le traitement du tabes. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.l, Par, 1903, cxlvi, 893-895. —---. Pronostic actuel et therapeutique nouvelle du tabes. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1904, 2. s, xxii, 445-449. Also [Abstr.1: J. de med. de Par, 1004, 2. s, xvi, 205.-----. Sur le traite- ment du tabes. Cong, internat. de med, Lisbonne, 1906-7, Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of). xv, sect. 7, 390-392. Aho: Gaz. d. hop. Par , 1906, lxxix, 664.-Ferrier (D.) A lecture on the aetiology and treat- ment of tabes. Clin. J, Lond, 1909-10, xxxv, 38.5-390 — Frenkel (H. S.) Allgemeine Behandlung der Tabes. N. Yorker med. Monatschr, 1907, xix, 8-16.-----. Die Be- handlung schwerster Formen von Ataxie bei Tabes. Berl khn Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 1429-1433. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1913), 1914, xliv, pt. 2, 221-231. [Discussion],pt. 1,19—Froehlich(E.) DieheutigeThera- pie der Tabes. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1907, 97-99. ,——• Ueber einige praktisch wichtige Symptome im Ver- lauf der Tabes und ihre Behandlung. Ibid., 505-507 — Fuchs (A.) Symptomatische Therapie und Pflege bei Tabes dorsalis. Beihefte z. Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, 117- 148.—Gaines (L. M.) The treatment of tabes. South. M. J, Birmingham, 1917, x, 777-781.—Garson (J. G ) The treatment of tabetic ataxia. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1912, h, 471.—Giomo. Due casi di tabe dorsale trattati coi raggi X. Riv. veneta di sc. med, Venezia, 1915, lxu, 71- 76.—Grasset (J.) Sur le traitement du tabes. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 7, 393-457.—Greene (C. C.) How I was relieved of locomotor ataxia. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med, 1905-6, vh, 585-588.— Guillain (G.) &Laroche(G.) Le syndrome d'Avellis dans te tabes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1908, 3. s, xxv, 668-676.—Hamilton (A. McL.) Some sugges- tions as to the treatment of locomotor ataxia based upon the experience of thirty years. Montreal M. J, 1900, xxix, 737- 746.-----. The treatment of locomotor ataxia. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 190S, li, 1915-1917.—Hammond (G. M.) The treatment of locomotor ataxia. Post-Craduate, N. Y., 1910, xxv, 132-138. Also [Abstr.]: Toledo M. & S. Re- porter, 1910, xxxvi, 165.—Harris (A. W.) Treatment of tabes dorsalis. J. Term. M. Ass, Nashville, 1913-14, vi, 457-461.—Herzog. Zur Behandlung der tabischen Ataxie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1909, xxxv, 1654.—Heym (A.) A new treatment of locomotor ataxia, based on a new theory of this disease. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, xc, 852-855.—Hinsdale (G.) An encouraging case of locomotor ataxia. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1905, xliv, 544. Aho, Reprint.—Hirschberg (R.) Traitement symp- tomatique du tabes dorsalis. Med. orient. Par, 1898, ii, 56; 82; 151.—Hirsehkron (J.) Zur Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap, Wien, 1899, xvii, 641-652.—Hoeflmayr (L.) Zur Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1901, xv, 963-966.— Hunt (E. L.) The treatment of locomotor ataxia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1912, clxiv, 398403—Jaworski (H.) La reflexoterapia, a propdsito del nuevo tratamiento del tabes. Cr<5n. med, Lima, 1910, xxvii, 235-2.37.-----. Le traitement du tabes par la dilatation de 1'uretre. Cong. franc, de med. Compt. rend. 1910, Par, 1911, xi, 230-236. -----. Le taWs et son traitement. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond, 1914, Sect, xi, Neuropath, pt. 2, 269- 273.—Jensen (E. T.) Treatment of the urethra for loco- motor ataxia. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1911, i, 553— Kenerson (V.) Marked improvement in tabes. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, xcix, 782. Aho, Reprint.—King (W. H.) Some suggestions in the treatment of locomotor ataxia. N. Eng. M. Gaz, Bost, 1914, xlix, 373-376.—Klingmann (T.) An unusual case of tabes dorsalis with an unusual thera- peutic result. J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1915, xiv, 59.—K6nig (F.) Ueber die Moglichkeit der Beeinflussung gastrischer Krisen durch Leitungsanasthesie. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vh, 1495—Ktihnelt (E.) Ueber die Sana- toriumsbehandlung der Tabes. Monatschr. f. phys.-diatet. Therap, Munchen, 1910, ii, 93-95—Lawen (A.) Ueber die Verbindung der Lokalanasrhesie mit der Narkose, fiber hohe Extraduralanasthesie und epidurale Injektionen aniisthesierender Losungen bei tabischen Magenkrisen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1912, lxxx, 168-189.—Lelkin (R. I>.) [Tabes dorsalis treated by spermin.] J. Med. Khim. i Organoterap, S.-Peterb, 1908, xv, 178.—Lemoine (G.) Traitement des douleurs de l'ataxie par le bleu de methylene. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1897, 10. s, iv, 563.—Liebermann (J. M.) Locomotor ataxia success- fully treated with ultra-violet ravs. Arch. Physiol. Theran, Bost, 1905, ii, 197-204,2pi. Also: N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 313-318. Aho, Reprint.— Lortat-.Tacob(L.) Traite- ment du tabes. J. de med. de Par, 1913, 2. s, xxv, 7-27.— Lowinsky(J.) Zur Prophylaxe der Tabes dorsahs. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vh, 1350-1353.—Maloney (W. J. M. A.) The cure of ataxia. N. York M. J. [etc], 1913, xcviii, 1045- 1050. Aho, Reprint.—Maloney (W. J. M. A.) & Sora- pure (V. E.) Note on mechanical support for the feet in locomotor ataxia. Med. Rec? N. Y, 1914, lxxxv, 881- 883.—Marburg (O.) Zur Diagnose und Therapie der initialen Tabes dorsalis. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1914, lxiv, 2281-2288.—Marcland (R.) Traitement des douleurs du tahf>s par l'aspirine et la rachicocainisation sous-arachno'i- dienne. Cong. d. ntfd. alienistes et neurol. deFrance . . . C. r. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par, 1901, xi, 533-538.—Matthews (S A ) & BrownfO.H.t A salt solution in locomotor ataxia. Am. J. Physiol, Bost, 1904,xi, 1-4.—Mitchell (J. K.) Some Soints in the treatment of locomotor ataxia. Therap. onth, Phila, 1S02, ii, 6-8. Aho, Reprint.—Mitchell (S. W.) The influence of rest in locomotor ataxia. Am. ATAXIA. 154 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of). J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1873, n. s, lxvi, 113-115. Aho, Reprint.-----. An improved form of suspension in the treatment of ataxia, etc. Med. News, N. Y, 1889, liv, 399. A ho, Reprint.-----. Suspension in locomotor ataxia: with a summary of twenty-three cases. Univ. M. Mag, Phila, 1890, ii,341-345. Aho, Reprint.—Mott (F.W.) Ta- bes in asylum and hospital practice. Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County Asyl. Claybury, Lond, 1903, ii, 1-327, 7 pi.—Moyer (II. N.) Suspension in tabes dorsalis. Kan- sas City M. Index-Lancet, 1902, xxiii, 439.—Muller (G. J.) Zur Bchandhng der Tabes dorsalis. Med. Klin, Berl, 1909, v, 769-771.—Noica. Recherches sur le mecanisme de l'ataxie chez les tabetiques; essais de corriger l'ataxie par des bandages orthopediques. J. de neurol. Par, 1911, xvi, 209-214—Oberthur & Bousquet. Contribution a la therapeutique du tabes; le nitrite de soude. Rev. neu- rol. Par, 1904, xh, 925.—Odriozola (E.) Sobre el trata- miento de la tabes. Cr6n. med, Lima, 1917, xxxiv, 20-26.— Osnato (M.) The influence of strychnin in tabes. Med. Rev. of Rev, N. Y, 1918, xxiv, 142-144.—Pavlovskl (L. K.) [Treatment of complicated tabetic crises with electric light.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, S.-Peterb, 1902, pt. 2, 200-206.—Pel (P. K.) Die Aetiologie und Therapie der Tabes dorsalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1900, xxxvii, 629; 662.—Pope (C.) The rational treatment of locomotor ataxia. Alienist. & Neurol, St. Louis, 1902, xxih, 335- 31S, 3 pi. Also: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1902, xxxiv 227-236.—Pope (F. M.) The treatment of locomotor ataxy by fibrolysin. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1907, i, 1471.—Raichline (A.) Quelques considerations sur le traitement du tabes dorsalis. Rev. neurol. Par, 1897, v, 461-466.—von Raitz (F.) The treatment of tabes dorsalis. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1906, lxix, 786-790.—Rauzier (G.) Traitement du tabes. N. Montpel. med, 1896, v, 641; 661; 681; 701—Raymond. Les injections de nitrite de soude dans les douleurs fulgu- rantes du tabes. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1905, xix, 773—Rispal & Pujol (M.) Sur un cas d'ataxie aigue' avec guerison rapide. Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1913, Ixxxvi, 901.—Romme (R.) Traitement du tabes. Presse med. Par, 18P6, iv, 334-336.—Rosenbaum (G.) Ueber sub- kutane lnjektion von Silbersalzen bei Tabes dorsalis. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Ge- sellsch, 1890, xii, 138-144.—Russell (J. S. R.), Ferrier (D.) [et alJ. Discussion on the treatment of tabes dorsalis. Brit. i/1. J, Lond, 1910, ii, 1249-1258.—Sainton (P.) Traitement du tabes. J. med. franc. Par, 1909, hi, suppl.: Consultations nted. franc, fasc. ii, 175-197. Aho, Re- print.—von Sarbo (A.) Die Therapie der Tabes vom atiologischen Gesichtspunkte. Um*ar. med. Presse, Buda- pest, 1898, hi, 877-879. Aho: Monatschr. f. Psvchiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1899, vi, 257-266.-----. Zur Behandlung der tabischen Ataxie. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1901, vhi, 849-854.-----. Die Therapie der Tabes nach neueren Gesichtspunkten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1907, xx, 1312-1316.—Schmelz (J.) Die Jod- und Arsentherapie bei Tabes. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lxi, 3311.—Sena- tor (II.) Ueber die Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Zt- schr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M, 1898, vh, 249-259 — Slcard. Traitement de certains symptomes du tal es in- ferieur par les inject ions arachnoidiehnes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1910, lxviii, 1105-1107.—Singer (H. D.) The diagnosis and treatment of early tabes. West. M. Rev. Lincoln, Neb, 1904, ix. 174-181.—Singer (K.) Die Be- handlung tabischer Schmerzparoxysmen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psvchiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, v, Ref.. 561-585.—Smiraglla-Scognamlglio (N.) Un caso di tabe curato con iniezioni di pilocarpina. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir, Napoli. 1904, xx, 161-167.—Starkey (F. R.) Glandular extracts in the treatment of tabes dorsalis. Prescriber, Edinb, 1913, vii, 103-106.—Stern (R.) Kons- titutionell individualisierende Tahestherapia. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1914, xxviii. 414-422.—von Strtlmpell (A.) Pathologie una Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lx, 9; 321; 2529: 1911, lxi. 19.—Tagllamuro (P.) La tabe dorsale e le iniezioni di lecitina. Incurabih, Napoh, 1908, xxiii. 193-202-Tobias (E.) & Klndler (E.) Die physikalische Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1907, xliv. 249; 283.—del Valle y Aldabalde (R.) Tabes dorsal mcjorada con el suero antidifterico. Rev. de med. y chug, pract, Madrid, 1908, lxxvhi, 213-217—Van Blervllet (J.) Quel- ques mots sur le traitement du tabes dorsal. Ann. de 1'Inst. chir. de Brux, 1907, xiv, 27-31—Verhoogen (R.) Sur le traitement du tabes. J. med. de Brux, 1903, vhi, 257-259.—Walling (W. H.) Physiologic therapeutics in the treatment of locomotor ataxia. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1904-5, i, 155.—Walzer (F.) Ueber Tabesbe- handlung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Konigsb, 1910, Leipz, 1911, lxxxii, pt. 2, 59-63 — Weiss (K.) Die tabische Ataxie und ihre Behandlung. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1911, xv, 406- 411.—Werbitzky (M.) Zwei Fiille von Tabes dorsalis mit Sperminum-Poehl behandelt. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr, Berl. & Leipz, 1897, xxiii, Therap. Beil, 67.— Whiteside (G. S.) The care and treatment of the urinary function in locomotor ataxia. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg, 1905, xhi, 367-370. Aho, Reprint.—Williams (T. A.) Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of). Tabes dorsalis, its rational treatment in the light of its real pathogenesis. Internat. Clin, Phila., 1910, 20. s, i, 157-171, 3 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1909, lxxv, 591. Also, Reprint.-----. The treatment of tabes dorsalis. Montreal M. J, 1910, xxxix, 729-733. Aho: N. Orl. M. & S. J, 19irKll, lxiii, 312-316.-----. Tabes dor- salis without lymphocytosis, lightning pains maintained by conditions causing high blood pressure; failure of specific treatment; success of detoxication treatment. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcvii, 705. Aho, Reprint.-----. The treatment of tabes dorsahs in the light of its recent pa- tholoey. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1914, n. s, xcviii, 327-331.—Wodak (E.) Ueber das Wiederauftreten des Patellarreflexes bei Tabikern durch Tuberkulinbehand- lung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1915, xxviii, 1411.—Wolf CH. F.) The symptom ataxia; its successful treatment. N. York M. J. [etc], 1916, civ, 494.—Wray (C.) Arsenic in locomotor ataxy. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909, ii, 204.— Yakunin (N.) & Shepelevich (V.) (Successful treat- ment of locomotor ataxia with keratin.] Prakt. Vrach, S.- Peterb, 1905, iv, 4-6.—Young (A. D.) The treatment of tabes in the preataxic stage. N. York M. J. [etc.L 1906, lxxxiv, 22.—Ziemssrn (O.) Die Heilung der Tabes. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr, 1904, 543-546.—Zuboff (!.) [Lecithin in proeressive paralvsis and tabes.] Obozr. Psi- khiat, Nevrol. [etc.), S.-Peterb, 1909, xiv, 158-160. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of, Opera- tive). Audibert (P.) L'elongation du plexus solaire comme traitement des crises gastriques du tabes. 8° Lyon, 1912. Batllet (L.-E.-F.) *Traitement chirurgical des crises gastriques du tabes. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912. Denslow (L. N.) A surgical treatment of lo- comotor ataxia. 8°. Bondon, 1912. -----. Thesame. 8°. London, 1912. Gunther (K. A. K.) *Die chixurgische Be- handlung tabischer Gelenke. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Mazade (J.) Contribution ii l'etude du traite- ment chirurgical des crises gastriques du tabes. [Lyon.] 8°. Villeurbanne, 1912. de Saint-Genois de Grand Breucq (R.-H.) *Tabeset chirurgie abdominale. 8°. Bans, 1909. Wirth (H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Forster'schen Operation, aus der chirurgischen Universitate- klinik zu Heidelberg. 8°. Heidelberg, 1912. Aleman (O.) Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Forster'schen Operation bei gastrischen Krif en. Nord. med. Ark, Stock- holm, 1913,3. f, xhi, 1-12.—von Angerer(O-) Die opera- tive Behandlung gastrischer Krisen durch Resektion hin- terer Dorsalwurzeln. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1911, lxxvi, 873-880.—Antelo. Reseccidn de raices por braquial- gias taheticas. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1918, xxv, 677.—Bancroft (F. W.) Section of the posterior roots of the sixth to tenth thoracic nerves for the relief of severe gastric crises in locomotor ataxia. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxviii, 696-698. Aho, Reprint.—Becker (J.) Forster- sche Operation bei tabischen gastrischen Krisen. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vii, 775.—Belin( J), Mauclalre A-Amau- drut. Crises gastriques tabetiques datant de quinze ans; operation de Franke; guerison parfaite encore au bout de neuf mois ctdemi. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop do Par, 1913,3. s, xxxv, 1115-1119.—Beriel (L ) Note sur les lesions de la dure-more par arrachement du ganglion au cours de Top^ration de Franke. Lyon med, 1913, exx, 473-175.— Bondarcff (I. A.) K voprosu ob operatsii Foerster'a pri crises gastriques. Khirurg. Arkh. Velvaminova, S.-Peterb, 1912, xxviii, 87-93 — Bordier. EfTets femarquables de la ra- diotherapie medullaire chez un ataxique. Lyon med , 1911, cxvii, 956-960.—Bramwell (B.) & Thomson (A.) Case of tabes, with severe gastric crises of many years' duration, in which section of the posterior nerve-roots has produced complete relief. Edinb. M. J, 1912, n. s, viii, 524-52S.— Bruns (O.) & Sauerbruch (F.) Die operative Behandlung gastrischer Krisen (Foerstersche Operation). Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1909, xxi, 173-178 -Bun. gart (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Behandlung gastroin- testinaler Krisen bei Talies dorsahs durch Resektion hin- terer Dorsalwurzeln (Forstersche Operation). Ibid., 1912, xxv, 702-720.—Cade (A.) Crises gastriques rebellesau cours d'un tabes; operation de Franke. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop de Lvon. 1911, x, 758-761. Aho: Lyon med, 1911, cxvii, 1515- 15l9.-Cade (A.) & Leriche (R.) Les suites d'une opera- tion de Franke pour crises gastriques du tabes. Bull. Soc. mod. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1912, x, 261-266. Aho: Lyon mod, 1912, cxviii, 1101-1107.-----------. L'operatiori de Franke dans un cas de crise gastrique relielle au cours du tabes. Presse med. Par, 1912, xx, 250.—Charbonnel. ATAXIA. 155 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of, Opera- tive). A propos d'un cas d'operation de Foerster pour crises gas- triques tabetiques; recherches techniques sur les operations de Foerster, de Franke et de Koenig. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1912, xxxhi, 555-559.—Debove. Tabes et chirurgie. Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 465.—Delbet (P.) Crises gastriques tabetiques; diagnostic; indications opera- toires. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par, 1911, xxh, 459-462.—Delbet (P.) & Mocquot (P.) Trois interven- tions pour crises gastriques du tabes. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1913, n. s., xxxvih, 821-824.—Delrez (L.) L'operation de Foerster. Arch. gen. de chir. Par, 1912, viii, 167-185.—Denslow (L. N.) The surgical treatment of locomotor ataxia [by relieving contractions in the urethra]. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1909, xlix, 737-750.—Deryuzhinskl (S. FO & Zakharchenko (M. A.) [Case of Forster-Guleke operation for gastric pains in tabes, refusing to vield to treat- ment.] Syezd Rossiysk. Khirarg, Mosk, 1913, xii, 103- 110.—Doerr (C.) Die Operation von Mingazzini-Foerster in der Behandlung der Tabes. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lxi, 2881-2884.—Flatau. [Locomotor ataxia with death followingMingazzini-Foerster's operation.] Neurol, polska, Warszawa, 19LL ii, 90-94—Fldrcken (H.) Zur Behand- lung tabischer Krisen mit Resektion der hinteren Wurzeln. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 1441-1443.—Foerster (O.) Operative Behandlung gastrischer Krisen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl, 1909, lxxvhi, 189. —---. Die opera- tive Behandlung gastrischer Krisen durch Resektion hin- terer Dorsalwurzeln. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl, 1911, Iii, 337-347.—Foerster (O.) & Ktittner (H.) TJcber operative Behandlung gastrischer Krisen durch Resektion der 7-10. hinteren Dorsalwurzel. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tubing, 1909, lxiii, 245-256.—Franke (F.) Nervenextralrtion bei gastrischen Krisen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 73.— Frazier (C. H.) The relief of gastric crises in tabes dorsalis by rhizotomy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1912, cxiv, 116-123.—[G2\ Spasme du pylore traite par la dilatation digitale dans un cas d'ataxie meconnue. Bull, med , Par 1902, xvi, 1089.—Gangoluhe. Resultats de l'iutervention operatoire chez des tabetiques osteoarthropathes. Bull. Soc de chir. de Lyon, 1907, x. 25.—Gilles de la Tourette & Chipault (A.) Le traitement de l'ataxie par Peiongation vraie de la moelle epiniere. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1897, x, 145: 1898, xi, 18.-----------. Die wirkliche Dehnung des Riickenmarkes und ihre Anwendung zur Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Therap. Wchnschr, men 1897, iv, 459-462.—Gotzl (A.) Die operative Behandlung der gastrischen Krisen bei Tabes. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb d. Med. u.Chir, Jena, 1910,xiii,369-373.-----.Foerstersche Operation bei gastrischen Krisen. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f inn Med. u. Kinderh.in Wien, 1910,ix,97-100—Grinstein (A. MA [Vago- and sympathycotomy in tabes.] J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk, 1914, xiv, 494-516.— Guleke. Zur Technik der Foerster'schen Operation. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1910, xxxvii, 1521.-----. Erfahrun- gen mit der Foerster'schen Operation bei gastrischen Krisen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1911, xcv, 495-522. -----. Die Forstersche Operation. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 1720; 1769—Haeckel. Ueber die Foerster'sche Opera- tion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 963.—Hall (G. W.) Tabes and the surgeon. Illinois M.J, Springfield, 1910, xviii, 527-533—Heile (B.) Zur Forsterschen Operation: Spasti- sche Zustande und sensible Krisen (Tabes) durch Resek- tion der hinteren Strange des Riickenmarks zu bessern. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 129-132—Hildebrand. Exnersche Vagotonie wegen gastrischer Krisen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 2225.—Howell (C. M. H.) Case of gastric crisis in tabes; division of pos- terior roots. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1911, iv, Neurol. Sect, 48-50.—Ingelrans (L.) L'operation de Franke dans les crises gastriques du tabes. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1912, xvi, 525-530.—Israel (W.) Amputation bei tabischer Arthropathie des Fusses. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 34.—Jaboulay. Crises gastriques du tabes; elongation du plexus solaire; gastro-enterostomie. Lyon med, 1912, cxix, 351.—Jones (W. A.) Resection of the posterior roots of the spinal cord, with the report of one case and citation of other cases as a basis of inquiry into the course of the sensory pathway. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1175-1179.— Kawamura (K.) & Kimura (T.) Experience with Foer- ster's operation for gastric crises and spastic paralysis. Surg, Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1918, xxvu, 129-134.—Krynski & Kopczynskl (S.) [Locomotor ataxia, operated on for gastric crises by the Mingazzinni-Forster method (Gulecki's modification),endingin death.] Neurol, polska, Warszawa, 1911-12, ii, 226-229.—Ktittner. Doppelseitige Vagotomie wegen gastrischer Krisen. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 570.—Lambret (O.) A propos d'un cas de resection des racines posterieures de la moelle pour crises gastriques du tabes. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 589-591.— Leclerc (J.) Le traitement des tabetiques par l'elonga- tion de la moelle. Rev. de therap. med.-chir. Par, 1899, lxvi, 221-227—Leriche (R.) L'operation de Franke dans un cas de crises gastriques du tabes. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1911, x, 762-765. Aho: Lyon med, 1911, cxvii, 1519-1523.-----. Nouveau cas d'operation de Franke pour crises gastriques du tabes. Bull. Soc. mecl. d. h6p. de Lyon, Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of, Opera- tive) . 1913, xi 149. Also: Lyon med, 1913, cxx, 475.-----. L'ope- ration de Franke et l'operation de Foerster dans les crises viscerales du tabes. Lyon chirurg, 1913, ix, 308-315.-----. Trois radicotomies pour crises gastriques du tabes. Lyon med, 1913, cxx, 363-369.-----. Elongation du plexus so- laire pour crises gastriques tabetiques. Ibid., 624-627 — Leriche (R.) & Cotte (G.) L'operation de Franke (arrache- ment des 7% 8* et 9e nerfs intercostaux) dans les crises gas- triques du tabes. Bull. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Lyon. 1911, x, 28-31.-----------. L'operation de Forster dans le traite- ment des crises gastriques du tabes. J. de chir. Par, 1911, vi, 469-491.-----.-----un cas d'operation de Foerster; radicotomie posterieure dorsale pour crises gastriques du tabes. Lyon med, 1911, cxvi, 288-290— Leriche (R.) & Dufourt (P.) Quatre observations d'elongation du plexus solaire pour crises gastriques du tabes. Lyon chirurg, 1913, x, 256-264.-----------. Crises viscerates tabetiques rebelles; elongation du plexus solaire; recidive; operation de Franke; recidive. Lyon med, 1913, cxxi, 15-18. — Lotheis- sen (G.) [Resektion der hinteren Dorsalwurzeln nach Forster bei Tabes wegen gastrischer Krisen.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xxiv, 727.-----. Die operative Behand- lung gastrischer Krisen nach Foerster. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1912, cxvii, 1-62— Matre (L.) & Parturler (G.) Traitement chirurgical des crises gastriques du tabes. Presse med. Par, 1912, xx, 585-587.------------. Las crisis gastricas de la tabes y su tratamiento por la operaei6n de Franke. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1912, vii, 248-252.—Mau- clalre. Traitements operatoires des crises gastriques du tabes. Arch. gen. de chir. Par, 1913, ix, 1305-1318.-----. Apropos d'un cas d'arrachement bilateral des nerfsinter- costaux pour traiter les crises gastriques du tabes (operation de Franke). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1913, n. s, xxxix, 1290-1298.—Mingazzini (G.) Ueber die Purch- schneidung der hinteren Ruckenmarkswurzeln bei der Tabes. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1910, xxix, 406-408.— Mourlquand (G.) & Cotte (G.) Operation de Franke pour crises gastriques du tabes. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1912, x, 257-261. Aho: Lyon med, 1912, cxvih. 1097- 1101.-----------. Comment agit l'operation de Franke dans les crises gastriques du tabes? Des modifications a lui apporter pour eviter une recidive possible. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lvon, 1912, x, 292-295. Aho: Lvon med, 1912, cxvih, 1148-1151. ■-----•-----. Traitement'des crises gastriques du tabes par Parrachement des nerfs intercos- taux (operation de Franke) Presse med. Par, 1912, xx, 758-761.-----------. Resultats eloignes de l'operation de Franke. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1913, xi, 142-146. Also: Lyon med, 1913, cxx, 469-472.—Nigay. Crises visce- rales du tabes et operation de Franke. J. de med de Par., 1912, 2. s, xxiv, 391.—Nuzum (J. W.) Needless surgical operations from failure to recognize tabes dorsalis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 482-485. Aho, Reprint — Pauchet (V.) Traitement chirurgical des crises gastriques du tabes; l'operation de Forster. Arch. prov. de chir. Par,- 1911, xx, 266-268.-----. Traitement des crises gastriques du tabes. Clinique, Par, 1912, vii, 565.—Post (A.) Tabes dorsahs. with surgical complications. Boston M. & S. J, 1904, ch, 266.—Prunaj (G. B.) L'estensione del midollo spinale e la rieducazione dei muscoli nella cura della tabe dorsale. Pratico, Firenze, 1899-1900, v, 449-456.—Rusca (C. L.) La cura chirurgica delle crisi gastriche dei tabetici. Pensiero med, Milano, 1914, iv, 151; 168—Sauve (L.) Les interventions chirurgicales dans les crises gastriques du tabes. Progres med. Par, 1914, 3. s, xxx, 205-207.—Sauve (L.) & Tinel (J.) L'operation de Franke. J. de chir. Par, 1913, x, 129-155.—Schtissler (H.) Ueber die chirurgische Behandlung der Tabes. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, lu, 2498-2503. ■-----. Zur chirurgischen Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Zentralbl. f. Chir, Leipz, 1911, xxxviii, 987. Aho: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1912, cxix, 192- 194.—Sicard (J.-A.) A propos des operations rachidiennes chez les tabetiques. Lyon chirurg, 1913, ix, 305-307.— Sicard (J.-A.) & Leblanc (A.) Remarquesanatomiqueset cliniques sur l'operation de Franke dans les crises gastriques du tabes et les algies post-zosteriennes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxiv, 157-161.—Souques (A.) & Vallery-Radot (P.) Du traitement des crises gastriques tabetiques par l'eionga- tion du plexus solaire. Ibid, 588-592.—Souttar (H. S.) Division of right antero-lateral tract of the cord for relief of pain in tabetic crises. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915-16, ix, Neurol. Sect.? 38-43. •-----. A case of tabes dorsalis; section of the spinal cord for relief of severe pain. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1916, xxi, 50.—Starr (M. A.) The sur- gical treatment of locomotor ataxia. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1909,1,508.—Stelker (L. L.) [Forster's operation for gastric crises in locomotor ataxia.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1913, xh, 1756-1758.—Stiefler (G.) Ein Fall von Tabes dorsalis mit sensiblen Reizerscheinungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xxiv, 1154-1157.—Stokes (W.) On the therapeutic value of nerve-stretching in tabes dorsalis. In 1th: Selected papers [etc.], 8°. Lond, 1902, 89-97.—Thomas (J. J.) & Nichols (E. H.) Report of a case of resection of dorsal spinal nerve roots for gastric crises of tabes. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, Lancaster, 1910, xxxvii, 593-605. Aho, Reprint.— Tinel (J.) Les crises gastriques du tabes et leur traitement ATAXIA. 156 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of, Opera- tive) . chirurgical. Arch. d. mal. de l'appar. digest, [etc.], Par, 1913, vii, 601-620.—Tinel (J.) & Sauve (L.) Trois cas de crises gastriques tabetiques operees par le procede de Franke. Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxiv, 612-616.—Tramonti (E.) L'operazione di Mingazzini-Forster nella cura della tabe. Gazz. med. sicil, Catania, 1911, xiv, 289-294.—Vander Elst. Un cas d'operation de Forster-Guleke pour crises gastriques tabetiques. Clinique, Brux, 1914,xxviii,410. Aho;3.m£d. de Brux, 1914, xix, 392—VUlard. Resection sans drai- nage pour une arthropathie tabetique. Lyon chirurg, 1913, ix, 556.— Winslow (R.) & Spear (I. J.) Section of posterior spinal nerve roots for relief of gastric crises and athetoid and choreiform movements; report of two cases. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1912, lviii, 238-240.—Zinn (W.) Forster'sche Operation wegen gastrischer Krisen bei Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 1679-1682. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. (1911), 1912, pt. 2, 55-61. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with baths and mineral waters. Belugou (A.) Des modifications apportees aux principaux sympt6mes de l'ataxie locomo- trice par la cure de La Malou. Periode initiale. 8°. Paris, 1887. Siegfried (K.) *Die Hydrotherapie der Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Alexieeyssky (V.-J.) Le traitement du tabes et les sta- tions balneaires du Caucase. Gaz. d. eaux, Par, 1898, xii, 305-307.—Belugou (A.) Tabes et eaux minerales; etude compared de therapeutique thermale. Arch. ge.n. d'hydrol [etc.], Par, 1897, viu, 41; 57; 170; 214. Aho: Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med. Par, 1898, iii, 161; 225.-----. Traite- ment thermal du tabes. Cong. d. med. ahenistes et neurol. de France... Or. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par, 1899,x, 427-137. -----. Le choix d'une station thermale pour les tabetiques. Gaz. mM. de Par, 1909? No. 37,5-7. •-----. Les cures hydro- minerales du tabes, indications comparers des stations francaises. Cong, internat. de physiother. C.-r. It 10, Par , 1911,iii, 934-940.—Buxbaum(B.) Zur Tabestherapie. Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap, Wien, 1907, xvii, 26-34.—Cauvy (P.) Tabes et crises gastriques; leur traitement aux eaux de I a Malou. J. de physiotherap., Par, 1907, v, 326-332. Aho: Rev. me"d. Par, 1908, xviii, 248-252.-----. L'importance de la cure thermale dans le tabes. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1909, xx, 273-276.-----. De la cure thermale dans le tabes. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1912, xx, 26-29.—Cros. Traitement hydrothermal des phases aigue's et des phases prodromiques de l'ataxie. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de therap, 454- 460.—Determann (H.) Die Hydrotherapie der Tabes dorsalis. Monatschr. f. phys.-diatet. Heihueth, Munchen, 1909, i, 202-209. Also: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1909, xxxiv, 129-133.—Don adieu-La vit. Traitement de l'ataxie locomotrice, a, Lamalou. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C.-r, Liege, 1898, v, 599-625. Also: N. Montpel. nted, 1898, vii. 949; 983; 1014; 1059—Fontana (M.) Le cure nsiche e balneari della tabe dorsale. Atti d. Cong. naz. d'idrol. e climat, Perugia, 1908, 327-347. Aho: Riv. in- ternaz. di terap. fis, Roma, 1908, ix, 97-105.—Heitz (J.) Des modifications des anesthesies cutanees du tabes sous l'influence des bains carbogazeux. Arch. gen. de med. Par., 1904, i, 270-278.—Heller. Die Behandlung der Tabes, speciellderen Anfans;sstadien,an den indiflerenten Thermen. Veroffentl. d. Gesellsch. f. Heilk. in Berl. Balneol. Sect, 1881, ih, 35-52.—Laqueur (A.) Zur hydrotherapcutischen Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1906, xliii, 1431-1434.—Laussedat. Les bains gazeux de Royat et de Lamalou dans le traitement du tabes; identite d'action. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. ct de climatol. C.-r, Liege, 1898, v, 598.—Munter (S.) Die Hydrotherapie der Tabes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1902, xxviii, 376-379. Aho: Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh, Munchen, 1902, ix, 109; 127.—Thlroux (H.) Traitement par les boues thermales de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C.-r. 1896, Par, 1897, iv, 265-269.-----. Traitement de l'ataxie locomotrice par les boues thermales. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc], Par, 1904, xv, 71-78.—Wlnternltz (WO Zur Hydrotherapie der Tabes dorsalis. Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap, Wien, 1899, ix. 209-220.— Wunderllch (II.) Ueber Baderbehandlung bei Tabes dorsalis. Phys.-med. Monatsh., Berl, 1904-5, i, 40-45. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) hy elec- tricity. B uchholz (A.) *D 'Arsonvalisation bei Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Munchen", 1913. _ Sappey (F.) *Les therapeutiques rachidiennes du tabes; redectro-mercurol; considerations sur son mode d'action. 8°. Montpellier, 1910. Andrleu (G.) Du traitement par 1 electricite des pheno- menes douloureux de la phase premonitoire de l'ataxie loco- Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) hy elec- tricity. motrice progressive. Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etc.], Par, 1899, ii, 321-324.—Bias! (F.) L'alta frequenza nella cura della tabe dorsale. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1908, vii, 319-321. Aho: Pratica d. med, Napoh, 1908-9, ix, 264- 267.—Cleveland (A. J.) Five cases of ataxy treated by faradism. Med. Electrol. & Radiol, Lond, 1906, vh, 208 — von Cotzhausen (L.) Electric and other drugless treat- ments of locomotor ataxia. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull, Phila, 1913, vi, 460-472.—King (W. H.) The electrical treatment of locomotor ataxia. J. Electrother, N. Y, 1896, xiv, 212- 218.—Massy (A.) Utilisation du courant galvanique pour te traitement des douleurs tabetiques. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1898, xxviii, 313-315. Aho: Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etc], Par, 1900, hi, 711-717.—MUlant (R.) Paresieet crises vesi- cales preataxiques traitees par l'eiectricite. Progres med. Par, 1904, 3. s, xix, 233.—Nagelschmidt (F.) Tabes und Hochfrequenzbehandlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lv, 2527-2531.—Richardson (F. C ) The mitigating effect of spinal galvanization upon the subjective symptoms of tabes. Tr. Nat. Soc. Electrother, N. Y, 1895, 186-192. Aho: J. Electrother, N. Y, 1896, xiv, 223-229.---■—. Gal- vanism in tabes; its indication, mode of action and method of application. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop, Chicago, 1903, 679-688. Aho: N. Am. J. Homceop, N. Y, 1904,hi,34-39 — Robertson (J. W.) A case of progressive locomotor ataxia treated with static electricitv. St. Paul M. J, St. Paul, Minn, 1904, vi, 289-291— Walzer CF.) Ueber die Frfolge der Tabesbehandlung mit hochgespannten Gleichstromen. Med. Khn, Berl, 1914, x, 1410. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) hy ex- ercise. See Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) by re- education. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) by mas- sage. Constensoux (G.) De l'emploi du massaee chez les tabetiques. Presse med. Par, 1902, ii, 1169.—Faure (M.) & Constensoux (GO Le massage chez les tabetiques. Cong. d. med. ahenistes et neurol. de France . . . C.-r. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par, 1902, ii, 278. Aho: Rev. neurol. Par, 1902, x, 823.—de Frumerie. A propos du massagechez les tabetiques du docteur Kouindjy. Progres med. Par, 1903,3. s, xvii, 141.—Haranchipy'(M ) Le massage dans les douleurs fulgurantes du tabes. Rev. de cinesie, Par, 1906, viii, 34-3$.—Kouindjy. Du massage chez les tabeti- ques. Progres med. Par, 1902, 3. s , xvi, 428: 1903, 3. s, xvii, 89. Aho, transl: Ztschr. f. diatet. u. phys. Therap., Leipz, 1903-4, vh, 536-604. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with mercury. Atjbree (J.-B.) *Le traitement mercuriel du tabes. 8°. Baris, 1903. Bretjcq (E.-J.-B.) *R£sultats du traitement mercuriel dans le tabes et les arthropathies tabe- tiques. 8°. Lilk, 1910. Aho, in: Nord med, Lille, 1910, xviii, 165; 177. Drevon (P.-J.-M.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement du tabes par les injections de calo- mel. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Goujon (J.) *Le traitement du tabes par les frictions mercurielles et le traitement mixte. 8°. Toulouse, 1903. Turrel (V.) *Le tabes et son traitement par les injections intrarachidiennes de mercure col- loidal edectrique. 8°. Montpellier, 1910. Babinski. Influence du traitement specifique sur le tabes. J. de med. int., Par, 1904, vhi, 231.-----. Some remarks on tabes and its mercurial treatment. Paris M. J, Par, 1906, i, 12^.- Barre (A.) Traitement specifique du tabes. J. med. franc. Par, 1912, vi, 336-346—Belugou (A.) Quand et comment faut-il traiter les tabetiques par le mer- cure? Rev. mod. de med. et de chir. Par, 1906, iv, 311-314. ------. Mercure et tabes. Rev. neurol. Par, 1910, xix, 256- 259.—Bockhart (if.) Ueber die Merkurialbehandlung der Taheskranken. Monatsh. i. prakt. Dermat, Hamb, 1902, xxxiv, 12-15.—Bozzi (E.) Caso di tabe dorsale migiiorato notevolmente colla cura specifica. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1915, 2. s, hi, 315-318.—Carrieu. Du traitement du tabes par la vachicentese et les injections sous-arachnoi'diennes d'eiectro-mercurol. Montpel. med, 1910, xxxi, 169; 197.— Carrieu & Bousquet (L.) Le traitement du tabes par les injections sous-arachno'idiennes d'eiectro-mercurol. Ibid., xxx, 560: xxxi, 84.—Collins (J.) Some uncommon cases of locomotor ataxia, with remarks on the anti-svphilitic treat- ment of tabes. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1904, xix, 1241-1252.— ATAXIA. 15' ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with mercury. Donadieu'-Lavit. Du traitement mercuriel intensif dans le tabes specifique. Montpel. med, 1904, xviii, 421; 460; 482.— Faure (M.) Resultats du traitement antisyphilitique chez les tabetiques. J. de mod. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxih, 543. -----. Pathogenie et pronostic du tabes; traitement anti- syphilitique; traitement mecanique des troubles visceraux chez les tabdtiques; traitement mecanique des paraplegics spasmodiques. Rev. internat. de therap. phys, Turin, 1903, iv, 337-339. ■-----. Traitement mecuriel du tabes. Gaz. d. h6p. Par, 1904, lxxvii, 1345-1347.-----. Tabes et mercure; comment doit-on donner le traitement? Quel en peut etre le resultat? J. de med. de Par, 1905, 2. s, xvii, 112.-----. Pourquoile traitement mercuriel des tabetiques aggrave les uns, ameiiore les autres et reste indifferent dans beaucoup de cas. Cong, franc, de med, 1907. Compt. rend. Par., 1908, 376.-----. Le traitement mercuriel du tabes. Clin. prat.... mal. d. yeux, du larynx, [etc.], Par, 1908, iv, 89-94. Aho: Cong, franc, de med, "10. session, 1908, Geneve, 1909, ii, 292-299. Also, transl: Bristol Med.-Chir. J, 1909, xxvu, 312-321.—Fellcl (F.) La cura mercuriale nella tabe. Policlin, Roma, 1908, xv, sez. prat, 1141-1145.—Grancle- ment. Relationd'uncasdetabesincipienssiirvenu dixans apresl'accidentmitialchezunhommejeuneencore (32 ans) et gueri par les frictions mercurielles en l'espace de trois mois. Lyon med, 1914, exxii, 923-927.—Hallopeau (H.) Traite- ment specifique du pre-tabes. Bull. gen. de therap. [etcl, Par, 1903, cxlvi, 520-522.-----. Sur une amelioration d'un cas de tabes sous l'influence d'un traitement mixte par les frictions mercurieltesetratoxyl. Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph. Par, 1908, xix, 27.—Hayes (R.) Mercurial inunc- tion in early tabes. Lancet, Lond, 1902, ii, 492.—Leduc (S.) De 1'utilite et de la forme du traitement specifique de l'ataxie locomotrice. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r, 1900, Par, 1901, xxix, pt. 2, 800-804— Leredde. Guerison d'un cas de tabes par les injections de calomel. Ann. de dermat. et sypb. Par., 1902,4. s, iii, 238-245.-----. Traite- ment du tabes par les injections mercurielles. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc], Par, 1902, cxliv, 437^45.-----. La question des doses de mercure et du traitement du tabes et de la paralysie generate. Ibid., 1903, cxiv, 96-101. -Mestrezat (W.) & Sappy (F.) Des injections intra-rachidienncs d'eiectro-mercurol dans le tabes; modifications consecutives du liquide cephalo-rachidien; action sur le processus me- ninge et les lesions profondes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1910, lxix, 167-169.-----------. Meningite et perme- ability meningee consecutives aux injections intra rachi- diennes d'eiectro-mercurol chez les tabetiques. Ibid., 239.— Nelsser (A.) Die Beziehungen der Tabes zu voraufgeganse- nen Mercurial-Kuren. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz, 1902,lxxiii,pt. 2, med. Abth., 401- 403.—Piazza (A.) La cura mercuriale della tabe. Policlin, Roma, 1905, xiL sez. med, 32-48.—Plicque(A.-F.) Le traite- ment antisyphuitique dans le tabes. Bull, med. Par, 1913, xxvh, 761.—Redlich (E.) Ueber die Quecksilberbehand- lung der Tabes dorsalis. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh, in Wien, 1910, ix, 225-239. Aho: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lx, 3041-3050. [Discussion in]: Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, x, 211; 233. —Rhein (J. H. W.) The indications for the antisyphilitic treatment of tabes dorsalis. Penn. M. J, Athens, 1909-10, xhi, 130-133.—Roque (G.) Crises gastriques tabetiques; guerison paf le traitement mercuriel. Lyon mod, 1913, exxi, 795-798.—Sandier. Cas grave dc tabes traite avec succes par les injections de calomel con- centre a 40%. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par, 1909/iv, 521-524.— Strasser (A.) Quecksilherbehandlung der Tabes dorsalis. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, ix, 68-72. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lxi, 373-376.—Tsrhirjew (SO Nachtrag zur Arbeit: Tabes atactica und Behandlung der postsyphilitischen Erkran- kungen des Nervensystems mit Quecksilber und Salvarsan. Arch, f. Psychiat, Berl, 1914, lv, 272-274.—Vaudey. Con- siderations sur quatre cas de tabes traites par la mercuriali- sation intensive. Marseille med, 1904, xii, 193-207. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) by re- education. Dana (C. L.) Exercises for tabes. 8°. New York, 1904. Fournial (P.-J.-B.) *Quelques considera- tions sur l'ataxie tabetique et son traitement par la r66ducation des muscles. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Frenkel (H. S.) Die Behandlung der tabi- schen Ataxie durch Wiederei nil bung der Coordi- nation. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1899. ------. Die Behandlung der tabischen Ata- xie mit Hilfe der Uebung. Compensatorische Uebungstherapie, ihre Gundlagen und Tech- nik. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. ------. The same. The treatment of tabetic ataxia by means of systematic exercise. An ex- Ataxo (Locomotor, Treatment of) by re- education. position of the principles and practice of com- pensatory movement treatment. Only author- ized English ed., transl. and ed. bv L. Frey- berger. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1902. „------• The same. [2. ed.] 8°. London dc New York, 1905. —----. The same. L'ataxie tabetique; ses origines, son traitement par la reeduction des mouvements. Trad, de l'allemand par le Dr. van Biervliet. Preface de M. le Prof. Raymond 8° Baris, 1907. Goldscheider (A.) Anleitung zur Uebungs- Behandlung der Ataxie. roy. 8°. Leipzig; 1899. ------. The same. 2. erweiterte Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Leclerc (J.) Le tabes, son traitement, reedu- cation; elongation. 12°. Baris, 1899. Pessard (E.) *La reeducation motrice dans le service de la clinique Charcot (hospice de la Salpetriere). 8°. Baris, 1908. Zebrowski (A.) *Ueber die compensatorische Uebungstherapie bei Tabes dorsahs. 8°. Ber- lin, 1899. Andre-Thomas. La reeducation de la marche chez ■ les ataxiques; methode physiologique. Clinique, Par, 1906, i, 547-550.—Barclay (H. V.) Motor training in ataxia. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev, Bost, 1905, x, 126-137.—Belugou (A.) La regtementation de l'exercice dans l'hygiene du tabetique. J. de physiotherap., Par, 1910, vhi, 194-197.— Bramwell (B.) Tabes with acutely developed ataxia, in which great and rapid improvement had resulted from Frenkel's plan of treatment. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb, 1901-2, n. s, xxi, 163-165.-----. Tabes; great improve- ment as the result of treatment by Frenkel's exercises. Clin. Stud, Edinb, 1904-5, hi, 368-373.-----. Tabes, with acutely developed and extreme ataxia, inability to stand and walk; rapid movement under Frenkel's treatment. Ibid., 373-377.—Bramwell (E.) A note on the treatment of the ataxia of tabes by means of co-ordinated exercises. Edinb. M. J, 1901, n. s, x, 236-244. ■-----. A note on the treatment of the ataxia of tabes by means of coordinated exercises (Frenkel's plan of treatment). Clin. Stud, Ed- inb, 1904-5, hi, 413-420—Bum (A.) Die spinale Ataxie und ihre compensatorische Bewegungsbehandlung. Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 211-250.—Constensoux (G.) Re- tabhssement integral des fonctions motriceschez un ataxique traite par la reeducation. Bull, med. Par, 1902, xvi, 237-240.—Decref (J.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement des ataxies par la ntethode reeducative. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r.. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de neuropath. etc.], 880-887.—Faure (M.) Resultats de la reeducation dan's l'ataxie. Rev. de cirtesie, Par, 1904, vi, 113-124. -----. The treatment of tabetic ataxia by methodical exercises. Bristol M.-Chir. J, 1906, xxiv, 210-215.-----. Physiologie pathologique etreeducation motrice des troubles visceraux des tabetiques. Cong, internat. de psychiat. [etc.] 1907, Amst, 1908, i, 415.-----. Education et n edu- cation motrice; termir.ologie et technique. Bull. gen. de therap. (etcl, Par, 1909, clvii, 847-854.—Faure (M.) & Constensoux (G.) Le traitement de l'ataxie par la reedu- cation motrice. Cong, franc, de med. C. r, Par., 1902, ii, 513-519.—Flatau (G.) Ueber Uebungstherapie bei Tabes dorsalis. Wien. med. Bl, 1899, xxii, 521.—Foerster (O.) Uebungstherapie bei Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1901, 100; 128.-----. Die analytische Methode der kompensatorischen Uebungsbehandlung bei der Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 1; 49; 97.—Fourohe. Un phenomene de reeducation visuelle chez le tabetique. J. de psychol. norm, etpath.. Par, 1912, ix, 320-324—Frank (A.) Kunst- fehler in der Uebungstherapie der Tabes und ihre Folgen. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1903, xvi, 1159-1162. Also: Cong. internat. de mod. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de neuropath, [etc], 419-430.—Frenkel (H. S.) Meine Me- thode der Behandlung der Ataxie durch Wiedereiniibung . der Coordination. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1897, x, 945- 948. Aho: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 7, 457-466. —---. Movement therapy for locomotor ataxia. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1901, 11. s, ii, 156-171.-----. Grundsatze der Uebungstherapie bei Tabes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1905, xiii, 718-722. Aho: Repert. d. prakt. Med, Leipz, 1905, ii, 303-307.-----. Demonstration of the results of the re-educational treatment of tabes dorsalis. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1907, xxxiv, 593.—Fruchfhandler (E. A.) Treatment of locomotor ataxia by a modification of the reeducational exercises. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, xc, 63,5-638. Aho, Reprint.—Gar- son (J. G.) The Frenkel system of exercises for tabes. ATAXIA. 158 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) by re- education. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1911, ii, 420.—Goldschelder (A.) His- torisches und Kritisches zur Uebungsbehandlung der tabischen Ataxie. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl.-Wien, 1902, n. F., iv, 152-158.—Gonnet (A.) Sur la reeducation mo- trice appliquee au traitement de l'ataxie tabetique; quel- ques resultats. Lyon med.? 1912, cxvih, 796-801.—Graup- ner. Ueber die therapeutische Verwerthung akustischer Sinnesreize bei gymnastischer Behandlung der Bewegungs- storungen, insbesondere der Ataxie der Tabiker. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1897, xi, 302-306.-----. Die Behandlung der Gangstorungen bei Tabes vermittelst der Uebungs- therapie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg, Berl, 1898, lxviii, 465. -----. Die Balncotherapie der Tabes und die Uebungs- therapie bei der Ataxiebehandlung; ein Beitrag zur Tabes- lehre. Ibid., 1899, lxviii, 463; 475; 489.—Grebner (F.) Die compensatorische Uebungstherapie bei initialer Tabes. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1902, n. F, xix, 65-70 — Grossman (M.) The ataxia of tabes, treatment of four cases by William J. M. A. Maloney's method of reeducation; with a brief outline of the method used. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 724-726.—Guttmann (A.) Zur Technik der compensatorischen Uebungstherapie bei der Tabes dorsalis. Oharite-Ann, Berl, 1899, xxiv, 114-144.—Jacob (P.) Ueber die compensatorische Uebungstherapie bei der Tabes dorsalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. &. Leipz, 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil, 17; 121:137; 158.—Jacobsohn (L.) Alte und neue Uebungsbehandlung der Tabes. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1915, lvi, 373-379.—Jacoby (J. R.) The reeducational treatment of locomotor ataxia. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1909, lxv, 791-795.—Kindlcr. Die Uebungstherapie bei Tabes dorsalis, wie sie vom prak- tischen Arzte ohne besondere mascbinelle Hiilfsmittel auszufiihren ist. Med. Woche, Berl, 1900, 197-200.— Kouindjy (P.) Traitement reeducatif de l'ataxie tabe- tique. Ann. de med. phys, Anvers, 1914, xii, 8-33.-----. Traitement reeducatif des faux tabetiques. Gaz. med. de Par, 1914, lxxxv, 157.—Lazell (E. W.) The treatment of tabetic ataxia by the Frenkel method. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1907-8, xxvu, 445-452.—Leclerc (J.) Traitement de l'ataxie tabetique par la methode de reeducation. Rev. de therap. med.-chir. Par, 1899, lxvi, 113-119.—Lindsay. Tabes dorsalis treated by Fraenkel's methods. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909, ii, 80.—Maloney (W. J. M. A.) The cure of ataxia. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcviii, 1045-1050. Aho: Reprint.—Mitchell (J. K.) The treatment of locomotor ataxia by exercises of precision. Old Dominion J. M. & S, Richmond, 1909, vhi, 347-356. Aho, Reprint.—Negro (C.) Sulla rieducazione dei movimenti nei tabetici atassici col metodo da me proposto, degh esercizi ad occhi bendati. Riv. neurol, Torino, 1914, i, 2; 39.—Parkinson (G. S.) Re-education of the tabetic. Hospital, Lond, 1907-8, xliii, 685.—Pollock (L. J.) The treatment of tabetic ataxia by re-educational exercises. Illinois M. J, Chicaeo, 1917, xxxi, 331-331.—Putnam (J. J.) Notes on the treatment of ataxic patients by co-ordination exercises, with the demonstration of two patients. Boston M. & S. J, 1900, cxliii. 231.—Ralchline (A.) Traitement de l'ataxie par la reeducation des mouvements. J. de med. de Par, 1896, 2. s, vhi, 176-179.—Rhein (J. H. W.) The treatment of loco- motor ataxia, with special reference to the treatment by educational exercises. Therap. Gaz, Detroit, 1901, 3. s, xvii, 807-812: 1902, 3. S, xviii, 372-375.—Richer A.) & de Gothard (E.) Some new apparatus for the re-education of ataxics. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 487-492 — von SarbO (A.) Ueber die compensatorische Uebungs- therapie bei Tabes. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest 1899, xxxv, 122V123L—Schreiber (J.) Gehubungstafcl fur Tabiker. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1*99, Leipz, 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 71-74.— Swift (H. M.) Compensatory exercises as an aid in the treatment of locomotor ataxia. Boston M. & S. J.. 1915, clxxii, 85-90.—Taylor (E. W.) & Llndstrom (E. A.) Experience in the treatment of tabes by co-ordinative exercises. Ibid., 1906, civ, 699-705. Aho: Dep. Neurol. Harv. M. Sch. Contrib. (etc.], Bost, 1907, ii, 159-1.S2 — Toepel (T.) Active exercises in the treatment of locomotor ataxia. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med, 1908-9, x, 46R-473.— Van Blervllet (J.) La reeducation comme traitement de l'ataxie chez les tabetiques. Ann. de 1'Inst. chir. de Brux, 1904, xi, 10-17.—Verger (II.) La reeducation motrice des ataxiquesa domicile. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xxxi, 104-106. Aho: Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1910), 1911, 22-29.—Vorstadter (L.) Ueber einige neue Uebungsarlen zur priizisen und systema- tischen Bewegungstherapie der tabischen Koordinations- storung. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap, Leipz, 1899, hi, 468-481. Aho, trnml.: J. Phys. Therap, Lond, 1900,i,64; 113.—de VriesReilliijrh CD.) Ueber den Einfluss der Frenkelschen Uebungstherapie auf die Leitungsge- schwindigkeit im peripheren zentripetalen Net Ton bei Tabes dorsalis. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 19CH, lxvi, 423-440.-----. Observations sur la reeducation des mouve- ments chez les tabetiipies. Ann. de med. phys, Anvers, 1909, vii, 139-151—Weber (II.) Zur Uebungstherapie der Tabiker mittels des Fahrrades. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) by re- education. Therap, Leipz, 1903, vii, 217-219.—Weber (L.) The use of the permanent-extension corset and Frenkel's exercise in the treatment of locomotor ataxia. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1897, li, 296.—Weiss (D.) Ueber die Uebungsbehandlung der Ataxie. Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1899, xxiv, 595; 611.— Weiss (K.) Erfahrungen mit der Uebungsbehandlung der tabischen Ataxie nach Frenkel. Wien. med. Wchn- schr, 1910. lx, 1271; 1338.—Wiener (A.) The exercise treatment in tabes dorsahs. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1899, lvi, 116-119.—Winternltz (W.) Die Inkompatibilitat der Frenkel-Gvmnastik mit anderen Tabeskuren. Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap, Wien, 1907, xvii, 209-212.— Wolf (H. F.) Ein Vergleich der Ataxiebehandlung nach Frenkel und Maloney. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap, Leipz, 1914, xviii, 476-479.-----. The treatment of locomotor ataxia by the Maloney method. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 121. Aho, Reprint—Zenner (P.) Treatment of locomotor ataxia by systematic exercise. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1898, n. s, xii, 53-59. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with salvarsan and neosalvarsan. Zorine (Mme. Berthe), nee Sygtjel. *"606" et tabes. 8°. Montpellier, 1911. Allison (W. L.) Salvarsan in mental and nervous dis- eases. [Tabes.] Texas State J. M, Fort Worth, 1911-12, viii, 163-165.—ArcangeU (LJ.) II salvarsan nella tabes. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1911, xxxi. pt. 2, 123.—Audry (C.) Hemorrhagic du corps vitre consecutive a. une injection de novarsenobenzol chez un tabetique. Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par.. 1916-17,5. s, vi, 131— Becher (H.) & Koch (R.) Ein Fall von durch Salvarsan besonders gunstig beeinflusster Tabes dorsalis. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1914, xxviii, 566-569— Berard (V.) Un cas de tabes au debut gueri par le 606. Rev. intemat. d'hyg. et de therap. oculaire, Par, 1912, vi, 1-5—Beriel (L.) & Connet (A.) Sur l'emploi de la medication arsenicale d'Ehrhch dans le tabes? Lyon med, 1914, exxhi, 77-80.—Bishop (G. T.) Salvarsan in locomotor ataxy. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1913, i, 169.—Blum. Tabes, ictere par 606. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par, 1917, xii, 748.—Brill (I. C.) Intraspinal treat- ment in tabes dorsalis. Proc. Alumni Ass. M. School Univ. Oreg, Portland, 1917, v, 15.—Canestrlnl (S.) Risultatd della cura col-salvarsan nella tabe dorsale. Boll. d. Ass. med. tridentina, Trento, 1911, xxx, 271-278, 3 pi. Aho, transl: Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz.. 1912, xxxi, 13-23 — Ciarla (E.) LTn caso di tabe dorsale trattato con iniezioni endorachidee sottodurali di neosalvarsan e segiuto da morte. Riv. di patol. nerv, Firenze, 1915, xx, 633-646— Dufour (H.) Action du 606 sur la lymphocytose rachidienne des tabetiques. Bull, et mem. Pbc. med. d. h6p. de Par, 1911, 3. s.,xxxi, 715.—Fromaget (C.) Fracaso del arsenobenzol en la atrofia tabetica del nervio optico. Arch, de oftal. hispano-am, Barcel, 1913, xiii, 196-200.—Gonnet (A.) Paresie du deltoide apris injection de neosalvarsan chez un tabetique. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1914, xiii, 157- 160.—Hollls (A. W.) Reports of cases of tabes dorsalis treated bv injections of salvarsanized serum intraspinouslv. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914, Ixxxvi, 131.—Johnson (G. T.\ Breaks (L. Z.) & Knoefel (A. F.) The treatment of tabetic optic atrophy with intraspinal injections of salvarsanized serum. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 866 — Karczag (L.) Die Behandlung der Tabes dorsalis mit Neosalvarsan nach Leredde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1917, xliii, 1261.—Leredde. Le traitement du tabes par l'arsenobenzol et sa technique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1911, clxi, 252-259.-----. Guerison d'un cas de tates par trois injections de salvarsan. Bull. Soc..franc.de dermat. et syph. Par, 1912, xxiii, 164-1 tW.-----. Action du salvar- san sur les phenomenes douloureux chez les tabetiques. Ibid., 367-375.-----. Ueber die giinstige Beeinflussung der Tabes dorsalis durch Salvarsan. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1912, lix, 2040; 2112.-----. Guerison du tabes dorsal par le salvarsan et le neosalvarsan. Bull. Soc. franc, d. dermat. et syph. Par, 1913, xxiv, 203-219.-----. Uncasde tabes grave i raito par le neosalvarsan. Ibid., 316-325.-----. Le traitement du tabes par le salvarsan; la methode; ses resultats et ses dangers. Rev. gen. declin.etde therap. Par, 1913, xxvii, 209-211.-----. MacMahon (J. J.) Notes of a case of locomotor ataxia treated by salvarsan. Austral. M. J, Melbourne, 1912, n. s.. i, 579.—Mansfield (H. Y.) Treat- ment of tabes dorsalis by intrathecal injections of salvar- sanised serum. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 1913-14, xxi, 176.—Mantovani (M.) Contributo all'azione terapeutica del salvarsan nella tabe. Policlin, Roma, 1914, xxi, sez. prat.. 225-227.—Nicolas & Plllon. Un cas de tabes traite par le neosalvarsan. Lyon med, 1914, exxiii, 80-82.— Oltramare. Tabes precoce, a marche progressive, enraye par deux injections de salvarsan. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1913, xxxiii, 319-321.—Ord (W. W.) Two cases of locomotor ataxy treated by salvarsan. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1912, ii, 1661.—Osti (A.) Un caso di tabe dorsale curato con salvarsan Ehrlich. Policlin, Roma, 1913, xx, ATAXIA. 159 ATAXIA. d1 Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with salvarsan and neosalvarsan. sez. prat., 1006-1008.—Pick (W.) Einschrankung des Salvarsans in der Tabestherapie. verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karlsruhe) 1911, Leipz, 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 444.—Pujol (M.) Sur 1 action de 606 d'Ehrlich dans le tabes et en particulier sur la reaction meningee des tabetiques. Toulouse med., 1913, 2. s, xv, 161-167.—Royo Villanova (R.) Veintitres casos de ataxia locomotriz (tabes dorsal) tratados por el 606 y el metodo de Denslow. Clin, mod, Zaragoza, 1912, xi, 243; 273.—Saun- ders (A.j_ A case of tabes dorsalis of recent onset treated by "606." West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1911, xvi, 203— Schwarz E.) Ueber Tabes und Lues cerebri und ihre Beeinflussung durch Salvarsan. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1911, xxxvi, 561; 569.—da Silva (C.) Tabes et salvarsan. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond, 1914, Sect, xhi, Dermat. & Syph, pt. 2, 345-350.—Vltek (V.) Salvarsan a tabes dorsahs. Rev. v neuropsychopath, Praha. 1914, xi, 294-296— Wil- liams (T. A.) Remarks on intrathecal injections as a factor in the improvement of tabetics after salvarsan. Alienist & Neurol, St. Louis, 1914, xxxv, 372-375. Aho: Charlotte [N. Cl M. J, 1914, lxx, 380. Also, Reprint— Yegiazarofl (I. N.) [Treatment of locomotor ataxia with salvarsan; successful application of salvarsan in a case.] Trudi i Pro- tok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh, Tiflis, 1913-14, 259-287. Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with santonin. Bricage (F.) *La santonine; son emploi dans le traitement des douleurs fulgurantes des tabe- tiques. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Bufletti (V.) La santonina nella terapia della tabe dorsale. Rassegna di terap, Torino, 1907, vi, 417-425 — Collet. La santonine dans le traitement des crises laryn- fees du tabes. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], 'ar, 1905, xxxi, pt. 2, 215-217.—Combemale & de Cha- bert. La santonine contre les, douleurs fulgurantes du tabes et contre les nevralgies. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1902, vi, 301-305.—Negro (C.) La santonina (acido san- tonico) nella cura sintomatica dei dolori folgoranti dei tabetici. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1901, 4. s, vh, 52-54. Aho, transl: Repert. de therap. Par., 1901, xviii, 229. Ataxia (Locomotor, Unilateral). Auerbach (S.) Zur physiologischen Anatomie und lokaldiagnostischen Bewertung der Hemiataxie. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol, Leipz, 1913, xx, 219-235.—Batten (F. E.) Case of unilateral ataxia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1911-12, v, Neurol. Sect, 154.—Camus (P0 & Sezary (A.) Tabes cervical avec ataxie unilaterale. Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 1174-1176.—Dercum (F. X.) Uni- lateral ataxia and tremor. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1897, xxiv, 704-706—Flesch (J.) [Fall von halhseitigcr Tabes.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1909, vhi, 3K—Thompson (H. T.) Tabes dorsalis with unilateral anaesthesia: a contribution to the patho- genesis. Lancet, Lond, 1909, i, 749-754. Ataxia (Locomotor) in animals. See, also, Ataxia (Locomotor, Experimental). Langelaan (J. W.) On congenital ataxia in a cat. 8°. Amsterdam, 1907. Hebrant. Ataxie locomotrice chez un chien; syndrome cerebeheux; syndrome de Millard Gubler; mouvement de manege. Ann. de med. vet, Brux, 1904, liii, 43K-444 — Jolliffe & Batten (F. E.) A case of ataxia in a horse, with pathological examination. Vet. J., Lond, 1908, n. s, xv, 499-501.—Lienaux. Sur l'ataxie locomotrice des poulains rachitiques et sur le diagnostic differentiel du tour de rein. Ann. de nted. vet, Brux, 1912, lxi, 129-147.—Rothmann (M.) Ueber eine tabesartige Erkrankung beim Afien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1906, xliii, 1232; 1287. Aho: Mo- natschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1906, xx, 204-221,1 pi. Ataxia (Locomotor) in children and young subjects. Goebel (J. B. J. R.) *Zur Aetiologie und Casuistik der Tabes infantilis. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Heinrich (A. E.) *Ueber Tabes dorsahs im jugendlichen Alter. 8°. Erlangen, 1905. Jerzycki (E.) *Ein Fall von juveniler Tabes mit Geistesstdrungen. 8°. Kief, 1912. Aho, in: Wien. khn. Rundschau, 1913, xxvii, 337-341. Kjrvi (S.) *Ein Fall juveniler Tabes mit pied tabetique. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Kutner (R.) *Ueber juvenile und hereditare Tabes dorsalis. 8°. Breslau, 1900. Ataxia (Locomotor) in children and young subjects. Sujkowski (J.) *Ueber einen Fall von Tabes im Jugendalter. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Barkan (H.) Zur Frage der infantilen und juvenilen Tabes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, xxvi, 417^20. Aho, transl: Calif. States J. M, San Fran, 1914, xii, 488-191 — Bloch (M.) Ein Fall von infantiler Tabes. Neurol. Cen- tralbl, Leipz, 1902, xxi, 113-116. [Discussion], 121.—Bour- neville, Leon-Kindberg & Richet (C.) Etude anatomo- clinique d'un cas de tabes et de paralysie generate chez une enfant de 15 ans. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1908, xxi,. 475^80, 1 pi.—Bramwell (B.) Case of early tabes. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1901, n. s, xx, 6-9.—Camus & Chiray. Tabes juvemlle heredo-syphilhique et crises gastriques. Rev. neurol. Par, 1903, xi, 1195-1198.—Can- tonnet (A.) Les manifestations oculaires du tabes juve- nile. _ Arch, d'opht., Par, 1907, xxvii, 708-730.-----. Ataxie des muscles oculo-moteurs et paralysies oculaires dans un cas de tabes juvenile. Rev. neurol. Par, 1907, xv, 629.—Castex (M. R.) & Berterlni (J. I.) Dos casos de tabes por lues hereditaria (tabes infantil y j u venil en dos hermanos). Prensa m6d. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1915-16, ii, 370-372.— Cordler. Tabes juvenile precoce, rebelle au traitement et k marche rapide chez un adolescent ayant eu une paralysie infantile. Lyon med, 1911, cxvi, 18-20.—Dejerine (J.); Thomas (A.) & Heuyer. Autopsie d'un cas de tabes juvenile chez un heredo-syphilitique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxih, 225.—Dobrokhotoff (M. S.) JTabo-paralvsis in childhood.) J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat... . Korsakova, Mosk, 1910, x, 1013-1017.—Duncan (J. T.) Ocular conditions in a case of juvenile tabes, with presentation of the patient. Canad. Pract. & Rev, Toronto, 1909, xxxiv, 623-626.—Egas Moniz. Tabes juvenil. (Um caso de tabes aos 18 annos.) Med. contemp, Lisb, 1911, xxix, 65-67.—Flesch (J.) Juve- nile progressive Muskeldystrophie. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh.in Wien, 1905, iv,137.—Giannelli (A.) Sulla tabe giovanile. Riforma med, Palermo-Napoh, 1905, xxi, 318^321.—Gordon (A.) Juvenile tabes; with a case of tabetic symptoms in a girl aged seventeen years, who pre- sented from infancy a brachial monoplegia, probably of pohomyehtic origin. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 872- 874. Aho, Reprint.-----. A case of juvenile tabes. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1912, xxxix, 397-399.—Grinker (J.) A case of juvenile tabes in a family of neuro-syphihtics; father syphilitic; mother tabetic; brother paretic; sister hemipiegie. Ibid., 1904, xxxi, 753-773.-----. An additional case of precocious tabes. Ibid., 773-776.—Guthrie. Juve- nile tabes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1911, iv. Neurol. Sect 50.—Hagelstamm (J.) Ueber Tabes und Tabopara- lyse im Kindes- und Entwicklungsalter. Deutsche Ztschr. i. Nervenh, Leipz, 1904, xxvi, 268-284.—von Halban (H.) Ueber juvenile Tabes, nebst Bemerkungen uber svmptoma- tische Migrane. Jahrb. f. Psychiat, Leipz. & Wien, 1901, xx 333-389.------• Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der iuvenilen Tabes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1901, xiv, 1131 — Halben (R.) Infantile Tabes resp. Taboparalyse bei einem 10'iahrigen Madchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1909, xxxv, 1093—Hirtz (E.) & Lemaire (II.) A propos d'un cas de tabes infantile. Bull, et ntem. Soc/nted. d hop. de Par, 1904,3. s, xxi, 974-980.----------. Etude critique sur le tabes infantile juvenile. Rev. neurol. Par, 1905, xhi, 265-283.—Horvath (K.) [Juvenile tabes.) Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1900, xl,5; 26; 38; 71.—Idelsorm(H.) Ern Beitrag zur Frage uber infantile Tabes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1901-2. xxi, 267-272.—Jones (E.) The symptoms and diagnosis of juvenile tabes. Brit. J. Child."Dis, Lond, 1908. v, 131-140.—Knapp (A.) Ein Fall von Tabes juvenilis, em Beitrag zur Ditterentialdiagnose zwischen Crises gastriques und periodischer Gastroxynsis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1904, xxvi, 314-318.— Koster (G.) Zur Klinik und pathologischen Anatomie der Tabes und Taboparalyse des Kindesalters. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl.. 1905, xviii, Ergnzngshft, 179-232, 2 pi—Lasarew (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Tabes in jungem Alter (Tabes infantilis und juvenihs). Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz., 1905, xxiv, 988; 1047.—Leenhardt (T.) & Norero (M ) Tabes superieur chez un enfant de 15 ans. Rev. neurol. Par, 1905, xhi, 638-640.—Linser (P.) Ueber juve- nile Tabes und ihre Beziehungen zur hereditaren Syphilis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1903,1, 637.—Maas (O.) Ueber einige Falle von Tabes im jugendlichen Alter. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. U. Neurol, Berl, 1902, xii, 231-238.-----. Fall von Tabes juvenilis mit anatomisehem Behind. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1912. xxxi, 345-350.—Mailing (K.) Tabes dorsalis juvenilis mit Autopsie. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1910, xxviii, 304-326, 2 pL—Marburg (O.) Zur Frage der infantilen und juvenilen Tabes. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1908, vh, Beibl, 54-57. A ho: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lviii, 613-617.— Mazzeo (P.) La tabe dorsale infantile. Gazz. internaz. di med, Napoli, 1905, viu, 190-193.—Montagnon. Syn- drome tabetique chez un jeune homme de 18 ans. Loire mod, St.-Etienne, 1908, xxvu, 306-312—31oorhead (T. G.) A case of juvenile tabes. Tr. Hoy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1913, xxxi, 38^1. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1913, exxv, 167- 169.—Moyano (J. J.) Sobre un caso de tabes juveml. ATAXIA. 160 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor) in children and young subjects. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1915-16, ii, 425.— Parola (L.) Contributo alia statistica della tabe giovanile. Riforma med, Palermo-Napoli, 1904, xx, 460-462.—Preo- brazhenski(P. A.) [Importance ofsyphilisin the etiology of locomotor ataxy; case of locomotor ataxy in childhood.] Med. Obozr, Mosk.. 1904, lxi, 395-407.—Price (C. E.) & Shannon (C. E. G.) Juvenile tabes. Am. J. Dis. Child.. Chicago, 1912, iii, 236-240.—von Bad. Tabes dorsalis bei jugendlichen Individuen. Deutsche Prax, Miinchen, 1904, xhi, 8-12.—Raymond. Tabes juvenile et tabes hereditaire. . Echo med, Toulouse, 1897, 2. s, xi, 457; 469; 481; 493; 505.— Riggs (C. E.) Report of a case of juvenile tabes. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1913, xl, 711-713— Sabbatlni (G.) Intorno a un caso di tabe giovanile. Pensiero med , Milano, 1913, iii, 531-534.—Spitzmtiller (W.) Ein Beitrag zur infantilen Tabes. Med. Klin, Berl, 1910, vi, 139— Stefano (B.) Tabe dorsale giovanile d'origine tubercolare. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1908, xviii, 11-19.—Stephenson (S.) A case of juvenile tabes dorsalis. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond, 1907-8, viii, 295-298.-----. Juvenile tabes dorsalis; notes of five cases. Lancet, Lond, 1908, i, 1401. -----. Case of (?) juvenile tabes. Proc. Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1915-16, ix, Child. Sect, 13— Unger(IL) Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Symptomatologie der Tabes infantilis. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg, 1918, lx, 802-813.—Verre (F.) Sulla tabe infanto-giovanile. N. riv. clin.-terap, Napoli, 1911, xiv, 290-300.—Weeks (C. C.) Case of congenital locomotor ataxy in a child. Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1901, xxiv, 281.—Williamson (R. T.) Hereditary syphili- tic tabes (juvenile tabes). Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1904, ii, 425-431.—Wollenberg (G. A0 Little'sche Krank- heit und Huftluxation. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1908, xiv, 1174-1179.—YermakofT (I. M.) K voprosu o tabes infan- tilis. J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. ... Korsakova, Mosk., 1907, vh, 645-657. Ataxia (Locomotor) in females. See, aho, Ataxia (Locomotor, Conjugal); Ataxia (Locomotor) in pregnancy. Fehre (P.) *Beitrag zur Lehre iiber die Tabes bei den Weibern. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Aho, in: Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1901, xxxvih, 761; 7£9. Friedrichsen (F.) *Ueber Tabes dorsalis beim weiblichen Geschlecht. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Hawthorne (C. O.) Tabes dorsalis in women. Poly- clin, Lond, 1910, xiv, 97-100.—Kron (H.) Ueber Tabes dorsalis beim weiblichen Geschlecht. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh.. Leipz, 1898. xii, 303-323.—Marie (P.) & Fob: (C.) Le tabfes ferninin a la Salpetriere. Rev. neurol. Par, 1911, xxii, 802-806.—Mendel (E.) Ueber Tabes beim weib- lichen Geschlecht. Centralbl. I. Nervenh. u. Psychiat, Coblenz & Leipz, 1901, n. F, xii, 71-73. Aho: Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1901, xx, 19-24.—Mendel (K.) & Tobias (E.) Tabische Jungfrauen. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911, vii, 1654-1656.-----------. Die Tabes der Frauen. Monat- schr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1912, xxxi, 29; 135.— Mettler (L. II.) Locomotor ataxia in female. Chn. Rev, Chicago, 1903-4, xix, 256-261.—Meyer (O. B.) Ein Fall von virginalcr Tabes. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 1690.—Penkert (M.) Tabes dorsalis im Geschlechts- leben der Frau. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak, Berl, 1909, xxix, 141-153.—von Sails. Zwei Falle von Tabes dorsalis bei Frauen. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915. xiv, 1498.—Savill (T. D.) A case of ataxy in a woman aged 40, of twenty years' duration. Brain, Lond, 1905, xxviii, 358.—Taylor (SO Two cases of locomotor ataxy in women. West Lond. M:. J, Lond, 1906, xi, 192. Ataxia (Locomotor) and marriage. See, also, Ataxia (Locomotor, Conjugal); Ataxia (Locomotor) in pregnancy. Pitres (A.) Tabes et manage; etude sur la tecondite des tabetiques et l'avenir de leur descendance. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 461-463. Aho: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904. xiv, sect, de neuropath. [etc.], 653-660.—Thomayer (J.) [Marriage in tabes.] Casop. tek. cesk, v Praze, 1911,1,1-3. Ataxia (Locomotor) in negroes. Bowers (W. G.) A typical case of tabes dorsalis in a negress. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 845.—Francine (A. P.) Two cases of tabes dorsalis in negroes; husband and wife. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila, 1900, n. s, cxix, 543-546. Aho: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1900, xxvi, 349. Aho, Reprint.—Hecht (D'O.) Tabes in the negro. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1903. n. s, exxvi, 705-720.—Hummel (E. M.) The rarity of tabetic and paretic conditions in the negro; a case of tabes in a full blood negress. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1911. lvi, 1645.—McConnell (J. W.) Five cases of tabes in the negro. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1899, xxvi, 180-183.—Mettler (L. 11.) Tabes dorsahs in the negro. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 1006.— Mitchell (J. K.) A case of tabes in a negress. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1907, xxxiv, 324. Ataxia (Locomotor) in pregnancy and the puerperal state. Grenier de Cardenal (H.) *Rapports du tabes avec la grossesse et l'accouchement. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Heck wolf (F.) *Ein Fall von Tabes dor- salis mit Graviditat. [Miinchen.] 8°. Amor- bach, 1911. Aho, in: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1912, xxvi, 465-468. Huet (G.-C.-E.) *Accidents gravido-tabe- tiques. 8°. Lille, 1913. Strack (J.-G.) *Tabes et puerp6ralite\ 8°. Nancy, 1912.. Allen (E. M.) Coincident pregnancy and tabes dorsalis. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1917, lxix, 979. Aho, Reprint.— Birnbaum (R.) Akute hochgradige Harnverhaltung bei einer Schwangeren als tabisches Fruhsymptom. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. A- Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1572.—Braillon. Accidents gravido-tabetiques. Clinique, Par, 1912, vh, 788-791.—Dufour (H.) & Cottenot. Tabes et grossesse; vomissements graves (incoercibles) par crises gastriques tabetiques. Tribune med. Par, 1909, n. s, xii, 5.—Frii- hinsholz (A.) & Remy (A.) Tabes et puerperalite, accou- chement indolore. Ann. de gynec et d'obst. Par, 1912,2. s, ix, 144-153. Aho: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1912, xhv, 193-204.—Gaussel-Zlegelmann ( Ai me.) Tabes et puerpe- ralite. Obstetrique, Par, 1910, n. s, hi. 540-552.—Heitz (J.) Grossesses et aceouchements chez les tabetiques; anesthesies radiculaires cutances et profondes. Gaz. hebd. dented. Par., 1902, n. s, vii, 649-055.—Jakob. Schwangerschaft und Ge- burt bei Tabes dorsalis. Zentralbl. f. Gynak, Leipz, 1911, xxxv,_ 1273-1278.—Saiazar de Souza. Un cas d'accouche- ment indolore chez une tabet ique. Cong, internat. de med, Lisbonne, 1906-7,xv.sect.7,648-652.—Thies(J.) Tabesdor- sahs und Graviditat. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Gynak. zu Leipz. (1905), 1906,70-75. Aho:Zentralbl. f. Gynak, Leipz, 1906, xxx, 569-574.-----. Tabes dorsalis und Schwanger- schaft. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1910, xxxiv, 591-596.— Wilson (T.) Locomotor ataxy occurring in a young woman; tabetic arthropathy with dislocation of both hips; six pregnancies occurring in the course of the disease. Med.-Chir. Tr, Lond, 1897, lxxx, 1-16, 4 pi.—Zacharias (P.) Eine Geburt bei vorgeschrittener Tabes dorsahs. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 321-323. Ataxia (Locomotor) and syphilis. See, also, Ataxia (Locomotor, Conjugal); Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with mercury; Ataxia (Locomotor, Treatment of) with salvarsan; Nervous system (Syphilis oj). Bltjmel (K.) *Die atiologische Bedeutung der Syphilis fiir die Tabes dorsahs. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Coste-Labaume (S.) *Etude sur les rapports de la syphilis et du tabes. S°. Lyon, 1900. Dubois (P.) *Sur la coexistence des accidents svphilitiques tertiaires avec le tabes. 8°. Lyon, lUOli. Falk (G.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Tabes dorsalis zur Svphilis. 8°. Munchen, 1897. Miinchen. med. Abhandl, 71. Hft. Glaser ((J. A.) Tiber die angebliche syphili- tische Aetiologie der Tabes dorsalis. Ein Fall von Tabes mit ungewohnlichem Verlauf. 12°. Hani' burg, 1901. Guttmann (A.) *Tabes dorsalis und Syphilis. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1898, xxxv, 242-270. Kuhn (E. A.) *Ueber die Haufigkeit des Yorkommens von Lues in der Anamnese von Tabischen und Nicht-Tabischen. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Also, in: Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1898, xxx, 877-S95. Kuhn (P. [E.]) *Tabes und Lues. 8°. Ber- lin, [1894 J. Lacoudaky (S.) *Etude clinique des rap- ports de la syphilis et du tabes. 4°. Baris, 1894. Massardier (A.) *8ur les lesions syphili- tiques tertiaires apparaissant au cours de tabes a antecedents specinques ignores. (Importance pour l'histoire 6tiologique du tabes.) 8°. Lyon, 1908. ATAXIA. 161 ATAXIA. Ataxia (Locomotor) and syphilis. Patschke (E.) *Zur Tabes-Syphilis-Frage. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Storbeck (A.) Tabes dorsalis und Syphilis. 12°. Berlin, 1895. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1896, xxix, 140-173. Adrian (C ) Ueber das glcichzeitige Vorkommen von manifester Syphilis und Tabes. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1904, lv, 327-372.—Audry. Faits pour etablir la nature syphilitique du tabes. Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par, 1903 4. s , iv, 338-342. Aho: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph. Par, 1903, xiv. 177-lSL—Babinski (J.) Tabes hcredo-svphilitique (tabes hereditaire). Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par, 1902. 3. s, xix, 884-889. -----. Sur un cas de tabes heredo-specifique. Med. mod. Par, 1910 xxi 314— Bargues. Syphilis concept ionnelte latente aboiitissant au tabes. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1912 xxxih, 448— Bertolotti (M.) Tabe ereditaria tardiva per sifilide congenita. Riforma med, Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi 93-97.—Bigelow (G. H.) A review of 127 clinical cases of ataxic paraplegia. Boston M. & S. J, 1916, clxxv, 99 — Bdhme (A.) Die Beziehungen zwischen Tabes und Lues vom Standpunkte desinneren Mediziners. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1916, liii, 1183. Aho: Munchen. med. Wchn- schr , 1916, lxiii, 1632.—Bouman (L.) Een geval van tabes op erfehik luetischen bodem. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst , 1917, i, 1519-1521.—Bounhol. Syphilis et tabes. Gaz. med. de Par, 1916, lxxxvii, 75— Brasch (M.) Bei- trage zur Aetiologie der Tabes (Tabes infantilis heredi- taria; Svphihs-Tabes-Paralyse unter Ehegatten; syphih- tische E'rscheinungen bei Tabikern). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1901, xx, 345-368.—Calderone (C.) Note di clinica dermosifilopatica. [Tabe dorsale.] Gior. ital. d mal yen, Milano, 1905, xl, 417-423.—Cardarelll. Forma combinata df tabe dorsale e sclerosi a placche di origine sifilitica. Boll. d. clin, Milano, 1897, xiv, 97-101. Aho: Gazz. d. osp, Milano. 1897, xviii, 141.—Cassirer & Strauss (J ) Tabes dorsahs incipiens und Syphilis. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, , Berl, 1901, x, 241-265— Charmell. Syphilis et tabes: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, vm, 277-283.—Claude (H.) Specificite et tabes. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1911, xxv, 117. ---—. Deter- minations meningo-encephahtiques de la syphilis chez les tabetiques. Ibid., 785-787.-----. La meningo-encepha- lite syphilitique aigue des tabetiques. Encephale, Par 1912,ii, 417-132,4 pL—Claude (H.), Vincent (C.) & Cotoni. Tabes fruste ou polyradiculite syphilitique; disparition de la lymphocytose du liquide cephalo-rachidien. Bull, et mem. Soc. mid. d. hop. de Par, 1912, 3. s, xxxiii, 392- 396 —Cochet & Vanverts. Fracture sus-malleolaire con- solidee; developpement ulterieur d'une arthnte du cou-de- pied et d'une osteite de la partie infeneiire des os de la fambe; syphilis et tabes. Nord med, Lille. 1905, xi, 58 — Courmont (J.) & Mouriquand (G.) Chancre syphili- tique syntetrique d'origine hospitahere; tabes consecutif. Lyon med, 1904, cii, 1142-1145.—Dalous. Les accidents syphilitiques pendant te tabes. Rev. de med. Par, 1904 xxiv, 71-80.—Danlos & Dervy. Syphilis en activitc et tabes chez te meme individu. Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et syph. Par, 1906, xvii, 484. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par, 1906, 4. s, vii, 1049.—Dejerine (J.), Andre- Thomas & Heuyer. Tabes et heredo-syphihs a propos d'une observation suivie d'autopsie Encephale, Par, 1912, ii, 233-244, 1 pl.-De Pascalls (G.) La sifilide nella patogenesi, della tabe dorsale. Pohchn, Roma, 1906, xm, sez. med, 199-213.—Deve. Trois observations de syphilis en activite chez des tabetiques. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1906, vii, 393-395.—Donadieu-Lavit. Des injec- tions mercurielles dans le tabes syphilitique. Cong franc- de med. C.-r., Par, 1902, ii, 265-273.-Dougherty (W J.) Terminal syphilis and tabes. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1903, lxiv, 766-771.-Drenncn (C. T.) Syphilis as an aetiological factor in the production of locomotor ataxia. Alienist & NeuroL, St. Louis, 1896, xvii, 483-487 Also: Hot-Springs M. J, 1896, v, 367-370.—Dubuc. Observation de tabes dorsalis d'origine manifestement syphilitique Bull. Soc de med. de Par. (1882), 1883, xvu, 237-243.—Dufour (H.) & Cottenot. Coexistence du tabes chez une malade et de syphilis en evolution chez son enfant nouveau-ne. Bull. et ntem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par, 1908, 3. s, xxv, 953.- Echepare. Le tabes meclullaire, conditions etiologiques et pathogeniques.sesrapportsavec la syphilis. Mercredimed, Par, 1892,iii,533-535.-Erb(W.) SyphihsundTabes Berl. khn.'Wchnschr, 1896, xxxih 225-227.-----. Syphilis und Tabes. Jahrb. f. Psychiat.. Leipz. & W ien, 1902 xxii, 1-17. Aho: Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xh, 9: 40, 62, 86- Ferras. Du tabes syphilitique, pre-ataxique; son traite- ment aux thermes de Luchon. Arch, gen d hydrol. [etc.]. Par , 1897, viii, 405: 1898. ix, 69; 115; 233.-van Fieandt (HO Ein kasuistischer Beitrag zur Frage uber die spezi- fisch syphilitischen Aflektionen bei Tabes dorsalis und zur Lehre von den syphilitisch-tabischen Ohrenaflektionen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1909-10, xxxvm, 109-136.-Filipkievitz (S.) Tabes und Syphilis. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xlui, 533-538 -Flexner (J. A.) Syphilis or locomotor ataxia? Am. Pract. & News, 9080S0—Vol. II, 3d series—10----11 Ataxia (Locomotor) and syphilis. Louisville, 1904, xxxviii, 743-747.—Friediander (W.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Syphilis in der Aetiologie der Tabes. (Kritisches Referat.) Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1903, xxi, 524-537. Aho [Abstr.]: Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1903, xvh, 193-196.—Galezowski (J.) Manifestations ocu- laires de la syphilis tertiaire chez les tabetiques. Ann. d. mal. ven. Par, 1907, ii. 192-200.—Gaucher. Accidents syphilitiques en activite chez un tabetique. Syphilis, Par, 1905, iii, 812.-----. Deux cas de tabes. Ibid., 818- 821.—Giaser (J. A.) Vorschlag zu einer Sammelforschung betreflend die Haufigkeit des Vorkommens von Tabes bei Syphilitischen. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1902, xvi, 609- 612.-----. Ueber die Bedeutung der Syphilis in der Aetio- logie der Tabes; einige Bemerkungen. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1904, xxh, 509; 557.—dlorieux. Un cas atypique de tab^s dorsalis chez un syphilitique. J. de neurol. Par, vh, 112.-----. Formes frustes de tabes chez des syphili- tiques. Policlin, Brux, 1902, xi, 435-440—Goebel (W.) Ueber die syphilitische Aetiologie und Therapie der Tabes dorsalis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1906, xvi, 469- 471.—Gumpertz (K.) Was beweisen tabische Symp- tome bei hereditar syphilitischen Kindern fur die Aetiologie der Tabes? Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1900, xix, 803-806.— Guszman (J.) Zur Tabes-Syphilisfrage im Anschlusse an einige mit manifester Syphilis verbundene Tabesfalle. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat, Hamb, 1904, xxxix, 703-729.— Hallopeau (H.) & Lemierre. Sur un cas de tabes dorsalis avec alterations dentaires provenant vraisemblablement d'une syphilis hereditaire. Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par, 1901, 4. s, ii, 170-172. Aho: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph. Par, 1901, xii, 85-87.—Heine (L.) Ueber Lues und Tabes vom ophthalmologischen Standpunkt. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1916, lxiii, 1717-1719.—Heresco (P.) & Druelle (M.) Incontinence d'urine chez un syphili- tique presentant des signes de pseudo-tabes; traitement par les injections de calomel; guerison. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin. Par, 1899, xvii, 48-52.—Hermanides (S. R.) Syphilis und Tabes. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1897, cxlviii, 102-139—Htidlmoser (C.) Tabes und Syphilis mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verhaltnisse von Bosnien und Herzegowina. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1904, xviii, 221; 244; 262.—von Hosslin (R.) Tabes dor- salis im spateren Alter auf der Basis hereditarer Lues. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1912, xxxi, 23.—Homen (E. A.) Kleiner Beitrag zur Syphilis-Tabes-Frace. Ibid., 1899, xviii, 439-443.—Isaac (IL) & Korh. Der Zusam- menhang zwischen Syphilis und Tabes dorsualis; klinisch und kritisch behandelt. Dermat. Ztschr, Berl, 1894, i, 177-194.- Jaccoud. Cardiopathie, nephrite et tabes chez un S3-philitique. Semaine med. Par, 1898; xviii, 337.— Kadler (L.) Quatre mille frictions mercurielles dans un cas de tabes d'origine syphilitique. Rev. du prat. Par, 1898, i, 131; 165.—Kalisclier (S.) Ueber die bei Tabes dorsalis ai iftretenden syphilitischen und trophoneurotischen Veranderungen der Haut und anderer Organe. Dermat. Ztschr, Berl, 1897, iv, 443-475.—Kaplan (D. M.) The Wassermann-fast tabes; a serologic precursor of taboparesis. T. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lxi, 2214.—Lairoudaky (S.) Sur l'etiologie du tabes et son traitement antisyphilitique. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de. m6d. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 7, 490-496.—Le Sourd (L.) iph£riques d'origine alcooli- que. 8°. Lille, 1903. Breton & Mlnet (J.) TJn cas do nervo-tabes periphe- rique d'origine alcoolique. Ech« nted. du nord, Lille, 1906, Ataxia (Peripheral). x, 421-424.—Dejerine (J.) & Jumentie (J.) Un cas de tabes peripherique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1914, xxvu, 464- 468.—Duque Estrada (H.) Um caso de nervotabes pcri- pherica. Arch, brasil. de psychiat. [etc.], Rio de Jan, 1907, hi, 285-287—Egger (M.) Contribution a l'etude de l'ataxie; ataxie peripherique et ataxie centrale. J. de neurol. Par, 190S, xiii, 232. Also: Rev. neurol. Par, 1908, xvi, 257-259.— Hruby. Fall von Neurotabes peripherique (Dejerine). Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1917, xxx, 1374— Mendicini (A.) Sulla pseudo-tabe periferica radicolare di origine traumatica. Policlin., Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. med, 33-42. Ataxia (Vasomotor or autonomic) [Solis Cohen, 1892]. See. also. Nervous system (Vasomotor, Biseases of); Vagotonia \in 2. s.]. Bunce (M. A ) Vasomotor ataxia. Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila, 1899, xx. 335-344.—Cohen (S. S.) A contribu- tion to the subject of vasomotor ataxia. Am. Med, Phila, 1902, iv, 729-733. Aho: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila, 1902, xvii. 644-659. Aho, Reprint. -----. Visceral angio- neuroses (the visceral crises of vasomotor ataxia). N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xci, 365; 421; 485. -----. Brief notes on vasomotor ataxia. Med. Rev. of Rev, N. Y., 1912, xviii, 21-27. Aho, Reprint. Ataxia (Vestibular). See Ear (Internal, Biseases of). Ataxia in children. See, aho, Ataxia (Hereditary); Ataxia (Lo- comotor) in children. Batten (F. E ) Ataxia in childhood. Brain, Lond., 1905, xxviii, 4M-505.-----. Case of ataxia in a child. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915-lfi, ix, Neurol. Sect, 63.— Dobson (L.) A case of congenital ataxia. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1905, x, 204-207.—Jacobi i Mary P.) Ataxia in a child. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1M*7, li. 761-76a.—Pexa (W.) Beitrag zur Ataxie im Kindesalter. w ieu. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lviii, 1779; 1811; 1^2.—Playfair (E.) Functional ataxia in a boy aged thirteen. Kiuti's Coll. Hosp. Rep, 1896-7, Lond, 1898, iv, 197.—Williams (E. C.) A case of ataxia in a child ased three and a half years. Bristol M.- Chir. J, 1911, xxix,' 163-165. Atcham (Georges) [1874- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude de l'ost^omve^ite du maxillaire inferieur. SO pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, Xo. 206. Atchison (William A.) [1S31-1911]. [Obituary.] Kentucky M. J, Bowling Green, 1911-12, x, 91-93. Atelectasis. See Lungs (Atelectasis of). Ateleiosis. See, also, Infantilism; Progeria. Gilford (H.) Ateleiosis; a form of dwarfism. Practi- tioner, Lond, 1903, lxx, 797-819, 7 pi. -----. Case of asexual ateleiosis. Proc. Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1910-11, iv, Clin. Sect, 34-36. -----. Ateleiosis. Brit. J. Ctuld. Dis, Lond, 1911, viu, 289-292.—Shaw (H. B.) A clinical lecture on ateleiosis (Hastings Gilford's form of essential infantihsm). Clin. J, Lond, 1910-11, xxxvii, 136-140 — Weber (F. P.) Ateleiosis in a man aged 42; physical development said to have been arrested at about the ane of 9 vears. Proc Rov. Soc. Med.TLond, 1909-10, hi, pt. 1, 113-146. Aho: Brit. J. Child Dis., Lond, 1910, vii, 359-363. A ho, Reprint. -----. Ateleiosis in a man, aged 45. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Clin. Sect, 197-201.' -----. Ateleiosis in a woman, aged 20. with a slight con- genital malformation of the hands and feet. Ibid., 201-204. -----. Two cases of ateleiosis; ateleiosis in a woman aged 20 years, with a slight congenital malformation of the hands and feet; also a further account of a case of ateleiosis previously described. Brit. J. Child. Dis, Lond, 1913, x, 546-353.—Weber (F. P.) & Stebblng (G. F.) A case of ateleiosis. Ibid., 1916, xiii, 200-206. Atenstadt ([Franz] Rudolf) [1S75- ]. *Ueber Thrombose der Vena cava inferior. 57 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1900. Atger (Edgar) [1877- ]. *Les traitements des angiomes et leurs indications partieulieres. 68 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, Xo. 13. Atger (Joseph) [1873- ]. *De la dysplasie des parties molles comme contre-indic-ation a l'ao couchement premature' provoque" dans les cas de bassin geWralement reLr£ci. vii, 9-63 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1899, Xo. 8. ATHANASESCU. 163 ATHETOSIS. Athanasescu (Basile). *Sur la laudanosine et un essai de synthese de la papaverine. 59 pp. 8°. Genhe, W. Kiindig & fils, 1900. Athanasiu (Aurel). *Angine ulcero-membra- neuse aigue & bacilles fusilormes de Vincent et spirilles chez les enfants. 208 pp., 11., 3 pi. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 550. Athanasoff (Philippe) [1877- _ J. fContribu- tion a l'etude de la cheiloplastie inferieure et en Earticulier du procede de Larger (de Maisons- ,affitte). 73 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Nancy, 1904, No. 26. Athanasow (Pierre) [1871- ]. *Recherches histologiques sur l'atrophie de la prostate conse- cutive a la castration, a la vasectomie et a l'injection sclerogene epididymaire. Ill pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1898, No. 9. Athanassio-Benisty (Mme.) Formes cliniques des lesions des nerfs. Preface du professeur Pierre Marie, lp.l., 234 pp., 21., 81 illus., 7 pi. 12°. Baris, Masson dc Cie, 1916. ------. Thesame. Clinical forms of nerve lesions with preface by Professor Pierre Marie. With a preface by E. Farquhar Buzzard, xxi, 235 pp., 81 illus., 7 pi. 12°. London, University of London Press, 1918. Traitement et restauration des lesions des nerfs. Preface du professeur Pierre Marie 1 p. 1., 176 pp., 11., 4 pi. 12°. Baris,Masson dc Cie., 1917. The same. Treatment and repair of nerve lesions; preface by Professor Pierre Marie. With a preface by Farquhar Buzzard. xxii, 181 pp., 4 pi. 12°. London, University of London Press, 1918. Athanassoff (Ivan) [1884- ]. *Le diagnostic des taches de sang par les cristaux d'h^matine. 37 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1914, No. 26. Athanassoff (Paul) [1875- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude de l'acide hippurique et sa synthese dans l'organisme animal chez l'homme normal et malade. 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier 1904, No. 11. Athanassoff (Wladimir) [1872- ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude d'une variete de tubercules sous- cutanes douloureux dus a la presence de corps etrangers. 42 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902, No. 72. Athanassow (Peter). * Ueber kongenitale Sko- liose. [Zurich.] pp. 6-20, 1 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1903. Repr.from: Arch. f. Orthop.[etc.], Wiesb, 1903,1. Athane (Jean-Marie-Bernard-Urbain) [1878- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la mucocele ethnoi- dale. 89 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 128. Atliaraka. Champion (A. M.) The Atharaka. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond, 1912, xhi, 68-90, 1 pi. Atharva-veda sainhita. Translated with a criti- cal and exegetical commentary by William Dwight Whitney. Revised and brought nearer to completion and edited by Charles Rockwell Lauman. 2 v. clxi, 470 pp.; 471-1046 pp. roy. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, 1905. Athens. See, aho, Asylums (Lnsane, Bescnption, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History of), Fever (Ty- phoid, History of), Fever (Typhus, History of), Influenza (Hhtory, etc., of), Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Cardamatis (J.-P.) L'assainissement de la vilte d'Athe- nes. Grece med, Syra, 1911, xhi, 37-39. Atheroma. See, also, Aorta (Sclerosis, etc., of); Tumors (Atheromatous). Pabst (Sizzo). *Zur Anatomie und Genese der Atherome. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1897. Castorina Sanfillppo (G.) Contributo alio studio della struttura e patogenesi degh ateromi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1910, 8. s, x, 604-620.—Nogachevski (N.) [A simple method of operating for atheroma.] Russk. Med, S.-Peterb, 1892, xvh, 624.—Retterer (E.) De deux loupes ou atrteromes ayant la structure de rhabdomyomes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1915, lxxvhi, 554-557.-----. Struc- ture et origine des atheromes. Ibid., 581-584.—Vladtmiroff (G. Ye.) [Removal of atheromata by the sharp spoon.] Med. Obozr, Mosk, 1891, xxxv, 831.—Zlmmermann (W.) Seltene Atheromformen. Arch. f. khn. Chir., Berl., 1908-9, lxxxviii, 903-916, 1 pi. Atheromatosis. See Arteriosclerosis [and atheromatosis]. Atherosclerosis. See Arteriosclerosis. Atherstone (William Guybon) [1814— 1. [Biography.] South African M. J, Cape Town, 1896-7, iv, 256-258. Atherton (Alexander Montague) [1875- 19031. Obituary. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxvhi, 471. Athetosis. See, also, Hemiathetosis. Birckenstaedt (A.) *Ueber Athetose. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Langeloh (J. H.) *Ueber Athetose. 8°. Kiel, 1900. Mills (C. K.) Athetosis and athetoid affec- tions. In: Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2.ed, Phila, 1898, 694-696. Motchane (Cecile). *Sur certaines formes des contractures dans l'athetose. 8°. Baris, 1900. Olszewski (V.) *Ueber Athetose. 8°. Greifswald, 1895. Ringer (S.) Notes on a case of athetosis, preceded by hemiplegia and hemianesthesia, and accompanied by unilateral swellings. 8°. London, 1877. Athetosis. Pediatrics, N. Y, 1903, xv, 481.—Barraquer (L ) Contribution al estudio de la atetosis. Gac. med. catal, Barcel, 1897, xx, 385-391.—Berger (A.) Zur Kennt- niss der Athetose. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1901, xv. 751. -----. Zur Kenntnis der Athetose. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Leipz. & Wien, 1903, xxih, 214-233.—Buzzard (E. F.) An obscure case of athetosis, with abolition of tendon reflexes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13 vi,-Neurol. Sect, 60.— de Castro (A.) Nota sobre a marcha na athetose. Brazil. med, Rio de Jan, 1912, xxvi, 301, 1 pi. Aho, transl: N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1912, xxv, 265-266, 2 pi.-----. Dos movimentos associados na athetose. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan, 1912, xxvi, 501-503. Aho, transl: Rev. neurol., Par , 1912, xxih, 368-372.—Claude. Athetose fruste. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap. Par, 1911, xxv, 167.—Collins (J.) Dystonia musculorum deformans or athetosis. N. York M. J. [etcl, 1915, ci, 703.—Davidian (H.) Athetosis; review of the literature, with clinical report of a case. Alienist & Neurol, St. Louis, 1915, xxxvi, 269-295, 6 pL—Denekamp (M ) Een geval van hemiathetosis posthemiplegica. Med. Weekbl, Amst., 1896-7, hi, 201-205.—Eisenlohr (CO Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Athetose. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1893-4, Hamb. & Leipz, 1896, iv, 22- 40 —Fernandez Sanz (E.) La atetosis como sfntoma de las encefalopatias infantiles. Rev. de med. y chug, pract, Madrid, 1912, xcv, 129-138.—Fischer (O.) Demonstration zur Pathologie der Athetose und verwandter zerebraler Bewegungsstorungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii 2778.—von Frankl-Hochwart (L.) Ueber Athetose. Deutsche Klinik, Berl, 1904, vi, 709-718.—Fromaget. De l'athetose pupillaire OU hippus. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. etchir. de Bordeaux (1897), 1898, 331-336.—Grancher. L'athetose. Rev. internat. de med. et chir. Par, 1896, yn, 221-223 —Haenel. Ueber die Leitung der Motihtat im Zentralnervensystem; im Anschluss an die mikroskopische Untersuchung eines Falles von Hemiathetose. Jahresb. d. ATHETOSIS. 164 ATHLETES. Athetosis. .....o 110 Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd, Munchen, 1901-2,112- 115 —Harris (G. H. A.) A case of post hemiplegia, athetosis Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1900, xxxv, 178-180.-Kaiser'(0 ) Mvotonische Storungen bei Athetose. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1897. xvi, 674-680.-von Krafft-Ebing. Ueber Athetose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg 1S97, xhi,383 395- Kunn (C.) Ueber Augenmuskclkrampfe bei Athetose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. & Berl, 1897, xxm, 370- 372-Landrieux & Plicque (A.-FO Un cas d athetose hysterique terminC par la guerison. Rey.g6n.de chn. et de therap. Par, 1897, xi, 261-Lannois (M ) Hypertrophic umlaterale du sein dans l'hemiathetose; infantile Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1898) 1899, xxxvui, 79-86.—L*roy. Hemiathetose atypique. Med. mod. Par, 1897, vhi, 129.—McPhedran (A.) Athetosis, or mobile spasm. Canad. J. M. & S, Toronto, 1901, ix, 4^,-Mason (E. G.) Report of a case of functional athetosis- recovery. N. York Polyclin, 1897, ix, 140.-Medea, (E.).& Bossi (R) Resezioni parziah dei nervi mot on nell' atetosi. Osp. magg. Riv. scient.-prat. d. . . . di Milano, 1911 vi, 165-172. Aho, transl: Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1912, xxxi, 684. —— -----. L'excitation mecanique des fibres d'un tronc ner- veux a fin d'individuahser les fibres destirtees aux diflerents muscles (a propos de quelques cas d'athetose traites par la resection partielle des nerfs motcurs). Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxih, 472-Nlkitina-Pakhorskaya (T. P.) [Case of choreo-athetosis of war-traumatic origin.] J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk, 1915-16 xy, 436-44L- O'Carroll. Athetosis. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland,. Dubl, 1911, xxix, 112. Aho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1911, cxxxi, 461.- Peskoff (V. N.) [Congenital athetosis.] Med.pribav Is. morfk sboriiikA, lS.-Peterb, 1900, 388-393.-PmateUe. Deux observations d'athetose; athetose a forme paraplegique congenitale; hemiathetose de l'enfance. Loire mea, bt.- Etienne, 1898, xvh, 242-247.-Popofl (N M) [Athetosis.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1901, ix, No. 3, 42-6.5, 1 pi. Aho, in bis: Klin, lekts. po nervn. bolfezn, 8 .Kazan, 1902, u, 19-42.—Prentice (H. R.) [Case.] Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1911-12, v, Neurol. Sect, 140.-Reiche. Athetose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. & Berl, 1912, xxxvm, 337 —Rennie (G. E.) [Case.] Australas^ M. Gaz, Sydney, 1897, xvi, 43ffiminuta simmetrica dello atlante senza lesioni midollari in seguito a caduta sul capo. Policlin, Roma, 1908, sez. chir.. xv, 241-255— Rechon (G.) & Blchat (H.) Fracture de l'apophyse odontoide et du corps de l'axis. Paris med, 1916-17, xxi, 253-255.—Schneider (O.) [Isoherte Fraktur des Atlas.] Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskran- kenanst. 1909, Hamb. & Leipz, 1910, xiv, pt. 1, 122.-----. Atlasfraktur, Armlahmung; Heilung; Beitrag zur Kasuistik dieser Verletzung. NeuroL Centralbl., Leipz, 1911, xxx, 1346-1353.—Sicard (J. A.) & Roger (H.) Anesthesie du nerf sous-occipital comme signe de fracture de l'arc posterieur de l'atlas. Marseille med, 1916-17, liii, 449-453.—Smith (J. W.) & Clegg (J. G.) Fracture of the atlas and axis, wi t h crushing of the spinal cord; a case in which life was pro- longed for three and a half hours by artificial respiration. Med. Chron, Manchester, 1898,_ ix, 417-423.—Taddei (D.) Frattura dell'epistrofeo senza sintomi midollari. Arch, di ortop, Milano, 1912, xxix, 167-182.—Van der Vloet. Cas de fracture de l'axis. Ann. Soc. de med. d'An vers, 1909, lxxi, 13-18, 2 pL—Wallace (C. S.) A case of fracture of axis vertebra. Tr. Chn. Soc. Lond, 1896-7, xxx, 105.—Wilson (H. A.) Fracture dislocation of the atlas without symptoms of spinal cord injury. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1907, xiv, 632-635, 1 pi. Aho: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg, 1908, x, 1-4,1 pi. as and axis (Wounds and injuries of). See, aho, Atlas and axis (Bislocation of); Atlas and axh (Fractures of). Roussel (H.) *Lesions traumatiques de l'atlas et de l'axis. 8°. Baris, 1900. Brill (F. W.) Ein Beitrag zu den Verletzungen im Bereich der beiden ersten Halswirbcl. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1911, cxi, 510-523.—Kanavel (A. B.) Bui- let located between the atlas and the base of the skull; technic of removal through the mouth. Surg. Clin, Phila 1917, i, 361-366.—La hey (F. H.) Removal of bullet from atlas. Boston M. & S. J, 1914, clxxi, 820.—Mlxter (S. J.) & Osgood (R. B.) Traumatic lesions of the atlas and axis. Am. J. Orthop. Surg, Phila, 1909-10, vii, 348-370. [Discussion], 418-421. Aho: Am. Surg, Phila, 1910, li, 193-207, 5 pi. Atlas der atiologischen und experimentellen Syphilisforschung. Mit Unterstutzung der deutschen dermatologischen Gesellschaft. Hrsg. von Erich Hoffmann, vii, 55 pp., 34 pi., port. roy. 8° Berlin, J. Springer, 1908. Atlas der Heilpflanzen des Praelaten Kneipp. Verfasst von Erzherzog Joseph. Bildlich darge- stellt durch Margareth Fiirstin von Thurn und Taxis. 1 p. 1., 209 pi. 4°. Begensberg, W. IT un- derlings, 1903. Atlas (An) of illustrations of chnical medicine, surgery and pathology. Compiled for the new Sydenham Society. (A continuation of the 'Atlas of pathology." Fasc. 14-27. fol. Bon- don, 1902-7. Atlas (An) of illustrations of pathology. Com- piled (chiefly from original sources) for the New Sydenham Society. Fasc. 11-13. fol. Bondon, 1898-1900; Atlas der in- en uitwendige geschlachtsorganen van den man en van de vrouw, hun misvormin- gen, eenige merkwaardige gevallen van herma- phroditisme, benevens de entwikkeling van de menschhjke vrucht. 14 pi. 4° Amsterdam, A. van Klaveren, [n. d.]. Atlas klinisch wichtiger Rontgen-Photogramme, welche im Laufe der letzten 3 Jahre in der konigl. chirurgischen Universitats-Khnik zu Konigsberg in Pr. aufgenommen wurden. Hrsg. von von Eiselsberg und K. Sudhoff. 401., 37 pi. roy. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1900. Atlas der normalen und pathologischen Anatomie in typischen Rontgenbildern. 81pp.; 40 pp., 18 pi. 4°. Hamburg, Bucas Grafe dc Sillem, 1900-1901. Forms Ergnzngshfte. 1-7 of: Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Ront- genstrahlen, Hamb. Atlas der pathologischen Histologie des Nerven- Bystems. Hrsg. von V. Babes, P. Blocq [et al.]. Lfg. 1-9, 1892-1903. roy. 8°. Berlin. Atlas skhem po anatomii chelovieka. [Schematic atlas of human anatomy.] 2. ed. 24 pi. 4°. Varshava, V. A. Kozloff, [n. d.]. Atlas der tierarztliche Operationslehre in fiinf Buchern: I. Zwangsmittel und Zwangsmassre- geln. II. Instrumentenlehre. III. Verbands- lehre. IV. Allgemeine Operationen. Bearb. von Leonhard Hoffmann, xxiv, -508 pp. 4°. Stuttgart, E. Ulmar, 1908. Atlas of venereal and skin diseases. 2. ed. Text entirely rewritten by James C. Johnston. "With the addition of chapters on acute and chronic gonorrhea, by George Ivnowles Swinburne, vi, 240 pp., 76 pi. fol. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1900. Atlasoff (Ivan Yakovlyovich) [1857-19111. Nekrolog. [In memoriam.] Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Pe- terb, 1912, ccxxxiii, med.-spec. pt, 175. Atlass (Henricus). *Dissertatio inaugurahs pa- thologico-therapeutica de otalgia. 21 pp., 1 1. 12°. Vindobonse, 1835 ATLAY. 168 ATOMIZERS. Atlay (James Beresford) [1860- ]. Sir Henry Wentworth Acland, Brt., Regius Professor of medicine in the University of Oxford; a memoir. vhi, 501 pp., 2 pi., 4 port. 8°. Bondon, Smith, Elder dc Co., 1903. -----. Trial of the Stauntons. 6 p. 1., 332 pp., 9 pi. (1 front.). 8°. Edinburgh dc Bondon, W. Hodge dc Co., [1911]. Atlee (JohnL.) [1799-1885]. Detwller (B. H.) Personal recollections of John L. and Washington L. Atlee. Am. Med, Phila, 1904, vhi, 753. Atlee (Washington L.) [1808-78]. Detwiler (B. H.) [Biography.] Am. Med, Phila, 1904, vhi, 753. Atmometry. Livingston (B. E.) Atmometric units. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, Bait, 1917, n. s, 358-368. Atmosphere. See, also, Air. United States. Bepartment of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Studies on the thermodynam ics of the atmosphere, by Frank Hagar Bigeiow. 4°. Washington. 1907. Arnoldofl (V. A.) [Ammonia and nitric acid in the air.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig, Sudeb. i Prakt. Med, S.-Peterb, 1914, 1, 1012-1024.—Carracido (J. R.) Los gases nobles. Gac. med. d. Sur de Espana, Granada, 1909, xxvii, 37- 42.—Dember (H.) Ueber die Bestimmung der Loschmidt- schen Zahl durch Messung der Absorption des Sonnen- lichtes in der Atmosphare. Atti d. lab. scient. A. Mosso [etc.]. Torino, 1914, iv, 35-42.—Gockel (A.) Aus der Physik der Atmosphare. Med. Klin, Berl, 1911. vh, 1242-1244 — Ivanoff (A. N.) [Quantitative analysis of formaldehyde in the air.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad, S.-Peterb, 1909, xix, 389-400.—Kimball (H. H.) The unusual atmos- pheric haziness during the latter part of 1912. J. Wash. Acad. Sc, Bait, 1913, hi, 269-273.—Lee (F. S.) Recent progress in our knowledge of the physiological action of atmospheric conditions. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, 1916, n. s, xhv, 183-190. Aho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.]: Arch. Pediat, N. Y, 1916, xxxih, 332-335.—Miller (J. A.) Some physiological effects of various atmospheric conditions. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1917, cliii, 412-420.—Wengler (J.) Aenderung des Korpervolumens bei Aufenthalt in verdich- teter Luft. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1904-5, cvi, 313- 322.—Zwaardemaker (H.) Ueber einen Geschwindig- keitsmesser fiir stromende Luft (Aerodromometer). Onder- zoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch, 1909, x, 150-154. Atmotherapy. See, aho, Aerotherapy; Air (Compressed) as remedy. Golesceano (C.) Contribution a l'etude de l'atmothera- pie. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1904, xvhi, 874: 1905, xix, 110.—Slavik (F,.) [Influence of atmospheric changes upon the course of certain diseases, and on the new method of treatmentof rheumatism and gout, and of certain nervous diseases.] Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1911,1,1205- 1208. Atomic theory. Drescher (A.) Der Aufbau des Atoms und das Leben. 8°. Giessen, 1908. Perrin (J. B.) Atoms. Authorized transla- tion by D. L. Hammick. 8°. New York, 1916. Thomson (Sir J. J.) The atomic theory. The Romanes lecture. 8°. Oxford, 1914. Bateman (II.) A model atom. Nature, Lond, 1908-9, lxxix, 159.—Hosier (J.) Sur te nombre des corpuscules dans l'atome. Radium. Par, 1908, ii, 106.—Cohen (E.) & Olie (J.) Das Atomvolumen allotroper Modifikationen bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz, 1910, lxxi, 385-400.—Cole (A. D.) Recent evidence for the exist- ence of the nucleus atom. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, 1915, n. s, xii, 73-81. Aho [Abstr.]: Scient. Am. Suppl, N. Y 1915, lxxix, 194.—De Acosta y Tovar (M.) Conccpto del atomo en la fisico-quimica moderna. Gac. nted. d. Sur de Espana, Granada, 1909, xxvii, 297; 322.—De Uoissoudy (J.) Le probteme de la constitution de l'atome. Scienlia, Bo- logna, 1911, x, 250-277.—Debus (H.) Die Genesis von Dalton's Atomtheorie. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz, 1897, xxiv, 325-352.—De Heen (P.) Demonstration expe- rimentale de la variabilit6 de la molecule et de l'atome. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux, 1913, 680- 694.—Eve (A. S.) Modern views on the constitution of the atom. Am. J. Pharm, Phila, 1915, lxxxvii, 183-195. Also: J. Frankl. Inst, Phila, 1915, clxxix, 269-282.—Hardtn (W. L.) The nature of the chemical atom. Science, N. Y. & Atomic theory. Lancaster, 1916, xhv, 655-664.—Lodge (Sir O.) The struc- ture of the atom. J. Soc. Chem. Indust, Lond, 1908, xxvu, 731-739.—Lorenz (R.) & Eitel (W.) Beitrjige zur Atomistik. Nr. 1. Ueber die ortliche Verteilung der Teilchen in einem kinetischen Felde. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz. & Berl.. 1914, lxxxvii, 293-304.—Meldrum (A. N.) The development of the atomic theory: the reception accorded to the theory advocated by Dalton. Chem. News, Lond., 1911, civ, 37-39.—Moreau. Sur la physique de l'atome. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1909, xviii, 86- 93— Pringshelm (E.) Das labile Gleichgewicht der Atome. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz, 1889, hi, 145-158.— Rakestraw (N. W.) Atoms, molecules and electrons, a popular exposition of an abstruse scientific theory. Scient. Am. Suppl, N. Y, 1915, lxxx, 354-356.—Remsen (I.) The life-history of a doctrine. Am. J. Pharm, Phila, 1903, lxxv, 115-130.—Roscoe(C. E.) & Harden (A.) Die Genesis der Atomtheorie. Ztschr. f. phvs. Chemie, Leipz, 1897, xxh. 241-249.—Rudolph (H.) Die Erklarung der Radioaktivitat aus dem chemischen Zerfall der Atome. Ztschr. f. Balneol, Klimat [etc.], Berl, 1909, ii, 429; 463.—Rutherford (Sir E.) The structure of the atom. Scientia, Bologna, 1914, xvi, 337- 351. AisoJAbstr.]: Pop. Sc. Month, N. Y, 1914, lxxxiv, 616.—Soddy (F.) Some aspects of the atomic theory. Science Progr. 20. cent, Lond, 1915, ix, 573-585.—Stewart (G. W.) The content and structure of the atom. Science N. Y. & Lancaster, 1914, n. s, xl, 661-663.—Thomson (Sir J. J.) On bodies smaller than atoms. Pop. Sc. Month, N. Y, 1901, lix, 323-335.-----. The structure of the atom. Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1905, Lond, 1906-7, xvhi, 49-63.-----. La structure de l'atome. Monit. scient. Par, 1913, 5. s.-, xxvu, 493; 613.—Venable (F. P.) Recent concep- tions of the atom. J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, 1915, xxx, 117- 125.—Wcinstein (R.) Die moderne Atomisierung der Welt. Deutsche Rev, Stuttg. & Leipz, 1914, iv, 147-152 — Wilson (H. A.) The constitution of the atom. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila, 1911,1, 366-373. Atomizers. See, also, Innalation; Nebulizers; Vapor- izers. Bishop (S. S.) Sprays and inhalents. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1898, iv, 112-115— Dietz (W.) & Flor. Zersiauber. Illust. Monatschr. f. arztl. Polytech, Berl , 1907, xxix, 34.— Faught (F. A.) An easily sterilizable atomizer. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1910, liv, 374.—Guyenot. Sur un nouveau thermo-pulverisateur a air comprime. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 190s, cxlvi, 1172-1174—Hedderich. Ein Pul- verblaser fiir den Larynx. Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutsch. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb, 1904, 115— Prelle (O.) Be- trachtungen iiber den Sanger'schen Arzneiverdampfungsap- parat. Aerztl. Prax, Berl, 1905, xviii, 87-89.—Pynchon E.) A new nebulizing device. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & .aryngol, St. Louis, 1897, vi, 158-161.—Regnier (G.) & Arnous des Saulsays. Construction rapide et £cono- mique d'un pulverisateur dans les formations sanitaires de l'avant. Rev. gen. de clin. et. de therap. Par, 1916, xxx, 316.—Saenger (M.) Eine verbesserte Zerstaubungsvor- richtung. Med. Klin, Berl., 1910, vi, 2017-2019.—Straueh. Ein neuer an die Zeiitral-Niederdruckdampfheizung ange- scnlosscner Sprayapparat. Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutscn. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb, 1904, 143-147.—Voorhees (L W.) A new atomizer bracket. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 1069. Atomizers (Patent specifications for). Bailey (J. J.) Atomizer. No.*566282; Aug. 18, 1S96.— Baker (A\ . D.) Adjustable atomizer. No. 1036540; Aug. 27,1912.—Ballentlne (J. R.) Atomizer. No. 95.v.i;7; April 26, 1910. —---. Atomi-.er. No. 955938; April 26, 1910.-----. Atomizer. No. 990949: May 2,1911.—Benson (.IL I.) Atom- izing apparatus. Xo. 604923; Jan. 1, 1901— Blackman (C. M.) Atomizer. No. 613222; Oct. 25, 1MK—Boekel (W.) & Boekel (L) Atomizer. No. 595759; Dec. 21, 1897. -----------. Nebulizer and means for attaching same to supporting-tanks. No. 745415; Dec. 1, 1903.—Braymer (F. V.) Atomizer. No. 750521; Jan. 26, 1904.—Brigham (O. HO Atomizer. No. 667191; Feb. 5, 1901. — Bulling (A.) Atomizer-inhaler. No. 7s7S7t; April 18, 1905.—Burke (,S. W.) Pocket atomizer. No. 1148749; Aug. 3, 1915 — Cadman (W. H.) Appliance for use in administering medicaments to the respiratory passages. No. 105025o; March 13, 1913.—Calkin (11. H.) Atomizer. No. 1208475; Dec. 12, 191(..—Cott (.G- F.) & Loos (J.) Atomizer. No. 638445; Dec. 5, 1n99-Comlns (F. B.) Atomizer. No. 750260; Jan. 26, 1901,—Cooperider (J.) Atomizer. No. 891911; June 30,1908.—Cramer (J. C.) Holder for atomizer. No. 729138; May 26, 1903—Davol (C. J.) Atomizer. No. 830889; Sept. 11,1906. —De Vilbiss (T. A.) Spray-producing point for atomizers. No. S42390; Jan. 29,1907. —:—. Inverti- ble atomizer. No. 904515; Nov. 24,1908.-----. Spray head. No. 1052223; Feb. 4, 1913.-----. Atomizer or the like. No. 1093039; April 14 1911. -----. Valve for atomizers or the like. No. 1097008; May 19, 1911. -----. Atomizer. No. 1193524; Aug. 8. 1916. -----. Medicinal vaporizer. No. 1221516; April 3, 1917.—Dickinson (F. S.) Atomizer. No. 838960; Dec. 18, 1906.—Dorment (F. C.) Atomizer or ATOMIZERS. 169 ATOPHAN. Atomizers (Patent specifications for). nebulizer. No. 815411; March 20,1906.-----. Atomizer and like instrument. No. 839085; Dec. 18, 1906.-----. Pocket atomizer. No. 956052; April 26, 1910-----. Atomizer. No. 1075467; Oct. 14, 1913.—Dorment (F. C.) & McVoy (G. C.) Atomizer. No. 852828; May 7, 1907.—Du Brul (N.) Atom- izer. No. 591745; Oct. 12, 1897.—Dunlap (H. M.) Spray- tube for atomizer. No. 646491; April 3,1900.—Edgerton (C.) Air-pressure-supply apparatus for atomizer. No. 831185; Oct. 23, 1906.—Eggers (A. CO Atomizer. No. 835882; Nov. 13, 1906.—Endres (J.) & Eppenstein (W.) Atomizer. No. 1176669; March 21, 1916.—English (W. J.) Atomizer. No. 871579; Nov. 19,1907.—Farmer (J. P.) Atomizer. No. 756161; March 29, 1904.—Fellercr (C.) Atomizer. No. 1083528; Jan. 6, 1914.—Foster (A. M.) Atomizer. No. 633413; Nov. 1, 1898.—Froidcvaux (A.) Atomizer. No. 562763; June 23, 1896.—Frost (W. S.) Atomizer. No. 602070; April 12,1898.—Fusch (G.) Method ot atomizing sohd medi- caments. No. 928038; July 13, 1909.—Goldman (M.) Atomizer. No. 725954; April 21, 1903.—Goltermann (H.) Atomizer. No. 701711; June 3, 1902.—Guibor (C. H.) At- omizer. No. 670494; March 26,1901.—Gurnee (J. Z.) Atom- izer. No. 816656; April3,1906.—Halapleus (J. G.) Atomizer. No. 705074; July 22, 1902— Hasbrouck (S.) Atomizer. No. 719587; Feb. 3, 1903.—Hawley (F. G.) Atomizer. No. 772802; Oct. 18, 1904.—Hay (W. S.) Atomizer. No. 1032333; July 9, 1912.—Heiman (S.) Pocket-atomizer. No. 653866; July 17, 1900.—Herscher (C.) Atomizer. No. 495735; April 18,1893—Hinkle (F. W.) Atomizer. No. 101S193; Feb. 20, 1912.—Holland (J. J.) Atomizer. No. 1229015; June 12, 1917.—Holland (J. J.) & Dlscher (W.) Combination atom- izer and nebuhzer. No. 1020047; March 19. 1912.—Hollweg (C.) Atomizer. No. 636042; Oct. 31,1899.—Holman (O. Q.) Atomizer. No. 661313; Nov. 6,1900.—Jahn (E. A.) Atom- izer or pump-sprayer. No. 842097; Jan. 22, 1907.—Kelley (G. J.) Atomizer. No. 1042685; Oct. 29. 1912.—Kenny (T.) Atomizer. No. 642130; Jan. 30, 1900.—Kettle (S.) Atom- izer. No. 757200; April 12,1904—Knight (O. C.) Atomizer or nebulizer. No. 803170; Oct. 31, 1905.—Krumm (A. W.) Atomizer. No. 560507; May 19, 1896.—Lindkugel (A. C.) Vaporizer. No. 1184248; May 23, 1916.—Mallory (H. H.) Atomizer. No. 905087; Nov. 24, 1908.—Manning (E. J.) Atomizer. No. 1020833; March 19,1912.—Marks (G. C.) At- omizer. No. 593750; Nov. 16, 1897.—Mastin (J. G.) Atomizer. No. 1141721; June 1, 1915.—Meinecke (C. W.) Atomizer and nebuhzer. No. 918762; April 20, 1909.— Menges (E. E.) Atomizer. No. 794033; July 4, 1905 — Michael (CE.) Atomizer. No. 922307; May 18,1909.—Mills (H. R.) Atomizer. No. 560225; May 19,1896.—Mitchell (F. J.) Air-forcing device for atomizers. No. 585220; June 29, 1897.—Munro (W. R.) Atomizer. No. 1145029; July 6, 1915.—Oleshak (R. A.) Powder-atomizer. No. 783128; Feb. 21, 1905.—Parker (R.) Bulb for atomizers. No. 564390; July 21, 1896.—Pettit (E. R.) Atomizer. No. 1103684; July 14,1914— Pierce (J. D.) Atomizer. No. 744603; Nov. 17, 1903.—Prescott. (R. W.) Atomizer. No. 606240; June 28, 1898.—Rachmann (H.) Atomizer for scent and other sprays. No. 904149; Nov. 17, 1908.—Richards (R. F.) Pocket atomizer. No. 963179; July 5, 1910.—Robertson (J.) Atomizing apparatus. No. 703611; July 1, 1902.— Romelsler (C.) Atomizer. No. 727069; May 5,1903.—Root (W. L.) Apparatus for atomization. No. 856301; June 11, 1907.—Rose (W. H.) Door-operated air-pump for atomizer. No. 812883; Feb. 20, 1906.—Sams (W.) Atomizing device. No. 738848; Sept. 15, 1903. -----. Atomizer. No. 790318; May 23, 1905.—Schoonmaker (F. W.) Nasal device. No. 1143731; June 22, 1915.—Schrader (F. C.) Sprayer. No. 613321; Nov. 1, 1898.—Seltzer (C. J.) Atomizer and nebulizer. No. 692485; Feb. 4, 1902.-----. Atomizer. No. 700838; May 27, 1902.—Smart (W. J.) Atomizer. No. 1110653; Sept. 15, 1914.—Smith (E. L.) Atomizer. No. 657710; Sept. 11,1900.—Sonn (E. J.) Atomizer. No. 679436; July 30, 1901.—Stevenson (W. L.) Atomizer. No. 583341; May 25,1897.—Strumpf (H.) Atomizer. No. 1035261; Aug. 13, 1912— Tatum (A. H.) Atomizer. No. 712213; Oct. 28, 1902.—Tatum (C. A.) Atomizer. No. 1099474; June 2, 1914.—Tolman (G. S.) & Jones (G. K.) Atomizer. No. 717474; Dec. 30, 1902.—Trask (S.) Atomizer. No. 1113069; Oct. 6,1914.-----. Valveless atomizer. No. 1169301; Jan. 25, 1916.—Truesdale (A.) & Virgin (W. S.) Surgical atomizer. No. 984619; Feb. 21,1911.—Truman (C.) Spray- ing device. No. 905250; Dec. 1, 1908.—Turner (C. L\) Atomizer. No. 757157; April 12, 1904.—Tygard (J. W.) Vibrative liquid atomizer and mixer. No. 862856; Aug. —. 1907.—Vant Woud (V. C.) Atomizer. No. 568058; Sept 22, 1896.—Venner (R. F.) & Brown (A. W.) Atomizer. No. 931240; Aug. 17, 1909— Waldman (J.) Atomizer. No, 851265; April 23, 1907.—Walz (C. J.) Air-forcing device for atomizers. No. 700995; May 27,1902.—Weaver (H. B.) At- omizer. No. 587890; Aug. 10, 1897.—Weitllng CSV. W.) Atomizer. No. 630277; Aug. 1, 1899.—Whittier (W. E.) Atomizer No. 625621; May 23,1899.—Woodruff (T.) Atom- izer. No. 578436; March 9, 1897.—Worst (E. J.) Atomizer. No. 915646; March 16, 1909. Aton (Edmond) [1877- ]. *De quelques troubles anormaux dus a la presence de vege- tations adenoides dans le naso-pharynx de l'enfant. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 27. Atony (Gastro-intestinal). See Intestines (Atony of); Stomach (Atony of). Atony (Muscular). See Muscles (Atony of); Myatonia congenita. Atophan. Atophan (2-phenyl-chinolin-4-carbonic acid); a definite chemical substance which has been found to exercise a powerful influence upon the uric acid metabolism; new physiologically and clinically approved therapy in gout and articular rheumatism. 8°. New York, 1911. Saratovski (I. I.) *Klinicheskiya nablyu- deniya nad dieistviyem atofana na vldleleniye mochevoi kisloti. [Clinical observations on the action of atophan upon the secretion of uric acid.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1912. Chcrnlkoff (Y. A.) [Clinical and experimental data on the action of atophan.) Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1912, xi, 48-50.—Dohrn (M.) Ueber das Verhalten des Atophans im Organismus. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl, 1912, xliii, 240-244. -----. Ueber die entztindungswidrige Eigenschaft des Atophans und einiger anderer Carbonsauren. Therap. d. Gegenw, Berl, 1913, liv, 196-199.—Faslanl (G. M.) Ricer- che sull' azione dell' atophan sulla nucleasi del siero. Arch. di farmacol. sper, Roma, 1912, xiv, 480-490.—Folln (O.) & Lyman (H.) On the influence of phenylquinolin carbonic acid (atophan) on the uric acid elimination. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap, Bait, 1912-13, iv, 539-546.—Frank (E.) Untersuchungen uber die Harnsaurebildung aus Nuclein- saure und Hypoxanthin unter dem Einflusse des Atophans; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Nucleinstoflwechscls und der Atophanwirkung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1911-12, lxviii, 349-370. -----. Ueber Variationen des oxegenen Purinstoffwechsels durch Atophan. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb, 1912, xxix, 615-622.—Frank (E.) & Bauch (B.) Ueber den Angriff- spunkt des Atophans bei seiner Einwirkung auf die Harn- saureausscheidung; nebst Bemerkungen zur Theorie der gichtischen Urikamie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 1463-1467.—Guinet (M.) Contribution a l'etude de l'acide phenylquinolique carbonique; atophan. Rennes med, 1912-13, viu, 369-371.—Heller (E.) Atophan bei Gicht und akutem Gelenkrheum&tismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlvhi, 526.—Klemperer (G.) Wesen der Atophanwirkung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med, Wiesb., 1913, xxx, 183-186.—Schittenhelm (A.) & Ullmann (R.) Ueber Nucleinstoffwechsel unter dem Einflusse des Atophans. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap, Berl, 1912-13, xh, 360- 379.—Skorczewski (W.) Ueber den Einfluss der Atophan- darreichung auf die Urochromausscheidung. Ibid., 1913, xiv, 113-115.—Sk6rczewski (W.) & Solin (J.) Ueber das Verhalten der 2-Phenyl-chinolin-4-Karbonsaure [Atophanl im Organismus. Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1912, A, 885-887. Aho: Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1912, xxv, 593.-----------. Stoflwechselversuche bei Atophandar- reichung. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap, Berl, 1912, xi, 254-263.—Smith (C. A.) & Hawk (P. B.) Action of atophan and novatophan in gout and iritis. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1915, xv, 181-187. Aho, Reprint—Starken- stein (E.) Ueber die Beeinflussung des Purinstoffwechsels durch Phenylcinchonsaure (Atophan). Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1911, lxv, 177-196. -----. Ueber die Pharmakologie des Atophans. (Nach gemein- samen Versuchen mit Wiechowski.) Wien. klin. Wchn- schr, 1913, xxvi, 87. Atophan (Exanthemata from.) Brammer (M.) Et Tilfaelde af Atophanexantem. Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh, 1915, lxxvii, 1065.—De Oyar- zabal (E.) Dermitis artificial, tipo eczema, producida por el atofan. Rev. espan. de dermat. y sif.? Madrid, 1913, xv, 301-303.—Herrick (W. W.) A scarlatiniform rash from atophan. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1376.—Huber- Pestalozzi (G.) Pruritus cutaneus universalis mit urtica- riellem und scharlachahnhchem Exanthem nach Atophange- brauch. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xiv, 624- 626.—Kissmeyer (A.) Et Tilfaelde af Atophanexanthem. Ugeskr. f. Lacker, K0benh, 1915, lxxvii, 792— Phillips (J.) Skin rashes following the administration of atophan. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 19i3, lxi, 1040. Aho, Reprint.—Thomsen (H.) [A case of atophan exanthem.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh, 1915, lxxvh, 894. Atophan (2-phenyl-chinolin-4-carbonic acid; a definite chemical substance^ which has been found to exercise a powerful influence upon the uric acid metabolism; new physiologically and ATOPHAN. 170 ATOXYL. Atophan—continued. clinically approved therapy in gout and articu- lar rheumatism. 16 pp. 8°. New York, Scher- ing dc Glatz, 1911. Atoxicocaine. Brun (H.) Atoxikoka'fn. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1915, xiv, 1267.—Walthard (H.) Erfahrungen mit Atoxikokain. Ibid., 1916, xlvi, 667-669. Atoxyl. See, also, Arsacetin. Alvarez (M. G.) Algunas palabras sobre el atoxil. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1909, 3 s, iv, 527-533— Blumenthal (F.) Ueber den Nachweis und den Gang der Ausscheidung des Atoxyls im Harn. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1908, xxxiv, 2266.-----. Atoxyl. Biochem. Ztschr, Berl, 1910, xxviii, 91-96.-----. Ueber Atoxyl und seine De- rivate. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1910, xxxvi, 2275-2278. [Discussion in]: Med. Klin , Berl, 1911,yii, 78.—Blumenthal (F.)& Jacoby (E.) Ueber Atoxyl. Bio- chem. Ztschr, Berl, 1909, xvi, 20-36.—Blumenthal (F.) & Navassart(E.) Ueber Atoxyl. Ibid., 1911, xxxii, 380-393.— Croner (F.) & Sellgmann (E.) Ueber das Verhalten des Atoxyls im Organismus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1907, xxxih, 995-997.----------. Pharmakologische Untersuchungen mit Atoxyl. Med. Klin, Berl, 190s, iv, 632- ' 634.—Dcleuze. L'atoxyl. Rev. pharm, Gand, 1907, n. s, xxih, 203-211.—Dullere (W.) Note sur le dosage de l'arsenic dans l'atoxyl. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg, Brux.. 1912, 4. s, xxvi, 358-360.—Ehrlich (P.) & Bertheim (A.) Zur Geschichte der Atoxylformel. Med. Klin, Berl, 1907. hi, 1298—Fourneau (E.) Sur l'atoxyle. J. de pharm. et chim. Par, 1907, 6. s, xxv, 332; 528.—Lafay (L.) Un nou- veau-ne de quarante-quatre ans: l'atoxvl. Chnique, Par, 1907, ii, 295-298.—Langgaard (A.) Atoxyl. Therap. Mo- natsh, Berl, 1907, xxi, 418-422.—Lockemann (G.) Zur Frage der Ausscheidung des Atoxyls durch den Harn; Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn Blumenthal. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1909, xxxv, 209.— Nlerensteln (M.) Comparative chemo-therapeutical study of atoxyl and trypanocides. Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol, Liverp, 1908, ii, 249-255.-----. Chemical notes on atoxyl. Ibid., 329. -----. Ueber die Ausscheidung des Atoxyls im Pferdeharn. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap, Jena, 1909, h, 453-458.—Sigel (J.) Atoxyl. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1904, xii, 18.—Tendron (E.) Recherches sur l'elimination de l'arsenic apres injections sous-cutanees d'ato- xyl, par le dosage de l'arsenic dans les urines et les feces. Bull. Soc. path, exot. Par, 1909, ii, 140-143.—Terry (B. T.) Different amounts of transformed atoxyl produced by incubating one per cent and ten per cent atoxyl in blood. J. Exper. M, Lancaster, Pa, 1915, xxi, 258-266.—Umbert. Nota sobre l'atoxil. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Catalunya, Barcel, 1909, hi, 2S9; 447.—Woodall (A. E.) On the chemistry and pharmacology of atoxyl and arsacetin, with some observations on the excretion of these compounds. Med. Chron, Manchester, 1912-13, lvi, 299- 311.—Yaktmoff (W. L.) Zur Frage iiber die Zersetzung des Atoxyls. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1908, xxxiv, 201-203. Atoxyl (Effects of). Dietrich (W.) *Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung des Atoxyls bei Pferd und Hund. [Giessen.] 8°. Stuttgart, [1910]. Also [Abstr.], in: Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr, Hannov, 1910, xvhi, 81-83. Hasse (A. [A.] J.) *Ueber die Wirkung des Atoxyles bei kleinen Haustieren, speziell beim Hunde. [Giessen.] 8°. Berlin, [1909]. Arzt (L.) & Kerl (W.) Ueber die Beeinflussung der Atoxylwirkung durch Organbrci. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1912, xxv, 1408-1413.—Beck (M.) Ueber die Wirkung des Atoxyls im tierischen Organismus. Ztschr. f. Immuni- tatsforsch. ii. exper. Therap.. Jena, 1910-11, vhi, Orig, 218- 232 —Blumenthal (F.) Atoxyl and its mode of action. Sleeping Sick. Bureau. Bull, Lond, 1908-9, No. 4, 114- 148—Boyd (F. D.) A contribution to the study of protein metabolism under atoxyl. Arch, inlcnuit. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par, 1911, xx, 2.si-2s.v—Cianni (A.) Kicorche sperimentali sull' azione hsiologii-a dell' atoxyl. Sperimen- tale. Arch, di biol, Firenze, 190s, lxii, 213-292.—Igershel- mer. Experimcntcllcr Beitrag zur Wirkung des Atoxyls auf den tierischen Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1908, Suppl.-Bd, 2X2-2X5.—Igers- heimer (J.) & Rothmann (A.) Ueber das Verhalten des Atoxyls im Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem, Strassb, 1909, hx, 256-280.—Peschlc (S.) Versuche uber die Wirkungsweise des Atoxyls. Ztschr. f. Immunitats- forsch. u. exper. Therap, Jena, 1912, xiii, Orig, 364-370.— Roehl (W.) Ueber den Wirkungsmechanismus des Atoxyls. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xlvi, 494-497.— Rothermundt (M.) & Dale (J.) Experimentelle Studien uber die Wirkungsweise des Atoxyls in vitro und im Ticr- korper. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap, Atoxyl (Effects of). Jena, 1911-12" xh, Orir, 565-594.—So. Beeinflusst Atoxyl die Bildung der Antikorper? Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xxiv, 452.—Terry (B. T.) The action of atoxyl. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med, N. Y, 1911-12, ix, 41—Uhlen- liutli, Gross & Bickel. Untersuchungen iiber die Wir- kung des Atoxyls auf Trypanosomen und Spiroehaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1907, xxxih, 129-132.—Wittrock. Ueber Empfindlichkeit der Haut gegen Bcriihrung mit Atoxyllosung. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg, Leipz, 1914, xvhi, 163. Atoxyl (Effects of) on the eye. Birch-Hlr'scnleld (A.) & Koster (G.) Die Schadigung des Auges durch Atoxyl, auf Grund klinischer, anato- mischer und experimenteller Untersuchungen. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1910, lxxvi, 403-463, 1 pi— Bornemann (W.) Ein Fall von Erblindung nach Atoxylinjektionen bei Lichen ruber planus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, hi, 1043-1045.—Coppez (H.) Sobre los accidentes oculares producidos por el atoxil. Arch, de oftal. hispano-am., Barcel, 1909, ix, 409-413.—Costantino (T.) Contributo chnico alio studio delle ambliopie e delle amaurosi tossiche prodotte dall' atoxil. Arch, di ottal, Napoli, 1910-11, xviii, 573-592.—Garcia del Mazo. Nuevo caso de ceguera pro- ducida por el atoxil. Arch, de oftal. hispano-am, Barcel, 1911, xi, 661-667.—Grignoio (F.) Dell' influenza dell' atoxil sull' occhio; rivista sintetica e ricerche personah. Patho- logica, Genova, 1909-10, ii, 537-546.-----:. DeUe alterazioni' oculari nell' avvelenamento acuto da atoxil. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1911, xl, 230-235.—Herford (E.) Sehstorungen nach Atoxyl-Anwendung. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1908, xxxii, 440-449.—Igersheimer (J.) Ueber die Wirkung des Atoxyls auf das Auge. Arch. f. Ophth, Leipz, 1909, lxxi, 379-428, 1 pi.-----. Experimentelle Studien uber die W irkung des Atoxyls auf das Auge. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1908, Wiesb, 1909, xxxv, 242-250.-----. On the effect of atoxvl on the eye. Arch. Ophth, N. Y, 1911, xl, 402-404.—Key (B. W.) The effect of atoxyl on the eye, being a clinical and experimental study. Univ. Penn. M. Bull, Phila, 1909-10, xxv, 124-134.—>Iakrocki. Ein Beitrag zur Atoxylamaurose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1914, li, 1765.— Maucione (L.) Ancora un caso di cccita per atoxil. Arch. di ottal, Napoli, 1910-11, xviii, 769-772— Scnwarz (E.) Ueber Atoxyl-Polyneuritis und Atoxyl-Amblvopie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1909, xxxiv, 223-227.—Steindorfl (K.) Die Wirkung des Atoxyls auf dns Auee; Sammel- referat. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvii. 1x37.— Steine- bach (R.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sehstoruncen nach Atoxyl. Ibid., 1914, li, 1116.—Szekeres (O.) [Disturbances of vision following atoxvl.] Szemosze*, Budapest, 1909, xlvi, 56-59.—Van Gehuchten & Tits (A.) Un cas d'am- blyopie atoxylique. Nevraxe, Louvain, 1909, x, 3-12. Atoxyl (Therapeutic use of). See, aho, Sleeping-sickness (Brevention, etc., of); Syphilis (Treatment of) with atoxyl; Trypanosomiasis (Treatment of). Blrlnger (F.) Klinische Erfahrungen mit Atoxvl. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1903, xvh, 389-393.—Blumenthal (F.) Leber die Anwendung des Atoxvls in der inneren Medizin. Med. Klin, Berl.; 1907, iiL 319-322.—Drobinski [Therapeutic use of atoxyl in relapsmg fever and malarial fever.] Kharkov. M. J, 1907, iv, 214-217, 1 diag.—Fabian (R.) Wcitere Ergebnisse der Atoxvlbchandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xlvi, 99-101.—Fourneau (E.) Sur l'emploi medical de l'atoxvl. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol, Par, 1907, xiv, 313-329.—Hallopeau (II.) Sur un danger de la medication par l'atoxyl et l'obligation qu'il impose. Clin. opht. Par, 1907, xiii, 298-300. Aho: Rev. scient. Par, 1907, 5. s, viii, 104. -----. Nouvelle note sur l'emploi de l'atoxyl dans la syphilis, la tuberculose et la lepre. Cong. franc, de med. 1907. Compt. rend. Par, 1908 461-468.— Jacobson (R.) Die Anwendung der Atoxyl-Blaud- und Chinatoxylkapseln bei der Behandlung der Anamie und Neurasthenic. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg, Berl, 1909, 77-79.— Laterza (G.) Cure con l'atoxyl. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1908, Roma, 1909, xvhi,' 421.—Loewentlial. Ueber Atoxyl, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der damit ange- stellten experimentellen Tierversuche und dessen bisheriger Anwendung in der Veteriniirmedizin. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr, 1908, 873-875.—Mussiou. Des diverses applica- tions tlterapeutiques dc l'atoxvl. Ann. d'hyg. et de nted. colon.. Par, 1909, xh, ll.vi 10.—Moller (J.) Ueber Atoxyl und dessen intramuskuliirc und endovenose Anwendung. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchn>chr., 1901, 255-203. Aho: Wien. klin.-Therap. Wchnschr, 1904,255-263.—Xacgeli-Akerblom (II.) A Vernier (P.) Beitrag zum Studiuui der therapeuti- schen Wirkung des Atoxvls und seiner Derivate. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1909, xxii'i, 201-206.—Schacht (E.) Atoxyl als Tonieum. Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, 1419.—Schiid (W.) Das Atoxyl (Metaarsensiiureaniha), ein neues Arsen- priiparat, und dessen dcrmatotherapeutische Verwendung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1902, xxxix, 279-2S2. -----. Versuche mit Atoxyl. Dermat. Ztschr, Berl, 1903, x, 35-38.— Walther. Anwendung des Atoxyls in der Veterinarme- dizin. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr.", 1908, 265.—von Zeissl (M.) Die therapeutische Bedeutung des Atoxyls (Metaar- sensaureanilid). Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1903, xvi, 461. ATOXYL. Atoxyl (Toxicology of). See, also, Atoxyl (Effects of) on the eye. Simonot (E.-L.) ^Contribution a l'etude de l'intoxication experimentale par l'atoxyl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909. F/Cole de pharmacie. Aho [Abstr.], in: Foha serolog, Leipz, 1910, iv, 307-309. Birch-Hirschleld (A.) & Koster (G.) Zur pathologi- schen Anatomie der Atoxylvergiftung. Fortschr. d. Med , Berl, 1908,673.—Blumenthal (F.) Toxikologische Unter- suchungen mit Atoxyl. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1907, xxxih, 1065. -----. Ueber Konstitution und Giftwirkung verschiedener Korper der Atoxylgruppe. Med. Klin, Berl, 1908, iv, 1687.—Blumenthal (F.) & Hersch- mann (F.) Atoxyl- und Anilinvergiftung. Biochem. Ztschr, Berl, 1908, x, 240-244.—Blumenthal (F.) & Jacoby (E.) Toxikologische Untersuchungen mit Atoxyl. Med. klin, Berl, 1907, hi, 1365.—Brenning (M.) Zwei Falle von Atoxylintoxikation. Dermat. Centralbl, Leipz, 1907, x. 135-138—Hallopeau (H.) Sur un danger de la medication par l'atoxyl et l'obligation qu'il impose. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1907, 3. s, IviiL 61-64.—Igersheimer (J.) Ueber die Atoxylvergiftung nut besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Wirkung auf das Sehorgan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1909, xxxv, 1142-1146.—Iger- sheimer (J.) & Itami (S.) Zur Pathologie und patho- logischen Anatomie der experimentellen Atoxylvergiftung. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1909, lxi, 18-36 — Kttster (G.) Klinischer und experimentell-pathologischer Beitrag zur Atoxylvergiftung. Fortschr. d. Med, Berl, 1909, xxvii, 1153-1157. -----. Beitrage zur Lehre von der chronischen Atoxylvergiftung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1910, cxxxvi, 1-64, 2 pi—Muto (K.) Ueber die Giftigkeit des Atoxyls. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1910, lxii, 494-501.—Sanno (Y.) Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Giftempfindhchkeit des Frosches; Versuche mit Atoxyl und Colehicin. Ibid., 1911, lxv, 325- 336.—Schlecht (H.). Ueber einen todlich verlaufenen Fall von Atoxylvergiftung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1909, hi, 972-974— Waelsch (L.) Ein Fall von A toxyl vergiftung. Ibid., 1907,liv, 937.—Wedemann(VV.) Toxikologische Ver- suche mit Atoxyl an zahmen Ratten. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl, 1908, xxviii, 585-594. Atractis. von Linstow. Atractis perarmata n. sp. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1910, hii, Orig, 516-518, 4 pi. Atractylis. Angellco (F.) Sui principi dell' Atractylis gummifera (sicihano: Masticogna). Arch, di farm, e terap, Palermo, 1907, xhi, 91-100—Angelico (F.) & Pitini (A.) Ricerca tossicologica del principio velenoso dell' Atractylis gum- mifera. Ibid., 1906, xii, 377-381.—Malafosse(P.) Un em- poisonnement a forme stupefiante par le chardon, Atractylis gummifera (el heddad des Arabes). Gaz. d. hop. Par, 1905, lxxvhi, 111. Atrichia. See Alopecia; Hair (Abnormities of). Atriplicism. Abbatucci. Notes cliniques sur un cas de faux atripli- cisme. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon. Par, 1907, x, 612- 615— Boddaert (A.) L'atriplicisme. Bull.Soc.demed.de Gand, 1900, lxvii, 281.—Laveran. Sur une note de M. le Dr. J. J. Matignon, concernant l'atriplicisme. Bull. Acad. de med. Par, 1897, 3. s, xxxvih, 237.—Matignon (J.-J.) De l'atriplicisme (intoxication par l'arroche). China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep. 1897, Shanghai, 1898-9, 1-24, 4 pi. Atropa belladonna. See Atropin; Belladonna. Atropa mandragora. See Mandrake. Atrophoderma. See Skin (Atrophy of). Atrophy (Facial). See, aho, Face (Atrophy and asymmetry of). Mobius (P. J.) Der umschriebene Gesidhts- schwund. 8°. Wien, 1895. Berard. Atrophie faciale par ancienne osteomyehte du maxillaire inferieur; indications therapeutiques. Lyon chhurg, 1909-10, ii, 252.—Burley (B. T.) Bilateral facial atrophy, with report of a case and its treatment by the sub- cutaneous injection of paraffin. Boston M. & S. J, 1904, cl, 391-397. Aho [Abstr.]: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y.. 1904, xxxi, 474.—Hertz (A. F.) & Johnson (W.) Case of bilateral atrophy of the face. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, Clin. Sect, vi, 92-94.—Montesano (V.) Gli effetti troflci nella cute in un caso di emiatrofla facciale con sarcoma ATROPHY. Atrophy (Facial). idiopatico (stato delle fibre elastiche). Bull, d r Aeead med. di Roma, 1900, xxvi, 255-261, 1 pi— Morel-Lavallee. Troubles trophiques unilateraux de la face et de la bouche. Ann. de dermat. etsyph, Par, 1897, 3. s, vhi, 1261-1263 — Ruhemann. Beziehungen des Trigeminus zur Gesichts- atrophie. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl, 1888-9, vhi, 185-187— Schlesinger (A.) Ein Fall von doppelsciti- ger, umschriebener Gesichtsatrophie. Arch. f. Kinderh Stuttg, 1905, xlh, 374-379.—Shaw (H. B.) Bilateral wastZ ing of the sub-cutaneous tissues of the face in a boy set. 10. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1904-5, xxxviii, 222— Stegmann (R.) Ein Fall von Atrophia faciei und seine kosmetische Behand- lung. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1904, xvii, 944. Atrophy (Facial, Unilateral). See, aho, Hemiatrophy. Barrel (E.) *De l'hemiatrophie faciale dana ses rapports avec les lesions du ganglion cervical inferieur. [Lyon.] 8°. Bourg, 1902. Rtjtten. Un cas d'herniatrophie faciale gau- che. 8°. Namur, 1903. Steinert (H.) *Ueber Hemiatrophia faciei. 8°. Halle a. £.,1889. Abrams (A.) Note of a case of facial hemiatrophy. N. York M. J, 1896, lxiv, 582.—Beauchant. Un cas de mala- die de Romberg. Poitou med, Poitiers, 1903, xvh, 266- 270— Calmettc & Pages. Un cas d'hemiatronhie faciale progressive. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par" 1903, xvi, 26-29, 2 pi— Clauri (R.) SuH'emiatrofia facciale progres- siva. Riforma med, Napoli, 1910, xxvi. 479-484.—Claude (H.) & Pezary (A.) Hemiatrophie faciale progressive; lymphocytose du liquide cephalo-rachidien. Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 806-808.— Courtney (J. W.) A case of unilateral progressive facial atrophy. Boston M. & S. J, 1902, cxlvi, 463-465.—Dameron (E. P.) Progressive unilateral facial atrophy. Dental Digest Chicago, 1903, ix. 174-180.—Decsi (K.) [A case of facial atrophy.] Orvosi hetil.; Budapest, 1896, xl, 603.—Donath (J.) Beitrag zur Hemiatrophia facialis progressiva. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1897, x, 418-421.—Galimberti (A.) Emiatrofla facciale con- temporanea ed emiatrofla dorsale del lato opposto. Clin. dermosifllopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1913, xxxi, 117. 1 pi — Hoeflmayer (L.) Ein Fall von halbseitigem Gesichts- schwund (Hemiatrophia facialis progressiva). Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1898, xiv, 391.—Huber (F.) Hemiatrophia facialis progressiva. Arch. Pediat, N. Y, 1899, xvi, 89-92.— Kiirner (O.) Die Betheiligung der Ohrmuschel und des Kehlkopfs bei der Hemiatrophia faciei. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1902, xii, 357-360, 3 pi—Langclaan (J. W.) Over trophische stoornissen, naar aanleiding van een geval van hemiatrophia facialis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1913, ii, 655-661.—Le Maire. [A case of facial atrophv.j Hosp.-Tid, K|0benh, 1897, 4. R, v, 689-697.—Obarfio (J. M.) flemiatrofla facial progresiva. Semana med, Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, i, 125-128.—Pages. Un cas d'hemiatrophie faciale progressive. Montpel. nted., 1903, xvi, 66-70.—Reiss. Fall von Hemiatrophia facialis pro- gressiva. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver, Stuttg, 1916, Ixxxvi, 383.—Rocher & Boisserie-Lacroix. Hemiatrophie faciale congenitale avec malformation de l'oreille et hyporjlasie du muscle sterno-cleido-mastoi'dien. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1913, xlui, 842: 1914, xhv. 10.—Salas y Vaca (J.) Trofo-neurosis facial. Corresp. med, Madrid, 1903, xxxvih, 242; 255.—Sato (K.) Ein Fall von Hemiatro- phia facialis progressiva. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1894, -viii, 22. Hft, 1-6,1 pi— Schabad (Z.) Ein Fall von Hemiatrophia faciei et cranii sin. conge- nita. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1898, n. F, xv, 30-32.— Schlesinger (H.) Fall von Hemiatrophia faciei mit multi- plen Hhnnervemahmungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1897, x, 515.—Thompson (J. A.) Facial hemiatrophy, causing deformity of the septum nasi; report of a case. Laryngo- scope, St. Louis, 1S98, iv, 220.—Verrotti (G.) Di un caso di emiatrofla sclerotica del viso a sinistra estesa a tutto il terri- torio della 3» branca del 5° paio, con incipiente diffusione al territorio della l>e 2» branca. Med. prat.. Napoli, 1916, i, 10-16,1 pL—Wolff (H.) Ein Fall von Hemiatrophia facialis progressiva. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1897, xliv, 9.— Yonge (E. S.) A case of facial hemiatrophy. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1897, i, 585. Atrophy (Infantile). See Infants (Atrophy of). Atrophy (Muscular). See, also, Ataxia (Bocomotor, Complications, etc., of, Muscular); Dystrophy (Muscular); Hemiatrophy; Muscles (Atrophy, etc., of); Myatonia atrophica; Myopathy (Brimitive progressive); Thomsen's disease. Arnoldi (W.) *Zwei Falle von Muskelatro- phie. 8°. Grafenhainichen, 1908. 1 ATROPHY. 172 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular). Cohn (T.) Muskelatrophien. 12°. Leipzig, 1910. Loewenthal (W.) *Untersuchungen uber das Verhalten der quergestreiften Muskulatur bei atrophischen Zustanden. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1898. Aho, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1898, xm, 106-146, 1 pi. Medina (0.) * Atrofia muscular. 16°. Aguas- calientes, 1895. Austregesilo (A.) Sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire chez un negre. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1913, xxvi, 430-432, 1 pi— Batten (F. E.) Case of muscular atrophy. Proc Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915-16, ix, Neurol. Sect., 62.— Bradford (J. R.) A case of muscular atrophy. Clm. J, Lond, 1896, vhi, 294-299.—Brown (W. L.) An unusual case of muscular atrophy. Lancet. Lond, 1904, i, 1651.— Brubaker (F. B.) A consideration of atrophy. Med. Times, N. Y, 1906, xxxiv, 104-109.—Bryant (J. H.).. On a case of muscular atrophy. Clin. J, Lond, 1901, xviu, 327- 335. -----. Muscular atrophy. Guy's Hosp. Gaz, Lond, 1902, xvi, 329-338.—Buzzard (E. F.) An unusual case of muscular atrophy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, n, NeuroL Sect, 33-35.—Campbell (G.) A case of muscular atrophy: with presentation of patient. St. Louis Cour. Med 1901, xxv, 407^12. Aho: Scient. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni St. Louis (1901), 1902, 227-235. -----. A case of extensive muscular atrophy. Polyclin, Lond, 1901, v, 246-248.—Collier (W.) A case of muscular atrophy, with stocking-glove anesthesia, showing gradual improvement. Lancet, Lond, 1906, i, 1829-1831.—De Buck (D.) I/atro- ohie muscidaire. Belgique med, Gand-Haarlem, 1900, n, 778: 1901, i. 4; 38.—De Buck (D.) & De Moor (L.) Een merkwaardig geval van spieratrofle. Handel, v. h. vlaamsch nat - en geneesk. Cong, Gent en Antwerpen, 1901, v, 96-101, 1 pi—De Pastrovich (G.) Due casi di amiotrofla. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1900, xxvi, 664-691.—Hare (HA.) A case of universal muscular atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1898, xxv, 450, 1 pL—Herringham (W. P ) A clinical lecture on a case of muscular atrophy. Chn. J Lond, 1907-8. xxxi, 209-213.—Isola. Discussione clhiica sopra un caso di atrofia muscolare. Cron. di clin. med. di Genova, 1911, xvh, 97-100.—Laelir (M.) Muskelatrophie nach dem Tvpus cervicalis inferior. Berl. klin. \\ chnschr, 1898 xxxv, 565.—Lannois. Myotome avec atrophie muscu- laire. J. de neurol. Par, 1904, ix, 355 — Lcpine (R.) & Froment (J.) Deux cas d'atrophies musculaires. Bull. Soc med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1905, iv, 16-19. Aho: Lyon med, 1905, civ, 223-226.----------- Atrophie musculaire et bradycardie. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1905, iv, 84-86 Aho: Lvon med, 1905, civ, 480-482.—Mailing. MuskelatrofL Hosp.-Tid, K0benh, 1914, 5. R, vh, 1166.— Marcus. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Muskelabmage- rung Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1905, xii, 202-213 — Mettler (L. H.) Spinal amyotrophy with pupillary in- equality, and juvenile dystrophy. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1829-1833—Norstrttm (G.) Contractures and muscular atrophy. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1906, lxx, 693-695.— Oudin (P.) Action de l'efnuve de resonnance dans les atrophies musculaires. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'eiectrol. et de'radiol. med, Amst, 1908, iv, 224-233.— Pick (F.) Zur Lehre von den Muskelatrophien. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Nalurf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz, 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 283. — Sigman (II. G) An interesting case of simple atrophy. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis 1896, ix, 273.—Smith (R. S.) Some unusual cases of muscular atrophy. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1896, 6. s, hi, 164-171,1 pi.—Steven (J. L.) & Monro (T. K.) Four cases of muscular atrophy. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1895-7, i, 249-260. A ho [Abstr.]: Glasgow M. J, 1897, xlvii, 272.— Tlkhomlrofl (D. M.) [Isolated nonprogressive muscular atrophies] Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb, 1914, ccxli. med.- spec. pt, 1-8.— Verricr (K.) Du retour a l'unite de type dans l'atrophie musculaire de l'adulteet del'enfancc. France med.. Par, 1898, xiv, 577-580.—Welch (K. St. V.) A curious case of muscular atrophy. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1911, xxx, 30.—Wolff (K.) Ein Fall von Muskelatrophie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix, 1247.—Yates (W. W.) Muscular atrophy: causes; diagnosis; treatment. J. Kan- sas M. Soc, Kansas City, Kan, 1910, x, 84-88.—Eanietow- skl. Ueber die Wirkung der Resonanzellluvion auf die Muskelatrophie. Ztschr. f. Med. Elektrol. u. Kontgenk. [etc.], Leipz, 1908, x, 467-471. Atrophy (Muscular, Arthritic). Dechauffour(M.) *Traitemeutpr^ventif des atrophies musculaires reflexes et des ankyloses dans les lesions traumatic)ues ou inflammatoires des articulations. 8°. Baris, 1904. Jin (T.) *Experimen telle Beitrage zur Lehre der einfachen arthritischen Muskelatrophie. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1910. Atrophy (Muscular, Arthritic) Korniloff (A.) Mishechniya pokhudaniya pri stradaniyakh sustavov, kostei i prilezha- shtshikh chastei. [Muscular atrophy in diseases of the joints, bones, and adherent parts.] 8°. Moskva, 1895. Moussous (A.-C.) Contribution a, l'etude des atrophies musculaires succedant aux affec- tions articulaires. Recherches anatomo-patho- logiques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1885. Schlesinger (A.) *Die Pathogenese der Muskelatrophie nach Gelenkerkrankungen. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Achard (C.) & Levi (L.) Atrophie des centres nerveux, dans un cas d'atrophie musculaire et osseuse d'origine a ti- culaire. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1898, xi, 262-275, 3 pi —Allen (C. L.) Arthritic muscular atrophy. J. Am. M vss , Chicago, 1911, lvii, 2053-2055.—Bast in. Un cas d'amvotrophie abarticulaire. J. de neurol. Par, 1903, vhi, 200-202—Bum (A.) Ueber arthritische Muskelatrophie. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvh, 2609-2615. A ho [Abstr.]: Wien klin. Wchnschr, 1906, xix, 1462—Courtade (D.) Pathogenie et traitement electrique des atrophies reflexes d'origine articulaire. Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etc.], Par, 1904, vh 686-689.-----. Des atrophies reflexes d'origine articu- laire et de leur traitement par 1'eleetrisation et te massage. J. de med. de Par.. 1904, 2. s, xvi, 122—Courtin (J.) De l'atrophie musculaire d'origine articulaire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 433-435.—Crocq. Un cas d'atrophie abarticulaire des deux jambes. J. de neurol. Par , 1906, xi, 19.—Deroubaix (A.) Un cas d'atrophie abarticulaire. Ibid, 1905, x, 241-246. Aho [Abstr.]: J. med. de Brux, 1905, x,393— Duplay (S.) & Cazin (M.) Recher- ches experimentales sur la nature et la pathogenie des atrophies musculaires consecutives aux lesions des articula- tions. Arch. g6n. de med. Par, 1891, i, 5-26—Flatau (G.) Muskelatrophien nach Frakturen, Luxationen und arthrir tischen Gelenkserkrankungen. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1902, v, 305; 350.—Griffith (J. P. C.) A case of arthritic muscular atrophy. Med. News, Phila, 1888, liii, 726.—Hallpre (A.) Mecanisme des atrophies abarticulaires; paralysie radiculaire superieure consecutive a une arthrite de l'epaule. Normandie med, Rouen, 1903, xvhi 449-453.-----. Les amyotrophies abarticulaires; leur origine spinale. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1903, 423-431 — Hoffa (A.) Zur Lehre der arthritischen Muskel- atrophie. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1898, iv, 457-459.— Mally. Les amyotrophies reflexes d'origine articulaire. Arch, d'eiectric. "med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 574-579.— Mally & Mignot. Recherches experimentales sur les amyotrophies d'origine articulaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par, 1900, n. s, xxvi. 415-426.—Morestin (H.) Les amyotrophies d'origine articulaire. Rev. d'orthop. Par, 1900, 2. s, i, 373-397.—Paichline. Presentation d'un cas d'atrophie du bras d'origine articulaire, simulant la paralysie infantile. J. de med. de Par, 1896, 2. s, vhi, 273.—Patrick (H. T.) Arthritic muscular atrophy. Uli- nois M. J, Springfield, 1905, vh, 12 — Pighini (G.) Nerv- ous lesions in amyotrophia of articular origin. J. Ment. Path, N. Y, 1902-3, hi, 135-143—Pollenoff. [Arthropathie muscular atrophy.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan. univ, 1900, pt. 2,1-5.—Popoft (N. M.) [Muscular atrophy in diseases of the joints and bones.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1901,ix,No.2,151-168,1 pi. Aho, inbis:Klin.lckts.ponervn. bollezn, 8°, Kazan, 1902, ii, 1-18, 1 pL—Rochard (E.) & de Champtassln (P.) Du traitement des atrophies mus- culaires consecutives aux epanchements articulaires (et en particulier a l'hydarthrose), par la methode du travail mus- culaire avec progression des resistances. Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1TO7, 3. s, lvii, 246-255. Aho: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1907, cliii, 405-416.—Sclilff (A.) & Zak (E.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der arthritischen Muskelatropliien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xxv, 651-058— Splller (W. G.) Articular amyotro- phic spastic paralysis (arthritic muscular atrophy), with the report of a case. Phila. Polyclin, 1898, vii, 96.—Stewart (P.) Muscular atrophy in rheumatism. Practitioner, Lond, 1912, lxxxviii 77-81.—Sulzer (M.) Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber MuskelatrophiearticularenUrsprungs. Festschr. Ed. llageubach-Burkhardt, Basel & Leipz, 1897, 135-173, 1 pi —Van Gcluichten (A.) Un cas d'atrophie abarticulaire. J. de neurol. Par, 1900, v, J^-'-JV) —Zlm- mern (A.) Traitement des atrophies musculaires reflexes d'origine articulaire. Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etcl, Par., 1902, v, 394-106. Aho: Presse med. Par, 1902, i, 557-559. Atrophy (Muscular, Causes and path- ology of). See, also, Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications, etc., of, Muscular); Atrophy (Muscular, Ar- thritic); Atrophy (Muscular, Cerebral); Atro- phy (Muscular, Localized); Atrophy (Muscular, ATROPHY. 173 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Causes and path- ology of). Primary progressive, Causes, etc., of); Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary progressive, Hereditary); Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Causes, etc., of); Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Heredi- tary); Atrophy (Muscular, Traumatic); Atro- phy (Neuromuscular). Jamin (F.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Atrophie gelahmter Muskeln. 8°. Jena, 1904. Kottmann (W.) *Ueber Kern veranderungen bei Muskelatrophie. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1900. Aho, in: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1900, clx, 75-85, lpl. Barbier(H.) Mauvaise alimentation et atrophie. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par, 1907, cliv, 742-747.—Bramwell (B.) Muscular atrophy; acetonsemia; no diabetes mellitus; extreme fatty degeneration of hver and other organs. Clin. Stud, Edinb, 1909-10, n. s, viu, 257-261— Cole (H. P.) Restriction versus paralysis as a cause of atrophy. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Cleveland, 1906, 252-262.—David (A.) & Desplats (R.) Atrophie musculaire tres prononcee du membre inferieur gauche chez un vieux syphihtiqu e; examen clinique, examen des reactions eiectriques; traitement specifique et traitement electrique; resultats. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1903, i, 251-256.—De Buck (D.) & De Moor (L.) Experimenteele en anatomopathologische bijdrage tot de leer der spieratrofie. Handel, v. h. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong, Gent & Antwerpen, 1900, iv, 57-62. ■ -----. Morphologie de la regression musculaire. Nevraxe, Louvain, 1903-4, v, 227-262.—Dowd (C. N.) Ischemic muscular atrophy. Ann. Surg, Phila, 1906, xhv, 442-444, 1 pL—Durante (G.) Du processus histologique de l'atro- phie musculaire. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path, Par.j 1902, xiv, 658-677. Aho: Cong. d. med. ahenistes et neurol. de France . . . C.-r, Par, 1902, ii, 304-317.—Dzler- zynski (W.) [Muscular atrophy of reflex and muscular originj Lek. Wilehski, 1913, i, No. 5, 1-3.—Ferguson (A. H.) Ischemic muscular atrophy, contractures and paralysis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 599-608,6 pi. [Dis- cussion], 640. Also: West. Canada M. J, Winnipeg, 1908, ii, 1-11.—Franco (E. E.) Sulla atrofia con proliferazione del tessuto adiposo. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ, Leipz, 1911, xxxii, 608-316,1 pi.—Freire (L.) Algunas con- sideracoes sobre a pathologia nervosa a proposito das atro- phias musculares e perturbaooes da sensibilidade. Brazil- med. Rio de Jan, 1911, xxv, 152; 183; 213; 233; 265:1912, xxvi, 111; 197.—Frisco (B.) Contributo clinico e sperimentale all' etiologia ed alio studio anatomo-patologico delle atroLe muscolari. Pisani, Palermo, 1900, xxi, 71-105—Gross- mann (M.) Die Muskelatrophie infolge von Inaktivitat. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1912, xxv, 346.—Grund (G.) Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung atrophischer Muskeln. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1913, xxxii, 486-490.—Grune- vvald (J.) Ueber die spezifische Labilitat der Streckmus- keln und uber Inaktivitatsatrophie uberhaupt. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir, Stuttg, 1912, xxx, 9-31.—Hernaman- Johnson (F.) Sling-atrophy and kindred disabilities. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1916, ii, 423.—Jamin (F.) Ueber die Atrophie gelahmter Muskeln. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soz. zu Erlang. (1904), 1905, xxxvi, 300-306— Kushtalofl (N. I.) [Connection of hyperplasia with atrophy.] J. Akush. i Zhensk. Boliez, S.-Peterb, 1912, xxvii, 1725-1738, 1 pi.—Lejonne (P.) & Touchard (P.) Atrophies muscu- laires multiples d'origine tuberculeuse probable. Rev. neurol., Par, 1909, xvii, 792-796— Levaditi (C.) Contribu- tion a l'etude des atrophies musculaires experimentales. Presse med. Par, 1899, ii, 214-217.—Luzzatto (A. M.) Ueber vasomotorische Muskelatrophie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1902-3, xxiii, 482-498. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1902, Roma, 1903, xn, 602.—Mager. Zwei Falle von Muskelatrophie verschiedener Aetiologie. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1908, xxi, 1283—Mag- giore (S.) Un caso di amiotrofia di origine professionale. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1909, hi, 25-34.—Majoll (A.) L'atrofia della gamba in seguito all' uso prolungato delle mullettiere. Policlin, Roma, 1916, xxih, sez. prat, 1314.—Martini (G.) Un caso di amiotrofia professionale in una microscopista. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1910, iv, 305-314—Mignot & Mally. Recherches experimentales sur les amyotrophies reflexes. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1900, n. s, iv, 296-311—Morse (M.) Atrophy does notinvolve acceleration of tissue enzyme action. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med, N. Y, 1914, xh, 46.—Moiichet (R.) Ein Fall von Diffusion des Chroma- tins in das Sarkoplasma; ein Beitrag zum Studium der Muskelatrophie. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path, Jena, 1909, xiv, 154-160— Pach (H.) [Muscular atrophies caused by mechanical pressure.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1913, lvii, 90.—Papazolu (Mme. Alex.) Sur la presence et la speeificite des ferments dans le sang des malades atteints d'atrophie musculaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1913, lxxiv, 979.—Raymond. Atrophie musculaire d'origine Atrophy (Muscular, Causes and path- ology of). reflexe. Bull, med. Par, 1897, xi, 285. -----. Atrophie musculaire reflexe; diagnostic. J. de med. int., Par, 1904, viu, 371. Aho, transl: Med. ital, Napoh, 1906, iv, 6 — Russell (J. W.) Case of inherited muscular atrophy of unusual distribution. Birmingh. M. Rev, 1898, xliii, 289- 292.—Schnitzler (J. G.) Klinische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der mit Muskelatrophien verlaufenden Formen von multi- pler Sklerose und ehronischer Myelitis. Ztschr. f. ges. Neurol. u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1912, xii, Orig, 310-352,1 pi — Scuderi (A.) Su di un caso di atrofia muscolare daintossi- cazione saturnina. Riv. ital. di neuropat. [etc.], Catania, 1913, vi, 560-563—Siebert (C.) Ein Fall von hysterischer Muskelatrophie mit Veranderung der elektrischen Erreg- barkeit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1898, xxiv, 833.—Skinner (E. H.) Atrophy of disuse. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1910, xxxih, 329—Spiller (W. G.) A case of intense and general muscular atrophy caused by encephalomyelitis. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1904, ii, 34-39, 1 pL—Sudeck (P.) Ueber die Muskelatrophie (Reflextheorie und Inaktivitatstheorie). Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1907, xxxiii, 881-886.—Verger (H.) & Dumora (H.) Atrophie musculaire ancienne du membre superieur, hematomyelie probable. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 422-424.—Walsh (J. J.) Disuse cripplings. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1915, 25. s, h, 156-171. Atrophy (Muscular, Cerebral). Margtjlis (M. S.) [Muscular atrophies in focal cerebral diseases. 8°. Moskva, 1907. Scheidt (K.) *Zur Lehre von der zerebralen Muskelatrophie. [Erlangen.] 8°. Nurnberg, 1910. Zimels (M.) *Ueber Muskelatrophien bei cerebralen Affectionen. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Berlin-Charlottenburg, [1907]. Caracciolo (R.) Sulla patogenesi delle amiotrofie di ori- gine cerebrale. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1904, xxx, 486-519, 5 pi—Finley (F. G.) Two cases of early atrophy of muscles in cerebral disease. Montreal M. J, 1896-7, xxv, 208-213. Aho, Reprint.—Fuchs (A.) Atro- phie der hnken Korperhalfte nach Schadeltrauma in der Jugend (zerebrale Hemipiegie mit hochstgradiger Atro- phie). Jahrb. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Leipz. & Wien, 1911, xxxii, 312-315.—Lewy (F. H.) Der Muskelbefund bei cere- braler und spinaler Muskelatrophie. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvh, 2056.-----. Zur Frage der cerebralen Muskel- atrophie. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1911, exxxvii. 511-514.—Markeloff (G. I.) [Pathogenesis of cerebral muscular atrophies.] Obozr. Psikhiat, Nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb, 1909, xiv, 160-175.—Muratoff (V. A.) [Patho- genesis of muscular atrophies in diseases of the brain.] Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova 1891, Mosk, 1892, iv, 668-672.—Petrina (T.) Ueber cerebral Muskelatrophie. Prag. med. Wchnschr, 1899, xxiv, 511; 525; 539. Also: Beitr. z. inn. Med. Festschr. d. Cong.... in Karlsbad 1899, Wien, 1900, 134-151.—Popoff (N. M.) [Muscular atrophy- in brain disease.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1899, vh, No. 1, 1-19,1 pL—Bausenbach (C. W.) & Scott (W. M.) Report of a case of abiotrophic cortical degeneration with section of posterior spinal roots for relief of symptoms. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait, 1912-13, viu, 28-30.—Roa- senda (G.) & Angela (C.) A proposito delle atrofle musco- lari di origine cerebrale; due casi chnici e relative considera- zioni patogenetiche. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1913, xiv, 337; 354.—Schaffer (K.) Ueber cerebrate Muskel- atrophie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1896, xxxii, 1041; 1072; 1094.-----. Zur Lehre von der cerebralen Mus- kelatrophie, nebst Beitrag zur Trophik der Neuronen. Mo- natschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1897, ii, 30-52.— Stelnert (H.) Cerebrale Muskelatrophie; nebst einem Beitrag zur Casuistik der Balkentumoren. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1903, xxiv, 1-59.-----. Neue Beitrage zur Lehre von der Muskelatrophie bei supranuclearen Lahmungen, besonders bei der cerebralen Hemipiegie. Deutsches Arch. f. khn. Chir, Leipz, 1905-6, lxxxv, 445- 490_Thorel (C.) Cerebrale und hysterisehe Muskelatro- phie. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1899. Wiesb, 1901, vi, 724-726. Atrophy (Muscular, Diagnosis of). See, also, Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary pro- gressive, Biagnosis of); Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Biagnosis of). Bles (C.) Schijnbare atrophie bij roentgenopnamen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1916, ii, 1255.—Buz- zard (T.) Case of muscular wasting with unusual symp- toms. Brain, Lond, 1905, xxviii, 359.—Dejerine. Les atrophies musculaires consecutives aux nevrites periplte- riques et leur diagnostic differentiel. Clinique, Par, 1912, vii, 818-820— Denechau (D.) Un cas d'atrophie muscu- laire d'origine syphilitique a type de paralysie saturnine. ATROPHY. 174 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Diagnosis of. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par, 1916, 3. s, xl, 1418-1423.—Forli (V.) Valore chnico della reazione degene- rativa a distanza di Ghilarducci. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1911, xxxvii, 441^55.-----. Ueber die ldimsche Bedeutung der Fernreaktion auf Entartung von Ghilarducci. Med. Klin, Berl, 1912, vhi, 1865-1868.— Grinker (J.) Demonstration of several types of muscular atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y., 1915, xiii, 570- 574.—Guthrie (L.) Case of muscular atrophy with de- layed thermal sensation. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1907-8, i, Neurol. Sect, 10— Mazzi (V.) Sulla diagnosi dell' atrofia muscolare degli arti in genere e della coscia in particolare nella pratica degli infortuni del lavoro. Medi- cina d. infortuni d. lav. [etc.], Perugia, 1914, vii, 185-193.— Remond (A.) Note sur une forme non classee d'atrophie musculaire. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1897, hi, 257r264. Atrophy (Muscular, Facioscapulohu- meral ). See Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary progressive, Facio-scapulo-humeral). Atrophy (Muscular, Infantile). See Atrophy (Muscular Brimary progressive, Hereditary); Atrophy (Jluscular, Brimary pro- gressive, Lnfantile); Atrophy (Muscular, Pro- gressive, Hereditary); Atrophy (Muscular) in children. Atrophy (Muscular, Localized). See, aho, Atrophy (Muscular, Unilateral). Achard (C.) & Demanche (R.) Atrophie musculaire et osseuse d'un membre inferieur, consecutive a une lesion du femur datant de l'enfance. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1906, 3. s, xxih, 1210-1214.—Allaire. Une flllette atteinte d'atrophie des muscles de l'eminence thenar; radio- graphic de la colonne cervicale. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s, xxv, 474-476.—Amato (L.) Sopra un caso di atrofia muscolare dell'arto superiore sinistro con paralisi ed anestc- sia. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1906, liv, 190-193.— Babonneix (L.) & Page. Sur un cas d'atrophie muscu- laire locahsee. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1917, 3.s, xh, 122-127.—Batten (F.E.S Atrophy of distal muscles in all four extremities; ?cause. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Neurol. Sect, 62.—Begouin. Atrophie musculaire du quadriceps. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 412.—Bilhaut (M.) Atrophie muscu- laire de la jambe droite et de la cuisse gauche chez un meme malade; etiologie des lesions ainsi distribuees. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par, 1906, xix, 161-164.—Bose. Le emiatrofle famihan delle estremita. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1896, xvii, 1373.—Bradshaw (T. R.) Case of local muscular atrophy. Liverpool M.-Chir. J, 1900, xx, 203-205.—Buz- zard (E. F.) A case of muscular atrophy of left upper limb. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, NeuroL Sect, 84.— Cadwalader (W. B.) A case presenting atrophy of the right lower extremity, with increased reflexes and positive Babinski sign. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y.? 1916, xliii, 546-550.—Chartier. Atrophie musculaire peri-scapulaire, pseudo-myopatique, chez un tuberculeux au premier degre. Lyon med, 1916, exxv, 338— Cockayne (E. A.) Distal myopathy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 184.—Colleville. Sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire dc la region thenar et de paralysie des extenseurs de la main chez un syphilitique. Union"med. du nord-est, Reims, 1914, xxxviii, 49-54 —Croco. Un cas d'amyotro- phie du membre superieur droit. J. de neurol. Par, 1905, x, 19; 39: 1909, xiv, 105-107.—Felling (A.) A note on three cases of atrophy of the small hand muscles. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 1914-15. xxii, 37— Gay (J.) Amyotro- §hies regionales et impotences fonctionnelles. Ann! Soc. 'hydrol. med. de Par. C.-r, 1911, lvi, 281-290.—Glorleux. Atrophie musculaire du membre inferieur gauche chez un garcon de 12 ans. J. de neurol., Par, 1903, vhi, 258. [Dis- cussion], 274-276.—Gordon (A.) Spinal muscular atrophy limited to one segment of a limb. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1913, xl, 320— Gowers (Sir W. R.) Local panatro- phy. Rev. Neurol. & I'sycluat, Edinb, 1903, i, 3.— Knapp (A.) Ein Fall von doppelseitigcm Schwund der Wadcn- muskulatur. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1901, xvi, 161-165.—Manfredl (L.) Sopra un caso di at rofia isolata non progressiva dei piccoli muscoli della mano. Liguria med, Genova, 1914, viii, 121.—Marie (P.) & Cliatolin (C.) Un cas d'atrophie musculaire intense des mem lues su- Eerieurs et de la ceinture scapulaire par osteosarcome pro- able des dernieres vertebres cervicales. Rev. neurol. Par, 1914. xxvu, 857.—Marie (P.) & Foix (C.) L'atrophie isolee non progressive des petits muscles de la main; fre- quence relative et pathogenic; tephromalacie anterieure; poliomyeiite, nevrite radiculaire ou non radiculaire. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1912, xxv, 353; 427, 1 pi — Morse (Mary Elizabeth). A study of the spinal cord in a case of isolated atrophy of the small muscles of the hands. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1915, xhi, 257-269.—Pasteur (W.) A case of widespread atrophy and shortening of the Atrophy (Muscular, Localized). muscles of the limbs, with fixation of joints and extreme deformity. Arch. Middlesex Hosp, Lond, 1906, vhi, 57-64, 2 pi— Popoffl (N. M.) & Zhestkofl (V. I.) [Peculiar trophic disturbance in the region of the upper extremities.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1896, iv, No. 1, 53-62.—Pritchard (E.) Multiple exostoses with symmetrical wasting of the muscles of both upper arms. Proe. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 35.—Raymond & Guillain (G.) L'amyotrophie a type lombo-pelvi-femoral. Presse med. Par, 1906, xiv, 317.—Robertson (R.) [Case of atrophy of the deltoid muscle.] Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass, Madras, 1902-3, x, 19.—Rose (F.) L'atrophie musculaire partielle dans les myopathies. Semaine med. Par, 1913, xxxiii, 397-399.—Schonhals. Muskelatrophie an den Handen. Kor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Jena, 1912, xii, 429. A ho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lix. 2312.—Soderbergh (G.) & Sundberg (C.) [Atrophy of the small muscles of the hand through compression of the upper cervical cord.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1916, lxxviii, 417- 436.—Tedeschi (E.) Atrofia isolata non progressiva dei piccoli muscoli della mano. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1913, Roma, 1914, xxih, 429-431. Aho: Tommasi, Napoli, 1914, ix, 97-102.—Teleky (L.) Isolierte Atrophie einzelner Datimenballenmuskeln bei Feilenhauern. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, xxvi. 374.—Thompson (T.) Wasting of the small muscles of the hand in a girl, aged 20, and her father aged 46. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1907-8, i, Neurol. Sect, 63.—Thomson (H. C.) Atrophy of the small muscles of one hand followed by symptoms suggesting tabes dorsahs. Polyclin, Lond, 1905, ix, 83.-----. Case of rapid wasting of "muscles of hands and arms, (?) cause. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond., 1912-13, vi, Neurol. Sect, 134- 136.—Touche. Atrophie bilaterale des muscles moyens fessiers. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1900, lxxv, 887 — Uhllch (P.) Ein Fall von isohrter Atrophie des M. supra- und infraspinatus. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1902, xxxi, 329-332.—Van Gehuchten (A.) Un cas d'amyotro- phie de la main droite. J. de neurol. et hypnol. Par, 1898, hi, 193-204. [Discussion], 207-209.—Weber (E. P.) & Dor- ner (G.) A case of chronic muscular atrophy, chiefly affect- ing the thigh muscles. Tr. M. Soc. Lond,"1909-10, xxxih, 391-393. Aho, Reprint— Wolfsteln (D. I.) A case of atrophy of hand muscles with localized sensory-disturbances; possible early syringomyelia. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1904, xlh, 941-944. Atrophy (Muscular, Peroneal). See Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Neural or peroneal). Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive) [Primary myopathy, Dystrophia muscularis progressiva [Erb, 1891]]. See, also, Myopathy (Brimary progressive) [in 2. s.] Barzixsky (M.) * Ueber Dystrophia muscu- lorum progressiva. 8°. Berlin', [1904]. Coxstantinides (J.) *Klinische Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Dvstrophia musculorum progres- siva. 8°. Erlangen, 1902. D'Abtjxdo (G.) Sulle distrofie muscolari progressive, roy. 8°. Catania. 1897. Ferxholz (F." \V. K. K.) *Zur Lehre von der Dvstrophia muscularis progressiva. 12°: Berlin, 1896. Grimm (P.) *Ueber einen Fall von genera- lisierter Dvstrophia muscularis progressiva. 8°. Heidelberg', 1910. IIimmkr (A.) *Ueber einen Fall von Distro- phia musculorum progressiva. 8°. Munchen, 1901. Illixg (L.) *Ueber Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. 8°. Miinchen, 1902. Jamin (F.) *Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Dystro- phia muscularis progressiva. [Erlangen.]' 8°. Berlin, [1896]. Jorraxd (P.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la myopathie primitive, progressive atrophique. 8°. Vans, 1909. Mexde (K. [M. H. A.]) *Zwei Falle von Dvstrophia muscularis progressiva. [Kiel.] 8°. Schlesuiq, 1909. Mugge (F. G. K. H. J. L.) *Zwei Falle von Dvstrophia musculorum progressiva. S°. Ber- lin, 1902. ATROPHY. l Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive) [Primary myopathy, Dystrophia muscularis progressiva [Erb, 1891]]. Schaedel (W.) *Zur Lehre von der Dystro- phia musculorum progressiva. 8°. Kiel, 1909. Schonemaxn (A. [W.]) *Dystrophia muscu- laris progressiva. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Schunke (C.) *Ein casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva (Erb). 8. Greifswald, 1901. Stefpen (W.) *Histologische Untersuchung eines Falles von Dvstrofia musculorum pro- gressiva. 8°. Kiel, 1901. Wongtschowski (A.) *Ueber Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Accornero (AOi Atrofia muscolare progressiva idio- patica. Policlin, Roma, 1908, xv, sez. prat, 339-342.-----. Atrofia muscolare progressiva idiopatica. Liguria med, Genova, 1914, viii, 123.—Batten (F. E.) The myopathies or muscular dystrophies; critical review. Quart. J. Med, Oxford, 1909-10, iii, 313-328,1 pi.-----. Myopathy, simple atrophic type. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915, vhi, Neurol. Sect.? 69.—Biscons & Fabre. Un cas de myo- pathic primitive progressive. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1906, xi, 102-104.—Boelime (G. F.) Case of progressive muscular dystrophy. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1916, cxv, 108-110.—Boulenger. Un cas de myopathic atrophique progressive. J. de neurol. Par, 1902, vii, 116-120.—Bou- veret (L.) Deux cas de myopathic atrophique progressive; atrophie linguale myopathique. Lyon med, 1895, lxxx, 148-153.—Boyd (W. R.) Two cases of primary muscular atrophy. Intercolon. M. J. Australas, Melbourne. 1896, i, 493-197.—Bramwell (B.) Extreme (?myopathic) mus- cular atrophy. Clin. Stud, Edinb, 1907-8, vi, 61-67,1 pi.— Cade (A0 Deux cas de myopatbie atrophique progres- sive non rtereditaire. Bull. Soc. nted. d. n6p. de Lyon, 1902, i, 255-260.—Campbell (C. M.) A case of muscular ' dystrophy affecting hands and feet; depression after ex- haustion, with recovery. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1906, iv, 192-202, 1 pL—Campbell (H.) Idiopathic mus- cular atrophy. Clin. J, Lond, 1896-7, ix, 247.—Carr (J. W.) A case of idiopathic muscular atrophy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1896, xxix, 239.-----. A case of muscular dystrophy. Polyclin, Lond, 1904, -viii, 117.—Case (A) of muscular dystrophy. Guy's Hosp. Gaz, Lond, 1917, xxxi, 250.—Caswell (W. H.) Progressive muscular dys- trophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1900, xxvu, 656.— de Champtassin (P.) Traitement des dystrophies mus- culaires et des dystrophies generates par les mouvements actifs. Presse med. Par, 1905; i, 219.—Chauffard. Les myopathies primitives progressives. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1906, xx, 579.—Chorno-Shvarts (B. N.) [Progressive muscular dystrophy.] Dletsk. med, Mosk, 1903, vhi, 317-321—Cipollina (A.) & Maragllano (V.) Due casi di distrofia muscolare progressiva. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1902, xh, 666-673.—Collins (J.) & Cllmenko (H.) A clinical study of fifty cases of muscular dystrophy; idiopathic muscular atrophy, myopathy. Contrib. Sc. Med. & Surg. ... 25. anniv. founding of N. Y. Post-Grad. M. Sch. & Hosp, N. Y, 1908, 360-384, 5 pi.—Concetti (L.) Ueber die idiopathisehe und diffuse Amyotrophie. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1900, vh, 1565; 1613.—Dalla Vecchta (G.) & Oreiice (E.) Contributo alio studio della distrofia muscolare progressiva idiopatica. Morgagni, Mi- lano, 1901, xliii, 551-566.—Dalton (N.) A case of myopa- thic muscular atrophy in an adult. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1896, xxix, 230-232.—Dejerine. Les atrophies musculaires • myopathiques. Clinique, Par, 1912, vh, 148-150.—En- gelen. Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 597.—Esch (P.) Ueber Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz, 1900, xi. 2; 25.—Eshner (A. A.) A contribution to the study of the muscular dystrophies. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1898, cxvi, 307-325. Aho, Reprint.-----. A case of pro- gressive muscular dystrophy. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila, 1898, xix, 79-81. Aho: Maryland M. J, Bait, 1898, xxxix, 493-496. Aho, Reprint.—Feinberg (J. A.) Fall von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. Neurol. Cen- tralbl, Leipz, 1900, xix, 106-110— Franceschini. Dis- trofie muscolari. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1916, xxxvu, 49- 53.—Galloway (J.j Case of progressive muscular dystro- phy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1911-12, v, Clin. Sect, 157-163.—Hamtll (P.) Case of muscular dystrophy. Ibid., 1915-16, ix, Neurol. Sect, 81.—Head (G. D.) A case of primary muscular dystrophy. Northwest. Lancet, Min- neap, 1904, xxiv, 387.—Herbert (L. H.) Dystrophia mus- cularis progressiva, with illustrative case report. Centr. States M. Monit, Indianap, 1906, ix, 519-521.—Holmes (G.) A case of abortive muscular dystrophy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond.. 1908-9, ii, Neurol. Sect, 167.—Hooker (R. S.) Report of a case of myopathy. Med. & Surg. Rep. Episc. Hosp, Phila, 1913, i, 220-223.—Hunt (J. R.) A case of muscular dystrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y.; ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive) [Primary myopathy, Dystrophia muscularis progressiva [Erb, 1891]]. 1904, xxxi, 100.—Jendrassik (E.) Gibt es heilbare Falle von Dystrophic? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz, 1909, xxxv, 830.—Jolly. Dvstrophia muscularis progressiva. Ibid., Leipz, 1889, xv, 446.—Kron (H.) Vor- stellung eines Falles von Dystrophia musculorum pro- gressiva. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 1130. Aho: Ver- offentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl, 1913-14, pt. 1,16.— Lafora (G. R.) Contribuci6n al estudio de las iormas de miopatias primitivas 6 distrofias musculares progresivas. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1913, x, 86-93.—Leegaard (C.) Om dystrophia musculorum progressiva. Norsk Mag. f. Lsege- vidensk, Kristiania, 1905, 5. R, iii, 129-205.—Legros. Sur un cas de myopathic primitive progressive. Arch, med. d'Angers, 1906, x, 722-726.—Leroy & Petit. , Des atro- phies musculaires progressives mvopathiques. Echo med, Toulouse, 1901, 2. s, xv, 553; 565. Aho: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, ii, 299; 321.—Lesatre (A.) Deux observations d'atrophie musculaire progressive myopathique. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1917, xlvi, 182-189.—Lortat (J.) & Thaon (P.) Atrophie musculaire myopathique et maladie de Thomsen. Rev. neurol. Par, 1905, xhi, 778- 780.—McConnell (J. BO Pseudo-progressive muscular dystrophy. Montreal M. J, 1902, xxxi, 369.—McCrudden (F. H.) Progressive muscular dystrophy. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1216. Also, Reprint.—Mailing (K.) [Case.] Hosp.-Tid, K0benh, 1906, 4. R, xiv, 1287- 1295.—von Marsovsky (P.) Ueber einen Fall von Dystro- phia muscularis progressiva. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1908, xhv, 525-532— Marvin (J. B.) Muscular dystrophy. Louisville Month. J. M. &. S, 1902-3, ix, 496-498.—Mautner (B.) Dystrophia musculorum pro- gressiva. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 78-80.—Mendel (K.) Casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dystrophia musculorum progressiva- Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1901, xx, 601-605.—Mery. L'a- trophie musculaire progressive d'origine myopathique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par, 1904, xvhi, 532.— Messing. Przypadek dystrophias musculorum progres- siva?. Neurol, polska., Warszawa, 1911-12, ii, 750.—Minet (J.) & Verhaeghe (E.) Mvopathie primitive progressive. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1908, Lille, 1909, 382-389. Aho: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1908, xh, 410-412.—Mookerjee (N. L.) Progressive muscular dystrophy. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1915, 1, 299, 1 pi.—Naccarati (S.) Primary myopathies. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 351-353.— Negro (C.) Per la storia delle distrofle muscolari progres- sive. Riv. neuropat, Torino, 1909-10, hi, 2s9-2'Ji>—Ness (R. B.) Muscular dystrophy. Glasgow M. J., 1908, lxx, 35-41.—Nogues & Sirol. Un cas de myopathic primitive progressive. Arch. med. de Toulousej 1905, xi, 145-152.— Odriozola (E.) Miopatia progresiva sistematizada. Croh. med, Lima, 1918, xxxv, 187-190.—Oppenhelm (H.) Les relations des myopathies. Rev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxvi, 337.—Orbison (T. J.) Myopathy: with clinical records of eight cases comprising various types. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1914, cxlviii, 550-562.—Patrick (H. T.) Idiopathic muscular atrophy. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1905, vii, 9.— Perrin (M.), Legris (A.) & Masson (J.) Myopathic primitive progressive. Rev. nted. de l'est, Nancy, 1914, xlvi, 183-186.—Pescarolo (B.) Distrofle muscolari pro- gressive primitive: atrofia muscolare progressiva nevrotica. In: Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med, Milano, [n. d.], ii, pt. 4, 371-141.—Pierret. Myopathic primitive progressive. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xhi, 201.—Playfalr (E.) Idiopathic muscular atrophy. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1895-6, Lond, 1897, hi, 175.—Port (F.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl.. 1906, lix, 464-472.—Preston (G. J.) Two cases of muscular dystrophy. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1897, 7. s, i, 198-201,3 pi.—Rivers (W. C.) An unusual case of muscular dystrophy. J. Koy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 207-209.—Sachs (B.) Progressive muscular dys- trophies; the relation of the primary forms to one another and to typical progressive muscular atrophy. N. York M. J, 1888, xlviii, 620; 651. Also, Reprint.—Sano (F.) Amyotrophie progressive primitive; presentation d'un cas. Rev. internat. d'electrother. Par, 1897-8, vhi, 54-58.— von Sarbo (A.) Demonstration eines Falles von Dys- trophia muscularisprogressiva. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1902, n. F, 247.—Sawyer (J. E. H.) A rare form of muscular dystrophy. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1902, ii, 1644.—Schlesinger (H.) Dystrophia mus- culorum progressiva. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 198.—Schulz. Ueber einen Fall von Dystrophia muscularia progressiva. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1889, ii, 931— Sepet (P.) Sur un cas de myo- pathic progressive. Marseille med, 1906, xlih, 289-293.— Simon (P.) & Guilloz (T.) Un cas de myopathic primi- tive progressive. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 461-467.—Spiller (W. G.) Progressive muscular dystrophy (primary myopathy). In: Modern Med. (Osier), 8 , Phila. & N. Y, 1910, vh, 119-125, 2 pi.-----. Relations des myopathies. Rev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxvi, 338-340.— Spillmann (L.) Deux cas de myopathic primitive pro- »5 ATROPHY. 176 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Musular, Primary progres- sive) [Primary myopathy, Dystrophia muscularis progressiva [Erb, 1891]]. gressive. Rev. de med. Par, 1901, xxi, 22-20— Stieglitz (L.) Progressive muscular dystrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1900, xxvh, 657.—Swynghedauw. Un cas de myopathie primitive progressive. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1912, xvi, 326.—Thorel (C.) Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1899, Wiesb, 1901, vi, 710-720.—Tromner. Muskeldys- trophie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz, 1905, xxxi, 562.—Van Deusen (E. H.) A case of progressive muscular dystrophy. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn, 1898, Phila, 1899, 215-224.—Vizioli (F.) Contributo alio studio chnico e anatomo-patologico delle distrofle muscolari pro- fessive; lettera aperta al prof. G. Miagazzini. Policlin., oma, 1897, iv-M, 42-46.—Votruba (F.) [Two cases of progressive muscular dystrophy.] Casop. tek. cesk, v Praze, 1906, xiv, 756-760.—Walton (G. L.) Idiopathic muscular atrophy. Internat. Clin, Phila, 1899, 9. s, ii, 141-145, 1 pi.—Washburn (B. E.) Report of a case of progressive muscular dystrophy (primary myopathy). Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1911-12, xvi, 159- 162.—Williamson (A. H.) Primary myopathy (muscular dystrophy). Old Dominion J. M. & S, Richmond, 1916, xxh, 87-89.—Wyss (O.) Ein Fall von Dystrophia muscul. progress. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1900, xxx, 211-213.—Tanchevski (M. I.) Dystrophia muscularis pro- gressiva. Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb, 1901, lxxix, med.- spec. pt, 510-516. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Causes and pathology of). See, aho, Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary progres- sive, Hereditary); Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary progressive, Traumatic). Marquardt (K. [F.]) *Zur Aetiologie der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Achard (C.) & Binet (L.) Myopathie progressive; recherches biologiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1918, 3. s, xhi, 630-635.—Aubourg (P.) Radiogra- phics du squelette d'un myopathique atrophique. Bull, et mem. Soc. radiol. med. de Par, 1909, i, 106.—Cadwalader (W. B.) & Corson-White (E. P.) The relation of syphilis to progressive muscular dystrophy. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1913, lxxxiii, 1033.—Capezzuoli (C.) L'ehminazione orina- ria della creatinina, PCaMg in tre diverse forme di distrofia muscolare. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1909, x, 345- 351.—Cardarelll (N.) Contributo alio studio chnico ed anatomo-patologico delle distrofle muscolari progressive. Policlin, Roma, 1896, iii-M., 453-475.—Criado y Agullar (F.) Naturaleza de las miopatias primitivas progresivas. Chn. mod, Zaragoza, 1910, ix, 683-702.—Erb (W.) Dystro- phia muscularis progressiva; klinische und pathologisch- anatomische Studien. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1891, i, 13; 173, 3 pi. Aho, Reprint.—Forster (E.) Ueber das Verhalten der Vorderhornganglienzellen bei progres- siver Muskeldystrophie. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1908, xxxh, 210-222.—Gastou & Rosenthal. Dystrophies de develop- pement des tissus vasculo-conjonctifs et osseux; naevus en nappeapeaulacheetpendante. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph. Par, 1912, xxih, 255-257.—Gianni (G.) Contri- buto alio studio anatomo-patologico delle distrofle muscolari progressive. Riforma med, Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 2, 351; 363; 374.—Holmes (G.) On the spinal changes in a case of muscular dystrophy. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1908. vi, 137-149—Ingham (S. D.) A case of muscular dystrophy following acute poliomyelitis in infancy. Arch. Diagn, N. Y., 1908, i, 269-274—Janney (N. W.), Good- hart (S. P.) & Clark (L. P.) Theendocrine origin of muscu- lar dystrophy. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1918, xciii, 128.—Janney (N. W.), Goodhart (S. P.) & Isaacson (V. I.) The endo- crine origin of muscular dystrophy. Arch. Int. Med, Chi- cago, 1918, xxi, lss-2ir>.—Klioneberger (O.) Zur Frage der Kombination der Muskeldystrophie mit anderen Mus- kelerkrankungen. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1913, li, 1086- 1094.—Kollarits (J.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der anatomi- schen Grundlage der Muskeldystrophie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz., 1901, lxx, 157-167—Lorenzelli (E.) Distrofle fisiologiche. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899, Roma, 1900, x, 490—McCrudden (F. II.) The nature of the pathologic process in progressive muscular dystrophy. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1918, xxi, 256-262.—McCrudden (F. II.) & Sargent (C. S.) Hypoglycemia and progressive muscular dystrophy. Ibid., 1916, xvii, 465-475. Also, Re- print. -----------. Chemical changes in the blood and urine in progressive muscular dystrophy, progressive muscular atrophy and myasthenia gravis. Arcn. Int. Med., Chicago, 1918, xxi, 252-255.—MacKenzie (L. E.) Ueber Dystrophic vereinzelter Muskeln beim Schweineund uber die Pseudohy- pertrophia lipomatosa des Rindes. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1912, ccx, 57-67.—Merle (P.) & Raulot-La- Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Causes and pathology of). pointe. Les alterations osseuses au cours de la myopathie. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1909, xxii. 229-239. 3 pi.— Navarro (J. C.) & Correa (C.) Histologia patologica de musculos en un miopatico. Pediatria espan, Madrid, 1917, vi? 310.----- -----. Lesiones cardiovasculares en las miopatias. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1917-18, iv, 4-6.-----------. El sistema nervioso y las glandulas enddcrinas en las miopatias primitivas. Ibid., 41-43 — Parhon & Savini. Quatre cas de myopathie primitive; considerations sur la pathogenie et sur le traitement. Bull. et mem. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1915, xxix, 1-17.— Peruzzi (F.) Transformazione adiposa della fibra musco- lare in un caso di amiotrofia primitiva. Pediatria, Napoli, 1911,2.s, xix, 22-28, lpl.—Rakhmanoff(A. V.) [Changes in the internal organs in progressive muscular dystrophy; pathological investigation.] Obozr. Psikhiat, Nevrol. [etc!], S.-Peterb, 1910, xv, 193-200.—Renou (L.) & Louste. Sur les myopathies vascuiaires, atrophie musculaire consecutive a une arterite syphilitique. Arch. gen. de mtd., Par, 1903, i, 78-83.—Rossi (O.) Alterazioni dei muscoli, studiate per biopsia, in un caso di distrofia muscolare progressiva. Ricer- che di nevrol. [etc.], Catania, 1913, 385-406, 1 pi.—Sachs (B.) & Brooks (II.) Progressive muscular dystrophy, with the report of an autopsy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila, 1901, n. s.. exxii, 54-73. Aho, Reprint. Aho [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 655.—Spiller (W. G.) Atrophy of bone in progressive muscular dystrophy. Rev. Neurol. & Psy- chiat, Edinb, 1905, hi, 388-391,1 pL—Timme (W.) Pro- gressive muscular dystrophy as an endocrine disease. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1917, xix, 79-104. Aho, Reprint—Van Deusen (E. H.) Some remarks on the pathology of myo- pathic dystrophy. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn. 1899, Phila, 1900, 447-450.—von Werdt (F.) Ein Fall von Dystrophia musculorum progressiva mit Sektionsbefund. Frankf. Ztschr. f. Path, Wiesb, 1908-9, ii, 577-590, 1 pi.-----. Zur Histologie der Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xh, 1057-1070. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Complications of). Dreyer (L.) *Ueber Skelettveranderungen und Friihkontrakturen bei Dystrophia musculo- rum progressiva. [Marburg.] 8°. Beipzig, 1906. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1909, xxxi, 147-163. Braunwarth. Ein Fall von Dystrophia musculorum progressiva; Tod durch Zwerchfellahmung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1913, Lxxvhi, 361-369, 1 pL—Goldreich (A.) Dystrophia musculorum progressiva mit lordotischer Albu- minurie. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, x, 135.—Gutzniann (F.) Geburt bei progres- siver Muskelatrophie (Dystrophia musculorum progressiva Erb). Zentralbl. f. Gynak, Leipz, 1911, xxxv, 641-646.— Halm (F.) Ueber das Auftreten von Contracturen bei Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Ner- venh, Leipz., 1901, xx, 137-151.—Kaufmann (M.) Ueber einen Fall von Dystrophia musculorum progressiva, com- plicirt durch eine neuritische Serratuslahmung; nebst einem Beitrag zur Analyse der Schultergurtellahmungen nach der Methode von Mollier. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1900, lxix, 103-129—Liebers (M.) Ein Fall von Dystrophia musculorum progressiva kombiniert mit Morbus Basedow. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, hv, 371—McKendree (C. A.) Combined dystrophy with loss of vesical control. Neurol. Bull, N. Y, 1918, i, 61-63.— Marie (P.) Sur une forme de mvopathie progressive primi- tivc avec ptosis bilateral et participation des muscles masti- cateurs. Rev. neurol. Par, 1901, Lx, 446-453.—Schlippe (P. LO Hochgradige Kontrakturen und Skelettatrophie bei Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz., 1905-6. xxx, 12S-143,1 pL— Sforza (N.) Miopatia primitiva e deficienza mentale. Policlin, Roma, 1905, xii, sez. med, 67-74.—Zhukovskl (M. N.) [Psychical alterations in progressive muscular dystrophy (Joffroy's myopsychy); objective-psvchologicalinvestigation.] Obozr. Psikhiat, Nevrol. [etc], S.-Peterb, 1913, xvhi, 449-459. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Diagnosis of). Ammosoff (M. M.) "[Transitional forms of progressive muscular dysirophyj Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1913, xx, 923-938.—Boelmie (G. F.) A case for diagnosis, probably allied to progressive muscular dystrophy. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1916, cxv, 110.—Collins' (J.) A chnical lecture; muscular dystrophy; primary myopathy. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1908, xxiii, 314-521—De Li'si (L.) Contributo clinico alia miopatia progressiva primitiva (con speciale riguardo ai rapporti fra lo alterazioni dell'eccitabilita idiomuscolare e quelle dei rillcssi tendinei). Morgagni, Milano, 1914, lvi, pt. 1,1-22,2pl— Dreyer (L.) Ueber Skelettveranderungen und Friihkontrakturen bei Dvstrophia musculorum pro- gressiva. Deutsche Ztschr. f. ISTervenh, Leipz, 1906, xxxi, ATROPHY. 177 .ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Diagnosis of). 147-163.—Erb (W.) Dystrophia muscularis progressiva mit ungewohnlicher Legalisation in den Nackenmuskeln. Munchen. med. Wclinschr, 1908, lv, 2189.-----. Ueber Schwierigkeiten in der Diagnose der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1910, xxxvi, 1865-1868.—Gianni (G.) Contributo clinico alio studio delle distrofle muscolari progressive. Riv. quindicin. di psicol. [etc], Roma, 1898-9, ii, 325; 357.— Gullloz (T.) & Henriot (A.) Suppleance respiratoire du diaphragme 6tudtee aux rayons de Roentgen dans un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive myopathique. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1899, xxxi, 129-135.—Hoffmann (P.) Klinischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1898, xii, 418-445.—KUppel & Villaret (M.) Asthenies et atrophies myopathiques. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1906, i, 363-375 — Kramer. Ungewohnlicher elektrischer Behind bei Muskel- dystrophie. Berl. klin.Wchnschr, 1917,liv,930.-----. Myo- pathie avec spasmes localises. Lyon med, 1905, civ, 226.— Lannols (M.) & Porot (A.) Un cas de myopathie atrophi- que progressive avec troubles de la sensibilite. N. iconog. de la Salpetrtere, Par., 1903, xvi, 108-117,1 pi.—Marina (A.) Gibt es Formes frustes Oder rudimentare Formen der mus- kularen Dystrophic (Erb) und ist deren Heilung moglich? Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1908, xxxiv, 1087-1092.—Savill (T. D.) Un cas d'amiotrophie primitive, accompagnee de reactions electriques anormales et de trou- bles de la sensibility. N. iconog. de la Salpetrtere, Par, 1894, vh, 184-197. Aho, Reprint.—Verriest. Dystrophic mus- culaire reunissant le type d'atrophie scapulc-humerale de Erb et celui de la pseudo-hvpertrophie de Duchenne, avec grande faiblesse de la musculature pelvienne. J. de neurol. ethypnol. Par, 1898, hi, 105-107. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Facio-scapulo-humeral) [Landouzy- Dejerine]. • Loew (P.) *L'atrophie olivo-ponto-cer6bel- leuse, type Deijerine-Thomas. 8°. Baris, 1903. Rosenberg ([E. J.] W.) *Ueber Dystrophia muscularis progressiva mit Beteiligung des Ge- sichts. 8°. Marburg, 1895. Barba (S.) A proposito di un caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva, tipo Landouzy-Dejerine. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Roma, 1907, xvh, 99-104.—Batten (F. E.) Myop- athy. ?JuvenIle type. ?Landouzy-Dejerine type. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915, vhi, Neurol. Sect, 70.—Baylac & Mouchardo Atrophie musculaire progressive k type facio-scapulo-humeral d'origine myeiopathique. Toulouse med, 1905, 2. s._, vh, 214; 217.—Bielschowsky. Zwei Falle von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva (Typus facio- scapulo-humerahs). Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1890, ix, 13; 43.—Bonar (A. B.) A case of primary progressive muscular dystrophy of the facio-scapulo-humeral type of Landouzy and Dejerine. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1900, xxvii, 547-550.—Bonardi (E.) Distrofia muscolare pro- gressiva; tipo misto facio-scapolo-omerale di Dejerine- Landouzy e femorale con piede equino e ad artiglio di Bros- sard. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1897, xvhi, 1021.—Brasch. Ueber eine Abart (Dejerine) der neurotischen Muskelatro- phie mit Krankenvorstellung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1903, xxvi, 635.—Chaddock (C. G.) A case of muscular dystrophy (Landouzy-Deje- rine). J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1901, xxviii, 149-153.— Debray (A.) Hemiatrophie facio-scapulo-humerale. J. de neurol. Par, 1903, vhi, 63-69.—Deville & Durand-Vlel. Un cas de myopathie atrophique progressive du type facio- scapulo-humeral (Landouzy-Dejerine). Rev. med. de Nor- mandie, Rouen, 1903, 485-489,1 pi.—Francals (H.) Sur un cas de dystrophie musculaire facio-scapulo-humerale a type myopathique consecutif a un traumatisme de guerre. Rev. neurol. Par, 1916, xxix, 494-197.—Garciso (A.) Sobre un caso de miopatia progresiva tipo facio-escapulo-bumeral (Landouzy-Dejerine). Kev. Soc. nted. argent, Buenos Aires, 1905, xhi, 145-150.—Gordon (A.) Progressive mus- cular atrophy of scapulo-humeral type. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1916, xhv, 145.—Guillain (G.) Amyotrophie double du type scapulo-humeral consecutive a un trau- matisme unilateral extra-articulaire. N. iconog. de la Salpetrtere, Par, 1899, xh, 386-397, 1 pi.—Hirtz (E.) & Delamare (G.) Atrophie musculaire scapulo-brachio-jam- btere; myopathie primitive avec reaction de degenerescence. Tribune med. Par, 1906, n. s, xxxviii, 197.—Landouzy (L.) & Lortat-Jacob (L.) Histoire d'un atrophique myopathique (du type facio-scapulo-humeral) suivi pendant trente ans. Rev. de med. Par, 1909, xxix, 337-364. Aho: Bull. Acad, de med. Par, 1909, 3. s, lxi, 243-259.—Min- gazzini (G.) Dystrophie musculaire progressive hemi- faterale (type facio-scapulo-humeral); etude clinique. N. iconog. de la, Salpetriere, Par, 1912, xxv, 320-333, 3 pL— Palmer (F. S.) Primary progressive myopathy; facio- scapulo-humeral (Landouzy-Dejerine) type; advanced stage. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Neurol. Sect, 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----12 Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Facio-scapulo-humeral) [Landouzy- Dejerine]. 136.—Pasquier (A.) Sur un cas de myopathie facio- scapulo-humerale, ajpredominance nasale. Bull, de laryn- gol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1907, 202-206.—Raymond. Atro- phie musculaire progressive du type Landouzy-Dejerine. Bull, med. Par, 1903, xvh, 203-206.—Rubino (A.) Dis- trofia muscolare progressiva a tipo scapolo-omerale. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med, Napoli, 1902, n. s, xxiv, 433-442.— Shaw (H. B.) & Edmunds (P. J.) Facio-scapulo-humeral type of muscular dystrophy in four patients in three genera- tions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1911-12, v, Clin. Sect, 212-214.—Simon (P.) & Caussade. Deux cas de myo- pathies primitives scapulc-humerales de l'adulte (type Zim- merlin et type Landouzy-Dejerine). Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1914, xlvi, 176-179.—Sperling. Ein ungewohn- licher Fall von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva (facio- scapulo-humeraler Typus). Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1889, vhi, 67-71.—Torres (L.) Um caso de myopathia typo Landouzy-Dejerine. Ann. paulist. de med. e cirurg, S. Paulo, 1916, vi, 121-125. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Hereditary and familial). Buisson (J.) *Dystrophie congenitale mul- tiple du tissu elastique. 8°. Baris, 1904. With (O.) *Eine familiare atypische Form der Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. 8°. Frei- burg i. B., 1906. Bernhardt (M.) Notiz uber die familiare Form der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva und deren Combination mit penodisch auftretender paroxysmaler Lahmung. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1895-6, vhi, 111-118— Biber- geil (E.) Ueber eine atypische Form familiarer Myopathie des Kindesalters. Ztschr. f. d. ges. NeuroL u. Psychiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1914, xxh, Orig, 411-416— Brasch (M.) Dystrophie bei Mutter una Kind. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1903, xl, 787:1904, xii, 60-62.—Bunting (C. H.) Three cases of progressive muscular dystrophy occurring in the mate members of a single family and commencing at the same age in each. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1903, xxx, 350-353 — Cade (A.) & Goyet (A.) Atrophie musculaire progressive d'origine myopathique, type Leyden-Moebius, a- debut tardif. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1913, xi, 605-609. Aho: Lyon med, 1913, exxi, 957-960.—Chambers (H. W.) Two cases of familial muscular dystrophy. West Lond. M. J, 1910, xv, 64-66.—Claude (H.) Dystrophie musculaire progressive familiale; asymetrte des atrophies musculaires, arrets de developpement, troubles vaso-moteurs. Ence- phale, Par, 1908, n, 512-516. 1 pi— Eshner (A. A.) Two cases of progressive muscular dystrophy in brother and sister. Penn. M. J, Pittsburg, 1901-2, v, 70-73. Aho: Phila. M. J, 1902, ix, 1023-1025. Aho, Reprint.—Hager (P.) Bei- trage zur Aetiologie der verschiedenen progressiven Mus- kelatrophien im Anschlusse an 2 familiare Falle von Dystro- phia musculorum progressiva. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 833-838— Haushalter (P.) Myo- pathie primitive progressive chez deux frferes avec autopsie. Rev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxv, 587-591.—KUppel (M.) Dys- trophie congenital multiple du tissu elastique. Arch. gen. de med. Par, 1903, i, 84-86—Meige (H.) Dystrophie cedemateuse hereditaire. Cong. d. med. altenistes et de neurol. de France . . . 1898. C. r, 1899, ix, 493-^502.—Nolca. Deux freres atteints de myopathie primitive progressive. N. iconog. de la Salpetrtere. Par, 1905, xviii, 426-142: 1€06, xix, 151-160, 1 pi—Pini (P.) Distrofia muscolare congenita a forma ipertrofica. Riv. crit. di chn. med., Firenze, 1904, v, 237-240.—Raymond. Atrophie musculaire progressive, type Leyden-Mcebius. J. de med. int., Par, 1900, iv, 725- 728.—Rose (C. W.) Ein Fall von hereditarer progressiver Muskeldystrophie mit Beteiligung der Gesichfs-, Lippen- und Zungenmuskulatur. BerL khn. Wchnschr, 1916, liii, 1267-1269.—Salas Vada. Miopatia primitiva del tipo Leyden-Moebius. Rev. de med y chug, pract, Madrid, 1903, hx, 161-165.—Stelnert (H.) Dystrophia musculorum pro- gressiva retrahens; Kasuistisches una Kritisches zur Lehre von den hereditaren Krankheiten. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir, Jena, 1909, xxi, 105-124— Wendenburg (K.) Zwei seltene Falle familiarer Dystrophie. Monatschr. i. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1905, xvhi, 1-3.—Winocouroff (J.) Zwei Falle von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva familiaris. Arch. f. Kinderh, Stuttg, 1907, xlvi, 109-112. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Infantile). Barbler (H.) & Lebon. Un cas de myopathie primitive progressive chez une fllle de onze ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1900, 3. s, xvh, 1142-1151.—Croly (W. C.) Dystrophia muscularis progressiva infantum. J Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond, 1907, viu, 287-289.—Du- toit (A.) Die Wechselwirkungen der inneren Driisense- kretionen in ihren Beziehungen zu den infantilen Dystro- phien. Aerztl. Rundschau. Munchen, 1911, xxi, 361.— Eulenburg (A.) Ueber einen schweren Fall infantiler, ATROPHY. 178 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Infantile. familiarer Muskeldystrophie mit osteo-arthropathischen Deformationen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz.. 1896, xxii, 458-460.—Finkelnburg. Anatomischer Behind bei progressiver Muskeldystrophie in den ersten Lebens- jahren. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1908, xxxv, 453-460, 2 pi— Gott. Zehnjiihriges Madchen mit atypischer Muskeldystrophie. Verhandl. d. Munchen. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. 1911, Berl, 1912, 9.—Haushalter (P.) Trois nouveaux cas d'amyotrophie primitive progressive dans l'enfance. Rev. de med. Par, 1898, xvhi, 445-100.—Hutinel Dystrophies infantiles et synergies glandulaires. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.]. Par, 1911, xhi, 17-19.— Koster. [Fall von infantiler Muskeldystrophie, kombiniert mit Morbus Basc- dowii und chronischer Bleivergiftung.) Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, Iii, 725.—Korelln (V. V.) Atrophie mus- culaire progressive de l'enfance (Duchenne); myopathie atrophique progressive debutant d'ordinaire dans l'enfance par la face (Landouzy et Dejerine). Sibirsk. Vrach Gaz., Irkutsk, 1908, i. 217-221—Marina (A.) Le forme iniziali e rudimentah della distrofia muscolare nella pratica pedia- trica. Pediatria, Napoli, 1903, 2. s, i, H>1-105.—Morselli (A.) Contributo chnico alio studio della distrofia muscolare infantile. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1905, xxxi, 233.— Openshaw (T. II.) Case of myopathy; infantile type (Batten's) frog-child). Proc. Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1909-10, iii, Clin. Sect, 39.— Patoir. Les atrophies muscu- laires de Lenfance (myopathie progressive primitive). Pediatrie prat, Lille, 1903, i, 109-115.—Raymond. Myo- pathie primitive de l'enfance; atrophie et pseudo-hyper- trophie. Bull, med. Par, 1897, xi, 285.—Simonlni (R.) Radiografla dello scheletro ncH'atrofia muscolare idiopatica infantile. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1911, Palermo, 1912, vii, 483-494.—Ziehen. Beziehungen zwischen angeborenen Muskeldefekten, infantilcm Kernschwund und Dystrophia muscularis progressiva infantilis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1908, xiv, 1557-1560. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Juvenile) [Erb, 1884]. Muller (A.) *Zur Lehre der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva, juvenile Form mit Be- teiligung der Gesichtsmuskulatur und hereditare Form. 8°. Lilbbecke, 1902. Paysen (H.) *Ein Fall von Dystrophia mus- cularis progressiva (familiaris), juvende Form. 8°. Kiel, 1908. Roscher (A.) *Ein Fall von juveniler pro- gressiver spinaler Muskelatrophie. 8°. Erlan- gen, 1898. Viard (R.) *De la myopathie primitive pro- gressive; forme juvenile d'Erb. 8 . Barh, 1900. Ardlllaux. Observation sur un cas de myopathie primi- tive progressive (type Erb) avec une photographic Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 1905, Auxcrre, 1906, xlvi, 89-93.— Bradley (J. M.) Progressive muscular dystrophy of the juvenile type. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1910, xxxvii, 157. Aho: Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1910, iv, 171.— Buttner. [Dystrophia musculorum progressiva; juvenile Form.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1908, xxxiv, 1913.—Cardarelli. Distrofia muscolare progressiva giovanile. Boll. d. clin, Milano, 1896, xiii, 385-3*9.— Clarke (J. M.) A case of Erb's juvenile dystrophy associated with bilateral enlargement of tho parotid and submaxillary glands. Brain, Lond, 1903, xxvi, 202-205. 1 pi— Cruche't (R.) & Codet^Boisse. Myopathie atrophique et pseudo- hypertrophique de l'enfance. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 19.)6; xxvu, 158-162. [ Discussion], 164.—Doe vet l- speck. Juvenile Muskeldystrophie infolge Ucbcranstrcn- gung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1910, lvii, 1397.—Dresch- feld. Two cases of Erb's juvenile paralysis. Med. Chron, Manchester, 1891-2, xv, 299-301.—Ebstein (E.) Juvenile Dystrophie und lordotische Albuminurte im Kindesalter. Ztschr. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1911, iii, Orig, 206-208—Ferran- nlni (L.) Trauma e distrofia muscolare tipo Erb. Stu- dium, Napoli, 1912, v, 225-228.—Gellhorn. [Pall von Dystrophia muscularis progressiva (juvenilo Form ohne Gesichtshotheiligung).] Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, lx, 745.—Grasset. Amyotrophic primitive pro- gressive (forme juvenile dc Erb). Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel, 1889, xi, 209-21L—Grelwe (J. E.) Report of two cases of pseudo-hypertrophic muscular atrophy occurring in brothers. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s, 1, 66.—Hoch- halt (K.) Dystrophia muscularis progressiva adultorum. Magy. orv. Arch, Budapest, ls'.i3, ii, 110-113.—Hoenlger. Ein Fall von progressiver Muskeldystrophie (juvenile Form, Erb). Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu llalle a. S, Miinchen, 1900-1901, 6.—von Hosslln. Juvenile Muskeldystrophie bei einem alteren Manne nach Trauma. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1904, li, 1156.—Hoffmann (A.) Juvenile Muskeldystrophie bei einem alteren Manne nach Trauma. Ibid., 1027.—Jagot. Amyotrophic progressive (type juve- Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Juvenile) [Erb, 1884]. nile d'Erb). Arch. med. d'Angers, 1903, vii, 162-169.— Lagoudaky. Dystrophie musculaire progressive juvenile. [Resume.) Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect.7; 755.— Littlejohn (E. S.) Progressive muscular atrophy, with a case of facial type of Erb's juvenile progressive muscular atrophy. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1906, xxv, 620-626.—McKisack (H. L.) A case of muscular dystrophy (Erb's juvenile form) occurring in an adult. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, i, 599.—Marcus. Juvenile Muskel- dystrophie bei einem alteren Manne und Trauma. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1904, x, 327.—Marina (A.) Esistono forme fruste o rudimentah di distrofia muscolare (tipo Erb); ne fc possibile la guarigione? Policlin, Roma, 1908, xv, sez. med, 193-206.—Michaud. Atrophie musculaire progres- sive d'Erb. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 536-539.—Murri (A.) Sur un cas de maladie d'Erb. Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1896, xxv, 64-92.—O'Carroll (J.) Juve- nile muscular dystrophy. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1914, xxxh, 84—Pettyjohn (E. S.) Erb's primary muscular atrophy; report of two cases, with photographs. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1896, xx, 382-387, 2 photo. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1896, xxvu, 1140-1142. Aho, Reprint.—Pic & Florence. Un cas d'atrophie musculaire a type d' Erb. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1912, x, 386-388. Aho: Lyonmed, 1912,cxvih, 1465-1467.—Pomarico(G.) In- torno ad un caso di atrofia muscolare giovanile. Incurabili, Napoh, 1*96, xi, 457-J78.—Riolacci. Un cas d'atrophie ju- venile d'Erb. Loire med, St.-Etienne, 1895, xiv, 131-135,1 pi.—Ronca (R.) Considerazioni cliniche sopra un caso della forma giovanile di Erb deH'atrofia muscolare progres- siva. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir, Napoh, 1898, xiv, 229- 237.—Schttller( A.) Typischer Fall einer juvenilen Muskel- atrophie bei einem 30jahr. Mann. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 516.—Sippy (B. W.) A case of dystrophia muscu- laris progressiva; Erb's type. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvii, 242-245. [Discussion], 255-259.—Spill man n (L.) Atrophic musculaire myopathique (type juvenile d'Erb) et na-vi vascuiaires. Soc.de med. de Nancy. C.-r___,1903—1, 93. Aho: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 449-451 — Steinert. [Fall von juveniler Muskeldystrophie »mit Atrophie der Zunge und Main succulente.) Muncnen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, Iii, Nil—Stintzing. Ein Fall von Dystro- phia muscularis progressiva (juvenile Form). Kor -Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1912, xii, 8T. — S to well (\\ . L.) Progressive muscular atrophy in the voung. N. York M. J, 1897. lxv, 383-38.5—Trevelyan (E."F.) Erb's juvenile dystrophy. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb., 1905, hi, 594-601.—Yokota. [Atrophia musculorum juve- nilis Erb.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1902, xxih, 727-733. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Pse udo-h ypertroph ic). See, aho, Paralysis (Bseudo-hypertrophic). LIorel (G.-F.-G.) *La paralysie pseudo- hypertrophique; dystrophie musculaire progres- sive. (Etude clinique.) 8°. Lille, 1907. Battle (C. J.) Fraternal pseudo-hvpertrophic paralysis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, ii, 197— Bramwell (B.) Post- mortem findings in a case of pseudo-hypertrophic paraly- sis; artefact of spinal cord. Clin. Stud", Edinb, 1909, vii, 30s-318. Aho [Abstr.]: Edinb. M. J, 1909, n. s, iii, 5-7, 7 pi. -----. Analysis of 42 cases of pseuao-hypertrophic paralysis and myopathic muscular atrophy, clin. Stud, Edinb, 1909, vii, 319-328.—Bruce (A. N.) The muscle ■spindles in pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Rev. Neurol. & Tsychiat, Edinb, 1911, ix, 110-114.-----. The spinal changes in pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Edinb. M. J, 1914, n. s, xii, 42-49—Camp (C. D.) A contribution to the study of hereditary degeneration (pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy in combination with degeneration in the central nervous system). Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1913, cxlvi, TltV-725.-----. A case of pseudohyper- trophic muscular dystrophy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich, Ann Arbor, 1916, vii. lo.». Aho: J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1916, xv. 317 -Carling (W.) Pseudo-hypertro- phic muscular paralws. I'roc Hoy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1909-10, iii, Set. stud. Dis. Child., 15s.— Carr. Case of pscudo-hypert ropliic muscular paralvsis. Mag. Lond. (Roy. Free Hosp > School Med. f. Women, Lond, 1910-11, v. 431, 2 pi. Christian (F. L.) Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis; report of a case. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1908, xvh, IC. 448. Also: St. Louis M. Uev, 1910, n. S, iv, 271-273.— Daruvalajli 1'.) Pseudo-hypertrophic muscular paraly- sis. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1910, xiv, 60, 1 pi.—Demp- sey. Pseudo-hypertrophic muscular paralvsis. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1910, xxviii, 102—Fearnsides (E. GO Caso of pseudo-hypertrophic muscular dystrophy associated with amentia. Proc Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1914-15, viii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 75— Frantz (M. 11.) Pseudo-hvpertrophic muscular dystrophy. Med. Times, N. Y, 1917, xiv, 279-282.—Pallet. Observation clinique d'un cas dc paralvsio pseudo-hvpcrtrophurtie. Pediatrie nrai, Lille, 1908,'vi, 277 .';y. (iarcfa del Diestro (J.) bos casos do amiotrofia pro;resivii dc origen miopatico ATROPHY. 179 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Pseudo-hypertrophic). (tipo pseudo-hypertro'fico). An. de la Acad, de obst. [etc.], Madrid, 1910, hi, 480-485.—Gemmell (S.) Case of pseudo- hypertrophic paralysis in a man, aged 23. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1905-7, vi, 101.—Gonzalez-Alvarez (M.) Dos casos de distrofia muscular pseudo-hipertr<5fica. Pediatria espafi, Madrid, 1917, vi, 43-51.—Gowers (Sir W.) A typical case of pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Hospital, Lond, 1909, xlvi, 281.—Hunter (AV.K.) Two cases. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Glasg (1899-1901), 1902, hi, 183; 196—Hutinel. Myopathie primitive progressive a forme pseudo-hyper- trophique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1910, xxiv, 711.—Ingbert (C. E.) Pseudo-hypertrophic muscular atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1907, xxxiv, 1-13.— Johnstone (O. P.) Pathology of pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy. Ibid., Lancaster, Pa, i908; xxxv, 461.—Kllnman (A. I.) Sluchal pseudohypertrophise mus- culorum progressives Erb'a. Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb, 1900, lxxvhi, med.-spec pt, 778-705.—Kodama (K.) Pseudo-hypertropic muscular atrophy. Sei-i-Kwai M. J, Tokyo, 1911, xxx, No. 3.—Leon (J. T.) Case of pseudo- hypertrophic paralysis. Proc. Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1913-14, vii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 182.—Levin (J. J.) Seven cases of pseudo-hypertrophic muscular paralysis with special note on the differential blood count. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1914, xh, 251-255.—Manara (G.) Un caso di distrofia muscolare progressiva di origine miopatica (a forma pseudoipertrofica). Pratica d. med, Napoli, 1907-8, viu, 319-323.—Manuel (A.) Pseudo-hypertrophic muscular paralysis. Proc Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1909-10, hi, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 72.—Mery. La paralysie pseudo- hypertrophique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1908, xxii, 38.—Nalli (V.) Sul meccanismo patogenetico della paralisi muscolare pseudo-ipertrofica. Gazz. di med. e chir, Palermo, 1909, viu, 427.—Naville (F.) Note sur un cas exceptionnel de myopathie unilaterale, a de"but periphe- rique et avec pseudohypertrophie nucale. Schweiz. Arch. f. NeuroL u. Psychiat, Zurich, 1917, i, 338-341.—Palmer (F. S.) Two cases of pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis; broth- ers (early and late stages). Tr. M. Soc. Lond, 1911-12, xxxv, 391-393.—Parkinson (J. P.) Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Clin. J, Lond, 1912-13, xl, 317.—Porter (L.) A. case of pseudo-hypertrophic muscular dystrophy. Calif. State J. M, San Fran, 1905, iii, 349-351—Potter (F. C.) A pathological study of a case of pseudo-hypertrophic mus- cular dystrophy, with changes in the heart muscle, cells of the anterior horn, anterior roots, and peripheral nerves. N. York M. J, 1909, xc, 398-400.—Rankin (G.) Pseudo- hypertrophic paralysis. Clin. J, Lond, 1912-13, xl, 239.— Reichmann. A case of progressive muscular dystrophy of the pseudohypertrophic muscular atrophy type. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1910, xvii, 96-98.—Rocaz # Cruchet. Sur un cas de myopathie primitive pseudo-hypertrophique avec autopsie; alterations medullaires. Arch, de nted. d. enf. Par, 1906, ix, 344-353.—Rubiao Meira. Um caso de paralysia pseudo hypertrophica ou myoesclerosica. Gaz. clin, S. Paulo, 1907, v, 12.—Sala (G.) Die pseudohyper- trophische Paralyse; klinische und histopathologische Be- trachtungen. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1915, lv, 389-431, 3 pi— Schtiller (A.) [Dystrophia musculorum progressiva (Pseudohypertrophie) mit Beteiligung der Gesichtsmus- kulatur.] Jahrb. f. Psychiat, Leipz. & Wien, 1903, xxhi, 431-434.—Taylor (J.) Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Po- lyclin, Lond, 1913, xvii, 6.—Vires & Anglada. Myo- pathie generalisee avec pseudo-hypertrophie et atrophie; hypertrophic du cceur observeea- dix ans d'intervalle. N..- iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1909, xxii, 240-252, 2 pi.—Vir- shubski(A. M.) [Progressive muscular atrophy of pseudo- hypertrophic type.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1905, iv, 982-984.—Walshe (F. M. R.) Case of pseudo-hypertrophic dystrophy presenting some unusual features. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1913-14, vh, Neurol. Sect, 29. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Traumatic). Bossung (J. C) *Ueber die Moglichkeit des Traumas als atiologisches oder verschlimmerndes Moment bei der Dystrophia musculorum pro- gressiva Erb. 8°. Leipzig, 1913. Claude (H.), Vigouroux (A.) & Lhermitte (J.) Sur certaines dystrophies musculaires du type myopathique - consecutives aux traumatismes de guerre. Presse med. Par, 1915, xxhi, 393-396.-----------------. Deux nou- veaux cas de dystrophie musculaire a type myopathique consecutifs au traumatisme. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. dc Par, 1916, 3. s, xl, 190-194.----------------. A propos des dystrophies musculaires consecutives aux trau- matismes de guerre. Progres med. Par, 1917, 3. s, xxxii, 204.— Gorres. Ueber Dystrophia musculorum progressiva und Unfall. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1915, xxh, 65-72.— Graziadei (B.) Polimiosite primitiva cronica atrofica da guerra. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1917, xviii, 221; 229; 237— Henning. Ueber einen Fall von myopathischer progressiver Muskelatrophie nach Trauma. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progres- sive, Traumatic). Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr, Berl, 1903, xxxii, 100-106.— Kramer (F.) Muskeldystrophie und Trauma. Monat- schr. f. Psychiat u. Neurol, Berl, 1902, xii, 199-209.— Marcus. Fall von Muskeldystrophie nach Unfall. Monat- schr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1913, xx, 18-26. Atrophy (Muscular, Primary progressive, Treatment of). Diamantberger & Weil (A.) Un cas de myopathie atrophique progressive; traitement eiectrique; guerison. J. de physiotherap. Par, 1906, iv, 1-5. Aho: Med. orient. Par, 1906, x, 233-235.—Ehrhardt (O.) Zur Verniihung der Scapulae bei Dystrophia musculorum progrediens. Arch. f. klin. Chir, Berl, 1901, lxiii, 764-771. —Gerard Milo (J.) Primair myopathische spieratrophie behandeld met Kru- kenberg's weerstandgymnastiek en testadeen. Nederl .Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1898, 2. R, xxxiv, d. 2, 214-219.— Kuh (R.) Die Dystrophia muscularis progressiva und deren orthopadische Behandlung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 215-217.—L6vi (L.) & de Rothschild (H.) Myo- pathie atrophique progressive ou myatonie ameiioree par t'opotrterapie hypophysaire; considerations sur 1'action de 1'hypophyse sur le systeme musculaire. Rev. neurol. Par, 1907, xv, 613-S18.— Marie (T.) & Sorel (E.) Diagnostic et traitement eiectrique des myopathies primitives. Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etc.]. Par, 1902, v, 528-539.—Parhon (C.-J.) & Savini (E.) Essais de therapeutique biologique dans les myopathies primitives. Rev. neurol. Par, 1914-15, xxvu, 1215-1218.—Putti (V.) L'osteodesi interscapolare in un caso di miopatia atrofica progressiva. Arch, di ortop, Milano, 1906, xxiii, 319-331,1 pi. Aho: Boll. d. clin, Milano, 1906, xxiii, 458-465.—Wiener (A.) Kurze Mittheilung iiber einen Fall von progressiver Muskeldystrophie, bedeutend gebessert nach Anwendung von methodischer Gymnastik. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1896, xv. 395-399. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive) [Aran- Duchenne, 1847-611. See, also, Paralysis (Bseudobulbar); Poliomye- litis (Chronic anterior); Spinal cord (Sclerosis of, Amyotrophic lateral). Bauer (A. H. S.) *KasUistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der spinalen progressiven Muskel- atrophie. 8°. Munchen, 1904. Buttermilch (M.) *Ueber den Radialistypus der spinalen progressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Charcot (J.-B.-A.-E.) Contribution a l'etude de l'atrophie musculaire progressive type Du- chenne-Aran. 4°. Baris, 1895. _ Dipper (E.) *Ueber progressive Muskelatro- phie. 8°. Tubingen, 1896. Franziss (M.) *Ueber einen Fall von spina- ler progressiver Muskelatrophie. 8°. Munche-rt, 1904. Jezierski (P. V.) *Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der spinalen Muskelatrophie (Typus Duchenne-Aran). [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Ham- burg, [1903, vet subseq.]. Keperstein (G.) *Ueber die progressive Muskelatrophien. 8°. Gottingen, 1894. Klimowicz-Drzewina (Marie). *Contribu- tion a l'etude des fausses contractures dans l'atrophie musculaire progressive. 8°. Baris, 1902. Lifschuetz (I.) *Ueber einen Fall von spi- naler progressiver Muskelatrophie. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Muller (J.) *Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei einem Falle von progressiver Muskelatrophie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1896. Pelz (A.) *Ueber die Beziehung der progres- siven Muskelatrophie zur amyotropischen Late- ralsklerose. [Breslau.] 8°. Berlin-Zossen, 1903. Schirmeyer (F.) *Beitrag zur Kenntniss der progressiven Muskelatrophie. [Gottingen.] 8°. Osnabruck, 1884. Schweckendiek ([H.] II. E.) *Ueber aty- pische Formen der progressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Marburg, 1912. ATROPHY. 180 •ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive) [Aran- Duchenne, 1847-61]. Verdugo (P. V.) *Notas clfnicas relativas a la atrofia muscular progresiva. 8°. Mexico, 1883. Abadie (J.) & Nenoyes (J.) Un cas d'amyotrophie pro- gressive dite essentielle avec reaction de deg^nerescence. N. iconog. de la Salpetrtere, Par, 1900, xiii, 415-424, 1 pi — Alvarez (C.) Sobre dos casos de atrofia muscular progresiva. An. d. Circ. med. argent, Buenos Aires. 1899, xxii, 448-461.— Apostolldes (A.-G.) Contribution a ltetude des amyotro- phies du typeAran-Duchenne. Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 260.—Bailey (P.) Atypical progressive muscular atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N.Y, 1899, xxvi, 34-36.—Bianchl (L.) Un caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva. Med. ital, Napoli, 1906, iv, 130; 149.—Bramwell (B.) Analysis of 42 cases of progressive muscular atrophy. Clin. Stud, Edinb, 1908-9, vii, 121-130.—Bregman(I. S.) [ Progressive muscu- lar atrophy.] Neurol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1898, vi, No. 4, 106- 115, 2 pi —Bregman (L. E.) Ein casuistischer Beitrag zur progressiven Muskelatrophie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1898-9, xiv, 251-287.—Buy (J.) Sur un cas d'atro- phie musculaire progressive. Toulouse med, 1903. 2. s, v, 161-165.—Camp (C. D.) Demonstration of cases oi progres- sive muscular atrophy. Tr. Clin. Soc Univ. Mich, Ann. Arbor. 1909-10, i, 38-40. Also: Physician & Surg, Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1910, xxxii, 25.—Charcot (J. B.) Progressive muscular atrophy. Internat. Chn, Phila, 1901, 10. s, iv, 146-155.—Collier (J.) A case of progressive atrophy of the muscles supplied by the brain-stem nuclei. Proc Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Clin. Sect, 28—Concetti (L.) Ueber Amyotrophia muscularis progressiva. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg, 1901, xlvi, 371; 383; 395.—Coulter (F. E.) Chronic muscular atropines of spinal origin, with report of cases. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1903, xxii, 1-8. -----. Existe-t-il une atrophie musculaire progressive Aran-Duchenne? Ann. Soc med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux, 1898, vhi, 102; 152; 186. Aho: Presse med. beige, Brux, 1898, 1, 137; 145; 289.— Crocq. Un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive Aran- Duchenne. J. de neurol. Par, 1898, hi, 404-412.-----. Les atrophies musculaires progressives. Presse med. beige, Brux, 1898, 1, 201; 209. —Debray. Atrophie musculaire deuteropathique du type Aran-Duchenne. J. med. de Brux, 1903, viii, 14. -----. Atrophie musculaire progres- *" sive. J. de neurol. Par, 1908, xiii, 1-20.—De Buck & Deroubaix. Notes sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire pro- gressive. Ibid., 1906, xi, 161-175.—De Grazia. SuH'atrofia muscolare progressiva. Riforma med, Napoli, 1896, xii. pt. 3, 229-231.—Delearde (A.) Un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive (maladie d'Aran-Duchennc, type Vulpian). Nord med, Lille, 1899, v, 5-7.—Diller (T.) A case of pro- gressive muscular atrophy of sudden onset. N. York M. J, 1896. lxiii, 740-742. Aho [Abstr.]: J. Nerv. — 3Ierklen (P.) & Sehaeffer (H.) Un cas de myopathie avec re- action de d.-gencrescence dans certains muscles des mem- bres inferieurs et atrophie type Aran-Duchenne debutante. Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxhi, 447-450.—Mitchell (J. K.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy with remarkable improvement. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis . Lancaster, Pa, 1909, xxxvi, 294-298.—Monro (T. K.) & Findlay (J. W.) Case of subacute spinal muscular atrophv. Tr. Glasgow Path. & Clin. Soc, 1905-6, xi, 30-37. Aho[ Abstr.]: Glasgow M. J, 1906, lxv, 443.—Morasca (E.) Atrofia muscolare progres- siva spinale. Op. pia de Ferrari Brignole Sale in Genova. Resoc chn.-statist. d. osp. (1895), 1^96, 108-114—Mott (F. W.) On progressive muscular atrophv. Practitioner, Lond.. 1904, lxxii, 4s3: 639.—Moyer (11. X.) An anoma- lous form of progressive muscular atrophv. Medicine, Detroit, 1896, h, 575-^577.—Ormerod. Clinical lecture on two typical cases of progressive muscular atrophv. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 191)0-1901, viii, 17-19—Owen (S.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy (myelopathic) with rapid course. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1916, xxi, 4->-.V) — Palmer (F. S.) A case of progressive muscular atrophv (of spinal type). Ibid., 1915, xx, 190.—Pellzaeus. Eih ungewohnlicher Fall von progressiver Atrophie. Cen- tralbl.f. Nervenh.u. Psychiat, Coblenz& Leipz, 1897,n. F, vhi, 129-131.—Perkins (J. J.) A case of progressive mus- cular atrophy of unusual distribution. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1898-9, xxxii, 243.—Petit (P.) Atrophie musculaire pro- gressive. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1903. ii. 201-204.—Pick (F.) Zur Kenntniss der progressiven Muskelatrophie. Deutsche Ztschr.f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1900,xvii, 1 56,3pi — Pithil( A.) Contributo alio studio nosografieo delle atrofie muscolari progressive e forme alftni. Pisani, Palermo, 1904, xxv, 57- 80.—Potts (C. S.) A case of progressive spinal muscular atrophy in which the atrophy began in the extensors of the hand and fingers. Univ. Penn. M. Bull, Phila, 1904-5, xvii, 112-114.—Preobrazhenski (P. A.) [On progressive muscular atrophy.) Obozr. Psikhiat, Nevrol. (etc.), S.- Pctcrb, 1903, viii,321-333.—Ralchliue. Presentation d'une malade atteinte d'une forme rare d'atrophie musculaire progressive. Rev. de psychiat, Par, 1896, n. s, 112 — Uankln(G.) Progressiveuiusmlaratrophv. Practitioner, Lond, 1908, lx\x, 757 7uY—Raymond (F.) Sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive du type Aran-Duchenne. Scmaino med, l.s99, xix, 209-211.-----. Nosologic generate des atrophies musculaires progressives. Presse med. Par., 1903, i, 117-119.-----. Quelques considerations generates sur les atrophies musculaires progressives et les maladies connexes. Encephale, 1'ar:, 1908, ii, 298-309—Reading (E. M.) Progressive muscular atrophy (wasting palsy, creeping palsy, amytrophic lateral sclerosis). Chicago M. Times, 1908, xii, 17.5-179.—Remak. [Fall von progressiver spinaler Muskelatrophie mit rellektonsi Iht I'upiltenstarre.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1230. Ria. Un caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva; tipo Duchenne-Aran. In- curabili, Napoli, 1902, xvii, 449-473. Also: Boll. d. clin, Milano, 1903, x\, 115-160.—Ricca (S.) Vn caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva atipico. Riv. neuropat, Torino, 1908, iii, 65-71.— Rotstadt (J.) [Progressive muscular atro- ATROPHY. 181 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive) [Aran- Duchenne, 1847-61]. phies.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1906, xxxiv. 858; 879; 900; 923; 945; 968; 985, 1 pi.—Roubier (C.) & Leclerc. Atro- phie musculaire progressive d'origine myeiopathique. Lyon medv 1907, cviii, 818-823.—Russell (A. E.) Two cases of progressive muscular atrophy. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1905, x, 210.—Sangregorio (A.) Di due casi notevoli di atrofia muscolare progressiva. Gazz. med. lomb, Milano, 1899, lviii, 21; 31.—Sanna Salaris (G.) Un caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva, del tessuto muscolare. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1905, xxxi, 252.—Saunders (A.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy. West Lond. M. J, Lond, 1906. xi, 116.—Schultze (F.) Progressive Muskel- atrophien (Dystrophien, spinale progressive Muskelatro- phien und Bulbarparalyse. Deutsche klin, Berl, 1906, vi, 1243-1280.—Siccardi (P. D.) Contributo chnico ed anatomo- patologico alio studio dell' atrofia muscolare progressiva. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1904, xxx, 739-764. Aho, Reprint.—Solinas (P.) Sull' atrofia muscolare pro- gressiva. Arch, per le sc. med, Torino, 1898, xxii, 105-121.— Spiller (W. G.) Progressive spinal muscular atrophy. In: Modern Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y, 1910, vii, 82-89 — Spiller (W. G.) & Gittings (J. C.) Progressive muscular atrophy of cervicobulbar type occurring with cervical rib N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 683-685. Also, Reprint — Spillmann (P.) & Perrin (M.) Atrophie musculaire Aran-Duchenne; fausses arthropathies par distension liga- menteuse. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. .. , 1905-6, pt. 2, 171-173.—Targowla (J.) Un Job moderne; atrophie mus- culaire du type Aran-Duchenne chez un chemineau. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1897, x, 415-417,1 pi.—Thorel (C.) Progressive spinale Muskelatrophie. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1899, Wiesb, 1901, vi, 705-710.— Van Gehuchten (A.) Un cas d'atrophie segmentaire ou atrophie musculaire progressive, type Aran-Duchenne. J. de neurol. Par, 1900, v, 281.—Zur Verth. [Fall einer progressiven spinalen Muskelatrophie.] Mitt. f. d. Ver. schlesw.-holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1906, n. F, xiv, 110.—Vitek (V.) [On the knowledge of progressive spinal amyotrophy.] Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1906, xiv, 398; 425.—Voss (G.) Zur Frage der erworbenen Myotonien und ihrer Kombina- tion mit der progressiven Muskelatrophie und angeborenem Muskeldefekt. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1908, xxxiv, 465-474.—VySin (V.) [Progressive muscular atro- phy.] Casop. lek. 6esk.. v Praze, 1900, xxxix, 625; 652; 675; 700.—Warren (A. C.) Progressive muscular atrophy (Aran-Duchenne's type). West Lond. M. J, 1917, xxii, 73.—Westphal (C.) Ueber einige Falle von progressiver Muskelatrophie mit Betheihgung der Gesichtsmuskeln. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1886. xi, 377^408. Aho, Reprint.— Wholey (C. C.) A case oi myatonia and three cases of pro- gressive muscular atrophy with metabolism studies in each. Penn. M. J, Athens, 1917-18, xxi. 620-623.—Williams (L.) Progressive muscular atrophy. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1905, iii, 405^09.—Yakub. [Rare case of progres- sive atrophy.] Vrach. Gaz, S.-Peterb, 1913, xx, 466.— Yudelson (A. B.) Progressive muscular atrophy, acute form. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1915, xlh, 759-761.— Zavadovski (K. N.) [Progressive muscular atrophy.] Obozr. Psichiat, Nevrol. [etc], S.-Peterb, 1910, xv, 258- 278.—Ziegler(K.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den Spatformen der progressiven Muskelatrophie nicht familiaren Cnarak- ters. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1913, xlvii-xlvhi, 816-832. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Causes and pathology of). See, aho, Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Hereditary); Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Syphilitic); Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Traumatic). Oppenheimer (H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Patho- logie der progressiven Muskelatrophie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1899. Aho, in: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb, 1899, n. F, xxxih, 75-100. Baron & Roques (E.) Atrophie musculaire progressive, type Aran-Duchenne, par sclerose laterale amyotrophique probable. Toulouse med, 1911. 2. s, xiii, 71-74.—Camp- bell (A. W.) The pathology of progressive muscular atro- phy. Liverpool M.-Chir. J, 1903, xxhi, 406-408—Collins (J.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy and tabes, with autopsy, f. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1901, xxxvih, 564-571.—Dana (C. L.) Progressive muscular atrophy; a study of the causes and classifications, with the report of an autopsy. Ibid., 1906, xxxhi, 81-100. Aho, Reprint — Dejerine & Thomas (A.) Un cas de myopathie & topo- graphie type Aran-Duchenne suivi d'autopsie. Rev. neu- rol. Par, 1904, xii, 1187-1190. [Discussion], 1238.—Erb (W.) Fall von Amyotrophia spinalis progressiva, im Anschluss an eine kurze Ueberanstrengung des rechten Armes. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1912, xxxi, 1060.— Fasano (V.) Rapporti tra la sclerosi laterale amiotrofica Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Causes and pathology oj). muscolare progressiva tipo Aran-Duchenne. Riv internaz. di clin. e terap, Napoli, 1910, v, 105; 121.—Gibson (J.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy, with unusual cord lesions. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1892, Syd- ney, 1893, iii, 84-87,8pL—Huber. Ueber die Riickenmarks- veranderungen bei spinaler progressiver Muskelatrophie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. & Berl, 1913, xxxix, 649.—Hutchinson (J.) Progressive muscular atrophy after exposure to cold. Polyclin, Lond, 1903, vii, 192.— Lambrior (A.-A.) Un cas d'atrophie musculaire progres- sive type Aran-Duchenne par polyomyelite chronique (atrophie musculaire progressive type Aran-Duchenne da- tant de onze ans, pleuresie mediastine; autopsie). Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1906, xx, 177-189.—Lippi (U.) Contributo alle amiotrofie spinali progressive. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1906, xxvii, 317.—Long (E.) Atrophie mus- culaire progressive, type Aran-Duchenne, de nature nevri- tique (nevrite interstitielle hypertrophique). Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 1198. Aho: J. de neurol. Par, 1907, xh, 78.-----. Atrophie musculaire progressive des membres superieurs type Aran-Duchenne par nevrite interstitielle hypertrophique (contribution a- l'etude des maladies dtevo- lution). N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1907, xx, 46- 65, 2 pi.-----. Atrophie musculaire progressive, type Aran-Duchenne, de nature nevritique (second cas suivi d'autopsie). Ibid., 1912, xxv, 281-308, 2 pi.-----. Examen histologique d'une atrophie musculaire progressive, type Aran-Duchenne, de nature nevritique. Rev. neurol. Par., 1912, xxih, 212.—Moussous (A.) & Carles (F.) Sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive de l'enfance, type Aran-Duchenne d'origine myopathique probable. Arch. de med. d. inf., Par, 1909, xii, 42-51— Placzek (S.) Kli- nisch-mikroskopische Beitrage zur Lehre von der progres- siven Muskelatrophie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1899, clviii, 105-125, 1 pL—Rot (V. K.) [Pathogenesis of progressive muscular atrophy.] Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova 1891, Mosk, 1892, iv, 673-682.— Sanna Salaris (G.) Un caso di atrofia muscolare pro- gressiva; studio chnico ed istologico (per biopsia) del tessuto muscolare. Ann. di nevrol, Napoli, 1905, xxih, 212-227.— Siccardi (P. D.) Contributo chnico ed anatomo-patolo- gico alio studio dell' ajtrofia muscolare progressiva. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1904, xxx, 739-764, 1 pi.— Soprana (F.) Ulteriore contributo alia conoscenza del- P atrofia muscolare progressiva da lesione dei canali semi- circolari. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1907-8, lxvii, pt. 2, 161-171, 1 pi. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1908, xlix, 176-184, 1 pi.—Souques (A.) & Barbe (A.) Amyotrophie Aran-Duchenne consecutive a una meningo-myehte diffuse. Rev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxvi, 57-63. [Discussion], 45.—Taylor (E. W.) Progres- sive muscular atrophy, without involvement of the pyra- midal tracts; J. Bost. Soc M. Sc, 1900-1901, v; 523-525, 1 pi.—Tremolieres (F.) & Gallais (A.) Contribution a l'etude de l'atrophie numerique. Presse med. Par, 1909, xvh, 707-712.—Valobra (J.) Sulla nosografia e sulla pato- genesi delle atrofie muscolari progressive. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia, 1904, xxx, 533-571.—Vitek (V.) Zur Aetiologie der progressiven spinalen Muskelatrophie. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1906, xxv, 753-755.—Vix. Kli- nischer und anatomischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spi- nalen progressiven Muskelatrophie. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl., 1910, xlvii, 1212-1227, 1 pi.—Weber (F. P.) Pro- gressive spinal muscular atrophy (Duchenne-Aran) follow- ing electric shock; positive Wassermann reaction. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1916-17, x, Clin. Sect, 4-6. Also, Reprint.—Williamson (R. T.) On the pathological changes in a case of progressive muscular atrophy. Lancet, Lond, 1901, ii, 19-21.-----. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and progressive muscular atrophy. Edinb. M. J, 1907, n. s, xxi, 304-315. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Com- plications and sequelse of). Brumpt (E.) Doigts en lorgnette au cours d'une atrophie musculaire progressive chez un negre du Soudan. Rev. neurol. Par, 1906, xiv, 477^79.—Chiaravalloti (L.) Atrofia muscolare progressiva e diabete. N. riv. clin.- terap.. Napoh, 1911, xiv, 629-637.—Etienne (G.) Troubles trophiques osseux et articulaires chez un homme atteint d'atrophie musculaire myeiopathique. Rev. de med.. Par, 1899, xix, 552-558.—Fabre & Trillat. Grossesse et accouchement chez une malade atteinte d'atrophie mus- culaire progressive, type Aran-Duchenne. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par, 1910, xiii, 92-94.—Garrett (R. E.) Report of a case of progressive muscular atrophy (spinal) with mental symptoms. Maryland M. J, Bait, 1902, xiv, 437-440.— Gramegna (G.) & Fino (C.) Atrofia muscolare pro- fressiva in donna gravida. Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, lapoli, 1906, xv, 129; 209.—Koster. [Ein atypisch ver- laufender Fall von spinaler progressiver Muskelatrophie, kombiniert mit Dupuytrenscher Kontraktur der Palmar- faszie an beiden Handen.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1905, Iii, 725.—Leri (A.) Atrophie generalisee de la muscula- ture de tous les visceres dans une amyotrophie progressive, ATROPHY. 182 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Com- plications and sequelse of). type Aran-Duchenne. Rev. neurol, Par, 1902, x, 394-401. -----. Nouveau cas d'atrophie musculaire viscerate dans l'atrophie musculaire peripherique d'origine spinale. Ibid., 1904, xii, 795— Margulis (M. S.) [Combined progressive muscular atrophy with multiple sclerosis.] Obozr. Psi- khiat, Nevrol. [etc], S.-Peterb, 1913, xviii, 92-114.—Meu- nier (H.) Atrophie musculaire progressive (type Aran- Duchenne) avec contracture intermittente et passio're. Rev. neurol. Par, 1902, x, 545-549.—Minet (J.) & Ver- haeghe (E.) Atrophie musculaire progressive du type Aran-Duchenne et paralysie pscudo-bulbaiie. Bull. S>c. de med. du nord 1908, Lille, 1909, 108-17L—Munro (T. K.) Progressive muscular atrophy complicated with herpes zoster. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1909-10, ix, 135.— Murphy (D. J.) A contribution to the study of progres- sive muscular atrophy, and a report of four cases with mental disorders. Alienist & Neurol, St. Lotus, 1915, xxxvi, 215-230.—Rabboni (I.) Contributo alio studio delle associazioni morbose nelle nevropatie (morbo di Du- puytren ed atrofia muscolare progressiva tipo Aran-Du- chenne). Med. nuova, Roma, 1913, iv, 349-352. —Schmidt (H. H.) Ueber einen Fall von progressiver Muskelatrophie und fiber rachitische Pseudoparaplegie. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr, 1907, xliv, 1272-1274.—Sorgoni (B.) Neurite par- ziale ed amiotrofia spinale spastica. Raccoglitore med, Forli, 1895, 5. s, xx, 149; 173.—Souques & Bollack (J.) Atrophie musculaire progressive du type Aran-Duchenne avec hemianopsie bitemporale. Rev. neurol. Par, 1912, xxhi, 445-447 —Spiller (W. G.) & Gittings (J. C.) Pro- gressive muscular atrophy of cervicobulbar type occurring with cervical rib. N. York M. J. [etc], 1906, lxxxiv, 683- 685.—Spillmann (P. ) & Perrin (M.) Atrophie muscu- laire Aran-Duchenne; fausscs arthropathies par distension ligamenteuse. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1906, xxxviii, 777.—StOcker. Ein Fall von halluzinatonscher Psychose bei einem an spinaler Muskelatrophie leidenden 31jahrigen Manne. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 1252.—Wash- burne (C. L.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy with talipes deformity. Physician & Surg, Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1910, xxxii, 389.—Weiss (K.) Ueber einen Fall von tabiformer Erkrankung mit congenitalem Klumpfuss und ■ progredienten Muskelatrophien: Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1912, xi, 44-48. Aho: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lxu, 979-981. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Diag- nosis of). See, aho, Paralysis (Bseudobulbar). Petit (P.-C.-J.) *Revue critique et clinique des atrophies musculaires progressives, (impor- tance de la reaction de d^generescence.) 8°. Lille, 1903. Beevor (C. E.) Progressive muscular atrophy, immobile pupils, exostosis on humerus. Brain, Lond, 1905, xxviii, 354.—Capriati (V.) L'elcttrodiagnostica nell' atrofia mus- colare progressiva primitiva; contributo alia diagnosi dif- ■ferenziale delle diverse forme di atrofia muscolare pro- gressiva. Ann. di nevrol, Napoli, 1905, xxiii, 228-235. -----. Contribution au diagnostic diilercnticl des diffe- rcntes formes d'amyotrophie progressive. Arch, d'eiectric. med, Bordeaux, 1905. xiii, 867-873.—Cestan < K ) A Huet (E.) Contribution clinique k l'etude do la topographic des atrophies musculaires myelopathiques. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1902, xv, 1-26, 2 pL —Collins (J.) The diagnosis of diseases that have progressive muscular atrophy as their most conspicuous symptom. Internal. Clin, Phila, 1914, 24. s, iv, 107-121. 2 pi -Grtltcr (W.) Eigenartigo Augenmuskelstorungen bei einem an pischen Fall von progressiver Muskelatrophie. Ztschr. f. Augenh, Berl, 1911. xxvi, 498- 500.— Huet (E.) Dc lela t rodiagnostic des atrophies musculaires progressives. Ann. d'eiectro- biol. [etc.], Par, 1902, v, 671-696— Raymond. Le prog- nostic dans les atrophies musculaires progressives. Kev. gen. dc clin. et de therap. Par, 1908, xxh, 114-116. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Heredi- tary) [Wer dnig-Hoffmann, 1890-91].- Gehring (A.) *Ein seltener Fall von juveniler progressiver Muskel-Atrophie mit mangelhafter Entwicklung der Ganglien der motorisehen Sphiire. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1901. Kehrer (T. A.) *Beitrag zur Lehre von den hereditaren Muskelatrophien. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Freiburg (Baden), 1908. Armand-Oelille (P.) & Boudet (G.) Autopsie et exa- men histologique des muscles et du systeme nerveux dans un cas d'amyotrophie spinale dilfusc chez un nourrisson. Bull. Soc. de pediat. do Par, 1906, viii, 327-329.—Babon- nelx (L.) Un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive chez un enfant de cinq ans. Arch, de med. d. enf. Par, 1904, vii, Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Heredi- tary) [Werdnig- Hoffmann, 1890-94]. 340-355.—Batten (F. E.) "Hereditary form of progressive muscular atrophy with spinal lesion in young children. Brain, Lond, 1897, xx, 536-542.-----. Three cases of family progressive spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoflmann type). Tr. Clin. Soc Lond, 1903-3, xxxvi, 226-228.-----. Progressive spinal muscular atrophy of infants and young children. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1910-11, iv,Neurol. Sect, 53-84. Aho: Brain, Lond, 1911, xxxhi, 433-463.-----. Progressive spinal muscular atrophy of infants (Wrerdnig- Hoifmann). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1910-11, iv, Clin. Sect, 115. Aho: Lancet, Lond, 1911, l, 1481.—Batten (F. E.) & Holmes (G.) Progressive spinal muscular atrophy of infants (Werdnig-Hoflmann type). Brain, Lond, 1912-13, xxxv, 38-49.—Beevor (C. E.) A case of con- genital spinal muscular atrophy (family type), and a case of haemorrhage into the spinal cord at birth giving similar symptoms. Ibid., 1902, xxv, 85-10R, 4 pi.—Bliss (M. A.) Wernig-IIofimann early infantile progressive spinal muscu- lar atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment Dis., N. Y., 1916, xliv, 108- 114.—Bosc (F.-J.) Les amyotrophies familiales des extre- mites a propos de trois nouveaux cas at vpiques. Presse med. Par, 1896, 497-504.—Browning (W.) A family form of progressive muscular atrophy (myelogenic type) begin- ning late in life. Neurographs, Brooklyn, 1907, i, 68-83.— de Bruin. Infantile familiaire progress'ieve spinale spiera- trophie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1907, i, 1678-16S2.—Bruns (L.) Zur Casuistikder infantilen pro- gressiven spinalen Muskelatrophievonfamilialem resp. here- ditarem Charakter. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1900-1901, xix, 401-413.—Bryant (J. H.) Two cases of the peroneal type of family amytrophy. Brain, Lond, 1905, xxviii, 355-357.—Ciauri (R.) Atrofia della mano, del tipo Aran-Duchenne, segmentana, congenita, eredofamiliare, non-progressiva. Riforma med, Napoli, 1909, xxv. 785- 787.—Colin (T.) Symptome der Werdnig-Ho:rmann schen (infantil-familiaren) Form der progressiven Muskelatrophie. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1912, xlix, 1101.—Collins (J.) Hered- itary progressive muscular atrophy, spinal and bulbar. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1905, xx, 510-516—Concetti (L.) Contributo alio studio della amiotrofia spinale nei bambini. Riv. diclin. pediat, Firenze, 1906, iv, 1-15.—Dana (C. L.) A new (familial) form of progressive spinal myopathy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1914, xh, 681-685— Fletcher (H. M.) & Batten (F. E.) Case of progressive muscular atrophy of spinal origin in a girl aged 11 years; with autopsy. Brain,'Lond, 1903, xxvi, 473; 615, 4 pi.—Gatz-Emmanuel (Emma). Zwei Falle von infantiler familiarer spinaler Muskelatrophie (Werdnig-Hoflmann"scher Tvpus). Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1912, xxxi, 1010-1020 —Gellhorn. [in- fantile spinale progressive Muskelatrophie ] Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl, 1903, lx, 746.—Gott (T. i 6i Schmidt (H.) Beitrage zur Frage der fruhinfantiteii Amyotrophien und einer sie begleitenden endogenen (?) Fettsucht. Ztschr. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1911, hi, Orig, 25v>.—Gossage (A. M.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy in a child. West- minst. Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1897, x, 57-59.—Granholm (R.) Fall af infantil procressiv spinal muskelatrofi. Finska lak.- sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1915, ii, 1675-1G.N2.—Hervouet. Un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive familiale. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1897-8, xvi, 213.—Hoffmann (J.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der hereditaren progressiven spinalen Mus- kelatrophie im Kindesalter, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den fortschreitenden Muskelschwund im Allgemeinen. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1896-7. x, 292-320: 1900, xvhi, 217-224. -----. Ueber die hereditare progressive spinale Muskelatrophie im Kindesalter. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1900, xlvii, 1649-1651.—Korolkoff (P. Y.) [Pro- gressive muscular atrophy in a ten-vear-old boy.J Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1904, hi, 1400-1403.'— Lange (F\) Beitrag zur Klinik der progressiven Muskelatrophie im Kindesalter. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, I/eipz, 1910, xl, 65-77.— Lejonne (l'O & Rose (F.) Amyotrophie juvenile progres- sive. Kev. neurol, I'ar, 1907, xv, 173-175.—Lyonnet (B.) A Martin (J.-F.) Sur un cas d'atrophie musculaire fami- liale. Hull. Soc. med. d. h6p. do Lyon, 1912, x, 176-181. [Discussion], 184. Aho: Lyon med, 1912, ex vhi, 682-687 — Niero (S.) Atrofia muscolare progressiva familiare. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1916, xxxvu, 148-151—Nj lander (E ) [Contribution lo the knowledge of hereditary progressive spinal muscular atrophy.] llvgica, Stockholm, 1898, ix, 281-303.—Pappenheimer( A. M.) Ueber juvenile, familiare Muskelatrophie; zugleich ehi Beitrag zur normalen Histologic des Sarkolcmmas. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1908, xliv, 431L457, 2 pL—Parsons (L.) Sections from a caso of progressive spinal muscular atrophy of infants (Werdnig-Hoflmann type). Proc. Rov. Soc Med, Lond, 1912-13, vi, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child, 164-167.—Parsons (L.) & Stanley (D.) Progressive spinal muscular atrophy of young children—Werdnig-lloffmann type; report of a case with pathological examination. Brain, Lond, 1912-13, xxxv, 50-58.— IMantenga (B. P. B.) Amyotrophia spi- nalis ditfusa familiaris. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1906, ii, 1790-1794.—Raymond (F.) Atrophies musculaires familiales progressives. J. de med. int., Par, 1900, iv, 722-728.-----. Atrophie niusculaire progressive du ATROPHY. 183 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Heredi- tary) [Werdnig-IIofmann, 1890-94]. type Werdnig-Hoffmann. "Gaz. d. h6p., Par, 1903, lxxvi, 137-141.—von Bitter (G.) Zur Kenntnis der progressiven spinalen Muskelatrophie im friihen Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh, Berl, 1904. lix, 224-236,1 pL—Robinson (G. W.) The spinal type and family form of progressive muscular atrophy as appearing in adults. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1917, xiv, 401-409.—Schick (B.) Familiare friihin- fantile spinale Muskelatrophie mit Lasion der Pyramiden- bahn. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1911, x, 136-139. -----. Zwei Falle von familiarer spinaler Muskeldystrophie. Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1912, xi, 75-81. Aho: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1912, lxu, 1186-1190.—Senator (H.) SuL P atrofia muscolare progressiva famigliare nei bambini. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat, Napoli, 1902, v, 69-71. A ho, transl: Charite-Ann, Berl, 1902, xxvi, 81-88.—Spiller (W. G.) Progressive spinal muscular atrophy of childhood of f amilial or hereditary character (type Werdnig-Hoflmann). In Modern Med. (Osier). 8°, Phila. & N. Y, 1910, vh, 89-91.— Tognoli (E.) Di una forma non comune di atrofia musco- lare famigliare. Riv. veneta di sc. med, Venezia, 1899, xxx, 120-122.—Torrild (J.) [A case of progressive muscular atrophy of the Werdnig-Hoflmann type.] Hosp.-Tid, K0benh, 1902, 4. R, x. 1187-1191.—Zatelli (T.) Zur Klinik und Pathologie der familiaren, friihinfantilen, spinalen, progressiven Muskelatrophie (Typus Werdnig-Hoffmann). Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ, Leipz. & Wien, 1911-12, xix, 436-450. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Neural or Peroneal) [Charcot-Marie, 1886]. See, also, Lead (Boisoning by) affecting f\e nervous system; Neuritis (Multiple). Bunde (G. G. G.) *Ein kasuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der progressiven neuralen Muskel- atrophie. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Btjnke (F.) *Beitrag zur Lehre der progres- siven neurotischen Muskelatrophie. [Kiel.] 8°. Gehenkirchen, 1912. Fischiiann (W. G. E.) *Neurale progressive Muskelatrophie. 8°. Greifswald, 1907. von Hetjmen (Georgine L.) *Ueber einen atypischen Fall von progressiver Muskel-Atro- phie (Typus Charcot-Marie). 8°. Munchen, 1912. Kahlert (H. H.) *Beitrag zur Lehre yon der progressiven neurotischen Muskelatrophie. 8°. Jena, 1906. von Kugelgen (K. [F.]) *Beitrag zur neura- len progressiven Muskelatrophie. [Kiel.] 8°. Berlin 1909. Aho'in: Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1909, xiv, 944-963. Sainton (P.) L'amyotrophie; type Charcot- Marie. ' 8°. Baris, 1899. . Vannier (E.) * Amyotrophie Charcot-Marie chezl'adulte. 4°. Baris, 1895. Wisselinck (A.) *Beitrag zur Lehre yon der progressiven neurotischen Muskelatrophie. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1896. . Alessandrini (P.) Le atrofie del tipo Charcot-Marie. Riv di patol. nerv, Firenze, 1908, xhi, 553-580— Allemand. Atrophie musculaire progressive du type Charcot-Marie. Loire med, St.-Etienne, 1896, xv, 133-137.-Anspach (B.M.) Neurific muscular atrophy, not hereditary. Univ M. Mag, Phila, 1900-1901, xhi, 287-289.-Aoyama (T.) Ein Fall von neurotischer Muskelatrophie nut bulbaren Veranderungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1910, xl, 207-220.—Armand-Delille (P.) & Debre (R )i Un cas d'atrophie musculaire, forme Charcot-Marie a debut pre- coce. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par, 1909, xi, 545-548. Aho: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par, 1910, xiv, 256-259.-Ballet (G.) & Rose (F.) Un cas d'amyotrophie du type Charcot- Marie avec atrophie des deux nerfs optiques. Rev. neurol. Par, 1904, xii, 522-524.-Bassoe (P.) & Ryerson (E. W.) Presentation of two colored sisters with the Charcot-Marie type of muscular atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1917, xliv, 455-458.—Batten (F. E.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy of the peroneal type, occurring after measles in a boy set. 7 years. Tr. Chn. Soc. Lond, 1898-9, xxxii, 239-241.—Baudouin & Schaeffer (H.) Un cas d'amyotrophie type Charcot-Marie. Rev. neurol. Par, 1910, xx, 143-145.—Beevor (C. E.) Peroneal type muscular atrophy: familial type. Brain, Lond, 1905, xxvui, 354.- Binert (A.) [Neurotic progressive muscular atrophy.| Russk. Med. Vestnik, S.-Peterb, 1899, i, No. 19,1-13.—Bour- Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Neural or Peroneal) [Charcot-Marie, 1886]. roul (C.) Molestia de Charcot. Tribuna med, Rio de Jan, 1911, xvh, 216-218.—Bramwell (B.) Peroneal type of pro- gressive muscular atrophy. Chn. Stud, Edinb,1906-7, n. s, v, 383-388.—Brasch (M.) Ueber eine besondere Form der farniliaren neurotischen Muskelatrophie (Dejerine-Sotas). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1904, xxvi, 302-313.— Breton & Andres. Atrophie d'origine nevritique ou myo- pathique. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1908, Lille, 1909,504-510. Aho: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1909, xhi, 99-101.—Braining (J.) Eenige gevallen van progressieve neurotische spiera- trophie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1905, 2. r, xii, d. 1, 1232-1251.—Bryant (J. H.) Two cases of the peroneal type of family amyotrophy (Tooth's neurotic muscular atrophy). Tr. Chn. Soc. Lond, 1904-5, xxxvih, 195.—Burr (C. W.) A case of progressive neurotic mus- cular atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1897, xxiv, 631-636. Aho, Reprint.—Bychowski. [Atrophia muscu- lorum progressiva neurotica (Charcot-Maric-Tooth).] Neu- rol, polska, Warszawa, 1911-12, h,59L—Campbell (G.) Two cases of muscular atrophy of the peroneal type. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1900,xxvu, 274-280.-----. Peroneal mus- cular atrophy. St. Louis Cour. Med, 1900, xxh, 343-349.— Casazza (A.) Atrofia muscolare dipendente da alterazioni dei nervi. Morgagni, Milano, 1900, xhi, 540-548.—Cassirer & Maas (O.) Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie der pro- gressiven neurotischen Muskelatrophie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1910, xxxix, 321-340, 4 pi.—Cautley (E.) Peroneal type of muscular dystrophy. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child, Lond, 1901-2, ii, 163-168.—Chaddock (C. G.) A case of peroneal muscular atrophy (type Charcot- Marie). J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.; N. Y, 1901, xxviii, 408- 412.—Church (A.) The neuritic type of progressive mus- cular atrophy: a case with marked heredity. Ibid., 1906, xxxih, 447-453.—Conn (T.) Spinal-neuritische oder myo- pathische Muskelatrophie? Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1902, xxi, 488; 537.—Collier (J.) Two cases of peroneal atro- phy with a very late development of symptoms. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Neurol. Sect, 31—Deguy. De Pamyotrophie, type Charcot-Marie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1899, xiii, 738-740.—Dejerine & Armand- Delille. Un cas d'atrophie musculaire, type Charcot-Marie, suivi d'autopsie. Rev. neurol. Par, 1903, xi, 1198-1201.— Delon. Un cas d'amyotrophie type Charcot-Marie. Loire med, St.-Etienne, 1896, xv, 220-224— Dercum (F. X.) & Leopold (I.) A case of primary neurotic atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1897, xxiv, 400-403. [Discussion], 418.—Dlller (T.) Peroneal type of progressive muscular atro- phy: report of twp cases. Phila. M. J, 1900, v, 642.—Dzer- zhinski (V.) [Reflex amyotrophy and ascending neuritis.] Kharkov. M. J, 1912, xiv, 95-101, 1 pi. ——. [Diagnosis of progressive chronic amyotrophies; neuromyogenic pro- gressive amyotrophy.] Obozr. Psikhiat, Nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb, 1912, xvh, 471-180.—Egger (F.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der progressiven neuralen Muskelatrophie. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1896-7, xxix, 400-419.—Farnell (F. J.) A case of progressive muscular atrophy, Charcot- Marie-Tooth type. Boston M. & S. J, 1911, clxiv, 714-716. Aho [Abstr.]: 3. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, Lancaster, Pa, 1911, xxxviii, 234.—Fazio (F.) Atrofia muscolare progressiva tipo Charcot-Marie, in seguito a malaria. Riforma med, Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 653-657.—Fedeli (A.) Un caso di atrofia muscolare progressiva tipo Charcot-Marie. Cron. d. chn. . med. di Genova, 1908, xiv, 171-174.—FUrstner. Ein Fall von neurotischer progressiver Muskelatrophie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz, 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil, 14.—Gerhardt. Neuraler Typus der Muskelatrophie. Ibid., 1907, xxxhi, 1318.-----. [Zwei Falle von neuralem Typus der Muskelatrophie.] Kor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1907, xxxvi, 77.—Gierlich. Beitrag zur Pathologie der neuralen Muskelatrophie (Hoffmann). Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1909, xiv, 447-163,1 pi.—Giuseppe (E.) Le atrofie muscolari progressive; contributo chnico alia forma peroneale (tipo Charcot-Marie) Foha med, Napoli, 1915, i, 933-946.—Goldenberg (A.) [Neurotic pro- gressive muscular atrophy, with vernal exacerbations.] Czasopismo lek, £6dz, 1901, hi, 166-168.—Gonnet (A.) & Grimaud (A.) Un cas d'atrophie musculaire Charcot- Marie. Bull. Soc: med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1914, xhi, 67-70, 1 pi. Aho: Lyon med, 1914, exxii, 361-364,1 pL—Gordon (A.) Remarks on primary neurotic atrophy (Charcot- Marie-Hofimann type), with report of a case in which there was excessive indulgence in tea and coffee. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1903, xxx, 354-359. [Discussion], 370.— Guinon (L.) & Rydel. Amyotrophie progressive gene- ralisee type Charcot-Marie. Arch, de med. d. enf. Par, 1909, xh, 599-611.—Guthrie (L.) Two cases of muscular atrophy of the peroneal type (Charcot, Marie, Tooth) in father and son. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1910-11, iv, Clin. Sect, 126-128— Halliday (J. R.) & Whiting (A. J.) The peroneal type of muscular atrophy, with an account of a family group of cases. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909. u, 1114-1118 —Hamilton (A. S.) Reportof acase of hereditary muscularatrophyoftheCharcotxMarie-Tooth type, associated with cataract. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1911, ix, 645-661, lpl. Aho, Reprint.—Harris (W.) Case of peroneal 184 Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Neural or Peroneal) [Charcot-Marie, 1886]. atrophy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond,1907-8, i, NeuroL Sect, 54.—Hatch (F. F.) Progressive neuro-muscular atrophy (peroneal type of Charcot, Marie, and Tooth), with report of three casos in a family without heredity. Boston M. & S. J, 1915, clxxh, 393-398. Aho, Reprint—Heverocb. (A.) [Mus- cular atrophy of the Charcot-Marie type] Casop. tek. cesk, v Praze, 1904, xliii, 725; 775.—Hlgler (IL) Dyzostoza i myopathia typu Marie-Tooth. Neurol, polska, Warszawa, 1913, iii, 206-209.—Holsti (II.) Ein Fall von neurotischer Muskelatrophie. Finska lak.-sallsk. handl, Helsingfors, 1906, xlviii, p. xxiii.—Hunt (J. R.) The neural atrophy of the small muscles of the hand, without sensory disturb- ances. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1914, xii, 300-303. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914, lxxxv, 824.-----. A further study of compression neuritis of the thenar branch of the median nerve and the deep palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat, Edinb, 1914; xh, 137- 148, 2 pi.—Lepine & Porot. Atrophies musculaires nevri- tiques. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1905, iv, 21-23. Aho: Lyon med, 1905, civ, 227-230.—Levi (E.) Saggio ch- nico e critico suite amiotrofie progressive neuritico-spinali in rapporto alle malattie eredo-famigliari del sistema ner- voso. Riv. crit. di clin. med, Firenze, 1907, vhi, 417; 437; 457; 477.—Long & Long (Mme.) Atrophie musculaire type Charcot-Marie, associee a des phenontenes spasmo- diques. Rev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxv, 696-700.—Lorenz (H.) Ueber Mischformeh der progressiven Muskelatrophie, mit Demonstration zweier Briider mit teils neurotischer, teils myopathischer Muskelatrophie der oberen Extremi- taten. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, 1905, xiii, 145-150.—Marinesco (G.) Un cas d'amyotrophie Charcot- Marie a debut par les membres superieurs, avec participation de quelques muscles de la face et des muscles masticateurs. Rev-, neurol. Par, 1907, xv, 416-419.—Mondio (G.) Due casi di atrofia muscolare progressiva tipo Charcoi>Marie associati ad alterazioni della sensibilita, a disturbi psichici ed al sintoma di Babinski. Riv. ital. di neuropat. [etc.], Catania, 1914, vii, 433-438.—Monro (T. K.) Two cases of muscular atrophy of the peroneal type. Tr. Glasgow Path. & Chn. Soc, 1904-5, x, 93-98. Also: Glasgow M. J, 1905, lxiii, 47-52.—Oppenheim (H.) & Cassirer (R.) Ein Bei- trag zur Lehre von der sogenannten progressiven neu- rotischen Muskelatrophie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1896, x, 143-164, 2 pL—Patella (V.) Su di un caso di malattia di Charcot con rilevante edema neuropatico agli arti inferiori. Riv. veneta di sc med, Venezia, 1913, lix, 29()-320— Ponticaccia (M.) Amiotrofia progres- siva familiale tipo Charcot-Marie. Pediatria, Napoli, 1912, 2. s, xx. 133-144. Aho: Riv. veneta, di sc. med, Venezia, 1912, lvii, 104-115.- Potts (C. S.) Two cases of progressive neurotic atrophy. Univ. M. Mag, Phila, 1897-8, x, 290- 292.—Reinhard. Beitrag zur Casuist ik der neurotischen Muskelatrophie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1897, xi, 431-461. —Ricca (S.) Atrofia muscolare progressiva spi- nale. a inizio peroneale. Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1909, xlviii, 237-211— Rosenheck (C.) ThoCharcOt-Marie-Tooth type of progressive neuromuscular atrophy, with a report of two cases. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 1604- 1606. Aho, Reprint.—Sainton (P0 Contribution a l'e- tude anatomo-pathologique et clinique de l'amyotrophie Charcot-Marie. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1K99, xh, 206; 317, 5 pi.-----. Existe-t-il uno variete peroniere de l'amyotrophie type Charcot-Marie? Ibid., 1902. xv, 466.—Scliultze (F.) [Fall von progressiver neurotischer Muskelatrophie.] Sitzungsb. d. niod.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn (1905), 1906, med. Abt, 10-12.— Schulz (M.) Zur Lehre der progressiven neurotischen Muskelatrophie. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1899, xxiv, 218-229 — Shaw (J. E.) A caso of neuritic muscular atrophy (pero- neal type). Bristol Med.-Chir. J, 1899, xvii, 319-322.— Sheelian (R. F.) A case of progressive neural muscular atrophy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 743— Sle- merling (E.) Zur Lehre der spinalen neuritischen Mus- kelatrophie (Atrophia muscularis progressiva spinalis neu- ritica Bernhardt) (progressiven neurotischen oder neuralen Muskelatrophie Hoilmann). Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1898, xxxi, 105-127. 3 pi—Souques (A.) Deux cas d'atrophie musculaire Chareok-Mario. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1914. xxvii, 175-187,3 pL—Spiller (W. G.) Myopathy of the distal type and its relation to the neural form of mus- cular atrophy (Charcot-Marie, Tooth type). J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1907, xxxiv, 14-30. [Discussion], 47. -----. Progressive neural (neurotic) muscular atrophy (progressive muscular atrophy of the Charcot-Marie-Tootn type). In: Modern Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y, 1910, vh, 111-113, 2 pi.—Stiefler (G.) Zur Klinik der neuralen Form der progressiven Muskelatrophie. Ztschr. f. Heilk, Wien & Leipz, 1906, xxvii, Abt. f. int. Med, 219-230. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. a. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz, 1906, pt. 2,2. Hlfte, 248-250.—Taylor (J.) ?Pe- roneal atrophy. Proc. Roy. Soc Med, Lond, 1912-13. vi, Neurol. Sect, 50.-----. Anomalous case of peroneal muscular atrophy. Polyclin.. Lond, 1913, xvii, 6.—Thomas. A case of the Charcot>Marie-Tooth form of neuritic muscular atrophy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y., 1906, xxxhi, 787.— Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Neural or Peroneal) [Charcot-Marie, 1886]. Thorel (C.) Progressive neurotische Muskelatrophie. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1899, Wiesb, 1901, vi, 720-72L—Tognoli (E.) Di quattro casi di atrofia muscolare progressiva della eosi detta forma Charcot e Marie. Policlin, Roma, 1898, v, sez. med, 522-536 — Vorobyefl (V. V.) [Progressive protopathic muscular atrophy combined with neuritis.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1895, iii, No. 4, 51-«>.— Walton (G. L.) Peroneal type of atrophy. Internat.Chn, Phila, 1899,9. s,ii, 145-147.—War- rington (W. B.) A family of three cases of the peroneal type of muscular atrophy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Hoffmann); with a note on the result of surgical treatment, by R. Jones. Lancet, Lond, 1901, ii, 1574-1577.—Weber (F. P.) A case of muscular atrophy, probably of the so-called peroneal type. Rep. Soc. Studv Dis. Child, Lond, 1904-5, v, 23(>-210. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis, Londv 1905, ii. 397-400. Aho, Reprint — Westphal (A.) Ueber einen Fall von progressiver neuroti- scher (neuraler) Muskelatrophie mit manisch-depressivem Irresein und sogenannter Maladie des tics convulsifs einher- gehend. Arch. f. Psychiat, Berl, 1909, xiv, 980-1003.-----. Ueber progressive neurotische Muskelatrophie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1917, xliii, 1519; 1575.— Whiting (A.) A clinical lecture on the peroneal type of muscular atrophy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1909," n. s, lxxxvii, 78-80. Atrophy (Muscular. Progressive. Syphi- litic) . Camus (C.) *Les amyotrophies myelopa- thiques a type Aran-Duchenne d'origine syphili- tique. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Lerouge (A.) *Les atrophies musculaires progressives spinales d'origine syphilitique (la myelite syphilitique amyotrophique). 8°. Baris, 1913. Bailey (P.) Syphilitic muscular atrophy. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1913, lxxxiii, 1051.—Burr (C. W.) Syphilis as a cause of progressive spinal muscular atrophv. Therap. Gaz.[etc.], Detroit, 1914, n. s, xxx, 90-93.—Casamajor (L.) A case of muscular atrophy on a syphilitic basis. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1914, xh, 243.—Collins (J.) Muscular atrophy simulating that of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, due to syphilitic root neuritis. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1913, lxxxiii, 1049—Foerster (O.) Spinale Muskelatrophie in ihrer Beziehung zur Lues. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1912. Bresl.. 1913, ii, -36-38.—Gans (A.) Meninpomvelitis mit Spondylosis luetics cervicahs bei einem Patienten mit leichter Diastematomyehe: unter dem Bilde einer progressiven spinalen Muskelatrophie. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psvchiat, Berl. & Leipz, 1913. xix, Orig, 320-330—Gonnet (A.) Amyotrophie syphilitique progressive a marche rapide. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1913, xi, 5,s2-589. A ho: Lyon med, 1913, exxi, 904-911.—Guccione (A.) Sifilide e atrofia muscolare pro- gressiva spinale. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di neurol, Roma, 1914, iv, 144-U9.—Haiuill (R. C.) Presentation of a case of progressive muscular atrophy due to syphilis of the anterior horn cells. Med. Clin, Chicago, 1916, ii, 289- 298— Kummant (A.) Ein Fall von syphilitischer spi- naler Amyotrophie des Schultergurtels. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1914, li. 106-115—Lannois (M.) Atro- phic musculaire du type Aran-Duchenne d'origine Syphi- litique. Cong. d. med. ahenistes et neurol. de France . . . C. r. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par.. 1905, xv, pt. 2, 314-324, 2 pi. Aho: N. iconog. de la Salpetrtere, Par, 1905, xviii, 593-C01, 2 pi.—Lannois (M.) & Porot (A.) Examen anatomique d'un cas d'atrophie musciilaire myeiopathique d'origine syphilitique. Bull. Soc med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1906, v, 37-39. Aho: Lyon med, 1906, cvi, 338-341.—Leopold (3.) A case of progressive muscular atrophv with necropsy, probably syphilitic in origin. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1912, xxxix, 606-S1L— Leri (A.) Atrophies musculaires progressives spinales et syphilis. Cong. d. med. ahenistes et neurol. de France . . . C.-r. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par. & Brux, 1903, xhi, pt. 2. 457-165. Aho [Abstr ]: Progres med. Par . 1903, 3. s, xviii, 138.-----. Les atrophies mus- culaires spinales d'origine syphilitique (le syndrome vas- culairesypliilitique des cornes anterieures). Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913. Loud, 1914, Sect, xi, Neuropat., pt. 2, 261-267.—Merle (P.) Atrophie musculaire progressive spi- nale, syphilitique. Rev. neurol. Par, 1909, xvii, 877-887.— Savy (P.) & Gardiere (C.) Atrophie musculaire d'origine syphilitique. Province med. Par, 1910, xxi, 294.— Souques (A.), Baudouln & Lantuejoul. Deux cas d'amyotrophie progressive, type Aran-Duchenne, d'origine syphilitique. N. iconog. dela Salpetrtere, Par, 1914-15, xxvu, 297-306, 3 pi—Souques (A.) & Pasteur Vallery- Radot. Un cas d'atrophie musculaire Aran-Duchenne d'origine syphilitique. Kev. neurol. Par, 1913, xxv, 404- 407.—Stephenson (J. W.) Syphilitic muscular atrophv. J. Nerv. A- Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1915, xlh, 593. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, lxxxvii, 1096. ATROPHY. 185 ATROPHY. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Trau- matic). Gibrie (P.) *Des atrophies musculaires con- secutives aux traumatismes legers dans les acci- dents du travail. 8°. Baris, 1906. Glaser (C.) *Ueber die Moglichkeit eines Zusammenhanges zwischen der progressiven spinalen Muskelatrophie und einem Trauma. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Listchine (Mme N.) *Traumatisme comme cause occasionnelle de l'atrophie musculaire. progressive; type Aran-Duchenne. 8°. Baris, 1899. Pagenstecher (H. E.) *Dr'ei Falle von posttraumatischer, chronischer, spinaler Amyo- trophie mit Beriicksichtigung der iibrigen atiologischen Momente. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Andernach (L.) Ein Fall von spinaler Muskelatrophie nach Trauma kombiniert mit traumatischer Neurose. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl, 1910, xvi, 176-181.—Astwa- zaturow (M.) Ein Fall von posttraumatischer spinaler Amyotrophie, nebst Bemerkungen uber sogen. Poliomye- litis anterior chronica. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1911, xlh, 353-364.—De Burik (D.) Un cas d'atro- phie musculaire progressive aigue d'origine traumatique avec autopsie et etude anatomique des lesions medullaires. Belgique med, Gand-Haarlem, 1897, ii, 393-396. Aho: Cong, internat. de neurol, de psychiat. [etc.] 1897, Brux, 1898, i, fasc. 2, 60-62.-----. Un cas d'atrophie musculaire progressive d'origine traumatique prise pour une Itemato- myelie spontanee. J. de neurol. et hypnol. Par, 1897, ii, 202; 238.—Eccard. Ein Fall von progressiver Muskelatro- phie nach Trauma. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1907, xhi, 201.—Gumpertz (K.) Progressive Muskelatrophie und Trauma. Ibid., 1899. v, 119-122.—Kienbdck (R.) Progressive spinale Muskelatrophie und Trauma. Monat- schr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1901, viii, 329-343.—Ladame (P.-L.) Surramyotrophiemyeiopathiqueposttraumatique. Rev. nted. de la Suisse Rom, Genfeve. 1909, xxix, 312-314.— Prochazka (F.) [Two cases of amyotrophic atrophy result- ing from accident.) Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1915. liv, 861; 903; 924.—Rose (U.) Ueber eine eigenthumliche Form von progressiver Muskelatrophie nach Trauma. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med, Leipz, 1901, lxxi, 293-323.—Sano (F.) Un cas d'amyotrophie progressive d'origine traumatique. J. de neurol. Par, 1899, iv, 44L-147. [Discussion], 453-455.— Tetzner (R.) Spinale progressive Muskelatrophie (Type Duchenne-Aran) nach Trauma. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg, Berl, 1907, xhi, 5-8.—Thiem. Progressive spinale Muskel- atrophie als Unfallfolge. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1915, xxh, 72-81. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive, Treat- ment of). Brown (S.) Hypodermatic injection of strychnia nitrate in the treatment of progressive muscular atrophy. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1903-4, n. s, v, 972-975. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1904, lxvi, 204-206—Fritnkel (J.) Sehnenoperation bei progressiver Muskelatrophie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1905), 1906, xxxvi, 223.—Huet (E.) Traitement eiectrique des atrophies musculaires progressives. Ann. d'eiectrobiol. [etc.]. Par, 1902, v, 697-720.—Swift (W. B.) Progressive muscular atrophy, case and treatment. Boston M. & S. J, 1915, clxxhi, 704. Aho, Reprint. Atrophy (Muscular, Progressive) in children. See Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Heredi- tary). Atrophy (Muscular, Pseudo-hypertrophic). See Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary progressive, Bseudo-hypertrophic). Atrophy (Muscular, Traumatic). See, aho, Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary pro- gressive, Traumatic); Atrophy (Muscular, Bro- gressive, Traumatic). Hering (F.) *Drei Falle von Atrophie und ein Fall von Atrophie verbunden mit Entwick- lungshemmung einer Extremitat nach Trauma. [Erlangen.] 8°. Wiirzburg, 1895. Moleys (K.) *Ein Fall von Muskelatrophie nach Verletzung der Art. axillaris. 8°. Berlin, 1913. Arnheim (F.) Ueber die Behandlung von Muskelatro- phiecn nach Schussverletzungen mit dem Myoroborator. Fortschr. d. Mad, Berl, 1914-15, xxii, 981-9S4.—Casparl (D.) Atrophy. (Muscular, Traumatic). Ueber den Muskelschwund Unfallverletzter. Preuss. Med.- Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber, Berl, 1896, xiii, 147-155.—D'Abun- do. Contributo alio studio delle atrofie muscolari consecu- tive a traumi dei nervi periferici. Manicomio, Nocera, 1901, xvu. 160-169.—Delherm & Laquerriere. Les nouvelles methodes d'electrisation dans les atrophies musculaires d'origine traumatique. Presse med. Par, 1909, xvh, 110- 113.—Elben. Ueber die Bewertung der lnaktivitatsatro- phie des Arms nach Verletzungen der Finger. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz, 1914, xxi, 66-68.—Esposito (G.) Amio- trofie da trauma nervoso periferico. Manicomio, Nocera, 1905, xxi, 254; 350: 1906, xxu, 233; 291.-----. Atrofie mus- colari da trauma nervoso periferico. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emilia. 1905,xxxi, 249-251.—Faidherbe(P.) Traite- ment mecanotiterapique des atrophies musculaires consecu- tives aux blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 420- 426.—Ferrannini (L.) Contributo alio studio delle amiotrofie traumatiche. Riforma med, Palermo-Napoli, 1907, xxih, 561; 592—Palmer (F.S.)&Ballance (C. A.) A case of weakness and wasting of the muscles of the right forearm and hand, fol- lowing an injury to the elbow joint. Tr. M. Soc Lond, 1909- 10, xxxhi, 376.—Plet(P.) L'atrophie musculaire d'origine traumatique. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1910, L 145; 169.—Sa- brazes (J.) & Marty (L.) Atrophie musculaire et osseuse du membre superieur droit consecutive k des traumatismes vio- lents et multiples. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par, 1899, xh, 107-130,4 pi.—Schmidt. Quelques considerations generates sur les atrophies musculaires d'origine traumatique. Arch. med. beiges, Brux, 1903, 4. s, xxii, 170-178.—Severi (R.) Atrofia muscolare permanente consecutiva a borsite olecra- nica traumatica. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1908, iv, 125-128. Atrophy (Muscular, Treatment of). See, also, Atrophy (Muscular, Brimary pro- gressive, Treatmentof); Atrophy (Muscular, Pro- gressive, Treatment of). Hedley (W. S.) Practical muscle testing and the treatment of muscular atrophies. 8°. London, 1897. Abrahamson (I.) Treatment of the muscular atrophies and dystrophies. Mod. Tr. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, Phila. & N. Y, 1913, ii, 99-138, 8 pi.—Bordet (E.) Le traitement de l'atrophie musculaire par les courants galvaniques ondutes. Arch, d'eiectric med, Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 452-461.— Bordier (E.) Sul trattamento elettrico delle atrofie musco- lari. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1904, hi, 241-246.— Delherm (L.) Traitement des atrophies musculaires chi- rurgicales par un nouvel appareil eiectrique provoquant la contraction physiologique. Bull. off. Soc. franc, dtelectro- tlter. Par, 1907, xv, 217-220. Aho: Atti d. Cong, inter- naz. de terap. fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii, pt. 1, 519-521.-----. Traitement des atrophies reflexes par les courants ondutes (appareil transportable). Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'ctectrol. et de radiol. med, Amst.. 1908, iv, 462-464.— Deschamps (E.) Des intensites therapeutiques du cou- rant galvanique dans le traitement des atrophies muscu- laires. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de nted. 1897, Mosc, 1898, ii, sect. 4a, 89.—Granger (R.) Massage in simple muscular atrophy. Cincin. Lance1>Clinic, 1899, n. s, xlui, 519.—Hanawait (W. C.) Injections for the cure of mus- cular atrophy. Am. Vet. Rev, N. Y, 1903-4, xxvu, 412 — Laquerriere & Delherm. Actions comparees de Peiec- tricite et des autres agents physiques dans te traitement des atrophies musculaires. J. d. physiotherap. Par, 1909. vh, 527-532.—Lebon (H.) Les atrophies musculaires et leur traitement par l'etectricite\ Clinique, Par, 1909, iv, 721-724.-----. Traitement des atrophies musculaires par l'etincelle de haute frequence (excitation mediate). Bull. off. Soc. franc, d'electrotrter., Par, 1910, xvhi, 135-138.— Lots (F.) Ueber Atrophie und Gymnastik der glatten Muskeln. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, 1899, xxviii, 521-533.—Menuet (F.) Role de l'eiectricite dans les atrophies musculaires. Gaz. med. du centre. Tours, 1910, xv, 133-137.—Plicque (A.-F.) Le traitement des atrophies musculaires. J. de med. et chir. prat. Par, 1915, Ixxxvi, 801-814—Rochard(E.) & de Champtassin (P.) Meca- nottterapie dans le traitement des atrophies musculaires peripheriques. Presse med. Par, 1909, xvh, 609-611. -----------. Traitement des atrophies musculaires par la methode des "resistances progressives." Rev. de chir. Par, 1909, xxix, 97-118—Sharkey (S. J.) Two cases of general atrophy treated by the Weir Mitchell method. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1883, Lond, 1884, xhi, 65-74. Aho, Reprint.—Tnielle. Atrophie des muscles de la cuisse et de la jambe droites consecutive a une chute: contracture du pied; traitees par la voltaisation sinuso'idale. Bull. off. Socffranc, d'electrotlter. Par, 1904, xi, 199— Truchot (C.) Des alteratives voltiennes dans le traitement des atrophies musculaires. Arch, d'eiectric. med, Bordeaux, 1900, vhi, 145-148 —Zlmmern (A.) Necessite de l'eiectrisation pre- coce dans le traitement des atrophies reflexes (etude patho- genique). Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 417.-Zimmern (A. ) & Cottenot (P.) Les bases physiologiques de l'elec- tricite medicate; valeur de l'eiectncite dans le traitement des atrophies musculaires. Ibid., 1910, xviii, 62o. . _____. Electricite et atrophie musculaires; la modalite optima. Ibid., 786. \ ATROPHY. 186 ATROPINE. Atrophy (Muscular, Unilateral). See, oho, Atrophy (Facial, Unilateral); Face (Atrophy, etc., of); Hemiatrophy. Debray. Un cas d'hemiatrophie musculaire proto- pathique. J. med. de Brux, 1903, vhi, 72.—Galliard (L.) Atrophie unilaterale du grand dentete et myopathie pro- gressive. Bull, et mem. Soc. nted. d. hdp. de Par, 1913, 3. s, xxxv, 1280-1283.—Geist. Ein Fall von halbseitiger Unterentwicklung. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1911, xxx, 122-127.—Lunz (M. A.) Hemiatrophia totalis cniciata. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1897, xxiii, 185— 188.—Matavovszky (Z.) [nemiplegic muscular atrophy.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1896, xl, 405.—Mesnard (L.) Un cas d'amyotrophie unilaterale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1888, ix, 522-525.—Pelizaeus. Ueber einen un- gewohnlichen Fall von progressiver IIemiatrophie,Myoscle- rose, Sclerodermic und Atropine der Knochen mid Gelenke. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1897, xvi, 530-537.-Rotger( A.) Un caso de amiotrofia lateral asimetrica. Rev. balear de cien. med, Palma do Mallorca, 1907, xxix, 241-246.—Torday (F.) [A case of hemiatrophia progressiva joined with sclero- derma.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1898, xhi, 59. Atrophy (Muscular, Urine in). Barbier (H.) Recherches sur les variations de l'acide glycuronique dans l'urine des atrophiques: valeur semio- logique de ces variations et de la reaction au camphrc. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par, 1915, 3. s, xxxix, 1237-1244.—Bonanno (G.) La prova della glicosuria ali- mentare in un caso di avanzata atrofia muscolare. Riforma med, Palermo-Napoli, 1907, xxih, 1153-1157. Atrophy (Muscular) in children. See, also, Atrophy (Muscular, Primary pro- gressive, Hereditary); Atrophy (Muscular, Bri- mary progressive, infantile); Atrophy (Muscular, Brogressive, Hereditary); Infants (Atrophy of). Daniel (A.) *Des arrets de developpement consecutifs aux lesions locales datant de l'en- fance. Atrophie numerique de Klippel. 8°. Paris, 1899. Babonnelx (L.) & Vitry (G.) Trois cas d'atrophie mus- culaire infantile. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par, 1904, vhi, 343-349. Aho: Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par, 1904, vi, 112- 120.—Daniel (A.) Atrophie numerique consecutive aux brulures de l'enfance. Presse med. Par, 1908, xvi, 394- 396.—Garrod (A. E.) Muscular atrophy in a child. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond, 1905-6, xxxix, 254.—KUppel. Arret de de- veloppement du membre superieur consecutif a un trauma- tisme datant de l'enfancej atrophie musculaire numerique. Presse med. Par, 1897, ii, 49.-----. Anomalies multiples conge.nitales par atrophie numerique des tissus. N. iconog. de la Salpetrtere, Par, 1906, xix, 136-116, 1 pi—Marburg (O.) Zur Klinik und Pathologie derfruhinfantilen Muskel- atrophien. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh, Leipz, 1911 12, xliii, 353.—Perrero (E.) Contributo alio studio dello atrofie muscolari congenite e particolarmente della atrofia numeriea di Klippel. Riv. di patol. nerv, Firenze, 1908, xhi, 193-211.—Pierret & Benoit. Atrophie considerable du membre interieur gauche ltee a une inonoptegie infantile d'origine corticate. Bull. Soc de med. du nord 1911, Lille, 1912, 282-284— Taylor (J.) & Sequeira (J. HO Cases of muscular atrophy in children. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child, Lond, 1900-1901, i, 139. Atrophy (Senile). Dupre & Rlbiere. Myosclerose atrophique et retractile des vicillards. Bull, nied, far, 1907, xxi, 714. Aho: Encephale, Par, 1907, ii, 254-250— KoAesi (GO [The con- ception of senile atrophv.) Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1900, xhv, 800-803.—Metchnikoff (1.) [Present condition of the question of senile atropin] Russk. Arch. Patol, Klin. Med. i Bakteriol, S.-l'eici b, 1899, vh, 210-225. Atrophy (Unilateral). See Atrophy (Burial, Unilateral); Atrophy (Muscular, Unilateral); Hemiatrophy. Atropine. See, also, Belladonna; Homatropins. Abbott (W. C.) & Waugh (W. FO Atropine. Alka- loidal Clin, Chicago, 1902, ix, 82.5 s37.—Amy (L. W.) Breeding for atropine. Am. J. Phartn Phila, 1917, lxxxix. 254-257.—Cotton (T. F.), Rapport (1). L.) & Lewis (T.) Observation upon atropine. Heart, Lond., 1916-17, \ i, 293- 298.—Eggleston (C.) The antagonism between atropin and certain central emetics. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap, Bait, 1916, ix. 11-15.—Fleisthmann. Zum biologischen Nachweis kleinster Alropmmengen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1911, xlviii, 135.—Javillier. Dosage de l'atrophie; titrage des alcalo'ides dans, les e\tniits do bella- done. Bull. d. sc Pharmacol., Par, 1910, xvii, 629-634.— Laurent (CO Sur la variation de la quantite d'atrophie et la recherche de cet alcalo'ide dans des grell'es de belladone et Atropine. tomate. Trav. scient. Univ. de Rennes, 1906, v, pt. 2, 47- 53.—Patterson (F. D.) Atropine and similar alkaloids. Am. J. Clin. M, Chicago, 1909, xvi, 1194.—Pesci (L.) Ri- cerche sull' atropina. Atti di r. Accad. d. Lincei, Roma, 1880-81, 3. s, ix, 147-159— Pohl (J.) Ueber den Nachweis von Atropin neben Phvsosttemin und Pilocarpin. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1910, xxiv, 691— Sthifl (M.) Antagonisme entre 1 'atropine etl'eserine. In his: Ges. Beitr. z. Phvsiol, 8°, Lausanne, 1896, iii, 231-235— Serross (G. L.) Atropine. Texas M. J.. Austin, 1910-11,xxvi, 405-409.—Tissot (E. R.) The alkaloids of the atropine group. Am. J. Clin. M, Chi- cago, 1910, xvii, 1299-1302.—Werner (L. F.) Analogues of atropine and homatropine. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa, 1918, xl, 6f>9-674.—van Zandt (I. L.) Belladonna atropia. Texas State J. M, Fort Worth, 1909-10, v, 347-349. Atropine (Exanthemata from). Bryce (W.) Eczcmatouseruption produced by atropine. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1898, ii, 987.—Knowles (F. C.) Gener- alized eruptions of an unusual type, caused by the absorp- tion from a belladonna plaster and from the ocular instilla- tion of atropine; review of the local and general eruptions caused by belladonna and atropine. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y, 1911, cxiii, 73-87.—Lawson (A.) Profound atropine dermatitis or atropine irritation. Polyclin, Lond., 1904, viii,39.—Po6r(F.) [Skin idiosyncrasy to atropine] Buda- pesti orv. ujsag, 1908, vi, 300-302.—Weill (G.) Ueber Atro- pinekzem. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh, Stuttg, 1912, i, 458-460. Atropine (Physiological action of). Doeve (\V. C. A.) *Die abnormen Kaubewe- gungen mit erhohter Salivation nach Atropin- instillation ins Auge von Himd und Katze; ihre Abschwiichung oder Verhinderung, unter gleichzeitiger Beriicksichtigung der therapeuti- schen und diagnostischen Verwertung von epi- okuliiren Atropinapplikationen bei diesen Tie- ren. [Bern.] 8°. Jena, 1914. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Tiermed, Jena, xvhi, 77; 106. Walti (L.) *Ueber die Einwirkung d~j Atropins auf die ilarnsckretion. [Strassburg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Aporti (F.) L'azione dell' atropina sull' intestino. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1903, iv, 155-157.— Aronheim. Zur Darmwirkung des Atropins. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1902, xlix, 1748.—Binz (C.) Die Wirkung iibergrosser Gaben Atropin auf die Athmung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 18%, xxxih, ss5-v>7—Caporall (R.) & Slmo- nelli (L.) Alcune ricerche sull' influenza dell' atropina sulla secrezione gastrica. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir, Napoh, 1896, xh, 121-130.— Cavazzanl (A.)& Soldaini (G.) Influenza paralizzante dell' atropina sui nervi ghcosecretori del fegato. Riforma med, Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 2, 794-796. Aho, transl: Arch, ital dc biol, Turin, 1896, xxv, 465-469.— Cloetta (M.) Ueber das Verhalten des Atropins bei ver- schieden empftndhchen lierarten. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.. Leipz, 1908, Suppl.-Bd, 119-125—von Col- dltz (G. T.I Unusual constitutional effects of atropine solution in the eve. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol, Chicago, 1908, ii, 182.—C us liny (A. R.) Atropine and the hyoscya- mines; a study of t he action of optical isomers. J. Physiol, Lond, 1903, xxx, 176-194. -----. The action of atropine, pilocarpine and physostigmine. Ibid., 1910-11, xh, 233- 215.—Danielopolu (D.) Sur la dissociation sino-auricu- laire; action de l'atropine, des mouvements respiratoires et de la deglutition. Arch. d. mal. du coeur [etc.], Par.. 1913, vi, 792-804.-----. Recherches sur l'atropine; action du serum de lapin sur l'atropine in vitro. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1913, lxxiv, 297.—Doyon. Action de l'atropine sur te foio. Ibid., 1910, lxviii, 294.—Doyon (M ) & Gautler (C.) Action coniparee de l'atropine sur la coaguiabilite du sang et sur la pression arterielle. Ibid., 1908, lxiv, 361.—Doyon (M.) & Karefl (N.) Action comparee de l'atropine sur le sang in vitro et in vivo; influence ae la digestion. Ibid.. 1904, lvi, 5S8.-----------. Action de l'atropine sur la coaguiabilite du sang^; r61e du foie. Lyon med, 1904, cii, 852.-----------. Action de l'atropine sur te foie; coagidabilite du sang des vcines sus-ltepatiques. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1905, iv, 111-113. Aho: Lyon med, 1905, civ, 686.----- -----. Action de l'atropine sur la coaguiabilite du sang. J. de physiol. et de path, gen. Par, 1900, viu, 227-235.—de Fabre(A) Sur faction convulsivante dc l'atropine. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc C.-r, Par, 18*7, xvi. pt. 2,852.— Fere (0.) Noto sur la resistance des oiscaux a l'atropine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1897,10. s, iv, 510.—Flelsch- mann. Ueber die Dauer der vaguslahmenden Atropin- wirkung. Verhandl. d. physiol. Gesellsch. zu Berl. (1910), 1911, xxxv, 35-37.—Gebele (HO Bemerkungeu iiber Atro- pin. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1902, xlix. 1746-174V— Gonzalez Castro (J.) Sobre varias acetones ue la atrophia. Siglo med, Madrid, 1911, lviii, 196.—Hedbom (K.L [Ex- periment with atropine sulphate.] Upsala Univ. Arsskr. ATROPINE. 187 ATROPINE. Atropine (Physiological action of). Med, 1896,112-116.—Heffter (A.) Ueber das Verhalten des Atropine im Organismus des Kaninchens; nach von G. Fickewirth angestellten Versuchen. Biochem. Ztschr , Berl, 1912, xl, 3^47.-----. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Atropinresistenz des Kaninchens. Ibid., 48-55— Joachi- moglu (G.) Ueber die Wirksamkeit des Atropins und Scopolamins am Katzenauge. Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1915, Iii, 911.—Kalinin (A. M.) [Effect of atrophie and physo- stigmine on the blood supply of the head.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1902, i, 1250.—Kaufmann (R.) & Donath (Hedwig). Ueber inverse Atropinwirkung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, xxvi, 1193-1203.—Lazzaro (C.) & Pitini (A.) Azione dell' atropina sulla secrezione urinaria. Arch. di farm, e terap, Palermo, 1897, v, 209-219.—Magnus (R.) Zur Wirkung kleinster Atropinmengen auf den Darra Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1908, cxxiii, 95-98.—Metzner (R.) Mitteilungen uber Wirkung und Verhalten des Atro- pins im Organismus. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1912, lxviii, 110-159. Aho, Reprint.—Metzner (R ) & Hedinger (E.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Schilddriise zur atropinzerstorenden Kraft des Blutes. Arch. f. exper Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1912, lxix, 272-292.—Noe (J.) Resistance du herisson a l'atropine. Compt. rend. Soc de biol. Par, 1903, lv, 40.—Petzetakis. Effet paradoxal de l'atropine. Ibid., 1914, lxxvi, 522.-----. La phase stimula- trice de l'atropine; demonstration experimentale et clinique de faction excitante de l'atropine sur les vagues; extrasys- toles, dissociation sino-auriculahe et auriculo-ventriculaire provoquees par l'atropine. Presse med. Par, 1916, xxiv, 548-553.—Ridel (N. E.) [Action of atropine upon the in- testines.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1904, iv, 1403.—Rudolf (R. D.) Notes on atropine. Montreal M. J, 1900, xxix, 747-752— Simon (J.) Delia rapidita con la quale le solu- zioni acquose di solfato neutro di atropina perdono Pattivita parahzzante sul vago e delf importanza pratica del fatto Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1915, xxxvi, 17.—Stefani. Come si modifichi la reazione della pupilla all' atropina in seguito all' uso prolungato della sostanza; contributo alio studio dell' adattamento. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1903, iv, 148-150.—Tysebaert (J.) Contribution a f etude de faction de l'atropine sur la digestion de la viande crue ou cuite chez le chten. Internat. Beitr. z. Path. u. Therap. d. Ernahrungsstor. [etc], Berl, 1912-13, iv, 329-342: 1913, v, 112-132, 1 tab.—Wertheimer (E.) & Boulet (L.) Action de l'atropine sur les mouvements de f estomac et de f intestin. Arch, internat. de physiol, Ltege & Par, 1913, xiii, 207-238 — Willberg (M. A.) Die naturliche Resistenz einiger Tiere dem Atropin gegenuber. Biochem. Ztschr, Berl, 1914, lxvi, 389-407.—Wilson (F.N.) The production of atrioven- tricular rhythm in man after the administration of atropin. Arch. Int. Med, Chicago, 1915, xvi, 989-1007.—Winsel- mann. Ueber die Wirkung des Atropinum methylobro- matum Merck. Ophth. klin, Stuttg, 1903, vii, 338—Zap- pulla (A.) Sull'azione vasale dell' atropina. Arch, di ottal, Palermo, 1895-6, hi, 316; 369. Aho: Arch, di farm, e terap, Palermo, 1896, iv, 61-79.—Zunz (E.) & Tysebaert (J.) On the action of atropine sulphate on the isolated stomach and bowel of the dog. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap, Bait, 1916, vhi, 325-337. Atropine (Psychic disturbances from). Abt (I. A.) A case of acute delirium in a seven-year-old child, probably caused by atropin poisoning. Arch. Pediat., N. Y, 1904, xxi, 512.—Beyer (E.) Ueber Delirien bei Atropinvergiftung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat, Coblenz & Leipz, 1898, n. F, ix, 262-266.—Burr (C. W.) Unusual duration of mental symptoms in a case of atropine poisoning. Arch. Ophth, N. Y, 1913, xlh, 136-140.— Deleonardi. Un caso di psicosi atropinica. Boll. med. trentino, Trento, 1897, xvi, 49-52.—Roy (D.) Acute mania following the use of atropine solution in the eyes. South. M. J, Nashville, 1914, vii, 946-948.—Vakovenko (V. S.) [Acute hallucinatory psychosis following atropine poison- ing.] Obozr. Psichiat, Nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb, 1902, vh, 125-127. Atropine (Therapeutic use of). See, also, Eye (Biseases of, Treatment of); My- driasis. Boyce (J. W.) The dosage of atropine. Pittsburgh M. J, 1913-14, ii, No. 3, 11-14.—Cloetta (M.) Ueber Angewoh- nung an Atropin. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1910-11, lxiv, 427-438.—Cow (D. V.) The use of atropine in the treatment of those suffering from the effects of irritant and other gases. Lancet, Lond, 1915, i, 1147.— Darier (A.) Les sels d'atropine et leurs indications en therapeutique oculaire; moyens d'Sviter les inconvenients parfois serieux de l'atropine. Rev. de therap. med.-chir. Par, 1903, lxx, 153-155. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull. Acad, de nted. Par, 1903, 3. s, xlix, 616.—Deutschmann (R.) Ueber Gebrauch und Missbrauch von Atropin in der Augenheil- kunde. Med. Woche, Halle a. S, 1906, vii, 47; 62.—Evans (G.) The value of atropine sulphate in the treatment of a condition which frequently precedes death. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 1913-14, xxi, 160—Harman (N. B.) The use and abuse of atropine in eye-work. West Lond. M. J, Atropine (Therapeutic use of). Lond, 1913, xvhi. 6-15.—Jameson (P. C.) Atropia, its uses and contraindications in ophthalmic practice. Brook- lyn M, J, 1903, xvh, 17-20.—Kahn (G.) Is it necessary to use atropine? Optic. J, N. Y, 1898-9, iv, 327-331.-Kubo (O.) Ueber den therapeutischen Wert des Atropinum methylobromatum. [Japanese text. Ausz, Hft. 20, Suppl, 2.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1907, xxi, 999-1214,1 ch—Landman (O.) Use otatropin sulphate as a means of diagnosis in certain persistent headaches. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 914.—Lepine (R.) Soil das Atropin aus dem Arzneischatze gestrichen werden? Med.-chir. Centralbl, Wien, 1896, xxxi, 673. Aho, transl: Med. Week, Par, 1897, v, 61.—Mathleu (A.) Le sulfate d'atro- pine dans la thterapeutique gastro-intestinale. Paris med, 1912-13, xi, 503-506.—Matthews (H.) Atropine in eye work. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1917, i, 581.—Murray (G. D.) Atropin; its use and limitations in the correction of hetero- phoria. Ann. Ophth, St. Louis, 1909, xviii, 224-240 — Phhippstal (A.) Klinische Erfahrungen mit Atropin- schwefelsaure. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1913, 1, 2145-2147 — Redheld (H. H.) Atropine and its applications. Am. J. Chn. M, Chicago, 1912, xix, 375-379.—Roch (M.) De l'emploi de l'atropine dans l'intoxication aigue par la mor- phine et par f opium; revue critique, pharmacodynamique et clinique; recherches experimentales sur la respiration du lapin. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1907, xxvii, 241; 309; 397.—R0nne (H.) [The use of atropine in ophthal- mology.] Hosp.-Tid, K0benh, 1909, 5. R, ii, 636-639.— Ryerson(G. S.) The decline of atropine. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1904-5, xxxviii, 411.—Schenck (H. D.) The use of atropin in the eyes as a therapeutic agent. J. Ophth, Otol. & Laryngol, N. Y, 1911, xvh, 72-81—Simon (I.) Delle dosi mini me di atropina atte a paralizzare il vago. Arch, di farmacol. sper, Roma, 1913, xv, 254-267.—Tuller (M. B.) Atropine in labor and in hemorrhage. Am. J. Clin. M, Chicago, 1909, xvi, 1196—Tuvim (R. U.) [On the action of atropine in delirium tremens and similar diseases.] Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1897, xvhi, 1439-1441— Valdes Lambea (J.) Sobre el empleo de la atropina en terapeutica ocular; dos casos de intoxication por instilaciones conjuntivales. Rev. de san. mil, Madrid, 1912, 3. s, ii, 96-100.— Waugh (W. F.) Atropine as a hemostatic. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1909, lxxvi, 905. Atropine (Toxicology of). See, also, Atropine (Exanthemata from); Atro- pine (Bsychic disturbances from). Barbier (F.-J.-A.-M.) *Sur deux cas d'in- toxication par l'atropine. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910. Elsner (H. H.) *Klinische und experimen- telle Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachen von Intoxikationserscheinungen nach Atropinan- wendung bei augenkranken Kindern. [Basel.]. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. Augenh, Berl, 1909, xxh, 387; 507. Arthur (R.) [Case.] Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1904, xxhi, 572.—Beehler (L. L.) A case of atropia poisoning, with high temperature and recovery. J. Am. M. Ass, Chi- cago, 1902, xxxvih, 1081.—Bell (A. K.) [Case.] Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Atlanta, 1897, 432.—Benaky (N.-P.) Em- poisonnement par le sulfate d'atropine par erreur de phar- macien; guerison; mort 22 jours apres, avec des symp- tomes de gangrene pulmonaire. Med. orient. Par, 1901, v, 83.—Brouardel (P.), Ogier & Vibert (C.) [Case.] Ann. d'hyg. Par.. 1900, 3. s, xliii, 9-29.—Burnett (S. G.) & Royer (J. E.) Atropia poisoning. Oklahoma M. News- Jour, 1912, xx, 73-75.—C. (A. C.) & M. (E. M.) [Two cases.] Guy's Hosp. Gaz, Lond, 1913, xxvii, 378.—Cevidalli (A.) Sul reperto cadaverico e su alcune particolarita nell' avvele- namento da atropina. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1906, xxvu, 356-367.—Chalmers (A.) Poisoning by atro- pine. Indian M. Gaz, Calcutta, 1904, xxxix, 180.—Cisler (J.) Stimm- und Artikulationsstorung durch Atropin- vergiftung. Arch. f. exper. u. klin. Phonet, Berl, 1913-14, i, 149-157. Aho: Ztschr. f. Laryngol, Rhinol. [etc.],Wiirzb, 1913, vi, 429-236—Colin (A.) Frequence de l'intoxica- tion par l'atropine chez les enfants ophthalmiques. Clin. opht. Par, 1910, xvi, 589-592.—Collomb (A.) Un cas d'empoisonnement par ingestion d'une forte dose d'atro- pine; survie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1902, xxh, 714-719—Cortright (C. B.) [Case] N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxvhi, 467.—Crespin (J.) Quadruple em- poisonnement par l'atropine du a une erreur de preparation. Province med., Par, 1910, xxi, 545.—Demidovich. (B.) [Atropine poisoning on introduction of drops into the con- junctival sac] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb, 1902, lxxx, med.-spec pt, 2655-2660.—Doblin (A.) & Fleischmann (P.) Zum Mechanismus der Atropinentgiftung. durch Blut und klinische Beobachtungen iiber das Vorkommen der Entgiftung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med, Berl, 1913, lxxvii, 145-152.—Dreisch. Eine eigenthumliche Atropin-Vergif- tung. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh, Leipz, 1902, xxvi, 331.—Fleischmann (P.) Atropinentgiftung durch Blut. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol, Leipz, 1910, lxu, 518- ATROPINE. 188 ATTENTION. Atropine (Toxicology of). 526.—Franklin (G. D.) [Case] Indian M. Gaz, Cal- cutta, 1909, xliv; 20.—Gamier (L.) Empoisonnement accidentel par le sirop d'atropine d'un enfant de trois mois. Ann. d'hyg. Par, 1899, 3. s, xii, 330-337.—Geddes (A. M.) Notes on a case of atropine poisoning in a child. South African M. J, Cape Town, 1913, xi, 308—Goddard (N. A.) Case of recovery after five grains of atropine sulphate. Med. Times, N. Y, 1898, xxvi, 365.—Harding (N. E.) [Case.] J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond, 1908, x, 185.—Harris (W. J.) A case of rapid development of symptoms of bella- donna poisoning from use of sulphate of atropine eye drops. Lancet, Lond, 1898, i, 98.—Hegerstedt (A. F.) [Case] Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1896, xvh, 96-98—Holz (B.) Ueber Atropin-Vergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xh, 1196.— HUttel (V.) [Poisoning by seeds containing atropine.] Casop. tek. cesk, v Praze, 1901, xl, 186-188— Ide. [Case.] Rev. med, Louvain, 1904, n. s, i, 111.—Ipsen (C.) Leber den Nachweis von Atropin. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med, Berl, 1906, n. F, xxxi, 308-322. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz, 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 451.—Ives (S. Edith). Atropin poisoning from ocular instillations. Am. Med, Phila, 1903, v, 528.— Jepson (S. L.) Atropia poisoning; a personal experience. West Virg. M. J, Wheeling, 1907-8, ii, 199-205—Kucera (J.) Ein letal verlaufener Fall von Atropinvergiftung. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1909; xvi, 315-348.—Less- hafft. Zur Kasuistik der Atropinvergiftung. Ophth. Klin, Stuttg, 1908, xh, 166-172—Levi (E.) Sopra un caso di avvelenamento da alcaloide puro di atropina. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoh, 1914, xvh, 488-491.—Loble (W.) Vergiftungen mit Atropin (Hyosciamin, Belladonna).. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1905, xvhi, 888-891.—Matthews (V.) Two cases of poisoning from the external application of belladonna or atropine. Lancet, Lond.. 1905, i, 714.— Metzner (R.) Ueber paradoxen Speichelfluss bei chroni- scher Atropinvergiftung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Miinster) 1912, Leipz.. 1913, lxxxiv, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 384. Aho, Reprint.—Meyer (A.) Zur Casuistik der Atropinintoxikation. Corr.-BL f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxxv, 548-550.—Modica (O.) Sul riscontro " tossicologico dell' atropina nei cadavere umano e sugh ele- menti essenziali di questo problema. Riforma med, Napoh, 1898, xiv, pt. 1, 445; 458; 474. Aho [Abstr.]: Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 18>J8, xix, 683—MUller (G.) [Abortion caused by atropine intoxication.] Casop. lek. desk, v Praze, 1911, 1, 744.—Neffgen (II.) Atropinvergiftung bei einem Pferde. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr, Hannov, 1906, xiv, 543.—Palmieri (M. A.) Avvelenamento acuto da atropina. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1899, xx, 1316-1318.— Parry (L. A.) An unusual case of atropine poisoning. Brit. M. J, Lend, 1906, i, 798.—Paschall (G. CT) [Case.] Nashville J. M. & S, 1896, lxxix, 273.—Perry (R. St. J.) [Case.] Alkaloid. Clin, Chicago, 1899, vi, 563-566.— Pluymers (L.) 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Baris, 1898, No. 443. Attal (Messaoud) [1885- 1. ^Contribution a l'etude de l'occlusion congenitale des choanes. 60 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 363. Attane (Joseph) [1888- ]. * Psoriasis palmaire et plantaire et k£ratodermie symetriques des extr&nites. [Lyon.] 96 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1913, Xo. 47. Attenhofer (Ch.) *La tuberculine B£rane<-k dans les tuberculoses chirurgicales. 83 pp.. 3 ch. 8°. Lausanne. 1910. Attenhofer (Heinrich) [1837-1911]. Beck. Nekrolog. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xiii, 2.50. Attention. Ach (X.) *Ueber die Beeinflussung der Auffassungsfahigkeit durch einige Arzneimittel. [Wiirzburg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1900. Arnold (F.) Attention and interest; a study in psychology and education. 8°. Xew York, 1910. Eckert (K.) *Klinische Untersuchungen iiber Abnahme und Reparation der Merkfahig- keit durch den Gebarakt. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Colmari. E., 1911. Hylan (J. P.) The fluctuations of attention. 8°. .Yew York & London, 1898. McQueen (E. X.) The distribution of atten- tion. 4°. Cambridge, 1917. Xayrac (J .-P.) Physi« ilogie et psychologie de l'attention; evolution, dissolution, r££ducati;-n, Education. Preface de Th. Ribot. 2. ed. ^°. Paris, 1914. Pillsuury (\Y. B.) Attention. 8°. London, 1908. ------. Thesame. L'attention. Traduitsur le manuscrit de l'auteur par Monica A. Molloy et R. Meunier. 12°. Baris, 1906. Povarnin (K. I.) *Ynimaniye i yevo rol v prostlelshikh psikhicheskikh protsessakh; ekspe- rimentalno -psikhologicheskoye izslledovaniye. [Attention and its r61e in simplest psychical processes; experimental psychological investi- gation.) 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1906. Alexander (A.) The paradox of voluntary attention. J. Philos. Psychol, [etch Lancaster, Pa, & N. Y, 1910, vh, 291-298.—d'Aloimes (O.-lt.) L'attention s'explique-t-elle par les excitations exterieures ou par une activite propre du cerveau? Rev. scient. Par, 1906, 5. s, vi, 68O-681.— Arnold (F.) Interest and attention. Psychol. Bull, N. Y, 1905. ii, 361-368. -----. The given situation in attention. J. Philos, Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa, & N. Y, 1906, hi, 567-573. Arps (G. F.) & Klemm (O.) Der Verlauf der Aufmi'iksumkeit bei rhythmischen Reizcu. Psycholog. Studien, Leipz, 1908-9, i\ , 505-529.—Billings (M. L.) The duration of attention. Psychol. Rev, Princeton, N. J, & Lancaster, Pa, 1914, xxi", 121-135.—Billings (M. L.) & Shepard (J. F.) The change of heart rate with attention. Ibid., Bait, 1910, xvh. 217-228, 3 pi— Burnham (W. II.) Attention and interest. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1908, xix. 11 18.—Chase (II. W.) Some aspects of the attention problem. Pedag. Seminary. Worcester, 1909, xvi, 281- 300.—Clark (Helen). Visual imagery and attention; an ATTENTION. 189 ATTENTION. Attention. analytical study. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1916, xxvii, 461-492.—Curtis (J. N.) & Foster (W. S.) Size vs. intensity as determinant of attention. Ibid., 1917, xxviii, 293-296.—Darlington (L.) & Talbot (E. B.) A study of certain methods of distracting the attention. Ibid., 1897-8, ix, 332-336.—Dearborn (G. V. N.) Attention; certain of its aspects and a few of its relations to physical education. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Springfield, Mass, 1910, xv, 559; 637:1911, xvi, 26; 125; 186. Aho, Reprint.—De Sanctis (S.) Lo studio dell' attenzione conativa. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop, Roma, 1896-7, iv, 281-299.—Drew (F.) Attention; experimental and critical. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1895-6, vh, 533-573.—Fabri (E.) L'attenzione; ricerche sopra alcuni gruppi di operai. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1910, iv, 502-518,6 ch.—Farelll (Anna). Contributo alia metodica per lo studio dell' attenzione molteplice. Riv. di psicol. applic, Bologna, 1909, v, 476-489,1 pi.—Feilgenhauer (R.) Untersuchungen uber die Geschwmdigkeit der Aufmerk- samkeitwanderung. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol, Leipz, 1912, xxv, 350-416.—Ferree (C. E.) An experimental examina- tion of the phenomena usually attributed to fluctuation of attention. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1906, xvii, 81- 120.—FIttgel (J. C.) The influence of attention in illusions of reversible perspective. Brit. J. Psychol, Cambridge, 1912-13, v, 357-397.—Gamble (E. A. McC), Pitkin (Caro- line E.) & Foster (Eugenia). Attention and thoracic breath- ing. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1905, xvi, 261-292.— Grass! (Isabella). Einfache Reaktionszeit und Einstellung der Aufmerksamkeit; experimentelle Untersuchungen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1911, lx, 1. Abt, 46-72.—Hammer (B.) Zur experimentellen Kritik der Theorie der Aufmerksamkeitsschwankungen. Ibid., 1905, xxxvii, 363-376.—Herrick (C. L.) Lecture notes on attention; an illustration of the employment of neurolog- ical analogues for psychical problems. J. Comp. Neurol, Granville, 0,1896, vi, 5-14.—Hicks (G. D.) The nature and development of attention. Brit. J. Psychol, Cambridge, 1913-14, vi, 1-25.—Hylan (J. P.) The distribution of atten- tion. Psychol. Rev, N. Y, 1903, x, 373; 498.—Ilyin (A. V.) [Method of experimental psychological investigation of the actofattention.] Obozr. Psichiat, Nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb, 1908, xhi, 328-344.—von Kathe & Busemann (A.) Ueber die Entwieklung der Merkfahigkeit bei Schulkindern. Zt- schr. f. ang. Psych, [etc.], Leipz, 1914-15,ix, 277-279.—Klllen (Bertha). The effects of closing the eves upon the fluctua- tions of the attention. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1904, xv, 512-514.—Kramer (O.) Zur Untersuchung der Merk- fahigkeit Gesuuder. Psychol. Arb, Leipz, 1907, v, 258-291 — Kraskowski (C.) Die Abhangigkeit des Umfanges der Aufmerksamkeit von ihrem Spannungszustande. Psychol. Studien, Leipz, 1913, vhi, 271-327.—L.ahy (J. M.) L'adap- tation organique dans les etats d'attention volontaires et brefs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1913, clvi, 1479-1482.— Lewis (F. C.) Control of attention. School Hyg, Lond.? 1911, ii, 620-624—Loreta (U.) Sopra l'attenzione. Riv. di psicol. applic, Bologna, 1915, xi, 235-254.—McComas (H. C.) Some types of attention. Psychol. Monog, Bait, 1910-11, xhi, No. 3,1-55,1 tab.-----. Individual differences in fluctuations of the attention. Psychol. Bull, Lancaster, Pa, & Princeton, N. Y, 1915, xii, 60.-----. Blood pressure and the attention. Ibid., 1917, xiv, 44.—McDougall (W.) Physiological factors of the attention process. Mind, Lond. & Edinb, 1902, n. s, xi, 316: 1903, n. s, xii, 289; 473: 1906, n. s, xv, 329.—Maigre (E.) Les idees et les experiences de M. W. MacDougall sur la physiologie de l'attention. Rev. de psychiat. Par, 1907, xi, 45-62.—Maigre (E.) & Pieron (H.) Le mecanisme du renforcement sensoriel dans l'atten- tion est-il peripherique ou central? J. de psychol. norm, et path. Par, 1907, iv, 246-252.-----------. Une experience sur le mecanisme de l'attention sensorielle. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par, 1907, vi, 161-163.—Mann (A.) Zur Psychologie und Psychographie der Aufmerksamkeit. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych, [etc.], Leipz, 1914-15, ix, 391-479.— Marshall (H. R.) Clearness, intensity, and attention. J. Philos, Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa, & N. Y, 1909, vi, 287-290.—Martin (E. G.), Paul (B. D.) & Welles (E.S.) A comparison of reflex thresholds with sensory thresholds, the relation of this comparison to the problem of attention. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1915. xxvi, 428-437—Meads (L. G.) Form vs. intensity as a determinant of attention. Ibid., 150.—Meyer (M.) The nervous correlative of atten- tion. Psychol. Rev, Bait, 1909, xvi, 36-47.—Mikulski (A.) Aufl assungs- und Merkversuche an Gesunden und Kranken mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Geftihls der Sicher- heit. Psychol. Arb, Leipz, 1912, vi, 451-493— Miller (H. C.) Re-education of the attentive control. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1912, ii, 1459-1462—Nayrac (J.-P.) Expose d'une theorie physiologique de l'attention. Bull, de Plnst. gen. psychol. Par, 1905, v, 184-191.-----. Le processus et le mecanisme de l'attention. Rev. scient. Par, 1906, 5. s, 'v, 422-427.—Netschajefl (A.) Untersuchungen uber die Beobachtungsfahigkeit von Schiilern. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych, [etc.], Leipz, 1910-11, iv, 335-346.—Pajppenheim (M.) Merkfahigkeit und Assoziationsversuch. Ztschr. f. Pyschol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1907, xlvi, 1. Abf, 161-173.—Patrlzi (M.-L.) Le point de mire de l'at- tention autoscopique et la localisation de son expression Attention. motrice. Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1912-13, lvii, 205-212 — Peters (W.) Aufmerksamkeit und Zeitverschiebung in der Auffassung disparater Sinnesreize. Ztschr. f. Psychol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1905, xxxix, 401-428, 1 pi. -----. Aufmerksamkeit und Reizschwelle; Versuche zur Messung der Aufmerksamkeitskonzentration. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol, Leipz, 1906, vhi, 385-432.—Phillips (W.) The limit of school children's capacity for attention. J. Roy. San. Inst, Lond, 1908-9, xxix, 785-791.—Pillsbury (W. B.) Attention and interest. Psychol. Bull, Bait, 1912, ix, 193- 196.-----. Attention. Ibid., Princeton, N. J, & Lancaster, Pa, 1914, xi, 166-169.—Piltz (J.) E>u reflexe pupillaire de l'attention. Province med, Lyon, 1899, xhi, 63-65.— PtQero(H.G.) Psico-flsiologia de la attention. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1902, xxv, 13-32.—Revault d'Allonnes. Recherches sur l'attention. Rev. phil. Par, 1911, lxxi, 285; 494.-----. L'attention indirect*. Ibid., 1914, lxxii, 32-54.—Rlbakoft (F. Y.) [Attention of students in mental work.] J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk., 1910, x, 1497-1518—Rlgnano (E.) Dell' atten- zione. Scientia, Bologna, 1911, x, 326-351: 1912, xi, 64-80. Aho, transl: Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol, Leipz, 1911, xxh, 267; 294. Aho, transl: Monist, Chicago, 1912, xxii, 1-30.— Roerich. L'attention spontanee dans la vie ordinaire et ses applications pratiques. Rev. phil. Par, 1906, lxii, 136- 159.—Rossi (P.) Dell' attenzione eollettiva e sociale. Ma- nicomio, Nocera, 1905, xxi, 248-253.—Rousmaniere (Frances H.) Certainty and attention. Harvard Psychol. Stud, Bost. & N. Y, 1906, ii, 277-291, 1 diag.—Roux (J.) Me'canisme anatomique de l'attention. Arch, de neurol. Par, 1898, 2. s, vi, 456-467.—Scheinermann (M.) Das unmittelbare Behalten im unermudeten und ermiideten Zustande unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Aufmerk- samkeitsprozesse. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol, Leipz. & Berl, 1914, xxxih, 1-134.—Seashore (C. E.) Die Aufmerksam- keitsschwankungen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1905, xxxix, 448-450—Spiller (G.) The dynamics of attention. Mind, Lond. & Edinb, 1901, n. s, x, 498-524.—Stevens (H. C.) A plethysmo'graphic study of attention. Am. J, Psychol, Worcester, 1905, xvi, 409-483, 1 tab, 2 diag.—Suter (J.) Die Beziehung zwischen Auf- merksamkeit und Atmung. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol, Leipz7 1912, xxv, 78-500— Swift (E. J.) The genesis of the attention in the educative process. Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa, 1911, xxxiv, 1-5.—Titchener (E. B.) Attention as sensory clearness. J. Philos, Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa.. & N. Y, 1910, vii, 180-182.—Vaschide (N.) & Meunier (R.) La technique de l'attention. Arch, de neurol. Par, 1909, i, 122; 175; 251; 333—Wiersma (E.) Untersuchungen iiber die sogenannten Aufmerksamkeitsschwankungen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz, 1903, xxxi, 110-126.—Woodrow (H.) Outline as a condition of attention. J. Exper. Psvchol, Princeton, 1916, i, 23-39. -----. The faculty of attention. Ibid., 285-318.—Ziehen (T.) Zur Lehre von der Aufmerksamkeit. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1908, xxiv, 173-178. Attention (Disordered). See, also, Aprosexia. Findeisen (J. E.) *Ein Beitrag zur patholo- gischen Anatomie der Merkfahigkeitsstorungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Vaschide (N.) & Meunier (R.) La patholo- gie de l'attention. 8°. Paris, 1908. Boldt (K.) Studien uber Merkdefekte. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1905, xvh, 97-115.—De Sanctis (S.) L'attenzione e i suoi disturbi. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop, Roma, 1896, iv, 37-78.—Hoch (A.) On nights of ideas. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, N. Y, 1906, xxxih, 38-40.— Hospital (P.) D'une maladie de l'attention. Ann. med.- psychol. Par, 1904, 8. s, xx, 379-398.—KoUarits (J.) Das momentane Lnteresse bei nervosen und nicht nervosen Menschen. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol, Leipz, 1915, xxi, 233- 246.—Margain. L'ehervement, trouble de l'attention. Progres med. Par, 1904, 3. s, xx, 524-526.—Prager (J. J.) Experimenteller Beitrag zur Psychopathologie der Merk- fahigkeitsstorungen. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol, Leipz, 1911, xvhi, 1-22.—Roller (P.) Hypermetamorphose und Hyper- prosexie. In: Festschr. z. 40jiihr. Besteh. d. Edelschen Heilanst____zu Charlottenburg, Berl, 1909, 129-139. Attention (Measurement of). Kramer (O.) *Zur Untersuchung der Merk- fahigkeit Gesunder. [Miinchen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Alberti (A.) & Petroni (G.) Nuovo apparecchio per misurare la rapidita dell'attenzione. Note e riv. di psichiat, Pesaro, 1911, 3. s, iv, 184-188, 1 ch—Cassel (Edna E.) & Dallenbach (K. M.) The effect of auditory distraction upon the sensory reaction. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1918, xxix, 129-143.—Dallenbach (K. M.) The measure- ment of attention. Ibid., 1913, xxiv, 465-507.-----. Dr. Morgan on the measurement of attention. Ibid., 1918, xxix, 122.—Geissler (L. R.) The measurement of attention. ATTENTION. 190 ATTI. Attention (Measurement of). Ibid., 1909, xx, 473-529.-----. The measurabihty of atten- tion bv Professor Wirth's methods. Ibid., 1910, xxi, 151- 156.—Mikulski (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Methochk der Auf- merksamkeitspriifung. Klin. f. psych, u. nerv. Krankh, Halle a. S, 1913, viu, 215-226.—Placzek. Zur forensischen Bedeutung des Merkfiihigkeitsgrades. Monatschr. f. Krim.- Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb, 1909, vi, 83-87.—Woodrow (II.) The measurement of attention. Psychol. Monog, Prince- ton, N. J, & Lancaster, Pa, 1914, xvh, No. 5,1-158. Attfleld (John) [1835-1911.] Introductory ad- dress: The relation of pharmacy to the state. 22 pp. 8°. London, Butler dc Tanner, 1882. ------. The laws of nature in relation to health. An address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, 1807. With an appendix. 32 pp. 8°. Hertford, 1887. Repr.from: Tr. Hertfordshire Nat. Hist, 1887, iv, pt. 5. ------. A paper on an Imperial British Pharma- copoeia. 12 pp. 12°. Bondon, 1894. ------. Summary with report on the colonial and Indian suggestions in relation to the revision of the ''British Pharmacopoeia," 1885, prepared for the use of the General Council of Medical Education. 57 pp. 8°. [London, Spottiswoode dc Co., 1895.] ------. Chemistry; general, medical, and phar- maceutical, including the chemistry of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A manual of the science of chemistry and its applications in medicine and pharmacy. 16. ed. xxii, 780 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea Brothers dc Co., 1899. For Bioqraphy, see Am. J. Pharm, Phila, 1906, lxxvhi, 103-113, port (F. A. U. Smith). Aho: Nature, Lond, 1910-11, Ixxxvi, 117 (II. G. Greenish). Aho: Pharm. J, Lond, 1911, 4. s, xxxii, 396-398. Aho: Proc. Roy. Soc, Lond, 1911-12, s. A, Ixxxvi, pp. xliv-xlvi (A. C). Atthill (Lombe) [1827-19101. Obituary. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1910, ii, 917; 1011. Aho: Lancet, Lond, 1910, h, 984. Aho: Med. Press & Che, Lond,1910,n.s,xc,317.—Smyly(SirW.) Obituary. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl, 1911, xxix, 415. Atti della Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina. 7 v. 1872-4; 1901; 1909-13 8°. Firenze. Atti della Accademia pontifica de' Nuovi Lincei. See Atti della real Accademia dei Lincei. Atti della Accademia delle scienze mediche e naturali in Ferrara. v. 67-88, 1894 to 1913-14. 8°. Ferrara. Atti della Associazione medica lombarda. 7 v. 1891-7. 8°. Milano. Atti della clinica oto-rino-laringoiatrica della r. Universita di Roma. v. 1-10, 1903-12. 8°. Boma. Atti del Congresso per l'igiene dell' allattamento e la tutela della prima infanzia. 1 v. 1903. 8°. Firenze. Atti del Congresso internazionale dei patologi. lv. 1912. 8°. Torino. Atti del Congresso internazionale di psicologia. lv. 1906. 8°. Boma. Atti del Congresso internazionale di terapia fisica. 1 v. 1907. 8°. Boma, 1908. Atti del Congresso interprovinciale sanitario dell' Alta Italia. 3 v. 1903-5. 8°. [v. p.] Atti del Congresso italiano per l'educazione fisica. lv. 1902. 8°. Napoli. Atti del Congresso italiano di radiologia medica, Milano, . 12-14 ottobre 1913. 1 v. 1914. 8°. Bavia. Atti del Congresso medico internazionale per gl'infortuni del lavoro. 2 v. 1909. 8°. Boma. Atti del Congresso medico.interprovinciale della Lombardia e del Veneto, 1896. v. 4, 1897. 8°. Bergamo. Atti del Congress medico regionale ligure. v. 1-4, 1895-8. 8°. Genova. Atti del Congresso nazi.male per l'igiene dell' allat- tamento mercenari i, indetto dalla Pia istituzione prowidenzabaliatica. 1 v. 1900. 8°. Milano. Atti del Congresso nazionale d'igiene. promosso dalla Societa piemontese d'igiene. 2 v. 1899- 1900. 8°. Torino; Como. Atti del Congresso nazionale per la lotta sociale contro la tubercolosi, Firenze. 10-14 ottobre 1909. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Firenze. _ Atti del Congresso nazionale "Pro infantia." 1 v. 1903. 8°. Torino. Atti del Congresso nazionale di tiflologia e per la prevenzione della ceeita con annessa esposi- zione "Pro ciechi," tenure in Roma dai 1° al 16 dicembre 1906. 306 pp., port. 8°. Boma, Tipog. Operaia Bomana Coop., 1909. Atti del Congresso nazionale veterinario di Torino, 8-11 settembre 1898. 1 v. 1898. 8°. Torino. Atti del Congresso pediatrico italiano. v. 1-2. 1891-2; v. 4-5, 1904-5; v. 7-8, 1912-14. 8°. [v- P-1 .... Atti del Congresso pellagrologico mterprovmciale. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Udine. Atti del Congresso pellagrologico italiano. v. 2-5, 1902-12. 8°. Udine. Atti del Congresso della Societa italiana di neu- rologia. v. 3-4, 1911, 1914. 8°. Boma; Firenze, 1912-14. Atti del Convegno medico interprovinciale della regione Lombardo-Veneta, 1897. v. 5,1898. S°. Vtcenza. Atti della fondazione scientifica Cagnola dalla sua istituzione in Poi, che abbraccia gli anni 1908-12. V. 23. 8°. Milano. 1913. Atti dei laboratorii scientifici "A. Mosso" sul Monte Rosa della r. Universita di Torino. v. 3-4, 1912. 1914. S°. Torino. Atti della real Accademia dei fisiocritici di Siena. 28 v., 1868-1913. 8° Siena. Atti della real Accademia dei Lincei. 1847-8 to 1879-80. 4°. Boma. 1S51-S0. From 1851 to 1873 title was: Atti della Accademia ponti- fica do' Nuovi Lincei. Atti della real Accademia mediccKdiirurgica di Napoli, fondata nei 1818. Nuova serie. v. 46-69. 1S92 -1915. 8°. Napoli. Atti della real Accademia delle scienze mediche in Palermo. 10 v., 1889-1903. S°. Balermo. Atti del reale Istituto d'incora?gianiento di Napoli. 9v. 1896-1904. fol. Napoli. Atti del reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arli. 45 v. 1868-1911. 8°. Venezia. Atti della reale Societa italiana d'igiene. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Milano. Atti e rendiconti della Accademia medico-chi- rurgica di Perugia, v. 1-12, 1889-1900. 8°. Beruyia. Atti della Societa italiana di ostetricia e gine- cologia. v. 1-4, 1895-7; v. 7-10, 1900-1904; v. 17, 1912. 8°. [v. p.] Atti della Societa italiana cii patologia. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Bavia._ Atti della Societa italiana di storia critica delle scienze mediche e naturali. v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. FaeiKa; Venezia. Atti della Societa lombarda di scienze mediche e biologiehe. y. 1-5, 1912-16. SJ. Milano. Atti della Societa di medicina legale sede in Roma. v. 2-6, 1909-14. 8°. Boma. Atti della, Societa piemontese d'igiene. v. 1-3, ]S<)5-7. 8°. Torino. Atti della Societa romana di antropologia. v. 1-15, 1893-1910. S°. Boma. ATTI. 191 ATWATER. Atti della Societa per gli studi della malaria, v. 1-13, 1899-1912. 8°. Boma. Atti del tredicesimo Congresso della Societa italiana di laringologia, d'otologia e di rinologia che ebbe luogo in Roma nei giorni 31 marzo, 1° e 2 aprile 1910. Pubblicati per cura del Prof. Gherardo Ferreri e del Prof. Tommaso Mancioli. Parte 1. 86 pp. 8°. Boma, 1910. Attias (Isaac) [1876- ]. _ *De la rhino-pharyn- gite et amygdalite chronique et de ses conse- quences chez les enfants. 79 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 326. Attiia (Louis-Edouard-Amedee) [1881- ]. *Les affections de la cornee a Fhopital civil de Brest. 50 pp. 8°. Bordeaux. 1907, No. 64. Attimont [Aristide] [1S42-1912]. Monnier (A.) Necrologie. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1912, 2. s, xxx, 570-575. Attimont (Paul-Adolphe) [1875- ]. Consi- derations sur le cancer secondaire de l'ombilic; cas de neoplasie ombilicale consecutive au cancer du rectum. [Paris.] 71 pp. 8°. Nantes, 1901, No. 411. Attitude. See, also, Posture; School-desks; Spine. Clarke (Helen M.) Conscious attitudes. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1911, xxh, 214-249.—Mosher (ElizaM.) The importance of maintaining the pelvis in normal ob- liquity. Rep. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat,N. Haven, 1894, ix, 68-72.—Towne (Lillian M.) A continued study of pu- pils' attitudes. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Brooklyn, 1902, vii, 18-28. Attraction (Molecular). Gurwitsch (L.) Ueber die physiko-chemische Attrak- tionskraft. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz. & Berl, 1914, lxxxvii, 323-332.—Mills (J. E.) Molecular attraction. J. Phys. Chem, Ithaca, 1909, xiii, 512-531.-----. Molecular attraction and the law of gravitation. Ibid., 1911, xv, 417-462. Attraxin (Theory of). Snow (C.) An experimental control of Fischer's at- traxin-theory. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med, N. Y, 1906-7, iv, 128. Aho: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1907, n. s, xxvi, 412. Attualita (La) medica, periodico mensile. Bol- lettino ufficiale dell' ordine dei medici della Provincia di Milano. Redattore-capo: Enrico Arienti. v. 1-7, 1912-17. 8°. Milano. Atwater (Helen W.) Bread and the principles of bread making. 39 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1900. Farmers' Bull. No. 112. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. Atwater (Mary Meigs). El medico, pp. 555-559. 8°. New York, 1911. Cutting from: Century Mag, N. Y., 1911, lxxxii. Atwater (Wilbur Olin) [1844-1907]. Methods and results of investigations on the chemistry and economy of food. 222 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1895. Bull. No. 21. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------. Food and diet. Charts 1-4. broadsides, 25 by 40 inches. Baltimore, 1896. CONTENTS. Chart 1. Nutrients of food and other uses in the body. Chart 2. Composition of food materials. Chart 3. Pecuniary economy of food. Chart 4. Dietaries and dietary standards. ------. The nutritive value of alcohol, pp. 675- 684. 8°. New York, 1900. Cutting from: Harper's Month. Mag., N. Y, 1900, ci. ------. Alcohol, physiology and temperance reform, pp. 850-858. 8°. New York, 1900. Cutting from: Harper's Month Mag, N. Y, 1900, ci. ------. Principles of nutrition and nutritive value of food. [Revised ed.] 48 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1902. Farmers' Bull. No. 142. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. Atwater (Wilbur Olin)—continued. ------. The nutritive value of alcohol, pp. 171- 347. 8°. Cambridge, 1903. Repr. from: Physiological (The) aspects of the hquor problem. 8°. Boston, 1903, ii. See, aho, Physiological aspects of the hquor problem [etc.] [in 2. s.L 8°. Boston, 1903.—Wait (Charles Edmund) [in 2. s.]. Dietary studies at the University of Tennessee, 8°. Washington, 1896. For Biography, see Am. Chem. J, Bait, 1907, xxxvih, 652-654 (A. C. True). Also: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1907, ii, 1108. Also: Proc. Wash. Acad. Sc, 1908, x, 194-198 (A. C. True). ----— & Benedict (Francis Gano). Experiments upon the metabolism of matter and energy in the human body. With the cooperation of A. W. Smith and A. P. Bryant. Rev. ed. 112 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1899. Bull. No.69. U.S. Dep. Agric. Off.Exper.Stations. ------ ------. Experiments on metabolism of matter and energy in the human body. 1898- 1900. With the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, A. Smith, and J. F. Snell. 147 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, Gov. Brint. Off., 1902. Bull. No. 109. U.S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------------. Experiments on the metabolism of matter and energy in the human body. 1900- 1902. With the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, R. D. Milner, and Paul Murrill. [Corrected, August 10, 1904.] 357 pp., front. 8°. Washing- ton, Gov. Brint. Of., 1903. Bull. No. 136. U. S.'Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------ ------. A respiration calorimeter, with appliances for the direct determination of oxy- gen. 193 pp., 16 pi. 8°. Washington, Carnegie institution, 1905. ------ ------. A respiration calorimeter, with appliances for the determination of oxygen. 24 pp. 8°. Middleton, Conn., Beltondc King, [n.d.]. ------& Bryant (A. P.) Dietary studies in Chi- cago in 1895 and 1896. Conducted with the co- operation of Jane Addams and Caroline L. Hunt, of Hull House. 76 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1898. Bull. No. 55. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------------. Dietary studies of University boat crews. 72 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1900. Bull. No. 75. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------------. Dietary studies in New York City in 1896 and 1897. 83 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1902. Bull. No. 116. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ----— & Langworthy (C. F.) A digest of metab- olism experiments in which the balance of income and outgo was determined. Rev. ed. 434 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1897. Bull. No. 45. U.S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------ & Rosa (E. B.) Description of a new respiration calorimeter and experiments on the conservation of energy in the human body. 94 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1899. Bull. No. 63. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------& Sherman (H. C.) The effect of severe and prolonged muscular work on food consump- tion, digestion, and metabolism; and the me- chanical work and efficiency of bicyclers, by R. C. Carpenter. 67 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Of., 1901. Bull. 98. U.S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------& Woods (Chas. D.) The chemical com- position of American food materials. 47 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1896. Bull. No. 28. U.S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. -------------. Dietary studies with reference to the food of the negro in Alabama in 1895 and 1896. Conducted with the cooperation of the ATWATER. 192 AUBERY. Atwater (Wilbur Olin)—continued. Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute and the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. 69 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Off., 1897. Bull. No. 38. U.S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------------. Dietary studies in New York City in 1895 and 1896. 117 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1898. Bull. No. 46. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. ------, ------• & Benedict (F. G.) Report of preliminary investigations on the metabolism of nitrogen and carbon in the human organism, with a respiration calorimeter of special con- struction. 64 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1897. Bull. No. 44. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. Exper. Stations. Atwood (Alice). Description of the comprehen- sive catalogue of botanical literature in the libraries of Washington. 7 pp. 8°. Washington. 1911. Che. No. 87. U.S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Plant Indust. Atzrott (Ernst Hermann Georg) [1885- ]. *Zwei Falle von Angina Ludwigii. 29 pp. 8 . Berlin, E. Ebering, [1912]. Aub (Friedrich Ernst) [1837-1900]. Merkel (G.) Nekrolog. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1900, xlvh, 693-695, port. Aub (Hermann) [1876- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Sarkom des Processus falciformis der Dura mater. 28 pp.; 1 1. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf & Sohn, 1902. ------. Wirkung des galvanischen Stromes bei Erscriopfungszustanden des menschlichen Ge- hirns. 28 pp. 8°. Miinchen. 0. Gmelin, 1910. ------. Hysterie des Mannes. 162 pp. 8°. Munchen, E. Bernhardt, 1911. Aubac (Jean) [1891- ]. *Sur quelques cas de laminectomie pour blessures de guerre. 118 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, A. Bestout atne dc Cie., 1915. Auban (Joseph) [1881- ]. *Les frottements pleuraux chez les h£patiqiies. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 25. Aubaret (Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Edmond) [1874- ]. *Reoherches jur les origines replies des fibres optiques; la papille et le nerf optique. 81 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902, No. 13. ------. L'anatomie sur le vivant. 3 v. v. 1. L'anatomie de surface; guide pratique des re- peres anatomiques. viii, 9, 136 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1913. Aube (Paul) [ ' -1905]. Nicolas (A.) Notice. Centre med. et pharm, Gannat, 1904-5, x, 323. Aubenas (Georg Adolf) [1N29-1906]. Klein (J.) [Nekrolog.] Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg, Berl, 1906, xxi, 215. Auber (Gabriel). An interdum hydropi curando venae seclio conducit? 7 pp. 8°. Cadomi, J. C. Byron, 1760. d'Auber de Pcyrclongue (Marie-Joseph-Em- manuel) [1878- ]. *l)e la sterilisation par la chaleur de l'eau de boisson dans la marine. 128 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 31. Aubert (A.) Contribution de l'6cole primaire a la lutte contre Tabus du tabac. 30 pp. 8°. Tamines, C. Buculot-Boulin, 1908. Aubert (Adolphe) [1881- ]. *La physiologie normale et pathologigue du thymus. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 399. Aubert (Francois) [1874- ]. *De la non- ligature du bout placentaire du premier cordon dans la grossesse g£mellaire. 37 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 127. Aubert (Guillaume- Jean- Alfred) [1881- ]. *Tuberculose et mariage. 114 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1908, No. 1. Aubert (Hermann) [1826-92]. For Portrait, see Phil. Port. Series, Chicago, 1898. Aubert (Jacques). Delaunay (P.) [Biography.] France med. Par, 1905, Iii, 41-48. Aubert (Jean) [1887- J. *Les hemorragies m(?ning6es; revue 6tiologique, clinique et di- agnostique. 112 pp. _ 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 222. Aubert (Joseph). Notions d'anatomie appliquee au dessin a l'usage des eVoles normales, des candidats au brevet superieur et de tous ceux qui £tudient le dessin. 54 pp., 1 1. 4°. Barh, A. Colin dc Cie, 1900. Aubert (L.) La photographie de l'invisible; les rayons X suivi d'un glossaire. 191 pp., 4 pi. 16° Baris, Schleicher freres, 1898. Aubert (Louis-Edmond) [1880- ]. *Cytoloeie des hydroceles. 101 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902. No. 52. Aubert (Louis-II.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la suture des tendons. 56 pp. 8°. Gerikve, H. Kiindig. 1905. Aubert (P.) Pour lutter contre les maladies des poumons. 94 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1902. ------. Pour lutter contre les maladies de l'esto- mac. 95 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1902. Aubert (Pierre) [1839-1915]. L. (P.) Un medecin poete (il propos d'un livre recent). [Sonnets et vers du docteur P. Aubert.] Paris nted, 1911-12, u, annexe, 189-191.—Mollard (J.) Obituary. Lyon med, 1915, exxiv, 249-255. Aubert (Raphael-Paulin- Alfred) [1874^- ]. • ^Traitement de l'eczema par l'acide picrique. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 34. Aubert (Raymond) [1887- ]. *Les troubles psychiques dans la sclerose en plaques. 66 pp. 8°. Montpellier. 1911, No. 1. Aubert (Victor) [1876- ]. *Le drainage apres les interventions par vote abdominale sur le petit bassin de la femme. 125 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 182. Aubert (Xavier-Paul) [1872- ]. *Surdite' simulee. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Bordeaux. 1899, No. 5s. Aubert Dupetit-Thouars (Louis-Marie-Aubert) [1758-1831]. See Feburier (in 2. s.] Observations sur la phvsiologie vegetate [etc.]. 8°. [ Versailles, 1S18?] Aubertin (Charles-Edouard). *Les reactions sanguines dans les aneinies graves symptomati- ques et cryptogene'tiques. 266 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1905, No.^503. ------. The same. 266 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, J. Bousset, 1905. Aubertin (Leopold). Les m£faits de l'alcool; ouvrage entierement inedit, a l'usage des £coles primaires et d'adultes, des sections prepara- toires aux ccoles moyennes et athenees, des patronages, etc. 52 pp. 12°. Tanimes. C. Diieulot-Roulin. [n. rf.] Aubery (Camillo) [1875- ]. *La paralysie genCralo, affection syphilitique vraie. Traite- ment par les injections de calomel. [Lvon.] 109 pp., 1 1. 8°. Saint-Etienne, 1902, No." 127. Aubery (Jean). L'antidote d'amour, avec un ample discours, contenant la nature et les causes d'iceluy, ensemble les remedes les plus singuliers pour se preserver et guerir des passions amou- reuses. 5 p. 1., 140 If., 2 1. 21°. Baris, C. Chappelet, 1599. AUBIAjX. 193 AUCHERE. Aubian (Cora-Josephine-Julienne) [1876- ]. *Etude critique sur l'omentofixation. 70 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 29. Aubiban (Louis). *De la tolerance inegale des calculs vesicaux; etude anatomo-clinique. 72 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1912, No. 998. [Aubin.] The cheats and illusions of Romish priests and exorcists, discover'd in the history of the devils of Lou dun; being an account of the pretended possession of the Ursuline nuns, and of the condemnation and punishment of Urban Grandier, a parson of the same town. [Transl. from the French of . . .] 3 p. 1., 331 pp. 12°. London, W. Turner dc B. Bassert, 1703. ------. The same. The history of the devils of Loudun; or, an account of the possession of the Ursuline nuns and the condemnation and pun- ishment of Urban Grandier, a parson of the same town. 4 p. 1., 331pp. 12°. Bondon, 1905. Incomplete; wants title-page. This copy appears to be the same as [Aubin] The cheats and illusions of the Romish priests and exorcists, etc, 1703, but is Credited to Mr. Boyer on the incomplete title-page which appears with book. Aubin (M[arc]). ^Contribution a l'etude de la serotherapie de la diphterie. 128 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1898. Aubin (Vincent) [1874- _ ]. Contribution a l'etude de rher6do-syphilis du larynx. 42 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 488. Aubin (Walter Duret) ["1848-1917]. Obituary. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1917, i, 499. Aho: Lancet, Lond, 1917, i, 468. Aubineau (E[rnest-Rene-Emile]) [1871- ]. *Essai sur l'application de la serotherapie dans le traitement de la diphterie conjonctivale. 59 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 22. Aubiniere (Arthur). Contribution a, l'etude de la diphterie prolongee. 94 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 363. Aublant (Louis) [1890- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'etiologie de l'epilepsie et de l'idiotie; role de la syphilis, sa recherche par la reaction de Wassermann. 87 pp. 8°. Byon, 1913, No. 71. Auboin (Gaston-Andre) [1876- ]. *Du traite- ment eJectrotherapique de la paralysie infantile. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 53. Aubouin (Roger). *Le traitement des ulceres variqueux par le pansement de Unna (Ham- bourg). 102 pp. 86. Baris, 1897, No. 140. Aubourg (Paul-Emile) [1875- ]. *La rachico- eainisation. 46 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 405. Auboux (Achille-Louis) [1887- ]. *Essai sur la mortalite infantile dans la Creuse, de 1903 a 1912. 55 pp., 1 map. 8°. Bordeaux, 1914, No. 79. Aubouy (Henry). *Fracture epiphysaire supe- rieure du tibia communiquant avec 1'articula- tion, viii, 9-50 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1900, No. 84. Auboyer (Rene). Contribution a l'etude de l'argent colloidal eiectrique stabilise' et isotoni- que et de son emploi therapeutique dans les diverses infections. 70 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 141. Aubree (Jean-Baptiste). *Le traitement mercu- riel du tabes. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 325. Aubree (Richard-Fortune-Louis) [1868- ]. *De l'avenir genital de la femme apres ablation unilaterale des annexes de l'uterus. 103 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 44. Aubrey (John) [1626-97]. Miscellanies upon various subjects. 4. ed. xvi, 227 pp., port. [front.], 1 pi. 8°. London, J. B. Smith, 1857. Aubrietia. Gerber (C.) L'arc renverse de Aubrietia delto'idea DC. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1907, lxu, 976-978. 96SOS0—Vol. II, 3d series—10----13 Aubriot (Paul) [1888- ]. *Rapports du foie avec la coagulation du sang; contribution a l'etude de la substance anticoagulante secretee par le foie. 78 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1911, No. 52. Aubry (Andre). *Recherches sur la synthese biochimique de quelques d-glucosides A au moyen de la glucosidase A. [Paris.] 77 pp. 8°. Lons-le-Saunnier, 1914, No. 13. Ecole de pharmacie. Aubry (Emile-Charles) [1869- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude des doctrines pathogeniques et de la therapeutique de la pelade. 92 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 61. Aubry (Georges) [1882- . 1 *Le syndrome de coagulation massive du hquide cephalo-rachi- dien. 108 pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 28. Aubry (Henri) [1870- ]. *Du sarcome diffus de la muqueuse uterine. 168 pp., 1 pi. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 199. Aubry (Jean-Marie-Edmond) [1876- ]. -^Con- tribution a l'etude des rapports de la simulation de la folie et de la degenerescence. 90 pp., 11. 8°. Nancy, 1900, No'. 13. Aubry (Joseph). *Valeur et indications du mas- sage de la prostate. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 489. Aubry (Joseph-Georges) [1867- 1. Contribu- tion a l'etude de la torsion pediculaire des kystes ovariens. 79 pp. 8°, Baris, 1900, No. 120. Aubry (Justin). Contribution a, l'etude de l'aortite blennorrhagique. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Ba- ris, 1901, No. 225. Aubry (Paul). See Corre (Armand-Marie) & Aubry (Paul) [in 2. s.]. Documents de criminologie retrospective [etc.]. 8°. Lyon & Parh, 1895. Aubry (Paul-Marie-Augustin) [1885- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude des infections paratypho'ides. 58 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 85. Aubry (Pierre). *Des rapports de la choree avec l'hysterie et en particulier de la choree rythmee consecutive a la choree de Sydenham. 55 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1903, No. 503. Aubry (Pierre-Jules) J1889- ]. *Le prolap- sus du rectum, affection congenitale; son traite- ment. 60 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1913, No. 3. Aubryet (Xavier). Le docteur Moliere. Come- die en un acte, en vers. 33 pp. 8°. Baris, E. Dentu, 1873. Auburn, NewYork. See Hospitals (Bescription of), Insane (Asy- lums for, Bescription of, etc.), by localities. Auburtin (Jean). *Les effets tardifs du chloro- forme. 142 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 281. See, aho, Castaigne (Joseph) & Auburtin (Jean). Maladies de l'estomac [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1912. Auby (Emile). *De l'influence de l'insertion du placenta au segment inferieur sur la grossesse et sur 1'accouchement. 59 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 436. Aucaigne (Charles) [1872- ]. *De la telalgie blennorrhagique et du traitement de cette affec- tion par 1'intervention chirurgicale dans les cas chroniques de la forme simple. 52 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 81. Auche (B[ernard]) [1861- ], Surmont (H.) [et al.]. Fievres eruptives. 258 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1905. Forms No. 2 of: Nouveau traite de medecine [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1905-6. AuchSre (Rosalie) [1869- ]. Contribution a l'etude des formes prolongees de la meningite cerebro-spinale epidemique. 98 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 453. AUCHIER. 194 AUDET. Auchier (Felix) [1876- ]. Contribution a l'etude des rapports de la paralysie generale progressive et de la degenerescence. 72 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, B. Cassignol, 1901, No. 57. Auchlin (Theodor). Ueber das Wachstum des Magencarcinoms. 46 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Zurich, B. Fiissli, 1896. c. Auchmeromyia. Balfour (A.) A new locahty for the Congo floor maggot. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond, 1909, xh, 47—Bequaert (J.) Sur quelques auchmeromyies du Congo. Bull. Soc. path. exot., Par , 1915, viii, 459-462.-----. Note rectiflcative concer- nant les auchnteromvies du Congo. Ibid., 593—McConnell (R. E.) Some observations on the larva of Auchmeromyia luteola, P. Bull. Entomol. Research, Lond, 1913,iv,pt. 1, 29.—Boubaud (E.) Recherches sur les auchmeromyies calhphorinesa larves suceuses de sang de l'Afrique tropicale. BulL scient. de la France et de la Belg, Par, 1913, xlvii, 105-202, 2 pi.-----. Etudes biologiques sur les auchmero- myies. BulL Soc. path, exot. Par, 1913, vi, 128-130.— Scheben. Auchmeromyia luteola Walk in Deutsch-Siid- westafrika. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg, Leipz, 1913, xvh, 463.—Schwetz (J.) Quelques observations prelimi- naires sur la morphologie de la larve, de la nymphe et de rimagedel'Auchmeromyialuteola, Fabr. Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol, Liverp, 1914-15, viii, 497-507.—Wellman (F. C.) On the possible heterogenesis of Auchmeromyia luteola, Fabr. J. Trop. M, Lond, 1906, ix, 31. Auckland. See Fever (Typhoid, History of), Hospitals (Bescription of), by localities. Auclair (Joseph) [1868- ]. *De l'hysterec- tomie abdominale totale dans le traitement du cancer de l'uterus. 122 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 563. ------. The same. 124 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1899. Auclair (Jules) [1865- ]. *Etude experimen- tale sur les poisons du bacille tuberculeux hu- main. Essais de vaccination et de traitement. 110 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 321. ------. The same. 112 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1897. Auclert (Lucien). Contribution a, l'etude des arthropathies syphilitiques. 73 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 81. Aucopt (Henri). *De l'hysterie traumatique et de la simulation; etude medico-legale. 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 56. Aucouturier (Louis) [1875- ]. Contribution a l'etude des resections cies metatarsiens et des phalanges des orteils; resultats fonctionnels. 58 pp., 11. 8°. Byon, 1899, No. 17. Aucouturier (Michel). *Etude sur le cranio- tabes. 77 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 4(13. Aucubine. Lebas (C.) *Recherches sur l'aucubine. [Paris.] 8°. Lons-le-Saunier, 1911. Ecole de pharmacie. Bourdier (L.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Aucubin in den verschiedencn Arten der Gattung Plantago. Arch. d. Pharm, Berl, 1908, ccxlvi, 81-88.—Bourquelot (E.) & Herissey (II.) Sur un glucoside nouveau, raucubine, retire des graines d'Aucuba japonica L. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1902, 11. s, iv, 695-697. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1902, cxxxiv, 1441-1443.-----------. Nouvelles recherches sur l'aucubine. Compt. rend. Acad. d sc , Par, 1904, cxxxviii, 1114-1116. Aho: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1904, lvi, 655-057.—Herissey (H.) & Lebas (C.) Utilisation do l'aucubine par l'Aspergillus niger v Tgh. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1911, lxx, 846- 848.—Lebas (C.) Sur la presence d'aucubine dans diverses vartetos d'Aucuba japonica L. J. de pharm. et chim. Par, 1909, 6. S, xxx, 390-397. Auda (Fr. Domenico). Pratica de' speciali che per modo di dialogo conliene gran parte anco di theorica. Opera utile e necessaria per quelli che desiderano ben comporre li medicamenti, con un trattato delle confettioni nostrane per uso di casa et una nuova aggiunta di segreti uti- lissimi. 5 p. 1., 328 pp., 2 1. 24°. Venetia, Z. Conzatti, 1678. Audain (Eugene) [1874- ]. Colique fila- rienne et varicocele lymphatique. 118 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 359. Audain (Leon). Pathologie intertropicale. Doc- trines et clinique. xxx, 413 pp., 11. 8°. Bort- au-Brince, J. Verrollot, 1904. ------. Fievres intertropicales; diagnostic hema- tologique et clinique. Avec la collaboration de Ch. Mathon, B. Ricot, G. Dalencour, V. Lissade et P. Salomon. 1179 pp. 8°. Bort-au-Brince, J. Verrollot, 1909. ------. L'organisme dans les infections; apercus nouveaux d'hematologie ' et de pyretologie. Preface de Louis Renon. viii, 417 pp. 8°, Baris, A. Maloine, 1912. ------. Les bases rationnelles de la medication leucogene dans les infections medic-ales et chi- rurgicales. 3 p. 1., 384 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Maloine dc fits. 1916. See, also, Mergier (GuUlaume Emile) [in 2. s.]. Tech- nique instrumentale [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1891. Audan (Jules-Joseph) [1875- ]. *Forme cere- brale du tabes sensitif. 94 pp. 8°. Ljyon, 1902, No. 169. Audard (Eugene). *Le drainage vaginal du peritoine apres rhysterectomie abdominale totale pour annexites suppurees. 83 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 487. Audat (Emile) [1872- ]. *De la rhino-pharyn- gite chez les enfants. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 354. Audax [pseudon.]. Wie werde ich verruckt? Intimstes aus der Sprechstunde eines Arztes. Teil 1. 5. Aufl. 2 p. 1., 57 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1901. Audcbal (Antoine) [1874- ]. *De l'epididy- mectomie dans la tuberculose testiculaire. 69 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898. No. 220. Audebert (Alfred). *La rachistovainisatiott en obstetrique. 95 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No'. 211. Audebert [Joseph-Leon] [1864- ]. Parallele entre l'accouchement premature et la symphyse- otomie dans les bassins retrecis de 8 c. \ a 9 c. \. 79 pp., 21. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1897. Audebert (Maurice) [1808- ]. *R61e de la persistance du thymus dans la genese de la syncope chloroformique. SS pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 240. Audebert-Lasrochas (^Georges) [1877- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la porokeratose. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 512. :------. Thesame. 61pp. 8°. Barh,G. Steinheil, 1902. Audemard (A.) *Recherche sur, la localisation des alcaloides dans les genets. (Etude microchi- mique.) 68 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 22. Ecole de pharmacie. Audemard (Emile) [1870- ]. -Du cerebro- t vphus sans dothienenterie (les tvpiiopsvchoses). 105 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1898, "No. 49. Audeoud (Georges-E.) *Pes maxima et de la vitesse d'ascension des temperatures utilisees en clinique. 151 pp., 1 1., 12 ch. 8°. Geneve, W. Kiindig dc fils, 1906, No. 105. Audeoud (Henri) & Jacot-Descombes (Ch.) Les alterations anatomiques et les troubles fonctionnels du myocarde, sui vis d'une etude sur le retrecissement mitral fonctionnel. 164 pp. 8°. Basel it- Leipzig, 1894. Forms 1. lift, 2. L>, of: Mitth. a. Khn. u. med. Inst. d. Schweis. Audet (Roland) [188-1- ]. *Le pyopneumotho- rax tuberculeux a forme prolongee; son traite- ment par les ponctions repctees. 58 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 20. AUD'HOUI. 195 AUDITION. Aud'houi (Victor). Comment on se defend contre les maladies d'estomac. 4. ed. 47 pp. 12°. Baris, [1900], ------. Traite de therapeutique et de matiere medicale. 2. ed. 2 v. vi, 751 pp.; 730 pp. roy. 8°. Bam, F. B. de Budeval dc Cie., 1902. Audhuy (Georges-Gilbert) [1882- ]. *Radio- therapie coloniale. 62 pp., 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 55. Audiau (Francois) [1876- ]. Contribution a 1'etude du traitement de la metrite hemorragique par reiectricite. 52 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 37. ------. Guide administratif du medecin des Baris, H. Charles- troupes coloniales. 89 pp. 8 Lavauzelle, 1904. Audiau (Jules) [1873- ]. Contribution a l'etude du traitement operatoire des annexites. 98 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 565. ------. The same. 98 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1897. Audibert (Alphonse-Elie) [1881- ]. Contri- bution a 1'etude de la laryngectomie partielle ou totale. 189 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 109. Audibert (L.-J.-Victor) [1876- ]. *L'eosino- phile. [Montpellier.] 323 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 48. -----. Le processus eberthien: qu'est-ce que la fievre typho'ide? 176 pp. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., [1912]. Audibert (Leopold) [1879- ]. *La parapiegie des scaphandriers. 43 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 3. Audibert (Marcel) [1884- ]. *Retroflexion aigue primitive de l'uterus gravide. 95 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 365. Audibert (Paul) [1886- ]._ *L'elongation du plexus solaire comme traitement des crises gastriques du tabes. 64 pp. 8°. Byon, 1912, No. 134. Audiberti (Giuseppe) [ -1826]. Discorso pronunziato nella prima adunanza della eccel- lentissima giunta superiore del vaccino il di 9 dicembre 1819. 28 pp. 12°. Torino, 1820. Audic (Joseph-Marie-Francois) [1874- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude de la scoliose de l'adole- scence. 44 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 33. Audier (Jules) [1877- ]. Contribution a 1'etude des torsions du grand epiploon. 62 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 116. Audiganne (Leon) [1871- ]. *Recherches urologiques dans la tuberculose. 46 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 190. Audige (L.) Contribution a l'etude de l'arthrite {)urulente a pneumocoque survenant au cours de a pneumonic 65 pp., 11. 8°. Toulouse, 1899, No. 324. Audinot (Pierre) [1891- ]. *L'ablation des tumeurs de l'orbite avec conservation de l'oeil (orbitotomie du Professeur Rollet). 79 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1914, No. 140. Audin-Rouviere (Joseph-Marie) [1764-1832]. La medecine sans le medecin, ou manuel de sante, ouvrage destine k soulager les infirmites, a prevenir les maladies aigues, a guerir les mala- dies chroniques, sans le secours d'une main etrangere. 12. ed. xvi, 552 pp., port., 1 pi. 8°. Barh, Le Normant fils, 1829. Audiometer. See, also, Acumetry. Faught(F. A.) An improvement in audiometers. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1911, lxxix, 301.—Hays (II.) An improved audiometer. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1913, xxiii, 864-866.— Henry (C.) Sur un nouvel audiometre et sur la relation generate entre l'intensite sonore et les degres successifs de la Audiometer. sensation. Compt. renc1. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1896, cxxh, 1283- 1286.—Lubman (M.) The aurometer; an instrument for the exact recording of hearing and the determination of progress in the treatment of various conditions of deafness N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1913,xcviii, 1016. Aho, Reprint.—Ost> mann. Nature and aim of objective measurement of hear- ing, and on the useof the objective audiometer. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1905, xxxiv, 267-274.—Reid (St. G. C.) An audiome- ter for noting the auditory appreciation in cases of deafness and other diseases of the ear. Lancet, Lond, 1904, ii, 769. Audion (Pierre). Contribution a l'etude de l'ombilic et des infections ombilicales chez le nouveau-ne. 192 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 313. ------. Thesame. 192 pp. 8°. Chartres, Gamier, 1900. Audiphone (Patent specifications for). See, aho, Ear-tubes, etc.; Otophone. Atkinson (L. M.) Auriphone. No. 738593; Sept. 8,1903. Buckwalter (C. L.) Audiphone. No. 898035; Sept. 8, 1908—Clayton (J.) Audiphone. No. 619639; Oct. 18,1898 — Fosgate (D. O.) Auriphone. No. 877317; Jan. 21, 1908.— Gano (F. I.) Auriphone. No. 709978; Sept.30,1902.—Geh- ring(G. P.) Audiphone. No. 648401; May 1,1900.—Goers (R.W.) Auriphone. No. 803892; Nov. 7,1905.—Harmeyer (II. W.) Micro-audiphone. No. 621244; Mar. 14, 1899.— Lakin (J. A.) Vocalizing audiphone. No. 574544; Jan. 5,1897.-----. Compound audiphone. No. 580872; April 20, 1897.—Lewis (G. A.) Hearing-tube for sound-reproducing devices. No. 882700; March 24, 1908.-----. Hearing-tube for sound reproducing machine. No. 883818; April 7,1908.— Leyer (A.) Auriphone. No. 1173286; Feb. 29,1916—Mas- singer (C.J.) Audiphone. No. 763414; June 28,1904.—Boss (A.) Audiphone. No. 613606; Nov. 1,1898.—Smith (D. E.) Ear-phone. No. 774282; Nov. 8, 1904.—Turner (M. K.) Audiphone. No. 597037; Jan. 11,1898. Audisterc (Camille). *De la degenerescence cancereuse de l'ulcere de l'estomac (ulcere sim- ple et ulcere brunnerien). 114 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 405. Audition. See, also, Acoustics; Auricle; Ear; Nerve (Auditory); Sound (Berception of). Bonnier (P.) L'audition. 12° Barh, 1901. Jatjnin (M.) Contribution a l'etude des sensations subjectives de l'ouie. 8°. Geneve, 1892. Kamm (M.) Giebt es ein Horen ohne Laby- rinth? 8°. Jena, 1899. ter Kuile (T. E.) Over phasen, zweyingen en klankaard, bijdrage tot de physiologie van den gehoorzin. 8°. Amsterdam, 1904. Perrolle. Dissertation anatomico - acous- tique, contenant, 1°. Des experiences qui tendent a prouver que les rayons sonores n'entrent pas par la trompe d'Eustache, et qui font connoitre une propriete qu'ont presque toutes les parties externes de la tete et quelques-unes du col, de sentir ou de propager le son par le toucher. 11°. Un essai d'experiences fait a Paris en 1777 sur des sourds et muets de M. l'Abbe de l'Epee. 8°. Baris, 1782. Welch (G.) *De auditu. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. Winkler (J. H.) *De ratione audiendi per dentes. 4°. [Lipsise, 1759.] Zund-Btjrgtjet (A.) Conduction sonore et audition; etude historique, critique et experi- mentale. v. 1. 8°. Baris, 1914. Anderson (Mrs. J. S.) Developmentofthehearing. Tr. Am. Laryngol, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass, 1910*, 29-32. Also: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1910, xx, 633- 635— Angell (J. R.) & Fite (W.) Observations on the monaural localization of sound. Psychol. Rev, N. Y, 1901, viu 449-458.—Augieras (L.) Perception monoauncukure et biauriculaire de la direction des sons. Rev. internat. de rhinol, otol. et laryngol. Par, 1897, vh, 353.— Axenield (D.) Ueber eine Eigenthiimlichkeit der Knochenleitung des Schalles im menschlichen Unterkiefcr. Centralbl. f. Physiol. Leipz. & Wien, 1897, xi, 1.—Ayala (G.) Sull' audizione musicale iconograflca. Riv. sper. di freniat, Reggio-Emiha, AUDITION. 196 AUDITION. Audition. 1909, xxxv, 229-270.—Baley (S.) Versuche uber die Lokali- sation beim dichotischen Horen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phy- siol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1914-15, lxx, 1. Abt,347-372 — Bard (L.) De l'existence et du mecanisme d'une accommodation auditive a la distance. J. de physiol. et de path, gen. Par, 1904, vi, 1051-1057.-----. De l'accommodation auditive, son but et ses diverses modalites. Rev. mod. de la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1904, xxiv, 737-752.-----. Sur 1'orientation et l'accommodation auditives. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, ii, 159-162.—Barr (G. W.) Perception of the direction of sounds. Coll. & Chn. Rec, Phila, 1885, vi, 78-80.—Barth (A.) Ueber die sogenannte Laterahsa- tion bei Knochenleitung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1895, iv, 16-21.-----. TJcbcr Tiiuschungen des Horens in Bezug auf Tonhohe und Klangfarbe. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz, 1903,ii, 2.Hlfte,427-429.—Beauregard(II.) & Dupuy (E.) Note sur la variation eiectrique (courant d'action) deter- minee dans le nerf acoustique par le son. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1896,10. s, iii, 690-692.-----------. Sur un courant d'action determin6 dans le nerf acoustique sous l'influence des sons. Ibid., 1045.—Bentley (M.), Boring (E. G.) Buckmicb. (C. R.) New apparatus for acoustical experiments. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1912, xxih, 509- 516, 3 pi.—Bingham (W. V. D.) The role of the tympanic mechanism in audition. Psychol. Rev., Bait, 1907, xiv, 229-243.—Bonnatont. Memoire sur la transmission des ondes sonores a travers les parties solides de la tete, pour juger des divers degres de sensibilite des nerfs acoustiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par, 1848, xxvi, 139-141.—Bon- nier (P.) L'orientation auditive. Bull, scient. dep. du Nord [etc.], Par, 1884-5, vii-viii, 11-29.-----. Lesens auricu- laire de l'espace. Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg, Par, 1891, xxih, 1-54.-----. L'audition stereacoustique. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1896, ix, 642-647. -----. pu role de l'ebranlement moleeulaire et de Itebranle- ment molaire dans l'audition. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1898,10. s, v, 965-967.-----. A propos de l'orientation auditive. Ibid., 913-916.-----. A propos de l'accommoda- tion auditive. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, xix, 806-816. -----. L'accommodation auditive k la dis- tance. Ibid., 1906, xxi, 159-163.—Bordier (II.) Le principe de Pascal et te ntecanisme de l'audition. Lyon med, 1898, lxxxvii, 491-496.—Boucheron. Refraction des ondes de la parole a travers les os du crane. Bull. Soc. med. de 1'Yonne 1890, Auxerre, 1891, xxxi, 63.—Boyd (W.) & Hopwood (J. S.) A case having a bearing on the localization of the auditory centre. Lancet, Lond, 1913, i, 1661.—Cameron (J.) & Milligan (W.) The mode of continuity of the fibres of the auditory nerve with the auditory sense epithelium and with the nuclei in the hind brain. J. Laryngol., Lond, 1906, xxi, 278-280.—Castellani. Eflets des excitations acoustiques sur la circulation cerehrale. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1913, xxxv, 124-130.—Castex & Lajaunie. Etudes sur l'audition. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1904, vh, 37-40.—de Cigna (V.) Discussion sur la fonction acoustique et vues personnelles. Arch, inter- nat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1912, xxxiv, 779: 1913, xxxv, 131- 470; 796. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1912, Siena, 1913, xv, pt. 2, 438-142 — Courtade (A.) De l'audition par les cicatrices de trepana- tion du crane. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 18%, ix, 625-630.—Dana (W. J.) Scient. Am. Suppl, N. Y, 1918, lxxxv, 91.—Dennert. Zur Physiologic der Schallaus- losung im Gehororgan. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Ge- sellsch, Jena, 1910, xix, 41-56.—Dresslar (F. B.t On the Pressure sense of the drum of the ear and facial vision. Am. . Psychol, Worcester, 1892-3, v, 344-350. Kgger. Orien- tation auditive. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, I'ar, 1898, 10. s, v, 854-856.—Escat (E.) De l'audibilite du sou; appli- cations k la physiologic et k la pathologic do l'audition. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1914, xl, 329-347.—Escat (E.) & Vaquier (L.) Inegalite de la sensi- bilite auditive pour la serie continue des tons; courbe de l'audibilite. Presse oto-laryngol. beige, Brux, 1913, xii, 289-301.—Exner (S.) Ein Schulmodcll zur Demonstration des Mitschwingens. (Mit Bezug auf die Helmholtzsche Theorie des Horens.) Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz, 1913, xxix, 97-99.—Fere (C.) Des eiTets physiologiques do I'interruptiondcsexcitationsauditivcs. Compt.rend.Soc. de biol. Par, 1902 11. s,vi, 1381-1383.—Fowler (E. P.) The origin of labyrinthine rest-tone. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 118-120.— Frigerio (L.) II senso dell' udito. Anomalo, Napoli, 1890, ii, 171 -175.—Geigel. Die Bedeutung der Ohrmuschelfiir das Horen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1907, xliv, 1478.—Gelle. De quelques phenomenes subjec- tifs de l'audition. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1885, 8. s, ii, 125-128— Goebel (O.) Ueber die Hortatigkeit des menschlichen Vorhofes. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1913, xcii, 250: xciii, 100.—Gosset (H.) Experiences relatives au contr61e auditif. Progres nted. Par, 1917, 3. s, xxxii, 9.— Gowers (W. R.) The Bradshaw lecture on subjective sen- sations of sound. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1897, xii, 267; 315.— Gradenigo (G.) Sul supposto spostamento del liquido endolabirintico durante la audizione. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvu, 278-280.-----. A proposito di Audition. una recente pubblicazione di Marage sul senso dell' udito. Ibid., 356-363.—Grossard & Pegot. Sur l'existence d'un centre psychique d'auto-audition. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1901, 11. s, iii, 790— Gutzmann (H.) Ver- suche uber Horen und Verstehen. Cong, internat. de psychiat. [etc.] 1907, Amst, 1908, i, 533-538.—Guicciardi (G.) Accomodazione dell' orecchio a rumori variamente distanti. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia, 1905, xxxi, 636-639.—Hammerschlag (V.) Ueber den Tensorreftex. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1898, xxxii, 133-140.—Hensen (V.) Die Empfindungsarten des Schalls. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1907, cxix, 249-294— Herzog. Kritisches zur Verkurzung der Knochenleitung bei normalem Gehor. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1913, lx, 18; 79.—Heschl (F.) Das Verhaltnis zwischen Luft- una Knochenleitung bei Schalleitungshindernissen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl, 1913, xlvh, 1149-1178.—Kohler (W.) Ueber aku- stische Prinzipalquahtatcn. Ber. ii. d. iv. Kong. f. exper. Psychol. 1910, Leipz, 1911, 229-233—Kreidl (A.) & Kato (T.) Zur Frage der sekundaren Horbahnen. Folia neuro- biol, Leipz, 1913, vh, 495-504. Aho: Monatschr. f. Obrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1914; xlviii, 1-14.—Larroque (F.) Sur le mecanisme de l'audition des sons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1900, exxx, 119.—Little (W. S.) In the physi- ology of hearing is there an overlapping of each auditory field, the same as in the binocular field of vision? Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, 1882-6, iii, 537-540.—Lucae (A.) Historisch-kritische Beitrage zur Physiologie des Gehor- organes. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1897, xhi, 177-187.-----. Beobachtung der Tonschwingungen des Trommelfells am lebenden Ohr. Ibid., 1901-2, liv, 274-277.—Luzzati (A.) II campo uditivo nello spazio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1896, 3. s, xhv, 205-212. Aho, transl.: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 18%, xxh, pt. 2, 553-562. -----. Sulla percezione della direzione dei suoni. G ior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1897, 3. s, xiv, 123-132.—Mac- dougall (R.) The affective quality of auditory rhythm in its relation to objective forms. Psychol. Rev, N. Y, 1903, x, 15-36.—Makuen (G. H.) Do we hear ourselves as others hear us? Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1%8, xvhi, 263- 265.—Marage. Contribution a l'etude de l'audition. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1904, xvh, 825-828. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1904, exxxviii, 482- 485.-----. Sensibilite speciale de l'oreille physiologique pour certaines voyelles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1905, cxl, 87-90.-----. Contribution a l'etude de l'audition. Ibid., 1%8, cxlvii, 646-649.-----. Action sur les centres auditifs de vibrations sonores complexes et intermittentes. Ibid., 1913, clvi, 155-158—Melati (G > Leber bmaurales Horen. Phil. Stud, Leipz, 1901, xvii, 431-461.—Meyer (M.) Ueber Kombinationstone und einLe hterzu in Beziehung stehende akustische Erscheiniin^en. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Hamb. & Leipz, 18%, xi, 177-229.-----. Ueber die Unterschtedsempfindlichkeit fiir Tonhohen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber die Methode der Minimalanderungen. Ibid., Leipz., 1898, xvi, 352-372. -----. Auditory sensation in an elementary laboratory course. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1905, xvi, 293-301. -----. Yorschlage zur akustischen Terminologie. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1914, lxviii, 1. Abt, 115-119.—Myers (C. S.) Hearing. Rep. Cam- bridge anthrop. exped. Torres Straits, Cambridge, 1903, ii, pt. 1, 141-168.—Nagel (W. A.) & Samojloff (A.) Einige Versuche uber die Uebertragung von Schallschwingungen auf das Mittelohr. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz, 1898, 505- ;>il.—Neuert (<;.) Ueber Horfahigkeit und Absehfertig- keii. Med piidagog. Monatschr, Berl, 1900, x, 1-44.-----. Leber HiirfiihUkeit und Absehfertigkeit. Ibid., 1904, xiv, 257 300.—Ouden otol. et rhinol. Par, 1900, hi, 16-21—Cornet (P.) Diplacousie dysharmonique. Arch, internat. do laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, ii, 121-125—De Kraker (J. M.) The effect of abnormal conditions in the nose on hearing. Detroit M. J, 1908, viu, 325-329—Dench (E. B.) A con- sideration of the pathologic conditions of the ear resulting in profound impairment of hearing. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1911, xx, 54-62.—Egger (M.) De 1 orientation auditive; un cas de destruction unilaterale de 1 appareil vestibulaire avec conservation de l'appareil eochleaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1898,10. s, v, 140-742.—Escat (E.) Hiatus auditif du a l'absorption d'un exteneur par un bourdonnement unisonnant ou consonnant plus intense. Bull, d'oto-rhino-laryngol. Par, 1911, xiv, ^.—Fanning (A- M.) Impairment of hearing; a new, simplified, and practical method of differentiating the various forms of impaired hearing, with a working formula. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1891-2, vh, 263-268.—von Fragstein. Ueber doppelseitige Gehorstorungen kombiniert mit bilate- ralen Krampfen im Gebiete des Facialis, nebst Bemerkungen uber das Versorgungsgebiet des letzteren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1903, xvi, 1061-1064.—Gelte (G.) Trois faits de troubles de l'oui'e lies k une nevropathie. Ann. d. mal de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1892, xviii, 924-930.-----. De lauditiou par la voie crantenne dans les maladies du systeme nerveux (nevroses, psychoses). Cong, internat. de med. C. r. Par, 1900, sect, d'otol, 348-350.—Gradenigo (G.) La localizzazione dei difetti funzionah lungo la scala tonale nelle varie affezioni dell'apparecchio uditivo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, 4. s, xxii, 350-359. -----. Un esperimento di fisiologia nella clinica; paralisi traumatica del nervo facciale; influenza dello stapedio sulla audizione. Ibid., 394-408.—Hubby (L. M.) Severely impaired audition in childhood. Med. Rec , N Y 1915 lxxxviii, 1089. A ho, Reprint.—Kanesugi (E.) '[A case of diplacusis.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1898, iv, 123-149.—Klein (V.) Diplacusis echoiea. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh, 1913, lxxv, 583.—Lachmund (II ) Ueber nervose Horstorungen. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol, Berl, 1906, xx, 66-84.—von Liebermann (P ) Ueber Orthosymphonie; Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Falsch- horens. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg Leipz 1908, xlviii, 259-275.—von Liebermann (P.) & Bevesz (G ) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Orthosymphonie und zum Falsehhoren. Ibid., 1912, lxiii, 1. Abt,' 286-324.----- -----. Ueber eine besondere Form des Falschhorens in tiefenLagen. Ibid., 325-335.—Marage. Action sur l'oreille, a l'etat pathologique, des vibrations fondamentales des voyelles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par, 1903, cxxxvi, 466-468.—Martin Montella (A.) Apuntes para el estudio de los ruidos subjetivos en sus relaciones con las enferme- dades mentales. Rev. frenopat. espafi, Barcel, 1903, i, 225-232.—Nuvoli (G.) Riproduzione sperimentale e spiega- zione meccanica della paracusia di Willis. Atti di clin. oto- rino-laringoiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1905, iii, 17-23—Ost- mann. Klinische Studien zur Analyse der Horstorungen. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1906, lxvii, 131-150.—Quix (F.H.) Bemerkungen zu den Arbeiten von Ostmann: Klinische Studien zur Analyse der Horstorungen, und: Vom objek- tiven zum einheithchen Hormass. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh Wiesb, 1907, liii, 139-150.—Badtsikh (P.) [Subjective auditory sensations of reflex origin.] Med. Obozr, Mosk, 1905,lxiii,685-692.—Schulze(F. A.) KrmudungdesOhres. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1910), 1911, 76.—Siebenmann (F.) Experimenteller und histologischer Nachweis der Irrelevauz der Knochenleitung AUDITION. 198 AUDITION. Audition (Abnormal and disordered). bei der Entstehung akustischer Schadigungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karlsruhe) 1911, Leipz, 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 410-412—Szasz (T.) Ueber funktionelle Horstorungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1915, xxviii, 818.—Tonietti (P.) Circa una nuova forma di paracusia incrociata in soggetti normali. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], Torino, 1902-3, xhi, 279-284.—Treitel (II.) Ueber functionelle Herabsetzung der Horfahigkeit. Neurol. Centralbl, Leipz, 1901, xx, 689-697. -----. Ueber Storun- gen des musikalischen und Sprachgehors. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1904, xxx, 1134.—Urbant- schitsch (V.) Ueber die Hyperakusis Willisii. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc], Berl. & Wien, 1912, xlvi, 741-754. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1912, xxi, 144-148.—Whitford (W.) Defective hearing or mis- hearing in its relation to shorthand writing. Chicago Clinic, 1898, xi, 318-322.—Wittmaak (K.) Ueber die Ursachen chronischer Schwerhorigkeit. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 544; 564. •-----. Horstorungen, ihre Ermittlung und diagnostische Bewertung. Ztsehr. f. arztl. Fortbild, Jena, 1912, ix, 513-522.—Zange. Llysterisehe Horstorungen im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1915, xii, 843. Audition (Abnormal and disordered, Treatment of). ' See, also, Ear (Bheases of, Treatment of); Ear (Hygiene of). Campbell (J. A.) Helps to hear. 12°. Chi- cago, 1882. Urbantschitsch (V.) Ueber methodische Horubungen und deren Bedeutung fiir Schwer- horige. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, 1899. Bryant (W. S.) The radical mastoid operation modified to allow the preservation of normal hearing. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, 1906, ix, pt. 2, 292-295.—Erbshteln (M. S.) [Treatment of difficulty of hearing by fibrolysin injections.] Yezhemies. Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1909, iv, 107-115.—Goldschmidt (A.) Hilfs- mittel des Horens. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nasen-, Ohren-, Mund- u. Halskr, Halle a. S, 1900, iv, 349; 414.—Gowers (W. R.) The Bradshaw lecture on subjective sensations of sound. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1897, xii, 267; 315.—Kummel. Beurteilung und Behandlung funktionel- ler Horstorungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1917, hv, 1230 — Kugel. Ueber Instrumente zur Verbesserung der Hor- scharfe. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr, Wien, 1902, ix, 73; 110.— Levenson (Y. I.) [Thiosinamin in difficult hearing.] Yezhemies. Ushn, Gorlov. ,i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1906, i, 41-48.—Marage. Education et reeducation des centres auditifs. Gaz. nted. de Par, 1913, lxxxiv, 45.— Maurice (A.) Reeducation de l'ouie. Arch, internat. de larvngol. [ele.L. Par, 1913, xxxvi, 429-135.—Miglioramento (Sul) doll' udito per mezzo degh esercizi acuslici. Riv. di patol. e terap. d. mal. d. golatetc], Firenze, 1896, iii, 73-78 — Baoult (A.) Reeducation de Tonic par le precede electro- phonoide. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par, 1911, ii, 209- 218. Aho [Abstr.l: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1912, lxxii, 632-634.—Tillot (E.) Le n'-vcil de l'ouie par les excita- tions fonctionnelles; nouvelles observations. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1913, 325; 315.—Treitel. Ueber Hor- ubungen bei Verlust des Gehors. Arch. f. ohrenh, Leipz, 1895-6, xl, 123-132.—Ulens (E.) De l'education de route chez l'enfant atteint de Surdite. Presse med. beige, Brux, 1908,lx, 347-353. Audition (Acuity o/)._ See, also, Audition (Limits of). Bachrach (D.) *Ueber die ITorscharfe zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten. 8°. Lausanne, 1915. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1915, xlix, 2. Abt, 99-108. Brtjhns (C.) *Ueber das deutliche Horen. Ein Beitrag zur Phvsiologie des Horens. 8°. Gottingen, 1S57. Bruner (F. G.) The hearing of primitive peoples, an experimental study of the auditory- acuity and the upper limit of hearing of Whites, Indians, Filipinos, Ainu, and African pigmies. 8°. New York, 1908. In: Archives of Psychology, 1908, No. 11. Bortolotti (L.) DelP acuita uditiva sotto l'azione di luci colorate diverse. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1906, Siena, 1907, 131-138.—Collineau. L'acuite de l'ouie selon les races. Rev. de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par, 1903, xiii, 250.—Gelle. Sur l'acuite auditive et la portee de l'oui'e. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol. Par, 1894, 9. s, xi, 70.— Maloney (W. J. W. A.) The enhancing of auditory acuity by psychological methods. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcvii, Audition (Acuity of). 1077-1081. Aho, Reprint.—Wagner (F.) Acuteness of hearing before and after radical operations. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1900, xxix, 260-271.—Zwaardemaker (H.) Abso- lute of summaire gehoorscherpte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1894, 2. R. xxx, 145-152. Audition (Acuity of, Measurement of). See Acumetry; Audition (Testsfor). Audition (Colored). See, aho, Synesthesia. Benoist (E.) Contribution a l'etude de 1'audition colore. 8°. Baris, 1899. Aho [Abstr.], in: Independ. med. Par, 1899, v, 97-100. Lemaitre (A.) Audition colored et pheno- menes connexes observes chez des ecoliers. 12°. Baris, 1901. Stiarez de Mendoza (F.) L'audition co- loree; £tude sur les fausses sensations secon- daires physiologiquen, et particulierement sur les pseudo-sensations de couleurs associ£es aux perceptions objectives des sons. 2. ed. 8°. Baris, 1899. Azoulay (I/.) Un cas d'audition et de representation eolorees reversibles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par, 1904, lvi, 24.—Bijlsma (R.) L'audition coloree. Med. Weekbl, Amst, 1900-1901, vh, 629-632— Blanchard (R.) De l'encephalopsie chromatique. Bull. Acad, de nted. Par, 1916, 3. s, lxxv, 615-639.—Breton (A.) Nouveau cas d'audition coloree. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap. Par, 1897, xi, 279.-----. Un cas compliqite d'audition coloree. Ibid., 1S98, xh, 663.—C. Le phenomene de l'audition coloree; l'orgue des saveurs et le clavecin oculaire. Chron. med. Par, 1916,. xxih, 306-309— Ceconi (A.) Intorno al feno- meno dell' audizione colorata. Arch. ital. di clin. med, 1896, xxxv, 679-715.-----. Intorno ai fenomeni di sineste- sia. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1901, 4. s, vii, 97- 142.—Chalupecky^ (TI.) Farbenhoren. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1904, xviii, 373; 395; 412; 430. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Cue, Lond., 1904, n. S, lxxvhi, 354-356.— Claparede (E.) Sur l'audition coloree. Rev. phil., Par, 1900, xlix, 515-517.-----. Persistance de l'audition coloree. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1903, lv, 1257-1259.—Cla- viere (J.) L'audition coloree. Ann. d. sc. ps eh. Par, 1899, ix, 237-2.31.—Colman (W. S.) Further remarks on colour hearing; with coloured illustrations. Lancet, Lond, 189s, i, 22-24, 1 pi—D'Abundo. Audizione colorata Riv. chn. e terap, Napoli, 1W6, xviii, 507-518—Daubresse. L'audition coloree. Rev. phil. Par, 1900, xhx, 300-305.— De Ycscovl (P.) Visione cromatizzata delle parole (audi- zione colorata). Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], Torino, 1897, v, 273-311.—Epstein (S. S.) Ueber Modification der Gesichts- wahnn tiiinnucu unter dem Einiluss von gleichzeitigen Toneiinkiieken. Ztschr. f. Biol, Munchen & Leipz, lvii", n. F , xv, 2S-1-2 — Evans (T. II.) Color-hearing, with tactile values ot sound. Med. Times, X. Y, 1909, xxxvii, 71-74.— Grafe (A.) Note sur un nouveau cas d'audition coloree. Rev. de nted. Par, 1S97, xvii, 192-195.-----. Sur un cas a rattacher a ceux d'audition coloree. Ibid., 1898. xviii, 225- 22s—Harris (D. F.) On psvchochromaesthesia and cer- tain syna^thesiap. Edinb. M. ,).. 1905, n. s, xviii, 52t>-539.— Von llug-Hellmuth (H.) Leber Farbenhoren: ein Ver- sueh das rhiinomen auf Grund der psycho-analvtischen Methode zu erkliiren. Imago, Leipz. & Wien, 1912, i, 22S- 264— Laisriiel-Lavastiiie. Audit ion coloree familiale. Rev. neurol. Par, 1901, ix, 1152-1 lf.2 —Lamrenbeck (K.) Die akustisch-chromatischen Svnopsien (laibtee Gehorsem- pfindungen); unter Beriicksichtigung von Selhstbcobach- tung. Ztsehr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1913, xlvh, 2. Abt, 159-181— Langfteld (H. S) A case of color hearing. Psychol. Bull, Princeton, N. J, & Lancas- ter, Pa, 1914, xi, 51.—Lemaitre (A.) Un cas d'audition coloree hallueinatoire suivi d'observations sur la stability et l'lteredito des photismes. Areh. dc psychol, Geneve, 1903-4, iii, 164-177—Lomer (G.) Beobachtungen iiber farbiges Horen (Auditiocolorata). Arch. f. Psychiat;., Berl, 1905, xl 593-601.— Marlanl (C. E.) Ln caso di audizione colorata! Ricerche di psichiat. . . . ded. al Enrico Morselli [etc ], Mi- lano, 1907, 219-221—Marinesco (<; ) Contribution ft l'dtude des synesilusios particulieremont de l'audition colored. J. de psychol. norm, et path.. Tar, 1912, ix,3S5-421, 2 pi.-----. Leber MiteinpOnduncen, insbesondere uber farbiges Horen. Deutsche Kev, Multg. A Leipz, 1914, ii, 207-221.—Myers (C.S.) Twocasesol synesthesia. Brit. J. Psychol, Cambridge, 1914, vii, 112-117.—Xetto (Use) & Groos (Marie). Die Sinnesdaten im "Ring der Nibelun- gen;" optisches und akustisches Material; gesaramelt von ...; hrsg. von Karl Groos. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol, Leipz, 1911-12, xxh, 401-122— Ottolenghi (S.) La sensazione cromatiea nei pittori; contributo alia casnistica deH'audi- zione colorata. Arch, di psichiat. [etc], Torino, 1896, xvii, 310-312.—Paladlno (G.) Uu caso di udizione colorata. AUDITION. 199 AUDITION. Audition (Colored). Med. ital, Napoh, 1904, ii, 189-191.—Patau (F.) Audicidn coloreada. Bol. med, Lerida, 1905, iv, 637; 653.—Pflster (0.) Die Ursache der Farbenbegleitung bei akustischen Wahrnehmungen und das Wesen anderer Synasthcsieen. Imago, Leipz. & Wien, 1912, i, 265-275.—Pron & Brienne (M.) L'audition coloree. Chron. med. Par, 1918, xxv, 119-122—Rossigneux (C.) Essai sur l'audition coloree et sa valeur esthetique. J. de psychol. norm, et path. Par, 1905, ii, 193-215—Rostohar (M.) [Auditory synsesthe- siae.j L6k. rozhledy. Praha, 1914, xxi, 641-651: 1915, xxh, 145-159.—Sarai (T.) Ein Fall von akustisch-optischer Synasthesie (Farbenhoren). Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1904, xlvi, 130-135— Sokolov (P.) L'individuation co- loree. Ann. d. sc. psych. Par, 1901, xi, 302-308.—Warren (H. C.) Synsesthesiaandsynopsia. Am. Naturalist, Phila, 1896,xxx,689-691. —Wehofer(F.) "Farbenhoren"(chroma- tische Phonopsien) bei Musik; ein Beitrag zur Psychologie der Synasthesien auf Grund eigener Beobachtungen. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych, [etc], Leipz, 1912-13, vh, 1-54.—Wilkinson (G.) Acoustic color in medical aspect. Omaha Clinic, 1891-2,iv, 235-243. Audition (Comparative physiology of). See, also, Auricle; Ear (Morphology of). Beer (T.) Der gegenwartige Stand unserer Kenntnisse iiber das Horen der Thiere. Wien. khn. Wchnschr, 1896, ix, 866-872.-----. Vergleichend-nhysiologische Studien zur Statocystenfunction; iiber den angeblichen Gehorsinn und das angebliche Gehororgan der Crustaceen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1898. lxxiii, 1-41.—Bigelow (H. B.) The sense of hearing in the goldfish, Carassuis auratus L. Am. Naturalist, Bost, 1904, xxxvih, 275-284.—Constable (F. C.) The dog's sense of direction of sound. Nature, Lond, 1907, lxxvi, 349.—Denker (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Funktion des Schallleitungsapparats des Saugethierohrs. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1896, lxiv, 600-606.— Edingcr (L.) Ueber das Horen der Fisehe und anderer niederer Vertebraten. Zentralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. & Wien, 1908-9, xxh, 1^.—Goebel (O.) Ueber die Tatigkeit des Hororgans bei den Vogeln. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnes- org, Leipz, 1913, 2. Abt, xlvii, 382-411.—Hunter (W. S.) The auditory sensitivetv of the white rat. J. Animal Be- havior, Cambridge, 1914, iv, 215-222: 1915, v, 312-329.— Hunter (W. S.) & Yarbrough (J. U.) The interference of auditory habits in the white rat. Ibid., Albany, 1917, vh, 49-65.—Jourdain (S.) L'audition chez les hivertebres. Cinquanten. de la Soc de biol. Par, 1899, 57.—Kalischer (O.) Ueber den Sitz der Tondressur bei Hunden. Zen- tralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. & Wien, 1908, xxh, 495.—Lafite- Dupont. Recherches sur l'audition des poissons. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1907, lxiii, 710—Masini (G.) & Re (A.) Fonctions auditives dans des pigeons exeerebres. Ann. di laringol. [etc.], Genova. 1900, l, 156-160.—Parker (G. H.) The sense of hearing in ihe dogfish. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1909, n. s, xxix, 428.—Peter (KA Ver- suche uber das Horvermogen eines Schmetterlings (Endrosa v. ramosa). Biol. Centralbl, Erlang, 1912, xxxii, 721-731.— Piper (H.) Aktionsstrome vom Labyrinth der Fisehe bei Schallreizung. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz, 1901, Suppl.-Bd, 1911, 1-13, 1 pL—Regen (J.) Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber das Gehor von Liogryllus campestris L. Zool. Anz., Leipz, 1912, xL 305-316. -----. Haben die Antennen fur die alternierende Stridulation von Thamnotrizon apterus Fab. cf eine Bedeutung? Ein Beitrag zur Frage des Ge- horsinnes bei den Insekten. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1913, civ, 245-260.—Turner (C. H.) An experimental study of the auditory powers of the giant silkworm moths (Saturniida;). Biol. Bull, Woods Holl, Mas, 1914, xxvii, 325-332.—Turner (C. H.) & Schwarz (E.) Auditory powers of the Catocala moths; an experimental field study. Ibid., 275-293.—Usiyevlch. {Physiological investigation of the auditory faculty of dogs.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad, S.-Peterb, 1912, xxiv, 484; 872.—Wallenberg (A.) Diesecundare Acusticusbahnder Taube. Anat. Anz.. Jena, 1898, xiv, 353-369.—Willem (V.) Les origines de l'audi- tion chez les vertebres. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux, 1913,1231-1259.— Yerkes (R. M ) The sense of hearing in frogs. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol, Granville, Ohio, 1905, xv, 279-304. Aho [Abstr.]: J. Philos, Psychol. [etc.], Lancaster, Pa, & N. Y, 1905, ii, 67. Audition (Conservation and hygiene of). See, also, Deafness (Brevention of); Ear (Hy- giene of). Barn hill (J. F.) Conservation of hearing. J. Indiana M. Ass, Fort Wayne, 1912, v, 115-119— Bryant (W. S.) The preservation of hearing. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1907, lxxi, 349. A ho, Reprint.-----. Opportunities for the preserva- tion of hearing. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lx, 878-881. — Edmondson (E. E.) The conservation of hearing. Il- linois M. J, Chicago, 1915, xxvu, 141-145.—Harris (C. M.) Some important factors in the conservation of hearing. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1914, lxxxv, 478-480.—Hays (H.) The preservation of hearing in children. Proc. Conv. Am. Instr. Deaf, Wash, D. C, 1917, xxi, 128-152.—Maloney (W. J.) The enhancing of auditory acuity by psychologic methods. Audition (Conservation and hygiene of). Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1913, xxh, 531- 537.—Phillips (W. C.) The conservation of the hearing function. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1914, cxii, 122-125 — Siebenmann. Akustisches Trauma und personlicher Schutz gegen professionelle Schwerhorigkeit. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xiv, 385-389.—Wells (A. A.) Some general remarks upon the sense of hearing, especially from a hygienic standpoint. Am. Pract, N. Y, 1913, xlvh, 179-188.—Wishard (J. G.) The conservation of hearing. Cleveland M. J, 1914, xhi, 622-629. Audition (Disordered). See Audition (Abnormal, etc.). Audition (Limits of, Upper and lower). Galton (F.) Whistles for determining the upper limits of audible sound in different per- sons. 12°. London, [n. d.]. Helmholz (W. [W.]) *Vergleich zwischen der Galtonpfeife und dem Schulzeschen Monochord zur Bestimmung der oberen Horgrenze. [Ber- lin.] 8°. Botsdam, 1910. Zwaardemaker (H.) Over de grenzen van ons toongehoor. 8°. Utrecht, 1893. Battelli (F.) Sul limite inferiore dei suoni percettibili. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1896, 3. s, xhv, 478-486. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1897, xxvii, 202- 209— Chavanne (F.) Determination de la limite su- perieure de l'audition par conduction aerienne et osseuse au moyen du monocorde de Struycken. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1911, xxxvii, 870-875.— Gradenigo (G.) II limite superiore deH'udito nelle varie eta; la legge della presbiacusi. Arch. ital. di otol. [etcl, Torino, 1917, xxviii, 80-85. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1917,4. s, xxiii, 230-235—Hegencr (J.) Ueber die Tonbildung bei der Edelmannschen Galtonpfeife und deren Verwendung zur Bestimmung der physiologischen und pathologischen oberen Horgrenze. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres[etc], Berl, 1908, i, 321-350.-----. Kritische Untersuchungen zur oberen Horgrenze. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1910, xix, 98-109. Aho: Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.]. Berl. & Wien, 1910, xhv, 749-756.—Heyninx. Realisation de tout te champ auditif tonal: 1° par te monocorde de Struycken, allant jusqu'au seuil superieur de l'audition; 2° par un diapason unique allant jusqu'au seuil inferieur de l'audition. Clini- que, Brux, 1912, xxvi, 22.5-229, 2 ch— Kalahne (\V.) Untersuchungen mittels des Struyckenschen Monochords iiber die Wahrnehmung hochster Tone durch Luft- und Knochenleitung. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres[etc], Berl, 1911, v, 157-180. Aho [Abstr.]: Deut- sche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz 1911, xxxvii, 2354.— Ostino (G.) Aneora a proposito della determinazione del limite minimo d'udizione compatibile col servizio militare; deve la sordita unilaterale costituire titolo di riforma? Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1899, xlvii, 465-478.—Pouget (R. J.) Determination du champ auditif. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1911, xxxii, 470-47L—Randall (B. A.) Some observations on the limits of hearing. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. New Bedford, 1901, vh, pt. 4, 546-552 — Rayleigh (Lord). The limits of audition. Nature, Lond, 1897, lvi, 285. Aho: Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1897, Lond, 1898, xv, 417.—Schaefer (K. L.) Die Bestimmung der unteren Horgrenze. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1899, xxi, 161-173.-------. Neuere Fortschritte in der Anwendung der Galtonpfeife zur Bestim- mung der oberen Horgrenze. Charite-Ann, Berl, 1911, xxxv, 558-564.—Schulze (F. A.) Die obere Horgrenze una ihre exakte Bestimmung. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl, 1908, i, 134-151.-----. Monochord zur Bestimmung der oberen Horgrenze und der Perzeptionsfahigkeit des Ohres fiir sehr hohe Tone. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1908, lvi, 167-173.-----. Bestimmung der oberen Horgrenze mit der Zahnradsirene. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1910), 1911, 73-76.—Schwcndt (A.) Experimentelle Bestimmungen der Wellenlange und Schwingungszahl hochster horbarer Tone, mit Benutzung von Herrn Dr. Rudolph Konig brief- lich mitgetheilter praktiseher Anleitungen ausgefuhrt. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1899, lxxv, 346-364,2pl. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz, 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 368-370—Struycken (H. J. L.) Beobachtungen uber die physiologische obere Horgrenze fiir Luft- und Knochenleitung. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl, 1911, v, 1-6. -----. Tabellen uber die obere Horgrenze bei pathologi- schen Verbaltnissen. Ibid., 1913, vi, 289-301.—Turnbull (L.) Acoustics; laws of sound; the auricle. Limit ol perception of musical tones by the human ear, telephone, audiometer, microphone, Roentgen rays. Georgia J. M. &, S, Savannah, 1898, ii, 85-93.—Wilberg (R.) Monochord und obere Horgrenze. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1909, lxxx 83; 165. AUDITION. 200 AUDITION, Audition (Testsfor). See, also, Acumetry; Audiometer; Audi- tion (Limits of); Ear (Exploration of); Malin- gerers; Recruits (Examination of); Sound (Bexception of, Estimation, etc., of); Tuning forks. Arnaud (R.) *Contribution a l'etude de quelques proced^s pratiques de l'examen de l'audition. 8°. Montpellier, 1915. Bezold (F.) Ueber die funktionelle Pruning des menschlichen Gehororgans. Gesammelte Abhandlungen und Vortrage. v. 2. 8°. Wis- baden, 1903. Biehl (K.) Die Horprufung und deren Verwertung bei der Untersuchung der Wehr- pfliehtigen. 12°. Wien, 1908. Marage. Mesure et developpement de l'audi- tion. 8°. Baris, [1906]. Ostmann (P.) Ein objektives Hormass und seine Anwendung. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1903. Panse (R.) Referat iiber Horprufung. Im Namen der fiir die Vorberatung einer einheitli- chen Horprufungsmethode ernannten Commis- sion erstattet von ... 8°. Jena, 1898. Alderton (H. A.) Stimmgabel-Untersuchungen mit Gabcln mittlerer Hohe an iiber 600 Fallen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1894-5, xxvi, 298-321.—Andrews (A. H.) Sources of error in functional tests of hearing. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1902, xh, 249-253.-----. Sources of error in func- tional tests of hearing. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol, Chicago, 1909, hi, 221-225.—Andrews (B. R.) Auditory tests. Am. J. Psychol, Worcester, 1904, xy, 14-56: 1905, xvi, 302.—Baley (S.) Versuche uber die Lokahsation von Tonen. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl.. 1913, vh, 69-99.—Ballenger (W. L.) The functional tests of hear- ing. Phila. M. J, 1901, vii, 972-977.-----. Functional tests of hearing; some of the principles on which thev are based. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1903. xl, 981-983.—Barany (R.) Neue Methoden der Stimmgabelpriifung und deren prak- tische Bedeutung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xxh, 1401-1403.-----. [Cartilaginous sound transmission.] Vest- nik Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1910, ii, 22-24.-----. Worttabellen zur Horprufung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1910, xix, 110-113 — Baratoux (J.) D'une unite de mesure pour l'examen de la perception avec le diapason; serie normale de diapasons; resultat de l'examen fonctionnel d'un malade. Pratique nted. Par, 1897, xi. 65-70.-----. Mesure de l'acuite audi- tive. Ibid., 1899, xhi, 33-45.-----. De l'uniflcation de la mesure de l'ouie. Ibid., 17-30.-----. De l'unite de men- suration de l'ouie (feuille d'observation). Ibid., 97; 109. -----. De Punit6 de mensuration de l'ouie. Internat. Otol. Cong. Trans. 1899, Lond, 1900, vi, 281-286.-----. De Padoption d'un diapason international en acountetrie. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1910, xxx, 1211-127. Aho: Pratique med. Par, 1910, xxiv, 49-59.—Hardier. Questions otologiques; mesure do l'acuite auditive des blesses ou malades; les sourds de la guerre; aptitude mih- taire des otorrheiques. Arch, de nted. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, lxvi, 500.—Barr (T.) & Scott (S.) The value and significance of hearing tests. Proc. Rov. Soc Med, Lond, 1911-12, v, Otol. Sect, 97-132. [Discussion], 135-140.— Barth (A.) Ueber eine einheithche Form der gewohnli- chen Horprufung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1898, vii, 12-20.—de Bechtercw (W.) Nouvel ap- pareil pour l'examen dc la perception acoustique. Arch, de psychol, Geneve, 1905-6, v, 108-111.—Behm. Ueber Acustotechnik und Schailmessung. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1906, lxix, 245.—Bentley (I. M.) Standard tests oi audition. Science, N. Y. Lancaster, Pa, 1904, n. s, xix, 959-901.—Bezold (F.) Nachtrag zu den Stimmgabel- Untersuchungen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 18N8-9, xix, 212-230.-----. Referat fiber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Horpriifungen (Spczicller Teil). Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1896, v, 18-30.-----. Ergebnisse der functionellen Gehorspriifung mit der continuh-lichcn Ton- reihe. insbesondere am Taubstummenohr. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen, 1900, xvi, 1-21. -----. Eine Analyse des Rinnc'schen Versuchs. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1900, ix, 42-50. Aho: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1900, xxxvu, 197-207. Aho, transl: Arch. Otol7 N. Y, 1900, xxix, 453-161.-----. Die Horprufung mit Stimmgabeln bei einseitiger Taubheit und die Schlusse wclche sich daraus fiir die Knochenleitung und fiir die Funktion des Schallleitungsapparates ziehen lasscn. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1903, xiv, 262-274.-----. The functional examination of the hearing with tuning-forks in mono-lateral deafness, with deductions on bone conduction and the function of the sound-conducting apparatus. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1906, xxxv, 214-221.—Bezold (F.) & Edel- udition (Testsfor). maim. Bestimmung der Horscharfe nach richtigen Pro- portioned Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch.. Jena, 1898, vh, 24-34.-----------. Eine neue Methode, die Quantitat des Horvermogens vermittelst Stimmgabeln zu bestimmen, von E. Schmtegelow. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1900, xhx, 8-16.—BiasioU (A.) SulPesame funzionale del- Porecchio colla voce afona. Arch.ital.diotol.[etc], Torino, 1908, xix, 177-182.—Biehl (K.) Ueber Horprufung und ihre Verwendung in der amts- una zivilarztliehen Praxis. Med. Klin, Berl, 1912. viu, 1696-1699.—Bijlsma (R.) De be- paling van de gehoorscherpte en hare beteekenis voor de diagnose. Geneesk. Bl. u. Khn. en Lab. v. de prakt, Haarlem, 1901, viu, 201-225.-----. De proef van Rinne. Med. Weekbl, Amst, 1901-2, vhi, 13-19.—Bing (A.) Zum Gelle'schen Versuch (Pressions centripetes). Monat- schr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1899, xxxhi, 149-156.-----. Kriti- sches zu den Stimmgabelversuchen und deren diagnbsti- scher Wertung. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1915, xcvi, 159- 182.—Blegvad (N. R.) Bemerkungen uber Rhine's Ver- such sowie uber die Bestimmung der Perzeptionszeit von Stimmgabeln. Nord. med. Ark, Stockholm, 1905, 3. f, v, Afd. 1, No. 11,1-12. Aho: Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1906, lxvi, 280-290.—Bloch (E.) Ueber einheithche Bezeich- nung unserer Funktionsprufungsergebnisse. (Ein Vor- schlag.) Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1898, vii, 21-23.-----. Ueber eine neue zuverlassige Methode der Hormessung. Ibid., 1905, 108-113.-----. Zur Frage der einheithchen Bezeichnung otologischer Funktionspriifung. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1910, lxxxii, 108-120.-----. Bemerkungen zu dem Vorschlage der Kommission des internationalen otologischen Kongresses, eine einheithche Bezeichnung der Ergebnisse der Horprufung betretfend. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1910, xix, 173- 179.—Bonnier (P.) Un procede simple d'acoumetrie. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1899, xh, 131-133. Aho: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par, 1899, 10. s, vi, 222- 224.-----. La pointure acoumetrique. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1899, xh, 481-193. Aho: Cinquanten. de la Soc. de biol. Par, 1899, 370-378.-----. Unification acoumetrique. Cong, internat. de med. C. r. Par, 1900, sect, d'otol, 22-24.-----. Acoumetrie. Internat. Otol. Cong. 1899, Lond, 1900, vi, 290-293.-----. Pointure acoumetrique et diapason international. Arch, internat de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1904, xviii, 511.-----. Notation acoumetrique et diapason international. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1904, xh, 201. [Discussion], 263.-----, L'acoumetrie pratique. Arch, internat. de largngol. [etc.], Par, 1909, xxvu, 159-163.—Breitung (M.) Einige Bemer- kungen zur practischen Bewerthung des Gelle'schen Ver- suches. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1899, xxxhi, 238-241.— Briese. 1st es notig, dass fur die Beurteilung des Horver- mogens ausfuhrhche Bestimmungen eingefuhrt werden, ahnlich wte sie fiir die Beurteilung des Sehvermogens be- stehen, und welche? Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte, Melsungen. 1914, ix, 141-152— Brtihi (G.) Der Rinne-sche und der Gelle'sche Versuch. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh.. Wiesb., 1897, xxxii, 45-60. Aho, transl: Pratique med. Par, 1898, xii, 66; 81; 97. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1900, xxix, 24-33.-----. Die moderne Funktionspriifung des Ohres. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild, Jena, 1911, viii, 163; 203.—Brtlnings. Ueber die sogenannte Knochenleitung als Grundlage der qualitativen Horprufung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Ciesellsch, Jena, 1910, xix, 165-173.-----. Ueber exakte Hormessung mit Hilfe einer von M. Wien angegebenen Anordnung (Kondensatorentladung in elektri- schem Schwingungskreis-Telefon mit Luftresonator). Ibid., 1913, xxh, 259-272 — Bryant (W. S.) A phonographic acoumcter. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1904 xxxhi, 438-143.-----. Practical hearing tests. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S, Carlisle, Pa, 1905, xvi, 245-251. Aho, Reprint.-----. The value of the present quantitative tests for hearing; with the demon- stration of a new apparatus. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1905. lxvi, 489-192. Also, Reprint.-----. The interpretation of clinical hearing tests according to the author'ssensitive hair t heorvol sound perception. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Bu- dapest, 1910,Sect.xvi,Otol,551-553.—CasteUani(L) Acu- metria clinica. Pensiero med, Milano, 1914, iv, 764; 803.— Castex (A.) Examen fonctionnel do l'oreille (acoumetrie). Bull, de laryngol , otol. et rhinol. Par, 1899, ii, 255-262.— Cnavaimc(F.) L'epreuvede Rinnesuivantlamanteredont on la pratique. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1911, xxxi, 476-479.—Cliudleigh(R. A.) A method ofexpressing car-power in degrees of a.fixed scale. Bristol M.-Chir. J, 1885, hi, 159-163.—Courtade (A.) De l'examen de l'acuite auditive. Rev. inlernat. d'hvg. et de therap. oculaire, Par, 1914, vhi, 58-62.—Delsaux (V.) L'acoumetrie; etat actuel de la question. Soc. roy. d.sc. med. etnat.de Brux. Bull, 1904, lxii, 101-118.—Dcnncrt. Referat iiber den gegenwarti- gen Stand der Horpriifungen (allgcmeiner Teil). Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1896, v, 4-18 — Dickie (P.) Functional testsof the hearing. Homceop. Eye, Ear A- Throat J, N. Y, 1904, x, 83-90.—DOlger (R.) Neuerungen auf dem Oebiete der funktionellen Pruning des Gehororgans. 1. Ein neuer, fiir alio Stimmgabeln brauchbarer Stimmgabel- erreger. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1909, lvi, 1127.—Dow- ney (J. W.) An apparatus designed for the purpose of AUDITION. 201 AUDITION. Audition (Testsfor). fivhig an approximately accurate quantitative hearing test. .aryngoscope, St. Louis, 1914, xxiv, 820-825. -----. An analytic study of the Rinne and other tuning fork tests; first communication concerning perception of deafness. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1917, xxvi, 31- 53.—Edelmann (M. T.) Neues rationelles (objektives) Messen der Tonstarken und der Horfahigkeit. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1908, lvi, 335-348.—Elyasson (M. I.) [Investigation of the capacity for audition by the method of conditional reflexes.] Yezhemies. Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1910, v,403-412.—Escat(E.) Acoume- trie phonique ou examen de la capacite auditive pour le langage articule. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1910, xxix, 819-827. Aho: Pratique med. Par, 1910, xxiv, 129-141.-----. Classement des surdites en degres (methode pratique devaluation de l'acuite auditive en vue de l'apti- tude au service mihtaire). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil. Par, 1917. lxvii, 506-521.—Ferreri (G.) Sulla importanza del microfono neU'esame funzionale dell'udito. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1909, xx, 1-9. Also: Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.) 1908, Pavia, 1910, xh, pt. 2,108- 115. Also, transl: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1909, xxvu, 520-527.-----. Gli esercizl acustici metodici secondo il dott. V. Urbantschitsch. Infanzia anormale, Milano, 1911, v, 165-171.—Fowler (E. P.) A new method of eliciting the functional ear tests; preliminary report. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1911, xx, 63-66.— Gelle (E.) Quelques critiques de la methode de Bezold. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc]. Par, 1904, xvhi, 833-843. -----. Examen subjectif de l'ouie par l'epreuve de la dis- tinction des sons successifs. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, i, 177-183.—Gelle (G.) Remarques sur l'audition du diapason par la voie cranienne (audition sohdienne) chez les nerveux. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1900, xiii, 392-395.—Gelle (G.) & Hennebert (C.) Mesure de l'acuite auditive chez les ecoliers; valeurs pratiques de (life- rents proced^s usuels ou speciaux d'acoumetrie: montre, parole, diapason, phonographe, sonometre, etc. Cong. internat. d'hyg. scol. Par, 1910, i, 655-674.—Golesceano (C.) Les epreuves auditives chez Paveugle, campimetrie auriculaire. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, xix, 769-786.—Gradenigo (G.) Sulla notazione uniforme dei risultati dell' esame uditivo. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.], 1899, Empoh, 1900, iv, 313. Aho, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1899, xxxvi, 141-144. Also, transl: Internat. Otol. Cong. Trans. 1899, Lond, 1900, vi, 15.-----. Un nuovo metodo ottico di acumetria. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1899-1900, ix, 46-48, 1 pi. Aho: transl: Internat. Otol. Cong. Trans. 1899, Lond, 1900? vi, 16, 1 pi. .-----. Sur les diflerentes methodes d'acoumetrie et sur la notation uniforme des resultats de l'examen auditif fonctionnel. Parole. Rev. internat. de rhinol. [etc], Par, 1900, n. s, ii, 129-142. ■---—. Modello di acumetro telefonico messo in azione dalla corrente elettrica stradale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1901, xi, 217-219.-----. Per la unifi- cazione della notazione acumetrica. Ibid., 1904-5, xvi, 65. -----. Sopra la misurazione dell' udito col mezzo dei diapa- son. Ibid., 265-278.-----. Su un metodo semplice di acumetria colla voce. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1907, 4. s, xhi, 165-168.-----. Sulla acumetria; propostadi nuovi metodi acumetrici. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1908, xix, 47-66.-----. Cenni pratici sull' impiego del metodo a pesi per l'esame uditivo mediante i diapason. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1908, xix, 526-534. Aho, transl: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1908, xxvi, 825-832.-----. Sopra un nuovo metodo di acumetria col mezzo del diapason. Gazz. med. lomb, Milano, 1908, lxvii, 51.-----. Sulla acumetria col mezzo dei diapason a distanza. Arch.ital.diotol.[etc.], Torino, 1910,xxi,341.-----. Dimos- trazioni pratiche di metodi acumetrici. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1908, Pavia, 1910, xh, pt. 2, 76. -----. Sull'esame dell'udito mediante te sole vocali. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1912, 4. s, xviii, 231-233. -----. Studi e proposte di acumetria. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1912, xxhi, 110-118. Aho: Internat. Otol. Cong. Tr, Bait, 1912, ix, 556-566, 1 pi. Aho, transl: Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1911-12 lxxxvii, 123-133.-----. Studi e proposte di acumetria; indice vocate (index vocahs); auditus. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1912, xxhi, 177- 208. Aho, transl: Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1912, lxxxvu, 252-279.-----. Suggestions in acoumetry. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1913, xxhi, 770-777.-----. Sulla sensibihta dell' udito per le diff erenti region! della scala tonale. Arch. ital. di otoL [etc.], Torino, 1914, xxv, 443-455. Aho, transl: Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1914, xcvi, 103-114.-----. L'esame della funzione uditiva mediante Palternatore pendolare elettro-ma.metico Stcfanini. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1915, 4. s, xxi, 153-157.-----. Metodo della inter- ferenza applicato alia acumetria clinica. Ibid., 1916, 4. s., xxh,464-469.—Gradenigo(G.)& Biaggi(C) Applicaziom della fonetica sperimentale alia clinica. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1912, Siena, 1913, xv, 74-172 — Gradenigo (G.) & Stefanini( A.) Ueber eine neue Methode von Akumetrie mittelst Stimmgabeln. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1908, lvi, 98-125.-----------. Sur l'acoumetrie. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1910, Sect. Audition (Testsfor). xvi, Otol, 486493.----------. Studi e proposte di acume- tria. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc] 1911, Siena, 1912. xiv. pt. 2, 226-236.—Grandis (V.) Sulla misura dell' acuita uditiva per mezzo di valori fisiei fra loro para- gonabili. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1901, 4. s, vh, 801-819. Aho, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol, Turin, 1902, xxxvu, 359-376.—Grant (D.) Teaching diagrams for the explanation of Weber's and Rhine's tests. Tr. Otol. Soc U. Kingdom, Lond, 1901, ii, 63-65.—Gray (A. A.) On testing the hearing with high and low notes in diseases of the ear. Glasg. Hosp. Rep, 1900, ii, 212-219.—Gutfreund (F.) Mitteilung uber eine Methode von Horpriifungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1916, xxix, 1150.—Hartmann (A.) Les notations acoumetriques; projet d'unifieation. Cong, in- ternat. de med. C. r. Par, 1900, sect, d'otol, 13-17.— Heitger (J. D.) The application and interpretation of the newer ear tests. J. Indiana M. Ass, Fort Wayne, 1918, xi, 135. A ho, Reprint.—Hinsberg. Ueber Horpriifungen vermittels des Wactzmann'schen Apparates. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1910, xix, 95-98.—Hollnger (J.) The results of routine tuning fork tests. Internat. Otol. Cong. Tr, Bait, 1912, ix, 486-500. Aho: Papers Internat. Otol. Cong, Bost., 1912, ix, 367-378. -----. Edel- mann's acoustics for otologists. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1913, xxiii, 1053-1058.—Hubby (L. M.) Some tuning fork tests with a special auscultation tube. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1910, xix, 688-691. [Discussion], 715-717. Aho, Reprint.—Jones (H. M.) The Edelmann Galton-Pfeife. Edinb. M. J, 1902, m. s, xi, 349-354,1 pi.— Junca (E.) L'examen fonctionnel eiectrique de l'oreille. Larynxfetc], Marseille* Par, 1912,v, 162-177.—Kabatsch- nik (M.) Eine neue Horprufungsmethode. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1912, xlvi, 1413-1415.— Kalischer (0.) Ueber die experimentellen Ergebnisse der Horprufungsmethode mittels Dressur, speziell uber die Helmholtz'sche Resonanztheorie im Lichte dieser Unter- suchungen. Berl. khn. Wchnschr.. 1912, xlix, 1952.— Kayser (R.) Ein einfacher Ersatz fiir den Larmapparat. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc], Berl, 1910, xhv, 1215.—Kellar. Beitrag zur Stimmgabelprufung. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1898, xiv, 93— Kirkpatrick (E. A.) A simple and practical test of hearing. Psychol. Clin, Phila, 1909-10, hi, 96.—Kbhler (W.) Akustische Untersuchungen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1909, liv, 1. Abt, 241-289: 1910, Ivhi, 1. Abt, 59-140.—Kolyubakin (V.) [Investigation of the auditory faculty of the students of the Sixth Moscow High School.] Trudi Syezda Russk. Yeste- stvo'isp, [Kazan], 1873, iv, Stat.-Hyg, 144-147—Lake (R.) Brief note on testing the hearing with the higher tuning forks; derived from tests made in a case of removal of the necrosed laLyrinth, together with the membraneous cochlea, shown in December, 1901. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1903-4, v, 88.-----. A preliminary note on Rhine's test. Lancet, Lond, 1907, i, 505.-----. Demonstration of photographs showing sound waves as produced by various musical instruments. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1913-14, vh, Otol. Sect, 28.—Laker (K.) Zur Frage der Horprii- fung. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1909, Lviii, 147-155.— Lucae (A.) Ueber den diagnostischen Werth der Tonunter- suchungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Bezold'- schen continuirlichen Tonreihe und der von mir geubten Untersuchungsmethode. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1902-3, lvii, 205-230.—Lyuri (S. A.) [Modern methods of testing hearing.] Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb, 1899, cxcvi, med.- spec pt, 528-561.—Mackay (D. M.) Notes on the func- tional examination of the ear by means of the voice. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1905, n. s, lxxx, 296-298.—Mackenzie (G.W.) TheRinnetest. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat. J, N. Y, xvi, 333-342.—Marage. Comment on pourrait mesurer l'acuite' auditive. BulL de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1901, iv, 403407.-----. Mesure de 1'acuite auditive. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1902, xv, 90-106 —Matte & Schultes. Beitrag zur Bestimmung der normalen Horscharfe. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1897, xlh, 275—Meyer (J.) Beitrage zur Frage der Schallokalisation; Untersuchungen an Sauglingen und Tieren. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1912, x>lvi, 449474.—Minkema (H. F.) Over het gebruik van woorden met tweeklanken bij gehoorscherptebepaling volgens de methode der drie breuken. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch, 1905, 5. r, vi, 109-112.—Moller (J.) Eine einheit- hche akumetrische Formel, von dem 8. internationalen otologischen Kongress zu Budapest 1909, angenommen. Arch f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1909-10, lxxxi, 88-93. Aho: Internat. Zentralbl. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1909-10, vhi, 76-81. Also, transl: Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1909, xviii, 858-863. Aho, transl: J. Laryngol, Lond, 1909, xxiv, 641-646. Aho, transl: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1909, xxxv, pt. 2, 575-580. Aho, transl: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1910, i, 65-72. Aho, transl : Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1910 xxviii, 49-54.-----. Zur Fra^e der einheitlichen Bezeichnung otologischer Funktions-Priifung. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1910, lxxxii, 254-259.—Molinie (J.) Con- siderations sur l'acoumetrie; nouvel acoumetre. Larynx, 1'r.reille fit le nez. Marseille & Par, 1910, hi, 97-113.—3Iolli- 02 AUDITION. AUDITION. Audition (Testsfor). son (W. M.) On the results of hearing tests on twenty- normal individuals. Guy's Hosp. Rep, Lond, 1912, lxvi, 65-71.—Morsak (K.) Horpriifungen mittelst der Sprache am gesunden und kranken Ohr. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1906, lxix, 1-26— Mundt (G. H.) The subjective tests of hearing. Illinois M. J, Chicago, 1914, xxv, 68-71.—Nleddu- Semidei (A.) Contributo all' esame funzionale dell'udito colla parola. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1903-4, xv, 433: 1904-5, xvi, 104; 234; 279. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1904, 4. s, x, 433-435. Aho, transl: Internat. Centralbl. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1905, iii, 233-240.-----. Sull' esame dell'udito nei militare e nei ferro- vieri. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1907, 2. s., xvhi, 433- 437.-----. Acumetria teoricaed acumetria pratica. Ibid., 1913, xxiv, 143-159. Aho: Gior. di med. mil, Roma, 1913, lxi, 393-405.—Njegotin (J. K.) Die graphische Regis- trierung der bei dem graphisch-akustischen Signalisi- rungsverfahren horbaren Glockenschlage. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1907, cxix, 152-164, 3 pi— Ono (M.) Over den invloed der toonshoogte van den geluidsprikkel op de uitkomst van den tensorreflex. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk, Amst, 1916, ii, 457-462.—Ostino (G.) L'esame qualitativo dell' udito colla parola. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1898, 4. s, xlvi, 97. -----. Sul modo di esprimere l'acuita uditiva per la parola. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1899, Empoli, 1900, iv, 335. -----. Nuovo metodo per sventare la simulazione della sordita. Ibid., 1908, Pavia, 1910, xii, pt. 2,117.—Ostmann (P.) Die Beeinilussung des Rinne'schen Versuches durch Schalllei- tungsstorung des anderen Ohres. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1902-3, lvii, 193-199.-----. Zur quantitativen Hormessung mit dem objektiven Hormass. Ibid., 1903-4, lix, 137-144. Aho, transl: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1903, xvi, 1179-1184. -----. Die praktische Anwendung des objektiven Hormasses. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904 ii, 2. Hlfte, 335-340. -----. Ueber Erweiterung meiner Horprufungstabellen zu Empfindlichkeitstabellen des schwerhorigen Ohres. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1904, lxii, 48-52. -----. Ueber die Pru- ning der Gehorfunktion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xxx, 1845-1847.-----. Eine montierte C-Gabelroihe als allgemein verwendbares, objektives Hor- mass. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1904, xhi, 87_93. -----. Berichtigung zu der Arbeit von Struycken: Bestimmung der Gehbrscharfe in Mikromillimetem. Zt- schr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1904, xlvh, 277. ------. Ueber die Aichungmeineseinheitlichen Hormasses. Arch.f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1906, lxviii, 223-226.-----. Vom objektiven zum einheitlichen Hormass. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1906, h, 237-249.-----. Une mesure unitaire de l'ouie pour rem- placer la mesure objective. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1906, xxi, 838-851.—Panse (R.) Anatomische Befunde bei Horgepriiften. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1903-4, lix, 84-98. -----. Un nouveau procede pour graduer l'in- tensite du son et pour faire Pepreuve objective de l'audi- tion. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1904, vh, 200. -----. Histologic der Ilorpriifungsergebnisse. Cong, inter- nat. de nted. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1909, Sect. Otol, 252- 271.—Pietri. De la valeur chnique du Rinne paradoxal dans l'examen fonctionnel de l'audition. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1908, i, 177-190.—Placzek. Zur Tech- nik der Gehorpriifung. Med. Klin, Berl, 1917, xhi, 127 — Polltzer, Gradenigo & Delsaux. Choix dune formulc acoumetrique simple et pratique. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol, Par.. 1904, vh, 190-198.-----------------. Formule acoumetrique simple et pratique. Pratique nted. Par, 1904, xviii, 161: 1905, xix. 1; 17. Aho: Presse Oto- laryngol, beige, Brux, 1904, hi, 261-271. Aho, transl: Arch ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 19034, xv, 494-503.—Prenn (J ) Hearing test apparatus. Boston M. & S. J, 1918, cl xxviii, 896. -----. Hearing tests. Ibid., clxxix, 523.— Prussak (A. F.) [Method of measuring hearing in health and in ear diseases.] Dnevnik Syczda Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb, 1888-9, iii, 44.—Quix(F. II.) Bestimmung der Gehorsschiirfe auf physikalischer Grund- lage. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh.. Wiesb, 1903, xiv, 1-31. -----. Determination de l'acuite auditive pour les sons chuchotes et pour ceux du diapason. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc], Par, 1904, xxx, 224-247. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull. de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1904, vii, 198-200. -----. Bestimmung der Horscharfe mit Stimmgabeln. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1904, xhi, 93-100.-----. Die Bestimmung der Gehbrscharfe durch Knochenleitung und Stimmgabel-Versuche. Internat. Centralbl. f. Ohrenh, Leipz., 1905-6, iv, 1-8.-----. De la determination du pouvoir auditif. Presse oto-laryngol. beige, Brux, 1907, vi, 491; 529.-----. Die Hormessung mit Stimmgabeln. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh.. Wiesb, 1909, lvh, 228-246, 1 pi—Bae (J. B.) The functional examination of the ear. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1903, xviii, 420-434.—Randall (B. A.) The practical differential tests of the hearing. Penn. M. J, Athens, 1913-14, xvii, 282-286. Aho: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin, 1914, cxi, 630-632.—Baoult (A.) Simple dispositif micro-tcte- phonique pour l'examen do l'audition en particulier a la suite des accidents du travail. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1908, xxvi, 525-527.—Begules (G.) Cuadricula Audition (Tests for). acutimetrica. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1915, xviii, 676-685, 2 ch.—Beik (H. O.) Practical hearing tests. Month.Cyclop. & M. Bull, Phila, 1911, iv, 531-534.—Beuter (C.) Beitrag zur Priifung der Gehorscnarfe mit der Fluster- stimme. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1904, xlvh, 91-99, 1 El.—Rhese. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Sprachge- 6r und Hordauer fiir Stimmgabeltone und die Verwertung derselben bei der Beurteilung von Simulation und Aggra- vation. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1908, xiii, 447-515.— Bichards(G. L.) Hearingtestsfromapraeticalstandpoint. Boston M. & S. J, 1917, clxxvii, 213-216.—Bobin (P.) Ap- pareil pour mesurer l'acuite auditive. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par, 1902,5.s,iii, 209.—Salaghl (S.) Nuovo sonometro per lo studio di fenomeni acustici. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1914, xxxv, 2041— Samojlofl (A.) Zwei akusti- sche Demonstrationen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Leipz, 1904,xxxvi,440445—Schaefer. Ueber Starkdruckflammen in ihrer Beziehung zur funktionellen otiatrischen Diagnostik. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1914, li, 423. — Schiffers (F.) Notations acoumetriques; projet d'unification. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1900, xxvi, pt. 2, 456461. Aho: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r, Par, 1900, sect, d'otol, 17-22— Schmiegelow (E.) Eine neue Methode, die Quantitat des Ildrvermogens vermittelst Stimmgabeln zu bestimmen. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1900, 1, 3244. Aho, transl: Internat. Otol. Cong. Trans. 1899, Lond, 1900, vi, 11-15, 8 pL—Sehrwald. Kurze Bezeichungen fiir den Horbefund. Deutsche Med.-Ztg, Berl, 1900, 277-280.—Senseney (E. T.) The sound block; a modification of the Neumann Larmapparat, an ad- junct to functional tests of the ear. N. York M. J, [etc.] 1910, xcii, 266.—Sondermann. Eine neue Methode zur Priifung des Horvermogens. Med. Klin, Berl, 1913, ix, 375. — Sonnenschein (R.) A suggestion regarding the Rinne test. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Larvnu'ol., St. Louis, 1916, xxv, 45.5462. [Discussion], 514-"Hi. Aho [Abstr.]: Illinois M. J, Chicago, 1916, xxix, 306.— Spor- leder. Ueber functionelle Priifungsresultate und iiber .Sec- tionsergebnisse im hoheren Alter (Pfriindnerhaus-Lnti r- suchungen). [Abstr] Verhandl. d. Gesellsch.. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz, 1900, lxxi, pt, 2, 2. Hlfte, 363.—Stefanini (A.) Nuovo metodo ottico di acumetria coi diapason. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1910, xxi, 338-341.-----• Ei citazione pendolare dei diapason montati su cassa di risonanza. Ibid., 1911, xxh, 270-281. —---. Alternatore pendolare elettromagnetico e sue apphcazioni alia fisiologia e all' acumetria. Ibid., 1914, xxv, 438-443. -----. Acumetro a induzione sinusoidale. Ibid., 1917, xxviii, 230-234. —----. Reotomo con movimento pen- dolare per ricerche di acusiica fisiologia; potere dis- criminativodegli orecchi: lateralizzazimiedei suoni. Ibid., 235-248.—Stein (O. J.) The diagnosis of disorders affect- ing the perception organ of hearing. Illinois M. J, Chi- cago, 1916, xxx, 188-193—Stein (V. S.) [Enquete sur les organes audit its chez les employes de locomotives et sur l'audii ion des stenaux acoustiques. C.-r, No. 12, i.] Nord. med. Ark, Stockholm, 1899, n. F, x, No. 8, 1-3S, 7 tab.— Steinbrugse (11.) Leber Stimmgabelpriifimgen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb., 1887-8,xviii, 10-30: lSSS-9,xix, 139-146.— Stewart (T. M/) Physiologic hearing tests. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1908, xviii, 699-704.—Stocker (A.) Ein neuer Gehormesser. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1915, lxu, 1572.— Struycken (H. J. L.) Een poging ter juiste bepaling en uitdbukking der gehoorscherpte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk, Amst, 1902, 2. R.. xxviii, d. 1, 727-735.-----. Acoumetrie en micromillimetres. Pratique med. Par, 1903, xvh, 129-135. Aho, transl: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1904, xlvi, 37S-385. See, aho, supra, Ostmann.-----. Eimgo Bemerkungen zu Edelmann's Versuchen, etc. Ibid., 1906, h, 286 2v>.—stupka (W.) Beitrag zur Klinik der Tonperzeptionsanomalien. Ibid., 1914, lxx, 1-12.—Tapia. F6rmula acuntetriea universal. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1910, iii, 121-124.—Teiclimann. Zur einheitlichen Darstellung der Horpriifungsergebnisse. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1899. xxxiii, 194-197.— Tommasi (I.) L'acumetro del Prot. Stefanini. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1905, Siena, 1906, ix, 235-211. Aho: Boll. d. mal. d. oreechio, d.golaed.naso, Firenze, 1905, xxih, 265-273. -----. Metodo pratico del campiona/ione dei diapason e della determina- zione del potere uditivo. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc] 1908, Pavia, 1910, xii, pt. 2, 62-73— Tonletti (P.) Sull' esame funzionale dell' oreechio colla voce afona in rapporto all' uso di alcune delle principal! scale acumetriche itahane. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1908, xix, 1-30,3 pi. Aho: Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1907, Pavia, 1908, 195-210.-----. Ricerche sopra il valore acu- mctrico della spazzola e loro apphcazioni medico-legali. Ibid., 1908, Pavia, 1910, xh, pt. 2, 119-124. -----. Applica- zione pratiche di medicina legate militare mediante l'acume- tro di Stefanini. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1912, xxhi, 482: 1913, xxiv, 109.—Torrent (J. E.) Obscrvaciones sobre las pruebas de Rinne y de Massini. An. d. Circ. med. argent, Buenos Aires, 1897, xx, 541-545.—Torretta (A.) Instrument d'usage courant dans la pratique rrtedieo- chirur- gicale propre k substituer les diapasons 16/64 V. D. dans la determination de la limite interieure de l'audition. Arch. AUDITION. 203 AUDITION. Audition (Testsfor). internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1913, xxxvi, 459-461.— Torrinl(L. L.) Untersuchungen iiber die Horfunktion bei zweihundert alten Individuen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1911, xiv, 183; 282.—Toulouse (E.) & Vaschide (N.) Nouvelle methode pour la mesure de l'acuite auditive pour l'intensite des sons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par, 1900, cxxx, 529— Tretrdp. Essai d'acoumetrie metrique. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1904, ii, 401- 406. -----. L'acoumetrie mdlimetrique. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1908, xxv, 1084.-----. L'acoume- trie milhmefrique et ses avantages en pratique courantc. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond, 1914, Sect, xvi, Otol, pt. 2, 713-716.—Trible (G. B.) Functional testing of the ear. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash, 1915, ix, 400-410.— Urban (F. M.) Ein Apparat zur Erzeugung schwacher Schallreize. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol, Leipz, 1913, xxvii, 232-234— Vail (D. T.) A new field of hearing chart. Laryngoscope. St. Louis, 1902, xii, 344-346.—Vander- hoof (D. A.) Functional tests of the ear. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin, 1908, c, 737-739.—Vaschide (N.) De l'au- diometrie. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol.. Par, 1901, iv, 226; 347— Verkhovski (B. V.) [Method of investigating the hearing by means of a series of uninterrupted tones, ad- missible to the generally normal human ear.] Bolnitsch. Gaz. Botkina, S.-Peterb, 1896, vh, 913; 951; 983.—Viktor. Zwei neue Hormessapparate. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl, 1914, xlviii, 561-568.—Voss. Art und Gang der Funktionsuntersuchung des Ohres. Gdnkschr. f. d. ver- storb. Generalstabsarzt d. Armee ... v. Leuthold, Berl, 1906, ii, 723-745— Voyacheff (V.) [Recent progress in acumetry.] Izvtest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad, S.-Peterb, 1903, vi, 255-264.-----.[Problems of modern acumetry.] Voyenno-Med. J7 S.-Peterb, 1905, i, med.-spec. pt, 657-668. -----. [Further improvement in the quantitative investiga- tion of audition.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1900, v, 315; 338. -----. [New methods of testing the function of audition.] Novoye v Med, S.-Peterb, 1911, v. 1219; 1290; 1367: 1912, vi, 1397; 1471. ■-----. [Development of the science of the exploration of hearing in the last decade.) Vestnik Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1911, hi, 799-810 — Waetzmann. Vorschlag zu einer exakten Methode der Horscharfebestimmung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Ge- sellsch, Jena, 1910, xix, 90-94.—Weidner (C.) Functional ear tests. Yale M. J, N. Haven, 1909-10, xvi, 504-511.— Weisner. Bildliche Darstellungder Ergebnisse der Ohrun- tersuchung mit Stimmgabeln. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1917, liv, 275.—Weiss (A. P.) Sound intensity apparatus. Psychol. Bull, Lancaster, Pa., & Princeton, N. J, 1917, xiv, 54 —Wells (W. A.) The measurement of auditory acuity. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1239-1243, pt. 2. Aho, Reprint.-----. The influence of sounds of different pitch, duration and intensity in the production of auditory fatigue. Tr. Am. Larynol, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass, 1913, xix, 239-249.— Wilde (P.) An instrument for testing the acuteness of hearing. J. Ophth, Otol. & Laryn- gol , N. Y, 1903, xv, 305.—Wolf (O.) Die Horprufung mittelst der Sprache; eine Berichtigung und Erganzung des Bezold'schen Schema fiir die Gehorprufung des kranken Ohres. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb., 1898, xxiv, 289-311. -----. Die Verwendung der Sprachlaute zur Horprufung, Horiibung und zum Unterricht in den Taubstummenschu- len. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz, 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 359-362.—Wolff (H. I.) Monochord- und Stimmgabeluntersuchungen zur Klarung der Beziehungen zwischen Luft- und Knochen- leitung bei Normal- und Schwerhorigen. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres[etc], Berl, 1911, v, 131- 150.—Yearsley (M.) A note upon erroneous results from testing persons with only one functional ear. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1909, xxiv, 251-254—Zoth (O.) Ueber ein einfaches Fallphonometer und die Bestimmung der Horscharfe mit demselben. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1908, cxxiv, 157- 197.—Zwaardemaker (H.) Sur la sensibilite relative de l'oreille humaine pour des sons de hauteurs diflerentes mesuree au moyen de tuyaux d'orgue. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1905, ii, 152-158.-----. Ueber die Einrichtung eines gerauschlosen Untersuchungszimmers. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1907, liv, 248-255.-----. The determination of aural acuity by means of the whisper test Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1907, xvi, 59-69, Audition (Theories of). Ewald (J. R.) Eine neue Hortheorie. 8° Bonn, 1899. Adler. Eine Rhythmus-Theorie des Horens. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1902, xii, 143-151. See, aho, infra, Panse —Beckmann. Zur Theorie des Horens. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1898, vh, 47-52. Aho: Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1898, xiv, 112.—Bocci (B.) La teoria dell' udizione pih consentanea alia complessa mor- fologia dell' organo del Corti. Policlin, Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. med, 352-363. Aho, transl: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1913. cl, 111-127.—Bonnier (P.) Les dernieres theories de l'audition. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1896, ix, 218-241.-----. Une theorie de l'audition. Ibid., 1904, xvii, 156-165.-----. La theorie de Guillemin. Audition (Theories of). Ibid.. 1905, xix, 817-821.-----. Les idees actuelles sur l'audition. Rev. d. sc pures et appliq. Par, 1909, xx, 324-328—Bryant (W. S.) The piano string theory of the basi- lar membrane. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1908, xxxvu, 127-129.— Eschweiler. Unzulanghche Stiitzen von Zimmermann's Theorie der Mechanik des Horens und ihrer Storungen. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1902, lv, 59-66.—Gradenigo (G.) Precursori di Helmholtz. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, 4. s, xxh, pt. 1, 57. -----. Fu Helmholtz veramente 1' ideatore della teoria sulla audizione che porta il suo nome? I precursori: Du Verney (1683), Valsalva (1704); P ideatore: Cotugno (1760). Nota 1. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvu, 485-495. Aho: liter, d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, 4. s, xxii, 453-463.-----. La teoria sulla audizione Contugno-Helmholtz. II. I pre- cursori: Antonio Maria Valsalva (1704). Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxviii, 65-77. Aho: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1917, 4. s, xxiii, 217-229.—Gray (A. A.) On a modification of the Helmholtz theory of hear- ing. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1899-1900, xxxiv, 324-350. -----. The theories of hearing. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1905, xx, 297-314.—Guillemin (A.) Theorie de l'audition. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, xix, 451459: 1906, xxh, 142; 854.—Hocart (A. M.) & McDougall (W.) Some data for a theory of the auditory perception of di- rection. Brit. J. Psychol, Cambridge, 1906-8, ii, 386- 405.—Hurst (C. H.) A new theory of hearing. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc, 1894-5, ix, 321-353, 1 pi—Lindig (F.) Neue Beitrage zur Resonanztheorie des Horens. Natur- wissenschaften, Berl, 1913, i, 107-109.—Meyer (M.) Zur Theorie des Horens. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1899, lxxvhi, 346-362.-----. E. ter Kulle's Theorie des Horens. Ibid., 1900, lxxxi, 61-75.—Myers (('. S.) Recent develop- ment of Helmhoitz's theory of hearing. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1904, Lond, 1905, 750.—Neumann (J. F.) Die Gustav Zimmermannsche Theorie der Mechanik des Horens. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr, 1909, xxxiv, 423431.—Nuvoli (G.) Considerazioni a proposito di una nuova pubblica- zione di Zimmermann. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1901, xi, 330-338.—Panse (R.) Zu Dr. Adler's Arbeit: Eine Rhythmus-Theorie des Horens. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb.? 1902, xh, 309.—Butherford (W.) A new theory of hearing. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1886-7, xxi, 166- 168— Shambaugn (G. E.) The development of the theory of hearing. Illinois M. J, Springfield, 1911, xix, 356.—Stenger. Zur Theorie des binauralen Horens. Zt- schr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1904-5, xlviii, 219-226.—Sturm (F. P.) A new theory of hearing. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1914, xxix, 193-196.—Tominaga (K.) Eine neue Theorie des Horens. Zentralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. & Wien, 1904, xvhi, 461-460—Wales (E. de W.) A theory on the func- tion of the middle ear muscles resulting in a modification of the theory of hearing. Tr. Am. Laryngol, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, [New Bedford, Mass.], 1909, 476-490, 1 ch.— Zimmermann (G.) Der Wert unserer Stiinmgabel- prufungen auf Grund einer Nachpriifung der Helmholtz'- schen Theorie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1899, vhi, 45-59. A ho: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1899, xxxv, 155-157.-----. Unzulanghche Stiitzen der Helmholtz'schen Theorie von der Schalliibertragung im Mittelohr. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1900, xxxvi, 199-210. Audition in children. See, also, School-children (Care of ears, etc., of)- Blake (C. J.) On the best mode of testing the hearing of school children, and of providing for the instruction of partially deaf children. Tr. Internat. M. Cong, Phila, 1876,992-999. A ho, Reprint.—Brauckmann (K.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Gehores und die geistigen Folgen seiner Storungen im kindhchen Alter. Ztschr. f. padagog. Psy- chol, Leipz, 1910, xi, 129-139.—Chrisman (O.) The hearing of children. Pedag. Seminary, Worcester, 1892-93, ii, 397-441.—Constantin (P. M.) Technique de l'examen auditif dans la premiere enfance et dans la premiere partie de la deuxteme enfance. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 191L xxxii, 161-167. Aho: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1911, ii, 737-745.—Daae (H.) [Re- cherches sur les causes de la reduction de l'ouie chez les enfants des ecoles. Res,773.] NorskMag.f. Laegevidensk, Kristiania, 1903, 5. R, i, 734-764.—Duhar. L'audition chez les enfants a I'ecole. Presse med. Par, 1904, i, 60- 62.—Felix (E.) [Importance of examining the auditory apparatus of children in primary schools.] Presa med. rom, Bucuresci, 1903, ix, 49-53.—Gelle (G.) & Hennebert (C.) Mesure de l'acuite auditive chez les ecoliers; valeur pratique des diflerents process usuels ou speciaux d'acou- metrie: montre, parole, diapason, phonographe, sonometre, etc. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par, 1910, xxx, 4SS-495.—Lyuri (S. A.) [Qualitative and quantitative in- vestigation of hearing in children of school age.] Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1S99, xx 1125; 1162; 1197; 1260—aiacMillan (D. P.) Some results of hearing-tests of Chicago school- children. Medicine, Detroit, 1902, vhi, 26.5-273.—Neuert (G) Ueber Horfahigkeit und Absehfertigkeit. Med.- padagog. Monatschr, Berl, 1901, xi, 1; 89.—Blzzi (M. J.) AUDITION. 204 AUDITORY. Audition in children. El oido del niflo; atrasados intelectuales que no deberian serlo; invest igaciones hechas en los alumnos de las escuelas de esta ciudad. Semana med, Buenos Aires, 1913, xx, 695-698.—Simon (T.) La determination du degre d'audi- tion des enfants. Soc lihrepour l'etude psychol. de Penf. Bull. mens.. Par, 1912-13, xxxi, 71-91—Walker (H. S.) Case of defective hearing from childhood; considerable recovery. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1906, xxi, 312-347.—Weber. Determination de l'acuite auditive des enfants des ecoles Med. seolaire, Par, 1909, ii, 106-108. Aho: Rev. d'hv^ et de therap. seolaire, Par, 1909, hi, 107-103.—Vearsley (M ) The technique of auditory examination in infancy. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1912, xxvii, 353-358. -----. Hearing tests in school children. School Hvg, Lond, 1915, vi, 146-155. Aho: Brit. J. Child. Dis, Lond, 1916, xhi, 129-138. Audition in the new-born. Canestrini (S.) Leber den Gehorsinn des Neugebore- nen. Naturwissenschaften, Berl, 1913, i, 969-972.—Kutvirt (O.) Ueber das dehor Neugeborener und Sauglinj'e. Beitr. z. Anat, Phvsiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl, 1910-11, iv, ltif>-190: v, 249-257— Zimmermann («;.) Das Horen der Neugeborencn. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1907, liv, 87. Audition in soldiers. See Armies (Becruiiing of); Deafness in soldiers; Recruits (Examination of). Auditory canal (External). See, also, Auricle; Ear (External). Keilson (S. I.) *Anatomische und topogra- phische Untersuchungen iiber den Oondylus mandibulae und den Meatus auditorius externus. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Pissot (L.) *Essai sur les glandes du conduit auditif externe (glandes dites cerumineuses). 8°. Baris, 1899. Hummel. Capacitatsbestimmungen des Gehorgangs unter normalen und pathologischen Verhaltnissen. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1886-7, xxiv, 203-299.—Kati (L.) Ueber einige Streitpunkte in der Histologic des Gehorganges. " Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl, 1891, ii, 1. Abth, 70-72— Lunghetti (B.) Ricerche sulla strut- tura della pelle del condotto uditivo esterno. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1906, 8. s, vi, 251-261.— Mangold (E.) Willkiirliche Kontraktionen des Tensor tympani und die graphische Registrierung von Druckschwankungen im ausseren Gehorgang. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, Bonn, 1912-13, cxhx, 539-587, 3 pi—Randall (B. A.) Further studies as to the axis of the external auditory canal, based on 500 crania. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. New Bedford, Mass, 1912, xh, pt. 3, 488493.—Seligmann (II.) Leber periodi- sche Luftveraiinnung im ausseren (Jehorgange. Monat- schr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1897, xxxi, 9-13 — Sommer (E.) Thcrmopalpatonsche Untersuchungen iiber die Tempera- tur im ausseren Gehorgang. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xii, 1023-1025— Tricomi-AUegra (G.) Studio sperimentale sulla via acustica fondament ale. Nevraxe. Louvain, 1905-6, vii, 227-281, 2 tab, 4 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Anat. Anz, Jena, 1905, xxvu, Ergnzngshft, 188-193.—Voyachek (V.) [Pho- tography of the pulse and other fluctuations of the column of air in the external auditory meatus.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1908, vh, 98-100.—Yearsley (M.) Laconstanco et tes variations de lYpine de lieate dans le nteat superieur. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par., 1904, vii, 177. Auditory canal (External, Abnormitus of). ' See, also, Auditory canal (Atresia, etc., <-;/, Congenital); Ear (Abnormities of). Pires de Lima (J. A.) Agenesia do canal auditivo cxterno e atrofia da orelha. 8°. Porto, 19Lr>. Repr. from: Anais scient. do facult. de med. do Porto, 1915, ii. Amberg (E.) Meatus with abnormal direction. Phy- sician A Surg., Detroit A Ann Arbor, 1899, xxi, 169-174.— Buerkner. Anatomischer Behind bei Mikrotio und Atre- sie des Gehorganges. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Ge- sellsch, Jena, 1896, v, 49-52.—D'Ajutolo (G.) Su di una plica cutanea dell' oriflcio auricolare. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. Hal. di laringol. [etc] 1911, Siena, 1912, xiv, pt. 2, 216.— Francis (T. E.) A case of incomplete development of the external auditory meatus. Brit. M. J, Lond, ,1910, ii, 515— Guranowskl (L.) Ein Fall von Duplteitat des ausseren Gchc'irgangos. Zt ichr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1898, xxiv, 245-217.—Ilabcrmann. Leber Vcrdopplung. des ausseren (.'elu.rganges. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1900; 1, 102-101— Ilartmami. Leber Veranderung des knocher- nen Gehorganges bei deformterten Schadcln. Verhandl. Auditory canal (External, Abnormities of). d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1896, v, 79-81.—Malan (A.) Sdoppiamento del condotto uditivo esterno. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], Torino, 1911, xxh, 408413.—Pires de Lima (J. A.) Absence of the auditory canal, and other anomalies of the external ear. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1912-13, xlvh 1-7. Also Reprint— Safuji (S.) [Con- tribution to the laws of the appearance of abnormities of the exterior auditory passage.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko- Kwa-Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1898, iv, 426 436.—Spira (li.) [Rare case of combined genetic anomaly of the external auditory meatus.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1907, ii, 249-252. Auditory canal (External, Atresia and obstruction of). Schwarzkopf (A.) *Beitragzur Kenntnis der erworbenen Gehorgangsverschliisse. [Breslau.] 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Aho, in: Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1908, lxxvii, 50-77. Berry (G.) Labyrinthitis following operation for atresia. Boston M. & S. J, 1915, clxxii, 700-705— Brindel. Des complications auriculaires consecutives aux occlusions du conduit auditif externe. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, ii, 33-43—Bruehl (G.) Bony atresia of the ear and connective tissue-atresia of the ear with spontane- ously cured labyrinthitis. Laryngoseope, St. Louis, 1911, xxi, 994-977. Aho, transl: Monatschr. I. Ohrenh., [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1912, xhi, 279-2>2.— Castex (A.) Retre- cissement du conduit auditif membraneux reseque par decollement du pavilion. BulL de laryngol., otol. et rhi- nol., Par, 1903, vi, 100—Compaired (C.) Tratamiento de las estenosis rebeldcs del conducto auditivo exterao. Siglo med, Madrid, 1915, lxu, 3—Courtade (A.) Contri- bution a, l'etude des occlusions acquLses et congenitales du conduit auditif. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1898, xxiv, pt. 2, 11-17.—Faivre. Stenose specifique du meat auditil. Poitou med, Poitiers, 1906, xx, 105.— Forsyth (E. A.) Atresia of the external auditory canal. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc]. Oto-Laryngol. Sect, St. Louis, 1909, 131-136— Gruber. Vorstellung eines Kranken mit erworbenem doppelseitigen Verschluss des ausseren Gehorganges. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1S9S, xxxii, 110.—Jones (H. M.) Case of atresia of the meatus. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1905, xx, 262.—Kelson (W. H.) Atresia of left auditory meatus and deformity of auricle; operation. Tr. Otol. Soc U. Kingdom, Lond, 1904-5, vi, 44.-----. Stenosis of right auditory meatus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1907-8, i, Otol. Sect, 14.—Kruzlulin (A. V.) mas- tic surgery for acquired stenosis of the external auditory meatus.] Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb., 1912, ccxxxih, 705-713.—Lawrence (L. A.) A case of almost complete occlusion of the meatus the result of an accident. J. Laryn- gol, Lond, 1906, xxi, 144.-----. Total occlusion of the right external auditory meatus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915-16, ix, Otol. Sect, 5.—Leidler (R.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der erworbenen Arresien des ausseren Gehor- gangs. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1905/ lxiv, 251-272.— ' McKemie (D.) Stenosis of external meatus; (?) result of middle-ear suppuration. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1913-14, vh, Otol. Sect, 65-67.—Macnaughton-Jones (II.) Case of atresia of the meatus. Tr. otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1904-5. vi, 65.—Mahu (G.) Speculum- dilateur pour l'examen de l'oreille dans les cas de stenoses accidcntelles du conduit. Ann. d. mal. de 1'oreilte, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1900, xxvi, 275-.N1 —Mermod. Retre- cissement osseux du conduit auditif gauche. Rev. mod. dc la Suisse Rom, Geneve, 1903, xxih, 271.— Northcote (A. B.) A case of occlusion of both external auditory meatuses. Brit. M. J., Lond, 1906, i, 7'.K -Ostmann. Behandlung bindegewebiger Strteturcn des ausseren Gehor- ganges mittelst Elektrolvse. ,Bcrl. klin. Wchnschr, 1896, xxxiii, 756.— Bendu (It.) Etude anatomique d'un cas d'atrt'sic bilaterale du conduit auditif externe avec pavilion rudimentaire ct absence d'oreille movenne. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol., Par, 1913, xvi, 100-104, 1 pi — Rodriguez de Mata (1.) Las estenosis y atresias del conducto auditivo externo. Clin, y lab. Rev. quincen. do espec med, Zaragoza, 1911, vii, 321 323.—Schwartze (II.) Ueber erworbene Atresie una Strictur des Gehor- ganges und deren Behandlung. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, WW, xlvii, 71 81: xlviii, 98; 261— Stefanovskl (P. K.) [Complete closure and stenosis of the external auditory meatus] Voyenno-Med. J, S.-Peterb, 1903, ii, med. pt., 357-362—Stepanoff (E. M.) [Plastic operation for closed external auditory meatus.) Vestnik Khir, Mosk, 1900, i, 382-385.— Taubert, Erworbener vollkommencr Ver- schluss des ausseren Gehorganges. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztsehr, Berl, 190.1, xxxv, 542-544—von Torok (B.) Ver- schluss beider GehoiL-iinge und partiellc knoeherno Oblite- ration der Paukenhohle. Arch. f. Ohrenh.. Leipz, 1907, lxx, 213-218— Tronmoff (N. P.) [Surgical treatment of closures of the external auditory meatus.) Yezhemies. Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Pctero, 1907-8, ii, 137-142.—Vail (E.) L'occlusion du conduit auditif externe AUDITORY. 205 AUDITORY Auditory canal (External, Atresia and obstruction of). et son traitement. Rev. internat. de rhinol, otol. et laryn- gol. Par., 1897, vii, 133-140.-VUcb.uk (A. I.) [Atresia of the auditory canal.) Yezhemies. Ushn, Gorlov. 1 Nosov Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1908, iii, 38.—Vive PicasO (J.) Atre- sias adquiridas del conducto auditivo externo. Oto-rino- laringol. espan, Madrid, 1898-9, i, 177-182. Aho: Rev. de laringol. [etc.], Barcel, 1898, xhi, 578-586. Auditory canal (External, Atresia and obstruction of, Congenital). Alexander (G.) Zur chirurgischen Behandlung der kongenitalen Atresie. (Ueber akut-eitrige Mastoiditis bei angeborenem Defekt der Ohrmuschel und des ausseren Gehorganges.) Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1908, lv, 144- 151.—Bezold (F.) The hearing power in cases of bilateral congenital atresia of the auditory canal with rudimentary auricle. Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1896, xxv, 127-131. Aho, transl: Pratique med. Par., 1896, x, 561-565.------. Sek- tionsbefund eines Falles von einseitiger angeborener Atresie des Gehorgangs und rudimentarer Muschel. Ztschr f Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1904-5, xlviii, 175-178,1 pi— Compaired (C.) Imperforacion congenita del conducto auditivo de- recho; operacion; curacion. Siglo med, Madrid, 1903, 1, 35.—Dean (L. W.) & Gittins (T. R.) Report of case of bilateral, congenital, osseous atresia of the external audi- tory canal, with an exceptionally good functional result following operation. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1917, xxvu, 461-473.—Deutschlander (C.) Ueber erworbenen Gehor- gangsverschluss und dessen operative Behandlung. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir, Leipz, 1900, lv, 317-325.—Feder- schmidt. Ein Fall von kongenitaler Atresie beider Gehor- gange ohne Missbildung der Ohrmuschcln und mit auffal- Iend gutem Gehor. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb, 1910, lxi, 170.—Hartmann (A.) Congenital and acquired atre- sia of the'meatus. Arch. Otol, N. Y., 1899, xxviii, 419- 421.—Herschel (K.) Ein Fall von kongenitaler Atresie des Gehorganges bei normal gebildeter Ohrmuschel. Mo- natschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1909, xliii, 169- 171— Herzig (A. J.) Double congenital atresia of the external auditory canals; horizontal unilateral nystagmus. N. York M. J. Fete], 1907, Ixxxvi, 45. Aho, Reprint.— Imhofer (R.) Beiderseitige angeborene Gehorgangsatresie und angeborenes Colobom der Augenlider. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path: u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl, 1910, iv, 62-70.—Jurgens (E.) Trois cas d'atresie congenitale du conduit auditif externe, avec microtie. Presse oto-laryn- gol. beige, Brux, 1903, ii, 381-384.— Kanellis. Sur un cas d'atresie congenitale du conduit auditif externe de l'oreille droite avec pavilion rudimentaire. Bull, de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1906, ix, 255-259.—Lewin (L.) Ueber kongenitale Atresie des ausseren Gehorganges mit Mikrotie und deren chirurgische Behandlung. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1913, xlvii, 916-932.— Mosher (H. P.) Congenital occlusion of the cartilaginous canal. Boston M. & S. J, 1909, clvi, 86, 1 pi.—Rendu (R.) Atresie con- genitale des deux conduits auditifs externes avec pavilions rudimentaires et fissure palatine. Lyon med, 1912, cxix, 747-749, 1 pi—Royet. Obliteration congenitale double du conduit auditif externe. Centre med. et pharm, Gannat, 1907-8, xhi, 37.—Scheibe. [Doppelseitige kongenitale Atre- sie des Gehorgangs; Operation.] Munchen. med. Wchn- schr, 1904, h, 88.— Takanarita (W.) Sektionsbefund eines Falles von angeborener einseitiger Atresie des Gehor- ganges. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1915, xcvi, 186-192.— Vali (E.) Neures zur Frage der operativen Eroflnung der congenitalen Atresien des Meatus auditorius externus. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r, Budapest, 1909, Sect. xvi, Otol, 427-438. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: J. Laryngol, Lond, 1910, n. s, xxv, 417.—Weitzel. Occlusion conge- nitale de l'orifice externe du conduit auditif. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1904, xxx, 387. Auditory canal (External, Atresia and obstruction of, Traumatic and post-op- erative). Gift (A.) *Traumatische Atresien des Ge- horganges. 8°. Miinchen, 1907. Bar&ny. Neue Methode zur Behandlung von postope- rativen Stenosen. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc], Berl, 1910, xhv, 1268-1270.—Botey (R.) Prophylaxie des stenoses du conduit aprfes les operations radicates sur l'oreille. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1904, xxx, 262- 268. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Gac. med. de Granada, 1904, xxh, 481.—Collet. Atresies traumatiques du conduit auditif gueries par 1'evidement petromastoidien. Lyon nted, 1916, cxxv, 163.—Danziger (E.) Traumatic atresia of the external auditory meatus of the left ear with mastoid complications. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1913, xxhi, 948.— Hasslauer. Ueber Verengerung beziehungsweise Atresie des ausseren Gehorganges nach Traumen. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr, Berl, 1903, xxxii, 750-757.—Lake (R.) Post- operative atresia of meatus. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Auditory canal (External, Atresia and obstruction of, Traumatic and post-op- erative) . Lond, 1901, ii, 117-120.-Politzer. Atresie traumatique du conduit; operation et guerison. Rev. hebd. de larvngol [etc], Par., 1904, ii, 193.-Baoult (A.) Occlusion du meat et des parois du conduit auditif a la suite d'un traumatisme- refection du conduit. Ibid., 1901, ii, 113-115—Rudolptay (K.) Ueber traumatische Gehorgangsatresie. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1902 xhi, 20-27.-----. Traumatic atresia of the auditory canal. Arch. Otol, N. Y 1905 xxxiv 504-506.—Yearsley (M.) Case of traumatic atresia of the meatus successfully treated by operation. Tr. Otol Soc II. Kingdom, Lond, 1903-4, v, 96. Aho: J. Laryngol '. Lond, 1904, xix, 361. J ' Auditory canal (External, Cancer of). Abbott (F. C.) Case of rapidly growing small spheroidal- celled carcinoma of the external auditory meatus. Tr Otol Soc U. Kingdom, Lond, 1902, hi, 12-16, 1 pi.—Bezold. Adenokarzinom des ausseren Gehorganges. Sitzungsb d arztl. Ver. in Munchen (1903), 1904, xhi, 7-10—Biggs' (G. N.) Epithelioma of the external ear. J. Laryngol Lond, 1912, xxvu, 40— Bronner (A.) Microscopic section of epithelioma of cutaneous external meatus which was at first mistaken for mastoid disease. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. King- dom, Lond, 1901, ii, 39-41.-----. Notes with specimen and microscopical sections, of two cases of carcinoma of the external auditory meatus. Ibid., 130.—Cheatle (A. H.) A case of epithelioma of the meatus in a man aged 43 years Ibid., 1900, i, 56,1 pL—Connal (J. G.) Epithelioma of the external auditory canal. Glasgow M. J, 1905, lxiv, 378-380 Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1904-5, x, 223 — Deanesly (E.) A case of carcinoma of the auditory meatus, or tympanum, invading the under surface of the tempero- sphenoidal lobe of the brain. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom Lend, 1902-3, iv, 11-16.—Gibb (J. S.) Primary epithe- lioma of the auditory canal; report of two cases. Tr. Am Laryngol, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc. 1905, St. Louis, 1906, xi, 417—451. Aho, transl: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc] Par, 1905, xix, 741-745.— Gruening (E.) Case of car- cinoma springing from the external canal. Arch. Otol N. Y, 1908, xxxvii, 164-166.—Hallas (E. A.) [Cancer of the auditory canal.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, Krfbenh, 1914, lxxvi, 1627-1638— Lake (R.) & Bovven (W. H.) Ma- lignant disease of the external meatus. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1907, xxii, 22.—Tonarelli (C.) Carcinoma a cellule cihndriche del condotto uditivo esterno. Arch, ital di otol.[etc.], Torino, 1901, xi, 261-282,1 pi.—Vaquier. Epithe- lioma du conduit auditif externe. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par, 1903, xvi, 1295.—Walker (H. S.) Epithelioma of the external auditory meatus. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 190.5-6, vh, 92. Aho: J. Laryn- gol, Lond, 1906, xxi, 347.—West (C. E.) Four cases of carcinoma of the external meatus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Otol. Sect, 34-37. -----. Patient four years after operation for carcinoma of the external meatus and tympanum. Ibid., 1911-12, v, Otol. Sect, 26-32.— Zwicke. Carcinom des ausseren Gehorganges und der Schadelbasis; Beh'sche Lahmung; halbseitige Glottislah- mung. Charite-Ann. 1882, Berl, 1884, ix, 380. Auditory canal (External, Cerumen and epidermis plugs impacted in). Aitken (D. W.) General symptoms produced by accu- mulations of cerumen. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1892, i, 652.— Aparicio. Un caso de obstruccibh del conducto auditivo externo por tapon ceruminoso. Gac. med. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1896. ii, 58-60.—De Simoni (A.) Dell' azione elettiva delr acqua ossigenata nei tamponi epidermoidali del con- dotto uditivo esterno. Boll. d. Policlin, Torino, 1897, ii, 169-171.—Duplay. La surdite par bouchon cerumi- neux. Union med. Par, 1890, 3. s, 1, 73-77.—Fowler (W. P.) A condensed report of sixty-three cases of inspis- sated cerumen. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y. 1880-81, Havana, 1882, xvi, 403-400.—Herzog (J.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre, uber Ohrreftexe, bedingt, durch Ansammlung von Cerumen im ausseren Gehorgange. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1889, xxih, 97-101.—Hessler. Die Epidermispfropfe des Gehorganges. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1896, xh, 176-198: 1897, xhi, 1-30.—Kosegarten (W.) The improve- ment in hearing obtained by the action of intense sounds in cases of ceruminal plugs. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 18S9, xvhi, 308.—Laurens (G.) Extraction des bouchons cerumineux du conduit auditif. Presse med. Par, 1896, 90.—Ricci (C. A.) Sull' estrazione dei tamponi di cerume. Boll. d. mal. d. oreccliio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1897, xv, 215- 218.—Schwartz (W.) Stearin im Gehorgang. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1897, xxxii, 61.—Somers (L. S.) Ccru- minosis obturans. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 787.—Souwers (G. F.) Impacted cerumen; some of its causes and treatment. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila, 1882, xlvi, 426-430— Theobald (S.) A case of aural reflex of unusual character due to impacted cerumen. Tr. Am. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Bedford, 1893, v, pt. 3, 508-510.—War- AUDITORY. 206 AUDITORY. Auditory canal (External, Cerumen and epidermis plugs impacted in). brick (J. C.) Cerumen (wax) in the ears. Internat. Chn, Phila, 1912, 22. s, ii, 262-267, 2 pi. Aho: Chicago M. Re- corder, 1911, xxxhi, 554-560.—Weil. Zur Symptomatologie der Ohrcnschmalzpfropfe. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl, 1885, xix, 289. Auditory canal (External, Diseases of). See, also, Auditory canal (External, Furuncu- losis of); Auditory canal (External, Barasitic disease of); Diphtheria of ear; Ear (External, Biseases of). Barclay (R.) Acute and chronic otitis externa, includ- ing otomycosis and cancer of the auditory canal. Syst. Dis. Ear, Nose & Throat (Burnett), Phila, 1893, i, 166- 217.—Bellows (H. P.) Some'cases of caries of the external auditory canal. Homneop. Eye, Ear & Throat J, N. Y, 1900, vi, 111-118.—Blake (C. J.) Superficial dermatitis of the external auditory canal. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, elxi, 183. Also: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull, Phila, 1909, ii, 475.—Bronner (A.) Zur Behandlung des chronischen Eezems im ausseren Gehorgange mittelst Massage. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1897, xliii, 235. Aho, transl: Cong, in- ternat. d'otol. C.-r. 1895, Florence, 1897, v, 259-261 — Brown (H. B.) Otitis externa circumscripta; furuncle of auditory canal. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1912. xxvu, 378- 390.—Bull (O. B.) [Sur l'emploi de l'acide chlorhydriquo dans te traitement des affections osseuses des parois de la cavite tympanique et du conduit auriculaire osseux. Res, 81.] Norsk Mag. f. La?gevidensk, Kristiania, 1899, 4. R, xiv, 38-50.—Carpenter (E. R.) Disease of the external canal, simulating middle ear disease. N. Mexico M. J, Las Cruces, 1913-11, xi, 182-184.—Howes (P. E.) Diseases of the auditory canal. Am. M. J, St. Louis, 1897, xxv, 119; 159.—Kanellis, Un cas de toux rebelle liee a l'ecz^ma du conduit auditif. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1906, ii, 665-007.—Kelson (W. H.) Disease of external auditory meatus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond, 1908-9, ii, Otol. Sect, 28.—Kretschmann. Zwei Falle von Peri- chondritis des Gehorganges. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1897, xiii, 287.—Lannois. Abces periauriculaires consecutifs aux otites externes circonscrites. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1898, xi, 297.—Le Double. Deux points d'ana- tomo-pathologie du conduit auditif osseux. Presse Oto- laryngol, beige, Brux, 1903, ii, 577-580.—Levin (L. T.) [Excessive running of cerebrospinal fluid from the external auditory meatus, the tympanic membrane remaining intact.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb, 1906, v, 133-135.— Lewin (L.) Untersuchungen iiber den Wirkungsbereich auf dem Wego des ausseren Gehorgangs eingebrachter gc- loster Arzneislolle. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1900, 1, 113 126.—Malherbe (A.) Maladies du conduit auditif externe. Hull, nted, Par, 1899, xiii, 605-607.—Mollison (W. M.) Case of syphilitic ulceration of external auditory meatus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1914-15, viu, Otol. Sect, 7.— Ostino (G.) Tubercolosi ulcerosa del condotto uditivo esterno. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.], 1902, Napoh, 1903, vi, 305.—Roy (D.) Case of bilateral inflam- mation of the external auditory canal followed by bilateral sinus thrombosis; autopsy. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryn- gol, St. Louis, 1912, xxi, 1051-1058.—Roy (L.-G.] Des suppurations chroniques du conduit auditif externe. Rev. med. Par, 1911, xxi, 275.—Schmidt (C.-J.-M.) Sur Potito externe primitive au point de vue clinique. Ann. d. mal. de roreilte, du larynx [etc.], Par, ls.98, xxiv, 78.—Shep- pard (J. E.) Affections of the external auditory meatus. Tr. Am. Laryngol, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, New Bedford, 1910, 124-131. -----. Affections of the external auditory meatus. Long Island M. J, Brooklyn, 1910, iv, 199-203. Aho. Reprint.—Stirling (A. W.) Itching of the auditory meatus. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1900, vhi, 140.—Stuart- Low (W.) Keratosis of the auditory meatus. Proc. Koy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1915-16, ix, Otol. Sect, 3.—S/.murlo (J\) [Gangrene of the external auditory meatus.] Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1913, 2. s., xxxiii, 13C0-1387.—Voss. Die Erfolge der Vakzination bei Staphylokokkeninfektionen des aus- seren Gehorgangs. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1911, lviii, 2245. Auditory canal (External, Exostoses and hyperostoses of). Braunberger (E.) *Ueber die Exostosen des ausseren Geho-rganges. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1896. Sabroux (Il.-E.-A.-L.) *Exostoses du con- duit auditif. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901. Braquchaye (J.) Les exostoses du conduit auditif. Bull, do l'ilop. civ. franc, de Tunis, 1901, iv. 157-109.— Connal (J. G.) Multiple exostosis in both external audi- tory canals. Glasgow M. J, 1901, lvi, 291.—Eulensteln. Movable spongy osleoma of the cartilaginous portion of the external auditory meatus. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1899, xxviii, Auditory canal (External, Exostoses and hyperostoses of). 35-37.—Ferreri (G.) Esostosi del condotto uditivo esterno. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1903-4, xv, 353-365.— Garzla(V.) Exostosis del oido externo. Rev. de laringol. [etc.], Barcel, 1895-6, xi, 150-152. Aho, transl: Cong. internat. d'otol. C.-r. 1895, Florence, 1897, v, 262.—Gellat (P. P.) [Obliteration of both auditory meatuses by bone growth; operative removal.] Vrach. Gaz, S.-Peterb, 1903, x, 836.—Goldstein (M. A.) Exostosis of external auditory canal. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1898, xiii, 338-342. Aho [Abstr.]: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1898, iv, 268.— Hart- mann (A.) Ueber Hyperostose des ausseren Gehorganges. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1896, xxx, 48-52. Aho, transl: Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1897, xxvi, 43-46.—Helfrich (C. H.) Exostoses of the auditory canal; operation with the dental engine. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y, 1894, xxix, 208- 212.—Jackson (G.) The etiology of exostoses of the exter nal auditory meatus. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909, ii, 1137.— Kaufmann (E.) Ueber ringformige Lcisten in der Cutis des ausseren Gehorganges. Med. Jahrb, Wien, 1886, n. F, i, 201-210,1 pi.—Korner (O.) Die Exostosen und Hyperos- tosen im Gehorgange und die Osteome in den Operations- hohlen des Schlafenbeines. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1904-5, xlviii, 100-108—Laboure (J.) Indications et tech- nique de l'ablation des exostoses du conduit auditif ex- terne. Clinique, Par, 1910, v, 210.—Lake (R.) Aural ex- ostoses. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1898, xhi, 383-385.—McAulifle (G. B.) Removal of exostoses of the external auditory canal with a hook. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1899, lvi, 444.—McBride (P.) Note on an unusually large exostosis of the external auditory meatus. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1907, xxh, 243.— Mahler (L.) [Exostosis and hyperostosis of the auditory canal.) Ugeskr. f. Laeger, Kj0benh, 1908, lxx, 73-87.— Manasse. Leber Exostosen am Porus acusticus interims. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 19U*, 1v5-1>n.— Masini (O.) Contributo alia patogenesi dei tumori ossei del condotto uditivo esterno. Imparziale, Firenze, 1S82, xxii, 615-619.—Moore. Exostoses of the external auditory canal. Post-Graduate, N. Y, 1900, xv, 785.— Muncaster (S. B.) Operation for pedunculated exostosis of the ex- ternal auditory meatus. J. Am. M. As.->, Chicago, 1911, lxi, 1555.—Noquet. Quelques considerations sur les ex- ostoses du conduit auditif externe. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1899, xii, 267-269. Aho: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1899, xix, pt. 2, 241-247.—PoUtzer (A.) Ueber hanfkorngrosse, symmetrische Exostosen am inneren Ende des Gehorganges. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh, Berl, 1897,xxxi, 211.—Rutten. Exostoseduconduitauditii droit; ablation au moyen de la gouge: guerison. Bull. Soc. beige d'otol. et de laryngol, Brux, l>90. i, 15. -----. Exos- tose du conduit auditif droit, luumat. Otol. Cong. Trans. 1899, Lond, 1900, vi, 219-221. A l«\ transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1899, xxviii, 4f 2 — Schumacher (H.) Eine frei gewordene Exostose im Bereiche des knochernen Gehorganges mit hautigem Stiele. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc], Berl. & Wien, 1915, xhx, 14-17.—Taylor (S. J.) Removal of an aural exostosis by the chisel after detachment ofthe auricle. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1594, ii, S07.—Tilley (H.) Large hyperostosis removed from left auditory meatus. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1902-3, iv, 23-27.— Tod (H.) Exostosis of right external meatus in a boy aged 10. Proc Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1909-10, iii, Otol. Sect, 76-78.—Tomka (S.) [Exostosis of the outer audi- tory passage] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1S99, xlui, 655- 657.—West (C. E.) Meatal exostosis, and patient after removal. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1912, xxvii, 39.—Williams. l'ediculated exostosis of external ear; specimen. St. Louis M. A S. J, 1885, xlix 123.—Zhirmunski Of. S.) [Kx- ostoscs of the external auditory apparatus.] Yezhemies. Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1911, vi, 2S1- 284. Auditory canal (External, Foreign bodies in). An/.iiiger (F. P.) A suggestion for removing foreign bodies from the external auditory canal. J. Am. M. Ass, rhicago, 11)15, lxiv, 1908.—Boudaillicz. Corps etranger du conduit auditif externe, tolere pendant dix ans. J. d. sc. nted. de Lille, 1908, i, 11-16.—Boulai (J.) Corps etranger bizarre du .conduit audiiif. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1912, xxxiii, 144.—Cagnola (A.) Un hubvo processo di est razione dei corpistranieri dai condotto udit ivo. Ann. di laringol. [etc.], Genova, 1902, iii, 220-224.—Caldera (0.) Corpo cstraneo del condotto uditivo penetrato con speciale meccanisnio. Arch. ital. diotol. [etc.], Torino, 1912, xxiii, 343.—Clauda. Deux observations de corps changers du conduit auditif. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1901, xiv, 39S—Clay (.1. V. FA Foreign^bodies in the external auditory canal. J. Ophth, Otol. & Laryngol, Lancaster, Pa, 1915, xxi, 419-123.—Cox (F.) Case of otitis externa due to an unusual foreign body. J. Larymiol, Lond, 1893, vii, 65.—Dominici (B.) L'eteocirtomcte gentile ed i corpi estranei de' condotti esterni dell' oreechio. Morgagni, Napoli, 1883, xxv, 439-441.—Eaton (F. B.) A tooth in the external auditory canal. Laryngoscope, St. AUDITORY 207 AUDITORY Auditory canal (External, Foreign bodies in). Louis, 1897, ii, 37— Federici (N.) Corpo estraneo animale nei condotto uditivo esterno. Gazz. d. osp, Milano, 1905, xxvi, IL—Fernandez (F. M.) Cuerpo extrafio (frijol negro) del conducto auditivo externo, de muy dificil extrac- tion. Crdn. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1909, xxxv, 196-198.— Grazzl (V.) Piombo fuso introdotto nei canale uditivo esterno. Corriere san., Milano, 1900, xi, 213.—Helot (R.) Que doit-on faire en presence d'un corps etranger du conduit auditif? Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1905, 127-129.— Holscher. Dienstunbrauchbarkeit infolge fehlerhafter Versuche, einen Fremdkorper aus dem ausseren Gehorgang zu entferncn. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl, 1904, xxxih, 283.—Hummel. Das Verhalten des Gehorganges Fremdkorpern gegenuber und die Art von deren Entfernung aus demselben durch der praktischen Arzt. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1897. xhv, 438-441.—Keplinger (L.) Foreign bodies in the external auditory canal, with report of cases. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1897, hi, 226-229.—Lalatta (G.) Corpi stranieri nei condotto uditivo esterno. Arch ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1897, v, 209-217.—Leutert (E.) Schwiorigkeiten der Begutachtung von Verletzungen bei missgluckter Fremdkorperextraktion aus dem ausseren Gehorgange. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerz 1903, Leipz, 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte, 330-333.— Marchal. Un cas de corps etranger souple dans le conduit auditif ex- terne. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1896, xiv, 478-480.— Moos. Misslungener Extractionsversuch bei einer in den ausseren Gehorgang gebrachten Kafl'eebohne; consecutive eitrige Entzundung mit Perforation des Trommelfells, Ausstossung des Amboses und vielfacher Polypenbildung; Wanderung der Bohne durch die Perforation in die Trom- melhohle und wteder heraus; Wiedervernarbung der Per- foration mit theilweiser Wiederherstellung des Gehors. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh, Carlsruhe, 1871-2, ii, 2. Abth, 155-158.—Raoult. Corps etranger (dent) reste 14 ans dans te conduit auditif. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1900, xxxii, 251-253.—Savage (G. C.) Removal of foreign bodies from the auditory canal. Medicine, Detroit, 1901, vh, 116.— Sindelaf. [Foreign body 32 years in the external auditory canal.] Casop. lek. cesk, v Praze, 1908, xlvh, 639.—Spald- ing (J. A.) Foreign body remaining wedged in the external auditory meatus twenty-four years without injuring the hearing; removal with a hook and syringe. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1891, xx, 218.—Thomson (St. C.) A foreign body which had remained innocuously in the meatus for 26 years. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1901, ii, 66.—Vidal (L.) Extraction d'un corps 'etranger du conduit auditif externe. Languedoc med.-chir, Toulouse, 1904, xii, 139-143.—Wells (W. A.) Button twelve years in external auditory canal. J. Eye, Ear & Throat Dis, Bait, 1905, x, 161. Aho, Re- print.—Woodson (L. G.) Foreign bodies in the external auditory canal. Alabama M. J, Bhmingh., 1900-1901, xh [xhi], 419-423. Auditory canal (External, Fracture of). Quandt (M. K.) *Ueber Frakturen des knochernen Gehorganges durch Gewalteinwir- kung auf den Unterkiefer. 8°. Halle a. S., 1904. Schonbtjrg (E.) *Ueber Frakturen des Meatus acusticus externus und des Processus mastoideua durch direkte Gewalteinwirkung. 8°. Halle a. £.,1906. Berini (F.) Un caso de fractura de ambos conductos auditivos externos. Gac. med. de Granada, 1900, xviii, 385-393. Aho: Rev. de med, cirug. y farm, Barcel, 1900, xiv, 97-105.—Broca (A.) Fracture du conduit auditif ex- terne. Presse med. Par, 1912, xx. 155— Carroll (J. J.) Compound comminuted fracture of the osseous wall of the external auditory canal. J. Eye, Ear & Throat Dis, Bait, 1899,iv, 143— Citelli (S.) Contributoalle frattureindirette della parete antero-inferiore del condotto uditivo. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], 1901, xi, 158; 313.—Denker (A.) Ein Fall von Fractur der vorderen, unteren Gehorgangswand durch Gewalteinwirkung auf den Unterkiefer. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1897, xlh, 31-34.—Galetti (V.) Contributo alio studio delle fratture indirette del condotto uditivo esterno. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1897, v, 19-32 — Hamilton (T. K.) Fracture of the anterior bony wall of the external auditory meatus from a fall upon the chin. Intercolon. M. J. Australas, Melbourne, 1906, xi, 617-619.— Hasslauer. Fraktur der vorderen unteren Gehorgangs- wand. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr, Berl, 1905, xxxiv, 259-261.—Herzfeld (J.) [Fraktur der vorderen knochernen Gehorgangswand.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz, 1907, xxxiii, 442.—Lande (P.) Fracture bilaterale de la paroi anterieure du conduit auditif externe et lesions de l'oreille moyenne; fracture comnliquee de cuisse; mort par gangrene gazeuse. Rev. de med. leg. Par, 1908, xv, 102.—Passow. Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber das Zustandekommen von Gehorgangsfrakturen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xxx, 1124.—Prevost Auditory canal (External, Fracture of). (C.-A.-\V.) Fracture indirecte de la paroi anterieure du conduit auditif externe gauche. Arch, internat. de larvneol [etc.], Par, 1901, xiv, 149. Auditory canal (External, Furunculosis of). Patjchet (F.) *Du traitement des furoncles du conduit auditif. 4°. Barh, 1895. Vienne (C.-O.) *Le furoncle du conduit auditif externe. 8°. Lille, 1898. Berini (F.) Diagndstico y tratamiento de los foninculos del conducto auditivo. Rev. de med. y chug , Barcel 1905, xix, 392-398.—Buys & Delsaux. Rapport sur la furonculose du conduit auditif (pathogenie et traitement) Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par, 1899, xh, 527.— Connal (J. G.) Furunculosis of the external auditory canal simulating mastoid periostitis. Brit. M. J, Lond, 1901, i, 1204.-----. Furunculosis of the external auditory canal. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg, 1902, hi, 424-434 — Gradenigo (G.) Sul foruncolo del condotto uditivo esterno. Chn. mod, Pisa, 1896, ii, 279-283.—Hays (H.) Furuncu- losis of the ear canal. Med. Times, N. Y, 1917, xiv, 260 — Imhofer (R.) Zur Behandlung der Gehorgangsfurunkel. Therap. Monatsh, Berl, 1911, xxv, 357-360.—Jousset. Furonculose du conduit auditif externe. Nord nted Lille 1897, hi, 52-54.—Lederman (M. D.) Furunculosis of external auditory meatus followed by suppurative otitis media with mastoid involvement and operation. Laryngo- scope, St. Louis, 1897, h, 230-234.—Lermoyez (M.) Traite- ment du furoncle du conduit auditif. Presse med. Par 1900, i, 105-107.—Leutert (E.) Ueber periauriculare Abs- cesse bei Furunkeln des ausseren Gehorganges. Arch f Ohrenh, Leipz, 1897, xliii, 267-275.— Lothrop (O. A.) Furunculosis of the external auditory canal; the use of alcohol as a valuable aid in treatment. Boston M. & S. J, 1913, clxix, 645.—Maurice. Traitement des furoncles' du conduit auditif; nouveau furonculotome. Rev. med, 1908 xviii, 323-329.—Plummer (R. C.) Furunculosis of the ex- ternal canal simulating mastoid disease. Physician & Surg, Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1908, xxx, 549.—Roy (L.-G.) La furonculose du conduit auditif, son traitement. Rev med. Par, 1904, xhi, 580-582.—Salaris (E.) Di una nume- rosa statistica non comune di foruncolosi del condotto uditivo esterno e di alcune comphcazioni. Boll. d. mal. d. oreechio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1908, xxvi, 73-90.— Vignard & Sargnon. Deux cas de furoncles graves du conduit avec suppuration retro-auriculaire simulant de la masto'idite. Prov. med. Par.. 1907, xx, 251.—Wicart. La furonculose du conduit auditif externe. Medecin prat Par, 1908, iv, 741. Auditory canal (External, Hemorrhage from). See Ear (Haemorrhage in). Auditory canal (External, Hyperostoses of). See Auditory canal (Exostoses, etc., of). Auditory canal (External, Morphology of). Batjchatjer (J.) *Anthropologische Studien iiber den ausseren knochernen Gehorgano-. [Munchen.] 8°. Wien, 1909. Aho, in: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1909, xxhi, 17; 35; 50; 83; 100; 148; 164. di Colo (F.) Contributo alia conoscenza delle glandole del condotto uditivo esterno negli uccelh. Monitore zool. ital, Firenze, 1909, xx, 335-343.—Freund (L.) Zur Morpho- logie des ausseren Gehorganges der Saugetiere. Beitr. z. Anat, Physiol, Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl, 1909, hi, 1-35.—Hegewald (C.) Vergleichende histologische Untersuchungen uber den ausseren Gehorgang der Haus- saugetiere. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop, Stuttg, 1913, xvi, 201-238, 1 pi.—Le Double. De la forme differente de la portion dure du conduit auditif externe dans la race blanche et dans les races americaines anciennes et modernes et principalement dans celles ou la pratique de la deforma- tion artificielle du crane est encore en usage. Cong internat. de med. C.-r, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'anat, 136.—Sym- ington (J.) The external auditory meatus in the child. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb, 1884-5, n. s, iv, 32-37, 1 pL— Vermeulen (H. A.) Die Tuba auditiva beim Pferde und ihre physiologische Bedeutung. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz, 1909-10, xl, 411-179, 2 pi. Auditory canal (External, Obstruction of). See Auditory canal (External, Atresia, etc., of).- Auditory canal (External, Parasitic dis- ease of). Amberg (E.) Ornithodorus megnini Duges im Ge: horgang. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz, 1910, lxxxii, 273.—Bar AUDITORY. 208 AUDITORY. Auditory canal (External, Parasitic dis- ease of). (L.) De l'otomycose ou inflammation parasitaire du con- duit auditif externe. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, vi, sect. 12a, 109-121. -----. Otomycoses associees; affections vesiculo-pustuleuses du conduit auditif externe par microphytes et bacteries pathogenes associees; diagnostic et traitement. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreilte, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1905, xxxi. 125-136. Aho, [Abstr.]: Bull. de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1904, vh, 230. Aho, transl: Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol.. St. Louis, 1904, xhi, 638-647.—Cook (S. E.) Mycotic disease of the ear canal; with report of a new fungus. Am. Med, Phila, 1903, vi, 905. Aho: West. M. Rev, Lincoln, Neb, 1904, ix, 7-9 — Hemmeon. A case of parasite of external meatus. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1910, xxv, 671.—Herzog (M.) Vertici- hum Graphii als Ursache einer hartnackigen Otitis externa diffusa. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1895, xxvii, 279-282.— Johns (W. A.) Otomycosis or ear-mold. J. Mississippi M. Ass, Biloxi, 1899-1900, hi, 769— Theobald (S.) The treatment of otomycosis by the insufflation of boracic acid and oxide of zinc. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1898, ix, 251. Auditory canal (External, Stenosis of). See Auditory canal (External, Atresia, etc., of). Auditory canal (External, Surgery of). Ambrosini (U.) Grosso sequestra osseo asportato dai condotto uditivo esterno. Speciahsta mod, Milano, 1904, ii, 143-148.—Erbshteln (M. S.) [Cure of prolonged inflamma- tion of the external auditory passages by a surgical method.] Yezhemies. Ushn, Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn, S.-Peterb, 1906, i, 122-125.—Fagge (C. H.) Bronchial sinus leading into external auditory meatus; sinus excised. Proc. Roy, Soc. Med, Lond, 1907-8, i, Otol. Sect, 90.— Korner. Zur Operation •erworbener Gehorgangsverschlusse. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1896, v, 105.—Pritcliard (U.) Notes of a case of removal of an impacted meatal sequestrum facilitated by previous decalcification. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1901, ii, 47.—Raoult (A.) Fistule de la paroi inferieure du conduit; necrose des cellules perifaciales; operation; guerison. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1905, ii, 219-221.—Ruttin (E.) Drain-Hautrohr- Plastik zur Herstellung eines ausseren Gehorganges. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr, 1916, lxiii, 1731. Aho: Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1916, xxix, 1475. Auditory canal (External, Tumors of). See, aho, Auditory canal (External, Cancer of); Auditory canal (External, Exostoses of). Poli (0.) Formazioni cistiche del condotto uditivo esterno. 8°. Genova, 1902. Richrath (W.) *Ueber Geschwiilste des ausseren Gehorganges. 8°. Bonn, 1910. Andrewes (F. W.) & Shattock (S. G.) Histological report upon two growths removed from the external audi- tory meatus. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1903-4. v, 1.—Baurowicz (A.) Eine ungewohnliche Geschwulst des ausseren Gehorganges. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl, 1913, xlvh, 1581-15x4.—Benjamins (C. E.) Ueber spitze Kondylome im ausseren Gehorgang. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb, 1912, lxvi, 117-130.—Bleyl. Multi- ple Papillome beider ausseren Gehorgange. Ibid., 1913, lxviii, 177-179.—Bronner (A.) Notes of a case of cholestea- toma of external auditory meatus treated by local applica- tion of enzymol. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med, Lond, 1908-9, ii, Otol. Sect, 83.—Bryant (W.S.) Report of acaseof fibroma of the external auditory canal, with serious reflex symptoms. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, 1903, viii, 305-:io7. Aho, Reprint.—Bull (O.) Lipom des ausseren Gehorganges. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1898, xxxii, 220.—But/.a (I.) & Urdareanu (C.) [Polypus in the outer auditory passages.] Rev. san. mil, Bucuresei, 1902-3, vi, 189-196.—Caldera (C.) Aicuni casi di papillomi del condotto uditivo. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1912, xxhi, 147-150.-----. Nuovo caso di pi11 lillomi multipli del condotto uditivo. Ibid., 341.— Castellini (L.) Sui cosidelti papillomi del condotto uditivo. Ibid., 1910, xxvii, 496-505.—Clans. BreiteCondv- lome im ausseren Gehorgang. Berl. klin. Wchnschr, 190s, xiv, 813.—Cooper (R. T.) Polypus of the ear. J. Brit. Homceop. Soc. Lond, 1895, hi. 111-116.—Dallmaiin (E.) Zur Kasuistik der Tumoren des ausseren < lohiirgaugs (Mela- nom). Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1906-7, lxx, 97-99.—Dun- canson (K.) A molluscous tumour removed from the external auditory meatus. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb, 1883-4, n. s, hi, 37.—Egirer (L.) Un cas d'angiome du conduit auditif externe (na;vustardif) traite par l'»51ectrolyse. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par, 1901, xxvii, 344-347.—Frledenwald (H.) On osteoma of the auditory canal, with report of the successful removal of a large exos- tosis by means of Schwartze's operation of detaching the auricle. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1897, vi, 52-54.—Goldstein (M. A.) Tumor of the aural canal. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1899, xxxix, 205.—Grtlnberg (K.) Auditory canal (External, Tumors of). Zur Kasuistik der Tumoren des ausseren Gehorganges. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh, Wiesb, 1908, lv, 255-259.—Halm (R.) Papillomes cornes du conduit auditif externe. Presse Oto- laryngol, beige, Brux, 1913, xh, 301-310.—Kaiser (R.) Ueber ein Osteom des ausseren Gehorganges. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch, Jena, 1899, viii, 22-24.—Kayser. An osteoma of the external auditory canal; demonstration. Arch. Otol., N. Y, 1899, xxviii, 375.—Konietzko (P.) Ein Fall von Cnondrom im knochernen Teil des ausseren Ge- horgangs. Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1903-L hx, 7-12.— Lake (R.) A note upon the treatment of cholesteatoma. J. Laryngol, Lond.. 1912, xxvii, 36.—Lannois (M.) Pneu- matocele du conduit auditif. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1900, ii, 177-181.—Lawrence (L. A.) An elderly woman with a papillomatous growth in the meatus. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1900, i, 44, 1 pi.—M'Brlde (P.) & Turner (A. L.) Tumours of the external auditory meatus. Edinb. Hosp. Rep, 1898, v, 396-401— IVIarbaix. A propos d'un cas de cholesteatome du conduit auditif externe. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1905, i, 353- 356.—Milligan (W.) Pedunculated papilhform growth springing from the posterior border of the cartilaginous mea- tus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. Lond., 1909-10,hi, No.6, Otol. Sect, 44-47.—Moure (E.-J.l Des osteomes du conduit auditif et de leur traitement. Asb. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.]. Par, 1895, ix, 855-858.—Peck (G. S.) Polypi of the external auditory canals. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat J, N. Y, 1899, v, 30.—Poll (C.) Formazioni cistiche del condotto uditivo esterno. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1902, Napoh, 1903, vi, 298-305.—Pooley (T. R.) Osteoma of the auditory canal. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Bedford, Mass., 1898-9, vh, 271-274. Aho: Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1900, ix, 40-43.—Randolph. Exhibition of a case of osteoma of external auditory canal. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull, Bait, 1901, xh, 219.—Scheppegrell (W.I Keloid tumors of the external ear. N. York M. J, 189ti, lxiv,510-512. Aho, Reprint.—Somers (L. S.) Cystsof the external auditory canal; report of a case. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1900, ix, 10-16.—Szenes (S.) Osteoma liberum meatus auditorii externi dextrL Arch. f. Ohrenh, Leipz, 1904-5, lxiv, 7-14. Aho: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xxxii, 352-354. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: BulL de laryngol, otol. et rhinol. Par, 1904, vu, 221.— Todd (H.) Case of a tumour of the right external meatus in a woman aged sixty-seven, removed by operation; sarcoma. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1903-4, v, 22.-----. Specimen of cholesteatoma or keratosis obturans of the ex- ternal auditory canal. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond, 1999-10, hi, Otol. Sect., 81.—Zuccardi-Merli (F.) Contributo alia casuistica dei papillomi del condotto uditivo. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1914, xxv, 5. Auditory canal (External, Tumors of, Malignant). See, also, Auditory canal (External, Cancer of). Borras y Torres (P.) Exposici6n de un caso clinico de sarcoma secundario del conducto auditivo externo izquierdo. Independ. med, Barcel, 189>-9, xxx, 477-J79.—Cheatle (A. H.) Notes of a case of tumour of the meatus associated with an abdominal tumour, with section and drawing; endothelioma. Tr. Otjl. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1902-3, iv, 17-20, 1 pi.— Coim.il (J. G.) Sarcoma of the exter- nal auditory canal. Arch. Otol, N. Y, 1S99, xxviii, 460-162. Aho: Internal. otol. Cong. 1S99, Lond, 1900,295.— Halm (R.) Linfo-angio-endotehoma cilindromatoso del condotto uditivo esterno. Boll. d. mal. d. oreechio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1914, xxxii, 25-33,1 pi.—Lake (R.) Case of sarcoma of the external ear. J. Laryngol, Lond, 1912, xxvii, 37.—Melzi (U.) Su di un caso di fibro-angioma endo- telioide del condotto uditivo esterno. In hh: Su di un caso di idrorrea, etc, 8°, Milano, 1S99, 7-9. Alio, transl.: In- ternat. Otol. Cong. 1899, Lond, 1900, vi, 412-114— Xizzl (U.) Di un sarcoma del condotto uditivo esterno. Boll. d. mal. d. oreechio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1901, xix, 193-206.—Tervaert (G. D. C.) Ueber einen operirten Fall von Angio-Sarcom des Gehorganges. Monatschr. f. Oh- renh, Berl, 1897, xxxi, 451. Aho, transl: J. Laryngol, Lond, 1898, xhi, 70.—Wagtrett (E. B.) Tumour (endo- thelioma) of external auditory meatus. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond, 1904-5, vi, 44. Auditory canal (External, Wounds and injuries of). Abrand (II.) Etude sur les traumatismes de l'appareil audiiif. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par, 1917, xxxvih, 433; 457.—Buller (F.) & Byers (W. G. M.) A peculiar case of injury to the external auditory canal. Montreal M. J, 1900. xxix. 195.— Quliilan (F. J.) Bullet wound of the external auditory canal. Ann. Otol, Rhinol. & Laryngol, St. Louis, 1916, xxv, 241-243.—Raoult (A.) Balle dc revolver enclavee dans le conduit auditif externe gauche (le coup de feu ayant ete thte par la bouche); cxt paction au bout de vingt-emq'ans. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par, 1911, xxxii, 130.— Rozier (J.) Blessures du conduit auditif externe; stenoses et atresies consecutives; traitement oporatoire. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1917, xxxviii, 361; 385. AUDITORY. 20$ AUERBACH. Auditory canal (Internal). See, also, Nerve (Auditory); Temporal bone. Bienfait. Un cas d'hemorragie du conduit auditif in- terne. J. med. de Brux, 1904, ix, 70. Audoly (Arthur) [1867- ]. Contribution a l'etude des kystes dermoides de la region pre- sternale. 39 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 635. Audonnet (G.) Contribution a l'etude des effets du serum de Trunecek. 102 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1903, No. 527. Audouard (Gabriel) [1889- ]. *Extraction des corps Strangers non magnetiques du segment posterieur de l'oeil. 73 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1912, No. 7. Audoucet (Joseph-Jules-Anatole) [1870- ]. * Autoplastic de la levre inferieure. Essai sur un nouveau procede\ 64 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 523. Audouin (Leon). *Du traitement de l'hydrocele par les grands lavages pheniques de la tunique vaginale. 44 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 523. Audouin (Maurice) [1877- _ ]. Contribution a l'etude de la hernie inguino-interstitielle. 47 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 303. Audouy (Henri) [1885- ]. *Traitement des epitheliomas cutanes par le radium (methode du rayonnement composite). [Paris.] 74 pp. 8°. Nantes, 1911, No. 311. Audoy (Pierre) [1884- ]. *La retinite pro- liferante. 58 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1911, No. 12. Audrade (Agustin). *De algunas aplicaciones del microscopio en las pesquisas medico-legales. 78pp., 11. 8°. Mexico, L. Escalantey Cia., 1870. [Also, in: P., v. 2294.] Audrain (Jules) [1867- ]. La syphilis obscure. 242 pp. 8°. Barh, O. Boin dc fils, 1911. Audry (Charles) [1865- ]. Precis elementaire des maladies veneriennes. xii, 342 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baill&re dc fils, 1901. -----. The same. Nouvelle ed. xix, 246 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1910. ------. Introduction a une clinique des maladies cutanees et veneriennes. 115 pp., 1 1. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, [n. d.\. For Biography, see Arch. prov. de nted. Par, 1899, i, 649-652 (M. Baudouin). -----, Durand (M.) & Nicolas (J.) Traitement des maladies cutanees et veneriennes. xii, 691 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1909. Audubert. Traitement de la syphilis par les eaux sulfureuses et les injections mercurielles a Luchon. 16 pp. 12°. [Bordeaux, B. Belbrel dc Cie., 1908.] Audubon (John James) [1780-1851]. Shtjfeldt (R. W.) On an old portrait of Audubon, painted by himself, and a word about some of his early drawings. 8°. [n. p.], 1886. Cutting from: Auk, 1886, hi, No. 4. Merriam (C. H.) Pioneers of science in America. John James Audubon. Pop. Sc. Month, N. Y, 1907, lxx, 301- 303, port. Audureau (Jules) [1870- ]. *A propos de quel- ques tumeurs encephaliques operees. [Paris.] vii, 1-27 pp. 8°. Angers, 1898, No. 324. Audy (Achille-Pierre-Victor) [1876- ]. *Des accidents d'eruption des dents permanentes autres que les dents de sagesse. 94 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 252. Audy (Pierre) [1874- ]. *Etude critique sur un signe precoce d'adenopathie bronchique (signe d'Eustace Smith). 54 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 630. 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----14 Audy (Xavier-Louis-Alphonse) [1884- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude de la voie transpleurale dans les plaies du diaphragme. 76 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1910, No. 47. Aue (H[enrich Christoforowitch]) [1862- ]. Zur Chirurgie der Nieren, zwei Falle von Nephro- lithiasis. In: Samml. khn. Vortr, n. F, Leipz, 1900, No. 288 (Chir, No. 85, 81-98, 1 pL). ------. Kurs operativnoi khirurgii. [Manual of operative surgery.] v, 255 pp. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, Tvo. Khudozh. Bechati, 1911. Aue (Joseph) [1881- ]. *Zur Lehre von der Landry'schen Paralyse. 28 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1908. Auenbrugger (Leopold) [1722-1809]. Nouvelle methode de reconnoitre les maladies internes de la poitrine par la percussion de cette cavite. Traduite du latin. 60 pp. 16°. Baris, Humaire, 1770. Bound with: de Rozieke de la Chassagne. Manuel des pulmoniques, [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1770. ------. The same. On percussion of the chest; being a translation of Auenbrugger's original treatise, entitled "Invenoum novum, etc.,'' and of a selection of the more important com- mentaries of Corvisart on that work, the former first published in 1761, the latter in 1808. In: Forbes (J.) Original cases with dissections and ab- servations [etc.]. 8°. London, 1824,1-64. The same. Tratat asupra percutiunei; lucrare tradusa din franceza dupa I. N. Corvi- sart, de Drd. G. A. Davidescu. 208 pp. 8°. [Bucuresci, Spitalul, 1902.] The same. Neue Erfindung, mittelst des Anschlagens an den Brustkorb, als eines Zei- chens, verborgene Brustkrankheiten zu entde- cken. (1761.) Aus dem Original iibersetzt und eingeleitet von Viktor Fossel. 44 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1912. BJassiker der Medizin, hrsg. von K. Sudhoff, v. 15. For Biography, see Berl. khn. Wchnschr, 1910, xlvh, 2409 (C. Schelenz). Aho: Brit. M. J, Lond, 1909, i, 1191. Aho: Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark Graz, 1909, xlvi, 157-167 (V. Fossel). Aho: Munchen. med Wchnschr, 1909, lvi, 1333-1338, port. (F. Pick). Aho: Norsk Mag. f. Lscgevi- densk, Kristiania, 1911, 5. R, ix, 214-219, ill. (K. Gr0n). Aho: Virginia M. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1914, xix, 94-98 (E. P. Copeland). Aho: Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1909, xxh, 699-709 (M. Neuburger). Aho: Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lviii, 713-715, port. (Schrotter). Aho: Ibid., 1909, lix, 1097-1100 (R. von Toply). Auer (Max). *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cervixmyome. 29 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1896. Auer (Max) [1874- ]. *Ueber bacillare Pneu- monie. 12pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1901. Auerbach (Bruno) [1883- ]. *Uel>er_die Be- handlung schwerer Anamien mit Blutinjektio- nen. 1 p. 1., 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, E. Leh- mann, 1913. Auerbach (Elias) [1882- ]. *Die Innervation der Hirngefasse. 46 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Scho- lem, 1905. Auerbach (Felix) [1873- ]. *Ueber tabische Arthropathieen. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1897]. Auerbach (Felix). Geschichtstafeln der Physik. iv (1 1.), 150 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1910. Auerbach (Franz) [1886- ]. *Ueber Multi- plizitat primarer maligner Tumoren. 23 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1911. Auerbach (Hirsch B.) Hysterische Hemiple- gieen. 35 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1898. AUERBACH. 2T10 AUGE. Auerbach (Johannes Paul) [1883- ]. *Epithel- korperchenblutungen und ihre Beziehungen zur Tetanie der Kinder. [Leipzig.] . 33 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1910. Auerbach (Leopold) [1828-97]. [Biography.] In: Graetzer (J.) Lebensbilder hervor- rag. schles. Aerzte, 8°, Bresl, isso, 215.—Born (G.) Nekro- log. Anat. Anz, Jena, 1898, xiv, 257-207, Auerbach (Max) [1876- ]. *Ueber Verschluss des Ductus choledochus an seinem untersten Abschnitte durch bosartige Tumoren. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, G. Fock, 1899. Auerbach (N[orbert]). Pflege und Ernahrung des Sauglings. 16 pp. 12°. Berlin, Vogel dc Kreienbrink, 1902. Hygienische Volksschrifteh, No. 5. Auerbach (Siegmund) [1860- ]. Zur Behand- lung der functionellen Neurosen bei Mitgliedern von Krankenkassen. 26 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, 1902. Forms 170. Hft. of Berl. Klinik. ------. Der Knotchen- oder Schwielenkopf- schmerz und seine Behandlung. In: Samml. klin. Vortr, n. F, Leipz, 1903, No. 361 (Innere Med., No. 105,1-30). ------. Der Kampf gegen den Larm. 15 pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., Mahlau dc Waldschmidt, 1910. ------. Die Hauptursachen der haufigsten Lahmungstypen. 46 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1911. In: Samml. klin. Vortr, Leipz, 1911, n. F., Nos. 633-634 (Inn. Med. Nos. 203-204). ------. Der Kopfschmerz; seine verschiedenen Formen, ihr Wesen, ihre Erkennung und Be- handlung. Eine theoretische und praktische Anleitung fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 2 p. 1., 132 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1912. —---. Thesame. Headache; its varieties, their nature, recognition, and treatment; a theoretical and- practical treatise for students and practiy tioners. Translated by Ernest Playfair. vi (1 1.), 208 pp. 8°. Bondon, H Frowde [etc.], 1913. Auerbach (Wilhelm). *Ueber die Ursache der Hemmung der Gelatine-Verflussigung durch Zu- ckerzusatz zur Gelatine. [Wiirzburg.] 12 pp. 8°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1897. Auernheimer (Otto) [1880- ]. *Grossen- und Formveranderungen der Baucheingeweide der \\'iederkauer nach der Geburt bis zum erwachse- nen Zustand. [Zurich.] 110 pp., 2 pi., 9 tab. 8°. Wiirzburg, J. Meixner, 1909. Aufdermauer (Emil). *Ueber Dextrocardia con- genita et acquisita. 82 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Leemann dc Co., 1907. Auf der Maur (Paul). *Ein Fall von rezidivie- render Blasenlahmung als Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Erkrankungen des Conus terminalis und der Cauda equina. 39 pp. 8°. Zurich, J. Frank, 1904. AuHermann (Hermann) [1880- ]. *Ueber das circumscripte Aneurysma der Coronararterien des Herzens. [Kiel.] 60 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. M. Barschall, 1908. Auffray (Eugene) [1871- ]. Contribution a l'etude du diagnostic de la peritonite suraigue dans l'ulcere perfore' de l'estomac. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 427. Auffray (Pierre). *Rapports entre l'alcoolisme et l'alienation mentale dans le depart ement des C6tes-du-Nord. 48 pp. 8°. Pan's, 1905, No. 429. Auffret (C[harles]). Secours aux victimes des guerres sur mer. Ce qu'ils ont etc; ce qu'ils sont; ce qu'ils doivent etre. 52 pp. 8°. Baris, L. Baudoin, 1896. Auffret (Emile) [1876- ]. transplantations tendineuses dans le traitement de la paralysie infantile du membre inferieur. 117 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 371. Auffret (Eugene) [1877- ]. *De l'hemostase par le proced6 de Momburg. 93 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 32. Aufgaben-Sammlung zum applicatorischen Stu- dium des Feld-Sanitiitsdienstes. 129 pp., 45 pi. 8°. Wien, J. Safdf, 1901. Aufrccht (Emanuel) [1844- j. Anleitung zur Krankenpflege. viii, 169 pp. 12°. Wien dc Leipzig, A. Holder, 1898. ------. Zur Verhutung und Heilung der chroni- schen Lungentuberculose. 24 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1898. ------. Die Lungenentzundungen. x, 444 pp., 11., 4 pi. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1899. Forms pt. 2, v. 14, of: Spec. Path. u. Therap. . . . Xoth- nagel. 8°. JHYn, 1899. ------. The same. Inflammation of the lungs. In: Encyclopedia pract. med. (Xothnagel). 8°. Phila- delphia, 1902, 381-791. ------. Die Ursache und der ortliche Beginn der Lungenschwindsucht. 1 p. 1., 23 pp., 2 pi. 8°. TT7en, A. Holder, 1900. ------. Ueber die Lungenschwindsucht. 30 pp. 8°. Magdeburg, Faber, 1904. ------. Pathologie und Therapie der Lungen- schwindsucht. x, 275 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1905. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. vii, 329 pp., 1 pi. . 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, A. Holder, 1913. ------. Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Arterio- sklerose. 47 pp. roy. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, A. Holder, 1910. Aufrecht (Paul). *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lebercirrhosen. [Leipzig.] 48 pp. 8°. Frank- furt a. 0.,B.Beholtz, 1S94. Aufschlager (Julius Ernst). *Ueberdie Weil'sche Krankheit und die Stellung der Nierenerkran- kung unter ihren Symptomen. 112 pp., 11. 8°. Strassburg, J. Singer, 1900. von Aufschnaiter (Otto). See Brosch (Anton) & Aufschnaiter (Otto). Das subaquale Innenbad [etc.]. roy. 8°. Leipzig & TVtew,1912. Augagneur (Andr<*) [1885- ]. *Etude sur les reactions des svphilitiques a la tuberculine. 103 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1910, No. 66. Augagneur (Y[ictor]) & Carle (M[arius]). Precis des maladies ven6riennes. iv, 685 pp., 16 pi. 12°. Baris, 0. Boin, 1906. ------------. Thesame. 2. 6d. 2p. 1., viii, 847 pp., 16 col. pi. 8°. Baris, 0. Boin d: fils, 1913. ------------. The same. ' AtppoSio'ioi vbaoi', juera- ippaais tK tj?s 7aXXucrjs inrd A. T. Calomenopoulos. 16 pp. 8°. 'Ej/ 2upco, Tviroyp. 'Iarp. TrpooS., 1909. Augar (Heinrich) [1887- ]. *Die Diagnostik der Pankreaserkrankungen bei Anwendung der funktionellen Pankreasuntersuchungsmethoden. [Konigsberg.] 24 pp. 8°. Tilsit, J. Beylaender & Sohn, 1910. Augay (Claudius) [1875- ]. *De la j^junos- tomie dans le cancer de l'estomac. Indications, technique, resultats. 60 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 112. Aug6_ (Augnstin) [1886- _ ]. *De la perception a distance des bruits intracardiaques. 89 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 47. Auge (Frederic) [1870- ]. *De l'observation des reflexes pupillaire et corneen pendant la chloroformisation. 57 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 381. AUGfi. 211 AUGUSTIN". Auge (Joseph-Jacques-Francois) [1873- ]. *Des modifications recentes apport^es a l'electrolyse des angiomes par l'electropuncture bipolaire. 70pp., lpl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No._36. Auge (Raymond). *Recherches statistiques sur la proportion des affections contagieuses ob- servers dans une consultation ophtalmologique. 67 pp. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 353. Auge _ (Xavier-Charles-Eugene) [1879- ]. *Statistique raisonnee de la consultation des ma- ladies men tales de Bordeaux (1893-1903). 50 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 12. Augendiagnose (Die), bearbeitet nach Pastor Felke's Grundsatzen. vii, 196 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Crcfcld, Worms dc Liithgen, 1907. Augener (Otto) [1885- ]. *Die Serodiagnostik der Lues mittels Ausflockung durch glykochol- saures Natrium. 25 pp. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, B. Noske, 1910. Augenius (Hilarius). See Augenius (Horatius). De febribus [etc.]. fol. Francofurti ad Moznum, 1604. Augenius (Horatius) [1527-1603]. Del modo di preservarsi dalla peste libri tre, scritti volgar- mente per beneficio commune. 11 p. 1., 231 pp. 16°. a Fermo, appresso A. de Grandi, 1577. ------. De vera ratione, qua quisque vitse suae amans periculosissimo pestis tempore sese prseservare possit, perquam utilis et necessarius tractatus, primum Italico sermone ab autore conscriptus, et in tres libros distribuitur. Nunc vero ex illo conversus in Latinum boni publici causa a Jacobo Lebzeltero. 11 p. 1., 328 pp. 16°. Lipsise, J. Apelii, 1593. ------. De febribus, febrium signis, symptomati- bus et prognostico libri septem, ab ipso authore ab anno 1568 usque ad 1572 singuli conscripti, nunc vero post eius obitum ab Hilario Augenio, autoris filio in lucem emissi; his septem libris accesserunt post modum alii tres eiusdem materia?. I. De curatione symptomatum febri- um pestilentium. II. De febribus pestilentibus. III. De curatione variolarum ac morbillorum. 5 pp., 443 pp., 5 1. fol. Francofurti ad Mcenum, T. Schbnwetter, 1604. Augenklinik des Carolinischen medico-chirurgi- schen Instituts zu Stockholm. Mitteilungen. Hrsg. von J. Widmark. Hft. 1-11, 1898-1910. 8°. Jena. Augereau (Pierre) [1870- ]. *Contribution a l'etude du pneumothorax latent. Attenuation ou absence des signes fonctionnels initiaux (douleur et dyspnee). 43 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 174. Augey (A.) Contribution a l'etude des souffles extra-cardiaques. 102 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1904, No. 560. Augier (Adrien) [1884- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude de la prostatectomie transvesical. 137 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 121. Augier (Auguste-Marius) [1872- ]. *R61e du medecin dans la societe. 65 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1895, No. 34. Augier ( Dominique - Marie - Joseph - Charles ). *Technique operatoire et resultats eloignes de la resection du genou dans les osteo-arthrites tu- berculeuses. 93 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lille, 1906, No. 29. Augier (Louis) [1878- ]. *Traitement du rhumatisme chronique deformant progressif par les agents physiques et les eaux thermales d'Evaux-les-Bains. 80 pp. 8°. Pans, 1908, No. 370. Augier (Marius-Adolphe). *Recherches sur l'os frontal de l'homme, son developpement normal etanormal. [Nancy.] 151pp. 8°. Barh, 1913, No. 1022. ' Augistrou (Rene-Marie-Camille) [1884- ]. *La dissociation albumino-cytologique du li- quide cephalo-rachidien;, sa signification; sa valeur clinique. 176 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912, No. 114. Augros (Francisque) [1865- ]. *Traitement de l'empyeme chronique par la decortication du poumon (operation de Delorme). 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Byon, 1898, No. 94. Augsburg. See Cholera (Hhtory and statistics of), Deaf- mutes (Asylums and institutions for), Fever (Typhoid, History of), Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), Pharmacopoeias (Official), by localities. Augsburg. Ains Erbern Rats der Statt Augspurg bevelhe von wegen ainer Ersamen gemainde, daselbs, und sonst manigklichs begeren, ist diss kurtze eylend underricht, von den Doctorn der Artzney daselbs, geordnet, wie man sich in der kranckhait Schwaissucht genannt, firsehen und halten solle, biss zu weyter meer underricht. 5 1. 16°. [Augspurg, n. d.] Augsburger (Felix)._ *Recherche des corps de Negri chez des rats infectes avec le virus fixe de Sassari et comparaison des differentes m^thodes de coloration des corps de Negri. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Lausanne, 1913. Augstein (Herbert) [1885- ]. *Ueber einige an der Marburger Augenklinik mit dem Tono- meter von Schiotz gemachte Erfahrungen. 33 pp. 8°. Marburg, Koster dc Schell, 1913. Auguet (Pedro Roca). *Sueroterapia antidif- terica. xiv, 84 pp., 11. 8°. Madrid, E. Barea, 1899. Auguez (Paul). Spiritualisme; faits curieux pre- cedes d'une lettre a M. G. Marbru, suivis de l'extrait d'un compte-rendu de la fete mesme- rienne du 23 mai 1858 et d'une relation ameri- caine des plus extraordinaires. 88 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, Bentu; G. Baillihe, 1858. Auguin (Gabriel) [1874- ]. *Signification clinique du meningisme dans la grippe. [Lyon.] 235 pp., 11. 4°. Nancy, 1895, No. 1119. Augusta, Georgia. See, also, J? ever (Yellow, Hhtory of), Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), Insane (Asylumsfor, Bescription, etc., of), by localities. Coleman (T. D.) The climatology of Augusta, Georgia. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1901, xvh, 28-38. Also: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902,11. s., iv, 64-70. Aho, Reprint. Auguste (Ernest-Theophile) [1882- ]. *Etude d'hygiene navale. Organisation des secours aux blesses des guerres maritimes. Les navires- hopitaux. 85 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909, No. 18. Auguste (Louis). *Le service medical des mu- tualites. 52 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 286. Augustin (Fnedrich Ludwig) [1776-1S54]. Ver- such einer vollstandigen systematischen Ge- schichte der galvanischen Electricitat und ihrer medicinischen Anwendung. xvi, 284 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, Felisch, 1803. Augustin (George). History of yellow fever. 14; 1194 pp. 8°. New Orleans, Searcy dc Bfaff, 1909. Augustin (Hermann). *Ueber Uterusperforation mit Verletzung des prolabirten Darmes. 23 pp. 8°. Basel, 1906. AUGUSTIN. 212 AUPOIS. Augustin (Kurt) [1887- ]. *Filaria flexuosa, Wedl 1856. 1 p. 1., 49 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Konigs- berg, G. Kemsies, 1913. Augustin (Ludwig Adolf Hans) [1880- ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Stoffwechsels bei unzureichender Ernahrung. 36 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1909. [de Augustis (Quiricus).j Het licht des apotekers. Tractereh de confectie, operatie, ende kennisse van alderhande electuanen, pillen, trocissen, pulveren, [etc.]. 7 p. 1., 152 ff. 24°. [T Antwerpen, Claes van den Wouwere, 1564.] Auguy (Joseph). *De l'ad^nopathie appendicu- laire. 72 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 134. Auguy (Paul) [1865- ]. *De la tuberculose Hnguale. 1 p. 1., 237 pp. 4°. Barh, 1895, No. 46. Aujaleu. Considerations sur les manifestations hypocondriaques dans le cours de l'opilepsie. 54 pp., 11. 8°. Toulouse, 1901, No. 425. Aujean (Octave). Contribution a l'6tude du traitement mercuriel intensif dans les accidents graves de la syphilis. 93 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 381. Aulacocarpus. Pittier (H.) On the relationship of the genus Aulacocar- pus, with description of a new Panamanian species. Smith- son. Misc. Collect., Wash., 1914, lxiii, No. 4. Aulastoma. Spiess (C.) Recherches sur la structure intime du tube digestif d'Aulastoma gulo Mog. Tand. Bull. vi. internat. Zool.-Kong., Bern, 1904, No. 5, 7. Auld (Alexander Gunn). Selected researches in pathology, vi (11.), 154 pp. 8°. Bondon, J. dc A. Churchill, 1901. Aulde (John). Typical tuberculosis; selected cases from a report entitled: Collective investi- gation on tuberculosis. 23 pp. 8°. Bhiladel- phia, 1904. ------. The chemie problem in nutrition (mag- nesium infiltration); a sketch_ of the causative factors in disorders of nutrition as related to diseases of the nervous system, xvi, 410 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, J. Aulde, 1912. Auler (Richard) [1873- ]. *Ueber klinische und pathologisch-anatomische Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Netzhautglioms. 20 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Marburg, Kbster dc Schell, 1898. Auihorn (Ernst [Rudolf]) [1877- _ ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der primaren combinierten Strang- crkrankung. 39 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Edelmann, 1902. See, aho, Alte und neue Gynakologie [etc.]. fol. Miin- chen, 1907. Auihorn (Karl Erich) [1879- ]. *Ueber opera- tive Behandlung des durch Lebercirrhose l>e- dingten Ascites (Talma'sche Operation). 56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Aulike (Max) [1872- ]. *Sympathische Oph- thalmie und Opticusresektion. 28 pp., 1 sheet, 11. 8°. Berlin, C. Voejt, 1895. Auli (Wilhelm Joseph) [1880- ]. *Ueber Sep- tumabszesse. [Wurzburg.] 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Niirnberg, 0. Kirchhof, 1908. Aulmann (Georg) [1884- ]. *Die Mund- Rachenwand der Vogel und Sanger. [Erlangen.] pp. 34-82. 8°. Leipzig, 1909, No. 154. Also, in: Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1909, xxxix. d'Aulnay (Gaston Richard). See Richard d'Aul- nay (Gaston) [in 2. s.]. Aulong (Gabriel) [1884- ]. ^Courants de haute frequence et d'arsonvalisation; action sur la pression sanguine; application au traitement de rhypertension arteriella permanente et ac- cessoirement au traitement du diabete. [Lyon.] 81 pp. 8°. Lille, 1906, No. 16. Aulophorus. Beighard (J.) On the anatomy and histology of Aulo- phorus vagus. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1884-5, n. s., xh, 88-106, 3 pi. Aulus Cornelius Celsus fiber die Arzneiwis- senschaft in acht Buchern. Uebersetzt und erldart von Eduard Scheller. 2. Aufl. nach der Textausgabe von Daremberg neu durchgesehen von Walther Frieboes. Mit einem Vorwort von R. Kobert. xl, 862 pp., 4 pi., port., 1 1. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Sohn, 1906. Aumaitre (Auguste). Contribution a l'etude de rhysterie religieuse. Mme. Guyon. 58 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 265. Aumann (August) [1880- ]. *Ueber Befunde von Bakterien der Paratyphusgruppe mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ubiquitatsfrage. [Kiel.] 41 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1911. Aumann (Julius Philemon Clemens) [1881- ]. *UeLer Briiche des Fersenbeins. 48 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning. 1911. Aumond (Leopold). *De l'iode comme topique uterin dans les infections puerperales. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 304. Aumont (Alexandre) [1842- ]. *Etude cri- tique sur la pathogenie des phlebites infec- tieuses. 42 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 107. Aumont (Fernand) [1869T }. Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical de l'anurie due au cancer de l'uterus (nephrotomie lombaire). 66 pp., 11. 4°. Barh, 1895, No. 504. ------. L'estomac des gens du monde. Neuras- thenie digestive. 1 p. 1.. ii, 205 pp., 2 1. 12°. Baris, E. Flammarion, 1908. ------. Contre le vieillissement des gens du monde; role de rarthririsme. 2 p. 1.. [7}-221 pp.. 11. 8°. Baris, B. Lafitte dc Cie.. [1913]. Aumont (Gilbert-Antoine) []S79-_ J. *La main-d'eeuvre aux colonies francaisos. 58 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 124. Aumont (Leon). *De l'appendicite choleriforme et de la diarrhee dans l'appendicite. 66 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 467. Aumiiller (Johann Baptist). *Ueber das Zinn der in Bleehbuchsen verwahrten Gemiise-Conserven und dessen Resorption im Darmkanal. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1897. Aumiiller (Peter). *Ein Fall von congenitaler Luxation im Kniegelenk nach hinten. 26 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Sciieiner, is95. ^ 'Aim (Jarjas Tunus). Kitabu sadkin al-bayani fi tibin al-hayawani. [Handbook of veterinary medicine.'] 428 pp. 8°. Beyrouth, 1884. Arabic text. Aunav i Henri). *Le rein dans la cirrhose hyper- trophiquebiliaire. 76 pp., 21. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 50!). Auneau (Jean). *De la cvstostomie sus-pubienne a Paris. 101 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 114. Auperin (Gaston) [1871- ]. *Contribution a l'etude clinique de la tuberculose renale a forme hematurique. 48 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 86. Aupiais (Jean). ^Contribution a l'etude des plaies de l'artere sous-claviere. 75 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris,,1903, No. 144. Aupicon (Emile) [1883- ]. *Valeur semio- logique de la melanodermie des muqueuses. 66 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 456. Aupinel (Pierre) [1852- ]. ^Considerations sur le processus curatif spontane de la tuber- culose pulmonaire. 83 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 439. Aupois (Robert). *Des kystes hydatiques du strand epiploon. 84 pp. 8°. Barh. 1902. No. 122. AURA. 213 AURICLE. Aura. Kilner (W. J.) The human atmosphere; or, the aura made visible by the aid of chemical screens. 8°. New York, 1911. Auraire (Victorin-William) [1881- ]. *Du traitement de la nevralgie faciale rebelle par la section de la racine sensitive protuberantielle du trijumeau. 60 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909, No. 97. Auramin. See, also, Pyoktanin. Hake (W.) Note on a case of poisoning by a sweetmeat containing auramine. Westminst. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond 1903, xiii, 175-178. Aurantia. Moser (W.) On the local effects of aurantia and its treatment. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 278. Aurantiaceae. Chapus (A.) Note sur quelques essences d'aurantiacees algeriennes. J. de pharm. et chim., l'ar., 1909, 6. s., xxx, 484-487. Aurantium. See Oranges. Auregan (Arthur) [1874- ]. *De l'hydrorrhee deciduale. 102 pp. 8°. Boris, 1897, No. 50. Auregan (Joseph) [1883- ]. *R6trecissement mitral pur et nanisme. 69 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 312. Aureggio (E.) Albuin-guide de I'inspection sani- taire des viandes. Etudes des viandes et des maladies des animaux de boucherie dans leurs rapports avec 1'alimentation humaine. 1 p. 1., 90 pi., 2 1. obi. 4°. Byon, 1906. Aurei velleris oder der Guildin Schatz und Kunst- kammer Tractatus ii. Darinn erstlich dess edlen hochgelehrten und bewehrten Philosophi und medici, Philippi Theophrasti, Bombasti von Hohenheim, Paracelsi genannt, fiirnembste chymische Schrifften, Tincturen und Process; so bisshero in keinem Truck noch me gesehen. Dann zum andern, dess auch edlen unnd fur- treffenlichen Philosophi Bartholomei Korn- dorffers Schrifften, so vil deren an jetzo bei- handen gewesen, und sich zusammen der Ord- nung halber gefiigt, auss den Originalien in ein Volumen gebracht. 102 pp., port. sm. 4°. Korschach am Bodensee, [n. d.]. Aurelia. Goodey (T.) A further note on the gonadial grooves of a medusa, Aurelia aurita. Proc. gen. meet. . . . Zool. Soc. Lond., 1909, 78-81, 1 pL—Widmark (E. M. P.) Ueber die Wasserstromungen in dem Gastrovaskularapparat von Aurelia aurita L. Ztschr. f. allg. Physiol., Jena, 1913, xv, 33-48. Aurelianus (Cselius). Fiessinger (C.) La therapeutique de Cselius Aure- lianus, iie siecle. In his: Therap. d. vieux maitres, 8°, Par., 1897, 23-28.—Kttlin (C. G.) De Caelio Aurehano, inter methodicos medicos haud ignobili. In his: Opus accad,. med. et philol., 8°, Lips., 1828, ii, 1-8.-----. In Cselium Aurelianum notae Dan. Gu. Trilleri manuscripts cum viris doctis communicantur. Ibid., 9-85. Aurenche (A.-H.) [1879- ]. Contribution a l'etude du chlorure d'ethyle comme agent d'a- nesthesie generale en obstetrique. 96 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 139. Auricle. See, aho, Anthropology. Brown (A. G.) The acoustic potentials of the human auricle. 8°. [London], 1881. Austoni (A.) Morfologia dei muscoli auricolari estrin- seci dell' uomo. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1906, xvii, 286.-----. Muscoli auricolari estrinseci dell' uomo. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1908, vh, 193-243, 3 pi.— Bertelli (D.) & Austoni (A.) Intorno alle idee di Paul Eisler sopra ai muscoli auricolari estrinseci dell' uomo. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1912, xxih, 182-189.—Birming- Auricle. ham (A.) The muscles of the external ear. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1894 xcviii 288-302, 2 pi.—Bloch (A.-M.) Recherches sur la presence des rides preauriculaires et des poils du tragus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lix. 291.—Chiarugi (G.) II tubercolo di Darwin e la direzione dei peli nei padiglione dell' oreechio umano. Boll. d. sez d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. di Siena, 1888, vi, 60-63.— Eisler (P.) Zur Anatomie der Mm. aurieulares des Men- schen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1913, xlui, 545-,"3(il.—Fere (C.) Note sur l'importance physiologique des varietes morpholo- giques du pavilion de f'oreille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., hi, 573-575.—Franke (H.) Ueber die Funktion der Ohrmuschel. Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl., 1912-13, vi, 219-243.— Geigel (ft.) Die Funktion der Ohrmusehel. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, hv, 2337.—Henneberg (B.) Zur Entwickelung der Ohrmuschel. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1907, xxx, Ergnzngshft., 171.-----. Beitrage zur Entwickelung der Ohrmuschel. Ibid., Wiesb., 1908, xxxvi, 107-187, 7 pi. -----. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ohrmuschel. Ibid., 1909-10, xl, 95-147, 2 pi.—Munch (F. E.) Ueber die Ent- wicklung des Knorpels des ausseren O hres. Morphol.Arb., Jena, 1897, vh, 583-610, 3 pi.—Pietro (T.) Considerazioni sulla fisiologia del padiglione dell' oreechio. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1908, xix, 321; 381.—von Schumacher (S.) Ueber eigentiimliche Verhahnisse an den Venen der Ohrmuschel ernes neugeborenen Nilpferdes. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1916, xlix, 72-81.—Tatarofl (D.) Ueber die Muskeln der Ohrmuschel und einige Besonderheiten des Ohrknor- pels. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1887, 35-58,1 pi.—Wilhelm (E.) Materiaux pour servir a ltetude anthropologique du pavilion de l'oreille. Rev. biol. du nord de la France, Lille, 1891-2, iv, 201; 241; 329; 392; 477, 3 diag. Auricle (Abnormities of). See, also, Anthropology (Criminal); Auricle (Blastic surgery of); Ear (Abnormities of). Cainer (A.) Abnorme direzione dei peh nei padiglione auricolare di un ahenato. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1898, xix, 447-449.—D'Ajutolo (G.) Alcune rare nuove forme di anomahe congenite del padiglione auricolare. Arch. di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1915, 4. s., vii, 181.—Friden- berg (P.) Bilateral invagination (epicanthus) of the auricle; an unusual congenital anomaly. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc., N. Bedford, 1905, ix, 189-198.—Gruber. Demonstration einer seltenen Missbildung des ausseren Ohrtheiles. Mo- natschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1898, xxxh, 65-67.—Hecht (H.) Zur Casuistik der operativen Behandlung congenitaler Bildungsfehler.der Ohrmuschel. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1898, xliv, 89-96.—Iwata (H.) Angeborene Missbildung des ausseren Ohres. Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres, Berl., 1911, v, 258-273— Kartashevski (G. A.) [Supernumerary ear lobule.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1914, ccxl, med.-spec. pt., 1-3— Kiesselbach (W.) Ueber die Missbildung der Ohrmuschel und des Paukenbeins bei angeborenem Verschluss des ausseren Gehorganges. Beitr. z. Morphol. .. .JErlang*. 1883, Stuttg., 1884, 94-98, 1 pi.—Manasse. Demonstration eines Falles von angeborenem Defekt der Ohrmuschel. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1907, 145-155.—Massa (G.) Un caso di fistola branchiate cieca interna. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 126-134.—Max (E.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Ohrmuscheldefekte. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1896, xlvi, 1985-1988.—Morestin (H.) Malformation du pavilion de l'oreille. BulL et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1914, lxxxix, 204-206—Nannotti (A.) Di una malfor- mazione della cartilagine dell' oreechio; Trago accessorio simmetrico. Boll. Soc. med. pisana, 1894, i, 28.—Page (J. R.) Patient presented hve years after operation for con- genital bilateral microtia. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1916, xxv, 725-728—Boy (D.) Congenital flstulae of the auricle. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1896, i, 155-157 — Sperino (G.) Sopra alcune modalita del ponticulus del padighone dell' oreechio umano. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1896, 3. s., xliv, 364-368, 1 pi—Tommasi (C.) Contributo alio studio delle anomahe del padighone aurico- lare e del sistema pihfero; ipertricosi auricolare famigliare. Gior. di psichiat. chn. e teen, manic, Ferrara, 1907, xxxv, 1-21, 1 pi.—Wagner (L.) A congenital deformity of both auricles. Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol. & Otol. Soc. 1901, N. Y., 1902, vii, 19. Auricle (Cancer of). Theillet (P.-J.) *Du cancer du pavilion de l'oreille. 4°. Boris, 1882. Alderton(H. A.) Epithelioma ofthe auricle. Brooklyn M. J., 1903, xvh, 137.—Compaired. Curacten sin recidiva de los casos de epitelioma del pabelten y conductos aurieu- lares por la amputacten y tratamiento consecutivo con el clorato potasico. Arch. lat. de rinol., laringol. [etc.], Bar- cel., 1897, viii, 59-62. Aho: Rev. „de laringol., Barcel., 1897, xh, 294-296.—Costantini (H.) Epithelioma des pavilions auriculaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1914, lxxxix, 210— Coudray (P.) & Dubar (G.) Sur un cas d'epithe- lioma pavimenteux lobule en degenerescence colloide du AURICLE. 214 AURICLE. Auricle (Cancer of). lobule de l'oreille. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 590-592.—Davis (H. J.) Epithehoma of the helix in a man, aged 70. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1912-13, vi, Otol. Sect., 88-90.—Ferrer! (G.) Sull'epitelioma del padiglione dell' oreechio e sua diffusione all' osso temporale. Sperimen- tale, Firenze, 1888, lxu, 31-39.—Fowler (E. P.) Report of a case of epithehoma of the auricle. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol.,St.Louis, 1912,xxi,472—Garzia(V.) Epitehoma del padiglione dell' oreechio. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1902, Napoh, 1903, vi, 321.—Graupner. Car- cinoma auriculae. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2219.—Lannois (M.) Tumeur du pavilion de l'oreille (adeno-epitheliome) d'origine sebacee. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc], Par., 1898 xvhi, 1233-1237.—Lee (C. G.) & Stockdale (C. M.) Epithelioma of pinna. [Two eases and sections.] Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1903, xxhi, 398.—Leh- mann. Totalexstirpation der Ohrmuschel wegen eines Plattenepithelcarcinoms. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 1315.—McKenzie (D.) Epithehoma of auricle treated by diathermy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915, viu, Otol. Sect., 65.—Morestin (H.) Epithehoma du pavilion de 1'oreille (7 cas). Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 190G, lxxxi, 346-358.—Patterson (N.) Operation for epithelioma of the auricle with secondary involvement of glands, May, 1912 (three years ago); no recurrence. Proc. Roy. Soc Med., Lond., 1915, vhi, Otol. Sect., 64.—Ricci (F.) Sopra un caso di epitelioma del padighone dell' oreechio. Atti d. clin. oto-rino-laringoiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma (1912), 1913, x, 165-177, 1 pi.—Sonntag (K. F.) Epithelioma of the auricle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 1429.—Starr (F. N. G.) Epithelioma of the external ear. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1898, iv, 10-12—Szenes (S.) Epithelioma auriculas. Arch, f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1904-5, lxiv, 3-7. A ho: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xiii, 327. Aho, transl: Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1904, vh, 221.—Vali (E.) Carcinoma epitheliale auns. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1898, hi, 375-377.—Walker (H. S.) Epithelioma of the pinna; amputation. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1905-6, vh, 92.—Yearsley (M.) Patient, drawing, macro- and microscopic specimens of a case of epithehoma of the pinna. Ibid., 17-19.—Zsigmond (S.) [Complete removal of the concha of the ear on account of epithehoma.] Fiileszet, Budapest, 1904,17. Auricle (Diseases of). See, also, Auricle (Hxmatoma of); Auricle (Berichondritisof); Ear (External, Biseases of). Henrich(F. T.) *Diecircumscripte Knoten- tuberkulose des Ohrlappchens. . [Heidelberg.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1911. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb., 1910-11, lxii, 334-345. Prochownik (M.) *Die Hautkrankheiten der Ohrmuschel. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, 1910. Bane (W- C.) Eczema of the auricle due to excess of carbohydrates in the diet. Colorado Med., Denver, 1915, xh, 101.—Beardsley (L. \V.) Herpes auricularis. St. Louis M. Gaz., 1898-9, ii, 176.—Biehl (C.) Die idiopathische Perichondritis der Ohrmuschel und das spontane Otha- matom. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1897, xliii, 245-250.— Bishop (S. S.) Frost-bite of the auricle. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1896, i, 216— Ciarrocchi (0.) Su di un caso di lupus pernio del padighone dell' oreechio sinistro. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1897, v, 353-361. Davis (IL J. B.) Recurrent herpes of auricle in a boy, aged 9. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1917-18, xi, Sect. Otol., 53.—Dencli (E. B.) Congenital malformations, cutaneous diseases, morbid growths, and injuries of the auricle. Syst. Dis. Kar, Nose & Throat (Burnett), Phila., 1893, i. 124-165.—De- Simoni. Sopra una causa poco nota d'infezione del- 1' oreechio esterno. Boll. d. Policlin., Torino, 1896, i, 269- 272.—Dor (H.) Scteroderme du pavilion do rorcille. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. nted. de Lyon (1894), 1895, xxxiv, pt. 2, 186.—Fleischmann (L.) Elephantiasis auri- culae. Budapesti k. orvosegy. evi evkonvve 1907. Buda- pest, 1908,145. Aho, transl: Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Ge- sellsch. d. Aerzte 1907, Budapest, 1908,99. — —. Elephan- tiasis auriculae. Budapesti k. orvosegy. evi ev konyvo 190s, Budapest, 1909, pt. 2, 25. Aho,transl.: Verhandl. d. Buda- pest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1908, Budapest, iuim, 13—Glo- gau (O.) Othygroma nephriticum; a hitherto undescribed disease of the ear lobe. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 123.—Goldstein (M. A.) Bilateral syphilitic ulceration of the auricle. Laryngoscope, St. Loiiis, 1898, iv, 38-41.— Guarnaccla (E.) & Storni (V.) Ematidrosi auricolare. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1915, xxvi. 193-204.—Her- met. Ulceration phagedenique du pavilion de l'oreille ayant envahi les regions masto'idienne et temporale. Ann. do dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1451-1453. Also: Bull. Soc franc, do dermat. et syph., Par., 1890* vii, 594-596.— Kelson (W. H.) Intractablo ulcer of tragus and fistula of helix. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1908-9, ii, Otol. Sect., 86— Lubbers (K.) Ueber die Verknocherung des Ohr- muschelknorpels. Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. The- .uricle (Diseases of). rap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl., 1911, v, 26-39, 2 pL—McKen- zie (D.) Infiltration of both auricles (? chronic lymphan- gitis) in a woman aged 32. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Otol. Sect., 37.—Malan (A.) Tubercoloma del lobulo dell' oreechio. Boll. d. mal. d. oreechio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1915, xxxhi. 1-6.—Palen (G. J.) Noma of the auricle, with report of a case. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., Lancaster, 1917, xxhi, 505-514.—Randall (B. A.) The successful treatment of eczema of the ear. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, 3. s., xiii, 85-87.—Sarai (T.) Herpes der Ohrmuschel mit Neuritis des Nervus faciahs; mit einem Zusatze von O. Korner. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1904, xlvi, 136-138. Aho, transl: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1906, xxxv, 529.—Seraflni (G.) Di un voluminoso aneurisma cirsoideo del padighone dell' oreechio. Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez. chir., 159-168.— Somers (L. S.) Aural herpes. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, 503.—Szenes (Z.) Hyper- trophia chondrosa auricularum. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xhi, 546— Tapie. Lupus hypertrophique geant du pavilion de 1'oreille simulant un neoplasme. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1912, xix, 123-131.—Trifiletti (A.) Flemmone peri-auricolare. Riforma med., Napoh, 1897, xhi, pt. 4, 789-791.—Tweedy (H. C.) Symmetrical gangrene of the ears. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894-5, xhi, 356- 359, 1 pi.—Urbantschitsch (E.) Elephantiasis der Ohr- muschel auf lymphangiomatoser Grundlage. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl., 1910, xhv, 1276.—Urbantschitsch (V.) Ueber einige mit Radium behandelte Erkrankungen der Ohrmuschel und zwar je einen Fall von Epithehal- karzinom, Sarcom, Lupus und Tuberkulose. Strahlen- therapie, Berl. & Wien, 1914, iv 95— Vignolo-Lutati (C.) Sugli stati elefantoasiformi del padighone dell' oreechio. (Contributo alio studio delle dermatosi artritiche.) Riforma med., Napoh, 1917, xxxih, 838-841.—Wassmund. Ver- knocherung der Ohrmuschel und Rontgographie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1899, xxv, 439. —West (C. E.) Chronic dermatitis of the pinna due to infection by staphylococcus aureus, under treatment by vaccine. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. Lond., 1910-11, iv, Otol. Sect., 38. Auricle (Hxmatoma of). See, aho, Wrestlers and wrestler's ear. Balmes (G.) *Sur la disparition de l'hema- tome des oreilles dans les asiles d'alienes. 8°. Toulouse, 1908. Carlot (L.) Contribution a l'etude des othematomes chez les alienes. 8°. Lyon, 1912. Tetard (L.) *De l'hematome du pavilion de l'oreille. 4°. Barh, 1884. Tishkoff (V. P.) *Ob othematomie; k ucheniyu o progressivnom paralichie ponue- shannikh. [On othematoma; a study of pro- gressive paralysis of the insane.] 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1891. Baccelll (M.) Contributo alia patogenesi dell' oto-ema- toma. Ann. di nevrol., Napoli, 1906, xxiv, 165-170, 1 pi — Bljl (C.) Bijdrage tot de casuistiek van het othaemaioom. Psychiat. en Neurol. Bl., Amst., 1897, i, 4^i-4v-.—Bock- horn (H.) Die Ohrblutgeschwulst. Irrenpflege, Halle a. S., 1S97-8, i, 109-113.—Bouchaud. Tumeurs sanguines et tumeurs sero-albumhieuses du pavilion de l'oreille chez les altenes. Encephale, Par., 1910, i, 6>t.-t'95.-----. Othema- toma et epanchement sereux du pavillou de l'oreille. Rev. neurol., Par., 1913, xxi, 737-712 —Ceni (C.) Sulla pato- fenesiaeirotoematomaneghahenati. Riv. sper. di freniat., leggio-Emilia, 1901, xxvu, 369-374.—Darcanne. Patho- genic de l'othematome. Cong. d. nted. ahenistes et neurol. de France... C. r. Proc-verb.[etc.], Par., 1905, xv, pt. 2, 226-228. Aho: J. de neurol., Par., 1906, xi, 90.—van Deven- ter. [Origin and nature of auricular hematoma.] Psychiat. Bl., Amst., 1893, xi, 55-61.-Etienne (C..) & Lucien. Othe- matome chez te lapin. Conn, internat. depath. comp., Par., 1914, ii, 304-306.—Frisco (B.) & Noera (G.) SulL origine infettivadelTotoematomaacutodeipazzi. Pisani, Palermo, 1S97, xviii, 175-186. Aho: Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 189S, n. s., xx, 302-308.—Ganter (R.) Vom Otha- matom una seiner Entstehung. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1897, xxxix, 71-84.—Jenkins (G. J.) Case of hsematoma auris; operative treatment. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1913-14, vii, Otol. Sect., 28.— Krilger. Zur Behandlung des Othiimatoms. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1914, lxi, 604.— Laubinger (H.) Beitrage zur Casuistik der Othamatome und der Perichondritis. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 135-146.—McCassy(J. H.) Haematomaauns. Ann. Ophth. A- Otol., St. Louis, 1S96, v,616-618.—McKenzie(D.) Thickening of the cartilage of both auricles? (othaematoma). Proc. Hoy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, No. 6, Otol. Sect., 53.—McKcynolds (J. O.) Othaematoma and chronic peri- chondritis oft he auricle. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., N .Y., 1898, x, 233-237.—Marie (P.-L.) Maladies de captivite: l'otltematome. Arch, de med. et pharm. Mil., Par., 1917, lxvu, 501-505.—Morlsson. Trois cas d'hematome du AURICLE. 215 AURICLE. Auricle (Haematoma of). pavilion de 1'oreille; quelques considerations relatives au traitement de cette affection. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par , 1908, hi, 189-193.—Morselli (E.) La piu anticaraffigu- razione dell' otematoma. Boll. d. mal. d. oreechio, d. gola e d naso, Firenze, 1896, xiv, 261-263.—Oliver. Double haema- toma auris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 81.-----. A case of haematoma auris. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1897,v, 27— Quaile (W. F.) Notes on blood tumour oi the ear. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 227-229—Robertson (W. F.) Haematoma auris. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 803.-----. On morbid changes in the ear-cartilages, with special reference to the pathology of haematoma auris. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., Edinb. & Lond., 1896, iv, 407-122,1 pL—Shattuck (W. S.) Hema- toma of auricle. Brooklyn M. J., 1903, xvii, 137.—Spratling (L W ) A case of haematoma auris without mental disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 631.—Vomer (H.) Ueber Lvmphangiektoma auriculi (Othaematoma spurium). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii,408—Webster (G. A.) Othematoma, with report of a case. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 358-360.—Welsh (D. A.) On the relation of micro- organisms to haematoma auris. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., Edinb. & Lond., 1896, iv, 423-428. Auricle (Perichondritis of). Davis (H. J.) Deformity of both pinnae resulting from perichondritis following double mastoid operation. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Otol. Sect, 71.—Deady (C) Perichondritis auriculae. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat J, N. Y.. 1906, xh, 111-117.—Fraser (J. S.) Perichon- dritis of the auricle following the radical mastoid operation. Scot M. & S. J., Edinb., 1907, xx, 234-238.—Gifford (H.) Perichondritis of the auricle treated successfully by injection of fifty percent alcohol. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1909, xix, 371 —Huss. Doppelseitige idiopathische Perichondritis der Ohrmuschel. Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl., 1909-10, hi, 217-221.—Lermoyez. Peri- chondrite pyocyanique primitive du pavilion de l'oreille. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1905, viu, 124.— Mdller (J.) [Some remarks on serous perichondritis of the auricle.] Hosp.-Tid, K0benh.? 1899, 4. R., vh, 199-214. _____ To nye Tilfaelde af Perichondritis serosa auriculae. 278-281—Okunefl (V. N.) [Case of idiopathic, creeping, postoperative perichondritis of the concha of the ear, the disease in general and its treatment.] Yezhemies. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Boltezn., S.-Peterb., 1913, vhi. 505-526.— Sarai (T ) On post-operative pyocyaneus perichondritis of the auricle. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1906, xxxv, 121.—Schwarcz (E ). [Perichondritis of the] concha of the ear.] Fuleszet, Budapest, 1905, 37-46. Auricle (Piercing of). Veaux (E.) *Des accidents consecutifs au percement du lobule de l'oreille. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897 Beer (H ) Die Durchsteehung der Ohrlappchen. Aerztl. Centr -Ztg , Wien, 1902, xiv, 459—Cappellari (L.) Le compiicazioni da perforazione dell' oreechio. Cornere san., Milano, 1909 xx, 423-Castueil (E.) Le percement des oreilles. Arch. Ioreau (P.) Auscultation' de la parole a la surface du crane. Compte- rendu d'un memoire adresse par le Dr. Roberto Adriani. Ann. med.-psych. Par, 1882,6. s, vhi, 99-101.—Richardson (B. W.) Cranial auscultation in cases of vertigo and noises in the head. Asclepiad, Lond, 1891, vhi, 331-334.—Rob- ertson (A.) On percussion and auscultatory percussion of the skull in diagnosis and treatment. Glasg. Hosp. Rep, 1898, i, 42-52.—Teleky (H.) Ueber subjective und objective Kopfgerausche. Wrien. med. Bl, 1893, xvi, 81-84.—Weiss (H.) Zur Lehre von den subjectiven Kopfgerauschen; ein Fall von doppelscitigem, traumatischem, pulsirendem Exophthalmus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1898, xi, 1071-1075. Auscultation (Obstetrical). See Pregnancy (Biagnosis of). Ausderau (Jakob). *Ueber die Beziehungen der Syphilis zur perniciosen Anamie. [Zurich.] 40 pp., 11. 8°. Frauenfeld, Huber dc Co., 1906. Ausems (Andreas Wilhelmus). *De invloed van alcohol op den loop van infektieziekten. 5 p. 1., 136 pp. 8°. Utrecht, 1900. See, aho, Forstmann (F.) & Ausems (A. W.) Het neomalthusianisme [etc.]. 12°. Utrecht, 1911.—Koumer (B. J.) & Ausems (A. W.) De verloskundige kliniek [etc.], 8°. Kampen, 1904. Auserlesene kleine Werke dreyer beruhmter englischer Chymisten, Priestley, Henry und Black, die Schwangerung des gemeinen Wassers mit fixer Luft, die Magnesia und Kalkerde, die faulungswidrige Kraft gewisser Arztneyen und andre erhebliche Gegenstande betreffend. 152 pp. 12°. Kopenhagen dc Beipzig, J. F. Heineck dc Faber, 1774. Ausfeld (Rudolf). Wie schaffen und erhalten wir uns gesunde Zahne? 79 pp. 12°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1901. Ausfuhrliche Darstellung des GalTschen Sys- tems der Schadellehre. 112 pp. 16°. Magde- burg, Keilsche Buchhandl., 1805. Ausfuhrliche Kachricht von der Beschaffenheit und Success des Blatter-Beltzens in Neu- Engelland beschrieben von Benjamin Colmann, Predigern zu Boston, nebst einem Schreiben eines anderen Predigers daselbst in welchem die darwieder gemachten Gewissens-Scrupel beant- wortet werden. Vor kurzem in London publi- ciret und mit einer historischen Einleitung erlautert duch Daniel Neal. Nunmehro aber zu mehrerer • Bekrafftigung der ehemahls davon edirten Schrifft aus dem Englischen iibersetzet von Abraham Vater. 7 p. 1., 52 pp. sm. 4°. Wittenberg, Gerdes Wittwe, 1723. Ausgestaltung (Zur) der Marodenzimmer d. k. u. k Heeres; nach den Erfahrungen, eines Trup- penarztes. 26 pp. 8°. Wien, J. Safdf, 1902. Ausier Bentes (Dionysio). *Contribuicao ao estudo de demencia precoce. 80 pp. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, M. Orosco dc Co., 1905. Aussendorf (Karl Felix) [1886- ]. _ *Zur Kenntnis der pathologischen Anatomie des Zentralnervensystems bei Encephalopathia sa- turnina. 44 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Lehmann, 1911. Ausset (E[douard-Louis]) [1866- ]. Semeiolo- sie generate de l'estomac. 248 pp. 12°. Barh, B. Battaille dc Cie., 1896. . ______, Lecons cliniques sur les maladies des enfants faites a l'hopital Saint-Sauveur, 1896-7, ler semestre. vii, 291 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Ma- loine, 1898. ______. The same. 1897-8, lvT semestre (deuxie- me serie). 1 p. 1., 285 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Ma- loine, 1898. AUSSET. 218 AUSTRALIA. Ausset (E[douard-Louis])—continued. ------. Elements d'hygiene infantile a l'usage des etablissements d'education de jeunes filles. Lecons faites a 1'Ecole normal d'institutrices de Douai et aux grandes eleves des ecoles de Saint- Pol-sur-Mer. Preface de Budin. viii, 86 pp., 1 ch., 1 1. 12°. Boris, C. Belagrave, 1905. See, also, Consultations medico-chirurgicales [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1904. Aho, Editor of: Pediatrie pratique, journal de clinique et de therapeutique infantiles, Paris, 1903-13. Aussilloux (Charles). *Quelques considerations sur l'anesthesie lombaire. 67 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 22. Ausstellung fiir Verwundeten- und Krankenfur- sorge im Kriege. Ill pp. 8°. Berlin, [J. J. Weber], 1914. Austen (Ernest Edward) [1867- ]. _ A mono- graph on the tsetse-flies (genus Glossina, West- wood), based on the collection in the British Museum. With a chapter on mouth-parts, by H. J. Hansen, ix, 319 pp., 1 map., 9 pi. 8°. London, Longmans dc Co., 1903. -----—. Blood-sucking flies, ticks, etc., and how to collect them. 20 pp., 11. 8°. London, 1904. ------. Blood-sucking and other flies known or likely to be concerned in the spread of disease. In: Syst. Med. (Allbutt). 8°. London, 1907, ii, pt. 2, 169-186. ------. Report to the Local Government Board, on flies examined during 1908. 8 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, Barling dc Son, 1909. Rep. Loc. Gov. Bd, Lond, 1909, n. s, v, pt. 11. ------. Illustrations of African blood-sucking flies other than mosquitoes and tsetse-flies. viii, 221 pp., 13 pi. 8°. London, Longmans dc Co., 1909. ------. A handbook of the tsetse-flies (genus Glossina). x, 110 pp., 10 col. pi. 8°. London, printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1911. See, aho, British Museum. Illustrations of British blood- sucking flies [etc.]. roy. 8°. London, 1906. — Burnet (Etienne). The campaign against microbes [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1909— Calmette(A.) Venoms,[etc.]. 8°. Lon- don, 1908.—Reports of the trypanosomiasis expedition [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 4°. London, 1904.—Ross (Ronald), Annett (H. E.) & Austen (E. E.) Report of the malaria expedi- tion [etc.]. 4°. Liverpool, 1900. AusterUtz (Kurt) [1880- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Encephalomeningocele. 28 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1903. Austin (Arthur Everett) [1861- ]. Diseases of the digestive tract and their treatment. 552 pp. 8°. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Co., 1916. Austin (E. Arthur) & Coriat (Isador H.) A laboratory manual of physiological and chnical chemistry and toxicology, x (11.), 97 pp. inter- leaved. 12°. Boston, New York dc Bondon, Bamson, Wolffe dc Co., 1898. Austin (Elfred Chalmers) [ -1916]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond, 1916, i, 1233. Austin (Etienne) [1871- ]. *Des troubles psychiques d'origine thyroi'dienne et de leur traitement chirurgical. 49 pp. 8°. Lyon, A.- H. Storck, 1897, No. 83. Austin (G. Lowell). Water-analysis. A hand- book for water-drinkers. 48 pp. 16°. Boston, Lee dc Shepherd, 1883. Austin (J[ohn] A[lfred]). Manual of first aid, being a text-book for ambulance classes and a work of reference for domestic and general use. xi, 203 pp. 12°. London, S. Low, Marston d Co., 1898. ■------. The same, xi, 203 pp. 12°. London, S. Low, Marston d Co., 1902. Austin (J[ohn] A[lfred])—continued. ------. The same, xi, 203 pp. 16°. London, S. Low, Marston dc Co., 1904. Austin (John Henry Edward) [ 1917]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond, 1917, i, 819. Austin (John Johnston) [1860-1915]. [Obituary.] Lancet, Lond, 1915, ii, 1316. Austin (Robert Emmet) [1872-1915]. Obituary. Am. J. Roentgenol, Detroit, 1916, hi, 102. Austin (Stephen Finis) [1889- ]. Principles of drama-therapy, xi, 130 pp. 8°. New York, F. Shay dc Co., 1917. Austin (Thomas). Two fifteenth-century cookery- books, Harleian MS. 279 (ab 1430) and Harleian MS. 4016 (ab 1450); with extracts from Ashmole MS. 1429, Laud MS. 553, and Douce MS. 55. xix, 151 pp. 8°. London, X. Trubner dc Co., 1888. Early English Text Society, orig. Ser, 91. Austoni (Amatore). Ipofisiectomia; indicazioni, contro-indicazioni e scelta del metodo operativo. xi, 301 pp., pi. 4°. Badova, Bremiata Societa coop, tipogr., 1912. Australasia. See, also, Fever (Malarial, Hhtory of), by localities. Eccles (A. L. A.) Australasia as a resort for invalids and tourists. 8°. Torquay, 1884. Australasian Medical Congress. Transactions. 2 v. 7.-8. sessions, 1905; 1908. 8°. Adelaide. Continuation of: Intercolonial Medical Congress of Australasia. Australasian Medical Gazette. The official organ of the combined Australasian branches of the British Medical Association, v. 1-35, 1SS1-1914. sm. 4°. Sydney. Merged in: Australian Medical Journal, under title: Medical Journal of Australia. Australia. See, aho, Australians; Epidemics (Hhtory nf\, Fever (Typhoid, Hhtory of), Insane (Asy- lums for, Bescriptions, etc., of), Insane (Care, con- dition, etc., of). Insane (Legislation relating £o\ Leprosy (History and statuties of), Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Breinl (A.) Report on health and disease in the Northern Territory. 4°. Melbourne, 1912. Forms No. la, of: Bull. North. Ter, Melbourne, 1912. Forster (G.) Florulae Insularum Australium prodronius. 8°. Gottingx, 1786. yon Mteller (F.) Systematic census of Australian plants, with chronologic, literary and geographic annotations. Vasiculares. 4°. Mel- bourne, 1882. Report of preliminary scientific expedition to the Northern Territory'. 4°. Melbourne, 1912. Forms No. 1, of: Bull. North. Ter, Melbourne, 1912. Allen (H. B.) President's address before the Australasian Medical Congress. Intercolon. M. J. Australas, Melbourne, 1908, xiii, 513-532. Also, Reprint— Arthur (R.) The colo- nisation of tropical Australia. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1908, Victoria, 1909, ii, 93 97.—B. (R. B.) The health con- ditions of the Northern Territorv of Australia. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 1914-15, xxii, 155.—Barling (J.) The rain- fall of Australia. J. & Proc. Rov. Soc. N. South Wales, Sydney, 190s, xiii, 25:*- 203, 2 pl.-t'assidy (S.) The aborig- inal doctorsol'Australia. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull, N. Y, 1896, x, 182-185.—t'leland (J. R.) A contribution to t he history of disease in Australia. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1911, xxx, 200; 737.—Danes (T. V.) Notes ou the suitability of tropical Austraha for the white races. J. A Proc Rov. Soc. N. South Wales, Sydney, 1910, xliv, 410-119— Dick (J. A.) The medical profession in New South Wales, 1910-11. Aus- tralas. M. Caz , Sydney, 1911, xxx, 179-190.—Evans (E. P.) Semon's scientific researches in Australia. Lop. Sc. Month, N. Y, 1897-8, hi, 17-37.—Ewart (E. J.), White (J.) & AUSTRALIA. 219 AUSTRO-HUNGARY. Australia. Tovey (J. R.) Contributions to the flora of Australia. J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. South Wales, Sydney, 1908, xhi, 184- 200,7 pi.—Maiden (J. H.) Records of Australian botanists; (a) general; (b) New South Wales. Ibid., 60-132, 5 pi.-----. A plea for the study of phenological phenomena in Australia. Ibid., 1909, xlhi, 157-170.—Maiden (J. H.) & Smith (H. G.) Contributions to a knowledge of Australian vegetable exuda- tions. Ibid., 1895, xxix, 393-404.—Nicoll (W.) The condi- tions of life in tropical Australia. J. Hyg, Cambridge, 1917, xvi, 269-290.—Pockley (F. A.) The inaugural address; delivered at the opening of the ninth session of the Australa- sian Medical Congress. Australas. M. Gaz, Sydney, 1911, xxx, 485-498.—Schtttt (E.) Aerztliche Verhaltnisse in Australien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1908, lv, 1542 — Tlds well (F.) Notes on some little known diseases of human beings said to occur in Australia. [Pellagra; Mossman fever; Barcoo vomit.] Rep. Gov. Bur. Microbiol, Sydney, 1912, ii, 89. Australian (The) fever tree. [Transl. from: Das Ausland.] pp. 344-348. 8°. [New York, 1875.] Cutting from: Pop. Sc. Month, N. Y, 1875, vh. Australian Health Society. Instruction what to do in cases of scarlet fever. 3 pp. 8°. Mel- bourne, [n. d.~\. Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine. Re- port for the year 1911, by Anton Breinl, in colla- boration with Frank H. Taylor and T. Harvey Johnston. 96 pp., 17 pi. 4°. London, Angus dc Bobertson, 1911. Australian Journal of Dentistry, v. 1-23, 1897- 1919. 8°. Melbourne. Australian Medical Journal. N. s., v. 1-3, 1911-14. Melbourne. Continuation of: Intercolonial Medical Journal of Aus- tralia. In 1914, merged in: Australasian Medical Gazette, under title: Medical Journal of Australia. Australians. Basedow (H.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Anthropologie Australiens. [Gottingen.] 8°. Berlin, 1910. Dorset (G. A.) The photograph and skeleton of a native Australian. 8°. Salem, Mass., 1898. Cutting from: Bull. Essex Inst, 1898, xxviii, 57-69. Thomas (N. W.) Natives of Australia. 8°. London, 1906. Basedow (H.) Notes on the natives of Bathurst Island, North Australia. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ire- land, Lond, 1913, xhi, 291-323,14 pi—Berry (R. J. A.) The sectional anatomy of the head of the Australian aboriginal; a contribution to the subject of racial anatomy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb, 1910-11, xxxi, 604-626, 14 pi.—Bischofs (J.) Die Niol-Niol, ein Eingeborenenstamm. in Nordwest-Austra- lien. Anthropos, Salzb, 1908, iii, 32-40; 2 pi.—Broad (W. H.) The skeleton of a native Australian. J. Anat. & Physiol, Lond, 1902-3, xxxvii, 89-96.—Brown (A. R.) Three tribes of Western Austraha. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond, 1913, xlui, 143-194,1 pi.—Craw- furd (J.) On the vegetable and animal food of the natives of Australia in reference to social position, with a comparison between the Australians and some other races of man. Tr. Ethn. Soc. Lond, 1867, n. s, vi, 112-122.—Crawley (E.) The essential Australian. Nature, Lond, 1904, lxx, 348.— Cunningham (D. J.) The head of an aboriginal Austra- lian. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond, 1907,xxxvu, 47-57, 3 pi— Fehlinger (H.) Die Bevolke- rung Australiens. Polit.-anthrop. Rev, Leipz, 1905; iii, 744-748.—Giglioli (E. H.) L'osso della morte e le pietre magiche tra gli indigeni dell' Australia. Arch, per l'antrop, Firenze, 1898, xxviii, 259-271.—Graebner (F.) Wanderung und Entwickelung sozialer Systeme in Australien. Globus, Brnschwg, 1906, xc, 181; 207; 220; 237—Howitt (A. W.) Australian group-relationships. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond, 1907, xxxvu, 279-289—Johnson (J. P.) Pygmy implements from Austraha. Man, Lond, 1914, xiv. 147.—Klaatsch. Ergebnisse meiner australi- schen Reise. Kor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etcl, Brnschwg, 1908; xxxvih, 79-93.—Levy-Bruhl. Quelques faits caracteristiques touchant la numeration chez les Austrahens du Queensland. Inst, franc, d'anthrop. Compt. rend. Par, 1911-12, 22-24.—Malinowski (B.) [Tribal male associations of the Australian aborigines.] Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. Cracovie, 1912, Nos. 4-6, 56- 63.—Mathew (J.) The origin of the Australian phratries and explanations of some of the phratry names. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond, 1910, xl, 165-170 — Mathews (R. H.) Divisions of the South Australian aborigines. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1900, xxxix, 78-93, 1 map. —----. Les indigenes d'Austrahe. Anthropologie, Australians. Par, 1902, xhi, 233-240. Aho: Cong, internat. d'anthrop 1900, Par, 1902, 488-495.-----. Social organization of the Chingalee tribe, Northern Australia. Am. Anthrop, Wash, 1905, n. s, vii, 301-304.-----. Sociology of some Australian tribes. J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. South Wales Sydney, 1905, xxxix, 104-123.-----. Australian tribes: their formation and government. Ztschr. f. Ethnol Berl 1906, xxxvih, 939-946.-----. Bemerkungen uber die Eingebornen Austrahens. Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch in Wien, 1906, xxxvi, 167-173.-----. Beitrage zur Ethno- graphic der Australier. Ibid., 1907, xxxvii, 18-38.-----. Matrilincale Deszendenz beim Wombaia-Stamme, Zentral- australien. Ibid., 1908, xxxviii, 321-323.—Schmidt (P. W.) Die soziologische und religios-ethische Gruppierung der aus- tralischen Stamme. Ztschr. f. Ethnol, Berl, 1909, xh, 328- 380.—Schoetensack. Erlauternde Bemerkungen zu meiner Abhandlung: Ueber die Bedeutung Australiens fiir die Heranbildung des Menschen aus einer niederen Form Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop, 1902, 104 — Schultze (E.) D as Aussterben der austrahschen Urbevol- kerung. Arch. f. Rassen-u. Gesellsch.-Biol, Leipz. & Berl, 1913-14, x, 93-199.—Smith (W. R.) The aborigines of Australia. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond, 1910. liii, 963; 1009 — Sollas (W.J.) On the relative age of the tribes with patri- lineal and matrilineal descent in South-East Austraha. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1913, Lond, 1914, 624. Austregesilo (A.) Trabalhos clinicos. la serie. 286 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, E. Bevilacqua dc Co., 1908. Also, Co-Editor of: Archlvos brasileiros de medicina, Rio de Janeiro, 1911-18. Austria. See, aho, Insane (Asylums for, Bescription, etc., of), Insane (Care, conditions, etc., of), In- sane '(Legislation relating to), by localities. Adressbuch der Aerzte, Apotheker sowie der Spitaler, Curorte und sonstigen Sanitats-Anstal- ten von Oesterreich-Ungarn. 4. Jahrg., 1903^1. 8°. Wien, 1903. Chervin. Les nationality en Autriche-Hongrie. Bull. et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par, 1914, 6. s, v, 386, 399.— Clar (C.) Ueber Klima und Indicationeh des osterreichi- schen Kiistenlandes. Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Bal- neolog. Oest, Wien, 1900, ii, 60-69.-----. Oesterreichs Inselklima. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 667-669. Aho: Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Balneolog. Oest. 1902, Wien, 1903, hi, pt. 6, 1-8.—Giuffrida-Ruggeri (V.) Le basi nazionali-etniche in Austria-Ungheria. Scientia Bologna, 1918, 2. s, xxiv, 115-126.—Reimer (J. L.) An- thropologische Eindriicke aus der Wiener Portrat-Ausstel- lung. Polit.-anthrop. Rev.. Leipz, 1906; v, 293-295 — Teutsch (J.) & Fuchs (K.) Ethnographische Mitteilun- gen aus den Komitaten Kronstadt und Fogaras in Sieben- biirgen. Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1905, xxxv, 133-153. Austriacus (Johannes). De memoria artificiosa libellus, [etc.]. 93 pp. 24°. Francofurti, ex off. M. Beckeri, 1603. Austro-Hungary. See Cholera (Hhtory and statistics of), Diph- theria (Hhtory of), Epidemics (Hhtory of), Fever (Malarial, Hhtory of), Fever (Typhoid, History of), Fever (Typhus, Hhtory of), Lep- rosy (History and statistics of), Meningitis (Cerebrospinal, Hhtory and statistics of), Phar- macopoeias (Official), Pharmacy (Leghlation relating to), Plague (Hhtory, etc., of), by localities. Austro-Hungary. Kaherlich-kbnigliches Minh- terium des Lnnern. Arzneitaxe zu der oster- reichischen Pharmakopoe, Ed. viii. 2. Ausg. xiv, 129 pp. 8°. Wien, 1907. Austro-Hungary. Kaherlich-kbnigliches Beichs- Kriegs- Ministerium. Taschen-Ausgabe der Mili- tar-Vorschriften. Hft. 4, 26, 43, 80. 12°. Wien, 1899-1903. ------. Sanitats-Vorschriften fiir die k. u. k. Kriegs-Marine. Nos. 1-9. 4°. Wien, 1901. ------. Reglement fiir den Sanitatsdienst des k. u. k. Heeres. 3 pts. 12°. Wien, 1901-2. ------. Sanitatsstatistischer Bericht [nebst An- hang] des k. und k. Heeres fiir die Jahre 1905- AUSTRO-HUNGARY. 220 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Austro-Hungary—continued. 1911. Ueber Anordnung des . . . bearbeitet und hrsg. vom k. und k. technischen Militiir- komitee. 112 pp., 18 tab. (suppl., 11 pp., 1 map). 4°. Wien, 1906-12. ------. Anleitung fiir die kriegschirurgische Tiitigkeit auf dem Schlachtfelde. 16 pp. 16°. Wien, k. k. Hof- u. Staatsdr., 1909. ------. Vorschrift iiber die Verhutung und Bekiimpfung der Infektionskrankheiten im k. und k. Heere. 206 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Wien, K. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei. 1911. Ausziige aus gerichtlichen Entscheidungen, be- treffent den Verkehr mit Xahrungsmitteln, Genussmitteln und Gebrauehsgegenstanden. v. 4-5. 8°. Berlin, 1900-1902. Beila-'en zu den: Veroffentlichungen des kaiserlichen Ge- sundheitsamtes. Autan. Lange (P.) *Untersuchungen iiber Stall- desinfektion mit dem neuen Autanpraparat. [Bern.] 8°. Barmen, 1909. Loffler (H.) *Das Formaldehvdpraparat Autan als Desinfektionsmittel fiir Stallungen, Tierkliniken usw. [Giessen.1 8°. Berlin, 1910. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. Veterinark., Berl., 1909, xxi, 1-32. Auerbach (F.) & Pluddemann (W.) Leber den Ver- lust an Formaldehvd bei der Desinfcktion mit Autan. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1909, xxx, 195-215.—Blelonov- ski (G.) & Sadokoff (A.) [Disinfection by autan.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, S.-Peterb., 1908, pt, 2,-329-332 — Bock (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Desinfcktionswirkung des Autans. Khn. Jahrb., Jena, 1907, xvhi, 59-78.—Brekle (R.) Ueber den Desinfektionswert des Autanverfahrens gegeniiber der Permanganatmethode. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1910, lxxx, 701-704. Bruhn (F.) Autan. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1908, hi, 99-102.—Christian. Kritisches und Experimentelles zur Autandesinfektion. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1907, xvii, 571-591.-----. Zur Autanfrage. Ibid., 1908, xviii, 377-385.— Corsinl(A.) La disinfezione per mezzo dell'autan. Arch. di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1909, viii, 138; 145.—Eichengrtin (A.) Praktische Mitteilungen iiber das neue Autan-Desin- fektionsverfahren. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 229-233.-----. Ueber die Verstarkung der Autanwirkung. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1908, xxxi, 1*2-185. -FelaverOwna (M.) [The disinfecting action of autan.) Lwow. tvgodn. lek., 1909, iv, 379; 388; 403.—Fischer. Beitrag zur Autanfrage. Desinfek- tion, Berl., 1909, ii, 169-lw.—Frank (G.) Priifung des Desinfektionsmittels Autan. Klin, Jahrb., Jena, 1907,xviii, 10-18.—Fromme (W.) Ueber Raumdesinfektion mit dem neuen Autanpriiparat. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1908, xxxi, 323-333—Galli-Valerio (B.) Untersuchungen iiber das Desinfektionsvermogen des Autans. Therap. Mo- natsh.. Berl., 1908, xxh, 132-139—Gernshelm (F.) Die Desinfektion eines ganzen Hauses mit Autan. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii. 1079.—Glval. A propos de la desinfection par Pautane. J. demed.de Par., 1909.2. s.,xxi,416.—Hammerl (H.) Auian, ein neues Raumdesinfektionsmittel. Miin-. chen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1113-1116. Htinlgschmied (E.) Das Autan, ein selbsttatigcsFormaldehyd-Desinfek- tionsmittel in der Therapie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1909, hv, 119.—Hoerschelmann (E.) Ueber ein neues Formal- dehyd-Desinfektionsverfahren, das Autanverfahren. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxii, 163-166.— Hoffmann & Strunk. Kurze Betrachtungen iiber die Vcrwcndbar- keit des Autans in seiner neuesten Form fiir militarische Verhaltnisse. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 190S, xxxvii, 384-391.—Ingelflnger. Einige Dcsinfektions- versuche nut Autan. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1907, xviii, 1-9.— Kauimann (P.) Ueber die Zimmerdeshifektion mit Autan und Perautan; Bemerkungen zu den Arbeiten von Hirschbruch und Levy. Zts'chr.f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1912, xxv, 713-720.—Klrchgaesser & Hilgermann. Formalde- hyddesinfektion mit Autan. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1907, xvhi, 35-58.—Klrsteln (F.) Ueber ein neues Formaktehyd- praparat, Autan, zur Raumdesinfektion. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1907, xx. 38-46.- Krombholz (E.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Desinfektionswirkung des Autans. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 389-394. Langermann. Autan in der Desinfektionsi>raxis. Hyg. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 633-647— Meter (A.) Ueber die Formaldehyddesinfektion mit Autan. Ibid.. Berl., 1907, xvh, 151-155.— Proskauer & Schneider (H.) Einige De- sinfektionsversuche mit Autan. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1907, xvhi, 19-34—Schmitz. Praktische Erfahrungen bei De- sinfektionen mit Autan. Deutsch. Med.-Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber... .,Berl., 1907, vi, 34-42.—Selter. Untersuchungen Autan. uber Autandesinfektion. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1908, xvhi, «s9-695. Alio: Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1908, xix, 225-228.— Strunk (H.) Ueber das Autanverfahren. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Berl., 1908, 38. Hit., pt. 2, 65-72.— Tomarkin (E.) & Heller (O.) Ueber die Formaldehyd- desinfektion mit Autan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 226-229.—Tutsch (F.) Das Autan in der arztlichen Landpraxis. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 852-857.—Xylander. Versuche mit einem neuen Formalin-Desinfektionsverfahren, Autanverfahren. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1907, xxvi, 59-72. Autefage (Maurice). *Resultats eloignes et valeur comparee des differents procedes de la cure radicale des hernies crurales et inguinales. 116 pp., 2 pi., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 314. Autenrieth (Oscar). *Zwei Falle von Milzbrand beim Menschen. 23 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzcker 1897. Autenrieth (Wilhelm) [1863- ]. Die Auffin- dung der Gifte und stark wirkender Arzneistoffe; zum Gebrauche in chemischen Laboratories 3. Aufl. xi, 199 pp. 8°. Tubingen dc Leipzig, 1903. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. xi, 286 pp. 8°. Tubingen, J. C. B. Mohr, 1909. ------. The same. The detection of poisons and strong drugs including the quantitative estima- tion of medicinal principles in certain crude materials. Authorized transl. from the 3. enlarged German ed., by William H. Warren. xii, 222 pp. 8°". Bhiladelphia, B. Blakiston's Son dc Co., 1905. ------. The same. Laboratory manual for the detection of poisons and powerful drugs. Au- thorized transl. of the completely revised 4. German ed., by Wilham H. Warren, xv. 320 pp., 1 col. pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakiston's Son dc Co.. [1915]. Authentic (An) narrative of the extraordinary career of James Allen, the female husband, who was married for the space of twenty-one years, without her real sex being discovered even by her wedded associate. 40 pp. 8\ London, J. S. Thomas, 1829. Authes (Hugo) [1882- ]. "Leber die Bildung von Arsenwasserstoff bei der Einwirkung arsen- haltiger St hwefelsaure auf Zink, Eisen und Blei. [Ciessen.] 24 pp. 8°. Frankfurt, Komsand dc ('(>., 1909. Authier (Jean-lloger) [1883- ]. *Des predo- minances symptomatiques et anatonio-pathologi- ques dans la paralvsie ecnerale et dans la senilite cerebrale. 2l0pp\ 8°. Bordeaux, 1911, No. 96. Autie (Francois) [1881- ]. *Les abces du nez et des fosses nasales. 47 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 23. Auti6 (Marceau) [1884- ]. *Diagnostic des kystes hydatiques du sommet du poumon. 54 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912. No. 57. Autier (Emmanuel-Andre) [188(1- 1. *Contii- bution experimentale a l'etude de Taction du phosphore a petites doses sur rossirication. 3 p. 1.. 150 pp. 8°. Barh, 1913, No. 160. Autism. Itleuler (K.) Das autistische Denken. Jahrb. f. psycho- anal. u. psvehopathol. Forsch., Leipz. A Wien, 1912, iv, 1. Hlfte., 1-39. Autoaccusation. See Insanity of self-accusation; Self-accusa- tion. Autobiography (The) of a neurasthenic. The confession of a man who had a nervous break- down and has tried manv times to recover, pp. 223-231. 8°. New York, 1910-11. Cutting from: Am. Mag., N. Y., 1910-11, IttL AUTOGASTRATION. 221 AUTOLYSIS. Autocastration. See Self-mutilation. Autocatalysis. See, also, Catalysis; Growth. Bradley (H. C.) Is autolysis an autocatalytic pheno- menon? An interpretation. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1916, xxv, 201-204. Aho, Reprint.—Collan (U.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Autokatalyse. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1892, x, 130-140.—Morse (M.) Is autolysis an auto- catalytic phenomenon? J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1916, xxiv, 163-167. A ho, Reprint. Autochiria. Pera (G.) L'autochiria; brevi note psicologiche e psichi- atriche. Med. nuova, Roma, 1915, vi, 71-76.—Valtorta (D.) Sull' autochiria; osservazioni cliniche e psicopatologiche. Gior. di psichiat. clin. e teen, manic, Ferrara, 1911. xxxix 1-14. Autoclave. See Sterilizers (Steam). Autodigestion. See Autolysis. Autoerotism. Bank (O.) Ein Beitrag zum Narzissismus. Jahrb. f. psychoanal. u. psychopathol. Forsch., Leipz. & Wien, 1911 hi, 401-426.—Sadger (J.) Die Psychoanalyse eines Autoero^ tikers. Ibid., 1913, v, 2. Hlfte., 467-528. ' Autogamy. Dobell (C. C.) Some remarks upon the autogamy of Bodo lacert ;e (Grassi). Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxviii, 548-555.-----. The autogamy of Bodo lacertae; a reply to Dr. von Prowazek. Ibid., 1909, xxix, 363. Autoglycolysis. Chelle (L.) & Mauriac (P.) Du r61e'des polynucteaires dans l'autoglycolyse de quelques liquides de l'organisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1914, lxxvii, 110-113. Autographs (Medical). Delaunay (P.) Les autographies medicaux a l'exposition de l'Academie de Reims. France med., Par., 1910, lvh, 253.— Placzek. Aus meiner medizinischen Autographen- mappe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1277; 1304; 1414; 1430. Autohematotherapy. Mattei (C.) Modifications leucocytaires au cours de 1'auto-ltematotherapie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par 1913, lxxv, 228. Autohypnosis. Douglas (A.) Involuntary auto-hypnosis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1915, c, 54. Autoimmunization. Butcher (D.) L'auto-immunizzazione col radio e con i raggi Roentgen. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoh, 1911, x, 39-42. Autoinfection. See, aho, Infection (Autogenetic); Toxaemia (Bigestive). Aschoff (L.) Zur Frage der Selbstinfektion; Bemer- kungen zu dem Aufsatz von F. Ahlfeld. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvu, 487. Aho: Zen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1911, xxxv, 1050-1052.—Benthln (W.) Ueber Selbstinfektion. Ibid., 1915, xxxix, 587-596 — Bondy (O.) Zum Problem der Selbstinfektion. Ibid., 1911, xxxv, 1633-1639.—Bumm (E.) & Sigwart (W.) Zur Frage der Selbstinfektion. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1912, xevii, 613-630.— Fehling (H.) Ueber den Begrifi der Selbst- infektion. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1911, xxxv, 857- 860.—Liepmann (W.) Der "neue Gesichtspunkt" in der Selbstinfektion. Ibid., 1912, xxxvi, 198. Autoinoculation. Hort (E. C.) Auto-inoculation versus hetero-inoculation in the treatment of established infection. Chn. J., Lond., 1909, xxxiv, 1,27; 40.—Riviere (C.) The role of auto-inocula- tion in medicine; a plea for its rational extension. Proc Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Therap. & Pharmacol. Sect., 39-50.—Synnott (M. J.) Autoinoculation; its prac- tical apphcation in the treatment of various infections and as a substitute for bacterial vaccines. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxx, 125-127. A ho, Reprint. Autointoxication. See Autotoxins; Infection, (Autogenetic); Pregnancy (Toxaemia in); Toxaemia (Biges- tive). Autolactotherapy. Duncan (C H) Autolactotherapy; a new system of Re^tnt' J" [etC']' 19H' °' 464_4 AUo' Autolysin. -?eoe^eo(S- R) Autolysin. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916 cm, 360-364, Also, Reprint .-Dodge (H. C.) lThe aut£ lysm advertising. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 375. Autolysis. See, also, Autocatalysis; Autolysin; Liver (Autolysis of); Stomach (Autodigestion of). Frank (H.) *Ueber Autolysine im Blute bei Infektionskrankheiten. rWurzbura\l 8° Ber- lin, 1909. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1908-9, lxvi, 399-433. Hedin (S. G.) An explanation of the influ- ence of acid and alkali on the autolysis of organs. roy. 8°. Upsala dc Wiesbaden, 1906. Aho, in: Upsala Lakaref. Forh. Festskr____Hammars- ten, 1906, pt. 6, 1-20. Mette (H.) *Kann man in menschlichen fettig degenerirten Organen den Gang der Auto- lyse wiedererkennen ? 8 °. Go ttingen, 1905. Araki. Ueber die Autolyse der Organe. [Japanese text. Ausz., 19. Hft., pt. 2, L] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1906, xx, 590-613.—Arnheim (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Autolyse. Ztsehr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1903, xl, 234-239.—Ascoli (M.) & Izar (G.) Beeinflussung der Auto- lyse durch anorganische Kolloide. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl 1907, vi, 192-209: 1908, x, 356-370: xiv, 491-503.-----------! Azione di colloidi inorganici sull' autohsi; sulla inattivita biologica dell' idrosol d'argento non stabilizzato. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1908, xxh, 257-259. Aho, transl : Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1909-10, hi, 399-412.—Baer. Bedeutung des Serums fiir die Autolyse. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1905, xx, 221-225.—Bayer (G.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger Driisen mit innerer Sekretion auf die Autolyse. Sitzungsb. d.k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. Kl., Wien, 1909, cxvih, 3. Abt., 181-214.—Belazzi (L.) DelP azione di alcuni gaz sull' autohsi. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1908, xxh, 201-203. Aho: Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1908, xlvh, 505-509. Aho, transl: Arch, ital de biol.. Turin, 1910, hii, 469.—Benson (R. L.) & Wells (H. G.) The study of autolysis by physico-chemical methods. Proc Soc. Exper. Biol & Med., N. Y., 1909-10, vh, 6-8. See, aho, infra, Chiari. —---------. The study of autolysis by physico-chemical methods. J. Biol. Chem Bait., 1910, vhi, 61-75.—Berti (G.) Contributo alio studio dell' autodigestione. Pensiero med., Milano, 1912, ii, 801; 821; 841— Bikhman (E. I.) [Importance of autolysis in pathologv.] J. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav., S.- Peterb., 1904, xiv, 185-200— Bloch (E.) Ueber die Unab- hangigkeit der autolytischen Eiweisspaltung von der An- wesenheit des Blutes. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xxi, 519-522.—Bradley (H. C.) Further studies in autolysis. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Bait., 1917, iv, IL—Bradley (H. C.) & Taylor (J.) The effect of reaction on liver autol- ysis. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1916, xxv, 261-280. Aho, Reprint.-----------. The latent period in autolysis. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1916, xxv, 363-375. Aho, Reprint. -----------. The influence of bile on autolysis. J. Biol. Chem N. Y., 1917, xxix, 281-288—Briill (L.) Ueber die Beeinflussung der Autolyse durch Salzionen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxix, 408-413—Centanni (E.) Sulle modifieazioni della resistenza cellulare per opera dei pro- dotti dell' autohsi. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1903, lvh, 698-700.—Chiari (R.) Beeinflussung der Auto- lyse durch die Narkotika der Fettreihe. Arch. i. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1909, lx, 256-264.-----. Reply to the paper of Benson and Wells. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1911, ix, 61-63.—Colwell (H. A.) Autolysis and malignant disease. Arch. Middlesex Hosp., Lond., 1910, xix, 55-58. -----. The influence of salts of the alkali metals upon autolysis. Ibid., 59-63.—Corner (H. J.) Significance of chemical changes occurring in autolysis, especially with reference to the histologic changes occurring coincidently. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1911-12, vhi, 245-248.—Costantino (A.) La continuazione dei processi autohtici alle tempera- ture al di sotto di zero gradi centigradi. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1917, xxiv, 257-262.-----. La continuation des processus autolytiques aux temperatures au-dessous de 0°C. Arch. ital. de biol., Pise, 1917, lxvii, n. s., 206-212 — Court (Dorothy). On the use of antiseptics in autolysis of animal and vegetable matter. Proc Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1911-12, xxxii, pt. 3, 251-261.—Cruickshank (J.) The histological appearances occurring in organs undergoing autolysis. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1911-12, xvi, 167-184, 2 pi.—Dernby (K. G.) A study on autolysis of animal tissues. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1918, xxxv, 179-219. Also, Reprint.—Dietrich. Die an aseptisch aufbewahrten Organen auftretenden morphologisehen Veranderungen in AUTOLYSIS. 222 AUTOLYSIS. Autolysis. ihren Beziehungen zur Autolyse. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1904, xv, Ergnzngshft., 81-94.— Drzhevetski(A. F.) [Autolysis of living tissue.] Voyenno- Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1908, ccxxi, med. spec pt., 1-13.— Eppinger (H.) Ueber Autolyse in Punktionsfliissigkeiten. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien & Leipz., 1904, xxv, 378-384.— Fagiuoli (A.) Wirkung des kolloiden Schwefels auf die Autolyse. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1913, lvi, 291-294.— Fukuhara (Y.) Ueber die toxischen und hamolytischen Wirkungen der Organautolyse. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1907, iv, 658-674.—Hammarsten (O.) [Ueber die Autolyse aus physiologischen und pathologischen Gesichtspunkten. Uebers., p. i.j Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1905-6, n. f., xi, 1-21.—Hedin (S. G.) [Autolysis.] Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1909, 2. f., ix, 233-235.—Heile (B.) Ueber intravitale Beeinflussung autolvtischer Vorgange im Kor- per. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1904, lv, 508-515.-----. Die Autolyse als Heilfactor in der Chirurgie, insbesondere die intravitale Verstarkung autolytischer Vorgange durch Rontgenstrahlen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1905, xxxiv, pt. 2, 718-732. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1905, lxxvii, 1171-1188.—Hess (L.) & Saxl (P.) Experimente an autolysierenden Organen. Wien klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 4x6.—Izar (G.) Diver- sit a d'azione dei diversi idrosoli metallic! sull' autolisi. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1909, xxiii, 26-28.-----. Autolisi e ricambio. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1910, xlix, 234-238. Aho: Internat. Beitr. z. Path. u. Therap. d. Ernahrungsstor., Berl., 1910, i, 287-293.—Izar (G.) & Fa- giuoli (A.) Autolisi e secrezioni interne. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1916, lxx, 265-327.—Jackson (H. C.) Concern- ing the question of the rate of autolytic reaction and the appearance of gases and acids in the autolysis of so-called sterile livers of the dog. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1909-10, xxi, 281-284.—Kaschiwabara (M.) Ueber den Einfluss von Sauren und Alkalien auf die Autolyse bei Anwendung verschiedener Antiseptica. Ztsehr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1912, lxxx, 45-63.—Kepinow (L.) Ueber Beein- flussung der Autolyse durch Jod. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1911, xxxvu, 238-248.—Kikkojl (T.) Ueber die Bildung von Rechtsmilchsaure bei der Autolyse der tierischen Or- gane. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb.. 1907, liii, 415- 418.-----. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Autolyse. Ibid., 1909, lxiii, 109-135.—Kondo (K.) Zur Kenntnis des Essig- atherextraktes der Organe und seines Verhaltens bei der Autolyse. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxvii, 427-436.— Kottmann (K.) Ueber innere Sekretion una Autolvse. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1910, xl, 1129-1147. [Dis- cussion], 1163.—Lane-Claypon (Janet E.) & Schryver (S. B.) Some researches on the autolytic degradation of tissues. J. Physiol., Lond., 1904, xxxi, 169-187.—Lanoy (L.) L'autolvse des organes et tes ferments endocellulaires. Bull, de lTnst. Pasteur, Par., 1908, vi, 289; 337.—Laqueur (E.) Ueber die Wirkung des Arsens, der Salieylsaure, der Kohlensaure und des Sauerstoffes auf die Autolvse. Zen- tralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. & Wien, 1908, xxii, 717-719.-----. Ueber den Einfluss des salicylsauren Natriums auf die Autolyse. Ztsehr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1912, lxxix, 38-64.-----. Ueber den"Einfluss von Gasen, im besondcm von Sauerstoff und Kohlensaure, auf die Autolyse. Ibid., 82-129—Laqueur (E.) & Brtinecke(K) Ueber den Ein- fluss des benzoesauren Natriums auf die Autolvse. Ibid., ij.V-81.—Laqueur (E.) & Ettlnger (J.) Ueber den Einfluss des Arsens auf die Autolyse; Autolyse und Stoffwechsel. Ibid., 1-37.—Lattes (L.) Sul comp'ortamento del grasso organico nell' autolisi. Gior. d. r. Accad. di mod. di Torino, 1911, 4. s., xvii, 351-357.—Launoy (L.) L'autolyse des organes et les ferments endocellulaires. Bull, de 1'Inst., Pasteur, Par., 1908, vi, 289-296.—Leopold (K.) Das Ver- halten des Blutes bei steriler Autolyse mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Entstehung von Hamosiderinpigment. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1914, lix, 501- 519,1 pL—Levene (P. A.) The autolysis of animal organs. Am. J. Physiol.. Bost., 1904, xi, 437-447: 1904-5, xh, 276-296. -----. Autolysis. In: Harvey lect., 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1906, 73-100. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 774; 866.—Lewln (C.) & Meyer (F.) Leber Autolyse in vivo. Med. Klin., Berl., l'.K)."., i, 543.—Llndemanri (W.) Zur Kenntnis der Autolyse. /ischr. f. Biol., Miinchen & Berl., 1910-11, lv, 36-52. -Lonirxope (W. T.) The influ- ence of blood serum upon autolysis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1907, n. s., x, 111-125. Also: Bull. Aver Clin. Lab. Penn. ilosp., Phila., 1908, No. 5, 116-129.—Luzzatto (A. M.) & Ravenna (F.) Sui fenomeni di autolisi nelle ema/.ie gra- nulosc. Folia clin. chim. et micros., Salsomajjgiore, 1910-11, iii, 53-60.—McCrudden (F. II.) The physiological point of view and autopsies. Boston M. & S. J., 1916, clxxv, 167.—Maier (A.) Ueber die Autolyse von Nahrungsmit- teln. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Bed., 1909, xv, 29-41 — Manwaring (W. II.)'& Oppmhelmer (Ruth). Auto- lvsis of anaphylactic and immune tissues. Proc. Soc. Kx- pcr. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1916, xiii, 176.—Mayer (L.) La signification de l'autolyse en pathologie chirurgicale. J. de chir. et ami. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1906, vi, H;7—110. Aho [Abstr.]: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1906, xiii, 147.—Mendel (L. B.) & Leavenworth (C. S.) The autol- Autolysis. ysis of embrvonic tissues. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1908, xxi, 69-76.—Morse (M.) Autolysis and nuclear relations. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1915, iv, 226.-----. Enzyme and substrate in autolysis. Proc. 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Ztschr. i. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1;«I9, lviii, 341-36^ Zak iK) Lcher Autolyse in Punktioiis(lus-,i,'keiteii. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905. xvhi, 376 Ziiunitskl (S. S.) [Characteristics oi bacterial enzymes and their influence upon autolysis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 437-439. Autolysis (Post-mortem). Brites (G.) Investigacois istolojicas. Ca- daverlsacao e autolise. 8°. Coimbra, 1912. Aschoff (L.) Zur Frage der kadaverosen Autolyse (nach Untersuchungen von Oka). Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch.,Jena, 1914,xvii, 109-113. [Discussion], 13S-140.— D'Aguta, (G.) Autolisi asettica e forme mieliniche post- mortal Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1912, xxix, 400-470.—Falco (G.) Contributo alio studio della autolisi post-mortale. Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxwiii, 47-66— FranceschelU (D.) Die Wirkung der Autolyse auf das Leberprazipitinogen. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Berl., 1909, lxx, 163-172— Jackson (II. C.) 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L'automatisme psychologique; utilisation de son mecanisme en psychotherapie. Rev. de psychothe- rap., Par., 1913-14, xxviii, 355-359.—Bancroft (Jessie H.) The place of automatism in gymnastic exercise. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Brooklyn, 1903, vhi, 218-231.—Benjamins (C. E.) & Rocnat (G. F.) Over een vasomotorische automa- tic in het traankanaal van het konijn. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1916, ii, 2319.—Dlorio (V.) Autonomia ed automatismo studiato nelle operazioni istintive degh animali. Atti d. Accad. Pontif. de'N. Lincei, Roma, 1871-2, xxv, 251-284.—Fisher (J. T.) Epileptic and hysteric auto- matism. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1907, xxxhi, 450.—Foltz (S. P.) Automatism. Monist, Chicago, 1912, xxh, 91-123 — Grasset. De l'automatisme psychologique (psychisme in- ferieur; polygone cortical) b, ltetat physiologique et patholo- gique. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1896, v, 47-162, 1 pi.— Guimbail (H.) Contribution a l'etude physio-pathologi- que de l'automatisme dans ses rapports avec les fonetions du corps humain. Monaco-med., 1900, iv, No. 54, 4; No. 57, 3; No. 58, 4; No. 59, 4; No. 60, 5.—Guthrie (L.) Automa- tism with olfactory and gustatory aurae. Rep. Soc Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1903-4, iv, 151-153.—Hellpach (W.) Unbewusstes oder Wechselwirkung; eine Untersuchung iiber die Denkmogltehkeit der psychologischen Deutungs- prinzipien. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1908, xlviii, 1. Abt., 238-258.—Johnson (Alice). A reconstruction of some concordant automatisms. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1914, xxvu, 1-156, 14 pL—Lindsay (J. A.) Case of automatism. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1915, xxxhi, 66. A ho: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1915, exxxix, 407.—Lindsley (E. H.) & Partridge (G. E.) Some mental automatisms. Pedag. Seminary, Worcester, 1897-8, v, 41-60.—Mangin (M.) Sur l'automatisme. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1896, vi, 301-311.—Marinesco (G.) & Noica (D.) Automatisme ntedullaire. Rev. neurol., Par., 1913, xxv, 854-857.—Maxwell (J.) Rapports de l'automatisme et de la personnalite normale. Bull, de 1'Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1916, xv, 101-110.—Newbold (W. R.) The interpreta- tions of automatism. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1896-7, 1, 507-517.—Partridge (G. E.) Second breath. Pedag. Seminary, Worcester, 1896-7, iv, 372-381.—Piddington (J. G.) Supplementary notes on a series of concordant automatisms. Proc Soc Psych. Research, Glasg., 1910, xxiv, 11-30.—Salmon (A.) Di un curioso e interessante fenomeno che si osscrva dopo gh sforzi muscolari nei soggetti sani. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1914, lxv, 201. Aho, transl: Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxix, 27-34. Also, Reprint.-----. Nuove osservazioni sui movimenti automatici che si com- piono dopo gh sforzi muscolari e del loro valore in neu- ropatologia. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1915, lxix, 598-611. Aho, Reprint.—Savage (Sir G. H.) Automatism. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1913, xc, 645-652.—Sidgwick (Mrs. Henry). A reply to Joseph Maxwell's paper on "Cross correspond- ences and the experimental method." Proc. Soc Psych. Research, Lond., 1913, xxvi, 375-418.—Sollier. Du sens de la direction dans ses rapports avec l'automatisme. Bull, de 1'Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1903, iii, 506-516, 1 ch.—Solo- mons (L. M.) Automatic reactions. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1899, vi, 376-394.—Stein (Gertrude). Cul- tivated motor automatism; a study of character in its re- lation to attention. Ibid., 1898, v, 295-306.—Sullivan (W. C ) A clinical note on alcoholic automatism. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1904, 1, 285-296. -----. A clinical note on alco- holic automatism. J. Inebriety, Bost., 1911, xxxm, 1-14.— Tamburini (A.) Ancora sul fenomeno di automatismo consecutivo a sforzi muscolari negli individui sani. Qua- derni di psichiat., Genova, 1914, i, 349-351.—van Trotsen- burg (J. A.) Een onderzoek van een handeling in vergelijk met een automatisme. Psychiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst., 1916, xx, 224-256— Wintre'bert (P.) L'automatisme des premiers mouvements du corps chez les selaciens (Scylhum canicula, Cuv.). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1917, clxv, 369-371. Automatism (Ambulatory). See, also, Personality (Bhordered); Vaga- bonds. Cotttj (L.) Contribution a l'etude dea fugues, etude clinique, diagnostique, pronosti- que et medico-legale. 8°. Baris, 1907. Maass (S. M. T.) *Drei Falle von krankhal- tem Wandertrieb, ohne Dammerzustand, im jugendlichen Alter. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, 1910. Parant (V.) Les fugues en psychiatrie. 8°. Nantes dc Baris, [1910]. Benon (R.) & Troissert (T.) L'automatisme ambula- toire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1909, lxxxii, 1087-1093. -----. -----. Les fugues de l'enfance; influence des milieux sco- laires et familiaux. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1910, 4. s., xhi, 244- 251.—Bramwell (B.) Post-epileptic automatism. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1907-8, vi, 261-263.—Camilo Paysse. Una fuga histerica. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1910, xhi, 414-419.—Chavigny & Laurens. Un fugueur pendant la guerre. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 326.—Courbon (P.) Automatisme ambulatoire. Ann. med.-psychol.. Par., 1907,9. s., v, 22-48.—Courtney (J. W.) On the clinical differentiation oi the various forms of ambulatory automa- tism. J. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost., 1906, i, 123-134.—Des- ruelles (M.) & Castelain (C.) Automatisme comitial am- bulatoire. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1911, Lille, 1912, 209- 275.----------. Deux cas d'automatisme comitial ambu- latoire. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1912, xvi, 80-82—Du- coste (M.) Les fugues dans les psychoses et les demences. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1907, 3. s., l, 38; 121.—Escandre de Messieres. Un cas d'automatisme ambulatoire chez un jeune soldat. Arch, de nted. et pharm. mil., Par., 1900, h,41- 49.—Fevrier (C.) & Parisot (P.) De l'automatisme am- bulatoire, son importance au point de vue medico-tegal. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 323-332.—Fisher (J. T.) Epileptic and hysteric automatism. Cahf. M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1907, hi, 129.—Fox (CD.) Report of a case of dissociated personality, characterized by the presence of somnambulistic states and ambulatory auto- matism, which recovered, following the employment of hypnotic suggestion. J. Abnor. Psychol., Bost., 1909, iv, 201-217.—Fratini (F.) Diserzione per automatismo ambu- latorio. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1907, ii, 369-380.—Heil- bronner. Ueber Fugues and fugue-ahnliche Zustande. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Leipz. & Wien, 1903, xxhi, 107-206.— Joffroy (A.) & Dupouy (R.) Trois cas de fugue chez des alienes. Rev. neurol., Par., 1908, xvi, 896-898.—Lindsay (J. A.) Case of automatism. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1915, xxxih, 66.—Logre (B.-I.) Sur quelques cas de fugue pathologique devant l'ennemi. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxhi, 2. semes., 20-24.—Lyass (S. Y.) Ambulatorniy automatizm. Obozr. Psikhiat., Nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1911, xvi, 71-74.—Mallet (R.) Fugues des degene>6s. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 493.—Martin. Les fugues pathologiques. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1912, 4. s., xxxix, 96-102.—Pacheco (R.) Automatismo ambulatorio. Arch. brasil. de psychiat. [etc.], Rio de Jan., 1907, hi, 167-180.— Parant (V.) Les fugues en psychiatrie. Encephale, Par., 1909, ii, 339-346.—Patrick (H. T.) Ambulatory automa- tism. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1907, xxxiv, 353-390.— Pflster (H.) Wanderungen in abnormem Bowusstsein- zustande. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1913, 305-310.— Powers (H. W.) Ambulatory automatism. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1918, xvi, 404.—Raecke. Ueber epilep- tische Wanderzustande (Fugues, Poriomanie). Arch. I. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1907, xliii, 398-423.—Sacerdote (A.) Contri- buto alio studio delle fughe dei ragazzi. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1910, xx, 239-248.—Schackwitz (A.) Ueber die Methoden der Messung unbewusster Bewegungen, und die Moghchkeit ihrer Weiterbildung. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1913, xxvi, 414-492—Seifler (W.) Ueber abnorme Bewusstseinszustande (Wandertrieb usw.). Med. Khn., Berl., 1907, hi, 1341-1343—Stewart (P.) [Epileptic am- bulatory automatism.] Chn. J., Lond., 1910, xxxvi, 355.— Stier. Wandertrieb und pathologisches Fortlaufen bei Kindern. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 241.—Tdbben (H.) Ein Beitrag zur klimschen Beurteilung des krankhaften Wandertriebs. Festschr. d. med.-naturw. Gesellsch. in Munster, 1912, 326-333.—Why children run away. J. Hered., Wash., 1916, vii, 169-172. Automobiles. Barlow (H. P.) Motor cars for medical men; another twelve months with a motor car. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 577.—Baumann. Ueber Aerzte-Automobile. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, xxxih, 1101-1103.— Beare (R. N.) Automobile-ventilator. [Pat. spec] No. 1247490; Nov. 20, 1917.—Boruttau (H.) Die Hygiene des Fahrrads,Motorradsund Automobils. Gesundh.inWortu. Bild, Berl., 1905,688-695.—Edgar (J. C.) The influence ofthe automobile upon obstetrical and gynecological conditions. AUTOMOBILES. 224 AUTOPSIES. Automobiles. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1911, lxiii, 995-1007. [Discussion], 1084.—Fieux (G.) Est-il dangereux pour les malades d'etre soignes par un chirurgien ou un accoucheur faisant de l'automobile. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 775.— Foveau de Courmelles. Hygtene et securite des moyens electriques de locomotion. J. d'hyg., Par., 1903, xxviii, 92- 95.—Hellwig (A.) Automobil una Verbrechen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop., Leipz., 1908, xxxi, 285-300.—HIrsch (C. T. W.) Motoring notes. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1027.— Korfl-Petersen (A.) Gesundheitsgefahrdung durch die Auspuffgase der Automobile. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektions- krankh., Leipz., 1911, lxix, 135-148—Le Gendre (P.) Der Automobilismus und die Gesundheit. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 586-590.—Marrlner (W. H. L.) Motor cars for medical men; twelve months with a motor car. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 454.—Smith (E. S.) The motor omni- bus in relation to public health. J. Prevent. M., Lond., 1906, xiv, 419-422.—Weitzel. Fahrrad und Automobil als Fahrzeuge des praktischen Arztes. Deutsche med; Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 683-685.—Wolff (G.) Hygiene und Automobilverkehr. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1911, xxxvi, 69-73. Automobiles (Accidents from). Cutts (H. M.) Two automobile cases. Tr. Mass. Med.- Leg. Soc, Bost., 1914, iv, 95-101.—Stiassny (S.) Zur Pro- phylaxe von Manoverunfallen durch Automobile. Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 49.—Strassmann (F.) Todliche Verletzungen durch Automobile. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., & Leipz., 1911, xxxvu, 2063. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karlsruhe) 1911, Leipz., 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 517. -----. Neuere Erfahrungen uber Automobilverletzurigen. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond.. 1914, Sect, xix, Forens. Med., pt. 2, 61.—Treves (E. M.) Neurosi traumatica ed investimento automobilistico. Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1916, 4. s., vhi, suppl., 74.—Wainwright (J. W.) Accidents from motor vehicles in New York for first five months of vear 1915. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1915, x, 563-568.— Zimmer. Ueber Automobilverletzungen. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xcv, 157-169. Automobiles (Hygienic and therapeutic value of). Blanchet (E.) *Automobilisme et medecine; role therapeutique de l'automobile. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Barbatis (P.-N.) L'influence de l'automobilisme sur le peristaltisme intestinal. J. d'hyg., Par., 1907, xxxii, 11; 42.—Delavan (D. B.) The influence of the use of the auto- mobile upon the upper air passages. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxviii, 30.5-309. Aho, Reprint.—Ghirelli (G.) L'au- tomobihsmo e la terapia fisica. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoh, 1907, vi, 197-202—Le Gendre (P.) L'automobuisme au point de vue de l'hygiene et du traitement des maladies. J. de physiotherap.. Par., 1906, iv, 456-465. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1906, lxxiii, 729-733. Aho, transl: N. Therap., Wien, 1906, iv, 405-411.—Mouneyrat (A.) Influence des rapidcs displacements d'air que provoque l'automobile sur la nutrition generate. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1907, cxliv, 1211.—Vlnay (C.) L'automobile au point de vue de l'hvgteni' et ih- la therapeutique. Lyon med., 1907, cix, 205-20*. Automobilists. von Amnion, Diehle [et all. Ueber die notwendlgen Sehteistuiigcn eines Automobilfulirers. Mimcliea. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 313.—C'lemiiier (J. W.) Aulonunia llienewdisca.se. J. Ain. M. Ass., Chicago, 1000, xlvi, 1543- Freytag ((!.) Das Schorgan des Autoinobilfuhivrs. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 311-313— Garcia Man- sllla (S.) Kl sentido dc la vista y el autontevil. Kev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1912, xcvi, 5. de Lantsheere. Des exigences visuelles chez tes conducteurs d'automobiles. J. med. de Brux., 1908, xiii, 213. Nile ke. Der Geisteszu- stand des Automobilfahrens. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1904, xvi, 335-337.—de Kidder (P.) A propos de la vision k exigcr des conducteurs d'automo- biles. J. med. de Brux., 1908, xiii, 297-299.—Woods (A.) You who drive. Am. Red. Cross Mag., Garden City, N. Y., 1917, xh, 48-53. Automors. Messenzehl (K.) *Automors. [Giessen.] 8°. Hildesheim, 1910. Bitter (L.) Automors; experimentelle Studie. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1910, xx, 57-67.—Elnecker. Automors, ein neues Desinfektionsmittel. Med. Klin., Borl., 1910, vi, 346-349.—Rlchter (E.) Automors. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1909, xxiv, 780.—Roepke. Ueber Automors. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1909, rxh, 909-919. Autonarcosis. Issailowltch-Dusclau. L'autonarcose. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 375. Auto-operations. Reclus (P.) L'anesthesie locahsee et les chirurgiens qui s'operent eux-memes. Presse med., Par., 1912, xx, 685- 687.—Regnault (J.) La technique des auto-operations. Paris med., 1911-12, ii, 408-414.-----. Utilite des auto- operations. Caducee, Par., 1912 xii, 215-217. -----. Au- tour de mon auto-operation. ^Esculape, Par., 1913, hi, 193-200. Autoparthenogenesis. Glaser (O.) On auto-parthenogenesis in Arbacia and Asterias. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1914, xxvi,387-409. Autopepsia. See Autolysis; Stomach (Autodigestion of); Stomach (Erosion of). Autophonoscope. Panconcelli-Calcia (G.) Autophonoskop, ein Instru- ment, um die Phonationsbewegungen im Larynx beobach- ten zu lassen und gleichzeitig selbst zu beobachten. Ztschr. f. Laryngol., Rhinol. [etc.], Wiirzb., 1913, iv, 437-441. Autophony. Knapp (H.) Personliche Erfahrung iiber einen acuten Anfall von Autophonie. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1902, xh, 105-107. Autopsies. See, aho, Coroners; Necropsies [in 2. s.]. Busse (O.) Das Obduktionsprotokoll. 8". Berlin, 1903. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1906. —---. Thesame. 4. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Verkotjteren (H.) Lichaamsoefening. S°. Schiedam, [1905]. Wadsworth (W. S.) Post-mortem examina- tions. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1915. Abba (F.) Padighone per le autopsie nei cimitero di Torino. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1906, ii, 167-170.— Aschoff (L.) Zur Frage der Krlegsprosekturen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxv, 274-280— Bellord (J. L.) Re- ligious view of autopsies. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1915, ix, 484—Burrows (M. T.) Why should autopsies be held? The argument to be used with relatives and friends. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 19l\ xxv, 700-763.—Cattermole (G. H.) Autopsies. Univ. Col. M. Bull., Boulder, 1906-7, hi, 132-134.—Chiari (H.) The importance of the autopsy and other pathologic-anatomic examinations. J. Am. M". Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 729-731.—ConneU (J. C.) Some post-mortem notes. Queen's M. Quart., Kingston, Canada, 1906-7, xi, 176-178 —Cozzollno (V.) Sulla necessita asso- luta del reperto necroscopico delle cavit& auricolari e nasali primarie e secondarie nei reperti endocranici con essudati acuti o cronici, conelusioru clinico-terapeutiche. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 311; 467.—Durck (H.) Pathologische Institute und Prosekturen. Deutsche Kran- kenh., Jena, 1911, 557-593.—Forni (G.) Resoconto delle autopsie eseguite durante il corso di anatomia patologica tenuto dai prof. A. Dionisi. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1917, vii, 517-540.—Fox (J. T.) A plea for the habitual performance of autopsies in general practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1412.—Frailer (J. M.) The importance of autopsy work in general practice. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth,"1908-9, iv, 174-176.—Hamm (A.) Die Leichenschaubestimmun- gen. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1908, v, 135-145—Hartel (C.) The necessity of post-mortem examination. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1906, xxvi, 429-442.—Janeway (T. C.) The great need of American hospitals; more autopsies. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1913-14, i, 80-93.—Jenkins (E. O.) Post-mortem examinations. J. South. Car. M. Ass., Greenville, 1907-S, iii, 138-141.—Karsner (H. T.) Necropsy service in a mili- tary hospital in the field. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1918, civ, 900-905.-Kindley (G. C.) Galveston autopsies. South. M. L, Nashville, 1914, vh, 495-499.—Landis (II. R. M.) Signed consent to a necropsy a condition to admission to our hospitals; a brief account of ten years' experience in the Phipps Institute of Philadelphia. J\ Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu, 29.—Lay (E. B.) SciutUle vivificatrtei nella materia morta. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 415- 418— Lucksrh (K.) Die Feldprosektur. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 451.—Maccallum (W. G.) The attitude of undertakers toward the performance of autop- sies. Proc N. York Path. Soc, N. Y., 1913-14, xhi, 104- 106.—McWalter (J. C.) & Glas (S.) On the necessity for a necropsy in everv case of death. Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1912, n. s., xciv, 134.—Mart-land (H. S.) Advan- tages of the autopsy and other pathologic anatomiirexami- nations. J. Med. Soc N. Jersey, Orange, 1911-12, vhi, 243- 249.—Miloslaviih (E.) Die Feldprosektur. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 343-315—Moseley (W. E.) Au- topsies as an aid in teaching special pathology. Lancet- Cllnie, Cincin., 1912, cvii, 350.—Muller (F.) Der prak- tische Wert der Obduktion. Ztschr. f. Yersteherungsmed., AUTOPSIES. 225 AUTOPSIES. Autopsies. Leipz., 1913, vi, 229-233.—Porritt (N.) An inquest on a leg. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 483.—Richter (M.) Er- fahrungen uber Sektionsvorschriften. Ztschr. f. Med - Beamte, Berl., 1913, xxvi, 797-817— Stapleton (W. J ) Postmortems. Detroit M. J., 1906, vi, 297-301.—Stein (R.) The autopsy; a letter to the public. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1912 lxxxi, 522— Tegeler. Die Wichtigkeit der Obduktion fur die Berufsgenossenschaft. Ztschr. f. Versicherungsmed Leipz., 1913, vi, 228: 1914, vii, 7.—Trevelyan (E. F.) A lecture on the coordination of post-mortem work and clinical observation. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 749-751.—Van Cott (J. M), Brinsmade (W. B.) [et al]. Symposium on autopsies. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1915, ix, 475- 483.—Walker (J.) Post-mortem examination. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1906-7, viu, 20-24.—Weiskotten (H. G.) The office of coroner and the medical school at Syracuse. Boston M. & S. J., 1914, clxx, 46-48.—Wilson (L. B.) The necropsy as a public service. J. Am. M. Ass Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 1560-1562.—Zubieta (M.) Autopsias. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1905-6, 2. ep., hi, 444^48. Autopsies (History of). Botha (C. G.) Early inquests and post-mortems at the Cape, 1652-1825. South African M. Rec.; Capetown, 1915-16, xiv, 55-57.—Cumston (C. G.) A medieval Latin autopsy protocol. BostonM.&S.J., 1911,clxv,628—Fox(R.H.) A budget of post-mortem reports, 1813-21: Matthew Baillte's foundation work in morbid anatomy. Proc. Roy. Soc Med., Lond., 1917-18, xi, Sect. Hist. Med., 79.—Inquest (The) on Lord Leven and Melville. Lancet, Lond., 1913, i, 1755.— Lewis (J. W.) Champlain's narrative of early autopsies in North America. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1905, xvi, 199. Aho, Reprint.—MacFarlan (DJ The oldest autopsy in history. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1915, 1, 343-351.—Oertel (H.) The past and present position of the autopsy in medical education and practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 1787-1791.—Reed (A. C.) A Chinese autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 601.—Spivak (C. D.) Post mortem examinations among Jews; an his- torical sketch and a plea to Jewish physicians. N. York M. J. [etc], 1914, xcix, 1185-1189. A ho: Sanatorium, Denver, 1914, vhi, 52-56. Aho, Reprint.—Steiner (W. R.) Some early autopsies in the United States. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1903, xiv, 201-203. A ho, Reprint. Autopsies (Infectionfrom). See, aho, Cadaver (Bacteriology of); Cadaver (Bohon of) [in 2. s.]; Skin (Tuberculosis of, Ver- rucous); Wounds (Bissection). Fullerton (W. D.) Washings from the autopsy table as a possible source of the spread of disease. Cleveland M. J., 1913, xh, 353-359.—Savtni (E.) Some reflections concerning the dangers of autopsies. Tribune med. Am. ed., N. Y., 1909, v, 290-294.—Schmidt (A.) Die Infektionsgefahr bei Leichenoffnungen. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1907, xx, 1-13.—Simmonds (M.) Wie schtitzen wir uns vor Sektionsunfallen? Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1906, xvii, 1-4.—Thorel (C.) Wie schutzen wir uns und unsere Diener bei Sektionen? Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1906, liii, 1421. Autopsies (Medico-legal). See, also, Cadaver (Inspection of); Cadaver (Jurhprudence of); Coroners; Jurisprudence (Medical); Morgue. Orth (J.) Erlauterungen zu den Vorschriften fiir das Verfahren der Gerichtsarzte bei den ge- richtlichen Untersuchungen menschlicher Lei- chen. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Saxony. Vorschriften fiir das Verfahren der Aerzte bei den gerichtlichen Untersuchungen menschlicher Leichen. 16°. Bresden, 1906. Thoinot (L.) L'autopsie medico-legale. 4°. Paris 1910. Aho. in: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1909, 4. s., xh, 273; 431: 1910, 4. s., xhi, 26. Ameullle (P.) Les precedes de l'autopsie medico-legale doivent-ils difierer essentiellement de ceux de l'autopsie chnique? Chnique, Par., 1910, v, 261-264.—Connell (W. T.) Autopsies and medical evidence in medico-legal cases. Queen's Univ. Med. Fac, Kingston, 1912, No. 6, 38-50 — Durlacher. Ueber platzliche durch Obduktionsbefund nicht mit Sicherheit erklarhche Todesfalle bei Kindern und ihre forensische Bedeutung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxh, 724; 740; 757.—Icard (S.) Autopstes vivants; la consta- tation des deces dans les hopitaux. Chron. med., Par., 1908, xv, 145; 177.—Italy. Norme ed istruzioni ministeriale sulla technica medico-legale delle autopsie giudiziarie. Med. ital., Napoh, 1910, viu, 587; 604: 1911, ix, 35; 53. Aho, Re- 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----in Autopsies (Medico-legal). print.—Littlejohn (H. H.) Medico-legal post-mortem examinations. Tr. Med.-Leg. Soc, Lond , 1902-4, i, 14-29. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 862-866.—Moses (O. St. J ) Keview of a year's medico-legal work in the Calcutta morgue, 1910. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1911, xlvi, 289-298, 2 ch! -----. Review of a year's medico-legal work in the Calcutta morgue, 1912 (including comparative figures for the trien- nium 1910-12). Ibid., 1913, xlviii, 209-216.-O'Hanlon J™ ,' Facts fron* coroners' cases. N. York M. J. [etc 1 1906, lxxxiv, 1036-1038.-----. Some coroner's cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1909, lxxv, 1017.—Perrando (G. G.) Polizia mortuaria e necroscopia scientifica. Liguri med., Genova, 1912, v, 2-8— Sadikoffl (J.) Ueber gerichtsarztliche Sec- tionen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der neuen Vor- schriften des Ministers des Innem vom 6. October 1909 St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 702-704.—Sforza (V.) Per il diritto di autopsia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1908, lxvii, 356; 363.—Smith (F. J.), Westcott (W.) [et al.]. A discussion on post-mortem examinations which do not reveal the cause of death. Chn. J., Lond., 1905-6, xxvii, 379; 395.—Tovo (C.) Sopra due centinaia di autopsie medico- legal!. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1908, xxix, 424; 578, 2 pi. Autopsies (Methods and technique in). Beattie (J. M.) Post-mortem methods. 8°. Cambridge, 1915. Box (C. B.) Post-mortem manual; a hand- book of morbid anatomy and post-mortem tech- nique. 8°. Bondon, 1910. Cade ac (C.) & Ball (V.) Anatomie patholo- gique et pratique des autopsies. 12°. Baris, 1907. Chiari (H.) Pathologisch-anatomische Sek- tionstechnik. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Gherardini (P.) Technica delle necroscopie. 12°. Milano, [1906]. Enciclopeuia itahana di veterinaria. Gibson (A. G.) A handbook for the post- mortem room. 12°. London, 1914. von Gierke (E.) Grundriss der Sektions- technik. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1912. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Freiburg i. B. dc Leipzig, 1914. Hauser (G.) Die Zenkersche Sektionstech- nik; eine Anleitung zur Vornahme von Sektionen fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 8°. Jena, 1913. Maccalltjm (W. G.) Special autopsy methods. 8°. Washington, 1918. Nauwerck (C.) Sektionstechnik fiir Stu- dirende und Aerzte. 8°. Jena, 1891. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1894. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1899. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1905. -----r-. The same. 5. Aufl. roy. 8°. Jena, 1912. V Pianese (G.) La tecnica delle autopsie cli- niche e giudiziarie e il reperto anatomo-pato- logico macroscopico delle piu comuni lesioni degli organi. 4 . Milano, 1911. Kotjssy (G.) & Ameuille (P.) Technique des autopsies et des recherches anatomo-patholo- giques a l'amphitheatre. Preface de Pierre Marie. 8°. Baris, 1910. Zilgien (H.) Manuel theorique et pratique des autopsies. 8°. Baris, 1905. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Baris, 1911. Bierring (W. L.) Post mortem technique. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1895-6, i, 550-558— Cattell (H. W.) Some practical post-mortem points. Proc. Path. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1893, xiv, 376-380.—Del Valle (D.) Nuevo procedi- miento de apertura del tdrax del cadaver en las autopsias ntedico-legales. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1909, xvi, 509-511.—von Hansemann (D.) Die Luxation des Scha- dels als Sektionsmethode. Centralbl. f. allg. Path, u path. Anat., Jena, 1909, xx, 1.—Heyer (H.) Die Arbeit des Gehil- fen bei der Obduktion. Deutsche Krankenpfl.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, ix, 193-195.—Horn (O.) [A holder of the skull and apparatus for fixing the head in autopsies.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1908, 5. R., i, 528-535.—Kuliga (P.) Ueber die Verwendung von G ummi handschuhen beim Sezieren und AUTOPSIES. 226 AUTOS YNOPTOMETER. Autopsies (Methods and technique in). ihre Pflege. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1906, xvh, 260-263.—Littleton (Sir H. D.) How to perform a post-mortem examination; the experience of a hie time, and its practical teaching. Hospital, Lond., 1907-8, xliii, 5; 31.—Moriani (G.) Apphcazioni tanatologiche del me- todo Bielschowsky-Levi. Riv. di med. leg., Pisa, 1916, vi, l; 33.—Oberndorter. Die Losungder Schadelbasis als Sektionsmethode. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1909, xx, ^29-531.—Bitter. Die Sektionsvorschriften. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1907, xx, 153-155.—Robert- son (H. E.) Some suggestions for equipping a post-mortem room. Internat. Ass. M. Mus., Ann Arbor. 1916, 38-41, 2 pi.—Robinson (W. L.) A method for filing necropsy sections. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 2037. Also, Reprint.—Slnefl (A. I.) [Use of gloves in autopsies.] Kharhov. M. J., 1907, iv, 228.—Westenhflfer (M.) Zur Sektionstechnik. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1915, xxvi, 337-339. Autopsies (Statistical reports of). Analysis of autopsy records. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1916, xvhi, 98-102.—Bevacqua (A.) Resoconto delle autopsie eseguite nell' Ospedale militare di Napoli dai 1° lugho 1902 al 1° agosto 1910, con reperto istologico epatteriolo- gico dei casi pifi importanti. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1911, lix, 161-189.—von Bollinger (O.) Bericht uber die Leichenoffnungen im pathologischen Institut wahrend der Jahre 1900,1901 und 1902. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankcnh. zu Munchen, 1907, xii, 323-327.—Borst (M.) Bericht iiber die Leichenoffnungen im pathologischen Institut wahrend der Jahre 1909 und 1910. Ibid. (1909-10), 1913, xv, 395-406.— Christian (J.) Einige Obductionsbefunde von grosserem Interesse. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1908, xhv, 1133- 1136.—Fernandez Davila (G.) Las cien primeras autopsias practicadas en la morgue de Lima. Cr<5n. nted., Lima, 1918, xxxv, 304-312.—Fiblger (J.) [Report on the autopsies performed at the Pathological Institute of the University, 1910-11.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1912, 5. R., v, 1081-1135.— FInlayson (G. A.) Summary of autopsies conducted at Tan Teck Seng Hospital, October to December, 1904. J. Malaya Br. Brit. M. Ass.. Singapore, 1905, n. s., No. 2, 64.— Goldschmid (E.) Sektionsstatistik 1913. Frankfurt. Zt- schr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1915, xvii, 414-430.—Herxheimer (G.) Aus der Prosektur des stadtischen Krankenhauses zu Wies- baden. Aerztl. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. stadt. Kaiser Friedr. Bades in Wiesb., 1913, 80-127.—Horn (O.) Statistische und kasuistische Mitteilungen aus dem Seziersaale des kommu- nalen Krankenhauses Oresund in Kopenhagen. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. fete], Berl., 1908, xix, 361-371.—Kohl- haas. Ergebnisse von Leichenoffnungen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1916, Ixxxvi, 436.— Kulz (L.) Kameruner Sektionsmaterial. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen- Hyg., Leipz., 1913, xvh, 273-284.—Lewinski- Corwin (E. H.) Statistics of post-mortems in large hos- pitals of the United States and abroad. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 1787-1790.—van Loghem (J. J.) De lijkopeningen in het hospital der Deli-maatschappij te Medan (Deli), 1 juni 1908-31 Mei 1909. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1910, xiv, pt. 2,2150-2177.—Lowrey (L. G.) Some unusual conditions observed in 245 post-mortem exam- inations at Danvers State Hospital. Boston M. & S. J., 1917. clxxvi, 872-875.—McCrae (J.) An analysis of two-hundred autopsies upon infants. Montreal M. J., 1909, xxxvih, 586- 595.—McCrudden (F. H.) More good autopsy figures. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1916, vi, 376— Mariotti-Bianchl (G. B.) Resoconto sistematico delle autopsie eseguite nei settennio 1899-1905.—Gior. med. d. r. escrcito, Roma, 1907, lv, 175-196.—Materna (A.) & Penecke (IL) Bericht uber die Tatigkeit der Prosektur des Schles. Krankenhauses in Troppau wahrend des ersten Kriegshalbjahres mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Infektionskrankheiten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 392-397.—Materna (L.) Einige seltene Obduktionsbefunde. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1909, xlvi, 181-184.—Miller (J. W.) Brasilianische Sektionsergebnisse. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat___Inst, zu Tubing., Leipz., 1914, ix, 282-288.—Oertel (H.) & Lewlnski-Corwln (E. II.) Summary of the report on post-mortem examinations in the United States and recommendations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 1790.— Orth (J.) Berichte fiber das Leichenhaus des Charite- Krankenhauses. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1906-12, xxx-xxxvi, passim.—von Pessl. Einige bemerkenswerte Falle aus der Prosektur. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 1549- 1552.—Pitt (G. N.) Observations upon the results of the clinical and post-mortem examination. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1907, xc, 49-60.—Rogers (L.) Gleanings from the Calcutta post-mortem records. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1910, xiv, 84; 124.—Taylor (F.) & French (H.) Observa- tions upon tho results of the clinical and post-mortem exami- nation. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1907, xc, 83-86.—Vomela (S.) [Pathological findings in the autopsies of 60 soldiers in the Vinohrady dissecting room, since the beginning of the war.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1915, xxii, 119-132.—Woolley (P. G.) Some good autopsy figures. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1916, vi, 377. Auto-riassunti e riviste dei lavori italiani di medicina interna ed argomenti prossimiori. v. 1-12, 1903-15. 8°. Torino. Autoscopy. Lemaitre (A.) Un accident mortel imputable a l'au- toscopie. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1904-5, iv, 84-86.— Solller. Quelques cas d'autoscopie. J. de psychol. norm. et path., Par., 1908, v, 160-165. Autoserobacterins. Wohl(M.G.) Autoserobacterins. Am. J. M.Sc, Phila., 1916, chi, 262-266. Autoserotherapy. See, also, Autolactotherapy; Serotherapy (Autogenous); Vaccines (Autogenous). Zolotareff (Mile. B.) Etude critique du traitement des epanchements sereux et de l'autoserotherapie. 8°. Baris, 1910. Antonini (A.) L'autosieroterapia alia Gilbert. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1913, lxh, 413.—Austin (C. K.) Reports on autoserotherapy. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1910, 20. s., iii, 24-32.—Baillon (A.) Essai de therapeutique organique; auto-serotherapie. Clinique, Par., 1913, viu, 101.—Belh- boni (E.) Studio preparatorio per conoscere il meccanismo di azione e le indicazioni della auto-sieroterapia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvu, 1058-1064.—Bonardi (E.) L'auto-sieroterapia quale efficace mezzo di cura di alcuni trasudati (ascite da cirrosi epatica; idrocele). R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1912, 2. s., xiv, 366-374.— Bronfenbrenner (J.) & Schlesinger (M. J.) Some sug- gestions for rational auto-serum therapy. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1916, xiv, 61-63—Caiorio(L.) L'auto- sieroterapia alia Gilbert. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoh, 1912, n. s., xxxiv. 927-935.—Eisner (G.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber Autoserotherapie. Ztschr. f. khn. Medv Berl., 1912, lxxvi, 34^4, 1 pi.—Garmagnano (C.) Considerazioni sulla auto-sieroterapia. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1911, xxxii. 475.—Hernandez (T.) Laautoseroterapia ascitica y antiaicoltehca. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1912, xxxvih, 169-172.—Huber (F.) Autoserotherapv. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ, 20. Aho, Reprint.—IndeiU (A.) Alcune note cliniche e critiche sulla cura alia Gilbert. Fra- castoro, Verona, 1912, vhi, 173-183.—Jousset (A.) Re- cherches experimentales sur l'autoserotherapie. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1912, v, 139-149.—Lemann (I. I.) Autosero- therapy; the therapeutic use of the patient's own serous exudates and transudates. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1911,xvhi,288-297— Muller(R.) DieNachbarwirkungdes Eigenserums und deren therapeutische Verwertung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 805-M3.—Nour (G. E.) Auto- serotherapy. Med. Council, Phila., 1914, xix, 19.—Palmer (E. E.) & Secor (W. L.) An improved and simplified technique for autoserotherapv. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1915, lxxxviii, 10S.—Pierce (E. A.) Autoserotherapv. North- westMed.. Scuttle, 1914, vi, 223-229— Rosenthal(G.) Note sur l'autoserotherapie a liquide nitre. Rev. nted., Par., 1912, xxh, 100.—Rudolf! (A. F.) Ob autoseroteraph. Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1912, ccxxxiv, med.-spec. pt., 227-240.—Sinclair (H. H.) Auto-sero-therapy in acute infections. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 114.— Smith (C. E.) The present status of autoserotherapv. St. Paul. M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1913, xv, 435-443.—Spiet- hofl (B.) Zur Behandlung mit Eigenserum und Eigen- blut. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 949.-----. Methode und Wirkung der Eigenserum-und Eigenblutbehandlung, nebst Bemerkungen zur Lmstimmung der Hautreaktion durch Eigenstofl- und Natrium-Nuclein-Injektionen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 1845.-----. Zur therapeutischen Verwen- dung des Eigenserums. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 521.-----. Zur Methode der Eigenblutbehandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 38. Autosuggestion. Bernhelm. Do 1'auto-suggestion. Rev. de psvchiat., Par., 1912, xvi, 266-270.—Cerininara (G.) & Montesantl (F.) Simulazione o autosuggestione? Med. prat, Nicastro, 1903, i. No. 2, 2; No. 3, 2.—Coste de Lagrave. Lauto- suggestion methodique. Rev. de psvchotlterap., Par.. 1914-15, xxix, 19-22.—Felletar (E.) [Autosuggestion and accusation of poisoning founded on manifold suggestions.] Gyogyils/.al, Budapest, 1904, xliv. 549— Gota (A.) La autosugestioii natural. Clin, mod., Zaragoza. 1907, vi, 29-36.—Laxzi6 (B.) Ein Fall von Autosuggestion. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1908, xxx, 344 — Perry (R. W.) Three experiments in auto-suggestion. Dictet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1908, xxiv, 722-724.—Relchel (H.) Falscheidauf autosuggestiver Basis. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 190S, xxx, 152-154. Autosynoptometer. Armaignac. Autosynoptometre a miroir. BulL Acad. de med., Par., 1906, 3. s., lv, 74-76. Aho: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1906,3. s., xxviii, 65-74. AUTOTHERAPY. Autotherapy. See, also, Autoheematotherapy; Autoin- oculation; Autoserotherapy; Serotherapy (Autogenous); Vaccines (Autogenous). Duncan (C. H.) Auto-therapy. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cvi, 472-481. Aho: N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1911, lix, 741-765.-----. Autotherapy; the natural autogenous toxine complex in the treatment of disease. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcvi, 1217; 1278.-----. Autotherapy in gynecology and obstetrics. Med. Times, N. Y., 1914, xhi, 146-148.-----. Autotherapy in the prevention and cure of purulent infections. Practitioner, Lond., 1914, xch, 551- 566.-----. Autotherapy of urine and sea plasma. Therap. Rec, Louisville, 1914, ix, 38-42.-----. A positive method of preventing and curing purulent infection, an appeal to the army surgeon. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1915, x, 772-775. Aho: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1915, xxii, 996- 1003. -----. A few points in autotuerapeutic technique. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1915, xxhi, 1985-1993.-----. Autotherapy. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1916, x, 325- 333.—Parham (J. C.) Autotherapy. South. M. J., Nash- ville, 1916, ix, 303-307. Autotomy. Delflno (V.) La autotomia ^es un acto reflejo o psiquico? Bol. de cien. med., Mexico, 1913-14, iv, 193-197. Aho: Cr6n. nted.-quir. de la Habana, 1914, xl, 60-64.—Drzewina (Anna). Sur la pretendue autotomie psychique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., I907,lxhi, 459-461.-----. Ya-t-il une difference effective entre la pretendue autotomie psychique et l'auto- tomie reflexe? Reponse a M. Pieron. Ibid., 493-495.— Fredericq (L.) Sur 1'autotomie ou mutilation par voie re- flexe comme moven de defense chez les animaux. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1883, 2. s., i, 413- 426.—Legendre (R.) Traces fossiles d'autotomie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 662.—Paul (J. H.) A comparative study of the reflexes of autotomy in decapod Crustacea. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1914-15, xxxv, 233- 262.—Pearse (A. S.) Autotomy in holothurians. Biol. Bull., Woods Hall, Mass., 1910-11, xvhi, 42-49.—Pieron (H.) Recherches sur l'autotomie. De l'existence d'une autotomie psychique superposee a l'autotomie reflexe. Arch, internat. de physiol., Liege & Par., 1907, v, 110-121. -----. Autotomie et autospasie. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 425-427.-----. Sur une pretendue refutation de l'autotomie psychique; reponse a Mile. Drze- wina. Ibid., 461-463.-----. L'autotomie protectrice reflexe chez les orthopteres. Ibid., 463-465. -----. L'autotomie volontaire des decapodes; quelques id^es et quelques faits. Ibid.. 517-519. —■---. Autotomie protectrice et autotomie evasive. Ibid., cxhv, 1379-1381. -----. Le probleme de l'autotomie. Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg., Par., 1908, xhi, 185-246. Aho [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 172-174.—Roskam (J.) Nouvelles re- cherches sur le mecanisme de l'autotomie chez le crabe. Arch, internat. de physiol., Ltege & Par., 1913, xhi, 229- 249. Autotoxsemia. See Pregnancy (Toxaemia in); Toxaemia (Bi- gestive). Autotoxins. Banton (G. H.) Auto-toxins from beer and spirits. J. Inebriety, Bost., 1910, xxxii, 35-41."—Manteulel. Unter- suchungen uber die Autotoxine (Conradi) und ihre Bedeu- tung als Ursache der Wachstumshemmung in Bakterien- kulturen. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 313-318.—Pas- sini (F.) Die bakteriellen Hemmungsstoffe Conradis und ihr Einfluss auf das Wachstum der Anaerobier des Darmes. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 627-630. Autour (Stanislas) [1877- ]. *Actinomyeose du cceur et du pericarde. 56 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 108. Autovaccination. See Vaccination (Accidental, etc.). Autoxidation. Falk (K. G.) Autoxidation of organic compounds. School of Mines Quart., N. Y., 1907-8, xxix, 1.5-23— Thun- berg (T.) Untersuchungen uber autoxydable Substanzen und autoxydable Systeme von physiologischem Interesse. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1910, xxiv, 90-96. Autran (Manuel Francisco Monteiro). See Mon- teiro Autran (Manuel Francisco) [in 2. s.]. Autran (P. Sanudo). Alicante, estacion invernal. 14 pp. 8°. Alicante, M. dc V. Guijarro, 1899. Autunite. Rolfe (B. H.) Autunite (hydrated uranium calcium phosphate). Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 766. AUXIMONES. Auvard [Pierre-Victor-Alfred] [1855- ]. The- rapeutique gyndcologique. vi, 330 pp. 12°. Barh, 0. Boin, 1896. ------. Formulaire gynerologique illustre\ 2. ed. iii, 128 pp. 16°. Baris, Bueff dc Cie., 1898. ------. Formulaire obstetrical illustre\ 2. M. iii, 115 pp. 12°. Baris, Bueff dc Cie., 1898. ------. Le nouveau-ne; physiologie, hygiene, allaitement, maladies les plus frequentes et leur traitement, avec une introduction sur l'hygiene genitale de la femme. 3. ed. xiii, 153 pp. 16°. Baris, 0. Boin, 1898. ------. The same. 4. ed. 1 p. 1., 364 pp. 16°. Baris, 0. Boin, 1901. ------. The same. 5. ed. 372 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Baris, 0. Boin, 1905. ------. The same. 6. ed. 369 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Boin dc fils, 1909. ------. Maladie (hysterie—neurasthenie—lesion). vii, 262 pp., 11., 1 illus. 12°. Baris, A. Maloine dc fils, 1918. See, aho, Schultz (Marie) [in 2. s.]. Hygiene genitale de la femme [etc.]. 12°. Parh, 1903. For Biography, see Galleria d. clin. ostet., Scansano, 1902, i, 41-48, port. Auvergne. See, also, Epidemics (Hhtory of), by localities. Van Hassel (V.) Mon carnet d'Auvergne; voyage d'6tudes m£dicales. 8°. Bour, 1905. Auvert (Lucien) [1881-1911]. *L'evacuation spontanee des abces extra-duraux d'origine otique. 54 pp. 8°. Byon, 1905, No. 64. For Biography, see Gaz. nted. de Par., 1911, lxxxii, p. ih. Auvinet (Louis-Philippe-Constant) [1876- ]. *Des crises abdominales dans la convalescence de la diphterie. [Bordeaux.] 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nantes, 1903, No. 146. Auvray (Adolphe-Charles) [1874- ]. *Du chondro-myxome. 76 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 522. Auvray (Maurice) [1868- ]. *Les tumeurs cerebrales; clinique et chirurgie. 434 pp., 1 1.. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 166. -* ------. The same. 466 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Baillihe & fils, 1896. ------. Diagnostic de l'appendicite. 95 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1904. ------. The same. Diagnostico de la appendi- citis. 96 pp. 12°. Madrid, 1905. ---:—. Maladies du crane et de l'encephale. 508 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc Son, 1909. , Nouveau traite de chirurgie, No. 13. *1 See, aho, Terrier (Louis Felix) & Auvray (Maurice) [in 2. s.]. Chirurgie du foie et des voies biliaires. 8°. Paris, 1901. Auvray (Octave-Paul) [1873- ]. *Etude de quelques variations du volume du foie; leur valeur semiologique. 94 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 245. Auvret (Jean) [1881- J. Contribution a l'etude des luxations r^cidivantes de l'epaule. 70 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 180. Auxilysins and auxilysis. de Blasi (D.) Ueber die auxolytische Eigenschaft einiger Menschensera. Folia serolog. [etc.], Leipz., 1908-9, i, 4.—Gengou (O.) Du pouvoir auxilytique du serum de cobaye normal. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, hi, 515-522.—Manwaring (W. H.) On auxilysins; a preliminary communication. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1906, hi, 225-227. Aho, Reprint. Auximones. Bottomlcy (W. B.) Some effects of organic growth- promoting substances (auximones) on the growth of Lemna minor in mineral culture solutions. Proc Roy. Soc, Lond., 1917, s. B, lxxxix, 1917, 481-507, 2 pi— Mockeridge (Flo- rence A.) Some effects of organic growth-promoting sub- stances (auximones) on the soil organisms concerned in the nitrogen cycle. Ibid., 508-533. 2< AUXION. 228 AVERY. Auxion (Jules-Gerard-Ferdinand) [1883- ]. *Du traitement des plaies de la main par la teinture d'iode. 74 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 418. Auxion (Prosper). *Quelques considerations sur la tuberculose infantile (etude locale). 71 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1901, No. 441. Auxo-amylase. Rockwood (E. W.) Auxo-amylases. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Bait., 1916, xi, p. xxxiv.-----. Some nitro- genous auxoamylases. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1917, xxxix, 2745-2752. Auxocytes. Bolles-Lee (A.) L'etape strepsinematique des auxocytes m&tes de l'escargot. Cellule, Lierre-Louvain, 1912, xxvu, 221-253, 1 pi. Auzat (Jean) [1865- ]. *Du traitement des pleuresies purulentes chroniques. 91 pp. 8°. Pan's, 1903, No. 512. Auzimour (Bernard) [187&- ]. *Sobriete et resistance des Arabes. ix, 11-70 pp, 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 39. Auzinger (August). Womit konnen _ wir den Saugling am besten ernahren, wenn die Mutter- milch mangelt? Ein Wort zur modernen Saug- lingsmilchfrage. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, M. Heinsius Nachfi, 1909. Auzolle (Hippolyte) [1876- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude de la tuberculose musculaire primitive; ses formes anatomiques. 48 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lyon, 1910, No. 63. Auzols (Alphonse). *La diarrhee; traitement par la gelatine. 74. pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 391. Auzoux [Louis-Thomas-Jerome] [1797-1880]. Rap- ports sur l'anatomie elastique. 16 pp. 8°. Barh, Knox, 1837. ----—. Anatomie elastique. Catalogue de 1894. 11pp. 12°. Pan's, 1894. Avanzini (Jo. Baptista). De pellagra novo morbo per qusedam Ligurise rura grassanti; historia. 2. ed. 14 pp. 8°. Genuse, [1812]. Avarice. Ashmead (A. S.) Quid avarus? Stultus et insanus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii,933.—deFursac (J. R.) De l'avariee; essai de psychologie morbide. Rev. phil., Par., 1906, lxi, 15; 164.—Rogues de Fursac (J.) L'hereditt5 dans l'avariee. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1909, vi, 193-200. Avarne (Arthur Blair) [1862-1910]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 1028. Avdakoff (Anna). *La paralysie de la branche externe du spinal dans le talies. 112 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 212. , Aveenz (N. E. Conradi). Een vriend der cholera waaran men niet denkt. 29 pp. 16°. Amster- dam, 1866. Aveline (Georges-Henri) [1887- ]. *Des con- vulsions £pileptiformes au cours du coma dia- betique. 77 pp. 8°. Byon, 1912, No. 73. Aveline (Paul) [1875- ]. *Contribution a l'etude de rorthoforme; de quelques accidents causes par son emploi, partieulierement en obst^trique. 71 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 35. Aveling (James Hob-son) [1828-92]. The present state of medicine in Sheffield. An introductory address delivered at the Sheffield School of Medicine, October 1st, ]S(i(i. 22 pp., 1 sheet. 12°. Sheffield, Bawson dc Brailsford, [1866]. ------. The midwives registration bill. Opening address to a discussion on the bill by the British Gynaecological Society. 12 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale dc Sons, 1890. Avellan (Hjalmar). Tutkimuksia cell-uloidin Kayttokelposundesta hammasteknikassa, Kir- jottanut. [Investigation on the special uses of celluloid in dental technics.] 100 pp. 8°. Helsinghsa, 1907. Avellanal (Jose Ramon). *Cuales son los deberes de los medicos con sus companeros en el ejercicio profesional? 12 pp., 11. 8°. Habana, 1901. d'Avellar (Edouard) [1866-; # ]. *Les theories de l'immunite; revue critique. 116 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 502. de Avellar Figueira de Mello (Paulo). *Um caso de gravidez tubaria a termo operado 4£ mezes depois da morte do feto. 47 pp. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1906. de Avellar Werneck (Paulino). *Tratamento da neurasthenia. 100 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Mendes, Marques dc Co., 1896. Avellis' syndrome [Pharyngo-laryngeal hemiplegia]. See Larynx (Baralysis of); Paralysis (Bha- ryngolaryngeal). Aveliis (G[eorg]). jKUinische Beitrage zur halb- seitigen Kehlkopflahmung. 26 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1891. Forms 40. Hft. of: Berl. Klinik. Avena. See Oats. Avenbrugger (Leopold). See Auenbrugger. Avenel (Pierre-Auguste) [1803-66]. Roger (J.) [Biography.] In hh: Med. normands [etc.], 8°, Par., 1890, i, 293-303. Avenier (Rene). *La meningite zonateuse. 44 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 321. Avenin. Abderhalden (E.) & Hamalainen (Y.) Die Mono- amincsaurendesAvenins. Ztschr,f. physiol. Chem.,Strassb., 1907, hi, 515-520.—Weiser (S.) Leber das Avenin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xcviii, 023-630. Avenzohar (Abumeron) [1070-1161]. See Colle (Joannes) [in 2. s.]. De cognitu difficilibus in praxi [etc.]. 4°. Venetiis, 1628. Averina (Olga) [1SS3- ]. *Traumatische Darmrupturen ohne Eroffnung der Bauchhohle. 31pp. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1910. Averkiyeff (Semyon Nikitich) [1859- ]. *Ma- teriyali k voprosu o vliyanii molochnavo sakhara nausvoyeniye zhirovpishtshi, kozhno-lyokhoch- niya poteri, obmlen vodi i vies tiela u zdoro- vikh lyudei. [Data on the influence of milk sugar upon the assimilation of fats from food, losses by skin and lungs, metabolism of water. and body weight in men.] 133 pp. 8°. 5.- Beterburg, V. B. Meshtshershi. 1896. Averrhoes [1126-98]. Paraphrasis de partibus et generatione animalium tarn philosophis quam medicisperutilis. Nuper ex Hebraicoin Latinum translata pereximium Artium et Medicinse Doc- torem Magistrum Jacob Mantinum Hebreum Hispanum. 791. roy. 8°. [Bomse, per Marcelum S iiber aVsFranck, 1521.] ------. See, also: Zimara (M. A.) Solutiones contradictionum in dictis Averrois. In: Averrhoes. Decimum volumen: Colhget hbri vii [etc.], sm. 4°. Venetiis, 1574, ft. 173-177. See, aho, Slid hod (K.) Umfang und Gewicht des Col- liget des Ibn Ruschd (Averroes). Mitt. z. Gesch. d. Med. u. d. Naturw., Hamb., 1914, xiii, 451. Aversenq (Jean). *L'electrolyse circulaire et les r6trecissements de l'uretre. 107 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 68. Avery (Edward W.) [1841-1917]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 792. Avery (John) [1807-55]. Yearsley (M.) [Biography] Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1912-13, vi, Sect. Hist.Med., 240-242. Avery (Oswald Theodore), Chickering (H. T.) [et al.]. Acute lobar pneumonia; prevention and serum treatment. 1 p. 1., 110 pp., 3 pi. AVERY. 229 AVIATIOX. Avery (Oswald Theodore) [et al.]—continued. 8°. New York, The Bockefeller Lnstitutefor Medi- cal Besearch, 1917. Avery (Otis) [1808-1904]. Obituary. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 331-334. Aveta (H.) & Stagno (P.) Casa di salute Fleu- rent, con villini separati per malattie men tali e nervose. Istituto fondato nei 1831, Napoli. 35 pp., 11., lpl. 12°. Napoli, Biannini, 1896. Aveze (Andre). L'amour a I'envers roman. Pre- face du docteur Doyen. 297 pp. 12°. Baris A. Michel; [1906]. Aviat (Marie-Hubert) [1873- ]. *La question des etablissements speciaux pour la cure de l'alcoolisme. Maison de convalescence, d'absti- nence et de travail. 127 pp. 8°. Arcis-sur- Aube, 1900, No. 170. Aviation and aviators. See, aho, Aeronautics. Hamel (G.) & Turner (C. G.) Flying; some practical experiences. 8°. London, [cte.], 1914. Marquis (R.) H vgiene pratique del' aviateur et de l'ae>onaute. 8°. Barh, 1912. Medical training of aviators for war purposes. Cuttingfrom: Sun (The), N. Y., 1917, lxxxv, No. 7, Sept. 7. Page (V. W.) & Montariol (P.) Glossary of aviation terms. Termes d'aviation. English- French. Francais-Anglais. 8°. New York, 1917. von Schrotter (H.) Hygiene der Aeronautik und Aviatik. fol. Wien dc Beipzig, 1912. Adler (J. E.) Notes on the medical aspect of aviation, with a suggested scheme for the medical examination of pilots. In: Hamel (G.) & Turner (C. C.) Flying, 8°, Lond., 1914, 310-338.—Aggazzotti (A.) La terapia del mate degli aviatori, la ipobaropatia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1918, lxxvh, 73-77. -----. La ipobaropatia. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1918, xxi, 104-112. Aho: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1918, lxvi, 183-191.—Air (The) medical service. Lancet, Lond., 1918, i, 341.—Anderson (H. G.) Some medi- cal aspects of aviation; a lecture for pupils at air stations. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 328-331. -----. The medical aspects of aeroplane accidents. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1918, i, 73-76.-----. Aeroplane accidents. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1918, iv, 51-68. -----. The selection of candidates for the air service. Lancet, Lond;, 1918, i, 395- 399.—Attributes (The) of the successful flying officer. Ibid., ii, 425.—Auditory affections in airmen. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 10.—Aviator's sickness. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciii, 989.—Babcock (H. L.) Some observations on the B&r&ny tests as apphed to aviators. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 840-843. Aho, Reprint.— Bachman (R. A.) The examination of aviators. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1918, xh, 30-41.—Bernard (A.) Les problemes medicaux de l'aviation. Progres med., Par., 1918, 3. s., xxxiii, 166-170.—Berthier (D.) Note au sujet de troubles cardiovasculaires pouvant expliquer certains accidents d'aviation. BulL Acad, de med., Par., 1918, 3. s., lxxx, 232.—Bilancioni (G.) Alterazioni prodotte sull' or- ganismo da una improwisa e fortissima variazione della f>ressione atmosferica. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1918, xvi, 802-812.—Binet (L.) Le mal des aviateurs et la selec- tion des pilotes mihtaires. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1917, xxviii, 540-545.—Blaauw (E.) Visual require- ments of military aviators. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 1205.—Bonnier (P.) Capacite manostatique chez tes aviateurs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, clii, 1498.—Boyer (J.) Selecting aviators, psycho-motive ex- amination of candidates for the French service. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1916, cxv, 6.—Bozzl (F.) Contributo alia fisio- logia dell' aviazione. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1917, lxxiv, 187. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, lxv, 653-656.— Bruere (P.) Aviation et produits comprimes. Caducee, Par., 1912, xh, 187— Burtt (H. E.) The perception of slight changes of equilibrium, with especial reference to problems of aviation. J. Apphed Psychol., Worcester, 1918, ii, 101- 115.—C. (A.) Un transfuge de la medecine et de la phar- macie: l'aeronaute Pilatre de Rozier. Chron. nted., Far., 1917, xxiv, 337-340.—Camus (J.) & Nepper. Temps des reactions psychomotrices des candidatsa l'aviation. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1916, clxiii, 106. Aho: Paris med., 1916, xix, 290-294.—Carpenter (E. R.) Value ofthe neuro- otologic tests in the army from a diagnostic standpoint. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 899.—Castex (A.) Trou- bles auriculaires chez les aviateurs militaires. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 30-38. Aho: Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1918, lxxx, 73-76.—Cham- berlin (W. B.) Medical examination and the Aviation Aviation and aviators. l Corps. Cleveland M. J., 1917, xvi, 545-548.-Conln (F. M ) Physical examinations of applicants for the Aviation Serv- ioq' U^S" A' Nebraska M. J., Norfolk. Neb., 1918, hi, 120; nf -^F?nn -The sPecial Physical examination w«Titft«fOT,th£Fnited States *™y- Mil- Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 29-32.-Cottle (G. P.) Naval aviltion personnel. Ibid., 1916, xxxix, 353-360.-Cowley (L M) Higiene pr&ctica flsiol6gica del aviador y del aereonauta. Kev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1913, xvhi, 475; 489. Aho: Espana med., Madrid, 1914, iv, No. 127, 10; No 128 4; No. 129, 4; No. 130, 2-Crouzon (O.) Note sur la tension arterielle de deux aviateurs, apres un vol plane de 2,050 metres d'altitude. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1912, lxxu, 530-532.-Cruchet (R.) & Moulinier (R.) Le mai des aviateurs Presse med., Par., 1911, xix, 589-592.-De Witt (Lydia M.) Aviation from a medical point of view. Internat. Ass. Med. Mus. Bull., Ann. Arbor, Mich., & Mon- treal, Canad., 1918, No. 7, 197-202.—Doctor (The) and the airman. Lancet, Lond., 1918, i, 411.—ten Doesschate (G.) Ueber Gesichtsfeldstorungen bei Fliegeroffizieren. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1918, xxxix, 30-36.—Dudley (S. F ) Active service flying; the medical point of view. J. Roy Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1918, iv, 131-140— Dunlap (K ) Psychologic observations and methods. [Medical Research Laboratory Air Service.] J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1392.—Efficient (The) selection and care of flying officers. Lancet, Lond., 1918, i, 190.—Etienne (G ) & Lamy. Le cceur des aviateurs. BulL Acad, de nted . Par., 1918, 3. s., lxxx 151-153.-F. (W. C.) The advisability of recording the models of the jaws of aviators. J. Ass. Mil Dental Surg., San Fran., 1918, h, 169-171.—Fagin (R ) Eye requirements for aviators. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1918-19, xi, 177-179—Falchi (L.) Sull' idoneita al servizio di aviazione. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1911, hx, 347- 350:-----• Degh infortuni aviatorh e dei mezzi di pro- tezione per gh aviatori. Ibid., 1912, lx, 641-655.—Ferry (M. G.) Le syndrome mal des aviateurs (etude experimen- tale de la tension arterielle). Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 65-67. Aho, transl: Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1916, ci, 395-398.----—..Le syndrome mal des aviateurs chez un pilote albuminunque; etude experimentale de ses reactions cardio-vasculaires en vol. Arch. d. mal. du cceur [etc 1, Par., 1917, x, 275-284. -----. Le syndrome mal des avia- teurs et ses suites eloigners; etiologie, pathogenie et traite- ment; aptitude a l'aviation et hygiene de l'aviateur. Arch de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1918, lxxx, 77-86.—Fisher (L.) & Lewis (E. R.) Visual factors in equilibration, especially aviation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx. 1625-1628.—Fisher (L.) & Lyman (H. W.) The ear in stunt flying. Ibid., lxxi, 1977-1980—Flack (M.) Scientific tests for the selection of pilots for the air force. Nature Lond., 1918, ci, 225.—Flemming. Bewusstlosigkeit im Luftschifl. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz 1912, xxxviii, 1338.—Flight surgeons appointed. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi. 665.—Frangenheim. Ueber die Verletzungen vom Fhegeriiberfall. Munchen. med Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 1091.—Frldenberg (P.) Visual fac- tors in equilibration, especially aviation. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1918, lxx, 991.—Friedlander. Zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Luftfahrt. Jahrb. d. wissensch. Gesellsch. f. Flugtechnik, Berl., 1913, i, 70-83. -----. Bericht des Unterausschusses fiir medizinische und psychologische Fragen. Ibid., 1914 ii, 212-219.—Geigel. Die Atemleistung der Flieger. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1253.— Gemelli (A.) Sull' applicazione dei metodi psico-fisici all' esame dei candidati all' aviazione militare. Riv. di psicol., Bologna, 1917, xhi, 157-190, 4 pi. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Pise, 1917, lxvii, 162-205. -----. Sulla composizione del sangue degli aviatori. Boll. d. Ist. siero- terap. milanese, 1917, i, 105-110.—Gilchrist (N. S.) An analysis of causes of breakdown in flying, with note on the nervous mechanism of the flying man. Brit. M. J., Lond 1918, ii, 401-403.-----. Causes of breakdown in flying. N. York M. J. [etc], 1918, cvhi, 906.—Gradenigo (G.) Ri- cerche psiconsiologiche sui candidati al pilofaggio d'avia- zione militare. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1918, lxvi, 3- 17. —Greene (R. N.) Some aero-medical observations. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xii, 589-597.—Guggenheim (L. K.) Aviation and otology. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1917, xxiv, 865-867.—Guillain (G.) Syndrome de Claude Bernard-Horner consecutif a une chute d'avion. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1918, 3. s., xiii, 761.—Hahn (R.) & Malan (A.) Dell' esame del senso statico e del senso vestibolare nei candidati all' aviazione. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], Torino, 1918, xxix, 78-87.—Halben. Die Augen der Luftfahrer. Jahrb. d. wissensch. Gesellsch. f. Flugtechnik, Berl., 1914, ii, 158-168. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 88.—Hamilton (Alice). Industrial poisoning in aircraft manufacture. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix. 2037-2039.—Hastings (H.) Reactions of the normal labyrinth;_recent experience in the United States aviation examinations. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1918, xxvu, 481-489.—Helme (F.) Quelques reflexions sur le temps present; deux mots k propos de l'aviation. Presse med., Par., 1912, xx, suppl., 357-359.—Hen- derson (Y.) & Seibert (E. G.) Organization and objects of the Medical Research Board, Air Service, U. S. Army. AVIATION. 230 AVICENNA. Aviation and aviators. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1382-1384.—Htrschlafl (W.) Gibt es eine Fhegerkrankheit? Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1917, liv, 1187:1918, lv, 350-353. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xliv, 30— Hollow ay (T. B.) Aviator's dazzling. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1917, xxvi, 208.—Huss. Untersuchung auf Gleichgewichtssto- rungen bei Fliegern; kurze Einfuhrung in die neueren Unter- suchungsmethoden und Vorschlag zu einer systematischen Funktionspriifung. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Marine-Sani- tatswes., Berl., 1913, 6. Hft., 1-31. Aho, transl: U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1914, viii, 87-106. 1 pi.—Johnston (J. I.) The cardiovascular problem in the aviation recruit. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1918-19, xxh, 53-55.—Jones (I. H.) The ear and aviation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 1007-1609. Also: Volta Rev.. Wash., 1917, xix, 710-715.— Jones (I. H.). Hunt (J. R.) [et al]. Aviation problems, with special reference to the internal ear and the cerebellum. N. YorkM. J.[etc.], 1919, cix, 83-86.—Josue (O.) L'examen du coeur et des vaisseaux chez les aviateurs. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1918, lxix, 609-628.—Kaulen. Ueber den Einfluss des Fliegens auf das Blutbild bei Menschen, Kaninchen und Mausen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 1562.—Kehl (H.) Ueber den Flie- fertod. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1123.— tnott(J.) Aviator's sickness. Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1916, ci, 519.—Koschel (E.) Welche Anforderungen miis- sen an die Gesundheit der Fiihrer von Luftfahrzeugen gestellt werden? Jahrb. d. wissensch. Gesellsch. f. Flug- technik, Berl., 1914, ii. 143-157. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1915, lxxix, 45.—L. (E.) Con- dition d'aptitude au service de l'aviation mihtaire en Italie. Caducee. Par., 1911, xi, 234.—Lacroix (P.) Les reactions de l'oreille chez tes aviateurs pendant les vols. Bull. Acad. de nted., Par., 1917, 3. s., lxxvii, 94-97.—Lane (W. A.), Sutherland (G. A.) & Joynson-Hicks (W.) The medical service of the R. A. F.; principles of promotion. Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 679.—Lee (C. F.) Aviation and the war.. J. Wash. Acad. Sc, Bait., 1918, viu, 225-232— Legrand (C.) L'aviation et le service de sante en campagne. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1913, lxi, 538-540.—Lepine (R.) Pour la securite des aviateurs. Lyon med., 1911, cxvii, 997-999.—Lewis (E. R.) Influence of altitude on the hear- ing and the motion-sensing apparatus of the ear. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1398. -----. Barany chair tests and flying ability. Ibid., lxx, 1559.-----. Otologic problems from the standpoint of aviation service. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass., 1918, xiv, pt. 3. 449-451. -----. Otologic problems from the standpoint of aviation service. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc., New Bedford, Mass., 1918, xiv, pt. 3, 449-451. -----. The ear and aviation. Arch. NeuroL & Psychiat., Chicago, 1919, i, 167-171.—Loewy (A.) & Placzek (S.) Die Wirkung der Hohe auf das Seelenleben des Luftfahrers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr7 1914, li, 1020-1023 — Lyster (T. C.) Aviation medical service here and abroad. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass., 1918, xiv, pt. 3, 452-456.—McWalter (J. C.) The sense of projection in flying officers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, h\ 672. -----. The physiologv of the aviator. Med. Press, Lond., 1918, n. s., cvi, 133.—Marx. Fhegerverletzungen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1914, li, 53.—Medical (The) aspects of aviation. Lancet, Lond., 1918, i, 67.—Medical problems of the air service. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1918, i, 123.—Moullnler (R.) Tension arterielle chez tes aviateurs et vol aux hautes altitudes. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nted. de Bordeaux, 1910, xxxi, 457.—Murphy (J. St. J.) Some medical points in con- nection with flying. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1918, iv, 281-284.—Murray (W. R.) The vestibular apparatus and its relation to aviation. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1918, xxxvih, 155-158.—Myers (D. P.) The criminal in the air. J. Am. Inst. . . . CriminoL, Chicago, 1913-14, iv, K15- «36.—Nieddu-Scmldel (A.) L' esame dell' oreechio e delle prime vie respiratorie negli aspiranti piloti di naviga- zione acrea. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1911, xxii, 11-31. -----. Sull' idoneitsl fisica al servizio di navigazioue aerea. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1911, lix, 3-27.—O kounefl (B.) Materiaux pour servir a l'etude de l'influence de cer- tains moments de Paerostation et de l'aviation sur Poroille saine et sur l'oreille malade. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc], Par., 1911, xxxi, 127; 480.—Ovlngton (E. L.) The psychic factors in aviation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 419.—Panter (A. E.) Minor maladies in flying offi- cers. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1918, iv, 94.—Panton (P. N.) & Simpson (A. M.) Loss of head in aeroplane accidents. Brit.M. Jv Lond., 1918. i, 535.—Parsons (li. P.) A search for nonphysical standards for naval aviators. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1918, xh, 155-172.—Parsons (R. P.) & Segar (L. H.) Barany chair tests and flying ability; a correlation study of one hundred naval aviators. J. Ani. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1064; 1879.—l'aton (S.) Effects of low oxygen pressure on the personality of the aviator. Ibid., lxxi, 1399.—Paton (S.), Maclake (W.) & Hamilton (A. S.) Personality studies and the personal equation of the aviator. Ment. Hyg., Concord, N. IL, 1918, ii, 629-634.—Rensi (G.) Un' analisi della vita volitiva. Riv. di psicol., Bologna,'1916, xii, 101-11 *.—Reymond (E.) Les reflexes dans l'aviation. Bull, med., Par., 1911, xxv, 975.-----. The hygiene and the physiology of the Aviation and aviators. airman. J. State Med., Lond., 1913, xxi, 500-503.—Rippon (T. S.) & Manuel (E. G.) The essential characteristics of successful and unsuccessful aviators, with special reference to temperament. Lancet. Lond., 1918, ii, 411-415.—Rob- ertson (C. M.) A new test and method of classification for labyrinth, muscle tone and blood pressure findings in men entering military aviation service; preliminary report. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass., 1918, xiv, pt. 3, 457-486. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 813- 817.—Rouch. Ecoles d'aviation et medecins militaires Caducee, Par., 1911, xi, 289.—Sample (F. M.) Suit for aviators. [Pat. spec] No. 1272537; July 16, 1918.—Satre (A.) Les services aenens pendant la guerre de 1870. J. de med. de Par., 1918, xxxvii, 16-18.—Schneider (E. C.) Physiologic observations and methods [Medical Research Laboratory Air Service]. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1384-1389.—Schttppler (H.) Ueber den Fliegertod. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xhv, 265-270.— von Schrotter (II.) Gesichtspunkte zur Hygiene und Prophylaxe der Luftfahrt: Aeronautik und Aviatik. Oes- terr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1913, xxv, 1429; 1457.—Schurmeier (H. L.) Observations on the physical effects of living. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 584-586.—Scriiton (W. A.) The examination of applicants for the Aviation Service of the United States Army; disqualifying factors in fifteen hundred cases; some observations of past-pointing after rotation. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1918, xxvu, 392; 528.—Seibert (E. G.) The effects of high altitudes upon the efficiency of aviators. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1918, xiii, 145-148.—Selection of candidates for the air service. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1918, i, 314-317.—SmaU (C. P.) The visual requirements of military aviators. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1917, xxvi, 325-J28. Aho: J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 841-843. Aho, Reprint.-----. Equilibrium tests for aviation recruits. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 1078.—Stivers (C. G.) Testing the aviation candidate. South. Calif. Pract., Ix>s Angeies, 1917, xxxii, 169-172.—Stiring (R.) Atmospharische Gefahren fur die Luftfahrt. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1914, iii, 364-369.—Tanturrl (D.) L' apparato uditivo negli aviatori. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1918, xxxix, 55-58.-----. Sull' igiene delle vie superiori del respiro e dell' oreechio nell' aviatore. Riforma med., Napoh, 1918, xxxiv, 574.— Tichy (II.) Typische Fhegerverletzungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 67.—Tracy (J. L.) As to to- bacco and aviation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1325.—Vorbe & Rocher (L.) Osteome des aviateurs. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 174— Wells (H. V.) The flying service, from a medical point of view. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 55-60. Aho: Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1916; lxxxii, 331.-----. Some aeroplane injuries and diseases, with notes on the aviation service. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 65-71.—WUmer (W. H.) Some ocular conditions affecting the efficiency of the aviator. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1918, xlvii, 439-447. -----. The eye and aviation. Arch. NeuroL & Psychiat., Chicago, 1919, i, 162-166.—Wilmer (W. H.) & Berens (C.) The effect of altitude on ocular functions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicaco, 1918, lxxi, 1394-139S.—Zade. Ueber Blendung im Llie- gerdienst. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1916, lvh, 152. Avicenna [980-1036]; Liber canonis Avicenne revisus et ab omni errore mendaque purgatus summa quam cum diligentia impressus. 453 ft., 1 1. [Ad fin.:] Impressus et diligentissime correcte mandate et impensis heredum quoii dat nobilis Octayiani Scoti, 1505, Venetiis. 4°. ------. Compendium de anima. De mahad2 id est de dispositione, seu looo, ad quern revertitur homo, vet anima ejus^ post mortem. Aphorismi de anima. De deffinitionibus, et qusesitis. De divisione scientiarum. ^ Ab Andrea Albago Bellunensi, ex arabico in latinum versa. Cum expositionibus ejusdem Andrese collectis ab auctoribus arabicis. Omnia nunc primum in lucem sedita. 1 p. 1., 145 pp. sm. 4°. Venetih, apud Juntas, 1546. ------. Qanun fi at-tib lish-shaikh ar-rais Abi 'Ali Ibn Sina. [Rules of medicine by the Shaikh Rais Abu 'Ali Ibn Sina,.] 3 v. roy. 8°. [Bulaq], A. H. 1294 [1877]. Arabic text. ------. Die Augenheilkunde des Ibn Sina. Aus dem Anibischen ubersetzt und erliiutert von J. Hirschberg und J. Lippert. viii, 186 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Veit dc Co., 1902. For Portrait, sec Abbild.. . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten, [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1S05, 50, port. AVICENNA. 23: Avicenna [980-1036]—continued. ------. See, also: Bertapalia (L.) Hie sunt recollectse habitse super quarto Avicennae ab . . . magistro Leonardo Bertapalia et ibi sunt mirabilia secreta habita ab eo et per me experta. In: Guy de Chauxiac. Cyrurgia [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1499, 217-246 pp. Cakra de Vatjx (A.) Avicenne. 8°. Barh, 1900. Circtjlanus (J.) Expositio in primam fen quarti canonis Avicennae. fol. [ Venetiis, 1512.] di Forte (A.) [in 2. s.]. De calamitoso errore Avicennae, uncle communium medicorum or- renda, malefitia inter homines cotidie pullulant. 16°. [Venetiis, 1542.] del Garbo (D.) [in 2. s.]. Expositio super iii., iv. et parte v. fen Avicennae. fol. Im- pressa Ferrarise, 1489. ------. The same. fol. [Venetih, 1499.] —----. The same. fol. Venetiis, 1505. de Gradi [or Gradibus] (J. M. F.) [in 2. s.]. [F. la (c. sign.a2):] Expositiones praeclarissimi et subtilissimi Magistri Jo. Mathei ex Ferrariis de Gradi super vigessimam secundam fen tertii canonis domini Avicennae [etc.]. fol. Medio- lani, 1494. Hugo Jenensis [in 2. s.]. [F. la (c. sign. a2):] Super quarta primi Avicennae incipit, [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1485. ------. The same. Expositio Ugonis Senen- sis super primo Canonis Avicennae cum ques- tionibus ejusdem, [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1498. ■—■----. The same. Ugonis Senensis super quarta fen primi Avicennae praeclara expositio, cum annotationibus Jacobi de Partibus noviter perquam diligentissime correcta. fol. Venetiis, 1502. . Jacobus Forliviensis [in 2. s.]. Singularis expositio et quaestiones in primum canonem Avicennae. fol. Venetih, 1547. de Koning (P.) Trois traites d'anatomie arabes [etc.]. 4°. Leide, 1903. Paterntjs (B.) [in 2. s.]. Explanationes in primam fen primi canonis Avicen. 4°. Venetiis, 1596. Pellingerus (A. P.) [in 2. s.]. Contradic- tionesAvicennaeexcerptae. 24°. [Venetih, 1552.] Sauter (C.) *Avicennas Bearbeitung der aristotelischen Metaphvsik. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1912. Chatard (J.-A.) Avicenna and Arabian medicine. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1908, xix, 157-160, port.— Cohen (M. M.) Avicenna, Benzoar. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1909, Iii, 321-327.—Fiessinger (C.) La therapeutique d'Avicenne, 980-1037. In his: Therap. d. vieux maitres, 8°. Par., 1897, 29-35.—Neligan (A. R.) The tomb of Abu Ah Ibn Sina (Avicenna); a pilgrimage to Hamadan (Ecba- tana). St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1913-14, xxi, 161-165.— Osier (Sir W.) Suggested scheme for the restoration of the tomb of Avicenna. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond.. 1913-14, vh, Sect. Hist. Med., 280.—Therapeutique (La) d'Avicenne. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap.. Par., 1917, xxxi (suppl.), pp. cmlxxxix-cmxci.—Tomb (The) of Avicenna. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 194.—Wiedemann (E.) Ibn Sina's Anschauung vom Sehvorgang. Arch. f. d. Gesch. d. Na- turw. [etc.], Leipz., 1911-12, iv, 239-241. Avicennia. Bournot (K.) Gewinnung von Lapachol aus dem Kernholz von Avicennia tomentosa. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1913, cch, 351-356, 1 pi. Avierinos. Consultations pratiques sur les mala- dies du foie. 103 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Baillih-e dc fils, 1910. Avila (Miguel). *Pequefio estudio sobre el mis- patle o quixmipatle. 4 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. M. Sandoval, 1882. Aviles Arnau (Juan). Ingenierfa sanitaria; la casa higienica. 594 pp. 8°. Madrid, Bailly- Bailliere dc hijos, 1904. AWEXG. Aviles y Merino (Benito) [1850- ]. Castells (R.) [Biography.] Rev. med.-hidrol. espan., Madrid, 1903, iv, 212. Avinier (Gaetan) [1890- ]. Contribution a l'etude des abces intra-duraux d'origine otique. 88 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1913, No. 43. Avis aux buveurs d'eaux [etc.]. See Maillard [in 2.8.]. L Avitaminosis. See Beri-beri; Deficiency diseases; Pellagra; Scurvy; Vitamines. Avocado. United States. Bepartment of Agriculture. Bureau ofBlant Lndustry. Bulletin No. 77. The avocado, a salad fruit from the Tropics. By G. N. Calluis. 8°. Washington, 1905. Avocado (The) a nutritive fruit. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. 1916. lxvi, 898.—Bailey (H. S.) & Burnett (L. B.) Oil from the avocado. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, 1917, xlvi, 95.—La Forge (F. B.) D-mannoketoheptose, a new sugar from the avocado. J. Biol. Chem.. N. Y., 1917, xxviii 511-522. A ho, Reprint.—Popenoe(W.) Avocados as food in Guatemala. J. Hered., Wash., 1918, ix, 99-107. Avogadro's law. Graebe (C.) Developpement de l'hypothese d'Avogadro. Monit. scient., Par., 1914, 5. s., xxviii, 65-85. Avramoff (Joachim). *Contribution a. l'etude des affections nerveuses chroniques consecutives aux intoxications aigues. 96 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1900, No. 24. Avramoff (P[yotr] G[eorgiyevich]) [1866- ]. *Materi'ali po voyenno-meditsinskoi statistikie; opit razrabotki meditsinskikh listov. [Data on army medical statistics; attempted analysis of the medical lists.) 119 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, A. S. Khomski, 1895. Avrard (Joseph-Ferdinand-Paul-Alfred). Lettre sur les injections intra-ut^rines employees par la methode du double courant. 8 pp. 8°. Barh, E. Martinet, 1867. Avril (Eugene) [1884-^ ]. *La cocai'nomanie; eLude clinique, medico-legale et therapeutique. 90 pp. 8°. JLyon, 1908, No. 27. Avril-(Jacques) [1870- ]. *Les dangers de la suralimentation chez les tuberculeux. 138 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 137. Avrilleaud (Paul-Emile) .[1871- ]. *Des pseudo-tuberculoses d'origine grippale. 43 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 106. Avroroff (Pavel [Pyotrovich]) [1870-<# ]. *Ob- mien veshtshestv i razvitiye energii v organiz- mie pri polnom golodanii. [Metabolism and development of energy in the organism in com- plete starvation.] 190 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, M. M. Gutzats, 1900. ------. O vliyanii visushennoi hemoliticheskoi sivorotki na sostav krovi i obmien veshtshestv. [Influence of dried haemolytic serum upon the composition of the blood and upon metabolism.] 71 pp. 8°. Tomsk, Sibirsk. Tvo. Bechatn. Biela, 1912. Bound with: Izvlest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1911, xiv. Avsarkissoff (Alexander) [1882- ]. *Patho- logisch-anatomische Studien zur Genese der Coryza syphilitica. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1908]. Avtokratoff (P[yotr] M[ikhailovich]) [1856- ]. See Raymond (F.) Klinicheskiyalektsufetc.]. 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1900. Awisatore sanitario, legale; amministrativo; pro- fessionale. v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. Torino. Awisi sopra la salute umana per gli anni 1775-84. v. 1-10, bound in 5 v. sm. 4°. Firenze, 1776-84. Aweng (Marie-Joseph-Xavier-Andre) [1SS5- ]. *La mortality infantile dans les agglomerations ouvrieres du nord du departement de Meurthe- AWENG. 232 AXILLA. A weng (Marie-Joseph-Xavier-Andre)—continued. et-Moselle (Bassins de Briey et de Longwy). 195 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1910, No. 3. Awerbuch (Rosa). *Ueber die Haufigkeit der Harnsteine in der Schweiz. [Zurich.] 18 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. Klinkhardt, 1910. Ax. MacCurdy (G. G.) The cult of the ax. Holmes Anniv. Vol. Anthrop. Essays, Wash., 1916,301-315,2pi. Axell (0. T.) Homoopatisk terapi. 422 pp. 8°. Ostersund, 1910. Axenfeld ([Karl] Theodor [Paul Polykarpos]) [1867- ]. Das Trachom (Conjunctivitis gra- nulosa, agyptische Augenentziindung). Kurze Darstellung der Differentialdiagnose, Therapie und Prophylaxe; seinen Zuhorern zugeeignet. 36 pp. 12°. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1902. ------. Serumtherapie bei infectiosen Augener- krankungen. Programm zur Feier des Ge- burtstages seiner konigl. Hoheit des Grossherzogs Friedrich des durchlauchtigsten Rektor mag- nificentissimus der Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat zu Freiburg i. Br. 91 pp., 19 tab. 4°. Freiburg i. B., U.^Hochreuther, 1905. ------. Blindsein und Blindenfiirsorge. Prorek- torats-Rede. 34 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., U. Hochreuther, 1905. ------. Rapport sur le catarrhe printanier. 134 pp., 11., 7 pi. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1907. ------. Die Bakteriologle in der Augenheilkunde. xii, 362 pp., 31., 3 pi., 1 tab. roy. 8°. Jena,G. Fischer, 1907. ------. The same. The bacteriology of the eye. Translated by Angus Ma cnab. 402 pp., 3 pi. 8 °. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1908. ------. Lehrbuch der Augenheilkunde, bear- beitet von Th. Axenfeld, Bach [et al.]. Hrsg. von Theodor Axenfeld. xv, 679 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1909. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. xvi, 708 pp., 11 col. pi. 4°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1910. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. xvi, 800 pp. 4°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1915. See, aho, Encyklopadie der Augenheilkunde [etc.], 8°. Leipzig, 1902.—Lehrbuch der klinischen Untersuchungs- methoden [etc.]. s°. Berlin & Wien, 1903.—von Szily (Aurei). Atlas der Kriegsaugenheilkunde [etc.]. 4°. Stutt- gart, 1916. Axentjan (Wartan). *Experimenteller Beitrag zur Acetonitrilreaktion. Versuche iiber die Re- sistenzerhohung gegeniiber Acetonitril bei Miiu- sen, durch Fiitterung verschiedener Thyreoid- substanzen. 23 pp. 8°. Basel, Brin dc Co., 1914. Axhausen (Georg) [1877- ]. *Antiseptik oder Aseptik im Felde? 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1902. ------. Die pathologisch-anatomischen Grund- lagen der Lehre von der freien Knochentrans- plantation beim Menschen und beim Tiere. pp. 23-58. 8°. Berlin, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1908. Forms 2. Hft., v. 4, of: Beihefte z. Med. Khn. Axilla. See, aho, Artery (Axillary). Bushmakin (N. D.) Limfaticheskiya zhe- lyozi podmishechnoi vpadini i ikh pitaniye. [The lymphatic glands of the axilla and their nutrition.] 8°. [Kazan; 1911.] Aho, transl. in: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1912, xh, 3-30. Grossmann (F.) *Ueber die axillaren Lymphdrusen. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Axilla. Tobler (L.) *Der Achselbogen des Men- schen ein Rudiment des Panniculus carnosus der Mammalier. [Zurich.] 8°. Beipzig, 1902. Cabibbe (G.) Note anatomiche suite aponevrosi della regione ascellare e sul legamento del Gerdy. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1902, 4. s., xiv, 133-150, 2 pi.— Charpy (A.) & Soulie(A.) L'aponevroseaxillaire. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1904. vi, 78-80. Aho: J. de l'anat. etphysiol. [etc.], Par., 1905, xh, 268-287.—Gehry (K.) Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte des Achselbogens des Men- schen, eines Rudimentes des Panniculus der Mammalier. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1903, xxxi, 446-452.—Gruschka (T.) Ueber einen Fall von zusammengesetztem Achsel- bogen beim Menschen. Ibid., 1911, xlui, 359-368.—von der Heide (A.) Zur Genese der Achselhohlenmitehdrusen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1911, lxviii, 74-87.— Heiderich (F.) Die Fascien und Aponeurosen der Achsel- hohle; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Achselbogenfrage. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1905-6, xxx, 517-557. -----. Zur Achsel- bogenfrage. Eine Enviderung an G. Ruge. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1911, xxxvih, 28.—Imerwol(V.) L'arc axillaire. BulL Soc. de nted. et nat. de Jassv, 1906, xx, 193-200.—Leblanc (E.) Anatomie comparee de 1'appareil fibreux axillaire. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1914, xxiv, 277-308.—Lo Casio (G.) Contributo alia morfologia dell'arco ascellare di Langer. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1913-14, xvh, 59-72—Mitchell (Esther). The axil- lary space. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1900, x, 459-464 — Moreau (L.) Recherches anatomo-chirurgicales sur les aponevroses de 1'aisselle dans leurs rapports avec les adeho- phlegmons de cette region. Rev. de chir., Par., 1914, xlix, 740-772.—Phillips (W. F. R.) Innervation of an axillary arch muscle. Anat. Record, Phila., 1913, vii, 131. Aho, Reprint.—Pitzorno (M.) Contributo alia morfologia dell' arco ascellare muscolare di Langer. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1911, x, 129-144.—Princeteau & Jean- neney. Anomalies musculaires du creux axillaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 129—Ruge (G.) Ein Rest des HautrRumpfmuskels in der Achselgegend des Men- schen, Achselbogen. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1910, xh, 519-538. See, aho, supra, Heiderich.-----. Abnorme Mus- keln der Achselgrubenwandungen des Menschen. Ibid., 1913-14, xlvh, 677-682.—Seitz (L.) Ueber die sogen. Achsel- hohlenmitehdrusen und deren Cencse. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1908), 1909, xxiv, 114-117.—Sicher (H.) Zur Morphologie des Achsel- bogens beim Menschen. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1911, xliii, 339-344.—Talke (L.) Ueber die grossen Driisen der Aehselhohlenhaut des Menschen. Arch. f. mikr. .Anat., Bonn, 1902-3, lxi, 537-555, 1 pL—de Vilhena (H.) Algunas vartedades de arco axillar muscular. Arch, de anat. [etc.], Lisb., 1912-13, i, 14-21.—Yatsuta (K. Z.) [The trans- verse muscle ofthe axilla from a surgical and morphological viewpoint.] Voyenno-med. J., S.-Peterb., 1909, ccxxiv, med.-spec. pt., 1-6. Axilla (Cancer of). Baubv & Roques. Cancer melanique des ganghons axillaires. Toulouse med., 1906, 2. s., viii, 212-214.—Gra- ham (D.W.) Primary carcinoma ofthe axilla. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1S9S, xxxi, 44,5-147.—Jones (TL M.) Isolated duct cancer in the axilla. Brit. Gvnflec. J., Lond., 1903-1, xix, 204; 296.—Levi (I. V.) Epithelioma of the axillary glands presenting the chnical features of tuberculosis. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1902-3, xv, 227-229— Mathews (F. S.) Carcinoma of the axilla. Ann. Surg, Phila., 1913, lvh, 2V0, 1 pi.—Morestln (H.) Cancer de la region du coude doveloppe' sur unancien lupus; cancer ganglionnaire secon- daire de 1'aisselle; ehorme envahissement des teguments de 1'aisselle et des regions cireonvoisines; extirpation; impossi- bilite de reMinir la plaie; disposition prise pour mettre a l'abri le paquet vasculo-nerveux. Bull, et ntem. Soc. anat. de 1'ar., 1913, lxxxviii, 377-3N2.—Mudd (H. G.) & McCon- nell (G.) Secondary epithelioma of the axillary nodes with involvement of a large nerve. Interstate M. J-., St. Louis, 1906, xiii, 310-314—Xadal (P.) Cancer et tuberculose simultaitee d'un ganglion axillaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1913, lxxxviii, 354.—Ravaut & Tillaye. Cancer melanique. Ibid., 1902, lxxvii, 823.—Roberts (J. B.) Amputation through the shoulder joint as a routine pro- cedure in axillary careinoma, secondary to mammary tu- mors. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1902-3, vi, 193-195.—Snow (II.) A case of primary scirrhous carcinoma in the axilla. Lancet, Lond., ls9S, i, 717. Axilla (Diseases of). See, also, Aneurism (Axillary). Capillery & Rougier. Adeno-phlegmon do 1'aisselle; arti'ril o axillaire et ulceration des parois de la veine axillaire consecutives; ligature de l'artere axillaire et de la veine sous- claviere; giterison. Arch, de nted. et pharm. mil., Par., 1904, xliv, 136-1 lv—Delbet. Adenopathie axillaire. Rev gen. de clin. et ue therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 113.—Duval AXILLA. 233 AXILLA. Axilla (Diseases of). (H.-R.) & Fage. Les adenopathies axillaires non cance- reuses correspondant aux tumeurs du sein. Compt. rend Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 802.—Grishtshenko (A. A.) [Phlegmon of the axilla complicated by secondary haemor- rhage from axillary abscess.] Voyenno-Med. J., S..-Peterb 1901, lxxix. med.-spec. pt., 1661-1666.— Masek (D.) & Joanovic (M.) [A case of actinomycosis of the armpit from a clinical and bacteriological standpoint.] Liec. viestnik, u Zagrebu, 1901, xxvi, 57-60.—Pauchet (V.) Phlegmons de 1'aisselle; leur traitement. Chnique, Par 1909, iv, 436.—Talke (L.) Ueber Hydradenitis axillaris' Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1903, xxxviii, 122-132.—Troi- sier. Adenopathie sus-claviculaire gauche et axillaire; discussion du diagnostic. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6n' de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvh, 754. Axilla (Surgery of). See, also, Aneurism (Axillary); Artery (Ax- illary, Ligation of); Axilla (Wounds, etc., of). Fenger. Tubercular glands of axilla; systematic removal Chicago M. Recorder, 1896, xi, 188.—Guyot & Ricard. D'une technique speciale dans les interventions sur la region axillaire par section temporaire des muscles pectoraux J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xl, 369-371.—Kelly (H. A.) The use of a steel comb for dissection in the axilla Ann Surg., Phila., 1906,xliv, 104— Morestin(H.) Del'incision dissimulee dans le fond du creux de 1'aisselle pour 1'extirpa- tion de certaines tumeurs periaxillaires, des tumeurs benig- nes du sein en particulier. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par 1902, lxxvii, 695-697.—Perez (G.) Plastica del cavo ascellare per vasta cicatrice da scottatura. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital di chir. 1908. Roma, 1909, ii, 157-162. —Porter (F. J. W.j A method of treating excessive axillary sweating by opera- tion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 277.—Senn(N.) Suppura- tive lymphadenitis in the axilla. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1896-7, vi, 171.—von Winiwarter (A.) Un fragment de verre de forme triangulaire, tres pointu, loge dans 1'aisselle du patient depths cinq ans. Scalpel, Liege, 1908-9, lxi, 391. Axilla (Tuberculosis of). Blakeway (H.) Tuberculous axillary glands. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1910, Lond., 1911, xlvi, 190.—Broca. Adenite tuberculeuse de 1'aisselle avec bacillemte. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1914, xxviii, 385.—Dubar & Leroy. Tuberculose ganglionnaire de 1'aisselle avec hypertrophic transitoire de la mamelle. Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1908, Lille, 1909, 219-221.—Guerillon (A.) Sur un cas d'adenite tuberculeuse primitive du creux de 1'aisselle. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1905, ii, 317-319.—Lee (B.J.) A report of thirteen cases of tuberculous axillary adenitis. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1904, vi, 226-245.— Mauclaire (P.) A Thibierge. CEdeme dur lymphangitique du bras consecutif a des extirpations laiges d'adenites tuberculeuses du creux de 1'aisselle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 1193.—Prym (P.) Tuber- kulose und mahgnes Granulom der axillaren Lymphdriisen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & BeiL, 1915, xii, 212 — Thevenard (P.) Adenopathie tuberculeuse axillaire, sus- et sous-claviculaire; ablation partielle suivie de l'application de rayons de Roentgen. Paris chirurg., 1911, iii, 810-812.— Viannay. Un cas d'adenite tuberculeuse de.l'aisselle avec lymphangite retrograde. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1912, xxxi, 107. Axilla (Tumors of). See, also, Axilla (Cancer of); Axilla (Tumors of, Cystic); Axilla (Tumors of, Sarcomatous). Le Botjl (J.) *Des tumeurs de la paroi ante- rieure de 1'aisselle. 4°. Barh, 1895. Bergonie. Adenite neoplasique secondaire de 1'aisselle devenue operable et amenee a i'etat complet de sphacele par la radiotherapie sans lesion grave de la peau. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvu, 139.—Bonnel (F.) Tumeur du creux de 1'aisselle. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1914, lxxix, 110-112.—Bonte (D.) Volu- mineux lipome du creux de 1'aisselle. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1899, i, 565-567.—Castay (F.) Lymphocele de 1'ais- selle. Toulouse med., 1913, 2. s., xv, 305-30,7.—Charmeil & Gaudier. Tumeur du pli de l'aine. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 249.—Dov/nes (W. A.) Hygroma of axilla and neck. Tr. N. York Surg. Soc, 1913, ii, 352. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1914, lix, 753.—Falcone (R.) Di un caso di peritelioma sottoascellare. Tommasi, Napoli, 1909, iv, 80-86.—Gilman (P. K.) Axillary teratoma. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1913, viii (B), 231-235, 2 pL— Grube (V. F.) Keloid axillae dextrse. In his: Ocherki i nabl. fak. khirurg. klin. Imp. Kharkov. Univ., 8°, Kharkov, 1897, i, 51, 1 pi.—Le Gland. Adenome du creux axillaire developpe aux depens d'un lobule aberrant de la mamelle. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1907, i, 305-308.—Lilienthal (H.) Symmetrical axillary lipomata simulating polvmastia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1911, 21. s., ui, 180,1 pL—McArthur (L. L.) Hemangioendothelioma of axilla. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliv, 629.—M'Pherson (D. W.) Axillary lipoma. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1897-8, xxx, 49.—Man- Axilla (Tumors of). telli (C.) Cisti ematica del cavo ascellare simulante recidiva ganghare di un carcinoma mamario. Riforma med., Napoh 1912, xvm 12.—Monnier (L.) Fibrome de la paroi interne de 1'aisselle. J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi 143 — Morestin (H.) Fibro-adeno-lipome de V aisselle developpe aux depens d'une glande mammaire aberrante. Bull et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 235-241.-----. Volu- mineux hpome de 1'aisselle chez une octogenaire. Ibid 1903, lxxviii, 384-387.-----. Lipome de 1'aisselle. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxhi, 961 — Murphy (J. B.) Lipoma of axilla; ablation. Surg. Cliii, Phila., 1916, v, 869-873.- Palmer (D. W.) An unusual site for hpoma; axilla. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 475 — Peraire (M.) & Lefas. Lipome douloureux de 1'aisselle avec glande mammaire aberrante. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat de Par., 1907, lxxxii, 671.—Peraire (A.) & Marie. Tumeurs epitrochleennes et axillaires; ablation; guerison; examen histologique. Ibid., 1905, lxxx, 819.—Princeteau. Tu- meur du creux axillaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 946.—Vanverts (J.) & Prouvost. Angiomeprotend de 1'aisselle; hemorragie intra et extra-angiomatense au cours d'une bronchopneumonie; suppuration de l'hematome; ouverture de l'abces et extirpation de l'angiome. Bull, et mem. Soc. med.-chir. du Nord, Lille, 1905, i, 130-132. A ho • Nord med., Lille, 1905, xi, 211.—VUlard & Vignard. Lym- phangiome de 1'aisselle. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1898- 99, ii, 231-233—Walker (H. O.) Removal of tumor from axillary region. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1904-5, xv. 100. ' Axilla (Twmors of, Cystic). Cotherau (J.-E.-P.) *Des lymphangiomes kystiques de 1'aisselle. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Hu (U.-F.) *Sur les kystes sereux congeni- taux de 1'aisselle. 8°. Lille, 1896. Bassetta (A.) Kystes sereux congtoitaux de 1'aisselle. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vh, 529-574.—Colleville & Guenart. Rupture d'un kyste hvdatique du creux axil- laire suivie de la suppuration et de l'elimination de la poche kystique; troubles amyotronhiques concomitants. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1896, xliii, 925-930.—Hardotiin (P.) Etude sur les kystes sereux congenitaux de 1'aisselle. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1904, xiii, 494; 531.—Lejars. Lymphan- giome kystique de 1'aisselle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir de Par., 1898, n. s., xxiv, 389-391.—Lewtas (J.) A case of cystic hygroma; removal; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 951.—Lindh (A.) [Large blood tumor in the right axilla.] Goteborgs Lak.-sallsk. Forh., 1893, 68-70.—Mi- chaux (P.) Tumeur liquide de 1'aisselle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxhi, 1191.—Morris (R. T.) Axillary cyst. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1908, xxih, 322.—Prieur (A.-L.-.I.-G.) Kyste sereux congenital de 1'ais- selle. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1902, xxxix, 330- 335.—Reverdin (J.) Lymphangiome kystique de 1'aisselle; extirpation partielle; guerison. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1904, xvii, 735-739.—SchtiUer (M.) Eine angeborene Lymphcvste der Achselhohle. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., Berl., 1904,145-148.—Theuveny. Kyste sebacecalchte de 1'aisselle. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 558.—Thomson (P. J.) Hydatid cyst of the axilla in a child. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 25. Axilla (Tumors of, Sarcomatous). Albanese (A.) Sarcoma fuso-cellulare al cavo ascellare destro di una fanciulla. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1904, iii, 451.—Augier. Chondro-sarcome de 1'ais- selle; extirpation; guerison. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1906, i, 82-84.—Bera (A.) Sarcome primitif du creux de l'aisselle. Ibid., 1907, ii, 224-226—Deletrez (A.) Sarcome du creux axillaire. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1902, ix, 116.— Figueira (M.) Melanotic sarcoma of the axilla. Brooklyn M. J., 1900, xiv, 187-189—Gennari (C.) Sopra un caso di sarcoma dell' ascella guarito in seguito ad innesto di risipola. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1901, Iii, 968-973.—Puzey. [Enor- mous sarcoma in the right axilla.] Liverpool M.-Chir., J., 1902, xxii, 144.—Rehling (M.) A case of axillary sarcoma. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1912, xxvii, 407.—Richardson (M. H.) A case of apparently hopeless infiltration of left axilla and scapula by round-celled sarcoma; extirpation attempted and abandoned; extensive and severe wound infection followed by disappearance of the tumor. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 741-746.—Ricketts (B. M.) Case history and photograph. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 76.—Villar (F.) Amputation interscapulo-thora- cique pour sarcome de l'aisselle. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 753-755.—Wackcrhagen (G.) Sarcoma of the axillary region. Brooklyn M. J., 1900, xiv, 701. Axilla (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Aneurism (Axillary); Artery (Axillary, Wounds, etc., of). Albertih. Cicatrice vicieuse axillaire. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1901-2, v, 315.—Augias. Plaie profonde du creux de l'aisselle gauche par la poignee d'une epee-baionnette. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1910, lv, 341-343.— AXILLA. 234 AYERS. Axilla (Wounds and injuries of). Berard. Plaie de l'aisselle par balle de revolver; paralysie radiculaire partielle. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 935.—Bonamy & Vergere. Un cas de gangrene des doigts et de la main dans la zone d'innervation du radial, consecutive a une lesion par balle de la region de l'aisselle. Paris chhurg., 1916, vii, 201-205.—Calverley (E. J. G.) A Bowlby (A. A.) Skiagram of Mauser bullet lodged in axilla. Intercolon. M. J. Aus- tralas., Melbourne, 1900, v, 451, 1 pi—Hartwell (J. A.) Rupture of the axillary artery and vein, with injury to the fifth and sixth cervical nerve-roots and compression of the brachial plexus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1914. lx, 516-519.— Loi (C.) Ferita completa della vena ascellare per lesione diretta del cavo ascellare; legatura e guarigione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1383.—Perez (G.) Plastica del cavo ascellare per vasta cicatrice da scottatura. Ann. d. r. 1st. di clin. chir. di Roma, 1909, ii, 747-752.—Phocas. Balle enlevee de la region axillaire a l'aide de l'appareil de de la Baume. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xiii, 1189.—Robert & Cornet. Coup de feu dans l'aisselle (balle Lebcl); tesions arterioso-veineuses; anevrisme diffus consecu- tif; intervention chirurgicale (hgature des vaisseaux hu- meraux en bas et en haut de l'axillaire dans l'aisselle); guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1906, xlvii, 343-348.—Rouvillois (H.) Coup de feu de l'aisselle droite de petit calibre, avec plaie de l'artere axillaire et hematome arteriel circonscrit traite par l'extirpation; lesion concomi- tant* du plexus brachial. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1913,n.s.,xxxix,1736-1740.—Schwyzer(G.) Getrennto Aneurysma- und Varixbildung der Axillargefasse durch Schussverletzung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Cbjr., Leipz., 1912, cxvi, 693-704.—Syme (G. A.) Bullet wound of axilla, dividing axillary artery, and involving axillary vein; sub- sequent paralysis of posterior cord of brachial plexus, opera- tion; recovery. Intercolon. M.J. Australas., Melbourne, 1907, xii, 402-404.—Verhaeghe (E.) A propos d'un cas d'hema- tome arteriel consecutif a une plate de l'axillaire par coup de poignard. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 49-53. -----. Traumatisme axillaire. /Ma., 370. Aho: Bull. Soc. de med. du nord 1911, Lille, 1912,207. Axillary artery. See Artery (Axillary). Axis. See Atlas and axis. Axis (Cazliac). See Artery (Cceliac). Axista (Edgar). Die Magensekretion bei Morbus Brightii. pp. 269-292. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1905. Forms 10. Hft., v. 31, of: Wien. Klinik. Axmacher (Friedrich) [1875- ]. *Beitrag zur Behandlung der Sklerose der Paukenhohle mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Pilokarpins. 25 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Bieterich, 1902. Axolotl. See Amblystoma. Axon (William E. A.) In memoriam Adolph Samelson. 14 pp., port. 12°. Manchester, J. Heywood, 1888. Repr.from: Manchester Quarterly, 1888, Axospermophora. Ribaut (II.) Axospermophora (myriopodes). Arch. de zool. exper. et gen. [etc.], Par., 1912, 5. s., x, 400-478, 17 pi. Axt (Wilhelm). *Welche Erfolge hat die Anlegung eines Anus praeternaturalis bei eingeklemmten Ilernien aufzuweisen? 56 pp. 8°. Wiirzburq, Becker, 1896. Axtell (Edwin Rodarmel) [1866-99]. H. (J. N.) [Obituary.] Denver M. Times, 1899-1900, xix, 369-372. Ayard (Joao). *Vertigem auricular. 55 pp. roy. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, C. Gomes, 1905. Ayasse (Marcel) [1866- ]. *Etude historique et critique des precedes de restauration du rebord alveolaire dans le bec-de-lievre complique\ 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 240. Aybar (Luis Eduardo) [1881- ]. *Les canaux £jaculateurs dans l'hypertrophie de la prostate; fonctions sexuelles apres l'operation de Freyer. 98 pp., 16 pi. 8°. Pan's, 1911, No. 385. Aycard (Georges) [1885- ]. *Des erythemes polymorphes d'origine eberthienne avec ou sans dothienentherie. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1911, No. 63. Aycart [y Lopez] (Lorenzo) [ -1910]. La campana de Filipinas. (Recuerdos e impre- siones de un medico militar.) 162 pp., 1 1. 8°. Madrid, 1900. For Biography, see Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1911, 3. s., i, 49. Ayer (James Bourne) [1849-1910]. Obituary. Boston M. &. S. J., 1910, clxii, 801.—South- ard (E. E.) Obituary. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., Bait., 1911, xviii, 346. Ayer Clinical Laboratory of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Bulletin. No. 1-6, 1903-10. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Ba. Ayers (Douglas) [1842-1913]. [Obituary.] Albany M. Ann., 1914, xxxv, 42. Ayers (Edward Augustus) [1855-1917]. Physical diagnosis in obstetrics. A guide in antepartum, partum and postpartum examinations for the use of physicians and undergraduates, viii, 283 pp., 1 tab. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat, 1901. ------. Color-blindness, with special reference to art and artists, pp. 876-889. 8°. New York, 1907. Cutting from: Century Mag., X. Y., 1906-7, lxxiii. ------. The mosquito as a sanitary problem. 32 pp. 8°. New York, The Scientific Am. Bress, 1908. ------. Eves and vision from worm to man. pp. 601-610/8°. New York. 1908. Cutting from: Harper's Mag., X. Y., 1908, cxvii. ------. First sight at the age of forty, pp. 416- 424. 8°. New York, 1910. Cutting from: Harper's Mag., N. Y., 1910, exxi. ------. The seventh sense in man and animals. pp. 605-614. 8°. -New York, 1912. Cutting from: Harper's Mag.. X. V., 1912, exxiv. For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 2136. Ayers (Howard) [1861- ]. The morphology of the carotids, based on a study of the blood- vessels of Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garman. pp. 191-233, 1 pi. 8°. Cambridge, 1889. Cutting from: Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv., Cambridge, ISM). ------. The ear of man; its past, its present, and its future, pp. 180-233. 12°. Boston, 1891. Cutting from: Lect. at Marine Biol. Lab., Bost., I$y0, i. ------ & Jackson (C. M.) Morphology of the Mvxinoidei. 15 pp., 2 pi. S°. Cincinnati, 0., Univ. Bress, 1900. Univ. Cincin., 1900, Bull. Xo. 1. Ayers (S. Henry). The pasteurization of milk. 44 pp. S°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1912. L.S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Animal Indust., W ash., 1912, Circ. IM. ------. The present status of the pasteurization of milk. 16 pp. 8°. Washington, 1915. L. S. Dep. Agric Bull. Xo. 342. ------& Johnson (William T.) The bacteriol- ogy of commerciallv pasteurized and raw market milk. 98 pp. 8°. * Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1910. U.S. Dep. Agric. Bureau of Animal Indust., Bull. 126. ------ ------. A study of the bacteria which survive pasteurization. 66 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1913. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Plant Indust., Bull. No. 161. ------------. A bacteriological study of retail ice cream. 24 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1915. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bull. No. 303. AYERS. 235 AZAM. Ayers (S. Henry)—continued. ------------. Pasteurizing milk in bottles and bottling hot milk pasteurized in bulk. 27 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1915. U. S. Dep. Agric. Prof, paper. Dairv Div., Bull. No. 240. Ayguebere (Henri). *Etude clinique sur la pe- richondrite syphilitique du larynx. 99 pp. 8° Toulouse, 1909, No. 822. Aymara. Sera (G.) I caratteri antropometrici degli Avmara e il mongolismo primordiale dell' America. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1914, xxv, 215-230. Ayme (Henri). *Contribution a l'etude et au traitement de l'ongle incarne. 46 pp., 1 1. 8° Baris, 1901, No. 89. Ayme (Henri-L.) [1888- ]. *Deux cent cin- quante-trois accidents oculaires du travail m6tallurgique, avec considerations statistiques, 6tiologiques et prophylactiques. 62 pp. 8° Montpellier, 1911, No. 102. Ayme (M[arie-Eugene-Renal]) [1872- ]. *Con- tribution a l'etude de l'hypertrophie del'amyg- dalelinguale. 47 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 551. Aymeric (Desire). *De revolution du moignon cervical apres l'hysterectomie abdominale sub- totale. 68 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1910, No. 880. Aymerich [Alfredo Rodriguez de Aldao]. La practica del hipnotismo. 1 p. 1., 384 pp., 1 1. 16°. Madrid, 1906. -----. Los estados hipnoticos. Segunda parte de "La practica del hipnotismo." 304 pp., 6 pi. 12°. Madrid, Bona Carlota, [1907]. Aymes (Gaston) [1886- ]. *Diabete et troubles mentaux; revue critique. 113 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1910, No. 18. Aynaud (Albert) [1887- ]. Contribution a l'etude des indications operatoires dans les icteres. 55 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1914, No. 37. Aynaud (Marcel-Noel). *Le globulin des mammi- feres. 234 pp. 8°.' Baris, 1909, No. 93. ------. The same, viii, 232 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1909. Aynes (Francois-Paul) [1873- ]. *Recherches et considerations sur la typhlite et l'appendicite tuberculeuses. 91pp.. 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 19. Ayraud (Gaston-Emmanuel) [1875-; ]. , *La tuberculose conjonctivale primitive. Etude clinique. 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 61. Ayraud (Roger-Jean-Jules) [1878- .] *Les affections oculaires consecutives aux lesions dentaires. 85 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 95. Ayre (John Joseph) [1811-1908]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 846. Ayre (Joseph) [1781-1860]. A letter to the presi- dent and fellows of the Royal College of Physi- cians, in relation to the evidence, cited in their late report, on the treatment of epidemic cholera. 71 pp. 8°. Bondon, J. Churchill,, 1854. d'Ayrenx (Albert) [1868- ]. *Etude sur le traitement du glaucome. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 655. Ayrer (Franz). *Beitrag zur Lehre von der Hydronephrose im Kindesalter. 28 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1891. Ayrer (Immanuel Guilielmus). *De vermibus intestinorum. 45 pp. 4°. Jense, Stanno Wertheriano, [1670]. Ayrer (Joannes Christophorus). *De palpitatione cordis. 1 p. L, 32 pp. sm. 4°. Altdorffi, lit. H. Meyeri, 1678. Ayrer (Johannes Guilielmus). *De scirrho hepa- tis. 9 pp. sm. 4°. [Altdorffi], lit. Schonner- staedtianh, 1688. Ayres (Charles James) [1850-1905]. Obituary. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 661. Ayres (Leonard Porter) [1879- ]. Open-air school, xvii, 171 pp., 51 pi. 12°. New York, Boubleday, Bage dc Co., 1910. See, also, Gulick(Luther Halsey) & Ayres (Leonard P.s Medical inspection of schools, [etc]. 8°. Sew Yorli, 1908; Ayres (May), Williams (Jesse A.) & Wood (Thomas D.) Healthful schools; how to build, equip, and maintain them, xii, 292 pp. 12°. Boston, New York [etc.], Houghton, Mifflin Co., [1918]. Ayres (Philip Burnard Chenery) [1840- 99]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1190. Ayres (Stephen Cooper) [1842- ]. Shall we operate through the upper or lower canaliculus? 9 pp. 12°. Norwalk, Ohio, The Baning Brinting Co., 1897. ------. The battle of Nashville, with personal recollections of a field hospital. Read before the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion, De- cember, 1897. 16 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1903. ------. Some reminiscences of the treatment of the eye. 4 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1915. Ayres de Oliveira Bastos (Francisco). *Peri- cardite brightica. 62 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Neri dc Co., 1901. Ayres do Amaral e Souza (Elias). *Do accli- mamento e acclimacao nos paizes quentes e especialmente no Brazil. 110 (11.), xvi pp., 2 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1901. Ayres Netto (Jose). *Contribuicao ao estudo da hysterectomia abdominal supra-vaginal. iii (11.), 88 pp. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, A. Bibeiro dc Co., 1901. Ayrignac (Joseph) [1874- ]. *Etude du chi- misme gastrique dans les dermatoses; rapport du chimisme urinaire et du chimisme gastrique. 82 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 43. Ayroles (Laurent) [1873- _ ]. *De la salpingo- ovaro-syndese, ou resection de la trompe de Fallope, et anastomose ovaro-salpingienne. 58 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 256. . AyroIIes (Henri) [1886- ]. *L'osteomyelite du nourrisson. 45 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1913, No. 64. Ayrolles (Rene) [1883- _ ]. Contribution a l'etude de la craniotomie a lambeau. Manuel operatoire; indications. 58 pp. 8°. Byon, 1909, No. 36. Ayscough (James). A description of an universal microscope, xii, 177 pp. 8°. [n. p.], Univ. Mag., 1753. Ay uso (Francisco G.). See Kneipp (Sebastian). Como habeis de vivir [etc.]. 8"". Barcelona, 1897. Ayvazian (Zareh) [1872- ]. *Etude critique des traitements applicables aux cancers inope- rables de l'uterus. 43 pp. 8°. Baris, No. 100. Azai's (Armand) [1885- ] *La lumiere, son application dans le traitement de la tuberculose. 71 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1910, No. 112. Azai's (Charles) [1874- ]. *Le lipome du pied. x, 11-37 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1900, No. 68. Azai's (Joseph) [1874- ]. Contribution _ Ji, l'etude clinique des tumeurs du cervelet. viii, 9-34 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 31. Azai's (Norbert). *Des tumeurs liquides de l'ovaire pendant la puerperalite. (Complica- tions et traitement.) 103 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1904, No. 577, Azam [C.-M.-Etienne-Eugene] [1822-99], Hyp- notisme et double conscience, origine de leur etude et divers travaux sur des sujets analogues. AZAM. 236 AZTECS. Azam [C.-M.-Etienne-Eugene]—continued. Avec des prefaces et des lettres de MM. Paul Bert, Charcot et Ribot. viii, 375 pp. 8°. Barh, F. Alcan, 1893. For Biography, see Arch. prov. de med., Par., 1900, ii, 34. Aho: Hist. d. trav. Soc. med.-psvchol. (A. Ritti), Par., 1914, ii, 387-390. Also: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1899-1900, xiv, pt. 2,193-195. Azam (Jean). *Sur un syndrome d'insuffisance hypophysaire au cours des maladies toxi-infec- tieuses. Essai clinique et therapeutique. 63 pp. 8°. Barh, 1907, No. 329. Azambourg (Gaston-Ernest-Antoine) [1885- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la meningite conse- cutive a l'enucleation de l'oeil. 84 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1910, No. 14. Azanchevski (V.) Opit riesheniya problemi o pro'izvolnom vliyanii na pol potomstva; prak- ticheskiy sintez evolyutsionnoi i epigenetiche- skoi teoriy obrazovaniya pola u embriona; populyarnoyeizlozheniye novo! teorii. [Attempt to solve the problem of influencing at will sex in heredity; practical synthesis of the evolution and epigenetic theories of forming sex in the embryo; popular presentation of a new hy- pothesis.] 64 pp. 12°. S.-Beterburg, 1903. Azema (L.) *De la broncho-pneumonie tubercu- leuse chez les enfants. 96 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1903, No,. 535. Azemar (Edouard) [1878- ]. *De la docimasie hepatique. Variations du glucose et du glyco- gene sous l'influence de la putrefaction. 44 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 50. Azevedo (Raul). *Do apparelho circulatorio na febre amarella. 74 pp. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, Besnardfrkres, 1903. de Azevedo Albuquerque (Carlos Jos6). Endo- scopia do apparelho urinario; urethroscopia; cystoscopia; catheterismo cystoscopico dos ure- teres. Applicacao pratica. 6 p. L, 577 pp., 6 pi., 3 tab. 8°. Borto, 1903. de Azevedo Corte Real (Joao Eduardo). *Da gastrostomia em geral. 88 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, Besnardfrercs, 1901. de Azevedo e S& (Joao Hippolyto). *Segredo medico. 135 pp., 11. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, typ. Altina, 1903. de Azevedo Sodre (A. A.) Beri beri. In: Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y., 1898, xiv, 469-524. Aho, Editor of: Brazil-medico, Riode Janeiro, 1887-191S. d'Azincourt (Charles) [1870- ]. *Des resultats de 1'intervention chirurgicale dans les bron- chiectasies. 80 pp. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 236. ------. The same. 78 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1896. Azmanova (Neviana) [1875- ]. *Traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire par le cinnamate de soude. Etude critique et experimentale. 113 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1899, No. 3. Azmi (Mahmoured). * Participation de la vesicule seminale au processus gonococcique. 47 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lausanne, 1907. Azo coinpourids. Heller (E. R.) *Ueber die Einwirkung von alkoholischer Salzsiiure auf Azoverbindungen. 8°. Erlangen, 1907'. Holzappel (J.) *Ueber die Darstellung und Reaktionen von Azoacidylverbindungen. 8°. Heidelberg, 1909. Azodermin. Curschinann (F.) Experimentelle und klinische Er- fahrungen mit Azodermin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1911, xxv, 717-721.—Gurbski (S.) [Contributions on the action of azodermin: a modified scarlet red ointment.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1911, xlvi, 937. Azoimid. Smith (L.) & Wolt (C. G. L.) The physiological action of azoimid. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1904, xii, 451-474, 14 pi. Azolitmin. Mikhallovski (I. P.) Azolitmin. Vrach. Gaz., S.- Peterb., 1912, xix, 847.—Rosenbloom (J.) & Gies (W. J.) Some azolitmin compounds of mucoids, nucleo-proteins and other proteins, with exhibition of products. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1907-8, iii, p. xxxix. Azoospermia. See, also, Impotence (Causes, etc., of). Posner (H. L.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Azoospermie. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Schwarz (N.) *Anatomische Grundlage der erworbenen Azoospermie eines zweijahr. Zuchts- tieres und Bau der Hoden desselben. [Bern.] 8°. Aschaffenburg, 1909. Bruusgaard (E.), Hansteen (E. H.) & Harbltz (F.) [Azoospermia; causes and diagnosis.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lr^gefor., Kristiania, 1918, xxxviii, 53-56.—Frank (E. R. W.) Asthenozoospermie, azoospermie et.aspermie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., 1907, ii, 1601-1617—Groag (P.) Ueber einen merkwurdigen Fall von Azoospermie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909-10, v, 1594.—Posner (C.) Die Prognose der Azoospermie. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien <% Leipz., 1912, cxiii, Orig.. 815-820.—Posner (C.) & Cohn (J.) Zur Diagnose und Behandlung der Azoospermie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1904, xxx, 1062- 1064. Azores. Bombarda. Acores medico. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1898, xvi, 325; 333; 341; 349; 358.—Bottini (C.) Le isole Azorre. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1907, i, 708-713.— Campana (R.) Avanti alle Azorre. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1908, xxvi, 35-16.—Dames (M. L.) & Seemann(E.) Folklore ofthe Azores. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1903, xiv, 125-146. Azotemia. See Uraemia. Azotobacter. See Bacteria (Nitrifying). Azotogen. von Feilitzen-Jbnkbking (D.) Azotogen, Xitragin oder Naturimpferde? lmpfversuche zu vcrschtedehen I.einiminosen auf neukr.ltiviertem Hochmoorbodei. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt. Jena, 1911, xxix, 19S-205, 4 pi.-----. Noch einmal Azotogen, Nitragin und Natur- impferde. Ibid., 1911-12, xxxii, 449-451. Azoturia. Eakins (H. S.) Azoturia; sarcolactic acid retention as its cause. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., lthaca, 1917, li, 558-560 — Wvnn Lloyd (L. W.) A /oturia or forage poisoning ? Vet. Kec, Lond., 1917, xxx, 259. Azoulay (Leon) [1SH2- ]. See Ramon y Cajal (Santiago) [in 2. s.]. Les nouvelles ideessurl.i-iructuro [etc.l. 8°. Parh, 1894.-----.Histo- logic du systeme nerveux [etc.] 8°. Ports, 1909. Azoxins. de Gottkau (H.) Contributions a l'etude des colorants azoxiniques. 8°. Geneve, 1906. Neil (A .-A.) *Recherches dans la serie d'azo- xines. 8°. Geneve, 1906. Azoxonium. Che sly (\Y. P.) Contribution a l'etude des derives del'azoxonium. 8°. Geneve, 1907. Aztecs. Biart (L.) Les Azteques; histoire, mceurs, coutumes. 8°. Boris, 1885. Forstemann (E.) Commentary on the Maya manuscript in the Royal Public Library of Dresden. Translated by Selma Wesselhoeft and A. M. Parker. 8°. Cambridge, 1906. Forms v. 4, Xo. 2, of: Papers l'cabody Museum, Cam- bridge. Mouley (S. G.) An introduction to the study of the Mava hieroglyphs. 8°. Woshington, 1915. AZTECS. 237 AZZOXI. Aztecs. Nuttall (Zelia). A penitential rite of the ancient Mexicans. 8°. Cambridge, 1904. Forms v. 1, No. 7, of: Papers of the Feabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. 8°. Cambridge, 1904. Schellhas (P.) Representation of deities of the Maya manuscripts. 8°. Cambridge, 1904. Forms v. 4, No. 1, of: Tapers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Lthnology. 8°. Cambridge, 1904. Tozzer (A. M.) A comparative study of the Mayas and the Lacandones. 8°. New York, 1907. ------& Allen (G. M.) Animal figures in the Maya codices. 8°. Cam bridge, 1910. Forms v. 4, No. 3, of: Papers of the Leabody Museum of American Archaeology and L thnology. 8"'. Cambridge, 1910. Beni (C.) Di alcune maniere di scrittura usate dagli Aztechi. Arch, per l'antrop., Firenze, 1SS4, xiv, 53-62.— BerlUon. La pathologie des Azteques d'apres leurs ex-voto. Aesculape, Par., 1911, i, 169-173.-----. La pathologie pre- colombienne d'apres les ex-voto azteuues. Repert. de med. internat.. Par., 1913, iii, fasc. 25, 17-28.—Linke. Maya. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 77.—Long (R. C. E.) The Maya and Christian eras. Man, Lond., 1918, xvih, 121- 126.-Muskat (G.) Ueber eine eigenartige Form des Sitzens bei den sogen. Azteken. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., 1902, 32-36.—Tozzer (A. M.) The domain of the Aztecs and their relation to the prehistoric cultures of Mexico. Holmes \nniv. Vol. AnthroD. Eseays, Wash., 1916, 464-468. de Azua (Juan). Estudios clinicos sobre el 606. Preparacion del "606" para inyecciones intra- musculares con lanolina y petrovaselina. 204 pp. roy. 8°. Madrid, Centro grdfico-artistico, 1911. Ser, aho, Pinilla (Rodriguez) [in 2. s.]. Mentiras con- vencionales [etc.]. 12J. Madrid, 1899. Azuero (Manuel Plata). See Plata Azuero (Manuel) [in 2. s.]. Azurol. de Vasconcellos (A.) Nova materia corante para subs- titute a solucao de Ciemsa: azurol. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1917, xxxi, 367. Azurophilic. Labor (M.) Ueber Azurophilic. Wien. med. VV chnschr., 1918, lxviii, 942-951. -Rossi (A.) A Alberti (O.) L'azzurro- fiha nelle iulosaicazioni. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1914, 2. s., vh, 7. Azy (Leon) [1874- ]. *De la torsion du pedi- cule des kystes de l'ovaire a forme d'appendi- cite aigue et a repetition. 60 pp. 8°. Byon, 1900, No. 183. Azzoni (Francesco). *Dell' educazione fisica dei fanciulli. 35 pp. 8°. Bavia, B. Bizzoni, 1841. [P., v. 2225.] B. B. BAAZ. B. Belehrung zur Verhutung und Bekampfung der Lungentuberkulose (Lungenschwindsucht). 4 pp. 12°. Karlsruhe, C. F. Muller, [n. d.]. _ B. (A.) Patologicheskaya histologiya; opisaniye 89 preparatov. [Pathological histology; descrip- tion of 89 preparations.] 29 pp. 8°. Kiyev, S. V. Kulzhenko, 1911. B. (A. M. H.). See Jamleson (John) [in 2. s.]. *De l'origine de la cre- mation [etc.]. 12°. Parh, 1821. B. (F.) New improvement of the barometer, how to render it portable, pp. 75-77. 8°. [London, n. d.] Cutting from: Gentleman's Mag. B. (G. J.) Oefent U! Waar door kunnen wi] onze gezondheid bevorderen? 12 pp., 12°• Zaandam, K. Blees, [n. d.]. B. (H.) Death from snake bite. p. 425. 8°. [New York, 1899.] Cutting from: Forest & Stream, N. Y., 1899, hi. B. (J. S.) Tirocinium medicum, oder kurtze Anleitung zu den medicinischen Terminis, mit einigen hochst-nothigen Cautelen zum Nutzen der Anfanger. 208 pp. 16°. Breslau. E. E. Brachvogel, 1723. Bound witp.: Hoffmann (F.) Vollstandige Anweisung [etc.] 16°. Vim, 1724. B. (K.) Dr. Ellinger's nasopharingeale theorie van de malaria-infectie; populaire mededeeling. 2 p. 1., 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Legal, J. B. de Boer, 1904. B. (M.) The power of soap and water, a dream that came true. 24 pp. 16°. Norwich, Jarrald dc Son, [n. d.]. [P., v. 2205.] ------. When were you vaccinated? A question for to-day. 16 pp. 16°. Norwich, Jarrald dc Sons, [n. d.]. [P., v. 2205.] B. (R.) Soziale Gesetzgebung und arztliche Praxis. 30 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. Oberlander, [1903]. B. (T.) Animadversions on the medicinal obser- vations, of the Heidelberg, Palatinate, Dor- chester practitioner of physick, Frederick Loss Byalius, medicus. 9 p. 1., 123 pp., 11 1. 12°. London, W. Willh, KJ74. B. (W. W.) Een boekje voor pasgehuwden en jonge ouders. Met een inleiding van H. J. Der Weduwen. 51pp., 11. 8°. Nijverdal,B. Western, 1906. Baach (August Reinhard) [1875- 1. *Die Retropharyngeal-Abscesse und deren Behand- lung. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, F. Bessau. 1903. Baack (B.) [1876- ]. *Ueber Herpes cornese febrilis. 31 pp. 8°. Jena, H. Bohle, 1907. Baade (Ludwig) [1884- ]. *Ueber totale Anurie im Wochenbett. 13 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, R. Muller dc Steinicke, 1910. Baader (Hans) [1865- ]. *Beitrage zur Ca- suistik der Neuritis retrobulbaris. 28 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzcker, 1906. Baader (Walter) [1879- ]. *Ein Beitrag zum Vorkommen des intraocularen Cysticercus in Baden. 33 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., U. Hoch- reuther, 1904. Baader (Wilhelm). *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der diuretischen Wirkung der Salze. [Heidel- berg.] 27 pp., 21. 8°. Tubingen, W. Armbruster dc 0. Riecker, 1896. Baar (Gustav) [1872- ]. Oxalurie vom Stand- punkte despraktischen Arztes. 1 p. 1., 88 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1908. ------. The modern view of syphilis and its treatment, xii, 285 pp. 12°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1910. Baart de la Faille (Johan Marcus). *Bacte- riurie bij febris typhoidea. 127 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leeuwarden, 1895. c. ------. Chsemotaxis. 24 pp. 8°. Haarlem, Be erven F. Bohn, 1898. Forms No. 6 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1898, v, 139-162. Baartmans (Pierre J.) Een geneeskundige als handlanger van een monsterachtig complot. Afschuwelijke toestanden in genoemd gesticht geschetst. 50 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, C. Banieh, [1902]. Baas (Albert). *Ueber die Keratitis dendritica und ihre Beziehungen zum Herpes cornea?. 48 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow, 1899. Baas (Joh. Hermann) [1838- ]. See Zwanzig Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medizin [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1908. For Biography, see Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2237, port. (Biedert). Baas (Karl) [1866- ]. Die Augenerscheinun- gen der Tabes dorsalis und der multiplen Scle- rose. 29 pp. 8°. Halle a.S., K. Marhold, 1898. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh., Halle a. S., 1898, ii, No. 6. ------. Die Seh- und Pupillen-Bahnen. S pp., 2 pi. 8°. Breslau. J. U. Kern, 1898. Augenarztl. Unterrichtstaf., Bresl., 1898, 14. Hft. ------. Anatomie der Hornhautentzundung und des Hornhautgeschwures. 11 pp., 12 pi. 8°. & 4°. Breslau, M. Midler, 1900. ------. Gesundheitspflege im mittelalterlichen Freiburg i. Br. Eine kulturgeschichtliche Stu- die. 84 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., E. Fehsenfeld, 1905. Baas (Karl Hermann) [1878- ]. *Ueber Ba- cillus pseudanthracis. 20 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Miih dc Co., 1903. Baasner (Erich) [1873- ]. *Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Narbencarcinome. 30 pp., 4 tab., 2 sheets, 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1900. Baatz (Otto Hermann Gustav) [1884- ]. *Ueber Urethrektomie bei Harnrohrenstrik- turen. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1912. Baatz (Paul) [1875- ]. *Ueber die Perforation der Extrauterinschwangerschaft in die Blase. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., L. Krause dc Ewerlien, 1899. Baatz (Theodor Heinrich " Kurt) [1879- ]. *Ueber Pupillarverhaltnisse bei einigen Geistes- krankheiten. 53 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietz- cker, 1906. Baaz (Hans). Die Behandlung des chronischen Unterschenkelgesch w iirs. In: Samml. khn. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1900, No. 267 (Chir., No. 79,1475-1486). 238 BAB. 239 BABESIA. Bab (Edwin) [1882- ]. Die gleichgeschlecht- liche Liebe (Lieblingsminne); ein Wort iiber ihr Wesen und ihre Bedeutung. 79 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, H. Schildberger, [1903]. ------. Frauenbewegung und Freundesliebe. 24 pp. 8°. Charlottenburg, A. Brand, [1904]. *Ueber Adipositas dolorosa (Dercumsche Krankheit). 24 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Bilz, 1910 Bab (Hans) [1877- ]. *Die Colostrumbildung als physiologisches Analogon zu Entzundungs- vorgangen; gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Leukocyten und deren Granulationen; mit historischen Darlegungen. [Leipzig.] 97 pp., 11 tab. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1904. ------. The same. 2 p. 1., 97 pp., 12 tab. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1904. Die Pathologie der infantilistischen Steri- litat und ihre Therapie auf alten und neuen Wegen. In: Samml. khn. Vortr., Leipz., 1909, n. F., Nos. 538-540 (Gynak., Nos. 198-200). Bab (Martin) [1877- ]. *Zur Frage der ascen- dierenden Nierentuberkulose. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1904. Babacci (Francesco). Un anno e mezzo di pra- tica chirurgica all' ospedale di Montecarotto. 50pp., 11., 5 pi. 8°. Modena, A. Namias, 1897. Babak (Edvard). Respirometrie a kalorimetrie zivocisna. II. O vlivu natfemi kuze. [Animal respirometry and calorimetry. II. On the in- fluence of rents of the skin.] 8°. v Braze, 1899. Forms No. 11 of: Rozpr. 6esk6 Akad. cis. Fran tiska Josef a [etc.], v Praze, 1898-9, 2. t., vhi. -----. Respirometrie a kalorimetrie zivocisna. III. Respirometrie a kalorimetrie u deti pri chorobach se supranormalnou a subnormalnou teplotou. 30 pp. [Respirometry and calorime- try in children for diseases with supranormal and subnormal temperature.] 8°. v Braze. 1899. Forms no. 19, of: Rozpr. cesk^ Akad. cis. FrantiSka Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1898-9, 2. t., vhi. O tepelne regulaci u novorozenych, [The regulation of the temperature of the new born.] 39 pp. 8°. v Braze, ceske Akad., 1901. Forms No. 1 of: Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1900-1902,2. t., x. [Babanosyants (Zakhariy Ivanovich)] [1855- ]. K voprosu ob otpadenii pupovini u novorozhdennikh. [On falling off of the um- bilicus in the new born.] 146 pp. 8°. [S.- Beterburg, 1883. Bound with: Med. Otchet S.-Peterb. rodovsp. zaved. (1877-80), 1883. Babaslnian (Vahan S.) [1876- ]. See Gattermann (Ludwig). The practical methods of organic methods. 3. Am. ed. 8°. New York, 1914. Babaud (Georges-Roger-Gustave) [1887- ]. *La meningite cerebro-spinale epidemique du nourrisson. 127 pp. 8°. Barh, 1912, No. 109. Babb (Cyrus Cates) [1867- ]. Surface water supply of the United States, 1910. Pt. I. North Atlantic coast. Prepared under the direction of M. O. Leighton. 305pp., lpl. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1912. U. S. Dep. Int. U. S. Geol. Survey. Water-supply paper 281. ------. The same. 221 pp., 1 pL, 2 maps.. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1912. U. S. Dep. Int. U. S. Geol. Survey. Water-supply paper 301. See, also, Barrows (H. K.) & Babb (C. C.) Water re- sources of the Penobscot River basin, Maine. 8°. Washing- ton, 1911. Babbe (Paul) [1882- ]. *Ein Fall von Wan- dermilz, geheilt durch Splenopexie. 16 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1907. Babcock (James Wood) [1856- ]. A sketch of the early history of the insane in South Carolina. 10 pp. 8°. [Columbia, S. C. 1896.] Repi-.from: Annual rep. State Hosp. for the Insane, Columbia, S. C, 1895-6. See, aho, Marie (Armand) & Babcock (James Wood). Pellagra, [etc.]. 8°. Columbia, 1910. Babcock (Robert Hall) [1851- ]. Diseases of the heart and arterial system. Designed to be a practical presentation of the subject for the use of students and practitioners of medicine, xxi, 853 pp., 3 pi. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1903. ------. The same. 2. ed. xxi, 853 pp., 3 pi. 8°. New York, B. Appleton dc Co., 1905. ------. Diseases of the lungs. Designed to be a practical presentation of the subject for the use of students and practitioners of medicine, xix, 809 pp., 12 pi. 8°. New York dc Bondon, B. Appleton dc Co., 1907. Diseases of the myocardium. In: Mod. Med. (Osier) 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1908, iv, 90-132. Babcock (William Wayne) [1872- ]. An essay upon the general principles of preventive medi- cine. 2. ed. 230 pp. 12°. Brooklyn, Maltine Co., [1903]. In: Preventive medicine; two prize essays. 8°. Brook- lyn, [1903]. ------. Spinal anesthesia. 16 pp., 5 stereos. 4°. [Troy, N. Y., Southworth dc Co., 1913.1 In: Sect, xvhi of Howard A. Kelly's Stereo-Clinic. Perineorrhaphy. 31 pp., 24 stereos. 4°. [Troy, N. Y, Southworth dc Co., 1913.] In Sect, xvhi of Howard A. Kelly's Stereo-Chnic. See, aho, Shattock (Samuel G.) [in 2. s-.] An atlas ofthe bacteria [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1899. Babeau (Joseph) [1879- ]. *Les erythemes chez les tuberculeux. viii, 9-41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 44. Babeau (Joseph [1881- _ ]. *L'ulcere du duo- denum; diagnostic, traitement. vii, 9^12 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 27. Babendreier (Louis Mylius) [ -1915]. [Obituary.] Wash. M. Ann., 1915, xiv, 179. Baber (Edward Cresswell) [1851-1910]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 1271; 1329. Babes (Victor) [1854- ]. Untersuchungen iiber den Leprabacillus und iiber die Histologic der Lepra. 112 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1898. Beobachtungen iiber Riesenzellen. 126 P1Fc , 10pl., 11. fol. Stuttgart, E. Nagele, 1905. "orrns Hft. 20, Abt. C, of: Biblioth. med., Cassel, 1905. Babesia. See, also, Piroplasma; Theileria. Chalmers (A. J.) & Archibald (R. G.) Babesia or piroplasma. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1914, xvh, 323. See, aho, infra, Leiper.-----------. Babesia or piroplasma, a reply to Dr. Leiper. Ibid., 1915, xvhi, 217. Aho, Reprint — I(eiper(R.T.) Babesia or piroplasma; a reply to Chalmers and Archibald. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1915, xvhi, 7.— OUwig & Manteuiel. Babesia mutans in Deutsch-Ost> afrika und Beobachtungen zur mikroskopischen Differential- diagnose dieses Parasiten. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen.- Hyg., Leipz., 1910, xiv, 765-769—Parodi (S. E.) & Wida- cowich (V.) Tecnica empleada para el estudio de la evolu- ci6n de la Babesia bovis en la garrapata comun (Margaropus annulatus). Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1915-16, ii, 241.—Schuberg (A.) & Reichenow (E.) Ueber Bau und Vermehrung von Babesia canis im Blute des Hundes. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1912, xxxvih, 415-434, 1 pL—Thomson (J. G.) & Fantham (H. B.) The success- ful cultivation of Babesia (Piroplasma) canis in vitro, fol- lowing the method of Bass. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1913-14, vii, 119-125,1 pl.—Toyoda(II.) Zuchtungs- versuche mit Babesia canis nach der Bassschen Methode. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxxii, Orig., 76-81, 1 pL—van der Veen (J.) Entingen tegen babesidio- sis bovis. Tijdschr. v. diergeneensk., Utrecht, 1916, xliii, 923-931. BABIAUD. 240 BACCELLI. Babiaud (Edgard) [1884- ]. *Proeede nou- veau d'exenteration complete de l'orbite dans les cas de tumeurs malignes diffuses. 62 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 372. Babin (Edouard-Joseph) [1885- ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude semeiologigue de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. 76 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 32. Babin (Marden) [1840-1917]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 1495. Babin (Marie-Louis) [1873- ]. *De la pharyn- gite diabetique comme signe revelateur du diabete. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1903, No. 18. Babin (Raymond) [1885- ]. *De la dyspnee dans les syndromes aortiques; etude clinique et therapeutique. 47 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1911, No. 50. Babington (Benjamin) [1774-1866]. On the morbid conditions of the blood. In: Dunglison's Am. M. Libr. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838, 1-31. Babinski (Jules). See Kort ofversikt af Babinskis viktigaste kliniska arbeten (G. Soderbergh). Hygiea, Stockholm, 1910, 2. f., x, 54-84. ------ & Froment (J.) Hystene-pithiatisme et troubles nerveux d'ordre reflexe en neurologie de guerre. 1 p. 1., 267 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1917. Babinski's reflex. See Reflexes of toes, etc. Babitsch (Draginja) [1887- ]. *Ueber die Ge- websveranderungen an iiberlebenden Frosch- herzen. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, G.Schade, 1911. Babkin (B[oris] P[yotrovich]) [1877- ]. *Opit sistematicheskavo izucheniya slozhno-nervnikh (psikhicheskikh) yavleniy u sobaki. [A syste- matic study of complex-nervous (psychical) phenomena in the dog.] 192, iv pp. 8°. S.- Beterburg, B. V. Martinoff, 1904. ------. Die aussere Sekretion der Verdauungs- drusen. x, 407 pp. 4°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1914. Bablet (Jean-Louis) [1886- ]. *Le sphacele des fibromes uterins au cours de la grossesse. 59 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 40. Bablon (Georgesl [1877- ]. *Vesicatoire et revulsion. 114 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 93. See, aho, Pal (J.) Lee crises vascuiaires [etc.]. 12". Parh, 1908. von Babo (Agnes). *Ein Fall von kloincysti- scher Entartung beider Ovarien. [Zurich.] 22 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1900. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1900, clxi. Babon (J[ean]-E[ugene-Francois-DenisJ). *L'etat gastrique des ataxiques; iques. 213 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bans, 1904, No. 141. See, aho, Hutlnel (V.) Les maladies des enfants [etc.], 8°. Paris, 1909.—Nobecourt (Pierre). Conseils pratiques d'hygiene infantile [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1914. Babou (A.-F.) *Documents sur la prostitution et les maladies veneriennes a Toulouse. 115 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1904, No. 551. Babucke (Ernst) [1870- ]. *Die Bedeutung des Gartnerschen Hamatoknts. 31 pp., 4 1. 8°. Konigsberg, 1896. Baby-farming. See Infants (Hygiene, etc., of). Babyhood. Devoted exclusively to the care of infants and young children, and the general interests of the nursery, v. 1-25, 1884-1909. 8°. New York. Baby jumpers and baby-walkers [Patent specifications for]. Babcock (A. M.) Combined baby jumper and rocking chair. No. 596451; Dec. 28, 1897.—Benjamin (J.) Baby- jumper. No. 626521; June 6, 1899.—Blackiedge (J. W.) Combined cradle and baby-jumper. No. 704774; July 15, 1902.—Blake (R. K.) Baby walker or perambulator. No. 765875; July 26, 1904.—Carroll (C. J.) Baby tender and walker. No. 715978; Dec. 16,1902.—ConweU(E. V.) Baby- walker. No. 597263; Jan. 11,1898.—Cowles (R. M.) & Clem- son (C.) Baby-jumper. No.616697;Dec.27,1898— Crutch- field (J. H.) Baby-jumper. No. 692505; Feb. 4, 1902.— Davidson (M. B.) Baby-jumper. No. 736826; Aug. 18, 1903— Firnhaber (E.) Baby-walker. No. 642435; Jan. 30, 1900.—Friedersdorfl (A.) Baby-walker. No. 631889; August 29, 1899.—Gaines (R.) Baby-jumper. No. 775133; Nov. 15, 1904.—Glascock (C. O.) Baby-walker. No. 697474; April 15, 1902.—Harstone (J. B.) Combined wagon and baby-walker. No. 713431; Nov. 11, 1902.—Harvey (V. E.) Infant's chair. No. 550613; Dec. 3,1895.—Heitmann (Anna). Baby-jumper. No. 735668; Aug. 4, 1903.—Holton (G. J.) Baby-jumper. No. 708641; Sept. 9, 1902.—Hubbard (J.C.) Baby-tender. No. 665528; Jan. 8,1901— Kraut (J.) Appa- ratus for supporting children. No. 520929; June 5, 1894.— Latshaw (CT E.) Baby-exerciser. No. 655631; Aug. 7, 1900.—Lehmann (R.) Baby walker. No. 592569; Oct. 26, 1897.—Lelninger (B.) Baby-walker. No. 761514; May 31, 1904—Lyon (Lucy B. J.) Baby-harness. No. 602861; April 26, 1898.—Marqua (W. A.) Baby-jumper. No. 731197; June 16,1903.—Morehouse(JaneA.) Baby-jumper; No. 777386; Dec. 13,1904.—Mount (H. H.) Baby-walker. No. 635797; Oct. 31,1899.—Nix(W.M.) Baby-jumper. No. 743546; Nov. 10,1903.—Perkins (A. P.) Collapsible baby- jumper. No. 703458; July 1, 1902— Phillips (J. L.) Baby- walker. No. 734940; July 28,1903.—ReinU ( E.) Apparatus for teaching children to walk. No. 658464; Sept. 25, 1900 — Renner (N.) Baby-walker and table. No. 684589; Oct. 15, 1901— Resetar(J.) Babv-walker. No.671058; April2,1901.— Schlunz (F. H.) Baby-walker. No. 612278; Oct. 11, 1898.—Settlemyre (D. S.) Babv-walker. No. 658126; Sept. 18, 1900.—Sloan (T.) Babv-walker. No. 676634; June 18, 1901.—Smith (E. C.) Bracket for babv jumpers. No. 732127; June 30, 1903.—Southington (T. W.) Baby support. No. 59S164; Feb. 1, 1898.—Spencer (H.) Baby- comforter. No. 745920; Dec. 1,1903.—Stoyer (C. H.) Baby- walker. No. 767774; Aug. 16, 1904.—Sturges (A. B.) Baby-jumper. No. 667712; Jan. 29, 1901.—Vaughan (T. M.) Baby-jumper. No. 737176; Aug. 25, 1903.—Wheeler (G. W.) Baby-jumper. No. 731641; June 23, 1903.—Winn (J. W.) Baby-holder. No. 788150; April 25, 1905. Babylonia. See, aho, Medicine (History of, Ancient)— Assyrian, etc. Jastrow (M.) Aspects of religious belief and ?ractice in Babylonia and Assyria. 8°. New 'ark dc London, 1911. Kpausz (J.) *Die Gotternamen in den baby- lonischen Siegelcvlinderlegenden. 8°. Miin- chen, 1910. Bac (Louis) [1885- ]. *De la paralysie radiale dans les fractures de l'hum£rus. [Lyon] 62 pp. 8° Trevoux, J. Jeahnin, 1911. No. 97. Bacaloglu (Constantin). *Le coeur dans la fievre tvphoide. 113 pp., 1 pi.. 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 110. ------. The same. 113 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1900. Bacaresse (Lucien). ^Considerations £tiologiques Bur le syndrome de Little. 64 pp. 8°. Bans, 1902, No. 148. BaccelH (Guido) [1832-1916]. Discorso inaugurate. (Congresso nazionale di medicina interna, Pisa, 1901.) 34 pp. 8°. Boma,G. Bertero dc Co., 1901. See, aho, Crlvelll (Niccola). Francesco Puccinotti [etc.]. 8°. Roma, 1903.—Ergebnisse der experimentellen Patho- logie [ete.l. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1907.—Hippocrates. Gli afo- rismiletc.l. S°. Firenze, 1907.— Marlanl (F.) Semeiotica fisica [etc.]. 12°. Milano, [1904].—Occhiuzzi (Angelo) [in 2. s.]. Delia meccanica cardio-vasomotrice [etc.]. 8°. Roma, 1897. For Biography, see Attualita med., Milano, 1916, v, 408-431 (A. Murri). Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 114. Aho: Clin, chir., Milano, 1906, xiv, 225 (A. Ceccherelli). Aho: Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1916, lv, 1-5. Also: Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1916, xxii, 1-7 (E. Maraghano). Aho: Folia med., Napoli, 1915, i, 905-910. Aho: G;\zz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 295; 304. Aho: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 46.5-175. Also: Ibid., 1916, xxvii, 97-99. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 213. Also: Med. nuova, Roma, 1916, vii, 78-82 (E. Rossoni). Aho: Policlin., Roma, BACCELLI. 241 BACH. Baccelli (Guido) [1832-1916]—continued. 1906, xhi, sez. prat., 417-480, port. Aho: Ibid., 1916, xxhi, sez. prat., 69, port. (V. Ascoli). Aho: Riforma med., Napoli. 1916, xxxii, 57. Aho: Riv. ital. di ottal., Roma, 1906, ii, 87-89, port. (O. Parisotti). Aho: Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1916, xxih, i, 59-61 (A. P.). Aho: Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1916, xxv, 237. -------. See, also: Occhiuzzi (A.) Guido Baccelli nella clinica, 1857-97. 8°. Roma, 1900. Apoteosi (L') di Guido Baccelli in Campidoglio (30 aprile 1916). Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxhi, sez. prat., 581-599.— Castellino (P.) L'opera di Guido Baccelli nello studio delle cardiopatie. Folia med., Napoh, 1916, ii, 289-294.— Guido Baccelli; the tribute of Italian medicine to his life and work. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1050.—Maragliano (E.) Guido Baccelli, chnico. Policlin., Roma, 1916. xxih, sez. med., 217-262.—MaragUano (E.) & Teissier (J.) Omaggio a Guido Baccelli in Campidogho. Gazz. d.osp.Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 577-580.—Marchiaf ava (E.) Guido Baccelli prima del 1870. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1916, xlh, 8-10.—Murri (A.) Guido Baccelli, cittadino e insegnante. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxhi, sez. med., 193-216.—SanarelU (G.) Guido Bac- celli, uomo politico e medico sociale. Ibid., 263-280.—Tran- quilli (E.) Guido Baccelli nella diagnosi. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1916, xhi, 130-139. Baccelli's method. See Aneurism (Treatment of) by acupuncture. Bacchanellus (Joannes). De consensu medico- rum, in curandis morbis, libri quatuor. Ejus- dem de consensu medicorum in cognoscendis simplicibus liber. 15 p. 1., 732 pp. 16°. Vene- tih, 1553. -------. De consensu medicorum in cognoscendis simplicibus, liber. 140 pp. 24°. Lutetise, apud C. Stephenum, 1554. Baccharis. Quentin (Mile.] Jeanne). Contribution a l'etude anatomique des especes du genre Bac- charis. [Paris.] 8°. Lons-le-Saunier, 1911. Ecole de pharmacie. Kunze (R. E.) Baccharis glutinosa, pers. Calif. Eclect. M. J., Los Angeles, 1910, hi, 83-85, 1 pi. Bacci (Andrea). Del Tevere; libri tre, ne'quali si tratta della natura e bonta dell' acque e specialmente del Tevere, dell'acque antiche di Roma, del Nilo, del Po, dell' Arno e d'altri fonti e fiumi [etc.]. 4 p. 1., 309 pp., 4 1. 8°. Venetia, 1576. Baccioni (G. B.) I generi alimentari. Note bro- matologiche, con appendice riassuntiva _ delle disposizioni legislative che regolano la yigilanza igienica degli alimenti, e contenente i metodi pratici per riconoscerne le falsificazioni e le al- terazioni piu comuni. 140 pp., cxii, 1 1. 24°. Firenze, G. Civelli, 1896. -------. La vigilanza igienica degli alimenti. Note d'igiene pratica e di bromatologia. vii, 418 pp. 8°. Torino, frat. Bocca, 1901. Bacerni (Gioseffo). Breve narratione de' mirabili et naturali effetti della potentissima et arcana medicina del oro potabile senza corrosive 186 pp., 8 1., port. 8°. Bologna, F. M. Sarti, 1659. Bach (Adolph). Einige Worte uber die Einfuh- rung der Gesundheitslehre und der Naturkunde vom Menschen als einen stetigen Zweig des Ele- mentar-Unterrichts in die niederen und hoheren Volksschulen. 8 pp. 12°. Homburg v. d. H., L. Schick, 1846. Bach (Adolph). *Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Frage des Ileus nach Laparotomie infolge peri- tonealen Adhasionen. [Erlangen.] 34 pp. 8°. Wehsenburg, G. Bascher, 1900. Bach (Alcide). *La tension arterielle au cours de l'erysipele et sa valeur pronostique. 52 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 102. von Bach (Alexander) [1882- ]. *Ueber einige Derivate der Salicylsiiure. [Miinchen.] 88 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich-Selnau, Gebr. Beemann dc Co., 1909. 9CS080—Vol. II, 3d series—19----16 Bach (Anton). Sichere Anleitung wie man bey Krankheiten sich und dem Arzt eine gluckliche Cur machen konne. xvi, 110 pp. 12°. Bresslau dc Hirschberg, J. F. Korn dem Aeltern, 1791. Bach (Armand). *Sur deux cas de meningo- encephalite bulbaire subaigue suivis de gueri- son. 66 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 244. Bach (August). *Ueber die Beziehungen der Acne vulgaris zu Allgemeinerkrankungen. [Bern.] 23 pp. 8°. Beichenberg (Bohmen), Gebr. Sliepel, [1907J. Repr. from: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien & Berl., 1907, xiv. Bach (Carl). *Ueber die gunstige Beeinflussung bestehender Geisteskrankheiten durch Trau- men. 96 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. dc J. Goeller, 1896. Bach (Charles). Zur Organisation internationaler Congresse. Congress-technische Studie. Ein- fuhrangswort von P. H. Eijkman. xii, 130 pp. 8°. Berlin, Allg. med. Verlagsanstalt, 1911. Bach (Erich) [1879-^ ]. *Ein Fall yon Atro- phia cutis idiopathica (Typus Herxheiner). 30 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Bach (Eugene). *Contribution a l'etude dea malformations du systeme uro-genital dans le sexe feminin. 47 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Lausanne, La Concorde, 1914. Bach (FritzWerner) [1887- ]. *TJeber Pneumo- nien mit relativer Pulsverlangsamung. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, E. Lehmann, 1912. Bach (Hermann). *Zur geographischen Verbrei- tung und Statistik des Trachoms in der Provinz Oberhessen und den angrenzenden preussischen Provinzen im Vergleich zu anderen Gegenden Deutschlands und Europas. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, C. von Munchow, 1897. Bach (Hugo) [1878- ]. *Ein rasch wachsendes Rundzellensarkom der Prostata. 26 pp., 1 pL, 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1905. ------. Anleitung und Indikation fiir Bestrah- lungen mit der Quarzlampe. Kiinstliche H6- hensonne. 41pp., lpl. 8°. Wurzburg, 1915. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt Med., 1915, xv, Hft. 1-2. ------. Ultra-violet light, by means of the Alpine sun lamp; treatment and indications. Author- ized transl. from the German. 114 pp. 8°. New York, B. B. Hoeber, 1916. Bach (Joseph). Ueber das Verhaltnis von Arbeit und Bildung. ' 38 pp. 4°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Son, 1899. Bach (Julius). Handbuch der Zahnersatzkunde, hrsg. von Julius Bach. Unter teilweiser Mitar- beit hervorragender Fachleute. 2 v. xv, 540, viii pp., 8 pi.; 541-971 pp., 14 pi. roy. 8°. Augsburg, im Selbstverlage des Verfassers, 1911. Bach (Ludwig) [1865-1912]. Antisepsis und Asepsis in ihrer Bedeutung fiir das Auge. 16 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., K Marhold, 1897. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh., Halle a. S., 1897, i, 6. Hft. -------. Die ekzematosen (scrophulosen) Augen- erkrankungen. 52 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1899. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh., Halle a. S., 1899, hi, 1. Hft. -------. Pupillenlehre. Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathologie. Methodik der Untersuchung. x, 344 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1908. See, also, Encyklopadie der Augenheilkunde, [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. For Biography, see Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 1246 (Krauss). Aho: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1912, ii, 83-86 (port.) (F. Krusius). Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 1501 |(0. Eversbusch). ------& Seefelder (Richard) [1875- ]. Atlas zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des menschlichen Auges. 148 pp., 50 pi. fol. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1911-12. BACH. 242 BACHMANN. Bach (Richard Hermann Otto) [1882- ]. *Ueber Fremdkorperverletzungen der vorderen Augenkammer und Iris. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1905. Bach (Siegfried) [1880- ]. *Primare Sarkoma- tose des Magens. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1906. . , Bach (Tamara). *Die Repositionshindernisse bei der praglenoidalen Schultergelenkluxation mit spezieller Berucksichtigung der Luxatio sub- coracoidea. [Bern.] 30 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Bries 1906. Bach (Willy) [1883- ]. *Zur Frage der Banti- krankheit. 37 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1910. Bacharach (Karl) [1885- ]. *Die chro- nischen Mittelohreiterungen und ihre Therapie in 20 Jahren der Bezoldschen Klinik. [Mun- chen.] 20 pp., 2 1. 8°. Niirnberg, B. Hilz, 1909. ^ . , Bacharach (Louis). *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mittelohraffektionen bei Masern. 34 pp. 8°. Basel, Kreh dc Co., 1910. Bachauer (Josef) [1874- ]. *Ein Fall von kunstlicher Fruhgeburt mittels des Metreuryn- ters. 31 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Bossen, 1899 ------. *Anthropologische Studie iiber den ausseren knochernen Gehorgang. [Miinchen.] 45 pp., 4 ch. 8°. Wien, M. Werthner, 1909. Bache (Dallas) [1838-1902]. Necrology. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1902-3, xi, 106. Bache (Franklin) [1792-1864] Bachem (Karl Theodor Hubert)—continued. Neuere Schlafmittel und ihre Anwen- See Wood (George Bacon) & Bache (Franklin). dispensatory of the United States of America. ° delphia, 1839 [and subsequent editions]. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). The Phila- Bache (Rene). The casualty roll of peace. The modern man's chances of injury or accidental death, pp. 515-519. 8°. New York, 1905. Cutting from: Pearson's Mag., N. Y., 1905. Bache (Richard Meade). Animal mind and morality, pp. 64-69. 8°. New York, 1907. Cutting from: Putnam's Monthly, N. Y., 1907, ii. Bachelerie (Jean-Maurice-Fernand) [1878- _ ]. *Des hemorragies uterines apres la castration annexielle double. 110 pp. 86. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 87. Bachelet (Charles-Francois-Joseph) [18777 J. *Etude clinique des fractures de la region du coude. 75 pp. 8°. Lille, 190l| No. 55. Bachelier (Emile) [1888- ]. *De la meningite sereuse circonscrite de la corticalite ceiebrale. [Lyon.] 135 pp. 8°. Lyon dc Barh, 1913, No. Bachelet (Francois) [1887- 1. *Contribution a 1'eLude 6tiologique des eiythemes polymorphes. 67 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1912, No. 3. Bachelier (Gustave) [1871- ]. *Essai sur les metrorrhagies virejnales essenlielles. 3 p. 1., 52 pp. 8s. Baris, 1899, No. 152. von Bachelle (Cecil) [1874- ]. See Dudley (Emilius Clark) & von Bachelle (Cecil). Gynecology. 8°. Chicago, 1911. Bachem (Karl Theodor Hubert) [1880- ]. *Untersuchungen uber die Giftigkeit des Phos- phorsesquisulfids. 34 pp. 8*. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1904. Unsere Schlafmittel, mit besonderer dung. 24 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, 1913. Forms 299. Hft. of: Berl. Klinik. Baches (Francois-Joseph-Jules-Andr6) [1890- ]. ♦Reflexions Buggeries par quatre mois de cam- pagne sur 1'utilisation pratique de quelques medicaments de premiere necessity dans la guerre moderne. 66 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Bar- thelemy dc Cledes, 1915. Bachhammer (Hans) [1883- ]. *Ueber ein luetisches Aneurisma der^Brustaorta mit Per- foration nach aussen und innen. 41 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1908. Bachimont (Alexander) [1872- ]. *De la puericulture intrauterine au cours des grossesses gemellaires. 30 pp., 10 tab. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 581. ------. The same. 29 pp., 9 tab. 8°. Bans, L. Steinheil, 1899. Bachimont (Francois-Charles-Ferdinand-Frrmin) [1844- ]. *Documents pour servir a l'his- toire de la puericulture intra-uteiine. 55 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 251. ------. The same. 55 pp. 8°. Baris, L. Stein- heil, 1898. Bachimont (Francois-Charles-Jules) [1870- ]. *De 1'interruption de la grossesse avant la viability du foetus. 77 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 252. Thesame. 77pp. 8°. Baris,L.SteinheU, 2p.l., 99 pp. Berucksichtigung der neueren. 2 p. 1., 88 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1909. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 1 p. 1., Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1910. -----. Die moderne Arsentherapie. 26 pp. 8°. Berlin, Fischer, 1910. Forms 268. Hft., v. 22, of: Berl. Klinik. 1898. Bachman (John). A notice of the types of man- kind, with an examination of the charges con- tained in the biography of Dr. Morton, published by Nott and Gliddon. 33 pp. 8°. Charleston, James, Williams dc Gitsinger, 1854. ------. An examination of Professor Agassiz's sketch of the natural provinces of the animal world and their relation to the different types of man, with a tableau accompanying the sketch. 54 pp. 8°. Charleston, James, Williams dc Gitsinger, 1855. Bachmann (Eduard). * Ueber einen Fall von Lymphangioma cystoides. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Zurich, Fhcher dc Biggelmann, 1897. Bachmann (Ernst). *Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Bacillus des malignen Oedems. [Zurich.] 19 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1904. Bachmann (Felix) [1881- ]. *Zur Casuistik der postoperativen Parotitis. 23 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1907. Bachmann (Franz). Hygienische Reformge- danken auf biologischer Grundlage. 76 pp. 12°. Hamburg dc Leipzig, L. Voss, 1906. ------. Neugalenismus, eine auf biologischen Anschauungen aufgebaute Krankheitslehre. 23 pp. 8°. Munchen, 1907." ------. Ernahrung und Korperbeschaffenheit. (Beitraeie zum Konstitutionsbegriff.) 29 pp. 8°. Munchen, 1908. Bachmann (Heinrich). *Wachsthum des Stru macarcinoms. 29 pp. 8°. Zurich, 0. Fiissli, 1895. . c. Bachmann (Josephus). *Diss. inaug. chemica de mangano. 82 pp., lpl. 12°. Vindobonse, C. F. Schade, 1829. Bachmann (Konrad Karl Friedrich Eduard) [1873- ]. *Ueber die ersten Zeichen der FhHschfaulnis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, Koster dc Schell, 1899. Bachmann (L.) *Le rapport de l'-azote de Puree a I'azote total de Purine, ou rapport azoturique dans quelques maladies infectieuses. 80 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 607. BACHMANN. 242 Bachmann (M[ax Oscar]). Die Veranderungen der inneren Organe bei hochgradigen Skoliosen und Kyphoskoliosen. 1 p. 1., 172 pp., 1 1., 14 pi. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Ndgele, 1899. Biblioth. med., Stuttgart, 4. Hft., Abth. D. Bachmann (Oskar Heinrich) *Ueber den Wert der sogen. Wehenmittel. 79 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1902. Bachmann (Paul). *Du chondrome des os de la main chez les enfants. 90 pp., 8 pL, 9 1. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 344. Bachmann (Robert) [1883- 1. *Ueber Mesen- terialtumoren una einen Fall von multiplen Fibromen des Mesenteriums. 44 pp. 8°. Er- langen, Junge dc Sohn, 1908, No. 43. Bachmann (Rudolf). *Ueber Behandlung der narbigen Oesophagusstrikturen. 21 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1907. Bachmutsky (Chaja Sura). *Ein Fall von vorgeschrittener Tubargraviditat. 13 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich, J. F. Kobold-Liidi, 1905. Bachofen (Emil). *Schweizerische Landes- Pferdezucht im Halbblut. [Zurich.] 91 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Frauenfeld, Huber dc Co., 1908. Bachon (Fernand) [1877-_ _ ]. *Des formes anormales du cancer primitif du pancreas. 56 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 186. Bachrach (Berthold) [1887- ]. *Die Verwer- tung der spezifischen Ueberempfindlichkeits- reaktion zur biologischen Eiweissdifferenzie- rung. 39 pp. 8°. Marburg, 1910. Aho, in: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1910, 3. s., xl_ Bachrach (D.) *Ueber die Horscharfe zu ver- schiedenen Tageszeiten. 10 pp. 8°. Lausanne, 1915. Bachrach (Eudoxie). *Anaphylaxie passive du lapin. 15 pp. 8°. Lausanne, 1915. Bach-Tcherven (Alexandra). ^ *Le traitement marin de la tuberculose infantile et Pasile Doll- fus a Cannes. 106 pp. 8°. Geneve, H. Kundig, 1905. Bachus (G[ustav]). *Ueber Herzerkrankungen bei Masturbanten. 28 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuen- hahn, 1894. c. Bachy (Georges) [1883- ]. *De la cholecystec- tomie dans la lithiase vesiculaire. (Indications et resultats.) [Paris.] 3 p. 1., 179 pp. 8°. Amiens, 1913, No. 255. Bacilliemia. See Bacterisemia. Bacillaria. Pantocsek (J.) Beschreibung neuer Bacilla- rien. (Novarum Bacillariarum descriptio.) 8°. Bozsony, 1909. Bacilli. See Bacteria. Bacillol. Paszotta (F.) *Untersuchungen iiber Ba- cillol. [Bern.] 12°. Stuttgart, 1991. Aho, in: Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1901, xii, 241-275. Frieser (J. W.) Erfahrungen iiber den Wert des Bacillol als Antiseptikum und Desinflciens. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, 1902, xiv, 612-614.—Kasselmann (K.) Erfahrungen iiber Bacillol-Ratidebader. Deutsche thterarztl. Wchn- schr., Hannov., 1902, x, 121.—L4ebreich. Ueber Bachlol. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1901, xv, 255.—Sobelsohn (J.) Das Bacillol als Desinflciens una Wundheilmittel. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1900, xxiv, 337-342.—Werner (F.) & Pajic (P.) Ueber Bacillol. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1901, xv, 73-76. Bacillopsis. Petschenko (B.) Sur la structure et te cycle evolutif de Bacillopsis stylopyga;; nov. gen. et nov. spec. Bull. internat. Acad, d." sc. de Cracovie, 1908, 359-371, 1 pi. BACILLUS. Bacilluria. See Urine (Bacteria in). Bacillus dbortivo-equinus. Good (E. S.) & Corbett (L. S.) A study of gas produc- tion by different strains of bacillus abortivo-equinus. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1916, xviii, 586-595.—Hardenbergh (J. B.) Vaccination against infectious arthritis of foals due to B.abortusequi. J. Am. Vet.M. Ass., Ithaca, 1916-17, n. s., iii, 331-346. Bacillus abortus. See Abortion (Infectious, Bacteriology and serology of); Milk (Bacteriology of). Bacillus acidi lactici. See Bacillus bulgaricus. Bacillus acidophilaerogenes. Torrey (J. C.) & Kane (A. H.) A new member of the aciduric group of bacilh. [Bacillus acidophilaerogenes.] J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1915, xvh, 437-441. Bacillus acidophilus. See Bacteria (Acidophile); Intestines (Bac- teriology of); Milk (Human). Bacillus acnes. See Acne (Bacillus of). Bacillus adhsesiformis. Bassler (A.) A cause of peritoneal adhesions in a new bacillus; the Bacillus adhasiformis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1914, lxxxv, 427-429. Aho, Reprint. Bacillus segypticus. See Conjunctivitis (Contagious). Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus [Welch and Nutlall, 1892]. See, also, Bacillus phlegmones. Simonds (J. P.) Studies in Bacillus welchii, with special reference to classification and to its relation to diarrhea. 4°. New York, 1915. » Brooks (H.) The occurrence of the Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus in the human body. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, N. Y., 1901, n.s.,i, 1-7.—Bull (C.G.) The prophylactic and therapeutic properties of the antitoxin for Bacillus welchii. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1917, xxvi, 603-611.—Bull (C. G.) & Pritchett (I. W.) Toxin and antitoxin of and protective inoculation against Bacillus welchii. Ibid., 119-138. Aho, Reprint.-----------• Identity of the toxins of different strains of Bacillus welchii and factors influencing their pro- duction in vitro. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1917, xxvi, 867-883. Aho, Reprint.—Carroll (C. G.) The prophylactic and therapeutic properties of the antitoxin for Bacillus welchh. J. Exper. MT, N. Y., 1917, xxvi, 603-611. Also, Reprint.— Dunham (E. K.) Observations to determine the motility of the bacillus aerogenes capsulatus under anaerobic con- ditions. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, vhi, 74.— Ewing (J.) Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Proc N. York Path. Soc. (1896), 1897, 111-114.—Fitz Gerald (Mabel P.) The induction of sporulation in the bacilli belonging to the aerogenes capsulatus group. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cam- bridge, 1910-11, xv, 147-168.—Ford (W. W.) & Lawrence (J. H.) Hemolytic substances in heated milk and in milk cultures of Bacterium welchii. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1917, xxviii, 245-249.—Heim (L.) & Knorr (M.) Anaerobiotische Anreicherung zur Reinztichtung des Gas- brandbazillus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1246.—Howard (W. T.) A contribution to the knowledge ofthe Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Contrib. sc. med.... pupils W. H. Welch, Bait.. 1900. 461-495, 1 pi.—Knox (J. H. M.) & Ford (W. W.) Note on the occurrence of Bacterium welchii (Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus) in the dejecta of children. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1915, xxvi, 27. Aho, Reprint.—KoUe (W.), Ritz (H.) & Schlossberger (H.) Untersuchungen iiber die Biologie der Bakterien der Gasodemgruppe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1918, xiv, 281-284,1 pi.—de Krulf (P.H.), Adams (T. W.) [et al.]. The toxin of Bacillus welchii. I. Toxin production by vari- ous strains. II. The mechanism of infection with B. welchh. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1917, xxi, 580-599. Aho, Reprint.— Litterer (W.) Prehminary report of Bacillus muco-aero- genes capsulatus: an undescribed member of the Bacillus mucosus capsulatus group. Nashville J. M. & S., 1905, xcvii, 525-527.—Lioris-Melikov (J.) Etudes des spores de B. perfringens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 806.—McCampbell (E. F.) The toxic and antigenic prop- erties of Bacterium welchh. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1909, vi, 537-563.—Nuguchi (H.) Sporulation of the group of Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1907-8, n. s., vh, 196-199.—Olsen (O.) Ueber Vergarung BACILLUS. 244 BACILLUS. Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus [ Welch and Nuttall, 1892]. und Saurebildung der Gasbacillen in ihrer Beziehung zur Sporulation. Med. Klin., Berl., 1917, xhi, 99.—Ouranoff (A.) Sur l'hemotoxine du B. welchi (B. perfringens). Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1917, lxxx, 706-708.—Plaut (H. C.) Anaerobiotische Anreicherung zur Reinzuchtung des Gasbazillus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1383.—Raphael (Mile. A.) Note sur le Bacillus perfrin- gens (Veillon). Ann. de 1'Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1914, xxyiii, 564-568.—Robertson (M.) Notes on the vaccination of guinea-pigs with B. perfringens. Lancet, Lond., 1916,ii, 516- 518.—Rosenberger (R. C.) & Scanlon (N.) The Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus in various organs. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1914, xvi, 43.—Rosenthal (G.) Culture aerobie du bacille d'Achalme (Bacillus perfringens); la mensuration de l'anaerobiose. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 828.-----. Les trois etapes de revolution du bacille d'Achalme aerobie (Bacillus perfringens). Ibid., 928-930. -----. A propos du Wright vaccin antiperfringens. Ibid., 1915, lxxvhi, 365.—Simonds (J. PA Classification of the Bacdlus welchh group of bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1915, xvi, 31-34.-----. The effect of symbiosis upon spore formation by Bacillus welchh, with special reference to the presence of these spores in stools. Ibid., 35-37.-----. A propos des effets de l'oxygene sur le bacillus perfringens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, lxxix, 904.—Taylor (H. D.) & Austin (J. H.) The action of antiseptics on the toxin of Bacillus welchh. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1918, xxvii, 375-381.—Uffenheimer (A.) Ein neuer gaserregender Ba- cillus (Bacillus aerogenes aerophilus agilis, nov. spec). Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 383-418, 1 pi.—Welch. (W. H.) Distribution of Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus [Bacillus welchh, MigulaL J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1900-1901, v, 369—Welch (W. H.) & Flexner (S.) Observa- tionsconcerningtheBacillusaerogenescapsulatus. J.Exper. M., N.Y., 1896,1,5-^5.—Werner (G.) Die Agglutination bei Gasphlegmonebazillen. Arch. i. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1905, lhi, 128-144.—WollfC. G. L.) & Harris (J. E. G.) The conditions of growth of Bacillus welchii in thepresence of oxygen. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 787-789.—Wright (Sir A. E.) Conditions which govern the growth of the bacillus of gas gangrene in artificial culture media, in the blood fluids in vitro, and in the dead and living organism. Ibid., L1-9.— zrinsserj (H.) The Welch bacillus and disease. J. Lab. & Chn. M., St. Louis, 1915, i, 200-203. Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus (Infection by). See, also, Abortion (Complications, etc., of); Gangrene (Gaseous)', (Edema (Malignant); Phlegmon (Gaseous); Wounds (Gunshot, Gas- eous gangrene of). Falkner (V.) *Beitrag zur Frage der Schaumorgane. 8°. Zurich, 1905. Schutte (E.) *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schaumorgane. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Bailey (F. W.) Report of a case of gas bacillus infection. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1917, xiv, 260.—Barrett (G. M.) Gas bacillus infection. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1915, xiii, 260-265.—Baugher (A. H.) Bacillus welchii in blood cultures, with recoveries. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1914, ix, 101-106.-----. The Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus in blood cultures, with recoveries. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu. 1153-1155—Bennett (S. H.) Case with comments: the abundant presence of Bacillus aero- genes capsulatus in the urine unattended by symptoms of bacillary infection, an associated occurrence of renal trau- matism by a projectile. Practitioner, Lond., 1917, xcix, 92-95.—Bill (P. W.) Report of an unusual case of gas bacil- lus infection. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1910-11, xvii, 424- 429.—Bingold. Gasbazillensepsis. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. & Berl., 1915, xii, 191.—Blake (J. B.)&Lahey (F. H.) Infections due-to the Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1671-1675— Bleynle (L.) Infection par le bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Limousin med., Limoges, 1903, xxvii,77-81—Bloodgood (J. C.) Gas- bacillus infection; surgical bacteriology. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1916, xxxiv, 122-127. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1916, xxih, 182-184— Bondy (O.) Gas- bazillensepsis mit Ilamoglobinamte. Verhandl. d. Gesell- sch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Miinster) 1912, Leipz., 1913, lxxxiv, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., IL—Bowen (W. W.) Infections from gas bacilli. J. Iowa State M. Soc, Washington, 1913- 14, iii, 697-701.—Bull (C. G.) & Prltchett (Ida W.) Bacil- lus welchii infection and intoxication. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii. 1815—Cherry (T. H.) Gas bacillus infection following futile attempts at induction of labor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, lxxxix, 577.—Clark (F. H.) Bacil- lus aerogenes capsulatus infection, vaccination. Long Island M. J.,_ Brooklyn, 1908, ii, 115.—Cole (R. I.) Note on a case of infection by Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus in which the organism was demonstrated in the circulating blood during hfe. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1902, Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus (Infection hy). xhi, 234.—Coley (A. J.) The report of a case of aerogenes capsulatus infection. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1906, Phila., 1907, xix, 439-442. Aho: Mobile M. & S. J., 1907, x, 304-306.—Cotton (F. J.) & Blake (J. B.) Gas bacillus infection; amputation; recovery; specimen and cultures shown by Dr. Gray, of the pathological department; chart and clinical history. Boston M. & S. J., 1906, civ, 646.— D'Agata (G.) Sulle cosidette infezioni gassogene nel- 1' uomo. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1910, xhi, 1084- 1088.—Day (G. H.) Case of Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus infection, with recovery. Kentucky M. J., Louisville, 1916, xiv, 335.—Delcourt (A.) The methode oxigenee; a clini- cal study. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1910-11, lxiii, 153-160.— Dudgeon (L. S.) & Sargent (P. W. G.) Two cases of emphysematous gangrene due to the Bacillus aerogenes cap- sulatus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, lvi, 42-53.—Dun- ham (E. K.) Report of five cases of infection by the Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus (Welch). Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii, 68-74,4 ch.—Eagleton (W.PO A case of infection by the Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1904-5, i, 97-99.—van Emden (J. E. G.) Ueber die Bildungsstatte der agglutinirenden Substanzen bei der Infection mit Bacillus aerogenes. Zt- schr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1899, xxx, 19-32.— Erdmann (J. F.) Pure infection with the Bacillus aero- genes capsulatus. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1897-8, 85.—Fauntleroy (A. M.) Gas bacillus infection. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, lxiii, 1-23, 2 pi—Fessler. Die Gasphlegmone. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxu, 1025-1027.—Fraenkel (E.) Demonstrationen zum Gas- bazillus (Wirkunken auf den weibhehen Genitalapparat). Ibid., 1913, lx, 156.-----. Ueber die Wirkung des sogen. Gasbazillus auf den weibhehen Genitalapparat. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1913, xx, 4S5-492.—Garberson (J H.) Acute gaseous cellulitis, with report of six cases. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1915-16, xxii, 125-129.—Gaudier (II.), Fiesslnger (N.) & Montaz (R.) Importance du terrain dans le d^terminisme des grands accidents infectieux par les ana<>robies et en particulier par le Bacillus perfrin- gens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, lxxix, 851-853.— Gilpatrick (R. H.) Treatment of emphysematous gan- grene due to Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii, 744—Goldschmidt (W.) Zur Behand- lung der Gasphlegmonen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1026.—Greely (H.) Idiopathic Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus infection. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1918, xxix, 231-234.—Guthrie (D.) Gas bacillus infection. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1912-13, xvi, 863-^67. Aho: Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1913, xxvi, 427-129.—Gwyn (X. B.) A case in which the Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus was repeatedly isolated from the circulation during hfe. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.. Bait., 1899. x, 134-136— Haines (W. D.) Gas-bacillus infection, with report of cases. Tr. West. Surg. Ass., 1913, Minneap., 1914, 135-140. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. News, Cincin., 1914, i, 60.—Hanes (G. S.) Gas bacillus infection; reportof case. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1913- 14, xx, 335-337.—Haslam (G.) A case of gas-bacillus infection. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1911-12, xvii, 497-500. -----. Gas-bacillus infection and its treatment. Joi, iv, 1287. Aho, Reprint.—Hanim (A.) Ein seltener Full von Koli- pyamie; zugleich ein Beitrag zur klinischen Bedeutung des Bakterienanaphylatoxins. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 292-294.—Hartwell (J. A.) Cholangeitis due to colon bacillus infection. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii, 923.—Herzog (M.) Haematogene Infection durch den Colon-Bacillus. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1903, xv, 122- 125.—Holzman (A.) Two cases of colon bactera-mia. Long Island M. J., Broolyn, 1913, vii, 376-378.—van Hoo- genhuyze (C. J. C.) & de Kleljen (A.) Een geval van septichaemie in aansluiting aan een chronische middenoor- ontsteking met sinusthrombose, veroorzaakt door den Bacillus coli communis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1916, ii, 401-420.—I ugravalle (A.) Infozioni da Bacterium coli. Riv. med., Milano, 1908, xvi, 90-92.— Iovane (A.) II glicogeno epatico nelle infezioni e nelle in- tossicazioni colibacillari. Pediatriat Napoh, 1903, 2. s., i, 849-854.-----. Influenza dell'infezione e dell' mtossica- zione colibaeillare acuta e cronica sui gangli nervosi intra- cardiac!, intragastric! ed intraintestinali. Ibid., 1904,2. s., ii, Bacillus coli (Infection by). 396-412,1 pi.—Isabolinsky (M.) & Patzewitsch (B.) Zur Frage uber den diagnostischen Wert der Prazipitationsreak- tion bei der Infektion mit der Typhus-Coh-Gruppe und besonders bei Fleischvergiftungen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxx, Orig., 192-199.—Jacob (L.) Ueber Allgemeininfektion durch Bacterium coh commune. Deutsche Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1909, xcvii, 303-347.— Jacoby (A.) A case of infection by the Bacillus coli com- munis. N. Orl. M.&S. J., 1902-3,Lv, 578-584. Aho [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 735.—Jaeger (A. S.) Post- operative gangrene of abdominal muscles, resulting in erosion of deep epigastric artery, due to colon bacillus infec- tion. Indianapolis M. J., 1914, xvh, 339-341—Jatta (M.) La serodiagnostica nelle infezioni da coh. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1901, 2. s., xxxiv, 768-772.— Jensen (C. O.) Bacteriu m coh commune als Krankheitser- reger bei Tieren. P'rgebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1897, Wiesb., 1899, iv, 819-829.—Kemp (R. C.) Colon bacillus infections, with report of double pneumonia and purulent bronchitis (colon infection), with recovery. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 819-827—KoU (I. S.) An experi- mental and clinical study of colon bacillus infections ofthe urinary tract. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass. 1911, Brookline, 1912, v, 94-110. [Discussion], 119-129. Aho: LancetUlinic,Cincin., 1912, cvii, 276-280.—Kooyman (A.) s-27s.— Fox (H.) Some observations on three mem- bers of the Bacterium mucosus capsulatus group. Univ. l'cnn. M. Bull., PhUa., 1906-7, xix, 313-315. Aho, Re- print—Frlcke (C.) Ueber den sogenannten Bacillus mucosus capsulatus. Ztschr. f. llvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1896, xxiii, 380-151.—Friel (A. R.) Note on Fried- laender's pneuniobacterium. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1914, ix, 192—Hewitt (J. H.) A case of general infection with Bacillus mucosus capsulatus followed by an areolar abscess of the liver and general peritonitis; autopsv. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1909, xx, 77-M), 2 pi—Howard (W. T.) The importance of the Bacillus mucosus capsu- latus (B. of Friedlander) as the cause of acute and chronic infections. Phila. M. J., 1S98, i, 336-338—Hurtado (F.) Historial clinico relativo a un caso de sindrome meningo- encefalico toxi-infeccioso dcterminado por el neumobacilo y prei edido de algunos considerandos. Gac nted. de Mexico, 1912, 3. s., vii, 503-514.—Julesrud (E.) [The Bacillus pneu- moniae of Friedlander in the etiology of disease.] Norsk Maj. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1918, 5. R., xvi, 533- BACILLUS. 257 BACILLUS. Bacillus pneumoniae [Friedldnder, 1883]. 542.—Losee (J. R.) Note on a case of Bacillus mucosus cap- sulatus septicemia in an infant. Bull. Lying-in Hosp. N. York, 1915, x, 67.—Nicolle (C.) & Hebert (A.) Note sur douze (tehantillons de bacilles de Friedlaender isotes d'an- gines pseudo-membraneuses et de l'eau. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 916-918.—Perkins (R. G.) Re- port of a laboratory epizootic among guinea-pigs, associated with gaseous emphysema of the hver, spleen and kidneys, due to BaciUus mucosus capsulatus. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1900-1901, v, 389-396. -----. Bacillus mucosus capsulatus; a study of the group and an attempt at classification of the varieties described. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1904, i. 241- 267. Aho: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1904, u, No. 9.—Petzetakis. De 1'agglutination du pneu- mobacille dans un cas de septicemiea bacille de Friedlaender dans tes neoplasmes, par les serums d'animaux. Lyon nted., 1913, cxx, 737-745.—Rochaix (A.) & Durand (P.) Action des toxines du pneumobacUle de Friedlander sur la plevre, par inoculation directe. Compt. rend. Soc de biol Par., 1914, lxxvii. 380-382.—Schiller (K.) [General septic disease caused by Friedlander's pneumonia bacillus.] Budapesti k. Orvosegy, evi evkonyve, Budapest, 1906, pt. 2, 22.—Simonds (J. P.) A curious accident due to B. pneumoniae. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, ii, 245-247.—Zironi (A.) Contributo alio studio del potere patogeno dei bacilli mucosi. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1914, xxv, 341-347. BacUlus Preisz-Nocard. See, also, Corynebacterium. Hall (I. C.) & Stone (R. V.) The diphtheroid bacillus of Preisz-Nocard from equine, bovine, and ovine abscesses; ulcerative lymphangitis and caseous lymphadenitis. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1916, xvhi, 195-208.—Lagrand & Chretien. Le microbe ,de Preisz-Nocard chez te pore. Hyg. de la viande [etc.], Evreux, 1909, hi, 152-155.—Nicolle (M.), Loiseau (G.) & Forgeot (P.) Les facteurs de toxicite des bacteries (2« memoire); etude des bacilles de Preisz- Nocard. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1912, xxvi, 83-101. BacUlus prodigiosus. von Groer (F.) *Ueber die Prodigiosus- gelatinase. [Breslau.] 8°. Berlin, 1912. Aho, in: Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1912, xxxvih, 252-284. Ackermann (D.) & Schutze (H.) Ueber Art und Her- kunft der fluchtigen Basen von Kulturen des Bacterium prodigiosum. Arch.f. Hyg.,Munchen & Berl., 1910-11, lxxiii, 145-152.—Altana (G.) Su l'antienzima proteohtico del "bacillo prodigioso." Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1909, xx, 518-533.—Arens (P.) Bacterium prodigiosum (Eh- renb.) Lehm. et Neum. als Erreger der roten Flecken auf frisch bereitetem Kautschuk. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxv, 465.—Beijerinck (M. W.) Varia- bility in Bacillus prodigiosus. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc sect, sc, 1909-10, xh, 640-649—Bertarelll _(E.) Ricerche ed osservazioni sulla biologia e sulla patogenicita del baciUo prodigioso. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1903, xxvii, 1-31.-----. Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen uber die Biologie und Pathogenitat des BacUlus prodigiosus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 193; 312.-----. Ueber den BacUlus prodigiosus und die Theorien von der natiirlichen Immunitat. Ibid., 1904, xxxvii, 617-626.-----. Ueber eine Bemerkung des Hrn. Dr. K. Kisskalt betrefls einer Arbeit uber den BacUlus pro- digiosus. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1904-5, xxviii, 175.—Case (A) of natural prodigiosus infec- tion. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond., 1899, 2. s., 239.—DelanoC. Deuxieme note sur la biologie du bacUlus prodigiosus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 728.—Franzen (H.) & Egger (F.) Beitrage zur Biochemte der Mikroorganismen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1912, lxxix, 177-214: 1914, xc, 311-354.—Franzen (H.) & Greve (G.) Beitrage zur Biochemte der Mikroorganismen; Mitteilung iiber die Vergarung der Ameisensaure durch BacUlus prodigiosus. Ibid., 1910, lxiv, 169-261.—Gazzettl (C.) Modincazioni provocate daha glicerina sulla biologia del prodigioso. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1911, xvh, 59-68, 1 pi.—Gorini (K.) Das Prodigiosus Labfer- ment. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1893, hi, 381.—Hefferan (Mary). Agglutination and biological relationship in the prodigiosus group. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xh, 553-562. Aho [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxhi, 215.—Hilgerman (R.) Ueber die Verwendung des BaciUusprodigiosus als Indikator bei Wasseruntersuchungen. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1906, lix, 150-158.—Kuntze (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Bedingungen der Farbstoffbildung des Bacil- lus prodigiosus. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1900, xxxiv, 169-184.-----. Bemerkungen zur FarbstoffbUdung des Bacillus prodigiosus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xhv, Orig., 299-309.— Marx (H.) Die Pathogenitat des BacUlus prodigiosus. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxii, 348. Aho: Arb. a. d. chir. Khn. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1901, xv, 131.—Raebiger (W.) Ueber die Rotfarbung eines Huhnereies durch den B. pro- digiosus. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. MUchhyg., Berl., 1900-1901, 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----17 Bacillus prodigiosus. xi, 115—Hitter (G.) Zur Physiologie des BacUlus pro- d-gln^s^Cen,tralbl- f- Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1900, vi, 206r209.—Samkow (S.) Zur Physiologie des Bacillus prodigiosus. Ibid., 1903, xi, 305-311.-Trillat (A.) In- fluence de la tension superficielte des liquides sur l'entrai- nement des microbes par un courant d'air (cas du B pro- digiosus). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1913, clvii 1547-1549.—Wollsteln (Martha) & Meltzer (S. J.) The lesions produced by intra-bronchial insufflation of B. pro- digiosus. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n s , xxxviii, 452.—Woodward (H. M. M.) & Clarke (K. B ) Prehminary notes on a case of infection by the Bacterium prodigiosum. Guy's Hosp. Gaz7 Lond., 1912, xxvi, 369. ----------. A case of infection in man by the Bacterium prodigiosum. Lancet, Lond., 1913, i, 314. BacUlus proteus. See, also, Proteus [in 2. s.]. Weber (R. G. W.) *Ueber die Gruppe des Bacillus proteus vulgaris. 8°. Strassburg i. E., Cantu (C.) Le BacUlus proteus; sa distribution dans la nature. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1911, xxv, 852-864 — Felix (A.) & Mitzenmacher (Fanny). Weitere Unter- suchungen iiber den Nachweis der O- und H-Rezeptoren bei den Proteusstammen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1918, xxxi, 988.—Fortineau (L.) & Soubrane. BacUlus pro- teus ruber. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 1214.—Fortineau (L.), Soubrane & Rappin. Etude sur une nouvelle espece bacillaire chromoge.ne, "BacUlus pro- teus ruber." Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1908, 2. s., xxvi, 314-316, 2 pi.—Franzen (H.) & Braun (G.) Ueber die Vergarung der Ameisensaure durch Proteus vulgaris. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, viii, 29-39.—Glaser (E.) & Hachla (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Proteusbakterien, insbesondere hinsichtlich der agglutinatorischen und hamolytischen Eigenschaften und Beziehungen bei den verschiedenen Arten derselben. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1911, xi, Orig., 310-355.—Glenn (T. H.) Variation and carbohydrate metabohsm of bacilli of the proteus group. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lviii, Orig., 481-495.—Horton-Smith (P.) On Bacil- lus proteus urinal a new variety of the proteus group, dis- covered in the urine of a patient suffering from cystitis. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1896-7, iv, 210-215,1 pL—Kendall (A. I.) & Walker (A. W.) Observations on the proteolytic enzyme of Bacillus proteus. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1915, xvii, 442-453. Aho, Reprint.—van Loghem (J. J.) Over het voorkomen van proteusbacillen bij den mensch, in het bijzonder bij gezonde en zieke zuigelingen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1918, ii, 1345-1348 — van Loghem (J. J.) & van Loughem-Pouw (J. C. W.) Beitrag zur Differenzierung der Proteus-Gruppe (B. proteus anindologenes). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxvi, Orig., 19-21—Xawiasky (P.) Ueber die Umse- tzung von Aminosauren durch Bacillus proteus vulgaris; ein Beitrag zum Stickstoffwechsel der Bakterien. Arch, fs Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1908, xxxvi, 209-243.—Rubritiun (H.) Ueber die Wirkung der Meerschweinchenleukozyte- auf verschiedene Proteusstamme. Ibid., 1911, lxxiv, 211. 220.—Trillat (A.) & Fouassier (M.) Etude des proprietes du distillat d'une culture de B. proteus sur la vitalite des microbes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1912, cliv, 1443- 1445.—Weil (E.) & Felix (A.) Untersuchungen uber die gewohnlichen Proteusstamme und ihre Beziehungen zu den X-Stammen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1918, xxxi, 637-639. Bacillus proteus (Infection by). Belle! (G.) Contributo alio studio delle intossicazioni alimentan causate dai Proteus vulgaris. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1911, 8. s., xi, 51-59.—Berthelot (A.) Recher- ches sur le Proteus vulgaris. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1914, xxviii, 839; 913.—Dominguez (F.) Infecciones qui- rurgicas a Proteus vulgaris. Actas y trab. d. 1« Cong. nted. nac, Habana, 1905, i, 329-334.—Fyodorofl (N. V.) [Case of infection with] Proteus vulgaris. Kharkov. M. J., 1914, xvhi, 94-96.—Herter (C. A.) & ten Broeck (C.) A biochemical study of Proteus vulgaris Hauser. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1911, ix, 491-511.—Horowitz (A.) Contribu- tion a l'etude du genre Proteus vulgaris. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1916, xxx, 307-318.—Larson (W. P.) & Bell (E. T.) A study ofthe lesionsproduced by Bacillus proteus. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1913, xiii, 510.----------. A study of the pathogenic properties of Bacillus proteus. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1915, xxi, 629-644, 3 pL—Laufls (J.) Ueber Proteus vulgaris bei Ohreiterungen. Arch, f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1907, lxx, 90; 187.—Martin (S.) Report on the toxic action and on the reaction of the toxin of Proteus vulgaris. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1903-4, Lond., 1905, xxxhi, Suppl.. 461-471.—Maymone (B.) Setticemia da Proteus vulgaris mortale per l'uomo. (Contributo alio studio delle infezioni generah causate da ferite di guerra.) Ann. d'ig., Roma, 1917, xxvh, 218-228.—Moskaleff (M. N.) [Altera- tion in the kidneys when animals are infected with a culture BACILLUS. 258 BACILLUS. Bacillus proteus (Infection by). of the Bacillus proteus vulgaris; experiments with virulent cultures.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1312-1315 — Much & Soncek. Proteusinfektionen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 1191-1193.—Naka- gawa (H.) A case of septicaemia caused by Bacillus pro- teus. Bull. Nav. M. Ass. Japan, Tokyo, 1916, No. 13, 2.— Pauly (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pathogenitat des Proteus Hauser. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 377-379.—Sacquepee(E.) Empoisonnementsalimen- taires par les microbes du groupe Proteus. Progres med., Par., 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 424-426.—Vincent (H.) R61e patho- gene du proteus dans tes infections alimentaires; association microbienne proteo-typhique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1909, 3. s., lxii, 338-341. Bacillus pseudanthracis. Hartleb (R.) & Stutzer (A.) Das Vorkommen von Bacillus pseudanthracis in Fleischfuttermehl. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1897, iii, 81; 129; 179. Bacillus pseudodiphthericus. Ohlmacher (A. P.) Pseudodiphtheria bacillus infec- tions and their response to therapeutic inoculations. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1908, xix, 109-112. Bacillus psittacosis. See Psittacosis. Bacillus pullorum. See Bacterium pullorum. Bacillus putrificus. Bienstock. Bacillus putrificus. Ann. de I'lnst. Pas- teur, Par., 1906, xx, 407-415.—Putzu (F.) Sopra un batte- rio anaerobio piogeno (Bacillus putrificus var. non lique- faciens). Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxih, sez. chir., 225-236.— Serkowski (S.) Bacillus s. Granulobacillus putrificus nov. sp. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, Orig., lxxv, 1-20. BaciUus pyocyaneus. Antoine (P.-A.) *De la multiplicity des produits fournis par un microbe pathogene. (Des caracteristiques bio-chimiques du bacille pyocianique.) 8°. Baris, 1903. Breymann (Margarete). *Ueber StonVech- selprodukte des Bacillus pyocyaneus. 8°. Jena, 1903. Aho, in: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 481-502. Aubel (E.) & Colin (H.) Nature de l'aliment azote et production de pyocyanine par le bacille pyocyanique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1913, lxxiv, 790.----------. Action des sucres sur la fonction pigmentaire du bacille pyocyanique. Ibid., lxxv, 25-27.—Bacot (A. W.) The persistence of Bacillus pyocyaneus in pupae and imagines of Musca domestica raised from larva? experimentally infected with the bacillus. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1911, iv, 68-74— Beebe (S. P.) & Buxton (B. H.) The produc- tion of fat from proteid by the Bacillus pyocyaneus. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1904-5, xii, 466-470.—Campana (R.) II piocianco nella morfologia e nella febbre. Clin, dermosi- filopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1913, xxxi, 19-23, 1 pi. Aho: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1912, Roma, 1913, xxii; 344- 348.—Charrin & de Nittls. Sur la production simul- tanee des pigments noir, bleu, vert, jaune, par un bacille pyocyanique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898. 10. s., v, 721.—Chrlstomanos (A. A.) Zur Farbstoffproduction des Bacillus pyocyaneus. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz.. 1901, xxxvi, 258-269.—Conor. Sur un nouvel echantillon de la variete melanogene du bacille pyocyanique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1130-1132—Crendlroupoulo (M.) & Ruffer (A.) Note sur la dialyse des produits solubles elaborts par te bacille pyocyanique dans les sacs de collodion. Ibid., 1900, 11. s., ii, 1109-1111.—Despelgnes. Bacille pyocyanique a grande variabilite pigmentaire. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvu, 944-950.—Frouin (A.) & Ledebt (Mile. S.) Action du vana- date de soude et des terrcs rares sur le developpement du bacille pyocyanique et la production de ses pigments. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 981-983.—Gaz- zettl (C.) Di un singolare comportamento della sostanza colorante del B. piocianeo per l'aggiunta di glicerina ai co- muni mezzi di cultura. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1911, xvii, 39-49, 1 pi.—Gessard (C.) Variete melanogene du bacille pyocyanique. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1901, xv, 817-831.-----. Essai sur la biologie du bacille pyocyani- que. Ibid., 1902, xvi, 313-330.-----. Variete eLythrogenc du bacille pyocyanique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1917, clxv, 1071-1073.—Hinterberger (A.) & Reitmann (C.) Vcrschiedenes Waehstum des Bacillus pyocyaneus auf Nahragar je nach dessen Wassergehalt. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvu, 169-177,1 pi.—Hof- Bacillus pyocyaneus. bauer (J.) Emige Versuche zur therapeutischen Verwert- barkeit der Pyocyanose bei weibheher Gonorrhoe. Zen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 179-183.—Inclan (C.) Contribution al estudio de los bacilos piocianicos. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1905, x, 247-250.—Jordan (E. O.) Bacillus pyocyaneus and its pigments. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1899, iv, 627-647. Also, Reprint.—Krause (P.) Ueber Krystallbildung innerhalb von Pyocyaneusculturen. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Sraatskrankenanst., 1898-9, ii, 258-260, 1 pi. Aho: Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1897-8, Hamb. & Leipz., 1900, vi, 258-260, 1 pi.-----. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Bacillus pyocyaneus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 769-775.-----. Ueber durch Pressung gewonnenen Zellsaft des Bacillus pyocyaneus, nebst einer kurzen Mitteilung uber die Einwirkung des Druckes auf Bakterien. Ibid., 1902, xxxi, 673-678.—von Kuester. Versuche iiber die Farbstoffproduction des Bacillus pyocyaneus^ Arch. f. khn. Chir., Berl., 1899, lx, 621-634. Aho.-Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl 1901, xv, 1-14.—Lang. [The Bacillus pyocyaneus and its relation to the BaciUus fluorescens liquefaciens.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1913, n. f., U, 133-137.—Lesieur (C.) & Legrand. Action de la lumiere solaire et des lumteres colorees sur la Eroduction de pigment vert fluorescent dans tes cultures du acille pyocyanique. BulL Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1905, iv, 253-258. Aho: Lyon med., 1905, civ, 1362-1366.— Maclntyre (D. R.) The intracellular toxin of BacUlus pyocyaneus: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 1073 — Nicolle & Zla bey. Note sur les fonetions pigmentaires du bacille pyoeyaiiique. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1896, x, 669-071.—Noesske (H.) Neue Untersuchungen uber den BacUlus pyocyaneus und die Gesetze der FarbstoffbU- dung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxi, 266-284—Badais. Sur une nouvelle race du bacille pyocyanique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1*97, 10. s., iv, 808.—RuZicka (S.) Vergleichende Studien uber den BacUlus pyocyaneus und den Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens. Arch" f. Hyg., Miin- chen & Leipz., 1900, xxxvu, 1-29.—de Seixas Palma (3.) Die Farbstotfe beim PyoeyaneusbacUlus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xlui, Orig., 417, 1 pL— Shattuck (S. G.) The vitality of B. pyocyaneus. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1455.—Test! (F.) Contributo alle ricerche sulla diflusione del bacillo piocianeo. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma. 1905, liii, 122-126.—Thiry (G.) Bacillus pyocyaneus et lactopht'nine. Compt. rend. Soc, de biol.. Par., 1913, lxxiv, 651—Wassermann (A.) Immunitat bei BacUlus pvocvaneus. Handb. d. path. Mikroorg., Jena, 1904, 1212-1215.—Woolsteln (Martha & Meltzer (S. J.) The pulmonary reaction to B. pyocyaneus. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1913-14, xi, 97.—Zak (E.) Zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des proteolytisehen Fermentes von Bacillus pvocvaneus. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1907, x, 287-298. BacUlus pyocyaneus (Infection by). See, aho, Infection (Byocyanic) [in 2. s.]; Pysemia (Bacteriology of); Septicaemia (Bac- teriology of); Suppuration (Microorganisms in). Hinzelmann (\V.) *Ueber einen Fall von Pyocyaneussepsis beim Erwachsenen, nebst Un- tersuchungen iiber die Verbreitung des Bacillus pyocyaneus in der Leiche. 8°. Leipzig, 1914. Lapnay (L.) *Les infections pyocyaniques. Le bacille pyocyanique dans les eaux d'ali mentation. 8°. Barh, 1905. ------. Thesame. 8°. Barh, 1905. Meyer (L.) Essai de classification des serums. Etude experimentale de leur action sur 1'infection pyocyanique. 8°. Barh, 1896. Voss (O.) Der Bacillus pyocyaneus im Ohr. Klinisch-experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der Pathogenitat des Bacillus pyocyaneus. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Achard (C), Loeper (M.) & Grenet (H.) Sero-reaction dans l'infection pyocyanique chez l'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1274-1276— Baginsky (A.) Zur B. pyocyaneus-Infektion im kindlichen Alter. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvu, Orig., 427-431— Balzer (F.) & Moulard (mie. E.) Un cas de vaste gangrene phagedenique probablement causee par le Bacillus pyocyaneus a la suite de la vaccine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s.. lxxv, 511-533.—Barker (L. F.) The clinical symptoms, bactenologic findings and post-mortem appearances in cases of infections of human beings with the Bacillus pyocvaneus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18S7, xxix, 213 216. Aho, Reprint.—Baruchello (L.) Sulla proprieta del b. piocianeo di simulare l'orchite morvosa nelle cavie. Policlin., Koma, 1904, xi, sez. med., 282-292.—Benfey (A.) Ueber Pvo/.vaneussepsis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, hi, 1199-1202— Bogomolez (A.) Zur BACILLUS. 259 BACILLUS. Bacillus pyocyaneus (Infection by). Frage der Resorption aus der Bauchhohle und des Ein- flusses des Bacillus pyocyaneus auf dtesen Process. Zt- schr. f. exper. Path. u. Ther., Berl., 1909, vh, 279-289.— Bollag (K.) Zur Bekampfung der Infektion durch den Bacillus pyocyaneus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 2356.—Boselllnl (P. L.) Sopra la malattia piocianica. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1916, li, 199-213, 1 pi.— Boynton (Frances N.) A case of infection with Bacillus pyocyaneus with the primary focus in decubitus and with special reference to the hemolytic action of the organism. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1904, xxvi, 10-18 — Brau. Pouvoir bactericide du serum de diverses especes animates a l'egard du bacille pyocyanique; infection pyo- cyanique par ingestion. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 275.—de la Camp. Zur Kenntnis der Pyocya- neussepsis. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1904, xviii, 92-111.— Courmont (J.) & Rochalx (A.) De la vaccination contre l'infection pyocyanique par la voie intestinale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, cliu, 131.—Engman (M. F.) A mildly inflammatory condition of the skin covered by green scales probably produced by the BacUlus pyocyaneus. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1901, vhi, 373-375. Also, Re- print.—Ewing (A. E.) Bacillus pyocyaneus; its viru- lence in the eye, its longevity and immunity from it. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1906-8, xi, 204-215, 2 pi.— Fraenkel (E.) Ueber AUgemeininfektionen durch den BacUlus pyocyaneus. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1906, clxxxhi, 405-440, 4 pi.-----. Ueber die Men- schenpathogenitat des BacUlus pyocyaneus. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1912, lxxii, 486-522, 6 pi.—Franke (F.) Zur Behandlung der Pyozyaneusin- fektion. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxu, 1006.— Freeman (L.) Chronic general infection with the Bacillus pyocyaneus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, lxiv, 195-202.— Gildersleeve (N.) Studies on pyocyaneus immunity; with special reference to the therapeutic value of vaccines. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 286-290.—Groves (E. H.) A clinical lecture on a case of Bacillus pyocyaneus pyasmia successfully treated by vaccine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1169.—Harvey (W. F.), Carter (R. M.) & Acton (H. W.) Pyocyaneus infection in dogs and its similarity to rabies. Ibid., 1911, i, 1460-1462.—Harvey (W. F.), Markham (R.) [et al.]. Pyocyaneus infection in dogs and its similarity to rabies. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1911-12, xxiv, 57-59.—Holzapfel. Bolus gegen Pyozyaneus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, lxui, 67.—Hiibener. Ein Fall von Pyocyaneussepsis beim Erwachsenen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, xxxhi, 803-805.—Justi (K.) Ueber Pyozya- neuserkrankungen, insbesondere des Darmes. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1915, xix, 458-470.—Kliene- berger (C.) Pyozyaneusinfektion der Harnwege mit hoher AgglutininbUdung fiir Pyozyaneusbazhlen und Mitagglu- tination von Typhusbakterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, hv, 1330-1333.-----. Allgemeininfektion durch Bacil- lus pyocyaneus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxvih, 2451.—Klinger. Ein Beitrag zur Infektion mit Pyozyaneusbazhlen. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1911, xxxv, 25-32.—Koske (F.) Der BacUlus pyocyaneus als Erreger einer Rhinitis und Meningitis hemorrhagica bei Schweinen. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1906, xxhi, 542-553.— Kozlovski (P. I.) [General infection of a man by the B. pyocyarrcus.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 334-339.— Launay (L.) Le infezioni piocianiche. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoh, 1907, x, 4.—Meyer (C.) Zur Bekampfung des Pyozyaneus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 833.—Minett (E. P.) & Duncan (W. J.) The patho- fenicity of BacUlus pyocyaneus in British Guiana. J. Trop. I. [etc.], Lond., 1911, xiv, 163-166.—Muck (O.) Das Ver- halten der Tierkohle zum BacUlus pyocyaneus im Ohreiter und zu granulierenden Knochenwunden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvh, 297.—Perkins (R. G.) Report of nine cases of infection with Bacillus pyocyaneus. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1901, vi, 281-297.—Pizzini (L.) Alcuni casi di pseudobotulismo per infezione da B. piocianeo. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1907, xviii, 103-113.—Roily. Pyozyaneussepsis bei Erwachsenen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1399-1407.—Saccone (G.) Anatomia ed istologia patologica della malattia piocianica. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1906, i, 172-191, 2 pi.—Schlagenhaufer (F.) Ueber Pyocyaneusinfektionen nach Lumbalanas- thesie. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lix, Orig., 385-400—Soltmann (O.) Zur Lehre von der Pathogenitat des Bacillus pyocyaneus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, 650-656, 1 pi.—Stein (A. E.) Zur Behandlung der Pyocyaneus-Eiterung; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Therapie mit ultravioletten Strahten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, Iii, 433.—Sudeck (P.) Ein Fall von Pyozyaneus-AUgemeininfektion. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1909, lvi, 1848.—Taylor (K.) Treatment of Bacillus pyocyaneus infection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvu, 1598.—Unger (E.) Zur Bekampfung des Pyocyaneus- Eiters. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, hi, 271.—Waite (H. H.) A contribution to the study of pyocyaneus infections, with a report of two rare cases. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1908, v, 542-565. cuius pyogenes. Dunkel (H. P.) *Untersuchungen iiber die Beziehungen des Bacillus pyogenes bovis et suis zu dem Bacillus pseudotuberculosis ovis. [Giessen.] 8°. Hildesheim, 1908. Wehrs (H. K. A.) *Die Resistenz des Ba- zillus pyogenes suis et bovis gegen chemisehe Desinfektionsmittel. [Leipzig.] 8°. Hamburg, 1910. Wetti+aufer (J.) *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie des Bacillus pyogenes. [Giessen.] 8°. Homberg a. d. Ohm, 1913. Balduzzi (A.) Considerazioni su alcune infezioni da piogeni. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 140-143.—Berger (E.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber den Bacillus pyogenes bovis und den Bacillus pyogenes suis. Ztschr. f. Infektionskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl., 1907, hi, 101-154 — Bolognesi (G.) Chemische Veranderungen des Blutserums bei Infektionen mit Pyogenes communis. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, vi, 149-457.—Bovo (P.) L'azione battericida ed antitossica dell' acqua ossigenata nelle infezioni da piogeni. Morgagni, Milano, 1906, xlviii, 179; 201— Dammann & Freese. Ueber das Vorkommen des Bacillus pyogenes bei der Ziege und den Nachweis seiner Identitat mit dem Bacil- lus pyogenes bovis et suis. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1908, xvi, 405-410.—Hirshberg (L. K.) Bacillus pyogenes (nov. spec?) associated with a febrile disease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, cxxxii, 740-744.—Holth (IL) Untersuchungen uber den Bacillus pyogenes und die durch ihn hervorgerufenen Gewebsveranderungen. Ztschr. f. In- fektionskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl., 1907, hi, 155-217.—Olt. Ueber das Vorkommen des Bacillus pyogenes als Sputum- bakterium und Eitererreger bei verschtedenen Tierarten. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1908, xvi, 617; 629.—Rulf (G.) [Bacillus pyogenes as causing swine dis- easej Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1906, xxix, 61.—Ward (A. R.) B acterium pyogenes and its relation to suppurative lesions in animals. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, h, 619-628. Bacillus radicicola. Ball (O. M.) A contribution to the life history of Bacillus (Po.) radicicola Beij. Centralbl. f. Bakterioljetc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxiii, 47-59.—Buchanan (R. E.) The gum produced by Bacillus radicicola. Ibid., 1908-9, xxh, 371- 396.—Haupt. Der BacUlus radicicola und seine Bedeutung fiir die Fiitterung unserer Haustiere. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1914, xxh, 81-83.—Lipman (C. B.) & Fowler (L. W.) Isolation of Bacillus radicicola from soil. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xii, 256; 725 — Wilson (J. K.) Physiological studies of Bacillus radicicola of soy beans. Ibid., 180. Bacillus rhinitidis atrophicus. See Nose (Inflammation of, Atrophic). Bacillus rhinos der omatis. See Rhinoscleroma (Causes, etc., of). Bacillus Rossii. Godclmann (R.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Bacillus Rossii Fabr. mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der bei ihm vorkommenden Autotomie und Regeneration einzelner Gliedmassen. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1901, xii, 265-301, 1 pi. Bacillus salmoni. See Hog-cholera (Bacillus of). Bacillus scarlatinas. See Scarlatina (Bacteria of). Bacillus septicaemix ranarum. Venulet (F.) & Padlewski (L.) Ueber einen neuen wahrend einer Froschepizootie gezuchtetenBacillus. [Ba- cillus septicaemias ranarum.] Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxxi, Orig., 343-348, 1 pi. Bacillus Shiga. See Dysentery (Bacillus of). BacUlus smegmatis. See Smegma (Bacillus of). Bacillus solanacearum. Bryan (Mary K.) A nasturtium wilt caused by Bac- terium solanacearum. J. Agric. Research, Wash., 1915, iv 451-157, 4 pi.—Honing (J. A.) Ueber die Vanabihtat des Bacillus solanacearum Smith. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1913, xxxvi, 491-499. BACILLUS. 260 BACILLUS-CARRIERS. Bacillus sporogenes. Weinzirl (J.) A simple test for B. sporogenes in milk and water. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xlU, 353. Bacillus subtilis. Itano (A.) I. The relation of hydrogen ion concentration of media to the proteolytic ac- tivity of Bacillus subtilis. II. Proteolysis of Strept. erysipelatis and Strept. lacticus com- pared under different hydrogen ion concen- tration. 8° Amherst, 1915. Bull. No. 167, Mass. Agric. Exper. Station, Amherst, 1915. Barabaschi (P.) Interessante caso di infezione da Bacillus subtihs simulanteunatubercolosi migliare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 1081-1083— Charrin & de Nittis. Un Bacillus subtilis virulent; contingence de la fonction pathogene. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv. 711-713.—Chester (F. D.) A review of the Bacil- lus subtihs group of bacteria. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xhi, 737-752—Conn (H. J.) A study of B. subtilis by means of the classification card. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xii. 618.—Frouin (A.) Action du sulfate de lanthane sur le developpement du B. subtilis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1913, lxxiv, 196.— Gaucher (L.) & Faure-Geors. Sur quelques proprietes du B. subtilis. Ibid., 1914, lxxvii, 229.—Hobbs & Lafolie. Role pathogene du BacUlus subtihs associe k d'autres microbes. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect. de path, gen., 315.—Kayser (B.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Pathogenitat des Bacillus subtihs, besonders fiir das Auge. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902-3, xxxhi, 241-246.—Kellerman (K. F.) & Fawcett (Edna H.) Stud- ies of the subtilis group. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxvih, 372.—Kneass (S. S.) & Sailer (J.) Note upon the agglutination and pathogenicity of the BacUlus subtilis. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1903-4, xvi, 131-133. Aho, Reprint.—Levaditi (C.) & Twort (C.) Sur la trypa- notoxineduBacillussubtilis; propriety de la toxine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 645-647.—Nicolle (M.) Action du Bacillus subtihs sur diverses bacteries. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1907, xxi, 613-621.—Perdrix (L.) Resistance des spores du Bacillus subtilis aux differentes temperatures, dans une atmosphere saturee de ntethanal sec. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Parv 1907, lxii, 979-981.—Portier (P.) Resistance aux agents chimiquesde certaines races du B. subtihs provenant des insectes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1915, clxi, 397-399.—Seltz (A.) Pathogener Bacil- lus subtilis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxx, Orig., 113.—Vernier (P.) & Thiry (G.) Du verdissement de l'artichaut par des bacilles du groupe du Bacillus subtilis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxiv, 840.—Waelsch (L.) Ueber einen saurefeste Substanz bildenden Bacillus der Subtilis-Gruppe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. fete], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxxi, Orig., 503-511.— Weil (E.) Ueber die Wachstu msmoglichkeit des Heubazil- lus im Tierkorper. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xvhi, 662- 665. Bacillus suipestifer. See, also, Hog-cholera. Lussem ([G.] H.) ^Vergleichende Unter- suchungen iiber den Bacillus suipestifer (Uhlenhuth), den Bacillus paratyphi B und den Bacillus suipestifer des Hygienischen Instituts der Tierarztlichen Hochschule zu Hannover. [Giessen.] 8°. Hettstedt, 1909. Gardenghi (G. F.) La diffusione del B. suipestifer in rapporto alia patologia degli animali e dell' uomo. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1908, 2. s., i, 154-159—Hottinger (R.) Bacillus suipestifer; Spezifitatsfrage; mikrobiologische Ver- suche. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvii, 31-40—Kaunitz (P.) & Trawlfiskl (A.) Ueber den Befund von Bacillus suipestifer im Blutc eines kranken Menschen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 1098-1102 — Shoukevitch (J.) Recherches sur l'immunite des lapins contre le Bacillus siiiposticus. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1910, xxiv, 728-717.—Weil (E.) Paratyphus B-ahnli- che Krankheitserreger (Typhus suipestifer Voldagsen) in Albanien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 1061-1063. Bacillus tartaricus. Grimbert (L.) Action du Bacillus tartaricus sur le tartrate de chaux. Cinquanten. de la Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 419-427. Bacillus tetani. See Tetanus (Bacillus of). Bacillus thermophilus. Georgevltch (P.) Bacillus thermophilus vranjensis. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Berl., 1910, Lxxii, 201-210.-----. Bacillus thermophilus Jivo'ini nov sp. und Bacillus ther- mophilus Losanitchi nov. sp. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1910, xxvu. 150-167, 1 pi.-----. Note prehminaire sur la formation ex la germination des spores Bacillus thermophilus. du BacUlus thermophilus Jivo'ini nov. spec Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 4.56-458.-----. Formation et germination des spores du Bacillus thermophilus vragnensis Georgevitch. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, cliii, 837-839. Bacillus tuberculosis. See Tuberculosis (Bacillus of). Bacillus tumefaciens. Friedemann (U.), Bendix [et al.]. Der Pflanzenkrebs- erreger (B. tumefaciens) als Erreger menschlicher Krank- heiten. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1915, lxxx, 114-144, 1 pi. Bacillus tussis convulsivx. See Whooping-cough (Bacteriology of). Bacillus typhi exanthematici. See Fever (Typhus, Bacteriology of). Bacillus typhi spermophilorum. Mereshkowsky ( S. S.) Verfutterungsversuche an grauen Hausmiiusen mit einem erneuerten Stamme des Zieseltyphusbacillus (BacUlus typhi spermophilorum). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, hi, 1-4. -----. Virulenz des erneuerten Stammes des Zieseltyphus- bacUlus (Bacillus typhi spermophilorum) bei subkutaner Injektion am Ziesel. Ibid., 4-6.-----. Ueber die Eigentiim- hchkeiten des Bac typhi spermophhorum in Medien, welche Trauben- oder Mdchzucker enthalten. Ibid., Orig., 427-429. Bacillus typhosus. See Fever (Typhoid, Bacillus of). Bacillus verdnnensis. Penau (H.) Cytologic du Bacillus verdunensis Penau nov. sp. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1915, cLxi, 7-10. Bacillus Vincenti. See Bacillus fusiformis: Throat (Lnflamma- tion of, Ulcero-membranous, Bacillus of). Bacillus violaceus. Wooley (P. G.) Report on Bacillus viola- ceus Manila?, a pathogenic microorganism. 8°. Manila, 19104. Forms No. 15 of: Dep. Interior. Bureau Govt. Lab. Biol, and Serum Lab., Manila, 1904. Also, in Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1905, xvi, 89-93. Bacillus vitulisepticus. Schirop (H.) *Beitrag zur Biologie des Bacillus vitulisepticus und zur Immunisierung gegen die durch denselben hervorgerufene sep- tische Pneumonie der Kalber. [Bern.] 8°. Jena, 1908. Also, in: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908. xlvii, Orig., 307-342. Teike (R.) *Die Einwirkung von Lecithin, Muiracithin, Ovogal und Pepton auf den Bazil- lus vitulisepticus. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1909. Bacillus vulgaris. Kligter (1.3.) Observations on the metabolism of BacU- lus vulgaris. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1915, iv, 195. Bacillus Welchii. See Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Bacillus A'. See Fever ( Yellow, Causes, etc., of). Bacillus (The). Official organ Illinois Medical College Summer School of Medicine, v. 3, 1902-3. 8°. Chicago. Continued as: Illinois Medical Bulletin. Bacillus-carriers. See, aho, Contagious diseases, Diphtheria, •Fever (Typhoid), Meningitis (Cerebrospinal), etc.. Carriers of. Kulyosha (G. S.) Batsillonositeli i borba s nimi. [Carriers of bacilli and the struggle with them.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1914. Adam (A.) Versuche zur Umstimmung eines Korpers als Mittel zur Behandlung von Bazillentragern. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Infektionskr., Wiirzb., 1914, iii, 97-100.—Anderson BACILLUS-CARRIERS. 261 BACILLUS-CARRIERS. Bacillus-carriers. (A.) BacUlus carriers in disease. Pub. Health, Lond., 1911-12, xxv, 107.—Aokl (K.) Ueber die Komplement- bindungsreaktion und die hamolysehemmende Wirkung des Serums bei Bacillentragerkaninchen. Ztschr. f. Im- munitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1913, xix, Orig., 354-361.—Bacillendragers. Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. [etcl, Zwolle, 1916, xviii, 67.—Bartolucci (A.) I portatori di bacUli e gh insetti nella lotta contro le malattie infettive. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1911, xvi, 1; 17; 33.—Bedu. Resume d'une conference sur tes porteurs de germes. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1911, xix, 20-25.—Berro (R.). Portadores de germenes. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Monte- video, 1910, xhi, 326-339.—Bertarelli (E.) La lotta contro i portatori di germi. Gazz. d. osp.; Milano, 1917, xxxvih, 1113.—Bornstein (P.) Versuche uber die Moglichkeit, inflzierte Hande durch einfache Verfahren zu desinfizieren (mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Bazillentragerfrage). Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1914, lxxix, 145-169.—Boinet (E.) & Olmer (D.) Les porteurs de germes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1910, xiv, 418-447.—Brincker (J. A. H.) The carrier problem in the study of infec- tious disease, and the account of an interesting case of a persistent carrier. School Hyg., Lond., 1916, vii, 158- 164.—Broers (C. W.) Het onderzoek naar bacillendragers. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 242-250 — Browning (F. W.) Modifications in administrative measures necessitated by the carrier problem. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1914, xh, 12— Carnot (P.) Le traitement des porteurs de germes; bacUle diphterique, meningocoque, bacUle typhique. Paris med., 1916, vi, 231-238.—Carrieu. Les hacillaires dans l'armee. Mont- pel. med., 1916, xxxix, 311-315.—Ceradini (A.) I portatori di bacilh. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1910, xxxii, 137-157.—Collins (K. R.) BacUU carriers and their rela- tion to public health. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1911-12, lviii, 161-165.—Cuello (L.) Contribucten al estudio de la etiologia de las enfermedades infecto-contagiosas. Rev. valenc de cien. med., Valencia, 1914, xvi, 257-262.—D. (M. G.) Bacteriophoria (carriage of bacteria by carriers). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 633.—Daus (S.) Ueber Bazil- lentrager und Dauerausscheider. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 43-50.—Davis (D. J.) On certain relations of the lower animals to human disease. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1916, xhv, 337-347.—Dean (H. R.), Adam- son (R. S.) [et al.]. A bacteriological examination of con- valescents from the Mediterranean expeditionary force. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxvhi, 428-460.— Dugge. Bazillentrager und Invahdeurente. Aerztl. Sach- verst-Ztg., Berl., 1914, xx, 157-159— Escn (W. G.) Zur Frage der Bazillentrager. Therap. Rundschau, Berl., 1909, iii, 51.-----. Eine weitere Stimme zur Frage der gesunden BazUlentrager. Ibid., 1910, iv, 97.—Friedberger (E.) BazUlentrager, ihre Entstehung und Bekampfung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, lxiii, 1389—Grant (Sir J.) Carriers of disease. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1916-17, 1, 249-255.—Hanulton (Alice). The opsonic index of bacil- lus-carriers. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1909-10, viii, 28-30. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, hv, 704— Hata (S.) [Carriers of microorganisms.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1907, xxvi, No. 299, pt. 2,9-13.—Hehir (P.) Disease carriers in our army in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1913, xlvhi, 467-472.—Herz (A.) Die Behandlung der Bazillentrager. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1290- 1293.—Hetsch (H.) Die Verbreitung ubertragbarer Krank- heiten durch sogenannte Dauerausscheider und BazUlen- trager. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xlui, Ref., 161-172.—Heyn (C. P.) Die sanitatspolizeiliche Bedeutung der Bazillentrager bei der Verbreitung des Typhus derepidemischen Genickstarre und der Diphtheric Reichs- Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1909, xxxiv, 323; 345; 385; 405 — HU1 (H. W.) The carrier question. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1912-13, xlvi, 347-354.—Hornemann (O.) & Muller (Anna). Einrichtungen zur Verhutung der Ueber- tragungen von Infektionskrankheiten in Kinderspitalern und ihre Beurteilung nach den bisher vorliegenden experi- mentellen Untersuchungen. Ergebn. d. inn. Med. u. Kinderh., Berl., 1913, xi, 492-524—Hort (E. C.) The car- rier problem at home in time of war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 892-895. Also: 3. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., xxv, 515-524.—Htlne (C.) Der Einfluss gesunder Keim- trager bei der Verbreitung der Seuchen, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Truppen im Frieden und im Kriege. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1912, Wash., 1913, v, pt. 2, 441-456.—Jacobs thai (E.) Theoretisches und Prak- tisches uber Bazillentrager. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvu, 46.—Karell (W.) & Lucksch (F.) Die Befreiung der Bazillenausscheider von ihrem Uebel durchBehandlungmithomologemlmpfstofle. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 187-189—Kendall (A. I.) The bacillus carrier and the restaurant. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1916, vi, 726-729.—Kirchner (M.) Die Verbreitung ubertragbarer Krankheiten durch sogenannte "Daueraus- scheider" und "Bazillentrager." Khn. Jahrb., Jena, 1908, xix, 473-482.—Kulyosha (G. S.) [Carrying of pathogenic germs by healthy men.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 2088-2093—Lans (L. J.) BacUlendragers. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1918, i, 267.—Lebredo (M. G.) Organizacidn del servicio para investigar los portadores de Bacillus-carriers. germenes patogenos. San. y beneflc. Bol. otic, Habana, 1916, xvi, 73-78—Lederer (A.) The carrier problem. West Virg. M. J., Huntington, 1918-19, xhi, 127-132.—Lesne (E.) & Dreyfus (L.) Les porteurs de germes. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 65; 83—Lewis (D. M.) Apphcation of the factors controlling carriers of communicable diseases. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1918,xxv.,91-93. Aho,Reprint.—Losener. Die Bedeutung der Keimtrager fur die Truppe. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1911, xl, 185-206—Lunin (N. I.) [What shall we do with carriers of bacUli?] Pediatriya, S.- Peterb., 1913, iv, 209-216.—Luzzatti (T.) I portatori di germi patogeni. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1913, ui, 517-524 — McCampbell (E. F.) The relation of carriers to the spread of disease. Ohio Pub. Health J., Columbus, 1915, vi, 261- 270.—Madsen (T.) [Infection carriers.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kj0benh., 1909,lxxxi, 1279-1293—Martineau (G. E.) Les porteurs de baciUes. BulL san., Montreal, 1913, xhi, 198- 203.—Meader (F. M.) Vaccine treatment of carriers of disease. Tr. XV. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1912, Wash., 1913, iv, 174-181.—Miron (G.) Les porteurs de diflerents bacUles et l'etat hygienique de Bucarest. J. State Med., Lond., 1913, xxi, 729-740. Aho: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1914, xxxvi, 391-403— Muller (P. T.) Ueber Bazihentrager- untersuchungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 196; 543; 629.—Neisser (C.) Die Bedeutung der Bacihen- trager in Irrenanstalten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvh, 2142-2147. Aho: Internat. Kong. z. Fiirsorge f. Geisteskr. Off. Ber. 1910, Halle a. S., 1911, iv, 530-553—Pannenborg (A. E.) Die Gefahr der Bazillentrager und Daueraus- scheider an Bord. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1915, xix, 7; 33.—Petrie (G. F.) & O'Brien (R. A.) The experimental production of the carrier-state by feeding. Proc. Roy. Soc.Med., Lond., 1910-11,iv, Path. Sect., 70-72 — Petruschky. Erfolgreiche Versuche zur Entkeimung von Bazuientragern durch aktive Immunisierung und die hygienischen Konsequenzen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxvih, 1319-1324.—Poels (J.) Smet- stofdragers. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. Maandbl., 1908-9, xxxvi, 59-92, 1 pi.—Bitter. Die TuberkuldSe- und In- fluenza-BacUlen-Trager in oflenen Kurorten und in Heil- statten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1057-1059.—Sacquepee (E.) Les porteurs de germes (bacille dysenterique et vibrion cholerique). Bull, de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1910, vhi, 521-532.—Sawyer (W. A.) The prevention of carriers. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1914, iv, 217-221.-----. The disease carrier on train and steamboat. J. Sociol. Med., Easton, Pa., 1916, xvh, 131-139.—Scheller. Zur Frage der Bacillentrager. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 664. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 575.— Schutz (J. H.) Ueber die Massregeln gegen BazUlentrager in den Anstalten fur Geisteskranke. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1915, xlix, 310-344—Seitz (A.) BazUlentrager als Infectionsquelle. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1909-10, xxh, 251- 253.—Siebelt. Ueber die Bedeutung der Bazillentrager und Dauerausscheider fur die Verbreitung ansteckender Krankheiten in Kurorten. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1914, hx, 345; 349; 353. Aho: Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1914-15, vh, 241-247.—Sobernheim (G.) Batillentrager. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 1441; 1549. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1912), 1913, xlui, pt. 2, 330-343. [Discussion], 217-225, pt. 1 — Tate (R. B.) Dangers from bacUh carriers. Month. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus, 1911, i, 264-270.—Test! (F.) La dottrina dei portatori di germi e la profilassi delle malattie infettive nell' ambiente militare. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1911, hx, 128; 204.—Trillat (A.) Des conditions de transport des germes morbides par les vetements et les objets. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., lxxiii, 609- 613.—Ustvedt (Y.) Ueber die Gefahr der BazUlenaus- scheider bei Typhus- und Diarrhoekrankheiten. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1914, lxxvii, 22-34 — Vaillard (L.) Les porteurs de germes en epidemiologic Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1912, 4. s., xvh, 306-320. Aho: Rev. scient., Par., 1912, l, 298-303.-----. The Harben Lectures, 1914. Lecture I. Germ carriers from a public health point of view. J. State Med., Lond., 1914, xxh, 449-463.—Vilato (J.) Los portadores de germenes. Gac. med. catal., Bar- cel., 1911, xxxvih, 201-210.—Vincent (H.) Les porteurs latents de microbes pathogenes dans l'armee. Arch, de med. et pharm. mU., Par., 1909, Uv, 337-356. Aho: Compt. rend. d. xvi. Congres internat. a. med. 1909, Bu- dapest, 1910, Sect, xx, 370-382. —--- La bile et les por- teurs de germes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, lxxix, 580.—Welch (H. E.) How shall we guard against bacUlus carriers? Month. BulL Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus, 1911, i, 89-93—Wheeler (W. M.) Ants and bees as carriers of pathogenic micro-organisms. Am. Soc Trop. M., Phila., 1914, ix, 94-102. Aho: Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.l, N. Orl., 1914-15, ii, 160-168.—Wille (C. W.) Disease carriers. Quart. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus, 1910, u, 223- 234—WUlftthr (G.) Ueber die Bedeutung der BazUlen- trager fur die Verbreitung ubertragbarer Krankheiten. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Leipz., 1913, 3. F., xlvi, 142- 173.—Wingrave (W.) Meningococcus and diphtheria car- riers. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 880—Ziemann(H.) Schnel- lere Methode der Stuhlentnahme bei Massenuntersuchungen auf Bazillentrager. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 1102. BACK. 262 BACK-ACHE. Back. Arnold (J. P.) The importance of the physical examina- tion of the back in general diagnosis. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 491^495.—Collie (J.) Examination of the back. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1910, xxvu, 704- 719.—Howard (T.) Note on percussion of the back in the lateral posture. Hosp. Bull. Dep. Pub. Char., N. Y., 1917, i, 69.—Rutherford (N. C.) A .curious arrangement of the retro-clavicular musculature. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1910, xxxvu, 148-150.—Virchow (II.) Die Ruckenmuskeln des Schimpanse. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entweklngsgesch., Leipz., 1914, 319-350.—Young (A. H.) Observations on the lumbar arteries. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1904-5, xxxix, 295-300. Back (Tumors of). Botjan (P.) -^Contribution a l'etude des liporaes de la region dorso-lombaire. Sympto- mes, diagnostic. 8°. Toulouse, 1897. Addison (O. L.) Tumour on back, probably dermoid. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1910-11, iv, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 165.—Beattle. Pulsating tumour in back. North- umberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1899, vh 25.—Borelius. [A tumor of the back.[ Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1913, lxxv, 654.—Brunner (O.) Ueber die retrovis- ceralen Gesehwiilste und Strumen unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung ihrer Topographie und der Technik ihrer Opera- tion. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1902, xxxvi, 689-760 — Cestan (E.) Kyste congenital de la region posterieure du tronc avec malformations multiples. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 234.—Charbonnel. Volumineux fibro- lipome du dos. J. de nted. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 171.— Charles (Etta). Teratology; report of a case. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1897-8, xvi, 448-450.—Doran (A.) Lipoma of the lumbar region four pounds in weight, and of twenty years' growth. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1897), 1898, xxxix, 40.—Hamilton (J. A.) Case of large fatty tumor. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1898, xii, 321.—Kelynack (T. N.) Large lipoma or the back. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1897, cxiv, 53.—Komarevski (N. V.) [Lipoma dorsi.] [Large tumor of the back.] Chir. Lattop., Mosk., 1892, ii, 665-667.—Laigle & Debaise. Tumeur recidivante du dos, traitee par la fulguration. Ann. med.-chir.. Dour, 1912, xx. 50-52 — Peraire (M.) Fibrome de la region dorsale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 19u3, lxxvhi, 747.—Piollet (P.) Tumeur congenitale de la region lombaire. N. iconog. fde la Salpe- trtere, Par., 1900, xhi, 71-76, 1 pi.—Rowlands (R. P.) Demonstration upon a swelling in the loin. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1909, n. s., lxxxvii, 325.—Steele (D. A. K.) Telangiectatic lipoma. Ann. Surg., PhUa., 1906, xlui, 789, 3 pi. Back (Tumors of,Malignant). Auche (B.) & Vitrac (J.) Endotheliome intravascu- laire. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, gen., 333.—Briggs (C. S.) Alveolar sarcoma of the back. NashviUe J. M. & S., 1896, lxxx, 157.—Coley (W. B.) Small, round-celled sarcoma of the back successfully treated by the X-ray combined with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and BacUlus prodigiosus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xh, 770.— Francois-Dalnville. Angiome de la region dorsale dege- nere en fibrc-sarcome. Bull, et ntem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 141.—Hewson (A.) Sarcoma occurring in scar tissue of the back with metastasis to the lung, pressure necrosis of the aorta, with hemorrhage and death. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1910,li, 745-751.—LOpez Arrojo. Sarcomaen laregtenescapulo-raquideaderecha. Corresp.med., Madrid, 1898, xxxih. 390.—Morestin (H.) Epithelioma developpe sur une vieille loupe du dos. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 422-426.—Powers (C. A.) Sarcomata of the back; cases and comments. Colorado Med., Denver, 1903-4, i, 394-397. Back (Wounds and injuries of). Davis (E. L.) The Roentgen diagnosis of traumatic lesions of the lower back. Am. J. Roentgenol.. N. Y., 1918, n. s., v. 89-91.—Flelitz. Ein Schrapnellschuss in den Riicken. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 559.— Follis (R. H.) [A wound in the right lumbar region by a 38-caliber revolver; recovery.] Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1904, xv, 57.—Hamilton (J. B.) Contusion of the back-muscles. Internat. Clin., PhUa., 1897, 6. s., iv, 183.— Hammond (R.) Certain aspects of injuries of the lower back. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1916, xiv. 484-489. King (II. D.) Injuries of the back from a medico-legal standpoint. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1915-16, xi, 412-415. Lath- rop (W.) Remarks on contusion of the back and its com- plications based upon the observation of 296 cases. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 382-384. Aho: Therap. Gaz. [etc], Detroit, 1910,3.s.,xxvi, 172-174.—Leegaard(C) [Plaieper- forante du dos. Res.. 770.1 Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1903,5. R., 1,705-714.—Mann (E.C.) Injuries to the back, withoutapparentmechanicallesion,in theh surgical and medico-legal aspects. Times A Reg., Phila. & Bost., 1896, xxxii, 450-456.—Martin (J.) Notes on injuries of the back as they occur in military practice. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1k(i5, Lond., 1896, xxxvU) 386-389.—Mercade (S.) La voie Back (Wounds and injuries of). sous-peritoneale pour l'extraction des projectiles paraverte- braux. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, n. s., lxxvu, 170.— Morley (A. S.) Injuries of the back, considered from their medico-legal aspect. Tr. Med.-Leg. Soc, Lond., 1913-14, xi, 1-19. Aho: Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond., 1914, Sect, xix, Forens. Med., pt. 2, 153-170.—Pierce (F. E.) Traumas of the back and spine. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxiii, 332-338.— Quenu (E.) Gros eclat d'o- bus de 385 grammes dans la region dorsale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xiii, 2207.—Sandes (J. D.) Trench back treated by sodium salicylate ionization. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, u, 215—Sever (J. W.) The value of diagnosis in back lesions. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 857-864— Shumebotham (F.) An address on the impor- tance of early functional treatment in cases of contusions and sprains of the back. Lancet, Lond., 1912, u: 425-428.— Stetson (H. G.) Injuries to the muscles and ligaments of the back. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xix, 174-177 — Toussaint (H.) Blessure lombaire par eclat d'obus. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xh, 769. den Back (Abraham). *De disetse in curandis morbis efficacia. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1705. [P., v. 2242.] Back (Adolf). *Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage der Blutauslaugung durch Diuretica beim gesunden und kranken Menschen. 51 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1895. de Back (James). de Feyler (F. M. G.) Bijdrage tot de kennis omtrenf het leven van Jacobus de Back. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Arast , 1909, i, 1879-1886. -----. Harvey's leer in Nederland: Jacob de Back en zijn werk. Med. Rev., Haar- lem, 1911, xi, 99-112. Back (Martin Richard) [1870- "|. *Exostosis cartilaginea tibia?, ein in der konigl. chirurg. Universitats-Klinik zu Kiel operierter und geheilter Fall. 26 pp., 1 1.. 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1902. Back (Sonja Eugenie). *Kryofin, ein neues Antipyreticum nach Beobachtungen auf der Zurcher medicinischen Klinik des Herrn Prof. Dr. Eichhort. [Zurich.] 39 pp., 31 diagrs. 8°. Wien, 1898. Back (Wilhelm). *Klinisches und Experimen- telles uber die Narkose. 46 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi. 1907. ------. SchiichtenoderBetauben?eineBedurfnis- frage. Ein Beitrae: zum Erlass eines Reichs- schlachtgesetzes. '_n pp. S°. Strassburg i. E., E. d'Oleire d- Rasch. 1911. See, aho, Kurpfuschertum (Das) [etc.]. 8°. Strass- burg, [n. d.]. Back-ache. See, also, Lumbago. Baker (T.) Genito-urinary causes of low back pain. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1917, xv, 819-825. [Discussion], 832-839—Bates (Mary E.) Posterior ihum backaches and their mechanical treatment. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, s(0-834— Berkeley (C.) Backache. Practitioner, Lond., 1911, lxxxvii, 477-494.—Blssell (D.) What informationmav we obtain from symptomatology in gynecological cases with special reference to backache? Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, hii, 509-511. [Discussion], 569-571—Blan chard (W.) & Parker (C. A.) A resection of the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra for the reUef of painful back. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1915-16, xiii, 250-256.—Branson. Limping and lumbar pain. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1911-12, xxxv, 398.—Brooke (J. A.) Backache from the standpoint of the orthopedist. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1917, Iii, 531-540.—Cloja (A.) II dolore ai lombi. Arte ostet, Mi- lano, 1902, xvi, 97-100.—Colvln (A. R.) Lower back pain. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1918, xvi, 381 ;86— Cooper (CM.) Backache. Cahf. State J. M., San Iran, 1909, vii, 221; 242.—von Crlegern. Ueber Riickensi■hmer/on. Fort- schr. d. Med., Berl., 1910, xxviii, 353-360.—Cuscaden (G.) Some common causes oi bachache. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1903, xxii, 566.—Davis (G. G.) Lumbo-saeral pains considered anatomically. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1917, xv,803-806. [Discussion],832-839.—Epstein(S.) Backache, some of its orthopedic aspects. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 761. Also, Reprint.—Fassett (F. J.) Dis- placements of bones as a cause of low back pains. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1917, xv, 826-839.—Fenwick (B.) Backache in women. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1902. xxx, 721-724.—Fisher (M. K.) X-rav as a diagnostic aid in backache. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1918, cvii, 1176-117S. BACK-ACHE. 263 BACON. Back-ache. Aho, Reprint.—Oarrigues (L. F.) The causes and the treatment of backache in women. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, 1U, 11-13.—Graves (J. C.) Backache from the view- point of the orthopedist. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1916, xv, 166-168.—Graves (W. P.) Gynecological paper. [Pelvic disease as a cause of back pain.J Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1917, xv, 807-813. [Discussion], 832-839.—Henninger (C. H.) Cord and nerve affections causing low back pain. Ibid., 814-818. [Discussion], 832-839.—Hessler (R.) Back- ache. Month. Bull. Indiana Bd. Health, Indianap., 1904, vi, 113-115.—Hughes-Hielscher (Helen). Some remarks on the symptom of pain in the back in women. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1913, xv, 132-134.—Hunter (C. H.) A new use for a foot-ball. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906, xxvi, 36.—Kosmak (G. W.) Gynecological aspects of backache. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 589-592. Also, Reprint— Langdon (F. W.) Pain in the back. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. S., liv, 121-124.—Littig (L. W.) Chronic bachache. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1915, xxxiv, 77-81.—Lovett (R. W.) Clinical observations on back- ache. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 965-968. Aho, Reprint. -----. The causes and treatment of chronic backache; with a consideration ofthe diagnosis of sacro-iliac relaxation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxii, 161.5-1620.—Luce (T. W.) Backache in women. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1906, 138-141.—McWalter (J. C.) Belgium back or trench back. Med. Times, Lond., 1916, xhv, 65.—Magnuson (P. B.) Backache; some disputed points in the mechanics thereof. Internat. Chn., Phila., 1916, 26. s., iv, 223-235,11 pi. -----. Bachache, acute and chronic, from a mechanical standpoint. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1916, xxiii, 1-8.— Marshall (H. W.) Chronic backache. Boston M. & S. J., 1916, clxxiv, 591-606.-----. Back troubles; a review of the present situation from a series of hospital cases; and a dis- cussion of musculo-hgamentous causes. Ibid., 1918, clxxviii, 279-292.—Mosse (M.) Ueber den Kreuzschmerz. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1904, xiv, 549-551.—Neustaedter (M.) Backache from the standpoint of the neurologist. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 590-592. Aho, Reprint—Newelt(L.), Hoffl (L. L.) [et al.~\. How do you treat backache in women? N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcv, 179; 232—Nichol (A. G.) Low back pains. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1918-19, xi, 185.—Nutter (J. A.) Backache. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916, vi, 474-477.—O'Ferrall (J. T.) An anatomic expla- nation of many ofthe cases of low back-ache and sciatic pain. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1914-15,608-617, lpl—Ogilvy (C.) Chronic backache; aetiology; treatment. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xchi, 773-776. Aho, Reprint. -----. Backache, a plea for a more careful examination and a more definite diagnosis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, c, 1107-1110. Aho, Reprint.— Osmond (A. E.) Baggage smasher's backache. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1914, cxi, 710.—Parke (W. E.) Backache in women and its treatment. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1906, 3 s., xxh, 83-85.—Parrott (J. M.) Backache from a surgical standpoint. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1911, lxiv, 85.—Piatt (H.) Backpainanditsdiagnosis; a study of a series of cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1914, clxx, 982-986.-----. Chronic back- ache, its etiology and diagnosis. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1914-15, lx, 80-91.—Prentiss (D. W.) Lumbar and sacral backache in women. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1914, lxix, 115- 118. [Discussion], 162.—Reynolds (E.) & Lovett (R. W.) An- experimental study of certain phases of chronic back- ache; a combined gynecologic and orthopedic investigation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1033-1043. Aho, Re- print.—Reynolds (W. S.) Pain in the back. Arch. Diag., N. Y., 1917, x, 202-206.—Richardson (E. H.) Interpre- tation of lumbo-sacral backache in women. South M. J., Birmingham, 1918, xi, 139-144.—Rothrock (J. L.) The role played by the sexual organs in women in the produc- tion of backache. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1912, xxxii, 411-413.—de Koulet (A.) The cause and treatment of back- ache in women. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1910-11, lxiii, 531-536, 1 pi.—Sever (J. W.) The value of diagnosis in back lesions. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 857-864. Aho, Reprint. -----. The diagnosis of the conditions causing painful and irritable backs. Boston M. & S. J., 1918, clxxviii, 323-327. Aho, Reprint.—Shackleton (W. E.) Some of the surgical aspects of painful back. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 1600-1602. Also, Reprint.—Stalberg (S.) Backache in women. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcv, 178.—Swaim (L. T.) The functional weak back. Clifton Med. Bull., Clifton Springs, N. Y., 1913-14, i, 132-135.—Van Zwaluwen- burg (J. G.) Anomahes of the hfth lumbar in relation to backaches. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1916, vh, 119-123. Aho: 3. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1916, xv, 428-432.—Vest (W. E.) Backache among raUway employees. West Virg. M. J., Huntington, 1916, xi, 121- 124.—Welnstein (II.) Backache, from the internist's stand- point. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 706-708. Aho, Re- print.—Wilson (H. A.) Variations in the lateral processes of the fifth lumbar vertebra in the etiology of backache. West Virg. M. J., Huntington, 1918, xii, 281-286.—Wood- bury (M. S.) Back-ache from the medical viewpoint. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1919, xix, 18-20— Work (J. A.) Backache in women. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1918, xi, 9-13. Backe (Georg Hermann) [1876- ]. *Ein Bei- trag zur konservativen Behandlung ausgedehn- ter Fusswurzelcaries. 32 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. de Backer (Felix). See Debacker. Backer (Max) [1887- ]. *Das Vulva-Carci- nom in seiner Aetiologie und Prognose beleuch- tet an der Hand von 24 in der Erlanger Frauen- klinik beobachteten Fiillen. 145 pp., 11., 1 pL, 1 tab. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn. 1912. Backhaus (Franz) [1870- ]. *TJeber Mesar- teriitis syphilitica und deren Beziehungen zur Aneurysmenbildung der Aorta. 28 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, 1897. Backhaus [Johann Friedrich] [1876- ]. *Ueber Entstehung und Behandlung der kom- pleten 'Dammrisse. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt & Klaunig, 1902. Backman _(E. Louis). Influence des produits physiologiques de renouvellement organiques et azotes sur le coeur isole et survivant des mam- miferes. 140 pp., 9 ch. 8°. Upsala, C. J. Lundstrom, 1906. Forms pt. 1 of: Upsala Lakaref. Forh. Festskr. . . . Hammarsten, 1906. Backman (Woldemar). *Experimentella studier ofyer den diatetiska behandlingen vid de s. k. irritativa funktionsstoringarna i ventrikelslem- hinnan. ['Experimental studies on the dietetic treatment of the so-called irritative disturbances of the mucous membrane of the stomach.] 170 pp., 1 L, 3 ch. 8°. Helsingfors, Aktieb. B. Tilgmann, 1899. ------. Om behandlingen af de hos allmogen i norden vanligaste magsjukdomarna. [On the treatment of the gastric diseases prevalent among the peasantry of the north.] 128 pp., xi, 11. 8°. Helsingfors, 1904. Backmund (Karl). Entwicklung der Haare und Schweissdriisen der Katze. [Bern.] 71 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1904. Backus (Mrs. Henry). The career of Dr. Weaver. Illustrated by Wilham Van Dresser, viii (1 L). 379 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Boston, L. C. Bage dc Co., 1913. Backus heater (The). 31 pp. 16°. Bhiladelphia, [1895, vel subseq.]. Baclanowsky (Catherine). Contribution a l'e- tude du mode d'infection du larynx dans la tuberculose laryngee. 60 pp. 8°. Bausanne, 1905. Bacmeister (Adolf) [1882- ]. *Die Methoden der Hamoglobinbestimmung zum klinischen Gebrauch. 27 pp., 11. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1905. ------. Die Entstehung der menschlichen Lun- genphthise. v, 80 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1914. See, aho, Aschoff (Ludwig) & Bacmeister (Adolf). Die Cholelithiasis, roy. 8°. Jena, 1909. Bacon (Charles Giles) [1814-1906]. [Obituary.] Albany M. Ann., 1907, xxviii, 251, port. Bacon (Charles Sumner) [1856- ]. Synopsis of lectures on obstetrics ... in the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois. 3 p. 1., 196 pp. 8°. Chicago, [Am. Med. Ass. Bress], 1913. ------. Obstetrical nursing; a manual for nurses and students and practitioners of medicine. Illustrated with 123 engravings, xii, 17-355 pp., front. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Bea dc Febiger, 1915. Bacon (Edward Sawyer) [1863-1913]. [Obituary.] Providence M. J., 1914, xv, 51. BACON. 264 BACTERIA. Bacon (Francis) [Lord Verulam] [1561-1626]. History, naturali and experimentall, of life and death or of the prolongation of life. Written in Latine by the Right Honorabl Francis Led. Verulam, Vis-Count St. Alban. 14 p. 1., 434 pp. 16°. London, W. Lee dc H. Mosley, 1638. For Portrait, see Phil. Port. Ser., Chicago, 1898, pt. 1. ------. See, also: Gardiner (S. R.) Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1885, u, 328-360.—Perry (R. B.) The prophecy of Francis Bacon, 1560-1910; a pioneer in new fields of intellectual enterprise. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1910, lxix, 347.—Richardson (B. W.) Sir Francis Bacon as a master of physic. In hh: Disciples of iEsculapius, 8°, Lond., 1900, i, 402-424, port.—Steeves (G. W.) Medical al- lusions in the writings of Francis Bacon. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1912-13, vi, Sect. Hist. Med., 76-96. Bacon (George Washington). Keeping young and well. 177 pp. 8°. New York, E, J. Clode, [1917]. Bacon (Gorham). Diseases and injuries of the membrana tympani, and acute otitis media, in- cluding preventive hygiene. In: Syst. Dis. Ear, Nose, & Throat (Burnett), Phila., 1893, i, 255-322. ------. A manual of otology. With an introduc- tory chapter by Clarence John Blake, xii, 398 pp. 12°. New York dc Bhiladelphia, Lea Brothers dc Co., 1898. ------. The same. 2. ed. viii, 17-422 pp. 8°. New York dc Bhiladelphia, Bea Bros, dc Co., 1900. ------. The same. 3. ed. 445 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1902. ------. The same. 6. ed. 2 p. 1., 7-8, 17-536 pp., 12 pi. 8°. New York dc Bhiladelphia, Bea dc Febiger, 1913. ------. The same. 7. ed. 1 p. 1., 5-583 pp., 2 pi. 12°. New York dc Bhiladelphia, Lea dc Febiger, 1918. Bacon (John) [1817-81]. Obituary. Proc Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1882-3, n. s., x, 419. Bacon (John) [1865-1915]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 731. Bacon (Leonard). The beloved physician. A discourse delivered in First Church in New Haven at the interment of Jonathan Knight. 28 pp. 8°. New Haven, T. J. Stafford, 1864. Bacon (Raymond F.) & Dunbar (P. B.) Changes taking place during the spoilage of tomatoes, with methods for detecting spoilage in tomato products. 15 pp. 8°. Washington, 1911. V. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Chemistry, Wash., 1911, Circ. 78. Bacon (Roger) [1214(?)-94]. Elfferding (H.) *Roger Bacons Schriften uber die kritischen Tage, mit einer Abhandlung iiber Bacons medizinische Anschauungen ein- geleitet und zum ersten Male nach der Hand- schrift in Erfurt hrsg. 8°. Erfurt, 1913. Little (A. G.) Roger Bacon: Essays, contrib- uted by various writers on the occasion of the commemoration of the seventh centenary of his birth, collected and ed. by A. G. Little. S°. Oxford 1914. Adamson(R) Roger Bacon (1214(?)-1294. Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1885, ii, 374-37*.- [Biography.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 136.5-1367.- Thorndlke (L.) Roger Bacon and gunpowder. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xlh, 799. Bacon (William Turner) [1846-1906]. Howe (II. G.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hart- ford, 1906, 281-283.—Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 973. Bacot (A. W.) Notes respecting the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius). 495 pp. 8°. [London, n. d.] Bacque (Armand-Gabriel) [1879- ]. *L'hys- tero-traumatisme et la loi sur les accidents. 62 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 12. Bacquelin (Paul) [1869- ]. Complication rare de la scarlatine; anevrysme extra-cranien de la carotide interne. 47 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 626. Bacquie (Lucien) [1872- ]. *Revue critique sur l'extension au clou (Nagelextension) dans le traitement des fractures. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 133. Bacteria. See, also, Bacillus; Bacteriology; Diplo- coccus; Meningococcus; Microorganisms; Proteus; Schizomycetes; Staphylococcus; Streptococcus; Vibrio; under subjects such as Air, Feeces, Milk, Soil, Urine, Water (Bac- teriology of); and under bacteriology of the various infectious diseases. Bodin (E.) Les bacteries de l'air, de l'eau et du sol. 12°. Barh, [1905]. Bruere (R. W.) The microbe as a social reformer. 8°. New York, 1910. Cutting from: Harper's Mag., N. Y., 1910, exxi, 591-596. Cohx (F.) Ueber Bacterien, die kleinsten lebenden Wesen. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Cole (A. H.) Plain talks on the bacteria. 12°. Chicago, 1895. Coxx (H. W.) The story of germ life. Bacte- ria. 16°. London, 1897. ------. Thesame. 8°. New York, 1915. Fischer (A.) Untersuchungen iiber Bakte- rien. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Repr.from: Jahrb. f. wissensch. Botanik, 1894, xxvh. ------. Vorlesungen iiber Bakterien. 2. ver- mehrte Aufl. 8°. Jeua, 1903. Fokker (A.) De bactereologische leer. 8°. Groningen, 1899. Fraxklaxd (Mrs. P) Bacteria in daily life. 8°. London, New York d- Bombay, 1903. Glyxx (E. E.) Microbes and the war, with comments on the national neglect of natural science. 8°. Liverpool dc London, 1916. Gutzeit (E.) Die Bakterien im Kreislauf des Stoffes in der Natur und im Haushalt des Men- schen. 12°. Leipzig, 1909. Knaggs (H. V.) The microbe as friend and foe. 8°. London, 1908. Marpmaxx (G.) Die Spaltpilze, Grundzuge der Spaltpilz- oder Bakterienkunde. 8°. Halle a. S., .1884. Migula (W.) Die Bakterien. 2. vermehrte und verbesserte Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1903. Morris (R. T.) Microbes and men. 8°. Garden City, N. Y., 1915. Newman (G.) Bacteria, especially as they are related to the economy of nature, to industrial processes, and to the public health. 8°. London, 1899. ----. The same. 8°. New York dc London, 1899. Prvddex (T. M.) The story of the bacteria and their relations to health and disease. 8°. New York cC- London, 1889. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New York dc London, 1910. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New York d- London, 1917. Reitz(A.) Die Bakterien; eine Einfuhrung in das Reich der Mikroorganismen. 8°. Stuttgart, 1911. Stevens (C. A.) My experience and educa- tion during three months' association with the bacteria family. 8°. New York, 1908. BACTERIA. 265 BACTERIA. Bacteria. Thomson (W. H.) Indispensable bacteria. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: Everybody's Mag., N. Y., 1909, xxi, 242-248. V. (0. D.) De bacterien; hun vorm ontwick- keling en vermenigvuldiging populair beschre- ven. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Wassermann (A.) Die Bedeutung der Bak- terien fiir die Gesundheitspflege. 12°. Miin- chen, 1905. Abbott (J. F.) & Life (A. C.) Galvanotropism in bac- teria. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1908, xxh, 202-206.—An- drewes (F. W.) The nature and degree of specific differ- ences amongst bacteria. Lancet, Lond., 1913, u, 1239-1243. Aho: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1913-14, vii, Path. Sect., 1-15.—Bahadhurji (K. N.) The shibboleth of germ theory; its delusions and mischief. Indian Lancet, Calcutta 1896, vii, 541-544: vhi, 14-18.—BaU (O.) Beziehungen zwischen Aggressivitat und Leibessubstanz von Bakterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, hi, 1865; 1935.—Barbe- zieux (G.) Du role des microbes. Presse ined., Par., 1909, xvh, 829-832.—Bastian (H. C.) On the great importance from the point of view of medical science of the proof that bacteria and their allies are capable of arising de novo Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1220-1224.-----. The evidence for the heterogenetic origin of bacteria. Ibid., 1904, i, 1151.— Beijerinck (M. W.) Over ohgonitrophile bacterien. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. VersL, 1900-1901, ix, 633- 642. Aho, transl.: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1900-1901, iU, 586-595. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1901, vh, 561-582,1 pi.-----. Ueber die Bakterien, welche sich im Dunkeln mit Kohlen- saure als Kohlenstoffquelle ernahren konnen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1903-4, xi, 593-599.—Bezzola (C.) Ueber die sogenannten tierischen Bacillen (Bail). Ibid., Jena, 1908, xlviii, Orig., 36-41.—Biagi (M.) Impor- tanza della vita microbica. Igiene mod., Genova, 1917, x, 273-284.—Blondeau. De la preexistence et de l'invaria- bilit6 des germes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par-., 1847, xxv, 359.—Bokorny (T.) Ernahrbarkeit der SpaltpUze durch verschiedene Kohlenstoffverhindungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1897, lxvi, 114-144.—Bordet. La question des races en bacteriologie et l'influence des condi- tions d'alimentation. BulL Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1910, lxviii, 104-108.—Burrage (S.) Useful bacteria. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Logansport, 1901,281-286.—van Calcar (R. P.) Speciflciteit, verwantschap en pathogenese. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, ii, 281-288.—Cole (L. J.) & Wright (W. H.) Application of the pure-line concept to bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1916, xix, 209-221.—Conn (H. W.) Some uses of bacteria. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1892, xxvi, 901; 987.—Corby (H.) Bac- teria the foes and friends of man. Med. Times & -Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1906, xxxiv, 172; 186; 201.—Eisenberg. Ueber die Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften bei Bakterien. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1912, Bresl., 1913, ii, 76-78.—Ellis (D.) A contribution to our knowledge of the thread-bacteria. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, 502-518: 1910, xxvi, 321-329, 3 pi.—von Esmarch (E.) Ueber kleinste Bakterien una das Durch- wachsen von Filtern. Ibid., 1902, xxxii, 561-569, 1 pi.— Fokker (A. P.) Versuch einer neuen Bakterienlehre. Ibid., 1903, xxxiii, Referate, 1-6. Aho, Reprint.—Galeotti (G.) & Levi (E.) La flore bacterique dans les glaciers du Mont Rosa. Atti d. lab. scient. A. Mosso [etc.], Torino, 1912, hi, 12-21.—Geneau de Lamarliere. Les bacteriacees fossiles. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1899, xxih, 297- 305.—Geraghty (J. T.) Persistent bacteria. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1909, xx, 12-17.—Gerlach & Vogel. Stickstoflsammelnde Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, vhi, 669-674.—Ghon (A.) & Mucha (V.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Bakterien des Menschen. Ibid., 1909, xlix, Orig., 493-507, 1 pi.—Gosio (B.) Indicatoren des Bakterienlebens und ihre praktische Bedeutung. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1905-6, li, 65-125.—Haendel & Baerthletn. Ueber chinin- feste Bakterienstamme. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lvh, Ref., Beiheft, 196-201— Herter (C. A.) Character of the bacterial flora of carnivorous and of herbivorous animals. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxiv, 859-861.—Hesse (E.) Bakteriologische Untersuchungen auf einer Fahrt nach Island, Spitzbergen und Norwegen im Juli 1913. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxii, Orig., 454-477.—Jungano (M.) Bacille neigeux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 677-679.— Kligler (I. J.) The evolution and relationship ofthe greatgroups of bacteria. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, ii, 165- 176.—Kohne (W.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis arzneifester Bakterienstamme. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1914, xx, Orig., 531-542— Kohn (E.) Wei- tere Beobachtungen uber saccharophobe Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1906, xvii, 446- 453.—Kruse. Beziehungen zwischen Plasmolyse, Ver- daulichkeit, Loslichkeit und Farbbarkeit von Bakterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvii, 6S5.—Laberge (J. E.) Bacteria. La physiologie des bacteries. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1898, xxvu, 257-263—Lambotte (U.) Les mi- crobes invisibles. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1904, xlui, 228-239.-Lieske (R.) Kohlenstoff-autotrophe Bak- terien. Naturwissenschaften, Berl., 1914, ii, 914-91S — Maher(S. J.) The bacterial flora of trees and men. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1915, lxxxviii, 89-92.- Marks (L. H.) Ueber einen arsenfesten Bakterienstamm. Ztschr. f. Immuni- tatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1910, vi, Orig., 293- 298— Metchnikoff [et al.]. Roussettes et microbes. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1909, xxiii, 937-97*, 3 pi.—Millican (K. W.) Specific differences amongst bacteria. Lancet, Lond., 1913, ii, 1731.—Mitchell (Iv) The passing of the bacillus. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 18!i7 n. s., xvi, 351- 358.—Mitchell (W. C.) Commercial activities which de- pend on bacteria for their existence. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1901, 111-131.—Mitscherlich (E. A.) Bakterien- kult. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1910, xxvi, 513-519.—Osborn (H. F.) Algonkian bacteria and popular science. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1917, n. s., xlvi, 432-434.—Perotti (R.) Ueber die Dicyandiamid- bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908, xxi, 200-231—Portier (P.) La vie dans la nature a l'abri des microbes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lvih, 605-607.—Ransom (W.) Bacteria. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Municip. & Co. Engin., Lond. & N. Y., 1912-13, xxxix, 23-36.—Renault (B.) & Bertrand (C.-E.) Premieres ob- servations sur des bacteries coprophiles de l'epoque per- mienne. Ass. franc pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1894, Par., 1895, xxhi, pt. 2, 583-587.—Salvat (A.) Concepto de bac- terias. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1914, lxii, 129-133.—Sarail- hac- Des microbes, de leur role dans le monde organise, dans la genese et la guerison des maladies. Art med., Par., 1898, Ixxxvi, 81-92.—Schaudinn (F.) Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Bakterien und verwandter Organismen. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1903, ii, 421-444, 1 pi.—Schurmayer (C. B.) Artenconstanz der Bakterien und Descendenz- theorie. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 406-408.—Smith (R. T.) An apology for bacteria. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1902, exiii, 9-22.—Sohngen (N. L.) Ueber Bakterien, welche Methan als Kohlenstoffnahmng und Energiequelle gebrau- chen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905. xv, 513-517.—Sperlich (A.) Ueber Salztoleranz bezw, Halophilie von Bakterien der Luft, der Erde und des Was- sers. Ibid., 1912, xxxiv, 406-430.—Stigell (R.) Ueber das spezifische Gewicht einiger Bakterien. Ibid., 1907. xiv, Orig., 487-491.—Tilmant (A.) Le mimetisme bacillaire Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1914, lxxvi, 634.—Wain. wright (J. W.) To what extent are we indebted to germs- Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1907, xxhi, 193-198— Weiger? (C.) Zur Bakterienfrage. 1877. In his: Gesamm. Abt hand., 8°, Berl., 1906,ii,412-426.—Wladimiroff (A.) Osmo- tische Versuche an lebenden Bakterien. Ztschr. f. phys- Chemie, Leipz., 1891, vh, 529-543.—Young (C. D.) Bac teria in their relation to health and disease. Am. J. Nursing- Phila., 1902-3, iii, 364; 426; 536; 610; 704. Bacteria (Absorption of). See Bacteria in the animal body. Bacteria (Acid-fast). See, also, Leprosy (Bacillus of); Tuberculosis (Bacillus of). Doerr (H.) *Untersucbungen iiber das Vorkommen saurefester Bakterien in der Umge- bung der Menschen und der Tiere. 8°. Giessen, 1914. Meyer (K. F.) *Ueber die durch saurefeste Bakterien hervorgerufene diffuse Hypertrophic der Darmschleimhaut des Rindes. [Zurich.] 8°. Jena, 1908. Babes (V.) Les corpuscules m^tachromatiques des bacilles acido-r£sistants. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol , Par., 1910, lxviii, 315-318.-----. Ueber metachromatische Kor- perchen in den acido-resistenten Bacillen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 501-503.—Beck (M.) Zur Frage der saurefesten Bazillen. Tuberk.-Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1905,145-lf.O—Benians (T. H. C.) Observations on the Gram-positive and acid-fast properties of bacteria. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1912-13, xvu, 199-211—von Betegh (L.V Neue differentialdiagnostische Farbeme- thode fiir Tuberkel-Perlsucht und andere saurefeste Bacil- len, nebst Strukturstudien bei verschiedenen saurefesten Bakterienarten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvh, Orig., 654-664.-----. Ueber eine neue Methode zur Darstellung der Sporen und Struktur bei den saurefesten Bakterien. Ibid., 1909, hi, 550-554— Burvill- Holmes (E.) A specimen demonstrating acid-fast organ- isms in distilled water. Proc Path. Soc. Phila., 1910, n. s., xiii, 31; 154.—Camus (J.) & Pagniez (P.) Proprietes acido-resistantes des aeides gras. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par., 1905, lix, 701—Clifford (A. BA.,) re acid fast bacte, BACTERIA. 266 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Acid-fast). ria other than the tubercle bacUlus commonly met in chnical laboratory work? N. York M. J. [etc], 1910, xci, 740-742.— Courmont (P.) Influence de la glycerine sur le pouvoir chromogene des bacilles acido-resistants. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 221-223.—Courmont (P.) & Descos (A.) Cultures liquides homogenes et mobilite des bacilles acido-resistants. Ibid., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1355-1357.— Cowie (D. M.) A preliminary report on acid-resisting bacilli, with special reference to their occurrence in the lower animals. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1900, v, 205-214.— D'Amore (M.) Contributo alio studio delle lesioni prodotte dai batterh acido-resistenti. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1906, n. s., xxviii, 492-503— Delbanco (E.) Ueber die Ursachen der Saurefestigkeit der Tuberkel- und Lepra- bacillen; die Saurefestigkeit der Lycopodiumspore, der Korkzelle u. a. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1903, xxxvu, 245-267.—Dembinski (B.) Ueber die Bakteriolyse der saurefesten BazUlen. Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1907, x, 423-430.—Dufourt (A.) & Gate. Pouvoir hemolytique des bacilles acido-resistants. J. de physiol.et de path, gen., Par., 1912, xiv, 554-559.—Fagiuoli (A.) Osservazioni e considerazioni sulla presenza di bacilli acido-resistenti nei sangue circolante. Riforma med., Napoli, 1913, xix, 267; 296.—Favero (F.) Circa l'alcool-acido-resistenza del bacillo omogeneo di Arloing. Chn. vet., Milano, 1911, xxxiv, 1002- 1004.—Feistmantel (R. A.) Ueber die Erreger der Actino- mykose der Tuberculose und die saurefesten Pilze. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1902, 62.—Finkelshteln (Y.) [Tu- bercle bacillus and similar acid-resisting microbes; their relation to actinomyces.) Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec. pt., 1206-1229.—Fischer (H.) Zum Begrifl der Saurefestigkeit. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol.fetc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912,lxiii, Orig., 542.—Fortineau (L.) & Ertaud Etude d'un bacille acido-resistant isole chez l'homme. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1912, 2. s., xxx, 510-515—Frei (W.) & Pokschischewsky (N.) Zur Frage der sogenannten Saurefestigkeit. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lx, Orig., 161-167.—Graham (B. G.) How to produce acid fast bacUli. J. Kansas M. Soc, Lawrence, 1905, v, 480-482.—Harris (W. H.) & Lanford (J. A.) The com- plement fixation test (Gay's modification of the Besredka method) in the differentiation of acid-fast bacilli. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1913, xiii, 301-308.—Hart (L.) The acid fast bacteria and some points of difference. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., [Jackson], 1911, xliv, 79-84.—Herr. Ein Beitrag zur Verbreitung der saurefesten BacUlen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1901, xxxviii, 201-204.—HOl- scher. Ueber experimentelle Untersuchungen mit saurefes- ten Bacillen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1901, xv, 966.— Jancso (N.) & Eller (A.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen mit den praktisch wichtigeren saurefesten Bazillen. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb., 1910, xvhi, 175-302.—Kar- linski(J.) Zur Kenntnis der saurefesten Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 521-530.— Karwacki (L.) Sur l'homogeinisation des bacilles acido- resistants. Ztschr. f. Tuberk;, Leipz., 1906, ix, 226-228 — Kendall (A. I.), Walker (A. W.) & Day (A. A.) A com- parison of the curves of lipolytic activity and proteolysis of certain acid-fast bacilli in nutrient broths. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xv, 467^71—Kersten (H. E.) Ueber einen neuen saure- una alkoholfesten Erdbacillus, nebst kurzen Bemerkungen uber die zu seiner Isolierung angewandten Methode (Antiforminmethode nach Uhlenhuth und Ker- sten). Centralbl.f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt. Jena, 1909, li, 494- 497.—Korn (O.) Zur Kenntnis der saurefesten Bakterien. Ibid., 1899, xxv, 532-541; 1900, xxvh, 481-486.—Leese (A. S.) Acid-fast bacilhin camel's lung with lesions resembling those of tuberculosis. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1910, xxiii, 358.—Lombardo Pellegrlno (P.) Sui bacilli acidoresistenti. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1906, n. s., xvi, 163-198, 1 pi.—Maher (S. J.) What are acid-fasts? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi. 1027-1029. Also, Reprint. -----. Some sources of acid-fasts. Internat. Tuberk.- Konf. Ber. 1908, Berl., 1909, 145-14S Marchoux (E.) Formes d'involution en boules des bacilles acido-resistants. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par.. 1912, v, 13-16.—Marchoux (E.) & Halphen (E.) Bacille acido-resistant trouve dans diverses mucosites d'origine humaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxiii, 249-252—MOIIer (A.) Ueber saurefeste Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1902, xxvhi, 466; 483. [Discussion], Ver-Beil., 74; 97. Also [Abstr.]: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 255.—Muir (R.) Demonstration of acid-fast bacteria by means of cultures and microscopic preparations. Glasgow M. J., 1904, lxi, 292. Aho: Tr. M.-Chir. Soc. Glasg. (1903-4.) 1906, v, 37.—Nicolas (J.) Microbes acido-resistants. J. do med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1906, 5: s., x, 732-741— Ol- schanetzky. Ueber ein neues alkohol- und saurefestes Stabchen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 16-21.—Papin. Les bacteries acido-resistantes. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1906, x, 05-71.—Pettersson (A.) Untersuchungen iiber saurefeste Bacterien. Berl., klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 562-566.—Phllibert (A.) Etude des causes de la propriety acido-resistante des bacil les. Rev. internat. de la tuberc, Par., 1908, xiv, 3-10.—Porter (A. E.) The sensitiveness of tubercle and other acid-fast bacilli to acids. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1917, xvi, 66-68.—Potet. Note Bacteria (Acid-fast). sur les bacilles acido-resistants, cultives en milieux speciaux (bil6s, glucoses, carbonates). Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path.. Par., 1911, xxih, 660-665—Rochaix (A.) & Colin (G.) Action des rayons emis par la lampe en quartz a vapcurs de mercure sur la colorabUite des bacilles acido- nSsistants. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, cliii, 1253- 1256.—Rodet (A.) & Galavielle. Sur le pouvoir pathogene de certains bacUles acido-resistants; essais de modifications par les passages dans l'organisme animal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, hx, 552-554. Aho: Cong, internat. de la tuberc. 1905, Par., 1906, i, 160-155.—Rogers (J. B. & Murphy (A. I.) The finding of acid-fast bacilh in the cir- culating blood. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 995.— Rosenberger (R. C.) The actual and comparative resis- tance of acid-fast bacilli. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1904, n. s., vh, 19-29. Aho: Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x, 175-180. A ho, Reprint..-----. The action of acid-fast DacUli when inocu- lated into the peritoneal cavity of white rats. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 572-575. Aho, Reprint.—Thevenot (L.) Cultures des bacilles acido-resistants sur milieux vegetaux et sur milieux sucres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 223.—von Unruh (V.) A comparative study of the acid fast bacilh. Electric M. J., Cincin., 1916, lxxvi, 289- 300.—Wills (F. F.) The relationship of the acid-fast bacUli. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lxi, Orig., 37-58. Bacteria (Acidophilic). Obraztsoff (A. D.) *K voprosu orasprostrane- nii tak nazivayemikh atsidofilnikh bakteriy u razlichnikh klassov zhivotnikh. [Diffusion of so-called acidophile bacteria in various classes of animals.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1904. Potet (M.) *Etudes sur les bacteries ditea "acidophiles." Les paratuberculibacilles. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Yagn (P. P.) *0 vzaimodieistvii atsidofil- nikh bakteriy i palochek bryushnovo tifa. [The mutual action of acidophilic bacteria and ty- phoid-fever bacilli.] 8~\ S.-Beterburg, 1908. Boigey (M.)_ Note sur la valeur et la signification des bacilles dits acidophiles. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, ii, 3023-3025.—CipoUina (A.) Ueber das Vorhandensein der sogenannten saureliebenden Bakterien im Stuhle des erwach- senen Menschen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc ], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 576-580.—Kendall (A. I.) Observations on aciduric (acidophilic) bacteria. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1910, xxh, 153-167—Moeller (A.) Les bacteries dites acido- philes; les bacilles paratuberculeux. Rev. de la tuberculose, Par., 1905, 2. s., u, 81-94.—Perekalin.[Ueber ein aus Sauer- kohl ausgeschiedenes acidophUes Bakterium.] Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xiv, 225.—Petrow (N. 1'.) Acidophile Bakterien im Darmkanaleiniger Kaltbliiter. Ibid., 1906-7, xliii, Orig., 349-355.—Rahe (A. H.) An inves- tigation into the fermentative activities of the aciduric bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xv, 141-150.—Rotch (T. M.) A Kendall (A. I.) A preparatory study of the Bacillus acidophilus in regard to its possible therapeutic use. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc., Chicago, 1911, xxhi, 253-263. Aho: Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1911, ii, 30-38.—Schiller (J.) Les microbes acidophiles de la fiore intestinale de 1 'ele- phant. Compt. rend. ^oe. de biol., Par., 1913, clxvi, 427-429. Bacteria (Adaptation and adaptability of). See, aho, Bacteria (Effects of physical, etc., agents on). Butyagin (P. V.) O prisposoblyayemosti mikroorganizmov k rastvoram sulyomi. [Adap- tability of microorganisms to sublimate solu- tions.] 8°. Tomsk, 1909. Masson (L.) *Essai sur l'adaptation dea bacteries aux antiseptiques. [Paris.] 8°. Lons- le-Saunier, 1910. Beza nco n (F.) & Labbe (M.) Du role de l'accoutumance dans le determinisme des localisations microbiennes. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., u, 31-33. Aho: Presse med., Par., 1900, i, 114.—Elsenberg (F.) [Adaptation of bacteria to the protective powers of the infected organism.] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przvr. Akad. Umiej., Krakdw, 1903, 3. s., iii, B., 309-336—Grassberger (R.) Ueber Anpassung und Vererbung bei Bakterien; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Aerobiose anaerober Bakterien. Arch. f. Hyc , Munchen & Berl., 1905, liii, 158-179.—Nobbe (T.) & Hiltner (L.) Kiinsthche Ueberfuhrung der Knbllehenbakterien von Erbsen in Solche von Bohnen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1900. vi, 449-457, 1 pi.—Rlchet (C.) Adaptation des microbes (ferment lactique au milieu). Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1915, xxix, 22-54.—Shiga (K.) Ueber Gewohnung der Bakterien an Farbstofle. Ztschr. f. BACTERIA. 267 BACTERIA. Bateria (Adaptation and adaptability of). Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1913, xvhi, Orig., 65-74.—Smith (T.) Adaptation of pathogenic bacteria to different species of animals. Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. & Surg., N. Haven, 1900, v, 1-11. Aho: Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxhi, 473^76. Ahox Reprint.—Stutzer (A.), Burri (R.) & Maul (R.) Untersuchungen iiber das Anpassungsvermogen von Bacillus radicicola an einen fremden Nahrboden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1896, ii, 665-669.—Thaysen (A.C.) Studien uber funktionelle Anpassungen bei Bakterien. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lx, Orig., 1:1912, lxvii, Orig., 1-36. Aho: Mitt. a. d. Geb. d. Lebensmittelunt. u. Hvg.", Bern, 1912, ih, 342-381.—Wherry (W. B.) & Oliver (W. W.) Adap- tation to certain tensions of oxygen as shown by gonococcus and other parasitic and saprophytic bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1916, xix, 288-298. Bacteria (Aerobic). Bottomley (W. B.) Some conditions influencing nitro- gen fixation by aerobic organisms. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond , 1912, lxxxv, s. B., 466^68.—Buemann (A. W.) Ueber aerobe Mikroorganismen im Psalter und Colon beim Rinde. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxxi, Orig., 291-318.—Carbone (D.) Sopra un bacUlo maceranteaerobico. Biochem. e terap. sper., Milano, 1913-14, iv, 493-498.—Eisen- berg (P.) Ueber die Thermoresistenz der vegetativen Formen der aeroben Sporenbildner. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvUi, Orig., 187-191.—de Kruyff (E.) Quelques remarques sur des bacteries aero- bes, fixant I'azote libre de l'atmosphere dans les tropiques. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1910, xxvi, 54-56.—Laubach (C. A.), Rice (J. L.) & Ford (W. W.) Studies on aerobic spore- bearing pathogenic bacteria. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 493- 533, 15 pi.—Rosenthal (G.) Methode de transformation progressive des microbes aerobies stricts en anaerobies facultatifs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 48.— Willimsky (W.) Ueber das Verhalten der aeroben Keime fegenuber der absoluten Sauerstoffentziehung. Arch. f. lyg., Munchen & Berl., 1905, hv, 375-385. Bacteria (Agglutination of). See, also, Agglutination; Bacillus coli (Ag- glutination of); Fever (Typhoid, Biagnosis of) by agglutination; Paratyphoid bacillus (Agglu- tination of). Reim (W.) *Die Saureagglutination der Bak- terien und ihre Verwertung in der Praxis. 8°. Breslau, 1912. Achard (C.) & Bensaude (R.) Sur 1'agglutination des divers echantillons du bacUle d'Eberth et des bachles para- typhiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., ih, 940-942.—Arloing (S.) & Courmont (P.) De l'obten- tion des cultures du bacUle de Koch les plus propices a l'etude du phenomene de 1'agglutination par le serum san- guin des tuberculeux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, cxxvii, 312-315.—Begam (L. M.) [Agglutinating properties of encapsulated bacilh, and the reaction of agglu- tination with the serum of the carriers of these bacteria.] Kharkov. M. J., 1912, xhi, 261-275.—Beniasch (M.) Die Saureagglutination der Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Immuni- tatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1911-12, xh, Orig., 268-315.—Bull (C. G.) Agglutination of bacteria in vivo; its relation to the destruction of bacteria within the infected host and to septicemia. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1915-16, xhi, 32.-----. Further observations on the agglutination of bacteria in vivo. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1916, xxiv, 25-33. Aho, Reprint.—Charrin (A.) Remarques sur le phenomene d'agglutination, a propos de la communi- cation de M. J. Nicolas. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., hi, 1028.—Dreyer (G.) & Jex-Blake (A. J.) On the agglutination of bacteria. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1906, xi, 1-47. Also, Reprint.—Egyedi (H.) Fine Fehlerquelle der Bakterienbestimmung mittels Agglutination; Widerlegung der praktischen Bedeutung der Paragglutination. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 657-662.—Fitzgerald (J. G.) Agglutination of encapsu- lated bacteria. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1912- 13, x, 52. Aho, Reprint.—Fox (E.C. R.) The variabihty of agglutination of B. typhosus and M. mehtensis by normal sera and its importance in laboratory diagnosis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 877.—Friedberger (E.) Ueber die Wir- kungsweise anorganischer Salze und organischer Krystal- loide auf die Agglutination der Bakterien; kritische Bemer- kungen zu der Erwiderung von A. Joos. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 109-111.—Gaehtgens (W.) Ueber die Beschleunigung der Agglutination durch Zentrifugieren mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Me- ningokokkenagglutination. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Wien, 1908, lxvi, 377-383.—Grote (L. R.) Ueber die prak- tische Verwertbarkeit der Saureagglutination nach Mi- chaelis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxix, Orig., 98-104.—Klein (E.) Report on agglutination by blood of emulsions of microbes, with special reference to specificity. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1901-2, Lond., Bacteria (Agglutination of). 1903, xxxi, 440-454.—Kuhn. Ueber die Dauer der Para- agglutination von Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1917, xliii, 863—Mosse. Action aggluti- nante du colostrum sur le bacUle d'Eberth. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xhi, 818-820- MUller (P. D.) Ueber Agglutination der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 65-69—Negre (L.) & Raynaud. Sur 1'agglutination des microbes immobiles par les serums normaux. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1911, xxv, 619-624.—Nicolle (C.) Suite d'experiences rela- tives au phenomene de ragglutination des microbes. Ibid., 1904, xvhi, 209-240—Park (W. H.) The occasional pres- ence in the blood of untreated adult animals of large amounts of substances agglutinating many bacteria, with demonstra- tions. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1903-4, i, 19.-----. The gradual decrease in bacteria of the produc- tion of agglutinable substance. Ibid., 1904-5, u, 28.-----. Some observations upon the agglutination of bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1906, ih, [Suppl. No. 2], 1-9. Also, Reprint.—Sgalitzer (M.) Ueber Saureagglutination. Zt- schr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1913, lxxvi, 208- 256.—Sill (J.) The agglutination of bacteria. Detroit M. J., 1906, vi, 266.—Smith (T.) & Reagh (A. L.) The agglutination affinities of related bacteria parasitic in dif- ferent hosts. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, n. s., iv, 270- 300—Symmers (W. St. C.) & Wilson (W. J.) Agglu- tination of bacilli of the alkaligenes, colon and typhoid groups by the blood serum of cases of cerebro-spinal fever. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1908, viu, 314-321.—Tulloch (W. J.) The mechanism of agglutination of bacteria by specific sera. Bio-Chem. J., Liverp., 1914-15, viu, 293-319—Weil (E.) Ueber den Mechanismus der Bakterienagglutination durch Gelatine. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvii, 426-433.—Wldal & Sicard. La reaction agglu- tinante sur les bacilles morts. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 116-118. Bacteria (Anaerobic). See, also, Anaerobiosis; and under names of special bacteria. Jungano (M.) Introduzione alio studio delle infezioni dell' apparato urinario con speciale riguardo alia presenza degli anaerobi. 8°. Napoli, 1907. ------& Distaso (A.) Les anaerobies. 8°. Barh, 1910. Lellek (A.) Untersuchungen iiber fiinf im Fleische notgeschlachteter Tiere gefundene Anaerobier. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Bachmann (F.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis obligat anaerober Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxvi, 1-4L—Beijerinck [W.] Over zuurstofbehoefte bij obligaatanaeroben. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1899, vii, 19-32. Aho, transl: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. Sect. Sc, 1899, i, 14-26.—Burri (R.) & Ktirsteiner (J.) Ein experimenteller Beitrag zur Kentnis der Bedeutung des Sauerstoflentzugs fiir die Entwickelung obligat anaerober Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908, xxi, 289-309.—Cao (G.) Sullaresistenza degli anaerobi patogeni del terreno. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1904, xxvi, 169-177. Aho, Reprint.—Carbone (D.) Sulla macerazione anaerobica. Igiene mod., Genova, 1916, ix, 301-303.—Distaso (A.) & Martinez (J.) Une methode pour studier les proprietes biologiques des mi- crobes anaerobies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxv, 201.—Eisenberg (P.) Desleucocidinesetnemolysines chez les anaerobies. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1908, xxh, 430-454.—Fermi (C.) & Bassu (E.) Untersuchungen uber die Anaerobiosis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903-4, xxxv, 563; 714: 1905, xxxviii, 138; 241; 369.—Foa (G.) Alcune osservazioni sull'anaerobiosi. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1908, n. s., xvhi, 211-233.—Gaudiani (V.) Importanza degli anaerobi nelle infezioni urinarie. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1907, i, 517-525.—Ghon(A.), Mucha (V.) & Muller (R.) Bei- trage zur Kenntnis der anaeroben Bakterien des Menschen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 1; 145; 305; 401; 504; 606; 689, 2 pi.—Gfion (A.) & Sachs (M.) Bei- trage zur Kenntnis der anaeroben Bakterien des Menschen. Ibid., 1903, xxxiv, 289; 398; 481; 609, 3 pi—Grixoni (G.) Sulla biologia degli anaerobi; contributo alia patogenesi di alcune infezioni chirurgiche. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1905, liii, 487-511.—Heim (L.) Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von Rud. Massini Ueber anaerobe Bakterien. Ztschr. f. d. ges. exper. Med., Berl., 1914, ih, 210.—Heyde (M.) Ueber Infektionen mit anaeroben Bakterien; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis anaerober Staphylokokken und des Bacillus fun- duliformis. Beitr. z. khn. Chir., Tubing., 1910, lxviii, 642- 669, 2 pi.—Homen (E. A.) Die Wirkung einiger anaeroben Bakterien, namenthch bei Symbiose mit aeroben Bakterien, sowie ihrer Toxine auf periphere Nerven, Spinalganghen und das Riickenmark. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. d. Univ. Hel- singfors, Berl., 1905, i, 1-78,2 pi.-----. Das Verhalten einiger anaerober Bakterien in den peripheren Nerven, den Spi- BACTERIA. 268 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Anaerobic). nalganglien und dem Riickenmarke, namentlich bei Sym- biose mit aeroben Bakterien, und die hierbei hervortretende Einwirkung der betreffenden Bakterien sowie ihrer toxi- schen Produkte auf die genannten Organe. Ibid., 1908, i, 215-269.—van Iterson (C.) Die Zersetzung von Cellulos. durch aerobe Mikroorganismen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriole [etcl, 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xi, 689-698, 1 pi — Jungano. Pseudo-coli anaerobic Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 457—159.-----. Sur la flore anaerobie du rat. Ibid., 1909, lxvi, 122-124.—Klose (F.) Toxin- und Antitoxinver- suche mit einem zur Gruppe der Gasodembazillen gehoren- den Anaeroben. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1541.—Koninski (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Biologie der Anaero- ben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 569-573.—KUrsteiner (J.) Beitrage zur Untersuchungs- technik obligat anaerober Bakterien, sowie zur Lehre von der Anaerobiose iiberhaupt. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xix, 1; 97; 202; 385.—Leroy (L.) A new series of anaerobic bacte- ria. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, i, 200.—Levine (V. E.) The reducing power of anaerobes. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1915, iv, 215— Liefmann (H.) Ueber das scheinbare aerobe Wachstum anaerober Bakterien. Munchen med. Wchn- schr., 1907, liv, 823-826.—Lombardo Pellegrino (P.) Sulla tossicita degli anaerobi e sulle condizioni necessarie alia sua produzione. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1907, n. s., xvii, 187-200.—Massini (R.) Ueber anaerobe Bakterien. Zt- schr. f. d. ges. exper. Med., Berl., 1913, U, 81-172, 4 pi. See aho, infra, Pommer.-----. Entgegnung auf die Bemerkun- gen von Prof. Pommer und Prof. Heim zu der Arbeit von Rud. Massini, Ueber anaerobe Bakterien. Ibid., 1914, ih, 211-213.—Meyer (A.) Bemerkungen iiber Aerobiose und Anaerobiose. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xlix, Orig., 305-311..—Mostlnski (V.) [Influence of anaerobic bacteria upon the reaction of the antigroup of albuminoid bodies.] Arch. vet. nauk, S.-Peterb., 1909, xxxix, 933-936.—von Oettingen (W.) Anaerobie und Symbiose. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1903, xlui, 463- 479. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv, 149.—Plant (H. C.) Agglutinations- technik und Wert der Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung beim Stu- dium der Anaerobier. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 302.—Pommer (G.) Bemerkungen zu Dr. Massinis Arbeit Ueber anaerobe Bakterien. Ztschr. f. d. ges. exper. Med., Berl., 1914, iii, 207-209— Pringsheim (H.) Ueber das Sauerstoffbedurfnis anaerober Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908, xxi, .673- 675.—Repaci (G.) Contribution a la connaissance de la vitalite des microbes anaerobies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol Par., 1910, lxviii, 524— Ritter (G.) Beitrage zur Physiologie der fakultativ anaeroben Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907-8, xx, 21-38—Rocchi (G.) Lo stato attuale delle nostre cognizioni sui germi anaerobi: tossi-infezioni putride e gangrenose. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1908, 8. s., viii, 457-578. -----. Serodiagncstische Untersuchungen uber die wichtigsten anaeroben Butter saurekeime mit der Methode der Agglutination und der Komplementablenkung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lx, Orig., 579-581.—Rodella (A.) Ueber das regelmassige Vorkommen der streng anaeroben Butter- saurebacillen und iiber andere Anaerobenarten in Hartkii- sen. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1903, x, 499.—Rosenthal (G.) Methode de transformation progressive des microbes anaero- bies stricts en microbes aerobies. Compt. rend. Soc dc biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1292-1294.-----. Sur l'adaptation a la vie aerienne (aerobisation) des microbes anaerobies stricts. BulL Acad, de med , Par., 1907, 3. s., lviii, 177-182. -----. Retour au type anaerobie initial de l'anaerobie de reconsti- tution. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1907, lxii, 1020. -----. La quatrifeme etape de 1'aerobisation des anaerobies: etape de la variation morphologique, formo diplocoeeique du vibriogene scptique. Ibid., 1908, lxiv, 398H00.—Rune- berg (B.) Studien iiber die bei peritonealen Infektionen appendikularen Ursprungs vorkommenden sauerstoil'tolc- ranten, sowie obligat anaeroben Baktcrienformen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Pathogenese derartiger Pentonitiden. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. d. Univ. Helsingfors, Berl., 1908, 1. 271-582, 2 pi — Saski(S.) [Anaerobic microbes in normal tissues.) Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. umiej., Krak6w, 1907, 3. s., vh, B, 417-440.—Schmidt (E. W.) Mcthoden der Unter- suchung anaerober Bakterien. Ztschr. f. biol. Techn. u. Method., Strassb., 1911, ii, 126; 153.—Scholtz (W.) Ueber das Wachsthum anaerober Bakterien bei ungehindertem Luftzutritt. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1898, xxvii, 132-142.—Seiffert (G.) Vorrichtung_ zur quali- tativen und quantitativen Gasbestimmung bei gasenlwi- ckelnden anaeroben Bakterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 22S5.—Smith (T.), Brown (H. R.) & Walker (E. L.) The fermentation tube in the study of anaerobic bacteria with special reference to gas production and (he use of milk as a culture medium. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1905-6. xiv, 193-206. Aho: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1905, Columbus, O., 1906, xxxi, pt. 2, 229-240—Spiro (K.) Die Wirkung von Wasserstoll'superoxyd und von Zuckci auf die Anaerobier. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 497-499.—Szczawinska (Wanda). Sur la pretendue aero- bisation des microbes anaerobies. Compt. rend. Soc. de Bacteria (Anaerobic). biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 15-17.-----. [Value of anaerobic bac- teria in the body from a hygienic-medical viewpoint.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1914, xxx, 558-5(2— Tedeschi (A.) Ein praktisches Verfahren fur experimentelle Uebertragun- gen anaerober Keime. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, liv. Orig., 105-108.—Tretrdp. La recherche des bacteries anaerobies. Ann. Soc de med- d'Anvers, 1899, lxi, 221-225.—Twining (G. H.) Anaerobic bacteria and their relation to surgery. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1916, n. s., xxxvi, 110-113— Veillon (A.) & Zuber (A.) Sur quelques microbes strictement anaerobies et leur role dans la pathologie humaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 253-255.-----------. Recherches sur quel- ques microbes strictement anaerobies et leur role en patholo- gie. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path.. Par., 1898, x, 517-545— Wallgren (A.) Ueber anaerobe Bakterien und ihr Vorkommen bei fotiden Eiterungen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 1095-1100.—Weichselbaum (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der anaeroben Bakterien des Men- schen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 401—41'. Weinland (E.) Ueber den anaeroben (anoxybiotisehi n) Abschnitt der intermediaren chemi- schen Prozesse in den Puppen von Calliphora. Ztschr. i. Biol., Munchen & Berl., 1906, xlviii, 87-140.—Wolbach (S. B.) & Saiki (T.) A new anaerobic spore-bearing bac- terium commonly present in the livers of healthy dogs, and believed to. be responsible for many changes attributed to aseptic autolvsis of liver tissue. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1909-10, xxi, 267-278,1 pL—Wolf (G. L.) & Harris (J. E. G.) Contributions to the biochemistrv of pathogenic anaerobes. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge", 1916-17, xxi, 386-452. Bacteria (Anaerobic, Cultivation and isolation of). Ampola (G.) &. Ulpiani ^C.) Per la tecnica deUe colture anaerobiche. Riv. d'ig. e san pubb., Torino, 1899, x, 907- 913.—Aperlo (G.) Contributo aUo studio deUo svUuppo degli anaerobi nei brodotenuto a contatto dell'aria. Ibid., 1907, xvhi, 5h>-597.-----. Di un metodo di cultura in piastra che rende facUe 1'isolamento dei batteri anaerobi. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1908, xx, 169-171.— Bandini (P.) Ricerche sulla coltivazione degli anaerobi. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1906,. 4. s., xh, 265- 275.—Barbanti (R.) Sulla cultura e 1' isolamento in piastra dei germi anaerobici da' focolai morbosi e special- mente da' focolai tetanigeni. BoU. d. Soc med.-chir. di Modena, 1914, xvi, 257-285, 2 pL—Beattie (J. M.) Simple and inexpensive methods for fermentation tests and for obtaining cultures of anaerobes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 756.—Beck (M.) Zur Ziichtung anaerober Kulturen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcl,, 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxh, 343- 345.—Berner (O.) On a vial for the culture of anaerobic bacteria on plates. Ibid., 1904, xxxvU, 47:8-480—Biffl (U.) Un metodo nuovo per coltivare estemporaneamente gli anaerobi obbligati. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1903, n. s., xhi, 6S0-6S8. Aho, transl.: Semana mea., Buenos AireSj 1904, xi, 628-632.-----. Semina e cultura degh anaerobi obbhgati nei vuoto. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1907, 8. s., vii, 195-200. Also, transl.: Centialbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xhv, Orig., 2S(»-2m>.- Bordet (J.) Une methode de culture des microbes ana.ioi>ies. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1904, xvhi, 332-336.—Buchanan (R. M.) An inset absorption appliance for the test-tube culture of anaerobes. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxiv, Orig., 526.—Burckhardt (O.) Zur Technik der Anaerobenkultur. Zentralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1911, xxxv, 1201-1203.—Burri (R.) Zur Isolierung der Anaeroben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, viii, 533-537.—Calderini (A.) Untersuchungen uber Anaerobienzuchtung nach dem Tarozzischen Ver- fahren. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, h, 681-6S5.-----. Ri- cerche sulla coltivazione del germi anaerobi col metodo Tarozzi. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1909, xx, 649- 655.—Chiappella (A. R.) Nuovo apparecchio per la cul- tura dei battcrii anaerobii. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1906, lx, 285-289.—Crendiropoulo (M.) Un nouveau procede pour la culture et la separation des mi- crobes anaerobies. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lv, Orig., 246-25S.—De-Grandi (S.) Celletta per P osservazione e la coltura dei batteri anaerobi in goccia pendente. Riv. d'ig. e san pubb., Torino, 1902, xiii, 879- 885— Uimond (L.) A simple method for the cultivation of anaerobic organisms. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 778.— Dreuw. Vereinfachtes anaerobes Plattenverfahren. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 748.— Dunham (E. K.) Simple and convenient apparatus for the anaerobic cultivation of iiactoria. N. York Univ. Bull. M. Sc, 1901, i, 180-183.- Kllefson (Lillian Jordan) & Hall (I. C.) A note on the aerobic culture of anaerobes at higher temperature. Science, N. Y. A Lancaster, 1917, n. s., xhi, 570. AIso, Reprint.—Epstein (S.) Ein vereinfachtes Ver- fahren zur Ziichtung anaerober Bakterien in Doppelschalcu- Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxviii, 443. -----. Zur Technik der Anaerobiose. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xxvi, 83.—Ewell (E. E.) A form of appa- ratus and method of manipulation for the preparation of roU BACTERIA. 269 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Anaerobic, Cultivation and isolation of). cultures of anaerobic organisms. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1897, hi, 188-190—Fasiani (G. M.) & Zironl (A.) SuUa tecnica dell' isolamento e della cultura degh anaerobi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1917, lxxi, 439- 449.—Fehrs & Sachs-Mtike. Beitrag zur Ziichtung und Isolierung von Anaerobicrn. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlviii, Orig., 122-125—Ferran (J.) Ueber die Verwendung des Acetylens bei der Kultur anaero- ber Bakterien. Ibid., 1898, xxiv, 29.—Fremlin (H. S.) Report on a method of anaerobic culture. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1901-2, Lond., 1903, xxxi, 570-574.-----. The plate cultivation of anaerobic bacteria. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 824.—Friel (A. R.) Apparatus for the isolation and cultivation of anaerobes. Ibid., 1917, ii, 390.—Gal- vagno (O.) & Calderini (A.) Una modihcazione dell' ap- parecchio di Bordet per la coltura degh anaerobi. Gior. d. r. Accad. d. med. di Torino, 1907, 4. s., xiii, 14-16.—de Gasperl (F.) & Savini (E.) Beitrag zur Ziichtungs- und Isolierungstechnik der anaeroben Mikroorganismen. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, Lviii, Orig., 239-261.—Ghon (A.) & Sachs (M.) Ueber die anaerobe Ziichtung. Ibid., 1902, xxxii, 403-413.—Giltner (W.) Sug- gestions for partial anaerobic cultures. Science. N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, xh, 663.—Girardi (L.) Ricerche sul mecanismo per cui si ottengono culture di batterii anaerobi nei miscugho di brodo e succo di organi parenchimali, in presenza dell' aria. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1907, xxhi, 1049-1052— Guillemot (L.) & Szczawiska (Wanda). Role des substances reductrices dans la culture des anae- robes en presence de Pair. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 171-173.—Hall (I. C.) The stability of emulsions in the constricted tube and marble device for anaerobiosis. J. Phys. Chem., Ithaca, 1917, xxi, 609-622. A ho, Reprint.— Hammerl (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Ziichtung der Anaero- ben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 658-664.—Harde (E. S.) Miheu de culture pour l'ob- tention des anaerobies des exsudats par renrichissement en germes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, lxxx, 661.—Harrass (P.) Zur Frage der aeroben Ziichtung soge- nannter obligat-anaerober Bakterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2237-2240.—Harrison (F. C.) Note on a method of cultivating anaerobic bacteria. J. Apphed Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1974.—Hata (S.) Ueber eine einfache Methode zur aerobischen Kultivierung der Anaero- ben, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Toxinpro- duktion. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvi, Orig.. 539-554.—Heim (L.) Die anaerobiotische Sehalenkultur. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol, u. Path. d. Stoffwechs., Berl. & Wien, 1910, n. F., v, 321-326.—Henry (H.) A simple device for the growth of anaerobes on plates. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i; 762.—Hesse. Ziichtung anaerober Bakterien. Cong. dent, internat. C.-r., Berl., 1909, v, pt. 1, 301.—Hirshberg (L. K.) A simple class-room method for growing anaerobic cultures. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904; xlh, 1355.—Holker (J.) Micro- and macro-methods of cultivating anaerobic organisms. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1918, xxh, 28-39.—Horton (G. D.) A simple , method of cultivating bacilh, preferring conditions of partial anaerobiosis (B. abortus, Bang; B. bifidus, Tissier). J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xv, 22.—Hunziker (O. F.) A review of the existing methods of cultivating anaerobic bacteria. J. Apphed Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1800-1813. Aho: Scient. Am. [Suppl.], N. Y., 1902, liv, 22344; 22360; 22368; 22392.—Jacque (L.) Demonstration des plaques de Stiiler pour la culture d'anaerobies. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Brux., 1903, ii, 116.—Jollyman (W. II.) Apparatus for making anaerobic cultivations in fluid media. Analyst, Lond., 1903, xxvhi, 5.—Jones (H. M.) A method of anaerobic plating permitting observa- tion of growth. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, l, 339-341— Kabrhel (G.) Zur Frage der Ziichtung anaerober Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 555- 561.—Konrich. Eine neue Untersuchungsmethode fiir anaerobe Stichkulturen. Ibid., 1914, lxxiv, Orig., 191.— Kulka (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Anaerobenzuchtung bei Sauerstoffabsorption. Ibid., 1911, lix, Orig., 554-556.— Laidlaw (P. P.) Some simple anaerobic methods. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 497.—Le Dantec (A.) Nouveau pro- cede pour la culture des anaerobies. Compt. rend Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 135-137.—Legros (G.) Isolement et culture des anaerobies; procede de 1'huile de vaseline. Ibid., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1337.—Legroux (R.) Modifications a I'appareil vide-hydrogene pour les cultures anaerobies en milieux liquides. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1912, xxvi, 635.—Lentz (O.) Ein neues Verfahren fur die Anaeroben- zuchtung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, liii, Orig., 358-365.—Lief man n (H.) Ein einfaches Ver- fahren zur Ziichtung und Isolierung anaerober Keime. Ibid., 1908,xlvi, Orig.,377-383.—Lindemann(W.) Verein- fachung der Anaerobenzuchtung, nebst Angabe eines prak- tisch verwertbaren neuen Kulturverfahrens. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 236-238.-----. Beitrage zur Technik und Bewertung der Anaerobenzuchtung. (Nach einer Probevorlesung.) Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- naek., Berl., 1916, xliii, 18-37.—Lode (A.) Ueber die Ver- Bacteria (Anaerobic, Cultivation and isolation of). wendungvon Phosphor zur Absorption des Sauerstoffes bei der Ziichtung der Anaerobier. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1918, xxxi, 496-498.—Lttwy (O.) Eine einfache Schale zum Zuchten anaerobwachsender Bakterien. Ibid., 1917, xxx, 1240.—Lorenti (G.) Un nuovo metodo di coltivare i batteri anaerobi in presenza dell' aria. Pathologica, Ge- nova, 1912-13, v, 678-680: 1913-14, vi, 101—Mcintosh (J.) & Fildes (P.) A new apparatus for the isolation and culti- vation of anaerobic micro-organisms. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 768-770. A ho, transl.: Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, lxxix, 293-295.—M'Leod (J. W.) A method for plate culture of anaerobic bacteria. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cam- bridge, 1912-13, xvii, 454-457,1 pi.—M'Leod (J. W.) & Soga (A. R. B.) A simplified method for the cultivation, in fluid media containing coagulable albumin, of bacteria requiring anaerobic conditions, notably the pathogenic spirochaetes. Ibid., 1914-15, xix, 210-213.—Majome (B.) Un apparecchio semplice sicuro per la cultura degli anaero- bici. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1910, xxiv, 363- 365.—Marino (F.) Methode pour isoler les anaerobies. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1907, xxi, 1005-1008.-----. Culture aerobie des microbes dits anaerobies. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 247-249. Also: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxiii, Orig., 298-303.— Marpmann. Eine neue Methode zur HersteUung von anaeroben Rollglaskulturen mit Gelatine oder Agar. Ibid., 1898, xxhi, 1090.—Martelly (E.) Sur un nouveau milieu pour les anaerobies. Monit. scient., Par., 1901, 4. s., xv, pt. 2, 437-439.—Mereshkowsky (S. S.) Ein Apparat fiir Anaerobenkultur. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxih, 392-394.—Meyer (A.) Apparat fiir die Kultur von anaeroben Bakterien una fiir die Bestimmung der Sauerstofiminima fiir Keimung, Wachstum und Sporen- bildung der Bakterienspecies. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xiv, 337-349.—Nichols (H. J.) & Schmitler (F.) A simple way of using Buchner's method for the cultivation of anaero- bic bacteria. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1906-7, xv, 113-115, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Nicolle (C.) Sur un procede tres simple de culture des microbes anaerobies; applications de la methode. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1211-1213.—Northrup (Z.) A simple apparatus for isolating anaerobes. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 90.-------. An anaerobic culture volumeter. J. Indust. & Engin. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1918; x, 624.—Novy (F. G.) The cul- ture of anaerobic bacteria. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 213-224, 2pL—Ogata (M.) & Takenou- chi (M.) Einfache Plattenkulturmethode der anaeroben Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxiii, Orig., 75-77.—Omelianski (W.) Ein ein- facher Apparat zur Kultur von Anaeroben im Reagenzglase. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, vhi, 711-714.—Oprescu. Zur Technik der Anaerobenkultur. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1898, viii, 107.—Ori (A.) Sulla cultura degli anaerobii. Atti d. r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. in Siena, 1905, 4. s., xvii, 169- 174. Also: Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1906, xvh, 397-407.—Park (W. H.) The use of paraffin to exclude oxygen in growing anaerobic bacteria. J. Bost. Soc M. Sc, 1900-1901, v, 373.—Pende (N. ) & Viviani (L.) Un nuovo metodo pratico per culture anaerobiche. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1907, xxvh, 124-126. Aho: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1907, xxxih, 152-154.----- -----. Eine neue praktische Methode fur anaerobische Bacillenkulturen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 282-284—Pfuhl (E.) Die Ziichtung anaerober Bakterien in Leberbouillon, sowie in Zucker- bouillon und in gewohnlicher BouUlon mit einem Zusatz von Platinschwamm oder Hepin unter Luftzutritt. Ibid., 378-383, 2 pi.—Proca (G.) Sur l'emploi de milieux bac- teriens sterilises pour la culture des anaerobies. Compt. rend. Soc. de bJol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 620.—Reuschel (F.) Die einfachste Methode der Anaerobenzuchtung in niissigem Nahrboden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1208.— Rickards (B. R.) A simple method of cultivating anaero- bic bacteria. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 557-559.—Rivas (D.) Ein Beitrag zur Anaero- benzuchtung. Ibid., 1902, xxxii, 831-841.—Rosenthal (G.) Separation des microbes anaerobies cultives en tubes de gelose profonde pari 'isolement etle lavage en boitede Petri. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1901,11. s., hi, 941.-----. Culture des anaerobies gazogenes en tubes cachetes: le tube cachete etrangle. Ibid., 1904, lvi, 921.-----. La culture en culot de gelatine (tube Liborius) des anaerobies liquenants, nouveau procede d'aerobisation. Ibid., 1906, lxi, 326-328. -----. Le tube etroit, nouveau procede de culture aerobie des microbes dits a tort anaerobies stricts. Ibid., 440-442. -----. Sur les vraies et les fausses cultures aerobies des microbes dits anaerobies stric+s; tubes anaerob'es, pseudo- aerobies et aero-anaerobies. Ibid., 1909? lxvh, 702.—Ruata (G. Q.) Metodo di cultura dei microbi anaerobi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1908, 8. s., viu, 119,1 fol. pi.—Ruiieka (S.) Eine neue einfache Methode zur HersteUung sauerstoff- freier Luftatmosphare (als Methode zur einfachen, verlass- lichen Ziichtung von strengen Anaeroben. Arch. f. Hvg., Munchen & Berl., 1906, lviii, 327-344.—Saiki (T.) A device for the cultivation of anaerobes in plate cultures, by the BACTERIA. 270 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Anaerobic, Cultivation and isolation of). use of alkali-pyrogallic acid mixtures. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1909-10, xxi, 279.—Sellards (A. W.) Some researches on anaerobic cultures with phosphorus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvii, 632-637.— Slmonds (J. P.) & Kendall (A. I.) A simple method for isolating anaerobes in pure culture. J. Infect. Dis., Chi- cago, 1912, xi, 207-209.—Sinigaglla (G.) Substrati con pancreatina e substrati con nucleoproteidi per la coltura aerobica dei germi anaerobici. Pathologica, Genova, 1913- 14, vi, 778-782.-----. Di un terreno per la coltura aerobica di germi anaerobici. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Modena, 1914, xvi, 101; 287.—Smillie (W. G.) New anaerobic meth- ods. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1917, xxvi, 59-66, 1 pL—Smith (T.) Some devices for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria in fluid media without the use of inert gases. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1899, iii, 340-343,1 pi. Aho, Reprint.—Streng (.0.) Zur Ziichtung der anaeroben Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 598-601 — Sttiler (A.) Neue Methoden zur Anaerobenkultur und Anaerokultur. Ibid., 1904, xxxvii, 298-307—Tarozzi (G.) Sulla possibility di coltivare facilmente all' aria in cultura pura l germi anaerobici. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1904, 4. s., xvi, 317-329.-----. Ulteriori osservazioni sulla cultura aerobica dei germi anaerobici. Ibid., 1905, 4. s., xvU, 105-124.-----. Osservazioni sulla natura dei fenomeni che determinano la esigenza anaerobica nelle culture dei germi anaerobici. Ibid., 225-258.-----. Ueber ein leicht in aerober Weise ausfuhrbares Kulturmittel von einigen bis jetzt fiir strenge Anaeroben gehaltenen Keimen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxvih, 619-624.-----. Sulla biologia di alcuni germi anaerobici e su di un facile mezzo di cultura dei medesimi. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 146; 182; 208.-----. Ap- punti di tecnica per la cultura e 1'isolamento in piastra dei germi anaerobici. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1906, 4. s., xviii, 401-415, 2 pi.—Tedeschi (A.) Metodo pratico pei trapianti di laboratorio dei germi anaerobii. Boll. d. Soc. med., di Parma, 1909, 2. s., ii, 227-230.—Trenk- mann. Das Wachstum der anaeroben Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxhi, 1038; 1087.—Tuck (G. L.) A tube for the cultivation of anaerobic organisms in fluid media. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1023.— Turr6 (R.) Zur Anaerobenkultur. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 175.—Veillon (A.) & Maze (P.) De l'emploi des nitrates pour la culture et Pisolement des microbes anaerobies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 112-114.—Wilson (W. J.) An easily improvised and effective method of obtaining plate cultures of anaerobes. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 724.—Wright (J. H.) A simple method for anaerobic cultivation in fluid media. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1899-1900, iv, 119, 1 pi.: 1900- 1901, v, 114, 1 pi. Aho: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 74: 1901, xxix, 61—Wrzosek (A.) Beobachtungen iiber die Bedingungen des Wachstums der obligatorischen Anaeroben in aerober Weise. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906-7, xliii, Orig., 17-30: 1907, xliv, Orig., 607-617. A ho [Abstr.]: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2534.—Zeissler (J.) Ueber die Rein- zuchtung pathogener Anaerobier. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 1507.-----. Die Pferde- blut- oder Schafblut-Traubenzuckeragarplatte als Ersatz fur die Menschenblut-Traubenzuckeragarplatte zur Ziich- tung der pathogenen Anaerobier. Ibid.., 1918, xliv, 942.— Zinsser (H.) A simple method for the plating of anaerobic organisms. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1906, vhi, 542-546, 1pi — Zupnik (L.) Ueber eine neue Methode anaerober Ziich- tung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 267-270. Bacteria (Antagonism of). Emus (R. M.) *0 tak namayemom antago- nizmie mezhdu bakteriyami. [So-called anta- gonism between bacteria.] 8°. Yuryev, 1906. Bouska (F. W.) Etudes sur l'antagonismo entre les bacteries du groupe des ferments lactiques et celles du groupe du Bacillus subtilis. Rev. gen. du lait. Lierre, 1903-4, iii, 1-11.—Emmerich (R.) & Loew (O.) Ueber biochomischen Antagonisinus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901. xxx, 552-555.—Fical (Ci.) Su 'antagonismo tra il bacillo del carbonchio cd i) bacillo piocianeo. Igiene mod., Genova, 1913, vi, 141-149.—Forti- neau (L.), Fortineau (C.) & Echenoz (M.) Recherches experimentales sur 1'antagonisme du bacille pyocyanique et du vibrion cholcrique. Gaz. meet, de Nantes, 1913, 2. s., xxxi, 721-732.— Lode (A.) Experimentello Untersu- chungen uber Bakterienantagonismus. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiii, 196-208.------. Stu- dien iiber Bakterienantagonismus. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, U, 2. Hlfte., 619.—Rettger (L. F.) The antagonism of bacteria and their products to other bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1905, ii, 562-568. Aho [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, n. s., xxi, 491. Bacteria (Biology, morphology, and struc- ture of). See, also, Bacteria (Adaptation of); Bacteria (Anaerobic); Bacteria (Antagonism of); Bac- teria (Capsulated); Bacteria (Chemhtry of); Bacteria (Chromogenic); Bacteria (Classifica- tion, etc., of); Bacteria (Cultivation of); Bac- teria (Begeneration, etc., of); Bacteria (Beni- trifying); Bacteria (Bifferentiation, etc., of); Bacteria (Effects of); Bacteria (Enzymes, etc., of); Bacteria (Flagellated); Bacteria (Gas-form- ing); Bacteria (Metabolism of); Bacteria (Mo- tility of); Bacteria (Mutation, etc., of); Bac- teria (Nitrifying); Bacteria(Bathogenic); Bac- teria (Bhotogenic); Bacteria (Saprophytic); Bacteria (Spores of); Bacteria (Sulphur); Bacteria (Thermophilic); Bacteria (Viability of)- Benecke (W.) Bau und Leben der Bakte- rien. 8°. Leipzig dc Berlin, 1912. Fischer (A.) The structure and functions of bacteria. Translated by A. Coppen Jones. 8°. Oxford, 1900. Kuster (E.) Morphologischeundhistologische Streitfragen aus dem Gebiet der Bacterienkunde. (Sonderabdruck aus "Flora" oder Allgemeine botanische Zeitung, 1900, Heft 2.) 8°. Mun- chen, 1900. Meyer (A.) Die Zelle der Bakterien, ver- gleichende und kritische Zusammenfassung unseres Wissens iiber die Bakterienzelle. 8°. Jena, 1912. Migtjla (AY.) System der Bakterien. Hand- buch der Morphologie und Entwickelungs- geschichte der Bakterien. 2 v. 8°. Jena, 1897-1900. Palchikovski (Y. M.) *Nieskolko nablyu- deniy nad morfologigel i protsessom razmno- zheniya bakteriy. [Observations on the mor- phology and process of multiplication of bacte- ria.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1900. Pozzi-Escot (E.) Lecons elementaires de microbiologie generale. Professees a l'Ecole nationale d'agriculture et de medecine veteri- naire du Perou. 8°. Barh, 1909. Schmidt (J.) & Weis (F.) Bakterierne. Naturhistorisk Grundlag for det bakteriologiske Studium. Morfologi ag udviklingshistorie af Johs. Schmidt. [Bacteria. Scientific basis for the study of bacteriology, morphology and evolution, by . . .] 8°. Kobenhavn, 1899. Relfridge (J. M.) The anatomy and physiol- ogy of bacteria and their relation to health and disease. 8°. Oakland, 1885. Thezee (LT.-E.-O.-L.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la morphologie des bacteriac6es. [Bordeaux.] 8°. Angers, 1808. Amato (A.) Ueber die feine Struktur der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlviii, Orig., 385-393, 2 pL—Ascoli. Leber den Bau der Bakterien, von K. Nakanishi. Ibid., 190L xxx, 910.—Auer (P.) Mor- phologisehe und biologisehe Beeinflussung der Bakterien (lurch Kalk mit spezieller Berucksichtigung der Kalkdes- infektion. Arch. I. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1908, lxvii, 237-284.—Babes (V.) Spindelformige Bazillen. Handb. d. path. Mikroorg., Jena, 1906, Ergnzngs.-Bd., 271-290,1 pi.— Bail (O.) Morphologische Veranderungen der Bakterien im Tierkorper. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1278- 1281.—Bastian (H. C.) Heterogenesis. Lancet. Lond., 1903, ii, 1686.—Bechamp (A.) Faits pour servir a l'histoire de l'origine des bacteries; developpement naturel de ces petits vegetaux dans les parties gelees de plusieurs plantes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1869, lxvui, 466-468.— Behrens (H.) Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der schleimbildenden Bakterien. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Leipz., 1896, ii, 4-9.—Benedikt (M.) Ueber Schroens Lehre vom Leben der Kristalle, iiber dessen Bakterienstudien und die Bakterienkristalle. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 657- BACTERIA. . 271 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Biology, morphology, and struc- ture of). 659.-----. Schroens Lehre von den Krystallen. Wien med. Wchnschr., 1904, liv, 53-66.—Blanco (C.) Sobre algunas granulaciones del protoplasma bacteriano. Rev espec. mea., Madrid, 1914, xvui, 85-87.—Buchanan (R. E ) Bacterial phylogeny as indicated by modern types. Am Naturalist, Lancaster, Pa., 1918, hi, 233-246.—Butschli (O j Notiz uber Teilungszustande des Centralkorpers bei einer Nostocacee, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber J. Kunstler's und Busquet's Auflassung der roten Kornchen der Bakte- rien, etc. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb 1898 n. F., vi, 63-68, 1 pi— Burchard (G.) Beitrage zur Mor- phologie und Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Bacterien Arb. a. d. bacteriol. Inst. d. techn. Hochsch. zu Karlsruhe 1898, u, 1-64, 2 pi— Curci (V.) Origen, polimorfismo y transformismo de las bacterias. Prim. reun. d. Cong cient Lat.-Amer., Buenos Aires, 1898, iv, 418-472— Dietrich (A ) Ueberbliek uber unsere Kenntnisse von der Morphologie und Biologie der Bakterien. Ztschr. f. allg. Physiol Jena 1902-3, hi, Sammelref., 23-75— Dobell (C. C.) Contribu- tions to the cytology of the bacteria. Quart. J. Micr Sc Lond 1911, n. s., M,,pt. 3, 395-506, 4 pi.—Douglas (S. R.) & Distaso (A.) Etudes sur le noyau des bacteries Sur un nouveau bacille dont le noyau est tres evident Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxiii, Orig ' 1-7, 1 pi.-----------. Ueber den Kern der Bakterien! Ibid., lxvi, Orig., 321-327, 1 pL—Duclaux (E.) Sur la structure des bacteries. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par 1896, x. 729-740.—EHermann (V.) Zur Kenntnis der SpmdelbazUlen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh. Leipz., 1907, lvi, 453-461.—Ernst (P.) Ueber den Bau der Bakterien. (Ergebnisse vitaler Farbung.) Centralbl. f Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, vih, 1; 34; 65; 97, 2 pi. -----. Ueber Bakterienstructuren; Ergebnisse vitaler Far- bung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxhi, pt. 2, med. Abth., 561-565.----- Ueber Bau und Bedeutung der Bakterien. Munchen. med Wchnschr., 1903,1, 2169; 2258.—Fedorowitsch (A.) Ueber die Kornigkeit der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. Tetc 1 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, vhi, 481-495, 1 pi—Feinberg. Ueber den Bau der Bakterien. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1900, xvu, 225- 237, 5 pi. Aho: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvu, 417^26, 5 pL—Ficker (M.) Zur Frage der Kornchen und Kerne der Bakterien. Arch. f. Hyg Miin- chen & Berl., 1903, xlvi, 171-199.—Garbowski (L.) Ueber einen extrem verkurzten Entwickelungsgang bei zwei Bakterienspezies. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvu, 717-720.—Giordano (G.) Rivista sintetica sulla genesi e biologia de' cristalhorganicied anorganicisecondo le scoverte del Prof. Otto von Schron. Rassegnamed., Bologna, 1899, vU, No. 12, 2-6.—Guilliermond (A.) Sur la presence des corpuscules metachromatiques dans les bacteries. Lyon med., 1902, xcix, 29-32.-----. Contribution a l'etude cyto- logique des bacteries. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1906, cxiii, 1285-1287.-----. Quelques remarques sur la structure des bacUles endospores. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxu, 78-80.-----. La cytologie des bacteries. Bull. dePInst. Pas' Pasteur, Par., 1907, v, 273; 321. Contribu- tion a l'etude cytologique des bacilles endospores. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1908, xh, 9-43, 3 pi.-----. Observations sur la cytologie d'un bacule. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 102.-----. A propos de la structure des bacUles endospores. Reponse a M. E. Mencl. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1910, xix, 6-17.—Heald (F. D.) The phylogeny of bacteria. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, Lancaster, Pa., 1907, xxvu, 63-74,1 diag.—Hort (E. C.) The hfe-history of bacteria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 571; 664, 8 ch.-----. Morphological studies in the life-history of bacteria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1917, s. B., lxxxix, 468-480, 5 pi.—Huss (H.) Morphologisch-physiologische Studien uber zwei aromabUdende Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena. 1907, xix, 50; 149.—Jegunow (M.) Die Mecha- nik und Typen der TeUung der Bakterienscharen. Ibid., 1898, iv, 97; 175—KendaU(A. I.) The biology and bio- chemistry of bacteria and their relation to therapeutics. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1911,xxiv, 411-424. Aho,Reprint.— Kligler (I. J.) The evolution of bacteria. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1918, n. s., xlvii, 320; 589.—Korentchevsky (W.) Contribution a l'etude biologique du B. perfringens et du B. putrificus. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur,TPar., 1909, xxhi, 91-95.—Kuhl (H.) Biologisch-bakteriofogische Un- tersuchungen. Apoth.-Ztg.. Berl., 1908, xxih, 485; 494.— Kunstler (J.) & Busquet (P.) Sur la valeur nucleaire du corps central des baeteriacees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, cxxv, 1112-1115.---------------. Observations sur la structure des baeteriacees et des organismes voisins. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 136; 148; 160.— Kunstler (J.) & Glneste (C.) Structure nbriUaire chez les baeteriacees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1906, cxlhi, 84-87.—Kuntze (W.) Beitrage zur Morphologie una Physiologie der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904-5, xhi, 1-12.—Lauenstein (C.) The origin of bacteria from algae: the remarkable theory of Prof. Dunbar. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1908, lxv, 13.—Leidy (J.) Morphology of the bacteria (vibrio and spiriUum), an early research; the intestinal flora. Science, N. Y. & Lan. Bacteria (Biology, morphology, and struc- ture of). caster, Pa., 1914, n. s., xl, 302-306. Also, Reprint.—Lepe- scnin (W. W.) Zur Kenntnis der Erblichkeit bei den emzelhgen Organismen; die Verzweigung und Mycebildung bei einer Bakterie (Bacillus Berestnewi n. sp.). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcl, 2. Abt., Jena, xh, 1904, 641: 1904-5, xiii, 13— Loeb (L. M.) On branching forms of certain bacteria. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1901-2, v, 146-149— Lohnis (F.) & Smith (N. R.) Life cycles of the bacteria. J. Agric. Research, Wash., 1916, vi, 675-702, 6 pi.—Macchiatt (L.) Ueber die Biologie des Bacillus Baccarinii Macchiati. Con- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 332-340.— Macfadyen (A.) & Barnard (J. E.) The form and size of bacteria. Nature, Lond., 1900-1901, lxiii, 9, 1 pi.—Marp- mann (G.) Ueber kernlose Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1900, vi, 673-675. Also: Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Weimar, 1900, vi, 101-103.—Marx (H.) & Woithe (F.) Morphologische Untersuchungen zur Biologie der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvhi, 1; 33; 65; 97, 3pi— Matztuchtia (F.) Beobachtungen iiber den merkwurdigen Teilungs- prozess bei einem proteusartigen Luftbacillus. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1902,ix, 257-260, lpl—Meacham (F. A.) Some important considerations in the biology of bacteria, infec- tion and natural immunity. Denver M. Times, 1896-7, xvi, 333-346.—Mencl (E.) Einige Beobachtungen uber die Struktur und Sporenbildung bei symbiotischen Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xh, 559-574, 1 pi.-----. Nachtrage zu den Strukturverhaltnissen von Bacterium gammari Vejd. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1907, viii, 259-280, 1 pi.-----. Die Bacterienkerne und die Cloisons transversales Guilliermond's. Ibid., 1909, xvi, 62- 70.-----. Nachtrage zu den Kernstrukturen und Kern- aquivalenten bei Bakterien. Ibid., 1910-11, xxi, 255-262, 1 pi.—Meyer (A.) Neues uber die Morphologie der Bacte- rienzelle und die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bacterien- sporen. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb.(1897), 1898, 49-56.-----. Ueber die Verzweigung der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 49-60,2pL—Munlschlegel (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Bakterien nach Studien an drei KornerbazUlen. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl., 1898, xv, 131-153, 1 pi.—Nakanishi (K.) Ueber den Bau der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 97; 145; 193; 225,5pL—vonNiessen (M.) BakteriogeneseundPathotropismus; einebiologische Studie. Aerztl. Rundschau,Munchen, 1914, xxiv, 25; 37.— Pakes (W. C. C.) The effect of high percentages of nitrates upon the morphology of certain bacteria. Tr. Path.*Soc. Lond., 1900-1901, hi, 246.—Paquin (P.) Observations on the biology of micro-organisms from a medical standpoint. St. Joseph M. Herald, 1890, viii, 193-197.—Peju (G.) & Rajat (H.) Variations morphologiques et biologiques des bacteries dans les milieux salins. J. de physiol. et de path. gen., Par., 1906, viu, 868-876. Aho [Abstr.]: Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 959-961—Prazmowski (A.) [History of the development and morphology of the azotobacteria.j Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej., Krakow, 1911, 3. s., xi, B, 511-525.-----. Die Zellkerne der Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1913, xxxvih, 444- 447.—Ramond (F.) Proprietes biologiques du bacille- fourmi. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1905, hx, 232.— Rowland (S.) Observations upon the structure of bacteria. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond., 1899, 2. s., 143-161,1 pi.—RuZiCka (V.) Ueber die biologische Bedeutung der farbbaren Kornchen des Bakterieninhaltes. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Berl., 1903, xlvi, 337-389, 2 pi.-----. Unter- suchungen iiber den Bau und die allgemein biologische Natur der Bakterien. Ibid., 1904, li, 281-318, 1 pi.-----. Ueber die experimentelle Autogamie der Bakterien. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1910, xxx, 443- 460.—Sangiorgi (G.) Sopra una particolarita, di struttura di alcuni germi messa in evidenza col metodo di Burri. Pathologica, Genova, 1909-10, ii, 152. Aho: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1910, 4. s., xvi, 97-99.-----. Ueber einen eigenartigen, bei einigen Mikrobien durch die Tusche dargestellten Baubefund. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lv, Orig., 94-96,1 pi.—Sartory (A.) Le noyau des bacteries. Biologica, Par., 1913, iii, 271-274.— Schlater (G.) Zur Biologie der Bakterien. Was sind die Bakterien? Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1897, xvh, 833-846.— Seifert (W.) Beitrage zur Pnysiologie una Morphologie der Essigsaurebakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, hi, 337; 385— Shimidsu (K.) Ueber die Morpholo- gie des Bact. coli, B. typhi abdominahs und der anderen gramnegativen Bacillen. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxxi, Orig., 338-342.—Slater (C.) Mucoid forms of bacteria; Louis Jenner's work. Lancet, Lond., 1918, u, 183.—So- bernheim (G.) & Seligmann (E.) Beobachtungen uber die Umwandlung biologisch wichtiger Eigenschaften von Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 351-353. Aho: Verhandl. d. physiol. Gesellsch. zu Berl. (1910), 1911, xxxv, 20-24.—Stolz (A.) Leber einen Bacillus mit Verzweigungen. Arch. f. Hyg^, Munchen & Leipz., 1897, xxx, 156-167.—Suchting (H.) Kritische Studien iiber die Knollchenbakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakte- BACTERIA. 272 . BACTERIA. Bacteria (Biology, morphology, and struc- ture of). riol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xi, 377; 417; 496.—Swellen- grebel (N. H.) Zur Kenntnis der Zytologie der Bakterien. Ibid., 1907, xix, 193-201. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Zytologie einiger Fadenbakterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Miin- chen & Berl., 1909, lxx, 380-403, 2 pi.—Trincas (L.) Sulle cosidette forme eteromorfe o teratologiche dei batteri. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1906, n. s., xvi, 67-81.—Unna (P. G.) Ueber die feinere Struktur der Kokken. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1901, xxii, 517-519. Aho, Reprint — Vaughan (V. C.) A study of bacterial cells. Tr. Ass. Am. Physi- cians, Phila., 1902, xvii, 243-246: 1903, xviii, 365-368.—Vay (F.) Studien uber die Strukturverhaltnisse von Bakterien mit Hilfe von farbehaltigen Nahrboden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lv, Orig., 193-208,1 pi.— Vejdovsky (F.) Bemerkungen iiber den Bau und Ent- wickelung der Bakterien. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1900, vi, 577- 589,1 pi.-----. [Organisation and development of bacteria.) Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. 1900, Prag., 1901, No. 22, 1-14. -----. [New reports on the or- ganism of bacteria, especially on the nucleus and its divi- sion.] Ibid., Prag, 1903, 43, 1-17, 1 pi. -----. Demonstra- tion des Bakterienkernes. BulL vi. internat. Zool.-Kong., Bern, 1904, No. 4, 3.-----. Ueber den Kern der Bakterien und seine Teilung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1903-1, xi, 481-196, 1 pi.—Wagner (A.) Coli- und Typhusbakterien sind einkernige Zellen. Ein Beitrag zur Histologic der Bakterien. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1.S9N, xxiii, 433; 489, 2 pL—Walker (E. W. A.) The life-histories ofthe lower bacteria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, 784.—Williams (W.) Some peculiarities in the life-history of microbes. Vet. J., Lond., 1900, n. s., ii, 123-127—Wollstein (Martha). Biological relationships of Diplococcus intracellularis and gonococcus. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1907, ix, 588-605. Also, Reprint. Bacteria (Capsulated). Beck(S.) [A capsulated aquatile bacterium.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1895, iv, 291-300, 1 pi.—Bertarelli (E.) Die Kapselbacillen, insbesondere ihre Systematik und die durch sie bedingten immunitaren Reaktionen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxvii, 338-349 — Binaghi (R.) Ueber die Deutung der Kapseln der Bak- terien. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 897; 919. —Boni (I.) Ricerche sulla capsula dei batteri. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1931, xxiii, 417-430. Aho [Abstr.]: Riforma med.. Roma, 1901, xvii, pt. 2, 363— Campana (R.) Differenti colture di capsulati e terreni varii in cui si sono ottenuti. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1899, 73-75,1 pi.— Carageorgiades (H.) Sur un nouveau milieu de culture electif pour les microbes encapsules. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, lxxviiii, 677.—Carpano (M.) Sull' invoglio capsulare di alcuni batteri (Streptococcus equi, Bact. equi- septicum, Bact. suisepticum, Bact. mallei, Bact. typhi); note morfolo^iehe e di tecnica microbiologica. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1913, n. s., xxiii, 149-161, lpl.—von Eisler (M.) & Porges (O.) Ueber die Differenzierung der Kapselbakterien mit Hilfe agglutinierender und prazipitierender Immun- sera. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xiii, 660-665-—Fletcher (W.) Capsulate mucoid forms of paraty- phoid and dysentery bacilli. Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 102-104.— Furst (T.) Untersuchungen iiber Kapsel-una Hullenbil- dungen bei den sogenannten Kapselbakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc/], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lvi, Origv 97-110, 1 pi — Galbo (O.) Le capsule bacillifere e bacilhpare, e i pro- dotti di secrczione dei microbi; la cristallo-diagnosi. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 612-615.—Hamm (A.) Beob- achtungen uber Baktcrienkapseln auf Grund der Wei- denreichschen Fixationsmethode. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906-7, xlui, Orig., 2N7-303, 1 pi—Ivanofl (K. S.) [Albuminous substances and cap- sules of bacteria and fungi.] Bolnitsch. Gaz. Botkina, S.-Peterb., 1901, xii, 952-954— 3Iarglne.su (P.) Sulle capsule e sugli involucri di alcuni germi appartenenti al gruppo dei cosidetti "batteri capsulati." Atti d. r. Ac- cad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1912, 5. s., iv, 303-327.—Mar- rassini (A.) Ueber das Vorhandensein einer den Korper einiger Bakterien umgebenden Hiille und deren besondere Bedeutung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, Orig., lxxi, 113-128, 2 pi.-----. Sulla presenza di un involucro intorno al corpo di alcuni batteri, e sulla sua particolare importanza. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1913, lxvii, suppl., 308.—MUller (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kapselbacillen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1899, lxiv, 590-596.—Natonek (D.) Zur Kenntnis dor Pathogenitat der Kapselbazillen; plotzlicher Tod aus natiir- licher Ursache. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 207- 209.—Oro (M.) Ricerche comparative batteriologiche e sperimentali sui bacilh capsulati di Pfeiffer e di Frisch. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1898, n. s., hi, 36-48, 1 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1898, xxxhi, 270.—Russ (V. K.) Ein Beitrag zur kulturellen Differenzierung der Kapselbacillen. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig., 289-294.—Sachs (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kapselbacillen. Ibid., 1903, xxxiii, 6574378.—Sampietro (G.) Contributo alio Bacteria (Capsulated). studio delle attivita biochimiche dei cosidetti Bb. capsu- lati. Onore (In) del Prof. A. Celli, Torino, 1913, xxv, 471- 498.—Saurbeck (E.) Kapselbildung und Infektiositat der Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1909, lxiii, 313-319.—Strong (L. W.) A study of the encap- sulated bacilh. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc., 1898-9, iii, 185-196. Also, Reprint. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 49-52—Toennlssen (E.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Kapsel der pathogenen Bakterien. Die in Kulturen und im Tierkorper gebildete Kapsel; Darstellungsmethode. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxv, Orig., 23-25— Vivaldi (M.) Varieta di bac- teri capsulati. Pathologica, Genova, 1913-14, vi, 700-703. Bacteria (Capsulated, Staining of). Baehr (G.) & Kantor (J.) A comparative study of methods for staining the capsules of bacteria. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1911-12, n. s. xi, 69-72. Aho: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxui, Orig., 120-128. Also, Reprint.—Boni (I.) Methode zur Darstellung der Bacterienkapsel auch in festen Nahrboden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1262.—Buerger (L.) A new method for staining the capsules of bacteria; prehminary communication. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxv, 1117. Aho: Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep. 1903-4, N. Y., 1905, iv, 398-400.-----. Eine neue Methode zur Kapselfarbung der Bakterien; zu- gleich ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Differenzierung eini- gereingekapseltenOrganismen. Centralbl.f.Bakteriolfetc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxix, 216; 337, 3 pi. See, aho, infra, Kern. -----. A method for making permanent mounts of specimens stained by Welch's capsule method. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 1533.-----. Observations on the staining of encapsulated bacteria, with particular refer- ence to pneumococci and streptococci. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1907, iv, 426-433.—Carpentieri (T.) Dimostra- zione della capsula di alcuni batteri che finora ne erano ritenuto privi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 785.— Claudius (M.)_ [A method for making the protoplasm and cilia of bacteria directly visible] Hosp.-Tid., Kobenh, 1917, 8. R., x, 1276-1279.—Epstein (A. A.) On the use of egg albuminin the technic of staining the capsules of bacteria. Med. News, N. Y., 1905. lxxxvii, 1181.-----. Observations on the staining of capsules of bacteria. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1905-6, n. s., v, 123-128.—Huntoon (F. M.) A simple method for staining the capsules of bacteria. J. Bact, Bait., 1917, ii, 241-244.—Kaufmann (R.) Eine neue Methode zur Farbung von Bakterienkapseln. Hvg. Rundschau, Berl., 1898, vhi, 873-875.—Kayser (H.) Eine Fixierungs- methode fiir die Darstellung von Bakterienkapseln. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 138-140 — Kern (F.) Bemerkungen zu Leo Burgers Abhandlung: Eine neue Methode zur Kapselfarbung der Bakterien; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Differenzierung einiger eingekapselter Oriranismen. Ibid., 1905-6, xl, 175.— Moore (A.) Capsule staining. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond., 1899, 2. s., 244 — Muir (R.) Staining of bac- terial capsules in films and section. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1915-16, xx, 257-259, 1 pi — Rosenow (E. C.) A new stain for bacterial capsules, with special reference to pneumococci. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1911, ix, 1-8, 1 pi. Aho, Reprint. ^7«oLVbstr.]:Tr.ChicagoPath. Soc, 1911-12, vhi, 144.—Rullson (E. T.) A new method of demonstrating the capsules of bacteria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1426.—Smith (W. H.) A method of staining capsulated bacteria in body fluids. Boston M. A S. J., 1910, clxiii, 791, lpl. Bacteria (Chemical products of). See, also, Bacteria (Chromogenic; Bacteria (Effects of); Bacteria (Enzymes, etc., of); Bac- teria (Extracts of); Bacteria (Gas-forming); Bacteria (Lndol production of); Bacteria (Met- abolhm of); Bacteria (Bhotogenic); Bacteria (Broteolytic); Bacteria (Toxins, etc., of). Stockmaren (J.) *Ueber den Einfluss spo- rentragender Stabchen auf die Saurebildung in Mischungen von Mehl und Wasser. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1005. Alsberg (C. L.) The formation of d-gluconic acid by Bacterium Savastanoi Smith. J. Biol. Chem Bait., 1911, ix, 1-7.—Antonofl (Nina). Ueber kreatinbildende Bak- terien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906-7, xlui, Orig., 209-212.—Berghaus. Ueber die AmmoniakbU- dung bei einigen Bakterienarten. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1907-8, lxiv, 1-32— Breaudat (L.) Sur un nouveau microbe producteur d'acetone. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxiii, 1280-1282—Brecdenraedt. Les bacte- ries et leurs produits de secretion. J. de pharm., Anvers, 1898. liv, 201; 241; 294; 332—Brieger (L.) Ueber Spaltungs- produkte der Bacterien. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1884-5, ix, 1-7— Bronfenbrenner (J.) A new indicator for direct reading of hydrogen ion concentration in growing bacterial cultures. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1918-19, xxxix, BACTERIA. 273 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Chemical products of.) 25-32— Charrln (A.) & Desgrez (A.) Production de substance mucino'ide par les bacteries. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, cxxvi, 596-598. Aho:Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 209.—Courmont (J.) Les pro- duits solubles microbiens. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 193-200.— Fischer (A.) Acid production graphically regis- tered as an indicator ofthe vital processes in the cultivation of bacteria. J. Exper. M., Bait., 1918, xxviii, 529-546.— Frouin (A.) & Ledebt (S.) Production d'acides volatiles par divers microbes cultives sur des aeides monoamines. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1911, lxx, 24-26— Galippc (V.) Sur le role des microbes dans la formation de quelques produits cristallises. Cinquanten. de la Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 395-398.—Gerlach & Vogel. Ueber eiweissbildende Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1901, vh, 609-623.—Hanna (W.) O n a method of estimating the production of acid by bacteria in nutritive media. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1898, v, 267-273 — Harden (A.) & Norris (Dorothy). The bacterial production of acetylmethylcarbinol and 2.3-butylene glycol from vari- ous substances. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1911-12, s. B., lxxxiv, 492-499.—Higglns (C. H.) Biological products. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1912, ii, 114-120.—Houghton (E. M.) The nature and manufacture of bacterial products. Bull. Pharm., Detroit, 1896, x, 151; 200; 248.—Jordan (E. O.) The production of acid and alkali by bacteria. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxhi, 220.—Kendall (A. I.), Day (A. A.) & Walker (A. W.,) Observations on the relative constancy of ammonia production by certain bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1913, xiii, 425-428. Aho, Reprint.—Leuchs (G.) Ueber Plasmoptyse der Bakterien. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1904), 1905, xx, 62.—Levine (M.) Acid-production and other characters of BacUlus-coli-like bacteria from feces and sewage. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1916, xix, 773-805. Aho, Reprint.—Maassen (A.) Fruchtatherbildende Bakterien. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl.. 1899, xv, 500-513, 3 pi — Mcnini (G.) Intorno all'azione flogistica dei prodotti bac- terid esogeni ed endogeni nei tessuti. Sperimentale. Arch. di biol., Firenze, 1909, lxhi, 433-502, 2 pi—Morris (M.) Stu- dien uber die Production von Schwefelwasserstoff Indol und Merkaptan bei Bacterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1897, xxx, 304-31 l.—Rettger(L. F.) An experimental study ofthe chemical products of bacUlus coli communis, and bacil- lus lactis aerogenes. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1902-3, viii, 284- 293.—Rodet (A.) Sur les proprietes favorisantes des pro- duits solubles du bacUle d'Eberth et du bacUle coh. N. Montpel. med., 1898, vh, 761-764.—Roily. Beitrag zur Alkali- und Saureprdduction der Bakterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1901-2, 406-412.—Sasaki (T.) & Otsuka (I.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Schwefel- wasserstott'entwicklung der Bakterien aus Cystin und sonstigen Schwefelverbindungen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1912, xxxix, 208-215.—Sata (A.) Ueber die Fettbildung durch verschiedene Bakterien, nebst einer neuen Farbung des Aktinomyces im Sehnitte. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1900, xi, 97-102.—Schardinger (F.) Verhalten von Weizen- und Roggenmehl zu Methylenblau und zu Starkekleister, nebst einem Anhange iiber die Bil- dung hoherer Alkohole durch hitzebestandige Mikroor- ganismen aus Weizenmehl. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xvhi, 748-767.—Wolf (C. G. L.) & Telfer (S. V.) Contributions to the biochemistry of pathogenic anaerobes; the acid production of Bacillus welchii (B. per- fringes) and Bacillus sporogenes (Metchnikoff). Bio-Chem. J., Liverp., 1910-17, xi, 197-212.—Wolff (A.) Sauerungsbak- terien, insonderheit Milchsaurelangstabchen und Propion- saurebildner in Molkereiprodukten, speziellin den verschie- denen Kasesorten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxiv, 494-540. Bacteria (Chemistry of). See, also, Bacteria (Acidophilic); Bacteria (Agglutination of); Bacteria (Chemical prod- uch of); Bacteria (Chromogenic); Bacteria (Benitrifying); Bacteria (Enzymes, etc., of); Bacteria (Extrach of); Bacteria (Gas-form- ing); Bacteria (Hemophilic); Bacteria (Lndol production of); Bacteria (Nitrifying); Bac- teria (Bhotogenic); Bacteria (Broteolysh of); Bacteria (Beducing power of); Bacteria (Tox- ins of). Achard (C.) & Gaillard (L.) Contribution a l'etude biochimique des genres tetragene et staphylocoque. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1899, xi,96-108— Bendix (E.) Zur Chemie der Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1901, xxvh, 18.—Besredka (A.), StrObel (H.) & Jupille (F.) Microbes peptones et apep- tones. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 691- 693.—Bradley (H. C.) & Nichols (M. S.) Nitrogen content of bacterial cells. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1918, xxxih, 525- 529.—Calmette (E.) Biochimie des microbes; les diastases. Bull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 37-39.—Deycke (G.) Prepa- ration of a fat-like substance from the bodies of bacteria. 96808°— Vol. II, 3d series—19----IS Bacteria (Chemistry of). [Pat. spec.l No. 972345; Oct. 11, 1910.—Deycke (G.) & Much (H.) Untersuchungen iiber endobazUlare Eiweiss- kbrper. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1541-1545. Also, transl.: Therapist, Lond., 1909, xix, 1; 13.—Eisenberg (P.) Ueber Fetteinschlusse bei Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlviii, Orig., 257-274: 1909, h, Orig., 115-121, 2 pi.—Emmerich (R.) Sind alle Einwande gegen die Natur und Wirkungsweise der sogenannten Nukleasen widerlegt? (Eine Erwiderung an A. Dietrich.) Ibid., 1902, xxxi, 585-588.—Galeotti (G.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der bacteriellen Nucleoproteide. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1898, xxv, 48-63.—Grimaux. La . chimie des infiniment petits. Ass. franc, pour Pavance. d. sc. C.-r. 1898, Par., 1899, xxvu, 88-94.—Hensel (J.) The chemical production of bacteria; some interesting experi- ments. Critique, Denver, 1897-8, iv, 49-52.—Horovitz- Vlasova (Lyubov). [Bio-chemism of bacteria.] Arch. biol. nauk..., S.-Peterb., 1909-10, xv, 38; 458. Also, transl: Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1910, xv, 40; 428.—Lang- held (E.) Bacterial energy and chemical individuality. Therapist, Lond., 1905, xv, 129. —Nicolle & Allaire (E.) Note sur la production en grand des corps bacteriens et sur leur composition chimique. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1909, xxiii, 547-557, 1 pi.—Pokrovskl (M, A.) [Chemical analysis ofthe mineral basis of several pathogenic microbes.] Protok. zasied. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tifhs, 1899-1900, xxxvi, 289-298.—Tamura (S.) Zur Chemie der Bakterien. Zischr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1913, lxxxvii, 85-114: lxxxviii, 190-198: 1914, lxxxix, 304-311.—Thudichum (J. L. W.) Eclecticism and thoroughness in bacterial chemistry. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1£97, n. s., lxiv, 290-292.—Vaughan (V. C.) A contribution to the chemis- try of the bacterial cell and a study of the effects of some of the split products on animals. Boston M. & S. J., 1906, civ, 215; 243; 271. Aho: Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc. Bost., 1906, xx, 295-347.-----. A biological concept of the structure of the protein molecule. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1916, x, 177-186.—Ward (H. C.) A sero-enzyme studv of bacterial proteins. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1917, xxii,'514-522. Bacteria (Chromogenic). Letjckhardt (A. E.) *Ueber Variabilitat und Bedingungen der Farbstoffbildung bei Spalt- pilzen. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1901. Molisch (H.) Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. Eine mikrobiologische Studie. 8°. Jena, 1907. Papenhausen (H.) *Ueber die Bedingungen der Farbstoffbildung bei den Bakterien. 8°. Basel, 1901. Rosenberg (W. W.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Bakterienfarbstoffe, insbesondere der Gruppe des Bakterium prodigiosum. 8°. Wurzburg, 1899. Thevenin (P.) Contribution a l'etude dea bacteries chromog&nes; recherches sur un ba- cille rouge pathogene. 8°. Toulouse, 1898. Thiry (G.-A.-N.) *Bacille polychrome et actinomyces mordore. Recherches biologiques Bur les bacteries bleues et violettes. Poly- chromisme. Corps bacteriens et cristaux colores. Matiere colorante cristallisee. 8°. Nancy, 1900. Ajtai (I. S. K.) [Some recent chromogenic bacteria.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1897, vi, 657-667, 1 pi—von Bazarewski (S.) Ueber zwei neue farbstoffbildende Bak- terien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xv, 1-7.—Beauregard. Note sur un nouveau bacille chro- mogene. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 717.—Beijerinck (M. W.) Pigmenten als oxydatieproduc- ten door bakterien gevormd. Versl. d. Akad. d. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1910, xix, 1092-1103.—Boekhout (F. W. J.) & Ott de Vries (J. J.) Ueber einen neuen chro- mogenen Bacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 497-501.—Cimmino (R.) Di un nuovo bacillo cromogeno. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1899, n. s^ ix, 235-242,1 pi.—Cornish (Elfrida C. V.) & WUIiams (W. S.) Colour changes produced by two groups of bacteria upon caseinogen and certain ammo-acids. Biochem. J., Cam- bridge, 1917, xi, 180-187.—Coupin (H.) Les bacteries fabricants de couleurs. Nature, Par., 1901-2, pt. 2 26-28.— Daels (F.) & Devloo (R.) Au sujet de Paction de bacteries colonies. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 603.—Detweiler (A. J.) A preliminary report on certain bacterial pigments. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians. Phila., 1902, xvu, 246-257.— Didlake (Marv). Description of a germ whose production of red pigment is limited to its cultivation upon a single medium. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xv, 193-197, 1 pi.—von Eisler (M.) & von Portheim (L.) Versuche iiber die Veranderung von Bakterienfarbstoffen BACTERIA. 274 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Chromogenic). durch Licht und Temperatur. Ibid., 1914, lx, 1-5.—Gaeht- gens (W.) Der Bacillus jasmino-cyaneus und der Bacillus flavo-aromaticus, zwei neue Farbstolf bildende Bakterien. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena. 1905, xxxviii, 129-131.—Gaucher (L.) Sur quelques bacteries chromogenes isolees d'une eau do source. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1903-4, xi, 721-723 —Gazzettl (C.) Influenza della ghcerina aggiunta ai mezzi di cultura su alcuni cromogeni. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1911, xi, 235; 413; 427.-----. Biologische Wirkung des den Niihrsubstraten zugesetzten Glyzerins auf einige chromo- gene Keime, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Farb- stofferzeugungsfunktion. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.,Jena, 1911, lx, Orig.,588-599.—Gessard (C.) Microbes chromogenes a pigments bleus solubles; pus bleu et lait bleu. Bull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 649-653—Gorham (F. P.) A new pathogenic chromogenic bacillus. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, 1898, xiU, 259-265. Also: J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1897-8, U, 111-118—Guyot (R.) Bacilles chromo- genes des eaux de fleur d'orange; morphologie; milieux de culture. 3. de pharm. et de chim Par.. 1917, 7. s., xv, 12- 19.—Harrison (F. C.) & Barlow (B.) A new chromogenic slime-producing organism. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xv, 517-538.—Hartley (W. J.) On a violet colouring-matter and its production by a certain bac- terium. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl.Soc, 1913,n. s , xiv,63-73.— Hefferan (Mary). A comparative and experimental study of bacilli producing red pigment. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1903, xi. 311; 397; 456; 520—Hobbs (J.) & Denier. Les essences et le pouvoir chromogene des bac- teries. Ann. d'hyg. Par., 1900, 3. s., xliv, 103. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 293.—Kllgler (I. J.) A biochemical study of certain bacterial pigments. Bio- chem. Bull., N. Y., 1914, iii, 458-460.—Lasseur (P.) Ob- servations sur le pouvoir chromogene de quelques bacteries. Rec. . . . jubile sc du Prof. Le Mounier, Nancy, 1913, 97- 114.-----. Surl'extraction des pigments bacteriens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1914, lxxvi, 819.—Leonard (Ethel L.) Bacterium cvaneum; a new chromogenic organism. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1904, xv, 398-400 — Marx (H.) Eine Bemerkung zur Farbstoffproduction der Bacterien. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxii, 349. Aho: Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1901, xv, 132 — Marx (II.) & Woithe (F.) Ueber einen neuen farbstoff- bildenden Bacillus. Centiaibl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt. Jena, 1900, xxvii, 862.—Massi (LT.) Potere cromogeno di alcuni germi in brodo con glucosidi e in brodo con sali biliari. Riv. d'ig. san. pubb., Torino, 1911, xxii, 681-684.—Mercier (L.) & Lasseur (P.) Variation experimentale du pouvoir chromogene d'une bacterie (Bacillus chlororaphis). Compt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, clii, 141.5-1418.—Oliver (C. Al An experimental study of the effects of change of color upon pigment bacteria. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1902, n. s., cxxiii, 647-652. Aho. Reprint.-----. A brief note on the relative virulencies oi differently tinted colonies of chromogenic bacteria. Ophth. Rec., Chicago, 1905, xiv, 4. Aho, Re- print.— Omeliansky (W. L.) & Ssewerowa (O. P.) Die Pigmenthildung in Kulturen des Azotobacter chroococcum. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcl, 2. Abt., Jena, 1911, xxix, 643- 650.—Paus (N. N.) Farvefaste bakterier; en oversigt. Norsk Mag. f. Lacgevidensk., Christiania, 1908, 5. R., v, 698-708.—Peju (G.) A- Rajat (II.) Fixation des couleurs par les bacteries. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 954—Petrow (N.) Ueber einen neuen roten Farb- stou bildenden Bacillus. Arb. a. d. bacteriol. Inst. d. techn. Hochsch. zu Karlsruhe, Wiesb., 1899-1902, U, 271- 290,1 pi.— Rappin. Sur une bacterie chromogene isoleedans l'eau de la pluie rose observ^e au Croisicen 1896. Ass. franc. pour Lavance. d. sc. C.-r. 1898, Par., 1899, xxvu, pt. 2, 291- 296.—Ruedlger (G. F.) The cause of green coloration of \ bacterial colonies in blood agar plates. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1903-6, vi, 422-424.—Scaffldi (V.) Sulla curva di assorbimento di vart pigmenti batterici, determinata alio spettrofotometro. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1913, xvi, 1181-11*0. Aho, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1914, lxi, 265-270.—Smlrnow (M. R.) Induced variations in chromogenesis [in bacteria]. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, 1915, n. s., xii, 621.—Thlry (G.) Sur une bacterie produi- sant plusieurs couleurs (bacille polychrome). Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., hi, 885.-----. Contri- bution a l'etude du polychromisme bactcrim; bacille et cladothrix polychromes; cristaux colorfe. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par.. 1897, 5. s., ix, 284-288.—Vanderletk (J.) Organisms which do not belong to the colon group and produce black fields on aesculin-bilesalt nirdia. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, 1915, n. s., xlh, 351— Woolley (P. G.) A note on the pigment production of bacillus pyocya- neus and Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens. Johns Hopkui! Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1899, x, 129. pkins . Experiments made to determine the effects of sugar upon the pigment formation of some of the chromogenic bacteria. Ibid., 130. Bacteria (Classification and nomencla- ture of). See, also, Bacteria (Arid-fast); Bacteria (Aerobic); Bacteria (Anaerobic); Bacteria Bacteria (Classification and nomencla- ture of). (Capsulated); Bacteria (Chromogenic); Bacte- ria (Benitrifying); Bacteria (Bifferentiation of); H&cteria.(FIagellated); Bacteria (Gas-forming); Bacteria (Hemophilic); Bacteria (New species of); Bacteria (Nitrifying); Bacteria (Patho- genic); Bacteria (Photogenic); Bacteria (Pyo- genic) ; Bacteria (Thermophilic). Chester (F. D.) A preliminary arrangement of the species of the genus Bacterium. 8°. [n. p., n. d] Ripr. from: Ninth Ann. Rep. Delaware College Agric. Exper. Station, Newark, Del., 1897. Rogers (L.) & Davis (B. J.) Methods of classifying the lactic-acid bacteria. In: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Animal indust. Bull. No. 154, Wash., 1912. Win slow (C. E. A.) A statistical criterion for species and genera among the bacteria. 8°. [n. p.], 1909. Repr.from: Bull. Torrey Botan. Club., 1909. ------ & Win slow (A. R.) The systematic relationship of the Coccacese, with a discussion of bacterial classification. * . Nm> York, 1908. Wolff (E.) *Ueber die Bedeutung der Verzweigungen fiir die Systematik der Bak- terien. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1898. Allen (P. W.) A simple method for the classification of bacteria as to diastase production. J. Bact., Bait., 1918, iii, 15-17—Bergey (D. H.) A Bates (H. L.) The numerical classification of bacteria. Univ. Penn. M. Bull, PhUa., 1906-7, xix, 116-118—Buchanan (R. E.) Studies in the nomenclature and classification of bacteria. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, L591-596: 1917, ii, 347-350:1918. iii, 27; 301.—Butschli (O.) Bemerkungen iiber Cvanophvceen und Bacteriaceen. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena," 1902, i, 40-50, 1 pi —Connor (G. L.) Certain facts in regard to the intermediate group of organisms. J. Mich M. Soc, Detroit, 1904, hi, 26-29.— Coupin (H.) Les bacteries et la nomenclature. Presse med., Pur., 1915, xxhi, 149.— Dlbbelt (W.) Zur Systematik der BacUlaceen; ein Versuch. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst, zu Tiibini: , Leipz., 1907, vi, 120-142.— Fisch (C.) On the svstematologv ofthe bacteria. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896, xxxiii, 163-166. Aho, Reprint.— Gage (S. De M.) & Phelps (A. B.) On the classification and identification of bacteria with description of the card system in use at the Lawrence Experiment Station for records of species. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1902, Columbus, 1903. xxviii, 494-505.—Gildemeister (E.) & Baerthlein (K.) Ueber eine besondere, bei Menschen und Tieren vorkommende Bakteriengruppe. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912-13, lxvii, Orig., 401-410.— Hefferan (Mary). An unusual bacterial grouping. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1901-2, v, 63-67. Aho: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, vhi, 689-699—Heim (L.) Lchersiehtliehe Einteilung una Tabellen zur Einord- nung der Mikroorganismen, speziell der Bakterien. Si- tzungsb. d. phys -med. Soc. zu Erlang. (1897), 189S, 29. Hft., 29-39— Heinza. [A view of the classification of bacteria, bv Hans Muller.] Lief, viestnik, u Zagrebu, 1898, xx, 109-111 —Jensen (Orla). Die Hauptlinien des naturlicnen Bakteriensvstems. Centralbl. f. BakterioL [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 190\s, xxu, 97; 305.-----. Vorschlag zu einer neuen bakteriologischen Nomenklatur. Ibid., 1909, xxiv, 477-180— Kellermann (K. F.). McBeth (I. G.) [et al.]. Identification and classification of cellulose-dissolv- ing bacteria. Ibid.. 1913, xxxix, 502-522, 2 pi—Kendall (A. I.) A proposed classification and method of graphical tabulation of the character of bacteria. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1902. Columbus, 1903, xxviii, 4M-493, 1 tab.— Le Dan tec (X.) Note sur une nouvelle categorie de mi- crobes: les microbes chlormvphiles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1906, lxi, 139. Leiine (M.) Preliminary note on the classification of some Lu-tose fermenting bacteria. J: Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 619-t>21. -JlcBurney (M ) The classification of diphtheroid bacilli by fermentation reac- tions. Proc N. York Path. Soc, 1916, xvi, 135-138.— Alendoza (A.) Convenance d'une revision de la classifi- cation et description des bacteries connues. Cong, internat. dc med. C.-r. 1903. Madrid, 1901, xiv, path, gen., 4-6 — Moreno (J. M.) Neccsidad de la unidad en la tecniea, en la naturaleza y en la composition de los medios de cultivo, etc., para la determinacioh de los caracteres de cada especie bacteriana, y conveniencia de que una comisidn interna- cional de bacterioJogos revise las descripciones y clasifica- ciones de las bacterias pat<5genas conocidas. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, intemac. cie hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, i, 261.—Roger (II.) Remarques sur les classifications bac- BACTERIA. 275 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Classification and nomencla- ture of). teriologiques a propos des groupes Coli et Proteus. Presse med., Par., 1918, xxvi, 301— Serkovski (S. I.) [Sur la structure des colonies baeteriennes, avec un essai d'une nouvelle classification des bacteries. Extr., 395-397.] Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin. Med. i Bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1898, vi, 201; 349, 1 pL—Severin (S. A.) Zu der Notiz von A. Lohnis: Die Benennung der Milchsaurebakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxiv, 487.— Vahle (C.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die Myxo- bakteriazeen una Bakteriazeen, sowie die Rhodobakteria- zeen und Spirillazeen. Ibid., xxv, 178-260, 2 pi—Vuille- min (P.) La famille des clostridiacees ou bacteries cys- tosporees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvi, 1582-1584.—Winkler (W.) Untersuchungen uber das Wesen der Bakterien und deren Einordnung im Pilzsystem. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1899, v, 569; 617, 2 pi.—Winslow (C.-E. A.) The characterization and classi- fication of bacterial types. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1914, n. s., xxxix, 77-91. Aho, Reprint.—Winslow (C.-E. A.), Broadhurst (J.) [et al.]. The families and genera of the bacteria; preliminary report of the committee of the Society of American Bacteriologists on characteriza- tion and classification of bacterial types. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, h, 505-566. Bacteria (Cultivation of). See, also, Bacteria (Anaerobic, Cultivation of); Bacteriology (Culture media in). Crookshank (E. M.) On the cultivation of bacteria. 12°. London, 1885. Aho, in: J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1886, 2. s., vi, pt. 1, 25-31. Galimard (J.) *Quelques recherches nou- velles sur les cultures microbiennes en milieux chimiquement definis. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Gvozdinski (Y. A.) *0 rostie niekotorikh bakteriy na pitatelnikh sredakh iz vnutrennikh organov. [Growth of various bacteria on nutri- tive media from internal organs.] 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1902. Nyberg (C.) *Ueber die Kolonien der lopho- trichen Stabchenbakterien. 8°. Helsingfors, 1912. Schlitzer (A.) *Ueber das Wachstum der Bakterien auf wasserarmen Nahrboden. 8°. Wurzburg, 1905. Winkler (S.) *Ueber den Einfluss der Reaction der Nahrboden auf die Entwicklung der Bacterien. 8°. Wurzburg, 1896. Wolf (L.) *Ueber den Einfluss des Wasser- gehaltes der Nahrboden auf das Wachsthum der Bacterien. [Wiirzburg.] 8°. Munchen, 1899. Aho, in: Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1898-9, xxxiv, 200-209. Auerbach (W.) Ueber die Ursache der Hemmung der Gelatine-Verfliissigung durch Bacterien durch Zuckerzu- satz. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1897, xxxi, 311- 318.—Axelrad (C.) Ueber Morphologie der Colonieen pa- thogener Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskr., Leipz , 1903, xliv, 477-497, 3 pi.—Berghaus. Die Sauerung des Nahrbodens durch Bakterien und ihr Nachweis mittels Harnsaure. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xvi, 573-577.— Boehncke (K. E.) Die Beziehungen zwischen Zuekerge- halt des Nahrbodens und Stickstoffumsatz bei Bakterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1911, lxxiv, 81-109.— Broil (R.) Zum Wachstum der ovoiden Bakterien in Form von langeren Stabchen und Faden. Ztschr. f. Infek- tionskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl., 1908, iv, 137.—Buchanan (R. E.) Life phases in a bacterial culture. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1918, xxhi, 109-125. Aho, Reprint.—Bugge. Pseudokolonien mit Bewegung im Innern auf Agarplatten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlh, Beil., G9-72— Casagrandi (O.) Su alcune cause della non colti- vabilita dei blastomiceti inoculati nelP organismo animale. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1898, n. s., vhi, 306-317.— Chesney (A. M.) The latent period in the growth of bacteria. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1916, xxiv. 387-418. Aho, Reprint.— Conradi (H.) & Kurpjuweit (O.) Ueber spontane Wachs- tumshemmung der Bakterien infolge Selbstvergiftung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, hi, 1761-1764.—Deeleman (M.) Der Einfluss der Reaktion des Nahrbodens auf das Bakterienwachsthum. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1897, xiii, 374-402—Dunham (E. K.) The influence of physical conditions on the character of colonies on gelatin plates. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1903, n. s., xvh, 372.—Eijkman (C.) Ueber die Ursache der Wachstums- hemmung in Bakterienkulturen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., Bacteria (Cultivation of). 1906, xlhi, 499. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1907, xxxhi, 265.-----. Ueber natiirhche Wachstums- hemmung der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena, 1906, xii, 367; 471.—Eisenberg (P.) Ueber sekundare Bakterienkolonieen. Ibid^, 1905-6, xl, 188-194, 3 pi. -----. Ueber Gram-elektive Ziichtung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1918, xhv, 1079.—EUer- mann (V.) Ueber die Kultur der fusiformen Bacillen. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvu/729.—Feinberg. Ueber das Wachs- thum der Bacterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, 256.—Finch (S. E.) A study of the action of oxygen, hydrogen dioxide and ozone gas upon the growth of certain bacteria. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcviii, 1066-1069. Aho, Reprint.—Fischer (H.) Versuche uber Bakterienwachstum m sterilisiertem Boden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908-9, xxh, 671-675.—Fred (E. B.) & Loomis (N. E.) Influence of hydrogen-ion con- centration of medium on the reproduction of alfalfa bacteria. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, h, 629-633— Fremlin (H. L.) On the culture of the nitroso-bacterium. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1903, lxxi, 356-361.—Gaidukov (N.) Der Kampf urns Dasein und die Mixtkulturen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xiv, 206-208.—Galli-Valerio (G.) Influence de l'agitation sur le developpement des cultures. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvu, 150-153.—Gazzettl (C.) Importanza della qualita del substrato nelle modificazioni biologiche prodotte da sostanze aggiunte ai mezzi di cultura sui cromogeni. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1911, xh, 25-48.—Gianluca (A.) Sullo sviluppo dei bacteri in ter- reni di coltura contenenti alogeni. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1908, n. s., xviii, 253-266.—Gildemeister (E.) Ueber den Einfluss von Rhamnose und Raffinose auf das Wachstum von Bakterien. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1913, xiv, 226-237.—Godoy (A.) Multiplicacao dos bacterios em cultura; constante de velocidade de multiplicacao. Mem. do Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Jan., 1909, i, 81-98.—Gorini (C.) La cultura ascendente nelle ricerche batteriologiche. Policlin., Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. prat., 173-177—Hammerl (H.) Zur Ziichtung der Anaeroben. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc]4 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 589-592.—Harckman (P.) Action de l'etat particulier sur les cultures micro- biennes. Acad. roy. de Belg. BulL de la cl. d. sc, Brux., 1906, 335-340, 1 pi.—Hesse (W.) Ueber den Ursprung der in Culturglasern auftretenden Kohlensaure. Arch. f. Hyg.. Munchen & Leipz., 1896-7, xxviii, 307-311.—Houssay (F.) Croissance et auto-intoxication. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 1233-1235.—Ippoliti (P. T.) Sulla resis- tenza dei microrganismi nelle colture di collezione. Clin. vet., Milano, 1915, xxxvih, 865; 916; 937.—Jacobsen (H. C.) Ueber einen richtenden Einfluss beim Wachstum gewisser Bakterien in Gelatine. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1906, xvi, 53-64, 1 pi.—Happen (H.) Versuche zur Ziichtung cyanamidzersetzender Bakterien. Ibid., 1909, xxiv, 382-404.—Kindborg (A.) Ueber Bakterienwachstum auf kalkhaltige Nahrboden. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1800.—Koga (G.) & Otsubo (G.) Spirochete-like spiral bodies in bacterial cultures. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1919, xxiv, 56-62, 1 pi— Krumwiede (C.) & Pratt (Joseph- ine S.) Observations on the growth of bacteria on media containing various anilin dyes. ,3. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1914, xix, 20-27.—Lazarus (Elenora). Sur la reaction des milieux pour la bacteridie de Davaine. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 730-732—Le Dantec (A.) Isolement des bacteries amylozymes en culture pure. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1910, iii, 122— Ledingham (J. C. G.) & Penfold (W. J.) Mathematical analysis of the lag- phase in bacterial growth. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1914, xiv, 242-260.—Ledoux-Lebard. De Paction sur la temperature du bouillon de culture de tuberculose nitre sur porcelaine. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par^ 1898, x, 601- 615— Lewandowsky (F.) Ueber das Wachstum von Bakterien in Salzlosungen von holier Konzentration. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Berl., 1904, xlix, 47-01—Libman (E.) On certain features of the growth of bacteria on media con- taining sugars and serum; with remarks upon the acid pro- duction. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1901, n. s., i, 84-96. A ho: Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep. 1901-2, N. Y., 1903, hi, 501-512.—Low! (E.) Ueber ein Verfahren sur Beurteilung von Verande- rungen der Farbe und Durchsichtigkeit bei Bakterienkul- turen und chemischen Reaktionen. Wien. khn. Wchn- schr., 1918, xxxi, 920—de Ludre (Mme.) & Marie (A.) Action suspensive des pates de ceruse et de blanc de zinc sur les cultures microbiennes aeeobies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii,. 735—Manfredi (L.) Sviluppo di alcuni germi in mezzi culturali addizionati di colesterini. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxih, 849-853—Maresch (R.) Ueber das Verhalten von Bakterien und Geweben auf Blutagar bei Luftabschluss. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1912, xv, 156-163,1 pi—Marmorek. Sur la facon dont se comporte le streptocoque dans le hquide de culture oh il a deja pousse. Compt. rend. Soc de biol.. Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 1096.—Marpmann (G.) Ueber das Wachs- tum der Bacterien bei verandertem Druck. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Leipz., 1903, ix, 293-297.—Martinotti (G.) Azione della formaldeide sullo sviluppo del bacillo della tubercolosi e dello stafilococco piogeno aureo. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc BACTERIA. 276 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Cultivation of). d. 1st. di Bologna, 1906, 6. s., hi, 335-346— Mercatelli (V.) Le culture su vetrini nella diagnostica dei batteri. Corriere san., Milano, 1902, xhi, 494—Muller (A.) Die Abhangigkeit des Verlaufes der Sauerstoffzehrung in natiirlichen Wassern und kunstlichen Nahrlosungen vom Bakterienwachstum. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1911, xxxvih, 294-326.— MUUer(H.) Bakterienblasen(Bacteriocysten). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908, xx, 353; 449, 4 pi. See, also, infra, Miinden.—Mtinden (M.) Erwiderung auf die Arbeit iiber Bakterienblasen von H. Muller. Ibid., xxi, 381. —Oebius (R.) Ueber spontane Wachstums- hemmung der Bakterien auf kunstlichen Nahrboden. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 598-601.—Paine (A.) The culti- vation of pathogenie micro-organisms. St. Mary's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1912, xvhi, 37^11.—Penfold (W. J.) On the nature of bacterial lag. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1914, xiv, 215- 241.—Penfold (W. J.) & Norris (Dorothy). The relation of concentration of food supply to the generation-time of bacteria. Ibid., 1912, xh, 527-536.—Remllnger (P.) Reac- tion des cultures microbiennes a l'agitation avec Tether sulfurique. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1911, lxx, 99 — Richet (C.) Les cultures autogenes. Ibid., 1903, lv, 1407 — Robinson (H. C.) & Rettger (L. F.) The growth of bac- teria in protein-free enzyme- and acid-digestion products. J. Bact., Bait., 1918, hi, 209-229—Rubner (M.) Die Bezie- hungen zwischen Bakterienwachstum und Konzentration der Nahrung (Stickstoff- und Schwefelumsatz). Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1906, IvU, 161-192—Ruediger (G. F.) The cause of green coloration of bacterial colonies in blood-agarplates. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1906,ih, 663-665.— Schereschewsky (J.) Massenkulturen auf festen Nahr- boden. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1918, lv, 972-974.—Schur- mayer (B.) Ueber die Bakterienflora von Nahrpraparaten. (Mit Demonstration von Platten und Kulturen.) Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, xxii, 421-124.—Serkowskl (S.) [On the structure of bacterial colonies.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1899, xcv, 361-391, 3 pi.-------. [Giant colo- nies and motile colonies of microorganisms.] Now. lek., Poznan, 1909, xxi, 203-208, 4 pi. [on 2 1.].—Smith (E. F.) Growth of bacteria in the presence of chloroform and thymol. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1900-1901, v, 375.—Smyth (H. F.) Action of bacteria on colored media. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxxi, Orig., 319-322.-----. The reactions between bacteria and animal tissues under con- ditions of artificial cultivation. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, 1915, xxi, 103-113, 3pi— Sohngen (N. L.) Benzin, Petro- leum, Paraffinol una Paraffin als Kohlenstoff- und Energie- quelle fiir Mikroben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1913, xxxvu, 595-609, 3 pi— Spitta& Muller (A.) Bei- trage zur Frage des Wachstums und der quantitativen Bestimmung von Bakterien an der Oberflache von Nahr- boden. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1909, xxxiii, 145- 183—Stewart (G.N.) The changes produced by the growth of bacteria in the molecular concentration and electrical conductivity of culture media. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1899, iv, 235-243, 4 diag.—Tangl (F.) Ueber den Vcrbrauch an chemischer Energie wahrend der Entwicklung von Bak- terienculturen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xcviii, 475-489— Tischutktn (N.) Ueber Agar-Agarkulturen einiger Algen und Amoben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1897, ih, 183-188— Ungermann. Ueber Konservierung von Baktcricnkulturen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1918, lv, 868.—Valentl (G. L.) Sulla conservnzione delle culture. Boll. d. Soc. med.-char, di Modena, 1905-6, ix, 157-164.—Wehmer (C.) Kulturversuche mit einigen Hymenomyceten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1897, iii, 151-153, 1 pi—Westergaard (E.) On the development of mixed cultures of bacteria and lower fungi in liquid and solid media. Proc. Roy. Soc Edinb., 1909-10, xxix, 748.—Wilson (E. H.) & Randolph (R. B. F.) Notes on the reaction at which the maximum growth of bacteria occurs in liquid media. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1899, Columbus, 1900, xxv, 618-622. Aho [Abstr.]: J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1899-1900, iv,9L— Wrzosek (A.) Ueber das Wachs- tum obligatorischcr Anaeroben auf Kulturmitteln in aero- ber Weise. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xvhi, 1268-1270. Bacteria (Cultivation of, Methods of). See, aho, Bacteriology (Apparatus in); Bac- teriology (Culture media in); Bacteriology (Methods and technique in). Acosta (E.) & Diaz Brlto (A.) Cultivo aerobio de la bacteria Chauvaei. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1904, xxx, 175-177.—Bertarelli (E.) Prouvetten zur Anferti- gung aerobischer und anaerobischer Kulturen unter Ein- wirkung koloricrter Strahlen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1903, x, 739.—Birt ((.) Caffeine enrich- ment method. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1905, ii, 1110.—Bliesencr. Ueber Gelatineculturen im Brill schrank. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., ls9!», xxxii, 111-117.—Bol- duan (C.) The addition of calcium salts to nutrient broth; a reliable and convenient method for growing the pneu- mococcus, meningo-coccus, and certain other bacteria. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 956.—Bosc (F.-J.) De la culture de parasites (cancer, clavelee, coccidic oviforme) dans le sang rendu incoagulable. Compt. rend. Soc. de Bacteria (Cultivation of, Methods of). biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 1053-1055.—Breed (R. S.) & Dot- terrer (W. D.) The number of colonies allowable on satis- factory agar plates. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 321-331.—Burri (R.) Eine einfache Methode zur Reinzuchtung von Bak- terien unter mikroskopischer Kontrolle des Ausgangs von der einzelnen Zelle. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung.) Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907-8, xx, 95. See, aho, infra, Lindner.—Busson (B.) Versuche zur Oberflachen- sterilisation ganzer Organe fiir die Gewinnung von Reinkul- turen aus diesen. Ibid., 1. Abt;, Jena, 1911, lviii, Orig., 464-469— Cantani (A.) Ueber die Verwertung von Bak- terien als Nahrbodenzusatz. Ibid., 1900, xxviii, 743-747 — Carnot (P.) & Gamier (M.) Sur la technique des cul- tures en tubes de sable. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 748-750.—Clark (L. T.) & Dodd (W. L.) The application of practical records to the maintenance of stock bacterial cultures. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa , 1914, n. s., xxxix, 801—Conn (H. J.) & Harding (H. A.) [et al.]. Methods of pure culture study; preliminary report of the committee on the chart for identification of bacterial species. J. Bact., Bait., 1918, hi, 115-128.—D'Agata (G.) Contributo alia preparazione di colture batteriche per- manenti. Policlin., Roma, 1909, xvi, sez. prat., 517-520.— Darling (S. T.) The use of bismuth salts in media to detect the formation of sulphur bodies of bacterial origin; a preliminary note. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1913, hi, 233-235.—Delepine (S.) New forms of plating dishes for the cultivation of bacteria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 588. Also, Reprint— Dzhunkovski (E. P.) [Technique of cultivating microbes in Mechnikofl's sacs.] Arch. vet. nauk, S.-Peterb., 1900, xxx, 2. sect., 475-483. Aho: Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1901-2, 41-44, 1 pi.—Epstein (A. A.) The use of ammonium oxalate in blood-culture technique. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, 424-426.— Feoktistow (A.) Eine neue Methode zur Gewinnung von Reinkulturen aus ganzen Organen und GewebsteUen. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcl, 1- Abt., Jena, 1909, li, 685-687.— Gassner (G.) Ueber Gramelektive Ziichtung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1918, xliv, 1143.—Gorini (C.) La cultura ascendente nelle ricerche batteriologiche. Igiene mod., Genova, 1916, ix, 40-45.—Gosio (B.) I telluriti e seleniti come rivelatori d' inquinamenti batterici. Poli- clin., Roma, 1906, xiii, sez. prat.,_ 183-185.—Gravagna. Sulla coltura artificiale del bacillo di Hansen fuori deU' or- ganismo umano. RUorma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 873.—Grimbert (L.) De l'unification des methodes de culture en bacteriologie. Arch, de parasitol., Par., Wis, i, 191-216. Aho: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, de bacteriol. et parasitol., 187-195—Herman. Nou- veau dispositif pour la culture des anaerobies. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1901, 4. s., xv, 259-263, 1 pi.— Hiss (P. H.) A method for obtaining mass cultures of bac- teria for inoculation and for agglutination tests; with special reference to pneumococci and streptococci. J. Exper. M., N. Y.,1905, vii, 223-227,1 pi. A ho, Reprint—Hitchens (A. P.) The preservation of stock cultures. Science, N. Y. A Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxviii, 370.—Hoffmann (C.) Paraffin blocks for growing seedlings in liquid culture solutions. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc],2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxiv, 430-432, 3 pi— Jacque (L.) Demonstration des plaques de Stiiler, pour la culture d'anaerobies. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Brux., 1903, u, 116.— Jegunow (M.) Zur mechanischen Analvsc der Bakterien- platten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt.. Jena, 1897, iii, 467-477.—Jones (H. N.) A simple method fortheelimi- nation of protozoa from mixed cultures of bacteria. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1916, n. s., xliii, OS.—Kendall (A. I.) A Day (A. A.) The rapid isolation of tvphoid, paratvphoid, and dysentery bacilli. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1911, n. s., xx, 95-99. Also, Reprint—Lacomme (L.) Tube pour cultures des microbes dans le vide. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvm, 1906, v, 7-9. Aho: Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 191- 193- l.afforgue. L'n procede economique d'Wmoculture. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 340-342—Langer (II.) Neuere Kulturmethoden fur Tvphus, Ruhr, Cholera und Diphtheric Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 130- 133— Langstein (L.) & Mayer (M.) Versuche von Bak- terienziichtung in einer nativen Mucoidlosung. Centralbl. r Makteriol.[etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxv, 270.—Leeming (A. N ) Concerning blood cultures and other matters bac- teriological. Guy's nosp. Gaz., Loud., 1908, xxh, 400.— Lemierc (G.) Bain-marie a refroidissement pour les cul- tures microbiemies. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1897, ii, 177- 181. -Lindner (P.) Bemerkungen zu der vorlaufigen Mitteilung von R. Burri iiber "Eine einfache Methode zur Keinziichtung von Bakterien unter mikroskopischer Kon- t rollo des Ausgangs von der einzelnen Zelle." Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908, xx, 342—Maim (G.) New methods for the culture of bacteria. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1912, i, 135s.— Maurel (K.) Conservation de la reprodue- tivit ('■ du vibrion du cholera et du bacille de la dvsenterie sur les charcuteiies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.", Par., 1911, lxx, 37 39—Moore (B.) & Williams (R. S.) The growth of various species of bacteria and other microorganisms in atmospheres enriched with oxygen. Bio-Chem. J., Liverp., 1910, v, 181-1S7— Morel (A.) Ueber Kulturen auf gela- tinirenden Nahrboden in den Tropen bei Tempcraturen BACTERIA. 277 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Cultivation of, Methods of). uber 25° Cels. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Weimar, 1898, iv, 4-6.—Nuttall (G. H. F.) Ein Apparat zur HersteUung von Rollkulturen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 605-609.—Pakes (W. C. C.) FormalinN as a preservative for cultivations of bacteria. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1896-7, iv, 412-417.—Pane (N.) Sulla preparazione di colture batteriche permanenti. Ri- forma med., Palermo-Napoh, 1905, xxi, 1263.—Plaut. Zur Erlangung von Reinkulturen angewandte Methode. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xhv, 86 — Pringsheim (H.) Ueber die Verwendung von Cellulose als Energiequelle zur Assimilation des Luftstickstofles Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1910, xxvi, 222-227.—Pringsheim (H.) & Pringsheim (E.) Ueber die Verwendung von Agar-Agar als Energiequelle zur As- similation des Luftstickstoifs. Ibid., 227 - 231.—Rogers (L. A.) The preparation of dried cultures. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxvih, 377.—Rosam (A.) Porose Kulturkammern. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xix, 154.—Rosenthal (G.) Culture aerobie du vibrion septique; mensuration de l'anaerobiosc. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 874-876.—Rost (E. R.) A method of direct cultivation. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1902, xxxvU, 390.—Roux (G.) Quelques reflexions sur la question coli-Eberth a propos du procede d'Els- ner, et a l'occasion de la presentation de quelques, cultures sur un milieu nouveau. Mem. et compt. rend. Soc d. se. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 65-75.—Santori (F.) Sul modo di ottenere brodoculture uniformemente intorbidate di b. difterico, di b. carbonchioso, e di strepto- cocco per la sieroreazione in vitro. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1903, xxv, 313-327.—Schmidt (O.) Process of breeding microbes. [Pat. spec] No. 994660; June 6, 1911.—Schouten (S. L.) Reinkulturen aus einer unter dem Mikroskop isoherten Zelle. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Leipz., 1905, xxh, 10-45.—Schradieck (E. C.) A method of obtaining cultures from human blood. Am. J. M. Sc, PhUa. & N. Y., 1907, n. s., cxxxiv, 865-868.—Schu- bert (M.) Ueber die Ziichtung der Amoben auf festen Nahrboden. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1897, vh, 72-76.— Seliber (G.) La culture des microbes dans les solutions de caseine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1914, lxxvi, 639-641.—Sewaki (H.) Simple way of making cultures. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1910, xxix, No. L—Sievert (F.) Ueber Formahn-Bakterienaufschwemmungen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena, 1910, lv, Orig., 81-91.—Tonnel. Intradermo-culiure; son application, aux diagnostic, pro- nostic et traitement des infections. Echo med. du nord, LUle, 1910, xiv, 325-332.—Torrey (J. C.) New differential plating methods forB. bifidus (Tissier) and B. acidophilus (Moro). J. Bact., Bait., 1917, ii, 435-439.—Trillat (A.) Influence favorable exercee sur le developpement de certaines cultures par ['association avec le Proteus vulgaris. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1912, cliv, 1116-1118.—Warthin (A. S.) The molasses plate method; a modification of the Huber, Schmorl-Obrgeia method. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1912-13, xxvi, 39-46.—Wiener (E.) Ein Apparat zur Ziichtung von Mikroorganismen in beweghehen flussigen Medien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcl, 1- Abt-> Jena» I903. xxxiv, 594-597— Zelikow (J.) Quantitative Bestimmung der Bakterialmasse durch die kolorimetrische Methode. Ibid., 1906, xlh, 570; 669.—Zinsser (H.) A simple method for the plating of anaerobic organisms. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1906, vhi, 542-546, 1 pi. Aho, Reprint. Bacteria (Degeneration and regenera- tion of). Robert (K. A.) *0 degeneratsii i regeneratsii bakteriy. [Degeneration and regeneration of bacteria.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1902. Bergey (D. H.) Involution and degeneration forms of bacteria. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxv, 807.—Burgers. Ueber Auflosungserscheinungen an Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911,1, Ref., Beiheft, 125-127.—Hata (S.) Ueber die durch bestimmte anorganische Salze verursaehterfDegenerations- formen bestimmter Bakterienarten. Ibid., 1908, xlvi, Orig., 289-292, 1 pL—Rozenberg (N. K.) [Dissolution of bacteria in the organism.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1911, x, 1207- 1209. Bacteria (Denitrifying). See, also, Soil (Bacteriology of). Bagros (M.) *Sur le mecanisme de la denitri- fication par les bacteries denitrihantes indirectes. 8°. Baris, 1910. Bourton (A.-F.-A.) *Des bacteries denitri- fiantes. 8°. Barh, 1904. von Caron (J. M. gen. Hans). *Untersuchun- gen iiber die Physiologie denitrifizierender Bak- terien. 8°. Gottingen, 1912. Aho, in: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxhi, 62-116. Bacteria (Denitrifying). Lieske (R.) Untersuchung an 'iber -\e Phy- siologie denitrifizierender fSchwevioakterien. 8°. Heidelberg, 1912. Ampola (G.) & Garino CE.) Ucbar die Denitriflkation. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1896, ii, 670- 676.—Drew (G. H.) On the precipitation of calcium car- bonate in the sea by marine bacteria, and on the action of denitrifying bacteria in tropical and temperate seas. J. Marine Biol. Ass. U. Kingdom, Plymouth, 1913, n. s., ix, 479-524.—Grimbert (L.) & Bagros. Sur le mecanisme de la denitrincation chez les bacteries denitrifiantes indhectes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 760-763. Aho: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1909, 6. s., xxx, 5-10.—Hutch- inson (H. B.) Ueber Kristallbilaung in Kulturen deni- trifizierender Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1906, xvi, 326-328.—Jensen (H.) Das Ver- haltnis der denitriflzierenden Bakterien zu einigen Kohlen- r stoffverbindungen. Ibid., 1897, hi, 622; 689.-----. Bei- trage zur Morphologie und Biologie der Denitriflkationsbak- terien. Ibid., 1898, iv, 401; 449—Lucke (F.) Appunti al lavoro sulla distruziohvi dei bacteri che divorano l'azoto nitrico, ecc. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1897, xlvi, 465-471.—Murzayeff (B. V.) [Capacity of bac- teria for denitrincation.] Arch. vet. nauk, S.-Peterb., 1909, xxxix, 661-664—Richards (Ellen H.) & Rolfe (G. W.) Reduction of nitrates by bacteria and consequent loss of nitrogen. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1896, ix, 40-50—Stok- lasa (J.) Welcher Formen von Kohlehydraten benotigen die Denitrifikationsbakterien zu ihren Vitalprozecsen? Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 81'7- 819.—Stutzer (A.) Bemerkungen zu vorstehender Arbeit iiber das Verhaltnis der denitriflzierenden Bakterien zu einigen Kohlenstoff-Verbindungen. Ibid., 1897, hi, 698-706. Bacteria (Differentiation and identifica- tion of). See, also, Bacteria (Classification, etc., of); Bacteria (Cultivation of); Bacteria (Enumera- tion of); Bacteria (New species of); Bacteria (Bathogenic); Bacteria (Staining of). American Public Health Association. Pro- cedures recommended for the study of bacteria, with especial reference to greater uniformity in the description and differentiation of species. Being the report of a committee of American bacteriologists to the committee on the pollution of water supplies. 8°. Concord, N. H., 1898. Gelpke (T.) Bacterium septatum und dessen Beziehungen zur Gruppe der Diphtheriebacillen (B. diphtherife [Klebs-Lorner], B. pseudodiph- theriticum [Loffler] und B. xerosis.) Eine kli- nische und bacteriologische Untersuchung. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1898. Hoffmann (F.) *Zur Differenzierung ahnli- cher Bakterien durch Ziichtung auf farbstoff-, traubenzucker- und sanatogenhaltigen Nahr- boden. [Giessen.] 8°. Beipzig, 1908. Lacomme (L.) *Les milieux cafeines en bacteriologie; differenciation du bacille d'Eberth et du coli bacille. 8°. Byon, 1904. Langkau (R.) *Bacillus paratyphosus B, Bacillus suipestifer und Bacillus enteritidis Gartner im Vergleich zu den Erregern der Kalberruhr. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Rebeck (A. E.) Bacterium d'Escherich e bacterium d'Eberth. Differenze morfologiche, biologiche e patogeniche. Ricerche sperimen- tali. 8°. Salerno, [n. d.]. Retotjt (C.-II.) *Valeur du milieu d'Elsner pour la recherche et la differenciation du bacille typhique et du bacille du colon. 8°. Barh, 1898. Votteler (W.) *Ueber die Differentialdiag- nose der pathogenen Anaeroben durch die Cultur auf Schragagar und durch ihre Giesseln. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, 1898. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1898, xxvu, 480-506, 3 pi. Achalme (P.) Recherches sur quelques bacilles anae- robies et leur differenciation. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1902, xvi, 641-662.—Andrade (E.) Influence of glycerin in differentiating certain bacteria. J. Med. Re- BACTERIA. 278 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Differentiation and identifica- tion of). search, Bost., 1905-6, xiv, 551-556. Aho [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxih, 214.—Aschner (P. W.) Studies on pneumococci and streptococci. J. In- fect. Dis., Chicago, 1917, xxi, 409-449—Axenfeld. Das Verhaltniss der sog. Xerosebacillen der Conjunctiva zu den IIofmann-Loefllcr'schen Pseudodiphtheriebacillen des Ra- chcns. Entgegnung an Herrn Dr. F. Schanz. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 542.—Bahr (L.), Raebiger (H.) & Grosso (G.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber den BacUlus paratyphosus B, den Bacillus enteritidis Gartner und den Ratihbazillus. Ztschr. f. Infektionskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl., 1909, v, 295-312, 2 pi.- Ballner (F.) & Reibmayr (IL) Ueber die Verwertbarkeit der Kom- plementablenkungsmethode fur. die Differenzierung von Mikroorganismen, nebst Bemerkungen uber den Zusam- menhang dieses Phanomens mit der Agglutinations- bzw. Prazipitationsreaktion. Arch. f. IIvg., Munchen u. Berl., 1907, lxiv, 113-151- Batalllon, Moeller (A.) # Terre. Ueber die Identitat des Karpfens (Bataillon, Dubard und Terre) und des Bacillus der Blindschleiche (Moeller). Zt- schr. f. Tuberk. u. Heilstiittenw., Leipz., 1902, iii, 467-469.— . Bendick (A. J.) The use of calcium carbonate in solid media for the differentiation of sugar-fermenting bacteria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1343-1345. Aho: Tr. xv. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1912, Wash., 1913, ii, 40_43._Bonhoft (II.) Ueber die Identitat des Loelllcr- schen Mausetyphusbazillus mit dem Paratyphusbazillus - des Typus B. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 481^184.—Bormans (A.) Sulla differenziazione trail bacillo del tifoedil Bacillus coli communis. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1902, xiii, 393; 423.—Broquin-Lacombe (A.) Sur un caractere differentiel entre Bacillus mesentericus et Bacillus lactis niger. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxv, 598- 600.—Buxton (B. II.) A comparative study of the bacilli intermediate between Bacillus coli communis and Bacillus typhosus. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1902, viii, 201-230, 3 pi.—Cabanes (E.) Diferencias entre las bacterias en la naturaleza y en el laboratorio; sus consecuencias. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1908, xxxhi, 288-297. Casagrandi (O.) Sulle relazioni tra bacterii proto, meta e paratrori e in particolar modo sulle relazioni tra bacterii eberUformi, pseudo-ebertiformi, e forme bacteriche superiori. Ann. d' ig. sper.. Roma, 1901, n. s., xi, 163-172, 1 pi. -Cesaris- Demel (A.) Di un nuovo metodo diagnostico ditferenzialo tra il bacillo del tifo ed il Bacterium coh. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1898, xlix, 241-243.—Courmont (J.) & Lacomme (L.) La cafeine en bacU'riologie; essai de differenciation du B. d'Eberth et du B. coli; isolement des streptocoqucs in'testinaux. J. de phvsiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1904, vi, 286-294.— Cushing (II.) A comparative study of some members of a pathogenic group of bacilli of the hog cholera or Bac. enteriridis (Gartner.) type. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1900, xi, 156-170, 5 pi.—Duval (C. W.) A method of differentiating in sections of tiss' e bacteria decolorized bv Gram's stain. J. Exper. M., N. V., 1907, ix, 381-384.- Fermi (C.) Die Mineral-undorganischenSaurcn, die Alkali, die Alkaloide, das Jodkali und das arsensai.ro Kali zur Differenzierung der Mikroorganismen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiii, 208; 266.— Galli- Valerio (B.) Corynebacterium vaccinae; Bacterium diph- theria; avium; Bacterium candidus. Ibid., 1904, xxxvi, 465:-47L—Gaudin (J.) Identification des microbes au moyen des chromogenes qu'ils produisent en evoluant dans l'eau a la lumiere diffuse. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1917, xxi, 64; 90.—German (T.) Ueber die Krcatininbildung der Bakterien (als differcntialdiagnostisches Merkmal mancher Bakterien). Centralbl. f. Bakleriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxiii, Orig., 515-547.—Giarre & Pkchl. Bacillo di Koch-Weeks e bacillo di Pfeiffer. Atti d. Accad. mcd.-fis. fiorent. 1900, Firenze, 1901, 7-9. -Grazlani IG.) De l'em- ploi des phtaleines (phtaleines du phenol et de la rdsorcine) pour reconnaitre le colibacille, le bacille d'Eberth et celui du cholera. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1897, ix, 98-107.-Grosso (G.) Untersuchungen iiber die Unterscheidungsmerkmale zwischen Rauschbrand-, malig- nem Oedem- und Bradsotbacillen; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie d6r Bradsot und des Geburtsrauschbrandes. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxx, Orig., 156-179, lpl.—Grtinbaum (A. S.)& Hume(E. II.) Note on media for distinguishing B.coli, B. typhosus, and related species. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1473. -Guillemard (A.) Utilisation des solutions salines conccntrees a la differencia- tion des bacteries. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 231.—Harden (A.) On Voges and Proskauer's reac- tion for certain bacteria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1905-6, s. B., lxxvii, 424.—Helnze (B.) Ueber dio Beziehungen der sogenannUm Alinilbaktcrien, Bac PUlenbachcnsis aCaron, zu dem Bac. megatherium do Bary bezw. zu den Heubacil- len, Bac. subtilis Colin. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, viii, 391; 417; 449; 513; 545; 609; 663 — Het sell. Ueber die Differenzierung der wichtigsten Infek- tionserregergegenuberihnennahestehendcn Bakterien. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 459-462.- von Hlbler. Ueber dio Diffc- rentialdiagnose der pathogenen Anaerobien. Verhandl. d. Bacteria (Differentiation and identifica- tion of). deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1905, Jena, 1906, 118-130, 2 pi.— Hiss (P. H.) On a method of isolating and identifying Bacillus typhosus, based on a study of Bacillus typhosus and members ofthe colon group in semi-solid culture media. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1897, ii, 677-700.—Hoag (L.) Organ- ism x, probably ofthe Corynebacterium group; its differen- tiation from B. diphtheriae and allied organisms; its patho- genicity in man, especially in bronchopneumonia, and its relation to general paralysis of the insane. Boston. M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 10-14— Jochmann (G.) Die Ermittlung von Krankheitserregern und ihre diagnostische Bedeutung. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1913,x,75-82.—Kirschbaum . (P.) Die Differenzierung von Bakterien mittels des Ab- derhaldenschen Dialvsierverfahrens. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1914, xxvii, 837.—Klein (E.) Recent researches on the identification of the tvphoid bacillus and the cholera vibrio. J. State M., Lond., 1896, iv, 285: 375; 469.—Lafar. Bacillus acidificans longissimus und Bacillus Delbriicki. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.), 2. Abt., Jena, 1901, vii, 871 — Levine (M.) Some differential reactions of coli-like bac- teria. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vu, 784. -----. Differentiation of B. coliand B. aerogeneson a sim- plified eosin-methylene blue agar. J. Infect Dis.. Chicaeo, 1918. xxiii, 43-47. Aho, Reprint —Lippens (A.) Une mcyaneus und den Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens. Arch, f." Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1*9*, xx\iv, 149-177— Salmon (J.) La determi- nation desesneces bact rriennes au point de vue de la pratique courante et de la biologie. Rev. scient., Par., 1917, i, 559- 562.—Seheffer (J. C. T.) Bcitriige zur Frage der Differenzi- rung des Bacillus aerogenes und Bacillus coli communis. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz.. 1*97, xxx, 291-303.-----. Dilferentieel-diagnose tussehen Bacillus aerogenes en Ba- cillus coli commune door middel van dc immuniteits-reactie van Pfeiffer en do agglutinatie-proef van Gruber. Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst 1*97, 2. R., xxxiii, d. 2, 2*9- 292—Shtegeman (A.) [Cultivation on stained nutritive media, for differential diagnosis, of cert ain pathogenic bac- teria.) Voyenno-Med, J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 495-503. —Stoddart(F. \V.) New method of separating the typhoid bacillus from the Bacillus coli communis, with notes on some tests for the typhoid bacillus in pure cultures. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Loud , 1*96-7, iv, 429-437, 2 pi—Tholnot & Brouardel (G.) Note sur un caractere dhlerentiel du bacille d'Eberth et du colibacille. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par., 1898, 3. S., xv, 257-260.— Trapanl (P.) Di un nuovo metodo per differenziare il bacillo di Eberth dai bacilli eberthiformi e dai coh. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 605—Trenel. De l'identite du bacille du rhinosclerome et du bacille de Friedlaender; carac- teres biologiques. Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol., Par., 1902. 11. s., iv, 1351-1353— Zlelleczky (R.) Bioehemische und diffcrential-diagnostische Lntersuchungen einiger Bakterien mittels Phenolphtaleinnahrboden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 752-768. BACTERIA. 279 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Effects of) on various chem- ical and organic substances. See, a]>so, Bacteria (Chemical products of); Bacteria (Benitrifying); Bacteria (Enzymes, etc., of); Bacteria (Gas-forming); Bacteria (Lndol production of); Bacteria (Nitrifying); Bacteria (Broteolytic); Bacteria (Beducing power of). Emmerling (0.) Die Zersetzung stickstoff- freier organischer Substanzen durch Bakterien. 8°. Braunschweig, 1902. Loth (A. J. [W.]) *Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss von Bakterien auf Diastase und Ptyalin. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1908. Bertrand (G.) Action de la bacterie du sorbose sur les alcools plurivalents. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1898, cxxvi, 762-765.—Bittrolfl (R.) Ueber die Einwirkung von Bakterienflltraten auf konserviertes Gewebe. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1915, lx, 337-346.— Crowe (H. W.) A method for testing the sugar reaction of bacteria. Proc. Roy. Soc Med., Lond., 1813-14, vh, Path. Sect., 144-146.—van Delden (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sulfatreduktion durch Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1903, xi, 81-95.—Frankland (P.) The action of bacteria on the photographic plate. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 609-612.—Fregonneau (K.) Ueber die Wirkung von Bakterien auf Azofarbstoffe. Ibid., 1909, xlix, Orig., 276-280.—Grimbert (L.) Action du Bacte- rium coh et du bacille d'Eberth sur les nitrates. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 385-387.—Hastings (E. G.) The action of various classes of bacteria on casein as shown by milk-agar plates. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xh, 590-592, 1 pi.—Hugounenq (L.) & Doyon. Sur une nouvelle fonction chimique com- mune au BacUlus coh et au bacUle d'Eberth. Lyon med., 1897, lxxxiv, 227.—Huss (H.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Erdbeergeruch erzeugenden Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xix, 661-674.-----. Eine fettspaltende Bakterie (Bactridium lipolyticum n. sp.). Ibid., 1908, xx, 474-484.—Kaczynski (K.) [Heemolytic properties of certain species of microorganisms.]" Now lek., Poznan, 1909, xxi, 227.—Klotz (O.) & Rankin (A. C.) The reaction of various bacteria upon sesculin agar. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1910, vii, 67-72—McBeth (I. G.), Scales (F. M.) & Smith (N. R.) Characteristics of cellulose- destroying bacteria. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxvih, 415.—Marino (F.) Action des microbes vivants sur la solution de bleu azur dans 1 'alcool methyhque. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, 1905, xix, 816-820.—Pergola (M.) Azione dei batteri trattati con vari agenti battericidi, sul tellurito di potassio e sull' aqua ossigenata. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1907, xxxi, 106-117.—Podwyssotzky (W.) & Taranoukhine (B.) Contribution a l'etude de la plas- molyse chez les bacteries. Ann. de PInst. Pasteur, Par., 1898, xh, 501-509,1 pL—Potter (M. C.) Bacteria as agents in the oxidation of amorphous carbon. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1905, Lond., 1906, lxxv, 594.—Rodriguez (L.) Sur les reactions determinees par quelques bacUles du groupe coli-Eberth sur la pomme de terre violette. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 919-921.—Sazerac (R.) Sur une bacterie oxydante, son action sur l'alcool et la glycerine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvii, 90-92.-----. Les microbes oxydants des alcools et des sucres. Bull, de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1915, xhi, 161-173.—Sctiell (W.) Action of bacteria after death. Centr. States M. Monit., Indianap., 1908, xi, 47-49.—SchrOter (F.) Ueber die Spaltung der Hefenucleinsaure durch Bakterien. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1904, xh, 284-292.—Schwartz (G.) & Kayser (H.) Ueber die Herkunft von Fettsaurenadeln in Dittrich'schen Pfropfen und den Nachweis von fettzerse- tzenden Mikroben. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1905, lvi, 111- 119.—Sewerin (S. A.) Zur Frage fiber die Zersetzung von salpetersauren Salzen durch Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1897, ih, 504; 554: 1908-9, xxii, 348-370.—SOhngen (N. L.) Vetsplitsing door bakterien. Versl. . . . d. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1910, xix, 689-703, 4 pi.—Stutzer (A.) Neue Untersu- chungen uber die Wirkung von Salpeterzerstorenden Bakterien in Nahrlosungen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1901, vU, 81-88.—Vilhoever (A.) Bota- nische Untersuchung harnstoffspaltender Bakterien mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der speziesdiagnostisch ver- wertbaren Merkmale und des Vermogens der Harnstoffspal- tung. Ibid., 1913, xxxix, 209-359, 2 pi. Bacteria (Effects of electricity on). Apostoll & Laguerriere. On the action of the positive pole of the constant galvanic current upon microbes, and upon the bacteria of charbon especially. [Transl. from the MS. by Horatio R. Bigelow.] Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1120.— Bergonie (J.) & Triboudeau (L.) Fulguration des mi- crobes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 663- 666.—Burak (S. M.) [Action of electricity on microbes.] Bacteria (Effects of electricity on). Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 1665: 1708.—Burci (Ey; & Frascani (V.) Contributo aUo studio dell' azione bat- tericida della corrente continua. Atti d. Soc. tosc di sc nat. Mem Pisa, 1893, xii, 99-119.—Cernovodeanu (Mile. P.) & Stodel (G.) Action du mercure colloidal eiectrique sur quelques microbes pathogenes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1908, lxiv, 1063.—Dubois (L.) De Paction des courants de haute frequence sur la virulence du strepto- coquc Compt.rend. Acad.d.sc, Par., 1897,cxxiv,788-790.— Foulerton (A. G. R.) & Kellas (A. M.) The action on bacteria of electrical discharges of high potential and rapid frequency. Proc. Roy. Soc Lond., 1906-7, s. B., lxxvhi, 60-87. Aho [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1383.—Law (F. M.) Reports of experiments to determine the effects of high frequency discharges on bacteria cultures and media. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1910, xxviii, 545-5*8.—Leh- mann (K. B.) & Zierler (F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Abtotung von Bakterien durch schwache, therapeutisch verwertbare Strome. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1903, xlvi, 221-250, 1 pi— Moller (F. J.) Ueber die Einwir- kung des elektrischen Stromes auf Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena. 1897, hi, 110-113.—Parsons (J. I.) & Slater (C.) The effect of high tension discharges on bacteria. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass. 1898, Buffalo. 1899, viu, 228-230.—Prochownick (L.) & Spaeth (F.) Ueber die keimtodtende Wirkung des galvanischen Stromes. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1890, xvi, 564.— Schnee (A.) Die bakterizide Wirkung" des galvanischen Stromes. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk., Leipz., 1909, xi, 413^16.—Shatzky (S.) The action ofthe constant current on the vitality of microbes. Am. X-Ray J., Chicago, 1904, xv, 267-273. Also, transl: Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1905, iv, 217-225. Aho, transl.: Ztschr. f. Elektro- ther Leipz., 1905, vu,65-75.—Thornton (W. M.) Theeleo trical conductivity of bacteria, and the rate of sterilization of bacteria by electric currents. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1912, lxxxv, s. B. 331-344.—VUat6 (F. J.) Electro-micro- biologia; accion microbicida de la eleetricidad. Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel., 1893, xvi, 131; 163; 197; 259; 292.—Wolf (C.) Ueber die Einwirkungen physikahscher Natur (Elek- trizitat und Licht) auf Bakterien. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1905-6, Munchen, 1907, 37-39. -----. Ueber die Einwirkung des elektrischen Stroms auf Bakterien. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. & Leipz., 1909, i, 349- 355.—Zeit (F. R.) Effect of direct, alternating, Tesla cur- rents and X-rays on bacteria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvh, 1432-1442. Aho, Reprint. Bacteria (Effects of light on). See, also, Light (influence of, Hygienic). Feldmann ([O. A. A.] S.) *Ueber die Wir- kung der Quarzglas-Quecksilberlampe. 8°. Gottingen, 1905. Beck (M.) & Schultz (P.) Ueber die Einwirkung sogen. monochromatischen Lichtes auf die Bakterien- entwickelung. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1896, xxhi, 490-496.—Bujwid (O.) [Effect of light upon microorganisms, especially the weakening activity of para- . violet rays upon pathogenic bacteria contained m water.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1911, 1, 220-226.—Galeotti (G.) Sul- l'azione dei raggi ultravioletti sui bacteri. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1916, xxx, 49-55.—German. Ueber die Wirkung der Quarzglas-Quecksilberlampe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xliii, Orig., 522-527.— Mettler (E.) Experimentelles iiber die bakterizide Wirkung des Lichtes auf mit Eosin, Erythrosin und Fluoreszein ge- farbte Nahrboden. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1905, liii, 79-127.—Poor (D. W.) & Fitzpatrick (C. P.) The destructive effects of light and drying and other living-room conditions upon diphtheria bacilli, streptococci and sta- phylococci. Coll. Stud. Bur. Lab. Dep. Health, N. Y., 1916, viu, 197-205.—Porcelli-Titone (F.) Ueber die Beweglich- keit der den ultravioletten Strahlen ausgesetzten Bakte- rien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915, lxxvi, Orig., 54-64.—von Tappeiner (H.) Bemerkungen zur Abhandlung von E. Mettler iiber die bakterizide Wir- kung des Lichtes auf gefarbte Nahrboden. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1905, liv, 49-52.—Thiele (H.[& Wolf (K.) Ueber die Abtotung von Bakterien durch Licht. Ibid., 1906, lvh, 29-35, 3 pL: 1907, lx, 29-39—Wiesner (R.) Die Wirkung des Sonnenhchtes auf pathogene Bakterien. Ibid., 1907. lxi, 1-102. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Scient. Am. Suppl. N. Y., 1907, lxiv, 171. Bacteria (Effects of physical and chem- ical agents on). See, also, Antiseptics; Bacteria (Adaptation of); Bacteria (Effects of electricity on); Bacteria (Effects of light on); Bacteria (Effects of temper- ature on); Bacteria (Effects of X-rays on); Dis- infectants; Sterilization and sterilizers. Balser (E.) *Der Einfluss des Alkohols auf Bakterien. 8°. Giessen, 1914. BACTERIA. 280 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Effects of physical and chem- ical agents on). ^ Bohtz (II.) ^Untersuchungen iiber die Ein- wirkungen von Metallpulvern auf Bakterien. [Giessen.] 8°. Homberg a. d. Ohm, 1904. Roth (E.) *Versuch iiber die Einwirkung des Trimethylxanthins auf das Bacterium typhi und coli. [Berlin.] 4°. Munchen, 1904. Rothaub (Z.) *Veflauf des Adsorptions- prozesses bei der Einwirkung des Phenols auf Bakterien. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Leipzig, 1912. Andryushtshenko (E. A.) [On the influence of airol upon bakteria.] Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1896, xvii, 991—Beau- verie (J.) Nouvelles experiences sur 1'influence qu'exerce la pression osmotique sur les bacteries. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1916, clxiii, 769-772.—Berghaus. Ueber die Wirkung der Kohlensaure, des Sauerstoffs und des Wasserstoffs auf Bakterien bei verschiedenen Drackhohen. Arch, f, Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1907, lxii, 172-200.—Bex- heft (A.) [The action of neurin and lecithin on certain bacteria.] Orvostud.ertekgyiijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Buda- pest, 1907, u. f., vhi, 287-293.—Biasiotti (A.) L'azione dei metalh colloidali sui germi patogeni. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1909, xix, 543-551. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1910-11, liv, 280.—Bitter (L.) Ueber das Absterben von Bakterien auf den wichtigeren Metallen und Baumaterialien. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1911, lxix, 483-512.—Bodin (E.) Influence des agents exterieurs sur les bacteries; agents de destruction; antiseptiques. Trav. scient. Univ. de Rennes, 1902, i, 375- 413— Bolton (B. M.) & Brown (W. G.) The effects of various metals and metallic salts on the growth of bacteria. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1897, xh, 488-492— Chu- gayeff (L. A.) [Action des poisonssur les microbes. Extr., 210.] Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin., Med. i Bakteriol., S.- Peterb., 1897, iv, 151-173.—Cook (G. W.) The effects of chemicalagentson bacteria with relation to the saliva. Den- tal Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvu, 83-89.—Copeman (S. M.) & Blaxall (F. R.) Experiments on the action of glycerine upon the growth of bacteria. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1896, 986.—Deeleman (M.) Einige Versuche iiber die Einwirkung von Glycerin auf Bakterien. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1898, xiv, 144-148.—Delepine (A. S.) The action of some metals upon certain water and other bacteria. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lend., 1914, xxxv, 317-327.— Eisenberg (P.) Ueber die Wirkung von Farbstoffen auf Bakterien. Vitalfarbung-Entwickelungshemmung. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxxi, Orig., 420-503.—von Eisler (M.) Ueber Wirkungen von Salzen auf Bakterien. Ibid., 1909. li, 546-564.—Fontana (E.) Influenza dei sali biliari suUa vitalita del baciUo tiflco, del colibacillo, del diplococco, dello streptococco. Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, iii, 415-418.-Frankland (G. C.) The effect of gaseous aeration of water on bacteria. Pub. Health,, Lond., 1896-7, ix, 167.—Frankland (P. F.) On the in- fluence of carbonic anhydride and other gases on the devel- opment of micro-organisms. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xiv, 292-301.—Frei (W.) A Krupskl (A.) Ueber die Wirkung von Giftkombination auf Bakterien. Internat. Ztschr. f. phys.-chem. Biol.. I.eipz. A Berl., 1915, ii, 118- 196 _G. (G.) 'Les agents physiques et la vie des bacteries. Nature, Par., 1900-1901, xxix. pt. 2, 118.—Garino (E.) L'azione della gliccrina sul poi.re cromogeno di alcuni bacteri. Gior. d. r. Soc ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino. 1sij7, xlvi, 248-251.—Gehrman n (A.) The effect of salt solution and other fluids, on bacteria compared with serum reactiou. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1900-1901, v, 374— Geret (L.) Ein- wirkung steriler Dauerhefc auf Bakterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlvhi, 1836-1839— Gilbert (A.) A Gal- brun (E.) Action du benzonaphtol sur le microbisme in- testinal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v. 502-504.—Ci ros (O.) Ueber den Vorgang der baktcri/.iden Wirkung der Silberpraparate in kochsalzhaltigeu Medien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2659-2662.- Guille- mard (A.) Diversite des resistances des bacteries a la pression osmotique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 538-540.-----. Action comparee.a l'egurd des bac- I teries, des solutions salines relativement a leur degre do dissociation. Ibid.. 1910, lxix, 141-143.—Hamburger. | Over een quantitatieve methode voor de bcpaling van den schadelijken invloed van bloed- en wcefselvocht op bac- terien. Versl___d.k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1897, 4. s., v, 465-472.- Hardy (W. B.) Further observations upon the action of the oxyphil and hyalino cells of frog's lymph upon bacilli. J. Physiol., Lond., 1*98-9, xxih/ 359-375—Hewlett (R. T.) The effect of the injection of intracellular constituents of bacteria (bacterial endotoxins) on the opsonising action of the serum of healt hy rabbits. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.t 1909, lxxxi, 325-335.— Hllliard (C. M.) The comparauve resistance of spores and vegetative cells of bacteria towards calcium hypo- chlorite. Proc Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1911-12, ix, 36.—Holzinger (F.) Ueber den Einfluss osmotischer Stromungen auf Entwicklung und Lebenstatigkeit der Bacteria (Effects of physical and chem- ical agents on). Bakterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 2364. Also: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 22.— Hromadko (J.) [Influence of radioactivity upon the development of bacteria.] Rev. v neuropsychopath., Praha, 1914, xi, 287-294.—Isabolinsky (M.) & Smoljan (L.) Leber die Wirkung einiger Anilinfarbstoffe auf Bak- terien; nebst einem Beitrag uber die Farbstoffestigkeit der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxih, Orig., 413-427.—Jennings (H. S.) & Crosby (J. II.) Studies on reactions to stimuh in uniceUular organ- isms; the manner in which bacteria react to stimuh, espe- cially to chemical stimuh. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1901-2, vi, 31-37.—Karaff a-Korbutt (K. V.) [Influence of osmotic processes upon the viability of microorganisms.] Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad. Raboti Proped. Khirurg. Khn. . . . Oppel, S.-Peterb., 1910, ii, 1-68.—Kinyoun (J. J.) The action of glycerin on bacteria in the presence of cell exudates. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1905, vu. 725-732.-Kohn (W.) [Ac- tion of acids, especially- hydrochloric upon bacteria.] Medy- cyna, Warszawa, 1906, xxxiv, 119; 142— Konradi (D.J [The effect of soap in the destruction of bacteria.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 332-334 —Larson (W. P.), Hartzell (T. B), & Diehl (II. S.) The effect of high pres- sures on bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1918, xxh, 271- 279. Also: 3. Nat. Dent. Ass., Huntington, Ind., 1918, v, 396-402.—Lasseur (P.) Influence du fer sur la vegeta tion et la coloration des cultures de diverses bacteries. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, Lxxiv, 496-4ft8.— London (E. S.) De l'influence de certains agents pathoio- giques sur les proprietes bactericides du sang. Premiere communication. Des proprietes bactericides du sang dans les conditions normales. Arch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb.. 1x97, v, ss-122.— Martadyen (A.) The effect of physical agents on bacterial hfe. Nature, Lond., 1900-1901, Lxiii,359- 362. Aho: Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1900-1901, lviii, 238-248. Aho, in his: The cell as the unit of hfe, 8°, Lond., 1908, 349-372.—Meyer (A.) Notiz iiber das Verhalten der Sporen und Fetttropfen der Bakterien gegen Eau de Javelle und gegen Chloralhydratlosung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 809.—Murakami (Y.) [Imper- fect points of the experiments on the action of acids upon bacteria by Kitazato and others.] Chugai Iji Shinpo, Tokyo, 1899, xx, 149-157.—Nabarro (D.) The effect of certain metallic salts upon the growth of micro-organisms. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1902-3. liv, 48-61.—Paul (T.) & Krtfnig (B.) Ueber das Verhalten der Bakterien zu chcmi- schen Reagentien. Ztschr. f. phvs. Chemie, Leipz., lxyO-7, xxi, 414-450.—Peju (G.) A Rajat (H.) Vue d'ensemble sur Paction de l'iodure de potassium, facteur de polymor- phisme chez les bacteries. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 225-227.—Penfold (\Y . J.) The inhibitory selec- tive action on bacteria of bodies related to monochloracetic acid; a contribution to the theory of cell intoxication. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1913, xhi, 35-48, I pi.—Piorkowski (M.) Der Einfluss von Anstrichfarben auf Bakterien. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1901. xi, 85-s9.—Sabrazes (J.) Action du sue gastrique sur les proprietes morpholo- giques et sur la virulence du bacille de Koch; echec des tentatives d'immunisation du cobaye a l'aide des bacUles mis en digestion. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1S98, 10. s., v, 644-646.-----. Action du tannin: 1° Sur le bacille deKoch. 2° Sur la marche de la tuberculose experimentale. Ibid.. 1043-1045.—Sacharoff (N.) Ueber den Chemismus der Wirkung der Ehzvme und der baktericiden Stoffe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, lv.i>, xxiv, 661- 666.—Schlemann (O.) & Ishlwara (T.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung von chemotherapeu- tischer Prtiparaten und anderen Antiseptika auf Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1914, lxxxii, 49-100.—Segale (M.) Sulla azione battericida dei com- plessi lipoidei. Pathologica, Genova, 1909-10, ii, 516^520.— Sliattotk (S. G.) A Dudgeon (L. S.) On certain results of drying non-sporing bacU'ria in a charcoal liquid air vacuum, etc. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1911-12, v, Path. Sect., 21>-2;.' -Sttsen (A. E.) Leber den Einfluss des Trocknens auf die Widerstandsfiihigkeit der Mikroben Dcsinfektionsmitu-ln gegenuber. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxvi,65-67.—Sterling (S.) [Com- parative investigations on the action of an antiseptic (car- bolic acid) upon the bacteria under the influence of Ught.] Medycvnn, Warszawa, 1906, xxxiv, 649; 673; 689; 715; 730.- stokvis (C. s.) Alkohol- und Essigsauretoleranz der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 190s, xlviii, Orig., 436-444.—Taranukhln (V. A.) [Con- tribution a l'etude de l'influence de la l^cithine et d'autres composes organiques contenant la leeithine (jaune d'eeuf, substance cerebrale) sur la biologie des bacteries charbon- ncuses. Extr., 65-67.] Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin., Med. i Bakteriol., S.-Peterb., Lv.is, vi, 1-3.—Thornton (W. M.) The influence of ionised air on bacteria. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1911-12, s. B., lxxxiv, 280-288, 6 pi.—Trillat (A.) & Fouassler. Influence de la nature des gaz dissous dans l'eau sur la vitalite des microbes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1912, cliv, 786-7SS.—Trillat (A.) & Gueniot. Influence de la composition chimique de Pair sur la vitalite BACTERIA. 281 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Effects of physical and chem- ical agents on). des microbes. [Rap. .de Gueniot.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1912, 3. s., lxviii, 249-258. Aho: Tribune med., Par., 1912, n. s., xlvi, 433-442.—Triolo (G.) Azione della saliva sui batteri; contributo alio studio dei mezzi naturali di difesa dell' organismo contro le infezioni; ricerche speri- mentali. Ist. d' ig. d.r. Univ. di Palermo. Lav. di lab., Roma, 1897, iii, 57-75. Aho: Ufficiale san., Napoh, 1897, x, 529-549.—Vasllyeva (V. N.) [Influence of hypertonie so- lutions of saltpeter upon the morphological and biological properties of certain microbes.] Kharkov. M. J., 1914, xviii, 254-258.—Weeter (H. M.) Study of effect of dilution water on bacterial suspensions. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 92.— Wesbrook (F. F.), Whitaker (H. A.) & Mohler (B. M.) The resistance of certain bacteria to calcium hypochlorite. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., Columbus, Ohio, 1911, i, 123-133 — Wesenberg (G.) Ueber die Beeinflussung der Bakterien durch Epicarin und /3-Naphtol. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1900, ix, 650-657—Wiesel (R.) Ueber die Wir- kung von Blutserum auf die Oxydationsprozesse in Bak- terien. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1912, xh, Orig., 194-199.—Winslow (C.-E. A.) & Falk (I. S.) Studies on salt action; the effect of transfer from stronger to weaker salt solutions upon the viability of bac- teria in water. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1917-18, xv, 131-134.—Winslow (C.-E. A.) & Lochridge (E. E.) The toxic effect of certain acids upon typhoid and colon bacilh in relation to the degree of their dissociation. Biol. Stud. . . . W. T. Sedgwick. 25. anniv., Bost., 1906, 258-282— Wolf (C. G. L.) & Harris (J. E. J.) Contributions to the biochemistry of pathogenic anaerobes; the effect of acids on the growth of Bacillus welchii (B. perfringens) and Bacillus sporogenes (Metchnikoff). Bio-Chem. J., Liverp., 1916-17, xi, 213-245.—Yamada (J.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger fliichtigen Substanzen (Kampher, Menthol, Chloro- form) auf die Bazillen. [Japanese text. Ref., Hft. 1-2, suppl., 3.1 Nippon Eisei Gakkwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1905-6. ii, 59-72. Bacteria (Effects of temperature on). See, also, Sterilization (Steam). Brehme (W.) *Ueber die Widerstandsfahig- keit der Choleravibrionen und Typhusbacillen gegen niedere Temperaturen. [Strassburg i. E.] 8°. Miinchen, 1901. Aho, in: Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Leipz., 1901, xl, 320- 346. Butyagin (P. V.) O vliyanii nizkikh tempe- ratur na zhiznesposobnost bakteriy. [Influence of low temperatures upon the viability of bac- teria.] 8°. Tomsk, 1909. Almquist (E.) Studien iiber das Verhalten einiger pathogenen Mikroorganismen bei niedriger Temperatur. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcL 1. Abt., Jena," 1908, xlviii, Orig., 175-186.—Bartram (H. E.) Effect of natural low temperature on certain fungi and bacteria. J. Agric. Re- search, Wash., 1915-16, v, 651-655.—Bolten (J.) Effect of freezing on the organisms of typhoid fever and diphtheria. Med. Officer, Lond., 1918, xx, 129. Ahox Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1918, xxxiii, 163-166.—Clark (H. W.) An investiga- tion in regard to the retention of bacteria in ice when the ice is formed under different conditions. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost., 1900-1901, xxxii, 509-524.—Eijkman (C.) Die Ueberlebungskurve bei Abtotung von Bakterien durch Hitze. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xi, 12-20.—Gorini (M. E. C.) Sulla termoresistenza di batteri non sporogeni nei latte. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc e. lett. Rendic, Milano 1915, 2. s., xlviii, 956-961.—Kasansky (M. W.) Die Einwirkung der Winterkalte auf die Pest- und Diphtheriebacillen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. fete.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 122-124.—Keith (S. C.) Factors influencing the survival of bacteria at temperatures in the vicinity of the freezing point of water. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxvu, 877-879.—Lane-Claypon (Janet E.) Multiplica- tion of bacteria and the influence of temperature and some other conditions thereon. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1909, ix, 239- 248.—Martadyen (A.) & Rowland (S.) On the influence of the temperature of liquid air on bacteria. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1900, lxvi, 180-182. A ho: Lancet, Lond., 1900,i, 1130.— Pane (N.) & Eustachi (M.) L'azione delle basse tempera- ture per la differenziazione strutturale in alcuni batteri pato- geni. Lavorid. Cong, di med.int. 1912, Roma, 1913, xxii,427 — Park (W. H.) Effect of intense cold on bacteria. J. Bost. Soc M. Sc, 1900-1901, v, 372.-----. A further report on the action of moderate and intense cold on bacteria. Proc. N. York Path. Soc (1899-1900), 1901, n. s., i, 293.-----. A few experiments upon the effect of low temperatures and freezing for various periods of time on typhoid bacilli and other varieties of bacteria. N. York Univ. Bull. M. Sc, 1901, i, 29-32.—Paul (T.), Birstein (G.) & Keuss (A.) Beitrag zur Kinetik des Absterbens der Bakterien in Saucr- stoff verschiedener Konzentration und bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxv, 367- Bacteria (Effects of temperature on). 400.—Ravenel (M. P.) The resistance of bacteria to cold. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1898-9, n. s., ii, 209-212. Aho: Med News, N. Y., 1899, lxxiv, 726.—Schmidt-Nielsen (S.) Ueber einige psychrophile Mikroorganismen und ihr Vor- kommen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 145-147.—Schut (J.) Ueber das Absterben von Bakterien beim Kochen Unter erniedrigtem Druck. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskr., Leipz., 1903, xliv, 323-358, 1 pL— Smith (E. F.) & Swingle (D. B.) The effect of freezing on bacteria. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, n. s., xxi, 481-4a3.—Sparks (J. C.) Effect of low temperature on bacteria in ice. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1908, lxv, 410.— Testi (F.) Azione dei geli e disgeli alternati sulla vitahta e virulenza di alcuni batteri patogeni. Riforma med., Roma, 1902, xviii, pt. 4 482-485.—Trillat (A.) & Fouassier (M.) Action du refroidissement sur les gouttelettes micro- biennes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1914, clvhi, 1441- 1444— Valenti (G. L.) DelP azione modificatrice della temperatura su la forma di alcune colonie di microrgarhsmi. Boll. d. Soc med.-chir. di Modena, 1906-7, x, 1-5. Bacteria (Effects of X-rays on). Jastram (M. W. J. A.) *Uober die Einwir- kung der Rontgenstrahlen auf das Wachstum von Bakterien. 8°. Breslau, 1905. Achard (C.) De Paction des rayons de Roentgen sur les cultures microbiennes. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 61-63.—Beauregard (H.) & Guichard. Action des rayons X sur certains caracteres biologiques des microbes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897. 10. s., iv; 803.—Krause (P.) & Jastram (M.) Ueber die Ein- wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf das Wachstum von Bak- terien. Ztschr. f. Elektrother., Leipz., 1906, viu, 141-152.— Rieder (H.) Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Bacterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 101-104.—Wittlin (J.) Haben die Rontgen'schen Strahlen irgendwelche Einwir- kung auf Bakterien? Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1896, ii, 676. Aho, transl.: Ann. de microg., Par., 1896, vhi, 514. Bacteria (Elimination of). See Bacteria in the animal body. Bacteria (Enumeration of). Hehewerth (F. H.) *De mikroskopische tel- methode der bakterien van Alex. Klein en eenige van hare toepassingen. 8°. Amsterdam, [1900]. Also, transl. in: Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1900- 1901, xxxix, 321-389. Ayers (S. H.) A counting apparatus for litmus platen with a cold counting plate for use with gelatin plates. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., Columbus, Ohio, 1911, i, 892-894.— Bloch. Contribution a l'etude de la numeration des microbes aerobies et anaerobies. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1907, x, 203-217.—Brudny (V.) Ein Keimzahlapparat. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910-11, hii, Orig., 478-480—Bujwid (O.) Eine neue Methode der Bestimmung von Bakterienmengen. Ibid., 1915, lxxvii, Orig., 286-288.—Cunningham (A.) Note on the plate method for enumeration of bacteria. J. Hvg., Cambridge, 1914. xhi, 433-437.—Fest (F. T. B.) & Hoag (H. J.) A method for counting bacteria in the blood. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, hii, 1487.—Fischer (H.) Zur Methodik der Bakterienzahlung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxv, 457-459.—de Freitas (O.) Separacao e numeracao dos microbios. J. de med. de Pernambuco, 1909, v, 25-27.—Frost (W. D.) A rapid method of counting living bacteria in milk and other richly seeded materials. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 889—Gehrmann (A.) The counting of bacteria on surfaces. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1914, iv, 68-70.—Harrison (W. S.) On a modifica- tion of Wright's method for counting the bacteria contained in a culture. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 313- 318.—Harvey (W. F.) & Acton (H. W.) Methods of estima- tion of quantity of organisms in suspension. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta, 1914-15, u, 648-654.—Hesse (W.) Me- thodik der Bestimmung der Zahl der Keime (Bakterien) in Fliissigkeiten. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 511-513.—Hill (H. W.) The mathematics of the bacterial count. Am. J. Pub. Hyg., Bost., 1907-8, n. s., iv, 300-310. Aho: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1907, Bost., 1908, xxxiii, pt. 2, 110-120.— van't Hofl (H. J.) Eine schnellere und quantitativ bessere Methode der bakteriologischen Plattenzahlung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxi, 731-733.—Jeffers (H. W.) An apparatus to facilitate the counting of colonies of bacteria on circular plates. J. Apphed Micr., Rochester, 1898, i, 53.— Krombholz (E.) Ueber Keimzahlung mittels fliissiger Nahrboden mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kolititerverfahren. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1915, lxxxiv, 151-180.—Kuhl (H.) Die Zahlung der Bakterien. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xxh, 661-663.—Macalister (G. H.) Direct counting of organisms with dark groundillumination. BACTERIA. 282 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Enumeration of). J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1913-14, xvhi, 441.— Mason (W. P.) A new bacteria counter. J. Am. Chem. Soc., Easton, Pa., 1898, xx, 507— Oram (W. C.) Counting bacilh. Brit. M. L, Lond., 1906, i, 1534.—Remy(T.) Die Bakterienzahl als Kennzeichen des Fruchtbarkeitszu- standes eines Bodens. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, viii, 732; 761.—Rosenthal (E.) Leber ein einfaches Instrument zur Bestimmung der Bakterienmenge. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1913, 1, 1751— Skar (O.) Eine schnelle und genaue Methode zum direkten Zahlen von Bakterien, Leukozyten und dergleichen. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1912-13, xxih, 301-303— SpUka (A.) [The methods of numbering bacteria in free media and in bacteriological enumeration.] Casop. l»*k. cesk., v Praze, 1906, xiv, 97; 133; 168; 200.—Thiele (R.) Ein neuer Zahlap- parat fiir Plattenkulturen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, ix, 332—Wilson (T. M.) On the direct counting of bacteria and their recovery from blood. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1907, xxii, 191-197.—Winslow (C.-E. A.) & Willcomb (G. E.) Tests of a method for the direct mi- croscopic enumeration of bacteria. J. Infect. Dis. [Suppl. No. 1], Chicago, 1905, 273-283. A/so[Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, n. s., xxi, 495.—Winterberg (II.) Zur Methodik der Bakterienzahlung. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1898, xxix, 75-93. Bacteria (Enzymes and fermentation products of). See, also, Bacteria (Gas-forming). Fuhrmanx (F.) Vorlesungen iiber Bakterien- enzyme. 8°. Jena, 1907. Pincussohv (L.) *Zur Kenntnis der Fer- mente der Bakterien. [Berlin.] 8°. Strassburg, 1910. Abbott (A. C.) & Gildersleeve (N.) A study of the proteolytic enzymes and of the so-called hemolysins of some of the "common saprophytic bacteria. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, x, 42-62.—Abderhalden (E), Pincussohn (L.) & Walther (A. R.) Untersuchungen uber die Fcr- mente verschiedener Bakterienarten. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1910, lxviii, 471476— Archibald (A.) The presence, type, and possible significance of lactose- fermenting bacilh in surface waters and in the faeces of man and certain domestic animals in the Sudan, together with a consideration of the effects of sunlight and earth burial on these organisms. Rep. Wellcome Trop. Research Lab., Khartoum, 1911, iv, 319-334.—Ayers (S. H.)& Rupp (P.) Simultaneous acid and alkaline bacterial fermenta- tions from dextrose and the salts of organic acids, respectively. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1918, xxiii, 188-216.—Bergey(D. H.) Some of the fermentative properties of bacteria. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1909-10, xxh, 241-243— Brunton (T. L.) & Macfadyen (A.) The ferment-action of bacteria. Proc Roy. Soc Lond.. 1889, xlvi, 542-553.—Chabrle (C.) Considerationsd'ordrecnimiquesur l'action generate des fer- ments solubles secretes par les microbes dans les maladies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 105; 131 — Coupin (H.) Sur le pouvoir fermentaire des bacteries marines. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1915, clxi. 597- 600.—Czapek (F.) Ueber Orseillegarung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 49-52— Grimbert (L.) & Flcquet (L.) Sur un nouveau ferment des tartrates, le Bacillus tartricus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 962 965.—Holm (J. C.) Hansen's Rcinzucht- System in Frankreich; zur Kritik und Geschichte einiger Bewegungen in der Garungstechnik. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc]. 2. Abt., Jena, 1899, v. 641-652.—Holman (W. L.) Tne use of decolorized acid fuchsin as an acid indicator in carbohydrate fermentation tests, with some remarks on acid production by bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xv, 227-233.—Jones (IL M.) The protein- sparing action of utilizable carbohydrates in cultures of cer- tain sugar-fermenting organisms. Ibid., 1916, xix, 33-45.— Koestler (G.) Der Einfluss des Luftsauerstoffes auf die Gartatigkeit typischer Milehsaurebakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.), 2. Abt., Jena. 1907, xix, 40; 12s; 236; 394.— Lauber (J.) Ueber die Priifung von Bakterien auf pep- tisches Ferment mittels des Gelatinestiehes. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lvi, Orig., 542-544.—Lindner. Ueber garungs- bakteriologische Methoden. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1913, 1, 326.—McCrady (M. II.) The numerical interpretation of fermentation-tube results. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1915, xvii, 183-212.—Mori (N.) Ricerche sperimentali sulla bacteriocatalasi. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Parma, 1916, xxvii, 420; 441; 461; 485; 515; 534; 553.—Pringsheim III.) Ueber die Unterdriickung der Fuseldlbildung und die Mit- wirkung von Bakterien an der Bildung hohercr Alkoholo bei der Garung. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, x, 490- 497.—Redneld (H. W.) & Huckle (C.) Quantitative determinations of sulfur in the culture medium for the detection of the bacteria producing hydrogen sulfide. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1915, xxxvii, 612-623.— Sellber (G.) Determination des aeides volatils dans les produits de fermentation de quelques microbes d'apres la Bacteria (Enzymes and fermentation products of). methode de Duclaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1910, cl, 1267-1270.—Smith (T.) & Oberstadt. Demons- tration verschiedener Anwendungen des Garungskalbchens in der Bakteriologie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix. 716.— Tallarico (G.) Di alcuni rapporti esistenti tra ii germe e gli enzimi del suo ambiente nutritivo. Arch, di farmacol. sper.. Roma, 1908, vii, 535-564.— Troili-Petersson (Gerda). Studien iiber in Kase gefundene glvzerinver- garende und lactatvergarende Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxiv, 333-342, 2 pL— Zhmallovtch (F.) [Microbic ferments and their action as compared with animal ferments.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902,ix, 1201. Bacteria (Extracts of). Bail (O.) & Weil (E.) Bakterienaggressivitat und Bak- terienextrakte. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xlh, 51; 139; 241; 335; 437; 546.—Barone (V.) Su alcune sostanze estratte dai corpi bacterid. Policlin., Roma, 1900-1901, vh, sez. prat., 545-547.—Bassenge (R.) & Krause (M.) Zur Gewinnung von Schutzstoffen aus patho- genen Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, xxxih, 1207.—Brieger (L.) & Mayer (M ) Weitere Versuche zur Darstellung spezifischer Substanzen aus Bakterien. Ibid., 1903, xxix, 309—Carnevali (A.) Sull' azione locale e generale degh estratti die corpi bac- terid. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1902, n. s., xii, 301-313.— Fukuhara (Y.) Leber die bakteriziden und hamolyti- schen Eigenschaften der alkoholischen Bakterienextrakte. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1909, lxxi, 387-414 — Mayer (M.) Ueber die Schiittelextrakte aus lebenden Bak- terien nach Brieger und Maver. Ztsehr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1909 vi, 716-728.— Pfeller(W.) & Weber (G.) Ueber die HersteUung von Bacillenextrakten zu Ablen- kungszwecken. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1912, xv, Orig., 180-1*5.—Schultz (W.) Bacterial product. [Pat. spec.) No. 1005076; Oct. 3, 1911. -----. Bacterial product. [Pat. spec] No. 1005077; Oct 3, 1911.—Toyosumi (H.) Leber die Wirkung von Organ- zellen auf Bakterienextrakte. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xx, 39-55. Bacteria (Ferments of). See Bacteria (Enzymes, etc, of). Bacteria (Flagellated). Bunge. Die Geisseln der Bacterien. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1*93-4, Munchen, 1895, iv, 121 — De' Rossi (G.) Filtrabihta delle ciglia bei batteri e loro funzione di recettori liberi. Gior. ital. d. sc. med., Pisa, 1904, ii, 185-187—Duckwall (E. W.) The demonstration of the flagella of motile bacteria and a simple method of making photomicrographs. N. York M. J. fete], 1905, lxxxi, 1253-1257. Aho [Abstr ]: Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa, 1905, n. s., xxi, »M -Ellis (D.) On the dis- covery of cilia in the genus Bacterium. Centralbl f. Bak- teriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena. lmn. xi, 211 251. -----. On the taxonomic value of cilia in bacterioloszv. Rep. Brit. Ass Adv. Sc. 1906, Lond., 1907, 753.—Meyer (A.) Kurze Mit- teilung iiber die Begeisselung der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.), 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi. 737-739.—Moore (V. A.) The character of the flagella. Proc. Am. Micr. Soc, Ithaca, 1894-5, xvi, 217-222, 1 pi.- \ftvyadornski i M. M) [Influence of chlorid of lime and catkin upon the liagella of bacteria.] Kharkov. M. J., 1908, v, 122-129 — Plaut (II. C.) Ueber die Geisseln bei fushormen Bacillen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt.. Jena, 1907, xhv, Orig., 310-316, 1 pi—Relchert (K.) Beobachtung der Geisseln von Bakterien im ungefarbten Zustande mit Hilfe des Spiegelkondensors. Vorlaufige Mitteilungen. Hyg. Rund- schau, Berl., 1907, xvii, 1121-1125.-----. Leber die Sicht- harmaehuug der Geisseln und die Goisselbewegung der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.Tjena, 1909, Ii, Orig., 14-94.—del Rio (L.) Sobre la localizacion, procedencia y signiflcado dc los flagelos de las bacterias. Actas v mem. d. ix. Cong, internac de hig. y demog. 189s, Madrid, 1900, i, 255-259.—Rocchi iC.) Sopra le cosiddette li^liagi^antiocompostedei batten. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat., 809. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lx, Orig., 174. Bacteria (Flagellated, Staining of). Behrend (M.) *Nai-hprufung zweier neuer Methoden der Geisselfarbung bei Bakterien. 8 . Konigsberg i. Br., 1902. Simomn (A.) ^Contribution h 1'eLude de_ quelques methodes pratiques de coloration des cils des bacteries. 8°. Lausanne, 1907. Bow hill (T.) Ein neue Methode der Bakterien-Geissel- fiirbung bei Gebrauch einer Orceinbcize. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 189s, viii, li; lo>—Casares Gil (A.) " In nuevo pro- eedimiento para tefiir los flagelos de las bacterias. Rev. san. mU. y Med. mil. espafl., Madrid, 1910, iv, 554-562,1 pi — BACTERIA. 283 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Flagellated, Staining of). Cerrito (A.) Nuovo metodo per la colorazione delle ciglia dei batteri. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1903, n. s., xhi, 208- 306, 2 pi.—Copeland (W. R.) Summary ofthe steps which must be followed in staining flagella by Loffler's method. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1903, n. s., xvu. 374.— De' Rossi (G.) Di un metodo semphceper colorare le ciglia dei batteri. Arch, per le sc. med., Tormo, 1900, xxiv, 297- 312: 1902, xiu, 907-922: 1904, xv, 86-94, 1 pi.—Galli-Valerio (B.) La methode de Casares-Gil pour la coloration des cils des bacteries. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915, lxxvi, Orig., 233.—Gemelli (E.) Di un nuovo metodo di colorazione delle ciglia dei bacteri. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1903, hi, 69-78. Aho, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902-3, xxxih, 316-320.—Gins (H. A.) Ueber die Darstellung von Geisselzopfen bei Bact. typhi, Bact. Proteus und den Bak- terien der Salmonella-Gruppe mit der Methode des Tusche- ausstrichpraparates. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910-11, lvU, Orig., 472-^78, 1 pi.: 1911, lvui, Orig., 480.—Hinterberget (A.) Eine Modifikation des Geissel- farbungsverfahrens nach van Ermengen. Ibid., 1900, xxvii, 597-605, 1 pi.—Kendall (A. I.) An improved method for staining flagella. J. Apphed Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1836.—Krai (F.) Ueber einfache expeditive Geisselfar- bungsmethoden. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, u, 2. Hlfte., 621— Kreibich (K.) Ueber Silberimpragnation von Bakteriengeisseln. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 633-635.—Luca Valenti (G.) Un nuovo rapido procedimento per la colorazione dei flagelli dei batteri. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1903, xiv, 440-447.—McCrorie (D.) A method of staining flagella. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 971.—Morton (N.) Flagella stain- ing. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond., 1899,2. s., 242.— Muir (R.) A modification of Pitfield's method for staining flagella. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1898, v, 374- 376.—Peppier (A.) Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Darstellung der Geisseln. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 345-355.—Stephens (J. W. W.) The stain- ing of bacterial flagella with sUver. J. State M., Lond., 1903, xi, 627. Aho: Thompson Yates & Johnston Lab. Rep., Liverpool, 1903, n. s., v, 121.—Valenti (G. L.) Ueber eine neue rasche Methode der Farbung der Geisseln bei den Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxu, Referate, 744-747— Welcke (E.) Eine neue Methode der Geisseharbung. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1899, xiv, 65-79.—Wiet. Une nouvelle me- thode pour la coloration des flagellums des bacteries, par l'emploi de l'orceine comme mordant. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1898, xxii, 393.—Zettnow. Ueber Geissel- farbung bei Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh Leipz., 1899, xxx, 95-106: xxxi, 283-286.—Ziemann (H.) Eine Methode der Doppelfarbung bei Flagellaten, PUzen, Spirillen und Bakterien, sowie bei einigen Amoben. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 945- 955, Lpl. Bacteria (Fluorescent). See Bacteria (Bhotogenic). Bacteria (Gas-forming). See, also, Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus; Bacil- lus coli; Bacteria (Enzymes, etc., of); Fever (Typhoid, Bacillus of); Paratyphoid bacillus. Albrecht (P.) Ueber Infectionen mit gasbUdenden Bac- terien. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxvii, 514-586—Ber- gey (D.H.) & Deehan(S. J.) The colon; aerogenes group of bacteria. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1908, xix, 175-200. Aho Abstr.]: Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa., 1908, n. s., xi, 154-161 — Burri (R.) & Holliger (W.) Zur Frage der Beteihgung gasbUdender Bakterien beim Aufgehen des Sauerteigs. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxiii, 99-105 — Cunningham (J.) A simple method of estimating the amount of gas produced by gas-forming bacteria. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta, 1913-14,i, 735-740.—Durham (H. E.) A simple method for demonstrating theproduction of gas by bacteria. Brit.M.J.,Lond.,1898,i,1387.—Frieber(W.) Die Bedeutung der Gasabsorption in der Bakteriologie. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxix, Orig., 437- 464.—Ghon (A.) & Sachs (M.) Beitragezur Kenntnis der anaeroben Bakterien des Menschen. Zur Aetiologie der Schaumorgane. Ibid., 1908,xlviu,Orig., 396-405, lpl—Goe- bel (C.) Ueber den Bacillus der Schaumorgane. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1893-4, Hamb. & Leipz., 1896, iv, 402-432; 1 pL—Hall (I. W.) & Nicholls (F.) Earlier indi- cations of gas formation by coliform organisms, with descrip- tion of a modified fermentation tube. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.L 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxv, Orig., 140-144.—Jack- son (D. D.) & Muer (T. C.) Liver broth: a medium for the determination of gas-forming bacteria in water. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1911, vhi, 289-294.—Morris (R. T.) Notes of three cases of Infection by gasforming bacteria. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1902, Phila., 1903, xv, 240- 245.—Page (C. G.) Durham's method for demonstrating the production of gas by bacteria. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1898-9, iii, 311.—Pakes (W. C. C.) & Jollyman (W. H.) The collection and examination of the gases produced by Bacteria (Gas-forming). bacteria from certain media. J. Chem. Soc. Lond., 1901, lxxix, 322-329—Pammel (L. H.) & Pammel (Emma). A contribution on the gases produced by certain bacteria. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1896, ii, 633- 650,lpl. Aho,Reprint.—Russell(H.L.)&Bassett(V.N.) The significance of certain gas-producing bacteria of non- colon type in sanitary analysis. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1899- 1900, iv, 79.—Scheurlen. Zur Kenntniss der Gasbildung, insbesondere Kohlensaurereproduction der Bakterien. In- ternat. Beitr. z. inn.Med. (Leyden), Berl., 1902,ii,203-207 — Schlttenhelm (A.) & Schroter (F.) Gasbildung und Gasatmung von Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxv, 146-150.—Simon (P.-L.) Note sur un dispositif simple pour apprecier la production de gaz par une culture microbienne en milieu liquide. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1910, lxix, 217.—Smith (T.) Ueber Fehlerquellen bei Priifung der Gas-und Saurebildung bei Bakterien und deren Vermeidung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxu, 45-49. Aho, Reprint.— Wille (N.) Ueber Gasvakuolen bei einer Bakterie. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1902, xxii, 257-262.—Winslow (C.-E. A.) Studies on quantitative variations in gas production in the fermentation tube. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1903, n. s., xvh, 375. Bacteria (Growth of). See Bacteria (Cultivation of). Bacteria (Hsemophilic and hsemoglobino- philic). See, also, Influenza (Bacillus of). Davis (D. J.) Hemophilic bacilli; theh morphology and relationto respiratory pigments. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1907, iv, 73-86. ------. Infections with hemoglobinophilic bacteria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 1814-1818. Aho [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xlh, 532-534. -----. Food accessory factors (vitamins) in bacterial culture with especial reference to hemophilic bacilli I. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1917, xxi, 392-403.^Kliene- berger (C.) Ueber hamophile Bacillen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1905, xxxi, 575.-----. Beitrage zum saprophytischen Vorkommen hamoglobinophUer Ba- cillen. Ibid., 1906, xxxii, 1580-1582.—Marpmann. Ueber die Kultur haemoglobinophiler Bakterien auf sterilisiertem Blut-Agar. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Leipz., 1909-10, xv, 1-5.— Nyberg (C.) [The so-called haemoglobinophilic bacilli.] Finskalak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1915, lvh, 1216-1227.— Odaira. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der hamoglobinophilen Bacillen, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Bordetschen Bacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcj,'l. Abt., Jena, 1911, lxi, Orig., 289-308.—Scheller (R.) Kritische Studien zur Frage der hamoglobinophilen Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxvih, 1825-1827. Bacteria (Identification of). See Bacteria (Differentiation, etc., of). Bacteria (Indol production of). Buard (G.) Recherche de l'indol dans les cultures microbiennes. Compt. rend. Soc de biol.. Par., 1908, lxv, 158-160.—Crossoninl (E.) Sulla ricerca dell' indolo nelle culture batteriche col metodo di Ehrlich. (Tesi di laurea.) Igiene mod., Genova, 1908, i, 325-333.—Homer (Annie). A suggestion as to the cause of the lessened production of indol in media containing glucose. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1916, xv, 401-404.—Kligler(I. J.) A comparative study ofthe Ehrlich and Salkowski tests for indol production by bacteria. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1913-14, xi, 12-14—Lewis (F. C.) On the detection and estomation oi bacterial indol and observations on intercurrent phenomena. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1914-15, xix, 429^42.—Lura (A.) Contributo alio studio della capacita indoligena dei micror- ganismi. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1911, lxii,311-313.—Mo- relli (E.) Un nuovo metodo per svelare l'indolo a scopo batteriologico. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1909, xxhi, 103-107. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, 1, Orig., 413-415.—Nowicki (W.) Ueber eine Modifikation der Ehrlichschen Indolreaktion in Bakte- rienkulturen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 983.— Polyakofl (V. Y.) [Ziepfel's medium, proposed for the performance of indol reaction.) Kharkov. M. J., 1915, xx, 310-312.—Porcher (C.) & Panlsset (L.) De la presence des corps indologenes dans les bouillons de culture. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1909. cxlviii, 1336-1338.----------. De la recherche de l'indol et de Phydrogene sulfure dans les cultures microbiennes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 653-fi55.------------.' Sur la recherche de l'indol dans les milieux liquides de cultures. Ibid., 1911, lxx, 369-371.—Rhein (M.) Die diagnostische Verwertung der durch Bakterien hervorgerufenen Indophenolreaktion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 871.— Rivas (D.) An improved and rapid test for indol in broth cultures and for the presence of their substance in meat- sugar-free broth. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1907, iv, 641-646. Aho: Rep. Com. Health Penn. 1907, Harrisburg, 1908, h, 133-143.—Seidelln (H.) & Lewis (F. C.) Some notes on BACTERIA. 284 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Indol production of). indol-reaction and allied phenomena. J. Hyg., Cam- bridge, 1911, ii, 503-514.—Telle (H.) & Huber (E.) Kriti- sche Betrachtungen iiber die Methoden des Indolnach- weises in Bakterienkulturen, nebst einem Beitrage zur Frage der Indolbindung durch Typhaccen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lviii, Orig.. 70-79.— Tobey (E. N.) The cholera-red reaction and the indol reaction. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1906, xv, 305-307,1 pi — Wherry (W. B.) A search into the nitrate and nitrite con- tent of Witte's peptone, with special reference to its in- fluence on the demonstration of the indol and cholera-red reactions. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1905, ii, 436-445.—Zipfel (II.) Zur Kenntnis der Indolreaktion. Centralbl f Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxiv, Orig , r,->-yf): 1912-13, lxvii, Orig., 572-586. Bacteria (Marine). See, also, Sea-water (Bacteriology of). Coupin (IL) Sur la nutrition organique d'une bacterie marine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1915, clx, 151. -----. Sur la resistance a la salure des bacteries marines. Ibid., 443-445.-----. De Paction morphogehique de la sursalure sur les bacteries marines. Ibid., 608-610.—Fischer (B.) Die Bedeutung der baeteriologischen Meeresforschung. Deutsche'med. Wchnschr. Berl. & Leipz., 1899, xxv, 61!- 616.—Matthews (D. J.) A deep-sea bacteriological water- bottle. J. Marine Biol. Ass. LT. Kingdom, Plymouth, 1910-13, n. S., ix, £25-529. Bacteria (Metabolism of). See, also, Bacteria (Chemical products of); Bacteria (Chemistry of); Bacteria (Benilrify- ing); Bacteria (Enzymes, etc., of); Bacteria (Gas-forming); Bacteria (Indol production of); Bacteria (Nitrifying); Bacteria (Broteolytir^; Bacteria (Beducing power of); Bacteria (Tox- ins, etc., of). Butyagin (P. V.) O gazoobmlenie bakteriy. [Gas metabolism of bacteria.] 8°. Tomsk, 1908. j Meyerhop (O.) Ueber den Energiewechsel von Bakterien. 8°. Heidelberg, 1912. Beijerinck (M. W.) & van Delden (A.) Ueber eine farb- Iose Bakterie, deren KohlenstofTnahrung aus der atmos- pharischen Luft herriihrt. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.), 2. Abt., Jena, 1903, x, 33-47.----------. Sur 1'assimilation de I'azote hbre par les bacteries. Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes [etc]. La Haye, 1903-4, 2. s., viii, 319-373.—Beijerinck (M. W.) & Mihckman (D. C. J.) Bildung und Verbrauch von Stickoxydul durch Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxv, 30-63,1 pi— Bodin (E.) La nutrition chez les bacteries. Trav. sdent. Univ. de Rennes, 1902, i, 251-275.—Foster (Mary L.) A comparative study of the metabolism of Pneumococcus, Streptococcus, Bacil- lus lactis erythrogenes, and Bacillus anthracoides. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1913, xxxv, 916-919.—Herzfeld (E.) & Klinger (R.) Quantitative Untersuchungen iiber den Indol- und Tryptophanumsatz der Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915, lxxvi Orig., 1-12.—Kendall (A. 1.) Studies in bacterial metabolism; the relation of bacterial metabolism to internal medicine. Boston M. & S. J., 1913, clxvhi, 825-833— Kendall (A. I.), Day (A. A.) & Walker (A. W.) Observations on tho relative constancy of ammonia production by certain bac- teria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1913, xiii, 425-42&. -----, ----- -----. Studies in bacterial metabolism. 3. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1913, xxxv, 1201-1249:1914, xxxvi, 1938-1966. Aho, Reprint*-----,----------. The metab- olism of lepra bacillus, grass bacillus, and smegma bacillus in plain, dextrose, manniteand glycerin broths. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xv, 439-442— Kendall (A.I.) & Farmer (C. J.) Studies in bacterial metabolism. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1912, xii, 13; 215: 219; 465: 469: 1912 13, xui, 63-70. Aho, Reprint.—Kendall (A. I.) & Walker (A. W.) Stud- ies in bacterial metabolism; determination of urea nitrogen cultures of certain bacteria. J. Biol. Chem., N. V ,1913, xv, 277-282. Aho, Reprint—Keyes (F. G.) & Gillespie (L. J.) A contribution to our knowledge ofthe gas metabolism of bacteria. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1912, xiii, 291; 305.— Kligler (I. J.) Some regulating factors in bacterial me- tabolism. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 661-671.- Kouvalcvskl (S. L.) [Sur la question de PassimUation de l'a/.ote libre de l'atmosnh^re par les microbes. Extr., 279.) Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin. Med. i Bakteriol., S.-lVtotb, lsus, vi, 251-261.—Lebedeff (A. F.) Ueber die Assimilation des Kohlenstoil'es bei wasserstoff-oxvdierenden Bakterien. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, vii, 1 -10. Levy (E.) & Pfers- dorf (F.) Ueber die Gewinnung der schwer zuganglichen, in der Leibcssubstanz enthaltonen Stoilwcchselprodukte der Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1902, xxviii, 879.— Pringsheim (I I.) Ueber ein Stiekstollassimi- lierendes Clostridium. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1906, xvi, 795-800.-Rettger (L. F.), Herman (N.) & Sturges (\V. S.) Studies on bacterial nutrition; the utilization of proteid and non-protcid nitrogen. J. Bact., Bait., 1910, i, 15-33.—Sears (H. J.) Studies in the Bacteria (Metabolism of). nitrogen metabohsm of bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1916, xix, 105-137.—Simonds (J. P.) The effect of bacterial metabohsm on the antigenic properties and serologic reac- tions of bacteria. Ibid., 1915, xvh, 500-509. Also, Reprint.— von Sommaruga (E.) Leber Stohwechselproducte von Mikroorganismen. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1894, xvhi, 441-456.—Tanner (F. W.) Studies on the bacterial metabolism of sulfur; formation of hydrogen sulfide from certain sulfur compounds under aerobic con- ditions. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, u, 585-593. Bacteria (Morphology of). See Bacteria (Biology, etc., of); Bacteria (Mutation, etc., of). Bacteria (Motility of). See, aho, Bacteria (Flagellated). Boettcher (E.) *Studien iiber Bacillus im- plexus und mycoides mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung ihrer Beweglichkeit. 8°. Wurzburg, 1897. Duiiond (M.-R.) *Recherches sur la motilite et les organes moteurs des bacteries. 8°. Nancy, 1905. Beijerinck (M. W.) Emulsions- und Sedimentflguren bei beweghchen Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1897, hi, 1; 40, 1 pi.—Bill (A. F.) Movement of bacilli, etc., in hquid suspension on passage of a constant current. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1*99, xxvi, 257-259.—Bugge (G.) Ueber oberflaehlieh gelegene Pseudokolonien auf Agar mit Bakterienbewcgung in ihrem Innern. Ztschr. f. Infektionskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl., 1909, vi, 137-142, 1 pi.—Burckhardt (J. L.) Untersuchungen iiber Bewe- gung und Begeisselung der Bakterien und die Ver- wendbarkeit dieser Merkmale fiir die Systematik. Ueber die Veranderlichkeit von Bewegung und Begeisselung. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1914, lxxxii, 235-320 — Carnot (P.) & Gamier (M.) De l'emploi des tubes de sable comme methode generate d'etude, d'isolement et de selection des microorganismes mobiles. Compt.-rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1902, Uv, 860-M.3.—Gabritschewsky (G.) Ueber active Beweglichkeit der Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1900, xxxv, 104-122. -----. Ueber ein neues Verfahren zur Feststellung der aktiven Bakterienbeweglichkeit. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. etch 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiii, 465.—Graham-Smith G. S.) The division and post-fission movements of bacilli when grown on solid media. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1910, ih, 17-53, 6 pL—Judet. Causes de motilite des mi- crobes et procedes de coloration des cils. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours 1904, iv, 191-194.—Lehmann (K. B.) & Fried (E.) BeoDachtungen iiber die Eigenbeweeung der Bakterien. Arch. f. Hvg , Munchen & Berl.. 1903, xlvi, 311-321.—Lyakhovetski (M. I.) [Motility of bacteria and specific serums.1 Kharkov. M. J., 1906, i, 194-211.-----. Eine neue Methode zum Studium der lokomotorischen Funktion der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1910-11, lvii, Orig., 180-K'l —Matzuschita (T.) Der Einfluss der Temperatur und Ennihrung auf die Eigen- bewegung der Bakterien. Ibid., 2. Abt , Jena, 1901, vu, 209-214—Porcelli-Titone (F.) Sur la mobUite des bacte- ries exposees aux ravons ultraviolets. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1914, lxii, 326-334. Aho, transl: Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1915, xvhi, 81-v, — Sakharoff (N. A.) [On the r61e of iron in the phenomena of movements and de- generation of cells and m the bactericidal action of immu- nized serum.) Protok. zasJed. Kuvkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, ly.Hi-7, xxxiii, 484 499.—Stigell (R.) Ueber die Fortbewegiingsgeschwindigkdt und Bewegungskurven eini- ger Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xiv, Orig., 289-293— Yegounow (M.) Lois du mouve- ment de la foule microbienne. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xvhi, 1-9. Bacteria (Mutation and variability of). Follet (I..) *De la presence notamment dans le sang et dans le sue des tumeurs de plaques bactengones: polymorphic du bacille de la tuberculose et cancer. 4°. Baris, 1896. Klein (J.) *Ucber die sogenannte Mutation und die Veranderlichkeit des Garvermogens bei Bakterien. [Bonn.] 8°. Leipzig, 1912. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1912, lxxui, 87-118. Kowalenko (A.) *Studien iiber sogenannte Mutitionserscheinungen bei Bakterien unter be- sonderer Berucksichtigung der Ein/.ellenkultur. 8°. Bern. 1910. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1910, lxvi, 277-290. Abbott (A. C.) On induced variations in bacterial functions; an experimental study. J. Med. Research, Bost., BACTERIA. 285 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Mutation and variability of). 1912-13, xxvi, 513-521.—Adami (J. G.) How is variability in bacteria to be regarded? Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1895, xx, 415-418.—Almquist (E.) Neue Ent- wickelungsformen des Choleraspirills und der Typhus- bakterie. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvh, 18-23.-----. [Mutation of pathogenic bacteria dur- ing saprophytic growth.] Svenska lak.-sallsk. handl., Stoekh., 1917, xliii, 543-552,3pi.—Armbruster (G.) Regeln bei der bakteriellen Mutation und bei Epidemien. Prakt Arzt., Leipz., 1913, liii, 260.—Ashmead (A. S.) Descent and variation of the bacillus. St. Louis M. & S. J , 1898 lxxv, 9-17. Also, Reprint— Baerthlein. Ueber Muta- tionserscheinungen bei Bakterien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1911, xlviii, 1410-1412. Also: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. retc ] 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, 1, Ref., Beiheft, 128-134:1912, liv, Ref Beiheft, 178-184.-----. Ueber die Mutation bei Bakterien und die Technik zum Nachweis dieser Abspaltungsvor- gange. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913 lxxi, Orig., 1-13.—Baerthlein & Toyoda. Ueber Mutation bei saurefesten Bakterien. Ibid., lvii, Ref., Beiheft 281- 285.—Seattle (J. M.) & Yates (A. G.) The variations in the morphological characters of bacteria and their reaction with sugar under different conditions. Brit. M J Lond 1912, U, 1304.—Beijerinck (M. W.) Sur diverses formes de variation hereditaire chez les microbes. Arch neerl d sc exactes [etc.], La Haye, 1900-1901, 2. s., iv, 213-230. ■' Mutation bei Mikroben. Folia microbiologica, Delft 1912 l, 4-100, 4 pi.—Bernhardt (G.) Ueber Variabilitat patho- gener Baktenen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipzv 1915, lxxix, 179-248.—Bernhardt (G.) & Markoff (W. N.) Ueber Modiflkationen bei Bakterien. Berl klin Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 716. A ho:Centralbl. f. Bakteriol retc i 1. Abt, Jena, 1912, lxv, Orig., 1^4.—Bernhardt (G ) & Ornstein (O.) Ueber Variabilitat pathogener Mikroor- ganismen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1913, 1, 16-19.—Burk (A.) Mutation bei einem der Koligruppe verwandten Bak- terium. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1908, lxv, 235- 242.—Burri (R.) Zur Frage der Mutationen bei Bakterien der Cohgruppe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt Jena 1910, liv, Orig., 210.—Davis (N. G.) Variations of Bacillus rosaceus metalloides (Dowdeswell). J Bost Soc M. Sc, 1900-1901, v, 384— Dobell (C.) Some recent work on mutation in micro-organisms; mutations in bacteria J Genetics, Cambridge, 1912-13, U, 325-350.—Eisenberg (P ) Untersuchungen iiber die Variabilitat der Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxvi, Orig 1-19, 3 pi.: 1914, lxxiii, Orig., 449-488— Friedberger (E.) & Ungermann (E.) Mutation der Bakterien. Jahresk. f. arztl. FortbUd., Miinchen, 1913, 10. Hft., 34-39 —Gar- bowski (L.) Ueber Abschwachung und Variabilitat bei Bacillus luteus Smith et Baker und Bacillus tumescens Zopf. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xx, 4; 99, 2 pi.—Haendel. Ueber Mutation bei Bakterien. J. State Med., Lond., 1914, xxh, 419-425.—Hashimoto (S.) Ein pleomorphes Bacterium. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz., 1899, xxxi, 85-88.—Hewlett (R. T.) Muta- tions of bacteria. Nature, Lond., 1913-14, xch, 193.—Hjilst (F. A.) Variation among bacteria in relation to infection and immunity. Long Island M. J7 Brooklyn, 1915, ix, 445- 453.—Hunter (J.) Polymorphism in bacterial development. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1897, xiv, 321-329 — Jordan (E. O.) Variation in bacteria. Proc Nat. Acad. Sc, Bait., 1915, i, 160-164.—Kakehi (S.) A comparison of various strains of the Bacillus pseudo-tuberculosis roden- tium (Pfehl'er), with special reference to certain variation phenomena. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1915-16, xx, 269-289.—Klotz (O.) Temporary alteration of character of an organism belonging to the colon group. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1905, Columbus, O., 1906, xxxi, pt. 2, 35- 39. [Discussion], 249.—Lankester (Sir E. R.) Mutation and modification of bacteria, a knowledge which is impor- tant to the recognition of species and kinds. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1915, lxxix, 319.-----. Dr. Adami's Croonian lectures. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 63.—Lehmann (E.) Bakterienmutationen; AUogonie; Klonumbildungen. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915-16, lxxvii, Orig., 289-300.—Lepoutre (L.j Recherches sur la transformation experimentale de bacteries banales en races parasites des plantes. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1902, xvi, 304-312. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 927- 929.—Loeffler (F.) Over de verandering der ziekmakende (giftige) en virulente eigenschappen van pathogene organis- men door kunstmatige voortkweeking en bepaalde dier- soorten en hunne aanwending voor prophylactische inenting. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1907, lxi, 255-257.— Lydston (G. F.) Microbial evolution in its relations to disease and especially to specific infections. West. M. Rev. Omaha, 1918, xxiii, 62-77.—Maassen (A.) Die teratolo- gischen Wuchsformen (Involutionsformen) der Bakterien und ihre Bedeutung als diagnostisches Hilfsmittel. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1904, xxi, 385-402,6pi.—Matsui (J.) Veranderungen von Bakterien im Tierkorper; Versuche iiber die Widerstandsfahigkeit kapselhaltiger und kapsel- loser Milzbrandbacillen. Centralbl. 1. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915, lxxv, Orig., 394-398.—Maynard (G. D.) Bacterial mutations; some recent observations and sugges- tions as to their effect on current medical theories. Med. Bacteria (Mutation and variability of). J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1914-15, x, 1-6.—Miquel. Des variations horaires des bacteries amrnnes. Bull. Soc de mea pub., Par., 1886, ix, 158-164. Mueller (R.) Some new bacteriological discoveries; inheritance of acquired char- acters in bacteria. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1909, lxviii, l^°\ Z----; Mutationen bei Typhus- und Ruhrbakterien; Mutation als spezifisches Kulturmerkmal. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lviii, Orig., 97-106,2pl.-----. Bakterienmutationen. Ztschr.- f. indukt. Abstammungs- u. VererbungsL, Berl., 1912, vhi, 305-324.—Ohlmacher (A. P.) Morphological variation iu the pathogenic bacteria, with two pronounced examples. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900', xxxv, 1676. -----. Observations upon the morphologic variations of certain pathogenic bacteria. J. M. Research, Bost., 1902, n. s., ii, 128-137,2pl.—Passini (F.) Variabilitat der Bakterien und Agglutinationsphanomen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1283-1285.—Peavy (J. F.) The variability of disease germs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 277-281.—Peju (G.) & Rajat (H.) Quelques cas de polymorphisme de bacilles par l'iodure de potassium, pneu- mobacille de Friedlander, bacille du cholera asiatique, bacille de la diarrhee vcrte, etc Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 816.-----------. Quelques nouveaux cas de polymorphisme de bacilles, par l'iodure de potassium, B. de la psittacose, B. de la dysenterie (Vaillard et Dopter), B. enteridis (de Gartner), etc. Ibid., 1013.—Penfold (W. J.) Studies in bacterial variation, with special reference to the chemical functions of the members of the typhoid-coli group. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1911, xi, 30-67,1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, Suppl., 363. •-----. On the specificity of bacterial mutation, with a resume of the results of an exam- ination of bacteria found in faeces and urine, which undergo mutation when grown on lactose media. J. Hyg., Cambridge. 1912, xii, 195-215, 4 pi., 1 tab.—Penfold (W. J.), Young (M. C. W.) [et al.]. Discussion on variability among bacteria and its bearing on diagnosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 710-712.—Pringsheim (H.) Untersuchungen uber die sogenannte Mutation bei Bakterien. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vh, 144-146:1913, ix, 1005.—Query (L. C.) Le polymor- phisme microbien. Rev. med., Par., 1913, xxiii, 249.— Rajat (H.) & Peju (G.) Variations morphologiques des bacilles dans les milieux salins. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1906, v, 187-189.-----------. Sur l'etendu et le mecanisme du polymorphisme des bacteries par les agents chimiques. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 735—Rettger (L. F.) & Sherrick (J. L.) Studies on bac- terial variation. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1911, xxiv, 265- 284.—Rosenow (E. C.) Studies on the transmutation of pneumococci and streptococci. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1913, ix, 61-63.-----. Transmutations within the strepto- coccus-pneumococcus group. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xiv, 1-32, 1 pi.— Ruzicka (S.) Experimentelle Studien uber die Variabilitat wicjj,tiger Charaktere des B. pyocyaneus und des B. fluorescens hquefaciens. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 11-17— Salzmann (M.) Ein Beitrag zur Bakterienmutation. Ibid., 1914, lxxv, Orig., 105-112.—Santamaria (J. M.) Acquisition of acid- fast properties by a filamentary organism cultivated from an animal injected with a culture of Hansen's bacillus. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1913, xvi, 301.—Schwalbe (E.) Ueber Variabilitat und Pleomorphismus der Bacterien. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvh, 1617-1621.—Smir- now (M. R.) Biological variations of bacteria; induced variationsintheculturalcharactersofB.coli. J.Bact.,Bait., 1916, i, 385-410—Smith (T.) Observations on the varia- bility of disease germs. N. York M. J., 1890, IU, 485-487. -----. Variation among pathogenic bacteria. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1899-1900, iv, 95-109.—Toennissen (E.) Ueber Mutationserscheinungen bei Bakterien. Med. Khn., Berl., 1913, ix, 792-796.-----. Ueber die Bedeutung der Mutation fiir die Virulenz der Bakterien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1913, xxx, 491-495. -----. Ueber Vererbung und Variabilitat bei Bakterien; Unter- suchungen iiber die Fluktuation, insbesondere uber ihre Entstehungsweise, ihre Erbhchkeit und ihre Bedeutung fur die ArtbUdung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxv, Orig., 97-104. ■-----. Ueber Vererbung und Variabilitat bei Bakterien; ein Beitrag zur Entwick- lungslehre. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1915, xxxv, 281-330, 2 pL—Transmutations in bacterial species. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu, 1021.—Walker (E. W. A.) On variation and adaptation in bacteria, illustrated by obser- vations upon streptococci, with special reference to the value of fermentation tests as applied to these organisms. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1910-11, Lxxxiii, s. B., 541-558 — Wiener (E.) Ueber dasVariiren der biologischen Eigen- schaften der Bakterien. Verhandl. d. Gesehsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, n, 2. Hlfte, 617 — Williams (H. U.) A pleomorphic bacillus growing in asso- ciation with a streptothrix. J.Med. Research,Bost.,1912-13, xxvu, 157-161, 1 pi.—Wilson (W. J.) Pleomorphism, as exhibited by bacteria grown on media containing urea. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1906, xi, 394-404, 1 pi.-----. Variation among bacteria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1909.—Winslow (C.-E. A.) & Walker (L. T.) A case of non-inheritance of fluctuating variations among bacteria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1909, vi, 90-97.—Wolf (F.) BACTERIA. 286 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Mutation and variability of). Ueber Modifikationen und experimentell ausgeloste Muta- tionen von Bacillus prodigiosus und anderen Schizophyten. Ztschr. f. indukt. Abstammungs- u. Vererbungsl., Berl., 1909, ii, 90-132.—Zeissler. Ueberfiihrbarkeit des malignen Oedembacillus in den Fraenkel'schen Gasbrandbacillus. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1918, lv, 147—Zierler (F.) Ueber die Beziehung des Bacillus implexus Zimmermann zum Ba- cillus subtilis Cohn; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Variabi- litat der Spaltpilze. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1898-9, xxxiv, 192-197. Bacteria (New species of). Bartle (LB.) Some experiments with a new bacillus in mixed and double infections. N. England M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1904, xxih, 463-466.—Biernacki (W.) Bacterium Nenckii Biern., ein neuer den Agar verflussi- gender Mikroorganismus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1911, xxix, 166-169—BroU (R.) Ueber das Vorkommen von rotlaufahnhchen Bakterien beim Rinde und Huhne. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1911, xxvU, 41.— Brown (Nellie A.) & Jamieson (Clara O.) A bacterium causing a disease of sugar-beet and nasturtium leaves. J. Agric. Research, Wash., 1913-14, i, 189-210, 3 pi—Calvo (I.) & Cartaya (J. T.) Description de un germen patogeno aislado del agua. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1904, xxx, 203-213.—Ceresole(J.) Ein neuer Bacillus als Epidemie- erreger beim Carassius auratus der Aquarien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvhi, 305-309.—Coz- zolino. Dimostrazione di un nuovo bacillo patogeno. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1898, Roma, 1899, ix, 452 — Daumezon (C.) Sur un germe microbien isole d'une ascide alimentaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxv, 665-667.—Fortineau (L.) Note sur un bacille rouge pathogene. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1901-2, xx, 91-95.— Fraenkel (C.) Untersuchungen iiber den von Stutzer und Hartleb beschriebenen Salpeterpilz. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 8; 62—G. (J.) Le plus petit bacille du monde. Nature, Par., 1901-2, xxx, 263.—Gartner (A.) Untersuchungen fiber den von Stutzer und Hartleb beschriebenen Salpeterpilz. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 1; 52; 109, 2 pi.—Galavlelle. Deu- xieme note sur un bacille tubercutigfene d'origine feline; orchite aigue experimentale determinee par ce bacille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 1005—Galli- Valerio (B.) Recherches experimentales sur une sarcine pathogene. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvh, Orig., 177-186.—Gauducheau (A.) Sur un bacille violet pathogene. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 27N.—Grimm (M.) 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A peculiar microorganism showing rosette formation. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xiv, 459-463.— Kanemori(T.) [Contribution on the spore of a new bacil- lus.] Fukuiken Igaku Kwai Zasshi, 1898. No. 30,6-9.—Ka- wamura (R.) [A series of yellow staff-shaped bacteria.] Saitake Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, 450-458.— Klinger (B.) Leber einen neuen pathogencn Anaeroben aus mensch- lichcmEitcr(Coccohnctcriummucosumanaerobicumn.sp.). Cenlriilbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, xiii, Orig., 186-191—Krtiger (\Y.) Leber den Salpeterpilz von Stutzer- Hartleb. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 184-188-Lafforgue. Quelqucsremarquesapropos d'un bacilealcaligiNnc Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 108-110—Lasseur (P.) Contribution a l'etude de Bacillus Le Monnieri, nov. spec Ibid., 1913, lxxiv, 47.—Laven(L.) Ueber ein fiir Kaninchen und Mecrschweinchenpathogcncs, noch nicht beschriebenes Bakterium. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. 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Untersuchungen fiber Azotobacter chroococ- cum. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxhi, 161-173.—Lipman (J. C.) & Brown (P. E.) Experi- ments on ammonia and nitrate formation in soils. Ibid., 1910, xxvi, 590-632— Lolinis (F.) & Hanzawa (J.) Die Stellung von Azotobacter im System. Ibid.; 1914, xhi, 1-8, 2 pi.—Lohnis (F.) & Pillai (N. K.) Ueber stickstofi- fixierende Bakterien. II. Ibid., 1907, xix, 87-96, 1 pi.— Lohnis (F.) & Suzuki (S.) Ueber Nitragin und Azoto- gen. Zugleich v. Beitrag zur Kenntnis stickstoflixierender Bodenbakterien. Ibid., 1911, xxx, 644-651— Lohnis (F.) & Westermann (T.) Ueber stickstoffixierende Bakterien. Ibid., 1908-9, xxh, 234-254, 1 pL—Makrinoff (J.) Mag- nesia-Gipsplatten und Magnesia-Platten mit organiseher Substanz als sehr geeignetes festes Substrat fiir die Kultrr der Nitrifikationsorganismen. Ibid., 1909, xxiv, 415-423, 1 pi.—Manns (T. F.) Media for quantitative and qualita- tive studies on azotobacter and nitrifiers. Science, Lan- caster, Pa., 1916, n. s., xliii, 288—Mencl (F.) Die Kern- aquivalcnte und Kerne bei Azotobacter chroococcum und seine Sporenbildung. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1911, xxu, 1-18, 1 pL—Mockeridge (Florence Annie). Soil organic matter as a culture medium for Azotobacter. Bio-Chem. J., Cambridge, 1915, ix, 272-283.—Moore (G. T.) Bacteria • and the nitrogen problem. Yearbook Dep. Agric, Wash., 1902, 332-342.—Mulvania (M.) Observations on azoto- bacter. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xhi, 463-465.—Omeliansky (V. L.) Kleinere Mitteilungen iiber Nitrifikationsmikroben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xix, 263—Omeliansky (V. L.) & Solounskoff (Mile. N.) Sur la distribution des bacteries azoto-fixatrices dans les sols russes. Arch. d. sc. biol. . . ., Petrogr., 1914-15, xvhi, 459-482, 3 pi.—Prazmowski (A.) Azotobacter-Studien. Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cra- covie, 1912, B, 87; 855, 3 pi. ■-----. Die Entwicklungsge- schichte, Morphologie und Cytologie des Azotobacter chroo- coccum Beijer. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxiii, 292-305—Pringsheim (II.) Die Bedeutung stickstofrbindender Bakterien. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1911, xxxi, 65-81.—Rosing (G.) Zusammcnfassung der Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen fiber die Stickstoflsamm- lung von Azotobacter chroococcum. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt,, Jena, 19J2, xxxiii, 618-623.—Rubel (M. N.) [Microbes of nitrification of biological filters.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1913, xii, 610-612.—Severin & Krze- Bacteria (Nitrifying). mieniewski (Helene). [Zur Biologie der stickstoffbin- denden Mikroorganismen.] Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1906, 560-577—Stmon (J.) Ueber die Verwandt- schaftsverhaltnisse der Leguminosen-Wurzelbakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt,, Jena, 1914, xii, 470-479.— Stevens (F. L.) & Withers (W. A.) Studies in soil bac- teriology. 4. The inhibition of nitrification by organic matter, compared in soils and in solutions. Ibid., 1910, xxvh, 169-186.—Stewart (R.) The intensity of nitrifi- cation in arid soils. Ibid., 1913, xxxvi, 477-490.—Stoklasa (J.) Influence de la radioactivite sur les microorganismes fixateurs d'azote od transformateurs de matieres azotoes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1913, clxvii, 879-882 — Vogel. Untersuchungen fiber das Kalibediirfnis von Azo- tobacter. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1911-12, xxxii, 411-421.—Wagerin (W.) Die Beziehungen der Bakterien zum Kreislaufe des Stickstoffs. Med. Khn., Berl., 1914, x, 894-897.—WUIiams (B.) The effect of cer- tain organic soil constituents on fixation of nitrogen by azoto- bacter. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xiii, 320.—Winogradsky (S.) & Omeliansky (V.) Ueber den Einfluss der organischen Substanzen auf die Arbeit der nitrifizierenden Mikrohien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1899, v, 329; 377; 429. Bacteria (Nomenclature of). See Bacteria (Classification, etc., of). Bacteria (Pathogenic). Sec, also, Bacteria (Toxins, etc., of); and under bacteriology of the various infectious dis- eases. Baumgarten (P. C.) Lehrbuch der patho- genen Mikroorganismen. Die pathogenen Bak- terien. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1911. Beale (L. S.) Disease germs; their nature and origin. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1872. Burnet (E.) La lutte contre les microbes; cancer, tuberculose, maladie du sommeil, telanos, enterite et microbes intestinaux, variole et vac- cine: l'ceuvre de Jenner. 12°. Baris, 1908. Duflocq (P.) Lecons sur les bacteries patho- genes, faites a l'Hotel-Dieu annexe. 8°. Baris, 1897. Foote (E. B.) Bacteria in their relation to dis- ease; a discussion of the germ theory of disease and the prevention of germ diseases. 16°. New York, 1887. Franceschi (L.) La medicina moderna e i microbi patogeni. Risposta di un medico alia "Civilta cattolica/' 8s. Firenze, 1901. Jousset (P.) Les microbes pathogenes. 12°. Barh, 1902. Klein (A.) De strijd tusschen de bacterien en hetdierlijkorganisme. 8°. Groningen, 1907. Leumann (B. H. S.) Notes on micro-organ- isms pathogenic to man. 8°. Bondon, New York dc Bombay, 1897. McFarland (J.) A text-book upon the path- ogenic bacteria for students of medicine and physicians. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1896. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1900. -—■—-—. The same. 4. ed., rewritten and en- larged. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1903. -——■—. Thesame. 5.ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia & London, 1906. ------. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1909. Pacinotti (G.) & Porcelli (V.) Azione mi- crobicida esercitata dai raggi Becquerel su alcuni microrganismi patogeni. Ricerche sperimentali. 8°. Firenze, 1898. Park (W. H.) & Williams (Anna W.) Patho- genic micfo-organisms, including bacteria and protozoa. A practical manual for students, phys- sicians and health officers. 8°. New York dc Bhiladelphia, 1905. —---■-----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New York & Bhiladelphia, 1908. 288 Bacteria (Pathogenic). ------■------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. New j York dc Bhiladelphia, 1910. ------■----—. The same. 5. ed. 8°. New York dc Bhiladelphia. 1914. ------ ■—----. The same. Assisted by <'h. Krumwiede, jr. 6.ed. 8°. New York dc Phila- delphia, 1917. Ryumin (N. N.) *Vliyaniye sakharnikh ' rastvorov razlichnoi kontsentratsii na rost i zhi- znesposobnost bolieznetvornikh mikroorganiz- mov. [Influence of solutions of sugar of vari- ous concentration upon the growth and viability of pathogenic microorganisms.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1898. Schurmayer (B.) Die pathogenen Spalt- pilze. 12°. Leipzig. [1897?]. Shattock (S. G.) An atlas of the bacteria pathogenic in man, with descriptions of their morphology and modes of microscopic exami- nation; with an introductory chapter on bac- teriology, its practical value to the general practitioner, by \Y. Wayne Babcock. 8°. New York, 1899. Abels (A.) Die kriminelle Bedeutung der krankheits- crregenden Bakterien. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kri- minalist., Leipz., 1913, liii, 130-174.—Allarla (G. B.) Ri- cerche sull'azione del liquido cefalorachideo sopra alcuni microorganisrni patogeni. Morgagni, Milano, 1905, xlvii, 676-687.— Allen (S. G.) The thermal death point of patho- genic bacteria and the portable (armv) excreta steriliser. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906', vii, 633-635—Bal- dassari (L.) Sui contenuto microbico e sulla resistenza dei germi patogeni in alcuni oh. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Mi- lano, 1901, xxiii, 66-71.—BonardHE.) Intornoallepresunte specie bacteriche patogene ed ai Ioro prodotti. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc e lett. Rendic., Milano, 1902, 2. s., xxxv, 628-636.— Ca- sagrandi (O.) Sulle relazioni tra batteri proto-, meta- e para- trofi e in particolar modosulle relazioni tra eberthiformi,pseu- doeberthiformie forme batterichesuperiori. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma,1903,n.s.,xiii,456-168.—CellKA.) Ladifhisibilitii dei germi patogeni. Ibid., 1913, n. s., xxih, 81-112. Aho, transl.: Arch. f. Hyg.,Munchen & Berl., 1913,lxxxi, 333-371—Cerno- vodeanu (Wie. P.) & Henri (V.) Determination du signe eiectrique de quelques microbes pathog^nes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 200—Charrln & Guillemonat. Varietes d'action et de nature des secretions d'un microbe pathogene (produits volat ils, hemolysines, mucine, principcs antagonistes pyocyaniques). Conipt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, cxxxiv, 1240-1243.—Collins (Sir W. J.) The man versus the microbe. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, 335-356.—Combe. Les microbicoles. Bull. Soc mefi.- chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par., 1902, hi, 67-72 — Danysz (J.) Pathogene Mikroben als Vertilgungsmittel gegen schkdliche Tiere. Handb. d. Techn. u. Methodik d. Immunitatsforsch., Jena, 1911, Ergnzngsbd. i, 631-643.— Denaeyer (A.) La recherche des principaux microbes pathogenes de l'homme. Presse mea. beige, Brux., 1897, xlix, 215; 223; 231; 239; 247; 264; 271; 279; 287; 296; 303; 311; 319; 328; 335; 343; 351—Deycke (G.) Ueber die Absterbe- bedingungen pathogener Keime auf gewissen Anstrichfar- ben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxih, 1033; 10X1— Eberson (F.) A bacteriologic study of the diphtheroid organisms with special reference to Ilodgkin's disease. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1918, xxih, 1-42, 3 pi — Ellis (D.) Untersuchungen iiber Sarcina, Streptococcus und Spirillum. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. ALL, Jena, 1903, xxxhi, 1; 81; 161, 2 pi— Flore (V.) Sullo syiluppo del germi patogeni in liquidi contenenti derivati dell'albumina. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1902, xxiy, 339-344.— Gordon (M. H.) On the nitrogenous food requirement of some of the commoner pathogenic bacteria. J. Rov. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 371-376—Guerard (A. R.) Bacteria (pathogenic). Ref. Handb. Mod. Sc, N. Y., 1913, i, 825-876.— Hesse (W.) Leber das Verhalten pathogener Mikroorganismen in pasteurisirtcr Milch. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1900. xxxiv, 346-34*.-Hill (H. W.) The distribution of B. diphtherial and B. tuberculosis in rooms occupied by patients suffering from these diseases. Am. 1'ub. Health Ass. Rep. 1902, Columbus, 1903, xxviii. 209-202.—Houston (A. C.) Report on inoculation of soil with particular microbes, pathogenic and other. Rep. Med. Off. LocalGov. Bd.,Lond., 1898-9,413-438,1 diag.,3pl.-----. Recently acquired knowledge concerning the bionomics of pathogenic organisms and its bearing on the spread of disease. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 390. Houston (A. C), Lentz (O.) [et al.]. Discussion on recently acquired knowl- edge concerning the bionomics of pathogenic organisms and its bearing on the spread of disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1499-1506.—Hugounenq (L.) & Doyon (M.) Contribu- tion a l'etude des actions chimiques des microbes patho- Bacteria (Pathogenic). genes. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1898, 7. s., xv, 145-156. Also: Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1898, 5. s., x, 386-392.—Klein & Hymans (Z.) Eenige episoden uit het leven der ziektemakende bacterien. Nosok6mos, Amst.. 1910-11, x, 279; 299; 331.—Klemm (P.) Einige Bemer- kungen fiber die Spezifitat der Bakterien. Miinchen. med Wchnschr., 1901, xlvhi, 1748-1750.—Koraen (G.) Patho- gene Bakterien in Gegenwart von Luft und unter kontrol- Iierbarer Luftleere kultiviert. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.] 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxix, 508-512.- Kraus (R.) Ueber specifische Reactionen in keimfreien Filtraten aus Cholera. Typhus, und Pestbouillonculturen, erzeugt durch homolo- ges Serum. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 736.—Kurita (S.) Ueber den Brustseuchenbacillus des Kaninchens Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xlix, Orig.! 508-510.—Llbman (E.) On a peculiar property possessed by (at least some of) the pathogenic bacteria; preliminary communication. Med. Rec, N. V., 1900, Ivu, 842. Aho transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900J xxviii, 293.-----. On the property of precipitating albumin exhibited by some pathogenic bacteria. Proc. N York Path. Soc. (1899-1900), 1901, 241.—Llpes (H. J.) The in- fluence of the discovery of the relation of bacteria to disease on the practice of medicine exclusive of surgery. Sanitarian N. Y., 1903,1,138: 216; 325; 413.—La Bosco (V.) Le parcti delle case considerate come mezzo di conservazione e propa- gazione dei germi patogeni. Ufhciale san., Napoli, 1*99, xh, 49-68. Maragliano (E.) Lezione di chiusura. Cron d clin. med. di Genova, 1x96-8, iv, 321; 337; 353; 369.—>lar- toglio (F.) Ricerche sull' azione patogena aequisibile dai microrganismi non patogeni. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1*99 n. s., ix, 449-462.-Miehe (H.) Wo konnen pathogene Mikroorganismen in der freien Natur wachsen? Med Klin., Berl., 1906, u, 943.—Nash (J. T. C.) On the evolu- tion of pathogenic: organisms. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxi, 491-493— Paul (E.) Zur Pathogenitat der fusiformen BazUlen und der Mundspirochaten. Cong dent internat. C.-r., Berl., 1909, v, pt. 1, 302-312.—Pearse (W. H.) The relativity of germs and evolution in disease. Scalpel, Lond., 1896, i, 108; 151; 177.- Pfuhl (E.) Ver- gleichende Untersuchungen fiber die Haitiuirkeit der Ruhr- bacUlen und der TyphusbacUlen ausserhalb des mensch- lichen Kdrpers. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz 1902, xl, 555-566.—Proescher (F.) Azurophile micro* organisms; etiological studies on rabies, poliomvelitis and variola. Internat. Clin.. Pliila., 1913, 23. s., iv, 58-*5, 6 pi.— Rosenbach (F. J.) ExperimenteUe, morphologkche und klinische studie fiber die krankheitserregenden Mikroorga- nismen des Schweinerotlaufs, des Ervsipels und der Miuse- sepsis. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1909, lxiii, 343-369, 7 pL—Rosenthal (E.> Experimentelle Stu- dien fiber die Vermehrungsgeschwindigkeit einiger pa- thogenen Mikroorganismen. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1913, lxxxi, 81-91. Rous (P.) & Jones (F. S.) The protection of pathogenic microorganisms by living tissue cells. J. Exper. M., Bait., 1916, xxhi, 601-612, 1 pi.—Ru- binstein (S.) Ueber das Verhalten einiger pathogener Bacterien in der Buttermilch. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg 1903, xxxv, 316-340.^ sampletro (G.) Sulla reazione del triptofane nelle brodoculture di alcuni germi patogeni. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1906, xxxii, 208-214.— Schneider. Leber das Vorkonimen pathogener Bakft. rien ohne Knmklieitsorregung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1907. xx, on."-700. Seiffert(G.) Die Diaimosepatho. gener Bakterien nut der Mikromethode. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. ivu7, Kiy. 9i-9«.— Selvas y Bolos (C.) Investi- gation en los medios naturales—recoleccion, siembras, prepa- racionesde lo^ mi. rolios i>attfgenos. Gac med. catal.. Bar- cel., 1913, xiii, »: 54 stlwstrini (K.)& Baduel (C.) Sulla resistenza di niieruruanUmi patogeni protetti da sostanze grasse in contatio con sun In gastrici. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1*98, hi, 313-316.—Smith (T.) Some problems in the life history of pathogenic microorgan- ism. Am. Med , Phila., 1904, viii, 711-718. Also, Reprint.— Sternberg (C.) Die Ergebnisse experimenteller Inter- Miehimgen uber pathogene Blastomvceten. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxhi, pt. 2, med. Abth., 13.- Swayce (G. B. H.) Reprieve for the guilty bacillus. Med. Times, N. Y., 1905, xxxih, 295-298.—Toyosumi (II.) Untersuchungen fiber die Wirkung der Mecrschweinchenleiikozyten auf Staphylo- kokken, Streptokokkcn und Schweincpestbazillen. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Berl., 1909, lxxi, 2*7-305.-Troili- Petersson (Gcnla). Fortgesetzte Studien fiber das Wach- stum einiger palhogener Bakterien in sterihsicrten und nichtsterilen Abfallsstoffen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 190*, xlviii, Orig., 129-135. Twltchell (G. B.) The origin of the pathogenic bacteria. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1899, n. s., xiii 255-257. [Discussion], 262-264.— Walker (I. C ) & Adklnson (June). Studies on Staphylo- coccus pyogenes aureus, albus and citreus, and on Micrococ- cus tetragenus and M. catarrhalis. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1917, n. s., xxx, 373-390. Also, Reprint.—Washburn (ILL) Biology of pathogenic microorganisms. J. Comp. M. A Vet. Arch., Phila., 1899, xx, 612-620— Zonchello (C.) Sulla resistenza di alcuhi germi patogeni nello correnti d'aria. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1905, xxvii, 4*9: 537. BACTERIA. 289 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Pathogenic, Infection by). Capaldi (A.) Sul passaggio attraverso il tessuto di granulazione di sostanze batteriche appartenenti al gruppo delle immunizanti. 4°. 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Wchnschr., 1905, 901-910.—Bar- rago-Ciarella (O.) Azione dei microrganismi delle cavita nasali e delle cavita medie auricolarisuppuranti inoculati nei cervello. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1901, n. s., xxhi, 304-321.—Basset (J.) & Carre (H.) Conditions dans lesquelles la muqueuse digestive est permeable aux microbes de l'intestin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 272-274—Berard. Lesions bacillaires./ Lyon med.. 1908, cxi, 813-815.—Bertarelli (E.) & Bocchia (J.) Ricerche sperimentali sul numero dei germi e le infezioni. Riv. d'ig. esan. pubb., Torino, 1914, xxv, 250; 269.—Besnoit & Cuille. Sur le role du parasitisme interne dans les infections gene- rates. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 1089- 1091.—Biernacki (J.) Evolutionary etiological factors in disease. Lancet, Lond., 1915, n, 833.—Blumenthal (F.) Die Bekampfung der bacteriellen Infectionen im Organismus durch Chemikalien. J. State Med., Lond., 1913, xxi, 119- 122.—Bolognesi (G.) Modificazioni chimiche del siero di sangue nelle infezioni da comuni piogeni. Clin. med. ital., MUanq, 1907, xlvi, 697-702. Aho, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1908, xlix, 171-176.—Bruck (L.) Bakterien und Erkaltung. Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Miinchen, 1898, v, 265-273. Aho: Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 2017-2022.—Caflero (C.) Sulla progressiva moltiplicazione dei microbi settici nell'organismo del conigho e sulla steriliz- zazione dei patogeni non settici inoculati per via sottocu- tanea. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 59-62.—Calmette (E.) Des infections larvees au point de vue bacteriologique. Bull, med., Par., 1898, xU, 1049—Cameron (Sir II. C.) Clinical illustrations of the persistence of disease germs in the human body. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 973-976.—Charrin (A.) Plurahte des principes morbifiques engendres par un Bacteria (Pathogenic, Infection by). microbe pathogene. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897 cxxiv, 1047-1049.—Cheesman (T. M.) & Mcltzer (S. J. An experimental study of the direct inoculation of bacteria into the spleen of living animals; and a contribution to the knowledge of the importance of a lesion in animal tissue for the lodgment and multiplication of bacteria within it J Exper M., N. Y., 1898, hi, 533-548.—Courcoux (A.) Note sur les lesions produites par la chloroformo-bacilline d' Auclair moculee dans la cavite pleurale. Compt. rend. Soc de biol , Par., 1909, lxvi, 166-168.—Danysz (J.) Origine des affi- mtes specifiques entre les produits microbiens pathogenes et 1 organisme animal. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par , 1917 clxv, 378-380.-DIeterlen (F.) Ueber das Aufwarts- wandern der Bakterien im Verdauungskanal und seine Bedeutung fiir die Infektion des Respirationstraktus. , Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena, 1907, xiv, Orig., 385-387.—Discussion on the possibUities as to the latency of parasitic germs or specific poisons in animal tissues, as in hydrophobia, erysipelas, syphUis, leprosy, ringworm, tuber- culosis, etc, Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1895-6, vhi, ?Z_9(?-~Dudgeon I.f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902. xxxi, 355-360. Cafiero (C.) Ueber die Wirkung des virulenten .Streptococcus und Pneumococcus beiverschiedenenTierarten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914,lxxiv, Orig., 208-219.—Caporali<;R.) Ricer- che sulla virulenza dei microbi coltivati neiliquidi patologici della pleurae del peri toneo. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1916. xix, 97-104.—Conte (G.) Virulenza e tossicita di al- cuni microrganismi in terreni con lecitina; quantita di leci- tina scomposta. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1911, ii, 26-40, 1 ch.—Czarnecka (L.) Ueber die Konscrvierung der Lebens- fahigkeitund Virulenz der Mikroben im Markgewebebeim Austrocknen. Vorliiufige Mitteilung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxvhi, 164.—de Dominicls (N.) Injections de cultures virulentes et storilisees directement i dans la rate et comparativement dans le foie et dans le sang. Cong, internat. de m6d. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, int., i 289-294.—Dreyer. Virulenzprfifung mittels intraarticularer Impfung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1912, xhi, pt. 1, 65.—Gal (F.) Untersuchungen fiber das Virulenzproblem. Ztschr. f. immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1912, Orig., xiv, 685-708.—Gauss (C. J.) Babes-Ernst'sche Kdrperchen und Virulenz bei Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 92- 107.—Hamburger (F.) Ueber spezifische Virulenzsteige- rungin vitro; vorlaufigcMitteilung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 97.—Hort (E. C.) & Penfold (W. J.) The patho- genicity and virulence of bacteria. Lancet, Lond., 1913, l, 344.—Horv&th (M.) & Kalledey (L.) [Is the virulence of bacteria influenced by sublimate treatment?] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1912, lvi, 320-322.—Klein (E.) Report on the influence of symbiosis on the virulence of pathogenic mi- crobes. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1903-4, Lond., 1905, xxxih, Bacteria (Pathogenic, Virulence of). suppl., 431-460.—Kuthy (D.) Die Virulenz des Pneu- mococcus Friinkel in verdunnter Luft. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1897, u, 245.—Marino (F.) Attenuation de la virulence des microbes dans le tube digestif des hiru- dinees. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 1003- 1005.—Marx (H.) & Woithe (F.) Ein Verfahren zur Viru- lenz-Bestimmung der Bacterien. Arch. f. khn. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxii, 580-598, 2 pi. Also: Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1901, xv, 247-265, 2 pi.—Nadoleczny (M.) Ueber des Verhalten virulenter una avirulenter Culturen derselben Bacterienspecies gegenuber activem Blute. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Leipz., 1900, xxxvu, 277-289 — Nikolski (V. M.) [Determination of virulence of pathogenic microbes by means of metallic plates.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1899-1900, xxxvi, 460-165.— Okada (K.) Uel er die Virulenz eines und desselben In- fectionserregersin Lunge und Leber. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1900, xiv, 356-359.—Pfeiffer (R.) & Friedbergher(E.) Ueber das Vi esen der Bacterien- virulenz nach Untersuchungen an Choleravibrionen. Beri. khn. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 581-585.—Ravenna (E.) Mutamenti sperimentali nella virulenza di germi patogeni. Pathologica, Genova, 1918, x, 1-7.—Held (A. P.) Why do disease germs vary in virulence? Maritime M. News, Hali- fax, 1906, xvhi, 429-432.—Rodet (A.) Connaissances ac- tuelles sur les facteurs modifiant la virulence des microbes. Montpel. med., 1910, xxx, 11; 33; 62.—Schumburg. Die Beziehungen der Babes-Ernst'schen Korperchen zu der Virulenz der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 694-704.—Shaw (E. A.) On exalta- tion of bacterial virulence by passage in vitro. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1074-1076— Slngayevski (S. I.) [Recogni- tion of virulence of bacteria by means o f Beyer's silver plates; recogni. ion ofvirusand vaccine of Bacilliahthracis.J Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin. Med. i Bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1899, vhi, 304-310,1 pL—Symmers (W. S. C.) Note on a method of maintaining the virulence of a pathogenic micro-organism. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvii, 23.— Thlele (F. H.) & Embleton (D.) A prehminary communi- cation on the pathogenicit v and virulence of bacteria. Proc Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1912-13, vi, Path. Sect., 99-116. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1913, i, 234-238.----------. Pathogenidty and virulence of bacteria. Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1913, Orig., xix, 643-665. Aho: 3. State Med., Lond., 1914, xxh, 257-271. •-----------. De 1'exaltation de la virulence de bacteries non pathogenes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, Lxxiv, 729-731.----- -----. Note preliminaire sur le pouvoir pathogene et la virulence des bacteries. Arch, de med. exper., et d'anat. path.. Par., 1914, xxvi, 60-85.—Toenniessen (E.) Ueber Vererbung und Variabilitat bei Bakterien mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Virulenz. Centralbl. f. BakterioL [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxiii, Orig., 241-277,2 pi.—Traube (J.) Zur Frage der Virulenz der Bakterien. Biochem, Ztschr., Berl., 190s, x, 387-389.—Walker (E. W. A.) On exaltation of bacterial virulence by passage outside the animal body. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1199-1201. Bacteria (Phosphorescent): See Bacteria (Bhotogenic). Bacteria (Photogenic). See, also, Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens. Welz (A.) *Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Antagonisnius zwischen dem Bacte- rium fluorescens und der Tvphaceen-Gruppe. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1909. Hallner (F.) Ueber das Verhalten von Leuchtbakterien bei der Einwirkung von Agglutinationsserum und anasthe- sierenden chemischen Agentien, nebst Bemerkungen fiber Pflanzennarkose. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xix, 572-576.—Barnard (J. E.) Photogenic bacteria. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond., 1899, 2. s., 81-112, 2 pi. -----. Luminous bacteria. Nature, Lond., 1901-2,lxv, 536-538— Beijerinck(M. W.) Photobacteriaas a reactive in the investigation of chlorophyU function. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1901-2, iv, 45-49.-----. Die Leuchtbakterien der Nordsee im August und September. Folia Microbiol., Delft, 1915, iv, 15-40 — Brulni (G.)' 1 batterifosforesccnti. Riv. d'ig. esan.pubb., Torino, 1906, xvii, 297-321— Burge (W. E.) & Neill (A. J.) The comparative rate at which fluorescent and non-fluo- rescent bacteria are killed by exposure to ultra-violet. Am. J. Physiol., Bait,, 1915, xxxvih, 399-403—Cadiz C. (M.) Sobre bacterios fluorescentes en jelatina de Eisner. Rev. chilena de hij., Sant. de Chile, 1896-7, ih, 5-21.—Chugayeff (L. A.) [Recherches physiologiques sur les microbes phos- phorescents. Extr., 564^-566.) Russk. Arch, patol., Klin. Med. i Bakteriol.,S.-Peterb., 1900,x,552-562,lpl.—Dubois (R.) Sur le pouvoir eclairant et le pouvoir photochhnique compares des bouillons liquides de photobacteries; photo- graphies obtenues par les photobacteriacees; lampe vivante. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901,11. s., ui, 133,—Fran- cionl(C) Infezione da batteriofluorescente. Riv. di clin.pe- diat., Fhenze, 1904,ii,923-934.—Garretsen (F. C.) Die Em- BACTERIA. 291 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Photogenic). wirkung des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die Leuchtbakterien. CentralW f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1915, xliv, 660 — Harvev CE N ) Studies on light production by luminous bacteria. Am. J. Physiol., Bait., 1915-16, xxxvu, 230- 239 Aho [Abstr.]: Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, Mass., 1915, xxix 308-311 —Herman. La phosphorescence bacterienne. Scalpel, Liege, 1898-9, li, 239-241—Imamura (T.) Ueber ein neues Photobakterium. [Japanese text. Ref., suppl., 9-12.1 Nippon Eisei Gakkwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904-5, i, 48- 72 I pi —Investigations of luminous bacteria. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1903, lv, 22777.—Issatchenko (M. B.) Quelques experiences avec la lumiere bacterienne. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1903, x, 497-499.— Jirou (J.) Sur les bacilles fluorescents et le pyocyanique; de leur fonction chromogene. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1901, ih, 188-199.—Jordan (E. O.) The production of fluorescent pigment by bacteria. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. (1897-9), 1900, iii, 507-525— Lepierre (C.) Mucine vraie produite par un bacille fluorescent pathogene. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, cxxvi, 761. Aho: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s, v, 284—Lincoln (Mary C.) Ag- glutination in the group of fluorescent bacteria. J. infect. Dis., Chicago, 1904, i, 268-279.—Lode (A.) Versuche, die optische Lichtintensitat bei Leuchtbakterien zu bestim- men. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903-4, xxxv, 524-527.—Meireles (E.) Bacterias fluorescentes. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1907, xhi, 211; 293.—Osorio (B.) Une propriete singuhere d'une bacterie phosphorescente. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 432.—Pribram (E.) Beitrage zur Systematik der Mikroorganismen. 1. Die Gruppe des Bacterium fluorescens. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915, lxxvi, Orig., 321-329.— VandeRovaart(H.) Lichtgevendebacterien. Handel.v.h. xiv. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong., Gent, 1910,197-202.— Stettenhelmer (L.) Variationsstudien in der Gruppe der Fluorescentes. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1913, n. f., xhi, 141-220.—Ugloff (V. A.) [Phos- phorescent bacteria.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1908, ccxxi, med.-spec pt., 187-193. Bacteria (Pigmentation of). See Bacteria (Chromogenic). Bacteria (Polymorphous or pleomor- phous). See Bacteria (Mutation and variability of). Bacteria (Products of). See Bacteria (Chemical products of). Bacteria (Proteolytic). Drummond (J. M.) A contribution to the study of a proteolytic organism. Bio-Chem. J., Liverp., 1914-15, vhi, 38-43.—Hopffe (Anna). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der normalen Magen-Darm-Flora des Pferdes, unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der anaeroben Proteolyten. Ztschr. f. Infek- tionskr___d. Haustiere, Berl., 1913, xiv, 307; 383.—Lazarus (Mile. Eleonore). Influence de la reaction des milieux sui le developpement et l'activite proteolytique de la bacteridie de Davaine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlix, 423-426.-----. Sur l'inconstance du pouvoir proteolytique de la bacteridie de Davaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 823-825.—Sasaki (T.) The influence of conditions of bacterial cleavage of proteins on the cleavage products. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1917, xxxu, 527-532.— Sperry (J. A.) & Rettger (L. F.) The behavior of bacteria towards purified animal and vegetable proteins. Ibid., 1915, xx, 445-459. Bacteria (Pyogenic). See, also, Abscess; Bacillus pyocyaneus; Ba- cillus pyogenes; Pysemia; Suppuration. Berger (H. C. L. E.) *Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber den Bacillus pyogenes bovis (Kunnemann) und den Bacillus pyo- genes suis (Grips) mit Beziehung derselben zu den chronischen Lungenentzundungen des Rindes. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1907. Gougerot (H.) Infections chroniques dues a, des bac- teries pyogenes. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap., Par., 1912, xxvi, 641-645.—Kasahara (M.) Ueber erne neue Methode zur Virulenzprufung der Eitererreger mittels intrakutaner Impfung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxii, Orig., 540-543.—de Kervily (M.) Destino de ciertos microbios principalmente piojenos, introducidos en el organismo. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1908, vii, 494— Kucera (B ) [A hitherto undescribed pyogenic bacillus.] Casop. 'lek. desk., v Praze, 1895, xxxiv, 209-212—Muscatello (G.) Di un nucrorganismo piogeno per il coniglio. Per il xxv anno d. insegn. chir. di F. Durante n. Univ. di Roma, Roma, 1898, U, 159-184— Rohonyi (M. M.) [Action of opsonins upon pyogenic bacteria in animals; Staphylococcus Bacteria (Pyogenic). pyogenes albus and Streptococcus equi.] Kozlem. az osszehasonl. elet- es kdrtan korebol, Budapest, 1911-12, ix, 195-230—Tremolieres & Loew (P.) Essais de pyocul- tures; pyoculture et index opsonique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 1601-1606. Bacteria (Reducing power of). Wolff (A.) *Ueber die Reductionsfahigkeit der Bacterien einschliesslich der Anaerobien. [Tubingen.] 8°. Braunschweig, 1901. Also, in: Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat... . Inst, zu Tu- bing., Leipz., 1899-1901, hi, 294-324. Bacialli (P.) Sulla riduzione del colore fucsc-mdaco- carminico da parte di culture bacteriche. Gazz. d. osp., MUano, 1901, xxh, 628-630.—Carapelle (E.) Ueber die Reduktionserscheinungen der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvh, Orig., 545-559 — Cathcart (E.) & Hahn (M.) Ueber die reduzierenden Wirkungen der Bakterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Berl., 1902, xhv, 295-321.—Deutsch (L.) Ferments reducteurs des bacteries et leurs anti-ferments. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de bacteriol. et parasitol., 184-187.— van't Hoff (H.J.) Filtrationsgeschwindigkeit und Bakte- rienreduktion. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxvi, 64.—Klett (A.) Zur Kenntniss der redueirenden Eigenschaften der Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz., 1900, xxxhi, 137-160.—von Liebermann (L.) Ueber die Reduktion des Oxyhemoglobins und einiger anderer Stoffe durch Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, li, Orig., 440-447.—Maassen (A.) Ueber das Reduktionsvermogen der Bakterien und fiber reduzierende Stoffe in pflanzlichen und tierischen Zellen. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1904, xxi, 377- 384.—Muller (F.) Ueber reduzierende Eigenschaften von Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxvi, 51-63.-----. Ueber das Reduktionsvermogen der Bakterien. Ibid., 801-819.—Oberstadt. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der reduzierenden Wirkungen der Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1913, Lxxv, 1-28.—Pergola (M.) Sulla riduzione del tellurite dipotassio per effetto dei batteri e dei tessuti animah, con osservazioni di confronto sulla scomposizione deU' acqua ossigenata per opera degli stessi elementi. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1907, xvhi, 133-154.—Schultze (W. H.) Ueber erne neue Methode zum Nachweis von Reduktions-und Oxydations- wirkungen der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lvi, Orig., 544-551.—Wie hern (II.) Zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Reduktionskraft von Bakterien und tierischen Organen. Ztschr. f. physion. Chem., Strassb., 1908, Iviu, 365-377—Wolff (A.) Zur Re- duktionsfahigkeit der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvh, 849-852.-----. Die Reduc- tion durch Bacterien; eine Uebersicht fiber den Stand dieser Frage nach der Literatur und eigenen Untersuchun- gen. Med. Woche, Berl., 1901, 297-300. Bacteria (Saprophytic). Bodin (E.) Role des bacteries; saprophytes et patho- genes. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1903, xh, 506-539.—Bontemps (H.) Menschenpathogenitat eines saprophytisch im Schweinedarm lebenden paratyphus- ahnhchen Bakteriums. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxvih, 1370-2372— Fayet & Raybaud (L.) Un champignon saprophyte trouve sur le cheval. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910,lxviii, 770-772—Kianizine (J.) De l'influence des bacteries saprophytes sur 1'assimilation des elements ingeres, la nutrition et le metabolisme des organismes animaux. J. de physiol. et depath. gen,, Par., 1914-15, xvi, 1066-1075—Klein (E.) On the life-history of saprophytic and parasitic bacteria and their mutual relation. Lancet, Lond., 1904, U, 1477-1486. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M, J , Lond., 1904, h, 1605-1510—Kligler (I. J.) A note on the behavior of the saprophytic cocci with regard to Gram's stain. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1913, xvh, 653-656.—Mer- courios (C. M.) [Infection by saprophytes.] 'larputfi irpfr oSos, 'Ex Xiipv, 1910, XV, 257-260. Bacteria (Spores of). See, also, Ascospores. Dannappel (M.) *Inwieweit ist die hohere Widerstandsfahigkeit der Bacteriensporen ein allgemeines Charakteristicum derselben gegen- iiber den vegetativen Spaltpilzformen? 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1899. Blau (O.) Ueber die Temperaturmaxima der Sporen- keimung und der SporenbUdung, sowie die supramaxi- malen Totungszeiten der Sporen der Bakterien, auch der- ienigen mit hohen Temperaturminima. Centralbl f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1905, xv, 97-143, lpl—Bullock (H.) The resistance of spores to heating in anhydrous fluids such as glycerine and similar substances. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1913, xhi, 168-177.—Caspari (G.) Ueber die Konstanz der Sporenkeimung bei den BacUlen und ihre BACTERIA. 292 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Spores of). Verwendung als Merkmal zur Artunterscheidung. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1902, xiii, 71-106, 1 pL—Collins (Katherine R.) The persistence of anthrax and tetanus spores during the process of making gelatin. Collect. Stud. Research Lab. Dep. Health, N. Y., 1907, iii, 163.—Defalle (W.) Recherches sur les anticorps des spores. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1902, xvi, 756-774— Denny (F. P.) A new spore-producing bacillus. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1898-9, hi, 308-312, 1 pL—Dobell (C. C.) On the so-called sexual method of spore-formation in the disporic bacteria. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1908-9, liii, 579-596, 1 pi.—Donaldson (R.) Arapid method of obtaining anaerobic spore-bearers in pure cultures. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 821.—Effront (J.) Sur Taction chimique des spores. Monit. scient., Par., 1907, 4. s., xxi, 81-87.—Fitzgerald (Mabel P.) The induction of sporulation in the bacilli belonging to the aerogenes capsu- latus group. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1910-11, xv, 147-168. Aho, Reprint.—Ford (W. W.) Note on aerobic spore-bearing bacilli. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 13-15. Also, Reprint. ■-----. Studies on aerobic spore-bearing non-pathogenic bacteria. J. Bact., Bait., 1916,i, 273-319,26pI.—Grethe(G.) Ueber die Keimung der Bakteriensporen; der Bacillus mycoides oder Wurzel- bacillus. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1897, xv, 47; 81; 83; 135 — Hanzawa (J.) Ueber eine einfachere Methode der Sporen- bildung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxiv, 172-176, 1 pi.—de Jager (L.) Over kieming vart bacillensporen in dezelfde vloeist of waarin zij ontstaanzijn. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 1165-1174 — Jansen (H.) [The resistance of bacterial spores to the light.] Medd. f. Finsens med. Lysinst., K0benh., 1903, No. 5, 120-147. Aho, transl.: Mitt, a Finsens med. Lysinst. in K0benh., 1903, 4. Hft., 127-157.—Koser (S. A.) & McClel- land (J. R.) The fate of bacterial spores in the animal body. J. Med. Research, Chicago, 1917, xxxvii, 259-268.—Krorri- pecher (E.) Untersuchungen fiber das Vorkommen meta- chromatischer Kornchen bei sporentragenden Bakterien und Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Babes-Ernst'schen K6r- perchen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 385; 425,1 pi.—Lehmann (K. B.) Einige Bemerkun- gen zur Geisselfrage; Nachschriftzu vorstehender Arbeit des Herrn Zieler. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Leipz., 1898-9, xxxiv, 198.—Le Roy (B. R.) A study of spores developed at an elevated temperature. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 981-985.—Matzuschita (T.) Zur Physiologie der Sporenbildung der Bacillen, nebst Bemerkungen zum Wachstum einiger Anaeroben. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1902, xlui, 267-376, 2 pi.—Migula (W.) Ueber Abnahme und Regeneration der Sporenbildung bei Bac- terien. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Weimar, 1899, v, 1-3—Missl- roli (A.) Del comportamento dei batteri e delle spore uccise di fronte alle sostanze coloranti e di un metodo rapido di colorazione delle spore. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 409-410.—MUhlschlegel. Ueber die Bildung und den Bau der Bakteriensporen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1900, vi, 65; 97.—Nakanishi (K.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Leukocyten und Bacteriensporen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 680-683—Neide (E.) Botanische Bcschreibung einiger sporenbildenden Bakte- rien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.L 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xii, 1; 161; 337; 539, 3pi.—Rettger (L. F.) On the spore germi- nation of Bac subtilis and Bac megatherium. Ibid., 1903, x, 433-438. Aho, [Abstr.]: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1902, Columbus, 1903, xxviii, 541.—Rullmann (W.) Ueber einen in Erde und Fehlboden vorkommenden sporenbil- denden Bacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.] 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 969-972—Ruiicka (V.) Die Cytologie der sporenbildenden Bakterien und ihr Verhaltniss zur chro- midienlehre. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxUi, 289-300.-----. Kausal-analytische Versuche fiber den Ursprung des Chro- matins der Sporen und vegetativen Individuen der Bakte- rien. Ibid., 1914,xii,641-647— ScagIIosl(G.) Sulmododifor- mazione e di germinazione delle spore. Arch, di anat. path., Palermo, 1905, i, 7-18.—Shaxby (J. II.) & Emrys-Roberts (E.) On the Brownian movement of the spores of bacteria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1914, lxxxix, s. A, 544-554.- Smith (W. V.) A note on the extreme resistance of two spore hear- ing microorganisms. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., N. Y., 1916, xlix, 53-55.—Stephanidls (P.) Ueber den Einfluss des Nahrstoffgehaltes von Nahrboden auf die Raschheit der Sporenbildung und die Zahl und Resistenz der gebildeten Sporen. Arch. f. I Iyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1899, xxxv, 1-10.— Swellengrebel (N. 11.) Zur Kenntnis der Sporenbildung bei den Bakterien. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1913, xxxi, 277-285,1 pi.—Trapeznlkofl. Du sort des spores de micro- bes dans l'organisme animal. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1891, v, 362-394,2 pi.—Wund (M.) Feststellung der Kardi- nalpunkte der Sauertoffkonzentration fiir Sporenkeimung una Sporenbildung einer Reihe in Luft ihren ganzen Ent- wickelungsgang durchfuhrender, sporenbildender Bakte- rienspecies. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xiii, 97; 193.—Zettnow (E.) Ueber ein Vorkommen von sehr widerstandsfahigen Bacillensporen. Ibid., 1912, lxvi, Orig., 131-137. Bacteria (Spores of, Staining of). Aujeszky (AT) Eine einfache Sporerifarbungsmethode. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiii, 329- Bacteria (Spores of, Staining of). 331. Also: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1898, iii, 40.— Bitter (L.) Neues zur Technik der Sporen- und Gonokok- kenfarbung, zugleich MitteUungen fiber mUzbrand-ahnhche und wandernde Erdbacillen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxviii, Orig., 227-238, 1 pi— Huntoon (F. M.) A simple and reliable method of staining spores. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu, 1397.—Klein (A.) Eine einfache Methode zur Sporenfarbung. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena,_ 1899, xxv,376-379.—Mongiardino (T.) Nuovo metodo di doppia colorazione dei microrga- nismi e delle loro spore. Mod. zooiatro, Torino, 1S98, ix, 184.—Orszag (O.) Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Farbung der Sporen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 397-400—Ruiicka (V.) Eine Methode zur Dar- stellung der Struktur fertiger Bakteriensporen, nebst Bemer- kungen Uber das Reifen derselben. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1913, xxxvi, 577-587, 1 pi.—Sartory (A.) & Lasseur (P.) Quel- ques modifications apportees aux methodes de coloration des granulations, spores, capsules, aureoles et flagella chez les bacteries. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1915, xxh, 168- 176.—Tribondeau (L.) Procede- de coloration qes bacteries sporulees. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, lxxx, 880.—Waldmann (O.) Eine einfache Methode der Sporen- farbung. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1911, xxvh, 257.— Wirtz (R.) Eine einfache Art der Sporenfarbung. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvi, Orig., 727. Bacteria (Staining of). See, also, Bacteria (Capsulated, Staining of); Bacteria (Flagellated, Staining of); Bacteria (Spores of, Staining of). Burri (R.) Das Tuscheverfahren als einfa- ches Mittel zur Losung einiger schwieriger Aufgaben der Bakterioskopie. (Absolute Rein- kultur. Spirochaetennachweis u. a. m.) 8°. Jena, 1909. Oazottes (Y.) *Etude sur la coloration et la decoloration des bacilles acido-resistants. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Philibert (A.) *Les pseudo-bacilles acido- resistants; critique des methodes de coloration du bacille tuberculeux; revision du groupe des bacilles dits acido-resistants; travail dulabora- toire de bacteriologie de la Faculte de m(?decine de Paris. 8°. Barh, 1908. Abel (R.) Zur Farbung des Coecidium oviforme. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 18%, xx, 904 — Benlans (T. II. C.) Relief staining for bacteria and spiro- chetes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, u, 722.—Bergey (D. H.) Experiments on the staining properties of bacteria, with special reference to the Gram method. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxhi, 220.—Bley (H.) Unter- suchungen fiber die Negativfarbung von Bakterien mittels des Tuscheverfahrens nach Burri. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxvU, Orig., 306-221.1 pi— Bonini Bonlno (J.) Sul modo di diportarsi verso U metodo del Gram di alcuni germi patogeni che ora resistono, ora no. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1904, xxvi, 23-27.—Brauer (K.) Vereinfachte Hilfsmittel fiir bakteriologische Unter- suchungen. I. Anstellung der Agglutinations-Reaktion nach Widal und Gruber-Durham. II. Farbung von Tuber- kelbazillenpraparaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1916, xhL 13.—Brudny (V.) Ueber die Beziehung zwischen der Farbbarkeit der Bakterien nach Gram und ihrer Pcrmcabilitat. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena, 1908, xxi, 62-80.—Burnham (M. P.) & Lyons (R.) Ex- periences in the staining of bacteria in fresh blood. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1909-10, lxu, 258-264.—Cedercreutz (A.) Stu- dien iil>or die Bedincnngen des posit iven oder negativen Ausfallcns der Gramfarbung bei einigen Bakterien. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1908, xciii, 355-370 — Christiansen (V.) [NissPs method of staining and its results] Bibliot. f. Laeger. Kdbenh., 1900,8. R., i, 227; 423.— Churchman (J. W.) & Michael (W. H.) The selective action of gentian violet on closely related bacterial strains. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1912, xvi, 822-S30,1 pi.—Claudius. Methode de coloration a la fois simple et contrastante des microbes. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1897, xi, 332-335.—De Sandro (D.) Ricerche sulla naturae genesi della sostanza che negli amiiobatteri si colora in bleu- viola col iodio. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1914, n. s., xxiv, 337-352^ Also [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1913, Roma, 1914, xxiii, 382— Dodson (E.) A method of staining deep colonies in plate cultures in situ in agar media. Lancet, Lond., 1910, U, 310.—Dreyer (G.) Bakterienfarbung in gleiehzeitig nach van Gieson's Methode behandelten Sennit- ten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvu, 534.—Dreyer (L.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Gram- farbung. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xvi, 1185.—Elsen- berg (P.) Zur Frage der Nilblau-Fettfarbung; Bemer- kungen zum Artikel von A. Ucke in d. Wchnschr., 1908, No. 52. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1909, xxxiv, 105.-----. BACTERIA. 293 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Staining of). Ueber die Tuschedifferenzierung gramnegativer Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lvi, Orig., 183-186.-----■ Ueber NUblaiifarbung zum Nachweis der mctachromatischen Bakteriengranula. Ibid., hii, Orig., 551. -----. Ueber Bakterienfarbung mit sauren find neutralen Farbstoflen; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Gram- fiirbung. Ibid., 1912, liv, Ref., Beilage, 145-153.—Ende (F.M.) Staining dish for cover glass preparations. J.Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 113.—Fauth (G.) Eine Modifika- tion der Farbung nach Gram. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xliv, 43.—Feeser (A.) Das Hamo- toxylin in seinem Verhalten zur Bakterienfarbung. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxvi, Orig., 137-142.—Ficker (M.) Eine neue Methode der Farbung von Bakterienkornchen. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1902, xh, 1131-1133.—Finzi (G.) Sulla colorazione dei microbi nelle sezioni. Chn. vet., Milano, lfni, xxxiv, 827.—Fischer (A.) Beitrage zur physikalischen Permeabilitatstheorie der Gramschen Farbung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxv, Orig., 586-589.—Fischer (H.) Negativfar- bung von Bakterien. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Leipz., 1910, xxvh, 475—Fleisher (M. S.) The influence of serum upon the staining of bacteria in suspensions. J. Med. Re- search, Bost., 1917, xxxvi, 31-49.—Frosch (P.) Differen- zierung fuchsin-gefarbter Praparate durch Gegenfarbung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxiv, Orig., 118-120, 2 pi— Funck (M.) Les nouvelles meLhodes de coloration de la chromatine. J. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 337- 340— Gabritschewsky (G.) Ueber den Einfluss hoher Temperaturen auf die Farbbarkeit der Bakterien. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt.. Jena, 1902, xxxi, 813.— Galli-Valerio (B.) Ein kleiner Apparat fiir die Farbung der Praparate mittels Leishman-Verfahren. Ibid., 1911, lxi, Orig., 190-192.—Gamier (C.) Nouveau proccae' de colora- tion pour les bacteries qui ne prennentpas le Gram. Presse med.. Par., 1901, i, 43-45.—Gibier (P.) Staining reaction of bacillus tuberculosis on other bacteria. Bull. Pasteur Inst., Danbury, Conn., 1897, v, 65— Giemsa (G.) Eine Verein- faehung und Vervollkommnung meiner Methylenazur- Methylenblau-Eosin-Farbemethode zur Erzielung der Romanowsky-Nocht'schen Chromatinfarbung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvii, 308-311.-----. Zur Farbung von Feuchtpraparaten und Schnitten mit der Azureosinmethode. Ibid., 1910, liv, Orig., 489, 2 pi.— Gins (H. A.) Zur Technik und Verwendbarkeit des Burrischen Tuscheverfahrens. /fad.,-1909, iii, Orig., 620- 625—Grimme (A.) Die wichtigsten Methoden der Bakte- rienfarbung in ihrer Wirkung auf die Membran, den Proto- plasten und die Einschliisse derT3akterienzelle. Ibid., 1902, xxxii, 1; 81; 161; 241; 321, 2 pi — Guiraud & Gautie. Methode generate de coloration des bacteries au moyen du bleu d'anihne soluble a l'eau. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1901, U.S.,iii, 190-192—Harris (N. MacL.) A method" of preparing the Romanowsky stain. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 281—Hausmann (T.) Ueber die einfachste Gramfarbungsmethode. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1913; 1, 1021— Hierocles (C. X.) Studien zur Frage der Beeinflussung der Farbbarkeit von Bacterienmaterial durch vorhergehende Einwirkung bacterienschadigender Momente. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Leipz., 1896-7, xxviii, 163-183.—Hill (H. W.') A method for staining polar and other granules in bacteria. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1903, vi, 2409.— Horton (G. D.) An inexpensive container for use in staining acid-fast bacUli. J.Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 1923. Also, Reprint.—Hottinger (R.) Beitrag zur Theorie der Farbung nach Gram. Kolloid-chemisch- optische Gesichtspunkte. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena. 1915, lxxvi, Orig., 367-384—like vie h (V. Y.) [Method of coloring microbes by peroxide of osmium into colors convenient for microphotography, and apropos of coloring flagellae of bacteria by Loeffler's method] Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1894, xv, 322; 412; 519.—Iwao (T.) Ueber eine neue kulturelle vitale Farbung von Bakterien. Acta scholae med. univ. imp., Kioto, 1916, i, 251-261, 1 pi—de Jager (L.) Toluidinblauw als kleurmiddel voor bacteriPn. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, ii, 1614.—Jansen (A. M.) The disinfectant action of certain bacterial stains. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xiv, 255-260.—Jensen (V.) [Staining with cresyl violet, especially in van Gieson's color- ing.] Hosp.-Tid., Kobenh., 1907, 4. R., xv, 622-626.— J0rgensen (G.) [Some remarks on the technic of Gram's staining method.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1916, lxxvhi, 512-515.—Joseph (F. H.) Fugent, a new stain. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1905, lvi, 137.—Kaufmann (Tt.) Ueber Ge- genfarbungen bei Bacterienuntersuehungen; Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit des Dr. Knaak. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1898, xxiv, 365-367.— Kayser (H.) Die Unterscheidung von lebenden und toten Bakterien durch die Farbung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxu, Orig., 174-176.—Kilduffe (R.) A new and staple solution of gentian voilet for the Gram stain. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 2002. Also, Reprint.—Kisskalt (C.) Eine Modifikation der Gram'schen Farbung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx. 281-284—Klaus- ner (E.) Ueber einen haltbaren Gramfarbstoff fiir Gono- kokken-, Pilz- und Spiroehatenfarbung. Berl. klin. "Wchn- schr., 1913, 1, 310.—Knaak. LTeber Gegenfarbungen bei Bacteria (Staining of). Bacterienuntersuehungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1897. xxiii, 668. Sec, aho, supra, Kauf- mann.— Kroemer. Die Verwendbarkeit des Burrischen iuscheverfahrens in der gvnakologischen Sprechstunde. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1910, xxxiv, 561-570—von Krogh (M j Line neue Methode zur Chromatinfarbung. Centralbl. f. BaktenoL [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lviii. Orig., 95.—Bam- berger (H.) Zur Farbungsanalytik und Biochcmie einiger wichtiger Bakterienarten. Ibid 1913, lxxi, Orig., 240-254, 1 pi—Lagriffoul. L'encre de Chine en technique bacterio- logique. Montpel. m<5d., 1917, xxxix, 600-604.—LaSek (F.) O eerie methody Gramovy a jejich modifikacich jako pro- stredku k differencovanf jednotli-rtch mikrobu. [Note sur a valeur de la methode de Gram. R^s., 327.] Sborn. khn v Praze, 1899, i, 318-328.—Lasseur (P.) & Thiry (G.) Sur les cultures colorees de bacteries considerees jusqu'a present comme achromogenes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1913, clvi, 106-168.—Latham (V. A.) Rapid method for examining bacteria in tissues and their staining with hsematoxylin. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1903, vi, 2453.— Lesieur (C.) Procede de Hauser pour la coloration des bacilles tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1899, xc, 97. Aho: Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1899, xhi, L—id. Liebermann (L.) & Acel (D.) JNew staining nutritive medium to differentiate between acid-producing bacteria, one from the other, especi- ally the colon from the typhoid bacillus.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1914, Ivhi, 791— Lipp (H.) Ein einfache, bilhge und eindeutige Gramfarbemethode. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1349.—Loeffler (F.) Zur Gram- schen Farbungsmethode. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 1243.—McDermott (W. R.) A note on the stains used in bacteriological research. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1915, c, 77-79.—MacNcal (W. J.) Methylene violet and methylene azure. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1906, hi, 412-433.—Marzinowsky (E. J.) Ueber eine neue Methode der Differentialfarbung der Mikroorga- nismen der menschlichen und Vogeltuberkulose, Lepra und Smegma. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 762-764.—Matruchot (L.) Sur une methode de coloration du protoplasma par les pigments bacteriens. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, exxvii, S30-J33.— Money (C.) Methode zur Farbung der Bakterien in den Geweben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 424.—Morel (C.) & Dalous (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la methode des colorations regressives. Toulouse med., 1901, 2. s., iii, 31-34—Nakanishi (K.) Vorlaufige Mittheilung fiber erne neue Farbungsmethode zur Dar- stellung des feineren Baues der Bacterien. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 187— Navalikhin (P. K.) [Stain- ing by the method of Proca and Kayser.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1914, ccxli, med.-spec pt., 687-691.—Neide (E.) Die Alkoholentfarbung der nach Gram gefarbten Bakterien als Speciesdiagnose, in Verbindung mit einer Untersuchung der fiir die Gram-Farbung in Betracht kommenden Fak- toren. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903-4, xxxv, 508-521.—Nicolle (C.) Les colorations vitales des microbes. Bull, de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1903, i, 137-144. -----. Modification de la methode de Gram par substitu- tion d'une solution bromo-bromuree k la solution iodo- ioduree ordinaire. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 359— Nikitin (J.) [Contribution a la theorie de la colora- tion des microbes. Extr., 162.] Russk. Arch. Patol., Khn. Med. i Bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1898, vi, 132-143: 1902, xiv, 858-867.—Ogawa. Ueber die Farbung der Tuberkel- bacUlen nebst derjenigen der Leprabacillen und Geisseln. [Japanese text. Auszug, 22. Hft.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1903, xvii, 986-989.—Panse (O.) Chromatin- farbung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 804-808.—Peju (G.) & Rajat (H.) Bacteries et mati&res colorantes. Bull. Soc med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 148-150. Aho: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 1193-1195.— Prowazek (S.) Vitalfarbungen an Bakterien. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Weimar, 1900, vi, 141-143.—Reed (R. C.) Dahlia as a stain for bacteria in sections cut by the collodion method. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, Buffalo, 1897, xix, 182-185. Aho, Reprint.—Rosenblat (Stephanie). Beitrag zur Gram- farbung. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1907, xvu, 92-94.—Ross (H. C.) On the determination of a coefficient by which the rate of diffusion of stain and other substances into the living cells can be measured, and by which bacteria and other cells may be differentiated. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1909, s. B., lxxxi, 97-109, 1 pi.—Saathofl. Die Methylgrun-Pyronin- Methode fiir elektive Farbung der Bakterien im Schnitt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1905, xxxi, 2047.— Sabrazes (J.) Colorationscytologiquesetbacterioscopiques au bleu de toluidine phenique a 1 pour 100, entre lame et lamelle sur frottis dessecMs. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xxxviii, 86.—Sanfelice (F.) Ueber die experimentelle Erzeugung der RusselPschen Fuehsinkorper- chen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etch 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxhi, 276; 311, 1 pi — Schaumer (W. G.) Zur Farbung von DiphtheriebacUlen und Cholera-Vibrionen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, lxxi, 827—Schilling (C.) Ein ' Apparat zur Erleichterung der Romanowsky-Fiirbung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lviu, Orig., 264— Semenowicz (W.) & Marzinowsky (E.) Ueber ein besonderes Verfahren zur Farbung der Bakterien im Deck- BACTERIA. 294 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Staining of). glaspraparate und in Schnittcn. Ibid., 1897, xxi, 874-876.— Smith(L.D.) A simplification of the Gram stain. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxii, 1251— Sommerhoff (E. O.) Die Farbung der Piknnsaure auf Seide; eine Erscheinung der Osmose, wobei die Haut des Seidenfadens als tierische Membran wirkt; farbenchcmische Betrachtungen unter Berucksichtigung der Bakterienfarbung. Ztschr. f. wis- sensch. Mikr., Leipz., 1909, xxvi, 48-51— Spiegel (O.) Bakterienfarbung mit eosinsaurem Methylenblau nach May-Grunwald. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. (etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905-6, xl, 430.—Stelnschneider (E.) Ueber die Procasche Farbung. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1913, xxih, 9-11.—Stephan (S.) Ueber eine besonders fiir Schnitt- farbungen brauchbare Modifikation der Gramsohen Far- bungsmethode. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, h, Orig., 94-96.—Taranco Gonzalez (J.) Al- gunas consideraciones sobre el empleo de la tinta china en bacteriologia. Rev. espec m£d., Madrid, 1914, xvh, 145- 149— Thomsen (O.) & Jakobsen (K.) [Burri's method of coloration for the production of genuine pure culture of bacterias (culture from a single bacterium); influence of Spirochseta, etc.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1910,5. R., hi, 249- 254, 2 pi.—Tiedemann (E. F.) A modification of Gram's method. Quart. Bull. M. Dep. Wash. Univ., St. Louis, 1900, iv, 149—Trapani (P.) Sul comportamento del germi nei sostrati di cultura colorati col liquido di Giemsa. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1909, xv, 299-306.—Trlbondeau. Choix de procedes pour la coloration des preparations cyto- bacteriolociques. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1918, cvi, 224-237.—Trincas (L.) Nuovo metodo per la colora- zione dei granuli mctacromatici e delle spore dei batteri. Gior. d. r. Soc ital. d'ig., Milano, 1907, xxix, 492-502.—de VasconceUos (A.) Um novo processo de, eoloracao das granulacoes dos bacillos da diphteria e da tuberculose. Arch. brasU. de med., Rio de Jan., 1917, vii, 301.—Vaughan (R. E.) A method for the differential staining of fungous and host cells. Ann. Missouri Botan. Garden, Concord. N. H., 1914, i, 241.—Verderau. Una simplificacio' del metode de Gram. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Cata- lunya, Barcel., 1909, ih, 217-219.—Watablki (T.) A stain- ing solution for protozoa and blood. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokvo, 1918, xxxvu, 21-24, 1 pi— Weinrich (M.) Ueber die Farbbarkeit des Gonococcus und sein Verhalten zur Gram'schen Methode. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 258-265— Winter (K. O.) [Bacteriological stains.] Duodedm. Helsinki, 1905, xxi, 300-306.—Zettnow. Romanowski's Farbung bei Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1899, xxx, 1-18, 1 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 803-805.—Zieler (K.) Zur Farbung schwer farbbarer Bakterien (Rotzbacillen, Typhusbacillen Gonokokken u. s. w.) in Schnitten der Haut und anderer Organe. Cen tralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1903, xiv, 561-565. Bacteria (Structure of). See Bacteria (Biology, etc., of). Bacteria (Sulphur). Jegunow (M.) Platten der roten und der a-Schwefel- bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 257-265.—Keil (F.) Beitrage zur Physiologie der farb- losen Schwefelbaktenen. Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanz., Brest, 1912. xi, 335-375.—Mollsch (II.) Neue farblose Schwefel- bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxiii, 55-62, 2 pi—Twort (F. W.) Sulphur bacteria. St. Thomas's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1915, xxv, 130. Bacteria (Symbiosis of). See Symbiosis (Bacterial). Bacteria (Thermophilic). Tsiklinsky (Mile. Prascovie V.) *Recherches sur les microbes thermophiles. 8°. Geneve, 1903. Tsujimura (S.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der thermophilen Bazillen aus Heu, das sich im Zustand der Selbsterhitzung befindet. 8°. Wurzburg, 1910. Allen (D. B.) A new thermophilia; [renal pus]. Ver- mont M. Month., Burlington, 1903, ix, 219.—Ambroz (A.) Denitrobacterium thermophilum spec, nova, ein Beitrag zur Biologie der thcrmophircn Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1913, xxxvii, 3-16, 1 pi.—Ba- ruchello (L.) Alcune ricerche sui bactert termofili. Poli- clin., Roma, 1897, iv-M., 91-96.—Brazzola (F.) Significato dei batteri termofili, di quelli della putrcfazione e del gruppo coh, nell'esame batteriologico delle acque. Rendic r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1904-5, n. s., ix, 164.—Catteritia (G.) Beitrag zum Studium der thermophilen Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1901, xii, 353- 355, 1 pi.—Kedzlor. Ueber eine thermophile Cladothrix. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1896, xxvii, 328-338.— Lundie (R. A.) Thermophilic bacteria. Proc Scot. Micr. Soc, Lond. & Edinb., 1895-9, ii, 153-157.—Macfadyen Bacteria (Thermophilic). (A.) & Blaxall (F. R.) Thermophilic bacteria. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent Med., Lond., 1899, 2. s., 162-187, 3 pi.— Michaelis (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der thermophilen Bacterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1899, xxxvi, 285-293.—Negre (L.) Les bacteries thermophiles. Bull, de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1912, x, 385; 433.-----. Bacteries ther- mophiles des sables du Sahara. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxiv, 814-816.—Oprescu (V.) Studien fiber thermophile Bacterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1898, xxxiu, 164-186.—Prettl. Studu sui batterii termofili. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1899, n. s., xxi, 500.— Sames (T.) Zur Kenntniss der bei hoherer Temperatur wachsenden Bakterien- und Streptothrixarten. Ztschr., f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1900, xxxhi, 313-362, 1 ' pi.—Schillinger (A.) Ueber thermophUeBakterien. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1898, vhi, 568-570.—Skochko (I. D.) [Thermophilic microorganisms.] Protok. zasled Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1900-1901, xxxvu, 187-201,1 tab—Teich (M.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss thermophiler Bakterien. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1896, vi, 1094.—Tsiklinsky (Mile. P. V.) Sur les microbes thermophUes. Ann. de microg., Par., 1898, x, 286-288. -----. Sur les muceainfes thermophUes. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1899, xhi, 500-505,1 pi. Bacteria (Toxins and toxicity of). See, also, Toxins. Wirkung (Die) einiger Bakterien und ihrer Toxine auf verschiedene Organe des Korpers. 4°. Jena, 1902. Repr.from: Acta Soc. Sc. Fennicae, Helsingfors, 1902, xxx. Bergell (P.) & Meyer (F.) Process for obtaining solu- tions of bacterial poisons. [Pat. spec] No. 842612; Jan. 29, 1907.—Detweiler (A. J.) The toxicity ofthe dry, sterile cells of certain nonpathogenic bacteria. Tr. Ass. Am. Pbyskuans, Phila., 1902, xvii, 257-264.—Dmitriyevski (K. F.) [De- struction of substances under repeated injections of bacte- rial poisons.] Izviest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1901, xviii, No. 8,1-82.—Kraus (R.) Ueber ein acut wirkendes Bakterien- toxin. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Brux., 1903, ii, 54.—Lubbert. Ueber die Natur der Giftwirkung peplonisirender Bacterien. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1896, Bresl., 1897, lxxiv, 1. Abth., Hyg. Sect., 1.—Lildke. Ueber Darstellung und Wirkungsweise von Partialghten im Bakterien-Protoplasma. VerhandL d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1911, xxvih, 198- 200.—Nicolle (M.) & Loiseau (G.) Les facteurs de toxicite des bacteries. Ann. d» i'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1911, xxv, 150-166.—Orlandl (E.) Contributo sperimentale alle conoscenze dell' azione dei tossici batterici sul cuore di rana. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1897, xlviii, 3S1; 401; 421.—Thiele (F. H.) & Embleton (D.> Toxicitv and pathogenidty of bacteria. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond., 1914. Sect. iv, Bacteriol. A Immun., pt. 2, 45-49.—Thlrololx (J.) Toxine du bacille d'Achalme (variete rhumatismale de 1'hemoculture); son affinite pour I'appareil cardiovasculaire. BuU. et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 16iW 169.—Vaughan (V. C.) The intracellular toxins of some of the pathogenic bacteria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 838-840: 1904, xlui, 643-647—Wasdin (E.) Toxicity versus septicitv in the infectious pathogenic bacteria. Med. News, N. V., 1900, lxxvU, 444-448. Also, Reprint. Bacteria (Viability and vitality of). See, also, Bacteria (Adaptation of). Boland (G. W.) *Een nieuwe methode ter bepaling van den generatieduur der bacterien en eenige van hare toepassingen. 8°. Amster- dam, 1902. Stoltixg (F. E. H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Lebensfahigkeit der mit kleinsten Tropf- chen verspruhten Bakterien. [Gottingen.] 8°. Berlin, 1903. Thurn (O.) *Ueber die Lebensfahigkeit an Objekttragern angetrockneter, ungefarbter und gefiirbter Bakterien. [Giessen.] 8°. Jena, 1914. Also, in: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxiv, Orig., 81-90. Bolley (H. L.) The duration of bacterial existence and trial environments. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1900, vi, 33-3S.—Bolton (IL M.) The vitality of path- ogenic germs in water and other media. Pub. Health, Phila., 1898, iii, 114-121.—Calendoll (E.) Ricerche sulla vitalita di alcuni microbi patogeni nell' inehiostro. Policlin., Roma, 1901-2, viii, sez. prat., 1473-1476. Also: Gior. inter- naz. d. sc med., Napoh, 1902, n. s., xxiv, 583-585.—Clacclo (A.) La vitalita di alcuni microrsianismi patogeni nei succhi degli organi di animali sani. Rassetma internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1900, i, 272-275— Connell (W. T.) Vitality of typhoid, diphtheria and cholera bacteria in milk. Kingston M. Quart., 1899-1900, iv, 17S-180.—Della Vlda (M. L.) Vita BACTERIA. 295 BACTERIA. Bacteria (Viability and vitality of). lita dei germi patogeni in alcune solrzioni saline e in alcune acque potafcih e minerali. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1909, n. s., xix, 249-264.—Ficker (M.) Ueber Lebensdauer und Absterben von pathogenen Kcimen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectiouskrankh., Leipz., 1898, xxix, 1-74. -----. Ueber die Resistenz von Bakterien gegenuber dem Trocknen. Ibid., 1908, lix, 367-378.—Furbringer & Stietzel (W.) Ueber die Lebensdauer von Cholera- und Typhusbakterien in Spfilgruben. Ibid., lxi, 282-300.—Grund (Marie). The viability ofthe Bacillus mallei in water. Collect. Stud. Re- search Lab., Dep. Health, N. Y., 1911, vi, 150.—Helm (L.) Die Widerstandsfahigkeit verschiedener Bakterienarten gegen Trocknung und die Aufbewahrung bakterienhaltigen Materials insbesondere beim Seuchendienst und fiir ge- richtlich-medicinische Zwecke. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infec- tionskrankh., Leipz., 1905, 1, 123-138.—Hellstrom (F. E.) Zur Kenntnis der Einwirkung kleiner Glukosemengen auf die Vitahtat der Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 170; 217.—Hilgermann. Lebens- fahigkeit pathogener Keime in Kehricht und Mull. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen & Berl., 1908, lxv, 221-234.—Kirstein (F.) Ueber die Dauer der Lebensfahigkeit von Krankheitserre- gern in der Form feinster Tropfchen und Staubchen. Zt- schr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1902, xxxix, 93- 170. Aho [Abstr.]: Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Giessen, 1899-1902, xxxih, 200-203.—Kurpjuweit (O.) Ueber Lebensfahigkeit von Bakterien in Oel. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxhi, 157-160 — Martini. Ueber hohe Grade von Lebensdauer bei Typhus-, Paratyphus B-, Aertryck-, Gartnerschen Enteritis- und bei Ruhr-Bakterien des Typus Shiga-Kruse, Flexner und V. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1910, lxv, 121- 126.—Miquel (P.) Sur la longevite des germes des bacteries dans les poussieres et dans le sol. Ann. de microg., Par., 1897, ix, 199; 251.—Morales (A.) & Mitjavila (J.) Recher- ches sur l'effet de l'effluviation electro-statique dans les cul- tures de certaines bacteries au point de vue de leur vitalite dans les milieux ordinaires, et Faction pathologique sur les animaux comme methode de traitement de quelques proces pathologiques infectieux localises. Cong. Internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 15, 272-274.—Nobe- court (P.) Duree comparee de la vie de quelques microbes dans l'eau de viande, l'eau de riz, l'eau de haricots. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1907, ix. 1023-1028.—Paul (T.) Der chemische Reaktionsverlaui beim Absterben trockener Bakterien bei niederen Temperaturen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xviii, 1—13.—Sartory (A.) Duree de conservation des microbes. Arch. gen. de meU., Par., 1910, 263-268.—Sartory (A.) & Maheu (J.) Duree de survie chez quelques bacteries. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 968-970.—Shaporo (J. M.) The effects of drying on the viability of germs. Colorado Med., Denver, 1916, xiii, 158-161.—Totire-Ippoliti (P.) Sulla conservazione della vitalita dei microrganismi nelle colture in tubi chiusi. Chn. vet., Milano, 1913, xxxvi, 767; 820.—Trillat (A.) A Sauton. Influence des atmospheres viciees sur la vitality des microbes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1910, cl, 743- 746—Winslow (C. E. A.) & Abramson (F.) The effect of drving upon the viability of bacteria. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol.'A Med., N. Y., 1911-12, ix, 107. Also, Reprint. Bacteria (Virulence of). See Bacteria (Bathogenic, Virulence of). Bacteria in the air. See Air (Bacteriology of). Bacteria in the animal body. See, also, Bacteria (Bathogenic); Blood, Faeces, Intestines, Stomach (Bacteriology of). Hoepfner (C.) *Ueber das Vorkommen pathogener Bakterien im gesunden Organismus. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1903. Uffenheimer (A.) Experimentelle Studien iiber die Durchgangigkeit der Wandungen des Magendarmkanales neugeborener Tiere fiir Bak- terien und genuine Eiweissstoffe. 8°. Miin- chen dc Berlin, 1906. Altana (G.) Sulla attraversabUita ai microrganismi della mucosa gastro-intestinale nelle cavie neonate. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1908, xix, 581-591— Ankersmlt (P.) Untersuchungen Uber die Bakterien im Verdauungs- kanaldes Rindes. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol.[etc.], 1.Abt.,Jena, 1905, xxxix, 359-574.—Bastian (H. C.) The appearance of bacteria in normal organs and the significance thereof. Lancet, Lond., 1904,,u, 108-110.—Breton (M.), Bruyant (L.) & Mezie(A.) Elimination par les voies digestives des microbes introduits dans la cavite peritoneale ou dans les tissus sous-cutanes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxiii, 118-120.—Calmette (E.) Microbes et cellules; atta- ques et defenses de l'economie. Bull, med., Par., 1898, xii, 825-827.—Cao (G.) Sul passaggio dei germi a traverso le larve di alcuni insetti. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1906, n. s., Bacteria in the animal body. xvi, 645-664.—Cotton (F. J.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Ausscheidung von Bakterien durch den Thierkorper Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Cl, Wien, 1896, cv, 4.53-512. Aho, Reprint.—Eisenberg (P.) Ueber spezifische Adsorption von Bakterien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xhv, 634-636.—Ford (W. W.) On the-bacteriology of normal organs. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1901, i, 277-284.—Friedrich (Lucie). Ueber Aufnahme von Bakterien durch tierische Parasiten. (Vor- laufige Mitteilung.) Ztschr. f. Infektionskr. . . . d. Haus- tiere, Berl., 1912, xU, 385.—Gatti (R.) Influenza di alcuni batteru non patogeni e di patogeni attenuati nei cervello. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoh, 1902, xvhi, 197-208.— Hess(A.F.) Ueber das Aufwartswandern der Bakterien im \ erdauungskanal. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc , 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, hi, Orig., 190-193.—Igumenoff (P. K.) [Self- protection of bacteria in the organism of animals which have acquired immunity and those which have not.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1910, ix, 1377; 1411.—von Klecki (K.) Be- richt fiber die im Institute angestellten experimentellen Lntersuchungen fiber den Durchtritt von Bakterien durch die intakte Darmschleimhaut. Festschr. enthalt. Arb. ii. Tuberk. . . . vi. Internat. Tuberk.-Konf. [etc.], Wien & - Leipz., 1907, 31-33.—Meltzer (S. J.) Some of the physio- logical methods and means employed by the animal organism in its continued struggle against bacteria for maintenance of hfe and health. PhUa. M. J., 1900, v, 1022-1027. Aho, Re- print.—Metchnikofl (M. E.) The flora of the human body. Med. Mag., Lond., 1901, x, 519-526— Michaelis (L.) Demonstration einer auswahlenden Bakterienadsorption. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1918, lv, 413.—Miller (W. D.) Die Frage der Niitzlichkeit der Bakterien des Verdauungs- traktus. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz.. 1906, xxiv, 289-304.—Morgan (H. de R.) The presence of bacteria in the organs of healthy animals. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 21.— Noetzel (W.) Experimentelle Studie zur Frage der Aus- scheidung von Bakterien aus dem Korper. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 1036-1040.----— Leber die Bakterien- resorption auf dem Lymph- und Blutwege und fiber die Bedeutung der Lymphdriisen fiir dieselbe. Beitr. z. khn. Chir., Tubing., 1906, h, 740-782.-----. Ueber die Bedeutung der Lymphdriisen fiir die Bakterienresorption. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, xxxiv, 1651.—Pav- lovski (A. D.) [The fate of certain pathogenic, principally pyogenic, microbes in the animal organism, when they enter it through the joints, pleura, eyes, oral cavity, intes- tines, and vagina.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 184; 218.—Roith (O.) Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Lehre von der Bakterienresorption. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1908, xxvu. 119-126— Roily (F.) & Schil- ling (H.) Ueber die Ursache des Verweilens von korper- fremden Bakterien im tierischen Organismus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1914, lxxiv, Orig., 302-309.— Rozenbcrg (N. K.) [Dissolution of bacteria in the organ- ism.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvii, 8(53.—Selter (H.) Bakterien im gesunden KSrpergewebe und deren Eintritts- pforten. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1906, liv, 363-384— Sherrington (C. S.) Experiments on the escape of bacteria with the secretions. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1892-3, i, 258-278. Aho, Reprint—Soko- Iovski (M. P.) [Absorption of bacteria from the abdominal cavity.] Syezd Rossiysk. Khirurg., Mosk., 1914, xiii, 167- 171.—Soprana (F.) Ueber im Korper latente Bakterien und die Moglichkeit ihrer Verbreitung im Organismus. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 601-606.— Stute (O.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der ovoiden Sputum- bakterien des Schweines. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tierh., Berl., 1909, xxxv, 338-362.—Wright (J.) The pri- mordial nature of the forces exerted against the penetration of bacteria beneath the surface of the body. N. York M. J. [etc], 1906, lxxxiii, 117-121. Aho, Reprint.—Wrzosek (A.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre von dem latenten Mi- krobismus. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1904, clxxvih, 82-111. Bacteria in the blood. See Bacterisemia; Blood (Bacteriology of); Tuberculosis (Bacillus of) in blood. Bacteria in cadavers. See Cadavers (Bacteriology of). Bacteria in faeces. See Faeces (Bacteriology of). Bacteria in milk. See Milk (Bacteriology of). Bacteria in soil. See Soil (Bacteriology of). Bacteria in urine. See "Urine (Bacteriology of). BACTERIA. 296 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteria in water. See Water (Bacteriology of). Bacteria in the dairy. Experiments in ripening cream with bacillus No. 41, by H. W. Conn. Some observations on the number of bacteria in dairy products, by A. E. Loveland and W. S. Watson. Cream ripening with pure cultures of bacteria, by H. W. Conn. pp. 57-91. 8°. [n. p., ny d.] Cutting from: Rep. Storrs Agric. Exper. Station. Bacteria-carriers. See Bacillus-carriers. Bacterisemia. Marchetti(G.) *La batteriemia. 4°. Brato, 1908. Stenzel (H.) *Ueber Bakterisemie bei In- fektions-Krankheiten. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Caldera (C.) Ricerche sulla batteriemia in oto-rino- laringoiatria. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1912, xxiii, 1-7.—Carles (J.) Les bacillemies. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1909, xxxix, 485; 501.—Ferranninl (A.) Contributo speri- mentale alio studio delle microbiemie. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1896, xh, pt. 4, 329; 342.—Fredette (J. W.) Bacterie- mias in the agonal period. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1916, U, 180-188. Aho, Reprint.—Gurd (F. B.) Bacte- rieemia; its diagnosis; its diagnostic and prognostic value. Montreal M. J., 1907, xxxvi, 809-819—Hektoeii (L.) Recent investigation of certain diseases associated with bacteriemia: typhoid fever, pneumonia, scarlet fever, etc. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1904 xxiv, 79-85.— Huggins (R. R.) Intravenous injections of magnesia sulphate in bacteriemia. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1910, York, 1911, xxiii, 363-370. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1911, lxiii, 265-271— Jochmann (G.) Ueber die Bakteriamie und die Bedeutung der bak- teriologischen Blutuntersuchung fiir die Klinik. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1904, liv, 408-447. Aho [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1904, Bresl., 1905, lxxxh, 58-60.-----. Ueber Bakteriamie. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1905, U, 766-774. Aho, transl: Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1906, xiii, 288-298.—Kretz (R.) Ueber Bacteriamie. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien & Leipz., 1902, xxiii, Abth. f. path. Anat. [etc ], 75-82. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1901, Berl., 1902, 186. Aho, transl: Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1902, ix, 113-117.—Ktinzel (II.) Ein Fall von symptomlos verlaufender Bakteriamie. Munchen. mod. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1522-1524.—Licht (C. de F.) Ueber Bakteriamie. Verhandl. d. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med. zu Kopenh. 1900, Stockholm, 1901, iii, 107-112.—McMeans (J. Vf.) Concerning the gastric lesions observed in experi- mental bacteremia. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1918, xxii, 114-126.-----. Experimental bacteremia. Ibid., 617-646 — Nyberg (C.) [A study of terminal bacterisemia.] Finska lak.-sallsk. hand] , Helsingfors, 1916, lviii, 647-663—Shep- pard (J. E.) Case of bacteremia. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Larvngol., St. Louis, 1912, xxi, 521.-----. The clinical sig- nificance of bacteremia. Ibid., 1914, xxiii, 864-870. [Dis- cussion], 892-S97. Aho: Larvivoscope, St. Louis, 1914, xxiv, 1006-1009— Shklovski (Ye. Il ) [Kxperimental in\ estima- tion on intravenous mercurial treatment, of bin tcrhrmia ] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb.. I; cii, 5:.6-577.—Wekesscr (II. P.) Trans- fusion of immunized blood for chronic bacteremia; report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 2182—Welch (J. E.) Post-partum bacteremia. Bull. Lying-in Hosp. N.Y., 1908, iv, 152-164. Bacterial (The) Therapist; a journal of vaccine therapy. G. H. Sherman, editor, v. 1-9, 1912-13 to 1919. 8°. Betroit. Bactericides and bactericidins. See, also, Bacteriolysins; Phagocytosis; Serum (Antibodies in); Serum-bacterioly- sins. Augerer (K.) *Bactcricidie und Phagoey- tose bei niederen Tieren. [Miinchen.J 8°. Stuttgart, 1909. Bactericides and bactericidins. Krencker (E. P.) *Ueber Baktericidie in Bakterienfiltraten. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1903. Dold (H.) & Muff (W.) Untersuchungen fiber die bac- tericide Wirkung von Normal- und Immun-Sera und Nor- mal- und Immun-Leukocyten (getrennt und im Wright- schen Gemisch) auf Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, Bacil- lus anthracis und Pneumococcus. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. u. Bakteriol.. . . Inst, zu Tfibing., Leipz., 1910. vh,273- 279— Frledberger (E.) Die Bedeutung der Baktenzidie fiir die Immunitat gegenuber Typhus und Cholera. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xhv, Orig., 32-46.— G6zony (L.) Ist die normale Serumbakterizidie komplex? Ztschr. f. Immunitatsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena, 1912, xiv, 186-197.—Hune. Untersuchungen fiber Bakterizidie im Reagensglase. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1907, xxvi, 196-225.—Lipsteln (A.) Die Komplementablenkung bei baktericiden Reagenzglasversuchen und ihre Ursache. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 460- 4(.s. A ho: Ges. Arb. z. Immunitatsforsch., Berl., 1904,198- 212— Much (H.) Ueber humorale und leukoeytare Baktc- riocidine. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1907, Hamb. & Leipz., 1908, xh, pt. 2, 169-212. Aho: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1908, viii, 169-212.—Neisser(M.) Die Methodik des bactericiden Reagenzglasversuches. Ges. Arb. z. Immunitatsforsch., Berl., 1904, 493-504.—Nelsser (M.) & Wechsberg (F.) Ueber die Wirkungsart bactericider Sera. Ibid., 182-197—Szekely (A.) [Researches on the effect on the blood of the so-called bactericides.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1896, v, 1: 212— Wauters (G.) Sur la repartition des substances bactericides dans les organes et sur la filiation des diWrentes especes de leucocytes. Arch. de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1898, x, 751-778. Bacterins. See Vaccines; Vaccinotherapy. Bacteriological and chnical studies of the diar- rheal diseases of infancy, with reference to the Bacillus dysenterise (Shiga) from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Edited by Simon Flexner and L.Emmet Holt. 202 pp. 8°. New York, Booney dc OttenBtg. Co., 1904. Bacteriological standard for drinking water. The standard adopted by the Treasury Depart- ment for drinking water supplied to the public by common carriers in interstate commerce. 2959-2966 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1914. Repr. Xo. 232, Pub. Health. Rep. Bacteriology. £-3i9.- Novy (F. G.) New apparatus for the culture of anaerobic bacteria. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 437-441.----—. Ein neuer Thermoregulator. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 189S, xxhi, 1054- 1056. -----. Einige Laboratoriumsapparate. Ibid., 1903, xxxv, 124-126.- Xuttall (G. H. F.) An apparatus for mak- ing roll-cultures. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 339.—Perkins (R. G.) A new apparatus for obtaining simultaneous cultures of anv desired age for comparative studv. J. Bact., Bait., 1913, "iii, 23-26, 2 pi.— Permin (C.) Neue selbstsaugende Pipette. CentTalbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1911, lvh, Orig., 575.—Petri (R. J.) Neue, verbesserte Gelatine- schiilchen (verbesserte Petri-SchSlchen). Ibid., 1900, xxviii, 79; 196.—Pfeiler (W.) Ein neues Prazioitationsrohrchen. Ibid., 1913, lxx, Orig., 334-336 —Piorkowski. Ein neuer Tierhalter fur Meersehweinchen. Ibid., 1898, xxiii, 332. -----. Ein neuer heizbarer Farbetisch. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1898, xxiv, 318— Raafl (A.) Eine praktische Bakterienharpune. Folia microbiol, Delft, 1911, iii, 89, 2 pi— Rahinowitsch (M.) Ein neuer Heisswasserfiltrierapparat. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912-13, lxvii, Orig., 493-496— Regaud (C.) Machines cleetriques a centnfuger. Bull. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Lyon, 1903, h, 124-126—Reitz (A.) Ein kombinierter Sterilisier-, Brut- und Eisschrank. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1907, xviii, 831. -----. Notiz fiber Versuche mit einer hygienischen Sehutzkapsel fiir Bier- llaschen oder ahnliche Flaschenversehlusse. Ibid., 1914, xl, 155.—Robin (A.) A new fermentation tube. J.Bost.Soc, M. Sc, 1900-1901, v, 3S0, 1 pi.-----. Simple device for dis- tributing equal quantities of culture media. Ibid. -----. Fermentation tube for analvsis of gas generated bv bacteria. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, No. 7, 1884.—Rodet (A.) & Guechoff. Sur les proprietes des sacs de collodion et leur role en baeteriologie. N. Montpel. mM., 1900, xi, 742-715 — Rosenthal (G.) Le tube cachet*5; experiences de eoiitrole. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 79 — Run. (H. O.) An improved Petri dish holder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907. xlviii, 1507—Sartory (\j Platinc chauffante et serhoir. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol.. Par., 1908, xv, 312-315.—Sattcrlee (H. S.) The vacuum-bottle as an incubator. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, lviii, 632.— Schlonnlg (H.) Matras pour cultures sur blocs de platre. BACTERIOLOGY. 299 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteriology (Apparatus and devices in). Ann. de microg., Par., 1897, ix, 194-198.—Schottmuller (H.) Ein keim- und wasscrdichter Doppelverschluss liir Flaschen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 875-877.—Schrader (G. A.) Schnellessigbildner als Laboratoriumsapparat. Ibid., 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, viii, 525-533.—Serkowski (S.) Ein neuer Nivellierapparat una dessen Anwendung. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvu, 637- 640— Shepilcvski (E. A.) [Thermostat heated by water.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1896, clxxxvi, 3. sect., 1-8.— Sinefl (A. I.) [An apparatus for filtering meat-peptone agar.] ' Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1910, lxxiv, 47.—Smirnow (M. R.) A folding paper demonstrating case for bacterial cultures. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 1579.— Smith (A. J.) Suggestions for certain cheap and con- venient forms of apparatus for class work in the bac- teriological laboratory. Phila. M. J., 1902 ix, 1060-1064.— Stewart (C. F.) Apparatus for heating cultures to separate spore-bearing microorganisms. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxvu, 366.—Stewart (I. S.) Pi- pette for the collection of discharges for bacteriological exam- ination. Edinb. M. J., 1912, n. s., vhi, 347.—Strong (L. W.) Incubators and thermoregulators. Bull. Woman's Hosp., N. Y., 1917, 7-15.—Wagner (G.) Eine Kolleflasche fiir doppelseitige Benutzung (zur Ziichtung von Massen- kulturen). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, lxiii, 311 — Walker (L. T.) A culture tube rack for use in bacteriologi- cal studies involving a large number of cultures. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1908, xxi, 12— Watkins-PitcMord (W.) An injector for batch inoculations. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1817-18, xhi, 186-189, 1 pi.—Watson (E. W.) An aseptic pump for measuring sterile fluids. Med. Notes & Quer., Lancaster, Pa., 1907, hi, 243-245.—Whipple (G. C.) A ventilated dish for bacteria cultures. J. Applied Micr., Rochester. 1901, iv, 1197.—Wilson (E. H.) & Randolph (R. B. F.) Incubator for the maintenance of constant low temperatures. Brooklyn M. J., 1899, xiii, 65-71— Woithe. Ueber eine neue Art von Reagenzglasgestellen fiir bakterio- logische Zwecke. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1909-10, xxxih, 283-287.—Wolff (M.) Die Verwendung des Platc- schen alkoholometrischen Messbesteckes auf dem Mikro- skopiertisch. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxu, 605.-----. Ueber einen Zentrifugenstempel zum Isoheren grosserer bis kleinster Sedimentmengen. Ibid , 1914, xl, 153.—Wolff-Eisner (A.) Ueber einen Kafig mit automatischem Urinabfluss fiir mittclgrosse Laboratoriums- tiere. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xii,'301-303. -----. Ein neuer leistungsfahiger Schiittelapparat in Verbindung mit einem Thermostaten. Ibid., 1908-9, xlix, Orig., 654-656 — Wood (F. M.) A new and handy inoculation needle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 1029.—von Wunschheim (O.) Ueber einen Apparat fiir Erregung von gesattigtem Wasserdampf und sterilem Wasser. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxviii, 439-443.—Young (C. C.) A new Petri dish cover. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 1031. Bacteriology (Culture media in). See, also, Bacteria (Cultivation of). Brodnitz (H.) *Ueber den Einfluss sauerer Nahrboden auf die Entwickelung einiger Bakte- rienarten. 8°. Erlangen, 1898. Klett (A.) * Untersuchungen iiber die Verwendbarkeit von wasserigen Extrakten aus Huhnereiweiss und Eigelb als Bakteriennahrbo- den. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Muller (R.) *TJeber die Verwendbarkeit von Trockennahrboden insbesondere des Ragitnahr- bodens von Marx. [Leipzig.] 8°. Halle a. S., 1911. Woerner (L.) *Ueber gefarbte Nahrboden. Ein Beitrag zu ihrem Verhalten bei der Einim- pfung des Milzbrand-, Rauschbrand-, malignen Oedem- und Heubacillus, sowie der Bakterien der Qruppen des Paratyphus und der hamorrha- gischen Septicamie. [Giessen.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1909. Allegar (W. W.) Agar-agar. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. 1898, Lincoln, Nebr., 1899, xx, 91-95.—Almagia (M.) Einfluss des Nahrbodens auf die Morphologie der Kolonien und auf die Agglutinabihtat von Bakterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Miin- chen & Berl., 1906, hx, 159-173,1 pi.—Anthony (Bertha van H.) & Ekroth (C. V.) Practical observations on the titra- tion and adjustment of culture media. Coll. Stud. Bur. Lab. Dep. Health, N.Y., 1916, viu,294-310. Aho: J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 209-234.—Aperlo (G.) Un metodo rapidissimo per la preparazione dell' agar. Atti d. r. Accad. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1907, xix, 405-407.—Baker (T. T.) On the choice of gelatins for bacterial culture media. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv, 60.—Barnett (G. D.) & Chap- man (H. S.) Colorimetric determination of reaction of baeteriologie mediums and other fluids. Am. J. Pharm., Bacteriology (Culture media in). Phila., 1918, xc, 592-595 —Barthlein (K.) Ueber Re- genenerung von Nahrboden. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr 1917, lxiv, 465 — Baruchello (L.) Terreni di cultura pre- parati con sangue. Policlin., Roma, 1898, v, sez. med 286- 293.—Bayon (H.) Ein neuer Nahrboden fur die Kultur und Isolierung von parasitischen oder schwach saprophvti- schen Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc ] l Abt* Jena, 1912-13, lxvii, Orig., 591.—Beijerinck (M. W.) Ueber eine Eiffentiimhchkeit der loslichcn Starke. Ibid 2 Abt Jena, 1896, ii, 697-699.-----. Amobenkultur auf festen Substraten; Antwort an Herrn Celli. Ibid., 1. Abt.. Jena 1897, xxi, 101.—Beintker. Ueber Trockennahrboden nach Prof. Doerr. Ibid., 1911 lxxiv, Orig., 499-505.—Bern- stein (E. P.) A- Epstein (A. A.) A standard blood medium for bacteriological work. Proc. N. York Path. Soc 1906 n. s., vi, 112-117.—Berry (Jane L.) Studies of laboratory media. Coll. Stud. Bur. Lab. Dep. Health, N. Y , 1916 viii, 288-293.—Berthelot (A.) Sur l'emploi du bouillon de legumes comme milieu de culture. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1917, lxxx, 131.-----. Application d'une pep- tone proteolytique de viande et de muqueuse intestinale a la preparation des milieux de culture. Ibid., 298-300 — Besredka (A.) & Jupille (F.) Le bouillon a l'ceuf. A.nn. de PInst. Pasteur, Par., 1913, xxvii, 1009-1017: 1914, xxviii, 576-578.—Bezancon (F.) & Griffon (V.) Culture du bacille tuberculeux sur la pomme de terre emprisonnee dans la gelose glycerinee et sur le sang gelose. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 162.-----■-----. Le sang gelos6 comme milieu de culture pour les microbes q ui ne se de veloppentpas sur les milieux usuels. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de bacteriol. et parasitol., 59-62.—Blelonovskl (G. D.) & Zaltsevskaya (L. N.) [Dry nutritive media in bacteri- ological practice.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1912, xix, 1295.— Bierry (H.) Preparation et sterilisation de quelques milieux de culture albumineux. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, lxxix, 270-272.—Bisserie. Procede simple et rapide de preparation des milieux geloses et gelatines. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1907, xxi, 235.—Boldiian (C.) The addition of calcium salts to nutrient broth; a reliable and convenient method for growing the pneumococcus, and certain other bacteria. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 956. A ho,.Reprint.—Bormans (A.) Ilcarciofoin batteriologia. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubbv Torino, 1905, xvi, 841-844.—Bosc (F.-J.) Le sang rendu incoagulable comme miheu de culture. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, il. s., ii, 1052.—Bosse (B.) Eine Nachpriifung der Deycke'- schen Nahrboden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxx, 798-804.—Boyd (T. C.) Preparation of a bacteriological nutrient medium bv means of mineral acid. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta, 1918, v, 408-412.—Brown (E. W.) Dried blood serum; a substitute for fresh blood serum in the rapid preparation of Loffler's medium. U. States Nav. M. Bull., W ash., 1910, iv, 337.-----. Further notes on the preparation of a culture medium from dried bloodserum. Ibid., 1911,v, 144.—Butyagin(P.) [Amount of catalase in bacterial cultures.] Kharkov. M. J., 1914, xviii, 161-173.—Cache (A.) Rolle des MgHUP04 bei der Zubereitung von Nahrboden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905-6, xl, 255-258.—Canary (J.) A new method of preparing agar-agar media. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1905-6, n. s., v, 132-134.—Canelll (A. F.) I mezzi di coltura con l'uovo. Pathologica, Genova, 1915-16, viii, 33- 38.—Cantani (A.) Zur Verwendung des Sperma als Nahrbodenzusatz. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.J, 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxh, 601-604.-----. Ueber eine praktisch sehr gut verwendbare Methode, albuminhaltige Nahrboden fiir Bakterien zu bereiten. Ibid., 1909-10, lih, Orig., 471-473.— Capaldl (A.) Zur Verwendung des Eidotters als Nahrbo- denzusatz. Ibid., 1896, xx, 800-803—Caporali (R.) & Rizzacasa(N.) Gli organi come terreni di coltura. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1903, Padova, 1904, xhi, 233-235 — Casagrandi (O.) Tecnica della concentrazione dei liquidi in bacteriologia. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1901, n. s., xi, 529-536,1 pi—Clark (W. M.) The reaction of baeteriologie culture media. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1915. xvh. 109-136. Aho [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xlh, 71—Cole (S. W.) & Onslow (H.) On a substitute for peptone and a standard nutrient medium for bacteriological purposes. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 9-11.—Cook (F. C.) & LeFevre(E.) Chemical analyses of bacteriological bouillons. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1918, viii, 587-589 — Cuervo (E.) El chayote como medio de cultivo en bacte- riologia. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1904, ix, 184- 187.—Daltmier (R.) & Lancereaux (E.) Les produits de la proteolyse naturelle et totale comme milieu de culture pour les rhicroorganismes. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1913, xxv, 449-468.—De Bord (G. G.) The fuchsin-aldehyde reaction on the Endo medium. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, ii, 309-^14.—Des Cilleuls (J.) De l'emploi des milieux de culture sees dans les laboratories de baeteriologie de campagne (methode de Dcerr). Caducee, Par., 1910, x, 233.—Deycke & Voigtlander. Studien uber kulturelle Nahrboden. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 617-627.—Distaso (A.) Sur des milieux de cul- ture liquides et solides prepares avec le serum digere et dilue. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, lxxix, 599-601. Aho, transl: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 555.—Dold (H.) Erfah- BACTERIOLOGY. 300 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteriology (Culture media in). rungen mit dem Biichsenagar von Uhlenhuth und Mcsser- schmidt in China. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1916, xlh, 12.—Dominikiewicz (M.) Zur Frage uber die Einheit der Zusammensetzung und Herstellungs- weisen von Nahrsubstraten fiir Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlvii, Orig., 666-670. - • Doryland (C. J. T.) Preliminary report on synthetic media. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 135-152- Douglas (S. B.) & Colebrook (L.) On the advantage of using a broth con- taining trypsin in making blood cultures. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 180-183.—Dreyfus. Cultures dans le hquide de Outchinsky. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 42-44.- Dudgeon (L. S.), Bawtree(F.)& Corbett(D.) 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Am. Month. Micr. J., Wash., 1897, xviii, 149-154. Aho, Reprint.—Remlingei fP.) Les microbes filtrants. BuU. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1E06, iv, 337; 385.—Rivas (D.) Some improvements in tha sterilization of cilture media, with especial reference to the fractional method. Univ. Fenn. M. Bull., Phila., 1907-8, xx, 138-141— Rosenthal (W.) Filtrierapparat zur Gewin- ni ng keimfreier Filtrate vnd insbesondere zur Erprobung verschiedener Filtersubstanzen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1107, xiv, Orig., 563-573.—Schmidt (P.) Ueber den Mechanismus der Bakterienfiltration mit Berke- feldfiltern. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz.,1910, lxv, 423—134.—Schurmann (W.) Ueber einen Apparat zum sterilen Trocknen von Agarplatten, System Vondran-Schiir- mann. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 597.—Silber- schmldt(W.) Ueber einfaches Bakterienfllter zur Filtration kleiner FlussigVeit^men^en. Ibid., 1902, xlix, 1461—Stas- sano (H.) De la sterilisation des cultures ou des emulsions microbiennes par la chaleur, sous couche mince. Compt. rend. Acad. d.sc.,Par., 1915,clx,820-822. ^?so[Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 56.-----. De la sterilisation des liquides par la chaleur sous couche mince. Compt.rend.Acad. d.sc, Par., 1917, clxv, 41-43— Steinhardt (Edna).. The value of collodion membranes as filters. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1910, vii, 675-679. Aho [Abstr.]: Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1909-10, vii. 128.—Swarts (G. T.) Bacteriologi- calresidtsfrommechanicalfiltration. Am. I*ub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, is(i6, xxi, 154-163.—Turkin (E.) [On the technique of filtering agar-agar.] Arch. vet. nauk, P.- Peterb., 1899, xxix, 2. sect., 187-189.—Weidanz (O.) Zur Technik der sterilen Filtration. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcl, 1. Abt., Jena, 190S, xhi, Orig.. 567-572—Weil (P. E.) Sur l'acidification des milieux de culture par les sels alcalins de ces milieux pendant la sterilisation a l'autoclave. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1916, lxxix, 66."-nw. Bacteriology (Experimental). Kolle (W.) & Hetpch (H.) Die experi- mentelle Bakteriologie und die Infektions- krankheiten. mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Immunitatslehre. 8°. Berlin dc Wien. 1906. —— ■-----. The same. Ein Lehrbuch fur Studierende, Aerzte und Modizinalbeamte. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin d- Wien. 1908. ------------. Thesame. 3. Aufl. v. 1. 4°. Berlin, 1911. ■----■— •-----. The same. La baeteriologie experimentale appliquee a l'etude des maladies infectieuses. Traduction francaise par H. Car- riere. 8°. Barh dc Geneve. 1910. llarber i,M. A.) A technic for the inoculation of bacteria and other substances into living cells. J. Infect. Dis., Chi- cago, 1911,viii, 348-360.—Salomon sen (C.J.) Achemotactic experiment. Contrib. Univ. Lab. M. Bacteriol., Copenh., 1902, No. 12, l-s.- Shattock (S. G.) & Ballance (C. A.) An attempt to cultivate parasitic protozoa from malignant tumours, vaccinia, molluscrm contagiosum, and certain normal tissues, together with infection experiments carried out with the culture media, and a note on the treatment of cancer. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1895, lviii, 469-472. BACTERIOLOGY. 303 BACTERIOLOGY Bacteriology (History of). See, aho, Bacteriology inr elation to medicine. Simon (S.) *Geschichte der Reinkultur. 8°. Munchen, 1907. Arnold (W. F.) Some of the work abroad of the Pasteur Institute by its medecins des colonies en mission. N York M. J., 1896, lxiv, 459-462. Also, Reprint.—Baumgarten. Der gegenwartige Stand der Baeteriologie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 585; 615. Aho: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1900, xxxv, 393-398.—Beattie (J. M.) Bac- teriology; a review and an outlook. Liverp. Med.-Chir. J.,1913, xxxhi, 33-51. Also, Reprint.—Bergey (D. H.) Recent progress in bacteriology. Medicine, Detroit, 1901, vh, 617- 622.---—. Early instructors in bacteriology in the United States. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, ii, 595-601.—BUiings (J S ) Progress in bacteriology during the past year. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1897, 236-244.—Bolton (B. M ) The history of bacteriology. St. Louis M. Rev., 1904, xlix, 242- 248.—Boucher (H.) Doctrine hippocratique et baeteriolo- gie. J. d'hyg., Par., 1897, xxh, 575; 590.—Busch & Marp- mann (G.) Ueber einige Fortschritte in der Bakteriologie Ztschr. f. angew. Mikr., Leipz., 1904, x, 197-207.—Douglas (C- C.) On some recent advances in bacteriology. Med Press & Cue, Lond., 1909, n. s., lxxxviii, 660.—Dunning (L. H.) The influence of Pasteur's investigations and dis- cussions upon modern medicine and surgery. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag., 1897, xvii, 87-93.—Early (The) history of bac- teriology in the United States. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1918, lxx, 1946—Glynn (E.) Presidential address on bac- teriology and the war, with comments on the national neglect of science. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc, 1916, xxx 3-38.—Gruber (M.) Hans Buchners Anted an der Ent- wicklung der Bakteriologie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 564-568. Aho: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. in Munchen (1903), 1904, xiii, 20-33.—Hastings (E. G.) & Morrey (C B.) Early instructors in bacteriology in the United States. J. Bact., Bait., 1918, hi, 307.—Hossack (W. C.) German influence on modern bacteriology, the need for ehmination and revision. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, h, 161-165 See, aho, infra, Sutherland.—Hull (T. Y.\ The develop- ment of bacteriology. Med. Era, St. Loais, 1910, xix, 98- 102.—Kausch. Die Abteilung fur Bakteriologie und experimentelle Therapie der deutschen medizinischen Ausstellung auf der Weltausstellung zu St. Louis 1904. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxv, 593- 613.—Lepine (R.) L'oeuvre de Straus. Lyon med., 1896, lxxxiii, 541-549.—Lie (H. P.) [The principal hnes of the historical development of bacteriology.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1905, 5, R., hi, 1183-1198.— McFarland (J.) Recent progress in bacteriology. J.Med Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1904-5, i, 61-64.—Meinicke. Riick- blick auf bakteriologische Forschungsergebnisse des Jahres 1904, die von allgemeinerem Interesse sind. Deutsche med Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1905, xxxi, 386; 424—Metchni- koff (R.) & Metchnikoff (E.) Paolo Ehrlich e Emilio Behring. Tommasi, Napoli, 1914, ix, 241-247.—Murzaveff (B.) [On the history of development of bacteriological'in- stitutions in Russia.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 1821-1823.—Nature (The) of bacteria, an early American view. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915,lxiv, 1994.—Peracchia (A.) Vantaggi delle dottrine moderne cellulan e microbiche in confronto delle antiche. Corriere san. Settim., Milano, 1897, vhi, No. 40, 1-3; No. 41,1-3; No. 42,1; No. 43,1; No. 44, 2; No. 45, 1-3.—Pfeiffer. Einige Ergebnisse der bakterio- logischen Forschung und verwandter Gebiete wahrend der letzten zwei Jahre, deren Kenntnis im Interesse der offent- lichen Gesundheitspflege in mancher Beziehung wichtig erscheint. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1904, xvii, 201- 226.—Potter (T.) Report upon the progress of bacteriology. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Fort Wayne, 1896,100-105.—Pruszyn- ski (J.) [Review of the works of Prof. NencW and his pupils in bacterioology.l Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1897, 2. s., xvii, 173- 198— Rahn (0.) & Harding (H. A.) Die Bemuhungen zur einheitlichen Beschreibung der Bakterien in Amerika. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1914, xhi, 386- 393.—Reitz (A.) Fortschritte der Bakteriologie im Jahre 1913. Mikrokosmos, Stuttg., 1913-14, vh, 257-263.—Ritchie (J.) The development of bacteriology and the place it occupies amongst the sciences. Edinb."M. J., 1913, n. s., xi, 388-394.—Russell (H. L.) The development of American bacteriology. Medicine, Detroit, 1903, ix, 914-920. Aho: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1903, Columbus, 1904, xxix, 329-339.—Sedgwick (W. T.) Foreword: the genesis of a new science; bacteriology. J. Bact., Bait., 1916, i, 1-4.— Shiga (S.) [The endless chain bacillus in the chronicles of Fuda.] Saitake Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1903, 643-655 — Staples (F.) Bacteriology in the progress of medicine, a few notes from current historv. N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 628-632. Also, Reprint.—Sutherland (W. D.) Remarks on Dr. Hossack's paper on "German influence on modern bacteriology, the need for elimination and revision." Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, li, 216-218.—Tissier (H.) Applica- tions de donnees bacteriologiques a la chirurgie de guerre. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1918, lxix, 805-808 — Woodhead (G. S.) The birth and development of bacte- riology. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lviii, 675-689. Bacteriology (Laboratories and institutes °Q Behla _(R.) Das bakteriologische Labdra- torium bei der koniglichen Regierung in Pots- dam. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Chomienne (M.) *Le laboratoire departe- mental de baeteriologie de Constantine. 8°. Montpellier, 1900. Contributions from the University Labora- tory for Medical Bacteriology. To celebrate the inauguration of the State Serum Institute. Edited by C. J. Salomonsen. sm. 4°. Copen- hagen, 1902. Kenwood (H. R.) Public health laboratory work. Pt. VII, dealing with public health bac- teriological work, contributed by W. G. Savage. 12°. Bondon, 1903. Kharkovskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [ Kharkov Medical Society. ] Bakteriologicheskiy Institut. Otchot za 1905. [Bacteriological In- stitute. Report for 1905.] 8°. Kharkov, 1906. Marshall (C. E.) Bacteriology and the bac- teriological laboratory. 8°. [Lansing], 1904. Repr.from: Ann. Rep. Sec. State Bd. Agric. Mich., 1904, xliii. New York (ft'f!/). Health Bepartment. The work and the products of the bacteriological and vaccine laboratories of the health department. [Circulars of information.] 8°. [New York, 1897-9.] Pisenti (G.) I laboratori provinciali di bac- teriologia. Organizzazione d'un servizio provin- ciale di diagnosi bacteriologica delle malattie infettive per la Provincia dell' Umbria. 8°. Berugia, 1900. Report on the working of the micro-biological section of the King Institute, Guindy, for the year 1917 (with appendix). 4°. Madras, 1918. Research (The) Institute of the National Dental Association. 8°. Clevehnd, [1916]. Albert (H.) The State Board of Health Bacteriological Laboratory. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1904, x, 436-439.— Aldwinckle (T. W.) The bacteriological laboratories and antitoxin stables of the Metropohtan Asylums Board. J. Roy. Inst. Pub. Health, Lond., 1909, xvh, 596-601.— Arzt (L.) Das bakteriologische Eisenbahnlaboratorium der osterreichischen Gesellschaft vom Roten Kreuz. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1335— Avroroff (P. P.) [Con- struction and activity of bacteriological laboratories at the front.] Sibirsk. Vrach, Tomsk, 1916, ih, 3-5.—Blumenthal (P.) Das bacteriologisch-chemische Institut in Moskau und seine Wirksamkeit im Laufe der beiden letzten Jahre. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, 456- 458—Boney (T. K.), Crossman (L. G.) & Boulenger (C. L.) Report of a base laboratory in Mesopotamia for 1916, with special reference to water-borne diseases. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1918, xxx, 409-423.—Brown (W. W.) Possibilities of laboratory and bacteriological work in me- dium and small sized towns. J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1912, ii, 11-14— Carbajal (A. J.) Los laboratorios zimo- tdenicos. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate," Mexico, 1901, xvi, 191-205.-----. Sobre las condiciones que debe satisfacer el Laboratorio bacteriologico en el Instituto patologico nacional. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1906-7, 2. ep., iv, 401^07.—Carougeau. Institut bacteriologique du Trans- vaal. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1909, 5. s., xiii, 513- 522.—Charles (N.) Institut provincial de baeteriologie du Hainaut. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1902, xxhi, 272.—Connolly (R. N.) Resumed of experience of the Newark City Labora- tory. Albany M. Ann., 1907, xxviii, 584-588.—Cordier (J.- A.) Le laboratoire de baeteriologie cie Reims. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1896, xx, 329-332— Cozzolino (V.) II laboratorio provinciate di batteriologia di Perugia (Um- bria). Tuberculosis, Leipz., 1902, i, 111-113.—Doerr (R.) Ein tragbares bakteriologisches Laboratorium fiir den Krieg, basiert auf das neue Prinzip der Trockennahrboden. Militararzt, Wien, 1909, xliii, 273-278.—E. II nuovo labora- torio di batteriologia agraria annesso alia stazione svizzera di ricerche agricole in Berna. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1905, i, 65-67.—Eijkman (C.) Verslag over de onderzoe- kingen verricht in het Laboratorium voor pathologische anatomie en baeteriologie te Weltevreden. Geneesk. Tijd- schr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1895, xxxv, 252-258.—Ernst BACTERIOLOGY. 304 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteriology (Laboratories and institutes of). (H. C.) The bacteriological laboratory. Harvard Grad. Mag., Bost., 1894-5, iii, 336-341. ---—. The Harvard Bac- teriological Laboratory. Ibid., 1895, xxx, 336-341. Aho, Reprint.—Eyre (J. W.) H.) The bacteriological depart- ment of Charing Cross Hospital, England. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1900, iii, 824-827.-----. The new laborato- ries of the bacteriological department at Guy's Hospital. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1914, 3. s., hii, 145-165, 12 pi.— Fiblger (J.). Oversigt over Virksomheden ved det hak- teriologiske Laboratorium ved Kj0benhavns Garnisonssy- gehus i Aarene 1891-5. [Review of the works of the Bacte- riological Laboratory in the garrison hospital at Copenha- gen, 1891-5.] Mhitaerkegen, Kj0benh., 1896, iv, 57-65.—Frei- feld (Y. Y.) [The Odessa Bacteriological Laboratory.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 882-884.—von Freuden- reich (E.) Das bakteriologische Laboratorium der schwei- zerischen landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs- und Untersu- chungsanstalten auf dem Liebefeld bei Bern. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xiii, 631-640.—tiage (S. de M.) Apparat us and expedients in t he bacteriological labo- ratory. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1908, xxi, 508-521.—Glynn (E. E.) Summary of papers published in the Thompson-Yates Laboratory of Pathology and Bacteriology; July, 1911, July, 1912. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1912, xxxu, 432-444.—de Haan (J.) Bacteriologische laboratona en instituten in Neder- land. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. De ziekenverpleg. [etc]. Artikelen . . . Catalog, d. Hist.-Geneesk. Tentoonst. te Arnhem, Amst., 1899, 110-115—Hoobler (B. R.) A modern bacteriological laboratory. J. Applied Micr., Roch- ester, 1902, v, 1909-1916.—Htine. Ersparnisse in bakterio- logischen Laboratories Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 128-131.—Imperial (The ) Bacteriological Lab- oratory, Muktesar, India. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 319 — Inauguration de l'lnstitut bacteriologique et serothe- rapique du prof. Denys, k Louvain. Belgique med., Gand- Haarlem, 1899, i, 161-174.—Jaarverslag van het Labora- torium voor pathologische anatomie en baeteriologie te Weltevreden over het jaar 1895. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1896, xxxvi, 143-288,1 pi.—Kolle (W.) Das Institut fiir Hygiene und Bakteriologie (Institut zur Erforschung der Infektionskrankheiten) der Universitat Bern. Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Infektionskrankh. in Bern [etc.], Jena, 1910, 6. Hft., 1-28. Aho: Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1911, xxv, 19-60, 4 pi— Laboratoires (Les) de baete- riologie et les mesures destinees a eviter les dangers des recherches bacteriologiques. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1899, 3. s., xii, 263-265.—Malvoz (E.) Les laboratoires regionaux de baeteriologie; situation actuelle et avenir de ces institutions. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1898, xxxvu, 56; 118— Murza- yeff (B. V.) Revelskaya bakteriologicheskaya laboratoriya. Vestnik Obshtsh. Vet., S.-Peterb., 1906, xvhi, 768; 828.— Nakagawa (A.) Progress of Professor Kitasato's Insti- tute for Infectious Diseases, at Tokio. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1897, n. s., vi, 313-315.—Nicolle (C.) Re- flexions sur cinq annees de pratique de laboratoire. Nor- mandie, Rouen, 1899, xiv, 409-426.— Noc. Fonctionnement du laboratoire de baeteriologie de Noumea (Nouvellc- Cal£donie), annees 1901-2. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon.. Par., 1903, vi, 477-490.—Pazos (J.) La reorganization del Laboratorio nacional. Eco cient., Ciego de Avila, Cuba, 1917, i, 26-28— Praum (A.) Das bakteriologische Staats- laboratorium in Luxemburg. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxix, Orig., 229-239.—Prausnltz (W.) Bakteriologische Untersuchungsstellen und Amtsarzt. Amtsarzt, Leipz. & Wien, 1913, v, 161-167.—Ravenel (D. M.) Bacteriological laboratory at Princeton. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1896, 183-189.—Report of committee on standardization of the scope of laboratory work in State bacteriological laboratories. South. M. J., Birmingham, Ala., 1917, x, 219-222.—Rettger (L. F.) Hygiene of the bacteriological laboratory. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1913, iii, 697-700.—Rimpau (W.) Die Kgl. Bakteriologische Untersuchungsanstalt Munchen im Dienste der Scuchen- bekampfung 1916. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1524-1527— Rosenthal (W.) Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit des bakteriologi.selien Untersuchungsamtes am Institut fiir medizinische Chemie und Hygiene zu Gottingen im ersten Jahre 1905-6. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xvi, 993; 1049— Rytkogel (II. A. L.) The baeteriologie laboratory in preventive medicine. Pacific Rec. M. & S., San Fran., 1897-8, xii, 305-307—Salomon. Ueber bakteriologische Itegierungs-Laboratorien. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xvi, 1—1— Schopf (V.) Bakteriologische Untersuchungs- stellen und Amtsarzt. Amtsarzt, Leipz. & Wien, 1913. v. 121-128.—Serkovski (S.) [Activity of the Lodz Municipal Chemico-Bacteriologic Laboratory during 1901-7.1 Vest- nik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., S.-I'eterb., 1907, xlui, 1380-1387.—Smith (G.) Bakteriologisches Laborato- rium der Linnean Society of New South Wales. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena 1905-6, xv,733-737.—Stinl., De Putilite pour le praticien d'un laboratoire microbiologique. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 629— Talotta (G.) Rendiconto sull'attivita del laboratorio batteriologico e chimico dai dicembre 1915 al gennaio 1918. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1918, lxvi, 506-509.—Tavel. Das Bacteriology (Laboratories and institutes of). bakteriologische Institut der Universitat Bern. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 670; 742.—von Ucke (A.) Historischer Ruckblick auf die Entwicklung des bacteriologischen Laboratoriums der Brehmer'schen An- stalt. Gorbersdorf. Veroffentl., Stuttg., 1898, ii, 177-182 — Vallin (E.) Les mesures de prophylaxie dans les labora- toires de baeteriologie. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1899, xxi, 289- 294.—Wehmer (C.) Das neue Laboratorium fur technische Bakteriologie an der technischen Hochsehule zu Hannover. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1910, xxvi, 667- 669.—Wellcome (H. S.) A motor baeteri ological laboratory. Lancet, Lond., 1918, i, 353.—Wild (W. F.) What the State bacteriological laboratory can and cannot do and the reasons why. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1914, xix, 124-127.—Yaki- moff (V. L.) [The Grand-Ducal bacteriological station of the Don private stud.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Vet., S.-Peterb., 1906, xviii, 871; 971— Zirolia (G.) II Laboratorio batterio- logico di Porto Said; alia dipendenza del Consiglio sanitario marittimo e quarantenario di Egitto. Igiene mod., Genova, 1908, i, 255; 289. Bacteriology (Manuals and atlases of). Abbott (A. C.) The principles of bacte- riology. A practical manual for students and physicians. 4. ed. 12°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1897. ------. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1809. ------. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1902. ------. The same. 7. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1905. ------. The same. S. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1909. ------. The same. 9. ed., thoroughly re- vised. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1915. Abel (R. V. L.) Bakteriologisches Taschen- buch enthaltend die wichtigsten technischen Vorschriften zur bakteriologischen Laborato- riumsarbeit. 9. Aufl. 12°. Wurzburg. 1905. ---—. The same. 10. Aufl. 12°. Wiirz- burg, 1906. ------. The same. 11. Aufl. 12°. Wiirz- burg, 1907. f ------. The same. Laboratory handbook of bacteriology. Transl. from the 10. German ed. by M. H. Gordon, with additions by A. C. Houston, T. J. Horder. and the translator. 12°. London, 1907. ------. The same. 2. English ed., transl. from the 15. German ed. by M. H. Gordon, with additions by A. 0. Houston, T. J. Horder. and the translator. 12°. London, [1913]. Applied bacteriology. An elementary hand- book for the use of students of hygiene, medical officers of health, and analysts. Revised and edited by C. G. Moore with the co-operation of R. T. Hewlett. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1906. Archinard (P. E.) Microscopy and bacte- riology. A manual for students and practi- tioners. Ed. by V. C. Pedersen. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1903. ------. The same. Microscopy, bacteriology, and human parasitology. 2. ed., revised and enlarged. 8 . Bhiladelphia d- New York, [1912]. Ball (M. V.) Essentials of bacteriology, being a concise and systematic introduction to the study of'micro-organisms. 5. ed., thoroughly revised by K. M. Vogel. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1904. ------. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Bhiladel- phia dc London, 1908. ------. The same. 7. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia d London, 1913. Berlioz (F.) Precis de baeteriologie medi- cale. Avec preface par L. Landouzy. 12°. Boris, 1903. BACTERIOLOGY. 305 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteriology (Manuals and atlases of). Besson (A.) Technique microbiologique et serotherapique. Guide pour les travaux du laboratoire. 8°. Baris, 1898. -----. The same. (Microbes pathogenes de l'homme et des animaux.) Guide du medecin et du vet^rinaire pour les travaux de laboratoire. 6. ed. 8°. Barh, 1914. -----. The same. Practical bacteriology, microbiology and serum therapy (medical and veterinary). Translated and adapted from the 5. French ed. by H. J. Hutchens. 8°. London. 1913. Bolduan (C. F.) & Grund (M.) Applied bacteriology for nurses. 8°. Bhiladelphia d London, 1913. ------------. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia dc Bondon, 1916. Bowhill (T.) Manual of bacteriological technique and special bacteriology. 8°. Edin- burgh, London, 1899. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1902. ------. Thesame. 8°. New York, 1899. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1902. Brugsch (T.) & Schittenhelm (A.) Lehr- buch klinischer Untersuchungsmethoden fiir Studierende und Aerzte. Mit einem Beitrag: Klinische Bakteriologie, Protozoologie und Immuno-Diagnostik, von J. Citron. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, 1908. B ujwid (0.) Mikrophotographischer Wandat- las der Bakteriologie. 1. Teil. fol. Berlin, [1910]. van Calcar (R. P.) Leerboek der klinische baeteriologie. 8°. Leiden, 1906. Chester (F. D.) A manual of determinative bacteriology. 8°. New York, 1901. Citron (J. B.) Klinische Bakteriologie und Protozoenkunde. 8°. Leipzig, 1912. Courmont (J.) Precis de baeteriologie pra- tique. 8°. Barh, 1897. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Baris, 1903. —----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1907. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8°. Paris, 1911. Crookshank (E. M.) A text-book of bacteri- ology, including the etiology and prevention of infective diseases and a short account of yeasts and moulds, hsematozoa and psorosperms. 4. ed., reconstructed, revised, and greatly en- larged. 8°. Bondon, 1896. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1897. Curtis (H. J.) The essentials of practical bac- teriology; an elementary laboratory book for students and practitioners. 8°. London, New York dc Bombay, 1900. Deason (J.) Practical bacteriology. 3. ed. 8°. Kirksville, Mo., 1913. Dhingra (M. L.) Elementary bacteriology. 8°. London, 1903. Dupont (A.) Tableaux synoptiques de bae- teriologie medicale. 8°. Baris, 1901. Ellis (D.) Outlines of bacteriology (tech- nical and agricultural). 8°. London & New York, 1909. Emery (W. D'E.) Clinical bacteriology and hematology for practitioners. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1906. . Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1908. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1912. ■ ■ . Thesame. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1917. —----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1906. 96S080—Vol. II, 3d series—19----20 Bacteriology (Manuals and atlases of). Eyre (J. W. H.) The elements of bacteri- ological technique; a laboratory guide for the medical, dental, and technical student. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1902. ■-----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1913. Fox (H.) Elementary bacteriology and pro- tozoology, for the use of nurses. 8°. Bhiladel- phia dc New York, 1912. ■---—. The same. 2. ed. revised and en- larged. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1916. Frentzel (J.) Coccen-Bacterien-Spirillen- Formen. Nach der Natur gezeichnet. eleph. fol. Berlin, 1898. Frost (W. D.) A laboratory guide in ele- mentary bacteriology. 4°. Madhon, Wis., 1901. Funck (M.) Manuel de baeteriologie cli- nique. 12°. Bruxelles, 1901. Gamaleia (N.) Elemente der allgemeinen Bakteriologie. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Geisler (F. K.) Kratkiy kurs klinicheskoi bakteriologii. [Short course of clinical bacteri- ology.] 2. ed. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1904. Gorham (F. P.) A laboratory course in bac- teriology for the use of medical, agricultural and industrial students. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Lon- don, 1901. Gunther (C.) EinfiihrungindasStudiumder Bakteriologie mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der mikroskopischen Technik. Fiir Aerzte und Studirende der Medicin. 5. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. ------. The same. 6. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Heim (L.) Lehrbuch der Bakteriologie mit besonderer Beriiksichtigung der bakteriologi- schen Untersuchung und Diagnostik. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1898. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1906. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. roy. 8°. Stutt- gart, 1911. Heinemann (P. G.) A laboratory guide in bacteriology for the use of students, teachers j and practitioners. 12°. Chicago, 1905. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Chicago, [1913]. van Hest (J. J.) Baeteriologie. Leiddraad bij de practische voorbereiding voor bacterio- logische studien en bij het practisch werken. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Amsterdam, 1898. Hewlett (R. T.) A manual of bacteriology, clinical and applied; with an appendix on bacterial remedies, etc. 8°. London, 1898. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1908. ------. Thesame. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1914. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1902. Hiss (P. H.) & Zinsser (H.) A text-book of bacteriology; a practical treatise for students and practitioners of medicine. 8°. New York dc London, 1910. -----■ ■-----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New York dc London, 1914. ------.-----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. New York dc London, 1916. Hueppe (F.) The principles of bacteriology. Authorized translation from the German, by E.O.Jordan. 8°. Chicago, 1899. Jane way (H. H.) Lecture notes on bacte- riology, for dental'students. 8°. New York, [1915]. Jordan (E. O.) A text-book of general bacteriology. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1908. BACTERIOLOGY. 306 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteriology (Manuals and atlases of). ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1910. ■-----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1912. ------. The same. 4. ed., thoroughly revised. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, 1914. ------. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1916. Kendall (A. I.) Bacteriology, general, pathological, and intestinal. Illustrated. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1916. Kisskalt (K.) & Hartmann (M.) Prakti- kum der Bakteriologie und Protozoologie. 8°. Jena, 1907. ----- ———. The same. 2. Aufl. Erster Teil: Bakteriologie, von Kisskalt. 8°. Jena, 1909. -----------. The same. 3. Aufl. 4°. Jena, 1914. Klopstock (M.) & Kowarsky (A.) A manual of clinical chemistry, microscopy and bacteriol- ogy. Transl. by T.Wright. 12°. Bondon, 1905. Kuster (E.) & Geisse (A.) Kompendium der praktischen Bakterienkunde. 12°. Strass- burg, 1911. Lefert (P.) Aide-memoire de baeteriologie ?our la preparation du troisieme examen. 16°. arh, 1901. Lehmann (K. B.) & Neumann (R. O.) Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriologie und Lehrbuch der speciellen bakteriologischen Diagnostik. 2. Aufl. 2 v. 12°. Munchen, 1899. -----------. Thesame. 3.Aufl. 2v. 12°. Munchen, 1904. ----- . The same. 4. Aufl. 2 v. 8°. Munchen, 1907. ------------. The same. 5. Aufl. v. 1. 8°. Munchen, 1910 ------------. The same. Atlas and essen- tials of bacteriology. 12°. New York, 1897. ------ ■-----. The same. Atlas and prin- ciples of bacteriology and textbooks of special baeteriologie diagnosis. Authorized transla- tion from the second German enlarged and re- vised edition. Edited by George H. Weaver. 12°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1901. •—---- •----—. The same. Atlas-manuel de baeteriologie. Ed. francaise par V. Griffon. 12°. Barh, 1906. Levy (E.) & Klemperer (F.) Grundriss der klinischen Bakteriologie. Fiir Aerzte und Stu- dirende. 8°. Berlin, 1894. ------------. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 8°. Ber- lin, 1898. ------------. The same. Elements of clin- ical bacteriology, for physicians and students. Authorized translation by Augustus A. Eshner. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1900. Levy (E.) & Wolf (S.) Bakteriologischer Leitfaden. Zweite vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage des Bakteriologischen Nachschlagebu- ches von Ernst Levy und Hayo Bruns. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1901. Mace (E.) Traite pratique de baeteriologie. 3. ed. 12°. Barh, 1897. ----—. Thesame. 4. 6d. 8°. Barh, 1901. ------. Thesame. 6. ed. Vol. 1: Morpholo- gie et biologie generates, technique bacterio- logique, classification et description. 4°. Barh, 1912. ------. Atlas de microbiologic 2. 6d. 4°. Barh, 1915. Bacteriology (Manuals and atlases of). McIsaac (Isabel). Bacteriology for nurses. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1914. Mangin (G.) Precis de technique micros- copique et bacteriologique. Precede d'une pre- face de M. Mathias Duval. 16°. Barh, 1896.- Minett (E. P.) Differential diagnosis of bac- teria and practical bacteriology. 8°. London, 1909. Miquel (P.) & Cambier (R.) Traite de bae- teriologie pure et appliquee a la medecine et a l'hygiene. rov. 8°. Parh, 1902. Moor (C. G.) & Hewlett (R. T.) Applied bacteriology. An elementary handbook for the use of students of hygiene, medical officers of health, and analysts. 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1906. Moor (C. G.) & Partridge (W.) Aids to bac- teriology. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1911. ■---— —----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1916. Moore (V. A.) Laboratory directions for beginners in bacteriology. 12°. Boston, 1898. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 12°. Boston, 1900. ------. Thesame. An introduction to practi- cal bacteriology for students and practitioners of comparative and of human medicine. 3. ed. 12°. Boston, 1905. Morrey (C. B.) The fundamentals of bacte- riology. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1917. Muir (R.) & Ritchie (J.) Manual of bacte- riology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1897. -------------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh dc London, 1899. ------------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Edin- burgh dc London, 1902. —— ------. The same. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1907. -----------. Thesame. 6.ed. S°. London, 1913. ------------. The same. Am. ed. (with ad- ditions), revised and edited from 3. English ed. by N. MacL. Harris. 8°. New York, 1903. Newman (G.) Bacteriology and the public health. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1904. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1904. Omelyanski (V. L.) Osnovi mikrobiologii. [Principles of microbiology.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1909. Park (W. H.) Bacteriology in medicine and surgery. A practical manual for physicians, health officers and students. Assisted by A. R. Guerard. 8°. New York & Bhiladelphia, [1899]. Pearm.un (T. II.) A- Moor (C. G.) Applied bacteriology. An introductory handbook for the use of students, medical officers of health, ana- lysts and sanitarians. 2. ed. 8°. London, Baris d Madrid, 1S98. Pitfield (R. L.) A compend on bacteriology, including animal parasites. 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1907. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1913. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, [1917]. Prescher (J.) A- Rabs (V.) Bakteriologisch- chemisches Praktikum. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wiirz- burg, 1910. Reed (II. S.) A manual of bacteriology for agricultural and general science students. 8°. Boston, [etc.], 1914. BACTERIOLOGY. 307 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteriology (Manuals and atlases of). Roddy (J. A.) Medical bacteriology. 8°. Bhiladelphia, [1917]. Roux (G.) Precis de microbe et de technique bacterioscopique. 16°. Lyon, 1898. ------&Rochaix(A.) Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Barh, 1911. Rozental (L. S.) Mikrobiologiya zaraznikh bolleznei. [Microbiology of contagious dis- eases.] 8°. Moskva, 1912. Sartory (A.) Guide pratique des principales manipulations bacteriologiques a, l'usage des pharmaciens. Preface de M. le professeur H. Roger. 8°. Baris, [1917]. Schmidt (J.) & Weis (F.) Bakterierne; naturhistorisk grundlag for det bakteriologiske studium. II. Fysiologi, udbredelse, forekomst og betydning, af Weis (F.). [Bacteria; scien- tific principles for the study of bacteriology. II. Physiology, distribution, occurrence, and importance, by F. Weis.] 8°. R~0penhavn, 1900. Schneider (A.) Pharmaceutical bacteriol- ogy; with special reference to disinfection and sterilization. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1912. Slater (C.) & Spitta (E. J.) An atlas of bac- teriology, with explanatory text. 8°. London, 1898. Smith (A. J.) Lessons and laboratory exer- cises in bacteriology; an outline of technical methods introductory to the systematic study and identification of bacteria, arranged for the use of students. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1902. Sternberg (G. M.) A text-book of bacteri- ology. 2. revised ed. 8°. New York, 1901. Stitt (E. R.) Practical bacteriology, blood work and animal parasitology, including bac- teriological keys, zoological tables and explana- tory clinical notes. 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1909. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1910. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1915. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, [1916]. ------. The same. 12°. Bondon, 1909. Symes (J. O.) The bacteriology of everyday practice. 8°. London, 1900. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1904. Tarchetti (C.) & Goggia (C. P.) Manuale di microscopia e batteriologia clinica. 16°. Milano, [1906]. Thoinot (L. H.) & Masselin (E. J.) Precis de microbie. Technique et microbes patho- genes. 4. 6d. 16°. Barh', 1902. Tonzig (C.) & Rtata (G. Q.) Nozioni tec- niche di bacteriol ogia, microscopia e chimica applicate all'igiene; ad uso dei medici, ufficiali sanitari e studenti. 16°. Citta di Castello, 1901. Troiessart (E. L.) Guide pratique du diagnostic bacteriologique des maladies micro- biennes a l'usage des medecins praticiens. 16°. Baris, 1896. Williams (H. TJ.) A manual of bacteriology. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1898. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Bhiladel- phia, 1901. ------. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Bhiladel- phia, 1903. ------. Thesame. Revised by B. M. Bolton. 4. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1906. ------. The same. 5. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1908. Bacteriology (Manuals and atlases of). Zabolotniy (D. K.) Chastnaya bakterio- logiya. [Special bacteriology.] 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1908. ------. Obshtshava bakteriologiya. [Gen- eral bacteriology.] 86. [S.-Beterburg, 1909.] Zapffe (F. C.) Bacteriology. A manual for students and practitioners. Ed. by B B Gal- laudet. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1903. Bacteriology (Methods and technique in). See, also, Bacteria (Cultivation of); Bacteria (BifferentiMion, etc., of); Bacteria (Enumera- tion of); Bacteria (Staining of); Bacteriology (Apparatus, etc., in); Bacteriology (Culture media in). Abel (R.) Ueber einfache Hulfsmittel zur Ausfiihrung bacteriologischer Untersuchungen in der arzthchen Praxis. 8°. Wurzburg, 1899. ------ & Ficker (M.) The same. 2. Aufl. 16°. Wurzburg, 1909 [1908]. Choquet (J.) La photomicrographie his- tologique. 8°. Baris, 1897. Dolley (C. S.) The technology of bacteria; investigation, explicit directions for the study of bacteria, their culture, staining, mounting, etc., according to the methods employed by the most eminent investigators. 12°. Boston, 1891. Hesse (G. R.) *Beitrage zur HersteUung von Nahrboden und zur Ba"kterienzuchtung. [Kiel ] 8°. Bresden, 1903. Htjbener (H.) ^Untersuchungen iiber die Bakterienflora auf Geldstiicken unter beson- derer Berucksichtigung des Bakterium coli commune als Indikator fiir fakale Verunreinigun- gen. [Berlin.] 8°. Aumai. Sn., 1909. Kamen (L.) Anleitung zur Durchfuhrung bakteriologischer Untersuchungen fiir klinisch- diagnostische und hygienische Zwecke. 8°. Wien, 1903. Muller (N. J. C.) Neue Methoden der Bak- terienforschung. 8°. Stuttgart, 1897. Novy (F. G.) Directions for laboratory work in bacteriology, for the use of the medical class in the University of Michigan. 8°. Ann Arbor, [1894]. ------. The same. 2. ed., revised and en- larged. 8°. Ann Arbor, 1899. Also, in: 3. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1898, i, 157; 175; 190; 211:1899, ii, 235; 267. Petri (R. I.) Ueber die Methoden der moder- nen Bakterienforschung. 8°. Hamburg, 1887. Rosenau (M. J.) Laboratory technique. 8°. Washington, 1902. Savage (W. G.) The bacteriological exami- nation of food and water. 8°. Cambridge, 1914. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Cambridge, 1916. Schneider (A.) Bacteriological methods in food and drugs laboratories, with an introduc- tion to micro-analytical methods. 8°. Bhila- delphia, [1915]. Schurmayer (B.) Die bacteriologische Tech- nik. 12°. Beipzig, [1897?]. Ali Cohen (C. H.) Over de chemotaxis als hulpmiddel bij het bacteriologischonderzoek. (Demonstratie.) Handel. v. h. Nederl. Nat.- en Geneesk. Cong., 's-Gravenhage, 1893, 220.—Almquist (E.) Ueber eine Methode, das speciflsche Gewicht von Bakterien und anderen Korperchen zu bestim- men. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1898, xxviii, 321-330.—Armandruffer (M.) & Crendiropoulo (M.) Contribution to the technique of bacteriology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1305.—Bajardi (A.) La tecnica della distribuzione dei liquidi in bacteriologia e le apphcazioni della pera Centanni. Ann. d'ig. sper., lloma, 1901, n. s., xi, BACTERIOLOGY. 308 BACTERIOLOGY. Bacteriology (Methods and technique in). 537-545, 1 pi.—Barille (A.) Application de 1'ultramicros- copea la photocinematographie des microbes. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1910, clix, 862-865— Barnard (J. E.) & Hewlett (R. T.) On a method of disintegrating bacterial and other organic cells. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1911, s. B., lxxxiv, 57-66, 1 pi. Ahf>: 3. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1911, pt. 5,592-597,1 pi—Beebe (W. L.) A method of sealing test tubes to prevent evaporation of culture media. Am. J. Pub. Hyg., Bost., 1909-10, n. s., vi, 231— Bertarelli (E.) Provette per eseguire colture aerobiche ed anaerobiche sotto l'azione dei raggi colorati. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1903, xiv, 198-200.—Biffl (U.) Un nuovo metodo per l'allestimento delle preparazioni microscopiche a fresco. Rio. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1908, ix, 325-328— Boehn- cke (K. E.) Zur Methodik des bakteriotropen Reagenz- glasversuches. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912-13, lxvii, Orig., 586-591.—Braasch (W. F.) Various laboratory methods employed in Vienna clinics. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906, xxvi, 98-100—Bugge. Ueber intravenose Injektion und Aderlass durch Hohlnadeln mit Stilett. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt., Jena, 1908-9, xlviii, Orig., 701-704.—Burri (R.) Zu Prof. Dr. P. Lind- ner's Bemerkungen iiber meine vorlaufige Mitteilung betrefiend die Tuschepunktkultur. Ibid., Jena, 1908, xxi, 80-83.—Cache (A.) Ueber die Frage der bakteriologischen Technik. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxvii, 47-52.—Caulneld (A. H.) Methods for the collection and transport of body fluids for bacteriological investigation. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 586-592— Chatterjee (G. C.) A mechanism for replacing the cotton plugs of test tubes for receiving culture media. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1083.— Clark (W. M.) & Lubs (H. A.) The colorimetric deter- mination of hydrogen ion concentration and its applications in bacteriology. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, ii, 1; 109; 191 — Comandon (J.) Transport eiectrique des microbes. Arch, d'eiectric. med., Bordeaux, 1913, xxiii, 49-58, 1 pi.— Conn (H.J.) A plan for revivifying bacteria by groups. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxviii, 415.— Coplin (W. M. L.) Modifications and. improvements in the Petri-dish-plate-glass-gelatin-method of mounting glass specimens. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1905, n. s., viii, 93-96.— Darling (S. T.) The use of bismuth salts in media to detect the formation of sulphur bodies of bacterial origin; a preliminary note. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1913, iii, 233- 235. Aho, Reprint—Davis (D. M.) & Rosen (R.) Sur- ' face sterilization of tissues for bacterial studies. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1917, xxi, 327-337.—Dawson (C. F.) Labora- tory methods for the diagnosis of certain microorganismal diseases. Vet. J., Lond., 1900, n. s., i, 106; 136.—Dold (H.) Artificial flsh-in-stream arrangement of bacteria. J. Roy. Inst. Pub. Health, Lond., 1909, xvii, 489-491— Donald (R.) A method of drop-measuring liquids and suspensions. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1245.—Dreyer (G.) & Gardner (A. D.) A general method of estimating the relative turbiditv or opacity of fluid suspensions, including bacterial emul- sions. Bio-Chem. J., Lond., 1916, x, 399-407.—Dreyer (L.) Ueber eine einfache Mc.hode, Untcrsuchungsmaterial gleichzeitig nebeneinandd auf aerobe und anaerobe Bakte- rien zu untersuchen. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1906, xvi, 1186.—Eisenberg (C.) Ueber die Verwertung des Inhalts von Vcsikatorblasen zu biologischen Untersuchungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 613- 616.—van der Elst (P.) Procede general pratique de mise en evidence des microbes. Ann. de med. vet., Brux.. 1913, lxii, 328 333.— Frohlich (J.) Ueber zwei praktiscn be- wahrte Untersuchungsmethoden aus der modernen Bakte- riologie. Amtsarzt, Leipz. & Wien, 1910, ii, 162-166—Frost (W. D.) A refinement ofthe technic of quantitative bacte- riological analyses. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxviii,371.—Glemsa(G.) Paraflinol als Einschluss- mittel fiir Romanowsky-Praparate und als Konservierungs- fliissigkeit fiir ungefiirbte Trockcnausstriche. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1913, lxx, Orig., 444-446 — Giuflre(L.) & Slmonclni (G. B.) I fenomeni termici che si manifestano nelle colture dei microrganismi; ricerche calorimetriche. Ist. d'ig. d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Lav. di lab., Roma, 1899-1901, v, 27-31.—Grlmbert. Unification des procedes d'analyso bacteriologique. Bull, med., Par., 1903, xvii, 779.—Hammer (13. W.) A note on the vacuum desiccation of bacteria. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1911, xxiv. 527-530—Harding (H. A.) Results from Moore's method of shipping bacteria on cotton. Science, N. V. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n.s., xxiv, 122-124—Hastings (E.G.) A method for the preservation of plate cultures for museum and dem- onstration purposes. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1912, xxxiv, 432-434.— Heller (O.) Die Roth- bcrgersche Neutralrotreaktion auf Gelatine bei 37°. Ibid., 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxviii, 117-122.—Hesse(W ) A N'iedner. Die quantitative Bestimmung von Bakterien in Kliissigkei- ten. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1906, liii, 259-280.— Heydenreich (L.) Einige Neuerungen in der bacteriologischen Technik. Ztsehr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1899, xvi, 145-179— Hill (H. W.) Hanging block preparations for the microscopic observation of devel- oping bacteria. J. Med. Research, Host., 1902, vii, 202-212.— Bacteriology (Methods and technique in). Holman (W. L.) A method for making carbohydrate serum broth of constant composition for use in the study of streptococci. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1914, xv, 209-214.— Hurwitz (S. H.), Meyer (K. F.) & Ostenberg (Z.) A colorimetric method for the determination of the hydrogen ion concentration of biological fluids, with special reference to the adjustment of bacteriological culture media. Johns Hopkins Hosp. BuU. Bait., 1916, xxvu, 16-24.—Iwanofl (W. A.) Zur Frage iiber das Eindringen der Formalin- dampfe in die organischen Gewebe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxii, 50-58.—Jane (H.) Ein Vorschlag zur Materialersparnis bei bakteriologischen Untersuchungen. Ibid., 1915, lxxvi, 304.—de Jager (L.) Mittel, um oberflachliche Bakterienkolonien zu photo- graphieren. Ibid., 1908, xlvi, Orig., 92-94.—Judet (E.) Etude des procMes bacteriologiques pour la separation des microbes, et preparation de quelques milieux destines a cette separation. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1902-3, viii, 14; 39.—Kellerman (K. F.) A method for fixing and sectioning bacterial colonies, fungus mycelium, etc. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1980.—Kellerman (K. F.) & Smith (N. R.) New technique for studying halophytic organisms. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, xh, 663.— King (W. E.) & Davis (L.) Potassium tellurite as an indicator of microbial life. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1914, iv, 917-832.—Kischensky (F.) Ein Verfahren zur schnellen mikroskopischen Untersuchung auf Bakterien in Deckglas- und Objekttragerpraparaten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. fete], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxi, 876.—von KttrOsy (K.) Mikrokalorimeter zur Bestimmung der Warmeproduktion von Bakterien. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1913, Ixxxvi, 383-400.— Kramer (G.) Beitrage zum sofortigen Nachweis von Oxydations- und Reduktionswirkungen der Bakterien auf Grund der neuen Methode von W. H. Schultze. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. 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Animal inoculations supplementary to an introductory course in pathogenic bacteriology. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1917, ii, 573-575— Moore (V. A.) Bacteriology in general education. Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa., 1911, n. S., xxxiii, 277 -284.—Ritchie. The place of Dacteriology in the ordinary curriculum. Edinb. M. J., 1918, xx, 339-345.—Rumsey (C. L.) Importance of bac- teriological study. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y., 1900, vi, 55-59— Thorne (B.) The national importance of gratuitous bacteriological examination. Tr. Brit. Cong. Tuberc. 1901, Lond., 1902, ii, 190-195.—von Ucke (A.) Aufgaben der Baeteriologie in der Brehmer'schen Anstalt. Gorbersdorf. Veroffentl., Stuttg., 1898, ii, 183-194,1 pi. Bacteriology (Vegetable). See, also, Bacteria (Nitrifying); Pathology (Vegetable). Biel (W.) *Ueber einen schwarzes Pigment bildenden Kartoffelbacillus. 8°. Jena, 1896. Conn (H. W.) Agricultural bacteriology; a study of the relation of bacteria to agriculture, with special reference to the bacteria in the soil, in water, in the dairy, in miscellaneous farm products, and in plants and domestic animals. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1901. ------. Trie same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1909. Lohnis (F.) Landwirtschaftlich-bakteriolo- gisches Praktikum. 8°. Berlin, 1911. Smith (E. F.) Bacteria in relation to plant diseases, v. 1-3. 4°. Washington, 1905. Ciocalteu. L'epa' idage agricole et les microbes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxiv, 1411-1413. -Duggell (M.) DieBakterienfloragesunder Samcn und daraus gezo- gener Keimpflanzchcn. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. (etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1901, xii, 602; 695: xiii, 56; 198? 6 pi. Kllrodt (G.) Ueber das Eiri9N, cvi, 83-96. Klein (E.) The relation of bacteri- ologv to medicine. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1898-9, vi, 164-168. -Lelth (R. F. C.) The advance of bacteriological science in the diagnosis and prevention of disease. Bir- mingh. M. Rev., 1899, xlvi, 217-247. Luard). * La depopulation plus speciale- ment envisagee au point de vue obstetrical. 164 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 479. Bagary (Paul) [1876- j. ^Contribution a l'etude du cancer thvroidien; frequence et pronostic. 80 pp., 11. 8°. Byon, 1903, No. 17. Bagdad. See Cholera (Hhtory, etc., of), Plague (Hh- tory, etc., of), by localities. Bagdassarianz (Michael) [1880- ]. *Ueber die Chlorose. 36 pp. 8°. Beipzig, E. Lehmann, 1911. Baget (Lotus) [1876- ]. *Hepatoptose totale et hepatopexie totale (procede de M. Jeaunel). 98 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1900, No. 38]. Bagg (Moses M.) [1816-1900]. Seymour (.G.) Memorial of . . . Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., 1901, 427. Baggally (W. W.) Telepathy, genuine and fraudulent. With a preface by Sir Oliver Lodge, vii, 94 pp., 11. 12°. London, Methuen dc Co., [1917]. Bagge (A. H.) Forfattningshandbok for lakare . . .; andra ofversedda och tillokade upplagan. [Handbook of statutes for physicians; second edition, revised and enlarged.] x, 130 (2 1.), 264 pp. 8°. Stockholm, B. A. Norstedt d- Soner, [1896]. Baggerd (Walter) [1885- ]. ^Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber den Eiweissgehalt des capillaren und venosen Blutserums bei gesunden und kranken Menschen. [Jena.] 22 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1911. Baghdassarian (Missak). *Cardiospasme idio- pathique avec dilatation consecutive de l'oeso- phage. 96 pp. 8°. Boris, 1909, No. 105. Bagilet (Theophile). *L'alcoolisme et l'aliena- tion men tale; statistique pour le departement de la Sorame. 73 pp^ 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 470. Baginski (L. K.) Rezultati bakter'iologicheskavo izslledovaniya dieistviya filtrov Varshavskayo vodoprovoda v 1895 godu i teoriya filtratsii. Doklad predstavlenniy tretyemu russkomu vodo- f>rovodnomu syezdu v S.-Peterburgie v 1897g. Results of the bacteriological investigation of BAGINSKI. 317 BAHNARZT. Baginski (L. K.)—continued. the action of the filters of the Warsaw water- works in 1895 and the theory of filtration. Re- port presented to the third Russian Congress on Water-Supply, held in St. Petersburg in 1897.] 38 pp., 5 tab. 8°. Varshava, Tov. S. Orgd- branda sin., 1897. Baginsky (Adolf) [1843- ]. Die hygienischen Grundziige der mosaischen Gesetzgebung. 2. Aufl. 27 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Sohn, 1895. ------. Diphtherie und diphtheritischer Croup. ix, 364 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1898. Specielle Pathologie und Therapie, 11. Band, 1. Theil. ------. Handbuch der Schulhygiene zum Ge- brauche fiir Aerzte, Sanitatsbeamte, Lehrer, Schulvorstande und Techniker, mit Unterstii- tzung von Otto Janke. 3. Aufl. 2 v. viii, 748 pp.; vi, 428 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1898- 1900. ------. Lehrbuch der Kinderkrankheiten fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 6. Aufl. xx, 1109 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Wreden, 1899. ------. The same. 7. Aufl. xix, 1163 pp. 8°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1902. ------. The same. 8. Aufl. xx, 1214 pp. 8°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1905. The same. Rukovodstvo k dietskim bolieznyam. Perevod s 5. niemetskavo izd. V. F. Zibolda. xii, 1017 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1899. ------. Die Antipyrese im Kindesalter. 1 p. 1., 57 pp., 2 diag. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1901. ------. Sauglingskrankenpflege und Sauglings- krankheiten nach den Erfahrungen im stiidti- schen Kaiser und Kaiserin Friedrich-Kinder- krankenhaus in Berlin. Unter Mitwirkung von PaulSommerfeld. xiv, 215pp., lpl. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1906. ------. Die Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen fiir Kinder in grossen Stadten. Nach einem am 6. December 1910 in der Gesellschaft fiir offentl. Gesundheits- pflege zu Berlin gehaltenen Vortrage. 19 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschivald, 1911. See, aho, Neter (Eugen). Das ein?ige Kind [etc.]. 8°. Munchen, 1906.—Sommerfeld (Paul) [in 2. s.]. Methods for the examination of milk [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1901.— Vortrage iiber Sauglingspflege [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Berlin, 1907. For Biography, see Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 1095, port. ■-----. See, also: Festschrift . . . Adolf Baginsky . . . anlasslich seines siebzigsten Geburtstages gewidmet. 8°. Stuttgart, 1913. Baglioni (Giambattista). Morbo di Addison e adrenalina. 12 pp. 8°. Bovigo, 1905. Baglioni (Silvestro). Zur Analyse der Reflexfunk- tion, eine kritische zusammenfassende Darstel- lung, hauptsachlich auf Grund eigener experi- menteller Untersuchungen iiber die allgemeine Physiologie des Centralnervensystems. 2 p. 1., 128 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1907. See, aho, Liuciani (Luigi). Physiologie des Menschen [etc.]. 4v. roy. 8°. Jena, 1905-11. Baglivi (Georg) [1668-1707J. Zwey Biicher de Praxi medica, wie solche m klugen Observiren, wiederum auf den alten Fuss unserer fleissigen Vorfahren moge gestellet werden [etc. ]. 5. A ufl., aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsche iibersetzet durch F.N. 12 p. 1., 674 pp., 141. 12°. Lubeck dc Franckfurth, J. Wiedemeyer, 1705. For Biography, see Fiessinger (C.) Therap. d. vieux maitres. 8°. Parh, 1897, 210-217. See, aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1241, port. Aho: Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis, 1898, v, 576-578. Bagneres-de-Bigorre. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Bagneres -de-Luchon. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Bagneris (Lucien). *Les hemorragies sous- conjonctivales spontanees. 70 pp. 8°. Tou- louse, 1911, No. 912. Bagni di Lucca. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Bagni di San Giuliano. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Bagno (Francesco) [1744-99]. Girone (A.) [Biography.] Cirillo, Aversa, 1899, vii, 17-21. J ' ' ' Bagno di Romagna. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Bagnol (Henry) & Tabary (Octave). Guide pratique de la loi sur les accidents du travail. Preface de A. Millerand. 67 pp., 5 1. 12°. Baris, Vigotfreres, 1910. Bagnoles. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Bagnols-les-Bains. See, also, Waters (Mineral), by localities. Monteils (E.) Lettres sur les eaux thermales (Bagnols-les-Bains). 8°. Montpellier dc Baris, 1885. Bagot (L.) Etude de elimatologie clinique: Roscoff au point de vue medical. 86 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1899. Bagros (Maurice). *Sur le mecanisme de la denitrification par les bacteries denitrifiantes indirectes. 93 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 9. Bagshawe (Frederic) [1834-1912]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 1425. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1912, ii, 1330. Bahadur. See Mohideen Sheriff Khan Bahadur [in 2. s.]. Bahadur joe (K. N.) [1860-98]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1201. Bahans (Marie-Victor-Pierre) [1873- ]. *f'on- tribution a l'etude de la nephrite varicelleuse. 33 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 3. Bahia. See, also, Hospitals (Bescription of), Hygiene (Municipal, Lavs, etc., of), Influenza (History of), Insane (Care, Condition, etc., of), Leprosy (History and stathtics of), Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Estadistica demographo-sanitaria da Bahia. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1897-8, 5. s., i, 190.—Portengen (J. A.) En Bahia. Independ. med., Barcel., 1896-7, xxviii, 11; 21.— Silveira Franca (J.) & Morales de los Rios. Saneamento da Bahia; projecto de esgotos. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1894-5, 4. s., v, 111; 165; 169; 212; 377; 426: 1895-6, 4. s., vi, 52; 101; 425; 463; 485. Bahier (Alain) [1881- ]. *Les explosifs a main. Leurs effets vulnerants. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon. 1905, No. 86. Bahlmann (Felix) [1882- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre der Augenkomplikationen bei Parotitis epidemica. 1 p. 1., 22 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Muller dc Steinicke, 1913. Bahls (Hermann Johann Christian) [1863- ]. *Ueber Struktur und Wachstum der Schale von Balanus improvisus. 46 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald. J. Abel, 1903. Bahnarzt (Der). Monatsschrift fiir das gesamte Eisenbahnsanitiitswesen. Geleitet von Emil BAHNARZT. 318 BAILEY. Bahnarzt (Der)—continued. Bergmann und Aledar Bekes. v. 8-10, 1912-14. 1°. Wien. Continuation of: Oesterreichlsclie Kisenbahnsanitats- wesen. Bahnson (Henry Theodore) [1846-1917]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxvii, 476. Bahr (Ernst) [1883- ]. *Ueber entzundliche Hiiftgelenksverrenkungen. 27 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1911. Bahr (Friedrich) [1877- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Fremdkorpern in der Harn blase. 47 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Bieterich, 1902. Bahr (Philip Heinrich) [1881- ]. Filariasis and elephantiasis in Fiji, being a report to the London School of Tropical Medicine. 4 p. 1., 192 pp., pi., maps. 4°. London, Witherby & Co., 1912. Suppl. No. 1 of: J. Lond. School Trop. M. ------. Report to the London School of Tropical Medicine on investigations on dysentery in Fiji during the year 1910. 77 pp., 6 pi. 8°. London, Witherby dc Co., 1912. Suppl. No. 2 of: J. Lond. School Trop. M. ------. A report on researches on sprue in Ceylon, 1912-14. ix, 155 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Cambridge, Univ. Bress, 1915. Bahrdt (Hans Robert) [1877- ]. *Zur Patho- genese der Bakterium Coli-Gruppe. 52 pp., 11. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1902. Bahre (Ludwig). *Pathologisch-anatomischer Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Carcinome. 22 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, J. Berlinger, [1896]. Bahrmann (Carl Friedrich) [1874- ]. *Ueber die Einwirkung von Alkalien auf den Stoff- wechsel fleischgefiitterter Huhner. 29 pp. 8°. Jena, 1904. Repr. from: Internat. Arch. f. Pharm. u. Therap., Jena, 1904, xii. Bahrmann (Friedrich) [1876- ]. *Ueber die Bildung tragfahiger Amputationsstumpfe an der unteren Extremitat. 40 pp., 21. 8°. Leip- zig, B. Georgi, 1904. Bahrs (Hans) [1879- ]. *Beobachtungen an achtunddreissig Fallen von Addisonscher Krank- heit. 25 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen, E. A. Huth, 1905. Bahuad (Armand) [1871- ]._ Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs conjonctives du rein chez l'adulte. 146 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dcfils, 1901, No. 60. Ba-Huana. Torday (E.) & Joyce (T. A.) Notes on the ethnography of the Ba-Iiuana. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1906, xxxvi, 272-301, 3 pi. Baiardi (Pietro). Atlas ste>eoscopique de chirurgie oculaire. 39 pi. with text, 54 pp. 12°. Barh, Bailliere dc fils, 1911. Baier (August) [1885- ]. *Die Sarcoptesraude der Katze. [Giessen.] 48 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Miin- chen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1911. Baier (Joh. Jacobus) [1677-1735]. Biographise professorum medicina?, qui in Academia Altor- iina unquam vixerunt. 4 p. 1., 195 pp., 2 1., 1 pi., port. roy. 8°. Norimbergse dc Altorfi, J. B. Tauter, hseredes, 1728. de Baif (Lazare). See Vasculis (De) libellus [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 16°. Parts, 1536. Baigen y Servin (Juan). *Breve estudio sobre las lesiones de la mitad dereoha del corazdn. 31 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Mexico, 1880. Baigneres (Joannes Baptista). *An hernise inguinali cum adhsesione, subligaculum nocet? 4 pp. 4°. [Baris, typ. Quillau, 1774.] Baigue (Maurice; [1870- ]. *Fistules uretero- vaginales; leur traitement et en particulier l'uretero-cystoneostomie. 76 pp., 11. 4°. Ba- ris, 1895, No. 53. B&ikoff(Andrei Ivanovich) [1841-1906]. BeIn(G.) [In memoriam.l J. Akush. i. Zhensk. Bollez., S.-Peterb., 1906, xx, 1129-1132. Bail (Max). *Ueber primare Carcinome der Vagina, nebst Veroffentlichung eines in der Universitats-Frauen klinik in Tubingen beobach- teten Falles von primarem Adenocarcinom der Scheide. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzcker, 1900. Bail (Oskar). Bakterientatigkeit im Erdboden. pp. 41-70. 8°. Brag, A. House, 1904. ------. Das Problem der bakteriellen Infektion. 1 p. 1., 104 pp. roy. 8°. Leipzig, W. Klinkhardt, 1911. Bibliothek medizinischer Monographien, xi. Bail (Walther Hugo) [1874- ]. *Die in dem letzten Jahrzehnt an der Greifswalder ge- burtehulflichen Klinik zur Beobachtung gekom- menen Falle von Nabelschnurvorfall. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1899. Bail (Wilhelm) [1885-. J. *Die Therapie des engen Beckens an der Universitats-Frauenklinik zu Wurzburg im Jahre 1909. 45 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, C. Fuchs, 1911. Bailer (Rudolf) [1885- ]. *Zur Pathologie der Blinddarme des Huhns. 32 pp. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1911. Bailey (Benjamin F.) Homoeopathv in the public service. 10 pp. 8°. Lincoln, Neb., [1901]. Bailey (Carolyn Sherwin). Montesson children. vii, 188 pp., front. 8°. New York, H. Holt dc Co., 1915. Bailey (Charles A.) Trachoma. A survey of its prevalence in the mountain sections of east Tennessee and northern Georgia. 19 pp. Sc. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1914. Repr. No. 220, Pub. Health Rep. ------. School hygiene. A report of the sanitary inspection of rural schools of east Tennessee and northern Georgia. " 10 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1915. Repr. No. 237, Pub. Health Rep. Bailey (E. II.) The prenatal epoch. 239 pp. S°. London, Foulsham dc Co., 1916. Bailey (Edgar Henry Summerfield) [1S4S- ]. A text-book of sanitary and applied chemistry, or the chemistry of water, air and food, xviii, 345 pp. 12°. New York, Macmillan Co.. 1906. ------. The same. 3. ed., revised, xx (11.), 345 pp. 8°. New York, Macmillan Co., 1913. ------. The same. 4. ed. xxvii, 394 pp. 8°. New York. Macmillan Co., 1917. ------. The source, chemistry and use of food products, xiv, 517 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., [1914]. ------. Laboratory experiments on food products, designed especially for use with Bailey's "The source, chemistry and use of food products." iii—vi, 44 pp. 8 . Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., [1915]. ------& Cady (Hamilton P.) A laboratory guide to the study of qualitative analysis. 4. ed. 234 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son d Co., 1901. --------------. The same. 6. ed., enlarged, x, 284 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1910. Bailey (Frederick Randolph) [1871- ]. A text-book of histology, xiv, 481 pp. 8°. New York, 1904. BAILEY. 319 BAILLIERE. Bailey (Frederick Randolph)—continued. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xiv, 497 pp., 1 pi. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1906. -----. The same. 3. ed. 589 pp., 1 ch. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1910. ------. Thesame. 4. ed. xviii, 644pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1913. ------. The same. 5. ed. xviii, 652 pp., 1 pi. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1916. ------ dc Miller (Adam Marion). Text-book of embryology, xiv, 672 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wooddc Co., 1909. ------------. The same. 2. ed. xvi (1 1.), 672 pp. roy. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1911. ------------. The same. 3. ed. xvi (1 L), 655 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1916. Bailey (George Cornelius) [1866-1915]. Sullivan (D. F.) [Obituary.] Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1915, cxxiii, 275-277. Bailey (George Hewlett) [1827-99]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 438. Bailey (Gilbert-Langdon) [1871- ]. See Practical (The) Medicine series, v. vii, [in 2. s.]. 12°. Chicago, 1906. Bailey (Guy Brooke) [1883-1917]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1917,i, 859. Bailey (H. D.) If only some one had told me. 75 pp., front., plates. 8°. [Allentown, Ba., H. W. Hepner, 1916.] ------. Thesame. 8°. Chicago, Shrewsbury Bub. Co., 1917. Bailey (James Blake). The diary of a resurrec- tionist, 1811-12; to which are added an account of the resurrection men in London and a short history of the passing of the Anatomy Act. xii, 9 pi., 180 pp. 8°. London, S. Sonnenschein dc Co., 1896. Bailey (John. Burn). Modern Methuselahs, or short biographical sketches of a few advanced nonagenarians or actual centenarians who were distinguished in art, science, literature, or philanthropy; also brief notices of some individ- uals remarkable chiefly for their longevity. With an introductory chapter on "long-lasting." xii, 460 pp. 8°. London, Chapman dc Hall, 1888. Bailey (J[ohnl R.) More light on a dark subject. A series of lessons in higher physiology for the benefit of parents and posterity. 139 pp. 12°. Ashland, Wis., J. M. Chappie dc Co., 1903. Bailey (Pearce) [1865- ]. Accident and injury; their relations to diseases of the nervous system. xii, 430 pp., 3 diag. 8°. New York, B. Apple- ton dc Co., 1898. ------. Diseases of the nervous system resulting from accident and injury, xii, 627 pp. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1906. ------. The same. 2. ed. 627 pp. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1908. See, aho, Golebiewski (Eduard) [in 2. s.). Atlas and epitome of diseases, [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900. Bailey (Ruth M.) Physical training methods for the school room. 188 pp. 8°. Geneseo, N. Y, 1916. Bailey (Thomas) [1873- ]. *De l'emploi de l'acide lactique comme antiseptique intestinal dans les diarrhees des enfants et dans les derma- toses prurigineuses. 48 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 154. Bailey (William) [1833-1911]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 307. Bailey (William Howard) [1825-98]. Curtis (F. C.) Obituary. Albany M. Am., 1898, xix, 432-344, port. Aho: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1899, 437-439. Bailhache (Julien). *Contribution a l'etude des diatheses. 71 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 351. Baillard (Edme). Discours du tabac, oil il est trait6 particulierement du tabac en poudre. ] 1 p. 1., 123 pp., 10 1. 16°. Baris, Martin le Brest, 1668. Baillarger (Jules - Gabriel - Francois) [1809-90]. Magnan. La vie de Baillarger. France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 473: 1903, 1, 17.------. Eloge. Ann. med.- psychol., Par., 1903, 8. s., xvii, 177-198—Ritti (A.) J. Bail- larger; eloge. In his: Hist. d. trav. Soc. med.-psychol., 8°, Par., 1914, ii, 1-69.-----. Inauguration des bustes de J. Baillarger et de J.-P. Fairet a PH6pital de la Salpetriere le 7 juillet 1894. In hh: Hist. d. trav. Soc. med.-psychol. 8°, Par., 1914, ii, 447-469. Bailleau (Rene-Leon) [1873- ]. *Des tachycar- dies de la menopause. 60 pp. 8°. Barh, B. Boyer, 1901, No. 271. BaiUet (Alice) [1886- ]. *Recherches sur la teneur en fer du foie dans les deux sexes de la naissance a la puberty. 76 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 190. BaiUet (Arsene-Auguste-Emile) [1868- ]. *Les paralysies uremiques. 121 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 198. ------. The same. Les paralysies uremiques. 121pp. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1898. BaiUet (Oasimir-Celestin) [1820-1900]. Neumann (G.) Notice - biographique. Rev. vet., Toulouse, 1901, lviii, 73-94, port. BaiUet (Louis) [1834-1917]. Benjamin (H.) Obituary. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1917, xciii, annexe, 118-121. BaiUet (Louis-Emile-Francois) [18877 ]. *Traitement chirurgical des crises gastriques du tabes. 3p.l.,64pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912, No. 28. Bailleul (Julien). *La valvulite uricemique. 71 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 27. Bailleul (Leopold) [1880- _ ]. *Ce qu'il faut penser des contre-indications de l'allaitement maternel. 82 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 29. Bailleul (Louis) [1876- ]. *Des osteites tuber- culeuses des petits os longs de la main et du pied (spina-ventosa) et des difformites qui peuvent leur succeder au niveau des doigts chez l'enfant. 296 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 192. Bailleux (Charles-Aime) [1883- ]. *Des indi- cations du drainage apres laparotomie pour hematocele relro-utenne. 63 pp. 8°. Bille, 1910, No. 42. Bailley-Denton (E.) Sewage purification brought up to date, 1896. No. 8. 44 pp. 8°. London, E. dc F. N. Spon; New York, Spon dc Cham- berlain, 1896. BailUart (Paul) [1877- ]. ^Traitement chi- rurgical de la myopie, en particulier par la sup- pression du cry stallin. 134 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 41. BailUe (Matthew) [1761-1823]. The morbid an- atomy of some of the most important parts of the human body. 5. ed. xliii, 482 pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. Bulmer dc Co., 1818. See, aho, Futcher (T. B.) Matthew Baillie[thelast pos- sessor of the "gold-headed cane"]. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1906, xvii, 165.—Richardson (B.W.) [Biog- raphy.] In his: Disciples of jEsculapius, 8°, Lond., ii, 554- 572, port. Baillie (Peter) [1860-1915]. Obituary. Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1915, x, 146. Bailliere (Georges-J.-B.) [1873- ]. *Les mala- dies evitables. -248 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 151. ------. The same. 248 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Baillihe dc fils, 1898. BAILLIERE. 320 BAINES. Bailliere (Henri-Paul-Charles) [1840- 1905]. B. (P.) [Biography.] Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1905, 4. s., iv. 385.—Castex (A.) Necrologie. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1905, viii, 261-263.—Mosny (E.) [Biography.] Tribune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 689. Bailliere's popular atlas of the anatomy and physiology of the male human body. With de- scriptive text by Hubert E. J. Bliss. 23 pp., 1 superposed plate, fol. London, Bailliere, Tin- dall dc Cox, 1908. ------. The same. Of the female human body. With descriptive text by Hubert E. J. Bliss. 19, 4 pp., 1 superposed plate, fol. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1908. BailUet (Antoine) [1886- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude des hematomes traumatiques de l'artere axillaire (pathogenie des troubles paralytiques; traitement). 118 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 360. BailUf (Louis-Joseph) [1877- ]. *La chirurgie des fistules du canal de S tenon; etude critique des precedes op^ratoires (nouveau procede de PrinceteauV 58 pp., 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 60. Baillo (Eugene). Contribution a l'elude du chloralose et particulierement de sa valeur hypnotique chez les aliened. 68 pp. 4°. Tou- louse, 1895, No. 88. BaiUon (A.-P.) *Des chlorhydrates de quinine comme sels de choix. Leur usage en injections hypodermiques; leur forme la meilleure dans les approvisionnements pour les expeditions coloniales et les reserves de guerre. 51 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1900, No. 368. BaiUon (Andre). *Contribution a l'etude de la cheloide. 61pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 170. ------. Notes therapeutiques relatives a Taction efficace et mal connue de quelques medicaments usuels. 45 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1910. BaiUon (Guillaume) [1538-1616]. Fiessinger (C.) La therapeutique de Guillaume Baillon, 1538-1616. In hh: Therap. d. vieux maitres, 8°, Par., 1897, 110-115. BaiUou (Arthur) [1880- ]. *Diagnostic de 1'empoisonnement tuberculeux chez l'homme par l'injection a des cobayes tuberculeux de la serosite de vesicatoires appliques chez des malades tuberculeux. 37 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 2. Baills (Antoine) [1872- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical de la meningite tuberculeuse. Ponction lombaire suivie de l'injectiond'airstenlise\ 72pp., 11. 8°. Lyon. 1896, No. 44. Bailly (Andre). *Le purpura chronique de l'an- gio-sclerose. 42 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 423. Bailly (Antoine) [1882- _ ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'origine gingivo-dentaire de la pelade. 80 pp. 8°. Byon, 1909, No. 12. Bailly (Eugene) [18.77- _ ]. _ *De l'invagination dans la tuberculose intestinale. [Lvon.] 76 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Tonnerre, 1904, No. 75. Bailly (Eugene-Louis-Joseph) [1881- ]. *Des cystitesau cours de la puerperalite. 62 pp. 8°. Lille, 1906, No. 39. Bailly (Francois-Ludovic-Eugcne) [1880- ]. * Pathogenie, diagnostic et trailement des rup- tures traumatiques ou spontanees de l'hydrocele vaginale. 77 pp. 8°. Lille, 1900, No. 24. Bailly-Salin (Louis). *L'eau potable dans la ville de Sens. [Puis.] 88 p^>., 1 map. 8°. Sens, 1912, No. 3. £cole de pharmacie. Bailly-SaUn (Paul). *Etat sanitaire de la ville de Sens, 1859-75, 1887-1901. 85 pp. 8°. Pan's, 1902, No. 378. Baily (Elisha Ingraham) [1824-1908]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908,1,1215. Baily (Percy John). The care and nursing of the insane. 270 pp. 8°. London, Scientific Bress, 1908. Baimakoff (N[ikolai] F[eodorovich]) [1871- ]. *Organizovanniye bielki, zheliezo l fosfor mishts v razlichniye period! pervavo vozrasta u dietei i telyat; material! k biologii mishts. [Organized albumins, iron, and phosphorus of muscles, in various periods of early age in children and calves; biology of muscles.] 95 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, G. I. Zurkhi, 1904. Bain (Adolphe). *De 1'auto-representation chez les hystenques. 156 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 146. Bain (Alexander) [1818-1903]. The emotions and the will. 3. ed. xxxii, 604 pp. 8°. Bondon, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1888. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 865. For Portrait, see Phil. Port. Series, Chicago, 1898. Bain (Emile) [1882- ]. *Un anatomiste au xvie siecle: Andre Vesale. 104 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 80. Bain (Frank Dean) [1850-1915]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 925. Aho: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1915, cxiii, 247v Aho: Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 403. Bain (William). See Text-Book (A) of medical practice [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. London, 1904. Bainbridge (Francis Arthur) [1874- ] & Menzies (J. Acworth). Essentials of physiology. viii, 434 pp. 8°. London [etc.], Longmans. Green dc Co., 1914. ------------. Thesame. 2.ed. viii.478pp. 8°. London, Longmans. Green dc Co.. 1916. Bainbridge (G[eorge]). See Jennings (William Ernest). A manual of plague [etc.]. 8°. London, 1903. Bainbridge (William Seaman) [1870- ]. A compend of operative gynecology. Based on lectures in the course of operative gynecology on the cadaver at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Compiled, with additional notes, in collaboration with Harold D. Meeker. 2 p. 1., 66 pp. 12°. New York, Grafton Bress, [1906]. ------. The growing years. 29 pp. 12°. Buf- falo dc Chautauqua, H. H. Otis Co., 1906. ------. The enzyme treatment for cancer. 34 pp.. 4 ch. 4°. 'New York, 1909. ------. The cancer problem. 3 p. 1., v-xix (HA 534 pp. 8°. New York, The Macmillan Com- pany, 1914. ------. The cancer problem, pp. 5-9. 8°. New York. 1915. Cutting from: Peace Forum, X. Y., 1915, iii, 5-9. Baines {Albert Henry) [1864-1905]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 972. Baines (Arthur E.) Studies in electro-physiology (animal and vegetable), with 31 original draw- ings in colour, illustrating the electrical struc- ture of fruits and vegetables, by Gladys T. Baines. xxix. [1], 291 pp. 12°. London, G. lloutledgc dc Sons, 1918. ------• & Bowman (F. H.) Electro-pathology and therapeutics; an account of many years' research work; the discovery of the electro-pathology of local pyrexia, and of an effective means of stay- ing inflammation. Together with a prefatory BAINES. 321 BAJARDI. Baines (Arthur E.) & Bowman (F. H.)—cont, treatise upon the nervous system in its relation to neuro-electricity, by F. H. Bowman, v (11.), 120 pp. 8°. London, Ewart, Seymour dc Co., [1914]. Baines (Matthew) [1823-1906]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906,i, 1569. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1355. Bains (Des) locaux d'air sec surchauffe; resultats obtenus dans le rhumatisme sous toutes ses formes, dans la goutte, la sciatique, etc. 22 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Camproger, [n. d.]. Bains des Pyrenees: trains de sante et de plaisir; voyage et sejour aux bains d'Alet pres Limoux (Aude). 11. 8°. Baris, [n.d.]. Bair (Joseph H.) The practice curve; a study in the formation of habits. 70 pp. 8°. New York, McMillan Co., 1902. Monogr. Suppl. v. 5, No. 2, of: Psychol. Rev., N. Y. Baird (Addison Waddell) [1862- ]. Tuber- culosis; communicable, preventable, curable. 24 pp. 8°. New York, J. T. Bougherty, 1903. Baird (Georgius). *De syphilide, et ejus cura- tione sine hydrargyro. 31 pp. 8 . Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1820. [P., v. 2229.] ------. *Decceliratione, valetudinis imperatrice. 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernathy & Walker, 1820. [P., v. 2295.] Baird (James) [1852-1916]. Obituary. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1916, xiv, 45. Baird (Jean Katherine) [1872- ]. The girl beautiful. 2.p. 1., 220 pp., col. front. 8°. Bhil- - adelphia, TheBennBub. Co., 1917. Baird (John Wallace) [1873- _ ]. The color sensitivity of the peripheral retina. 80 pp. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1905. Baird (Julian William) [1859-1911]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 36. Baird (Mona). Matrimony, its obligations and privileges; a book for men and women who think. With a preface by Mr. Thomas Holmes, the well-known police court missionary. 2. ed. 123 pp. 8°. London, [1917]. Baird (Spencer Fullerton) [1823-87]. Notes on certain aboriginal shell mounds on the coast of New Brunswick and New England, pp. 292- 298. 8°. Washington, [1881]. Cutting from: Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash., 1881. For Biography, see Dall (W. H.) Spencer Fullerton Baird; a biography, including selections from his correspon- dence with Audubon, Agassiz, Dana, and others. 8°. Phil- adelphia & London, 1915. See, aho: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1907, lxx, 308-311, port. (H. M. Smith). ------. See, also: United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the erection of a bronze statue of Spencer F. Baird, [etc.]. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] ------, Brewer (T. M.) & Ridgway (Robert). A history of North American birds. Land birds. 3 v. roy. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown dc Co., 1875. --------------------. The water birds of North America. 2 v. roy. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown dc Co., 1884. Baird (William Raimond). Baird's manual of American college fraternities; a descriptive analysis of the fraternity system in the colleges of the United States, with a detailed account of each fraternity. 7. ed. xiii, 810 pp. 12°. New York, The College Fraternity Bublishing Co., 1912. Bairo (Pietro) [1468-1558]. Lixoperita perpetue questionis et annexorum solutio. De nobilitate 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----21 airo (Pietro)—continued. facultatum per terminos utriusque facultatis. Utrum medicina et philosophia sint nobiliores utroque jure scilicet civili et canonico: et qui doctores earundem facultatum nobiliores ac digniores existant: quomodo ne incedere ac invicemprecederedebeant. 341. sm. fol. Tau- rini, F. de Sylva, 1512. ——. De medendis humani corporis malis en- chiridion, vulgo venimecum dictum; adjunxi- mus eiusdem authoris tractatum, De peste. 14 p. 1., 828 pp., 101. 24°. Lugduni, G. Bouille, 1565. • Secreti medicinali nei quali si contengono i rimedij, che si possono usar in tutte l'infermita, [etc.]. 7 p. 1., 223 pp. 16°. Venetia, G. Valen- tini, 1629. Baisch (Bernhard) [1880- ]. *Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Darmstenose nach Brucheinklem- mung. [Heidelberg.] 29pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1904. Baisch (Karl) [1869- ]. Die Begutachtung gynakologischer Erkrankungen fiir die Unfall- und Invaliditatsversicherungen. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1904, No. 367 (Gynakol., No. 135, 33-56). ------. Reformen in der Therapie des engen Beckens. vi (1 1.), 160 pp., 16 ch. roy. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1907. ------. Leitfaden der geburtshilflichen und gynakologischen Untersuchung. viii, 208 pp. 8° Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1911. Baisez (Henri-Louis-Eugene) [1882- ]. *De la percussion vert^brale auscultee. (Critique et valeur du signe de Signorelli.) 76 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1909, No. 67. Baisoiu (Demetre) [1883- ]. Contribution a a l'etude clinique de 1'ulcus duodenal; symp- tomes et diagnostic. 147 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 158. Baisset (Paul-Joseph-Lucien-Marc) [1876-, ]. *De la mensuration externe du bassin. Etude critique. 62 pp. 8°. Byon, L. Legendre dc Cie., 1901, No. 167. Baistrocchi (Ettore). Guida medica dei bagni e delle inalazioni di Salsomaggiore; degli stabili- menti balneari e del sanatorium, con studi ed osservazioni. 258 pp. 12°. Barma, B. Battei, 1900. Baitcheff (Ivan). * Considerations sur diverses causes de determinisme dans le crime. 60 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1900, No. 378. Baitcheff (Ivan K.) *De l'hydrocele abdomino- scrotale (hydrocele en bissac de Dupuytren). 45 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 54. Baize (Charles). *Etude clinique sur les empoi- sonnements par les gateaux a creme. 234 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 282. Baj (Piero) [1885-1915]. Clivio (I.) [Obituary.] Atti d. Soc. lomb. di sc. med. e biol., Milano, 1915-16, v, 78-86. Aho: Pensiero med.,Milano, 1915, v, 641. Bajac (Pierre) [1879- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude des variations du pouls au cours de la reduction de la luxation congenitale de la hanche par la methode de Lorenz. (Etude clinique et experimentale.) 80 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1909, No. 120. Bajan (Olivier). *Etude sur l'urelero-anasto- mose et ruretero-enterostomie dans les sections de l'uretere. 72 pp. 8° Barh, 1908, No. 311. Bajardi (Daniele). See Regia Universita di Torino. Scritti in onore del Prof. Daniele Bajardi. 8°. Cirie, 1908. BAJARDI. 322 BAKERS. Bajardi (Pietro). Resoconto clinico sommario della seconda sezione dell' ospedale oftalmico di Torino. 63 pp. 8°. Torino, Boux Frascati dc Co., 1896. Bajla (Eugenio). I primi soccorsi; manuale pra- tico di soccorsi d'urgenza. 352 pp. 8°. Milano, U. Marucelli dc Co., 1914. Bajon (Marcel) [1874- ]. *De la symphyseoto- mie repetee. 67 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 331. Bajot (M.) Eloge de la paume et de ses avantages sous le rapport de la sante et du developpement des facultes physiques, pp. 27-76, 4 pi. 8°. Baris, F. Bidot, 1824. Bak (Henry) [1846-1915]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 2004. Bakaloff (Kroum). *Une nouvelle melhode de traitement des varices du membre infeneur. 41 pp. 8°. Lausanne, 1910. Bakankosine. Bourquelot (E.) & Herissey (H.) Nouvelles recherches sur la bakankosine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvii, 750-752. Aho: J. de pharm. etchim., Par., 1908,6.s., xxviii, 433-439. Bakardjieff (Simeon D.) [1875- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude de la tuberculose de la clavicule. 47 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 3. Bakardjieff (Stephan). *Recherches sur quel- ques.procedes rapides pour le contr61e des farines. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Lausanne, A. Better, 1908. Baker (A. H.) Theory and practice of veterinary medicine; notes taken from lectures delivered by A. H. Baker. 3. ed., revised. 271 pp. 8°. Chicago, A. Eger, 1912. Baker (Albert Rufus) [1858-1911]. [Biography.] Cleveland M. Gaz., 1896-7, xii, 594, port.— [Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1209. Baker (Arthur Ernst). See I^ennander (Karl Gustav). Observations on the sensibility [etc.]. 8°. London, 1903. Baker (Benjamin). Address of Sir Benjamin Baker, president of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 38 pp. 8°. London, [W. Clowes dc Sons], 1895. Baker (Charles Ernst) [1864-1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 934. Aho: Lan- cet, Lond., 1909, i, 1084. Baker (E. Burgoyne). The refuse of a great city. How New York disposes of its vast mass of waste matter; the magnitude and difficulty of the street cleaner's work, and the money made from the rubbish of a metropolis, pp. 81-90. 8°. New York, 1900. Cutting from: Munsey's Mag., N. Y., 1900, xxiii. Baker (George). See Bianchi (Aurelio). The phonendoscope [etc.]. s°. Philadelphia, 1898. Baker (George W.) [1S37-98]. Leighton (N. W.) Obituary. Tr. N. York M. Ass. f 1899), 1900, xvi, 792. Baker (Grear Hill) [1879-1916]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 133. Baker (Henry) [1698-1774]. An attempt towards a natural history of the polype; in a letter to Martin Folkes . . ., describing their different species [etc.]. 218 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, B. Bodsley, 1743. See. also, Woodruff (L. L.) Baker on the microscope and the polype. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1918, vii, 212-226. Baker (Henry B[rooks) [1837- ). The relation of preventable disease to taxation. Pamphlet issued by the Michigan State Board of Health. 16 pp. 8°. Lansing, 1905. Baker (Julian L.) Report to the Local Govern- ment Board, on the analysis and composition of some proprietary foods for infants, pp. 49-83. 8°. London, Barling dc Son, 1914. Rep. Local Gov. Bd., Lond., 1914, n. s., No. 80. Baker (JulianMeredith) [1857- ]. [Biography.] Charlotte [N. C.]M. J., 1915, lxxi, 73,port. Baker (M. N.) Potable water and methods of detecting impurities. 97 pp. 16°. New York, B. Van Nostrand Co., 1899. % ------. Municipal engineering and sanitation. viii, 317 pp. 8°. New York, Macmillan Co., 1902. Baker (Mary Alberta). See Cooke (Joseph Brown) & Baker (Mary Alberta). A nurse's handbook [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia & London, [1915]. Baker (Ray Stannard) [1870- ]. The search for the missing link, with an account of the work of Prof. Ernst Haeckel. pp. 327-337. 8°. New York, 1901-2. Cutting from: McClure's Mag., N. Y., 1901-2, xvii. ------. The spiritual unrest: the new mission of the doctor, pp. 231-244. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: Am. Mag., N. Y., 1908-9, lxvii. ------. New ideals in healing, viii (21.), 105 pp., 12 pi. 12°. New York, F. A. Stokes Co., 1909. Baker (Sara Josephine) [1873- ]. The division of child hygiene of the Department of Health of the Citv of New York. 103 pp., 5 ch. 8°. New York, 1912. Baker (Slade Innes) [1827-1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 825. Baker (T. Thome). The spectroscope, its uses in general analytical chemistry. An intermediate text-book for practical chemists, viii, 130 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1907. ------. Thesame. viii, 160 pp., 1 pi. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co.. 1908. Baker (William H[enry]) [1845-1914]. Diseases of the bladder and urethra. In: Syst. Gynec. (Mann). 8°. Philadelphia, 1883, ii, 447- 547. For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J., 1914, clxxi, *75. Baker (William Morrant) [1839-96]. See Klrke (William Senhouse) [in 2. s.]. Handbook of physiology [etc.]. 8°. iV< w York, 1899. For Biography, see St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1S96, Lond., 1897, xxxii, pp. xxxix-xlix (A. Willet). Bakers and bakeries. London. St. James, Westminster. Regula- tions to be observed with regard to retail bake- houses. (41 Vic, cap. 16, & 46 & 47 Vic, cap. 53.) 4°. [London, 1884.] Moeller (C.) (iesundheitsbuch fiir das Backergewerbe. 16°. Berlin, 1898. Allan (F. J.) Underground bakehouses. Pub. Health, Lond., 1901-2, xiv, 396-403.—Ball (C. B.) Sanitation of bakeries and restaurant kitchens. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., Columbus, Ohio, 1911, i, 102-108. Barlow (W. N.) Underground bakehouses. Pub. Health, Lond., 1902-3, xv, 267-271. Cass (T. F.) Some aspects of the sanitary control of bakehouses. J. San. Inst,, Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 624- 636. I)aiiilofT(N.P.) [Sanitary conditions of bread baking in Penza.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1913, lxxix, 542-547— Em- merich (R.) Das Backereigewerbe vom hygienischen Standpunkt fiir den Beruf und die Konsumenten. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1903, xxxv, 17*2- 199.—Fenogllo (P.) II grande panificio torinese. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1906, ii, 301-305.—Hanauer- Die gesetzliche Regelung des Biickerschutzes. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1914-15, xxxii, 1133-1136.—Hofmann (K.) Backerschutz.gcsetz. Amtsarzt, Leipz. & Wien, 1912, iv, 429-432.—JUrgensen (C.) [The public regulation of baker- ies and bread.] Tidsskr. f. Sundhdspl., Kpbenh., 1895-6, v, 181-221. ------. Die hygienische Backerei; Plane zu einer gesundheitlichen Keform in der Anlage, Austattung und Bctriebsweise unscrer Backercien. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. 4. 1S94, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 4, 225- BAKERS. 323 BALAKIAN. Bakers and bakeries. 238—Kearns (T. P.) Unsanitary bakeshops. Month. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus, 1911, i, 36-47.— Laveran (A.) L'hygiene de la boulangerie et, en particulier, avantages du petrissage mecanique. Ann d'hyg., Par., 1910, 4. s., xiii, 97-109.-----. Sur quelques questions inte- ressant l'hygiene de la boulangerie et,en particulier,sur les avantages du petrissage mecanique. Rev. scient., Par., 1910, 5. s., xiii, 161-165.—Lindet (L.) Dans quelle mesure la science et l'hygiene peuvent^elles ameliorer l'art du boulan- ger? Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1910, xxxu, 369-388—Menzel (K. M.) Beruniche Erkrankungen an der Schleimhaut der oberen Luftwege der Backer. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1915, xxix, 394-402— Moeller (C.) Die Krankheiten und Unfalle im Backereigewerbe. Arch. Unfallheilk., Stuttg., 1898, ii, 311-319.—Newman (G.) Gen- eral condition of bakehouses in Finsbury. Brit. Food J., Lond., 1902, iv, 234-238.-----. The air of bakehouses. Pub. Health, Lond., 1902-3, xv, 152-160, 1 pi.—Possek (L.) Die Betriebsanlagen der Backer mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Verhaltnisse in Steiermark. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1900, xh, 289; 301; 314; 325—Raddl (A.) L'igiene dei panifici e norme per la loro costruzione. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1901, xii, 12.—Reichardt. Der Bau von Dampf- backofen, die mit dem Betriebe dieser Oefen verbundenen Explosionsgefahren und deren Beseitigung. Zentralbl. f. Gewerbehyg., Berl., 1914, ii, 185-189—Rowe (F. J.) Bake- house reform. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 740-742.— Waldo (F. J.) The sanitation of bakehouses. San. Rec, Lond., 1903, n. s., xxxii, 561-563.—Wilke (J. H.) Geback- bereitung in Schutzhiillen. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1911, xxxiii, 110-112. Bakewell (R. H.) The R. A. M. C. pp. 65-85. 8°. New York, 1904. Cutting from: Westminster Rev., N. Y., 1904, clxii. Bakewell (Thomas). See Domestic (The) guide in cases of insanity, [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 12°. Hanky, 1805. Bakhchiyeff (N[ikolai] Z[akharyevich]). *Khi- micheskoye izsliedovaniye i opredieleniye stro- yeniya sostavnikh chastei efirnavo masla iz listyev blagovonika (Bucco). [Chemical inves- tigation and determination of the structure of compound parts of the ethereal oil of bucco leaves.] 137 pp., 11. 8°. Yuryev, K. Mattisen, 1901. Pharmacy. Bakhoven (G. H. Leignes). Eene bladzijde uit de warenkennis onzer gewichtigste voedingsmid- delen. 63 pp. 8°. Bevventer, A. E. Kluwer, [n. d.]. Baking powders. Catlin (C. A.) Baking powders; a treatise on their character, methods for the determination of their values, etc., with special reference to re- cent improvements in phosphate powders. 8°. Brovidence, B. L.,1899. United States. Congress. Senate. Memo- rial of the American Baking Powder Associa- tion in the matter of the bill S. 3618. 56. Cong., l.sess. S. Doc. 303. April 21, 1900. Presented by Mr. Proctor. 8°. [Washington, 1900.] Balls (A. K.) Sanitary studies of baking powders; a direct test ofthe degree of accuracy ofthe Schmidt-Hoagland method for the quantitative determination of aluminium. Biochem. Bull., N. Y. 1916, v, 195-202.—Brooks (R. O.) The rapid analysis of cream of tartar and tartaric acid baking- powders. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1904, xxvi, 813- 818.—Curtman (L. J.) & Gross (P.) Sanitary studies of baking powders; a study ofthe methods for the quantitative determination of aluminum in blood. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1916, v, 16.5-172.—Gies (W. J.) Some objections to the use of alum baking-powder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 816-821. -----. Sanitary studies of baking powders; is aluminium absorbable from bread, and similar food prod- ucts, made with alum baking powder? Biochem. Bull, N. Y., 1916, v, 151-157.-----. Comment on the best available method for the quantitative determination of aluminium in biological materials. Ibid., 189-194.- Hamill (J. M.) Report to the Local Government Board on the presence of calcium sulphate in baking powder and self-raising flour. Rep. Local Gov. Bd., Lon(L, 1911, n. s., xlvi, 2-14—Howe (P. E.) Sanitary studies of baking powders; a comparison of the method proposed by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists as modified by Steel, with that described by Schmidt and Hoagland, for the determination of aluminum in organic matter. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1916, v, 158-164.— Humphreys (A. A.) The effects of baking powder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 836.—Jackson (H. L.) Egg albumin Baking powders. in baking powder. J. Indust. & Engin. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1914, vi, 998-1001.—Smith (C. A.) & Hawk (P. B.) Sani- tary studies of baking powders; the determination of alumi- nium in biological material; a comparison of the method of Steel (modified by Kahn) with the method of Schmidt and Hoagland. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1916, v, 183-188.— Smith (E. E.) Effects on digestion of food prepared by the use of an alum baking powder. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 719-721.—Steel (M.) Sanitary studies of baking powders; the determination of aluminum in the presence of iron and organic matter. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1916, v. 173- 182. Bakitko (M[ikhail] Ffyodorovieh]) [1865- ]. *0 perifericheskoi nervnoi sistemle u dietei. [Peripheral nervous system in children.] 65 pp., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 tab. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1902. Bakkal (I[liya] S[imovich]) [1877- ]. *K voprosu o vliyanii ponizheniya obshtshavo arterialnavo davleniya na kollateralnoye kro- voobrashtsheniye v arteriyakh; eksperimental- noye izsliedovaniye. [Influence of the reduc- tion of general arterial pressure upon the colla- teral circulation; experimental investigation.] 169, ii pp., 1 1., 2 diag. 8°. S.-Beterburg, tip. Shtaba Otd. Korp. Zhand., 1912. Bakker (C.) Een en ander over besmettelijke ziekten. Populaire sheets. 15 pp. 8°. Haar- lem, F. Bohn, 1904. Bakker (Dirk Leonhard). *Studien iiber die Geschichte, den heutigen Zustand und die Zukunft des Rindes und seiner Zucht in den Niederlanden. [Bern.] 4 p. 1., 138, 6 pp., 2 obi. sh. 8°. Mastricht, Beiter-Nypels, 1909. Bakman (Mendel) [1886- ]. *Ein Fall von Dermoidcyste des Mundbodens. 40 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1912. Bakradze (Maine). ^Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical du pied-bot paralytique. 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 233. —----. Thesame. 62pp. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1898. Bakscht (Frieda). *Ueber Jodausscheidung bei Arteriosklerose. 33 pp. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Leemann dc Co., 1912. Bakscht (Mile. Riva) [1885- ]. Contribution a l'etude du traitement des syndromes broncho- pulmonaires de l'enfance. 55 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1912, No. 1. Balaban (Brandele) [1864- ]. *Les limans de la ville d'Odessa et la limanotherapie. (Etude sur un genre particulier de balneotherapie en Russie.) 130 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 253. Balaban (R.) *Ueber Cervixmyome. [Bern.] 16 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1912. Balabane (Sara) [1874- ]. *La suralimenta- tion dans la fievre typhoide chez les enfants. 47 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 618. Balach (Hugo [Wilhelm Christian]) [1868- ]. *Ueber Lungenaktinomykose (im Anschluss an einen Fall von Aktinomykose der Lungen und desMagens). 25 pp., 11. 8°. Beipzig, B. Hahn, [1893]. Balaeniceps. Mitchell (P. C.) Observations on the anatomy of the shoe-bill (Balaeniceps rex) and allied birds. Proc. gen. meet____Zool. Soc. Lond., 1913, 644-703, 4 pi. Balsenoptera. Delage (Y.) Histoire du Balsenoptera musculus, echoue sur la plage de Langrune. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1885, 2. s., hi bis, Mem. 1,1-152, 23 pp. Balaguer (Jose Rios) [1877-1915]. [Necrology.] Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1915, v, 321. Balajan (Artaschess) [1887- ]. *Ueber Parotis- tumoren. 33 pp. 8°. Munchen, 1911. Balakian (Diran) [1875- ]. *Beitrag zu dem Kapitel Narkosenlahmungen. 44 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. BALANITIS. 324 BALANTIDIUM. Balanitis. See, also, Penis (Gangrene of); Penis (Lnfam- mation of). Armour (D.) Chronic circumscribed inflamation of the corpora cavernosa. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1912-13, vi, Chn. Sect., 41.—Burzhaloff (T. S.) Balanoposthitis circinata erosiva. Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Khar- kov, 1904, vii, 430-432.—Corbus (B. C.) Erosive and gan- grenous balanitis; the fourth venereal disease; a further re- port. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1913, vii, 251-265, 3 pi. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 1769-1774.—Corbus (B. C.) & Harris (F. G.) Erosive and gangrenous balanitis, the fourth venereal disease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, Iii. 1474-1477.—Dind. Un cas de balanoposthite fusospiril- laire avec gangrene du prepuce. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1911, xxxi, 592-595.—Geraghty (J. T.) Balano-posthitis in dogs. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 462.—Hegediis (N.) Ueber den Wert einzelner neuerer Heilmittel bei der Behandlung der Balani- tis. Dermat. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Hamb., 1913, lvii, 1207- 1210.—Lapowski. Persistent balanitis (Crocker). J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1913, xxxi, 564.—Meyer (W.) An interesting case of gangrenous balanitis. Texas M. J., Austin, 1909-10, xxv, 112-114.—Owen (R. G.) The fourth venereal disease: erosive and gangrenous balanitis. J. Lab. & Chn. M., St. Louis, 1916-17, ii, 862-867— Pelller. Sur les lesions microscopiques d'une balanite ulcereuse. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 345-349—Perrin (L.) Ba- lano-posthite chronique leucoplasique. Marseille med., 1898, xxxv, 129-136.—Queyrat (L.) Inflammation suppura- tive de l'ombilic, avec la triade microbiologique de la balano- posthite erosive circin6e, chez un malade atteint de balano- posthite. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h&p. de Par., 1914,3. s., xxxvii, 923-925.—Borneo (P.) Delia balanite erosiva e gan- grenosa. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1910, xxxi, 1157-1160.— Scherber. Balanitis, erosiva and gangrenosa. Am. J. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 137. -----. Die Balanitis. Handb. d. Geschlechtskr., Wien & Leipz., 1910, i, 141-200.—Sutton (R. L.) Subcutaneous injections of oxygen in the treatment of balanitis gangraenosa. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 675.—Tedenat (E.) & Martin (J.) Inflammations gangreneuses du penis. Arch. gen. de chir., Par., 1909, iv, 787-804.—Tieche. Notiz iiber einen Fall von Balanitis gangrenosa. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xhi, 1358-1361. Balanoglossus. Maser (O.) *Ueber Balanoglossus carnosus (Willey) und eine ihm nahestehende neue Art von Neucaledonien. [Giessen.] 8°. Naum- burg a. S., 1912. Caullery (M.) & Mesnil (F.) Sur une nouvelle especC de Balanoglossus (B. Kcehleri) habitant les c6tes de la Manche. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 256-259.— Heider (K.) Spekulatives zur Balanoglossus-Entwicke- lung. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1910, xxx, 102-116. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 193.—Kuwano (II.) On a new Enteropneust from Misaki, Balanoglossus misakiensis n. sp. Annot. zool. japon., Tokyo, 1901-2, iv, pt. 2, 77-84 — Maser (O.) Ueber Balanoglossus carnosus (Wiley) und eine ihm nahestehende, neue Art von Neucaledonien. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Anat., Jena, 1913, xxxiii. 361-430, 5 pi — Spengel (J. W.) Eine wieder aufgefundene Enteropneu- sten-Art (Balanoglossus tricollaris Schmarda). Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 52-54.—Stlasny (G.) Zur Kenntnis der Lebensweise von Balanoglossus clavigerus Delle Chiaje. Ibid., 1910, xxxv, 561-568. Balantidiasis. See Balantidium coli (Lnfection by). Balantidium coli. See, also, Intestines (Barasites in). Comes (S.) Quelques observations sur 1'hemophagie du Balantidium entozoon Ehrb. en relation avec la fonction digestive du parasite. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1909, xv, 53-92,1 pi.—da Cunha (A. M.) Sobre a presenea do balantidium no cavallo. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan.. 1917, xxxi, 337.—Hlnkelmann (A. J.) Balantidium coli. N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 200-202— Kunstler (J.) & Glneste (C.) Simple remarque sur la constitution du Balantidium entozoon. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 340.— Ortmann (K.) Ueber Balantidium coli. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 814-816.—Schirman (A.) Report on Balantidia coli (intestinal infusorium). Texas M. News, Austin, 1898-9, vhi, 268-270—Sokolofl (D. F.) [Viability of Balantidium coli.] Russk. Med. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1901, hi, No. 22,17-24.—Taboadela (J. A.) Contribution al estudio del Balantidium coh estudiado en Cuba. Actas y trab. d. ii. Cong. med. nac, Habana, 1911. 314-316. Aho: San. y benefic. Bol. ofic, Habana, 1911, vi, 128-130. Aho, transl.: San. y benefic. Bol. ofic, Habana, 1911, vi, 131. Balantidium coli (Infection by). Collmann (B.) *Funf Falle von Balanti- dium coli im Darm des Menschen. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Br., 1900. Dabbert (O.) *Ueber Balantidiumkolitis. 8°. Giessen, 1914. Mitter (J. J.) *Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Balantidium coli im menschlichen Darmkanale. 8°. Kiel, 1891. Strong (R. P.) The clinical and pathological significance of Balantidium coli. 8°. Manila, 1904. Forms No. 26 of: Dept. Interior. Bur. Govt. Laborat. Biol. Laborat., 1904. Wetter (C.) *Ein Fall von Balantidium coli im Darmkanal des Menschen. 8°. Bonn, 1912. Wising (P. J.) *Till kannedomen om Balan- tidium coli hos manniskan. [Balantidium coli in man.] 8°. Stockholm, 1871. Akesson (N.) [Balantidium coli and its significance in chronic diarrhea.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1903, 2. f., iii, pt. 2, 246-268—Anderson (A. R. S.) The Balantidium coli in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1906, xii, 235.—Askanazy (M.) Ueber die pathogene Bedeutung des Balantidium coh. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1902, Berl., 1903, v, 224-233. Aho: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 127-133.— Axter-Haberfeld (R.) Ueber einen Fall von Emetinbe- handlung bei Balantidiose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 152.—Barlow (N.) Treatment of Honduranian balantidiosis. South. M. J., Nashville, 1915, viii, 937 — Bayma (T.) Balantidiose e gigantorhyncose em Sao Paulo: o cnenopodium na dysenteria balantidiana. Ann. paulist. de med. e cirurg., S. Paulo, 1918,_ix, 1-4.—Behrenroth (E.) Das Balantidium coli und seine pathogene Bedeutung. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1913, xix, Ergnzngshft., 42- 62. -----. Chronische Colitis durch Balantidium coh. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 2226.— Bel (G. S.) & Couret (M.) Balantidium coli infection in man. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1910, vh, 609-624, 4 pi.— Bowman (F. B.) Two cas.es of Balantidium coli infection, with autopsy. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1909, iv, 417- 422, 5 pi.-----. The pathogenesis of the Balantidium coli. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1814-1S17.—Brewer (I. W.) A case of infection with Balantidium coli. N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1910, xci, 1295. Aho, Reprint—Brooks (H.) A contribution concerning the pathogenesis of the Balantidium coh. N.York Univ. Bull. M. Sc, 1902, ii, 1-17, 2 pi. Aho, Reprint.—Brumpt (E.) Demonstration du role pathogene du Balantidium coli; enkystement et conjugaison de cet in- fusoire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 103- 105.—Bushuyeff (V. F.) [On the pathogenic character of Balantidium coh.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1897, clxxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 167-1S1.—de la Chape lie (A.) [Two new eases of Balantidium coli in man.] Finska lak.- siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1896, xxxviu, 1041-1051. Also: Eira, Stockholm, 1897, xxi, 264-266—Chichulin (G. N.) [R61e of Balantidium coh in intestinal disorders.] Vovenno- Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1900, lxxvhi, med.-spec.pt., 2059-2104.— De Buys (L. R.) Balantidium coli infection, with report of a case in a child. Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1918, xvi, 123-129. Aho, Reprint.-----. A case of Balantidium coh. Arch. Pediat., N. V., 1918, xxxv, 356. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1918, cviii, 617.- De Gregoriis (A.) Balantidiosis humana; un caso observado en Salta. Rev. Asoc. med. argent.. Buenos Aires, 1916, xxv, 143-145.—Dutcher (B. H.) The failure of emetine hydrochlorid, but the apparent success of salvarsan, in a case of Balantidiosis. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc], N. Orl., 1914-15, ii, 663.-----. Note on a new geographical locality for Balantidiosis coh. J. Trop. M. [etch Lond., 1914, xvii, 99— Ehrnrooth (E.) Zur Frage der Pathogenitat des Balantidium coh. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1903, xlix, 321-331.—Gray (D. A.) Report of three cases of Balantidium coli; Balantidium coh (Stein) Parameecium coli (Malmsten). St. Louis M. Rev., 1907, lv, 417.—Gruzdeff (S.) & Poliloff (A. M.) Parameciums. Balantidium coli i ervsipelas salutare. Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1907, vi, 1514^1520 — Gimvitsch (M. I.) Balanti- dium coli im menschlichen Darm. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1897. n. F., xiv, 183-189.—Henschen (S. E.) Zur Frage iiber die pathogenetische Bedeutung des Balanti- dium coli. Arch. 1. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1901, vii, 501- 508.—Hlnkelmann (A. J.) Balantidium coli. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 200-202. Aho, Reprint— Holmsen (F.) Eitrige Colo-proctitis von einem seitenen Darmparasiten: Balantidium coh, verursacht. Verhandl. d. k. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med., Skagen 1909, Stockholm, 1910,. 358-365.— Janowski (W.) Ein Fall von Balantidium coli im Stuhle, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber den Einfluss dieses Pa- rasiten auf Storungen im Darmcanal. Ztschr. f. khn. Med., Berl., 1897, xxxii, 415-432.—Jennings (C. G. R.) Balanti- BALANTIDIUM. 325 BALCIAXELLI Balantidium coli (Infection by). dium infection and pernicious anemia. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1912, xii. 179-181—Klimenko (W.) Beitrag zur Pathologie des Balantidium (Paramaecium) coli. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1903, xxxhi, 281-30L 2 pi.—Koslowsky (J. J.) Zur Lehre von den Infusorien, die als Parasiten im Verdauungskanale des Menschen vorkom- men; ein Fall von Balantidium coliim Darme des Menschen. Arch.f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1905, xi; 31-57— Labbe (M.) Un cas d'enterite a Balantidium coh. Paris med., 1917, xxii,472.—I,anzenberg(A.) Uncasdebalantidioseautoch- tone; son traitement. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1918, xi, 558.—Manlove (C. H.) Two cases of balantidial colitis. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1917, xh, s. B, 149-163. Aho [Abstr.]: Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1917-18, x, 279—Maxwell (J. L.) Apaper from H. S. Houghton on Balantidium in- fection. China M. J., Shanghai, 1912, xxvi, 18-21.—Parodi (S. F.) & Widakowich (V.) El Balantidium coli en nuestro pais. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, pt. 2, 35-41.—Pokrovskl (V. G.) [Enteritis, produced by balan- tidia and their treatment.] Trudi fak. terap. klin. Imp. Mosk. Univ... . v chest.. . V. D. Shervinskavo, 1904,137- 158.—von Prowazek (S.) Zur Kenntnis der Balantidiosis; zusammenfassende Darstellung. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schifis- u. Tropen- Hyg., Leipz., 1913, xvh; 369-390, 2 pi.—Robin (W.) Zwei durch Balantidium h hervorgerufene Colitis- falle (Balantidium colitis). Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1904, x, 68-81. -----. [Two cases of Balantidium coli.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1907, xxxv, 37; 61.—Shegalow (J. P.) Ein Fall von Balantidium coh bei einem 5iahrigen Madchen. Jahrb. L Kinderh., Leipz.; 1899, n. F., xlix, 425- 441.—Sievers (R.) Ueber Balantidium coli im mensch- lichen Darmkanal und dessen Vorkommen in Schweden und Finland. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1899, v, 445- 466.—Solowjew (N. S.) Das Balantidium coh als Erreger chronischer Durchfalle. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 821; 849.-----. Ueber einen Fall von Balantidien-Infection des Dickdarms und des Magens. Allg. med. Centr. Ztg., Berl., 1903, Lxxii, 175-179.—von Ssawel- jew (N.) Aflektion des Dickdarms, bedingt durch Balan- tidien. Centralbl. f. Stoffwechsel- u. Verdauungskr., Got- ting., 1901, ii, 417-424.—Stepanoff (V. P.) [Treatment of balantidiasis with emetin. Sibirsk. Vrach, Tomsk, 1916, iii, 57-63.—Strassburger. Demonstration eines Kranken mit Balantidium coh. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2364. Aho: Sitzungsb. d. naturk. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal. 1910, Bonn. 1911,s. B,34-36.— Strong (R. P.) Balantidium coh (Stein). Circ. trop. dis., Manila, 1901,11-13.—Strong (R. P.) & Musgrave (W. E.) Preliminary note of a case of infection with Balantidium coli (Stein). Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xh, 31 — Taboadela (J. A.) Observation of a case of dysentery in a girl due to balantidium. San. y benefic. Bol. ofic, Habana, 1911, v, 70-78.—Walker (E. L.) Quantitative determina- tion of the balantidicidal activity of certain drugs and chem- icals as a basis for treatment of infections with Balantidium coh. Philippine J. Sc, Manila. 1913, vhi, s. B., 1-15.-----. Experimental balantidiasis. Ibid., 333-349,7 pi.—Woit (O.) Drei neue Falle von Balantidium coh im menschlichen Darm. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1898, lx, 363- 384.1 pi.—Young (A. D.) & Walker (O. J.) Balantidium coh infection in Oklahoma. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 507. Balantidium orchestium. Watson (Minnie E.) A new infusorian parasite in sand fleas. [Balantidium orchestium.] J. Parasitol., Urbana, 111., 1916, ii, 145. Balanus improvisus. Bahls (H. J. C.) *Ueber Struktur und Wachstum der Schale von Balanus improvisus. 8°. Greifswald, 1903. Filatowa (E.) Quelques remarques a propos du develop- pement post-embryonnaire et ranatomiede Balanus impro- visus (Darw.). Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1902, xxv, 379-385. Balard (Jean-Paul-Antoine) [1885- ]. *Re- cherches anatomo-cliniques sur les foyers d'aus- cultation du cceur foetal en fin de grossesse et pendant le travail. 88 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1911, No. 39. Balaruc-les-Bains. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Balas (Dezso). Kozlemeny a budapesti k. m. t.-egyetem 2. szanui (Reczey Imre tanar) sebeszeti klinikumar61. A klinikum betegfor- galma 1902, ev els6 fel^ben. [Communication on the Surgical Clinic of the Budapest Royal Hungarian Scientific Society (Emerich Reczey, professor). The pathological work of the clinic in the first half of 1902.] 19 pp. fol. Budapest, Orvosi hetilap, 1903. Balassa (Constantin). L'art de ferrer les chevaux sans faire usage de la force selon les moyens rationnels de'duits de la psicologie du cheval. Traduit par Fortune de Brack, xiv, 53 pp. 8°. Baris, Houdaille, 1835. Balassa (Johann). Dollinger (G.) [Johann Balassa and the treatment of tubercular inflammation of bones and joints.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, hii, 17-23. Balata. Schereschewski (E.) *Ueber Balata und Chicle. [Bern.] 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1906. Baucher. Note sur la recolte et la preparation de la Balata a la Guyane francaise. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1912, xv, 843-848—Lenz (W.) Balata. Arb. a. d. pharmazeut. Inst. d. Univ. Berl., 1912, ix, 232. Balata (Charles) [1880- ]. *La puericulture du premier age chez les enfants de la classe ouvriere. [Montpellier.] 58 pp. 8°. Marseille, 1910, No. 35. Balaton Lake. Lenkel (V. D.) [The climate of the Balaton Lake region, and the physical and chemical properties of the water and mud of Balaton Lake.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1909, vii, 423- 430.-----. [Radium and radium emanation contained in the water of Balaton Lake; its weight and volume.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1910, liv, 331; 351; 372; 387. -----. [Bala- ton Lake and its effect on the human organism.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1911, ix, 163-175. Balatre (Emile) [1875- ]. Contribution a l'etude des pyelonephrites gravidiques et de leur traitement. 58 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 62. Balavoine (Hector). *Recherches sur la tension arterielle maxima et la tension minima dans quelques affections oculaires. 68 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 118. Balavoine (Robert). *Die Schutzimpfung des Rindes gegen den Rauschbrand in der Schweiz; und in einigen andern Landern. [Bern.] 58 pp. 8°. Zurich, O. Fiissli, 1909. Balbiani (Edouard-Gerard) [1823-99]. H. Necrologie. Progres med., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 94.— Henneguy (L. F.) Notice biographique. Arch, d'anat. micr., Par., 1899-1900, hi, pp. i-xxxvi, port.—L. (E.) /.Bi- ography.] Bibliog. anat.. Par. & Nancy, 1899, vh, 151.— Necrologie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1899,11. s., ii, 365. Balbirnie (John) [1810-95]. A treatise on the organic diseases of the womb. 2. ed. xv, 335 pp. 8°. London, E. Bortwine, [1836]. Balbis (Franciscus). Thesis. [De carcinomate, seu cancro.l 6 pp., 1 1. 4°. Genuse, 1809. [P., v. 2148.] Balbis (Joannes Baptista). Materies medica prselectionibus academicis accommodata. 2 pts. in 1 v. lxi (11.), 235 pp.; 220 pp., 12 1. 8°. Augustse Taurinorum, B. J. Bie, 181L Balcam (Ernest-Edouard) [1876- 1. *Osteo- sarcome du maxillaire superieur chez les enfants. 48 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, B. Cassignol, 1900, No. 20. Balcells y Camps (Jos6 Antonio). Moral farma- ceutica. 38 pp. 12°. Barcelona, 1839. Balch (Franklin Green) [1864- ]. Surgical diseases and wounds of the male genital organs. In: Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1909, vi, 622-699,1 pi. Balch (Lewis) [1847-1909]. A manual for boards of health and health officers. 204 pp. 12°. Albany, Banks dc Co., 1903. ------. The same. 242 pp. 12°. Albany, Banks dc Co., 1906. For Biography, see Med. Rec, N. Y., 1909, lxxvi, 318. Balcianelli (Giovanni). Discorso contro l'abuso dell' antimonio preparato, o argento vivo subli- mato, o del precipitate in medicine solutive ordinati. 30 pp. sm. 4°. Verona, A. Tamo, 1603. BALCK. 326 BALDWIN. Balck (V. G.) & Djurberg (Vilhelm). Svenska lifraddningssallskapets handbok for raddning af drunknande, skenbart drunknades behandling, lifraddningsofningar pa land, simundervisning pa land och i vatten, etc. [Swedish Life-Saving Association. Handbook for resuscitating the drowned [etc.].] 90 pp. 12°. Stockholm, B. Balmquist, 1900. Baldassarri (Giuseppe). Osservazioni ed espe- rienze intorno al bagno di Montalceto. 4 p. 1., 144 pp., port. 12°. -Siena, L. dc B. Bindi, 1779. Baldauf (Albert) [1880- ]. *Ein cystisches Riesenzellensarkom eines Metacarpalknochens. 28 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Miinchen, Br. C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1905. Balde (Jakob) [1603- ]. Rossler (O.) Ein Kampfer gegen Kurpfuschertum und Aberglaube aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. [Jakob Balde.] Aerztl. Mitt. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1904, lviii, 247. Baldensperger (Jules-Alfred) [1876- ]. *La sclerite. 88 pp., 11. 8°. Nancy, 1901, No. 6. Baldenweck Louis) [1878- ].# *Etude anato- mique et clinique sur les relations de l'oreille moyenne avec la pointe du rocher, le ganglion de Gasser et la vie paire cranienne. 209 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 154. ------. The same. 209 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1908. Baldes (Karl) [1877- ]. *Ueber die Ausschei- dung von saurem und neutralem Schwefel im Harn des Kaninchens wahrend des Hungerzu- standes. 12 pp., 21. 8°. Wurzburg, 1901. Baldi (Dario). La glicosuria e la sua terapia. 47 pp. 8°. Milano, [n. d.]. Conferenze cliniche italiane, 1. s., i, 14. Baldinger (Ernestus Godofredus) [1738-1804]. [Pr.] vindiciae irritabilitatis Hallerianaj. [Cum vita candidati Carolus Ernestus Kositzki]. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Gcettingse, J. C. Bieterich, 1775. _ ------. Pharmacopcea Edinburgensis. 8 p. l.,xi, 292 pp. 16°. Bremx, G. B. Foerster, 1776. ------. Selecta doctorum virorum opuscula in quibus Hippocrates explicatur, denuo edita. xii Q 1.), 351 pp. 12°. Gottingse, B. F. Kubler, 1782. For Biography, see Nicolai (Ernst Anton) [in 2. s.]. [Pr.] quo genuina arthritis [etc.]. 4°. Jenae, [1760]. Baldini (Cesare). Le malattie contagiose e le norme per prevenirne la diffusione nelle scuole, ad uso del personale direttivo e insegnante. 2. ed., con aggiunte [etc.]. 22 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Boma, 1898. ------. Profilassi scolastica. Malattie conta- giose che possono diffondersi nella scuola. broadside. Boma, Unione coop., [1898?]. Baldini (Filippo). Degradazione della vita umana cagionata dall' abuso delle mode. 2 p. 1., 70 pp. 12°. [n. p.], 1782. ------. Maniere d'allaiter les enfans a la main au d^faut de nourrices. Traduit de l'italien par M. ... xii, 142pp., lpl. 16°. Barh, Buisson, 1786. Baldini (Gaston). Contribution a l'etude de la fievre typhoide dans ses rapports avec la m6de- cine legale. 83 pp. 8°. Bans, 1909, No. 83. Baldness. See Alopecia. Baldoni (Angelo). Manuale di patologia e terapia chirurgica generale. viii, 371 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1898?]. ------. Manuale di patologia e terapia chirurgica speciale. 4 v. 12°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1901-6]. Baldovski (V[ladimir] G[rigoryevich]) [1876- ]. Sluchal kesarskavo siecheniya pri eklampsii. [Csesarean section in eclampsia.] 4 pp. 8°. Tomsk, Sib. Tov. Bech. Biela, 1910. Bound with: Izvfest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1910, xxxvu. Baldridge (Alexander H.) [1795-1874]. Felter (H. W.) [Biography.] Eclect. M. J., Cincin., lxix, 81-83. * Balduin (Hubert) [1884- ]. *Ueber Netztor- sion. [Giessen.) 10 pp. 8°. Brag, 1911. Baldus (Baldus). Opobalsami orientalis in con- ficienda theriaca Romse adhibiti. Medicse pro- pugnationes. 69 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Bomse, 1640. Baldwin (Agnes) [1876- ]. See Brett (Mrs. Agnes Baldwin). Baldwin (Bird Thomas). Physical growth and school progress, A study in "experimental edu- cation. 212 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1914. U. S. Bur. Educat., Bull., No. 10. Baldwin (D[avid] A.) The family pocket homce- opathist, a concise manual of homoeopathic prac- tice for families and travelers. 142 pp. 24°. [Bochester, E. Barrow dc Bro., 1863.] ------. The same. 2. ed. 158 pp. 24°. Boch- ester, E. Barrow dc Co., 1886. Baldwin (Edward Robinson) [1864- ]. Tuber- culosis; history and etiology. In: Mod. Med. (Osier). 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1907, ih, 137-199. ------. Tuberculosis; its cause, prevention and treatment. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, Am. M. Ass. Bress, [n. d.]. Baldwin (Henri Cutler) [1859-1915]. Knapp (P. C.) & Tuttle (G. T.) Memorial resolutions. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 726.—[Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 925. Aho: Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 388.—Spoflord (Harriet P.) Memorial of Henry Cutler Baldwin. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 426. Baldwin (James Mark) [1861- ]. Mental de- velopment in the child and the race. Methods and processes. 2. ed., corrected, xvi, 496 pp. 12°. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1898. ------. The same. Le developpement mental chez l'enfant et dans la race. Traduit de l'an- glais par M. Nourry, et prec£d6 d'une preface de M. Leon Marillier. xiv, 464 pp. 8°. Baris, F. Alcan, 1897. -------. Social and ethical interpretations in men- tal development. A study in social psychology. 2. ed., revised, with additions, xx, 580 pp. 8°. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1899. ------. History of psychology; a sketch and an interpretation. 2 v. xiii, 168 pp., port.; vii, 214 pp., port. 12°. New York dc London, G. B. Putnam's Sons, 1913. See, aho, Binet (Alfred). Alterations of personality. 12°. London, 1896.—Dictionary of philosophy and psychol- ogy [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1901. Baldwin (Joseph). Elementary psychology and education, a text-book for high schools, normal schools, normal institutes, and reading circles, and a manual for teachers, xviii, (11.), 299 pp. 8°. New York, B. Appleton <£• Co., 1899. Baldwin (L. Blake) & Larned (Ezra Read). Syphilis in dentistry. 120 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Chi- cago, E. H. Colgrov'e, 1903. Baldwin (Louis Kimball) [1836-93]. Welch (W. M.) In memoriam. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1894, xv, pp. xvh-xix. Baldwin (William J.) Baldwin on heating; or, steam heating for buildings revised; being a description of steam heating apparatus for warming and ventilating large buildings and BALDWIN. 327 BALL Baldwin (William J.)—continued. private houses, [etc.]. vi, 365 pp., 6 pi. 8°. New York, J. Wiley dc Sons, 1897. Baldy (F.) *Essai des aluminiums industriels et des metaux solubles dans l'acide chlorique. viii, 9-61 pp., lpl. 8°. Montpellier 1900, No. 5. Ecole de pharmacie. Baldy (John Montgomery) [1860- ]. See American (An) text-book of gynecology. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. For Portrait, see Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1909, vhi, 420. Bale (William) [1836-1914]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 406. Bale (William Barker) [1866-1916]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 258. Balencie (H.) [1876- ]. *Du traitement con- servateur des arthrites tuberculeuses du cou-de- pied. Ill pp. 8°. Toulouse 1904, No. 396. Balencie (I.) [1871- ]. *Luxations de l'epaule en arriere et en particulier de la sous-acromiale. 59 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 636. Balestra (Angelo). La febbre isterica. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Barma, B. Bellegrini, 1899. Balestre (AQbert]) & de Saint-Joseph (A. Gilletta). Etude sur la mortalite de la premiere enfance dans la population urbaine de la France de 1892 a 1897. 1 p. 1., 51 pp., 2 1. 8°. Barh, Boin, 1901. Balestre (Paul-Louis) [1879- ]. *Etude sta- tistique sur la mortalite infantile de 0 a 1 an et de 1 a 2 ans a Nice de 1887 a 1904. Indications sur la prophylaxie de la mortalite infantile. 166 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 151. Baletti (L.) Le spedalita in Italia prima e dopo la legge del 17 luglio 1890 sulle opere pie, con speciale riguardo, alia reciprocity di trattamento nei Lombardo-Veneto pel colpiti da malattia acuta. 85 pp. 12°. Como, B. Nani dc Co., 1900. Balewski (Balu). *Ueber die Wirkung des Phesins als Antipyreticum. 21 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1903. Balewski (Minko Theodorow) [1876- ]. *Die hypnotische Wirkung des Metachlorals. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1902. Balfour (Alfred) [1852-1906]. [Obituary.] Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 134. Balfour (Andrew) [1852-1906]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 55. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 21. Balfour (Andrew) [1873- _ ] & Archibald (Rob- ert George). Second review of the recent ad- vances in tropical medicine, hygiene and trop- ical veterinary science. In collaboration with W. B. Fry and W. R. O'Farrell. 448 pp., 1 pi. [front.]. 4°. London, Baillihe, Tindall dc Co., 1911. Suppl. to the 4. report of the W'ellcome Tropical Research Laboratories, Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum. Balfour (Francis). Neues System iiber die faulen nachlassenden Intestinal-Fieber und den Sonnen- und Mond-Einfluss auf dieselben, nebst sichern und verbesserten Heilart. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. xxiv, 112 pp., 2 ch., 31. 16°. Bresslau, J. F. Korn, 1792. ------. A collection of treatises on the effects of sol-lunar influence in fevers; with an improved method of curing them. 4. ed. xxvi, 3-12 pp.; xxxii (21.), 359 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Cupar dc Lon- don, B. Tullis, 1816. Balfour (George William) [1823-1903]. Clinical lectures on diseases of the heart and aorta. 2. ed. xvi, 469 pp., 2 pi. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1882. Balfour (George William)—continued. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. xxi, 479 pp., 2 pi. 8°. London, A. dc C. Black, 1898. ------. The senile heart; its symptoms, sequelse, and treatment. 2. ed. viii (2.1.), 308 pp 12° London, A. dc C. Black, 1896. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, h, 439. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 570, port. Aho: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1903, xhi, 237-241 (J. O. A.). Balfour (Isaac Bayley). See, de Bary (Anton). Comparative morphology [etc.l. 8°. Oxford, 1887. L J For Portrait, see Stud. Photog. Album. 8°. [Edin- burgh, 1903.] L Balfour (James Drysdale) [1856-1914]. [Obituary.] Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1914, xxxix, 126. Balfour (W. G.) An analysis of the evidence given before the select committee of the House of Commons, appointed February 12, 1877, to enquire into the working of the lunacy law. 8 pp. 12°. Alton, 1877. ------. Suggestions for consideration regarding private asylums. 8 pp.' 8°. Alton, Evans, [n. d.]. Balhorn (Hans). *Ueber die negative Wirkung der Kohlenstoffdoppelbindungen auf benach- barte Methylengruppen, speciell beim Cyclo- pentadien. 62 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Munchen, V. Hofling, 1902. Baliano (Giovanni Battista). Trattato della pestilenzaove si adducono pensieri nuovi in piu materie. Stampato gia l'anno m.dc.xvii. et hora riweduto, ed ampliato dall'autore. 4 p. 1., 198 pp., 9 1. 12°. Genova, per B. Guasco, [1698]. Balinski (Ivan Mikhailovich) [1827- 1902]. Bekhtereff (V. M.) [In memoriam.] Obozr. Psichiat., Nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1910, xv, 129-135.—Chechott (O. A.) [In memoriam.] Ibid.. 135-150— Ostankofl (P.) [In memoriam.] Ibid., 1902, vh, 163-165, port.—Sikorski (I. A.) [In memoriam.] Vopr. Nerv.-Psikh. Med., Kiev, 1902, vh, pp. i-lvi, port. Balistresi (F. Stagnitta) & Bandi (Ivo). Con- siderazioni sopra repidemia di peste bubbonica in Oporto nell'anno 1899. 30 pp. 8°. Messina, A. Trimarchi, 1900. Balkan Peninsula. Castellan! (A.) Tropical diseases in the Balkans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Med., 31-58. -----. Notes sur les maladies tropicales dans les zones balkanique et adriatique. Bull, de l'Omce internat. d'hyg.'pub., Par., 1918, x, 10-30.—Cvijic (J.) Die ethnographischen Ab- grenzung der Volker auf der Balkanhalbinsel. Mitt. a. Justus Perthes' Geog. Anst., Gotha, 1913, hx, 113; 185; 244 — Pittard (E.) Anthropometric comparative des popula- tions balkaniques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1915, clx, 642; 681. -----. Les peuples de la peninsule des Balkans, esquisse anthropologique. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1915, xxvi, 665-675.—Treidler (H.) Alte Volker der Balkanhalbinsel. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1913, n. F., xh, 97-107.—Wolff (K. S.) Volker und Rassen auf dem Balkan. Poht.-anthrop. Rev., Berl., 1913-14, xh, 202-207.— Zaborowski (S.) Les Balkans, leur premier peuplement. Rev. anthrop., Par., 1916, xxvi, 467-477. Balk ha u sen (Peter) [1888- . ]. *Ueber Ikterus gravis in der Schwangerschaft. [Wiirzburg.] 27 pp. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, B. Noske, 1914. Balkwill (F. H.) The testimony of the teeth to man's place in nature. With other essays on the doctrine of evolution, xiii, 240 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Bondon, K. Baul, Trench, Trubner dc Co., 1893. Ball (Albert B.) L'enfant et son medecin; guide pratique de 1'hygiene et des maladies de l'en- fance de 0 a 15 ans. xvi, 271 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1910. Ball (Albert J. A.). See Koch (Robert) [in 2. s.]. Water filtration and cholera [etc.]. fol. [London, 1893.] BALL. 328 BALLAND. Ball (Albert-William-Benjamin). *De la perfora- tion de l'estomac au cours des ulceres la tents ou meconnus; Etiologie, clinique et diagnostic. 208 pp. 8°. Bans, 1904, No. 576. Ball (Alonzo Brayton) [1841-1908]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 597. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 1721. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, Ixxxvhi, 849. Ball (Benjamin) [1835-931. Ritti(A.) [Biography.] In hh: Hist. d. trav. Soc. med.- psychol., 8°, Par., 1914, ii, 346-349. Ball (Charles Albert) [1851-1909]. [Obituary.] Wash. M. Ann., 1909-10, vhi, 411. Ball (Sir Charles Bent) [1851-1916]. The rectum. its diseases and developmental defects. 332 pp., 5 pi. 4°. London, H. Frowde, dc Hodder dc Stoughton, 1908. For Biography, see Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1916, iv, 9. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i,469. Aho: Dubhn J. M. Sc. 1916, clxi, 293-296 (J. W. M.) Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 703. Ball (Charles R.) [1867- ]. See Nonne (Max). Syphilis and the nervous system. 8°. Philadelphia & London, [1913]. Ball (Gulielmus Jacobus). *De dysenteria. 1 p. 1., 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Steward, 1808. Ball (James Bfarry]). A handbook of diseases of the nose and pharynx. 3. ed. xii, 404 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1897. ------. The same. 4. ed. xii, 439 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1901. ------. The same. 5. ed. xii, 388 pp. 8°. London, Baillilre, Tindall dc Cox, 1906. ------. The same. 3. ed. xii, 404 pp. 12°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1898. ------. The same. 4. ed. xii, 439 pp. 12°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1901. ------. The same. 5. ed. xii, 388 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1906. Ball (James Moores), sr. [1812-97]. [Biography.] Tri-StateM.J.& Pract., St. Louis, 1897,iv, 441-443. Ball (James Moores), jr. [1862- ]. Modern ophthalmology. A practical treatise on the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. xxiii, 820 pp., 21 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1904. ------. The same. 2. ed. 820 pp., 23 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1908. ------. The same. 3. ed. xxv, 911 pp., 24 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1913. ------. The same. 4. ed. 3 p. 1., v-xxv, 911 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1916. ------. Andreas Vesalius, the reformer of anat- omy. [Vignette.] xvii, 149 pp., 2 port. fol. Saint Louh, Med. Science Bress, 1910. Ball (John). Pharmacopoeia domestica nova, praecipue in usum eorum, qui^ vel ruri vel partibus transmarinis artem medicam exercent, ut apothecas privatas sibimet construant. Ed. 4°. 112 pp., 4 1. 16°. Londini, A. Millar, 1760. ■------. Practische Abhandlung von Fiebern oder grundliche Anwelsung, wie alle Arten von Fiebern zu erkennen, zu beurtheilen und zu heilen sind. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von D. S. 7 p. 1. 262 pp., 1 1. 12°. Frankfurt dc Leipzig, 1762. ------. Grundliche und vollstandige Anweisung zur medicinischen Praxis, als eine Fortsetzung der Abhandlung von Fiebern. Aus dem engli- schen iibersetzt von Christ. Fried. Selig. 3 p. 1., 388 pp., 2 1. 12°. Frankjurt dc Leipzig, 1763. Bound with: Ball (J.) Practische Abhandlung [etc.]. 12°. Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1763. Ball (Malcolm Edward) [ -1916]. Obituary. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1916, xxx, 170. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 973. Ball (Michael Valentine) [18687 ]. Essentials of bacteriology, being a concise and systematic introduction to the study of micro-organisms. 5. ed., thoroughly revised by Karl M. Vogel. 243 pp., 7 pi. 86. Bhiladelphia, W. B. Saun- ders & Co., 1904. ------. The same. 6. ed. 290 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1908. ------& Weston (Paul G.) The same. 7. ed., thoroughly revised. 321 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1913. Ball (Ogilvie D.) [1840-1915]. [Obituary.] Albany M. Ann., 1916, xxxvu, 41-43, port Ball (Victor) [1873- ]. *L'atherome aortique chez l'homme et les animaux; 6tude d'anatomie pathologique comparee. 112 pp. 8°. Byon, 1907, No. 128. See, aho, Cadeac (C.) & Ball (Victor). Anatomie patho- logique [etc.]. 12°. Parh, 1907.—Lesbre (F.-X.) [in 2. s.j. Elements d'histologie [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1903. Ball (Walter) [1878-19121. [Obituary.] Lancet, Lond., 1912, ii, 920. Ball (William Ormsby Wyndham) [1889- 1914]. [Obituary.] Lancet Lond., 1914, ii, 1070. Balla (Alberto). Bibliografia oto-rino-laringolo- gica italiana (1870-30 giugno 1908), 257 pp. 4°. Bavia, successori Bizzoni, 1909. Balla ban (Teodor). DosViadczenia na polu nowoczesnej okulistyki na podstawie 12,000 przypadkow wlasnej obserwacyi [Experience in modern ophthalmology obtained in 12,000 cases.] viii, 170 pp. 8°. w Krakowie, J. Fili- t)o/U)sJl1 1901 Ballan '(Jean) [1856- ]. Contribution a l'etude du traitement des paralysies diphteri- ques par la serotherapie. 84 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 74. Ballan (Jean-Maxime) [1886- ]. *Recher- ches sur la tension sanguine dans l'epilepsie. 91 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912, Xo. 109. Ballance (Charles Alfred). Some points in the surgery of the brain and its membranes, xv, 405 pp. 8°. London dc New York, Macmillan dc Co., 1907. ------. The same. 2. ed. xvi, 451 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan d- Co., 1908. ------ & Stewart (Purvesl. The healing of nerves, x (1 1.), 112 pp., 16 pi. 4°. Londont Macmillan dc Co., 1901. Balland (A.) La chimie alimentaire dans I'oeuvre de Parmentier. xi, 448 pp., port. 8°. Bari$t J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1902. ------. Los aliments. Chimie, analyse, expertise, valeur alimentaire. I. Cer&iles. vii, 432 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1907. ------. The same. II. Legumes, fruit, viandes, laitages, conserves, boissons et fourrages. 508 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1907. ------. Comment choisir ses aliments pour etablir son menu. 293 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1909. See, aho, Plllas (A.) & Balland (A.) [in 2. s.L Le chi- miste Dize [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1906. Balland (Justin) [1869- ]. *Influence du saturnisme sur la marche de la grossesse, le produit de la conception et l'allaitement; re- cherches cliniques, experimentales et toxicolo- giques. 91 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 586. BALLAND. 329 BALLET. Balland (Louis) [1883- ]. *Frequence des trichocephales et des oxyures dans le caecum et l'appendice d'adultes non typhiques morts dans les hopitaux de Paris. 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 12. Ballantyne (Alexander) [1838-1916]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916,ii,542. Aho: Edinb. M. J., 1916, n. s.,xvh, 349. Ballantyne (James Todd) [1845-1917]. Obituary. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1917, ii, 67. A ho: Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 140. Ballantyne (John William) [1861- ]. Terato- genesis; an inquiry into the causes of monstrosi- ties. History of the theories of the past. 62 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver dc Boyd, 1897. -----. Manual of antenatal pathology and hy- giene. The foetus, xvi, 527 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Green dc Sons, 1902. -----. Thesame. xvi, 527 pp., 14 pi. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1902. ------. Thesame. The embryo, xv, 697 pp., 9 p. 1. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Green dc Sons, 1904. Thesame. xix, 697 pp., 23 pi. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1905. ----. Essentials of obstetrics. ix, 231 pp. 8°. Edinburgh dc Bondon, W. Green dc Sons, 1904. Essentials of gynecology, xi, 268 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Green dc Co., 1905. ----. Quinquennium of medicine and surgery, 1906 to 1910. Edited by J. W. Ballantyne. 2 p. 1., 411 pp., pi. roy. 4°. Edinburgh, W. Green dc Sons, 1911. Also published with the additional title: First supple- mentary volume to Green's Encyclopedia and dictionary of medicine and surgery. -----. Expectant motherhood; its supervision and hygiene, xv, 288 pp. 8°. London [etc.], 1914. Ballard (Edward) [1820-97]. Dickinson (W. H.) [Biography.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1897, lxxx, p. cxxxviii.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 281. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 342.—P. (W. H.) Obituary. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, lxu, pp. iii-v. Ballard (Ernest Fryer). An epitome of mental disorders; a practical guide to aetiology, diag- nosis and treatment, for practitioners, asylum, and R. A. M. C. medical officers, xv, 211 pp. 12°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1917. Ballard (James F.) The Boston Medical Li- brary ; its past, present, and future. 9 pp. 12°. Boston, B. C. Heath dc Co., 1908. -----. Some problems in the administration of a medical library. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, W. T. Haynes, 1914. Ballard (Julien) [1876- ]. *Comment meurent les epileptiques. 142 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 584. Ballard (Philip Boswood). Obliviscence and reminiscence, viii, 82 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Univ. Bress, 1913. Brit. J. Psychol., Monog., Suppl. ii. Ballarini (Giuseppe). See Kreysig (Friedrich Ludwig) [in 2. s.]. Le malattie del cuore [etc.]. 16°. Parma, 1819-22. Ballay. Traite sommaire des maladies vene- riennes. viii, 224 pp., 3 1. 16°. Barh, Bebure [et al.], 1762. Ballay (Emile) [1842-1901]. Derocque(P.) [Biography.] Rev. m£d. de Normandie, Rouen, 1901, 433, port. Balle (Gerhard) [1890- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der Pschorrschen Phenanthre-Synthesen. [Giessen.] 62 pp. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, Wiisten dc Co., 1914. Ballenger (Edgar G.) [1877- ]. Genito- urinary diseases and syphilis, xii, 276 pp 8° Atlanta, Ga., E. W. Allen dc Co., 1908. —-— & Elder (Omar F.) The same. The Wassermann reaction by J. Edgar Paullin 2 ed. xxiv, 529 pp. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., E. W Allen dc Co., 1913. Ballenger (Howard Charles) [1886- ] & Wip- pern (A. G.) Eye, ear, nose and throat; a manual for students and practitioners. New 2 ed. viii (17), 524 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea dc Febiger, 1917. Ballenger (William Lincoln] [1861-1915], Dis- eases of the nose, throat ard ear, medical and surgical, viii, 17-905 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Bea dc Febiger, 1908. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. ix, 932 pp., 17 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Bea dc Febiger, 1909. The same. 3. ed. xi, 17-983 pp., 22 pi roy. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea dc Febiger, 1911. ----. The same. 4. ed. xi, [17]-1080 pp., 33 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea dc Febiger, 1914. For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 133. Aho: J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., Lancaster, Pa., 1916, xxh, 186. Aho: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1916, xxvi, 83, port. & Wippern (A. G.) Eye, ear, nose and throat. A manual for students and practi- tioners. Series edited by Bern B. Gallaudet. 511 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1900. Thesame. 511pp. 8°. Bondon, H. Kimpton, 1901. de Ballens (Convers). Simple comparaison medi- cale. 18 pp. 8°. Florence, F. Bencini, 1850. [P., v. 2237.] Ballereau (Jean). *Prophylaxie de la myopie par les myotiques. 58 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 174. Ballerin (Marcel) [1886- ]. Contribution a l'etude du redressement des deviations de la cloison des fosses nasales par la resection sous- muqueuse. 74 pp. 8°. Barh, 1912, No. 253. BalIerstedt_([Theodor Arthur] Georg) [1884- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der Lysolvergiftung. 49 pp. 8°. Beipzig, E. Behmann, 1909. Ballespi (Camilo Castells). Historia de la legis- laci6n sanitaria espanola desde los tiempos pri- mitives hasta la promulgacion de la ley de sa- nidad de 28 de enero de 1855. xviii, 87 pp. 12°. Lerida, lib. deSoly Benet, 1897. Ballet (Bernard-Benigne) [1886- _ ]. Contri- bution a l'etude du cancer primitif du poumon (le cancer primitif epithelial du parenchyme pulmonaire). [Lyon.] 109 pp. 8°. Villeur- banne, 1910. Ballet (Gilbert) [1853-1916]. Le-ons de clinique medicale. Psychoses et affections nerveuses. vi, 251 pp. 8°. Barh, 0. Boin, 1897. Swedenborg; histoire d'un visionnaire au xviiie siecle. xii, 228 pp., port. 12°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1899. ---—. Aphasie. In: Trait£ de mecl. (Brouardel & Gilbert). 8°. Parh, 1901, vhi, 456-530. Neurasthenia. Translated from the 3. French ed. by P. Campbell Smith. 408 pp. 8°. London, H. Kimpton, 1908. ----. The same. 3. ed. xxix, (1 1.), 408 pp. 8°. London, H. Kimpton, 1911. See, aho, Fay (Henri-Marcel). Histoire de la lepre [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1910.—Proust (Achille-Adrien) & Ballet (Gil- bert) [in 2. s.]. L'hygiene du neurasthenique [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1897.-----------[in 2. s.]. The treatment of neu- BALLET. 330 BALNEOLOGIE. Ballet (Gilbert)—continued. rasthenia, [etc.]. 16°. London, 1902.—Traite de pathologie [etc.] [in 2. s.]. roy. 8°. Parh, 1903. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 575. Aho: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., lxxv, 328-330. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 1213. Aho: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1917, xlvi, 79, port. Aho:.Paris med., 1916, vi, annexes, 91 (A. Mathieu). Aho: Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, annexes, 129-131, port. (Dupre). Aho: Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 55 (M. Loeper). Ballet (Pierre) [1882- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la disinfection des mains du chirur- gien et du champ operatoire. 52 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 424. Ballet (Victor) [1870- ]. *De la paralysie bulbo-spinale asthcnique ou syndrome d'Erb. 92 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 565. Ballexserd (Jacques) [1726-74]. Abhandlung iiber die wichtige Frage: welches sind die Haupt-Ursachen, dass so viele Kinder sterben und welches sind die leichtesten und sichersten Mittel, sie beym Leben zu erhalten. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. 1 p. 1., 125 pp. 16°. Strassburg, A. Konig, 1776. ------. The same. Dissertazione sopra la quistio- ne quali sono le cagioni principali della morte di cosi gran numero di fanciulli, e quali siano i piii efficaci ed i piu semplici preservativi per conservarli in vita. 150 pp., 2 1. 24°. Napoli, 1779. Baileys (Gaspard) [1837-1912]. C.(L.) Necrologie. Rev. med.dela Suisse rom., Geneve, 1912, xxxii, 418. Balli (Ettore). *TJeber den Einfluss lokaler und allgemeiner Erwarmung und Abkuhlung der Haut auf das menschliche Flammentachogramm. 40pp., 2pl. 8°. Bern, Back dcAeschliman, 1896. Ballien (Maria) [1882- ]. *Klinische Bei- trage zur Kenntnis der Vibrationsempfindung. [Greifswald.] 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Merseburg, T. Bossner, 1906. Bailiet (Tilghman M.) Manual on therapeutics. 362 pp., 9 1. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. W. S. Lang- maid, 1899. Balli-i (Ruggero). Organi rudimentali dei geni- tali maschili; descrizione, sviluppo e significato di tali organi, con ricerche originali sopra quelli diincertosignificato. 57pp., lpl. 4°. Modena, G. Ferragutx dc Co., 1908. Ballin (Arnold) [1879- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Carcinosarkom der Utcrusschleimhaut. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Ballin (Milton J.). See Politzer (Adam) [in 2. s.]. A text-book of the diseases of the ear [etc.]. 8°. London, 1902. Balling (Andreas) [1882- ]. *Ueber Verbin- dungen des Furfurols mit aromatischen Aminen. [Erlangen.] 34 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, 1909. Ballingall (Sir George) [1780-1855]. Balllngall (G. A.) A memoir of the late Sir George Bal- lingall. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vi, 59-63. Ballivet (Aristide) [1881- ]. *Des pseudo- hydron^phroses traumatiques (epanchements urineux pararenaux). 44 pp., 2 1. 8°. Byon, 1908, No. 89. Ballner (Franz). Experimentelle Studien iiber die Desini'ectionskraft gesiittigter Wasserdiimpfe bei verschiedenen Siedefcmperaturen. 16 pp. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1902. Repr.from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CL, Wien, 1902, cxi, Abth. hi. ------. Ueber die Desinfektion von Biichern, Drucksachen und dgl. mittels feu ch ter hcisser Luft. 57 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Beutickc, 1907. ■------. Das Wesen der Pest und die sanitaren Massnahmen zu ihrer Verhutung und Be- Ballner (Franz)—continued. kampfung. Mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der militarischen Verhaltnisse. 18 pp. 8°. Wien, B. W. Seidel dc Sohn, 1911. Ballo (Otto) [1877- ]. *Zwei schwere Falle von Cholangitis. 20 pp., 21. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1904. Ballod (Franz Alexander) [1882- ]. *Prolego- mena zur Geschichte der zwerghaften Gotter in Aegypten. [Miinchen.] 104 pp. 8°. Moskau, 1912. Ballon (Louis). Contribution a, l'etude physiolo- gique et therapeutique des anemones. 72 pp. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 557. Ballooning. See, aho. Aeronautics; Aviators. Crouzon (O.) & Soubies (J.) Un cas de mal en ballon; recherches sur la theorie de Pacapnie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 205.—Granjux. Intoxication des aerostiers par l'hydrogene arsenie. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 354.—Lazarus (J.) Bergfahrten und Luftfahrten in ihrem Einfluss auf den menschlichen Organismus. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (iy»5i, 1896, xxvi, pt. 2, 186-199. [Discussion], pt. 1,153-1 5frvxpo^ov The nutritional valueofttie Imuana, J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1917, Lxvm, 1022-1024 ■Iho. Reprint.—von Noorden (V.) Ueber Bananen una Hunanenuiehl. Med. Klin., Berl.. 1913, ix, 2020-2022.- Peace iM. C.) & Rose (A. R.) The banana as a food for children. Am. J. Pis. Child., Chicago, 1917, xiv, 3-9-390. Aho, Reprint.—Prescott (S. C.) The banana; a food of exceptional value. Scient. Month., N. "i ., 191s, vi, 6o-«5 — Reich (R.) Reife und unreife Bananen. Ztschr. f. y™B such. d. Nahrungs- ii. Genussmittel, Berl., 1911, xxu, 208- 226—Teodoro (N. G.) A preliminary study of Phihppuie bananas. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1916, x, (c), 3-9-421, li nl Thomas (K.) Pie Banane als Volksnahrungsmittel. Vrch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1910, Suppl.-Bd., 1911, £>-'3»-— Ward (Amies S.) Plantain and banana flour. Trained Nurse [etc.], N. Y., 191S, lxi, 266.—Toshhnura (K.) Bei- triige zur Kenntnis der Banane. Ztschr. f. Untersueh. a. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1911, xxi, 406-411. Banaschewski (Franz). Ueber Tuberculose des Wurmfortsatzes und des Ccecum. 30 pp. 8 . Jena, H. Bohle, 1897. Banasz (Arlur) [1SS4- ]. *Die Stellung des Kaiserschnitts zu konkurrierenden \ cri'ahren auf Grund der Operationsresultate der letzten BANASZ. 335 BAXDAGES. -continued. 8°. Breslau, Bresl. Genossensch. Banasz (Artur Jahre. 31 pp Buchdr., 1907 Bancalari (Stefano). _ Memoria chirurgica ri- guardante la malattia del chiarissimo medico Delpini scritta in risposta ad un cenno storico a hii diretto. 32 pp. 12°. Chiavari, 1839. Bancel (Louis) [1875- _ ]. *Le bacille d'Eberth et le poumon des typhiques. 90 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 167. van Banchem (Albertus Henricus Engelbert). *Dececonomia foetus naturali. lp.l.,37 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., H. Mostert, 1766. [P., v. 1931.] Bancilhon (Jules) [1886- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la fievre de Malte. 66 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1910, No. 47. Bancis _ (Martin-Victor-Emmanuel) [1888- 1 *Contribution a l'etude des fractures du maxil- laire superieur par projectiles de guerre et de leur traitement. 29 pp., 2 1. roy. 8°. Bor- deaux, Y. Cadoret, 1916. Bancoff (Nicolas-J.) *Etude sur la valeur semel- ologique et diagnostique du reflexe du genou dans quelques maladies generates. 46 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Geneve, 1892. Bancroft (Edward). An essay on the natural his- tory of Guiana in South America, containing a description of many curious productions in the animal and vegetable systems of that country, [etc.]. 1 p. 1., iv, 402 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Lon- don, T. Becket, 1769. Bancroft (Edward Nathanael). An essay on the disease called yellow fever, with observations concerning febrile contagion, [etc.]. xxiv. 25- 526 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Cushing dc Jewett, 1820. Bancroft (Frank Watts) [1871- ]. Note on the galvanotropic reactions of the medusa, Polyor- chis penicillata A. Agassiz. 4 pp. 8°. [Berke- ley], University Bress, 1904. Univ. Cahf. Publ. Physiol., Berkeley, 1904-5, ii. ------. On the validity of Pfliiger's law for the galvanotropic reactions of Paramecium. 23 pp. 8°. [Berkeley], University Bress, 1905. Univ. Cahf. Publ. Physiol., Berkeley, 1904-5, ii. ------. The control of galvanotropism in Parame- cium by chemical substances. 11 pp. 8°. [Berkeley], University Bress, 1906. Univ. Cahf. Publ. Physiol., Berkeley, 1905-10, hi. Bancroft (Frederick Jones) [1834-1903]. Rogers (J. A.) [Biography.] Denver M. Times, 1903-4, xxhi, 24-30. Bancroft (Jessie Hubbell) [1867- ]. School gymnastics with light apparatus. 506 pp. 8°. Boston, B. C. Heath & Co., 1900. ■------. The posture of school children, with its home hygiene and new efficiency methods for school training, xii (11.), 327 pp. 8°. New York, Macmillan Co., 1913. Bancroft (Wilder Dwight) [1867- ]. The phase rule. 255 pp. 8°. Lthaca, N. Y., 1897. Bancroft Training School for Mentally Sub- normal Children, Haddonfield, New Jersey. Manual of the course of study. 120 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1909. Bandages and bandaging. See, also, Dressings; Plaster of Paris; Wounds (Bressing of). Belloste. Den heelkonstige verbandhuys- meester, onderwyzende om op een zagte, ge- makkelykke en spoedige wyse alien zoorten van wonden te geneezen. 16°. Gravenhage, 1701. Beyer (J. L.) Die Technik des Heftpflaster- verbands. 12°. Leipzig, 1905. Bandages and bandaging. Fitzwilliams (D. C. L.) A practical manual of bandaging. 8°. London, 1915. von Hofmeister (F.) Verbandtechnik. 8°. Tubingen, 1901. , ------• The same. 2. Aufl., unter Mitwir- kung von Walter Burk. 8°. Tubingen, 1914. ------. Rukovodstvo k nalozheniyu povya- zok. Perev. s niemetskavo B. E. Gershuni.* [Transl. from the German by B. E. Gershuni.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1902. Jecklin (J. A.) *De vinctura Sentini ejusque modificationibus. 8°. Bipsise, 1852. Knight (J.) Rules and regulations of the New York Surgeons' Bandage Institute, with remarks upon the use of bandages in the cure of curvature of the spine, club-feet, etc. 12°. New York, 1842. Preston (H. M.) The roller bandage (the application of the roller bandage shown by illus- trations and text). With an introduction by J. Cantlie. 8°. London, 1916. m------. The triangular bandage (the applica- tion o^ the triangular bandage shown by words and diagrams). With an introduction by J. Cantlie. 8°. London, 1916. Whiting (A. D.) Bandaging. 8°. Bhiladel- phia dc London, 1915. Zelis ^ (P.) Die medicinischen Yerband- materialien mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Gewinnung, Fabrikation, Untersuchung und Werthbestimmung sowie ihrer Aufbewah- rung und Verpackung. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Ammentorp (L.) [Surgical bandages and other band- ages for the Army.] Hosp.-Tid., Ktfbenh., 1913, 5. K., vi, 1543-1546.—Ansinn (K.) Der Hebelstreckverband. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 100-104.—Arnd (C.) Zugverbande mit Trikotschlauchbinden. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1913, xliii, 15.-----. Die Verwen- dung des Zeitungspapieres als Verband-Material. Ibid., 1916, xlvi, 307.—Arndt (H.) Ein neuer Beinverband. Med. Khn., Berl., 1912, vhi, 1237.—Asam. Zur HersteUung von Fenstern in Gipsverbanden. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1916; lxiii, 182.—Ascher. Zweckverbande fur Ge- sundheitsftirsorge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. &. Berl., 1916, xlh, 1355-1357.—Aufrecht. Ueber Bolusver- bandstofle. Ibid., 1905, xxxi, 150S-1510.—Besson (A.) Technique des echarpes ae pratique courante. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1908, ii, 564-571.—Bettmann (A. G.) A new neckbandage. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 1363. Aho, Reprint.—Bloch (E. T.) Bandagen-Material zur Behandlung von Frakturen und orthopadischen Leiden. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1915, 3. f., xv, afd. i, No. 7, 1-160.—Bruglocher. Verbandstoffersatz. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 2294.—Burk (W.) Fusshalter zur Fixierung des Fusses bei Verbandanlegung. Ibid., 1906, liii, 1965.—Calvet. Nouveaux procedes de pansement; bandes adherentes (leucoplastes) et papier simih-eoton. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par., 1905, vi, 79.—Caro (L.) Ueber Hessingverbande in der Kassenpraxis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. orthop. Chir., 10. Kong., Berl., 1911, 185-187.—Chase (H. M.) Flannel bandages for clinic use. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Iii. 2101.—Cohn (M.) Zur Theorie und Praxis der Xeranat-Bolus-Verbande. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1914, xxi; 210-214.—Cramer (H.) Wie konnen Verband- mittel wieder gebrauchsfahig gemacht werden? Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1903, xxv, 133-135—Davis (J. S.) A satisfactory pressure bandage for the leg. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1908, xix, 114, 2 pi.-----. A means.of facilitating the application of leg-dressings. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu, 1090.—Dieterich (K.) Welche Harzlo- sungen sind fiir Verbandzwecke geeignet? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 2203.-----. Harzlosungen fiir Ver- bandzwecke. Ibid., 2455.—Dobisch (A.) Der gefensterte Gipsverband. Ibid., 1915, Ixh, 171.—Droog (E. A. M.) Het zinkhjmverband als rekverband. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxviii, d. 2, 307-309.—Drott (A.) Ein wohlfeiler Gipsgehverband bei Unterschenkel- und Fussverletzungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x-,935-937.— DupuydeFrenelle. Lesecharpes. Parismed., 1913,xi,340- 342.—van Eden (P. H.) Eine Abanderung des ubhchen Streckverbandes. Krankenpflege, Berl., 1903, ii, 902-905.— Ehrlich. Zur Streckung der Verbandmittelvorrate. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1916, xlh, 1293.— Evler. Selbstherzurichtende Lederstreckverbande. Deut- sche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 897-910.—von BANDAGES. 336 BANDAGES. Bandages and bandaging. Exner (A.), Rami (E.) & Weibel (W.) Ueber Verbands- stofisparung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1918, xxxi, 842- 844. — Fairbrother (H. C.) Bandages and dressings. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1912-13, xix, 252-254—Fiedler (E.) [Materials for bandages.] Tidsskr. f. Sygepleje, Kj0benh., 1902, ii, 113; 145; 183; 232; 249; 278.—Fischer (L.) Das Aussparen von Fenstern bei Gipsverbanden. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 178.—Fleuster (O.) Ex- tensionsverbande mit dem Heusnerschen Wundfirnis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxh, 563.—Franke (F.) Ueber Sparsamkeit beim Gebrauch der Verbandstoffe. Zentralbl f. Chir., Leipz., 1914, xh, 1633-1635.—Frerichs (G.) Die Untersuchung der Verbandstoffe. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, xv, 832; 839; 849.—Fuchs (J.) Elastische Verbande. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 1665.—Gale (S. S.) The painless dressing. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 1279. Aho, Reprint.—Galloway (H. P. H.) A machine for manufacturing plaster-of-Paris bandages. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1898, iii, 185-188.—Geare (R. J.) Sphag- num moss as a surgical dressing. Merck's Rep., N. Y., 1916, xxv, 67.—Gerson (K.) Einfache Verbande. Kranken- pflege, Berl., 1901-2, i, 709-711.—GeyersLeuven (J. M. A.) Eenige praktische noodverbanden. Reddingswezen, Rot- terd., 1915, iv, 16-20.—Giffln (C. E.) The sodium silicate cast. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1913-14, xxxhi, 385-389 — Gretsch. Gypsmulldecke zur Herstellung von Conten- tiwerbanden. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1898, di, 773-777.—Haberland (H. F. O.) Zur Technik der Gipsbriiekenverbande. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxh, 1774.—Hartel. Ein einfaeher und zweckmassiger Gipstisch. Ibid., 1273.—Hans (H.) Zur Technik des Gipsverbandes. ZMz.,1134.—Helfritz. Gipsbinden. Apoth.- Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 170.—Herhold. Ueber einheitliches chirurgisches Handeln auf den Verbandplatzen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxxix, 769-777.—Heusner (H. L.) Zelluloidfensterverbande, eine neue Verwendung fiir Zelluloidplatten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 589-590.—von Heuss (R.) Die wichtigsten Anwendungsweisen der Klebrobinde im Sanitatsdienst. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karls- ruhe) 1911, Leipz., 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2. 2. Hlfte., 498-500.— Hochenegg. DieCharpiealsVerbandmittel. Militararzte, Wien, 1914, xlvhi, 345-347.—Holzwarth (E.) Gehver- bande. Cong, internat. de med. (xvi.). C.-r., Budapest, 1910, Sect, vu, Chirurg., 598-603.—Jarvis (G. O.) A simple and efficient head bandage. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, di, 87. Aho, Reprint.—Jenkins (E. M.) A new form of head handage. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 604-607, 2 pi—Jottkowitz (P.) Zur Technik der Gipsverbande im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 402.—Kahleyss. Zur Frage des gefen- sterten Gipsverbandes und der Reinhaltung desselben. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915. lxh, 35.—Kronacher. Der Moosverband. Ibid., 1916, lxiii, 1378.—Krug. Dach- pappe zur Fensterung von Verbanden (mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Anwendung bei oflener Wund- behandlung). Ibid., 1915, lxu, 1238— Kubasofl (M. N.) [Double slinghke bandage for the axillary region, in place of spica bandage, in ambulatory practice.] Sibirsk. Vrach; Tomsk, 1916,hi,99-101—Kuhn(F.) DieRabitzbriickebei gefensterten Gipsverbanden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxh, 757.—Kuhn (R.) Ein Entspannungs-Aufklapp- verband (mit maximal adaptierender und progredienter Drahtzugelwirkung). Ibid., 1917, lxiv, 103.—L. (C. H.) A handy bandage roller. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, xc, 203.— Langemak. Der feuchte Verband. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxh, 1065.—Leigh (S.) Starch bandages. Georgia Pract., Savannah, 1905, ii, 279.—Lttrcher. Ver- bandtisch nach Dr. Gartner. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxu, 534.-----. Der Brotbeuteltrager als Verband- mittel. Ibid., 799.—M*arton (C.) Paris clinical lecture on practical surgery; mayor's scarf; how to make it; how to use and apply it, and what to apply it for. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1911, n. s., xch, 218.—Mayer (L.) Zur Technik der Gipsattrappe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 769.—Merkens (W.) Ueber Ersparung von Verbandstonen bei Verbanden. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing.. 1918. cix, 271-279.—Mllatz (W. F. J.) Rekver- band. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1915, h, 952.— Munnich. Neue Formen von Schienenverbanden. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xliv, 14.—Ntcolal (H. F.) Ueber die Konstruktion einer Trage. welche das Anlegen von Nothschienenverbanden erspart. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1898, xxvu, 145-155.—Noll (F.) Kurze Mitteilung zum gefensterten Gipsverband. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 2360—Nordman (O.) Verbandtechnik und die Nachbehandlung der Wunden. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 2030-2032.—Nyrop (E.) Lidt om gipsteknik. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjdbenh., 1909, 1230- 1232.—Pels-Leusden. Praktische Winke zur Gipsver- bandtechnik. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 100.—POppehnann. Ersatz fur baum- wollene Verbandstoffe. Ibid., 1914, xl, 2008—Rledel (A.) Der Gips-Gehverband in der Praxis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1206— Rugh (J. T.) Simple methods of preparing and applying plaster-of-Paris bandages. Phila. Polyclin,, 1898, vii, 191.-----. Report of experiments to Bandages and bandaging. determine whether plaster of Paris contracts or expands in setting. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1904-5, h, 107. Aho: Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vhi, 278.—Schaefer (H.) Beitrag zur Technik der gefensterten Gipsverbande. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, Ih, 112.—Schelenz (H.) Kohle und Zucker zu Verbandzwecken. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1914, exxxii, 178-183.—Smits (J. C. J. C.) Het turfmosverband. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1892, xxxu, 246-255.—Solhnann (T.) Paraffin- covered bandages. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 1178. Aho, Reprint.—Sotms (E.) Ein transportabler Gewichtszuggipsverband. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte, vi), 689-705.-----. Der Bahrenverband. Ibid., 1917, civ (Kriegschir. Hefte, vu.), 702-729.—Solmsen. Druckverbande. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 240.—Stoeger. Ueber eine neue Gipsklammer. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxh, 936—TOpfer (H.) Der transportable Streckverband. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xh, 39-42. -----. Der Schraubenstreckverband. Ibid.,922.—Trumpp Die Reinhaltung gefensterter Gipsverbande. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 2360.—Turinsky (H.) Ueber die Angabe des Percentgehaltes an wirksamer Substanz in den impragnirten Verbandstoffen. Ztschr. d. allg. osterr. Apoth.-Ver., Wien, 1898, hi, 841-843.—Unna (P.) Ver- bandmittel insbesondere Hefrpflaster (Leukoplast) im Felde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 1778.— Utermtthlen (C. F.) Ueber Verbandstoffe und ihre Herstellung. Ulust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1913, xxxv, 17-33.—zur Verth (M.) Ueber Verwend- barkeit von Filtrierpapier und chinesischem Papier statt Mull als Verbandstofl. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxh, 344.—Vulplus (O.) Der Aluminiumgewebeverband. Ibid., 1912, lix, 2394.—Walravens. Les bandages en eel- luloi'de. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1898-9, vi, 96-100.— von Walzel (P.) Zur Frage der operativen Tatigkeit und des Verbandwechsels auf Spitalszugen. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr. ,1915, xxviii, 262-266—Wegner. Beitrag zur Verband- technik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxu, 1552.— Westberg (F.) Impermeable (Priessnitz'sche) Verbande mit Guajacolvasogen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1918, xiv, 667 — Widder (A.) [The determination of the value of funda- mental bandage material and of partly impregnated active bandage material.] Gvdgyszereszi hetil., Budapest, 1906, xiv, 441; 455; 471; 487; "503; 51S: 535; 551; 567; 577; 595; 609; 625; 644.—Wildt (A.) Zur Herstellung von Zugverbanden aus Binden. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 573.— Zanker (W.) & Schnabel (K.) Moderne Verbandwatte. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 404-407. Bandages and bandaging [Patent speci- fications for]. Banks (R. H.) Surgical bandage and fastener therefor. No. 1212731; Jan. 16,1917.—Bauer (A.) Surgical bandage. No. 1065654; June 24 1913.—Bauer (P. S.) Non-ravelins bandage. No. 1206801; Dec. 5, 1916.—Cameron (J. A.) A Birch (G. B.) Surgical bandage. No. 1217562; Feb. 27, 1917.—Ferguson (C. S.) Hot-water bandage. No. 1238901: i^ept. 4, 1917.—Haydon (W.) Surgical bandace. No. 120S313; Dec 12,1916.—Knleriem (E. A.) Sanitary bandage. No. 1217014; Feb. 20, 1917.—Lupton OI. M.) Bandage. No. 1094339; April 21, 1914.—McMahon (O. L.) Bandage. No. 1019985; March 12, 1912.—Mattler (Alice E.) Adjusta- ble foot-bandage. No. 1050482; Jan. 14, 1913.—Melnhardt (H. W.) Bandage. No. 596171; Dec. 28, 1897.—Pond (E. M.) Surgical bandage. No. 1044S17; Nov. 19,1912.—Stokes (H. W.) Surgical and like bandage. No. 1262281; April 9, 1918.—Teed (C. W.) Surgical adhesive strip. No. 1230444; June 19, 1917.—Teed (C. W.) & Holley if. A.) Surgical adhesive strip. No. 1230445; June 19,1917.—Thomas (J. H.) Surgical bandage fastener. No. 1291256; Jan. 14, 1919. Bandages and bandaging (Abdominal). Bracco (G.) Die Beekenbinde. 4°. Torino, [1905]. Hull (A. G.) A plain account of the applica- tion and uses of A. G. Hull's utero-abdominal supporter, designed for patients. 8°. New York, 1842. Alberts. Eine neue Leibbinde. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 481.—Arnould (F.) A propos de la cein- ture de flanelle. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par.. 1912, lx, 340-348.—Asch (R.) Zur Verordnung von Bauchbinden. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz., 1897, lxviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.,205-208.—Beuttner (O.) Une ceinture pour les suites de couches et pour la periode consecutive a fa laparotomie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1899, xix, 416-418. Aho, transl.:Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xii, 726.—Cedarquist (W.) Adjustable abdominal bandage. [Pat. spec] No. 1063656; June 3,1913.—Chaleix- Vlvle. Compresse de Morisani. Rev. mens, de gynee, [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii, 127-132— Ebstein (W.) Eine Mitteilung iiber Bauchbinden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 953.—Fischer (J.) Ueber Bauch- BANDAGES. 337 BANDL. Bandages and bandaging (Abdominal). binden. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1898, xvi, 129- 139.—Gaches-Sarraute. Le corset abdominal; ses avan- tages dans les ptoses des visoeres abdominaux dans les hernies ombilicales, les Eventrations de la ligne blanche et les deplacements de l'uterus. Tribune med., Par., 1896, 2. s., xxviii, 1007-1009.—Gerson (K.) Die elastische Pflas- tersuspensionsbinde, ein Suspensoriumersatz. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 52.—HOrrmann (A.) Die ortho- padische Beckenbauchbinde (Fascia pelvica pach Bracco). Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1912, xxxvi, 558- 564.—Hug (O.) Die Bracco'sche Becken-Bauchbinde. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1910, xl, 1234-1236 — Kaiser (K. F. L.) Over buikbanden. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1912, i, 1884-1890.—Klein (H.) Ueber Leibbinden. Wien. khn. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 618; 635.— von Loebbecke (C.) Eine neue praktische Leibbinde. Munchen. med. Wchnchr., 1915, lxh, 671.—Malbois. La ceinture de flanelle comme bandage de fortune. Montpel. med., 1918, xl, 256-258.—Mehlhorn (W.) Eine einfache Operations- und Wochenbettbinde. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 1755.— Milatz (W. F. J.) Over buikbanden. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1912, ii, 22-24.—Pazzi (M.) Nuova cintura addominale per prevenire o riparare gli effetti delle operazioni laparoto- miche non che del parto. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1899, xxi, 593-602, 1 pi— Piering (O.) Ueber Bauchbinden. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 605-609.—Schanz (A.) Bandagenfiir Appendicitisnarben und Bauchbriiche. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & .Leipz., 1914, xl, 1525.— Sehlick (R.) Eine peue Leibbinde. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xvhi, 286-288.—Sillin (C. W.) Abdomino- spinal support or splint. [Pat. spec] No. 1052523; Feb. 11, 1913.—Spivak (CD.) Pelvic girdle vs. abdominal bandage. Colorado Med., Denver, 1906, iii, 223-225.—Stefleck (P.) Eine neue Leibbinde. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 911. Bandages and bandaging (Aseptic and antiseptic). Centralsterilisationsanlage (Die) fiir Verbandstoffe im k. k. Allgemeinen Krankenhause in Wien. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1899, Wien & Leipz., 1902, vhi, 3-30, 4 pi.—Copeland (G. G.) Protection of sterilized dressings for shipping abroad. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 1550.—Croner (F.) & Naumann (C.) Der Einfluss des Dampfdruckes aurden Ausgleich der Tempera- tur in Verbandstoffsterilisatoren. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Miinchen, 1913, xxxvi, 757-765.—Engel (C. S.) Chlortorf- kissen als antiseptische Verbandstoflsparer. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xh, 44.—Engel- brecht. Ueber sterilisierbares Kautschukpflaster. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1913, xl, 1954.—Holzaplel (K.) Zur Sterilisation von Verbandstoffen. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1567-1571.—Ilyin (I. P.) [Apparatus for sterilizing bandages and instruments.] Russk. Vrach, Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 150.—Kraemer (F.) Der typische chirurgische Verband als aseptischer Schnellverband (D. R. P.). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 371.—Kuhl- mann (E.) Ueber keimdichte Packungen und neue Verbande. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1911, xxi, 298-302.—Langemak. Zur Frage uber die Verwend- barkeit des Thons als antiseptisehes und aseptisches Ver- bandsmittel. Munchen. mea. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 111.— Novotny (J.) Ueber einige kaufhche sterile Verbandstoffe. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermarkj Graz, 1904, xii, 133- 138.—Oppenheimer (E. H.) Sterilisierbare Wattebiichse fiir das Sprechzimmer. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1905, xxxi, 1432.—PHkofl (V. N.) [Apparatus for sterilising bandages.] Russk. Vrach, Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 9. Bandalin (Ya. G.) Borba nauki so starostyu. [Struggle of science with old age.] 55 pp. 12°. Moskva, I. D. Sitin, 1903. ^ ------. Rol opita v meditsinie. [Role of ex- perimentation in medicine.] 96 pp. 12°. Moskva, I. B. Sitin, 1903. Bandaline (S.) *L'anesthesie generate et la responsabilite medico-chirurgicale. 58 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 11. Bandel (Rudolf). *Ansichten und Ausspriiche des Hippokrates iiber die Ernahrung von Ge- sunden und Kranken und iiber die Verdaulich- keit verschiedener Nahrungsmittel. 18 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn, 1899. Bandelac de Pariente (Alberto). *Des tares observers chez les rejetons de meres tubercu- leuses. 45 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 413. Bandolier (Bruno Ernst Gottlieb) [1871- ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der Pankreastumoren. 67 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1896. 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----22 Bandolier (Bruno Ernst Gottlieb)—continued. ------. Die Verhutung und Bekampfung der Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit. iv 6^14 do 12°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1910. ' ------& Boepke (Otto). Lehrbuch der spezifi- schen Diagnostik und Therapie der Tuberkulose; fur Aerzte und Studierende. vi, 113 pp 5 diag. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1908. ' ------------• Thesame. 2. Aufl. viii, 177 pp., 1 pi., 5 ch. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1909. ------------• The same. 3. Aufl. Mit einem Vorwort von R. Koch, xi, 223 pp., 1 pi., 5 tab. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1909. ------------. The same. 4. Aufl. xii, 250 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1910. ------------. Thesame. 5. Aufl. xii, 292 pp., 1 col. pi., 5 lith. pi. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Ka- bitzsch, 1911. ------------. The same. 6. Aufl. xi, 296 pp. roy. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1911. -----;---:----. The same. Tuberculin in diag- nosis and treatment; a text-book of the specific diagnosis and therapy of tuberculosis for practi- tioners and students. 182 pp., 1 pi., 5 ch. 8°. London, J. Bale, Sons dc Banielsson, 1909. ------------. The same. 2. English ed. trans- lated from the 7. revised and enlarged German ed. by Wilfred B. Christopherson. xvi, 307 pp. 8°. Bondon, J. Bale, Sons dc Banielsson, 1913. -------------. The same. Diagnostic et, traite- ment specifique de la tuberculose. Edition francaise par Leopold de Reynier. 272 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Lausanne, Bayot dc Ch. [etc.], 1911. ------------. Die Klinik der Tuberkulose fiir Aerzte und Studierende. x, 473 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1911. ------------. The same. 2. Aufl. xii, 641 pp., 8 pi. 4°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1912. ------------. Thesame. 3. Aufl. xiii, 791 pp., 50 pi. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1914. -----------—. The_ same. A clinical system of tuberculosis, describing all forms of the disease. Translated from the 2. German ed. by G. Ber- tram Hunt, xii, 526 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale, Sons dc Banielsson, 1913. Bandelow (Johann Gottfried Thomas) [1874- ]. *Ein Fall von Schussverletzung der rechten Orbita. 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1899. Bandi (Ivo). Contribution a l'etude bacteriologi- que de la fievre jaune; nouvelle methode rapide de recherche du bacille ictero'ide. 36 pp. 12°. Sao Baulo, 1902. ------. II siero antidifterico bivalente nella terapia locale della difterite. Nota riassuntiva. 14 pp. 8°. Siena, S. Bernardino, 1907. ------. Lo stato attuale della sieroterapia anti- difterica; sieri antitossici e sieri antibacterici. 19 pp. 8°. Siena, S. Bernardino 1908. See, aho, Balistresi (F. Stagnitta) & Bandi (Ivo). Con- siderazioni sopra l'epidemia [etc.]. 8°. Messina, 1900. Bandi (Walter). *Beitrage zur Biologie der Ure- dineen. (Phragmidium subcorticum [Schrank] Winter, Puccinia caricis montanse Ed. Fischer). [Bern.] 36 pp. 8°. Bresden, G. Heinrich, 1903. Bandini (Pietro). # Elogio storico funebre alia memoria del chirurgo Francesco Michelacci. 32 pp. 8°. Firenze, tipogr. Ciardetti, 1836. [P., v. 2224.] Bandi (Ludwig) [1842-92]. Leber die Ruptur der Gebiirmutter und ihre Mechanik. Nach klinischen Beobachtungen. 118 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Wien, K. Czermak, 1875. For Biography, see Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1892, xxvh, 505 (E. Fischer). BANDLER. 338 BANKS. Bandler (Samuel Wyllis) [1869- ]. Uterine and tubal gestation. A study of the embedding and the development of the human ovum, the early growth of the embryo, and the develop- ment of the syncytium and placental gland. xi, 159 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1903. ------. Medical gynecology. 676 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, W. B. Saunders Co., 1908. ------. The same. 2. ed. 698 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1909. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. 2 p. 1., 9-790 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1914. ------. Vaginal celiotomy. 450 pp. 4°. Bhila- delphia dc Bondon, W. B. Saunders Co., 1911. ------. Operation for retroversion and marked cystocele, with relaxed vaginal outlet. 27 pp., 22 stereos. 4°. [Troy, N. Y. Southworth Co., 1913.] Forms Sect, xxvh of Howard A. Kelly and Robert M. Lewis' Stereoclinic. ------. The expectant mother. 2 p. 1., 7-213 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, W. B. Saunders Co., 1916. ------. Operation for the restoration of the vagina with large rectocele. 2 pts. 53 pi. 8°. Troy, N. Y, 1919. In: Stereo-Clinic (H. A. Kelly), Troy, N. Y., 1919,xlh. See, also, Abel (Karl). Gynecological pathology [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1901. Bandli (Christoph). *Ueber Prostatitis phleg- monosa. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Behandlung derselben. 30 pp. 8°. Basel, 1902. Bandmann (Adolf). *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pankreastuberkulose. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1899. Bandorf (Melchior Josef) [1845-1901]. Dees (O.) Nekrolog. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1902, lix, 359-362. Bandorf (Richard) [1880- ]. *Der Wert des Droserin in der Keuchhusten-Therapie. [Erlan- gen.] 30 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Staudenraus, 1912. Bandwurm (Der). See [Klug]. Banella (Bruno). Un caso clinico di stenosi mi- tralica ed arterio-sclerosi con consecutiva clau- dicazione intermittente ed accessi epilettici. 32 pp. 8°. Bergola, Gasperini, 1900. Baiieres y Melcior (Joaquin) [ 1907]. [Biography.] Bol. med., Lerida, 1€07, vi, 1009-1017, port Banerjee (D. N.) Pocket manual on cholera' in English and Bengali; containing its history sanitary and hygienic hints, treatment and se lection of diet. 28 pp. 16°. [Calcutta], 1891. Banester (John) [1533-1610]. [Biography.] Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1917, v, 8-16,1 pi. Bang (B.) Kampen mod Tuberkulosen hos Kvseget. [The fight against tuberculosis in cattle.] 79 pp. 8°. K0benhavn, H. Christen- sen, 1900. Repr.from: Maanedsskr. f. Dyrlaeger, 1900, xi. Bang (Ivar [Christian]). Ueber die Verwendung der Zentrifuge in der quantitativen Analyse. 15 pp. 8°. Upsala, C. J. Bundstrom, 1906. Forms pt. 2 of: Upsala Lakaref. Forh. Festskr. . . . Hammarsten, 1906. ------. Eine neue Methode zur Zuekerbestim- mung. 10 pp., 1 pi. fol. Lund, II. Ohlsson, 1911. Bang (Ivar [Christian])—continued. ------. Chemie und Biochemie der Lipoide. xi, 187 pp. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1911. ------. Der Blutzucker. viii, 162 pp. 8°. Wies- - baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1913. Bang (O.) Pharmacopcea jucunda. 2. Udgave. 20 pp. 12°. Kj0benhavn, Gyldendal, 1874. Bang (O. L.) Schema diariorum febribus des- cribendis et curandis accommodatum. 2 1., 2 diag. 4°. Havniae, E. Luno, 1842. Bang (Sophus). Tuberkulosens sammentrsef med forskellige andre sygdomme belyst ved 6006 sek- tionsfund. [Tuberculosis complicated with va- rious other diseases . . . ] 4 p. 1., 181 pp. 8°. Kdbenhavn, J. Salomonson, 1901. ------. Brystsygdomme; behandling med bade- og kurrejser. [Diseases of the chest; bath and sanatorium treatment.] 77 pp. 8°. Kdben- havn, F. Bagges, 1902. Bang (Vilhelm). Hexevsesen og hexeforf0lgelser isser i Danmark. [Witchcraft and witchcraft per- secution in Denmark.] 138 pp.,11. 8°. Kj0ben- havn, J. Frimodt, 1896. Bangala. Weeks (I. H.) Anthropological notes on the Bangala of the Upper Congo River. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1909, xxxix, 416-459: 1910, xl, 360-425. Bangkok. See, also, Plague (History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Bremrldge (R. H.) Some striking facts about an eastern citv [Bangkok]. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1906, ix, 119.—Xight- ingale(P.A.) The climate and diseases of Bangkok. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 839-841. Bang's bacillus. See Abortion (Lnfectious, Bacteriology, etc., of). Bangs (Lemuel Bolton) [1842-1914]. See American (An) text-book of genito-urinary diseases, [etc]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898.—Mracek ( Franz) [in 2. s.]. Atlas of syphilis andthe venereal diseases, etc. 12°. London & Philadelphia, 189$. For Biography, see Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & X. Y., 1914, n. s., ix, 618. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 1311. Aho: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1914, Ixxxvi, 639. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc], 1914, c, 728:1917, cv, 1212. Banham (George A.) Anatomical and physio- logical model of the horse. [With explanatory text.] 1 phantom plate, eleph. fol. [Text, 20 pp.. 8°.] London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1900. ------. Table of veterinary posology and thera- peutics, with weights, measures, etc., for the use of students and practitioners. 22(> pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1908. ------. The same. 4. ed. xvi, 272 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall d- Cox, 1915. Banholzer (Karl) [1866- ]. *Der Einfluss des Nichtstillens auf das Schicksal der Neuge- borenen. [Miinchen.] 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Augs- burg, Haas dc Grabherr, 1913. Bankart (James) [1S34-1902]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1683. Banke (Paul Friedrich Heinrich) [1877- ]. *Ueber Briiehe der Fusswurzelknochen. 40 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1904. Bank-notes. HUditch (W. W.) A bacteriological study of soiled paper money. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 157-165. Banks (Hygiene of). Feldman (A. M.) Verbindung einer neizungs-, Liif- tungs- und Kuhlungsanlage in einem Bankgebaude. Ge- sundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1910, xxxih, 893-898— Mahil- lon. Mesures de prophylaxie prises contre les maladies infectieuses a la Caisse d'epargne et de retraite de Belgique. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Brux., 1903, vh, 108-113. BANKS. 339 BANTEGNIE. Banks (Charles Edward). Cholera infantum; its causes, nature and treatment. In: Wiggin (O. C.) Artificial feeding of infants. 8°. Providence, 1879, 35-66. Banks (Charles S.) Preliminary bulletin on insects of the cacao, prepared especially for the benefit of farmers. 58 pp., 60 pi. 8°. Manila, Bureau Bub. Brint., 1904. Dep. Interior. Bureau Govt Lab. Biol. Lab., Manila, No. 11. ------. The Australian tick (Boaphilus australis Fuller) in the Philippine Islands, pp. 12-21, 20 pi. 8°. Manila, Bureau Bub. Brint., 1904. Dep. Int. Bureau Govt. Lab., Manila, No. 14. ------. Venereal disease. Its probable prev- alence. An attempt to reach a definite basis of statistical value. Repr. No. 262 from Pub. Health Rep., Feb., 1915. Banks (Sir John Thomas) [1811-1908]. Rich- mond, Whitworth and Hardwick Government Hospitals. Introductory address. 30 pp. 8°. Bublin, Gunn dc Cameron, 1883. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 235. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii. 277. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., Ixxxvi, 125. Banks (Sir Joseph) ,[1743-1820]. Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D.) Eloge historique de Sir Joseph Banks. In his: Rec. d. eloges hist., 8°, Par. & Strasb., 1827, hi, 47-92. Banks (Nathan) [1868- _ ]. Bibliography of the more important contributions to American economic entomology. The more important writings published between June 30, 1888, and December 30, 1896. 273 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1898. ------. A list of works on North American ento- mology. 96 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1900. Bull. No. 24, n. s., U. S. Dep. Agric, Div. entomol. ------. The red spiders of the United States. pp. 65-79. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1900. Technical Ser., No. 8, U. S. Dep. Agric, Div. entomol. ------. Principal insects liable to be distributed on nursery stock. 46 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1902. Bull. No. 34, n. s., U. S. Dep. Agric, Div. entomol, ------. Directions for collecting and preserving insects. 135 pp. 8°. Washington, 1909. Bull. No. 67, Smithsonian Institution. ----—. The structure of certain dipterous larvae with particular reference to those in human foods. 44 pp. 8°. Washington, 1912. Technical Ser., No. 22, of: U. S. Dep. Agr., Bureau ento- mol. ------. Index to the literature of American economic entomology. 1 p. 1., v, 323 pp. 8°. Melrose Highlands, Mass., 1917. Banks (William Mitchell) [1843-1904]. A plea for the more free removal of cancerous growths. 15 pp. 8°. Llanerchymedd, J. dc E. Jones, [1877]. ■------. 1865 and 1895. Student and teacher, being an address delivered before the York- shire College Medical Society. 16 pp. 12°. Leeds, J. Laycock dc Sons, 1895. For Biography, see Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vhi, 314. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 409-412. Aho:Ibid., 1908, h, 1417- 1424 (H. Morris). Aho: Ibid., 1455-1457. AZso.-Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1904-5, n. s., vi, 59-61. Aho: J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1905, xvi, 104-106 (S. C. Stanton). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 566-569, port. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1905, lxxxviii, p. cxvi (Sir R. D. Powell). Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxvhi, 184. Aho: Ibid., 1914, n. s., xcviii, 399-404 (Sir V. Horsley). Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 657-661 (Sir V. Horsley). Bankwitz (Richard). *Beitrag zur Kenntniss der einseitigen Retinitis hasmorrhagica. [Jena.] 18 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1898. Bannas (Samuel) [1869- ]. *Ein objektives Augensymptom der Neurasthenie. [Leipziq.] 25 pp., 11. 8°. Breslau, 1893. Bannatyne (Gilbert Alexander). Rheumatoid arthritis; its pathology, morbid anatomy, and treatment. 2. ed. xii, 182 pp. 8°. Bristol, L. Wright dc Co.; London, Simpkin, Marshall [et al], 1898. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. viii, 187 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Bristol, J. Wright, dc Co., 1904. Bannehr (J.) Remarks on the sewage difficulty; its cause, effects, remedy. Read before the Mid- land Farmers Club. 14 pp. 8°. Exeter, [1805]. Bannelier (Henri). *Les infectionssalivaires chez le nouveau-ne et le nourrisson. viii, pp. 9-32, 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 61. Banner (The) of Gold. Mate Palmer, editor, v. 1-29, 1892-1916. fol. Chicago. Bannerman (Walter Biggar). The production of alkali in liquid media by the Bacillus pestis. 12 pp. 4°. Calcutta, 1908. Forms No. 33 (n. s.) of: Scient. mem. med. off. India. Bannes (Franz Xaver Karl Alois) [1876- ]. *Das Wesen der genuinen und kunstlichen Vogelgicht und deren Beziehungen zur Arthritis urica des Menschen. [Breslau.] 49 pp., 11. 8°. Altenburg, G. Eylenbosch, 1901. Bannes (Jerome) [1868- ]. *Recherches ex- perimentales sur lee accidents consecutifs aux inhalations prolongees d'acide carbonique. 68 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 149. Bannier (Alfred [Felix]) [1879- ]. *Physiolo- gische Studien am gesunden Menschen im Ueberdruckapparate. 33 pp. 8°. Marburg, H. Bauer, 1906. Bannikowa (Sinaida) [1888- ]. *Ueber Ly- solvergiftungen. 27 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebe- ring, 1912. Banning (Friedrich). *Zur Kenntnis der Oxal- saurebildung durch Bakterien. [Basel.] 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1902. Bannister (A. T.) Sanitation as a religious exer- cise. Sermon preached in Birchington Parish Church. 10 pp. 12°. London, 1899. Repr.from: Church of England Pulpit. Bannister (Henry M.). See Brower (Daniel R.) & Bannister (H. M.) A prac- tical manual of insanity [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1902. Banniza (Ernst). *Ein Fall von infantiler Osteomalacie. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Khl, Vollbehr dc Biepen, 1899. Bannwart (Joseph Alexander). *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spontanen multiplen Hautgan- gran. [Zurich.] 43 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Luzern, Bdber & Co., 1905. Bannwarth (E.). See Anthropologische Wandtafeln, [etc.]. eleph. fol. Leipzig, 1896. Bannwarth (Johann Baptist) [1873- ]. _ *Die Typhusmortalitat in Elsass-Lothringen bis zur Emfuhrung der organisierten Typhusbekam- pfung. 48 pp., 11., 3 ch. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C.Muh dc Co., 1905. Banquet (Pierre-Henri) [1875- # ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude anatomo-pathologique de l'endo- cardite tuberculeuse. 24 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 103. Banse (Johannes) [1881- ]. *Ueber intratho- racische Fibrome, Neurome und Fibrosarkome. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1908. Bantegnie (Gustave-Hector-Victor) [188(5- ]. *Quelques documents cliniques a, propos de la recherche pratique de l'acetone et de l'acide acetylacetique dans l'urine. 48 pp. 8°. Lille, 1913, No. 23. BANTEIGNIE. 340 BARADUC. Banteignie (Constant). *De 1'occlusion intesti- nale dans la peritonite tuberculeuse. 56 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 119. Banteignie (Paul) [1870- ]. *Traitement de l'ecz^ma par les enveloppements humides permanents. 52pp., 11. 8° Barh, 1899, No. 48. Banti (Guido). L'evoluzione nella materia e nella vita. 31 pp. 8°. Firenze, Galletti dc Cocci, 1902. ------. Patologia del polmone. 277 pp. 8°. Firenze, L. Niccolai, 1902. ------. Anatomia patologica. v. 1, fasc. 1-20. 645 pp. roy. 8°. Milano, Soc. edit, libr., 1905-7. Aho, Editor of: Pathologica. Revista quindicinale, Genova, 1908-17. Bantigny (Aime) [1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'acnee ponctuee chez l'enfant. 48 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 79. Banting (William). The rational cure of obesity, being a letter on corpulence addressed to the public. Re-edited with notes, addenda, and a preface by a barrister. 1 p. 1., x, 49 pp. 8°. London, Harrison dc Sons, 1902. See, aho, "Banting." Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 898; 977. Banti's disease. See Spleen (Hypertrophy of) with ansemia. Bantle (Alfons) [1886^- ]. *Die Dissertation Johann Friedrich Reichenbachs iiber eine neue Operationsmethode der Pupillen-Verwachsung, 1767. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Tubingen, G. Schnur- len 1911. Bantlin (David) [1879- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Lebercirrhose im Kindesalter. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, G. Schniirlen, 1903. Bantock (George Granville) [1837-1913]. On the use and abuse of pessaries. 32 pp. 8°. London, H K. Lewh, 1878. [P., v. 2190.] ------. On uterine displacements. 24 pp. 8°. London, W. Hall dc Lovitt, 1880. ------. A plea for early ovariotomy. 40 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1881. ------. Inaugural address on Listerism; its past, present, and future. 28 pp. 8°. London, Spotthwoode dc Co., 1887. ------. The modern doctrine of bacteriology, or the germ theory of disease with special ref- erence to gynaecology. 36 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale, Sons dc Banielsson, 1899. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, i, 201. Aho: Galleria d. clin. ostet., Scansano, 1902, i, 19-26, port. ------. See, also: Stone (I. S.) A briefreview of some ofthe contributions to medical and surgical literature by George Granville Bantock. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxh, 39-66, port. Banzet (Samuel) [1867- ]. *Contribution a l'etude des suppurations envisagees au point de vue de leurs formes et de leurs rapports avec la fievre. 271 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 200. See, aho, Berger (Paul) & Banzet (Samuel). Chirurgie orthopedique [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1904. Banzhaf (Friedrich) [1880- ]. *Einwirkung normaler Tiersera auf Rotlaufbazillen. [Gies- sen.] 29 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, B. Enzig, 1909. Banzhaf (Richard) [1878- ]. • Drei Falle von familiarer cerebraler Lahmung im Kindesalter. 26 pp., 1 tab., 3 1. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzker, 1902. Banzi (Umberto). La.rabbia negli animali do- mestici e nell' uomo. 43 pp. 8°. Finale- Emilia, L. Bubbiani, 1897. Bapteste (Albert) [1859- ]. *De l'appendicite dans la puerperalit6. [Lyon.] 78 pp. 8°. Bijon, 1899, No. 48. Baptisia and baptisol. Clark (E. D.) Note on the blackening ofthe leaves ofthe wild indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) and the isolation of a new phenol, baptisol. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1915, xxi, 645-660.— Mellon (R. R.) & Saniord (R.J.) The effect of Baptisia in the production of typhoid agglutinins. Chnique, Chicago, 1913, xxxiv, 467-479. Aho: Med. Century, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa., 1913, xx, 161-166. Baptism (Intrauterine). Kocks(J.) Risumteneatis, amici,oder: Dieintra-uterine Taufe menschlicher Eier und Foten. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1187-1190. Baptista (Paul Hitto). *Do tratamento da mo- lestia de Bright. 85 pp. roy. 8° Bio de Janeiro, Carvalhaes, 1905. Baptista Laper (Carlos). *Prenhez nos uteros fibromatoses. 91 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Bes- nardfreres, 1905. Baque (Bernard-Jean-Isidore-Benjamin) [1888- ]. *Les tumeurs peritheliales. 92 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912, No. 137. Baque (Dominique) [1872- ]. *Contribution a l'etude du salophene et de ses proprietes thera- peutiques. 96 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 331. Baque (Jean-George-Felix-Bertrand) [1875- ]. *Les amputations basses dans les gangrenes par endarterite chronique. 70 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 98. Baque (Simeon-Jules) [1873- ]. ^Traitement ambulatoire des arthrites tuberculeuses du mem- bre inferieur, au debut chez les enfants. 98 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 192. Baquis (Elia). Contributo alia conoscenza della struttura e della genesi dell' angiosarcoma della coroide. 51 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bavia, Bizzoni, 1904. ------. La nuova sezione oculistica dei rr. ospedali riuniti di Livorno 1903-4. 43 pp. 8°. Livorno, A. Bebatte, 1905. Bar (Paul). Lecons de pathologie obstetricale. 864 pp. 8°. Baris, imp. E. Copiomont dc Cie., 1907. See, aho, Carbonelli (Jean). Atlas d'anatomie obstetri- cale [etc.]. fol. Parh, 1905.—Pratique (La) de l'art des accouchements [etc.] [in 2. s.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1907. Baraban (Leon-Dominique) [1850-1905]. Obseques. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1905, xxxvu, 705- 711. Barabo (Adam). *Ueber Trommelfell-Perfora- tionen. 44 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1880. Barachon (Charles-Jules) [1SS4- ]. *L'eau thermo-minerale du Pare Sainte-Mane (Nancy) (Source Lanternier). 245 pp. 8°. Naney, 1911, No. 8. Baracoff (Dimitre). *Du role des troubles de la nutrition dans la pathogenie de la folie puer- perale. 109 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 583. Baradat. I -es eUiblissements centralists d' educa- tion et la tuberculose. 16 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1902. ------. Les agents physiques dans la cure de la tuberculose. 56 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1903. ------. L'Engadine en France. 16 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1906. See, also, de Schrtttter (Leopold) [in 2. s.]. Hygiene des poumons [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1906. Baraduc (Frank) [1869- ]. *Traitement des kystes hydatiques abdominaux. 104 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 397. ------. The same. 104 pp. 8°. Bam, G. Stein- heil, 1898. ------. L'entero-colite muco-membraneuse et son traitement a Chatel-Guyon. 52 pp. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1905. BARADUC. 34: Baraduc (Frank)—continued. ------, Bernard (Felix) [et al.]. Clinique hydro- logique. x, 636 pp. 8 . Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1909. Baraduc (Hippolyte). Les vibrations de la vitalite humaine; methode biometrique appli- quee aux sensitifs et aux nevroses. viii, 280 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1904. Baragnon (P. Petrus). See Petrus (P. B.) [in 2. s.]. Barailhe (A.) *Contribution a l'etude de la maladie de Parrot; difficultes du diagnostic. 98 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1909, No. 865. Barailhe (Jean) [1878- ]. Contribution a l'etude cryoscopique des urines. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 40. Baraillaud (Frangois-Louis) [1869- ]. *Des indications de l'amputation dans la gangrene des membres chez les diabetiques. 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 104. Barailon [1743-1816]. Perot(F.) [Biography.] Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1904-5, x, 36-39.-----. [Biography.] Ibid., 1906-7, xii, 281- 283. Barak (Anna) [1875- ]. *Ein intraligamentar gelegenes, ektopisches Chorionepitheliom mit sehr langer Latenzzeit. 42 pp. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1911. Baraks, nee Doilidsky (Helene Rosalie). *Les nevrites professionnelles. 232 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Carre & C. Naud, 1901, No. 327. Barandon (Jules). *La phlebo-anesth6sie par la novocaine. 60 pp. 8°. Toulouse, J. Mar- queste, 1911, No. 946. Barandon (Justin) [1871- ]. *Un nouvel insufflateur pour la respiration artificielle dans les cas d'asphyxie. 38 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1898, No. 2. Baranetski (I[osif] V[asilyevich]) [1843- ]. Vidayushtshiyasya yavleniya v novieishei lite- raturie o darvinizmie. [Prominent phenomena in recent literature about Darwinism.] 62 pp. 8°. [Kiyev, 1903.] Bound with: Univ. lzvlest., Kiyev, 1903, xliii. Baranger (Emile) [1872- ]. Cardiopathies et grossesse. 128 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 413. ------. The same. 128 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1898. Baraniecki (Adryjan) [1828-91]. HaSkovec. [Biography.] Casop. lek.desk.,v Praze, 1891, xxx, 946-948. Baranoff (A[leksandr] IfvanovichJ) [1864- J. Rukovodstvo dlya rotnikh feldsherov i feldsher- skikh uchenikov. [Handbook for company feld- shers and feldsher pupils.] vii, 319 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. V. Komaroff, 1897. Baranoff (Elizabeth). Contributions a, l'etude des complications pulmonaires post-operatoires de l'etherisation. 26 pp. 8°. Lausanne, C. Bache- Varidel dc Bron, 1907. Baranoff (Esther). *Production d'urine et pres- sion sanguine. 24 pp. 8°. Lausanne, 1910. Baranowski(Ignacy),[1833- ]. Walkazgruz- lica. jako zadanie spoleczno-narodowe. [Strug- gle with tuberculosis as a social and popular de- mand.] 9 pp. fol. [S.-Beterburg, Trenke dc Frysno, 1900.] Repr.from: Kraj. For Biography, see Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1909, 2. s., xxix, 1063-1074 (J. Pawihski). Aho: Pam. Towarz. Lek. War- szaw., 1909, cv, suppl., 1-34, port. (J. Pawinski). Aho: Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1912, li, 283-285 [port, in text]. Baranski (Anton). Anleitung zur Vieh- und Fleischbeschau fiir Stadt- und Bezirksarzte, Thierarzte, Sanitatsbeamte. 4. Aufl. iv, 242 BARBADOES. Baranski (Anton)—continued. pp. 8°. Wien dc Beipzig, Urban dc Schwarzen- berg, 1897. Barantsevich (E. M.) Chuma, poyavleniye i rasprostraneniye yeya u chelovieka; istoriko- meditsinskiy ocherk. [The plague, its appear- ance and diffusion among man; sketch in the history of medicine.] 104 pp., 21. 8°. Moskva, I. Yefimoff, 1898. Barany (Robert). Untersuchungen iiber den vom Vestibularapparat des Ohres reflektorisch ausgelosten rythmischen Nystagmus und seine Begleiterscheinungen. (Ein Beitrag zur Physio- logie und Pathologie des Bogengangapparates.) 107 pp. 8°. _ Berlin, C. Coblenz, 1906. ------. Physiologie und Pathologie (Funktions- Priifung) des Bogengang-Apparates beim Men- schen. x, 76 pp. 8°. Beipzig dc Wien, F. Beuticke, 1907. For Biography, see Hosp.-Tid., Kdbenh., 1915, 5. R., viii, 1171-1174, port. ------. See, also: Brock (W.) Dr. Barany, Nobelpreistrager. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, lxiii, 233.—Pflster (F.) The work of Robert Barany on the semicircular apparatus of the ear and the cerebellar localization as the diagnostic key to the differ- ent intracranial conditions. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1915-16, xiv, 468-471. Barasch (Albert). *Influence dystrophique de l'heredite' syphilitique. 108 pp., 11. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 512. Barasch (Hans) [1887- ]. *Ueber Sympto- matologie der chronischen Paranoia. 30 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1911. Barasin (Ludovicus). *Utrum peripneumoniae hybernse tcadapo-is 'nytfwviKov? 7 pp. 8°. Ca- domi, J. Cavelier, 1685. Baratier (A[ntonin] [1858- ]. Comment on defend ses mains. La lutte pour les avoir tou- jours belles. 81pp., 11. 12°. Barh, [1901]. ------. Les victimes de l'alcool. 131 pp. 12°. Barh, 1902. Baraton (Paul-Pierre-Marie-Joseph) [1879- ]. ^Contribution a l'tude de 1'elephantiasis acquise des paupieres. 59 pp., 1 diag., 4 pi. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1906, No. 114. Baratoux (J.) [1855- ]. Classification des maladies de l'oreille, du nez et du larynx, cxii pp. 8°. Barh, 1897. Bound with: Pratique med., Par., 1897, xi. Barats (V[italiy] G[ermanovich]) [1861- _ ]. *Rost glaza i niekotoriya yevo osobennosti u grudnikh dietei. [Growth of the eye and its va- rious peculiarities in infants.] 1 p. 1., 159 pp., 1 pi., 1 diag. 8°. S.-Beterburg, A. V. Orloff, 1902. Barba (Rafael). *Ligeras indicaciones sobre la manera de utilizar las materias fecales de la ciudad de Mexico. 23 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mexico, 1884. Barbachano (Miguel). *Tratamiento del tifo. 29 pp. 8°. Mexico, C. Bamiro,1818. Barbadault (Camille) [1871- _ ]. *Patho- genie et traitement de l'incontinence d'urine chez les calculeux. 77 pp. 8°. Barh, 1896, No. 96. Barbadault (Constant) [1881- ]. *La scle- recto-iridectomie (operation de Lagrange). 88 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 10. Barbadoes. See, also, Epidemics (Hhtory of), Fever (Yel- low, Hhtory of), Leprosy (Hhtory and stathtics of), by localities. Low (G. C.) Malarial and filarial diseases in Barbadoes, West Indies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 687-689: 1902, i, 1472 —Slier (J. F.) Medical notes on Barbados, British West Indies. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.], N. Orl., 1915, iii, 46; 186. A ho, Reprint. BARBAGALLO. 342 BARBER. Barbagallo (Pietro). Sopra un caso di taenia solium mummificata rigeneratasi. 20 p., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Catania, stab. S. di Mattei dc Co., 1896. Barbaloine. Leger (E.) Sur la barbaloine. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1902, 6. s., xvi, 519-526: 1906, xxv, 513-522. —---. Nouvelle methode de transformation de la barbaloine en 0-babaloine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1914, clviii, 1903-1905. Aho: J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1914, 7. s., x, 108-111. Barbancey (Pierre-Robert-Adolphe) [1877-_ ]. ^Contribution a l'etude des gommes syphilitiques de la paupiere. 53 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 62. Barbarczi (Ott6 Schwartzer). A korlatolt besza- mfthat6sag. pp. 169-440. 8°. Budapest, Besti Bloyd-Tdrsulat, 1906. Forms No. 4 of: Elme-esidegkdrt., Budapest, 1906. Barbarin (Edmond) [1881- ]. *De l'influence de la parite sur la marche de la deiivrance. 52 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1912, No. 85. Barbarin (Honor6). ^Contribution a l'etude de l'asthme chez l'enfant. 60 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 302. Barbarin (Paul) [1873- ]. *Les complications masto'idiennes et intracraniennes des otites moyennes suppurees chroniques. 156 pp., 1 1. 8° Barh, 1902, No. 152. ------. The same. 157 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Stein- heil, 1902. ------. Vingt-cinq lecons pratiques d'anatomie eleinentaire et de petite chirurgie pour le personnel des hopitaux et des dispensaires. 248 pp., 11. 12°. Baris, O. Boin, 1907. ------. Manuel de chirurgie de guerre a l'usage des infirmieres; anatomie, pratique chirurgicale, operations, appareils. Preface de M. le pro- fesseur S. Pozzi. 2 p. 1., 405 pp. 16°. Baris, O. Boin dc fils, 1916. See, aho, Hygiene (L')del'enfant [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1908. Barbarin (Ren6). -"Pigmentation des muqueuses, son importance au point de vue du diagnostic et du traitement de l'insuffisance capsulaire. 87 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 275. Barbarous (Antoine) [1873- # ]. *Des gros- sesses m^connues; 6tude clinique et diagnos- tique. viii, 9-56 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 21. Barbarroux (Leon) [1874- ]. *De la leuco- cytose et des variations des polynucleaires dans la fievre typho'ide. 97 pp., 11. 8°. Byon, 1900, No. 137. Barbarroux (Timoleon). *Sur l'absorption v6si- cale; 6tude de la question et recherches ex- perimentales. 98 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 15. Barbaras (Hermolaus) [1454-93]. For Biography, see Abblld.. .. d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805,1, port. Barbary (Fernand). Les miseres du corps. 1 p. 1., 262 pp. 12°. Barh, 1901. ------. Autour des berceaux. Preface de A. Pinard. 1 p. 1., iv, 176 pp. 16°. Barh, 1901. ------. La grande faucheuse; la In tie anti-- tuberculeuse dans la famille, a l'6cole, a l'atelier. viii, 219 pp., 1 ch., 3 maps. 8°. Baris, C. Naud, 1904. ------. The same. 2. ed. xi, 340 pp., 1 map. 8°. Barh, F.-B. de Budeval, 1907. ------. Interpr6tation nouvelle du mecanisme de l'hemoptysie tuberculeuse. Th6rapeutique preventive de l'hemoptysie. 114 pp. 8°. Barh, F.-R. de Rudeval, 1905. Barbary (Fernand)—continued. ------. Un remede specifique contre la grippe; les injections de cacodylate de ga'iacol dans les infections grippales. Meinoire presente a l'Academie de medecine le 5 mars 1907. 31 pp. 8°. Nice, Lmp. de la Cote d'Azur, 1907. Barbary (Joseph). *Essais sur le traitement chirurgical du cancer du gros intestin (rectum excepte). 108 pp. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 310. Barbaste (Alfred) [1887- ]. *Du decollement traumatique de l'epiphyse humerale superieure. 103 pp. 8°. Barh, 1912, No. 218. Barbatelli (Ettore) [ -1916]. [Obituary.] Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, lxiv, 805. Barbatus (Hieronymus). See del Papa (Josephus) [in 2. s.]. De praecipuis humori- bus qui humano in corpore reperiuntur [etc.]. 12°. Lugd. Bat.,nm. Barbaud (Charles) [1856- .] & Lefevre (Ch.) La femme; aux trois grandes periodes de sa vie: puberty, union sexuelle, menopause. La puberte chez la femme; etude physiologique, chnique et therapeutique. vii, 234 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1897. Barbaux (Georges) [1879- ]. *Etude m&iico- psychologique sur le suicide chez les enfants. 66 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 175. Barbavara de Gravellona (A.) *Une forme particuliere de paralysie obstetricale. Mono- plegie brachiale double avec amyotrophie; syndrome de Little aux membres inferieurs. 36 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 654. Barbe. Le parfumeur francois, qui enseigne toutes les manieres de tirer les odeurs des fleurs; et a faire toutes sortes de compositions de parfums. 132 pp., 51. 24°. Lyon, T. Amaulry, 1693. Barbe (Andre). *Etude des degenerations secon- daires (bulbo-protuberantielles et medullaires) du faisceau pyramidal. 149 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Ba- rh, 1908, No. 190. ------. Thesame. 149 pp., 81., 7 pi. 8°. Baris, O. Boin. 1908. Barbe (C) Diagnostic et traitement des maladies de la peau. Prdface par E. Gaucher, xii, 331 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1901. Barbe (Camelle). *De la sacro-coxalgie chez l'enfant; arthrite tuberculeuse sacro-iliaque. 88 pp., 8°. Baris, 1906. No. 24. Barbe (Etienne-Joseph-Victor) [1874- ]. *Phy- siologie du ligament de Bertin. 42 pp., 21., 1 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 28. Barbee (Andrew Russell) [1830-1903]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xh, 506. Barbeguiere(J.-B.) Lamaconneriemesmerienne, ou les lecons prononcees par Fr. Mocer, Riala, Themola, Seca et Celaphon, de l'Ordre des F. de l'Harmonie, en loge mesmerienne de Bor- deaux, l'an des influences 5781, et du mesme- risme le l,r. 83 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, 1784. Barbe-Obcrlin (Emilie-Selma) [1879- ]. •^Contribution a l'etude clinique des adeno- pathies tiacheo-bronchiques tuberculeuses au debut chez l'enfant. 76 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 16. Barber (Amos Walker) [1S61-1915]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 1928. Barber (Elmer D.) Osteopathy; the new science of healing. 3. ed. 176 pp., port, 12°. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly Bub. Co., 1896. ------. Osteopathy complete, xiv. 566 pp. 8°. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly Bub. Co., 1898. BARBER. 343 BARBET. Barber (Fred. Arthur) [1880- ]. Deafness; its cause, prevention and relief. 55 pp., 11. 8°. Boston, Globe Earphone Co., [1916]. Barber (Josef) & Schestauber (Valerian). Die Buchfuhmng nach einfachem System ange- wendet auf mittlere und kleine Apotheken. v, 69 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Hartleben, 1904. Barber (Oliver Phelps) [1850-1910]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1640. Barbera (A[gatino] G.) [1867-1909]. La tempera- tura della mucosa e del contenuto gastrico della mucosa rettale della vagina nei digiuno e dopo i diversi generi di alimentazione dati per bocca o per clistere. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini dc Barmeggiani, 1898. Repr.from: JJull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1898,7. s., ix. ------. Alimentazione sottocutanea e formazione della bile. Contributo sperimentale alia cono- scenza del luogo, ove, dopo i pasti, debbonsi trovare i diversi principii alimentari per fare aumentare la produzione della bile. 21 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini dc Barmeggiani, 1901. Contributo sperimentale alia fisiologia del digiuno. Eccitabilita secretoria della corda del timpano, del simpatico cervicale e del vago nei digiuno prolungato ed attivita secernente delle cellule della gland ola sottomascellare, dello stomaco e del pancreas. 33 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini dc Barmeggiani, 1902. For Biography, see Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1908-9, vi, 168 (P. Albertoni). Aho: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1909, 8. s., ix, 111-116 (J. Novi). Barbera (Emanuele). La malaria dei bambini. Studio pratico. 40 pp. 8°. Caltagirone, G. Scordia, 1905. ------. Sul trattamento del trombo vaginale. Forcipe, incisione o compressione? Nuovo metodo operativo. 28 pp. 8°. Caltagirone, G. Scordia, 1905. Un caso di meningite cerebrale acuta idiopatica. Guarigione completa. 19 pp. 4°. Caltagirone, G. Scordia, 1906. Sulla somministrazione del chinino di stato. [ylZso:] La malaria dell'abitato in Calta- girone. 32 pp. 8°. Caltagirone, G. Scordia, 1906. Barbera (Faustino). Fisiologia e higiene de la voz. Lecciones pronunciadas en el Conserva- torio de musica de Valencia, xv, 237 pp., 7 pi. port. 8°. Valencia, M. Alufre, 1897. ------. La intubacion estudiada en su pasado, su manual operatorio, sus accidentes y_ sus aplicaciones al tratamiento de las laringo- estenosis y especialmente al del crup. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. 8°. Valencia, Gombau, Vicent dc Masia, 1897. Barberis (M. H.) [1883- ]. *Des perforations intestinales suivies de peritonite generalisee au cours de la tuberculose du peritoine chez l'en- fant. [Montpellier.] 85 pp. 8°. Marseille, 1910, No. 45. . . Barberius (Joannes). *De meliori radicitus hydroceles curandse methodo. 8 pp. 4°. Genux, A. Frugoni, 1806. [P., v. 2147.] Barberousse (Frederic) [1880- ]. *Les frac- tures sus-malleolaires. xii, 124 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 102. ------. The same, xii, 124 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8 . Lyon dc Barh, A. Storck dc Cie., 1904. Barbers and barber shops. See, also, Surgery (Hhtory of); Sycosis. Passicli (U.) Nella bottega del barbiere. Cenni storici, reminiscenze letterarie, spigola ture d'archivio, ricerche sperimentali, con- siderazioni igieniche. 8°. Firenze, 1898. Barbers and barber shops. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatives. A bill to regulate the practice of barbering in the District of Columbia. 56. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 11969. May 29, 1900. Introd. by Mr. Jenkins, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1900.] Berner (H.) [Inspection of barber shops in Christiania.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1906, xxvi, 302- 311.—Doctors and barbers. Boston M. & S. J., 1911. clxiv, 429.—Dyer (I.) The barber shop in society. N. Orf. M. & S. J., 1905-6, lviii, 89-100. Aho, Reprint—Hardaway (W. A.) Carbuncle and other affections contracted in the barber shop. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1903, xxix, 379-383 — Hedstrom(W.F.) Toilet-chair. [Pat.spec] No.927531: July 13, 1909.—Jackson (G. T.) The barber-shop as a source of contagion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 426. Aho, Reprint.-----. The barber-shop as a source of con- tagion. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1912, xxx, 653 — M'Graw (E. B.) Danger in the barber shop. Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 740— Missaglia (F.) Delle malattie accidentalmente trasmesse dai barbitonsori e parruchieri. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1897, xix, 65-73.—Power (D'A.) A precept of the Archbishop of Canterbury forbid- ding barbers to carry on their trade on Sundays. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 262. Aho, Reprint.—Rozani (E.) II servizio del barbiere negh ospedah. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1915, 2. s., ih, 191-193.—Slee (R. B) Barber's appliance. [Pat. spec] No. 570107; Oct. 27, 1896.—Suiter (A. W.) The barber shop as a menace to the public health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1897, Concord, 1898, xxhi, 443-448. Aho: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1898, xii, 235-241.—Watts (H. F. R.) Spreading of disease in barber shops. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxlih, 148. Barbers and barber shops (Hygiene of), Berger (H.) De hygiene in de barbiers en kapperswinkels. 12°. s.-Gravenhage, 1898. Bensmann (H. F.) & Fix (E. H.) Sterilizer for barbers. [Pat. spec] No. 676299; June II, 1901.—Broers (C. \\ .) Hygiene van kappersen barbiersbedrijf. Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. en openb. gzndhdsreg., Zwolle, 1904, vi, 256-266.— Bruhns (C.) Hygiene der Barbierstuben. Handb. d. Hyg., Jena, 1902, 2. Suppl.-Bd., 145-180.—Daniel. Hy- giene et antisepsie apphquees aux salons de coiffure. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Brux., 1904, vii, 219.— F. (A ) Die Hygiene der Barbierstuben. Hygieia, Stuttg., 1900, xiii, 366-370.—Hart (W. E.) The regulation of barber shops. Ohio San. Bull., Columbus. 1903, vh, 19-30. Aho: Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1903, xxix, 243-247.—Hypes (C. B ) Barbers sectional sterilizer. (Pat. spec] No. 764242; July5,1904.—Kausch. DieDesinfektionim Barbier-bezw. Friseurgewerbe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, Referate, 457-473— Lichtenstein. Em Beitrag zur Verhutung der Infection in den Rasirstuben. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, 170 — McBee(T.J.) Asepsis in tonsorial parlors. West Virg. M. J Wheeling, 1910-11, v, 336-340.—Miranda (A. R.) Anti- septic razor-cabinet [Pat. spec) No. 612861; Oct. 25,1898.- Neustatter (O.) Zur Hygiene der Friseurgeschafte. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1905,xv,765-768.—Persson(G. A.) San- itation of barber shops. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1910, cui. 490-492—Randi & Vivaldi. I barbieri e i parruchieri dai punto di vista dell' igiene. Corriere san., Milano, 1896, vh, No 92, 3; No. 93,3-5.—Sewell(W.E.) Disinfecting-cabinet for barbers' use, etc. [Pat. spec) No. 694676; March 4, 1902 —Sommerfeld (T.) Die Gesundheitspflege in der Barbierstube. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, iv, 53; 64 —Strassmann (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Hygiene in den Barbier- und Friseurstuben. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, xhi, 220-226.—Suiter (A. W.) Tonsorial hygiene and state control of barber-shop sanitation. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1899 375-382.—Ullmann (K.) Zur Rasierstubenhygiene; ein Beitrag zur Pathogenese und Prophylaxe der uifek- tiosen Hauterkrankungen im Bereiche des Gesichtes und der Kopfhaut. Allg. Wien.med. Ztg., 1906, h, 151; 163; 175; 188-200;211;223;236;250;260;272;284;296;306;318;330.-----. Massnahmen zur Verhutung von ansteckenden Erkran- kungen in den Rasierstuben. Med. f. Alle, Wien & Leipz., 1906, i, 278-280.—Wendel (M.) Zur Hygiene der Rasirstu- ben Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1901, xxvii, 45—Zarewicz(A.) [Hygieneof barbershops.) Przegl.hyg., Lw6w, 1903, ii, 129-133— Zausallofl (M. A.) & Tellchenko (E V.) [Apparatus for disinfecting tonsorial belongings.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 739. Barbers' itch. See Sycosis. Barbet (Georges [1879- ]. *La, medication de Trunecek dans l'arterosclerose. Etude clinique. 108 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 53. Barbet (Paul) [1872- ]. *De quelques formes anormales d'appendicite avec abces iliaque "auehe. 68 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 289. BARBETTE. 344 BARBOUR. Barbette (Paulus) [1629-99]. Chirurgie nae de hedendaeghse practijck beschreven. 8 p. 1., 211 pp., 6 1. 16°. Amsterdam, J. Liescaille, 1655. ------. The same. 6 p. 1., 219 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Amsterdam, J. Lescaille, 1662. ------. Pest-beschryving. Den derden druck, met historische aenmerckingen. 60 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, J. Lescaille, 1662. Bound with his: Chirurgie nae de hedendaeghse [etc.]. 12°. Amsterdam, 1662. Barbey (Edmond). *Tumeurs de I'hypophyse sans acromegalic (pathogenie de l'acromegalie). 63 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1911. Barbey [Jules] [1836-1902]. [Biography.] Presse vet., Angers, 1902, xxii, 328-338. Barbey (Louis). *Etude sur le salac^tol et ses proprietes tberapeutiques. 41 pp., 11. 8°. Lausanne, Guilloud-Howard, 1895. Barbie (Louis). *Lesang humain; variations de la composition chimique du serum et du plasma dans les maladies. 85 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 84. m Barbier (Andre). Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs malignes du peritoine chez l'enfant. Ill pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 220. ------. The same. Ill pp. 8°. Barh, G. Stein- heil, 1909. Barbier (Andre) [1884- ]. *Le chancre syphi- litique de l'oreille externe. [Lyon.] 66 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 14. Barbier (Emile) [1873- ]. *De l'arrache- ment de l'olecrane dans les tentatives de reduc- tion des luxations anciennes du coude en ar- riere. (Parti qu'on peut en tirer pour le traite- ment de ces luxations.) 77 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 99. Barbier (Francois-Joseph-Alphonse-Marie) [1884- ]. *Sur deux cas d'intoxication par l'atro- pine. 36 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 68. Barbier (Gaston) [1884- ]. *Etude medico- psychologique sur Gerard ae Nerval. 126 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, A. Bey, 1907, No. 30. Barbier (Georges) [1870- ]. *De l'insumsance fonctionnelle des valvules du cceur. 117 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 338. Barbier (Henry) [1859- ]. Semiologie pra- tique des poumons et de la plevre; signes physi- ques, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscul- tation. Preface de J. Grancher. xi, 252 pp. 16°. Barh, J.-B. Baill&re dc fils, 1902. See,ah'o,CaHa,z (A.),Castex(A.) & Barbier (II.). Ma- ladies du nez et du larynx [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1908. ------& Ulmann (Georges). Les actualites mecli- cales. La diphterie. Nouvelles recherches bae- teriologiques et cliniques; prophylaxie et traite- ment. 92 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliire dc fils, 1899. Barbier (Jean- Bap tiste-Gregoire) [1776-1855]. Principes generaux de pharmacologic ou de matiere medicale. ^ Ouvrage dans lequel on traite de la composition des medicamens, et de leurs proprietes actives et curatives, x, 556 pp. 8°. Bans, L'Huillier, 1810. ------. Traits edementaire de matiere medicale. 2. 6d. 3 v. 8°. Baris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1824. ------. The same. Trattato elementare di mate- ria medica. Prima edizione italiana sulla quinta francese riveduta e corretta dall'autore. Tradu- zione del Dott. E. Canigiani. iv, 474, viii pp. 8°. Livorno, N. N. Gamba, 1841. Barbier (Joseph). Contribution a l'etude des bronchites fetides. 78 pp. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 229. Barbier (Maurice) [1878- ]. *L'embolie pul- monaire dans les fractures; contribution a l'etude de la coaguiabilite du sang au cours de revolu- tion des fractures. 140 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 5. Barbier (Paul). *L'incontinence d'urine noc- turne essentielle de l'enfance; son traitement, en particulier par les injections epidurales et la ponction lombaire. 72 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 451. Barbier (Paul-Louis) [1884- ]. *Le traite- ment radical du cancer de l'cesophage cervical. 43 pp. 8°. Byon, 1909, No. 29. Barbier (Pierre). *Svphilis de l'estomac. 215 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904," Xo. 214. Barbier Bouvet (Felix) [1875- ]. *Traite- ment de la tuberculose pulmonaire par les in- . jections intra-tracheales. 100 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1904, No. 84. —----. The same. 99 pp. 8°. Baris, Vigot frires, 1904. Barbier de la Serre (Marie-Pierre-Alexandre) [1882- ]. *La reaction de Rivalta en clinique medicale. 93 pp. 8°. Bordeaux. 1909, No. 111. Barbin (Albert-Arsene). Contribution a l'etude des retentions d'urine chez la femme. 80 pp. 8°. Bai-h, 1901, No. 187. Barbin (Edgard) [1885- ]. Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs mixtes de la glande sous- maxillaire. 77 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912. No. 84. Barbin (Jean-Leon-Marie-Joseph) [1890- 1 *De la pratique de rhysterectomie abdominale dans les cas d'infection puerpe>ale aigue. 72 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1913, No. 8. Barbo (Artur). *Das Trauma in der Aetiologie der Dementia paralytica. 47 pp. 8°. Frei- burg, E. Kuttruff, 1899. Barbone. Baldrey (F. S. H.) Aggressins in Barbone and theii application as an immunizing agent. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1907, ii, 351-355. Barboni (Paul). *Torsion de 1'epiploon. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 138. Barbosa Gon$alves Penna (Raul). *Das operacoes que se practicam para a cura dos empyemas chronicos. 74 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, Besnard, 1903. Barbosa de Bezende (Caesio). *Hemothorax pleural consecutivo aos traumatismos. 1 p. 1., 98 pp. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, Besnard freres, 1903. Barbot (Benjamin). d'Estree (P.) Les medecins sous la revolution; Benja- min Barbot. France med., Par., 1903,1, 355. Barbot (Jules). *Les chroniquesde laFaculte de medecine de Toulouse du xiiie au xxe siecle. 2v. 506 pp.; 324 pp., 30 pi., 11. S°. Toulouse, 1905, No. 599. ------. The same, xv, 506 pp.; 7. 324 pp., 2 1., 2 plans, my. 8°. Toulouse, C. Birion, 1905. Barbour (Alexander Hugh Freeland). Path- ology of post-partum uterus. 1. Puerperal septi- caemia. 2. Adherent membranes. Read before the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society. 8, July, 1885. 16 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver *d> Boyd, 18S5. -----". Some practical points with regard to the membranes in the third stage of labour. Read before the Edinburgh Obstetrical Societv, 11. March, 1885. 7 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver d- Boyd, 1885. ------. Sectional anatomy of labour. 42 pp., 1 tab., 3 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, 1887. ------. The anatomy of labour, including that of full-time pregnancy and the first days of the BARBOUR. 345 BARD. Barbour (Alexander Hugh Freeland)—cont'd. puerperium, exhibited in frozen sections re- produced ad naturam. 3. ed. 1 p. 1., 26 pi., with description, fol. Edinburgh dc London, W. dc A. K. Johnston, 1896. See, aho, Hart (D. Berry) & Barbour (A. H. Freeland). Manual of gynecology. 8°. Edinburgh, 1897. ------. & Watson (Benjamin Philip). Gyne- cological diagnosis and pathology; with 8 plates and 200 figures, xvi, 220 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Edinburgh dc London, W. Green dc Sons, 1913. Barbour (Erwin Hinckley). Notes on a new order of gigantic fossils. 23 pp., 6 pi. 8°. [n. p.], 1892. Repr.from: Univ. Stud., 1892, i. Barbour (Thomas) [1884- ]. See Stejneger (Xeonhard Hess). A check list of North American amphibians, roy. 8°. Cambridge, 1917. Barboux (Henri). See Prevost (Eugene). De la prostitution [etc.]. 12°. Parh, 1909. Barboza de Barros (Jose). *Da laparotomia na tuberculose do peritoneo. 79 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Besnard fibres, 1901. Barbry (Louis) [1879- ]. *De l'osteomyelite pubienne des adolescents. 92 -pp. 8°. Lille, 1903, No. 139. Bar cat (Jean-Jules) [1875- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la syphilide pigmentaire ou leuco- dermie syphilitique (pathogenie). 94 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 417. ------. Precis de radiumtherapie. Preface de M. le docteur Balzer. xxviii, 298 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1912. Barcelona. See, aho, Children (Hospitals and asylums for), Cholera (History and stathtics of), Epidemics (Hhtory of), Fever ( Yellow, Hhtory of), Hy- giene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), Influenza (Hhtory, etc., of), Insane (Asylums, Bescription, etc., of), Pharmacopoeia (Official), Plague (Hh- tory, etc., of), by localiths. Consideraciones encaminadas a un estudio social e" higienico de esta poblacion. Gac. san. de Barcel., 1903, xv, 109; 140.—Delvaille. L'hygiene et 1'assistance publique a Barcelone. Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8. s., i, 265; 277; 289; 301.—Radua (E.) & Soley y Gely (V.) Cuerpo medico municipal de Barcelona, su constitucion y servicios que cumple. Gac. san. de Barcel., 1905, xvii, 101; 113; 125:1906, xviii, 1; 28; 54; 74; 122; 135; 179.—Trallero (M.) Relation sucinta de la campana sanitaria en Barcelona y su Provincia en el afio 1911. G ac. med. catal., Barcel., 1912, xl,330; 380; 406. Barcelona. Manifesto sull'origine e propagazione della febbre che regno in Barcellona nell' anno 1821, pubblicato in detta citta da una riunione di medeci stranieri e del paese, preceduto da una lettera del . . . Francesco Piguillem. Tradotto dallo spagnuolo da Carlo Baldissone, con un appendice sul contagio della febbre gialla. 72 pp. 12°. Genova, L. Carniglia, 1824. Barcelonne (Jean - Marie-Ur bain) [1869- ]. Contribution a l'etude du debut de l'evacua- tion du contenu gastrique dans l'intestin. 50 pp. 1 1., 2 ch. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 101. Barcena (Mariano). See Del Castillo (Antonio) & Barcena (Mariano). An- thropologia mexicana [etc.], 8°. Mexico, 1885. Barchet (Paul) [1885- ]. *Ueber die vorzei- tige Losung der normal sitzenden Placenta. [Tubingen.] 24 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1912. Barchudaroff (Michael) [1883- ]. *Ueber die Karellkur. 45 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 19-11. Barchusen [or Barckhausen] (Joannes Conra- dus) [1666-1723]. Pharmacopceus synopticus seu synopsis pharmaceutica, plerasque medica- Barchusen [or Barckhausen]—continued. minum compositiones ac formulas, eorumque dextram, tarn chemicam quam Galenicam con- ficiendi methodum exhibens, in mecUcina et Pharmacia? studiosorum usum conscripta 2 ?" ir' 1Z91?nPn 24°' F™ncofurti ad Mcenum, I. Knock, 1690. Barcinskaja (E.) *La iodophilia dans la scarla- tme 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lausanne, Imp. Cos- mopolite, 1908. Barck (Carl) [1857- ]. The history of spec- tacles, originally delivered as a lecture before the Academy of Science, St. Louis. 21 pp 8° Chicago, 1907. rF' Repr.from: Open Court, 1907. Barckhausen. See Barchusen. Barclay (Alfred Ernest). The stomach and oeso- phagus; a radiographic studio. 4 p. 1 126 pp pi. 4°. London, Sherratt dc Hughes, 1913 ,.^*. ?y*^U (Wilham James Stoery) & Barclay (Alfred Ernest). X-ray diagnosis [etc.]. 8°. London, 1912. Barclay (Herbert Clifford). Lectures on elemen- tary anatomy and physiology, including short sketches of biology, embryology, and compara- tive anatomy. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., iii-viii, 281 pp. 8 . [London], Baillilre, Tindall dc Cox, 1915 Barclay (John). Southall's organic materia me- dica; revised and enlarged by Ernest W. Mann 1909' 376pp> 8°- London, J. dc A. Churchill, Barclay (Robert). Acute and chronic otitis ex- terna, including otomycosis and cancer of the auditory canal. isk'i i^it318' Ear' Nose' & Throat (Burnett)» phila-> Barclay (Wilfred Martin) [1863-1903] Obituary. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1903, xxi, 187. A ho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, l, 1292. Barcoo rot. Blckle (L. W.) Barcoo rot and barcoo sickness. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii 367.—Hickenbotham (J. R.) Treatment of barcoo rot. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i 842 — Merrillees (J. M.) Barcoo rot and spew [as evidences of scurvy]. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1918, i, 19. Barcroft (David Malcomson) [1875- ]. r .Se.e Ga«*,(K-) & Qu'ncke (H.) Surgery of the lung [etc.]. 4°. London, [1913]. Barcroft (Joseph) [1872- ]. The respiratory function of the blood, x, 320 pp. 8°. Cam- bridge, Univ. Bress, 1914. See, aho, Huxley (Thomas Henry). Lessons in elemen- tary physiology [etc.]. 8°. London, 1905. Barczewski (Bernhard). Hand- und Lehrbuch meiner Reflexmassage fiir den praktischen Arzt. Ein neuer, praktischer Weg zur Diagnose, The- rapie und Prophylaxe der Krankheiten. 154 pp. 8°. Berlin-Schoneberg, J. Goldschmidt, 1911. Barczinski (Siegfried) [1887- ]. *ZurR6ntgen- diagnostik tuberkuloser Herde im Calcaneus. 41 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., E. A. Giinther, 1911. Bard (Cephas L.) [1843-1902]. [Biography.] Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1902-3, i, 172. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxvih, 1172. Aho: Tr. M. Soc. Calif., 1898, xxviii, p. xh, portr. Bard (John) [1716-99]. Dickinson (G. K.) John Bard (1716-1799); a short biography and history of his times, with a unique case of extra-uterine fetus correctly diagnosed and successfully treated. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1918, lxxvhi, 796-803. [Dis- cussion], 889-895. Bard (Lfouis]) [1857- ]. Precis d'anatomie pathologique. 2. 6d. xii, 804 pp. 16°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1899. ------. La specificite cellulaire, sesconsequences en biologie generale. 100 pp.' 12°. Barh, G. Carre dc C. Naud, [1899?]. BARD. Bard (L[ouis])—continued. ------. Formes cliniques de la tuberculose pulmonaire. Classification et description som- maire. 112 pp. 12°. Barh, 0. Boin, 1901. ------. Die physikalischen Zeichen der Mitral- stenose. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1907, No. 455 (Inn. Med., No. 137). ------. Precis des examens de laboratoire em- ployes en clinique. Avec la collaboration de G. Humbert et H. Mallet, xx, 627 pp. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Ch., 1908. ------. The same. 2. ed. xxvi, 766 pp. 8°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1911. Bard (Samuel) [1742-1821]. M'Vickar(J.). A domestic narrative ofthe life of Samuel Bard, M.D.LL.D. 8°. New York, 1822. Bardach (Kurt) [1887- ]. *Beitrage zur Geschichte der Quecksilbertherapie. 66 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, T. Berkenbusch, 1911. Bardaroff (Stoyan-Chr.) [1874- ]. *Abces froids des parois du thorax. 1 p. 1., 130 pp., 11. 8°. Nancy, 1899, No. 28. de Barde (Alwin Andreas) [1871- ]. *Ueber Arzneiexantheme. 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1898. Barde (Andre). [Bseudonym.] Au bord de la folie. Preface de M. Fleurv. ix, 277 pp., 11. 12°. Barh, H. 8. Empis, 1901. Barde (Jean-Bernard) [1874- j. Contribution a l'etude de la diazoreaction de Ehrlich dans la fievre typhoide. 71 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 92. Barde (Jules-Auguste) [1841-1914]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 142. Bardeen (Charles Russell) [1871- # ]. Outline record charts used in the anatomical laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. 32 ch. 8°. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Bress, 1900. In: Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., 1899, iv. ------. Anatomy in America, pp. 87-205. 8°. Madison, 1905. Forms No. 115 of: Bull. Univ. Wis., 1905, sc. s., iii. von Bardeleben (A.) Erfahrungen iiber Chole- cystektomie und Cholecystenterostomie nach 286 Gallenstein-Laparotomien. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur normalen und pathologischen Ana- tomie der Gallenwege. Mit einem vollstandigen Verzeichnis der Literatur seit Langenbuch 1807. 132 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1906. von Bardeleben (Heinrich Georg Moritz) [1873- ]. * Einige klinische Beobachtungen an Echinococcuscysten der Bauchhohle. 32 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, O. Francke, 1899. von Bardeleben (Karl [Heinrich]) [1849- ]. Anleitung zum Priiparieren auf dem Sezier- saale. Fur Studierende verfasst mit Beitriigen von W. Muller und G. Schwalbe. 4. Aufl. vi, 223 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1896. ------. Lehrbuch der systematischen Anatomie des Menschen fiir Studierende und Aerzte. xi, 996 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwar- zenberg, 1906. ------. Die Anatomie des Menschen. 1. Teil: Allgemeine Anatomie und Entwickelungsge- schichte. 2 p. 1., 108 pp. 12°. Leipzig. B. G. Teubner, 1908. ------. Statik und Mechanik des menschlichen Korpers (der Korper in Ruhe und Bewegung). Der Anatomie des Menschen, V. Teil. iv, 101 pp. 12°. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1909. —----. Nervensystem und Sinnesorgane. 2 p. 1., 81 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig dc Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1913, BARDET. von Bardeleben (Karl [Heinrich])—continued. ------ & Haeckel (Heinrich). Atlas der topo- graphischen Anatomie des Menschen. x, 128 pi. 8°. Jena, 1894. -------------. Thesame. 2. Aufl. viii, 136 pi., 69 1. roy. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1901. -------------. Thesame. 3. volligumgearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung von Fritz Frohse. Mit Beitragen von Theodor Ziehen, viii, 204 pi. on 102 1., 204 1. roy. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1904. -------------. The same. 4. Aufl. x, 168 pi., 85 1. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1908. -------------. The same. Atlas of applied (to- pographical) human anatomy for students and practitioners. In collaboration with Fritz Frohse [et al.]. Only authorized English adapta- tion from the 3. German ed. by J. Howell Evans. viii, 163 pi. on 82 1.. 82 1. roy. 8°. London dc New York, Bebman, 1906. Bardenheuer (Bernard) [1839-1913]. Die Be- handlung der Vorderarm-Fracturen durch Feder- Extension. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1890. Berl. Klinik, 1890, 23. Hft. ------. Die allgemeine Lehre von den Frakturen und Luxationen, mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung des Extensionsverfahrens. xii, 377 pp., 11 pi. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1907. For Biography, see Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 1894, port. (O. Tilmann). Aho: Med. Khn., Berl7 1913, ix, 1399. Aho: Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1913, xxvii, p. i (A. von Eiselsberg). Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 2121-2123, port. (Krabbel). Aho: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1913, xxxhi, 272-277. ------& Graessner (Rudolf). Die Technik der Extensionsverbande bei der Behandlung der Frakturen und Luxationen der Extremitaten. 2. Aufl. viii, 120 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1905. -------------. The same. 3. Aufl. viii, 130 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1907. -------------. The same. Technique des ban- . dages a extension dans le traitement des frac- tures et luxations des extremit£s. 3. ed., par le Dr. Jules Stas et le Dr. Emile Moons. 148 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine. 1908. Bardenheuer (Hubert). *Zur Casuistik der Grosshirntuberkel. 51 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Kast- ner & Lassen, 1900. Bardenheuer (Otto [Hubert Bernhard]) [1881- ]. *Ueber postoperative aseptische Magen- und Darmparese mit todlichem Ausgang. 30 pp., 11. 86. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1908. Bardenheuer (Wilhelm) [1873- j. *Ein Fi- brosarkom des Mastdarmes, als Beitrag zu den malignen Rectalgesehwulsten. 47 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Bardenhewer (Oscar) [1888- ]. *Erzeugt Jod- einspritzung Morbus Basedow? [Bonn.] 10 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1913. Bardet (G.) Formulaire des nouveaux remedes. 14. od. viii, 336 pp. 8°. Barh, O. Boin, 1904. ------. The same. 15. ed. viii, 326 pp. 12°. Barh, 0. Boin, 1905. ------. The same. 16. ed. viii, 352 pp. 12°. Baris, O. Boin, 1906. ------. The same. 17. ed. viii, 368 pp. 16°. Barh, 0. Boin. 1907. ------. Thesame. 18. ed. 354pp. 12°. Baris, 0. Boin, 1908. ------. The same. 20. ed. viii, 333 pp.. 8°. Paris, 0. Boin dc fils, 1911. ------. Lecons de pharmacologic clinique; les medicaments mineraux organiques; combinai- sons iodorganiaues. 16 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Boin, 1908. BARDET. 347 BARELLA. Bardet (G.)—continued. ------. Notions d'hydrologie moderne. Origine, gas rares, radioactivite, classification, proprietes therapeutiques et indications, avec une preface de Albert Robin, vi, 219 pp. 12°. Parh, 0. Boin dc fils, 1909. ------. La ration normale; moyens pratiques de l'6tablir; guide pratique d'hygiene alimentaire a l'usage des medecins, des infirmieres visiteu- ses et des instituteurs. 129 pp. 8°. Barh, 0. Boin dc fils, 1917. Aho, Editor of: Bulletin general de therapeutique medi- cale, chirurgicale, obstetricale et pharmaceutique, Paris, 1895-1917. Bardet (Justin-Auguste-Paul) [1879- ]. *Le traitement chirurgical de l'6clampsie puerperale. 66 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 42. Bardet (Marie-Antoine-Gustave) [1871- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la contagion hospita- liere de la tuberculose et de 1'hospitalisation des tuberculeux. 84 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 95. Bardet (Ren6). Contribution a l'etude de la mort apparente des nouveau-nes; du r61e prepon- derant des lesions du systeme cerebrospinal dans l'etiologie et le pronostic de la mort apparente. 202 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 369. Bardey (Reinhold Emil Franz) [1873- ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der Ganglien an der Vo- larseite der Hand und der Finger. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1897. Bardiaux (Jean-Baptiste) [1869- ]. *De l'acide osmique au point de vue therapeutique. 54 pp. ,8°. Baris, 1898, No. 405. Bardier(E[mile]). *Recherches experimentales sur le mecanisme des oxydations dans l'orga- nisme. 94 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1896, No. 122. ------. Les fonctions digestives, xii, 438 pp. 8°. Barh, O. Boin dc fils, 1911. Bardin (Charles) [1886- ]. *Des kystes hyda- tiques du femur. [Lyon.] 63 pp. 8°. Saint- Etienne, 1913, No. 83. Bardin (Hector). *Le prurigo chez l'enfant; etiologie, diagnostic, traitement. 64 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 47. Bardin (Mme. Lucile). Contribution a l'etude chnique et etiologique du scorbut infantile. La fievre dans la maladie de Barlow. 68 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 461. Bardin (Paul). *Des tumeurs inflammatoires de l'S iliaque. 52 pp. 8°. Byon, 1906, No. 70. Bardin (Robert) [1886- J. *Traitement ra- diotherapique des teignes a la clinique de l'An- tiquaille; avantages de cette methode. 54 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1912, No. 95. Bardina (Juan). Higiene moderna (manual hispano-americano), iQue es nuestro cuerpo? ^Como funciona? iComo se conserva? iComo se cura? Explicaciones sencillas; abundantes grabados; recetas domesticas; higiene del recien | nacido. 415 pp. 8°. Barcelona, 1912. Bardinon (Armand). Contribution a l'etude de la version par manoeuvres internes sans extraction. 88 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 61. Bardon (Adrien) [1873- ]. *Les lipomes du perinee. 136pp., lpl. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 609. Bardon (Charles). *Quelques mots sur le role etiologique des maladies infectieuses. 71 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 54. Bardon (Fernand). *Des composes mercuriels employes en injections hypodermiques; 6tude critique et comparative. 2 p. 1., 72 pp. 8 . Baris, 1902, No. 75. Bardon (Gabriel-Joseph) [1885- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'insufficientia vertebrae. 184 pp 1 pi. 8°-. Bordeaux, 1911, No. 3. Bardon (Gabriel-Joseph)-*-continued. de Bardon (Pierre) [1883- ]. *Hydropisie des voies biliaires intra-hepatiques et son traite- ment. 31 pp. 8°. Byon, 1909, No. 90. Bardossy (Jentt). Torvenyjavaslat-tervezet az allategeszsegugy rendezeserdl. [Projected law of animal breeding.] 48 pp. 4°. [Budapest, 1910.] Bound with: Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1910, xxxhi. Bardou (Paul-Marie-Joseph-Gabriel). *Etude biochimique de quelques baeteriacees thermo- philes et de leur role dans la des integration des matieres organiques des eaux d'egout. 122 pp. 8°v Lille, 1906, No. 6. Ecole de pharmacie. Bardou (Vincent-Marie-Emile) [1891- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude de l'etat sanitaire des troupes dans la guerre de tranchees. 61 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1915, No. 3. Bardoux (Maurice). *De la dacryocystite con- genitale (pseudo-conjonctivite du nouveau-ne). 68 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1905, No. 648. Bardswell (Noel Dean) [1871- ]. The con- sumptive working man. What can sanatoria do for him? vii, 202 pp., 4 pi. 8°. London, Sci- entific Bress, 1906. ------. Advice to consumptives. Home treat- ment, after-care and prevention. Foreword by C. Theodore Williams, xv, 144 pp. 8°. Bon- don, Adam dc C. Black, 1910. ------. The expectation of life of the consump- tive after sanatorium treatment. 2 p. 1., 130 pp. 8°. Edinburgh [etc.], H. Frowde and Hod- der dc Stoughton, 1910. ------. Preliminary report on the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with tuberculin. With a prefatory note by Karl Pearson, xxi, 141 pp. 8°. London, H K Lewis, 1914. ------& Chapman (John Ellis). _ Diets in tuber- culosis; principles and economics. 184 pp., 2 ch. 8°. London, Hodder dc Stoughton, 1908. Bardury (J[ean-Baptiste-Joseph-Simon-Louis]). [1870- ]. *De l'association frequente de phenomenes cerebro-bulbaires aux sympt6mes m6dullaires de la syphilis. 187 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 265. Barduzzi (Domenico). Pro aqua. Conferenza. vii, 44 pp. 12°. Siena, E. Torrini, 1896. ------. Prowedimenti per le stazioni termali senesi nei secoli xiii e xiv, pubblicati dalla onore- vole giunta municipale. 24 pp. 8°. Siena, 1899. See, also, Nei xxv. anno di insegnamento universitario del prof. D. Barduzzi, [etc.]. 4°. Livorni, 1911.—Testamento di maestro Taddeo degli Alderotti [etc.] [in 2. s.]. fol. Pisa, 1891. Bardy (Henri). *De tuberkulosa tarmfortrangnin- garna. En patologisk-anatomisk och klinisk studie. [The tuberculous intestinal strictures. A pathologic-anatomical and clinical essay.] 4 p. 1., 156 pp., 3fold.pl. 8°. Helsingfors, 1906. Bareau (Joseph) [1869- ]. *Essai sur le traite- ment immediat des perforations recto-vaginales inferieures survenues pendant l'accouchement. 55 pp. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 360. Barege (Paul) [1880- ]. Cytologie des pleu- risies chez les cardiaques et les brightiques. 84 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 97. Bareges. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Barella (Madame). Manuel de cuisine et de pa- tisserie. 221 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Bory, 1903. Barella (Hippolyte) [1832-1902]. [Biography.] Ann. Soc. med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux., 1902, xii, No. 3, annexes, pp. iii-v.—De Vaucleroy. [Biog- raphy.] Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1902, xvhi, 97-99, port. BARENDRECHT. 348 BARIUM. Barendrecht (Karel Hendrik Jacob). Cver pathologische vaatvorming in het hoornvlies. 47 pp., 1 pi. [Amsterdam.] 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1898. Barer (Leib) [1882- ]. Contribution a l'etude du syndrome de Stokes-Adams (pouls lent per- manent). 61 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, No. 14. Barer (Ljuba). *Die Ungliicksfalle mit totlichem Ausgange im Kindesalter in der Schweiz wiih- rend der Jahre 1896-1900. 31 pp. 4°. Bern, Buthhauser dc Ludwig, 1906. Bards (Laurent). Etude de la gangrene des mem- bres chez les neuroarthritiques. 103 pp. 8°. Toulouse, G. Berthoumien, 1898, No. 284. Barfurth (Dietrich) [1849- ]. Zelllucken und Zellbrucken im Uterusepithel. pp. 81-102, 1 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1897. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1897, ix, M-102. ------. Regeneration und Transplantation in der Medizin. 72 pp. roy. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1910. Forms pt. 10 oi: Sammlung anatomischer und physiol. Vortrage und Aufsatze. Barfurth (Walter) [1882- ]. *Ueber Hyper- daktylie. 25 pp. 8°. Bostock, Adler's Erben, 1909. Barg (Elias) [1878- ]. *Ueber muskulaire Ruckenversteifung (Rigiditas dorsalis myopa- thica Senator) mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des traumatischen Ursprungs. 25 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1903. Bargain (Leopold - Augustin - Ludovic). Con- tribution al'etude du suicide chez les persecutes. 72 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 487. Barge (Pierre) [1874- ]. Contribution au traitement chirurgical des fistules a l'anus; re- section et suture. 70 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 128. Bargellini (Pilade). Comune di Castelnuovo Berardenga. Malattie infettive del biennio 1895-6. Note statistiche. 32 pp. 8°. Siena, C. Nava, 1897. Barger (G. J.), Franssen (H.) & Teves (J.) Drie verhandelingen aangaande de historie, de ver- plichting en de practijk der ziekenverpleging. 57 pp. 8°. Kampen, J. H. Kok, 1902. Barger (George). The simpler natural bases, viii, 215 pp. 8°. London, New York [etc.], Long- mans, Green dc Co., 1914. Bargeron (M.) L'hygiene et la ventilation des peignages de lin de chanvre. 50 pp. 8°. Lille, 1911. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. indust. du Nord de la France, Lille, 1911. Bargeton (Jean) [1882- ]. *Un cas de botryo- mycose de la eornee. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905. No. 91. Bargnoni (A.) Malattie della polpa e del peri- ostio den tale. 108 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Boma, E. Voghera, 1901. Bargues (Adolphe-Baruseh) [1876- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude du papillome. Etude Etiolo- gique. 46 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 52. Bargum ([Jakob] Karl) [JS67- ]. *Ein Fall von primarem Krebse der Trachea und des rechten Bronchus. 21 pp.-, 1 1. 8°. Kiel, B. Peters, 1897. Bargy (Francois). *De l'alcoolisme au point de vue de la prophylaxie et du traitement. 104 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 111. Bargy _ (Maurice) [1874- ]. *Recherches experimentales sur les am^tropies de courbure d'origine corneenne. 82 pp., 2 1. 8°. Byon, 1900, No. 91. Bari (A[dolf] E[duardovich]) [1870- ]. *0 vozbudimosti mozgovol kori novorozhdennikh Bari (A[dolf] E[duardovich])—continued. zhivotnikh. [On the irritability of the cortex of the brain of new-born animals.] 178 pp., 5 pi. 8°. S.-Beterburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 1898. Bari (K[arl] A[dolfovich]) [1868- ], *Ossa zygomatica (kraniometricheskoye izsliedovan- niye). [. . .; craniometric investigation.] 80 pp., 41., 24 tab. 8°. S.-Beterburg, S. B. Semyo- noff, 1905. ------. Bieshenstvo. [Hydrophobia.] 32 pp. 8°. Moskva. S. B. Semyonoff, 1906. Barie (Ernest). Therapeutique des maladies du cceur et de l'aorte. iv, 417 pp. 12°. Barh, O. Boin, 1894. ------. Traite pratique des maladies du cceur et de l'aorte. Avec une preface par C. Potain. viii, iv, 984 pp. 8°. Baris, J. Bueff. 1900. Barikin (Vladimir [Aleksandrovich]) [1874- ]. *Paratifozniya zabolievaniya v Manchzhurii. [Paratyphoid in Manchuria.] 136 pp. 8°. S.- Beterburg, M. M. Stasyulevich, 1906. Baril (Gaston-Pierre-Andre) [1884- ]. *Le Bens genesique chez les tuberculeux. 83 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. No. 61. Barille (Alexandre) [1864- ]. Phosphate bicalcique; nouveau mode de preparation et de formation; particularites; structure cristalline. 59 pp. 8°. Barh, T re. Bozier, 1898. Barillet (Marcel). Contribution a l'etode de quelques erreurs de diagnostic dans l'appendi- cite chez l'enfant. 77 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 202. Barillon (Maurice) [1872- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'uremie digestive. 84 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 68. Barin (L.) [1875- ]. *Action de l'acide amino- ac6tique sur la benzoquinone et la benzoquinone trichloree. 39 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 18., Ecole de pharmacie. ------. *Sur la tuberculose pleuro-peritoneale (syndrome de Fernet). 62 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Firmin dc Montane, 1914, No. 22. Barinbaum (Moses) [1886- ]. *Ueber die Lipome der oberen Luft- und Verdauungswege. 33 pp. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., H. Jxger..1911. Barisanus (Franciscus DominicusL Magnus Hippocrates medico-nioralis ad utramque corpo- rum sciheet, atque animarum salutem per geminam ejusdem aphorismorum expositionem accomodatus. 7 p. 1., 411 pp., 3 1., 1 pi., port. sm. 4°. Augustze Taurinorum, ex typ. B. Zap- pat X, 1682. Barischnikoff (Wera). *Der Selbstmord im Kanton Zurich in den letzten Jahren. 8°. Zurich, A. Schereschewsky. 1911. Barit (Iser) [1885- ]. * Leber den biologischen Nachweis von Parasiten. 31pp. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 0. Kiimmel, 1912. Barium and salts. Sec, also, Autan. Crawford (A. C.) Barium a cause of the loco-weed disease. 8°. Washington, 1908. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bur. plant indust. Bull. No. 129. Oberwlvter (E.) *Ueber die Wirkung dee Chlorbaryum bei den Hauswiederkauern. [Bern.] 8°. Schmalkalden, 1909. Ruckert (W.) *Leber Doppelsalze dee Cobaltidcyanbariums. , 8°. Berlin, 1903. Vecchiotti (L.) *Etude de Faction des ni- trates alcalins sur le carbonate de baryum. bc. Geneve, 1907. Alsberg (C. L.) & Black (O. F.) Studies on barium feed- ing. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1911-12, ix, 37.— Barium, a cause of the loco-weed disease.. J. Am. M. Ass., BARIUM. 349 BARKER. Barium and salts. Chicago, 1908, li, 1338.—Bulman (F.) Cloruro de bario. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1909, 3. s., iv, 602-606.—Cathcart (E. P.) & Clark (G. H.) The action of barium chloride on the vascular system, a contribution to the study of the antago- nistic action of nicotine and curare. J. Physiol., Lond., 1915, 1, 119-127.—Crandall (R. P.) Barium-formahn method of disinfection. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xl, 519.— Delcorde-Weyland (A.) A propos de Paction du chlorurc de baryum sur le cceur de tortue et sur le cceur de grenouille. Ann. et bull. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1913, lxxi, 66-81— Filippi (E.) Modifieazioni del ricambio orga- nico per azione del cloruro di bario. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1906, lx, 589-610.—Folin (O.) On the reduc- tion of barium sulphate in ordinary gravimetric determina- tions. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1907-8, iii, 81.—Garelli (F.) & Ravenna (C.) Determinazione volumetrica del bario. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1901-2, lxxvi, fasc. i—ii, 1.50.—Joseph (D. R.) & Meltzer (S. J.) The mutual an- tagonistic life-saving action of barium and magnesium; a demonstration. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1910, p. xvu.—Kirschner (A.) Ueber das Monohydrat des Baryum- chlorids. Ztschr. i. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1911, lxxvi, 174- 178.—Maurel (E.) Fixation des doses minima mortelles, toxiques et therapeutiques de chlorure de baryum donne' par la voie sous-cutanee a la grenouille, au pigeon et au lapin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 182-184.-----. Influence de la voie d'administration sur les doses minima mortelles et sur les doses therapeutiques de chlorure de baryum. Ibid., 250; 360.—Meyer (G. M.) The elimination of barium. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1909-10, xxv, 142-150 — Pesci(E.) Sul'efficaciaterapeutica del cloruro di bario. Ri- forma med., Palermo-Napoh, 1904, xx, 1245-1247. Aho: Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1905, xhv, 465-484.-----. II cloruro di bario nella terapia; rivistasinteticacon nuove ricerche nei suo valore diuretico. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoh, 1907, xxhi, 375-378.—Peyer (W.) Das Bariumsulfat des Handels und seine Verwendbarkeit als schattenbildendes Mittel bei Rontgenuntersuchungen. Ztschr. f. Rontgenk. u. Ra- diumforsch., Leipz., 1912, xiv, 41-44.—Poulsson (E.) Ueber die verschiedene Wirkung des Bariumchlorids auf das Froschherz bei innerhcher und bei ausserhcher Appli- kation. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1910, lxii, 365-373.—Schwarz (G.) Warming und Aufklarung in Sacheu des Baryumsulfats[als Kontrastmittel zur Ront- genuntersuchung des Magendarmkanals]. Berl. khn. Wchn- schr., 1912, xlix, 1424.—von Tabora. Ueber die therapeu- tische Verwendung des Chlorbarvums. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxix, 700-703.—Vitali (D.) Dell' azione degh acidi cloridrico e nitrico concentrati sul cloruro e nitrato di bario. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1907, 6. s., iv, 3-7.—Weber (F. R.) Barium chlo- ride. Milwaukee M. J., 1904, xii, 39; 60.—Wertheimer (E.) & Boulet (L.) De quelques effets physiologiques du chlorure de baryum sur le coeur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 693-695. Barium and salts (Toxicology of). Kissxer (G.) *Ueber Baryum-Vergiftungen und deren Einfluss auf den Glykogengehalt der Leber. [Wurzburg.] 8°. Schotten, 1896. Baum. Zwei Falle von fahrlassiger Todtung durch sal- petersaures Baryt. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl.,.1896, ix, 759-766.—Becker. Ueber Baryumvergiftungen. Ibid., 1911, xxiv, 677.—Bellisarl (G.) Su di un presunto avvelena- mento da bario (l'altra campana). Risveglio med., Pescara, 1907, ii, 15-20— Camus (J.) Toxicite du chlorure de baryum injecte dans le hquide cephalo-rachidien. Compt .Tend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 202— Edwards (E. G.) Barium chlorid poisoning. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 46 — Gyarfas (I.) [Two cases of barium chloride poisoning.] Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1912, xxxv, 426— Proslo (P.) Avvelenamento per cloruro di bario. R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb., 1897, 133.—Robo.cz (I.) [Barium chlorate the cause of poison in oxen.] Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1912, xxxv, 73—Szaszy (I.) [Fatal poisoning by barium chloride.] Gy6gyaszat. Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 96.— Tiraboschi (A.) & Talto (F.) Avvelenamento da bario. Risveglio med., Pescara, 1906, i, 171-176. Barjaktaroic (Boginja) [1886- ]. *Ovarioto- mie wahrend Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett. 1 p. 1., 37 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Muller dc Steinicke, 1912. Barjansky (Jacob) [1877- ]. *Ueber das Maretin und seine antiseptischen Wirkungen. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin-Charlottenburg, J. Zalachowski, [1904]. Barjhoux (Michel) [1884- ]. *Des interven- tions sur le grand sympathique cervical pour goitre exophtalmique; statistique de 30 malades operes par M. le Professeur Jaboulay, dans sa clinique de l'Hotel-Dieu de Lyon. [Lyon.] 104 pp. 8°. Trevoux, 1910, No. 32. Barjon (Francois) [1867- ]. *Du syndrome rhumatismal chronique deformant. (Recher- ches cliniques et anatomiques, courbe uros6- meiographique.) Etude radiographique des arthropathies deformantes. 271 pp., 20 pi. 8°. Byon, 1897, No. 107. ------. The same. La radiographic appliquee a l'etude des arthropathies deformantes. 271 pp 20 pi. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1897. ------. Radiodiagnostic des affections pleuro- pulmonaires. vi, 186 pp., 26 pi. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1916. ------. The same. Radio-diagnosis of pleuro- pulmonary affections. Translated bv James A. Houey."- xix (1 1.), 183 pp. 8°. New-Haven, Yale University Bress, 1918. Barker (Arthur Edward James) [1850- 1916]. Obituary. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1916, iv, 11-13, port. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 607. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 883. Barker (Benjamin Fordyce) [1818-91]. Chadwick(J. R.) In memoriam. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc., 1891, xvi, 551 -558. Aho, Reprint— Coe (H. C.) Biography. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1913, lxvii, 962. Barker (Bertha). See Peabody (F. W.) & Wentworth (J. A.) Clinical studies on the respiration. 8°. Chicago, 1917. Barker (George Frederick). See Rontgen rays [etc.]. 8°. New York & London, 1899. Barker (Harley Granville) [1877- ]. The Red Cross in France. With a preface by Sir F. Treves, xii, 168 pp. 8°. London, Hodder dc Stoughton, 1916. Barker (Howard Hines) [1848-1910], Cook (G. W.), Ober (G. C.) & Sprigg (W. M.) In memoriam. Wash. M. Ann., 1910-11, ix, 302-304. Barker (Howard (Wilson) [1875- ]. First- aid manual for field parties. 98 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Govt. Brint. Office, 1917. Barker (Lewellys Franklin) [1867- ]. The nervous system and its constituent neurones; designed for the use of practitioners of medicine and of students of medicine and psychology. xxxii, 1122 pp., 4 1., 2 pi. 8°. New York, B. Appleton dc Co., 1899. ------. Papers and addresses. 1894-1909. 3 v. 8°. Baltimore, [1900-1909]. ------. A description of the brains and spinal cords of two brothers dead of hereditary ataxia. Cases xviii and xx of the series in the family de- scribed by Sanger Brown. With a chnical intro- duction by Sanger Brown. 50 pp., 12 pi. 4°. Chicago, 1903, Repr.from: Decennial Publications Umversitv of Chicago, 1903, x. ------. A laboratory manual of human anatomy. Assisted by Dean De Witt Lewis and Daniel Graisberry Revell. 583 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, J. B. Bippincott Co., 1904. ------. Methods in medicine. 28 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, B. Clapp dc Son, 1905. ----r-. The psychic side of medicine. 7 pp. 8°. [Chicago], 1907. Repr.from: University Record, 1907, xii. ------. Anatomical terminology with special ref- erence to the [BNA]. ix, 103 pp., 1 pi. [pp. 14-100 paged in duplicate]. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakhton's Son & Co., 1907. ------. Introduction to diseases of the nervous system. In: Modern Med. (Osier). 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1910, vii, 17-81. ■------. The clinical diagnosis of internal diseases; general diagnosis, infections, respiratory and BARKER. 350 BARLOW'S. Barker (Lewellys Franklin)—continued. circulatory systems, xlvii, 978 pp., 10 col. pi. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1916. ------. The same. The blood, digestive system, and urology, xlvii, 1063 pp., 8 col. pi. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1916. ------. The same. Muscles, bones, and joints, nervous system, metabolism, xlvii, 1039 pp. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1916. See, aho, Hirschfelder (A. D.) Diseases of the heart and aorta [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1910.—Huckel (Oliver). Mental medicine [etc.]. 12°. New York, 1909 — Langfeld (Millard). Introduction to infectious and para- sitic diseases [etc.]. 12°. Philadelphia, 1907.-^Spalteholz (Werner) [in 2. s.f. Hand atlas of human anatomy [etc.]. roy. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1900-1903. Barker (Samuel) [1821-1907]. Obituary. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 319. Barkhash (P[eisakh Shulimovich]). K patolo- gicheskoi anatomii pervichnavo tuberkuloza kishek i brizhzheyechnikh zhelyoz. [Patho- logical anatomy of primary tuberculosis of the intestines and mesenteric glands.] 1 p. 1., 211 pp., 31., 2 pi. 8°. Kharkov, A. Barre, 1908. Barkley (Archibald Henry) [1872- ]. Ken- tucky's pioneer lithotomists. 159 pp. 8°. Cin- cinnati, 0., C. J. Krehbiel dc Co., 1913. -----. Surgical and war nursing. 2 p. 1., 7-208 pp. 12°. St. Louh, C. V. Mosby Co., 1918. Barks. Mann (E. A.) & Cowles (R. E.) Examination of some Western Australian barks. J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond., 1906, xxv, 831.—Reynolds (D. C.) Process for obtaining bark extract. [Pat. spec] No. 1220557; March 27, 1917. Barksdale (Randolph) [1831-1907]. Drewry (W. F.) Obituarv. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1907-8, lxiv, 746. Aho: Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., Bait., 1908, xv, 465. Barkeus (Caspar) [1584-1648]. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Barlatier (Rene) [1880- ]. *La laryngosto- mie dans le traitement des r^trecissements du larynx. 180 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 116. See, aho, Destot (E.), Vignard (P.) & Barlatier (R.) Les fractures du coude [etc.]. 8°. Pam, 1909.—Rabot (L.) Sargnon (A.) & Barlatier (R.) Un 2. s.]. Retrecissements du larynx [etc.]. 8°. Paris & Lyon, 1908.—Sargnon (Antoine). Le traitement chirurgical des stenosis [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1910. Barlemont (Emile). Essai sur certaines modi- fications de la nutrition pendant la grossesse. 40 pp. 8°. Barh, Coccoz, 1870. [P., v. 2143.] Barlerin (Eugene-Jean-Baptiste) [1876- ]. *Soins donnas aux nourrissons syphilitiques a la consultation de la clinique Tarnier; resultats obtenus. 75 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 487. Barlerin (Paul). Note sur les modi li cations du lait de femme sous l'influence de l'extrait de graines de cotonnier. 32 pp. 12°. Baris, H. Baulin dc Cie., 1906. Barletti (Carlo). Analisi d'un nuovo fenomeno del fulmine ed osservazioni sopra gli usi medici della electricita. 3 p. 1., 63 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bavia, G. Bianchi, 1780. Barley. de Chamousset [(C.-H. PiArron)]. Lcttrcs sur l'usage d'une nouvelle docouverte de pales, de syrops et de tablettes d'orgc. 8°. Baris, 1772. Harlan (H. V.) Cultivation and utilization of barley. 8°. Washington, 1918. U. S. Dep. Agric. Farmer's Bull. 968, Wash., 1918. Barley. Schwind (J. H.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Werteigenschaften verschiedener Gerstensorten speziell hessischer und pfalzer Provenienz nebst einem Vergleich zweier Bonitierungssysteme. [Giessen.] 8°. Konigstein i. T., 1907. Birckner (V.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gerstenkei- mung. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1913, xxxiii, 181-189 — Bonne. Gerste statt Fleisch. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 261.—Hueppe & Krzizan (R.) Untersuchungen uber das Talkumieren und Schwefeln von Rollgerste, mit Vor- schlagen zur gesetzlichen Regelung der Frage. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1906, lix, 313-336—Jones (L. R.), Johnson (A. G.) & Reddy (C. S.) Bacterial blights of barley and certain other cereals. Science, N. V. & Lancas- ter, Pa., 1916, xliv, 432.-----------------. Bacterial- blight of barley. J. Agric. Research, Wash., 1917, xi, 625- 644,4pl.—Schanz(F.) ZurEosinfarbungderFuttergerste. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1403.—Steenbock (E.), Kent (Hazel E.) & Gross (E. G.) The dietary qualities of barley. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1918, xxxv, 61-74. Aho, Reprint.— Weill (E.) & Mourlquand (G.) L'orge dans le pain de guerre; recherches experimentales sur la valeur alimentaire de l'orge. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., lxxvii, 824-826. Barley-itch. Wills (W. K.) Barley-itch. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1909, xxi, 2¥.)-2d2. Barlow (C[olumbus]) [1847-1907]. Day dreams of a doctor, viii (3 1.), 251 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Buf- falo, New York. The B. Baut Book Co., 1898. For Biography, see Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1908, xhi, 418- 423 (Mary Barlow). Barlow (George Hilaro). A manual of the practice of medicine. 2. ed. xiii, 738 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1861. See, aho, Bright (Richard). Clinical memoirs on ab- dominal tumors [etc.]. 8°. London, 1840. Barlow (James Wilham) [1826-1913]. Doctors at war; studies of the French medical profession circa the 17th century. 144 pp. 8°. London, B. Nutt, [1914]. Barlow (Thomas) & Warner (Francis). On subcutaneous nodules connected with fibrous structures occurring in children the subjects of rheumatism and chorea. 16 pp. 12°. London, J. W. Kolckmann, 1881. Barlow (Thomas Carey) [1853-1913]. [Obituary.] Med. Press A- Circ, Lond., 1913, n. s., xcv, 585. > Barlow's disease. See, also, Rickets; Scurvy. Bouchot (G.) Contribution r. l'etude du svndr6me scorbutiforme des jeunes enfants (maladie de Barlow). 8°. Baris, 1906. Aho, in: Biblioth. contemp. de med. et de sc, Par., 1906, No. xvi. Celse (Marthe-V.-H.) Contribution a l'etude du scorbut infantile (maladie de Barlow). [Lille.] 8°. Arras, 1899. Chic (Mile. Ita). *Le scorbut infantile. 8°. Montpellier, 1912. Fraenkel (E.) Die Moller-Barlow'sche Krankheit. fol. Hamburg, 1908. Hummel (L.) *M6ller-Barlow'sche Krank- heit, 8°. Erlangen, 1903. Manz (R.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der (Mollcr) Barlow'schen Krankheit. 8°. Heidel- berg, 1899. Meyer (A. H.) Barlows svgdom. 8°. A"0- benhacn, 1901. Schoedel (J.) & Nauwerk (V.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Moller-Barlow'sche Krank- heit. 8°. Jena, 1900. Simon (E.) *Le scorbut infantile. 8°. Barh, 1902. Zhukovski (V. P.) Rakhit (angliyskaya bollezn); simptomi angliyskol bollezni l razli- BARLOW'S. 351 BARLOWS. Barlow's disease. chniya formi rakhiticheskikh urodov, patolo- gicheskaya anatomiya, techeniye, etiologiya, predskazaniye i liecheniye. [Rhachitis; symp- toms and various forms of rhachitic monsters; pathological anatomy, course, etiology, prog- nosis and treatment.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1897. Allen (C. E.) Infantile scorbutus. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1898, vi, 400-404.—Ausset (E.) A propos de la mala- die de Barlow. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1898, 3. s., xv, 847-852. Also: J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1898, vi, 981-986.-----. La maladie de Barlow. Arch. de med. d. enf., Par., 1899, ii, 641-657.-----. La maladie de Barlow. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1904, vhi, 289-299. Aho: Cong. nat. period, de gynec, d'obstet. et de psediat., Rouen, 1904, iv, 381-419.—Baron (C.) Zur Frage der M6Uer (Barlow)schen Krankheit. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 564; 598.—Bonnet (L.-M.) & Chattot. Maladie de Barlow. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 647-653. Aho: Pediatrie prat., Lille, 1907, v, 31-33.—BourdiUon (P.) Rapport de la commission de la maladie de Barlow. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1908, xxviii, 33-42.—Bovaird (D.) Scurvy in infants. Phila. M. J.,1898, ii, 375-380.—Broca (A.) Scorbut des nourrissons (maladie de Barlow). Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1907, lxxx, 555-557.-----. Le scorbut des nourrissons. Paris med., 1911-12, v, 15-18.-----. Scorbut infantile au de- but. Presse med., Par., 1911, xix, 609.—Castaigne (J.) & Gouraud(F.-X) Le scorbut infantile. J. med. franc.. Par., 1912, vi, 393-396.—Charles (Emilv C.) Infantile scorbutus. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1909, xhv, 340-347.—Clopatt (A.) [Ueber die Barlow'sche Krankheit. Ref.,pt.2,pp.iv- vii.j Finska lak.-sallsk. handl^ Helsingfors, 1904, xlvi, 552- 564. [Discussion], pt. 2, 71.—Colburn (W. O.) Infantile scurvy. Nebraska M. J., Norfolk, Neb., 1918, iii, 340-342.— Colman (W. S.) On infantile scurvy. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 443-446.-----. Infantile scurvy. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxv, 529-537. Aho: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1906, xvhi, 531-539.—Comba (C.) Recenti studi sul morbo di Barlow. Riv. di clin. med., Milano, 1903, i, 604-610.— Comby(J.) Scorbut infantile. Arch.de med. d. enf., Par., 1901, iv, 482-486. Aho: Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 409: 1903, v, 58— Coutts (J. A.) On some points in infantile scurvy. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1906, xi, 78- 83.—Crandall (F. M.) Infantile scorbutus. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1897, xiv, 523-526.—Davidson (P.) Infantile scurvy. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1903, xxihj 111-116. [Discussion], 270—De Groute (G. S.) Infantile scurvy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 532.—Draer (A.) Die Barlow'sche Krank- heit; kurze Zusammenstellung der bisher uber diese Krank- heit gesammelten Erfahrungen. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsnd- htspflg., Bonn, 1896, xv, 378-387.—Estudio clinico de la en- fermedad de Barlow. Arch. d. ginecop. [etc.], Barcel., 1908, xxi, 181; 202; 227; 247; 271; 291.—Fenner (E. D.) Infantile scurvy. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1908, lxi, 383-385:1909-10, lxii, 728-736. Aho: Proc Orleans Parish M. Soc 1908, N. Orl., 1909, 64; 249.—Figueira (F.) Contribuicao ao estudo da doenca de Moller-Barlow. Rev. med.-cirurg. do Brazil, Rio de Jan., 1910, xviii, 127-176,6pi.—Fordyce (A. D.) Scurvy in infants. Edinb. M. J., 1918, n. s., xx, 110-113.—Fortier (R.) Contribution a l'etude du scorbut infantile ou maladie de Barlow chez le nourrisson. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1915-16, xvh, 176-179— Fraenkel (E.) Untersuchungen uber die Moeller-Barlow'sche Krankheit. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, vii, 271; 291, 5 pi. Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1985: 1906, hii, 2185; 2246.—Freund (G.) Zur Kenntnis der Barlow'schen Krankheit (Brustkind). Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905-6, Ixxxvi, 129-144.—Fuhrmann (E.) & Ucke (A.) Zur Frage der sogenannten fotalen Rachitis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1909, xxxiv, 251-254.—Garrod (A. E.) On infantile scurvy. Clin. J., Lond., 1901-2, xix, 49_55 —Gesteira (M.) Molestia da Barlow. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1918, xxxu, 278.—Gilbert (R. B.) Scorbutus infantilis. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1900, x, 175-178.—Grasty (T. S. D.) Infantile scurvy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxu, 552-560. [Discussion], 496.—Guerrero (M. S.) Acerca de una forma de escorbuto infantil. Rev. filipina de med. y farm., Manila, 1916. vh, 1-7— Gurgel (N.) Doenca de Bar- low. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1910, xxiv, 81-85.—Hart (C.) Der Skorbut der kleinen Kinder (Moeller-Barlow'sche Krankheit). Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1913, xvu, 24-65. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Khn., Berl., 1913, ix, 221-225.—Haury (S. S.) Infantile scurvy. J. Kansas M. Soc, Lawrence, 1906, vi, 11-23.—Hess (A F.) Group similarities of the deficiency diseases; a study of in- fantile scurvy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 1654- 1656. Aho [Abstr.]: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, cm, 1230. [Discussion], 1246. -----. Infantile scurvy. Proc. Pan Am. Scient. Cong., Wash., 1917, x, 48-51.—Heubner (O.) Ueber die Barlow'sche Krankheit. Berl. khn. Wchn- schr., 1903, xl, 285-292. [Discussion], 307-309. Aho: Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv, pt. 2, 118-139. [Discussion], pt. 1, 95; 112; 131.—Hoffmann (W.) Ueber dieM611er-Barlow'scheKrankheit(infantiler Skorbut); Entgegnung auf eine gleichnamige Arbeit von E. Frankel. Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1906, lhi, 2536.—Huber (F.) Barlow's disease. Infantile scurvy and marasmus. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xvhi, 826-830.—Hutchinson (R.) Infantile scurvy. In. Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, i, 901-907.—Hu- tinel. A propos de la maladie de Barlow. Ann. de med. el chir. inf., Par. 1902, vi, 837-839.—Ingier (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnisder Barlow'schen Krankheit. Frankfurt.Ztschr.f. Path.,Wiesb.,1913,xiv,l-87,3pl.—Jacobs(A.G.) Infantile scurvy. Memphis M. Month., 1910, xxx, 136-141.—Jemma (R.) Sul morbo di Barlow. Pediatria, Napoh, 1913, 2. s., xxi, 561-572.—Johnson (L.) Scorbutus in infancy. Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 571-574.—Ka- mienski (S.) [On the so-called Barlow's disease.] Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1898,2. s., xvhi, 127; 158; 179; 209— Kaspar (K.) Die Moller-Barlow'sche Krankheit. Heilkunde, Berl., 1910, 397-401.—Kaupe (W.) Der kindliche Skorbut (Bar- low'sche Krankheit). Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1908, xi, 11; 49.—Klein (A.) Neuere Arbeiten uber Barlow'sche Krankheit; zusammenfassendes Referat. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1897, vhi, 393- 402.—Koppen (A.) Zur Moller-Barlow'schen Krankheit. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1897, n. F., xhv, 360-379.—Kohl (A.) Klinischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Barlow'schen Krankheit. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1906, xliii, 172-181. Leenhardt (E.) Maladie de Barlow. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1911, xv, 147-149.—Leidy (J.) Note on infantile scurvy. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1896, xvhi, 199-205.—Lister (T. D.) Infantile scurvy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1909, ■ n. s., lxxxviii, 54-57.—Marian (A. B.) A propos du scor- but infantile. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1902, vi, 839- 841.-----. Maladie de Barlow (scorbut de la premiere en- fance). Ibid., 1910, xx, 653-671.—Martinez Vargas (A.) Escorbuto infantil 6 enfermedad de Barlow. Chn. mod., Zaragoza, 1905, iv, 1115-1126,1 pi.: 1907, vi, 152; 271; 1908, ix, 1; 33; 107; 130.—Mastin (W. M.) A clinical note on infantile scorbutus. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 776-778.-MeireIles (E.) Molestia de Barlow. Tribunamed., Rio de Jan., 1912, xvhi, 349-352.—Meyer (E.) Ueber Barlow'sche Krankheit. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1896, xx, 202-211.—Moizard. La mala- die de Barlow (scorbut infantile). J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1897, lxviii, 885-894. A ho: Med. inf.. Par., 1898, ii, 10- 13.—Morse (J. L.) Infantile scorbutus. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1907, i, 441-446.-----. Infantile scorbutus. Bos- ton M. & S.J., 1914, clxx, 504-506.—Muller (E.) Zur Kennt- niss der Barlow'schen Krankheit (infantiler Scorbut). Aerztl. Prax., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xvi, 217: 233. -----. Ueber ein hauflgeres Auftreten von Skorbut bei Kindern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1918, lv, 1024.—Neter (E.) Die Bar- low'sche Krankheit. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1906, xvh, 25; 49. -----. Ueber Barlow'sche Krankheit. Aerztl. Rund- schau, Munchen, 1909, xix. 61-63.— Netter. Scorbut infan- tile. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1898,3. s., xv, 852-865.—Neumann (H.) Bemerkungen zur Barlow'schen Krankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1902, xxviii, 628; 647. -----. Sauglingsscorbut (Bar- low'sche Krankheit). Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1904, vii, 341-360.—Nobel (E.) Barlow'sche Krankheit. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxviii, 902.—Norton (R.) Scurvy and rickets in children. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1897, Wash., 1898, ii, 22-27.—Parreidt (R.) Ueber die Moller- Barlow'sche Krankheife (infantiler Skorbut). Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz.. 1907, xxv, 344-348.—Peirson (E. L.) Infantile scurvy. Boston M. & S. J., 190L cxiv, 378-380.—Pinner (F.i Beitrag zur Barlow'schen Krank- heit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1896, xxh, 546-550.—Poggi (A. S.) Enfermedad de Barlow. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1909, xvi, 544; 583— Provincial! (U.) Sulla malattia di Barlow. Pediatria, Napoh, 1917,2. s., xxv, 481-496.—Rehn (H.) Ueber kindlichen Skorbut. Med. Khn., Berl., 1906, ii, 721-725:1907, hi, 230.—Rotch (T. M.) Infantile scorbutus. Med. News, N. Y., 1903. lxxxiii, 481- 483. Also, Reprint.—de Rothschild (H.) & Abramoff. Le scorbut infantile; maladie de Barlow; revue generate. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1902, i, 513-530.—de Sagher (P.) La maladie de Barlow. Scalpel, Liege, 1907, lx, 353-355.—Salazar de Souza (J.) Doenca de Barlow. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1901, ix,261- 268.—Shaw (H. L. K.) Infantile scurvy; Barlow's disease; Moeller-Barlow disease; infantile scorbutus. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1908, xx, 12-21.—Solaro. II morbo di Barlow. Pedia- tria, Napoh, 1896, iv, 265-273.—Spolverinl (L. M) Con- tributo alia conoscenza dello scorbuto infantile. Policlin., Roma, 1913, xx, sez. prat., 1545-1551.—von Starck. Ueber die Stellung der sogen. Moller-Barlow'schen Krankheit, nebst Bemerkungen uber Kindermilch. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 921-926.-----. Ueber Scorbutus infantum. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kin- derh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Wiesb., 1902, xvhi, 196-200.—Steele (H. M.) Infantile scurvy. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1907-8, xiv, 303-314.—Steinhardt (I.) Zur Barlow'schen Krankheit. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1903, xhi, 281-284.—Stengel (A.) Infantile scurvy. Progr. Med., Phila. & N. Y., 1899, ii, 299-302.—Still (G. F.) A clinical lecture on infantile scurvy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 186-190.—Stooss (M.) Barlow'sche Krankheit (Skorbut der kleinen Kinder). Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1903, xxxhi, 497; 539.—Tissier (L.) Une observation de maladie de Barlow. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 326-330.— BARLOW'S. 352 BARLOWS. Barlow's disease. Vortlsch van Vloten(H.) Die Moller-Barlow'sche Krank- heit. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1911, xv, 380- 394.—Weill-Halle (B.) La maladie de Barlow. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1905, lxxvhi, 519; 555— Wernstedt (W.) Der infantile Skorbut. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 197- 201.—Weston (W.) Infantile scorbutus. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1911, xxhi, 418-422— Zuppinger. Ueber Barlow'sche Krankheit. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 412-418. Barlow's disease (Blood in). Glaser (F.) Das histologische Blutbild in schweren Fallen von infantilem Skorbut (Moller-Barlow'sche Krank- heit) und das Auftreten dieser Krankheit im schulpflichtigen Alter. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1913,1, 200-204.-Hess (A. F.) The involvement ofthe blood and blood vessels in infantile scurvy. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1913-14, xi, 130-132.— Hess (A. F.)& Fish (Mildred). Infantile scurvy; the blood, blood-vessels and the diet. Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1914, viii, 386-405. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1914,xxxi,864-870. Aho,Reprint.-Lenoble(E.) Hema- tologic d'un cas de maladie de Barlow; analogies avec le purpura myela'ide. Bi 11. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 24.-----. Les alterations du sang dans la maladie de Barlow; essai d'interpretation de la nature probable de cette affection. Pediatrie prat., Lille, 1904, ii, 61-67.— Looft (C.) [A case of Barlow's disease (infantile scurvy), with remarks on anaemia in this disease.] Med. Rev.. Bergen, 1917, xxxiv, 438-446.-Merklen (P.) & Tlxler (L.) Maladie de Barlow; evolution de la formule sanguine pen- dant la periode d'etat et pendant la convalescence. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1907, ix, 391-395.-----------. Sur un cas de maladie de Barlow; les modifications sanguines au cours du scorbut infantile. Caz. d. hop., Par., 1908, lxxxi, 27-30.—Netter & Salomon. Un nouveau cas de scorbut infantile; coexistence de fievre; examen du sang. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 62-67— Nobecourt (P.), Tixier (L.) & Malllet. Hematologic et alterations osteo- medullaires dans la maladie de Barlow. Arch, de med. d. enf, Par., 1913, xvi, 241-249. Aho: Compt. rend. Ass. inter- nat. de pediat. 1912, Par., 1913, i, 115-122. Barlow's disease (Oases and statistics of)* Paugam (.1.) Contribution a l'etude de la maladie de Barlow en France. 8°. Barh: 1901. Rochon (J. J.) *Le scorbut infantile en France. 8°. Pans, 1903. Abt (I. A.) Infantile scurvy, with report of cases. Pe- diatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1898, vi, 241-253. -----. [Case.] Chicago M. Recorder, 1901, xx, 234-236. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1901,xi, 419-422.—American (The) Pediatric Society's collective investigation on infantile scurvy in North America. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc 1898, N. Y., x, 5-34. A ho: Pediatrics, - N. Y. & Lond., 1898, vi, 107-126.—Aqulles Garciso. (Two cases.] PCdiatrie prat., Lille, 1909, vii, 412-414.—Araoz Alfaro (G.) Sobre la enfermedad de Barlow y especial- mente sobre su existencia en Buenos Aires. An. d. Circ med. argent, Buenos Aires, 1901,xxiv, 324-347.—Ausset(E.) Case] Pediatrie prat., Lille, 1903, i, 99-102.—Baron. Cases.] Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1897-8, 24-27.—Bauza. [Case] Rev. mod. d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1917, xx, 766—Beadles (H. S.) [Case] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 843.—Benatl (R.) [Case.] Pediatria, Napoh, 1907, 2. s., v, 740-746.—Bercboud. [Case.] Lyon med., 1908, cxi, 1027-1031.—Bogart (A. II.) [Two cases.] Brooklyn M. J., 1897, xi, 342-344.—BourdiUon (P.) [Case] Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1907. xxvu, 469-472. [Discussion], 498-501— Brennemann (J.) [Case.] Wis- consin M. Recorder, Janesville, 1913, xvi, 255-257.- Brown (C. W. M.) [Case] Buffalo M. J., 1906-7, lxii, 377-3K4.- Calcaterra (U.) [Five cases.] Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1909, xii, 717-738.—5.— Herzog (G.) Leber einen Fall von kindlichem Skorbut: ein Beitrag zur Regeneration des Knochenmarkes. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1913, xvi, 346-352—Huber (F.) Infantile scurvy; mild tvpe. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1899, xi, 215-218. Aho: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1899, xvi, 941-944 —Jacobson (N.) Infantile scurvy involving the hip joint. Buffalo M. J., 190(M0, lxv, 362-368. Also: N. YorkM. J.[etc], 1909, xc, 1150-1152.—Jemma(R) [Case) Attid.Cong.pediat. ital. 1901, Firenze, 1902, iv, 152— Lassalle (M.) [Case] Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1915, xviii, 89-92.—Le BoutU- lier (T.) [Case] Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1904, xxi, 294-296.— Looft (C.) [Two cases.) Norsk Mag. I. Lwgevidensk., Kristiania. 1911, 5. R., ix, 939-944.—Lyon (A. V.) [Case] Med. Council, Phila., 1908, xhi, 447-450—McCaw (J.) [Case.) Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond.. 1900-1901, i, 218-220—McKelway (G. J.) [Case.) J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1907, xxvu,426— McKenzie(D.) [Case] Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1900-1901, i, 146-14*.— McLean (S.) A case report of scurvy with a summary of fifty other cases. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1918, xxxv, 477- 482—Meslay (R.) [Case] Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Tar., 1905, vii, 84-89—Miller (D. J. M.) [Case) Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1897, xiv, 516-519. [Discussionl, 544-546.—Mitchell (C. W.) [Case.) Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii, 351-353. [Discussion], 354.—Moizard. [Case ) Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 393-397. Aho: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1903, vii, 76-79.—Morse (J. L.) The fre- quency of rickets in infancy in Boston and vicinity. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 724-726. Aho, Reprint. -----. [Case] Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 465-469. Aho, Reprint.-----. Infantile scorbutus; an analysis of fifty cases, including treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1073-1076. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1906, xviii, 540-548 —Neumann (H.) Der Sauglings-Skorbut in Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xlh, 15.—Orefice (E.) [Cases.) Pediatria. Napoli, 1907, 2. s., v, 754-756.—Osthei- mer (M ) Two babies with infantile scurvy observed in one week. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1908, xxv, 125.—Pagliarl (F.) [Case] Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1905, iii. 321-341 — Palleri. [Case] Gazz.med.dlRoma, 1905,xxxi,607-612 — Tehu. [Three casesj Prov. nuki., Par., 1910, xxi, 363 — Plomley (M. J.) [Two casesj Med. J. Austraha, Svd. ney, 1915, i. 309.—Pritchard (E.) Notes on two umisuaj cases of infantile scurvy. 1 ancet. Lond., 1913, i, 1587.— Reuter (L.) [A curious case of Barlow's disease] Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stockholm., 1904, i, 743.—Rogers (B. M. BARLOW'S. 353 BARLOWS. Barlow's disease (Cases and statistics of). H.) [Case.] Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1903, xxi, 318-320.—Rotch (T. M.) [Case.] Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1903, xviii, 180-183, 2 pi.—Salazar de Souza. La maladie de Barlow et le rachitisme a Lisbonne. Cong, internat de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 6, 299-304.—Sanguinetl (G.) [Case] Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1911, xviii, pt 1, 865-867.—Santas (M. A.) [Two cases.] Arch. latino-am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1908, iv, 137-144.—Schaffer. [Case.] Prakt. Arzt, Leipz., 1907, xlvii, 261.—Sherman (H. M.) Scorbutus in infants; some California cases. Pacific Rec. M. & S., San Fran., 1897-8, xii, 285-288. Aho, Reprint.—Simon (L.-G.] [Case] Gaz. d. mal. infant [etc.], Par., 1910, xii, 36-38.—Simon (L.-G.) & Dournel. [Case] Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1909, xi, 396-399 — Spalding (H. E.) [Case.] Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xxv, 504-511.—Sperk (B.) Ein Fall von Morbus Barlow bei emem 4| Monate alten Kinde. Mitt. d. Gesellsch f inn Med. u. Kmderh. in Wien, 1914, xiii, 3.—von Starck'. Ueber das Vorkommen des infantilen Skorbut (Barlow'sche Krankheit)in Schleswig-Holstein. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw - Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1902, n. F., xi, 30-34.—Steeves (Alice M.) [Two cases.] Dental Digest, Chicago, 1906, xii, 1160- 1163. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1991 — Swift (H.) [Cases.] Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1906, xxv, 175-179. Aho: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1906, xviii, 674-679 — Thlercelin (E.) [Five cases.] Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1902, vi,829-836.—Thiolller. [Twocases.] Loire med! St.-Etienne, 1910, xxix, 136-139.—Tissier (L.) [Case.] Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 326-330. [Discussionl, 351-359.—Van der Bogert (F.) [Casel J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1918.—Warner (C. B.) A typical case of scurvy in a country-bred infant. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, hi, 239.—Weill (E.) & Pehu (M.) [Three cases.] Lyon med., 1908, cxi, 842-859.— Weiss (S.) [Case] Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1904, liv, 177-180.—Weston (W.) [Case.] J. South Car. M. Ass., Seneca, 1912, vhi, 32-35.—Whitney (H. B.) A case of ftifantile scorbutus, with remarks as to the general features of this affection. Colorado Med., Denver. 1905, ii, 5-9. Barlow's disease (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Barlow's disease (Blood in); Bar- low's dhease (Experimental); Barlow's disease (Eye in); Barlow's disease (Metabolism in). Butzke (P.) *Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Moller-Barlow'schen Krankheit. 8°. Leip- zig, 1904. Grelley (V.) *L'alimentation artificielle des nourrissons et le scorbut infantile. 8°. Barh, 1903. Jagot-Lacous6iere (G.) Contribution a l'etude chimique des laits homogeneises et stei*ilis£s purs dans leur rapport avec le scorbut infantile. 8°. Barh, 1910. Apert (E.) Deux cas de maladie de Barlow chez des enfants nourris avec un lait modifie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 1424-1428.—d'Astros. Quatre cas de seorbut infantile; regimes scorbutigenes. Bull, med., Par., 1911, xxv, 639-641. Aho: Marseille med., 1911, xlviii, 465-472.—Ausset (E.) La maladie de Barlow est^elle une forme speciale de rachitisme ou du scorbut infantile? Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 320-338. Aho: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 1-9.-----. Un cas de maladie de Barlow chez un enfant nourri exclusi- vement avec du babeurre frais. Bull, med., Par., 1910, xxiv, 675. Aho: Pediatrie prat., Lille, 1910, viii, 340-342 — Baginsky (A.) Demonstration von anatomischen Prapa- raten eines Falles von Barlow'scher Krankheit. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1897, Berl., 1898, xxviii, pt. 1, 90- 94.—Bahrdt (H.) & Edelstein (F.) Organanalysen bei Morbus Barlow. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1913, Wiesb., 1914, xx, 38-43.—Bendlx(B.) Zur Symptomatologie und Aetio- logie der Barlow'schen Krankheit. Med. Klin., Berl., 1912, vhi, 820-822.—Bernheim-Karrer. Sauglings-Scorbut bei Ernahrung mit homogenisierter Berner Alpenmilch. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1907, xxxvii, 593-598.—Brachl (F.) Zur Pathologie der Barlow'schen Krankheit. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1907, lxv, 81-83 — Fraenkel (E.) Untersuchungen uber die Moller-Barlow'- sche Krankheit. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 1-20, 2 pi—Franke. Veranderungen der Orbita bei der Barlow'schen Krankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xxx, 1738.—Funaioli (G.) Un caso di malattia di Barlow in un bambino allattato al seno e curato con le iniezioni di peptone puro. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1912, x, 944-947.—Gerstenberger (H. J.) The pathogenesis of infantile scurvy, an hypothesis. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, [n. p.], 1917, xxix, 187-205. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1918, civ, 253-268—Griffith (J. P. C.) The aetiology and symptomatology of infantile scurvy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xci, 1321.—Hess(A. F.) Diet and growth in infantile scurvy. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1916, xxxih, 337-344. -----. Infantile scurvy; a study of its pathogenesis. Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1917, xiv, 337-353. Aho, Reprint — Hochsinger(K.) [Barlow'sche Krankheit, bei Brustnah- rung zustande gekommen.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1909, viii, 159-161.—Hoffmann (W.) Untersuchung eines Falles von Barlow'scher Krankheit. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1905, vii,Suppl., 702-722,1 pi.—Jacobsthal (H.) Zur pathologischen Anato- mie der Barlow'schen Krankheit. Sitzungsb. d. nied.- rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1899, med. Sekt., 19-23. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, Ver.-Beil., 19.-----. Zur Pathologie der Kno- chenerkrankungen bei Barlow'scher Krankheit. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 173-194,1 pi.— Jacobus (A. M.) A case of infantile scurvy, with com- ments on infant-foods and feeding. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxii, 68-72.—Jordan (W. R.) A case of infantile scurvy due to sterilised milk. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1911, vhi, 491. Aho: Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1911, x, 129 — Kellock (T. H.) A case of scurvy rickets occurring in a breast-fed child. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1294.—Kitchen (J. M. W.) The unsettled question as to scurvy being pro- duced by feeding pasteurized milk. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciii, 105-108.—Lehndorff (H.) Zur Kenntnissdes Morbus Barlow; Rontgenbefund. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1904, xxxviii, 161-167.-----. [Anatomisches Praparat von ei- nem Falle von Morbus Barlow.] Mitt. a. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904, iii, 133.—Leonard (C. H.) A case of infantile scurvy caused by prolonged use of sterilized food. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence, 1893, iv, 538-540. Aho, Reprint.—Mery (H.) & Guillemot (L.) Maladie de Barlow causee par Palimentation exclu- sive au lait maternise Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1906, vhi, 226-228—Morquio (L.) Dos casos de enfermedad de Barlow en niflos ahmentados a pecho. Arch, latino-am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1906, ii, 41-49.-----. Un caso de enfermedad de Barlow en un nifio de once meses ahmentado exclusivamente con leche de Backaus. Rev. med. d. Uru- guay, Montevideo, 1917, xx, 767.—Morse (J. L.) Infantile scorbutus and the pasteurization of milk. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, Chicago, 1914, xxvi, 61-66. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1914, lxx, 316-319—Naegeli (O.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie und zum Wesen des Morbus Barlow. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1897,687-694.—Nauwerck. Ueber die Moller-Barlow'sche Krankheit. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1899, Berl., 1900, 260-262.—Netter (A.) Un cas de scorbut infantile apres usage du lait de vache sterilised a domicile par I'appareil Soxhlet; guerison trfes rapide k la suite du traitement antiscorbutique. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1898, 3. s., xv, 722-728. -----. Nouvelles observations francaises de scorbut infan- tile; influence du lait sterilise ou maternise. Ibid., 868-870. -----. Scorbut infantile et lait sterilised; influence de la sterilisation sur la disparition du pouvoir antiscorbutique du lait. Bull. Soc. de pediatide Par., 1902, iv, 298; 413. Aho: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1902, xx, 543-560. ■-----. Un cas de scorbut infantile apres usage de lait condense; action preventive de l'adjonction d'aliments frais (jus d'oranges) au lait sterilise; scorbut experimental. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 7-11.— Northrup (W. P.) Infantile scurvy and modern condi- tions. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, Chicago, 1912, xxiv, 247-254. Aho: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1912, xxix, 665-672.—Plender (C. A.) Barlow's disease'in an infant fed on pasteurized cow's milk. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1913, lxxxiii, 705-707. Aho, Reprint— Schmorl (G.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Knochen-Veranderungen bei Morbus Barlow. Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. Stadtkrankenh. zu Dresd.-Friedrichstadt, Dresd., 1899, pt. 2, 347-372, 4 pi. Aho: Verhandl. d. Ver- samml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi, 308-324.-----. Zur patholo- BARLOW'S. 354 BARLOW'S. Barlow's disease (Causes and pathology gischen Anatomie der Barlow'schen Krankheit. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1901, xxx, 215-266, 2 pi. -----. Ueber die Pathogenese der bei Morbus Barlow auf- tretenden Knochenveranderungen; Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit Loosers: Ueber die Knochenveranderungen beim Skorbut und bei der Barlow'schen Krankheit. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1907, lxv, 50-63.—Schreibcr (G.) & Fran- cois. Scorbut infantile chez un enfant de quatre ans nourri au lait homogeneise. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1914, xvhi, 382-384. Aho: Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1914, xvi, 225-228.—Scott (G. D.) Scurvy in infants; impor- tance of its etiology. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1914, xxix, 115-120.—ten Siethoff (E. G. A.) Over de aetiologie van den morbus Barlowh. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 2, 1049-1055.—Stahl (AA Dos nuevas entidades patol<5gicas. Bol. Asoc. med. de Puerto- Rico, San Juan, P. R., 1903, i, 113; 129— Stoeltzner (W.) Ein anatomisch untersuchter Fall von Barlow'scher Krank- heit. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1906, lxii, 36-42— Thierce- lin (E.) Maladie de Barlow et lait sterilise. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 2-6— Variot (G.) Un cas de maladie de Barlow causee par l'usage du lait maternise\ Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xvhi, 213-219. Aho: Tribune med., Par., 1901, 2. s., xxxhi, 207- 210.-----. Le scorbut infantile et la sterilisation du lait. Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 397-409. Aho: Tri- bune med., Par., 1902, 2. s., xxxiv, 1029-1033.-----. A ropos de l'influence pretendue du lait sterilise sur la pro- uction du scorbut infantile. Med. mod., Par., 1903, xiv, 3. -----. Note sur le scorbut infantile dans ses rapports avec le lait sterilise industriehement- Bull, et m6m. Soc m£d. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxhi, 1343-1346.-----. Sur la valeur nutritive du lait de vache homogeneise et sterilise^ et sur ses rapports avec le scorbut infantile. Ibid.. 1908,3. s., xxv, 115-119.—Variot (G.) & Thomas (A.) Scorbut infantile chez une petite fllle de huit mois, nourrie des la naissance avec Allenbury's milk food. Ibid., 1903, 3. s., xx, 1412-1419.----------. Note sur l'^levage d'une petite fille atteinte de scorbut infantile grave. Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par., 1905, vh, 12. Barlow's disease'(Complications and se- quelse of). See, also, Barlow's dhease (Eye in). Bardin (Mme.) Contribution a l'etude clini- que et Etiologique du scorbut infantile. La fievre dans la maladie de Barlow. 8°. Barh, 1903. Bracht (L.) *Ein Fall von Barlow'scher Krankheit mit letalem Ausgange. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1903. Kirchberg (H.) *Die Barlowsche Krankheit und ihre Complication mit spasmophiler Dia- these. [Erlangen.] 8°. Bamberg, 1909. Vernhes (J.-A.-L.) *Du scorbut infantile complique ou non de rachitisme (maladie de Barlow). 4°. Baris, 1896. Amesse (J. W.) A fatal case of infantile scurvy following a diet confined almost exclusively to grape nuts. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1911-12, xxxi, 222.—Ausset (E.) Sur un cas de rachitisme hemorrhagique (maladie de Barlow). J. declin.etdetherap.inf., Par., 1898,vi,503; 522— Aviragnet. Scorbut infantile; suppuration des hematomes; osteomye- lite consecutive du femur et des cdtes; guenson. Bull.'et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par.,, 1903, 3. s., xx, 1409-1412.— Bassler (A.) Fatal case of infantile scurvy; autopsv. Phila. M. J., 19S9, iv, 140.—de Bruin. Een kind van il maanden met frai-tura femoris bij morbus Barlowii. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, i, 597— Buttar (C.) [Hematuria due to infantile scurvy] West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1905, x, 54-56.—Chamberlain (W. P.) Infantile scorbutus presenting pseudoparalysis as the predominating symptom; report of a case occurring in the Philippines. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1901, xxi, 131-136.—Comby (J.) Scorbut infantile avec hematome femoral chez un garcon de traize mois; guerison rapide par le changement de regime. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1899, ii, 35.—Elterich (T. J.) Infantile scurvy; report of a case with fracture of the femur and multiple epiphyseal separations. Penn. M. J., Pitts- burg, 1902-3. vi, 70-73. Aho: Phila. M. J., 1902, x, SSL- Fischer (L.) Infantile scurvy in which swollen joints re- sembled acute articular rheumatism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 279.—Freudenberg (A.) Ein Fall von Hamaturie bei Barlow'scher Krankheit. Deutsche Aerztc- Ztschr., Perl., 1902, 267-269.—FUrst (L.) Haematoma sub- periosteale (Morb. Barlowii). Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1894, Wiesb., 1895, xi, 266-268.—Garre (B.) La strumectomie dans la maladie de Basedow. Presse mM.. Par., 1908, xvi, 129.—Guinon (J.) & Le GueUaut. Rachitisme aigu dou- Barlow's disease (Complications and se- quelse of). loureux avec lesions scorbutiques tres attenuees des gencives (maladie de Barlow fruste). Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par 1899, i, 162-169.—Hess (A. F.) Cardio-respiratory involve- ment in infantile scurvy. Proc Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1916-17, xiv, 4.-----. Infantile scurvy; its in- fluence on growth (length and weight). Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, Chicago, 1916, xxviii, 35-54. Also: Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1916, xh, 152-165. A ho. Reprint.—Hirschberg (J.) Ein Fall von Barlow'scher Krankheit. Centralbl. I. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1903, xxvu, 206.—Hubbard (J. C.) Scorbutus in a baby with hemorrhagic diathesis. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxix, 488.—May (W. N.) A case of in- fantile scurvy with bone formation in the detached perios- teum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 258.—Morse (J. L.) Hematuria as the earliest or only symptom of infantile scurvy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1847-1849. Aho, Reprint.—Naegeli (O.) Ein Fall von Barlow'scher Krankheit mit letalem Ausgang. Cor.-Bl. t. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1897, xxvu, 577-582.—O'Reilly (A.) A case of pseudoparalvsis in infantile scurvy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, "liv, 1518.—Schmorl. Ueber Storung des Knochenwachsthums bei Barlow'scher Krankheit. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1899, Berl., 1900, 258. Aho: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 271-273.—Still (G. F.) Nephritis in infantile scurvy. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 441.— Weiss (S.) Eine neue Lokalisation der Blutung bei infanti- lem Skorbut. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond., 1914, Sect, x, Dis. of Child., pt. 2, 187-195.—Wolff. Arthritis catarrhahs (Volkmann) im Verlauf eines Barlow. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1913, xh, 376-379. Barlow's disease (Diagnosis and semi- ology of). See, also, Barlow's dhease (Blood in); Bar- low's dhease (Eye in). Acufia (M.) Tipos frustros y formas complicadas del escorbuto infantil; dificultades y errores de diagnostico. Arch, latino-am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1912, vi, 96-107.— Bornikoel. Zwei Falle von Forme fruste der Base- dow'schen Krankheit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1903, xxxh, 757-760.—Broca (A.) & Genevrier (J.) Formes frustes de la maladie de Barlow. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1909, lxxxii, 819.—Collins (J.) A doubtful case of infantile scurvy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1899, xxvi, 33.— Cozzolino (O.) Contributo al valore diagnostico della radioscopia nei morbo di Barlow (o scorbuto infantile). Pediatria, Napoh, 1911, 2. s., xix, 689-701,1 pi.—Dedin (G.) Sintomatologia del morbo di Barlow. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1909, h, 316-336.—De Stefano (S.) Forma monosintomatica di malattia di Barlow. Pediatria, N apoh, 1917, 2. s., xxv, 227-231.—Gray (A. W.) Infantile scurvy; with special reference to diagnosis? Wisconsin M. J., Mil- waukee, 1905-6, iv, 341-34J. —Guinon (L.) A propos de la paraplegie douloureuse des nourrissons; un cas de maladie de Barlow. Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 162-164 — Hess (A. F.) Infantile scurvy: a new aspect of the symp- tomatology and diet. J. Am.'M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 1003-1006. -----. Subacute and latent infantile scurvy; the cardio-respiratory svndrome (a new sign). Ibid., 1917, lxviii, 23.V239. Aho, Reprint. A ho [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1917, xt l, 392—Hutinel CV.) Les formes frustes de la maladie de Barlow. Presse mod.. Tar., 1904, ii, 742 — Kliarina-^Iarinucci (R.) Forma frusta di malattia di Harlow. Pediatria, Napoli, 1916, 2. s., xxiv, 478-482.— Klotz. Zur Rontgen-Diagnose des Sauglingsskorbuts (Barlowsche Krankheit). Monatschr. f. Kindern., Leipz. & Wien. 190S-9, vii, 36-42.—Koplik (H.) The early diag- nosis of infantile scorbutus. Arch. Diagn., N. Y., 1909, li, 19-22.—Kramsztyk (S.) [On the diagnosis and pathoge- nesis of Harlow 'sdisease] Przegl. pedvat., Krak6w, 1908-9, i, 137-147.—La Fetra (L. E.) Inlantile scurvy; its mani- festations and diagnosis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, n. s., cxxxiii, S55-869—Le Boutillier (T.) Prognosis and differential diagnosis of infantile scurvy. N. York M. J. [etc], 1910, xci, 1325.—Miller (D. J. M.) 'Infantile scurvy; the importanee of its early recognition. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1914, lxix, 727-734.—Moricorvo. Um caso frusto de molestia de Barlow. Tribunamed., Rio de Jan., 1912, xvhi, 148-150.— Morse (J. I..) Hematuria as t he earliest or only symptom of infantile scurvy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1M7 1M9.— Neter'(E.) Hamaturie als einziges Symptom Barlow-seller Krankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. A Leipz., 1904, xxx, 705— Nolen (W.) Formes frustes van Barlow's ziekte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1899, 2. R xxxv, d. 1, 617-621—Rehn (H.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Barlowschen Krankheit. (Ueber Fruhdiag- nose und Fruhformen nebst Schlussfolgerungen.) Med. Klin.. Berl., 1907, hi, 892—Schlesinger (E.) Zur Sympto- matologie der Barlowschen Krankheit. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 2073-2075.—SUI (E. M.) The diagnosis, etiology and prognosis of infantile seurvv. Arch. Diagn., N. Y.. 1911, iv, 241-24S, 1 pi—von Starck (W.) Zur Diag- nose der Barlowschen Krankheit. Munchen. med. Wchn- BARLOW'S. 355 BARNEFF. Barlow's disease (Diagnosis and semi- ology of). schr., 1907, liv, 449-452.—de Toledo Dodsworth (H.) Radiographics cliniques (maladie de Barlow et difformit<5 de Madelung). Cong, internat. de physiother. C. r. 1910, Par., 1911, iii, 804-806.—Triboulet. Les difflcultes de diagnostic de la maladie de Barlow. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 358-366. Aho: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1904, viii, 60-63.—Valenza (P.) Un caso di morbo di Barlow di difficile diagnosi; considerazioni proprie sulla etiologia e patogenesi. Pediatria, Napoh, 1909, 2. s., vii, 267-275.—Vesval. Les formes frustes du scorbut infantile. Medecin prat., Par., 1913, ix, 836-839.—Webster (F. P.) Consideration of two cases of infantile scurvy with special reference to differential diagnosis from infantile paralysis. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv. 15-17.—Weiss (S.) Zur Symptomatologie der Barlowschen Krankheit. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1905, xh, 43-59, 1 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. .. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Wiesb., 1905, xxi, 7-9.—West (D. P.) Scurvy vs. rheumatism. South. M. J., Nashville, 1916, ix, 861-864. Barlow's disease (Experimental). Hart (C. J. F. A.) & Lessing (O.) Der Skor- but der kleinen Kinder (Moller-Barlow'sche Krankheit). Monographische Abhandlung an der Hand tierexpenmenteller Lntersuchungen. 4°. Stuttgart, 1913. FrOlich (T.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber in- fantilen Skorbut. Verhandl. d. 6. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med. (Skagen) 1909, Stockholm, 1910, 339-349. -----. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber den infantilen Skorbut. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz.. 1912, lxxii, 155-182.—Hart (C.) Der Skorbut der kleinen Kinder (Moeller-Barlow'sche Krankheit) nach experimentellen Un- tersuchungen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh7 Berl., 1912, n. F., lxxvi, 507-541. -----. Ueber die experimentelle Erzeugung der Moller-Barlow'schen Krankheit und ihre endgiiltige Identi- fizierung mit dem classischen Skorbut. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1912, ccviii, 367-396.—Hess (A. F.) Group similarities of the deficiency diseases, as illustrated by the clinical and experimental study of infantile scurvy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, xc, 523-525.—Ingier (Alexandra). A study of Barlow's disease experimentally produced in fetal and new-born guinea-pigs. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1915, xxi, 525-538, 1 pi.—Moore (J. J.) & Jackson (Leila). Experimental scurvy produced in guinea-pigs by milk and milk products. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 1931-1934. Aho, Reprint— Segawa (M.) Ueber die Knochenveranderung bei der experimentellen Moller-Bar- low'schen Krankheit. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch., Tokyo, 1916, vi, 83-85,1 pi. Barlow's disease (Eye in). Dewey (J. H) The ocular symptoms of infantile scurvy. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1911, xx, 307-315.—Snow (I.) Eye symptoms of infantile scurvy; a case of infantile scurvy with extreme protrusion of the right eyeball, shown by autopsy to be due to a large retrobulbar hematoma. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1905. N. Y., 1906, xvii, 78-82. A ho: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1905, xxii, 576-580— Steindorff (K.) Ueber Augensymp- tome bei Barlow'scher Krankheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 141. Aho: Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vh, 124. -----. Ueber" Barlow'sche Krankheit mit besonderer Be- rucksichtigung der dabeibeobachtetenAugenerseheinungen. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1911, xxv, 180-185— Stephenson (S.) Haematoma of the lower lid in an infant aged five months; an unusual manifestation of infantile scurvy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1914-15, viii, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 44-47. Aho: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1915, xii, 77-79. -----. The ocular manifestations of infantile scurvy. Oph- thalmoscope, Lond., 1915, xiii, 132-135. Barlow's disease (Metabolism in). Lust (F.) Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei Barlow'scher Krankheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xhx, S62. Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 785.—Lust (F.) & KJocman (L.) Stoffwechselversuche bei Barlowscher Krankheit. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1912, n. F., lxxv, 663- 685. Barlow's disease (Treatment of). Ausset (E.) La maladie de Barlow et son traitement. Med. inf., Par., 1905, ih, 300.-----. Un cas de maladie de Barlow chez un enfant nourri exclusivement avec du ba- beurre frais. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1910, xxih, 197-200.—Bendlx (B.) Die Barlow'sche Krankheit una ihre Behandlung. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1907, iv, 33-40.—de Bruin. Karnemelk en M. Barlowii. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xii, d. 2, 556.— Chick (Harriette) & Rhodes (Mabel). An investigation of the antiscorbutic value of the raw juices of root vegetables, with a view to their adoption as an adjunct to the dietary of infants. Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 774.—Freise (E.) Der Alkoholextrakt aus Vegetabilien als Trager Barlowheilender Barlow's disease (Treatment of). Stoffe. Monatschr. f. Kinderh., Leipz. & Wien, 1914, xii, Orig., 687-698.—Freudenberg (E.) Beitrag zur Frage des Barlow-Schutzstoffes. Ibid., xiii, Orie., 141-144.—Harden (A.), Zilva (S. S.) & Still (G. F.) Infantile scurvy; the antiscorbutic factor of lemon juice in treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1919, i, 17.—Hess (A. F.) Diet and growth in infan- tile scurvy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, xc, 435. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ, 750.-----. The therapeutic effect of wheat germ and of yeast in infantile scurvy. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1916, xhi, 145.-----. Infantile scurvy; the therapeutic value of yeast and of wheat embryo. Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1917, xiii, 98- 109. A ho, Reprint.—Hutinel. A propos de la maladie de Barlow et de son traitement. Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par., 1902. iv, 317-320.—Meyer (O.) Friihformen der Moller- Barlow'schen Krankheit und ihre Behandlung. Therapie d. Gegenw., Berl., 1913, liv, 111-116.—Ostheimer (M.) The treatment of infantile scurvy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 19)0, xci, 1324.—Peiper. Behandlung der Moller-Barlow'schen Krankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1916, xhi, 153-155.—Prevention (The) of infantile scurvy. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1915, lxiv,835.—Riese(H.) Opera- tion bei Barlow'scher Krankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 834-836.—Rueck (G. A.) Scor- butus in a ten months' old baby treated by transfusion of citrated maternal blood. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1917, xci, 152.— de Sagher (P.) La maladie de Barlow (scorbut infantile); relation de huit cas de cette affection; essai de traitement prophylactique. Scalpel, Liege, 1912-13, lxv, 359-365. Aho: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1913, xvu. 176-187.— Schreiber (G.) & Francois. Scorbut infantile chez un enfant de quatre ans nourri au lait homogeneise. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1914, xvh, 610.—Simonson (E.) Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Moller-Barlow'schen Krank- heit. Arch. f. phys.-diatet. Therap., Berl., 1899, i, 6; 33.— Spiegelberg. Bericht uber die einstweihgen Ergebnisse der Sammelforschung der Gesellschaft fur Kinderheilkundeiiber die Moller-Barlow'sche Krankheit. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh___deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Wiesb., 1905, xxi, 10-12.—Taylor (H. L.) Infantile scorbu- tus and its relation to orthopedic practice. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 648-655. Aho, Reprint—Thiercelin (E.) De la maladie de Barlow ou scorbut infantile et de son traitement. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1902, lxix, 757-762.—Triboulet (H.) Prophylaxie et traitement du scorbut infantile; maladie de Barlow. Clinique, Par., 1910, v, 391-393.—Variot (G.) L'extinction du rachitisme par les gouttes de lait. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1904, Ixxvh, 8S5-888.— Vila Ortiz (R A Babeurre et maladie de Barlow. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1909, xh, 920-925.—Wright (Sir A. E.), Hoist (A.) [et al.]. The causation and treatment of scurvy, in particular of infantile scurvy. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 725. Barmbichler (Otto) [1882- ]. *Multiple Di- vertikelbildung im Processus vermiformis. 80 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1908. Barmond (A.) Somnambulisme et therapeuti- que. 149 pp., 1 1. 12°. Barh, B.-G. Leyma- rie, 1904. Barnacles. See Cirripedia. Barnard (H. E.) Report on methods of beer analysis. 16 pp. 8°. [Washington, 1907.] Forms Circ No. 33 of: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Chem., Wash. Barnard (Harold Leslie) [1868-1908]. Contri- butions to abdominal surgery. Edited by James Sherren. 391 pp. 8°. London, E. Arnold, 1910. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1204. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 984. Barnardo (Thomas John) [ -1905]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 833. Barnathan (Leon) [1884- ]. *De l'anaphy- laxie alimentaire; etude clinique et experimen- tale. 80 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 185. Barnaud (Gabriel) [1887- ]. *Calculs vesi- caux secondaires a la prostatectomie. [Lyon.] 77 pp. 8°. _ Valence, 1912, No. 148. Barnay (Marius). Alcaloides usuels; alcaloides, glucosides et principes actifs tires du regne vegetal. Tome I-II. 366 pp. 12°. Barh, 1900. Barneff (Barne-Vitchoff) [1869- ]. *Contri- bution a l'etude de l'opntalmoplegie congeni- tale. 88 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 100. BARNES. 356 BARNSBY. Barnes (Allan Foster) [1875-1914]. Obituary. Boston M. & S.J., 1914, clxx, 671. Aho:Med. Rec, N. Y., 1914, lxxxv, 808. Barnes (Carl Lewis). The art and science of em- balming. Descriptive and operative, xviii, 552 pp. 8°. [Chicago, Trade Beriodical Co.< 1906.] Barnes (Earl) [1861- ]. The psychology of childhood and youth; outlines of thirty lectures. 68 pp. 8°. New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1914. Barnes (Fancourt). See Barnes (Robert Syden- ham Fancourt). Barnes (Francis Merriman) [1881- ]. See Nitsche (Paul Hermann) & Wilmans (K.) The his- tory of the prison psychoses [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1912. Barnes (Harry Aldrich) [1872- ]. The tonsils; faucial, lingual, and pharyngeal; with some account of the posterior and lateral pharyngeal nodules. 7 p. 1., 17-168 pp., front., plates. 8°. St. Louh, C. V. Mosby Company, 1914. [Barnes (Isaac Franklin)] [1856- ]. Semab's will, a treatise on pre-natal influence; or the science of soul and character endowment, with prophecy by Senrab. 4 p. 1., 11-55 pp. 8°. Gulf port, Mhs., [1917]. Barnes (Joseph E.) [1817-83]. Pilcher (J. E.) The Surgeon Generals of the United States Army. XII. Brevet Major General Joseph K. Barnes, J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carhsle, Pa., 1904, 219-226, port. Aho, Reprint. Barnes-(Leonard Stewart). See Martin (John Wise). Martin's questions and an- swers [etc.]. 18. ed. 32°. London, 1915. Barnes (Raglan WyJceham) [1854-1914]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 523. Barnes (Robert) [1817-1907]. Expose de la theo- rie du placenta praBvia. 13 pp., 11. 12°. Lon- don, J. W. Klockmann, 1892. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1221. Aho: Galleria d. clin. ostet., Scansano, 1902, i, 71-78, port. Aho: J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1907, xi. 191-196, port. Aho: J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1907, xi, 519-522, port. (G. E. Herman). Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1465- 1469, port. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiu, 711 (H. M. Jones). Barnes ([Robert Sydenham] Fancourt) [1849- 1908]. Lacerations of the perinseum. 3. ed. 31 pp., 5 pi. 12°. London, J. Bale dc Sons, 1892. ------. The same. 4. ed. 31 pp., 8 pi. 12°. London, J. Bale dc Sons, 1896. See, aho, Martin (Eduard Arnold) [in 2. s.]. Martin's atlas of obstetrics [etc.]. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881.— Travaux pratiques d'obstetrique [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Paris, 1898-1907. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 541. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 683. Barnes (Thomas H.) [ -1913]. Obituary. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1913-14, xviii, 132. Barnes (William A.) Psychology, hypnotism, personal magnetism and clairvoyance. 95 pp 11 pi. 12°. Boston, 1898. Barnesby ([Percy] Norman). Medical chaos and crime. 384 pp. 8°. London dc New York, M. Kennerley, 1910. Barnet (Enrique B.) [ -1916]. La peste bn- bonica; conferencia pronunciada el dfa 1* de abril de 1903 en el hospital No. 1. 38 pp., 1 pi., 2 maps. 12°. Habana, 1903. ------. El Hospital Las Animas. Con un apen- dice por Juan Guiteras y Mario G. Lebredo. 51 pp., 10 pi., 2 plan. 8°. Habana, 1904. Spanish and English text. ------. La rabia; medios de precaverla; la epi- demia. 2. ed. 16 pp. 12°. Habana, 1911. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 783. Also: Cr<5n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1910, xxxvi, 199, port. Barnet y Ruiz (GavinoJ.) [1829-1911]. Obituary. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvu, 181, port. Barnett (Henry Norman) [1872- ]. Sea- sickness; its true cause and cure, vi, 7-39 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1907. ------. Legal responsibility of the drunkard, With an introduction by Sir Andrew Reed. 64 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1908. ------. Accidental injuries to workmen with ref- erence to workmen's compensation act, 1906. With article on injuries to the organs of special sense by Cecil E. Shaw and legal introduction by Thomas J. Campbell, vii, 376 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Bebman, 1909. ------. The student's textbook of surgery, xix, 794 pp. 8°. London, W. Heinemann, [1916]. Barnett (John Milford) [1831-1913]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, i, 262. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1913, i, 353. Barnett (Samuel A.) The housing problem. pp. 794-804. 8°. New York, 1901. Cutting from: Nineteenth Cent., N. Y., 1901, xlix. Barnett (Mrs. S[amuel] A.). See Stephens (Margaret) [in 2. s.J. Woman and marri- age [etc]. 12". London, 1910. Barney (Charles S.) [1864-1914]. [Obituary.] Albany M. Ann., 1914, xxxv, 405. port. Barnhausen ^ (Kaspar) [1869- ]. *Die La- parotomien in der Greifswalder geburtshulflich- gynakologischen Klinik vom 1. Januar ISO? bis 1. Januar 1899. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1899. Barnhill (James U.) [1854-1911]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvh, 494. Barnhill (John F.) & Wales (Ernest de Wolfe). Principles and practice of modern otology. 575 pp., 5 pi. roy. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1907. -------------. The same. 2. ed. 598 pp. roy. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Company, 1911. Barnick (Otto). Die tuberkulosen Erkrankun- gen des Gehororgans. 54 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1899. Forms 4. Hft., v. 3, of: Klin. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol. Barnick (Paul) [1876- ]. *Beitrag zur Kennt- niss von den Urethralgangen des Weibes. 29 pp. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1907. Barnicot (Joseph) [1875-1916]. D.(L.S) [Obituarv] St. Thomas's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1916, xxvi, 58. Barnitz (Harry Daingerfield) [1853- 1916]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M Ass.. Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 693. Barnouvin (Henri l. *Ororanismes des hydrolata et,des solutes. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896. No. 3. Ecole de pharmacie. ------. *De l'iode dissimule\ 79 pp. S°. Baris. 1900, No. 8. Ecole de pharmacie. Barnowsky (Theodor Oskar) [1882- ]. ♦Un- tersuchungen uber die Farbbarkeit der Tuber- kelbazillen nach Ziehl-Neelsen und Much. [Giessen.] 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Wicgler Nachf, 1911. Barnsby (David) [1832-1916]. Obituary. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., lxxvi, 405. Barnsby (Henry). *Appendicite et annexite, coexistence des deux affections; pathogenie, symptomes, traitement. 126 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 317. BARNSBY. 357 BAROZZI. Barnsby (Pierre). *Traitement des anevrysmes arteriels rompus des membres. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 116. Barnstein (Henricus). Tabacks Wunder Kunst und Artzneymittel, wo er seinen Nahmen her habe . . . Anjetzo aber auff instandiges Anhal- ten etlicher guten Freunde vermehret und in Truck gegeben durch Johann Balthasar Funcken. 23 1. 16°. Erffurt, J. G. Hertz, 1677. Barn-Yard rhymes; showing what opinions the turkey, the cock, the goose, and the duck, entertain of allopathia, homeopathia, electro- galvanism, and the animalcule doctrines. 72 pp. 8°. New York,G. dc C. Carvill dc Co., 1838. Baro (L.) Tratado elemental de las enfermedades de los ojos. Pr61ogo del. . . Dr. Luis de Wecker. xi, 180 pp., 2 1. 16°. Zaragoza, 1898. Barometer. See, also, Air (Pressure of). B. (F.) New improvement of the barometer, how to render it portable. 8°. [London, n. d.] Cutting from: Gentlemen's Mag., Lond. Christie (A. S.) Diurnal variation of the barometer. Bull. Phil. Soc, Wash., 1892, xh, 67-69.—Del Gaizo (M.) Pi alcuni legami fra E. Torricelli e G. A. Borrelli: l'opera di questo nei promuovere gli studi intorno alia pressione atmosferica. Atti d. Soc ital. di storia crit. d. sc med. e nat., Faenza,1909,125-129.—Goldschmidt (R.) Barometre eiectrique. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1908, lxvi, 125-129. Baron (A.) Contribution a l'etiologie du goitre et du cretinisme. 128 pp. 8°. Grenoble, F. Allier dc jds, 1867. Baron (Andr6) [1862- []. *De l'ictere ca- tarrhal chez les enfants. 67 pp. 4°. Pans, 1895, No. 83. Baron (Baptiste) [1873- ]. *Etude psycholo- gique de l'anesthesie par Tether, avec quelques considerations medico-legales. 118 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, A. H. Storck, 1896, No. 47. Baron (Emile). ^Considerations sur le satur- nisme chez les alcooliques. 53 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 445. Baron [Friedrich Carl]. Merkblatter (25) fur die Pflege und Behandlung von Kindern in gesun- den und kranken Tagen. obi. 16°. Leipzig, B. Konegen, 1908. Baron (Gustave) [1874- ]. *Infections gastro- intestinales du foetus d'origine intra-uterine. 76 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 81. Baron (J.) Das Heirathen in alten und neuen Gesetzen. 44 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1874. Forms, 211. Hft. of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr., Berl. Baron (Jonas) [1845-1911]. [Obituary.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1911, lv, 609. Baron (Leo) [1880- ]. *Ein Fall von Herzver- letzung mit Hirnembolie. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1904]. Baron (Paul) [1869- ]. *Torsion du pedicule des kystes de l'ovaire. 90 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 506. ------. The same. 3 p. 1., 92 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1898. Baron (Paul) [1880- ]. *De l'alcoolisme acquis du nourrisson et de l'enfant. 80 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 63. Baron (Raoul-Ceorges-Alexandre) [1852- 1908]. [Necrologie.] Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 753- 767. Baron (Victor). *Le tabes superieur et ses formes cliniques. [Paris.] 80 pp. 8°. Auch, 1905, No. 288. Baron (Victor) [1876- ]. *Du torticolis con- genital, son traitement par la tenotomie a ciel ouvert. 85 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Nancy, 1907, No. 14. Baronaki (Edouard) [1864- rj. *De l'emploi de la theobromine dans l'asystolie des vieillards 58 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 410. Baroncelli (Georges) [1888- ]. *De l'hygiene buccale chez les syphilitiques. 67 pp. 8° Lyon, 1911, No. 125. *v de Baroncelli (J.-G.) La fievre jaune sous les tropiques. 64 pp. 8°. Nouvelle-Orleans, G. Muller, 1905. Baroncelli (R[aphael]) [1856- ]. *Contribu- tion a 1'^tude physiologique des courants unipo- laires. 69 pp., 1 diag., 1 tab. 8°. Genive,188'J. ----—. *De la voute palatine et des machoires au point de vue de ridentification judiciaire. 40 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No, 150. Barone (Andrea). Manuale di ostetricia per medici esercenti-studenti e levatrici svolto secondo il programma della r. Universita di Napoli. 2 p. 1., 1258 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Val- lardi, 1893-6. ---;—. Manuale di medicina operatoria oste- trica, con appendice sulla cloroformizzazione. vi, viii, 885 pp., 1 1. 8°. Milano dc Napoli, 1896-1901. ------. Primo anno di funzionamento del re- parto di maternita e ginecologia nell' Ospedale della Pace di Napoli. 117 pp. 8°. Napoli, tipog. di G. M. Briore, 1897. ------. Funzionamento del reparto di maternita e ginecologia nell' Ospedale della Pace di Napoli da gennaio 1901 a gennaio (comp.) 1902, con considerazioni sull' esame interoscopico per la diagnosi ginecologica. 34 pp. 8°. Napoli, 1902. Baronets (Medical). qiippingdale(S.L).) Medical baronets, 1645-1911. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, i, 1188-1190. Baronio (Giuseppe) [1759-1811]. Degli innesti animali. 78 pp., 11., 2 pi., port. 8°. Milano, 1804. Baronnet ([Jules-] Aflbert]). The assimilation of iodine, a chemical and therapeutic study. 2 ed. 20. thousand. 32 pp. 12°. London, T. Comar dc Son, [n. d.]. Baros (Jules-Leon-Albert) [1877- 1. *Contri- bution a l'etude des senilites locales. 96 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1902, No. 27. Barot (Charles). *L'opotherapie orchidienne; indications nouvelles. 67 pp. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 372. Barot (Louis-Joseph) [1873- ]. *Apercus historiques de quelques epoques medicales. 80 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 9. Barotte (Charles-Francois). ^Contribution a l'etude du redressement progressif de la gib- bosity pottique par 1'expose de quelques resul- tats. 73 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902, No. 93. Barozzi (J.) Considerations sur la gastrostomie en general et sur le procede de Marwedel, en particulier dans les stenoses cancereuses de l'oesophage. 121 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, G. Carre dc C. Naud, 1898, No. 649. ------. Manuel de gynecologie pratique. Preface de L.-G. Richelot. vii, 813 pp. 8°. Barh, Vigotfrlres, 1907. See, aho, Phocas (Gerasune) & Barozzi (J.) Therapeu- tique chirurgicale [etc]. 4°. Paris, 1912. Barozzi (Jean) [1879^ ]. _ *Des nephrites unilaterales consecutives aux inflammations des organes pelviens chez la femme. 47 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 34. BAROZZI. 358 BARRACKS. Barozzi (Pietro). *Del colore della cute nella specie umana. 23 pp. 8°. Bavia, tipogr. Biz- zoni, 1847. [P., v. 2225.] Barpi (Ugo). L'istituto di anatomia normale della r. Scuola superiore di medicina veterinaria di Napoli e catalogo de' preparati del museo. 54 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. fol. Napoli, B. Guerrera dc figli, 1902. ■-----. Delia distribuzione della muscularis mucosae, nello stomaco del cavallo, del maiale e del coniglio; ricerche istologiche. 17 pp. 8°. Napoli, L. Guerrera dc figlio, 1902. Barr (Abraham Myliri) [1835-1917]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass , 1'hicago, 1917, lxviii, 794. Barr (George Fleet) [1891-1916]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 1103. Barr (Hugh) [ -1917]. Obituary. Glasgow M. J., 1917, lxxxvii, 217. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 551. Barr (John Stoddard). See Barr (Thomas) & Barr (John Stoddard). Manual of diseases ofthe ear [etc ]. 8°. Glasgow, 1909. Barr (Martin W.) [1859- ]. Mental defectives; their history, treatment and training, x, 17- 368 pp., 53 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1904. Barr (Thomas) [1846-19161. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916. ii, 890. Aho: GlasgowM. J., 1917, lxxxvii, 29-31, port. Also: J. Laryngol., Lond., 1917, xxxu, 49-51 (U. Pritchard). Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 1126. ------ & Barr (John Stoddard). Manual of diseases of the ear, including those of the nose and throat in relation to the ear. For the use of students and practitioners of medicine. 4. ed., entirely revised and largely re-written, xxvii ( 3 1.), 477 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Glasgow, J. Maclehose dc Sons, 1909. Barr (William) [1887- ]. I. K. therapy (Im- munkorper, immune Substanzen) in pulmonary tuberculosis. 82 pp. 8°. Brhtol, J. Wright dc Sons, 1916. Barra (Pierre). Hippocrate, de la circulation du sang et des humeurs. 11 p. 1., 349 pp., 2 1. 24°. Barh, L. B'Houry, 1683. Barracano (Gennaro). ^aggio d'ecraxis o partico- lari di talune operazioni di cateratte seguite dai modo di curar le ulceri della cornea e la pro- cidenza dell'iride, indi la demolizione di un tumore fungoso della cornea, viii, 96 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Napoli, 1829. Barracks. Austria. K. k. Beichs-Kriegs-Minhterium. Beispiele fiir die Anlage von Infanterie-Kasernen. lift. 1 & 3. obi. fol. Wien, 1880. Berthier. Impermeabilisation des planehers et des sou- bassements dans les casernements. Cong, internat. de med. 0. r., Par., 1900, sect, de mod. et chir. mil., 221-231— Bjer- rlng (G. L.) [The new barracks for the hussar regiment of the guards at Ostcrfa-lled ] Militsertegen, Kjpbenh., 1897, v, 143-168, 2 plans— t'liristenson (A. II.) [Ournew infantry barracks.] Tidsskr. i mil. Hiilsov., Stockholm, 1912,xxxvii, 111-146.—E.(B.) Padighoniebaraccheitaliani. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1915, xi, 68.—von Harten (H. C.) [The arrangements for water for the men in bar- racks.] Milit;rrlsegen, Kj0benh., 1897, v, 117-127.—Heyne. Beschreibung der in der Kaserne des 8. konigl.-siichs. Feld- artillene-Regimcnts Nr. 78 angclegten Warmwasseran- lage. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1906, xxxv, 538- 542.—Kier(I.) [The barracks at S01vgaden.] Militaerla'gen, Kj0benh., 1896, iv, 254-271.—Lacau (L.-C.) & Rouget. La chambree. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r.... 2. Cong. internat___1906, Par.. 1907,40.5-116.— LebedefT (M.I.) [Bar- racks.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb.. 1914, ccxxxix, med - spec, pt., 241-249— Lemoine (G. H.) Influence de l'anie- nagement interieur des casernes sur le developpement et l'expansion des fievreseruptives. Cong, internat. d' assain. . . . de l'habitat. ('. r. 1904, Par., 1905, 492-501.-----. Nos casernes. Rev. scient., Par., 1905, 5. S.,iv, 65; 102. -----. Casernements de l'armee allcmande. Caducee, Par., 1912, Barracks. xh,48-50.—Logie. Les dortoirs dans les casernes. Assain. et salub.de l'habitat. C.-r... . 2.Cong.internat.. .. 1906, Par., 1907, 416-419.—Marussig (A.) Ein Beitrag zum Entwurfe von Militar-Gebauden. Ibid., 440-445.—N'ussbaum (H. C.) Der Barackenbau vom technischen und sanitaren Stand- punkte. Ztschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien & Berl., 1915, iii, 7-17—Petrin (V.) Maasgebende Principien modernen Kasernbaues. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5, 252-258— Redele (A. E.) Over de huisvesting van den soldaat. Tijdschr. v. soc. Hyg., Zwolle, 1908, x, 137-147: 1909, xi, 90-94.—Remezoff (A. I.) [Military towns.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1907, ccxx, med.-spec pt., 156-162— Sorensen (O. P.) [Our barracks.] Tidskr. i mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1904, xxix, 1; 121—Testl (F.) Influence des casernes sur la mor- bidity des troupes dans le preside de Florence. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r. ... 2. Cong, internat. . . . 1906, Par., 1907, 419-433. Barracks (Heating, lighting, and venti- lation of). Bierlng (F.) [Ventilation in the barracks at S01vgaden.] Mihtartegen, K0benh., 1899, vh, 1-19.—Bogolyubofl (N. F.) [Steam heating in the marine barracks of Kron- stadt.) Med. pribav. k morsk. sbornilcu. S.-Peterb., 1902, pt. 2,167; 218.— Gabbe (G. M.) [Artificial lighting of bar- racks.] Vovenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb.. 1907, ccxx, med.- spec pt., 253-263.—Golubintseff (P. I.) [Heating ol barracks.] Ibid., 1904, i, med.-spec. pt., 342-348— Huble. Sur la ventilation combinee au chaufTage par Pair chaud, des chambres de troupe. Cong, internat. d'assain. . . . de l'habitat. C. r., 1904, Par., 1905, 458-465.—Khlevfnskl (M. I.) [Maintenance of atmospheric purity in barracks.] Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1912, ccxxxv, med.-spec. pt., 307-311—L6pez Vermengo (R. A.) Informe sobre calefaccidn en el regimiento 5° de infanteria. Re^ san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1915, xiv, 184-190— Mauer (W. J.) Ventilation of Army barracks. J.Am. Soc. Heat. & Ventil. Engin., N. Y., 1917-18, xxiv, 23-43. Aho: Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1918. vhi, 112-12' -Roualet (A.) Nouveau dispositif pour l'aeration des locaux; vitres par- tielles avec hotteexterieure. Arch, de mid et pharm. mil., Par., 1911, lvii, 377-382.—Vennat. La ventilation dans les locaux et particulierement dans les chambrees. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1913, xliii, 292-294. Barracks (Hygiene of). See, also, Barracks (Heating, etc., of). Bavaria. Kriegs- Minhterium. Medizinal- Abteilung. Beschreibung der Garnison Augs- burg vom Standpunkt der Gesundheitspflege. 8°. Miinchen, 1900. Lambert des Cilleuls (J.) *L'hygiene du casernement irancais. Etude historique. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Prussia. Kriegs - Minhterium. Medizinal- Abtheilung. Beschreibung der Garnison Han- nover, vom Standpunkt der Gesundheitspflege aus aufgestellt. 8°. Berlin, 1896. ------. Beschreibung der Garnison Pots- dam, vom Standpunkt der Gesundheitspflege aus aufgestellt. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Arkharoff (J.) [Hygienic requirements in barrack building] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1897, xt No. 1,83-105; Nos. 2-3,1-82.—Bache (D.) The location of sites for, and the construction of, military posts in relation to proper sanitation. Proc Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1895, Cincin., 1896, 415-430.—Benech. Equipes sanitaires et tenue des casernements. Cong, interpat. d'assain. . . . de l'habitat. C. r. 1904. Par., 1905, 468-474.— Bertarelll(E) Igieneeprofilassinellecaserme. Morgagni, Milano, 1916,lviii,pt.2,33-37. Also: Riv.d'ig.esan.pubb., Parma, 1917, xxviii, 393-398.—Blackham (R. J.) Night urinals; a suggestion. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, vhi, 59-62.—Bonnette. Nouveau procede d'aeration nocturne dos chambres de caserne; vitres a echancrures semi-lunaires recouvertes a l'exterieur par des opercules eintres metalliques. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1909, xxxi, 1295- 1303—Brack. Einfache, einwandfreie Methode zur Errei- chung von Muckenfreiheit in festen Truppenlagern. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 1608.—Cousergues. Di- sinfection d'une chambree do casernement. J. d'hyg., Par., 1908, xxxhi, 77.—Davies (A. M.) Notes on sanitation in bar- racks and on the march in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1S96, xxxi, 200- 202— Debrie. Les foyers du soldat dans les casernes. Cong, internat. d'assain.... de l'habitat. C. r. 1904, Par., 1905, 468 — Delorme (E.) De repidemiologie des casernes; sa signification au point de vue de leur valeur hygieniquo. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1907,3. s., lviii, 547- 569. ---—. Hvgiene et epidemies des casernes. Hygiene gen. et appliq".',' Par., 190S, iii, 155-158.—Erskine (W. D.) BARRACKS. 359 BARRE. Barracks (Hygiene of). Washing-up arrangements in barrack-rooms. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 190s, x, 532-534— Ferrari-Lelll (F.) Considerations hygieniques et philosbphiques sur le tvpe architectural des casernes. Assam. et salub. de l'habi- tat. C.-r.... 2. Cong.internat.... 1906, Par., 1907, 433440.— Freeman (E. C.) Construction and arrangement of bar- racks, especially as bearing upon the health of troops and upon the attractiveness of the Army as a career for the would-be soldier. J. Prevent. M., Lond., 1906, xiv, 169-173. -----. Notes on modern barrack sanitation. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 158-163.—Gonzalez Granda y Silva (J.) La higiene de los cuarteles en Ingla- terra. Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1905-6, xii, 297; 348 — Grixoni (G.) La caserma igienica . Igiene mod., Genova, 1910, iii, 241-249—Huble. Cours des casernes; leur as- sainisscment par le coaltarisage du sol. Cong, internat. d'assain. . . . de l'habitat. C. r. 1904, Par., 1905, 489-491.— Jones (P. L.) Disposal ofgarbage in barracks. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1912, xxxi, 451-453.—Kier (J.) [New barrack baths in Copenhagen.] Militserlsegen, Kj0benh7 1896, iv, 20-29, 1 pi.—Laub (H.) [The sanitary condition in the barracks of Sjztlvgaden.] Ibid., 1903, xi, 77-96, 1 ch— Ligouzat. Cou- cnage des troupes; bains, douches, lavoirs. Assain. et sa- lub. de l'habitat. C.-r____2. Cong, internat___1906, Par., 1907, 456-458.—Llnon. Sur l'habitation du soldat. Cong. internat. d'assain. . . . de l'habitat. C. r. 1904, Par., 1905, 451-458.—Mann (W. L.) Sanitation of the Marine Bar- racks, Quantico, Va.; with special reference to the methods of conservancy employed. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 996.—Meyer (J.) Dur61e des locaux communs dans les casernes au point de vue de la prophylaxie. Cong, internat. d'assain. . . . de l'habitat. C. r. 1904, Par., 1905, 505-508.— Nc. (Q.) [Our barrack camps as educational and hygienic institutions.] Stud, in volkskract, Haarlem, 1903-4, i, 105- 152.—Petges (G.) Influence des casernements sur l'hy- giene; casernes anciennes et nouvelles. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1906, xxviii, 18-40.—Pugh (W. S.) & Jansen (R.) Tem- porary barracks at City Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., a prelimi- nary sanitary survey. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 479-497.—Rouget. Entretien des planchers dans les casernes. Cong, internat. d'assain. . . . de l'habitat. C. r. 1904, Par., 1905, 483-489.—Simonln (J.), Clair & Morize. Des types actuels descasernesdanslesarmees; des conditions generales qu'ils doivent remplir au point de vue hygienique par rapport au climat et aux regions. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r. ... 2. Cong, internat. . . . 1906, Par., 1907, 390-405.—Test! (F.) Quelques considerations generales sur les desiderata hygieniques des casernes. Cong. internat. d'assain... de l'habitat. C. r. 1904, Par., 1905,465. -----. Recherches sur des causes determinees d'insalubrite dans les locaux militaires. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r___2. Cong, internat___1906, Par., 1907,445-450. -----. Igiene delle caserme in Francia. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1909, v, 100; 119. Barracks (Transportable). Belotti (S.) A proposito delle baracche trasportabili adi- bite ad uso scolastico. Gior. d. r. Soc ital. d'ig., Milano, 1901, xxhi, 307-314.—K. Die transportablen Baracken Dockerschen Systems in der Mandschurei. Rothe Kreuz, Berl., 1905, xxhi, 190— Langenberger (S.) Transportable Baracken. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1904, xxix, 215-224 — Levi della Vlda (M.) Progetto di una baracca smontabile e trasportabile per bagni a doccia e lavanderia. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, lxv, 779-788,1 pi.—Pagliani (L.) La industria Selenit e le sue costruzioni di baraccamenti trasportabili. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1917, xhi, 41- 44.—Treitschke (E.) Der Werth der transportablen Ba- racken (System Docker) fiir die Kurorte. Balneol. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1904, 33; 37. Barragan (Vicente). *Contribuci6n al estudio de la varicocele. 48 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. Joa- quin Terrazas dc hi jo, 1894. Barrajas y Gallego (Luciano) [1864- 1904]. Perez y Fabregas (A.) [Biography.] Rev. med.-hidrol. espafi., Madrid, 1904, v, 337-340. Barral (Edouard) [1867- ]. inversion de la vaginale dans le traitement de l'hydrocele. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. H. Storck, 1896, No. 50. ... ------. Precis d'analyse chimique qualitative. vii, 496 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1904. . . ------. Precis d'analyse chimique quantitative. xii, 864 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1905. . . ------. Precis d'analyse chimique biologique generale. vii, 412 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bail- liere dcfils, 1908. Barral (Edouard)—continued. ------. Precis d'analyse biologique, pathologique et clinique; urine, sang, liquides pathologiques, lait, digestion, vii, 545 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1909. Barral (Henri) [1882- ]. *Pneumatocele du canal de Stenon et de la parotide. 46 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1909, No. 16. Barral (Roger) [1885- ]. *De l'etat ant6- rieur dans les accidents du travail. Ill pp. 8°. Lyon, 1909, No. 32. Barras (Jean-Pierre- Tobie) [1789-1851]. Schnyder (L.) Ein Kapitel aus der Geschichte der Magen- und Darmneurosen. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1901, xxxi, 584-590. Barras (Louis) [1886- ]. *Le fetichisme. Restif de la Bretonne fut-il fetichiste? 174 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1913, No. 28. Barratt (Alfred) [1828-1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 1654. Barrau (Louis) [1873- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la cirrhose atrophique de Laennec la- tente. 67 pp., 1 1. 8°. _ Baris, 1898, No. 425. Barrau (Raoul). ^Contribution a l'etude de la diphterie des plaies (pourriture d'hopital). 75 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1902, No. 493. Barraud (Albert). *Etude sur le traitement de la tuberculose par l'uree pure. 31pp. 8°. Lau- sanne, A. Borgeaud, 1903. ------. *Corps Strangers de l'cesophage, de la trachee et des branches; cas observes a l'Hopital cantonal de Lausanne depuis l'emploi de l'ceso- phagoscopie et de la tracheobronchoscopie. 106 pp. 8°. Lausanne, Bqyot dc Cie, 1914. Barraud (Armand). *Etude de la vaso-constric- tion produite par l'application locale de l'extrait aqueux de capsules surrenales. 42 pp. 8°. Byon, 1897, No. 69. Barraud (Frederic) [1872- ]. *OsteomyeLite costale aigue des adolescents. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 184. Barraud (Jean). *Des rapports de l'enuresis noc- turna avec les adeno'ides. 32 pp. 8°. Lausanne, A. Jaunin, 1915. Barraud (Jean-Gustave-Henri) [1879- ]. *Les metrorragies dans l'ovarite sclero-kystique. 59 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 132. Barraud (Marcel). *Des kystes de la region ex- terne du genou. 69 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1899, No. 303. Barrault (Charles) [1874- ]. *Syphilis pater- nelle. Essai de prophylaxie ab ovo de l'heredo- syphilis. 59 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 453. Barraza (Francisco C.) [ -1917]. M. (J. V.) Obituary. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1917-18, iv, 171.—Obituary. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, 405. Barre (Alexandre) [1880- ]. *Les osteoarthro- pathies du tabes; etude critique. 233 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 159. Barre (Emile) [1884- ]. *Les complications hepatiques de la fievre de Malte. 53 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, No. 63. Barre (Jean-Baptiste) [1874- ]. *Etude sur l'hygiene de la coqueluche. 44 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 465. Barre (L.-A.) & Barre (Paul) fils. Manuel de genie sanitaire. La ville salubre, avec une preface par Louis Masson. viii, 340 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1897. -------------. Manuel de genie sanitaire. La maison salubre, avec une preface par Louis Masson. 381 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere &fiU, 1898. BARRE. 360 BARRIE. Barre (Louis). *Asphyxie locale des extremites et albuminuric. 65 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 332. Barre (Louis) [1883- ]. *Le cceur de l'enfant dans la scarlatine. Contribution a l'etude du cceur dans les maladies infectieuses. 75 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 277. Barre (Paul) fils. See Barre (L.-A.) & Barre (Paul). Manuel de genie sanitaire [etc], 12°. Paris, 1897. Barreau (Edmond-Philippe-Olivier) [1877- ]. Contribution a l'etude des kystes huileux peid-orbitaires. 66 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, ■ 1904, No. 101. Barreau (Eugen [Hippolit Maria]) [1883- ]. *Ueber die Wirkung von Blutplattchenstoffen gegen Milzbranderreger. 27 pp. 8°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1909. Barreau (Ferdinand). Le magnetisme humain en cour de Rome et en cour de cassation sous le rapport religieux, moral et scientifique, suivi d'une methode pratique appuyee sur un grand nombre d'experiences et de faits nouveaux. xii, 308 pp. 12°. Barh, Sagnier dc Bray, 1845. Barreda (Lamberto). *Breves consideraciones sobre la anestesia general por el bicloruro de metilena. 31 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Mata, 1885. Barreda (Ricardo). *Estudio etiol6gico y pato- genico de la calentura. 30 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. B. Blanco, 1878. Barrel (Emile) [1871- ]. *De l'hemiatrophie faciale dans ses rapports avec les lesions du ganglion cervical inferieur. [Lyon.] 76 pp. 8°. Bourg, 1902, No. 132. Barrelier (Jacques) [1606-73]. [Biography.] Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten [etc.], 4°, Augsb., 1805, 62, port. Barrell (Joseph) [1869- ]. See Evolution (The) of the earth and its inhabitants, etc. 8°. New Haven, 1918. Barrenechea (Carmen). La moral y la higiene puerperal 6 infantil ante la beneficencia munici- pal, vii, 24 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. M. Busta- mente, [n. d.]. Barrenscheen (Hermann K.) Neuere Methoden der klinischen Mikroskopie. Supplement zu Atlas und Grundriss der klinischen Mikroskopie von N. von Jagic\ 4 p. 1., 39 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, M. Berks, 1913. Barrera (Jesus). *Del alcoholismo y algunas de sus formas. 25 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. Escalante dc Co., 1870. Barrere. Medical curiosities. 2 pi. fol. Barh, [n. d.]. Barrere (Abel-Eugene) [1874- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude des tumeurs malignes du vagin chez les enfants. 37 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 26. Barrere (Albert Marie Victor). A dictionary of English and French military terms. 2 v. 12°. London, Hachette dc Co., 1915. Barrere (L.) Contribution a Fetude de la paralysie generale d'origine traumatique. 69 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1910, No. 901. Barrere (Pierre) [16907-1755]. Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de la France 6quinoxiale, ou denom- brement des plantes, des animaux et des mine- raux, qui se trouvent dans l'isle de Cayenne, les isles de Remire, sur les cotes de.la mer, cl dans le continent de la Guyane. xxiv, 215 pp., 4 1. 16°. Barh, Biget, 1741. ■-----. Nouvelle relation de la France equi- noxiale, contenant la description des cotes de la Guiane; de l'isle de Cayenne; le commerce de cette colorrie; les divers changemens arrives Barrere (Pierre)—continued. dans ce pays; et les mceurs et coutumes des diffe- rens peuples sauvages qui l'habitent. iv, 250 pp., 11., 16 pi., 1 map. 16°. Barh, Biget, 1743. Barrere (Pierre-Marie-Louis-Leon-Gabriel) [1880- ]. *L'eau de mer en ingestion dans les dys- pepsies; son influence sur la secretion gastrique et l'excr6tion urinaire. 168 pp., 11. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1907, No. 89. Barret (Georges) [1872- ]. *La maladie de Basedow dans l'enfance. 98 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 109. See, aho, Leven (Gabriel & Barret (Georges). Radio- scopie[etc]. 12°. Parh, 1909. Barret (Jules-Maxime) [1879- ]. *La lutte contre la poussiere des voies publiques. 65 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1905, No. 27. Barret (Paul) [1876- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la chirurgie conservatrice des traumatismes du pied, de l'operation de Wladimirof-Mikulicz en particulier. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 134. Barreto (L.) Prontuario de medicina legal y jurisprudencia medica. iv, 198 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Bogota], 1890. Barrett (Ashley W[illiam]). Dental surgery for medical practitioners and students of medicine. 3. ed. xii, 152 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Leans, 1897. ------. The same. 4. ed. xii, 159 pp. 12°. Lon- don, H. K. Lewh, 1905. Barrett (C. R. B.) The history of the Society of Apothecaries of London, xxxix, 310 pp., 9 pi. roy. 8° London, E. Stock, 1905. Barrett (Charles William Sessions) [1857- 1915]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 879. Barrett (Howard). The management of chil- dren. A book for mothers and nurses, xx, 653 pp. 8°. London, G. Butledge dc Sons, 1906. Barrett (James F.) Organized labor and child labor reform. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1916. Barrett (Kate Walter). Some practical sugges- tions on the conduct of a rescue home. 115 pp. 8°. Washington, 1903. Barrett (R. J.). See Anglo-African (The) [etc.]. sm. 4°. London, 1905. Barrett (Wfilliam] C[ary]) [1834-1903]. Oral pathology and practice. A text-book for the use of students in dental colleges and a hand-book for dental practitioners, xii, 239 pp. 8°. Bhil- adelphia, 1898. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xii, 319pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia, 1901. For Biography, see Dental Office & Lab., Phila., 1903,4. s., xvh, 186 (J. Truman). Barrett (Sir William Fletcher) [1844- ]. On the threshold of the unseen; an examination of the phenomena of spiritualism and of the evi- dence for survival after death, xx, 336 pp. 8°. London, K. Baul, Trench, Triibner dc Co.; New York, E. B. Button dc Co., 1917. Barrey (Claude-Antoine) [1771-1837]. De la vac- cine et de ses effets. 396 pp., 2 1., 5 tab. 8°. Besancon, Couche, !808. ------. Histoire impartiale de la vaccine, ou appreciation du bien qu'on lui attribue et du mal qu'on lui impute, xx, 72 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Besancon, Veuve Badin, [1831]. Barreyre (Gustave) [1ST I- ]. *Des accidents consecutifs aux injections mercurielles dans le traitement de la svphilis. 127 pp. 8°. Boris, 1S9(5, No. 25. Barrie (Andrew David) [1842 M914]. Obituary. Glasgow M. J., 1914, lxxxi, 434. BARRIE. 361 BARROWS. Barrie (Jean-Zephyrin) [1884- ]. * Valeur de la nephrectomie pour tuberculose unilaterale. 236 pp. 8°. Byon, 1912, No. 24. Barrier (Gustave) & Petit (Gabriel). Manuel d'anatomie et de dissection du cheval de G. Nicolet. 201 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Baris, Asselin dc Houzeau, 1908. Barrier (Jean). *L'opotherapie des anciens; etude historique des preparations therapeu- tiques tirees du regne animal. 94 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 94. Barrier (Theodore). Contribution a l'etude de la theobromine et de son pouvoir diuretique. 118 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1898, No. 296. Barriere (Ernest-Jean-Felix) [1876- _ ]. *Ex- trait hepatique et affections du foie (cirrhose atrophique, hypertrophique, foie cardiaque). 76 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 115. Barriere (Louis) [1884- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'urticaire pigmentaire. 102 pp. 8°. Lyon', 1910, No. 101. Barrieu (Lionel) [1863- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la blennorrhagie simple chez l'homme; son traitement par les injections d'huile iodoformee. 61 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 82. Barriga (Jos6 T.) *Breve estudio acerca de la laringotomia y la traqueotomia. 92 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. J. Terrazas, 1894. [Also, in: P., v. 2178.] Barrillon (Louis) [1870- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la lepre a Alger; essais de serotherapie antilepreuse (methode de M. le Dr. Don Juan de Dios CarasquiUa). 99 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 596. Barringer (Benjamin Stockwell) [1877- ]. See Janeway (Henry Harrington). Radium therapy in cancer [etc.]. roy. 8°. New York, 1917. Barringer (Paul Brandon) [1857- ]. Cholera and its prevention. A circular by the State Board of Health. 8 pp. 8°. Bichmond, 1893. Barrington (Amy) & Pearson (Karl). A first study of the inheritance of vision and of the relative influence of heredity and environment on sight. 61 pp., 52 tab. 4°. London, 1909. Univ. Lond. Francis Galton Lab. Natl. Etfgenics. Memoir v- -------------. A preliminary study of extreme alcoholism in adults. 55 pp., 1 1. 4°. London, Bulau dc Co., 1910. Barrio (Albert-Alexandre-Jean-Charles) [1884- "J. Contribution a l'etude de la grossesse eemellaire intra et extra-uterine combinee. 60 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 332. Barrios (Paul). Contribution a l'etude de la maladie de Duhring infantile. 82 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 46. Barritt (Alfred). . , See Barritt (Wesley) & Barritt (Alfred). The simplex handbook of dental materia medica [etc.]. 8 . London, 1914. Barritt (Wesley) & Barritt (Alfred). The sim- plex handbook of dental materia medica and therapeutics; a simple tabulated classification of drugs and remedies used in dental operations and in the treatment of dental diseases, xi, 340 pp. obi. 8°. London, H; Kimpton, 1914. Barrois (Jean) [1884- ]. Etude des eaux et boues thermales de l'etablissement departemen- tal de Saint-Armand-les-Eaux (Nord). 152 pp. 8°. Lille, 1911, No. 3. . , Barrois (Leon-Joseph) [1874- ]. *Etude sur lekho-sam. 2p. 1., 96 pp., 21., 3pi. 8°. Nancy, 1901, No. 16. Barrois (Th[eodore-Charles]) [1857- ]. See Puericulture et hygiene [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 12°. Pans, 1908. Barron (George Betherton) [1822?-97]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 848. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 756. Barron (John) [1861-1918]. Obituary. Med. Press, Lond., 1918, n. s., cv, 168. Barros (Pedro). *Estudo clinico sobre as chama- das fracturas pathologicas. 115 pp. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Carvalhaes, 1905. Barros (Robert). *Des psychoses et des ne- vroses au cours de l'acromegalie. 66 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 440. de Barros de Andrade Lima (Jose) filho. Ca- deira de clinica propedeutica; signal de Gartner; estudo critico. 82 pp., 11. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, J. Ayres dc Co., 1905. de Barros Maenado da Silva (Alvaro). *Da orchidectomia dupla no tratamento da hyper- trophia da prostata. 72 pp., 11. 4°. Bio de Ja- neiro, Maia dc Niemeyer, 1899. de Barros Terra (Antonio). Da segunda bulha eardiaca. 91 pp. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, Bodrigues dc Co., 1904. Barroso (Sebastiao). Mordeduras de cobra e seu tratamento. 117 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Bae- mert dc Co., 1889. Barroso Nunes (Sebastiao). *Hematologia nas psychoses e cerebro-psychoses. 4 p. 1., 69 pp., 11. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1904. Barrough (Philip). The method of physick, con- taining the causes, signes, and cures of inward diseases in man's body, from the head to the foot, [etc.]. 8. ed. 7 p. 1., 477 pp., 3 1. «,°. London, G. Miller, 1639. Barrow (Benjamin) [1814-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 745.—Pavy (F. W.) [Biography.] Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1902, lxxxv, p. cl. Barrow (Elisabeth N.) [1869- ]. See Bjerre (Paul Carl). The history and practice of psychoanalysis [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1916. Barrows (Anna). Course in the use and prepa- ration of vegetable foods for movable and corre- spondence schools of agriculture. 98 pp. 8°. Washington, 1912. U.S. Dep.Agric Off.exper.stations,Wash., 1912. Bull. 245. Barrows (Charles Clifford) [1857-1916]. Obituary. J.Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 206. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, lxxxix, 72. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 80. Aho: Science, Lancaster, Pa., 1916, n. s., xlui, 528. Barrows (David Prescott). *The ethno-botany of the Coahuilla Indians of southern California; 82 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1900. Barrows (H. K.) Surface water supply of New England, 1906. 120 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1907. U. S. Dep. Int. Geol. Survey. Water-supply and irri- gation paper No. 201. ------. Surface water supply of the United States, 1909. Part I. North Atlantic coast. 309 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1911. U. S. Dep. Int. Geol. Survey. Water-supply paper No. 261. ______ & Babb (C. C.) Water resources of the Penobscot River basin, Maine. 285 pp., 19 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1911. TJ. S. Dep. Int. Geol. Survey. Water-supply paper No. 279. .______& Grover (N. C.) Surface water supply of Hudson, Passaic, Raritan, and Delaware river drainage, 1906. 77 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1907. U.S. Dep. Int. Geol. Survey. Water-supply and irri- gation paper No. 202. ______& Horton (A. H.) Surface water supply of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River drainage, BARROWS. 362 BARTEL. Barrows (H. K.) & Horton (A. H.)—continued. 1906. 98 pp., 2 pL, 1 map. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1907. U.S. Dep. Int. Geol. Survey. Water-supply and irriga- tion paper No. 206. Barrows (Samuel June) [1845-1909]. The crimi- nal insane in the United States and in foreign countries. Report by .• . ., commissioner for the United States on the International Prison Com- mission. 55. Cong., 2. sess. S. Doc. No. 273. May 24, 1898. 81 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1898. ------. The reformatory system in the United States. Reports prepared for the International Prison Commission. 56. Cong., 1. sess. H. II. Doc. No. 459. Feb. 26, 1900. Ref. to the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. 240 pp., 31 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1900. ------. Prison systems of the United States. Re- ports prepared for the International Prison Commission. 56. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. Doc. No. 566. April 3, 1900. Ref. to Committee on the Judiciary. 157 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1900. ------. New legislation concerning crimes, mis- demeanors, and penalties. Compiled from the laws of the Fifty-fifth Congress and from the session laws of the States and Territories for 1897 and 1898. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. Doc. No. 283. xxiv, 480 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1900. ------. Penal codes of France, Germany, Bel- gium, and Japan. Reports prepared for the International Prison Commission. 56. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Doc. No. 489. Feb. 25, 1901. Ref. to Committee on the Judiciary, x, 158 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1901. For Biography, see Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1910, vh, 103-106 (G. Stammer). Barroyer (Prosper-Charles-Gustave) [1876- ]. *Lessarcomesdel'orbite; leur pronostic. 70 pp., 11. 8°. Lille, A. Masson, 1900, No. 8. Barrucco (Nicol6). Dei processi blenorragici. 2pts. 320 pp.; 288 pp., lithograph. 12°. Bo- logna, 1897-8. ------. Del meccanismo valvolare degli sfinteri dell' uretra maschile in rapporto ai processi ble- norragici secondo le nuove e razionali teorie d' interpretazione e di uno schema meccanico dimostrativo. 20 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bologna, L. Beltrami, 1898. ------. II cistoscopio nei diagnostico e nella cura delle malattie della vescica orinaria e dei reni. 44 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bologna, L. Beltrami, 1898. Barrue (A.) Contribution a l'etude des troubles mentaux de la pelhurre. 77 pp. 8°. Toulouse, J. Fournier, 1910, No. 909. Barruol (Gabriel) [1870- # ]. *Etude clinique sur les complications cardiaques de la blennor- rhagie. 94 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 113. Barrus (Clara). Nursing the insane, x, 409 pp. 8°. New York, Macmillan Co., 1908. Barry (Andrew) [1843-1915]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 626. Aho: Glas- gow M. J., 1915, lxxxiv, 443. Barry (Sir Edward) [1696-1776]. Observations, historical, critical, and medical, on the wines of the ancients, and the analogy between them, and modern wines. With general observations on the principles and qualities of water, and in particular on those of Bath, xii, 479 pp., 1 pi. 4°. London, T. Cadell, 1775. For Biography, see Dublin .1. M. Sc, 1909, cxxviii, 442-461 [port.] (T. P. C. Kirkpatrick). Barry (Frederick William) [1850-97]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1127. Aho: Lan- cet, Lond., 1897, ii, 1016. Aho: Tr. Epidemiol. Soc Lond., 1897-8, n. s., xvh, 123-125. Barry (James) [1795-1865]. Rogers (E.) The grave of James Barry. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1115. Barry (James Metge). Registration of births and deaths in Ireland; the importance of extending the law to that portion of the Kingdom, modi- fied to meet the requirements of Ireland. 28 pp. 12°. Bublin, J. M. O' Toole dc Son, 1862. Barry (Richard). Who b?trays the working girl? pp. 175-181. 8°. New York, 1911. Cutting from: Pearson's Mag., N. Y., 1911, xxv. Barry (William F.) The hygiene of the school- room. 2. ed. xi, 195 pp. 8°. New York, Silver, Burdett dc Co., [1904]. ------. The same. Revised ed. x (11.), 195 pp. 12°. New York, Boston dc Chicago, Silver, Burdett dc Co., [1909]. Barsalou (Francois). Contribution a l'etude des myopies traumatiques. 122 pp. 8°. Tou- louse, 1910, No. 879. Barsanti (Angelo). Tracoma. 71 pp., 2 ch. 8 . Bucca, A. Bandi, 1908. Barse (Ren6) [1878- ]. *Les operations cor- rectrices des retrodeviations de l'uterus et leurs resultats. ix, 11-146 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 88. Barsickow ([Franz] Emil Waldemar) [1882- ]. *Ueber Appendicitis im Bruchsack. 28 pp. 8°. Tubingen, 1910. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1910, lxviii. Barsickow (Max). Ueber das sekundiire Dicken- wachstum der Palmen in den Tropen. 33 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1901. Forms No. 8, v. 24, n. F., of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb. Barsony (Janos). A gyermekagvi lazrol. [Puer- peral fever.] 292 pp., 2 1.. 19"tab. 83. Buda- pest, 1912. Bart (V[ilhelm] I[vanovich]) [1870- ]. * For- malin, kak konserviruyushtsheye preparati pri sudebno-khimicheskikh izslledovaniyakh. [ . . a preservative of preparations in forensic chemical investigations] 110 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, G. J. Zarkhi, 1904. Pharmacy. Bartali (Giorgio). Acqua e suolo. a proposito di una epidemia di ileo-tifo. 20 pp. 12°. Siena, E. Torrini. 1896. ------. Sulla sierodiatmosi dell' ileotifo. 8 pp. 8°. Siena, E. Torrini, 1S!)7. Bartel (Fr. Wilhelm). *Ueber den Wert des Fibrolvsins. [Bern.] 25 pp. S°. Berlin, B. Trenkcl, 1909. Bartel (Friedrich). *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spontanen Herzruptur. 50 pp. 8°. Erlan- gen. Junge dc Sohn, 1904. Bartel (Julius). Probleme der Tuberkulosel'rage. vi (1 1.), 147 pp. roy. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Daticke, 1909. ------. Ueber Morbiditat und Mortalitiit des Menschen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Fra^e der K< institution, iv (11.), 95 pp. rov. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Bcutickc, 1911. ------. Status thymicolymphaticus und Status hypoplasticus; ein Beitrag zur Konstitutions- lehre von J. Bartel; mit einer allgemein orien- tierenden Statistik von Bartel und [K] Bauer. iv (11.), 112 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Beutickc, 1912. BARTEL. 363 BARTH. Bartel (Martin) [1879- ]. *Das Adenom der Nase. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kdnigsberg i. Br., 0. Kummel, 1905. Bartels (Ernst) [1872- ]. *Cysticercus fascio- laris. Anatomie, Beitrage zur Entwicklung und Umwandlung in Taenia crassicollis. [Gies- sen.] 58 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1902. Bartels (Franz) [1876- ]. *Leberrupturen nach Kontusionen. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1904]. Bartels (Franz Friedrich Wilhelm) [1877- ]. *Zur Funktionspriifung der Leber bei Schwan- geren. 26 pp. 8°. Halle, C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1901. Bartels (H. J.) Het leven der ouders, de ge- boorte van het kind en de behandeling van kraamvrouw en zuigeling bij de natuurvolken in verband met de afstammingsleer. 16 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, M. Lobo, 1905. Bartels (Heinrich) [1882- ]. *Ueber Wund- infektion im Kriege. 55 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1909. Bartels (Karl) [1878- ]. *Beitrag zur patholo- gischen Anatomie der Keratitis disciformis. 37 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Bostock, Adler's Erben, 1907. Bartels (Martin). *Ueber Blutgefasse des Auges bei Glaukom und iiber experimentelles Glau- kom durch Versperrung von vorderen abfuhren- den Blutbahnen. Habilitationsschrift. [Mar- burg.] 95 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1905. Bartels (Martin August) [1875- ]. *Ueber Encephalo-myelo-meningitis diffusa hemorrha- gica mit endophlebitischen Wucherungen. [Strassburg i. E.] 44 pp., 2 pi., 11. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1902. Repr.from: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1902, xxxvi. Bartels (Maxfimilian Carl August]) [1843-1904]. Die Medicin der Naturvolker. Ethnologische Beitrage zur Urgeschichte der Medicin. xii, 361 pp. 8°. Leipzig, T. Grieben, 1893. See, aho, PIoss (Hermann Heinrich) [in 2. S.l. Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkunde, [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1904-5. For Biography, see Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1904, xxx, 1727 (A. Lissauer). Aho: Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1905, xxxv, 118. Bartels (Oskar) [1875- ]. *Zur Chirurgie der Nebennieren. 32 pp., 21. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1898. Bartels (Paul). Das Lymphgefassystem. xii, 280 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1909. See, aho, Ploss (Heinrich) & Bartels (Paul). Das Weib [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. For Biography, see Anat. Anz., Jena, 1914, xlvi, 201-211. Bartels (Rolf). *Em Fall von Aneurysma der Carotis interna dextra im Sinus cavernosus mit doppelseitiger Stauungspapille. [Erlangen.] 24 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Wurzburg, H. Stiirtz, 1903. Bartels (Wilhelm). *Beitrage zur Statistik der Cholelithiasis. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1898. Bartels (Wilhelm) [1870- ]. Beitrag zur Be- handlung der Brucheinklemmungen im Saug- lingsalter. 15 pp. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1901. Bartelt (Ernst) [1880- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Tumor der grossen Ganglien. 11 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, H. H Beters, 1904. Bartelt (Richard). *Ueber Pulsionsdivertikel des Oesophagus. 23 pp. 8°. Freiburg %. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1898. Barten (Erich Karl Ludwig) [1877- ]. *Em Beitrag zur Kenntnis der acuten Alcoholpsy- chosen. 36 pp., 21. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1902. Barten (Kurt Albert) [1880- ]. *Ueber die Folgen aseptisch eingeheilter Kupferstiickchen im Auge. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1908. Bartenbach (Karl) [1887- ]. *Ueber die Re- sorptionsfahigkeit der tierischen Haut fiir Jod- kallum in verschiedenen Salbengrundlagen. 74 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1909. Bartenstein (Friedreich Wilhelm). *Ueber einen Fall von Osteomalacic mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Entstehungstheorien. 35 pp. 8°. Freiburg i.B., H. M. Boppen dc Sohn, 1897. Bartenstein (Konrad Ludwig) [1874- 1. *Zur Bekampfung der Phtise. 38 pp.. 11. 8. Bres- lau, 1900. Bartenstein (L[udwig]) & Tada (G.) Beitrage zur Lungenpathologie der Sauglinge. 2 p. 1., 82 pp., 9 pi., 9 1. 8°. Beipzig dc Wien, F. Beuticke, 1907. Barth (Adolf). *Ueber das Verhalten des linken Ventrikels bei Mitralstenose. 31pp. 8°. Zurich, H. Fhcher, 1899. Barth (Adolf) [1852- ]. *Ueber den gegen- wartigen Stand der Hals-, Nasen- und Ohren- heilkunde. [Habilitationsschrift.] 24 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1899. ------. Ueber die Bildung der menschlichen Stimme und ihres Klanges beim Singen und Sprechen vom physiologisch - physikalischen Standpunkte betrachtet. 71 pp. 8°. Beipzig, J. A. Barth, 1904. ------. Klang und Tonhohe der Sprechstimme. 51 pp. 12°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1906. Barth (Alexander) [1875- ]. *Ueber Ureter- verletzungen bei Laparotomien. 33 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1900. Barth [Arthur]. Leber funktionelle Nierendiag- nostik. 27 pp. 8°. Berlin, H Kornfeld, 1908. Forms 245. Hft., v. 20, of: Berl. Klinik. Barth (Carl Heinrich) [1879- ^ ]. *Ueber Recidive bei erouposer Pneumonie. 27 pp., 2 ch. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Barth (Christian). *Zur Behandlung der Struma mit Thyreoidin. 42pp., 11. 8°. Wurzburg, N. Seubert 1899. Barth (Engelbert) [1872- ]. *Ueber hysteri- sche Schlafzustande. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke 1898. Barth (Ernst [Alfred Max]) [1863- ]. Ueber den gesundheitlichen Wert des Singens. vi, 51 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Breitkoff dc Hartel, 1898. ------. Einfiihrung in die Physiologie, Patholo- gie und Hygiene der menschlichen Stimme. xiv (1 1.), 509 pp., 2 col. pi. 4°. Beipzig, G. Thieme, 1911. ------. Therapeutisches Taschenbuch der Ohren- heilkunde. viii, 138 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, 1911. Barth (Ernst Carl) [1879- ]. *Beitrage zur Pathologie und Therapie der intermittierenden Hydronephrose. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Barth (Felix). *Ueber den Erfolg yon 90 eitri- gen Adnex-Operationen ausgefiihrt in der Uni- versitats-Frauenklinik zu Basel in -den Jahren 1901-8. [Basel.]. 77 pp. 8°. Bomanshorn, L. Koch, 1910. Barth (Friedrich). Aerztlicher Ratgeber bei der Pflege und Ernahrung des Kindes, nebst Anlei- tung zur ersten Hiilfe in Erkrankungsfallen, bei Vergiftungen und ausseren Einwirkungen. In Frage und Antwort leichtfasslich dargestellt. 128 pp. 12°. Koln, J. B. Bachem, [1901]. BARTH. 364 BARTHELEMY. Barth (Georg) [1884- ]. *Ueber die Bezie- hungen der Migriine zu anderen Nervenkrank- heiten. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, E. Hermann, 1909. Barth (George). Oxygen a remedy in disease. 32 pp. 12°. London, H. Bailliere, 1865. Barth (Hans). *Ueber Vorkommen, Nachweis und Bestimmung der Oxalsaure im Harn. [Freiburg i. B J 32 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903. Barth (J.-E.-Henri) [1853- ]. Terapiya bolieznei dikhatelnikh organov. Perevod s frantzuskavo M. Liona. [Treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs. Transl. from the French by M. Lion.] 208 pp. 8°. Moskva, A. A. Kartseff, 1896. ------. Semiolo Trattato complete di fisiol orapia. dietoterapia. e climato- terapia. x (1 1.), 432 pp. S°. Napoli. 1914. BASILE. 371 BASSAL. Basile (Giovanni) [1869- ]. Come posso guarirmi nelle malattie? 2. ed. xviii (11.), 576 pp. 8°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1914. Basilio (Pedro Antonio). *Vicios da nossa lin- guagem medica. 340 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Leuzinger, 1904. Basilysis. See Basiotribe and basiotripsy. Basins. See, also, Wash-basins. Bloom (W. A.) Basin. [Pat. spec] No. 917529; April 6, 1909— Dunlap (W. A.) Basin. [Pat. spec] No. 1051393; Jan. 28, 1913. -----. Manufacture of basins, etc. [Pat. spec] No. 1051394; Jan. 28, 1913.—Glauber (J. H.) Basin-cock fastener. [Pat. spec] No. 753974; March 8, 1904.—McCann (J. W.) Foldable basin. [Pat. spec] No. 758770; May 3,1904.—Magnuson (A.) Basin. [Pat. spec] No. 1049116; Dec. 31, 1912.—Majewski (K.) Ueber verbrennbare Eiterbecken; Beitrag zur chirurgischen Nachbehandlung. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 1087- 1089.—Soderlund (G. A.) Valve-mechanism for basin- outlets. [Pat. spec] No. 767450; Aug. 16,1904.—Wolf (M.) Surgical basin. [Pat. spec] No. 1253555; Jan. 15, 1918. Basiotribe and basiotripsy. See, also, Craniotomy (Methods and instru- ments for). Carbonelli (G.) Modificazioni al basiotribo diAuvard. 8°. Torino, 1896. Galvin (H.) *Etude sur quelques echecs de basiotripsie. 8°. Barh, 1904. Tritto (G.) La basiotripsia ed il 3° basio- tribo Tarnier. 8°. Napoli, [1902]. Audebert. Faut-il renoncer a la basiotripsie? Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1900, n. s., v, 277-280—de Bustamante (A. S.) Basiotripsia. Rev. med. Cubana, Habana, 1911, xviii, 121-126.—Caterini (E.) La basiotripsia nell' eser- cizio pratico. Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, NapoIL 1912, xxi, 332-343.—Charles (N.) Primipare albuminunque a 8* mois; spasme total de l'uterus; dilatation manuelle du col et basiotripsie; foetus putrefie; suites peu troublees. J. d'accoueh., Liege, 1902, xxhi, 253— Gasiglia & Ciando. Obliteration de l'orifice externe du col de 1'uterus; rigidity specifique du col; basiotripsie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi, 270-274— Gourdet. Modification au basiotribe. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1904, 2. s., xxh, 989-991.—Grosse (A.) Comment on peut manier le basiotribe. Rev. mens, de gynec, d'obstet. et de pediat., Par., 1909, iv, 225-231.—Le Maire (M.) [A few remarks concerning the use of the basiotribe.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kj0benh., 1910, lxxii, 184- 186.—Lepage (G.) & Grosse. Deux observations de basio- tripsie pratiquee avec une dilatation peu avancee de l'orifice uterin. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 33-38—Livon (J.) Basiotripsie sur un enfant mort dans un bassin retreci. Marseille med., 1906, xliii, 330; 334.—Minalos. Basiotripsie sur la tete; derniere retenue dans l'uterus et separee prealablement du tronc. Bull. Soc. d'obst. 4e Par., 1903, vi, 27-31—Oui. Sur un cas de basiotripsie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, vhi, 197 — Puech (P.) Presentation de la face; putrefaction foetale; basiotripsie. Montpel. med., 1904, xix, 39-41 — Queirel. De la basiotripsie. Marseille med., 1901, xxxviii, 65-73.— Riss (R.) Basiotripsie et embryotomie. Marseille med., 1906, xliii, 207-310.—Rouvier (J.) Pelviviciation; sphaeele genital ante-partum; infection amniotique; basiotripsie; crochet axillaire; guerison. Bull. Soc. d'obst. et de gynec de Par., 1913, ii, 449-452.—Sauvage & Huet. Un cas de basiotripsie pour osteo-sarcome du sacrum. Ann. med.- chir. du centre, Tours, 1903, iii, 170-172.—Savornin. Ba- siotripsie. Actualite med., Par., 1892, iv, 51.—Simpson (A. R.) Basilysis; demonstration of basilyst. Cong. internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 358-360.— Valjois. Presentation du front et basiotripsie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par.. 1911. xiv, 248-250.—Vasco d'Oliveira. Sobre um caso de bacia obliqua ovalar de Naegele; tenta- tivas infructiferas de forceps; basiotripsia sobre feto vivo. Med. mod., Porto, 1906, xiii, 11-13. Baskerville (Charles). Radium and radio-active substances. Their application especially to medicine. 2 p. 1., 164 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Williams, Brown dc Ernie, [1905]. Baskin (S[amuil] Zfakharyevich]) [1848- _ ]. K voprosu o poslierodovikh zabolievaniyakh. [On puerperal diseases.] 6 pp. 8°. [S.-Peter- burg, S. N. Khudekoff, 1897.] In: Sboen. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved., 1897, v. Basl (Ludwig) [1879- ]. *Welche Bedeutung kommt dem Trauma in der Aetiologie der ma- lignen Geschwulste zu? 28 pp. 8°. Erlanqen, E. T. Jacob, 1908. Easier (Adolf) [1878- ]. *Ueber die Art des Absterbens verschiedener quergestreifter Mus- keln bei erhohter Temperatur. 35 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, F. Pietzker, 1902. Baslez (Louis). *Contribution a l'etude del'omen- topexie. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. Basophobia. Mignot (R.) Observation d'un cas de basophobiea type myotonique. Rev. de med., Par., 1905, xxv, 298-302. Basque (Emilien) [1884- ]. *De l'etherisme. 76 pp. 8°. Byon, 1907, No. 65. Basqueiraz'(Jules-Marie). Contribution a l'etude de la cure radicale des hernies. [Geneve.] ii, 72 pp., 11. 8°. Sion, 1890. Basques. . Bertholon. Note sur l'identite des caracteres anthropo- logiques des Basques et des Pheniciens. Bull. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 18%, 4. s., vh, 663-671.—Dumont (A.) Natalities Basques de Bai'gorry. Ass. franc- pourl'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1892, Par., 1893, xxi, pt. 2, 597-612.—Herve,(G.) La race basque; conclusions et theories. Rev. de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1900, x, 214-237— Lespinasse. Deve- loppement physique et valeur rnilitaire dans la race basque. Arch, de med. et de pharm. mil.. Par., 1911, lviii, 451-455.— Schuchardt (H.) Baskisch-lberisch oder -Ligurisch? Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1915, xiv, 109-124.— Trebltsch (R.)- Ethnographisches aus dem Baskenlande. Ibid., 1914, xliv, Suppl., 27. Bass (Charles Cassedy) [1875- ]. See Dock (George) & Bass (Charles Cassedy). Hook- worm disease [etc.]. 8°. St. Louh, 1910. ------ & Johns (Foster M.) Alveolodental pyorrhea. 1 p. 1., 13-167 pp., 1 col. pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1915. ------------. Practical clinical laboratory diag- nosis; a thoroughly illustrated laboratory guide embodying the interpretation of laboratory findings, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine, lp.l., v-xvi, 178pp., 19 pi., tables, roy. 8°. New York, Bebman Co., [1917]. Bass (Eduard). Mittel und Wege zur Schaffung und Erhaltung eines entsprechenden Sanitats- Hilfspersonals fiir die Militar-Sanitats-Anstalten und die Truppen im Frieden und im Kriege. 2 p. 1., 155 pp., 21., 1 tab. 8°. Wien, J. Sdfaf, 1900. Bass (Eugen). Haltung und Pflege der Haustiere in gesunden und kranken Tagen. Illustriertes Tierarzneibuch der landwirtschaftlichen Nutz- saugetiere. 596 pp. 4°. Beutlingen, Ensslin dc Laiblin, 1910. Bass (Mile. Khassia) [1876- ]. *Diagnostic de la tuberculose par la methode de deviation du complement (methode de Marmorek). 34 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1911, No. 79. Bass (Oskar). *Ein Fall von Carcinom und Tu- berkulose des Ltems. 22 pp. 8°. Zurich, E. Speidel, 1899. Bass (William) [1833-1914]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxh, 947. Bassaget (Henri) [1873- ]. *Traitement du leucome par l'ammoniaque. 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1900, No. 63. Bassaget (Leon) [1869- ]. *Del'hidrocystome; contribution a, la pathologie des glandes sudori- pares. 72 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 575. Bassal (L.) *Tetanie infantile et nourrices goitreuses. 52 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1901, No. 407. BASSAN. Bassan (Isaac-S.) [1877- ]. Contribution a l'intervention chirurgicale dans les nephrites medicales. vi (1 1.), 230 pp. 8°: Lyon, 1903, No. 7. Lyon theses, tome iii. Bassani (Francesco) [1853-1916]. Alfano (G.) Obituary. Boll. d. Soc. di nat. in Napoli 1916(1917), 2. s.,ix, 62-81. Bassard (Emile) [1880- , ]. *Neuf cas de streptococcic sanguine. Etude bacteriologique et clinique. 73 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 137. Bassargette (Andre) [1888- ]. *Des calculs de l'uretre en arriere d'un retrecissement. 79 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1913, No. 55. Basse (Henri) [1883- _ ]. Contribution ^ a l'etude clinique des meningo-eneephalites liees a la tuberculose (encephalite subaigue curable des tuberculeux; tuberculose inflammatoire). 67 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 52. Basse (J. H). See Faust (Bernard Christoph). Catechism of health [etc.]. 16°. Dublin, 1794. Basseches (Sarah). *Statistische Zusammenstel- lung der in der Schweiz wahrend der Jahre 1900-1904 beobachteten Todesfalle infolge von Septicaemie, Pyaemie und Tetanus nach kleinen Verletzungen, Hitzschlag, Sonnenstich, Blitzschlag und Einwirkung eines elektrischen Starkstromes. 24 pp. 8°. Bern, Bosch dc Schatzmann, 1911. Bassenco (Abram) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von hysterischer Aphasie im Kindesalter. 25 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berlin-Charlottenburg, J. Zalachowski, [1904]. Basseres (M.) Pervichnaya perevyazka ogne- strielnikh ran na voinie. Perev. s frantsuzskavo A. A. Ivanova. [First dressing of gunshot wounds in war. Transl. from the French by Ivanoff.] 58 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1903. Basses -Pyrenees (Departement des). Jeunhomme (P.) Essai de topographic medicale des Basses-Pyrenees d'apres les documents du comite technique de sante. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1891, xvu, 185; 265; 441. Basset (Alfred-Francois-Honor<5). *Etude medi- cale sur l'ouvrier mineur. 92 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 334. Basset (Antoine) [1882- ]. *L'epithelioma primitif du clitoris; son retentissement ganglion- naire et son traitement opeiratoire. 131 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Barh, 1912, No. 180. Basset (Charles-Louis-Jean-Baptiste). ♦Contri- bution a l'etude des methodes physiques d'exa- men du lait. (Cryoscopie. Refractometrie. Tension superficielle.) Travail du laboratoire de physique appliquee a la pharmacie. 60 pp. 8°v Bordeaux, 1905, No. 25. Ecole de pharmacie. Basset (Gardner Cheney) [1873- ]. Habit formation in a strain of albino rats of less than normal brain weight, iv, 46 pp. 8°. Cam- bridge, Boston dc New York, fl. Holt d- Co., [1914]. Basset (Otto) [1823-1904]. Basset (F.) Nekrolog. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1904, Bresl., 1905, lxxxii, Nekrol., 1-4. Basset (P[aul-]L[ouis]. Etude sur les eaux de Saint-Nectaire. 102 pp. 8°. Barh, W. Bem- guet dc Cie., 1860. Basset (Richard) [1880- ]. *Leber Hernien der Regio duodenojejunalis. [Erlangen.] 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1908. Bassett (John Y.) [1805-81]. Osier (W.) An Alabama student. 12°. Baltimore, 18%. BASSO. Bassett (Victor H.) [1871- ]. The detection of added water in milk by means of the immer- sion refractometer. 6 pp. 8°. [Savannah], 1913, Bassett (Wilson T.) [1821-1905]. Memoriam (In). Albany M. Ann., 1905, xxvi, 774. Bassi (Agostino) [1775-1856]. Discorsi sulla natura e cura della pellagra. Con prefazione di C. Lombroso. Ristampa dell'edizione di Milano 1846. viii, 33 pp., 11. 8°. Torino, frat. Bocca, 1903. For Biography, see Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1902, vi, 42-53 (S. Calandruccio). Aho: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxh, 1231. Bassi (Fernandino). Delle terme Porrettane. vi (11.), 283pp., 3pi. roy. 8°. Boma,G.Zempel, 1768. Bassi (Roberto) [ -1914]. See Chiappero (Francc6co) & Bassi (Roberto). Com- pendio di farmacologia veterinaria. 16°. Torino, 1872. For Biography, see Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1914, 4. s., xx, 258-261 (E. Perroncito). Aho: N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1914, xix, 289-292. Bassim (C.-Georges) [1830- ]. *Les complioa- tiotis broncho-pulmonaires consecutives a l'ade- noidectomie et a l'amygdalectomie. 2 p. 1., 56 pp. 8°. Barh, 1913, No. 181. Bassin (Naum). *Kann das Herz tetanisiert werden? [Bern.] pp. 429-450, 1 ch. 8°. Leip- zig, 1907. Repr.from: Arch. f. Anat., Leipz., 1907. Bassini [Edoardo ] [1847- ]. See Nlcoladoni (Carl.) Hundert Radicaloperotionen [etc.]. 4°. IV;vn,1893. For Biography, see Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1904, xl, 526-528. Bassinot (Eugene-Georges) [1872- ]. *De l'occlusion intestinale par torsion totale de mesentere. 71 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 519. Bassler (Anthony) [1874- ]. Diseases of the stomach and upper alimentary tract. 836 pp., 56 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1910. ------. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., xviii, [3]-S70 pp., 75 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1913. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. 1 p. 1., xviii, 3-881 pp., front., 76 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1916. Bassler (Eugen) [1882- _ ]. *Polarisation der X-Strahlen, nachgewiesen mittels Sekundiir- strahlung. 104 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1908. Bassler (Ray Smith) [1878- ]. The early paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. 382 pp., 13 pi. 8°. Washington, 1911. Forms Bull. No. 77 of: Smithson. Inst. U. S. Nat. Mus. ------. Bibliographic index of American Ordo- vieian and Silurian fossils, v. 1 & 2. viii, 1521 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1915. Forms Bull. No. 92 of: Smithson. Inst., U. S. Nat. Mus. Bassler (Sanford) [1S65-1916]. Dleti (W. E.) In memoriam. Albany M. Ann., 1916, xxxvii, 241. Bassmann (Emil) [1873- ]. *Ein Fall von Hysteric 46 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1903. Basso (Domenico). Contributo clinico alia cura operaliva della miopia eccessiva. 29 pp. 8°. J'avia, Bizzoni, 1900. Basso (Emmanuel) [1880- ]. *Les colonies de vacances. Historique. Fonctionnement. Re- sultats. 69 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 115. Basso (Ludovic) [1879- ]. *Contribution a l'etude des kystes hydatiques multiples de la cavite abdominale. 65 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 126. BASSOE. 373 BASTOS. Bassoe (Peter) [1874- ]. See Patrick (Hugh Talbot) & Bassoe (Peter). Nervous and mental diseases. 8°. Chicago, 1911. Basson (Etienne) [1883- ]. *Etude sur la delivrance. Du diametre transversal de l'ut6- rus pendant la delivrance normale. 92 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 77. Bassuet (Marcel). *La descendance des tabe- tiques. 147 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 125. Bast [J. C. T.j De doseering der voornaamste geneesmiddelen in de kinderpraktijk. 47 pp. 12°. Botterdam, W. J. van Hengel, 1903. ------. lets over herstellingsoorden voor kindern. Populaire vergelijkende schets. 78 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Botterdam, W. J. van Hengel, 1905. Bastanier (Ernst) # [1870- ]. *Ueber trau- matische Perforationen des Trommelfelles mit Berucksichtigung der Fremdkorper des Ohres. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, Thormann dc Goetsch, 1897. Bastard (Gustave) [1869- ]. Contribution a l'etude du traitement du cordon ombilical apres la naissance. Action des bains. 44 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 272. ------. The same. 44 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1897. Bastard (Toussaint) [1784-1846]. Couffon (O.) [Biography.] Arch. med.d'Angers, 1906, x, 475; 497. Bastedo (Walter Arthur) [1873- ]. Materia medica; pharmacology; therapeutics; prescrip- tion writing, for students and practitioners. 2 p. 1., 13-602 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1913. —----. Thesame. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 9-654 pp. roy. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, W. B. Saunders dc Co., 1918. See, aho, Morris (Henry). Essentials of materia medica [etc]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1904. Basten (Hubert) [1877-1904]. *Das Kephalhae- matoma externum beim Neugeborenen insbe- sondere seine Aetiologie. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow, 1904. Basten (Josef) [1886- ]. *Ueber die Patho- genitat des Loffler'schen Mausetyphusbazillus. [Heidelberg.] 21 pp. 8°. Geilenkirchen, C. van Gils, 1911. Bastgen (Franz Josef) [1882- ]. *Leber die behaarten Rachenpolypen. 42 pp. 8°. Gies- sen, O. Kindt, 1908. Basthard-Bogain (Andr^-Joseph). *Essai his- torique sur la peste en France au xive siecle. 32 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 412. Bastian (Adolf) [1826-1905]. # Das Bestandige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer Veranderlichkeit. Prolegomena zu einer Eth- nologie der Culturvolker. Mit einer Karte von Prof. Kiepert. xvi, 287 pp., 1 map. 8°. Berlin, B. Beimer, 1868. ------. Die Vorstellungen von der Seele. 48 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1875. Forms 226. Hft. of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr. -----. Controversen in der Ethnologie. Sociale Lnterlagen fiir rechtliche Institutionen. iv, 55 pp. 8°. Berlin, Wiedmann, 1894. See, aho, Festschrift fiir Adolf Bastian zu seinem 70. Geburtstage, 26. Juni 1896. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1896. For Biography, see Achelis. Adolf Bastian. 8°. Ham- burg, 1891. See, aho: Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1906, xxxvi, 174-180 (F. von Andrian). Aho: Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1905, xxxvu, 234-256, port. Bastian (Henry Charlton) [1837-1915]. A trea- tise on aphasia and other speech defects, viii, 366pp., lpl. 8°. London, H. K. Bewis, 1898. Bastian (Henry Charlton)—continued. ------. The same, viii, 366 pp., 1 pi. 8°. New York, B. Appleton dc Co., 1898. ------. Studies in heterogenesis. Pt. 1. v, 61, x pp., 5 pi. 8°. London, Williams dc Norgate, 1901. ------. The same. Pt. 2. iv (11.), 147, xvii pp., 11 pi. 8°. London, Williams dc Norgate, 1901. ------. The evolution of life, xviii, 319 pp., 12 pi., diagrs. 8°. London, Methuen dc Co., [1907]. ------. The origin of life; being an account of ex- periments with certain superheated saline solu- tions in hermetically sealed vessels. 98 pp., 11., 12 pi. 8°. London, Watts dc Co., 1913. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 795. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1220-1224, port. Aho: Nature, Lond.. 1915, xcvi, 347. Aho: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1916, s. B., lxxxix, pp. xxi-xxiv (F. W. M.). Aho: Rev.scient., Par., 1916, i, 195-198 (Maumus). Bastian (Willibald) [1868- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von akuter Phosphorintoxikation. 28 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1903. Bastianelli (G[iulio]) & Bignami (Amico). La malaria e le zanzare. 24 pp. 8°. Boma, L. Arterio, 1899. Bastianelli (Pietro). Sei anni di pratica chirur- gica operativa (anni 1901-1906). Contributo clinico-operativo. xxiii, 372 pp., 11., 8 pi. fol. Montevarchi, E. Bulini, 1907. Bastianelli (Raffaele). Co- Editor of: It ivista ospedahera, Roma, 1911-18. Bastick (William). Pharmaceutical veterans: William Bastick. Chem. & Drug., Lond., 1903, lxii, 657. Bastide (Francois-Edouard). *Contribution a l'etude du pronostic et du traitement du sarcome du maxillaire inferieur. 78 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 566. Bastide (Theodore) [1877-_ ]. *Du debase- ment du tarse dans les pieds-bots congenitaux inveteres (methode de Championniere). 33 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 64. Bastien (Auguste-Albert-Gabriel) [1886- ]. *De l'ablation de la clavicule et de la poign^e du sternum comme temps prediminaire a cer- taines operations de la region. 69 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1911, No. 106. Bastien (Henri-Leon) [1881- ]. *Du traite- ment orthopedique de quelques cas de maladie de Little. 66 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1907, No. 3. Bastiles (The) of the North. See Sangston (Lawrence) [in 2. s.]. Bastin (Friedrich Karl) [1879- ]. *Ueber die Verstopfung des Oesophagus durch ein Blutge- rinnsel bei Melsena neonatorum. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1908. Bastin (Z.) & Housiaux (H.) Gymnastique pour les ecoles et les families en rapport avec l'instruction publiee par le Ministere des sciences et des arts pour servir a l'interpretation du programme de gymnastique dans les ecoles primaires. 139 pp. 12°. Tamines, 1911. Bastings (Alexandre]) _ [1811- ]. Guerison d'un cas grave de phthisie chez une fille de huit ans et demi par electrisation methodique des muscles de la respiration. Extrait du journal public par la Society royale des sciences medi- cales et naturelles de Bruxelles. 24 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1879. Bastit (Leon) [1869- ]. Contribution a l'etude de Faction du chloroforme; paralysies observers apres l'anesthesie.- 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 108. Bastos (Enrico). See Gon§alves Bastos (En- rico) [in 2. s.]. de BASTOS. 374 BATESON. de Bastos Mello (Francisco). *Algumas con- sideracoes sobre as difficuldades do delivramento. 68 pp., 11. 8°. Biode Janeiro, Carvalhaes, 1905. Bastos Monteiro (Hernani). Catalogo do Museu de anatomia normal [Faculdade de medicina do Pdrto]. xliv, 112 pp., 25 pi. 8°. Porto, Enci- clop.portuguesa, 1917. Bastyr (Alfred). See Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde [etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1902. Bastyf (Moric) [1835-94]. [Biography.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1894, xxxhi, 810. Baszynski (Sally) [1877- ]. *Ueber die Fibrome der Bauchdecken. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1901. Bat (V[ladimir] G[edeonovich]) [1859-99]. Tif: bryushnoi, sipnoi i vozvratniy. [Typhoid, typhus, and relapsing fevers.] 56 pp. 12°. S.-Beterburg, 1899. Sputnik zdorov., suppl., 1899, No. 8. Bataafsche apotheek. 384, 30 pp., 6 1., 2 tab* 8°. Amsterdam, J. Allart, 1807. Bataafsche Maatschappij der-Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. v. 1-2, 1799-1803. 8°. Amsterdam. Continued -as: Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de koninklijke (yoorhen Bataafsche) Maatschappij der Weten- schappen te Haarlem. Batailhe (J.-F.) Pailhas (B.) Batailhe, professeur libre a la Faculte de medecine de Paris (1850-65), et lestatuaire Carpeaux. Chron. med., Par., 1909, xvi, 481-494. Bataille (Albert) [1856-99]. Causes criminelles et mondaines de 1891-6. 6 v. 8°. Baris, E. Bentu, 1892-7. ------. The same. Causes criminelles et mon- daines de 1897-8; l'affaire Dreyfus. Premier volume. 483 pp. 12°. Barh, Bib. Bentu, 1898. Bataille (Emile) [1825-1910]. [Obituary.] Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1910,293. Bataille (Pierre). *Les vins du Roussillon, etude chimique. 113 pp., 1 map. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1912. Ecole de pharmacie, No. 84. Bataille (Victor-Marie-Eugene-Raymond) [1880- ]. Contribution a l'etude des manifesta- tions grippales dans les suites de couches. 113 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1908, No. 21. Batailler (A.) & Tresfont (E.) Cours d'hygiene generale et industrielle. vii, 381 pp. 8°. Barh, H. Bunod dc E. Binat, 1913. Batailler (Auguste) [1871- ]. *Les persecutes auto-accusateurs. 113 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 327. Batanoff (Stantcho) [1869- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la gastro-entero-anastomose posle- rieure transmeso-colique. 54 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 83. Batard (Charles) [1873- ]. Contribution a l'etude des troubles oculaires d&s aux parasites intestinaux. 64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bans, 1901, No. 571. . Batault (Emile). Contribution a l'etude de l'hysterie chez rhomme. [Geneve.] 155 pp., 21. 8°. Barh, [1885], Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. v. 1-15, 1814-96. 8° & 4°. Batavia. Batchelder (Charles F.) Notes on the summer birds of the upper St. John. pp. 106-152. 8°. [n. p.], 1882. Batchelor (Ferdinand Campion) [ 1915]. Obituary. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1915-16, xiv, 258-266, port. Batchelour (W.)^ Homoeopathy compared with the usual practice of medicine, and its supe- riority vindicated; exemplified by statistical facts, and cases successfully treated. 80 pp. 12°. Bondon, J. Leath, 1845. Batchvaroff (Theodore). Contribution a l'etude de l'influence de la duree et de l'intensite de l'excitation eiectrique sur la production des convulsions toniques et cloniques. 31 pp. 8°. Lausanne, A. Better, 1906. Bate (George) [1608-^69]. Pharmacopoea Bateana, qua nongenta circiter pharmaca, pleraque omnia e praxi Georgii Batei excerpta. 5 p. 1., 431 pp. Ed. tertia. 24°. Bugduni, Barhiis, A. Auroy, 1704. ^ . ------. The same. Pharmacopoeia Bateana; or, Bate's dispensatory. Translated from the last edition of the Latin copy, published by James Shipton, 4. ed., by William Salmon. 8 p. 1., 744 pp., 6 1. 8°. Bondon, printed for W. Lnnys, at the Brince's Arms, 1713. Bateman (Sir Frederic) [1824-1904]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 413-415. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 569, port. Aho: Med. Press :in74; Nov. 12, 1907.— Straube (R.) Combined rocking-chair and bath. No. 633398; Sept. 19, 1899.—Strj ker \g. B.) Bath-cabinet No. 1277502; Sept. 3, 1918 -Thompson (D. L.) Bath cabinet. No. 1065853; June 24, 1913.—Thompson (H.) Bathing-machine. No. 723759; March 24, 1903.—Tolley (LaviniaD.) Safety bath-tub mat. No. 1239642; Sept. 11, 1917.—Trick (W. C.) Bath cushion. No. 1039334; Sept 24, 1912.—Tyne (J. J.) Water commingling head. No. 1030144; June 18, 1912.—Ufford (M. J.) Bathing boat. No. 982025; Jan. 17, 1911.—Wald (J.) Bathing appliance. No. 1175491. March 14, 1916.—Walstown (A. M.) Bati!- cabinct. No. 873M1; Dec. 17,1907.—Walter (C.) Means for heating baths. No. 650439; Mav 29, 1900.—Weaver (II. M.) Bath and basin waste. No. 913077; Feb. 23,190$—Wiggins id. O.) Bath apparatus. No. 1022346; April 2, 1912 — Wlloth (L.) & Greer (A. L.) Bath-cabinet. No. 1240911; Sept. 25,1917.—Wilson (H. Y.) Vapor bath cabinet. No. 1128564; Feb. 16, 1915—Wilson (M. A.) Bath device. No. 1021346; March 26, 1912.—York (C. H.) Portable bath. No. 720089; Feb. 10, 1903— Zimmerman (R. V.) Bath- mat. No. 1065909; June 24,1913. Baths (Aerated and gaseous). See, also, Baths (Carbonated); Baths (Oxy- genated). Fuhrer (F.) *Experimentelle Studien fiber die Einwirkung von Wasserstoffbiidern auf den tierischen Organismus. 8°. Giessen, 1912. Garfinkel (Mindla Cirla). *Leber Luftgas- bader. 8°. Zurich, 1911. < himinelll (L.) Dei bagni di gas. Atti d. Cong. naz. d'idrol. eclimat., Parma, 1898, v,210-212.—Klug & Treblng (J.) Vergleichende Studien uber die Wirkung von Gasba dern. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl. 1909, vi,- 840-850.—Kowalskl (E.) (Influence of gaseous baths on the organs of circulation, healthy and diseased! Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1900. xxxix, 675; 091; 707; 723.—Kueera (A.) [Specific effects or gaseous baths] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1913, Iii, 570: 607—Leuschner (A. W.) Production of aerated baths. [ Pat. spec] No. 1034919; Aug. 6, 1912.— Mougeot (A.) Uu nouveau procede balneotherapique: le BATHS. 377 BATHS. Baths (Aerated and gaseous). bain hydro-aerique. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1912, lv, 753 — Mttller (0.) Zur Frage der spezifischen Wirkung gashalti- ger Bader. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Berl., 1910, iii, 127-130.—von Orth (L.) Device for introducing gases into bath fluids. [Pat. spec] No. 727425; May 5, 1903. -----. Means for mtroducing gases into bath fluids. [Pat. spec.) No 743025- Nov. 3,1903— Schemel. Erfahrungen mit einigen neueren Apparaten zur Herstellung von gashaltigen Wasserbadern Ztschr. f. phys. u. diat. Therap., Leipz., 1911, xv, 146-150 — Schtttz (M.) Die Herstellung der kiinstliehen Gasbader. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc], Berl., 1910-11, hi, 622; 664J 684. Baths (Brine). See Baths (Mud, etc.); Waters (Mineral, Saline). Bath s (Carbonated). See, also, Heart (Biseases of, Treatment of) by Schott's method; Waters (Mineral, Carbonated). Bogner (J.) *Experimentelle Studien iiber die Wirkung wechselwarmer kohlensaurer Bader bei Tieren. 8°. Giessen, 1913. Kleeberg (E.) *Experimentelle Studien uber die Wirkung kohlensaurer Bader bei Tieren. 8°. Giessen, 1912. Punin (K. V.) *Vliyaniye uglekislikh vann indifferentnoi temperaturf na krovoobrashtshe- niye. [Influence of carbonated baths of indif- ferent temperature upon the circulation.] 8° S.-Beterburg, 1911. in der Stroth (A.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Indifferenzpunktes bei Kohlensaurebadern und einfachen Wasserbadern. 8°. Tubinqcn, 1908. Aho, in: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1909, xxhi, 190-201. von Surawski (J.) *Beitrage zur Physiologie und Technik der Kohlensaurebader. 8°. Zurich, 1910. Anthony (C. G.) Actual values in the Nauheim bath system. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1916, vi, 90-94.—Arnstein (F.) [On carbonic acid saturated baths in arteriosclerosis and angina pectoris.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1908, xliii, 77-83.—Bahrmann. Ueber die Zweckmas- sigkeit der Verwendung der Kohlensaurebader nach Zucker und der Silvanaessenzen als Baderzusatz. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., Berl., 1907, 531-534.—Baruch (S.) Carbon dioxide baths. N. York M. J. [etc. J, 1916, ciii, 913-917. A ho, Re- print.— Baur. Bildet ubernormaler Blutdruck eine Kon- traindikation fur die Anwendung der kohlensaurehaltigen Solthermen? Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1907, pt. 2, 1-11.—Beerwald (K.) & von der Heide (R.) Das Verhalten der Kohlensaure in kunstlichen und naturlichen Kohlensaurebadern. Med. Khn., Berl., 1909, v, 697-699. Aho: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., Berl. & Wien, 1909, pt 2, 93-100.—von Boltenstern. Ueber Kohlensaurebader. Reichs-Med.- Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxhi, 85-87.—Brodzki (J.) Beitrag zur Wirkung der COrBader mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Indikationen Kudowas. Khn.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1913, ix, 549-553.—Btthler (A.) Das Sprudelbad von Weber. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xhi, 1260- 1265.—Buxbaum (B.) Ueber Kohlensaurebader. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lxh, 2672; 2764.—Dinkelacker (G.) Ueber die speziflsche Wirkung gashaltiger Bader auf den Kreislauf. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1910, viii, 150-168,1 pi.—EinJteldt (W.) Naturliche Kohlensaure- bader. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1909, iv, 41-43.—Faber (A.) & Marcussen (S.) [Carbon dioxide baths.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1916, Ixxviu, 657-659.—Fellner (B.) Die Herz- und Gefasswirkung alter und neuer natiirUcher COrBader. Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl. Berl. & Wien, 1910, 242-249.—Fellner (L.) Zur physiologischen Wirkung der Kohlensaurebader. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xhi, 746-750. Aho: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Ge- sellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1905, pt. 2, 299-307. [Discussion], pt. 1, 27-29. -----. Neue Untersuchungen uber die physiologische Wirkung derKohlensaure-Gasbader. Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., Berl. & Wien, 1909, pt. 2, 361-371.—Fisch (M.) Aphor; dosierte (kunstli- che) Kohlensaure-Bader, System Dr. Fisch. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1903, 365-368. Aho: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 51-54. -----. Ueber Wesen und Bedeutung der Kohlensaure-Bader-Behandlung. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1904, 481-486. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Ge- sellsch. in Berl., 1904, 166-179— Frankenhauser (F.) Technik und Indikationen der kohlensaure- und sauer- stoffhaltigen Bader. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxvih, 97-100.—Fredet (E.) & Mougeot (A.) Baths (Carbonated). Les indications des bains carbo-gazeux. J. de physiotherap. wm;V 19(S'Ju».41^2.-Garflnkel Schweiz. arztl. Mitt. a. Univ.-Inst, Zurich, 1911. £^77•_"G£?1lme,• &unstliche Kohlensaure-Bader. Khn.- therap. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1913, xx, 1379-1383.—Gold- schelder. Zur physiologischen Wirkung der Kohlen- saurebader. Mecf.-Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 766-769.-Groedel ( v\ ,.yersuchemltkohlensaurenGasbadern; ein Beitrag zur Lrklarung der physiologischen Wirkung der kohlen- Ino^S, Wasserbader. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xhv, 502-o06 Aho: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol Gesellsch. 1907, pt. 2, 97-111. [Discussion], pt. 1, 8—d.e la Harpe (E.) De Taction immediate des bains ?™o Sazeuxsurlesystemecirculatoire. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1903, xvi, 107-109.—von der Heide (R.) Ueber den Kohlen- sauregehalt verschiedener Formen naturlicher und kiinst- Jicher Kohlensaurebader und der dariiber lagernden Luft- schicnten. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl., 1910-11, ui, 644-658.—Heitz (J.) Du mecanisme de Paction des hams carbo-gazeux sur I'appareil cardio-vasculaire. Ann. ahydrol. et de climat. med., Par., 1904, ix, 112; 129. ----r. Des modifications de la pression arterielle et de la pression arterio-capillaire sous l'influence des bains carbo- gazeux. J. de physiotherap., Par., 1905, hi, 133-142.-----. Hypertension et bains carbo-gazeux. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect. 4, 222-233.-----. Sur l'effet diuretique du bain carbo-gazeux, par la methode de l'elimi- nation urinaire provoquee. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1906, xhx, 409.—Herz (M.) Ueber den Missbra-ch der Kohlensaure- bader. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1908, lui, 461.------. Ueber Kohlensaurebader in der hauslichen Praxis. Ibid., 1911, lvi, 423.—Hirschfeld (A.) Die Wirkung kohlensaure- haltiger Bader auf die Blutvertedung. Ztschr. f. Balneol Khmat. [etc.], Berl., 1912-13, v, 368-382. -----. Einige Versuche uber die Beeinflussung der Gefassreflexe durch kohlensaurehaltige Bader. Ibid., 382-385.-----. Ueber die Wirkung der Kohlensaure im Wasserbade (zugleich eine Kritik der Otfried Miiller'schen Versuche). Ztschr. f phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix. 11-115.—Hohn (J.) UeberkombinierteSchwefel-Kohlensaurebader. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxix, 202.—Homberger (E.) Ueber die Wirkung der kohlensauren Bader. Berl. khn. Wchn- schr., 1905, xiii, 680-682. Aho: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1905, pt. 2, 256-264 [Discussion], pt. 1, 25.— Honan (J. H.) Clinical observa- tions of carbonic acid brine baths on the circulation. Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1913, xx, 309-322. Aho: Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1913, cix, 419-425. -----. The administra- tion of the carbonic acid brine baths (Nauheim baths). Albany M. Annv 1916, xxxvu, 51-58.-----. Therapeutic action of carbonic acid brine baths (Nauheim baths) in cardiovascular diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, lxxxix, 233-236.—Huchard (H.) La medication par les bains carbo-gazeux et ses dangers; accidents mortels. Bull. gen. de therap [etc], Par., 1903, cxlvi, 250-255.-----. L'actiori hypertensive ou hypotensive des bainsc arbo-gazeux suivant leur mode d'emploi. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 402.—Jacob (J.) Wiewirktdaskohlensaure Bad, ist es ein schonendes oder gymnastisches Verfahren fiir das schwache Herz? Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x,1353 — Klonka. Ueber Kohlensaurebader. Jahresk. f. arztl. Fortbild Miinchen, 1911, 8. Hft., 17-23.—Kisch (F.) Zur physiologi- schen Wirkung der naturlichen Kohlensaurebader! Prag med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 678; 696. ■-----. Wie reagiert der normale Zirkulationsapparat auf naturliche Kohlen- saurebader. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 855-877. Aho: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol Gesellsch. 1906, pt 2, 410-416. [Discussion], pt. 1, 37.- Kisch (H.) Les bains de gaz carbonique a Manenbad (Boheme). Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1899, xln, 96-98.—de La Harpe (F.) Ueber die unmittelbare Wirkung der kohlen- sauren Bader auf den Blutdruck. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch., Aarau, 1905, 1. Hft., 69-73.—Laussedat. De Taction hypertensive ou hypotensive des bains carbo- gazeux suivant leur mode d'emploi. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par., 1904, ix, 321-327. Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Par., 1905, 2. s., xvii, 236. -----. Influence de la couleur et de la luminosite des salles de bains sur Taction therapeutique des bains carbo-gazeux. Gaz. d. eaux, Par 1907, 1, 249-251—Lebram (P. G.) Process of preparing carbonic-acid baths. [Pat. spec] No. 897546; Sept. 1, 1908.—Levertln (A.) [Carbonic acid baths and their indi- cations.] Forhandl. v. nord. Kong. f. inv. med., Stockholm, 1896, i, 39-42—Liwschitz (B.) Tachographische Unter- suchungen uber die Wirkungsweise kohlensaurehaltiger Soolbader. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1907, iv, 693-703, 1 pi.—Loebel (A.) Zur Technik und Wirkung der stromenden Kohlensaurebader. Veroffentl. d. Hufe- land. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1904, 145-166—Marcussen (S.) & Faber (A.) [Carbonic acid baths.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1918, lxxx, 1142-1145.—Mougeot (A.) Bains wcarbo-gazeuxet nutrition; recherches experimentales. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 362; 412.-----. Du mecanisme physiologique de la diurese par le bain carbo- gazeux; sujets sains et hypertendus. J. de physiotherap., Par., 1911, ix, 540-542. ■-----. Action renale du'bain carbo- gazeux. 366-387. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. C.-r., 1912, lvii, -----. Recherches sur la diurese comparee de BATHS. 378 BATHS. Baths (Carbonated). l'eau et des chlorures chez l'homme sain sons l'influence des bains carbo-gazeux naturcls a temperature indifferent* de Royat. Presse mod., Par., 1912, xx, 83.—MUller (O.) Ueber die Kreislaufwirkung kohlensaurehaltiger Solbader. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1909, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 80-86.-----. Zur Frage der Kreislauf- wirkung kunsthcher kohlensaurehaltiger Solbader. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 111-115.— Murik (F.) Die Ursache der peripheren Haut-Hyperamie im Kohlensiiurebade. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Khmat, [etc.], Berl., 1913-14, vi, 123-127.- Nenadovics (L.) Baderregula- tor, eine neue Vorrichtung zur direkten und indirekten Frwarmung und Abkuhlung des Kohlensiiurebades. Med. Klin., Berl., 1912, viii, 1545. Also: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch in Berl., Berl. & Wien, 1912, xxxiii, pt. 2, 281-2S5. -----. Zur Methodik des Kohlensaurebads. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 995. Also: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1913, xxxiv, pt. 2,125-128. [Discussion], pt. 1, 38.— Pieralini. Il bagno gassoso d'acido carbonico. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1905, xvi, 93-98.- Pototzky (C.) Kohlen- saure Hand- und Fussbader. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, Iv, 335.— Prybila. Vergleiche zwischen Kohlensaure- und radioaktiven Saucrstoff-Kohlensaurebadern. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 83.—Pyrz (A.) Ueber die Theorie der Senator- und Frankenliauserschen COrBader- wirkung. Wien. mod. Wchnschr., 1909, hx, 574-576.— Rudinger (J.) Ueber naturliche und kiinsthche Kohlen- saurebader und einen Apparat zur Herstellung der letzteren. Wien. med. Bl., 1897, xx, 275; 295.—Scarpa (L. G.) Sulle condizioni cui deve soddisfare U bagno idro-carbonico arti- ficiale per essere razionalmente efficace ed innocuo. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Fuenze, 1906, vii, 197.—Schefler (W.) Einige Gesichtspunkte fiir die Beurteilung von Kohlen- saurebadern. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1357-1359.— Schmitz (G. A.) Device for feeding oxygen or carbonic acidincirculatingbathing-waters. [Pat. specj. No. 573927; Dec. 29, 1896.—SchnUtgen (A.) Ueber Luftperlbader. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 1506-1508.—Sellg (A.) Herz und Gefasssystem unter dem Einflusse von Kohlensaurebadern. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1912, xxxvu, 569-574.—Senator (II.) Airpearl baths. Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1909, n. s.,lxxxvii, 120.—Senator (II.) & Frankenhauser. Zur Kenntnis der Wirkung von Perl- (Kohlensaure-, Sauerstoff-, Luft-) Badern. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Khmat. [etc.], Berl., 1910, hi, 63-65.—Siebelt. Einige Gesichtspunkte zur Beurteilung kunsthcher und natiirlicher kohlensaurer Bader. Med. Bl., Wien &. Leipz., 1909, xxxii, 97. -Skorczewskl (W.) Die Wirkung der Kohlensaurebader auf Blutcirculation und Herzarbeit. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap.. Berl., 1911, ix, 49-86.— S wan (J. M.) The influence of car Donated brine (Nauheim) baths on blood pressure. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1912, x, 73-96. Aho, Reprint.—Thorne (W. B.) Nauheim baths and their artificial imitations. Brit M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 604.—Ungar (S.) Zur Anwendung von Kohlensaurebadern. Heilkunde, Berl., 1907, 345-347.- Waledmsky (J. A.) Ein- fluss der Kohlensaurebader auf das Flektrokardiogramm. (Experimentelle Untersuchung.) Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1913, xvh, 18-26.-Weiss (E.) & Kom- merell (E.) Ueber die physiologische W irkung der Kohlen- saure; Studien an Kohlensaure-W asser-und Kohlensaure- Gasbadern. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1915. n. F., Nos. 711-714 (Inn. Med., Nos. 243-246), 439-552.- Weissbeln (S.) Perlb&der. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xh, 676.-----. Flektrokardiograpbische Untersuchungen iiber dio Ein- wirkung von Kohlensaure-Solbadern auf das Herz. Zen- tralbl. f. Ilerzkrankh. [etc.], Wien & Leipz., 1913. v, 57-69.- Wolff (A.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber Blut- druck, Pulsbeschaffenheit und Korpertemperatur bei Koh- lensaure- und Sauerstoffbadern. Ztschr. f. Phys. u. dia- tet Therap., Leipz., 1916, xiv, 326-331.—Wybauw (R.) De Taction des bains carbo-gazeux naturcls sur hi pression du sang, evalueea l'aide d'un procede graphique. J. mM. dc Brux., 1910, xv, 331-337. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. Balneol., Berl., 1910, iii, 274-279. -----. Versuche an einem Kreis- laufmodell mit Hinsicht auf die Wirkung der kohlensauren Bader. Med. Khn., Berl., 1913, ix, 168s. -Zucker (A.) Ueber neue kiinsthche Kohlensaurebader. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1905, xxxi, 107. Baths (Cold). Alwens (W. [E. J. D.]) *Ueber die Veran- derungen der Temperaturtopographie unter dem Einfluss kalter Bader. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Also, in: Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1906, iii, 6.53-662. Benklli (G.) Contribution a l'etude du bainfroid. 8°. Barh, 1901. Tonte (N.) Aquae frigida- antiquissima methodus ad praxim iterum revocata. 16°. Neapoli, [17:12?]. Gleicii. Ueber die Wichtigkeit der Fluss- und See-Biider und deren richtige Anwendungs- weise. 16°. Miinchen, 1851. Baths (Cold). Nei hacs (M. [J. E.]) *Plotzliche Todesfalle im kalten Bade. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Slatterley (G. B.) *Balnei frigidi caldique usu in febribus. 8°. Edinburgi, 1820. Calleja Garcia (C.) Limitaciones de la hidroterapia frigorifica en el tratamiento de la febbre y de la inflamacion. Rev. de med. y chug, pract., Madrid, 1912, xcv, 249-256 — Durig (A.) & Lode (A.) Ergebnisse einiger Respirations- versuche bei wiederholten kalten Badern (nach Versuchen an Hunden). Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1900, xxxix, 46-99.—Lapinskl (M. N.) & Svenson (N. A.) [Contribution a l'etude de l'influence des bains froids sur la quantite des globules blancs dans le sang de l'homme malade et bien portant. Extr., 432.] Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin Med. i Bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1899, vh, 414-425.—Lefevre (J.) Determination de la chaleur perdue par la surface totale du corps sous Taction r^frigerante de Teau (etude sur l'homme). Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1897, 5. s., ix, 758- 763.—Plttenger (P. S.) A constant temperature bath for maintaining temperatures lower than that of the room. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Phila., 1916, v, 1260-1264.—Porter (W. H.) The physiological action of the cold-bath treat- ment. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1897, xii, 113-125. [Discus- sion], 149-157.—Putzeys (F.) Bains de proprete et bains de natation. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1898, xiv, 10-19.— Thayer (W. S.) Leber die Vermehrung der Leukocyten nach kalten Badern. Bl. f. klin. Hvdrotherap., Wien, 1893, iii, 143-148—Thomas (J. D.) Cold baths; their use and abuse. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvu, 1331-1335. A ho, Reprint. Baths (Douche and shower). Emon (W.) *Bains-douches a bon marche\ Installation et fonctionnement a l'£tranger. En France: Bordeaux, Paris, LaRochelle, Toulouse. 8°. Toulouse, 1905. am Exde (P.) Das Schulbrausebad und seine Wirkung. 8°. Braunschweig, 1903. Appelius. Die hygienische Bedeutung des Brausebades. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904, ii, 596-604.- Barth (F.) UeberSprudelbader. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch. Aarau, 1914,10. Hft. ,12-17.—Barucb (S.) The correct shower bath. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 191s, lxxi, 141—Bond (R. St. G. S.) The use of spray baths on board. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 361-363- Ca- zalet(C) Bains-douches a bon march*5. Cong.intemat.de latuberc. 1905, Par., 1906,ii, 797-799.—Cheysson(E.) Les bains-douches populaires. Rev. d'hvg., Par., 1898, xx, 1089-1096.—Cornet. Die Hoglauer'sche Fluss-, Quell- Wellenbadwanne. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1903, vii, 450-452.—Eaton (J. A.) Curtained spray and shower bath. [Pat spec] No. 125.5396; Feb. 5,1918 — am Ende. Das Schulbraii>ebad und seine Bedeutung fur die Zukunft. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volks- bader, Berl., 1901, 6. lift, 29-38- Henderson (P. IT.) Re- port on transportable shower-bath as used in . . . Division. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 698-701 — Herbet Note sur les bains par aspersion. Congres d'assain. e dc salub. 1895, Par., 1X97. i, 161-168.—Lande. CEuvre bordelaise des bains-douches a bon marche. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Tar., 1900, x, 494-199.—Merry Delabost. Cnetablissementdebains-douchesabonmarche a Rouen (fondation Fr. Dopcaux). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1S98, 3. s., xxxix, 218-227. Pain (Mi Les bains-douches popu- laires en France. Rev. prat, d'hvg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1912, viii, 242-24S: 1916. xi, 103-109.—Raffegeau. Note sui les conditions quo doit remplir une bonne installation hy- drotherapique au point de vue de la douche ecossaise. Cong. internat. d'hvdrol. et dc climatol. [etcl 1902. C. r., Gre- noble, 1903, vi, 577-579.- See (Ida R.) L'ceuvre bordelaise des bains-douches populaires. Rev. philanthrop.. Par., 1907-8, xxii, l'.i.vi'.is.—Sugg. Beobachtungen uber Brause- bader; Zuschrift un die deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Volksba- der. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904-«, hi, 52&-531. Baths (Douche and shower) [Patent specifications for]. Anderson (D. W.) Combined folding bath-tub and shower-stall or shower-bath. No. 1235091; July 31, 1917.- Baker(W.R.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 608947; Aug 9, 1898.—Ball (F. E.) Bath-tub shower attachment. No. 871663; Nov. 19, 1907.—Barnes (H.) Spraying attachment for bath tubs. No. 1140347. May 25, 1915.—Boekel (W.) & Bockel(J.) Overhead shower. No. 588262; Aug. 17,1897- Bridgman (W. H.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 650503; May 29,1900.-----. Shower-bath. No. 688057; Dec. 3,1901- Buntlng (W.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 773541 Nov. 1, 1904.— Burger (F.) & Williams (H. M.) Spray bath. No. 775796; Nov. 22,1904.— Butcher (J. J.) Shower bath. No. 743616; Nov. 10, 1903.—Button (R. C.) Tank for rhower baths. No. 1011113; Dec. 5, 1911.—Caldwell (J. D.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 769429; Sept. 6,1904- Callon (H. A.) Bath-tub shower and needle bath. No. 1203579; Nov. 7, 1916.—Carmichael (J.) Shower-bath BATHS. 379 BATHS. Baths (Douche and shower) [Patent spe- cifications for]. attachment tor bath-tubs. No. 719994; Feb. 10,1903.—Castle (J.M.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 689164; Dec. 17,1901.— Cray (J.) Spraying-glove. No. 836181; Nov. 20, 1906.— Dardano (C. F.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 1145568; July 6,1915.—Davis (W. M.) Shower-bath bucket. No. 621042; March 14, 1899.—De Vilbiss (T.) Showering de- vice for attachment to bath-brushes. No. 733018; July 7, 1903.—Dinneen (D. W.) Needle and shower bath ap- paratus. No. 743623; Nov. 10, 1903. —Duffy (P. J.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 1207380; Dec. 5, 1916.— Dunn (L. P.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 733635; July 14, 1903— Dupont (H. H.) Shower stall. No. 1112200; Sept. 29, 1914.—Eustis (J. P.) Shower-bath. No. 764841; July 12,1904.—Freeman (R.) Disappearing shower bath. No. 1095837; May 5, 1914.—Grabau (H. E.) Bath- spray. No. 1102736; July 7,1914.—Hahn(M.) Jet device for shower-baths. No. 652478; June 26,1900.—Hammann (E.) &Hooper(L.M.) Needlebath. No.598987; Feb. 15,1898.— Hickey (J. A.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 947330; Jan. 25, 1910.—Hills (A. S.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 616668; Dec. 27,1898.—Holtman (A. R.) Shower bath de- vice. No. 1086709; Feb. 10,1914.—Homeier(G. P.) Shower- bathtub. No. 735514; Aug. 4,1903.—Hooper (L. M.) Spray- bath. No. 585439; June 29, 1897.—Jablonskl (V. F.) Shower-bath fixture. No. 1148968; Aug. 3,1915.—Jackson (S. J.) Needle-bath apparatus. No. 803598; Nov. 7,1905.— Jendis (E.) Shower-bath. No. 615486; Dec. 6. 1898.— Jones (R. E.) Shower-bath pail. No. 1078355; Nov. 11, 1913.—Kenney (A. E.) Curtainless shower bath. No. 1130520; March 2,1915.—Kesselring (W.) Rose for shower- baths. No. 722849; March 17,19'03.—King (A. J.) Shower- bath fixture. No. 1148970; Aug. 3,1915.—Knickerbocker (B. D.) Spraying siphon attachment for bathing purposes. No. 957566; May 10,1910.—Kustner (M.) & Ladebeck (H.) Abdominal douche-bath. No. 593527: Nov. 9,1897.—Lang (A. E.) Shower-bath curtain. No. 1159507; Nov. 9,1915.— Larzelere (H. L.) Vapor or shower bath attachment for bath-tubs. No. 787683; April 18,1905.—Lawler(J. J.) Bath spray. No. 969292; Sept. 6, 1910.—Lehnert (H. W. A.) Shower bath. No. 1116897; Nov. 10,1914.—LinendoU(0. J.) & Houghten (A. T.) Combined automaticshower and va- por adjustable frame. No. 757933; April 19,1904.—Luzzi (A. F.) Shower bath attachment. No. 1218879; March 13,1917.— McElroy (J. H.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 1056811; March 25, 1913.—Melchers (E.) Portable shower-yoke. No. 638348; Dec. 5,1899.—Mercereau (J. R.) Shower-bath. No. 777042; Dec. 6, 1904.—Newton (W. G.) Combination spray and shower attachment for bath-tubs. No. 819582; May 1,1906.—Nordmark (C. F.) Portable shower bath. No. 1065265; June 17,1913—Oswald (E. C.) Shower bath. No. 1083505; Jan. 6,1914.—Owen (I. J.) & Brooks (R. A.) Bath-spray. No. 881332; March 10,1908.—Perkins (J. G.) Bath shower attachment. No. 1165705; Dec. 28,1915.-----. Bath shower. No. 1197230; Sept. 5, 1916.—Pleins (L. H.) Receptor for shower baths. No. 1017167; Feb. 13, 1912 — Pritchett(W.H.) Portable field shower-bath. No. 1241764; Oct. 2,1917.-----. Shower-bath fixture. No. 1241765; Oct. 2,1917.—Rennie(R.D.) Adjustable shower. No. 1161528; Nov. 23,1915.—Rock (C. S. C.) Bath-shower. No. 1083141; Dec. 30, 1913.—Rosenberg (J.) Adjustable shower-bath fixture. No. 1188681; June 27,1916.—Russell (C.C.) Shower bath. No. 816604; April 3, 1906.—Rutland (R. A.) Port- able shower bath. No. 1147648; July 20, 1915.—Sandham R. R.) Spraying attachment for bath-tubs. No. 963945; uly 12,1910.—Seltner (P.) Shower attachment for bath- tubs. No. 1193302; Aug. 1,1916.—Shapley (C. E.) Faucet attachment for shower bath. No. 1146353; July 13, 1915 — Simpson (J.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 785233; March 21,1905.—Smith (B. P.) Bath spray-fixture. No. 1257751; Feb. 26, 1918.—Smith (E. C.) Shower-bath ring. No. 642807; Feb. 6,1900.—Upright (W. A.) Shower bath appa- ratus. No. 1191248; July 18,1916.—Wallen (C. E.) Shower- bath apparatus. No. 776209; Nov. 29,1904.—Wallen (Nannie L.) Shower-bath apparatus. No. 865137; Sept. 3,1907. Baths (Electric). See, also, Electric-light baths. Barda. Studi sulla elettricita medica col suo importante ramo I'idro-elettro-terapia (bagno elettrico). 8°. Boma, 1885. Hayes (J.) Therapeutic use of faradic and galvanic currents in the electro-thermal bath, with history of cases. 8°. Chicago, 1877. Hedley (W. S.) The hydro-electric methods in medicine. With chapters on current from the main, cure-gymnastics, etc. 8°. London, 1892. he Jumne (D.) De ^electricity appliquee aux bains de mer. 8°. Ostende, 1854. Baths (Electric). Lehr (G.) Die hydro-elektrischen Bader, ihre physiologische und therapeutische Wirkung. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1885. Yanovich (N. M.) *0 tyoploobmienie mezhdu hidro-elektricheskimi monopolyarnimi vannami i tielom chelovieka. [Heat interchange between the hydroelectric monopolar baths and the human body.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1903. Albert-Weil (A.) I/es bains hydroelectriques. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di terap. fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii, pt. 1, 480- 482.—Dunges. Ueber elektrische Theilbader und Elektri- siren im Bade. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar. 1897, xxxvih, 25.— Elevy. Electricite et bains salins. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1896, vii, 241; 291; 321—Flora (U.) Alcune considerazioni sui bagni idroelettrici e su di un nuovo metodo per apphcare l'elettricita col mezzo del fango termale. Idrol. e climat, Fhenze, 1897, viii, 38-43.—Fontana (M.} Azioni fisiologiche dei bagni idro-elettrici. Atti d. Cong, internaz. terap. fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii, pt. 1, 491-496.—Gaertner (G.) Das elektrische Zwei-Zellen-Bad. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1889, ii, 841.—Gallo (G.) & Pernice (N.) II bagno idro-elettrico in alcuni processi morbosi. Idrol. e climat, Fhenze, 1897, viu, 120-133.—Gorbacheff (I. F.) [Construc- tion of electric-light baths.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1910, lxxiv, 992-1007.—Guyenot (P.) Sur une nouvelle methode d'application des courants electriques a l'aide de l'eau; douches hydro-electriques. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. C.-r., 1895, xl, 378-388.—Ivanoff (I. I.) [Application of hot electric four-cell baths.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1913, xii, 1000-1002.—von Jauregg (W.) Gutachten des k. k. niederosterreichischen Landes-Sanitatsrathes betref- fend die elektrischen Lichtbader. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1898, x, 441-445.—Laquerriere & Loubier. Au sujet des indications k la continuation ou a la cessation du lave- ment eiectrique. Arch, d'eiectric. med., Bordeaux, 1911, xix, 184-187.—Luisada (E.) Le bain hydro-electrique. Attid. Cong, internaz. di terap.fis. 1907, Roma, 1908, ii.pt. 1, 482-485.—Marriman (H. C.) & Gorman (J.) Electric bath attachment. [Path, specl No. 1130916; March 9, 1915.—Massy. Le bain hydro-electrique. Rev. internat. d'eUectrother., Par., 1896-7, vii, 178-185.—Morselli (E.) Sull' azione fisiologica dei bagni idro-elettrici monopolari (faradici e galvanici). Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1887, 3. s., xxxv, 470-497.—Randall (J. D.) Electric bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 703826; July 1,1902.—Scheiber (S. H.) [Electrical baths.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 249.—Schnee (A.) Ueber das elektrische Vierzellen- bad. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch.deutsch. Naturf.u.Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903,ii, 2. Hlfte., 108-111— Steavenson(W.E.) The electric bath. Lancet, Lond., 1891,i, 709; 871; 924.—Traut- wein (JO Zur Kenntniss der Stromvertheilungim mensch- lichen Korper bei Anwendung des galvanischen Bades. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1884, xxi, 590-592.—Weeks (F. W.) Electrothermal-bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 794208; July 11,1905.—Winternitz (W.) Ueber elektrische Licht- bader. Hlust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1898, xx, 163-169. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Krankenh. ... Deutschl., Berl., 1898, 76—Wjasemsky (T.) Dosirung der Elektricitatsmenge bei der Anwendung der dipolaren hydro-elektrischen Bader. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891-2, xlix, 60-86.—Zanietowski (J.) Ueber elektrische Bader. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med., Amst., 1908, iv, 194-196. Baths (History of). See Balneology (Hhtory of); (Waters (Min- eral, Hhtory of). Baths (Hot or warm). See, also, Baths (Hot-air, etc.); Baths (Vapor, etc.); Waters (Mineral, Thermal). Delsol (J.-M.-L.) ^Contribution a l'dtude de la physiologie therapeutique du bain chaud. 8°. Bordeaux, 1913. Dobrinina (N. A.) *Klinicheskiya nablyude- niya nad izmieneniyami miestnavo i obshtshavo kroveobrashtsheniyapod vliyaniyem goryachikh i kholodnikh ruchnikh i nozhnikh vann. [Clin- ical observations on the alteration in the local and general circulation under the influence of hot and cold hand and foot baths.] 8°. S.-Be- terburg, 1913. Filderman. *Le bain chaud, contribution a l'etude de sa physiologie therapeutique. 8°. Barh, 1902. BATHS. 380 BATHS. Baths (Hot or warm). Kattenbeck (E.) *Experimentelle Studien iiber die Wirkung wechselwarmer Hygnat- Bader auf den tierischen Organismus. 8°. Giessen, 1913. Lohsse (H. C.) *Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von der Einwirkung des heissen Bades auf den menschlichen Stoffwechsel. 8°. Halle a. S., 1900. Miropolski (V. F.) *K voprosu o treni- ruyushtshem dieistvii goryachikh vann na tyoploobmien. [Action of hot baths on heat exchanges.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1904. Muller (J.) *TJeber die Veranderungen der Temperaturtopographie unter dem Einfluss warmer Bader. 8°. Tubingen, 1907. de Toullieu (P.) *An prsecavendis morbis ex humorum viscida congene oriundis, balneum tepidum ex aqua dulci? 8°. Lutetix, 1691. Wenz (B.) *Experimentelle Studien fiber die Wirkung wechselwarmer Bader bei Tieren. [Giessen.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1911. Wick (L.) Ueber die physiologischen Wir- kungen verschieden warmer Bader und iiber das Verhalten der Eigenwarme im Allgemeinen. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, 1894. Beitr. z. klin. Med. u. Chir., Wien & Leipz., 1894,6. Hft. Alrutz (S.) [The distinction between warm and hot baths.] Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stockholm, 1916, xhi, 527- 544.—Baelz(E.) [On the hot bath.] Fiirdo- es vizgydgyA- szat, Budapest, 1909, 1-3.—Barthe de Sandlort. La keritherapie (nouvelle balneation thermo-cirique). Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1913, xxiv, 202-206.—Bois (L.) Procede pour la construction pratique et economique de bains de chaleur; portatifs universels, apphcables indifle- remment sur brancards, tables d'operations et de panse- ments, lits d'hopitaux et d'ambulances. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, lxvi, 661-€64— Bornstein. Ueber den EinflussheisserBaderauf den Stoffwechsel. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1895, xvi, 130-139.—Bridge (N.) The hot morning bath. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1906, xxh, 166-171.—Busch (A.) & Plaut (F.) Ueber die Einwirkung verlangerter warmer Bader auf einige korperliche und geistige Funktionen. Psycholog. Arb., Leipz., 1910, v, 505-527.—Determann. Heisse Tauchbader. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 880. Aho: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., Berl. & Wien, 1911, xxxii, 112-116.—Foss. Die Ursache iibler Nebenwirkungen heisser Bader und deren Verhutung. Deutschemed.Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1899,xxv,Therap. Beil., 24.—Grosse (F.) Das heisse Vollbad. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1903, xv, 471-485. Aho, transl.: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 326-330.—Hauffe (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Anwendung und Wirkung heisser Bader, insbesondere heisser Teilbader. Wien. Klinik, 1906, xxxii, 63-172. Aho, transl.: J. Phys. Therapy, Chicago, 1906-7, ii, 11; 54; 119; 159; 211; 261; 300—Havas (J.) Die funk- tionelle Herzkontrolle bei Thermalbadekuren. Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1913, xxxiv, pt. 2, 255-263.— Hess (W.) Der Einfluss warmer Bader auf die Viskositat des Blutes. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1908, xxii, 595-597 — Hettrlck (W. E.) Thermal-bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 641386; Jan. 16.1900— Hill (L.) Note on the tempera- ture of Japanese hot baths. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 259.— Hill (L.)& Flack (M.) The influence ofhot baths on pulse frequency, blood pressure, body temperature, breathing volume and alveolar tensions of man. Proc Physiol Soc. Lond., 1908-9, pp. lvii-lxi.—Hoffmann (P.) Wirkungen heisser und kalter Bader und Duschen auf die Warmeabgabe. Med. BL, Wien, 1908, xxxi, 37; 49; 61—Kocks. Der Fuss als Thermometer des Mittelalters. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1130-1132.—Komiyama (G.) Ueber den Einfluss heisser Bader auf den Blutdruck. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen (1896-7), 1899, x, 60-58 — Kucera (V.) Ueber die Wirkung warmer Bader auf die Korpertemperatur und den Blutdruck des Menschen. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1914, xvhi, 139- 152.—Kuno (Y.) Ueber den Einfluss warmer Bader auf den Blutdruck und auf die Pulsfrequenz des Kaninchens. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1914, clviii; 555-578.—Le- moine (G.) Indications de l'emploi des bains chauds dans le traitement des maladies des voies respiratoires. Cong. fran?. de med., Par. & Nancy, 1896-7, ih, fasc 2, 637-645.— Meurer (G.) Neue Gas-Badeofen. Illust. Monatschr. f. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1910, xxxu, 97-106—Molas. Les chauffe-bains au point de vue hygienique; un nouveau generateur d'eau chaude sous pression base sur le principe de la combustion isolee en miheu equilibre. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1905, xxvii, 606-620.—Pontiggia (C.) II bagno tie- Baths (Hot or warm). pido prolungato come sedative Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1907, lxvi, 91; 99; 109—Rahn (A.) Eine Unterstutzung des warmen Bades. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1905, 201— 204.—Rein (O.) Vorrichtung zur Erhaltung konstanter Wassertemperaturim Dauerbad. Psychiat.-neurol. Wchn- schr., Halle a. S., 1911-12, xhi, 209.—Rose (A.) The con- tinuous warm bath in cerebro-spinal meningitis and various other affections. Med. Council, Phila., 1910, xv, 81-85. -----. Das permanente Warm-Wasser-Bad, das rationelle Heilmittel fur Phymatiasis (Tuberkulose) und Infek- tionskrankheiten. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1913, xvh, 111; 119.—Rothschuh (E.) Blutdruckmessungen bei Thermalbadern und Thermal-Duschenmassage. Med. Klin., Berl., 1912, viii, 1314-1316. Aho: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch in Berl., Berl. & Wien, 1912, xxxhi, pt. 2, 261-267.-----. Ueber die Einwirkung der Thermaldusche- massage auf die einzelnen Urinbestandteile. Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1913, xxxiv, pt. 2, 246-254.— Satterwhite (T. P.) The hot bath in surgery. Med. Age, Detroit, 1899, xvh, 41-44.—Schuster. Les bains tres chauds jusqu'a 40° et 42° centigrades peuvent-ils etre utili- ses dans le traitement de certaines affections des centres ner- veux? Rev. d'hyg. therap., Par.. 1897,ix, 115-118.—Silber- glelt (H.) Die Warmbadeanstalten im Deutschen Reich nach Aufnahme vom Endel905. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1907, iv, 382-386.—Spitta (O.) Ueber die Grosse der Hautausscheidungen und der Haut- quellung im warmen Bade. Arch. f. Hygy Munchen & Leipz., 1899, xxxvi, 45-56.—Strasser (A.) Ueber Warme- regulation im Bade. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kin- derh. in Wien, 1910, ix, 111.—de Vries ReUingh (D.) De invloed van baden van hooge temperatuur of het stik- stofevenwicht. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, 2. R., xhv, 1. Afd., 421-446.—Wick (L.) Ueber die physiolo- gische und therapeutische Wirksamkeit der warmesteigern- den Bader. Wien. Klinik, 1903, xxLx, 187-234— Winkler (F.) Ueber die Einwirkung thermischer Hautreize auf die Herzarbeit und auf die Athmung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1904, liv, 91-108.—Wtnternitz(H.) Ueber den Einfluss heisser Bader auf den respiratorischen Stoffwechsel des Menschen. Klin. Jahrb.,Jena, 1898-9,299-318.—Wintemitz (W.) Anpassung oder Gewohnung an intensive thermische Reize. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Khmat. [etc.], Berl., 1912-13, v, 497-500.—Witte. Ueber warme,bemhigende una aufregende Bader. Med. BL, Wien, 1908, xxxi, 349; 361. Baths (Hot-air, Roman, and Turl'ish). See, also, Aerothermotherapy. Haughton (E.) On hot-air baths: with special reference to the Turkish bath. 12°. Dublin, 1858. ------. The uses and abuses of the Turkish bath; with notes and appendix. 8°. London, 1861. Moore (Y. J.) The Anglo-Turkish bath; or, the modern application of the ancient Roman therma as a hygienic, prophylactic, and thera- peutic agent; with practical suggestions how and when it should be employed. 12°. London, 18(11. Potter (W.) The Roman or Turkish bath; its hygienic and curative properties. (With appendix.) 12°. Manchester, [n. d.]. Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the utility of the Turkish bath, erected by Doctor Barter, at Saint Ann's, Blarney, for the cure of distemper in cattle. 12°. Dublin, 1860. Repr.from: Farmers' Gazette. Scrutator. Dr. Corrigan's objections to the new Irish or improved Turkish bath, considered. 12°. Bublin, 1860. Shepahd (C. H.) Hvgiene of the Turkish bath. 12°. Brooklyn, 1900. ------. Turkish baths; the most important factor in personal hygiene. 8°. Brooklyn, 1900. ------. Shepard's Turkish baths, Russian and Roman, and massage. 16°. Brooklyn, 1905. Altdorfer (M.) Some theoretical and practical remarks on the hot air bath. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1899. cviii, 87-99.— Blanchl & Regnault (F.) Action du bain ti re sur les organes internes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1899, exxviii, 324-327.—Daniels (J. O.) Dry hot-bath svstem. [Pat. spec] No. 1231001; June 26, 1917.—Dilthey (F. C.) Hot-air bath. [Pat. spec] No. 687181; Nov. 19, 1901.— Dowsing (II. J.) Radiant-heat and heat-light bath. [Pat. spec] No. 730750; June 9, 1903— Dygert (H. A.) Hot-air cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 676124; June 11, 1901.— BATHS. 381 BATHS. Baths (Hot-air, Roman, and Turkish). Faucher (P. V.) Bains d'air chaud sec. Rev. med., Quebec, 1897-8, 1, 337; 345; 353.—Friedlander (R.) Ueber Schwitzbader und temperatursteigernde Bader. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, 65; 69—Grunow (W.) Heisshft- bader als Volksbader. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1C07, xxx, 836-840.—Joachinison (M.) Radiant-heat bath. [Pat. spec] No. 720357; Feb. 10, 1903.—Klotz (A.) Hot air bath. [Pat.spec] No. 1039962; Oct. 1,1912—Lennon (J. H.) & Whaley (A. C.) Hot-air or vapor bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 646580; April 3, 1900.—Manhelmer (W. A.) The sanitary conditions of mikvehs and Turkish baths. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciii, 189-193.—Morrison (W. B.) Radiant-heat bath. [Pat. spec] No. 670184- March 19, 1901.—Perekhan (J. S.) Real Turkish baths. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 649.—Pregowski (P.) [Ap- plication of aqueous through aerated douches, and so-called aerated aqueous douches; partial local anaesthetic action of a strong currentof ah.] Now. lek., Poznah, 1906, xvh, 57-60.— Rzetkowski (K.) [Influence of hot-air bath upon the secretion of uric acid.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1910, xiv, 499-503.—Telyatnik (F.) [Influence of hot air baths upon white blood corpuscles in healthy men.l Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1893, xiv, 909; 949.—Thomas (J. G.) Turkish- bath attachment for bath tubs. [Pat. spec] No. 1203157- Oct. 31, 1916.—Weaver (G. W.) Vapor or hot-air bath. [Pat. spec] No. 688563; Dec. 10, 1901.—Wood (H. C.) Note on the so-called Turkish bath. Am. Med., Phila 1902, iii, 722. Baths (Hygiene of). Angel (R. f.) Continuous filtration of bath water; a description of its working. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Municip. & Co. Engin., Lond. & N. Y., 1907-8, xxxiv, 96-112, 1 pi.— Apery. Propagation des maladies contagieuses par les bains publics (hamams). Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1899-1900, xhi, 309.—Arends (E.) Ueber die Mitwirkung des Badearztes bei der Bekampfung ansteckender Krank- heiten und iiber den Bau und die Einrichtung von Iso- lieranstalten fur Infektionskrankheiten in den Kurorten. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1908, xl, 637-650.—Baginsky (A.) Zur Hygiene der Bassinbader (die Verunreinigung des Badewassers durch die Baden- den). Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xviii, 459-461. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Ge- sellsch., 1897, xvhi, 161-170.—Baruch (S.) Hygiene and baths. Proc. Am. Ass. Promot. Hyg. [etc.], Bait., 1916, v, 3-17. Aho: Am. Phys. Educ. Rev., Bost., 1917, xxii, 59- 73.—Bjorkqvist (G.) [Sodium hypochlorite as a disinfec- tant for baths; experiences during an epidemic of typhoid fever in Tammerfors in the winter of 1916.] Finska lak.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1917, hx, 493-499.—Deutsch. Die Uebertragung ansteckender Krankheiten durch Bade- anstalten und deren Verhutung. Vrtjschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1905, 3. F., xxix, 379-395.—Hannes (W.) Das Bad ist eine Infektionsquelle. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1910, lxvi, 590-598.—Kister & Fromme. Unter- suchungen in den Hamburger Hallenbadern, insbesondere iiber die Wirkung der Luftungs- und Reinigungsanlage in der Badeanstalt Hohenweide. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Miin- chen, 1910, xxxiii, 909-917.—Laberge (J. E.) Hygiene des bains publics. Bull, san., Montreal, 1916, xvi, 31-37.-----. Hygiene des bains publics. Union med. du Canada, Mont- real, 1918, xlvh, 171-178.—Patterson (J. A.) The septic bathing pool, the diseases emanating from it. Tr. Am. LaryngoL, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc, New Bedford, Mass., 1912, xvhi, 490.—Pearce (G. H.) A rough bacteriological exam- ination of the condition of swimming bath water. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 542.— Richter (K.) Hygiene in Badeorten. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, v, 403-405.—Ross (W. L.) Cleanliness and its advertisement; the establish- ment of a wash-house for men in Philadelphia. Charities, N. Y., 1904, xh, 333-337.—Tarugi (B.) Studio sperimen- tale sulla disinfezione delle vasche da bagno; la silohte come materiale da vasca. Atti d. Cong. naz. d'idrol. e chmat. 1906, Perugia, 1907, 491-499.—Werdelmann. Die Luftung und Heizung von Hallenbadern. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1906, iv, 53-59.—White (W. A.) Dangers ofthe continuous bath. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1916, vi, 10.—Winternltz (E.) Das Bad als Infec- tionsquelle. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 204-207. Baths (Medicated). See Baths (Vapor, etc.). Baths (Military). Barbarin (V.I.) [Baths in frontal positions.] Voyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxhv, med.-spec. pt., 435-439.— Baruch (S.) Bathing in the Army. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1919, xhv, 105-107, 2 ch.—Buschan. Badegelegenheit im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xh, 1400-1402.—am Ende. Die Mannschaftsbader bei dem Koniglichen Steinkohlenwerke Zauckerode. Balnecl. Centr. Ztg., Berl., 1902,151: 1903,163— Fortescue (R.) The value of medical baths for invahd soldiers. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1914-15, vhi, Balneol. [etc.] Sect., 47-60.—Goode (H.N.) A brief account of the method of providing baths Baths (Military). for the British soldiers in the field. J. Roy. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvu, 363-371. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 422-424.—Gordon (W.), Sunderland (S.) [et al.]. Ihe use of remedial baths in association with other physical methods in the treatment of disabled soldiers. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond . 1916-17, x, Sect. Balneol., 78-80.—GUtig (C.) Einfache improvisation an dem Waschapparat im Felde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, lxiii, 1378.— Ignatyeff (S. I.) [Tent-bath.] Vo'yenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlh, med.-spec. pt., 504-506.—Kohler (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Entwickelung des Mihtar-Badewesens und der von Pfuelschen Schwimmanstaltin Berlin. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Berl., 1913, 56. Hft., 1-31.— McCulloch (C. C.) Bathing facilities and habits of the soldiers and officers ofthe Army. South. M. J., Birming- ham, 1917, x, 572-581.—Maier (G.) Brauseeinrichtung im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 1575—Ohm (R.) Eine neue fahrbare, der Vorschnft fur Militarfahrzeuge entsprechende Bade- und Desinfek- tionseinrichtung fiir den Feldgebrauch. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 37.—Piahl (P.) Ein Brausebad hinter der Schutzenlinie. Gesundh.-Lugenieur, Munchen, 1915, xxxviii, 258.—Porges (M.) Resultate der Badebe- handlung von Kriegsverwundeten und Erkrankten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, Iii, 526.—Prausnitz (H.) Eine leicht transportable, zerlegbare Holzbadewanne. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 166.—Rauch (R.) Transporta- ble Badeanstalten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lh, 527.— Reichborn-Kjennerud (I.) [Military bath rooms baths.] Norsk Tidskr. f. Mil.-Med., Kristiania, 1905, ix, 101-105 — Rozoff. [Construction of baths and disinfecting chambers in the war theater.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1916, ccxlv, med.-spec pt., 114-118.—Schade (H. J. M.) [An inexpen- sive transportable bath for use in the field.] Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1914, xviii, 223-226.—Stranz (M.) Badeeinrichtung fiir grossere Truppenmengen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 532.—Vitoux (C.) Les bains-douches aux armees en campagne. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvu, 584-600.—Wachsmann (E.) Eine feldmassige Brausebadeinrichtung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 1121.—Wolf (M.) Badeeinrichtungen fiir gros- sere Truppenmengen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xh, 623. Baths (Mud, peat, sand, and brine). Baltuzevich (A. S.) *Materiali k voprosu o vliyanii solenikh vann razlichnoi kontsentra- tsii (3f0, 6%, 9%, 12%)odinakovoi tempera- turu (28°R.) i odinakovof prodolzhitelnosti (,W) na azotistiy obmien, usvoyeniye azotistikh ve- shtshestv pishtshi, puis, temperaturu, krovya- noye davleniye, chuvstvitelnost kozhi i proch. u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the influence of the salt baths of various concentration . . ., of same tem- perature . . . and same length of time . . ., upon nitrogenous metabolism, assimilation of nitro- genous parts of food, pulse, temperature, blood pressure, sensation of skin, etc., in healthy men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1898. Herve (J.-F.) *M6canisme d'action des bains sales (absorption cutanee du chlorure de sodium). 8°. Bordeaux, 1898. Kaufman (B. I.) *Materiali k voprosu o vliyanii tyoplikh (28°R.) rapnikh vann Khadji- beiskavo limana na azotistiy obmien v koliche- stvennom i kachestvennom otnoshenii i usvoye- niye azota pishtshi u zdorovikh lyudei. [Data on the influence of warm salt-water baths of the Hadjibei Frith on nitrogenous metabolism quan- titatively and qualitatively considered, and on assimilation of nitrogen from food in healthy • men.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1897. Korttin (P.) *Materiali dlya ucheniya. o Manichskikh mineralnikhgryazyakh; Gruzskoye ozero. [Contribution to the study of the min- eral mud baths of Manich. Georgian lake] 8°. S-Beterburg, 1893. Libopf (B. A.) O gryazeliechenii; prakti- cheskoye rukovodstvo k naznacheniyu i pri- mieneniyu gryazevikh vann. S predisloviyem prof. A. I. Lebedeva. [On mud-bath treatment; practical manual on the ordering and applying mud baths. With preface by A. I. Lebedeff.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1897. BATHS. 382 BATHS. Baths (Mud, peat, sand, and brine). Shtsiierbakoff (A. I.) Gryazeliechebniya miestnosti Yevropeiskoi Rossii. [Mud baths of European Russia.] 8°. Moskva, 1898. Besrodnoff (N.) Les bains de sable artificiels. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1897, vhi, 321-327—Borisoff (P. Y.) [Fundamental principles of mud-bath treatment; action of salt and mud baths.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1913, xh, 670-674.—Brusyanin (N.) [Determination of heat conductivity of medicinal mud.] J. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav., S.-Peterb., 1906, xvi, 163-179.— Claisse (A.) Influence des bains chlorures sodiques sur la leucocytosea l'etat normal. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc], Par., 1902, xhi, 233-235.—Colombo (C.) Fangature naturali ed altre apphcazioni termiche equivalenti. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1904, lv,483.—Foulladosa (F.-N.) Solutions chlo- rurees- sodiques et bacteries pathogenes. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par., 1899, iv, 499-503.—Galatser (M. N.) [General action of mud fomentations.] Vrach. Gaz., S.- Peterb., 1909, xvi, 1449-1477 [1457].—Gallard (F.) Etude sur Taction physiologique des bains d'Eaux-Meres au sujet d'une observation clinique. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par., 1898, hi, 465-477.—Groedel (T.) Die physiolo- gische Wirtung der Solbader. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xlh, 289-291 —zu Jeddeloh. Der Anted der Badewarme an den therapeutischen Erfolgen der Solbader. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1272.—Keller (H.) Die Verwendung von Sol- badern mit hohem Salzgchalt (12-25% und deren Einfluss auf den Stoffwechsel des gesunden Menschen. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1893, 206-218.-----. Wandelungen in der Soolbadtherapie. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1895, xxv, 161-167.—Komrs (L.) [Investigation of the treatment by salt baths] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1900, xxxix, 420; 449; 475; 496.—Koppe (O.) Ueber die Indikationen der Schlammbader. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi. 47-49.—Lichtwitz (K.) Die physiologische Wirkung des heissen Sandbades. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl., 1911-12, iv, 262-264.—Mattill (Helen I.) & Mattill (H. A.) Effect of bathing in strong brine. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1916, cxvi, 283.—Mladejov- sky (V.) [On the physiological effects of marsh baths.] Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1898-9, 2. t., viii, No. 20, 1-21, 1 pi.—Muller (A.) Ueber einige Vorziige eines neuen Mutterlaugen-Badesalzes zur Bereitung von Solbadern im Hause. Verhandl.d. Gesellsch. deutsch.Naturf.u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904,ii,2. Hlfte.,91.— Nen&dovics (L.) [Scientific explanation of the effects of marsh baths.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvh, 443. -----. Elektrischer Moorgiirtel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 453.—Parrot (C.) Die Verwendung der Matto- ni'schen Moorextrakte zu Sitzbadern. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1897, v, Ergnzngshft., 145-159 — Predtechenskl(V. E.) [On the successful mud-bath treat- ment in Saki as related to various forms of articular rheu- matism.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898, xhx, 560-586.—Reich- ardsperg (L.) [Action of salt baths in surgical diseases.] Budapest, orv. ujsag. 1908, vi, 975.—Roth (E.) Schlacken- bader. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Cumat. [etc.], Berl., 1910-11, iii, 403.—Sachse. Die deutschen Kochsalzbader unter beson- derer Berucksichtigung des Soolbades Salzuflen. Monat- schr. f. prakt. Balneol., Munchen, 1896, ii, 349-372—Sadi- koff (V. S.) & Lozinski (A. A.) [On the absorption of substances dissolved in mud baths.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1912, xix, 424-42*.—Schkarln (A.) & KufajefT (W;) Bei- trage zur Frage iiber die Wirkung von Solbadern auf den kindlichen Organismus. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1913, vii, Orig., 413-424.—Shpakovski (P. N.) [Mineralmud of Novorossiysk and experimental treatment with it.] Med. Sbornik, Tifhs, 1898, No. Cl, 1-40, 7 tab.—Stark (A.) Ein Versuch zur Erkliirung der mechanischen Moorbadewir- kung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzto 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2,2. Hlfte.,80-83.—Tuszkai (O.) Phy- siologische Versuche mit Moorbadern. Berl. khn Wchn- schr., 1906, xlui, 857-860.-----. [Biological investigations of mud baths.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1908, vi, 399-403.— Welner. Mittheilungen iiber das Moorbad Sickingen und dessen Badcmoor. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Franken- thal, 1902, xviii, 52-57.—Welti. Wirkung der Sole auf den kindlichen Organismus. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 1145-1147. Baths (Oxygenated). Freyther (K.) *Ueber die Wirkung von Ozetbadern. [Giessen.] 8°. Berlin, 1912. Kommerell ([E.] W.) * Ueber die Krei.s- lauf wirkung von Sauerstoffbadern beim normalen Menschen. [Tiibine;en.] 8°. Berlin, 1910. Also, in: Ztschr. f. BalneoL, Klimat. [etc.], Berl., 1909-10, iii, 9; 49. Sedlmayr (G.) ^Experimentelle Studien iiber die Wirkung wechselwarmer Ozetbader bei Tieren. [Giessen.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1913. Baths (Oxygenated). Sorkind (Ghana). *Ueber die Wirkung der Ozet-Bader. 8°. Zurich, 1911. Bernheim (A.) On the use of oxygen baths. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1911, iv, 157-160.—Cantoni (G.) &TescoIa (C.) Effetti fisiologici dei bagni ossigenati. La- vori d. Cong, di med. int. 1912, Roma, 1913, xxh, 514.— Coleschi (L.) Azione fisiologica dei bagni di ossigeno. Policlin., Roma, 1912, xix, sez. prat., 1149-1153.—Franze (P. C.) & Pohlmann (L.) Ueber Sarason'sche Ozet- Bader. Berl. khn, Wchnschr., 1907, xhv, 635.—Fuersten- herg & Schotz. Ueber die Wirkungen verschiedener Arten von Sauerstoffbadern auf Herzgrosse, Puis und Blutdruck. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1909, vi, 788-796.— Grosse (F.) The oxygen bath. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1909, xxiv, 909-921. Aho, Reprint.—Hirschfeld (A.) Die Wirkung sauerstoffhaltiger Bader auf die Blutverteilung. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 9-12 — von Hoesslin (R.) Ueber Hepin-Sauerstoffbader. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2506.—Kojo (K.) Zur Kenntnis der Blutverteilung bei gleichtemperierten ein- fachen Badern und Sauerstoffbadern. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl., 1911, v, 467-469.—Mougeot (A.) Le bain oxy-gazeux. J. de physiotherap., Par., 1909, vii, 3- 15.— MUller (A.) Eine neue Methode zur Herstellung von Sauerstoffbadern. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Konigsb.) 1900, Leipz., 1911, lxxxii, pt. 2, 52.— Ogata (T.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Wirkungen von gleichtemperierten einfachen Badern und Sauerstoffbadern auf den Zirkulationsapparat. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Khmat. [etc.], Berl., 1911-12, iv, 463-466.—Rhein- boldt(M.) Ueber die Beeinflussung die Kaninchenelektro- kardiogramms durch einfache Bader und Ozetbader von indifferenter Temperatur. Ibid., 637-645.—Sarason (L.) Ueber moussierende Sauerstoffbader. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xxx, 1650.-----. L'eber eine wesentliche technische Verbesserung meiner Ozet- Bader. Ibid., 1909, xxxv, 1795-1798.—Sarason (L.) & Franke (E.) Oxygen bath. [I'at. spec] No. 1057281; March 25, 1913.—Schntitgen. Ueber Sarasonsche Ozet- bader. Therap. d. Gegenw^ Berl., 1907, xlviii, 160-167 — Scholz (F.) Das Sauerstoffbad, seine Wirkungsweise und seine therapeutische Verwendung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & I.eipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2245-2248.—Sommer(E.) Ueber Ozetbader. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch., Aarau, 1909, 5. Hft., 66-73.—Steiner (M.) Das Ozetbad, insbesondere das Ozet-Solbad in der Kriegskrankenpflege. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1915, lxxxiv, 183.—Tornai (J.) Ueber die Wirkung der Sauerstoffbader. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1908, xii, 424-434.—Wolf (H. F.) Ueber Hepin-Sauerstoffbader. N. Yorker med. Wchnschr., 1912-13, xxiii, 309.—Zucker (A.) Sauerstoff- bader. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1909, Leipz., 1910, lxxxi, pt. 2,100-103. Baths (Peat). See Baths (Mud, etc.). Baths (Physiological and therapeutic ef- fects of). See, aho, Hydrotherapy; Waters (Mineral, Bhysiological and pathological effects of); Waters (Mineral, Therapeutic value of). Glamser (J.) *Die Beeinflussung der flirn- zirkulation durch Bader. (Studien an Men- schen mit Schadeldefekten.) [Tubingen.] 8°. Berlin, 1911. Peskoff (V. N.) *K metodikle opredieleniya tyoptoobmlena mezlidu cheloviecheskim orga- nizmom i vodyanoi vannol. [Method of deter- mining the best interchange between the human organism and water bath.] 8°. S.-Beterburq, 1902. "' Rulanuus (M.) Balnearium restauratum . . . In quo curantur morbi tarn externi, quam interni per balneas natural es, artificialesinsessus, lixivia, sudationes: itemque per scarificationes ac phle- botomias, distinctum in lib. iii. 16°. Basilex, 1579. Schapals (F.) *Das Verhalten der Blutcircu- lation und des Stoftwechsels beim gesunden Menschen unter dem Einfluss verschieden tem- perirter Bader. [Halle.] rov. 8°. Berlin, 1912. Also, in: Ztschr. f. exper. Path. ii. Therap., Berl., 1912, x, 222-240. Ambland (L.-A.j Action des bains sur le poids et la tension arterielle. Bull. gen. de therap., Par., 1911, clxi, BATHS. 383 BATHS. Baths (Physiological and therapeutic ef- fects of). 490-498.—Andreyeff (V. A.) [Comparative observations on the heat interchange of the skin after carbonated and fresh- water baths.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad S - Petcrb., 1907, xiv, 97; 208. Aho: Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, S.-Peterb^ 1907, 1; 96; 168; 228.—Bain (W.) & Edgecombe (W.) The physiological action of certain min- eral waters and baths on the blood, and on the excretion of urea and uric acid; with a note on the quantitative relation- ship between uric acid and leucocytes. J. Phvsiol., Lond 1898-9, xxhi, 499-511.—Bickel (A.) Physiologische Unter- suchungen zur Baderwirkung auf den Kreislauf. Med. Klin., Berl., 1912, vhi, 993.—Brown (P. K.) Effects of baths on blood pressure. Cahf. State J. M., San Fran 1907, v, 279.—Bruck (C.) Ueber den Nutzen und Schaden von Badern fiir die gesunde und kranke Haut. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1913-14, vi, 343-348.— Chlenoff (B. A.) [Physiological action and indications for the use of sitz baths.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1043- 1046.—D. (L.) Action du bain de siege a diverses tempera- tures. Rev. med., Louvain, 1904, n. s., i, 124-128.—Danzer (S.) The treatment of paralysis agitans and arthritis de- formans by the continuous bath. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, xc, 367. ---—. The restorative action of baths on the fatigued. Proc. Am. Ass. Promot. Hyg. [etc.], Bait., 1916, v, 64-67. Aho: Am. Phys. Educ. Rev., Bost., 1917, xxh, 85-87 — Drzhevetski (A. F.) [Comparative observations on heat interchange in man in fresh-water baths and those of 15-20 per cent salt solutions.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 1541-1544.—Engel (H.) Ueber Resorption im Bade. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Berl., 1909, ii, 636-642.—Fox (R. F.) The physiology of bathing. Chn. J., Lond., 1912-13, xii, 183-187. -----. The influence of heat and cold upon the human body. Ibid., 1915, xliv, 353-360.-----. The sedative pool bath. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 302—Frankenhauser. Ueber die thermischeWirkung von Salzen auf die Haut und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Baderbehandlung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 77-79.—Hamilton (S. W.) The treatment of excitements by prolonged baths. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., Bait., 1907, xiv, 281-288.—Hueppe (F.) Einwirkung des Badens auf die Gesundheit. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1907, xxv, 213-215.—Jacob. Welches sind die erwie- senen Vorgange der Zirkulation beim Gebrauch von Badern, die zur Restitution des Herzens fiihren. Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., Berl. & Wien, 1909, pt. 2, 236- 241.— Kozlovski (I. I.) [Peculiarities of cutaneous thermic exchange in turpentine and ether-pine baths, as compared with the same in fresh-water baths.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno- Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1908, xvii, 143; 424; 492.—Kroma- yer (E.) Einige Bemerkungen fiber die fiir das Warte- personal wichtigen Einwirkungen der Bader auf die Haut. Irrenpflege, Halle a. S., 1897-8, i, 128-132.—Landouzy & Heitz (J.) Die wissenschaftliche Grundlage der Balneo- therapie; physiologische Voraussetzungen; klinische An- wendungsformen. Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1913, xxxiv, pt. 2, 372-397. [Discussion], pt. 1, 3.— Lenkei (W. D.) Einige Unterschiede zwischen der Wir- kung der Warmen- und Freibader von gleicher Temperatur und deren Ursachen. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1911, xv, 257; 340.—Lichutin (N.) [Influence ofthe the bath on the temperature of the body.] Feldsher, S.- Peterb., 1902, xh, 211.—Makawee (I. I.) Ueber die Ver- anderung der Korpertemperatur und des Pulses unter dem Einflusse verschiedener Wannenbader gleicher Temperatur und iiber den Einfluss des Materials, aus dem die Bade- wannen gebaut sind, auf die Abkuhlung des Inhalts dessel- ben. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902,lxxi, 803; 815; 827 — Muller (F.) Beitrage zur Wirkung der Bader auf den Kreislauf. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Khmat. [etc.], Berl., 1912-13, v, 367.— Mtiller (O.) Ueber den Einfluss von Badern und Douchen auf den Blutdruck beim Menschen. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1902, xx, 408-410—Nenado- vics (L.) Die Beurteilung der indirekten Kuhlung im Bade auf Grund von Elektrokardiographie und Blutdruckmes- sung. Zentralbl. f. Herzkrankh'. [etc.], Dresd. & Leipz., 1914, vi, 105-117,1 pL—Nicolai (G. F.) Ueber den Einfluss verschiedener Bader auf das Herz. Veroffentl. d. balneol. Ge- sellsch. in Berl., Berl. & Wien, 1912, xxxih, pt. 2,128-135.— Palmer (C. L.) Chnical observations on some of the effects of the general continuous flow bath. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1914-5, xvhi, 434-437.—Peters (W. H.) The bath as an adjunct in the treatment of disease. Am. Med., Burling- ton, Vt., & N. Y., 1909, iv, 568-572.—Schmincke (R.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Beeinflussung der Korpertemperatur durch Wasser; Kohlensaure- und Moor- biider. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 1080. Aho: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1913, xxxiv, pt. 2, 154.— Simpson (E. M.) The bath as a healing agent. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1902-3, iii, 333-338, 3 pL—Soboleff (N. I.) [Determination of the heat production in cold and.warm baths, with correction for the temperature of the internal and external parts of the body.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno- Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1910, xxi 209-220.-----. [Compari- son of gaseous and heat interchange in healthy men in water baths of various temperature.] Trudi Syezda Ross. Tera- Baths (Physiological and therapeutic ef- fects of). pevt., S.-Peterb., 1911. ii, 249-257.—Tschlenoff (B.) Die Sitzbader, deren physiologische Wirkung und die Indika- tionen fiir Anwendung derselben. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1902, xxxu, 649-656.—Welti-Kettlger (A.) Blutdruck und Puis in und nach Badern. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch., Aarau, 1908, 4. Hft., 72-99, 2 diag — Winternitz (H.) Ueber die Wirkung verschiedener Bader (Sandbader, Soolbader, Kohlensaurebader u. s. w.) insbe- sondere auf den Gaswechsel. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1901-2, lxxii, 258-290. Aho, Reprint.—Yakushe- vich (S. G.) (Action of bath's to which is added the extract of pine needles.] Klin. J., Mosk., 1901, v, 276-283—Zikel (II.) Wirksame Badekuren. Med. Khn., Berl., 1908, iv, 1310. Baths (Public). See, also, S-wimming-pools. Baruch (S.) [Public baths in New York (City); an album of photographs and newspaper clippings. 4°. New York, 1918.] Boston. Bepartment of Baths. Free muni- cipal baths in Boston. By William I. Cole. 12°. Boston, 1903. Bourgeois d'Orvanne (A.) Lavoirs et bains publics gratuits et a prix reduits. 8°. Barh, 1854. Chamberlen (P.) A vindication of publick artificial baths and bath stoves from the objec- tions and scandalls obtruded on them by those that do not or will not know their great benefit to the publick. 12°. Bondon, 1648. Extraits de documents officiels relatifs a la creation en France de bains et lavoirs popu- laires a prix reduits. 8°. [Lille, 1893.] Gerharu (W. P.) Public bath houses and swimming pools. 8°. New York, [n. d.]. ------. The progress of the public bath move- ment in the United States. 8°. [n. p., 1913.] Hawes (W.) Baths and washhouses for the industrious classes. A lecture. 12°. London, 1853. New York (City). Report on public baths and public comfort stations by the mayor's com- mittee of New York City. 8°. New York, 1897. New York (State). Assembly. An act to promote the public health and to amend chapter 473 of the laws of 1892, entitled "An act to estab- lish free public baths in cities, villages and towns." No. 895, 1315. Feb. 8, 1900. Introd. by Mr. Sanders, roy. 8°. [Albany, 1900.} Society for Establishing Public Baths and Wash-houses for the Labouring Classes, in the North-West District of the Metropolis. Reports of the committee of baths and wash-houses to the society. 1., 1846-7; 3., 1849. 8°. London, 1848-50. Abe (N.) Ueber das japanische Bad und die Finfiihrung eines Volksbades nach System Matsushita. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Berl., 1908, lxv, 140-148.—Aid winkle (T. W.) Public baths and washhouses. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Municip. & Co. Engin., Lond. & N. Y., 1907-8, xxxiv, 74-95, 2 pi. -----•. Public baths in relation to health. J. Roy. Inst. Pub. Health, Lond., 1908. xvi, 129-141.—Baumer (E.) Ueber Volksbader. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1901, 5. Hft., 33-49.—Barnett (K. B.) Baths and bathing in Japan. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, ix, 71-82.—Baruch (S.) The hygienic physi- ology of bathing and its application to public baths. Tr. xv. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1912, Wash., 1913, ii, 535- 542.—Bergen (O.) Das Volksbad zu Giessen. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904, ii, 369- 389.—Blasius (R.) Die Badeanstalten in der Stadt Braun- schweig. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1906, xxix, 81-96.—Booraem (J. F.) Combined life-rail and gutter. [Pat. spec] No. 923010; May 25, 1909.—C. Bagni popolari. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1899, x, 23-27.—C. (F.) I bagni popolari in Torino ed il nuovo edificio del Borgo San Donate Ibid., 1900, xi, 106-109.—Chase (H. L.) Pub- he bathing establishments, with a description of the new pubhc bath at Brookline, Massachusetts. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1896, Concord, 1897, xxii, 182-187—Cod- dou O. (R.) Banos publieos. Rev. chilenade hij., Sant. de Chile, 1899-1900, v, 185-264.—Czaplewski. Zur Frage der BATHS. 384 BATHS. Baths. (Public). offentlichen Bader. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904-6, iii, 393-400.—Dunbar (W. P.) Ueber das Badebedurfnis und die gegenwartigen Moglich- keiten, es zu befriedigen. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1912, xxxv, 381; 449. Also, Reprint.—Eggers (H.) Die iibrigen stadtischen offentlichen Badeanstalten in Mun- chen. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1903, ii, 17-21.—Einige Vorschlage beziiglich der Einriehtung von Badeanstalten. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1907, xxx, 847: 1908, xxxi, 17.—Endrich (C.) Ausnutzung des Kuhlwassers von Maschinenanlagen fur Bade- und Heizungszwecke. Ibid., 1913, xxxvi, 217-219.— Escomel(E.) ElbalneariodeJesus. Crdn.med.,Lima, 1917, xxxiv, 80-92.—Flsk (H. E.) The introduction of public rain baths in America; a historical sketch. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1896, xxxvi, 481-501. Also, Reprint.—Fort (E.) & Moya (J.) Proyecto de establecimiento de bafios de aspersi6n econdmicos para Madrid. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, iv, 313- 318.—Fox (C. J.) Public baths. Engin. Rev., N. Y., 1907, xvu, No. 8, 1-3. Aho: Denver M. Times [etc.], 1908-9, xxviii, 605-608.—Fronczak (F. A.) The availability of the waterfront for public baths. Proc. Am. Ass. Promot. Hyg. [etc], Bait., 1916,v, 54-57.—deGourlet(Apolline). L'hospice de Quinze-Vingts et les bains-douches k bon marche. Rev. philanthrop^Par., 1909, xxv, 110-113.—Grunow(W.) Die stadtischen Brausebader in Breslau. Gesundh.-Ingenieur. Munchen, 1914, xxxvu, 649-651.—Gullino (C. A.) I bagni popolari della citta di Essen. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1912, viii, 185-187.—H. Die freien Volksbader der Stadt New York. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1908, xxxhi, 353-360.—Hanger (G.W.W.) Publicbathsin the United States. Bull. Bureau Labor, Wash., 1904, No. 54, 1245-1367—HartweU (E. M.) Publicbathsin Europe. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1897, No. 16,1- 5. Aho: San. Plumber, N. Y., 1897, xv, No. 19, p. 23; No. 20, p. 20; No. 23, p. 21.—Hertel. Ueber die Verwendung von Kondenswasser zum Betriebe von Badern. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1907, iv, 386- 399.—Herzberg. Ueber die Wasserbeschaffung fiir Volks- badeanstalten. Ibid., 1901, 4. Hft., 39.—Hirschberg (E.) Die Statistik des deutschen Volksbadewesens im Jahre 1900 nach einer von der Gesellschaft fiir Volksbader ange- stellten Erhebung bearbeitet. Ibid., 1900, 4. Hft., 5-98 — Hocheder (K,) Das Muller'sche Volksbad in Munchen. Ibid., 1903, ii, 1-16. -----. Mitteilungen uber asthetische Anforderungen an moderne Badeanlagen. Ibid., 1904-6, hi, 251-257.—Kallenbach (G.) Entwickelung des Ba- derverkehrs in Breslau. Ibid., 534-538.— Kauffmann (K.) Ein neuer Sicherheits-Mischapparat fiir Badeanla- gen. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1908, xxxi, 20-22.— Kler (J.) Das Badewesen in Danemark. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904-6, iii, 51- 54.—Knopf (S. A.) Water in the prevention and cure of tuberculosis; with a plea for public baths for old and young and swimming pools particularly in connection with public schools. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1915, lxxxviii, 172-179. Also, Reprint.—Krebs. Die erziehliche Bedeu- tung und die bisherige Verbreitung der Volksbader mit Rucksicht auf die verschiedenen Bevblkerungsschichten. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1902, i, 7. Hft., 24-33.—Krencker. Dasstadtische Medizinalbad zu Strassburg i. E. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1911, vhi, 129.— Kritzler (F.) Entwurfs-Beispiele fiir Volksbader im Auf- trage der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Volksbader. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1900, 3. Hft., 37- 59.—Langermann. Untersuchungen uber den Vorgang der Selbstreinigung ausgefiihrt am Wasser des Giessener Volksbades. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1909, lxiv, 43.5-453.—Laquer (B.) Ueber private und offentliche Badeeinrichtungen in den Vereinigten Staaten. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1906, xviii, 165-169. Aho: Veroffentl.d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1906, iv, 60-65.—Lassar (O.) Ueber Volksbader. Ibid., 1904-6, iii, 54-57.—Loewenstein (F.) Preisentwiirfe fur Volksbader Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1900, xxiii, 156; 171, 1 pL— Luthardt. Die stadtischen Volksbader in Chemnitz. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904-6,iii,377-384.— Maschke(M.) Stadtischeroder priva- ter Badebetrieb? Ibid., 1900, 2. Hft., 35-38.—Matzdorff. Die Entwickelung des stadtischen Volksbadewesens in Berlin. Ibid., 1901, 5. lift., 11-22.—Merkel (S.) & Welgle (T.) Der Bakteriengehalt im Schwimmbassin des Lud- wigsbades zu Numbers. Ztschr. f. Untersueh. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1898, 239-245.—Michael. Badean- staltund Wascherei. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1906, iv, 99-105.—MOinlchen (E.) Volksbader auf dem Lande. Ibid., 1903,ii, 86-95.—du Mont. Die Rettungseinrichtungen im Sophienbade zu Eisenach. Ibid., 1904-6, hi, 531.—Montalenti (F.) Stabilimenti di bagni e lavatoi popolari in Torino. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1912, viii, 281; 293,5ch.—Morgand (H.) Les bains- douches municipaux. Rev. prat, d'hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1906, ii, 433-448—Nydegger (J. A.) Public baths. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1913, xxviii, 1601-1606.—Pal- mier!. I bagni popolari di Via Venezia in Genova. Igiene mod., Genova, 1909, ii, 225-227.—Peters. Die allgemeinen Grundsatze dor technischen Einriehtung von Volksbadern. Baths (Public). Verhandl. u. Mitt. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspfl. in Magdeb., 1904, 99-105.—Peters & Oslender. Grundsatze fiir Bauan- lage und Einriehtung von Volksbadeanstalten als Pro- gramm zum Gebrauch bei der Ausschreibung und Aufstel- lung der Entwiirfe. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1902, i, 7. Hft., 34-81.—von Petersen (O.) Die Volksbader in Russland. Ibid., 1904,ii, 389-393.—Phi- lippe (C.) Des bains publics a Paris; la question des pis- cines. J. d'hyg., Par., 1913, xxxix, 58-62.—Philippe (E.) Bains et lavoirs populaires a prix reduits. Congres d'assain. et de salub. 1895, Par., 1897, i, 135-160. Also, Reprint — Poelchau (G.) Unser heutiges Volksbadewesen. Ver- offentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1901, 5. lift., 50-70. Aho: Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1902, xxv, 196; 210.—Prausnitz (C.) Die neuere Entwicklung des offentlichen Badewesens m England. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 310.—Prlebe. Die Entwickelung des Berliner Ver- eins fiir Volksbader. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1900, 2. Hft., 9-22.—Becknagel (H.) Ueber moderne Badeanstalten, unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Erzeugung kunsthcher Meereswellen. Ge- sundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1906, xxix, 82-86.—Bitter (J.) Die Badeanstalt der Gemeinsamen Ortskrankenkasse zu Dannenburg a. d. Elbe. Ibid., 1913, xxxvi, 219-221.—Rous (G.) Bains hygieniques populaires en Autriche, en Alle- magne et a Lyon. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1899, xlh, 467.—Sch. (R.) Das Volksbadewesen in Hamburg. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1902, xxi, 435-438.—Schafer. Oeffent- liches Badewesen. Preuss. Med.- u. Gesundheitswes. 1883- 1908. Festschr____Berl., 1908, 316-326.—Schmidt. Ueber die Anlage eines Volksbades in mittelgrossen Stadten. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1906, iv, 87-99.—Schultze. Volksbader. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1898, xxi, 193-198.-----. Stand und Entwicke- lung des Badewesens in der Rheinprovinz. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. £. Volksbader, Berl., 1901, 6. Hft., 18- 29—Shepard (C. H.) Public Turkish baths needed. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvu, 417. Aho, Reprint — Sommer. Die Bedeutung der Volksbader fiir die psy- chische Hygiene. Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen, 1905, 61.— Stack (E.) Die neue stadtische Badeanstalt in Hannover. Gesund.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1907, xxx, 133-144.—Stewart (Jane A.) Boston's free municipal bathingplant. Sclent. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1899, xlvii, 19631.-----. Boston'sexperi- ence with municipal baths. Am. J. SocioL, Chicago, 1901-2, vii, 416-422.—Stormer. Das Sommerbad der Stadt Meer- ane i. S. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904-6, hi, 200-204.—Treptow (W.) Arbciterbader. Arch. f.Volkswohlf., Berl., 1908-9, ii, 161-165.—Vetter (L.) Der Grossbetrieb deutscher Badeanstalten und seine fort- schrittliche Entwicklung. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1907, iv, 276-2S2. Vincent (Mme.) Bains et lavoirs municipaux. Cong, internat. d. ceuvres et inst. fem. 1900, Par., 1902, iv, 207-210.—Warman (D.) A plea for public baths. Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1897, xii, 1-13.—Wende (E.) Establishment of the first free municipal bath house at Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo M. J., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxix, 808-821— Whittaker (H. A.) Inves- tigation of Lake Calhoun pubhc baths, Minneapolis, Mav to November, 1917. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1918, xxxvih, 98-105. Aho: Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1918, xxxviii, 98-115. Aho, Reprint. ------. Sanitary sugges- tions regarding the location, construction and management of pubhc bathing beaches. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1918, n. s., xxxvih, 349. Aho: Med. Insur. & Health Conserv., Dallas, 1918, xxvu, 369. Aho, Reprint.—von Wiedersperg. Grundsatze fiir die Errichtung und den Betrieb von offent- lichen Badeanstalten. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1901, xhi, 25-30.—Wolff (C.) Die stadtische Badeanstalt an der Goseriede in Hannover. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904-6, iii, 503-528. Baths (Public, History of). See Balneology (Hhtory of). Baths (Public, Hygiene of). See Baths (Hygiene of). Baths (Roman). See Baths (Hot-air, etc.). Baths (Russian). See Baths (Vapor, etc.). Baths (Sand). See Baths (Mud, etc.). Baths (Sea). See, also, Sea-baths. Fischer (H.) Aerztlicher Ratgeber fiir das Nordseebad. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. ----—. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Bremen, [1911]. BATHS. Baths (Sea). Gaste (L.-F.) Essai sur les bains Marie- Therese, ou considerations historiques et medi- cales sur les bains. 8°. La BocBelle, 1829. Gesundheitlich (Die) wichtigen Verhaltnisse und Einrichtungen der deutschen Seebadeorte (mit Ausnahme der mecklenburgischen See- bader. Hrsg. von R. Abel. 8°. Berlin 1913. Forms ii. Suppl., v. 46, of: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med. Hiller (A.) Lehrbuch der Meeresheilkunde 8°. Berlin, 1913. Landouzy (L.) Crenotherapie, climatothe- rapie. 8°. Baris, 1910. Mess. Traite pratique des bains de mer. 2 ed. 8°. [n.p.n.d.] Oransz (M.) Grado und seine Heilkrafte, nebst Anleitung zum Kurgebrauch. 12°. Triest-Grado, 1905. Preysz (C.) The effects of sea-baths with a special view to Lake Balaton. 12°. Vienna dc Leipzig, 1894. Shtshepetoff (V. A.) Gurzuf na yuzhnom beregu Krima i yevo Heehebniya sredstva. [Gurzuf on the southern shore of the Crimea, and its therapeutic resources.] 8°. Odessa, 1890. Temkin (Essel). *Das Meer als Heilmittel. 8°. Zurich, 1911. Trepke (Y.) & Zuyeff (P.) Vanni mor- skiya; sanitarno-tekhnicheskiya danniya pri proyektirovanii i postroikie morskikh vann na yugie Rossii. [Sea baths; sanitary-technical data in the planning and construction of sea baths in the south of Russia.] 12°. Odessa, 1910. ------ ------. Proyekt obyazatelnikh po- stanovlemiy dlya postroiki i eksploatatsii na yugie Rossii morskikh vann, kurortnikh gosti- nits i ban. [Projected obligatory rules for the construction and management of sea baths, health-resort inns, and bath houses in the south of Russia.] 12°. Odessa, 1910. Wegele (C.) Die Wirkungsweise der Sool- und Seebader, ihre Indicationen und Anwen- dungsweise. 12°. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Zentralblatt fiir Thalassotherapie, Klima- tologie, Balneologie und verwandte Wissens- zweige. v. 3. 8°. Abbazia, 1911. Albert I, Prince de Monaco. Thalassotherapie et oceano- graphie. Rev. scient., Par., 1914,801-803.—Baltouzewitsch. De l'influence des bains salins sur la nutrition a l'etat de sante. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par., 1898, iii, 513-519.—Barbier & Mora. Differences d'action des sta- tions balneaires; la raison de leurs proprietes climat^riques propres. Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap., Berl, 1911, v, 375-387.—Benkendorfl (R.) Ueber den Wert "vergleichender Messungen" bei der Erforschung des Klimasunserer Seebader. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1913-14, 519-521.—Bennett (W. H.) Forty years of thalassotherapy. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1915, iv, 158-161.—Benoit (C.) La cure marine. Chnique, Par., 1908, hi, 473-475.—Bertheau. Die Seebadeorte in Schleswig- Holstein. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1913, 3. F., xlvi, 11. Suppl., 153-196.—Bockhorn. Die Atemgymna- stik, ein erzieherischer und heilsamer Faktor in der Tha- lassotherapie. Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong.f. Thalassotherap., Berl., 1911, v, 388-399.—von Boltenstern (O.) Die An- schauungen iiber die Wirkungsweise der Seebader, insbe- sondere der Ostseebader, im Wandel der Zeiten. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1910, 410; 461; 483; 553: 1911, 4; 49—Bou- tin. Indications et reglementation des bains de mer. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxix, 342-345.— Brochard. Del uso de los bafios de mar en los ninos. Bol. d. Dispens. y Hosp. de Ninos pobres de Barcel., 1896, vi, 207; 226; 247; 267; 285; 306; 325: 1897, vii, 4; 20; 43; 55; 68; 78; 93; 105: 1898, vui, 4; 13; 20; 29; 82; 92: 1899, ix, 13; 21; 37; 46; 53; 77; 85; 93: 1900, x, 6.—Cohen (S. S.). Thalassotherapy. Ref.Handb. Med. Sc, N. Y., 1917, vhi, 155-160—Copeman (A. H.) Sea-bathing. Practitioner, Lond.. 1911, lxxxvii, 101-106.—D'Aumerie (J. F.) Verhandehng ter beant- woording der vrage: Waarin bestaat de werking en het nut der zeebaden ten aanzien der genezing van sommige ziekten. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, 1829, xvh, pt. 2, 1-86.—De Hartogh (J.), 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----25 BATHS. Baths (Sea). Hermanides (C. H.) & Varekamp (p.) Veiligheidsmaat- regelen bij de zeebaden in Nederlandsche zeebadplaatsen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1917, i, 57.—Escherich (T.) Die Bedeutung der Adriabader fur die Hygiene des Spielalters der Kinder. Zentralbl. f. Thalassotherap. [etc], Abbazia, 1911, hi, 1-12.—Galli. Die arztliche Studienreise durch die Ostseebader. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2069.—Gmelin (K.) Thalassotherapie des Kindes- alters. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Jena, 1911, xv, 662-668.—Guthmann (A.) Die Technik des kalten See- badens. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1912, xxxiv, 201-208. -----. Nachkuren an der See. Ibid., 1913, xxxv, 261-269. -----. Indikationen fiir das Ostseebad. Ibid., 1914, xxxvi, 87-94.—Henius. Badeverwaltung und Aerzte. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxviii, 561.—Hoche, Behrend [et al.]. Die Seebadeorte in Pommern. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1913, 3. F., xlvi, 2. Suppl., 41-132 — Huismans (L.) Die Heilwirkung der deutschen Seebader. Therapie d. Gegenw., Berl., 1913, liv, 97-104.—Jaume y Matas (P.) Talasoterapia. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1910, xxvi, 365; 389.—Kirstein (F.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Medizinaluntersuchungsamter fur die Seebadeorte. Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalasso- therap., Berl., 1911, v, 130-138.—Kurpjuweit. Die hygieni- schen Einrichtungen der Seebadeorte auf den Inseln Use- dom-Wollin. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1912, xxv, 800- 810.—Lalesque(F.) Thalassotherapie. In: Landouzy (L.) Crenotherapie, 8°, Par., 1910, 616-644.—Latz (B.) Diatetik und diatetische Moglichkeiten in Seebadorten. Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap., Berl., 1911, v, 406-410. Aho: Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], Berl., 1911-12, iv, 206-208.—Lavergne (F.) Technique du bain de mer. J. de med. de Par., 1909, 2. s., xxi, 317.—Lindemann (E.) Das Seebad vom hydriatischen Standpunkt. Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr. W. Winternitz, Wien & Leipz., 1897, 150-160—Loewy (A.), Mttller (F.) [et al.]. Ueber den Einfluss des Seeklimas und der Seebader auf den Menschen. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1909-10, vii, 627- 685,4pi.— Luisada (E.) I bagni marini spiaggia di Viareg- gio. Atti d. Cong. naz. d'idrol. e climat., Perugia, 1908, 358-370.—Mattill (Helen I.) & Mattill (H. A.) Some me- tabolic effects of bathing in the Great Salt Lake. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists 1913, Bait., 1914, p. xxxi, Aho: Am. J. Physiol., Bait., 1914-15, xxxvi 488-500.-----------. Some metabolic effects of bathing in the Great Salt Lake. Ibid., 1916, xii, 143-152.—Mttller (F.) Ueber den Einfluss des Seeklimas und der Seebader auf den Stoffwechsel des Men- schen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 79.-----. Der Einfluss der Seebader auf die Blutzirkulation des Menschen. Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap., Berl., 1911, v, 303-310.— Natvig (R.) Die metereologischen Verhaltnisse der nor- wegischen Seebader. Zentralbl. f. Thalassotherap. [etc.], Abbazia, 1911, iii, 223-238.—Oinuma (S.) & Kodama (S.) The loss of bodily temperature from sea-bathing during winter season. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1918, xxxvii.— Nicolas. Beitrage zu den Indikationen der Nordsee- bader. Monatschr. f. prakt. Balneol., Munchen, 1898, iv, 145; 182.—Piatot. Technique et indications de la douche sous-marine. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 1911, Auxerre, 1912, hi, 173-181.—Powell (W. M.) Sea-air and sea-bathing in convalescence. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1988, 60-67.—Quittel. Die Seebadeorte im Regie- rungsbezirk Aurich. Vrtljschr.f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1913, 3. F., xlvi, 11. Suppl., 230-280—Richelot (L.-G.) L'hydro- therapie marine et les arthritiques nerveuses. Cong, inter- nat. de bains de mer . . . C.-r. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 87-95.— Bichter (P. F.) Die Wirkungen der physikalischen Agen- tien der Thalassotherapie auf den Stoffwechsel der Gewebe. Ber. ii. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap., Berl., 1911, v, 113-120. Aho: Ztschr. f. Balneol., Khmat. [etc.], Berl., 1911-12, iv, 379-382.—Rledel. Die Seebadeorte im Gebiete der Freien und Hansestadt Liibeck. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1913, 3. F., xlvi, 2. Suppl., 133-147.—SchaU. Die Seebadeorte im Hamburgischen Staatsgebiet. Ibid., 197-221.—Schlaeger. Die Ostseebadeorte im Grossherzog- tum Oldenburg (Furstentum Liibeck). Ibid., 148; 222.— Seemann. Die Seebadeorte in Westpreussen. Ibid., 25- 40.—Solbrig. Die Seebadeorte in Ostpreussen. Ibid., 1-24.—de Tolosa Latour (M.) La thalassoterapia en Espana. Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1897-8, iv, 3-5.—Tyson (W. J.) Discussion on sea bathing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, ii, ii, 540-542.—Varekamp (P.) Physische therapie in verband met thalassotherapie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1910, xiv, pt. 1, 460-472. Baths (Shower). See Baths (Bouche and shower). Baths (Sulphur). See, also, Waters (Mineral, Sulphurous). Matzka (W.) Process of preparing a composition for sulphur-baths. [Pat. spec] No. 766154; July 26, 1904.— Partos (A.) Wesen und Bedeutung der Schwefelthermen. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxvih, 1542-1547.—Weisz (E.) [Excessive effects of the sulphur, hot, and mud baths.] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 87; 99; 135; 170.— 3* BATHS. 386 BATH-TUBS. Baths (Sulphur). Winckler (A.) Gehalt der bekannten Schwefelquellen an Schwefelwasserstoffgas. Monatschr. f. prakt. Balneol., Munchen, 1898, iv, 181. Baths (Turkish). See Baths (Hot-air, etc.). Baths (Vapor, Russian, and medicated). Mahomed (S. D.) Shampooing, or, benefits resulting from the use of the Indian vapour bath, as introduced into this country, containing a brief but comprehensive view of the effects pro- duced by the use of the warm bath in compari- son with steam or vapor bathing. 8°. Brighton, 1822. Putnam (J. J.) Abstract of a report on the medical baths. 8°. [n. p.], 1904. Rikli (A.) Bett- und Theil-Dampfbader. 5. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. United States. Congress. House of Bep- resentatives. A bill to regulate the issue of licenses for Turkish, Russian, or medicated baths in the District of Columbia. 58. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 10669. Jan. 19, 1904. Introd. by Mr. Babcock. rov. 8°. [Washington, 1904.] Anselmino (O.) & Schilling (J.) Fichtennadelbader. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1914, xxviii, 502-504.—Butts (E. A.) Vapor-bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 632802; Sept. 12, 1899.—Caldwell (G. B.) Facial steamer or bath. [Pat. spec] No. 1148953; Aug. 3,1915.—Crank (N.) Vapor cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 1010595; Dec. 5, 1911—Dal- zelle (S. J.) Steam face bath. [Pat. spec] No. 949623; Feb. 15, 1910.—Dams (K.) Ein horizontaler Schwitzap- parat. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1898, xx, 181.—Davis (O. E.) Medicated bath. [Pat. spec] No. 301483; July 8, 1884.—Depenbrock (F.) Compact folding vapor-bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 1092699; April 7,1914.— Dibble (B. J.) Vaporizing and air heating attachment for bath cabinets. [Pat. spec] No. 1016873; Feb. 6, 1912. Finzel (H.) Vapor-bath apparatus. [Pat. specl No. 626373; June6,1899— Forbes(H. W.) &Linlck(F.) Vapor diffusing device. [Pat. spec] No. 1007026; Oct. 24, 1911.— Friedlaender (R.) Sweat baths and baths which increase bodily temperature. Phila. M. J., 1901, vhi, 357-360.—Gar- rett (Palmyra O.) Vapor-bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 684753; Oct. 15,1901.—Gelger (S.) Apparatus for extracting herbs and medicating steam. [Pat. spec] No. 1096620; May 12, 1914.—Grubbs (J. F.) Combination steam and water bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 881855; March 10, 1908.—Held (M.) Die Bereitung medikamentoser Bader. Deutsche Krankenpfl.-Ztg., Berl., 1905, vhi, 65-68.—Hempel (A.) Medicinal bath. [Pat. spec] No. 1022627; April 9, 1912.—Houghton (J. W. H.) Steam bath for use in a stationary hospital. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvh, 112-114.—Hurley (C. E.) Vapor-bath. [Pat. spec] No. 761228; May 31, 1904.—Jaques (L. C.) Vapor- bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 911727; Feb. 9, 1909 — Kruse (J. F.) Portable vapor bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 1038394; Sept. 10, 1912.—Leudet. La medication ther- male. Gaz. d. eaux. Par., 1905, xlviii, 169; 177.—Losee (F. B.) Folding vapor-bath cabinet, [l'at.spcc] No. 641712; Jan. 23, 1900.—Maheu (J.) Les bains modicamenteux. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 232-235 Mast-like (S.) Hot-air and steam bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 568622; Sept. 29, 1896.— Merker (G. W.) Vapor-bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 664282; Dec. IS, 1900.-Mohr (L.) Vapor-bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 739612; Sept. 22,1903.- Pater- noster (G.) Vapor-bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 622S21; April 11, 1899.—Payeur (B.) Take-down vapor bal li cabi- net. [Pat. spec] No. 1144861; June 29, 1915. Pinard (J. B.), Cassidy (J.) & Mellor (R. M.) Vapor bath. [Pat. snec] No. 1007603; Oct. 31,1911.—Porteous (J. L.) Natural thermal medicated baths vs. artificiallv medicated thermal baths. Phila. M. J., 1X98, i, 473-475.—Pregowski. [Popular vapor baths.] Przegl. hyg., Lwdw, 1905, iv, 19; 83; 105.— Rostovsky (M.) Portable steam or vapor balli apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 670545; March 26, 1901.—Rowlev (W. S.) Medical cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 700561; May 20, 1902.— Ryan (F. R.) Medicinal bath-cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 665756; Jan. 8, 1901.—Schubardt (R.) Device for the pro- duction of medicinal baths. [Pat. spec] No. 908150; Dec. 29, 1908.—Severl (A. R.) Apparecchio per eseguire un bagno a vapore in letto, pronto, innocuo ed economico, mediante i vapori ottenuti spegnendo la calce viva. Ras- segna di sc. med., Modena, 1902-3, xvh, 77-83.—Simon (A.) [On the influence of vapor baths upon the secretory function ofthe stomach J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xvhi, 1027- 1030.—Stltt (It. R.) Vapor-bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 1247167; Nov. 20, 1917.—Toepel (T.) Sane indications of the uses of medicinal baths and exercise. Atlanta Jour.- Rec. Med., 1915-16, lxu, 313-318.—Valcke (J.) Le bain de Baths (Vapor, Russian, and medicated). vapeur a domicile et a sudation reglable. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1902, ix, 307-312.-----. Appareils brevetes pour bains de vapeur generaux et locaux. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1904, lvi, 27-42.—Vetoshnikoff (F. I.) [In- fluence of the Russian bath upon the assimilation of fats from food in healthy men.] Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1893, xiv, 1270.—Violin (I. A.) [On the value ofthe Russian bath.] Fjened. jour. " Prakt. med.," S.-Peterb., 1897, iv, 437-443.— Waltz (O. D.) Vapor bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 864052; Anj. 20, 1907.—Wehinger (J.) Schwitzapparat fiir Heissluft- und Dampfbader. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1898, xx, 158.—Weissmann (R.) Ueber einige Versuche mit Lacpinin-, Thiorubrol- und Empyrol- Badern. Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Munchen, 1910, xvii, 169-176.—Wright (J. R.) Vapor-bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 1231466; June 26, 1917.—Wygal (S.) Vapor- bath apparatus. [Pat. spec] No. 641353; Jan. 16, 1900.— Zinkhann (J. W.) Vapor-bath cabinet. [Pat. spec] No. 661390; Nov. 6,1900. Bath-tubs [Patent specifications for]. Adams (C. J.) & Taylor (W. M. P.) Bath tub fixture. No. 1163302; Dec. 7, 1915.—Badger (A. C.) Waste outlet and stopper therefor. No. 1163582; Dec 7, 1915.—Barker (G. H.) Combined bath-tub and washstand. No. 1082065; Dec. 23, 1913. -----. Bath tub and lavatory direct waste. No. 1215237; Feb. 6, 1917.—Barnhart (R. E.) Permanent bath-tub seat. No. 1284171; Nov. 5, 1918—Bedford (J. W.) Adjustable back-brush for bath-tubs. No. 819200: May 1, 1906.—Bissell (E. J.) Splash-guard for bathing apparatus. No. 788237; April 25, 1905.—Boniface (N. F.) & Boniface (S. F.) Portable and foldable bath-tub. No. 1096672; May 12, 1914.—Booth (C. H.) Bath-tub-leg fastening. No. 846977; March 12, 1907.—Brant (O. C.) Bath-tub and sprinklerattachment. No. 867343; Oct. 1,1907.—Breide(E.) Portable bath-tub. No. 669070; March 5, 1901.—Brown (B. F.) Bath-tub rail. No. 1261759; April 9, 1918.—Bulin (A.) Attachment for bath tubs. No. 939797; Nov. 9,1909.— Bullock (G.) Bath-tub cover. No. 1262442; April 9,1918.— Bussenlus (O.) Bath-tub. No. 755109; March 28, 1904.— Caldwell (J. A.) Foot-tub. No. 771124; Sept. 27,1904—Char- mOis(D.C) Supply and waste for bath tubs. No. 1025683; May 7,1912.—Christen (D.) Bathtub. No. 1067898: July 22,1913.—Clarke (E.J.) Bath tub foot rest. No. 1232223; July 3, 1917.—Clifford (J.) Enameled iron bath tub. No. 1116015; Nov. 3,1914— Coile(H. P.) Bath-tub. No. 755747; March 29, 1904.—Corwin (W. B.) Bath-tub seat. No. 1188534; June 27, 1916.—Cullen (W. D.) Bath-tub seat. No. 1145975; Julv 13, 1915.—Cunningham (J. A.) Tub. No. 1200710; Oct! 10,1916.—Danver (J. H.) Casing for bath tubs. No. 1009483; Nov. 21, 1911.-----. Bath-tub leg. No. 1285062; Nov. 19. 1918.—Day (E. M.) Bath-tub. No. 819343; Mav 1, 1906.— Day (G. E.) & Ward (A. G.) Bath- tub leg. No. 684797; Oct. 22. 1901—De Camps (W. C.) Attachment for bath-tubs. No. 8700*6: Nov. 5, 1907 — Eichenlaub (J. F.) Trap and outlet construction for bath- tubs. No. 908651; Jan. 5, 1909.-----. Waste and overflow connection for bath-tubs. Xo. 999170: Jan. 12,1909.—Eustis (J. P.) Bath-tub seat. No. s92i».": Julv 7, 1908.—Fischer (H. W.) Bathtub. No. 1017400: Dec. 17,1912— Fisher (S. J.) Attachment for bath-tubs. No. 1054834; March 4,1913 — Forsberg (F.) Foot rest for bath tubs. No. 1019775; March 12, 1912.—Franzheim (G.W.) Leg fastening. No. 942380; Dec. 7, 1909.— I'razzano (F.) Bath-tub appliance. No. 1272936; July 16, 1918.—Friedman (G.) Bidet. No. 1091499; March 31, 1914—Frost (W. J.) Internal clamp. No. 969098; Aug. 30, 1910.—Gallagher (E. A.) A new bed bathtub. N. York M. J. [etc], 1914, c, 811.—Gamble (W.H.) Folding or collapsible bath-tub. No. 707060; Aug. 12, 1902— Gittiiigs (W. G.) Collapsible bath-tub. No. 744745: Nov. 24, 1903.—Glauber (J. H.) Coupling pipe for bath tubs, basins and like vessels. No. 1107289; Aug. 18, 1914.—Gossmaim (II.) Bath-tub. No. 693701; Feb. 18, 1902.—Grow (A. L.) Sanitarv attachment for bath tubs. No. 1024329; April 23. 1912.—Haft (E. E.) Washbasin and bath tub plug. No. 1014389; Jan. 9, 1912.—Harrison (A.) ISath tub head rest. No. 977950; Dec 6, 1910.—Harvey (W. L.) Glass bath-tub. No. 671594; April 9, 1901.—Helli (I.) Collapsible baih tub. No. 1075912; Oct. 14, 1913.—Hensel (O.A.) Uoekingoroscillating bath-tub. No.643094; Feb.6, 1900.— Hinsdale t^W. lv) Bath-tub lixture or appliance. No. 1193145; Aim. 1, 1916.—Hiteshew (II. B.) Bath tub extension. No. 1013162; Jan. 2. 1912— Hooper (L. M.) Bath tub. No. 1227140; Mav 22, 1917.—Horner (S. E.) Strainer for sinks, bath-tubs, etc. No. 780341; Jan. 17,1905.— Hydeman (K. N.) Bath tub and mat therefor. No. 1131932; March 16, 1915.-Ike (C. F.) Bath-tub. No. 920575; May 4, 1909.—James (\V. C.) Combined couch and bath tub. No. 1077199; Oct. 28. 1913.—Jefferson (M.) At- tachment for bath tubs. No. 10406S6; Oct. 8,1912.—Jensen (T. C.) Outlet-valve for stationary tubs. No. 1288013; Dec. 17, 1918.—Jobe (J. S.) Bolted bath tub foot fastener. No. 1135188; April 13, 1915.—Lahl (J.) Adjustable head rest for bath tubs. No. 1011448: Dec. 12,1911—Lane (H. M.) Bathtub. No. 1161138; Nov. 23,1915.—Lawler (J. J.) Bath tub. No. 1079775; Nov. 25. 1913.—Lefferts (J. A.) Bath- tub and method of attaching feet thereto. No. 784746; BATH-TUBS. 387 BATRACHIA. Bath-tubs [Patent specifications for]. March 14, 1905.—Leo (R. L.) Folding bath tub. No. 979973; Dec. 27, 1910.—L'Hommedieu (G. A.) Bath tub attachment. No. 1104430; July 21, 1914.—Litton (F. R.) Bath tub attachment. No. 1051741; Jan. 28, 1913.—Lloyd (W.II.) Bath-tub supply pipe. No. 577264; Feb. 16,1897 — Loe wen thai. Ueber eine horizontale Beinbade-und Dampf- badewanne. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Bern, 1897, 117.—Lose (W. H.) Leg for bath tubs. No. 938066; Oct. 26, 1909—McBryde (H. E.) Seat-support for bath- tubs. No. 797451; Aug. 15,1905.—McDonald (J. M.) Bath tub fitting. No. 1003770; Sept. 19, 1911.—March (J. C. R.) Device for transporting and emptying bath-tubs. No. 747559; Dec. 22, 1903—Maycomber (F.) Bath-tub attach- ment. No. 1212659; Jan. 16, 1917.—Mercer (W. H.) Bath tub. No. 1191088; July 11, 1916.—Messenger (A.) Bath tub cover. No. 976199; Nov. 22, 1910—Mills (T.) Com- bined sink and wash and bath tub. No. 718856; Jan. 20, 1903.—Minus (W. J.) Combined sink, bath, and wash tub. No. 849254; April 2, 1907.—Moorfield (A.) Portable steam bath-tub. No. 724487; April 7, 1903.— Mowry (J. B.) Bath-tub. No. 801739; Oct. 10, 1905.—Mullen (G. H.) Bath tub seat. No. 1174755; March 7, 1916.—Murdock, (G. L.) Head rest for bath tubs. No. 1163945; Dec. 14,1915.— Mussleman (P.) Bath tub. No. 962970; June 28, 1910 — Neal(J. H.) Bathtub. No. 962240; June 21,1910—Nichols (J. L.) & Olson (C. J.) Bath tub seat. No. 1240479; Sept. 18,1917—Oliver (F.) Bath tub. No. 949303; Feb. 15,1910.— O'Neill (L. F.) Folding bath tub. No. 951574; March 8, 1910.—Orofino (M.) Bath tub appliance. [Seat.] No. 1197657; Sept. 12, 1916.—Palmatary (J. E.) Bracket attachement for bath-tubs. No. 743917; Nov. 10, 1903.— Peterson (C. W.) Combined bath-tub and cabinet. No. 909329; Jan. 12, 1909.—Presson (A. E.) Collapsible bath tub. No. 1139576; May 18, 1915.—Price (C. H.) Bath tub lining. No. 1081987; Dec. 23, 1913.—Pugh (J. H.) Hand- hold for bath-tub rims. No. 921733; May 18, 1909.-----. Foothold for bath-tubs. No. 921734; May 18, 1909.—Reed (J. C.) Bathtub. No. 1050071; Jan. 7,1913.—Rehm (F. C.) Bath tub appliance. No. 1111094; Sept. 22, 1914.—Bern- hardt (E. M.) Bath-tub. No. 578264; March 2, 1897.— Revell (A. H.) Bath-tub. No. 1149687; Aug. 10, 1915 — Ricks (C. A.) Bath-tub. No. 753002; Feb. 23, 1904.—Russ (F. H.) Folding bath tub. No. 1047449; Dec 17,1912 — Russell (B. N.) & Smith (T. V.) Bath-tub and basin plug. No. 1202590; Oct. 24,1916.—Schmidt (Ida W.) Bath- tub. No. 746390; Dec. 8, 1903.—Schmitt (C. B.) Portable and separable sink table and bath tub. No. 923203; June 1, 1909.—Schultze (II.) Bathing tub. No. 702380; June 10, 1902.—Sharp (J. W,) Bath-tub waste-fitting. No. 843968; Feb. 12,1906.-----. Bath tub. No. 1200036; Oct. 3,1916 — Sherman (M. C.) Infant's folding bath tub. No. 1167849; Jan. 11, 1916.—Sherrer (F. M.) & Faler (B. M.) Portable bath-tubs. No. 860577; July 16, 1907.—Shipp (E. M.) Bath tub attachment. No. 937476; Oct. 19, 1909—Simmons (E. W.) Tub attachment. No. 1132491; March 16,1915.— Simms (J. C.) Combination bath-tub, kitchen-sink, and drain-board device. No. 1095742; May 5, 1914.—Skogsberg (J. A.) Bath tub seat. No. 941544; Nov. 30, 1909.—Slow- man (E. H.) Bath-tub. No. 889979; June 9, 1908.—Stein (A.) Attachments for bath-tubs. No. 861916; July 30,1907.— Stepanchak (G.) Fitting for bath-tubs. No. 1281222; Oct. 8,1918.—Stewart (W. G.) Bath-tub supply-pipe con- nection. No. 886888; May 5,1908.—Stine (L. T.) Portable bith tub. No. 1072269; Sept. 2, 1913.—Stoneback (S. A.) Bathtub. No. 1129612; Feb. 23,1915— Tate(H.F.) Infant's bath tub. No. 1086628; Feb. 10, 1914— Tilton A. B.) Waste and overflow connection for bath tubs, wash basins, etc. No. 1101974; June30,1914.—Turner (G.W.) Tub seat. No. 1139824; May 18,1915.—Vaudreuil (J.) Bath-tub. No. 1246190; Nov. 13,1917.—Viel (A. H.) Bath-tub. No. 853276; May 14, 1907.—Wadsworth (C. W.) Hand-rail for bath tubs. No. 1147348; July 20,1914.—Ward (W. R.) Collapsi- ble and portable bath tub. No. 1130777; March 9, 1915.— Waterman (I. G.) Electromagnetic valve-controlling system. No. 802953; Oct. 24, 1905.—Weaver (H. M.) Bath- tub. No. 797839; Aug. 22, 1905. -----. Bath tub fitting. No. 1010469; Dec. 5,1911.—Weigel (G. M.) Overflow-valve for bath-tubs. No. 770344; Sept. 20, 1904.—Williams (W. T.) Bath-tub. No. 1198303; Sept. 12,1916.—Wolfe (F. M.) Bath-tub cover. No. 1194913; Aug. 15,1916.—Wolpert (W.) & Wolpert (T.) Bath-tub seat. No. 732249; June 30,1903 — Wright (F. M.) Bath-tub attachment. No. 1148424; July 27, 1915.—Zukor (A.) Bath tub head rest. No. 1032173; July 9,1912. Bathydoris. Evans (T. J.) The anatomy of a new species of Bathy- doris, and the affinities of the genus: Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1913-15), 1916, 1, 191-210. Bathynella. Caiman (W. T.) Notes on morphology of Bathynella and some allied Crustacea. Quarterly J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1917-18, lxiii, 489-514. Bathysciinae. Jeannel (R.) Revision des Bathysciinae (coleopteres silphides); morphologie, distribution geographique, syste- matique. Arch, de zool. exper-. et gen., Par., 1911, xlvii, 1-641, 24 pi. ' Batier (Gabriel) [1882- ]. *Tuberculose hu- maine et tuberculoses animales; de leurunicite. 316 pp. 8°. Byon, 1907, No. 82. —----. The same. 316 pp. 8°. Barh, F. Alcan, 1907. Batievsky (Mile. Vera) [1882- ]. *Considera- tiqns generales sur le tabes trophique. 43 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1910, No. 9. Batigne (Ludoyic) [1883- ]. *La cuti-reaction a la tuberculine chez les enfants. 70 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 379. Batigne (P[aul]). Elements de gynecologic viii, 416 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1911. Batini (Ettore). Sulla rigenerazione della mu- cosa dell' utero dopo il parto. 169 pp. 8°. Bha, Succ. FF. Nistri, 1912. Batireff (A[leksiei] S[tepanovich]) [1869- ]. *Eksperimentalniya izsliedovaniya k voprosu o vliyanii sheinavo simpaticheskavo nerva na glaz i statisticheskiya danniya o rezultatakh simpatektomii pri glaukomie. [Experimental investigations concerning the influence of the cervical sympathetic nerve upon the eye, and statistical data concerning the results of sym- pathectomy in glaucoma.] 135, 35 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beterburg, tip. uBossiya," 1908. Batisse (Noel). *Des formes graves de la perito- nite a pneumocoques. 56 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 340. Batissier (Louis). *De l'origine, de la classifica- tion et de Faction therapeutique des eaux mi- nero-thermales. 67 pp. 4°. _ Barh, 1842, No. 9. Batouleff (Vassil). *La morbidite et la mortalite dans l'embryotomie (cephalique, cervicale et rachidienne). 47 pp. 8 . Lausanne, 1902. Batrachedra. Harned (R. W.) The small pink corn worm Batrachedra rileyiWals.) in Mississippi. J. Econom. Entomol., Concord, N. H., 1916, ix, 295-298. Batrachia. See, aho, Frog; Toad. Alvergnat (D.) Observations sur le de- veloppement du tissu musculaire des batraciens. 8°. Barh, 1909. Isenschmid (M.) *Ueber eine von W. Volz in Sumatra gemachte Sammlung von Batra- chiern. 8°. Bern, 1903. Boulenger (G.-A.) Sur les rapports de Pontogenie a la taxinomie chez les batraciens anoures. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc, Par., 1918, clxvii, 60-63.—Camp (C. L.) Notes on the systematic status of the toads and frogs of California. Univ. Cahf. Pub. Zool., Berkeley, 1917, xvu, No. 9, 115-125.— Cavazzani (E.) L'azoto nucleonico nei batraci. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1904-5, lxxix, 95-106.— Della Valle (P.) La differenziazione dell' area cutanea dell' arto anteriore degh anuri nell' interno della cavita peribranchiale. Boll. d. Soc. di nat. in Napoh 1913, Napoli, 1914, 2. s., vi, 3-5.—Drzewina (Mile. Anna) & Bohn (G.) De Taction de l'eau de mer et de NaCl sur la croissance des larves des batraciens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 880-882.—Dubuisson. Sur les debuts de la de- generescence dans les ovules de batraciens. Ibid., 1905, lix, 531.—Fischer (A.) [An epidemic disease of frogs.] Med. Rev., Bergen, 1916, xxxhi, 338-341, 2 pi—Kennel (P.) Les corps adipo-lymphoides de quelques batraciens. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, clii, 1352: 1912, cliv, 1378- 1380.—Langlois (J.-P.) & Pellegrin (J.) De la dehydra- tion chez le crapaud et des variations correlatives de la densite du sang. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 1377-1379.—Lecaillon (A.) Sur quelques faits relatifs a l'etiologie et a la psychophysiologic des batraciens, en particulier du triton crete (Triton cristatus Laur.). Bull, de I'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1908, viii, 142-144.—Leredde & Pautrler. De l'influence des radiations de longueur d'onde BATRACHIA. 388 BATT. Batrachia. differente sur le developpement des batraciens. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1901,11. s.,iii, 1159-1161.—Metchni- koffl (E.) Reponse a la critique de M. Bataillon au sujet de l'atrophie musculaire chez les tetards. Ibid., 1892,9.s.,iv, 235-237.—Moleschott (J.) & Schelske (R.) Recherches comparatives sur le degagement de l'acide carbonique et la grandeur du foie des batraciens. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xii, 640-643—Oehl(E.) Sulla resistenza termica dei cuori linfatici posteriori dei batraci. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1891, 2. s., xxiv, 481-501. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891, xv, 426-429 — Phisalix (Mme.) Action physiologique du mucus des batraciens sui ces animaux eux-memes et sur les serpents; cette action est la meme que celle du venin de vipere. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1910, cl, 415-418.—Suchard (E.) Structure du bulbe du cceur, du tronc arteriel et des vaisseaux qui partent de ce tronc chez quelques batraciens. Arch, d'anat. micr., Par., 1902, v, 457-484, 2pL—Thulin (I.) Recherches sur 1'importance des mitochondries pour la metamorphose de la queue des batraciens anoures. Bibliog. ■anat., Par. & Nancy, 1910-11, xx, 333-342, 2 pL—von Tschermak (A.) Studien iiber tonische Innervationcn. 1. Ueber die spinale Innervation der hinteren Lymphherzen bei den anuren Batrachiern. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1907, cxix, 16,5-226,1 pi.—Wlntrebert (P.) Sur l'existence d'une irritabilite excito-motrice primitive, independante des voies nerveuses chez les embryons cilies de batraciens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 64,5-647.-----. Nouvelles recherches sur la sensibilite primitive des batra- ciens. Ibid., 1905, hx, 58.-----. Sur le determinisme de la metamorphosechezlesbatraciensanoures. I.Influenced'un milieu charge d'acide carbonique. Ibid., 1907, lxii, 1106-1108. -----. II. Le manque de respiration pulmonaire. Ibid., 1154-1156.-----.III. La circulation caudale. Ibid., lxiii, 57- 59.-----■. IV. Le fonctionnement variable des branchies et la theorie de l'asphyxie. Ibid., 85-87.-----. La mise des larves hors de l'eau. Ibid., 257-259.-----. Sur le determi- nisme de la metamorphose chez les batraciens; les caracteres anatomiques du demi-amblystome a branchies. Ibid., 1908, lxv, 549-551. Batrachospermum. Branchi (G.) Memoria sul batracospermo. 12°. Bisa, 1827. Repr.from: Nuovo giornale de' letterati, No. 36. Bats. See, also, Chiroptera. Katz(L.) Die Stria vascularis der Fledermaus. Ar,ch.f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1904, lxii, 271-274, 1 pL—Retterer (E.) & Lelievre (A.) Differences de structure des tendons de l'aile et de la patte posterieure de la chauve-souris. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 67-70.—van der Stricht (O.) Les mitoses de maturation de l'ceuf de chauve-souris (V. noctula). Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Par., 1906, vhi, 51-55. Bats (Jean-Baptiste) [1888- ]. *Du traite- ment de l'ophthalmie blennorrhagique de l'adulte par les pulverisations de vapeurs d'eau (methode de Goldzieher). 59 pp. 8° Bordeaux, 1913, No. 66. _ Batsere (Giil'riel). *Les ulcerations tubereu- leuses de l'estomac. 85 pp., 11. 8°. Toulouse, 1901, No. 415. Batt (William) [1744-1812]. Kermes mineralis apologia ex historia morbi nob. Dom. Bartholo- mafl Lommellini. 48 pp. 8°. Augustse Tauri- norum, typ. J. M. Bnoli, 1778. -------. Disputa intorno ad una gangrena. 4 pp. fol. Genova, stamp, degli ered% di A. Scionim 1781. [P., v. 2146.] ------. Pharmacopoea seu formulae selectee medi- camentorum ad normam medicinse hodiernae aptatorum. 96 pp. 12°. Genux, excud. F. Bepettus, 1785. ■------. Tavola ristretta o riflessioni all' istoria delle malattie di Sarzana e luoghi adjacent! dell' estate del 1784 scritta dai M. Dott. fisico Pietro Francesco Pizzorini. 29 pp. 12°. Li- vorno, G. V. Falorni, 1785. ■------. # Antidoto contro il veleno di due cosi dette informazioni indirizzate al pubblico dai M. P. F. Pizzorini. 7 pp 8°. Genova, 1787. [P., v. 2147.] ------. Conto reso del mercurio dolce. -viii pp 12°. [Genova, 1790.] Batt (William)—continued. ------. Brevi riflessioni sopra il formolario farma- ceutico compilato da' consoli e coneiglieri dell' Universita de' farmacisti di Genova. 19 pp. 12°. Genova, 1792. ------. Alcune riflessioni sullo stato presente della farmacia. 4 1. fol. [Genova, anno IV, 1800.] [P., v. 2146.1 ------. Pdflessioni sulla febbre degli spedali. 8 pp. 12°. [Canneto, 1800?] _ ------. Alcune consideration! intorno a quanto e accaduto negli ultimi giomi di una asma con- vulsiva, cui e sopraggiunta una quasi perfetta iscuria renale. 24 pp. 12°. [Genova, 1800?] ------. Considerazioni sull' innesto della vac- cina e sopra alcuni pregiudizj che ne ritardano il progresso in Genova. 16 pp. 12°. Genova, 1801. ------. Sulla vaccina di Jenner. 8 pp. 4°. Genova, anno LV[\801]. [P.. v. 2147.] ------. Agli editor! dell' osservatore. 11. fol. Genova. 1802. [P.. v. 2146.] ------. La vaccina in Parigi e nella Svezia, in alcuni paesi della Spagna e nell' ospedale di Pammatone. 1 1. fol. [Genova, 1802.1 TP., v. 2146.] ----;—. Distinzione necessaria fra la vaccina e gli errori, o negligenze di quelli, che la pra- ticano. 16 pp. 8°. [Genora, 1802.] ------. Sommario deeli og^etti da aversi in vista organizzando una scuola di medicina presentato al Senato. 1 1. i,.l. [Genora. 1802.1 TP-, v. 2146.] ------. Saggio d'avvenimenti intorno ad una straordinaria tosse che con pericolo di conse- guente tisi gia da quattro mesi regna epidemica in Genova. 14 pp. 16°. [Genova, 1804.] —;—. Difesa del Dot tor Gulielmo Batt ingui- rito di aver pubblicate collestampe le sue osser- vazioni sulla tosse epidemica della scorsa prima- vera. 8 pp. fol. [Genova, 1804.] [P., v. 2146.] ------. Storia dell' ultima malattia del Signor Giambatista Ceruti. 5 pp. fol. Genora. 1S0>. [P., v. 2146] ----—. Memoria sulle fummicazioni acido- minerali: specialmente allorche vengono im- piegate per distmggere il miasma contaeioso delle febbri sepedogenetiche, volgarmente dette maligne, putride, biliose, etc. 16 pp. 16°. [Genova, 1806.] ------. Lettera al signor Maicello Cerruti [sulla malattia del filsuo padre]. 13 pp. 12°. Genova, G. Giossi, 1806. ------. Analisi dei pretesi schiarimenti d'un' anonimo sulla malattia del fii sig. Giambattista Cerruti indirizzata agli amici del defunto. 41 pp. 12°. Genova, stamp. Casamara. 1806. —;---. Brevi avvertimenti sopra le malattie che in questa estate sono state micidiali a' bambini dentro la cittadi Genova. 14 pp. 12°. Genova, G. Giossi, 1806. ------. [Itisposta alia lettera del Dott or Mazzini.] 11. 8°. [Genova, 1807.] [P., v. 2146.] ------. Idea della scarlattina perniciosa detta da Cullen cynanche maligna. 18 pp. 16°. Genova, 1S07. ------. Conto reso della compilazione d' una nuova farmacopea per uso dell' ospedale di Pammatone in Genova nell' anno 1807. 47 pp. 16°. Genova, G. Giossi, 1808. ------. Storia dell' epidemia che fece strage in Genova nei 1800, epoca del blocco. 45 pp. 12°. [Genova, G. Giossi, 1S09.] ------. Storia di una epidemia che regn6 in Genova nei primi mesi dell' anno 1808. 80 pp. 16° [Genova, 1809?] BATT. 389 BATTISTINI. Batt (William)—continued. ------. Apologie de l'histoire des urines ou se- diment bleu, suivie d'un .coup-d'ceil sur les sources des sciences. 38 pp. 12°. Gines, I. Giossi, 1810. ------. Risposta apologetica alia giustificazione medica del Signor Dottor Carrara nella cura di un epatitide. 28 pp. 16°. Genova, A. Fru- goni, 1814. ------. Prodromo ad una dilucidazione di alcune dispute fra il M. P. F. Pizzorni ed il M. W. Batt, 3 pp. 4°. [n. p., n. d] [P,, v. 2147.] See, aho, Cerruti (Marcello). Risposta [etc.]. fol. [Ge- nova, 1806.]— De-Ferrari (Luigi) [in 2. s.]. Lettera [etc.]. fol. Genova, 1806.—Deliberazione del ven. Collegio [etc.] [in 2. s.]. fol. [Genova, 1786.]—Morando (Felice) [in 2. s.j. Seconda difesa del farmacista [etc], fol. Genova, 1774.— Pizzorni (Pietro Francesco) [in 2. s.]. Informazione [etc]. fol. Genova, 1786. -----. [in 2. s.]. Altra informazione [etc.]. fol. Genova, 1786. — Pratolongus (Josephus) [in 2. s.]. Animadversiones in Kermes mineralis apologiam [etc]. 16°. Genux, 1778.—Silvano (Girolamo) [in 2. s.]. Schiarimento [etc.]. fol. [Genova, 1806.] For Biography, see Mojon (B.) Eloge historique de Guillaume Batt. 4°. Genes, 1812. Battaglini (Pierre) [1877- ]. *Quelques con- siderations sur la tachycardie pendant la con- valescence de la fievre typhoide. 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 36. Battaille (Ch.) Nouvelles recherches sur la pho- nation. 104 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Barh, V. Masson dc fils, 1861. Battalia (Luigi). Ricerche storiche e pratiche sul modo di conoscere e curare il croirp. 77 pp. 8°. Torino, Cassone dc Marzorati, 1841. Battandier (N.-A.-E.) Considerations sur Pul- cere simple de l'estomac chez les sujets ages. 64 pp., 11. 8°. Toulouse, 1905, No. 632. Battara (R.) Relazione sul esperimento di pro- filassi contro la malaria fatto a Nona nei 1902. Ill pp. 8°. Zara, Vitaliani, 1903. Battarel (Pierre). *Quelques remarques sur la paralysie gdnerale, chez les indigenes musul- mans algeriens. (Etude faite a l'hopital de Mus- tapha*. Alger.) 71 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 20. Battegay (Armand). Conferences de pharmacie; validation de stage, internat des hopitaux, des asiles, des dispensaires. 371 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1910. ------. Apotheka; agenda annuaire, des pharma- ciens pour 1910. 384 pp. roy. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, [1910]. Battelli (Angelo) [1862-1916]. La radioactivite et la constitution de la matiere, par A Battelli, A. Occhialini, S. Chella . . . Traduit de l'italien par Mme. Th. Batteli. vii, 359 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Genlve, Edition Atar; Barh, Gauthier-Villars, [1910]. ------& Battelli (Frederic]). Trattato pratico per le ricerche di elettricita in medicina. xxxiv (1 1.), 1210 pp. 8°. Boma, Soc. ed. Bante Ali- ghieri, [1898?]. _ Battelli (Frederic). *Influence des medicaments sur les mouvements de l'estomac. Contribution a l'etude de l'innervation de l'estomac. 180 pp., 11. 8°. Geneve, 1896. See, aho, Battelli (Angelo) & Battelli (Frederic). Trat- tato pratico per le ricerche di elettricita [etc.]. 8°. Roma, [1898?].—Handbuch der gesamten medizinischen Anwen- dungen [etc.], 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Batten (Frederick Eustace) [1865-1918]. Acute poliomyelitis; its nature and treatment. Being the Lumleian lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, London, 104 pp. roy. 8°. London, 1916. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 157. Batten (Frederick Eustace)—continued. ------. See, also: Maloney (W. J. M. A.) "The National" and F. E. Bat- ten. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1919, xlix, 91-94. Batten (Loring Woart) [1859- ]. The relief of pain by mental suggestion; a study of the moral and religious forces in healing [etc.]. 6 p. 1., 11-157 pp. 8°. New York, Moffat, Yard dc Co., 1917. Batten (Rayner Deny). Some points of con- nection between the eye and the cardio-vascu- lar system. 19 pp. 8°. London, Adlard dc Son, 1890. Batten (Rayner Winterbotham) [1835- 1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 245. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 267. Battes (Johannes Reinhold Felix) [1875- ]. *Ein Fall von Akromegalie mit Sehstbrungen. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1901. Battesti (Antoine-Marc) [1885- ]. Contri- bution a l'etude du bec-de-lievre median infe- rieur. 60 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 190. Battesti (Francois) [1888- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la bradycardie icterique. 52 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1913, No. 64. Battesti (Marc) [1877- ]. *Enquete sur rinsuflisance ovarienne d'origine operatoire. xi, 12-106 pp., 11. 8°., Montpellier, 1908, No. 69. Battesti (Marie). *Etude botanique du Lawsonia inermis L. 76 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1910. Battesti (Mathieu) [1885- ^ ]. Contribution a l'etude des abces chroniques non tubercu- leux de la prostate. 86 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1911, No. 38. Battey (Robert) [1828-95]. For Biography, see Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 18%, 231. Aho: Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1902, Phila., 1903, xv, 415-417, port. Aho: Jeflersonian, Phila., 1915, xvi, 8 (J. A. Bertolet). ------& Coe (Henry C.) Diseases of the ovaries. In: Stst. Gynec. (Mann). 8°. Philadelphia, 1888, ii, 837- 891. Battez (Gustave) [1876- _ ]. Contribution a l'etude de la pelviperitonite chez l'homme. 85 pp. 8°. m Lyon, 1900, No. 24. Battier (Marius) [1869- ]. *Les angines diph- teroides de la syphilis. 80 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 448. Battigne (Paul). *Traitement chirurgical de l'infection periton^ale post-operatoire precoce chez la femme. 91 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 364. Battistini (Ferdinando). Rimedi nuovi. Trat- tato di terapia clinica e di farmacologia ad uso dei medici e degli student!. 2 v. 12°. Torino, 1896-7. ----. Nuove cure per malati di cuorej metodi di Oertel e di Schott, cure balnearie, ldrotera- piche, idrominerali, pratiche kinesiterapiche; recenti studi sulle cure farmaceutiche, cure sin- tomatiche degli edemi, della dispnea, dell' in- sonnia e del delirio neicardiopatici; riepilogo con cenni sulle speciali indicazioni per le cure nelle diverse malattie. 436 pp. 8 . Torino, [1902]. ----. Terapia medica. Lezioni tenute alia clinica generate di Torino, v. 1. Terapia generale delle infezioni. viii, 607 pp. roy. 4°. Torino, Unione tipogr. edit, torinese, 1907. ----& Scofone (Lorenzo). Ulteriori ricerche sperimentali sulla tossicita del sangue di animali resi profondamente anemici. 16 pp. 8°. To- rino, Artigianelli, 1897?] 90 BAUDELAIRE. BATTLE & CO. Battle & Co. Obstetrical charts in colors. 1 p., 10 pi. obi. fol. St. Louis dc New York, Battle dc Co., [1912]. Battle (Cullen Andrews) [1848-1908]. Obituary. Alienist & NeuroL, St. Louis, 1908, xxix, 61. Battle (Samuel Westray) [1854-1915]. Bullock (E. S.) [Obituary.] Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1915, lxxi, 257-259, port. Battle (William Henry). Clinical lectures on the acute abdomen, x (1 1.), 107 pp. 8°. Bon- don, Constable dc Co., 1911. ------. The same. The acute abdomen. 2. ed. xii, 295 pp., front. 8°. London, Constable dc Co., 1914. Aho, Co.-Editor of: Saint Thomas's Hospital Reports, v. 30-31,1902-3. ------& Corner (Edred M.) The surgery of the diseases of the appendix vermiformis and their complications. 208 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, A. Constable dc Co., 1904. Battle (The) for the consumptive; reports of a local health officer. 67 pp. 12°. London, Scientific Bress, 1909. Battle Creek Sanitarium. (Laboratory of Hy- giene.) See Modern Medicine. Bulletin of the Laboratory of Hygiene, Battle Creek Sanitarium. Battle Creek, Michigan. Battle-fields. Lage der Todten auf dem Schlachtfelde. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1867, xvh, 95.—Moinet. Assainissement du champ de bataille; deces; inhumations. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1912, xii, 541; 553; 565. Battlehner (Ferdinand) [1824-1906]. Dressier. [Biography.] Aerztl. Mitt. a. Baden, Karls- ruhe, 1906, lx, 227.—Thumm [Biography.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1907, hv, 176, port. Aho, Reprint. Battlehner (Fritz) [1881- ]. *Ueber Latenz von Typhuebazillen im Menschen. [Strassburg.] 12 pp. 8°. Saarbrucken, 1910. Battreau (Paul) [1845- ]. Contribution a l'etude des plaies de l'estomac. 128 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 391. Battyc (Richard Fawcett). An improved method of treatment of cancer and fibroid tumours, etc., to which is added an appendix. 82 pp. 8°. Ed- inburgh, Oliver dc Boyd, 1880. Batuaild /Jules). La neurasthenie genitale femi- nine. 200 pp. 12°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1906. ------. The same. 260 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Ma- loine, 1906. Batut (Paul) [1887- ]. *Des fistulcs stereo- rales, consecutives a l'operation de l'appendi- cite. 46 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, No. 85. Batuyeff (N[ikolai] Afleksandrovich]) [1855- ]. Lektsii po anatomii kostel, sustavov, mishts, bolshikh polostel, krovenosnlkh sosudov i nervov tiela chelovieka; primienitelno k i/.uche- niyu preparovaniyem na truple. [Lectures on anatomy of the bones, joints, muscles, large cavities, blood vessels and nerves of the human body; applicable to study on the cadaver.] 1 p. L, 277 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Odessa, 1903. Baty (Emile) [1874- ]. *Etude sur la calori- metrie clinique. [Paris.] 75 pp., 18 ch., 2 1. 8°. Nantes, 1902, No. 445. Batzdorff (Erich Erwin) [1887- 1. *Ein Bei- trag zur Frage des primaren Appendixcarcinoms. [Breslau.] 34 pp. 8°, Berlin, B. Schumacher, 1912. Bau (Adrien) [1883- ]. *Du prompt secours dans les accidents de la rue et du chantier; resul- tats immediate et eloignes. 44 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1910, No. 103. " Bauby (Denis) [1864-1910]. [Obituary.] Toulouse med., 1910, 2. s., xii, 65-80, port. Bauby (Francois) - [1874- ]. *Discussion des moyens therapeutiques employes contre l'ap- pendicite. 74 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 490. Bauch (Albert Max) [1885- ]. *Vergleichend'e anatomische und histologische Untersuchungen iiber die Harnblase der Haustiere. [Leipzig.] 93 pp.. 8 pi. 8°. Bresden, 0. Franke, 1911. Bauch (Bernard) [188,5- ]. *Ueber die Ein- wirkung der 2-Phenylchinolin-4-Carbonsaure (Atophan) auf den Harnsaurestoffwechsel des gesunden und gichtkranken Menschen. [Hei- delberg.] 16 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1911. Bauch (Karl Julius Ludwig Hermann) [1876- ]. *Ueber periodisches Erbrechen. 68 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schumacher, 1901. Baucher (F.) Analyse chimique et bacterio- logique des eaux, potables et minerales. Epura- tion des eaux; legislation. 413 pp. 12°. Barh, Vigotfreres, 1904. ------. Recueil de notes de pharmacie, hygiene et chimie industrielle. 100 pp. 8°. Barh, C. Belliot, 1906. ------. Epuration biologique intensive des eaux rcsiduaires; etude et applications du procede dit "septic tank" avec fosse septique automa- tique et lits bacteriens. 1 p. 1., 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, Vigotfrlres, 1907. Bauchet (Jean-Baptiste-Armand-Georges) [1882- ]. *L'hyperphalangie des doigts et particu- lierement du pouce. 81 pp. 8 . Bordeaux, 1909, No. 68. Bauchnitz (Siegmund) [1876- ]. *Verande- rungen des Nervensvstems in der Graviditat. 32 pp. 8°. Munchen. Kastner dc Callwey, 1903. Bauchwitz (Max). Die Behandlung des sensi- blen Dentins mit Kohlensaure und deren wei- tere Verwendung in der Zahnheilkunde. 39 pp. 8°. Whsbaden, C. Limbarth, 1902. Baucke (Ernst). *Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der Nebennieren mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Morbus Addisonii. 48 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1899. Baud (Henri) [1877- ]. ^Traitement par la laparatomie vaginale de certaines formes de peritonite tuberculeuse chez la femme (de la peritonite d'origine annexielle en particulier). 85 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 112. Baud (Henri) [1SS3- ]. *Essai de topographie sanitaire de la ville de Lille. 140 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910. No. 288. Baud (Henri) [1884- ]. *La diathermic appli- cations therapeutiques de l'effet Joule. 115 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 54. Baud (V[ictor]). Contrexeville; maladies des or- ganes genito-urinaires et goutte. viii, 358 pp., 11. 8 . Baris, Chamerot dc Lamvereyns, 1868. Baudc (Eugene). Contribution a l'etude des complications articulaires de l'ervsipele. 38 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 591. Baude (Eugene - Clement - Abel) [1871- ]. *Traitement de la colique saturnine par les injections sous-cutanees de serum artiflciel. 80 pp. 8°. Lille, 1898, No. 95. Baudcant (Joseph). ^Manifestations cutanees ou rauto-intoxi'-ation gravidique. 62 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1905,. No. 634. Baudelaire (Charles) [1821-67]. C. (A.) Baudelaire "dans le domaine." Chron. m£d., Par., 1917, xxiv, 264-266.—Dupouy (R.) Charles Baude- laire, toxicomane et opiomane. Ann. m^d.-psychol., Par., 1910, 9. s., xi, 353-36'..-----. Le poete de l'opi'um: Charles Baudelaire. iEsculape, Par., 1912,ii, 97-99.—Maladie (La) BAUDELAIRE. 391 BAUDOUIN. Baudelaire (Charles) [1821-67]. et la mort de Baudelaire. Chron., med., Par., 1907, xiv, 770-772.—Mlchaut. Comment est mort Baudelaire. Ibid., 1902, ix, 186-190.-----. Un dernier mot sur la maladie de Baudelaire. Ibid., 1903, x, 27. Baudelocque (Auguste-Cesar) [1795-1851]. Mono- graphic der Scrophelkrankheit in ihren Formen, Verzweigungen, Ursachen, Kennzeichen, ihrer Heilung und Verhutung. Nach den neuesten Erfahrungen und eigenthumlichen Ansichten. Uebersetzt von Eduard Martiny. xxii, 274 pp. 12°. Weimar, B. F. Voigt, 1836. Baudelocque (Jean-Louis) [1745-1810]. Maurel de Lapomarede (E.-L.) *Baude- locque (Jean-Louis); sa vie, son eeuvre. 8°. Barh, 1899. Varnier (H.) Rectification a la genealogie des Baude- locque. Compt. rend Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de paediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 165-171. Baudelot. Etude sur l'anatomie comparee de l'eneephale des poissons. pp. 51-128, 2 pi. "4°. Strasbourg, 1870. Cutting from: Mem. d. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Strasbourg, 1870, vi. Baudelot (Gustave) [1871- ]. *Osteo-arthro- pathie avec contracture dans la syphilis here- ditaire tardive. 52 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 593. -----. Thesame. 52pp. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1900. Baudet (Georges) [1890- ]. *L;huile cam- phree intraperitoneale dans le traitement des peritonites aigues. 75 pp. 8°. Byon, 1914, No. 160. Baudet (Henri Philippe). Hydrotherapie en Kneippkuur. 15 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1897. Forms No. 8 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1897, iv, 167-181. -----. De nieuwe geneeswijse van longtering. 29 pp., front. 8°. Amersfoort, G. J. Slothouwer, 1911. Baudet (Lucien) [1879- _ ]. *A propos d'un nouveau procede operatoire des hemorroides. 39 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 40. Baudet (Pierre). _ Contribution a l'etude de l'intervention chirurgicale dans le traitement du cancer de la langue. 210 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1908, No. 771. Baudet (Raoul) [1866- ]. *Du mal perforant buccal. 83 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 241. -----. Thesame. 83pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1898. Baudevin ([Bernhard] Heribert Maria) [1879- ]. *Beitrag zur Behandlung der Lungentuberku- lose mit Kochs Alt-Tuberkulin. 63 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1910. Baudidi Selve (Flaminio) [1821-1901]. Camerano (L.) Cenni biografici e bibhografici. Boll. d. mus. di zool. ed. anat. comp. d. r. Univ. di Torino, 1901, xvi, No. 396,1-6. Baudin (Henri) [1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'infection puerperale. 88 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 466. Baudin (Henri). Contribution a l'etude des dilatations idiopathiques de l'cesophage. 129 pp. 8°. Baris. 1906, No. 375. Baudin (Leon) [1851-1909]. Ledoux (E.) [Biographv.] Rev. med. de la Franche- Comte, Besancon, 1909, xvii, 89-93. ----- & Jeannot (A. Z.) Besancon en 1898. Dix annees d'etudes demoeraphiques et sani- taires (1888-98). 154 pp., 7 diag., tab. 8°. Be- sancon, 1899. Baudin (Lucien) [1870- ]. Considerations sur la tare nerveuse hvsterique (essai de patho- genie nerveuse). 108 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1891 i. No. 133. Baudin (Marcel) [1884- ]. *La dvsenterie amibienne autochtone. 61 pp. 8°. Byon, 1912, No. 129. Baudisius (Joachimius). Zwei Tractatlein von der Pest, deroselben Preservation und Cura- tion. 43 1. sm. 4°. Lignitz, N. Schneider, 1613. Baudoin (Antoine) [1881- ]. *La diphterie a l'hopital Trousseau en 1905 (service de M. Netter). 86 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 344. Baudoin (Emile) [1874- ]. *Essai critique sur la sterilisation du materiel chirurgical. 80 pp. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 452. Baudoin (Fortune). Contribution a l'etude de la contagion par le lait cru et de la prophylaxie par le lait sterilise. 106 pp. 4°. Barh," 1895. No. 58. Baudon (Auguste). *Le syndrome de Little. Valeur nosologique. Formes cliniques. Traite- ment. 95 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 230. Baudon (Jean-Baptiste) [1869- ]. De la tho- racotomie posterieure dans le traitement des pleuresies purulentes de l'enfance. 82 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 433. Baudon (L.) ^Quelle est la quantite de sang perdue dans la delivrance normale? 58 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1908,, No. 790. Baudot (A.) *Etudes historiques sur la pharma- cie en Bourgogne avant 1803. [Paris.] 547 pp., 18 pi. 8°. Bijon, 1905, No. 1. Ecole de pharmacie. Baudot (Edmond) [1872- ]. *Traitement de la myopie tres forte par la suppression du cris- tallin ou l'ablation. 83 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 553. Baudou (Jean-Edmond) [1879- ]._ Contri- bution a l'etude de la tuberculose primitive de la diaphyse des os longs des membres. 73 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 111. Baudouin (A.) *Etude sur quelques glycemies; la glycemie experimentale. 116 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 116. —---. The same. 116 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Jacques, 1909. See, aho, Levy (Fernand) & Baudouin (A.) Les ne- vralgies [etc.]. 12°. Parh, 1909. Baudouin (Charles) [1881- ]. *Das Lernen des Hundes nach Versuchen mit der Pawlow- schen Speichelmethode. 45 pp. 8°. Berlin, Berg dc Schoch, 1909. Baudouin (Etienne) [1872- ]. *Traitement des fermentations anormales de l'estomac par le fluorure d'ammonium. 58 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 599. Baudouin (Felix). Lecons pratiques de dissec- tion a l'usage des etudiants en medicine. Pre- face par P. Poirier. 95 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1905. Baudouin (Felix-Marie-Joseph). *Du sarcome melanique du tractus uveal. 130 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 308. Baudouin (Henri - Marie - Joseph) [1885- ]. *Des vomissements gravidiques incoercibles ou graves d'origine surrenale. 82 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 45. Baudouin (Marcel [-Edouard]) [1860- ]. Henri Adolphe Archereau, physicien (1819-93). 28 pp. 8°. Vannes, Bafolyex 1894.r -----. Les femmes medecins. Etude de psycho- logie intemationale. Femmes medecins d'au- trefois. xii, 263 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Pan's, 1901. BAUDOUIN. 392 BAUER. Baudouin (Marcel [-Edouard])—continued. ------. The same. 2. ed. xii, 263 pp., 9 port. 12°. Barh, J. Bousset, 1906. ------. Le maraichinage, coutume du pays de Mont (Vendee). 2. ed. 148 pp., 2 pi., 11. 12°. Barh, 1904. Aho, Editor of: Archives provinciales de chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1892-1913. See aho, Terrier (Louis-Felix) [in 2. s.]. L'extirpation du larynx [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1896.----- & Baudouin (Mar- cel)[m2. s.]. La suture intestinale [etc.]. 8°. Port*, 1898. —;— & Mathieu (Raoul). Exposition interna- tionale de Chicago en 1893. Rapports publies sous la direction de M. Camille Krantz, commis- saire general du gouvernement francais. 368 pp., 14 pi. roy. 8°. Baris, Imp. rationale, 1894. ------ & Bodiet (Antoine). La lutte contre les accidents. Comment on defend la vie humaine contre les traumatismes. 40 pp. 12°. Baris, 1900. Baudouin (Pierre). Oddo (C.) Une victime du devoir hospitalier; Pierre Baudouin. Marseille med., 1907, xhv, 241-245. Baudouin (Roger) [1887- ]. Contribution a l'etude des hernies spontanees de la ligne semi- lunaire de Spiegel. 60 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 269. Baudran (G.) Hygiene seolaire. Epidemies dans les ecoles primaires du Departement de l'Oise. 86 pp., 11. 8°. Beauvah, 1897. ------. Conferences populaires d'hygiene. Avec une appreciation de M. Brouardel. 1 p. 1., 88 pp., 11. 8°. Boris, Firmin-Bidot dc Cie.. [1897]. ------. Communication faite sur les petits loge- ments. 34 pp. 8°. Beauvah, 1898. Baudran (Georges). *Etude sur les emetiques. 4 p. 1., 41 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 3. Ecole de pharmacie. Baudrand (Georges) [1871- ]. Contribution a l'etude des ulcerations laryngees consecutives au tubage. 72 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 217. Baudrand (Joseph-M.) [1875- ]. *L'accrois- sement, ses caracteres normaux et anormaux chez le nourrisson; ses rapports avec l'heredite, plus specialement dans les etats morbidea (syphilis, alcoolisme et tuberculose); essai de theorie onto- genetique. 648 pp. 8°. Barh, [1911], No. 217. ------. The same, xv, 648 pp. roy. 8°. Baris, O. Boin dc Ms, [1911]. Baudrexel (August) [1883- J. *Ueber stereo- chemische Untersuchungen in der Piperidin- reihe. Ueber Semicarbazone und Phenylhydra- zone der zyklischen Acetonbasen. 54 pp. 8°. Kiel, Biidtke dc Martens, 1908. Baudrillard (J.) Livret d'enseignement antial- coolique a l'usage des eieves des lycees, col- leges et ecoles primaires. 48 pp., 1 1. 16°. Baris, C. Belagrave, [1906]. Baudrimont (Edouard-Marcel-Albert) [1883 1914]. *Influence de la lumiore et de ses radia- tions eur les etres vivants. Son application au traitement des plaies au moyen de pansements colores. 187 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 52. For Biography, see J. de m^d. de Bordeaux, 1914, xxxv, 30 (A. X.). Baudry (B[enjamin-Louis]). *Etude clinique sur les paralysis peripheriques dans la fievre ty- phoide. 52 pp. 4\ Barh, 1895, No. 64. Baudry (Lucien - Joseph - Emile) [1881- ] Corps etrangers de la traehee et des bronches, leur traitement par la tracheo-bronchoscopie. 148 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1908, No. 25. Baudry (Sfosthene]. Simulation de I'amaurose et de l'amblyopie. Des principaux moyens de la devoiler. 3. ed. 71 pp. 8°. Lille, C. Tallan- dier, 1898. Baudry (S[osthene}—continued. ------. Etude medico-legale sur les traumatismes de l'oeil et de ses annexes. 3. ed. ix, 323 pp. 8°. Barh, Vigotfreres, 1904. ------. The same. Injuries to the eye in their medico-legal aspect. Transl. from the original by Alfred James Ostheimer, jr., revised and ed. by Charles A. Oliver; with an adaptation of the medico-legal chapter to the courts of the United States of America, by Charles Sinkler. x, 161 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, New York dc Chi- cago, F. A. Bavh Co., 1900. ------. Simulation et aggravation des blessures de 1'ceil a la suite d'accidents du travail. 32 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1905. ------. Blessures de l'oeil a la suite d'accidents du travail. Simulation et aggravation volontaires. 56 pp. 16°. Baris, Vigotfreres, 1906. Baudry de Balzac (Honore)# [1799-1858]. Phy- siologie du mariage, ou meditations de philoso- phic edectrique sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal. 376 pp. 12°. Baris, Charpentier, 1847. ------. Etudes analytiques. Petites miseres de la vie conjugale. Nouvelle ed. 313 pp. 12°. Barh, Calmann-Levy, 1885. ------. See, also: Brunetlere(F.) L'esprit scientifique de Balzac. Chron. med., Par., 1902, ix, 763.—C. (A.) Le centenaire de la nais- sance de Balzac. Ibid., 1899, vi, 289-352.—Cabanes. Le temperament de Balzac. Hygiene, Par., 1912, hi, fasc. 34, 6-10— Coriveaud (A.) Balzac et la physique moderne. Chron. med, Par., 1902, ix, 769-771.—Gould(G.M.) Balzac, the hero of overwork. Montreal M. J., 1905, xxxiv, 824-838.— Grimaux (E.) Balzac et la chimie unitaire. Chron. med., Par., 1902, ix, 764-769.—Hauck (H.) Balzac als Krimina- list. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1912, ix, 219-223.—Lutaud (A.) Le romancier Balzac et le chi- rurgien Dupuytrcn. Janus, Leyde, 1916, xxi, 379-405.— Roux (F.) Balzac jurisconsulte et criminaliste. Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1906, xxi, 313; 393. Baudson (Robert) [1884- ]. Contribution a l'etude des dechirures du col propagees au seg- ment inferieur. 88 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 226. Bauduin (Adelina) [1876- ]. *Des septice- mics chez le nourrisson. (Septicemic pneumo- coccique epidemique suraigue.) 56 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 357. Baudus (Guillaume) [1658-1739] Bergounioux (J.) Guillaume Baudus, conseiller mede- cin ordinaire du roi, en la ville, fauxbourgs et dehors de Cahors (1658-1739); contribution a l'histoire des meaecins caduciens a la fin du regne de Louis XIV. France med., Par., 1912, lix, 401; 421. Bauduy (Emmanuel). *Pathogenie des paraly- sies radiculaires obstetricales du plexus brachial. 119 pp. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 303. Bauduy (Jerome Keating) [1842-1914]. Insom- nia. 31 pp. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] For Biography, see Weeklv Bull. St. Louis M. Soc., 1914, viu, 173. Baudy (Georges) [1886- ]. *Etude historique et critique des traitements du tetanos. 59 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 380. Bauer (Adolf) [1878- ]. *Ueber Malignitat der Blasenmole. 22 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Strass- burg i. E., C. Miih & Cie., 1905. Bauer (Albert) [1879- ]. *Beitrag zur Frage der Multiplizitat primiirer Carcinome. 33 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1907. Bauer (Alexander) [1836- ]. Strunz(F.) [Biography.] Mitt. z. Gesch. d. Med. u. d. Naturw., Hamb., 1910, ix, 1-11. Bauer (Alfred) [1877- ]. *Reeherches sur les voies de la circulation sanguine intra-hepatique. 131 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 215. ------. Thesame. 131pp., 11. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1906. BAUER. 393 BAUER. Bauer (Alfred Eduard) [1878- ]. *Ueber akute Leukamie. 78 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1901. Bauer (August). *Kritik eines neuaufgestellten Reifezeichens. [Freiburg i. B.] 26 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Emmendingen, Bolter, 1909. Bauer (August Hermann S.) [1879- ]. _ *Ka- suistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der spinalen progressiven Muskelatrophie. 40 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1904. Bauer (Curt) [1875- ]. *Ueber die Todesur- sache nach ausgedehnten Verbrennungen. 53 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1901. Bauer (Curt) [1885- ]. *Ueber Kombination von Carcinom und Tuberkulose in der Mamma. 25 pp. 8°. Gottingen, L. Hofer, 1912. Bauer (Eduard). *Ueber die Leucocytose erre- gende Wirkung subcutaner Terpenolinjec- tionen und der dadurch entstehenden asepti- schen Abscesse bei Kaninchen. [Bern.] 27 pp. 8°. Neuchdtel, B. Attinger, 1898. Bauer (Eduard) [1879- ]. *Ueber die Be- handlung der Mastitis mit Saugapparaten. 48 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Ehele, 1906. Bauer (Ernst). *Allgemein medizinische, ge- richtlich-medizinische und statist ische Untersu- chungen iiber die Unfallsverhaltnisse bei den grossen schweizerischen Tunnelbauten der letz- ten 50 Jahre. [Zurich. ] 52 pp. 8°. Weinfel- den, A.-G. Neuenschwander, 1908. Bauer (Ernst) [1882- ]. *Die Erfolge der manuellen Placentarlosung in den letzten 10 Jahren. 23 pp. 8°. Munchen,. B. Muller dc Steinicke, 1910. Bauer (Ernst Wilhelm Heinrich Berthold) [1881- ]. *Ueber den Nachweis und die Bedeu- tung des Indikans im Harn des Pferdes. [Gies- sen.] 49 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Osterode, G. Berg- mann, 1905. Bauer (Fr. Adolf Ed.) [1881- \ *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von den pathologischerweise im Auge auftretenden Knochenneubildungen. 62 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Bauer (Franz). *Der puerperale Uterus. [Gies- sen.] 28 pp., 3 pi., 11. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1900. Bauer (Franz) [1881- ]. *Scharlachihfek- tionen auf der Diphteriestation der Universi- tats- Kinderklinik zu Munchen vor und nach Einfuhrung der Serum therapie. 52 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Miinchen, G. G. Steinicke, 1910. Bauer (Friedrich). Schutz der Mutterschaft. Vortrag. 23 pp. 12°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1905. -----. Aerzte als Gewerbe-Inspektoren. 17 pp. 8°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1905. Bauer (Friedrich) [1889- ]. *Ueber Vacci- neerkrankungen der Haut. 1 p. 1., 55 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Ehele, 1913. Bauer ([Friedrich] Alfred) [1883- ]. *Ueber die Konstitution der Inosinsaure und die Mus- kelpentose. [Strassburg.] 14 pp. 8°. Braun- schweig, F. Vieweg dc Son, 1907. Bauer (Friedrich Julius Willi) [1878- ]. *Sie- benzehn Falle von subkutaner Nierenruptur. 46 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Bauer (Fritz) J1877- ]. *Ueber kryptoge- netische Septico-Pyamie. 39 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Ernst, 1902. Bauer (Fritz [Wilhelm]) [1882- ]. *Ueber Myo- clonus und seine Beziehungen zur Hysteric 56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1909. Bauer (Gallus) [1880- ]. *Ueber einen sehr seltenen Mischtumor, Fibromyolipocystadenom am Diinndarme eines 6jahrigen Knaben. 49 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Staudenraus, 1906. Bauer (Georg Friedrich Albrecht) [1876- ]. *Ueber den Aetherextrakt aus tierischem Se- rum. 20 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1906. Bauer (Hans) [1876- ]. *Zur Aetiologie der Melgena neonatorum. [Kiel.] 22, iii pp. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1903. Bauer (Heinz) [1879-1915]. Editor of: Bibliothek der physikalisch-medizinischen Techniken, Berlin, 1911-12. For Biography, see Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrah- len, Hamb., 1915, xxih, 200 (Levy-Dorn). Bauer (Hugo) [1883- ]. *Zur Kenntnis ali- phatischer Azo-, Azoxy- und Nitrosverbindun- gen. viii, 60 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, 1908. ---;—. Nahrungsmittelchemisches Praktikum. Einfuhrung in die chemischen Untersuchungs- Methoden der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. viii, 252 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1911. ------. Die Gehaltsbestimmungen des Deutschen Arzneibuches V. 3 p. l.,92pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F.Enke, 1911. Bauer (Isaak) [1879- ]. *Beitrage zu den Folgeerscheinungen der Uterusmyome und zur Kasuistik der Kolossaltumoren derweibl. Geni- talien. 34 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Strassburg i. E., O. Muh dc Co., 1903. von Bauer (Joseph) [1845-1912]. Mttller (F.) Nekrolog. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 1329-1332, port. Bauer (Julius) [1880- ]. *Ueber Alkylidendipy- ridoylessigester und Isonitrosopyridoylessigester. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1903. ------. Die Methodik der biologischen Milchun- tersuchung; nebst einem Geleitwort von A. Schlossmann. Mit 15 Textabbildungen. xi, 112 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1913. Bauer (Julius) [1873- 1 *Ueber einen eigen- artigen Fall von Chondrom am linken Knie. 81pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Ehele, 1906. Bauer (Julius). Fortschritte in der Klinik der Schilddrusenerkrankungen. pp. 129-160, 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1913. Forms 5. Hft., v. 9, of: Beihefte z. Med. Klin. Bauer (K. L.) Zur Theorie dioptrischer Instru- mente. 23 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. B. Schurich, 1866. Bauer (Karl [Robert]) [1881- ]. *Anatomische Beitrage zu den Erkrankungeil beider Zentral- gefasse und Zirkulationsstorungen der Netzhaut mit Glaukom bei gleichzeitig bestehendem Nierenleiden. [Tubingen.] 48 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berpmann, 1908. Bauer (Konrad). *Ein Fall yon Verdoppelung der oberen Hohlvene und ein Fall von Ein- miindung des Sinus coronarius in den linken Vorhof. [Strassburg.] 24 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1896. Bauer (Ludwig) [ -1911]. Die Schularztfrage. 20 pp. 12°. Munchen, Frehtatt, [n. d.]. For Biography, see Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2278 (Scholl). Bauer (Ludwig) [1879- 1. *Ueber den Ein- fluss von Temperatur und Jahreszeit auf den Ausbruch des acuten primaren Glaucomanfalls nach dem Material der Klinik. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, G. Schnilrlen, 1903. Bauer (Ludwig). Fcrt mit der lebensgefahr- lichen Operation bei Gallenstein- und Nieren- steinleiden; neue bewahrte Therapie durch Lithosanol. 51 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Mittelbach, 1907. BAUER. 394 BAUM. Bauer (Ludwig)—continued. ------. Das Chinin des Diabetes. Eine neue Aetiologie und Therapie der Zuckerharnruhr. 68 pp. 8°. Bresden, Kunath dc Thost, [n. d.]. Bauer (Martin) [1877- ]. *Ueber Digital- sclerosen. 30 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Stauden- raus, 1905. Bauer (Moritz). *Beitrag zur Histologic des Muskelmagens der Vogel. [Freiburg.] 24 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1901. Bauer (Paul) [1868- ]. *Ueber die Producte der Einwirkung von Hydrazin auf Thioharn- stoffe. [Erlangen.] 31 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1900. Bauer (Richard). _ Ueber die Assimilation von Galaktose Und Milchzucker beim Gesunden und Kranken. 7 pp. 8°. [Wien, M. Berks, 1905.1 Forms Beil. 9, v. 4, of: Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u Kinderh. in Wien. ------. Lues und innere Medizin; nebst einem Anhang: Technik der Wassermann'schen Reak- tion. 1 p. 1., 83 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Beuticke 1910. Bauer (Siegfried) [1878- ]. *Ueber Cysten- und Divertikelbildung der ableitenden Harn- wege. 37 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1902. Bauer (Viktor) [1885- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der Appendicitis und ihrer Komplikationen. [Miin- chen.] 23 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Frenkel, 1911. Bauer (Wilhelm). *Die Bestrebungen nach Ver- besserung der laryngoskopischen Untersuchungs- Methoden mit Angabe eines neuen Laryngo- skopes. 31pp., lpl. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1898. Bauera. Tratatomirabile contrapeste. 231. 16°. Bologna, H. di Beneditti, 1523. Bauereisen (Adam). *Die Nabelschnurrestbe- handlungdesNeugebornen. [Erlangen.] 34 pp. 8°. Wehsenburga. S., Braun dc Elbel, 1901. ------. *Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Eiweiss der Frauenmilch und dem Serumeiweiss von Mutter und Kind. Eine biologisch-chemische Studie. [Marburg.] 48 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1910. Bauermeister (Carl). *Ueber standiges Vorkom- men pathogener Mikroorganismen, insbeson- dere der Rothlaufbacillen, in den Tonsillen des Schweines. [Bern.] 42 pp., 6 tab. 12°. Wol- gast, E. Hoffmann, 1901. Bauermuller (Joannes Simon). Specimen theori;e medicse, ad usum practicum accomodatae phyisi- ologiam, pathologiam ac therapiam succinctis thesibus complectens;. nexumque firmissimum theoriam inter et praxin exhibens.' 157 pp. 16°. [Wurzburg], sumpt. J. C. Lochneri, 1716. Bauersachs (Paul). *Beitr;ige zur vergleichenden Histologie der Trachea der Wiederkauer. [Zu- rich.] 70 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Bresden, 0. Franke. 1911. Baufle (Henry) [1888- ]. *La sigmoidite her- niaire. 43 pp. 8°. Byon, 1911, No. 30. Bauge (Emile) [1872- ]. *Du chancre mou phagedenique a forme terebrante. 56 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 635. _ Bauge (Georges-Jean-Baptiste). *Sur quelques carbonates doubles du protoxyde de chrome, oxyde salin de chrome. 1 p. 1,, 27 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 2. Ecole de pharmacie. Bauhans (Hans). *Aetz- und Losungsversuche am Alaun. [Greifswald.] pp. 319-355. 4 pi. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winters, 1913. Cutting from: Verhandl. d. Heidelb. naturhist.-med. Vereins, 1913, n. F., xii. Bauhinus (Caspar) [1560-1624]. Institutiones anatomicse, Hippoc, Aristot., Galeni auctori- tate illustratse. 5. ed. 7 p. 1., 211., 5 tab., port. 12°. Francofurti, J. T. de Bry, 1010. ------. TUvai; theatri botanici sive index in Theophrasti, Dioscoridis, Plinii et botanicorum qui a seculo scripserunt opera, plantarum cir- citer sex millium ab ipsis exhibitarum nomina cumearundem synonymijs et differentijs me- thodice secundum genera et species proponens. Opus xl annorum summopere expetitum ad autoris autographum recensitum. 11 p. 1., 518 pp., 11 1. roy. 8°. Basilex, impensis J. Begh, 1671. ------. Upobpouos theatri botanici in quo plantse supra sexcentae ab ipso primum descriptse cum plurimis figuris proponuntur. Editio altera emendatior. 1 p. 1., 160 pp., 6 1. roy. 8°. Basi- lex, impensh J. Begh, 1671. Bound with hh: Ulva£ theatri botanici sive index [etc.]. roy. 8°. Basilse. See, aho, Bauhinus (Johannes). De plantis a divis sane tisve nomen habentibus [etc.]. 16°. Basilex, 1591.—Dic- tlonnalre des plantes usuelles [etc.]. 8°. Parh, an II [1794]. For Biography, see Abblld.... d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrteb [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805, 2, port. Bauhinus (Hieronymus) [1637-67]. [Biography.] In: Abbild.... d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805, 63, port. Bauhinus (Johannes) [1841-1613]. De plantis a divis sanctisve nomen habentibus. Caput ex magno volumine de consensu et dissensu autho- rum circa stirpes, desumptum. Additse sunt Conradi Gesneri . . . epistolae hactenus non editse a Casparo Bauhino. 163 pp. 16°. Basi- lex, apud C. Waldkirch, 1591. For Biography, see in: Abbild.... d. Arznk. verd. Gelehr- ten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805, 3, port. Bauhofer (Pelag). *Ueber einen Fall von Miliar- tuberkulose. 23 pp. 8°. Zurich, A. Markwalder, 1899. Baujean (Marie-Pierre-Joseph-Raoul). Contri- bution a, l'etude pathogenique de l'eiephanti- asis nostras et de 1'elephantiasis exotique. 42 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 67. Bauler (Emil Rudolf). *Untersuchungen uber die Rolle der Syphilis und der Arteriosklerose bei der Entstehung der Aortenaneurysmen. 60pp., lpl. 8°. Basel, E. Birkhauser, 1908. Baum (August) [1880- ]. *Klinische Unter- suchungen iiber den Wert und die Wirkung zweier neuer Salicylpraparate des Mesotan und Spirosal in perkutaner Anwendung. [Bern.] 42 pp. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1908. Baum (Daisy Mary) [1855- ]. Individual re- sponsibility. 126, [1] pp. 12°. [Benver, The Globe Brinting Co., 1918.] Baum (Erwin [Ewald Willy]) [1883- ]. *Bei- triige zur Collargol-Therapie in der Veterinar- chirurgie. [Leipzig] 56 pp., 11., 1 ch. 8°. Berlin, B. Trenkel, 1908. Baum (Felix) [1883- ]. *Ueber Schmerz- linderung wahrend der Geburt durch die Stoe- ckel-Koblancksche Methode. [Leipzig.] 36 pp., 1 1., 8°. Borna-Leipzig, B. Noske, 1909. Baum (Franz Ludwig). *Ueber die Blutgefass- Naht, [Freiburg i. B.] 32 pp. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1902. Baum (Heinrich). *Ein Fall von Mediastinitis suppurativa als Beitrag zu ihrer Kenntnis. 56 pp., 1. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner dc Lossen, 1901. Baum (Henry Clay) [1859-1916]. [Obituary.] J.' Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 1032. BAUM. 395 BAUMANN. Baum (Henry E.) [1881-1903]. The breadfruit. 3 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Washington, H. L. McQueen, 1904. Cutting from: Plant World, Wash., 1903. For Biography, see Saflord (W. E.) H. E. Baum. 8°. Washington, 1904. Baum (Hermann) [1864- _ ]. Das Lymphge- fiisssystem des Rindes; mit 32 Tafeln farbiger Abbildungen. xii, 170 pp., 32 pi. fol. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1917. See, aho, Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie [etc.], roy. 8°. Berlin, 1908.—Leisering (August Gottlieb Theodor) [in 2. s.]. Atlas der Anatomie des Pferdes [etc.]. fol. Leip- zig, 1898-9. Baum (Julius). *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Mus- kelspindeln. [Wiirzburg.] 59 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1899. Baum (Karl) [1880- # ]. *Ueber die Einwir- kung von Diazoverbindungen des Benzols und seiner Homologen auf Glutakonsaureester. [Er- langen.] 39 pp. 8°. Niimberg, B. Hitz, 1910. Baum (Marie). Vormundschaft und Pflegschaft iiber vermogenslose Minder jahrige. viii, 50 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1909. See, aho, Engel (Stephan) & Baum (Marie). Grundriss der Saughngskunde [etc.]. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1912. Baum (Max). Wie beseitige ich meine Nervo- sity? Erprobte arztliche Ratschlage fiir ner- vose Menschen. Allen Nervenkranken zur Beachtung und Befolgung bestens empfohlen. v, 87 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1903]. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 86 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1910]. Baum (Oscar) [1878- ]. *Ueber Eifersuchts- wahn bei chronischem Alcoholismus. 25 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, E. Gottsch, 1906. Baum (Richard) [187&-# ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Statistik der primaren Uveitis (Iritis, Irido-Cyclitis, Irido-Chorioiditis) nach dem Material der Freiburger Universitiits- Augenklinik aus den Jahren 1890-1901. 43 pp., 11. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1902. Baum (Siegfried) [1881- ]. *Der Venenpuls. pp. 61-102, 11. 8°. [Marburg], 1905. Cutting from: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. z. Wiirzb., 1905, n. F., xxxvih. Baum (William L.) [1867- ] & Moyer (Harold N.) [1858- ]. Skin and venereal diseases; miscellaneous topics. 239 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Chi- cago, The Year Book Bublhhers, 1911. Practical Medicine series, 1911, v. 9. ------------. The same. 237 pp. 8°. Chicago. The Year Book Bublhhers, 1912. Practical Medicine series, 1912, v. 9. de Beaumais (Adam). *Paralysies radiales d'origine alcoolique. 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 430. Baumann (Adolf Wilhelm) [1877- ]. *Ueber den hamorrhagischen Infarkt des Magens hervor- gerufen durch embolischen Verschluss arte- rieller Magengefasse. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miin- chen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1909. . Baumann (Alexandre) [1875- ]. *Osteotomie sous-trochanterienne dans les luxations con- genitales de la hanche. 62 pp., 11. 8°. Nancy, 1902, No. 3. Baumann (Anton Hubert) [1878- ].^ m *Die Morbiditat im Wochenbette bei praecipitierten Geburten. [Giessen.] 32 pp. 8°. Marburg, Kbster dc Schell, 1906. Baumann (Arno.). Die Zuckerharnruhr (Dia- betes mellitus) und ihre Behandlung; gemein- verstandlich mit. Kostanordnungen und Koch- anleitung xlargestellt. 74 pp. 8°. Berlin, Berl. Verlag, [1910]. Baumann (Artur) [1885- ]. *Ueber die Polymerisation der Knallsaure. 51 pp. 8°. Munchen, V. Hbfling, 1912. Baumann (Augustin Ferdinand Maria) [1880- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Decubitus pharyn- gis mit Papillombildung. 40 pp. 8°. Erlanqen, E. T. Jacob, 1904. Baumann (Bernhard). See Zschommler (Olga) & Baumann (Bernhard) [in 2. s.]. Weibhche Geschlechts-Leiden [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Baumann (Christian Eberhard). *De natura medicatrici. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingx, typ. Sigmundianh, 1779. Baumann (Christian Friedrich Georg) [1881- ] *Beitrage zu den Grundlagen der Antiformin- methode zum Nachweis von Tuberkelbazillen. 28 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Lehmann, 1911. Baumann (Eduard)._ *Ein Porro-Kaiserschnitt bei Carcinoma cervicis uteri inoperabile, nebst Statistik der Porro-Operationen v. J. 1889-94. [Erlangen.] 37 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Lossen, 1896. Baumann (Eduard). Wichtige Enthuilungen iiber Erzeugung schoner Kinder, Knaben oder Madchen, nach Wunsch der Erzeuger. 52 pp. ' 12°. Bresden, H. B. Biegmann, [n. d.]. Baumann (Emil). *Ein Fall von Hauthorn des Augenlides. 25 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1898. Baumann (Emil) [1876- ]. *Die tertiar-syphi- litische Mittelohreiterung. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1902. Baumann (E[milio]). L'auto-ortopedia, le sue macchine e i suoi rapporti con l'ortopedia. 42 pp. 8°. Boma, 1907. Baumann (Ernst). *Ueber Geburtsverlauf nach Vaginofixation. 41 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Burgin, 1898. Baumann (Ernst) [1873- ]. * Vergleichende Beobachtungen iiber das Credesche und ex- spectative Verfahren in der Nachgeburtszeit aus der Halleschen Frauenklinik. [Halle-Witten- berg.] 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer & Co., 1898. Baumann (Franz). *Ueber Keratokonus. [Er- langen.] 32 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Greiner dc Bfeiffer, 1898. Baumann (Frederick) [1867- ]. Gonorrhea; its diagnosis and treatment, xii, 206 pp. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton dc Co., 1908. Baumann (F[riedrich Karl J. P.]) *Tracheoto- mie und Heilserum. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1898. Baumann (Fritz) [1877- ]. *Nierenerkran- kungen in Schwangerschaft, Geburt und "Woehen- bett. 42 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1904. Baumann (Fritz) [1884- ]. *Erfolg der Wen- dung fiir Mutter und Kind in 368 Fallen. 57 pp. 8°. ' Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1910. Baumann (Gerhard Felix) [1S77- ]. *Ueber operative Behandlung eines veralteten paraly- tischen Pes varo-calcaneus. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1902. Baumann (Gustav) [1869- ]. *Ueber die Berechtigung der oberflachlichen Einschnitte in die Cervix. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1897. Baumann (Hans) [1864- ]. _ fDie Aufgabe und die Organisation der freiwilligen Kranken- pflege im Kriege. 41 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1899. BAUMANN. 396 BAUMGARTNER. Baumann (J. F.) Special-Buchhaltung fur Aerzte. vii, 52 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Zurich, T. Schroeder, [1905]. Baumann (Jacob) [1521-86]. Ebestein (E.) Der Wundarzt Jacob Baumann. Janus, Amst., 1909, xiv, 327-334, [port.]. Baumann (Jean). *La toux emetisante, son traitement. 58 pp. 8°. Barh, H. Jouve, 1904. Baumann _ (Johannes) [1871- ]. *Ein Fall von Hernia inguinointermuscularis duplex. 16 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, H Fiencke, 1898. Baumann (Julius). Ueber Willens- und Charak- terbildung auf physiologisch - psychologischer Grundlage. 86 pp. 8°. Berlin, Beuther dc Bei- chard, 1897. Forms 3. Hft., v. 1, of: Samml. v. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. padagog. Psychol, u. Physiol. Baumann (Julius) [1881- ]. *Typhus und Psychose. [Rostock.] 15 pp. 8°. [Friedrichs- hagen, A. Kunzke], 1906. Baumann (Karl) [1878- ]. *Ueber Ge- schwulstbildungen bei Tieren; Adenom der Reh- leber und sarkomartige Tuberculose der Hunde- lunge. 40 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1904. Baumann (Max) [188&- ]. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der chronischen Uveitiden. 2 p. 1'., 56 pp. 8°. Bangensalza, Wendt dc Klauwell, 1914. Baumann (Walther). *Beitrage zur Kasuistik der Poliomyelitis anterior acuta. 36 pp., 11. 8°. Breslau, 1904. Baumann ([Wilhelm] Arno) [1877- ]. *Ueber einige seltene hysterische Storungen des Magens. 43 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Baumann (Willy) [1884- ]. *Pathologisch- anatomische Untersuchungen bei einem Fall von Kupfersulfat-Vergiftung. [Jena.] 29 pp. 8. Gera, Fhahn dc Habenicht, 1912. Baumbach (Karl) [1886- ]. *Cervixrisse bei Uterus bicornis bei kunstlichem Abort und bei Geburten. 28pp. 8°. Berlin,E.Ebering, [1912]. Baumbach (Philipp). *Geisteskrankheit als Ehescheidungsgrund. 80 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1912. Baume _ (Edouard) [1881- ]. *Des gommes syphilitiques precoces de la peau. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 139. Baumeir (Wilhelm). *Zur vergleichenden Ana- tomie und Morphologie des Musculus obliquus abdominis externus und der Fascia flavia. [Halle a. S.] 23 pp. 4°. Stuttgart, E.Schweizer- bart, 1918. Forms, also, 7. lift, of: Bibliotheca medica. Baumeister (Carl Hermann Christian) [1878- ]. *Beitrag zur traumatischen Aetiologie der Geschwiilste. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, J. Seelmeyr, 1905. Baumeister ([Franz] Hubert) [1883- ]. *Ein Fall von Aneurysma des rechten Sinus Valsalva der Aorta. 37 pp. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1910 Baumeister (Gottfried) [1885- ]. *Ueber die Sectio csesarea suprasymphysaria. [Heidelberg 1 28 pp. 8°. Fulda, 1910. Baumeister (R[einhardl). Hygienischer Fuhrer durch die Haupt- und Residenzstadt Karlsruhe. Festschrift zur xxii. Versammlung des deut- schen Vereins fur offentliche Gesundheitspflege. viii, 385 pp., 7 pi., 14 ch. 8°. Karlsruhe, F. Gutsch, 1897. Baumeister (Wilhelm) [1886- ]. *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der peripheren Temperatur bei Pferd und Rind. [Giessen.] 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, B. Noske, 1912. Baumel (Jean) [1885- ]. *Bilan therapeutique de la ponction lombaire; ponction simple et ponction suivie d'injection medicamenteuse sous-arachnoidienne. 317 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, No. 67. Baumel (Leopold). Precis des maladies des en- fants. iv, 606 pp. 12°. Barh, F. B. de Budeval, 1904. Baumer (Joh. Paul). Onderrichting weegens eene verstandige en teffens gemaklyke genees- wyze zo wel van menschen als besten, welke door een dollen hond gebeeten zyn. Uit het Hoog- duitsch vertaald en vermeerdert. 30 pp. 8 . Amsteldam, M. Schalenkamp, 1775. [P., v. 2173.] Baumer (Joh. Wilhelm). Nonnullas de febre catarrhali epidemica maligna observationes. In: Weber (G. H.) Vollstand. Ausz. a. n. Diss. [etc.]. 8°. Bremen, 1775, i, 100-103. ------. [Pr.] de haemorrhoidibus mucosis, ea- rumque sympathia cum asthmate humoroso, agit. [Cum vita candidati Phil. Christ. Godofr. Nebel.] 16 pp. sm. 4°. Giessx Cattorum, J. J. Braun, 1776. ------. [Pr.] de signis vitae neogeniti a partu peractse rite dijudicandis qusedam proponit. [Cum vita candidati Joannis van der Herp.] Ip. 1., 8 pp. sm. 4°. Giessx. J. J. Braunius, 1788. Baumer (Karl) [1885- ]. *Ueber spontane Blasenruptur. Ein zusammenfassender Beitrag zur Lehre von der spontanen resp. nichttrauma- tischen Blasenruptur, unter Mitteilung eines noch nicht veroffentlichten Falles. 85 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Lehmann, 1913. Baumert ([Adolf] Kurt) [1884- ]. *Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber Lichtschutzein- richtungen an grunen Blattern. [Erlangen.] 79 pp. 8°. Breslau, B. Nhchowsky, 1907. Baumert (Georg), Dennstedt (M.) [et al.]. Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Chemie. v. 2. 2. ganzlich umgearbeitete Aufl. x, 248 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Sohn, 1906. Baumes (Jean-Baptiste-Timothee) [1756-1823]. Saggio di un sistema chimico della scienza dell- uomo. Recato dai francese nell' idioma italiano e corredato di annotazioni dai cittadino Giu- seppe Greco. 126 pp. 12°. Milano, anno nono republicans, 1805. Baumfelder (Gerhard) [1877- ]. *Sarcoma ovarii. 39 pp., 1 tab., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1902. ^ Baumfelder (H.) *Dreifaches Aneurysma am Ursprunge der Aorta. 19 pp. 8°. Wiirzburq, J. M. Bichter, 1893. Baumgartner (Hans). Die moderne Behand- lung der Zuckerkrankheit und die diabetische Kuche. Fiir Aerzte und Laien. 33 pp. 8°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1903. Baumgartner (Heim-ich). *Ueber die wahre Ankylose des Kiefergelenks und ihre operative Behandlung. [Freiburg i. B.] 16 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, H. Baup, 1896. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 18%, xvii. Baumgartner (Julius) [1837- L Ueber Blinddarmentzundung. Wann soil operiert werden? Oeffentlicher Vortrag. 41 pp. 8°. Munchen, 0. Gmelin, 1906. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 41 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, 0. Gmelin, 1908. ------. The same. Appendicitis; when should one operate? Translated from the second Ger- man edition by Amy M. Mander. 64 pp. 12°. London, T. Fhher, 1910. BAUMGART. 397 BAUMHOFNER. Baumgart (Hermann) [1886- ]. *Ueber mo- derne Kaiserschnitte. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, T. Boewenberg, 1912. Baumgarten (Alfred) [1862- ]. Ein Fort- schritt des Wasserheilverfahrens. Untersu- chung und Kritik der Systeme Priessnitz und Kneipp, zum ersten Male authentisch darge- stellt. xxxix, 456 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Wbrhhofen, Buchdruckerei dc Verlagsanstalt Wbrhhofen, 1901. ------. The same. Un progres de l'hydrotherapie; examen et critique des systemes de Priessnitz et de Kneipp. . . . Traduction francaise par Ernest Bonnayme. xiii, 428 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Pan's, Masson dc Cie., 1901. ------. Neurasthenie; Wesen, Heilung, Vorbeu- gung. Fiir Aerzte und Nichtarzte nach eigenen Erfahrungen bearbeitet. xx, 247 pp. 8°. Wbrh- hofen, 1903. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. xxiv, 329 pp. 8°. Wbrhhofen, 1905. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. xxvii, 361 pp. 8°. Wbrhhofen, 1914. ------. The same. La neurasthenie, sa nature, sa guerison, sa prophylaxie; ouvrage traduit de la 4me ed. allemande par Bonnayme. xii (2 1.), 296 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1907. ------. Vortragsreisen. Eindrucke und Erinne- rungen. 137 pp. 8°. Wbrhhofen, A. Baumqar- ten, 1904. ------. Die Kneipp'sche Hydrotherapie. Lfg. 1-24. 8°. Wbrhhofen, 1900-8. ------. Abhartung. Zeitgemasse Erorterung und Ratschlage. 48 pp. 8°. Wbrhhofen (Bayern), Buchdruckerei und Verlags-Anstalt Wbrhhofen, 1908. ------. Nervenkraft, ihre Abnutzung und ihre Wiedergewinnung. 23 pp. 8°. Wbrhhofen, 1909. ------. Spinale Kinderlahmung. Wesen und Verlauf der Krankheit, Heilung, Vorbeugung. 22 pp. 8°. Wbrishofen, Buchdruckerei und Verlags-Anstalt Wbrhhofen, 1910. ------. Regeln und Ratschlage fur Kurgebrau- chende und jedermann. 95 pp. 8°. Wbrisho- fen, 1910. —----. Die Nervositat und ihre Heilung. 21 pp. 8°. Wbrhhofen, Wbrishofen Verlag, 1910. See, aho, Hydriatische Tagcsfragen [etc.] [in 2. s.l. 8°. Worhhofen, 1901. Baumgarten (Egmont). Ueber Schlingbeschwer- den bei Erkrankungen des oberen und unteren Rachenteiles. 22 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Mar- gold, 1902. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nasen-, Ohren-, Mund- u. Halskr., Halle a. S., 1902, v, 12. Hft. Baumgarten (Georg)_ [1881- ]. *Zur Kennt- nis der Retinitis pigmentosa und ihrer Com- plicationen mit Glaukom und Maculaverande- rungen. 28 pp. 8°. Budolstadt, Mdnicke dc John, 1907. Baumgarten (Georges) [1871- ]. *De l'in- fluence _ du toucher vaginal et rectal sur la production de l'infection puerperale. 65 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 471. Baumgarten (Gustav) [1837-1911]. Fischel (W. E.) [Obituary.] Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1911, v, 259; 287.—Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxm, 525. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, iv, 1213. Baumgarten (Leopold). *Die Wirkung von Jod, Basedowdruse und Jodothyrin in grossen Dosen bei Kachexia thyreopriva unter Kontrolle der Jodausscheidung im Urin. 23 pp. 8°. Bern, H. Spahr, 1912. Baumgarten (Oswald). *Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss des Diabetes mellitus. Habilitations- schrift. [Halle.] 24 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schu- macher, 1905. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905, ii. ' ' von Baumgarten (Paul [Clemens]) [1848- ]. Die Bekampfung der Tuberkulose. 28 pp. 8°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1904. ------. Lehrbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganis- men, die pathogenen Bakterien, fur Studierende und Aerzte. x, 955 pp., 1 pi. roy. 8°. Leipziq, S. Hirzel, 1911. ------. See, also: Henke (F.) Paul von Baumgarten zu seinem 70. Geburts- tage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xhv, 1111. Baumgarten (Reinhold Ernst Christian) [1880- ]. *Ueber interne Syphilisbehandlung mit Sozojodol-Hydrargyrum, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Quecksilber-Dermatitis. [Halle-Witten- berg.] 30 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaem- merer dc Co., 1908. Baumgarten (Samuel). Die durch Gonokokken verursachten Krankheiten des Mannes; ihre medikamentose und chirurgische Behandlung. 415 pp. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, A. Holder, 1910. Baumgarth (Georg) [1884- ]. ^Cholecystitis mit Nekrose der Mucosa. 1 p. 1., 55 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. BeterNachf., 1913. Baumgarth (Hans) [1877- ]. *Cor bilocu- lare mit Dexiocardie. 51 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1902. Baumgarth (Rudolf Friedrich Robert) [1873- ]. *Anlagerung von Merkaptanen an un- gesattigte Sauren. 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1907. Baumgartner (Albert). *Ueber progressive Paralyse. 37 pp. 8°. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1900. Baumgartner (Amedee) [1875- ]. *Les her- nies par glissement du gros intestin. 96 pp., 8 pi., 11. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 201. Forms, also, No. 3 of: Biblioth. contemp. d. med. et d. sc, 1905. -----. Maladies de la mamelle. 2 p. 1., 339 pp. 8°. Baris, J,-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1913. Nouveau traite de chirurgie chnique et operatoire (Le Dentu & P. Delbet), fasc. xxiii. See, aho, Poirier (Paul) & Baumgartner (Amedee) [in 2. s.]. Precis de dissection [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1906. Baumgartner (Josef) [1875- ]. *Ueber Os- teosarkom der Extremitaten nebst kasuistischen Beitragen. 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1906. Baumgartner (Otto). *Ueber Placenta-Losung mit spezieller Berucksichtigung der Abgangszeit. [Bern.] 75 pp. 8°. Buzern, H. Keller, 1899. Baumgartner (Walter). *Ueber die chirur- .gische Behandlung der Nebenhodentuberku- lose. [Bern.] 44 pp. 8°. Zurich, Leemann dc Co., 1915. Bamilliard (Carl) [1871- ]. *Beitrag zur Aetiologie der primaren Schrumpfniere. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1898. von Baumhauer (iEmilius Janus Guilielmus). *Commentatio philosophico-literaria in librum qui inter Hippocraticos exstat irepi vo-ios 6.vdpu>- irov. xiii, 136 pp. 8°. Traj. ad Bhenum, N. Van der Monde, 1843. Baumhofner (Heinrich Friederich Wilhelm) [1876- ]. *Die mit chronischer Nephritis complicierten Geburtsfalle der Marburger Ent- bindungsanstalt aus den Jahren 1883-1900. 26 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Marburg, J. Hamel, 1902. BAUMHOLTZ. 398 BAUR. Baumholtz (A[kim] L[yovich]) [ 1872- ]. *K voprosu o roli pecheni v ryadu drugikh organov v eliminatsii bakteriy iz krovi i o prokhodi- mosti sosudistoi i kishechnoi stienok dlya bak- teriy. [Role of the liver alongside other organs in the elimination of bacteria from the blood and on the penetrability of the vascular and intestinal walls for bacteria] 73 pp., 11. 8°. Yuryev, K. Matthen, 1899. Baumholtz (I[ona] L[yovich]) [1871- ]. *K voprosu ob izmienenii krovi pri lyokhochnoi bugorchatkie. [Alteration of the blood in pul- monary phthisis.] 66pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. B. Meshtsherski, 1899. Baumli (Leonz). *Ueber Psoriasis und Diabetes mellitus auf Grund von Beobachtungen auf der Zurcher medizin. Klinik. 25 pp. 8°. Zurich, 1901. Baumm (Gustav) [1878- ]. *Ein hundert Falle komplizierter Frakturen aus der chirur- gischen Abteilung der stadtischen Kranken- anstalt zu Konigsberg i. Pr. 53 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 0. Kiimmel, 1907. Baumm (Hans) [1888- ]. *Anatomische und klinische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Verstop- fung der Arteria cerebelli posterior inferior. [Konigsberg.] 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1913. Repr.from: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1913, hi. Baumm (Paul). Die praktische Geburtshilfe in ihren Hauptziigen. Ein Wiederholungsbuch fiir Hebammen. viii, 106 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Staude, 1901. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. viii, 107 pp. 12°. Berlin, E. Staude, 1901. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. viii, 140 pp. 12°. Berlin, E. Staude, 1907. ------. The same. 6. Aufl. 131 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Staude, 1912. ------. Kopf und Becken in ihrer gegenseitigen Beziehung unter der Geburt. 29 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1905. Forms 7. Hft., v. 6, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Frauenh. u. Geburtsh. Baumont (Albert) [1888- ]. *De la resection du nerf auriculo-temporal. 47 pp. 8°. Byon, 1914, No. 115. Baumstark (Robert). *Ueber Epilepsia proeur- siva. 37 pp. 8°. ' Freiburg i. B., E. Kuttruff, 1897. ------. Der Einfluss der Mineralwasser auf Ver- dauungs- und Stoffwechsel-Krankheiten. 62 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1909. Forms 8. lift., v. 1, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Verdauungs- u. Stoffwechs.-Krankh., Halle a, S., 1909. Baumiillcr (Edmund [Adolph Rudolph Hugo]) [1883- ]. *Untersuchungen iiber (lie Sprung- gelenksgalle des Pferdes. [Giessen.] 28 pp., 11., lpl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1909. Repr.from: Monatschr. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1909, xxi. Baunacke (Karl Walther) [1883- ] . *Sta- tische Sinnesorgane bei den Nepiden. [Greifs- wald.] 168 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Jena, (,'. Fischer, 1912. Repr.from: Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1912, xxxiv. Baunscheidtism. Linden (J.) Manual of the exanthematic method of cure, also known as Baunscheidtism. With an appendix on "The eye," and "The ear. " their diseases and treatment by means of the exanthematic method of cure. 25. ed. 8°. Cleveland, 1915. G. (F. C.) Baunscheidtism. Univ. Med., Galveston, 1898-9, iv, 54-56. —Schrammen (F.) Gerichtsarztliche kritische und experimentelle Studien iiber Baunscheidtis- mus; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kurpfi'schertums. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1913, 3. F., xlvi, 63; 325. Baup (Francis) [1872- ]. *Les amygdales porte d'entree de la tuberculose. 83 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 247. Baur (A[lfred]). _ Haberstroh, Heublumen, Zinn- kraut und Eichenrinden-Abkochungen, und ihre heilkraftige Verwendung. 32 pp. 12°. Kempten, J. Kosel, 1899. ------. Sanitats-Katechismus fur alle Mitglieder der freiwilligen Sanitatskolonnen und Roten Kreuzvereine und Lazarettgehilfen, sowie fiir alle Samariter. 256 pp. 12°. Stuttgart, Muth- sche Verlagshandl., 1901. ------. Die Tuberkulose und ihre Bekampfung durch die Schule. Gemeinverstandlich darge- stellt. 66 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gerdes dc Hbdel, 1902. ------. Lehrbuch fiir den Samariterunterricht an Seminarien, Praparandenanstalten, Hoheren-, Mittel- und Volksschulen, sowie zum Selbst- unterricht. ii, 292 pp., 7 1., 30 pi. 12°. Wies- baden, 0. Nemnich, 1903. ------. Die Grenzen der Samariterthatigkeit. Ein Mahnwort an alle Samariter. 21 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1903. ------. Hygienischer Bilder-Atlas fiir Schule und Haus. 26 pi., 31. 12°. Wiesbaden, 0. Nemnich, 1903. ------. Die Kunst gesund zu bleiben, bestehend in einer einfachen, zeitgemassen und natur- lichen Methode gleich anwendbar fiir jung und alt, arm und reich. 59 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, B. Mahler, 1904. ------. Schul-Gesundheitsregeln fiir Lehrer. 47 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Miinchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1905. ------. Schul-Gesundheitspflege. 100 pp. 8°. Munchen, 0. Gmelin, 1905. Forms 19. Hft. of.- Der Arzt als Erzieher. ------. Das Krankenpflegebiichlein. Ein schnel- ler Ratgeber in der Krankenpflege. 29 pp., 2 pi., 1 tab. 8°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1905. ------. Gesundheitspflege furs Haus. Ein Ratge- ber fiir Gesunde und Kranke. Lfg. 1-14. S p. 1., pp. 1-260, 33 pi. 8°. Esslingen, J. F. Schreiber, [1905]. _ ------. Gesundheitsregeln fiir Eltern bei Erzie- hung der Schulkinder. 42 pp.. 2 pi. 8C. Mun- chen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1005. ------. Gesundheitsregeln fiir Schulkinder. 25 pp., 4 pi. 12°. Miinchen. Seitz dc Schauer, 1905. ------. Falsches und richtiges Sitzen in der Schulbank. Wallmap. eleph. fol. Beipzig, E. Wachsmuth. [1907]. ------. Das Samariterbuchlein; ein schneller Ratgeber bei Hilfeleistung in Unglucksfalien. 36 pp. 21°. Stuttqart, Muth, [n. d.]. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 36 pp. 24°. Stutt- gart, Muth. [n. d.]. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. 181. 16°. Stuttgart, Muth, [1901]. ------. The same. 7. Aufl. 201. 16°. Stuttgart, [1903]. Also, Editor of: Monatsschrlft fur Schul-und sozialelly- giene, Hamm, 1913. ------ & Fischer (E.) Anatornisch-hygienisches Wandtafelwerk. 2 pi. eleph. fol. Leipzig, F. E. Wachsmuth. [1905]. ------& Frey (Ofscarj). Atlas der Krankheiten des Menschen. Beschreibung der wichtigsten Erkrankungen und ihrer Ursachen. Fiir Schule und Haus bearbeitet. Teilii. Ip. 1., pp. 55- 244_pp., x, 25 pi. 8°. Esslingen dc Munchen, J. F. Schreiber, [1906]. Baur (Emil). Kurzer Abriss der Spektroskopie und Kolorimetrie. viii, 122 pp. roy. 8°. Leip- zig, J. A. Barth, 1907. Added title-page: Handhuch der angewandten physi- kalischen Chemie, hrsg. von Georg Bredig, v. BAUR. 399 BAVIXK. Baur (Emil)—continued. ------. Themen der physikalischen Chemie; auf Veranlassung des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure an der Technischen Hochschule zu Braun- schweig gehaltene Vortrage 3 p. 1., 113 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Akademhche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1910. Baur (Emil} [1*85- ]. Ein Fall von Poly- globulie mit seltnem Augenhintergrundbefund. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Ehele, 1913. Baur (Emil Hugo) [1880- ]. *Ein Fall von primarein Melanom des Oesophagus. [Tubin- gen.] 13 pp., 1 1. 8°. Budolstadt, F. Mitzlaff, 1905. Baur (Erwin [Rudolf]) [1875- ]. *Ueber com- plicierende Bauchfelltuberkulose bei Leber- cirrhose. 16 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1900. -----. Einige Ergebnisse der experimentellen Vererbungslehre. pp. 265-292. 8°. Berlin, Urban dc Schwarzenberg. Forms lift. 10, v. 4, of: Beihefte z. Med. Khn. Aho, Editor of: Zeitschrift fur induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre, Berlin, 1908-15. Baur (Franz). Zur Verbesserung und Vervoll- kommnung der Kurmittel und der Herzkranken- behandlung in Bad-Nauheim. 3 p. 1., 42 pp. 8°. Friedberg, C. Bindernagel, 1908. Baur (Franz-Louis) [ 1884- ]. *Etude sur la scarlatine clinique; therapeutique; epidemiolo- gic 93 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 15. Baur (Fridericus). *Diss. sistens memorabile exemplum dyspnceae et dyscatabroseos hyperoi- cse. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingx, typ. Fuesianh, 1797. Baur (Georg) [ -1898]. Hay (O. P.) [Biography.] Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1898, n. s., vhi, 68-71. Baur (Georgius Fridericus Ludovicus). *Diss. sistens quaedam de vomitu chronico. 41 pp. 12°. Marburgi Cattorum, J. C. Krieger, 1815. Baur (Gustav). Zur klimatischen Behandlung der Lungenkranken. 2. Aufl. 44 pp. 16°. Bad Ems, A. Bfeffer, 1898. Baur (Jean) *Etude experimentale de Paction physiologique de l'ozone. 74 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, A. Bey, 1901, No. 18. Baur (Josef). ^Quantitative Bestimmungsme- thode geringer Indolmengen. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Ziirich, Leemann dc Co., 1913. Baur (Karl) [1873- ]. *Ueber die Genesis der Mineralquellen in Bad Steben, ein Beitrag zur Quellenkunde. [Giessen.] 61 pp., 1 map., 1 1. 86. Bad Wildungen, E. Funk, 1912. Baur (Paul). *Ueber die im Gefolge von Haut- krankheiten auftretenden Epidermiscysten un- ter besonderer Berucksichtigung der bullosen Erkrankungen. 96 pp. 8°. Strassburg, 1899. Bauriedl (Maximilian) [1871- ]. *EinFall von galliger Peritonitis nach akutem Choledo- chusverschluss. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1901. Baurrier (Auguste) [1876- ]._ *De la valeur semeiologique de l'hypertrophie du cceur dans le retrecissement mitral. 139 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 68. Baury (Joseph) [1870- ]. *Contribution a l'etude de fibre-myomes peri-urethraux chez la femme. 67 pp. 4*. Barh, 1896, No. 103. Baus (Gabriel-Virgile-Joseph) [1883- ]. *Etude sur le corset. 84 pp. 8 . Bordeaux, 1910, No. 26. Baus (Hans) [1882- ]. *Ueber Pathogenese und iiber den spezifischen Abbau der Krebsge- schwiilste. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1909. Bausch (Edward). Manipulation of the micro- scope. 200 pp. 12°. Bochester, Bausch dc Lomb Opt. Co., 1897. ------. Use and care of the microscope. 37 pp. 16°. Bochester, N. Y., Bausch dc Lomb Opt. Co., 1902. Bausch (Joannes Christophorus). *De ischuria cystica. 22 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingx, typ. Beh- sianh, 1790. Bausewein (Otto). *Ueber die Wirkung des Aluminiums auf den tierischen Organismus. 26 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, 1899. Baussand (Maria) [1884- ]. *Contribution a l'etude du prolapsus ovarien. 72 pp. 8°. Byon, 1913, No. 110. Baussay (Raymond). *Du ramollissement cere- bral dans les cardiopathies infantiles acquises. 96 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 108. Bausset (Eugene), *De l'avortement criminel; etude historique et sociale. 55 pp. 8°. Barh, 1907, No. 272. Bautze (Hugo) [1875- ]. *Beitrag zur Lehre von den Kieferzysten. [Leipzig.] 26 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1911. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. Laryngol., Wiirzb., 1911, iv. Bauvallet (Henri-Celestin) [1886- ^ ]. *A1- coolisme chronique et paralysie generale pro- gressive, elude clinique. 96 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1911, No. 56. Baux (Georges). *Quelques documents sur l'epoque de Pengagement dans les presentations du sommet. 115 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1911, No. 349. Bavaria. See, also, Cholera (Hhtory and stathtics of), Fever (Malarial, Hhtory of), Fever (Typhoid, Hhtory of), Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of), Insane (Asylums, Bescription, etc., of), Insane (Care, Condition, etc., of), Pharmacopoeias (Official), Pharmacy (Leghlation relating to), Plague (Hhtory, etc., of), Waters (Mineral), by localities. Grassl (J.) Die Wanderungen der bayrischen Bevolke- rng und ihre Einflusse auf die Rasse. Arch. f. Rassen- Gesellsch.-Biol., Leipz. & Berl., 1912,ix, 430-453.—Banke (J.) Zur jiingsten Heidenzeit in Bayern. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Munchen, 1899, xxx, 151-154.— Weber (F.) Beitrage zur Vorgeschichte von Oberbayern. Beitr. z. Anthrop. u. Urgesch. Bayerns, Munchen, 1900, xhi, 165-192: 1902, xiv, 138-177, 2 ch. Bavaria. Instruktion fiir das Verfahren der Amts- arzte bei den gerichtlichen Untersuchungen menschlicher Leichen. 34 pp. 8°. Munchen, M. Bieger, 1880. ------. The same.^ 2. Aufl. viii, 57 pp. 12°. Munchen, M. Bieger, 1886. Dienstanweisung fiir die Hebammen des Konigreiches Bayern. 38 pp. 12°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1899. Bavay (Elie-Jean-Baptiste) [1868- ]. *Con- tribution a l'etude des rapports de la psychose dite polynevritique et de l'hysterie infectueuse. 67 pp., 11. 4°. Toulouse, 1895, No. 68. Bavery (Jean-Auguste) [1883-_ ]. *Dermatite erythrodermique avec atrophie maculeuse d'ori- gine tuberculeuse; atrophodermies maculeuses idiopathiques. 53 pp. 8°. Byon, 1907, No. 28. Bavinck (Berendinus Johannes Femia). *De sterfte aan tuberculosis pulmonum in Neder- land (1875-95). [Amsterdam.] 2 p. 1., 115 pp. 8°. Kampen, J. H. Bos, 1897. Bavink (W.) De hondsdolheid. Volledige opgave van al de verschijnselen der hondsdolheid. 32 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, Scheltema dc Holkema, [n. d.]. BAWDEN. Bawden (Henry Heath) [1871- ]. A study of lapses, iv, 122 pp. 8°. New York, The McMil- lan Co., 1900. Suppl. No. 14 to: Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1900, hi, 1-122. Bawenda. Gottschling (E.) The Bawenda; a sketch of their history and customs. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1905, xxxv, 365- 386, 1 pi. Bax (Dirk) [1864- ]. Zur operativen Behand- lung der angeborenen Blasenspalte durch Ure- terenimplantation in den Darm. 82 pp., 3 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., B. Krause dc Ewerlien, 1899. Bax (Ernest Belfort). Jean Paul Marat, the people's friend. 2. ed. xvii, 353 pp., 2 port.. 6 pi. 8°. Bondon, G. Bichards, 1901. Bax (Lucien) [1883- ]. *Recherche et diag- nostic de l'heredo-syphilis dans un dispensaire d'enfants. 80 pp. 8*. Baris, 1908, No. 320. [Baxter.] An enquiry into the nature of the human soul; wherein the immateriality of the soul is evinced from the principles of reason and philosophy. 3. ed. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 436 pp.; 1 p. 1., 412 pp., 16 1. 8°. Bondon, A. Millar, 1745. Baxter (Alexander). *De febre remittente. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1820. [P., v. 2297.] Baxter (Evan Buchanan) [1844-85]. Medicine and the allied sciences; an address delivered be- fore the Medical Society of King's College. 16 pp. 8°. Bondon, [T. Bichards], 1870. Baxter (JedediahHyde) [1837-90]. Garnett (A. Y. P.) Exposition of facts. 8°. Washington, [1877]. Pilcher (J. E.) Brigadier General Jedediah Hyde Baxter, Surgeon General ofthe United States Army. 1890. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlile, Pa., 1905, xvi, 58-63, port. Bay (Christian) [1882- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der Hydro-, Oxy-Hydral- und Acidcellulosen. 87 pp. 8°. Giessen, Christ dc Herr, 1913. Bay (Ernst) [1887- ]. *Ueber die operative Behandlung der exsudativen Peritonitis. 38 pp. 8°. Munchen, B. Heller, 1910. Bay (Hermann). *Zur Lehre der spontanen Aortenruptur. [Basel.] 17 pp. 8 . Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1910. Baya. Poupon (A.) Etude ethnographique des Baya de la circonscription du M'Bimou. Anthropologie, Par., 1915, xxvi, 87-144. Ba-Yaka. Torday (E.) & Joyce (T. A.) Notes on the ethnography of the Ba-Yaka; with supplementary note to Notes on the ethnography ofthe Ba-Mbala, vol. xxxv, p. 398. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1906, xxxvi, 39-59, 2 pi. Bayard (Adolf). *Zur Kenntnis des Xeroderma pigmentosum. [Zurich.] 29pp., 11. 8°. Basel, 1903. Bayard (Francois). * Etude sur le traitement mercuriel des paralysies oculaires anciennes. 62 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1906, No. 697. Bayard (Joseph). *Etude clinique et statistique de l'accouchement du sommet en occipito- posterieure directe dans la grossesse gemellaire. 78 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 66. Bayard (Otto). *Die Ophthalmoreaktion nach Calmette bei Kindern mit Beriicksichtigung der fibrigen spezifischen Reaktionen auf Tuberku- lose. 27 pp. 8°. Zurich, 1908. Bayard (William) [1815-1907]. Obituary. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1908, xx, 84-87. BAYER. Bayardi (D.) Lezioni cii patologia speciale chi- rurgica, compilate dai dottori K. Ruhl e N. Spezia. 551, 126 pp., 2 1. 8°. Torino, C. Basta, 1906. Lith.-type. Bayce (Albert) [1865- ]. ^Influence de la grossesse et de l'accouchement sur revolution des maladies de l'oreille. Indications du traite- ment radical par Pevidement petro-mastoidien. 133 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 415. Baye _ (Charles) [18887- ]. *Etude generale clinique de la svphilis de l'uretre. 203 pp. 8°. Barh, Jouve dc Cie., 1911. No. 319. Bayen (Pierre). Balland. Bayen a la Commission de sante de Fan II. Rev. scient., Par., 1910, xhi, 32.5-328.—Reber (B.) Une lettre inedite de Pierre Bayen, suivie de quelques observa- tions. Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de la med., Par., 1910, ix, 50-64. Bayer (Adolf). *Beitrag zur Diagnostik des oti- tischen Hirnabszesses. 35 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1896. Bayer (C. J.) Bayer's bronze book, or eugenics, the science of race improvement. 31 pp. 16°. [Chicago], Scient. Bub. Co., [n. d.]. Bayer (Carl) [1854- ]. Der angeborene Leis- tenbruch. 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Forms 146. Hft. of: Berl. Klinik. ------. Spina bifida. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, Fischer, 1902. Forms 62. Hft. of: Med. Wander-Vortr. Bayer (Felix) [1874- ]. *Schedes Redresse- ment und Kopfstutze. Ein Beitrag zur Behand- lung der Spondylitis. 58 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1903. Bayer (Frantisek). Poznamky o vyvoji jazyka u jesterek. [Observations on the development of the tongue in lizards.] 9 pp., 3 pi. 8°. v Braze, 1899. Forms No. 8 of: Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantisek Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1898-9, 2. t., viu. Bayer (Heinrich) [1853- ]. Vorlesungen uber allgemeine Geburtshiilfe. 1 Bd., Hft. 1. En- twicklungsgeschichte des weiblichen Genital- apparates. vii, 572 pp., 40 pi. 8°. Strassburg i. E., Schlesier dc Schweikhardt, 1903-8. ------. Befruchtung und Geschlechtsbildung. 39 pp. 8°. Strassburg. Schlesier dc Schweik- hardt, 1904. ------. Die Menstruation in ihrer Beziehung zur Conceptionsfahigkeit. 2. Aufl. 30 pp. 8°. Strassburg, Schlesier d- Schweikhardt, 1906. ---;—. Ueber Vererbung und Rassenhygiene; ein allgemein orientierender Vortrag. iv, 50 pp., 5 pi. rov. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1912. Bayer (Heinrich Otto Willielm) [1881- ]. *Ueber Herpes zoster ophthalmicus und Unfall. 34 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1906. Bayer (Johann). *Zur primaren Trepanation bei Schussverletzungen des Schadels. Heidelberg. 34 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Baupp, 1896. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1896, xvii. Bayer (Josef). Ueber Zerreissungen des Nabel- t; Nov. 28,1905.— Lowndes (C. P.) Topical medicated bed. No. 96768S; Aug. 16, 1910.—Lowy (M.) Folding cot. No. 1246123; Nov. 13, 1917— Luppino (J.) Sliding conch-bed. No. 89X9x1; Sept. 15, 1908.—Lurla (A.) Medical bed. No. 665243; Jan. 1, 1901. -----. Invalid or surgical bed. No. 673366; April 30, 1901.—McDonald (A.) Invalid bedstead. No. 969174; Sept.6,1910- Mi Donald (J. A.) & McDowall (W.) Invalid bed. No. 1046X30; Dec. 10, 1912— McElveen (G.) Invalid bed or cot. No. 945282; Jan. 4, 1910.—McGough (W.C.) Invalid-bed. No.836397: Nov. 20,1906.—Mcintosh (B.) Hospital bed. No. 1230913; June 26, 1917.—McKay (J.) Bed and bedstead for the use of invalids. No. 944204; Dec. 21, 1909.—Mackey (J.) Invalid bed. No. 9240S3; June 8, 1909.—McLennan (W.) Invalid-bed. No. 790588; May 23, 1905.—McMahan (Bella). Invalid-led. No. 803619; Nov. 7.1905. McNeil(M.) Invalid bed. No. 1224478; Mav 1,1917--:Mead (E. CA Invalid-bed. No. 840787: Jan. 8. 1907.-Merchant (W. T.) Hospital bed. No. 1038623; Sept. 17, 1012.- Mitchell (F. W.) Invalid bed. No. 933323; Sept. 7, l.i. Moore (\Y. A.) Bedstead. No. S19241; May 1, 1906.— M tiller ill. J ) Couch having a divided resting- snrface. No. 125.V20X; ivh..-,, wis.- Munger(E.E.) Bed. No. 658216; Sept. 18, 1900— Nason atoire en gyne'cologie. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Carriere. Examen microscopique et bacterioscopique du contenu d'eschares phlyctenoiides dans deux cas de decubitus acutus. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bor- deaux, 1896, xvii, 123.—Dialti (G.) Decubito sacrale acuto consecutivo ad isterectemia vaginale. Chn. chir., Milano, 1915, xxhi, 781-797.—Fieux (G.) Deux cas de decubitus acutus. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de pffidiat. de Par., 1910, xh, 11-15. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1910, xxih, 65-72.—Lind (J. E.) Decubitus. Ref. Handb. Med. Sc, N. Y., 1917, viii, 568.—Ozeretskovski (A. I.) [Acute multiple decubitus.] Voyenno-Med. J.. S.-Peterb., 1903, i, med. pt., 412-417—Richardson (G. H,) Pathological and microscopical study of bed-sores. Pacific Coast J. Homceop., San Fran., 1900, vhi, 8-10.—Routier. Decubitus aigu, eschare sacree, suite d'hysterectomie vagi- nale pour pyosalpinx. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 178—Smith (E. L.) Bedsores in the hospital; a patient's experience for six years on the flat of his back. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1916, vii, 517.—Strater (L ) Ueber das Durchliegen, den Dekubitus. Kranken- pflege, Berl., 1902-3, ii, 328-330.-^Vanverts (J.) Remarques sur la pathogenie du decubitus acutus post-operatoire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 355-362. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 561-566.—Wietlng. Ueber Wundliegen, Drucknekrose und Entlastung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 311-314—Zipperling. Decubitus acutus. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1913, xvh, 187-195. Bed-sores (Prevention and treatment of). Smart (C. W.) Bed-sores; their prevention and cure. 8°. London, 1916. Bleneck (Helene). Zur Verhutung des Durchliegens. Deutsche Krankenpflg.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, vi, 105.—Brown- ing (W ) The management of decubitus; a system m use at Kings County Hospital. Hosp. Bull. Dep. Pub. Char., N Y., 1917, i, No. 4, 66-68. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1917, xcii, 622. Aho, Reprint.—Duckworth (Sir D.) A note on the treatment of a severe bedsore. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1909, Lond., 1910, xiv, 5.—Falciola (M.) Contributo alia profllassi ed alia cura del decubito. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1906, lvii, 211-213.—Hoke (E.) Ueber die Behandlung von schwerem Dekubitus im permanenten Wasserbade. Kran- kenpflege, Berl., 1901-2, l, 595—von Jaksch (R.) Deku- bitus und Dauerbad. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1915, xxxvi, 1-3.—Lind (J. E.) The treatment of bedsores. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 25.—Mohr (E.) Decubitus und seine Verhutung. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1912, xxx, 129- 134 —Nordmann (O.) Die Behandlung des Decubitus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1715.—Palmer (J. D.) Chemical means for the prevention of bedsores. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1902, iv, 386.—Ring (A. II.) The use of sunlightin the treat- ment of bedsores. Boston M. & S. J., 1906, civ, 629.—Ruth- ven (Anna V.) & Spence (Ethyl M.) Treatment of bed- sores with radiant heat. Am. J. Nursing. Rochester, N. Y., 1917-18, xvhi, 294.—Smith (Marion E.) Bed-sores; their causes, prevention, and care. Trained Nurse, N. Y., 1900, xxv, 181-184.—Strater. Ein neues Mittel gegen Deku- bitus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1461.— Teller (R.) Zur Behandlung des Dekubitus. Ibid., 1908, 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----27 Bed-sores (Prevention and treatment of). lv, 1022-1024.—Thomalla. Ueber Vermeidung von De- cubitus bei kranken Wochnerinnen sowie sonstigen kranken Personen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1895, xix, 815.— Wade (B. N.), Ehrenreich (S. G.) [et al.]. How do you treat bedsores? N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 26; 75.— Zweig (A.) Die Behandlung des Decubitus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvii, 1122. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1912, n. s., xciv, 104. Bedu (Etienne-Armand) [1887- ]. ♦Contribu- tion a l'etude de certaines variations de poids et de longueur du foetus avant terme (jusqu'au debut du 9e mois). 56 pp. 8°. Barh, 1912, No. 332. Bedurfniss (Das) grosserer Sauberkeit im Klein- vertrieb von Nahrungsmitteln. Achtzehn Auf- siitze zum Wiederabdruck und zu moglichster Verbreitung. 2. Aufl. 76 pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., Mahlau dc Waldschmidt, 1902. Bedurfnisse der vornehmen Welt. Ein Beleh- rungs- und Unterhaltungsbuch fiir Erwachsene gebildeten Standes. Insonderheit ein hygieni- scher Wegeweiser. 188 pp. 12°. Graz, E. Baul, 1891. Beduschi (Vincenzo). Afasie; appunti critici, osservazioni cliniche ed anatomiche. 189 pp. 8°. _ Milano, 1909. • Bedzinski (A.) Lekarz domoroy czyli najpredsze i najlepsze s~rodki ratowania siebie i drugich bez pomocy lekarza stosuj^c tylko 500 srodkow domowych z domowej apteczki. . . . Wydanie czwarte poprawione i uzupelnione przez W. [Domestic _ physician or quickest and best means of aiding oneself and others without the aid of a physician, with only 500 domestic remedies. ... 4. ed., corrected and completed by W.] v, 94 pp. 16°. Bzeszdw. J. A. Belar, 1899. Beebe (Brooks Ford) [1850-1914]. Langdon (F. W.) Obituary. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., Bait., 1915, xxii, 365-367. Aho: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1916, xliv, 92-94, port—Kiely (W. E.), Weaver (W. B.) & Bonifleld (C. L.) [Obituary.] Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1914, cxi, 730.—Pope (C), Letcher (J. H.) [et al.]. [Obituary.] Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1915, cxiii, 18. Beebe (H[ugh] Mc[Dowell]). Editor of: University Homoeopathic Observer, Lancas- ter, Pa., 1916-18. Beecher (Catharine E.) & Stowe (Harriet- Beecher). The American woman's home; or, principles of domestic science; being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes, xii, 500 pp. 8°. New York, J. B. Ford dc Co., 1869. Beecher (Lyman). Six sermons on the nature, occasions, signs, evils, and remedy of intemper- ance. 6. ed. 107 pp. 24°. Boston, T. B. Marvin, 1828. ------. The same. 9. ed. 107 pp. 16°. Boston, T. B. Marvin, 1829. in der Beeck (Wilhelm) [1879- ]. *Ueber den praktischem Wert bakteriologischer Untersu- chungen in der Augenheilkunde. [Bonn.] 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Miilheim-Buhr, O. H. Blech, 1913. Beecker (Adolf). *Die Nasenregion des Am- niotenkopfes. 57 pp. 8°. Beipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1903. Beeckman (Petrus). *De x^potrt sive de morbo virgineo. 19 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1707. Beef. See Meat. Beef extracts. See Meat (Breparations and extracts of). BEEHLER. 418 BEER. Beehler (William Henry) [1848- ]. The his- tory of the Italian-Turkish war, September 29, 1911, to October 18, 1912. 118 pp., 1 map. 8°. [Annapolis, printed by the Advertiser Bepublican, 1913.] Repr. [with additions]/rom.- Proc. U. S. Naval Inst. ter Beek (Cornelius) [1874- ]. *Die allge- meine Therapie des Galen. [Schluss von Buch I.] 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1898. van Beek (J. M.), jr. Miltvuur en tuberculose. Administratieve behandehng van een geval van miltvuur en tuberculose onder het vee. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. Landsmeer, Lpenbuur dc van Seldom, 1907. Beelaerts van Blokland (F. A. G.) & Bahler (Louis A.) Militarisme. 36 pp. 8°. Baarn, Hollandia-drukkerij, 1907. Forms No. 4 of: Pro en contra, Baarn, 1907, hi. Beeler (George) [1830-99]. Biographical sketch. Am. Pract & News, Louisville, 1899, xxviii, 351, port. Beer. See, also, Alcoholic drinks; Brewers; Yeast. Barnard (H. E.) Report on methods of beer analysis. 8°. [Washington, 1907.1 U. S. Dep. Agric. Bur. Chem., Circular No. 33. Behrend (G.) Ueber die Chemie des Bieres vom Gerstenkorn bis zur Fertigstellung. 8°. Hamburg, 1897. Bertels (E. R.) *K voprosu o vliyanii piva na azotistiy metamorfoz u zdorovikh lyudei [On the effect of beer on nitrogenous metamorphosis in healthy men.] 8°. Yuryev, 1897. Also, in/Meditsina, S.-Peterb., 1896, vhi, 451. Gallinger (J. H.) Scientific testimony on beer. 8°. [Washington, 1901.] Hargreaves (W.) Malt liquors; their nature and effects. 8°. Bhiladelphia, [1809?].. Leblat (E.-V.) *La reconstitution de la densite originelle des bieres de fermentation haute (etude critique des diverses methodes). 8°. Lille, 1912. Pharmacie. Lefevre (J.-F.-J.) *Etude de quelques types de bieres consommees a Lille et de quatre extraits de malt pharmaceutiques; apports alimentaires de ces bieres. 8°. Lille, 1907. Livesey (J.) A new lecture on malt liquor. 8°. Breston, 1870. Quenot (G.) *Essai sur les procedes de fabrication et sur les applications therapeutiques de la biere et des extraits de malt. 8°. Baris, 1910. Rolleston (S.) OZvos KplOivos; a dissertation concerning the origin and antiquity of barlev wine. 4°. Oxford, 1750. Straub (A.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Producle der alkoholischen Garung der Bier- wurze mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Bil- dung von Bernsteinsaure. 4°. Munchen, 1895. Tolman (L. M.) & Riley (J. C.) A study of American beers and ales. 8°. Washington, 1917. U. S. Dep. Agric, Wash., 1917, Bull. No. 493. United States. Congress. House of Beprc- sentatives. A bill to prevent the brewing of impure beer. 57. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 11610. Feb. 20, 1902. Introd. by Mr. Southwick. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1902.] Wackenroder (H.) De cerevisiae vera mixtione et indole chemica et de methodo analytica alcoholis quantitatem recte explo- randi. 8°. Jenae, 1850. Wahl (R.) Indian corn (or maize) in the manufacture of beer. 8°. Washington, 1893. ------. Refinement of beer. 8°. [n. p.], 1915. Repr.from: Am. Brewers' Rev., [n. p.], 1915. ------. The importance of lactic acid in the production of malt and beer. 8°. [n. p.], 1915. Repr. from: Am. Brewers' Rev., [n. p.], 1915. ------. New scientific conceptions and their application to quality and methods of preparing beer. 8°. [n. p.], 1915. Repr.from: Am. Brewers' Rev., [n. p.], 1915. Ackermann (E.) Rechenapparat zur Bestimmung des Extrakt- und Alkoholgehaltes im Bier. Ztschr. f. Unter- sueh. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl.; 1904, viii, 92-94.— Borelli (L.) L'arsenico nei glucosi itahani. Riv. d'ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1906, xvu, 366-374.—Bresson. Sur l'existence d'une methylglucase specifique dans la levure de biere. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1910, cii, 485-487.— Brown (A. J.) That bad beverage, beer. Science Progr. 20. cent., Lond., 1909-10, iv, 366-375.—Brown (H.-T.) La question de I'azote dans la brasserie. Monit. scient., Par., 1910, 4. s., xxiv, 5; 88; 217; 645. —Chapman (A. C), Moritz (E. R.) [et al.! Beer and the materials used in its production. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 873.—Cowie (A. M.) The purification of burnt ale by the biological method. J. State M., Lond., 1901, ix, 152-164.—Delbruck. La biere autrefois et maintenant. Monit. scient., Par., 1912, 5. s., xxvi, 163-169.—Einieldt (Wr.) Extraktreiche Biere. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1909, iv, 15-17.—Emslander (F.) Wodurch wird die Ausscheidung von Eiweiss im fertigen Flaschenbier verursacht, trotz normaler Behand- lung im Sudhaus und Keller? Kolloidchem. Beihefte, Dresd., 1911, hi, 47-83.-----. Ueber hygienische Wirkung des Bieres. Ztschr. f. Chemie u. Indust. d. Kolloide, Dresd., 1911, ix, 118-120.—Emslander (F.) & Freundllch (II.) Oberfiaeheneinfltisse beim Bier und bei der Bierbereitung. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1904, xhx, 317-328.—Hart- wig (J.) Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Biergewerbes. Alkoholfrage, Berl., 1913-14, x, 44-59.—Holitscher. Bier- genuss bei Cholera- oder Typhusgefahr; eine Erwiderung [an Dr. Bode]. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspfl., Wien, 1905, xxih, 281.—Hoppe. Die Bierproduktion und der Bierkon- sum in Deutschland im Jahre 1904. Internat. Monatschr. z. Erforsch. d. Alkoholismus, Basel, 1906, xvi, 365-369 — Hospital's (The) commission on beers; a special report on their preparation, and their chemical, physiological and dietetic properties. Hospital, Lond., 1909, xhi, 97-108.— Kavser (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la biere visqueuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1913, clvi, 1266-1268 — Klein (M. M.) Kaffir beer; its manufacture on the Rand and the need for adequate supervision. Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg, 190S-9, iv, N!-90.—Lehmann (P.) .—Mori (li.) Ueber die diuretische Wirkung des Biers. (1S87.) In his: Japan, S", Tokio, 1911, 359-400.—Petermann. L'origine de l'arsenic con- tenu dans certaines bieres. Rev. internat. d. falsific, Par., 1902, xv, 129.—Prior (E.) Die Untersuchungsmetho- den des Bieres. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel, Munchen, 1897, iv, 341-347.—Race (J.) Beer analvsis. J. Soc. Chem. Indust.. Lond., 1908, xxvii, 544-546, 1* 1.—Scharflenberg (J.) Fin missbrauchter Ausspruch von Liebig iiber das Bier. Internat. Monatschr. z. Erforsch. d. Alkoholismus, Basel, 1908, xvhi, 13S-14L—Schwarz (R.) The use of the immersion refractometer in examining American beers made from malt and unmalted cereals. J. Indust. & Engin. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1913. v, 660-663— Sharpe (J. S.) The distribution of nitroren in beer. Biochem. J., Cambridge, 1917, xi, 101-111.—SimnioiKls (C.) The original specific gravity of beer. Nature, Lord.. 1914-15, xcv, 150.—Strup- pler (T.) Bier und seine VcrfiilseliuiiLcn; eine medizinal- polizeiliche, hypicni>i'he Studie. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Csndhtspflg.. Brnschwg., 1903, xxxv, 532-542—Suss. Alkohol-una Extraktgehalt der in Dresden a:isgeschank- ten Biere. Arb. a. d. k. hygien. Inst, zu Dresd., 1903, i, 348-3i'iO.—Van Laer (II.) Contributions ii l'etude des fermentations visqueuses; recherches sur les bieres a double face. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1900, xiv, 82-101 — VOltz (W.), FOrster (R.) & Baudrexel (A.) Ueber die Verwertung des Bierextraktes und des Bieres im menschli- chen und tierischen Organismus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1910, cxxxiv, 133-2.8— Wilkinson (W. P.) An examination of the beer retailed in Melbourne and suburbs. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900, v. 299-304 — Will (H.) Vergleichende Untersuchungen an vier unterga- BEER. 419 BEES. Beer. rigen Arten von Bierhefe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1895, i, 449-456: 1896, ii, 752-763.—Wyatt (F.) The influence of science in modern beer brewing. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1900, cl, 190; 299. Beer (Bacteriology of). Coronedl(G.),Dessy(S.)&Malenchini(F.) Ricerche tossicologiche e battcriologiche sopra una birra (frammenti d'unaperizia). Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1898-9, ii, 97-114 — Day (F. E.) & Baker (J. L.) A bacterium causing ropi- ness in beer. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1913, xxxvi, 433-438, 1 ch.—Fuhrmann (F.) Zur Kennt- nis der Bakterienflora des Flaschenbieres. Ibid., 1906, xvi, 309; 356; 453; 615: 1907, xix, 117; 221, 2 pi.—Roussel (L.), Brule (M.) [et al.]. Recherches bacteriologiques sur les bieres des Flandres. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915,3. s., lxxiv, 460: 1916,3. s., lxxv, 77-79. Aho: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 57-95. Beer (Arthur) [1879- ]. Ueber plastische Deckung von Hautdefekten an den Gelenken. 38 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1903. Beer (Carl). *Die Verwendung des Skopolamin- Morphiums als alleiniges und als vorbereitendes Narkotikum. 47 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1910. Beer (Georg Joseph) [1763-1821]. Pathologie und Therapie der krankhaften Zustande des Auges, nach Dr. Beer's Vorlesungen. Van Franz Bils, Wien, im Winterhalbjahr 1810-11. MS. 54, 111, 44, 66, 47 pp. 4°. Wien, 1810-11. Beer (Hermann Hieronymus). Worte der Erin- nerung an Crato von Kraftheim, Leibarzt dreier deutschen Kaiser aus dem Hause Habsburg. 20 pp. 4°. Wien, B. Sommer, 1862. Bound with: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1862, viu. Beer ([Johann] Ernst). *Ein Fall von Magen- Gallenblasenfistel. 14 pp. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1896. Beer (Max) [1873-;- ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hemiatrophia facialis progressiva. 45 pp., 11., 5 tab. 8°. Konigsburg i. Br., L. Krause dc Ewerlein, 1898. Beer (Otto) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall yon Throm- bose des Sinus cavernosus beiderseits. 18 pp., 11. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1901. Beer (Sylvia). *Ueber die atiologische und kli- nische Bedeutung der Nierenstbrung bei der Eklampsia gravidarum. 25 pp. 8°. [Bern], 1907. Beerbohm (C. Wilhelm) [1886- ]. *Die Schwankungen im Gehalte des Butterfettes an fluchtigen Fettsauren wahrend der Laktation von 4 Kuhen der Kgl. Domane Kleinof-Tapiau. [Konigsberg i. Pr. ] 1 p. 1., 64 pp., 1 1. 4°. Hannover, M. dc H. Schaper, 1913. Beerends (Dirk). Is vivisectie onzedelijk? Open brief aan Androcles, met aanteekeningen. 40 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. Clausen, 1892. ------. Pensionenverzekeering van het phar- maceutisch hulppersoneel. Open brief aan den Heer A. C. van den Bijllaardt jr. 15 pp. 8°. A tv\ ^tpvcfntYi 1Q02 Beerholdt (Eduard Richard Alexander) [1883- ]. *Ueber epidemisch aufgetretene Appen- dizitis in einer Erziehungsanstalt. 28 pp. 8°. Borna-Beipzig, B. Noske, 1910. Beerholdt (Henriette Martha) [1886- ]. *Ueber zwei Falle von Nebenkropf. 25 pp. 8°. Beip- zig, E. Lehmann, 1912. Beermann (Eva). *Ueber die Ausscheidung von anorganischem und organisch gebundenem Brom durch den Urin nach Einfuhr organischer Brompraparate. [Bern.] 7 pp. 4°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1910. Beermann (Ewald) [1882- ]. *Zwei Falle von metastatischer Strumitis. [Erlangen.] 20 pp., 11. 8°. Biisseldorf, 1912. Beers (CUfford Whittingham) [1876- ]. A mind that found itself; an autobiography, viii, 363 pp. 8°. London, New York, Bombay dc Calcutta, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1908. ------. The same. 4. ed. ix (11.) 407, 41 pp., 1 map. 8°. New York, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1917. ------. A society for mental hygiene as an agency for social service and education. 16 pp. 8°. [Bochester, 1910.] ------. The value of social service as an agency in the prevention of nervous and mental dis- orders; its importance as a part of the work of hospitals for the insane and of a State society for mental hygiene. 16 pp. 8°. [St. Louis, 1910.] ------. Purposes, plans and work of State socie- ties for mental hygiene; including an outline of the work of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene with which the State organiza- tions are affiliated. 32 pp. 8°. New York, 1915. Beerwald ( Konrad ). Jugendfrische im Alter. 35 pp. 8°. Munchen dc Berlin, B. Oldenbourg, 1910. Veroffentlichungen des Deutschen Vereins fiir Volks- Hygiene. Hft. 20. Bees. Clatjs (C.) Der Bienenstaat. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Dienelt (F.) The honey bee and her wax. 8°. Bortland, Conn., 1896. Cutting from: Observer, Portland, Conn., 1896, vii, 401- 405. von Dobkiewics (L.) *Beitrag zur Biologie der Honigbiene. [Miinchen.] 8°. Erlangen, 1912. Kahsenberg (H.) *Ueber die Entwickelung des Stachelapparates, der Geschlechtsorgane und des Darmkanales bei der Honigbiene. 8°. Miinchen, 1895. ; Mastalirz (J.) *De api mellifica, ejusque morbis. 16°. Vienna;, [1783]. Metzer (C.) *Die Verbindung zwischen Vorder- und Mitteldarm bei der Biene. [Erlan- gen.] 8°. Beipzig, 1910. Stellwaag (F.) *Bau und Mechanik des Flugapparates der Biene. [Erlangen.] 8°. Leip- zig, 1910. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1910, xcv, 518- 550, 2 pi. Allard (H. A.) Some experimental observations concern- ing the behavior of various bees in their visits to cotton blossoms. Am. Naturalist, Lancaster, Pa., 1911, xiv, 607- 622.—Armbruster (L.) Probleme des Hummelstaates. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1914, xxxiv, 685-706, 1 pi— Arn- hart (L.) Die Zwischenriiume zwischen den Wachsdriisen- zellen der Honigbiene. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 719- 721.—Aronssohn (F.) Sur la composition des alveoles des differentes regions d'une colonie d'abeilles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 544. -----. Sur la nature des enveloppes abandonnees par les abeilles a l'interieur des alveoles de la cire. Ibid., 1111-1113. -----. Sur la composi- tion minerale de Pabeille. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, clii, 1183-1186.—Bonnier (G.) The sources of honey; the physiological functions of the nectary. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1907, lxiv, 92.—(Braue A.) Die Pollensam- meiapparate der beinsammelnden Bienen. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., 1913, n. F., 1, 1-96, 4 pi.—Bresslau (E.) Die Dickelschen Bienenexperimente; Studien iiber den Geschlechtsapparat und die Fortpflanzung. Zool. Anz.. Leipz., 1908, xxxu, 722-741.—von Buttel-Reepen (H.) Ueber die Bildung des Geschlechts bei der Honigbiene. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1898, xxiv, 783. -----. Sind die Bienen Reflexmaschinen? Experimentelle Beitrage der Honigbiene. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xx, 97; 130; 177; 209; 289. -----. Die phylogenetische Ent- stehung des Bienenstaates, sowie Mitteilungen zur Biologie der solitaren und socialen Apiden. Ibid., 1903, xxhi, 4; 89; 129; 183.-----. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der Honig- BEES. 420 van BEETHOVEN. Bees. biene. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 280-288. ----- Haben die Bienen einen Far ben- und Formensinn? Natur. wissenschaften, Berl., 1915, iii, 80-82— Cuenot (L.) Les males d'abeilles proviennent-ils toujours d'ceufs partheno- genetiques? Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg., Par., 1909, xlih, 1-9.—Demoll (R.) Die Konigin von Apis mell., ein Atavismus. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxvih, 271- 278.—DOnhofl. Ueber die Entstehung der Bienenzellen nach Mullenhorl and Darwin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1884, 153-155.—Dreyllng (L.) Ueber die wachsbereitenden Organe der Honigbiene. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1903, xxvi, 710- 715. -----. Die wachsbereitenden Organe bei den gesellig lebenden Bienen. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1905, xxh, 289-330, 2 pi.—von Frisch (K.) Der Farbensinn und Formensinn der Biene. Ibid., Abt. f. allg. Zool., Jena, 1914, xxxv, 1-182, 9 pi.—Gutch (J.) Bees and medicine. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1897, iv; 71.—von Ihering (H.) Biologie derstaehel- losen Horugbienen Brasiliens. Biol. Centralbl.? Leipz., 1904, xxiv, 7-18.-----. Phylogenie der Honigbienen. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 129-136.—Janet (C.) Sur l'existence d'un organe chordotonal et d'une vesicule pulsa- tile antennaires chez Pabeille et sur la morphologie de la tete de cette espece. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1911, chi, 110-112.—Jonescu (C. N.) Vergleichende Untersu- chungen iiber das Gehirn der Honigbiene. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1909, xiv, 111-180, 5 pi.—Koschevnlkov (G. A.) Ueber den Fettkorper und die Oenocyten der Honigbiene (Apis melhfera L.). Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1900, xxih, 337-353.— Lovell (J. H.) The color sense of the honey- bee. Can bees distinguish colors? Am. Naturalist, Lan- caster, Pa., 1910, xliv, 673-692.—Mclndoo (N. E.) The scent-producing organ of the honey-bee. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1914, lxvi, 542-555, 2 pi.—Mehling (Elsa). Ueber die gynandromorphen Bienen des Eugsterschen Stockes. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1915. n. Fv xlui, 173-236.—Meisenheimer (J.) [Ueber die wachsbereitenden Driisen.) Naturw. Wchnschr., Jena, 1906, xxi, 725-727— Nachtsheim (H.) Parthenogenese, Eireifung und Geschlechtsbestimmung bei der Honigbiene. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen (1912), 1913, xxvih, 22-29. -----. Entstehen auch aus befruchteten Bieneneiern Drohnen? Biol. ■ Centralbl., Erlang., 1915, xxxv, 127-143.—Nelson (J. A.) Structural Eeculiarities in an abnormal queen bee. Proc Acad. Nat. c, Phila., 1912, lxiv, pt. 1, 3-5.—Pissarew (W. J.) Das Herz der Biene (Apis mellifica). Zool. Anza Leipz., 1893, xxi, 282.—von Planta (A.) Ueber den Futtersart der Bienen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1888, xii, 32/.' 1888-9, xiii, 552-5G1—Popovici-Baznosance (A.) La distribution des polls r^colteurs sur le corps de quelques apides solitaires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 484.—Quinn (C. W.) Scientific queen rearing. Science, Lancaster, Pa., 1916, n. s., xlui, 939-941.—Robert- son (C.) Erroneous generic determinations of bees. Ibid., 1918, n. s., xlviii, 368.—Schanz (F.) Zum Farbensinn der Bienen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, lxiii. 11.— Straus (J.) Die chemische Zusammensetzung der Arbeits- bienen und Drohnen wahrend ihrer verschiedenen Entwick- lunssstadien. Ztschr. r Biol., Munchen u. Berl., 1911, lvi, 347-397.—Thompson (Caroline B.) Dualqueensbiacolor r of honey bees. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1918, n. s., xlviii, 294.—Turner (C. H.) Experiments on pattern-vision of the honey bee. Biol. Bull., Woods'Holl, Mass., 1911, xxi, 249-204.—Waetzel (P.) Biologische Beobachtungen a~n Bienenstaat. Erstcchen einer Drohne durch eine frischaus geschliipfte Konigin. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1909, xxxiv, 639.— WUlem (V.) Comment les flours attircnt les abeilles. Rev. gen. d. sc. pureset appliq., Par., 1915, xxvi,539-543.—Zander (E.) Die Verbindung zwischen Vorder- und Mittcldarm bei der Biene. Von C. Metzer. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1910, xcvi, 539-571, 2 pi. Bees (Diseases of). Larbaletrier (A.) Comment on defend son rucher; la lutte contre les maladies et les ennemis des abeilles. 12°. Baris, [1900]. Phillip (E. F.) The treatment of bee diseases. 8°. Washington, 1911. U. S. Dep. Agric. Farmer's Bull. No. 442. Shipley (A. E.) The diseases of hive-bees. 4°. London, [1911]. Ball (E. D.) Important factors in the spread and control of American foulbrood. J. Econom. Entomol., Concord, N. H., 1918, xi, 200-205.—Bee disease. Nature, Lond., 1918. ci, 47.—Carr (E. G.) Some new and practical methods for the control of European foulbrood. J. Eco- nom. Entomol., Concord, N. H., 1917, x, 197-200. -----. An unusual disease of honey bees. Ibid., 1918, xi, 347-351.— Church (I. M.) Remedy for the bee disease called the European foul brood. [Pat. spec] No. 1242770; Oct. 9, 1917.—Ellis (D.) Bee disease. Nature, Lond., 1918, ci, 103 — Fantham (H. B.) & Porter (Annie). A bee disease due Bees (Diseases of). to a protozoal parasite (Nosema apis). Proc. gen. meet.... Zool. Soc Lond., 1911, pt. 3, 625-670.-----------. The morphology and life history of Nosema apis and the signifi- cance of its various stages in the so-called "Isle of Wight" disease in bees (microsporidiosis). Ann. Trop. M. & Parasi- tol., Liverp., 1912-13, vi, 163-195, 3 pi.-----------. Micro- sporidiosis, a protozoal disease of bees due to Nosema apis and popularly known as Isle of Wight disease. Ibid., 145- 161.—Harrison (F. C.) The foul brood of bees; Bacillus alvei (Cheshire and W. Cheyne). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1900; vi, 421; 457; 481; 513— Kramer. Der derzeitige Stand der wissenschaftlichen Forschung uber die Krankheiten der Bienen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1913-14, xxv, 481-514— Kttstenmacher (M.) Die Ruhr der Honigbiene. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909, xxiv, 58-62.—Maassen (A.) Zur Aetiologie der sogenannten Faulbraut der Honigbienen. Arb. a. d. k. biol. Anst. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch., Berl., 1908, vi, 53-70, 2 pi.—McCray (A. H.) Some difncidties in gross diagnosis of the infectious brood diseases of bees. J. Econom. Entomol., Concord, N. H., 1916, ix, 192-196 — Paddock (F. B.) Foul brood eradication work in Texas. Ibid., 1918, xi, 351-353.—Perroncito (E.) Le malattie deile api. Cong, internat. de path, comp., Par., 1913, i, pt. 2, 788-792.—Ritchie (J.) Isle of Wight disease in bees. Na- ture, Lond., 1916-17, xcvii, 160— Tflpter v-----. Conscious behavior. J. Philos". Psychol. [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., 1918, xv, 631-641— Wells (W. M.) The behavior of limpets with particular reference to the homing instinct. J. Animal Behavior, Cambridge, 1917, vu, 387- 395.—Whitman (C. O.) Animal behavior. Biol. Lect. Woods Hole, Bost., 1899, 285-338 — Yerkes (Ida W.) Com- parison of the behavior of stock and inbred albino rats. J. Animal Behavior. Albany, 1916, vi, 207-296.— Yerkes (R. M.) The study or human behavior. Science, N. Y. 33. -----. Ideational behavior of monkevs and apes. Ibid., 639-642 — Yerkes (R. M.) & Coburn (C. A.) A studv of the behavior of the pig (Sus scrofa) bv the multiple choice method. J. Animal Behavior, Cambridge, 1915, v, 185-225, 1 pi—Yerkes (R. M.) & Kellogg (C. F.) A graphic method ofreeording maze-reactions. Ibid., 1914, iv, 50-55. Behelf zum Studium des Mnitarsanitatswesens an den k. und k. Korpsofliziersschulen. 50 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Wien. J. Safar, 1910. Behem (,loham. Ein Regiment widder die Pestilentz. und sonderlich wie man sich mit dem aderlassen halten soil. 7 1. 16°. Franek- fordt an der Oder. J. Eichorn, zu Martini Lutheri Zeiten. Behla (Robert [Franz]) [1850- ]. Die Amoben insbesondere vom parasitaren und culturellen Standpunkt. vi (11.), 73 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald. 1S9S. ------. Die Carcinomlitteratur. Eine Zusam- menstellung der in- und auslandischen Krebs- schriften bis 1900 mit alphabetischem Autoren- und Sachregister. xxv, 259 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1901. ------. Das bakteriologische Laboratorium bei der koniglicben Regierung in Potsdam. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1902. ------. Ueber die Errichtung eines Instituts fiir Krebsforschung. 8 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1902. BEHLA 423 BEHRENDT de CUVEY. Behla (Robert [Franz])—continued. ------. Die pflanzenparasitiire Ursache de Krebses und die Krebsprophylaxe. 48 pp., 4 pi., 11. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1903. ------. Der tatsachliche Krebserreger, sein Zyklus und seine Dauersporen. x, 189 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1907. ------. Die kunstliche Ziichtung des Krebserre- gers, seine Feststellung in der Aussenwelt und der rationelle Krebsschutz. viii, 84 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1908. ------. Die Bestatigung der kunstlichen Ziich- tung des Krebserregers, sowie weitere ge- schwulststatistische Mitteilungen iiber Fami- lien-, Ehegatten- und endemischen Krebs. 50 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1910. ------. Meine Ziichtungsmethode des Blastozoon globosum aus krebsartigen Geschwiilsten und seine diagnostische Verwertung. 48 pp. 8°. Berlin, Allg. med. Verlagsanstalt, 1912. Behm (Hans Wolfgang). - Vom Tier zum Fels; ausgewahlte Kapitel iiber die Teilnahme von Tieren an dem Aufbau und der Umgestaltung der Erdkruste. 94 pp. 8°. Leipzig, T. Thomas, [1915]. Behm (Heinrich). Untersuchungen iiber den Mechanismus der Hinter- und Vorder-Extre- mitat des Rindes in seiner Verschiedenheit bei Tieflands- und Hohenschlagen. 100 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Hannover, M. dc H. Schaper, 1911. Behm (Karl) [1877- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der primaren bosartigen Unterkiefergeschwiilste und ihrer operativen Behandlung. 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen, L. Hofer, 1902. Behm (Wilhelm) [1879- ]. *Ueber die trau- matische Linsenluxation. 50 pp., 2 1. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1903. Behncke (Franz) [1875- ]. *Ueber Insuffi- cienz der Aortenklappen auf luetischer Basis. 13 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1902. Behne ([Friedrich] Curt) [1885- ]. *Ueber das tryptische und antitryptische Vermogen des Blutes unter normalen und pathologischen Bedingungen und seine diagnostische Bedeu- tung. 63 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1909. Behnke (Mrs. Emil). On stammering, cleft- palate speech, lisping. 89 pp. 12°. London, Sampson, Low, Marston dc Co., 1907. Behnke (Emil) & Browne (Lennox). The child's voice, its treatment with regard to after development. 3. ed. xii, 127 pp., 2 1. 8°. London, Sampson, Low, Marston dc Co., [1913]. Behnsen (Eduard) [1878- ]. *Die Tuberku- lose des Schweines mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Erkrankung des Skeletts. [Gies- sen.] 47 pp. 8°. Hildesheim, A. Lax, 1912. Behnstedt (Hans) [1880- ]. *Eiserner Haken in der rechten Lunge mit Hilfe der Broncho- skopie diagnosticiert und extrahiert. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1904. Behr (Carl Julius Peter) [1875- J. *Ueber Angioma cavernosum und Mitteilung eines Falles von Angioma cavernosum permagnum regionis lumbalis dextrse. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1900. Fon Behr (Detloff). Metrische Studien an 152 Guanchenschadeln. 2 p. 1., 83 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, Strecker dc Schroder, 1908. von Behr (Eberhard) [1873- 1 *Ueber die Loslichkeit des Silbernitrits und deren Beein- flussung durch Zusatz von gleichionigen Salzen. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow, 1898. Behr (Hans Herman) [1818-1904]. Obituary. 7 pp., port. 8°. San Franchco, Pub. Calif. Acad. Sc, 1905. J' Behr (Heinrich). *Ueber das Vorkommen von Glycogen in Geschwiilsten. [Gottingen.] 30 pp 11. 8°. Hildesheim, 1897. Behr (Joseph Valentin) [1876- ]. *Studien iiber die Wirkung der Einatmung von Dampfen von Tetrachlorkohlenstoff. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1903. Behr (Martin) [1872- ]. *Ein neuer Fall von ockergelbem Sputum. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, J. S. Breuss, 1896. Behr (Max) [1877- ]. *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tuberculose der Aderhaut. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, M. Herschel Nachfi, 1902. Behr (Moses) [1883- ]. *Ueber basische Dop- pelsalze. 35 pp. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., F. Hesse, 1911. Behr (Sally) [1878- ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der aus angeborenen Melanosen des Auges her- vorgehenden Tumoren. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Heidel- berg, J. Horning, 1903. Behr (Vfalentin Josef]). Beitrage zur gerichts- ar ztlichen Diagnostik an Kopf, Schadel und Gehirn. 71 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1908. Forms 3. Hft. of: Arb. a. d. psychiat. Klin, zu Wiirzb., Jena, 1908. Behre (Alfred) [1876- _ ]. *Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der O-Acylverbindungen einiger Keton- saureester, Dike tone und verwandter Korper. 62 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1901. Behre (Karl [Adolf]) [1872- ]. *Zur Frage der Lympfgefass-Neubildung. 16pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters 1898. Bebrend (Charlotte) [1883- ]. *Ueber den Wert der Pirquetschen Kutan-Reaktion bei Kindern; 2,000 Falle aus der Heidelberger Uni- versitats-Kinderkhnik. [Heidelberg.] 42 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Berlin, H S. Hermann, 1910. Behrend (Gottlieb). Ueber die Chemie des Bieres vom Gerstenkorn bis zur Fertigstellung. 36pp., lpl. 8°. Hamburg, 1897. Forms 264. Hft., n. F., of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wis-' sensch. Vortr., Hamb. ------. Ueber kiinsthche Kalteerzeugung und Kalteindustrie. 32 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1898. Forms 297. Hft., n. F., of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wis- sensch. Vortr., Hamb. Behrend (Martin) [1878- ]. *Nachpriifung zweier neuer Methoden der Geisselfarbung bei .Bakterien. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., Edler dc Krische, 1902. Behrend (Paul Martin) [1872- ]. *Beitrag zur Lehre vom Myxcedem. 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leip- zig, E. Freter, 1895. Behrends (Paul Otto Max) [1875- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von zentraler Gliomatose des Rucken- markes mit Ausgangvom Lendenmark. 18 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel; H. Fiencke, 1904. Behrendt (Georg) [1878- ]. *Ueber Milch- driisensekretion bei gynakologischen Erkran- kungen. 31 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1908. Behrendt (Otto). *Der Einfluss des Heilserums auf die Diphtherie nach den Beobachtungen auf der medizinischen Klinik zu Jena (August 1894-Juli 1896). 31 pp., 7 tab. 8°. Jena, B. Engau, 1897. Behrendt (Paul). *Ueber die chirurgische Be- handlung der spinalen Kinderlahmung. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Strassburg i. E.,G. Gceller, 1895. Behrendt de Cuvey (Erich). *Ueber die Ergeb- nisse der kunstlichen Fruhgeburt. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow, 1898. BEHRENROTH. 424 von BEHR-PINNOW. Behrenroth (Erich). Ueber Zwerchfellahmung. 22 pp. 8°. Beipzig, J. A. Barth, 1911. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1911, n. F., No. 642 (Inn. Med., No. 205). Behrens (Conrad Berthold) [1660-1730]. Griind- licher Bericht von der Natur, Eigenschaft und wahrem Uhrsprung der Pest; auch wie dieselbe auf alle Weise praecaviret, und am sichersten curiret werde. 2 p. 1., 119 pp., 2 1. 4°. Braun- schweig, J. G. Zilliger dc B. Schroder, 1714. Behrens (Franz Otto Robert) [1881- ]. *Ueber inter- und submuskulare Lipome. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1907]. Behrens (Fritz). Zweck und Ziele der freiwilligen Sanitats-Kolonnen vom Rothen Kreuz. Eine Denkschrift zur Gewinnung von Hiilfskraften fiir das Rothe Kreuz und Anleitung zur Bildung von Sanitats-Kolonnen. 90 pp. 8°. Berlin, E.S. Mittler dc Sohn, [ n. dr]. "Behrens (Karl August Georg) [1885- ]. *KIini- sche Untersuchungen iiber Vererbung und Be- deutung der Struma congenita. [Freiburg i. Br.] 31 pp. 8°. Borna-Beipzig B. Noske, 1911. Behrens (Karl Friedrich) [1878- ]. *Ver- gleichende Untersuchungen iiber das Isophyso- stigminum sulfuricum (Merck) und das Physo- stigminum sulfuricum. [Giessen.] 56 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, 1906. Repr.from: Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1906, xvh. Behrens (Otto) [1884- ]. *Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Natriumhypochlorit auf imident- haltende Stoffe. 42 pp. 8°. Kiel, Biidtke dc Martens, 1910. Behrens (Otto). Die Bedeutung der Betriebs- Krankenkassen in der deutschen Krankenver- sicherung. Auf Grund graphischer Tafeln dar- gestellt und erlautert. 27 pp., 25 tab. fol. Berlin, Beuhcher Verlag fiir Volkswohlfahrt, 1911. Behrens (Paul). *Ueber Aphasie im Kindesalter nach cerebraler Hemipiegie. 30 pp. 8°. Got- tingen, 1893. Behrens (Rudolphus Augustus) [ -1747]. See Werlhof (Paul Gottlieb) [in 2. s.]. Disquisitio de vario- us [etc.]. 12°. Venetih, 1759. Behrens (Wilhelm). Tabellen zum Gebrauch bei mikroskopischen Arbeiten. 4. Aufl., hrsg. von Ernst Krister, viii, 245 pp. 8°. Beipzig, S. Hirzel, 1908. Behrens (Wilhelm Julius) [1854-1903]. Oppermann (E.) Wilhelm Behrens. Gedenkblatt. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Leipz., 1904, xx, 273-278, port. Behrens' patent earth closet attachment for out- houses. 2 1. roy. 8°. New York, [n. d.]. von Behring (Emil Adolph) [1854-1917]. Allge- meine Therapie der Infectionskrankheiten. Teil 2. pp. 1035-1122. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1900. Continuation of article in: Lehrb. d. allg. Therap. [etc.] Eulenburg, Wien & Leipz., 1898, hi, 937-1034. Forms 3. Hft. of: Beitr. z. exper. Therap., Berl. & Wien. ------.' The same. Obshtshaya terapiya infek- tsionnikhbolieznei. Perevod s nlemelsk. G. G. Frantsa. [Transl. from the German by Frants.] Ip. 1., 105pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1900. Issued by: Prakt. med. ------. Diphtheric (Begriffsbestimmung, Zu- standekommen, Erkennung und Verhutung.) xvi (4 1.), 185 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1901. ------. Tuberkulosebekampfung. Vortrag gehal- ten auf der Versammlung von Naturforschern und Aerzten in Kassel. 34 pp. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1903. von Behring (Emil Adolph)—continued. ---;—. The suppression of tuberculosis, together with observations concerning phthisiogenesis in man and animals, and suggestions concerning the hygiene of cow stables and the production of milk for infant feeding, with special refer- ence to tuberculosis. Authorized transl. by Charles Bolduan. v, 85 pp. 12°. New York, J. Wiley dc Sons, 1904. —-—. Moderne phthisiogenetische und phthi- siotherapeutische Probleme in historischer Be- leuchtung. xxxvi, 156 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1906. Beitrage zur experimentellen Therapie, hrsgb. von E. von Behring, 11. Hft. ------. Meine Blutuntersuchungen. xvi, 115 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1912. Beitrage zur experimentellen Therapie, hrsgb. von E. von Behring, 12. Hft. ------. Einfuhrung in die Lehre von der Be- kampfung der Infektionskrankheiten. vii, 500 pp., 1 col. pi. roy. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1912. ------. E. von Behring's gesammelte Abhand- lungen. Neue Folge. xviii, 246 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Marcus dc E. Webers Verlag, 1915. For Biography, see Attualita med., Milano, 1917, vi, 276- 278 (R. E. Metchnikoff). Aho: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 483 (H. Much). Aho: Ibid., 1917, hv, 471 (H. Kossel). Aho: Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvh, 129. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 498. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 435 (J. S.). Aho: Ibid., 662 (E. Wernicke). Aho: Hosp.-Tid., Kdbenh., 1917, 8. R., x, 364- 368, port (O. Thomsen). Aho: Lancet, Lond.. 1917, i, 890. Aho: Med. Klin., Berl., 1917, xiii, 407-409 (F. Neufeld). Aho: Med. mod., Par., 1897, viu, 65 (Capitan). Aho: Na- ture, Lond., 1917, xcix, 228 (C. J. M.). Aho: Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1917, xxxvu, 517-519, port. (P. Raser). ------ & Damman [Carl]. Bekampfung der Tuberculose beim Rindvieh und hygienische Milcherzeugung. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Burey, 1906. Repr.from: Arch. d. deutsch. Landwirtschaftsrats, Berl., 1906. ------, Bbmer (Paul) & Buppel (W. G.) Tuber- culose. xviii, 90 pp., 35 ch.. 1 map.. 5 tab. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1902. Forms 5. Hft. of: Beitr. z. exper. Therap., Marburg. Behringer (Hertwig). Erinnerungs-Bliitter an die zweite deutsche Aerzte-Studienreise durch die sachsischen und bohmischen Bader (10.-20. September 1902). Reisebriefe. 56 pp. roy. 8°. Aue, [1902]. Behringer (Joseph) [1886- ]. *Die sugges- tiven Willenserscheinungen. 77 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, E. Muhlthaler, 1910. Behringwerk-Mitteilungen. Heft 1-2. 72, 100 pp.. 2 ch. 8°. Stuttgart ct Leipzig, Beutsche Vcrlags-Anst., [1907]. lift. 1, Repr.from: Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. & Leipz., 1907. Behrmann (Adolf). *Ueber einfache chronische Kxsudativperitonitis. 31 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. J'ictzcker, 1898. Behrmann (Ella) [1885- ]. *Ueber primiire tumorartige Hauttuberkulose an den ausseren weibhehen Genitalien. 25 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Graetz, 1910. Behrnd (Karl Ferdinand Gustav) [1880- ]. *Punktion bei Pericarditis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1905. von Behr-Pin now (Karl) [1864- ]. Co-Editor of: Zeitschrift fur Sauglingssehutz, Berlin, 1909-15. Sec, aho, Festschrift zur Eroll'nung des Kaiserin Auguste Victoria-Hauses [etc.]. roy. 8°. Berlin. 1909. BEHSE. 4i Behse (Emil). *Ueber anatomischen Bau des Conus und der Aderhautveranderungen im my- opischen Auge. [Helsingfors] 2 p. 1., 60 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Beipzig, W. Engelmann, 1907. Behurel (Ernest). * Les fistules biliaires et leur traitement par l'enterostomie biliaire. 94 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 316. Beiblatt (zu den Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fiir innere Medicin und Kinderheilkunde in Wien. v. 7-13, 1908-14. 8°. Wien. Beiblatt der. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur physicalische Medizin. v. 1-5, 1908-12. 8°. Wien. Beier (C[arl]). Die Untersuchung unserer wich- tigsten Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. viii, 147 pp. 12°. Beipzig, C. G. Naumann, 1897. Med. Bibliothek, Nos. 116-118. ■ ------. Die Untersuchung des Harris und sein Verhalten bei Krankheiten. 249 pp. 16°. Leipzig, C. G. Naumann, [1900]. Med. Bibliothek, Nos. 153-156. Beier (Joh. Hartmann). See Beyer (Joh. Hart- mann). Beier (Johannes). *Ueber die Wirkungen der Rontgen- (und Radium) Strahlen auf das Zentralnervensystem, insbesondere das Gehirn. [Zurich.] 72pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, B. Bechtold dc Co., 1910. Beier (Ludwig) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von Na- senrachenfibrom, geheilt durch die temporare Resektion der Gaumenplatte nach Partsch. 24 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Beierlein (Ludwig) [1888- _ ]. *Klinische Un- tersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Warmezu- fuhr auf die motorisehe Tiitigkeit der Wieder- kauermiigen. [Giessen.] 1 p. 1., 117 pp., 11. 8°. Niirnberg, B. Hilz, 1913. Beifeld (Arthur Frederic) [1882- ]. See Krehl (Ludolph). The basis of symptoms [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia & London, [1916]. Beigbeder (Felix) [1871- ]. *Du delire dans l'erysipele. 80 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 226. Beiger (Emil) [1881- ]. ^Untersuchungen iiber die Genauigkeit der Bestimmung des Astig- matismus mit dem Sutchffe-Ophthalmometer. [Breslau.] 74 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Frenkel, [1913]. Beihefte zum Archiv fiir Schiffs- und Tropenhy- giene. v, 11-18, 1907-14. 8°. Beipzig, Beihefte zur Medizinischen Klinik. v. 3-10, 1907-14. 8°. Berlin dc Wien. v. 1-2 under title: Erg&nzungshefte zur Medizinischen Klinik. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Psy- chologie und psychologische Sammelforschung. Hft. 1-10, 1911-14. 8°. Leipzig. Beijer (J.) Lijkenverbranding! Vergeleken met Gods woord. 12 pp. 8°. Groningen, B. Beijer, 1875. Beijerinck (M. W.) Ueber ein Contagium vivum fluidum als Ursache der Fleckenkrank- heit der Tabaksbliitter. 21 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Amsterdam, J. Muller, 1898. Forms No. 5, deel 6, 2. sectie, of: Verhandl. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Aho, Editor of: Folia microbiologica [etc.], Delft, 1912-16. Beijerman (D. H.) Hysterie en ademhaling. 17 pp., 3 ch. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1901. Forms No. 7 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Khn. en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1901, vhi. Beijerman (Theodorus). *Een haard in de ventrale thalamuskern. 4 p. 1., 84 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Botterdam, Nijgh dc van Ditmar, 1911. BEISSINGER. Beijerman (Willem). *Over aangeboren stoornis- sen van de kleine hersenen. [Leiden.] 91pp., 6 pi. 8°. Botterdam, Nijgh dc van Bitmar, V.no. Beilby (Julius Henry) [ -1916]. [Biography.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 270. Beille ([Guillaume-]L[ucien]) [1862- ]. Precis de botanique pharmaceutique. v. 1. iii, 590 pp., 11., 14 pi. 12°. Barh, A. Storck dc Co., 1904. ------. Thesame. v. 2. 1248pp. 8°. Barh, A. Maloine, [1908] 1909. See, aho, Dubreuilh (William-Auguste) & Beille (L.) [in 2. s.]. Les parasites animaux de la peau retc.l. 12°. Paris, [1896]. L Beinar (K[arl] A[ndreyevich]) [1869- ]. *Ob izmieneniyakh mozgovovo kroveobrashtsheniya pri ostrom alkoholnom otravlenii. [On the alter- ations in cerebral circulation in acute alcohol- ism.] [St. Petersburg.] 160 pp., 3 diag. 8°. Vilna, L. Blyumovich, 1898. Beinaschewitsch (Fanny). _ *Ueber die Erho- hung der Wirkung narkotischer Medikamente durch Verteilung der Gesamtdosis. [Bern.] 8 pp. 4°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1910. Beinert (Karl Christian) [1793- ]. [Biography.] In: Graetzer(J.) Lebensbilderhervorrag. schles. Aerzte, 8°, Bresl., 1889, 215. Beinet (Jules - Marie - Auguste - Albert - Sextius) [1882- ]. *La tuberculose de la prostate. 80 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 60. Beins (H[endrik]). See Lebert (Hermann). Het acute gewrichts-rheuma- tismus [etc.]. 8". Groningen, 1862. Beins (J. F.) Het koolzuur, zijne eigenschappen, bereiding en toepassingen, vooral met het oog op zijn gebruik als beweegkracht. 1. Het koolzuur in zijne physische en chemische eigenschappen. 44 pp. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1875. Beintker (Erich Wilhelm Karl) [1882- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Poliomyelitis anterior acuta. Bericht iiber die vom 1. November 1898 bis zum 31. Juli 1905 in der medizinischen Polikli- nik zu Leipzig behandelten Falle. 100 pp., 11. 8°. Beipzig, A. Hoffmann, 1905. Beireis (Godqfredus Christophorus) [1730-1809]. *De paralysi, respondente Joanne Philippo du Roi. 1 p. 1., 27 pp., 1 1.. sm. 4°. Helmstadii, J Brimbornius, 1762. Beis (Mme), nee De Galinowska. *La myorra- phie anterieure des releveurs de l'anus dans le traitement des prolapsus genitaux de la femme. 29 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 74. Beis (Fernand) [1876- ]. *Contribution a l'etude des kystes tuboovariens. 85 pp., 2 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 71. Beisele (Paul) [1885- ]. *Ueber das Riesenzel- lensarkom der weibhehen Brustdruse. 36 pp. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1911. Beissel (Ignaz). Allgemeine Brunnendiatetik. Anleitung zum Gebrauche von Trink- und Badekuren. vi, 165 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1897. ------. Die Thermen von Aachen und Aachen- Burtscheid in ihrer geschichtlichen und balneo- logischen Bedeutung und in ihrer medizinischen Anwendung und Wirkung, nebst einem histo- rischen und topographischen Ueberblick der Stadt und ihrer Umgebung. viii, 224 pp., 1 plan. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1904. Beissinger (Hugo) [1882- ]. *Merkfahigkeits- Priifungen bei organischen Gehirnerkrankun- gen. 64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Miih dc Cie., 1907. BEISSNER. 426 BEITRAGE. Beissner (Hans) [1874- ]. *Die Zwischen- substanz des Hodens und ihre Bedeutung. 29 pp. 8°. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1898. Beisswenger (Oscar). *Zur Histogenese der Cysten in Lymphdriisen. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Zurich, J. Schabelitz, 1898. Beitler (Karl [Ivanovich]) [1872- ]. *K vo- prosu o tripticheskom perevarivanii bielkovikh veshtshestv; o proteinokhromogenle i rdekoto- rikh yevo pro'izvodnikh. [On tryptic digestion of albuminates; on proteinochromogen and some of its derivatives.] 47 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1898. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Embryologie als Fest- gabe Jacob Henle zum 4. April 1882 darge- bracht von seinen Schulern. 1 v. 222 pp. fol. Bonn, 1882. Beitrage zur Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathologie und Therapie des Ohres, der Nase und des Halses. Hrsg. von A. Passowund K. L. Schaefer. v. 1-8, 1908-15. 8°. Berlin. See aho, Archiv fur experimentelle und klinische Pho- netik. Beitrage zur Anthropologie Elsass-Lothringens. Hrsg. von G. Schwalbe. Hft. 1-3, 1898-1902. 4°. Strassburg. Beitrage zur Anthropologie, Ethnographie und und Archeeologie Niederl. Westindiens. 22 pp., 4pi. 4°. Haarlem, H. Kleinmann dc Co., 1904. Forms No. 9, 2.s.,of: Mittheilungen a. d. Niederl.-Reichs- museum f. Vofkerk. Beitrage zur Anthropologie und Urgeschichte Bayerns. Hrsg. von W. von Gumbel, N. Rii- dinger [et al.]. v. 1-16, 1877-1907. 8°. Miin- chen. Beitrage zur Augenheilkunde. Hrsg. von R. Deutschmann. Hft. 1-87 (v. 1-9), 1890-1914. 8°. Hamburg dc Beipzig. Beitrage zur Augenheilkunde. Als Festgabe ihrem hochverehrten Lehrer dem geheimen Medicinalrath Herrji Professor Dr. A. von Hip- pel in Halle a. d. Saale zur Feier seines funfuncl- zwanzigjahrigen Professorenjubilaums. 232 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1899. Beitrage zur Augenheilkunde. Bei Anlass des 25jahrigen Professoren-Jubilaums von Herrn Professor Schiess-Gemuseus hrsg. von Karl Mellinger. 4°. Basel, 1893. Beitrage zur Augenheilkunde. Festschrift zur Feier des siebzigsten Geburtstags Herrn R. Forster in Breslau gewidmet von Eduard Asmus [et al.]. 209 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1895. Erganzungsheft to: Archiv fiir Augenheilkunde, Wies- baden, 1895, xxxi. Beitrage zur Augenheilkunde. Festschrift Julius Hirschberg von Schulern und Freunden, aus Anlass seiner fiinfundzwanzigjahrigen Wirksam- keit als Professor an der Universitat Berlin. 352* pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Beitrage zur Bauchchirurgie. Neue Folge. Von Hans Kehr, Dr. Bergerund Dr. Welp. xiii, 216 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, [1902]. Beitrage zur Biologie, als Festgabe dem Anatomen und Physiologen Th. L. W. von Bischoff zum funfzigjiihrigen medicinischen Doktorjubilaeum gewidmet von seinen Schulern. viii, 319 pp. 4°. Stuttgart, 1882._ Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen. Hrsg. von Felix Rosen, v. 1-12, 1870-1913. 8°. Breslau. Beitrage zur Carcinomforschung. Aus der i. med. Klinik (Prof. C. von Noorden) in Wien. Hft. 1-3, 1909-11. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg. Beitrage zur chemischen Physiologie und Patho- logie. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Biochemie. Hrsg. von Franz Hofmeister. v. 1-11, 1901-8. 8°. Braunschweig. Merged in: Biochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin. Beitrage zur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Fest- schrift gewidmet Georg Lewin zur Feier seines 50jahrigen Doctorjubilaums am 5. November 1895. 188 pp., 9 pi. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Beitrage zur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Fest- schrift gewidmet Herrn Hofrath -Dr. I. Neu- mann. 1015 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, 1900. Beitrage zur Erkenntniss des Uranismus. Hft. 1, 1906. 8°. Leipzig dc Amsterdam. Beitrage zur experimentellen Therapie. Hrsg. von E. von Behring. Hft. 1-12, 1899-1912. 8°. Marburg; Berlin. Beitrage zur forensischen Medizin. Hrsg. von Hans Lungwitz. v. 1-2, 1912-14. 8°.. Berlin. Beitrage zur Frage nach der Beziehung zwischen klinischem Verlauf und anatomischem Behind bei Nerven- und Geisteskrankheiten. Hrsg. von Franz Nisei, v. 1. 8°. Beipzig, 1913. Beitrage zur Futtermittellehre und Stoffwechsel- ghysiologie der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztiere. tft. 1-3, 1905-8. 8°. Berlin. Beitrage zur Geburtshulfe und Gynaekologie. Festschrift gewidmet August Martin zur Feier Beines 25jahrigen Doctorjubilaum am 15. Juli 1895. 218 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Supplement to: Monatschrift fiir Geburtshulfe und Gynaecologie, Berlin. Beitrage zur Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie. Festschrift . . . Professor Dr. Heinrich Fritsch bei Gelegenheit des 25jahrigen Bestehens des Centralblatts fiir Gynakologie in Dankbarkeit und Verehrung gewidmet von seinen Schulern. iv, 354 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Beipzig, Breitkopf dc Hartel, 1902. Beitrage zur Geburtshilfe und Gynaekologie. Hrsg. von den Vorstiinden der Universitats- Frauenkhniken, . . . unter Redaktion von A. Hegar. v. 1-19, 1898-1914. 8°. Leipzig. Beitrage zur Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie. Rudolf Chrobak aus Anlass seines sechzigsten Geburtstages gewidmet von seinen Schulern und Freunden. 2 v. 751 pp.; 265 pp. 8°. Wien, 1903. Beitrage zur gerichtlichen Medizin. Hrsg. von Alexander Kolisko. v. 1-2. 1911-14. 8°. Leipzig d: Wien. Beitrage zur Hygiene, Bakteriologie und Infek- tionskrankheiten. Festschrift zum 25 jahrigen Prof.-Jubilaum des Herrn Prof. Dr. Masanori Ogata. 63 pp. 8°. Tokyo. 1910. Beitrage zur mneren Medicin. Festschrift aus Anlass des Congresses fiir innere Medicin in Karlsbad im April 1899 unter Mitarbeiter- schaft von G. Anton, A. Drasche [et al.], hrsg. von R. von Jaksch und J. Herrnheiser. 4 p. 1., 355 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1900. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Lungentuberculose. Hrsg. von Ernst Meissen, vi, 349 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Tuberkulose. Mit- theilungen aus der Dr. Brehmer'schen Heilan- stalt fiir Lungenkranke in Gorbersdorf. Hrsg. von Felix Wolff. 124 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1891. Beitrage zur Klinik der Infektionskrankheilen und zur Immunitatsforschung (niit Ausschluss der Tuberkulose). Hrsg. von L.Brauer. v. 1-3, 1912-14. 8°. Wiirzburg. BEITRAGE. 427 BEJARAXO. Beitrage zur Khnik der Tuberkulose. v. 1-33, Supplement v. 1-7,1903-14. Hrsg. von Ludolph Brauer. 8°. Wiirzburg. Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie. Mitteilungen aus der chirurgischen Khnik zu Tubingen, v. 2-97, 1886-1915. 8°. Tubingen. Continuation of: Mitthellungen aus der chirurgischen Klinik zu Tubingen. Beitrage zur klinischen Medicin und Chirurgie. Hrsg. vom Redactions-Comit6 der Wiener med. Wochenschrift. Hft. 1-121, 1893-9. 8°. Wien dc Beipzig.' Beitrage zur Kriegsheilkunde. Hrsg. vom Cen- tral-Komitee der Deutschen Vereine vom Roten Kreuz. 8°. Berlin, 1914. Beitrage zur Lehre von den Geschlechts-Unter- schieden, von P. J. Mobius. Hft. 1-4. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1903. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Morphogenie. Untersuchungen aus dem anatomischen In- stitut zu Erlangen. Hrsg. von Leo Gerlach. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 1884. Beitrage zur offentlichen und gerichtlichen Arzneikunde, hrsg. von Theodor Georg August Roose. Erstes Stuck. 3 p. 1., 192 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, Schulbuchhandlung, 1798. Beitrage zur Ohrenheilkunde. Festschrift ge- widmet August Lucse zur Feier seines siebzigsten Geburtstages. 419 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Beitrage zur Pathologie der Verdauungsorgane. Arbeiten aus der medizinischen Klinik in Kopenhagen. Hrsg. von Kmid Faber. 317 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Pathologie. Redigirt von E. Ziegler und C. Nauwerck. v. 3-61, 1888-1915. 8°. Jena. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie. Otto Bollinger zur Feier seines sechzigsten Geburts- tages gewidmet von E. Albrecht [et al.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1903. Beitrage zur Physiologie. Hrsg. von Max Cremer. 8°. Berlin, 1914. Beitrage zur -Physiologie. Ewald Hering zur Feier seines goldenen Doktorjubilaums gewid- met von Schulern und Arbeitsgenossen. vii, 760 pp., 21 pL, port. 8°. Bonn, 1910. Forms v. 136 (1910) of: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. Beitrage zur Physiologie. Festschrift fiir Adolph Fick zum siebzigsten Geburtstage. 166 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, 1899. Beitrage zur Physiologie und Pathologie. Hrsg. von O. Weiss. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Ge- burtstage Ludimar Hermann von seinen Schu- lern gewidmet. 210 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Stuttgart, 1908. Beitrage zur Psychiatrie. Hrsg. von Mitar- beitern der Allgemeinen Zeitschrift fiir Psychia- trie durch Dr. med. Roller und Dr. med. Laehr, [Herrn Dr. med C. Flemming . . . zum 50jahrigen Doctor-Jubilaum am 15. December 1871 . . . gewidmet]. 712 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1872. Repr. from: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1872, xxviu. Beitrage zur psychiatrischen Klinik. Hrsg. von Robert Sommer. v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. Berlin dc Wien. Beitrage zur Psychologie und Philosophie. Hrsg. von Gotz Martius. v. 1, 1896-1905. 8°. Leipzig. Beitrage zur Rassenkunde. Hft. 1-9. roy. 8 . Leipzig, Thiiringhche Verlags-Anstalt, 1907-11. Beitrage zu einer Reform der geburtshilfhchen Ordnung im preussischen Staate, hrsg. von der Kommission der Aerztekammer der Provinz Sachsen. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Staude, 1898. Beitrage zur Schutzimpfung gegen Typhus. Ver- offentlichungen aus dem Gebiete des Militar- Sanitatswesens, _ hrsg. von der Medizinal-Ab- teilung des koniglich preussischen Kriegsminis- teriums. 63 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1905. Forms 28. Hft. of: Veroffentl. a. d. Geb d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Berl. Beitrage zur Syphilis-Forschung. Contributions a l'etude de la syphilis. Hrsg. von Max von Niessen. Nos. 1-10. 4°. Wiesbaden, 1900-1910. Beitrage zur wissenschaftlichen Medicin. Fest- schrift dargeboten den medicinischen Theil- nehmern an der lxix. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte vom herzoglich braunschweigischen Staatsministerium. Bear- beitet _ von Aerzten des Herzogthums Braun- schweig und hrsg. im Auftrage des geschafts- fuhrenden und hterarischen Ausschusses von Rudolf Beneke. 8°. Braunschweig, 1897. Beitrage zur wissenschaftlichen Medizin. Fest- schrift zur Feier seines achtzigsten Geburtstages Herrn Geheimrat Dr. Georg Maver gewidmet. iv (11.), 188 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1905'. Beitrage zu wissenschaftlichen Medicin und Chemie. Festschrift zu Ehren des sechzigsten Geburtstages von Ernst Salkowski. vii, 480 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Beitrag zur Revision des Strafgesetzbuches in Beziehung auf die Ausubung der Heilkunde. Nach den Verhandlungen der Aerztekammer fiir die Provinz Brandenburg und den Stadt- kreis Berlin im Auftrage des Vorstandes hrsg. von S. Alexander. Mit einem Anhang: Zusam- menstellung der fiir Ausubung des arztlichen Berufes in Betracht kommenden Paragraphen des Reichs-Strafgesetzbuches, von O. Fritze. ix, 46 pp. fol. Berlin, Buttkammer dc Muhl- brecht, 1905. Beitzke (Hermann. Heinrich Wilhelm) [1875- ]. *Ueber Beeinflussung der Leukaemie durch complicierende Krankheiten. 35 pp. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1899. ------. Taschenbuch der pathologisch-histolo- gischen Untersuchungsmethoden. 82 pp. 12°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1907. Beivel (A[leksandr] F[rantsovich]) [1867- ]. *Boliezni glaz i sliepota u kazachyavo nasele- niya Chelyabinskoi stanitsi Orenburgskavo ka- zachyavo voiska po dannim pogolovnavo osmo- tra. [Diseases of the eyes and blindness among the population of Chelyabinsk station of the Orenburg Cossack troops, after data of a head-to- head examination.] 68 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1897. Beix (Emile) [1880- • ]. *De la laparotomie classique. Cas des retrodeviations ut^rines (essai d'etude historique). 80 pp. 8°. Barh, 1907, No. 20. Beix (Marcel) [1886- ]. *La neige carbonique, son emploi dans le traitement des dermatoses. 86 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 399. Bejarano (H.) *Du traitement de la nevralgie faciale par les resectionsetendues et en partieu- lier par la resection peripherique totale du tri- jumeau. 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 645. BEJARANO Y SANCHEZ. 428 BEKHTEREFF. Bejarano y Sanchez (Eloy) [ -1904]. Pesado Blanco (S.) [Biography.] Gac. mexl. de Gra- nada, 1904, xxh, 271-273. Bejottes(Jean-Baptiste-Ludovic)[1879- ]. *Le "livre sacre" d'Hermes Trismegiste et ses trente- six herbes magiques. 200 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1911, No. 40. Ecole de pharmacie. Bek (K[arl] 0[skarovich]). *Provierka niekoto- rikh sposobov opredieleniya klietchatki. [Veri- fication of several methods of analyzing cellular tissue.] 105 pp., 11. 8°. Yuryev, K Matthen, 1900. Pharmacy. Bek (Yevgeniy [Vladimirovich]) [1865- ]. *K voprosu ob osteoarthritis deformans ende- mica v Zabaikalskoi oblasti. [. . . in the Trans- baikal region.] 75 (11.), 114 pp., 31., 15pi., 1 diag., 2 maps. 8°. S.-Beterburg, M. M. Stasyu- levich, 1906. Bekampfung (Die) der Bleigefahr in der Indus- trie. Ergebnisse des Preisausschreibens der Internationalen Vereinigung fiir gesetzlichen Arbeiterschutz. Im Auftrage des Internationa- len Arbeitsamtes zu Basel hrsg. von Leymann. xiv (11.) 256 pp. 11. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1908. Bekampfung (Die) der Schwindsucht durch Heilstiitten fiir Lungenkranke. Denkschrift. 63 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Bekess (Alader) Die Priifung des Sehorgans beim Eisenbahn- und Dampfschiffpersonale. 200 pp., 1 pi., 1 diag. 8°. Beipzig, B. Konegen, 1908. B&kSsy (Geza). Les hopitaux et les maisons de sante de la Hongrie. viii, 208 pp., 1 map. 8°. Budapest, 1900. Bekhtereff (Vladimir Mi[khailovich)] [1857- ]. Otkritiye novoi kliniki nervnikh bolieznei; riech proiznesyonnaya pri otkritii kliniki nervnikh bolieznei 19 noyab. 1897 goda. [Open- ing of the new clinic of nervous diseases; speech delivered at the opening of the clinic, November 19,1897.] 18pp., 1 plan. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. L. Bikker, 1897. ------. Provodyashtschiye puti spinnovo i golovnovo mozga; rukovodstvo k izucheniyu vnutrennikh svyazei mozga. [Tracts of the spinal cord and brain; handbook for the study of the inner relations of the brain.] [2. ed.] Pt. 2. viii, 383 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, K. B. Bikker, 1898. CONTENTS. Pt. II. Volokna mozzhechka, volokna mozg. polushariy i obshtshiy obzor provod. sistem. [Fibers of the cerebellum, fibers of the hemispheres and general review of the tracts.] ------. The same. Les voies de conduction du cerveau et de la moelle. Traduction sur la 2e edition allemande par C. Bonne. 1 p. 1., x, 856 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Byon2 a. Storck dc Cie., 1900. ------. Nervniya boliezni v otdlelnikh nablyu- deniyakh. [Nervous diseases in separate obser- vations.]. Pt. 2. 2 p. 1., 278pp. 8°. S.-Pcter- burg, K. L. Rikker, 1899; ------. Suggestion und ihre soziale Bedeutung. Rede, gehalten auf der Jahresversammlung der kaiserl. medizin. Akademie am 18. December 1897. Mit Zusatzen des Verfassers und einem Vorwort von P. Flechsig in Leipzig. Deutsch von Richard Weinberg, v, 84 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Georgi, 1899. ------. Die Bedeutung der Suggestion im sozialen Leben. 142 pp. 8°. Whsbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 1905. Forms 39. lift, of: Grenzfr. d. Nerven- u. Seelenleb. Bekhtereff (Vladimir Mi[khailovich])—cont'd. ------. The same. La suggestion et son role dans la vie sociale. Traduit et adapte du russe par P. Keraval. vi, 276 pp. 12°. Baris, C. Boulange, succ, 1910. ------. Nevropatologicheskiya i psikhiatriche- skiya nablyudeniya. [Xeuropathological and psychiatric observations.] 1 p. 1., 299 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K B. Bikker, 1900. ------. Sifilis tsentralnoi nervnoi sistemi. [Syphilis of the central nervous system.] vi, 115 pp., 1 pi. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. L. Bikker, [1902]. ------. Anatomie du systeme nerveux; systema- tisation; histologic Traduction de C. Bonne. 1 p. 1., x, 856 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Byon, A. Storck dc Cie.: Baris, Odeon, 1902. ------. Die Energie des lebenden Organismus und ihre psycho-biologische Bedeutung. vii, 132 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1902. Forms 16. Hft. of: Grenzfr. d. Nerv.- u. Seelenleb. ------. Psikhikai zhizn. [Soul and life.] Ip. 1., iii, 138 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. B. Bikker, [1902]. ------. The same. L'activite psychique et la vie. Traduit et adapte du russe par P. Keraval. viii, 347 pp., 1 1. 12°. Barh, A. Coccoz, 1907. ------. The same. Psyche und Leben. 2. Aufl. ix, 209 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 1908. ------. Osnovi ucheniya o funktsiyakh mozga. [Principles of brain functions.] 3 pts. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Brockhaus dc Efron, [dc B. B. Sdikin], 1903-7. ------. Die Personhchkeit und die Bedingung ihrer Entwicklung und Gesundheit. vi, 38 pp. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1906. Forms No. 15 of: Grenzfragen d. Nerven u. Seelenlebens ------. Zapiski po psikhiatrii; po lektsiyam . . . 1907-8g., sost. Zaliesskoi i Solovtsovoi. [Notes on psychiatrics; compiled, after his lectures in 1907-8, by Zaliesskaya and Solov- tsova.] 210 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. B. Anhimoff, 1908. ------. Les fonctions nerveuses. Les fonctions bulbo-medullaires. I. 372 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Bion defils, 1909. ------. Obyektivnaya psikhologiya. [Objec- tive psychology.] Pt, 2. 59-222 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, B.B. Sdikin, 1910. ----—. Nevropatologicheskaya i psikhiatriche- skiya nablyudeniya. [Xeuropathological and psychiatric observations] 116 pp. 8°. £.- Betcrburg, K. B. Bikkir. 1910. ---;—-. Pervonachalnaya evolyutsiya dietskavo risunka v obyeklivnoin izuchenii. [Primary evolution of the child's drawing, objectively considered.] 50 pp., 4 pi. 8°. S.-Beterburg, B. B. SoU-in, 1910. ---;—. Obshtshaya diagnostika bolieznei nervnoi sistemi. [General diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system.] Pt. 1. vii, 263 pp. 8°. S.-Betcrburg. K. L. Bikker, 1911. See, also, Itlclitski t'Yu.) Nevrasteniya[etc.]. S°. S.- Peterburg, 1906. Collins (J.) Die Leitungsbahnen [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1S9,").—Epilepsia. 8°. Amsterdam, 1909 — Llegeois (I.) Hipnotizm [etc.]. 8°. Kazan, 1893.—Xen- kofl (V. N.) Kratkiy kurs po nervnim bolleznvam [etc.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1908. Also, Editor of: Ncvrologlcheskiy Vestnik, Kazan, 1893- 1915. Also, Editor of: Obozrieniye Psikhiatrii, Nevrologiii Eksperimentalnol Psikhologii,S.-Peterburg,lS96-1916. AhOj Editor of: Vestnik Psikhologh. Kriminalnol Antropologh i llipnotizma, S.-Peterburg, 1901-5. BEKHTEREFF. 42' Bekhtereff (Vladimir Mi[khailovich])—cont'd. ------. See, also: Obozrieniye Psikhiatrii, Nevrologii i Ekspe- rimentalnol Psikhologii, NoXo. 8-12, [yubilyar- naya knizhka po sluchayu xxxv-lietiya nauchnoi i obshtshestvennoi dieyatelnosti Vladimira Mi- khallovicha Bekhtereva]. [Review of Psychi- atry, Xeurology, and Experimental Psychology, Nos. 8-12; jubilee number issued on the occa- sion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of V. M. Bekte- reff's scientific and public career.] 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1913. ------& Poussepe. La chirurgie des alienes. 38 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912. Repr.from: Arch, internat. de neurol., Par., 1912. ------ & Weinberg (Richard). Das Gehirn des Chemikers D. J. Mendelejew. Mit einem Biidniss Mendelejews und 8 Tafeln. 2 p. 1., 23 pp., front., 8 pi. 4°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1909. Forms pt. 1 of: Anatomische und entwicklungsgeschicht- liche Monographien, hrsg. von W. Roux. Bekiarian (Aiof) [1877- ]. *Contribution a l'etude de l'abces froid prelarynge d'origine ganglionnaire. 97 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 284. Bekina (Alexandrine). *Contribution a l'etude des peritonites a pneumocoques. 56 pp. 8°. Lausanne, Lmp. ouvriere, 1906. Beknazar-Uzbachnian (Jean). *Emploi des permanganates de calcium et de potassium comme oxydants. 89 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Geneve, 1904. Beknopt overzicht van eenige veranderingen in de Nederlandsche pharmacopee. Vierde uitgave, Die van invloed kunnen zijn op de receptuur. 19 pp. 16°. Haarlem, B. L. M. Ketting, 1906. Bekritzky (Kadisch) [1882- ]. *Ueber den Ausgang der Schenkelhalsfrakturen jugend- licher Personen in Pseudarthrose. 26 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1909. von Beksadian (Joseph). *Ueber die Geschwiilste der Ileocoecalklappe. 1 p. 1., 54 pp. 8°. Frei- burg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1912. Belais (Diana). Vivisection, animal and human. pp. 267-272. 8°. New York, 1910. Cutting from: Cosmopohtan Mag., N. Y., 1910, xlix. Belangrijke voorbeelden van menschlijke lang- levenheid, [etc.]. xvi, 176 pp. 8°. Haage, J. C. Beeuwestijn, [n. d.]. Belanine (Wladmir). Contribution a l'etude de la pression sanguine a l'etat pathologique. 76 pp. 8°. Lausanne, Lmp. ouvriere, 1906. Belari (Emilio). The secrets of the voice in sing- ing explained according to the laws of acoustics and physiology, iii, 98 pp. 16°. New York, J. K. Lees, 1883. Belaubre (Edouard) [1871- ]. *Des divers traitements des briilures et contribution a leur traitement par l'acide pyrogallique. 54 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 509. Belaya-Bumine (Mme.) *Etude comparee sur la polymortalite dans la syphilis et la tuberculose au point de vue du diagnostic. 40 pp. 8°. Geneve, C. Zcellner, 1907. Belbeze (Leopold) [1883- ]. *De quelques inconvements de Physterectomie abdominale sub-totale dans les suppurations pelviennes. 53 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1909, No. 68. Belbeze (Raymond) [1877- ]. *Le signe de la douleur provoquee et les reflexes thoraciques dans les affections pleuro-pulmonaires et par- ticulierement dans la tuberculose. [Lyon.] 100 pp. 8°. Moissac, 1902, No. 134. BELFIORE. Belbeze (Raymond)—continued. ------. La neurasthenie rurale; frequence, causes sociales et individuelles. Etude psychologique et clinique de la neurasthenie chez le paysan contemporain. Preface de M. le prof. Remond. 222 pp. 8°. Barh, Vigotfreres, 1911. Belcher (William Nathan) [1863-1907]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 1938 — West (F. E.) [Obituary.] Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1908, h, 68. Belcikowski (Georges). *Apercu de guerre sur les eaux d'alimentation des Vosges et de la plaine d'Alsace. 88 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1917, No. 101. Beldau (G[ustav]). Zur Arzneibehandlung der Lungenschwindsucht. 23 pp. 8°. Biga, E. Blates, 1902. ------. Ueber Heilbarkeit der Lungenschwind- sucht mittelst assimilierbarer Kreosotallosungen. 28 pp. 8°. Biga, N. Kymmel, 1905. ------. Ueber zeitgemasse Auffassung der Lungenschwindsucht und ihre Behandlung mit Phthisan und Pneumonal. 60 pp. 8°. Biga, Jonck dc Boliewsky, 1909. Belehrung fiber die asiatische Cholera fiir Nicht- arzte. Auf allerhochsten Befehl in dem Konig- reiche Sachsen bekannt gemacht. 48 pp. 12°. Bresden, B. G. Hilscher, 1831. Belehrung uber Hitzschlag auf Marschen vom 2. Juni 1904. 18 pp. 12°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler dc Sohn, 1904. Belehrung iiber die Massregeln gegen die Weiter- verbreitung der Tuberkulose, insbesondere der tuberkulosen Lungenschwindsucht. Im Auf- trage des Ministeriums des Inneren verabfasst vom Landesmedizinalkollegium. 11 pp. 12°. Bresden, Warnatz dc Lehmann, 1891. Belemnoidea. Steinmann (G.) Zur Phylogenie der Belemnoidea. Ztsehr. f. indukt. Abstammungs- u. Vererbungsl., Berl., 1910, iv, 103-122. Belenky (Mordouch) [1890- ]. *Les syndro- mes sensitifs dans les lesions des nerfs du mem- bre superieur. 89 pp., 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1915, No. 57. Bcletre (Ferdinand) [1876- > ]. *La ponction lombaire chez les syphilitiques. Cytologie du hquide cephalo-rachidien. 64 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 602. ------. The same. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1902. Belfanti (Serafino). Dei sieri, vaccini e prodotti opoterapici. 355 pp. 16°. Milano, 1916. Aho, Editor of: Tubercolosi, Pavia, 1908-9. See, aho, Comunicazioni [etc.]. 8°. Jliilano, 1896. Belfast. See Cholera (History and statistics of), Deaf- mutes (Asylums and institutions for), Fever (Typhoid, Hhtory of), Hospitals (Ophthalmic and auric), Insane (Asylums, Bescription, etc., of), by localities. Belfast Health Commission. Report to the Local Government Board for Ireland. 141 pp., 10 ch. fol. Dublin, A. Thorn dc Co., 1908. Belfleld (William Thomas) [1856- ]. Thera- peutics of the male genito-urinary tract. In: Syst. Pract. Therap. (Hare), Phila., 1897, iv, 945-982 Belflore (Giulio). Manuale dell' ufiiciale sani- tario, del medico pratico, del medico condotto, dell' igienista. 2 v. xiii (11.), 576 pp.; viii, 644 pp. 12°. Napoli, L. Bierro, 1897-8. ------. Magnetismo e ipnotismo. viii, 377 pp. 24°. Milano, U. Hoeph, 1898. BELFIORE. 430 BELL. Belflore (Giulio)—continued. ------. The same. 3. ed. 430 pp. 12°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1909. ------. Intubazioni per laringostenosi acute e cenni clinico-statistici su 240 difterici. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Napoli, B. E. Veraldi, 1902. Belgardt (Konrad) [1869- ]. *Ueber Regene- rationserscheinungen in der Leber des tuber- kulosen Meerschweinchens. 30 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Belgique (La) medicale. Revue scientifique et pratique. Gand-Haarlem. R6dacteur en chef: D. De Busscher. v. 2-21, 1895-1914. 8°. Haar- lem. Continuation, July 11, 1895, of: Flandre (La) medicale, Gand. Belgium. See, aho, Cholera (Hhtory and stathtics of), Diphtheria (Hhtory of), Epidemics (Hhtory of), Fever (Typhoid, History of), Fever (Ty- phus, Hhtory of), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Hygiene (Bublic Laws, etc., of), Insane (Asylums, Bescription of), Leprosy (History and statistics of), Plague (Hhtory, etc., of), by lo- calities. Thielens (A*) Flore meclicale beige. 12°. Bruxelles, Leipzig dc Barh, 1862. Casse (P.-J.) Des conditions sanitaires du littoral beige. Cong, internat. d'hydrol., et jle climatol. C.-r., Liege. 1898, v, 422-428.—Durleux (C.) Etude sur le climat du littoral beige. Ibid., 429-451.—Fraipont (J.) La Belgique prehisto- rique et protohistorique. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux., 1901, 823-877— Houze (E.) Les types ethni- ques de la Belgique. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1897-8, xvi, 78-89.—Janssens. Considerations sur la demographie comparee des arrondissements beiges de 1875 a 1893. Mouve- ment hyg., Brux., 1897, xhi, 494-503,1 tab.—Kuborn. Or- ganisation du service de climatologie et de geologie medicale en Belgique. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C.-r. 1896, Par., 1897, iv, 439-447.—Lucas (W. P.) General health conditions in Belgium after two years of relief work by the Commission for Relief in Belgium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 27-32.—Quintin (F.) La climatologie beige. J. d'hyg., Par., 1897, xxh, 4.V>-457.—de Waele (O.) Fla- mands et Wallons. Rev. anthrop., Par., 1917, xxvh, 135-158 Belgium. Minhtere de Vagriculture et des tra- vaux publics. Catalogue de la section intema- tionale de l'hygiene et des arts medicaux et pharmaceutiques. 1 p. 1., 266 pp., 1 1., 1 plan, 2 1. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1897. ------. Recueil des lois et reglements relatifs a la police sanitaire des animaux domestiques, au fonds d'agriculture et au service v6t6rinaire. 207 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B. Wehsenbruch, 1902. Belgodere (Gaston). *Traitement des folliculites suppurees sycosiformes par les pulverisations re- sorcinees. 116 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 56. Belgovski (I[van]_ V[asilyevicli]) [1870- ]. Material! k ucheniyu o sichuzhnom pishtsheva- reniiu zhvachnikh; eksperimentalnoye izsliedo- vaniye na telyatakh. [Rennet digestion in ru- minants; experimental investigation on calves.] 1 p. 1., 126 (1.1.), 43 pp. 8°. Kiyev, T-vo L N. Kushneroff i Ko., 1912. Belgrand (Albert) [1874- ]. * Etude chnique et therapeutique sur la tuberculose chirurgicale de la region ileo-csecale. 169 pp., 11. 8°. Baris. G. Steinheil, 1904. Belgrand (Marie-Francois-Eugene) [1810-78]. Les travaux sou terrains de Paris. Premiere parlie. Les eaux. Introduction; Les aqueducs romains. 257 pp., 11., 8 pi. roy. 8°. Barh, Bunod, 1875. Belianine (Catherine) [1867-1900]. *Troubles de la parole dans l'hemiplegie infantile. 32 pp., 21 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 487. Beliard (Camille). Contribution a l'etude des obstructions chroniques du gros intestin. 39 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 78. Beliard (Marcel) [1876- 1 *Essai critique sur le traitement des sinusites maxillaires. 70 pp. 8°. Barh, L. Boyer, 1901, No. 163. Beliard (Octave) [1876- ]. *R61e biologique des sels. [Paris.] 99 pp., 21. 8°. ^07^,1903, No. 299. ------ & Gaubert (Leo). Le periple. 224 pp. 12°. Baris, F. Tassel, [1908]. Belief. Okabe (T.) An experimental study of belief. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1910, xxi, 563-596.—Williamson (G. F.) Individual differences in belief, measured and expressed by degrees of confidence. J. Philos. Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1915, xh, 127-137. Belime (Jules). *Etude critique sur la nature de l'ictere grave. 46 pp. 4°. Paris, 1871. Belin (Leo-Charles) [1871- ]. *De la mort Bubite par inhibition dans l'avortement criminel. 79 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 40. ------. The same. 79 pp. 8°» Baris, H. Jouve, 1897. Belin (Rene) [1863- ' ]. Injections intravei- neuses de s£rum artificiel; observations de 17 cas nouveaux. 7 pp. 8°. Clermont (Ohe), Baix freres, 1897. ------. Observation d'un cas rare de kyste der- moide du mediastin; pneumectomie partielle; guerison. 23 pp. 8°. Clermont (Ohe), Baix freres, 1900. de Belina (Ladislao). Siete casos favorables de trasfusion de sangre defibrinada. 27 pp. 8°. Mexico. Jens y Sapiain, 1876. [P., v. 2206.] ------. Provecto del desague y saneamiento de la ciudad y del valle de Mexico. 54 pp. 8°. Me- xico, F. Biaz de Be6n, 1882. ------. Importancia de la ciudad de Mexico como estacion sanitaria para los tisicos. 19 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Diaz de Ledn, 1882. Kolinsky (Samuel) [1868- ]. *Ueber diffuse Hirnsklerose. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1899. . BeUsle (E. S.) ^Contribution a l'etude des cas de meningite cerebro-spinale sporadique. 40 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1916, No. 8. Belke (Werner Josef Laurenz) [1880- ]. *Me- ningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica mit multipler Gelenkvereiterung. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1904. Belkind (Alexandra). *La cryoscopie du lait de femme*. 31 pp. 8°. Geneve, J. Studer, 1905. Bell (Agrippa Nelson) [1S20-1911]. [Obituary?] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvii, 1628. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 843. Aho: Tr. Ant. Climat. Ass., Phila., 1911, xxvii, p. xxvi. For Portrait, see Sanitarian. N. Y., 1904, Iii, front., 568. Bell (Albert E.) The pasteurisation and sterili- salion of milk. 41 pp. 16°. London, Bebman, 1S99. Bell (Alexander Graham) [1847- ]. Address upon the condition of articulation teaching in American schools for the deaf. 72 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, N. Sawyer dc Son, 1893. —;—-. A few thoughts concerning parents' asso- ciations; an address delivered upon the organi- zation of the first association of parents of deaf children. Boston, Mass.. 1895. 8 pp. 8°. Washington, Sanders, 1897. ------. A few thoughts concerning eugenics, pp. 119-123. 8°. Washington, 1908. Cutting from: Nat. Geog. Mag., Wash., 1908, xix. ---;—.' The duration of hfe and conditions asso- ciated with longevity; a study of the Hyde genealogy. 57 pp. roy. 8°. Washington, Gene- alogical Becord Office, 1918. For Biography, see Scient. Am., N. Y., 1903, lxxxviii, 334, port. (M. Benjamin). BELL. 431 BELL. Bell (Alexander Melville)_ [1819-1905]. EngUsh visible speech for the million; for communicat- ing the exact pronunciation of the language to native or foreign learners, and for teaching children and illiterate adults to read in a few days. 16 pp. 4°. London, Simpkin, Marshall dc Co., [etc.], [1868]. ------. Address to the National Association of Elocutionists. 25 pp. 12°. Washington, Volta Bureau, 1895. ------. The science of speech. 56 pp., 11. 12°. Washington, B. C, Volta Bureau, 1897. ------. English visible speech and its typography elucidated. 9 pp., port. 8°. Washington, B. C, Gibson Bros., 1904. Repr.from: Brit. & Colon. Print. & Station. For Biography, see Hltz (J.) A.M.Bell. 8°. Washington! [n. d.]. Bell (Aurelius Eaty) [1824-97]. [Obituary.] Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Norwalk, 1897,419-421. Bell (Benjamin) [1749-1806]. A treatise on the theory and management of ulcers. A new ed. xvi, 17-486 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell dc Bradfute, 1741. ------. Samenstel van heelkunde. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, met aantekeningen verrijkt, en vermeerderd met de aanmerkingen en bij- voegzelen, die in de Hoogduitsche uitgave van ditwerkgevondenworden. 3 v. 4°. Utrecht dc Amsterdam, G. T. Van Baddenburg dc Zoon, 1795-7. For Biography, see Richardson (B. W.) Disciples of .aSsculapius. 8°. London, 1900, ii, 482-500, port. Bell (Benjamin). Remarks on interstitial ab- sorption of the neck of the thigh bone. 32 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan dc Stewart, 1824. [P., v. 1237; 1443; 1617; 1830.] Bell (Benjamin David Craigie) [ 1915]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 702. Bell (Sir Charles) _ [1775-1842]. A series of en- gravings explaining the course of the nerves. With an address to young physicians on the study of the nerves, xxii (1 1.), 25-71 pp., 9 pi. 4*. Bhiladelphia, A. Finley, 1818. ------. The hand; its mechanism and vital en- dowments, as evincing design. A new ed. xii, 213 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Carey, Lea dc Blanch- ard, 1835. ------. Idee einer neuen Hirnanatomie (1811). Originaltext und Uebersetzung; mit Einleitung hrsg. von Erich Ebstein. 43 pp. 8°. Beipzig, J. A. Barth, 1911. English and German text. Klassiker der Medizin, hrsgb. von K. Sudhoff, v. 13. ------. Twelve plates (colored by hand) of the arteries, illustrating the anatomy of the human body, with descriptive text. MS. 48 pp. roy. 4°. [n. d.] ------. See, also: Bell-Magendie (The)controversy. [Edit.] N.YorkM. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 1084.—Corson (E. R.) Sir Charles Bell; the man and his work. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1910, xxi, 171-182, port. Aho, Reprint.-----. Some unpub- lished water-color sketches of Sir Charles Bell, with observa- tions on his artistic qualities. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1914, xxv, 185-189, 2pi. Aho, Reprint. Aho: Tr. In- ternat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond., 1914, Sect, xxih, Hist. Med., 73-86.—Davies (W. E. Le). The hfe and works of Sir Charles Bell. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1897-8, v, 149; 169.—Eb- stein (E.) Zum 100. Geburtstage des Bellschen Gesetzes (1811). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, hx, 374.------. Charles Bell als Begrunder der Lehre von den spezifischen Sinnesenergien. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Berl.& Leipz., 1912, viii,Orig., 520. A ho, Reprint.—Edridge- Green (F. W.) The claim of Sir Charles Bell to the dis- covery of motor and sensory nerve channels. Lancet, Lond., 1912, ii, 253.—Guthrie (L.) Charles Bell and the motor and Bell (Sir Charles)—continued. sensory functions of spinal nerves. Ibid., 1911, i, 697; 1032.— Keith (A.) An address on the position of Sir Charles Bell amongst anatomists. Ibid., 290-293.-----. Charles Bell and the motor and sensory functions of spinal nerves. Ibid., 542; 764; 901.—Turner (W. A.) The value ofthe discoveries of Sir Charles Bell. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1893-4, Lond., 1895, i, 129-139.—Waller (A. D.) Charles Bell and the motor and sensory functions of spinal nerves. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 470; 614; 835; 967.-----. Sir Charles Bell and the functions of the fifth nerve. Ibid., 1718. -----. The part played by Sir Charles Bell in the discovery of the functions of motor and sensory nerves (1822). Science Progr. 20. cent., Lond., 1911-12, vi, 78-106. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1912, ii, 900-905. Bell (Charles). Practical observations on diphthe- ria and erysipelas. 42 pp. 8°. Bondon, J. Churchill dc Sons, 1864. Bell (Charles H.) John Taylor Gilman, Portland, Maine. A memorial for the family. 36 pp., port. 8°. [Bortland], 1885. BeU (Clara). See Wilbrandt (Adolf) [in 2. s.]. Fridolin's mystical mar- riage [etc.]. 16°. New York, 1884. Bell (Clarlc) [1832- ]. Noted (A) medico-legal jurist. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1901, vii, 147-149, port. Bell (Edward Augustine) [1878-1916]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 252. BeU (Ernest Albert). Fighting the traffic in young girls, or war on the white slave trade. 481 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1910.] BeU (Frederick McKelvey) [1878- ]. The first Canadians in France; the chronicle of a military hospital in the war zone. Illustrated by Christopher Fulleylove. ix (1 1.), 13-308 pp., front., 4 pi. 8°. New York, G. H. Boran Co., [1917]. m ------. Medical quarterly; department of sol- diers' civil reestablishment, Canada, v. 1. 8°. Ottawa, 1919. Bell (George Warner) [ -1902]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1935. Bell (Guido) [1839-1912]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, hx, 1203. Bell (Sir H. Hesketh). Uganda. Report on the measures adopted for the suppression of sleeping sickness in Uganda. 27 pp., 1 map. 8°. Lon- don, Barling dc Son, 1909. Colonial Reports. Miscellaneous, No. 65. BeU (Hans) [1874- ]. *Die Rhinoplastik aus dem Arm. 33 pp., lpl. 8°. Marburg, B. Fried- rich, 1901. Bell (J. Carter). Noxious vapors which pollute the air. 11 pp. 8°. Manchester dc London, 1887. BeU (Jacob) [1810-59]. A concise historical sketch of the progress of pharmacy in Great Britain, from the time of its partial separation from the practice of medicine until the estab- lishment of the Pharmaceutical Society. 108 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1843. Bound with: Pharm. J., Lond., 1842, i. Bell (James) [1852-1911]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 589. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1276. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1092. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xchi, 792. Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1909, s. A., lxxxii, Obitu- ary Notices, p. v. (T. E. T.). Bell (James B.) The homoeopathic therapeutics of diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, and all other loose evacua- tions of the bowels, iv, 68 pp. 16°. New York dc San Francisco, Boericke dc Tafel, 1875. ------. The same. 2. ed. 275 pp. 12°. Bhila- delphia, Boericke dc Tafel, 1881. Bell (James Munsie) [1880- ]. See Cameron (Frank K.) & Bell (James M.) Calcium sulphate in aqueous-solutions, [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1906. BELL. 432 BELLADONNA. Bell (John) [1763-1820]. Engravings of the bones, muscles, and joints, illustrating the first volume of the Anatomy of the human body. 2. ed. 191 pp., 28 pi. 4 . London, T. N. Longman dc 0. Bees, 1804. ------. The anatomy of the human body. From the 4. Lond. ed. 4 v. in 2. 8°. New York, Collins dc Co., 1812. ------. The same. The anatomy and physiology of the human body. 4. ed. v. 1 & 2. 8°. Bon- don, 1816. —:---. The same. Zergliederung des menschli- chen Korpers. Nach dem Englischen durchaus umgearbeitet von J. C. A. Heinroth und J. C. Rosenmuller. 2 v. xii, 418 pp., 11 pi.; xviii, 450 pp., 32 pi. 8°. Leipzig, Weidmann, 1806-7. ------. Observations on Italy, by the late John Bell. 2 p. 1., [v]-xii, 356 pp., 1 1., pis. 4°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood, [etc.], 1825. For Biography, see Cleveland M. J., 1903, ii, 131-138 (F. E. Bunts). Aho: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1896, vh, 198- 200 (W. B. Piatt). Also: Ibid., 1912, xxhi, 241-250 (E. R. Corson). Aho, Reprint. Aho: Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1910-11, xvii, 22-26. Bell (John) [1796-1872]. On the baths and mineral waters, xviii (11.), [17], 532 pp. 12°. Bhila- delphia, H. H Borter, 1831. -----■. On the effects of the use of alcoholic liquors in tubercular disease, or in constitutions predisposed to such disease. Fiske fund prize essay. 32 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Collins, 1859. Bell (John Cunningham) [1876-1915]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1377. Bell (John Henry) [1832-1906]. Little (A.) The life and work of John Henry Bell, of Bradford, Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1907, vii, 126-137.—Obit- uary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 735. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 838. Aho: Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 312. BeU (John W.) The new Broadway squad, pp. 42-46. 8°. New York, 1902. Cutting from: Broadway. Mag., N. Y., 1902. Bell (Joseph) [1837-1911]. Notes on surgery for nurses. 6. ed., thoroughly revised. 2 p. 1., 187 pp., 1 diag. 12°. New York, W. Wood, 1906. For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 584. A ho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, h,954-956. Aho: Edinb. M. J., 1911, n. s., vii, 454-463, port. Also: Hospital, Lond., 1911-12, li, 45, port. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 1107. Bell (Louis) [1864- ]. Types of abnormal color vision. 13 pp. 8°. Boston, 1914. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1914, 1, No. 1. Bell (Luther Vose) [1806-62]. Blumer ((}. A.) Little biographies and the eponymic diseases: Luther Vose Bell. Albany M. Ann., 1908, xxix, 499-501. Bell (Nancy). See de Nadauiac (Jean-Francois) [in 2. s.]. Manners and monuments of prehistoric peoples [etc.]. ,s°. New York, 1894. Bell (Robert) [1845- J. Chloroform; its abso- lutely safe administration. 40 pp. 12°. Glas- gow, J. M. Smith, 1898. Repr.from: Glasgow Evening News. ------. How to fight influenza and allied diseases. 36 pp. 8°. Glasgow, B. L. Holmes, 1899. ------. Cancer, its cause and cure. 165 pp. 12°. Glasgow, B. L. Holmes, [1899]. ------. Cancer, its causation, and its curability without operation, viii, 271 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1903. ------. The cancer problem in a nutshell. 39 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere dc Cox, 1904. ------. The same. Popular ed. 47 pp. 8°. London, IL J. Glahher, 1905. ------. Ten years' record of the treatment of can- cer without operation. 107 pp. 12°. London, Dean dc Son, 1906. BeU (Robert)—continued. —----. Health at its best vs. cancer. 320 pp. 12°. London dc Leipzig, 1908. ------. Cancer and its remedy. 137 pp. 8°. London, Med. Times Bub. Co., 1909. ------. Woman in health and sickness, or what she ought to know for the exigencies of daily life. 4. ed. viii, 193 pp. 8°. Glasgow, B. Bryce dc Son. [1917]. Bell (Robert Hamilton) [1871-1906], Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1431, port. Aho: J. Obst. & Gynsec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1906, x, 632-634, port. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1555. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 533. Aho: St. Thomas's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1900, xvi, 209, port. Bell (Theodore S.) [1807-1884]. CotteU (H. A.) Theodore S. Bell. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1917, xv, No. 11, 100-102. Bell (Thomas) [1792-1880]. See Hunter (John). Treatise on the natural history [etc.], 8°. Philadelphia, 1839. BeU (W[illiam]) [1839-1915]. On the medical properties of Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum tree), or fever tree, in the treatment of fevers, bronchitis, etc. 21 pp. 12°. Bondon, Savory dc Moore, [1869]. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 874. BeU (William). An essay on the wear and tear of human life. 19 pp. 12°. Sidney, Grocott dc Ward. 1859. Bell (William Appleton) [1851-1917]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 720. BeU (William Blair) [1871- ]. The principles of gynaecology. 551 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Bondon, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1910. ------. The same. 2. ed. xxvii, 551 pp., 6 col. pi. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1917. ------. The sex complex; a study of the relation- ship of the internal secretions to the female char- acteristics and functions in health and disease. xvii, 233 pp. 8°. London, Baillibre, Tindall dc Cox, 1916. Bellaar Spruyt (Gerard). *Over de physiolo- gische werking van methylnitramine in verband met zijn chemische samenstelling. 2 p. 1., 55, xv pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. H. de Bussy, 1898. Bellack (Hans) [1887- ]. *Ein Fall von mit Kypho-Skoliose ausgeheilter Osteomyelitis ty- phosa der Hals- und Brustwirbelsaule. 34 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1913. Belladonna. See, also, Atropine; Homatropine. Belladonna; a study of its history, action and uses in medicine, 8°. New York. 1894. Bellows (H. P.) The test drug-proving of the O. O. cv. L. Society, a re-proving of belladonna, being an experimental study of the pathogenic action of that drug upon the healthy human organism. 8°. Boston, 1906. Frommhold (K. E.) *Eebcr den Antago- nismus zwischen Opium und Belladonna. 8°. Leipzig, 1869. Perez (R.) * Estudio sobre la falsa belladona. 8°. Mexico, 1885. Sabria (L.) *Etude sur la belladone. 4°. Montpellier, 1895. Adler (S. H.) Case of unusual tolerance toward bella- donna. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915. lxiv, 658.— Adolphus (J.) Belladonna. Eoleet.M.J.,Cincin., 1899,lix,593; 648.— Andrfi. Sur la teneur en alcaloides de divers extraits de belladone. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1909, 6. s., xxx, 249.—Bloyer (W. E.) The therapeutics of belladonna. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1909, eh, 364.—Borghesanl(G. A. R.) Istruzioni pratiche per la coltivazione e la raccolta della belladonna. Arch, di farmacog. [etc.], Roma. 1916, v, 157- 161.—Borneman (J. A.) The cultivation of atropa bella- donna in Philadelphia. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1909, lxxxi, 1-3.—Clark (A. 11.) On the assay of belladonna plaster and BELLADONNA. 433 BELLANTONI. Belladonna. extract of belladonna. Merck's Rep., N. Y., 1911, xx, 31.— Danckwortt (P. W.) Extractum Belladonnee und Hyoscyami. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1911, ccxlix, 247- 253.—Ellingwod (F.) Atropa Belladonna. Aerztl. Rund- schau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 537-539.—Foy (G.) Deadly nightshade. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 171—Guerin (P.) & Guillaume (G.) Falsification des feuilles de belladone. Bull.d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1908, xv, 213-222.—Henderson (H.J.) Percentage of alkaloid in belladonna root. Pharm. J., Lond., 1905, 4. s., xxi, 191— Hernandez (J.) Analisis de la belladona cultivada en Mexico. N. recop. de monog. mexican., Mexico, 1897, ii, 97-100.—Holmes (E. M.) Indian belladonna root. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1918, xc, 730- 733.—Hooper (Elsie S.) The exhaustion of belladonna root by percolation. Pharm. J., Lond., 1904,4. s., xix, 140-142.— Ide (M.) L'usage logique de la belladone. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1905, n. s., ii, 331.—Lemeland (P.) La poudre de belladone du commerce. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1911, 7. S., iv, 552-557.—Lyons (A. B.) Assay of fluid ex- tract of belladonna leaves. Pharm. Rev., Milwaukee, 1908, xxvi, 22-24— Merillat (L. A.) Belladonna. J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1900, xxi, 198-205.—Merklen (P.) Le sirup de belladone. Tribune med., Par., 1903, 2. s., xxxv, 390—Miller (F. A.) & Reed (R. N.) A study of American grown belladonna. Lilly Scient. Bull., Indianap., 1914, i, 169-172.—Murrell (W.) The pharmacological action and therapeutical uses of belladonna and its alkaloid. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1898, xxvi, 39-42.—Neil (D. R.) Bella- donna; its physiological action and therapeutics. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1901, 85-99.—Pearson (W. A.) & Roberts (J. G.) The alkaloidal assay of belladonna root. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1908, lxxx, 368-373.—Puckner (W. A.) Theassayofbelladonnaleaves. Pharm. Rev.,Milwaukee, 1902, xx, 457-403.—Rice (P.) Belladonna and ferrum phos- phoricum. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., Lancaster, Pa., 1912, xviii, 291.—Shestopal (B. A.) [Analysis of narcotic extracts and the fluctuations of the percentage of atropin in belladonna.] Farm. Vestnik, Mosk., 1900, iv, 520; 554; 570; 591.—Siboni(G.) La belladonna. Farmacoterap., Milano, 1912, xh, 85-91.—Sievers (A. F.) Some suggested modifi- cations of the pharmacopoeia! method for the assay of bella- donna leaves. Merck's Rep., N. Y., 1912, xxi, 123.-----. Individual variation in the alkaloidal content of belladonna plants. J. Agric. Research, Wash., 1913-14, i, 129-146.-----. Distribution of alkaloids in the belladonna plant. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1914, Ixxxvi, 97-112.-----. The germina- tiop of belladonna seed. Ibid., 483-505.-----. The possi- bility of increasing the alkaloidal content of belladonna plants through selection. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Columbus, 1914, hi, 98-103.-----. The possibility and value of improv- ing the commercial belladonna crop through selection. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1916, lxxxviii, 193-215.-----. Noteson the germination of belladonna seed. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, lxxxix, 203-213. -----. The percentage of stems in belladonna herb and its effect on the quality of the herb. Ibid., 1918, xc, 838-851.—Smith (C. E.) On the assay of belladonna plasters and the alkaloidal strength of the bella- donna plasters of the market. Ibid.f 1898, lxx, 182-189.— Vreven (S.) & Schreiber (C.) De l'influence des elements nutritifs essentiels sur la croissance et sur la teneur en alcaloides totaux de l'atropa belladonna. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1911, 4. s., xxv, 145-150.—Warin (J.) Recherches et considerations sur la richesse en alca- loides de l'extrait de belladone, prepare) selon la formule intemationale. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1908, 6. s., xxvu, 321-332.—Zeneberglit (G.) Recherches sur l'extrait de belladone. Rev. pharm., Gand, 1898, n. s., iv, 297; 337; 361:1899, n. s., v, 19; 37. Aho: J. de pharm. de Liege, 1899, vi, 249; 269; 290; 319; 349. Belladonna (Toxicology of). See, also, Atropine (Toxicology of). Abrahams (R.) Belladonna poisoning simulating puerperal insanity. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 36.—Aldersmlth (H.) Poisomng by the apphcation of belladonna plaster. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1274.— Atkins (T. R. W.) A case of marked intolerance of bella- donna. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 596.—Atkinson (R. [Case.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 469.—Barnes. Notes of a case of belladonna poisoning; recovery. Ibid., 1897, i, 1157.—von Braitenberg (J.) Beitrag zur Vergiftung mit Atropa belladonna. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1651.—Brewer (H. J.) [Case.) Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 369.—Calandra (A.) [Case.] Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 1606-1608.—Coughlin (R. E.) A case of belladonna poisoning in a child seven yearsof age. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcv, 177. Aho, Reprint.—Cox (W. S.) Belladonna poisoning of unusual origin. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1901, xiv, 79.—Crawford (B. G. R.) Poisoning due to belladonna plaster. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 184.— DethJer. Deux cas d'empoisonnement par la belladone a Nessonvaux-lez-Liege, en aout 1898; contribution a l'etude des coh-bacilloses. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1898,4. s., xii, 827-850—Doland (C. M.) Belladonna poison- ing, due to belladonna plasters. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, n. s., cxxxi, 623-625.—Eberhardt (W.) [Case.] 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----2S Belladonna (Toxicology of). Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1908, xvu, 5.—Elder (J. M.) [Case.l Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal (1892-4), 1895, vii, 342-344.— Erskine (E.) [Case.] Med. World, Phila., 1898, xv, 419.— Fejer (J.) Ueber Belladonna-Vergiftungen in der ophthal- mologischen Praxis. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903,xxxix, 819. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 855- 857.—Friedlander (J.) [Case] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1902, xxviii, 761.—Hockauf (J.) Verwechs- lung von Enzianwurzel mit Belladonnawurzel. Wien. lin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 870.—Home (J. F.) Poisoning by linimentum belladonnse. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1219—Hunziker (H.) [Case.l Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 684-688.—Joll (Mary E.) [Three cases.] Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 647.—Jones (W. M.) A case of poisoning from belladonna plaster. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1900-1901, ix, 29.—Joseph (H. P.) Poisoning by the apph- cation of glycerine of belladonna. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1792. Aho: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xvu, 78 — Kalmus (E.) Vergiftung einer dreigliedrigen Familie durch ein irrtiimlich genommenes Belladonnainfus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lviii, 243.—Kanngiesser (F.) Eine Vergiftung durch Beeren der Atropa Belladonna. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 2505.—von Kogerer (T.) Intoxicatio cum fructibus Atropse Belladonna?; Tod. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1S97, Wien & Leipz., 1899, vi, pt. 2, 317.—Livingstone (G. R.) Case of severe bella- donna poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1141.—Mac key (A. S.) Temporary insanity from the administration of the alkaloids of belladonna. Peoria M. J., 1899, iv, 15-18.— McWalter (J. C.) A case of poisoning by a belladonna suppository. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 889.—Maguire (C.) [Case.) Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1515.—Martinet (A.) Les conditions habituelles de l'intoxication belladonee. Presse med., Par., 1903, ii, 768.—Morris (R. A.) [Case.] Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 689.—Morrison (J. B.) [Case.] N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 205.—Mouton. [Case.] Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1898, 2. s., ii, 110-112. Aho: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 166.—Nathan (S.) [Case.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 965.—Post (W. L.) A severe case of belladonna poisoning; recovery. N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 617— Rayson (II. K.) [Case.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 987.—Ring (C. A. E.) Belladonna poisoning by the apphcation of a plaster. Ibid., 1909, ii, 1282.—Rodman (H. D.) Belladonna poisoning by a plaster, with report of a case. Bull. Kentucky M. Ass., Louisville, 1903-4, i, 270.—Sanders (W. E.) A case of poisoning from belladonna plaster. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1145.—Scott (G.) Some cases of belladonna poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 623.—Smithson (O.) Poisoning by the application of belladonna plaster. Ibid., 1899, i, 849.—Starr (M. A.) Acute psychosis due to belladonna poisoning. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 1050.— Stocker. [Case.] Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxxv, 107-111.—Strachan (P. D.) A case of belladonna poisoning; morphia used as antidote. Lancet. Lond., 1901, l, 1198.—Thomas (J. J.) [Case.] Cleveland M. J., 1904, iii, 164-166.—Variot ( G.) & Dulestel. Intoxication belladonee grave chez un enfant de sept ans et demi, a la suite de fric- tions prolongees avec du baume (du pere) Tranquille. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 90-94. Aho: Art me'd., Par., 1902, xcv, 19-26.—Voorhees (I. Wr.) [Case.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 1696.—Webb (W. J.) An excessive dose of aconite and belladonna, followed by recovery. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 286. Bellami (Madame). Observation intcressante sur un accoucbement. 14pp. 12°. Bruxelles, 1780. BeUamy (Ernest-Louis-Eugene-Pierre) [1876- ]. *Etude semeiologique; hallucinations erotiques. 96 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 12. Bellamy (Henry F.) Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs myeloplaxes des gaines tendineuses. 34 pp. 8°. 'Lausanne, C. Bache-Varidel, 1901. Bellan (Georges). *Angine pseudo-membraneuse secondaire de la syphilis. 92 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 334. BeUandi (Ernesto). La clinica e 1' anatomia patologica della eclampsia delle gravide. 1 p. 1., 546 pp. 4°. Bisa, C. Mariotti, 1914. Bellanger (Cyr) [1858-1904]. Necrologie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1904,12. s., iv, 446. BeUanger (Jules) [1871- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la diplopie monoculaire. 59 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 262. Bellantoni (Rocco) [1877- ]. _ Bambinicol- tura (ossia modo di allevare sani i bambini). viii, 332 pp., incl. front. 8°. New York, Nico- letti Bros. Bress, [1913]. BELLARMIN. 434 BELLINI. Bellarmin (Robert) [1542-1621]. [Biography.] In: Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehr- ten [etc.], 4°, Augsb., 1805,10, port. Bellati (Cesare). Resoconto statistico dell' anno 1912 (Ospedale Costanzo Mazzoni, Ascoli Piceno. 53 pp., 21. 4°. Ascoli Ficeno, G. Cesari, 1913. Bellay (Ch.-P.) Proportions du corps humain. Abrege de l'ouvrage de Jean Cousin avec ad- jonction des canons de proportions employes a differentes epoques. 78 pp. 8°. Barh, C. Be- lagrave, [n. a.]. BeUe (Jean) [1882- ]. *Maladie du sommeil; contribution a l'etude de l'etiologie et de T epi- demiologic. 64 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 457. Belleau (A.-G.) [1839-1904]. [Biography.] Bull. med. de Quebec, 1903-4, v, 289-291, port. Bellec (Francois-Marie) [1880- ]. *La cure de Guelpa (diete hydrique et purgations associees). 130 pp. 8°. Lille, G. Bubar dc Cie., 1911. Bellegarde (Dominique) [1892- ]. *L'orchite de la meningite cerebro-spinale. 39 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1917, No. 23. BeUei (Giuseppe). La stanchezza men tale nei fanciulli delle pubbliche scuole. 136 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bologna, 1901. Bellem (A. M. Da Cunha). Chassons la syphilis; note adressee au Congres d'hygiene reuni k Turin; conclusions. 7 pp. 8°. Bhbonne, Haras Bomanticas, 1880. BeUemaniere (Desire^ Arthur-Honor6) . *Le sang dans le diabete sucre. 80 pp. 8°. Barh, 1S99, No. 651. BeUemaniere (Paul). *Etude de Taction de la phototherapie sur l'adenite et l'arthrite tuber- culeuses. 78 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 20. Bellet (Charles) [1870- ]. Contribution a l'etude du chancre syphilitique de Turethre (chancre du meat; chancre intra-urethral). 68 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 585. Bellet (Edgar-Maurice). * Action du cyanogene et du chlorure de cyanogene sur les combinaisons organo-magn6siennes mixtes; syntheses de ni- trites et de cetones. 66 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1913. Bellet (Emile-Zacharie-Etienne-Marcel) [1876- ]. *Moyens de defense et psycho therapie dans les obsessions. 138 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 52. BeUet (Franck). influence des traumatismes des nerfs sur le, developpement et la nutrition des os longs. Etude experimentale. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 247. Bellet (Louis) [1884- ]. *De 1'astragalectomie comme intervention de choix dans les fractures de Dupuytren, vicieusement consolidees avec luxation du pied en arriere. 41 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1910, No. 87. BeUeteste (Joannes Jacobus). *An sanitatis praesidium, equitatio? Francisco Bailly, doctore medico, prseside. 8pp. 8°. Barhih,typ.Quil- lau, 1737. BeUetrud (Michel) & Mercier (Edmond). Con- tribution a l'etude de la necrophilie. Laffaire Ardisson. 123 pp., 7 pi., 2 1. 12°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1906. de Belleval (Pierre Richer) [ -1623]. [Biography]. In: Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten [etc.], 4°, Augsb., 1905, 73, port. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in tlie City of New York. See Medical and Surgical Report Belle- vue Hospital, NewYork. Bellevue (The) Hospital nomenclature of diseases and conditions, with rules for the recording BeUevue Hospital—continued. and filing of histories. 328 pp. 12°. New York, [M. B. Brown Brinting dc Binding Co.], 1911. BeUew (H[enry] Wfalter]) [1834-92]. The truth about vaccination. Explaining the meaning of the practice and the best method of ensuring the success of the operation. 22 pp. 12°. Bondon, Ballantyne, Hanson dc Co., 1887. Belley (Georges-Hippolyte) [1885- ]. *Etude experimentale de Taction des rayons X sur Tceil en voie de developpement. 86 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 15. Belley (Jean-Alexis) [1888- ]. *Plaies du foie par armes blanches. 101 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1913, No. 27. BeSU (Carlo Maurizio). Descrizione della regia nave Varese, sotto il punto di vista delT igiene. 110 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Boma, B. Cecchini, 1901. ------. Igiene navale. Manuale per medici di bordo, ufficiali naviganti e costruttori navali. xii, 520 pp. 8°. Milano, Soc. edit, libr., 1905. ------. Costruzione degli ospedali-ospizi e stabili- menti affini. vii, 507 pp. 1«°. Milano, U. Hcepli, 1913. ------. Ordinamento dei servizi negli ospedali ed istituzioni affini. 16°. Milano, U. Hcepli, 1914. BeUier (Auguste) [1875- ]. *Contribution a. l'etude des luxations tibio-tarsiennes du pied en arriere. 51 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1915, No. 33. BeUile (Pierre-Jean-Francois) [1875- ]. *Con- tribution a l'etude de la bronchopneumonie chez les enfants. 113 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 43. Beffln(E[mil]F[yodorovieh])[lS52- ]. Sudeb- naya meditsina rastleniya; atlas. S predilo- viyem M. D. Nikitina. [Medical jurisprudence of defloration; atlas. With preface by Nikitin.] Ip. 1., 36 pp.. 20 pi. fol. S.-Beterburg, tip. Mm. vn. d., 1MIS. BelUn (Leon-Alphonse) [1S72- ]. Etude sur l'anatomie des cellules mastoidiennes et leurs suppurations. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 437. Beiiin (Naivisse) [1866- ]. Contribution a Tetude des rapports de la mole hydatiforme et du deeiduome malin. 70 pp. 8°. Barh, 1896, No. 90. Beiiin du Coteau (Marc) [1883- ]. *Uremie experimentale. Essais therapeutiques. 130 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 265. Bellinger (Hermann [Joseph Ludwig]) [1S72- ]. *Ein Fall von Fractura sterni. 31 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Henry, 1897. Bellingrodt (Friedrich) [1830-1904]. Contzen (O.) [Biography.] Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 173. Bellini (Angelo). Igiene della pelle. xv, 240 pp. 16°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1900. ------. Fo to terapia; radioterapia. xii, 362 pp. 16°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1903. ------. Higiene de la piel. xv, 230 pp. 16°. Barcelona, Casa edit. Sopena, [190(1]. ------& FiHi-Bonazzola (A.) L'idriatica negli asili infantili a scopo profilattico ed educative. 47 pp. 8°. Milano, L. Marchi, 1899. Bellini (Giovanni Battista) [1793-1853]. Delia struttura dell' utero e delle appartenenze del inedesimo coll' analisi delle funzioni loro devo- lute. 2. ed. xv, 130 pp. 8°. Badova, tipog. della Minerva, 1823. [P., v. 2236.] BELLINI. 435 BELL'S. Bellini (Lorenzo) [1643-1704]. Cumston (C. G.) A hitherto unpublished portrait oi Bellini. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915, ix, Sect. Hist. Med., 47. Bellini (M.) La resistance du crane et la forma- tion des fractures. Etude recompensed par TAcademie des sciences a Paris. 75 pp. 8°. Syra (Grece), B. Brindesi, 1901. Bellini (Ranieri) [1817-78]. Di alcuni cambia- menti che subisce il sangue per l'azione delle sostanze medicamentose. 71 pp. 8°. Bavia, 1847. [P., v. 2228.] _ ------. Delia non attivita della diastole eardiaca e della dilatazione vasale. Memorie quattro. 91 pp. 8°. [Firenze, 1876.] Cutting. ------ & Tigri (Atto). _ Delle alterazioni che subiscono i globetti rossi del sangue per l'azione d'alcune sostanze medicamentose. Ricerche microscopiche. 32 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Gecchi, [n.d.]. [P., v. 2228.] Belliol (Jean-Alexis) [1799- ]. Memoire sur un nouveau mode de traitement pour la guerison des dartres. 3. ed., augmentee d'un grand nombred'observations. 76pp. 8°. Barh,[impr. de David], 1827. ------. The same. Neue Methode die Flechten griindlich zu heilen. Aus dem Franzosischen von F. A. Wiese. viii, 60 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1828. BelUon (Fortune-Henri) [1881- ] . *Les auto- mutilations oculaires. 74 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 89. Bellis. Faber (D.) *De bellide rninore. sm. 4°. Heidelbergae, 1721. BeUissen (Victor) [1873- ]. *Section du nerf radial dans les fractures de Textremite inferieure del'humerus. 56 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 13. BeUissent (A[lbert-Henri-Paul-Marie]) [1870- ]. Contribution a l'etude du traitement preventif de Tosteomyelite aigue et du traite- ment curatif de Tosteomyelite chronique (osteo- plasties). 121 pp., 3 pi. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 273. BY lima mi (Arno) [1879- ]. *Ein Fall von Erythema annulare perstans. [Leipzig.] 34 pp., 11. 8°. Zwickau, Eichhorn dc Bosern, 1904. Bello (Francisco). *Breves consideraciones sobre la trasfusion de la sangre. 23 pp. 16°. Mexico, I. Escalante, 1882. Belloeuf (Francisque) [1871- ]. *De Thys- terectomie abdominale totale avec evidement du bassin dans le traitement du cancer de Tuterus. 112 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 552. ------. The same. 112 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1900. Belloform. Bitterich (A.) *Ueber Belloform. [Giessen.] 8°. Heidelberg, 1907. Luginger (J.) Therapeutische Versuche mit Belloform in der Tiermedizin. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1906,132.— Niemann (F.) Ueber die keimtotende Wirkung eines neuen Desinfieiens, Belloform. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, lxxv, 158.—Spann (C.) Belloform, ein neues Antisepticum. Med. Woche, Berl., 1906, vh, 119. Bellogin [Aguasal] (Angel). Formulario anti- septico. 56+ pp. 8°. Madrid, Valladolid, 1895. ------. Prontuario sindptico de farmacografia moderna. 189 pp. 16°. Madrid dc Valladolid, H. Be J. Bastor, 1895. Imperfect. BeUogin [Aguasal] (Angel)—continued. ------. The same. 3. ed. 385 pp. 16°. Madrid, 1898. Bellon (Jules)^ [1887- ]. Contribution a T etude des medicaments diuretiques et speciale- ment des diuretiques dechlorurants. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1911, No. 43. Bellonius (Petrus). See Belon (Pierre). Bellonne (Louis-Marius) [1876- ]. *Tumeurs malignes bilaterales du sein. 38 pp., 3 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 78. Bclloste (Augustin) [1654-1730]. Den heelkon- stige verband-huysmeester, onderwyzende om op een zagte, gemakkelykke en spoedige wyse alien zoorten van wonden te geneezen. 12 p. 1., 537 pp. 16°. s' Gravenhage, J. van Ellinkhuy- sen, 1701. -----—. The same. Hospital- und Lazareth- Chirurgus, welcher eine gelinde und leichte Manier^ allerhand Wunden ohne Wiecken und geschwind zu curiren, [etc.]. Aus dem Frant- zosischen iibersetzet durch Martin Schurigen. 7 p. 1., 360 pp., 161. 16°. Bresden, J. J. Winck- lern, 1703. For Biography, see Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de la mecl., Par., 1905, iv, 264-281 (H. Folet). Bellot (Anselme) [1882- ]. *De T elimination de l'acide urique par Tintestin dans Tenteroco- litemuco-membraneuse. 69 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 49. Bellot (Eugene) [1864- ]. *Du role du mede- cin dans la delivrance naturelle simple. 56 pp. 8°. Pans, 1897, No. 218. Bellot (Georges-Marie-Emile) [1866- ]. ^'he- mipiegie dans la.pneumonie franche. 92 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1909, No. 4. Bellot (Henri) [1864- _ ]. Contribution a l'eti- ologie de la paralysie geneVale progressive. 92 pp., 2 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 87. Bellot (Rene) [1880- ]. *L'insuffisance aor- tique d'origine traumatique. 105 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 38. Bellot (Victor-Jean) [1879- ]. *Les neurofi- brilles. Morphologie normale. Leurs altera- tions pathologiques dans Tanemie experi- mentale et dans Themiplegie. 59 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 36. Belioti (Oreste). See Citelli (S.) & Belotti (Oreste). Sur les tumeurs primitives [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1908. Bellou (Maurice) [1879- ^ ]. *Formerie (chef- lieu de canton du departement de TOise). Mesographie; 6tat sanitaire; considerations me- dicales. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 367. ------. The same. 64 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1906. Bellows (Howard P.) The test drug-proving of the "O. O. & L. Society," a reproving of bella- donna, being an experimental study of the pathogenic action of that drug upon the healthy human organism. 665 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Boston, 0. 0. dc B. Society, 1906. Belloy (Gustave). Contribution a l'etude des resultats immediats et eloignes de la symphyseo- tomie. 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 425. Bello y Rodriguez (Silvestre). *Le femur et le tibia chez Thomme et les anthropoides (varia- tions suivant le sexe, l'age et la race). 120 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 139. ------. The same. 120 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Paris, G. Jacques, 1909. Bell's paralysis. See Paralysis (Facial). BELL'S. 436 BELSER. Bell's phenomenon. See Parajysis (Facial, Diagnosis of). von BeUubekianz (Artasches) [1884- _ ]. *Zwei Fiille von congenitalen Vitien (Persistenz des Ductus arteriosus Botalli und Defekt der Kam- merscheidewand). [Berlin.] 50 pp., 2 1. 8°. [Berlin], 1910. Bellucci (Giuseppe). II feticismo primitivo in Italia, e le sue forme di adattamento. x, 158 pp. 12°. Berugia, 1907. BeUy (Marie-Therese-B^atrix) [1860- ]. *Con- tribution a Tetude de la laparotomie exploratrice. 128 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 71. Bellyarminoff f Leonid Georgi yevich] [1859- 1. Zapiski po oftalmologii (teoreticheskiy kurs), So lektsiyam, 1898-9 ak. god, pod redaktsiyei >olganova, sostavili Gravirovski, Pirogoff i Ko- zhevnikoff. [Notes on ophthalmology (theo- retical course), after lectures in 1898-9, com- piled, under Dolganoff's editorship, by . . .] 198 pp., 21. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1899. ------. See, also: Yubileiniy sbornik, posvyashtshonniy akade- miku L. G. Bellyarminovu yevo uchenikami, sotrudnikami i druzyami po povodu tridtsati- lietiya yevo nauchnoi i vrachebnoi dieyatelnosti. [Festschrift dedicated to L. G. Bellyarminoff by his pupils, collaborators, and friends, apropos of the thirtieth anniversary of his scientific and medical career.] 8°. Moskva, 1913. Forms No. 12 of: Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1913, xx. Bebnondo (Ernesto). Le malattie mentali. 1 p. 1., 173 pp., 11. 8°. Milano, [n.d.]. Bound with: Mibelli (Vittorio). Malattie della pelle. 8°. Milano, [n. d.]. Belogoloff. See BlelogolovoL Bclohoubek (August [Joseph]) [1847-1908]. Yf- klad ku farmakopoei rakouske. [Commentary on the Austrian Pharmacopoeia.] 8°. v Praze, Bursik dc Kohout, 1906. For Biography, see Casop. cesk. 16karn., v Praze, 1308, xxvu, 207; 233, [port, in text]. ------ & §1. Jirus (B.) Vyklad ku farmakopoei rakouske edit vii. [Commentary on the Austrian Pharmacopoeia, 7th ed.] 32 pp. 8°. v Braze, Bursik dc Kohout, 1896. ------------. Dodatky ku farmakopoei rakouske (editio vii). Pfeklad urednfho latinskeho textuf farmakopoee. [Supplements to the Austrian Pharmacopoeia (7. ed.) Translation from the official text of the pharmacopoeia.] 43 pp. 8°. v Braze, Bursik dc Kohout, 1900. Belohradsky (Vaclav) [1844-96]. Reinsberg. [Biography.] Casop. lek. 6esk., v Praze, 1896, xxxv, 681-683. Bclokopitow (Emilie). *Klinische Beobach- tungen fiber den Hacmoglobingehalt des Blutes bei verschiedenen Kinderkrankheiten. 64 pp. 8°. Zurich, J. J. Meier, 1907. Belokrcnitzky (Sophie). *De la degenerescence amylolde des nerfs. 32 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1911. Belon [Bellonius] (Pierre) [1517-67]. Plurima- rum singularium et memorabilium rerum in Grsecia, Asia, iEgypto, Judea, Arabia, aliisque exteris provinciis ab ipso conspectarum ohser- vationes tribus libris express®. Carolus Clusius Atrebas e Gallicis Latinas faciebat, et denuo re- censebat. 6 p. 1., 212 pp., 11. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1605. Bound with: Clusius (C.) Exoticorum libri decern. For Biography, see Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805,56, port. Bclongt (Max) [1886- ]. Contribution a l'etude des suppurations de la region palpebro- lacrymale d'origine dentaire. 87 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 404. Belot (Carlos). Observaciones sobre los males que se esperimentan en esta isla de Cuba desde la infancia y consejos dados a las-madres y al bello sexo. 2 v. xxxii, 3008 pp., 1 1., 247 pp. 12°. Nueva York, Lanuza, Mendia dc Co., 1828. Belot (Joseph) [1876- L *La radiotherapie, son application aux affections cutanees. 520 pp., 13 pi. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 426. ------. The same. Traite de radiotherapie. 2. ed., revue et augmentee. Preface de L. Brocq. 628 pp., 13 pi. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1905. ------. The same. Radiotherapy in skin disease. With a preface by L. Brocq. Transl. from 2. French ed. by W. Deane Butcher, xv, 463 pp., 13 pi. 8°. London, Bebman, 1905. Belot (Joseph-Benoit-Marie-Phillippe) [1888- ]. Contribution a l'etude du developpement physique de l'enfant: taille, poids, perimetre thoracique, rythmes cardiaque et respiratoire, tension arterielle. 118 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1913, No. 56. Belotti (Silvio). Dei cibi delTuomo secondo le leggi delT igiene e della fisiologia. 149 pp, 8°. Varese, Maj dc Malnati, 1S96. ------. Bromatologia; dei cibi dell' uomo secondo le leggi delT igiene. xv, 251 pp. 24°. Milano, U. Hcepli, 1904. Belousow (Alexej Konstantinovic). Delineatio synoptica nervorum hominis. Deutsch-franzosi- sche Ausgabe. Mit begleitendem deutschen Text von R. Krause und einer franzosischen Uebersetzung von A. Nicolas. SS pp., 3 pi. eleph. fol. 4°. Berlin dc Wien, urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1906. Beloux (Jules) [1S84- ^ ].. *De l'origine habi- tuellement nevropathique des vomissements graves dits incoercibles de la grossesse et de leur traitement par la psvehotherapie. 3 p. 1., 117 pp. 8°. Barh, 1913,* No. 148. Belovodsky (Olympiade). *Signification physi- siologique du phenomene de cas6ifieation gastrique du lait. 32 pp. 8°. Lausanne, A. Bion, 1908. Below (Adolphe). Mademoiselle Giraud, ma femme. 19. 6d. 27S pp. 12°. Paris, E. Le Bentu, 1870. Below (Ernst) [1863- ]. Die Anwendung der Elektricitiit in der Medizin bei Nerven-. Muskeb, Haut-, Gehirn- und Ruckenmarksleiden. Mit Berucksichtigung der Berufskrankheiten. SS pp. 8°. Berlin, LI. Stcinit:. [1897]. Below (M.) Selbstbilfe bei Zahnweh. 2. Aufl. 12°. Miinchen, Seitz cv Schauer, [1906]. Belozerkowsky (Fanny). *Ein Fall von Schei- dengewolbezerreissung (Kolpoporrhexis) unter der Geburt, 16 pp. 8°. Zurich, Schereschewsht, 1910. Belpaire (M. E.) Vrouweninvloed. 27 pp. 8°. Antwerpen, [1903]. Forms No. 50of: Kathol. Vlaamsche Hoogeschool-Uitbreid Be Is (Georges) [1887- ]. Une consultation de nourrissons en pays flamand; elude sur la mortalite infantile a Bailleul (nord); ses causes et les principaux movens d'y remedier. 120 pp. 8*. Barh, 1912, "No. 387. Belser (Adolf). *Ueber Tubensterilisation. 54 pp. 8°. Zurich-Selnau, G. Leemann dc Co., 1910. BELSER. 437 BENARD. Belser (Martin L.) [1869-1915]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 47. Belshaw (William). Smallpox; its external treatment and prevention. 10 1. 12°. Snoho- mhh, Wash., W. Maw, 1904. Belt (Edward Oliver) [1861-1906]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 69. Beltcheva (Madame Marie) [1872- ]. *Quel- ques considerations sur la chlorose. 2 p. 1., 110 pp., 11. 8°. Nancy, 1901, No. 21. Beltinger (Arthur) [1881- ]. *Zur Statistik der Brustdrusengeschwiilste. Zusammenstel- lung der an der Klinik des Herrn Dr. von Angerer zu Munchen vom Mai 1899 his Dezember 1903 inkl. beobachteten 131 Brustdrusengeschwiilste. 23 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner & Callwey, 1906. Beltrame (Cesare). II magnetismo. 16 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Chiusi, 1850. [P., v. 2237.] Beltrame (Vincenzo). II velocipede. Studio medico-igienico-popolare. 1 p. 1., 402 pp., 2 1. 8°. Casale, tipog. eredi Maffei, 1898. ------. Tubercolosi e sanatorii. 1 p. 1., 84 pp. 12°. Casale, eredi Maffei, 1900. Beltrami (Georges) [1881- ], *L'anesthesie fenerale par le protoxyde d'azote. 136 pp. 8°. >arh, 1905, No. 253. ------. The same. 136 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1905. Belt ran (Bernardino). *La cremacion, a la luz de la higiene. 62 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Mexico, Beltran (Pedro Antonio). Fajarnes. [Biography.] Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1898, xiv, 447. Belts. See, also, Abdominal supporters. Berlnger (A. C.) Hot-water beit. [Pat. spec! No. 1159160; Nov. 2,1915.—Gasaway (T. O.) & Aydelotte (J. S.) Hygienic medicated belt. [Pat. spec] No. 765472; July 19, 1904.—Laval (E.) Les ceintures abdominales et leurs ap- plications. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1911, clxii, 734-746.—Nickum (E.) Abdominal belt. [Pat. spec. No. 933101; Sept. 7, 1909.—Williams (M. E.) Supporting belt, fPat. spec.] No.971946; Oct.4,1910. Beltz (Ludwig [Friedrich Wilhelm]) [1882- ]. *Ueber Ev^ntratio diaphragmatica. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1907. Beltzer (Henri). *Contribution a l'etude des kystes hydatiques du rachis. 40 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 401. Beltzung (Alfred). *Ueber Pankreas-Fettne- krose. [Freiburg l. Br.] 38 pp. 8°. Sennheim, A. Kohler, 1904. Belugou (A[lphonse]), Des modifications ap- portees aux principaux symptomes de l'ataxie locomotrice par la cure de la Malou. Periode initiale. 31 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Delahaye dc E. Lecrosnier, 1887. Belugou (G.) *De quelques proprietes des aeides alcoylphoaphoriques. 46 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1898, No. 12. Ecole de pharmacie. Beluschi (Luigi). Congiuntivite granulosa; cura chirurgica. 8 pp. 8°. Torino, G. B. Baravia dc Co., 1901. de Belvai (Desire) [1871- ]. Contribution a l'etude des dechirures du segment inferieur de l'uterus et de leur traitement. 78 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 49. Belval (Th.) [1832-97]. [Biography.] Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1897, xiii, 465- 475. Belyeze (Jean-Marie-Pierre) [1887- ]. ♦Con- tribution au diagnostic de l'appendicite chro- nique par le proc-ede" de W. A. Bastedo (dilata- tion artificielle du gros intestin). 50 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1914, No. 93. Belz (Erich) [1884- ]. *Physiologische und klinische Beobachtungen fiber die Rumina- tion. 92 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1909. Belz (Prisca) [1882- ]. *Ein Fall intramedul- larer Grawitzmetastase im Lumbalmark. [Miin- chen.] 13 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1912. Belzer (Adolphe) [1869- ]. ^'expectation et l'intervention dans le traitement de l'hemato- cele retro-uterine. 65 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 115. -. The same. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, Bemachy, Bech dc Cie., 1898. Belzous (Gedeon). *Quelques causes d'erreur dans le diagnostic des malformations du membre infeneur chez l'enfant. 52 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1903, No. 515. Belzung (Alfred) [1877- j. *Ueber Pankreas- Fettnekrose. 38 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1904 Bemebnans (E. C. H. A. M.) Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Veranderlichkeit der niederlandischen Butterkonstanten, und der Bekampfung der Butterverfalschung. 2 p. 1., 81 pp., 1 ch., 2 1. 8°. Breda, van Turnhout dc Co., 1905, Bemerkungen fiber das Heilverfahren des Naturarztes Johann Schroth. 59 pp., port. 12c. Freiwaldau, A. Blaiek, [n. d.]. ._ ..•-» Bemis (John Merrick) [1860-1915], Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 561. Bemis (Merrick) [1820-1904]. Obituary. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1904-5, lxi, 532-534. Bemiss (John Harrison) [1856-97], [Biography.] N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1S-.97-8,1, 296-303, port. Aho: Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. 1898, N. Orl. 1£99, 21-23. Bemiss (Samuel Merrifield) [1821-84].. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). von Bemmefen (Jakob Maarten) [1830-1911]. Die Absorption; gesammelte Abhandlungen iiber Kolloide und Absorption; mit Unter- stiitzung des Verfassers neu herausgegeben von Wo[lfgang] Ostwald. Mit dem Bilde des Ver- fassers, seiner Biographie, und zahlreichen Figuren. xi, 548 pp., port, (front.). 8°. Dres- den, T. Steinkorff, 1910. — - For Biography, see Nature, Lond., 1911, Ixxxvi, 116 (W. B. H.) Aho: Versl. d. Akad. d. Wetensch., afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1911, xix, 1217-1221 (H. A. Lorentz). Bena (Henri) [1870- ]. *L'hematologie et la pathogenie du purpura. 93 pp. 8°. Barh, 1896, No. 41. Bena (Moritz) [1878- ]. *Die Bedeutung der Michaelischen Raute in der Geburtshulfe. 42 pp. 8°. Strassburg, J. Singer, 1903. Benabu (George) # [1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'erection et de l'ejaculation dans la Sendaison. 38 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1913, o. 87. Benaky (N. P.) Du sens chromatique dans l'an- tiquite sur la base des dernieres decouvertes de la prehistoire, de l'etude des monuments ecrits des anciens et des donnees de la glossologie. 363 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1897. Benard (Emile) [1871- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la torsion du pedicule des kystes de l'ovaire et en particulier de 1'occlusion intesti- nale consecutive a cette torsion. 52 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 379. BfiNARD. 438 BENDIRE. Benard (Henri) [1885- ]. *Recherches sur la fonction erythrolytique de la rate. 2 p. 1., 137 pp. 8°. Barh, 1913, No. 164. Benard (Jacques) [1873- ]. *Des localisa- tions extra-abdominales de l'appendicite. 59 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 98. Benard (Louis) [1881- ]. *Un cours provin- cial d'accouchement dans la gen6ralit6 d'Alen- con a la fin du xviii6 siecle. 72 pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 54. Benard (Rene). *Le foie scarlatineux; £tude clinique, anatomique et biologique. 180 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 25. Benario (Jacob). Die Reinfektionen bei Syphilis, Nach den Erfahrungen der letzten Jahre darge- stellt. 127 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1914. Forms Hft. 3-5, v. 3, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Dermat. [etc.], Halle a. S., 1913-14. Benaroya (Moi'se) [1877- ]. *Die kunstlichen Nahrpraparate; ihr Wert und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Kranken- und Kinderernahrung. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berlin, S. Scholem, 1901. Benary (Wilhelm). *Beitrage zur Lehre von der Aortensyphilis. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kul, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1912. Benassi (Pietro). Contributo alio studio della patogenesi e localizzazione dei lipomi multipli sottocutanei. 35 pp. 8°. Barma, Fiaccadori, 1907. Benasson (Ludovic) [1876- ]. *De quelques traitements recents du rhumatisme blennor- rhagique. 82 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 476. Benassy (Gabriel). Cancer bilateral des seins (cancer double primitif, cancer double successif et recidive dans le sein oppose). 3 p. 1., 99 pp. 8°. Parh, 1913, No. 269. Benati (Rodolfo). Di un caso di eritro-melalgia. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Finale-Emilia, U. Corn, 1899. de Benavides (Pedro Arias). Secretes de chi- rurgia, especial de las enfermedades de morbo galico y lamparones y mirrarchia, y assi mismo la manera como se curan los Indios de llagas y heridas y otras passiones en las Indias, [etc.]. 165 pp., 11. 16°. Valladolid, F. F. de Cordova, 1567. Benavides (Rafael). Tratado de campamentos y marchas, seguido de una instruction para el servicio campal de las tropas destacadas en las fronteras amagadas por los salvajes. 142 pp. 12°. Nueva York, [1874]. Benazech (A.) [1864- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'hemeralopie essentielle et de son traitement. 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Toulouse, 1896, No. 155. Benazet (Antonin) [1869- ]. *De quelques affections staphylococciques infantiles au point de vue de l'hygiene seolaire. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Toulouse, 1898, No. 237. Benazet (Edouard). *Syphilis hereditaire tar- dive des os longs chez l'enfant et chez l'adoles- cent. 222 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 48. Benazet (Leonard) [1885- [). *Etude de la temperature dans la defervescence de la fievre typhoide; indications pronostiques, d'apres 26 observations avec traces thermometriques. 72 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 71. Bence-Jones albumosuria. See Albumosuria (Myelopathic). Bencker (Hermann). Cystennieren einer Mis- geburt. 30 pp. 8. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn, 1902. Benckiser [Alfons]. Ueber die Behandlung der Blutungen in Schwangerschaft und Geburt und die Behandlung der acuten Anaemie. 36 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., K. Marhold, 1896. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb d. Frauenh. u. Geburtsh., Halle a. S., 1896, i, 7. Hft. Benda (Theodor) [1858- ]. Nervenhygiene und Schule. 55 pp. 8°. Berlin, O. Coblentz, 1900. Bender (Carl August Ferdinand Franz Otto) [1874 ]. ^Stoffwechsel-Versuche bei Dystrophia musculorum progressiva. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, A. Henry, 1897. Bender (Fritz). *Beitrage zur Lehre von der Magenverdauung. 16 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Junge, 1898. Bender (Herman Philip) [1855-1911]. Obituary. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1911, v, 496- 499, port. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 392. Bender (Maria Clara) [1880- ]. *Ueber die Wirkung von aufrechter Korperhaltung und Muskeltatigkeit auf die zyklische Albuminurie. 35 pp. 8°. Breslau, Bresl. Genossensch.-Buch- druckerei, 1904. Bender (Otto). *Die Schleimhautnerven des Facialis, Glossopharyngeus und Vagus. Studien zur Morphologie des Mittelohres und der benach- barten Kopfregion der Wirbeltiere. [Heidel- berg, Habilitationsschrift.] 114 pp., 9 pi., 9 1. fol. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1907. ------. Ueber die Entwicklung des Visceralske- lettes bei Testudo grseca. I. Die Entwicklung des Kiefer- und des Zungenbeinbogens (Colu- mella auris) und der Paukenhohle. 62 pp., 7 pi. 4°. Munchen, 1912. Forms Abhandl. 10, v. 25, of: Abhandl. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-phys. Kl. Bender (Walther) [1883- ]. *Melama neona- torum. [Freiburg.] 27 pp. 8°. Munchen, E. Muhlthaler, 1907. Bender (Xavier). Contribution a l'etude des kystes racemeux de l'ovaire. 91 pp., 5 pi., 11. 8s. Barh, 1904. Bender Hygienic Laboratory, Albany. New York. See Studies from the Bender Hygienic Laboratory, Albany. Bendet (Abraham) ^ [1887- ]. *Ueber einen durch Laparotomie in Kampferolbehandlung geheilten Fall von Peritonitis. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Muller dc Steinicke, 1913. Bendig (Ernst) [1874- ]. *Ueber einen Fall primarer vom Wurmfortsatz ausgehender Bauch- aktinomykose. 30 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Bendig (Paul Gustav) [1S7S- ]. *Ueber die Wirkung der Saugstauung nach Bier. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., O. Kummel, 1907. Bcndinelli (Vincenti). Thesoro preservative con- tro la peste. All' eccellentiss. Senate e Repu- blica di Lucca. 5 p. 1., 59 pp. 12°. Bhtoia, B. A. Fortunati, 1630. For Biography, see Quadro biog.... med. e chir. lucchesi. 8°. Lucca, 1843,13. Bendinl (Umberto). Ascaridiasi a forma tifoi- dea. Nota clinica. 10 pp., 1 1. 8°. Prato, Nutini, [19001. Bendire (Charles E.) [1836-97]. Directions for collecting, preparing, and preserving birds' eggs and nests. 10 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1891. Part D of: Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 39. For Biography, see Science, N. Y., 1897, n.s., v, 261 (C. H. Merriam). BEXDIX. 439 BENEDICT. Bendix (Aron) [1887- ]. *Zur Behandlung des Gelenkrheumatismus mit Atophan und Isato- phan. 15 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1912. Bendix (Bernhard) [1863- ]. Lehrbuch der Kinderheilkunde fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 2. Aufl. xiv, 546 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1899. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. xii, 605 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1903. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. 628 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1905. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. xii, 628 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1907. ------. Thesame. 6. Aufl. xii, 671pp. roy. 8°. Berlin dc Whn, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1910. ------. Sauglingsernahrung. 34 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, 1900. Forms 141. Hft. of: Berl. Klinik. ------. A clinical report on the feeding of infants suffering under debilitated conditions. 15 pp. 8°. [n, p., 1900.] TransLfrom: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1900, ii. ------. General prophylaxis in diseases of chil- dren. In: Dis. Child., . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann. Eng. transl., Phila. & Lond., 1908, i, 226-253. See, aho, Handbuch der Kinderheilkunde [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1906.—Vortrage iiber Sauglingspflege[etc.][m 2. s.]. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Bendix (Ernst). *TJeber die Wirkung des Koch- saltzes auf die Nieren. 27 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1898. ------. Die Pentosuria. Mit einem Vorwort von W. Ebstein. 60 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1903. Bendix (Friedrich Louis Hugo) [1881- ]. *Ueber Kinderpsychosen mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung ihrer Frequenz und Prognose. 72 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bostock, Adlers Erben, 1906. Bendix (Kurt) [1880- ]. *Die totlichen Intoxi- kationen bei Quecksilberkuren. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1908. Bendixen (Niels). Gseringsfysiologisk Teknik, en kortfattet Vejledning for Farmaceuter. 70, iii pp. 8°. Kj0benhavn, H. Hagerup, 1902. Bendixsohn (Hans) [1880- ]. #*Aphasie und Hemianopsie auf luetischer Basis. 62 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1909. Bendle (James Huxtable) [1875-1915]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 786. Bendon (Raphael) [1885- ]. *Etude sur l'elimination urinaire du mercure dans le traite- ment de la syphilis por les injections d'huile grise. 73 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1909, No. 30. Bendz (Hans) [1851- ]. [Biography.) Halsovannen, Stockholm, 1897, xh, 11. Bene (Eugene). *Des osteoarthrites franches aigues du poignet consecutives aux phlegmons profonds de la paume de la main. 52 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 453. Bene (John G.) Medicinal peroxide of hydrogen (H202), its applications and therapeutics. 20 pp. 8°. Brooklyn, 1892. Benech (Edmond) [1876- ]. *Traitement de l'ulcere de jambe. Revue pratique, ix, 10-83 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 56. Benech (Edouard) [1886- ]. ^Traitement des infections abortives. 2 p. 1., 76 pp. 8°. Parh, 1913, No. 146. n ^T n Benech (J.-Ferdinand-Louis) [1875- ]. ^'hy- giene dans le transport des voyageurs par che- mins de fer. 122 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 493. Benech (J.-Ferdinand-Louis)—continued. ------. _ The same. Hygiene des voyageurs en chemins de fer; aeration, ventilation, chauffage, eclairage, dangers de contagion; nettoyage et disinfection, x, 123 pp., 11. 12°. Pans, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1903. Benech [Lucien] [1847-1912]. Le service de sante en campagne; donnees pratiques a l'usage des officiers d'etat-major et des medecins chefs. 2v. Ip. 1., 297 pp., 11.; 496 pp. 12°. Baris, J. Bueff, 1898-L902. ------. Le service de sante en campagne. Plans, 3 maps. 12°. Baris, J. Bueff, [1901]. For Biography, see Rev. med. de l'est., Nancy, 1912, xliv, 65-69 (G. E.). Benecke (Anna) [1879- ]. *Drei Falle von Leukamie mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Blutgerinnung und hamorrhagischen Diathese. 1 p. 1., 21 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, F. Beter, Nachf., 1912. Benecke (Heinrich) [1886- _ ]. *Ueber Varicen und ihre Behandlung mit besonderer Beruck- sichtigung einer Discisionsmethode. 1 p. 1., 29 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, F. M. Geidel, 1912. Benecke (Martin) [1887- ]. *Die Bedeutung einzelner Merkmale zur Altersbestimmung des neugeborenen Kindes. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leip- zig, F. M. Geidel, 1913. Benecke (Wilhelm)i [1868- ]. Bau und Leben der Bakterien. xii, 650 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Ber- lin, B. G. Teubner, 1912. Benedetti (Carlo). Le infezioni diplococciche. 263 pp. 8°. Banciano, G. Carabba, 1915. Benedic (Charles-Joseph-Hilaire) [1875- ]. *Des inconvenients de la resection diaphysaire hative ou precoce dans l'osteomyelite des os longs. 58 pp., 11. 8°. Nancy, 18992 No. 2. Benedicenti (Alberico). Alcuni esami di orine di militari dopo una marcia. 10 pp., 11. 8°. [Fi- renze], 1897. Repr. from: Proc. verb. d. Soc. tosc. di sc. nat., 1897. ------. Sulle condizioni del personale ferro- viario addetto al servizio delle gallerie di difficile ventilazione dai pun to di vista igienico sanitario. 17 pp. 8°. Bha,successorifratelli_Nhtri,1899. ------. I progressi della farmacologia sperimentale negli ultimi decennii. Parole di introduzione al corso di farmacologia sperimentale nell' Uni- versita di Camerino. 15 pp. 8°. Camerino, Savini, 1900. ------. Lezioni teorico-pratiche sulla analisi dell' orina. Sunti raccolti da Alceste Ambrosi. 82 pp. 8°. Camerino, Marchi, 1902. Benedict (A. L.) [1865- ]. The Hfe of a medi- cal student, pp. 389-395. 8°. [Bhiladelphia], 1896. Cutting from: Lippincott's, Phila., 1896. ------. Mound exploration for the Pan-American Exposition. (Mound-builder remains on Catta- raugas Creek, Erie County, N. Y.) pp. 100-107, 1 pi. 8°. Chicago, 1901. Repr.from: Am. Antiq. & Orient. J., Mendon, 111., 1901. Benedict (Francis Gano) [1870- ]. Elemen- tary organic analysis. The determination of carbon and hydrogen, vi (1 1.), 81 pp. 8°. Easton, Ba., The Chem. Bub. Co., 1900. ------. The influence of inanition on metabolism. v, 542 pp. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1907. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 77. ------. The composition of the atmosphere, with special reference to its oxygen content, iii, 115 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1912. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 166. BENEDICT. 440 BENEDIKT'S. Benedict (Francis Gano)—continued. ------. A study of prolonged fasting. 416 pp., 5 pi. 4°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1915. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 203. See, aho, Atwater (Wilbur Olin) & Benedict (F. G.) Experiments upon the metabohsm of matter [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1899.----------. A respiration calorimeter [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1905.—Atwater (Wilbur Ohn), Woods (Charles D.) & Benedict (F. G.) Beport of pre- liminary investigations [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1897.— Dodge (Raymond) & Benedict (Francis Gano). Psycho- logical effects of alcohol [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1915. ------& Carpenter (Thorne M.) The influence of muscular and mental work on metabolism and the efficiency of the human body as a machine. 100 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Off., 1909. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. exper. stations. Bull. No. 208. --------------. Respiration calorimeters for studying the respiratory exchange and energy transformations of man. vii, 102 pp. 4 . Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1910. --------------. The metabolism and energy transformations of healthy man during rest. viii (1 1.), 255 pp. 4°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1910. --------------. Food ingestion and energy trans- formations, -with special reference to the stimu- lating effect of nutrients. 1 p. 1., 355 pp. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1918. ------& Cathcart (Edward P.) Muscular work, a metabolic study with special reference to the efficiency of the human body as a machine. viii, 176 pp., frontisp. roy. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1913. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 187. ------ & Joslin (Elliott Proctor) [1869- ]. Metabolism in diabetes mellitus. vi, 234 pp. 4°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1910. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 136. --------------. A study of metabolism in severe diabetes, vi, 136 pp. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst, 1912. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 176. ------ & Milner (R. D.) Experiments on the metabohsm of matter and energy in the hu- man body, 1903-4. 335 pp. 8°. Washington, 1907. U. S.' Dep. Agric. Off. exper. stations. Bull. 175, Wash., 1907. ------& Murschhauser (Hans). Energy trans- formations during horizontal walking. 100 pp. 4°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1915. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 231. ------& Slack (Edgar P.) A comparative study of temperature fluctuations in different parts of the human body, v, 73 pp. 4°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1911. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 155. ------& Talbot (Fritz B.) The gaseous metabo- lism of infants, with special reference to its relation to puls-rate and muscular activity. 168 pp., 1 ch., 1 pi. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1914. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 201. --------------. The physiology of the new-born infant. Character and amount of the katabo- lism. 126 pp. 8°. Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1915. Carnegie Inst., Pub. No. 233. Benedict (Friedrich). See Graesse (J. G. Th.) Orbis latinus [etc.]. 8°. Bei- iin, 1909. Benedict (Samuel Caldwell) [ -1914]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu, 1907. Benedictus (Alexander) [ -1525]. 1. a tit.:] De observatione in pestilentia. [In fine:] Finis.^ Quinti libri de febribus. Impressum uenetiis per Ioannem & Gregorium de gre- goriis quarto Kaledas Augustas, mcccclxxxxiii. Jacobi Cotareni ^ Patricii Veneti: Philosophi: Turisq, cosultissimi: Optimis Auspiciis. 27 unnumb. 1. [A-C8, D3]. sm. 4°. Hain*807. Proctor 4530. Voullieme 3874. Benedictus (Julius Caesar). Epistolarum medi- cinalium libri decern recondita Hippocratis doctrina singularique eruditione referti. 2 p. 1., 615 pp., 14 1. 8°. Boma, apud A. Bhseum, sumpt. Bertanorum, 1649. Benedikt (Karl). *Ueber einen Fall von Struma sarcomatosa. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1903. Benedikt (Moriz) [1835- ]. Die psychischen Funktionen des Gehirnes im gesunden und kran- ken Zustande. In: Wien. Klinik, 1875, i, 197-222. ------. Zur Lehre von der Lokalisation der Ge- hirnfunktionen. In: Wien. Klinik, 1883, ix, 101-159. ------. Die Elektrizitat in der Medizin. In: Wien. Klinik, 1884, x, 25-17. ------. Second life; das Seelen-Binnenleben des gesunden und kranken Menschen. 12 pp. 8°. Wien 1894. Forms 5. Hft., v. 20, of: Wien. Klinik. ------. Die Seelenkunde des Menschen als reine Erfahrungswissenschaft. xix, 372 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 0. B. Behland, 1895. ------. Ueber Kopfschmerzen. pp. 85-104. 8°. Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1898. Forms 3. Hft., v. 24, of: Wien. Klinik. ------. Das biomechanische_ (neo-vitahstische) Denken in der Medizin und in der Biologie. 57 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1903. ------. The same. Biomecanisme ou neovita- lisme en medecine et en 1 >iologie. Traduit de 1'allemand avec rautorisation de l'auteur par E. Robert-Tissot. 121 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Ma- loine, 1904. ------. Krystallisation und Morphogenesis; bio- mechanische Studie. 68 pp. 8°. Wien, M. Berles, 1904. ------. The same. Seconde partie, comprenant la formation des crista ux et le biomecanisme du developpement des tissus. 144 pp. 12°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1904. ------. Aus meinem Leben. Erinnerungen und Erorterungen. iv, 419 pp. 8°. Wien, C. Kone- gen, 1906. ------. Einige Fragen aus der Physiologie und Pathologie der Zirkulation und ihrer Orsrane. pp. 291-310. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1907. Forms 2. Hft, v. 33, of: Wien. Klinik. See, aho, Herrera (Alfonso L.) Notions generales de biologies te.], 8°. Berlin, 1906. For Biography, see Rev. internat. dVleetrother., Par., 1S97-8, viii, 33-37. (G. Gautier).. Aho: Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1915, xxix, 213. • Benedikt (R.) Chemical analysis of oils, fats, waxes and of the commercial products derived therefrom. From the German, revised and enlarged by J. Lewkowitsch. xviii, 683 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan dc Co., 1895. Benedikt's syndrome. See Eye (Baralysh of). BEXEFICO. 441 BENI-BARDE. Beneflco (Marc). La cura degli scrofolosi all' Ospizio marino Cremonese in Cesenatico. 106 pp. 8°. Cremona, B. Fezzi dc Co., 1914. Beneke (Friedrich Wilhelm [1824-82]. Ueber die Nicht-Identitat von Knorpel-, Knochen- und Bindegewebe; ein Beitrag zur Kritik der Cel- lularpathologie von R. Virchow. pp. 369-429, 3 pi. 8°. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck dc Buprecht, 1859. Cutting from: Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., iv, No. 3. ------. Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Wirkun- gen derSoolthermen Nauheim's nach Beobach- tungen in den Jahren 1859 und 1860. 1 p. 1., 77 pp. 8°. Marburg, Friedheim dc Nauheim, 1861. ■------. Die praktische Medicin unserer Tage. Ein popular-wissenschaftheher Vortrag. 42 pp. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1863. Beneke (Rudolf [C. A. Caesar]) [1861- ]. Die Pest. 43 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1900. Forms 354. Hft., n. F., of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wis- sensch. Vortr., Hamb. —-—. Die Entstehung der kongenitalen Atre- sie der grossen Gallengange, nebst Bemerkun- gen iiber den Begriff der Abschniirung. 70 pp. 4°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1907. ------. Johann Christian Reil; Gedachtnisrede bei der von der Friedrichs-Universitat veran- stalteten Erinnerungsfeier fiir den vor 100 Jahren Dahingeschiedenen, am 13. November 1913 gehalten; nebst 4 bisher ungedruckten Aufe&tzen Reils. 68 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., M. Niemeyer, 1913. See, also, Beitrage zur wissenschaftlichen Medicin [etc.]. 8°. Braunschweig, 1897.—Strahl (Hans) & Beneke (Ru- dolf C. A. Caesar). Ein junger menschlicher Embrvo [etc.]. fol. Wiesbaden, 1910.—Virchow (R. L. K.) Thrombose und Embohe. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Benelli (Enrico). *Ossifikation von Laparotomie- narben. [Zurich.] 16 pp. 4°. Tubingen, H. Baupp jr., 1911. Beneili (Georges) [1872- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude du bain froid. 54 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 455. Benes (Gaston). *Des abces du foie a evolution latente et apyretique. 64 pp., 2 1. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1901, No. 23. Benesol. Schefl (J.) Erfahrungen iiber die Wirkung des Benesols (Lokalanasthetikum). Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1904, xx, 8-13. Benessere (II). Propaganda d'igiene pubblica e privata. v. 10, 1902-3. 8°. Napoli. Benet (Joseph) [1882- ]. *Les mastoidites d'emblee. x, 11-62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 95. Benet (P.) *Quelques considerations sur la pue- riculture a la campagne. 73 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1909, No. 857. Beneteau (Henri) [1873- ]. *Plaies du canal thoracique a la base du cou. 65 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 242. Benetti (Johannes Dominicus). Opus medico- morale divisum in duas partes. Prima continet adnotationes in Jo. Bascarini, medici Ferra- riensis dispensationum medico-moralium cano- nes duodecim totidemque explanationes de jejunio quadragesimali. Secunda continet ap- pendicem de missa, et de horis canonicis addi- tionem ad parochos, Monialium confessarios, et medicos, ubi de confessione, viatico, ac extrema unctione quantum ad medicos spectat. _ Corol- laria additionis, complementum de paenitentiis, ac de oratione. 18 p. 1., 224 pp., 11. 8°. Man- tux, apud A. Bazzonum, 1718. Benetti (Johannes Dominicus)—continued. ——-. Appendix de missa, et horis canonicis divisa in duos tractatus, in quorum primo medice, ac moraliter agitur de celebratione, ac auditione missse, causisque excusantibus, in secundo de recitatione horarum canonicarum [etc.]. 5 p. 1., 267 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mantua:, apud A. Bazzonum, 1718. Bound with hh: Opus medico-morale. 8°. Mantux, 1718. Benevento (Amerigo). Ricordi medici. Di- cembre 1892-gennaio 1897. 202 pp., 1 1. 12°. Civitanova-Marche, Marchigiano, 1899. Benevoienski (V[asiliy Yefimovich]) [1875- ]. *K voprosu o vliyanii preparata "606" na sapnoi protsess u laboratornikh zhivotnikh. [Influence of 606 upon the glandular process in laboratory animals.] 1 p. 1., 79 pp., 1 1. 8°. Yuryev, E. Bergman, 1911. Veterinary. Benezach (Charles). The muscles of the human body accurately delineated. 18 pi. fol. Lon- don, H. B. Young, 1819. Benezech (Gabriel) [1879- ]. *De l'iridecto- mie preparatoire dans 1'extraction de la cata- racte. 54pp., 11., 1 tab. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 82. Benezech (Henri) [1884- ]. *Une page d'his- toire sanitaire locale au commencement du vingtieme siecle. 160 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 450. Benfey (Arnold) [1880- ]. *Beitrage _ zur Lehre von den angeborenen Herzkrankheiten. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, O. Francke, 1903. Bengal. See, also, Cholera (History and statistics of), Fever (Malarial, History of), Fever (Typhus, History of), Plague (History of), by localities. Ganguli (J..N.) The water-supply of Bengal. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, vii, 116-119—Wall (M. A.) Ethno- graphical notes on the Muham madan castes of Bengal. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1904-5, vh, 98-113. Bengal and Assam. Triennial report on vaccina- tion in Eastern Bengal and Assam for the years 1908-9, 1909-10, 1910-11, by E. C. Hare. 2 p. 1., 14 pp., 1 diag. fol. Shillong, 1911. Benglides (Jean). *TJeber die in den Jahren 1902-6 in der kgl. Universitats-Frauenklinik und der kgl. Hebammenschule zu Munchen eingeleiteten kunstlichen Fruhgeburten. 57 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1908. Bengoa (Nicolas). See Bolivar (Jose). Lapestebubdnicafetc.]. 12°. Bilbao, 1899. Bengsch (Otto Franz Richard) [1879- ]. *Ein Fall von diabetischer Gangran der Grosszehe. Nachweis der Arteriosklerose im Rontgenbild. 14 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1905. Benham (Charles Henry) [1874-1916]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 960. Benham (Frederick Lucas). See Brouardel (P.) & Benham (F. Lucas). Death and sudden death [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1897. Benham (Henry Arthur) [1854-1904], Obituary. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxvhi, 322. Benhamou (Ed.) Le traitement du paludisme. 30 pp. 16°. Barh, A. Boinat, 1913. Beni-Barde (Joseph-Marie-Alfred) [1834- J. Expose de la methode hydrotherapique. _ His- toire; theories; technique; applications cliniques. xv, 454 pp. 8°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1905. BENI-BARDE. Beni-Barde (Joseph-Marie-Alfred)—continued. ------.. Clinique hydrotherapique; silhouettes de nevropathes. le serie. La neurasthenie; les vrais et les faux neurasthehiques. 435, lxv pp. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Co., 1908. Benichou (Rene). Contribution a l'etude des nevralgies faciales d'origine dentaire. 88 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 14. Benini (Rodolfo). Principii di demografia. ix, 296 pp., 11. 12°. Firenze, G. Barbara, 1901. Benini (Vincenzo). See Fracastoro (Girolamo). Delia sifilide [etc.]. 8°. Milano, 1825. Beninson (Natan) [1869- ]. Contribution a l'etude des luxations de l'epaule compliquees de fractures de l'extremite' superieure de l'hu- merus (diagnostic et traitement). 50 pp., 11. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 340. Benischek (Eugen Julius Philipp) [1880- ]. *Ueber 31 Falle von Lumbalpunktion aus der Erlanger medicinischen Klinik. [Erlangen.] 44 pp. 8°. Schwerin, Barensprung, 1906. Benitez (M. E.) Ninos; apuntes medicos-sociales. 119 pp. 12°. Buenos Aires, J. Beuser, 1897. Benitez (Rafael). *Mal de San Lazaro. 56 pp. 8°. Mexico, I. Escalante, 1886. Benitez Gutierrez (Joaquin). Consideraciones clinicas sobre las fracturas de la diafisis del mmur. 25 pp. 8°. Mexico, I. Escalante, 1885. Benitoa (Jose Clavero). See Higiene mihtar. (Lecturas para oficiales, [etc.]. 8°. Guadalajara, 1909. Beniuya (Jules) [1877- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la pelade; de sa nature. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 56. Benjamin (Adolf). *Zur Casuistik der Ge- schwiilste am Ohrlappchen. 25 pp. 8°. Wurz- burg, Stahel, 1896. Benjamin (Anna Northend). Woman in the Far East. pp. 554-561. 8°. New York, 1901. Cutting from: Ainslee's Mag., N. Y., 1901, vii. Benjamin (Bayard) [1866- ]. Contribution a l'etude clinique des gommes syphilitiques de la conjonctive. 67 pp. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 444. Benjamin (Bernardus). *De tetano. [Marburg.] 19 pp. 8°. Hanovise, C. Kittsteiner, 1836. Benjamin (Erich) [1880- ]. *Die Beziehungen der Milz zu den Lymphocyten des kindlichen Blutes. 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. ------& Sluka (E.) Die Leukamie im Kindes- alter. 2 p. 1., 72 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1907. Benjamin (Harry) [1885- ]. *Beitrag zur Anwendung dos Antiformin-Verfahrens fiir den Tuberkelbazillen-Nachweis. 23 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, F. Bietzcker, 1911. Benjamin (John Halsey) [1855-1916]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 1862. Benjamin _ (Just-Ernest-Edward) [1881- ]. *La colonisation penale a la Guyane francaise; considerations medicales, biologiques, £conomi- ques et sociales. 58 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 86. Benjamin (Marcus) [1857- ]. Writings of the graduates in the course of analytical and ap- plied chemistry. [With supplements.] 12°. New York, 1879-82. ------. Washington during war time; a series of papers showing the military, political, and social phases during 1861 to 1865. xv, 3-206 pp., 1 plan, 1 map. 8°. Washington, [1902]. ------. Francis Asbury Roe. 35 pp., 6 pi., port. 8°. Washington, 1903. BENNET. Benjamin (Marcus)—continued. ------. Charles Frederick Tiffany Beale. 13 pp., port. 8°. Washington, 1902. Benjamin (Max) [1889- _ ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Lupus elephantiasticus. 1 p. 1., 37 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Ehele, 1912. Benkendoerfer (Albert) [1876- ]. *Zur Klinik und Physiologie der Pansentatigkeit. 57 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1910. Benkenstadt (Natan). *Ueber Spina bifida occulta. 32 pp. 8°. Basel, J. Kohlhepp, 1907. Benkert (Josef). *Das primare Lungencarcinom. [Freiburg i. B.] 45 pp. 8°. Bad Khsingen, B. Bath, [1897]. Benkotzi (Stephanus). De febre hungarica seu castrensi. 3 p. 1., xl pp. sm. 4°. Erlangse, lit. Tezschnerianh, 1759. Benkwitz (Fritz Emil) [1877- ]. *Ueber die operative Behandlung des Nachstars. 36 pp. 8b. Strassburg i. E., C. Miih dc Co., 1902. Benn (Gottfried) [1886- ]. *Ueber die Hau- figkeit des Diabetes mellitus im Heer. [Berlin] 21 pp. 8°. Kirchhain, N.-L., M. Schmersow, 1912. Benndorf (Reinhard). *Feber primare und iso- lirte Bauchfelltuberkulcse. 48 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, Kastner dc Lossen, 1899. Bennecke (Adolf). *Studien uber Gefasser- krankungen durch Gifte. [Rostock.] 198 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1908. ------. Beitrage zur Mutterkornforschung. 36 pp. 8°. Bostock, H. Warientien, 1911. Bennecke (Erich). Die gonorrhoische Gelenk- entzundung nach Beobachtungen der chirurgi- schen Universitatsklinik in der Kgl. Charity zu Berlin. Mit einem Vorwort von F. Konig. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. ^ 8°. Berlin, A. Hhrchwald, 1899. ------. Operationsubungen an der Leiche; ein Leitfaden fiir Studierende. Mit einem Vorwort von F. Konig. viii, 182 pp. 8°. Leipzig, H. Hartung dc Sohn, 1903. Bennecke (Heinrich Fritz Adolf) [1875- ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Parovarialcystome. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen, L. Hofer, 1902. Bennecke (Hermann August Conrad) [1878- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Frage der electiven Wirkung des Formaldehyds auf sporenhaltigen Milz- brand sowie andere Beobachtungen iiber das Verhalten von Desinfizientien auf pathogene Mikroorganismen. [Gottingen.] 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Bfeiffer, 1903. ------. Zur Frage der telangiektatisehen Granu- lome. 15 pp., 11., 3 pi. 8°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, [1906]. ------. Die Leukocytose bei Seharlach und anderen Mischinfektionen. 1 p. 1., 80 pp., 6 tab. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1909. Bennejeant (Charles) [1887- ]. *Etude eur le canal et sur l'artere de la dentition tempe- raire. 59 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Montpellier, 1914, No. 18. Benner (Heinrich) [1886- ]. *Serologische und bakteriologische Lntersuchungen zur Frage der Lues. 22 pp. 8°. Strassburg, Elsass- Lothr. Druckerei, 1911. Benner (Karl I'lrich Martin) [1885- ]. *Puer- perale Thrombosen. 40 pp. 8°. Breslau, Bresl. Genossensch.- Buchdruckerei, 1913. Benner (Raymond C.) Papers on the effect of smoke on building materials. 58 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bithburg, 1913. Bennet. Bourquelot(E.) & Herissey (H.) Sur l'origine et la com- position de lVssence de benoite; glucoside et enzyme nou- veaux. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1905, 6. s., xxi, 4^1—191. BENNET. 443 BENNETT. Bennet (James Henry). A practical treatise on inflammation of the uterus and its appendages and on ulceration and induration of the neck of the uterus. 3. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. 373 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Blanchard dc Lea, 1852. ------. The same. 4. Am. from 3. Lond. ed. x, 430 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Blanchard dc Lea, 1853. ------. The same. 5. Am. from 3. Lond. ed., to which is added a review of the present state of uterine pathology, xxxii, 502 pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia, Blanchard dc Lea, 1860. Bennet (Robert Ottiwell Gifford) [1832- 1902]. Memoir. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1902, vi, 276. Bennett (Miss A. H.) English medical women; glimpses of their work in peace and war. With a preface by Stephen Paget, ix (1 1.), 159 pp., front, (port.). 8°. London, I. Pitman dc Sons, .1915. Bennett (Alexander Hughes) [1848- 1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1444. Bennett (Alfred W.). See Thome (Otto Wilhelm) [in 2. s.]. Text-book of struc- tural and physiological botany [etc.]. 12°. New York, 1897. Bennett (Edward Hallaran) [1837- 1907]. Obituary. Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 710. Bennett ([Enoch] Arnold) [1867- ]. The human machine. 123 pp. 8°. New York, G. H. Doran Co., [1910]. ------. How to live on 24 hours a day. 75 pp. 8°. New York, G. H. Doran Co., [1910]. ------. Mental efficiency, and other hints to men and women. 119 pp. 8°. New York, G. H. Doran Co., [1911]. Bennett (F[rancis] Graham). How to restore the walking powers, and muscular movement gen- erally, or a treatise on the relief and cure of spinal curvatures, injuries of joints, sprains, deformities, rheumatism and paralysis. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 104 pp. 8°. Bondon, Whittaker dc Co., 1874. -----. Henry Harrap's treatment in paralysis, rheumatism, weak spines, and injuries and sprains of the joints. 24 pp. 8°. London, Whittaker dc Co., 1886. Bennett (Homer Clark) [1865- ]. The electro- therapeutic guide; or, a thousand questions asked and answered. 9. ed. 452 pp. roy. 8°. Lima, 0., National College of Electro-Therapeutics, [1912]. Bennett (James Risdon) [1809-91]. Lecture introductory to the course of general anatomy. 23 pp. 12°. London, J. Taylor, 1830. Bennett (John) [1885-1918]. Obituary. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1918-19, xiv, 214. Bennett (John Hughes) [1812-75]. Chnical lec- tures on the principles and practice of medicine. 3. ed. xxiv, 1005 pp. 8°. New York, S. S. dc W. Wood, 1859. ------. The same. 3. ed. xxiv, 1022 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood & Co., 1866. -----. The same. 4. ed. xxiv, 1021 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1866. ------. The same. 5. ed. xxiv, 1022 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1867. Bennett (John Hughes)—continued. ----—. An introduction to clinical medicine, being lectures on the method of examining patients, and the means necessary for arriving at an exact diagnosis. 4. ed. 182 pp. 12°. Ed- inburgh, Adam dc C. Black, 1862. For Biography.see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901. ii, 223. Aho: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xii, 367-373 (W. W. Johnston). Aho, Reprint. Aho: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1899,139-150 (W. W. Johnston). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Bennett (Norman Godfrey). Editor of: Science and practice of dental surgery. 4°. London, 1914. Bennett (Reginald Robert). Medical and phar- maceutical Latin for students of pharmacy and medicine. A guide to the grammatical con- struction and translation of physicians' pre- scriptions, including extensive vocabularies and an appendix upon foreign prescriptions. With an introduction by Henry G. Greenish. xii, 442 pp. 12°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1906. ------. The same. 2. ed. xiv, 443 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1914. ------. Materia medica and pharmacy, for medi- cal students, with an appendix on incompati- bility. 221 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1908. ------. The same. 3. ed. xxiii, 248 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1915. Bennett (Robert Allan) [1871- ]. Plain rules for the use of tuberculin. 48 pp. 8°. Brhtol, J. Wright dc Sons, [etc.], 1914. Bennett (Samuel R.). See Copeman (S. Monckton), Bennett (Samuel R.) & Hake (H. Wilson). Reports and papers on the nature, uses [etc.]. 8°. London, 1914. Bennett (Sanford) [1841- ]. ... Old age; its cause and prevention. The story of an old body and face made young, xi, 17-394 pp. 8°. New York City, Bhysical Culture Bublhhing Co., [1912]. Bennett (Victoria (E. M.) Lectures to practising midwives. With preface by Mary Scharlieb. xiv, 256 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1909. Bennett (William Charles Storer) [1852- 1900]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 208. Aho: Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1901, lxxxiv, p. cxiii. Bennett (Sir William Henry) [1855- ]. The social position of the medical profession; an introductory address delivered at St. George's Hospital at the opening of the medical session, 1883-4. 31 pp. 8°. London, Harrison dc Sons, 1883. ------. On the use of massage and early passive movements in recent fractures and other common surgical injuries and the treatment of internal derangements of the knee-joint, x (11.), 97 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1900. ------. The same. Lectures on the use of mas- sage and early passive movements in recent fractures, [etc.]. 2.ed. xxiv, 115 pp., 2 pi. 8°. London, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1902. ------. Thesame. 4. ed. x, 134 pp., 11 pi. 8°. New York, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1909. ------. Injuries and diseases of the knee-joint considered from the clinical aspect, xi, 236 pp. 12°. London, J. Nhbit dc Co., 1909. ------. Thesame. xi (2 1.), 236 pp., 14 pi. 12°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1909. BENNI. 444 de BENOIT. Benni (Witold). *Ueber die Behandlung der Larynxtuberkulose durch Elektrokaustik an der oto-laryngologischen Klinik in Basel. [Basel.] 34 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1910. Bennie (P. Bruce). Rational and effective treat- ment of hip-disease, founded on experience of numerous cases in hospital practice during 28 years. Compiled by Alex. B. Bennie. xi, 108 pp., 9 pi. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1907. Bennighof (Friedrich) [1888- ]. *Ueber ein neues Diuretikum "Theoform." 1 p. 1., 27 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1912. Bennigson (Walter) [1886- ]. Chronische Nephritis und Blutzucker. 47 pp., 11. 8°. Ko- nigsberg i. Br., 0. Kiimmel, 1913. Benning (Walter) [1880- ]. *Ueber Gallen- steinileus. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Beipzig, A. Hoff- mann, 1905. Benninghaus (Hubert August Georg) [1883- ]. *Zur Bedeutung der endogenen Infek- tion in der Gynakologie. 36 pp., 21. 8°. Strass- burg i. e., H. Huber, 1912. Benninghoven (Marie) & Ludwig (Emilie). Das Buch der jungen Mutter, ein Ratgeber zur Pflege und Erziehung des Kindes in den ersten vier Lebensjahren, unter arztlicher Mitwirkung von W. Benninghoven. v (1 1.), 269 pp. 12°. Stuttgart, Schwabacher, [n. d.]. Benninghoven (Wilhelm) [1862- ]. Aerzte, Zahnarzte, Zahntechniker und Kurpfuscher; kritische Betrachtungen. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, Berl. Verlagsanst., [1905]. ------. Lehrbuch der Zahnheilkunde und ihrer Hilfswissenschaften. 3., bedeutend verm, und verb. Aufl. 538 pp. 8°. Berlin, Berl. Verlags- anst., [1911]. ------. Atlas der Anatomie des menschlichen Korpers, speziell der Kiefer und der Zahne. Teil I. 334 pp. 4°. Berlin, Berl. Verlagsanst., 1912. See, aho, Benninghoven (Marie) & Ludwig (Emilie). Das Buch der jungen Mutter, etc. 12°. Stuttgart, [n. d.].— Trohse (Fr), Broesike (Gustav) & Benninghoven (Wil- helm). Anatomische Wandtafeln [etc.]. roy. 8°. Dresden, 1911-12.—Klesewelter (F.) [in 2. s.]. Die Krankenpflcge in der Famihe[etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Bennington (Robert Crendson) [1852- 1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, ii, 1445. Benny (Michael) [ -1905]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1378. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1905, lxiv, 420. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1439. Aho: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1905, xvh, 533. Benbhr (Max) [1880- _ ]. *Ersatzderfehlenden Vena cava inferior teils durch die rechte, teils durch die linke erweiterte Cardinalvene. 17 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1904. Benohr (Max Charles) [1879- ]. *Falle von subkutaner Nierenzerreissung. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, H. H. Beters, 1904. Benohr (Rudolf) [1882- ]. *Ein Fall von cen- tral er Blindheit; Erweichungsherde in beiden Occipitallappen. 12 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1905. Benoist (Emilien) [1867- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'audition coloree. 48 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 238. Benoist (Emmanuel) [1881- ]. *Etude sur l'erythromelalgie. 239 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 249. Benoist (Fernand) [1875- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'hysterectomie dans l'infection puerperal e avec lesions uterines pr(Jdominantes. 83 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 359. Benoist (Georges). *Des rapports entre l'em- bryon et le placenta dans l'avortement. (Etude clinique.) 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 136. Benoist (Guillaume). *Signification pronos- tique des adenopathies dans la syphilis secon- daire. 46 pp., 2 1. 8° Barh, 1902, No. 498. Benoist ^Jules) [3.873- ]. ^Medication cacody- lique; son apphcation a la therapeutique in- fantile. (Tuberculose, choree.) 67 pp. 8°. Ba- rh, 1900, No. 635. Benoist (M.) & Chatelain (L.) Manuel pratique pour rapplication de la loi du 14 juillet 1905 a Paris. Preface de G. Mesureur. viii, 258 pp. 8°. Barh dc Nancy, Berger-Bevrault dc Cie., 1909. Benoist (Marcel) [1887- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la cystinurie et de la lithiase cysti- neuse. 80 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, No. 19. Benoist (Pierre). *Des pneumopathies rhuma- tismales et de la pneumonie fibrineuse dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 174. Benoist de la Grandiere (Louis). Contribu- tion a l'etude des varices de l'estomac. 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 249. Benoit (Albert) [1877- ]. *Des troubles mo teurs oculaires dans les maladies de l'oreille. 65 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 186. Benoit (Albert-Louis-Alexandre) [1884- ]. Contribution a 1' etude du reac tif pheholphtal ique de Kastle-Meyer; son apphcation a la recherche du sang, en chnique et en medecine legale. 132 pp. 8°. Lille, 1911, No. 8. Benoit (C[elestin - St. -John- Clement - Marie - Joseph]). *Du gaiacol et de la cocaine consi- dered comme anesthesiques locaux. 56 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 293. Benoit (Charles). Contribution a l'etude du traitement des tumeurs blanches du genou par les injections modificatrices. 92 pp. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 232. Benoit (Charles-Francois-Philippe). *Des kystes hydatiques de la cavite pelvienne chez la femme, 60 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 292. Benoit (Emmanuel PersiUier) [1869- ]• [Biography.] Rev. m£d. du Canada, Montreal, 1902-3, vi, 370. Benoit (Henri) [1882- ]. Contribution a l'etude des parotidites survenant au cours de la fievre typhoide. 83 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1910, No. 68. Benoit (Jules-Octave) [1875- ]. *Des paro- tidites consecutives a l'ovariotomie. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 157. Benoit (Junius) [1854- ]. Contribution a l'etude du myxoedeme chez l'enfant et de ses formes frustes. 40 pp., 2 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 66. Benoit (L.-A.-Georges) [1877- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude des ferments solubles du lait de femme. 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellhr, 1903, No. 41. Benoit (Louis) [1873- ]. Contribution a l'etude des amnesies traumatiques au point de vue clinique et medico-legal. 1 p. 1., 94 pp. 8°. Byon, 1899, No. 131. Benoit (Marcel) [1880- ]. *Rabelais accou- cheur. 55 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 1. Benoit (Pierre) [1887- ]. *De la cesarienne iterative. 52 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, No. 91. de Benoit (Pierre). *Alkoholiker-Fursorge, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des schweizeri- schen Zivilgesetzbuches und des Vorentwurfes de BENOIT. 445 BENTLEY. de Benoit (Pierre)—continued. zu einem schweizerischen Strafgesetzbuch. [Zurich.] 243 pp. 8°. Bern, Buchler dc Co., Benoit (Rene). *S6meiologie de l'insufrisance hepatique. (Revue generale.) 48 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 8. Benoit-Gonin (Andre-Jean-Claude) [1885- ]. Contribution a l'etude des grossesses apres myo- mectomie. 76 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1913, No. 1. Benoit-Gonin (Gaston-Joseph-Theophile) [1882- ]. *Etudes anatomo-cliniques sur la paroi labyrinthique de l'oreille moyenne. 107 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 75. Benon (Raoul). *Les troubles psychiques, chez les hemiplegiques organiques internes. Etude statistique, clinique et therapeutique. 137 pp. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 485. ------. Traite clinique et medico-legal des troubles psychiques et nevrosiques pcst-trau- matiques. x, 456 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1913. Bensa (P[rosper-Dominique-Laurent]) [1871- ]. *De l'extirpation totale de la vessie pour cancer. 75 pp. 4°. _ Barh, 1896, No. 507. ------. Traitement des urethrites chroniques. 112 pp., 21., 1 pi. 8°. Barh, O. Boin, 1902. Bensaude (Raoul). Le phenomene de 1'aggluti- nation des microbes et ses applications a la pathologie (leserodiagnostic). 304 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 631. ------. The same. 304 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Baris, G. Carr'e dc C. Naud, 1897. See, aho, Hayem (Georges) [in 2. s.]. Lecons sur les mala- dies du sang [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1900. Bensch (Rudolf) [1888- ]. *Zur Casuistik der epileptischen Dammerzustande. [Bonn.] 22 pp. 8°. Gotha, E. Koch, 1913. Bensen (Georg Wilhelm) [1875- ]. *Beitrage zur Kenntniss von der heteroplastischen Kno- chenbildung. 27 pp. 8°. Gottingen, 1898. Bensis (Wladimir) [1877- ]. *Recherches sur la flore vulvaire et vaginale chez la femme enceinte. 101 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 485. Bensley (Benjamin Arthur) [1875- ]. On the identification of Meckelian and mylohyoid grooves in the jaws of Mesozoic and recent mam- mals. 9pp., lpl. 8°. Toronto, 1902. Forms No. 3 of: Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. s. ----—. The homologies of the stylar cusps in the upper molars of the Didelphyidse. 13 pp. 8°. Toronto, 1906. Forms No. 5 of: Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. s. ------. Practical anatomy of the rabbit; elemen- tary laboratory textbook in mammalian anat- omy. 203 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakh- ton's Sons dc Co., 1910. ------. A Cervalces antler from the Toronto inter- glacial. 3 pp. 4°. Toronto, 1913. Univ. Toronto Stud. Geol. s. Bensley (Robert Russell) [1867- ]. The struc- ture of the glands of Brunner. 50 pp., 6 pi. 4°. Chicago, 1903. Repr. from: Univ. of Chicago. Decennial Pubhcations, 1903, x. Benson (Alfred Hugh) [ -1916]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 807. Benson (Allan L.) The common sense of vivi- section, pp. 537-544. 8°. [New York], 1910. Cutting from: Pearson's Mag., N. Y., 1910, xxiv. ------. The facts about the food problem, pp. 461-470. 8°. New York, 1910. Cutting from: Pearson's Mag., N. Y., 1910, xxiii. Benson (Arthur Henry) [1860-1912]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 1424. Aho: Lan- cet, Lond., 1912, ii, 1472. Benson (Christopher) [1860-1911]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 603. Benson (John A.) Asiatic cholera; its genesis, etiological factors, chnical history, pathology and treatment. 248 pp., 2 pi. 12°. Chicago, J. H. White Co., 1893. Bensse (Jean). *Quelques vues generales sur les bains. 22 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Montpellier, an XLI [1801]. Bensussan (Simon). *Traitement des anevrys- mes de l'aorte par les injections sous-cutanees de senim gelatine (methode de Lancereaux). 87 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 412. Bentabol y Ureta (Horacio). Las aguas de Espana y Portugal. Evaluation y aprovecha- miento urbano, [etc.]. 2. ed. xliv, 347 pp., 1 map. 8°. Madrid, viuda e hijos de M. Tello, 1900. Bente (Georg [Heinrich]) [1872- ]. Callen- steinkohk und Herzfehler. 31 pp., 1 1. 8°. Beiiin, E. Ebering, 1898. Bentejac (Marie-Jean-Joseph-Henri) [1876- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la bilharziose. 58 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 3. Benthaus (Alfons) [1883- ]. *Ausgang und Prognose der Bleilahmung. 43 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1911. von Bentheim (Alfons). *Ueber methylierte Aminotriphenylcarbinole. 49 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, V. Hofling, 1908. Ben thin (Walther). *Mortalitat und Morbi- ditiit nach abdominalen Laparatomien. [Kiel.] 15 pp. 8°. Wittstock, O. Wessoly, 1908. Benthodesmus. Gilbert (C. H.) On the occurrence of Bentho- desmus atlanticus Goode and*Bean on the coast of British Columbia. 8°. Washington, 1917. Repr.from: Smithson. Misc. Collect., Wash., 1917, lxvi. Bentivegna (A.) Etiologia e profilassi delle malattie infettive. 297 pp. 8°. Boma, 1898. Bentivoglio (Giulio). Ricerche fisiologiche e tossicologiche intorno all'atido cacodilico. 34 pp. 8°. Taranto,frat. Martucci, 1904. Bentler (Bernard) [1872- ]. *Eine Dermoid- cyste in der Gegend der kleinen Fontanelle. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1902. Bentley (Arthur James McDonald) [ -1911]. Medical hints and notes on Egypt as a winter resort. With a short account of Helouan and its sulphur baths, viii, 42 pp., 3 pi. 12°. [n. p., 1904.] ------. A few practical hints for invalids on the maintenance of health in the climate of Egypt. ii (1 pi.), 26 pp. 12°. [London], Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., [n. d.]. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1178. Bentley (Charles Albert). Report of an investiga- tion into the causes of malaria in Bombay and the measures necessary for its control. 179 pp., 8 maps. 4°. Bombay, Gov. Central Bress, 1911. See, aho, Christophers (S. R.) & Bentley (C. A.) Black- water fever [etc.]. 4°. Simla, 1908. Bentley (Henry A.) Report and estimates for the completion of the sewerage system, of the city of Newport, R. I. 15 pp., 7 plans. 8°. Newport, Bavh dc Bitman, 1885. Bentley (Richard). The will of Thomas Bentley, second president of the Royal College of Phy- sicians and doctor to King Henry VIII, with a brief note on his career. 28 pp. 8°. Guild- ford, Billing dc Sons, 1913. BENTLY. 446 BENZINE. Bently (Edwin) [1824-1917]. Obituary. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xii, 510. Bentmann [Eugen] & Giinther [Otto]. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Trypanosoma gambiense. 71 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1907. Forms 2. Hit., of: Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schiff- u. Tropenhyg. Bento de Souza (Manoel) [1835-99]. [Biography.] Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1899, vi, 1-50.—Bombarda(M) [Biography.] Med. contemp., Lisb., 1899, xvii, 151-162.— Tavares (C.) Elogio historico. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1900, lxiv, 117-138. Benton (J. H.) [Metropolitan water board investigation.] Argument before joint special committee of Massachusetts Legislature, v, 81 pp. 8°. Boston, Bochrc.ll dc Churchill, 1900. Benton (Samuel). Annie Elizabeth Hill. In memoriam. 12 pp. 4°. [n. p., 1877.] ------. The treatment of stricture of the rectum by electrolysis. 7 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale dc Sons, [1888]. Bentovin (B[oris II.]) [1865- ]. Torguyu- shtshiya tielom; ocherki sovremennoi prosti- tutsii. [Those who sell their body; sketches of modern prostitution.] 1 p. 1., 200 pp. 12°. [Moskva], Krumbyugel, [1907]. Bentrup (Carl). *Ueber die Embolie der Arteria centralis retinae. 55 pp. 8°. Giessen, von Miin- chow, 1898. Bentz (Victor). Contribution a l'etude de la communication des abces par congestion avec les bronches. 82 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 110. Benucci (Domenico). La radiografia degli apici polmonari nella diagnosi della tubercolosi. 18 pp. 8°. Firenze, G. Basseri, 1897. Benussi (Vittorio). Psychologie der Zeitauffas- sung. x, 581 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1913. Die Psychologie in Einzeldarstellungen, hrsgb. von H. Ebbinghaus und E. Meumann, v. 6. Benvenuti (Ezio). Sulle alterazioni del sistema nervoso nelle malattie infettive. Contributo chnico e anatomo-patologico. 52 pp. roy. 8°. Bisa, frat. Nislri, 1901. ------. Sulla sintomatologia della mielite tras- versa totale sopralombare con speciale riguardo al comportarsi dei riflessi tendinei. 23 pp. roy. 8°. Bisa, 1901. Benvenuti (Giuseppe) [1728-89]. Del sale delle acque termali di Lucca, xiv, 104 pp. 16°. Lucea, G. Salani, 1758. Bound with his: De lucensium thermarum, [etc.]. 16°. Lucse, 1758. Benvenuti (Giuseppe). Norme per la buona igiene della bocca e per la conservazione del- 1' apparato dentale. 40 pp. 8°. Firenze, A. Meozzi, 1899. ------. Alcune note sulla cura delle malattie della bocca e denti. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Firenze, A. Meozzi, 1899. Bcnvenuto di San Bafaele. Ragionamento intorno all' obbligo d'allattare i propii figliuoli. xxxviii pp. 16°. Milano, G. Agnelli, 1749. Benz (Friedrich). *Ueber den Kohlehydrat- Stoffwechsel beim Kaninchen ■ nach akuter Vergiftung mit arseniger Saure. 32 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Memminger, 1897. Benz (Max) [1879- ]. *Ueber Chinonazin und Azophenol. 67 pp. 8°. Munchen, V. Ilofling, 1907. Benzaldehyde. Alefeld (L.) *Versuche iiber die Giftwir- kuug von Benzaldehyd in Dampfform. [Wiir-z burg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1913. Benzaldehyde. Muller (G. G. H.) *Ueber die Condensation von Benzaldehyd mit Aethylmethylketon (a-Benzalbutanon und 7-Benzalbutanon und ihre Derivate). 8°. Berlin, 1902. Erlenmeyer (E.) Darstellung von linksdrehendem Benzaldehyd durch asymmetrische Induktion mit Hilfe von Rechtsweinsaure, Ueberfuhrung desselben in linksdrehendes Mandelsaurenitril und rechtsdrehende Mandelsaure, ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis enzymatischer Reaktionen. Bio- chem. Ztschr., Berl., 1914, lxiv, 382: lxvi, 509.—Herzog (J.) Ueber die Priifung auf Chlorverbindungen im Benzaldehyd nach dem neuen Arzneibuch. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm Gesellsch., Berl., 1911, xxi, 536-538.—Heyl (G.) Ueber die Priifung des Benzaldehyds auf Chlorverbindungen. Apoth.- Ztg., Berl., 1912, xxvh, 49.—Lttcker (E.) Zur Kenntnis des Benzaldehyds. Ibid., 1905, xx, 1044. Benzel (Fritz) [1882- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Eiimplantation auf dem Stumpfe einer wegen Tubargraviditat friiher exzidierten Tube. [Strassburg.] 14 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1912. Benzene. See Aromatic series; Benzol. Benzian (Rudolf) [1876- 1. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Thalliumdoppelcyanide. 40 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1900. Benzidine. Halberstadt (E.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis derMeta-Xitrobenzidine. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Sacareatj (C.) *Essai sur la benzidine et son application dans la recherche des hemor- rhagies occultes du tube digestif. 8°. Toulouse, 1907. Adler (O.) Die Wirkung und das Schicksal des Benzi- dins im Tierkorper. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1908, lviii, 167-197.—Bouffard (G.) Injection des couleurs de benzidine aux animaux normaux; etude expe- rimentale et histologique. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1906, xx, 539-546.—Graham (G. S.) Benzidine as a per- oxidase reagent for blood smears and tissues. J. Med. Re- search, Bost., 1918-19, xxxix, 15-24, 1 pi.—Sartory (A.) Quelques reactions donnees par le reactif a la benzidine acetique avec ou sans addition d'eau oxygenee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 993-995. Benzimid derivatives. Kloffler (H. K. F.) Ueber die Tautomeric bei Benzimidazolen. 8°. Erlangen, 1907. Mouson (J. G.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Benzimidazole. 8°. Erlangen, 1904. Veiel (K. J. O.) *Ueber Benzimidazole und deren Spaltungsprodukte. 8°. Erlangen, 1904. Benzine. Pajaud (J.-M.-E.) Contribution a l'etude pharmacologique et toxicologique des benzines; leur action sur les rapports reciproques des ele- ments du sang et sur divers organes. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1907. Franke (F.) Das Benzin in der Chirurgie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii, 300.—Horrmann (A.) Zur Aetzwirkung des am Vordunsten verhinderten Benzins. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii. 1139—Krumma- cher. Vollkommoncr Ersatz des Benziins durch Carbonum tetrachloratiun in der Chirurgie. Med. Klin., Berl, 1915, xi. 160.—Levy (E.) Actzwirkung des am Verdunsten gehinderten Benzins. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911. lviii, 302.—Mix (II.) I'nterscheidung von Benzin una Benzol. Kolloid-Ztschr., Dresd. & Leipz., 1915, xvii, 7-9.— Molir. Benzin, ein noues und billiges Mittel zur Reinigung der Haut. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1903, xlui, 121— Rauben- helmer (O.) Safety benzin. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Bait., 1908, hi, 1038-1041.—Wood (H. C.) Benzine in anesthetic mixtures. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 843-845. Aho, Reprint. Benzine (Toxicoloqy of). Weissen hero (R.) Quantitative Versuche uber die Gift igkeit von Benzin und Benzol. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1901. von Boltenstern. Lcichte Bcnzinvergiftung bei einem Kinde. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., ^97, ii, 75.—Burgl (C.) Ueber todhche innere Benzinvergiftung und insbe- sondere den Sektionsbefund bei derselben. Miinchen. med. BENZINE. Benzine (Toxicology of). Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 412-414— Descceurdes & Baccharach. Empoisonnement mortel per les vapeurs de benzine. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1909, xxix. 132-139.— Dorendorf. Benzin-Vergiftung als gewerblicne Erkran- kung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med7 Berl., 1901, xlui, 42-58, 1 pi.— Dorner (G.) Akute Benzinvergiftung mit nachfolgender spinaler Erkrankung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1915, liv, 66-73.—Federschmidt. Zur Kasuistik der Benzinvergiftungen. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1908, xxi, 653.—Friediger (A.) Ueber eine akute Benzinvergif- tung beim Saugling. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 252.—Haden (R. L.) Exhibition of a case of benzine poisoning. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1916, xxix, 85.—Hancken (W.) [Zwei Falle von akuter intcrner Benzinvergiftung.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 834.-----. Ueber Benzinvergiftung. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1909, xxx, 161-163.—Jaffe (R.) Ueber Ben- zinvergiftung nach Sektionsergebnissen und Tierversuehen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 175-180.—Julien & Bonn. Sur un cas d'intoxication mortelle par les vapeurs de benzine. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1914, xxi, 129-132.— Klare. Ueber Benzinvergiftung. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xhi, 93; 116.—Klocke. Methoden zur Beseiti- gung der Gefahren beim Hantieren mit Benzin und Benzol. Ztschr. f. Gewerbe-Hyg., Wien, 1908, xv, 398.—Langlols (J.-P.) & Desbouls (G.) Des effets des vapeurs hydrocar- bonees sur le sang (benzine et polyglobulie). J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1907, ix, 253-260.—Le Noir & Claude. Sur un cas de purpura attribug k l'intoxication par la ben- zine. Bull, et mom. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1S97, 3. s., xiv, 1251-1260.—Nordrum (F.) [A case of benzine poison- ing.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania, 1917, xxxvii, 436—Racine. Ueber den Tod durch Benzinvergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1901, 3. F., xxh, 63-76.— Reuter (F.I Ueber den anatomischen Befund bei der Benzinvergiftung. Wien. med. Wchnschr, 1907, lvii, 425; 438.—Santesson (C. G.) Ueber chronische Vergiftungen mit Steinkohlentheerbenzin; vier Todesfalle. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipz., 1897, xxxi, 336-376. A ho, fyansl. [Abstr.]: France med., Par., 1897, xhv, 589.—Silva (A. L.) Action toxica del benceno y algunos de sus derivados sobre el higado y el rinon. Rev. m^d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1899, xxvii, 5; 41, 2 pi.—Slmonln. Intoxication par ingestion acci- dentelle de benzine; e'rytheme polvmorphe; eosinophilic. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1903,3. s., xx, 199- 203.—Spurr (F.) A fatal case of benzine poisoning. Lan- cet. Lond., 1899, i, 1488—Wlchern (H.) Ueber Benzinver- giftung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 11-13 — Zbrnlaib (A.) Ueber Benzinvergiftungen aus der Kasuistik der Wiener freiwillieen Rettungs-Gesellschaft. Wien. med. Wchnschr,, 1906, lvi, 366-369. Benzinomania. Famenne(P.) Un cas de benzinomanie. J. de neurol., Par., 1909, xiv, 404-408. Benzius (Adolphus Christophorus V Fernerer Anhang von dem in der gantzen Welt hochge- priesenen Menstruo universali, so wohln, was dessen Ursprung, Natur und Eigenschafft, als auch die Krafften und Tugenden anbetrifft, in Prseparirung der allerkostbaresten und heil- samsten Medicamenten, abhandlend. 4 p. 1., 19pp. 16°. Niimberg, J. Adolph, 1709. [P., v. 2176.] ------. Neu-vermehrt- und verbesserte philoso- phische Schau-Buhne, bestehend aus mehren- theils lauter eigenen und wahrhafften Experi- mentis, [etc.]. 5 p. 1., 176 pp., 7 pi. 16°. Niirn- berg, J. Adolph, 1710. [P., v. 2176.] ------. Das in der tieffesten Krufft vergrabene und nunmehro entdeckte Kleinod, welches ist der alleredelste Schatz der Philosophorum- nemlichen Lapis philosophorum seu medicina universalis, [etc.]. 14 p. 1., 112 pp. 16°. Franckfurt, J. Adolph, 1714. [P., v. 2176.] Benzo (Ugo). Regole della sanitit et della natura de' cibi; con le annotationi di Gio_. Lodovico Bertaudo, opera utile, ornata di varie storie, et arricchita d'un trattato nuovo della ebbrieta et dell'abuso del tabaco. 15 p. 1., 850 pp. 24°. Torino, heredes di G. B. Torino, 1618. Benzoates. Starkoff (V.) *Materiali dlya toksikologii tiel benzoinavo ryada. [Toxicology of ben- zoates.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1869. Pajctta (R.) Sulla solubilita di alcuni benzoati nell' acqua e sul benzoato di stronzio. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc., BENZOL. Benzoates. lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1905-6, lxv, pt. 2, 237-240.—Smith (E. E.) Is food containing benzoates injurious to health? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1909, lxxv, 16-18. Benzoin. See, aho, Acid (Benzoic). Descomps (A.) *Combinaisons des aeides aminobenzoiquesavecl'antipyrine. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1896. Coston (H. R.) The therapeutic uses of the preparations of benzoin. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1903, 3. s.. xix, 441-443.— Harbordt (C. de J.) Tincture of benzoin as a local apph- cation in acute and chronic catarrh of the nose and throat. Therap. Med., N. Y.. 1907, i, 232-234.—Hartwich (C.) Ueber die Siam-Benzoe. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1913, xxviii, 639; 6S5; 698.—Kempt (E. J.) The compound tincture of benzoin. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1904-5, xxhi, 317.—Stern (E.) Die chemische Kinetik der Benzoinsynthese (Cyanionen- katalyse). Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1904-5, 1, 513- 559.—Tschirch (A.) Zur Frage der Differentialdiagnostik der Baume, welche die verschiedenen Benzoesorten liefern. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1911, ccxlix, 10-21, 3 pi. Benzol [or Benzene] and derivatives. See, also, Dinitrobenzol; Leukaemia (Treat- ment of) with benzol; Nitrobenzol. Baum (K.) *Ueber die Einwirkung von Dia- zoverbindungen des Benzols und seiner Ho- mologen auf Glutakonsaureester. [Erlangen ] 8°. Niirnberg, 1910. _ Hahn (A.) *Studien iiber die verschiedene Fluchtigkeit einiger stellungsisomerer Benzol- derivate. 8°. Erlangen, 1896. Hahn (H.) *Eine neue Methode zur Gewin- nung alkylierter Benzolkohlenwasserstoffe. 8°. Heidelberg, 1903. Kleiner (G. [R.]) *Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung der Benzolabsorption durch das Thier bei langerer Einatmung. 8°. Wurzberg, 1910. Menshtjtkin (B. N.)_ O vliyanii zamiestitelei na niekotoriya reaktsii benzola i yevo zamie- shtshennikh proizvodnikh. [Influence of sub- stitutes upon certain reactions of benzol and its substituting derivatives.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1912. Selling (L.) Benzol as a leucotoxin; studies on the degeneration and regeneration of the blood and haematopoietic organs. 4°. Balti- more, 1913. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Monogr., n. s., No. 2, Bait., 1913. Stohr (O.) *Versuche zur Bestimmung der Benzolmengen welche Tiere und Menschen aus der Luft absorbieren. 8°. Wurzburg, 1909. Armstrong (H. E.), Colgate (R. T.) & Rodd (E. H.) Morphological studies of benzene derivatives; the correlation of crystalline form with molecular structure; a verification of the Barlow-Pope conception of valency-volume. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1914, xc, s. A., 111-173.—Armstrong (H. E.) & Rodd (E. H.) Morphological studies of benzene deriva- tives; the correlation of the forms of crystals with their molecular structure and orientation in a magnetic field in the case of hydrated sulphonates of dyad metals. Ibid., 463- 492.—Bancroft (W. D.) The photochemical oxidation of benzene. J. Phys. Chem., Itnaca, 1912, xvi, 556-563.— Bernstein (M. J.) A dermatitis caused by dinitrochlor ben- zole. Lancet, Lond., 1912? 8,1534— Bianchi (G.) L' azione sul sangue e sugli organi ematopoietici del benzolo e dei suoi omologhi a catena laterale satura. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1915, xxxix, 1^5.—Brewer (R. K.) & Weiskotten (H. G.) The action of benzol; the urinary phenols with special reference to the diphasic leucopenia. J. Med. Re- search, Bost., 1916, xxxv, 71-78.—Browning (C. H.) & Gilmour (w.) Bactericidal action and chemical consti- tution with special reference to basic benzol derivatives. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1913-14, xvhi, 144-146.— Chassevant (A.) & Gamier (M.) Rapports entre la cons- titution chimique des corps et leur toxicite dans la serie aromatique (benzene et ses derives). Arch, internat. de Pharmacol., Brux. & Par., 1905, xiv, 93-170.—Delacre (M.) & Gesche (L.) Recherches sur la synthese graduelle de la chaine benzenique. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux., 1903, 735-756— Dimroth (O.) Adolf von Bae- yers Arbeiten uber die Konstitution des Benzols. Natur- wissenschaften, Berl., 1915, hi, 5v2-587.—Filippi (E.) Azione 4' BENZOL. 448 BENZOSOL. Benzol and derivatives. fisiologica e comportamento di alcuni derivati del benezne in confrontocon quelli di cicloesano. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1914, xviii, 178; 193.—Fry (H. S.) Die Konstitution des Benzols vom Standpunkte des korpuskular-atomisti- schen Begrifls der positiven und negativen Wertigkeit. I. Eine Interpretation der Regel von Crum Brown und Gibson. II. Dynamische Formeln und das Ultraviolettabsorptions- spektrum des Benzols. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie, Leipz., 1911, lxxvi, 385-412.-----. Einige Anwendungen des elek- tronischen Begriffs der positiven und negativen Wertigkeit; Absorptionsspektra und dynamische Formeln von Chlor-, Brom- und Jodbenzol. Ibid., 1913, lxxxii, 665-687.—Gay (L.), Ducelliez (F.) & Raynaud (A.) Bromuration du benzene et de ses homologues; action catalytique du manga- nese. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1914, clviii, 1804- 1806.—Harker (G.) The analysis of toluene and benzene in coal tar oils. J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. South Wales 1910, Sydney, 1917,1,99-105.—Hensel (M.) & Riesser (O.) Ueber die Aufspaltung des Benzolrings im Tierkorper; Verhalten der Muconsaure und des Benzols im Leberdurchblutungs- versuch. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1913, lxxxviii, 38-43— Holleman (A. F.) Devervangbaarheid van sub- stituenten in benzolderivaten. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1914-15, xxih, 889-896.-----. Funfzigjahriges Benzolstudium. Janus, Leyde, 1915, xx, 459-488.—Joachl- moglu (G.) Ueber den Nachweis des Benzols in Organen und seine Verteilung im Organismus. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, lxx, 93-104— Kiralyn (G.) [Present state of benzoltherapy.) Orvostud. ertek. gyiijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1914, ■&. f., xv, 107-135.-----. Weitere Beitrage zur therapeutischen Verwendung des Benzols. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1913, xxvi, 1062-1067.—Klages (A.) 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Ricerche ematologiche nelle intos- sicazioni acute e croniche da benzolo. Riforma med., Napoli, 1914, xxx, 995.—Selling (L.) A preliminary report of some cases of purpura hemorrhagica due to benzol poison- ing. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1910, xxi, 33-37. Benzonitril. Becker (F. > *Das Verhalten von Quecksil- berbromid, Quecksilberjodid und Kalium- quecksilberjodid zu und in Benzonitril. bJ Giessen, 1913. Kam.uerer ([J.-B.] K.) *Das Verhalten von Ralzen in und zu Benzonitril. [Giessen 1 S~ Mainz, 1910. Benzoquinone. Barin (L.) * Action de l'acide an.inoaeetique sur la benzoquinone et la benzoquinone tri- chloride. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Benzosalin. von Bultzlngsldwen (K.) atoiresimmediates et eloign ees de l'appendi- cite. Consequences therapeutiques. 94 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 232. Bera (L.) *Du milieu souterrain et de son influ- ence dans la pathologie generale des mineurs. (Carvin-Meurchin.) 78 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 146. Bera (Leon). Contribution a l'etude du diag- nostic de l'avortement. 102 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 154. Bera (Paul-RenE). *Etude sur les "alienes pro- gresses." 86 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Marquts dc Cie., 1898, No. «78. Beradt (Martin). Die gesetzlichen Handhaben gegen Auswiichse der Kurierfreiheit. 55 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1910. Berall (Wolf). Wahrheit und Klarheit fiber die Geschlechtskrankheiten; arztlicher Ratgeber fur Mann und Weib zur Verhutung und Heilung der Geschlechtskrankheiten. vii, 112 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Mejstrik, [1909]. Beraneck's tuberculin. See Tuberculin; Tuberculosis (Treatment of) with tuberculin [Beraneck]. Beranger (Adrien) [1874- J. *Considercitions psychologiques sur l'agonie, avec quelques applications m6dico-legales. 1 p. 1., 62 pp., 1 1. 8*. Lyon, 1898, No. 87. de Beranger (Pierre-Jean) [1780-1857]. Cabanes. Beranger, malade et medecin. Chron. mea., Par., 1907, xiv, 445-449. Beranger (Raimond). *Valeur semeiologique des plaques commissurales de leucoplasie dans la recherche de la syphilis. 48 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 183. Berard (Albert). *Contribution a l'etude des rapports du cancer et de l'hypertrophie de la prostate. 51 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 56. Berard (Andre) [1882- ]. *Diagnostic et traitement des tumeurs du cervelet et de la fosse cerebelleuse. 176 pp. 8°. Byon, 1910, No. 80. Berard (Andre-Jacques-Marie) [1886- ]. *De la reprise de l'allaitement apres les abces puer- peraux du sein. 54 pp. 8 . Bordeaux, 1911, No. 38. Berard (Auguste) [1802-46]. Brln (H.) [Biography.] Arch. med. d'Angers, 1900, iv, 435-440, port. Berard (Cl.-Louis) [1887- ]. Contribution a l'etude des etats anemiques graves des suites de couches (anemies posthemorragiques exceptees). 51 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1913, No. 84. Berard (Edgard). See Jaeger (Eduard), Ritter von Jaxtthal. Atlas d'oph- thalmoscopie, [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1890. Berard (Leon) [1870- % ]. Contribution a l'anatomie et a la chirurgie du goitre. Parallele entre la thyroidectomie partielle, les Enuclea- tions et l'exothyropexie. 492 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1896, No. 32. ------. The same. Therapeutique chirurgicale du goitre. Anatomie chirurgicale, normale et pathologique, thyroidectomie partielle, Enuclea- tions, exothyropexie. Preface de M. le Pro- fesseur Poncet. xv, 5-492 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1897. 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----29 BfiRARD. 450 BERCK-SUR-MER. Berard (Leon)—continued. -----. L'appendicite; Etude clinique et criti- que, xii, 878 pp. 8°. Barh, Masson dc Cu., 1914. See, aho, Poncet (Antonin) & Berard (Leon) \in 2. s.l. Traite clinique de l'actinomycose humaine [etc.]. 8 . Paris, 1898. For Biography, see Paris med., 1913-14, xiv (suppl.), 491 (A. Latarjet). ----- & Patel [Maurice]. Les formes chirurgi- cal es de la tuberculose intestinale. 189 pp. 12°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., [19061. Berard (Leon) [1882- ]. *Le traitement chirurgical des arterites obliterantes aigues localisees des membres. 83 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1909, No. 17. Berard (Oscar). Considerations sur l'hystene simulant l'epilepsie et sur les signes qui peu- vent servir au diagnostic diffErentiel. 96 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Toulouse, 1896, No. 175. Berard (Pierre- Honore- Marie) [1797- 1858]. Chauveau (C.) R61e du professeur Berard en rhinologie. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1912, xxxiv, 138- 110.—Legludic. [Biography.] Arch. med. d'Angers. 1899, hi, 435-438, port. Berard (Vital) [1878- ]. *L'extirpation du sac lacrymal dans les dacryocystites. 88 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 104. Berardi (Vito Antonio). La responsabilite nella neurasthenia. 66 pp., 1 1. 16°. Bari, Avellino dc Co., 1898. -----. I neurastenici e la responsabilita penale. 224 pp., 1 1. 8°. S. Maria Capua Vetere, A. di Steffano. 1906. de Berardinis (D.). Co-Editor of: Chirurgia (La) speciale [etc.], Napoh, 1908-9. Beraud (Armand) [1887- ]. *Les injections hypodermiques d'oxygene dans le traitement des dyspnees et de l'asphyxie; faits cliniques, recherches experimentales. 149 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 101. Beraud (Armand-Louis-Joseph) [1875- ]. *Etude de pathologie comparee. Essai sur la pathologie des Semites. 68 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 10. Beraud (Bruno-Jacques) [1825-65]. Atlas of surgical and topographical anatomy. Transl. by Robert Thomas Hulme. cix pi., 109 1. roy. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1867. Beraud (Charles-Joseph-Paul-L6on) [1884- ]. *Lutte contre les moustiques dans le domaine de Pellegrin en 1905. 37 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 36. Beraud (MariiKs^ [1879- ]. *Essai sur la psycho- logie du tuberculeux. 138 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, Bey dc Cie., 1902, No. 85. Berault (Gustave) [1878- # ]. *La maison de tolerance consideree au point de vue hygieni- que et social. 136 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1904, No. 465. -----. The same. 136 pp., 1 1. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1905. Berberich (Emil). *Eine Epidemie von acutem Erythem bei Kindern in der Umgebung von Giessen (Erythema infectiosum acutum). 44 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow'sche Druckerei, 1899. Berberine. Arenz (G.) *Pharmakologische Untersu- chung eines Berberinderivates (Berberrubin). 8°. Bonn, 1912. Gaze (R. A.) *Ueber Berberin und Hydro- berberin. 8°. Marburg, 1890. Berberine. Hammel (H.) *Zur Kenntnis des Xarkotins und Berberins. 8°. Erlangen, 1910. Frerichs (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Berberins; uber Berberrubin. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1910, ccxlvhi, 276- 284.—Frerichs (G.) & Stoepel (P.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Berberins. Ueber Berberrubin. Ibid.. 1913, ccli, 321- 339.—Gadamer (J.) Ueber das Berberin. Ibid., 1905, ccxliii, 31-43.—Gordin (H. M.) & Men-ell (C. G.) The so- called pure berberine of R. Gaze. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Bait., 1901, xlix. 228-238.—Mosse (M.) & Tautz (K.) Un- tersuchungen iiber Berberin. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1901, xlui. 257-2SL—Phillips (C. D. F.) The physiological action of berberine. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1906, xxxiv, 526- 532.—Waugh (W. F.) Berberine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1912, lxxxi, 571. Berbers. Berthoion (L.) Sur les origines des Berberes de souche europeenne. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1898, Par., 1899, xxvu, 175; pt. 2, 533.—Berthoion (L.) & Chan- tre (E.) Recherches anthropologiques dans la Berberie orientale (Tripolitaine, Tunisie, Algerie). Bull, et m£m. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1914, 6. s., v, 150-159.—Huguet (J.) Origines et migrations des tribus^berberes et particulifere- ment des Beni-Mzab. Rev. de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1906, xvi, 377-387.—Mehlis (C.) Die Berberfrage. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1909, viii, 249-286— Reitemeyer (Else). Hochzeitsgebrauche in der Oase Biskra. Globus, Brnschwg., 1910, xcvii, 165-167. Berbiguier (Alexis - Charles - Vincent) [1764- ]. Levy-Valensl (J.) 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[1875- ]. *Ueber einige Al- kyliither des Acetaldoxims. 41 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg. H. Jaeger, 1901. Berchoud (Joseph). Cure radicale de la hernie inguinale chez les enfants. Procedes employes par M le Dr. Vincent. Resultats operatoires. 96 pp.. 3 pi., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 146. Berchtold (Jacob >. *Ueber die Prognose der malignen Tumoren des Auges. [Zurich.] 76 pp., 1 1. 8°. Uster, E. Wcilenmann, 1907. Bercke (Richard Adolf Hugo) [1S77- ]. *Kli- nische Erfahrungen fiber ein losliches Aspirin. 37 pp. 8°. Leipzig,E. Lehmann, 1911. Berckhout (Joannes). *De causis, contenta in ventriculo, mutantibus. 19 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat.. C. Whhoff, 1718. Berckhuys (Antonius). Disp. quinta de ventri- culo, o'sophago' et intestinis. 6 1. sm. 4°. Groningae, E. Agricola, 1652. Berck-sur-Mer. Calot (F.) Berck; ses methodes de traite- ment et son climat ideal pour les malades. 8°. Barh, 1914. BERCOVICI. 451 BERENGARIUS. Bercovici (Konrad). Crimes of charity. 7 p. 1., 3-270 pp. 8°. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1917. Berdal (Henri). Traite pratique des maladies veneriennes, avec une preface de M. le Dr. Tenneson. xix, 679 pp., 7 pi. 12°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1897. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xix, 720pp., 7 pi. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1906. ------. Nouveaux elements d'histologie normale a l'usage des 6tudiants en medecine. 5. ed. xv, 838 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1899[1898]. ------. The same. 6. ed. xv, 980 pp. 8°. Ba- ' rh, A. Maloine, 1903. ------. Trait6 pratique de la syphilis, xx, 18 pi., 963 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1902. ------. L'histologie la veille de l'examen. 259 pp. 16°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1904. Berdez (Georges). Contribution experimentale a l'etude des deg^nerescencea secondaires con- secutives aux lesions de la moelle epiniere. 82 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Lausanne, S. A., 1914. Berdez (Henri) [1841-1901]. Noyer. [Biography.] Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch. 1901, Zofingen, 1902, lxxxiv, pp. lvii-lxiii. Berdichevsky (Nadejda). *Anaphylaxie et tu- berculine. [Lausanne.] 15 pp. 8°. Berne, 1910. Berding (Ernst) [1874- 1. *Achtzig abdomi- nale Myomektomien aus der Zeit vom 1. April 1891 bis 1. April 1896. Ip. 1., 32 pp., 3 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., M. Liedtke, 1898. Berditschewsky (Helene). *Ueber die Ver- breitung des Krebses ijn Kanton Zurich in den letzten fiinf Jahren. 52 pp. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Leemann dc Co., 1907. Berditschewsky (Leiser) [1884- ]. kasuis- tik der Hodentumoren. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1911. Berdmore (Thomas). Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Zahne und des Zahnfleisches, . . . Nach der neuesten Ausgabe aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. xvi, 207 pp. 16°. Alten- burg, Bichter, 1771. Berdoe (Edward) [1836-1916]. A catechism of vivisection. The whole controversy argued in all its details, vii, 181 pp. 12°. London, S. Sonnenschein dc Co., 1903. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 398. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1910, i, 591. Berdoe (Marmaduke). An enquiry into the influence of the electric fluid in the structure and formation of animated beings, xxxii (3 1.), 183 pp. 8°. Bath, S. Hazard, [1771]. Berdot (H.) *De l'anevrysme latent de l'aorte thoracique avec rupture dans la plevre. 72 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 721. Berdyayeff (Arkadiy Fyodorovich) [1864- _ ].' *K voprosu o podanii pervoi pomoshtshi v neschastnikh sluchayakh. [First aid in emer- fency cases.] 59 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, \ B. Sdikin, 1897. ------. Miestnaya anesteziya; kratkoye rukovod- stvo. [Local anaesthesia; brief manual.] iv, 73 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, B. B. Sdikin, 1912. Bereck (Reinhard) [1871- ]. Resultate der in den letzten fiinf Jahren in der Konigl. chirurgi- schen Klinik zu Greifswald operirten Falle von Mammacarcinom. 31 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1899. Bereghy (Joseph). Elektro-homeopatiya kak sistema vrachebnaya i yeya osnovniya polo- zheniya i sredstva dlya borbi s bolieznyami. [Electro-homeopathy as a medical system and its fundamental principles and means of combat- ting diseases.] vii, 344, viii pp. 8°. Moskva, I. N. Kushaereffi Ko., 1899. Beremennosti (O.), rodakh i ukhodie za rodil- nitsei i novorozhdennim. [Pregnancy, labor, and care of the women and infants.] 70, ii pp. 16°. Moskva, I. D. Sitin i Ko., 1888. von Berenberg-Gossler (Herbert) [1883- 1. *Ueber Wirbelcarcinom. 40 pp., 1 1. 8 . Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1908. ------. *Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Mala- riaplasmodien. 38 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. Miin- chen, Lippert dc Co., 1909. ------. *Die Urgeschlechtszellen des Huhnerem- bryos am dritten und vierten Bebriitungstage, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kern- und Plasmastrukturen. [Habilitationsschrift, Frei- burg i. Br.] pp. 24-72, 2 pi. 8°. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1912. Cutting from: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1912, lxxxi. ------. _ Geschlechtszellen und Korperzellen im Tierreich; ein Vortrag. 22 pp. roy. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1912. Forms 19. Hft. of: Samml. anat. u. physiol. Vortr. Berend (Joh. August Theodor) [1800- ]. *De mutua cutis et membranarum internarum rela- tione. 72 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halse, typh F. A. Grunerti patns et filii, 1823. Berend (Nikolaus). Die Ursachen der Sauglings- Sterblichkeit in Ungarn. Die bisherigen Re- sultate und zukunftigen Wege der Sauglings- fursorge in Ungarn. 1 p. 1., 70 pp., 1 pi. roy. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, F. Beuticke, 1911. Forms 10. Hft. of: Ergebnisse der Sauglingsfursorge, hrsgb. von A. Keller. Berendes (Hans Willy) [1879- 1. *Ueber Pfortaderthrombose. 19 pp., 2 1. 8*. Kiel, B. Beters, 1903. Berendes (Joachim). *Ein Fall Von doppelter Perforation des Auges durch einen 19mm langen Kupferdraht. 25 pp., 11. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1907. Berendes (Julius) [1837- ]. Geschichte der Pharmacie. Unter Mitwirkung angesehener Historicker und Fachgenossen hrsg von J. Berendes. 1 Lfg. 80 pp., lpl. 8°. Leipzig, E. Gunthers, 1898. ------. Der angehende Apotheker. Lehrbuch der pharmazeutischen Hilfswissenschaften zum Gebrauche fiir den Unterricht der Eleven, v. 1. Physik und Chemie. 3. vermehrte und verbes- serte Aufl. xxiv, 600 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1903. ------. The same. v. 2. Botanik, Pharmako- gnosie, specielle Pharmazie. 521 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1904. ------. Das Apotheken wesen, seine Entste- hung und geschichtliche Entwickelung bis zum xx. Jahrhundert. xii, 366 pp. roy. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1907. See, aho, Dioscorides (Anazarbeus). Arzneimittellebre [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1902.—Paulus Aegineta. Paulos"von Aegina" des besten Arztessieben Biicher. 4°. Leiden, 1914. For Biography, see Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xxh, 225 (II. Salzmann). Berends (Petrus Henricus Joannes). *Eenige schedelmaten van recruten, moordenaars, para- noiisten, epileptici en imbecillen, onderling vergeleken. [Utrecht.] 3 p. 1., 89 pp., 2 pi. roy. 8°. Nijmegen, W. Fellinga, 1896. c. Berengarius Carpus (Jacobus) [ -1550]. MiKpoKoauoypcKpla; or, a description of the body of man; being a practical anatomy, shewing the manner of anatomizing from part to part; the like hath not been set forth in the English tongue. Adorned with many demonstrative figures long since composed in Latine, by that famous J. Berengarius of Carpus, Dr. of A. and P., reader of chirurgery in the University of Bononia. Done into English by H. Jackeson, BERENGARIUS. 452 BERG. Berengarius Carpus (Jacobus)—continued. chirurgeon, by whom is also added a fit etymon to the names of the parts, in their proper place. 5 p. 1., 376 pp. 16°. London, printed for Live- well Chapman, at hh shop in Exchange Ally in Cornhill, 1664. Incomplete: pp. 99-112 wanting. Berenger (Rene) [1830-1915]. Obituary. Soc. Hyg., Bait., 191G, ii, 130. Berenger-Feraud (Laurent-Jean-Baptiste) [1832- 1901]. Traite clinique des maladies des Euro- peans aux Antilles (Martinique). 2 v. xiii, 620 pp.; 575 pp., 1 map. 8°. Bans, 0 Doin, 1881. For Biography, see Tribune med., Par., 1901, 2. s., xxxhi, 59 (V. L.). Berenguier (Eugene) [1879- ]. *Les formes abdominales graves de la lombricose. 110 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 12. Berens (Karl) [1878- ]. *Ueber das primare Sarkom der Milz und seine Beziehung zum Trauma. 36 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Berent ([Kurt] Otto) [1889- ]. *Beitrag zur Kasuistik des Enophthalmus traumaticus. [Leipzig.] 46 pp. 8°. Gotha, Schmidt dc Thelow, 1913. Berent (Walter Martin) [1877-_ ]. *Ueber maligne Ovarialgeschwulste bei Kindern. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1901. Beresowski (Anna). Contribution a la statis- tique de l'accouchement prematura provoque. 29 pp., 2 tab., 11. 8°. Bausanne, C. Guex, 1903. Bcrest (Alexis) [1875- ]. *Des troubles ner- veux chez les amygdaliens. 55 pp. 8°. Barh, L. Boyer, 1901, No. 283. Berestneff (Nikolai Milchattovich) [1867- 1910]. [Obituary.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1910, lxxiv, pp. i-iii, port.—Patsevich (B.) Nekrolog. Vet. Obozr., Mosk., 1910, xh, 437-139. Berestovisky (Fradya). Contribution a l'etude de quelques nevroses reflexes d'origine nasale (epilepsie, neurasthenie, choree et tic). 82 pp. 8°. Geneve, J. Studer, 1905. Beretervide (Enrique). See Navarro (Juan C), Beretervide (Enrique) & Garra- han (Juan P.) Anatomia patologica [etc.]. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1915. Beretta (Cesar). *De la serotherapie dans les neoplasmes. 154 pp., 2 1. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 533. Beretta (Pietro). Rendiconto sulle cure de' cholerosi fatte nello spedale detto del Papa. xiv, 53 pp. 12°. Genova, G. Ferrando, 1835. Bereza-Bobrowska (Mme.) *Venin de scorpion et serum antiscorpionique; Etudes sur la vitesse de la reaction des antitoxines eur les toxines. 16 pp. 8°. Lausanne, C. Bache, 1914. Bereznegovski (N[ikolaI Ivanovich]) [1875- ]. O peresadkie^ mochetochnikov v kishechnikle. [Transplantation of the ureters into the intes- tines.] 2 p. 1., 264, xxii, 111 pp., 4 diag., 5 pi. 8°. Tomsk, 1908. Bound with: IzvIest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1909, xxxu. ------. K voprosu o fiziologicheskol dieyatelnosti mochetochnikov. [Physiological action of the ureters.] 8 pp., 11., 3 diag. 8°. Tomsk, 1908. Bound with:lzvlE9T. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1909,xxxiv. ------. _ Povrezhdeniya i khirurgicheskiya zabo- lfevaniya selezyonki. [Injuries and surgical dis- eases of the spleen.] 2 p. 1., 61 pp. 8°. S.- Beterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1909. Forms pt. 35 of: Kusskaya Khirurgiya. Bereznegovski (Nfiklai Ivanovich])—continued. ------. Printsipi operativnavo liecheniya kamnei mochevovo puzirya. [Principles of operative treatment of bladder calculi.] 34 pp. 8° Tomsk, Sib. Tvo. Bechatn. Diela, 1909. Bound with: IzvIest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1909, xxxv. ------. O porokakh razvitiya koftechnostei. [De- fective development of the extremities.] 28 pp 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1911. Forms February number of: Klin. Monogr., S.-Peterb.. 1911. ------. Histologicheskaya kartina prizhivleniya mochetochnika, peresazhennavo v kishechnik, i pielonefrit. [Histological picture of the healing- in of the ureter transplanted into the intestines, and pyelonephritis.] 8 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Tomsk, Sibirsk. Tvo. Bechatn. Diela, 1911. Bound with: IzvIest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1911, xliii. ------. Liecheniye vipadeniya pryamoi kishki pri pomoshtshi mishechnoi plastiki. [Muscular plastic treatment of prolapse of the rectum.] 28 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Tomsk, Sibirsk. Tvo. Bechatn. Diela, 1911. Another copy bound with: IzvIest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1911, xlvi. ------. O peresadkie vidielennikh tkanel i or- ganov. [Transplantation of tissues and organs.] 20 pp. 8°. Tomsk, Sibirsk. Tvo. Bechatn. Diela, 1911. Bound with: Izvtest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1911, xliii. Bereznitski (M[arian-Adam] I[b,]) [1862- ]. Liecheniye hipnozom morfinistov, alkoholikov i kurilshtshikov. [Treatment by hypnosis of morphinists, alcoholics, and smokers.] 41 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. L. Bikker, 1906. Berezovski (Sfergiei] Ye[lizarovich]). Liecheniye bugorchatki tuberkulinom Karla Spengler. [Treatment of tuberculosis with Spengler's tu- berculin.] 24 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1908. Forms No. 3 of: Klin. Monog., S.-Peterb., 1908. See, aho, Rakhmanoff (V.) Soviet! o torn [etc.]. 8°. Moskva, 1898. Berg (Albert Ashton) [1872- ]. Surgical diag- nosis. A manual for students and practitioners. 543 pp., 2 pi. 8°. New York dc Bhiladelphia, Bea Bros. & Co., 1905. Berg (Alexander)). Anleitung zur Erkennung der in der Arzneikunde gebrauchlichen phanero- arh, 1908, No. 143. Berger (Franz [Heinrich Hermann]) [1875- ]. *Die Bedeutung der mikroskopischen Blutun- tersuchung bei den Infektionskrankheiten des Pferdes in Bezug auf Diagnose und Prognose. 87 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, B. Kuhn, 1909. Berger (Fritz) [1875- ]. *Ueber die Resultate der Gelenkresectionen bei Arthritis deformans. [Bonn.] 61 pp. 8°. Koln, 1901. Berger (Fritz) [1876- ]. *Ueber Beschafti- gungsneurosen und Beschaftigungsneuritiden. [Jena.] 36 pp. 8°. Blankenhain, M. Schimpers Nachfolger, 1904. Berger (Fritz Emil] [1882- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der mesenterialen Chyluscysten. 30 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Trapp, 1905. Berger (Georges) [1880- J. *Suppuration des fibromesau cours de la puerperalite\ 75 pp. 8°. Barh, 1907, No. 266. Berger (Hans). Zur Lehre von der Blutzirkula- tion in der Schadelhohle des Menschen nament- lich unter dem Einfluss von Medikamenten. Experimentelle Untersuchungen. 3 p. 1., 78 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1901. ------. Ueber die korperlichen Aeusserungen psychischer Zustande. Weitere experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre von der Blutzirkulation in der Schadelhohle des Menchen. 2 p. 1., 184 pp.; vi, 216 pp., 29 pi. [in 4°]. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1904. ------. Thesame. 2. Teil. vi (11.), 216 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1907. ------. Untersuchumgen fiber die Temperatur des Gehirns. 130 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1910. . , ------. Trauma und Psychose, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Unfallbegutachtung. vi (1 1.), 208 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1915. Berger (Heinrich). Das Kind in seinem ersten Lebensjahre. Hygienische Winke fiir junge Mfitter. 69 pp., 11. 16°. Lemberg, 1897. ------. De hygiene in de barbiers- en kappers- winkels. 31 pp. 12°. S.-Gravenhage, 1898. ------. Trockene Fussbekleidung fiir die Kinder in der Schule. 12 pp. 8°. Charlottenburg, B. J. Muller, 1906. Repr.from: Schulzimmer, 1906. ------. Mittel und Wege zur Forderung der Kor- perpflege auf dem Lande. 40 pp. 83. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1910. ------. Die sozial-hygienischen Forderungen der Zeit (Wohlfahrtsamter). 25 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1910. Berger (Heinrich) [1887- ]. *Ueber Prognose und Haufigkeit der Dammrisse. 1 p. 1., 109 pp. 8°. Freiburgi. Br., E. Gross, 1912. Berger (Henri)_ [1885- ]. *Traitement des metrites chroniques invet6rees par le curettage et l'amputation du col. 123 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1912, No. 35. Berger (Henry Irving). An epitome of the diag- nosis and treatment of nervous diseases, includ- ing bromide therapy. 42 pp. 12°. St. Bouh, Beacock Chem. Co., 1910. Berger ([Herman Otto] Walther) [1884- ]. *Das Maltafieber una seine Bedeutung fur Deutschland. 74pp., 11.,6diag. 8°. Gottingen, B. Hofer, 1912. Berger (Hermann) [1881- ]. Callengangs- Carcinom kombiniert mit Tuberkulose. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzcker, 1905. Berger (Hubertus Cornells Leonard Emile). *Vergleichende Untersuchungen fiber den Ba- cillus pyogenes bovis (Kfinnemann) und den Bacillus pyogenes suis (Grips) mit Beziehung derselben zu chronischen Lungenentzfindungen des Rindes. [Bern.] 84 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1907. Berger (J.) Moderne und antike Heizungs- und Ventilationsmethoden. 48 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1870. Forms 112. Hft. of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr., Berl. Berger (Jean) [1883- ]. *La maladie de Volk- mann, myosite retractile des muscles longs flechisseurs des doigts et pronateurs. 200 pp. 8 . Barh, 1912, No. 178. Berger (Joh. Gottlieb). *Die Todesfalle infolge Infektionskrankheiten in den 15 grossern Sta- dten der Schweiz wahrend der Jahre 1892 und 1893 statistisch bearbeitet auf Grund der neuen schweiz. Sterbekarte. 77 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bern, Stdmpfli dc Cie., 1895. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statist., Bern, 1895. Berger (Karl Kurt Hermann) [1876- ]. *Bei- trag zur Frage der Castration und deren Folge- zustande. 49 pp., 11. 8°. Greifswald, H. Ad- ler, 1901. Berger (Karl Wilhelm Heinrich) [1885- ]. *Vergleichende farberische Nachprufungen der von Ziehl-Neelsen, Much und Gasis empfohlenen Farbemethoden fur Tuberkelbacillen und einige Versuche fiber Umfarbungen bereits gefarbter Bacillen. [Giessen.] 36 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher 1910. Berger (M[ikhail] A[leksandrovich]) [1868- ]. *Boliezni glaz i sliepota po dannim pogolovnavo osmotra v Demyanskom uyezdie (Novgorodskol gub). [Diseases of the eyes and blindness according to data of an individual examination in Demyansk County.] 82 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.- Beterburg, M. Y. Minkoff, 1899. Berger (Paul). Ffihrer durch die Privat-Heilan- stalten Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. Mit ausftihrlicher Darstellung der modernenBehandlungsmethoden. 6. Aufl. viii, 183 pp. 16°. Berlin, H Steinitz, 1898-9. ------. Thesame. 7. Aufl. 226pp. 12°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1900. ------. The same. 10. Aufl. 160 pp. 16°. Ber- lin, H. Steinitz, 1906. ------. Thesame. 13. Aufl. 180 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1910. ------. Diat und WTegweiser fiir Nervenkranke. 2. Aufl. 109 pp., 11. 12°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1900. BERGER. 456. BERGEY. Berger (Paul)—continued. ------. Ischias, das Huftweh. Wesen, Entste- hung, Behandlung und Heilung; fiir Aerzte und Laien. 2. Aufl. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1903. ------. Die Hygiene vor den Flitterwochen. 3. Aufl. 96 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1905. ------. Erbliche Krankheiten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Ehe. 3. Aufl. 128 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, [n.d.]. Berger (Paul) [1845-1908]. See Holla (Albert). Atlas manuel des bandages [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1900.—Traite de medecine operatoire [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1902. For Biography, see Bull Acad, de med., Par., 1908, 3. s., lx, 236-238. Aho: Ibid., 1913, 3. s., lxx, 568-584 (P. Reclus). Also: Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s.. xxxiv, 1067-1069 (Nelaton). Aho: Ibid., 1910, n. s., xxxvi, 95-108 (E. Rochard). Aho: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1910, lxxxiii, 129- 134 (E. Rochard). Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1334. Aho: Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, annexe, 713. Aho: Ibid., 1913, xxi (suppl.), 1485-1492. (P. Reclus). Aho: Rev. de chir., Par., 1908, xxxvih, 551-555 (G. Marion). ------ & Banzet (S.) Chirurgie orthopedique. 624 pp. roy. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1904. Berger (Paul) [1872- ]. *Du traitement chirurgical du prognathisme. 52 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 134. Berger (R.) Gesundes Blut und starke Nerven die Grundlage zur Erlangung und Erhaltung dauernder Gesundheit bis ins hochste Alter. 27 pp. 12°. Dresden, Sommer, 1905. Berger (Vincenz) [1886- J. *Zur Mechanik der Aneurysmabildung bei der congenitalen Isthmusstenose der Aorta. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 8°. Bonn, H. Trapp, 1913. Berger (V[ulf] M[oiseyevich]) [1871- ]. *0 funktsii slyunnikh zhelyoz u dietei grudnovo vozrasta. [Function of the salivary glands in nurslings.] 1 p. 1., 82 pp., 2 1., 9 pi. 8°. S.- Beterburg, B. M. Vulf, 1900. Berger (Walter). *Ueber Antisepsis und Asepsis bei Bulbus-Operationen, [etc.]. 22 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1896. Berger (Walther) [1884- ]. *Das Maltafieber und seme Bedeutung ffir Deutschland. 1 p. 1., 74 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Gottingen, L. Hofer, 1912. de Bergerac (Cyrano). Cumston (C. G.) Cyrano de Bergerac's opinion of the medical profession. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1912, xxiii, 186-189. Aho, Reprint. Bergeret (Andre) [1884- ]. *Les fractures vertico-transversales des condyles femoraux. 44 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1915, No. 27. Bergeret (Gustave) [1872- 1. *Des fractures de l'astragale sans plaie ni deplacement. 79 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Lyon, 1898, No. 105. Bergeret (Louis-Francois-Etienne) [1814- ]. Dee fraudes dans l'accomplissement des fonc- tions generatrices; causes, dangers et inconve- nients pour les individus, la famille et la societe; remedes. 12. ed. 228 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1884. ------. The same. Le frodi nell' esercizio delle funzioni generatrici. 9. ed. ital., eseguita sulla 6. francese. 46 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Boma, 1897. Bergeret (Pierre) [1883- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'aspirine (ether acetique de l'acide salicylique). [Lyon.] 62 pp. 8°. Valence, 1907, No. 12. Bergerhoff (Paul) [1887- ]. *Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Salvarsan auf Wachstum und Blut- bildung bei Tieren. [Bonn.] 1 p. l.,23pp. 8°. Elberfeld, A. Fastenrgth, 1912. Bergeron (Andr£). *Etude critique sur la pre- sence du bacille de Koch dans le sang. 97 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 223. Bergeron (Etienne-Jules) [1817-1900]. Duche (E.) Notes biographiques. Bull. Soc. med. de del'Y0nne 1901,Auxerre, 1902,xiii, 14-21.—Obituary. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1900, h, 1823.—Rendu. [Biography.] Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 1266- 1269— Vallln (E.) [Biography.] Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1900, xxh, 1057-1059. Bergeron (Fernand-Eugene-C.-J.) *De I'esprit d'observation en medecine. 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897; No. 49. Bergeron (Henri). See Medecine legale et jurisprudence medicale, [etc.] [in 2. S.]. 8°. Parh, 1894-1904. Bergeron (Paul) [1883- ]. Contribution a l'etude des rapports de l'epilepsie avec le trau- matisme. 83 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 174. Berges (Eugene). *La surveillance sanitaire de l'industrie du lait en France et a l'etranger. 90 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 760. Berges (Gerald) [1880- ]. *Le syndrome "im- mobility" dans les tumeurs cerebrales chez le cheval; une observation en pathologie humaine. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 108. Berges (Jean-Joseph) [1888- ]. *Des pro- prietes diuretiques du gui et en particulier du guid'Aubepine. 87 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1913, No. 50. Berges [Paul]. *Les troubles psychiques dans l'epilepsie. 91 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1910, No. 877. Bergesio (Libero). Sul trattamento chirurgieo delle annessiti suppurate. 45 pp. 8°. Torino, G. B. Baravia dc Co., 1897. —;—. Essudati e raccolte pelviche ginecolo- giche, considerazioni e statistiche sul trattamento chirurgieo. 12 pp. 8°. Cagliari-Sassari, G. Dessi, 1898. Berget (A.) Le radium et les nouvelles radiations. Nouvelle 6d. vi, 174 pp., 2 port. 12°. Barh, Librairie univ.,, 1907. Bergevin (C.) Etude sur les laits de la Beauce et du Perche (arrondissement de Chateaudun). 72 pp. 8°. Baris, 1913, No. 6. Ecole de pharmacie. Bergey (David Hendricks) [1860- ]. Methods for the determination of organic matter in air. 28 pp. 8°. Washing ton, 1896. Forms part of v. 39 of: Smithson. Misc. Collect., Wash., 1896. ---;—. An investigation on the influence upon vital resistance of animals to the microorgan- isms of disease brought about by prolonged sojourn in an impure atmosphere. 10 pp. 8°. Washington, 1898. Forms part of v. 39 of: Smithson. Misc. Collect., Wash., 1898. ------. Handbook of practical hvgiene. 1 p. 1., 164 pp. 8°. Easton, Ba., Chemical Bubl. Co., 1899. ------. The principles of hygiene; a practical manual for students, physicians and health officers. 495 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders dc Co., 1901. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. 536pp. 8°. Bhiladel- phia, W. B. Saunders dc Co., 1904. ------. The same. 3. ed. 555 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1909. ------. Thesame. 4. ed. 1 p. 1., 7-529 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1912. ------. Thesame. 5. ed. 1 p. 1., 7-531 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1914. ------. Thesame. 6. ed. 1 p. 1., 7-543 pp. s°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1918. ------■. Source and nature of bacteria in milk. ■10 pp. 8°. Harrhburg, W. S. Bay, 1904. Forms Bull. 125 of: Pennsylvania. Dep't. Agric. BERGFELD. 457 von BERGMANN. Bergfeld (L.) Zerreiss die Binde vor deinen Augen, liebe Schwester! Ein offener Brief an jedes erwachsene junge Madchen. 104 pp. 12°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, [1907]. Bergfeldt (Alfred) [1869T ]. Chordascheiden und Hypochorda bei Alytes obstetricans. [Marburg.] 50 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1896. Repr.from: Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1896, vu. von Bergfried (Max). Die Kur aller Kuren. Kurzes Lehrstuck der neuesten Diiitkur. 38 pp. 8°. Lbrrach, A. Winther dc Co., [1907]. Berggren (Gustaf Ferdinand) [1826-97]. [Biography.) Eira, Stockholm, 1897, xxi, 374-377. von den Bergh (Albert Abraham Hijmans). Het denken in pathologie en kliniek. Rede. 40 pp. roy. 8°. Groningen, J.B. Walters, 1912. Bergh (Gustav Fr.) Kort handledning i titrer- analys. [Short guide to titration analysis.] 57 pp. 8°. Stockholm, 1907. See, aho, Kommentar till svenska farmakopen [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Stockholm, [1902]. van den Bergh (Joh.) *De hsemorrhagia. 15 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1704. [P., v. 2244.] Bergh ([Ludvig] Rudolph [Sophus])[lS24:- 1909]. Pontoppldan (E.) [Biography.) Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1909, lxxi, 690.—Rasch (C.) [Biography.) Hosp. Tid., K0benh., 1909, 5. R., ii, 806-808. van den Bergh (S[ophusJ) jr. De verplichte toevoeging van sesam-olie bij de margarine. Een waarschuwend woord. 22 pp. 8°. Botter- dam, W. L. Brusse, 1904. Berghahn (Wilhelm Heinrich, Otto Ernst) [1885- ]. ^Melancholia senilis. 55 pp. 8°. Kiel, C. Donath, 1911. Berghaus (Wilhelm Hermann) [1873- 1. *Ueber Gesichts- und Stirnlagen. 36 pp., 2 I. 8°. Berlin, G. Vogt, 1896. C. Berghausen (Georg Hubert Wilhelm Bartholo- maus) [1881- ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der Wirbelsaule-Verletzungen. 33 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Trapp, 1909. Bergheimer (Lehmann) [1876- ]. *Ueber Schussverletzungen des Halsteils des Oesopha- gus. 40 pp., 11. 8°. Strassburg i. K, C. dc J. Goeller, 1903. Berghinz (Guido). Ospedale civile di Udine. II reparto medico pediatrico nei suo primo biennio 1898-9. 94 pp. 8°. Udine, frat. Tossolini dc G. Jacob, 1900. ------. La medicina infantile a Udine; resoconto statistico del ii° biennio 1900-1901. 71 pp. 8°. Udine, Tosolini dc G. Jacob, 1902. See, aho, Pennato (Papinio) & Berghinz (Guido) [in 1. s.J. Le cerebropatie [etc.]. 8°. Udine, 1899. Berghoff (Anton) [1873- ]. *Ein Fall von Hepatitis interstitialis luetica. 14 pp. 8°. Khl, H. Fiencke, 1901. Berghoff (Edmund Wilhelm) [1871- ]. *Bei- trag zur Behandlung des Scheiden- und Ge- barmuttervorfalls. 32 pp., 1 tab., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Bergholz (Robert) [1880- ]. Chloriemng von Salicylaldehyd. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i Br., H. Jaeger, 1904. Bergin (Ewsey) [1887- ]. *Ein Fall von Atresia hymenalis. 1 p. 1., 23 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Munchen, H. Boeder, 1913. Bergin (Georg Frederick) [1865-1909]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1865. Bergis (Ren6) [1890- ]. _ Contribution a l'etude des alterations chroniques de la pros- tate derriere les vieux r^treeissements. [Lyon.] 98 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1913, No. 69. Bergius (Petrus Jonas) [1730-90]. Materia medica e regno vegetabili, sistens simplicia ofticinalia, pariter atque culinaria, [etc.]. 2. ed. 2 v., paged consecutively, xiv, 972 pp. 8°. Stock- holmix, F. Hesselberg, 1782. Bergleiter (Wilhelm) [1878- ]. *Ueber trau- matische Pleuritis. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1904. Berglund (Victor). Studier ofver ansiktsprofilens forhallande till kranieprofilen. 1 p. 1., 79 pp. roy. 8°. Lund, C. W. K. Glerup, [1914]. Bergman (K[arl] Yu[lyevich]) [1874- # ]. *0 vliyanii mishyaka i zhelieza na morfologicheskiy sostav krovi i kolichestvo hemoglobina u zhivot- nikh poslie krovopuskaniy; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovaniy. [Influence of arsenic and iron on the morphological composition of the blood and the quantity of haemoglobin in animals after bloodletting; experimental investigation.] 93 pp., 3 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Mme. N. Y. Soilkina, 1904. Bergman (Vfiktor] G[ustavovich]) [1880- ]. Nailuchshiy sposob obezzarazhivaniya ruk khi- rurga. [Best method of disinfecting the sur- geon's hands.] 66 pp. 8°. [Kiyev, 1903.] Bound with: Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1903, xliii. von Bergmann (Adolf). Die Lepra, xxii, 112 pp., 7 pi.,61. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1897. Deutsche Chirurgie, Lfg. 10b. Bergmann (August) [1886- ^ ]. *Abgekapseltes Angiom der Orbita (Operation nach Kronlein). 1 p. 1., 39 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1913. Bergmann (D.) Der Korperbau des normalen Weibes mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Graviditat-Stadiums. 17 pp., 1 1., 1 superim- posed pi. 8°. Berlin, W. Beuter, [n. d.]. Bergmann (Emmy) [1887- ]. *Ueber Psoria- sis und Gelenkerkrankungen. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1913. von Bergmann (Ernst) [1836-1907]. Die chirur- gische Behandlung der Hirngeschwtilste. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1897, No. 200 (Chir., No. 57, 893-924). ------. Die chirurgische Behandlung von Hirn- krankheiten. 3. Aufl. viii, 606 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1899. ------. Das Berliner Rettungs-Wesen. 2. Aufl. 47 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1900. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 47 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1900. ------. Die Behandlung der acut-progredienten Phlegmone. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1901. ------. Die Verletzungen und Erkrankungen der Weichtheile und der Knochen des Schiidels. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.]. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903, i, 1-153. ------. Die Gehirnerschutterung. Commotio cerebri. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.]. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903, i, 165-180. ------. Die Epilepsie nach Kopfverletzungen und die chirurgische Behandlung der Epilepsie. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.]. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903, i, 315-323. ------. Geisteskrankheiten nach Kopfverletzun- gen und die chirurgische Behandlung von Geisteskrankheiten. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . .. Bergmann [et al.]. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903, i, 323-329. —;----. Die chirurgische Behandlung von Hirn- geschwfilsten. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.]. 2. Aufl. 8J. Stuttgart, 1903, i, 329-336. See, aho, Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie. v. 81. Fest schrift ... 8°. Berlin, 1906.—Deutsche Zeitschriff fiir Chirurgie. Bd. 85. Festschrift ... 8°. Leipzig, von BERGMANN. von Bergmann (Ernst)—continued. 1906.—Entwicklung und Fortschritte fete.]. 8°. Jena, 1909.—Erste arztliche Hiilfe [etc ]. 8*. Berlin, 1905.— Handbuch der praktischen Chirurgie, fete] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1899-1902— Illness of the Emperor Frederick III [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1888.—Korner (O.) Die otitischen Erkrankungen des Hirns [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1902 — Lexer (Erich). Lehrbuch der allgemeinen [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1908.—Martin (August Eduard). Diagnostik der Bauchgeschwulste[etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903.— System (A) of practical surgery, [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. New York & Philadelphia, 1904.—Veroffentlichungen aus dem Gebiete des Militar-Sanitatswesens. Heft 35. Beitrage zur Chirurgie und Kriegschirurgie. Festschrift... 8°. Berlin, 1906.—Zeitschrift fiir orthopadische Chirurgie. Bd. 17. Festschrift ... 8°. Stuttgart, 1906. For Biography, see Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv 737- 742 (M. Borchardt). Aho: Boston M. & S. J 1907, clvi, 407. Aho: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 844. Aho: Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1897, i, 9. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 2039 (H. Fischer). Aho: Deut- sche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xxxv, 661-663 (A. Koeh- ler). Aho: Ibid., 1907, xxxvi, 241-244. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1125, port. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 982-985, port. Also: Med. Woche. Halle a. S., 1907, viu, 147. Aho: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 837- 839 (O. von Angerer). Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 608. Aho: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 262 (P. Steiner). Aho: Soziale Med., Berl., 1906, xiv, 613. ------. See, also: Btjchholtz (A.) Ernst von Bergmann; mit Bergmann's Kriegsbriefen von 1866, 1870-71 und 1877. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig,1911. Excellenz wirkl. Geh.-Rat Professor Dr. Ernst von Bergmann und seine Assistenten in der konigl. Klinik. Vor [und] nach der Opera- tion. 2 pi. obi. 4°. Berlin, [1906]. Cutting from: Berliner Leben, 1906, ix, 7. Hft. Alexander (S.) Ernst von Bergmann als Standesgenosse. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, hi, 715-717.—Bertels (A.) Ernst von Bergmanns Arbeiten uber Fettembolie. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1914, xxxix, 31-33.—Ernst von Bergmann (Das) Denkmal in Dorpat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 2101.—Henlus (L.) Ernst von Bergmann als Forderer der arztlichen Standesin- teressen. Ibid., 1906, xxxu, 2041—Heubner (O.) Vom Bankett zur 70jahrigen Geburtstagsfeier. Fest-Trink- spruch. Med. Khn., Berl., 1907, hi, 20—Kutner (R.) Ernst von Bergmann und das arztliche Fortbildungswesen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, hi, 709-712.—Meyer (G.) Ernst von Bergmann und das Rettungswesen. Ibid., 712-715.-----. Ernst von Bergmann's letzter Abschied von Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 407.— Schlange (H. ) Bericht iiber die Krankheit Ernst von Bergmanns. [ Stenosis flexurae lienalis coli adhsesiva. Necrosis pancrcatis. Peritonitis diffusa purulenta.) Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Wien & Leipz., 1907, xxxhi, 599.— Stromeyer. Die Enthiillung des Ernst von Bergmann- Denkmals in Dorpat. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 1746, ------ & Bochs (Hugo). Anleitende Vorle- sungen fiir den Operations-Cursus an der Leiche. 1. Theil. 4. Aufl. xvi, 252 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1901. ------------. Thesame. 2. Theil. 206pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1903. Bergmann (Eugen). *Ueber die Bildung von Cyan aus Ammoniak. [Bern.] 38 pp. 8°. Munchen, R. Oldenbourg, 1895. Bergmann (F.) Ketne geschlechtliche Neuras- thenie mehr! Die Heilung der sexuellen Nervenschwache. 110 pp. 8°. Leipzig, M. Wendel, [1907?]. von Bergmann (Franz Gustav Richard August) [1878- ]. *Die Ueberftihrung von Cyst in in Taurin im tierischen Organismus. [Strass- burg.] 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Sohn, 1903. Bergmann (H.) *Ueber veraltete traumatische Huftgelenks-Luxationen. 32 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, Kohl dc Hecker, 1894. Bergmann [Ignatz]. Aerztlicher Ratgeber fiir Schonheitspflege. Ein Lehrbuch fiir Manner und Frauen zur Hebung und Erhaltung ihrer Gesichts- und Korperschonheit. 79 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Simons, [1898?]. BERGMEISTER. Bergmann [Ignatz]—continued. ------. Aerztlicher Ratgeber ftir Schonheits- pflege einschliesslich Nagelpflege (Manicure \ 3. Aufl. 131 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Simons, [1900, vel subseq.]. ------. Die willkurliche Zeugung von Knaben oder Madchen. Die Losung des Problems, vi, 41 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Ernst'sche Verlagsbuchh., [1900]. Bergmann (Joseph). *Ueber die Grosse des Herzens bei Menschen und Tieren. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, 1884. Bergmann (Joseph) [1880- ]. *Die operative Behandlung des durch chronische Blepharitis entstandenen Ektropiums. [Freiburg i. Br.] 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, M. IAedes, 1906. Bergmann (Julius). *Ueber den Verlauf von Masern welche wahrend einer Scharlacherkran- kung auftraten. 37 pp. 8°. Zurich, F. Am- berger, 1913. Bergmann (Max) [1874- ]. *Zur Pathologie perforierender Hornhautgeschwtilste und den Veranderungen im vorderen Bulbusabschnitte bei Sekundarglaukom. 26 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Marburg, H. Bauer, 1899. Bergmann (Max). *Ueber einen Fall von traumatischer erouposer Pneumonic 53 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Lossen, 1900. Bergmann (Ottmar) [1878- J *Ueber Com- bination von Blatternschutzimpfung, Masern und multipler embolischer Gangran der Haut und Schleimhaute zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage der generalisirten Vaccine. [AVurzburg.] 14 pp., 11. 8°. Stuttgart, Union Deutsche Ver- lagsgeseUsch., 1904. Bergmann (Paul). Syphilis-Heilung durch ein neues Verfahren ohne Schmierkur und ohne Einspritzung. 3. Aufl. 100 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Leipzig, Schweizer dc Co., 1911. ------. Die Heilung von Gicht und Rheumatismus; ein neues Verfahren. 3. Aufl. 73 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Leipzig, Schweizer dc Co., [1912J. Bergmann [Wilhelm). Hypnose und Willens- freiheit im Lichte der neueren Forschung; eine kritische Studie. 28 pp. 8°. Hamm, Westf., Breer dc Thiemann, 1912. Bergmann (Wilhelm Otto Joseph) [1862- ]. Selbstbefreiung aus nervosen Leiden. 3.-5. Tausend. xii, 295 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Herdersche Verlagshandlung, 1911. Bergmann (Wolfgang Heinrich) [1875- ]. *Ueber die Ausscheidung von Phosphorsaure beim Fleisch- und beim Pflanzenfresser. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Marburg, J. Hamel, 1901. Bergmann-Kasperowicz (Marie). Contribu- tion a l'etude de la psychose de Korsakow. Apercu clinique et recherches sur la memoire. 48 pp. 8°. Gencre, C. Zoellner, 1907. von Bergmann-Bosoff (Mme. Olga) [1881- 1. *Les reactions cutanees diathesiques chez le nourrisson. 94 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 357. Bergmans (E. J.) Bouwhygiene; proeve van eene toepassing van de algemeene regelen der gezondheidsleer bij het bouwen in koude, gematigde en tropische klimaten. 117 pp. 8°. Delft, J. Waltman, jr., 1909. Bergmark (Gustaf). *Bidrag till de cerebrala forlamningarnas symptomatologi. [Contribu- tion to the symptomology of cerebral paralysis.] vi, 205 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Uppsala, Almqvht dc Wicksell, 1908. Bergmeister (Otto) [1845- ]. Die Intoxika- tionsamblyopien. In: Wien. Klinik, 1886, xh, 53-74. BERGMULLER. 459 BERI-BERI. Bergmiiller (Johann Georg). Anthropometria, sive statura hominis a nativitate ad consumma- tum setatis incrementum ad dimensionum et proportionum regulas discrirninata. Oder: Sta- tus des Menschen, von der Geburt an, nach seinem Wachsthum und verschiedenen Alter, [etc.]. 2 1., 14 pi. fol. Augspurg J. J. Lotter, 1723. Bergner (A.) Die von dem menschlichen Korper ausstromende Kraft. 31 pp. 8°. Whmar, 1898. Bergner (Ernst Felix) [1875- ]. *Ueber Sar- comatose im Kindesalter. 54 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1903. Bergner (Friedrich) [1880- ]. *Ein Fall von Chylothorax traumaticus. 27 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B: Georgi, 1907. Bergoend (Etienne) [1878-^ ]. Contribution a l'etude des atrophodermies circonscrites. 70 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 78. Bergoni6 (J[ean-Alban]) [1857- ]. Cours de physiologie biologique, annee 1896-7. Lecons de mecanique animale. 170 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Barh, Soc. d'edit. scient., [1897, vel subseg.]. See, aho. Ztmmern (Adolphe) [in 2. s.]. Elements d'electrotherapie[etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1906. Aho, Editor of: Archives d'electricite' medicale, expe- rimentale et clinique, Bordeaux, 1893-1917. Bergonier (Georges-Jean) [1878- ]. *Des erreurs attribuees a la radiographic des fractures. 64 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 116. Bergonier (Jean). Contribution a l'etude de la loi sanitaire du 15 fevrier 1902. 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 177. BergonzoU (Gaspare1). La cloralmide come ipnotico nelle malattie mentali. Ricerche. 17 pp. 8°. Voghera, Busconi dc Co., 1891. ------. Dell' uso dell' argento colloidale elettrico nelle malattie mentali. 9 pp. 8°. Voghera, G. Luigi, 1911. Bergouignan (Paul). *Le traitement renal des cardiopathies arterielles. 212 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 322. ---:—. The same, viii, 212 pp. 8°. Barh, J. Bousset, 1902. ------. The hydro-mineral cure of Evian; natural mineral waters of Evian (France, Haute-Savoie), physiological action, therapeutic indications. 1 p. 1., 39 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Barh, J. Rousset, 1903. ------. Quelques considerations sur les cures de diurese. 16 pp. 8°. Barh, J. Bousset, 1906. See, aho, Huchard (H[enri]) & Bergouignan (Paul). Sphygmomanometrie[etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1908. Bergqwist (Joh. O. A.) Larbok i vattenlake- konsten jamte nagra ord om luft- och solbad. [Handbook of hydrotheraphy, with remarks on air and sun baths.] 196 pp. 8°. Stockholm, B.A. Norstedt dc Soners, [1905]. ------. Halsoregler och rad for skolgossar och skolflickor. [Health rules for school boys and school girls.] 16 pp. 12°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, [1905]. ------. Hum skola vi starka och harda oss sjalfva? [How shall we strengthen and harden ourselves.] 67 pp. 8°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, 1905. —----. Hum skola vi harda vara barn? [How Bhall we harden our children?] 31 pp. 12°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, 1905. ------. Nagra rad for brunnen- och badgaster. [Advice to visitors of health resorts.] 19 pp. 12°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, 1905. ------. Nagra regler och rad for foraldrar och uppfostrare i fraga om skolgossars och _ skol- fhckors halsovard. [Some rules and advice to parents and teachers concerning school boys and school girls.] 28 pp. 12°. Stockholm, H. W. Tullberg, 1905. Bergqwist (Joh. O. A.)—continued. ------. Kompendium i nervsjukdomarna. [Com- pend on nervous diseases.] 1 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Stockholm, B. A. Norstedt dc Soner, 1906. Bergschneider (Hermann) [1868- ]. *Ueber Armvorfall bei Schadellage. 24 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, A. Edelmann, 1895. Bergsma (Eiso). *Het bloedsuikergehalte en de suikerstofwisseling tijdens de zwangerschap, de baring en het kraambed. xi, 103 pp. 4°. Leiden, S. C. van Boesburgh, 1912. Bergstedt (Karl Anders) [1841-1915]. Gronholm (V.) (Obituary.) Finskalak.-sallsk.handl., Helsingfors, 1916, lviii, 162-167, port.—S. (O.) Nekrolog. Tidsskr. f. a. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1916, xxxvi, 336. Bergstraesser (Max) [1877- ]. *Ein Fall von Carcinom des Pankreas. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Miin- chen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1903. Bergs tr and (A.) Tuberkulosen hos notkreatur och densammas bekampande. [Tuberculosis in cattle and how to fight it.] 2. ed. 119 pp. 12°. Stockholm, F. dc G. Beijers, [1894]. ------. Grunddragen af den interna terapien efter tyska och skandinaviska klinikforestan- dare for praktiserande lakare och studerande. [Outlines of internal therapeutics according to German and Scandinavian clinical authorities, for practicing physicians and students.] viii, 185 pp. 12°. Stockholm, Nordin dc Josephson, [1899]. ------. Kliniskt vademecum for veterinarer. En minneshjalp vid den praktiska tjanstgoringen. [Clinical vademecum for veterinarians. A help to the memory in practical service.] 3. uppl. viii, 215 pp. 12°. Linkoping, Forfatteren, 1902. ------. Konssjukdomar inom aktenskapet och behofvet af rattsskydd. [Sexual diseases during the married state, and necessity for legal pro- tection against them.] 44 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Halsovannen, 1905. Bergstrom (K. A.) Massage- Kuren. Hum sjukdomar upptackas, behandlas och fordrifvas darmed. [Massage; prevention, treatment, and cure of diseases.] 196 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Stock- holm, G. Chelius, 1900. Bergugnat (L.) [1875- ]. *La guerison de la coxalgie. Resultat que l'on peut obtenir par le traitement dans les diverses periodes de la maladie (periode du debut; deviations; abces). 95 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 536. Bergwall (J. E.) [1836- ]. Om pesten och des bekampande. [On the plague and its sub- jugation.] 66pp., lpl. 12°. Stockholm, Ekman dc Co., [1901]. ------. Egna hemmets hygien. Rad och anvis- ningar for sundhetsvard af stuga och tomt. [The hygiene of the home. Advice and instructions in the sanitary care of rooms and surroundings.] 46 pp., 1 1. 12°. Stockholm, B. A. Norstedt dc Soner, 1904. Beri-beri. See, also, Deficiency diseases; Neuritis (Mul- tiple); Vitamines. Dammann. Notice sur le beriberi. 8°. Bans, 1863. Repr.from: Association medicale. Dangerfield (H.-V.) Le beriberi; definition, 6tymologie historique, baeteriologie, symptoma- tologie, pathogenie, pathologie experimentale, traitement. 8 . Baris, 1905. van Dieren (E.) Begripsverwarring of erger? Een antwoord op Prof. C. Eykman's artikelen over Beri-beri en voeding. 8°. Amsterdam. 1898. BERI-BERI. 460 BERI-BERI. Beri-beri. Grimm (F.) Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Beri-Beri. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Hebrard [et al.]. Intoxications et empoison- nements; beriberi, roy. 8°. Barh, 1911. Jeanselme (E.) Le berib6ri. 12°. Baris, [1907]. Laoh. lets over de aetiologie, prophylaxis en therapie der beri-beri. Bijdrage tot de kennis derinfectie-ziekten. 8°. Batavia, 1903. Mariteau (E.) Contribution a l'etude du beriberi. 4°. Toulouse, 1891. Miura (K.) Beri-Beri. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, 1913. Plehn (A.) Ueber Beri-Beri und ibre Be- deutung fiir wirtschaftliche und kriegerische Unternehmungen in den warmen Landern. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Roges (A.) Contribution a l'etude du beri- beri. 4°. Toulouse, 1895. Vedder (E. B.) Beriberi. (The Cartwright prize.) 8°. New York, 1913. Wright (H.) On the classification and path- ology of beri-beri. 8°. London, 1903. A. (J. W.) Beriberi. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv. 1904-5, Wash., 1906, 280 — Abdou (N. T.) Descrip- tive picture of beriberi. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1298.—Alberts (J. E.) Nieuwe onderzoekingen over beri- beri. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1909, lxiii, 311; 319—van Andel (P.) Ueber Beriberi; Gesichtspunkte zur Erklarung mancher epidemiologisch schwer zu deutenden Erschei- nungen. Arch. f. Senilis-u.Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1909,xiii,83- 86.—Aoyama(T.) Ueber Kakke. [Japanesetext.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1898, xh, 416; 445; 517— Awoya- ma (I.) [On kakke.) Tokyo iji-Shinshi, 1898, 1089; 2038; 2128; 2171.—Bailey (J. W.) Beri-beri, a clinical study. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1903, i, 75-83.—Braddon (W. L.) Beri-beri, its cause, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, path- ology and prevention. Tr. Bombay M. Cong., Bombay, 1909, 266-273.-----. Beri-beri. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1911, xiv, 153.—Brault (J.) Le beriberi. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xxxii, 149-151—Bullmore (C.) Beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 873-875.—Cajazeira (J. A.) Polinevrite palustre e beri-beri. Arch, brash, de med., Rio de Jan., 1915, v, 252-265—Campbell (C. C.) Notes on beri-beri. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1901-2, xxxv, 543-546.—Carpenter (P. T.) Observations on the aetiology, differential diagnosis, and treatment of beri-beri. J. Trop. M., Lond.. 1899-1900, ii, 12-15.—Caspari (W.)& Mosz- kowski (M.) Weiteres zur Beriberifrage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1913, 1, 1515-1519. [Discussion], 1415. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1913), 1914, xliv, pt. 2, 248-261. [Discussion], pt. 1, 165-169.—Chamberlain (W. P.), Vedder (E. B-) & Barber (J. R.) Beri-beri. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1912, xxx, 312-314—Cohen (II. M) Beriberi as met with in the Philippines. Marvland M. J , Bait., 1905, xlviii, 477-487. Aho, Reprint.—Curnow (J.) A clinical lecture on beri-beri. Clin. J., Lond.. 1899-1900, xv, 183-187.—Daubler (K.) Die Beri-Berikrankheit. Arch.f.path.Anat.[etcl,Berl, 1898,clii,218-210—Dicken- son (G. O. M.) A personal experience of beri-beri. J. Rov. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 323-325.—Doyle (S. B ) Beri- beri. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xevii, 828. Also Reprint. -----. Benocri. N. York M. J. [etcl, 1916, cih, 6WW688. Aho, Reprint.—Eijkman (C.) Beriberi. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med., Lond., 1913, Sect, xxi, Trop. Med. & llvir , 25-40. [Discussion], pt. 2, 115-120.—Elliott (('. CA Notes on beri-beri. South African M. J., Cape Town, ls9tV7, iv, 110-113.—Erlchsen (S.) [Researches on beriberi.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Laigefor., Kristiania, 1899, xix, 555-571— Find- lay (G. M.) Beriberi. Practitioner, Lond., 1917. xcviii, 69-78—Fischer (G.) & Boddaert (A.) Note sur le beriberi. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1901, lxxx, 203-219, 2 pi — Fraser (H.) & Stanton (A. T.) The etiology, prevention and cure of beriberi. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1912, Wash., 1913, v, pt. 2, 637-670—Freire (L.) Sobre o beriberi. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1916, xxx, 9-11.— (Jorosaku Shibayama. Some observations concerning beriberi. Philippine J. Sp. [B ]. Manila, 1910, v, 123. [Dis- cussion], 137-144— Grimm (1<) Ueber Beriberi. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Wien, 1898, xxiv, 460-462.— Henggeler (O.) Ueber Beriberi und indischeSpruw. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte Basel, 1905, xxxv, 328-331 .—Herzog (M.) Studies in berineri. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1906, i, 709-764, 12 pi. ■-----. Beriberi (kakke). In: Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1907. iii, 29-11.—Hodges (A. D. P.) Memoranda, concerning the nature of bihimbo. J. Trop. M. [etc], Lond., 1907, x, 22.—Hoist (A.) Om beri- beri. Norsk Mag. f. LfPgevidensk., Kristiania, 1907, 5. R., v, 1430-1436. -----. Om beri-beri. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Beri-beri. Laegefor., Kristiania, 1910, xxx. 623; 678.—Ifilgo (S.) Estu- dio clinico y teorico del beri-beri. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1911. lvi, 102; 141; 197—Insabato (E.) II beri-beri. Chn. med. ital., Milano, 1902, xii, 459-473.— Jeanselme. Beri- beri. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1910, iii, 8-13 — Kasei (K.) Ueber das Wesen der Kakke-(Beri-Beri-) Krankheit. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1907, xvu, 433.— Kermorgant (A.) Considerations sur le beriberi. Cadu- cee, Par., 1902, ii, 127-129.—Kustermann (K.) Unter- suchungen iiber Beri-Beri. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskranken- anst. 1895-6, Hamb. & Leipz., 1897, v, pt. 2, 298-304. Aho: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1897, i, 298-304 — Kunert. Ueber Beri-Beri. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1905, lxxiv, 667 669. Also: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1905, Brest, 1906, 167-174.—Lebredo (M. C.) Contribution to the studv of beriberi. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., Columbus. Ohio, 1911, i, 924-926.—Le Dantec (A.) Beri-beri. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1908, vi, 356; 388.— Little (J. M.) Beriberi. J. Am. Med. Ass., Chicago* 1914, lxiii, 1287-1290.—Loverlng (P. A.) Beriberi. Medicine, Detroit, 1906, xii, 435-443.—McCool (J. L.) Beriberi. Am. Med., Phila., 1905,x,359-362—McWalter(7.C.) Relapsing beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1916, i, 201.—Manson (P.) Beriberi. Svst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, ii, 439-463. —----. Beriberi (kakke, barbiers). In hh: Trop. Dis., 12°, Lond., 1903, 303 330.—Manson (P.) & Daniels (C. W.) Beri-beri. In: Svst. Med. (Allbutt), 8°, Lond., 1907, ii, pt. 2,615-643.—Marchoux (E.) Le beriberi. Bull Soc. path, exot., Par., 1910, iii, 116-118.—Mathls (L.) Con- tribution a l'etude du beriberi; considerations sur la tuber- culose parmi la population indigene du Tonkin. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon.. Par., 1914, xvii, 483-500.—Maurer (G.) Das Wesen der Beriberi und der indischen Spruw. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 473-47".— Miura (K) Beriberi oder Kakke. Ergebn. d. inn. Med. u. Kinderh., Berl., 1909, iv, 280-318.-----. On a few points relating to kakke. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1912, xxxi, No. 3.—Mosz- kowskl (M.) Zur Beriberifrage. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz, 1913, xxxix, 1479— Mulvany (J.) The influence of beri-beri on the bodv weight. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1917, lh, 98, 1 ch —Xocht (B.) Beriberi. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med., Lond., 1913, Sect, xxi, Trop. Med. & Hyg., 41 44. [Discussion], pt. 2, 115-120.—Okada & Oku. [Beriberi.] Tokvo lji-Shinshi, Tokyo, 1905, 1794- 1X10.—Oku (W.) [Beriberi.) Chiugai Jji Shinpo, Tokio, 1905, xxvi, 1445; 1535; 1607: 1906. xxvii, 227.—Olu. [Re- searches on beri-berij Hokkai iho, Tokvo, 1906, viu, 133- 136— Prtmet (E.) Rapport sur le beriberi, fait au nom d'une commission composee de MM. Breaudat, Le Dantec, [et al.]. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 575-604.— Regnault. Beriberi ou polyneVrite paludeenne. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 5-13.— Rodriguez (F.) Beri-beri. Conf. Soc. sud-am. de hyg. [etcl, Buenos Aires, 1917, i, 91-115.—Ross (R.) Arsenic in the hair of beri-beri patients from Penang. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 329: ii, 329— Sambon (L. W.) Beri- beri. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1902, v, 331-333.—Sandwith (F. M.) A lecture on beri-beri. Clin. J.. Lond., 1907-8, xxxi, 71-7(i —Saneyoshl. Sur le kakke (beriberi). Cong. internat. de med. C. r , Par., 1900, sect, de med. nav.. 72- 79.—Schaumann (H.) Neuere Ergebnisse der Beriberi- forschung. Arch. f. SehifTs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1915, xix, 393; 425.— Schtlfliier. Ueber Beriberi. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 386.—Shi- mazono(J) Ueber Beriberi. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 268.—Shlshito (S.) [On kakke and its mode of affecting the system.) Tokyo lii-ShinshL_1900, 1209; 1258; 1424; 1591; 1630; 1670—Simon (M. F.) The known and the unknown in respect of beriberi. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1899-1900, ii, 29-31.-Sur le beriberi. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1918, lxxxix, 571 577.—Sutherland (W. H.) Beri-beri (kakkel. West. Canada M. J., Winnipeg, 1908, ii, 493-495.- Thjdtta (T.) Litt om beri beri. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania, 1915, xxxv, 422-433—Travers (E. A. O.) Some observations on beri-beri. J. Trop. M.. Lond., 1904, vii. 285- 288.—Uchermann (V.) Beri-beri report. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 388. -----. Om beri-beri. Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1907, 5. R., v, 1*N-1310.— Vedder (E. B.) Some further remarks on beri-beri. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.], N. Orl., 1914, i, S20-M7. Also, Keprint —Verrall (P. JA Long incubation in beri-beri. Brit. M.J..Lond., 1910, i, 443— Wheate(J. M.) Some unnubhshed observations on endemic neuritis, with a review ofthe researches and opinions of some recent investi- gators. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 589; 647.—Wilcox (S. S.) Beriberi. Columbus M. J., 1902, xxvi, 97-102. [Discussion], 130-132.- Williams (R. R.) & Johnston (J. A.) Miscellaneous notes and comments on beriberi. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1915, x, (B), 337-343.—Wing (K.l Beri-beri. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1899, x, 281-288—Woolley (P. G.) Beri-beri. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc], N. Orl, 1914,1, 711-719.—Wright (H.) The cause, course, prevention, anil treatment of beriberi. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 1021-1025. Aho: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1905, Columbus, Ohio, 1906, xxxi, 289-299. -----. Beri-beri; a restatement and BERI-BERI. 461 BERI-BERI. Beri-beri. reply to some criticisms. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1906, ix, 245- 250.—Yamagiwa (K.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kakke (Beri-beri). Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1899. clvi,451- 506.—Yamagiwa (K.) & Yamanouchl. Ueber das Wesen der Kakke (Beriberi). Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. u. Chem. Festschr. . . . Ernst Salkowski, Berl., 1904, 451-458.— Yamane. Ueber die Notwendigkeit der Kakkeforschung. [Japanese text.] Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907-8, vi, 252-254.—Zeehuisen (H.) Klinische opmerkingen over chronische beri-beri. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. R., xxxih, d. 1, 936-950. Aho, transl.: Ztschr. f. khn. Med., Berl., 1898, xxxv, 283-300. Beri-beri (Bacteriology of). Dudgeon (L. S.) The bacillus of Hamilton Wright, ob- tained from two cases of acute beri-beri. J. Trop. M.., Lond., 1906, ix, 261.—Ellis (W. G.) The micrococcus of beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1662—Fushlyama & Owada. [Bacteriological examination of the blood and urine of a beri-beri patient.) Saikingaku, Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, 215- 233.—Gerrard (P. N.) The bacteriology of beri-beri, with some clinical notes. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1899-1900, xvhi, 329-371, 3 diag.—Gran (S.) On a parasite observed in the blood of beriberi patients in Cochin-China. Bull. Manila M. Soc, 1910, ii, 73.—Hunter (W. K.) The bacteriology of beri-beri. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1895-7, i, 325. Aho: Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlviii, 116.—Kodama. Ueber die Mikroorganismen der Kakke. [Japanese text. Ausz., Hft. 6, suppl., 1.) Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1907, xxi, 141-161.—Kokubo. [The appearance of the beri- beri bacterium.) Ibid., 1905, xix, 993-1005.—Le Dantec (A.) Presence de bacteries amylozymes dans les feces des beribe- riques. Bull.Soc. path.exot.. Par., 1910,hi,63-65.—Manson (P.) The germ theory of beri-beri. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 11-17.—MathTs (C.) & Leger. A propos de la presence des bacteries amylozymes dans les feces des beriberiques. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1910, hi, 352— Nepveu (G.) Bacille du beriberi. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, cxxvi, 256. Aho: Marseille med., 1898, xxxv, 481-484.-----. Bacilles intraglobulaires et intracellu- laires dans le beri beri. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v., 337-339.—Oku (W.) [Report on the bacillus of benign beriberi.) Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1906, xxvu, 21; 73; 155; 240.-----. [Report on the male principle of the bacillus of beriberi.) Juntendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo, 1906, 13-17.-----. [Report of researches on the infection of the_pathogenic bacillus of beri-beri.] Ibid., 17_70—Tashlro (T.) [Report of investigation on cause of kakke; kakke bacteria and its name.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1899, 1435-1442.—Totsuki (T.) [The congelation of the bacillus of beri-beri.) Saikingaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, 383- 433.-----. [A paired globular bacillus closely related to beri- beri.) Tokyo Iji-Shinshi,1906,269; 313.—Tsuzuki (J.)* Erste Mitteilung uber meinen Kakke coccus, den Erreger der Beri- berikrankheit. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1906, x, 399-416.-----. [My view on the nature of beri-beri from an epidemiological, clinico-bacteriological standpoint.] Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907-8, vi, 55-77.—Wright (H.) Bert-ben; some clinical cases and their bacteriology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1563-1569. Beri-beri (Blood in). Arima (E.) Observations on the non-protein nitrogen blood content in beriberi. China M. J., Shanghai, 1917, xxxi, 336.—Ashmead (A. L.) A method for ascertaining the presence of carbon in the blood of beriberi patients; organiza- tion, the proper treatment for beriberi. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1903, xxii, 103—Chun (J. W. H.) The differential leucocytic count in beri-beri. Nat. M. J. China, Shanghai, 1917, iii, 113-115.—Duque Estrada (H.) Hematologia do beriberi. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904 xviu, 153; 165.— Fajarde (F ) Von der Hamatozoarie des Beri-beri und deren Pigment. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898 xxiv 558-568.-----. Die Hamatozoarie des Ben-ben im Gehirn. Ibid., 1900, xxvh, 249-251, 1 pi.—Jtabo (K.) Blutbefund bei Kakke. Verhandl. d.japan. path. Gesellsch. Tokio, 1912, ii, 43.-Mathis (C.) & Leger (M.)i Des varia- tions de la formule leucocytaire dans le beriberi. Ann. du scorbut. d'hyg. etdemed. colon., Par.( 1911, xiv, 727-J64.- Contribution k l'hematologie du beriberi et Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 315-320. ——■ De l'image d'Arneth dans le beriberi et les scorbut. Ibid., 320-322 —Melrelles (E.) Hematologia e urologia do benberi. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1915, xxi, 171-174 —Mott (F. W ) & Halliburton (W. D.) Note on the blood in a case of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1899, u, 265-267.-Shima- zono (J.) Ueber adrenalinahnliche Wirkung des Blut- serums von Beriberikranken auf das Froschauge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 319.—Sole- dade (J.) Hematologia do beriberi. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1904-5, xxxvi, 433-464—Suzuki (T.) On the sugar content of the blood in infantile beri-beri. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1917, xxxvi, 109.—Takasu (K.) Ueber das Blut der an Kakke leidenden Sauglinge und Erwachsenen. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1904-5, xl, 275-290.—Umashlma (N.) [Pathological change in the circulation from kakke.] Saisei Gakusha Iji Shimpo, Tokyo, 1899, 46-51.—Wythe (J. H.) Beri-beri (Blood in). Notes of microscopic examination of blood. [Beri-beri.] Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1880-81, 227-229, 6pi.—Yoshikawa(I.), Yano (K.) &Nemoto(T.) Studies of the blood in beriberi. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1917, xx, 103-111. A ho, Reprint. Beri-beri (Cases and statistics of). See, also, Beri-beri (History and geographical distribution of). Berl-berl, 3,113 cases. Select. Colon. M. Rep. 1898-9, Lond., 1901, 306.—Bertrand (L.) & Jacobs (F.) [Two cases.) Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1902, vii, 181-187.— Borgen (H.) [A case of recurrent beri-beri.) Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1908, 5. R., ii, 949-955—Bush- nell (F. G.) Acute or pernicious beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1427.—Cane (E. G. S.) [Twenty-six cases.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, hi, 69.—Cavalli (P.) Un caso mortale di beriberi. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1898, iv, 1206-1208.—Curbelo (GA [Case.] Bol. Asoc. med. de Puerto-Rico, San Juan, P. R., 1906, iv, 117-119.—De Renzl (E.) iCase.)) N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoh, 1904, vii, 113- 117.—Escovar(J. M.) [Case.) Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 315.— Findlay (G. M.) [Case.] Ibid., 1916, ii, 646.—Fleming (R. A.) [Three cases.) Edinb. M. J., 1914, n. s., xh, 242-245.— Fleming (R. A.) & Gibson (H. J. C.) [Threecases.] ibid., 1916. xvu, 27-33.—Florand. [Case.) Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xh, 430—Gerrard (P. N.) 'Seven cases.) Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 1642-1644.—Glllot. Case.) Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1910, xxi, 398.—Ilg. Case.] Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1900, lxx, 165-168.—Ingram (A. C.) Some epidemiological aspects of a small outbreak of beri-beri. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1907, x, 102-104.—Jefferson (A.) A case of pernicious beri- beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 1257.—Jubb (A.) A case of acute or pernicious beriberi. Ibid., 1904, i, 835.—Kaljser (F.) [Case.) Hygiea, Stockholm, 1900, lxu, 231.—MacKenzle (W. C.) [Two cases.) Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Mel- bourne, 1900, v, 264-269— Mlddleton (G. S.) [Two cases.] GlasgowM. J., 1897,xlviii, 114.—Miller(F.P.) [Case.] Bull. El Paso Co. M. Soc, El Paso, Tex., 1910, ii, No. 4, 36-38.— Mlzzonl (A.) [Case.) Marseille med., 1901, xxxvih, 425- 436—Montefusco (A.) [Two cases.) Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1912, n.'S., xxxiv, 865-873.—Moore (A. D.) [Case.) Memphis M. Month., 1912, xxxu, 479-481.—Nail (J. F.) [Case.) Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1898, xvii, 149- 151.—Patrick (H. T.) [Case.) Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, 414-417.—Penna (J.) [Case.) An. d. Che. mod. argent., Buenos Aires, 1900, xxiii, 454-474—R[amus] (C.) & S[tlmp- son) (W. G.) Beriberi. [Fatal case with necropsy.) Rep. Surg. Gen. Pub. Health & Mar. Hosp. Serv. U. S., Wash., 1904, 465-467.—Randall (J. A.) [Twelve cases.) U. St ates Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1910, iv, 385.—Reed (A. C.) (Cases.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 116-118. Also, Re- print.— Selfler (W.) [Case.) Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvh, 762.—Smart (C.) [Case.) Rep. Surg.-Genl. Army. Wash., 1902-3,69-71—Sprlngthorpe (J. W.) [Three cases.) Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900, v, 173-178.—Statistics, pathology, and pathogenesis of beri- beri.) Saikingaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, 224-249.—Taburet. Cas de beriberi suraigu. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxhi, 287.—Travis (F. M.) [Twenty-one cases.) Ken- tucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1917. xv, 476-482.—Wall (J. S.) rCase.) Wash. M. Ann., 1904-5, iii, 359-363.—Ward (J. M.) [Case.) Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1900-1901, 236.— Waters (W. J.) [Four cases.) J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, x, 176-181.—Winter (H. E.) Observations on beri-beri. Ibid., 1905, iv, 178-181—Woodbury (F. T.) Report of a case of acute pernicious beriberi in a white man. Month. Cycl. & M. Bull., Phila., 1909, ii.305-307.—Wright (H.) A fatal case of acute cardiac beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 1095-1097. Beri-beri (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Beri-beri (Bacteriology of); Beri- beri (Bloodin); Beri-beri (Experimental); Beri- beri (Eye in); Beri-beri (Heart in); Beri-beri (Metabolhm in); Beri-beri in hospitals; Beri- beri in prisons; Beri-beri on shipboard; De- ficiency diseases; Vitamines. Braddon (W. L.) The cause and prevention of beri-beri. 8°. London, 1907. van Dieren (E.) Nogmaals: de beri-beri- kwestie. 8°. Arnhem, 1888. ------. Verweerschrift contra C. L. van den Burg's aankondiging van: Beri-beri eene rijstver- gifting, critisch-historische bijdrage tot de ken- nis der meelvergiften. 8°. Amsterdam, 1897. Fraser (H.) & Stanton (A. T.) An inquiry concerning the etiology of beri-beri. 8°. /Singa- pore, 1909. BERI-BERI. 462 BERI-BERI. Beri-beri (Causes and pathology of). Glogner (M.) Die Aetiologie der Beriberi und die Stellung dieser Krankheit im nosologi- schen System, roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. See, aho, infra, Schaumann. ------. Die Nahrungsmitteltheorien iiber die Ursache der Beriberi in kritischer Beleuchtung. 8°. Leipzig, 1912. Treutlein (A.) *Ueber chronische Oxal- saurevergiftung an Hiihnern und deren Be- ziehung zur Aetiologie der Beriberi. [Habilita- tionsschrift.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1906. Aho, in: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1906, xxxviii, 323-345, 2 pi. Adriani (P.) Beri-beri en de rijstvergifhypothese. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1903, lvii, 181-183.—van Andel (P.) A contribution to the etiology and treatment of beri- beri. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1909, xh. 63.— Aoyagl (T.) Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie des Nervensystems und des Muskels bei Beriberi. Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokyo, 1910, ix, 60-131, 4 pi., 3 tab.—Arnold (W. J. J.) The etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 299.—Aron (H.) & Hocson (F.) Phosphorus starvation with special reference to beriberi. Philippine J. Sc. [B.], Manila, 1910, v, 81-122. [Discussion], 137-144.— Ashmead (A. S.) Etiology of beriberi. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1900, xvii, 208-210.-----. Beri-beri from rice eating. Am. Med.. Phila., 1902, ii, 950. Aho, Reprint.— Bantock (G. G.) The etiology of beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 648.—Barbezleux (G.) Considerations sur le beriberi; pathogenie et traitement. Rev. de med., Par.. 1911, xxxi, 81-105.—BertareUi (E.) En favore della genesi alimentare del beri-beri. Morgagni,- Milano, 1911, lui, pt. 2, 874-877.—Blaauw (E. E.) The aetiology of beriberi. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 861— Breaudat (L.) Origine alimen- taire du beriberi. Bull. Soc. path. exot.. Par., 1910, iii, 317- 323.—Browning (H. G.) Etiology m beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 69.—Buchanan (W. J.) Beri-beri and rice. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 577.—Casey (J. P.) The etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, ii, 1091 — Chamberlain (W. P.) The character of the rice which prevents beri-beri and the manner in which it is milled. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.], N. Orl., 1913-14, i, 121-128. Aho: Am. Soc. Trop. M., Phila., 1913, viii, 76-83. Aho, Reprint. -----. The etiology of oriental beriberi; character of the rice which causes polyneuritis in man and fowls. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, cxix, 263-269.— Chamberlain (W. P.), BIoombergh(H. D.)& KHbourne(E. D.) A study of the influence of rice diet and of inanition on the production of multiple neuritis of fowls and the bearing thereof on the etiology of beriberi. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1911, xxix, 127- 106.—Chamberlain (W. P.) & Vedder (E. B.) A contri- bution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine J. Sc. [B.], Manila, 1911, vi, 251;395. Also, Reprint—Chamberlain (W. P.), Vedder (E. B.) & Williams (R. R.) A contribu- tion to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1912, vii, (B), 39-52. Aho, Reprint.—Clarke (J. T.) The etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 113.— Curtis (C. W.) The causative factor of beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1.) )9, i, 1777.—Daniels (C. W.) Rieo and beri-beri. Ibid., 1907, ii, 317.—Darling (S. T.) The pathologic allini- ties of beriberi aud scurvy. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 12U)-1294.—Dellino (V.) Nueva3 concepciones etio- logical del beri-beri; profilaxia do esta enfermedad. Gae. med. d. Sur, Granada, 1913, xxxi, 831.—van Dieren (E.) Beri-beri en rijstvoeding. Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk , Amst., 1909, i, 1256-1262— Drummond (J. C.) & Funk(C) The chemical investigation of the phosphotungstate precipi- tate from rice-polishings. Biochem. J., Liverp., 1914, viii, 598-615.—Durck (II.) Ueber die feineren histologischen Veranderungen, besonders des Nervensystems bei Beri- Beri. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1907, Jena, 1908, xi, 325-332.-----. Untersuchungen iiber die patho- logische Anatomie der Beri-Beri; ein Beitrag zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie des periphenschen Nerven- systems. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1908, 8. Suppl., 1-176,41 pi.—Edle (E. 8), Evans (W. H.) [et al). The anti-neuritic bases of vegetable origin in relationship to beri-beri, with a method of isolation of torulin. the anti- neuritic base of veast. Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol, Liverp., 1912-13, vi, 235-2is.— Eljkman (C.) Beri-beri en voeding. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1898, 2. R., xxxiv, d. L 185; 233. -----. Polyneuritis der Huhner und Beri- Beri, eine chronische Oxalsaurevergiftung? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 127.-----. Aetiologie en pro- phylaxis der beri-beri. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1913, ii, 1426-1438.—Ellis (W. G.) A contribution to the pathology of beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 985. -----. Uncured rice as a cause of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1909, ii, 935—Fajardo (F.) De l'hematozoaire du beriberi. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect. de bacteriol. et parasitol., 116-119. -----. Ein Beitrag zum Studium der Aetiologie der Beriberi. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Beri-beri (Causes and pathology of). Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1904, vui, 455-463.—Fales (L. H.) Beriberi, its etiology and prevention. J. Am. li. Ass., Chicago, 1907. xlviii, 776-781.—Fargier. Berilberi et riz fraichement decortique. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1912, xv, 491-497.—Fenton (E. G.) Etiology of beri- beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, i, 1271: 1914, i, 914.—Fletcher (W.) Rice and beri-beri. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1909, xii, 127-134,1 pi.—Force (J. N.) Beri-beri without a definite rice factor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 1785-1787.—Fraga (C.) Sobre carencia alimentar e beriberi. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1918, xxxu, 365.—Fraser (H.) & Stanton (A. T.) The etiology of beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1755 1757. Aho: Philippine J. Sc. [B.], Mamla, 1910, v, 55-63, 3pi. [Discussion], 137-144. Aho: J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1911, xiv, 333; 349; 365, 3 pi. Aho: Stud. Inst. M. Re- search Fed. Malay States, Singapore, 1911, No. 12, 1-16. -----------. Rice. Stud. Inst. M. Research Fed. Malay States, Singapore, 1911, No. 12, 17-27.-----------. The poison hypothesis. Ibid., 34-39, 2 pi.,101.----------. The phosphorous content of rice as an indicator of the extent to which rice has been polished. Ibid., 51-62,31.----------. The effect of exposures to high temperatures. Ibid., 63-65, 8 1.-----------. The etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, ii, 1091.-----------. Unpolished rice and the prevention of beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1914, i, 96-98.— Funk (C.) The substance from yeast and certain food- stuffs which prevents polyneuritis (beri-beri). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, u, 787. -----. The effect of a diet of polished rice on the nitrogen and phosphorus of the brain. J. Physiol, Lond., 1912-13, xhv, 50-53. -----. The probable r61e of vitamines in the process of digestion and utilisation of food. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1913, p. xxv. -----. Chemistry of the vitamine-fraction from yeast and rice-polishings. J. Physiol., Lond., 1913, xlvi, 173-179. -----. Further facts concerning the chemistry of the vitamine-fraction from yeast. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, i, 814, 1 pi.—Funk (C.) & Douglas (M.) Studies on beriberi; the relationship of beriberi to glands of internal secretion. J. Physiol., Lond., 1914, xlvh, 475-478.—Gait (W. J.) The etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1914, i, 512.—Gerrard (P. N.) The influence or rainfall on beri-beri. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 367-369.—Glmlette (J. D.) Beri-beri; mouldy rice; the occurrence of beri-beri in the Sokor District. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1906, ix, 262-268.—Glogner (M.) Neuere Unter- suchungen uber die Aetiologie und den klinischen Verlauf der Ben-Ben-Krankheit. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Cassel, 1897, i, 46; 125. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz., 1S97, lxviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 571-574. -----. Ueber den Sitz der Ursache der Beriberi. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1907, xi, 1-18.—de Groot (J.) Beri-beri en vitaminen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1917, i, 1952-1958.—Guareschi (I.) Esperienze ed osservazioni sull' alimentazione col riso sbramato o svestito e a diversi gradi di depauperamento o brillatura. Gior. d. r. Aecad. di med. di Torino, 1918, 4. s., xxiv, 3-55.—Guerrero (L. E.) La etiologia del beri-beri. Mem. y comunic. de la 1» Asamblea reg. de med. y farm, de Filipinas, Manila, 1912, 74-129.—de Haan (J.) On the etiology of beriberi. Philippine J. Sc. [B.], Manila, 1910, v, 65-71. [Discussion], 137-144.—Hata (5.) Eine organische Saure in der Pericardialrliissigkeit einer an Kakke verstor- benen Leiehe. [Japanese text ] Ztsehr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1898, xh, 37-42.-Heanley iC. M.l Some analo- gies which favour protozoal hypothesis of beri-beri. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1905, xl, 212-214—Heiser (V. G.) Practi- cal experiences with beriberi and unpolished rice in the Philippines. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1911, lvi, 1237. Aho: Philippine J. Sc. [Bl Mamla, 1911, vi, 229-233— Hewlett (R. T.) & de Korte (w. E.) The aetiology and pathological histology of beri-beri. J. Trop. M. [etc], Lond., 1907, x, 315-317. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 201 — Hoist (V.) [Surlebea-i-beri. I. Lessvmptfimes; lesconstata- tions relatives a son etiologie. Res., 1229-1234.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1904, 5. R., ii, 1149-1212. -----. Theetiology of beri-beri. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1911-12, v, 76 90.—Honda (IC.) Nervenveraride- rungen bei Beriberi (Kakke). Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch., Tokio, 1912, ii, 45-47. -----. Ueber die patho- logisch-histologisehen Befunde des Nervensystems bei Beriberi. Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokvo, 1913-14, xi, 319-416, 2 tab., 5 pi—Hunter (W. K.) " A contribution to the etiology of Deri-bcri. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 240-245: WJS, i, 1748— Hunter (W. K.) & Koch (W. V. M.) The etiology of beri-beri. J. Trop. M. [etc], Lond., 1907, x, 331-335.—Inagakl fC.) & Horiuchi (T.) The first report on the investigation of the cause of beri-beri. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1910,' xxix, 531 —Ito (T.) [On the change of the kidney in beri-beri patient] Tokyo Iji- Shinshi, 1899, 2018-2023.—Janin (F.) Sur une theorie phosphatique du beriberi. Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop., Par., 1910, vii, 30-36.—Jeanselme (E.) Opinions et tra- vaux des medecins japonais sur Porigine du Deriberi; docu- ments recueillis pour eclairer la Commission. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 604-608.—Kajlura (S.) & Rosen- helm (O.) A contribution to the etiology of beri-beri. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1910, x, 49-55, 1 pi.— Kiewlet de Jonge BERI-BERI. 463 BERI-BERI. Beri-beri (Causes and pathology of). (G.-H.) Note sur les travaux publies aux Indes neerlan- daises sur l'etiologie et la pathogenie du beriberi. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 258-270.—King (H. D.) The aetiological controversy anent beri-beri, with some remarks as to milled rice. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1914, cxxxviii, 37-44.— Kltamura (S.) & Shlmazono (J.) Ueber das Verhalten des Magensaftes bei Beriberi. Internat. Beitr. z. Path. u. Therap. d. Ernahrungsstor., Stoffweclis.- u. Verdauungs- krankh., Berl., 1912-13, iv, 30-43.—Kiyono (K.) Ueber die Veranderungen der Muskelspindel bei Beriberi und die Bedeutung derselben. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Ge- sellsch., Tokio, 1911, i, 83-85—Kokubo. Nachtrag zur Aetiologie der Kakke. [Japanese text. Ausz., Hft. 7, suppl., 2.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1906, xx, 169- 185.—Kuenen (W. A.) De keuring van de rijst in verband met de beri-beri werende kracht. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1917, i, 2084-2093.—de Lacerda (J. B.) Etiologia de beriberi. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904, xviii, 324.-----. Contributions a l'etude de la cause du beriberi. Arch, do mus. nae. do Rio de Jan., 1909, xv, 219-256.— Laurent (L.) Role de l'insuffisance en matieres grasses de la ration alimentaire dans l'etiologie du beriberi; hygiene preventive et therapeutiqueTiasees sur cetteetiologie. Arch. de med. nav., Par., 1899, lxxi, 194-216.—Lebredo (M. G.) Beri-beri; contribucidn al estudio de su etiologia y pato- genia. San. y benefic. Bol. ofic, Habana, 1913, ix, 622-678. Aho, transl.: Ibid., x, 180-217.—Le Dantec (A.) Note sur un mycoderme rencontre dans les feces de deux matelots beriberiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxiv, 412.—Legendre. A propos de l'etiologie du beriben. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de l'Indo-Chine, Hanoi & Haiphong, 1912, iii, 160.—Lindsay (J. W.) & Laldlaw (J. D.) Etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, ii, 21.—Little (J. M.) Beriberi caused by fine white flour. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, lviii, 2029.—Lovelace (C.) The etiology of beriberi. Ibid., hx, 2134-2137.—Luce (H.) Ist die Beri-Beri eine Infectionskrankheit? Reisebeobachtungen in Japan. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1902, vi, 251; 298.— McCoIlum (E. V.) & Davis (Marguerite). The nature of the dietary deficiencies of rice. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1915, xxhi, 181-230.—McCoIlum (E. V.) & Kennedy (Cornelia). The dietary factors operating in the production of poly- neuritis. Ibid., 1916, xxiv, 491-502. Also, Reprint.— McDonald (W. M.) The beriberi puzzle, a suggested solu- tion. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1916, xix, 177—MacGilcrist (A.C.) The etiology of beri beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, ii, 674.—Macleod (N.) Can beri-beri be caused by food sup- plies from countries where beri-beri is endemic? Ibid., 1897, ii, 390-392—Manaud (A.) Une observation de contagion de beriberi. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1912, v, 514-518.— Manson (P.) Etiology of beri-beri. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 1-17. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1391-1395.—Massalongo (R.) Polinevrite acuta a forma beriberica; contributo ad una teoria degli ormoni vegetali. Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxdi, 1316-1322. Aho: Fracastoro Verona, 1917, xhi, 3; 13; 25; 37.—Massino (C.J.) Contribution al estudio del beri-beri. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1916, xxi, 421-423.—Matsuoka (Y.) On the pathological anatomy ofthe lungsin beriberi (kakke). J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1915-16, xx, 191-213 — Maurer (G.) Polyneuritis der Hiihner und Beri-Beri, eine chronische Oxalsaurevergiftung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 731.—Miko. [The toxin of beri-beri.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1906, 760-762.—Miura (M.) Beitrage zur Pathologie una Therapie der Kakke. Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio, 1898-1900, iv, 63; 161; 181; 12 pi., 7 diag.—Morris (H. C. L.) Theetiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 500.—Mosse (A.) & Destarac (J.) Un nouveau cas de beriberi observed a la chnique medicale de Toulouse; le beriberi est-il une polvnevrite palustre? Cong. fran?. de med. C. r., Par., 1902, ii, 487-495.—Nagayo (M.) Referat fiber Beriberi oder Kakke; pathologisch-anatomi- scher Teil. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch., Tokio, 1912, ii, 6-31, 7 pi.—Nepveu (G.) Nature et pathogenie du beriberi. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1894, Par., 1895, xxiii, pt. 2, 879.—Nightingale (P. A.) Scurvy and beri-beri; an etiological comparison and deduction. Trans- vaal M. J., Johannesburg, 1910-11, vi. 193-196.—Noc (F.) Sur la frequence et le role etiologique de l'Uncinaria ameri- cana dans le beriberi. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1906. ix, 590. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxiii, 1232.—Noc (F.) & Brochard (V.) Sur la presence du pigment ocre dans les organes des sujets morts de beriberi. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1908, i, 425-430.—Nocht (B.) Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der Beriberifrage. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz., 1908, 5. Hft., 15- 30.-----. Die Beri-Berifrage. Jahresk. f. arztl. Fortbild., Munchen, 1911, 10. Hft., 20-28.—Okada (E.) Ueber zwie- belartige Gebilde im peripherischen Nerven (Renaut'sche Korperchen) bei einem Fall von Kakke (Beriberi). Mitt. d. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1903, vi, 93-121, 11, 1 pi.—Oku (H.) [The cause of beriberi of the stomach.) Geibi Iji, Tokyo, 1906, 3-7.—Oku (W.) [The pathogeny of beriberi.] Chiu- gai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1906, xxvii, 86-102.—Pearse (F.) On the identity of beri-beri and epidemic dropsy. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1908, xi, 69. Aho: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, Beri-beri (Causes and pathology of). 1908, xlui, 128— Persenaire (J. B. C.) De aetiologie der beri-beri. Med. Rev., Haarlem 1911, xi, 163-170.—Porten- gen (T. A.) On the cause of beri-beri. Sei-i-Kwai M. J , Tokyo, 1898, xvu. 537-540.—Pottevin. Origine alimentaire du beriberi. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1910, iii, 128-130.— Purnell (J. M.) Beri-beri and dhobie itch; a few remarks on their etiology and treatment. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S , Carlisle, 1906, xviu, 421-424.—Rees (D. C.) Beri-beri a place disease, not a food disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, u> 747.—Rodenwaldt. Pathologische Anatomie des Nerven- systems bei Beriberi. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tro- penhyg Leipz., 1908, 5. Hft., 31-36.—Rost (E. R.) The cause of beri-beri. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1900, xxxv, 458-461.-----. The cause of beri-beri. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1902, v, 519-521—Rumpf & Luce. Zur Klinik und patho- logischen Anatomie der Beri-Beri-Krankheit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1900, xviu, 63-98, 3 pi. Aho: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1900-1901, hi, 106-140, 3 pi.—S. Le beriberi peut-il devenir epidemique en Europe par contagion? Semaine med.. Par., 1897, xvu, 470.— Saldanha (C. N.) A note on the etiology of beri-beri and the presence of arsin in rice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1609.—Sano. Zur Pathologie der Kakke und einige experi- mentelle Untersuchungen. [Japanese text.) Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1900, xiv, 169; 215.—Schaumann (H.) Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Beriberi. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz., 1909, xhi, 82-90: 1912, xvi, 137-170. A ho, transl.: Tr. Soc Trop. M. & Hvg., Lond. 1911-12, v, 59-75.-----. Die Aetiologie der Beriberi unter Berucksichtigung des gesamten Phosphorstoffwechsels. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz., 1910, xiv, 325-721, 12 pi.-----. Erwiderung an M. Glogner: Die Aetiologie der Beriberi und die Stellung dieser Krankheit im nosologischen System. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1911, xv, 252-261.-----. Zu dem Problem der Benberiatiologie. Ibid., 1912, xvi, 825-836.-----. Le beriberi, maladie de nutrition. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1912, v, 125-134.-----. Zu dem Problem der Beriberi- Aetiologie. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1913, xvh, 433-445. -----. Die Aetiologie der Beriberi. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz., 1914, xvhi, 359- 616.—Shlmazono (J.) Ueber die Veranderungen des Ruckenmarks und der Medulla oblongata bei Beriberi. Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokyo, 1910, ix, 207- 257, 2pl.—Sicard (J.-A.) & Roger (H.) Le liquide cephalo- rachidien des beriberiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1918, 3. s., xhi, 137-140.—Silvado (J.) Critica da theoria verminosa do beriberi. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1915, xxi, 219; 239; 251.—Simpson (G. C. E.) & Edie (E. S.) On the relation of the organic phosphorus content of various diets to diseases of nutrition, particularly beri- beri. Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol., Liverp., 1911, v, 313- 345.—Smith (A. C.) The aetiology of beriberi. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii, 281.—Smith (P. W. B.) Wheat bread and beriberi. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciii, 863.— Stanley (A.) The nature of beri-beri; an etiological study among Chinese prisoners in Shanghai. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1902, ii, 369-381.-----. The etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, ii, 1160.—Stott (H.) A contribution to the study of the aetiology of beri-beri. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1911, xvii, 231-249.—Strong (R. P.) & Cro- well (B. C.) The etiology of beriberi. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1912, vii, (B), 271-413,7 pi.-----------. The etiol- ogy of beri-beri. J. State Med., Lond., 1913, xxi, 129-150. Aho: Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1912, Wash., 1913, v, pt. 2, 679-696. Aho, transl.: Rev. filipina de med. y farm., Manila, 1913, iv, 293-312.—Sugai (T.) & Mizuda (K.) Pathologische Erscheinungen im Venensystem der Kakke- kranken. [Japanese text] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1899, xiii, 699-70.-,.—Swan (J. M.) Summary of the literature on the etiology of beriberi. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1912-13, lxv, 185-191.—Tamson (J. A.) Bijdrage tot de contagieusiteit van beri-beri. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1896, xxxvi, 88-93.—Tanaka (Y.) Zur Frage iiber die Ursache der Beriberi-Krankheit. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lx, 2804-2807.—Teranai (Y.) & Sayegl (M.) [Chemical researches on beri-beri.] Saikin- gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 605-627.—Teruuchi (Y.) Stu- dien fiber die Aetiologie der Kakke (Beri-Beri) unter beson- derer Berucksichtigung der Schaumannschen Phosphor- mangeltheorie. Mitt. a. k. Inst. f. Infektionskr. zu Tokyo, 1911, 48-50.-----. Referat fiber Beriberi oder Kakke; chemischer Teil. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Gesellsch., Tokio, 1912, ii, 32-37.—Teruuchi & Saegi. Chemische Untersuchung fiber Kakke. [Japanese text. [German abstr., Hft. 6.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1905, xix, 213-335.—Totsukl. [Report of researches on the origin of beri-beri.] Saikingaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, 145-169. -----. [The pathogeny of beri-beri.] Tokyo Iji Shinshi, 1906, 551; 603; 654.—Travers (E. A. O.) The theory of the causation of beri-beri by a toxin conveyed by rice, considered in the light of local experience of the disease. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1902, v, 231-233.—Tsunoda (T.) Ueber die Veranderungen des Nervensystems bei der Kakkekrankheit (Beriberi) in Japan. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1909, xx, 337-345.—Tsuzuki (F.) Ueber das Wesen der Beri- BERI-BERI. 464 BERI-BERI. Beri-beri (Causes and pathology of). berikrankheit auf Grund meiner epidemiologischen und bakteriologischen Untersuchungen. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1908, xii, 37.5-388.—Van den Branden (F.) & Dubois (A.) Contribution a l'etude de l'etiologie du beri-beri. Bull. Soc path, exot., Par., 1917, x, 123.— Vedder (E. B.) Contribution to the etiology oi beri beri. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1912, vii (B), 415-422. Aho, Re- print. -----. The relation of diet to beriberi; and the pres- ent status of our knowledge of vitamins. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 1494-1497. Aho, Reprint.-----. The known and the unkown with regard to the etiology and prevention of beriberi. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 368-379. Aho: Proc Pan Am. Scient. Cong., Wash., 1917, x, 22-29.—Vedder (E. B.) & Clark (E.) A study of polyneu- ritis gallinarum; a fifth contribution to the etiology of beri- beri. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1912, vii, Sect. B, 423-461, 11 pi. Also, Reprint—Vedder (E. B.) & Williams (R. R.) Concerning the beriberi-preventing substances or vitamines contained in rice pohshings; a sixth contribution, to the etiology of beriben. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1913, vui, Sect. B, 17,5-195. A ho, Reprint— Walker (J. H.) Intesti- nal parasites in beri-beri. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii. pt. 2, 684-687.— Walshe (F. M. R.) On the deficiency theory of the origin of beri-beri in the light of clinical and experimental observa- tions on the disease, with an account of a series of forty cases. Quart. J. Med.. Oxford, 1917 18, xi, 320-338.—Weir (H. H.) The etiology of beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1120.— Wellman (C), Bass (C. C.) & Eustis (A. C.) Investigation of Louisiana rice with reference to the etiology of beriberi. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1912-13, lxv, 191-196—Wieland (H.) Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Beri-Beri. Analytische Unter- suchungen fiber den Phosphorgehalt vonernahrungskranken Tieren. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1912, lxix, 293-306.-----. Neuere Forschungen fiber die Ursache der Beriberikrankheit. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 706-708—Williams (R. R.) & Crowell (B. C.) The thymus gland in beriberi. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1915. (B), x, 121-125.— Wright (H.) Changes in the neuronal centres in beri-beric neuritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1610-1616.-----. An inquiry into the etiology and pathol- ogy of beri-beri. Stud. Inst. M. Research Fed. Malay States, Singapore, 1902, ii. 1-93, 2 diag., 7 tab., 1 map. -----'-. An enquiry into the etiology and pathology of beri-beri. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1905, viii, 161; 180; 197; 209.—Wright (H.), Hose (C.) [et al.]. A discussion on the etiology and pathol- ogy of ben-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1095-1100.— Yacoub (K.) Notes on three cases of beri-beri following relapsing fever and due to prolonged feeding on condensed milk. Practitioner, Lond., 1918, C, 290.—Yamaguchl (S.) [The etiology of beriberi.] Chiba Igakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1903, No. 58, 2; No. 59, 1. Beri-beri (Complications and sequelse of). See, also, Beri-beri (Eye in); Beri-beri (Heart in); Beri-beri in pregnancy. Ghazarossi.vn (B.) *Du beriberi a forme paralytique. 8°. Baris, 1897. Boucher (II.) Sur un cas de b^riWri avec nephrite et cirrhose du foie. Caducee, Par., 1906, vi, 159.—Brltto (A.) Le beriberi et la methode de Fournier pour la recherche de l'ataxie naissante. Bull. m6d.. Par., 1896, x, 1215.—Kana- sugi (H. E.) [Two cases of laryngeal oedema caused by kakke.) Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1898, xix, No. 2, 1-6. -----. Die Kehlkopfstorungen bei Beriberi. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908,xiv, 1084 1086. Aho:Verhandl.d.internat. Laryngo-Rhinoi.-Kong. 1908, Wien & Leipz., 1909, i, 421- 427.—Kasal. Lebercirrhose durch Kakke (Beriberi). [Japanese text. Ref., Hft. 2, Suppl., 8.] Kyoto Igaku Zasshi, 1907, iv, No. 2,65-8(1.—Kawagawa (K.) [Two cases of paralysis of the left nervus reeurrens in tho progress of beri-beri.) Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1901, 1637-1051 —van-Leent (J.-B.) Note sur une forme mixteet peu connue de IVri-Wri et de scorbut, avec quelques remarques sur la therapeutique alimentaire. Arch, de mM. nav., Par., 1903, lxxix, 275- 279.—Masuyarna (M.) [Dysentery and beri-l>ori.] Daihan Igaku Kwai Zasshi Tokyo, 1907, vi, 290 33i.-Middleton (E. M.) A case of Deri-beri complicated by duodenal ulcer. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxii, 589-591 — (K) Ein Fall von Recurrenslahmung bei Beriberi mit anatomischem Behind. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 1311—Miura (M.) Kakke mit Icterus. [Japanese text.) Ztsehr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1896, x, 20. Hft., 1 5—Monro (T. K.) A case ol ship beri-beri associated with an erythematous eruption. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 529—Mont' Alverne de Sequelra. Tratamento thermal da paralysia beriberioa em S. Miguel. Rev. portugueza de med. e ciriirg. prat., Lisb., 1898, iv, 225- 237.—Novaes (J.) Topographia das anesthesias no beriberi (escorbutismo e beriberismo). Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1907, xxi, 181-186.-----. Beriberi e escorbuto. Ibid., 244- 247.—Okata (K) [The effects of beriberi on the larynx] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho. Tokyo, 1902, viii, Nos. 4-5, 1 -12.—Rimbaud. Beriberi avec ascite chvleuse. Marseille med., 1918, lv, 475-178.— Saunders Beri-beri (Complications and sequelse of). (Eleanora B.) The coexistence of pellagra and beri-beri. Tr. Nat. Ass. Study Pellagra 1912, Columbia 1914, ii, 325-331.—Shiba. [Researches on the effect of beri-beri on the nerves and blood vessels.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1906, 1519-1524.—Shirae (K.) Ueber den Verlauf der mit Kakke complicirten Dysenterie. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1897, xi, 764-767.—Tanaka (T.) [The relation of kakke and indigestion.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1898, 2284; 2332; 2413. -----. [The digestive canal in beri-beri.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1904, 369-373.— Wakasugi (K.) Bezie- hungen der Autointoxication (bes. der intestinalen) zur Kakke. [Japanese text ] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1899, xhi, 749-761.—WakU (E.) Ein Fall von Kakke mit Schwerhorigkeit. [Japanese text.) Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904-5. iii, 22-26.—WakU (S.) [The influence of beri-beri on the kidneys.) Igaku Chuwo Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 1291-1304—Wrafter (R. E.) Acute malarial oedema: beri-beri. Pract. Med., Delhi, 1907, v, 55-59.—Wright (H.) An outline of acute ben-beri and its residual paralysis. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat., Edinb., 1905, hi, 645-662. Beri-beri (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See, aho, Beri-beri (Bacteriology of); Beri- beri (Blood in); Beri-beri (Eye in); Beri-beri (Heart in); Beri-beri (Metabolism in); Beri- beri (Urine in). Osborne (W.) Ueber einige Falle Beri-Beri- artiger Erkrankungen aus Al'rika. 8°. Berlin, 1908, Ashmead (A. S.) Was it beri-beri? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 183 — Austregesilo (A.) Reflexos pa- tellares exaltados e desdobramento da 1» bulha no beriberi. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904, xviu, 213.—Buchanan (W. J.) Beri-beri and the diseases confused with it. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1897, civ, 475-479—Carpenter (P. T.) The chnical aspects of beri-beri. J. Trop. M , Lond., 1898-9,i, 319-321.— Cole (A. F.) Unusual symptoms in beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 1355.—Coreto (E.) II beriberi e la sindrome beriberiea. Incurabili, Napoh, 1917, xxxu, 137: 153.— Currie (D. H.) Beriberi, or a disease closely resembling it, met in Chinese fishermen returning to San Francisco from Alaska. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 225-227 —Draper (A. P.) Beriberi early diagnosed and readilv curtailed. J. Trop. M. [etc], Lond., 1916, xix, 92— Eijkman (C.) Over de resultaten van het electrisch onderzoek bij beri-beri. Ge- neesk. Tijdsehr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1889, xxviii, 349- 3iccola epidemia di beriberi sulla r. nave Umbria. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1898, iv, 1209- 1216.—Mjoen (C.) Ueber die Zunahme der Beri-Beri- krankheit auf europaischen Schiffen. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1900, vi, 508.—Moody (D. W. K.) Beri-beri among lascar crews on board ship. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 728.—Nocht (B.) Ueber Segelschifi-Beriberi. Festschr. z. 60. Geburtst. v. Robert Koch, Jena, 1903, 203-218.— Batnaldi (P. P.) Un' epidemia di beri-beri fra i marinai 0 fra gh ufficiali della r. nave M. A. Colonna. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1909, xv, 89^98.—Ribot (G.) Note sur une epidemie de polynevrite hydremique nautique ou beriberi des voiliers. Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop., Par., 1911, vhi, 241-257.—Roach (S.) An outbreak of ben-beri on board a merchant vessel. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1099.—dos Santos (D. P.) Ligeiro estudo sobre o beriberi na marinha de guerra do Brazil. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1897-8, 5. s., i, 22; 81; 124; 165; 259; 302; 456; 529: 1898-9, 5. s., ii, 63.—Schmidt (P.) Zwei Falle von Beri-Beri (Panneuritis endemica Balz) an Bord eines deutschen Dampfers. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvh, 191.—Shibayama (G.) Bericht iiber die Beriberiepidemie bei den Auswanderen auf dem Dampfer Kaspelas. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1912, xvi, 721-731.—SUvado (J.) O beriberi na marinha militar do Brazil. Tribuna med., Rib de Jan., 1907, xiii, 2; 25.-----. A marinha e o beriberi. Ibid., 217-219.—Splledt (W.) Eine Beri-Beri Epidemie an Bord. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1899, hi, 207-213.— Tlberio (V.) Alcuni casi di beri-beri osservati sulla R. nave Volturno in Zanzibar. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1903, ix, v. 1,705-742.—Turner (G. A.) Ship beri-beri. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 712.—Vandermissen. Contribution a l'etude du beri-beri nautique. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1909, 4. S., xxxih, 164-197.—Tabe (T.) Disparition du kakke (beriberi) dans la marine japonaise. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 48-51. Beri-beri in soldiers. Ashmead (A. S.) Beriberi in the Japanese army. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1901, xx, 591-595.—Brau. Beriberi et paludisme au camp des Mares (Cochinchine). Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1909, xh, 602: 1910, xhi, 215.— Eyre (M. S.) Beri-beri in the 28th Regt., Madras Infantry. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1900, xxxv, 17.—Herzog (M.) Beri-beri in the Japanese army during the late war; the kakke coccus of Okata-Kokubo. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1906, i, 169-180, 2 pi.—Jullien. Sur quelques polynevrites et quelques cedemes observes chez les tirailleurs noirs en service au Maroc. Presse med., Par., 1913, xxi, 888.—Lich- tenberg. Erkrankungen und Todesfalle am Beri-Beri in der Kaiserlichen Schutztruppe fur Kamerun. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1898,xiv,670-672.—MlurafK.) Erfah- rungen iiber Beriberi im russisch-japanischen Kriege. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., BERI-BERI. 470 BERICHTE. Beri-beri in soldiers. 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 394.—Simonln (J.) L'alimentation du soldat japonais et le beriberi. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1904, xhv, 406-411.—Smith (F.) Beriberi or polyneuritis among British troops in India. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxhi, 64-66. Bericht iiber einen Desinfektionsversuch vermit- telst des Flugge'schen Formaldehyd-Apparates im Auftrage des schweizerischen Gesundheits- amtes ausgefuhrt durch das Institut fiir Infek- tionskrankheiten in Bern. 12 pp. 8°. Bern, 1902. Repr.from: San.-demog. Wchnbull.d. Schweiz, Bern, 1902 Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. Entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Theil, 1858-67, von W. Keferstein; 1868-9, von II. Genacher. 8°. Leipzig dc Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1860-69. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Genera- tionslehre in den Jahren 1858-69. See Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physi- ologie. Bericht uber den viii. internationalen Congress gegen den Alkoholismus. 1901; 1902. 8°. Leipzig dc Whn. Bericht iiber den xiv. internationalen Kongress fur Hygiene und Demographic 1907. v. 1-4, 1908. 8°. Berlin.^ Bericht iiber den iii. internationalen Kongress fiir Sauglingsschutz. 11.-15. September 1911. 8°. Berlin. Bericht iiber den v, internationalen Kongress fiir Thalassotherapie, Kolberg, 5.-9. Juni 1911. 1911. 8°. Berlin. Bericht iiber den iii. internationalen Kongress fiir Wohnungshygiene in Dresden, vom 2. bis 7. Oktober 1911. Hrsg. von Eugen Hopf. 1912. 8°. Dresden. Bericht aus der kgl. bayerischen biologischen Versuchsstation in Miinchen. 1908. 8°. Stutt- gart. Bericht iiber die konigliche tierarztliche Hoch- Bchule zu Dresden fiir das Jahr 1906 erstattet vom Rektor und Senat. v, 222 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Dresden, von Zahn dc Jaensch, 1907. Bericht iiber die vom Komite fiir Krebsforschung am 15. Oktober 1900 erhobene Sammelforschung, hrsg. von dem Vorstand E. von Leyden [et al. J. 76 pp., 11., 1 map. fol. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1902. Forms Ergnzgsbd. 1 of: Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1902. Bericht der Kommission fiir Arbeiterhygiene und -Statistik der Abteilung fur ireie Arztwahl 1904-6. Mit einem Anhang: Die Enquete im Schneidergewerbe. Hrsg. von M. Epstein. 102, 12, 18 pp. 8°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1906. Bericht iiber den Kongress zur Bekampfung der Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit. 1899. 8°. Berlin. Bericht iiber den xi. Kongress der deutschen dermatologischen Gesellschaft, Wien, Septem- ber 1913. 453 pp. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, W Braumiiller, 1914. Forms pt. 1, v. 119, of: Arch. f. Dermat., Wien & Leipz., 1914. Bericht iiber den iv.-v. Kongress fiir experi- mentelle Psychologie. 1910-11. 2 v. 1911-12. 8°. Leipzig. Bericht des Kuratoriums der Stiftung: Heilstatte fiir Lupuskranke. Jahrgange 1904-5. 115, 87 pp. 8°. Wien.J.Safaf, 1905-6. Bericht des Medizinalrates iiber die medizinische Statistik des Hamburgischen Staates fiir das Jahr 1909-11; nebst Anhang: Schularztliche Un- tersuchungen in den Volksschulen. 100 pp., 9 pi.; 22 pp. 4°. Hamburg, L. Voss, 1910-12. Bericht der oberhessischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. v. 1-34, 1847-1904; n. F., v. 1-8, 1906-13. 8°. Giessen. Bericht iiber den iii. osterreichischen Alkohol- gegnertag abgehalten in Salzburg am 22. und 23. September 1912. Hrsgr.: Fritz Neumann. 120 pp. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, A. Holder, 1914. Suppl. to: Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien & Leipz. Bericht iiber den i. osterreichischen Mediziner- Kongress. 1903. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig. Bericht iiber die psychiatrische Literatur im Jahre 1910. Redigiert von Otto Snell. 363 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1911. Forms Literaturheft zu v. 68, of: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl. Bericht aus dem Sanatorium Dr. Poras im Kur- orte Solka in der Bukowina fiir die Jahre 1892- 1902. Anlasslich des zehnjahrigen Bestandes der Anstalt hrsg. von der Anstaltsleitung. 104 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1902. Bericht iiber den Stand des interakademischen Corpus medicorum antiquorum und Erster Nach- trag zu den in den Abhandlungen 1905 und 1906 veroffentlichten Katalogen: Die Handschriften der antiken Aerzte I. und II. Teil. Zusammen- gestellt im Namen der Kommission der Konigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften, von H. Diels. 72 pp. 4°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1908. Repr. from: Abhandl. d. konigl. preuss. Akad. d. Wis- sensch., 1907. Bericht iiber die 6. Tagung der Freien Vereini- gung fiir Mikrobiologie in Berlin vom 30. Mai bis 1. Juni 1912. 261 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Jena, 1912. Forms Beilage z. v. 54, Ref., of: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der zur Erforschung der Pest im Jahre 1S!)7 nach Indien entsandten Kommission. 8°. Berlin. 1899. Forms v. 15 of: Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen des Verbandes deutscher Bahnarzte zu Koln am 13. September 1898. 52 pp. 8°. Nurnberg, F. Weigef. [1898]. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen des viii. Kon- gresses der deutschen dermatologischen Gesell- schaft in 1902. 1904. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen des 5. Verbands- tages deutscher Bahnarzte. 1902. 8°. Nurn- berg. Bericht des Wiener Stadtphysikates iiber seine Amtsthatigkeit und uber die Gesundheitsver- hiiltnisse der k. k. Reichshaupt- und Residenz- stadt Wien in den Jahren 1871-1893. v. 1-23, 1872-96. 8°. Wien. Berichte der deutschen pharmaceutischen Ge- sellschaft. v. 8^25, 1898-1915. 8°. Berlin. Berichte iiber die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse und Gesundheitsanstalten in Niirnberg. 1890-1912. 18!i 1-1913. 8°. Nurnberg. Bcrichte iiber den i. internationalen Kongrees fiir das Rettungswesen zu Frankfurt a. M. 1908. Band I. Vortrage. 1908. S°. Berlin. Berichte aus der kgl. bayerischen biologischen Versuchsstation in Munchen. Hrsg. von Bruno Hofer. v. 1. xiv, 220 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Stutt- gart, E. Schweizerbart, 1908. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck, v. 1-15, 1870-86; v. 17- 31, 1887-1908; v. 33, 1910. 8°. Innsbruck. Berichte und Verhandlungen des internationalen Kongresses fiir Versicherungs-Medizin. 4. Kon- gress, 1906. 2 v. 1906. 8°. Berlin. Berichte iiber die Versammlungen der ophthal- mologischen Gesellschaft. v. 10-39, 1877-1913. 8°. [v.p.] BERICHTE. 471 BERKHOFF. Berichte iiber das Veterinarwesen im Konig- reiche Sachsen fur die Jahre 1856-1901, 1906, 1910-12. 1.-58. Jahrg. 8°. Dresden. Berichte aus der zweiten geburtsh.-gyn&kologi- schen Klinik in Wien. Hrsg. von R. Chrobak. v. 1-2, 1897-1902. 8°. Wien. Berichten en mededeelingen der Vereeniging voor Lijkverbranding. v. 1-40, 1876-1915. 8°. 's Gravvenhage. Title changed in 1902 to: Berichten en mededeelingen der Vereeniging voor facultatieve Lijkverbranding. Beriel (L.) [1878- ]. *La sclerose pulmonaire discrete d'origine tuberculeuse; ses rapports avec la bronchite et l'emphyseme. 130 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 136. ■------. Syphilis du poumon chez l'enfant et chez l'adulte. 346 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1907. ------. Elements d'anatomie pathologique. Avec 232 figures dessinees par l'auteur. x, 563 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, [1910]. Berigaud (J.) *Cure hygio-dietetique associee a la cure d'altitude dans le traitement de la tuber- culose pulmonaire. 76 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 592. Berillon (Edgar). Banquet (Le) en l'honneur du Dr. Berillon. Rev. dc l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1906-7, xxi, 33; 98. Bering (Friedrich) [1878- ]. *Supramalleolare Langsfracturen der Fibula. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1903. Beringer (Frederic) [1881- ]. *De 1'influence tardive de la syphilis sur la grossesse. 60 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 94. Beringuier (G.) *L'alcoolisme dans la region toulousaine. 53 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1899, No. 314. Berini (F.) Localizaci6n de los procesos otopati- cos por medio del diapas6n. 32 pp. 8°. Bar- celona, F. Badia, 1899. Berio (Nicola). Lettera al Dottore Gasparo Bosio sulla malattia del Sig. Gerolamo Gianni. . 24 pp. 8°. Torino, Barberh, 1813. Beristain (Julio). *Apuntes sobre la leche y algunas de sus industrias. 62 pp. 8°. Tacubaya, B. F., 1894. Beristain (Porfirio). *Superioridad de la colpo- perineauxesis de Aug. Martin sobre los demas tratamientos de los prolapsus genitales. 26 pp., 11., 4 pi. 8°. Tacubaya, D. F., 1893. Beristain de Souza (Jose Mariano) [1756-1817]. Biblioteca hispano-americana setentrional. 2. ed. 3 v. 12 . Amecameca, tipog. del Colegio catdlico, 1883. ------. The same. Tomo iv comprende los an6- nimos que dej6 escritos el autor, las adiciones del Dr. Osores y otras afiadidas posteriormente por las personas que se expresan. liii, 198, [1] pp. 12°. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Elzeviriana, 1897. ------. The same. Adiciones y correcciones que a su fallecimiento dej6 manuscritas el Sr. Lie. D. Jose Fernando Ramirez, y son las que cita con el nombre de "Suplemento." xlvii, [4], 662 pp., 11. 16°. Mexico, impr. de El Tiempo, 1898. Berjeau (J. Ph.) The homoeopathic treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea, spermatorrhea and urinary diseases. Revised with numerous additions by J. H. P. Frost. 256 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, F. E. Borricke, 1889. Berk (Franz) [1883- . ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der ersten Anlage der menschlichen Brustdriise. 1 p. 1., 30 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1913. Berkart (Joseph Isidor Bernard). On bronchial asthma; its pathology and treatment. 3. ed. vi (11.), 150 pp. 8°. London [etc.], Oxford Uni- versity Bress, 1911. ------. The pathology and treatment of the so- called nervous asthma. 54 pp. 8°. London, Edinburgh [etc.], H. Milford, 1916. Berke (Theodor) [1870- ]. *Anthropologische Beobachtungen an Kamerunnegern. 41 pp., 20 tab., lmap. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Muh dc Cie., 1905. Berkeley (Comyns) [1865- ]. A handbook for midwives and maternity nurses, xii, 283 pp. 12°. London, Cassell dc Co., 1906. ------. The same. 2. ed. 304 pp. 12°. London dc New York, Cassell dc Co., 1909. ------. The same. 4. ed. xiii, 528 pp., col. front. 8°. London [etc.], Cassell dc Co., 1917. ------. Gynaecology for nurses and gynaecological nursing. 114 pp. 12°. London, Scientific Bress, 1910. _ ------. A guide to gynecology in general prac- tice, xxiii, 452 pp. 8°. Bondon, H. Frolmde, 1915. ------, Andrews (Henry Russell) & Fairbairn (John Shields). Midwifery by ten teachers, x (1 1.), 736 ppl, 4 pi. 8°. London, E. Arnold, 1917. ------& Bonney (Victor) [1872- ]. A text- book of gynaecological surgery, x (11.), 720 pp., col. pi. 8°. London [etc.], Cassell dc Co., Ltd., 1911. ------------. The difficulties and emergencies of obstetric practice. 2. ed. 4 p. 1., [ix]-xii, 807 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1915. Berkeley (George) [1684-1753]. Recherches sur les vertus de l'eau de goudron. Traduit de l'anglais; avec une lettre de l'auteur. 132 pp. 12°. Liege, C. Collette, [n. d.]. See, also, Fernet (G.) Philosophic idealism and tar- water. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1916, xxi, 102-106. Berkeley (Hugh K.) The impossibility of differ- entiation between monkey blood and human blood by means of antisera derived from mon- keys, pp. 105-110. 8°. Berkeley, 1913. In: Univ. Calif. Pub. Path., Berkeley, 1913, ii. Berkeley (William Nathaniel) [1868- ]. Lab- oratory work with mosquitoes, viii, 112 pp. 8°. New York, 1902. Berkenheier (Jacob) [1867- ]. *Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Atresia ani, vaginalis und vesti- bularis. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, B. Heller, 1906. Berkenhout (John) [1730-90]. Clavis anglica linguae botanicae; or, a botanical lexicon; in which the terms of botany, particularly those occurring in the works of Linnaeus, and other modern writers, are applied, derived, ex- plained, contrasted and exemplified. 2. ed.. to which is added, Calendarium botanicum. 167 1. 8°. London, T. Cadell, 1789. Berkhan (Oswald) [1834- ]. Ueber den angeborenen und fruh erworbenen Schwach- sinn. Fiir Aerzte und Lehrer dargestellt. 2 p. 1., 64 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Sohn, 1899. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 98 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Son, 1904. Berkhoff (C. J. Bernard). *Zur Beurteilung der Wirbelkorperbruche am unteren Abschnitt der Wirbelsaufe. [Wiirzburg.] 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Fries, 1897. BERKLEY. 472 BERLINER. Berkley (Henry J.) A treatise on mental dis- eases, based upon the lecture course at the Johns Hopkins University, 1899, and designed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine, xiv (11.), 601 pp., 17 pi. 8°. New York, B. Appleton dc Co., 1900. ------. The same, xiv (1 1.), 601 pp., 7 pi. 8°. London, H. Kimpton, 1901. Berkmann (Willy) [1883- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Naevus sebaceus. 37 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1909. Berkoff (Claire). *Resultats eloignes de l'abla- tion de deux ovaires et_ choix de methode operatoire dans les annexites chroniques bila- terales (methode Beuttner). 39 pp. 8°. Ge- neve 1910. Berkofsky [Albert Gerhard] [1881- ]. *Ueber die auf der 1. med. Abteilung des stadt. Kran- kenhauses Munchen in der Zeit vom 1. I. 1890 bis 1. X. 1904 beobachteten Falle von Perity- phlitis. 25 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1905. Berkofsky (Konrad Theodor) [1876- ]. *Ver- gleichsversuche zwischen Jodipin- und Salol- methode zur Bestimmung der motorischen Thatigkeit des Magens. 24 pp., 2 1. 8°. Got- tingen, L. Hofer, 1902. Berkos (P.). See Kholodkovskl (N. A.) [in 2. s.] Meditsinskaya z661ogiya[etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. ■------& Ingenitski (I.) Prakticheskaya zooto- miya. [Practical zootomy.] Pts. I & II. 8°. S.-Beterburg, M. D. Budometoff, 1899. CONTENTS. Pt. I. Lyagushka. [The frog.]. 67 pp. Pt. II. Rlechnofrak. [The crawfish.) 47 pp. Berkovitch (Aron) [1883- ]. *De l'obesite d'origine genitale chez la femme; rapports avec l'adipose douloreuse. 95 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 337. Berkovits (Albert [Peisakhovich]) [1852- ]. *K voprosu o mochegonnom dieistvii koffeina i yevo solei; na osnovanii fiziologicheskikh opitov l izucheniya azoto- i rnineralnavo obmlena. [Diuretic action of caff ein and its salts; based on physiologic experiments and the study of nitrogenous and mineral metabolism.] 122 pp., 7 tab. 8°. Yuryev, Shnakenburg, 1900. Berkowitz (Rosa) [1886- ]. ^Rheumatismus nodosus im Kindesalter. [Miinchen.] 1 p. 1., 43 pp., 11. 8°. Stuttgart, 1912. Berks County Medical Society. Transactions for the years 1896-9. 1897-1900. 8°. Beading, Ba. Berl (Mathias Max) [1883- ]. *Zur palliativen Behandlung des inoperablen Uteruscarcinoms. [Munchen.] 8°. Hildesheim, Gebr. Gerstenberg, 1909. Berlatzky (Sarra Golda). *Du massage en gynecologic 64 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 153. Berlese (Amadeo). Attivita delle soluzioni alcooliche di sublimato corrosivo a titolo elevate in alcune manifestazioni morbose; nota pre- ventiva. 16 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Bicci, 1904. Berlet (Friedrich). *Der gegenwartige Stand der Schleich'schen Lokal-Anasthesie. [Heidelberg.] 25 pp. 8°. Neustadt a. d. Hdt., Ffalzi, 1898. Berliand (Oucher) [1888- ]. Contribution a l'etude des fortes retentions d'uree dans l'orga- nisme. 73 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1914, No. 28. Berlin. See, also, Cholera (Hhtory and statistics of), Deaf-mutes (Asylums and institutions for), Diphtheria (Hhtory of), Fever (Typhoid, Hh- tory of), Fever (Typhus, Hhtory of), Hospitals (Bescription of), Hospitals (Gynecological, etc.), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Hospitals (Military), Hospitals (Ophthalmic and auric), Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), Influenza (Hhtory of), Insane (Asylums, Description, etc., of), Meningitis (Cerebrospinal, Hhtory and stathths of), Plague (Hhtory, etc., of), by localities. Medizinische (Das) Berlin; ein Fuhrer fiir Aerzte. 8. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Pagel (J.) Zur Geschichte des Vereins Ber- liner Armenarzte. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizin, insbesondere des Armen-Medizi- nalwesens in Berlin. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Brasch (M.) Die arztliche Versorgung der Berliner Armen-Kranken. Med. Reform, Berl., 1903, xi, 397; 409.— Ewald. Ein preisgekronter Grundplan fiir Gross-Berlin und das Tempelhofer Feld. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2051.—Fornario (G.) Cenni sugli ospedali e taluni servizii di assistenza sanitaria della citta di Berlino. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1574- 1577.—Girode Asiles de nuit a Berlin (le grand asile muni- cipal). Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 5. S , xxiv, 117-132.—Heine (B.) Zur Fra-*e der Staubbekampfung in Berlin. Ztschr. f. Stadthyg., Berl., 1909, i, 9-13.—I«vy (W.) Neugestaltung des Berliner Rettungswesens. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1906, x, 69.—Medical (A) information office in Berlin. Lancet, Lond , 1907, i, 603.—Merke (H.) Die Wohnungs- desinfection der Stadt Berlin. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1891, xxhi, 258-276.—Peyser (A.) Die Bestrebungen zur Verbreitung sozialmedizinischer Kenntnisse unter den Berliner Aerzten. Med. Reform, Berl, 1906, xiv, 53-58.—Substantial gains from the twenty years' sanitation of Berlin. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 468-470. Berlin. Kinderasyl. See Arbeiten zum lOjahri- gen Bestehen des Kinderasyls der Stadt Berlin. Berlin (Henry) [1852-1916]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1916, lxvi, 1213. Also: J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1916-17, ix, 101 (H. P. LJ. Berlin (Joh.) [1881- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der Schussverletzungen des Auges. 39 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1908. Berlin (Mac). Om arftlighet och rashygien. [Heredity and racial hygiene.] 58 pp., lpl. 8°. Stockholm. A. Bonniers, [1912]. Berlin (Maria). *Ueber Veranderungen in reti- nierten Placenten. [Bern.] 32pp., lpl. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1907. Berlin (Rudolph) [1833-97]. Nekrolog. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1897, xxxv, 358-360.—Schlbsser. Nekrolog. Munchen. med. "Wchnschr., xiv, 19, port. Berlin (Ulrich) [1886- 1 *Ueber isolierte Agraphie. 25 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1913. Berliner (Arnold). Co-Editor of: Naturwissenschaiten (Die). Wochen- schrift[etc.]. 4°. Berlin, 1913-15. Berliner (Bernhard) [1885- ]. *Opticusatrophie bei Myxoedem. 38pp., 11. 8°. Freiburgi. B., Speyer dc Kaerner. 1909. Berliner (Curt) [18S5-# ]. *Die Luxatio clavi- cular supra-aeromialis und ihre operative Be- handlung. 48 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1910. Berliner (Emile). The milk question and mor- tality among children here and in Germany. 10 pp. 8°. [Washington], 1902. ------. Thesame. 3.ed. 13 pp., 11. 8°. Wash- ington, Soc. Brev. Sickness, 1907. ------. The milk question from various points of view. 28 pp. 8°. Washington, Soc. Brev. Sickness, 1907. ------. Some neglected essentials in the fight against consumption. 13 pp. 8°. Washington, Soc. Brev. Sickness, 1907. ------. The inadequacy of certified milk. 4 pp. 8°. Washington, 1909. BERLINER. 473 BERN. Berliner (Emile)—continued. ------. The outbreak of typhoid fever in Cassel during 1909; infected milk the cause. 2 1. 8°. [Washington, 1909.] ------. The care of babies and their food; simple directions prepared from scientific sources and medical advices by the Societyfor the Preven- tion of Sickness. 8 pp. 12°. Washington. 1909. Berliner (Judel) [1885- 1. *Zur Therapie und Pathologie des Abortes (an der^ Hand der in der Kgl. geburtshilflichen Poliklinik von 1904- lObeobachtetenAborte). 34 pp. 8°. Breslau, L. Freund, 1912. Berliner (Kurt) [1879- ]. *Beitrage zur His- tologic und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Klein- hirns. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Breslau, 1904. Berliner (Kurt). *Akute Psychosen nach Ge- hirnerschutterung. [Giessen.] 51 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1908. Berliner Aerzte-Correspondenz. Organ des Ge- schafts-Ausschusses der Berliner arztlichen Standesvereine. v. 1-7,1896-1902. fol. Berlin. Supplement to: Allgemeine medicinischeCentral-Zeitung, Berlin. Berliner Arzneiverordnungen mit Einschluss der physikalisch-diatetischen Therapie. Fiir Stu- dierende und Aerzte. Nach der 4. Ausg. des Arzneibuchs fiir das Deutsche Reich zusammen- gestellt von Paul Reckzeh. Mit einem Vor- wort von Fr. Krause. vi, 227 pp. 12°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1906. Berliner Klinik. Sammlung klinischer Vortrage. Hrsg. von Richard Rosen. 1888-1914. 8°. Berlin. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift. Organ fiir praktische Aerzte. Redigiert von C. Posner und Hans Kohn. v. 1-55, 1864-1918. fol. Berlin. ------. Fest-Nummer Carl Anton Ewald zum sechzigsten Geburtstage gewidmet. xvi, 116 pp. 4°. Berlin, 1905. Bound with: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, ii. Berliner klinisch-therapeutische Wochenschrift. Hrsg. von M. T. Schnirer und Alfred Wolff. v. 1-3, 1904-5. 8°. Berlin. Text identical with v. 11-13 of: Wiener klinisch-thera- peutische Wochenschrift. After No. 13, v. 3, title became: Deutsche klinisch-therapeutische Wochenschrift. Berliner ophthalmologische Gesellschaft. Ver- handlungen. 1893-1904. 2 v. 1905-6. 8°. Leipzig. Berliner physiologische Gesellschaft. Verhand- lungen. v. 34-35, 1909-10 (1910-11). 8°. Ber- lin. . - Berliner tierarztliche Wochenschrift. Organ fiir Tierarzneiwissenschaft und tierarztliche Standes- interessen. v. 4, 1888; v. 5, 1889-1915. 4°. Berlin. Berliner (Die) Unfallstationen. Bericht uber die Organisation des Rettungs- und Kranken- transportwesens der Reichshauptstadt. 50 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1898. Berliner zahnarztliches Vereinsblatt. Amtliches Organ der zahnarztlichen Vereine Berlins. 1894-5. 4°. Berlin. Berlinski (N[ikolai] Vtasilyevich])^ [1856- ]. K voprosu o zaikanii i liechenii yevo. [On stuttering and its treatment. 38 pp. 8°. Omsk, 1896. B ... Repr.from: Protok. Omsk. Med. Obsh., 1895-6, xiu. Berlioz (A.) [1857- ]. ,..„„, See Yvon (Paul) [in 2. s.]. Manuel chnique de l'analyse des urines [etc.]. 16s. Parh, 1896. Berlioz (Fernand). Manuel pratique des mala- dies de la peau. 4. £d. 514 pp. 16°. Barh, 0. Boin, 1897. ------. Manuel de therapeutique. Introduction by C. Bouchard. 4. ed. xxiv, 581 pp. 12°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1901. ------. Precis de baeteriologie medicale; avec preface par L. Landouzy. xx, 542 pp. 12°. Barh, Masson dc Ch., 1903. ------. Disinfection des livres fermes. 8 pp. 8°. Barh, H. Daragon, 1907. Berlioz (Hector) [1803-69]. Feis (O.) Hector Berlioz; eine pathographi- sche Studie. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1911. Berlioz (H.) La carriere medicale de Berlioz, contee par lui-meme. Chron. med., Par., 1903, x, 183-186. Aho: Dau- phine med., Grenoble, 1903, xxvu, 138-143.—Berlioz et le Docteur Noir. Chron. med., Par., 1907, xiv, 212-217.— Blondel (R.) Les evades de la medecine. Berlioz et la medecine. Ibid., 1908, xv, 209-218.—Gould (G. M.) A bio- graphic clinic on Berlioz. St. Louis M. Rev., 1905, hi, 517; 537. Aho, Reprint. Berlit (Alfred Bruno Berthold) [1880- ]. *Ueber Nystagmus unter Berucksichtigung des Nystagmus rotatorius in Anlehnung an einen Fall von Nystagmus rotatorius nach Trauma. 37 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Berlowitz (Wolf) [1885- ]. *Ueber Knochen- bildung in der Laparotomienarbe. 31 pp. 8°. Breslau, Grass, Barth dc Co., 1913. Bermann (Alexander) [1880- # ]. *Nephritis chronica parenchymatosa und interstitialis auf Grund der Krankengeschichten und Sektions- protokolle. 26 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1912. Bermann (Isidor Samuel Leopold) [1845-1918]. Obituary. Wash. M. Ann., 1918, xvu, 260. Bermann (L.) *L'ict&re emotif; sa pathogenie. 86 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 325. Bermann (Malka). *Publication d'un cas de monstre. (Avec 3 planches.) 20 pp., 11., 3 pi. 8°. Genive, J. Studer, 1905. Bermant (Jacob) [1869- ]. *Ueber Pfort- aderverschluss und Leberschwund. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., H. Jxger, 1897. Bermbach (Jacob Paul Julius) [1869- ]. *Ue- ber monarticulare Arthritis deformans. 31 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1897. Bermbach (Paul). Die Kochsalzinfusion und ihre Verwertung bei Krankheiten. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1903, No. 350 (Innere Med., No. 103, 905-924). Bermejo (Rafael B.) *Estudio clinico y semiolo- gico de la auscultaci6n. 33 pp. 8°. Mexico, I. Escalante dc Co., 1872. Bermuda. Falkner (Mrs. Percy Hope). An ideal station; Bermuda. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1912, xix, 593-600.— Fer- ris (A. W.) Bermuda. Med. Critic, N. Y., 1903, hi, 962-964.— Harvey (E.) Notes on Bermuda as a winter resort. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1233-1235.—Mattison (J. B.) Beau- tiful Bermuda; notes from a land of bloom and balm. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 954— Verrill (A. E.) The Ber- muda Islands; their scenery, climate, productions, physiog- raphy, natural history, and geology; with sketches of their early history and their changes due to man. Tr. Connect. Acad. Arts & Sc, N. Haven, 1901-3, xi, pt. 2, 413-911, 37 pi., 2 port. Bern. See Children (Hospitals and asylums for), Fever (Typhoid, Hhtory of), Hospitals (Gyne- cological, etc.), Hospitals (Ophthalmic andauric\, Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), by locali- ties. BERN. 474 BERNARD. Bern (George). 0 massage'ie. Perev. s frantsuz- skavo. [Massage. Transl. from the French.] 62 pp., 11. 16°. S.-Beterburg, 1902. Forms No. 4 of: Domashniy Vrach, 1902. Bernabei (Antonio Nicola). Dissertazione delle morti improvise, nella quale si ragiona delle perucche e degli acidi, con un discorso dello scie- glimento delle balie. 3 p. 1., 84 pp., 41.; 2 p. 1., 40 pp., 21. 8°. Boma, F. Gonzaga, 1708. Bernabei (Cforrado]). Infezioni. 27 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1897. ■ ■ Forms No. 5 of: Confer, clin. ital., Milano, 1897, i, 181-207. Bernabeo (Gaetano). GF Italiani nella chirurgia. Prolusione al corso pareggiato di patologia spe- ciale chirurgica e propedeutica, nelF ospedale di Gesue Maria. 24 pp. 8°. Napoli,1897; ------. Lezioni di patologia e terapia chirurgica generale e speciale, dettate nell' ospedale clinico Gesu e Maria, raccolte dagli studenti O. de Lollis e G. Ricciuti. 872 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Napoli, Bierro dc Veraldi, 1903. ------. Trattato di patologia e terapia generale e speciale chirurgica. xx, 1039 pp. 8°. Napoli, V. Idelson, 1914. Ber nach ot (Leon) [1877- ]. *Recherches sur le pouvoir ionisant de la glycerine et de quel- ques phenols. 35 pp. 8°. Byon, Belaroche dc Schneider, 1906, No. 46. Ecole de pharmacie. Bernadac (Regis-Omer) [1876- ]. Du palu- disme sans manifestations anterieures reVel6 a l'occasion d'une maladie aigue chez l'enfant. 68 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 3. Bernadicou (Henri). *Contribution a l'etude des rapports symptomatiques entre le tabes et l'hysterie. 76 pp. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 242. Bernadou (Francois) [1884- _ ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude des cholecystites £berthiennes aigues observees et operees au cours et dans la convalescence de la fievre typhoide. 75 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1910, No. 72. Bernadski (A[pollinariy] A[ndreyevich]) [1870- ]. *K voprosu o vliyanii operatsii na mor- fologicheskiy sostav krovi. [Influence of opera- tion upon the morphological composition of the blood.] 1 p. 1., ii, 181, xxxv pp., 4 1. 8°. S.- Beterburg, I. V. Leontyeff, 1912. Bernagie (Pieter). Antwoord op de brief van Kornelis Bontekoe. 1 p. 1., 96 pp. 16°. VAm- sterdam, J. Bouman, 1682. Bernal (Miguel). *E1 tifo. 45 pp. 8°. Mexico, E. D. Orozco, 1893. Bernaldo de Quiros (Constantino) [1873- ]. Modern theories of criminality. Translated from the Spanish by Alfonso de Salvio; with an introduction by Wm. W. Smithers. xxvii, 249 pp. 8°. Boston, Bittle, Brown dc Co., 1912. Bernard. Du typhus contagieux^ des bdtes a cornes et des mesures administratives qu'il oon- vient de mettre en usage pendant le regne de cette maladie. Ou vrage couronn6 par la So- ciety royale d'agrieulture, histoire naturelle et arts utiles de Lyon, en 1838. iv, 58 pp. 8°. Byon, Barret2 1839. Bernard (Alain) [1884- ]. *La baisse de la natality francaise. 8°. Montpellier, 1910, No. 15. Bernard (Albert) [1864- ]. Contribution a l'etude des anevrysmes de l'artere hepatique. 74 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 124. Bernard (Albert). *Ein Beitrag zur Spontan- heilung bei Netzhautablosung. 29 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1909. Bernard (Alexandre) [1878- _ ]. *Du pronostic immediat et eloigne; meningites cerebro-spi- nales. 107 pp. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 298. Bernard (Alfred\ [1873- _ ]. *Du cancer pri- mitif de la vesicule biliaire considered comme complication de la lithiase. 80 pp. 8°. Lyon 1897, No. 41. Bernard (Alphonse) [1885- ]. *De 1'ampu- tation primitive dans les grands eerasements du membre inferieur. 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 126. Bernard (Armand) [1872- ]. *Periostite aigue suppuree sans osteomyelite. 39 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1901, No. 306. ------. The same. 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1901. Bernard (Arthur) [1871- ]. *De la tempera- ture des nouveau-nes. 58 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 503. Bernard (Charles) [1650-1711]. Bibliotheca Bernardiana; or a catalogue of the library of the late Charles Bernard, Esq.; containing a curious collection of the best au- thors in physick, history, philology, antiquities [etc.]. 16°. [London, 1710?] [Biography.) Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1899, iv, 377.— Power (D' A.) Two unpublished letters of Charles Bernard, surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1686-1711. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1905-6, xiii, 147. Bernard (Charles-Etienne). Contribution a Fetude de l'ulcere simple de l'cesophage et specialement de son diagnostic et de son traite- ment grace a l'cesophagoscopie. 57 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 70. Bernard (Charles-Eugene-Edmond) [1883- ]. *La maladie osseuse de Paget et Fheredo- syphilis osseuse. Etude clinique. 66 pp. 8°. Bille, 1910, No. 18. Bernard (Claude) [1813-78]^ Introduction a l'etude de la medecine experimentale; avec des notes critiques par le R. P. Sertillanges. 99 pp., 11. 12°. Bans, C. Boussielque, 1900. For Biography, see Foster (M.) Masters of medicine; Claude Bernard. 8°. London, 1899. See, aho: Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1914, xxix, 33-11 (A. La- cassagne). Aho: Bull. mt5d., Par., 1913, xxxu, 1015-1017 (Morat). Aho: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1914, lxxvi, 2-10. Aho: Detroit M. J.. 1913, xiii, 6-13, port. (J. H. Demp- ster). Aho: France mea., Par., 1914, lxi, 12-14. Aho: Lyon med., 1913, exxi, 837-846 (J. P. Morat). Also: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1913-14, lviii, 369 (W. Sterling}. Aho: Monde med., Par., 1913, xxhi, 562-566. Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, ix, 2912, port. (E.). Aho: Paris med., 1913-14, xiv (suppl.), 257-263 (Camus). Aho: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1914. lxxxiv, 567-578 (D. W. Wilson). Aho: Practitioner, Lond., 1899, lxiii, 185-190. Aho: Rev. de l'TJniv. de Brux., 1913-14, xix, 345-355 (G. Dwelshauvers). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). —----. Sec. also: Asselln (E.-G.) La science experimentale en medecine; Claude Bernard. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1915, xliv, 35-43.—Gley (E.) • L'ceuvre pathologique de Claude Bernard et la biologie francaise. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 257-264.—van Tleghem (l\) L'ceuvre scientiflque de Claude Bernard. Ibid., 1911, i, 513-521. ------ & Huette (Ch.) Handboek der heelkun- dige ontleedkunde en kunstbewerkingen. Naar de Fransche uitgave door C. Rademaker. 2 v. 2. ed. 141.,528 pp.,11.,88 pi. 8°. Amsterdam, Weytingh dc van der Haart, 1856. Bernard (Claude-Abel). _ ^Contribution a l'etude de la torsion du pedicule des fibromes sous- sereux de Futerus. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 158. Bernard (Didier). *Le signe de Grocco ou triangle paravertebrale oppos6 dans les pleuresies se- reuses. Etude critique. 50 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 27. BERNARD. 475 BERNARD. Bernard -(Edgard) [1883- ]._ *Des luxations congenitales de la tete du radius. 145 pp. 8°. Lille, 1907,, No. 12. Bernard (Edouard-Amand). *Des alterations d'intensite du premier bruit du cceur au cours de la fievre typhoide. 60 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 503. Bernard (Emile) [1876- ] *De la tubercu- lose congenitale (chez l'homme). ix, 10-73 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 67. Bernard (Emile) [1877- ^ ]. *Du drainage des voies biliaires dans les cirrhoses du foie. 80 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 413. Bernard (Etienne-Emile) [1884- ^ ]. *Essaisur l'historique des principaux medicaments aphro- disiaques ou pretendus tels. 65 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1908, No. 85. Bernard (Eugene) [1886- ]. ,*Les complica- tions et les manifestations urinaires dans le cancer du rectum. 64 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1912, No. 62. Bernard (F.) L'audiphone electro-magnetique dans le traitement de la surdity. 62 pp., 1 1. 12°. Baris, 1900. Bernard (Felix). Traitement hydro-mineral das maladies des femmes. 47 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1899. ------. Action physiologique et indications the- rapeutiques des eaux de Plombieres. 85 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1899. See, aho, Baraduc (F.), Bernard (Felix) [et al], Cli- nique hydrologique. 8°. Paris, 1909. Bernard (Franz). Observations on the treatment of spinal and other deformities, paralysis, and some chronic complaints, by the movement- cure. 24 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Manchester, Bradshaw dc Blacklock, 1857. Bernard (Gabriel-Pierre) [1885-, ]. *Quel- ques considerations sur l'etiologie de la fievre typhoide. 71 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1911, No. 64. Bernard (Gaston). *L'asile des alien es criminels de Gaillon; sa necessity; son organisation future. 132 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 449. Bernard (Georges) [1865- 1 *Des cloisons congenitales du vagin au point de vue obste- trical. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 581. Bernard (Georges) [1879- ]. *Les syndromes paralytiques generaux au point de vue etiolo- gique. 45 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 34. Bernard (Hans [AVilly Hermann]) [1878- ]. *Die geburtshilfliche Bedeutung der Doppelbil- dungen von Uterus und Vagina; nach Zusam- menstellung von 100 Fallen. 46 pp., 21., 1 tab. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Bernard (Henri) [1887- ]. Cancer secon- daire du rachis; diagnostic precoce par la radio- graphic; contre-indication operatoire. 45 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Montpellier, 1913, No. 6. Bernard (Henry) [1874-1906]. *Etude clinique sur la colique de plomb. 103 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 272. ------. The same. 103 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Stein- heil, 1901. For Biography, see Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1906-7, xii, 128. Bernard (Jacques-Louis) [1888- ]. Contri- bution a l'etude du phlegmon gangreneux du plancher de la bouche (angine de Geonsul- Ludwig). 92 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1918, No. 11. Bernard (Jean-Arthur) [1873- ]. *De Fosteo- myelite aigue de Fextremite superieure du femur. 96 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 4. Bernard (Jean - Baptiste - Adolphe - Louis - Paul) [1871- ] Contribution a Fetude du sy- ringo-cystadenome (cvstadenomes epitheiiaux benins). 84 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 576. Bernard (Jules) [1826-99]. Gripat (H.) [Biography.] Arch. med. d'Angers, 1901, v, 7-12, port. Bernard (Jules) [1881- " 1. Contribution a l'etude de la tpuerperalite dans ses rapports avec les affections valvulaires du cceur. (Re- cueil des faits cliniques.) 58 pp. 8°. Byon, 1906, No. 119. Bernard (Leon) [1872- ]. *Les fonctions du rein dans les nephrites chroniques. 182 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 227. ------. The same. 184 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1900. ------._ Les methodes d'exploration de la per- meabilite renale. 188 pp., 1 1. 12°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1904. See, aho, Eichhorst (Hermann). Traite de diagnostic medical, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1905. Bernard (Leon). *Les troubles oculaires dans la choree de Sydenham. 92 pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 245. Bernard (Louis) [1886- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la question du determinisme sexuel. [Lyon.] 83 pp. 8°. Treyoux, 1909, No. 26. Bernard (Louis). Contribution a l'etude des methodes nouvelles du traitement de l'hypo- spadias. 71 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1909, No. 856. Bernard (Lucien) [1882- ^ ]. _ Contribution a Fetude de dosage de l'acide urique et des corps puriques. 2 p. 1., 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1913, No. 165. Bernard (Marcel). Pour proteger la sante publi- que. Avec une preface de F. Dubief. 2 p. 1., 282 pp. 8°. Barh, V. Giard dc E. Brilre, 1909. Forms v. 3 of 1. s. of: Encyclopedie intemationale d'assis- tance, prevoyance, [etc.]. Bernard (Matilda). See Rorschelt (Eugen) & Heider (K.) [in 2. s.]. Text- book of the embryology of the invertebrates [etc.]. 8°. London, 1899. Bernard (Noel-Pierre-Joseph-Leon) [1875- _ ^ ]• *Recherches experimentales sur la transmission des incitations motrices dans la moelle epiniere. Travail du laboratoire de physiologie. 57 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 25. Bernard (Paul) [1872- ]. *Diagnostic clinique des paralysies du moteur oculaire commun. 95 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 296. ------. Tuberculose et hygiene; climat, traite- ment. 66 pp. 8°. Barh, V. Betaux, [1904j. Bernard (Paul) [1886- ]. *La serotherapie antityphique. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1910, No. 18. Bernard (Philippe) [1876- ]. *A propos de quelques tentatives d'urethroplastie veineuse. 53 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1910, No. 106. Bernard (Pierre) [1859-99]. Necrologie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille,-1899, i, 217-230. Bernard (Pierre) [1873- ]. *Etude sur les cancers primitifs multiples. 104 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 312. Bernard (Pierre). *Traitement des nevralgies par les injections sous-cutanees de serum arti- flciel. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 116. Bernard (Pierre-Joseph-Marcel) [1882- ]. *De l'emploi des produits a base de cholesterine dans le traitement de la tuberculose. 100 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909, No. 7. 76 BERNDT. BERNARD. Bernard (Pierre-Louis) [1879- ]. *L'ophtal- mie granuleuoe dans le departement de la Gironde. 56 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 52. Bernard (Simeon) [1883- ]. Contribution a l'etude des erythemes scarlatiniformes a la suite de couches. % 56 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1909, No. 119. Bernard (Ulric). Une ceuvre de charite francaise a Fetranger; FHopital francais de Londres, son annexe de Brighton. 106 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 209. Bernard (Walter) [1827-1912], Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 1693. de Bernard de Teyssier (Jules) [1876- ]. *Des adherences vraies du placenta. 84 pp. S°. Lyon, 1903, No. 61. Bernardeau (Max-Marie-Joseph) [1885- ]. *L'os acromial (anatomie humaine, anatomie comparee, pathologie, embryologie). 70 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 17. Bernardes da Costa Pereira (Carlos). *Estudo clinico da uremia chronica. 89 pp. roy. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, Rodrigues dc Co., 1905. Bernardet (A.) [1877- ]. /Contribution a l'etude de la malaria ambulatoire. 45 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 75. Bernardie (Alphonse). *Les fibromes calcifies de Futerus. 71 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 187. Bernardin (Albert). Contribution a la tech- nique experimentale et aux applications medi- cales de la radiographic stereoscopique de pre- cision. 118 pp., 7 pi. 8°. Toulouse, 1908, No. 793. Bernardinus (Franciscus). Novum et egregium opus, cui titulus, Prseservator sani tat is. 16 1. 16°. [ Vicentiae, impressum per Btolomaeum Jani- cutum, 1529.] Bernard-Lapommeray (Leon-Pierre-Theodore) [1872- ]. *Traitement des fistules perineales. 86 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 109. Bernardo (Luigi) & Brezzi (Giuseppe). Lo sgombero degli ammalati e dei feriti in guerra. xii, 276 pp., 1 plan. 8°. Roma, 1905. Bernardus Bellonensis. See Colle (Joannes). De omnibus malignis et pestilenti- busaflectionibus[etc.]. fol. Phauri, 1616. Bernardus Trevhanus [1452-90]. Livre de . . • Messiere Bernard [on the transmutation of metals]. See Zacaire (Denis) [in 2. s.]. Opuscule [etc.]. 16°. Anvers, 1567. Bernardy (EugeneProsper) [1846-1905]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1905, xiv, 1262. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 863. Bernartz (Heinrich) [1881- ]. *Ueber Mag- netoperationen am Auge. 54 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Ehele, 1904. Bernasconi (Francois) [1877- ]. *Sur la va- leur diagnostique, pronostique et therapeutique de la ponction lombaire dans les fractures du crane et du rachis. 74 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 161. Bernatzik (Wenzel) [1821-1902]. Nekrolog (A. Vogl). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 283. ------ & Vogl (August Emil). Lehrbuch der Arzneimittellehre, mit gleicnmassiger Beriick- sichtigung der osterreichischen und deutschen Pharmakopoe, neubearbeitet von A. E. von Vogl. 3. Aufl. xi, 967 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban de Schwarzenberg, 1900. Bernax. Memoire sur le magnetisme animal et le somnambulisme. MS. 32 1. fol. Baris, 1837. Bernay (Andre) [1885- ]. *Les syphilides lupoides. [Lyon.] 116 pp. 8°. Saints Etienne, 1911, No. 95. Bernay (Charles) [1873- ]. * Les stenoses tuberculeuses de Fintestin grele. iv, 199 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 105. Bernay (Maurice) [1854- ]. La syphilis et ses consequences. 2 p. 1., 316 pp., 11. 12°. Paris, Dentu, [1901, vel subseq.]. Bernays (Augustus Charles) [1854-1907]. Golden rules of surgery. Aphorisms, observations and reflections on the science and art of surgery. Being a guide for surgeons and those who would become surgeons. 203 pp. 8°. St. Louh, C. V. Mosby, 1906. ------. The same. 2. ed., rev. and rewritten by William Thomas Coughlin. 2 p. 1., 281 pp. 8*. St. Louh, C. V. Mosby Company, 1913. See, aho, Simon (Gustav) [in 2. s.]. The operation of vesico-vaginal fistula. 8°. Louisville, 1877. For Biography, see Bernays (Thekla). Augustus Charles Bernays; a memoir. 8°. St. Louh, 1912. See, aho: Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1913, xix, 373-377 (R. H. Fowler). Aho: N. YorkM. J.[etc.), 1907, lxxxv,993. Aho: St.Louis M. Rev., 1907, lv, 547 (W. Bartlett). Bernays (Thekla). Augustus Charles Bernays; •amemoir. 309pp., 3port. 8°. St. Louh, C. V. Mosby Company, 1912. Berndt. Zelfbedwang. Nieuwe geneeswijze der zenuw- en zielsziekten, hartstochten, zinnelijk- heid, drank- en speelzucht, enz. ii, 154 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, D. Buys Dz., [1907]. Berndt (Arthur) [1865- ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der im Darme der Larve von Tenebrio molitor lebenden Gregarinen. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1902. Berndt (Emil) [1874- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Angiome an der Stirn. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1900. Berndt (G. H.) Die Schuchternheit sowie andere Angstzustande und ihre sofortige Be- seitigung durch ein einfaches Verfahren. Mit Unterstutzung von W. Gebhardt. 2. Aufl. 2 p. 1., 160 pp. 12°. Leipzig, F. W. Gloeckner dc Co., 1901. —----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. 160pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. W. Gloeckner dc Co., 1902. ------. Thesame. 5. Aufl. 1 p. 1.. 160pp. S°. Leipzig, F. W. Gloeckner dc Co., [1904]. ------. _ Hochzeitsreisen und Flitterwochen. Aerztliche Erfahrungen und Ratschlage fiir junge Eheleute. 3. Aufl. 113 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1903]. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 113 pp. 12°. Leip- zig, Ernst, [n. d.]. ------. Kalte Frauen. Aerztliche Ratschlage fiir Frauen, die nichta empfinden und deren Gatten, die unter der Kalte leiden. [1. Aufl.] 85 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Kade, [n. d.]. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 5. Tausend. 85 pp. 12°. Leipzig, A. Kade, [1906]. ------. Keine Fussleiden niehr! Neue Mittel und Wege zur Heilung fiir alle, die an kalten Fiissen, Schweissfussen, Frostbeulen, einge- wachsenem Nagel, Plattfusser, schlechtem Gang u. s. w. leiden. 46 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. W. Glackner dc Co., [1907?]. ------. The same. 46 pp. 8°. Leipzig, R. Nitzschke, [n. d.]. ------. Die Heilung der Schwerhorigkeit, Oliren- sausen und Ohrenleiden durch die Methode des Dr. Marage. Gemeinverstandlich beschrieben. 2. Aufl. 14 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. W. Gloeckner, [n. d.]. BERNDT. 477 BERNHARDT. Berndt (Wilhelm) [1876- ]. *Beitrag zur Pathologie der Varicellen. 28 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Berne (Carl). Berne's home assistant, a cyclope- dia of practical recipes, viii, 7-315 pp. 8°. Bennington, Vt., C. Berne, [n. d.]. Berne (Georges) [1855- ]. Le massage; manu el theorique et pratique. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 414 pp. 12°. Paris, J. Bueff, 1901. ------. The same. 3. ed. 414 pp. 12°. Baris, Chamerot dc Benouard, 1905. ■------. The same. 4. ed. 414 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1908. Berne (Prosper) [1874- ]. *Le sero-diagnostic de la fievre typhoide dans les h6pitaux de Lyon pendant un an, 1898-9. 107 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 49. Ber'neaud (George) [1883- ]. *Ueber seltene Aetiologie des Puerperalfiebers. 28 pp. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1910. Berneaud (Julius> Emil [Curt]) _ [1883- ]. *Koterbrechen bei tabischen gastrischen Krisen. 24 pp. 8°. Marburg a. B., H. Bauer, 1910. Berneburg (Otto Paul). ^Untersuchungen fiber die normale Rektal- und Vaginaltemperatur des Schafes und der Ziege. 56 pp., 14 1., 4 ch. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1908. Berneick (Eugen) [1873- ]. *Die Sozojodol- therapie bei Ohren-, Nasen- und Rachenkrank- heiten. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., M. Biedtke, 1897. Berneker (Oswald) [1879- ]. *Die medizini- schen^ Gesichtspunkte bei der Bekampfung der venerischen Krankheiten. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1903. Bernel (Charles-Jean-Alexandre) [1878- _ ]. *Sur un nouveau mode de traitement chirurgi- cal des prolapsus totaux du rectum. 52 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, B. Cassignol, 1901, No. 11. Bernelle (Frederic-Henri) [1883T ]. *La psychose de Gilles de Rais, sire de Laval, marechal de France, 1404-40. 87 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 218. Berner (Agnes). *Versuche fiber die narkoti- schen Eigenschaften der Solanaceen. [Bern.] 12 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schumacher, 1911. Berner (Heinrich) [1829-1903]. [Biography.] Mitt. d. Ver. bad. Tierarzte, Karlsruhe, 1903, hi, 161-167. Berner (O.) Die Cystenniere; Studien fiber ihre pathologische Anatomie. 4 p. 1., iv (1 1.), 284 pp., 11., 26 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1913. de Berneriis (Gerardo). Carbonell! (G.) Dieei consigli medici dettati da Maestro Gerardo de Berneriis, medico alessandrino, lettore nello studio di Pavia nei secolo xv. Rassegna di chn., terap. [etc.], Roma, 1916, xv, 1-129. Bernert (Richard). Zur Klinik der Pericarditis exsudativa (Pericarditis exsudativa mit inter- mittierend-remittierendem Verlauf). pp. 97- 128. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Scharzen- berg, 1910. Forms 4. Hft., v. 6, of: Beihefte z. Med. Klin. ------. Kardiale Dyspnoe. 1 p. 1., HI pp. 8°. Beipzig dc Wien, F. Beuticke, 1910. Bernes-Lassere. *De la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale chez les enfants. 75 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Toulouse, 1897, No. 179. Bernet (Henri) [1850-1904]. Necrologie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1904, xxiv, 505. Bernex (Henri-Leon) [1880- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'appendicite causee par les anne- xites. 114 pp., 5 pi., 21. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Bernfeld (Isidor) [1872- ]. *Ueber die Be- ziehungen der Urikamie zur Gicht. Eine Ueber- sicht fiber die bisherigen Theorien. 52 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Lehmann, 1914. Bernhard (Carl). *Ueber Immunisirung durch die Milch typhoser Ammen. 31pp. 8°. Strass- burg, C. dc J. Gailler, 1899. Bernhard (Friedrich Heinrich) [1876- ]. *Dop- pelseitige Recurrenslahmunginfolge von Aorten- aneurysma. 46 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Bernhard (Gottfried) [1879- ]. *Ueber Erysi- pel-Gangran des Hodensackes und der Penis- haut. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1905. Bernhard (Henri). *I. Recherches sur quelques derives du biphenylmethglolid. II. Recherches sur la methylation de quelques derives de Fan- thraquinone. 63 pp. 8°. Geneve, C. Zoellner, 1905. Bernhard (Karl) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von Pemphigus vegetans mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Histologie. 42 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., E. Kuttruff, 1902. Bernhard (Matthaus) [1874- J. *Hemeralopie und Xerosis conjunctivae bei Potatoren. 26 pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, G. Schniirlen, 1902. Bernhard (Oscar). Manuel du samaritain, avec des considerations particulieres sur les secours a donner aux blesses dans les accidents de mon- tagne; dedie aux samaritains, aux alpinistes, aux guides et porteurs et aux touristes. Traduit de Fallemand par Garot. viii, 102 pp. 12°. Samaden, S. Tanner, 1896. ------. The same. First aid to the injured.; with special reference to accidents occurring in the mountains. A handbook for guides, climbers, and travellers. Translated from the German by Michael G. Foster, viii, 136 pp. 12°. London, T. F. Unwin, 1900. ------. Heliotherapie im Hochgebirge, mit be- sonderer Berucksichtigung der Behandlung der chirurgischen Tuberkulose. 2 p. 1., 96 pp., 11 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1912. Bernhard (Paul) [1862-1904]. Schmid-FIorinet(E.) [Biography.] Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxxv, 91. Bernhard (Paul) [1876- ]. *Drei Falle von Tabes dorsalis. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Bernhard (Siegfried) [1887- ]. *Osmotischer Druck und Eiweissgehalt des Blutes alimentar intoxizierter Sauglinge. 1 p. 1., 25 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, F. Beter, Nachf, 1913. Bernhardt (Ernst) [1884- ]. *Ueber neuere Modifikationen (Karvonen, Manoiloff) und zur Technik der Wassermann'schen Reaktion. [Leipzig.] 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Seemann, 1912. Bernhardt (Hans) [1882- ]. *Ueber die Vererbung der inneren Knochenarchitektur beim Menschen und die Teleologie bei Julius Wolff. 19 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Heilbronn, C. Rembold, 1907. Bernhardt (Hugo) [1882- ]. *Die Thranen- schlauchatresie der Neugeborenen. 57 pp. 8°. Rostock, Adler's Erben, 1907. Bernhardt (Martin) [1844-1915]. Die Erkran- kungen der peripherischen Nerven. I. Theil. 2. neu bearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. viii, 545 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1902. ------. The same. II. Theil. Nebst Anhang: Akroparasthesien, von L. vo"n Franke-Hoch- wirt. 2. Aufl. viii, 537 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1904. BERNHARDT. 478 BERNKOPF. Bernhardt (Martin)—continued. ------. Die Betriebsunfalle der Telephonistinnen. 71 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1906. See, aho, Albers-Schonberg, Bernhardt (M.) [et al.]. Elektrizitat[etc.]. 8°. Jeni; 1909. For Biography, see Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1915, Ih, 335 (M. Rothmann). Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 475 (A. Leppmann). Aho: 3. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1917, xliv, 478-480 (S. E. Jelliffe). Also: Med. Klin., Berl, 1915, xi, 411 (Cassirer). Aho: Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1915, xxxviii, 250 (Kramer). Bernhardt (Paul). *Die Radicaloperation der Leistenbrfiche nach Kocher's Verlagerungs- methode auf Grund von Erfahrungen der Strassburger chirurgischen Klinik. 78 pp. 8°. Strassburg, J. Singer, 1899. Bernhardt (Robert). Erbgrind (Favus). 30 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, 1901. Forms 9. lift., v. 27, of: Wien. Klinik. Bernheim (Albert). See Boas (I.) Diseases of the stomach [etc.]. 8°. Phili- delphia, 1907. Bernheim (Andre) [1877- ]. *Contribution a Fetude de la blennorrhagie latente chez la femme; uterus et trompes. 96 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 356. Bernheim (Bertram Moses) [1880- ]. Surgery of the vascular system, xii, 104 pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia dc Bondon, J. B. Lippincott Company, [1913]. ------. Blood transfusion, hemorrhage and the anaemias, xix, 259 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, J. B. Lippincott Co., [1917]. Bernheim (Fernand) [1873- ]. ^L'operation de Schrceder; son influence sur la conception, la grossesse et l'accouchement. Ill pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 64. ------. *De l'aphasie motrice. Etude anatomo- clinique et physiologique. 374 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 129. Bernheim ([Heinrich Paul] Wilhelm) [1882- ]. *Die Erysipeltherapie. 56 pp. 8°. Bostock, Adlers Erben, 1909. Bernheim (Hippolyte). L'hypnotisme et la suggestion dans leurs rapports avec la medecine legale. 102 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, A. Crepin- Leblond, 1897. % ------. Hypnotisme, suggestion, psychotherapie, avec considerations nouvelles sur l'hysterie. 2. ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. ii, 690 pp. 8°. Barh, O. Boin, 1903. ----—. The same. 3. ed. xl, 755 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Boin dc fils, 1910. ------. Doctrine de l'aphasie; conception nou- velle. 27 pp. 8°. Baris, O. Boin, 1907. ------. Neurasthenics et psychonevroses. 75 pp. 8°. Barh, 0. Boin, 1908. % ------. L'aphasie; conception psychologique et (Unique, vi, 144 pp. 8°. Boris, 0. Boin &• fils, 1914. See, also, Amselle (Caston). Conception de rhysteric [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1907.—Blum (Paul). Des anesihosies psychiques [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1906—Levy (Paul-Emile). L'education rationnelle do la volonte; son emploi therapeu- tique. 8°. Paris, 1898. Bernheim (Jakob). Ueber die Pathogenese und Serumtherapie der schweren Rachendiphtherie. Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen. G6pp., 2 diag. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1898. Bernheim (Samuel) [1855- _ ]. Immunisation et serumtherapie; tetanos-diphterie, tubercu- lose, pneumonie, cholera, variole, septicemic, syphilis, fievre typhoide, influenza, venins, charbon, streptococcic, cancer, lepre, fievre recurrente, muguet. 10. ed. vii, 362 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1897. Bernheim (Samuel)-^-continued. ------. La medication ergo tee; ergot de seigle, ergo tine, ergotinine; etude experimentale et clinique. xi, 196 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1900. ------. La tuberculose et la medication creosotee. 318 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1901. ------. La tuberculose; ses causes, son traite- ment, les moyens de s'en preserver. 314 pp. 12°. Barh, J. Bousset, 1903. ------. Le dispensaire antituberculeux. 102 pp. S°. Barh, Bousset, [n. d.]. ------. L'ad ministration intestinale des medica- ments. (Etude experimentale et clinique.) 96 pp. 8°. Barh, Maloine, [n. d.]. Aho, Editor of: Independance (L') medicale et la Mede- cine orientale, Paris, 1912. Aho, Editor of': Revue intema- tionale de la tuberculose, Paris, 1913. ------& Rousseau (Paul). Le cheval aliment. 224 pp. 8°. Barh, J. Bousset, 1908. Bernheim-Karrer (Jakob) [is<}8- ]. Ge- sundheitspflege des Kindes. xii, 144 pp. 8°. Zurich, Schulthess dc Co., 1912. Bernier (Jean-Baptiste) [1886- ]. *Contribu- tion a Fetude de la dilatation aigue post-opera- toire de l'estomac. 56 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 188. Bernier (Rene). *Sur la presence de l'acide gly- curonique et de certains hydrates de carbone dans Furine normale. 120 pp. 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 7. Bernier (Xavier - Marie - Joseph) [1889- ]. *Etude medicale sur les prisons de Nantes pendant la terreur. 74 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1914, No. 96. Berniker (Nikolai). *Die zerstuckelnden Opera- tionen am lebenden und toten Kinde aus dem Frauenspital Basel-Stadt 1896-1907. 32 pp. 8°. Basel. F. Beinhardt, 1908. Bernikow (Theodor) [1S72- ]. *Die Augen- heilkunde des Avicenna; nach dem Liber canonis zum erstenmal ins Deutsche ubertragen (iii. Teil). 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1900. Bernin (Auguste). *Les laits de la principaute de Monaco etde ses environs immediats. 49 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1913, No. 89. Berninger (Johannes) [1S79- ]. *Ueber Herz- verletzungen im Anschluss an einen Fall von nicht perforierender Herzschusswunde mit nach- gefolgter Ruptur. [Miinchen.] 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Neuivicd, Heusser, 1905. Berninzone (M. R.) Sulla secrezione interna del rene. 11 pp. roy. S°. Genova, 1900. Repr.from: Soc. lig. di sc. nat. e geog., 1900, xi. Berniolle (M.-L.) [1879- ]. *Les fibromes de Futexus sous-peritoneaux, a pedicule tordu au cours et en dehors de la grossesse. 107 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 276. Bernis (Andre-Leopold) [1887- 1. ♦Reparti- tion de I'azote urinaire dans quelques derma- toses dites diathesiques. 93 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1911, No. 10. BernitZ (Martin Bernhard). Fasciculus medica- mentorum singularium Cnoffelianorum. See Schrceder (Johann). Pharmacopcea Schrcederc- IIollmanniana[etc.]. fol. Genem, 1687. Bernius (Fritz [Hermann Mathaus]) [1877- ]. • Ueber die Komplikation von Uteruscarcinom undGeburt. [Giessen.] 25 pp., 11. 8°. Mainz, II. Brickarts, 1904. Bernkopf (Martin) [1S77- ]. *Ueber ein hflematoblastenhaltim-s Osteoidsarkom. [Wurz- burg.] 32 pp., 2 1/ 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1902. BERNN. 479 BERNSTEIN. Bernn (Julius) [1876- ]. *Ueber die in der Heidelberger chirurgischen Klinik 1900-1905 behandelten Falle von Carcinoma penis. 37 pp. 8°. Heidelbberg, Horning dc Berkenbusch, 1907 Bernot (H.) Medication cacodylique; chimie, pharmacologic, therapeutique. 22 pp. 8°. Barh, Lahure, [n. d.]. Bernot (Jean) [1883- ]. *Manifestations pleu- rales droites dans les cardiopathies, le brightisme et l'arterio-scierose. (Etude clinique et patho- genic) 100 pp. , 8°. Baris, 1910, No. 481. Bernou (Andre-Edouard-Maurice) [1889- ]. -^Considerations sur la tachycardie, la bradycar- die et le bruit de galop dans la fievre typhoide de Fadulte. 80 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Bordeaux, 1917, No. 28. Bernou (Joseph -_ Edouard - Pierre) [1853- ]. *De Faction nuisible des eaux selenito-magne- siennes du nord africain et de leur purification. [Bordeaux.] 47 pp., 2 1., 1 pi. 8*. Chdteau- briant, 1897, No. 43. Bernoud (Claude) [1870- ]. *De la syphilia tertiaire des fosses nasales (etude clinique). 142 pp., 11. [Lyon.] 8°. Saint-Etienne, 1898, No. 10. ------. The same. 142 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, A. Maloine, 1899. Bernoud (Ferdinand) [1878- ]. Contribu- tion a Fetude de la pyeio-nephrite gravidique. 100 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902, No. 51. Bernoulli (August). *Die Passivitat des Chroms nach der Faraday'schen Theorie. [Miinchen.] 61 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Fock, 1904. Bernoulli (Eugen). *Magen-Darmkrebs in den beiden ersten Lebensdezennien. [Basel.] 27 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Karger, 1907. Bernoulli (Joh.) [1667-1748]. For Portrait, see Collection Portr. (Libr.). Bernoulli (Paul Daniel) [1882- ]. *Ueber primare Lungensarkomatose. 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1907 Bernoulli (Wilhelm) [1838-1914]. Hagenbach. Nekrolog. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1914, xhv, 210-212. Berns (Arnold) [1875- ]. *Zur_ Kenntnis der traumatischen trockenen Peritonitis. 28 pp., 21. 8°. Marburg, K Gleiser, 1901. Bernson (Mile. Dweira). *Necessite d'une loi protectrice pour la femme ouvriere avant et apres ses couches; etude d'hvgiene sociale. 140 pp., 14 1. 8°. Lille, 1899, No. 124. Bernstein (A. B.) *K farmakologii benzoinoi kisloti i yeya proizvodnikh: natr. beng., orto- form, ortoform hydrochlor., nirvanin, sac- charin. [Pharmacology of benzoic acid and its derivatives.] 144 pp., 3 1. 8°. Yuryev, K. Matthen, 1900. Bernstein (Aba) [1882- ]. *Zur klinischen Diagnose des primaren Lungencarcinoms. 43 pp. 8°. Munchen, G. C. Steinicke, 1909. Bernstein (Anna). *Des pyeionephrites de la grossesse. 26 pp. 8°. Geneve, C. Zcellner, 1907. Bernstein (Arthur) [1862- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Genese und Prophylaxe der Puerperal- Kranheiten. [Leipzig.] 33 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Boding, 1894. Bernstein (Berthold Bernhard). Die Prostitu- tion in ihrer Beziehung zu den Geschlechts- krankheiten. Besprechung alter und neuer Praventivmittel. 35 pp. 8°. Munchen, A. Wciiireich, 1878. Bernstein (Julius) [1839-1917]. _ Untersuchungen fiber den Erregungsvorgang im Nerven- und Muskelsysteme. 240 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Heidelberq, C. Winter, 1871. ------. Die fiinf Sinne des Menschen. 2. Aufl. xii, 285 pp. 12°. Leipzig, F. A.Brockhaus, 1889. —;---. ^ Die Vorbildung der Medicin-Studirenden im Hinblick auf den Entwurf der neuen Prfi- fungsordnung. 25 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vhweg dc Sohn, 1899. ------. Lehrbuch der Physiologie des thieri- schen Organismus im speciellen des Menschen. 2. Aufl. xiv, 696 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1900. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. xvi, 724 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1910. ------. The same. Uchebnik fiziologii zhivot- navo organizma i v chastnosti chelovieka. Perevod M. Liona. 773 pp. 8°. Moskva, A. A. Kartseff, 1895. ------. Die Krafte der Bewegung in der leben- den Substanz. 27 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Sohn, 1902. ---;—. Elektrobiologie; die Lehre von den elek- trischen Vorgangen im Organismus auf moder- ner Grundlage dargestellt. ix, 215 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg dc Sohn, 1912. For Biography, see Med. Klin., Berl., 1917, xhi, 260 (E. Abderhalden). ------ & Tschermak (A.) Ueber das thermi- sche Verhalten des elektrischen Organs von Torpedo. 13 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1904. Repr.from: Sitzungsb. d. k.-preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., Berl., 1904. Bernstein (Julius [Meyer]). Summary of litera- ture relating to bionomics of the parasitic fungus of flies (Empusa muscae). pp. 41-44. 8°. London, Darling dc Son, 1910. Rep. Soc. Gov. Bd., Lond., 1910, xl, pt. 2. ------. Applied pathology, being a guide to the apphcation of modern pathological methods to diagnosis and treatment, xvi, 395 pp., 5 col. pi. 8°. London, University of London Bress, [1913]. ------. The destruction of flies by means of bac- terial cultures, an investigation of experimental work originated by Mr. Edgar Hess. pp. 27-31 8°. London, J. Truscott dc Son, 1914. Rep. Soc. Gov. Bd., Lond., 1914, n. s., No. 102. Bernstein (Malvina). _ *Die Erkrankungen und Sterblichkeit der Kinder an Gastro-Enteritis im Jahre 1898 in Zurich in Hinsicht auf ihre Abhangigkeit von der Blasenseuche (Maul- und Klauenseuche) der Kuhe. 26 pp. 8°. Zurich, J. F. Kobold-Ludi, 1905. Bernstein (Mor.) Anleitung zur Verhutung ge- schlechtlicher Erkrankungen fiir das mannliche Geschlecht. Mit einem Vorwort von Max Joseph. 48 pp. 12°. Cassel, T. G. Fischer, 1900. ------. Die Geschlechtskrankheiten. Ratschlage fiir Manner. 3. veranderte und erweiterte Aufl. 45 pp. 16°. Cassel, T. G. Fhcher, [1903]. ----•—. 5. Aufl. 28 pp. 24°. Berlin, T. G. Fischer, [1904]. Bernstein (Rahel). *Ueber Spina bifida. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Hammerschlag dc Kahle, 1909. Bernstein (Richard). Die Berufskrankheiten der Land- und Forstarbeiter, mit besonderer Be- rucksichtigung ihrer Berufshygiene. Fiir Aerzte, Landwirte, Forstbeamte und Versicherungs- praktiker. viii, 211 pp. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1910. BERNSTEIN. 480 BERRY. Bernstein (Sophie). -"-Contribution a l'etude d'un mode de traitement de la bronchite asth- matique (essai de pathogenie). 89 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909, No. 160. Bernstein (Wolf) [1885- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Spina bifida. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1909. Bernstein-Kohan (Alexander). -^Untersuchun- gen fiber den Verlauf und die Dauererfolge der Lungen tuberkulose im Hochgebirge (Arosa 1750-1850 Meter fi. M.) mit besonderer Beruck- sichtigung sozial-medizinischer Momente. 92 pp. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Leemann dc Co., 1910. Bernstein-Kohan (Leontine). # *Das. Verhalten des Patellarsehnenreflexes bei Meningitis. 51 pp. 8°. Zurich, Schereschewsky, 1909. Berntheisel (George W.) [1844-1918]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1878. Berny (Joseph). *La pubiotomie en France au 31 decembre 1906. 104 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 706. Beroaldus (Philippus). Declamatio an orator sit philosopho et medico anteponendus. 40 1. 4°. Bologna, Benedictus Hectons Faelli, 13 December, 1497. ------. Varia Philippi Beroaldi opuscula in hoc codice contenta. Orationes: praelectiones [etc.]. Ejusdem opusculum de terrsemotu & pesti- lentia. Annotationes in Galenum. 162 1. 4°. Basilex, 1513. Beroe. Klnoshlta (T.) Ueber den Einfluss mechanischer und elektrischer Reize auf die Flimmerbewegung von Beroe forscalii. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. & Wien, 1910, xxiv, 726-728.—Lojacono (M.) Sur le poison de la beroe (Beroe forskalii, M. Edw.—B. ovata, Lam.). J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1908, x, 1001-1008. Beroff (D.) *I3tude clinique sur dix-huit obser- vations d'epithelioma de la langue. 84 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1900, No. 358. Berol (Felix) [1872-1914]. The Berol system of memory training. Supplemented by 'William Berol, the complete mnemotechnical dictionary. 323, [1] pp. 24*. [New York, The Brieger Bress], 1918. Berol (William). See Berol (F.) The Berol system, etc. 24°. [New York], 1918. Beros (Georges-Ferdinand-Jean-Joseph) [1884- ] Contribution a l'etude des perforations intesti- nales chez les typhiques. 81pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 10. Berr (A.) *De animse nostra? actione in somno et in aliis vitse nostra? sese prsestandi modis quibus- damsomnosimilibusdisquisitio. 16 pp., 21. 8°. Monachii, E. Stahl, 1860. German text. Berranger (A.) *Perisinusite maxillaire ou osteo- {>eriostite phlegmoneuse anterieure du maxil- aire superieur. 74 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1910, No. 878. Berre (Jules-Joseph) [1876- ]. *Etude cli- nique sur l'heredo-syphilis a forme fruste chez les nourrissons. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 498. Berret (Henri) [1877- ]. *De Faction de l'acide formique sur les maladies a tremble- ments. 68 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 6. Berretta (Charles)_ [1881- 1. *Valeur thera- peutique de Fincision immediate dans les rup- tures traumatiques de Furetre. 61 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 12. Berridge (Edward William). A repertory to the materia medica. 220 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Hahnemann. Month., 1869. See, aho, Swan (S.) A materia medica, [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1888. Berrier (Alexis). Contribution a l'etude de la coexistance de Fulcere et du cancer de l'esto- mac, et des perforations de l'estomac au cours du cancer. 78 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 555. Berrier (Leroy). Le magnetisme personnel. Une methode pour le developper. Traite de culture humaine. Traduit de Fanglais et interprete par Paul Nyrsens. 3. ed. 168 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Maloine, [n. d.]. Berries. Griebel (C.) Ueber die Moosebeere und ihren Nachweis in eingemachten Preisselbeeren. Ztschr. f. Untersueh. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1909, xvh, 65-73.-----. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der chemise-hen Zusammensetzung der Preisselbeeren, Moosbeeren und Kranbeeren. Ibid., xix, 241-252—Kannglesser (F.) Zur Frage der Giftigkeit einzelner Beeren. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1912, xxxvu, 301.—Winternltz (W.) Heidelbeeren in der Therapie. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Khmat. [etc.]. Berl., 1910, hi, 355 — Wlnton (A. L.) The anatomy of edible berries. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1904, lxxvi, 428; 533: 1905, lxxvii, 20. Berrueco (Ignacio). *Breves . consideraciones sobre el mal de Addison en Mexico. 105 pp., 11. 4°. Mexico, C. Berrueco, 1882. ------. *Estudio comparativo sobre la accion de los antitermicos o antipireticos en el tifo. 37 pp., 2 diag. 8°. Mexico, C. Berrueco dc Co., 1888. Berruti (Carlo) dc Franchini (Carlo). Elementi di medicina operatoria. 198 pp. 12°. Napoli, F. Sangiovanni, 1899. Berruti (Giuseppe) [1841-1911]. La scrofola e gli ospizi marini. 30 pp. 8°. [Torino, A. Odde- nino dc Co., 1871.] ------. L'ospedale Maria Vittoria nei suo primo ventennio di esercizio (1887-1906); ricordi del fondatore. 126 pp., port, 8°. Torino, G. B. Baravia dc Co., 1907. For Biography, see Gior. d. Osp. Maria Vittoria, Torino, 1911, xi, 71-78, port. (L. Bergesio). Berruti (Secundus Joannes Maria) [1796-1870]. *Ex physica, de luce. Ex anatome, de oculi globo. Ex pbysiologia, de visu. Ex pathologia generali, de metaschematismo. Ex materie me- dica, de epispasticis. Ex medicina theorico- practica, de inflammationibus. 93 pp., 1 1. 12°. Augustx Taurinorum, ex typ. vidux Bomba et filiorum, 1823. ------. Sulla generazione spontanea e sulla natura dei zoospermi. pp. 130-157. 8°. Torino, 1842. [P., v. 2234.] Berruyer (Gaston). *Du drainage du peritoine apres laparotomie pour lesions utero-annexielles et de la peritoneoplastie pelvienne. 86 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 84. Berry (Albert) .[1873- ]. Contribution a Fetude du traitement des douleurs d'origine gastrique. 68 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 56. Berry (Frances May Dickinson). See Berry (James). Berry (Frances May Dickinson) & Blease (Walter Lyon). The story of a Red Cross unit [etc.]. 8°. London, 1916. Berry (Ducde). Albertus. Documents medico-historiqucs sur la mort du due de Berry. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1907-8, xhi, 40-42.—Duple. La mort du due de Berry. J. de med. de Par., 1908, 2. s., xx, 143—Medecins (Les) et la mort du due de Berry. Gaz. med. de Par., 1900, 11. s., ih, 396. Berry (Duchesse de). Muller (P.) L'equip^e de la duchesse de Berry. Chron. med., Par., 1910, xvu, 389, port. BERRY. 481 BERTATJDUS. Berry (George Andreas) [1853-^ ]. Manual of practical ophthalmology, xix, 570 pp. 12°. Edinburgh dc London, Y. J. Bentland, 1904. Berry (Henry Fitz-Patrick) [1847- ]. A history of the Royal Dublin Society. 3 p. 1., v-xv, 460 pp., front, [etc.]. 8°. London, New York [etc.], Longmans, Green dc Co., 1915. Berry (James) [I860- ]. Diseases of the thy- roid gland and their surgical treatment, xvi, 367 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1901. ------. The same, xvi, 367 pp. 8°. Bhiladel- phia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1901. ------. A manual of surgical diagnosis, x, 363 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1904. Si e, aho, Butlln (Henry T.) On the operative surgery [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900. ■-----, Berry (Frances May Dickinson) & Blease (Walter Lyon). The story of a Red Cross unit in Serbia, xv, 292 [2] pp. 8°. Bondon, J. dc A. Churchill, 1916. ------& Legg (Thomas Percy). Harelip and cleft palate, with special reference to the operative treatment and its results; 242 figures and ap- pendix of cases of operation for cleft palate. xvii, 324 pp. roy. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1912. Berry (John McWilliams) [1876- ]. Orthope- dic surgery for nurses. 1 p. 1., 7-97 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1916. Berry (Lawrence F.) [1882-1907]. Obituary. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 705. Berry (Paul-Mary) [1884- ]. , Contribution a Fassainissement des villes. Evacuation, utili- sation, incineration des ordures menageres. 64 pp. 8°. Bille, G. Dubar dc Cie., 1909, No. 8. Berry (Percy Hay craft) [ -1916]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 799. Berry (Richard James Arthur) [1867- ]. The essentials of regional anatomy, x, 484 pp. 8°. Edinburgh dc Bondon, W. Green dc Sons, 1900. ------. Regional anatomy. Vol. I. The upper and lower limbs. Vol. II. The abdomen and thorax. Vol. III. The head and neck. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Green dc Sons, 1902. ------. Surface anatomy, xii, 244 pp. 8°. Edinburgh dc London, W. Green dc Son, 1906. —:—. A clinical atlas of sectional and topo- graphical anatomy. 2p. 1., 13pp.,60col.pi. fol. Edinburgh dc London, W. Green dc Sons, 1911. ------& Robertson (A. W. D.) Dioptrographic tracings in four normse of fifty-two Tasmanian crania. 11 pp., 208 pi. 4°. Melbourne, Gov. Brint. Office, J. Kemp, 1909. Forms pt. 1, v. 5, of: Tr. Roy. Soc. of Victoria. Berry (W. G.) Coloring matters for foodstuffs and methods for their detection. In: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau of chemistry, Wash., 1905, Cir. No. 25. Bersch (Wilhelm J. K.) [1868- ]. Hefen, Schimmelpilze und Bakterien. Eine Darstel- lung der Lebensbedingungen, Eigenschaften und Verwendung der technisch wichtigen Mikroor- ganismen in der Praxis, viii, 462 pp. 8°. Whn dc Leipzig, A. Hartleben, 1910. Berschadsky (Aron) [1873- ]. Darmausschal- tungen. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1906. Berstein (Berthe). *k propos d'un cas d'uterus bicornis septus chez Macacus rhesus. 33 pp. 8°. Geneve, Kiindig, 1908. Berster (Hermann [Joseph]) 1873- ]. *Ueber Mekonium, insbesondere fiber seine Bedeutung in gerichtsarztlicher Beziehung. 30 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Henry, 1898. 96808°—Vol. II. 3d series—19----31 Berstl (Sigismund). Die Rinder-Tuberculose (Perlsucht) und das Tuberculin. 33 pp. 12°. Wien dc Leipzig, W. Braumuller, 1897. ---;—. Ueber Pferde- und Rinderkrankheiten; die erste Hilfeleistung bei denselben und fiber Geburtshilfe. 53 pp. 12°. Brilnn, Karafiat dc Sohn, 1901. Bert (Afmedee]) & Pellanda (C.) La nomencla- ture anatomique et ses origines; explication des termes anciens employes de nos jours, v, 100 pp. 8°. Barh, F. Alcan, 1904. Bert (Gerard-Marie-Joseph) [1863- ]. *Traite- ment des deviations de la cloison nasale. 77 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 78. Bert (Jules-Henri). Contribution a l'etude des hemorrhagies multiples d'origine hysterique. 87 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 519. Bert (Paul) [1833-86]. See Azam (C.-M.-Etienne-Eugene) [in 2. s.]. Hypno- tismeet double conscience [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1893.—Jourda- net (Denis) & Bert (Paul) [in 2. s.j. Fondamenti e studii flsiologici [etc.]. 12°. Roma, 1879. For Portrait, see Cinquanten. de la Soc. de biol., Par., 1899. Bert (Paul) [1883- ]. *Zur Physiologie der Epiglottis. 25 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1909. Bertacchini (Pietro). Descrizione di un embrione umano della lunghezza di cinque milltrl. 145 pp. 8°. Modena, 1896. ------. Descrizione di un giovane embrione umano lungomilltrl 3.93. 34 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Mo- dena, 1896. Bertacchius (Dominicus). De spiritibus libri quatuor necnon de facultate vitali, libri tres. 4 p. 1., 70 pp., 2 1. 12°. Venetih, apudBernardum Juntam, 1584. Bertal (Th.) Schutz gegen Maul- und Klauen- seuche und andere Thierkrankheiten; bioche- mische Erlauterungen uber Bacterien, Bazillen und Miasmen. 16 pp. 8°. Beipzig, 0. Borg- gold, [1899]. ------. Gezond bloed en sterke zenuwen langs den weg der voeding. 20 pp. 8°. Zuften, K. II. Beijlevelt, [n. d.]. Bertalero (Pietro). L'arma contro la tuberco- losi. Profilassi. Cura e guarigione dei postumi delle polmoniti, pleuro-polmoniti e pleuriti, con o senza il bacillo della tuberculosi e delle tuber- colosi localizzate tanto nelle forme acquisite quanto nelle ereditarie, ad uso dei medici e del pubblico. 168 pp. 12°. Torino, B. Streglio, 1905. Bertarelli (Ambrogio). Pasini (A.) Onoranze. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1914, xhx, 3 port. Bertarelli (Ernesto). Co-Editor of: Rassegna (La) di clinica, terapia e scienze affini, Roma, 1914-18. ------& Ghelfl (Annibale). La vecchiaia; fisio- patologia, igiene e cura delle malattie dei vecchi. xiii, 350 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1911. Bertaud (Pierre-Etienne-Marie-Adrien) [ 1881- ]. *De la keratite neuro-paralytique de la syphilis. 128 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 13. Bertaud du Chazaud (Jean-Xavier-Bertrand- Etienne) [1878- ]. *Vegetations adenoides et incontinence d'urine. 67 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1902, No. 59. Bertaudus (Jo. Ludovicus). Libellus de dura- tionib. compositorum med. eorumq. facultati- bus, passim a neotericis medicis usitatorum, decq-. antidotorum descriptionibus partim ex Fernelio, Jouberto, aliisq. dessumptis, et partim recenter ab ipso auctore inventis. 1. editio. Accesserunt M. Othoni Cremonensis rithmi, de BERTAUDUS. 482 BERTHftOL. Bertaudus (Jo. Ludovicus)—continued. electione meliorum simpl. medioamentorum junioribus medicis et officinis apprime utiles. 3 p. 1., 83 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Augustx Taurino- rum, fratres J. V. dc J F. de CaudllerijSj 1600. See, aho, Benzo (Ugo). Regole della sanita [etc.]. 24°. Torino, 1618. Bertaux (E.) La malaria en Italie. pp. 853-873. 8°. Boris, 1900. Cutting from: Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1900, clx. Bertaux (Maurice) [1883- ]. *La pericardii tuberculeuse a grand epanchement; un nouveau procede de pericardiotomie par voie trans- xiphostemale sus-diaphragmatique. 154 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906. No. 31. Bertazzi (R. Grassi). Del gozzo; contributo clinico alia chirurgia del collo. 23 pp. 8°. Acireale, 1908. ------. Sulle ernie inguinah ed altre varieta cliniche; statistica sulle prime 100 operazioni. 25 pp., 8°. Acireale, 1908. Berte (Emile). *L'hygiene a bord des bateaux- cables. 68 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 309. Berteche (Georges). Notes d'urologie; de Faci- dite urinaire; nouveaux rapports urologiques bases sur Fexcedent de densite; de la medica- tion phosphorique (methode H. Joulie). 20 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B. Vogels, [1903]. Bertein (Paul) [1883- ]. *Permeabilite renale dans la chlorose. Chloro-brightisme. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 21. Bertele (Edouard) [1873- ]. *Des kystes hydatiques des muscles de la face. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1896, No. 33. Bertele (Georg August). Versuch einer Lebens- erhaltungskunde. 7 p. 1., 468 pp., 1 1. 12°. Landshut, J. Attenkofer, 1803. ------. Handbuch einer dynamischen Arzney- mittellehre. xii, 892 pp., 8 1. 8°. Landshut, J. Attenkofer, 1805. Bertels (Edgar[- Robert -Ernest] Robertovich) [1868- ]. *K voprosu o vliyanii piva na azotistiy metamorfoz u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the effect of beer upon nitrogenous meta- bolism in healthy men.] 90 pp. 8°. Yuryev, Shnakenburg, 1897. Bertemes (Guillaume) [1875- ]. *Etude anatomo-topographique du sinus sphenoidal. Applications a la pathologie des sinusites sphe- noidales. 118 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, A. Crepin- Leblond, 1900, No. 16. Berten (Wilhelm) [1883- ]. *Ueber Unter- kiefer bruche und deren Behandlung. 52 pp., 2 1., 5 pi. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1911. Bertenet (Henri) [1880- _ ]. *Sur les kystes hydatiques du foie avec ictere par compression du hile. 74 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 105. Bertenson (B[oris] L[vovichj) [1878- ]. *K ucheniyu o tak naziv. antiveshtshestvakh. [On the so-called anti-substances.] 75 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Mme. N. Y. Stolkova, 1904. Bertenson (Iosif Vasilyevich) [1833-95]. [Obituary.] J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk., 1895, No. 2, 42-44. Aho: Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., Petrogr., 1914, 1, pt. 3, 24, [port, in text]. Bertenson (L[yov Bernardovich]) [1850- ]. Bakinskiye neftyaniye promisli i zavodi v sanitarno-vrachebnom otnoshenii. [The naphtha industries and works of Baku from a sanitary- medical point of view.] 69 pp. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, B. B. Sdikin, 1897. -----. Ozdorovlyayushtshiya i tsielitelniya sili v prirodie. [Restorative and curative powers of nature.] 40 pp. 12°. S.-Beterburg, K. L. Rikker, 1899. Bertet (Joseph-Marin) [1885- ]. *De Fisole- ment dans la fievre typhoide. [Lyon.] 100 pp. 8°. Villeurbanne, 1909, No. 9. Bertet (Pierre) [1888- ]. *La lepre en France. 112 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1911, No. 61. Berthail (Victor) [18717 ]. *Resultats thera- peutiques de l'emploi des sels de vanadium; vanadate de soude, vanadate de fer, vanadate de lithine, phospho-vanadate de soude. 120 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 138. ------. The same. De l'emploi therapeutique du vanadium [etc.]. 120 pp. 8°. Bans, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1899. Berthaud (Henri). *La medecine populaire dans la litterature romane. 108 pp. 8 . Barh, 1907, No. 40. Berthaux (Jules-Rene-Aristide). -^Considerations sur les tumeurs du cervelet chez l'enfant. 214 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 245. Berthe (Edouard) [1872- ]. *Traitement des hemoptysies tuberculeuses par Fopotherapie he- patique. 69 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 536. _ Berthe (Gilbert). *Historique de la purgation. 223 pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 179. Bertheaume (Jean). *Sur la reparation des me- thylamines au point de vue analytique. Etude critique et nouvelles methodes. 93 pp. 8°. Pan's, H. Baulin dc Ch., 1910, No. 14. Berthel ([Hermann] Friedrich]) [1878^ ]. *Ein Fall von offenem Foramen ovale mit Persistenz der Vena cardinalis sinistra und anderen Ano- malien des Venensystems. 27 pp., 1 pi., 21. 8°. Munchen, M. Ernst, 1901. Berthelemy (Georges). ^Contribution a l'etude des angiochoiecystites typhiques. 94 pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 389. Berthelon (Claude) [1877- ]. -^Variations de 1'agglutination des bacilles de la tuberculose en rapport avec l'origine des bacilles et des serums. 139 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904. No. 134. Berthelot (Ernest). *Pe la gravite des paralysies diphteriques precoces. 77 pp. 8°. Barh, i904, No. 569. Berthelot (Jean). *Le cheval et l'hygiene. 78 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908. No. 165. Berthelot (Paul) [1868- ]. *Resultats eloignes du traitement de la tuberculose testiculaire par les operations economiques. 88 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 289. Berthelot ([Pierre-Eugene-] Mareellin) [1827- 1907]. Die Chemie im Altertum und im Mittel- alter. Aus dem Franzosischen ubertragen von Emma KaUiwoda. Durchgesehen, eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen von Franz Strunz. xxviii, 112 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, F. Deuticke, 1909. For Biography, see Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1907, 3. S., lvii, 376-378. Aho: Ibid., 1915, 3. s., lxxiv, 727-740 (G. M. Debovc). Aho: Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1907,xiv,234- 239. Aho: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 516- 518. Aho: J. Am. Chem. Soc., N. Y., 1907, xxix, 59-fi4 (C. A. Doremus). Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 559. Aho: PressemM., Par., 1907, xv, annexes, is;> (P. Desfosses). Aho: Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1907, xvhi, 348- 356 (C. Martignon). Aho: Rev. scient., Par., 1907, 5. s., vii, 385-389 (A. Gautier). Aho: Ibid., 1913, ii, 129; 168 (E. Jung- fleisch). Aho: St. Louis M. Kev., 1907t lv, 353 (G. D. Hin- richs). ------. Sec. also: Crolset (MA IMithouard (A.) [et al.]. Inauguration du monument de Mareelin Berthelot. Rev. scient., Par., 1917, l, 673-689. Berthelsen (C. P.) S;edetighedspolitiet og pros- titutionen. Et kritisk indeveg i prostitutiqns- sp0rgsmaalet. [Police regulations and prostitu- tion . . .] 2 p. 1. 8°. Kobenhavn, V. Haning dc Appet, 1896. Bertheol (Regis) [1882- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la" sciatique radiculaire. 99 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 366. BERTHER. 483 BERTI. Berther (Stephan). *Ueber einen ungewohnlich grossen Prostatastein. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zurich, Thcher dc Diggelmann, 1897. Bertherand (Lucien). Le diagnostic de la tu- berculose pulmonaire des jeunes enfants. 120 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1899. Bertherat (Jules). *Etude experimentale de Faction cardiovasculaire des solutions hypotoni- ques. 81pp. 8°. Geneve, L. Bron, 1904. Berthet (Joseph). *La reaction de Rivalta dans les ascites des cirrhoses alcooliques. (Etude clinique et pathogenique.) 3 p. 1., 92 pp. 8°. Barh, 1913, No. 313. Berthet (Marie). *Les perfectionnements re- cents de la rachicocainisation. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 60. Bertheux (Pierre) [1852-1914]. Necrologie. Rennes med., 1913-14, ix, 243-249. Berthezenne (Jean) [1878- ]. *Traitement de la nephrite syphilitique secondaire. 98 pp. 8°. Byon, 1905, No. 120. Berthier (Andre). Contribution a l'etude de la gangrene des extremites dans la pneumonic 92 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 556. Berthier (Charles). *Etude physiologique de Fif (Taxus baccata) et de la taxine de Merck. 61pp., 11. 8°. Geneve, 1896. Berthier (Edmond) [1865- ]. *La fievre typhoide et l'hygiene a Troyes; la question des eaux. 131 pp., 1 map. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 464. Berthier (Fernand) J1878- ]. _ *Des panse- ments consecutifs a la colpotomie posterieure (methode de Laroyenne). 80 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 158. Berthier (Frederic). *Les stenoses du cardia (causes, signes et diagnostic). 146 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 67. Berthier (Henry) ^ [1874- ]. *Du drainage vesical par les voies naturelles. Contribution a Fetude de la sonde uterale a demeure dans les infections urinaires. 135 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 195. Berthioli (Antonio). Delle consideration! sopra Folio di scorpioni dell'eccellentissimo Mat- thioli. Libro primo. 92 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Mantova, F. Osana, 1585. Berthod (Paul) [1859- ]. La lutte contre la phthisie; fumees et poussieres de Paris, speciale- ment dans le ixe arrondissement. 16 pp. 8°. Clermont (Ohe), Daix freres, 1899. ------. Raccourcis de medecine sociale et pro- fessionnelle. 455 pp. 8°. Baris, Vigot freres, 1903. Berthold (Emil). Die intranasale Vaporisation; ein neues Verfahren zur Stillung lebensgefahr- lichen Nasenblutens und zur Behandlung schwe- rer Erkrankungen der Nase und der Kieferhohle. vi (1 1.), 63 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1900. Berthold (Emil Max Paul) [1884- ]. Unter- suchungen fiber das Verhalten der Haut des Pferdes und Rindes bei scharfen Einreibungen. [Leipzig.] 55 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Fiirstenwalde (Spree), 0. Leich, 1911. Berthold (Gustav) [1882- ]. *Zur Geschichte des primaren Gallenblasenkrebses. Mit Be- rucksichtigung eines speziellen Falles. 40 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1905. Bertholet (Edouard) [1883- ]. *Un cas de peritheiiome de la plevre. 32 pp. 8°. Lausanne, E. Frankfurter, 1909. Bertholet (Edouard)—continued. ------. Petit^ atlas-manuel des alterations anato- mo-pathologiques des organes dans Falcoolisme chronique. 110 pp., 11. 8°. Lausanne, Gies- ser dc Held, 1913. Bertholet (Jean) [1872- ]. *Des kystes dermoides des ligaments larges. 68 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1898, No. 142. Bertholet (Jean-Baptiste-Charles) [1879- ]. '^L'appendicite parasitaire. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 55. Bertholet (Joannes Baptista Claudius). *De cys- tocele inguinali. 10 pp. sm. 4°. Baris, M. Lambert, 1778. Bertholiet (Hippolyte). *Influence de la teneur en beurre du lait de femme sur la sante du nourrisson. 104 pp. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 398. Berthoion [Nicolas] Abbe [1742-1799]. Die Elec- tricitat aus medicinischen Gesichtspuncten betrachtet. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von F. A. Weber. 8 p. L, 410 pp. 12°. Bern, L HalUr, 1781. ------. Thesame. Anwendung und Wirksamkeit der Elektrizitat zur Erhaltung und Wiederher- stellung der Gesundheit des menschlichen Kor- pers. Aus dem Franzosischen, und mit neuern Erfahrungen bereichert und bestatiget von D. Carl Gottlob Kuhn. 2v.ini. xii (11.), 413 pp.; 3 p. 1., 349 pp., 6 pi. 12°. Wehsenfels dc Leip- zig, F. Severin, 1788. Ber thornier (Andre). *Les courants de haute frequence dans les dermatoses (dites autrefois) diathesiques; prurits, eczema, psoriasis, acne. 131pp. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 332. Berthomier (EmUe-Auguste) [1878- ]. *Char- latanisme et medecine iliegale. 98 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 401. Berthomieu (Francois) [1870- ]. *Maladie de Parkinson a forme hemipiegique. 70 pp. 4°. Toulouse, 1895, No. 111. Berthomieu (Joseph). *Contribution a l'etude de la pleuresie chez les enfants. 69 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1913, No. 98. Berthon (Gabriel). Contribution a Fetude du syndrome de Mikulicz. 56 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 89. Berthon (Roger). Contribution a Fetude du traitement des cheloides par Feiectricite. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1903, No. 455. Berthoud (Stephen) [1863- ]. *Essai de geo- graphic medicale et de statistique sur Vitteaux (Cote-d'Or). 134 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 301. Berthoumeau (Marcel) [1881- ]. *De la glycemie dans les etats asphyxiques chez l'homme. 48 pp. 8°. Barh, 1907, No. 196. Berti (Antonio). Patologia della secrezione dello stomaco. viii, 281 pp. 8°. Feltre, B. Castaldi, 1913. Berti (Giovanni). Sopra uno zaffo fibrinoso epi- teliale del retto in una neonata. Osservazione clinica e ricerche microscopiche. 19 pp. 8°. Bologna, Gamberini dc Barmeggiani, 1897. ------. In proposito della ipertosse nei bambini di nascita. Annotazioni cliniche. 28 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Bologna, 1900. ------. L'atrofia infantile ed il concetto Heubner- Fede. Relazione per il iv. Congresso pediatrico italiano tenuto a Firenze nell'ottobre 1901. 50 pp. 8°. Bologna, Samorani dc Albertassi, 1902. ------. Contribuzione alia atonia muscolare con- genita di Oppenheim. 16 pp. 8°. Bologna, Samorani dc Albertazzi, 1905. BERTI. 484 BERTOLOTTI. Berti (Silvio). Sulle alopecie in genere e sull' area Celsi per quanto spetta la etiologia, Fistopato- logia e la patogenesi di essa. 119 pp. 8°. Bha, F. Mariotti, 1913. Bertiella. Blanchard (R.) Bertiella satyri, de l'orang-outang, est aussi parasite de l'homme. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., i913, 3. s., lxix, 286-296. Bertier (Henri) [1883- ]. *Des ulcerations des arteres et plus specialement de l'artere iliaque externe au contact des drains; etude experimen- tale et clinique. 77 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 200. Bertier (Jules) [1878- 1 *Les cancers chez les cardiaques. 131 pp. 8*. Lyon, 1906, No. 97. ------. The same. 131 pp. 8°. Barh dc Byon, A. Maloine, 1906. Bertier (Louis). *De l'emploi des eaux sulfu- reuses dans le traitement de la syphilis. 86 pp. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 310. Bertier (Maurice) [1876- ]. *De Fenterecto- mie dans les tumeurs du ccecum. Indications; manuel operatoire; resultats. 124 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 60. Bertignon (L6on) [1875- ]. *Le chlorure de calcium dans le traitement des hemorrhagies. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1901, No. 6. Bertillon (Alphonse) [1854-1914]. Necrologie. Arch, internat. de med. leg., Bruxelles, 1914, v, 186-191 (E. Stockvis). ------& Chervin (A.) Anthropologie metrique. Conseils pratiques aux missionnaires scientifi- ques sur la maniere de mesurer, de photo- graphier et de decrire des sujets vivants et des pieces anatomiques. Anthropometric, photogra- phie metrique, portrait descriptif, craniometrie. 1 p. 1., ii, 228 pp. 8°. Barh, Lmprimerie na- tionale, 1909. Bertillon (Jacques) [1851- ]. L'alcoolisme et les moyens de le combattre juges par 1'expe- rience. 2. ed. 232 pp. 12°. Barh, V. Lecoffre, 1904. ------. La depopulation de la France; ses conse- quences, ses causes, mesures a prendre pour la combattre. 3 p. 1., iii, 346 pp. 8°. Barh, F. Alcan, 1911. Bertillon (The) classification of causes of death. Recommended for the use of registrars of vital statistics (after the first revision of Paris, 1900) by the American Pubhc Health Association and by the conference of State and Provincial Boards of Health of North America. 40 pp. 8°. Lansing, B. Smith Btg. Co., 1899. Bertillonage. See Criminals (Ldentification of); Identity [etc.]. Bertin (Emile-Louis-Joseph) [1875- ]. Con- tribution a Fetude de la paralysie generale ob- serv6e dans les hopitaux. (Etiologie et forme chnique.) 84 pp. 8°. Lille, 1901, No. 62. Bertin (Georges) [1870- ]. Contribution a l'etude des infections des nouveau-nes dans les couveuses. 73 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 141. ------. The same. 73 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1899. Bertini (Anton Francesco). La medicina difesa dalle calunnie degh uomini volgari e dalle opposi- zioni de' dotti, divisa in due dialoghi. 5 p. 1., xx, 153 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Lucca, per i Marescan- doli, 1699. Bertini (Luigi). Del latte per uso della medicina. xxviii pp. 12°. Berugia, AL Reginaldi, 1774. Bertini (Vittorio). _ Csservazioni di anatomia radiografica sui seni sfenoidali del cranio umano. 40 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Torino, V. Bona, 1911. Bertino (Alessandro). Rendiconto della clinica ostetrico-ginecologica della r. Universita di Cagliari dai 20 novembre 1900 al 12 luglio 1902. 101 pp. 8°. Cagliari-Sassari, G. Bessi, 1903. ------. Un quinquennio alia Clinica ostetrico- ginecologica di Firenze (17 marzo 1906-16 marzo 1911). 338 pp. 8°. Sassari, G. Gallizzi dc Co., 1912. Bertin-Sans (Henri). Mesures hygieniques pour empecher la transmission de la tuberculose par le lait de vache. Discussion et conclusions. 26 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Bicardfreres, 1901. Repr. from: Herault (Departement de 1'). Conseil de- partemental d'hygilne publique etsalubrite. Proc-verb., 1901. ------. Hygiene experimentale. L'habitation, procedes de recherche et de controle. Preface Far P. Brouardel. Fasc. I. L'emplacement de habitation. 224 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Baillibre dc fils, 1902. ------. The same. Fasc. II. Les materiaux de construction, pp. 221-336. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1904. ------. Rapports presentes au conseil departe- mental d'hygiene de FHerault. Apphcation de la loi du 15 f evrier 1902 relative a la protection de la sante pubhque. 280 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. Lauriol, 1909. ------& Gaujoux (E.) La quahte des laits de depot a Montpellier. 6 pp. 8°. Montpellhr, 1909. Bertkau (Franz [Leopold E. J.]) [1875- ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der luetischen Knochen- erkrankungen. 2S pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebe- ring, 1898. Bertlich (Heinz) [18S6- ]. *Ser einen Fall von Drillingssehwanger- schaft mit einem Foetus papyraceus. 23 pp. 8°. Halle, C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1911. Bertoldo (G. M.) Intorno ad un caso di astralgia isterica; nota sulla diagnosi differenziale delle astralgie. 8 pp. 8°. Torino, Camilla dc Berto- lero, 1899. ------. Effetti fisio-patologici del veleno dei serpent! e siero terapia delle morsicature. 16 pp. 8°. Torino, Camilla dc Bertolero, 1899. Bertolini (Albertus). vDe morbo Brightii. 28 pp. 8°. Ticini Beqii, Fusi xh, 35-50.—Bgll. [Drinking in ancient Egypt.] Halsovan- nen, Stockholm, 1902, xvh, 127—Butyagin (P. V.) [Araka; national drink of some Siberian tribes.] Vestnik Obsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., S.-Peterb., 1901, pt. 2, 1283- 1291.—Carles (P.) Boisson de repas et de hors repas; les boissons de table; les aperitifs; les boissons fermentees; les vins mousseux; les petits mousseux d'avenir. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1912, xiii, 229-232.—Crawford (J.) On the his- tory and migration of cultivated plants producing coffee, tea, cocoa, etc. Tr. Ethn. Soc. Lond., 1867, n. s., vii, 197- 206.—Dudgeon (J.) The beverages of the Chinese. J. Peking Orient. Soc, Tientsin, 1895, 275-340.—Du Pasquier (P. A.) Ueber den Konsum von Kaflee und Kakao. In- ternat. Monatschr. z. Erforsch. d. Alkoholismus, Basel, 1909. xix, 121-129.—Ewald (C. A.) Soil man zum Essen trinken? Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1898, xx, 1-5.—Faranda. Con- tributo all' azione batterieida di alcune bevande e succhi di trutta. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1908, n. s., xviii, 491-502.— Friedmann (A.) Studien uber die Temperatur unserer Getranke. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1914, lxxvii, 114-124.—Gaucher (L.) & Geors (F.) Re- cherches bacteriologiques sur les boissons gazeuses. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1915, xxh, 12-16.—Glax (J.) Die Sauerlinge alsdiatetisches Getrankfiir Gesunde und Kranke. Zentralbl. f. phys. Therap. u. Unfallh., Berl. & Wien, 1904, i, 137-139.—Hagemann. Ueber die Conservirung von Getranken mit chemischen Mitteln vom Standpunkte der offentlichen Gesendheitspflege. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1902? n. F., xxiii, 345-374.— Irwell (L.) The drinks of the semi-civilized. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1903, xix, 385-388.—Jacobsohn. (P.) Selbstbereitung kohlensaurer Erfrischungsgetranke. Illust. Monatschr. f. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1909; xxxi, 99-103.—Ktihner (A.) Zur Reform der Getranke in diatetischer, prophylaktischer und therapeu- tischer Beziehung. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1906, xvi, 99-101. Aho: Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen, 1906, ii, 77.— Labbe (H.) La boisson quahtativement et quantitativement envisagjie chez les malades et les gens bien portant. Presse m(5d., Par., 1905, i, 234-236.—Labesse (P.) Boisson hygie- nique mousseuse. Anjou med., Angers, 1900, vh, 152-154.— Laborde (J.-V.). Rapport presentant la hste des essences les plus dangereuses, qui entrent dans la composition des liqueurs livrees k la consommation pubhque. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xhx, 84-100. [Discussion], 100- 115.—Lejeune (G.) Apphcation de l'acide carbonique a la conservation des boissons hygieniques. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1898, Par., 1899, xxvh, pt. 2,847-850 — Llnossler. Sur les boissons chaudes. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1916-17, clxix, 446-449— Montagnon. De Tactiondes,boissonschaudessurlafonctionstomacale. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1897, xvi, 290-295.—Navarro (A. M.) Hygiene des boissons. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de pharm. 1900, Par., 1901,336-340.—de ParvUle(H) Liqueurs et aperitifs. Nature, Par., 1901-2, xxx, pt. 2, 214.—Silfver- skidld (P.) [Soft drinks.) Halsovannen, Stockholm, 1902, xvh, 101-103.—Sinapius. Ueber ein zweckmassiges Volks- getrank. Kinderarzt, Leipz., 1906, xvh, 217-220.—Triboulet (H.) Regimes de buveurs et boissons. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 342-344.— Wallian (S. S.) Tea, coffee and cocoa; the biba- tive habits of bipeds. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1902, xviu, 385-391.—Young (C. C.) & Sherwood (N. P.) The effect of the environment of carbonated beverages on bacteria. J. Indust. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1911, hi, 495. BEVERAGES. 494 BEYER. Beverages [Patent specifications for]. Becker (L.) Manufacture of root or tonic beer. No. 256536; April 18, 1882.—Brandner (Frida). Process of pro- ducing beverages. No. 740519; Oct. 6,1903.—Calkin (B. H.) & Mayneld (E. W.) Process of preparing and dispensing beverages. No. 994975; June 13, 1911— Decastro (J. W.) Tonic beverage. No. 256129; April 11, 1882.—Decker (H.) Improvement in processes of making birch beer. No. 183840; Oct. 31,1876.—Hechtman (Olive M.) Effervescent beverage. No. 482738; Sept. 20,1892.— Henry (G. C.) Foam for carbonated beverages. No. 419671; Jan. 21, 1890.-----. Process of preparing carbonated beverages. No. 436782; Sept. 23,1890.—Hicks (W.S.) Tonic beverage. No. 436477; Sept. 16, 1890.—Holland (J. G.) Improvement in medi- cated beverages. No. 222187; Dec. 2, 1879— Holland (W. H.) Medical compound. No. 241014; May 3, 1881.—Hu- bener (H.) Beverage. No. 455103; June 30, 1891—Moerle (J.) Beverage preparation. No. 418581; Dec. 31, 1889.— Myers (W. M.) Beverage. No. 471879; March 29, 1892.— Neumann (C.) Improvement in beverages or summer- drinks. No. 157924; Dec. 22, 1874— Nowell (T. S.) Tonic base for aerated beverages. No. 346824; Aug. 3, 1886.—Par- rlsh (C.) Effervescing phosphated tonic beverage. No. 240759; April 26,1881.—Rambousek (R.) Tonic beverage. No. 438020; Oct. 7,1890.—Reibestein (H.) Improvement in compounds for beverages. No. 177003; May 2, 1876.—Rob- erts (E. M.) Beverage. No. 775249; Nov. 15, 1904.—Scott (R. C.) Effervescent-beverage powder. No. 369368; Sept. 6, 1887.—Smith (F. L.) Sirup for soda-water. No. 406783; July 9, 1889— Starbird (W. B.) Aerated tonic beverage. No. 396440; Jan. 22,1889.—Warner (A.) Improved compo- sition for lemonade. No. 37314; Jan. 6, 1863.—Winder (W. A.) & Shearer (M. M.) Improvement in composition bev- erage. No. 180692; Aug. 1, 1876.—Wood (R. B.) Improve- ment in medical beverages. No. 205713; July 2,1878. Beveridge (Wilfred William Ogilvy). See Manhill (Charles Frederick) & Beveridge (Wilfred William Ogilvy) [in 2. s.]. The sanitary officer's handbook [etc.]. 8°. London, 1909. Beverland (Adrian). The law concerning draped virginity. An anatomical study. Translated for the first time, with philological and other explanatory notes, by Francis D. Byrne. 475 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Carrington, 1905. Bevermann (Carl Wilhelm) [1867-_ ]. ♦Ein Beitrag zur Lehre fiber Traktionsdivertikel der Speiserohre. 36 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1904. Bevermann (Willy). ♦Zur toxischen Beein- flussung des Geruchsinnes. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Scheiner, 1898. Beverovicius [van Beverwick] (Joh.) [1594-1647]. Medicinse encomium. 140 pp. 24°. Botter- dami, sumpt. A. Beers, 1644. ------. Heel-konste ofte derde deel van de genees-konste, om de uytwendige gebreken to heelen. 22 p. 1., 487 pp., 3 1. 16°. Dordrecht, II. van Esch, 1645. ------. Steen-stuck aen-wysende den oorspronck, teykenen't voor-koimende genesinge van steen ende graved [etc.] 2 p. 1., 337 pp. 24°. Dor- drecht, L. van Heck, 1649. Bevier (Isabel). Nutrition investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-6. 48 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1898. Forms Bull. No. 52, of: U. S. Dept. Agric. Off. exper. stations, Wash. — — & Van Meter (Anna R.) Selection and preparation of food; laboratory manual. 3. ed. 110 pp. 8°. Boston, Wtitcomb dc Barrows, 1915. Beving (Joseph) [1883- ]. Ein Fall von Tumor cerebri; zur Symptomatologie der Occipitallap- pentumoren. [Kiel.] 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 1 1. 8*. Coesfeld, J. Flehsig, 1913. Bevis (John). An experimental enquiry concern- ing the contents, qualities and medicinal virtues of the two mineral waters lately discovered at Bagnigge Wells near London. 1 p. 1., 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, J. Clark, 1760. [P., v. 221-1.] Bewehrtes und sehr nfitzliches Artzney-Buchlein, vor allerley Zufiille, Kranckheiten und Gebre- chen, vor alt und junge Menschen, gantz frucht- barlich zu gebrauchen, welche ein Liebhaber der Artzney-Kunst mit Fleiss auffgezeichnet und beschrieben hat. 32 1. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] Bewcrsdorff (Richard [Albert]) [1880- ]. ♦Ueber Syphilis maligna. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1905. Bewerunge (Joseph) [1878- ]. ♦Ein Fall von Cholelithiasis mit Cholecystitis, Cholangitis und sekundarer Thrombose der Pfortader. 21 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1905. Beyaert (Edouard-Auguste-Georges) [1861- ]. ♦La hernie de la trompe sans l'ovaire. 66 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Lille, 1906, No. 14. Beydler (Gustave-Adolphe) [1807-99]. [Biography.] Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1900, lxvii, 58-69, port. Beyeli (S[igizmund] S[tanislavovich]) [1881- ]. Ob atroficheskikh izmieneniyakh pri ostrom golo danii. [Atrophic changes in acute starvation.] 60 pp., 1 diag. 8°. [Kiyev, 1908.] Bound with: Univ. Izviest., Kiyev, 1908, xlviii Beyer (Alfred Erich Gerhard) [lSSSy ]. ♦In welcher Konzentration totet wasseriger Alkohol allein, oder in Verbindung mit anderen des- infizierenden Mitteln Entztindungs- und Eite- rungserreger am schnellsten ab? [Kiel.] 50 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Veit dc Co., 1911. Beyer (Andr.) Yejledning til Unders0gelse og Bed0mmelse af Vand; til Brug for Apothekere, Farmaceuter, [etc.]. [Guide to the investigation and determination of water; for the use of apothecaries, pharmaceutists, [etc.].] 129 pp., 2 1. 8°. K0benhavn, Br0drene Salmonsen, 1900. Beyer (August). ♦Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Zahnverderbnis und Stomatitis in Thuringen. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Jena, B. Vopelius, 1900. ------. Zahn- und Mundkrankheiten. Entste- hung, Behandlung und Heilung, gemeinver- standhch dargestellt. 68 pp. 12°. Berlin, Beuhcher Verlag, [n. d.]. Beyer (Bruno) [1885- ]. ♦Bericht fiber einen Amelus und einen Anencephalus mit Adha- sionen an der Placenta unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der durch diese Missbildungen ver- ursachten Geburtskomplikati nen. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer, 1913. Beyer (Carl). ♦Weitere Versuche fiber den Ein- fluss von Eiweisskorpern auf die Temperatur von Saugethieren. 20 pp. 8°. Jena,G. Neuenhahn, 1897. Beyer (Conrad) [1876- ]. ♦Das Zusammentreffen von Gallensteinkolik und Echinokokkus der Leber. [Greifswald.] 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Beipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1904. Beyer (David Stewart). Industrial accident pre- vention, viii (11.), 421 pp. 4°. Boston d: New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916. Beyer ([Franz Friedrich] Reinhold]) [1880- ]. ♦Ueber Herpes zoster. Mitteilung eines Falles vongeneralisierterLokalisation. 62 pp., 11. 8°. Greifswald, II. Adler, 1905. Beyer {Friedrich Otto) [1859- ]. ♦Beitrage zur Casuistik der congenitalen Sacraltumoren. 58 pp., 11.. 1 pi. 8°. Halle a. S., 0. Hendel, 1885. Beyer (Gustav). ♦Ueber das Vorkommen und die Ursache der Urobilinurie bei verschiedenen Krankheitszustanden. 38 pp. 8°. Gottingen, 1895. Beyer (Hugo Edwin Hermann) [1868- ]. •Ue- ber Elephantiasis faciei. 38 pp. 8°. Leipzig, II. Otto, 1895. Beyer (Joh. Friedrich Heinrich Walter) [1875- ]. •Zur Casuistik der Pulververletzungen des Auges. Elf Falle aus der Universitats- Augonklinik zu Greifswald. 32 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1899. Beyer (Job. Hartmann) [1563-1625]. Theses de anima vegetante, seu naturali. 11 pp. sm. 4°. Tubing se, G. Gruppenbachius, 1586. BEYER. 495 BEZANCON. Beyer (Joh. Hartmann)—continued. ------. De furore, seu mania; ejusque curatione. 101. sm. 4°. Tubingx, G. Gruppenbachius, 1588. ------. De morbis formse; seu totius substantia?. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingx, G. Gruppen- bachius, 1586. See, aho, Capivaccius (Hieronymus) [in 2. s.]. Practica medicina [etc.]. 4°. Francofurti, 1594. Beyer (Joh. Leberecht)._ Ueber die Verwendung kolloidaler Metalle (Silber und Quecksilber) in der Medizin. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Simion Nf., 1904. Forms 6. Hft. of: Mod. arztl. Bibhoth. Die Technik des Heftpflasterverbands. 31 pp. 12°. Leipzig, T. Weicher, 1905. Beyer (Martin Wilhelm Paul) [1885- ]. ♦Ueber einen Fall von Pankreas-Fettnekrose mit Cys- tenbildung, totaler Nekrose der Milz und Ver- schluss derLeberarterie. 30pp., 11. 8°. Greifs- wald, H. Adler, 1912. Beyer (Otto) [1874- ]. ♦Ueber Extrauterin- Graviditat. 33 pp., 11. 8°. Greifswald, II. Adler, 1900. Beyer (Otto Marius Alfred) [1879- ]. # ♦Ueber die Identitat des Carbacetessigesters mit Isode- hydracetsaureester. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Liidtke dc Martens, 1906. Beyer (Peter Ernst). ♦Ueber den Nachweis von Eiweiss in Tierharn mit Merck's Tabletten. 39 pp., 3 tab. 8°. [Bern], C. Herzog, 1909. Beyer (Philippus Henricus). *De rabie seu hy- drophobia. 1 p. 1., 31 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Ghsse, lit. Kargerianh, 1669. Beyer (Theodor) [1876- ]. ♦Ueber abgelaufene Lungentuberkulose. Statistischer Beitrag nach Sektionsprotokollen des stadt. Krankenhauses Moabit zu Berlin. 34 pp. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. See, aho, Gelande und Feldsahitatsdienst, [etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1907.—Studie iiber die Einleitung [etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1907. Beyer (Walter) [1878- ]. ♦Untersuchungen fiber das haufige Vorkommen von systolischen Herz-Gerauschen bei Kindern; nebst Bemer- kungen fiber die physikalische Natur der Pul- monal-Gerausche, fiber Accentuation der II. Tone, fiber unreine Tone und Nonnensausen in den grossen Venen. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1907. Beyer-Gurowitsch (Dina). ♦Ueber perniziose Ansemie in Graviditat und Puerperium. 47 pp. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Beemann dc Co., 1912. Beyerhaus (Georg) [1881- ]. ♦Ueber die Wir- kung des Orexin bei Salzsauremangel im Magen- safte. 50 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn, 1905. Beyerlein (Kurt) [1886- ]. *Ueber Kombina- tion von Tuberkulose und Aktinomykose. 42 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1913. _ Beyerman (Adolf). *Bijdrage tot eene juistere kennis van de uitkomsten der kunstmatige vroeggeboorte. 3 p. 1., 77 pj>. 8°. Utrecht, J. Van Boekhoven, 1900. Beyerman (Diederik Hendrik). ♦Over den m- vloed van het zenuwstelsel op de ademhaling. 2 p. 1., 53 pp., 18 pi., 2 1. 8°. Amsterdam, F. van Bossen, 1900. Beykowsky (Siegfried). Sehscharfe- und Re- fraktionsbestimmungen vom praktischen Stand- punkte des Truppenarztes. 46 pp. 12°. Wien, J. Safdr, 1905. Beyle (Gaston) [1876- ]. ♦De la pylorectomie dans le cancer du pylore et du choix du procede d'abouchement. 84 pp. 8°. Byon, 1903, No. 168. Beyler (Charles-Gerald) [1886- ]. ♦Etiologie et traitement des luxations recidivantes de l'epaule. 94 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1913, No. 1015. Beylot (Elie-Marc) [1866- ]. ♦De la levure de biere dans le diabete Sucre. 75 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 36. Beyly (Pierre-Marc) [1885- J. ♦Contribution a l'etude de l'inversion uterine. 62 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 51. Beyne (Jules) [1880- ]. ♦Contribution a l'etude des troubles trophiques qui suivent la section et la resection du sympathique cervical. 78 pp. 8°._ Byon, 1902, No. 28. Beynon (Elias) der Jiinger. Barmhertziger Sa- mariter, • oder freund-bruderlicher Rath, vor allerhand Kranckheiten und Gebrechen dess menschlichen Leibs, [etc.]. Anietzo zum vier- dten Mahle gedruckt. 1 p. 1., 362 pp., 6 1. 24°. [n. p.], 1670. ------._ The same. Der neuvermehrte und barm- hertzige Samariter, oder freund-brfiderlicher Rath, allerhand Krankheiten und Gebrechen des Menschlichen Leibes, innerlich und euser- hch zu heilen, [etc.]. 1 p. 1., 85 pp., 3 1. 16°. [n. p.], 1677. Beynot. *L'analgesie cocainique par injections sous-arachno'idiennes, en particulier chez le vieillard. 114 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 589. Beyran (Joseph-Melcon) [1825-66]. Cafle. Necrologie. J. d. conn, med: prat., Par., 1866, xxxhi, 351. Beyrand (Alfred). •Les terreurs nocturnes de l'enfant. 67 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 444. Beyreis (Otto Christoph Ferdinand) [1888- ]. ♦Katatonie in Schuben. 35 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke 1911. Beyrer (Wilhelm) [1885- ]. *Klinik der Stirn- lagen; 46 Falle der kgl. Universitat? Frauen- klinik in Munchen aus den Jahren 1885-1911. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1912. Beyrout. Boyer (B.) Conditions hygieniques actuel- les de Beyrouth (Syrie) et de* ses environs im- mSdiats. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Beythien (A.) Die Nahrungsmittelverfalschung, ihre Erkennung und Bekampfung. 1 p. 1., 140 pp. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1910. ------, Hartwich (C.) & Klimmer (Theodor Martin). Handbuch der Nahrungsmittel-Unter- suchung. v. 1. Chemisch-physikalischer Teil von A. Beithien. xxiv, 1071 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Leipzig, C. H. Tauchnitz, 1914. Bezaguet (Raymond) [1868- ]. *Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical de la tuber- culose du rein. 79 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 615. Bezancon (Albert) [1879- ]. *Conformations thoraciques chez les tuberculeux. 133 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 472. ------. The same. 133 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1906. Bezancon (Fernand) [1868- ]. Precis de mi- crobiologie chnique. xvi, 429 pp. 8°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1906. ------. * The same. 2. 6d. xviu, 640 pp. 8°. Barh, Masson dc Cie., 1910. See, aho, Widal (Georges-Fernand-Isidore), Bezancon (Fernand) & Labbe (Ernest- Marcel) [in 2. s.]. Maladies des veines[etc.]. roy. 8°. Parh, 1911. ------& Israels de Jong (Samuel) [1878- _ ]. Traite de l'examen des crachats; etude histo- chimique, cytologique, bacteriologique et chimi- que. xx, 411 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1912. BEZANgON. 496 BIALY. Bezancon (Fernand)—continued. ------& Labbe (Marcel). Traite d'hematologic xviii (1 1.), 959 pp., 8 pi. roy. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1904. Bezard (Leon) [1843-1907]. Triaire (P.) Necrologie. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1907, xh, 49-53. Bezbokaya (M[ariya] Ya[kovlevna]) [1877- ]. • Material! k fiziologii uslovnikh refleksov. [Physiology of conditional reflexes.]. 39 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beterburg, I. V. Leontyeff, 1913. Bezchinski (S[hlyoma] M[oiseyevich]) 1864- ]. Prakticheskoye rukovodstvo k massage' u. [Practical manual on massage.] 88 pp. 8°. Bostov na Donu, I. Aleksanoff, 1899. Bezerra (Joao Augusto). ♦Da dyspnea e seu valor semeiotico. 104 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, typ. Attina, 1904. Bezerra Cavalcanti (Thome). Da theoriadapyo- genia. 72pp. roy.8°. Nictheroy,Amerino, 1905. Beziehungen des Feld-Sanitatsdienstes zum Feld- dienste. Bearbeitet von Cron, unter Mitwirkung von Wolff. 141pp. 8°. Wien, J. Safdf, 1902. Bezier (Gabriel) [1872- ]. ♦Fracture a consoli- dation tardive et pseudarthroses; traitements employes. 102 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 363. Bezoar. See, also, Phytobezoar; Stomach (Concre- tions in); Trichobezoar. Hyeble (C.) Tractat von der aller fiirtre- flichsten und kraftigsten Artzney wider allerley Gifft: welches der Stein Bezoar ist. 16°. Con- stantz, 1598. Nice (A) cut for the demolisher; or Dr. Slare's experiments and observations upon the bezoar, etc., rip'd up. Being a vindication of Dr. Radcliffe and Dr. Mead from the charge of hav- ing made an exorbitant gain and use of Gascoin powder. 16°. Bondon, 1715. Sala (A.) Ternarius bezoardicorum et heme- tologia seu triumphus vomicorum e Galhco ser- mone latinitate Kara. irSSas donati cum exegesi chymiatica Andrea? Tentzelii. 16°. Erfurti, 1618. Slare (F.) Experiments and observations upon oriental and other bezoar-stones, which prove them to be of no use in physick. Gas- coin's powder distinctly examined in its seven ingredients, censured, and found imperfect. 8°. London, 1715. Bezoario lapide. Bononiensi sc. et art. Inst, comment., Bononiae, 1731, i, 169— Burchard (A.) Bezoare in der alten und in der modernen Medizin. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1914, xxii, 321-326, 3 pi, -Fuliner (H.) Bezoarsteine. Janus, Amst., 1901, vi, 317; 3.">1.—(Jeof- froy. Observations on the bezoar and on other substances which come near to it. Philos. hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Sc. Par. abr. . . . 1699 to 1720, Lond., 1742, iii. 369-376: iv, 229-240.— Harshbergcr (J. W.) A review oi our knowl- edge of phyto-bezoars. J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1898,xix, 143-145—Treplln. EinPhytotrichobezoar. Beitr. z. khn. Chir., Tubing., 1914, xcii, 317-321. Bezold (Friedrich) [1842-1908]. Ueber die funk- tionelle Priifung des menschlichen Gehororgans. Gesammelte Abhandlungen und Vortrage. 3 v. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1897-1909. ------. Die Taubstummheit auf Grund ohrenarzt- licher Beobachtungen. Eine Studie zur Ge- winnung einer ktinftigen verlassigen Taubstum- menstatistik; ftir Aerzte und Taubstummen- lehrer. 133 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1902. ------. Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde ffir Aerzt e und Studierende. In 32 Vortragen. xv, 346 pp., 1 pi., port. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 1906. For Biography, see Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohresfetc.], Berl., 1909, ii, 271 (A. Passow). Aho: Bezold (Friedrich)—continued. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, xxxiv, 2277 (A. Scheibe). Aho: J. Laryngol., Lond.., 1909, xxiv, 57, port. A ho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2288 (Denker). Also: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1905, i, No. 13. Aho: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1908), 1909. xviu, 130-139, 1 pi. (Scheibe). Aho: Vestnik Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Bollezn., S.-Peterb., 1909. i, 119-126, port. (A. Scheibe). Aho: Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., 1908-9, lvii, 1-5 (Siebenmann). ■------& Siebenmann (Fr.) Textbook of otology for physicians and students, in thirty-two lec- tures. Translated by J. Holinger. 1 p. 1., vii- xv, 314 pp. 8°. Chicago, E. H. Colegrove Co., 1908. Bezos (Jean-Baptiste-Paul-Robert) [1882- ]. *Les tumeurs du grand pectoral. 64 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 34. Bezsonoff (Ni[kolai] A[leksandrovich]) [1868- ]. *Materiali k voprosu o neorganicheskikh serdechnikh shumakh. [On inorganic cardiac murmurs.] 81 pp., 1 1., 10 diag. [on 5 1.]. 8°. S.-Beterburg, G. B. Bosharoff, 1900. Bezu (Oswald-Ulysse) [1884- ]. *Les abces de fixation dans le saturnisme. 40 pp. 8°. Bille, 1910. Bezy (Antoine) [1867- ]. *Odyssee d'un degenere. 3 p. 1., 52 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 102. Bezy (Francois-Ernest) [1875- ]. •Contribu- tion a l'etude du courir chez l'homme. 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 141. Bezy (J.) L'enfant. Organes du nouveau-ne, leurs fonctions pendant l'enfance. La croissance. 43 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1907. ------& Bibent (V[ictor]). L'hysterie infantile et juvenile. 215 pp. 12°. Barh, Vigot frlres, 1900. Bezzenberger (Ernst) [1881- ]. *Ueber In- fusorien aus asiatischen Anuren. [Konigsberg i. Pr.] 38 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1904. Biach (Paulb See Landesmann (Ernst). Therapie an den Wiener Kliniken [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig 74.—Higley (G. O.) & Bowen (W. P.) Changes in the excretion of carbon dioxide resulting from bicycling. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1904-5, xii, 311-335. Aho, Reprint.— Hughes (W. E.) Heart and lungs from a bicycle rider. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1897-8, n. s., i, 181.—Lee (B.) The sanitary aspects of the bicycle. Pub. Health, Phila.; 1897, ii, 179-186.—Levt-Slrugue (C.) La bicyclette au pomt de vue medical. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1898, n. s., hi, 610- 612.—Loewenthal (J. L.) Das Radfahren; Physiologie, Hygiene, Pathologie und Therapie. Aerztl. Prax., Leipz., 1900, xiii, 161; 179; 195.—Lucas - Champlonnlere (J.) Effets psycho-physiologiques de la bicyclette; regime du coureur; action sur le cceur. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1898, lxix, 161-169.-----. Hygiene du cycliste. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r., Par., 1900, x, 449-459. Also: Rev. de cinesie et d'electrother., Par., 1900, ii, 215- 223.—Lundie (R. A.) The correct anatomical form of bicycle pedals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 768— Lydston (G. F.) The form of bicycle saddles in its relation to the pathological effects of cvcling. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1897, x, 200-205.—MacClure (T. R.) Bicycling from a healthful standpoint. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1898, xx, 411; 449; 498.—McElwee (L. C.) The bicycle saddle. Clin. Reporter, St. Louis, 1897, x, 69-75.— Martin (A.) Verwendung alterer Fahrradsysteme zu therapeutischen Zwecken. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1902, vi, 289-293.—Mendelsohn (M.) Influenza del cichsmo sull' organismo umano. Riv. internaz. d'ig., Napoli. 1897, vui, 9; 139; 222— Mennella (A.) Fisio- logia e patologia del ciclismo. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 554-570.-----. Sul ciclismo. Atti d. Cong. ital. p. l'educaz. fis. 1900, Napoh, 1902, i, 289-300.— Merkel (S.) Hygiene des Radfahrens. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1901, xxxih, 119-132.— Mlrovitch. De l'influence de la velocipedie sur la vision et conseils d'hygicne pour les yeux des vcloeipMistes. Petit med. d. families, Par., 1897, xii, 91; llo. Noel (11 ) Le cyclisme, son hygiene, ses bienfaits. Echo nuil. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1905, vi, 310; 332; 396; 416; 431.—l'arz- kowski. Die Sattelfrago im Fahrradsport vom Stand- punkte der Hygiene. Kurbcr. ii. Erfolge d. physik.- diatet. Heilfaktoren, Leipz., 1900, iv, 169— Patchen (G. H.) Does riding the bicycle cause enlargement of the prostate gland? Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y., 1897, xiii, 415-420.— Petit (L.-H.) Sur le role de la bicyclette dans l'etiologie et la therapeutique medicales. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 776-795. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull. med., Par., 1897, xi, 525-529.—Pfeiffer(L.) Die Sitzhaltung und der Sitz auf dem Fahrrad; ein Kapitel aus der techni- schen Anatomie. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar, 1898, xxvii, 146-168,—Itebuschlni (E.) II cichsmo in rapporto alia medicina. (Jazz. med. di Torino, 1901, Iii, 961; 981.—Heck. Der Kraftverbrauch beim Radfahren. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1898, xxi, 133- 142.—Reid (G. A.) Cycling; its effects on the future of the human race. Med. Mag., Lond., 1899, n. s., viu, 309-316.— Roe (J. O.) Breathing and bicycling. Tr. M. Ass. Central Bicycles and bicycling. N. Y. 1896, Buffalo, 1897, 24-29. Aho: Ann. Hvg., Phila., 1897, xii, 385-390.—Scheibe. Zur Fahrrad'sattelfrage. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1898, vh, 340-342.— Sehrwald. Der Kraftverbrauch beim Radfahren. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen & Leipzy 1898, xxxii, 353-410, 2 pi — Semple (E.) & Taylor (J.) On certain symptoms of spinal cord affection in bicycle riders. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 1084.—Short (J. L.) Bicycle saddles; injuries produced thereby and their rational remedy. J. Am. M. Ass.-Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 653— Siegfried (M.) Radfahren als Heilgym- nastik. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1897, xxiii, therap. Beil., 37.-----. Ueber Cyklotherapie. [Dis- cussion.) Ibid., 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil., 71-73.-----.Zur Mechanik und Physiologie der Cyklistik. Ibid., 1899, xxv 547-549.—Smead (H. E.) The bicycle as a hygienic and therapeutic factor. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1899, xxv, 743-746— Templado (F.) Higiene del ciclismo. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, vii, 27-43.—vom Thum (E.) Hygiene des Rad- fahrens. Kurb. ii. Erfolge d. physik.-diatet. Heilfaktoren, Leipz., 1898, ii, 221; 255—Turner (E. B.) A report on cycling in health and disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1158; 1211; 1336; 1399; 1510; 1564: ii, 38; 98; 203; 469—Zoth (O.) Ueber die Formen der Pedalarbeit beim Radfahren. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1899, lxxvi, 319-355.—Zuntz (L.) Ueber den Gaswechsel und Energieumsatz des Radfahrers. Ibid., 1898, lxx,346-348. Aho, Reprint.-----. Der Stoffver- brauch des Radfahrers. Med. Woche, Berl., 1900, i, 177-180. -----. Indicationen und Contraindicationen des Rad- fahrens. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1901, xix, 773; 807. -----. Remarks on the physiology and therapeutic application of bicycle riding. Therap. Month., Phila., 1902, ii, 89-92. Bicycles and bicycling for women. Volkova (Mariya M.) O vliyanii velosipeda na zdorovye zhenshtshini. [On the influence of the bicycle on the health of woman.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1897. Dickinson (R. L.) Bicycling for women from the stand- point of the gynecologist. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 24-37. Aho, Reprint. -----. Saddles and postures for women on the wheel. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, vhi, 736-747. [Discussion], 813-819.—Fitch (W. E.) Bicycle riding; its moral effect upon young girls and its relation to diseases of women. Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah, 1899. iv, 154-157.—Gordon (Marv). Bicvcle saddles for ladies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906," i, 1079.^Gray (Sarah). Bicycle saddles for ladies. Ibid., 1906, i, 1139.—Page (E. D.) Woman and the bicycle. Brooklyn M. J., 1897, xi, 81-87. Bidache (E.) Contribution a l'etude de l'emphy- seme sous-cutane d'origine pulmonaire (emphy- seme a triple siege) chez les enfants. 78 pp. S °. Toulouse, 1903, No. 539. Bidan (Ch.[-Marie]) [1861- ] *De Tinsufn- sance hepatique. 68 pp. 4°. Pans, 1896, Xo. 550. Bidault (Alfred) [1875- J. *Etude sur la galactorrhea. 78 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 111. Bidault (Camille). *Triehophytie cutanee de- terminee par le vaccin de genisse. 55 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 4(iS. Bidault (Paul) [1871- ]. *Les superstitions medicales du Morvan. 94 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 321. Bidaux (Rene). *Etude sur le traitement de la coxalgie. 70 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, No. 33. [Bidder (Ernst Fridrildiovich)] [1839- ]. Me- khanicheskoye posobiye pri tak nazivayemikh zapushtshennikh poperechnikh polozheniyakh. [Mechanical aid in so-called neglected trans- verse positions.] 26 pp. 8°. [S.-Beterburg, 18815. ] Bound with: Med. Otchet S.-Peterb. rodovsp. zaved. (1877-SO), 1883. ------. Uchebnik akushorstva dlya povivalnikh babok. [Manual of obstetrics for midwives.] 5. ed. xv, 339 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, A. F. Tsinzerling, 1901. Bidder's organ. Aime (P.) & 'Champy (C.) Les cellules interstitielles de I'organe do Bidder du erapaud. Compt. rend, de 1'Assoc, d. anat., Par., 1909, xi, 278-2M.----------. Note sur l'ablation de I'organe de Bidder du irapaud. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1909, lxvii, 181.—Harms (W.) Erganzende Mitteilung iiber die Bedeutung des Bidderschen Organs. BIDDER'S. 505 BIECHELE. Bidder's organ. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1915, xiv, 610-617.—King (Helen D.) The structure and development of Bidder's organ in Bufo lentiginosus. J. Morphol., Philay 1908, xix, 439-465, 2 pi.— Ognew (S. J.) Materialien zur Histologic des Bidderschen Organs der Kroten. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1907-8, lxxi, 467-491, 1 pi. Biddle (James G.) Concerning X-ray apparatus. 32 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1897. Biddle (Jesse T.) Answers to questions_ con- cerning homoeopathy. 22 pp. 12°. Bhiladel- phia, Boericke dc Tafel, 1898. Biddle (John Barclay) [1815-79]. Review of ma- teria medica for the use of students, xii, 322 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Lindsay dc Blackhton, 1852. ------. The same. 5. ed. xvi, 17-404 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Lindsay dc Blackhton, 1873. ------. Valedictory address to the graduates of the Medical Department of Pennsylvania Col- lege. 18 pp., 31. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1856. Bideau (Louis-Herve-Marie) [1882- ]. *La subluxation spontanee progressive du Poignet. 53 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 9. Bidel (A.) *Les adenomes sebace.s. 71 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 590. Biden (George Henri/) [1866-1907J. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1462. Bidens leucantha. Armendaris (E.) Algunas observaciones acerca de las propiedades flsiologicas de la aceitilla (Bidens leucantha). An. d. Inst. med. nae, Mexico, 1897, ih, 75-77. Bidert. Dieta pri razstroistvakh pishtshevare- niya s prilozheniyem kukhonnikh retseptov. [Diet in disturbances of digestion, with appen- dix of kitchen receipts.] 88 pp. 16°. S.- Peterburg, 1902. Forms No. 5 of: Domashniy Vrach, 1902. Bidet. Grosse. Ein hygienisches Bidet. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 138.—Lelu (L. E. C.) Bidet. [Pat. spec 1 No. 628162; July 4, 1899.—Manahan (J. A.) Bidet. [Pat spec] No. 1817759; June 20, 1916.—Schaeler (F.) In- dikationen zur Anwendung des von F. Wcidl erfundenen Sexa-Bidets fiir mannhche Kranke und Gesunde. Prakt. Arzt, Leipz., 1909, xlix, 193-198. -----. Ueber das yon Friedrich Weidl erfundene Sexa-Bidet. Desinfektion. Monatsschr., Berl., 1910, hi, 77-79. Bidgenbach (Robert) [1888- ]. *Der Einfluss der Narkotika auf die Immunitat mit einleL tender Eebersicht iiber die Theorien der Nar. kose. 53 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1913. Bidie (George) [1830-1913]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, i, 473. Bidischinus (Franciscus). *Dereconvalescentia. 48 pp. 12°. Viennx, M. A. Schmidt, 1783. Bidloo (Godefridus Govert) [1649-1713]. Rae (J.) Ronjat and Bidloo. Practitioner, Lond., 1912, lxxxix, 147-149. Bidon (Antoine) [1886- ]. *Du traitement actuel de la tumeur blanche du genou chez l'adolescent et chez l'adulte; revue critique. 148 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1912, No. 146. Bidone (Ettore). L'acetonuria gravidica nella dia°nosi di morte del prodotto del concepimento. Ricerche. 40 pp. 8°. Bologna, Zamorani dc Albertazzi, 1898. Bidou (Gabriel). La scoliose et son traitement; preface du prof. Duret. 242 pp., 52 pi. 8 . Baris, A. Maloine, 1913. Bidwell (Cien Irving). How to use the repertory, with a practical analysis of forty homoeopathic remedies 156 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Boericke dc Tafel, 1918. Bidwell (Leonard Arthur) [1865-# j. A hand- book of intestinal surgery, xi, 167 pp. 8 . London, Baillilre, Tindall dc Cox, 1905. Bidwell (Leonard Arthur)—continued. ------. The same. 2. ed. 215 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1910. ------. The same, xi, 167 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1905. ------. Minor surgery, xiv, 265 pp. 12°. Lon- don, University of London Bress, [1911]. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xvi, 299pp. 8°. Lon- don, University of London Bress, [19131 For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 666, port. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1912. ii, 797. Aho: West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1913, xvhi, 31-35 (P. Dunn). de Bie (J.) De zelfmoord. Voordracht. 60 pp. roy. 8°. Mechelen, B. Byckman, 1909. Bie (Valdemar). See Mitteilungen aus Finsens medicinske Lysinstitut. 8°.' Leipzig, 1903. de Bie (Wilh.) *De synocho putrida. 2 p. 1., 20 pp. sm. 4°. Giessx, J. J. Broun, 1787. Bieback (Martin Friedrich August^ [1874- ]. *Die angeborenen Halsfisteln und ihre Behand- lung. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1899. Biebendt (Albrecht) [1871- ]. *Ueber die Kraft des Gaumensegelverschlusses. 82 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Siebert, 1908. Bieber (Annemarie) [1874- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur recidivierenden Glaskorperblutung und ihre Be- handlung durch Carotisligatur. [Freiburg i. Br.] 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, B. Simion, 1906. Biechele (Max). Arzneibuch fiir das Deutsche Reich. Vierte Ausgabe (Pharmacopcea Germa- nica, editio iv) im Taschenformat, enthaltend sammtliche Vorschriften, auf bestimmte Ge- wichtsmengen berechnet, nebst vielen Arbeits- tabellen. Zugleich ein Einschreibebuch. Ein Hilfsbuch beim Arbeiten in der Rezeptur und Defektur. 5. Aufl. vii, 296 pp. 12°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer, 1901. ------. Anleitung zur Erkennung und Priifung aller im Arzneibuch fiir das Deutsche Reich (vierte Ausgabe) aufgenommenen Arzneimittel. Zugleich ein Leitfaden bei Apotheken-Visita- tionen fiir Gerichtsarzte, Aerzte und Apotheker. 10. Aufl. viii, 465 pp. 12°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1901. ------. The same. 11. Aufl. viii, 491 pp. 16°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1902. ------. Thesame. 12. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 512pp. 12°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1906. ------. Thesame. 13. Aufl. 2p. 1., 611pp. 12°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1911. ------. Pharmakognosie in Verbindung mit spe- cieller Botanik in tabellarischer Form. Mit be- sonderer Berucksichtigung des Arzneibuches fur das Deutsche Reich, iv. Ausgabe. Mit einem Anhang: Arzneistoffe aus dem Thierreiche und tabellarische Uebersicht des Bliithenbaues der Phanerogamen. 2. Aufl. 183 pp. 8°. Halle a.S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1901. ------. Die chemischen Processe und stochio- metrischen Berechnungen bei den Priifungen und Wertbestimmungen der im Arzneibuche fiir das Deutsche Reich (4. Ausg.) aufgenom- menen Arzneimittel. Gleichzeitig theoreti- scher Teil der Anleitung zur Erkennung und Priifung aller im Arzneibuche fiir das Deutsche Reich (4. Ausg.) aufgenommenen Arzneimit- tel. xii, 320 pp. 12°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1902. ^ . „ ------. Mikroskopische Priifung der offizinellen Drogen, nebst Erliiuterung der im Arzneibuche fiir das Deutsche Reich vorkommenden botani- schen Bezeichnungen. 136 pp. 12°. Begens- burg, H. Bawelek, 1904. BIECHELE. 506 BlELEVICH. Biechele (Max)—continued. ------. Die Strukturformeln der organischen Chemie mit Berucksichtigung der offizinellen organisch-chemischen Praparate fiir Studierende der Pharmazie und der Medizin. vii, 198 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1906. ------. Die bayerische Apotheke in revisions- fahigem Zustande in Bezugnahme auf die reichs- und landesgesetzlichen Bestimmungen fiir das Apothekenwesen; zugleich ein Leitfaden fiir Apotheken-Visitationen. 2. Aufl. 41 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1908. See, aho, Gesetzlichen (Die) Bestimmungen [etc.]. 8°. Halle a. S., 1908. Bieda (Georg) [1881- ]. *Drei Falle von Knochenabscess. 23 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1906. Bieder (Th.) Beitrage zur Geschichte der Ras- senforschung und der Theorie der Germanen- Heimat. 1 p. 1., 49 pp. roy. 8°. Hildburg- hausen, Thiiring. Verlags-Anstalt, [1909]. Biederbeck (Josef) [1883- ]. *Neue Unter- suchungen iiber die Absorption von Nikotin und Ammoniak aus Luftmischungen und dem Zigarettenrauch. 24 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Staudenraus, 1908. Biedermann (Arthur) [1881- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Leberabscess im Anschluss an Ap- pendicitis. 28 pp. 8°. Breslau, Bresl. Genos- sensch.-Buchdruck., 1907. Biedermann ([Friedrich] Martin) [1883- _ ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Smegmabacillus. 21 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1908. Biedermann (Hans) [1887- ]. *Der cervicale (transperitoneale und extraperitoneale) Kaiser- schnitt. 48 pp. 8°. Strassburg, Milh dc Co., 1911. Biedermann (Wilhelm). Electro-physiology. Translated by Frances A. Welby. v. 2. vii, 500 pp. 8°. London dc New York, Macmillan dc Co., 1898. _ Biedert (Philipp). Die Kinderernahrung im Sauglingsalter und die Pflege von Mutter und Kind. 4. Aufl. xh, 263 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1900. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. xv, 269 pp., 1 pi, 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1905. ------. Die diiitetische Behandlung der Ver- dauungsstbrungen der Kinder. 2. Aufl. viii, 126 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1901. Seel aho, Handbuch der Ernahrungstherapie [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1903.—Kind (Das), seine geistige und kdrperliche [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1906.—Vogel (Alfred). Lehrbuch der Kinderkrankheiten [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1902. ------& Langer ma nn (G.) Diiitetik und Koch- buch fiir Magen- und Darmkranke, nebst einem Abriss fiber Untersuchung und Behandlung. Neu hrsg. gemeinsam mit G. Langermann und F. Gernsheim. 2. Aufl. xii, 200 pp. 8°. Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1909. ------& Weigand (().) Das Medizinalwesen in Elsass-Lothringen auf Grund amtlichen Mate- rials, iv (1 1.), 272 pp. 8°. Strassburg, L. Beust, 1907. Bicdl (Arthur). Innere Secretion (Vorlesungen im Sommer-Semester 1902). pp. 281-338. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1903. Forms 10.-11. Hft., v. 29, of: Wien. Klinik. ------. Innere Sekretion. Ihre physiologischen Grundlagen und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Patho- logie. Mit einem Vorwort von R. Paltauf. xi, 538 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1910. ---:—. The same. 2. Aufl. iv, 692 pp., 11., 6 pi. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberq, 1913. Literature: pp. 393-653. Biedl (Arthur)—continued. ------. Thesame. The internal secretory organs; their physiology and pathology. With an intro- ductory preface by Leonard Williams. Transl. by Linda Forster. viii, 586 pp. 8°. Bondon, J. Bale Sons dc Banielsson, 1912. Aho, Editor of: Zentralblatt der experimentellen Medi- zin, Berlin & Wien, 1912-1914. de Biedma (Manuel) [1826-1901]. [Biography.] An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1901, hi, 827- 837, port. Bieganski (Wladyslaw) [1856- ]. Logikame- dycyny czyli zasady ogolnej metodologii nauk lekarskich. [Logic in medicine, or principles of methodology of medical sciences.] iv, 165 pp. 8°. Warszawa, K. Kdwalewski, 1894. ------. Zagadnienia ogolne z teoryi nauk lekar- skich. [Special problems from the theory of medical sciences.] ix, 304 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8°. Warszawa, Tow. S. Orgelbranda Syndw, 1897. —----. Wyklady o chorobach zakaznych ostrych. [Lectures on acute infectious diseases.] 2 v. 1 p. 1., iv, 514 pp., 11.; 619, iv pp., 11. 8°. Warszawa, K. Kowalewski, 1900-1901. For Biography, see Czasopismo lek., L<5dz, 1905, vii, 193- 200 (G. Pisarzewski). Aho: Now. lek., Poznan, 1905, xvii, 561-568, [port, in text] (F. Ch.). Biegel (S.) Handboekje der gezondheidsleer. 3 p. 1., 342 pp., 3 1. 8°. Gorinchem, J. Noor- duyn dc Zoon, 1900. Bieger ([Karl] Theodor) [1876- ]. *Ueber die Mortalitat und Morbilitat der Myomoperier- ten nach den Erfahrungen in der Universitats- Frauenklinik zu Kiel. 28 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1911. Biegler (Joseph A.) [ -1907]. Domestic guide to homoeopathic treatment, also the hygienic measures required in the management of epi- demic cholera. 57 pp. 24°. Bochester, N. Y, Schlicht dc Field, 1885. For Biography, see Am. Physician, N. Y., 1908, xxxiv, 89-91. Biehl (Karl). Die Horprufung und deren Verwer- tung bei der Untersuchung der Wehrpflichtigen. 23 pp. 12°. Wien, J. Safdr, 1908. Biehler (Rudolph) [1882- ]. *Ueber die Be- handlung der Placenta praevia. -IS pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Hammerschlag dc Kahle, 1909. Biehler (Waclaw) [1876- ]. *Ueber leprose Milzen. 26pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, F. Fietzcker, 1901. Biehly (Hans). *Die Kolpektomie als Prolaps- operation. 22 pp. 8°. Bern, Stampfli dc Co., von Bieiau (Franz). Authentische Biographie von Schlesien's berulimtem Naturarzte und Erfinder der Wasserheilkunde Vincenz Priess- nitz. 56 pp., port. 8°. Freiwaldau, B. Titze, [1901, vel subseq.]. Blelefeldt (Carl). Vejledning til at finde hjselp for abnorme (blinde, d0vstumme, talehdende, aandssvage, vanf0re og epileptiske) [etc.]. [Guide for the care of abnormal persons (blind, deaf and dumb, stutterers, imbeciles, cripples, and epileptics.)] 18 pp., 11. 12°. Kjebenhavn, C. II. Bielefeldt, 1901. Bieler (Willy [Gustav Adolf]) [1889- ]. *Zur Kenntnis des mannlichen Geschlechtsapparats einiger Acanthocephalen von Fischen. 53 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Konigsberg, 1913. Repr.from: Zool. Jahrb., Abt. f. Anat., Jena, 1913, xxxvi. Bielevich (Afnatoliy] V[ikentyevich]) [1870- ]. *0 povrezhdeniyakh glaz u voyennosluzha- shtshikh po dannim Glavnavo Voyenno-Medi- tsinskavo Upravleniya za 1899-1908 g.g. [In- juries of the eyes in soldiers, according to sta- tistics of the Chief Army Medical Bureau for BIELEVICH. 507 BIELYAKOFF. Bielevich (A[natoliy] V[ikentyevich])—cont'd. 1899-1908.] Ip. l.,83pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, tip. Shtaba Otd. Korp. Zhand., 1910. Bielfeldt (Hans). *Ueber die Wirkung des Glykogens beim Pferde. [Bern.] 2 p. 1., 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hannover, M. dc H. Schaper, 1909. Bieling (Hugo Wilhelm Kurt) [1874- ]. Ue- ber die Dauerresultate der Vaginofixatio uteri. 55 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1898. —----. Der Alkohol und der Alkoholismus. Ein Wegweiser zum Verstandnis moderner Kultur- arbeit. 82 pp. 8°. Munchen, 0. Gmelin, 1906. Forms 23. Hit. of: Arzt als Erzieher, Miinchen, 1906. Bieling (Peter) [1878T ]. *Beitrage zur Dif- ferentialdiagnose zwischen Mastitis cystica und Cystadenoma mamma?. 58 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1904. Bielinkin (N[oemi]) [1869- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis post-conceptionnelle. 72 pp., 1 1. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 282. Bielinoff (Sftoyan] I[vanovich]) [1872- ]. Obzor ucheniy o funktsiyakh ushnovo labirinta v soyazi s yevo zabolievaniyami. [Review of the theories of the functions of the otic labyrinth, in connection with its diseases.] 32 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1910. Forms January number of: Klin. Monogr., S.-Peterb., 1910. [Bielinski (Jan) [1857- ] & Rzeczniowski (Leon).] Zaklad wodoleczniczy w Nowem Miescie nad Pilica. jako dom zdrowia dla chorych nerwowych. [Hydrotherapeutic establishment in Nowe Miasto upon Pilica as a sanitarium for nervous diseases.] 9 pp. 8°. Warszawa, K. Kanalewski, 1886. Bielinski (Jozef) [1848- 1. Kochanowski (J. K.) [Biography.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1913, xlviii, 876-879, [port, in text]. Blelits-Heiman (S[emyon Aleksieyevich]) [1863- ]. Chto takoye cholera, kak ot neya ube- rechsya i chiem yeyo liechat. [What is cholera, how to guard one's self against it, and how it is treated.] 45 pp. 12°. Moskva, A. B. Stupin, 1892. Bielitski (Yu[hy Karlovich]) [1872T ]. Nevra- steniya: yeya sushtshnost, prichini, simptomi, vidi i liecheniye. Predisloviye V. M. Bekhte- reva. [Neurasthenia; its nature, causes, symp- toms, varieties, and treatment. Preface by Bekh- tereff.] ii, iv, 3-648 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Mme. N. Ya. Stoikina, 1906. ------. Isteriya, yeya sushtshnost i liecheniye. [Hysteria, its nature and treatment.] 540 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, tip. ob. "Slovo," 1911. Bielitz (Walter ERichard]) [1877- ]. *Ueber akute primar eynoviale Gelenkeiterungen und ihre Behandlung. 36 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1906. Bielmayr (Karl) [1879- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Carcinom der Flexura sigmoidea. 28 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1905. B'feloff (N[ikolai| A[natoliyevich]) [1878-> ]. O periodichnosti funktsiy zhenskavo organizma. [Periodicity of the functions of the female organism.] 72 pp., 11., 19 diag. 8°. Kharkov, M. Zilberberg i Sin., 1910. ------. Vvedeniye v ucheniye o vnutrennei sekretsii zhenskikh polovikh zhelyoz; opit kharakteristiki hormonov yaichnikov. [Inter- nal secretion of the female sexual glands; characteristics of the ovarian hormons.] 64 pp. 8°. Kharkov, M. Zilberberg i Sin., 1910. Bieloff (N[ikolai Afnatoliyevich])—continued. —----. Izmieneniya sosudisto-serdechnoi dieya- telnosti pod vliyaniyem intravenoznikh in- yektsiy testikulyarnikh preparatov; exksperi- mentalnoye izsliedovaniye. [Alteration in the cardio-vascular activity of the heart under the influence of intravenous injections of testicular preparations; experimental investigation.] 40 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V.S. Ettinger, 1911. Forms October number of: Klin. Monogr., S.-Peterb., 1911. —;---. Vnutrennyaya sekretsiya zholtikh zhelyoz i yaichnikov i zabolievaniya obuslovlivayemiya yeya narusheniyami. [Internal secretion of yel- low glands and ovaries and diseases arising from its infraction.] 18 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburq, N.G. UI, 1911. BielOgoloviy (A[pollon] A[pollonovich]) [1871- ]. *K patogenezu^ ostrikh infektsionnikh zheltukh. [Pathogenesis of acute infective ic- terus.] 174 pp., 1 tab. 8°. S.-Beterburg, B.B. Soikin, 1900. Bielonovski (G[eorgiy] D[mitriyevieh]) [1875- ]. _ *0 vliyanii vpriskivaniy raznikh doz hemoliticheskoi sivorotki na chislovoi sostav elementov krovi. [Influence of injection of various doses of hemolytic serum on the numer- ical composition of blood elements.] 114 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, M. M. Gutzats, 1902. Bielooussow (Olga) [1886- ]. *Les troubles psychiques dans la choree de Huntington. 39 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1912, No. 11. Bielousoff (Alekstei Konstantinovich) [1848-1908]. Vorobyeff (V.) Nekrolog. Kharkov. M. J., 1904, v, 500- 502, [port, in text]. Bielousoff (P[yotr] P[yotrovich]) [1856-96]. *K voprosu o sovremennom polozhenii i blizhai- shikh zadachakh assenizatsii russkikh gorodov; materiyall po obshtshestvennoi higiyenie. [On the present position and nearest problems of sanitation of Russian cities; data on public hygiene.] [Moscow.] vi (11.), viii, 220 pp., 11., 1 diag., 1 plan. 8°. Tula, 1896. Bielschowsky (Alfred) [1871- ]. Die neueren Anschauungen uber Wesen und Behandlung des Schielens. pp. 311-342. 8°. Berlin, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1907. Forms 12. Hft., v. 3, of: Beihfte. z. Med. Klin. Bielschowsky (Max). Myelitis und Sehnerven- entziindung. 92 pp., 4 pi., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, S.Karger, 1901. Bielyakoff (Ivan [Vasilyevich]) [1855- ]. *Klinicheskiye material! k ucheniyu moche- gonnikh; vliyaniye naperstyanki i kaliynoi seli- tri na obmienkhlora, iosfora i sieri u zdorovikh lyudei. [Chnical data on the study of diuretics; influence of digitalis and potassium nitrate upon the metabohsm of chlorine, phosphorus, and sulphur in healthy men. ] 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, A. V. Bozharova, 1890. Bielyakoff (S[tepan Afleksandrovich]) [1856- ]. Elementarniy kurspsikhiatrii. [Elemen- tary course of psychiatry.] ii, 3-355 pp., 10 pi., 11. 4°. Samara, Zemsk.tipog., 1908. Bielyakoff (V[ladimir] V[asilyevich]) [1870- ]. *Materiali kfiziologil differentsirovaniyavniesh- nikh razdrazheniy; po metodu uslovnikh re- fleksov. [Physiology of differentiation of exter- nal irritations; by the method of conditional reflexes.] 172 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, tip. Glavn. Upravl. Udul., 1911. BIENAIME-DEWOJNO. 508 BIERMANN. Bienaime-Dewojno (Marie). *De la mort su- bite dans l'impetigo des nourrissons. 72 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 252. Bienaise (Jean) [ -1681]. Bourgeois (G.) *Un chirurgien ardennais au xvii6 siecle. Jean Bienaise. Sa vie, son ceuvre. [Paris.] 8°. Beims, 1910. Bienemann (Oskar [Friedrich Karl]) [1880- ]. *Dainmschutz und Dammrisse. [Freiburg.] 27 pp. 8°. Emmendingen, Bolter, 1908. Bienvenu (Paul). *Le tremblement essentiel con- genital. 54 pp. 8°,. Baris, 1902, No. 1. Bienvenue (Alban-Emile-Joseph-Marie) [1886- ]. *Des deformations de l'epiphyse femo- rale superieure apres la reduction non sanglante de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. 71 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1912, No. 76. Bienvenue (Frederic-Emile-Leon) [1881- ]. *Diverticulites et occlusion intestinale diverti- culaire; etude sur les rapports entre rinflamma- tion diverticulaire et l'occlusion par diverticule de Meckel. 119 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 393. de Bienville (D.-T.) La nymphomanie, ou traite de la fureur uterine, [etc.]. Nouv. 6d. xx, 203 pp. 16°. Amsterdam, 1784. Bier (Julius) [1887- ]. *Zur Frage der Stoff- wechselfunktionsprufung bei Lebererkrankun- gen. [Breslau.] 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1912. Bier ([Karl Gustav] August) [1861- ]. Ueber Amputationen und Exartikulationen. In: Samml. khn. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1900, No. 264 (Chir., No. 78,1439-1474). ------. Hyperamie als Heilmittel. 2 p. 1., 220 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1903. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. viii, 439 pp. S° Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1906. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. viii, 439 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1906. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. vhi, 478 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. Vogel, 1907. ------. The same. 6. Aufl. viu, 478 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1907. ------. The same. Hyperemia as a therapeu- tic agent. Authorized translation, edited bv Gustavus M. Blech. 239 pp. 8°. Chicago, A. Robertson dc Co., 1905. ------. The same. L'hyperemie et son action therapeutique. Ouvrage traduit sur la 4. ed. allemande par Alfred Machard et Arnold Val- lette. xx, 412 pp. 8°. Geneve, Georg dc Co.; Barh, Masson & Co., 1907. # ------. Ueber die Berechtigung des teleologi- schen Denkens in der praktischen Medizin. Festrede gehaltenam Stiftungstage der Kaiser Wilhelms-Akademie. 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1910. See, aho, Chirurgische Operationslehre [etc.]. 4°. Leip- zig, 1912. ------& Rochs (H.) Von Bergmann und Rochs' anleitende Vorlesungen fiir den Operations- Kursus an der Leiche. 5. Aufl. xi, -l(>3pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1908. Bierast (Walter) [1877- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der Sehnen transplantation bei Kinderlalnuungcn und Lahmungsdeformitaten. 49 pp. 8°: Ber- lin, A. Wernicke dc Co., 1903. Bierbach (Joh.) Reallexikon fur Aerzte. 4°. Berlin, 1907. Bierbaum (Ewald). *Ueber das Vorkommen und die Verbreitung des melanotischen Carci- noma. [Kiel.] 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munster, West/., 1896. ' c. Bierbaum (Johannes) [1883- ]. *Ueber das primare Karzinom der mannlichen Urethra. 23 pp. 8°. Beipzig, E. Lehmann, 1912. Bierbaum (Kurt) [1881- _ ]. *Beitrag zur Giftigkeit des Semen ricini communis. [Gies- sen.] 62 pp., 11. 8°. Gotha, F. A. Ferthes, 1900. Bierens de Haan (Johan Catharinus Justus). *Over de stofwisseling bij levercirrhose. xii, 186 pp. 8°. Leiden, H Kleyn, 1896. ------. *Hoofdhjnen eener psychologie met metafysisehen grondslag. xi, 291 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, S. L. van Looy, 1898. ------. Het veraagstuk der beteekenis van hypnose en suggestie voor de opvoeding. Voor- dracht. 2 p. 1., 59 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, S. L. van Looy, 1899. —■----. Chirurgische complicaties bij febris ty- phoidea. 28 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1904. Forms No. 1 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1904, xi. Bierer (Paul) [1872- ]. *Contagion de la co- queluche. 47 pp. 8°. Byon, A. Bey, 1896, No. 29. Bierer (Willy). Die hausindustrielle Kinderar- beit im Kreise Sonneberg; ein Beitrag zur Rritik des Kinderschutzgesetzes. 167 pp. 8°. Tubingen. J. C. B. Mohr, 1913. Forms Ergnzngshft. 11 of: Arch. f. Sozialwissensch. [etc.], Tubing., 1913. Bierhoff (Fritz) [1878- # ]. *Ueber Haufigkeit und Ursachen der Anisokorie. 20 pp. 8°. Marburg, W. Quitnan, 1907. Bieri (Josef). *Khnisch-histologischer Bericht iiber 25 Falle von Ohrpolypen. [Bern.] 34 pp. 8°. Buzern, Buber dc Co., 1909. Bierich (Robert Johannes) [1876- ]. *Untersu- chungen iiber das elastische Gewebe der Brust- driise im normalen Zustande und bei Geschwiil- sten. 38 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1900. Biering (Frcdcrik Ferdinand) [1849- 1918]. Marner (A.) Nekrolog. Ugeskr. f. Laeger, Kffbenh., 1918, lxxx, 743. Bierkovski (Ludwig Jostf) [1S01-60]. Skobel (F. K.) [Biography.] 1'rzegl. lek., Krak6w, 1S79, xhi, 317. Fer Portrait, see Album wybitnych lekarzy polskich. 8°. Poznaii, [1900]. Bierling (Caspar Theophilus). Thesaurus theo- retico-practicus, continens prresertim observa- tiones et curationes medicas salutares de prneci- puis corporis humani affectibus, aliisque rebus medicis ac physicia curiosis, consignatas, et Job. Michaelis arcanis, euporistis, uti et aliis notis proficuis modernse praxi congruis, nee non scholiis instructas atque illustratas: accessit his etiam index exquisit us atque propter inopinatam autoris mortem pnefixa prsefatio Jacobi Wolff. 3 p. 1., 1236 pp., 12 1., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Jenx, J. Lii'/erwald, 1695. ------. Medicus theoretico-practicus, ostendens ol)servationes et curationes medicas salutares de proeeipuis corporis humani affectibus aliisque rebus medicis ac physicis curiosis ad mentem llelmontii, Willisii, Sylvii, aliorumque neoteri- corum scriptorum. 3 p. 1., 1236 pp., 12 1. sm. 4°. Jenx, C. T. Bierling, 1697. Bicrmann (A.) Climatische Kurorte und ihre Indicationen. viii. 210 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, O. Wigond, 1872. Biermann (Arthur Herbert Johannes) [18S0- ]. * Ueber fusiforme Bazillen und Sjiirochseten bei Angina. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, F. Weber. 1905. BIERMANN. 509 BIGART. Bicrmann (Ernst Gottlieb) [1871- ]. *Die diagnostische Bedeutung des Nachweises der Tuberkelbazillen in den Stuhlentleerungen. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, B.Paul, 1897. ------. Korperliche Erziehung im schulpflichti- gen Alter. Drei hygienische Skizzen. 32 pp. 8°. Langenberg, J. Joost, [1899?]. Biermann (Karl) [1872- ]. *Die funktionellen Resultate der Gelenkresektionen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Methoden zur Erhaltung der Beweglichkeit. 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1909. Biermann (Peter) [1882- ]. *Ein Fall von Cystenniere mit Cystenleber. 38 pp. 8°. Er- langen, Junge dc Sohn, 1910. Biermann (Rudolf). *Ueber Bau und Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Oelzellen und die Oelbil- dunginihnen. 80 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Bern, Michel dc Biichler, 1898. Biermans (Alfred) [1883- ]. *Zur operativen Behandlung der Hirsehsprung'schen Krank- heit. 22 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1911. Biermans (Hugo) [1879- ]. *Ein Fall von akuter gelber Leberatrofie bei 2\ Jahre altem Madchen. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1904. Biermer (Anton) [1827-92]. Die Lehre vom Aus- wurf. Ein Beitrag zur medicinischen Klinik. viu, 138 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1855. Biermer (Rudolf). Der Kolpeurynter, seine Ge- schichte und Anwendung in der Geburtshulfe. Auf Grund von 23 Fallen aus der Universitats- Frauenklinik zu Bonn. Mit einem Vorwort von Heinrich Fritsch. viii, 69 pp. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1899. Biermer's disease. See Anaemia (Bernicious, Causes, etc., of). Biernacki (Edmund) [1866-1911]. Hamatolo- gische Diagnostik in der praktischen Medicin. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1901, No. 306 (Innere Med., No. 89, 423-452). For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J., 1912, clxvi, 354. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 175 (S. Ebel). Aho: Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, 1912, 2. s., xxxii, 35; 65, port. (Pruszynski). Aho: Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1912, xlvh, 23-27, [port, in text]. (J. Zawadski). Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, hx, 313 (S. Ebel). Biernacki (John) [1865-1918]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1918, ii, 531. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 794 (C. O. H.). Biernath (Paul [Kurt Julius Samuel Adolph]) [1882- ]. *Ueber subcutane Leberruptur mit spiiterer Ausstossung grosserer Leberseques- ter und deren Behandlung. [Leipzig.] 22 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1909. Bier ring (Walter L.). Editor of: Monthly bulletin; published by the Federa- tion of State Medical Boards of the United States. 8°. Chicago, 1918. Bierry (H.) Recherches sur les diastases qui con- courent a la digestion des hydrates de carbone. 2 p. 1., 282 pp. 4°. Fontenay-aux-Boses, L. Belle- nand, 1911. Bier's hypersemia. See Hyperemia (Artificial). Bierschenk (Franz [Konrad]) [1880- _ ]. *Zur Frage des hallucinatorischen Wahnsinns. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow, 1904. Bierthen (Emil). *Untersuchungen fiber das Vorkommen des Bilirubins in der Galle, in dem Harn und Blutserum des Pferdes. [Bern.] 38 pp. 12°. Hannover, A. Eberlein dc Co., 1906. Biesalski (Konrad). *Zur Kasuistik und Thera- pie des primaren Nierensarcoms der Kinder. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, A. Edelmann, 180*5. ------. Leitfaden der Kruppelfursorge; im Auf- trage der Deutschen Vereinigung fiir Krup- pelfursorge gemeinverstandlich dargestellt. 104 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Hamburg, L. Voss, 1911. ------. Die ethische und wirtschaftliche Bedeu- tung der Kriegskruppelfiirsorge und ihre Orga- nisation im Zusammenhang mit der gesamten. Kriegshilfe. Vortrag. 23 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Hamburg, L. Voss, 1915. ------. Kriegskriippelfursorge; ein Aufklarungs- wort zum Troste und zur Mahnung im Auftrage der Deutschen Vereinigung fiir Kriippelfiir- sorge und der Deutschen orthopadischen Ge- sellschaft. 41.-60. Tausend. 44 pp. 8°. Leip- zig dc Hamburg, L. Voss, 1915. See, aho, Umfang und Art des jugendlichen Kruppel- tums[etc.]. 4°. Himburg & Leipzig, 1909. Aho, Editor of: Zeitschrift fiir Kruppelfursorge, Ham- burg & Leipzig, 1908-15. ------ & Mayer (Leo). Die physiologische Sehnenverpflanzung. xiv, 330 pp. roy. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1916. Biese( [Friedrich Karl G. L.] Hans) [1871- ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Kalium- aurocyanid. 27 pp. 8°. Kul, A. F. Jensen, 1897. Biesius (Nicolaus). In artem medicam Galeni commentarii. 28 p. 1., 345 pp., 24 1. 16°. Antverpix, apud vuiuam M. Nutii, 1560. Bietrix (Emile-Joseph). *Exerese gangUonnaire dans le traitement chirurgical du cancer de la vulve. 83 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 28. Bietrix (Louis) [1880- ]. *L'injection hypo- dermique de digitaline. 73 pp., 11. 8°. Byon, 1903, No. 59. Bietrix (Rene) [1878- ]. *Remarques sur quelques affections frequentes observees a l'hopital de Douera. 41 pp. 8°. Montpellier. 1906, No. 22. Bietti (Amilcare). Ricerche anatomiche e batteriologiche ed osservazioni cliniche di oftalmologia. 172 pp., 3 pi. roy. 8°. Bavia. Bizzoni 1903. Biewald' (Alfred) [1885- L *Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von den Fleisehvergil'tuegen. [Giessen.] 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kreuzburg O.-S., E. Thielmann, 1909. Biffl (Serafino) [1822-99]. Opere complete. 5 v. 8°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1902. CONTENTS. v. 1. Fisiologia e fisiopatologia sperimentale. V. 2. Psichiatria (clinica psichiatrica e antropologia pato- logica). v. 3. Psichiatria (technica manicomiale). v. 4. Riformatori per giovani. v. 5. Psichiatria forense e discipline carcerarie. For Biography, see Biffl (S.) Op. compl. 8°. Milano, 1902 i, pp. xv-xxiv (A. Tamburini). See, aho: Quaderni di psichiat., Genova, 1915, ii, 275-278 (E. Centanni). Also: R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic., Milano, 1902, 2. s., xxxv, 82-100 (A. Ratti). Aho: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio- Emilia, 1899, xxv, fasc. 2, pp. i-xvi (A. Tamburini). ------. See, also: Medea (E.) L'opera scientifica di Serafino Biffl. Boll. clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1902, xv, 112-115.— Morpurgo (E.) L'opera di Serafino Biffl nella psichiatria italiana. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1899, lviii, 241; 271.— Raggi (A.) L'opera scientifica di Serafino Biffl. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1900, 2. s., xxxhi, 1038-1058. Bigart (Edmond) [1873- ]. *Recherches sur les albumines de la cellule hepatique. 45 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 366. BIGART. 510 BIGGS. Bigart (Edmond)—continued. ------. The same. 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1900. Bigaud (Rene). *De l'occlusion du meat urinaire. 107 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1911, No. 989. Bigeard (Louis) [1868- ]. *Des hysterectomies totales, vaginales et abdominales dans le cancer de l'uterus; operations, resultats, indications. 316 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 279. ------. Thesame. Preface de Paul Segond. viii, 9-316 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1899. Bigel (J.) Examen theorique et pratique de la methode curative de Hahnemann, nominee ho- meopathie. 3 v. 8°. Varsovie, N. Glucksberg, 1827. ------. Homoeopathie domestique, comprenant l'hygiene, le regime a suivre pendant le traite- ment des maladies et la therapeutique homceo- pathique, precede d'une notice sur l'hopital homceopathique de la Charity de Vienne. 2. ed., entierement refondue par le Docteur Beauvais. viii, 623 pp. 24°. Bans, J.-B. Bailliere, 1839. Manuel d'hydrosudotherapie ou traite- ment des maladies par l'eau froide, la sueur, l'exercice et le regime; suivant la methode em- ployee par V. Priessnitz a Grseffenberg. Suivi d'un memoire physiologique sur la chaleur ani- male, par M. Pelletan. 230 pp. 16°. Bruxelles, 1841. Bigelow (Frank Hagar) [1851- ]. The function of criticism in the advancement of science. pp. 337-365. 8°. Washington, 1899. Cutting from: Bull. Phil. Soc, Wash., 1899, xiiL Bigelow (Henry Jacob) [1818-1900]. I. The mechanism of dislocations and fracture of hip. II. Litholapaxy; or, rapid lithotrity with evac- uation, x, 356 pp. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown dc Co., 1900. ------. Surgical anaesthesia; addresses and other papers, viii, 378 pp. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown dc Co., 1900. Orthopedic surgery and other medical papers, ix (1 1.), 373 pp. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown dc Co., 1900. For Biography, see Memoir (A) of Henry Jacob Bigelow. 8°. Boston, 1900. See, aho: St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1902, iv, 227-239 (S. W. Thorndike). Bigelow (Horatio R.). See International (An) system of electro-therapeutics [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. Bigelow (Jacob) [1787-1879]. [Biography.] In: Harrington (T. F.) Harvard M. School. 8°. New York, 1905. 705-715, port. Aho: Ibid., ii, 835-863, port. Aho: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1878-9, n. S., vi, 333. See aho: Mumford (J. G.) Jacob Bigelow; a sketch. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1902, xiii, 1-8. Bigelow (John). The mystery of sleep, viii, 139 pp. 12°. New York, Harper dc Bros., 1897. Bigelow (JohnMilton) [ -1913]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 977. Bigelow (Maurice Alpbeus) [1872- > ]. Sex- education; a series of lectures concerning knowl- edge of sex in its relation to human life, xi, 251 pp. 8°. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1916. See, aho, Lloyd (Francis E.) & Bigelow (Maurice A.) The teaching of biology [etc.]. 8". New York, 1904. ------ & Bigelow (Mrs. Anna Neiglich) [1873- ]. Introduction to biology;^ an elementary textbook and laboratory guide, ix, 424 pp. 8 . New York, The Macmillan Company, 1913. Bigelow (Willard Dell) [1866- ]. The compo- sition of American wines. 76 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, Gov. Brint. Office, 1900. Forms Bull. No. 59, U. S. Dep. Agric. Div. chemist., Wash, Bigelow (Willard Dell)—continued. ------. The use and abuse of food preservatives. pp. 551-568. 8°. [Washington, 1900.] Repr.from: Yearbook U. S. Dep. Agric, Wash., 1900. ------. _ Pure food laws of European countries affecting American exports. 40 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1901. Forms Bull. No. 61, U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau chem.. Wash. Foods and food control. [Federal laws, *Des perforations 70 pp. 8°. Baris, *Les fibromes 39 pp. de and laws of the States, Territories, and the District of Columbia.] vi, 778 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1905-6. Forms Bull. No. 69, U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau chem., Wash. ------& Gove (H. C.) Studies on peaches. I. Compiled analysis of peaches. II. Changes in chemical composition during growth and ripen- ing. III. Effect of storage on the composition of peaches. 32 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1905. Forms Bull. No. 97, U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau chem., Wash. ------ & Parkinson (N. A.) Food legislation during the year ended June 30, 1908. 84 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1909. Forms Bull. No. 121, U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau chem., Wash. Bigeon (Charles) [1876- ] traumatiques de l'estomac. 1903, No. 323. Bigex (Jules) [1873-; ]. l'uterus chez les primipares agees Baris, 1900, No. 505. ------. The same. 39 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Stein- heil, 1900. Bigg (George Kilworth Sherman) [1854- ]. Constipation, viu, 9-66 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1902. ------. Cancer, viii, 85 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1907. ------. Indigestion, constipation and liver dis- order, vii, 168 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1913. Bigg ([Henry Robert] Heather) [ 1S53-1911 ]. Caries of the spine, being an advance chapter of The spine, its deformities, debilities, and deficiencies. (3. ed. now in press.) 82 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1902. ----—. An essay on the general principles of the treatmentof spinal curvatures, viu, 240 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1905. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 1746. Bigg (Reginald) [1S76-1905]. B. (T. H.) [Biographical sketch] Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1904-5, v, 108, port. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 919. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxix, 442. Blggar (Hamilton Fisk). Memorial address for the Seniors American Institute of Homeeopathv, Omaha, Neb. 12 pp. 12°. Cleveland, 6., Leader Br. Co., 1898. Biggar (J. L.l Editor of: Medical Quarterly. Department of soldiers' civil re-establishment, Canada, v. 1. 8°. Ottawa, 1919. Biggart (Samuel)' [1S75-1915]. Obituary. Mod. Press & Circ, Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 594. Biggl (Giovanni). II metodo Baccelli nella cura dell'afta epizootica. 108 pp., 11. 8°. Carrara, Tipog. Ficciati, 1904. Biggs (George Nixon) [1881- ]. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat, xii, 486 pp. 8°. London, University of London Bress, 1914. Biggs (Hermann M.) [1859- ]. Comments on some plans of hospital construction. 61 pp. 8°. New York, 1912. Dep. Health N. Y. City, Monogr. Ser. No. 7. BIGGS. 511 BILE. Biggs (Hermann M.)—continued. ------. Venereal diseases; the attitude of the Department of Health in relation thereto. 11 pp. 8°. New York, 1913. Dep. Health N. Y. City, Repr. Ser. No. 6. See, aho, Koch (Robert), verbatim text of his remark- able paper [etc]. 8°. New York, 1901. Biggs (Montgomery Herman). Myositis fibrosa. 14 pp. 4°. Bhiladelphia, 1902. In: Untv. Penn. Coattib. William Pepper Lab., Phila., 1902, No. 3. Biggs (Thomas Jacob) [1865-1913]. Barnes (F. H.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, N. Haven, 1914, cxxii, 226. Bigham (John Alvin) [1881- ]. Select dis- cussions of race problems; a collection of papers of especial use in study of negro American prob- lems. Edited by J. A. Bingham. 108 pp. roy. 8°. Atlanta, Ga., 1916. Bigler (William E.) [1840-1904]. Obituary. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vhi, 1035. Aho: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1905, xl, 51-53, port, [front.]. Bignami (Amico). See Bastianelli (Giulio) & Bignami (Amico). La ma- laria [etc.]. 8°. Roma, 1899.—Marchiatava (Ettore) & Bignami (Amico) [in 2. s.]. La infezione malarica [etc.]. 8°. Mlano,[1902]. Bignami (Giovanni). II concetto moderno della autodifesa organica contro le malattie. Nuovo capitolo della fisio-patologia umana. 59 pp. 8°. Cremona, 1897. Bignat (Marcel). Contribution^ a l'etude de 1'origine bucco-dentaire des sinusites maxil- laires. 108 pp. 8°. Barh,a 1906, No. 478. Bignaud, L'abbL Traite scientifique de la che- velure. Hygiene, conservation, reproduction, maladies, traitements. 40 pp. 12°. Bimoges, B. Bumont, 1896. Bignon (Edmond). Contribution a l'etude de l'asystolie d'origine pulmonaire; caracteres du pouls. 68 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 105. Bignon (Jean-Lucien-Paul) [1885- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude de la dyspepsie appendicu- laire. 96 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1909, No. 99. Bignon (Louis-Joseph-Marie) [1877- _ ]. Con- tribution a l'etude de l'hyperchlorurie dans la tuberculose des voies urinaires. 162 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 72. . . Bigonnet (Charles) [1881- 1 Complications pleuro-pulmonaires des oreillons. 63 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 3. Bigot (Guillaume) [1502- ]. Delaunay(P-) [Biography .1 Bull. Soc. franc. d'histde la med., Par., 1903,u, 181-226. Aho: France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 84; 100; 124. Bigot (Jean) [1875- ]. Contribution a l'etude des ruptures totales traumatiques du duodenum. 65 pp. 8°. Paris, 1912, No. 462. Bigot (Jules-Laurent-Felix) [1872- ]. *De l'intervention chirurgicale dans les tumeurs ma- lignesdurein. 82 pp. 8°. Lille, 1898, No. 89. Bigot (Rene) [1872- ]. *Diagnostic bacteriolo- gique de la diphterie; examen direct des fausses membranes. 50 pp., 5 1., 4 pi. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 218. Bigot (Theodore-Charles) [1795-1869]. [Biography.] Arch. med. d'Angers, 1903, vii, 499, port.— Laroche (E.) [Biography.) Ibid., 1897, i, 99-103, port. Bigot te (Albert-Leon) [1871- ]. Contribu- tion £. l'etude de la pretendue hypertrophic* car- diaque de croissance. 55 pp. 8 . Lille, 1898, No. 100. .tv + Bigourdan (Guillaume) [1851- ]. . Le chmat de la France, temperature, pression, vents. 135 pp. 8°. Barh, Gauthier-Villars dc Cie., 1916. Bihimbo. Bagshawc (A. G.) Bihimbo disease; the nature of the disease termed bihimbo (syn.: muhinyo, ruhinyo, okwe- hinya) met with in the Chaka district of the Uganda Pro- tectorate. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1907, x, 18-22. Bijdragen tot de natuurkundige -wetenschappen. Versameld door H. C. Van Hall, W. Vrolik en G. J. Mulder. 7 v. bd. in 14. 1826-32. 8°. Amsterdam. Bijl (Jan Teunis). *Bijdrage tot de kennis van de pathogenese der haematosalpinx bij gyna- tresieen. 3 p. 1., 107 pp. 8°. Leiden, E. Ijdo, 1903. Bij le veld (Joh. Wouter). *De zwangerschaps- reactie van Abderhalden. 91pp. 8°. Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1913. Bij le veld (T.) Invloed der Duitsche arbeiders- verzekermg op de volksgezondheid. Naar aan- leiding van het 6de intemationale congres voor arbeiders-verzekering te Dusseldorf. 33 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. H. de Bussy, 1902. van den Bij Haard t (H. C.) De vaccinatie kwestie en Dr. Schouten ad perpetuam rei me- moriam (tot eeuwige gedachtenis). 95 pp. 8°. Bieren, G. G. Opwijrda, 1903. Bijlsma (Riemer). De bepaling van de gehoor- scherpte en hare beteekenis voor de diagnose. 25 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1901. Forms No. viu of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1901, viii. Bij on (Jean-Louis-Constant-Raymond). *Etude sur l'ictere post-chloroformique, sa pathogenie, sa gravite et sa frequence. 74 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1911, No. 73. van Bijsterveld (P.) Medica-politica. 45 pp. 8°. Kampen, J. H. Kok, 1911. Bik (I[osif] Moiseyevich]) [1882- ]. Chuma i mieri bori s nei. [The plague, and measures against it.] 32 pp. 8°. Kiyev, I. L. Chokoloff, 1910. ------. Sputnik na kholeru i chumu; s dobavle- niyem otdiela o dezinfektsii. [Guide to the cholera and the plague; with department on disinfection.] Ill (3 1.), ii pp. 16°. Kiyev, I. I. Samonenko, 1911. Bikel (Otto) [1884- ]. *Ueber multiple pri- mare Carcinome. 29 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, H. Bbrr, 1910. Bikoff (Aleksandr Mikhallovich) [1820- 97]. [Obituary.] Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1897, xvhi, 1144. Bilancioni (Guglielmo). See Morgagni (Giovanni Battista). Carteggio inedito di G. B. Morgagni con Giovanni Bianchi (James Plancus). 8 . Bari, 1914. Bilbault (Rene) [1885- ]. *De la resistance globulaire dans les etats morbides et chez les malades traites par le" 606." 65 pp. 8°. Baris, 1912, No. 334. Bild (Alfred) [1872- ]. *Die Entwicklungs- geschichte des Zahnsystems bei Sus domesticus und das Verhaltniss der Lippenfurchenanlage zur Zahnleiste. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, H. Fleischmann, 1901. Bile. ,. . x See, aho, Bacteriology (Culture media in); Biliary system; Gall-bladder; Liver. Bouisson (F.) Die Galle im gesunden und krankhaften Zustande, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Gallensteine. Anhang: Zur Physiologie der Galle nach N. Blondiot eine mit zahlreichen Zusatzen vermehrte Bearbeitung von E. A. Plainer. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1847. BILE. 512 BILE. Bile. Hammarsten (O.) Zur Kenntniss der Le- bergalle des Menschen. 4°. Upsala, 1893. Klodnitski [or Klaonitski] (N. N.) *0 vikhodie zhelchi v dvienadtsati perstnuyu kishku. [Flow of bile into the duodenum.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1902. Schmid (J. A.) De bile cystica. 4°. Heidel- bergse, 1775. Wedel (G. W.) *De bile, fermento intesti- norum. sm. 4°. Jenre, 1684. Whyte(D.) *Debile. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1710. Abelous (J.E.). Bardier & Dieulaf e. De la derivation partielle do labile a l'exterieur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1902, U.S., iv, 605. Auche(A.) Recherche spectro- scopique de la bile. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvi, 496-498.—Bain (W.) Action of drugs and mineral waters on the bile. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, l2«"..->.—Bar- bera (A. G.) La temporatura della bile, e quindi del fegato, nei cani con fistolabiliarc completae permanente nei digiuno, dopo l'ingestione dei varii generi di alimentazione e dopo lingestione di bile. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1908, xiv, 31-45.—Bayer (G.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom Kreislaufe der Galle. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xhi, 215-233. 1 diag—Billard (G.) & Dieulafe (L.) Influence de la dilu- tion aqueuse de la bile sur sa tension superficielle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 325.-----------. Tension superficielle et viscosite de labile Salee. Ibid., 405.— Bonannl (A.) Contributo alia conoscenza della bile umana. Arch, di farmacol. sper, Roma, 1902, i, 511. Also: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1903, xxix, 117 — Bordier, Morel & Nogier. Action des radiations de la lampe a vapeurs de mercure sur la bile et l'urobiline. Lyon med., 1908, cxi, 173.—Brand (J.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der menschlichen Galle. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1902, lxxxx, 491 522.—Brunacci (B.) LeS oscillations physio- logiques journalieres de la pression osmotique de la bile comparers avec les oscillations physiologiques journalises de la temperature du corps. Contribution k la eounaissance des mecanismes de regulation osmotique. Arch. ital. de biol., Pise, 1917-18, lxviiij n. s., 177-183— Brynno (G.) TFlow of bile into the alimentary canal] Trudi Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v S.-Peterb.. 1896-7, 690-602— Burton- Opitz (R.) The viscosity of bile. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1914, iii, 351-356.—Camus (L.) Influence de la chaleur sur l'oxydation de la bile. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 338-341—Carmlchael (E. S.) The effect of injection of micro-organisms into the portal system, on the sterility of the bile in the gall bladder. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1902, viii, 276-279—Coakley (\V. B.) Removal of bile for examination. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 1034—Dastre (A.) Observations sur l'historiquc de quelques points de l'etude de la bile. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 144-146.—Faslanl (G. M.) Su un nuovo metodo per raeco«liere la bile giornaliera ed esperienze preliminari sul rapporti fra il contenuto di colesterina nei sangue e nella bile. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1914, 4. s., xx. 316 326.-----. Une nouvelle methode pour reeueillir la bile iournaliere chez les chiens operas de fistule biliaire. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1915, lxiii, 44-18.— Galdi(F) Ricerche viseosi metric-he sulla bile. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1907,xlvi,93-117.—Griffith(F.) Bileburnsin anaesthesia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902,lxi,614.—Kossel. Zur KenntnissderGalle. Verhandl.d.Ver.f.innereMed.zuBerl, 1888-9, viii, 78-H6.—McLean (A.) The biliary flow. N.York M. J., 1902,lxxv,699.—Medak(E.)& Pribram(B.O.) La bile nella diagnostica medica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1915, xxxvi, 1041-1014—Messedaglla(L.)&Coletii(N.) Ricerche sul puntocrioscopicodellabile. Morgagni, Milano, 1902, xliv, 317-324— Pappenhelm. Recherches microscopiques sur la bile. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc , Par., 1847, xxv, 977 — Peple(W.L) Diverted bile. Chariot tc[N. C.I M. .1 .1900, xxviii,263-265— Petry (E.) MikroskopisehoUnfcrsuclmng der Galle zu diagnostischen Zwecken. Wien. klin. \\chn» schr., 1911, xxiv, 927-931—Roger (11.) A discourse con- cerning the bile. Universal M. Iter , Lond., 1913, iii, 289- 300.—Rusca (P.) La sindrome clinica di Bruli-I.cmierre della dissociaziono biliare. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1913, lxiv, 331: 341—von Rzentkowskl (C.) Beitrag zur Phy- siologic der Galle. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xvi, 110- 156.—Segale (M.) Galle der Leber und Galle der Gallcn- blase. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. I'IivmoI. u. Path. d. StofTwechs., Leipz., 1907,n. P.,ii,294-297.- Sliattlnger(C) Physiology of the bile. Tr. M. Ass. Mo. 1900, St. Louis 1901, l>o:,-210.— Stadelmann (E.) Ueber den Kreislauf der Galle im Organismus. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen & Leipz, 1897, n. P., xvi, 1-64.—Stokes (W. R.) A new method for bile speci- mens of blood, feces and urine, and the results of such cul- tures made for physicians. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1910, lui, 303-311.—Strauss (U.l Ueber den osmotischen Druck der menschlichen Galle. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 261- 264.—Sunde (A.) [Bile reaction in blood serum for clinical use] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegovidensk., Kristiania, 1911, 5. R., Bile. ix, 945-950.—Triboulet (H.) & Rlbadeau-Dumas. Im- portance pronostique de la fonction biliaire chez les nour- rissons; son appreciation par l'examen systematique des selles, K l'aide de la reaction par le sublime aeetique. Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par., 1909, xi, 58-80— Tschermak (A.) Eine Methode partieller Ableitung der Galle nach aussen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, lxxxii, 57-59 — Vermel (S. B.) [On the technique of preservation of bile in the organs.) Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin. Med. i Bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1896, ii, 826-832. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Ibid., 841.—Volborth (G.) Donnees nouvelles concernant Pecoulement de la bile dans le duodenum. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, lxxvhi, 293-296—Zeri (A.) La viscosita della bile umana. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1905, iv, 279-288—von Zeynek (R.) Zur Kenntniss der menschlichen Lebergalle. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xh, 568.—vonZumbusch(L.) Notiz iiber die Galle von Isa- bellbaren. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1902, xxxv, 426-431. Bile (Alsence of). See Acholia. Bile (Acids of). See, also, Acid (Cholalic); Acid (Cholic); Acid (Glycocholic); Acid (Glycuronic); Acid (Tauro- cholic); Bile (Salts of). Bontemps (H. [W. F.]) *Beitrage zur Dar- stellung der Glykocholsaure aus Rindergalle, nebst Beobachtungen iiber die fallende Wir- kung der 1'ransalze auf Gallensauren. 8°. Greifswald, 1905. Lassar-Cohn. Die Sauren der Rindergalle und der Menschengalle. S°. Hamburg dc Leipzig, 1898. Bial (M.) Ueber den Befund von gepaarter Glukoron- saure in der Galle. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1905, xiv, 258-264.—Bonannl (A ) iJlteriore contributo allacono- - scenza della bile umana; presenza di acido glieuronico copu- lato nella bile; eliminazione per essa dell' acido borneol- glicuronico. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1907, xxxhi, 1-5. Aho, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1908, xlix, 127- 131—Bond! (S.) & MtUler (EA Synthese der Glykochol- saure und Taurocholsaure. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1906, xlvh, 499-506.—Bulnhelm (G.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gallensauren. Ibid.. 1898, xxv, 296-324 — Carracido (J. R.) Origen probable de los acidos biliares. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. mod., Madrid, 1901, v, 3S-43.— Cascianl(P ) Ricerche sul cloro e sugli acidi biliaridella bilesottol'usodelleacqueelorurato-sodiche. Idrol. eclimat., Firenze, 1900, xvii, 148-151.— Croftan (A. C.) Zur Kennt- niss des intermediaren Kreislaufs der Gallensauren. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1902. xc, 635-639. -----. The bile acids as a remedy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, Lxxxiii, 810-S12. Aho, Reprint —Fallolse (A.) Action de l'acide chlorhydrique iutroduit dans l'intestin sur la secretion biliaire. [Uap. de L. Fredericq, 724.] Acad. rov. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux , 1903, 757-791.—von Fenyvessy (B.) Ueber die hamatolvtische Wirkung der Gallensauren und ihrer Salze. Biochem. Ztschr.. Berl., 1907, v, 114-117. Flelg(C) Rellexede l'acide sur lasecretionbiliaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1903, lv, 353-355.—Frenkel (II.) La reaction de Hay pour la recherche des aeides biliaires. Ibid., 1902,11. s., iv, 339. Aho: 3. de phvsiol. et de path. gen., Par., 1902, iv, 30S—von Furth (o!) & Schutz (J) Ueber die Bedeutung der Gallensiiure fiir dio Fettverdauung. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Zentralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1906, xx, 47.—Goodman (E. II.) Ueber den Einfluss der Nah- rung auf die Ausscheidung von Gallensauren und Choles- terin durch die Galle. Beitr. z. chem. Phvs. u. Path., Brn- schwg.. P.H17, Lx, 91-103—Guerln (li.) Sur la reaction de Pcttcnkofler. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1908,6. s, xxviii, 54.—Gullbring (A.) [I'eber eine neue Taurocholsaure in der Galle. I cl.ers.,Tift. S.J Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1904-5, n. f, x, 577 5n">. -----. Ueber die Taurocholeinsaure der Rindergalle. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem.. Strassb., 1905, xiv, 448-458—Hammarsten (O.) Ueber eine neue Gruppe gepaarter Galleiisiiuren. Ibid., 1898, xxiv, 322-350. -----. Ueber die Farbenreaktion der Cholsaure mit ver- dunnter Salzsaure. Ibid., 1909, lxi, 495 198.-----. Dar- stellung dor Gallensauren und ihrer wichtigstcn Abbau- Erodukteundihr Nachweis. In:Abderhalden(E.) Hand- uch der biochemischen Arbeitsmethoden, 8°, Leipz., 1910, ii, 645-670— van Leersum (E. C.) Gepaarte Glvkuronsauren als Bestandteile der Galle. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1902-3, iii, 522.—Neuberg (C.) Ueber die Re- aktion der Gallensauren mit Rhamnose, bzw. 5-Mcthyl- furfurol. Biochem.Ztschr.. Berl., 1908,iv,348—Nobel(E.j Ueber den Einfluss der Gallensauren auf die llerztatigkeit. Ztsehr. f. d. ges. exper. Med., Berl., 1915, iv, 280-300 — Panzer (T.) Ueber Latschinofls Cholekampfersaure. Zt- schr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1906, xlviii, 192-204.— BILE. 513 BILE. Bile (Acids of). Piettre (M.) Traitement chimique de la bile; separation des aeides biliaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlviii, 372-374.—Pregel (F.) Ueber die Ursache der Schwe- felsaure-Fluoreszenzreaktion der Gallensaure. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1905, xiv, 166-175.-----. Ueber die gemeinsame Konstitution der drei spezifischen Gallen- sauren. Ibid., 1910, lxv, 157-179.—Pregl (F.) & Buchtala (H ) Erfahrungen iiber die Isolierung der spezifischen Gallensauren. Ibid., 1911, lxxiv, 198-211.—Rodriguez Carracido (J.) Origen y formaci6n de los acidos biliares en el organismo. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de physiol. [etc.], 42-44—Schlff (M.) Sur la reaction des aeides biliaires et leur difference chez le bceuf et chez le cobaye. Inhh: Ges. Beitr. z. Physiol.,8°, Lausanne, 1898, iv, 298-300. -----. Aeides biliaires. Ibid., 416 — Schryver (S. B.) The preparation of the unconjugated acids of ox-bile. J. Physiol., Lond., 1912-13, xliv, 265-274.— Singer (G.) & Glaessner (K.) Die Wirkung der Gallen- sauren auf die Darmperistaltik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1911, xxviii, 407-417, 7 pi. -----------. Die abfiihrende Wirkung der Gallensauren. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1912, xvhi, 192-210.—Spivak (C. D.) The influence of biliary acids upon surface tension. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1902, viu, 481-483. Aho, Reprint. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 630.—Teng- strbm (S.) [Untersuchungen iiber die gallensauren Salze in der Rindviehgalle. Uebers., p. xxxi.) Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1902-3, n. f., viii, 625-650.—Ville (J.) & Derrlen (E.) Reactions colorees des aeides biliaires avec la vanilline et avec l'aldehyde anisique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 905. ■-----------. Reactions colorees des aeides biliaires avec les aldehydes furaniques; veritable mecanisme de la reaction de Pettenkofer. Ibid., 1909, lxvi, 175 — Wahlgren (V.) [Ueber eine neue gepaarte Rindergallen- saure. Uebers., p. xxhi.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1901-2, n. F., vii, 510-527. Bile (Antiseptic and bactericidal power of). Braun (F. G.) *0 dieistvii zhelchi na nieko- toriye vidi mikrobov pri normalnom i patolo- gicheskom sostoyanii organizma (po opitam nad krolikami i morskimi svinkami). [Action of bile on several forms of microbes in normal and pathological conditions of the organism; after experiments on rabbits and guinea pigs.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1899. Jost aus Klosters (E.) *Ueber die anti- parasitare Wirkung der Galle. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. [n. p., 1887.] Butalini (G.) Actionantiseptiquedesprincipesbiliaires. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1884, v, 374-380.—Fornet (W.) Ueber die Bakterizidie der Galle. Arch. f. Hyg-, Munchen & Berl., 1907, lx, 134-143.—Jordan (E. O.) The inhibitive action of bile upon B. coh. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1913, ix, 44.—Lagane (L.) Action de la bile "in vitro" sur le deve- loppement des microbes de l'intestin. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1912, lxxiii, 242— Libman (E.) & Rosenthal (J.) The action of bile on the pneumococcus, streptococcus, and streptococcus mucosus. Proc. N. York Path. Soc., 1908-9, n. s., viii, 40-45.—Mosse (M.) Kommen der Galle faulnisswidrige und antibaktenelle Eigenschaften zu7 Ztschr. f. khn. Med., Berl., 1898-9, xxxvi, 527-534 —Neu- leld (F ) Ueber eine specifische bakteriolytische Wirkung der Galle. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh.. Leipz., 1900, xxxiv, 454-464.—Nicolle (M.) & Add-Bey. Action do la bile sur le pneumocoque et diverses autres bacteries. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1907, xxi, 20-25.—Pastia (C.) & Twort (C.) Recherches sur le pouvoir antiseptique de la bile. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Tar., 1911, lxx, 13.—Roger (H.) Le paradoxe de 1'acholie intestinale. Presse med., Par., 1912, xx, 801-803. -----. Leroleantiputridedelabile. Ann! de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1915, xxix, 54^530.-Stolper (J H ) Is bile an antiseptic? Nashville J. M. & b., 1899, Ixxxvi, 153-160.-Talma (S.) Over de bactericide werking der gal. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk^ Amst 1900, 2 K., xxxvi, d. 2, 1053-1073. Also, trans!.: Ztschr. f. khn. Med., Berl., 1900-1901, xhi, 355-370.—Toida (R.) Zur Frage von der Sterihtat der Galle unter normalen Verhaltnissen und uber ihre baktericide Wirkung auf pathogene Bakterien. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1914, ciii, 407^39-Verderame (P.) & Weekers (L.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die bakteriolytische Wirkung der Galle und ihrer Salze gegenuber den augenpathogenen Keimen, besonders Pneu- mokokken und uber ihre Verwendbarkeit bei der Pneumo- kokkeninfektion der Kornea. Khn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1908, xlvi, 289-300.—Vetrano (G.) Azione hatte- riolitica ed 'antitossica della ^le; ricerche spenmentali. Osp. di Palermo. Bull, tnmest., 1909, u 383-397. ^feo, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol [etc], 1. Abt.,.Jem1909,hi, Orig,, ^286-Weuhardt(J.\, Az^epe ferto^tenhoMta- sarffl. [The antiseptic effects of the bile.] Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 17; 38; 56; 74; 93. 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19- -33 Bile (Antitoxic power of). Jardon(L.) Contribution a l'etude du pou- voir antitoxique de la bile. 8°. Lyon, 1896. Antitoxic (The) properties of bile. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 599.—Fraser (T. R.) Note on the antivenomous and antitoxic qualities of the bile of serpents and of other animals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 595: 1898, ii,627. Aho,transl.: Wien.med. Bl., 1897,xx,481; 498.—G. (D.) Antitoxic use of bile in Hindu medicine. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1899, xxxiv, 185.—Padoa (G.) L'azione antitossica della bile specialmente considerata in rapporto ai prodotti tossici d'origine intestinale. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1910, xi, 433-439. A ho [Abstr.]: Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. 1910. Firenze, 1911. 75. Also, Reprint- Vincent (H.) Deuxieme note sur les proprietes antitoxi- ques de la bile; action des elements composants de la bile sur la toxine tetanique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 695-797. Bile (Bacteriology of). Lippmann (A.) *Le microbisme biliaire nor- mal et pathologique. 8°. Baris, 1904. Menzel (O.) *Beitrage zum Bacterienbefund der Galle. [Erlangen.] 8°. Beichenbach i. Schl., 1897. Breton (M.), Bruyant (L.) & Mezle (A.) Elimination par la bile de microbes introduits dans le tube digestif. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 13-15.—D'Am- brosio (A.) Contributo alio studio della flora biliare fisio- logica. Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoh, 1905, n. s., xxvii, 625-634.—Fraenkel (E.) & Krause (P.) Bakteriologi- sches und Experimentelles iiber die Galle. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1899. xxxu, 97-110.—Hiro- kawa (W.) Ueber den Keimgehalt der menschlichen Galle und ihre Wirkung auf Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909-10, hii, 12-36.—von Miecz- kowskl (L.) Zur Bakteriologie des Gallenblaseninhalt.es unter normalen Bedingungen und bei der Cholelithiasis. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1900, yi, 307- 320.—Pastia (C.) & Twort (C.) Recherches sur la flore bacterienne de la bile. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxxi, 112.—Williams (P. F.) A bacteriological study of the human bile; especially as to the presence of the tvphoid bacUlus. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xcm, 934-936- Windsor (J. F.) The bacteriology of human bde with especial reference to the typhoid carrier problem. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1910-11, iv, 113-122. Bile (Chemistry of). See, also, Bile (Acids of); Bile (Extract of); Bile (Bigments of); Bile (Salts of); Cholesterin; Lecithin; Urobilin. Anselm (R.) *Ueber die Eisenausscheidung der Galle. 8°. Borpat, 1891. Geptner (F. K.) *Khimicheskiy sostav zhelchi u dietei. [Chemical composition of bile in children.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1900. Hammarsten (O.) Bidrag till kannedomen om gallans kemiska bestandsdelar. [Contribu- tion to the knowledge of the chemical constitu- ents of the bile.] 8°. Upsala, 1902. _ Armendarts (E.) Contribuci6n para el estudio qulmico de la bilis. An. d. Inst. med. nae, Mexico, 1901, v, 47-50.— Austin (A. E.) Chemical nature of the bile after chole- cvstotomy. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1902. viii, 231-241 — Bacmeister. Untersuchungen iiber Cholestennausschei- dung in menschlichen Gallen. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1910 xxvi, 223-230. —Barbieri (N.-A.) Sur la composition chimique de la bile de bceuf. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par . 1909, cxlix, 150-152.—Beccari (L.) Le fer de la bile dans l'inanition. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1897-8, xxvin, 206-219 —Bonanno (G.) Ricerche sperimentah su taluni fermenti della bile. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1908, vii 466- 481 —Bondl (S.) Beitrage zur Chemie der Galle. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1907, liii, 8-13—Borde- nave. Analyse de la bile, avec des reflexions sur les change- mens qu'elle peut subir dans le corps humain. Mom de mathemat. et de phys----Acad. roy. d. sc., Par 1774,610- 618 —Brand (J.) Onderzoekingen over de afscheiding en samenstelling van de gal bij den levendeD[ mensch K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1900-1901, ix, 649-651. Aho transl ■ K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect. fc,im-196i, hi, 584.-Browne (W. W.) The significance of ihe time at which gas is produced in lactose peptone bile. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1913, n s.. xxxvui 371.- Brunet (A.-D.) & Rollanrf(C) Contribution&^tudede la bile vesiculaire des bovides. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par , 1911, lxxi, 298.-Burlando (E.) Lo zplfo e 1 azoto nella bile durante la gravidanza, il puerperio e 1 allatta- mento. Policlin., Roma, 1902-3, ix, sez. prat., 1729-1731.— BILE. 514 BILE. Bile (Chemistry of). Cadet. Experiences chimiques sur la bile de l'homme et des animaux. Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc. 1767, Par., 1770, 471- 483. -----. Nouvelles recherches pour servir a determiner la nature de la bile. Ibid., 1769, Par., 1772, 66-72.—Casciani (P.) Ricerche sul cloro e sugli acidi bihari nella bile sotto l'uso delle acque clorurato-sodiche. Riformamed., Palermo- Napoli, 1906, xxii. 659.—Cavazzani (E.) Sulla cosidetta pscudomucina della bile del bue. Boll. d. Soc med.-chir. di Modena, 1911-12, xiv, 31-41. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. do biol., Turin, 1912-13, lvii, 284-293.—Colasantl (G.) Beitrag zur Chemie der Galle. Untersueh. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thicre, Giessen, 1897, xvi,284-293.—Craciunu (R.-L.) Difference de constitution dela bile suivant l'age et l'etat d'engraissement des animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1901, txxxii, 1187-1189—von Czyhlarz (E), Fuchs (A.) & von Furth (O.) Ueber die analytische Zusammen- setzung der menschlichen Galle. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1913, xlix, 120-129—Daniel-Brunet (A.) & Holland (('.) De l'influence du sexe et de la castration sur la quantite des lipoides de la bile chez les bovides. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, cliii, 214.— Dubin (H.) The influence of bile on phenol production. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1917, xxxi, 255-259. A ho, Reprint.—Fedell(C) Ricerche sulla bile in un caso di fistola biliare. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1913, Roma, 1914, xxiii, 390-398.—Frey (E.) Die quantitative Zusammensetzung der Galle unter dem Einfluss der gallen- treibenden Gichtmitteln. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905-6, ii, 45-52 — Fricker (E.) Ueber Jod- und Li- thiumausscheidungdurch die menschliche Galle. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, iv, 286-293—Galdi (F.) Intorno alia sostanza mucoide della bile. Morgagni, Milano, 1907, xlix, 580-592—Gardner (J. A.) & Knox (G. D.) The percentage of cholesterin in ox-bile. Proc Phvsiol. Soc. Lond., 1907, p. ix.—Gilbert (A.), Herscher (M.) & Posternak (S.) Sur la reaction de Gmelin dans les milieux albumineux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 530-533—Grlm- bert (L.) Procedes de recherche des elements de la bile, de l'urobiline et de son chromogene dans les produits de l'or- ganisme. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 8-15.—Gurber (A.) & Hallauer (B.) Ueber Eiweissausscheidung durch die Galle. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen & Berl., 1904, xiv, 372- 379.—Ham- marsten (O j Untersuchungen iiber die Gallen einiger Polarthiere. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1902,xxxvi, 525-555: 1904, xliii, 109-120.-----. Zur Chemie der Galle. Ergebn. d. Phvsiol., Wiesb., 1905, iv, 1-22.-----. Ueber die Galle des Wallrosses. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1909, lxi, 454-494.-----. Ueber die Gallen einiger Seehunde. Ibid., 1910. lxviii, 109-118.-----. Untersuchungen uber die Galle des Nilpferdes. Ibid., 1911, lxxiv, 123-141.—Iscovesco (H.) Etude sur les constituants collo'ides de la bile; discus- sion sur la methode employee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 868-870.—Klmura (T.) Untersuchungen der menschlichen Blasengalle. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1904, lxxix, 274-289.-Klngsbury (F. B.) The effect of bile and bile salts on the reaction between oleic acid and sodium bicarbonate. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1917, xxix, 367-380— Kusumoto (C.) Ueber den Einfluss des Toluy- lendiamins auf die Ausscheidung des Cholesterins in der Galle. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xiii, 354-361— Le- molne & Gerard. De Taction cholesterinogene des lipoides biliaires. Bull, etmem. Soc. mod. d. hop. de Par.. 1913.3. s., xxxv, 888-893— Lichtwltz (L.) Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber die Bildung von Niedcrsehlagen in der Galle. Deutsches Arch. jf. klin. Med., Leipz., 1907, xcii, 100- 108.—Majewski(F.)& 4ebrowski(B.) [Chemicalcompo- sition of human bile.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1902, 2. s., xxh, 665-667 —Mendel (L. B.) Recent aspects of the chemistry and physiology ofthe bile. Yale M. J., M. Haven, 1897-S, iv 433-443— Menzies (J. A.) Observations on the secre- tion and composition of human bile. Bio-Chem. J., Liverp., 1911-12, vi, 210-218— Orum (II. P. T.) Chemische Unter- suchungen uber die Meuschengalle. Skandin. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1904, xvi, 273-333.—Okada (S.) On the reaction of bile. J. Phvsiol., Lond., 1915,1,114-H8.-Orlofl (N A) [On the peculiarities of the bile of children] J. Russk Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav., S.-Peterb., 1S9S viii, 530-541.—Peirce (S. J. S.) Der Gehalt der menschlichen Galle am Cholesterin und Cholesterinestern. Deutsches \reh. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1912, cvi, 337-346- PflUger (E.) Ccber die Verseifung, wclcho durch die Gallo vermittelt wird, und die Bestimmung von Seifen neben Fcttsauren in Gallenmischungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1902, xc, 1-32— Pllzecker(A ) Gallenuntersuchungennach Phosphor- und Arsenvergiftung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1904, xii, 157 176. Porcher (C.) Recherches sur la bile; observations sur la bile de bceuf; de quelques points de technique. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 618-650.-----. De la presence des corps indologcncs dans la bile. Ibid., 1909, lxvii, 760-762.—Pruszyhskl (J.) & Tle- mlenski (J.) [On the composition of human bile] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1906, 2. s„ xxvi, 225-232— Pugllese (A.) Nuove ricerche sulla secrezione c com, osiziono della bile negli animali smilzati. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1901, 8. s., i, 559-578, 2 diag— Quadrl (G.) Ueber dio Moglieh- keit der direkten Bildung von Bifin aus Hiimoglobin. (Spektroskopische und chemische Untersuchungen.) Folia Bile (Chemistry of). haematol., Leipz., 1914, xix (Arch.). 103-118.—Quaglia- rlello (G.) Recherches chimico-physiques sur les liquides animaux; sur la reaction chimique de la bile. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1912-13, lvii, 54-58.—Roger (G. H.) Influence de la bile sur les fermentations microbiennes des hydrates de carbone. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1912, xxiv, 461-488.-----. Influence de la bile sur les fermenta- tions microbiennes; fermentation de l'amidon. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1912, lxxii, 388.—Roland (C. A.) Con- tribution h, l'etude de la constitution de la bile vesiculaire des bovides et de sa partie lipoide. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc,Par, 1911,clviil 1533-1536.—Rosenbloom(J.) Aquanti- tativechemicalanalysisofhumanbile. J. Biol.Chem.,Bait., 1912-13, xiv, 241-243—Salant (W.) Some observations on the presence of albumin in the bile. Proc. Soc Exper. Biol. & Med.. X. Y., 1905-6,iii,78-80.—Salant (W.) & Emery (W. O.) The elimination of caffein in the bile. Ibid., 1909-10, vh, 155— Siven (V. O.) [The significance ofthe bile in fat absorption.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1904, xlvi, 176-181.—SjOqvist (J.) [The composition of so-called white bile.) Svenska lak.-sallsk. hand!., Stockholm, 1916, xlh, 1293-1299— Spallltta(F.) Actiondelabilesurl'enzyme inventif. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1905-6, xhv, 300-308.— Tengstrttm (S.) Untersuchungen iiber die gallensauren A lkalien der Rindergalle. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1904, xii, 210-222.—Tuccari (F.) & Vaccaro (\.) Ricerche sopra alcuni fermenti della bile di vitello, Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, hi, 303-305.—Wahlgren (V.) [Untersuchung des Pekretcs der menschlichen Gallenblase. Uebers., p. xxv.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1901-2, n. F., vii, 553-557.—Wohlge- muth (J.) Ueber den Einfluss der Galle auf die Diastase. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1909, xxi, 447-159.—Zebrowski (B ) [ Vnalysis of bile taken from a fistula of a man.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 809-815. Bile (Elimination of). See Bile (Secretion and elimination of). Bile (Experimental injections of). Peyri (J.-J.-E.) Contribution a l'etude de Taction nervolvtique de la bile et des sels bi- liaires. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Bunting (C. H.) & Brown (W. H.) The pathology of intraperitoneal bile injections in the rabbit. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1911, xiv, 445-452—Doyon & Gautler (C.) Nocivite comparee de la bile, suivant que le poison est injecte dans une veine mcsara'ique ou dans la saphene. Compt. rend. Soc debiol., Par., 1910,lxviii, 210 — Frothingham (C.) & Minot (G. R.) The effect of the injection of bovine bile into rabbits. J. Med. Research. Host , 1912-13, xxvu, 79-82.—Marinesco (G.) & Minea (J.) Lesions des centres nerveux produites par l'iniection locale de bile. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 417. Bile (Extract of). Gerard (E.) & Lemolne (G.) Sur la composition de l'extrait ethere (lipoide) de la bile. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par., 1909,3. s.. xxviii, 935—Halle (E.) & Touret ( V.) L'extrait frais de bile de bceuf. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1903, cxlvi, 96-99. -Nepper A- Rlva. Procede de traitement de la bile pour en obtenir un extrait aux pro- prietes anticoagulantes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 143. Bile (Extravasation of). See, also, Peritonitis (Biliary). Labrosse (R.) Contribution a l'etude du oholeperitoine spontan6 (en dehors des kvstes hydatiques). 8<\ Lyon, 1912. "Levin (E.) Ueber Cholocclo (Gallenbruch). Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 531-534.—Poulton(B.) Abdominal extrava- sation of bile. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1899, xvhi, 535.— Thompson (J. F.) Bile in the abdominal cavity. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxiv, 186. Bile (Hsemolytic action of). Klee (II.) *Beziehungen der Iliimolyse zur Gallensccretion. 8°. Giessen, 1908. Baver (G.I Ueber den Angritlspunkt der Galle bei der Ilamolvse. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, ix, 58-71.-----. Ueber "dio Ursachen der Besehleunigung der Gallenhamo- lvse in konzentrierten Salzlosungen. Ibid., xiii, 234-242 — Egldi (G.) Contributo alio studio del potere emolitico della bile. Policlin., Roma, 1909, xvi, sez. prat., 837-S39—Mac- Lean (H.) & Hutchinson (L.) Observations on the hemolytic action of certain bile derivatives. Bio-Chem. T , Liverp., 1909, iv, 369-3S4.—Sellards (A. W.) The hsemo- Ivtic action of bile and its inhibition by blood-serum. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait , 1908, xix, 368-371. Bile (Physiological action o/1. Sec, also, Bile (Antheptic and bactericidal power of); Bile (An titoxic power of); Bile (Hxmo- BILE. 515 BILE. Bile (Physiological action of). lytic action of); Bile (Toxicity of); Liver (Ex- clusion of). Glur (W.) *Einwirkung von Galle auf das Froschherz; Studien iiber antagonistische Ner- ven. [Bern.] 8°. Miinchen, 1911. Berti (A.) Azione della bile sui movimenti ritmici e sul tono dell' intestine Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1908-9, vi, 306- 314. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1910, liii, 474.-----. Movimenti ritmici e tono dell' uretere e della vescica sotto l'azione della bile. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1910, Roma, 1911, xx, 432-434.—Berti (A.) & Malesanl (A.) Action de la bile sur Pactivite diastolique du cceur. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1910-11, liv, 101-115.—Bickel (A.) Action de la bile et des sels biliaires sur le systSme ner- veux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, exxiv, 702-704. Also, Reprint. •-----. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Galle und der gallensauren Salze auf das Centralnervensystem. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 553.—Bradley (H. C.) & Taylor (J.) The influ- ence of bile on autolysis. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1917, xxix, 281-288. Also, Reprint.—Bryuno (G. G.) [L'excitabilite specifique de la muqueuse du tube digestif. VI. La bile comme agent digestif. A rch. d. sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1898-9, vh, 87-142, 1 diag.] Arch. biol. nauk___, S.-Peterb., 189S-9, vh, 87-143, 1 diag. -----. [Bile as a digesting reagent.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, S.-Peterb., 1897, viii, 1817; 1868.— Cantani (A.) Ueber die agglutinierende Eigenschaft der Galle. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1 Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxhi. 731-740. —D'Errico (G.) Wirkung der Galle und der gallensauren Salze auf den Tonus und die automatischen Bewegungen des Darmrohrs. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen & Berl., 1910, liv, 286-298.—Dlena (G.) Sur l'influence de la bile dans I'absorption des graisses. (Note prehminaire.) Arch. d. mal. de I'appar. digest, [etc], Par., 1914, vhi, 486- 439.—Doyon & Gautier (C.) Action compared de la bile sur la coagulability du sang et sur la pression arterielle; im- portance de la voie d'introduction. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1909, lxvi, 727.-----------. Moded'action de la bile sur le foie; comparaison avec la peptone. Ibid., 859.— Dudgeon (L. S.) Certain observations on the action of bile and bile salts with and without the addition of the salts of calcium on animal red blood corpuscles. J. Hyg.. Cam- bridge, 1917, xvi, 240-248.—Frouin (A.) Action inhibitrico de la bile sur l'activation du sue pancreatique par les sels de calcium. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxiy, 1405.— Hallion (L.) & Nepper (H.) Influenceexcito-motrice de la bile sur 1'intestin. I. Action sur le rectum. Ibid., 1907, lxiii, 182-184. —----—---. II. Action sur Pintestin grelo. Ibid., 254-257.—Hirschman (L. J.) What relation has bile to normal defecation? Proctologist, St. Louis, 1910, iv, 3.5-42.— Johnston (O. P.) The digestive action of bile in some domestic animals. Univ. Colorado M. Bull., Boulder, 1906-7, iii, No. 2,58-71.—Joslin (E. P.) Influence of bilejon metabolism. J. Bost. Soc M. Sc, 1898-9, hi, 259-263. Aho, Reprint.—King (J. H.) & Stewart (H. A.) Effect ofthe in- jection of bile on the circulation. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phda., 1909, xxiv, 396-409. Aho: J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1909, xi, 673-685—Lebon (H.) & Aubourg. Action du fielde bceuf sur l'estomac et Pintestin. Bull, et mem. Soc. de radiol. med. de Par.? 1912, iv, 143— Llgeti (Landauer) (A.) [The change of bile and its influence on metabohsm.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1899, viii, 109; 285.—Loevenhart (A. S.) & Souder (C. G.) On the effect of bile upon the hvdrolysis of esters by pancreatic juice. J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1907, ii, 415-425. Aho, Reprint.— Meltzer (S. J.) & Salant (W.) The influence of bile upon blood-pressure. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1904-5, ii, 65-67.-----------. The effects of intravenous in- jections of bile upon blood pressure. J. Exper. M., N.Y., 1905, vii, 280-307, 4 pi.—Moore (B.) On the functions of bile as a solvent. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1900, p. xiv.— Moore (B.)& Parker(W.H.) On the functions of the bile as a solvent. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1901, lxviiit 64-76 — Morlggla (A.) & Battlstlni (A.) Di alcune proprieta della bile. Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei, Roma, 1875-6,2. s., hi, pt. 2, 95-113.—Nepper & Riva. Recherches sur les substances anticoagulantes de la bile. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 362-364.—Ott (I.) & Scott (J. C.) The action of bile and some of its constituents upon intestinal peristalsis and the circulation. Proc Soc Exper. Biol. & Medv N. Y., 1908-9, vi, 13-18. Aho: Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1909, 3. s., xxv, 11-15.—Pautre (M.) Proprietes cholagogues de la bile. Med. orient.. Par., 1904, vhi. 193-195.—Ricciardi (P.) Sugli effetti della bile. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1904. Roma, 1905, xiv, 267-272— Roccavllla (A.) L'action locale de la bile et du serum cholemique sur le coeur et les vaisseaux sanguins isoles des mammiferes. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1913, xxv, 552-580.—Roger (H.) Influence de la bile sur la production des poisons putrides dans Pintestin. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par.; 1909, lxvii, 666.-----. Influence de la bile sur la putrefaction des ma- tures azotees. Ibid., 1912, lxxiii, 274-276.-----. Influence de la bile sur les fermentations microbiennes; fermentation du glycogene. Ibid., lxxii, 544.------. Action de la bile sur les matieres proteiques. Ibid., 1085-1087.-----------. Quel- Bile (Physiological action of). ques considerations sur le role de la bile. Presse med., Par, 1913, xxi, 137-139.—Rosenberg (S.) Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Galle und Eiweissverdauung. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1901,528-532.-----. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Galle und Hippursaurebildung im thierischen Organismus. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1901, xxh, 696-698.— Schtipbach (A.) Ueber den Einfluss der Galle auf die Be- wegung des Darmes. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1907, xxi, 365-367.-----. Ueber den Einfluss der Galle auf die Bewegung des Dunndarmes. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen & Berl., 1908,li, 1-41.—Sotti(G.) Intornoall'azionedellabile sul cuore isolato di mammifero. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med di Torino, 1909. 4. s., xv, 110-120.—SpaUitta (F.) Azione della bile sul fermento inversivo. Arch, farmacol. sper Roma, 1905, iv, 200-209.—Tschermak (A.) Notiz uber das Verdauungsvermogen der menschlichen Galle. Cen- tralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. & Wien, 1902. xvi, 329.—Viola (G.) & Tarugi (B.) La influenza della bile sulle resistenze dei globuli rossi. Riforma med., Roma, 1902, xvhi, pt. 3, 771; 783—Wiedemann. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Lehre der Verdauung und Resorption verschiedener Nah- rungsprodukte bei anormalem Gallenzufluss in den Ver- dauungsapparat. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1914, lxxxix, 594-598.— Zuntz. Ueber die Einwirkung der Galle auf die Verdauungsvorgange. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1900,380-382. Bile (Pigments of). See, also, Bilirubin; Urine (Bile, etc., in); Urobilin. Gribinyuk (Y. S.) *Otnosheniye zhivovo epiteliya k krasy ashtshim veshtshestvam zhelchi. [Relationship of the living epithelium to the coloring matter of bile.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1901. Maas (O.) *Ueber die Pigmentierungen der Leber, besonders iiber die Haemochromatose. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1898. Troisier (J.) *R61e des hemolysines dans la genese des pigments biliaires et de l'urobiline. 8°. Baris, 1910. Verbitski (M. K.) *K ucheniyu o vliyanii zhelchnikh pigmentov na organizm pri zaderzh- kie v niom zhelchi. [On the influence of bile pigments upon the organism in retention of bile.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1895. Abderhalden (E.) Notiz zum Gallenfarbstoffnachweis in Korperflussigkeiten, Geweben und Gallensteinen. Zen- tralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol, u. Path. d. Stoffwechs., Berl. & Wien, 1909, n. F., iv, 883— Auscher & Laplcque. A propos des pigments des cirrhoses pigmentaires: production ex- perimentale de Pun de ces pigments, la rubigine (pigment ocre). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 21S-220.—Barratt (J. O. W.) & Yorke (W.) The rela- tion of bile pigments to haemoglobin. Ann. Trop. M. & Para- sitol.. Liverp., 1914-15, viii, 509-536.—van den Bergh (A. A. H) & Muller (P.) Een directe en een indirecte diazo-reactie op galkleurstof. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1917, i, 753.—van den Bergh (A. A. H.) <& Snapper (I.I Ueber anhepatische Gallenfarbstoffbildung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, hi, 1081-1086.—Bernabei (C.) Le aniline nella chimica clinica dei pigmenti biliari ed ema- tici della glucosuria e dell' acido idroelorico gastrico. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1898, 4. s., x, 381-128.— Bier (L.) & Marchlewski (L.) [Absorption of ultra-violet rays by bile pigments and proteinochromc] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej., Krak6w, 1902, 3. s., ii, A., 138-150, 7 pi.—Browicz. Die Verschiedenartigkeit der in- tracellularen galhgen Pigmentablagerungen in der Leber in Bezug auf Farbe und Aggregatzustand und die daraus zu ziehenden Schlusse. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1897, xxiii,353.—Brugsch (T.) & Kawashima(K.) Der Einfluss von Hamatoporphyrin, Ham in und Urobilin auf die Gallenfarbstoffbildung. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1910-11, viu, 645-648.—Brugsch (T.) & Yoshimoto. Zur Frage der Gallenfarbstoflbildung aus Blut. Ibid., 639-644.—Camus (L.) Influence de la lumiere sur l'oxydation des pigments biliaires; analogie de cette ac- tion avec celle qu'elle exerce sur la matiere colorante du serum sanguin. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 232.-----. Signification de l'experience denommee par M. Dastre sans signification. Ibid., 867.—Dastre (A.) A propos d'une experience de M. Camus sur les pigments bi- liaires. Ibid., 849.—Dastre (A.) & Floresco (N.) Sur les pigments biliaires. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1897, 5. s.,ix, 725-736. Aho: Compt. rend. Soc de biol, Par., 1897,10. s., iv; 813-816.-----------. Origine dans la bile des pigments biliaires biliprasiniques jaune et vert. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1897, 5. S., ix, 737-745.----- -----. Nouveaux pigments Dihaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, exxv, 581-583.-----------. Pigments he- patiques chez les vertebres. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1898,5. s., x, 209; 289. Aho: Compt. rend. Acad. BILE. 516 BILE. Bile (Pigments of). d. sc, Par., 1898, cxxvi, 1221-1223.-----------. Pigments biliaires et lipochromes, pseudo-reaction de C! melin pour les pigments biliaires; pseudo-reaction nitrique des lipochromes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 77-80.----- -----. Alterations des buiverdinates sous Paction des mi- crobes; putrefaction spontanee de la bile verte. Ibid., 32-1- 327.—Duncan (J. W.) Test for bile pigment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 367.—Fischer (H.) Zur Kenntnis der Gallen- farbstoffe. Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Strassb., 1911, lxxiii, 204-239,1 pi.—Fischer (H.)&Meyer-Betz (FJ Ueber das Urobilinogen des Urins und das Wesen der Ehrlichschen Aldehydreaktion. Ibid., lxxv, 232-261, 1 pi.—Fischer (H.) & Rose (H.) Zur Kenntnis der Gallenfarbstoffe. Ibid., 1912, lxxxii, 391-405: 1914, lxxxix, 255-271— Fouchet (A.) Methode nouvelle de recherche et de dosage des pigments biliaires dans le seYum sanguin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917,lxxx,826-828— GallodeTommasi(G.) Ricerca del pigmento biliare nelle feci dei bambini, mediante la reazione di Ad. Schmidt. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1901, Firenze, 1902, iv, 312-314.—Gilbert (A.) & Castalgne (J.) Possibilite du passage des pigments biliaires en nature dans le liquide cephalo-rachidien. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 598-000.—Gilbert (A.) & Herscher. Recherche des pigments biliaires. Paris med., 1912, viii, 19— Gluzlnski (A.) Eine neue Reaction auf Gallenfarbstoffe. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 1139.— Guerra (Z.) Nuovo metodo di ricerca dei pigmenti biliari. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 399 — Has;en (F. J.) Een nieuve reactie op galkleurstof. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1903-4, x, 2. -----. Methyleenblauw als reactie op galkleurstof. Ibid., 269.—Hljmans van den Bergh (A. A.) & de la Fontaine Schluiter (J. J.) Het aantoonen van sporen galkleurstof in eiwit-houdende vloei- stoffen. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1914-15, xxiii, 733-737,1 pi—Hijmans van den Bergh (A. A.) & Snapper (I.) Studien over anhepatische galkleurstof- vorming. Nederi. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1915, li, 491; 900; 1105.—Hijmans van den Bergh (A. A), Snapper (I.) & de La Fontaine Schluiter (J. J.) Studien over anhepatische galkleurstofvorming. Ibid., 811-814.—Hollis (F. S.) On the alleged formation of bile pigments and bile acids by the action of trypsin on haemoglobin. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Bait., 1908, iv, pp. xxxih-xxxv.— Hooper (C. W.) The influence of bile constituents on bile pigment secretion, taurocholic, glycocholic and cholic acids and bile fat. Am. J. Phvsiol., Bait., 1915-17, xiii, 280-289.— Hooper (C. W.) & Whipple (G. H.) Bile pigment output and diet studies. Ibid., 1916, xl, 332-359.-----------. Bile pigment output and blood feeding. Ibid., 1916-17, xiii, 256-263.-----------. Influence of fresh bile feeding upou whole bile and bile pigment secretion. Ibid., 264-279.----- -----. Bile pigment output influenced by the Eck fistula. Ibid., 544-557.----------. Bile pigment output influenced by hemoglobin injections, anemia and blood regeneration. Ibid., 1917, xliii, 258-274.-----------. Bile pigment output influenced by hemoglobin injection; splenectomy and anemia. Ibid., 275-289.-----------. Bile pigment output influenced by hemoglobin injection in the combined Eck- bile fistula dog. Ibid.. 290-297.—Jolles (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gallenfarbstoffe. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1S99, lxxv, 446-465—Justman (S.) [New test for bile-pigments.l Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1910, xlix, 514.— Kallos (J.) Eine einfache neue Gallenfarbstoffreaktion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 751.— Kroklewlcz (A.) Eine sehr empflndliche Reaktion auf Gallenfarbstoffe. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 496.—Krukenberg (C. F. W.) Ueber das Verhaltniss der Leberpigmento zu den Blutfarbstoffen bei den Wirbellosen. In his: Vergleich.-phvsiol. Stud., 8°, Hcidelb., 1SX3, 3. Abth., 181-191. 1 pi.—Kuster (W.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gallenfarbstoffe. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1898, xxvi, 314-337. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gallen- farbstoffe. Ibid., 1906, xlvh, 294-326. -----. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gallenfarbstoffe; iiber Bilirubin, Bilivcrdin und ihre Bpaltungsprodukte. Ibid., 1909, lix, 03-95.-----. Gallcnfarbstoffeund Abbatiprodukto. In: Abderhalden (E.) Handbuch der biochemischen Arbeitsmethoden, 8", Leipz., 1910,035-644.—Lif shits (M.I.) [Bile pigments and theirde- rivatives.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 995-999.— Marchlewskl (L.) Ueber den Ursprung des Cholehiima- tins (Hilipurpurins). Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1905, xiv, 466.—Merklen (P.) Dissociation of bile pigments and acids. Monde med., Par., Eng. ed., 1917, xxvh, 257- 268. Aho: West. M. Rev., Omaha. 1918, xxiii, 13-26.— Monckton (F. A.) Test for bile pigments. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1342.—Moriggia. Sui pigmenti della bile. Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lkicei, Roma, 1881-2, 3. s., vi, 228-233.— MUller (F.) Die Gallenfarbstoffe. Handb. d. Biochem. [etc.), Jena, 1909, i, 730-735— Nakayama (M.) Ueber eine Modification der Huppert'schcn Gallenfarbstoffreac- tion. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1902, xxxvi, 398- 400—Obermayer (F.) & Popper (H.) Ueber den Nach- weis von Gallenfarbstofl und dessen klinische Bedeutung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1910, Ix, 2592-2596.—Pakuscher & Gutmann. Ueber den Nachweis von Gallenfarbstoffen im Urin und Blut mittels Jod-Aether. Med. Klin., Berl., Bile (Pigments of). 1913, ix, 837.—Piettre (M.) Bile et pigments biliaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvi. 786-789. -----. Sur le pigment vert de la bile. Ibid., cxlvii, 1492-1495.— Plesch (J.) Ueber die Diazobenzolreaktion der Gallen- farbstoffe. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1906, xxvh, 417-419.—Porcher (C.) Recherches sur la bile; de la pre- sence constante de la bilirubine dans la bile de bceuf. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1905, lviii, 645-647.---—. Recher- ches sur la bile; du sort des pigments biliaires lors de la putrefaction de la bile de bceuf; Ibid., 647.—Presslich (W.) Eine einfache Probe auf Gallenfarbstoffe. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, hi. 220.—Ricci (F.) Su alcuni recenti reat- tivi dei pigmenti biliari. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1910, xxxi, 1148-1150—Riegler (E.) Eine neue empfindhche Reaction auf Gallenpigmcnte. Wien. med. Bl., 1899, xxii, 271.— Slmoninl (R.) Bile bianca (acolia pigmentaria totale e parziale). Nipiologia, Napoh, 191* iv 70-89.—Spaultta (F.) Eine Modifikation der Gmehnschen Reaktion zum Nachweis des Gallenfarbstoffes. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. &. Wien, 1904, xviu, 91—Steensma (F. A.) Notiz zum Nachweis des Gallenfarbstoffes. Biochem. Ztsehr., Berl., 1908, vhi, 209.-----. Ueber den Nachweis kleiner Mengen Gallenfarbstoffes in Fazes und Blut. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol, u. Path. d. Stoffwechs., Berl. & \\ ien, 1908, n. F.. hi, 231—Stefano (C.) Le reazioni dei pigmenti biliana. Atti d- r. Accad. d. Lincei, Roma, 1881-2, 3. s., vi, 16—Torday (A.) & Klier (A.) [New color reaction with bile pigment.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1909, lui, 495.— Triboulet (H.) La dissociation fonctionnelle biliaire (pig- ments et aeides) en physiologie digestive normale et patho- logique. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1910, 3. s., xxx, 871-873. -----. Pigments biliaires et reaction rosee fugace a la phenolphtaleine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1911, lxx, 453-455.—Valentlni. Ueber die Bildungs- statte des Gallenfarbstoffs beim Kaltbliiter. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887-s, xxiv, 412-423.—Weber (E.) Ueber die Mogliehkeit gleichzeitiger quantitativer Be- stimmungen zweier Gallenfarbstoffe in der Galle mit Hilfe des Spektrophotometers. Ztschr. f. biol. Techn. u. Method., Strassb., 1910-1 l.ii, 29-38.—von Zumbusch(L.) Ueber das Bilifuscin. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1900-1901, xxxi, 446-459. Bile (Retention of). See Bile-ducts (Obstruction of). Bile (Salts of). See, aho. Bile (Acids of). Beddard (A. P.) & Pembrey (M. S.) Hay's reaction for bilesalts. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902,i,702. Abo.-Vet. J., Lond., 1902, n.s.,v, 242-244.—Blckel(A.) Ueberdiekrampferregende Wirkung der Galle und der gallensauren Salze. \ erhandl. d. Cong. f. Innere Med., Wiesb., 1900, xviii, 445-449— BUlard (G.) & Dleulafe. Sur l'abaissementde la tension superticielleues liquides par les sels biliaires et les savons. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1902,11. s, iv, 245-247 —Braun (L.) & Mager (W.) Ueber die Wirkung der Galle und der gallensauren Salze auf das isolirte Saugethierherz (Langendorfl'sches Praparat). Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. Cl., Wien, lf-99, cviii, 559-586, 2 diag.—Cummins (S. L.) The anti-bactericidal action of the bile salts. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1911, xi, 373-3M). Aho: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1912, xvhi, 138-145—Fedeli (C.) Intor- no alia ehminazione dei clorun per la bile. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1915, liv, 325-335.—Griffith (A. S.) The influence of bile salt on bacterial capsule formation. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1903, xxiii, 171-17v— GrUnbaum (O.) The esti- mation of bile salts. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1903t4, lv, 55- 59.—Long (J. H.) & Johnson (W. A.) The purity of com- mercial bile -salts. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 1412.— Meyersteln (W.) Leber die bakteriologische Bedeutung der Gallensalze. Centralbl.f. Bakteriol.[etcJ, 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xhv, Orig., 434-440.—Osterhout (W. J. V.) Decrease of permeability and antagonistic effects caused by bile salts. J. Gen. Physiol., Bait., l'US-19,i,405-408.—Sellards (A. W.) Mechanism of the reaction between bile salts and blood serum and the effect of conjugation in the formation of bile salts. J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1909, xi, 7MV-797.— Terrolne (E.-F.) Action des sels biliaires sur la lipase pan- creatiqwe. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxviii, 518- 520.—Zanettl. Sulla non prevalenza dei sali potassici nella bile d. i pesci marini. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1902, xiii, suppl., 48. Bile (Seention and dimination of). See, also, Blood (Bile in); Cholagogues; Urine (Bile, etc., in). van Aalst(J. 0.> *De xo^toh?^- 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1758. Brand (.1.) *Onderzoekingenover afseheiding en samenstellin^ van de gal bij den levenden mensch. 8°. Amsterdam, 1901. BILE. 517 BILE. Bile (Secretion and elimination of). Croissant (R.) *Recherches sur la dissocia- tion de la secretion biliaire. 8°. Baris, 1913. Jordan (F. F.) *Materiyali k voprosu o vliyanii lekarstvennikh veshtshestv na otdie- leniye zhelchi. , [Data on the influence of medicinal substances upon the secretion of bile.] 8°. Varsharo, 1897. Muller (0.) *Ueber den Einfluss einiger pharmakologischer Mittel auf Secretion und Zusammensetzung der Galle. 8°. Borpat, 1890. Sciieifelb (J.) *Hamolyse und Gallensekre- tion am abgekuhlten Tiere. 8°. Giessen, 1909. Singer (L.) *De secretione bilis. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1778. von Voit (C.) Ueber die Beziehungen der Galleabsonderung zum Gesammtstoffwechsel im thierischen Organismus. 4°. Basel, 1882. Repr. from: Festschr. z. Feier d. 300ja.hr. Besteh. d. Julius-Maximilians-Univ. zu Wiirzb., Basel, 1882. Albu. Zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Gallensecre- tion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvu, 866; 891. [Dis- cussion], 327. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1900), 1901, xxxi, pt. 2, 218-238. [Discussion], pt. 1, 102- 106.—Antonio (C.) L'influenza dei componenti la molecola dei grassi (acidi grassi e glicerina) sulla secrezione biliare. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Boma, 1917, xxih, 269-279.—Asher L.) Die normalen Erreger der Gallensekretion. Zentralbl. . d. ges. Physiol, u. Pathol, d. Stoffwechs., Berl. & Wien, 1911, n. F.,vi, 184.—Bain (W.) The action of certain drugs and mineral waters on the secretion and composition of human bile; an experimental investigation. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1898-9, xxxih, 91-130. Aho [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 1646-1650.-----. An experimental contribution to the study of the mechanism of bile secretion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 780. Aho: J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1899-1900, xxxiv, 69-74, 1 diag.—Bajettl (F.) La secrezione bihare nella rialimentazione. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1905, lix, 514-530.—Barbera (A. G.) Ancora sull' eliminazione della bile dopo le varie alimenta- zioni e dopo Pingestione di urea, di acido urico ec. ec; nuovo contributo alia conoscenza del significato fisiologico della bile. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1898, 7. s:, ix, 117; 194. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1899, xxxi, 427-452. -----. Ehminazione della bile dopo le varie alimentazioni. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901-2, xxxvi, 151.-----. Alimen- tazione sottocutanea e formazione della bile; contributo sperimentale alia conoscenza del luogo, ove, dopo i pasti, debbonsi trovare i diversi principii alimentari per fare aumentare la produzione delta bile. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1901, 8. s., i, 578-593. Aho, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1902-3, xxxviii, 447-455. Aho, Reprint- Bernstein (J.) Ueber den osmotischen Druck der Galle und des Blutes; zur Theorie der Sekretion und Resorption. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1905, cix, 307-322.—Billard & Cavalie. Sur l'influence de la densite de la bile vesiculate sur l'excretion par le canal choledoque. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1900, 11. s., ii, 595; 625—Blum (F.) Ueber eine neue Methode der Anregung des Gallenflusses. Aerztl. Prakt., Dresd., 1897, x, 65-68.—Brunaccl(B.) & Noleri (U.) Ricerche su la secrezione bihare nell' uomo. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1912, 5. s., iv, 31. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1912-13, lviii, 367— Cosentlno (G. C.) L'influenza degl'idrati di carbonio sulla secrezione biliare nell' uomo. Rassegna di clin. terap. [etc.], Roma, 1916, xv, 174-182.—Crlspolti (C. A.) & Bocciardo (A. D.) Studio clinico sulla bilinogenesi. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoh, 1902, xviii, 106; 132; 149; 209; 229; 255; 277; 299. Also [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1901, Roma, 1902, 488-491.—Delore (X.) & Cotte (G.) Remarques sur Pexcretion de la bile a l'etat normal et apres la cholecystec- tomie. Rev. de chir., Par., 1911, xhv, 33-47.—Doyon (M.) & Dufourt. Contribution a l'etude de la secretion biliaire; influence de quelques medicaments sur la quantite de la bile et de ses principes constituants. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1897, 5. s., ix, 562-575. Also: Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 341-344.------------. Recherches experi- mentales sur la secretion biliaire. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt. 2, 63.— Eichler (F.) & Latz (B.) Experimentelle Studien uber die Beeinflussung der Gallensekretion durch neuere Chola- goge. Iridin und Evonymin. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1911, xvu, 133-135.—Ellenberger & Baum. Ueber die auf die Absonderung der Galle und die Thatigkeit der Leber einwirkenden Arzneimittel. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1898, xxv, 87-92.—FedeU. Sulla secrezione biliare; considerazioni cliniche e ricerche speri- mentali in un caso di fistola biliare in ammalata di cancro diffuso dai pancreas al fegato. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1906, xiv, 425-458.—Frouin (A.) Utilite des fistules gastrique et intestinale, pour l'etude de la secretion et de Pexcretion de la bile, chez des animaux munis de fistules biliaires. Bile (Secretion and elimination of). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1904, lvi, 463.—Galli (G.) Contributo alio studio della secrezione biliare nell' uomo. Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1905-6, iii, 447-456.-----. Sulla secrezione biliare; risposta al Prof. Polimanti. Ibid., 599.— Herring (P. T.) & Simpson (S.) The pressure of bile secretion and the mechanism of bile absorption in ob- struction of the bile duct. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1907, s. B, lxxix, 517-532— Ignatowskl (A. J.) & Monossohn (C.) Untersuchungen iiber die Gallenabsonderung beim Menschen unter einigen Nahrungs- und Arzneimitteln. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1914, xvi, 237-251 — Jakabhazy (S.) Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss ver- schiedener Arzneimittel auf die Entleerung der Galle und auf deren Zusammensetzung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902,xxxvih,656.— Krllofl(P.O.) [Elimination of bile through the respiratory organs.] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1911, xxii, 587-600.— Leone (G.) Influenza dell'etcre metilsahcilico sulla bili- genesi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 669-674.— Levene(P. A.),Melvin(W. Q.)(etal]. On the secretion of human bile. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1903-4, i, 33.—Levene (P. A.), Melvln (W. G.) atique primitif des voies biliaires. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1901, n. s., v, 176-184.—Leclerc. Un cas de cancer primitif du canal choledoque. Lyon med., 1910, cxiv, 1334-1337 —Lee (W. B.) Carcinoma of common bile duct. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1907, xhi, 205.—Leith (R. F.C.) A case of colloid cancer of the bile duct, with sec- ondary cirrhosis and abscesses in the liver. Proc. Scot. Micr. Soc, Lond. & Edinb., 1890-95, i, 266.—Llclni (C.) Cystische Entartung der Gallenblase und primiires Adeno- carcinomdes Ductus cysticus. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1911, lxxvi, 770-778.—Loschcke (M.) Primare Gallengang- carcinome mit einem kasuistischen Beitrag. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen, 1907, xh, 101-120— McGUnn (J. A.) The relation of gallstones to cancer of the bile tract. N. York M. J.,[etc.], 1911. xcui,519-521.—Martin (J.) Deux cas de cancer des voies biliaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. do Par., 1905, lxxx, 865-868.—Mayo(W. J.) Cancer of the com- r#n bile duct; report of a case of carcinoma of the duodenal end of the common duct with successful excision. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901, iii, 374-380.-----. Malignant disease of the common bile duct. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1903,1,173-177. Aho, Reprint.—Mlodowski(F.) Beitrag zur Pathologie des primaren und sccundaren Gallengangs- Carcinoms. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etcl, Berl., 1902, clxix, 117-158, 2 tab— Moschcowltz (A. V.) Resection of the common duct for carcinoma. Tr. N. York Surg. Soc, 1912, i, 137-139. Aho: Ann. Surg7 Phila., 1912, lv, 610-612.— Motegl (T.) Ein histogenetisch als aus fcineren Gallcn- gangen ausserst eklatauter Fall von Carcinom. [Japanese text. Ref., suppl., 4-0.] Gann, Ergebn. d. Krebslorsch. in Japan, Tokyo, 1907, l, 30-60, 3 pi.—MusserU. 11.) Cancer of the common bile-duct. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1898-9, xi, 720-723. A ho, Reprint.—Nikltln (V.N.) [ Primary can- cer of the eall-ducts.t Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1913, xii, 129-132—Pallasse & Perret. Cancer du confluent des voies biliaires; mort par hemorragie ceiebrale. Lyon med., 1912, cxviii, 10231026—Pappenhelmer (A. M.) A caso of Frimary carcinoma of the bile ducts. M. & S. Rep. Bellevue [osp., N. Y., 1905-0, ii, 217 250. Aho: Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1906, n.s.vi, 141 149— Pennato (P.) Stenosi ed epitelioma primitivo del coledoco. Clin. med. ital., Mi- lano, 1901, xl, 347-351.—Planteau & Cochez (A.) Un cas de cancer primitif juxta-hepatique des canaux biliaires. Rev. de med., Par., 1903, xxhi, 70-78.—Porot. Cancer pri- mitif du canal hepatique. Bull. Soc med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1904, iii, 348 350. Also: Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 900-902.— Poynton (F. J.) Carcinoma of the common bile duct without jaundice; rapid death from metastasis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917,i,483.—Quenu(E.) Del'oper&tionradicaledans le cancer des voies biliaires. Rev. de chir., Par., 1909, xxix, 245-266.-----. Cancer des conduits biliaires; valeur thera- peutique des operations palliatives; pathogenie des accidents postoperatoires. Ibid., 462-481.—Rhenter (J.) &. Rebattu Bile-ducts (Cancer of). (J.) Cancer primitif des canaux biliaires (hepatique, cvs- tique, choledoque). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1908. lxxxi, 1383; 1419.—Rlspal. Cancer primitif du canal choledoque. Tou- louse med., 1904, 2. s., vi, 18-21.—Robb (E. H.) Malignant disease of the biliary tract. Iowa M. J. [etc.], Des Moines, 1909-10, xvi, 503-510.—Saltykow (S.) Ueber den Krebs der grossen Gallengange und die primaren bosartigen Ge- schwiilste der Leber. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1914, xliv, 385; 421; 462.—Sauvan (A.) Cancer des voies biliaires. Marseille med., 1907, xliv, 336.—Scagliosi (G.) Sul carcinoma delle grandi vie biliari. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1904, xx, 1210-1215—Schaffner. Carci- nom des Ductus choledochus. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, BaseL 1907, xxxvu, 415.—Scheel (V.) Ein Fall von prima- rem Carcinom der Lebergallengange. Med. Bl., Wien, 1902, xxv, 707-709.—Schmidt. Sur un cas de cancer des voies biliaires superieures avec fievre bilio-septique traite et gueri par la cuprase. Rev. mod. de therap. et de biol., Par., 1914, iii, 58-60.—Scudder (C. L.) & Richardson (O.) Primary carcinoma of the hepatic ducts; the report of a case with the autopsy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlvh, 728,1 pi— Spind- ler. Zur Chirurgie des Choledoehuskrebses. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 936-940—Tesson (R.) Un cas de cancer primitif des voies biliaires siegeant a l'union des canaux cystique et hepatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 141-145— Tomaselll (S.) Carcinoma primitivo delle vie biliari. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoh, 1906, ix, 349-351.—Turner. Epithehoma du confluent cys- tico-hepatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 156-164.—Vandervelde. Cancer primitif des voies biliaires. J. med. de Brux., 1907, xh, 475.—Vautrln. Epithelioma du canal cystique; considerations sur son evolution et son traitement. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1907, xvi, 253-265.—Weber (F. P.) &- Michels (E.) Acaseof chronic jaundice and great enlargement of the liver, due to primary carcinoma oi the extrahepatic bile ducts, com- mencing at the junction of the hepatic ducts. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1905,15. s.. hi, 141-154, 2 pi. Aho: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1905, lxxxviii, 247-263, 2 pi.—Weiss. Un cas de cancer de l'ampoule de Vater. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 125-128— Yamaglva (K.) Cylinderzellen- krebs des Ductus hepaticus und des Ductus cvsticus. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1897, cxlvii, 137-140.—Zesas (D. G.) Ueber das primare Karzinom im Ductus hepaticus und an der Vereinigungsstelle der drei grossen Gallengange. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1909, lxix, 350-358. Bile-ducts (Cysts of). See Bile-ducts (Dilatation of); Bile-ducts (Hydatids of); Bile-ducts ( Tumors of). Bile-ducts (Dilatation of). See, also, Calculus (Biliary, Complications, etc., of). Heiliger ([H.] J. [H.]) *Ueber die congeni- tale cystenartige Erweiterung des Ductus cho- ledochus. 8°. Giessen, 1910. Kolb (O.) *Zur Pathologie der Gallenwege; ein Fall von hoehgradiger kvstenartiger Erweite- rung des Ductus hepaticus und des Ductus choledochus. Munchen, 1906. Ronerts (E.-D.) *l*n cas de dilatation kys- tique du canal chobidoque. 8°. Lausanne, 1914. Broca. Dilatation enorme du canal choledoque. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxhi, 209-213. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., li, 278.—Fowler (R. S.) Choledochus cyst: report oi a case with reference to the literature. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, lxiv, 546-549, 1 pi.—Haenel (II.) Cystische Erweiterung des Ductus choledochus. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. t. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1899-1900. 32—Langenbuch. Ein Praparat von colossaler choledoehaler Erweiierung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, Ver.-Beil., 89 — Letulle (M.) Dilatation kystique des voies biliaires, cholangiectasies congenitales. Presse med., Par., 1913, xxi, 97-99.—McConnell (G.) Cvstic dilatation of the biliary ducts. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1914, xvi, 12.—Mayesima (J.) Zur Kasuistik der primaren cvstischen Erweiterung des Ductus choledochus. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912, cxix, 338-344—Mllner (S. W.) Dilated gall duetsin a child. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1235—Outerbrldge (G. W.) Unusual dilatation of the common bile duct. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1912, xiv (xv), 174—Rostowzew (M. J.) Ein Fall von hoehgradiger cystischer Erweiterung des Ductus choledochus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1902, xxviii 739: 758.—Rotgans (J.) Een aange- borencholedoehus-afwijking. Nederl. Tijdschr.v. Geneesk., Amst., 1913. ii, 1342-1344.—Russell (R. H.) Case of cystic dilatation ol the common bile duct in a child. Ann. Surg., Phila , 1897, xxvi, 692-696,1 pi.—Sumpter (W. D.) Dilata- tion of the common bile duct. South. Pract., Nashville, 1917, xxxix, 169-174.—Weiss (S.) Ein seltener Fall von BILE-DUCTS. 521 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Dilatation of). cystischer Erweiterung des Ductus choledochus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1843.—Wieland (F.) & Quesada (F.) Dilatacion quistica del hepatocoledoco por estenosis del seg- mento pancreatico. Crdn. med., Lima, 1916, xxxhi, 421-428. Bile-ducts (Diseases of). See, also, Bile-ducts (Cancer of); Bile-ducts (Lnflammation of); Bile-ducts (Barasites in); Bile-ducts (Surgery of); Bile-ducts (Tumors of); Biliary system (Bheases of); Calculus (Biliary); Gall-bladder (Bheases of); Jaundice; Liver (Bheases of). Cutler (E. G.) Diseases of the biliary pas- sages and pancreas. 8°. Boston, 1906. Richardson (M. H.) Diseases of the bile passages, including the liver, gall-bladder and prancreas. 8°. [Boston], 1906. Ruffin (C.) *Ascite biliaire aigue et perito- nite biliaire aigue sans perforation des voies biliaires. [Lyon.] 8°. Lyon & Baris, 1913. Sergent (E.) *Tubercules et cavernes bi- liaires: recherches anatomo-pathologiques, bacte- riologiques et experimentales; pathogenie de la . tuberculose des voies biliaires. 4°. Barh, 1895. Albu. Gehaufte Erkrankungen der Gallenwege wahrend der Kriegszeit. Med. Klin., Berl., 1918, xiv, 534.—Bal&s (K.) [Tuberculosis of the bile-duct with resulting jaundice] Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1907, xxx, 17.—Bartlett (W.) Personal observations in the pathological anatomy of the fall-bladder and biliary passages. J. Missouri M. Ass.. St. ,ouis, 1908, v. 65-70.—Berg (J.) Einige Fragen der Gallen- wegepathologie in klinischer Beleuchtung. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1914,3. f., xiv, afd. 1. No. 5,1-40.—Bishop (H. D.) General etiology and pathology of diseases of the bile passages. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1904,3. s., xix, 786-789.—Black (C. E.) Diseases of the bile tracts. Illi- nois M. J., Springfield, 1905, vhi, 275-286.—Blumenthal (F.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Typhus-und Paratyphus- bazillen bei Erkrankungen der Gallenwege. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904,Ii, 1641.-----. DieColityphusgruppe in ihren Beziehungen zu den Erkrankungen der Gallenwege. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1906-7, lxxxviii, 509- 521 —Brill (N. E.) Diagnosis of diseases of the biliary passages. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 876-881.—Cham- bers (J. Q.) Value of jaundice as a diagnostic factor in disease of the biliary passages. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1906-7. iii, 241-244.—Cooper (C. M.) Gall-tract dis- ease: some clinical features frequently overlooked in its diagnosis. Cahf. State J. M., San Fran., 1913, xi, 301-304. [Discussion], 313-315.—Cutler (E. G.) & Richardson (M. H.) Diseases of the biliary passages, including the liver the gall bladder and the pancreas. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1906, xx, 353-395.—Darr (E. E.) Ob- servation on diseases of the bile ducts. Iowa M. 3., Des Moines, 1906, xh, 149-151.—Deaver (J. B.) The sigmflcance of jaundice as a symptom in disease of the biliary tracts. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxvhi, 301-306. Aho, Reprint.— Debrez (L ) Notes sur 47 observations d'affections dos ' voies biliaires. Scalpel, Liege, 1911-12, lxiv, 583-586.— Forster (J.) Ueber die Beziehungen des Typhus'Und Paratyphus zu den Gallewegen. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr ,1908, lv, 1-6.—Fowler (R. S.) Calcined glands proxi- mal to the common bile-duct; cysticoduodenal ligament Surg . Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxm, 718.—Ghedini (G ) Disordini circolatori portali da semphce congestione biliare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908. xxix, 681-683.—Ham- mesfahr. Erkrankungen und Verletzung der Gallenwege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 2364. A ho: Sitzungsb. d. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westphal. 1910, Bonn, .1911. B, 36-38-Jaboulay. La bile blanche ou 1'hydropisie des voies bihaires mtrahepati- ques. Lyon med.. 1909, cxii, 893-896.-Kolisch (R.) bei- trag zur Casuistik der Erkrankungeni der Gallehwege Wiln. med. Presse, 1899, xl. 137-140 -Konjetzny (G. £.) Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie der Gallenblasen- und Gallengangserkrantangen.Ergebnd. allg Path U. path. Anat. [etc.] 1910, Wiesb., 1911, xiv, 2. Abt., 7127873.— Llchtensteih (M.) Sind die Gallengangstuberkel in der Leber das Resultat einer Ausscheidungstuberkulose? Beitr. z^Klin. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb., 1912, xxv, 53-59.- Lillenthal (H.) Gastric symptoms in biliary disease. N. York M J. fetcL 1912, xcv, 161-163. Also, Reprint - Llndqvlst (S.) [Dropsy of the entire. biliary tracts.] Upsala Lakaref. *WT 1911-12 n. f., xvii 271-288.-Mc- Phedran (A.) The diagnosis of diseases of the gall bladder and bile-ducts. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1902, xxxvi, 232- 240 Aho, Reprint.-Mayo (W. J.) Diseases of the biliary passages. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1906-J, xxiv,,295-301. A fee- Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1906-7, xiu, l09-114.-Mumiord Bile-ducts (Diseases of). (J. G.) Certain aspects of bile duct disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, clh, 235-240.—Oddl (R.) Sulla flsio-patologia delle vie biliari. Confer, clin. ital., Milano, 1897, i, 77-124.— Patella (V.) Malattie delle vie bihari. In: Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., 8°, Milano, [n. d.], 343-493.—Pick (F.) Ueber die Erkrankungen der Gallenwege. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1901, xxxvi, 381; 398; 415. Aho: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xxvi, 285; 299; 327; 341.—Plssavy (A.) Diagnostic chnique des cirrhoses biliaires. Clinique, Far., 1911, vi, 456.—Relchmann (N.) Ueber den Einfluss der Krankheiten der Gallenwege auf die motorische Thatig- keit des Magens. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 718- 720.—Richardson (M. H.) Remarks on diseases of the biliary passages, with special reference to surgical treatment. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1903, xv, 381-407.-----. Re- marks upon the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the biliary tract with especial reference to the difficulties and dangers. St. PaulM. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1912;xiv, 73-103.— Richardson (M. L.) Biliary cirrhosis in the rabbit. J. Exper. M., N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1911. xiv, 401-407.— Robinson (B.) Pathology of the ductus bilis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1904, xxu, 845-852.—Ruska (K. P.) [Pulmono- cardiac disturbances in diseases of the biliary passages.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb.. 1903, ii, 995; 1027.—Smith (R.) Diagnosis of affections ofthe biliary tracts. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1909, xxiv, 351-354.—Stolz (A.) Ueber Gasbildung in den Gallenwegen. Arch, f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1901, clxv, 90-123.—Tallqvlst (T. W\) Ueber Paraty- phus und Affection der Gallenwege. Verhandl. d. 6. nord, Kong. f. inn. Med., Skagen, 1909, Stockholm, 1910,398-404.— Thomson (G. R.) The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the biliary passages. Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg, 1906-7, ii, 61-66.—Verebely (T.) [The grave diseases of the bile-ducts.j Budapest szekesf. kozkdrh. evk (1900), 1901, 240-252. Bile-ducts (Diseases of, Treatment of). De Bardon (P.) *Hydropisie des voies bi- liaires intra-h^patiques et son traitement. 8°. Lyon, 1909. Barratt (W.) On the effect of injecting dilute sulphuric acid into the common bile duct. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edfnb. & Lond., 1898, v, 340-347,1 pi.—Bazy (P.) Clinique du canal choledoque et du canal hepatique. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.]. Par., 1908, xxi, cong., 267.—Decker (J.) Diagnose und Behandlung der Erkrankungen der Gallenwege. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1904), 1905, 80-99.—Epplnger (H.) & Stein (B.) Behandlung der Gallengangerkrankungen mit Eubflein. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1914, xxvih, 2-4.—Fink. Ueber Chologenwirkung. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1912. xxx, 3-9.—Grant ■-- bile 263- treatment cTcertain biliary affections. "N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 582.—Irish (J. C.) Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gall bladder and bile ducts. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1902-3,ix, 131-141.—Kuhn (F.) Durchspulung der Gallengange zu diagnostischen und therapeutischen Zwecken. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1903, xvu, 120-130.— -----. Desinfektion der Gallenwege. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 161-164.—Leichtenstern (O.) Behandlung der Erkrankungen der Gallenwege (innere Behandlungs- weisen). Handb. d. Therap. innerer Krankh., 2. Aufl., Jena, 1898, iv, 779-834.—Marin Perujo (A.) Enfermedades de las vias biliares; consideraciones acerca de su diagn6stico v de su tratamiento medico y quirflrgico. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1900, xlix, 369; 409; 449.—Reach (F.) Die Beeinflussung der Gallenwege durch Pharmaka. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914. xxvu, 72-74.—Richardson (M. H.) Remarks upon the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the bihary tract with special reference to the difficulties and dangers. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1911,Wash.,D.C, 1912, xxiv, 316-360.—Rucker (M. P.) Medical treatment of diseases of the bile tract. Gaillard's South. Med., Savannah, 1907. Ixxxvi, 53-55. Also: South. M. & S., Chattanooga, 1907, vii, 67.—Vallette. Resultats du traitement medical des affections des voies biliaires. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1903, xxhi, 515-517. Bile-ducts (Diseases of, Treatment of, Operative). See, also, Bile-ducts (Surgery of). Anschutz. Diagnose und Chirurgie bei selteneren Cho- ledochuserkrankungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv 279.—Baudouin (M.) Rapport sur le traitement chi- rurgical des infections biliaires. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1911 xx, 277-281.—Bolognesi (A.) Traitement chirurgical des maladies du foie et des voies biliaires; operations qui se nratiquent sur les voies biliaires principales. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1895, exxix, 385:1896, cxxx, 207; 263; 345: exxxi, 12.—Clement! (G.) L'intervento chirurgieo nelle BILE-DUCTS. 522 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Diseases of, Treatment of, Operative). malattie delle vie biliari. Gazz. di med. e chir., Palermo, 1910, ix, 241-245.—Davis (B. B.) Surgical diseases of the biliary passages. Tr. West. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1899, Lincoln, 1900, 23-43.—Desjardins (A.) Le traitement chi- rurgical des infections biliaires. Paris chirurg., 1911, hi, 484- 490.—Dyakonoff (P. I.) [Infectious diseases of the biliary ducts.) Raboti hosp. khirurg. klin. Dyakonova, Mosk., 1906, viii, 91-107.—Ekehorn (G.) [Surgery in diseases of the bile-ducts.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1908-9, n. f., xiv, 330-340.—Ernst (N. P.) Et Tilffclde af Hepatico-Duode- nostomi paa Grund af operativ L:esion af Duct, hepaticus og choledochus. Hosp.-Tid., Kj0henh., 1911, 5. R., iv, 731- 735. Aho, Reprint.—Flnkelshteln (B. K.) [Operative treatment of diseases of the bile-ducts.] Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1912, xi, 42-14.—von Herczel (E.) Sicben operirte Falle von Erkrankung der Gallenwege. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxvih, 1083—Holmes (15.) Cer- tain diseasesof thebihary tractsand their surgical treatment. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1912, xxi, 725-730.—Jilger (F.) Zur Chirurgie der Erkrankung der Gallenwege. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1905, lxxv, 621-627.— Johnson (A. B.) Some remarks on the surgical diseases ofthe biliary passages. Med. Rec,N. Y., 1911, lxxix, 101.— Kbrte (W.) Ueber die Aussichten der chirurgischen Be- handlung der Gallenwegserkrankungen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xh, 134-142.—Kuznetsofl (M. M.) [Surgical treatment of diseases of the bile-ducts.) Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 145; 181; 217— Lillenthal (H.) Treatment of biliary disease as determined at the operation. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 1157-1159. Aho, Re- print.—Olmsted (I.) Surgical treatment of diseases of the biliary passages. West. Canada M. J., Winnipeg, 1911, v, 398-409.—Paus (N.) Beitrage zur operativen Behand- lung der Gallenwegekrankbeiten. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1912, 3. f., xh, afd. 1, hiift 4, No. 8, 67-171.—Pru- szynski (J.) [Origin and course of the inflammatory func- tions of the biliary passages, also indications for surgical interference.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1903, 2. s., xxhi, 842; 872; 891.—Richardson (M. H.) Remarks on diseases of biliary passages, with special reference to surgical treatment. Maritime M. News, Hahfax, 1903, xv, 381-407. Aho, Re- print.—Rotgans (J.) Bijdrage tot de pathologie en chi- rurgie der galwegen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 1,144-162.—Thomas (J. L.) & Schbl- berg (H. A.) Cholecystotomy for acute post enteric infec- tion of the bile channels; recovery; demonstration of the presence of the Bacillus typhosus. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 570.—Volintseff (G. I.) [Biliary cirrhosis and angiochohtis; estimation of the value of their symptoms surgically con- sidered.) Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 1503-1505.— Zeidler (G. F.) Zwei Falle operativen Eingriffes bei Er- krankung der Gallenwege. Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, 795-798. Bile-ducts (Drainage of). End (V.) *Ueber den \\ ert der Drainage des Choledochus. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1902. Giamard (M.) *Contribution a l'etude de la chol£docotomie avec drainage du canal hepa- tique. 8°. Montpellier, 1906. Augier (D.) Delacholedocotomie avec drainage des voies biliaires dans les ailections chirurgicales du foie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1912, ii, 217-225.—Arrou. Drainage des voies biliaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 618-621.—Borelius (J.) Zur Hepaticusdrainagc. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1912, lxxvhi, 376-393.—Brin. Le drainage des voies biliaires principales avec cholecys- tectomie. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxhi, 633-644—Crile (G. W.) Drainage versus immediato suture of the common duct. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxii, 1373.—Deaver (J. B) ncpatic drainage in infection of the biliary tracts. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix. 147-152. Also. Reprint— Delagenlere (IL) Chirurgie des voies biliaires; neeessit6 du drainage par les voies biliaires acces- soires dans les operations pratiquecs aussi bien sur les voies biliaires principales que sur les voies biliaires accessoircs. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1898, xh, 378- 388.-----. De la valeur therapeutique du drainage du canal hepatique par la methode de Kehr; une observation nouvelle suivie de guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 748-755.—von Dembowskl (T.) Zur Drai- nage der Gallenwege. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 1081-1083.— HOrz. Transduodcnale Hepaticusdrainage. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1913,1,160— von Hof melster. Die methodische Dilatation der Papilla duodeni und die Choledo- chusduodenaldrainage. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1913, xl, 5-7.—Kehr(H.) Zur Hepaticusdrainage. Ibid.t 1909,xxxvi, 3-5.-----. Zur Verbesserung der Hepaticusdrainage. Ibid., 1912, xxxix, 1017-1020.—Lejars. Le drainage du canal he- patique. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 486-498.-----. Le drainage des voies biliaires. Ibid., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 150-156.—Lillenthal (II.) Drainage In opera- tions upon the biliary system. N. York M. J. fete], 1901, Bile-ducts (Drainage of). lxxxv, 924.—Nordmann (O.) Transjejunale Hepaticus- drainage. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1913, xlh,pt. 2,287-299. Aho: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1913, ci, 1061-1074.—Pauchet (V.) Voies biliaires; seize cas de drainage du canal hepatique. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, xx.298-306.—Pochhammer. Ueber Choledochotomie und Hepaticusdrainage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 544—Richardson (C. H.) Recov- ery following the administration of inspissated ox bile in a case of drainage of the common bile duct. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1909, xx, 19—Richardson (M. H.) Re- marks upon the surgery of the biliary passages, with special reference to the importance of drainage. St. Louis M. Rev., 1904, 1, 209, 225. [Discussion], 231.—Rledel. Die Didika- tionen fur die Hepatikusdrainage. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1912, lix, 2512-2516.—Routler. Drainage des voies biliaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 798.—Sadlier (J. E.) Excessive drainage complicat- ing surgery upon the common bile duet. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Uynec. 1916, York, 1917, xxix, 258-207.—Slkora (P.) Le drainage du canal hepatique. Presse med., Par., 1909, xvii, 163-165.—Smith (C. N.) Drainage; the essential element in the surgery of the biliary tract. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1911, York, 1912, xxiv, 152-174. Aho: Am. J.Obst.,N.Y., 1911,lxiv,993-1014.—Smith(E.A.) Biliary drainage in operations on the gallbladder and biliary ducts. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 68S-69L—Spalding (C. B.) Biliary drainage. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1912-13, xi, 55-61— Terrier. Le drainage des voies biliaires princi- pales. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 1090-1108.—Van Hengel (L. D.) Klinische waarnemingen bij drainage van den ductus hepaticus. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1913, i, 1606-1614—Verhoogen (J.) Re- section du canal choledoque et drainage de 1'hepatique. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi, 201- 203— Voelcker (F.) Transduodenale Drainage des Ductus hepaticus bei Plastik des Ductus hepatico-choledochus. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1911, lxxii, 581-599. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Konigsb.) 1900, Leipz., 1911, lxxxii, pt. 2,142. Bile-ducts (Hydatids of). * Bazy. Kyste hydatique ouvert dans les voies biliaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxxu, 1040.— Jaboulay. Kyste hydatique du canal choledoque extirpe. Lyon med., 1913, exxi, 025.—Sasse (F.) Ueber den Ver- schluss des Ductus choledochus durch Echinokokken- blasen und Heilung durch Choledochotomie und Radikal- operation. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 157-lttt).—Turner & Lyon-Caen. Kyste hydatique ouvert dans les voies biliaires; choledocotomie; issue par la simple incision du choledoque d'une membrane hydatide qui, dephssee, a le volume d'une tetede foetus. Biill.etmem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910, n.s., xxxvi, 70-72— Vlkhreft (P. V.) [Echino- coccus of the gall-ducts.) Protok. zasled Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1900-1901, xxxvu, 491-196. Bile-ducts (Inflammation and ahscessof). See, aho, Fever ( Typhoid, Complications of, Biliary). Bedos (J.) *Des angiocholecystites chroni- ques et de leur curabilite par le traitement chi- rurgical. 8°. Montpellier, 1910. Brunet(E.-A.-M.-J.) *Oontribution a l'etude dea angiocholecystites aigues d'origine eber- thienne. 8°. Lyon, 1911. Caistaneda ((i.) *Catarro de las vias biliares. 8°. Mer ico, 1893. Petscu (R.) *Beitrag zur chirurgischen Be- handlung der entziindlirhen Yerengerungen des Ductus choledochus. S\ Giessen, 1909. Rost (H.) *Ueber Eiterungen von den Gallenwegen ausgehend. 8°. Miinchen, 1904. Velarde (M -a.) Contribution a l'etude de rinfection aigue dea voies biliaires par le ba- cille d'Eberth. 8°. Baris, 1909. Barker (M. R.) Cholangitis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1906, xxxiv, 428-432.—Bastianelli (G.) Reperto batteriolo- gico neH'angiocohte suppurativa da calcolosi. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1890-91, xvii, 305-315.—Berkeley (W.N.) Some notes on the medical treatment of inflamma- tions of the biliary tract. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1908, lxxiv, 831- 833.—Bignami (A.) Sulla etiologia dellangiocolite sup- purativa. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1890-91, xvu, 234-256— Blttort (A.) Ueber akute und chronische (rezi- divierende) Cholangitis. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir , lena, 1918, xxx, 662-670.—Breton, Dehon & Mlnet. Angiocholite chronique a forme de maladie de Hanot. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 259.—Brooks (F. D.) Internal medication in infection of the biliary passages. Wisconsin BILE-DUCTS. 523 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Inflammationandabscessof). M. J., Milwaukee, 1904-5, iii, 456-461.—Businco (A.) Su la infezione della bile e delle vie biliari exstraepatiche. Gazz. internaz. di med. [etc], Napoli, 1916, xix, 133; 145.—Cam- panl (A.) Due casi d'angiocolite muco-purulenta. Rifor- ma med., Roma, 1903, xix, 287-292.—Carnot. L'angiocho- lite; ses complications; son diagnostic. J. de med. int. Par., 1906, x, 27-29.—de Champeaux (P.) & Goere. An- giocholite suppuree (drainage du canal hepatique). Arch. de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1911, xcv, 309-315.—Cholan- gitis. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, m Basel (1902), 1903, 70.—Coleman (J. E.) Gall-tract infection. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1910, xviu, 287-290.—Cornell (S. S.) A case of enlargement of the liver and spleen succeeding chronic catarrhal cholangeitis. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxh, 193-197.— Cumston (C. G.) The symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment of primary apyogenous angiochohtis. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii, 72-75. Aho, Reprint.—Davis (C. G.) An effective formula for catarrhal cholangitis and its con- geners. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1907, 3. S., xxhi, 464- 466.—Deaver (J. B.) Hepatic drainage in infection of the biliary tracts. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Albany, 1904, xcviii, 241- 253.-----. The diagnosis and treatment of infections of the bihary passages, with special reference to cholehthiasis and cholecystitis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1908, n. s., cxxxv, 37-53.—Durham (R.) Obliterating cholangitis associated with hemorrhage of the new born. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn. 1914* viu, 92.—Duvergey (J.) Deux cas d'angic-cholecystites graves non calculeuses traites et gueris par l'operation de Kehr. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.), Par., 1912, xxv, 895-905.—Ehret. Bedeutung des Fiebers fur die Diagnose des Infektes der Gallenwege. Ver- handl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1906, xxhi, 682-685.— Engelen. Zur Behandlung der Cholangitis mit Chologan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxvih, 511— Fothergill (J. R.) A case of catarrh of the bihary passages. Annual rep. trans. S. Durham & Cleveland M. Soc, Darlington, 1877-8, v, 40-43.—Friedman (G. A.) The etiology and diagnosis of infective diseases of the bihary ducts. Arch. Diagn., N. Y., 1916, ix, 100-108.—Fyodoroff (S. P.) [Inflammation of the bile-ducts (cholecystitis).] Russk. Khir. Arch., S.-Peterb., 1905, xxi, 383-411.—Gaitan (A.) Fiebres biliosepticas. Repert. de med. y chug., Bogota, 1916, vh, 387^05.—Goldreich (A.) [Cholangitis.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1909, vhi, 53-55.—Gruget (A.) Le drainage dans les infections aigues des voies biliaires. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 345-349.—Holmes (B.) A case of typhoid bacillus cholecystitis without past or present typhoid enteritis and without cholelithiasis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 315-321. Aho, Reprint.—vonlmredy (B.) Die Entzundungen der Gallenwege und ihre Therapie. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 121; 129; 137.— Ingelrans (L.) Origine sanguine des infections biliaires. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1911, xv, 609-614.—Jenkins (W. A.) What can the internist do for infection of the bile- tract? Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1917, xv, 117-125 — Job (E.) & Levy (L.) Infection des voies biliaires et paraty- phus B. Paris med., 1912, vii, 568-571.—Jones (R. L.) & Clinch (T. A.) Suppurative cholangitis. Edinb. M. J., 1899, n. s., v, 363-372.—Kelly (A. O. J.) Infections of the bihary tract with special reference to latent (or masked) and typhoid infections. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, cxxxii, 446-462. Aho, Reprint.-----. Certain remote con- sequences of infections of the biliary tract, with special reference to, (1) cholehthiasis and cholecystitis, (2) adhesions ofthe upper abdomen, (3) the general principles of treatment, and (4) the indications for surgical intervention. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, cxxxii, 744-763—Kttppen. Der Katarrh der Gallengange im Kindesalter. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh.... deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1912, Wiesb., 1913, xxix, 59-62. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Miin- ster) 1912, Leipz., 1913, lxxxiv, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 231.—La- marre (A.) Des angiocholites chroniques des pays chauds. Prov. med., Par., 1907, xvhi, 647. Aho, transl: Brazil- med., Rio de Jan., 1908, xxu, 144-146.—Lanphear (E.) Obliteration of cystic duct. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1914, xxxvu, 49.—Lejars & Siredey (A.) Angiocholite suraigue, traitee et guerie par le drainage du canal hepatique. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1910,3. s., xxix, 272-277.— Longyear (H. W.) Infection ofthe biliary tract. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1905, iv, 189-203.—McArthur (L. L.) Bile tract infections and their concomitant correlated dis- eases. Colorado Med., Denver, 1913, xi,, 327-333.—Manion (Florence S.) Suppurative cholangitis. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1909, xvh, 669-671— Mattlrolo (G.) Con- tributo alia cura chirurgica delle angiocoliti non suppurative. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviu. 1209-1213.—Mlchaud. Traitement chirurgical de l'angiocholite infectieuse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1897,10. S., i, 196-198.—Mix (C. L.) Etiology of biliary tract infections and their relations to duodenal ulcer and appendicitis. Illinois M. J., Chicago, 1914, xxv, 17-22— Naunyn (B.) Ueber Cholangitis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvii, 2017-2021. Aho [Abstr.]: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1911, lvi, 516.—Neupert. Ein retroperitonealer Gallenabszess. Deutsche med. Wchn- Bile-ducts (Inflammationandabscess of). schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 1434.—Xichisawa. [A case of indolent abscess of the bile-duct following obstruc- tion of the duodenum in a child.] Jikwa Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, 759-779.—Palanca (J. A.) Sobre un caso de angioco- htis supurada. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1919, 3. s., ix, 89-94.—Parsons (H.) Suppurative cholangitis. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1898, xxiii, 143-150.—Pick (F.) Zur Diagnostik der Infekte der Gallenwege. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1901, vhi, 174-178.—Pirrung (J. E.) Complicationsandendresultsofbileductinfection. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1914, cxi, 670-674.—Quenu. Angiocholite; traitement chirurgical. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897,241-246.—Quenu (E.) & Duval(P.) Les angiocholites aigues. Arch. d. mal. de 1'appar. digest, [etc.], Par., 1909, hi, 88-102.—Remy (C.) Sur un cas d'angiocholite coh- bacillaire avec abces multiples, traitee par ouverture et drainage. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1896, x, 485-489.—de Renzi (E.) Due casi di colangite catarrale da stafilococco piogeno albo. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1911, xiv, 288-290.—Robson (A. W. M.) Remarks on suppurative cholangitis with reference to influenza as a cause. Quart. M.. J., Sheffield, 1897-8, vi, 47-49.-----. Cholangitis. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iv, 249-253.—Rottermund (S. K.) Treatment by specific vaccine (autohemogenic or heterohemogenic) of chronic inflammation of the bile-ducts] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1910, 2. s., xxx, 1003-1015.—Sprengel. Der retroperitoneale Abscess im Zusammenhang mit den Erkrankungen der Gallenwege. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 428-452.—Swope (L. W.) Cholangitis and pancreatic lymphangitis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1913, lxviii, 1010-1016.—Taylor (H. M.) Bile tract infection and its sequences. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1905-6, iv, 177-183. Aho: Virginia Hosp. Bull., Richmond, 1905-6, ii, 23-26.—Tinkham (H. C.) The surgical aspect of inflam- mation of the biliary tract whether accompanied or not by gall stone. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1909, xv, 27- 32.—Triplett (J. S.) Case of acute catarrhal cholangitis, with remarks on jaundice. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1903, n. s., xxh, 113.—Varshavski (M. O.) [Purulent inflamma- tion of the common bile-duct, complicated with gangrene of right mammary gland.) Ejencd. jour. "Prakt. Med.," S.-Peterb., 1899, vi, 968-970.—Yanovskl (F.) [Angiocho- htis purulenta calculosa.] Russk. Arch. Patol., Klin. Med. i Bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1902, xiv, 1063-1090—Zarzyckl (S.) Typhose Infektion der Gallenwege bei Aplasie der Gallen- blase. Wien. klin: Wchnschr., 1913, xxvi, 798-800. Bile-ducts (Ligation of, Experimental). Alnerl (A.) Di alcune alterazioni retiniche nella intossi- cazione bihare acuta sperimentale. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1898-9, vi, 190-198,1 pi— Ditman (V. V.) [On the effect of ligating the common bile-duct upon bile-secretion in guinea pigs.] Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1898, xix, 305.—Doyon (M.), Du- fourt (E.) & Paviot (J.) Contribution a l'etude des effets de la hgature du canal choledoque chez le chien. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1901, hi, 731-735. Foa (P.) Sugli effetti della legatura del dotto coledoco nelle cavie. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1901, 4. s., vu, 521.— La?per & Esmonet. Graisse et glycogene du foie, du testi- cule et des muscles a la suite de la hgature du choledoque chez le chien. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 1008.—Ribadeau-Dumas & Lecene. Note sur l'etat du foie et de la rate apres hgature du choledoque chez le cobaye. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1904, xvi, 191- 206, 1 pi.—Slsto (P.) Sulla restituzione del lume nei dotto coledoco del cane dopo la legatura. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1903, xxvu, 411^22, 1 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1903,4. s., ix, 523. Bile-ducts (Obliteration of, Congenital). See, aho, Bile-ducts (Stenosh of, Congenital); Jaundice in new-born infanh. Plebbe (J. [H. O.]) *Ueber angeborene Obli- teration der grossen Gallenwege. [Miinchen.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1907. Carbonell (A.) Un caso de obhteraci6n de los conductos biliares en el nino simulando una meningitis tuberculosa. An. de la Acad, de obst. [etc.], Madrid, 1911, iv, 234-236.— Chlrle (J.-L.) Obliteration congenitale des voies biliaires. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1906, ix, 362.—Dickson (W. E. C.) Congenital obliteration of the bile-ducts. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1918, xi, Sect. Stud. Dis. Child., 27.—Dunlap (H. M.) & M'Donald (S.) Liver from a case of congenital obliteration of the bile ducts. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 208.—Elperin (S.) Ein Fall von angebo- renem Defekt des Ductus choledochus aus mechanischer Ursache. Frankfurt. Ztsehr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1913, xh, 25- 46.—Emanuel (J. G.) A case of congenital obliteration of the bile ducts in which there was fibrosis of the pancreas and of the spleen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 385-387.—Griffith (J. P. C.) Congenital obliteration of the bile ducts. Tr. Phila. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1904-5, i, Papers, 25-31. Aho: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1905, xxh, 257-263. [Discussion], SOS- SOS.—Hess (A. F.) A consideration of the pancreas and its BILE-DUCTS. 524 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Obliteration of, Congenital). ducts in congenital obliteration of the bile-ducts. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1912, x, 37-44—Holmes (J. B.) Con- genital obliteration of the bile ducts; diagnosis and sugges- tions for treatment. Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago, 1916, xi, 105-431. Aho: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep.,Bait., 1916,xviii, 75-77.—H0eg (E.) [Case of obliteration of bile-duct in a new-born infant.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1908, 5. R., i, 577- 591— Howard (C. P.) & Wolbach (S. B.) Congenital ob- literation of the bile-ducts. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1911, vhi, 557-573.—Kopllk (H.) & Crohn (B. B.) at and nitrogen metabohsm in a case of congenital absence of the bile ducts, with a study of ferments of the pancreatic secre- tion and the feces. Am. J. Child. Dis., Chicago, 1913, v, 30- 42.—Lavenson (R. S.l Congenital obliteration of the bile ducts with cirrhosis of the liver. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila , 1907, n. s., x, 127-140. A ho: J. Med. Research, Bost., 190S, xviu, 61-74—Menzles (G. D.) Congenital absence of the common bile-duct. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydnev, 1904, xxiii, 20.—Merle (E.) & Petit. Obliteration congenitale avec arret de developpement des voies biliaires intra et extra- hepatiques par angiocholite foetale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1910, lxxxv, 29-35.—Miller (J.) A case of congenital obliteration of the common bile-duct with cirrhosis of the liver. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1908, viii, 423.— Moschcowltz(E.) Case of congenital obhteration of the bile ducts. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1912-13, n. s., xii, 41.— Peck (Elizabeth L.) Congenital obhteration of the bile ducts, with report of a case. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1910, xxvh, 433-437.—Ross (D.) Congenital obhteration of the bile- ducts. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. 1900-1901, Lond., 1902, 106-108.—Schrotten (F.) Ueber kongenitalen Defekt der (JaUenausfiihrungsgange. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskran- kenanst., Leipz. f the bile ducts. Chicago M. Recorder, 1S99, xvu, 91-99.—Weber (F. P.) & DornerfG.) Congenital obhtera- tion (or congenital atresia) of bile-ducts with hepatic cirrho- sis. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1911, vhi, 1-9. Aho, Re- print.—Westerman (C. W. J.) Over de afsluiting van den ductus choledochus bij et pasgeboren kind. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903,2. R., xxxix, d. 2,1338-1345.— YlppO (A.) Zwei Falle von kongenitalem Gallengangs- verschluss. Fett- und Bihrubin-Stoffwechselversuche bei einem derselben. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1913, Orig., ix, 319-337. Bile-ducts (Obstruction of). See, aho, Bile-ducts (Ligation of, Experi- mental) ; Bile-ducts (Obliterationqf); Bile-ducts (Stenosis, etc., of); Jaundice. Mocquot (P.) *L'etat de la vesicule dans les obstructions des voies biliaires. 8°. Pam, 1909. Walter (J. C. B.) *Ueber Verschluss der gros- sen Gallenwege. 8°. Leiden, 1899. Waubke (F.) *Ueber Choledochusverschluss. [Bonn.] 8°. Biberfeld, 1897. Agote (L.) Obstruction permanente del canal coledoco. Rev. Soc. mod. argent., Buenos Aires, 1901, ix, 541-552. AJso." Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1901, viu, 505-508.----- El sindroma de la obstrucci6n del coleaoco. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1902, ix, 585-591.—Bazy. Du drainago des voies biliaires dans la retention biliaire calculeuse ou non cakmleuse. Bull, et m<'m. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 800-813.—Bertog (J.> Beitrag zur Frage der Entste- hung der sog. weissen Ualle bei absolutcm dauernden Chole- dochusverschluss. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1913, xxvi 49-60.—Cabot (R. C.) Courvoisier's law. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 844. Aho: Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Albany, 1902, 112-116. Aho, Reprint.—Chlray. De Pobstruction biliaire. Gaz. d. hdp.. Par., 1908, lxxxi, 1599; 1035.—Couto (M.) Sobre a lei de Courvoisier. Arch. brasil. de med., Rio de Jan., 1911, i, 464-488.—Deaver (J. B.) Obstruction of the common bile-duct. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 650-652.-----. Common duct obstruction. Ver- mont M. Month., Burlington, 1914. xx, 92-97.—Erdmann (J. F.) Obstruction of the common bile duct, with report of a case of irritation of the hepatic-duct system. M. & S. Rep. Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1905-0, ii, 239-246. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906,lxx,441-443—Escaller(.I.M.) Obstructionper- manente del canal coledoco. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1899, vii, 249-256.—Fink (F.) Choledochusverschluss durch primare Anlagen (Gallenschlamm); cholagogischo Wirkung des Karlsbadcr Thermalwasser. Munchen. mod. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 2087-20S9— Fontaine (C.) Contribu- tion ad'^tude de Pobstruction des voies biliaires. J. mM. do Brux., 1912. xvu, 93-96.—Frledenwald (J.) The immediato effect of biliary retention on the secretory function of the stomach. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii. 156-159.—Gan- gitano (C.) Sulla occlusione del dotto cistico. Arch, ed Bile-ducts (Obstruction of). atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Roma, 1897, xi, 148-154.—Gaston (J. McF.) Remedial measures in obstruction of the common bile-duct. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1898, xvi, 206-214. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1107.—Gerster (J. C. A.) The feeding of bile collected from bihary fistulas in obstruction of the common duct. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxiv, 1900, Aho, Reprint.—Glannelli (L.) Occlu- sione temporanea secondaria delle vie biliari estraepatiche in embrioni di Lepus cuniculus. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1911, xxii, 81-94.—Harris (G. R.) Three cases of obstruction of the cystic duct simulating appendicitis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1904, 494-499. Aho: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xix, 11-13.— Jaboulay. Obstruction du choledoque. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1905, xvi, 367-369—Long (J. W.) Com- mon duct obstruction. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1905, Phila., 1906, xviii, 42-47. [Discussion], 58-68. Aho Abstr.]: Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 105.—McCalla L. P.) Hydraulic pressure; a means used to open the common gall duct, which remained closed, or reclosed after the removal of impacted stones. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1901, ix, 281-28.5.— Marien (A,) L'obstruc- tion des voies Diliaircs. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1912, xh, 187; 435. —Moulsset. Du signe de la vesicule (loi de Courvoisier, Terrier) pour le diagnostic differentiel des causes d'obstruction des voies biliaires. Lyon med., 1902, xcviii, 785-790—Satterthwaite (T. E.) Gall-duct obstruc- tion from a medical point of view. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1904, xix, 163-177—Segura (G.) Sobre retenci6n biliar. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, pt. 1,727-735.—Shi- monek (F.) Obstruction of the common bile-duct of the hepatic duct. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1898 xxxu, 146-148.—Slppel (P.) Ein Fall von seltenem Verschluss des Ductus choledochus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xliv, 644. Aho: Med. Klin., Berl., 1918, xiv, 504.—Thurston (E. O.) Obstruction of cystic duct. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1898-9, n. 8., xxvii, 148 — Troltskl (P. V.) [Rare case of closure of common bile- duct.} Bolnitscb. Gaz. Botkina, S.-Peterb., 1900, xi, 573- 578.—Turner. A propos des obstructions du choledoque. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 1072- 1079.—Washburn (I. B.) Obstruction ofgall ducts. Med. Council, Phila., 1902, vh, 215.—Wheeler (W. I. De C.) Bil- iary obstruction. Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1915, n. S., C, 436. Aho: Tr. Rov. Aead. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1916, xxxiv, 21-23.—WUloughby (E. F.) The diagnosis and treatment of biliary obstruction. Brit. Phvs., Lond., 1900-1901, ii, 61-65. Bile-ducts (Obstruction of, Causes and pathology of). See, also, Calculus (Biliary, Complications, etc., of). Auerbach (M.) *Ueber Verschluss des Duc- tus choledochus an seinem untersten Abschnitte durch bbsartige Tumoren. 8'. Leipzig, 1899. Couturier (P.) Contribution a l'etude ivnatcmo-pathologique et clinique de l'obstruc- tion calculeuse du choledoque. 8°. Baris, 1896. Aho [Abstr.], in.* Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s.,ii, 170-171. Arnolds. [Eine mannskopfgrosse Retentionscyste des Choledochus ] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxu, isn I.—Bevan (A. D.) Causes of obstruction of the common bile duct. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1S95-7, ii, 191-1%.— Cordler (A. H.) Xon-lithogenous obstruction of biliary ducts. Surg., Gynoc. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 380- 385. Aho: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., xcviii, 111- 115.—Cornll (V.) Sur les lesions des canaux biliaires intra et extralobulaires et des cellules hepatic ues dans la retention de la bile. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1903, xv, 659-668 1 pi.—Duval (C. W.) Mclano-sarcoma of the common bile duct cauMiK' complete obstruction. Montreal M. J.. 1908, xxxvu, 270-272—Frensdorf. Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik und Pathogenese der kongenitalen Gallengangsa- tresieen. Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1912, ix, 381- 399—Hammond (L. J.) Some of the more infrequent causes of obstruction of the common bile duct. N. York M. J. [etc], W03, lxxvhi, 1125-1129. Aho: Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1903-4, vii, 289-293.—Kramarenko (Ye. Yu.) [Operative interference in chronic thrombosis of the bile- duct.) Khirurg. Arkh. Velvaminova, S.-Peterb., 1913,xxix, 790-798.—Lemlerre (A.), Brule (M.) & Garban (H.) Les r6tentions biliaires par lesion de la cellule hepatique. Se- maine mod., Par., 1914, xxxiv, 301-304.—Mertcns (V. E.) & stahr (H.) Verschluss des Ductus choledochus durch ein Adenomyom. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, exxxv, 505-574.—Metcalf. Obstruction of cystio duct by cnlargcmentof alymph gland at the angle between it and the hepatic duct. Detroit M. J., 1905-0, v, 158.—Montagnon & Duchamp. Obstruction neoplasique du choledoque; abouchement de la vesicule dans l'estomac Loire mod., St.-Etienne, 1899, xvhi, 142-145—Paglleri (L.) Sull'occlu- sione del coledoco; studio di patologia clinica. Clin, chir., BILE-DUCTS. 525 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Obstruction of, Causes and pathology of). Milano, 1912, xx, 13-27.—Purpura (F.) Contributo alia patoiogia della stasi bihare sperimentale. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1915, lxix, 819-843, 4 pi—Reblaud. Une observa- tion de bile blanche au cours d'une obstruction du choledo- que pour cancer de la tete du pancreas. Paris chir., 1913, v, 667-070.—Sasse (F.) Ueber den Verschluss des Ductus choledochus durch Echinokokkenblasen und Heilung durch Choledochotomie. Arch. f. khn. Chir., Berl., 1904, lxxiv, 956-960.—Simoninl (R.) Sopra la compressione ganglio- nare delle vie bihari estraepatiche nei bambini. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Modena, 1910-11, xhi, 501-520.—Stein (J.) Ein Fall von Choledochusverschluss durch einen Tumor der Duodenalschleimhaut. Prag. med. Wchnschr.; 1910, xxxv, 383-385.— Thompson (J. E.) The causes of biliary obstruc- tion. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1908-9, iv, 244-247. Bile-ducts (Obstruction of, Complica- tions and sequelse of). See, aho, Jaundice from obstruction. Lepehne (G.) *Blutveranderungen bei ex- perimentellem Choledochusverschluss. 8°. Ko- nigsberg i. Br., 1911. Aves (F. W.) The hemorrhagic tendency in obstructive jaundice and its preoperative treatment, with experiences. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1916-17, xii, 382-385.—Bar- bacci (O.) Sullo alterazioni degli elementi nervosi nello stato di colemia permanente per occlusione del coledoco. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1899, 4. s., xi, 51-58.— Biggs (G.) Sub-diaphragmatic abscess from bihary ob- struction. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1893), 1894, 37.— Brault (A.) & Gregoire (R.) Ictere chronique par reten- tion; stenose du choledoque; choledocoduodenostomic Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1913, 3. s., xxxv, 855-859.—Brunner (F.) Der Hydrops und das Empyem der Gallenwege beim chronischen Choledochusverschluss. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, cxi, 344-;i.")(;.—Cornil. Note sur les coagulations microscopiques observees dans les canaux biliaires intercellulaires du foie et dans les cellules hepatiques a la suite de la retention biliaire. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, path, gen., 100-103.— D'Urso (G.) Occlusione con infezione delle vie bihari; colecistostomia; colecisto-digiunostomia in 2" tempo; guari- gione. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1905, Roma, 1906, xix, 207-212—Fink (F.) Der komplizierteakute Choledo- chusverschluss. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 1359- 1361.—Frledenwald (J.) The immediate effect of bihary retention on the secretory function of the stomach. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 156-159.— Gilbert (A.) & Her- scher (M.) Sur la teneur en bilirubine du serum sanguin dans Pobstruction chronique du canal choledoque. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 208-211.—Gregor (G. D.) A case of obstruction of cystic duct accompanied by icterus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxvi, 284-288—Hallpre (A.) Double obhteration des voies biliaires extra hepatiques (choledoque et cystique); cancer secondaire du choledoque; cicatrice du cystique. Normandie med., Rouen, 1904, xix, 480-483. Aho: Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 472-475.—Hall (A. J.) A case of obliteration of the hepatic duct, with patent hepato-cystic duct; recurrent jaundice ending fatally. Proc Roy. £oc. Med., Londy, 1913-14, vii, Path. Sect., 16-24— Kausch (W.) Die Hydrops des gesamten Gallensystems bei chronischem Choledochusver- schluss und seine Bedeutung fiir den Chirurgen. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1911, xxhi, 138-168.— Lauenstein (C.) Der Ventilverschluss in den Gallenwegen durch Steine und seine Folgezustiinde. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 793-796.—Marcy (H. O.) The terminal results of biliary obstruction. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec Ass. 1913, Atlanta. 1914, xxvi, 466-482. [Discussion], 507- 521.—Mitchell (W. T.) & Stifel (R. E.) The pressure of bile secretion during chronic obstruction of the common bile-duct. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1916, xxvh, 78. Aho, Reprint.—Montagnon & Duchamp. Obliteration d'une anastomose cvsto-gastrique dans un cas de retention biliaire. Loire med., St.-Etienne. 1900, xix, 294-296.— Niemann (A.) Das Verhalten des Stollwechsels bei ange- borenem Verschluss der Gallenwege. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1912. Orig., iv, 152-167— Porta (S.) Pancreatite fibrosa biliare; occlusione del coledoco-coledocostomia; guarigione; contributo alia patogenesi ed alia cura delle pancreatiti biliari. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoh, 1912, xv, 627-631.—von Reuss (A.) [Icterus infolge Obhteration der Gallengange] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kin- derh. in Wien, 1908, vii, 89.—Salignat (L.) Cohques he- patiques suivies d'ictere prolonge par obstruction du chole- doq ue, guerison par la cure de Vichy. Centre med. et pharm.. Gannat, 1911-12, xvu, 129; 171.—von Staubenrauch. Atresie der Gallenwege; Cholamie; Cholangioenterostomic; Tod. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1051.—Stengel (A ) Obstruction of the common bile duct and suppurative cholangitis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1897-8, n. s , l, 72.- Tyson (J.) A case of gall-stone in the common bile duct, with chills and intermittent fever (ball valve obstructions, hepatic fever). Phila. Hosp. Rep. (1900), 1901, iv, 28-30.- Valle (V.) Sugli effetti della occlusione del dotto coledoco Bile-ducts (Obstruction of, Complica- tions and sequelae of). nell' uomo e negli animali. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1901, vii, pt. 2, 287-316, 2 pi—VUlard (E.) & Cotte (G.) De 1'hydropisie intermittente de la vesicule par obliterat ion du canal cystique. Rev. de chir., Par., 1900, xxxhi, 125; 317. Bile-ducts (Obstruction of, Treatment of, Operative). Perrin (F.-H.) *La cholecystogastrostomie dans l'occlusion supposee complete et directe- ment irremediable du choledoque. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Bogart(J.B.) Occlusion of cystic duct; cholecystectomy. Brooklyn M. J., 1903, xvh, 26.—Brin (H.) Choledochoente- rostomie dans un cas de fistule biliaire causee par Pobstruc- tion du choledoque; guerison. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1906, x, 5-16.—Collins (H. D.) Obstruction of the common duct; cholecystectomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, lxvi, 247.— Dujon. Cholecysto-duodenostomie pour impermeabi- lity du choledoque consecutive a des adherences perito- neales, reliquat d'une peritonite tuberculeuse; guerison. J. med. de Brux., 1906, xi, 772.—Fink (F.) Zweizeitiges Operationsverfahren beim schweren chronischen Choledo- chusverschluss. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxu, 89.— Florand. Compression du canal choledoque avec ulcera- tion de la veine porte par un ganglion caseeux; intervention operatoire; mort par hemorra«ie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 30-33.—Hamilton (W. D.) On the surgical management of certain cases of calculous obstruction of the common duct of the liver. Cleveland M. J., 1912, xi, 872-874— Heintze. Ein durch die Operation geheiiter Fall von acutem lithogenen Choledochusverschluss mit hohem Fieber. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1899, Bresl., 1900, lxxvii, 1. Abt., med. Sect., 149- 152.—Jeanneret (A.) Obstruction des voies biliaires; lapa- rotomie; guerison. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1900, xx, 61-67.—Kehr (H.) Die chirurgische Behandlung des akuten und chronischen Choledochusverschlusscs durch Stein und Tumor. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 932-936. Aho, transl: Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. & Surg., N. Haven, 1903,vi, 203-227.—Kramarenko (Ye. Yu.) [Opera- tive interference in chronic closure of the bile-duct.] Syezd Rossiysk. Khirurg., Mosk., 1913, xii, 157-101.—Malre & Raymond (V.) De Pintervention dans les stenoses d'ori- gine externe des canaux biliaires. Ass.franc.de chir. Proc- verb. [etc], Par., 1908, xxi, 209-214.—Marianl (C.) Cole- cisto-gastrostomia per occlusione cronica del coledoco, fun- zione e contenuto gastrico normali dopo due anni e mezzo. Riforma med., Napoh, 1912, xviu, 371-373.—Micaud. Re- tention biliaire par bouchon muqueuxchez uj>e alcooliquc; choiecystostomie; guerison. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1901, xx, 1-5.—Packard (H.) Permanent stenosis of the ductus communis from inflammatory infiltration or cicatricial con- traction of a duodenal ulcer; implantation of the duct at another point in the duodenum; gastroenterostomy; re- covery. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 106-108.—de Parrel. Obstruction biliaire avec hyperthermie prolongee; traite- ment chirurgical. Normandie med., Rouen, 1904, xix, 377- 385.—P61ya (S. J.) [Contribution to the actual cure of chronic obstruction of the bile-duct by choleeystogastro- stomy.) Sebeszet, Budapest, 1904, 40^6— Robson (A. W. M.) The surgical treatment of obstruction in the com- mon bile-duct by concretions, with especial reference to the operation of choledochotomy as modified by the author, illustrated by 60 cases. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1023-1027. Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1902, lxxxv, 93-118.—Stone (IS.) Some recent surgery for biliary obstruction. Am. J. ObstjN. Y., 1902,xhi,484-497. Aho,Reprint.— Troell(A.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der gutartigen Choledochus- stenosen anlasshch eines operierten Falles. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1918, xxx, 545-556.— Wharton (H. R.) Cholecystostomy for obstruction of the cystic duct. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxhi, 785. Bile-ducts (Parasites in). See, also, Bile-ducts (Hydatids of). Sick (C. W. O.) *Ueber Spulwurmer in den Gallenwegen. 8°. Tubingen, 1901. Clemm (W. N.) Ein Spulwurm im Gallenausfiihrgang unter dem Bilde der Leberkohk. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1902, vhi, 635-638— Dalla Valle (A.) Ascaridi nei dotti biliari. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1915, xxxvi, 468-470.— Fertlg. Choledochotomie wegen Spulwiirmern. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911-12, cxiv, 410-413.—Hinter- stolsser (H.) Ein Ascaris im Ductus hepaticus (Opera- tionsbefund). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1913, xxvi, 456.— Neugebauer (F.) Ascaris im Ductus choledochus; Chole- dochotomie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903, lxx, 584-591.— Pellssler. Distomatose des voies bihaires; angiocholecystite suppuree; mort. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1913, xvi 776 —Pflugradt (R.) Askariden in den Gallenwegen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl. & Leipz., 1914, xl, 227.— Rosenthal (R.) Ueber Ascaridiasis der Gallenwege mit Berucksichtigung eines selbst beobachteten Falles. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912-13, cxx, 544-559. BILE-DUCTS. 526 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Perforation of). See Bile-ducts (Bupture of). Bile-ducts (Rupture of).' See, also, Calculus (Biliary, Complications, etc., of); Peritonitis (Biliary). Fleys (J.-P.) Contribution a l'etude des rup- tures spontanees des voies biliaires dans le pen- toine. 8°. Boris, 1899. Rosenthal (M. E. II.) *Ein Fall von Heilung bei Ruptur eines subserosen Gallenganges der Leber. 8°. Halle, 1911. Thebault (L.-M.-M.) *Contribution a l'etude des ruptures spontanees des voies biliaires dans leperitoine. [Paris.] 8°. Bennes, 1912. Zurhorst (H.) * Ueber Gallendurchbruch des Ductus cysticus unmittelbar vor seiner Einmiin- dung in den Ductus choledochus. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Bumpus (H. C.) Rupture of the common bile duct asso- ciated with subphrenic abscess. Ann. Surg., N. Y., 1916, lxiv, 414-418— Campbell-Horsetail (0.) A case of perfo- rated common bile duct followed by subphrenic abscess; op- eration and recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913,ii, 118.—Ermer (F.) Zur Kenntnis der durch Gallcngangrupturen beding- ten Peritonitis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1378- 1382.—Ernst. Choledochusruptur. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1913, 5. R., ii, 1323— Fick. Ueber subkutane Rupturen der Gallenwege. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1904, xxi, 413.— Gerrard (P. N.) Ruptured common bile duct; double laparotomy; reeoverv- J- Trop. M. [etc], Lond., 1908, xi, 277.—Hahn (F.) Ein Fall von subkutaner Ruptur des Choledochus. Festschr.. . . Carl Goschel.. . 25j;Lhr. Jubil., Tubing., 1902. 199-223. -----. Subcutane Rupturen der Gallenwege. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903, lxxi, 1024- 1048. Aho: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1903, xxxu, pt. 2, 594-618— Hildebrand. Ruptur des Ductus hepaticus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, xxxhi, 483.—Lagoutte. Rupture spontanee des voies biliaires; laparotomie; guerison. Lyon med., 1900, xcv, 5S9-593.—Lapenta (V. A.) Perforation at the juncture of cystic and common ducts; primary suture; recovery. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xx, 552. Aho, Re- print.—Nove-Josserand (L.) & Cremieu (R.) Perfora- tion et obstruction du choledoque par bourgeonnement d'un cancer pylorique; ictere chronique. Lyon med., 1913, cxx, 1025-1029.—Xuepert. Perforative Prozesse im Bereiche der Gallenwege-Operationen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 1435.—Orth (().) Casuistischer und expenmenteller Beitrag zur Leber- und Gallengangsruptur. Arch.f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1913, ci, 309-375— Paget (O. F.) A unique case of rupture of the common bile duct. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1912, xxxi, 54-50.—Ransohofl (J.) Rup- ture of the common duct with an unusual sign. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass., Phila., 1906, xviii, 50-08.—Reed (C. A. L.) Spontaneous perforation of the gall-ducts; ex- treme extravasation of bile; cholclithotomy: death from cholemia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1899, n. s., xliii, 476-478.— Routler. Rupture des voies biliaires, laparotomie tardive; fuerison. par M. Michaux. Bull, et ntfm. Soc. de chir. do 'ar., 1893, n. S., xix, 243. -----. Rupture spontanee des voies biliaires. Ibid., 1909, n. s., xxxv, 1311-1316.—Spencer (W.) A case of rupture of the common bile-duct. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 100. Bile-ducts (Rupture of, Traumatic). Lincke (A.) *Ein weilerer Beitrag zur opera- tiven Behandlung einer Gallengangszerreissung. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Proelss (E.) *Ein Fall von Gallen^angs- ruptur, ein Beitrag zur Diagnostik dieser Yer- letzung. 8°. Berlin, 1881. Bogoyavlenskl (N. F.) [Rupture of the common bile- duct in injuries of tho abdomen!) Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 60fH'>03.— Carre (C.) Traumatische Hepaticus- ruptur geheilt durch eino Hepato-Cholangio-Enterostomic. Beitr. z. Physiol, u. Path. Festschr. . . . L. Hermann, Stuttg., 1908, 22-39. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi, 183-186.—Garrett (R. W.) Traumatic rupture of the bile duct. Kingston M. Quart., 1899-1900, iv, 37-14. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxi, 227-234.—Hildebrandt. Ueber die traumatische Ruptur des Ductus hepaticus. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxxi, 647-055—Kholtsofl (B. N.) [Traumatic rup- tures of biliary passages.] Laitop. Russk. Khir., S.-1'ctcrb., 1900, v, 198; 36*.—Leonardo (D.) Voluminosa raccolta cistica, ematico-biliare, subfrenica, di origine traumatica. Policlin. Roma, 1912, xix,sez. prat.,593-590.—Lepoutre(C) Rupture des voies biliaires par contusion de 1'abdomen chez un enfant; operation: guerison. J. d. sc med. de Lille. 1912, ii, 55S-558.—Lewerenz. Ueber die subcutanen Rupturen Bile-ducts (Rupture of, Traumatic). der Gallenwege traumatischen Ursprungs, nebst einem casuistischen Beitrag. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903-4, lxxi, 111-146.—Meissner. Die Zerreissungen der Gallen- ausfiihrungsgiinge durch stumpfe Gewalt. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1907, liv, 204-221.—Orth (O.) Ein Fall von Ruptur der Gallengange. des linken Leberlappens vereint mit einer Commotio cerebri. Allg. Med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1911, lxxx, 271— Rothiuchs (R.) Ein Fall von traumati- scher Ruptur der Gallenwege. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1980.— Spillmann (G.) Rupture double des voies biliaires consecutive k une chute de 15 metres avec laparoto- mie exploratrice renouvelee. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1901, xiii, 735-740.—Subbotie (V.) Ruptura subcutanea traumatica ductus hepatici. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 212— Turner. Rupture traumatique du canal choledo- que; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1906, n.s., xxxii, 463.—Valter(K. A.) [Traumatic rupture ofthe bile-ducts.] Protok. i Trudi Russk. Chir. Obsh. Pirogova 1899-1900, S.-Peterb., 1901, xviii, 9-12— Waugh (G. E.) Traumatic rupture of the common bile-duct in a boy six years old. Brit.J. Surg., Bristol. 1915-16, iii, 685-688.— Weiss (T.) Rupture traumatique des voies biliaires. Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1901, xxxhi, 97-103. Bile-ducts (Stenosis and atresia of). See, aho, Bile-ducts (Obstruction of). Norel (A.-L.-J.) *Les r£trecissements ac- quis non neoplasiques du choledoque. 8°. Lille, 1912. AnschUtz. Narbenstenose des Choledochus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 279.—KOrte (W.) Ueber Operationen am Choledochus wegen Verengerung durch Narben oder Carcinom, nebst Bemerkungen iiber normales Pankreassekret. Arch. f. klin. Chh\, Berl., 1903. lxxi, 1049- 1062. Aho: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. C'hirv Berl., 1903, xxxu, pt. 2, 619-632.—Leriche (R.) Stenose lnflam- matoire du choledoque; cholecysto-gastrotomie; guerison. Lyon med., 1913, cxx, 758-7>>0.— Marasco (D.) Stenosi del dotto epatico per iperplasia coruiettivale delle sue pareti. Incurabili, Napoli, 1903, xvhi, 471-isu — Mathieu (P.) Retrecissements non neoplasiques des voies biliaires prin- cipales. Rev. de chir.. Par., 1908, xxvu, 61; 174.—Mo- narl (A.) Sul restringunento fibroso del coledoco daan- giocolite catarrale. Chn. med. ital., Milano, 1898, xxxvu, 289-304—Moynihan (B. G. A ) A case of simple stricture of the common bile duct treated by a plastic operation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1390.—Solacolu. Note sur un cas de retrecissement fibreux du canal hepatique. J. de med. int., Par., 1900, iv, 598.—Troell (A.) [Some remarks on the pathology and treatment of benign stenosis of the bile-ducts] Allm. sven. lakartidn., Stockholm, 1916, xhi, 741-751.—Tsunoda (T.) Eine experimentelle Studie uber die Folgen der Stenose oder Obliteration des Ductus choledochus; zur Kenntnis der sog. biliiiren Lebercirrhose. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1908, cxeiii, 213-238. Bile-ducts (Stenosis and atresia of, Coiv- genital). See, also, Bile-ducts (Obstruction of, Congeni- tal) ; Jaundice in new-born infants. Beneke (R.) Die Entstehung der kongeni- talen Atresie der grossen Gallengange; nebst Be- merkungen uber den Begriff der Abschniirung. 4°. Marburg, 1907. Frensdorp (W.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik und Pathogenese der kongenitalen Gallengangs- atresieen. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1911. Bohm (F.) Ein Fall von congenitaler Gallengangsatresie mitiiallengangscvste. Ztschr. f. ang. Anat.[etc.], Berl., 1913, i, io.i l.'-.t —Cordier (A. H.) An unusual gall-bladder case. [Congenital(?) partial obstruction of ductus choledochus communis] Am. J. Surg. & Gvnec, St. Louis, 1904-5, xvhi, 40. -----. Congenital (?) partial obstruction of ductus choledochus communis. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1907, xvi, 10.—Foote (J.) & Hamilton (R ) Congenital occlusion of the bile ducts. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1916, lxxiv, 521-532. A /so, Reprint.—Formlgglnl (M ) Sopra un caso di stenosi del coledoco in un neonato. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Mo- dena, 1909-10, xii, 15-22.—Fuss (S.) & Boye (B.) Ueber kongenitale Unwegsamkeit der Leberausfiihrungsgiinge. Virchow's Arch. f.Jpath. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1906, clxxxvi, 2SS-297,1 pi—Griffith (J. P. C.i Congenital stenosis of the common bile duct. Tr. Phila. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1904-5, i, 17-19.—Milne (L. S.) Congenital atresia of the bile pas- sages. Quart. J. Med., Oxford., 1912 13, v, 409-418, 4 pi — Rolleston (H. D.) Congenital philitic obst ruction ofthe common bile duct. Brit. M. J.,'Lond., 1907, ii, 947—Slm- monds. Ueber kongenitale Atresie der grossen Gallengange. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, J565 —Simonlnl (R.) Stenosi del coledoco in un neonato. Pediatria, Napoli, 1907, 2. s., v, 356-365.—Sugl (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der BILE-DUCTS. 527 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Stenosis and astresia of, Con- genital). Gallengangsstenose beim Ncugeborenen. Monatschr. f. Kinderh., Leipz. & Wien, 1912, xi, Orig., 294-307.—Van- zetti (F.) Contributo alia conoscenza delle atresie conge- nite delle vie biliari. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1913, xxxvu, 1-41, 1 pi. —Veau (V.) Les retrecissements conge- nitaux des voies biliaires et leur traitement chirurgical. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1910, xii, 289-294.—Wyard (S.) A case of congenital atresia of the bile-ducts. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 495. Bile-ducts (Surgery of). See, also, Bile-ducts (Artificial); Bile-ducts (Cancer of); Bile-ducts (Bheases of, Treatment of, Operative); Bile-ducts (Ligation of, Experi- mental); Bile-ducts (Obstruction of, Treatment of, Operative); Bile-ducts (Tumors of); Biliary system (Surgery of); Calculus (Biliary, Treat- ment of, Operative); Gall-bladder (Surgery of); Liver (Surgery of). Clement (G.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la chirurgie des voies biliaires. [Lausanne.] 8°. Fribourg, 1900. Kehr (H.) Chirurgie der Gallenwege. 8°. Stuttgart, 1913. ------. Die Praxis der Gallenwege-Chirurgie in Wort und Bild. 2 v. 4°. Munchen, 1913. Kunze (H.) *Beitrage zur Anatomie und Chirurgie der Gallenausfuhrungsgange. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1910. Aho, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1911,lxxii,491-504. van Lelyveld (L. P.) *Klinische bijdrage tot de chirurgie der galwegen. 8°. Utrecht,,1896. Pauchet (V.) Chirurgie des voies biliaires. 8°. Barh, 1900. Renatjld (A.-F.) Contribution a, l'etude et au traitement des hemorrhagies consecutives aux operations pratiquees sur les voies biliaires. 8°. Nancy, 1899. Rosa (C. D.) La chirurgia delle vie biliari. 8°. Venezia, 1902. Sibille (R.) *Resultats eloignes des princi- pales operations sur les voies biliaires. 8°. Baris, 1904. Spinetti (G.) Chirurgia delle vie biliari. 4°. Napoli, 1909. Adam (L.) Einiges iiber Operationen der Gallenwege auf Grund von 112 Fallen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1910, xlvi, 97; 107.—Allen (D. PA Operations upon the bihary passages. Cleveland J. M., 1899, iv, 1-10.— Arnsperger (L.) Dauererfolge und Rezidive nach Gallen- steinoperationen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karlsruhe) 1911, Leipz., 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2,2. Hlfte., 203.—Bachrach (R.) Ueber die Resultate unserer Opera- tionen an den Gallenwegen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1099-1103.—Baudouin (M.) Les operations pratiquees sur le canal cystique. Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1898, lxxi, 301- 306.—von Bergmann (A.) Zur Chirurgie der Gallenwege. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1899, n. F., xvi, 387; 397.— Bermudez (A.) Cirugia de las vias biliares. Repert. de med. y cirug., Bogota, 1916, vu, 338-342— Borchgrevink (O.) [Complicated bile-duct cases.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevi- densk Kristiania, 1912, 5. R., xi, 1482-1504.—Borghi (M.) Contributo alia chirurgia delle vie bihari. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1913, 2. s., i, 239-250.—Brewer (G. E.) Some obser- vations upon the surgery of the bihary passages. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1912, xiv, 433-446. [Discussion], 513-516.—Brttnlng (A.) Statistisches iiber 367 Choledocho- tomien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 1543-1548.—Brunner (F.) Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Chirurgie der Gallenwege. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1909, xxxix, 289-297.—Dalla Rosa (C.) Sul processo di cicatrizzazione del condotto cistico in seguito alia sua legatura. Clin, chir., Milano, 1900, vui, 21-26.—Davis (B. BA Surgery of the biliary passages. Tr. Nebraska M. Ass., Lincoln, 1903, 64-68.—Deaver (J. B.) Surgery of the bihary passages. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 859-866.-----. Surgery of the biliary passages. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1901, xiv, 295-299. Aho: Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1902, xx, 277-281.-----. Surgery of the common bile duct. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxx, 909-913.-----. Sur- gery of the bile ducts. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1912, cxliii, 781-792. Aho: N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1912, xh, 490-496.—Delagenlere (H.) Chirurgie du choledoque et de l'hepatique. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., Bile-ducts (Surgery of). 1908, xxi, 29-85.—Deletrez (A.) Considerations cliniques a propos de treize operations pratiquees sur les voies biliaires. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1908, 4. s., xxii, 633-643. [Rap. de Debaisieux], 590-599. Aho: Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1908, xxiii, 337-349— Depage. De la chirurgie des voies biliaires. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1894-5, ii, _ 201-206.—Doberer. Zur Chirurgie der Gallengange. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxhi, 1445-1447.—Eisendrath (D. N.) Why do we have recurrences after operations on the bihary tract? Illinois M. J., Chicago, 1917, xxxii, 272- 277. Aho: Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1917, xxxvi, 217-220. -----. The relation of anomalies of the bile ducts and blood- vessels to accidents in biliary surgery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciii, 1109— Erdmann (J. F.) A consideration ofthe biliary tract. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1909, xxu, 289.— Fenger (C.) Remarks on surgery of the bile-ducts. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvu, 697-718. Aho: Chicago M. Re- corder, 1898, xiv, 309-323.—Ferguson (E. D.) One of the dangers of the surgery of the biliary passages. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1904, iv, 33.—Fontan (J.) Chirurgie du canal choledoque et du canal hepatique. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1908. xxi, 172-183—Franke (F.) Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Gallenwege (nebst Mittheilung eines Falles von Galleusteinileus). Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . . ., Brnschwg., 1897, 154-187— Fyodoroff (S. P.) [Surgery of the bile-ducts.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 1-4.—Gaudiani (V.) Contributo alia chirurgia del coledoco. Policlin., Roma, 1909, xvi, sez. prat., 1477; 1509.— Gerster (A. G.) Unsuccessful surgery in disorders of the gall-ducts, together with a consideration of Naunyn's chol- angiohtis. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1912, xv, 572- 581. [Discussion], 628-636.—Giannettasio (N.) Contri- buto chnico della chirurgia delle vie biliari. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1905, xxi, 1133-1137.—Gil (J.) Cirugia de las vias biliares en Antioquia. Repert. de med. y cirug., Bogota, 1916, vu, 489-510.—Godoy Alvarez (M.) Algo sobre cirugia de las vias biliares. Cron. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 119-123.—Goldammer. Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Gallenwege. Beitr. z. khn. Chir., Tubing., 1907, lv, 41-272, 5 pi.—Gosset (A.) Chirurgie du canal choledoque et du canal hepatique. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1908, xxi, 85-172.—Goyanes. Cuatro casos de cirugia de vias bihares. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1908, lxxx, 271.—de Graeuwe (A.) Contribution a l'etude de la chirurgie du choledoque. J. metf. de Brux., 1908, xhi. 249-252.—Haassler. Zur Chirurgie der Gallen- wege. Therap. d. Gegenw., BerL, 1904, xiv, 509.—Hanel (F.) Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Gallengange. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1896-7. 21-24.—Hal- sted (W. S.) Contributions to the surgery ofthe bile pass- ages, especially of thecommon bile-duct. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxii, 645-654. [Discussion]. 661-604. Aho: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1900, xi, 1-11. Aho, Reprint.— von Hofmeister. Beitrage zur Chirurgie des Choledochus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 225-230.—Kehr. Riickblick auf 2000 Operationen an den Gallenwegen, eine Gegeniiberstellung der Erfolge des ersten und zweiten Tau- send. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1913, xlii.pt. 1,273-288. .4Zso[Abstr.]: Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 775.—Kocher (T.) & Matti (H.) Ueber 100 Operationen an den Gallenwegen mit Beriick- sichtigung der Dauererfolge. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxxi, 655-734.—Korte (W.) Chirurgie der Gallenwege. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1908, v, 449-459.-----. Erfahrungen iiber Operationen an den Gallenwegen. Arch. f. khn. Chir., Berl., 1909, lxxxix, 1-54.—Lejars. Chirurgie ducholecloqueetde l'hepatique. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi, 197-201.—Long (J. W.) The importance of preserving the gall-bladder in operations upon the gall-passages. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1911, lui, 349- 354. Aho, Reprint.—Maklns (G. HA Sequelse of opera- tions on the bile passages. Hospital, Lond., 1907, xiii, 277- 280— Manninger (W.) Kasuistik aus dem Bereiehe der Chirurgie der Gallenwege. Verhandl. d. Budapest k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte (1911), 1912, 27-29.—Marchettl (O.) Cennl storici della chirurgia delle vie biliari. Chn. mod., Firenze, 1907, xhi, 856-865.—Margarucci (O.) Contributo alia chirurgia delle vie bihari. Arch, ed atti di Soc. ital. di Chir. 1908, Roma, 1909, i, 339; 423, 1 pi.—Marlotti (G.) Contributo alia chirurgia delle vie biliari. Riforma med., Roma, 1903, xix, 875; 909.—Michaux (P.) Chirurgie du choledoque. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1898, n. s., xxiv, 691-693.—Mizokuchi (K.) Ueber Operationen an den Gallenwegen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xcvi, 422-440.—Mohr (H.) Ueber Recidive nach Opera- tionen an den Gallenwegen. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1901. No. 309 (Chir., No. 89, 219-229).—Morris (R. T.) Bile-tract adhesions. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 447-449 —Mouriquand (E.) Sur quelques cas de chirurgie biliaire. Lyon med., 1908, cxi, 899-910.—Moyni- han (B. G. A.) Operations upon the lower part of the common bile duet. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1350-1354. -----. Remarks upon the surgery of the common bile-duct. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 147-154.—Munro (J. C.) Surgery of the bile passages with special reference to the end-results. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clx, 359-364. Aho [Abstr.]: -Long BILE-DUCTS. 528 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Surgery of). Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1909, iii, 63—Novaes (J.) Quaes as opcracoes praticaveis nas vias biliares. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1907, xxi, 211.—Paus (N.) Beitrage zur operativen Behandlung der Gallenwegekrankheiten. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm., 1912, 3. f., xii, h. 3, No. 7,1-67.—Peraire (M.) Chirurgie du canal choledoque et du canal hepatique Ass. franc de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi, 205-267— Phillppowlcz (J.) Choledochuschirurgie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1586.-----. Ueber Choledochus- chirurgie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir.. Tubing., 1915, xcv, 487- 495—Presno y Bastiony (J. A.) Resultados lejanos de intervenciones sobre las vias biliares. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 19l\ xxiii. 439-448—Quenu. Chirurgie des voies biliaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxxii, 200-210. -----. Le danger des laparotomies exploratrices dans les cas de tumeurs malignes et la taille du choledoque. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 38-40.—Reich (A.) Accidental injection of bile ducts with petrolatum and bismuth paste. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1555.—Ribas y Rlbas (E.) Cirugia de las vias biliares. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1910, xxiv, 193- 212.—Richardson (M. H.) A few remarks concerning the surgery of the biliary passages. Cleveland M. J., 1903, ii, 499-516.-----. Surgery of the biliary tract. St. Louis M. Rev., 1906, liv, 25; 50; 77—Rlese. Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Chirurgie der Gallenwege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1905. xxxi, 254-257.—Robinson (B.) History of the surgery of the biliary ducts. Columbus M. J., 1904, xxviii, 341-348.—Rossi (B.) Sopra alcuni casi interessanti di chirurgia delle vie bihari. Atti d. Soc lomb. di sc. med. e biol., Milano, 1912, i; 339-347— Ruge (E,) Beitrage zur chirurgischen Anatomie der grossen (iallen- wege (Ductus hepaticus, cysticus, choledochus und pan- crcaticus). Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1908, lxxxvii, 47-78, 1 pi. Aho: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1908, xxxvih pt. 2,238-269,1 pi— Sallnarl (S.) Lachirurgia delle vie bihari. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1903, 8. s., hi, 121; 221; 292; 375; 432; 488; 540; 583.—Salvador (JA Dos casos de cirugia de las vias biliares. Semana mea., Buenos Aires, 1915, xxii.pt. 2, 357-364. Aho, Reprint —Souligoux. Chirurgie des voies biliaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 970-996.—Stieda (A.) Beitrag zur Chirurgie der Gallenwege. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1905, xlvh, 654-736.—Summers (J. E.) Surgery of the bile ducts. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1897, x, 19.— Susloft (K.) [Surgical anatomy of the bile-ducts m man.] Russk. Khir. Arch., S.-Peterb., 1907, xxhi, 639-692, 2 pi — Tedenat. Chirurgie du canal choledoque. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi, 189-197.—Terrier (F.) Des operations chirurgicales sur les voies biliaires; resultats immediats et eloignes. Progres med., Par., 1892, 2. s., xv, 297; 313.—Thomas (C. P.) Surgery of the biliary passages. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Loui;, 1904, xviu, 38.— Tilton (B. T.) Special dangers associated with operations on the biliary passages and their avoidance. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1910, lxxvhi. 398-400.— Turner. A propos de la chirurgie du canal hepatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par7 1905, n. s., xxxi, 251-254.—Vlgnard. Deux cas de chirurgie biliaire. Gaz. mi^d. de Nantes, 1906, 2. s., xxiv, 301-305.—Wagner (A.) Beitrag zur Chirurgie der Gallen- wege. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1918, cxiv, 15-03 — Westbrook (R. W.) Tho results of the surgical treatment of the bile passages. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1908, ii, 175-180.—Whlttemore (W.) Surgery of the bihary pas- sages during a period of ten years from January 1, 1901, to January 1, 1911, at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston M. & S. J., 1913, clxix, 571-575— Wlart (P.) Re- cherches sur l'anatomie chirurgicale et voies d'acees du cholddoque. Rev. do gynec et do chir. abd., Par., 1S99, iii, 149-184.—Wleland (F.) Estadistica nacional en la cirugia do las vias biliares. Cron. mc\l., Lima, 1917. xxxiv, 52-07.—W li- tems (C.) Chirurgie du choledoque etde l'hepatique. Ass. franc de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi, is7-is'.»— Willie (M.) Surgery of the biliary passages. Charlotte (X. C.) M. J., 1909, lix, 190-193.—Wyman (H. C.) Surgery of the biliary tract; report of cases. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1903, xix, 249-252— Zeller (< >.) Beitrag zur Chirur- gie der Gallenwege. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 822-825. Bile-ducts (Surgery of, Indications for). AnschUtz. Diagnose unci Chirurgie bei seltencren Cholc- dochuserkrankungeii. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 191s, lv, 42.— de Beule(F.) A propos du diagnostic.et des indications operatoires dans les affections dc la voie biliaire principale; notes et remarques au sujet de quelques interventions sur le choledoque. Bull. Acad. rov. de mtfd. de Belg., Brux., 1911, 4. s., xxv, 663-720.—Carr (W. P.) Some of the diffi- culties of diagnosis and operat ion in diseases of the biliary tract. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 4;i7- 441. Aho:N. YorkM. J. [etch 1906, lxxxiii, 383-385. Aho, Reprint—Dalla Rosa (C.) Le indieazioni general! delle operazionisulle vie biliari. Rev. veneta disc med., Venezia, 1901, xxxv, 433-454.—Deaver (J. B.) Indications for surgical intervention in infections of the biliary tract. J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 402-405.—Desjardins (A.) Indi- cations operatoires dans les angiocholites. Paris chirurg 1912, lv, 1-15.—Forgue (E.) Indications du traitement Bile-ducts (Surgery of, Indications for). chirurgical dans la lithiase et les infections des voies biliaires. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 1201-1207.—Lange (F.) The indications for surgical operations on the common bile duct. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 552-554— Lillenthal (H.) Selecci6n de la operation en las afecciones biliares (colecistectomla primaria 6 colecistotomia). Cr6n. med.- quir. de la Habana, 1911, xxxvii, 573; 597.—Pruszynski (J.) Die Pathogenese der Erkrankungen der Gallenwege und die Indikation zu deren chirurgischer Behandlung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904. xvu, 293-300.—Rlbas y Ribas (D. E.) Cirugia de las vias biliares; indicaciones. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1910, xxxvi, 193-209. A ho: Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1910, iii, 401-416.—Richardson (M. H.) The surgery ofthe biliary tract; especially the indications for operation and the importance of drainage. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xlui, 663-665.—Sorel (R.) Indications de la chirurgie des voies biliaires. Rev. mea. de Normandie, 1900, 123-127.— Summers (J. E.) Indications for the drainage in diseases of the biliary passages and the technic of operation. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 656-659, 2 figs.—Vlgnard (E.) De l'indica- tion operatoire a propos de deux cas de chirurgie biliaire. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1911, 2. s., xxix, 823-831. Bile-ducts (Surgery of, Methods and technique in). See, also, Bile-ducts (Artfi ial); Bile-ducts (Brainage of); Bile-ducts (Surgery of, Blastic). Bruning (A.) *Beitra,<_r zur Frajje der Chole- dochotomie an der Hand von 100 operierten Fallen. Zur Erlangung der Yenia legendi. [Giessen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Aho, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxvii, 325-367. Guillaume-Louis (P.) *De la chohMoco- tomie. 8°. Baris, 1906. Lexz (W.) * Ueber den Werth der verschie- denen Operationen an den Gallenwegen auf Grund der Erfahrungen der Giessener Klinik. 8°. Giessen, 1900. Priotj (H.) *Sur les anastomoses des voies biliaires principales avec l'intestin. 8°. Baris, 1907. Yaich dit Jais (S.) *De la chol6docotomie sana sutures. 8°. Baris, 1902. Battle (W. H.) Choledochotomy. Med. Press >, xxx, 15 V — Bobbio (L.) A proposito del- l'eputo-colangio-enterostomia. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1911, lvi, 433-443—Brlddon (C. K.) Choledochot- omy. Aim. Sure., Phila., 1898, xxvu, 529-532.—Brule & KUss (G.) Resection experimentale du choledoque; forma- tion depoches k vstiques biheusesa parois sclereuses; patho- cenie non ehicidec. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1909, lxxxiv, 643 r>t5—Buchanan (J. J.) Report of a case in which TIalsted's hammer was used as an aid to the suture of the common bile-duct. Ann. Surg, Phila ,1899. xxix, 4S1- 4S3.—Chenoweth (.IS.) Incision and suture of the comm on bile duct twice successfully performed in the same indi- vidual, within a period of four months, following a prelimi- nary cholecystotomv. Louisville J. S. & M., Ls9\ v, 194- I'.m;.—Collins (C. U.) Some pointsin the surgery of the bile tracts, describing a new incision through which to reach them and presenting a new instrument to facilitate the removal of stones from tho first portion of the common duct. Tr. West. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass., Minneap., 1908, xviii, 257- 2os, 2 pi. 4&o [Abstr.]: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1909, viii, 293 290.—Colmers(F.) Transventrikuliire Cho- leilocho-Duoilenostomie. Zentralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1916, xliii, 980.— Cooper (C. M.) The exposure ofthe post duo- denal portion of tho common bile duct. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1903. xxxviii, 480— Cordten AH.) Choledochotomv. Am. J.Clin. M.,Chicago, 1907. xiv, 1002.—Crlle(G. W.) Cholecvs- tectomy vs. cholecystostomy and a method of overcoming the special risks attending common duct operations. Surg. BILE-DUCTS. 529 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Surgery of, Methods and technique in). Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1914, xviii, 429-432.—Dahl (R.) Eine neue Operation an den Gallenwegen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xxxvi, 266.—Dalla Rosa (C.) La tecnica generale delle operazioni sulle vie biliari. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1900, xxxiii, 214-222.—De Graeuwe(A.) Ueber die Resektion des Choledochus. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv,790-800—Delageniere(IL) Deux cas de choledochotomie sui vis de guerison; considera- tions operatoires. Arch. prov. de chir.. Par., 1898, vii, 495- 501.-----. Technique generale des operations faites sur les voies biliaires pour uthiase. Rev. de gynec et dc chir. abd., Par., 1899, iii, 127-148.—Delbet (P.) Les anastomoses des voies biliaires avec les voies digestives. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1911, n. s., xxxvu, 1334.—Desguin (L.) Cholecystectomie partielle; choledocotomie. Ann. Soc med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1896,113-117.—Desjardlns(A.) Avan- tages et technique de l'incision en 7 (sept) pour l'acces des voies biliaires. Paris chirurg., 1912, iv, 892-900.—Dujarier (C.) Choledoco-gastrostomie chez une malade operee ante- rieurement de cholecystectomie; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1911, n. s., xxxvii, 1318-1322.—Eich- meyer (W.) Beitrage zur Chirurgie des Choledochus und Hepaticus einschl. der Anastomosen zwischen Gallensys- tem und Intestinis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1910, xciii, 857: xciv, 1—Eisendrath (D. N.) Recent progress in the surgery of the bile passages; a plea for more thorough opera- tions. J. Kansas Med. Soc, Lawrence, 1917, xvii, 151-159. Aho, Reprint.-----. A plea for better team work between the internist and surgeon in the treatment of surgical affec- tions of the biliary tract. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciv, 399- 402. Aho, Reprint.—Erhardt (O.) Hepato-Cholangio- Enterostomie bei Aplasie aller grossen Gallenwege. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1907, xxxiv, 1226-1228.—Ernst (N. P.) Et tilfelde af hepatico-duodenostomi paa grund af ope- rativ laesion af duct, hepaticus og choledochus. Hosp.- Tid., K0benh.,1911,5. R.iv,731-735.-----. [Abdominal incisions in operations of the biliary ducts.] Ibid., 1913, 5. R., vi, 385-390.—von Fink (F.) Zur Choledochotomia retroduodenalis und transduodenahs. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 173-175.—Floecklnger (F. C.) Im- portant factors in the successful performance of operations on the gall-bladder and bile ducts. Texas M. News, Dallas, 1912-13, xxu, 1275-1284.—Fontan. Sur le cathetensme des voies biliaires. Ass. franc, pourl'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1891, Par., 1892, xx. pt. 2,786-790.—Gibson (C. L.) Choledochot- omy with cholecystectomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1902, xxxv, 643-645—Haasler. Ueber Choledochotomie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lviii, 289-305,1 pi.—Halpenny (J.) Duodeno-choledochotomy; with case report. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1912, xxxvii, 344-352.—Halsted (W. S.) Miniature hammers and the suture of the bile ducts. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1898, ix, 67-69, 1 pi. Aho: Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 608-011—Harrlgan (A. H.) The transpancreatic approach to the common bile- duct; transpancreatic choledochotomy. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916,xxih, 14-21—Harrington (F. B.) Re- implantation of the common bile duct into the duodenum for stricture at the ampulla due to duodenal ulcer. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clx, 203—Hartmann (H.) Technique de la choledochotomie. Ass. franc de, chir. Proc-verb: [etc], Par., 1908, xxi, 203-206. -----. A propos des choledoco- enterostomies laterales. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1911, n. s., xxxvii, 1374-1376—Hubbard (J. C.) Trans- duodenal choledochotomy. Boston M. & S. J., 1913, clxviii, 723-725.—Hunter (E. W\) Cholecystostomy. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1911, xxiv, 425-430.—Jackson (R. H.) An- terior choledojejunostomy, with report of case. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1914, xix, 232.—Kehr (H.) Ueber zwei seltene Operationen an den Gallengangen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1097-1100.—KOnig (F.) Ueber die Schnittfuhrung bei Operationen an den Gallenwegen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912. xxxix, 529-533.—Krug. Beitrag zur Ausraumung der Gallenwege nach Rose. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 1285.—Kuhn. La desin- fection des voies biliaires. Repert. de therap., Par., 1904, xxi, 521-524.—Lameris (H. J.) Tecnniek der choledocho- tomie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1915, li, 1571.—Langenbuch. Ueber die Technik der Choledo- chotomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1898, xxiv, 713-715. [Discussion], Ver.-Beil., 228-231.—Lillen- thal (H.) Choledochotomy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lvii, 1136.— Lohse (J. E.) Fall von Cholangiocystostomie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxvih, 492-494.—Long (J. W.) The importance of preserving the gall-bladder in op- erations upon the gall-passages. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1911, liii, 349-354. Aho, Reprint.—Lorenz (H.) Zur Choledo- chotomia retroduodenalis transduodenahs und transpan- creatica. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxiv, 433-440 — McArthur (L. L.) Advances in the therapeutic use of the bile tracts. Tr. West. Surg. Ass., Minneap., 1911, xxi, 51- 59. A ho, Reprint. AholAbstT.]: N. YorkM. J. [etc.], 1912, xcv, 168.—McCosh (A. J.) Remarks on the surgery of the biliary passages, with a report of ten choledochotomies. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1900, iv, 47-70,1 ch.—Maclean (N. J.) Transduodenal choledochot- omy; report of a case, with comments on the clinical and 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19---34 Bile-ducts (Surgery of Methods and technique in). operative features. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1909,1, 1273-1277 — Magill (W. S.) & Jourdan (M.) A study of choledochot- omy. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1S90-7, v, 92; l«l.— Mag- nus. Choledocho-Duodenostomie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1918, lxv, 746.—Martin (E.) The toilet of the peri- toneum in operations upon the gall passages. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila., 1903, xxi, 91-93.—Matas (R.) Catheteri- zation of the common duct as a practical and effective upper route for enteroclysis medication in toxic biliary cases (McArthur's procedure). Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xh, 185.—Monprofit (A.) Trois choledochotomies, avec remarques sur le manuel operatoire. Anjou med., Angers, 1904, xi, 270; 302. Aho: Arch. prov. de chir.. Par., 1904, xhi, 215-231.-----. Les nouveaux procedes d'anas- tomose en Y pour les voies biliaires principales. Anjou med., Angers, 1909, xvi, 83-88. Aho: Ann. internat. de chir. gastro-intest., Par., 1909, iii, 28-33—Ohl. Beitrage zur Frage der Choledocho-Duodenostomia interna. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, lxxii, 83-94.—Oppelt Sans (R.) Colecistostomia natural. Chn. y lab., rev. quin- cen. de espec. med., Zaragoza, 1911, vii, 29-31— Pantalonl (J.) Choledochotomie. Arch. prov.dechir., Par., 1898,vhi, 649-679—Pasman (R. E.) Cholangiogastrostomy; with re- port of a case. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1918, xxvi, 385-388.—Perthes. Zur Schnittfuhrung bei Operationen an den Gallenwegen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912, xxxix, 1252-1256.—Pietro (C.) & Crowther (C.) Sull'epato-colan- gio enterostomia e sulla plastica del coledoco. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, lxiii, 161-180.—Presno y Bastiony (J. A.) Nueva incision para las operaciones sobre las vias biliares. Actas y trab. d. 3° Cong. med. nae, Habana, 1914, ii, 335- 343. Aho: Rev. de med. y chug, de la Habana, 1914, xix, 636-638, 3 pi— Provera (C.) Un caso di coledocotomia re- troduodenale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1906, xiv, 1015; 1005.— Quenu. De la choledocotomie sans sutures. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1898, n. s., xxiv, 038-646. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1898, xvhi, 73; 673.-----. De la chole- docotomie; choledocotomie sans suture et choledocotomie intraduodenale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1903, n. s., xxix, 599-607.-----. Contribution a la chirurgie du canal hepatique de l'hepatico-gastrostomie. Ibid., 1905, n.s., xxxi, 218-226.-----.De la choledocotomie. Bull.med. Par., 1906, xx, 65-69.—de Quervain (F.) Choledocotomie retroduodenale. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1903, xxhi, 758. Also, transl: Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 1089-1092.—Reynier (P.) De la choledocotomie sans sutures. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1899, xhi, 434-436.—Rlggs (T. F.) End-to-end suture of the bile- ducts. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. 1915, Minneap., 1916, 101-113. Aho: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 660-663.— do Rio Branco (P.) De la position operatoire en lordose dans les interventions sur les voies biliaires. Rev. med.- cirurg. do Brazil, Rio de Jan., 1907, xv, 275-290.—Robson (A. W. M.) A series of cases of choledochotomy, including three of duodeno-coledochotomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1404-1406. ■-----. Modifications and improve- ments in operations of the biliary passages. Ibid., 1903, i, 181-186. Aho: Polyclin., Lond., 1903, vii, 50-68.-----. The technique of operations on the bihary passages. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 574-582—Rosenberger (J. A.) Ueber Choledocho-Duodenum-Anastomose. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxv, 275-282.—Rtlhl (W.) Ueber steile Becken-Tieflagerung bei Operationen an den Gallengangen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 190.—Sasse (F.) Ueber Choledocho-Duodenostomie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1913, c, 969-984.—Scheldler (F.) Zur Cholangiocystenteroanastomose. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1912, Ixxvh, 558-563.—Segale (G. B.) Contributo alia chirugia delle vie biliari; colecistotomiae colecistectomia seguite da esito di guarigione. Atti Cong, region, ligure, Genova, 1895, i, 416-423. Aho, Reprint.—Sencert(L.) Ex- ploration retro-pancreatique du canal choledoque apr&s mobilisation du duodenum. Rev. mid. de l'est, Nancy, 1905, xxxvu, 628-636.-----. Operations sur la portion retropan- creatique du canal choledoque apres mobilisation du duode- num; contribution a l'etude des voies d'acces du canal chole- doque. Rev. de gynec et de chir. abd.. Par., 1906, x, 27- 58.—Sick (P.) Zur Schnittfuhrung und Technik bei Ope- rationen an den Gallenwegen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1911, lxxvi, 137-143— Sneath (W. A.) Choledocho-ente- rostomy for constriction of the common bile duct following a perforated duodenal ulcer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1918, i, 531.—Solovoff (P. D.) Cholecystoenteroanastomosis retro- colica. Khirurgia, Mosk., 1907,xxii, 431-435.—Sourdat (P.) Sur l'anesthesie regionale en chirurgie biliaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. ae chir. de Par.. 1914, n. s., xl, 448.—Stettin (De W.) End-to-end suture of the hepatic duct. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1915, lxxxviii, 630.—Stone (I. S.) Case of choledo- chotomy. Wash. M. Ann., 1902,i, 28-33.—Summers (J. E.) A contribution to the surgery of the common bile-duct; report of a case of choledochenterostomy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 592. Aho: West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1900, v, 185-187.-----. Some modifications of tech- nique in the surgery of the gall-bladder and bile ducts. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1911, xxix, 342-347. Also [Abstr.]: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xiii, 225.—Terrier. BILE-DUCTS. 530 BILE-DUCTS. Bile-ducts (Surgery of, Methods and technique in). Voies bihaires; operation de Kehr. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 758-767.—Tlxler (L.) De la cholecystectomie sous-sereuse dans l'operation de Kehr. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1908, xxi, 261- 265.—Van Hook (W.) Air-distention in operations upon the biliary passages. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix, 137- 142.—Vautrin. De la choledocotomie retro-duodenale et retro-pancreatique, apres mobilisation du duodenum. Arch. prov. de chir.. Par., 1907, xvi, 133-148.—Vlannay. Deux cas de choledocotomie. Loire m6d., St.-Etienne, 1907, xxvi, 423-428.— Vldal (E.) Sur quelques cas de chi- rurgie des voies biliaires principales (indications et tech- nique). Ass. fran?. de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi. 247-261— Zunz (E.) Eine Kanule zur Choledochoen- terostomie. Ztschr. f. biol. Techn. u. Methodik, Strassb., 1908, i, 134. Bile-ducts (Surgery of, Plastic). See, also, Bile-ducts (Artificial). Bevan (A. D.) A case of choledochoplasty and the de- monstration of an overlooked common duct stone. Surg. Chn., Chicago, 1918, ii, 49-58.—Danis (R.i La greffe des segments veineux sur les voies biliaires. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1914, 4. s., xxviii, 201-212. Aho: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1914, lxvi, 369-371.—Davis (C. B.) & Lewis (D. D.) Repair of the common duct by means of transplanted fascia. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. 1913, Minneap., 1914, 217-220.—Eliot (E.) The repair and reconstruction of the hepatic and common bile ducts. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1917, xxxv, 222-279. Aho: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1918, xxvi, 81-102—Erdmann (J. F.) Recon- struction of the bile-ducts. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1918, lxvii, 370-372. —Fowler (W. F.) Reconstruction and repair of the hepatic and common bile-ducts; implan- tation of the hepatic duct into the duodenum. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1918, xxvh, 387-392—Giaclnto (G.) & Luigi (S.) Contributo alia plastica del coledoco contrapianto libero di segmento di vena. Clin, chir., Milano, 1914, xxh, 1641-1650. ■.----------. Sostituzione del coledoco con trapianto libero di un segmento di vena. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1914, 4. s., xx, pt. 2, 21-24.— Glnsburg (N.) & Speese (J.) Autogenous fascial recon- struction of the bile-duct. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, lxiv, 753: 1917, lxv, 79-88, 4 pi.—Guerry (Le G.) Reconstruc- tion of the choledochus. Tr. South Surg. Ass., Phila., 1918, xxx, 88-92, 2 pi. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1194-1196.—Horsley (J. S.) Reconstruction of the common bile duct. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxxi, 1188-1194. Aho [Abstr.]: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1918, cvii, 1141.—Jacobson (J. H.) Repair and reconstruc- tion of the bile ducts. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1914, lxx, 948- 965. Aho: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1914, York, 1915, xxvii, 183-199.—Kehr (H.) Ueber den plastischen Ver- schluss von Defecten der Choledochuswand durch Netz- stiicke und durch Serosa-Muscularislappen aus Magen oder Gallenblase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1902, xxxi, pt. 2, 230-244.—Lanphear (E.) Two opera- tions for total destruction of the gall ducts; one fatal, one successful. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1909, vhi, 406.— Llebold (H.) Plastische Deckung eines Choledochusde- fektes durch die Gallenblase. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 500-502—Mayo (W. J.) Restoration ofthe bile Eassage after serious injury to the common or hepatic ducts. urg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 1-6,1 pi —Moll- neus. Ueber die Moglichkeit eines Cholcdochuscrsatzes durch Einpflanzung des Processus vermiformis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912-13, cxx, 447-454.—Monprofit (A.) Du remplacement du choledoque et do l'hepatique par une anse jejunale. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1908, xxi, 206-209— Phemlster (D. B.) Reconstruc- tion of the hepatic duct. Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1917, i, 553- 560.—Stone (I. S.) Complete division of common duct at junction with hepatic and cystic ducts; suture and complete repair of injury. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1909, ix, 590.—Stropenl (L.) & Giordano (G.) Ersatz des Choledo- chus durch ein frei transplantiertes Venenstiick. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1914, xii, 190 —Sullivan (A. G.) Recon- struction of the bile ducts. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 774-777: 1912, lviii, 2026-202'.). Also: Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1910-11, ix, 580-501.—Walton (A. J.) Recon- struction ofthe common bile duct. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 269-275. Bile-ducts (Tumors of). Bravet (G.) *Les tumeurs bemgnes des voies biliaires extra-hepatiques. [Lyon.] 8°. Lyon dc Barh, 1913. Holzinger (J.) *Ueber ein Fibrom des Duc- tus hepaticus. 8°. Munchen, 1901. Kessler (J.) *Ueber gutartige Geschwiilste der grossen Gallenwege. 8°. Giessen, 1911. Bile-ducts (Tumors of). Volmer (A. F. F.) *Ein Adenomyofibrom in der Wand des Ductus choledochus. [Leipzig.] 8°. Berlin, 1908. Aho [Abstr.], in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1908, Ixxxvi, 100-167. Wettwer (E.) *Ein Fall von congenitaler Choledochuscyste. 8°. Gottingen, 1907. Barberio (M.) Su di un caso raro di cistadenoma delle vie biliari estraepatiche. Policlin., Roma, 1913, xx, sez. med., 34-48, 1 pi.—Bashklrofl (A. F.) [Pathogenesis of cysts of the choledochus communis.] Khirurg. Arkh. Velya- minova. S.-Peterb., 1911, xxvh, 63-74— Blstroff (P. V.) [Idiopathic cyst of the bile-duct.] Kharkov. M. J., 1915, xix, 319-327.—Cardarelli (A.) Neoplasma del dotto cole- doco. Studium, Napoli, 1914. vii. 251-256.—Crohn (B. B.) New growths involving the terminal bile and pan- creatic ducts; their early recognition by means of duo- denal content analysis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1914. cxlviii, 839. Aho, Reprint.—Docq (P.) & van Bever (L.) Contribution & l'etude des tumeurs de l'ampoule de Vater. Arch. d. mal. de l'appar. digest, [etc.], Par., 1914, vhi, 145-158.—Eve (F.) Large cyst of common bile-duct. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1905-6, xxxix, 144-150, 1 1., 1 pi.—Hall (I. W.).& Brazil (W. H.) Cystadenoma of aberrant bile ducts in a young child. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1903-4, 4. s., vi, 243-248, 3 pi— Hlldebrand. Geheilte Choledochuszyste. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 2224—Ipsen (J.) Et Tilfaede af Cho- ledochuscyste. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1913, 5. R., vi, 1342- 1348.—Jaboulay. Neoplasme des voies biliaires; noyau juxtapancreatique; resection des voies biliaires; anastomose du canal hepatique et du choledoque. Lyon med., 1903, ci, 1002-1004— Kauffmann. Cystadenoma pseudomuci- nosum [der Gallengange]. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1907, lx, 310-314.—Lavenson (R. S.) Cysts of the common bile duct. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1909, n. s., xh, 73-83. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1909, n. s., exxxvii, 563-570.—Massini (L.) Sui tumori delle vie bi- liari. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1909, Roma, 1910. xix, 720-724—Mints (V. M.) [Cysts of the bile-duct.] Syezd rossiysk. khirurg., Mosk., 1913, xii, 161-167.—Pellegrini (R.) Sui tumori primitivi del dotto cistico. Pathologica, Genova, 1913-14, vi, 764-777.—Pels-Leusden. Papillare Geschwiilste der Gallenwege. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1904, xxxih, 85-89— PhUilps (S.) Growths in the gall-bladder and growths in the bile-ducts. Lancet, Lond., 1913, l, 1442—Rostovtsefl (M. I.) [Colossal cystoid dilatation of bile-duct.] Laitop. Russk. Chir., S.- Peterb., 1898, hi, 1005-1021, 2 pi—Savy (P.), Bonnet (P.) & Martin (J. F.) Tumeurs benignes des voies biliaires. Lyon chirurg., 1913, ix 673-689.—Schloessmann. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Choledochuscvsten. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, cix, 160-175 —Terrier (F.) & Auvray. Tumeurs des voies biliaires, vesicule et canaux bihaires. Rev. de chir., Par., 1900, xx, 141; 283. Bile-ducts (Tumors of, Malignant). See, also, Bile-ducts (Cancer of). Bruno (A.) Studio intorno ai tumori maligni delle grandi vie bihari. Chn. med. ital., Milano, 1901, xl, 164- 181—Griffon & Dartlgues. Epitheliome du choledoque. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 816-820.—Petit (G.) Sarcome de l'ampoule do Vater et ict£re par retention chez une chienne. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 181486. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1904, lxxxi, 3S5.—Shepherd (F. J.) A case of mela- notic sarcoma of the common bile duct and the ampulla of Vater. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1908, xxvi, 372-378. Aho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlvh, 948-952,2 pi. Aho, Re- print— Spusbury. Papilloma in the common bile-duct; malignant papilloma. Tr. M. Soc Lond., 1910-11, xxxiv, 259—Vincent (W. G.) Malignancy of the biliary appa- ratus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1917, xcii, 933-936. Bile-ducts (Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Bile-ducts (Buptureof, Traumatic). Chalmers (A. J.) A case of haemorrhage into the bile passages. J. Ceylon Br. Brit. M. Ass., Colombo, 1904, i, 61-63, 1 pi— Dbmlnlcl (L.) Voluminosa raccolta cistica ematica-biliare subfrenica di origine traumatica. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1912, xxxvih. 62-69.—Downes (W. A.) Injury to the common bile-duct. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1918, lxvii, 619-621—Farner (E.) Ein Fall von geheilter Verletzung der Gallenwege. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, 1113-1117—Fromme (A.) Ein durch Operation geheilter Infanteriesteckschuss im Ductus choledochus bei einem 30jahrigen Wehnnann. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 702.-----. Infantcriegeschoss im Ductus choledochus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 181.—Gosset (A.) Cholecysto- gastrostomie pour obliteration du choledoque apres blessure de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xhi, 1109-1112.—Lothelssen. [Verletzung des Ductus cysticus BILE-DUCTS. 531 BILHARZIOSIS. Bile-ducts (Wounds and injuries of). durch zahlreiche Stiche mit einem Messer.l Wien klin Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 1231.—Porter (M. F.) Injuries of the gall ducts. Am. J. Obst.', N. Y., 1898, xxxviii, 693-703. Aho: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1898, Phila., 1899. xi, 319-329—Princeteau. Des lesions traumatiques de I'ap- pareil biliaire extra-hepatique et des epanchements de la bile dans le peritoine. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc -verb [Ctc], Par., 1908, xxi, 214-247.—de Quervaln. Lesion traumatique des voies biliaires. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1904, xxiv, 04-66.—Werelius (A.) Acci- dental surgical injuries to the bile ducts. J. Am. M. Ass Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 1545. Bilfeld (P[yotr] Lfeopoldovich]) [1871- ]. *K voprosu o soderzhanii zhelieza v pechonoch- nikh klietkakh chelovieka pri fiziologicheskikh i patologicheskikh usloviyakh. [Iron in the hu- man liver cells in physiological and pathological conditions.] 78 pp. 8°. Tomsk, B. J. Maku- shin, 1901. Bound with: IzvIest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ., 1902, xx. Bilfinger (Georg Bernhard) [1877- ]. *TJeber plastische Operationen bei Schlussunfahigkeit des Musculus sphincter smi. Nebst Mitteilung eines nach neuer Methode geheilten Falls. 23 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1903. Bilfinger (Hermann). *Zur Frage von der Entste- hung der traumatischen Hernien. [Tubingen.] 34 pp. 8°. Gmund, L. Schumacher, 1901. Bilfinger (Oskar Julius Bernhard) [1875- ]. *Ueber Leberabscess. 24 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1902. Bilfinger [Paul]. Naturliche Heil- und Lebens- weise. volksverstandliche Vortrage und Ab- handlungen iiber die wichtigsten Fragen auf dem Gebiete der naturgemassen Heilmethode. Erster Teil: Die Diatfrage. 169 pp. sm. 4°. Leipzig, H. Hartung &Sohn, [1898]. ------. Das Auge und seine naturgemasse Pflege. Ein Vortrag. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Bemme, 1901. Einiges iiber rheumatische Affectionen und den Balsam Bilfinger sowie iiber andere Leiden. 14 pp. 16°. Berlin, von Bilfinger dc Co., [n. d.]. Bilgen (Justus Ludovicus). *De dysenteria. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. sm. 4°. Giessx-Cattorum, J. J. Braunius, 1787. von Bilguer (Joh. TJlrich) [1720-96]. [ Biography.1 Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San. Wes., Berl., 1899,13. Hft., 187-197, port. Biiharz (Alfons) [1836- ]. Die Lehre vom Leben. xiv, 502 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1902. For Biography, see Psychiat .-neurol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1909-10, xi, 213, port. (K. Fischer). Bilharzia haematobia. See, also, Bilharziosis; Schistosoma; Schis- tosomiasis [in 2. $.]. Anders (J. M.) & Callahan (A.) A case of Bilharzia hematobium, with plates showing the ova of the parasite. Medicine, Detroit, 1905, xi, 509-519.—Becker (J. G.t A pre- liminary note on an intermediate host of Bilharzia hsemato- bium in the Transvaal, together with a description of the cercaria? with which the mollusc is infected. Med. J. S. —. (E. C.) Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 278—Datermediate (The) host in Bilharzia. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1915, xvhi, 232-234.—Kay (J. A.) On the development of the Bilharzia embryo. Transvaal M. J., Johannesb., 1912-13, viii, 199-205.—Kowalewskl (MA Studyahelmintologiczne. Bilharzia polonica sp. nov. Rozpr. Akad. Umiej. wydz. matemat.-przyr., Krakow, 1896, 2. s., x, 345-356:1897, 2. S., xi, 41-70, 2 pi.—Lazarus-Barlow (W. S.) & Douglas (J. J.) Preliminary note on a phase in the life-history of Bilharzia haematobia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 15.— Lao (E.) Contribuicao para o estudo da bilharziose e do seu parasita. Arch, de med., Lisb., 1897-8, i, 337-366, 1 pi.— Leiper (R. T.) Onthe relation between the terminal-spined and lateral-spined eggs of Bilharzia. Brit. M. J., Lond.., Bilharzia hsematobia. fift.6* T^-™^11 (P" S) Bilharzia hsematobia. Tr.M. boe Lond 1901-2, xxv, 259-281.—Looss (A ) The life- ?]n iyi° * e Bilharzia worm. Cairo Sc. J., 1910, iv, 134- hc^o&A------• £om.e notes on the Egyptian Schistosoma hematobium and allied forms. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., KfaV5V' 177,i8Mpl -Mi»ton (F.) Speculations on the o<£ o£t0IX °.? Schistosomum haematobium. Ibid., 1912, xv, J25-227 —Sehgmann (C. G.) Observations on the hatch- ing of the ova of Bilharzia haematobia. Tr. Path. Soc. iT&j' i89JA xhx/ 386-388.—Zancarol. Contribution a 11 etude du Distoma haematobium. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1884, 3. s., i, 306. Bilharziosis. See, also, Bilharzia haematobia; Hsematuria (Endemic) [in 2. s.]; Schistosomiasis [in 2. s.]. Bentejec (M.-J.-J.-H.) Contribution a l'e- tude de la bilharziose. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900. Glaesel (P.-F.) Contribution a l'etude de la bilharziose. 8°. Baris, 1909. ------. La bilharziose. 4°. Barh, 1909. Hedie (F.-F.-A.) *Bilharziose. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1898. Bandi (I.) A contribution to the study of bilharziosis. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1913, xvi, 84.—Benham. Bil- harzia hsematobia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 922.—Blrt (C.) Bilharzia hsematobia. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond 1904, in, 421,1 pi.—Briscoe (J. FA Bilharziosis. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 155.—Brooks (H. T.) [Case.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, h, 492.—Bryant (J. H.) Bilharzia haematobia. Chn. J., Lond., 1903, xxh, 145-152.—Campbell (R. P.) Bilhar- ziosis. Montreal M. J., 1908, xxxvh, 178.—Cawston (F. G.) Bilharziosis. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1427.—Chajes (B.) Zur Kenntnis der Schistosomiasis (Bilharziosis). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xhv, 65.—Childe (C. P.) [Case.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 644. Aho: J. Trop. M., Lond., 1899-1900, ii, 7.—Conor (A.) Sur les bil- harzioses. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1911, xxxhi, 544-565.—Dun- can (A.) [Case.) Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1902-3, xxxvi, 187- 189.—Ferguson (A. R.) Bilharziosis. Cairo Sc. J., 1910, iv, 129-134, 2 pi.-----. Some notes on bilharziosis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps. Lond., 1917, xxix, 57-65.—Fraikin. [Case.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1917, 107.-----. [Case.] J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1918, xlix, 21.—Goebel (C.) Ueber Bilharziakrankheit der weib- hehen Genitalien. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1379-1382. -----. Die Bilharzia-Krankheit. Heil- kunde, Berl. & Wien, 1906. x, 145-149—Guillemard (F. H. H.) Bilharzia haematobia. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, ii, 1091-1101.—Harrison (R.) [Case.] Polv- clin., Lond^, 1903, vh, 156.—Hillmantel (J. L.) [Case 1 Chicago M. Recorder, 1893, v, 230-233.—Hooton (A.) [Case.] Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1914, xlix, 188—Hymansvanden Bergh (A. A.) [Case.) Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1912, i, 721— Kautsky (A.) Die Bilharziaerkran- kungen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 649-652.—Lane (C. G.) Bilharziasis; report of a case with appendicitis: literature since 1904. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxiii, 937- 940— Lawson (C. B.) Bilharzia disease. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1904, hi, 263-271.—Lelean (P. S ) [Two cases.) /5id.,425^28.—Lewis(R.C.) [Cases.] /6id.,ii,345.— Llpa Bey. Bilharzia haematobia. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviu, 503.—Lloyd (B.J.) [Case.) Northwest Med., Seattle, 1913, n. s.. v, 311.—Madden (F. C.) Two rare manifestations of bilharziosis. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 754.—Milton (F.) Three lectures on Bilharzia. J. Trop M., Lond., 1902, v, 165; 191; 200; 213.-----. Notes on bilhar- ziosis. Rec. Egypt. Gov. Sch. Med., Cairo, 1904, ii, 107- 122.—Monroe(F.F.) [Case.) Proc. M. Ass.Isthmian Canal Zone, Mount Hope, 1917, ix, 77.—Morton (J.) [Case.] Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1910, xxix, 79.—Mouchet (R.) &Fronville(G.) Bilharziose et tumeurs. Bull. Soc. path. exot., Par., 1918, xi,710-712.—Nelson (W.H.) [Threecases.] Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1912, xxxu, 482.—Neumann (R. O.) Ueber Bilharziosis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 575.—Newmarch (B. J.) [Case.] Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1907, xxvi, 336.—Petrie (J.) Bilharzia haematobia. Brit. M. /.. Lond., 1903, ii, 133.— Pool (E. H.) [Case.] Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1903-4, n. s., iii, 83-87.—Porter (W. H.) Bilharzia ha?matobia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, hi, 123-127,3 pi.—Potts (J. L.) A case of recurrent bilharziosis. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond 1917,xx, 110—Rafferty (T. N.) &Rafferty (H. N.) [Case] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 918.—Rankin (W.H.) Bilhar- ziosis. Brooklyn M. J., 1904. xvhi, 261-264—Reynier (P.) Bilharziose. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s xl, 1291-1294.—Robbins (F. W.) Bilharzia hematobium. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1907,iii,40-44.—Ross (H. R.) Bilharzia haematobium; blood fluke. Montreal M. J., 1906, xxxv, 596-600.—Rous. La bilharziose. Caducee, Par., 1906, vi, 105-107.—Sandwith (F. M.) Bilharziosis. Practitioner, Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 460-477, 3 pi.—Sewell (E. P.) Case of Bilharzia haematobia in a soldier who had only served in England and India. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., BILHARZIOSIS. 532 BILHARZIOSIS. Bilharziosis. 1904, ii, 34(..—Skeldlng (H.) A case of Bilharzia in a boy, aged eleven years. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vh, 274-276. Aho: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1907, iv, 438-440.—Smith (C. A.) [Seven cases.] Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 650-059. Aho: Atlanta J .-Rec. -Med., 1905-6, vii, 515-518.—Smith (P. E. W.) Bilharziosis. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, iv, 79.—Spencer (II. A.) Bilharzia hsematobia. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1898-9, vi, 269-271.—Stacy (H. S.) [Case] Australas. M. Gaz., Syd- ney, 1906, xxv, 397.—Stock (P. G.) Endemic haematuria. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 857.—Teodoro (li.) Studi recenti sulla bilharziosi umana. Pathologica, Genova, 1915-16, vhi, 285-287.—zur Verth (M.) Unsere jetzigen Kenntnisse iiber die Schistosomiasis (Bilharziosis). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911,lviii, 1180-1184.—Voortnuis(J.A.) [Case] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xh, d. 1, 1665-1672—Walker (E.) [Case] Am. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1899-1900, xiii, 405.-----. Bilharzia haematobia. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1899, N. Orl., 1900, xii, 270- 278. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 390-392. Aho, Reprint.—Walker (R. E.) Bilharzia hematobia. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1905, xxv,207-209— Wal- lace (D.) A short note on Bilharzia napmatobia, and notes of three cases. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1901, viii, 121- 124.—Wardrop (D.) [Five cases.) J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1900, vii,282—Zorn(L.) [Case.] Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1906, xxii, 12-19. . Bilharziosis (Blood in). Conor (A.) & Benazet (L.) Formule leucocytaire et "image d'Arneth" dans la bilharziose. Bull. Soc. path. exot., Par., 1912, v, 396-400.—Russell (A. E.) Eosinophilia associated with Bilharzia disease. Lancet, Lond.. 1902, ii. 1540.—Symmers (W. St. C.) A note on acase of hilharzial worms in the pulmonary blood in a case of bilharzial cohtis. Ibid., 1905. i, 22—Zweifel (E.) Blutuntersuchungen bei Bilharzia haematobia. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1911, xv, 73-80. Bilharziosis (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Bilharzia hsematobm. FvISquez (J. R.) Apuntes sobre la bilhar- ziosis en Venezuela; contribuci6n al estudio de su anatomia patol6gica. 8°. Caracas, 1916. Allen (J. F.) Bilharzia haematobia and circumcision. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 1317-1320—Bandi (I.) Contributo alio studio della bilharziosi venosa. Riforma med., Napoh, 1912, xxviii, 1386.—Bour (E. F.) On numerous cases of oedema of the legs and albuminuria occurring in a reforma- tory, with a contribution to the study of bilharziasis. J. Trop. M. [etcl, Lond., 1912, xv, 148-150,1 pi.—Burfleld (J.) A case of Bilharzia infection of the vermiform appendix; with a pathological report by E. H. Shaw. Lancet. Lond., 1906. i, 368-370.—Cawston (F. G.) The causes of bilhar- ziosis. Med. J.S. Africa,Johannesb.,1915-16,xi, 125.-----. The cause and effect of Bilharzia disease in South Africa, Egypt, and the Far East. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1916, xiv, 163—Conor (A.) Essais de transmission de ia bilharziose. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1914, vh, 202- 206.—Damaschlno. Des alterations produitc3 par le Distoma haematobium dans le gros intestrn et dans les voies urinaires. Union med., Par., 1882, 3. S., xxxiv, 949-956. Aho: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s., xix, pt. 2, 150-156, 2 pi—Day (H. B.) The blood changes in bilharziasis, with special reference to Egyptian ansemla. Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 1328-1332— Diamantls. Quelques considerations sur le mode d'infestation dc l'hom- me par le Schistosomum hnematoblum. J. d'urol. ntfd. et chir., Par., 1917-18, vh, 9-16.—Douglas (S. R.) & Hardy (F. W.) Some remarks on 50 cases of Bilharzia disease, with special reference to the characters of the white corpuscles found in the blood and urine. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1009- 1012.—Eosinophilia in Bilharzia disease and dracontiasis. Rep. Wellcome Research Lab., Khartoum, 1904, i, 58-61.— Ferguson (A. R.) The lesions of bilharzial disease. Glas- gow M. J., 1913, lxxix, 14-23,3 pi—Goebel (C ) Patholo- gisch-anatomische una klinische Bemerkungen iiber Bilhar- ziakrankheit. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1903, vii, 107-124. Aho, transl: J. Trop. M., Lond., 1903, vi, 106; 127; 143.-----. Ueber die bei Bilharziakrankheit vorkommenden Blasentumoren mit besonderer Beruck- sichtigung des Carcinoms. Ztschr. f. Krebsforsch., Berl., 1905, hi, 309-513,12 pi.-----. Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Bilharzia-Krankheit. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1906, x, 1-4.-----. Ueber die, fur die Bilharzia- krankheit typischen Urethralflsteln. Centralbl. f.d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1906, xvii, 694-615.-----. Die pathologische Anatomie der Bilharziakrankheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1245-1248. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1909, Berl., 1910, xl, pt. 2, 227-235. [Demonstration], pt. 1,128.—Kautsky Bey (A.) fMikros- kopischo und anatomische Praparate von Bilharzia-Erkran- kung.) Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 984.-----. Blutuntersuchungen bei Bilharzia-Krankheit. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1904, Iii, 192-200.—Ix-tulle (M.) & Nattan- Larrler. Lesions du foie dans les schistosomiases humaines. Bilharziosis (Causes and pathology of). Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1909, ii, 538-544.—Madden (F. C.) A preliminary note on the presence of living adult Bilharzia worms in bilharzial papillomata and in bilharzial fibrous tissue. J. Trop. M7 Lond., 1903, vi, 1.-----. Two interesting bilharzial conditions. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1204.—Pfister (E.) & Goebel. Pathologie der agyptischen Bilharziakrankheit. Deutsche med. W'chnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 1041.—Rodenwaldt. Aetiologie der Bilharziose. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1912, xvi, 705.—Strauss (H.) Zur Pathologie der Bilharzia- erkrankung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 477-480 — Trellle(G.) Un cas de bilharziose; recherches etconstatations microbiologiques par Rouslacroix. Marseille med., 1911, xlviii, 309-377.—Zancarol. Des alterations occasionnees par le Distoma haematobium dans les voies urinaires et dans le gros intestin. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1882), 1883,2. s.,xix, pt. 2,144-149,2pi. Aho: Unionmed., Par., 1883, 3. s., xxxv, 229-235. Bilharziosis (Diagnosis and semeiology of). Harrison (W. S.) The prognosis in bilharziasis. J.Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1913, xxi, 385-388.—Kay (J. A.) The prognosis of Bilharzia haematobia. Transvaal M. J., Johannesb., 1909-10, v, 181-183—Madden (F. C.) Some unusual manifestations »f Bilharzia. Rec. Egypt. Gov. Sch. Med., Cairo, 1904, ii, 73-80. 2 pi— Mazzei (T.) La ricerca delle uova di Bilarzla nelle urine e nelle feci. Ri- formamed., Palermo-Napoh, 1905, xxi, 657-659— Pflster(E.) Die methodische Uroskopie der Bilharziakranken. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1909, xhi, 589-607.-----. Die methodische Endoskopie (Proktoskopie) des bilhar- ziakranken Enddarmes. Ibid., 761-770.—Sonsino (P.) Bilharzia ova, as found in the urine in the urinary bladder, in intestinal and urinarv calculus. Physician & Surg., Lond., 1900, i, 359-361—Wilson (H. W ) The cystoscopie appearances in a case of Bilharzia hsematobia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1909, Lond., 1910, xiv, 151-153,1 pi. Bilharziosis (History and geographical distribution of). Baetz (W.) Report of a bilharziosis case in Panama. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xciv, 141-143. Aho, Reprint — Barbagallo \P.) Contributo alio studio della Bilharzia crassa (Sons) in Sicilia. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed. Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1899, xlviii, 865-873. Aho: Arch, de parasitol, Par , 1899, ii, 277-285.—Becker (J. G.) A note on bilharziosis in the Transvaal. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1910, xii, 42 — Bilharziasis. Rep. Gov. Bur. Microbiol. 1909, Sydney, 1910,89-91.—Bonilltez (M.) Les bilharzioses dans le Moven- Chari (Territoire du Tcbad). Bull. Soc. path, exot., far., 1915, vuiv604-010.—Bouet (G.) & Roubaud (E.) Bilhar- ziose au Dahomey et en Haute-Casameuce; quelques obser- vations biologitiues sur le miracidium bilharzien. Ibid., 1912, v, 837-S42— Bouffard & ISeveaux. Bilharziose dans le Haut-Senegal et le Haut-Alger. Ibid., 1908, i, 430-432.— Brault (J.) Distribution geographique des bilharzioses. Arch. gen. demed., Par., 1907, i, 691-097.—Brayton (N. D.) Bilharziasis iu the New World. Proc. Canal Zone M. Ass., Mount Hope, C. Z., 1909, il, 7-14. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1437-1440— Burres (JV. T.) Intestinal bilharziosis in western Panama. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.], N. Orl., 1916, iii, 111—de Carvalho (A. C.) A proposito da schistosomiase na Bahia. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1908, xxh, 421—Cawston (F. G.) Schistosomiasis in Natal. J. Trop. M. retc], Lond., 1915, xviii, 357. Also: South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1915-16, xiv, 51-53.-----. Bilharzio- sis in Natal. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 746. Also: South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 160. ■-----. Bilhar- ziosis in South Africa. Ibid., 1916,xiv,99-105. AfcofAbstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 144.-----. Bilharziosis in South Africa. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx. 439-141.—Cla- pler. Les bilharzioses dans la region mihtaire de la G ulnee. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1916, ix, 739-747— Conor (A.) La bilharziose en Tunisie. Ibid., 1909, ii. 486-488.-----. Un foyer de bilharzioseen Tunisie: Gafsaet son oasis. Ibid., 612-614.-----. Sources thermales et bilharziose en Tunisie. Ibid., 1910, hi, 446-149.—Conor (A.) & Arroux. La bilhar- ziose en Tunisie: le foyerdu Djerid. Ibid., 1913, vi,259-261.— Conor (A.) & Benazet (L.) Un nouveau foyer de bilhar- ziose en Tunisie: la region de Kebili. Ibid., 1911, iv, 684- 6s6.—Cook (J. HJ Distribution of bilharziosis on the Victoria Nyanza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909, i, 1356.—Cottel) (R. J. C.) Notes on cases of Bilharzia haematobia collected at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond , 1912, xvhi, 434-43> —Courtols-Sufflt, Gay (L.) & Jacquet (P.) Un cas de bilharziose contractee a la Guade- loupe. Ann. d'hyg. et de mod., Par., 1912, xv, 622-630.— Crosthwalt (W. S.) Notes on two cases of Bilharzia haematobia, at Thavetmvo, Burma. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, ii, 524!—Edgar (W. H.) Yanntszofever. J. State Med., Lond., 1913, xxi, 542-553.-:Ekehorn ((!.) Ein Fall von Bilharziosis In Upsala. Folia urol., Leipz., 1913, vui, 1-11, 2 pi—Elgood (B. S.) Bilharziasis among women and girls In Egypt. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1355- 1357.—Faichnte (N.) A case of Bilharzia hivmatobia con- BILHARZIOSIS. 533 BILHARZIOSIS. Bilharziosis (History and geographical distribution of). tracted in England. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, v, 638.—Freeman (E. C.) A case of Bilharzia haema- tobium; contracted in England. Ibid.. 145-148.—Gatt (J. E. H.) Bilharzia disease in Middleburg, Transvaal. Ibid., 1907, viii, 65-67—Gonzalez Martinez (I.) Refl- riendo a un estudio de Bilharzia hematobium y bilharziosis en Puerto Rico. Rev. demed. trop., Habana, 1904, v, 193.— Gunn (II.) Bilharzia disease: report of two cases observed among Porto Ricans in San Francisco. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1031.—Holcomb (R. C.) West Indian bilharziosis. Mil. Surgeon, Carhsle, Pa., 1907, xx, 459-467. Aho, Reprint.—Job (E.) Note sur la bilharziose au Maroc. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 1282-1288.—Joyeux (Ch.) Note sur quelques cas de bilhar- ziose observes a Kouroussa (Guinee francaise). Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1912, v, 504.—Lanning (R. H.) Schisto- somiasis on the Yangtze River, with report of cases. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1914, vui, 16-36,11 pi.—Leiper (R. T.) Report ou the results of the bilharzia mission in Egypt, 1915. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 1; 200:1916, xxvu, 171.-----. Observations on the mode of spread and prevention of vesical and intestinal bilharziosis in Egypt, with additions to August, 1916. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Occas. Lect., 145-172—Leveque. La bilharziose en Tunisie. Soc. de med. mil. franc. Bull, Par., 1911, v, 226-230.—Lillie (C. F.) A case of Bilharzia haematobia in the Orange River Colony. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 212.—Looss (A.) Bilharziosis of women and girls in Egypt in the light of the Skin infection theory. Ibid., 1909, i, 773-777.—Madden (F. C.) The incidence of bilharziosis in Egypt and its clinical manifestations. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1910, xiii, 247. Aho: Brit. M. J.^Lond., 1910, u, 965. -----. The incidence of bilharziosis in Egypt and its influ- ence upon the surgery of the genito-urinary tract. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, Tech. Suppl., iii, 3-47.-----. The incidence of bilharziosis in Egypt and its influence upon the surgery of the genito-urinary tract. Ibid., 1918, xxii, 677- 687.—Mann (W. L.) Some practical aspects of schistoso- miasis as found in the Orient. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvii, 1366-1368.—Manson (P.) Report of a case of Bilharzia from the West Indies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, n, 1894. Aho: J. Trop. M., Lond., 1902, v, 384.—Mazzone rF.) Alcuni casi di buarziosi osservati in Cirenaica. Gazz. a. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 566-568.—Mense (C.) Bil- harziosis bei Europaern in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1907, xi, 783.—Milton (FJ Does Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) exist in India? Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1914, xlix, 10-14.—Milton (H.) Notes on surgical bilharziosis as seen in Egypt. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. (1896), Lond. 1897, n. s., xxv, 93-100.—Moraes Man- chego (F.) Prevalence of bilharziosis in the Zambesi basin. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 923.—Noc (F.) La bilharziose k la Martinique. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1910, iii, 26-30.— Posnett (W. G. T.) The geographical distribution of Bil- harzia. J. Trop. M-, Lond., 1901, iv, 318.—Powell (A.) Bilharzia in India. Brit. M. J.? Lond., 1903, i, 490.—Reed (A. C.) Schistosomiasis in California. Cahf. State J. M., San Fran., 1918, xvi, 293-296—Richter (PJ Hematuria segyptiaca in Babylonien. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vi, 735-738.—Risquez (J. R.) El problema de la bil- harziosis en Venezuela. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1917, xxu, 600-604. .4 too, Reprint.—Ruffer(M. A.) Note on the presence of Bilharzia haematobia in Egyptian mummies of the twentieth dynasty [1250-1000 B. CJ. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, i, 16— Sandwith. (F. M.) & Harding (N. E.) Bilharziosis in South Africa. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vi, 217—da SUva (P.) Contribuicao para o estudo da schistosomiase na Bahia. Brazil-med;, Rio de Jan., 1908, xxu, 281; 441; 451.—Sturrock (P. S.) Bilharzia in Mesopotamia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1543.—Turner (G. A.) Bilharziosis in South Africa. Parasitology, Cam- bridge, 1908, i, 195-217.—Villeneuve. La bilharziose en Tunisie. Ass. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1891, Par., 1892, xx, pt. 2, 556.—Williamson (G. A.) Bilharzia haema- tobia in Cyprus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 956.—Wolff. Bilharzia in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen- Hyg., Leipz., 1911, xv, 224-230. Bilharziosis (Intestinal). Ameullle (P.) & Magne (G.) Sur un cas de bilhar- ziose intestinale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1918, 3. s., xiii. 553-556— Archibald (R. G.) Intestinal schistosomiasis in the Sudan; with notes on the treatment of two cases by means of autogenous vaccines of coli-hke organ- isms. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 296-299.—Balbour (A.) Febrile intestinal schistosomiasis and its occasional resem- blance to febrile appendicitis. Ibid., 915.—Carnot (P.) Deux cas de bilharziose intestinale. Arch. d. mal. de l'appar. digest, [etch Par., 1916-17, ix, 661-682.—Conor (A.) La bilharziose intestinale en Tunisie. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 627-629.—Courtois-Sufflt, Gery (L.) & Jacquet (P.) Un cas de bilharziose intestinale contractee a la Guadeloupe. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Par., 1912, 3. s., xxxiii, 560-570. Aho: Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1912, lxxxv, 833-837.—Crimp (G. L.) A case of bilharziosis ofthe Bilharziosis (Intestinal). vermiform appendix. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 672— Fergu- ??? iAlJv, Col°n; acute dysentery; bilharziasis. In: Cat. Pathol. Mus., 8°, Cairo. 1910, 82; 87.—Firket. De la pseudo-dysenterie a- bilharzia observee au Congo. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1897,4. s., xi, 451-463 — * roes (J. A. G.) Schistosomose rectal na Bahia. Brazil- med., Rio de Jan., 1908, xxh, 371:1909, xxih, 41.—Gonzalez Martinez (I.) Investigations on the prevalence and chnical features of intestinal bilharziosis (Schistosomiasis mansoni) m Porto Rico. Tr. Am. Soc. Trop. Med., N. Orl., 1916, x, 97-139. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1916,lxix,352-394.—Jack- son (T. W.) A case of intestinal bilharziosis. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1910, xxvh, 301-305.—Jones (A. W.) Bilharzia of large intestine. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1910, xiii, 113.— Kartulis. Ueber das Vorkommen der Eier des Distomum haematobium Bilharz in den Unterleibsorganen. Arch. f. cas de bilharziose intestinale contracts a la Martinique. Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop., Par., 1904, i, 46-48.-----. Bilhar- ziose intestinale. Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1905, ix, 329-439, 2 pi—Madden (F. C.) Bilharziosis of the anus. J. Trop. M^[etc.],Lond.,1909,xu,370.—Madden (F.C.)& Richards (O.) Two papers on localized bilharziosis of the large intes- tine. Ibid., 1910, xiii, 82-87.—Meader (C. N.) A case of rectal bilharzia. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxv, 51-54.— Mouchet (R.) Bilharziose a localisation appendiculaire. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1918, xi, 237-300.—Noc (F.) Un cas d'ankylostomiase maligne comphquee de bilharziose rectale. Ibid., 1910, iii, 30-32. Bilharziosis (Prevention and treatment of). Mantey (O.) *Distomum haematobium; die durch dasselbe hervorgerufenen Krankheiten und deren Behandlung. 8°. Jena, 1880. Allen (J. F.) Bilharziosis and how to prevent it. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 375.—Cawston (F. G.) The prevention of Bilharzia infection. Ibid., 1916, i, 837: ii, 121.-----. Pro- phylaxis in bilharziosis. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1917, xx, 49.—Christopherson (J. B.) Intravenous injections of antimonium tartaratum in bilharziosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1918, ii, 652.-----. The successful use of antimony in bil- harziosis. Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 325-327.-----. Antimony in bilharziosis. ibid., 1919, i, 79.—Conor (A.) Bilharziose et 606. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 45-17.—Day (H. B.) & Richards (O.) The treatment of bilharziasis by salvarsan. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 1126.—Eklns (C. M.) Four cases of bilharziasis under thymo-benzol treatment. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1914-15, viii, 212-215 — Fulleborn (F.) & Werner. Ueber Salvarsan wirkung bei Bilharziose, nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Ausschliipfen der Miracidien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxvih, 351.—Garcia Puelles (G.) Un caso de bilarzia curado por el electroargol. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1911, xxvi, 380-385.—Goebel (C.) Erfahrungen iiber die chirurgische Behandlung der Cystitis und der Bla- sentumoren bei Bilharziakrankheit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902-3, lxvi, 223-245—Joannldes (N. Z.) Die Wirkung des Salvarsans auf die Bilharzia. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvii, 1551.— Looss (A.) Ueber die sogenannte Heilung der Bilharziosis durch Salvarsan. Ibid., 1912, xxxvih, 70.—McDonagh (J. E. R.) Antimony in bilharziosis. Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 371.—Mayer (M.) Behandlung der Bilharziakrankheit mit Emetin. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 612.— Milton (F.) Bilharziosis surgically considered. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 866-869.—Pflster (E.) Ein Ruckblick auf die bisherige Therapie der Bilharzia, und einige Ausblicke. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1910, xiv, 69-93, 2 pi.—Post (D. C.) Salvarsan in the treatment of schisto- somiasis; report of case. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 645-650.—Robertson (W.) Thymobenzol in bil- harziasis. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1914-15, x, 94. -----. Thymo-benzene in bilharziosis. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 698.—Thompson (G. S.) Ionization for bilharziosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 756. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 967. Bilharziosis (Rectal). See Bilharziosis (Intestinal). Bilharziosis (Urine in). See, also, Hsematuria (EndemKc). Christopherson (J. B.) &Newlove(J. R.) Thepassingof Bilharzia worms in the urine. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1918, xxi, 180.—Cortez (J.) Un caso de hematuria por Bilharzia hematobium 6 hematuriaendemica de los paisescalidos. Ju- ventud med., Guatemala, 1905, vii, 97-103.—Curtis (H.) Remarks on a case of haematuria, due to Bilharzia haema- tobia, causing papillomata of the bladder; suprapubic cys- totomy; removal of papillomata; relief of symptoms. Chn. J.,Lond., 1906-7,xxix, 414-416.—Fraenkel (A.) Hamaturie infolge von Distomum haematobium. Deutsche med. BILHARZIOSIS. 534 BILIARY. Bilharziosis (Urine in). Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvu, 809.—Fulcl (F.) Ematuria da Bilharzia haematobia. Policlin., Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. prat., 208 —Le Dantec (A.) Un cas d'hematurie bilharzienne provenant du Natal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 399. Aho: 3. de med. de Bordeaux, . 1904, xxxiv, 870.—Letulle (M.) Bilharziose urinaire chez un negre du Congo; modes de dissemination des lesions para- Sitaires. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1908, i, 280-288 — Manson (P.) Endemic haematuria (Bilharzia disease). In his: Trop. Dis., 12°, Lond., 1903, 605-016.— Marion (G.) Un cas de bilharziose urinaire. Rev. de gynec. et de chir. abd., Par.. 1910, xv 133-148, I pi— O'Neli (R. F.) Hema- turia due to the Bilharzia hematobia, with the report of a case. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cii, 453-457, 1 pi. A ho, Re- print.— Pflster (E.) Ueber eierhaltigen Harngriess bei Bilharziakrankheit. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1912-13, vii, 289- 294, 1 pi. -----. Urolithiasis und Bilharziasis. Arch. f. Schifls- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1913, xvu, 309-318.-----. Ein Harnrohrenstein bei Bilharziakrankheit. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vii, 97-103.—RlddeU (J. S.) Case of haematuria duo to Bilharzia haematobium. Scot. M. &S.J.,Edinb, 1903,xiii,55.—Samothracis(A.T.) [Bilhar- ziosis or endemic haematuria?] 'IaTpwi) irpdoSot, 'V.v Xvpu, 1909, xiv, 177-182.—Sorla (P.) Note sur le traitement de rhematurie dans la bilharziose. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1914, vii, 722.—Taylor (S.) Hsvmaturia due to Bilharzia haematobia. Polvclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 428.—WUIiams (C. T.) Haematuria due to the Bilharzia haematobia. Ibid., 426. Bilharziosis (Vesical). See, also, Haematuria (Endemic). de Schacken (J.-M.-L.) *Etude de la bil- harziose, sa localisation vesicale au point de vue anatomo-patholo<4que. 8°. Bordeauxl 1906. Trekaki (P.) De la bilharziose urinaire; e^ude clinique. 8°. Alexandrie, 1903. Curtis (B. F.) Partial resection of the bladder for ulcer caused by the Distoma haematobium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 964.—Desnos (E.) Bilharziose vesicale traitee par la cauterisation diathermique (haute frequence). J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1917-18, vii, 319-323. Aho: Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1918, 3. s., lxxix, i, 37-40.—Diamantis. Sur un nouveau traitement de l'hpmaturie bilharzienne en Egypte. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1917-18, vii, 17-25.— Diamantis & Lotsy. Bilharziose uretero-vesicale precoce diagnostiquee par la radiographie. Ibid., 59-63.—Dupont. Quelques cas de bilharziose vesicale observes a Ouahigouya (Soudan francais). Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop., Par., 1910, vii, 207.—Ebstein (W.) Die Harnblase bei der Bilharzia- krankheit und ihre Beziehungen zur Urolithiasis. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, iv, 1-5.—Ferguson (A. R.) Bladder; bilharzial infiltration; very early stage. Cat. Pathol. Mus., Cairo, 1910, 184; 186; 187.-----. Associated bilharziosis and primary malignant disease of the urinary bladder, with observations on a series of fortv cases. J. Path. & Bacterid^, Cambridge, 1911, xvi, 76-94,5pi.—Frank (E.-R.-W.) La bilharziose, maladie de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910, xhi, 738-744. Aho, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 935.—Jeanbrau (E.) A propos d'un cas de bilharziose vesicale avec examen cystoscopique. Montpel. med., 1909, xxix, 304-308.—Joseph (E.) Kystoskopische Bilder von Bilharzia der Blase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl , 1913, xiii, pt. 1, 52.-----. Demon- stration cystoskopischer Bilder von Bilharzia der Blase. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1913), 1914, xliv, pt. 1, 38-40.—Khourl (J.) Quelques considerations relatives k la schistosomiase urinaire en Egvpte. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1917, 7. s., xvi, 370-377.—Kutner (It.) Zur Bilharziose der Blase. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1905, xvi, 019-657.—Lemierre (A.) & Lantuejoul (I'.J Un cas do bilharziose vesicale traitee par les injections intraveineuses do chlorhvdrato d'emetine. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Far., 1918, 3. s., xiii, 640- 643.—Lewis (R. F.) Bilharzia hamatobia in tho bladder. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 1057.—Marlon (G.) Un cas de bilharziose ve\sicale traitee par la taille, l'ablation et la cau- terisation des lesions, suivies de guerison. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1917-18, vii, 325-327.—Meinecke (A.) Ein Fall von Distoma haematobium Bilharzii der Blasenwand. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1895-6, Hamb. & Leipz., 1897, v, pt. 2, 209-211, 1 pi. Aho: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1897, i, 209-211,1 pi.—Millan. Bilhar- ziose vesicale. Presse mM., Par., 1917, xxiv, 521.—Mlnet (H.) Deux cas de bilharziose vesicale provenant del' Afnque septentrionale francaise. Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1915, x, 385-390,1 pi. Aho, transl: Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, Tech. Suppl., iii, 307-310, 1 pi—Morel (L.) & Mal- donado (I.) Reflexions suggerees par quatre observal ions de bilharziose vesicale. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1917-18, vii, 27-37.—Neveu-Lemalre (M.) & Roton (A.S Trois cas de bilharziose vesicale observes a Dakar. Arch, de para- sitol., Par., 1911-12, xv, 474-177 — Peyrot (J.) Un cas dc bilharziose vesicale, observe a Tombouctou. Ann. d'hvg. et de med. colon., Par., 1905, viii, 105-111.—Wulff. Patient mit Bilharzia-Erkranlcung der Blase. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, xxxiv, 173. Bilharziosis in animals. Lesse (A. S.) Bilharziosis in the camel. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Calcutta, 1911, vi, 263.—Llston (W. G.) & Soparkar (M. B.) Bilharziosis among animals in India; the life-cycle of Schistosomum spinalis. Indian J. M. Research, Cal- cutta, 1917-18, v, 567-569.—Marotel (G.) Existence de la bilharziose bovine en France. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 119-122 —Montgomery (R. E.) Observations on bilharziosis among animals in India. J. Trop. Vet. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1906, i, 15; 138, 4 pi.—Ratlllet (A.) La bilharzie du bceuf en Annam. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 11. s., i, 787-789— Skryabln (K. I.) [Bilharziasis; helmin- thiasisof the blood of cattlein Turkestan] Arch. vet.nauk, S.-Peterb., 1911, xii, 1107-1176, 2 pi— Vryburg (A.) Bil- harzia-Wurmer bei Rindern in Sumatra. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1907, xlih, Orig., 800-809,1 pi. Bilhaut (Marceau). *Evolution du traitement chirurgical du cancer uti'rin. 160 pp. 8°. Barh, 1907, No. 352. Biliary calculus. See Calculus (Biliary). Biliary system. See, also, Bile-ducts; Gall-bladder; Liver. Holmes(B.) Themucousfdandsofthebileductsandgall bladder. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1914. cxii, 705-708. Aho, Reprint.—Kowalskl (E.) Ueber den Einfluss von aus- seren hydrotherapeiitischen Proceduren auf die Gallen- secretion. Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1898, viu, 225- 230.—Scammon (R. E.) The development of the biliary svstem in animals lacking a gall-bladder in post-embrvonic hfe. Anat. Record, Phila., 1916, x, 237. Biliary system (Diseases of). Gabbi (U.) Infezioni biliari. 8°. Milano, [18991. Corner, clin. ital., Milano, ii, 1. s., No. 20. Bignami (G ) Plelocromia biliare epidemica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 8-10— Brings (J.) Beitrag zur inneren Behandlung der Erkrankungen des Gallensystems. Med. BL, Wien, 1906, xxix, 366; 379.—Crltchlow (G. R.) Diagnosis of biliary disease. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1917,lxv,9 14.—Crosthwalt(W.L) Diseases ofthe biliary tract; special reference to the pathology and differential diagnosis of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Texas M. News, Austin, 1905-6, xv, 551-558.—Fenwlck (W. S.) Bil- iousness. Practitioner, Lond., 1911, lxxxvii, 509-51S—Ftlt- terer (G.) Contributions to the histologv, physiology and pathology of the liver, bile passages, and bile. Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 460; 557:887, 2 pi.—Hare (F.) The hepatic factor in biliousness. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, fcl7-si9.— Jaccoud. De l'asphyxie biliaire ou acholic. Kev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1899, lvi, 26-2S — Maul (G.) & Anto- mori (G ) Sulle modificazioni del sistema nervoso centrale nella colemia sperimentale. Riforma med., Palermo, 1899, xv, pt. 1, 386-3ss.—Mllllkln (M.) Some observations on biliousness. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1919, xv, 222-225.— Peterson (E. A.) Biliousness. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1907, 409-41*— Robson (A. W. M.) Lectures on diseases of the gall bladder and bile ducts. Brit M. J., Lond., 1897, i. 641:707:772. A Ito.-Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1S97, n. s., lxiii, 267; 298; 321; 350; 373; 405; 429: 456.—Rucker (M. P.) Medical treatment of diseases of the bile tract. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1906-7, v, 103-106. Biliary system (Surgery of). Korte (W.) Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Gal- lenwe^e und der Leber. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Allaben (J. E.) Some observations on the surgery of the gall tracts, with report of cases; is the gall bladder a rudi- mentary and useless organ? N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1S97, ix, 434-151—Babcock (W. W.) The evolution of the sur- gery of the biliary system. Canad. Pract. .)[etal}. Johns Hopkins Historical Club. Special meeting, May 26,1913, in memory of John Shaw Billings. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1914, xxv, 244-253—Jacob! (A.) Eulogy of John Shaw Billings. Ann. Med. Hist., N. Y., 1917-18, i, 109, port.—Memorial meeting in honor of the late John Shaw Billings, April 25, 1913. Bull. N. Y. Pub. Libr., 1913, xvh, 511-535. Also: Library J., N. Y., 1913, xxxviii, 334-338. Also: Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1913, xxxv, 285, port.—Wilder (B. G.) A misnamed portrait of John Shaw Billings. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1914, n. s , xxxix, 210. —;— & Curtis (Edward). Report of investiga- tions on cryptogamic growth in diseases of cattle. In: United States. Department of Agriculture. Re- ports on diseases of cattle in the United States. 8°. Wash- ington, 1869. ------, Mitchell (Silas Weir) & Bergey (David H.) The composition of expired air and its effects upon animal hfe. 80 pp., 11. 8°. Washington, 1895. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, No. 989. Billings (Wilham R.) Some details of water- works construction, vi, 96 pp. 8°. New York, 1888. Billingslea (Charles) [1878-1917]. {Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 662. Aho: Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xh, 512. BUlod (Ernest) [1819-1900], Bittl (A.) Eloge. Ann. med.-psychol., Par., 1900, 8. s., xii, 11-41. Aho, in hh: Hist. d. trav. Soc. m6d.-psychol., Par., 1914, ii, 177-216. Billon (F.) Contribution a l'etude de la medica- tion phosphoree; la leci thine. 20 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Challamel, [n. d.]. Billon (Louis) [1873- ]. *La tuberculose ap- pendiculo-ccecale traitee par la laparotomie iliaque. 56 pp. 8°. Byon, 1898, No. 89. Billon (Louis) [1878- ]. *Recherches des causes determinant le sexe. 118 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 153. ------. The same. Garcon ou fille? Causes de- terminant le sexe. 131 pp. 12°. Barh, J. Bousset, 1904. L'operation hors l'hopital. Preface de M. le Dr. E. Rochard. viii, 292 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1911. La grossesse et l'accouchement hors l'hdpital. Preface de M. le Prof. Ribemont- Dessaignes. vii, 320 pp. 8°. Barh, A. Ma- loine, 1912. -----. Traits de clinique therapeutique chirur- gicale. (Indications pratiques en pathologie ex- terne.) vii, 1209 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Boin dc fils, 1913. Chirurgie d'urgence; contusions, frac tures, plaies, corps etrangers, hemorrhagies, brulures, soins aux blesses, pansements. 115 pp. 8°. Baris, [1914]. Billon (Paul) [1872- ]. *Recherches sur les glycerophosphates de sodium. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 50. Ecole de pharmacie. Billot (Leon-Hipolyte) [1889- ]. *Etude etio- logique d'un mal social: la tuberculose. 84 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1913, No. 86. BLLLOT. 538 BINAUD. Billot (Maurice) [1888- ]. *Le decollement de 1' S iliaque et du caecum dans le plan embryolo- gique pour la cure des hernies adherentes du gros intestin. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1912, No. 55. Billout [Alphonse]. Les eaux de Saint-Gervais dans le traitement de quelques affections de l'estomac et des intestins. 32 pp. 8°. Barh, G. BailUhe, 1870. ------. Etude sur les eaux minero-thermales sa- lines, sulfureesde Saint-Gervais (Haute-Savoie). 108 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1882. Billquist (T. E). See Ziegler (Charles Edward) [in 2. s.]. The Elizabeth Steel Magee Hospital of Pittsburgh. 4°. St. Louis, 1914. Billroth ([Christian Albert] Theodor) [1829-94]. Die allgemeine chirurgische Pathologie und Therapie in f unf zig Vorlesungen; ein Handbuch fiir Studirende und Aerzte. xvi, 745 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1868. ------. The same. 16. Aufl. xvi, 979 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1906. ------. The same. General surgical pathology and therapeutics in fifty lectures. A text-book for students and physicians; translated from 4. German ed. and revised from 6. ed. by Charles E. Hackley. xviii, 697 pp. 8°. New York, B. Appleton dc Co., 1875. ------. The same, xviii, 697 pp. 8°. New York, B. Appleton dc Co.. 1877. ------. The same, xx, 773 pp. 8°. New York, B. Appleton dc Co., 1880. ------. Ueber die Einwirkungen lebender Pflan- zen- und Thierzellen auf einander. Eine biologi- sche Studie. 23 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1890. Forms No. 9 of: Samml. med. Schrift., Wien. ------. Briefe. 2. Aufl. 1 p. 1., viii, 600pp., 4'pl. 8°. Hannover dc Beipzig, Hahnsche Buchhandl., 1896. ------. The same. # 7. Aufl. xii, 622 pp. 8°. Hannover dc Beipzig, Hahn, 1906. ------. Wer ist musikalisch? Nachgelassene Schrift hrsg. von Eduard Hanslick. 3. Aufl. viii, 245 pp. 12°. Berlin, Gebr. Baetel, 1898; ------. Die Krankenpflege im Hause und im Hospitale, ein Handbuch fiir Familien und Krankenpflegerinnen. 6. Aufl., hrsg. von R. Gersuny. xi, 298 pp., 32 pi., port. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1899. ------. The same. 7. Aufl. xi, 314 pp., 32 pi., port. 8°. Wien, K. Gerold's Sohn, 1905. ------. The same. The care of the sick at home and in the hospital, a handbook for families and for nurses. Translated by special authority of the author by J. Bentall Endean. 5. ed. 333 pp., port. 12°. London, Sampson, Low, Mar- ston dc Co., [18991. For Biography, see Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1894, xxvih, 47-07 (H. Rcineking). Aho: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 9S1-986 (C. Gussenbauer). ------. See, also: Billroth und das arztliche Studium. Bayer, arztl. Cor.- Bl., Munchen, 1902, v, 41-43.—Briefe von Theodor Billroth aus dem Kriege 1870-71. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl.. 1914, xl, 2073; 2103; 2129.—Ilenmietcr (J. C.) Theo- dor Billroth, musical and surreal philosopher; a biography and a review of his work on psvcho-p'nvsiolo'uoal aphorisms on music. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Halt , 1900, xi, 297- 317.—Badin (H. T.) Tholettersof Theodor Billroth. Med. Pickwick, Saranac Lake, N. Y., 1917, hi, 159.—von Wini- warter (A.) Vor scchsunddrcissig Jahren. [Erinnerungen an Theodor Billroth.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 309- 312. Billstein (Andreas Johannes) [1880- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der Schenkelhalsfrakturen. [Bonn.] 39 pp. 8°. Koln, Kdlner Verlags-Anstalt, 1906. Billstrom (Jakob). Die Prognose der traumati- schen Neurosen. 22 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Bosen, 1914. Forms 313. Hft. of: Berl. Klinik. Biilykheid (De) van het gebruik der inenting aangetoond in een leerreden over Joan xi, 4; nevens een aanhangsel over den tegenwoordige staat der inenting. Ip. 1., 64 pp. 12°. Leyden, J. J. Thyssens, 1777. Bilmes (Hersch) [1885- ]. Contribution a l'etude du sarcome melanique. 40 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1916, No. 7. Bilocation. Bozzano (E.) Considerations et hypotheses sur les ph£- nomenes de bilocation. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1911, xxi, 65; 166. Bilot (Charles). *Les abces sous-phreniques d'ori- gine digestive. 75 pp. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 408. Bils (Franz). See Beer (J. G.) Pathologie und Therapie [etc.]. 4°. Wien, 1810-11. Bilski (Mocha) [1871- ]. /Contribution a l'etude au point de vue chnique et therapeu- tique de l'anevrysme inguinal. 46 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 28. Biltmore Herbarium. 29 pp. 12°. Biltmore, N.C., C. B. Beadle, [n. d.]. Biltz (Arthur) [1878- ]. *ITeber Derivate des Safrols und seine Beziehungen zu den Phenol- • aethern Eugenol und Asaron." 59 pp.. 2 1. 8°. Beiiin, E. Ebering, 1903. Biltz (Erich) [1881- ]. *Die progressive Para- lyse und ihre forensische Wiirdigung. 21 pp. 8°. Khl,H. Fiencke, 1912. Biltz (Ernst) [1S22-1903]. [Biography.] Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviu, 38. Bilz (F. E.) The natural method of health. A new and complete guide to health. Translated from the latest German edition. 2 v.. paged con- secutively, iv, 2074 pp., 3 superimposed pi., 24 pi. 8°. London. F. E. Bilz. 1901. Bimberg (P.) Das Sludiumder Psychologie ist fiir den Kunstbeflissenen unbedingt nothwendig. Philosophische Abhandlung. 29 pp. 8°. Lser- lohn, J. Baedeker. 1876. Bimius (Leonardi I.) Pestis ad vivum delineata etcurata. 3 p. 1., 71 pp. 24°. LeodiciEburonum, G. H. Street, 1671. Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the LTniversity College of Medicine. Edited under the auspices of the alumni and faculty, and devoted to the advance- ment of the medical, surgical, dental, and phar- maceutical professions, v. 1-4, 1896-9. roy. 8°. Bichmond, la. Continued as: Clinic Bulletin. Binaghi (Roberto). La teoria del Flugge e le sue apphcazioni alia chirurgia. Parte I. Sulla fre- quenza degli stafilococchi nell' aria negli ambi- enti chirurgici. 24 pp. 8°. Cagliari, G. Serreli, 1900. ------. The same. Parte II. Sull'importanza della maschera nelle operazioni. 18 pp. 8°. Cagliari, G. Serreli, 1900. ------. Sui cosi detti tumori infiammatori del cieco. 46 pp. 8°. Cagliari, G. Bessi. 1908. ------. L'evcrsione della vaginale nella cura dell' idrocele. 14 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Cagliari, G. Dessi, 1908. ------ & Zoccheddu (E.) Sezione chirurgica dell' Ospedale civile di Cagliari. Rendiconto clinico del biennio 1895-6. 136 pp., 4 1. 8°. Cagliari, G. Bessi, 1897. Binant (Louis). *L'hysterie enehirurgie. 76 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 9. Binaud (Jenn-Octa ve-Albert-Henry-Wil- liam) [1SG2-99J. ILiudouin (M.) Necrologie. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1899, viii, 643.—Masse (E.) [Biography.] Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, lij99, xx, 417-419. BINDA. 539 BINET. Binda (Ambrogio). Meccanica di riduzione della lussazione congenita dell' anca secondo Panzeri. Dimostrazioni radiografiche. 10 pp. 8°. Mi- lano, P. Tamborini, [1900]. Binda (Cosimo). Accidentale _ rinvenimento di cadavere inumato; studio medico-legale. 24 pp. 8°. Pavia, 1898. Binda (Pietro). La tiosinamina; azione farmaco- logica e applicazioni terapeutiche con^ speciale riguardo alia cura delle aderenze pleuriche. 93 pp. 8°. Bavia, Mattei, Speroni & Co., 1912. Binder (Alfred [Ludwig]) [1878-. ]. *Ueber Riesenzellenbildung bei congenitaler Lues der Leber. [Heidelberg.] 21 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1904. Binder (Carl). *Ueber 40 Falle von Zungencar- cinom, ihre Behandlung und Endresultate. [Zurich.] 88 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1896. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1896, xvii. Binder (Ernst). *Kritische Betrachtungen iiber Abstammung und Verwandtschaft der Hausziege auf Grund anatomischer Untersuchungen und Kreuzungsexperimenten mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Verwandtschaft mit Capra JerdoniHume. [Bern.] 34pp., lpl. 8°. Ber- lin, Kroll, 1910. Binder (Lazar) [1888- ]. *Ueber die Bedeu- tung der in den Faeces vorhandenen Fermente fur die Diagnostik der Pankreaserkrankungen. 60 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1911. Binder (Romanus). *Die konservative Behand- lung der Coxitis und ihre Resultate, insbesondere die Conservativbehandlung mittels portativer Apparate. 22 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1900. Binder (Romuald). Meran: willa Steffania, pier- wszy polski pensyonat dyetetyczno-leczniczy. [..., first Polish dietetic sanitarium.] 8 pp. 16°. [Warsaw, K. Kowalewski, 1903.] ------. Meran, willa Steffania, zaklad wodo- leczniczy i dyetetyczny. [. . ., hydrotherapeu- tic and dietetic sanitarium.] 14 pp. 16°. Krakow, W. L. Anczyc dc Co., 1904. Binder (Th.) Die Hygiene des geschlechtlichen Lebens. 2. Aufl. 87 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Stei- nitz, 1904. Binder (Wilhelm) [1880- ]. *Ueber die in der Augenklinik zu Jena wahrendder Jahre 1901-5 vorgenommenen Magnetoperationen. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, H. Costenoble, 1905. Binder (Wilhelm August Jacob) [1887- 1 *Bei- trage zur desinfizierenden Vorbereitung des Ope- rationsfeldes in der Veterinarchirurgie. [Leip- zig.] 77 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Weidai. Th., Thomas dc Hubert, 1911. Binders (Obstetric). See Labor (After-treatment of). Bindi (Ferruccio). Ospedale della Misericordia in Poppi. Resoconto clinico. 104 pp. 8°. Arezzo, I. Sinatti, 1905. Bindseil (Ernst) [1885- ]. *Die an der Gies- sener chirurgischen Klinik ausgefuhrten Resek- tionen des karzinomatosen Magens. 47 pp. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1912. Binet (Alfred) [1857-19111 Alterations of per- sonality. Translated by Helen Green Baldwin, with notes and a preface by J. Mark Baldwin. xii, 356 pp. 12°. London, Chapman & Hall, 1896. ------. On double consciousness. New ed. 3 p. 1., 89 pp. 16°. Chicago, Open Court Bublhh- ing Co., 1896. Binet (Alfred)—eontinued. ------. < The psychology of reasoning, based on experimental researches in hypnotism. Tiansl. from the 2. French ed. by Adam Gowans Whyte. 2 p. 1., 191 pp. 8°. Chicago; London, Kegan Baul, Trench, Trubner dc Co., 1899. ------. Thesame. 2p. 1., 191pp. 8°. Chicago, Open Court Bubl. Co., 1899. ------. La suggestibilite. 391 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8°. Barh, C; Beinwald, 1900. ------. Etude experimentale de l'intelligence. 309 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, Schleicherfrtores & Cie., 1903 Aho, Co-Editor of: Annee (L') psychologique, Paris, 1895-1911. For Biography, see Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1911-12, xi, 376-388 (E. Claparede). Aho: Psiche, Firenze, 1912, i, 10-21 (F. De Sarlo). Aho: Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1912, 244-247 (H. Pieron). For Portrait, see Phil. Portr. Series, Chicago, 1898. ------ & Simon (Th.) Les enfants anormaux. Guide pour 1'admission des enfants anormaux dans les classes de perfectionnement. Avec une preface de Leon Bourgeois, xi, 211 pp. 12°. Barh, A. Colin, 1907. ---;—- —-----. La mesure du developpement de l'intelligence chez les jeunes enfants. pp. 187- 248, 4 pi. 8°. Barh, A. Coneslant, 1911. -----------—. The same. A method of measuring the development of the intelligence of young children. Authorized translation, with preface and an appendix containing an arrangement of the tests in age and diagnostic groups for con- venience in conducting examinations, by Clara Harrison Town. 83 pp. 8°. Lincoln, III., The Courier. Company, [1912]. ------------. Thesame. 3. ed. 82pp. 8°. Chi- cago, Chicago Medical Book Co., 1915. ------------. Mentally defective children. Au- thorized translation, by W. B. Drumrhond; with an appendix containing the Binet-Simon tests of intelligence, by Margaret Drummond, and an introduction by Prof. Alexander Darroch. 2 impression, xi, 179 pp. 8°. London, E Ar- nold, [1914], -------------. The intelligence of the feeble- minded. Transl. by Elizabeth S. Kite. 328 pp. roy. 8°. Baltimore, Williams dc Wilkins Co., 1916. ------------. The development of intelligence in children (the Binet-Simon scale). Transl. by Elizabeths. Kite. 336 pp., 11. roy. 8°. Balti- more, Williams dc Wilkins Co., 1916. Binet (Andre) [1883- ]. *Le#moulage en me- decine, sa technique, ses applications speciales al'orthopedie. 91pp. 8°. Nancy, 1908, No. 23. Binet (Andre-Louis-Denis) [1877- ^ ]. *L'al- laitement maternel considere specialement au point de vue de ses difficultes sociales. 170 pp. 8°. Barh, 1904, No. 71. Binet (Edouard). La medecine maternelle. Soins a donner aux enfants malades et pharmacie de famille. 140 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Baillilre, 1897. Binet (Ernest). *Contribution a l'etude des hemiplegies homolateral es a propos d'un cas d'abces du cerveau d'origine otique. 126 pp. 8°. Parh, 1909, No. 391. Binet (Francois-Antoine). *Dissertation sur l'ac- couchement et les operations cesariennes et de l'hystero-lithotomie, avec theses soutenues pu- bliquement. 1 p. 1., 59 pp. 8°. Turin, V. Bianco, 1817. Binet (Joseph-Henri-Julien) [1884- ]. *Les rayons de Rontgen et les anevrysmes de l'aorte thoracique. 63 pp. 8°. Tours, 1909, No. 3G7. BINET. 540 BINNLE. Binet (Leon). *Des luxations ouvertes de l'arti- culation du coude. 63 pp. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 377. ------;. Le guide du medecin aux tranchees; chi- rurgie, medecine et hygiene pratiques. Preface de J.-T. Langlois. 94 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Boin dc fils, 1916. Binet (Maurice) See Robin (A.-Edouard-C.) & Binet (Maurice). Condi- tionset diagnostic du terrain, [etc.]. 4°. Parh, 1901. •----- -----. Les indications prophylactiqueset therapeutiques de la phtisie pulmonaire [etc.]. 12°. Pari*, 1902.-----------. Des effets du climat marin, [etc.]. 8°. Biarritz, 1903 — Robin (A.-Edouard-C), Binet (Maurice) & Dupasquler [tn2. s.]. Lesechangesrespiratoires[etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1901. Binet (Maurice) [1879- ]. *Le ferment oxy- dant du lait chez la femme. Sa reaction a la paraphenylenediamine. 52 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 150. Binet (Maurice). *Les alcalins. Leur role sur les fonctions de l'estomac. Leur emploi dans la therapeutique gastrique. 380 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 145. Binet-Sangle (Charles) [1868- ]. Les lois ftsyehophysiologiques du developpement des re- igions. L'evolution reUgieuse chez Rabelais, Pascal et Racine. 400 pp. 16°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1907. La folie de Jesus. Maloine, 1908-12. Le haras humain. 3 v. 8°. Paris, A. 244 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Michel, [1918], Binet-Simon test. See Psychology (Experimental); Tests (Men- tal). Bing (Albert) [1844- 1. Die otologisch-diag- nostische Verwerthung der Stimmgabel. 24 pp. 8°. Wien, 1902. Forms 6. Hft., v. 28, of: Wien. Klinik. ----. Ohrenheilkunde. Zwolf Vorlesungen fur Studierende und Aerzte. xvii, 352 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, W. Braumuller, 1908. Bing (Andre) [1878- ]. *Les taches de Ko- plik, leur importance pour le diagnostic et la prophylaxie de la rougeole. 194 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 386. -----. The same. 194 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Parh, G. Jacques, 1905. Bing (Arthur) [1879- ]. *Beitrage zur His- tologic der Angiome. (Untersuchungen nut Weigert's Elastinfarbung.) 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Borst, 1903. Bing (H. I.) Undersp'gelser over reducerende Substanser i Blodet. [Researches on reducing Substances in the blood.] 3 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. Kj0benhavn, O. C. Olsen & Co., 1899. Bing (Robert) [1878- 1 *Ueber angeborene Muskel-Defecte. [Basel.] 58 pp., 1 pi., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1902. Repr.from: Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1902, clxx. ------. Die Bedeutung der spino-cerebellaren Systeme; kritischer und experimenteller Bei- trag zur Analyse des cerebellaren Symptomen- complexes. 4 p. 1., 95 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1907. ------. Kompendium der topischen Gehirn- und Ruckenmarksdiagnostik. Kurzgefasste Anlei- tung zur klinischen Lokalisation der Erkran- kungen und Verletzungen der Nervenzentren. vi, 200 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1909. ------. _ The same. Compendium of regional diag- nosis in affections of the brain and spinal cord; a concise introduction to the principles of clini- cal localization in diseases and injuries of the Bing (Robert)—continued. central nervous system. Transl. by F. S. Ar- nold, rev. by David I. Wolfstein. xi (11.), 215 pp. 8°. New York, Bebman Company, [1911?]. ------. Aphasie und Apraxie. pp. 239-263. 8°. Wurzburg, C. Kabitzsch, 1910. Forms 11. Hft., v. 10, of: Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamt- geb. d. prakt. Med. ------. Pathogenese, Diagnose und Therapie der Polyneuritis, pp. 143-174. 8°. Berlin, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1911. Forms 6. Hft., v. 7, of: Beihefte z. Med. Klin., Berl. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten fur Studierende und praktische Aerzte, in 30 Vor- lesungen. viii, 606 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1913. The same. A textbook of nervous dis- eases for students and practising physicians, in thirty lectures. Only authorized translation, by Charles L. Allen. 1 p. 1., v-xiv, 481 pp. 4°. New York, Bebman Company, [1915]. Copy No. 2. Gehirn und Auge, nach einem im Oktober 1913 vor dem Verein rheinisch-westfalischer Augenarzte in Diisseldorf abgehaltenen Fortbil- dungskurs. x, 95 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1914. Also, Co-Editor of: Ergebnisse der Neurologie und Psy- chiatrie, Jena, 1911-14. Bing (Robert). *Ueber einen seltenen Fall von kryptogenetischer eitriger Nephritis und Peri- nephritis. 24pp. 8°. Munchen, A. Victor, 1904. Bingel (Adolf) [1879- L *Ueber Hernia retro- peritonealis duodeno-jejunalis (Treitzii). [Tu- bingen.] 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1902 Bingel (Ernst Georg) [1872- ]. *Das Kepha- lotu-ematom beim Neugeborenen. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Henry, 1896. Bingel (Friedrich Karl) [1880- ]. *Fieber bei angeborener Svphilis des Sauglings. 32 pp., 7 ch. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering. 1910. Bingeman (Mhs M. E.) "Live a little longer," the Rochester plan. 22 pp. 8°. New York, 1914. Bingham (Frank) [1875-1915]. Obituary. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 551. Bingham (Hiram) [1875- ]. Preliminary re- port of the Yale Peruvian expedition, pp. 20- 26. 8°. New York, 1912. Repr.from: Bull. Am. Geograph. Soc., N. Y., 1912, xliv. Bingham (Theodore Alfred) [1858- ]. The girl that disappears; the real facts about the white slave traffic. 1 p. 1., 87 pp., front. 8°. Boston, B. G. Badger, 1911. Bingham (W. Van Dvke). Studies in melody. 1 p. 1., vi, 88 pp. 8°. [Baltimore], Bev. Bubl. Co., 1910. Forms No. 3, v. 12, of: Psychol. Monog. Psychol. Rev. Bingold (Konrad) [1886- ^ 1 Beitrag zur dif- fusen Knochenlues. [Berlin.] 24 pp., 2 1., 5 pi. 8°. Nurnberg, G.Heydolph, 1913. Bini (Francesco) [IS 15-98]. (iuccl. Necrologia. Pratico, Firenze, 1897-8, Ui, 161 — T[amburini] (A.) Necrologia. Riv. sper. di freniat., Keggio-Emilia, 1898, xxiv, 312. Biniodol. Council on Pharmacy and Chemistrv. Biniodol; report of the ... J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 650. Also, Reprint. Binitrotuluene. See Dinitrotoluene. Binnie (John Fairbairn) [1S63- operative surgery. 644 pp. 8 P. Blakhton's Son & Co., 1905. ]. Manual of Bhiladelphia, BINNIE. 54 Binnie (John Fairbairn)—continued. ------. The same. 3. ed. xiii, 343 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1907. ------. Thesame. 4. ed. xi, 832pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia, P. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1909. ------. The same. 5. ed. x, 1153 pp. roy. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1911. ------. The same. 6. ed. xiv, 1251 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1913. ------. The same. 7. ed. xv, 1363 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., [1916]. ------. The same. 2. ed. x, 655 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1906. ------. Surgery of the muscles, tendons, and bursse. In: Surgery (Keen). 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1907, ii, 435-468. ------. A treatise on regional surgery by various authors, edited by J. F. Binnie. 3 v. roy. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1917. Binning (Robert Inglis) [1885-1916]. Obituary. Glasgow M. J., 1916; Ixxxvi, 148. Binot (Jean) [1867- ]. *Etude experimentale sur le tetanos. 64 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 460. ------. Thesame. 64pp. 8°. Barh, G.Steinheil, 1899. Binoth (Friedrich). *Ueber Sulfonal- und Trio- nalvergiftung. 42 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B.,U. Hochreuther, 1903. Bin sack (Carl) [1887- ]. *Ein Fall von ange- borenem ausgedehntem Naevus pigmentosus mit Pigmentflecken im Gehirn. 37 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1912. Bin slit ok (V[eniamin] J[sakovich]) [1865- ]. Nastavleniye dlya dezinfektorov (v voprosakh i otvietakh). [Instruction to disinfectors (in questions and answers).] 46 pp. 16°. S.- Beterburg, 1903. ------. The same. 3. ed. 60 pp. 12°. S.- Peterburg, 1904. Binswanger (Eugen) [1870- ]. *Ueber mesen- terialen Doudenalverschluss. 65 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Binswanger (Friedrich). *Beitrag zur Kennt- nis von Schrumpfnierenerkrankungen auf syphi- litischer Basis. 33 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1914. Binswanger (Ludwig). *Ueber das Verhalten des psychogalvanischen Phanomens beim Assozia- tionsexperiment. [Zurich.] 85 pp., 4 ch. 4°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1907. Binswanger (Max). Pharmacologische Studien iiber Rhamnus frangula und Rhamnus cathartica zur Ermittlung ihrer arzneilichen Wirksamkeit; ein Beitrag zur organischen Chemie und Heil- mittellehre. xii, 180 pp. 12°. Munchen, Wolf, 1850. Binswanger (Otto [Ludwig]) [1852- ]. Die Pathologie und Therapie der Neurasthenie. Vorlesungen fiir Studierende und Aerzte. iv, 447 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1896. ------. Die Epilepsie. vi, 502 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1899. Forms pt. 1,1. Abth., v. 22,1899, of: Specielle Pathologie und Therapie. 8°. Wien, 1899. ------. Die psychologische Denkrichtung in der Heilkunde. 33 pp. 4°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1900. ------. Die Hysterie. XII. Bd. von Specielle Pathologie und Therapie, hrsg. von Hermann Nothnagel. vii, 954 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Wien, A, Holder, 1904. Ueber den moralischen Schwachsmn, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der kindli- BIOCHE. Binswanger (Otto [Ludwig])—continued. chen Altersstufe. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, Beuther dc Beichard, 1905. Forms 5. Hft., v. 8, of: Samml. v. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. padagog. Psychol, u. Physiol., Berl. -------. Ueber psychopathische Konstitution und Erziehung. fol. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1911. See, aho, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie retc.]. 8°. Jena, 1904. Aho, Editor of: Epilepsia, Amsterdam, 1909-14. For Portrait, see Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., . 1907, xxh, Ergnzngshft. ------& Siemerling (E.) Lehrbuch der Psychia- trie. 2. Aufl. vi, 386 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1907. Binswanger (Robert) [1850-1910]. Brunner (C.) Nekrolog. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1911, xii, 437^40. Binucleata. Alexelefl (A.) Sur quelques points de la structure des binucleates de Hartmann. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1910, lxix, 532-534.—Hartmann (M.) & Jollos (V.) Die Flagellatenordnung Binucleata; phylogenetische Ent- wicklung und systematische Einteilung der Blutprotozoen. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1910, xix, 81-106.—Seitz. Zur Frage der Hartmannschen Binukleaten. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1910, lvi, Orig., 308-309,1 pi. Binyon (Laurence) [1869- ]. For dauntless France; an account of Britain's aid to the French wounded and victims of the war. Compiled for the British Red Cross societies and the British committee of the French Red Cross. Preface by Paul Cambon. xv, [1], 372 pp. 8°. London [etc.], Hodder dc Stoughton, [1918]. Binz (Carl) [1832-1913J. The elements of thera- peutics; a clinical guide to the action of medi- cines. Translated from the 5. German ed., and edited, with additions, in conformity with the British and American pharmacopoeias by Ed- ward I. Sparks, viii, 347 pp. 12°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1878. ------. Doctor Johann Weyer, ein rheinischer Arzt, der erste Bekampfer des Hexenwahns. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Aufklarung und der Heilkunde. 2. Aufl. vii, 189 pp., port. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1896. ------. Lectures on pharmacology for practition- ers and students. Translated from the 2. German ed. by Peter W. Latham, v. 2. 451 pp. 8°. London, 1897. ------. Recept-Siinden und ihre Folgen. 2. Aufl. 23 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1899. ------. Grundziige der Arzneimittellehre. Ein klinisches Lehrbuch. vii, 364 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1901. ------. The same. 14., gemass dem '' Arzneibuche fiir das Deutsche Reich" von 1910 vollig umge- arbeitete Aufl. 4 p. 1., 386 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1912. ------. A few practical suggestions concerning quinine. 22 pp., 11. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] For Biography, see Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux. & Par., 1905, xv, 5-20, port. (M. Kochman^ Aho: Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1913,1,284 (H. Leo). Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1902, xxvih, 461 (H. Schulz). Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 747, port. (C. Schmiz). Aho:Wien.klin.Wchnschr., 1913;xxvi, 157(H.H. Meyer). A ho: Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1913, xxxiv, 81 (Bachem). Binz (F[riedrich] Ferd[inand]) [1887- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der Pfahlungsverletzungen. Ein Fall aua der Miinchner Frauenklinik. 1 p. 1., 22 pp., 11. 8°. Miinchen, H. Kutzner, 1913. Binz (G.) Sobre la euquinina y la aristoquina contra la tos ferina. 8 pp. 12°. [Berlin], 1906. Bioche (Anatole) [1872- ]. *C6ntribution a l'etude du cephalematome. 47 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 339. BIOCHE. 542 BIOGRAPH. Bioche (Anatole)—continued. ------. The same. 47 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1900. Biochemical Bulletin, v. 1-5, 1911-16. 8°. New York. Bio-Chemical (The) Journal. [University of Liverpool.] Edited by W. M. Bayliss and Arthur Harden, v. 1-13,1906-19. 8°. Liverpool. Biochemische Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von E. Buchner und P. Ehrlich [et al.]. 'v. 1-92, 1906-18. 8°., Berlin. Biochemisches Centralblatt. Vollstandiges Sam- melorgan fiir die Grenzgebiete der Medicin und Chemie. Hrsg. von Carl Oppenheimer. v. 1-9, 1902-3 to 1909-10. 8°. Berlin. Biochemistry. See, also, Chemistry (Bhysiological). Ascanio Rodriguez (J. B.) Trabajos del laboratorio bioqufmico. 8°. Caracas, 1915. Bertrand (G.) & Thomas (P.) Guide pour les manipulations de chimie biologique. 2. ed. 8°. Barh, 1913. Centanxi (E.) L'evoluzione chimica della biologia; rivista delle questioni moderne sullo studioesulF insegnamento della biochimica. 8°. Siena, 1907. Chapman ( J. B.) Biochemistry; a domestic treatise on the application of Schuessler's twelve tissue remedies. 12°. St. Louh, Mo., [1897]. Handbuch der Biochemie des Menschen und der Tiere. Unter Mitwirkung von E. Abder- halden, H. Aron, G. von Bergmann [etc.] hrsgb. von C. Oppenheimer. Erganzungsband. roy. 8°. Jena, 1913. Handbuch der biochemischen Arbeitsmetho- den(Abderhalden). v. 1-4. 4°. Berlin, 1909-10. Mathewson (C. A.) *A study of some of the more important biochemical tests. 8°. Easton, Ba., 1912. Reifp. Die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Schiiss- ler'schen Biochemie. 8°. Oldenburg, 1905. Schussler (W. H.) Die anorganischen Gewe- bebilder in ihrer therapeutischen Bedeutung. 12°. Oldenburg, 1876. ------. Eine abgekiirzte Therapie; bioche- mische Behandlung der Krankheiten. 10. Aufl. 12°. Oldenburg, 1883. ------. The same. Abridged therapeutics founded upon histology and cellular pathology. Authorized translation by M. Docetti Walker. 9. ed. 8°. New York, 1884. ------. The same. Translated with the addi- tion of a repertory by J. T. O'Connor. 12. ed. 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1885. ------. The same. Authorized translation by M. Docetti Walker. 15. ed. 12°. New York, [1888]. Sinha (A. C.) Biochemie materia medica, or the reparative system of treatment abstracted and translated in vernacular by . . . Edited by Baner Madhub Sinha. Parts 1 & 2. 12°. Cal- cutta, 1892. Bekhtereff (V. M.) [Biochemical systems and their r61e in the development of organisms] Kus'sk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1913, xii, 205-210.—Carracldo (J. R.) Les fondements de la biochemie. Scientia,Bologna, 1917,xxi, 130-143— Doremus (C. A.) A retrospect in biochemistry. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1911-12, i, 245-255. Aho, Reprint.—Folln (O.) Re- cent biochemical investigations on blood and urine; their bearing on chnical experimental medicine. [Mellon lecture.] J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1917, lxix, 1209-1214. Aho, Re- print.—Foster (Mary L.) Biochemistry; its place in the curriculum of the College of Liberal Arts for Women. Bio- chem. Bull., N. Y.. 1911-12, i, 25IV-203 — Friedenthal (H.) Die wichtigsten physikalisch-chcmischcn Untersuchungs- methoden der Biochemie. Arb.a.d. Geb. d. exper. rhysioi., 1909-10, Jena, 1911, pt. 2, 91-131.—Hackh (I. W. D.) Bio- elements; the chemical elements of living matter. J. Gen Physiol., Bait., 1918-19, i, 429-433.—Handy (J. A.) The Biochemistry. fundamental principles of biochemistry, their apphcation in the study of colloidal minerals, and their resulting use in medicine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1913, lxxxiv, 931-936.—Her- rera (A. L.) Le r61e preponderant des substances minerales dans les pWnomencs biologiques. Mem. Soc. cient. "An- tonio Alzate," Mexico, 1906-7, xxiv, 457-462.—Hopkins (F. G.) An address on the dynamic side of biochemistry. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, ii, 713-717. Aho: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1913, Lond., 1914, 652-068.—Kantor (J. L.) & Gies (W. J.) Suggestionstoteachersofbiochemistry;methodsof applying the biuret test. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1911-12, i, 264-269.—Mandel (J. A.) The development of biochemical instruction and research in New York City. Ibid., 377- 381.—Moore (A. B.) A biochemical conception of domi- nance. Univ. Cahf. Publ. Physiol., Berkeley, 1910, iv, 9-15.—Peters (A. W.) A department of biochemical re- search at Vineland, New Jersey. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1912-13, ii, 238-242.—Rosenheim (O.) Biochemical changes due to environment. Bio-Chem. J., Cambridge, 1918, xh, 283-289.—Smith (E. E.) Biochemistry in New York twenty years ago. Biochem. Bull., N. Y., 1912-13, ii, 243- 240.—Techoueyres. Apphcation k la biologie des lois de la mecanique chimique. Rev. scient., Par., 1914, i, 75-81. Biochimica e terapia sperimentale. Pubbhcata da M. Ascoli, G. Galbeotti [et al.]. v. 1-5, 1909-15. 8°. Milano. Biocitin. Zernik (P.) & Kuhn (O.) Biocitin. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, xxih, 446. Biodoros. Fabiani (P.) II potere terapico del biodoros. X. scuola med. napol., 1914, xxix, No. 5, 3-14. Biodynamics. Wright (J.) The mechanicobiological standpoint in medical problems. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 673; 875. Bioelectricity. (See Electricity (Animal). Bioferrin. Gerber (H.) Ceber die therapeutische Verwendbarkeit eines blutbildenden Organpriiparates Bioferrin, dargestellt an einer Reihe von Versuehsfallen. Med. Bl., Wien, 1905, xxvih, 328; 339.—Hotys (F.) Ueber die organische Eisen- verbindung Bioferrin in der Praxis. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 745-749— Klautsch (A.) Beitrag zur Eisen- theraple: Das Bioferrin. Centralbl. f. Kiuderh., Leipz., 1905, x, 301-304.—Nebel (W.) Bioferrin, with some remarks on anaemia in infants. Therapist, Lond., 1905, xv, 97-99.— Siegert. Das Bioferrin in der Kinderpraxis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1904, li, 1204.—Vollert. Bioferrin. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1906, i, 37-39— Weissmann (K.) Ueber Bioferrin, eine neue biologische Eisenverbindung. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1905, xv, 37— WUrtz (A.) Ueber Bioferrin; seine Stellung unter den Blutpraparaten und seine Verwendung bei alimentarer Anamie des Sauglings. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 1338— Zernik (F.) Bioferrin. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 190.% xx, 161.—Zwintz (J.) Ueber Bio- ferrin. Wien. med. Presse, 1905, xlvi, 1390-1392. Biogen. Ohmann-Dumesnll (A. II.) Some cases treated with biogen. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1903, lxxxiv, 57-60. Biogenesis. Moore (J. H.) The law of biogenesis; being two lessons on the origin of human nature. 12°. Chicago, [1914]. Schmakowa (Mile. Olga). *Les critiques re"- centes de la loi biogen^tique fondamentale. 8°. Montpellier, 1911. Bankston (R. C.) A sociological treatise on biogenesis and forces of life. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1906, xxix, 91-95.—Keibel (F.) Das biogenet'ische Gnuidgesetz und Ccnogonese. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Wiesb., 1897, vii, 722-792.—Leduc (S.) Les lois de la biogenese. Rev. scient., Par., 1900, 5. s.. v, 225; 265.-----. Die physi- kalischen G rundlagen des Lebens und der Biogenese. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1907, ii, 225-231 — Roberts (W.) Studies in biogenesis. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1871, t;.7 494—SchoenlJahn(W.C) On biogenesis. Med. Times, N. Y., 1909, xxxvu, 202-204. Bioglobin. Linke. Bioglobin. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 205-208. Biograph. Chase (W. G.) The use of the biograph in medicine. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1905-6, n. s., xxv, 235-240. Aho: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1906,3. s., xxviii, 12-16. BIOGRAPHIC. 543 BIOGRAPHY. Biographic (A) memorial of George McNaughton. 78 pp. front, (port,). 8°. Brooklyn dc New York, A. T. Huntington, 1914. Biographical cyclopsedia of homoeopathic physi- cians and surgeons, xii (2. 1.), [17]-172 pp. roy. 8°. Chicago, Am. Homceop. Biogr. Assoc, 1893. Biographical (A) cyclopedia of medical history. Edited by Charles Wells Moulton. 367 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Akron, Ohio, Saalfield Bublhhing Co., 1905. Biographical sketch of George Engelmann, 1809- 1884. 2 1., port. 8°. New York, McBowell, [1896, vel subseg.]. Biographical (A) sketch of James W. Stone; with a portrait. By a friend. 24 pp., port. 16°. New York, A.'J. Graham, [1856]. Biographical (A) sketch of Joseph Simms. 3 1. 12°. New York, J. T. White dc Co., 1897. Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekro- log. Hrsg. von A, Bettelheim. 26 v. 1896-1914. roy. 8°. Berlin. Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Aerzte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, mit einer his- torischen Einleitung. Hrsg. von J. Pagel. xxxiii, 1983 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1900. Biography. American men of science. A biographical directory edited by J. McKeen Cattell. 8°. New York, 1910. Anglo-African (The) who's who, and bio- graphical sketch-book. Ed. by W. H. Wills and R. J. Barrett, sm. 4°. London, 1905. Association of the Alumni of Harvard College. The necrology of Harvard College. 1869-1872. 8°. Cambridge, 1872. Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog. 26 v. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1896-1914. Bradford (A.) Biographical notices of distinguished men in New England; statesmen, patriots, physicians, lawyers, clergymen* and mechanics. 8°. Boston, 1842. Fabricitjs (J. A.) Bibhotheca Latina mediae et infimae eetatis. 6 v. 16°. Hamburgi, 1734-46. Grayjackets (The); and how they lived, fought, and died for Dixie. With incidents and sketches of life in the Confederacy. 8°. Bich- mond, Va., [1867]. Gubernatis (A.) Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du monde latin. 4°. Borne, 1905. Imperatorskiy Yuryevskiy Universitet. Bio- graficheskiy slovar professorov i prepodavatelei Imperatorskavo Yuryevskavo, bivshavo Derpt- skavo, Universiteta za sto Het yevo sushtshe- stvovaniya (1802-1902). Pod redaktsiyei G. V. Levitskavo. [Biographical dictionary of profes- sors and instructors in the Imperial University of Yurvev, formerly Dorpat, for 100 years of its existence. Edited by G. V. Levitski.] v. 1. 8°. Yuryev, 1902. Jovius (P.) Elogia doctorum virorum ab avo- rum memoria publicatis ingenii monumentis illustrium. 16°. Antverpix, 1557. Miller (A. D.) Distinguished residents of Washington, D. C. Science, art, industry. Biographical sketches and references, compiled and edited by A. D. Miller. 8°. [Washington, B. C], 1916. National Academy of Sciences. Biographi- cal memoirs, v. 4^7. 8°. Washington, 1902-13. Pittsburgh. Carnegie Bibrary. Men of science and industry; a guide to the biographies of scien- tists, engineers, inventors, and physicians, in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 8°. Bitts- burgh, 1915. Poggendorff (J. C.) Biographisch-literari- Bches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der ex- acten Wissenschaften, enthaltend Nachweisun- gen iiber Lebensverhaltnisse und Leistungen von Mathematikern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen u. s. w. aller Volker und Zeiten. 4 v. 4°. Leivzia 1863-1904. Wer ist's? Unsere Zeitgenossen. Zeitgenos- senlexikon enthaltend Biographien nebst Bi- bliographien. . . . Zusammengestellt und hrsg. von H. A. L. Degener. 8°. Leipzig, 1912. _ Who's who in America. A biographical dic- tionary of notable living men and women of the United States. Edited by A. N. Marquis. 8°. Chicago, [1918]. Who's who of American returned students. 8°. B eking, 1917. Who's who, 1915. An annual biographical dictionary. 12°. London, [1915]. Wie is dat? 1902. [A Dutch who's who.] 8°. Amsterdam, 1902. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Obituary record of graduates. 1.-4. s., 1859-60 to 1899-1900; Nos. 1-4, 5. s., 1900-1901 to 1903-1. 4 v. 8°. New Haven, 1860-1904. Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School. Biographical record, classes from 1868-72 of the Sheffield Scientific School. 8°. New Haven, 1910. Biography (Medical). See, also, Bibliography (Medical); Medals (Medical); Medicine (Hhtory of); Portraits. Abbildtjngen beruhmter und besonders um die Arzneikunde verdienter Gelehrten, nebst ihren vornehmsten. Lebensumstanden. Acht- zehn Hfte. sm. 4°. Augsburg, [1805]. Aerzte (Die) Kurlands von 1825-1900. Ein biographisches Lexicon bearbeitet von J. Brennsohn. 8°. Mitau, 1902. Archives (Les) biographiques contempo- raines; revue mensuelle analytique et critique des hommes et ceuvres; honoree de souscriptions de diverses bibliotheques et administrations francaises et 6trangeres. 8°. Barh, [n. d.]. Baier (J.J.) Biographise prof essorum medi- cina?, qui in academia Altorfina unquam vixe- runt. roy. 8°. Norimbergx dc Altorfii, 1728. Billroth (T.) Briefe. 2. vermehrte Aufl. 8°. Hannover dc Leipzig, 1896. Biographical cyclopaedia of homoeopathic physicians and sdrgeons. roy. 8°. Chicago, 1893. Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Aerzte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Mit einer historischen Einleitung. Hrsg. von J. Pagel. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, 1900. Chioccus (A.) De Collegii Veronensis illustri- bus medicis et philosophis, qui vel scribendo, vel publice profitendo Collegium, patriam et bonas literas lllustrarunt. 8°. Veronse, 1623. Daremberg (G.) Les grands medecins du xixe siecle. 8°. Barh, I'907. Emmet (T. A.) Incidents of my life; profes- sional, literary, social, with services in the cause of Ireland. 4°. New York, 1911. Fokker (A. A.) & de Man (J. C.) Levens- berichten van zeeuwsche medici. 8°. Middel- burg, 1901. Giovio (P.) Elogia virorum Uteris illustrium. fol. Basil, 1577. Kelly (H. A.) A cyclopedia of American medical biography, comprising the lives of eminent deceased physicians and surgeons from BIOGRAPHY. 544 BIOLOGISCHE. Biography (Medical). 1610-1910. 2 v. 4°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1912. Kirchenberger (S.) Lebensbildcr hervorra- gender osterreichisch-ungarischer Militar- und Marinearzte. 8°. Wien, 1913. Lakhtin (M. Yu.) Kratkiy biograficheskiy slovar znamenitikh vrach el vslekh vremyon. [Short biographical dictionary of famous physi- cians of all countries.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1902. McManus (J.) A professional review, 1864- 1898. 8°. Hartford, Conn., 1898. Mariani (A.) Eminent physicians, with biographical notes of members of the Paris Academy of Medicine. 8°. Barh, 1903. Medical (The) who's who. 1913. 8°. Lon- don, 1913. ------.• The same. 1915. 8°. London, 1915. Medicinisches Deutschland. GaU'erie von Zeitgenossen auf dem Gebiete der medicinischcn Wissenschaften. fol. Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1902. NavrAtil (M.) Almanach ceskych l£kafu, s podobiznami a 1200 fivotopisy. Na pamet 50ti-leteho jubilea Spolku a Casopisu lekafu ceskych. [Almanach of Bohemian physicians, with likenesses and 1,200 biographies. To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Society and Journal of Bohemian Physicians.] 8°. Braha, 1913. Richardson (Sir B. W.) Vita medica; chapters of medical life and work. 8°. New York, 1897. ----—. Disciples of ^sculapius. With the life of the author by his daughter, Mrs. George Martin. 2 v. 8°. London, 1900. Kitti (A.) Histoire des travaux de la Society medico-psychologique et eloges de ses membres. 2 v. 8°. Barh, 1913-14. Robinson (V.) Pathfinders in medicine; with a letter from Ernst Haeckel and an introduc- tion by Abraham Jacobi. roy. 8°. New York, 1912. von Schlichtegroll (A. H. F.) Nekrolog, etc., 1790-1805. 28 v. 12°. Gotha, 1791-1806. Stone (R. F.) Biography of eminent Ameri- can physicians and surgeons; representing all schools of medicine. 2. ed. 8°. Indianapolh, 1898. Svensk Lakare-Matrikel. Enligt uppdrag af Svenska Lakare-Sallskapet. Redigerad och utgifven af A. J. Berzeiius. 8°. Stockholm, [1886-1901]. ------. The same. Supplementhaftet. 8°. Stockholm, 1901. ------. The same. Register. 8°. Stock- holm, 1902. Verein St. Petersburger Aerzte. Biographi- scher Album des . . . 1859-1909. Hrsg. zum 50jahrigen Jubilaum des Vereins 31. Marz 1909. 8°. St. Betersburg. 1909. Boardman (W. E.) Biographical sketches of deceased members of the Obstetrical Society of Boston, 18S1-91. Obst. Soc. Bost. Papers ... 40. anniv., Bost., 1901, 25-43.— Daffner (F.) Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Aerzte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von Julius Bagel. Verlag Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1900. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., Berl.. 1901, 201; 224; 247. Aho, Reprint—De Castro (A.) Eloglo historico dos academieos fallecidos durante o anno, pclo orador. Ann. Acad, de med. do Rio de Jan.. 1910, 1913, lxxvi, 15 2r).— Dickinson (W. H.) Presidents ad- dress. Med.-Chir. Tr., Loud., 1897, lxxx, pp. xcix-cl — Fowler (G. R.) Report of the committee on necrology. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., l'hila., 1907, xxv, pp. xxv-xxvii — Helme (F.) Les medecins devant la maladie et devant la mort; le Dr. Bouilly; le Dr. (odet. Kev. mod. de mod. et do chir., Par., 1903, 93-99.—Klrkpatrlck (T. P. C.) An index to the biographical notices that have appeared in the journal sinco Biography (Medical). its commencement in March, 1832. Dublin 3. M. Sc, 1916, 3. s.. cxiii, 110- lis. —Medical men in the Dictionary of National Biography. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, ii, 1073.— Meltzer (S. J.) The men we lost. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 161-163.— Norbury (F. P.) Biographical medicine. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1905, xxviii, 489-496.—Preston (G. J.) Medical biography. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xii, 88-90.—de Ribler (L.) Petit dictionnaire des medecins et chirurgiens de la Haute-Auvergne jusqu'au xix* siecle. France med., Par., 1914, lxi, 117; 152— R[obinson] (V.) American medical biography; a review of the seven books on the subject. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1918, xxiv, 1-15 — Sholl (F. H.) 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C.) The early naturalists; their lives and work (1530-1789). 8°. London, 1912. Radl (E.) Geschichte der biologischen Theorien seit dem Ende des siebzehnten Jahr- hunderts. Teil I. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. ------. The same. Geschichte der biologi- schen Theorien in der Neuzeit. Teil I. 2 Aufl. 8°. Leipzig dc Berlin, 1913. Reichenbach (H.) Ruckblicke auf die Biologie der letzten achtzig Jahre. Vortrag gehalten beim Jahresfeste am 30. Mai 1897. 8° [n. p., 1897.] Reinke (J.) Die Entwicklung der Naturwis- senschaften, insbesondere der Biologie im neun- zehnten Jahrhundert. 8°. Kiel, 1900. Sterne (C.) [pseud.]. Geschichte der biologi- schen Wissenschaften im neunzehnten Jahrhun- dert. 8°. Berlin. 1901. Das Deutsche Jahrhundert in Einzelschriften, Abth. xh. Thomson (J. A.) The science of life, an out- line of the history of biology and its recent ad- vances. 8°. Chicago dc New York, 1899. Williams (H. S.) The century's progress in biology. Cutting from: Harper's N. Month. Mag., N. 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Recent debts to biology. Providence M. J., 1905, vi, 49-58.—Giin- ther (S.) Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Phanologie. Arch. f. d. Gesch. d. Naturw. [etc.], Leipz., 1910-11, iii, 241- 249.—Haeckel (E.) Ueber die Biologie m Jena wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1905, n. F., xxxii, 713-726—Hamburger (H. J.) Zur Geschichte und Entwicklung der physikalisch-chemischen Forschung in der Biologie. Internat. Ztschr. f. phvs.-chem. Biol., Leipz. & Berl., 1914, i, 6-27.—Henneguy (M. F.) Du role de I'Allemagne dans revolution des sciences biologiques. Rev. scient., Par.. 1915, i, 70-74.—Hertwig (O.) Die Ent- wicklung der Biologie im 19. Jahrhundert. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, 41-58. Aho, Reprint. Aho, transl.: Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1900, Wash., 1901, 461-478.—Johnson (D. S.) The history of the discovery of sexuality in plants. Ibid.. 1914, Wash., 1915, 383-405.—Konukhes (G.) [Latest achieve- ments of biology and their influence on medicine and sur- gery.] Med. J. Oksa, S.-Peterb.. 1899, ii, No. 3, 1-12.— KUkenthal (W.) Die Entwicklung der Naturwissen- schaften, insbesondere der Biologie unter der Regierung Kaiser Wilhelms II. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. & Leipz., 1913, iii, 148-161.—Le Dantec (F.) Le mouvement retro- grade en biologie. Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg., Par., 1903, 6. s., vi, 428-435. -----. Lamarck et Darwin; les deux tendances biologiques. Rev. scient., Par.. 1909, 5. s., xi, 161-170.—Loeb (J.) The recent development of biology. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. s., xx, 777-786. -----. The recent development of biology. Internat. Cong. Arts & Sc, Lond. & N. Y., 1908, ix, 13-24.—Mac- ladyen (A.) Recent methods and results in biological in- quiry. In his: The cell as the unit of life, 8°, Lond., 1908, 237-276.—de Madrid (S.) El metodo comparado y genetico en la evolucion de las ciencias bioWgicas. An. san. mil., Buenos Ahes, 1901, iu, 1065-1105.—Nutting (C. C.) The advancing pendulum of biological thought. Science, Lan- caster, Pa., 1916, n. s., xliii, 182; 403.-Ritter (W. E ) Pro- fessor Jennings as a biological philosopher. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1912. n. s., xxxv, 267-269.—Spragg.(F. A.) Biological literature in English. Ibid., 1918, n. s., xlvni, 23.- von Uexkull (J.) Der heutige Stand der Biologie m Amerika. Naturwissenschaften, Berl., 1913, l, 801-805.— Biology (History of). von Wettstein (R.) Die Biologie in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Kultur der Gegenwart. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Miinster) 1912, Leipz., 1913, lxxxiv, pt. 1, 217-225.—Wheeler (W. M.) Pre-Darwinian and post- Darwinian biology. Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1909, lxxiv, 381-385.—Wlgand (L. M.) Lamarck, Kant, Pauly, Vogt. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1908, vii, 401-108. Biology (Laboratories and stations for). Berichte aus der kgl. bayerischen biologi- schen Versuchsstation in Munchen. Hrsg. von Bruno Hofer. v. 1. 8°. Stuttgart, 1908. Conn (H. W.) The Biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn Institute, located at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. 4°. New York, 1894. Cutting from: Am. Univ. Mag., N. Y., 1894. Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood's Holl, Mass. Annual announcements for the seasons of 1888-95 (1-8); 1898-1903 (11-16). roy. 8° & 8°. Boston, 1888-1903. ------. Annual reports of the trustees to the corporation. 1-9, 1888-99. 8°. Boston, 1889- 1902. Marine Station for Scientific Research, Granton, Edinburgh. 12°. [Edinburgh, 1884.] Montana. University of Montana. Biological Station. Bulletins, Nos. *7, 10, 17-19, 26. Bio- logical series, Nos. 2, 3, 5-7, 9. 8°. Missoula, 1900-1905. New Jersey. New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station. Reports of the biologist, for the years 1893-5; 1897-1902. By Julius Nelson. 8°. Trenton, Camden [etc.], 1894-1903. Reay (Lord). Address, on opening the Gatty Marine Laboratory, University of St. Andrews. 8°. Bundee, 1896. Thompson (The) Yates Laboratories Report. Edited by Robert Boyce and C. S. Sherrington. v. 1-7, 1898-1906. 4°. Liverpool, 1900-1906. Dean (B.) The marine biological stations of Europe. Biol. Lect. Wood's Holl 1893, Bost., 1894, 211-234.—Glvler (J. P.) A plan for cooperation among the smaller biological laboratories. Science, Lancaster, Pa., 1916, n. s., xliii, 279.— Gravier (C.) Le laboratoire de biologie tropicale de Tortu- • gas (Floride). Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1913. xxiv, 874-882.—Herdman (W. A.) Fifteenth annual report of the Liverpool Marine Biological Committee and their biological station at Port Erin. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc, 1901-2, xvi, 27-108.—Herrick (F. H.) Biological Laboratory of Western Reserve University. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1900, hi, 949-955.—Hertwig (R.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Stationen fiir Siisswasserbiologie. In- ternat. Rev. d. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrograph., Leipz., 1908,. i, 18-28.—Houssay (F.) Les laboratoires maritimes: Naples et Banyuls-sur-Mer. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1893, cxx, 168-186.—Kellogg (V. L.) The Hopkins seaside laboratory. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1899, xxxih, 629-634.— Klug (N.) [The Biological Institute of the Budapest Scien- tific Society, 1858-60.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906,1, 8 — Linton (E.) Reminiscences of the Wood's Holl Laboratory of the Bureau of Fisheries, 1882-9. Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa., 1915, xii, 737-753.—Liverpool University College. Opening of the Thompson-Yates laboratories. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1189-1192. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 1008-1011.—McFarland (F. MO The Hopkins seaside laboratory. J. Apphed Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1869- 1875.—Marchoux. Fonctionnement du laboratoire de microbiologie de Saint-Louis (Senegal). Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1900, hi, 119-129.—Marine (The) Biologi- cal Laboratory W ood's Holl. Eleventh report of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Biol. Bull., Wood's Holl, Mass., 1909, xvh, 1-100.-----. Nineteenth report; for the year 1916, twenty-ninth year. Ibid., 1917, xxxih, 1-37.—Mark (E. L.) Increase in opportunities for work at the Bermuda Biological Station. Science, Lancaster, Pa., 1916, n. s., xliii, 182.—Mayer (A. G.) Biology, Marine. Marine Biological Laboratory, at Tortugas Florida. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book (1904), 1905, iv, 108-124, 2 pi.—Przibram (H.) Die biologische Versuchsanstalt in Wien; Zweck, Einriehtung una Tatigkeit wahrend der ersten fiinf Jahre ihres Bestehens (1902-7), Bericht der zoologischen, botani- schen und physikalisch-chemischen Abteilung. Ztschr. f. biol. Techn. u. Method., Strassb., 1909-10, ii, Ergnzngshft, 1-34.—Ritter (W. E.) The biological laboratories of the Pacific coast. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1915, Ixxxvi, 223- 232— Treadwell (A. L.) The biology laboratory of Vassar College. J. Apphed Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1717-1725 — BIOLOGY. 550 BIOLOGY. Biology (Laboratories and stations for). de Vrles (H.) Het Woestijn-Laboratorium te Tucson in Arizona. Album d. Nat., Haarlem, 1903-i, 201-206 — Whitman (C. O.) Some of the functions and features of a biological station. Biol. Lect. Wood's Holl, Bost., 1896-7, 231-242. -----. The impending crisis in the history of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1902, n. s., xv, 529-533.—Wllley (D. A,) The biological laboratory at Wood's Holl, Mass. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1903, lvi, 22991.—Wylle (R. B.) The biology laboratories of Morningside College. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1949-1954.—Young (R. T.) The work ofthe North Dakota Biological Station at Devil's Lake. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1917, v, 497-508.—Zacharlas (O.) Ein schwimmendes Laboratorium fiir marine Biologie [am Hardford Trinity College]. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, xxvi, 63. Biology (Manuals of). Abbott (J. F.) The elementary principles of general biology. 8°. New York, 1914. Allgemeine Biologie. Redaktion: C. Chun und W. Johannsen, unter Mitwirkung von A. Giinthart. Bearb. von E. Baur, P. Boysen- Jensen [etc.]. 4°. Leipzig dc Berlin, 1915. Bigelow (M. A.) & Bigelow (Mrs. A. N.) Introduction to biology; an elementary textbook and laboratory guide. 8°. New York, 1913. Bonaventura (L.) Primi principii di bio- logia. 8°. Foggia, 1906. Bordier (H.) Precis de manipulations de physique biologique; guide de l'etudiant aux travaux pratiques. 12°. Barh, 1902. -----. The same. 2. ed., revue et corrigee. 12° Barh 1903. Calkins '(G. N.) Biology. 8°. New York, [1914]. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New York, [1917]. Campbell (H. J.) Text-book of elementary biology. 8°. London, 1905. Conn (H. W.) Nociones de biologia. Traduc- ci6n por Antonio Soler. 16°. Nueva York, 1901. -----. Biology, an introductory study. 8°. Boston, [1912]. Darbishire (A. D.) An introduction to a biology, and other papers. 8°. London, 1917. Gaube (J.) Cours de mineralogie biologique. 12°. Barh, 1897. Hamaker (J. I.) A compend of the principles of biology. 8°. Lynchburg, 1905. Hertwig (O.) Allgemeine Biologie. 2. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1906. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1909. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. 4°. Jena, 1912. Huxley (T. H.) & Martin (H. N.) A course of elementary instruction in practical biology. Revised ed., extended and edited by G. B. Howes and D. H. Scott; with a preface bv Pro- fessor Huxley. 12°. London, 1889. Kassowitz (M.) Allgemeine Biologie. 4 v. 8°. Wien, 1899-1906. Maas (O.) & Renner (O.) Einfuhrung in die Biologie. roy. 8°. Munchen dc Berlin, 1912. McFarland (J.) Biology, general and medi- cal. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1910. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1913. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1916. Nussbaum (M.), Karsten (G.) & Weber (M.) Lehrbuch der Biologie fiir Hochschulen. 8°. Leipzig, 1911. Parker (T. J.) Lessons in elementary biology. 12°. London, 1893. -----. The same. [2. ed.] 8°. London, 1900. -----. The same. Lecons de biologie £le- mentaire. Traduites sur la derniere Edition anglaise par A. Marie. 8°. Barh, 1904. Biology (Manuals of). Peabody (J. E.) & Hunt (A. E.) Elementary biology, plant, animal, human. 8°. New York, 1916. Reinke (J.) Einleitung in die theoretische Biologie. 8°. Berlin, 1901. -----. Grundziige der Biologie fiir Unter- richtsanstalten und zur Selbstbelehrung. 8°. Heilbronn, 1909. Schelver (F. J.) Elementarlehre der organi- schen Natur. 1. Theil. Organomie. 8°. Got- tingen, 1800. Sedgwick (W. T.) & Wilson (E. B.) Einfuh- rung in die allgemeine Biologie. Autorisierte Uebersetzung nach der 2. Aufl. von R. Thesing. 8°. Leipzig dc Berlin, 1913. Simroth (H.) Abriss der Biologie der Tiere. 2. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1907. Smallwood (W. M.) A text-book of biology for students ... 8°. Bhiladelphia dc New York, 1913. ----—, Reveley (I. L.) & Bailey (G. A.) Practical biology. 8°. Boston, [1916]. Wagner (A.) Der neue Kurs in der Biologie. Allgemeine Erorterungen zur prinzipiellen Rechtfertigung der Lamarckschen Entwick- lungslehre. 8°. Stuttgart, [1907]. Ward (H. B.) & Whipple (G. C.) Fresh- water biologv. With the collaboration of a staff of specialists. 8°. New York. 1918. Biology (Methods and technique in). See, also, Biology (Experimental); Biome- chanics. Classen (J.) Die Anwendung der Mechanik auf Vorgange des Lebens. 8°. Hamburg, 1901. Repr.from: Jahrb. d. Hamb. wissensch. Anstalten, xviii. Cobb (N. A.) Two new instruments for biologists. 8°. [n. p.], 1890. Dechambre (P.) Zootechnie generale. 12°. Barh, 1899. Enders (H. E.) Laboratory directions in general biology, prepared for use in biology. 8°. [Lafayette, Lnd.], 1914. Mell (P. H.) Biological laboratory methods. 8°. New York, 1902. Przibram (H.) Anwendung elementarer Mathematik auf biologische Probleme. 8°. Leip- zig, 1908. Ramon y Cajal (S.) Reglas y consejos sobre investigacion biologica. 8°. Madrid, 1899. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8°. Madrid, 1913. Roseler (P. R.) it Lamprecht (H.) Hand- buch fiir biologische Uebunjjen. Zoologischer Teil. 8°. Berlin, 1914. Romanovski (M.) O metodle v biologii; v oblasti hipotez i teoretieheskikh vivodov. [On methed in biology; in the field of hypothesis and theoretical inferences] 8°. Odessa, 1898. Behrens (H.) Bemerkungen zu: Dr. G. Steiner, Eine neue Arbeitsmethode fiir Hydrobiologen. Mikrokosmos, Stuttg., 1913-14, vh, 217.—Blackwell (Elizabeth). Scien- tific method in biology. In her: Essays Med. Sc, 16°, Lond., 1902, ii, 87-150.—Chagovets (V. Y.) [The mathe- matical method in biology.] Obshtsnestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi . . . Syezda, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 97-100.—Chudeau (R.) Quelques mots de geometrie a Eropos de la taillo do divers animaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de iol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 946.—Cole (A. H.) The technique of biological projection and anesthesia of animals. J. Ap- plied Micr., Rochester, 1902, v, 1690; 1733; 1795; 1892; 1930; 2012; 2051; 2088: 1903, vi, 2125; 2179; 2224; 2274; 2321; 2415; 2461; 2500; 2553; 2596—Cortl (A.) & Ferrata (A.) Di una totale inversione dell' ailinita colorante col mutare del liquido flssatore. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1905, xvi, 319.—Cotton (E. C.) A constant low temperature appa- ratus for biological investigations. J. Econom. Entomol., Concord.N. II., 1910,lii, 140-146,3pi.—Drlesch(H.) Ergeb- nisse der neueren Lebensforschung. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz., 1903-4, ii, 767-779.—Duncan (F. M.) Some methods of preserving marine biological specimens. BIOLOGY. 551 BIOLOGY. Biology (Methods and technique in). J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1917, pt. 6, 521-529.—Fano (G.) Chimica e biologia. Riv. di scienza, Bologna, 1907, ii, 279- 286.—Geigel (R.) Physikalische Behandlung biologischer Probleme. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1914, lxxxiv, 1. Abt., 453-464.—Giard (A.) Les faux principes biologi- ques et leurs consequences. Rev. scient., Par., 1876, 2. s., x, 241-246.—Gineste (C.) Methodes et conceptions biologi- ques. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 292; 306; 319; 328.—Girard (P.) L'electrisation de contact en biologie. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1909, xx, 694-701.—Guilloz (T.) Un procede optique pour repartir sur une surface rectangulaire un eclairement uniforme suivant l'ordonnee et variant suivant l'abscisse d'apres une loi quelconque determinee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 773-775. -----. Apphcation de la methode precedente aux etudes biologiques; eclairement d'une sur- face rectangulaire par un spectre dans lequel les couleurs sont etalees d'apres leur dispersion suivant une coordonnee et ou, suivant l'autre coordonnee, elles varient d'intensite suivant une loi determinee, la meme pour toutes. Ibid., 775-777.— Halsted (G. B.) Biology and mathematics. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, n. s., xxu, 161-167.—Harris (D. F.) & Irvine (J. C.) On the use of soluble Prussian blue for investigating the reducing power of animal bioplasm. Bio- Chem. J., Liverp., 1906, i, 355-363.—Hatai (S.) A mathe- matical treatment of some biological problems. Biol. Bull., Wood's Holl, Mass., 1910, xvhi, 126-130. Also, Reprint.— Herrick (C. J.) Introspection as a biological method. J. Philos., Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1915, xh, 543-551.—Hyatt (A.) Some governing factors usually neglected in biological investigations. Biol. Lect. Wood's Holl. Bost., 1900, 127-156.—Jackson (R. T.) Catching fixed forms of animal life on transparent media for study. Science, N. Y., 1888, xi, 230. Aho, Reprint.—Jenny Weljerman (J. W.) Over de waarde der biologische zuiveringsmethoden voor de praktijk. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxviii, d. 1, 461-474.—Kraus (R.) Ueber biologische Reactionen. Monatschr. f. Gsndhts- pflg., Wien, 1902, xx, 161-166.—Le Dantec (F.) Lamethode individuahste ou methode d'assimilation. Rev. scient., Par., 1911, ii, 710-717.—Macfadyen (A.) The apphcation of low temperatures to the study of biological problems. Chem. News, Lond., 1903, lxxxviii, 193.—Needham (J. G.) An out-door equipment for college work in biology. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1903, xxxvii, 867-874.—Osterhout (W. J. V.) & Haas (A. K. C.) An adaptation of Winkler's method to biological work. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1917, xxxu, 141- 146. Aho, Reprint.—Pearl (R.) Biometrical ideas and methods in biology; their significance and limitations. Scientia, Bologna, 1911, x, 101-119.-----. The service and importance of statistics to biology. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1914-15, xiv, 40-48.—Przibram (H.) Kiinstlichcs Klima fiir biologische Versuche. Ztschr.f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc], Berl., 1910-11, ih, 437.—Steiner (G.) Erne neue Arbeitsmethode fiir Hydrobiologen. Mikrokosmos, Stuttg., 1913-14, vu, 135-139.—Stirling (W.) Biology and the cinematograph. Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit.,1911, Lond., 1913, pt. 1, 166-179.—Tschachotin (S.) Eine neue Spritz- und Tropfflasche fiir Laboratorien. Ztschr. f. biol. Techn. u. Method., Strassb., 1912-13, iii, 83—Wesche (W.) On the microscope as an aid to the study of biology in entomology, with particular reference to the food of insects. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond., 1908, 401-124, 6 pi. Biology (Nomenclature of). See Biology (Classification, etc., of). Biology (Periodicals and transactions of societies relating to). Archivos latinos de medicina y de biologia. Revista mensual. Redactor jefe: Gustavo Pitto- luga. v. 1, 1903. fol. Madrid. Bio-Chemical (The) Journal. Edited by B. Moore and E. Whitley. [Monthly.] v. 1-13, 1906-19. 8°. Liverpool. Current. Biochemisches Centralblatt. Hrsg. von Carl Oppenheimer. [Semimonthly.] v. 1-9,1902-10. 8°. Berlin. Biologen-Kalender; hrsgb. von B. Schmid und C. Thesing. 1. Jahrgang (1914). 8°. Leip- zig, 1914. Biologica;"'revue scientifique du medecin. v. 1-4, 1911-14. 4°. Baris. Biologica. Raccolta di scritti di biologia di- retta dai Dott. Prof. Ermanno Gigho-Tos. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, 1906-8. 8°. Torino. Biological Bulletin, v. 1-36,1899-1917. 8°. Boston. Current. Biology (Periodicals and transactions of societies relating to). Biologicheskiy Jurnal; izdavayemiy pri zoo- logicheskom otdielenii Imperatorskavo Ob- sh tshestva Lyubitelei Yestestvoznaniya, Antro- pologii i Etnografii. Biologische Zeitschrift; [issued by the Zoological Department of the Im- perial Society of Lovers of Natural History, An- thropology, and Ethnography], v. 1, 1910. 8°. Moskva. Biometrika. A journal for the statistical study of biological problems. Edited by W. F. R.Weldonfetal]. [Quarterly.] v. 1-12,1901-18. roy. 8°. Cambridge. Current. Bios. Rivista di biologia sperimentale e gene- rale. v. 1-2, 1913-14. 8°. Genova. Boletin de la direccion de estudios biologicos. v. 1-2, 1915-17. 8°. Mexico. Bulletin du Laboratoire de biologie appli- quee. v. 1-2, 1904-5. fol. Baris. Folia microbiologica. Hollandische Beitrage zur gesamten Mikrobiologie. Hrsg. von M. \V. Beijerinck [et al.]. v. 1-4, 1912-15. 8°. Belft. Intermediate (L') des biologistes. Direc- teur: Alfred Binet. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-2, 1897-9. 8°. Baris. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydro- biologie und Hydrographie. Edited by R. Woltereck [etal.]. [Six nos. in a year.] v. 1-7 1908-14. 8°. Leipzig, Baris, & New lork. Internationale Zeitschrift fiir physikalisch- chemische Biologie. v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. Leipzig dc Berlin. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. N. s., v. 1-12, 1889- 1919. 8°. Plymouth. Kozlemenyek az 6sszehasonlit6 elet- es kortan korebol. [Communications on comparative biol- ogy and pathology.] 1905-6, vi, Nos. 7-8; 1911- 12, ix, Nos. 6-8; 1912-13, x; 1913-14, xi, Nos. 1-2. 8°. Budapest. Kosmos. Zeitschrift fiir . . . Entwicklungs- lehre. Hrsg. von Otto Caspari [et al.l. v. 1-2, 1877-8. roy. 8°. Leipzig. Polnisches Archiv fiir biologische und me- dizinische Wissenschaften. Red. von H. Kadyi. [Not regular.] v. 1-2, 1901-5. 8°. Lemberg. Revista trimestral micrografica. v. 1-5,1896- 1900. 8°. Madrid. Continued as: Trabajos del laboratorio de investigacibnes biol6gicas de la Universidad de Madrid. Revue pratique de biologie appliquee a la clinique et a la therapeutique. Direction: Dr. Hallion. [Monthly.] v. 4-12, 1906-14. 8°. Baris. Rivista di biologia generale. Red.: Paolo Celesia. [Monthly.] v. 3, 1901. 8°. Torino. Continuation of: Rivista di scienze biologiche. Rivista di scienze biologiche. Redattore: Dott. Paolo Celesia. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-2, 1899-1900. 8°. Torino. Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine. Proceedings, v. 1-16, 1904-19. 8°. New York. Tommasi (II). Giornale di biologia e di medi- cina. Direttore: Prof. P. F. Castellino. [Three times a month.] v. 1-9, 1905-14. fol. Napoli. Trabajos del laboratorio de investigaciones biologicas de la Universidad de Madrid. Publica- dos por S. Ramon Cajal. v. 1-4; v. 7; v. 8, fasc. 1-2. 8°. Madrid, Continuation of: Revista trimestral micrografica. Zeitschrift fiir biologische Technik und Me- thodik. _ Unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen BIOLOGY. 552 BIOMETRIKA. Biology (Periodicals and transactions of societies relating to). hrsg. von Martin Gildemeister. v. 1-3,1908-13. 8°. Strassburg. Zentralblatt fiir allgemeine und experi- mentelle Biologie. Hrsg. von Heinrich Poll. v. 1-2, 1910-12. 8°. Leipzig. Minot(C.S.) The Italian Archives of Biology. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1908, n. s., xxvii, 895. Biology (Teaching of). Brass (A.) Die Freiheit der Lehre und ihre Missachtung durch deutsche Biologen. 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Bruck (W. F.) Wie studiert man Biologie? Eine Einfuhrung in die Wissenschaft fiir ange- hende Studierende der Botanik und Zoologie und deren Erganzungswissenschaften, mit Rat- schlagen zur zweckmassigen Anordnung des Studienganges. 8°. Stuttgart, 1910. Chun (C.) Probleme des biologischen Hoch- schulenunterrichts. 8°. Leipzig dc Berlin, 1906. Repr.from: Natur u. Schule, Leipz. & Berl., 1906, v. Gegenwartige (Ueber die) Lage des biolo- gischen Unterrichts an hoheren Schulen. Ver- handlungen der vereinigten Abteilungen fur Zoologie, Botanik, Geologie, Anatomie und Physiologie der 73. Versammlung deutscher Na- turforscher und Aerzte. 8°. Jena, 1901. Lloyd (F. E.) & Bigelow (M. A.) The teach- ing of biology in the secondary school. 8°. New York, 1904. -----------. Thesame. Newed. 8°. New York, 1914. Pinero (H. G.) Ensenanza de biologfa en la Universidad nacional de Buenos Aires. 4°. Buenos Aires, 1913. Universidad nacional de Buenos Aires. In- auguracion del curso de biologia. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1913. University of Pennsylvania. School of Bi- ology. Handbook of information concerning the ... 4°. Bhiladelphia, 1889. Ahlborn (F.) Die gegenwartige Lage des biologischen Unterrichts an den hoheren Schulen. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, naturw. Abth., 274-281.—Cockerell (T. D. A.) The making of biologists. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1902-3, lxu, 512-520.—Coulter (J. G.) Recent tendencies in the peda- gogy of biology. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, Decatur, 111., 1910-11, xxix. 159-105—Cramer (F.) Der biologische Unterrlcht an den bayerischen Gymnasien und die neue Schulordnung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 8-11.—Faust (E. C.) Experimental methods in teaching biology in secondary schools. School & Soc, N. Y., 1916,iv,694-699.—Goldiarb (A.J.) Theteaching of college biology. Science, N.Y.& Lan- caster, Pa., 1913, n. s., xxxvih, 430-436.—Hodge (C. F.) Dy- namic biology in the college course. Podag. Seminary. Wor- cester, Mass., 1905, xh, 158-174.—Holle (H. O.) Ziele und Wege des biologischen Unterrichts. Polit .-Anthrop. Rev., Hildburgh, 1912-13, xl, 410; 461.—Humphrey (J. E.) The selection of plant types for the general biology course. Biol. Lcct.Wood'sHoll.Bost., 1898,193-202—Huxley(T. H.) On the study of biology. Nature, Iyond., 1877, xv, 219-224. Aho, in his: Scient. Mcm.,80, Lond.. 1902, lv, 248-264.—Koch (E.) Zur Einfuhrung des biologischen Unterrichtes in Deutsch- land. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvh, 817-820.—Lat- ter (O. H.) Joint discussion with sections K and L on the teaching of biology in schools. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., Lond., 1907, 547-549.—Martin (G. W.) Biology in secon- dary schools. J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1900, hi, 859- 860.—Marti y Julia. Pera l'eseola bloI<5gica Catalana. An. dc med. Buttl. mens, de l'Acad. ... do Catalunva, Barcel., 1909, iii, 400-412.—Merkel (F.) Wunsche, betrcllend den biologischen Unterricht. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Leipz., 1905, 144-149.—Mestre (A.) 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Productive inflammation of the fowl due to trauma. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., Ithaca, 1917-18, li, 94-96— Klnyoun (J. J.) Bird plague. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxiii, 217.—Klonka (H.) Ein- fluss des Kalkes auf das physiologische Verhalten gicht- kranker Hiihner. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1900, xhv, 207-216.—Klee (R.) Krahen als Ver- breiter von Geflfigelseuchen. Fortschr. d. Vet.-Hyg., Berl.. 1903, i. 43.—Klein (E.) Ueber eine epidemische Krankheit der Hiihner, verursacht durch einen Bacillus, Bacillus galli- narum. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1889, v, 689-693.—Kleine (F. K.) Neue Beobachtungen zur Huhnerpest. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1905, li, 177-182.—Kleine (F. K.) & MOllers (B.) Ueber Hiihnerpest bei Gansen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxix, 545-549.—Kraus (E. J.) Hiihner- typhusepidemie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1918, xiv, 896.—Kraus (R.) & Doerr (R.) 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Geology, [n. p.], 1915, xxxii. ------. Fossil birds in the Marsh Collection of Yale University. 8°. New Haven, 1915. Repr. from: Tr. Conn. Acad. Arts & Sc, N. Haven, 1915, xix. ------. New extinct bird from South Caro- lina. 8°. Bondon, 1916. Repr.from: Geol. Mag., Lond., 1916, iii. ------. Notes on some bird fossils from Florida. 8°. [London d- Ncn York, 1918.] Repr.from: Auk, Lond. & N. Y., 1918, xxxv. Lucas (F. A.) A flightless auk, Mancalla ealiforniensis, from the Miocene of California. Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash., xxiv, 133. Aho, Reprint. Birds (Parasites of). Neumann (L.-G.) Parasites et maladies para- sitaires des oiseaux domestiques. 8°. Paris, 1909. United States. Bepartment of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Lndustry. Circular No. 58. Pulmonary mycosis of birds; with report of a case in a flamingo. By John R. Mohler and John S. Buckley. 8°. Washington, 1904. Repr.from: Rep. Bureau Animal Indust,Wash.,1903, xx. Cantacuzene (J.) Recherches sur la spirillose des oies. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1899, xhi, 529-557, 2 pi.— Cardaniatis (J.-P.) Observations sur les microfilaires, trypanosomes et hematozoaires, chez les oiseaux en Grece. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1909, ii, 2t vs — Fantham (H. B.) Coccidia and coccidiosis in birds. Hep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc 1910, Lond., 1911, lxxx, 632.—MacCallum (W. G.) On the pathology of hsematozoan infections in birds. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii, 51. -----. On the haematozoan infections of birds. I6iotatorum. 39 pp. 12°. Vindobonse, lS-'O. P., v. 2241.] Birnbacher (A[lois]) [1849-1915]. Die pathologi- sche Histologie des menschlichen Auges in Mikrophotogrammen dargestellt. Erste Liefe- rung. Bindehaut. 5 pi. fol. Leipzig, Veit dc Co., 1899. For Biographit, see Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh , Leipz., 1915, xxxix, 97-101 (O. Purtscher). Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxvih, 247 (Dimmer). Aho: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxv, 474. Birnbaum (Eduard Hermann Wilhelm Adolf). *Beitrag zur Hydrolyse des Natriumphenolats beim Siedepunkt seiner wassrigen Losungen. 40 pp. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1906. Birnbaum (Henricus Fridericus Georgius) [1815- ]. *De legibus, secundum quas fixa, quae dicitur, idea formatur in vesanis. 1 p. 1., 57 pp., 1 1. 8°. Colonise, typis M. Bumont-Schauberg, 1837. Birnbaum (Hermann) [1878- ]. *Ueber Paralysis agitans mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung ihrer geographischen Verbreitung. 31 pp. 8°. Bostock, C. Hinstorff, 1906. Birnbaum (Hugo Gustav Julius) [1876- ]. *Die Lungentuberkulose bei den Geisteskran- ken. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Birnbaum (Karl). * Versuch eines Schemas fur Intelligenzhandlungen. 35 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., II. Epstein, 1902. ------. Psychosen mit Wahnbildung und wahn- hafte Einbildungen bei Degenerativen. Mit einem Vorwort von C. Moeli. 2 p. 1., 227 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1908. ------. Ueber psychopathische Personlichkeiten. Eine psychopathologieche Studie. iv, 88 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1909. ------. Diekrankhafte Willensschwiiilie und ihre Erscheinungsformen; eine p.-wchopathisehe Stu- die fiir Aerzte, Paedagoi^en undgehildcte Laien. 2 p. 1., 75 pp. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F.Bergmann, 1911. Forms 79. lift, of: Gronzfraeen dos Nerven- und Seelen- lebens, hrsgb. von L. Lccwenfeld. Birnbaum (Max) [1862- ]. Die Krankheiten der Atmungsorgane. Ihre Verhutung und Heilung. 3 p. 1., 86 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1899]. ------. Ueber eingebildele Krankheiten; ge- meinverstandlichdargestellt. 2 p. l.,81pp. 8°. Mindeni. W., W. Kbhler, [1899J. ------■. Die Influenza, ihre Ursachen, Symptome, Verl>reitungund Ikhandlung. Ip. l.,55pp. 8°. Mindeni. W., W. Kohhr, 1900. ------. The same. De influenza, hare oorzaken, verschijnsels, verspreiding en behandeling, populair wetenschappelijk verklaard. 3. ed. 63 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, E. L. E. van Bantzig, 1900. Birnbaum (Max)—continued. ------. Die Diphtheritis und ihre Behandlung mit dem Heilserum. 53 pp., 11. 12°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1900]. ------. Aerztlicher Ratgeber iiber Schwanger- schaf t, Geburt und erste Kindespflege. 1 p. 1., 123 pp. 12°. Halberstadt dc Leipzig, Ernst, [1900]. —----. The same. Aerztlicher Ratgeber fiir junge Mutter; ein praktisches Handbuch uber Schwangerschaft, W ochenbett und erste Kindes- pflege; mit einem Anhang: Wie muss man sich verhalten, um eine leichte Entbindung zu erzielen? 2. Aufl. Ip. 1., 136pp. 8°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1903]. ------. Die Bleichsucht und andere verwandte Krankheiten. Hire Erkennung, Verhutung und Behandlung. v, 69 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1901]. ------. Die Genickstarre. Lhr Wesen und ihre Behandlung, nebst Angaben, wie man sich gegen siezuschutzen hat. 32 pp. 16°. Bonau- worth, E. Mager, [1905]. ------. Der Korper des Menschen in Bild und Wort. 16 pp., 1 superimposed pi. roy. 8°. Bonauwbrth, E. Mager, [1905]. ------. Lexikon der Sexualkrankheiten und verwandter Leiden, deren Entstehung, Verhu- tung und Heilung. Unter Mitwirkung von [Bruno] Bosse und Konrad Eckold. 384 pp., 12 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Birk, 1910. ------. Was muss man vor der Ehe von der Ehe wissen? Auf den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Forschungen beruhende arztliche Ratschlage und Aufklarungen fiir Erwachsene iiber die Hygiene des geschleehtlichen Lebens. 168 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. W. Gloeckner dc Co., [19101. See, also, Albrecht (J. F.)[tn 2. s.]. Wie ist die Schwind- sucht [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, [1900].-----. Der weisse Fluss [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, [1900].-----. Die Hautkrankhciten [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig,\l900]. -----. Der Augenarzt [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, [1900].—Nichols (T. L.) Wie erzielt man leichte Entbinnungen? [Etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Birnbaum (Richard [Hugo Ferdinand]) [1874- ]. *Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Selbstent- wicklung und Geburt, 'conduplieato corpore"' beiQuerlage. 20 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1900. ------. Ueber die Verletzungen des Kindes bei der Geburt. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1906. n. F., No. 429 (Gyniik., No. 158, 707-733). ------. Das Kochsche Tuberkulin in der Gyna- kologie und Geburtsh idle. 2 p. 1., 131 pp." S°. Berlin, J. Sprintjer, 1907. ------. Klinik der Missbildungen und kongeni- talen Erkrankungen des Fotus. vii, 277 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1909. ------. The same. A clinical manual of the mal- formations and congenital diseases of the foetus. Transl. and annotated by G. Blacker, xiv, 379 pp., 8 pi. roy. S°. London, J. & A. Churchill, 1912. See.alio, Ruiure (Max Heinrich). Lehrbuch der Gynae- kologie [otc.]. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1910. Birnmeyer (Friedrich) [1S76- ]. *Ueber die Diagnose von Nierentunioren. 43 pp., 1 tab., 11. 8°. Strassburg i. B., C. dc J. Goellcr, 1901. Biron (S. E.) Posobiye k prakticheskol dez- infektsii pri zaraznikh bolleznyakh. [Aid to the practical disinfection in contagious diseases.] vii, 9-d3 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1907. Biron [Vincent-Jean-ranl] [1758-1817], Brasdor & Pelletler. Rapport fait a la Societede mede- cine de Paris, seanteau Louvre (seancesdes21 et 27 pluviosean X), sur rapplication des nouveaux poids et mesures dans les usages de la medecine. 29 pp. 8°. Toulon, J. J. Calmen, an X [1802]. BIRON. 561 BIRTH-CONTROL. Biron (Z[igmund] E[duardovich]) [1880- ]. *Materiali k voprosu ob opredielerui funktsio- nalnoi dostatochnosti serdtsa u bolnikh i zdoro- vikh lyudei. [Determination of the functional sufficiency of the heart in disease and health.] 1 p. 1.,134 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, T-vo Khudozh. Bech., 1908. Biros (George-Augustin) [1879- ]. *Des psy- choses d'origine thyroidienne. 84 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 65. Birot. Recherches sur la sensibility pure. MS. 30 pp. 12°. Baris, 1815-16. Birotheau (Eugene) [1886- ]. *Etude cli- nique et grapMque du pouls lent par dissocia- tion auriculo-ventriculaire. 218 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 349. Birrell (J.) A discourse on the causes of the pes- tilence, and its remedy, preached in the church of Cupar. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 8°. Cupar, G. S. Tullis, 1832. Birrenbach (Hermann Joseph) [1876- ]. *Ue- ber Micromelie bei congenitaler Syphilis. 30 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1901. Birski (Olgerd Frantsevich) [1851-1914]. Vorotlnski (B.) [In memoriam.] Russk. Vrach, Pe- trogr., 1915, xiv, 189. Birt (E[rnest]). Notes on clinical blood pressure instruments. 8 pp., 1 pi. 8°. London, J. Bale, Sons dc Banhlsson, 1905. Birt ([Friedrich Wilhelm] Eduard [Julius]) [1880- ]. *Ueber Hypophysiserkrankung mit spe- zieller Berucksichtigung der okularen Symptome. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Marburg, J. Hamel, 1907. Birt (George) [1846-1911]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 286. Birt (Thomas) [1862-1906]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 813. Birtch (Fayette Watt) [ -1918]. Sherman (H. M.) Obituary. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1918, xvi, 408. Birth (Friedrich Wilhelm Walther) [1878- ]. *Zur Aetiologie der Spina bifida. 30 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1904. Birth-control. See, also, Conception (Brevention of); France (Bepopulation of); Statistics (Vital). More (A.) Uncontrolled breeding; or, fecun- dity versus civilization; a contribution to the study of over-population as the cause of war and the chief obstacle to the emancipation of women. With an introduction by A. Bennett and a pref- ace and notes by Wm. J. Robinson. 8°. New York, 1917. Sanger (Margaret H.) The case for birth con- trol. 4°. [New York], 1917. Birth control. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 207.—BurgdOrfer (F.) Familienpolitik und Familienstatistik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 49-51.—Canan (C. W.) Race suicide and its ultimate results to the home, to the state and to the nation. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1917, xiv, 312-315.— Carglle(C. H.) Avoided subjects. [Sexualabusesandbirth control.) J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1918-19, xv, 143- 149._Crothers(T.D.) Birthcontrol. Med.-Leg.J., N.Y., 1910, xxxhi, 9-11.—Drysdale (C. V.) Morality and the pre- vention of conception. Med. Critic, N. Y., 1917, xx, 57-70.— Dublin (L. I.) The present status of birth control in Ameri- can cities and its relation to the infant mortality rate. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1917, n. S., xv, 533-547.-----. The significance of the declining birth rate. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1918, n. s., xlvii, 201-210. Aho, Reprint — Ebermayer. Die Gesetzentwiirfe zur Bekampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten und des Geburtenriickgangs. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xliv, 324- 327.—Ellis (H.) Birth-control and eugenics. Eugenics Rev., Lond., 1917, ix, 32-41. Aho: Med.-Pharm. Critic, N. Y., 1917, xx, 136-143.—Entwtlrle (Die) der Gesetze zur Be- kampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten und gegen die Ver- hinderung der Geburten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xliv, 246-248.—Field (J. A.) The beginnings of the birth-control movement. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----36 Birth-control. Chicago, 1916, xxhi, 185-188.—Fuhrmann. Geburten- ruckgangund Geburtshilfe. Med. Khn., Berl., 1917. xhi,1178- 1180.—Gibson (A. E.) The deeper meaning of birth-con- trol. Med. Critic & Guide, N. Y., 1917, xx,252-255.—Gold- man (C.) Voluntary checks to population. Ibid., 1918, xxi, 248-256.—Gold water (A. L.) Birth control; its general and medical aspects. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1917, xxih, 477- 483.-----. Minority report on birth control. Pediatrics, Elmira & N. Y., 1917, xxix, 20-23.—Grotjahn (A.) How to prevent an excessive fall in the birth rate without inter- fering with the use of contraceptives. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1916, xh, 15-23.—Guggisberg (H.) Beitrag zur Frage des Geburtenriickganges. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1918, xlviii, 1233-1236.—Havelock Ellis and birth control. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxhi, 481.—Hecker. Geburten- riickgang und Kindererhaltung. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1918, lxv, 1170.—Jacobl (A.) My position on birth- control. Med. Critic, N. Y., 1917, xx, 75— Klernan (J. G.) Survivalof the fittestandbirthcontrol. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 104-109.— Knopf (S. A.) Legalization of birth control, with special reference to the tuberculosis problem in the United States. Woman's M. J., Cincin., 1915, xxv, 193-195. Also, Reprint.-----. Some results of birth control. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ, 1266.-----. Birth control, Its medical, social, economic and moral aspects. Ibid., 977-982. A ho: Am. J. Pub. Health N. Y., 1917, vh, 152-172.-----. The rights of the wife and mother. Woman's M. J., Cincin., 1917, xxvii, 25-32.-----. Preven- tive medicine and birth control. Med. Times, N. Y., 1917, xiv, 94-98.—Kollarlts (J.) Geburtenriickgang undschmerz- lose Geburt. Med. Klin., Berl,, 1918, xiv, 775.— Kosmak (G. W.) Birth control; what shall be the attitude of the medical profession towards the present day propaganda? Bull. Lying-in Hosp., N. Y., 1917, xi, 88-99. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y, 1917, xci, 268-273. -----. The attitude and responsibihties of the physician in the so-called birth control movement. Bull. Lying-in Hosp., N. Y., 1917, xi, 181-192.— Krohne. Empfangnisverhiitung und Schwangerschafts- unterbrechung vom bevolkerungspolitischen und arzt- lichen Standpunkt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 423. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 380.—Lenz (F.) Die Gesetzentwiirfe gegen die Verhinde- rung von Geburten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 911.—Marx. Gerichtliche Medizin und Geburtenriickgang. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 6.—Morton (J. F.) A little chapter from the early history of birth-control. Med. Critic & Guide, N. Y., 1917, xx, 258-200.—Nammack (C. E.), Taylor (H. C.) [et al.]. Report of the majority committee on birth control. Pediatrics, Elmira & N. Y., 1917, xxLx, 17-19.—Nettle (P.) Birth decline; a suggested remedy. Boston M. & S. J., 1918, clxxix, 412.—von Olshausen (T.) Der Entwurf eines Gesetzes gegen Unfruchtbarmachung und Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1918, xiv, 751; 801; 849.—Ordway (Mabel D.) Birthcon- trol. Boston M. & S. J., 1918-19, clxxix, 421-423. Aho: Med. Press, Lond., 1918, n. s., cvi, 425.—Podvln (E. C.) Birthcontrol. N. York M. J.[etc.], 1917, cv, 258-260—Pott- hofl (H.) The regulation of ollspring and sexual morality. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1915, xi, 451-458.—Qullllan (G. W.) Concerning birth control; the physician's obligation. Am. J. Surg., N. Y.. 1918, xxxii, 193-196.—Bedfleld (C. L.) Eu- genics and birth control. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 191G, x, 485-487. Aho: Med. & Surg., St. Louis, 1917, i, 194-197. -----. Family limitation in Chicago. Chicago M. Recorder, 1917, xxxix, 462-467.—Robert G. Ingersoll on birth-control. Med. Critic, N. Y., 1917, xx, 79.—Robinson (W. J.) The limitation of offspring; the most important immediate step for the betterment of the human race, from an economic and eugenic standpoint. Am. J. Chn. M., Chicago, 1911, xviii, 591; 719.-----. Birth control, or the regulation of offspring by the prevention of conception. West. M. Times, Denver, 1915-16, xxxv, 551-558.-----. Birth-control bibliography. Am. J. Urol., N. Y.. 1917, xiu, 185; 281; 329. -----. Birth control and inferior children. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1917, xi, 27.—Buppenthal (J. C.) Criminal statutes on birth control. Med. World, Phila., 1918, xxxvi, 257-262.— Rutgers (J.) The conscious limitation of offspring in Hol- land. Med. Pharm. Critic, N. Y., 1914, xvu, 174-176.— Schonhelmer (H.) Zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes gegen Unfruchtbarmachung und Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1918, xliv, 863.— Sprague (R. J.) Constructive aspect of birth control. J. Hered., Wash., 1917, vhi, 58-62.—Talmey (B. S.) The limi- tation of offspring; by abortion or prevention of conception, which? Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1916, xii, 337-357.-----.Birth control and the phvsician. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 1185-1192. Aho, Reprint.—Uthofl (H. C.) Population increase and birth-control. Med. Critic & Guide, N. Y, 1917, xx, 209-214.—Van Epps- (C.) The birth control move- ment. Bull. Iowa Inst., Des Moines, 1916, xviii, 312-315 — Weber (Pearl L.) Natural vs. artificial birth control. Med. Critic & Guide, N. Y., 1917, xx, 247-252— Wehrlln (K.) Der Geburtenriickgang. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1918, xlviii, 388-391 .—Wilcox (R. W.) Birth control and that sort of thing. Med. Times, N. Y., 1917, xiv, 187-189.— Yarros (Rachelle S.) Some practical aspects of birth- control. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxhi, 188- 190. BIRTHDAY. 56S Birthday (The) dinner to Thomas Addis Emmet, given by his professional friends at Delmonico's, New York, May 29, 1905. With an autobio- graphical narrative. 176 pp., 12 port., 1 pi. 8°. New York, Bradstreet Bress, 1905. Birth-marks. See Foetus (Maternal impressions on); Neevus; Skin (Color of). Birth-rate. See Statistics (Vital). Births (Multiple). See, also, Labor (Complicated) from plural births; Quadruplets; Quintuplets; Septu- plets; Sextuplets; Triplets; Twins. Evers (E. F.W.) *Die Mehrlingsgeburten an der kgl. Universitatsfrauenklinik zu Gottingen von 1888 bis 1910 inkl. [Gottingen.] 8°. Bar- chim i. M., 1912. Bloch (L.) Multiple gestation vs. superfetation; report of a case. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1916, 26. s., iv, 107-112 — Etheredge(B. T.) Report of multiple births. Tr. M.Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1909, 549-555.—Misstatement (A) corrected. [Case ofeight children at birth.] Boston M.&S. J., 1915, clxxii, 610.—Parker (G. H.) A spurious case of multiple human births. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1915, n. s., xii, 648— Strassmann (P.) Die anthropologl- sche Bedeutung der Mehrlinge. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1908, xl, 362-382. Births (Notification of). See Registration of births, etc.; Statistics (Vital). Birukoff (Boris I.) O dvizheniyakh infuzoriy V opredielyonnom napravlenii podvliyaniyem galvanicheskavo toka (opit obyaneniya galvano- taksisa). [The movements of infusoria in a definite direction under the influence of the galvanic current; attempt to explain galva- notaxis.] 74 pp., 1 1., 2 diag. 8 . [Moskva, 1902.] Forms No. 6 of: Trudi Fiziol. Inst. Imp. Moskov. Univ., 1896-1906, v. ------. K teorii galvanotaksisa. 47 pp. 8°. Moskva, 1903. Forms No. 8 of: Trudi Fiziol. Inst. Imp. Moskov. Univ., 1896-1906, v. Biscarri (Manuel Alaman). *Elementos para el diagnostico y pron6stico de la apendicitis y de los abscesos* apendiculares del vientre. 83 pp. 8°. Madrid, Estab. tip. de Fortanet, 1912. Biscaye (Roger) [1878- ]. *Des kystes hydati- ques du mesentere; revue generale a propos de deux cas observes dans la clinique ehirurgleale de M. le Professeur Forgue. 71 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1905, No. 2. Bisch (Emile-Gaetan-Adrien) [1882- ]. *La periode medico-legale de la demence precoce. 88 pp. 8°. Lille, 1909, No. 5. Bisch (Josef) [1888- ]. *Das Adalin und seine Anwendung bei Haustieren. [Giessen.] 61 pp. 8°. Coblenz, II. L. Scheld, 1913. Bisch (Louis) [1873- ]. *La gangrene des fibromyomes uterins non pedicules. 112 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 106. ------. The same. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1902. Bisch (Louis Edward) [1885- 1 *Biochemical studies of prola^nn and mucoid. 50 pp. 8°. Easton, Pa., Eschcnbach Print. Co., 1912. Bischofbcrger (Alfred). *Geburtshiilfiioh-klini- sche Untersuchungen fiber die Haltbarkeit des Mutterkorns. 63 pp. 8°. Bern, Michel dc Biichler, 1897. Bischoff (C[arl] W[ilhelm Franz]) [1875- ]. *Ein Fall von angeborener medianer Spaltung der oberen Gesichtshalfte. 47 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1898. BISCHOFSWERDER. Bischoff (Ernst) [1880- -]. *Die Bedingungen der psychischen Energie. 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1906. Bischoff (Ernst [Christoph]) [1878- ]. *Expe- rimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Beein- flussung associativer Vorgange durch die Men- struation. 15 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzcker, 1904. Bischoff (Gottlieb Wilhelm). Grundriss der medicinischen Botanik, als Leitfaden bei Vorlesungen . . . Nach den naturlichen Fami- lien des Gewiichsreiches, mit Angabe der Linne'schen Klassificalion. viii, 248 pp. 8°. Heidelberg. A. Osswald, 1831. Bischoff (Hans) [1867- ]. Ernahrung und Nahrungsmittel. 120 pp. 12°. Beipzig, G. J. Gbschen, 1910. ------. Festschrift zur 50jahrigen Stiftungsfeier der Berliner mihtararztlichen Gesellschaft am 20. Februar 1914. 75 pp., 11., 5 pi., port. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler dc Sohn, 1914. See, aho, Lehrbuch der Mihtarhygiene [etc.]. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1910.-----. The same. 8°. Petrograd, 1915. ------, Schwiening [et al.]. Infektionskrankhei- ten und nichtinfektiose Armeekrankheiten. viii (1 1.) 515 pp., 2 pi. roy. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald 1912. Lehrbuch der Mihtarhygiene, hrsg. von H. Bischoff, W. Hoffmann, H. Schwiening, v. 4. Bischoff (J[oh.] J[acob]) [1841- ]. Zur Pro- phylaxis des Puerperalfiebers. 15 pp. 8°. Basel, B. Schwabe, 1876. Bischoff (Joh. Jacob Alfred). *Ueber Gonorrhoe im Wochenbett. 62 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Basel, F. Bernhardt, 1901. Bischoff (Kurt) [1887- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Otto Chrobak'schen Becken- deformitat. 17 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Konigsbergi. Br., L. Krause dc Ewcrlien, 1911. Bischoff (Martin) [1887- ]. *Neue Beitrage zur experimentellen Alkoholforschung mit be- sonderer Berucksichtigung der Herz- und Leberveranderungen. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1912. Bischoff (Max Horst Dietrich Franz Ferdinand Maria Alexander) [1S77- ]. *Beitrag zur Frage der Gastrostomie. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow, 1901. Bischoff (Thaddseus). *De pulsu senum. 13 pp. 16°. [Viennse], Ghelen, 1771. von Bischoff (Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm) [1807- 82]. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Hunde-Eies. 2 p. 1.. 134 pp., 15 pi. 4°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg A: Sohn, 1845. ------. Neue Beobachtungen zur Entwicklungs- geschichte des Meerschweinchens. 52 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Miinchen, G. Franz, 1866. Repr.from: Abhandl. d. k.-bayer. Akad.d. Wissensch. zu Munchen, 2. Cl., x, 2. Abth. ------. Fuhrer bei den Prapaririibungen fiir Studirende der Medicin sowie fiir praktische Aerzte bei Anstellung von Sectionen. 4. Aufl. Bearbeitet von N. Riidinger. xi, 224 pp. 8°. Miinchen, F. Bassermann, !891. For Biography, sec Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1882-3, n. s., x, 458. Bischofswcrder (Lesnel). Contribution a l'etude de l'anatomie pathologique de la syringomyelie; nevromes intra-medullaires; main suceulente. 100 pp. 8°. Pans, 1901, No. 139. Bischofswerder (Norbert). *Beitrag zur Diagnose der offenen Lungentuberkulose, zugleich eine Studie iiber die Hilfsmittcl zur Gewinnung des Lungenschleims die sich fiir die Praxis vornehm- licheignen. [Bern.] 55 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, Maschning dc Kantorowicz, 1910. BISCIONIO. 563 BISMUTH. Biscionio (Antonio Maria) [1674-1756]. Biblio- thecae mediceo-laurentianse catalogus . . . digestus atque editus. 2 tomi. fol. Florentix ex Imperiali typogr., 1752. Tomus I. Codices orientales complectens. lv, 199 pp., 11 pi.,[front.]. Tomus II. Codices graecos complectens. 122 pp., 27 pi. Biscitin. Altmann (A.) Ueber das Biscitin. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 190S, xxhi, 174. Bisexuality. See, also, Hermaphroditism. McMurtrie (D. C.) The theory of bisexuality; a review and critique. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1913, cix, 370-372. Also, Reprint. Bishop (Edward Stanmore) [1848-1912]. Uterine fibromata; their pathology, diagnosis and treat- ment. 323 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakhton's Son dc Co., 1901. ------. Essentials of pelvic diagnosis, with illus- trative cases. And an appendix on examination of blood, etc., by Chas. H. Melland. xii, 297 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Brhtol, J. Wright dc Co., 1903. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1912, ii, 416. Bishop (Francis Besant) [1853-1916]. Boy (P. S.), Stone (I. S.) & Malone (W. P.) In me- moriam. Wash. M. Ann., 1916, xv, 356. Bishop (Joseph BuckUn). Sanitation of the Isthmus, pp. 234-251. 8°. New York, 1913. Cutting from: Scribner's Mag., N. Y., 1913, Iii. Bishop (Louis Faugeres) [1864- ]. Blood- pressure as affecting heart, brain, kidneys and general circulation. A practical consideration of theory and treatment. 112 pp. 12°. New York, E. B. Treat dc Co., 1904. ------. Heart disease, blood-pressure, and the Nauheim-Schott treatment. 3. ed. 284 pp. 1 pi. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat dc Co., 1909. ------. The same. 4. ed. 304 pp., front. 8C York dc Bondon, Funk dc Wagnalls Co. New 1913. New 1914. The same. 5. ed. 317 pp., front. 8C York dc Bondon, Funk dc Wagnalls Co. ------. The same. Maladies du cceur et pression sanguine; considerations pratiques de patho- genie et de traitement. 103 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1910. ------. Arteriosclerosis; a consideration of the prolongation of life and efficiency after forty. x, 383 pp., front. 8°. Bondon, H. Frowde, 1914. ------. The same. 2. impression, x, 383 pp., front. 8°. Bondon, H. Frowde, 1915. See, aho, Morton (Nathaniel Bowditch). First aid to the injured, [etc.]. 8°. New York, [1911?]. Bishop (Samuel H.) The new basis of work for the blind, pp. 82-94. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: Century, N. Y., 1909, lxxvhi. Bishop (Seth Scott) [1852- ]. Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat and their accessory cavities. A condensed text-book, xv, 496 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Bhiladelphia, New York dc Chicago, F. A. Bavis, 1897. ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xix, 554 pp., 8 pi. 8 . Bhiladelphia, New York dc Chicago, F. A. Bavh, 1898. ------. Thesame. 3. ed. xxxui, 564 pp., 10 pi., 8 1. 8°. Bhiladelphia, F. A. Bavis Co., 1905. ------. The same. 4. ed. xxiii, 564 pp., 10 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1908. ------. The ear and its diseases. A text-book for students and physicians, xv, 439 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, F. A. Bavh Co., 1906. Bishop (T. B.) Evolution criticised, vui, 348 pp. 12°. Edinburgh dc Bondon, Oliphanh; London, The Scripture Union Office, 1918. Bishop (William Warner). Practical handbook of modern library cataloguing. 150 pp. 8°. Balti- more, Williams dc Wilkins Co., 1914. Bishopp (Fred Corry) [1884- ]: The distri- bution of the Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick. 4 pp. 8°. Washington, 1911. Forms Che. No. 136 of: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Ento- mol., Wash. Bisie (Innocentius Gabriel). *De peripneumonia inflammatoria. 29pp. 8°. Genuse,typ.Graviera- nh, 1815. Biskra button. See Aleppo and Bhkra button. von Bismarck (Otto Eduard Leopold) [1815-98].' Blocher (E.) Der Alkoholismus Bismarcks. Internat. Monatschr. z. Erforsch. d. Alkoholismus[etc], Basel, 1909, xix, 323-331.—Kohut (A.) Der Altreichskanzler Fiirst von Bismarck und der Aerztestand. Med. Khn., Berl., 1911, vii, 515-517.—Schwalbe (J.) Bismarcks Briefe an seine Gattin aus dem Kriege 1870-71. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 406.—Schweninger (E.) Die Krankheit Bismarck's. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1898-9, iii, 462-466. Bismon. Linke. Bismon. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1906, i, 205-207. Bismuth. Friedlibitjs (A.), Rebentrost (D.) & Kei- ling (G.) Collectanea curiosa de bismutho, das ist etliche rare, biss anhero noch nie bekannt, sondern sehr geheim gehalten chymische Pro- cesse [etc.]. 16°. Bresden dc Leipzig, 1718. Janssen (R. L.) *Ueber das Atomgewicht des Wismuts. 8°. Erlangen, 1906. Mehler (H.) *Ueber das Atomgewicht des Wismuts. 8°. Erlangen, 1905. Aho, in: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. (1905), 1906, xxxvu, 343-378, 1 pi. Pestalozzi (L.) *Beitrage zur chemischen Kenntnis des Wismut. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miin- chen, 1902. Little (H. F. V.) & Cahen (E.) The separation of bis- muth from lead, and the analysis of bismuth-lead alloys. Analyst, Lond., 1910, xxxv, 301-306.—Otln (C. N.) Ueber die synthetischen Sihkate des Wismuts. Bull. sect, scient. de l'Acad. roumaine; Bucarest, 1912-13, i, 189-195.—Schoorl (N.) Magistcriumbismuthivanvoorheenenthans. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 1642-1645. Bismuth (Compounds of). See, also, Bismuth (Subnitrate of); Bismuth paste; Bismuthose. Deichler (C.) *Beitrage zur Kenntnis und zur Darstellung der Wismutsuperoxyde . [Ber- lin.] 8°. [Leipzig, 1899.] Godfrin (P.) *Etude et preparation des chro- mates de bismuth simples et doubles; sulfates et chromates aeides. [Paris.] 8°. Beims, 1907. Ecole de pharmacie. Thibatjlt (P.) *Sur quelques combinaisons de l'oxyde de bismuth avec quelques aeides de la sene benzoique. 8°. Baris, 1905. Boucek (B.) Basische Wismuthpraparate. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr.. Berl., 1910, xvii, 789-793— Bujdoso (O.) rThe hypertannates of bismuth.] Gyogyszereszi hetil., Budapest, 1907, xlvi, 661; 685; 701; 711; 730; 743; 761; 776; 791; 812.—Cantrell (J. A.) Bismuth subgallate (dermatol) in dermatology. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1894, 3. s., x, 234- 238 —Godfrin. Benzoates de bismuth. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1910. 7. s., ii, 385-396.—Gutbier (A.) & BUnz (R.) Ueber die Einwirkung von ammoniakalischem Hydro- peroxyd auf Wismutsalze. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soz. in Erlang. (1908), 1909, xl, 90-95.-----------. Zur Kenntnis der Wismutperoxyde. Ibid., 96-104.—Khundadze (E. S.) Bismuthum salicylicum basicum. Farm. Vestnik, Mosk., 1898 ii, 213-216.—Linke. Bismutum bitannicum. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 353-356.—Lion (G.) & Tulasne (A ) Carbonate et sous-azotate de bismuth. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1910,3. s., xxix, 316-324.—Ma- son (F S ) Allyl sulpho-carbamid; bismuth tri-iodide. Therap. Med., N. Y., 1910, iv, 14-20.—Newman (E. A. R.) A note on the preparation and use of subgallate of bismuth gauze. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1913, xlviii, 309. Also: BISMUTH. 564 BISMUTH. Bismuth (Compounds of). Lancet, Lond., 1913, i, 1794.—Salnt-Sernln (A.) Methyl- arsinate de bismuth. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1904, lxxxi, 50-55— Schlenk (O.) Ueber die Priifung des Bismutum carbonicum. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1913, xxviii, 615.—Telle (H.) Ueber Verbindungen des Wismuts mit einigen alipha- tischen Oxysauren. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1908, ccxlvi, 484-503.—Urbain (G.) & Lacombe (II.) Sur une serie de composes du bismuth. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvii, 568—Vanino (L.) & Zumbusch (E.) Ueber verschiedene experimentelle Versuche zur Darstel- lung von Wismutwasserstoll. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1911, ccxllx, 483-493.—Zernik (F.) Bismutum bisalicylicum. Arb. a. d. pharmazeut. Inst. d. Univ. Berl., 1908, v, 27-30. Bismuth (Subnitrate of). Bernhard (E.) & Arnstein (F.) [On the action of large doses of nitrate of bismuth given internally.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1897, 2. s., xvii, 399-404.—B0ckman (P. W. K.) [Is subnitrate of bismuth acid-producing?] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1911,5. R.,ix,715-721.—Don(A.) The value of bismuth injections into cavities for diagnosis and treatment. Edinb. M. J., 1909, n. s., ii, 134-140, 2 pi — Luce (E.) Sur le dosage de l'acide azotique dans le sous- nitrate de bismuth. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1918, 7. s., xvii. 349-359.—Porrlnl (G.) Sopra l'azione denitriflcante di alcuni microrganismi sul sottonitrato di bismuto. Ann. d. Ist. Maragliano p. la cura d. tuberc. [etc.], Genova, 1908-9, iii, 359-369. Bismuth (Subnitrate of Toxicology of). Boullier (J.) *Etude clinique des intoxica- tions par le sous-nitrate de bismuth employe a l'exterieur. 4°. Baris, 1895. Gvadetzky (N.) *Des intoxications par le Bous-nitratedebismuth. 8°. Lausanne, 1910. Krudewio (0. B.) *Ueber Bismutum sub- nitricum und die Frage seiner toxischen Wir- kung. [Bern.] 8°. Clappenburg, 1909. Barabaschl (P.) Un caso di avvelenamento acuto da sottonitrato di bismuto nella pratica dei raggi X. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1169-1171.-----. Azione del bacte- rium coli in relazione agli avvelenamenti da sottonitrato di bismuto. Ibid., 1909, xxx, 625-627—Beck (E. G.) Toxic effects from bismuth subnitrate; with reports of cases to date. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, 111, 14-18. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 16-22. Also, transl.: J. med. de Brux., 1909. xiv, 67-69— Benneke. [Fall von Wismut vergiftung infoige stomachaler Verabreichung von Bismutum subni- tricum bei einem 3 Wochen alten Kinde] Munchen. med. Wchnschr, 1906, liii, 945.—Bensaude (R.) .—Devec. Un cas d'intoxication par le sous-nitrate de bismuth. Lyon me.d.,1909, xeiii, 520-522.— Don(A.) Caseofbismuthpoisoning. Brit.M.J.,Lond.,1908. ii, 1604. -----. Poisoning by bismuth subnitrate injected into the knee-joint. Ibid., 1909, i, 1481.— Gerard (E.)& I)au- nlclP.) Sur la possibility d'une intoxication lente apres in- gestion de sous-nitrate de bismuth dans certains etats patho- logiques de l'estomac. Arch. m<5d. dc Toulouse, 1N'J7, iii, 353-360. Aho: Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1R'.»7, 10. a., iv, 369; 457— Heyerdahl (S.-A.) [Poisoning by internal uso of subnitrite of bismuth.] Norsk Mag. f. Liegevidensk.,Kris- tiania, 1909, 5. R., vii, 545-549— Ide (M.) Intoxications par les sous-nitrate de bismuth. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1908. v, 302-304— Kiaer (R. W.) Et Tilfcelde af Mtritforgiftning efter intern Anvendclse af subnitras bismuthlcus ved Rontgenundersdgelse. Hosp.-Tid.. KWbcuh., 1908, 5. R., 1, 1161-1164.—Koch (E.) Ueber die bakterieido Wirkung des Wismutsubnitrats und des Bismon (kolloidalen Wis- mutoxyds). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxv, 040-645—Lesleur (C.) & Rome (R.) Intoxica- tion par le sous-nitrate de bismuth ingcrri par une malade atteinte de peritonite chronique, probablcment tuberculeuse, avecadherencesintestinales. Bull.et mem. Soc.med.d.h6p. de Par., 1909, 3. s., xxvi, 440-444. Aho: Med. mod., Par.. 1909, xx, 97—Lewln (h.) Ueber Wismutvergiftung und einen ungiftigen Ersatz des Wismuts fiir Rontgenaufnah- men. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1909, lvi, 643-645.— Meyer (E.) Vergiftung durch Bismuthum subnitricum und sein Ersatz durch Bismuthum carbonicum. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1908, xxii, 388-340.—[Noulls.] Deux cas d'intoxication par le sous-nitrate de bismuth. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1901-2, xlvi, 637.—Nowak (J.) Nitrit- vergiftung durch Bismutum subnitricum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 1764-1768.—Phillips (J.) Bismuth poisoning and nitrite poisoning from the uso of bismuthsub- nitrate,withreport of three cases. Cleveland M. J., 1917, xvi, 419-428,2pi.—Schumin(0.) Spektroskopischer Nachweis ismuth (Subnitrate of Toxicology of). der Bismutum subnitricum-Vergiftung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 1250. -----. Ueber Vergiftungenmit Bismutum subnitricum. Mitt.a.d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1910,x,347-366. 4feo[Abstr.]: Jahrb.d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1909, Hamb. & Leipz., 1910, xiv, pt. 2,347-349.— Schumm (O.) & Lorey (A.) Beitrag zur Frage der Giftwirkung von Bismutum subnitricum und an- deren in der Rontgendiagnostik angewandten Bismutprapa- raten. Fortschr.a. d. Geb.d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1910, xv, 150-161.-----------. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wir- kung des Bismutum subnitricum und Widerlegung der I'rrtumer L. Lewins auf Grund eigener klinischer und ex- perimenteller Untersuchungen. Med.-krit. Bl. in Hamb., 1910,1,70-79. Stiller(B.) EinWortiiberdenWlsmutmagen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 121.—Tocheport. In- toxication par le sous-nitrate de bismuth. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et.physiol. de Bordeaux, 1896. xvh, 300.—Zabel (E.) Zur Kasuistik und Symptomatologie der Vergiftungen mit Bismutum subnitricum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 200.—Zadek (J.) Ueber die Ursachen der Nitritvergiftung durch Bismutum subnitricum. Zt- schr. f. exper. Path. U. Therap., Berl., 1914, xv, 498-516. Bismuth (Therapeutic and diagnostic use of). See, also, Bismuth (Subnitrate of); Bismuth paste; Diarrhoea (Treatment of); Intestines (Bheases of, Biagnosis of); Intestines (Explora- tion of); Roentgen rays (Methods, etc., of); Stomach (Bheases of, Treatment of) with bh- muth; Stomach (Exploration of); Suppuration (Treatment of) with bismuth paste; Tuberculosis (Surgical, Treatment of) with bhmuth paste; Wounds (Gunshot, Treatment of); Wounds (Ln- fection of, Treatment of). Canan (C. W.) The therapeutic value of the different forms of bismuth. 12°. [n. p.], 1907. Yasevski (F. A.) "Materiali k farmakologi- cheskomu i terapevticheskomu deystvi'u fenolo- vikh soyedineniy vismuta. [The pharmacologi- cal and therapeutic action of compounds of phenol and bismuth.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Blrchmore (W. H.) A new preparation of bismuth. Med. Exam.&Pract.,N.Y.,1906,xvi,374. Aho, Reprint — Boucek (B.) Ueber Behandlung mit basischen Wismuth- salzen. Rev. de mM. teheqne, Prague. 1909, i, 101-103. Aho: Therap. Centralbl., Wien, 1909, iv, 41-13.—Caley (H. A.) Some points in the action and uses of bismuth salts. Therap. Soc. Tr., Lond., 1905, iii, 76-84.—Cerne & Delaforge. Une nouvelle preparation Dismuthee. Arch. d. mal. de l'appar. digest, fete], Par., 1909, iii, 356-359.— Cowley (II. C.) Solution of bismuth and ammonium citrate. Pharm. J., Lond., 1911, 4. s., xxxu, 131—Dorner & W'eln- gartner. Ueber Wismuthausscheidung im Urin nach Wismutmahlzeit. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1909, xcviii, 2,~>,s-266.—Duyk (M.) Sur quelques nouveaux medicaments a base de bismuth et sur leur analvse. Bull. Acad. roy. de mM. de Belg., Brux , 1S98, 4. s., xii, 851-871. Also: J. de pharm., Anvers. 1899, lv, 135; 176.—Fuchs (G.) Zur Theorie der Wismuthwirkung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902 Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 90-94. Aho: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxix, 244—Gay (F.) Le groupe pharmaceutique du bismuth; revue de quelques travaux recents et des acquisi- tions nouvelles. N. Montpel. mod., 1897, vi, 113; 136.— Gorbacheff (I. F.) [Influence of bismuth on gastric diges- tion.) Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi . . . Svezda. 1904. S.-Peterb., 1905, Iii, 74-76.—Hatch (J. L.) X-iodo-bismuth. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1903, xiv, 393-395.—Hayem. L'emploi du bismuth dans les affec- tions gastro-intestinales. Rev. internat. de mM. et de chir., Par.. 1911, xxh, 306-369.—Laquer (B.) Sur les effets thera- Eeutiques du bismuth et de ses composes (surtout de la ismuthose). Arch, demed. d. enf., Par., 1903, vi. 340-349.— Metzger (L.) Zur Anwendung von Wismutsalzen in der K6ntgenpraxis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1911, vii, 881.—Pistre (E.) Note sur l'emploi de la gaze au bismuth en rhinologie et en otologie. Rev. hebd. do laryngol. [etc.], Par.. 1910 i, 401-406—Surmont (H.) & Dubiis (A.) Note sur Paction myxogene de quelques sels do bismuth au niveau de l'esto- mac. Arch. d. mal. de l'appar. digest, [etc.], Par., 1909, iii, 537-539.—Wilcox (R. W.) The newer preparations of bismuth. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxxi, 136-138. Aho, Reprint. Bismuth (Toxicology of). See, also, Bismuth {Suhnitrate of, Toxicology of); Bismuth paste (Toxicology oft. Gulden (K. R.) *Sind Wismutpraparate giftige Substanzen. 8°. Heidelberg. 1912. • BISMUTH. Bismuth (Toxicology of). Pape (H.) *Ueber einen Fall von akuter Wismutvergiftung von der Bauchhohle aus. [Jena.] 8°. Borna-Beipzig, 1912. Aho,in: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1913, xx, 385-894. Peters (W.) *Wismutvergiftungen in der Chirurgie. 8°. Bonn, 1911. Also, in: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1912, xxvi, 259; 275; 289; 307. _ Schmelzer (W.) *Studie iiber den patholo- gisch-anatomischen Befund bei der Wismutver- giftung. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Metall- lntoxicationen. 8°. Jurjew, 1896. Aemmer (F.) Ein Fall von Wismuthintoxication durch Airol. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1897, xxvu, 486- 494.—Alexander (W.) Ueber Wismutvergiftungen und einen ungiftigen Ersatz des Wismut fur Rontgenaufnahmen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 877- 879, 1 pi.—Anderssen (J.) Vismutforgiftning. Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1909-10, viii, 241-249.—Baehr (G.) Specimens from a case of bismuth poisoning. Proc.N. York Path. Soc, 1911-12, n. s., xi, 114-117.—Beck (E. G.) Zur Verhutung der Wismutvergiftung. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 601-606.—Blight (F. J.) Bismuth poisoning as affecting the oral cavity. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1917, xxxviii. 940.—Cabot (R. C.) Bismuth poisoning; with report of a case. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1912, xxvii, 457^470.—Cramp (W. C.) A report of a case of bis- muth poisoning; employment ofthe Bryant bulldog; recov- ery. N. York State J. M^ N. Y., 1912, xii 448.—Drees- mann. Ueber Wismuth-Intoxikation. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1901, xxxviii, 924-926.—Edelmann (A.) [Chronic azotan bismuth poisoning with alterations in the morpho- logical composition ofthe blood. ] Przegl .lek., Krakow, 1913, Iii, 663-665.—Fairley (T.) & Burrell (B. A.) Preliminary note on the presence of bismuth in the human brain. J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond., 1918, xxxvii, 155.—Fothergill (J. R.) Notes of two cases of poisoning by bismuth lozenges. Annual rep. trans. S. Durham & Cleveland M. Soc, Stock- ton-on-Tees, 1873-4, i, 29-31.—Henry (F. P.) Bismuth poisoning. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvu, 1544.— Hilt (R.) Ein Fall von akuter Wismutvergiftung. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien. 1912, xi, 173.— Hlgglns (W. H.) Systemic poisoning with bismuth. L Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 648-650.—Lafay (L.) A propos de l'intoxication d'origine bismuthique chez le malade presente par M. Alex. Renault. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1906, xvii, 290-296. Aho: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vu, 478-484— Lameris (H. J.) Bismuthintoxicatie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1912, i, 552.—Lawson (G. B.) Bismuth poisoning. South M. J., Nashville, 1910, iii, 554-557.— MahllngfE.) Intoxication par le bismuth. Rev. trimest. d'odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1902, xii, 76.— Manne (W.) Ueber Wismuth-Vergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xlh, 232. Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 193.— Martens. Wismut- und Dermatolvergiftungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 1770.—Mat- suoka (M.) Wismutvergiftung nach Injektion. Deutsche Ztschr. I. Chir., Leipz., 1909, ch, 508-514.—Maxson (A. S.) Infantile cyanosis from bismuth poisoning. Ann. Gynec & Pediat., Bost., 1896-7,x,624. Aho:Tr.te. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi, 595.—Mayer (L.) & Baehr (G.) Bis- muth poisoning. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1912, 309-322. Aho, Reprint.—Muhllg(F.) UeberWismuthver- giftung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 592.— Prior (A.) Ein Fall von Wismut-Intoxikation bei interner Darreichung von Magisterium bismuti. Ibid., 1907, liv, 1934.—Rttssle. Ein Fall von akuter Wismuthvergiftung von der Bauchhohle aus. Kor-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiirin- gen, Jena, 1912, xii, 392. Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 1735— Salnt-Ange. Toxicite du bismuth. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1909, xvi, 253-268.—Samson (F. B.) Bismuth poisoning; report of a case. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1912, cviii, 391-393.—Stager (R.) Eine Wismuthrntoxika- tion durch Airol. Arch. f. Homoop., Dresd., 1897, vi, 338- 342.—Vldakovich (K.) Ein Fall von chronischer Bismuth- vergiftung nach Bismuthinjectionen. Verhandl. d. Buda- pest, k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte 1908, Budapest, 1909, 65. Aho: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1908, xliv, 1217.—War- field (L. M.) Bismuth poisoning. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1912, cxliv, 647-658—Wtlcke. Ein Fall von Wismuth- vergiftung sowie ein Fall von grossem Indiflerentismus gegen Nitroglyzerin. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1908, xxi, 268-271.— Wlndrath. Ueber Wismuth-Intoxikation; nebst Mitteilung eines todlich verlaufenden Falles nach Application einer Bi-Salbe. Med. Klin.. Berl., 1910, vi, 742-745.—Zollinger (F.) Experimentell-klinische Bei- trage zur Frage der Wismutvergiftung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1912, lxxvii, 268-293.—Zwlck (A. O.) Toxicity of ' bismuth. Therap. Rec, Louisville, 1911, vi, 121-123. BISMUTH. Bismuth paste. See, aho, Suppuration (Treatment of); Tu- berculosis (Surgical, Treatment of) with bh- muth paste. Camoin (F.) *Sur la methode de Beck (injec- tions bismuthees). 8°. Montpellier, 1910 Galtier (C.) Contribution a l'dtude de la methode de Beck (injections bismuthees). 8°. Montpellier, 1911. < Vanhaecke (E. E. J.) *Mode d'action et toxi- city des pates au bismuth; etude clinique et ex- perimentale. 8°. Lille, 1910. Alapy (H.) Gehirnhyperamie in Folge von Einspritzung der Beckschen Bismuthpasta. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1909, xiv, 29.—Beck (J.) The bismuth paste treatment in ear, nose and throat affections; with report of cases, radiograms and specimens. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1909, xv, 77-81.-----. Bismuth paste in chronic suppura- tive diseases of the nose, accessory sinuses, ears, and mastoid process. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1910, xx, 1055-1065. ---—. Bismuth paste, its uses in surgery. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1912, xii, 445-448.-----. The present status of bismuth paste treatment of suppurative sinuses and empye- ma. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1914, lxviii, 145-157. Aho, Re- Erint.----—. Bismuth paste in war surgery; its use in com- ination with the skin sliding operations for chronic suppu- rations and lung abscess. Ibid., 1918, lxvii, 393-402, 8 pi.— Chambers (Helen) & Goldsmith (J. N.) The bacteriolo- gical and chemical action of bismuth-iodoform-paraffin paste.' Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 333-335.—Coates (G. M.) Bismuth paste in the ear and nose. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcvii, il2-115.—Coerr (F. H.) Bismuth paste as a primary dress- ing for skin grafts and m the treatment of burns and granu- lating wounds. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1914, xxviii, 71-73.— Gessner (H. B.) Beck's bismuth paste for diagnosis and therapeusis; report of cases. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1909-10, lxh, 819-826,1 pi. Aho, Reprint.—Home (G.) Bipp tech- nique in a base hospital. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1918-19, xvii, 117-121.—Johnstone(E. M.) Bismuthpaste in chronic sinuses, abscess cavities, etc China M. J., Shan- ghai, 1917, xxxi, 378-387.—Lippens (A.) La methode de Beck a la pate bismuthee en chirurgie. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1912, xii, 484; 557.—Mitchell (J. R.) Chalk paste a substitute for bismuth paste. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 191L lvii, 394.—Mttller (S. Bertha). Mag- ma bismuthi. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1914,Ixxxvi, 11-13.— Newman (E. A. R.) A bismuth paste injector. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1914, xlix, 146, 1 pi—O'Conor (V.) & Kreutzmann (H. A.) The use of bismuth iodoform paste in outpatient work. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 2010.—Powers (J. C.) Bismuth paste. J. Iowa State M. Soc, Clinton, 1912-13, ii, 697-705.—Host (F.) Welches ist der wirksame Bestandteil der Beckschen Wismutpaste? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 2281.—Vanhaecke & Dubus. Note sur Pabsorption du bismuth injects selon la methode de Beck. Echo mod. du nord, Lille, 1910, xiv, 193. Aho: Bull. Soc. de med. du nord; 1910, Lille, 1911, 119.— Wacker (L.) Welches ist der wirksame Bestandteil der Beckschen Wismutpaste? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 2674. Bismuth paste (Toxicology of). Anderson (A. B.) Poisoning by bismuth subnitrate in the use of bismuthpaste. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1910, xv, 23-26.—Camerer (C. B.) Poisoning resulting from the injection of bismuth paste. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1911, v, 59.—David (V. C.) & Kauflman (J. R.) Poisoning from bismuth subnitrate vaselin paste. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1909, xvi, 370-375. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, 111, 1953.-----------. Bismuth poisoning, two cases, with one fatality, following injection of bismuth- vaselin paste. Ibid., 1035—Eggenberger (H.) Wismuth- vergiftung durch Injektionsbehandlung nach Beck. Zen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxxv, 1309; 1537.—Ely (L. W.) A fatal case of bismuth paste poisoning. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1912, lxxxi, 119. 4iso, Reprint.—Freillch (E. B.) Bismuth poisoning following bismuth pasteinjection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 111. Also, Reprint.—Gessner (H. B.) A death from bismuth paste injection. Pan-Am. S. & M. J., N. Orl., 1914, xix, 62-64. AZso,Reprint.—Hepworth (F. A.) Toxic symptoms after the use oi bismuth paste. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 573.—Jensen (T.) Ueber Nitritintoxikation bei der Injektion der Beckschen Wismutpaste. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 1202.—Laser (E.) Ein in Hei- lung ausgegangener Fall von schwerer medizinaler Wis- mutvergiftung mit Beck'scherWismutpaste. Klin.-therap, Wchnschr., Berl., 1914, xxi, 298.—Parassln (J.) [Case of severe toxic gangrenous stomatitis after treatment by Beck's bismuth paste.] Budapest, orv. ujsag, 1908, vi, 913- 916.—Reich (A.) Ueber Vergiftung durch Becksche Wis- mutpasten-Behandlung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., BISMUTH. 566 BITES. Bismuth paste (Toxicology of). 1909, lxv, 184-217.—Watson (C. G.) B. 1. P. P. poisoning. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1917-18, xxv, 23.—Yount (C. E.) Bismuth paste poisoning; report of a fatal case. N. Mexico M. J., Las Graces, 1915, xiv, 51-57. Bismuthose. Eisner (H.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Bismutose. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1902, viu, 639-642. Aho, in: Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Physiol., Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1886-1906, ii, 675-679. Aho, transl: J. med. de Brux., 1903, vhi, No. 20, suppl. Aho, transl.: N. medic, Brux., 1903, iii, No. 8, 5.—Fischer (H.) Anwendung von Bismutose in der Praxis. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1902, xii, 401-403. Aho: Deutsche Praxis, Miinchen, 1902, xi, 733-738.—Fuchs (G.) Ueber die Bismutose. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1903, xhi, 443-449.—Kunkler. Ueber Bismutose. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, lxxi, 276.—Laquer (B.) Ueber die neue Wismuteiweissverbin- dung (Wismutose). Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de therap., 160-162.-----. Ueber Bismutose, eine Wismut-Prote'inverbindung. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.- Wien, 1901, n. F., hi, 302-304.—Maybaum (J.) [Action of bismutose in diseases of the intestinal canal of adults.] Czasopismo lek., L6dZjl902, iv, 471.—Nathan (F.) Ueber Bismutose. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1904, xxxix, 334- 338.—Starck (H.) Ueber den therapeutischen Wert der Bismutose. Munchen. med. Wchnscnr., 1902, xlix, 1956- 1958. Aho.lransl.: N.medic, Brux., 1903,iii, No. 14,3-5.— Walther(F.) Bismutose. Therap.Neuheiten,Leipz., 1906, i, 1.—Witthauer (K.) Ueber Bismutose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1902, xxvih, 349. Bisol. Bisol (Bismuthum phoephoricum solubile). 8°. New York, [1896]. Bisol (Bismuthum phosphoricum solubile). 1 1. 8°. New York,C. Bischoff dc Co., [n. d.]. Transl. from: Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1896, No. 3. Bisot (Jules-Andre) [1881- ]. *La diphterie a Nancy. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 1. Bispham (William N.) [1875- ]. The field hospital. 19 pp. 12°. FortBeavenworth, Kans., 1912. In: San. Field Serv. Papers, Fort Leavenworth, 1912. ------. Field medical service; foreign armies. 15 pp. 12°. Fort Leavenworth, 1913. In: Collected papers, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1913. Bispinck (Frita August) [1878- ]. *Ein Fall von beiderseitiger Cataracta congenita mit Mo- nopus und Cryptorchismus. [Giessen.] 21pp., 11. 8°. Miinsteri. Westf., 1906. Bispinck (Joseph). *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den epileptischen Dammerzustanden. 14 pp. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1905. Bisping (Heimich) [1876- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Luxatio genu congenita. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1902. Bisping (Hubert) [1873- ]. *Ueber progres- sive Muskelatrophie nach cerebraler Kinder- lahmung. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, F. Beters, 1898. Bisquerra (Emile) [1873- ]. *Des hpomcs pericraniens. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 135. Biss (Cecil Yates) [ -1912]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1912, i, 282. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 266. Biss (Hubert Elwyn Jones) [1S72-1909]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1909,ii, 1015. Also:Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1039. Aho: Tr. Med.-Leg. Soc, Lond., 1908-9, V, 247. Biss (Paul). Ueber die Wirkungen des Wasscrs und der Biider auf den gesunden und kranken Korper. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Seitz dc Schauer, 1902. van Bisselick (Joannes Wilhelmus). *Hypertro- phia mamma}. 4 p. 1., 62 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Amsterdam, M. J. Portielje, 1911. Bissell (Dougal) [1804- ]. Suspension of the kidney. 19 pp. 4°. Troy, N. Y, The South- worth Co., 1915. Forms part of: Stereo-clinic, ed. by Howard A. Kelly. For Biography, see Album Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1918, 58, port. Bissell (Elias S.) [1835-1905]. Potter-(W. W.) In memoriam. Buffalo M. J., 1905-6, lxi, 301-303. Bissell (Evelyn Lyman) [1836-1905]. • Park (C. E.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hart- ford, 1906, 298. Bissell (Joseph Bidleman) [1859-1918]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1919, clxxx, 58. Aho: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciv, 995. Bistritzky (Nina). *Veranderung der Schild- driise nach der Exstirpation des Ganglion sympathici cervicale infimum. 15 pp. 8°. Bern, Ott dc Bolliger, 1913. Bistrizkaya (Dina). *Ueber spontane Ohren- blutungen. 38 pp. 8°. Zurich-Selnau, G. Leemann dc Co., 1909. Bistroff (Nikolai Ivanovich) [1842-1906]. Obituary. Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1906, ccxvii, med.-spec. pt., 365.—Rein (G. E.) Nekrolog. J. Akush. 1 Zhensk. Bollez., S.-Peterb., 1906, xx, 1288.—Troltski (I. V.) [In memoriam.] Kharkov. M. J., 1906, ii, 241. Bitchounsky (Helene) [1885- # ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude de la leucoplasie vulvaire. 104 pp. 8°. Barh, 1912, No. 421. Bites. See, aho, Bees and wasps (Stings of); Cats (Bites of); Hydrophobia (Causes, etc., of); In- sects (Bites and stings of); Mosquitoes (Bites of); Rats (Bites of); Serpents (Bohonous, Bites of); Stings; Ticks. Amoedo y Valdes (O.) Morsures en general. In his: L'art dent, en med. leg., 8°, Par., 18'.»\ 321-337.—Asano (K.) [On the bite of a skunk.] Yokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1S97, No. 1012, 1-6, lch — Baker (H.) Dog bites. Detroit M. J.. 1908, viii, 283.—Brown (W. J.) Extraordinary case of horse-bite; the external ear bitten off and successfully replaced. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 1533— Bujwld (O ) [Unnecessary and fre- quently'harmful cauterization after bites.] Przegl. lek., Krakrtw, 1902, xii, 64.—Burnett (S. M.) Gangrene of eye- lids and cheeks with destruction of the eveballs from the bite of a man. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1898, Wash., 1899, ih, 108.—Dice (.T. B. F.) Bitten bv a vicious hog. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1901, 223-230.—Grieve (C. C.) A case of multiple infected wounds from bear bite. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1909, iii, 132, 4 pi.—Guillon (A.) De quelques poissons vulneYants; la pira'i, la pastenague et l'angullle tremblante. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 161-164.— Lozano CaparrOs. Erosiones por mordedura; su impor- tancia medieo-forense en la sanidad. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de med. leg. et toxicol., 31-33.—Maison. Deux cas de lesions graves par morsure de chameau. Anjou med.. Par., 1906, xhi, 154-161. Also: Arch, de mod. et pharm..mil., Par., 1906, xlvii, 213- 2is.— Marx »'. H.) A simple and efficient method of suprapubic bladder sypho- nage. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 692.— Bosher (L. C.) The advantages of bladder drainage as illustrated by some recent cases. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1902, Richmond, 1903, 157-161. Aho: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1902-3, vii, 326-329. Aho, Reprint.—Brown (F. T.) Perineal tubes for bladder drainage. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1908, hi, 180, 4 pi— Davis (E. G.) A vacuum apparatus for suprapubic drainage. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 245-247. -----. Vesical drainage; historical review and presentation of a new ap- paratus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi 1680-1686. Aho, Reprint—Eckstein (W. G.) A modified fistula for permanent suprapubic drainage. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1909, xxiv, 465—Fiolle (J.) & Flolle (P.) Modification aux procedes actuels de drainage de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par , 1910. i, 725-736.—Hannes (W.) Zur infrasymphysaren Blasendrainage. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1345-1349— Harrison (R.) On perineal bladder drainage with control. Polyclin., Lond., 1901, v, 233: 1902, vi, 482; 516. Aho: Interstate M. J., St. Louis. 1902, ix, 647-651.—Jack (H. P.) A new technic for bladder drain- age. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1225—Johnston (G. B.) Permanent drainage of the male bladder, byaretained canula introduced above the pubes. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Rich- mond, 1890,167-170. Aho. Reprint— Kaczkowski(C) Zur Frage der Harnblasendrainage. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 620-622—Kelly. Drainage of the bladder and cystoscopic examinations. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 298.—Loumeau. Urinal hypogastrique de jour et de nuit. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1914, xliv, 425 — Meyer (H.) Permanent suprapubic drainage ofthe bladder without leakage; demonstration of a case. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1912, x, 40-42.—Rathbun (N. P.) The value of bladder drainage through a suprapubic stab wound. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1918, xxii, 131 —Rodriguez Molina (L. F.) Evacuacidn de contenidos vesicales por la aspiraoirtn. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1908, xv, 149-153—Smith (O. C.) The Indications for bladder drainage by the perineal routo. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1904-5, i, 230-235. Aho: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1904-5, xviii, 55.—Stoeckel (W.) Trokar-Katheter zur infrasym- phvsarea Blasendrainage. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., I^eipz.. 1907, xxxi 807-810—Thorndike (P.) Long-continued bladder drainage. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxix, 216. Aho, Reprint.—Zuckerkandl (O.) Zur Blasendrainage. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 479. Bladder (Drainage of, Post-operative). Peyre (F.) *Du cystodrainage hypogas- trique, ou operation de Mery rajeunie. 4°. Paris, 1894. Badin & Uteau. Appareil pour cvstostomises. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1913, ill, 489.—Belfleld (W. T.) Drainage of the prevesical space through the perineum in suprapubic cystotomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xiv, 101.— Bethune (C. W.) Suction drainage of suprapubic bladder wounds; description of a new pump. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1918, lxx, 1820. Aho, Reprint.—Blasuccl (E.) Sifone BLADDER. 579 BLADDER. Bladder (Drainage of, Post-operative). ipogastrico pel fognamento della vescica in seguito all' ope- razione di epicistotomia. Riforma med., Napoh, 1898, xiv, pt. 1, 332-334. -----. Bladder drainage after suprapubic cystotomy. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1905, ix, 293-295. -----. Bladder drainage versus complete suture in suprapubic cystotomy. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xix, 405-409.—Bloodgood (J. C.) A new apparatus for the immediate and permanent drainage of the urinary bladder after suprapubic cystostomy. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1896, vii, 64, 2 pi. Aho, Reprint.— Chapman (W. L.) Self-retaining collapsible T-shaped catheter for suprapubic drainage of the urinary bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914. lxiii, 1031.—Chetwood (C. H.) Drainage of the bladder following suprapubic operations. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1913, vhi, 149-153 — Churchman (J. W.) The use of suction in the post- operative treatment of bladder cases. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.j Bait., 1916, xxvu, 69-71. Aho, Reprint.—Fee (F. E.) A satisfactory method of suprapubic drainage of the bladder. Lancet-Chnic. Cincin., 1911, Cv, 133.—Grossl (G.) L'epi- cistotomia e l'applicazione del sifone. Ufficiale san., Napoli, 1898, xi, 109-115.—Hamilton (A. J. A.) An apparatus for the intermittent postoperative drainage of the bladder; apphcation of the principle to the drainage of empyemata, etc. J. Am. M. Ass^ Chicago, 1908, 1, 962.—Hume (J.), Logan (S.) & Kells (C. E.) An improved automatic suction apparatus for suprapubic cystotomy operations. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1916, xxx, 197-199.—Le Clerc-Dandoy (L.) Nouveau procede de drainage vesical apres la taille sus- pubienne. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1900, vhi, 113- 117.—Loumeau. Canule-urinal hypogastrique du Dr. Daspres. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 163.—Madden (F. C.) A plea for the simple method of draining the bladder after suprapubic cystotomy. Lancet, Lond., 1908, L 48.—Martin (E. D.) An apparatus for draining the bladder in cases of suprapubic cystotomy. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec Ass. 1900, Phila., 1901, xhi, 430-432.—O'Brien (M. W.) A fact in drainage in supra-pubic cystotomy; stitch edges of bladder wound to skin. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 594.—Perrler (C.) Nouvel appareil simple pour cystostomises. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1914, v, 199.—Pike (J. B.) A suggested operation for suprapubic drainaze of the bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, i, 810.—Sinclair (H. II.) The control of urinary drain- age after cystotomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1911, hi, 387-389, 1 pi.—Sperling (M.) Zur infrasymphysaren Blasendrai- nage. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1907, xxv, 457-462.—Stoeckel (W.) Die infrasymphysare Blasen- drainage. Ibid., 1903, xvu, 1150-1160.—Walker (G.) A device to aid in keeping the patient dry after a suprapubic cystotomy. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1911, xxh, 160. Bladder (Ectopy of). See Bladder (Bhplacement of); Bladder (Ex- strophy of). Bladder (Embryology and morphology of). See, also, Bladder (Blood-vesseh, etc., of); Bladder (Innervation of); Bladder (Neck of). Bauch (A. M.) * Vergleichende anatomische und histologische Untersuchungen iiber die Harnblase der Haustiere. [Leipzig.] 8°. Bres- den, 1911. Budde (M. M. S.) *Untersuchungen uber die Lagebeziehungen und die Form der Harn- blase beim menschlichen Foetus. 8°. Marburg, 1901. Hulivirta (E.) *Beitrage zur Anatomie und Histologie der Harnblase der Haussaugetiere. [Leipzig.] 8°. Bresden, 1911. Audlge (J.) Sur la structure de la vessie urinaire de Barbus fluviatilis Agassiz. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1904, vi, 186-188.—Baum (H.) Die Lymphgefiisse der Harnblase des Rindes. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1911-12. xxu, 101-103.—Birmingham (A.) The shape and position of the bladder in the child. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxxu, 458-467. Aho: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.. 1898, xvi, 409-420.—Lichtenberg (A.) & VOlcker (F.) Die Form der menschlichen Blase. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1905, xxvh, Ergnzngshft., 206-210.—Mlchallow (S.) Die feinere Struktur der sympathischen Ganghen der Harnblase bei den Saugetieren. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1908, lxxii, 554-574, 2 pi—Thompson (A. R.) The form of the urinary bladder. J. Anat., Lond., 1917, li, 364-374.— Versarl (R.) Sur le developpement de la tunique muscu- laire de la vessie et particulierement sur le developpement de la musculature du trigone et du sphincter a fibres lisses. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1908, i, 481; 561.— Woodland (W. N. F.) Notes on the structure and mode of action of the oval in the pollack (Gadus pollachius) and mullet (Mugil chelo). J. Marine Biol. Assoc. U. King., Bladder (Embryology and morphology of). Plymouth, 1910-13, n. s., ix, 561-565.— Wright (F. ft.) The male bladder changes in form and position from infancy to old age. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1913, xxxhi, 196-198. Bladder (Excision of). See, aho, Bladder (Cancer of, Treatment of) by cystectomy; Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by cystectomy. _ Creutz (H.) *Ueber einen Fall von Resec- tion der Harnblase mit Vorlagerung des Ureters. [Giessen.] 8° Eupen, 1898. Jaeger (K. W. K.) *Ein Fall von Totalexstir- pation der Blase mit Einpflanzung der Ureteren m die Flexura sigmoidea. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Allen (C. W.) The use of clamps in resection of the blad- der, with report of a case. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1914-15, lxvii, 523-528. Also: South. M. J., Nashville, 1915, vhi, 45-48.— Anzllottl (G.) Sulla resezione della vescica. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1898, iv, 97-99.—Bovee (J. W.) Total extirpation of the urinary bladder. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 58-63.— Brongersma (H.) Een geval van algeheel wegnemen van de pisblaas. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1911, ii, 1814-1819, 1 pi.—Cohn (S.) Zur Totalexstirpation der Harnblase und Versorgung der Ureteren. Med. Bl., Wien, 1914, xxxvi, 235-240. Aho: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1914, xxvih, 549-554.—Fenwlck (H.) Sur les resections larges de la paroi de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, ii, 2247-2249—Fyodoroff (S. P.) [Excision of the urinary bladder.] Syezd. Rossiysk. Khirurg., Mosk., 1912, xi, 169-173.—Giordano (D.) Les resections larges de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, ii, 2231- 2247.—Goldenberg (T.) Ueber die Totalexstirpation der Harnblase und die Versorgung der Ureteren. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1904, xliv, 627-649.—Gorash (V. O.) [Ex- tensive resections of the bladder wall.] Noypye v Med., S.-Peterb., 1911, v, 1353-1356 —de Graeuwe. A propos de l'extirpation totale de la vessie. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1908, viii, 106-113— Hartley (F.) Extirpa- tion of the urinary bladder. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 385-388.—von Herczel (E.) Blasenresection. Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1905, xii, 88.—Jefferson (J. C.) Total excision of the urinary bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 815.—Kohlmann (W.) Total extirpation of the urinary bladder. South. M. J., Nashville, 1908. i, 160.—Kotzen- berg. Zur Frage des Blasenersatzes. Ztschr. f. urol. Chir., Berl., 1914, ih, 108-111.—Krause (F.) Totale Exstirpation der Harnblase. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, Ver.-Beil., 67. -----. Exstirpation einer Harn- blase mit Einpflanzung der Ureteren in die Flexura iliaca. Ibid., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 76—Legueu. L'extirpation totale de la vessie. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1914, lxxxi. 73-79.—MacGowan (G.) Bladder resections. South. Cahf. Pract., Los Angeles, 1909, xxiv, 551-557.—von Modllnskl. Ueber die Totalexstirpation der Harnblase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 1, 143-145— Oppel (V. A.) & Mirotvortseff (S. R.) [Indications and methods of excision of the urinary bladder.] Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb., 1910, xxvi, 784- 796.—Plsarskl (T.) [Complete excision of the bladder with transplantation of the ureters to the abdominal walls.] Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1910, lix, 729.—von Rihmer (B.) Ueber die Versorgung der Ureteren nach der wegen Tumo- ren vorgenommenen Blasenexstirpation (axiale Ureterim- plantation in den Darm). Folia urolog., Leipz., 1910, v, 1-31.—Robson (A. W. M.) Case of complete excision of the urinary bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1519.—Rovslng (T.) Totalexstirpation der Harnblase nut doppelseitiger lumbaler Ureterostomie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Bert, 1907, xxxvi, pt. 2, 44-51. -----. Udstrakt Resektion og Totalexstirpation af Urinblaeren. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1911, 5. R., iv. 1185-1209. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, ii, 2249-2251 — Settler (A.) La extirpation total de la vejiga. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1899, i, 73-77.—Squier (J. B.) Subtotal cystectomy. J. Am. M. Ass^, Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 2268-2272. Aho, Reprint.—Straus (F.) Zur totalen Blasenexstirpation. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, Beiheft, 522-531.—Taddel (D.) Sulla estirpazione totale della mucosa vescicale (endocistectomia totale). Ann. d. Fac di med., Perugia, 1913, 4. s., hi, 65-79, 1 pi. Aho: Arch, ed atti d. Soc ital. di chir. 1912, Roma, 1913, xxv, 777- 794.—Thevenot. Cystectomie partielle. Lyon chir., 1914, xi, 648-651. Aho: Lyon med., 1914, exxiii, 16-18.—Thomas (B. A.) Total cystectomy one and a half years after opera- tion. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, lxiii, 754, 1 pi.—Torrance (G.) Anastomosis of ureter and appendix in complete excision of the bladder. Memphis M. Month., 1913, xxxhi, 366.—Turner. Extirpation totale de la vessie pour tumeur diffuse de cette cavite. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 130-136.—Turretta (A.) Estirpazione totale della vescica; contributo chnico. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1898, Roma, 1899. xiii, 106-115.—Vaughan (G. T.) Excision of the urinary bladder. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 59.—Verhoogen (J.) Note sur deux BLADDER. 580 BLADDER. Bladder (Excision of). cas de resection partielle de la vessie interessant l'embou- chure d'un uretere. Ann. Soc beige de chir., Brux., 1897- 8, y, 198-202.-----. L'extirpation totale de la vessie. J. med. de Brux.. 1907, xii, 181-183.—Verhoogen (J.) & De Graeuwe (A.) La cystectomie totale. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1908-9, iii, 629-673.-----. L'extirpation totale de la vessie. Cong, internat. de med. 1909. C. r., Budapest, 1910, Sec xiv, 118-134. Aho: J. med. de Brux., 1910, xv, 247; 263. Bladder (Exclusion of). See, aho, Bladder (Exstrophy of, Treatment cf) by transplantation of ureters; Bladder (Tubercu- losa of, Treatment of) by vesical exclusion. Gorash (V. A.) [Exclusion of the bladder with its sub- sequent complete removal.) Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb^ 1914, xxx. 164-168.—Malone (B.) A discussion of the different methods of exclusion in the treatment of exstrophy of the bladder, with case report. Tr. South. Surg. Ass. 1916, Phila., 1917, xxx, 240-251.—Oppel (W. A.) Ex- clusion ofthe bladder. Urol. & Cutan Rev., Tech. Suppl., St. Louis, 1913, i, 1-22.—Mayo (C. H.) Exclusion of the bladder; an operation of necessity and expediency. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1913, xxxi, 446-466. Aho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1913, lviii, 133-144, 4 pi. Bladder (Exfoliation of). See Bladder (Inflammation of, Exfoliative). Bladder (Exploration of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Exploration of). Casper (L.) Handbuch der Cystoskopie. 8°. Beipzig, 1898. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1911. Dzirne (I. Kh.) Tsistoskopiya; rukovodstvo dlya vrachei i studentov. [Cystoscopy; manual for physicians and students.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1909. Jacoby (S.) Lehrbuch der Kystoskopie u::d stereokystophotographischer Atlas, fol. Leip- zig, 1911. Kneise (0.) Handatlas der Cystoskopie. 4°. Halle a. S., 1908. Marion (G.), Heitz-Boyer (M.) & Germain (P.) Traite pratique de cystoscopie et de ca- theterisme ureteral. 2 v. 4°. Barh, 1914. de Moraes Sarmento (J. J.) *Da cystosco- pia. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1897. Pilcher (P. M.) Practical cystoscopy, and the diagnosis of surgical diseases of the Kidneys and urinary bladder. 2. ed. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, 1915. Rumpel (O.) Die Cystoskopie im Diensto der Chirurgie. Ein Atlas cystoskopischer Bilder mit begleitendem Texte fiir Aerzte und Studierende. roy. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, 1909. Squier (J. B.) & Bugbee (II. G.) Manual of cystoscopy. 8°. New York, 1911. Sutherlin (W. K.) *Ueber Kystoskopie und Katheterismus der Ureteren. 8°. Berlin 1897. Azcarreta. Valor diagn<5stico del cistoscopio. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1902, xxviii, 222.—Beer (E.) Some ex- periences in cystoscopie diagnosis. Festschr. z. 40jahr. Stif- tungsfeierd. Deutsch. Hosp., N. Y., 1909, 365-368.—Bierhoff (F.) On cystoscopy; its value and dangers. Phila. M.J.,1902, ix, 984-987. Also, Reprint.—Bromberg (P.) Cystoscopy. South M. & S. J., Chattanooga, 1906, v, 104-100.—Bugbee (H.G.) Cystoscopy as an aid in diagnosis. St. Luke's Hosp. M. & S. Rep. 1910, Poughkeepsie, 191Lii, 67-74.—Burckhardt (E.) Die moderne Cystoskopie. Khn Handb. d. Harn- u. Sexualorg., Leipz., 1894, hi, 155-163.—Cabot (F.) Cysto- scopy; its relation to the separation of the urine and intraves- ical manipulation. Contrib. Sc. Med. & Surg. ... 25. anniv. founding of N. Y. Post-Grad. M. Sch. & Hosp., N. Y., 1908, 340-345.—Casarlego (A. G.) Exploraci6n vesical. Actas y trab. d. 3° Cong. med. nae, Habana, 1914, ii, 409.—Cathe- lln(F.) Etenduede la cystoscopie. Tribunemed., Par., 1912, n. s., xlvi, 241-250.—Charlton (F. R.) A very unusual case history presenting among other features a cystoscopie burn. Tr. UroL Soc, Chicago, 1915-10,31-34. Aho: Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx, 70-72.—Colt (G. H.) A note on the use of the bladder sound. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., Bladder (Exploration of). 1905-6, xiii, 166—Crockett (F. S.) Possible cystoscopie findings, with the history of a case. Indianap. M. J., 1909, xii, 139-143.—Day (G. H.) A series of cystoscopie diagnoses. Kentucky M. J., Bowhng Green, 1913, xi, 1056-1062.—De Rlnaldls (U.) L'endoscopia vescicale ed uretrale; storia, evoluzione, tecnica, sua importanza diagnostica ed operativa, ureteroscopia, stato presente della endoscopia delle vie urinare in Italia ed altrove, suo awenire. Arch, internaz. di med.echir.,Napoh, 1903,xix, 197;229.—Diago (J.) Unobs- taculo a ciertas cistoscopias. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1903, xxix, 89-95.—Dully (R. N.) The necessity of cysto- scopie examinations in the diagnosis of urological lesions; illustrative cases. Charlotte (N. C.) M. J., 1916, lxxiv, 60- 63.—Fletcher (E. A.) Cystoscopy in surgical diseases oi the bladder and kidney. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1915, xiv, 197-204.—Fowler (O. S.) The use of the cystoscope in diagnosis. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1912, n. s., iv, 142-145.— Furniss (H. D.) On cystoscopy. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 324.—Gauthier (C.-L.) Indications de la cystoscopie a vision directe (instrumentation de Luvs). Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910, xhi, 747-752.—Gerard (M.) La constatation par la cystoscopie; de l'existence d'un orifice ureteral, permet-elle d'affirmer la presence d'un rein situe du meme cote que cet ostium? Bull. Soc de mecl. du nord 1913, Lille, 1914, 57-61—Goldberg (B.) Cystosko- ptsche Erfahrungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1176-1180.—Gordon (W. A.) The diagnostic value of cysto- scopie examinations. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1905-6, iv, 445-452.—Grund (G.) Ueber reflektorische Hemmung der Nierensekretion wahrend der Zystoskopie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1803-1805.—Harnagel (E. J.) The value and limitations of cystoscopy in diagnosis, j. Iowa State M. Soc, Wash., 1913-14, ih, 586-590.—Hirschler (D. L.) Chnical cystoscopy. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1906-7, xi, 58-60—Hoffmann CM.) Cystoskopie bei triibem Ureterenkatheterismus bei infiziertem Blasen- Inhalt. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvh, 1356-1359.— Jarboe (P.) Diagnostic value of the cystoscope from the standpoint of the general practitioner. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1913-14, xviu, 145-147.—Kaufman (L. R.) A group of cases diagnosed by the cvstoscope. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1914, xhx, 57-66.—Kelly ( H. A.) A preliminary report upon the examination of the bladder and the catheterization of ureters in men. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvii, 71-73.—Klussman (H. A.) The use of the cystoscope. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1904, xlvii, 129-135. -----. The use ofthe cystoscope. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1908. xvh, 47-50.—Knowltoh (A. B.) Surgical aids as rendered by the modern cystoscope. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1913, lxvii, 290-292.—Kreps (M. L.) [Cystoscopv.j Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904t xi, 1260; 1277.—Kretschmer (H. L.) Cystoscopie findings in sixty-five consecutive cases from the service of Louis E. Schmidt, at the Alexian Brothers' Hospital, Chicago. South. M. J., Nashville, 1909, ii, 690- 705.—Lang (E.) Ueber Cystoskopie. Med. Rundschau, Berl., 1899, 519.—Lewis (B*) The modern cystoscope; its necessity and practical utilitv. J. Kansas M. Soc, Kan- sas City, Kan.. 1911, xi, 221-232. -----. Where is the fundus of the bladder? J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1913, lx, 1765.—Loewenhardt. Ovstoskopie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien & Leipz., 1901, vii, 326-329.— Lucke. Ueber Cystoskopie, ein Ruckblick aus Anlass des 25jahrigcn Bestehens derselben, mit Demonstration von Cvstophotogrammen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904. li, 1275.—Luys (G.) La cystoscopie a vision directe. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 467-482.-----. I'eber die direkte Cystoskopie. Ztsehr. f. urol. Chir., Berl., 1913, 1, 103-111. -----. Les conquetes de la cystoscopie moderne. Clinique, Par., 1914, ix, 5-7.—Lydstoh (G. F.) & Latimer (M. J.) Slight urinary symptoms as an indica- tion for cystoscopy. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1917, xxii, 551- 553.—Manasse (L.) Zur Geschichte der Kvstoskopie. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1904, viii, 65-67.—Millet (M. C.) The practical utilitv of cystoscopv. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906, xxvi, 136-139.—Millstone (H. J.) Cystoscopie subdivision of the bladder. West. M. Times, Denver, Colo., 191S-19, xxxviii, 139-144— Nelson (A. W.) The cystoscope as an aid in urinary diagnosis and treatment. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1912, cvhi, 414-418.—Nitze (M.) Entwicklung und heutiger Stand der Kvstoskopie. Deut- sche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1901. x, 1. Ab'th., 4S-80.—Peter- kin (G. S.)_ The diagnostic value of the cvstoscope. Calif. M. J., San Fran.. 190X, xxix, 41-47.—Pragher (A. B.) Cys- toscopia, seu valor e -suns indicacoes. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1912, xxvi, 3-6.—Price (J. W.) The diagnostic value of cystoscopy and ureteral catheterization. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1914, x, 544-549.—Reed (H.) The simple cystoscope in diagnosis. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., Muskogee, 1917, x, 429.— Renton (J. M.) Notes on some cystoscopie cases. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1909-10, ix, 100-163. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1910, lxxiv, 175-178.—Robinson (B.) The endo-vesical pio- ture. Am. Physician, N. Y., 1904, xxx, 264.-----. The object of the cvstoscope. Centr. States M. Mag., Anderson, 1904, ii. 259.— Rochet. Images cystoscopiques. Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 1012-1014.—Rush (J. O.) The use of the cysto- scope in diagnosing and treating lesions in the genito-urinary tract. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1914, 350-355.— BLADDER. 581 BLADDER. Bladder (Exploration of). Seelig (A.) Ueber den Wert und die Grenzen der Cysto- skopie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, lxx, 1137; 1149.— Slgurta (G. B.) Cistoscopia e pratica medica. Pensiero med., Milano, 1914, iv, 683-686.—Simpson (J. K.) The cystoscope in surgical diagnosis. South. M. J., Nashville, 1913, vi, 800-804.—Smith (J.) Cystoscopy. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1908, xiii, 405-413.—Spooner (H. G.) The bladder in health and disease, as demonstrated by the cystoscope. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 609-612.—Stern (C. S.) Indications for cystoscopy as a means of diagnosis. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1906, ii, 601-605,1 pi—Swan (R. H. J.) The use of the cystoscope in the diagnosis of urinary disease. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xviii, 276-279.—Thomas (B. A.) Thepracticalutihty of the cystoscope for the general practitioner; difficulties encountered in its use. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 315-318.—Thompson (L.) The modern cystoscope. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1916, xv, 201-203.—Tracy (S. E.) The cystoscope as an aid tD diagnosis. N. York M. J. [etc], 1910, xcii, 9-14.—Vogel (J.) Was leistet die Kystoskopie und wie weit muss der firaktische Arzt mit flieser Untersuchungsmethode ver- traut sein? Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx, 525-527.— Wathen (J. R.) Report of cases, with exhibition of speci- mens diagnosed by the cystoscope. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 1117.—Weisz (F.) Cystoskopische Irrtiimer. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, vi{ 887-894.—Weston (R.A.) Cystoscopy as an aid to diagnosis Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1911-12, xviu, 331-337.—Whiteside (G. S.) Teach- ing cystoscopy. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1904-5, i, 114-119 — Wilcox (S. S.) The practical use of the cystoscope. Detroit M. J., 1906, vi, 536-543. Aho: Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1906, ii, 304-309.-----. A report of cases showing the value of the cystoscope. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xiii, 400-411.—Willan (R. J.) Some cases illustrating the use, and lack of use, of the cystoscope, etc Univ. Dur- ham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1913-14, xiv, 61-66.—Wil- son (G. E.) Diagnostic value of the cystoscope. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1911, xxxvu, 73-88.—Wilson (H. W.) The importance of routine cystoscopy in all cases of vesical and renal disease. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1905-6, xhi, 149-151.—Wose (A.M.) The cvstoscope; its diagnostic value. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 344-347.—Zuckerkandl. L'en- doscopia della vescica urinaria. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoh, 1901, iv, 292:1902, v, 3; 21. Bladder (Exploration of, Instruments and apparatus for). See, aho, Bladder (Surgery of). Gelderblom (E.) *Die Entwicklung des Kystoskops. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Emmendin- gen, 1912. Goizet (L.) *De la cystoscopie et des cysto- scopes. 8°. Barh, 1899. Langlois (M.) *La sonde vesicale a demeure; technique, indications, resultats therapeutiques. 8°. Baris, 1900. Rixgleb (O.) Das Kystoskop. Eine Studie seiner optischen und mechanischen Einrieh- tung und seiner Geschichte. Lehrbuch fur Aerzte und Studierende. 8°. Leipzig, 1910. Ayres (W.) A new model ofthe catheterizing cystoscope. Am. J. Urol.. N. Y., 1904-5, i, 365-369.—Baer (J.) Le cystoscope universel. Ass. franc d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 492-495. -----. Ein neues verbessertes Cysto- skop, Pancystoskop. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, i, 465-489. Aho, transl: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1907, ii, 1361-1391.—Batzner (W.) Modellcystoskop. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, v, 742-748.—Begg (C. L.) The cystoscope, an essential in genito-urinary surgery. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1918, xliii, 145-152.—Bierhoff (F.) New intravesical cystoscopie instruments. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1901, xix, 123-125— Bransford- Lewis & Picker (R.) Die Bransford-Lewis'schen Kysto- skope. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, iv, 413-425.— Brenner. Demonstration eines neuen zystoskopischen Stativs. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, xxxviii, 1811.—Brown (F. T.) Presentation of a new model of the author's composite (double catheterizing) cystoscope. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg.. N. Y., 1907. ii, 371-399. See, aho, infra, Lewis.-----. An improved syphonage apparatus. Ibid., 1908, iii, 174,1 pi.-----. Two new double catheter telescopes for the composite cystoscope. Ibid 175-180, 1 pi.-----. An improved constructional detail in the cystoscope. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii, 463 1 pi.—Bruni (C.) Una modifica al cistoscopio del Albarran. Attid. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1907, n. s., lxi, 230.-----. Un reale progresso nella ottica dei cisto- scopii; il cistoscopio semplice del Ringleb, il cistoscopio per prostatici e per cateterismo degh ureten. Riforma med., Napoli, 1910, xxvi, 1245.—Buerger (L.) A catheterizing and operating cystoscope. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 225.-----. Concerning the arma- Bladder (Exploration of, Instruments and apparatus for). mentarium of the cystoscopist, with special reference to the use and construction of certain types of cystoscope. Am. J. Urol., N. Y.. 1911, vii, 327-362.-----. Concerning certain improvements in the optical construction of cvstoscopes. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, xeiii, 616-618. Aho, Reprint. —:—. Intravesical diagnosis and treatment; with a de- scription of new instruments. N. York M. J. [etc], 1913, xcvh, 857-862. Aho, Reprint.-----. Concerning certain problems in urethro-vesical diagnosis and treatment (with description of a new instrument). Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1915, xi, 188-198.-----. A new combination observation, cath- eterizing, and operating cystoscope. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1917, xi, 347-349,1 pi. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 347; 767.—Burckhard (G.) Eine einfache Stromquelle fur Cystoskoplampen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1913, lxxv, 29-33.—Cabot (F.) A simpli- fied irrigating cystoscope for observation and ureter cath- eterism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 519. Aho, Reprint. -----. A combined operative ureter and observation cysto- scope. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1904, xix, 1007.—Cabot (F.) & Spooner (H. G.) The cystoscope; its indications and contra-indications in genito-urinary diseases. Med Rec N. Y^ 1903, lxiv, 51-53.—Casper (L.) Ein neues Opera- tions-Cystoskop. Monatsb---d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.- Appar., Berl., 1898, iii, 137-146. ■-----. Eine Vcrbesserung meines Harnleitercvstoskops. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1900, xxi, 76-79.-----. Ein Photographir- und Demonstrations-Cystoskop. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl 1903, viii, 278-282. Aho: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1903, xxxii, pt. 1, 1S3-185.-----. Ein neues Irrigationscystoskop. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl., 1905, x, 148- 150.-----. Mein verbessertes Ureter- und Operations- cystoskop. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, ii, 938- 946.-----. Ein neues Photographier-Cystoskop. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. & Leipz., 1910, xxi, 326-329—Cassanello (R.) Valore e limiti della cistoscopia. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1903, ix, 566-573.—Cathelln (F.) Reponse a Max Weinrich: Sur le cystoscope a air. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, ii, 1405-1409.-----. Nouveau cystoscope a air sans partie optique a lampe renversee au plafond. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1905, lviii. 699.-----. Nouvelle methode de cystoscopie; cystoscope a air sans partie optique avec lampe renversee, au plafond. Tribune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxviij 325-328. Aho, Reprint.-----. Nouveau cystoscope a vision directe avec lampe renversee, verticale. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 482-492.— Cocheme. Instrument nouveau pour l'exploration vesi- cale; explorateur acoustique. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1902, xxvi, 277-280.—Delbet (P.) Cystoscope direct du Dr. Luys. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 239-245.—Denis (P.) Dispositif nouveau pour redresser les images cystoscopiques. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, xxiii, 532.—Deutsch (E.) Das Langsche Spulcystoskop; zur Desinfektion der Cvstoskope. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.- Org., Leipz., 1900, xi, 337-341.—Dufour. Sur l'eclairage endoscopique (deu- xieme note). [Le cystoscope] Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1913, lxxiv, 1131.—Farrar (Lilian K. P.) A simple method of illumination of the Kelly cystoscope. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx, 548.—Ferria (L.) Fixa- teur pour sondes a demeure. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1904, xxh, 1864.—Folsom (A. I.) A modifica- tion of the Braasch cystoscope. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx, 622-625.—Frank (E. R. W.) Ein verbes- sertes Kystoskop. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Wien, 1907], Berl. & Leipz., 1908, 527-537. Aho: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, ii, 514-524.-----. Erfahrungen mit einem verbesserten Kystoskop. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, iv, 763-770.—Freudenberg (A.) Kombinations-Kystoskop fiir Irrigationskystoskopie, Evakuation und Katheterismus des einen oder beider Ureteren. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1906, ih, 50-58. Aho, transl: Cong, internat. de med., Lisbo*nne, 1906, xv, sect. 10, 332-340.-----. Evakuations-Kystoskop mit auswechselbaren ausseren Rohren beliebigen Kalibers. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1907, i, 366-371. A ho: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 160-164. •-----. Cytoscope a evacuation avec tubes exterieurs interchangeables de calibre varie. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1907-8, iv, 414-421. •-----. Ein Evakuationscystoskop mit auswechselbaren Kathetern beliebigen Kahbers. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Berlin], Berl. & Leipz., 1909,471-474. Aho: Ztschr. f. Urol.-, Berl. & Leipz., 1909, Beiheft, 471.-----. Photographiercystoskop mit 2 Lampen und zentrisch aufsitzender Camera. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, Beiheft, 472-474.—Furniss (H. D.) Cystoscope holder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, hx, 1885— Guiteras (R.) The combined direct and indirect cystoscope. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, xc, 846.—Harris (A.) The historic develop- ment ofthe cystoscope. Long. Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1917, xi, 302-305.—Imbert (L.) Pile cystoscopique. Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 788.—Jacoby (S.) Korrigierapparat fiir Kystoskope zur Bestimmung der wirkhchen Lage der Objekte im kystoskopischen Bilde. BLADDER. 582 BLADDER. Bladder (Exploration of, Instruments and apparatus for). Folia urolog., Leipz., 1907, i, 591-594.—Joseph (E.) Eine zur Cvstoskopie verbesserte Blasenspritze. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1912. xlix, 1851.—Kaufman (L. R.) The cystoscope. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1914, 3. s., xxix. 455-460.—Kelly (H. A.) A note on a series of new vesical specula. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1900, xi, 93.— Kollmann (A.) Cystoskopische Instrumente u. s. w. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1900, xi, 393^102— Kollmann (A.) & Wossldlo. Kystoskope mit Desinfektionshiilse. Ibid., 119-124— Kutner (R.) & Kohler (A.) Ein kystoskopischer Demonstrationsapparat. Ibid., 1903, xiv, 1-4, 1 pi.—Le Fur. Nouvelle boite a cys- toscopes. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910, xhi, 772.—Levin (H.) Uebor einige Verbesserungen am cystoskopischen Instrumentarium mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Sterilisationsfrage. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl, 1902, vh, 10-24. Also [Abstr.]: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1902, xxiv, 38-41.—Lewis (B.) A univer- sal cystoscope. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1906, ii, 598-600, 2 pi. ------. The purposes and attainments of cystoscopy; and demonstration of the author's universal cystoscope. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., Guthrie, 1908. i, 104-109.------. In- dividuality in the development of the modern cystoscope. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1908, iii. 114-121, 4 pi.------. Presentation of author's latest model universal cystoscope. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass. 1907, Brookline, 1908, i, 105-110.------. Originality and priority in modern cysto- scopes; a reply to F. T. Brown. Buffalo M. J., 1908-9, lxiv, 1-17. ------. Resume of progress in the development of modern cystoscopes. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1909, v, 144-161. -----. Presentation of the author's cystoscopes: a) the universal; b.) the operative cystoscope. Cong.internat.de med. C. r. 1909, Budapest, 1910, Sect, xiv, 380-382.------. The modern cystoscope; its necessity and practical utility. Memphis M. Month., 1911, xxxi, 505^-515. -----. Some new instruments in operative cystoscopy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1918, lxxi, 1797-1799.—Lohnsteln (H.) Ein neues Fuhrungscystoskop. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 2112. -----. Eine neue Lampenmodifikation am Opera- tionskvstoskop und ihre Verwendung. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, vi, 990-993.—London (J.) Cystoscope. [Pat. spec] No. 1150214; Aug. 17,1914.—Luys (G.) [Cysto- scope for direct exploration.] Urologia, Budapest, 1909, 38-41.—McCarthy (J. F.) An improved composite cysto- scope. Am. J. Surg., N. Y.. 1910, xxiv, 352-354. Aho, Re- print.—Marlon (G.) Boule amovible pouvant se fixer extemporanement sur n'importe quelle pince cystoscopique pour servir k l'immobilisation des cystoscopes. J. d'urol. med. et chir.. Par., 1913, iii, 351.—Marlon (M.) Presenta- tion d'une etuve thcrmoformogene pour la sterilisation rapide des cystoscopes. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 333—Moorhead (S. W.) Improved bat- tery for cystoscopy. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1915, xi, 184-186.— de Mutach. [Deux nouveaux cystoscopes] Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1908, xxvih, 64-69.—Nlcoll (J. IL) Several of the most recent cystoscopes, with special refer- ence to inspection of the ureteral orifices. Glasgow M. J., 1906, lxv, 325-329. [Discussion], 368.—Otis (W. K.) A new electro-cystoscope. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 1569-1571. Aho, transl: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, xxhi, 932-938.-----. Concerning the new elcctrocvstoscope. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 625-628. Aho, Reprint.— P. Una sonda vescicale acustica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvu, 1521.—Pastcau (O.) De la valeur comparative des dirlerents cystoscopes. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap., Par., 1907. xxi, 132-134. Aho. Reprint. -----. Campimctre cystoscopique. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1911, Par., 1912, xv, 772-774.—Peacock (A. H.) Suggestions in the use of water cystoscopes. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1909, vii, 260-262. -----. An army cystoscopie table. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago. 1918, xxvu, 447.—Pelouze (P. S.) A detachable appliance lor tho conversion of the operating cystoscope Into a double-catheterlzlng instrument. Ibid., 1916, xxxiii, 490.—Posner (C.) Eine Leitvorrichtung zu Nitze's Kystoskop. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 293. Aho: Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect. 10, 341.-----. Ein elastlsches Spiilkystoskqp. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 1567.—Remete (E.) Technische Fortschritte der Cystoskopie. Cong, internat. de rm'd. C. r. 1909, Budapest, 1910, Sect, xiv, 366-379. -----. Techni- sche Fortschritte der Zystoskopie und Ihre klinische Bedeu- tung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 193; 202.—Rcynes. Une heureuse et simple modification au cystoscope d'Albarran pour oviter les souillures dc l'appareil optique pendant la traversee de l'ur6tlire. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par.. 1911-12, vhi, 350.—Ringleb (O.) Spiilcystoskope. Centralbl. f. d. krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.- Organ., Leipz., 1906, xvii, 658-667. Sec, aho, infra, Schla- gintweit. -----. Kystoskop nach Maisonneuveschem Prinzip. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 305; 720. -----. Ueber ein neues Kystoskopsystem. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1909-10, iv, 1-16.-----. Fortschritte der Kystoskopie in mcchanischer und optischer Hinsicht. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1910, xxxii, 1-6. -----. Neue Kystoskope. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, iv, 118-124.-----. Le cystoscope moderne. Ann. d. Bladder (Exploration of, Instruments and apparatus for). mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, ii, 1733-1744.—Ritchie (H. P.) The cystoscope and Its efficiency in diagnosis. St. Paul M. J., 1908, x, 263-271.—Rlva (A.) Apparecchio lava- tore elettrizzatore della vescica. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1903, iv, 16.—von Rohr (M.) Ueber Verbesse- rungen an den optischen Svstemen der Cystoskope. Ztschr. f. Urol., Leipz. & Berl., 1911, y, 881-919. ------. Nachtrage zu den Cystoskopsystemen. Ibid., 1912, vi, 372: 1916, x, 49.—Rothrock (J. L.) Demonstration of a new cystoscope for examination of the bladder. Proc. North Dakota M. Soc. 1897, Grand Forks, 1898, 52-58.—Schlaglntwelt (F.) Ein neues Cystoskop und einige technische Neuerungen. Ver- handl. a. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.. 419-421.------. Cystoscope retro- grade universe!. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1903, xxi, 974-980.------. Das retrograde Cystoskop. Cen- tralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1903, xiv, 202-207.------. Ueber Spiilcystoskope. Bemerkungen zum Artikcl Ringlebs. Ztschr. f. Urol., BerL & I.*ipz., 1907, i, 242-245—Solger (F. B.) Ein bilhges Phantom zum Blasenspiegeln. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1904, vh, 166- 168—Stanton (E. MacD.) A combined cvstoscope and evacuator. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcviii, 265. Aho, Reprint—Stark (W.) Vereinigung des Casperschen Operations- und Ureterencystoskopes. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, iv, 295-298.—Thompson (L.) A combination cystoscope; examining, direct catheterizing, indirect catheterizing and operating. Am. J. Urol., N. Y.. 1915, xi, 51-53.— Wappler (R. II.) Cystoscope. [Pat. spec.) No. 1127948; Feb. 9, 1915.—Wappler (R. H.) & Jung (R.) Cystoscope. [Pat. spec] No. 1021810; April 2, 1912.— Welnrlch (M.) Le cystoscope a air. Ann. a. mal. a. org. ge- nito-urin., Par., 1905, ii, 1261-1265. See,aho,svpra,C&thehn.— Weiss (A.) Ein neuer Catheter- und Cystoscopsterilisator mit Verwendung von Autandampfen. Heilkunde, Berl., 1907, 417. Aho: N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1907, xix, 237.—Whiteside (G. S.) The Casper-Hirschmann de- monstration and photographic cystoscope. Boston M. &. S. J., 1904, cl, 646, 1 pi. Aho, Reprint. ------. Des cvsto- scopes a air et a eau. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1906, xxiv, 104-110. Aho, Reprint. ------. The limitations of the cystoscope. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1913, vii, 48-62, 2 pi.—Wlllan (R. J.) A cystoscope brush. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 797.—Wltherspoon (T. C.) Cystos- coDy in the male; preliminary report upon a new instru- ment. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1899, xxxix, 359.—Wossldlo (H.) [Auskochbare Cvstoskope.] Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxu, 243. Bladder (Exploration of Methods and technique in). Brum (C.1 II cistoscopio e le sue applica- zioni. 8°. Milano [1S98]. Faure (J.-R.) *La cystoscopie a vision di- recte. 8°. Bordeaux, 1913. Fenwick (E. II.) A handbook of clinical electric-light cystoscopy. 8°. London, 1904. Fromme (F.) & Ringleb (0.) Lehrbuch der Kystophotograpbie; ihre Geschichte, Theo- rie und Praxis. 4°. Wiesbaden, 1913. Houy (A.) Contribution a l'etude de la cys- toscopie a vision directe. 8°. Paris, 1906. Nitze (M.) Lehrbuch der Kystoskopie; ihre Technik und klinische Bedeutung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1907. Papin (E.) Manuel de cystoscopie. Preface par M. le professeur F. Legueu. 8°. Paris, 1914. Poljak (S.-S.) * Die klinische und physiolo- gische Bedeutung der Chromocystoskopie auf (irund der einschlagigen Literatur. [Berlin.] 8°. Leipzig 1913. Ayres (w.) Water medium cystoscopy vs. Kelly's method; a reply to Dr. Kelly's reply to Dr. O Neil. Am. J. Surg., N. Y , 1911, xxv, 299—Baer (J.) Sur la photographic Intra-vesicale (avec projections). Ass. franc, d urol. Proc- verb. 1901, Par., 1902, v. 563-572.—Ball (W. G.) Some prac- tical points in tho use oi the cvstoscope. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1918-19, xxvi, 49-53, 1 pi—Barnett (C. E.) Prac- tical points in cystoscopy. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 316— Barringer (B. S.) A new method of urethral anaesthesia. Folia serolog., Leipz., 1909-10, iv, 677-6S0.— Barringer (B. S.) & MacKee (G. M) Radiographs ofthe bladder and bladder neck. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1912, vi, 408-411, 4 pi— Belfleld (W. T.) Instrumental ex- amination of the bladder. Milwaukee M. J., 1899, vii, 88- 90— Bierhoff (F.) The newer methods of examining the bladder. N. York M. J. [etcl, 1908, lxxxvii, 588-591.— Bishop (E. S.) Post-graduate lecture on the use of the cys- BLADDER. 583 BLADDER. Bladder (Exploration of, Methods and technique in). toscope. Clin. J., Lond., 1909, xxxiv, 129-132— Braasch (W. F.) A neglected principle in cystoscopy. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1912, vhi, 115-119. -----. Recent observations in cystoscopie technic Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, lxv, 615- 620.—Brlsson (J.) Cystoscopie experimentale sur vessies fant6mes. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin, Par., 1900, xvhi, 561-576, 2 pi.—Brunt (C.) Un caso di varici della vescica diagnosticate a mezzo del cistoscopio; sull' importanza del cistoscopio nella diagnosi dirlerenziale e precoce delle ma- lattie chinirgiche della vescica e dei reni. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoh, 1897, n. s., xix, 949-959.-----. Ueber die rechtzeitige Diflerentialdiagnose durch das Cystoskop bei Blasen- und Nierenerkrankungen. Monatsb___d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Appar., Berl., 1898, hi, 199-203.—Bueres Escrlbano (A.) Cistoscopia.susindicacionesylimitaciones. Siglomed., Madrid, 1911, lviii, 517; 533; 549.—Buerger (L.) The fallacy of the employment of forward vision in cysto- scopes for routine work. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 617-624.-----. Some of the newer intravesical methods of diagnosis and therapy. Am. Med., Burlington. Vt., & N. Y., 1914, n. s., ix, 711-723.—Bugbee (H. G.) The practical apphcation of the cystoscope for the practitioner. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1911, xxvi, 624-629 — Burgess (A. H.) The technique of cystoscopy. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1904, xh, 145-151.—Burkhardt (L.) & Polano (O.) Die Fiillung der Blase mit Sauerstofl zum Zwecke der Cystoskopie und Radiographie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 20.—de Butler (R.) Notes sur la cvstoscopie (aspect d'une vessie normale et pathologique). Clinique, Par., 1913, viu, 569-571.—Cabot (F.) The cysto- scope as an aid in genito-urinary surgery. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 104-106.—Casper (L.) Zur Asepsis des Kathe- terismus und der Cystoskopie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxix, 844-846.-----. Die Zystoskopie bei peri- und paravesikularen Erkrankungen. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1918, lv, 495-498.—Cathelin (F.) Nouvelle methode de cystoscopie; cystoscope a air et a, vision directe sans partie optique avec lampe renversee, au plafond. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, ii, 1245-1260. Aho: Tribune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvu, 325-328.-----. Ce qu'il faut demander a la cystoscopie a vision directe. -Rev. med. Par., 1906, xv, 483.-----. Des erreurs d'interpretation des images cystoscopiques. Paris m^d., 1911-12, v, SOS- SOS.—Cathelin (F.) & Proust (R.) A propos d'un detail de technique cystoscopique. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 572-574.—Chute (A. L.) Some cases illustrating cystoscopie diagnosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1906, cliv, 309-311.—Coates (B. O.) The modern cystoscope; its use in bladder, ureteral and kidney lesions, with a practical demonstration of catheterization of the male ureter. Med. Times, N. Y., 1898, xxvi, 321-324.—Czerny. De la chromo- cystoscopie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1904, Par., 1905, vhi, 541-544.—Diago (J.) Un obstaculo a ciertas cisto- scopias. Arch, de la Soc estud. clin. de la Habana, 1903-4, xh, 113-122.—Egldl (G.) Leresistenze liquide e lapraticita del loro impiego per la cistoscopia. Policlin., Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. prat., 1083.—Faulds (A. G.) On the use of oxygen gas in distending the bladder for cystoscopy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 539.—Felekl (A.) & Remete (J.) [Bladder photo- fraphs.] Urologia, Budapest, 1907-8, 28, 1 pi— Ferrla (L.) ur la technique de la cystoscopie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1901, xix, 433-441.—Ferron (J.) Du catheterisme ureteral par cystoscopie a vision directe. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1913, hi, 65-72.— Frontz (W. A.) Presentation of device facilitating the introduction of the cystoscope in certain difficult cases. J. Urol., Bait., 1918, ii, 39-41.—Gauthier (C.-L.) Cystoscopie k vision directe; sonde brisee dans la vessie d'un homme et retiree a travers l'urethrepar cemoven. Lyonmed., 1909, cxii, 756-760: cxiii, 67-73, 1 pi.—Goldberg (B.) Cystoskopische Erfahrungen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxvih, 753-755.—Halban (J.) Beitrage zur zystoskopischen Diagnostic Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv. 1270-1273.—Heresco (P.) De la cys- toscopie appliquee a. l'etude du diagnostic et des indica- tions operatoires des tumeurs ureteraJ.es et des calculs en- chatonnes de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1901, xix, 655-668.—Hock (A.) On a simple syner- gistic in cystoscopy. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., Tech. Suppl., St. Louis, 1913, i, 66.—Holcombe (R. G.) The practical use of the cystoscope in differential diagnosis. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1910-11, lxiii, 559-563.—Imbert (L.) La cystoscopie, technique et indications. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvu, 497-500.—Jacoby (S.) Die Stereokysto- photographie. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.- Org., Leipz., 1905, xvi, 529-534,1 pi. Aho, transl: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1906, xxiv, 353-362. -----. Die Stereokystoskopie. Ibid., 535-537.—Joseph (E.) Er- fahrungen mit der Chromocystoskopie. Berl. khn. Wchn- schr., 1909, xlvi, 861-867.—Kelllng (G.) Ueber die Mi>- ghchkeit, die Zystoskopie bei Untersuchungen seroser Hohlungen anzuwenden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvh, 2358.—Kelly (H. A.) Cystoscopy and catheterization of the ureters in the male. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvh, 475-486.—Kennedy (D.) Suprapubic cystoscopy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxi, 610.-----. Suprapubic cystoscopy. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1904, x, 369.—Klrkendall (B. R.) | Bladder (Exploration of, Methods and technique in). I. New method of passing the wax tip. H. Modification of the technic of passing the wax tip. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, lxv, 1253-1255— Klose (B.) Beitrag zur Kystophoto- graphie. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1913, vhi, 69-80,3pl.— Kneise. Moderne Zystoskopie in episkopischen und diaskopischen Projektionen. Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S., Munchen, 1907-8, 62-68. Aho: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 699.—Koll (I. S.) The practical apphcation of cys- toscopy. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1911, xiv, 459- 464— Kraske (P.) Ueber suprapubische Kystoskopie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 153-155.—Kudtntscff (I. V.) [Dilatation of the cavity of the urinary bladder for purposes of cystoscopy.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb.. 1907, vi. 489.—Kulisch (G.) Ueber Kystoskopie. Aerztl. Rund- schau, Munchen, 1900, x, 362; 388; 413; 436; 471. .4£so.-Deut- sche Prax., Munchen, 1900, hi, 329; 422; 458; 512; 543.—Lang (E.) Zur Cystoskopie; endovesicale Bilder; Spulcystoskop; Desinfection. Wien. med. 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Sex.-Appar., Berl., 1897, ii, 11-16.—Luys (G.) La cystoscopie a vision directe. Presse med., Par., 1905, i, 393-395. Aho [Abstr.]: Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege, 1905, xliv, 323. :-----. Des indications de la cystoscopie a vision directe. Ass. franc. d'urol. 1906. Proc-verb., Par., 1907, x, 382-394.-----. La cystoscopie k vision directe et ses applications. Cong. internat. de med. C. r. 1909, Budapest, 1910, Sect, xiv, 3s3- 391.—Marion. Des accidents qui peuvent survemr au cystoscope; moyens de les eviter, moyen d'y parer. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, ii, 1745-1755.—Martin (P.) Dos aplicaciones de la cromocistoscopia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1913, lx, 453.—Meyer (N.) Ueber die Endoskopie der Blase (chrekte Cystoskopie). Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, i, 741-744.—Millet (M. C.) A simple method of cystoscopy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1123.— Newman (D.) The teaching of cystoscopy, with special reference to the use of the cystoscope in the diagnosis of renal disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxv, 37-53, 4 pi — Pasteau (O.) Comment faut-il examiner la vessie? Nord med., Lille, 1906, xh, 50-54— Pederson (V. C.) A new table for cystoscopy. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1911, xxv, 297.-----. Topography of the bladder, with special reference to cysto- scopy (illustrated with case reports). N. York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcviii, 353-357.—Pelouze (P. S.) Cystoscopie recto- vesical transUlumination. Ibid., 1916, civ, 740. Aho, Re- print.—Peterkln (G. S.) Effects of back-pressure on the bladder. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1908, vi, 1-13.—Pink- ham (E. W.) The cystoscope in practice. Am. Med., Burlington. Vt., & N. Y., 1910, n. s.,v, 565-569.—Pollak (J.) Die klinische und physiologische Bedeutung der Chromo- kystoskopie auf Grund der einschlagigen Literatur. Folia urolog., Leipz;, 1912-13, vii, 175-188— Pollock (H.) Zur Technik der Endoskopie. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1905, ii, 154-157—Ringleb (O.) Ueber Kor- persehen und Stereokystoskopie mit einem stereoskopischen Okular fiir Kystoskope. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1908, ii, 269-283.-----. Zur Photographic des Blaseninnern. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. (Wien) 1911, Berl. & Leipz., 1912, hi, 454.—Ritchie (H. P.) The ideal position for cystoscopy. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1904, vi, 291.— Robertson (W.) Een praatje over cystoskopie. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1904-5, xi, 501-507.—Roth (M.) Ueber die Bedeutung und Zuverlassigkeit der Chromocysto- skopie. Berl. klin. Wrchnschr., 1909, xlvi, 1060-1064.— Schlaglntwelt (F.) Zur Vereinfachung der Kystoskopie. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1900, xi, 125-134.-----. Zur cystoskopischen Technik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xhx, 1348.—Schmidt (L. E.) Falla- cies of cystoscopy. Chicago M. Recorder, 1902, xxii, 376- 510. [Discussion], 403^405. Aho: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1902, ix, 307-310.—Strater (M.) Ervaringen over chromo- cystoscopie. Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 636-664.—sSwtateckl (J.) [A method of introducing soft bougies aseptically.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1903, xxxi, 1018.—Uhle (A. A.) & Macklnney (W. H.) The tech- nique and diagnostic value of cystoscopy. N. York M. J. [etc], 1907, ixxxvi, 1113-1116.—valentine (F. C.) Aids to cystoscopie practice. Ibid., 1903, lxxvii, 1009-1011. Aho, Reprint.—Varela (R.) Fantoma para la demostracidn de la inversi6n de las imagenes cistosedpicas. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect. dYurol., 143- BLADDER. 584 BLADDER. Bladder (Exploration of, Methods and technique in). 146— Voelcker (F.) & Joseph (E.) Chromozystoskopie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xxx, 536- 585— Vdlcker (F.) & vonLlchtenberg (A.) Cystographle und Pyelographie. Beitr. z. khn. Chir.. Tubing., 1906, Iii, 1-40,12 pi.—Walker (J. W. T.) On cystoscopy as an aid to diagnosis in urinary surgery. Clin. J., Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 92-96— Warschauer (E.) Ueber die bei der Cystoskopie zu verwendende Spiilnussigkcit. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl., 1902, vh, 87— Wedcrhake. Technik der Kystoskopie der Blase. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1907, xxxii, 263; 286.— Weinberg (J.) Die Orthokystoskopie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1528.—Whiteside (G. S.) The limita- tions of the cystoscope. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1912, viii, 616- 620.—Wright (D.) On the value of electric cystoscopy as a means of diagnosis, with some illustrative cases. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1901, xiv, 391-399—Zuckerkandl (O.) Ueber Zystographie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 1865-1867, 1 pi. Bladder (Exploration of, Radiologic). Berger. Notice sur la photographio de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1900, xviii, 414-420.— Braasch (W. F.) The radiograph shadow and the cysto- scope. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 19tl, xii, 374-378.— Garratt (J. M.) Rontgenographic examination of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi, 264. -----. Roentgenographs examination of the urinary bladder. Am. J. Roentgenol., N. Y., 1916, n. s., ih, 399-402. Aho, Reprint.—Granger (A.) The use of oxygen in cystography, with a preliminary report on the use of pyelography. Am. J. Roentgenol., N. Y., 1916, n. s., ih,351-354. Aho, Reprint — Legueu, Papin & Malngot. La cystoradiographie. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1912, i, 749-768.—Morgan (D.) Examination of the urinary bladder by X-rays after insuffla- tion with oxvgen. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 271.—Pedersen (V. C.) & Cole (L. G.) Mensuration and projection of the posterior urethra and vesical floor, by means of posterior urethral calipers and radiography; a pre- liminary study and report. N.York M. J. [etc.], 1913, xcvii, 1273-1279.—Peter kin (G. S.) X-ray efficiency in bladder diagnosis. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1916, x, 25-34, 12 pi. [Discussion], 55-60. Aho: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1916, xxhi, 685-693, 3 pi.—Simons (I.) & Kenning (J. C.) Some combined cystoscopie and radiographic studies. Urol. & Cufan. Rev., St. Louis, 1919, xxiii, 72-76.—Skinner (E. H.) Fluoroscopic Roentgen injection of the bladder. Surg., Gynec & Obst, Chicago, 1916, xxih, 361—Stockmann (F.) & Anst (G.) Zur Kasuistik der Radiographic der Harnblase (Haarnadel in der Harnblase). Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1901, xii, 93-97.—Voelcker (F.) & Llchtenberg (A.) Die Gestalt der menschlichen Harn- hlase im Rontgenbilde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1576-1578. Bladder (Exstrophy of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Exstrophy of). Buccheri (R.) Estrofia della vescica 8° Palermo, 1900. Exgels (J. M.) *Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie, Aetiologie und Therapie der Ectopia vesic;e (Kuster'sche Operationsmethode). 8°. Marburg, 1901. Kaiserling (P. W. 0.) *Ueber Ektopia vesi- cae. 8°. Balle a. S., 1903. Meyer (K.) *Ueber Blasenektopie. 8°. Zurich, 1908. Meyer (W. L. II.) *Ein Fall von congenitalor Ectopia vesicae urinaria?. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Abramoff. Un cas d'exstrophle de la vessie. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.]. Par., 1902, i, 330-332, 2 pi — Allen (D. P.) Exstrophy ot the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxih, 258L260.—Apariclo (T.) Un caso de estrofia de la vejiga; antceedentesembriologicas. Gac. med. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1910, xvi, 301-305.—Barras (L.) A propos d'un cas d'exstrophie de la vessie. Progres med., Par., 1914, 3. s., xxx, 344.—Bazy. A propos des deformations du bas- sin dans 1'exstrophie de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc do chir. de Par., 1912, n. s., xxxviii, 758.—Berard A- Cotte. Exstrophie de la vessie. Lyon nu'd., 1913, cxx, 7*9: exxi, 59.—Bertrand (P.) Exstrophie vesicale; orifice des ureteres visibles; epispadias avec large disjonction do la symphyso pubienne. Clinique, Brux., 1908, xxii, 586.—Bocken- helmer (P.) Zur Aetiologie der Bauchblasengenitalspalte Arb. a. d. chir. Klin.d. k. Univ. Berl.. 1904, xvii, 73-80, 2pi — Boogher (J. L.) Exstrophy of the bladder. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass.. Brookline, 1916, x, 35-39. [Discussion], 55-60. Also [Abstr.]: Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx, 376.—Brand! (K.) A contribution to the study of ectopia vesica?. Am. J. Urol.. N. Y., 1913, ix, 333-339.—Brewer (G. E.) Exstrophy of the bladder. Tr. N. York Surg. Soc, Phila., 1913, ii, 205. Aho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1913, lvh, Bladder (Exstrophy of). 781.—Broca. Le bassin dans 1'exstrophie de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1912, n. s., xxxviii, 813- 815.—Buchanan (J. J.) Exstrophy of the bladder. In- ternat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1909, xxii, 143.—Calabr6 (V.) Un caso di estrofia completa della vescica con arresto concomi- tante degli organi genitali esterni. Gazz. med. lomb.. Milano, 1901, lx, 414-416.—Cassaet & Nourrit (Mile.) Exemple rare de complication d'exstrophie vesicale par l'issue d'un bourgeon d'intestin grele. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 136-138. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 259.—Chappell (J. W.) Exstrophy of the bladder; the clinical historv and specimen of a fatal case. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1896, Wash., 1897, i, 82-89—Connell (F. G.) Exstrophy of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 637-668—Costantini (B.) Exstrofia della vescica orinaria con epispadia completa e divisione della sinfisi,pubica. Corriere san., Milano, 1901, xii, 32.—Cotte (G.) A propos d'un cas d'exstrophie vesi- cale. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1914, v, 187-191—Cotton (A. C.) Case of congenital exstrophy of the bladder. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1906, xxhi, 377.—Crepin. Exstrophie congenitale de la vessie. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1903, xxi, 32-39.—De Nobele (J.) & Debersaques (C.) Note sur un cas d'exstrophie de la vessie. Bull. Soc de men. de Gand, 1893, lx, 67-72.—Dervaux. Sur l'inversion vesicale. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin.. Par., 1911, i, 673-683.— Dietrich. Ueber die Aetiologie der Blasenektopie. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 414.—Edmunds (A.) Ectopia of the bladder. Practitioner, Lond., 1914, xcii, 501-509, 2 pi—Eitel (G. G.) A case of exstrophy of the bladder. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1904, xxiv, 407.— Enderlen (E.) Zur Aetiologie der Blasenectopie. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1903, xxxii, pt. 2, 184-1*9. [Discussion], pt. 1, 225. Aho: Arch. 1. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903, lxxi, 562-567.-----. Zur Histologic der Schleim- haut der ektopierten Blase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch., Jena, 1904, vii, 167-170.-----. Ueber Blasenekto- pie. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1908, Nos. 472-473 (Chir., Nos. 135-136, 171-211). -----. Die Blasenektopie. Er- gebn. d. Chir. u. Orthop., Berl., 1911, ii, 395-116.—Epstein (J.) Ectopia of the urinary bladder in an infant. Med. Times, N. Y., 1918, xlvi, 281—Everitt (Ella B.) Eversion of the bladder. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvi, 725.— Hager (A.) Ekstrophia vesicae urinarte mit Adeno- carcinoma gelatiniforme. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1910, lvh, 2301-2304—Hovelacque (A.) Etude anatomo-patholo- gique de 1'exstrophie complete de la vessie. J. d'urol. mea. et chir., Par., 1912, i, 43; 205, 2 pi.—Jankowskl (J.) Ueber die Nieren- und Ureterenfunktion bei einem Falle von Ecto- pia vesicre urinaria. Ztschr.f.khn.Med,Berl., 1909-10,lxix, 96-106 —Jelinek (J.) Exstrophia vesicae urinariae. Med. Bl., Wien, 1909, xxxii, 278; 290—Joachlmsthal. Ektopia vesicae, combinirt nut anderen Verbildungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil., 74.— Johnston (T. B.) Extroversion of the bladder, compli- cated by the presence of intestinal openings on the surface of the extroverted area. J. Anat. & Phvsiol., Lond., 1913-14, xlviii, 89-106—Jones (F. W.) Extroversion of the bladder and some problems in connection with it. Ibid., 1911-12, xhi, pt. 2. 193-210—Klrmlsson. Exstrophie de la vessie. Clinique, Par., 1911, vi, 2S0—Korchemkin(I. I.) [Ectopy of the bladder.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1914, xxxv, 263-266 — Laurent (O.) L'exstrophie vesicale. Clinique, Brux., 1903, xvh, 815-820.—Lej ars. Exstrophie de la vessie. Bull. et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 190S, n. s., xxxiv, 1190-1193.— Lodlglanl (C.) Contributo clinico alio studio dell' es- trofia vescicale; osservazioni sulla funzlonalit& renale negli estrofici. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1906, lvh, 181; 191 — Lorthlolr. Exstrophie de la vessie. Soc roy. d. sc. med. et nat. do Brux. Bull., 1903, lxi, 55-60—Mann (A. T.) Exstrophy of the bladder; report of a case. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc], Minneap., 1909, xxix, 294-297.—Manninger (W.) Exstrophia vesicae urinariae; Heilung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, BudaDest, 1904, xl, 777.—Metcalt (W. F.) Exstro- phy oi the bladdor. Detroit M. J., 1905-6, v, 233-237.— Moore (J. E.) Complete exstrophy of the bladder and epispadias in a five months' babe. J. Minn. M. Ass. fete], Minneap., 1911, xxxi, 004.—Moorhead (J. J.) & Moornead (E. L.) Exstrophy of bladder, report of two cases. J. Am. Af. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 409-111.— Murray (R. W.) Extroverted bladder. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1908, xxix, 142-147 — Plcque (L.) Sur un cas de retournement complet de la vessio (oxstrophie acqiiise de la vessie par les voies naturelles). Hull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 636-645.—Pokrovski (A.) [Complete congenital ectopy of the bladder and complete epispadias.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xxi, 107-109.—Potherat (E.) Des lesions de la ceinture pclvienne dans l'exstrophie vesicale. Bull. et. mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1912, n. s.. xxxviii, 734. -----. Le bassin osseux dans l'exstrophie vesicale. Ibid., 954.— Rehn (E.) Ueber Blasenektopie Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, 1394—Rcmedi (V.) Un caso di estrofia della vescica; contributo alia istologia della mucosa veseiealecstrofica. Chn.chh.,Milano,19(X),xiv,608-640,2pl.— Itiirlictti (0.) Contributo alia istologia patologica della estrofia vescicale. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1909, lxiu, 254-267, 2 pi.—Robincau. Exstrophie de la BLADDER. 585 BLADDER. Bladder (Exstrophy of). vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1911, n. s., xxxvii, 1367.—Sarra (R.) Un caso di ectopia congenita della vescica in un bambino di un mese; autopsia. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1901, Firenze, 1902, iv, 452-454.—Schllep (L.) Ueber Blasenspalten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1914, xl, 1688.—Stefanesco-Galatzl. Ex- strophie de la vessie; division complete des organes g6nitaux externes, absence du sphincter anal. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1910, ii, 1921-1930.—Straus (F.) Zur Ureteren- und Nierenthatigkeit bei Ectopia vesicae. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 180. Aho: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1903, xlviii, 404.—Thomson (A.) Extroversion of the bladder. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1904-5, n. s., xxiv, 159—Vance (A. M.) Epispadic exstrophy of the bladder complete. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1671-1674.—Van Sweringen (B.) Exstrophy ofthe bladder. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1911,iv, 331-333— Venglovskl(R. I.) [Etiology of ectopy of the urinary bladder.] Syezd rossrysk. khirurg., Mosk.. 1911, x, 171-175— Walsham (W. J.) On extrover- sion oi the bladder. Practitioner, Lond., 1899, lxii, 151-163.— Wheaton (C. A.) Exstrophy ofthe bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxih, 256-258.—Wheeler (E. R.) Case of ectopia vesica?. China M. J., Shanghai, 1918, xxxu, 330- 332.—Willard (F.) Exstrophy of the bladder, pubic bones absent. Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1899, i, 134-139, 3 pi — Wltherspoon (T. C.) Development of the fetal bladder and conditions leading to exstrophy. St. Louis Cour. 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Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1912, xh, 468470, 4 pi.—Lothelsen (G.) Zur opera- tiven Behandlung der Blasenektopie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing, 1900, xxviii, 528-538, 2 pi.—Makkas (M.) Zur Behandlung der Blasenektopie; Umwandlung des ausge- schalteten Coecum zur Blase und der Appendix zur Urethra. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1073-1076.—Mayo (C. H.) Exstrophy of the bladder and its treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 2079-2081.—Mazel (E.) Ueber Blasenektopie und deren operative Behandlung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing, 1899, xxiii, 444-497.—Mikulicz (J.) Zur Operation der angeborenen Blasenspalte. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 641-643. Aho, Reprint — Moorhead (E. L.) Exstrophy of the bladder: three cases; surgical research reports. Surg. Clin., Phila., 1918, ii, 1005- 1015—Moorhead (J. J.) & Moorhead (E. L.) Exstrophy of bladder; report of two cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 409-411. Aho, Reprint— Mttller (G. P.) The surgical treatment of exstrophy of the bladder. Internat. Chn., Phila., 1918, 28. s., ii, 261-265, 2 pi—MundeU (D. E.) Note on the operative relief of ectopia vesicre. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 715-718—Murphy (J. B.) Exstrophy of bladder. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 805-807.— Murray (R. W.) An operation for extroversion of the bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1468.—Muscatello (G.) Per la cura radicale deU'estrofia della vescica. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1904, xx, 11S2-1188. Aho, tranH.: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl, 1905, lxxvi, 1057-1077.—Nota (A.) Contributo alia cura della estrofia vescicale. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1900, 4. s., vi, 269-278.—Patel (M.) Resultats eloignes (3 ans) d'une operation pratiquee par M. Vincent pour exstrophie vesicale. Lyon meil., 1898, lxxxviii, 321-327. Aho: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. mod. de Lyon (1898), 1899, xxxviii, 71-77.—Phocas. Exstrophie de la vessie sur une fillette; nouveau precede operatoire. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par , 1898, xii, 414417 — Pousson(A) Restauration de la vessie exstrophiee par un precede^ nouveau. Ass. fran?. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898, Par., 1899, iii, 295-302— Pozzl (S.) Note sur un cas d'exstro- phie de la vessie et sur une modification de la miHhode auto- plastique. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 18-31.—Proust (R.) Sur la cure chirurgicale de l'exstrophie de la vessie. Presse mod., Par.. 1909, xvu, 571 — Racovi- ceanu-Pitescu. Un nou procedeu autoplastic pentru tra- tarea exstrofief veziccl. Rev. de chir., BueurescI, 1897-8,M- 58— Riddell (J. S.) A case of urctero-trigonal anastomosis for ectopia vesicre. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 975— lloloff Zur Operation der Blasenspalte. Zentralbl. f. Chir., I^eipz , 1910, xxxvii, 1395.—Rovsing (T.) Ein neues Verfahren zur operativen Behandlung der Ectopia vesicic. Ztschr. f. 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J., 1905, ciii, 546^548.— von Siaubenrauch. Incontinentia urinre infolge ange- borener Missbildung der Harnblase; plastische Operation. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lviii, lo;>i.— Taddel (D.) Un nuovo processo operatorio per la cura della estrofia; tiflo-uretero-anastomosi, previa esclusione del cieco ed ap- Bladder (Exstrophy of, Treatment of, Operative). pendicostcmia. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. 1910, Firenze, 1911, 60-64. -----. Sur la typhlo-ureterostomie apres exclusion du caecum et appendicostomie dans le traitement de l'exstrophie vesicale; recherches anatomiques et experimentales. Rev. de chir., Par., 1903, xlvii, 37-63 — Tamarit (P.) Estudio critico del tratamiento operatorio de la exstrofia de la vejiga. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1912, lviii, 33; 65; 129; 193; 225.— Temoln (D.) Traitement chirurgicai de l'exstrophie de la vessie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1898, 11. s., i, 198-202.—Tenant (OA Di un nuovo processo operatorio per la cura della estrofia vescicale; tiflo appendico-uretro- anastomosi previa esclusione del cieco. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1910-11, lxxxv, 89-91.—Tletze (A.) Zur operativen Behandlung der angeborenen Blasensnaltc. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1897, xvhi, 1-38, 2 pi—tlxler (h.) & Vlannay (C.) Un cas d'exstrophie partielle acquise de la vessie, consecutive a une double taille hypogastrique; cure operatoire; guerison. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1900, n. s., v, 1141-1143.—Trendelenburg (F.) The treatment of ec topia vesicre. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xhv, 281-289, 8 pi.— Turner. Gudrison de 1 'exstrophie de la vessie par la cystoco- lostomie. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1898,n.s.,iii,661.— Tyt- gat (E.) Les dernieres operations pour la cure de l'exstro- phie vesicale. Ann. Soc. de mea1. de Gand, 1913, n. s., iv, 191-198. Aho: Belgique med., Gand, 1913, xx, 267-270.— Vance (A. M.) The present status of operative interven- tion in exstrophy of the bladder. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1906, 3, s., xxh, 602-612.—Vulliet (H.) Le traitement chi- rurgical de l'exstrophie de la vessie. Lyon chirurg., 1913, ix, 589-600.—Willard (De F.) Exstrophy of the bladder, pubic bones absent. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix, 497- 502—Wilms. Zur Technik der Beckenkompression bei Operation der Blasenektopie nach Trendelenburg. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xciii, 321.—Witherspoon (T. C.) History of a case of bladder exstrophy. Med. Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1903, xxiii, 350-354. Bladder (Exstrophy of Treatment of) by transplantation of ureters. Feutrie (X.) *Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'exstrophie vesicale par rim- plantation des ureteres dans le rectum (voie extraperitoneale). 8°. Baris; 1911. Thobois (A.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'exstrophie de la vessie par le procede de Maydl. 8°. Barh, 1904. Arumugam (T. V.S Extroversion of bladder treated by extraperitoneal transplantation of ureters into the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, i, 906.—Augier (D.) Un casd'ex- strophie vesicale traite' par Pimplantation des ureteres dans Pintestin. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1911, li, 241-246.-----. Traitement de l'exstrophie vesicale par Pimplantation des ureteres dans l'intestin (voie extra-peritoneale; procede de Peters-Buchanan; avantages et incon\ cedents). Province meU, Par., 1911, xxu, 273-275—Ball (C A.) The treatment of extroversion of the bladder by implantation ofthe ureters into the rectum. Practitioner/Lond , 1909, lxxxii, 450-454, 1 pi.—Bert & Vlgnard. Exstrophie de la vessie; abouche- ment des ureteres dans PS Iliaque; guertson. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1907, x, 104-100.—Borelius (J.) Eine neue Modifikation der Maydl'schen Operationsmethode bei angeborener Blasenektopie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 780; 993.—Bottomley (J. T.) Operative treat- ment of exstrophy of tho bladder by transplantation of ureters on to the skin ofthe loin; application ofthe principle to other bladder surgery; report of two illustrative cases. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1907, xlix, 141-144. [Discussion], 167.—Deryuzhinskl (S. F.) [Three cases of exstrophy of the urinarv bladder, treated bv Mavdl's operation.] Khirur- gia, Mosk., 1909, xxvi. 19^-204—Drucbert (J.) Les resul- tats eloignes de l'operation de Maydl dans l'exstrophie v'sicale. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, xiii, 4S1-484.— Estor. Exstrophie de la vessie; abouchement des ureteres dans la partie superieure du rectum par le procede de Maydl; guerison. [Rap. de Picque.) Bull, et mom. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxvhl, 179 1S3—Ewald (K.) Ectopia vesicae behandclt mittelst Implantation der Blase in die Flexura sigmoidea. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1S96, Wien & Leipz., 1898. v, pt. 2, 123-126.-----. Ueber Mavdls Operation der Exstrophia vesicre. Wien. med. Wchnschr , 1909, lix, 81-85 —Forgue. Un cas d'exstrophie de la vessie traite par le procede de Mavdl. Montpel. med., 1903, xvu, 617 -Graser (E.) Zwei (nach Maydl) geheilte Falle von Bhisenoktopie mit Untersuchungen des aus dem Darin entleerten Harnes. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, c, 126-143.—Guseff (P. F.) (Maydl's operation in ectopyof the bladdor.J Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxvhl, 464- 469.—Harrison (R.) Extroversion of the bladder treated by left nephrectomy and transplantation of the right ureter through the loin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1S97, i, 977. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1897,1, 1091— Henson (J. W.) The rectum as a controllable and clean bladder in exstrophy and malig- nant disease. Tr. Tri-Stato M. Ass., Raleigh, i904, vi, 245- BLADDER. 587 BLADDER. Bladder (Exstrophy of, Treatment of) by transplantation of ureters. 249—Herczel (E.) Radikaloperation der Blasenspalte (Ectopia vesicre) durch Implantation der Harnleitcr in den Dickdarm. (Drei Falle.) Centralbl. f. d. Krankh d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org.. Leipz., 1899, x, 563-585. Aho: Pest. med -chir. Presse, Budapest, 1899, xxxv, 1021-1023 —Jaja (F ) Contributo clinico al trattamento chirurgieo dell'estrc- fia vescicale con l'innesto degli ureteri nei retto. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1900, Roma, 1901, xv, 59-82 — Jelinek(J) Exstrophia vesicre urinarire; 15 Jahre Maydl s Radicaloperation und deren Modificationen. Rev. de med. tcheque, Prague, 1909,i, 68-74— Klein (G.) Ektopia vesicre mittels Einpflanzung des TrigonumLieutaudii indasKolon descendens geheilt. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 914 — Kuznetskl (D. P.) [Maydl's operation for eversion of the urinary bladder.) Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1913, xh, 323-325.—Loewe (G. M.) Exstrophy of the bladder with special reference to the transplantation ofthe ureters. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis. 19i5, xix, 257.—London (A. A.) On extroversion of the bladder with special reference to extraperitoneal transplantation of the ureters into the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 961-964.—Matas (R.) Exstrophy of the bladder; operative treatment with special reference to Maydl's operation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 260-263. Aho, Reprint.—Maydl. Erfah- rungen fiber Implantation der Ureteren in die Flexur bei Ectopia vesicre. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix, 249; 304; 360.—Moynihan (B. G. A.) Extroversion of the bladder; relief by transplantation of the bladder into the rectum. Ann. Surg., PhUa., 1906, xliii, 237-240, 4 pi—Mttl- ler (P. A.) Abanderung der Borelius'schen Modifikation der MaydTschen Operationsmethode bei kongenitaler Blasenektopie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 880.— Muller (H.) Exstrophie de la vessie; operation de Maydl. Med. inf., Par., 1904,100—Muller (H.) & Nove-Josserand. Exstrophie de la vessie; operation de M. Maydl. Bull. Soc de chir. de Lyon, 1904, vii, 31-33.—Nazarovski (N. M.) [Transplantation of the ureters by Maydl's method in ectopy of the bladder.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxviii, 454-463.— Newland (H. S.) Extroversion of the bladder; its treatment by extraperitoneal implantation of the ureters into the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 964-967. Aho: Austra- las. M. Cong. Tr. 1905, Adelaide, 1907, vii, 216-221.—Nove- Josserand (G.) Exstrophie vesicale operee d'apres la methode de Maydl. Bull. Soc de chir. de Lyon, 1898-9, ii, 211-215. A ho: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1899, xhi, 372; 377. -----. Traitement de l'exstrophie vesicale par Pabouche- ment des ureteres dans Pintestin. Rev. mens. d. mal. de Penf., Par., 1899, xvu, 25S-262.-----. Exstrophie de la vessie; operation de M. Maydl. Lyon med., 1904, ch, 423- 425— Orloft (L.-V.) Le traitement chirurgical de l'exstro- phie de la vessie; abouchement de Puretere, d'apres Maydl en particulier. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin.. Par., 1902, xx, 1324-1331— Park (R.) Exstrophy of the bladder with other congenital defects; Maydl's operation. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 702.—Pozza (P.) Contributo alia cura dell' estrofia di vescica mediante l'innesto degli ureteri nei retto. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 293-295— Preindls- berger (J.) Zur Behandlung der Ectopia vesicre nach Maydl. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. . . . I. Neu- mann, Leipz. & Wien, 1900, 715-730.—Schmitt. Zur Operation der Blasenectopie nach Maydl. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 198-204 — Sherman (H. M.) Exstrophy of the bladder successfully treated by Peter's method. J. Am. M. Ass.j Chicago, 1905, xiv, 890-892.—Spannaus (K.) Zur Operation der Blasen- ektopie bzw. zur Versorgung des Harnleiters nach Blasenex- stirpation. Zentralbl.! Chir., Leipz. 1911, xxxyui, 225- 227—Starr (F. N. G.) Exstrophy of the bladder; the Peters operation. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1908, xxiy, 132-138. A ho: Canada Lancet, Toronto,. 1908^9, xhi, 3<- 43 —Stokes (H.) A case of ectopia vesicae in the adult treated bv transplantation of the ureters Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubf, 1916, xxxiv 126-130. Aho: DublinJ ML Sc , 1916, 3. s., cxii, 314-318-Thompson (J. E.). Exstro- phy of the bladder; treatment of successful case; implanta- tion of both ureters in rectum by the method of Maydl. 1 r Texa^M.Ass.,Austin.l904,xxxvi,388^02.-Thomson(A.) Extroversion of bladder, implantation of ureters in rectum. Edinb M. J., 1909, n. s, ii. 34-36.-Trombetta. Di un caso di ectopia della vescica felicemente curato col metodo di Mavdl e di alcune considerazioni intorno alia cura radicale di quItainfermM, Ar^^attid.^ i^d^Ec-nj, Lvon med., lw , cvui, ±uo/-j.uo».—wimaw*~^> \—•.-•/ ---- strephyoKladder; Maydl operation Old DominionJ.^M. % S Richmond, 1910, x, 310-314—Wleck. Ein Fall von Ectopiavestere operht'nach Maydl (Mentation der Urete- ren in den Darm). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 75. Bladder (Female). . Abotjlker (M.) Contribution a 1 etuae des vessies a cellules volumineuses chez la iemme. 8°. Baris, 1898. Bladder (Female). Schoning (K.) *Die Kapazitiit der weibli- chen Blase. [Marburg.] 8°. Vredeni. W.. 1913. Barry (C. C.) Some notes on the presence of air in the bladder amongst women. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1912, xlvii, 14-17.—Fraisse (G.) Note sur la topographic de la vessie et des ureteres chez la femme. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1898, xhi, 145; 161. Aho: Semaine gynec, Par., 1898, hi, 73; 82.—Gallant (A. E.) The gynecologic bladder. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 734-737— Hunner (G. L.) & Lyon (J. P.) Mensuration and capacity of the female bladder; observations on the female bladder dilated by atmospheric pressure in the knee-breast posture. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxih, lol5-1520. Aho: Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull.. Bait., 1899, x, 227-229, 3 pi. Aho, Re- print.— Lederer (C.) Zur Frage der Kapazitat der weibli- chen Blase. Frauenarzt. Leipz., 1903, xvhi, 100.—Natan- son (K.) & Zinner (A.) Zur Anatomie der intra-liea- mentaren Harnblase. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1905, xxu, 615-630.—Perrllliat (L.) Practical con- siderations of the female bladder. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc 1908, N. Orl., 1909, 212-217.—Steuernagel (W.) Die Kapazitat der Harnblase in der Schwangerschaft, der Ge- burt und im Wochenbett. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1911-12, iii, 295-297.—Taussig (F. J.) Bladder function after confinement and after gynecological operations. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1915, lxxii. 503-505. Aho: Surg., Gynec. & Obst.. Chicago, 1915, xxi, 416422. Zangemeister (W.) Weibliche Blase und Genitalerkrankungen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1905, lv, 295-328,1 pi. Bladder (Female, Abnormities of). See, aho, Bladder (Female, Exstrophy of). Albert!. [Ein Fall von plastischem Verschluss eines gros- sen Blasendefects.] Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1898, xxxix, 346-350.—Bierhoff (F.) Bericht iiber einen Fall von Vessie a colonnes mit Divertikel-Bildung, bei der Frau. Dermat. Centralbl.. Berl., 1900, iii, 235-237. Aho, Reprint.—Boije (O. A.) Dubbel kvinlig vesica och dubbel urethra. Finskalak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1897, xxxix, 1407-1413.—Calderlni (G.) Vescica urinaria interlega- mentosa. Lucina, Bologna, 1906, xi, 33— DelleChlaje(S.) Un caso di assenza della vescica. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoh, 1911, xiv, 175. Aho, transl: Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1911, xiv, 148.—Fothergill (W. E.) A case of intra- lieamentary urinary bladder. J. Obst. & Gynrec Brit. Emp., Lond., 1907, xii, 444-446.—Garrlgues (H. J.) Case of persistent fetal bladder in a forty-five-year-old woman. Am J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xl. 818-820. Also, transl: N. Yorkermed. Monatschr., 1899, xi,507.—Henne(T. A.) Two cases of intraligamentary bladder. J. Obst. & Gynrec. Brit Emp,Lond, 1907,xii,447-450.—Pasquereau. Barre vesicale inter-ureterale. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1911, Par., 1912. xv, 757-762.—Polak (J. O.) Two cases of hourglass bladder with paresis. Long Island M. J., Brook- lyn 1912, vi, 19-22.—Zaneemelster. Verschluss der weibhehen Blase. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1908-9, l, 79-81. Bladder (Female, Absorption by). See Bladder (Absorption by). Bladder (Female, Atony of). See Bladder (Atony of). Bladder (Female, Cancer of). See, aho, Bladder (Cancer of). du Laurens de la Barre (R.) *De la cys- tectomie totale chez la femme dans les cancers de la vessie. [Lyon.] 8°. Villeurbanne, 1910. Barnett (C E?) An unusual bladder tumor (carcinoma). Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, xix, 321.—Boldt (H. J ) Papillary carcinoma of bladder; resection of area with the vesical end ofthe ureter. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, lui, 263 —Bozeman (N. G.) The palliative treatment of cancer of the cervix uteri and bladder in women. Clin. J , Lond.. 1896-7, ix, 285-287.—Concetti (L.) I tumori mahgni della vescica urinaria nei bambini; sarcoma in una bambina di 11 mesi Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1900, xxvi, 271-320. A ho', transl.: Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1900, hi, 129-1.58.— Deryuzhinski (S. F.) [Extensive resection of the bladder for cancer in a woman, with happy result.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1903, xiv, 152-160. Aho [Abstr.]: Laitop. khirurg. Obsh v Mosk., 1903-4, xxh, 49—Furniss (H. D.) Com- plete removal of the urinary bladder for carcinoma, after preliminary bilateral lumbar ureterostomy. Tr. N. York Obst Soc, N. Y., 1911-13, 138-141. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N Y, 1912, lxvi, 421424— Hagner (F. R.) Operative treatment of carcinoma at the fundus of the bladder; report of four cases. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xui, 326- 328 —Keyes (E. L.) A case of carcinoma of the bladder controlled by the high frequency current. Ibid., 1913, xvi, 79_81 —Mann (M. D.) Removal of the female urinary bladder for malignant disease. Tr. Am. Gynec Sc-c, Phila., 1901, xxvi, 183-198, 1 pi. Aho: Am. MM., Phila., 1901, ii, 55-58. Aho, Reprint.—Pilcher (P.) Adeno- BLADDER. 588 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Cancer of). carcinoma of the bladder. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1912, vi, 32—Rauscher (G.) Ein Fall von primarem Blasenkarzinom. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. zu Leipz. (1908), 1909, 45.—Reynolds (E.) Com- plete vaginal extirpation of the bladder for malignant dis- ease, with a case. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1914, xxi. 1230- 1236, 2 pi— Speidel (E.) Primary cancer of the female bladder; report of a case. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1909-10, vhi, 1214.—Thles (J.) Exstirpation der Harnblase bei Uterus-Blasenkarzinom (2 Falle). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 278 — Webster (J. C.) Carcinoma of the posterior wall of the bladder. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1905, lh, 893. Bladder (Female, Catheterization of). See Bladder (Catheterization of). Bladder (Female, Dilatation of). See Bladder (Bilatation of). Bladder (Female, Diseases of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Cancer of); Blad- der (Female, Exstrophy of); Bladder (Female, Hernia of); Bladder (Female, Lnflammation of); Bladder (Female, Irritable); Bladder (Female, Brolapse of); Bladder (Female, Tuberculosis of); Bladder (Female, Tumors of); Bladder (Fe- male, Ulceration of); Calculus (Vesical) in the female; Fistula (Vesico-uterine); Fistula (Vesico- uterovaginal); Fistula (Vesico-vaginal); Preg- nancy (Complications of, Genito-urinary). Bruhl (M.) *Die Erkrankungen der Blase in ihren Beziehungen zu Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett. [Marburg.] 8°. Frankfurt a.M.. 1912. Kagan (B.) Contribution a l'etude des troubles vesicaux d'origine genitale chez la femme en dehors de la grossesse. 8°. Barh. 1913. Baker (W.H.) Diseases of the bladder and urethra. Syst. Gynec (Mann), Phila., 1888, h, 447-547.—Barringer (B. S.) The cvstoscopic diagnosis of conditions peculiar to the female bladder; with special reference to the effect of disease of the adnexa upon the bladder. Iowa M. J. [etc ], Des Moines, 1909-10, xvi, 259-269.—Bovee (J. W.) Affections of the blad- der in the female. Pract. Gynec. (Bov^e), Phila. & N. Y., 1906,773-799.—Clado. La cystoscopie dans le diagnostic des affections de la vessie chez la femme. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898, Par., 1899, iii, 333-337.—Cowie (D. M.) Dilatation of the bladder. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1904, xxvi, 492494—Crossen (H. S.) Relief of bladder symptoms by treatment of the uterus and vice versa; report of cases. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1903, xxviii, 409413. f Discussion], 45.5-457.—Dodge (W. T.) Disorder of the female bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx, 437.-----. The correct interpretation of bladder symp- toms in the female. J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids. 1917, xvi, 302-304.—Dorr (R. C.) Drainage tube for the female bladder. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1912-13, ix, 127.— Emmert (M.) Pelvic conditions producing bladder symp- toms. Nebraska M. J., Norfolk, Neb., 1918, iii, 247-249.— Furnlss (H. D.) Bladder affections in women. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1916, lxxiii, 489-492.-----. A caso of relaxed vesical sphincter with incontinence of urine cured by the Kelly operation. Ibid., 729-731. Aho: Med. Rec N. Y., 1916. lxxxix, 538.—Gallant (A. E.) The gynecologic bladder. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 734-737. Also, Reprint.— Grad (H.) Bladder affections in gynecological eases. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liv, 371 3S8. [Discussion], 401406.— Hevesl (A.) [Case] Gynackologia, Budapest 1900, 4S4- 486— Hlrschfeld (B.) Die ISIusensohwMche, des \\ cibes. Med. Khn., Berl.. 1914, x, 1271.-Hoffman. (I,. H.) The interpretation of bladder svmptoms in the female. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx. 423.-IIoIloway (V. D.) Interpretation of bladder disturbance in tho female. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1917, x, im lo:(.-Honn (W. M.) Treatment of bladder symptoms in women who have borne children. Clinique, Chicago, 1918, xxxix. 3S5-3SS— Ivens (F.) The value of direct inspection in the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the female bladder. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1913, xxxhi, 465-471.—Kelly (II. A.) A satisfactory vesical evacuator. Surg^., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1906, hi, 330.-----. Mensuration in urinary diseases. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1907, xxxii, 302-346, 4 pi—Kollsher (G.) The retrostrictural edema in the female bladder. Chicago Clinic, 1900, xiii, 175.-----. Disorders of the female bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 0M. -Lower (W. E.) The diagnosis and treatment of some si irgical diseases of the urinary bladder. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1905, i, 336-350—Luys (G.) De 1'application de Purethroseopie a l'examen de la vessie et au traitement des cystites chez la Bladder (Female, Diseases of). femme. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Lille, 1905, ii, 26-35—McDonald (E.) Bladder troubles in pregnancy: a cystoscopie study based on fifty-four cases. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1913, n. s., vhi, 180-183.—Masson (J. C.) Description of a self-retaining bladder retractor. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxh, 357.—Merk (L.) Unerwartet lange andauernde Oelretention in der Harnblase. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 1091.—Merritt (E. P.) Some of the common bladder conditions seen in women. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 498— Mlrabeau (S.) Instrumentarium zur endovesikalen Therapie beim Weibe. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 937-942.— Also: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polvtech., Berl., 1900, xxii, 158-161.—Newman (D.) Casos illustrating certain urinary conditions in women associated with frequent or painful micturition. Glasgow M. J., 1913, lxxix, 342-360, 2 pi.— Rosenbaum. Fomitin: a new remedy in diseases of the bladder, disturbances during the period of menstruation, and in haemorrhoidal troubles. Therapist, Lond., 1907, xvh, 13- 15.—Rubin (I. C.) Bladder symptoms in women with special reference to associated gynecologic pathology. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916 xx 508-516.—Shober (J. B.) Cystitisand ulceration ofthe bladderin women. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1909, xlix, 777-784, 1 pi.—Smith (A. L.) Bladder troubles in women. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1902, vui, 1-4— Stein (A.) Functional disorders ofthe bladderin the female simulating cystitis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi,769-777. [Discussion],800-802— Stevens(W.E.) Extra- vesical causes of bladder disturbances in women. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis. 1918, xxii, 129.—Stewart (R. B.) Disorders of the female bladder; their diagnosis. Ibid , 1910, xx, 488-490.—Upshur (J. N.) Reflex bladder troubles. N. York J. Gynaec & Obst., 1893, hi, 866-874.—Vetere (G.) Le cLstopatie iperemiche nella gravidanza e nelle affezioni ginecologiche. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1900, Roma, 1901, vii, 245-253. Aho: Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, Napoh, 1901, x, 37; 211.—Vineberg (H. N.) The diagnosis and treatment of the more common bladder affections in women by means of Kelly's method. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 9-14. Aho, Reprint. Bladder (Female, Displacement of). See Bladder (Female, Hernia of); Bladder (Female, Prolapse of); Labor (Complicated) from dhtended or dhplaced bladder. Bladder (Female, Diverticula of). See Bladder (Diverticula of). Bladder (Female, Drainage of). See Bladder (Drainage of). Bladder (Female, Excision of). See Bladder (Excision of). Bladder (Female, Exploration of). Courties (P.) *De la cystoscopie chez la femme. 8°. Baris, 1899. De Rinaldis (U.) Delia cistoscopia nella donna. 8°. Napoli. 1900. Knorr (R.) Die Cystoskopie und Urethro- skopie beim Weibe. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, 1908. Kronig. Ueber Kystoskopie beim Weibe, nach einem Vortrag in der biologischen Ge- scllschalt zu Leipzig gehalten. 8°. Halle a. S., 1900. Muller (F.) *Die diagnostische Verwertung der Chromocvstoskopie beim Weibe. [Strasburg.] 8°. Berlin, 1912. Aho, in: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1911-12, xcv, 687-731. Stoeckel (W.) *Die Cystoskopie in ihrer Be- deutung fiir den Gynakologen. Habilitations- schrift. [Erlangen.] 8°. Beipzig, 1903. ------. Die Cystoskopie des Gynakologen. 8°. Leipzig, 1904.* ------. Atlas der gynakologischen Cysto- skopie. 4°. Berlin, 1908. Zangenmeister (W.) Atlas der Cystoskopie des Weibes. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, 190G. Ashcraft (L. T.) The indications for cystoscopy. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1907, xxix, 42M29.-----. The cystoscopie findings in one hundred and thirty-five cases, together with the treatment employed and tho results obtained. Ibid., 1909, xxxi, 205-217— Bauerelsen (A.) Ueber die neuereu Ergebnisse der Zystoskopie bei Frauen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1913, cccxvh, 480-483.—Bellield (W. T.) Instrumental examination of the bladder. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 14-16—Bierhoff (F.) BLADDER. 589 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Exploration of). On the technic of cystoscopy in the female. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 835-837. Aho, Reprint.—Brenner. Ein einfacnes Zystoskopstativ. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1910-11, ii, 287-290.—Carpenter (F. B.) Cystoscopie exami- nation. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1897, xl, 201-203.—Cullen (T.S.) A simple electric female cystoscope. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1903, xiv, 166,1 pi.—Delbet (P.) Specu- lum endo-vesical pour I'e.xamen du trigone et du bas-fond chez la femme. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 679.—De Roulet (A.) The examination of the female bladder and urethra. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxu, 981-984.—Desfosses (P.) Fixation des sondes a de- meure au moyen des agrafes Michel. Presse med., Par., 1903, ii, annexes, 386. — Dickinson (R. L.) Glass tubes for use in examination of the female bladder. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1907, i, 233—Falgowskl (W.) Ueber cystoskopische Befunde nach gynakologischen Operationen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Berlin], Berl. & Leipz., 1909, 558-564.—Fromme (F.) Demonstra- tion von Photographien der weibhehen Blase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1911, xiv, 750-753. -----. Zur Lehre von den kystoskopisch sichtbaren Blut- gefassen der weibhehen Blase, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die didaktische Verwendung derselben. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1912, lxxi, 99-109, 2 pi—Furnlss (H. D.) The value of cystoscopy in gynecology. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1907, xxii, 135-144, 2 pi—Gelpl (M. J.) The-tech- nique of cystoscopy in women. South. M. J., Nashville, 1915, vhi, 870-873.—Goldman (M.) Cystoscopy in the female. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1914, xxviii, 466-469.—Gut- brod (O.) Die Cystoskopie beim Weibe. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1906, lxxvi, 665-668.—Haber- lin. Zur Cvstoscopie bei den Frauen. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1897, xxvh,, 417-421.—von Herff (O.) Das schneckenformige Hakchen. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1911-12, hi, 111.—Hume (H.) The cvstoscope in gynecology. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1917, lxxv, 878-882.—Johnson (F. M.) Cystoscopie measures an adjuvant in the treatment of many conditions found in women. Ann. Gynec & Pediat., Bost., 1904, xvii, 656-958. Aho, Reprint.—Kelly (H. A.) An im- proved vesical speculum. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xh, 818-823. Aho, Reprint.-----. Examination of bladder and catheterization of ureters. In: Stereo-Clinic, 4° Troy, N. Y., 1910, Sect, ii, 2-69, 41 stereos.—Knerr (R.) Demonstra- tion von Blasenphotogrammen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1900, xliii, 386-388. -----. Funktionelle Diagnostik der Blase mittels des Zystoskops. Ztschr. f. gynak. 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Allm. sven. lakartidn., Stockholm, 1916, xiii, 581-594.—Frank. Ein Kind mit Ectopia vesicae. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1916, xlui, 86.— Frcellch. Exstrophie de la vessie chez une fillette de 12 ans. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancv, 1911, xlui, 717-719.—Haggard (W. D.) Exstrophy of the bladder, with report of trans- plantation of the entire bladder and ureteric openings into the sigmoid. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 862-866.— Harrington (C. D.) Congenital exstrophy of the female bladder In a child. Northwest Lancet, Minneap., 1904, xxiv, 269.—Heinsius. Geheilter Fall von Blasenektopie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1911, xiv, 762-764.—Johnston (J. A.) Exstrophy of the bladder. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1914, cxi, 692-C94.—Lastarla (F.) Ancora sulla mia proposta di modificazione ai processi Cuneo, Heitz-Boyer ed Hovelacque per la cura della estrofia vescicale. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoh, 1913, xvi, 43-47 — Marion (G.) Histoire d'une exstrophie vesicale chez une femme. Presse med., Par., 1910, xvhi, 145-148.—Martel (LA) Preliminary report of a case of exstrophy of the bladder. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1916, lxxiii, 681-684.—Miller (C. J.) & King (E. L.) Complete exstrophy ofthe bladder with spht pelvis as a comphcation of pregnancy. Ibid., 1918, lxxvhi, 267-273.—Morrison (A. A.) A case of cloacal vesical exstrophy in the female. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc (1913-14), 1914, xxxix, 17-24,1 pi— Orlow (L.) Traitement operatoire de l'exstrophie de la vessie; transplantation des ureteres par le procede de Maydl. Rev. de gynec et de chir. abd., Par., 1903, vh, 795-852.—Packard (H.) Eversion of bladder, as a late sequel of mutilation caused by rape in early childhood. Ann. Surg., PhUa., 1914, hx, 555-557, 2 pi—Petersen (E.) Et Tilfaelde af total Ectopia vesicas med Vaginadefekt og sekundaert udviklet Cancer vesica? hos en 62-aarig Kvinde. Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1915, lxxvii 1141-1144.—Schmidt (H. B.) A report of a case of exstrophy of the bladder with split pelvis in a woman the mother of two children. Tr. Clin. Soc Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1911-12, hi, 8-12.—Schoo (H. J. M.) Totale ectopia vesica? bij 51-jarige vrouw. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., BLADDER. 590 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Exstrophy of). Amst., 1918, i, 1667.—Simpson (TT Y.) A case of ectopia vesicae in which the ureters were grafted successfully into the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914.1, 1228.—Stevens (A. R.) A study of exstrophy of the bladder; with report of a case five years after implantation of the ureters into the rectum. Surg., Gynec. & Obst.. Chicago, 1916, xxiii, 702-708.—Tarver (F. E.) Exstrophy of the bladder in a girl of thirteen vears; operation; relief. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 49-51—Tlm- mer. Ectopia vesicae bij een meisje. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r.. xii, d. 1, 1017—Vance (A. M ) Epispadic exstrophy of bladder; autoplastic repair; very gratifying result. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1912, York, 1913, xxv, 190 193. [Discussion], 197—Wereliusf A.) Op- erative method for exstrophy of bladder; with report of a case. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xii, 158 — Whltacre (H.J.) Exstrophy of bladder: Maydl operation. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1909, [Phila.], 1910, xxh, 530- 535.—Winslow (R.) Report of a case of exstrophy of the bladder operated on nearly thirty years ago; with subse- quent history. Ibid.. 1915, xxviii, 93-98, 1 pi. Aho: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 350-352— Woodman (E. M.) Extroversion of the bladder, with special reference to its anatomy and operative treatment in the female sub- ject. Arch. Middlesex Hosp., Lond ,1911-12, xxiv, 8-20. Aho [Abstr.l: Proc. Rov. Soc. Med , Lond., 1911, lv, Clin. Sect., 157.—Zakrzhevski (V. A.) Ectopia vesicae urinariae [in a girl 17 years old]. Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiilis, 1913-14,1, 206. Bladder (Female, Fistula of). See Fistula (Entero-vesical); Fistula (Genito- urinary) in the female; Fistula (Vesico-uterine\; Fistula (Vesico-utero-vaginal); Fistula (Vesico- ] vaginal). Bladder (Female, Foreign bodies in). Frohlich (J. C. G.) *Ueber fremde Korper in der weiblichen Harnblase. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. Hatjkohl (F. F.) *Zur Klinik der Fremd- korper in der weiblichen Harnblase. 8°. Frei- burg i.B., 1911. Kleinschmidt (E.) *Ein Beitrag zur Ca- suistik der Fremdkorper der weiblichen Blase und die Methoden ihrer Entfernung. 8°. Munchen, 1896. Olle (P.) Contribution a l'6tude des corps etrangers de la vessie chez la femme. 8°. Bans, 1910. Schwenberg (E. E. O.) *Zur Kasuistik der Fremdkorper in der weiblichen Harnblase. 8°. Halle a. S., 1898, Zorn (M.) *Ueber Fremdkorper, die von aussen in die weibliche Harnblase gelangten. 8°. Bonn, 1911. Abels (H.) Ueber Harnblasenerkrankungen bei kleinen Madchen durch bisher nicht beobachtete Fremdkorper. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xxv, 1833 1835— Anderson (T.) Hairpin removed from the female bladder. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1898, xxvi, 411. [Discussion], 414. Aho: Louisville J. S. & M, 1898, v, 289-291— Andre (P.) Corps etranger retire de la vessie d'une jeune femme par voie urcthrale. Soc de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1901-2,13.-----. Corps etranger de la vessie. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancv, 1907, xxxix, 575.—Auvray. De l'extirpation des corps strangers de la vessie chez la femme Bull, et mem. Soc anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 59 61 —Baer. Lithotripsie eines walnussgrossen Steines (Inkrustation) und nachfolgende Extraktion einer Haarnadol aus der Blase eines siebcn- jiihrigen Madchcns. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913. lx, 2118.—Baldy (J. M.) Pessary and stones removed from female bladder. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1902, xiv, 705. Aho: Tr. Sect. Gynec. Coll. Phys. Phila., N. Y., 1902, viii, 33 — Barbellion (G.) Corps etranger dans la vessie d'une jeune fllle; cystoscopie; extraction. J. do med. de Par., 1911,2. s., xxhi, 994 990. Aho: Gaz. do gynec, Par., 1912, xxvd, 38- 41.—Bethune (C. W.) Removal of hair pin from the female bladder through the Kelly cystoscope; with report of a case. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1918, xxii, 473 — Bidone (E.) Forcina di celluloide situata trasvcrsalmente nella vescica di una donna; versione ed cstrazione digitale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1907,8. s., vii, 491-502.—Brent (H. W.) Male catheter in female bladder. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1906, ii, 2.—Bronner (H.) Re- moval of hairpin and calculus from the bladder of a young girl. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green. 1912-13, xi, 332-*334 — Broun (L.) Foreign body removed from the urinary blad- der. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, N. Y., 1913-16, 112. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1914, lxix, 835.—Bullock (A. E.) An unusual foreign body in the female bladder, with a simple method of expulsion. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 1303.—Cald- Bladder (Female, Foreign bodies in). well (C. E.) Foreign bodies in the urinary bladder; cystot- omy. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1906, Phila., 1907, xix, 363-369, 1 pi—Cathelln (F.) Drain perdu pendant 6 ans dans un uretere et tombe dans la vessie; ablation par taille vesico-vaginale. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1912, vi, 571- 57ii, 1 pi —Cerruti (G.) Cistotomia vaginale per estrazione di un tubo di vetro dalla vescica. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1903, Roma, 1904, ix, 105.—Crlssey (R. H.) Report of case—chnical thermometer in the bladder. J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1915, xiv, 473.—Currier (A. F.) The method of choice for the removal of hairpins from the bladder in women. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1897-8, xi, 816- 820. Aho: Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1898, xxih, 307- 313—Dawson (B. E.) Foreign body in the female bladder. Med. Council, Phila., 1909, xiv, 16.—Domenico Marasco (G.) Corpo estraneo In vescica; palpazione intravescicale nella donna. Incurabili, Napoh, 1913, xxvih, 281-288 — Dufour (E.) Extraction d'une epingle a cheveux en celluloide de la vessie par les voies naturelles chez une jeune fille. Chnique, Brux., 1909, xxhi, 345-348. -----. Extrac- tion d'une Epingle a cheveux en celluloide de la vessie par les voies naturelles chez une ieune fille. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1912, xxvii, 1-4.—Exner (A.) Ein Fall von Fremdkorper In der Harnblasenwand. Jahresb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1906, Berl. & Wien, 1907,9.— Faulds (A. G.) Some curious bodies found in the female bladder. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1905-7, 293-296. Also- Glasgow M. J., 1907, lxvii, 27-30. [Discussion], 224—Freaericq (S.) Corps etranger dans la vessie. Bull. Soc beige de gynec et d'obst., Brux., 1905-6, xvi, 30-32—Furnlss (H. D.) Hair pin in bladder and renal infection. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, N. Y , 1911-13, 80. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1912, lxv, 636.—Gauthler (A.) Epingle & cheveux dans la vessie d'une femme; nou- veau procede d'extraction tres simple. Lyon med., 1905, cv, 629.-----. Extraction de corps etrangers de la vessie chez la femme par la taille vesico-vaginale. Ann. ,de gynec. et d'obst, Par., 1907, 2. s., lv, 432.—Grasset. Epinrle a cheveux dans la vessie d'une femme; extraction par les voies naturelles. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1907-8, xhi, 257—Guisy (B.) Des corps etrangers vesicaux; extraction d'un foetus de trois mois de la vessie d'une femme atteinte d'une grossesse extra-uterine tubaire. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv. sect, d'urol., 93-95 — Hang (A.) Ein Knopfloehstecher in der Harnblase eines 15iahrigen Madchens. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 580- 582.—Hawkes (F.) Broken glass catheter removed from thebladder. Am J. Obst.N.Y ,1914, lxix, 1049.—Hoehne (O.) Zur Kasuistik der FremdkSrper in der weiblichen Harnblase. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1911, ii, 10 14 — Hook (W.) A case of foreign body in the female bladder. Lancet, Lond , 1907, ii, 24— Hussy (P.) Zur Extraktion von Haarnadeln aus der weiblichen Harnblase: mit Bemer- kungen von W. Stoeckel. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol .Leipz., 1911, Iii, 90-93 —Kauffmann. [Entfernung einer Haarna- del aus der Harnblase ] Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1899, xh, 2*7 — Kermauner (F.) In die Blase einwandernder Gazetupfcr mit Hilfe des Cystoskops dia?no- stiziert und entfeint. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xii, 112 US.—Kreps (J. L ) [Foreign body in the bladder.) Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 279-282 — Lackle (J. L.) Foreign body in the female bladder. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxviii, 472.—Lange (S.) Hair-pin in the female bladder. I ancet-Cllnic, Cincin., 1908, xcix, 192—Legueu (F.) La taille sous-symphysaire chez la femme pour 1'extracUon de certains corps etrangers de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org., genito-urin., Par, 1903, xxi, 1801 1869—Loumeau (E ) Epingle k cheveux dans la vessie d'une jeune fille; facile extraction guidee par l'examen cystoscopique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 235. -----. De a coudre egare' dans la vessie d'une jeune riUe; extraction par les voies naturelles. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1900,97-101— I.ucente (F.) Corpi estranei della vescica della donna estratti con Paint o del cistoscopio a dop- pio prisma del Frank. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1909, viii, 279-2S.V Maly (G. W.) Ein Fall von ausser- gewohnlichcr Blasensteinbildung an einem Fremdkorper. Ztschr. f. gynak. I'rol., Leipz , 1913, iv, 89, 1 pi.—Martin (A.) Corps stranger de la vessie chez la femme. Gaz. d. gynec, Par., 1907, xxii, 33-37 - Masset. Histoire des corps Strangers vesicaux chez la femme, precedee d'une observa- tion personnelle d'epingle a cheveux ex traite par les voies naturelles apres dilatation prcalable de l'urethre; reflexions inspirees par ce cas particulier. Bull. Soc. centr. demed. du nord, Lille, 1899,2.s.,Iii, 135-163—Mauclalre(P.) Extrac- tion par les voies naturelles d'un thermometre introduit dans la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 2449.—Monod. Corps etranger de la vessie (tam- pon d'ouate) chez uno femme enceinte. Ibid., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 1055-1057.—MUhsam. Ein aus der weiblichen Harnblase entfernter FremdkSrper. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 318—Ottow (B.) Zur Diagnose und Therapie der Fremdkorper der weiblichen Harnblase. Ztschr. f. urol. Chir., Berl., 1914, ii, 497-508.—Peaudeleu (L.) & Malaus- sene (A.) Corps etranger de la vessie; taille vaginale. Marseille med., 1907, xliv, 650—Plcque (L.) Epingle a cheveux extraite de la vessie par la taille hypogastrique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1898, n. s., xxiv, 822. -----. Epingles a cheveux tombees dans la cavite vesicale BLADDER. 591 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Foreign bodies in). chez la femme; extra-tion par les voies naturelles. Ibid., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 20-22.-Renaud (F.) & Driout (R.) Observation de corps etranger de la vessie chez la femme. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin.. Par., 1908, i, 679-681.— Reynes (H.) Extraction, k l'aide de la cystoscopie, des corps etrangers de la vessie, chez la femme. Cong, internat. demed. C.r., Par., 1900.sect.dechir. urin.,215-218.—RIche (V.) Corps etranger de la vessie (epingle a cheveux) qu'une jeune fille de 16 ans s'etait introduit il y a seize mois; volumi- neux calcul secondaire; extraction par la taille hypogastri- que. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1905, lxxx, 714.— Rivet (A.) Remarques sur les epingles a cheveux dans les vessies feminines. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1912, 2. s., xxx, 341-345 —Roger. Un corps etranger de la vessie chez une fillette de 8 ans. Montpel. med., 1905, xx, 437-440.—Senge (J.) Zur Kasuistik der Fremdkorper in der weiblichen Harnblase. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1913, iv, 91-94.— Smith (E. O.) Foreign bodies in the urinary bladder. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1916, cxv, 435—Stakemann. Fremdkorper (Haarnadel) in der Blase einer geistesschwa- chen Epileptischen infolge von Masturbation. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1905, xviu, 89—Stef ani. Corps etran- ger vesical (epingle a cheveux); volumineux calcul secon- daire; extraction par taille hypogastrique transversale mo- difiee (incision de Pfannenstiel). Lyon med., 1912, cxviii, 900-902.—Stoeckel (W.) Einwanderune eines bei einer Laparotomie zuriickgelassenen Gazetupfers in die Blase. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1-5.-----. Ein- wanderung einer bei einer Laparotomie vergessenen Arte- rienklemme in die Blase. Ibid., 1105-1108— Taddet (D.) Fistola vescico-otturatorio-cutanea conseguente a perma- nenza di un corpo estraneo nella vescica. Riforma med , Napoli, 1916, xxxu. 38-42—Tlxler. Un thermometremedi- cal dans la vessie d'une femme. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1903, vi., 61-63. Aho: Lyon med., 1903, c, 481-483— Trouve (E.) A propos d'un corps etranger de la vessie chez la femme. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, ii, 1013-1017.— Urblno (G.) Un nouveau cas de corps etrangers dans la vessie de la femme. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.- urin., Par., 1910-11, vii 31-36.—Vineberg (H. N.) Hairpin removed from the bladder through a No. 12 Kelly's cysto- scope. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 637.—Voigt (J.) Ueber das Entfernen von Haarnadeln aus der weiblichen Blase nach einem einfachen Verfahren. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1911, xxv, 725-727.—Wendel (O.) Zur Kasuistik der Haarna- deln in der weiblichen Harnblase. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1899, xxhi, 498-504, 1 pi.—Whitehead (E. J.) Suprapubic cystotomy for foreign body. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxvii, 620. Bladder (Female, Gangrene of). See Bladder (Gangrene of). Bladder (Female, Hsemorrhagefrom). See Bladder (Haemorrhage from). Bladder (Female, Hernia of). Allison (C. C.) Hernia of the bladder. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1900-1901, xiv, 341-343— Bartholomew (R. A.) Report of two cases of retroperitoneal hematoma following the purse-string Watkins operation for cystocele. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1916-17, viii, 128- 130.—Brenner (M.) Eine neue Methode zur operativen Heilung primarer oder rezidivierter Cystocelen. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1911, xxxih, 464-472.— Brettaner (J.) The plastic use of the uterus in cystocele operations. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 57-59— Broun (L.) & Rawls (R. M.) A cystoscopie study of the end results of various forms of cystocele operations. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1917, xlh, 600-608. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1917, lxxvi,686. [Discussion],689-691.—Child (C.G.) Areviewof the operative treatment of cystocele in the past one hundred years. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, 1906-7, 141-153. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liv, 514-523. [Discussion], 546-550.— Cleveland (C.) An unusual development following an oper- ation for cystocele. Bull. Woman's Hosp., N. Y., 1912, i, 36-40.—Cossmann. Ein Fall von Blasenhernie bei einem lOjahrigen Madchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1903, xxix, 211.—Cramer (II.)- Ueber abdominelle Blasenverlagerung bei Cystocele. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1904, xx, 1124-1130.—Du Bose (F. G.) An albdorninal operation for the cure of cystocele. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxhi, 727. Aho, Reprint.— Goffe (J. R.) A new suggestion for the relief and cure of cystocele. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlviii, 99-104.-----. Cystocele and its surgical treatment. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, 1906-7,129-141. Also: Am. J. Obst N. Y., 1906, liv, 502- 514. [Discussion], 546-550.—Grandi (F.) Un caso di sede non comune di ernia della vescica urinaria associata e favo- rita da ematometra ed ematocolpo. Pratico, Firenze, 1896-7, i, No. 1, 20-23.—Graves (W. P.) Operation for cystocele. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1910, xi, 202-205.—Gruget (A.) Cystocele inguinale extra-peritoneale. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1908, xh, 213-220.—Hanks. An intra-pelvic method of operation for relief of cystocele. Am. Gynsec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1898, xhi, 273-275.—Helneck (A. P.) Her- Bladder (Female, Hernia of). nias of the urinary bladder; nature; modern operative treat- ment; conclusions. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxu, 592-602.-Hlrst (B. C.) An operation for cystocele! Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1902, xiv, 78-82. [Discussion], 859. Aho: Tr. Sect. Gynec. Coll. Phys. Phila., N. Y., 1902, viii, 34-39.-----. A note on the operation for cystocele. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1902, xlvi, 85— Kreutzmann (H. F.) Sepa- ration of the bladder for cystocele. Am. Gynaec. & Obst J , N. Y., 1900, xvi, 225-227— Leavltt (S.) Some observations on the surgical relief of cystocele. Homceop. J. Obst., N. Y , 1897, xix, 209-212.—Lowson (D.) An operation for eleva- tion of the female bladder in prolapse or cystocele. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 232-234.—Meriel (E.) Les cystoceles herniairesmeconnues. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1910, xxv, 225- 235— Munde (P. F.) Cystocele. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1898. 8. s., hi, 270-272—Noble (G. H.) An operation for cys- tocele. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1899, N. Orl., 1900,xii, 223-234, 3 pi.—Ostrom (H. I.) A case of inguinal hernia of the urinary bladder. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xii, 542-540.—Pride (W. T.) Cystocele; most efficient meth- od of repairing. ' Rawls (R. cystocele. cussion], 420-422.-----. Cystocele; a review of the literature, with a further preliminary report of an operation for its rehef. Ibid., lxxvhi, 328^347—Rector (J. M ) A new opera- tion for complete vesical hernia in women. J. Med. Soc N. Jersey, Orange, 1910-11, vii, 399.—Reder (F.) An operation for cystocele that has given satisfactory results. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1909, York, 1910, xxii, 293-299. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi, 277-284. Aho. Reprint.— Reynolds (E.) The principles underlying the repair of cystocele and an operation founded thereon. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1902, xxvii, 235-245.—Routh (A.) The treatment of cystocele. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, h, 786-788.— Sieber (H.) Ueber den Blasensitus nach Cystocelenopera- tionen. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1908-9, i, 87-100.— Stone (I. S.) Cystocele. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1908, xxxhi, 14.5-164. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lviii, 953- 904.—Sutton (E.M.) Operation for cystocele. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1901, xix, 119-122.—Taulbee (J. B.) Operation for radical cure of cystocele in woman by tempo- rary suspension of bladder. Ibid., 215-218.—Ward (G. G.) Hemorrhage after operations for cystocele or interposition. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1912, lxv, 635.—Watkins (T. J.) The operative treatment of cases of extensive cystocele and uterine prolapse. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1909, viu, 471-478.—White (G. R.) An anatomical operation for the cure of cystocele. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1911, York, 1912, xxiv, 323-326. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1912, lxv, 286-290.—Wood (J. C.) A new operation for cystocele. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1905, li, 223-234. Bladder (Female, Hernia of, Femoral). Fargues (A.-G.) *Etude sur la cystocele crurale. 8°. Nancy, 1896. -----. The same. 8°. Barh, 1896. Legrand (A.) *De la cystocele crurale. 4°. Barh, 1896. Morin (J.-A.) *Etude de la cystocele crurale. 8°. Baris, 1897. Bauby. Cystocele crurale intrasacculaire. Echo med., Toulouse, 1901, 2. s., xv, 370-372— Blakeway (H.) Hernia of urinary bladder; notes of cases, with remarks on strangu- lation of femoral herniae and its treatment. Lancet, Lond., 1918, i, 799.—Blanc. Cystocele crurale extra-peritoneale Erise pour un sac herniaire deshabite; hgature et excision; emorrhagie interne grave; laparotomie et suture de la vessie apres 24 heurcs; guerison. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1908, xxi, 178-181. Aho: Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1908, xxvh, 183-188.—Cestan. Cystocele crurale extra- peritoneale. Echo med., Toulouse, 1901, 2. s., xv, 297-299. -----. Un cas de cystocele crurale. Languedoc meM.-chir., Toulouse, 1901, ix, 179.—Faguet (C.) Un cas de cystocele crurale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 39-41.—Hertel (A. L.) & Hertel (G. E.) Hernia of the bladder into the femoral canal, with a review of the diag- nostic points of femoral hernia and the report of an interest- ing case. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1912,,3. s., xxviii, 766-770.—Lambret. La cystocele crurale. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1899,hi, 121-126—Levlson(C. G.) Herniaofthe bladder, incarcerated in the femoral canal. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1906, iv, 249-251— Martinelli (A.) Ernia crurale bilaterale della vescica. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1908, 8. s., viu, 371-375.—Sallba (J.) Hernia of the bladder; report of a case of strangulated right femoral intraperitoneal cystocele associated with an enterocele. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 1237— Salva Mercade. Cystocele crurale extra-peritoneale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1902, lxxv, 741.—Vincent (E.) A propos de deux cas de cystocele crurale et d'un cas de cystocele inguinale. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1898, vh, 309-318.—Waite (Lucy). Hernia of the bladder in the femoral ring. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1900-1901, xiv, 36— Wiatt (W. S.) Femoral hernia of bladder. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxii, 582. BLADDER. 592 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Hernia of, Vaginal). Bertucat (A.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la cystocele vaginale. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Seree (A.) *La hernie peiin£ale de la vessie (cystocele vaginale) et son traitement chirurgi- cal. 8°. Paris, 1911. CoeUio (S.) A cura do cystocelo vaginal pela elytrorra- phia. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1890, vui, 9.—Delanglade (E.) Cystocele vaginale; son traitement par la refection du diaphragme musculaire pelvicn Bull, et mem Soc de chir. de Par., 1902, n s., xxviii, 1140-1142.—Delthll. Obser- vation de cvstocele vaginale. Bull. Soc. de m<5d. prat, de Par . 1881, 103-108. -----. Sur le traitement de la cystocMe vaginale. Ass franc pourl'avancc. d.sc C.-r. 1884, Par.,1885, xiii, pt 2, 482-484. [Discussion], pt. 1. 237- De-Marsi (A ) Processo operativo nuovo per la cura chirurgica del cistocele vaginale. Bull d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1897, 7. s., vui, 221- 238. Aho [Abstr.]: Soc med.-chir. in Bologna. Resoc (1897), 1898,15. Also, transl. Cong, internat. d. sc med. a Moscou, Par., 1897, xh, 226. Aho, trmsl: Compt.-rend. Cong internat. dc med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, vi, sect. 13, 198- 201—Gersuny (It.) Eine Operation der Cystocele vagi- nalis. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 177-1K).— Goelet (A. H.) The technique of anterior colporrhaphy for prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall cystocele. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y.. 1898, xi, 265-267.—Groves (E. W. H.) A new operation for the cure of vaginal cystocele. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1905), 1906, xlvii, 65-70. Aho: J. Obst. & Gynaec Brit. Emp., Lond., 1905, vii, 187-193.—H. (H ) Operation nouvelle pour la cure de la cystocele variuale. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1905, 2. s., ii, 367— Hirst (B. C.) An operation for cystocele. Am. J. Obst., 1902, xiv, 778-782. [Discussion], 859.—Holliday (W. Z.) A case of enormously distended bladder in female infant, displaced through the vagina, and treated by extravaginal tapping. Tr. M. Ass. Georeia, Atlanta, 1891, 108. — Laroyenne. Traitement operatoire de la cystocele; cystopexie guidee par le doigt introduit dans la vessie. Semaine gynec, Par., 1898, hi, 121.-----. Traitement operatoire de la cystocele vaginale par un procede special de cysto-hystoropexie. Ann. dc gynec et d'obst., Par., 1899, hi, 267. A ho: Compt. rend. Cong, period, internat. de gynec et d'obstN1899, Amst., 1900, hi, 572.—Le Dentu & Flchevln (R.) A propos de deux examens histologiques d'urethrocele vaginale. Semaine gynec, Par., 1897, ii, 17; 25—Marchant (IcDonald (E.) Cystitis in women; with report of forty-five cases, studied cystoscopically and some modifications of treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxhl, 303-309. A ho, Reprint.— McMurtry (L. S.) Cystitis in the female. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1898, xxv, 403-409—Mann (M. D ) Chronic cvstitis in women; diagnosis and treatment. In- ternat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 273 275— O'Nell (R. F.) A case of incrustcd cystitis showing end result. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1914, ix, 35-13.—Packard (H.) Cystitis in the female. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1905, xl, 241-250—Padgett (E. E.) Cvstitis in the female. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, i908, L 453-457.-----. The effect of vaginal cystocele upon the treatment and cure of gonorrheal cystitis. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1913, lxii, 414- 416—Plchevln (R.) De la fausse cystite chez la femme. Semaine gynec. Par., 1907, xii, 401.-----. A propos d'un cas de cystite chez la femme. Ibid., 1908, xhi, 217.—Scott (R. A.) Membranous cystitis. Surg.. Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 191 \ xxvu, 104—Senn (N ) Some remarks on the etiology of cystitis m the female. Am. J. Surg. & Gvnec, St. Louis, 1898-9, xi, 1*1. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1476—Smith (G. G.) Chronic cystitis in women not adisease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 2038- 2041.—Stoeckel. Ueber Cystitis gangrenosa bei der Frau mit kystoskopischer Demonstration. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1905, xlh, 20.—Stone (I. S.) Chronic cystitis in wo- men. Am. Mod., Burlington, Vt., 1918, xiii, 31-33.—Tana- ka (T.) [The etiology and treatment of cvstitis in women.] Ilifukwa kiu HiniokikwaZasshi, Tokyo, 1907^ vii, 352-358 — Tate (M. A.) Purulent cystitis with svmptomatology resembling appendicitis. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1904,1, 641- 644 —Taussig (F. J.) Urethral bacteria as a factor in the etiology of cvstitis in women. Ibid., 1906, liv, 465-486. Aho: Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1907, xxxii, 479-503—Vedeler. [Do la cvstite chez la femme. Res., 93] Norsk Mag. f. Licgevidensk., Kristiania, 1902, 4. R., xvu, 63-S9.— Wernltz (J.) Cystitis membranacea s. s. Innltratio urica mucosae vesicae urinaria?. Gynaek. Rundschau. Berl. & Leipz , 1912, vi, 208-216—Wesener (J. A.) Chemical and microscopic examination of the urine, with special reference to the diagnosis of cystitis. Am. Gyu;ec A Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 11 13—Whltall (J. D.) Cystitis in women; causes, diagnosis and treatment. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 582. Bladder (Female, Inflammation of, Cys- tic). See Bladder (Inflammation of, Cystic). Inflammation of, Post- *Ein Beitrag 7.ur Frage der Bunz- Bladder (Female opt rat ire). Brocks (C. X ) postoperativen Cvstitis. [Erlangen.] 8 lau, 1912. Baisch (K.) Die Prophylaxe der postoperativen Cvsti- tis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1903. 1, 1628. —^—. Bakteriologische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Cystitis nach gynakologischcn Operationen. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1904, viii, 297-328. -----. Aetiologie und Prophylaxe der postoperativen Cystitis. BLADDER. 593 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Inflammation of, Post- operative) . Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak. 1903, Leipz., 1904, x, 659-C69. -----. Erfolge in der prophylaktischen Be- kampfung der postoperativen Cystitis. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 380-385—Block (J.) Post-operative cystitis; its prevention and treatment. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1904. viii, 172-175.—Dudley (E. C.) A practical measure in the prophylaxis of post- operative cystitis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1910, xviii, 510- 512.—Gutbrod (A.) Die Vermeidung von Blasenstorungen nach gynakologischen Operationen. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 291— Guyon. Les cystites consecutives aux operations gynecologiques. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 791.—Johnson (J. T.) The chief cause and prevention of postoperative cystitis. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1910, xxxv, 50-60. -----. Postoperative cystitis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1910, lxi, 868-871. [Discus- sion], 954— Kollscher (G.) Post-operative cystitis in women. Ibid., 1903, xlviii, 349-354. [Discussion], 378-381. Atw[Abstr.l: Am. Gynec, Bait., 1903, ih, 201— Lanphear (E.) Post-operative cystitis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 361.—Rosenstein (P.) Zur Prophylaxe der postoperativen Cystitis bei Frauen. Zen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz^ 1904, xxviii, 865-869.—Schlafll (A.) Zur Behandlung der Zystitis, speziell der schweren post- operativen Blasenentzundung. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1910, ii, 4-8.—Taussig (F. J.) The cause and preven- tion of postoperative cystitis. Scient. Tr. M. Soc. Citv Hosp. Alumni St. Louis (1905), 1906, 246-268. Aho: Surgl, Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 181-191.—Truzzl (E.) Per la profilassi della cistite post-operativa nella donna. Folia gynaec, Pavia, 1911, v, 197-211.—Walton. Para- plegie symptomatique d'une cystite calculeuse post-opera- toire, chez une femme. Ann. Soc med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux., 1S98, vhi, 225-251. Bladder (Female, Inflammation of , Treat- ment of). Camero (G.) ^Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la cystite douloureuse par le curet- tage vesical chez la femme. 4°. Baris, 1896. Poisson (J.) *Le curettage vesical par l'ure- thre dans les cystites chroniques, douloureuses, rebelles chez la femme. 8°. Baris, 1902. Beard (E. R.) Cystitis in the female, its medical treat- ment. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1908, i, 186.—Boze- man (N. G.) Tubular drainage through the vagina for chronic cystitis, with report of cases. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1897, xi, 34-40.—Brothers (A.) Cystitis in the female and its management. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1900, xv, 497-509.—Calmann (A.) Die Bedeutung der Zysto- skopie fur die Diagnose und Behandlung der Schwanger- schaftspyelitis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvii, 541-543— Craig (D. H.) The management of chronic cystitis in the female. Internat. Chn., Phila. & Lond., 1906, 16. s.. iv, 266-280.—Cumston (C. G.) The treatment of chronic cystitis in the female by curetment of the bladder and instillations of corrosive sublimate. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1900, Phila., 1901, xhi, 40-62. Aho: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 485-490. Also, Reprint.— Dixon (A.) The treatment of cystitis in the female. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 12-14 — Escat (J.) Des cystites rebelles chez la femme; etude ch- nique; indications therapeutiques. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 136-178.—Etheridge (J. H.) Remedial treatment of cystitis in the female. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899', xiv, 7-11. Aho [Abstr.]: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1898-9, xi, 183.—Ferguson (A. H.) Surgical treatment of cystitis in the female. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 20-22.—Fisch. Zur Behandlung der Zystitis mit organischen Silberverbindungen. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1908-9, i, 177—Fromme (F) Ueber die Therapie der Zystitis bei der Frau. Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S., Munchen, 1907-8, 78-83. A ho: Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 873-875. -----. Ueber Diagnose und Therapie des Blasenkatarrhs bei der Frau. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1908, v, 712-715.—Garceau (E ) Treatment of tubercular and non-tubercular cystitis in the female. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1907, lvi, 289-328 [Dis- cussion], 377-386.-Gersuny (R.) Ein Versuch die Kathe- tercystitis zu verhuten. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 105-108.—Hagner (F. R.) A case of cystitis, multiple ulcers, cured by excision of ulcers. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xhi. 328. Aho. Reprint.-Kelly (11. A ) The treatment of cystitis. Canad. Pract. & Rev., 1 oronto, 1906, xxxi, 61-75.-Kletzsch (G. A.) The prevention of cystitis In the female. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 22-24. [Discussion], 64-74. Aho: Milwaukee M. J., 1899, vii 90-98—Kollscher (G.) & Kraus (H.) Radical cure of infiltrating cystitis and contracted bladder. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chica-o, 1910, xi, 87-S9 —McDonald (E.) Some modifications of the treatmant of cystitis in woman, with a report of 45 cases studied cystoscopically. Montreal M. J., 1908 xxxvii, 195-209. -----. The treatment of cystitis in Bladder (Female, Inflammation of, Treat- ment of). women, with remarks on the practical value of the cystoscope. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1913, n. s., vhi, 150- 157.—Mlchaux (J.) Improved tube for drainage of. the female bladder in chronic inflammation. Clin. Bull., Rich- mond, 1900, v, 145-148— Noble (C. P.) Colpocystotomy for the cure of cystitis. Am. Gynaec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 179.—Padgett (E. E.) The effect of vaginal cystocele upon the treatment and cure of gonorrhceal cystitis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xhi, 189-191.— Reuss (J. H.) A simple device in draining the bladder for cystitis in the female. Texas M. News, Austin, 1900-1901, x, 206-208.—Richter (P.) Zur Prophvlaxe der Katheter- cystitis. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 190G, xxx, 483-186.— Rosenstein (P.) Ein Doppelkatheter zur Verhutung der Cystitis bei Frauen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 569-572. Aho: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1902, xxiv, 133-135—Shoemaker (G. E.) Perma- nent recovery from ulcerative cystitis followed by nephrecto- my for tubercular kidney. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1915, lxxi, 954-956.—Sinclair (W. J.) Treatment of chronic cystitis in women by irrigation. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1885, ii, 374-382. Aho, Reprint.—Stone (I. S.) The treatment of cystitis in women. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1909, v. 103-105.—Wallace (W. L.) Cystitis in the female; case illustrating treatment. Tr. M. Ass. Central N. Y., Buffalo, 1903, x, 28-31. Aho: Buffalo M. J., 1903-4, n. s., xliii, 300-304.—Williams (C.) Practical points in the treat- ment of cystitis in women. Med. World, Lond., 189S-9, iii, 899-902. Aho: Med. Age, Detroit, 1899, xvii, 807-812.— Zurhelle (E.) Zur Behandlung schwerer Entziindungen der weiblichen Blase. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1908-3, i, 82-86. Bladder (Female, Innervation of). See Bladder (Innervation of). Bladder (Female, Irrigation of). Buerger (L.) Ein Katheter-Zystourethroskop fiir die weibliche Blase. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1910, ii, 123-126.—Higuchl (S.) Ein neu konstruierter Blasenspul- katheter. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1909, xxxiii, 283- 235.—McDonald (Elhce). Quinin solution for bladder irri- gation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 505.—Bichter (W. P.) Weiblicher Blasenspiilkatheter. Med. Klin, Berl., 1906, ii, 1128.—Wetherill (H. G.) A new self-retaining cathe- ter and vesical irrigator. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1905, li, 42-46. Bladder (Female, Irritable). Bierhoff (F.) On the so-called irritable bladder in the female. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1900, n. s., cxx, 670- 695. -----. Notes on vesical hyperesthesia in the female. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 22-25. Aho, Reprint.— Cary (W. H.) Bladder irritability in women. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1915, lxxi, 259-263—Fehllng (H.) Zur Behandlung der Blasenschwache des Weibes. Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, ix, 281-283.—Garceau (E.) The influence of the catheter in causing vesical irritability. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxih, 862-866. Aho, Reprint.—Howard (H. W.) Irrita- bility of the bladder m women. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1915, vii, 55-57.—Jacobs. Vessie irritable chez la femme. Arch, de gynec et de tocol., Par., 1890, xxih, 801-805.— Jacobs (L. C.) Irritability of the female bladder due to pro- lapse of the posterior wall of the urethra. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 428.—Knorr (R.) Ueber " Irrita- ble bladder" bei der Frau. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- naek., Berl., 1900, xi, 1047-1056. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1*99, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 239-242.-----. Ueber die Ursachen des pathologischen Harndrangs beim Weibe, Insbesondere Cys- titis colli und Pericystitis sowie deren Behandlung. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1905, lv, 472-483—Knox (R. W.) Vaginal cystotomy for the cure of irritable bladder. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xl, 350-354.—Noble (G. H.) A device for the relief of bladder spasm in the treatment of cystitis and bladder irritation. Ibid., 1901, xliii, 178-181.—O'Day (J. C.) Irritability of the bladder in women. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 3.—Oppenheimer (L. S.) The irritable bladder in the female. Louisville M. News, 1880, ix, 282- 285. Aho, Reprint.—Palmer (C. D.) Cystic irritation in women; some considerations for its management. Lancet- Clime, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvii, 423-432.—Polak (J. O.) A case of irritable bladder. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1912, vi. 31— Rissmann (P.) Ueber Blasenbeschwerden des Weibes ohne zystoskopischen Behind. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1909, i, 210-212.—Spanton (W. D.) Note on one of the causes of bladder irritation in girls. Brit. Gynaec J Lond., 1904-5, xx, 14-18. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxvii, 198.—Squier (H. N.) Bladder irritations and inflammations in women. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1916, xvi, 170-173.—Stark (G. W.) Irritable bladder in women. Ibid., 1917, xvii, 549-552—Upshur (J. N.) Re- flex vesical irritation. N. York M. J.[etc.], 1916, cui,883-885. Bladder (Female, (Edema of). See Bladder ((Edema of). 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19- -38 BLADDER. 594 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Parasites in). See Bladder (Barasites in). Bladder (Female, Prolapse of). Gay (P.-J.-L.-A.) *Le prolapsus de la mu- queuse de la vessie a travers l'urethre chez la femme. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Ducote (C. J.) A case of prolapse of the bladder in a white female child, M. C, age 9 years. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. 1.89s, N. Orl., 1899, 235— Guinard. Sur le retourne- ment de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 658.—Villar ( F.) Prolapsus de la muqueuse de la vessie k travers l'urei lire, chez la femme. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1905, xiv, 373-3v2. Aho [Ahstr.]: Bull. Aead. dc med., Par., 1905, 3. s . liii, 5W590.—Vineberg (H. N.) The end-results with various operative procedures for procidentia and extensive cystoceles prior and subsequent to the meno- pause. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1912, lxvi, 709-722. Bladder (Female, Rupture of). Baudet. Sur un cas dc rupture intfaperitoneale de la vessie. Toulouse med., 1912, 2. s., xiv. 361-367.—Bogoraz (N. A.) [Intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder in fibro- in voma ofthe uterus.] J. Akush. i Zhensk. Bollez.,S.-Peterb., 19i 1 xxix, 225-230,—Frat kin (B. A.) [ Kupture ofthe urinary bladder in women; case of rupture of the bladder during preg- nanes] Laitop. Rusk. Khir., S.-Peterb., 1898, hi, 450-471 — Grimsdalc (T. R.) Intra-pcritoneal rupture of the bladder. Ann. Gvnec & Pediat., Bost., 1905, xviii, 418-421. Aho: J. Obst.& Gynsec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1905,vh,354-357.—Hill(R. S.) Report of a frightful vesico-vaginal rupture; menstruation suspended. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1907-8, xh, 203.—Huxley (Frances M.) A case of fatal rupture of the bladder during the puerperium. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Obst. & Gynsec Sect., 24-26. Aho: J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1916 xxvii, 195.— Keefe (J. W.) Rupture of the urinary bladder. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec 1902, N. Y., 1903, xv, 367-370. Aho: Am. J. Obst., tf. Y., 1903, xlvh, 84-87.—McKenna (P. K.) Ruptured bladder. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1915, xhi, 231.—Martin (A.) & Vallee. Rupture intra-peritonealc dc la ves-,ie chez une femme enceinte de 3 mois et prescntant de la retroversion uterine et de la retention d'urine; Interven- tion d'urgence; guerison. Rev. m^d. de Normandie, Rouen, 1909, xxiv, 173-175— Porter (C. R.) A case of Intraperito- neal rupture of the bladder occurring during labour. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1907), 1908, xlix, 170-174.—Robinson (H. B.) In- traperitoneal rupture of the bladder in a girl, aged five years, with separation of the right os pubis at its epiphyseal lines; abdominal section; suturing of the bladder; recoverv. Lan- cet, Lond., 1904, i, 219.—Stokes (W.) Rupture of the female bladder. In his: Selected papers [etc.], 8s, Lond., 1902, 9<>- 103—Temoin. Sur un cas de rupture spontanee de la vessie. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., do gyri^c et de paediat. de Par., 1909, xl, 319—Vance (A. M.) Extensive bladder rupture; eighteen hours between injury and repair; recoverv. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1912, York, 1913, xxv, 189. [Dis- • cussion], 197. Bladder (Female, Surgery of). See, aho, Fistula (Vesico-utero-vaginal); Fis- tula ( Vesico-vaginal); Lithotomy in the female; Ureters (Anastomosh of) in the female. Blair (V. P.) Implantation of the trigonum into the seg- regated lower end of the ileum. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass., Phila., 1915, xxviii, 90-92— Boldt (11.) Reparative operation on the bladder. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, N. Y , 1913-16, 31— Bovec (J. W.) Total extirpation of the urinary bladder. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1901, xxvi, 199-223 — Brennan (T.) De la cystotomie sus-pubienne avec drainage dans les alfectionsde la vessie chez la femme. Caz dc gynec, Par., 1900, xv, 145-155— Burtenshaw (J. II.) On opening of the pouch of Douglas and separation of the bladder from the uterus. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1903, xvi, 330-335.— Chlaventone (V.) Delia cistopexl in ginecologia, e di un nuovo metodo chirurgieo per via laparotomica per escguirla. Boll. d. Ass. san. milanesc, Milano, 1902, iv, 21-30. Aho, transl: Ann. de gynec. ct dobst , Par., 1902, lvii, 282; 385.— Curtis (A. II.) The bladder of women after operation; a consideration of postoperative bladder disturbances, with special regard to treatment, based upon a study of this subject in the care of 405 cases operated within the last eighteen months. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1918, lxxvhi 230- 237. [Discussion], 291.—Dudley (E. C.) A practical device in vaginal cystotomy. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1902-3, xvi, 16.— Falgowski. Ueber cystoskopische Befunde nach gyna- kologischcn Operationen. Ztschr. f. I'rub, Berl. & Leipz., 1909, Beiheft, 558-564.— von Franque. Carcinoma vaginae und Prolaps; Resektion der mitergritfenen Blase samt dis- talem Urcterende, Implantation des Ureters In den Blascn- rest. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 876—Garceau (li.) Cystotomy in the female. Am.J. I'rol., N. Y., 1905-0, ii, 486-508.—Grandjean (A.) La cystotomie. Gaz. d. gynec, Par., 1910, xxv, 33-41. Aho: Medecin prat., Par., 1910, vi, 5-7.—Hofmeler (M.) Zur plasti- Bladder (Female, Surgery of). schen Verwertung des Uterus bei Defekt des Sphincter vesicae. Zentralbl f. Gynak., Leipz., 1900, xxx, 809-811.— Jepson (W.) Aids to suprapubic cystotomy. Tr. West. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1897, Lincoln, 1898, 206-215.—Jolly (A.) Suprapubic cystotomy for the removal of large and hard stones, hypertrophied prostates, and chronic cystitis. Ibid., 195-205— Kelly (H. A.) A new and better method of open- ing and of draining the bladder in women. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xhv, 23-25, 2 pi. Aho, Reprint. -----. The best method of exposing the interior of the bladder in supra- pubic operations. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec Ass. 191Q, Nashville, 1911, xxhi, 64-71, 4 pi. Aho: Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1911, xii, 30-33. f Discussion], 88.—Langes (E.) Einseitige Nierentuberkulose mit Verschluss der Ureter-Einmundungsstelle in die Blase. Ztschr. f. gyniik. Urol., Leipz., 1911-12, iii, 289-294—Leigh (S.) Loss of base of bladder; plastic operation. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1901, Phila., 1902, xiv„ 288—Liepmann (W.) Das Trigonum urogenitale in seiner klinisch operativen Bedeutung. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 1758—McKenna (C. M.) A device in suprapubic openings. Surg., Gvnec & Obst., Chicago, 1912, xiv, 635.—Mann (M. D.) Removal of the female urinary bladder for malignant disease. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, li, 5.5-58. Aho, Reprint — Michael (O.) Ueber den vaginalen Weg zur Blase (Kolpokystotomie). Folia urolog., Leipz., 1912, vi, 577-587—Ottow (B.) Zystosko- pisch diagnostizicrte und durch Laparotomie erwiesene isolierte bandartige Verwachsung zwischen Dunndarm und Blasenvertex. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1913, iv, 29- 32— Reboul (J.) Vegetations polypoides de l'urethre et de la vessie chez la femme; ablation des tumeurs par ur^throto- mie externe et taille hypogastrique; meat hypogastrique temporaire; guerison. Ass. franc, d'urol Proc-verb., Par., 1896, 39-U—Reynes (H.) Dela taille irp j ^trique trans- versale chez la femme. Ibid., 1911, xiv, 7'.; 756— Rochet. Taille vesicale apres dedoublement de U •. l-i.-on vesico- vaginale. Lyon chhurg., 1909-10, ii, 387-v"i ---Moyen d'ouvrir Puretre ou la vessie par le v-i.-.n vn> risque de fistule. Lyon med., 1909, cxhi, 57-61—Rodman (W. L.) Suprapubic cystotomy, with catheterization of the ureters. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1898-9. xii, 152-154.— Schmidt (L. E.) Surgery of the urinary bladder. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 155-108.—Smith (A. L.) Suprabubic cystopexy. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1904, x, 77-si.— Thevenot. De la cystopexie. Semaine gynec, Par., 1898, hi, 185—Vance (A. M.) An abdominal case or two out of the ordinary. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1912, lxvi, 995-1004.—Walcher (G.) Zur Technik der Vesicoven- trifixur. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1912, xxxvi, 892.— Waldo (R.) Restoration of the neck of the bladder and urethra. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii. 560-562.—Witzel (O.) Autocystoplastik und Kolpocystopiastik bei grossen Defecten der Blasen-Scheidewand. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 1337-1342. Bladder (Female, Suture of). See Bladder (Suture of). Bladder (Female, Syphilis of). See Bladder t Syphilis of). Bladder (Female, Tuberculosis of). Denzel (E.) * Ueber tuberkulose Erkran- kung der weiblichen Harnblase. 8°. Tiibin- gen. 1900. Baldwin (L. G.) A preliminary report of a case of pri- mary tuberculosis of the bladder. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, N. Y., 1913-16, 51-53. Aho: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1914, lxix, 4SS-490.—Dubuc. Tuberculose primitive de la vessie chez une jeune fille. Union med., Par , 1885, 3. s., xl, 313-316 — (iarccau (E.) Cystoscopie appearances in non-tubercular ev-titis and pyelonephritis in women. Boston M. & S. J., l.io-'. cxlvi, 589; 627. Aho, Reprint. -----. Treatment of lubenular and nontubereular cystitis in the female. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1907. lvi, 289-328. Also, Reprint—Kronlg. Zur Diagnose der Tuberkulose in der weiblichen Blase. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 496-49S.—Laverriere (M ) Proliferating tuberculous cystitis, with a report of three cases. N. York M. J. [etc], 1915, cii, 1044-1040— Mel- ville (E.J) Tuberculosis of the bladder. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1915, xxvhi, 306-309.— Mirabeau (S ) Bemerkungen zu W. Stoeckels: Beitrag zur Diagnose der Tuberkulose in der weiblichen Blase. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 1228-1230— Perrler (C.) Un cas de retraction cica- tricielle maximale dc la vessie occasionnee par la tuber- culose. Rev. mod. de la Suisss Rom., Geneve, 1914, xxxiv, 05-67. — Reblaud. Des cystites tuberculeuscs chez la femme. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gvnec. Par., 1900, xvi, 104.—Schroder (H ) Ueber die Behandlung der Blasen- tuberculose mit T. R. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvnak., Stuttg , 1899, xl, 1-11.—Stoeckel (W.) Beitrag zur Diag- nose der Tuberkulose in der weiblichen Blase. Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 1120-1126. Su, also, supra, Mi- rabeau. BLADDER. 595 BLADDER. Bladder (Female, Tumors of). See, aho, Bladder (Female, Cancer of). Szper (J.) *De la cystectomie totale chez la femme dans les neoplasmes vesicaux. 8°. Ba- ris, 1911. Thomas (A.) *Des myomes de la vessie chez la femme. 8°. Lyon, 1911. Wolfes (O.) *Cystom und Schwangerschaft. [Miinchen.] 8°. Leipzig, 1909. Bazy. Tumeur de vessie chez une femme de 79 ans; he- maturies abondantes et menacantes; extirpation; guerison operatoire; indications operatoires dans les tumeurs de la vessie. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1907, xviii, 201-203.—Beer (E.) The surgical treatment of benign neo- plasms ofthe bladder. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 646.—Berndt. Ein eigenartiger Fall von Blasentumor. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1903, xviu, 73- 76.—Block (J.) & Hall (F.J.) A case of dermoid of the female urinary bladder. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1905, n. s., cxxix, 651-655.—Bryan (R. C.) An unusual type of bladder tumor. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec Ass. 1909 Phila., 1910, xxii, 518-521, 2pi. Aho: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1910, x, 205.—Buerger (L.) The pathological diag- nosis of tumors of the bladder with particular reference to papilloma and carcinoma. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 179-198.—Glivlo (J.) Contributo alia casuistica dei papillomi della vescica. Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec Napoli, 1903, xii 101-168.—Crowe (W. A.) Report of case of dermoid cyst of the bladder. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1897, xi, 41—Deryuzhlnskl (S. F.) [Excision of a tumor of the bladder in a woman.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1904, xvi, 43-47.—Erdmann (J. F.)& McCarthy (J. F.) Tumors of the bladder. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1910, lxii, 871-887. Aho: Tr Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1910, York, 1911,xxiii, 158-176.— Fleming (J. C.) Papillomas of the bladder. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1915, vhi, 418-420.—Fortun (E.) Cystic bladder mistaken for an ovarian cyst. Am. J. Obst., N Y 1903, xlvh, 604-606.—Fowler (O. S.) The diagnosis and treatment of papillomata of the bladder. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1912-13, xxxu, 157-162.—Frank (L.) Papilloma of the bladder; excision, primary suture. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1913-14, xx, 187.—Freyer (P. J.) Myoma of the bladder, weighing 9 ounces, successfully removed supra- pubically. Brit. Gynec. J., Lond., 1902-3, xvhi, 42-44 — Ftith (H.) Ueber Papilloma vesicae beim Weibe. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1899, xxih, 5S1-592.—Furnlss (H. D.) Papilloma of the bladder. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1912, lxy, 639; 656. [Discussion], 640.—Grade (M.) Ein weiterer Fall von Papilloma vesicae. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1899, xxhi, 592-594.—Grant (H. H.) Vesical papil- loma. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1913, xi, 1074- 1076.—Grdnberger. [A case of fibroleiomyoma of the female bladder.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1916, lxxvhi, 146; 262.— Hagedorn. Cystenniere und tjreterverschluss. Ztschr. f. urol. Chir., Berl., 1913, i, 264-269.—Harpster (C. M.) Sar- coma of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, xix, 241-244.—Jamin & Violet. Papillome de la vessie avec infection vesicale; ablation par taille vaginale. Lyon med., 1912, cxviii, 838-840.—Jones (H. M.) Mixed-cell sar- coma of the bladder. Brit. Gynasc. J., Lond., 1896-7, xii, 467, 1 pi—Keefe (J. W.) The surgical treatment of tumors of the bladder. -Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1909, lx, 742-748. Aho: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec 1909, York, 1910, xxh, 32-40.— Kelly (H. A.) & Lewis (R. M.) Skiagraphic demonstration of vesical tumors. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1913 xvi, 308-312.—Kelly (H. A.) & Neill (W.) Cauterization and fulguration of bladder tumors. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 721-723.—Keyes (E. L.) The desiccation treat- ment of Madder tumors. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 169-175. Aho, Reprint.—Knorr (R.) Ueber Tumoren der weiblichen Blase und deren endovesicale Entfernung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 196- 198.—Kolischer (G.) Traumatische Granulome der weib- lichen Blase. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 254- 259.—Kropeit. Blasentumoren. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 677.—Kuznetsk! (D. P.) [Operative interference in tumors of the bladder in preg- nancy.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, vhi, 535-538.— Levlngs (A. H.-) A case of myo-nbroma of the bladder simulating a uterine myo-fibroma. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xhi, 477.—Malcolm. Tu- mour closely simulating a papillomatous ovarian cystoma attached to the front of the bladder and quite separate from both ovaries. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1899), 1900, xh, 226- 228.—Martin (E.) The surgical treatment of benign neo- plasms of the bladder. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 648.—Mayo (C. H.) Transperitoneal removal of tumors of the bladder. Tr. South. Surg. & G ynec Ass. 1907, Phila., 1908, xx, 51-55, 4 pi. Aho: Am J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, 265.—Mordret. Tumeur papillaire de la vessie ayant determine un volumineux polype sortant par l'urethre chez une femme de 60 ans. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1900, iv, 220- 222— Nitcli. Papilloma of the bladder. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xcii, 457— Peterkln (G. S.) Scalpel surgery of tumors of the bladder. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Bladder (Female, Tumors of). Chicago, 1914, xviu, 380-386.—Planer. Spindelzelliges, hv- dropisch degenenertes Sarkom des Ligamentum latum uiid der Harnblase; Heilung per laparotomiam und Resektion der Harnblase. Wien. med. Presse, 1905, xlvi, 181-1S3 — Reynolds (E.) New growths of the bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxix, 594-596. —Rosenstein (P.) Ueber Blasenpapillome mit Inkontinenz beim Weibe und uber die operative Heilung des Leidens. Verhandl. d. deutsch Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Berlin], Berl. & Leipz., 1909, 442- 457. Aho: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, Beiheft, f,4.2-!57^ —Sims (J. S.) Malignant papilloma of the bladder. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1916, xxi, 133-138.—Sinclair (J. D. S.) Large fibromyoma of the urinary bladder. Brit. M J . Lond., 1913, i, 823— Squler (J. B.) & Heyd (C. G.) An operative technique for radical extirpation of vesical neo- plasms. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1914, xix, 91-95. A ho, Reprint.—Teleky (Dora). Mischgeschwulst der weib- lichen Blase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol Wien, 1911, Berl. & Leipz., 1912, hi, 485.-----. Teratoider Tumor der weibhehen Harnblase. Arch. f. khn. Chir Berl., 1912, xcvh, 497-506, 1 pi.—Thomas (B. A.) Tech- nique of operative treatment of bladder tumors. Surg Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 135-150.—Warren (G. W.) Some details in the surgical treatment of tumor of the bladder. Ibid., 226.—Way (E. W.) Notes on a case of multi- locular cystoma in an old woman. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xx, 238—Whitehouse (B.) Myxomatous tumour of bladder. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1914, lxxv, 23.— Youngquist (L. L.) Report of two cases of bladder tumor. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1916-17, viii, 37-41. Aho: J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1917, xvi, 174-178. Bladder (Female, Ulceration of). Desgouttes & Reynard. Deux cas d'ulcere simple, chro- nique de la vessie. Lyon mdd., 1912, cxvih, 1253-1259.— Dvorak (M. W.) Simple ulcer of the bladder in the female. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1907-8, vi, 383-390.—Gross (G.) & Heully (L.) Retention complete d'urine au cours d'une cystite ulcereuse chez la femme. Arm. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1911, xxix, 793-800.—Hundley (J. M.) An ex- tensive ulcer of the bladder complicating early pregnancy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1911, liv, 69-71.—Hunner (G. L.) A rare type of bladder ulcer in women; report of cases. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 660-664. [Discussion], 679. Aho [Abstr.]: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1915, xxviii, 19.-----. Elusive ulcer of the bladder; further notes on a rare type of bladder ulcer, with a report of twenty-five cases. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1918, lxxvhi, 374-395. [Discussion], 441-444. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 203-212. Bladder (Female, Wounds and injuries of). Cary(W.H) The injuries to the bladder. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1916, lxxiii, 493-503.— Cousins (J. W.) Injuries of the bladder occurring in the course of gynaecological opera- tions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 1214—Halpenny (J.) Bladder traumatism during labor. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916. xx, 665.—Richardson (M. H.) A case of restoration of the female urethra and closure of the bladder, after extensive laceration. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 202.—Roith (O.) Welche Schadigungen ihres Gefass- una Nervenapparates vertragt die Blase ohne dauernden Nach- teil? Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1906, xi, 126- 148.—Sellheim (H.) Wiederherstellung des aDgequetschten Uebergangsteils der Blase in die Harnrohre. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1909, i, 179-192.—Skeel (R. E.) In- juries to the bladder during hernia operations. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lviii, 964-970.—Stoeckel (W.) Ueber die Entstehung von Blasenverletzungen und iiber die operative Heilung grosser Blasenharnrohrendefckte nach Pubotomie. Ztschr. f. gynak. Urol., Leipz., 1910-11, ii, 251-260.—Were- lius (A.) Traumatic detachment of the bladder from sym- physis pubis with complete severance of urethra; use of the labia minora as a substitute for necrosed anterior vaginal wall. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxh, 1722.—Wiggin (F. H.) Accidental wounds of the female bladder. Ibid., 1899, xxxih, 640. Bladder (Fistulseof). See Fistula (Vesical). Bladder (Fixation of). See, aho, Bladder (Bisplacement of); Bladder (Brolapse of). Chiaventone (U.) De la cystopexie en gynecologies nouveau procede operatoire par la voie abdominale. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1902, xx, 542-570.—Mori (A.) La regione ombelico-prevescicale ed un metodo di cistopessi indiretta. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 422-442.— Petit (P.) Cystopexie indirecte par raccourcissement de 1'aponeYrose ombilico-pelvienne. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. sect, de gynec, Par., 1900, 372-375. Aho: Gynecologie, Par., 1900, v, 312-315— Slocum (H. A.) Suprapubic cystopexy. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1903-4, xvii, 6.—Smith (A. L.) Cystopexy for falling of the bladder. Montreal M. J., 1907, xxxvi, 263-267. BLADDER. 596 BLADDER. Bladder (Foreign bodies in). See, also, Bladder (Female, Foreign bodies in); Calculus (Vesical). Bahr (F.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Fremdkorpern in der Harnblase. 8°. Gottinqen, 1902. Balzer (F.) * Ueber Blasensteine und Blasenfremdkorper. 8°. Breslau, 1902. Brustel (C.) immigration de soies dans la vessie. 8°. Baris, 1910. Cayrol (J.) Contribution a l'etude des corps etrangers de la vessie. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Ohenut (J.-M.-A.) Contribution a l'etude des corps Strangers de la vessie et de la prostate consecutifs aux blessures de guerre. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1917. Anderson (W. J.) A catheter knotted in the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1912, lviii, 1940— Aronshtam (S. L.) [ Foreign body in the urinary bladder, which entered through the bladder wall.] Vovenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec pt., 4420-4425— Bakltko. [Foreign bodies in the bladder.] Protok. Omsk. Med. Obsh., 1897-8, xv 55- 60— Bandler (C. G.) Foreign body in bladder. N. York M. J. [etc], 1917, cvi, 767.—Barnsby. Deux observations de corps etrangers de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 2NS-29L—Bazy. Des corps etran- gers ignores de la vessie. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1897, lxx, 601- 603.—Blue (W. R.) Foreign body in bladder. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1904-5, xi, 323—Bornstein (M.) Foreign body in the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 243.—Bougie (J.) Radiographic d'un fragment de sonde en gomme dans la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 891— Brln (H.) Corps etranger de la vessie. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1912, ii, 845-847.—Brown (A. A.) Foreign body in vesical bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1919, xxih, 91.—Brunet. Observation sur un corps etranger de la vessie. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1898, xii, 102 — von Brunn. Zur Kenntniss von den Fremdkorpern der Harnblase. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 782. Also: Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1903, liv, 154- 158.—Bryant (W. C.) Foreign bodies in the male bladder. Pittsburgh M. J., 1913-14, i, 13-15—Cattaneo (T.) Contri- buto alio studio dei corpi estranei in vescica. Riforma med., Napoh, 1917, xxxhi, 263.—Chandler (S.) Foreign bodies in the bladder. Phila. M. J., 1903, ix, 839—Chevalier (E.) Corps etrangers de la vessie. Ass. frang. d'urol. Proc- veb., Par., 1899, iv, 373-3S2. -----. Dix observations de corps strangers de la vessie (calculs exceptes). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 75-81.—Dan- forth (W. C.) Report of case of piece of catheter retained in bladder thirteen years. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1918, xxh, 133 — De Beule (F.) Un corps etranger peu banal de la vessie (clou de 11 centimetres do longueur). J. med. de Brux., 1907, xh, 727.—Fabre. Deux observations de corps etrangers de la vessie. Bull, et mt^m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915 n. s., xii, 2176-2181— Felekl (II.) Fremdkor- per in der Blase. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xii, No. 17, 5—Frank (L.) Foreign body in the bladder. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1902-3 ix, 400-102.—Fren- shteln (B. M.) [Foreign bodies of the bladder.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 190K, vii, 909-911—Fronske (M. G.) & Lund (H. G.) Report of a ease of foreign body in the bladder of eleven months' standing. Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc, 1911, v, 127 —Frontera Bauza (A) Al- gunas consideraciones sobre los cucrpos cxtraflos en la vejiga. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1898, xiv, 385; 409—Gale (S. S.) Foreign bodies in the bladder. Char- lotte [N. C] M. J., 1914, lxx, 160-162—Gallozzl (C.) Corpi estranei in vescica. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1902, n. s., lvi, 175,1 pi—Gayct. Orps ct ranger do la vessie. Lyon med., 1912, cxviii, 71s 720.—Gross (G.) Deux obser- vations de corps etrangers de la vessie. Rev. med. de 1 wit, Nancy, 1902, xxxiv, 238 219 —Guelliot (O.) Une feullle Ueber Cystocele linese albae. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, liv, 191-201—Glovannettl (G.) Cisto- cele crurale extraperitoneale strozzato. Gazz. d. osp., Bladder (Hernia of). Milano, 1912, xxxhi, 489.—Glrardl (M.) Contributo alio studio dell ernia vescicale crurale. Policlin., Roma, 1902-3 ix, sez. prat., 397-399— Glucksthal (A.) Etude sur la hernie de la vessie (d'apres trois observations personnelles) Lyon chir., 1914, xh, 24-39—Hanasiewicz. Hernia pro- peritonealis vesicalis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv 1736.—Hansen (P. N.) Ueber Blasenbriiche. Nord med' Ark., Stockholm, 1905,3. f., v, afd. 1, No. 16,1-15.—Hansson (A.) Cystocele extraperitonealis. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1903, 2. f., hi, pt. 2, 47^482.—Harrington (F. B.) Hernia of the bladder through the pelvic floor from the traction of a subperitoneal fibroma. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila, 1900 xvhi, 257-263, 5 pi.—Helneck (A. P.) Hernias of the urinary bladder. Chicago M. Recorder, 1916, xxxviii, 342- 456. Aho: Cleveland M. J., 1916, xv, 388-402. Aho, transl: Clinique, Montreal, 1916, vu, 7-12.—Hermes. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Blasenhernien. Deutsche Ztschr f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xiv, 245-300.—Ingebrlgtsen (R.) [Cystocele.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1912, 5. R., x, 548-552.—Karewski (F.) Klinische und anato- mische, sowie experimentelle Beitrage zur Kenntniss der inguinalen und cruralen Blasenhernien. Arch. f. klin. Chir , Berl 1904,lxxv,395-424 1 pi— Kllvin(C. F.) Herniaofthe bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 74-76. Aho, Reprint.—Kryukoff (M. M.WFemoral bladder hernia.] Trudi i protok. zasled. Russk. Khirurg. Obsh. Pirogova, S.- Peterb., 1902-3, ,xxi, 13-58.—Lambret. Cystocele compli- quee de calcul. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 189-191. -----. Pathogenie des hernies de la vessie. Bull, med., Par., 1899, xhi, 397-399.—Laurent I (T.) Contributo casis- tico all' ernia paraperitoneale della vescica. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1916? xhi, 354-358.—Lossen. Ueber Harnblasen- bruche. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1902, xxxv, 149-170.— LUcke (R.) Ueber die extraperitoneale Blasenhernie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxx, 574-585.— Maklns (G. H.) On prevesical hernia, with the relation of a case in which subacute strangulation occurred. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 905.—Mannino (F.) Due casi di ernia extraperitoneale della vescica. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1906, vu, 41-44.—Mantelll (C.) Di una forma non comune di cistocele paraperitoneale. Rassegna di clin. e terap., Roma, 1910, xxxih, 26-28— Martin (E.) Beitrag zur Symptomatologie des eingeklemmten Harnbla- senbruches. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, liv, 468-486.—Meriel (E.) Les cystoceles herniaires meconnues. Prov. med., Par., 1910, xxi, 311-313.—Michels (E.) Case of extra-peritoneal vesical hernia: Proc Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, vi, 88-92. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1068.—Nevitt (R. B.) Hernia of the bladder. Dominion M. Month.. Toronto, 1906, xxvi, 121-125— Noall (W. P.) Hernia of the bladder. Practitioner, Lond., 1910,. lxxxiv, 842-848.—Noble (C. P.) Cystocele. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. 1907, xlix, 1982-1984. [Discussion], 1986. Aho, Re- print.—Nufiez (E.) Incontinentia de orina por acodamiento de la uretra en un caso de cistocele. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1907, xii, 77— Pomara (D.) Contributo alio studio delle ernie vescicali. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1903, xxiv, 660-663.—Putza (F.) Contributo alio studio del- 1' ernia della vescica. Policlin., Roma, 1913, xx, sez. chir., 62-86.—Racovlceano. Femoral cystocele. Med. Press & Che, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxii, 61.—Roberts (W. O.) Hernia of the bladder. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1899-1900, vi, 199. -----. Hernia of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, xix, 605-608— Rolando (S.) Sur Tes hernies de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 761-763.—Rossi. Ernie vescicali. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1899, Roma, 1900, xiv, 529-534—Routh (A.) A post graduate clinical lecture on cystocele. Clin. J., Lond., 1897-8, xi, 217-222— SaUba (J.) Hernia ofthe bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 1237. Aho, Reprint.— Samokhotskl (S. O.) [Hernia ofthe bladder.) Khirurgia, Mosk., 1903, xiv, 211-224.—Spalding (C. B.) Hernia of bladder, with report of case. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1909-10, vhi, 1793-1799.—Ssalistschew (E. G.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den Blasenbriichen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1897, liv, 135-171.—Swiatecki (J.) [Cvstocele crurale hypertrophiee. Res, pp. xlv-xlvh.] Przegl. chir., Warszawa, 1898-1901, 697-707.—Tedenat. Hernies vesi- cales de la ligne blanche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvh, 294-300.—Thompson (H.) A case of hernia of the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 225.—Van- nuccl (F.) Osservazioni cliniche e sperimentali sull'ernia della vescica. Chn. mod., Firenze, 1905, xi, 565-574.—Vin- cent (E.) Les hernies de la vessie. Bull. med. del'Algerie, Alger, 1909. xx, 645-650.—Volturiez. La hernie de la vessie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1902, i, 217-225.—von Zilahy (E.) Beitrag zu den eingeklemmten Blasenbriichen. Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1910, xlvi, 226— Zlmmer (J.) [Her- nias of the bladder.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1906, xiv, 937; 964; 994.—Zondek (M.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den Blasenhernien. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, lh, 584-593. Bladder (Hernia of Inguinal). Becker (W.) *Ueber inguinale Blasenbriiche. 8°. Tubingen, 1898. Aho, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1899, xxhi, 167-182. BLADDER. 600 BLADDER. Bladder (Hernia of, Inguinal). Bertholet (J. B. C.) *De cystocele ingui- nali. sm. 4°. Barh, 1778. Matringhem (V.-P.-L.) *A propos d'un cas de cystocele inguinale chez Pen/ant. 8°. Lille, 1910. Poupault (E.) *De la cystocele inguinale. 8°. Barh, 1902. Privat (F.-P.) Contribution a l'etude de la cystocele inguinale (traitement par un procede" de cure radicale). 4. Baris, 1896. Alessandrl (R.) Un nuovo caso di ernia inguinale bila- terale della vescica. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. diRoma, 1905, xxxi, 45-48.—Baldwin (J. F ) Complete inguinal extra- peritoneal hernia of the bladder; recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1397.—Baudet (P.) Sur un cas de hernie inguinale de la vessie. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1911, xvhi, 333-338.—Callsti (A.) Contributo chnico alio studio del cistocele inguinale. Ann. d. Fac di med., Perugia, 1914, 4. s., iv, 17-33.—Cameron (D.) & Hlggs (S. L.) Cases of vesical hernia simulating inguinal and femoral hernia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1915,11, 45-53.—Cassanello (R.) Hernie inguinale double de la vessie. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1913, iii, 55—Charrler (A.) Une cystocele in- guinale etranglee suivie de sphactde etendu de la vessie. J. demed. de Bordeaux, 1909, xxxix, 197-201—Domenlchlnl (G.) Cistocele inguinale extraperitoneale bilaterale. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1912, 2. s., v, 80-85.— Fummt (A.) Ernia completa della vescica (inguinc-scrotale). Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1900, Roma, 1901, xv, 410-422.— Galperln (P. Y.) [Inguinal hernia of the bladder] Vo- yenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1909, ccxxv, med.-spec pt., 215- 225—Garampazzi (C.) Voluminosa, ernia vescicale in- guinale destra diretta ingorgata; resezione. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 2, 279-282. Aho: Terap. clin.. Napoli, 1898, vii, 195-198.—Gilford (A. H.) Protrusion ofthe uri- nary bladder into the inguinal canal. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1829—Golubefl (F. A.) [Inguinal hernia of bladder, resembling certain symptoms of hernia known as traumatic artificial] Vovenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1904, ii, med.-spec. pt., 287-293.—Gordon (O. A.) Hernia of the bladder, com- plicating inguinal and femoral hernia. Brooklyn M. J., 1906, xx, 89-92 — Imbert (L.) Cvstocele inguinale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896,lxxi, 168-170.—Ingbert (C. E.) Inguinal hernia of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 361—Lambret. Deux cas de hernie inguinale de la vessie. F.cho med. du nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 130—Le Nouene (L.) Hernie inguinale double de la vessie. Rev. med. de Nor- mandie, Rouen, 1906, 37-12.—Leotta (N.) Sull' ernia in- guinale bilaterale della vescica. Ann. d. r. Ist. di chn. chir. di Roma, 1910, hi, 531-544. Aho: Bull. d. r. Acad. med. d. Roma, 1910, xxxvi, 169-179.—Levlt (V j [Impacted ingui- nal bladder hcrniaj Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1911, xviii, 919— Lothelssen(G\) Die inguinafen Blasenbriiche. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1898, xx, 727-802— Machard (A.) Hernie vesicale inguinale; suture de la vessie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1898, xviii, 269-272—Manley (T. H.) Strangulated hernia of the bladder; ruptured sarcoma of the testis mistaken for strangulated hernia. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 297-299— Masera (G.) Contributo ch- nico alto studio del cistocele inguinale. Pensiero med., Milano, 1912, ii, 978; 999.—Maze (J.) De la hernie de la vessio a travers le fascia trausversalis. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1903, iv, 29-31.—Park (R ) Hernia of tho bladder comphcating inguinal hernia. Buffalo M. J., 1904-5, n. s., xhv, 524— Plgnacca (G.) Sopra un caso di cistocele intra- peritoneale bhnguinale. Pensiero med, Milano, 1914, iv, 19- 23.—Plummer (S. C.) Inguinal hernia of the bladder, re- port of a case; remarks on diagnosis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1905, xiv, 240-242— Racovlceano. Cystocele inguinal. Bull, et m£m. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1901-2, iv, 44.— Randall (H. E.) Inguinal hernia of tho bladder. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1902, liii, 633—Rhodes (J. II.) Scrotal hernia of the bladder. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1903 4, x, 16.—Roche (F.) De la cvstocele inguino-scrotale. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., lJar., 1899, xvii, 15-38—Scanga (A.) II cistocele inguinale considerato nei rapporti anatomo- chirurgici e nella patogenesi. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoh, 1910, xiii, 1207; 1223; 1263. —Shepherd ( F. J.) Hernia of the bladder complicating inguinal hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1904, xl, 921-928.—Stlncer (E.) Sobre un caso de cistocele inguinal. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Ha- bana, 1917, xxh, 3.53.—Testa (E.) Del cistocele inguinale bilaterale. Gior. di med. o chir., Napoli, 1907, hi, 176-180.— Vaccarl (L.) Su dl una rara disposizione della fascia di Cooper a livello di un' ernia diretta della vescica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 516; 784.— Valyashko (G. A.) [In- guinal hernia of the urinary bladder.) Khirurgia, Mosk., 1903, xiv, 225-233— Venturl (A.) Un caso dl cistocele ingui- nale puro strozzato. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. chir., 284; 293—Zancarlnl (G.) Dell' ernia inguinale bilaterale della vescica. Clin, chir., Milano, 1911, xix, 2209-2280. Bladder (Hernia of, Treatment of, Oper- ative). Craig (D. H.) Operation for cystocele and [lerineorrhaphy in a confirmed diabetic. 8°. Boston, n. d.] Sjovall (S.) *Om blasbrack antraffade vid operationer of inguinal- och cruralbrack. [Blad- der hernia met with in operations for inguinal and crural hernia.] 8°. Lund, 1899. Angellni (A.) Utfoperazione di ernia inguinale della sola vescica. Arch, ed atti d. Soc ital. di chir. 1905, Roma, 1906, xix, 202-204 —Bandler (S. W.) Vagino-fixationofthe uterus for the cure of cystocele Interstate M. J, St. Louis, 1910, xvu, 231-238.—Bell (J. B.) A new operation for cysto- cele. N. Am. J. 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Contribution a l'etude bacteriologique des cystites. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 1107. Aho: Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 517-522.—Houston (T.) On a case of cystitis of three years' duration due to the typhoid bacillus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 78—James (S. C.) Auto-inocular cystitis. Kansas City M. Index- Lancet, 1901, xxii, 200-206.—Janet (J.) Contagiosity vene- rienne des infections vesicales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1898, xvi, 1200-1202. Aho: Ass. franc d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898, Par., 1899, ih, 76-82.—Lay (E.) Sulle cis- titi da b. coli. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoh, 1911, xiv, 30-35—Leopold (I.) & Levi (I. V.) A case of self-induced cystitis due to the colon bacillus. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1903, xx, 348-352.—Lockwood (C. B.) A chnical lecture on genito- urinary infection, especially colon bacillus cystitis. Chn. J., Lond , 1907-8, xxxi, 65-70.—Longfellow (R. C.) The bacteriology of cystitis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 896.—Loumeau. Traitement des infections vesicales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1898, xvi, 1206.— Lyon (M. W.) A case of cystitis caused by bacillus coli- hemolyticus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 1342.— McDill (J. R.) & Musgrave (W. E.) Amebic infection of the urinary bladder without recto-vesical fistula. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 1163 — McKenna (C. M.) Stone in bladder complicated by a colon bacillus infection. Surg. Clin. Chicago, Phila., 1918, ii, 1242-1247—Melchlor [E.j Zur Kasuistik chirurgischer Proteuserkrankungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, h, 1585.—Melchlor (M.) Cystitis og Bacterium coh. Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1897, 5. R., iv, 363; 385; 409. [Discussion], 444; 494; 512; 538.—Morris (R. T.) Colon bacillus infection of the bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, tin, 631. Aho, Reprint.—Nei ken (A.) A case of membranous cystitis showing pseudodiphtheria bacilli. Tr.Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1917, xi,328-336. [Discussion], 345. Aho: Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 370- 372.—Nogues (P.) Deux cas de troubles digestifs graves consecutifs a une infection vesicale; amelioration rapide par les lavages au nitrate d'argent. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1897, xv, 401-405.—Pasquereau. Vessie atteinte de cystite framboisee. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1911, 2. s., xxix, 327-331.—PI j per (A.) Cryptococcosis of the bladder. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1916-17, xh, 157.—Rostoski (O.) Ueber den bactericiden Einfluss der Aciditat des Harns auf die Cystitiserreger. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1898, xxiv, 235; 249.—Buss (C.) A new method of treating chronic coli-cystitis and other bacterial infections. Lancet, Lond., 1914, i, 447-449.—Salus (G.) Ueber Bact. coli; Cystitis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 319.—Sluyts (K.) De blauwetterbacillus als blaasont- steker. Handel, v. h. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong. 1898, Gent, 1899, ii, 116-118.—Smith (A. J.) & Magnenat (L. E.) Amoeba coli and acute cystitis. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1898, vii, 253-255.—Sugimura (S.) Ueber die Beteihgung der Ureteren an den akuten Blasenehtziin- dungen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber ihre Fortleitung durch die Lymphbahnen der Ureteren. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl.. 1911, ccvi, 20-36— Swinburne (G. K.) Report of a case of cystitis due to colon bacillus complicated by phosphatic calculi. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y, 1898, xvi, 374-376.—Tanago (M. G.) Beitrag zum Studium der Harninfection und insbesondere zur Aetiologie und zur Behandlung der Cystitis. Monatsb... . d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Appar., Berl., 1900, v, 203; 257.—Tanaka (T.) Beitrag zur klinischen und bakteriologischen Unter- suchung uber die Cystitis. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, in, 430; 545.—Vincenzi (L.) Contributo alio studio delle infezioni da batteri inoculati in vescica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxhi, 92.—Young (H. H.) Chronic cystitis due to the typhoid bacillus; report of a case of seven years' duration. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1900, viu, 401- 420. Aho: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1901, xhv, 456^59. Bladder (Inflammation of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Inflammation of); Bladder (Infection of). Dencker (S.) *De catarrho vesicae. 4°. Duisburgi, 1789. Hottinger (R.) a. S., 1913. Forms 7. Hft., v. 2, Geb. d. Dermat. [etc.]. Ueber Cystitis. 8°. Halle of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. BLADDER. 602 BLADDER. Bladder (Inflammation of). Moullin (C. M.) Inflammation of the bladder and urinary fever. 8°. London, 1898. ------. The same. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1898. Parnham (J.) *De cystirrhoea. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1772. Rovsing (T.) *Om Bherebetaendelsernes Aetiologi, Pathogenese og Behandling. Kiiniske og experimentelle Unders0gelser. [The etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of bladder inflam- mations. Clinical and experimental researches.] 8°. Kj0benhavn, 1889. Rudel (O.) *Ein Fall von hoehgradiger Cys- titis follicularis. 8°. Erlangen, 1900. Ballenger (E. G.) Cystitis. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1905-6, vii, 217-225.—Barney (J. D.) Cystitis. Pan-Am. S. & M. J., N. Orl., 1916, xxi, No. 4, 20-23.—Chute (A. L.) Some aspects of cvstitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, cix, 68-77. [Discussionl, 78-81.—Clark (A. C.) Cystitis; acute and chronic. Clinique, Chicago, 1909, xxx, 76-82—Crawford (F. J.) Inflammation of the bladder. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1897-8, vii, 157-162.—Davison (R. E.) Cystitis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 347- 352. Aho, Reprint—Dowd (J. BL) Cystitis. Buffalo M. J., 1903-4, n. s., xlui, 512-519— Dudley (E. C.) Some of our resources in the diagnosis, classification and treatment of cystitis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1898-9, xxxi, 1315-1328.— Elras (C.) Ligeiras consideracoes sobre as cvstites. Tri- buna med., Rio de Jan., 1907, xiii, 306; 328— Freyer (P. J.) Cystitis. Clin. 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Cystitis. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 5.53-556.—Kretschmer (H. L.) Cystitis glandularis et follicularis. Surg., Gvnec & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vii, 510-515—Lendon (A. A.) Some forms of cystitis. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1899, iv, 557-504— Mallery (C. B.) Cystitis. Albany M. Ann., 1902, xxhi, 653-657— Michon (E.) Quelques varietes de cystites. Scalpel, Liege, 1904-5, lvii, 276. Aho: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 402-405.—Mlsiewlcz (M.) Der heutige wissenschafthche Standpunkt der Lehre vom Harnbla- senkatarrb. Wien. Klinik, 1897, xxiii, 325-352.—Morton (H. H.) Cystitis. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 732-734.— Negrete (C.) De las cistitis en general. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1901, vi, 2S2-291. Aho: Corresp. med., Madrid, 1902, xxxvii, 272; 293— Norrls (C. C.) Two rare forms of cystitis, with report of cases. Am. Med., Phila., 1906, xi, 478-480.—Prather (S. S.) Cystitis. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville. 1905, xxxix, 277-282—Rathbun (N. P.) Remarks on cystitis. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1909, xxhi, 136- 139.-----. Cystitis. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1917, xl, 116, 4 pi—Roersch (C.) De la perievstite. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege, 1897, xxxvi, 77-84— Schlaglntwelt (F1 Ueber Cystitis. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1907, vii, 91-112— Schleicher (J. M.) Cvstitis; the clinical examination of patient and treatment of same. Am. Pract. & News. Louisville, 1906, xl, 612-625— Senn (N.) The etiology and classification of cystitis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 8. s., ii, 175-213. Aho [Abstr.]: Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 762.—Spooner (II. G.) Inflammation of the bladder. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiv 889-893.— Thayer (C. C.) I Cystitis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1905, xxxii, 80-85.—Ver- Iioogen (J.) Les cystites. Policlin., Brux , 1899, viii, 169-177.—Vinson (J. C.) Cystitis; a symptom; report of cases. J. Florida M. Ass., Jacksonville, 1914, 1, 42-45.— Walker (F. B.) Cystitis. 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Resection bilaterale de la branche perineale du nerf honteux interne dans la cystite douloureuse. Bull. Soc de chir. de Lyon (1898-9), 1900, ii, 279-282.—Cestero (R ) La irrigacitfn continua en el tratamiento de las cistitis; cis- tostomia suprapubiana de urgencia; curacion. Bol Asoc med. de Puerto-Rico, San Juan, P. R., 1904, ii, 345-348.— Escat (J.) Cystite pseudo-membraneuse; taille hypogas- trique. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1901, Par., 1902, v, 418-425.—Focaccl (M.) Clstotomia soprapubica in un caso di cistite particolarmente dolorosa da b. coh. Boll d Soc med.-chir. di Modena, 1906-7, x, 11-18.—Hagner (F R ) A case of cystitis with multiple ulcers, cured by excision of the ulcers. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1911, vi, 134-136.—Keyes (E. L.) Surgical treatment of cystitis. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1907-8, xiv, 355-362—Loumeau (E.) Ouverture chirurgicale de la vessie pour cystite douloureuse suraigue. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1897, v, 496- 498.-----. Cystite douloureuse neoplasique chez un vieillard de 91 ans; cystotomie palliative. Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xxxvih, 22. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvh, 18.—Margulies (M.) [Membrane-gangrenous cystitis.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1904, xv, 158-184— Picque (L.) Du traitement de l'infection vesicale par la taille hypogas- trique. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1898, xvi, 785-796. Bladder (Inflammation of, Treatment of) by curettage. Blanc (R.) Sur trois cas de cystite vegetante; curettage par les voies naturelles; guerison. Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxv, 414HU7.—Chiarrl Torrent* (P.) Caso de cistitis crtfnica curado con el raspado de la vejiga Rev. valenc de cien. med., Valencia, 1912, xiv, 106.—Hock (A.) Zur Frage des Curettements der Blase bei Cystitis dolorosa. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1902, -xxvii, 525.— Jakovlyevity (I.) 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Aho: Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1909, lx, 21-23.—Ro- lando (S.) Sul raschiamento della vescica. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1904, xx, 1072— Soble (U. W.) Curettage of the male bladder for chronic cvstitis; report of a case Buffalo M. J., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxix, 825-829.—Stoek- mann (F.) Ueber die Behandlung der chronischen Cys- titis (Cystite rebelle) mittels Curettement der Harnblase. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl., 1901, vi, 193-204.—Strauss (A.) Die Ausschabung der mannlichen Harnblase bei chronischer Cystitis ohne deren Eroffnung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr , Berl. & Leipz^ 1905, xxxi, 1351-1353. Aho: Illust. Monat- schr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1905, xxvii, 177-179—Unter- berg (H.) Die operative Heilung der rebellischen Cysti- tiden mittelst Blasencuretta^e und zeitweiliger Bla'sen- fistel. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1913, lxxxiv, 251-264. Bladder (Inflammation of) in animals. Gotz (H.) *Beitrag zur Pathologie der Cys- titis verrucosa des Rindes. 8°. Zurich, 1906. 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Contributo alio studio della cistite da B. coli. nei bambini. Ibid^, 241-255.— Deschamps (M.) La cystite chez les enfants. Rev. d'hvg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1910, ix, 460-471.—Flschl (II.) Erfahrungen iiber Zystitis im Kindesalter. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 163-167.—Fromm (E.) Ueber Cys- titis im Kindesalter. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1904, ix, 367-375.—Frontini (S.) Delle cistiti da bacterium coli nell' eta infantile. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1906, 8. s., vi, 175-1X3.— Fusco (V.) Febbre intermittente nella cistite dell' infanzia. Policlin., Roma, 1911, xviii, sez. prat., 817- 820 — Halpern (J.) Ein Fall von Cystitis bei einem zwei- jahrigen Kinde. Arch. f. Dermat. U. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1900, Iii, 91-96.—de Lange (Cornelia). Cystitis bij zuigelin- gen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903, 2. R.; d. 2, 503-566.—Meyer (O.) Drci Falle von Blasenkatarrh bei Kin- dern. Kinderarzt, Leipz., 1904, xv, 145-117— Neter (E.) Die Cystitis im Kindesalter. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1907, xvii, 481-483 — Rach (E.) & von Reuss (A.) Zur Aetiolosie der Cystitis im Sautfingsalter (Bacillus bifidus communisund ein Paracolibacillus). Centralbl.f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1909,1, Orig., 169-179.----------. Zur Act iologie der Cvstitis bei Knaben im Sauglingsalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl , 1911, n. F., lxxiv, 684-696.-----------. Ein Fall von Cystitis und Ikterus bei einem mannlichen Sanding. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1912, xi, 163-165—Ramsey (W. R.) Cystitis and pycloevstitis in infants and young children. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1910, n. s., xxx, 525-532. Aho: Pedia- trics, N. Y., 1911, xxiii, 15- 31 —Sorgente (P.) Cistite da B. coli in una bambina di 2s mesi. Pediatria, Napoli, 1904, 2. s., ii, 890-897.—Terrien (E.) I>es pvelo-cvstites de l'enfance. J. de mi>d. int.. Par., 1911, xv, 207— Trumpp (J.) Ueber Colicystitisim Kindesalter. Verhandl.d. Gesellsch.deutsch Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz.. 1S97, lxviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.. 238.—Valagussa (F.) Contributo alio studio della cistite da B. coli nell' infanzia. Policlin., Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. med., 211-23fi— Velasco Blanco (L.) Consideraciones sobre seis casos de cistitis y cistopiehtis primitiva en la infancia. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1918, xxv, 454-456.— Wider0e (S.) [A case of pvelocystitis in infants cured by vaccination (Wright).] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Licgefor., Kristiania, 1913, xxxhi 873-879— Williams (J. A.) Acute cystitis in infant treated with helmitol. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1181.—Zelenski (T.) Zur Aetiologie der Cvstitis im Kindesalter. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, i23-126. Bladder (Innervation of). Boyer (J.) *Nouvelles recherches sur l'in- nervation de la vessie; anatomie et physiologie. 8°. Lyon, 1914. Budge (J.) Memoire sur Paction du bulbe rachidien, de la moelle epiniere et du nerf grand sympathique sur les mouvements de la vessie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863, Mi, 565-569— Debalsieux (G.) Recherches anato- miques et experimentales sur l'innervation de la vessie. Nevraxe, Louvain, 1913-13, xiii, 119-159— Elliott (T. R.) Degenerative section of the nerves to the cat's bladder. Proc Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1905-6, pp. xxix-xxxl.-----. The innervation of the bladder and urethra. J. Phvsiol.. Lond., 1906-7. xxxv, 367-445.—von Frankl-Hochwart (L.) & Frdhlich (A.) Ueber die corticale Innervation der Harn- blase. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 646-655.— GrUnstein (N.) Zur Innervation der Harnblase. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1899, lv, 1-11. 1 pi.—Jorls (II.) L'in- nervation des muscles lisses dans les parois vesicales. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1906, 4. s., xx, 371- 386, 2 pi. [ Rap. de Venneman], 340-343. Aho [Abstr.]: J. de Brux., 1906, xi, 333—Juschtschenko. Ueber die Beziehung des unteren Mcsentcrialgamdions zur Innerva- tion der Harnblase und zu ihren automatischen Bcwegungen. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psvchiat., Cohlcnz & Leipz., 1893, n. F., ix, 12— Knowlton (F. P.) Observations on tho effect of stimulation of the eighth and ninth spinal nerve roots, upon the bladder of tho toad. J. Phvsiol., Lond., 1911, xliii, 91-95— Langley (J. N.) The effect of various poisons upon the response to nervous stimuli, chiefly in relai ion 1 o the bladder. Ibid., 125-181— Latarjet & Theve- not. Recherches experimentales sur l'innervation de la vessie. Lvon med., 1914, exxiii, 201-204.—Lewandowsky (M.) & Srliultz (P.) Ueber Durchschneidung der Blasen- ncrven. Zentralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. & Wien, 1903, xvii, 433-437.—Mlchailow (S.) Ueber dio scnsiblen Ncrvencndi- gungen in der Harnblase der Saugeticre. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1907, lxxi. 254-2S3,2 pi—Rchflsch (E.) Ueber die Innervation der HaniUase. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1900, clxi, 529-56N. Rotman (R. A.) [Physiology of cystic innervatio i ] <>b.i/,r. Psikhiat., Nevrol. [etc], S.- Petcrb., 1905, x, 20 55— \onZels«.l (M.) I h ber die Innerva- tion der Blase mit besonderer Bcrucksicht irungdes Tripper- processes. Wien. Klinik, 1901, xxvii, 125 160.-----. Mit- theilung iiber dio Innervation der Bla; e. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1901, xiv, 147. -----. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Innervation der Blase. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 465-472. Bladder (Inversion of). See Bladder (Exstrophy of); Bladder (Bro- lapse of). Bladder (Irrigation of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Lrrigation of). Marc. Practische Winke zur Ausfiihrung der Blasen-Spulung. 2. Aufl. 16°. Bad Wildun- gen, 1897. Sause (P.) *Etude sur l'irrigation de la vessie apres la taille hypogastrique (irrigation con- tinue et intermittente). 8°. MontpelHir, 1910. Allan (J.) Antiseptic lavage of the bladder. Med. Times, Lond., inns, xxxvi, 134— Allen (G. Wr.) The use of formalin for vesical irrk'ation. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1904, viii, 261. -----. The use of formahn vapor for vesical irrigation. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1911, xx, 442.— Assmuth (J.) Ueber Ausspiilungen der Harnblase; ihre Anwendung in der Praxis, ihren Missbrauch und ihre Contraindicationen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xxii, 451-454— Barbiani (G.) La lavatura della vescica urinaria in rapporto all' assorbimento. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1899, 7. s., x, 789-803: 1900, 7. s., xi, 218: 434.— Baronl (G.) Di uno stnimento da apphcarsi alia siringa a permanenza per fare le lavande vescicali a doppia corrente. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 1511— Berthaut (J.) Danger des injections intra-vesicales faites avec les solutions aqueuses d'acide borique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 1617-1622.—Bird (N. S.) A device for irrigating the male bladder. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 851.—Breakstone (B. H.) Lavage of the bladder at the bedside. Am. J. Clin. Med., Chicago, 1914, xxi, 215—Daggett (B. H.) Flooding the urinary tract. Atlantic M. Weeklv, Provi- dence, 1895, iv, 228-234— Desnos (E.) Technique des lavages de la vessie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xh, 769-772. Aho: Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1899, x, 183-185.—Domrner (F.) Demonstration eines Spuikatheters fiir die Bla^. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Natur- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1903-4, Munchen, 1905, 127.— Duchastelet. Nettoyeur vesical. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1897, Par., 1898, ii, 400-473.—Ehrenfest (H.) Eine einfache V orrichtung zur Blasenspiilung. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz.. 1906, xvii, 256- 258. Aho, transl: Nord m2 25*. -Itoiincy (C. W.) The causes and treatment of vesical irritabllit v. Thernp. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1910, 3. s., xxvi, 156-161 Broter i 1. ) What is irritable bladder, and what is the best method for treating it? Am. Therapist. V V., 1902 3, \i. 5. .1 /.*,..■ Phila M. J., 1903, xi.264—Dowd (I H.) Irritability of the bladder. Builalo M. J., 1905-6, l\i. 73-76.—Fenwick (P. C.) Reflex irritability of the Mad.ler. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1903-4, iii, 352-359 — Fotite (C. G.) Vesical hvpercsthesia. Cleveland M. J., 1906, v, 273-277.—Frank (L.) Vesical irritation of symptom- BLADDER. 607 BLADDER. Bladder (Irritable). atic cystitis. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1908-9, vii, 109-114.—Hasler (W. T.) Vesical irritability due to hyper- acidity of the urine and a method for diagnosing the condi- tion. Utah M. J. [Denver M. Times], 1907-8, xxvii, 190- 194.—Hlrsch (M.) Die reizbare Blase, eine kritische Studie. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1904, vii, 481; 540; 576.—Hoge (M. D.) Irritable bladder. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1914-15, xix, 250—Huld- schlner. Reizbare Blase und Blasendivertikel. Cen- tralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1899, x, 177-183.—Irritable (The) bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1310.—Kolischer (G.) & Schmidt (L. E.) Transmitted irritability of the bladder. Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x, 915-917.—Morris (R. T.) Irritability ofthe bladder. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1898, xi, 240.—Muller (L. R.) Ueber nervose Blasenstorungen im Kriege. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 755-759.—Plrkner (E. H. F.) Diag- nosis and treatment of irritable bladder. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 285-287.—Ravogll (A.) Irritation of the bladder. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvi, 1-9. Aho, Reprint.—Rishmlller (J. H.) Irritability of the bladder. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1902, xxii, 401-403.—Toland (M. R.) Some pertinent facts in treating irritable bladder with galvanism. Calif. M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1906, ii. 827.—Upshur (J. N.) Reflex vesical irritation. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, tin, 883-885. Aho, Reprint.— Waugh (W. F.) The irritable bladder; suggestions for drug applications. Illinois M. Bull., Chicago, 1906-7, vh, 211-214. Bladder (Leukoplakia of). Albarran (J.) Sur un cas de leucoplasie vesicale. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1907-8, iv, 81-91, 2 pi.— Escat (J.) Leucoplasie vesicale primitive hemorrhagique; taille hypogastrique, eschariflcation ignee des lesions; ame- lioration. Cong, internat. demea. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. urin., 171-173.—Herzen (P. A.) Zur Leukoplakie der Harnblase. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, xxxvi, 1325.—Kreps (M.) Leucoplakia vesicae. Cen- tralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1902, xhi, 629.—Lendorf (A.) Et Tilfaelde af Leukoplakia vesicae. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1913, 5. R.,vi, 887-897.—Lohnstein (H.) Ueber Leucoplacia vesicae. Monatsb. . . . d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Appar., Berl., 1898, ih, 65-72— Monte. Resultats eioignes d'une cystotomie pour leucoplasie vesi- cale. Limousin med., Limoges. 1904, xxviii, 149-153.— Ravasini (C.) Leucoplasie totale de la vessie. Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1901, Par., 1902, v, 438-442. Aho, transl: Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1903, xiv, 255-257.—Rochet & Murard. Notes sur un cas de leucoplasie vesicale. Lyon chhurg., 1910, hi, 257- 264.—Verriere (A.) Deux cas de leucoplasie de la muqueuse vesicale. Lyon med., 1900, xcv, 116-126. Bladder (Malakoplakia of). von Ellenrieder (A. R.) *Ueber Malako- plakie der Harnblase. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1906. Guterbock. *Ein Beitrag zur Malakoplakie der Harnblase. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Miche (G.) Contribution a l'etude de la malacoplasie de la vessie. [Lausanne.] 8°. Coutelary, 1914. Schmid CH..) Contribution a Fetude de la malacoplasie de la vessie. 8°. Genlve, 1909. Aho, in: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1909, xxix, 757-780. Berg (G.) Ueber Malakoplakia vesicae. Verhandl. d deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Berlin], Berl. & Leipz., 1909,539-547.—Blum (V.) Fall von Malakoplakia der Harn- blase (von Hansemann). Wien. klin Wchnschr., 1918, xxxi, 225 — Englisch (J.) Ueber Leukoplasie und Malakoplakie. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, i, 641; 745.—Ferrari (E.) & Nicolich (G.) Malacoplachia della vescica (Hansemann). Folia urolog., Leipz., 1913-14, viu, 644-663—Frankel (E.) Ueber Malakoplakie der Blase. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903 1 2162 -----. Zwei Falle von Malakoplakie der Harn- blasenscnleimhaut. Ibid., 1906,liii,242.—Gierke(E.) Ueber Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Ibid., 1905, lu, 1388.—Ha- monic (P.) La cystite fongueuse. Ass. franc, d urol. Proc-verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 356-362. Aho: Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1904, x, 12-16.—von Hanse- mann. Ueber Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Virchow s Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, clxxiii, 302-308,1 pi.— Hart (K.) Ueber die Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Ztschr. f. Krebsforsch., Berl., 1906,iv, 380-395.—Hedren (G.) Ueber Malakoplakia vesicae urinariae. Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1911, 3. f., xi, afd. 1, No. 3, 24 pp., 2 pi-Kimla (R.) Von Hansemanns Malakoplakia vesicae urinaria; und ihre Beziehungen zur plaqueformigen Tuberkulose der Harn- blase. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1900, clxxxiv, 469-491.—Landstelner (K.) & Stork (O.) Ueber eine eigenartige Form chronischer Cvstitis (von Hanse- mann's Malakoplakie). Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 131-151, 1 pi.—Loele (W.) Ein Bladder (Malakoplakia of). Beitrag zur sog. Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Ibid., 1910, xlviii 205-220.—Michaelis (L.) Die Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 331.—Michaelis (L.) & Gutmann. Ueber Einschliisse in Blasentumorcn. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., 1902, xlvii, 208-215 — Minelll (S.) Ueber die Malakoplakie der Harnblase (Hansemann). Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1906, clxxxiv, 157-171, 1 pi — Pappenhelmer (A. M.) Malakoplakia of the urinary bladder; report of two cases. M. & S. Rep. Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1905-6, ii, 305-309. Aho: Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1906-7, n. s., vi, 65-71.-Schmidt (H. R.) Ein Beitrag zur Malakoplakiefrage der Harnblase. Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Path., Wiesb., 1913, xiv, 493-500. — Vinteler (E. N.) [Ma- lakoplakia of the bladder] Kharkov. M. J., 1906, i, 45-48.— Waldschmidt (M.) Ueber Malakoplakia vesicae urinariae. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, vi, 541-504, 1 pi.— Wegclln. Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1910, xl, 234.—Wetzel (E.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1913, ccxiv, 450-454.— Wlldbolz (H.) Plaqueformige, tuberkulose Cystitis unter dem Bilde der Malakoplakia vesicas. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, i, 322-326.—Zangemeister (W.) Ueber Malakoplakie der Harnblase. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1906, xiii, 491-495. Aho: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, l, 877-881.—Zenoni (C.) Di alcune formazioni della vescica urinaria e della cosidetta malacoplachia. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1904, 2. s., xxxvii, 175-193,1 pi. Bladder (Morphology of). See Bladder (Embryology, etc., of). Bladder (Neck of). Desmonts (P.-E.) *Le col de la vessie chez l'homme (6tude anatomique). 8°. Montpel- lier, 1911. Giraud (J.-R.) Contribution a l'etude des valvules du col de la vessie. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Grynieltt & Desmonts. Presentation de pieces rela- tives aux fibres du trigone vesical. Montpel. mea., 1911, liv, 319-321—Keiffer. Anatomie vasculaire de la vessie et du col vesical. Bull. Soc beige de gynec et d'obst., Brux., 1898-9, ix, 194-197, 2 pi.—Pousson (A.) Valvules du col de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1901, Par., 1902, v, 43L435.—Robinson (B.) The vesical trigone; trigonum vesicae; its anatomy and phvsiology. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1904, xxxi, 16-27.—Uteau (R.) Anatomie du trigone vesi- cal. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, xxhi, 241- 290.—Vogt (O.) Sur le pilier anterieur du trigone. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 207.—Wright (W.) & Benians (T. C.) The anatomy of the trigonum vesicae. Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1910,ii, 1152— Zuckerkandl (O.) Osser- vazioni cliniche sul trigono vescicale. Riv. urol., Catania, 1910, i, 130-137. Bladder (Neck of Contracture of)._ See, also, Bladder (Obstruction of). Cecil(A.B.) Contractureofthevesicalncek. diagnosis and treatment. Calif. State J. M., San Fran , I9lti, xiv, 311- 317— Chetwood (C. H.) Contracture of the neck of the bladder. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 767-776. -----. Con- tracture of the neck of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lx, 257-259. [Discussion], 265-267.—Cholzoff (B. N.) Die chronische Kontraktur des Collum vesive urinariae (prostatisme sans prostate). Folia urolov, Leipz., 1910. iv, 788-800.—Youmans (T. G.) Contracture of the neck ofthe bladd«r. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vhi, 512-514. Bladder (Neck of, Diseases of). Diago (J.) Cistitis colli proliferans cedematosa. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1905, x, 1-3— Frank (E. R. W.) Ueber die Beziehungen der papillomatosen Wucherungen des Blasenhalses una der hinteren Harnrohre zum Mecha- nismus der Harnentleerung und zur sexuellen Neurasthenie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Wien, 1907]. Berl. & Leipz^ 1908, 582-597.—Gorodistsch (S. M.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Cystitis colli proliferans s. vegetativa. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vii, 81- 96.—Jacobs (L. C.) Diagnosis and treatment of lesions at the neck of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1918, xxii, 454-456.—von Minin (A. W.) Ueber die neueste Anwendung des blauen electrischen Lichtes [bei Affectio- nen des Blasenhalses]. Med. Woche, Berl., 1904, v, 111 — Rasch (C.) [The so-called cystitis colli vesicae.] Hosp.- Tid., Kj0benh., 1898, 4. R., vi, 1183.—Remete (J.) [Contri- butions to the knowledge of trigonal cystitis.] Urologia, Budapest, 1906, 19-24—Rigdon (R. L.) The bladder neck and one of its diseases. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1908, iv, 7-11.— Walther (H.'W. E.) Chronic trigonitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, lxxxix, 853-856.—Week. Cystite du col avec orchite double et conjonctivite dc nature goutteuse. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1897, xvii, 119—Zechmeister (H.) & Matzenauer (R.) Cystitis colli proliferans cedematosa. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1901, xii, 1-5, 1 pi. BLADDER. 608 BLADDER. Bladder (Necrosis of). See Bladder (Gangrene, etc, of). Bladder (Nervous). See Bladder (Irritable); Bladder (Neuralgia, etc.. of). Bladder (Neuralgia and neuroses of). VON FrANKL-HoCHWART (L.) & ZUCKERKANDL (O.) Die nervosen Erkrankungen der Blase. 8°. Wien, 1898. ------------. The same. 2. umgearbeitete Aufl. 8°. Wien, 1906. Minkowski (M.) *Ueber cerebrale Blasen- storungen. [Breslau.] 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1907, xxxhi, 127-159. Auerbach (S.) Zur Behandlung der Blasenneurosen. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1900, iv, 216- 219.—Hiihme (F.) Enuresis und ahnliche Blasenstorungen im Felde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 726-728 — Boxwell (W.) Disordered bladder function in nervous diseases. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1914, xxxii, 63-73.—Courtade (D.) Diagnostic et traitement eiectrique des nevralgies vesicales. J. de med. de Par., 1900, 2. s., xviii, 205. Aho: Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1900-7, iii, 382-384.—von Czyhlarz (E.) Weitere Bemer- kuneen zur Frage der cerebralen Blasenstorungen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Diagnostik der Balkengeschwiilste. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 788-791.—von Czyhlarz (E.) & Marburg (O.) Ueber cerebrale Blasenstorungen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1900, xiv, 933.-----------. Ueber cere- brale Blasenstorungen. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Leipz. & Wien, 1901, xx, 134-174.—von Frankl-Hochwart (L.) Zur Dliferentialdiagnose der juvenilen Blasenstorungen (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spinalen Blasensto- rungen.) Verhandl.d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong. In Wien, 1907], Berl. & Leipz., 1908, 377-381. -----. Notiz zur Kenntnis der cerebralen Blasenstorungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 2586-2588.—Goldberg (B.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der nervosen Blasenerkrankungen. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, xxxhi, 1410- 1412.—Hahn(D.) Ueber nervose Blasenstorungen. Cong. internat. de m of the bladder; illustrating the importance of catheterization before operation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1911, lvi. 743.—IMpperger (A.) Uclier das Ausdriicken der Harnblase. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1899, xi, l-ll.— Serra y Sales ( V.I Paresia de la vejira uri- naria post-operatoria. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1905, vi, 244— Wilson (11. W.) Two cases of idiopathic muscular paresis of the bladder. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1912, Lond., 1913, xlviii, 81 s.,—Wolff. Ein Fall von Blasenlahmung Infolge Verletzung der Cauda und des Conns medullaris. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1906, iii, 3S7-389. ladder (Parasites in). Sec, also, Bilharziosis (Vesical); Bladder (Hydatids of). Barry (E.) Observation sur des urines sanguinolentes, causecs par un ver dans la vessie. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc. d'Edinb., Par , 1717, vi, 381-392.—Bauerelsen (A.) Ein seltener Parasit der weibhehen Harnblase. Ztschr. I. gyniik. Urol., Leipz., 1913, iv, 174- ISO, 1 pi —Chevrel (R.) Larves de mouche dans la vessio de Phomnie. Rev. scient.. Par., 1909, 5. s., xi, 621-625.—Chute (A. L.) An iifcction of the bladder with penieillium glaucum. Boston M. A S. J., 1911, clxiv, 420— Culley (B. L.) Vermin in bladder. Mis- Bladder (Obstruction of). See, also, Bladder (Contracted); Bladder (Neck of, Contracture of); Bladder (Tumors oj. Complications, etc., of); Prostate gland (Hyper- trophy of); "Urine (Betention of). Baldwin (II. A.) Obstructions to the urinarv flow in the bladder. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1917, xiii, 81-83. Aho: Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 90—Bangs (L. B.) Cicatrix of bladder relieved by fulguration. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1914, lxxxv, 619— Belfleld (W. T.) Vesical obstruction by diseased seminal vesicles. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brook- line, 1915, ix, 254-256, 1 pi. [Discussion], 299-311. Aho: Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 221.—Bugbee (II. O.) "The relief of vesical obstruction in selected cases. N. York State J. M , N. Y., 1913, xiii, 410-417, 1 pi. -----. The use of the high frequency spark in tho treatment of median bar obstruction. Urol. & Cutan. Kev , St Louis, 1917, xxi, 361-364.—Chetwood (C. H.) Special types of vesical obstructions. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1915, ix, 244-253. [Discussionl, 299-311.—Harpster (C M ) Tho Goldschmidt and Wossidlo technic in handling obstructions at the vesical neck. Ibid., 288-311. Aho: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 208-212—Herescu. [Congenital stricture of the vesical neck; operation; cure.] Spitalul, BucurescI, 1913, xxxiii, 120-123—Hirt (W.) Ein Fall von musculoser Blasenhalsklappe. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxv, 523-527— Lewis (B.) Contra-indications to surgical intervention in obstruction at the vesical neck. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass , Brookline, 1915, lx, 274-281. [Discus- sion], 299-311. Also: Surg., Gynec A Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 217-220.—Lowsley (O. S.) Observations on BLADDER. 609 BLADDER. Bladder (Parasites in). sissippi M. Rec., Vicksburg, 1902, vi, 104—Mendez (A.) Miasis vesical. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 191S, xxhi, 185-187.—Menger (R.) Some observations on the echinococcus disease (bladder tapeworm). Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1900, iv, 155-163—MUller (R.) & Wllllch (K. T.) Sarcinen in der menschlichen Harnblase. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxvii, Orig., 124-126.—Munsch. Ueber einen Fall von Ohrwurmern in der Harnblase. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1907, iv, 46.—Pljper (A.) Nocardia-infection of the bladder. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1916-17, xii, 157.—Prigl (H.) Ein Fall von Blasenaktinomykosis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 2356-2358— Rlbeyro (R. E.) Un caso autentico de miasis vesical. Crcn. med., Lima, 1915, xxxii, 25-30. Also: Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1915-16, ii, 196.— Roulin. Strongle geant de la vessie. J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi, 445.—Ruault (A.) & Fouquet (D.) Deux cas de cystite vermineuse (Bilharzia haematobia). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 433. Bladder (Perforation of). See, aho, Bladder (Bupture of); Pelvis (Frac- ture of, Complications, etc., of); Urine (Extra- vasation of); Urine (Infection by). Eichwald (P.) *Ueber die Entstehung der Harnblasenperforationen. 8°. Munchen, 1903. Ruppert (B.) *Ueber Perforation der Harn- blase in die freie Bauchhohle. 8°. Leipzig, 1913. Baldassarl (L.) & Flnottl (R.) Trattamento delle per- forazioni vescicali con trapianti. Riforma med., Roma, 1902, xvhi, pt. 4, 770— Bayerl. Ein Fall v.on Harnblasen- durchbohrung. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1903, liv, 154-158.—Evans (E.) Double perforation of the urinary bladder. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1904-5, hi, 551-553.—Grandiean (A.) Perforation vesicale tardive par une hgature intra-abdominale a la soie. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1912-13, vii, 281-288.—Grimm (C. E.) Perforation of tne bladder by a candle. West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1910-11, v, 199.—Joynt (R. L.) & Green (A. S.) A case of perforation of the bladder causing peritonitis and death. . Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1631.—Legueu. Dangers de la ponc- tion vesicale. Rev. gen. de.clin. et de therap., Par., 1918, xxxu, 213.—Legueu (F.) Eclatement traumatique sous- peritoneal sur quatre perforations de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1912, n. s., xxxviii, 452.—Luys (G.) Perforation de la vessie par un abces de la fosse iliaque droite. Chnique, Par., 1909, iv, 420.—Pike (J. B.) Perfora- tion of the bladder from chronic ulceration, with secondary appendicitis. [Case.] Practitioner, Lond., 1914, xciii, 293 — Pillet (E.) Deux cas de perforation de la vessie succedant, 1 'une a une coxalgie, 1 'autre a une cystite tuberculeuse. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1907, ii, 1281-1287.—Pol- lltzer (T.) Ueber zwei seltene Falle von Perforation in die Blase. Wien. khn. Rundschau, 1900, xiv. 369; 395.—Stern (C ) Perforation der Harnblase bei Ausschabung derselben. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 572.— Strauss (A.) Ueber Perforation bei Ausschabung der Harnblase. Ibid., 1000. Bladder (Physiology of). See, also, Bladder (Absorption by); Urination. Bocci (B.) La vescica urinaria come organo espulsivo; la flbra muscolare liscia. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1909. 5. s., i, 639-694, 2 ch. Aho. Reprint. —---. Die Harnblase als Expulsivorgan; die glatte Muskelfaser. Arch f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn,.1913, civ, 168-192: 1914, clix, 119-156, 2 ch — Cathelln (F.) Classification of the disturb- ances of sphincteric control resulting from wounds and contusions of the lumbo-sacral region (with and without external wound). J. Urol., Bait., 1918, u, 329-336.-Cour- tade (D.) & Guyon (J.-F.) Sur la contracture du muscle vesical. Compt. rend. Soc de biol.. Par., 1901, 11. s., ui, 828 —Ellis (IL) The bladder as a dynamometer. Am. J. Dermat., St. Louis, 1902, vi 85-92.-Gerota (D ) Ueber die Anatomie und Physiologie der Harnblase. Arch, f. Physiol Leipz., 1897, 428-472, 1 pl.-Hanc (A.) Experimentelle Studied iiber den Reflexmechanismus der Harnblase. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1898, lxxiii, 453-482. 4feo [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1899, xhi, 748.-Kallscher (O.) Die Sphinkteren der Harnblase. Compt-rend. Cong. internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, u, sect. L 96-101.- Kelffer (J.-H.) Anatomie et physiologie vasculaireet ner- veuse de la vessie. Gyn£cologie, ParA 1900, v 31£*J, • Aho: Presse med. beige. Brux., 1900,.hi 609; f?--!™*- ham-Green (C.) On the vesical sphincter and the mech- anism ofthe closure ofthe bladder. Rnt. M J., Lond 1906, ii 297-299 ----_. Antwort auf die Einwendungen der Her- ren Oppenheim und Low gegen meinen Aufsatz: Ueber den Mechanismus des Harnbfasenverschlusses und der Harn- entleerung. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. £ Ham-u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1906, xvh, 456.-Leedham-Green (C.) & HaU- Edwards (J. F.) The mechanism o the closure of the bladder as shown by radiography. Arch. Rcentg. ±tay, Bladder (Physiology of). Lond., 1905-6, x 324, 1 pi—Lewis (B.) The normal filling and emptying of the bladder; together with an explanation of frequency of urination in inflammatory conditions of the urinary organs. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1898, xxvi, 213.—von LichtenbCrg (A), Dietlen (H.) & Runge(W) Beitrag zur Physiologie der Bewegungen der menschlichen Harnblase. Cong, internat. de m6d. (xvi.). C.-r., Budapest, 1910, Sect. ii, Physiol., 247-252.—LOw. Der Mechanismus des Blasen- verschlusses im Rontgenbild. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 330-332.—Lydston (G. F.) Note on the vesical sphincters. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1912, xxv, 275— Miller (A. G.) Can the urinary bladder empty itself? Edinb. M. J., 1913, n. s., xi, 316-318.—Mosso (A.) Sulle funzioni della vescica urinaria. Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei, Roma, 1880-81,3. s., v, 230-234.—Mosso (A.) & Pellacani (P.) Sulle funzioni della vescica; ricerche fatte. Ibid., 1881-2, 3. s., xii, 3-64, 14 pi.— Oppenheim (M.) & LOw (O.) Bemerkungen zu Charles Leedham-Greens Aufsatz: Ueber den Mechanismus des Harnblasenverschlusses und der Harnentleerung. Cen- tralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1906, xvii, 453-455. See, afeo, supra, Leedham-Green.-----------. Der Mechanismus des Blasenverschlusses in Rontgenbild. Cen- tralbl. f.d. Krankh.d. Harn-u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1906, xvii, 66-77.—Ott(I.) The rhythmic action of the bladder; action of certain drugs upon it. Med. Bull., Phila.. 1897, xix, 422- 425.—Picque. A propos du retournement de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 681.— Rehflscli (E.) Ueber den Mechanismus des Harnblasen- verschlusses und der Harnentleerung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cl, 111-151— Schlesinger (H.) Zur Physiologie der Harnblase. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1897, ix, 544. Aho: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 1029.— Stewart (C. C.) The relaxation of the bladder muscles of the cat. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1899-1900, hi, 1-8— Uhle (A. A.) Chnical observations upon the mechanism of bladder closure. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1913, vhi, 303-313, 3 pi—Versarl (R.) Recherches sur la tunique musculaire de la vessie et specialement sur le muscle sphincter interne. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 1089; 1151.—Vurpas (C.) & Buvat (J.) Contribu- tion a l'etude de la psycho-physiologie de la vessie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 721.—von Zelssl (M.) Die gegenwartigen Anschauungen iiber den Blasenverschluss mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der beiden Arbeiten von Eugen Rehflsch und von L. von Frankl-Hochwart und O. Zuckerkandl. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 877-884.— von Zelssl (M.) & Holzknecht (G.) Der Blasenverschluss im Rontgenbilde. Med. Bl., Wien, 1902, xxv, 155-157. Bladder (Prolapse of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Frolapse of). Schneider (J.) Der angeborene Vorfall der umgekehrten Urinblase. Eine Monographic 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1832. Blum(V.) Die Herniaintravesicalis. Wien.klin.Wchn- schr., 1904, xvii, 209-212.—Helnslus (F.) Verlagerungen der Blase, Blasen-lnversion und Blasen-Ektopie beim Weibe. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1912, xix, 374-379.—Imer- wol (V.) De la hernie de la vessie a travers l'uretre dans la premiere enfance. Arch, dc med. d. enf., Par., 1909, xii, 115- 124.—Leedham-Green (C.) Prolapse of the inverted blad- der through the urethra. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 976- 978.—Mareslo. Inversione totale della vescica. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1913, lix, 274.—Nedlelskl (V.) [Congenital simultaneous prolapse of the inverted bladder, and of the rectum, under the pubic arch] Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1908, xlviii,[med. pt.], 277-286.—Rich (E. C.) Treat- ment of prolapsus of the bladder. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1913, n. s., v, 38.—Shoemaker (G. E.) Operative treat- ment of bladder-descent and sacculation. Phila. M. J., 1901, viii, 1092-1094.—Smith (A. L.) Suprapubic cysto- pexy for prolapse of the bladder. Canada M. Rec, Mon- treal, 1904, xxxii, 63-66— Sokolova (Marya V.) [Com- plete inversion and prolapse of the female bladder through the urethra.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1912, xi, 1598.— Wilkinson (G.) Tworare bladdercases; complete inversion of the bladder and congenital diverticulum from the base of the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1905, li, 1036. Bladder (Puncture of). See Bladder (Perforation of); Urine (Beten- tion of, Treatment of). Bladder (Purpura of). Blum (V.) Ueber Purpura vesicae und deren Folge- zustande (Ulcus simplex vesicae pepticum). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxiv, 565-569—Camelot (E.) Un cas de purpura vesical a rechutes. Ass. frang, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par , 1911, xiv, 740-743.—Kidd (F.) Purpura of the bladder; report of a case with a description of the cystoscopie appear- ances Ann. Surg., Phila., 1913, lviii, 3S8-394— Xassettl (F.) La porpora della vescica. Clin, chir., Milano, 1916, xxiv, 1269-1293. 96808°—Vol II, 3d series—19- -39 BLADDER. 610 BLADDER. Bladder (Rupture of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Bupture of); Blad- der (B erf oration of); Bladder (Suture of); Pel- vis (Fracture of, Complications, etc., of); Urine (Extravasation of); Urine (Infection by). Baumer (K.) *Ueber spontane Blasenrup- tur. Ein zusammenfassender Beitrag zur Lehre von der spontanen resp. nichttraumatisehen Blasenruptur, unter Mitteilung eines noch nicht veroffentlichten Falles. 8°. Leipzig, 1913. Block (F.) *Ueber pathologische Harnbla- senrupturen. [Greifswald.] 8°. Berlin, 1913. Hager (G.) *Die Zerreissung der Harnblase. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. Kuhn (W.) *Ein Fall von Harnblasenruptur. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Nobe (W.) *Ueber Blasenruptur. [Breslau.] 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Aho, in: Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1903, xiv, 71; 134. Pachmayr (0. K.) *Ueber subcutane Blasen- rupturen und deren Behandlung. 8°. Miin- chen, 1903. Schaumann (F. K. L. H.) *Spontanruptur der Blase nach Cystitis. 8°. Munchen, 1905. Ziegner (II.) *Ueber die Rupturen der Harnblase. 8°. Halle a. S., 1895. Aberg(P.) [Fivecasesofruptureofthebladder.l Hygiea. Stockholm, 1906. 2. f., vi, 252.—Allen (C. W.) Ruptured bladder. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1914-15, lxvii, 915.—Berndt (F ) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Harnblasenrup- tur. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lviii, 815-839— Besley (F. A.) Ruptureofthe urinary bladder, a report and analysis of twenty-three cases from the records of the Cook County Hospital, with an experimental study of the mechanism of bladder rupture. Surg., Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, iv, 514-532. [Discussion], 540-542.—Bissell (J. B.) Rupture of the bladder. VirginiaM. Semi-Month, Richmond, 1903-4, viii, 429-434.—Brown (F. T.) Ruptured bladder. Ann. Surg, Phila , 1904, xl, 271— Brown (J. Y.) Specimen of rup- ture of the bladder. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1904, xxv, 20.—Bull. Rupturavesicae. Kristianiakirurg. for. forh 1914, 4-8.—Burdenko (N.) [Subcutaneous^intraabdominal rup- ture ofthe urinary bladder; recovery.] Russk. khir.Arch., S.- Peterb., 1907, xxih, 101-114.—Carter (F. B) A case of rup- tured bladder and diaphragmatic hernia. Brit. M J., Lond., 1904, i, 1487—Cates (B. B.) Rupture of the male urinary bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1906, civ, 472.—Chauveau. Un cas de rupture de la vessie. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1899, iii, H_18 —Clark (J. B.) Rupture of the bladder; case report. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1914 lx, 131-133. Aho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1914, lx, 717— Cohn (M.) Inkom- plcte Harnblasenruptur. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1911, cix, 509-517—Cook (J. K.) Rupture of the bladder; report of other interesting cases. Tr. W. Virg. M. Ass., Wheeling, 1905, xxxviii, 429—Cooper (St. C.) Rupture of the bladder from distension; death. Hot Springs M. J., 1901. x, 227-229—Cropper (J.) A caso of rupture of the bladder in a young child. Lancet, Lond., 1905 1 639.—Cuff (A ) A case of pathological rupture of the bladder; opera- tion; recovery. Ibid., 1897, i, 37S— Dalzlel. Successful oper- ation for rupture of the bladder. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc., 1897-8, vu, 106.—Dandols. Rupture de la vessie; laparatomie tardive; guerison. Rev. med., Louvain, 1901-2, xix, 385-392.—De Favento. Duo casi di rottura della ves- cica. Riv. urol., Catania, 1910, i, 215 220.—Doberauer (().) Ueber subkutane Blasenruptur. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1913, xxxvih. 459-462—Eckert (O. A.) Rupture of the urinary bladder, with a report of two cases. Rhode Island M. J., Providence, 1917, 1, 116-118—Elsendrath (D. N.) Subcutaneous rupture of tho bladder in a child of three years; admission to the hospital ono week after the injury with symptoms of septicemia; operation; death. Internal. Clin., Phila., 1904, 14. s., ii, 246-248.- l.isner (T.) Subcu- tane Ruptur der Harnblase; operative Iloilung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xxvi, 89; 104; 119.—Espey (J. R.) Rup- ture of the urinarv bladder. Colorado Med., Denver, 1907, iv, 190-196—Fabriclus (J.) Ein geheilter Fall von Kuptur der Harnblase. Ztschr. f. urol. Chir., Berl., 1914, ii, 250- 263.—Fenwlck (P. C.) Rupture of the bladder followed by gangrene of the bladder walls. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910. I, 798—Frieberg(T) Ein Fall von spontaner Blasenruptur mit Veranderungen der elastischen Substanz Im Ruptur- rande des Peritonaeums. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1910, ecu, 268-272—Goldenberg (T.) Beitrag zur Pathologie der Harnblasenrupturen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1909, lxi, 350-371—Gottschalk (E.) Ueber Darm- und Blasenrapturen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, xxxvii, 1517— Harrison (J. McK.) A case of ruptured bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 526 — Bladder (Rupture of). Hedren (G.) Lipomatosis der Harnblase mit nicht trau- matiseher Ruptur derselben. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxii, 1018-1022.—Jeanne). Sur la rupture de la vessie. Clin, de la Fac. de med. de Toulouse, 1896-7, ii. 161- 171— Johannsen(0.) Ueber praperitoneale Flussigkeits- ansammlungen bei Rupturen der Harnwege. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 702-705—Judd (J. R.) Rupture of the urinary bladder operated on seventv-seven hours after injury. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, liv, 1207— Kahler. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Therapie der Blasenrupturen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1899, liii, 102-104.— Legueu. Les ruptures de la vessie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1912, xxvi, 293—Leriche. Rupture sous- pentoneale d une vessie neoplasique; operation; guerison. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 1031 —Loumeau (E.) Rupture de la vessie; intervention; guerison. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 567-571. Aho, transl: Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1905-6, h, 253-261— Lowle. Deux cas de rupture de la vessie. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1907, vii, 494-497.—Lucas-Champlonntere. Les ruptures de la vessie. Rev. g^n. declin. etdetherap., Par., 1905. xix, 118.— Mc Dermott (B. A.) Two cases of rupture of the bladder, with a review of the literature. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1910, xv, 447-456 —MGonlgle (M. B.) A case of ruptured bladder. Columbus M. J., 1903, xxvh, 74—McKeown (W.) Rupture of bladder. Dominion M. Month.. Toronto, 1903, xx, 207-209—Marnoch (J.) Two cases oi rupture of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 241-246.—Mercier (A.) Observation d'un cas de rupture de la vessie. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1903, xxxii, 132-138.—Moser E.) Spontane Harnblasenzerreissung. Deutsche Ztschr. . Chir.. Leipz., 1914, cxxxii, 103-123.—Muir (J. C.) An unusual case of rupture of the bladder; subsequent prostatec- tomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 25— Naumann (G.) Ueber Blasenruptur. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1912, 3. f., xii, afd. 1, No. 2, 1-25 —Neve (A.) Two cases of rup- tured bladder; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1915,1, 180.—Nlcolay. Ueber einen mit Gonorrhoe komplizierten Fall von Blasenruptur. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1913, xxxi, 911-913—Oppel (V. A.) [Rupture of the bladder from a clinical point or view.] Htissk. Khir. Arch., S.- Peterb., 1904, xx, 672-692.—Pachmayr (O.) Rupture of the bladder and its treatment. Am. J. Urol., N. Y.,1909. v, 253-279— Paschkls (R.) Ueber Rupturen der Harn- blase. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1911, lxi, 2377-2388.—Pulldo Martin (A.) Mecanismo de algunas roturas de vejiga. Siglo med., Madrid, 1911, lviii, 81-83.-----. Prondstico y tratamiento expectante de las roturas de vejiga. Ibid., 306- 308. -----. Tratamiento operatorio de las roturas de la vejiga de la orina. Ibid., 370-372 —Quain (E. P.) Rupture of the bladder, with report of two cases. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1916, xxxvi, 384-387— Roll (J.) [Sur un cas de rupture de la vessie. Res., 612-615] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevi- densk., Kristiania. 1901, 4. R., xvi, 592-606—Stone (R. C ) Rupture of the bladder. J. Mich. M. Soc., Battle Creek, 1911, x, 107-111.—Suyetlnoff (A.) [On ruptures of the uri- nary bladder.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, v, 549-553—Sweet- nam (S. W.) & Lambert (F. C.) Case of ruptured bladder complicated by alcoholic poisoning. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 517-519.—Talnter (T. J.) Rup- tured bladder ; report of a case. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1909-10, vi, 4S7-190.—Talboy (J. H.) Rupture of bladder due to phimosis. Iowa M. J., [etc.], Des Moines, 190S-9, xv, 315—Taylor (H. L.) Rupture of the bladder, with report of a case. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc., Manches- ter, 1917, cxxvi, 90-106—Todd (C. E.) Rupture ol the bladder. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, ii, 453. -----. Surgery of ruptured bladder. Ibid., 1917, i, 399— Turner. Ruptured bladder; suture; death. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1905-6, vi, 113.—Turnure (P. R.) Rupture of the bladder. Tr. N. York Surg. Soc, 1912, i, 283. .4 ho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1912, lvi, 807.—Veseloveorofl (N. N.) [Ruptures ofthe bladder.) Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1912-13, xlix, 144-149.— Vlgnolo (U.) Sur un cas Interessant de rupture de la vssio J. d'urol. mM. et chir., Par., 1914, xi, 183-185.— White (S.) & Wlgrarn (N. J.) A case of spontaneous rup- ture of the urinary bladder. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1916, iv, 324.—Wohl (M.) Ruptura vesica? urinarise incompleta, consecutive Zellgewebsontziindung des Cavum Retzh. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1903, viii, 155.— Woolsey (G.) Three unusual cases of rupture of the bladder. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1913, xxxi, 581-5sn. Aho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1913, lviii, 244-251. Bladder (Rupture of Diagnosis and semeiology of). Blecher. Zur Diagnose der Blasenruptur insliesondere der intraperitoncalen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902-3, lxvi, 578-589.—Dittrlch. Zur Differentialdiagnose zwischen extra- und intraperitoneal gelegener Blasenruptur. Ibid., 1S9S, l, 204.—Keen (W. W.) A new method of ascer- taining whether the bladder Is or is not ruptured. Proc. PhUa. Co. M. Soc , Phila , 1890, xi, 43-45— Malherbe (A.) Rupture traumatique de la vessie; symptdmes obscurs, pas d'hematurie les premiers jours; infiltration urineuse; mort. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1900, xvhi, 262-268 — Pedersen (J.) A new symptom of extraperitoneal rupture BLADDER. 611 BLADDER. Bladder (Rupture of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). of the bladder. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1913, vii, 266- 270— Pulldb Martin (A.) Diagntfstico de las roturas de la vejiga. Siglo med., Madrid, 1911, lvhi, 114; 162.—Stolper (P.) Zur Diagnose der subkutanen Harnblasenrupturen Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, ix, 109-115.—Thorn- dike (P.) A few remarks on the diagnosis and treatment of rupture of the bladder. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis N. Y., 1899, xvu, 210-217. Aho. Reprint.—VUlard & Murard. Rupture de la vessie a signes anormaux. Lyon med., 1912, lxix, 517.—Yurgin (F. F.) [Diagnosis of trau- matic rupture of the urinary bladder.] -Vrach Zaniski Mosk., 1899, vi, 336-345. " ' Bladder (Rupture of Extraperitoneal). Grypiotis (N.) ^Contribution a l'etude des ruptures extra-peritoneales de la vessie. 8° Lyon, 1900. ; Roussellier (G.-M.-E.) *Contribution a l'etude des ruptures extra-peritoneales de la vessie. 8°. Barh, 1901. Ashhurst. Extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder with- out fracture ofthe pelvis; two cases. Tr. Phila. Acad Surg 1909, xi, 222-227,1 pi. Aho: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1909, xlixj 435-440.—Bert (A.) & Vlgnard (P.) A propos d'un cas de rupture extra-peritoneale de la vessie; experiences cadaveri- ques sur le rapport qui pourrait exister entre le traumatisme et le siege de la rupture vesicale. Province med., Lyon, 1898, xii, 165-167.—Boughton (E. W.) Three cases of extra- peritoneal rupture of the bladder. Clin. J., Lond., 1909, xxxiv, 63.—Brlstow (A. T.) Extraperitoneal rupture ofthe bladder. Brooklyn M. J., 1901, xv, 10-14.—Cannaday (J. E.) Extra-peritoneal rupture of the bladder, with re- port of cases. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 127-129. Aho: West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1907-8, ii, 209-211. -----. Extra-peritoneal rupture of the bladder, with report of cases. St. Louis M. Rev., 1910, n. s., iv, 274-276.—Collier (H. S.) Case of extraperitoneal rupture of bladder. St. Mary's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, ix, 77 — Delamare. Rupture extraperitoneale de la vessie (accident d'equitation); infiltration urineuse; guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1899, xxxhi, 66-68. Aho: Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 714.—Fuller (E.) Extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder; its surgical management. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxiii, 2114- 2119.—Hawkes (C. E.) Traumatic extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder with fracture of the pelvis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, lxv, 222-226.—Little]ohn (H.) An extra- peritoneal rupture of the bladder. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. jour; guerison. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 794.— Luigi (P.) Sulle rotture extraperitoneali della vescica. Osp. magg. Riv. scient.-prat. d... . di Milano, 1908, ih, 82- 93. Aho [Abstr.]: Corriere san., Milano, 1908, xix, 342.— MacDonald (S. G.) Two cases of extra-peritoneal rupture of the bladder. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1914, xix, 60-62.— MacLaren (A.) Rupture of the urinary bladder, with report of a case of extraperitoneal rupture complicated with fracture of the pelvis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1328.—Ninni (G.) Ampia lacerazione estraperitoneale della vescica con vasto mfiltramento urinoso; epi ed ipocistotomia; guarigione. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1907, n. s., lxi, 125-133. Aho: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Napoli, 1907, n. s., xxix, 304-310.—Norton (W. A.) Injuries ofthe urinary bladder; report of case of extraperitoneal rupture. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1909, lx, 369-375.—Petit (R.) Large rupture extra-peritoneale de la vessie; guerison. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 649-654.— Radouan & Pigeon. Large rupture de la vessie, par eclatement, extraperitoneale; laparotomie sus-pubienne; suture partielle de la vessie avec cystotomie et cystopexie; guerison rapide. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1904, xliii, 68-79—Rlschbleth (H.) A case of extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, ii, 454.—Robinson (H. B.) Extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder without fracture of the pelvis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.. Lond., 1911-12, v, Surg. Sect., 5-9. Aho: Clin. J., Lond.. 1911-12, xxxix, 335.—SchOnwerth (A.) Ueber subcutane extraperitoneale Blasenrupturen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1908, lxxxv, 876-883.—Van Engelen. Rupture traumatique extra-peritoneale de la vessie; rupture de l'urethre. J. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 697.—Vladlslavlefl (S. V.) [Traumatic extraperitoneal rupture of urinary bladder, complicated by peritonitis.] Bolnitsch. Gaz. Botkina, S.-Peterb., 1898, ix, 1877-1880. Bladder (Rupture of, Intraperitoneal). Deleuze(E.) Contribution k l'etude des ruptures et perforations de la vessie (spontanees intra-peritoneales). 8°. Lyon, 1901. Bladder (Rupture of Intraperitoneal). Hellendall (H.) *Ueber die operative Be- handlung der traumatischen intraperitoneal en Ruptur der Harnblase. 8°. Strassburg i. E. 1896. Purckhauer (F. W. A. R.) *Ueber einen Fall von traumatischer intraperitonealer Bla- senruptur mit Heilung. 8°. Kiel, 1904. Vichard (M.-J.-J.) *Des ruptures traumati- ques intraperitoneales de la vessie au point de vue du diagnostic et du traitement. 8°. Nancy, 1899. Alexander (S.) Intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder treated by laparotomy and suture; report of forty-five cases. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiv, 209-233.—Anderson (T. L.) A case of intra-peritoneal rupture ofthe bladder; operation; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1905, xxix, 19.— Ashhurst (A. P. C.) Traumatic intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder; with a report of two cases and an analysis of one hundred and ten cases treated by laparotomy. Am. J. M. SCy Phila. & N. Y., 1906, n. s., cxxxii, 17-37.—Ashhurst (J.) Intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 385-389. Aho: Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1899, i, 61-65.—Baradulln (G. I.) [Traumatic intraperito- neal rupture ofthe bladder.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1913, xxxiii, 30-33.—Baroni (G.) Rottura intraperitoneale della vescica; guarigione spontanea. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1899, liii, 241-244.—Baudet (P.) Sur un cas de rupture intraperitoneale de la vessie. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1911, xviii, 429-435.—Berbllnger (W.) Trauma- tische, intraperitoneale Ruptur der Blase (Laparotomie); Heilung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1631-1633.— Blair (G.) A case of intraperitoneal traumatic rupture of the bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1919, i, 73.—Blake (J. A.) Intraperitoneal rupture ofthe bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1902, xxxvi, 606.—Blumer (W. P.) Intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder; operation four days after injury; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1772. -----. intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder; operation two days after; recovery. Ibid., 1903, i, 789.—Bolton (P. R.) Intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1903. xxxvu, 438.— Borgen (O.) Ruptura vesicae intraperitoneahs. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1917. 5. R., xv, 214-217.— Collier (J.) Intra-peritoneal rupture ofthe bladder; laparot- omy, suture; recovery. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1902, 4. s., ih, 26-28.—Connell (K.) A suction apparatus for con- tinuous drainage; with report of case of intraperitoneal rup- ture of bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1903, xxxvu, 886-890, 2 pi.—Daly (E. O.) & Harrison (E.) Case of intraperi- toneal rupture of the bladder treated by laparotomy and suture of the bladder sixty-four hours after rupture; re-- covery after unusual complication. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1903,. i, 76.—Dambrin (C.) & Papln (E.) Des ruptures intra-. peritoneales de la vessie sans fractures du bassin, dans les; contusions abdominales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1904, xxii, 641; 721; 801—De Meis & Parascandolo. Intraperitoneale Blasenruptur. (Experimentelle Unter- suchungen an Hunden.) Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1902, x, 321; 329— Dobrowolskaja (N.) & Wiedemann (H.) Zur Fra-*e der intraperitonealen Harn- blasenrupturen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1914, lxxxix, 700-708.—Dohrn (K.) Ein Fall von traumatischer, intra- peritonealer Blasenruptur; Laparotomie; Heilung. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lx, 406-409— Dubuja- doux. Rupture intra-peritoneale de la vessie; sonde a demeure; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 859-861. Aho: Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1902, xxxix, 326-330.—Elmgren (R.) [Case.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1904, xx, 215-220—Engstad (J. E.) Report of a case of rupture of the bladder, both intra- and extra-peritoneal. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1899, xix, 134.—Evans (P.) Notes on acase of intra-peritoneal rupture of the bladder, complicated with fractures of right femur, right wrist, and pneumonia; operation; recoverv. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1912, xviu, 317-319.—Flower (N.) Intraperitoneal rupture ofthe bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, u, 398.—Fiiderl. Fall von kompleter intraperitonealer, traumatischer Ruptur der Blase, welche durch Operation zur Heilung gebracht wurde. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 677.—Fraser (L.) Case of idiopathic (?) intraperito- neal rupture of the bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906,i, 921.— Gabbett(P.) Intra-peritoneal rupture of bladder. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1906, xii, 364.—Galaktionow (A.) Zur Frage der intraperitonealen Rupturen der Harnblase. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, ex, 449-467.—Gangi- tano (C.) Un caso di rottura intraperitoneale della vescica; laparotomia; guarigione. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 27-34.—Gayet. Rupture intra- peritoneale de la vessie et fracture du bassin consecutive a une chute du4<=etage; laparotomie; suture; guerison. Lyon med., 1911, cxvii, 778-780.—Herzen (P.) Ueber intraperito- neale Harnblasenrupturen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1911, xcv, 941-949.—Hesse (E. P.) [Intraperitoneal ruptures of BLADDER. 612 BLADDER. Bladder (Rupture of, Intraperitoneal). the bladder and plastic surgery by means of the isolated omentum in suture of the bladder.] Khirurg. Arkh. Velya- minova, S.-Peterb., 1912, xxvhi, 619-625.—Hlldebrand (O.) Ueber die extraabdominale Versorgung intraabdominaler Blasenrisse. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1903, xxxvii, 776-781— Hunnard (A.) A case of intra-abdominal rup- ture ofthe bladder; operation; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, 1, 514.—Jenckel (A.) Ein Fall von geheilter, trau- matischer, intraperitonealer Blasenruptur. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lxi, 578-584. —Jones (D. F.) Intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder; with report of two recent cases of recovery after suture. Ann. Surg., Phila , 1903, xxxvu, 215-225. Aho, Reprint.- Aho [Abstr.]: Bos- ton M. & S. J, 1904, cii, 515.—Jonker (H.) Een geval van intraperitoneale blaasscheur. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1917, i, 1571-1573.—Kaczander (J.) [Subcutaneous Intraperitoneal bladder rupture.] Urologia, Budapest, 1911, 30.—Khardln (A. A.) [Intraperitoneal rupture of tho bladder.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1907, xxu, 551-553.—Krabbel. Ueber intraperitoneale Blasenruptur. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1901, xv, 213-215.—Lawson (C. B.) Intraperito- neal rupture of an abnormal bladder; operation; recovery. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, x, 638-642.—Led- derhose. Zur Behandlung der intraperitonealen Blasen- zerreissung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxvii, 898-905. Aho: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1902, xxxi, pt. 2, 254-261.—Llttlewood (H.) Case of Intra- peritoneal rupture of the urinary bladder; abdominal sec- tion; suture; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 868.— M'Laren (J. S.) Intra-peritoneal rupture of the bladder; notes of two cases, one of which recovered after suture. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 271-281. Aho: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1902, xi, 97-107— Mallnovski (A. A.) [Intra-abdominal rupture of the bladder.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1912, xl, 304.—Martini (E.) Sulla rot- tura traumatica, intraperitoneale della vescica. Clin, chir., Milano, 1904, xh, 1037-1052.—Mason (E. L.) Intraperito- neal rupture of urinary bladder, with report of case resulting from automobile injury. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1911, x, 144-151—Mayer (M.) Intraperitonealer Blasenriss; Zerreissung und Abreissung des Bauchfells von der Blase. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1904, 3. F., xxvii, 68-75.— Michon (E.) Contusion de 1'abdomen; rupture intra- peritoneale de la vessie; laparotomie; suture vesicale; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 727-731.—Muir (J. C.) Intraperitoneal rupture of tho bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 507.—Murray (R. W ) Three cases of intra-peritoneal rupture of the bladder. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1906, xxvi, 159-166— Neumann. Behandlung der intraperitonealen Harnblasenzerreissung ohne Blasennaht. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1906, xxxv, 283-286— Nord man n (O.) Intraperito- neale Ruptur der Harnblase. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, xxxiv, 144-148.—Oehlecker (F.) Pathologische intraperitoneale Harnblasenruptur. Ibid., 1910, xxxvi, 1122-1125—Pasteau. Contusion de I'abdo- men; rupture intra-peritonealo dc la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 113.—Pedersen (J.) Intra- f>eritoneal rupture of the bladder. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, xi, 475.—Quick (E.) Intraperitoneal rupture of tho urinary bladder; with report of a case operated two hundred and fifty-four hours after accident, with recovery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xiv, 94-100— Schou (J.) Ruptura Intraperitonealis vesicae. [Laparotomy with suture of tho bladder; recovery.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1901,5. R , viu, 217-228.—Seldowltsch (I. B.) Ueber intraperitoneale, Rupturen der Harnblase. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903 4, lxxii, 859-897 —Sharetskl (B. G.) [Intra-abdominal rup- ture of the bladder] Kharkov. M. J., 1909, viu, 358-362 — Stewart (W.) A case of sub-peritoneal rupture of the blad- der presenting anomalous symptoms. Scot. M. & S. J , Edinb., 1903, xhi, 410-413— Stlncer (R.) Ruptura Intra- peritoneal de la vejiga; laparotomia; curaci<5n. Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana, 1913, xviii, 301-304—Traver (A. H.) Intraperitoneal rupture of bladder. Albanv M. Ann., 1916. xxxvii, 514-517.—Violin (A.) [Intraperitoneal ruptures ofthe bladder] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Pcterb., 1912. xix, 1773.—Walker (H. O.) Intraperitoneal rupture or tho bladder. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1907. xxi, 193-195. Watson (F. S.) Intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder; laparotomy, suture of bladder wound; death from double pneumonia twenty-four hours later. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. Citv Hosp., 1900, xi, 96—Westbrook (R. W.) Intraperitoneal rupture ofthe bladder. Brooklyn M. J., 1900, xiv, 102-110.— Zeldovich (Y. B.) [Intraperitoneal ruptures ofthe urinary bladder.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, 11, 1422; 1462. Bladder (Rupture of, Traumatic). See, also, Pelvis (Fracture of, Complications, etc., of); Urine (Extravasation of). Furbury (J.) *Etude sur les ruptures trau- | matiques de la vessie et leur traitement. 8°. Barh, 1900. Lamotte (P.) *Des ruptures traumatiques de la vessie consecutives aux contusions abdoini- nales. 8°. Baris, 1907. I Bladder (Rupture of, Traumatic). Wemmers (J.) *Zur Casuistik der trauma- tischen Ruptur der Harnblase. 8,°. Munchen, 1900. Alglave (P.) Eclatement de la face anterieure de la vessie par chute sur (e dos d'une hauteur de trois etages; interven- tion; guerison. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1906, 1466-1471—Arcoleo (E.) Sulla terapia chirurgica delle rotture traumatiche della vescica. Morgagni, Milano, 1899, xii, 304-318. Aho, Reprint.—Baradulln (G. I.) (Trau- matic rupture of the mucosa alone of the bladder.] Russk. Vrach, Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 1042.—Borszeky (K.) Ein geheilter Fall von traumatischer Blasenruptur. Ungar. mod. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, 124—Castagnol (I. R.) Traumatic rupture of the bladder. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1918, 28. s., iv, 230-242— Clark (S.) Case of rupture of the bladder during litholapaxy; suture; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1295— Dalton (H. C.) Traumatic rupture of the bladder. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1908-9, v, 159-162.—Delia Torre (P. L.) Sopra un caso di rottura traumatica della vescica. Riforma med., Napoli, 1914, xxx, 539-545.—Drappler. Rupture traumatique de la vessie; guerison spontanee. J. u. sc. med. de Lille. 1898, ii, 553- 557.—Elsendrath (D.N.) Crushing injury ofthe abdomen; subcutaneous rupture of the bladder. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1904,14. s , li, 243-248.—Erdmann (J. F.) Traumatic rup- ture of the bladder. N. York M. J. [etc j, 1917, cvi, 720.— Gantkowskl. [Traumatic ruptures of the bladder.] Now. lek., Poznah, 1900, xh, 389-392. —Kllbane (E. F.) Trau- matic rupture of the bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 767-769—Lang (P. H.) A case of ruptured bladder; operation forty-two hours after the accident; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1240—M. (C.) Traitement des ruptures traumatiques de la vessie. Tribune med., Par., 1908, n. s., xl, 518—Maeder. Ein Fall von geheilter, trau- matischer intra- und extraperitonealer Blasenruptur. Deut- sche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxix, 317-322. —Matvleyefl (A. F.) [Traumatic rupture of the urinary bladder, the abdominal coverings remaining entire.] Russk. Med., S.- Peterb., 1894, xix, 203—Morel (L.) Contribution a l'etude des ruptures traumatiques de La vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin.. Par., 1906, xxiv, 801-810.—PoIIenofl (A. L.) [Rupture of urinary bladder caused by a foreign body entering it through the perineum] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898, xlix, 494-196 —Potel (G.) Rupture traumatique de la vessie; laparotomie; guerison. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 429—Quln (E. P.) Traumatic rupture of the bladder. Railway Surg. J., Chicago. 1916, xxii, 414-420 — Russell (R. H.) Case of divulsion of the pubic symphysis, with double rupture of the bladder. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1909, xiv, 191-193,1 pi —Schumann (E. A.) Acaseoftraumatlcruptureofthebladder;recovery. Phila. M. J., 1903, xi, 39.—Sieur. Au sujet des ruptures traumatiques de la vessie; contusion de 1'abdomen par coup de pied de cheval; sympt6mes immediats de rupture de la vessie; guerison sans intervention. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 723-728—Strine (H. F.) & Higglns (ME) A case of rupture of the bladder with frac- ture of the pelvis. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1914, viii, 458. —vulllet (H.) Quelques remarques a propos de trois observations de rupture traumatique de la vessie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1908, xxviii, 490- 499— Wyeth (J. A.) Operative preperitoneal rupture ofthe bladder, with the report of a case. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 717. Bladder (Sacculated). See Bladder (Abnormities of). Bladder (Senile). Bllllngslea (J. H.) Bladder troubles In old men and the treatment. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xlh, 325.— Bulcke (C.) Des effets de la cystostomle sur l'infection urinaire des vieillards; six observations personnelles. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1905, lxxxv, 43-54—Capen (E. W.) Prostatic cystitis in the aged and Its treatment. Therap. Rec, Louis- ville, 1906-7,li, 270— Harris (G. P.) Drainage ofthe bladder In the aged and infirm. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1908-9, xv, 319-356 —Hendry (A.) Senile atony of the bladder. N. Zealand M J., Wellington, 1901-2, li, 230-236—Jones (W. B.) The bladder troubles of old men. Tr. M. Ass. Central N. Y., Bulfalo, 1903, x, 24-27. Aho: Buffalo M J., 1903^1, n. s., xliii, 297-300—Newman (D.) Residual urine in the senile bladder, with special reference to the conduct of the case so as to postpone or avoid the use ofthe catheter. Glas- gow M. J , 1917, lxxxvii, 153-166—WlUmoth (A D.) Man- agement of distended and infected bladders in old men. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1911, xv, 127-129. Bladder (Spasm of). See Bladder (Tenesmus and spasm of). Bladder (Sphincters of). See Bladder (Bhysiology of). Bladder (Stone in). See Calculus (Vesical). BLADDER. 613 BLADDER. Bladder (Surgery of). See, also, Bladder (Cancer of, Treatment of, Operative); Bladder (Diverticula of, Treatment of, Operative); Bladder (Drainage of, Fost-opera- tive); Bladder (Exchion of); Bladder (Exclu- sion of); Bladder (Fixation of); Bladder (For- eign bodies in, Extraction of, Operative); Bladder (Inflammation of, Treatment of, Operative); Bladder (Bupture of); Bladder (Suture of); Bladder (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of, Opera- tive) ; Bladder^ Tumors of, Treatment of, Opera- tive) ; Bladder (Wounds of); Calculus (Vesical); Cystotomy; Fistula (Abdominal); Fistula (Entero-vesical); Lithotomy; Prostate gland (Hypertrophy of, Treatment of) by epicystotomy; Ureters (Anastomosis of); Urinary organs (Surgery of). Giordano (G.) Interventi chirurgici sulla vescica; anatomia normale e patologica, indica- zionie tecnica operativa. 4°. Torino, 1910. Mayet (H.) ^Considerations anatomiques sur la vessie des enfants. Tailles et lithotritie chez l'enfant. 8°. Baris, 1896. Miroux (J.) ^Modifications de la sensibilite et de la capacity vesicale par la rachistova'inisa- tion dans les interventions sur les vessies non ouvertes. [Barh.'] 8°. Nantes, 1909. Audry (C.) Cystotomie, cystectomie etevstopexie. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 687; 717— Bosher (L. C.) A bladder tenaculum needle. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Rich- mond, 1909, ix, 43— Brlnton (J. H.) The choice of opera- tions upon the male bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 353-362. Aho: Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1900, ii, 83-92.— Calrd (F. M.) Contribution to the surgery of the bladder. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 1069-1078.—Cathelin (F.) Comment on ouvre une vessie. Tribune m6d., Par., 1908, n. s.,xl, 613.-----. How to open a bladder. Am. J.Urol., N. Y., 1909, v, 280-285.-----. Les vessies qu'il ne faut pas ouvrir. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1914, xi, 162-168.—Crowell (A.J.) Report of three operations on the bladder during August. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1901, xlvh, 438-441.—Everltt (Ella B.) Three unusual vesical cases, with operation. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1903-4, vii, 257-259.—Fowler (J. L.) Surgery of the bladder. Med. Times, N. Y., 1906, xxxiv, 207; 237—Franck (O.) Glyzerin als Blasenlaxans. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxvm, 36.—Fuller (E.) Vesical emergencies; their surgical man- agement. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 954-957.—Gourdet. Valve speciale pour la vessie. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.- urin., Par., 1905, ii, 243-246.—Guizy (B.) Description d'un cystotomc-ecarteur. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1904, xxii, 1379-1385.—Guyon (F.) De la chloroformisation de la vessie. Ibid.. 1905, xxhi, 161-171. Aho: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, l, 158-164— Kelly (H. A.) A method of sequestrating the urinary bladder in extensive operations involving its peritoneal surfaces. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1903, xiv, 96-98.—Keyes (E. L.) Pulmonary embol- ism after operations upon the bladder and prostate. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1902, lxxv, 577-581. Aho, Reprint.----—. Survival after several operations in spite of unusually low phenolsulphonephthalein output. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1912, viii, 601—Kollscher (G.) Clamp resection of the urinary bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu, 296. -----. Death after bladder operation. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1916, xxih, 709-712—Kollscher (G.) & Kraus (H.) A device for the prevention of bl eeding in bladder opera- tions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910. liv, 1309.—Lewis (B.) Surgery of the bladder. Syst. Surg. (Keen), Phila., 1908, iv, 272-334, 1 pi—Lohnsteln (H.) Fortschritte der Harn- blasenchirurgie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, lxvni, 1045-1057; 1069.—Loumeau (E.) Sur lafistuhsation thera- peutique de la vessie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1913 xxxiv, 211-214.-----. Quelques faits relatifs a la fistu- hsation therapeutique de la vessie. Rev. clin. d'urol, Par., 1913, ii, 135-162.—McCarthy (J. F.) Surgery of the lower ureter and bladder. Med. Rec, N. Y.,1918, xciv, 609.- Molla y Rodrlgo (R.) Evolution histtfnea de la cirugia de Bladder (Surgery of). Liege, 1905, xliv, 322. Aho, transl: Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 462-467.—Schmidt (L. E.) Surgery of the urinary bladder. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brook- line, 1915, ix, 67-98. [Discussion], 226-238, 2 pi.—Schneider (C.) Anasthesierung der Blase mit Eucupin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, liv, 509— Temoin (D.) Cystectomie ou resection de la vessie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1898, 11. s., i, 50-54.—Thomas (B. A.) A new bladder retractor. J. , Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 421.—Tittlnger (W.) Ein selbsthaltender Ringspatel bei Blasenoperationen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxhi, 169-171.—Torek (F. J. A.) Some remarks on the practical value of cystoscopy in surgical diagnosis. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1909, n. s., iv, 260-266.—Walker (J. W. T.) A self-retaining bladder retractor. Lancet, Lond., 1915, l, 1085 — Wathen (J. R.) Report of three urinary bladder operations. Ken- tucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1915, xiii, 279— Zuckerkandl (O.) Resection der Harnblase. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 79. Bladder (Surgery of) [Intravesical oper- ations]. See, aho, Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of, Operative, Intravesical); Lithotrity. Herzenberg-Reichmann (Ida). *Die intra- vesikale Operationsmethode. 8°. Zurich, 1912. Aho, in: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1912, xxvi, 738-756. Baer. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der intravesicalen Operationen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 552 — Blum (V.) Un instrument nouveau et simple pour les operations endo-vesicales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1908, ii, 1459-1462.—Bucky (G.) & Frank (E. R. W.) Ueber Operationen im Blaseninnern mit Hilfe von Hoch- frequenzstromen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 348-352.—Buerger (L.) A clinical study of the application of improved intravesical operative methods in diagnosis and therapy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1913, lxxxiii, 1114-1119.—Car- wardine (T.) Bladder speculum for operative work. Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 1750.—Eynard. Des interventions intravesicaies avec le cystoscope operatoire du Pr. Nitze. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1903, xxi, 1225-1232 — Harpster (C. M.) Intra-vesical operations, with report of cases. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1910, vi, 579-583.—KieUeuth- ner. Ueber den Wert der intravesikalen Operationen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1913, lx, 969-971.—Klose (B.) Zur Technik der intravesicalen Operationsmethode. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxix, 219-227.—Kneise(0.) Endo- vesikale Operationsmethoden und Operationscystoskope. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1910, iv, 401-412. -----. Einige meiner Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete moderner Uro. logie (besonders endovesicaler Operationen). Med. Klin., Berl., 1913, lx, 1721-1725.—Krelssl (F.) Endovesical surgery with special reference to cystoscopy and ureter catheterism. Am. f. Dermat., St. Louis, 1903, vii, 18-22—Kretschmer (H L.) A consideration of some not-cutting bladder opera- tions. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, xix, 485-489.— Lewin (A.) Zur endovesicalen Behandlung. Verhandl. d Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 142-144. -----. Technik und Erfolge der endovesikalen Operationsmethoden. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. 1913, Berl. & Leipz., 1914, iv, 407-409.—Lohnsteln (H.) Bemerkungen zur Technik der endovesikalen Operationen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1912, lxxxi, 43-45.—Meyer (H.) Intravesical operations with the aid of the cystoscope. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1905-6, ii 460-467, 2 pi.-----. Intravesical operations with the aid of the cystoscope.. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1909, n. s., i, 47_53 _Reder (F.) The intravesical bulb in operations upon the bladder. St. Louis M. Gaz., 1898, i, 5-10. Aho, Reprint.—Schlagintwett (F.) Neue scharfe Blasenzange route in operation on---------- - . .. . 1898, iv, 397-406—Nagano (J.) Experimentelle Beitrage zur Chirurgie der Harnblase. Beitr. z. khn. Chir., Tubing., 1903, xxxviii, 445-458— Pilcher (P. M.) Some observations on tne surgery of the bladder. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brook- line, 1913, vii, 51-59. Also: Year-Book Pilcher Hosp., Brook- lyn & N. Y., 1913, iii, 123-130.—Reynard. Applications chirurgicales de la diathermie a certaines affections vesicales. Lvon med., 1914, cxxi.ii, l53-158.-Rocher. Les moyens operatoires permettant d'aborder le sphincter du col vesical et d'agir directement sur lui. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1902, vi, 226-229. Aho: Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1902-3, n. s., iv, 776-779.— Suter (F.) Ueber die Leistungsfahigkeit endovesikaler Operationsmethoden. Cor. Bl. f- schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1912, xiii, 889-894.—Vogel (J.) Ueber die Vereinfachung der endovesikalen Operationsmethoden. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1914, viii, 572-578. — Young (H. M.) Apparatus for endoscopic galvano-cautery operations on the vesical orifice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxh, 1088. Bladder (Surgery of) [Plastic opera- tions]. Baldassarl (L.) Esperimenti sulla plastica della vescica urinaria. ' Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1906, xxh, 761- 765.—von Brunn (W.) Experimentelle Beitrage zurHarn- blasenplastik. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1904, lxxx, 90-103.—Carnot (P.) Sur les greffes vesicales et sur la for- mation de cavites kystiques et polykystiques. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 1080-1083.—Caucci (A.) _ Me- todi plastici per sostituire la vescica estirpata mediante un' ansa intestinale esclusa. Chn. chir., Milano, 1916, xxiv, BLADDER. 614 BLADDER. Bladder (Surgery of) [Plastic opera- tions]. 895-913.-----. Contributo sperimentale alle plastiche ves- cicali con lembi aponeurotic! liberi. Ibid., 1459-1479.— Enderlen. Ueber die Transplantation des Netzes auf Bla- sendefecte. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, lv, 50-06, 2 pi.-----. Experimentelle Harnblascnplastik. Ibid., 419- 442, 2 pi.—Gregoire (R.) Restauration de la vessie par le procede d'Heitz-Boyer-Hovelacque. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1914, vi, 45-50.—Leigh (S.) Loss of base of blad- der; plastic operation. Richmond J. Pract., 1901, xv, 347- 349.—Lengemann (P.) Ersatz der exstirpierten Harn- blase durch das Coecum. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1912, xxxix, 1697-1700.—Perassl(A.) Cistomioplastica sperimen- tale; possibili apphcazioni nell' insufficienza e distensione della vescica con ingrossamento prostatico. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc], Roma, 1897, xiv, 969-997.—Peterson (R.) Cases illustrating the substitution of the rectal for the vesical sphincter. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1916, vii, 152-154.—Rutkowskl (M.) Zur Methode der Harnblasen- plastik. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 473-478.— Spasokukotski (S.) [Plastic surgery ofthe bladder from the intestine with the formation of an artificial receptacle of urine in ectopiaj Khirurgia, Mosk., 1903, xhi, 646-654.— Subbotin (M. S.) [Formation of a urinary bladder and urethra with a sphincter from the rectum in ectopy, epispa- dias and general incontinence of urine] Izviest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1901, li, 259-264.—Thles (J.) Ersatz des Blasenschliessmuskels durch Muskelplastik (aus dem Rectus abdominis). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 27S. Bladder (Suture of). See, aho, Bladder (Bupture of); Lithotomy (Methods, etc., in). Perros (F. M.) *De la suture de la vessie et du traitement de la plaie abdominale apres la taille hypogastrique. 8°. Barh, 1901. Also, in: Anjou med., Angers, 1901, viu, 177; 194; 216; 237; 251. Abrazhanoff (A. A.) [Suture of the bladder by Born- haupt's method] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1902, xi, 551-563.— Alexandrescu (C.) Cistorafia combinata cu colpo-cocliorafia intr'un caz de ruptura a vezicel in timpul histereetomiel vaginale pentru epiteliom al colnlul uterln. Spitalul, BucurescT, 1899, xix, 520-522— Balacescu. Sofortige Cystorrhaphie nach der Sectio alta (suprapubica). Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxvih, 633-638—Brant (V. D.) [Cystoscopy in gynecology; removal of ligatures from the bladder] Terap. Obozr., Odessa, 1912, v, 478-482.—Caml- nltl (R.) La sutura immediata nella cistotomia sopra- pubica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 788-790.----—. Delia sutura immediata della vescica. Med. ital., Napoli, 1907, v, 207-210.—Carller (V.) La suture totale de la vessie apres la taille hypogastrique. Cong, internat. demed. C.r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. urin., 149-152. Aho: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1900, iv, 515-517— Clarke (C.) Removable bladder sutures. Lancet, Lond., 1912, i, 429—Columba (C.) Contributo clinico-sperimentale alio studio della epicistotomia con sutura totale della vescica. Riforma med , Palermo, 1899, xv.pt. 2, 566; 578; 591—Cordero (A.) & Amadoni (G.) Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche sulla sutura della vescica. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1903, ix, 215; 254.— Delagrammatlca. Taille hypogastrique; cystorrhaphie totale. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1900-1901, xlui, 61-64. -----. Cystorrhaphie totale pour cystite calculeuse chez un garcon de 7 ans. Ibid., 202-205. -----. De la cystorraphie totale. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, do chir. urin., 152 157. Aho: Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1900-1901, xliii, 275-281— Delbet (P.) Suture hermetiquedo la vessie par dccolleuient et rebroussement de la muqueuse. Ann. de dermat. ct svph., Par., 1907, 4. S., viii, 518-523. Aho: Gaz. d. hop., Par'., 1908, lxxxi, 303— DeRlnaldis (U.) Contributo chnico alia cistorrafia e drenaggio della vescica. Arch, internaz. di mod. e chir., Napoli, 1902, xviii, 77-93 — Frank (L.) Primary bladder suture, with especial refer- ence to suprapubic cystotomy. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1908, Phila., 1909, xxi, 438^42. Also: South. M. J., Nashville, 1909, 11, 573-575—Gollschewsky (E. J.) Zur Frage uber die Naht der Harnblase. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lx, 643-668— Grussendorf. Ueber Erfahrungen mit der Blasennaht beim hohen Steinschnitt an Kindern. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 2806-2809.—von Hacker. Blasennaht mit tiefen Knopf- und oberflach- lichcn Schniirnahten. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xxxvi, 332-335. -Hofmann (C.) Zur Frage der Blasen- naht nach Sectio alta. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1794.—Jonnesco (T.) Cystorrhaphie primitive; nouveau procede operatoire. Ass. fran?. d'urol. Proc- verb. 1898, Par., 1899, iii, 309-312. Aho: Gaz. d. h&p., Par., 1899, lxxii, 12— Judd (J. U.) Bladder suture four years after operation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 2062 — Juvara (E.) Cystorraphie primitive k la suite do la taille hypogastrique par le procede de l'imbrication. Presse med., Bladder (Suture of). Par., 1902, ii, 916-919.—Juvara (E.) & Balacesco (J.) Un nouveau procede de cvstorraphie par imbrication. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. 'de Bucarest, 1898-9, i, 43-60. Aho, transl: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 637; 653.—Koll- scher (G.) & Kraus (II.) Complete suturing of the bladder after suprapubic section. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1911, vh, 297-299. Aho: Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1911, xix, 735- 737—Kopiloff (N. V.) [Metallic suture of the bladder] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xx, 101-111—MacLaren (M.) Ex- traction of ligatures from the bladder. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 269— Moore (H. A.) Primary suture of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1913, xvu, 133.— Novlkofl (V.) [Suture of the bladder] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1910, xxvii, 650-660.—Peacock (A. H.) A bladder suture. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxiii, 364— Popoff (A. N.) [Suture of the bladder in suprapubic cystotomy.) Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, v, 576-585.—Renner. Indikationen und Re- sultate der Blasennaht. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1908, lviii, 677-70H.—Shour (M. M.) [Removable sutures in suprapubic cystotomv.l Khirurgia, Mosk., 1909, xxvi, 194- 197.—Skinner (E. H.) Lime-crusted silk sutures in the bladder; radiographic diagnostic report. J. Missouri M. Ass , St. Louis, 1911-12, viii,360.—Steranescu(D.) [Threecases of cystorrhaphy by the method of imbrication] Rev. de chir., Bucurestf, 1898, ii, 232-235.—Strassmann (P.) Ueber die Naht der Blase bei vaginalen Operationen. Zt- schr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, Beiheft, 468-470.—Terra- nova. Una nuova sutura della vescica. Soc. ital. di urol., Roma. 1908, 259-264— Thompson (A. R.) Primary suture and union of operation wounds of the urinary bladder. Lan- cet, Lond., 1917, i, 801—Vakulenko (M.) [New method of suturing the bladder.l Novove v Med., S.-Peterb., 1909, ii, 897-899. Bladder (Syphilis of). Graeff (K. F.) *Ein Fall von Gumma der Ilarnblase. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Blasen- syphilis. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1906. Asch (P.) Die svphilitisehen Erkrankungen der Harn- blase. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, v, 504-540.— Baker (T.) Syphilis of the bladder: report of a case and a review of the literature. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 187-193.—ChrzeUtzer. Ein Fall von Cystitis luetica. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1901, xii, 6-13.—Cole (F. H.) Syphilis of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev„ St. Louis, 1918, xxh, 480-1 vj— Dens- low (F. M.) Report of a case of syphilis of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, i54.—Dreyer (A.) Zur Khnik der Blasensyphilis. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1913, xx, 477; 591 —Duroeux (L.) Etude clinique et traitement de la svphilis do la vessie. Medecin prat., Par., 1913, ix, 625-627!—von Engelmann (G.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Svphilis der Harnblase. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1910-11, v, 472^-479, 1 pi —Fowler (H. A.) Syphilis of bladder. Tr. Sect. Genito-Urin. Dis. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 93-103. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 1399- 1402—Gayet (G.) & Favre. Contribution a l'etude de la syphilis vesicale. J. d'urol. med. et chir , Par., 1914, vi, 35-44, 1 pi.—Gouvea (J.) Syphilis vesical. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1916, xxh, 173—Haberern (J. P.) Cystosko- pische Diagnose der Blasensvphilis. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1911, xxxviii, 663.—Hesse (E.) Lues papulosa vesi- ca. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl.. 1918, xxv, Orig., 173-177 — Hinder(T. C.) A case of syphilitic ulceration of the urinary bladder with marked haematuria. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydnev, 1901, xx,92—Kollscher (G.V& Eisenstaedt (J. S.) Svphilis ofthe bladder. Surg. Clin , Chicago, 1919, iii, 137.— Le Fur (R) Ulceration syphilitique de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 524^26.— Levy-Blng (A.) & Durceux (L.) Syphilis de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. ven.. Par., 1913, viii, 241-262, 1 pi. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1914, lxxxvii, 6-10—de Margoulles (M.) Syphilis de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1902, xx, 385-422, 1 pi— Michalloffi (N. A.) Syphilis del Harnblase und der oberen Harnwege. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, vi, 215-218, 1 pi—Morris (M.) Gumma of the bladder. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1897-8, xvi, 5 — Mucliarinsky (M. A.) Zur Frage der Harnblasensvuhilis. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, vi, 376-378— Nilson (G.) [Syphilis of the bladder] Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1916, Ixxviu, 540 549—Nln Posadas (J.) Sifilis de la vejiga. Semanamed., Buenos Aires 1915, xxii, pt. 1,277-280.—Peder- sen (J.) Svphilis of tho bladder. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1916, xc, 235^ 238."—Pereschlwkln (N.) Zur Frage der Syphilis dor Blase. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1911, v, 732,1 pi — Picker (R.) Ein Fall von Svphilis der Blase. Ibid., 1913, vii, 192-196.—Schaplra (S. W.) Gummatous ulcerations of the bladder; a case report. Am. J. Surg., N. Y , 191"«. xxix, 213. Aho: Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1915, xi, 283— Strachsteln (A.) Syphilitic and parasyphilitic affections of tho urinary bladder. N. York M\ J., [etc), 1916, civ. 1098-1100. Aho, Reprint.—Vincent. La syphilis de la vessie. Ann. med.- chir. du centre, Tours, 1914, xiv, 2 5. Wallace (W. J) Symptoms and diagnosis of svphilis of the bladder; case reports. J. OklahomaM. Ass., Muskogee. U>1\ xi, lso- 190. BLADDER. 615 BLADDER. Bladder (Telangiectasis of). Porzelt (\Y.) *Ein Fall von diffusen A'enek- tasien der Blasenschleimhaut. 8°. Wurzburg, 1911. Bachrach (R.) Ueber Telangiektasien der Harnblase. Folia haematol., Leipz., 1909, iv, 101-106,1 pi.—Berliner (A.) Die Teleangiektasien der Blase; ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Blasenblutungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxiv, 517-525.—Buerger (L.) Telangiectasis of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, Tech. Suppl., ih, 48,1 pi. Bladder (Tenesmus and spasm of). Furstenau (J. F.) *De spasmo vesica;, sm. 4° Bintilii 1745. Hagenbach-Burckhardt (E.) Tetanie der Blase. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1899, xlix, 111.—Hagner (F. R.) A case of unrelieved, unexplained vesical tenesmus. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1912, vi, 140-143. [Discussion], 146-160. Aho: Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1912, viii, 531-533.— Kerner (E.) Ein interessanter Fall von Krampf des Sphincter vesicae urinarie auf medikamentoser Basis. Klin.- therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1903, x, 958. Bladder (Trabecular). See Bladder (Abnormiths of). Bladder (Tuberculosis of). See, also, Bladder (Female, Tuberculosh of); Urinary organs (Tuberadosh of). Armandon (L.) *Essai clinique sur la cystite tuberculeuse chez l'enfant. 8°. Byon, 1897. Haeffner (K.) *Ueber Blasentuberkulose. 8°. Freiburg, 1899. Heiler (A. A. L.) *Ueber den Schwund der ITarnblase durch tuberkulose Geschwiire. 8°. Greifswald, 1903. Riviere (P.-R.-M.) Contribution a l'etude de la cystite tuberculeuse. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Selou (J.-P.) *Des formes hematuriques de la tuberculose vesicale. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Teitlin (Bella). *Primare Blasentuberku- lose. 8°. Zurich, 1910. Armandon (L.) Essai clinique sur la cystite tubercu- leuse chez l'enfant. Med. inf., Par., 1897, 189-192.—Ball (F. P.) Tuberculosis of the bladder. Penn. M. J., Pitts- burg, 1900-1901, iv, 41L414.—Bandler (V.) Ueber Blasentu- berculose. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1903, xxvih, 257-259. -----. Ueber Cystitis tuberculosa. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 499.—Besson (A.) Tuberculose de la vessie, pro- Fagee k i'uretere et au rein gauche; dilatation enorme de uretere. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1898, I, 470.—Blanck. Ueber einen seltenen Fall von Tuberculose der Harnblase. Monatsb. . . . d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Appar., Berl., 1899, iv, 193-200, 1 pi— Blodgett (S. H.) Tuberculosis of the bladder. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1910, lviii, 435- 443.—Breton. Recherches experimentales sur la tuber- culose vesicale. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1911-12, vhi, 5-11. Also: Riv. urol., Catania, 1911, ii, 15- 22.—Breton (M.) Recherches experimentales sur la tuber- culose vesicale. Ann. de I'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1910, xxiv, 820-831.—Bromberg (P.) Tuberculosis of the bladder. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 476-479. ■-----. Tuberculosis of the bladder. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville, 1918, x, 429-438—Carbonell y Soles (F.) Estudio de la cistitis tuberculosa; concepto clinico y trata- miento de la misma. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1900, xiii, 17; 33; 49; 65; 85; 105; 129; 149; 171; 191; 218; 232; 253; 271.— Casper. Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Blasentuberku- lose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, 661; 673. [Discussion], Ver.-Beil., 129-132.—Chirone (P.) Tubercolosi primitiva della vescica. Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1905, n. S., xxvh, 1136-1152—Coplln (W. M. L.) Tuberculosis of the bladder, etiology and pathology. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1898, xvi, 557-570, 2 pi —Corner (E. M.) & Rowntree (C. W.) A case of tuber- culosis of a diverticulum of the bladder found in an inguinal hernia. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1905, ii, 554-558.— Cumston(C. G.) Tubercular cystitis in children. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxix, 619-622. Aho, Reprint.— D'Haenens (A.) De la marche de la tuberculose vesicale. Progres med. beige, Brux., 1905, vii, 49-51.—Edwards (F. S ) A case of tuberculosis of the bladder. West Lond. M. J , Lond., 1903, vhi, 309.—Farkas (I.) Ueber Blasentu- berkulose. Cong, internat. de med. C. r. 1909, Budapest, 1910, Sect, xiv, 326-332.—Fenwick (P. C.) Tubercular disease of the bladder. N. Zealand M. J.. Wellington, 1907, v 3g_43 —Ferrer Piera. Resistencia de la vejiga urinaria a la' tuberculosis experimental. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1900, xxhi, 302.—Fraser (H. E.) Tuberculosis of the blad- Bladder (Tuberculosis of). der. Brooklyn M. J., 1901, xv, 402-465.—Freyer (P. J.) Primary tuberculosis of the bladder. Clin. J., Lond., 1901, xviii, 180-183.-----. A clinical lecture on tuberculosis of the bladder. Edinb. M. J., 1902, n. s., xi, 38-44.—Gauthier (C.-L.) La cystite proliferante tuberculeuse pure (cystite framboisee). Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 747-754.—Gordon (T. E.) On tuberculosis of the bladder. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1899, cvii, 344-350.—Guyon. Les cystites blennorhagiques et tuberculeuses. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvh, 69.—Halle (N.) & Motz (B.) Tuberculose de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par., 1904, xxh, 161; 241.—Johnson (A. B.) Some re- marks on tuberculosis of the urinary bladder. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 924-926— Jungano (M.) Tubercolosi primitiva della vescica. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Na- poli, 1915, lxix, 7-36.—Karo (W.) Remarks on tuberculosis of the bladder. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii, 357-360. Also: Detroit M. J., 1909, ix, 167- 174.-----. Blasentuberkulose. Tr. Internat. Cong. Tu- berc (Wash.), Phila., 1908, h, 157-164. [Discussion], 172-175. -----. Khnische Erfahrungen uber Blasentuberkulose. Arch. f. Dermat. U. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1910, c, 355-358.— L. (B. P.) Tuberculose vesical. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1913, xxvu, 106.—Le Fur. Un cas de cystite tuberculeuse primitive. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1911, Par., 1912, xv, 764-771. Aho [Abstr.]: Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.- urin., Par;, 1911-12, vhi, 465.—Legueu. La cystite tuber- culeuse. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 185.-----. Le probleme actuel de la cystite tuberculeuse. Bull, med., Par., 1913, xxvii, 47-50.—Lewis (B.) Uro-genital tuberculosis; with especial consideration of tuberculosis ofthe bladder. Buffalo M. J., 1908-9, lxiv, 643-656.-----. Tuberculosis ofthe blad- der. Tr. Internat. Cong. Tuberc. (Wash.), Phila., 1908, ii, 165-175. Aho: Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1908, xxxi, 433-444.—Li Vlrghl (G.) De la cystite tuberculeuse primi- tive. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, ii, 1542- 1563. Aho: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoh, 1911, n. s., xxxih, 1027-1043.—McCabe (C. P.) A case of tubercular bladder, Sacculated. Albany M. Ann., 1898, xix, 553.— McGrath (J. J.) Report of a case of tuberculosis of the bladder, with some observations. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 90-93. Aho, Reprint.—Mutters (J. D.) Tuberculosis of the bladder. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1910, viii, 1572-1575.—Newman (D.) On tuberculous disease of the bladder. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1911, n. s., xch, 497.— Rihmer (B.) [Bladder tuberculosis.] Budapesti k. orvo- segy. evi evkonyye, Budapest, 1906, 80-85— Rochet & Horand. Formation de calculs dans les vessies tubercu- leuses. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc], Lille, 1904-5, i, 371- 380.—Rochet (V.) Deux cas de cystite tuberculeuse chez des vieux. Lyon chirurg., 1913, ix, 1-3— Savare (M.) Sulla tubercolosi sperimentale della vescica urinaria. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1905,364-369.—Schaplra (S. W.) Primary tuberculosis of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1905, xhv, 1615.—Settler (A.) La cistitis tuberculosa. Siglo med., Madrid, 1906, liii, 178; 211.—Shivers (M. O.) Tuberculous bladder. South. M. J., Nashville, 1912, v, 172- 176— Sleicher (J. M.) Tuberculosis of the bladder. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1907, xh, 374-384.—Stewart (J.) Tuberculous cystitis. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1904, xvi, 211-215.—Strauss (A.) Ein Fall von tuberculosem Geschwiir der Blase. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 2404-2406.—T6denat (E.) Cystite tuberculeuse. In his: Lee. de clin. chir .[etc.], 8°, Montpel. & Par., 1900, 179-211 — Toole (A. F.) Tuberculosis of the bladder, with a case report. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1906-7, xix, 743-749.— Vander Veer (J. N.) Secondary vesical tuberculosis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1909, xhi, 66- 72. Aho, Reprint. Bladder (Tuberculosis of Diagnosis and semeiology of). l(S.") Uet Akutsu (S!) Ueber die Diagnose der Blasentuberculose. [Japanese text.) Hifubyog. kiu Hiniokibyog. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, vi, 34-39.—Andre. Diagnostic et traitement de la cystite tuberculeuse. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1902, xxxiv, 453-464.—Asch (P.) Ueber die friihzeitige Diagnose der Blasentuberculose. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 1160.—Barlow (R.) Cystoskopische Befunde bei Blasentu- berkulose. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1901, xii, 229-236.—Bissell (J. B.) Thediagnosis and treatment of tubercular cystitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 326-328.—Gagman (A. N.) [Diagnosis and treatment of cystic tuberculosis.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1904, xvi, 213- 229.—Hagner(F. R.) Tuberculosis of thebladderandaplea for early diagnosis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1906-7, xi, 204-207.—Heitz-Boyer (M.) La cystoscopie dans la tuberculose vesicale. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1914, v, 755-765, 2 pi.—Martin (S. P.) Indigocarmine used intravenously for locating ureteral orifices in tuberculous cystitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciii, 808-810. Aho, Re- print.—Morelle (A.) Un cas de tuberculose vesicale latente decele par une injection d'ancienne tuberculine de Koch. Ann. de I'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1901, viu, 68-72. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1901, xv, 197-201.—Newman (D.) The early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of primary tuber- BLADDER. 616 BLADDER. Bladder (Tuberculosis of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). culosis of the bladder. Glasgow M. J., 1912, lxxvii, 140.— Riviere (M.) Symptomatologie et formes cliniques de la cystite tuberculeuse. Rev. internat. de la tuberc, Par., 1908, xiv, 83-93—Unterberg (H.) [The r61e of the cysto- scope in the diagnosis of tubercles ofthe bladder 1 Uroloda, Budapest, 1907, 16-20— Wildbolz (II.) Plaqueformige, tu- berkulose Cvstitis unter dem Bilde der Malakoplakia vesiesE. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1907, i, 322-320. Bladder (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of). Carbonell y Solez (F.) Estudio de la cisti- tis tuberculosa, coneopto clinico y tratamiento delamisma. 8°. Barcelona, 1900. Coll (J.) Estudio de la cistitis tuberculosa, concepto clinico y tratamiento de la misma. Memoria laureada por la Real Acidemia de medicina y cirugia de Barcelona. 8°. Barce- lona, 1900. IIaim (E.) ^Contribution a l'etude du traite- ment des cystites, notamment des cystites tuber- culeuses par ies instillations d'huile gomenolee. [Paris.] 8°. Fontenay-aux-Roses, 1905. Laroche (A.-C.) *Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la cystite tuberculeuse par les injections d'huile gaiaeolee iodoformee. 8°. Nancy, 1902. Mazet (L.) *Des instillations-injections al- ternates d'huile creosotee et de sublime! dans le traitement des cystites tuberculeuses. 8°. Mont- pellier, 190G. Reniac (J.-L.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la cystite tuberculeuse par les injections de vaseline iodoformee. 8°. Baris, 1898. Scherb (II.) *Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie der Cystitis tuberculosa. 8°. Basel, 1903. Banzet. Traitement des cystites tuberculeuses. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 561-594.—Battle (\V. H.) A case of tuberculous bladder greatly improved by hydraulic distension. Lancet, Lond., 1899, li, 1587.— Brown (W. H.) Some experience of the''new tuberculin " (T. R.) Koch. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1906, xi, 248-252 —Casper (L.) Zur Pathologie und Thera- pie der Blasentuberkulose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1900, xxvi, 661; 673.-----. Die Tuberculoso der Harnblase und ihre Behandlung. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1901-2, x, 1. Abth., 99-124. Aho: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xxiv, 65-69—Clement (V.) & Jacobson (D.) Un cas de cystite tuberculeuse traite par le serum de Marmorek; guerison. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1908, xxh, 87.—Colin (G.) Traitement des cystites tuberculeuscs. Rev. internal do med. et de chir., Par., 1897, vhi, 383-388.—De Keersmaecker. De la guerison de la cystite tuberculeuse. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1906, lxviii, 47-76.—Desgrances. Traitement des cystites tuberculeuses par les injections intra-vesicales d'eau oxy- genee. Cong, internat. do med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, int., 767-772 Desnos (E.) Traitement des cystites tuberculeuscs. Rev. gen. de chn. et de therap., Par., 1904, xvhi, 65-67—Florence. Cystite chronique probablement tuberculeuse; curettage et cauterisation du trigone; guerison. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1902, viii, 3.50-352.—Garratt (J. M.) The treatment of tuberculous cystitis, with special reference to Rontgen therapy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, Ixxxvi, 642- 645.—Gulard (K.-P.) Tuberculoso vesicaleprimitive; sacu- rabilite. Ass. Iran?.d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910, xiii, 683-693. [Discussion], 693-700.—Hagmann (A. N.) IH-her die Diagnose und Benandlung der tuberculosen Alfectioncn der Harnblase. Med. Woche, Berl.. 1905, vi, 63; 79; 127 — Heitz-Boyer (M.) Traitement endoscopique de la tuber- culose vesicale par les courants de haute frequence. J. d'urol. mod. et chir.. Par., 1914, v. 155 159, 1 pi.—Horwltz (O.) Symptoms and treatment of tuberculosis of the blad- der. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1.S9«, xvi, 570- 570—jack (W- R) Caso of tuberculosis of the bladder treated by vaccine therapy. Glasgow M. J., 1900, Kxii, 203- 209— Jamin (R.) Un cas do tuberculose mm> ale guerio depuis cinq ans par les injections d'huile de vasehne iodo- formee. J. do med. de Par., 1898, 2. s., x, 579—de Keers- maecker. De la guerison de la cvstite tuberculeuse. Gaz. de gvnec., Par., 1906, xxi, 161; 177. Kcycs (E. L.) Carbolic instillation in tho treatment of bladder tuberculosis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, c, 419-451. Also, Reprint.—Krelssl (F.) Primary tuberculosis of the bladder and lower end of the ureter cured by local treatment. Am. J. Urol., N. V., 1905-6, ii, 395.—Montfort (A.) Un traitement dc la cystite Bladder (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of). tuberculeuse. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1902-3, xxi. 42.—Motz (B.) Guerison complete de trois cas de tuberculose vesicale grave. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898, Par., 1899, hi, 341-346.-----. Curabilite de la tuberculose vesicale. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1903, xxi. 1058-1067. -----. Tratamiento de la tuberculosis vesical. Siglo med., Madrid, 1905, lh, 638-641.—Moullin (C. M.) The treatment of tuber- culous disease of the bladder. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, xxi, 286-294. Aho\Abstr.): Brit.M. J., Lond., 1898,1,1262.— Normand (J.-N.) Contributionautraitementdescystitestu- berculeuses et des tuberculosesvesicales par l'enfumage iode. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1914, v, 271-289.—Pousson (A.) Traitement de la tuberculose de la vessie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 101; 117—Ramond (F.) Nouveau traitement des cystites tuberculeuses par des in- jections intra-vesicales d'air sterilise. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 108.—Reynolds (E.) Tuberculosis ofthe bladder; its appearance and treatment through the Kelly cystoscope; with a report of cases. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull N. Y., 1896, ix, 448-452. Aho, Reprint.—Rivet (A.) Traitement de la cystite tuberculeuse. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1909, 2. s. xxvii, 41-4 s —Rosenstein (P.) Ueber die Behandlung der Blasen- tuberkulose nach Rovsing. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1908, xvi, 247-249—Boutier (A.) Traitement de la cystite tuber- culeuse. Ass. franc- de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1896, x, 533-536—Rovsing (T.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Bla- sentuberculose und die Heilbarkeit derselben. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxii, 1-27. A ho, transl. [Abstr.]: South. Cahf. Pract., Los Angeles, 1907, xxh, 425-428. ■-----. Le traitement de la tuberculose vesicale par l'acide phenique. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 743-747 — Stirling (R. A.) The treatment of early tuberculosis of the bladder. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1908, xiii, 145-147—V'lnay. Traitement des cystites tubercu- leuses par les injections de bacilles lactiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl, 655-661—Weiss CH.) & Strauss (A.) Ein mit Lecutyl (Kupfer-Lezithin) geheilter Fall von Blasentuberkulose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914. lxi, 1558.—WUlems (C.) Contribution au traitement des formes graves de la tuberculose vesicale. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1910, 4. s., xxiv, 187-194. Aho: Clinique, Brux., 1910, xxiv, 607-^14— Wossldlo (H.) Der gegenwartiee Standpunkt der Therapie der Blasentuberku- lose. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hvg., Leipz., 1904, i, 142- 151. Bladder (Tuberculosis of Treatment of, Operative). Colas (J.-H.-A.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la tuberculose vesicale et de son traitement chi- rurgical. 8°. Baris, 1898. Demonchy (A.) *La taille intraperitoneale de la vessie. 8°. Barh, 1909. Domage (L.) *De la cvstostomie precoce comme traitement curatii de la tuberculose vesi- cale. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Laverrieue (M.> *Cystite proiiferante tu- berculeuse (forme framboisee). 8°. Lyon, 1910. Matile (P.) *De la tuberculose de la vessie et specialement de son traitement chirurgical. 8°. Geneve, 1890. Railliard (L.-M.-0.-L.-J.1 *Des interven- tions chirunricales dans la tuberculose v6sicale. 8°. Bordeaur, 1900. Calabrese (l>) Tubercolosi primitiva della vesica urinaria e sua cura chirurgica. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1908 8. s.. viii, 121-130. Aho, Reprint.—Christopherson (J. B.) Single non-tuberculous ulcer of the bladder; supra- pubic cystotomy; cure. Brit M. J , Lond., 1902, i, 771.— Clado. Quelques considerations sur le traitement chirurgical do la tuberculose vesicale. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898, Par., 1899, ih, 318-333.—Cotterell (E.) Note on a case of tuberculous disease of the bladder treated by supra- pubic cystotomy and curetting. Lancet. Lond., 1897, ii, 915. -Cumston (C. G.) I lie indications lor vesiculectomy in tuberculosis of thogenlt il organs. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1914, 24. s., iii, 264-266.- Dcnys. Tuberculose vesicale. Ann. de I'lnst. chir. de Brut, li»06, xiii, 169-173—Deryu- zhlnskl (S. F.) [Raro case of primary tuberculosis of the urinary bladder and its surgical treatment] Khinirgia, Mosk., 1901, ix, 56.5-578—Desnos. Intervention chirur- gicale dans la tuberculose vesicale. Cong. p. l'etude do la tuberculose, I'ar , 1N98, iv, 8i .1-866— Fryzszman (A.) [En- doevstio method of operating for tubercles of the bladder.] Medycyna i Kron. lek , Warszawa, 1911, xlvi, 340; 364; 3s>.— Gordon (G. S.) A new appliance for suprapubic drainage, whuh keeps the patient dry while up and about Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1910, xxxv, 121-125—Grekoff (1. I 1 [Tuberculosis of the kidney and bladder] Kussk. khir. Arch., S.-Peterb., 1907, xxiii, 869 -S90 —Horwitz (< M Supra- pubic cystotomy in a case of primary tubercular cystitis. Iu- BLADDER. 617 BLADDER. Bladder (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of, Operative). ternat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 6. s., iv, 191-195.—Le Fur. Cys- tites rebelles et taille hypogastrique; un cas de cystite tuber- culeuse primitive. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910, xiii, 700-706.—Loumeau. Tuberculose vesicale et cystostomie sus-pubienne. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 344-346. Aho: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1900), 1901, 178-181. -----. Guerison, chez le meme malade, de la tuberculose vesicale par la cystostomie sus-pubienne et d'une hernie inguino-scrotale congenitale par l'operation de Bassini. Ibid. (1902), 1903, 256-260.— Luys (G.) Traitement de la cystite tuberculeuse. Ch- nique, Par., 1906, i, 645.—MacGowan (GA Surgical inter- ference in tuberculosis ofthe bladder. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1905, iii, 38; 7L-----. Tuberculosis of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1909, xlix, 785-799.—Melville (E. J.) Tuberculosis of the bladder. Internat. J. Surg.jN. Y~ 1915, xxviii, 306-309. Also, Reprint.—Murray (F. W.) Tuber- cular cystitis treated by permanent suprapubic drainage. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxhi, 331-335.—Newman (D.) Considerations chirurgicales sur les debuts de la tuberculose renale et sur la tuberculose vesicale primitive. Ass. franc. de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1910, xxhi, 625. -----. Primary and early secondary tuberculous cystitis, illustrated by cases, several of which were successfully; treated by suprapubic cystostomy and vaccines. Practitioner, Lond., 1912. lxxxix, 36-55,1 pi.—Powers (C. A.) Note on perma- nent suprapubic drainage for advanced tuberculosis of the bladder; report of a case at end of five years. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1902, xxxvi, 426-430. Aho, Reprint.—Prelndlsber- ger (J.) Cystitis tuberculosa vesicae; Sectio alta. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvh, 38.—Reynes (H.) Tuberculose vesicale; cystite phosphatique secondaire; encrofltement vesical; taille hypogastrique; curettage complet de la vessie; guerison operatoire; grande amelioration therapeutique. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898, Par.,1899, hi. 337-341.— Ruotte. Tuberculose de la vessie, tout au debut; cysto- tomie et cauterisation directe. Lyon med., 1911, cxvii, 445.—Saxtorph (S.) Valeur de 1'intervention chirurgicale dans la tuberculose vesicale. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. urin., 97-108. Aho: Courrier med., Par., 1901, li, 240.—Seklba. [Surgical treatment of tuber- culosis of the bladder.] Hokkai Iho, Tokyo, 1906, vh, 1-22. Aho: Chirio Shimpo, Tokyo, 1907, vi, 653-669.—Terry (H.) Drainage after supra-pubic cystotomy. Providence M. J., 1910, xi, 288-290.—Trevlsan (N.) Ematuria da cistite tuber- colare ed eplcistotomia. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1906, xliv, 49-58.—Vetere (G.) Contributo alio studio della tubercolosi vescicale e della sua cura chirurgica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoh, 1902, n. s., xxiv. 241-256.— Walker (G.) Tuberculosis of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xiv, 249; 389; 597. Bladder (Tuberculosis of, Treatment of) by vesical exclusion. di Chiara (F.) *De l'exclusion vesicale dans la tuberculose de la vessie. 8°. Barh. 1911. Casper (L.) Die Ausschaltung der Blase bei schweren Formen der Blasentuberkulose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xlix, 340; 364. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1912), 1913, xliii, pt. 2, 79-84. [Discussion], 64-67, pt. 1. _____. Zur Harnblasenausschaltung wegen Tuberkulose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1913, 1, 492. Aho: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1913), 1914, xhv, pt. 2, 68.—Key (E.) Exclusio vesicae bei schwerer Blasentuberkulose. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1913-14 3. f., xhi, afd. 1, No. 7, 1- 16.—Key (E.) & Sundberg (C.) Nachtrag zum Aufsatze: "Exclusio vesicae bei schwerer Blasentuberkulose." Ibid., 1914, 3. f., xiv, afd. 1, No. 21,1-10.—Legueu (F.) De l'ex- clusion vesicale dans la tuberculose de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910, n. s., xxxvi, 965-970. A ho [Abstr.]: Bull, med., Par., 1910, xxiv, 971— Willems (C ) De la derivation urinaire ou exclusion vesicale dans la tuberculose de la vessie. Arch, internat. de chir.. Gand, 1910-11, v, 125-146, 2 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1911, n. s.. xxxvii, 592-595. ——. Le pre- mier cas de derivation urmaire ou exclusion de la vessie pour tuberculose; suite de l'observation; choix du procede operatoire. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1911, 4. s., xxv, 398-407, 2 pi. Bladder (Tumors of). See, also, Bladder (Cancer of); Bladder (Fe- mxde, Tumors of). Fengler (F. K. H.) *Die Tumoren der Harnblase. 8°. Breslau, 1903. Kuhn (II.) *Zur Kasuistik der Ilarnblasen- tumoren. 8°. Berlin, 1913. Le Moine (F.) *Formes cliniques anormales des tumeurs primitives de la vessie. 8°. Barh, 1910. Bladder (Tumors of). L'Hermier des Plantes (L.-E.-H.) *Quel- ques observations de tumeurs de la vessie. 8°. Lyon, 1909. Meyer (R.) *Neun Falle von Blasentumoren. 8°. Kiel, 1900. Meynadier (M.) ^Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs primitives du bassinet et de l'uretere. 8°. Montpellier, 1911. Osswald (K.) *Zur Kenntnis der Harnbla- sentumoren. 8°. Giessen, 1891. Riegel (A.) *TJeber die Myome der Harn- blase. 8°. Giessen, 1899. von Rothe (A.) *Ueber ein mannskopfgrosses Myom der Harnblase. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1905. Vollmann (O.) *Ueber einen Fall von multi- plen Zottengeschwulsten der Harnblase. 8°. Bostock, 1906. Wendel (W.) *Beitrage zur Lehre von den Blasengeschwulsten. [Marburg.] 8°. Jena, 1900. Also,in: Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1900, vi, 15-96, 2 pi. Alessandrl (R.) Contributo all' istologia, diagnosi e cura dei tumori della vescica urinaria. Policlin., Roma, 1905, xh, sez. chir.r 99; 141.-----. Casuistica di tumori vescicali (quattro casi). Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1906, xxxu, 263-273.—Andre (P.) Retrocession spontanee d'une tumeur de la vessie. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . ., 1904-5,147. Aho: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1905, xxxvii, 760.—Baker (R. H.) Condyloma of the bladder; report of case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 442.—Ball (C. B.) Case of myxoma of the bladder. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1896, xiv, 320-322,1 pi.—Ballenger (E. G.) & Elder (O. F.) Soft tumor of the urinary bladder. J.Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 580.—Barling (G.) [Four cases.] Lan- cet, Lond., 1898, i, 301.—Bartholomew (R. A.) Report of two cases of retro-peritoneal hematoma following the purse- string Watkins operation for cystocele. J. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1917, xvi, 410-412.—Berg (G.) Blasentumo- ren. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. r. Urol. [Kong, in Berlin], Berl. & Leipz., 1909, 502-507. A ho: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, Beiheft, 502-507.—Blum (V.) Das Myofibrom der Harnblase. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1910, v, 314-330.—Bceckel (J.) Tumeurs de la vessie. Bull..Acad. de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xl, 348-352.—Boross (E.) Die Blasengeschwulste. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1915, li, 73; 79.—Bouchard (C. A.) Myome de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1910, lxxxv, 991-994.— Brlggs (J. E.) Tumors of the bladder. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1918, liii, 185-192.—Bruchanow (N.) Ueber einen Fall von sogenannter Cholesteatombildung in der Harn- blase. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xxih, 525; 539.— Casper (L.) Blasentumoren. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, hi, Beiheft, 411-435.-----. Ueber Harnblasen- geschwulste. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 621-624.—Chworo- stanski (M.) Neubildungen der Harnblase. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl., 1905, x, 404-412.—Condamy. Fragment de tumeur vesicale expuls6 spontanement. Bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1899, xxxi, 32-34.—Dalla Valle (A.) Contributo alio studio dei tumori primitivi della vescica orinaria. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1913, 2. s., vi, 219-221. -----. Contributo alia conoscenza dei tumori primitivi della vescica orinaria. Clin, chir., Milano, 1914, xxii, 1779- 1816.—Davis (L.) Primary tumors of the urinary bladder; a study of forty-one cases. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 556-598. Aho, Reprint. Aho: Pub. Mass. Gen. Hosp., Bost., 1907, No. 3, i, 203-250.—Diaz Lombardo (G.) Ausen- cia de hematuria tipica en los tumores de la vejiga. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1907-8, 2. ep., v, 537-539.—Eisenstaedt (J. S.) Tumors of the urinary bladder. J. Iowa State M. Soc, Des Moines, 1915, v, 325-328.—Fischer (M.) Die Ge- schwiilste der Harnblase. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, ih, 362-370.—Fowler (A. L.) Tumors of the bladder. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1908, lix, 347-355. Aho: J. South. M. Ass., Shreveport, 1909, l, 113-120.—Frank (R. W.) Sur les tumeurs vesicales. Ass. franc d'urol. Proc- verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 246-248.—Freyer (P. J.) On tumours of the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1903. i, 215-221.—Gfitzl (A.) Leiomyoma vesicae. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, vi, 364.—Greene (R. H.) The nature of new growths of the bladder. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1909, iv, 110-119.—Grbnberger (G.) Ein Fall von Fibroleiomyom der Harnblase. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1914, 3. f., xiv, Afd. i, No. 27.1-7,1 pi—Grossmann (R.) Tumors of the bladder. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, 249-254.—Gunn (L -G.) A note on bladder tumours. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1906, xxiv, 274-276.—Guyon. Les tumeurs de la vessie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1903, xvii, 804-806.-----. Sur un cas de tumeur de la vessie. J. BLADDER. 618 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of). de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1906, lxxvii, 332-334. -----. Deux cas de tumeur de la vessie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 312.—Harpster (C. M.) Tumors of the bladder. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1912, vhi, 15.—Heitz- Boyer & Dore. Tumeurs musculaires lisses de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org.,genito-urin.. Par., 1910, ii, 2062; 2115; 2226.—Hoyge(A.) A propos des tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910, xhi, 752-757.— Hutchinson (W.) Primary tumours of the bladder. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1911, i, 872-880.—Judd (E. S.) Tumors of tho bladder. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1909, xxix, 509-511. -----. Tumors of the urinary bladder; a study of 114 cases. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1912-13, ix, 61-68. Aho, Reprint.-----. Non-papillary benign tumors of the bladder. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. 1913, Minneap., 1914, 343-352, 1 pi. Aho: Journal-Lancet, Min- neap., 1914, xxxiv, 188-191.—Judd (E. S.) & Harrington (S. W.) Tumors of the urinary bladder. South M. J., Birmingham, 1918, xi, 129-139.—Langridge (F. W.) Some reflections suggested by a bladder case. Chn. J., Lond., 1913, xhi, 75-80.—Loumeau (E.) Polype vesical expulse par l'uretre. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux. 1900, 7-13 — Lydston (G. F.) Practical notes on vesical tumors. Lan- cet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, c. 624-627.—Lydston (G. F.) & Latimer (M. J.) Brief on the tumors of the urinary bladder. Am. J. Clin. Med., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 802-805.—McCarthy (J. F.) Vesical neoplasms. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1912, vi, 69-86. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1912, xcvi, 475- 478. Also, Reprint—McVicker (W. D.) Tumors of the bladder. J. Kansas M. Soc, Topeka, 1916, xvi, 144-146.— Martin (C.) Tumors ofthe bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis 1915, xix, 322-325.—Michaelis (L.) & Guttmann (C.) Ueber Einschliisse in Blasentumoren. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1902, xlvh, 208-215, 1 pi.—Moore (H. A.) Tu- mors of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, xix, 361-365.—Morton (H. H.) Tumors of the bladder. Med. Times, N. Y., 1917, xiv, 338-340.—Mursell (H. T.) Five cases of bladder growth. Transvaal M. J., Johannes- burg, 1912-13, vhi, 246-249.—Nlcollch. Tumeur developpee dans un enorme diverticule de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1897, Par., 1898,ii, 395-398.—Pascual (S.) Sobre un caso de tumor de la vejiga. Rev. clin. de Madrid, 1912, vii, 183-185—Pavone (M.) Un caso di rabdomioma della vescica. Policlin., Roma, 1898, v, sez. chir., 263-266.— Posner (C.) Ueber Blasengeschwiilste. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1905, x, 455-478.—Ramsay (O. G.) A case of myoma of the bladder. Phila. M. J, 1900, vi, 43; 86.—Reaves (J. U.) Bladder tumors. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1917, xcii, 1115-1117.— Rlegner. Ueber Harnblasengeschwulste. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1905, xiv, 484-488.—Bobbins (F. W.) Pri- mary bladder neoplasms. Detroit M. J., 1905-6 v, 308-310.— Sanders (E. M.) Tumors of the urinary bladder. South. M. J., Nashville, 1910, hi, 402-405— Shattock (S. G.) Rhabdomyoma of the urinary bladder. Proc. Rov. Soc Med., Lond., 1909-10, iii, Path. Sect., 31-11.—de Smeth (J.) Tumeurs vesicales. J. med. de Brux., 1913, xvhi, suppl. 34.—Smith (E. O.) Tumors of the urinary bladder. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1914, cxii, 611-613.—Spooner (H. G.) Tumors of the bladder. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1903, xvhi, 859-867, 1 pi.—Squler (J. B.) Vesical neoplasm. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxxi, 225-229— Stumpf (R.) Ueber Bau und Wachstum eines Rhabdomyoms der Harnblase. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1911.1,171-192,1 pi.—Sundberg(C) [Fibromyomaof the bladder of the size of an orange.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh.. 1897-8, n. F., iii, 556- 559.—Swan (R. II. J.) Tumours oi the urinary bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 1309-1314—Taple (J.) Tumeur de la vessie. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1913, xx (chir.), 213-210.— Tedenat. Tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc. verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 216-220—Terry (H.) Tumors of the bladder. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc 1904, Providence, 1905, vh, 78-82—Thumim (L.) Zur Kenntnis der Ham- angiome der Harnblase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Berlin], Berl. & Leipz., 1909. 368-378. Aho: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, hi, Beiheft, 368- 378,1 pi.—Tile (V. A.) f On tumors of tho urinary bladder.] Laitop. Russk. Khir., S.-Peterb., 189s, iii, 694-708, I pi — Treplln. Ueber Blasentumoren. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 374.— Pccchl(A.) Linfendotelioma della vescica. Pohclin., Roma, 1914, xxi, sez. chir., 68-82.—Verhoogen (J.) Un volumineux myxome de la vessie. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1898-9, vi,362—Walcwskl(S.) [Mvomaofthe bladder] Now. lek., Poznaii, 1911, xxvi, 241-244—Wallace (D.) Vesical tumors. Internat. Clin., Phila. & Lond., 1906, 16. s., iv, 191 202,1 pi.—Walther (H. W. E.) Tumors of the bladder; with report of 26 cases. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, lxvi, 682-701—Zahradnicky (F ) [Tumors of the urinary bladder] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1907, xlvi, 1292; 1333; 1303; 1399; 1435; 1468, 1 pi— Zm-kerkandl (O.) Blasenge- schwiilste. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl & Leipz., 1909, iii, Beiheft, 391-401. Aho: Wien. med. \\ chnschr., 1910, lx, 441; 513 Bladder (Tumors of Adenomatous). Bridoux (II.) Contribution a l'etude gene- rale de l'adenome vesical. 8°. Lyon, 1898. Bayer (R.) Ein schleimbildendes Cvstadenom der Blase. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat., [etc.], Berl., 1909, cxcvii, 350- 370.—Bridoux (II.) A caso of adenoma of the bladder, with remarks on the pathology of the alfection. Bladder (Tumors of, Adenomatous). Am. J. Urol.. N. Y., 1913, ix, 514-522—Cassanello (R.) Contribution a l'etude anatomo-pathologique et clinique de l'adenome vesical. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin.. Par., 1908, i, 641-667—Hagner(F. R.) Report of a case of fibro- adenoma in the bladder wall, occurring in fundus of bladder. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1907, ii, 92. Aho: Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1907, iii, 414,1 pi.—Motz (B.) Quatre cas d'adenome de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1899, iv, 388-397.—Rochet & Martel. L'adenome vesi- cal. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1898, n. S., iii, 337-343.— Stone (I. S.) Retroperitoneal cvstic adenomata; report of two cases. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1907, Phila., 1908, xx, 426-430. Bladder (Tumors of Causes and pathol- ogy of). Fentwick (E. H.) Tumours of the bladder; their pathology, diagnosis, and treatment; being the Jacksonian prize essay of 1887 (re-written), with two hundred additional cases. 8°. London, 1897. Montfort (E.) Contribution a l'etude du role de la prostate dans la production des tu- meurs epith^liales infiltrees de la vessie. 8°. Baris, 1903. Also, in: Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1903, xxi, 801-830. Schedler (R.) *Zur Casuistik der Blasentu- moren bei Farbarbeitern. 8°. Basel, 1905. B uerger (L.) Tumors of t he bladder; their pathology and particular reference to the diagnosis of papilloma and car- cinoma. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ, 841-843.—Cassa- nello (RA Contribution anatomo-pathologique et clinique a l'etude des tumeurs a fibres musculaires lisses de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1903, xxi, 1441-1478.— Davis (L.) Some clinico-pathological data on bladder tumors. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 222-224. [Discus- sion], 233-236— Dolboy (R. V.) The pathology of tumors of the bladder. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1910. n. s., ii, 86-88.—Guyon. Quelques remarques cliniques et anatomo- pathologiques sur les neoplasmes infiltres de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par . 1897, xv, 225-243— Horder (T. J.) Table I, showing all the cases of neoplasm of the bladder admitted to the hospital during the six years 1889- 94, inclusive. St. Barth. Hosp^ Rep. 1896, Lond., 1897, xxxu, 211 — Koyano (K.) Ein Fall von Paraganglioma (?) aus der Harnblasenwand. Verhandl. d. japan, path. Ge- sellsch., Tokio. 1913, liit 128-130.— Lewln (\.) Blasenge- schwiilste bei Arboitern in Anilinfabriken. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vii, 282-286.—Lotsy. Ureterstein als atiologisches Moment fiir Blasentumoren. Ibid., 1912, vi, 185-1S7.—Mandlebaum (F. S.) The pathology of new growths of the bladder. Surg., Gvnec & Obst., Chicasro, 1907, v, 315 323. Aho, Reprint—Merle! (E.) & Canal. Formes cliniques et histologiques rares de deux tumeurs vesicales. Toulouse mid., i912, 2. s., xiv, 127-132.—Motz (B.) Examen histologique de 87 neoplasmes vesicaux. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1S98, xvi, 1228. A ho: Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898, Par., 1899, ih, 347-349. -----. Origine de certaines tumeurs vesicales. Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1901, Par, 1902, v, 331-334.—Paschkis (R.) [Aus versprcngten Prostatadrusen entstandener Tumor der Blasenmiindung] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1910, xxhi, 1695.—Pasteau (O.) Pathogenie des retentions renales au cours des tumeurs vesicales. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verbv Par., 1899, iv, 565-509. -----. Propagations ganglionnaires dans les neoplasmes vesicaux. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. urin., 181.—Patton (J. A.) Pathology of vesical tumors. Illinois M. J., Spring- field, 1901, xl, 407-412 —de Quervaln. Fiinf sogenannte Anihntumoren der Blase, samtlich Papillome. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xliii, 1343—Rehn. Erfahrungen iiber Blasengeschwiilste bei Farbarbeitern. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 231-240. -----. Ueber Harnblasengeschwulste bei Anilin- arbeitern. Ibid., 1905,xxxiv,220-223— Rytina(A.G.) The pathology ol bladder tumors. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1918, xxu, 19*.—seyberth (L.) Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Blasengeschwiilste bei Anilinarbeitern. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1573-1576— Stadler (P. H.) Ein Fall von multiplen epidermisbekleideten Geschwiilsten der Harnblasenschleimhaut. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1912, liii, 362-3iW— Surer (F.) Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie der Zottenpolypen der Harnblase. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1902, xiii, 185-226.—Welnrlch (M.) Zur Pathologic und Therapie der gutartigen Harnblasengeschwulste. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxx, 887-901. Bladder (Tumors of Complications and sequelae of). Boivin (L.) Contribution a l'etude des retentions renales dans les tumeurs vesicales. 8°. Paris, 1899. BLADDER. 619 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Complications and sequelse of). Hervier (F.-F.-A.) *De l'influence des tu- meurs de la vessie sur le rein et en particulier de l'anurie au cours des neoplasmes vesicaux. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910. Lemaistre (P.) *Tumeurs peri-ureterales de la vessie. 8°. Baris 1903. Adenot. Tumeur de la vessie; propagation au canal de l'urethre, generalisation secondaire, infection urinaire; cystostomie. Mem. et compt. rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1895)', 1896, xxxv, 195-209, 2 pi. — vesicale dans un cas de tumeur de la Pneumatose vesicate uauo 404.—Beer (E.) Papilloma or bladder; ureteral calcu- lus; nephrolithiasis; nephro-ureterectomy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, xcix, 1055-1057.—Crick (L.) Oedematoses Fibroin der Blase. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1899, x, 395-397.—Cumston (C. G.) A case of papilloma of the bladder, complicated with pyone- phrosis, with remarks on the surgical treatment of papilloma. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila- 1904, n. s., cxxviii, 1011-1016. Aho, Reprint.—Dunot. Tumeur de la vessie k implantation urethrale. Presse med. beige. Brux., 1905. lvh, 1223-1227.— EUot (H.) Anurie par neoplasme vesical. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1910, lxxxv, 250.—Ferron (J.) & Nadal (P.) Neoplasme de la vessie, generalisation hepatique presque exclusive. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1910, i, 801-810, 1 pi—Francals (R.) Neoplasme vesical avec ouverture dans le rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix. 83-85.—Grandjean. Les propagations ganglionnaires a distance dans les tumeurs de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1905, h, 1841-1860, 1 pi.— Gyon. Les tumeurs de la vessie et la tuberculose genitale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 822.— Kanamori. Zwei Falle von Blasentumoren, welche Hydronephrose der einen und compensatorische Hypertro- phie der anderen Niere verursacht hatten. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cxlvii, 119-129—Loumeau (E.) Calcul et tumeur de la vessie; calcul du rem. Ann. de la Pohclin.de Bordeaux, 1900, 73-80.—Martin (C.) Intra- sphincteric vesical tumors. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1916, xvhi, 183-185. Also: Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx, 425,1 pi.—Miraved (F.) Un caso de hidronefrosis, producido por un papiloma de vejiga, y su curacicn por la electro-coagulacion de este. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1915, xxxiii, 43^438.—Nogues (P.) Neoplasme vesical infiltre; debut marque par des frequences et par des douleurs; hematuries peu abondantes ne survenant que tardivement. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 398-401.—Oraison (J.) De l'anurie au cours de revolu- tion des necplasmes vesicaux. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. fen -urin., Par., 1910-11, vii, 401-410. Aho: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1911, xh, 37-40—Pick (L.) Von der gut- und bosartig metastasirenden Blasenmole. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1897, Berl., 1898, xxvih, pt. 2, 260-287. [Dis- cussion], pt. 1, 221-228.—Pillet. Degenerescence rapide d'un gros polype vesical en neoplasme infiltre. Normandie med, Rouen, 1913, xxix, 453.—Rabe. Fibrome vesical, fibre dans la cavite, et incruste de sels calcaires. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 103-106.—Rosenow (E. C ) On the association of stone and tumor of the urinary bladder, with report of a case. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila ,1902, ns., cxxiii, 634-642. A ho, Reprint.—Rumpel (O.) Ureter- verschluss durch gutartige Blasengeschwiilste. Berl. klm. Wchnschr., 1910, xlvh, 1121— Suflran (F.) Tumeur de la vessie- hydronephrose consecutive. Toulouse med., 1905, 2 s vh 172-175— Thompson (H. T.) Report of a case in which there occurred an anomalous structure at and about the base of the bladder. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1900- 1901 xxxv 492-494.—Troell( A.) Ueber Incontinentia urinae paradoxa 'bei gewissen Harnblasentumoren, speciell mit Rucksicht auf die Indikationsstellung fiir Prostatektomie. Arch f khn. Chir., Berl., 1915, cvi, 368-380.—Yahoub. Neoplasme de la vessie implante sur une ancienne cicatrice de calcul enchatonne. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1907-8 hi, 214-216.—Zuckerkandl (O.) Vesikale Harn- stauung bei zottigen Blasengeschwulsten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 2570-2572. Bladder (Tumors of Cystic). See, also, Bladder (Lnflammation of, Cystic). Hilsmann (S.) *Ueber Harnblasenge- schwulste mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines Falles von cystischem Polyp bei einem Neugeborenen. 8°. Berlin, 1913. # Okamoto (M.) *Blasencysten infolge yon Dilatation und bauchiger Vorwolbung des Ure- ters in die Harnblase. 8°. Breslau 1908. Alezals & Glbert. Vessie a mesocyste chez un adulte. Marseille med., 1906, xliii, 97; 215.-Bogayevskl (A T ) mermoids of the bladder.] Prakt. Vrach S.-Peterb. 1902, \ 9--, -Brongersma (H.) Ueber zwei Falle von Cysten in Bladder (Tumors of, Cystic). der Harnblase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Wien, 1907], Berl. & Leipz., 1908, 388-401. Aho: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, ii, 489-502.—Carrel (A.) Contenu d'un kyste dermoide extrait de la vessie par la voie urethrale. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1901, xv, 140.—Cas- sanello (R.) Sopra un caso di voluminoso linfangioma cistico congenito della vescica urinaria e considerazioni sull' istogenesi del hnfangioma in generale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1909, xvii, 135-162, 1 pi.—Caulk (J. B.) Uretero- vesical cysts, an operative procedure for their relief. J. Am. M. Ass^ Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1685-1688. [Discussion], 1996- 1998.—Crowe (W. A.) Dermoid cyst of bladder; report of case. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1897, 443. Also: In- ternat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1897. x, 270.—Ekehorn. Ueber Zysten in der Harnblase. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1914-15, ix, 163-178. Also: Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1914-15, n. f., xx, 22-38.—Giani (R.) Contributo sperimentale alia genesi della cistite cistica. Arch, per le sc med., Torino, 1906, xxx, 50-65, 2 pi—Harpster (C. M.) Cyst ofthe bladder. De- troit M. J., 1904-5. iv, 269-271.—Hearn (W. J.) Cases of abdominal cystic tumor in the male. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxv, 703-710. [Discussion], 759.—Heineke (H.) Ein multiiokulares Kystom der mannlichen Harnblase. Ztschr. f. urol. Chir., Berl., 1914, hi. 83-98,1 pi.—Heller (J.) Pseudo- trichiasis der Harnblase beim Manne infolge durchgebro- chener Dermoidcyste. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1912, xhx, 1289.-----. Pseudotrichiasis der Blase und Pilimiktion. [Dermoidcyste.] Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vh, 1-21.—Hesse (G.) Die Vornahme der Cystenoperation beim Patienten. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 441-444.—Hot- tlnger (R.) Ueber Zysten der Harnblase. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1912-13, vh, 453-458.—Janet. Cystofantome. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1897, Par., 1898, ii, 441-443.— Lockyer (C.) A case of cystic fibromyomata in a single woman aged twenty-two years. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 956-960.—Meyer (H.) Large cysts on the bladder. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1916, xiv, 237.—Miller (H. H.) Dermoid cyst. Louisville M. Month., 1898-9, v, 248.—New- man. Rare variety of cyst of the urinary bladder, probably arising from the urachus, cured by operation. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1895-7, i, 93-95—Rapsarda. Una speciale forma di cisti infiammatorie della mucosa vescicale a lungo peduncolo. (Nota preventiva.) Soc ital. di urol., Roma, 1908, 264-266.—Ross (J. F. W.) Dermoid tumor perforating into the bladder; electrical cystoscopy; vaginal cystotomy; abdominal section. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1898, xxhi, 411.—Rothschild (A.) Ueber zwei Falle ungewohnlicher zystischer Geschwiilste der Harnblase, ihre Operation und Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1918, lv, 856. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1918, lxv, 660—Suarez (L.) Degenerescence polykystique de la muqueuse vesicale. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1900, xviii, 162-167. -----. Cysten der Blasenschleimhaut. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl., 1906, xi, 579-589. Bladder (Tumors of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). Lafon (M.) *De la generalisation et de l'ab- sence des symptdmes urinaires dans les tumeurs de la vessie. 8°. Barh, 1898. Alessandri (R.) Contributo all' istologia, diagnosi e cura dei tumori della vescica urinaria. Policlin., Roma, 1905, xii, sez. chir., 99-127.—Bensa. Tumeur de la vessie a symptomatologie renale. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.- urin.. Par., 1907-8, iv, 425-431.—Binney (H.) The diagno- sis of tumors of the bladder. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1907-8, xiv, 113-122.—Buerger (L.) The pathological diagnosis of tumours of the bladder with reference to papilloma and carcinoma; a study of one hundred thirteen neoplasms. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline. 1915, ix, 14-55, 24 pi. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago. 1915, xix, 179-198.. Aho, Reprint.—Cabot (H.) Diagnosis of tumors of the bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 1019-1022. Aho, Re- print —Camelot. Diagnostic des papillomes de la vessie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1911, ii, 505-512.—Chute (A. L.) The early recognition of tumors of the bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1913,'clxviii,302-305.— Cumston (C. G.) The diagno- sis of papilloma of the bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 548.—Cunning (J.) Case of villous papilloma of the bladder with symptoms referred to the hip-joint. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 13.—De Rlnaldis (U.) Odierm progressi della cura dei tumori vescicali; importanza dell' endoscopia per la loro diagnosi. Arch. internaz. dimed. echir., Napoh, 1901, xvh, 559-573.—Desnos Image radiographique d'une tumeur vesicale simulant un calcul. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1910, ii, 1386- 1389. Aho: Bull, et mem. Soc. radiol. med. de Par., 1910, u, 45-47—Ferguson (F) The diagnosis of tumors of the bladder by microscopical examinations. Proc N. York Path. Soc. (1892), 1893, 71-73— Guizy (B.) Trois cas de tumeurs de la vessie sans hematurie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1907, i, 103—Heltzmann (L.) Diag- nosis of malignant tumors of the bladder. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxh, 37-41.—Herzberg. Ueber ein neues, BLADDER. 620 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). direktcs optisches Messverfahren zur Messung von Fremd- korpern und Ncubildungen in der Blase. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxiL 113.—Kanltz (M.) Symptomato- logia e diagnostico differencial dos tumores vesicaes. Rev. med.-cirurg. do Brazil, Rio de Jan., 1905, xhi, 181; 230.— Keydel. Die Diagnose und Behandlung der Blasenge- schwiilste, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der differential- diagnostiseh in Betracht kommenden Haematurien. Jah- resb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1905-6, Munchen, 1907,97— Kolischer (G.) The early and qualify- ing diagnosis of tumors of the urinary bladder. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1907-8, vi, 7-13—Legueu (F.) Les tumeurs vesicales latentes. Rev. g6n. do clin. et de therap., Par., 1909, xxiii, 97-99. -----. De la radiographic des tu- meurs de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc dechir.de Par., 1912, n. s., xxxvih, 359.—Llsovskaya (Mme. S. N.) [Pseudo- dermoids of the bladder wall.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 527; 546.—Lockwood (C. B.) On the early diag- nosis of tumours of the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1904, l, 1633-1636.—McCallum (F. M.) & Smith (C. K.) The diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the urinary bladder. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 105-109.— Ma- rlon (G.) Diagnostic et traitement des tumeurs de la vessie. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1909-10, vi, 81-97. -----. Les formes cliniques rares ou anormales des tumeurs de la vessie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1910, xxiv, 357.-----. Diagnostic cystoscopique des tumeurs vesicales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911, 1, suppl., 137-145, 3 pi—Mlnguez Val (E.) Valor semeio- l<5gico de la hematuria en las neoplasias vesicales, &, prop<5sito de un caso notable de papiloma. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1902, lvi, 201-210.—Newman (D.) Tu- mours of the bladder; three cases Illustrating points of in- terest in diagnosis and treatment. Glasgow M. J., 1914, lxxxi, 1-12— Perearnau (E.) Doscassosatipicsdeneoplas- sies vesicals. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Catalunya, Barcel., 1911, v, 314-317— Rabere (J.) Deux cas de neoplasmes vesicaux a symptomatologie anormale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxhi. 318-320.— Sigurta (G. B.) La diagnosi differenziale fra tumoro vescicale e cistite. Corriere san., Milano, 1907, xvhi, 145; 157— Spltzer (W. M.) Diagnosis and treatment of papil- lary or villous tumors of the bladder. Colorado Med., Denver, 1915, xii, 187-189.—Whiteside (G. S.) Conditions simulating bladder tumors. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1909, n. s., i, 124. Bladder (Tumors of, Malignant). See, also, Bladder (Cancer of); Bladder (Tu- mors of, Sarcomatous). Ayres (W.) Report of four cases of malignant disease of the urinary tract treated by radium. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1919, xxiii, 8—Begouln. Tumeur vesicale maligne, en partie pedicuiee et faisant saillie par l'uretre. Bull, etmem. Soc demed. etchir. de Bordeaux (1914), 1915, 99.—Berard. Resection etendue de la vessie pour tumeur maligne du dome vesical. Echo med., Toulouse, 1899, 2. s., xhi, 7-11.—Berg (A. A.) Beitrag zur radikalen Operation bosartiger Neubildungen der Blase. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, xxxi. 644-647— Blecher & Martlus. Ueber einen Fall von malignem Tumor der Blase von synevtialem Bau. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vii, 269-276 — Bogolyubofl (V.) [ Partial and complete excision of the bladder for malignant tumors.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1906, lxv, 514-524— Dlewltzkl (\V. S.) Ueber einen Fall von Chorloepithelioma der Harnblase. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1904, clxxviii, 451-464, 1 pi. Aho: Med. Woche, Berl., 1905, vi, 249- 257—Fuller (E.) Recovery with restoration of the vesical function following total extir- pation of the prostate and resection of the bladder for malig- nant disease. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1898, xvi, 581 .586— Gulnard. Tumeur maligne de la vessie developpeeau niveau de la zone ureterale droite. Loiremed., St.-Etfcnnc, 1907, xxvi, 407-410—Hagner (F. R.) Re- port of a case of extirpation of the bladder for malignant dis- ease. Med. Rec. N. Y , 1912, lxxxii, 705.—Iredell (C. E.) & Thompson (It.) Three cases of malignant growth at the base of the bladder treated by diathermy. Lancet, Lond., 1914, i, 1745— Kollscher (—Rlese. Blasenkarzi- nomo und -sarkome. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Bladder (Tumors of, Malignant). Leipz., 1911, xxxvu, 1798.—Schmidt (L. E.) Diathermy in malignant tumors of the bladder. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916. xxiii, 223-225.—Smlsloft (K. O.) [Chorionic tumor ofthe bladder.] Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad. Raboti Proped. Khirurg. Klin___Oppel, S.-Peterb., 1912, iv, 51-98. Bladder (Tumors of, Papillomatous). Merk (M.) *Ueber Papillom der Harnblase. [Freiburg.] 8°. Augsburg, 1900. Molas (A.) *De la recidive dans les papil- lomes de la vessie. 8°. Barh, 1904. Abell (I.) Haematuria due to papilloma of bladder. Kentucky M. J., Bowhng Green, 1909-10, viii, 1813-1816.— Alexander (S.) Papilloma of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxhi, 641— Anderson (R. B.) Three cases of papilloma of the urinary bladder; two patients. Long Is- land M. J., Brooklyn, 1917, xi, 356-359—Audry (C.) Pa- pillome vesical; taille medio-laterale; extirpation; mort au treizieme jour, de pleuresie purulente; examen des pieces. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1898, lv, 89-92.—Bansbach (J. J.) Vesical papilloma with symptoms of renal calculus. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1917, xxxvi, 113—Betagh (G.) Su due casi di papilloma della vescica. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1900, Roma, 1901, xv, 232-253.—BoddaeTt (E.) & Penneman (G.) Note sur un cas de papillome de la vessie. Bull. Soc de med. de Gand, 1902, lxix, 285-292.—Bremer- man (L. W.) Vesical papillomata. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass. 1911, Brookline, 1912, v, 257-283. -----. Vesical papillomata. Surg. Chn., Chicago, 1914, ih, 337-368. 6 pi.—Casper (L.) Die Recidive der Harnblasenpapilfome. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1908), 1909, xxxix, pt. 2, 19-36. [Dis- cussion], pt. 1, 28; 35. Aho: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 303-308. [Discussion], 324; 326.—Cox (A. E.) Papil- loma of the bladder and its management. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1915, xh, 168—Crick (L.) Notes sur deux papillomes et un flbrome oedemateux de la vessie. Ann. Soc beige de chir., Brux., 1899-1900, vh, 39-43,1 pi.— Cumston (C. G.) On papillomata ofthe bladder. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1904-5, i, 189-202— Daunic & Abely. Papil- lome de la vessie. Toulouse med., 1912, 2. s., xiv, 64-67.— Davis (L.) A case of multiple papillomata of the bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvi, 810—Frank (E. R. W.) Ueber die Beziehungen der papUlomatosen Wucherungen des Blasenhalses und der hinteren Harnrohrezum Mechanis- mus der Harnentleerung und zur sexuellen Neurasthenie. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, ii, 922-937—Filth. Ueber Papilloma vesicae. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. (1899), 1900, 11-25—Furnlss. Papilloma of the bladder. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, N. Y., 1911-13, 82.—Gardlnl (U.) Dei papillomi della vescica. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1909, 8. s., ix, 27-41 —Grant (H. H.) A case of vesical papilloma. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1914, x, 177-180.—Grosser (J.) Mammin-Poehl bei Harnblasen- blutung Infolge von Papillomen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1911, lxxx, 43.—Guiteras (R.) Report of a puzzling case of vesical papilloma. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1909, xv, 414-416.— Harrington (F. B.) Three cases, two of papilloma of the bladder, and one in which the diagnosis of papilloma was made, but which turned out to be something else. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 571. [Discussion], 576.—Horwltz (O.) An accidental cure of a case of papillo- ma of tho bladder. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1903-4, vhi, 516. Aho: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1904, vi, 136- 138—Howell (J.) Villous tumour of the bladder. Clin. J., Lond., 1916, xiv,210 —Hue (F.) Papillome volumlneux de la vessie elimin6 spontanement par l'urethre. Normandie med., Rouen, 1908, xxiv, 185.—KeUty (R. A.) Twocasesof papilloma ofthe bladder. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. (1916), 1917, xxxvii, 48—Lauwers. Tumeur villeuse de la vessie. J. de chir. ct ann. Soc beige de chir., Brux., 1902, ii, 61-65.— Legueu (F.) De la recidive des papillomes de la vessie. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 743-745. Aho: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1905, xix, 439. Aho, transl: Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 1985-1989.-----. Les papillomes de la vessie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1910, xxiv, 148-150.—Legueu (F.) & Verllac (H.) Origines et transformations des papillomes vesicaux. Bull. d. 1' Assoc. franc, p. l'etude du cancer, Par., 1910, iii, 130-145. Aho: Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen -urin., Par., 1910-11, vii, 81-97. Aho, transl: Riv. urol., Catania, 1910, i, 265-282.—Lehr (L. C ) A general consideration of the present status of vesical papilloma. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 191-199— I/endorf (A.) [The structure of vesical papil- lomata.) Hosp.-Tid., Kjlbenh., 1904, 4. R., xii, 744-752 — Lttwensteln (S ) Trichodes crassicaudi specifics als Erre- ger von Papillomen der Blase und Nicre. Verhandl. d. (icsellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte (Karlsruhe) 1911, Leipz.. 1912, lxxxiii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 162-166— Malherbe (A.) Note sur trois papillomes de la vessie et sm un ade- nomemuqucux paravesical. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. ls97, Par., 189s, ii, 358- :>M.— Merusl (G.) Su di un caso di papilloma multiplo della vescica. Rendic. d. Ass. med.- chir. di Panua, 1901, ii, 181-184—Mesa y Gutierrez (J.) Los papilomas de la vejiga. Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Mexico, 1897, ii, 625-638, 1 pi.—Meyer (II.) Papilloma of bladder and cystoscopy. Boston M. & S. J , 1909, dx, 295— BLADDER. 621 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Papillomatous). Morton (H. H.) Papilloma of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1916, xx. 626-628.—Mursell (H. T.) A case of villous papilloma of the bladder. Med. J. S. Africa. Johannesb., 1916-17, xii, 155.—Newton (G. W.) A case ol villous papilloma of the bladder. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1897-8, vii, 103— Nlcalse (E.) Petrification peripherique d'une tumeur villeuse de la vessie. Rev. chir., Par., 1895, xv, 240-241. Also, Reprint.—Pages. Papillomes de la vessie. Lyon med:, 1907, cix, 853; 1126.—Rafln. Papil- lome de la vessie. Ibid., 1908, ex, 1395.—Riesman (D.) Papilloma of the bladder, causing death by hemorrhage. Tr. Path; Soc. Phila., 1898, xviii, 304-308.—Rodman (J. S.) Papilloma of bladder. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1909, 19. s., iv, 142,1 pi— Scudder (C. L.) & Davis (L.) Papilloma of the urinary bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clviii, 523 — Serl (G.) Papilloma e ulcera semplice della vescica. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1914, iv, 75-81.—Shropshire (C. W.) & Watterston (C.) Treatment of papilloma of the urinary bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 1165. Also, Re- print.—Stern. Zottenpapdlom der Blase. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1903, xxix, Ver.-Beil., 371.— Syrlng (R.) Ueber Metaplasie von Blasenpapillomen in Carcinom. Beitr. z klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1911, lxxiii, 66- 103.—Tanton. Transformations et degenerescences des papillomes de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910, n. s., xxxvi, 57-63.—Turner (G. G.) Four specimens of villous tumour which had been removed from the bladder. Northumberland & Durham M. J., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1907, xv, 158-161.-----. Papilloma of bladder. Ibid., 1910, xviu, 41.—Verhoogen (J.) Recidive di papillomi benigni della .vescica sotto forma di cancro. Riv. urol., Catania, 1911, ii, 9-14.—Walker (J. W. T.) Papilloma of the bladder. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 123.—WUIiams (H.) Villous tumor and rupture of the bladder. Canad. Pract. & Rev.„Toronto, 1909, xxxiv, 544-548.—von Wini- warter (H.) A propos de la recidive des papillomes vesi- caux. Scalpel, Liege, 1908-9,1x1, 11. Bladder (Tumors of, Papillomatous, Treat- ment of Operative.) D'Antoine de Taillas. Contribution a l'etude des papillomes de la vessie. Leur traite- ment par la methode de Nitze. 8°. Montpel- lier, 1902. Schliep (L.) *Die in der chirurgischen Klinik zu Munchen operierten Blasenpapillome. 8°. Munchen, 1903. Zimmermann (R.) *Ein Fall von Blasen- papillom mit Prolapsus durch die Harnrohre. 8°. Tubingen, 1902. Allen (E. S.) Vesical papilloma; report of a case. Ken- tucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1912, x, 817-819.—Azcarreta. Papiloma de la vejiga; importancia del cistoscopio en su diagnostico; talla hipogastrica; curacion. Gac. med. de Granada, 1902, xx, 127-129.—Beer (E.) Papillomatosis of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1915, lxi, 109: lxii, 496.— Boyd (M. L.) Papilloma of the bladder, with report of two cases. J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta, 1915, v, 133-137.— Bremerma'n (L. W.) Vesical papillomata. Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1914, iii, 337-354,1 pi.—Bugbee (H. G.) Papilloma of the bladder treated by excision; recurrence treated with radium and the high frequency current. St. Luke's Hosp. M. & S. Rep., Brooklyn, 1911, hi, 101-105.—Casclno (R.) Un caso di papilloma semplice della vescica fehcemente operato ed a note istologiche interessanti. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 202-207.—Cumston (C. G.) A case of papilloma ofthe bladder, complicated with pyonephrosis, with remarks on the surgical treatment of papilloma. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1904, n. s., exxviii, 1011-1016. Aho, Reprint. Aho, transl: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1904, xiii, 568-573.—Curtis (H.) Re- marks on a case of haematuria, due to Bilharzia hsematobia, causing papillomata of the bladder; suprapubic cystotomy; removal of papillomata; relief of symptoms. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1906-7. xxx, 231-237.—Edwards (F. S.) Case of papilloma of tne bladder removed by suprapubic cystotomy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxix, 167—Fordyce (W.) Villous papilloma of bladder removed by vaginal cystotomy. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1909-10, xxxv, 87.— Fuller (E. B.) Papillomatous tumour of the bladder; suc- cessful operation and its sequel. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1909, vii, 199.—Graefe. Ueber einen weiteren Fall von Blasenpapillom. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. (1902), 1903, 82.—Greenberg (G) Treat- ment of bladder and urethral papillomata. N. York M.J. fete], 1916, civ, 553-555. Aho, Reprint.—Janet (J.) Rela- tion d'une operation cystoscopique de papillome vesical pratiquee par le Dr. Nitze. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1901. Par., 1902, v, 435-437.—Kelly (H. A.) Removal of vesical papilloma through an incision in the septum with the patient in the knee-chest posture. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903 xlvii, 28-31.—Lange (F.) Multiple papillomata of the bladder; extirpation by transverse incision through the symphysis pubis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxhi, 198- Bladder (Tumors of, Papillomatous, Treat- ment of, Operative). 201.—Legueu (F.) & Cathelln (F.) Une modification a la technique de la taille hypogastrique pour papillomes. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 538.—Llch- tenstern. Bericht uber zwei openerte Falle papillarer Geschwiilste der Blase. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Wien, 1907], Berl. & Leipz., 1908, 409-416.— Maitland (H. L.) Removal of villous papilloma of the bladder. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1902, xxi, 522.— Malherbe (A.) Uncaso di papilloma recidivato nella pa- rete addominale senza recidiva nella vescica. Riv. urol., Catania, 1910, i, 48-54, 3 pi. Aho, transl: Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 711-715.—Morales Perez (A.) Doble papiloma de la vejiga; operaci6n y curacidn. Siglo med., Madrid, 1902, xlix, 822-824.—Murphy (J. B.) Papil- loma of bladder; suprapubic cystotomy; resection of mu- cosa with cauterization. Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1915, iv, 761- 766.—Naumann (G.) Fibroma papillare vesicas urinariae; cpicystotomia; extirpatio. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898, lx, pt. 2, 90-92.-----. Papilloma vesicae urinariae; epicystoto- mia; exstirpatio; sepsis. Ibid., 92.—Negrete (C.) Un caso de papiloma vesical diagnosticado por cistoscopia; extirpa- ci6n del tumor por via suprapubiana. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1913, xxix, 13-17.—Newman (D.) Case of papilloma of the bladder removed by supra-pubic cystotomy; haematuria and pain in the bladder. Glasgow M. J., 1903, lx, 358. Aho: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg.(1901-3), 1904. iv, 379-382.—Plaza (B.) Los tumores de la vejiga (su tratamiento). Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1911, xviii, pt. 1, 887; 930. —Prelndlsberger (J.) Papilloma vesicae; Sectio alta; Exstirpatio. Wien. klin. Rundschau. 1903, xvii,39.—Qulcke(W. H.) Case of papilloma of the bladder. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1903, xxiv, 204.—Reynolds (L. W.) & Graham (J. C. W.) Case of villous tumour of blad- der; suprapubic cystotomy; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 782.—Richardson (M. H.) Small papilloma of bladder characterized by an excessive hemorrhage; removed by suprapubic cystotomy. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 572. [Discussion], 575.—Rolando (S.) Sulla asportazione dei papillomi della vescica voluminosi con impianto periure- terale. Liguriamed., Genova, 1914, viii, 52. Also, transl: J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1914. v, 585-587.—Schou (J.) Papilloma vesicae. [. . ., covering both ureteral orifices; transplantation of both ureters into the top of the bladder; extirpation of tumor.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K^Sbenh., 1902, 5. R.,ix, 673-678.—Serl (G.) Papilloma and primary simple ulcer of the bladder. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y.. 1914, xxvii, 403^05.—Vlannay & Fontantlles. Un cas de papillome double de la vessie diagnostique par la cystoscopie et enleve par la taille hypogastrique. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1908, xxvh, 639.—Walker (J. W. T.) Notes on the operative treatment of papilloma of the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1910, ii, 1409-1413.—Washburn (G. H.) Papilloma of bladder, with operation; report of a case. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 570.—Watson (F. S.) The surgical treatment of vesical papilloma and carcinoma. Urol. & Cutan. Rev.. St. Louis, 1913, xvii, 64-73.—Zuckerkandl (O.) Ausgedehnte Schleimhautexzisionen bei multiplen Papdlomen der Harn- blase. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 2123. Bladder (Tumors of, Sarcomatous). Cwybel (B.) *Das Sarkom der Blase. 8°. Breslau, 1908. Dibbern (W.) *Ein Fall von einem primaren Blasensarkom. 8°. Greifswald, 1897. Jager (K. [F.]) *Ueber einen Fall von Sar- kom der Harnblase. 8°. Munchen, 1904. Loewenheim (M.) *Ueber ein Sarkom der Harnblase mit seltener Generalisierung und sar- komatose Magengeschwure. [Wiirzburg.] 8°. Magdeburg, 1904. Also, transl in: Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1905-0, ii, 146-161. Malegue (F.) *Le sarcome primitif de la vessie. 8°. Barh, 1909. Aho [Abstr.], in: Med. orient., Par., 1910, xiv, 739-742. Munwes (Chassia). *Zur Statistik und Ka- suistik der Blasensarkome. [Zurich.] 8°. Leip- zig, 1910. Aho, in: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1910,iv, 837-859. Voigt (F. W. W.) *Extirpation eines Blasen- sarkoms unter Resektion der Symphyse. 8°. Kul, 1904. Yamasaki (T.) *Casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von den Harnblasensarcomen. 8°. Miin- chen, 1899. Arcoleo (E.) Cistectomia parziale per sarcoma della vescica. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1903, h, 585-588 —Beneke (R.) Ein Fall von Osteoid-Chondrosar- BLADDER 622 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Sarcomatous). com der Harnblase, mit Bemerkungen iiber Metaplasie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etcl, Berl., 1900, clxi, 70-115, 1 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899. Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 36-38— Bln- ney (H.) A case of sarcoma ofthe bladder. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1914, ix, 15-22, 3 pi.—Blanc. Myxo-sarcome de la vessie; guerison apres operation. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv. 717.—Bockenhelmer (P.) Sarcoma of the bladder cured by radical operation. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1914, Tech. Suppl., ii, 312-314, 1 ?1.—Bunce (W. C.) Sarcoma of the bladder. Cleveland . M., 1900, v, 198-201.—Chute (A.) Sarcoma ofthe bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1910, clxii, 324.—Dalla Vedova (R.) Contributo alia conoscenza dei sarcomi primitivi della vescica. Ann. d. r. Ist. di clin. chir. di Roma, 1909, ii, 529- 616, 1 pi. Aho: Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1908, Roma, 1909, i, 935-1022, 1 pi—Fischer (W.) Ueber ein Osteoidchondrosarkom der Harnblase mit Metastasen. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat.... Inst, zu Tubing., Leipz., 1908, vi, 591-610—Fulcl (F.) Contributo alio studio delle metaplasie epiteliali e dei sarcomi della vescica urinaria. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze. 1909, lxiii, 267-298, 1 pi.—Harpster (C. M.) Sarcoma of the bladder; demon- stration of specimen and slide. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brook- line, 1915. ix, 239-243, 4 pi. [Discussion], 299-311.—Hogge. Sarcome a la vessie. J. med. de Brux., 1907, xii, 430.—Jun- gano. Sur un cas d'angiosarcome de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1907, ii, 1451-1464.—Krouse (L. J.) Report of two cases of sarcoma of bladder, with specimens. Tr. Acad. M. Cincin., 1897-8,343. Aho: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xl, 439.—Lamb (D. S.) Case of endothelial sarcoma of urinary bladder. Wash. M. Ann., 1903, ii, 203.—Lambrethsen (J.) Sarcoma vesicae urinariae. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1918, lxi, 1630-1633.—Lecene & Chene. Sarcome de la vessie ayant simule une retention d'urine. Bull, et mem. Soc anat. de Par., 1909, lxxxiv, 20.—Leuen- berger (S. G.) Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Mutation von Harnblasenpapillomen in Sarkom. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1912, xcix, 363-376.—Lexer. Myosarkom der Blase. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xxx, Ver.- Beil., 42.—Matteucci (G.) Di un sarcoma primitivo della parte posteriore della vescica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1161.—Mixter (C. G.) Sarcoma ofthe bladderin a child. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, lxv, 628-632.—Morelle (A.) Sar- come retrovesical; extirpation avec resection partielle de la vessie; guerison operatoire; recidive. Ann. de I'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1904, xi, 74-76.—Paget (S.) A case of sarcoma of the bladder; removal of the growth. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1902, vh, 317.—Sicard & Malegue. Sarcome de la vessie chez un homme de 60 ans, mort de peritonite par perforation vesicale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1909, lxxxiv, 127-129—Sottile (E. G.) Sarcoma della vescica urinaria in un bambino di 6 mesi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 690-692.—Targett (J. H.) On sarcomata of the bladder and their classification. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1896, xlvii, 291-311, 2 pi—Watkins (A. H.) A case of sar- coma of bladder; operation. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1907, v, 118—Weir (R. F.) Suprapubic cystotomy for sarcoma of the bladder. Med. News, Phila., 18*6, xlix, 623-625.—Whiteside (G. S.) A case of sarcoma of the blad- der. Am. J. Urol.. N. Y., 1907, iii, 261.—Wilder (J. A.) Primary sarcoma ofthe bladder; with a report of three cases and review of the literature. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1905, n. s., exxix, 63-74. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of). Delbru (M.) *Du traitement des tumeurs j de la region superieure de la vessie. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Polak (A.) *('ontribution a l'etude du traitement des tumeurs vesicales. 8°. Parh, 1901. Alessandrl. Contributo alia diagnosi e alia cura dei tumori vescicali. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Roma, 1904, xviu, 63.— Ayres (W.) An instrument for direct appli- cation of radium to neoplasms of tho bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1911, c, 126. Aho, Reprint.—Bangs (L. B.) A means of controlling the hemorrhage from inoperable neo- plasms of the bladder; with cases illustrating the trypsin and Hodenpyl serumtherapy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxx, 359-365— Baumgarten (S.) Die Pathologie und Thcrapio der Harnblasengeschwulste. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1899, xi, 81: 97; 113.—Beer (E.) Dio Behandlung von gutar- tigen Gescnwiilsten der Harnblase mittels Oudinstrahlen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1910, xxxvii, 1115-1117.—Blalock (N. G.) The treatment of vascular tumors by the injection of boiling water. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1903, i. 486.— van Cappellen (D.) Bchandcllng der blaaspapillomen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 19ix, ii, 1653—Casper (L.) Zur Therapie der Blasengescnwiilsfe. Med. Kim., Berl., 1904-5, i. 86-88.-----. Zur Therapie der Blasenge- schwiilste. Ibid., 1911, vii, 1978.—Cathelln (F.) Extrac- tion d'un polype geant de la vessie; considerations sur lc traitement des polypes en particulier. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1908, ii, 1681-1685.—Delbru (M.) The results of palliative and radical treatment of tumors of the Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of). apex of the bladder. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1916, 26. s., iv, 286-291.—Delogu (G.) Contributo alia cura cromatlea dei neoplasmi della vescica. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1903, ii, 141-145.—Desnos. Fragmentation et expulsion spontanees des tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1897, Par., 1898, ii, 382-394.—Geraghty (J. T.) Treatment of bladder tumors. N. York M. J. [etc], 1916, civ, 838-840. Aho, Reprint. Aho: West Virg. M. J., Huntington, 1916-17, xi, 193-199. —<---. The residts of treat- ment of bladder tumors. Tr. Sect. Genito-Urin. Dis. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 60-75. [Discussion], 88-92.— Grandjean (A.) Evolution du traitement des tumeurs vesicales. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin.. Par., 1911-12, viu, 401-419.—Grasett (F.) The treatment of tumors ofthe bladder. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto, 1895, ii, 43-45.—Gre- llnskl (A.) [Treatment of tumors of the bladder.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1904, 2. s., xxiv, 831; 863.—Hanc (A.) Tinc- tionsbehandlung von Neoplasmen der Harnblase. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1898, xlui, 163.—Herring (H. T.) The treatment of vesical papilloma by injections. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1398.—Hock (A.) Behandlung der Blasen- Sapillome. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1913, xxxvih, 711.— anet (J.) Essai de traitement des vegetations vesicales par la resorcine; posture k donner au malade dans certains cas d'instillations vesicales. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1904, Par., 1905, viu, 535-540.—Kollscher (G.) The tech- nique of apphcation of radio-active substances to tumors of the bladder. Urol. A Cutan. Rev., St. Louis 1918, xxh, 57.—Kollscher (G.) & Schmidt (L. E.) Radiotherapy of malignant tumors of the bladder. Chicago M. Recorder, 1914. xxxvi, 398-400.—Krotoszyner (M.) Upon the modern treatment of bladder-tumors. Calif. State J. M.. San Fran., 1917, xv, 359-363.—Le Clerc-Dandoy. Papillome vesical avec succes par le stvptol. Policlin., Brux., 1908, xvii, 66- 68.—Lcschnew (N. F.) Ueber die Behandlung der Blasen- tumoren. Centralbl. i. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1906, xvu, 345-380.—Loe wen hard t (F.) Zur Be- handlung der Blaseneeschwulste. Ibid., 1901, xii, 341-345.— Luys (G.) Behandlung der Blasentumoren. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, hi, Beiheft, 435-442— Paschkls (R.) Radiumbehandlung von Blasengeschwiilsten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1911, xxiv, 1562-1564.—Pilcher (P. M.) A note on the treatment of tumors of the bladder. Year-Book Pilcher Hosp. 1913-14, Brooklyn, 191.5, 109-113— Posner (C.) Wie soil sich der Arzt gegeniiber Blasentumoren ver- halten? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xiv, 606-608.—Prae- torlus. (G.) Ueber Mamrnin und Kollargol bei Blasenpa- pillomen. Med. Khn., Berl., 1917,xiii,370— Schmita(H.) The use of radium in tumors of the urinarv bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1918,"xxii, 1 5:"l919, xxiii, 10.— Smith (T.) Suggestions for a possible improvement in the method of removing stones and morbid growths from the interior ofthe bladder. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1901, lxxxiv, 293-302.—Squler (J. B.) Radium versus surgery in the treatment of vesical neoplasms. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass", Brook- line, 1915, ix, 99-105. [Discussion], 226-2as 2 pi. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1915, xxi, 176 17*v—Wallace (D.) Some notes upon the treatment of tumours of the bladder. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1905, li, 85-94. Bladder (Tumors of Treatment of, Oper- ative). See, also, Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by cystectomy. Combes (I.) Contribution a l'etude des re- sultats du traitement chirurgical des tumeurs de la vessie. 8°. Toulouse, 1S99. Do re (J.) *De l'intervention dans les tu- mours de la vessie. 8°. Paris, 1911. Fenwick (E. II.) Operative and inoperative tumours of the urinary bladder. A clinical and operative study based on five hundred cases. 8°. London, 1901. Giraud (E.) *Du traitement chirurgical des tumours de la vessie; indications et resultats eloignes. [Lyon.] 8°. Trevoux, 1912. Heinecke (A.) *Die in der chirurgischen Klinik zu Miinchen operierten Blasentumoren 1904-12. Ein Beitrag zur Statistik und Casuis- tik. 8°. Munchen 1912. Michaelis (A. II.) *Ueber breitbasige Bla- sengeschwiilste und ihre operative Behandlung. S°. Marburg, 1898. Modlinski (P. I.) Khirurgiya novoobrazova- niy mochevovo puzirya. [Surgery of tumors of the urinary bladder.] 8°. Moskva, 1899. Fasteau (0.) De l'intervention chirurgicale dans les tumeurs de la vessie. L'importance de BLADDER. 623 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of, Oper- ative) . la radiographie pour le diagnostic de la lithiase renale. Traitement des fistules de l'uretre penien. Note sur l'emploi de l'eau salee en chi- rurgie urinaire. Explorateurs gradues, pour l'examen de l'uretre de la vessie. 8°. Evreux, 1905. Vouters (V.-C.) *De l'intervention chirur- gicale dans les tumeurs de la vessie. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1906. Albarran (J.) Resultats de l'intervention chirurgicale dans les tumeurs. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 785-798.-----. Indications operatoircs dans les tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 178-192.—Ashcraft "(L. T.) Cases of bladder tumor. Hahneman. Month., Phila.. 1910, xiv, 206-217.— Auvray. Neoplasme vesical primitif; metastases ganglion- naires enormes dans la fosse iliaque- absence de signes cliniques vesicaux. Bull.etmem. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1913, n. s., xxxviii, 233-236.—BakO (S.) [Two operations for tumors of the urinal bladder, special incision.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 394.—Beer (E.) The surgical therapy of benign and malignant tumors of the urinary bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxviii, 680-684. Aho, Reprint.—Bendandl (G.) Contributo alia cura chirurgica delle eteroplasie dell' urocisti. Riforma med., Roma, 1903, xix,22S-230—von Bramann. Dietemporare Resection der Symphyse als Hiilfsoperation bei Exstirpa- tion von Blasentumoren. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1891, Leipz., 1892, lxiv, pt. 2, 285-287.— Carller (V.) Indications et resultats du traitement chirur- gical des tumeurs de la vessie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1905, ix, 550: 1906, x, 385-388.— Cathelin (F.) Quinze inter- ventions pour tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 210-216.-----. Doit-on opcrer toutes les tumeurs de vessie? Medecin prat., Par., 1907, iii, 133-135.-----. Les conditions d'intervention dans les tumeurs de la vessie. Paris chirurg., 1909, i, 1-7. [Discus- sion], 49-58.—Davis (L.) Primary tumors of the urinary bladder, a study of forty-one cases at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 556-598, 7 pi.—Desnos. Indications du traitement operatoire des tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 248-254.—Dos Santos (R.) O tratamento actual dos tumores vesicaes. J. Soc d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1910, lxxiv, 112-115.—Dukeman (W. H.) Intraperitoneal cystotomy for tumor of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1911, lvii, 1264.—Ferulano (G.) Contributo alia chirurgia dei neoplasmi vescicah. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1914, n. s., xxxvi, 673-682—Fowler (A. L.) Tumors of the bladder. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1908, x, 146-154.—von Frlsch (A.) Bericht uber 300 operierte Blasentumoren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 1205- 1207 -----. Die operative Behandlung der Blasenge- schwiilste und ihre Erfolge. Ergebn. d. Chir. u. Orthop., Berl., 1911, hi, 466-503.—Fullerton (A.) Methods of opera- tion in cases of tumours of the urinary bladder. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1912, n. s., xciii, 219.—Fyodoroff (S. P.) [Operative interference in tumors of the bladder.] Russk. Khir. Arch., S.-Peterb., 1903, xix, 852-891. Aho [Abstr.]: Russk. Khirurg. Obozr., Mosk., 1903, i, 144-148.—Garcia Puelles (S.) De las diferentes maneras de intervenir en los tumores de la veiiga. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Ma- drid, 1910, xxih, 339-343.—Gardner (J. A.) Operative treat- ment of tumors of the bladder, clinical results as obtamed from a review of 1,702 cases of operations on tumors of the bladder by various operators during the last fifteen years. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1915, lxii, 456-462,5 tab.—Gauthler (C.) Ablation des tumeurs de la vessie situees a l'embouchure des ureteres. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1913, Par., 1914, xvii 731-736 —Gayet. Tumeur de la vessie; resection de dehors en dedans. Lvon m6d., 1913, exxi, 721.—Geraghty (J. T ) The results of treatment of bladder tumors. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, lxix, 1336-1342.-Ghedml (A ) Contributo alia cura chirurgica dei neoplasmi dell'urocisti Clin, chir., Milano, 1910, xviii, 1983-2017.—Hagner (F. R.) Neoplasms of the bladder, with remarks on operative treat- ment. N. York M. J. [etc], 1914, c, 804-807.—Hamonic (P.) Resultatsde 16 interventions pour tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 204-210. Also: Rev! clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par , 1906, xii, 1-5.— Harpster (C. M.) Tumors of the bladder, demonstration of a new method of removal. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1912, vui, 71—HUdebrand (O.) Ueber die operative Behand- lung der Blasentumoren. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1914, cv, 104O-1051.-Judd (E. S.) Results in the treatment of tumors of the urinary bladder. _ J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1912, lix, 1788-1792. Aho, Reprint— Keydel. Statistische Beurteilung der chirurgischen Behandlung der Blasenge- schwiilste. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz , 1906, xvu, 289-328—Kollscher (G.) & Schmidt CL E i Surgery of tumors of the bladder from a modern aspect. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 303-308.— Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of, Oper- ative). Kosztka (E.) Operativ geheilter Fall von Blasentumor. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxvih, 701.— Legueu (F.) Indications et resultats de l'intervention dans le traitement des neoplasmes de la vessie. Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par.. 1906 220— Lobsteln (E.) Beitrage zur operativen Behandlung der Blasengeschwiilste. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1902, xxxiv, 637-677.— Loewenhardt. Beitrag zur Behandlung der Blasenge- schwiilste. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1901, xxx, pt. 1, 20-23.—Loumeau (E.) A propos du traitement des tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 197-204.—MacGowan (G.) Report of ten cases of vesical tumors, with some remarks upon the cleansing of foul bladders and the technic of supra- pubic cystotomy. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1900, xviu, 193-220.—Marian! (B.) Tratamiento de los tumores de la vejiga. Rev. Asoc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1916. xxv, 180-182.—Meyer (W.) Tumor ofthe bladder removed under spinal anaesthesia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901. xxxiv, 575.—0'Neil(R.F.) Observations on recent cases ot bladder tumors at the Massachusetts General Hospital with special reference to operative technic. Boston M. & S. J., 1913, clxviii, 305-308.-----. Bilateral ureterostomy for palliation in a case of tumor of the bladder. Ibid., 1915, clxxiit 677- 679.—Pasteau (O.) De l'extirpation des tumeurs vesicales avoisinant les orifices ureteraux. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc- verb. 1902, Par.. 1903, vi, 551-555.-----. Des condition dans les tumeurs de la vessie. Paris chirurg^ 1909, i, 29-38.—Pe- dersen(J.) Neoplasms ofthe bladder.' Post-Graduate, N.Y., 1913, xxvih, 909-917.—Pilcher (P.M.) Tumors of the blad- der; anoteonthepresentdaymethodsoftreatment. Am.J. Surg., N. Y., 1913, xxvii, 147-151. Also: Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1914, viii, 204-208. [Discussion], 223-231. -----. A consideration of twenty-four cases of tumor of the bladder, and conclusions as to appropriate methods of treat- ment. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1913, xiii, 581-584.— Poussons. Resultats statistiques de 60 interventions pour tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc- verb. 1905, Par., 1906, 221-235.—Rafln. Indications et resultats du traitement chirurgical des tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc d'urol. Proc-verb. 1905, Par., 1906,1-147. Aho [Rap. de Yvert]: Gaz. d. hop. de Lyon, 1905, vi, 607-617.— Reynolds (E.) New growth ofthe bladder, with operation. Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah, 1898, ii, 240-243.—Schmidt (L. E.) Surgery of tumours of the bladder from a modern aspect. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1907, ii, 94-103, 7 pi.-----. Additional report to the operative treatment of tumors of the bladder. Ibid., 1908, iii, 70-79.— Segale (G. B.) Sulla chirurgia dei tumori della vescica. Arch, ed atti d. Soc ital. di chir. 1906, Roma, 1907, xx, 241- 245.—Stammler. Die Resultate der operativen Behand- lung der Blasentumoren. Ztschr. f. urof. Chir., Berl., 1914, iii, 99-107.—Stokes (A. C.) Treatment of tumors of the bladder. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1913, xvhi, 500-505 — Thomas (B. A.) Technique of operative treatment of bladder tumours. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1915, ix, 141-164,11 pi. [Discussion], 226-238, 2pi.—Treplln. Ueber die Resultate der chirurgischen Behandlung der Blasentu- moren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1906, xxxii, 757-759.—Wallace (D.) Vesical tumours; why operative treatment is so frequently unsuccessful in its remote curative results; a plea for earlv diagnosis. Tr. Med.- Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1905-6, n. s., xxv, 257-266. Aho [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 650.—Warren (G.W.) Some details in the surgical treatmentof tumor of the bladder. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1915, x, 62-71— Watson (F. S.) The operative treatment of tumors of the bladder, a proposal to substitute bilateral lumbar nephrostomy and the establishment of renal fistuhe in cases of bladder tumor, for ureteral implantation in con- nection with bladder resection or total extirpation, and that the bladder operation be done after an interval and not together with the nephrostomies. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1905, xiii, 805-830. Aho, Reprint.-----. Tumors of the bladder with special reference to surgical treatment. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1910, xiv.205-212.— Zefiroff (P. V.) [Tumors of the bladder.]. Khirurgia, Mosk., 1909, xxv, 115-148.—Zimmermann. [Ueber die Geschwiilste dt,r Harnblase und deren operative Behand- lung ] Militararzt, Wien, 1903, xxxvii, 130; 146. Aho [Abstr.]: Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1903, 70. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of Oper- ative, Intravesical). See, also, Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by electricity. Bastos (H.) Sobre cystoscopia operatoria. J. Soc. d. sc med. de Lisb., 1906, lxx, 23-27.—Binney (H.) Present status of intravesical operations for tumors of the bladder. Am J. Urol., N. Y., 1911, vii, 300-306. Aho: Boston M. & S J, 1911, clxiv, 226-228. [Discussion], 233-236.—Blum (V ) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Blasentumoren; ein neues intravesikales Operationsverfahren. Ztschr. f. Urol, Berl. & Leipz., 1909, hi, 116-138. -----. Meine BLADDER. 624 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of, Oper- ative, Intravesical). Methode der intravesikalen Operation dor Blasentumoren. Ibid., 1911, v, 804-850. Aho,transl [Abstr.]: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 186-193— Bohme (F.) Zur Technik der intravesikalen Operation von Blasen- tumoren. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, iii, 340-352. -----. Die intravesikale Operation von Blasentumoren. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lix, 1785.—Buerger (L.) Zur Klinik der Operations-Cystoskopie. Ztschr. f. urol. Chir., Berl., 1913, l, 419-439—Caspari. Traitement des tumeursdelavessieparlesvoiesnaturelles. Chnique, Par., 1910, v, 25-27—Chlsmore (G.) A new method of removing polypoid growths from the bladder. J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1897, xv, 311-315—De Keersmaecker. Trois cas de tumeurs de la vessie operes par les voies naturel- les. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1905, ii, 328- 338.—Desnos. Traitement endovesical des tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910, xhi, 757-764.—Dore (J.) & Mock (J.) Contribution a l'etude des operations endovesicales dans les tumeurs de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1911,1, 1057- 1106: ii, 1201; 1270.—Gorash (V. A.) [Comparative estima- tion of the methods of endovesical operations.] Syezd Rossiysk. Khirurg., Mosk., 1914, xiii, 233-238. [Discussion], 241-243.—Hock (A.) Ueber endovesikale Behandlung von Blasengeschwiilsten. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1910, xxxv, 259.—Kreps (M. L.) [Removal of a papilloma of the blad- der by the intracystic method with tne aid of an operating cystoscope.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 381.—Kret- schmer (H. L.) -Cystoscopie bladder forceps. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxh. 1399.—Lohnsteln (H.) Ein verbessertes Operationszystoskop zur endovesikalen Entfer- nung von Blasentumoren. Med. Klin., Berl., 1909-10, v, 1554. -----. Operationscystoskop mit scharfer Polypen- zange nach Schlagintweit. Berl. kiln. Wchnschr., 1911, xlviii, 2112.—Luys (G.) Traitement des tumeurs de la ves- sie par la voie endovesicale avec le cystoscope k vision directe de Luys. Rev. prat. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Par., 1908-9, v, 118-128.—McCarthy (J. F.) Bladder tumours with reference to endo- and transvesical methods of removal; rea- sons for selection and technic of same. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1915, ix, 56-66, 6 pi. [Discussion], 226-238, 2 pi.— Marlon (G.) De l'ablation de certaines tumeurs vesicales par la voie naturelle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1910, n. s., xxxvi, 454-461. Aho: Presse med., Par., 1910, xviu, 961-964.-----. Presentation d'une pince cautere pour le traitement des tumeurs vesicales. Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 715-718.—Meyer (H.) Intra-vesical operations without knife or anaesthetic, with special reference to the removal of benign tumors. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1908, iv, 432-444. -----. Operating cystoscope for removing pedunculated tumors. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1912, lviii, 167. —Nitze (M.) Ueber Intravesicale comfjinirte Operation von Blasentumoren. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1895, Leipz., 1896, lxvii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 89-92.-----. Modifikationen des Operations-Kystoskopes. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1897, viii, 294-297.—Pauchet. De l'ablation des tumeurs vesicales par les voies naturelles. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1911, xx, 76-80.—Pillet. Do ['extirpation des tumeurs de vessie aux cystoscopes opera- toires. Normandie med., Rouen, 1912, xxvhl, 445-448.— Ringleb (O.) Ueber Operationskystoskope. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1908, ii, 158-165.— Thomas (W. T.) Two cases oi bladder growths diagnosed by cystoscope and operated upon. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1898, xviii, 238-243.-----. Tne cystoscope in surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1329.— Tlxler & Gauthler (L.) Traitement endovesical drs papillomes vesicaux. Lyon med., 1911, cxii, 189x. -Va'- lack (A. S.) The polypus snare for removing pedutu-ulai c 1 vesical growths. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xx, 2i7._Welnrlch. Die intravesicale Operation von Harn- blasengeschwulsten nach Nitze's Methode. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1905, xxxiv, 223- 228 — Young (11. H.) The diagnosis and treatment of vesical tumors; demonstration of a new operative cystoscope. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1909, iv. 134-153, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Am. Urol. Ass. 1909, Brookline, 1910, iii, 227-231. Bladder (Tumors of Treatment of Oper- ative, Suprapubic). Fenger (F.) *Die Entfernung von Blasentu- moren durch die Sectio alta. [Wiirzburg.] 8°. Zurhh, 1895. Albarran (J.) Malade ayant sub! trois fois la taille hypo- gastrique pour tumeurs de la vessio. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxvh, 1100-1102.—Bastianelli (R.) La via transperitoncale nell' asportazione dei tumori dolla vescica. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. dl chir., Roma, 1911, xxiv, 619-625— Bataille (C.) Tumeur de la vessie; extirpa- tion par la taille hypogastrique. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 490-498.—Brown (F. T.) A caso of vesical papilloma removed by epicystotomv. J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1899, xvu, 30-33.—Browne (G. B.) Fibro- Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of, Oper- ative, Suprapubic). papillomatous tumor ofthe male bladder; successful removal by suprapubic operation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 204.— Chalier (A.) Extirpation transvesical d'une tumeur de la vessie paraissant inoperable; guerison datant de cinq mois et demi. Lyon med., 1914, exxii, 481-486.—Chaudoye (H.) Meat hypogastrique cree pour parer aux accidents d'une tumeur intra-vesicale, siegeant au voisinage du col, et em- pechant la miction; resultats fonctionncls eloignes. Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1906, xlvh, 515-518.—Dela- grammatica. Tumeur de la vessie; extirpation par la taille hypogastrique; guerison. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Cons- tant., 1900-1901, xliii, 90-96.—Edwards (F. S.) Suprapubic removal of a vesical papilloma. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, n. s., lxxxix, 87.—Fyodorofl (S. P.) [Operative treat- ment of tumors of the bladder through suprapubic section.] Syezd Rossiysk. Khirurg., Mosk., 1910, ix, 220.—Judd (E. S.) The transperitoneal operation for removal of blad- der neoplasms. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, liii, 2146- 2119— Lockwood (C. B.) Supra-pubic cystotomy in cases of tumour oi the bladder; with special reference to the causes of mortality and of recurrence of the growth. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1903, Ixxxvi, 345-362.—Loumeau (E.) Sur deux cas de tumeurs de la vessie enlevees par la taille hypo- gastrique. Ann. de la Pohclin. de Bordeaux, 1900, xh, 129- 137.—MacGowan (G.) Report of ten operative cases of vesical tumors, with some remarks on the technique of suprapubic cystotomy. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. k Monterey, 1899, xxix, 51-72. Aho: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1900, xviii, 193-220. Aho, Reprint.—Mayo (C. H.) Trans- peritoneal removal of tumors of the bladder. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii, 105-114, 4 pi.—Pisani (U.) Due ran tumori vescicali asportati mediante cistotomia soprapubica. Tribuna med., Milano, 1903, ix, 225; 257— Pringle (S.) Transperitoneal cystotomy for tumour of the bladder, with report of a case. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1911, xxix, 115-124, 3 pi. Aho: Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 214-216 — Rafln. Tumeur de la vessie; elimination spontanee; cysto- photographie du point d'implantation; recidive; taille hypo- gastrique. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 609-613.—Scudder (C. L.) The transperitoneal and suprapubic approach to tumors of the bladder. Boston M. & S. J., 1911, clxiv, 224-226. [Discussion), 233-236.— Taver- nier. Tumeur de la vessie; resection transperitoneale. Lyon chir., 1914, xi, 302-306. Aho: Lyon med., 1911. exxi, 1086-1090.—Tenney (B.) A case of ihfrapubic cystotomy; three cases of bladder tumor. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, cix, 497-500—Turner (G. G.) Transperitoneal cystotomy for tumour of the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 470. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by cystectomy. Pana (M.) La resezione della vescica nei tumori maligni. 8°. Bologna, 1912. Arcoleo (E.) Laeistcetomia parziale nei trattamento dei tumori vescicali; contributo anatomo-patologico e clinico. Riforma med., Roma, 1903, xiv, 1380-1385.—Cestan (E.) Deux cas de tumeurs de la vessie & fovers multiples avec extirpation de la portion vesicale de f'urctere. Toulouse med., 1904, 2. s.,vl, 257-260.—Heltz-Boyer. Cystectomie et prostatectomle totales pour une tumeur de la vessie recidivee. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1909, Par., 1910. xiii, 761-771, 1 pi.—Herczel (M.) [Resection of ureter and bladder for tumor of the bladder; recovery.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 638.—Heresco (P.) De la cystectomie t j tale dans les neoplasmes multiples ou inflltres de la vessie. I. d'urol. med. et chir.. Par., 1913, iv, 169 IS?.—Hogge (A.) Ablation do la vessie, de la prostate, des vesicules semlnales, de l'uretre entier, de la verge, des bourses et de leur contenu pour tumeur de la vessie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1898, xxxvii, 12-14.-----. Un cas d'extirpation de la vessie ot des organes genitaux en totalite pour tumeur de la vessie pueri depuis plus de trois ans. Chnique, Brux.,-1901, xv, 140-144.-----. Survie da 5\ ans a la suite d'extirpation de la vessie et de tous les organes genitaux pour tumeur de la vessie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d. Liege, 1903, xlh, 655-558. Aho: Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1903, Par., 1904,vii,491- 4J3.-----. Un cas d'extirpation totale de la vessie et de tous les organos genitaux pour tumeur de la vessie; guerison depuis cinq ans. Ibid., 1902, Par., 1903, vi, 542-551.—Lund (H.) Complete excision of the male urinary bladder for papillomatous growth, with implantation of the ureters into the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 1624-1626.—Marlon. Cystectomie totale pour tumeurs pedicuiees multiples de la vessie. [Rap. de Legueu.) Bull.etmem.Soc.dechir.de Par., 1908, n s., xxxiv, 1141-1151.—Morton (C. A.) Excis- ion of the bladder for malignant disease; with records of a case of complete excision and some cases of partial excision. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1914, i, 1221-1228.—Nlcollch (G.) Cystec- tomie subtotale pour tumeur. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond., 1914. Sect, xiv, Urol., pt. 2, 111-114. Aho, transl.: Clin, chir., Milano, 1915, xxiii, 826-^11.-----. Due casi di estirpazione quasi completa della vescica per tumore. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1912-13, vii, 371-37S — TufHer & Dujarler. De l'extirpation totale de la vessie BLADDER. 625 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by cystectomy. pour neoplasmes. Rev. de chir., Par., 1898, xviii, 277-289.— Vanderlinden (O.) Un cas de resection de la vessie pour myxo-fibrdme volumineux; guerison. Ann. Soc de mod. de Gand, 1899, lxxvhi, 148-151. Aho: Belgique med., Gand- Haarlem, 1899, ii, 738-471.—Van Hengel (L. D.) Blaas- extirpatie wegens uitgebreide papilloomvorming. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1915, ii, 696.—Vlannay. Volumineuse tumour de la vessie diagnostiqnee par la cysto- scopie: cystectomie partielle avec resection dc la zone urete- rale gauche et reimplantation de l'uretere. Loire med., St.- Etienne, 1910. xxix, 246-248. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by electricity. Andre. De l'eiectrocoagulation dans les tumeurs de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1913, Par., 1914, xvii, 736-746.—Ashcraft (L. T.) The value ofthe D'Arson- val current in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors of the urinary bladder through the operating cystoscope. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1913, xvii, 636-641.-----. The end results of fulguration in cases of papillomata and othertumors ofthe urinary bladder. J. Am. Inst. Homceop., N. Y., 1916-17, ix, 1036-1047.—Bachrach (R.) Ueber die endovesicale Behandlung von Blasentumoren mit Hoch- frequenzstromen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1912, lxh, 2078- 2081.—Baer (G. F.) Tumors of the bladder, with special reference to fulguration treatment. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1911, xlvi, 770-777.—Barney (J. D.) A case illus- trating the efficiency of the high-frequency current in the treatment of tumors of the bladder. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1913, vii, 47-50. Aho: Boston M. & S. J., 1913, clxix, 19.—Bartels (L. G.) & Halsted (F. S.) Tumors of the bladder and their treatment with high-frequency cauter- ization. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1916, xiii, 550-553.— Beer (E.) Removal of neoplasms of the urinary bladder; a new method, employing high-frequency (Oudin) currents through a catheterizing cystoscope. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1910, liv, 1768. -----. Concerning the treatment of tumors of the urinary bladder with the Oudin high- frequency current. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1911, liv, 208-226, 3 pi. Aho: N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1911, xi, 425-436. Aho, transl: Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1912, vi, 1009- 1023.-----. Treatment of benign papillomata ofthe urinary bladder with the Oudin hi?h-frequency current introduced through a catheterizing cystoscope. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1913, lxxxiii, 242-245. Also, transl: Rev. clin. d'urol., Par., 1913, ii, 306-314.-----. The treatment of benign papillomata of the urinarv bladder with high frequency currents. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1915, lxi, 735-739.-----. End results of high frequency cauterization of vesical papillomata. Ibid., 750- 752— Bertolottl (M.) & Ferrla (L.) Tratamento dos tumores endovesicaes pela corrente de alta frequencia em- pregada por via cystoscopica. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1913, xxvii, 126. Aho, transl: Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1912-13, vu, 113-115.—Binney (H.) The value of high frequency cauterization in the treatment of vesical papillomata. Boston M. & S. J., 1913, clxviii, 308- 310— Blum (V.) Die Fulguration und die Elektrokoagu- lation der Blasengeschwiilste. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxiv, 595-597.—Bronner (H.) High frequency treat- ment of bladder tumors. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1914, xii, 805-807.—Buerger (L.) & Wolbarst (A. L.) The fulguration treatment of papillomata of the bladder. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1910, xcii, 854. Aho, Reprint.—Cirera (L.) Tumor de la vejiga tratado con exito mediante las corrientes galvanicas. [From: Rev. de med., ciruj.y farm.] Union med., Lerida, 1895-6, i, 345-347.—Day (G. H.) The present status of vesical tumors with reference to fulguration. Ken- tucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1915, xhi, 126.—Desnos (E.) Valeur hemostatique de l'eiectro-coagulation des tumeurs vesicales. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1914, v, 715-721.— Ellzalde (G.) La electro-coagulaeicn en los tumores vesi- cales. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, 511.—Fal- bing (N.) [The treatment of tumors of the bladder by high-frequency current.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1917, lxxix, 1937-1943—Friedman (L.) Papilloma ofthe urinary bladder treated with high frequency current (Oudin). Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1913, xxvi, 385 - 388.—Fuller (H. G.) Papillomata of the bladder treated with high fre- quency. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1918; xliv, 502- 504— Fullerton (A.) On the treatment of vesical papillo- mata by the high-frequency current. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914. ii, 834—Gardner (J. A.) A preliminary report of papilloma of the bladder treated by the Oudin or high-fre- quency current. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1912, xvi, 28-30.—Gehrels (F.) The endovesical treatment of papillomata of the bladder by high frequency currents. Australas. M. Gaz., Sidney, 1914, xxxv, 292-295,— Geraghty (J. T.) Fulguration in the treatment of bladder tumors. Surg., Gynec ,& Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 150- 154.—Grandjean (A.) A propos de la nouvelle methode de traitement endovesical des tumeurs de vessie par les cou- rants de haute frequence (methode de Beer). Medecin prat., Par., 1912, viii, 69.—Hamer (H. G.) Limitations of high 96808°—Vol. II, 3d series—19----40 Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by electricity. frequency treatment of papilloma of the bladder. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1916, cxv, 45-50.—Harpster (C. M.) Tumors of the bladder, with further case reports and review of the high frequency method of treatment. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1913, xxvh, 17-19.—Harris (B.) The destruction of vesical papilloma by means of high frequency cauterization. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1912, vi, 243-250.—Harris (S. H.) The surgical treatment of bladder tumours; a review of the operative and cystoscopie (high frequency) methods. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1914-16,i, 155-160.—Heitz-Boyer (M.) Technique intravesicale du traitement des tumeurs de vessie par la haute frequence. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1913, iv, 907-914.—van Houtum (G.) De behandeling van blaaspapillomendoormiddelvanthermo-coagulatie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1915, i, 719-727,1 pi.—Hume (J.) & Logan (S.) Treatment of bladder tumors by high frequency current. Pan-Am. S. & M. J., N. Orl., 1914, xix, 21-25.—Hyman (A.) Experiences with the high frequency current (Oudin) in the treatment of benign vesical tumors. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, xix, 61-64.—Joseph (E.) Behandlung der Blasentumoren mit Thermokoagu- Iation. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1914, xliii, pt. 1, 124-148. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1914, xl, 991.—Kelly (H. A.) & Nelll (W.) Cauterization and fulguration of bladder tumors. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 721-723. Aho, Reprint.—Key (E.) Ueber die Behandlung der Blasen- papillome mit hochfrequenten elektrischen Stromen. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1915, 3. f., xv, Afd. i, No. 6, 1-16.— Keyes (E. L.) Preliminary report on the treatment of bladder tumors by the high frequency current. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y., 1910, v, 193-206,1 pi. Aho: Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1910, xxiv, 205-207. Also, Reprint. -----. The desiccation treatment of bladder tumors. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1915, ix, 124-140. [Discussion], 226-238, 2 pi. Aho: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 169-175.—Kidd (F.) The treatment of papillomata of the bladder by diathermy applied through the cystoscope. Clin. J., Lond., 1914, xliii, 232-235— Kretschmer (H. L.) Fulguration treatment of bladder tumors. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1913, xxih, 353-360. -----. Fulguration treat- ment of tumors of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 1050-1052.-----. Fulguration treatment of blad- der papillomata. Med. Chn., Chicago, 1916-17, ii, 941-948. Also: Surg. Clin. Chicago, Phila., 1918, ii, 821-831, 1 pi — Legueu (F.) De l'eiectro-coagulation des tumeurs de la vessie. Arch. urol. de la Clin, de Necker, Par., 1913-14, i, 131-144,1 pi.-----. Traitement des tumeurs de la vessie par les courants de haute frequence. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1913, xxvii, 770-772.—Lepoutre & d'Halluin. Traitement des tumeurs de la vessie et en particulier des papillomes par l'eiectrocoagulation. Rev. clin. d'urol., Par., 1914, iii, 35-48.—Lohnsteln (H.) Zur Hochfrequenz- behandlung von Papillomen in der Nahe des Oriflcium in- ternum vesicae. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, ix, 161-166.—Lower (W. E.) The treatment of recurrent ma- lignant tumors of the urinary bladder with the high fre- quency or Oudin current, with a report of a case. Cleve- land M. J., 1913, xh, 607-609.—McConnell (A. A.) The r61e of the high frequency current in the treatment of tu- mours of the bladder. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1915, xxxiii, 175-184. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 515-517.—Marianl (B.) Tratamiento de los neoplasmas de la vejiga por las vias naturales, cauteriza- ci6n y alta frecuencia (electrocoagulacitfn). Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1915, xxii, i, 674-677.—Oppenheimer (R.) Die intravenose Behandlung der Blasenpapillome durch Elektrolyse. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vi, 728- 734. Aho: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. 1913, Berl. & Leipz., 1914, iv, 296-311.—Oraison (J.) Traitement des tumeurs de la vessie par les courants de haute frequence. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1914, xxxv, 160-163. Aho: Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1914), 1915, 77-86.—Pedersen (V. C.) Neoplasm of the bladder; clinical reports of three cases of treatment with the high frequency current of Oudin. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1914, cxix, 255-258. Aho, Reprint.—Pilcher (P. M.) The treatment of tumors of the bladder. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1913, xvii, 470-472.—Prior (S.) Om endovesikal Behandling af Blserepapillomer, spec med Elektrokoagu- lation. Ugeskr. f. Larger, K0benh., 1915, lxxvh, 831-835. [Discussion], 869.—Renner. Behandlung der Blasentu- moren mit Hochfrequenzstromen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1627.—Rubrltlus (H.) Die Koagulationsbehand- lung der Blasengeschwiilste. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1913, xxxvih, 708.—Sabatinl (J.) Tratamiento de los tumores de la vejiga por la electroeoagutacitfn. Prensa med. argentina, Buenos Aires, 1916-17, ih, 372; 383.—Sandston (A. C.) Bladder papillomata and the fulguration treatment. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1917, xvi, 1-4.—Schmidt (L. E.), Keyes (E. L.) & Gardner (J. A.) Report of committee on nomenclature of the electric destruction of bladder tumors by high-frequency current. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1916, x, 261-270.—Schneider (C.) Ein Fall von starker Nachblutung nach Operation eines Blasenpapilloms mit- BLADDER. 626 BLADDER. Bladder (Tumors of, Treatment of) by electricity. telst Hochfrequenzstromen. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, vi, 638— Shropshire (C. W.) & Watterson (C.) Treatment of papilloma of the urinary bladder by means of high frequency or Oudin current. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1915, 493-498. Aho: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 1165.—Sigurta (G. B.) La elettro-cougulazione dei papillomi della vescica. Attid. Soc. lomb. disc. med. e biol., Milano, 1915-16, v, 92-101— Sinclair (D. A.) Report of bladder tumors treated by fulguration. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1912, viii, 129-136—Strassmann (P.) Besoitigung eines Blasentumors durch Elektrokoagulation. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1915, lxxvii, 497-505, 2 pi — Thomas (B. A.) The destruction of tumors of the urinary bladder bv a high-frequency current effect, known as desic- cation. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1912, xiv, 315-320, 1 pi—Uhle (A. A.) The treatment of bladder papilloma by high frequency destruction. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1914, lx, 319-324, 2 pi. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1915, xvii, 27-35, 2 pi—Walker (J. W. T.) The treatment of papilloma ofthe bladder by the high-frequency current. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1916, iv 259-277.—Wolbarst (A. L.) Multiple papilloma of the bladder constituting an obstruction of the vesical neck, successfully treated with the Oudin (fulgura- tion) current. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1913, xvii, 538, 1 pi. Aho Reprint—Young (H. H.) The present status of the diagnosis and treatment of vesical tumors. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1857-1862. Bladder (Tumors of) in children. i Husler (G.) *Beitrage zur Lehre von den | Harnblasengeschwulsten im Kindesalter. [Ba- sel.] 8°. Berlin. 1905. Also, in: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1905, lxii, 133-172. Muller (R. F.) *Die Mischgeschwulste der Blase im Kindesalter. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Balleray ((!. H.) Case of fibromatotis polypus of the bladder in a child. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1882, n.s., lxxxiii, 464-466. Aho^Reprint.— Concetti (L.) Sur un cas de sar- come primitif de la vessie chez une petite fille de 11 mois. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi, 240-24ti.— Glanella (G.) Contributo alia patologia fetale; un caso di fibromioma congenito della vescica. Arte ostet., Milano, 1903, xvu, 209-215, 1 pi.—Koll (I. S.) Polyp of urinary bladder in a thirteen months old child. Ann. Sure., Phila., 1911, liv, 589-592, 1 pi.—O'Xetl (R. F.) Bladder tumors in the young. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline, 1915, ix, 1-13. [Discussion], 51-55, 4 pi. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 873-877.—Robitshek (E. C.) Primary tumors of tne bladder in children; report of a case of a fibrous polypus. St. PaulM. J., 1914, xvi 580-587. Aho, Reprint.— Rumpel. Ueber Mndliche Blasentumoren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1908, xxxiv, 1855.— Tomaszewskl (A.) [Diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the bladder in children.] Przegl. pedyat., Krakow, 1908-9, i, 221-223. Bladder (Ulceration of). See, aho, Bladder (Female, Ulceration of). Le Fur (R.-F.) *Des ulcerations vesicales et en particulier de 1'ulcere simple de la vessie. s°. Barh, 1901. ------. Thesame. roy. 8°. Barh, 1901. Sauvy (J.) *L'ulcere simple chronique de la j vessie. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Albarran. Les ulcerations hemorragiques dc la vessie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 4M.-----. Les ulcerations vesicales. Rev. internat. de med. et dechir., Par., 1907, xviii, 341 343.—Armstrong (G. E.) Solitary ulcer of the bladder, non-traumatic and non-tubercular in origin. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville 1903, xxxvi .V.-63.— Bryant(W. C.) Ulceration of the male bladder. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1911, 21. s., i, 125-128,1 pi.—Buerger (L.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis vom Ulcus simplex vesica'. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1912-13, vii, 543-564,1 pi.-----. Ulcer ofthe bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1913, lx, 419 121.-----. The pathology and treatment of callous ulcer of t he bladder. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1913, lxxxiii,650-061.—Burgess (A. II.) A case of simple solitary ulcer of the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 756.—Castalgne (J.) Ulcere simple de la vessie; he- : maturics tres abondantes et perforation vesicale. Bull, et ] mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 230 239.—Ceniezzl (A.) L'ulcera semplico della vescica. Gazz. med. lomk, Milano, 1903, lxxii, 42.—Coues(W. P.) The possible s> phi- litic origin of certain bladder ulcerations. Boston M. & S. .1., 1915, clxxii, 767.—D'Haenciis (A.) L'ulcere simple de la I vessie. Progress mod. beige, Brux., 1907, ix. 1-3.—Ferrla. Sull' uiccra semplicedella vescica. Soc. ilal.di urol., Roma, | 190S, 149-159.— Gaudianl (V.) Contributo alia conoscenza dell' uiccra semplice della vescica. Folia urolog., Leipz., | 1910, iv, 738-749.—Harpster (C. M.) Ulcerative and puru- | Bladder (Ulceration of). lent cystitis. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1908, iv, 704-706.— Hinder (H. C.) Ulcer of the urinary bladder. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydnev, 1900, xix, 231-234, 2 pi. Aho: Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1902, Hobart, 1903, 223-226.— Hunner f G. L.) A rare type of bladder ulcer; further notes, with a report of eighteen cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 203-212. Aho, Reprint.—Imbert (L.) Ulceresde la vessie. Montpel. med., 1903, xvii, 471-474.—Johnson (G. K.) A case of ulcerative disease of the bladder. Physi- cian & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1899, xxi, 119-121.— Jones (O. M.) Extensive ulceration of the bladder treated by prolonged drainage. Tr. M. Soc. Washington, Spokane, 1901, 63-74— Kollscher (G.) Cicatrization; blood vessels in ulcers ofthe bladder. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxv, 926.— Kreissl (F.) The rational treatment of vesical ulcer. Chi- cago M. Recorder, 1900, xix, 385-389. [Discussion], 447- 450.—Kudlntsefl (T. V.) -[Simple ulcer of the bladder.] Kharkov M. J., 1906, i, 99-106— Lefevre (H.) Ulcere simple perforant de la vessie. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1913, iii, 51-54.—Le Fur (R.) Des ulcerations vesicales et de 1'ulcere simple de la vessie. Cong, internat. de med. C.r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. urin., 173-181.-----. Des ulcera- tions vesicales et en particulier de 1 'ulcere simple de la vessie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1902, xx, 472-493. -----. Des cystites rebelles dues a 1'ulcere simple de la vessie. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1903, Par., 1904, vii, 382-393.—Leusman (F. A.) Vesical ulcer. Am. J. Dermat., St. Louis, 1905, ix, 199-202.—Newland (H. S.) & Rayson (II.) A case of intraperitoneal perforation of an ulcer ofthe urinary bladder. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1917, v. 177.— Nordentoft. Ulcus simplex vesica?. Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1903, 4. R., xi, 605-618.—Okunlewski (J.) Geschwur der Harnblase durch Sectio alta geheilt. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 376.—Razumovski (V. I.) [Simple solitary ulcer of the bladder.] Laitop. Russk. Khir., S.-Peterb., 1901, vi, 349-353.—Rosenow (E. C.) Immunological observations in ulcerative cystitis caused by pseudodiphtheria. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1909, vi, 296-303.—Schmidt (L. E.) Ulcer of the bladder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 124-128.— Simons (I.) Case of (syphilitic?) ulcer of the bladder. Ibid., 1913, lx, 1943.—Vlshhevskl (A. V.) [Simple perforat- ing ulcer of the bladder.] Russk. Khir. Arch., S.-Peterb., 1909, xxv, 129-147—Walker (G.) Simple ulcer of the blad- der. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1019-1021. Bladder (Varix of). See Bladder (Hemorrhoids, etc., of). Bladder (Wounds and injuries of). See, also. Bladder (Female, Wounds and in- juries of); Bladder (Perforation of); Bladder (Bupture of, Traumatic). Eltze (P.) * Ueber Harnblasenverletzungen im Kriege. 8°. Berlin, 1909. Thibaudet (J.) Contribution a l'etude des blessures accidentelles de la vessie; penetration au niveau de la region pcrineo-anale. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Wolfer (P.) *Zur Kasuistik der offenen traumatischen Verletzungen der Harnblase. [Zurich.] s°. Tubingen, 1910. Aho, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1910, lxvi, 2-0-331. Abell (I.) Injuries of the urinary bladder. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville. 1906, xl, 53-60.—Alsberg (A.) Extra- und intraperitoneale Blasenverletzung durch Pfahlung; Operation; Heilung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1M>S, xiv, 7'.i. Cholzow (B. N.) Uohcr einen Fall von Hamaturie, lurvorgerufen durch Contusion der Harnblase. Monatsb. f. I'rol.. Berl.. 1902, vii, 470-477 —Cordlllot. Un cas de contu- sion de la vessie. Arch, de med. A- pharm. mil., Tar., 1908, li, 21."). — Delagenlere (II.) Plaie avee double perforation de la vessie par instrument contondant: laparotomie et cystos- tomie sus-pubienne; guerison. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 189s. vii, 240-244—Dodd (J. R.) Penetrating wound of the bladder and rectum from the buttock; recoverv. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 318.—Dorf (S.) Bemerkun- gen zu dem Artikel des Dr. Julius Schnitzlcr. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 023.—Durlnger (W. A.) Traumatic surgical conditions of tho bladder and treatment. Texas M. J., Austin, 1899-1900, xv 612-616.—Evans (E.) & Fowler (11. A.) Punctured wounds ofthe bladder; report of a case. with a review of the literature. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xiii, 215 211, 6 pi.—Evans (W. H.) Perineal wound ofthe bladder. Med. Presse Circ. Lond., 1906, n.s.,lxxxii,307.— Farkas. Contribution ii l'etude des lesions traumatiques de la vessie. Cong, internat. de med. C r. 1909, Budapest, 1910, Sect, xiv, 292-298— Fedoroff. Zur Casuistik der Verletzung der Harnblase. Monatsb. f. Urol.. Beri., 1906, xi, 392 Also, Reprint.—Flechtenmacher (K.1 Beitrag zur Kriegschirurgie der Blase. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 819.—Fonnm (J.) Plaie penetraite de la vessie par coup do couteau a iravers l'echancrure sciatique; section do BLADDER. 627 BLADDER. Bladder (Wounds and injuries of). l'artfere fessiere; ligature; laparotomie; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 844-847.—Frank (E. R. w.) Ueber seltene Verletzung der Blasenschleim- haut. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1913, 1, 318-320. Aho: Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1913). 1914, xliv, pt. 1, 32- 36.—Gardini (O.) Dl un caso raro di ferita estraperitoneale della vescica. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1905, xi, 154.—Gerard (M.) Des blessures de la vessie par empalement. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1913, iv, 549; 747.—Gregglo (E.) II potere plastico del grande epiploon. II processo di riparazione delle ferite con perdita di sostahza della vescica urinaria. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1912, xv, 293; 367.—Hodgson (N.) Punctured wound of the bladder. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Lond., 1916,xvi, 103.—Hustin (A.) Plaies par instrument tranchant de la vessie et des intestins. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1911, xi, 22-28.— Imbert (L.) Note sur la reparation spontanee des plaies intra-peritoneales de la vessie. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. urin., 157-165.—Kaern. [In- jury of the bladder during Lorthioir's operation.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, Kgbenh., 1917, lxxix, 1798-1800.—Kholtsoff (B. N.) [Hematuria caused by injury to the bladder.] Bolnitsch. Gaz. Botkina, S.-Peterb., 1902, xhi, 521-527.—Knotz (I.) Blasenstichverletzung vom Gesass her. Aerztl. Sachverst.- Ztg., Berl., 190L vii, 332.—von Langsdorff. Vollstandige Trennung der Harnrohre von der Harnblase; [Operation; Heilung]. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1897, li, 97- 102.—Lauensteln (C.) Quetschung des Leibes durch Fahrstuhl; intraperitoneale Zerreissung der Blase; Laparo- tomie, Naht der Blase; Heilung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1913, cxxi, 124.—Laval (E.) Les contusions de la vessie sans plaie des teguments. Bull.med., Par., 1899, xiii, 1139; 1149.—Le Clerc-Dandoy. Deux cas de plaie extra- peritoneale de la vessie, par penetration d'un fragment osseux, par effort de miction chez un retreci. Ass. franc. d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1911, xiv, 730-736, 1 pi.—Margo- lin (M.) [Extraperitoneal wounds ofthe bladder.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1512-1514.—Morgan (T. H.) Injury to bladder. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1918, i, 300- 302.—Obal (F.) [Stab wounds of the bladder.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1914, xii, 19-21.—Partsch. Eigenartige Verle- tzung der Blase. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1897, iv, 33-37.—Plnard, Albarran & Varnier. Recherches experi- mentales sur les caracteres objectifs des lesions vesicales produites par une aiguille de matelassiers. Courrier med., Par., 1898, xlviii, 1.—Pulldo Martin (A.) Traumatismos de la vejiga. Siglo med., Madrid, 1911, lviii, 34-36.—Rob- erts (J. B.) Gastric and duodenal ulcers secondary to wounds of the urinary bladder. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1908. xxvi, 202-225. A ho, Reprint.—Rost. Woransterben Patienten mit intraperitonealer Blasenverletzung? Beil. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 1378. Aho: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 391.—Schnltzler (J.) Verletzung der Blasenschleimhaut durch Contusion der Unterbauch- gegend. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 457. See, also, supra, Dorf.—Stokes (W.) On penetrating wounds of the bladder. In his: Selected papers [etc], 8°, Lond., 1902, 82- 88> i pi.—stutzln (J. J.) Experimentelle und klinische Beitrage zu den Verletzungen der Harnblase. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1918, cxlvi, 89-106.—Thelemann. Kasuistischer Beitrag zur intraperitonealen Pfahlungs- verletzung der Blase. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1906 xxxv, 305-308.—Vance (A. M.) Bladder accidents. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1909, vii, 572-576.—Wei- scher (A.) Stichverletzung der Blase (durch das Foramen ischiadicum majus). Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii, 1217-1219.—Zuckerkandl (O.) Ein Fall von Kontusion der Harnblase. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1899, x, 627. Bladder (Wounds of Gunshot). Abbott (G. H. L.) A case of gunshot wound of the bladder with peculiar sequels.. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1905 xl 426 —Andersen (C. H.) Gunshot wounds of the bladder. Medicine, Detroit, 1900, vi, 554-562.—Basin! (U.) Le ferite della vescica da proiettih di guerra. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1918, vhi, 312-315.—Bayerl (B.) Eine Harnblasen- schussverlctzung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 750 —Bazy (L.) Sur le traitement des plaies de la vessie par projectiles de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916 n s.,xlh, 1730-1738— Bertllch. Einbemerkenswerter Fall'von Blasenverletzung mit gleichzeitiger Harnrohrenzer- reissung durch Granatsphtter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl & Leipz., 1915, xh, 1042-1044.—Bceckel. Balle dans la vessie. Caducee, Par., 1915, xv, 127.-----. Balle cylindro- conique ayant penetro dans la vessie; extraction par taille sus-pubienne; guerison radicale en 15 jours sans fistule. Lyon med., 1915, cxxiv, 299—Brin (H.) Plaies intraperi- toneales de la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1086-1091—Cathelln (F.) Blessures de guerre de la vessie. Lyon chirurg., 1918, xv, 109-136.— Cerne (A.) Blessure sous-peritoneale de la vessie par arme a feu; extraction de la balle tomb6e dans la vessie. Nor- mandie med., Rouen, 1903, xxiii, 516-518.—Couteaud. Balle rendue par l'uretre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 1728-1730.—Desplas & Chevalier. Bladder (Wounds of, Gunshot). Extraction par laparotomie et, grace au compas de Hirtz, d'une balle allemande placee contre la face laterale gauche de la vessie depuis le 20 aout 1914. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 197.—Fullerton (A.) Observations on bladder in- jury in warfare; a study of fifty-three cases. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1918-19, vi, 24-56.—Gagentom (A. A.) [Gunshot wounds of the bladder.] Russk. Khir. Arch., S.-Peterb., 1907, xxiii, 531-546—Geiges (F.) Schussverletzungcn der Harnblase. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing 1917, cv(Kriegs- chir. Hefte, vh), 410-430.—Goldberg (B.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Blasenschiisse. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, ix, 361-375.—von Hacker. Drei durch Opera- tion geheilte' Falle von Blasenschussverletzungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 1053.—Hardouin (P.) Balle de fusil dans la vessie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 1405.—von Heberer. Projcktil in der Blase. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1918, xxxi, 289.—Hesse (F. A.) Intraperitoneale Blasenschussverletzung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 391.—Hugo (J. H.) Encysted vesical calculus after gunshot wound of the blad- der. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1649.—Jacobelll (F.) Ferita d'arma da fuoco passante della vescica; operazione; guarigione. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1903, n. s., xxv, 880-882.—Jennings (C. L.) Gunshot wounds of the bladder. Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland, Bait., 1908, iv, 297.— Jeudwlne (W. W.) Gunshot wound ofthe bladder; remo- val of bullet seventeen years afterwards. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1905-6, xhi, 167.—Justo (J. B.) Herida de la vejiga por arma de fuego; curacion; extracci6n del proyectil por la talla hipogastrica. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1904, xh, 813-816.-----. Herida de bala en la vejiga. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1904, xi, 775.—Kappls (A.) Ein bemerkenswerter Fall von Blasenschuss. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 170.—Klelleuthner. Ueber Schussverletzungen der Harnblase im Kriege. Beitr. z. klimChir., Tubing., 1916, c (Kriegschir. Hefte, iv), 565-617.— Kolb (K.) Ueber Schussverletzungen der Harnwege und Verletzung derselben durch das Geschoss. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxh, 168.—Le Fur (R.) Plaie de la vessie par balle de shrapnell ayant traverse le bassin de gauche k droite; enorme abces peri-vesical; incision sus-pubienne, puis cystotomie; guerison. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 492-495. -----. Autoplastie vesicale par un lambeau pris aux depens du muscle grand droit pour volumineuse perte de substance de la paroi anterieure de la vessie, consecutive k une blessure de guerre de la vessie et du rectum, ayant entralne une fistule vesicale hypogastrique definitive. Ibid., 1917, ix, 341- 343.-----. Plaie par eclat d'obus du col de la vessie et de la face late.rale droite de la vessie avec destruction d'une des branches ischio-pubiennes; pericystite.latente et etendue ayant entralne un etat tres grave; guerison par taille hypo- gastrique et multiples contre-incisions de drainage abdo- minal. Ibid., 336-341.-----. Plaie par balle de la region hypogastrique avec perforation de la vessie, fracas et destruc- tion de la branche horizon tale droite du pubis; suture primi- tive de la vessie, avec echec; reconstitution presque integrate du pubis k droite, apres resection sous-periostee de cet os. Ibid., 702-709.—Legueu. Projectile de guerre dans la vessie. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1918, xxxii, 439.— Legueu (F.) L'extraction par les voies naturelles des balles de la vessie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., lxxiv, 49,8-500. Aho: Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 83. -----. A propos de balles intravesicales ou paravesicales. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 2189. -----. Des calculs vesicaux chez les blesses de la vessie. Bull, med., Par.. 1916, xxx, 588.-----. Considerations f6nerales sur les plaies de la vessie. J. d'urol. med. et chir., >ar., 1917-18, vii, 1-8.—Lenko (Z.) [Gunshot wounds of the bladder.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1913, viii, 215-219,1 pi.— Lusena (G.) Ferite d'arma da fuoco della vescica urinaria con permanenza dei proiettili nella cavity vescicale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1918, xxxix, 551.—Luys (G.) Extraction par les voies naturelles des projectiles de guerre ayant penetre dans la vessie. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., lxxiii, 143-146.—Mendaro (A.) Fragment de sou projete dans la vessie par traumatisme de guerre. J. d'urol. med. et chir., Par., 1917-18, vh, 329-332.—Miller (T. F.) Report of a case of gunshot wound ofthe bladder. Kentucky M. J., Bowhng Green, 1914, xii, 605.—Novaro. Sulle ferite d'arma da fuoco delia vescica urinaria con permanenza dei proiettih nella cavita vescicale. Policlin., Roma, 1918, xxv, sez. prat., 71L—Okinczyc (J.) Les plaies vascuiaires et leurs complications immediates et tardives en chirurgie de guerre. J. de chir., Par., 1917-18, xiv, 441-462.—Pasteau (O.) Cori- duite k tenir dans les plaies de la vessie par blessure de guerre. Paris chir., 1917, ix, 717-720.—Pegger (H.) Ei i Beitrag zu den Schussverletzungen der Harnblase. Med. Klin., Berl., 1917, xiii,863-865.—Penhallow (D. P.) Shrap- nel bullet in bladder; report of a case. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 664-666. A ho, Reprint.—Phocas. Shrapnell extrait de la vessie, par la taille hypogastrique. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 1126-1128.—Pillet. Eclat d'obus para-vesical avec lequel le malade a fait un an de campagne. Paris chir., 1918, x, 52—Pitzner. Z wei Bla- senverletzungen durch Schrapnellkugeln. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, lxi, 2226.—Rafin. Deux observations de- BLADDER. 628 BLAIRON. Bladder (Wounds of, Gunshot). projectiles de la vessie. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 210.—Rico (J.) Algunas consideraciones acerca del diagnostico y tratamiento de las heridas de bala por la vejiga. Repert. de med. y cirug., Bogota, 1916-17, viii, 200-212.—Robbe (H.) Un cas de perforation de la vessie par arme Meu; operation et guerison. Policlin., Brux., 1897, vi, 504-507.—Savlozzl (V.) Contributo alia terapia delle ferite d'arma da fuoco della vescica. Clin, chir., Milano, 1916, xxiv, 324-327.—Slocker (E.) Heridas de la vejiga urinaria; rupturas; expulsion espontiinea de un proyectil. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1911, xciii, 249-259.—Sterscheminskl (G. I.) Schusswunde der Harnblase; Dilatator der Harnblase. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1905, xxvi, 13-15.—Tanton (J.) Plaie penetrante de la fesse gauche avec perforation de la vessie par eclat de grenade; retention intravesicale du pro- jectile; ablation. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlh, 2836.—Tlkanadze (I. E.) Zur Frage der chi- rurgischen Intervention bei Schussverletzungen der Harn- blase. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, iii, 841-871. Also, transl: Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb., 1910, ccxxvii, med.-spec. pt., 227-256.—Trmofleyeft (S. L.) [Gunshot wounds ofthe bladder.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1916, ccxlv, med.-spec pt., 165-201.—Turner (G. G.) On foreign bodies in the bladder resulting from gunshot wounds. Lan- cet, Lond., 1916, i, 958.—Zondek. Entfernung einer russi- schen Maschinengewehrkugel aus der Blase durch die Urethra. Berl. khn. Wchnschr.; 1914, li, 1882. Bladen voor hygienische therapie. Bijblad van de Hygienische bladen. Redactie van G. W. S. Lingbeek. v. 1-3, 1899-1902. 8°. Amsterdam. Continued as: Tljdschrllt voor physische therapie en hygiene, Amsterdam. Blades (William). The enemies of books. With a preface by Richard Garnett. xviii, 151 pp., 8 pi. 8°. London, E. Stock, 1896. Bladt (Oswald) [1879- ]. *Die Arterien des menschlichen Kehlkopfes. 50 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 0. Kummel, 1903. Blaess (Philipp). *Zur Casuistik der Nierenge- schwulste.' 34 pp., 11., 1 pi. 8°. Giessen, von Miinchow, 1898. Blatter fiir Elektro-Homoopathie. Verlag von J. Habbel. v. 3-22, 1883-1902. 8°. Begens- burg. Blatter fur klinische Hydrotherapie und ver- wandte Heilmethoden. Hrsg. von Wilhelm Winternitz. v. 1-18, 1891-1908. 8°. Wien. Continued as: Monatsschrlft fur die physikalisch-dia- tetischen Heilmethoden in der arztlichen Praxis. Munchen. Blatter fur Sauglingsfursorge. Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt. v. 1-6, 1910-15. 8°. Munchen. Blatter fur Taubstummenbildung. Hrsg. von Eduard Walther. v. 6-15, 1893-1902. 8°. Berlin. Blatter fiir Volksgesundheitspflege. Gemeinver- standliche Zeitschrift. Hrsg. von F. Bumm und Graf Douglas, v. 1-15, 1900-1915. 4°. Miin- chen dc Leipzig. Blagny (Marcel) [1873- ]. *De la Balpingecto- mie avec ovariectomie partielle. 63 pp. 8°. Pom, 1899, No. 565. Blaich (Hans Erich) [1873- ]. *Das Wasser bei Galen. [Heidelberg.] 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Stuttgart, Strecker dc Schroder, 1906. Blaikie (William). How to get strong and how to stay so. 296 pp. 12°. New York, Harper & Brothers, [1883]. ------. The same. New and enlarged ed. 6 p. 1., 510 pp., 30 pi. 12°. New York dc London, Harper dc Bros., 1899. Blaln (Andre). *Le pouls dans la puerperalite\ 345 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 163. Blain (Jules) [1875- 1. *R6sultats immudiats et eloignes du bouton de Murphy dans le traite- ment de la gangrene herniaire. [Lyon.] 80 pp. 8°. Chambery, F. Gentil, 1900, No. 14. Blain (Maurice - Felix - Baptistin) [1881- ]. *L'altruisme morbide dans la paralysie generale. 80 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 70. Blain (Ren6). *De la surveillance et de l'assis- tance medicale de la femme enceinte dans les villes et dans les villages. 52 pp, 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 142. Blaincourt. Tableaux synoptiques de physiolo- gie, a l'usage des eludiants et des praticiens. 171 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Baillilre dc fils, 1904. Blaine (H[arry] G.) The physician; his relation to the law, and the legal rules governing the collection of his fees. 159 pp. 12°. Attica, G. S. Earle dc Co., 1897. Blaine (James Milton) [1855-1913]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1055. Blalnville (Louis-Florentin-Gaetan) [1859- ]. ♦Contribution a l'etude chimique et therapeu- tique de l'hypnal (monochloral-antipyrine). 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 592. ------. The same. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1898. Blair (Charles). Errors of refraction and their treatment. A clinical pocket-book for prac- titioners and students. 2 p. 1., 103 pp. 12°. Bristol, J. Wright dc Co., 1905. ------. The same. 2. ed. 106 pp. 12°. Bristol, J. Wright dc Sons, 1910. Blair (D.) A grammar of chemistry, wherein the principles of the science are familiarized by a variety of easy and entertaining experiments; with questions for exercise and a glossary of terms in common use; corrected and revised by Benjamin Tucker. 3. ed. ix (11.), 184 pp. 16°. Bhiladelphia, B. Hogan. 1819. Blair (Hamilton). Points about sea-swimming. How to achieve the best results in swimming and in bathing, pp. 12-17. 8°. New York, 1905. Cutting from: Pearson's Mag., N. Y., 1905, xiv. Blair (Louis' E.) A new throat remedy; benzoinol and resorcin compound. 3 1. 24°. [Albany, 1899.1 Blair (Thomas Stewart) [1867- ]. Public hy- giene, by . . .. assisted by numerous contribu- tors. 2 v., paged consecutively, vi (6 1.), 644 pp. 8°. Boston, B. G. Badger, [1911]. ------. Blair's pocket therapeutics; a practi- tioner's handbook of medical treatment, xv, 373 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, The Medical Council Co., 1911. ------. The physician's drug codex of the ilrugs and preparations official or listed in the U. S. Pharmacopeia, 9. ed.; the National formulary, ■1. ed.; and New and nonofficial remedies, 1916 ed. 60 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1916. ------. Botanic drugs, their materia medica, pharmaci logy, and therapeutics. 394 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, The Therap. Bigest Bub. Co., 1917. Blair (Vilray Papin) [1871- ]. Surgery and diseases ot the mouth and jaws; a practical treatise on the surgery and diseases of the mouth and allied structures, xxv, 638 pp. 8°. St. Louh, C. V. Mosby Co., 1912. ------. The same. 3. ed. 3 p. 1., ix-xxxi, 733 pp. rov. 8°. -Sf. Louh, C. V. Mosby Co., 1917. Blaire (Joseph') [1876- ]. *Contribution a l'etude des fausses perforations de l'intestin dans la fievre typhoide. 43 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 65. Blairon (Felix). ^Prophylaxie des gastroente- rites des nourrissons; la suralimentation et son remede. BA) pp. 8°. Paris, 1906. No. 301. ------. Thesame. 159pp. 8°. Paris, A. Micha- lon, 1906. BLAIS. 629 BLANC. Blais (Henri). * Contribution a l'etude des formes graves de l'appendicite chez l'enfant. 136 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 434. Blaisdell (Frank Ellsworth) [1862- ]. A mono- graphic revision of the Coleoptera belonging to the tenebrionide tribe Eleodiini inhabiting the United States, Lower California, and adjacent islands. 524 pp., 13 pi. 8°. Washinqton, 1909. Forms Bull. No. 63, Smithson. Inst. Blaizot (Ludovic). *Recherches sur revolution de l'uterus d'Acanthias vulgaris Risso. 58 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, 1908, No. 388. Blake (C. Carter). See Fau (J.) Elementary artistic anatomy [etc.]. 8°. London, [n. a.]. Blake (Clarence John) [1844-1919]. Acute and chronic inflammation of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone. In: Syst. Dis. Ear, Nose & Throat (Burnett), Phila., 1893, i, 481-516. ------. The fatigue of deafness, pp. 673-677. 8°. New York, 1912. Cutting from: Atlantic Month., N. Y., 1912, ex. See, aho, Bacon (Gorham). A manual of otology [etc.]. 12°. New York & Philadelphia, 1898. For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1919, lxxii, 512. ------& Beik (Henry Ottridge). Operative otol- ogy. Surgical pathology and treatment of dis- eases of the ear. xii, 359 pp., 13 pi. 8°. New York dc London, D. Appleton dc Co., 1906. Blake (E. H.) Drainage and sanitation; a prac- tical exposition of the conditions vital to healthy buildings, their surroundings and construction, their ventilation, heating, lighting, water and waste services; for the use of architects, surveyors engineers, health officers, sanitary inspectors. xiv, 519 pp. 8°. London, B. T. Bahford, [1913]. Blake (Edward Thomas) [1842-1905]. Septic intoxication; its congeners and its colourable imitations. Reprinted, with additions, from the Hospital Gazette. 66 pp. 12°. London dc Bhila- delphia, F. A. Bavis Co., [1892]. ------. On the actions of sepsin, of lead, and of certain allied agents. 15 pp. 12°. London, StrakerBros. dc Co., 1892. ------. The inframammary pain. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 8°. London, H J. Glahher, 1898. ------. On the study of the hand for indications of local and general disease. 53 pp. 8°. London, H J. Glahher, 1898. ------. Constipation and some associated dis- orders, including recent observations on intes- tinal innervation and the venous hearts; with sections on venous stasis of abdomen, piles, fissure, pruritus ani, rupture and corpulency. xv, 286 pp. 8°. London, H. J. Glahher, 1900. ------. Eczema and its congeners; their pa- thology and bacteriology, with some improve- ments in their treatment, xix, 136 pp. 8°. London, H. J. Glahher, 1902. ------. Colitis (tubal catarrh), appendicitis and their allies, xxxvii, 129 pp. 8°. London, H. J. Glahher, 1904. ------. The intestinal catarrhs; being a clinical study of colitis, appendicitis and their allies, with a special new section on sprue. 2. ed. xv, 356 pp., 15 pi. 8°. London, H. J. Glahher, 1905. See, also, Froussard (Paul). Mucomembranous entero- colitis. 12 . London, 1905.—Hutchinson (Woods). Stud- ies In human and comparative [etc.]. 8°. London, 1901. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 564. Blake (G[eorge] F[arncombel). See Surgeons who have won [etc.]. 12°. London, 1904 Blake (George W.). See Sulzer (William). Sulzer's short speeches, etc. 12°. New Fork, 11912]. Blake (James) [ -1893]. Walnwrlght (J. W.) James Blake; a sketch of the man and a brief account of his scientific work. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909, lxxxix, 111-114. Blake (James Augustus) [1842-1914]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, lxu, 1979. Aho: Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1914, viu, 391. Blake (James Eddy) [1873- ]. *Versuche iiber Vioform, mit besonderer Beziehung auf dessen moglichen Gebrauch als ein Ersatzmittel fiir Jodoform in der konservativen Behandlung tuberkuloser Gelenke. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1902. Blake (James Gibbs) [1832-1900]. Obituary. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1900, xlviii, 61. Blake (John Bapst). See History (A) of the Boston City Hospital [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1906. Blake (John George) [1837-1918]. Gay(G.W.) Obituary. BostonM. &S. J.,1918, clxxviii. 446-448. Blake (Joseph Augustus) [1864- ]. Fractures, being a monograph on gunshot fractures of the extremities, xi, 150 pp. 8°. New York dc London, B. Appleton & Co., 1919. Blake (WiUiam) [1757-1827]. Benoit (F.) A master of art; Blake, the visionary. Ann. Psych. Sc., Lond., 1908, vii, 2-23, 1 pi. Aho, transl: Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1908, xvhi, 1-8.—Norman (H. J.) Wil- liam Blake. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1915, lxi, 198-244, 1 pi. Blakistone (Julian Chew) [1881-1918]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1919, lxxii, 135. Blakiston's sectional manikins. 6 superposed plates and 6 1. text. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakiston's Son dc Co., 1905. Blameuser (Michael). *Casuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis von den nach Nekrose an der Diaphyse auftretenden Storungen im Lan- genwachstum. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1897. Blan (Dominique) [1873- ]. *De la grossesse et du travail apres l'hysteropexie abdominale anterieure. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Byon, 1897, No. 47. Blanadct (S). See Alvarado (Emilio). Ophtalmie [etc.]. fol. Valla- dolid, 1903. Blanc (Alexandre) [1879- ]. *Lymphadenome de l'amygdale (lymphosarcome). 79 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 7. Blanc (Alfred) [1873- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude de l'occlusion intestinale par brides. 48 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 261. Blanc (Alfred). Contribution a l'etude de la mareline (carbaminate de m-tolylhydrazide). 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 70,. ------. *L'hieble (Sambucus ebulus, L.). (Etude pharmacologique.) 132 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1905, No. 33. Ecole de pharmacie. Blanc (Antoine) [1874- ]. *Etude therapeuti- que sur le pyramidon (phenylmethylamidodi- methylisopyrazolone). 96 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 163. Blanc (Camille) [1868- ]. *Contribution a l'etude de l'hemoglobinurie paroxystique es- sentielle. 79 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 317. Blanc (Charles) [1876- ]. *De l'ongle incarn6; elude critique sur ses divers traitements. 73 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 251. Blanc (Desire^ [1883- ]. Contribution a 1'elude de la pyelonephrite survenant au cours de la grossesse et de son traitement en particulier. 116 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 273. Blanc (Eugene) [1878- ]. *Au decollement epiphysaire traumatique de l'extremit^ inferieure du tibia. 78 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 174. BLANC. 630 BLANCARD. Blanc (Fernand) [1884- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la latence des pleuresies chez l'enfant. 45 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1911, No. 45. Blanc (Frederic) [1879- ]. *Varietes cliniques et traitement chirurgical des deviations de la cloison des fosses nasales. 88 pp. 8°. Byon, 1905, No. 133. Blanc (G. A.) Radioattivita con una prefazione d'A. Sella ed un' appendice de G. D'Ormea, sulle azioni fisiologiehe dei raggi Becquerel. viii, 266 pp. 16°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1907. Blanc (Georges-Raoul). *Les spirochetes; contri- bution a l'etude de leur Evolution chez les ixodidse. 129 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 432. Blanc (Gratia). *Les leucorrhees alternantes morbides. 69 pp. 8°. Barh, 1912, No. 427. I Blanc (Henri) [1869- ]. Contribution a la | pathologie du diverticule de Meckel. 106 pp.. , 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 393. ------. The same. 106 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1899. Blanc (Henri) [1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude experimentale de la mort par submersion. 45 pp. 8*. Montpellier, 1901, No. 6. Blanc (Henri-Martin) [1885- ]. *Travail de la clinique des maladies cutanees et syphilitiques de l'Antiquaille. Psoriasis vaccinal. 59 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 29. Blanc (Sir Henry Jules) [1831-1911]. Obituary- Lancet, Lond., 1911,11, 1170. Blanc (Jacques) [1882- ]. *Action des rayons X sur le testicule. 73 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 63. ------. Thesame. 73 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1907. Blanc (Jean) [1891- ]. *Le reflexe oculocar- diaque dans les maladies nerveuses et mentales. 58 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Montpellier, 1914, No. 78. Blanc (Joseph) [1883- J. Contribution a l'etude des troubles vesicaux dans l'ataxie locomotrice. 55 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 53. Blanc (Jules) [1874- ]. *La fonction antitoxi- que du rein et l'opotherapie renale (revue criti- que generale). 189 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 79. Blanc (Jules) [1877- ]. Contribution a l'etude du collargol ou argent colloidal. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 52. Blanc (L.-G.) [1880- ]. *Le traitement de la sciatique par les agents physiques. 84 pp. S°. Barh, 1910, No. 263. Blanc (L6on) [1841-1916]. De l'ac.tion des eaux d'Aix-les-Bains, Marlioz et Challes dans le traitement de la syphilis. 56 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Belahaye dc E. Lecrosnier, 1887. ------. The gouty at Aix-les-Bains; diet and treatment. 33 pp. 12°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1902. See, aho', Robin (Albert). Treatment of tuberculosis [etc.]. 8°. London, 1913. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 839. Blanc (Leon) [L882- ]. Contribution alY-tude des lesions annexielles dans les fibroines. 42 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1910, No. 119. Blanc (Louis) [1874- ]. Contribuiion experi- mentale a l'etude du contenu cardiaque dans la mort par asphyxie nuVanique. ix (1 1.), 13-55 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 85. Blanc (Louis-Gaston). *Etude chimique des eaux de la Correze (region nord-est). ICssai sur les melhodes de dosage des nitrites. [Paris.] 56,pp., 6 ch. 8°. Nerers, 1911. Ecole dc pharmacie. See, also, Llfrnon (\.) & Blanc (L.) Les produits chi- miques [etc.J. 12°. Pa n.s, 1907. Blanc (Lucien;. Contribution a, l'etude sur l'extraction du cristallin dans sa capsule. 86 pp., 11. 8°. Geneve, 1885. Blanc (Noel). Contribution a l'etude de la de- generescence calcaire des fibro-myomes 'uteri ns. [Montpellier.] 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Grenoble, 1900, No. 29. Blanc (Prosper). *De la forme anemique du cancer de l'estomac. 46 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 644. Blanc (Robert-Charles) [1879- 1. *Des inter- ventions chirurgicales dans la lithiase renale inflammatoire et suppuree. 108 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1905, No. 71. Blanc (Theodore). *Rapports de rinflammation avec la gangrene diabelique. 50 pp. 4°. Barh, 1896, No. 450. Blanc y Benet (Jose). Datos para una biblio- graffa quirurgica espafiola. 142 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Barcelona, 1895-6. ------. La moderacion de la libidine. 102 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barcelona, 1905. Blanc-Saletes (Antoine) [1871- ]. Contribu- tion a l'elude de la receptivite vaccinale aux differents ages. 42 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900. No. 116. Blancard (Charles) [1876- ]. *Sur le role de l'amnios dans les malformations congenitales. 64 pp. 8°. Pans, 1902, No. 390. Blancard (Raoul) [1863- ]. *Reflexions sur l'hygiene de la grossesse, de l'accouchement et du post partum a la campagne; abus et impru- dence des matrones. 43 pp. 4°. Barh. 1896, No. 120. Blancard (Stephen) [1650-17021. *De hydrope ascite. 8 1. sm. 4°. Franekerse, J. Wellens, 1674. ------. Die belagert- und entsetzte Venus, das ist. chirurgische Abhandlung der sogenannten Frantzossen, auch spanischen Pocken-Krank- heit ... Aus dem Niederliindischen, nach dem neuesten Druck in unsere hochdeutsche Sprach ubersetzet. 2 p. 1. 544 pp., 4 1., 8 pi. 16°. Leipzig, J. F. Gleditsch. 1689. ------. Collectanea medico-physica, oder Hol- liindisch Jahr-Register sonderbahrer Anmerckun- gen, die so wohl in der Artzney-Kunst als Wis- senschaft der Xatur in gantz Europa vorge- fallen, Angefangen mit dem Jahr mdexxc. Theils aus selbst eigener Erfindunij. theils aus Communication unterschiedener Herren und Ilebhaber zusammen getragen. Aus dem Hol- landischen in das Hoch-Teutsche ubersetzet durch T. P.M. C.G. L. 2 pts. 3p. 1., 581pp., 9 1., 3 p. 1., 376 pp., 6 1. 16°. Leipzig, M. G. Wcidmann. 1690. ------. Neue und besondere Manier alle verstor- bene Corper, nut wenig Unkosten, dergestalt zu balsamiren, dass solche in el lichen hundert Jahren nicht verwesen . . . Aus Holland, in unser Mutter-Sprach ubersetzet von G. A. M. 104 pp. 16°. Hannover dc Wolffenbuttel, G. Freytag, 1697. ------. Verhandeling van de operatien ofte wer- kingen der medicamenten in's Menschen lighaam, [etc]. 4 p. 1., 332 pp., 6 1. 16°. Am- sterdam, W. de Lavoje dc F. Alaeuereld, 1729. ------. Eigentliche Abhandlungen von dem Po- dagra unci der lauffenden Gicht, workmen auch die herrlichen Kraffte der Milch ordentlich beschrieben werden. Nebst des Wilhelm ten Khyne Beschreibung wie die Chinesen vermit- telst des Moxabrennens und guldenen Nadel- stechens all Kranekheiten, insonderheit aber das Podagra curirten. Auch bey dieser neuen Auflage mit einer Beschreibung und Gebrauch BLANCARD. 631 BLANCHEREAU. Blancard (Stephen)—continued. eines neu erfundenen mineralischen Gicht- Magnets Christoph Ludwig Wilhelmi vermehrt. 1 p. 1., 343 pp., 18 1. 16°. Leipzig, A. Martini, 1733. ------. Lexicon medicum renovatum, in quo totius artis medicse termini in ana tome, chirur- gia, pharmacia, chymia, re botanica [etc.]. Ed. novissima et ob additiones a viro celeberrimo Joanne Henr. Schulzio desumptas cseteris longe auctior et perfectior. 4 p. 1., 588 pp. 8°. Lovanii, J. F. van Overbeke, 1754. See, aho, Hippocrates. Aphorismen ofkortbondige spreu- ken, [etc.]. 24°. Amsterdam, 1714. For Biography, see Abbild.. . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805,64, port. Blanchard (Abel) [1883- ]. *Les guensons tardives eludiees en elles-mgmes et dans leurs rapports avec le divorce. 158 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1913, No. 114. Blanchard (Albert H.) [1828-1909]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1909, clxl, 907. Blanchard (Charles Elton) [1868- ]. Medical dollars and sense, the story of the building of a large office practice. 5 p. 1., [13]-180 pp. 8°. Bacine, Wh., Western Print, dc Lithogr. Co., 1912. ------. Wayside experiences; a collection of plain tales as heard along the road. 246 pp. 8°. Newark, New Jersey, Bhysicians' Brug News Co., [1913]. Blanchard (G.) [1881-1913]. Traite des maladies des chiens. xxii, 583 pp. 8°. Barh, J.-B. Bail- Here dc fils, 1910. For Biography, see Repert. de police san. vet. et d'hyg. pub., Par., 1913, xxix, 571. Blanchard (Georges) [1866- ]. fLa danseuse; considerations sur quelques accidents profes- sionnels, de ses tendons et ligaments du pied. 132 pp. 8°. Barh, 1898, No. 442. Blanchard (Gustave-Charles) [1877- ]; *De l'astigmatisme determine par le pterigion. [Paris.] 54 pp., 11. 8°. Nantes, 1904, No. 132. Blanchard (J.-S.-Fernand) [1879- ]. *De la torsion du pedicule des fibromes uterines sous- sereux pendant la grossesse. 111pp. 8°. B«rh, 1907, No. 16. Blanchard (Jean) [1876- ]. indications operatoires dans le cancer de l'anse ileo-csecale. 92 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 22. Blanchard (Joseph) [1884- ]. *Du chlorure de calcium; son action diurelique et dechloru- rante dans les nephrites. [Nancy.] 91 pp. 8°. Varangeville, 1911, No. 26. Blanchard (L.-F.) Contribution a l'etude ch- nique de certains muscles synergiques (medians et symetriques) au cours de l'hemiplegie organi- que (parallele avec les muscles asynergiques). 127 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 645. , Blanchard (Maurice) [1883- ]. *Etude sur les uterus didelphes a corps independants sans hematometrie au point de vue chirurgical. 55 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 3. Blanchard (Paul-Henri-Alexandre) [1871- ). Contribution a l'etude de la symptomatologie et du traitement de la mole hydatiforme. 52 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lille, 1897, No. 44. Blanchard (Raphael[-Anatole-Emile]) [1857- 19191. Notice sur les titres et travaux scien- tifiques. 142 pp., 11. 4°. Lille, Le Bigotfrires, 1890. ... . , ------. Histoire zoologique et medicale des teniades du genre Hymenolepis Weinland. 112 pp. 8°. Barh, 1891. Blanchard (Raphael[-Anatole-Emile])—cont'd. ------. Les coccidies et leur role pathogenique. 40 pp. 8°. Barh, Soc. zool. de France, 1900. ------. Centenaire de la mort de Xavier Bichat. 57 pp., 3pi., 3 port. 8°. Paris, F.-B. deBudeval, 1903. ------. Les moustiques. Histoire naturelle et medicale. xiii, 673 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Baris, F- B. de Budeval, 1905. ------. Glossaire allemand-francais des termes d'anatomie et de zoologie. 298 pp. 8°. Baris, Asselin dc Houzeau, 1908. ------. L'insecte et l'infection. Histoire natu- relle et medicale des arthropodes pathogenes. Premier fascicule: Acariens. 1 p. 1., 160 pp. 8°. Barh, Lib. scient. et lit., 1909. ------. Epigraphie^ medicale. Corpus inscrip- tionum ad medicinam biologiamque spectan- tium. v. 1. 482 pp. roy. 8°. Barh, Asselin dc Houzeau, 1909-15. ------. La Faculte de medecine de Beyrouth; conf6rence faite au comite de l'Asie francaise le 29 Janvier 1912^ 12 pp. 8°. Barh, 1912. ------. Instructions pour l'hygiene,et la disin- fection en temps de guerre. 16 pp. 8°. Baris, 1914. ------. La lutte contre la mouche. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Barh, 1915. ------. La lutte contre les poux; instructions pour les soldats au front. 7 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1915. See, aho, Neveu-Lemalre (Maurice). Parasitologic ani- male, [etc.][in 2. s.]. 12°. Paris, 1902.—SousaTelxelra(B.) Diagnostic precoce de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 8°. Pan's, 1907.—Vlelllard (Camille) [in 2. s.]. L'urologie et les mede- cins urologues [etc.]. 8°. Parh, 1903. Aho, Editor of: Archives de parasitologic, Paris, 1898-14. Aho, Co-Editor of: Bulletin de 1'Academic de medecine, Paris, 1912-18. For Biography, see Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1902, v, 602- 604 (J. Guiart). Aho: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1919, 3. s., lxxxi, 164-168 (E. Delorme). Aho: Corresp. med., Par., 1901, vii, No. 164, 3 (L. Laveyssiere). Also: Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1906, xi, 33-35. Aho: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1919, lxxii, 813. A ho: Lancet, Lond., 1919, i, 315. Aho: Science, N. Y., 1919, n. s., xlix, 391 (F. H. Garrison). Blanche (Antoine - Emmanuel - Pascal) [1785-1849]. Roger (J.) [Biography.] In his: Les med. normands [etc.], 8°, Par., 1890, i, 136-148. Blanche (Emmanuel) [ -1908]. Helot (R.) Le docteur Emmanuel Blanche; la biblio- theque de Blanche. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1908, 205-211, port. Blanche (Maurice). *L'alimentation rationnelle du tuberculeux. 94 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 378. Blanche (Ren6) [1877- ]. Contribution a l'etude des affections de l'estomac; cytodiag- nostic du cancer de restomac. 77 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 83. Blanchellus (Menghus),- Faventinus. la Tituli questionum et difficultatu de primo et ultimo instanti. Ferrarise, Laurentius de Rubeis de Valentia et Andreas de Grassis de Castronova socii, 1492. Folio, [a8, bcde6], 32 unnumbered leaves, 58 lines to the full page. H. *3232. Blancher (Alexis). *Separation quantitative de la brucine et de la strychnine. [Paris.] 53 pp. 8°v Saint-Amand-Montrond, 1903, No. 20. Ecole de pharmacie. Blancher (Claude-Emile) [1875- ]. *La le- vure de biere dans le traitement des ententes. 72 pp. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 10. Blanchereau (Robert-Etienne-Emile) [1877- ]. Contribution a l'etude des obsessions digestives. 56 pp , 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 739. BLANCHET. 632 BLANDIN. Blanchet (Alexis-Frederic-Gaston). Contribu- tion a l'elude de l'anaphylaxie. 104 pp. 8°. Barh, 1909; No. 360. Blanchet (Emile) [1879- ]. *Automobilisme et medecine; role therapeutique de l'automo- bile. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 55. Blanchet (Eugene). *Des nouveaux modes d'administration du chloroforme. 62 pp. 8°. Barh. 1905, No. 32. Blanchet (Henri) [1878- ]. Contribution a l'elude de la resorption spontanee dans Pem- pyeme a pneumocoques de la seconde enfance. 56 pp. 86. Lyon, 1903, No. 143. Blanchet (Jean) [1888- ]. *De la laparotomie pararectale gauche pour pratiquer la gastro- entero-anastomose; avantages et indications. 39 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1913, No. 97. Blanchet (Joseph). Contribution a l'elude de la syphilis chez les nouveau-nes. 106 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 435. Blanchet (Pierre-Jules-Alphonse) [1873- ]. Contribution a l'etude des enchondromes du bassin. 47 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 150. Blanchet (Rene) [1885- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'uremie gastro-intestinale; l'uremie occlusive. 70 pp. 8°. Barh, 1911, No. 395. Blanchet (Roger). Contribution a l'etude des nevroses intestinales. 56 pp. 8°. Barh, 1901, No. 31. Blanchetiere (Alexandre). Contribution a l'elude biologique de quelques varietes du genre Sporotrichum pathogenes pour l'homme. 105 pp. 8*. Barh, 1909, No. 268. Blanchod (Frederic). *Le Distomum hepaticum chez Phomme. 41 pp., lpl. 8°. Lausanne, E. Frankfurter, 1909. Blanchon (Ernest) [1876- ]. *Du syndrome cardio-vasculaire preluberculeux. 57 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 65. Blanchon (H[enri]). Formulaire de therapeuti- que. 319 pp. 16°. Baris, Lmp. Klein dc Ch., 1904. Blanchot (Emile) [1880- ]. Contribution a l'etude anatomique des fractures du condyle interne de Phumerus chez l'enfant. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 123. Blanchot (Honore-Charles) [1892- ]. *Le traitement des fractures de la clavicule par la melhode de Couteaud. 62 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1917, No. 10. Blanck (A.) Die mecklenburgischen Aerzte von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegen wart. Eine Neuausgabe, Vervollstiindigung und Fortsetzung des im Jahre 1874 erschienenen Sammelwerkes, veranstaltet von Axel Wilhelmi. 1 p. 1. (3 1.), 388 pp. 8°. Schwerini. M., E. Herberger, 1901. Blanck (August [Hans Paul Helmut]) [1879- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der Geschwiilste des Bauchho- dens. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bostock, W. W. Winter- berg, 1906. Blanck (Theodor Hellmuth Ungues Kazimir) [1873- ]. *Ueberdas Vorkommen des Facial- phiinomenes bei Schilddrusenaffektionen. [Miin- chen.] 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Trenkel, 1909. Blancke (C[arl]). *Ein Beitrag zur Frage. der Posticuslahmung. 27 pp. 8°. Jena, Fromann, 1898. Blancke (Paul) [1875- 1. *Zur Kasuistik der Augenerkrankungen bei Akne rosacea. 20 pp.. 11. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1906. Blancken (Gerardus). Catalogus antiquarum et novarum rerum ex longe dissitis terrarum oris congostis, quarum visendarum copia Lugduni in Batavis in anatomia publica, curiosis specta- toribus datur. 14 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., H. vander Boxe, 1700. Blanckertz (Rudolf) [1888- ]. *Die Ausbil- dung der Tetrade im Ei von Ascaris megaloce= phala univalens. [Miinchen.] 18 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1910. Blanckmeister (Karl Otto) [1862- ]. *Ueber zwei Falle extrauteriner Graviditat geheilt durch Laparotomie. [Leipzig.] 52 pp. 8°. Stolpen in Sachsen, L. Schulze, 1910. Blanco (Juan Carlos) [1884- 1. *Etude d'ana- tomie mellico-ehirurgicale de l'attique. 51 pp. 8°. Baris, 1911, No. 232. Blanco (Manuel) [1778-1845]. Flora de Filipinas; adicionada con el manuscrito inedito del P. Fr. Ignacio Mercado, las obras del P. Fr. Antonio Llanos y de un apendice con todas las nuevas investigaciones botanicas referentes al Archi- pielago Filipino. Gran edici6n hecha a expensas de la Provincia de Agustinos Calzados de Filipinas, bajo la direcci6n cientffica del P. Fr. Andres Naves. 4 v. text (Spanish and Latin), 2 v. plates (480). fol. Manila, Blana dc Ca., 1877-80. ------. See, also: Merrill (E. D.) The dates of publication of the third edi- tion of Blanco's "Flora de Fihpinas." Philippine J. Sc., Manila, 1917, xii, Sect. C, 113-116. Blanco (Tomds) [ -1916]. Rabena (F.) Obituary. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1916, xvtii, 97-102. Bianco-Roman (Francisco). La peste bub<5nica; sus causas, sintomas, profilaxis y tratamiento. 125 pp., 2 1. 12°. Zamora. E. Calamita, 1899. Bland (J.) An essay in praise of women; or a looking-glass for ladies to see their perfections in. 249 pp. 16°. Edinburgh. W. Barling, 1767. Bland (Pascal Brooke) [1875- ]. Surgery of the female genito-urinary organs. Methods of examinations and diagnosis; malformations, etc. In: Surgery (Keen). 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1909, v, 351-387. Bland-Sutton (Sir John) [ls.35- ]. Essays on the position of abdominal hysterectomy in London. 2 p. 1., 90 pp., front. 8°. London, J. Nhbet dc Co., 1909. ------. Fibroids of the uterus: their pathology. diagnosis and treatment, vii, 245 pp. 8°. [Lon- don], Science Beviews, [1913]. ------. The diseases of women, a handbook for students and practitioners, xv, 571 pp. 8°. London, W. Heinemann, [1916]. ------. Tumours, innocent and malignant; their clinical characters and appropriate treatment. 6. ed. ix, 790 pp. 8°. London [etc.}, Cassell d- Co., 1917. See, also, Sutton (John Bland) [in 1. and 2. s.]. Blandamour (Armand). *Traitement du lupus par le radium. 94 pp. 8°. Barh, 1902, No. 47. Blandeau (Francis) [1874- ]. *Albuminurie des multipares. 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Boris, 1897, No. 271. Bland ford i George Fielding) [1829-1911]. Insan- itv. In: Twentieth Cent. Tract., N V., 1897, xii, 3-254. For Biography, see Am. J. Insan., Chicago, 1897-8, liv, 127, port. (G. H. Savage). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1911, ii, 733. Blandford (Joseph Whiff eld) [1847- 1916]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917,1, 69. Blandin (Charles-Marie:Rene) [1881- ]. *-Sur quelques modes de traitement de P elephantiasis. 72 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908, No. 73. Blandin (Georges-Henri) [1876- ]. Conside- rations sur la croissance dans ses rapports avec Phvgiene. 60 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 32. Blandin (Lucien) [1871- 1. *Epilepsie trau- matique consecutive aux plaies du crane par armes a feu. 109 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 534. BLANDIN. 633 BLASCHKE. Blandin (Lucien)—continued. ------. The same. 112 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Stein- heil, 1902. Blandin (Philippe-Frederic) [1798-1849]. Auto- plastic oder Wiederherstellung zerstorter Kor- pertheile auf Kosten anderer mehr oder minder entfernter Theile. Aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt von P. Kapff. 184 pp. 8°. Beutlingen, Ensslin dc Laiblin, 1838. Blandinus (Petrus). De concoctionum trium, constitutione naturali. 14 1. 12°. Basilse, J. Schrceterus, 1612. Blandy (Gurth Swinnerton) [1879-1917]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 1016. Blane (Sir Gilbert) [1749-1834]. [Biography.] Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1916,i,426.—Home (W. E.) Blane and his compeers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 978.— Rolleston (H. D.) Sir Gilbert Blane, an administrator of naval medicine and hygiene. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond 1916, ii, 72-81, port. Aho, Reprint. Blaney (Thomas) [1823-1903]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1121. Blanich (B.) Contribution a l'elude des retre- cissements congenitaux de l'uretre chez l'homme et chez la femme. 77 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1911, No. 58. Blank (Arthur) [1883- ]. *Ueber kavernose Hamangiome mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihres multiplen Vorkommens. 42 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1908. Blank (Dagobert) [1880- ]. *Ueber Volume- trie des Herzens. [Gottingen.] 26 pp., 1 pi., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1905. Blank (Dina). *Zur Frage der Agglutination der menschlichen roten Blutkorperchen. 16 pp. 8°. Zurich, J. F. Kobold-Ludi, 1907. Blank (Joh. Gustav) [1881- ]. *Ein Fall von akuter Phosphorvergiftung. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, E. Muhlthaler, 1906. Blank (Karl) [1880- ]. *Ueber osteoplastische Trepanation bei Epilepsie. 64 pp,, 11 tab. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., A. Mehlhase, 1905. Blank (Otto) [1881- ]. *Beitrag zur Frage der Malignitat der extragenitalen Syphilis. [Erlan- gen.] 23 pp. 8°. Nurnberg, J. L. Stich, 1910. Blank cartridges. See Wounds (Gunshot) from blank cartridges. Blankart (Stephen). See Blancard (Stephen). Blanke (Adolf) [1875- ]. *Welche Gefahren bietet das Fleisch tuberkuloser Tiere fiir den Menschen und wie weit darf solches als Nah- ungsmittel verwandt werden? 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1900. Blanke (Paul Franz Bernhard Johannes) [1876- ]. *Verhalten des Central-Nervensystems beim Diabetes mellitus. 30 pp., 1 I. 8°. Gottingen, L. Hofer, 1901. Blankemeyer (Hermann). *Statistisches zur i Beschaffenheit der weiblichen Brust und zum Stillgeschaft. 82 pp., 11. 8°. Freiburg, C. A. Wagner, 1899. Blankets (Disinfection of). Elgstr0m (A.) & Erlandsen (A.) [Disinfection of bed blankets with formaldehyde.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kj0benh., 1913, lxxv, 1321; 1359.— Schultes. Ueber die Behandlung der wollenen Decken In der Heilstatte. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb., 1914, vu, Suppl., 430. Blankoff (Sarah) [1871- ]. *D'un nouveau proc£d6 de colpoperineorraphie dans le traite- ment de la rectocele. 64 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 500. Blanluet (Paul) [1879- ]. *De la leptomenm- gite purulente otogene. 120 pp. 8°. Barh, 1908, No. 219. I Blanquart (Auguste-Albert-Charles-Louis) [1883- ]. *Le diagnostic precoce de PhereHo- syphihs (role de la clinique et du laboratoire). 100 pp. 8°. Lille, 1908, No. 34. Blanquier (Henri). Ce que le medecin devrait savoir sur la vie. (Esquisse d'un programme de philosophic biologique.) 56 pp. 8°. Tou- louse, 1906, No. 681. Blanquinque (Eugene-Joseph-Louis). *Essai sur le choix de l'intervention dans le traitement des abces chauds de la prostate. 54 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 423. Blarez (Charles) [1852- .] L'urine au point de vue chimique et medical; analyse simplifiee, avec la signification et Pinterpretation physiolo- gique et clinique des resultats. 2. eH. xix, 314 pp. 12°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1910. Blarez (Charles). *Du lait au point de vue de Palimentation humaine, de son expertise judi- ciaire. 96 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1917. Blarez (PedroMaria Carlos) [1852-1918]. Obituary. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1918, xxv, 627. Blarina. Babcock (H. L.) Some observations on the food habits of the short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda). Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1914, n. s., xl, 526-530. Blaringhem (L.) Mutation et traumatismes; etude sur P evolution des formes vegelales. 1 p. 1., 248 pp., 8 pi., 8 1. 8°. Baris, F. Alcan, 1908. Blary (Raymond) [1876- J. Contribution a l'etude des gommes syphilitiques des paupieres. 69 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 31. Bias (C[harles]) [1839- ] & Banwez (F.) Chimie pharmaceutique minerale. 3. eel. vi, 278 pp. 8°. Louvain dc Parh, 1903. Bias (Georgius). _ Thesaurus sanitatis inaestimabilis quomodo facili methodo ad plurimos vitae dies integer et incolumis conservari possit. 5 p. 1., 287 pp., 4 1., 1 pi. 12°. (Enipontum, 1691. Bias (Otto). *Ueber Fremdkorper in der Nase und Rhinolithenbildung. 45 pp. 8°. Strassburg, C. Goeller, 1892. Blasart (Charles) [1875- ]. Contribution a l'etude des ruptures de Puterus pendant l'ac- couchement (ruptures incompletes). 75 pp. 8°. Parh, 1899, No. 135. Blaschke (Paul). Medizinisches Konversations- buch, enthaltend eine Sammlung von Redensar- ten behufs Verstandigung mit Kranken fremder Nationen, sowie die Angabe der Aussprachbe- zeichnung. Mit einem Vorworte des Interna- tionalen Komitees der Vereine vom Roten Kreuz in Genf. Deutsch-Englisch. xxi, 211 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Leipzig, W. Bothschild, 1907. ------. The same. Deutsch-Franzosisch. xvii, 210 pp. 12°. Berlin dc Leipzig, 1907. ------. The same. Dolmetscher am Kranken- bette, nebst vollstandigem medizinischen Wor- terbuch. Deutsch-Russisch. 2. Aufl. xviii, 306 pp. 16°. Berlin dc Leipzig, W. Bothschild, 1907. ------. The same. Abteilung II. Medizinisches Worterbuch in deutscher, franzosischer und englischer Sprache, in einem Alphabet, xvi, 450 pp. 8°. Berlin, Leipzig, Barh, London, 1907. ------. A dictionary of medical conversation. English-German, xx, 224 pp. 12°. Berlin dc Leipzig, 1907. ------. Dictionary of medical terms, English, French, German, arranged in a single alphabet order, xvi, 450 pp. 12°. Berlin dc Beipzig, B. Bothschild; Baris, Boyreau dc Chevillct; London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1907. See, aho, Medical (The) translator [etc.). 8°. London & Paris, 1907.—WOrterbuch der Elektrotechnik in drei Sprachen [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1901. BLASCHKO. 634 BLASTOMYCETES. Blaschko [Alfred] [1858- ]. Die Cholera, ihr Wesen, ihre Verbreitung und Verhutung. 16 pp. 12°. Berlin, W. Batte, 1883. ------. Die Lepra im Kreise Memel. 87 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1897._ ------. Hygiene der Prostitution und venerischen Krankheiten. 128 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1900. Forms 1. Lfg., v. 10, of: Handb. f. Hyg. ------. Die Prostitution im 19. Jahrhundert. 51 pp. 12°. Berlin, 1902. ------. Die Nervenverteilung in der Haut in Direr Beziehung zu den Erkrankungen der Haut. 53 pp., 26 1., 26 pi. fol. ' Wien, W. Braumuller, 1902. ------. Die Geschlechts-Krankheiten, ihre Ge- fahren, Verhutung und Bekampfung. Volkstiim- lich dargestellt. 3. Aufl. 20 pp. 8°. Berlin, Sassenbach, 1904. ------& Jacobsohn (Max) [1871- ]. Thera- peutisches Taschenbuch fiir Haut- und Ge- schlechtskrankheiten. 2. Aufl. 4 p. 1., 152 pp. [interleaved]. 8°. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, 1912. Aho, Editor of: Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesell- schaft zur Bekampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten, Leip- zig, 1902-15. Blasdale (Walter P.) A description of some Chinese vegetable food materials and their nutritive and economic value. 48 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1899. Forms Bull. No. 68: U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. exper. sta- tions, Wash. Blaserna (Pietro). The theory of sound in its relation to music, pp. 569-623. 8°. New York, The Humboldt Bub. Co., 1880. Blasius (Adolf Otto Heinrich) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von Epidermoid (Perlgeschwulst) der Balkengegend. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der multiplen Hirnhernien. [Gottingen.] 42 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1901. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1991, clxv. Blasius (Rudolf) [1842-1907]. [Obituary.] Internat. Arch. f. Schulhyg., Leipz., 1907, iv.—Reck. [Biography.] Monatsbl. f. olf. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1907, xxx, 137-140, port. Blasius (Wilhelm). Die anthropologische Littera- tur Braunschweigs und der Nachbargebiete mit Einschluss des ganzen Harzes. 1 p. 1., 231 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, B. Goeritz, 1900. Blask (Robert) [1869- ]. *Zur Diagnostik und Therapie der Polyposis des unteren Darmab- schnittes (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Rektom- manoskopie). 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 0. Kiimmel, 1907. Blasquez (Francisco). *Tratamiento inmediato de las heridas penetrantesde vientre, compliea- das de salida del epiploon. 26 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Biaz de Le6n, 1877. Blass (Conrad). Die Impfung und ihre Technik. 83 pp., 2 pi. 12°. Leipzig, C. G. Naumann, 1901. Blass (Selmar) [1878- ]. *Ueber die Ein- wirkung ausserer Einflusse auf den Strychnin- krampf und den Einfluss des Strychnins auf den Stoffwechsel. [Wurzburg.] 20 pp. 8°. Bam- berg, J. Nagengast, 1902. Blasse (Albert) [1877- ]. *Untersuchungen iiber die Arthritis des Kiefergelenks beim Pferde. [Giessen.] 40 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Stuttgart, 1909. Repr.from: Monatschr. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1909, xx# Blasson (Thomas) [1835-1916]. Obituary. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1910, ciii, 226. Blasson (William) [1836-1904]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 622. Blastema. See Protoplasm. Blastines. Centanni (E.) Ricerche sulle blastine. Atti d. Cong. internaz. d. patol. 1911, Torino, 1912, i, 96-99. -----. Sulle blastine. Tumori, Roma, 1912, ii, 265-277.—Centanni (E.) & Broking (E.) Sulle blastine. Ibid., i, 649-660. Blastocystis. Alexeleff (A.) Sur le cycle evolutif et les affinites de Blastocystis enterocola. Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Notes et rev., Par., 1910-17, lvi, 113-128.—Lynch (K. M.) Blasto- cystis hominis; its characteristics and its prevalence in intes- tinal content and feces in South Carolina. J. Bact., Bait., 1917, ii, 309 377—Swellengrebel (N. H.) Observations on Blastocystis hominis. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1917, ix, 451- 459. Also, Reprint. Blastocytes. See Embryology. Blastoderm. See Embryology. Blastodinidae. Chatton (E.) Les blastodinides, ordre nouveau de dinoflagelles parasites. Compt. rend. Aead. d. sc., Par , 1906, cxliii, 981-983. -----. Nouvel apercu sur les blasto- dinides (Apodinium mycetoides n. g., n. sp.). Ibid., 1907, cxliv, 282-285. Blastoidea. Russo (A.) Sul significato delle idrosplre e degli spiraeol dei blastoidi. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1902, xhi, suppl 22-24. Blastomere. See Embryology. Blastomycetes. Potron (M.) A propos des blastomycetes dans les tissus. Recherches morphologiques; apph- cation des caracteres de la membrane a la diag- nose des blastomycetes dans les tissus. 8°. Nancy, 1903. Albers (Anna). Demonstration of the blastomycetie organism in sputum. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc., 1907 8, vii, 21-23. Aho:Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1907, xl, 74.—Amato (A.) Ueber die Lipoide der Blastomyceten; mikroche- mische und chemische Untersuchungen. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1915, xhi, 689-698—Bellei (G.) & Colllna (M.) Intorno al potere patogeno dei blastomi- ceti (emiaschi). Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1904, 8. s., iv, 418-425.—Bellei (G.) & Ghcrardini (P.) Contributo alio studio della morfologia e del potere patogeno dei blastomiceti (emiaschi). Ibid., 1902, 8. s., il, 501-514, 1 pi. —Bernstein (R.) Zur Frage der Pathogenitat der Blastomyceten beim Menschen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1903, xlix, 456- 460, l pi.—de Beurmann (L.) & Gougerot (H.) Les ex- ascoses, endomycoses et parendomveoses (muguet); saccha- romycoses (mycose de Basse-Buschke) et parasaccharomy- coses; zymonematoscs fmycose do Gilchrist); revision et d^membrement de l'anclen groupe des blastomycoses. Bull. et m^m. Soc. mM. d. hdp. de Par., 1909,3. s., xxviii,222; 250. Aho: Tribune med., Par., 1909; n. s.. xii, 501: 517— Braz- zola (F.) Contributo alio studio dei blastomiceti patogeni. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 189ti-7l 5. s., vi, 303- 310.1 pi.—Cappellanl (S.) Dell' influenza dei blastomiceti sulla virulenza del B. coh. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1904, n. s., xiv, 393-103.---Carpano (M.) Nota su di uno spe- ciale blastomlcete riscontrato nell' apparato respiratorio di uncavallo. Ibid., 1912,n.s.. xxii, 435 450,1 pi.—Casagrandl (O.J Ueber die Morphologie der Blastomyceten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena. 1897, iii, 563; 646; 718. -----. Sull' azione patogena dei blastomiceti. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1899, n. s., lx, 141 155.-----. Sulla penetra- zione e sulla soprawivenza dei blastomiceti nell' organismo. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod.. Catania, 1900, i, 49-51.— Escherich (K.) Ueber das regelmassige Vorkommen von Sprosspilzen in dem Darmepithel eines Kafers. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1900, xx, 350-358.—Fermi (C.) Studio bio logico sid blastomiceti. Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii-C, 572 583.—Franchettl (A.) Ricerche sui blastomiceti patogeni Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. florcnt. 1910, Firenze, 1911, 89-99.— Franchettl (V.) & Cazzanlga (A.) Intorno all' azione patogena dei blastomiceti. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1910, lxiv, 449 494.—Fullerton (A. G. R.) On the pathogenic action of blastomycetes. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1899, vi, 37-03,1 pi. -Malvoz (E.) Sur les proprietes du s6rum des animaux traites par les blastomy- cetes. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etcl, 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 688-093.—Marchlo (G.) Contributo alio studio BLASTOMYCETES. 635 BLASTOMYCOSIS. Blastomycetes. dell' azione patogena dei blastomiceti con speciale riguardo ai corpi f uxina di W. Russel. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1900, x, 127-150, 1 pi.—Nesczadlmenko (M. P ) Zur Pathogenese der Blastomyceten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol.[etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 55-58.—Otis (F. J.) & Evans (N.) The morphology and biology of the parasite from a case of systemic blastomycosis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xii, 1075-1082. Aho: Mod. Med., BattleCreek, Mich., 1903, xii, 241-252.— Ottolenghi (D.) Intorno alia fine struttura dei blastomiceti. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisio- crit. in Siena, 1909, 5. s., i, 429-431.—Pianese (G.) Per fissare e colorare i blastomiceti sulle lastrine dalle culture o dai tessuti. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1902, v, 8 _Poppl (G.) & Bernardl (A. L.) Studiosulla morfologia e sul potere patogeno d'alcuni blastomiceti, che si riscon- trano nell' organismo del bambino. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1905, 8. s., v, 447-167,1 tab.—Sanfellce (F.) Sull' azione patogena dei blastomiceti. Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma, 1896, n. s., vi, 265-292, 2 pi. Aho: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1896-7, xxii, 275-300, 2 pi.-----. Die Morphologie der Blastomyceten im Organismus in Bezug auf die Anti- korper des Blutserums. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena, 1902. xxxii,892-903.-----. Toxinesetantitoxines des blastomycetes pathogenes en rapport avec l'etiologie et le traitement des tumeurs malignes. Rev. mens, de la presse med. ital., Milan, 1909, i, 3-13.—Sangiorgi (G.) Contributo alia conoscenza dei blastomiceti patogen i. Patho- logica, Genova, 1911-12, iv, 138-141. Aho: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1912, 4. s., xviii, 59-65. Aho, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1912, lxiii, Orig., 58-62.—Shlmura (S.) & Okabe (Y.) Blasto- mycetes m the digestive tract of man. Tokyo Igakukai Zasshi, 1917, 45-61. Aho. transl. [Abstr.]: China M. J., 1918, xxxu, 178.—Verity (R.) Contributo alia conoscenza dell' intima struttura dei blastomiceti. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Fhenze, 1912, lxvi, 1-32, 1 pi. Aho: Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. 1912, Firenze, 1913, 13-18.—Weis - (J D ) Four pathogenic torulse (blastomycetes). J. Med. Research, Bost., 1902, vii, 280-311, 4 pi. Aho: Rep. Cancer Com____Harv. M. Sch., Bost., 1902, ii, 48-79, 4 pi—Whit- man (R. C.) A contribution to the botany of the organism of blastomycosis. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1913, xiii, 85-95.— Will (H.) Bemerkungen zu der Mitteilung von Casagrandi: Ueber die Morphologie der Blastomyceten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1898, iv, 367-369.—Wlaefl. Nature des blastomycetes pathogenes. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 766-768.-----. Du role des blasto- mycetes dans l'organisme. Ibid., 1900, lxxv, 147-149. [Dis- cussion], 150. Aho: Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, Sect, d'anat. path., 360-363.-----. Les blastomycetes dans la pathologie humaine. Presse med., Par., 1901, i, 145-152. -----. L'action des differentes humeurs de l'or- ganisme animal sur les blastomycetes. Compt. rend. Soc. ae biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 412. Blastomycosis. See, also, Blastomycetes; Eyelids (Blasto- mycosh of); Skin (Blastomycosis of). Buschke (A.) Die Blastomykose; nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen und eigenen Untersu- chungen dargestellt. fol. Stuttgart, 1902. Colale (N.) Di alcune spirochaetosi e blasto- micosi. 4°. Lanciano, 1909. Harter (A.-G.) *De la blastomycose hu- maine. 8°. Nancy, 1909. de Aeular Pupo (J.) Um caso de blastomycose. Ann. pauhst.de med. e cirug., S. Paulo, 1916, vi ^.-Blanch- ard (R.), Schwartz (E.) & Binot (J.) Sur une blasto- mycose intra-periton^ale. Arch de parasitol., Par 1903, vii 489-507,1 pi. Aho: Bull. Acad, de rued.. Par., 1903,3 s xlix 415-429 —Boucher (H.) Un cas de blastomycose a la Cdte d'lvoire. Bull. Soc. path exot Par 1916, ix 414- 416 -Boughton (T. H.) & Clark (S. N.) A case of blasto- mycosis. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago,. 1914 xiii, 594-598,- Bowen (J. T.) & Wolbach (S. B.) A case of blastomycosis, the results of culture and inoculation experiments. J Med. Research Bost 1906-7, xv, 167-177, 2 pi—Brandwelner & £ren^Demonstration zweier Falle von Blastomykosis Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1,1238.-Brayton(A. W.) Blastomycosis and its congeners.. Indiana M. J , Ladianap. 1906-7, xxv, 472-480. Aho, Reprint.----- Vail on blasto- B -Bri^e (J.) Sur le traitement des blastomycoses. Bull Soc de path, exot., Par., 1916, ix, 73.-Buschke (A ) Ueber menschliche und thiensche Sprosspilzmykosen Biastomvcosis). Arch. f. Dermat.. u. Syph., Wien & Le m ? 1899, xlvii, 261-264.-----. L^ionsblastomvcetiques. Si Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, Lxlv,Ppath. gto.. 44-77.-----. Un dernier examen des cas constates de blastomycose chez l'homme. Ibid.,,77-89.— „_ _ tr\ \ T'in/Upo nnsrvninn tiaIIa infezioni na blastomiceti. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1911, 8. s., xi, 23-29.-Castello Blastomycosis. (V. P.) Exascosis (blastomycosis). Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1914, xxi, 87-102, 7 pi.—Conor (A.) & Bruch (A.) Un cas de blastomycose humaine observe en Tunisie. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1911, iv, 366-368.— Cralk (R.) Blastomycosis. Brit. ML. 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The wax glands of the cockroach (Blatta germanica). J. Morphol., Phila., 1918, xxxi, 563-581.—HaUer (B.) Ueber die Oceflen von Peri- planeta orientalis. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 255-262.— Hallez (P.) Sur les cristaux de la blatte. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlviii, 317.—Harrison (Ruth M.) Preliminary account of a new organ in Periplaneta orientalis. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1906-7,1, 377-382,1 pi.—Howarth (E.) The destruction of cockroaches, Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1192.—Javelly (E.) Les corps bacteroi'des de la blatte (Pe- riplaneta orientalis) n'ont pas encore etc cultives. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1914, lxxvii, 413.—Kulvets(K. V.) [Structure of the thoracic portion of the blood and lymphatic systems in Blatta.] Varshav. univ. izviest., 1900, No. ih, pt. 8, 1-15,1 pi.—Mencl (E.) Eine Bemerkung zur Organi- sation der Periplaneta-Symbionten. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1907, x, 188-198.— Mercier (l..) Les corps bactero'ides de la blatte (Periplaneta orientalis): Bacillus cuenoti (n. sp. L. Mercier). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 682- 684.-----. Un organisme a forme levure, parasite de la blatte (Periplaneta orientalis L.); levure et nosema. Ibid., lx, 1081-1083— Mlchalskl (W.) [Action of certain alkaloids on oriental cockroaches.] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. umiej. 1905, Krak6w, 1906, 3. s., v, B, 356-388.— Mor- rell (C. C.) The bacteriology of thacockroach. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1911, ii, 1531.—Shipley (A. E.) Cockroaches. Ibid., 1914, ii, 1007-1009.—Walter (E. V.) Experiments on cock- roach control. J. Econom. Entomol., Concord, N. H., 1918, xi, 424-429.—Wesche (W.) The male genitaha of the cock- roach, Periplaneta orientalis, Linn., and their homology with the genitalia in Diptera. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond., 1907-8, 2. S., x, 235-242, 2 pi. Blatter (Pierre) [1868- ]. *Recherches ex- perimentales sur les alterations cellulaires des glandes gastriques (phosphore et bicarbonate de soude). 108 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Baris, 1909, No. 414. ------. The same. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1909. Blattidse. Mangan (J.) On the mouth-parts of some Blattidae. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl., 1908, xxvu, 1-10,3 pi. Blattner (Carl). *Ueber die neueren Resultate der Diphtherie-Behandlung der chirurgischen Klinik in Zurich mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Serumtherapie. [Zurich.] 88 pp., 4 diag. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1898. Blattner (Eugen) [1876- ]. *Ueber ein neues Hautphanomen bei Sauglingen. 20 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1907. Blattner (Fritz). *Zur Lehre von der aus- gedehnten Thrombose der Aorta. 45 pp. 8°. Basel, Kreis dc Co., 1910. Blau (Albert) [1873- ]. *Ein Fall von Myo- sarcoma striocellulare renis. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., M. Liedike, 1898. Blau (Heinrich). *Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Saponine. 104 pp. 8°. Zurich, A. Markwalder, 1911. Blau (Louis) [1848- ]. Die Erkrankungen des Gehororganes bei Masern und bei Influenza. 70 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1898. Khn. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol., Jena, 1898, ii, 14. Hft. ------. Bericht uber die neueren Leistungen in der Ohrenheilkunde. 5 v. 1897-1904. 12°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1902-6. See, also, Jacobson (Louis) & Blau (Louis) [in 2. s.]. Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Blaud (Pierre) [1774-1858]. R. (L.) Le docteur Pierre Blaud. Chron. med., Par., 1914, xxi, 316-318. Blaud's pills. See, also, Iron [and compounds]. Furst (L.) Zum 75. Jubilaum der Blaudschen Pillen; eine historisch-kritische Betrachtung. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1906, xxiv, 639-642—Humphrey (J.) The origin of Blaud's pills. Blaud's pills. Pharm. J., Lond., 1903, 4. s., xvi, 043 — Serger (H.) Ueber Pilulae ferri carbonici Blaudii. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1909, xix, 128-132. Blauel (Carl). *Ueber das Reiskorperhygrom der Bursa subdeltoidea. 14 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H Laupp, 1898. Blaufus (Otto) [1875- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la fibrinurie. 3 p. 1., ii, 3-51 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 38. Blaumeyer (Karl) [1877- ]. *Ueber die Aetiologie des Scorbuts. 28 pp. 8°. Strass- burg, C.Miih dc Co., 1904. Blavot (Emile) [1875- ]. *Traitement des memngites cerebro-spinales; bains chauds et Sonction lombaire. 74 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, \o. 184. Blaxall (Francis Henry) [ -1904]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 106. A ho: Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 63. Blayac (Henri). *Du traitement du lupus par l'extirpation. viii, 57 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 81. Blaydes (F. H. Marvell). Persistence (The) of a myth. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 941. Blaze-currents. Durig (A.) A contribution to the question of blaze- currents. Proc Roy. Soc Lond., 1902-3, lxxi, 212-219.— Waller (A. D.) On the blaze-currents of the incubated hen's egg. Ibid., 184-193—Waller (A. D.) & Waller (A. M.) On the blaze-currents of the crystalhne lens. Ibid., 194-211. Blazejczyk (Thomas) [1869- ]. *Ein Fall von Graviditat bei doppeltseitiger Zerstorung der Ovarien durch Kystome. 31 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1898. Blazy (Douste). *De la forme renale de l'ictere grave. 55 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 11. Blazy (Joseph-Celestin) [1886- ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude des fractures du carpe (pathogenie). 50 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1910, No. 37. Blazy (P[ierre-Thomas-Joseph])[ 1866- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude des tumeurs malignes et primitives de la cloison nasale. 88 pp. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 449. Bleaching powder. See, also, Calcium (Chlorides of). Rettle (T), Smith (J. L.) & Ritchie (J.) A special bleaching powder for use in hot countries. J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond., 1918, xxxvu, Trans., 311. Blease (Walter Lyon) [1884- ]. See Berry (James), Berry (Frances May Dickinson) & Blease (Walter Lyon). The story of a Red Cross unit [etc.]. 8°. London, 1916. Blech (Gustavus M.) [1870- ]. Practical sug- gestions in borderland surgery; for the use of students and practitioners. 219 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Brofessional Bub. Co., 1910. See, aho, Bier (August Karl Gustav). Hyperemia [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1905. Blecher (Rachil) [1884- ]. *Ueber die Bedeu- tung der Rontgenstrahlen fiir die Behandlung der Hautkrebse. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1912. Blechmann (Germain) [1883- 1 *Les epanche- ments du pericarde; etude chnique et therapeu- tique; la ponction epigastrique de Marfan. 4 p. 1., 359 pp. 8°. Baris, 1913, No. 172. Blechschmidt (Eugen R.) *Ueber einen Fall von Lebercirrhose mit Milztumor in jugendli- chem Alter. 44 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1901. Bleckmann (Felix Friedrich) [1875- ]. *Ueber primaren Echinococcus der Pleura. 43 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, B. Beters, 1901. BLECKWENN. 638 BLEPHAROSYNECHIA. Bleckwenn (Ludwig [Georg]) [1878- ]. *Zwei seltene Herz verletzungen. [Gottingen.] 35 pp. 8°. Hannover, Schliiter'sche Buchdr., 1908. de Blecourt (J. J.) Fiinflingsgeburten. Ein Fall von Fiinflingsgeburt. Nebst einer Beschrei- bung des Praparats, und einer Casuistik und analytischer Uebersicht von 27 Fiillen von Fiinflingsgeburt, hrsg. von G. C. Nijhoff. 74 pp., 12 pi.. 1 1. 4°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1904. German and Dutch text. Bled (Henri) [1873- ]. *Les operations sur le sympathique dans la maladie de Basedow. 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1898, Xo. 41. Bleecker (Edward) [1844-99]. Obituary. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lvi, 714. Bleek (Theodor Friedrich) [1883- ]. *Ueber renale Massenblutungen. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der einseitigen Nephritis. [Bonn.] 50 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1908. Bleeker (P[ieter]) [1819-78]. Verslag van het Koninklijk Zoologisch-botanisch Genootschap van Akklimatatie. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. 's Graven- hage, J. A. de la Vieter, 1868. de Blegny (Nicolas) [1652-1722]. Observations curieuses et nouvelles sur l'art de guerir la maladie venerienne, ou grosse v6role, et les accidens qu'elle produit dans tous ses degrez, expliquez par les principes de la nature et des mechaniques, avec les mouvemens, les actions et les effets du mercure, et de ses autres remedes. 10 p. 1., 366 pp., 3 1. 24°. Baris, 1674. -------. Monathche neueroffnete Anmerckungen iiber alle Theile der Artzney-Kunst, zusam- mengebraeht im Jahr 1679. Allen der Leib und Wundartzney Zugethanen und Liebhabern zu sonderbahren Gefallen aus dem Frantzosischen ins Teutsche ubersetzet durch J. L. M. C. 4 Th. 12°. Hamburg, G. Schultz, 1680. Bleher (Hans Hermann) [1885- ]. Unter- suchungen iiber den Darm der Wasserassel. 53 pp. 8°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1912. Bleibtreu (Joannes Guilielmus). *Diss. sistens fceminam febre quartana liberatam. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Ghsse Hassorum, J. B. Vulpius, 1707. Bleicher (Camille) [1864- ]. *De la sophisti- cation des tissus et lainages de tourbe et de pin. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon. 1897, No. 91. Bleichmann (M.) *Ueber Herzverlet7Aingen (Abbinden des Ilerzohres bei Verletzungen). 35 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Beinhardt, 1908. BleichrSder (Fritz) [1875- ]. *Ein Fall von Tetanus traumaticus, behandelt mit Injectionen von Hirnemulsion. 23 pp. 8°. Kiel, II. Fincke, 1900. Blencke (Afugust]). Die balneologische Behand- lung der Skrophulose. 39 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1899. Forms 2. Hft., v. 2, of: Arch. d. Balneoth. u. Hydroth. ------. Orthopadische Sonderturnkurse; Entste- hungsgeschichte der Kurse, ihre zweckmassige Einriehtung und ihr Wert bei der Behandlung der Wirbelsaulenverkrummungen. 4 p. 1., 260 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1913. See, aho, Leitfaden des Rontgenverfahrens [etc.]. 8". Leipzig, 1908.—Orthopadische (Die) Literatur [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1905. Blendinger (Rudolf). *Chondroide Geschwulst aus der (legend der Glandula submaxillaris. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Wurzburg, 1900. Blendinger (Wilhelm Karl) [1878- ]. - *Das < "rihrum der Saugetiere. [Erlangen.] 28 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Repr.from: Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1904, xxxii. Bleneau (Adele). The nurse's story, in which reality meets romance. 5 p. 1., 260 pp., front. 8°. Lndianapolh, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., [1915]. Blenniida?. Gultel (F.) Observations sur les mceurs de trois blenniides Clinus argentatus, Blennius montagui et Blennius sphynx. Arch, de zool. exp6r. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.), Par., 1893, 3. s., i, 324-384.-----. Description des orifices senito-urinaires dequelque Blennius. Ibid.. 611-658, 2 pi.— Mcintosh (\V. C.) On the life-history of tne shanny (Blennius pholis L.). Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1905, lxxxii, 368-378, 1 pi. Blennorrhagia. See Gonorrhoea. Blennostasine in the treatment of coryza, hay fever and all forms of catarrhal hypersecretion. 16 pp. sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Blepharida. Levvln (L.) Blepharida evanida, ein neuer Pfeilgiftkiifer. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1912-13, lxix, 59-66, 1 pi. Blepharisma. Calkins (G. N.) The psedogamous conjugation of Ble- pharisma undulans St. J. Morphol., Phda., 1912, xxhi, 667- 687, 2 pi. Aho [Abstr.]: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1912, n. s., xxv, 469.—Walters (Florence A.) Size relation- ships between eonjugants and non-conjugants in Blepha- risma undulans. Biol. Bull., Wood's Holl, Mass., 1912-13, xxih, 195-200, 2 pi. Blepharitis. Sec Eyelids (Inflammation of). Blepharochalasis. Bresson (P.) *Le blepharochalasis. 8°. Lyon 1913. Bednarskl (A.) [Atony of the tarsi of the eyelids, with subsequent entropion.) Lw6w. tygodn. lek., 1909, iv, 597.— Jenlson(Nancv). Blepharochalasis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, cii, 555. Aho, Reprint.—Loeser(L.) Ueber Blepharo- chalasis und ihre Beziehung zu verwandten Krankheits- blldern, nebst Mitt heilung eines Falles von Blepharochalasis mit Spontan-Luvition der Thranendruse. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., I'.mn, lxi, '252-201.—Stleren (E.) Blepha- rochalasis; report >>i iwo cases. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1914, xxiii, 625-ivi2. Weidler (W. B.) Blepharochalasis, report of two cases with the microscopic examination. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1 lis 1133. Also: Papers Sect. Ophth. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, 213-232. Blepharoplasts. Ikcno (S.) Blepharoplasten im Prlanzenreich. Biol Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiv, 211-221. Blepharoplasty. See Eyelids (Surgery of). Blepharoptosis. N<<- Eyelids (J'aralysis of). Blepharospasm. See Eyelids (Spasm of). Blepharosynechia. Sec Eyelids (Adhacnt). Bleichsteiner (Anton) [ -1906]. Nekrolog. Oesterr.-ungar. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien, 1907, v, 81-83. Bleirad (Henri). *Etiologie et pronostic des hemorragies rt'tiniennes. 132 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 71. Bleisch (Joh. Geort,M [1871- ]. *Casuistisches iiber Carcinoma penis unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der dahei auflretondcn Stauungser- scheinungen in den Harnwegen. 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1897. Bleisch (Karl Eduard Max) [1883- ]. *Die I Geburten bei engem Bccken in den Jahren I 1908-9 bis 1910-11. 86 pp. 8°. Breslau, Bresl. \ Genossensch.-Buchdr., 1911. BleivergiftunKen in hiittenmannischen und | gewerblichen Betricben. I'rsiichen und Be- kampfung. Teil I—III. fol. Wien, A. Holder, 1905-6. BLERSCH. 639 BLIXD. Blersch (Albert) [1885- ]. *Bericht iiber die Wirksamkeit der Universitats-Augenklinik zu Tubingen in den Jahren 1909 und 1910. 21 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Fietzcker, 1911. Bles (Ch.) Rontgen-atlas. 4°. Amsterdam, F. van Bossen, 1909-12. Biesius (Joh. Baptist) [1883- ]. *Ueber Fremdkorper in den Nasennebenhohlen. 67 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Ehele, 1910. Blessing (Georg). Das zahnarztliche Physikum; Repetitorium fiir Studierende. viii, 189 pp. [interleaved]. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 1911. ------. Pyorrhoea alveolaris; eine aetiologiseh- klinische und therapeutische Studie. 68 pp., lpl. 8°. Beipzig, Byksche Buchhandl., 1911. Forms 5. Hft. of: Sammlung von Vortragen aus dem Ge- biete der Zahnheilkunde, hrsgb. von W. Pfafl. ------. Zur Bakteriologie und antibakteriellen Therapie der Pyorrhoea alveolaris. 42 pp., lpl. 8°. Leipzig, Byksche Buchhandl., 1911. Forms 6. Hft. of: Sammlung von Vortxagen aus dem Ge- biete der Zahnheilkunde, hrsgb. von W. Pfafl. ------. Das zahnarztliche Staatsexamen. Repe- titorium fiir Studierende. xi, 363 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1912. Biett (C.) Die doppelte Buchfuhrung in verein- fachter Form fiir Apotheker. 2. Aufl. 34 pp., 31. 12°. Magdeburg, Faber, 1901. Bieuler ([Paul] Eugen) [1857- ]. Affektivitat, Suggestibilitiit, Paranoia. 144 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1906. —:---. Onbewuste gemeenheeden. 54 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Craft dc Co., [1907?]. ------. Dementia prsecox oder Gruppe der Schizo- phrenien. xii, 420 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Beuticke, 1911. Handbuch der Psychiatrie hrsgb. von G. Aschaflenburg, spez. Teil, 4. Abt., 1. Hlfte. ------. The theory of schizophrenic negativism. Transl. by Wm. A. White. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. New York, J. Nerv. dc Ment. Bis. Bub. Co., 1912. ------. Die Notwendigkeit eines medizinisch- psychologischen Unterrichts. 25 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, A. Barth. 1914. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1914, n. F., No. 701 (Inn. Med., No. 234). Also, Editor of: Jahrbuch fiir psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen, Leipzig, 1909-13. Bleuze (Paul-Auguste-Jules-Joseph) [1876- ]. *L'hysterectomie est-elle indiquee dans le traitement de l'infection puerperale aigue? 102 pp., 11. 8°. Lille, 1902, No. 80. Bley (Josef) [1882- ]. *Beitrag zur Lehre der Retroflexio uteri gravidi incarcerata. [Giessen.] 34 pp., 11. 8°. Mannheim, II. Haas, 1908. Bley (Karl) [1887- ]. *Coxa vara. [Kiel.] 1 p. 1., 53 pp., 11. 8°. Bortmund, Bensing, 1913. Bleyer '(Benno) [1885- ]. *Ueber das Atom- gewicht des Vanadins. 44 pp. 8°. Munchen, L. Baeck dc Co., 1911. Bleyer (Julius Mount) [1859-1915]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxiv, 1342. Bleynie (Gabriel) [1883- .] *De l'avenir des femmes nephrectomisees qui deviennent en- ceintes. 64 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, No. 440. Bleynie (Pierre) [1875- ]. *Etude sur les diametres cephaliques des nouveau-nes. 62 pp. 8°. Barh, 1899, No. 605. , . Bleyweiss (Joannes). *De hirudine medicinali. 55 pp., 2 1. 8°. Vindobonse, 1832. Biezinger (Ottmar) [1882- ]. *Klinische Beobachtungen iiber lokale Asphyxie mit be- sonderer Berucksichtigung der Knochenver- anderungen. 20 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Tubingen, F. Fietzcker, 1907. de Blieck (Levinus). *Untersuchungen iiber das Wesen und die Aetiologie der Flecknieren (Nephritis fibroplastica) der Kiilber. [Bern.] 54 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1906. Bliefz (Alfred Arthur) [1876- ]. * Ueber opera- tive Sterilisierung der Frau bei Prolaps-Behand- lung im Anschluss an die Alexander-Adams- Operation. 56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, Bligh (John) [1840-1913]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1913, i, 642. Bligh (John [Alexander] Murray). See Bichet (Charles). Anaphylaxis [etc.]. 8°. Liverpool, Blighia sapida. Connal (AT) & Ralston (W.) Some experiments with the fruit of Blighia sapida in Nigeria. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1918, xxi, 81-84. Fan Blijenburgh (W. P. Hubert). Het Zweed- sche stelsel van gymnastiek uit het oogpunt van lichamelijke vorming beschouwd, onder an- dere in vergelijking met het Duitsche stelsel. 188 pp. 8°. Botterdam, W. B. dc J. Brusse, 1910. B!in (Emmery) [1863- _ ] & Vigouroux (A.) L'alcoolisme et l'organisme; effets toxiques de l'alcool sur les differents tissus du corps, broad- side fol. Barh, Bufrenoy, [1902]. BIin_ (Georges) [1881- ]. *Etude des manifes- tations oculaires de la demence precoce et con- siderations sur la pathogenie de cette maladie. 241 pp. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 318. ------. The same. La demence precoce. Mani- festations oculaires. Considerations sur la patho- genie. 241 pp. 12°. Barh, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1905. ------. Fiche psycho-physiologique. 2 1. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Blin (Paul-Alexis-Jules). Contribution a l'etude de la chirurgie conservatrice dans les grands traumatismes des membres. 50 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 436. Blind. See, also, Blindness. Cabanes& Coulomb (R.) Lesborgnescelebres. Chron. meU, Par., 1914, xxi, 323; 355; 387— Keller (W. S.) The incurable blind. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1909, ci, 169-173.— Lewis (F. P.) The blind child. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1916, xvi, 23-27.—Loeb (C.) The marriage of the blind from the standpoint of a physician. St. Louis M. Rev., 1909, lviii, 6-19.— Nass (L.) Aveugles. Corresp. med.. Par., 1913, xx, fasc. 428, 6-11.—Prochet (P. R.) I ciechi e la civilta. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1906, ii, No. 4, 1-10.—True (H ) Conditions generates et capacity des aveugles. Mont- pel med., 1910, xxxi, 361; 385.— Vail (D. T.) Concerning the blind. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1911, cv, 211-213. Blind (Asylums and institutions for the). California. California Institution for the Education ofthe Beaf and Bumb, and the Blind, at Berkeley. Annual and biennial reports of the board of directors and principal to the governor of the State. 1.-23., 1860-61 to 1897-8. 8°. San Franchco and Sacramento, 1867-99. Campbell (C. F. F.) & Campbell (M. D.) Institutions for the blind in America; a direc- tory of the work for the blind in the United States and Canada, comp. in 1916. 8°. [Chicago, 1916?] Gunning (W. M.) Sind die Blinden-Anstal- ten unbedingt zu empfehlen? Sollen die Blinden-Anstalten uberhaupt Wohlthatigkeits- Anstaltensein? 8°. [Biiren,n.d.] Illinois. Illinois Institution for the Educa- tion of the Blind, at Jacksonville. Biennial re- ports of the trustees, superintendent and treas- urer to the governor of the State. 1854-5 to 1897-8. 8°. Springfield, 1855-98. BLIND. 640 BLIND. Blind (Asylums and institutions for the). Indiana. Indiana Institution for the Educa- tion of the Blind, Indianapolis. Annual reports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 1861-72 to 1897-8. 8°. Indian- apolis, 1872-98. Iowa. College for the Blind, at Vinton. Bi- ennial reports of the trustees and principal to the governor of the State. 1854-79. 8°. Iowa City dc Bes Moines, 1854-79. Kansas. Kansas Institution for the Educa- tion of the Blind, at Kansas City. Biennial re- ports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 10., 1894-5 to 1895-6; 13., 1900-1901 to 1901-2. 8°. Topeka, 1896-1902. Kentucky. Kentucky Institution for the Ed- ucation of the Blind, at Louisville. Annual re- ports of the board of visitors and superintendent to the governor of the State. 1842 to 1897-8. 8°. Frankfort, 1842-1898. Kindergarten for the Blind, Boston, Massa- chusetts. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation. 1.-16., 1886-7 to 1901-2. 8°. Boston, 1888-1903; Kunz (M.) Geschichte der Blindenanstalt zu Illzach-Mulhausen i. E. wahrend der ersten funfzig Jahre ihrer Tatigkeit, ferner deutsche, franzosische und italienische Kongress vortrage und Abhandlungen iiber das Blindenwesen. 1856-1906. fol. Leipzig, 1907. Louisiana. Louisiana Lnstitution for Educa- tion of the Blind and the Lndustrial Home of the Blind, at Baton Bouge. Biennial reports of the officers and trustees to the general assembly. 1874-5 to 1897-8. 8°. Baton Bouge, 1875-98. Maryland. Maryland School for the Blind, Baltimore. Annual reports of the board of direc- tors and superintendent to the general assem- bly. 5., 1861-5; 10., 1871-2; 12., 1873-1; 13., 1874-5; 16.-39., 1877-8 to 1904-5; 1912-13. 8°. Baltimore, 1866-1913. Michigan. Michigan School for the Blind, at Lansing. Biennial reports of the board of con- trol and superintendent to the governor of the State. 1.-2., 1880-81 to 1883-1; 4.-5., 1886-7 to 1889-90; 7., 1892-3 and 1893-1; 9.-10., 1896-7 to 1905-6. 8°. Lansing, 1882-1906. Mississippi. Institute for the Blind of the State of Mhshsippi, at Meridian. Biennial report of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State, for the years 1894-5. 8°. Jackson, 1896. N ebraska. Nebraska Institution for the Blind, Nebraska City. Biennial reports of the board of trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 1877-8 to 1897-8. 8°. Lincoln, 1878-98. New York (State). New York State School for the Blind, at Batavia. Annual reports of the managers and superintendent to the legislature. 1868-9 to 1905-6. 8°. Albany 1869-1906. Hew Youk (State). New lork Institution for the Blind, New York City. Annual reports of the managers and principal to the legislature. 35., 1870; 40., 1874-5; 42.-70., 1876-7 to 1907-9. 8°. New York dc Albany, 1870-1909. _ Ohio. State School for the Blind, Columbus. Annual reports of the board of trustees and offi- cers to the governor of the State. 1.-44., 1837 to 1879-80; 47.-49., 1882-3 to 1881-5; 53.-66., 1888-9 to 1906-7. 8°. Columbus, 1838-1907. Ontario. Ontario Institution for the Educa- tion of the Blind, Brantford. Annual reports of the officers to the Inspector of Public Institu- Blind (Asylums and institutions for the). tions. 8., 1878-9; 22., 1892-3; 29., 1899-1900; 32., 1902-3. 8°. Toronto, 1880-1904. Oregon. Oregon Institute for the Blind, Salem. Biennial reports of the superintendent to the State Board of Education. 7.-10., 1889-96; 12., 1899-1900. 8°. Salem, 1891-1901. Pennsylvania. Industrial Home for Blind Women, Bhiladelphia. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the corporation. 1869-70 to 1906-7. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1870-1907. ------. Charter and by-laws. 1899. 24°. [Bhiladelphia, 1899.1 Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruc- tion of the Blind, Philadelphia. Annual re- ports of the managers to the corporators, com- missioners of public charities, and the legisla- ture, l.-l., 1833-1 to 1836-7; 6.-8., 1838-9 to 1840-41; 10. -67., 1842-3 to 1899-1900; 1904. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1834-1904. Pennsylvania Working Home for Blind Men, West Philadelphia. Annual and biennial reports of the managers and officers to the pa- trons, members and the public. 1.-25., 1874- 1902; 1903-^1 to 1907-8. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1875- 1908. Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, South Boston. Annual reports of the trustees to the corporation, and to the legis- lature. 1.-72., 1832 to 1902-3; 1905-17. 8°. Boston, 1833-1917. Royal Blind Asylum and School, Edin- burgh. Annual reports of the directors to the contributors. 2., 1794-5; 65., 1857-8; 68., 1860- 61; 82.-90., 1874-5 to 1882-3; 93., 1885-6; 94., 1886-7; 96., 1888-9; 103.-115., 1895-6 to 1907-8. 8°. Edinburgh, 1795-1908. Royal Normal College and Academv of Music for the Blind, Upper Norwood, London, S. E. Annual reports of the executive committee and principal to the general council. 33.-39.. 1893-9; 41.-46., 1901-6; 1915. 8°. Upper Norwood, 1894- 1915. Tennessee. Tennessee School for the Blind, Nashville. Biennial reports of the trustees and superintendent to the general assembly. 2., 1845-6 and 1S46-7; 5., 1851-2 and 1852-3; 7-9., 1855-6 to 1860-61; 13.-18., 18H7-8 to 1878; 21.- 28., 1883-1 to 1908-9. 8°. NashriUc, 1847-1909. ------.. History and prospectus. By J. V. Armstrong, supt. With an introduction on behalf of the board of trustees, by H. Justi. 8°. Nashville, 1898. Texas. Texas Institution for the Blind, at Austin. Annual reports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 24., 1880-81; 29., 1885-6; 30., 1886-7; 33., 1889- 90; 35.-12., 1891-2 to 1898-9; 1900-1901 to 1904-5. 8°. Austin, 1882-1905. Western Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind, Pittsburgh. Annual reports of the direc- tors and officers to the corporators. 3.-12., 1889-90 to 1898-9. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1890-99. Allen (R. E.) Eindrueke von Blindeninstituten in Deutsihland una Oesierreich. Eos,Wien, 1911,vh, 19--M.— Buttner. Leben und SchaiTen in einer Blinden-Anstalt. Blindenfreund, Diiren, 1896 xvi, 33; 49; 65: 81; 129; 161:1897, xvii, 1-8.—Coutlnho (Stile.) La premiere institution d'aveugles et de sourds-muets en Portugal. Cong, internat. p. l'amolior. . . . d. aveucles, Par., 1900, 239-242.—Institu- tions (Des) d'avoii'„'li>sen Espai;iie. Instituteurd.aveugles. Par., 1nV> 6, i, 61 72. —MrCuiie (T. F.) Organization and early history of the Iowa lollem for the Blind. Bull. Iowa Inst., Dos Moines, umo, ii, l.f>:( 167, 5 pi. ■-----. Advantages to tho commonwealth of the College for the Blind. Ibid., 1901, iii, 105-113.—Meeker. Denkschrift betreilond Griin- dung eines Blindenasyls. Blindenfreund, Diiren, J897, BLIND. 641 BLIND. Blind (Asylums and institutions for the). xvii, 33-42.—Memor. Statistik der spezialpadagogischen Anstalten Ungarns am Ende des Jahres 1909. Eos, Wien 1911, vii 17-19.—Moitrler (L.) Obligation pour l'adminis- tration dc se servir dans les etabljssements d'aveugles Rev phllanthrop., Par., 1910, xxvii, 676-683.— Ontario Institu- tion for the Education of the Blind. Canad. J M & S Toronto, 1898, iii, 25-31.—Red Cross (The) Institute for the Bhnd. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1918, xii, 37-41—Slgand (J.) Institut imperial des jeunes aveugles de Rio-de-Janeiro Instituteur d. aveugles, Par., 1855-6, l, 151-155. Blind (Books and types for). American Printing House for the Elind, at Louisville. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the general assembly of Kentucky, and to the governors of the States of the Union [etc.]. 14., 1881; 16-26., 1883 to 1893^1; 28.-30., 1895-6 to 1897-8; 32., 1899-1900; 34-36., 1901-2 to 1903-4. 8°. Louisville, 1882-1904. ------. List of publications of the . . . Order list. Compiled to May 1, 1903. 8°. Louh- Neu erfundene Blindenschrift, C. Asmis. 8°. Charlottenburg, ville, 1903. Moon (W.) erliiutert von 1861. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatives. A bill to promote the circulation of reading matter among the blind. 57. Cong., 1 sess. H. R. 5778. Dec. 10, 1901. Introd. by Mr. Dayton, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1901.] Cantonnet (A.) Typhlographie en caracteres usuels; procede fort simple de correspondance entre l'aveugle et le voyant. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1916-17, xxxv, 605-617.-----. Ecriture d'aveugles en caracteres usuels. Chn. opht., Par 1917, xxu, 140-144.—Claxton (G. E.) The Braille system for the blind. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvii, 93.— Gillls (M. R.) The work of a circulating library for the blind, as illustrated by the California State Library. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. Blind, Berkeley, Cal., 1915, xxii, 17-19.— Herz (M.) Vorfuhrung einer Methode zur Herstellung einer druckfahigen Klangschrift fur Schlechtsehende und Blinde. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 665.-----. Eine druckfahige Klangschrift fur Schwachsichtige und Blinde. Ibid., 676-678. -----. Ueber Blindenschrift. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, Uv, 422. -----. Die Klangschrift und andere Neuheiten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 288. Aho: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 187; 1108.— Holmes (C. W.), Fowler (E. H.) [et al]. Report ofthe uni- form type committee. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1913-14, vii, 3-48.—J aval. Cartes, plans et croquis pour les aveugles. 2°. La suppleance de la vue par les autres sens. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlvh, 433-440.—Kindlmann (J.) Kompromissschrift zwischen Blinden und Sehenden. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1917, xxx, 1345.—Lambert (C.) Methode d'6criture et de lecture facilement accessible aux aveugles et aux voyants, mais specialement utilisable par les aveugles mutiles prives de leurs mains ou avant-bras, grace a un appareil eiectrique de lecture automatique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1917, clxiv, 744-746—McCune (T. F.) Books, printing and libraries for the blind. Bull. Iowa Inst., Dubuque, 1900, ii, 60-69.—Monnier. Systeme Braille. Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, Par., 1900, 223- 227.—Moon (R. C.) The education of the bhnd, with espe- cial reference to the use of the Moon alphabet. Am. Ophth., St. Louis, 1904, xiii,754-765.—Nordhelm(A.) EineZentral- Leihbibliothek fur Blinde. Krankenpflege, Berl., 1903, ii, 943-946.—Reina (F.) Proposta di sempliflcazione e abbre- viazione elementare della scrittura in rilievo Braille. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1915, xi, 11-26.—Schelenz (H.) Blinden- schrift. Arch. f. d. Gesch. d. Naturw. [etc.], Leipz., 1910- 11, iii, 237.—Skralnka (P.) Louis Braille and the intellec- tual achievements of the bund. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1909, xxvi, 131-142. Blind (Education and training of). See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., for); Blind (Books and types for); Blind (Occupations for); Blindness in soldiers. Anagnos (M.) The education of the blind in the United States of America; its principles, de- velopment and results. 8°. Boston, 1904. Dejault (R.-L.-M.) *Etat actuel de l'educa- tion et de 1'instruction des aveugles. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1911. Friedlander (J. R.) An address to the pubhc, at the first exhibition of the pupils of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1833. Blind (Education and training of). :-----• Observations on the instruction of bhnd persons m a letter to Roberts Yaux, Johu Vaughan and Robert Walsh, esquires 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1833. Knie (J. G.) Anleitung zur zweckmassigen Behandlung blinder Kinder, fiir deren erste Ju- gendbildung und Erziehung. 12°. Breslau, 1837. Robin (F.-R.-F.-P.) *De la sourdi-cecite et des moyens employes pour communiquer. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902. Sturgis (Dinah). The kindergarten for the bhnd. 8°. [n. p., 1895.] Repr.from: N. Eng. Mag., Bost., 1895, Dec. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatives. A bill to provide for the education of the bhnd and for other purposes. 56. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 4347. Dec. 15, 1899. Introd. by Mr. Curtis, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1899.] ------. A bill to provide for the education of the bhnd. 57. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 18. Dec. 2,1901. Introd. by Mr. Boutell. roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1901.] United States. Senate. A bill to provide for the education of the blind, and for other pur- poses. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. 3542. March 12, 1900. Introd. by Mr. Mason, roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1900.] Armani (T.) Unita nei processi didattici. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1913, ix, 3; 65.—Baker (E. A.) Rehabilita- tion of the blind. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1919, cix, 659.— Boyer (F.) Organisation de 1'instruction et de 1'assistance des aveugles. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1910, xxvi, 509-513.— Burritt(O.H.) The education ofthe blind. Ophthalmol., Seattle, 1913, ix, 514-520. Aho: Outlook for Bhnd, Bost., 1913-14, vii, 1-12.—Campbell (C. F.) Spontaneous recrea- tion and industrial training for the blind. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char., [n. p.], 1904, xxxi, 419-421.—Campbell (I. F.) An investigation of the blind department of the Chicago public school system. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1904, xhi, 458^M>4.— Cantonnet (A.) Procede fort simple de correspondance entre l'aveugle et le voyant (typhlographie en caracteres usuels). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., lxxvii, 453-458. -----. Typhlographie en caracteres usuels. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 241-243.—Carman (Ade- laide M.) Musical training or the blind. Outlook for Bhnd, Bost., 1918, xh, 54.—Cassien. Faut-il Conner 1'ensei- gnement et l'education des enfants aveugles a des maitres aveugles? En cas d'arhrmative, dans quelle mesure doit-on le faire? Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, Par., 1900, 90-96.—Charles (J. W.) & Lamb (H. D.) The need for more thorough examination into the family history and more exhaustive search for disease in applicants for admis- sion to schools for the bhnd. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1917, xiv, 430.—Conn (H.) Ueber Schreibunterlagen fur Blindgewordene und Schwachsichtige. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1894, xviu, 22.5-227. -----. Schreibbretter fiir Blindgewordene und Schwachsichtige. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1901, Bresl., 1902, lxxix, med. Sect., 171-174.—Couetoux (L.) Les aveugles et l'ortographie. Chron. med., Par., 1897, hi, 361-363.—Curtis (J. B.) Education ofthe blind in the Chicago pubhc schools. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1907, i, 35-37.—Delarue (G.) Dans quelle mesure et par quels moyens l'ecole primaire des clairvoyants peut-elle servir au developpement intellectuel de l'enfant aveugle. Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, Par., 1900, 182-185.—Drummond (W. B.) On the early training of blind children. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1899, vh, 533-538.—Hamilton (C. A.) The higher education of the blind with reference to the direction of practical effort. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. Blind.. Bost., [Little Rock, Ark.], 1910 25-29.—Irwin (R. B.) The recognition and training of blind feeble-minded children. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1915-16, ix, 29-32.—Javal. La reglette a touches pour l'ecriture de 1'aveugle. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlviii, 382-384.—Kull (G.) Die geschichth- che Entwicklung der Blindenbildung und Blindenfursorge im Kanton Zurich und der Einfluss auf andere Kantone der Schweiz. Eos, Wien, 1910, vi, 22; 108; 164.—McAloney (T. S.) The new education and its relation to and influence upon the education of the bhnd. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1918, xh, 43-49.— Manning (Maud L.) Uses and advan- tages of music study in schools for the blind. Bull. Iowa Inst., Des Moines, 1903, v, 203-208—Martuscelli. [Istru- zione dei ciechi.] Atti d. Cong. ital. p. l'educaz. fis. 1900, Napoli, 1902, 209-215.—Mascar6 (A.) Enseignement des aveugles et des sujets k vue anormale. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 11, 398-400.—Oliphant (G. F.) The education of the young blind in institutions 96808°—Vol. II. 3d series—19- 41 BLIND. 642 BLIND. Blind (Education and training of). versus in schools with the seeing; the advantages and dis- advantages of each. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. Blind, Bost., [Little Rock, Ark.], 1910, 31-37.—Ostroumoff (V.) [A new apparatus for penmanship of the bhnd and those with weak vision.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1910, xvu, 830.—Pearce (F. S.) A study of the bhnd; an analysis of one hundred and eighty pupils at the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1897, 3. s., xix, 218-235. Also: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1898, vii, 167- 180.—Pearson (Arthur). No blind people, but only normal people who cannot see. Lancet, Lond., 1918, ii, 30.—Peyer (H.) Der freie Aufsatz in der Blindenschule. Eos, Wien, 1911, vh, 51-57.—Pollock (W. B. I.) The education of the semi-blind. Glasgow M. J., 1914, lxxxii, 417-423.—Romag- noli (A.) Sulla educazione dei giovinetti ciechi. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1910, vi, 11-33.—Bonconl (G.) Come si deb- bono educare i bambini ciechi. Ibid., 1908, iv, 32-52.— Schenk (A.) An der Grenze der Bildungsfahigkcit. Eos, Wien, 1914, x, 241-246.—See (I.-R.) Les petits aveugles et l'obligation seolaire. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1911, xxix, 321-324.—Sommer (E.) Schreibapparate und Schrift- arten der Blinden (mit Demonstrationen). Wie sollen sich Bhnde beschaftigen? Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 311-315.—Surmont. Machine k ecrire imaginee par Felix Bovyn, m^canicien a l'Institut de physique de l'Universite de Lille, et permettant aux aveugles de communiquer directement par ecrit avec les voyants et reciproquement. Cong, franc, de m<5d. Rap.. Par., 1899, v, 975.—Thomas (Ann E.) Museum instruction for the blind. Proc. Am. Ass. Mus., Charleston, S. C, 1917, xi, 119-121—Weiss (K. E.) Ueber Ausbildung von Blinden und Schwachsichtigen der gebildeten Stande. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1908, lxxvhi, 77-80. Blind (Education of Physical). Johnson (S.) Athletics among the bhnd. 8°. New York, 1907. Cutting from: American Mag., N. Y., 1906-7, lxiii, 511-516, Parisotti (O.) Igiene pei ciechi di ambiente, pulizia, ginnastica, ricreativa. Congresso dei ciechi in Milano, tema iv. 4°. Boma, 1901. Allen (E.E.) The physical education of the blind. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Bost.. 1906, xi, 65-74.—Campbell. Quels soins particuhers doit-on donner dans les ecoles a l'enfant aveugle afin de favoriser son developpement physi- que en vue de son education et de son instrustion. Cong. internat. p. l'amelior. ... d. aveugles, Par., 1900, 158-168 — Gregory (J. D.) Athletic sports for the bhnd. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1907, i, 37^3.—Powell (H. G.) Physical edu- cation of the blind. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Bost., 1900, x,; 7-n.—Swinerton (Lenna D.) Treatment of some ofthe Eostural defects and habit motions common among the lind. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1917, xxxvu, 121-123,1 pi. Blind (Legislation relating to). See Blind (Brotection and care of). Blind (Occupations for). See, also, Blind (Education, etc., of); Blind- ness in soldiers [Beeducation]. Bishop (S. II.) The new basis of work for the bhnd. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: Century, N. Y., 1909, lxxvhi. Meath (M. J.) Industries for the blind in Egypt. 8°. New York, 1903. Cutting from: Nineteenth Cent., N. Y., 1903, liii. Electrical work for the blind. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1918 x, 63-66—Fellchenfeld (W.) Hundcrlassc des II. V. A iiber die Beschaftigung von Kriegsblinden bzw. Knegs- beschadigten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917, xlui, 1540.—Flockcmann (A.) Beschaftigung von Kriegsblinden in gewerblichen Betrieben. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1917, lxiv, 71.—Fox (L. W.) Massage as an occu- pation for the bhnd. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.]. Oto- Laryngol. Sect., St. Louis 1909, 291-294.—Gulls (Mabel R.) Library work for the blind in relation to the schools. Out- look for Blind, Bost., 1918, xii, 51-53.—Gould (G. M.) A new world for the blind. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxiii, 268-270.—Kelly (Virginia). War work for the blind. Maryland Psychiat. Q.. Bait., 1918-19, vhi, 19-23.—Knopf (S. A.) Blinded soldiers as masseurs in hospitals and sanatoria for reconstruction and rehabilitation of disabled soldiers. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1918, xciv, 709-711.- Krtlckmann. Die Fiirsorgetatigkeit in Deutschland bcfolgt als oberste Regel. die Blinden tunlichst ihrem alten Bcruf zu erhalten. Khn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1916, lvh, 203-205.—Kuh (R.) Bhnde Soldaten als Mas- scure. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, lxii, 1217.—Mc- Murtrle (D. C.) Education of and occupations open to tho blind. Ref. Handb. Med. Sc. N. Y., 1913, ii, 96-103.—Merle. Ausbildung und Berufstatigkeit der Kriegsblinden. Klin. Blind (Occupations for). « Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1916, lvh, 177.—Sicard (A.) Les atehers d'aveugles a Marseille. Ass. franc, pour l'avanc. d. sc. C.-r. 1891, Par., 1892, xx, pt. 2, 912-916.—SilberstCrn (P.) Ueber Schulung und Erwerbsfahigkeit Blinder. Wien. khn. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 985-987.—Stockmans (A.) Quelle est la meilleure organisation de patronage: (a) pour les aveugles ayant passe par les ecoles speciales; (b) pour les autres aveugles? Cong, internat. p. l'amelior___d. aveugles, Par., 1900, 44-54.—Vaughan (E.) Imprimeries et bibliothe- ques pour aveugles. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1910, xxvu, 521- 530.-----. Un atelier d'impressions pour aveugles k l'ecole de Ronchin, Lille; premier essai; premier succes, novembre 1912-juillet 1913. Ibid., 1913-14, xxxiv, 286-294— Villey (P.) Sur une machine a stenographier pour aveugles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1916, clxh, 751.—White (Sue S.) Industrial employment for the blind. Survey, N. Y., 1918- 19, xii, 397. Blind (Protection and care of). See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., for); Blind (Education, etc., of); Blind (Occupations for); Blindness in soldiers. Axenfeld (T.) Blindsein und Blindenfur- sorge. Prorektorats-Rede. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1905. Keller (Helen). How the bhnd may be helped. 8°. New York, 1907. Cutting from: Putnam's Monthly, N. Y., 1907, ii, 70-72. Lenderink (H. J.) Het bhndenwezen in en buiten Nederland. fol. Amsterdam, 1904. Massoni (P.-D.) *De l'assistance aux aveugles a Bordeaux. 8°. Bordeaux, 1908. Mulder (H.) De maatschappij tot onder- stand der blinden van Antwerpen. 8°. Ant- werpen, 1904. Schaidler (A.) Die Bhndenfrage im Ko- nigreich Bavern. Mit zwei vergleichenden Anhangtabellen iiber die Blinden im Deutschen Reiche. roy. 8°. Munchen, 1905. Skrebitzki (A.) In welchem Verhaltniss steht in Russland die Fursorge fiir die Blinden zu deren Zahl? 8°. Bonn, 188b. ------. Zur Bhndenfiirsorge hi Russland. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Uhthoff. Von den Blinden. Akademische Fest-Rede. 8°. Breslau, [1908]. United States. Bepartment of Commerce and Labor. Census Bureau. Special report. The bhnd and the deaf, 1900. 4°. Washington, 1906. All port (F.) State legislation concerning the blind. Ophthalmol.,Seattle, 1917,xhi,597-^12.— Aussel (C.) L'hos- pitalisation des aveugles dans la region de Montpellier. Montpel. med., 1910, xxxi, 129-141—Austin (S. H.) The needs and welfare of the blind. Mod. Hosp., St. I^ouis, 1917, ix, 202-204.—Barbera (F.) La primera Asamblea Nacional para mejorar la suerte de los sordomudos y de los ciegos es- panoles. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1907, ix; 17- 20.—Bielschowsky. Fursorge fur blinde Akademiker. Ausstcllng. d. Kriegsbeschadigt.-Fiirsorge in Deutschl., Dresd., 1917,86.—Bournevllle (M.) Quelques reflexions sur les jeunes aveugles (Impressions de visite a l'Institut de Paris.) Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1906-7, xx. 55-59.—Brune- tlere (C.) L'assistance aux aveugles en Suisse. O az. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1910, xxxi, 74-76.—Clemen (O.) Aus den Anfangen der Blindenfursorge. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1918, xxxix, 94-97.—Colin (L.) Der Blinde als Be- rater des Blinden und in dor Blindenfursorge. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1916. liii, 81-84—Ciyperrek (H.) Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand des Blindenwcsens in England. Eos, Wien, 1914, x, 111 131.—Extrait ( Mile.) Project d'organi- sation de 1'administ ration des aveugles. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1909, xxv, 38-50.—Ferrassc, Pezet & True (H.) L'hos- pitalisation des aveugles dans la region de Montpellier. Montpel. med., 1910, xxxi, 25-31.—Gesetzliche Bcstimniun- ?en, Blinde betreflend, in Deutschland^ Blindenfreund, )uren, 1898, xviu, 33-40.—Ginestous (E.) La cecite dans la loi du 14 juillet 1905. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1909, 4. s., xi, 97- 102.-----. L'assistance aux aveugles en France et a 1 'etran- ger. Ibid., 1913, 4. S., xix, 349-382.— Glnostous (E.) & Blanchard (L.-A.) L'assistance aux aveugles dans le departement de la Gironde. (iaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1908, xxix, 509-512.—Greet! (U.) Ueber Blinden- fursorge. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1898, xx 105-112.— Green (S. M ) State aid and maintenance of the adult blind. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char., Fort Wayne, 1910, xxxvii, ■>.)().-2i)3 — Hauptvogel (R.) Das intemationale Komitee BLIND. 643 BLINDNESS. Blind (Protection and care of). zur Hebung des Blindenwesens. Krankenpflege, Berl., 1902-3, ii, 339-342. Aho, transl: Am. J. Sociol., Chicago, 1902-3, viii, 687-692—Klelweg de Zwaan (J. P.) Blinden- zorg in Neclerlandsch Oost-Indie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst . 1911, i, 1496-1500.—Komoto. The history of the management of blind in Japan. Am. J. Ophth., St. Iouis, 1908, xxv, 325-331.—KuU (G.) Riickstandigkeiten in unserem schweizerischen Blindenwesen und notwendige Massnahmen zu ihrer Beseitigung. Schweiz. Bl. f. Gsndhts- pfl., Zurich, 1905, xx, 241; 257; 273.—Lawson (A.) Depart- mental committee on the welfare of the blind; notes on the report. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 654.—Leon (A.) La situa- tion des aveugles en France. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1910, xxvii, 633-662.—Libansky (J.) Vergangenheit und Zu- kunft der Blindenfursorge. Ztschr. f. Kinderschutz [etc.], Wien, 1910, ii, 333-340—Meltzer. [Ueber Blindenfursorge.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, hv, 691.—Merlcant. De la condition des jeunes aveugles en France et des moyens de l'ameliorer. Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, Par., 1900,259-270—Placer (Dona Rafaela). Instituciones y leyes protectoras para los ciegos. Rev. espec med., Madrid, 1907, x, 13-20. Aho: Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1907, ix, 20-26.—Reckling (O.) Aus dem Blindenwesen. Ztschr. f. Kruppelfursorge, Hamb. & Leipz., 1911, iv, 160- 165.—Rondel (G.) Assistance aux aveugles. Rev. philan- throp., Par., 1910-11, xxviii, 245-268.—Silex (P.) Kriegs- blindenfursorge. Ausstellng. d. Kriegsbeschadigt.-Fiirsorge in Deutschl., Dresd., 1917, 82-86.—Strieker (L.) The work of the Cincinnati Association for the Welfare of the Blind and its attitude toward the prevention of blindness from venereal disease. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1912, cviii, 172- 176.—Toff (E.) Die Blindenkolonie "Vatra luminosa" in Bukarest. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1909, xxxv, 344.—Vance (J. E.) The duty ofthe State in the pro- tection of the blind. Bull. Iowa Inst., Des Moines, 1909, xi, 148-151.—Vaughan (E.) Reorganisation de radministra- tion des aveugles en France; projet de J. Freyssinier, aveugle. Rev. philanthrop.. Par., 1907-8, xxii, 560-567.— Wagner. Der unmittelbar durch die Blindenanstalten und Fursorgevereine ausgeiibte Grad der Blindenfursorge. Wchn- schr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1906-7, x, 75; 85.— Wltzmann (H.) Die Nachtpflege in unseren Anstalten. Eos, Wien, 1911, vu, 57-59. Blind (Psychology of). See Blindness (Physiology and psychology of). Blind (Reeducation of). See Blind (Education, etc., of); Blindness in soldiers. Blind in art. Greet! (R.) Ueber Darstellungen von Blindenheilungen auf altchristlichen Sarkophagen. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1908, xxxu, 225-228. -----. Blindendar- stellungen in der japanischen Kunst. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 27-29.—Nass (L.) Les aveugles dans l'art. Corresp. med., Par., 1907, xhi, No. 301, 6-12.—Portigllotti (G.) Les aveugles dans l'art; l'aveugle de Gaudenzio Ferrari (Varallo, Sacro Monte, Italie). N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1906, xix, 595, 1 pi. —---. Les aveugles dans l'art; Appius Claudius de C. Maccari (Rome, Palais du Senat). Ibid., 1909, xxh, 329, 1 pi — Richer (P.) Les aveugles dans l'art. Chron. med., Par., 1902, ix, 245-255. Blind (Edmund). ^Mitteilungen iiber eine Un- tersuchung der Schadelformen der elsassischen Bevolkerung in alter und neuer Zeit. 30 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. dc J. Goller, 1897. ------. Die Schadelformen der elsassischen Bevolkerung in alter und neuer Zeit. _ Eine anthropologisch-historische Studie iiber sieben- hundert Schadel aus den elsassischen Ossuarien. viii, 107 pp., 2 1., 10pi., 1 map. roy. 8°. Strass- burg, K J. Triibner, 1898. Beitrage zur Anthropologie Elsass-Lothringens, 1. Hft. Blind (Edmund). Dimazon and its effects upon surgery in the war. 12 pp. 12°. Boston, Hil- kraft Med. Company, [1916]. Blind (Karl). Personal recollections of Virchow. pp. 613-624. 8°. New York, 1902. Cutting from: N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1902, clxxv. Blind (Reinhold) [1883- ]. *Ueber die Aetiolo- gie der Porencephalic und die dabei beobachte- ten Wachstumsstorungen. 62 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, Memminger Buchdrck., 1910. Blindenfreund (Der). Zeitschrift fiir Verbes- serung des Looses der Blinden. Hrsg. von W. Meeker, v. 14-22, 1894-1902. 8°. Diiren. Blindness. See, also, Amaurosis; Brain (Localization of functions in); Hemeralopia. Diderot (D.) An essay on blindness, in a letter to a person of distinction; reciting the most interesting particulars relative to persons born bhnd and those who have lost their sight... In- terspersed with several anecdotes of Sanderson, Milton, and others. . . . Translated from the French. 8°. London, 1773. Javal(E.)- Entre aveugles. Conseils a, l'usage des personnes qui viennent de perdre la vue. 12°. Baris, 1903. EUett (E. C.) An essay on blindness. Memphis M. Month., 1903, xxih, 117-133—Grimsdale (H.), Rockllffe (W. C.) [et al.]. Discussion on the necessity for an exact definition of blindness. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1914- 15, viu, Ophthalmol. Sect.,35-62.—Gutherius (J.) Tiresias seu ca3citatis encomium. In: Admiranda rerum admirabi- lium encomia, 12°, Noviomagi Bat., 1666, pp. 245-276.— Hays (I. M.) Bhndness; its frequency, causes, and preven- tion. Syst. Dis. Eye (Norris & Oliver), Phila., 1897, ii, 419- 462— Hlrsch (L.) Ueber Blindheit. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1902, vi, 52-57— HUbner. Blindheit und Blindenwesen. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh., Halle a. S., 1909, vhi, 1-38.—J aval. Conseils a donner aux adultes qui deviennent aveugles. Bull, et mem. Soc. fran?. d'opht., Par., 1902, xix, 268-309.—M'Kahan (F.) Unusual optic phenomenon. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1898, xxvi, 676.—NeuschUler (A.) Del cieco e della cecita. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1906, ii, No. 2, 1-21; No. 3, 1.—Purgmire (L. R.) Cases of bhndness. Northwest Med., Seattle. 1915, vii, 51.—Salis (F.) Ciechi e veggenti. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1906. u, 20-30.—True. Degres et limites de la cecite. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1903, exxix, 321-327.—Williams (C. H.) A new test for monocular blindness. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1897-8, ii, 2A. Blindness (Causes of). See, also, Amaurosis; Blindness (Hhtory and stathtics of); Conjunctivitis (Gonorrheal); La- bor (Management of); Snow blindness. Fleischner (A.) *Ueber zentrale Anopsien organischen Ursprungs. [Leipzig.] 8°. Berlin, 1909. Marty (L.) *La cecite et ses causes dans la region de Montpellier. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Meyer (J. G. V.) *Ein Beitrag zu den Ursa- chen und der Verhutung der Blindheit. 8°. Kiel, 1899. Adams (A. L.) Cases of blindness in the Illinois School for the Blind. J. Morgan Co. M. Soc, Jacksonville, 111., 1900, iii No. 11, 5-10. -----. The Illinois School for the Blind, with its record of the causes of blindness. Illinois M. J., Chi- cago, 1914, xxvi, 187-192.—Bailey (W.O.) Causes of blindness in Kentucky; from a study of the eyes of the pupils of the Kentucky Institution for the Education of the Blind. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1903, xxxiv, 449-452. [Discus- sion], 453-^59.—Barraquer (J. A.) C<5mo pierden la vista las personas de edad. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1908, xxxiv, 243-252—Belgeri (F.) & Labat (J. C.) Ceguera subita por hematemesis y melena. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1916, xxih, pt. 1, 709-711— Bourdier (F.) Rapport sur la cecite pratique et le degre d'acuite visuelle qui la deter- mine. Arch, d'opht.. Par., 1918, xxxvi, 294-304.—Charles (J. W.) & Lamb (H. D.) The results from 112 Wassermann blood-tests in the Missouri School for the Blind. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1918, xlvii, 455-458.—Cohen (H.) The cost of preventable bhndness to the nation. Illinois M. J., Spring- field, 1912, xxi, 416-419.—Dean (L. W.) The causes of permanent bhndness of children in Iowa. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1901, vh, 117-131.—Fage. Note sur les causes et la prevention ae la cecite. Gaz. mecl. de Picardie, Amiens, 1902, xx, 354-357.—Felnsteln (L.) [Causes of blindness in our region.] Kryt. lek., Warszawa, 1901, v, 25-30.—Golo- wln (S. S.) Ueber die Erblindungsursacnen nach dem statistischen Material aus den Blindenanstalten Russlands. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1898, xxii, 39-45.—Imre (J.) Die Ursachen der Bhndheit in Niederungarn. Ungar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. & Wien, 1903, hi, 14-25.— Mackay (G. W.) The causes and prevention of blindness. Edinb. M. J., 1910, n. s., v, 124-132.—Menacho (D. M.) Causas de la ceguera y su prevention. Gaz. med. catal., Barcel., 1910, xxxvu, 346; 393; 427. Aho: Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1911, xxv, 444: xxvi, 42; 119; 191. —Monod. Ce- cite consecutive a une hemorragie de l'artere testiculaire. Bull. Soc centr. demed. vet., Par., 1908, lxh, 467^71.—Net- tleship (E.) & Hudson (A. C.) On a case of blindness from optic neuritis without intracranial disease in a pedigree bull; several eases, probably of the same kind, in other members of the pedigree; references to other cases of amaurosis in BLINDNESS. 644 BLINDNESS. Blindness (Causes of). domesticated animals. Roy. Lond. Ophth. nosp. Rep., Lond., 1913, xix, pt. 1, 12-41, 1 ch.—Neuburger (S.) Die hauftgsten Ursachen der Erblindung und deren Verhutung. Blindenfreund, Diiren, 1897, xvh, 129-147.— Neuschuler(A.) La cecita; cause; prevenzione. Riv. di thiol., Roma, 1905, i, 4-28.—Osborne (A.) Die Ursachen der Erblindung in Egypten. Arch. f. Augenh.,Wiesb., 1903,xlvh,438-446,1 pi — Rockliffe (W. C.) The bhnd and the census of 1911, to- fether with statistics as to the cause of blindness. Brit. 1. J., Lond., 1912, i, 542-544.—Scholtz (K.) Ursachen und Verbreitung der Blindheit in Ungarn. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1908, xix, 409-126.—Suns (W. S.) Some remarks upon the causes of blindness of thirty-three pupils at tho Mississippi State School for the Blind. J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi, 1899-1900, iii, 605-608.—Snell (S.) On some causes of blindness in childhood, with remarks on preven- tion. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1897-8, vi, 21-30. -----. An inquiry into the causes of blindness in 333 inmates of the Sheffield School for the Blind. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1215-1218.—Tacke. Pcrte d'un ceil par un effort brusque fait pour se moucher. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1910, cxliii, 209- 218.—Telllals. Causes et prevention de la cecite dans la Loire-Inferieure; de l'assistance des aveugles. Gaz.m6d.de Nantes, 1910, 2. s., xxvih, 41-52.—Traquair (H. M.) Vene- real disease and blindness. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 706.— Vadjid (T.) Considerations relatives aux causes diverses de la excite. Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, I'ar., 1900, 217-223. Blindness (Feigned). See, also, Amaurosis (Feigned); Vision (De- fective, Jurhprudence of). Angelucci (A.) Ciechi e simulanti. Gior.dimed.mil., Roma, 1918, lxvi, 841-870.—Bart Ok (E.) Eine Methode zur Entlarvung von Simulation einseitiger Blindheit oder Schwachsichtigkeit. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1916, xxxv, 44-46.—Dunn (P.) The detection of simulated bhndness. Med. Press. Lond.. 1918, n. s., cv, 317; 334. Aho: West Lond. M. 1, Lond., 1918, xxiii, 7-21—Goldmann (R.) Die kalorische Reizung des Ohres als Mittel zur Entlarvung von Simulation ein- oder beiderseitiger Blindheit. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1917, xxxvii, 77-82, 2 pi.—Jellett (J. W. H.) The detection of simulated blindness. Med. Press., Lond., 1918, n.s., cv, 413. Blindness (History and statistics of). Albertotti (G.) I ciechi di Colloro. Dis- corso. 8°. Modena, 1893. Bloch (M.) Les aveugles en France. 8°. Paris, 1917. Bruch (E.) La cecit6 et les aveugles en Algerie; rapport sur les resultats de l'enquete. 8°. Pan's, 1908. Golesceano (C.) Les aveugles a travers les ages. La Clinique nationale ophthalmologique des Quinze-Vingts; avec une statistique sur les causes de la cecite, basee sur 2,000 observations a 1'Hospice des Quinze-Vingts moderne. Pre- face de J.-V. Laborde. 8°. Baris, 1902. Golovin (S. S.) O sliepotle v Rossih [Bhnd- ness in Russia.] 8°. Odessa, 1910. Hart (A.) *Klinisch-statistischer Bericht uber 4,305 erblindete Augen aus dem Materiale der Klinik. I. Teil. 8°.. Tubingen, 1900. ------& Schwarzkopf (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Blinden-Statistik. Aus der Tubinger Universi- tate-Augenklinik. 8°. Tubingen, 1901. Macy (J.) Our blind citizens. 8°. New York, 1908. Cuttingfrom: Everybody's Mag., N. Y., 1908, xix, 498-511. Paly (L.) *Die Blinden der Schweiz. Medi- zinal-statistische Untersuchungen nach den Er- gebnissen der Zahlung (Sondererhebung) von 1895-6. sm. fol. Bern, 1900. Repr.from: Ztschr. I. schweiz. Statist., Bern, 1900, xxxvi Schwarzkopf (E.) *Klinisch-statistischor Bericht iiber 4,305 erblindete Augen aus dem Materiale der Klinik. II. Teil. 8°. Tubingen, 1900. Shtmanovski (A. F.) Po povodu sllepoti v Rossii. [Apropos of blindness in Russia.] 8°. [Kiyev, 1910] Blindness (History and statistics of). Sioel (J.) ^Bemerkungen zu den Blinden- statistischen Arbeiten aus der Tubinger Klinik. 8°. Tubingen, 1901. Trousseau & Truc. Rapport sur la cecite et les aveugles en France. 8°. Baris, 1902. Aho [Abstr.], in: Clin, opht.. Par., 1902, viii, 132-134. Wagner (E.) Bericht iiber die Schlussbera- tung der Kommission fiir intemationale Blin- denstatistik in Prag am 7. Oktober 1908. 8°. Prag, 1909. Wilson (J.) Biography of the blind; or the lives of such as have distinguished themselves as poets, philosophers, artists, etc. 4. ed. 16°. Birmingham, 1838. Allport (F.) Some facts concerning the blind. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, lxv, 868.—B. (F.) La cecite en France. Rev. philanthrop.. Par., 1908-9, xxiv, 458-479.— Bednarski (A.) [Statistics of bhndness among children.) Post. okul.. Krakow, 1914, xvi, 93-107.—Behla (R.) Die Blinden in Preussen. Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Landesamts. Berl., 1914, liv, 2. Abt., 125-140, 1 pi.—Bentley (F.) The blind in the State of Washington. Northwest. Med., Seattle, 1916, xv, 87.—de Castro (F.) A cegueira em Portugal. Med. mod., Porto, 19M\ xv.pt.5, 313.—Chtstyakoff (P. I.) [On incurable blindness in Tomsk.] Sibirsk. Vrach, Tomsk, 1913-14 A, 693; 705—Costa Santa (S.) La cecita nei Porto- gallo. Riv. di thiol., Roma, 1915, xi, 32.—Cuenod. Dimi- nution de la cecite en Tunisie. Cone, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, Par., 1900, 247-255.—Dolganoff (V. N.) [On the extent and causes of bhndness in Russia; based upon data of the flying oculistic divisions of the Empress Maria Guardianship of the Blind.] Vrach, St-Peterb., l.v<\ xix, 992; 1026; 1059; 1103; 1128; 1161; 1228: 1257. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, vi, sect. 11, 331-338.—Dufour (A.) Statistique Inter- nationale des aveugles et recensement federal de 1910. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1909, xxix, 790-793.—Engel- mann. Die Blinden im Deutschen Reiche nach den Ergebnissen der Volkszahlung von 1900. Med.-statist. Mitt. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Bert., 1905, ix, 156-419, 2 maps.— Fajarnes (E.) La ceguera en las lslas Baleares. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1903, xxv, 385- 393.—Fenton (J. J.) Blindness in Victoria. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1902, Hobart, 1903, 355-363.— Fouchard (M.) Contribution a l'etude de la cecite en France; les aveugles dans la Sarthe. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1902, vi, 293-299—Gallemaerts. La cecite et les aveugles en France. Policlin., Brux., 1902, xi, 512-514.—Harnian (N. B.) The bhnd and the census of 1911. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1911, ii, 1174.—Hlrschberg (J.) Die Blindheit in Spanien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., i<<9s xxiv, 368.—Howe (L.) An arithmetic and geography lesson on bhndness in New York State. Tr. M. Soe. N. Y., Phila., 1897, 291-299, 1 pi. Aho: N. York M. J., 1X97, lxv, 869-872. -----. Why the proportion of blind in cities is less than in the countrv. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc., Hartford, 1S97-S, vhi, 259- 265. Aho: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, Mo., 1>9S, xv. 289- 295.— Klrshman (Y. S.) [Bhndness among the Arkhan- gelsk population.) Vestnik Oftalmol., Mosk., 1914, xxxi, 635-653.—Klein (S.) Statistisches und anderes aus der Iilindenwelt. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1913, xxvii. 97-100.— Kollock (C. W.) Increase of blindness; what has been done for the the prevention of the increase of blindness, and what can be done? J. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1910, x, 328-331.—Komoto. Die Geschichte des Blindemvesons In Japan. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1908. xlvi, 311-317— Landrlanl (P.) I ciechi nei cantoni di Ginevra e di Vaud. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1906, ii, No. 4, 11-27.— Lewis ((:. G.) Some statistics on blindness and deafness, with a comparison of the inconveniences of each. N. York M. J., 1897, lxvi, 85-88. Aho, Reprint.— Moll (A.) Notwendigkeit und Voraussetzungen einer Geschichte des Blindenwesens. Eos Wien, 1905, i, 241-247.—Meyer (F.) Die Blindheit in Portugal. Cong, internat. de m^d., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 11. 320-339— Paly (L.) Statistischo Mitteilungen uber das Blindenwesen in der Schweiz. Eos, Wien, 1905, i, 261-271.—Peretz (H.) Considerations sur les causes et la frequence de la cecite chez les enfants egvptiens, au Caire. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1911, cxliv, 287-293.—Pulido (A.) El ciego en Espana. Siglo med., Madrid, 1909, lvi, 433; 449.— Salzer (F.) Was lehrt uns die neueste baverisehe Blinden- statistik? Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, 111, 1335-1337.— [Skrcbltskl (A.)] [Extent of blindness and distribution of the blind in various sections of Russia.) Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1886, vh, 49-53. Aho, Reprint.—Steiner(L.) Deblindheid onder de Javanen, hare nienigvuldigheid en corzaken. Ge- neesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1S94, xxxiv, 621- 630,1 pi. A ho: Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk., Batavia, 1895, iii, 22-28.—Talbot. La cecite au Tonkin. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1913, xvi, 1218-1221.—Trousseau (A.) BLINDNESS. 645 BLINDNESS. Blindness (History and statistics of). La cecite en France; statistiques, repartition geographique, causes, prevention. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1902, xix, 129-217,1 tab., 1 map. ^4Zso[Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad, de sc, Par., 1902, cxxxv, 1193.—True (H.) Nos aveugles reglonaux. N. Montpel. med., 1898, vii, 1165-1175. -----. Des aveugles en France. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opht.. Par., 1902, xix, 218-268, 1 map. Aho [Abstr.]: Clin. opht., Par., 1902, viii, 134.—Trumet de Fontarce. Les aveugles ruraux. Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveu- gles, Par., 1900, 233-239.—Wakisaka (B.) [My statistics of blindness.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1903, vh, 54-61.—Widmark (J.) Statistik der Blinden der skandinavischen Lander und Finland. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, vhi, pt. 7, 738-745. -----. Ueber das Vorkommen von Blindheit in den skandinavischen Landern und Finnland. Mitt. a. d. Augenklin. d. Carolin. med.-chir. Inst, zu Stockholm, Jena, 1899, 2. Hft., 45-110. Aho, transl. [Abstr.]: Cong, internat. p. l'amelior___d. aveugles. Par., 1900, 255-258.-----.Ueber aas Vorkommen der Blindheit in den skandinavischen Landern und Finland am Eingange des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mitt. a. d. Augenklin. d. Carolin. med.-chir. Inst, zu Stock- holm, Jena, 1906, 8. Hft., 119-132.—Wolffberg. Beitrag zur Blinden-Statistik. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Bresl., 1897-8, i, 196-198.—Wood (T. H.) The blind chil- dren of Tennessee. Country Doctor, Sparta, Tenn., 1898-9, v, 161-168.—Ziemlnskl (B.) [Struggle with blindness; sta- tistics of blindness in Poland.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1907, 2. s., vu, 67-81. Blindness (Hysterical). See Amaurosis (Hysterical); Hysteria (Mani- festations of). Blindness (Jurisprudence of). See, also, Blindness (Feigned). Michalorius (B.) Tractatus de cceco, surdo et muto, in quo ipsorum miseria, quid scire, atque addiscere possint, quos contractus cele- brare, num magistratus gerere, an in ultimis voluntatibus disponere, et plura alia buiusce- modi secundum germanam variarum legum, ac imperatorum constitutionum, quae adinvicem gugnare videntur, intelligentiam, subtihter iseutiuntur. sm. 4°. Venetih, 1646. Roshtshevski (S. P.) [Quantitative deter- mination of the loss of capacity for work on the loss of eyesight.] 8°. Saratov, 1911. Bednarskl. [Injury of a blind eye from a medico-legal viewpoint.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1914, liii, 501.—Brav (A.) The blind and their relation to religious and civil law; some eye injuries involving legal questions in Talmudic literature. Ophthalmol., Milwaukee, 1906-7, iii, 598-603.—Forensic (The) position of the blind. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1263.— Glnestous (E.) La cecite dans la jurisprudence du Conseil d'etat. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s.,xxv, 25-38—H. Blind of niet. Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk., Batavia, 1896, iv, 73.— Loss of sight from embolus not accidental (Salinger v. Fidel- itv & Casualty Co. of New York). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 19'18, lxxi, 306— Spatocco (G.) La condizione giundica del cieco. Riv. di tiflol., Roma. 1905, i, 45-50—Taddei (P.) La personality giuridica dei ciechi e l'istruzione obligatoria. Ibid., 1908, iv, 23-26.— Watari (J.) [Medico-legal case; iden- tification of false blindness.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1898, No. 1070, 9-13. Blindness (Periodicals and transactions of societies relating to). Atti del V° Congresso nazionale di tiflologia e per la prevenzione della cecita con annessa esposizione "Pro ciechi;" tenuto in Roma dai 1° al 16 dicembre 1906. 8°. Boma, 1909. Blindenfreund (Der). Zeitschrift fiir Ver- besserung des Looses der Bhnden. v. 14-22, 1894-1902. 8°. Diiren. Congres international pour Amelioration du sort des aveugles. Tenu a Paris du ler au 5 aout 1900. 8°. Versailles, 1900. Instituteur (L') des aveugles. Journal men- suel par J. Guadet. v. 1-7, October, 1855-62. 8°. Paris. Outlook for the Blind. A quarterly record of the progress and welfare of the bhnd. Edited by Charles F. F. Campbell, v. 1-12, 1907-16. 8°. Cambridge dc Boston. Blindness (Periodicals and transactions of societies relating to). Proceedings of the American Association of Instructors of the Bhnd. 1886; 1888; 1915. 8°. Fort Blain, N. Y., Baltimore dc Berkeley, Cal. Rivista di tiflologia e di igiene oculare. Di- retta dai dott. Alfonso Neuschiiler. [Bimonthly.] v. 1-11, 1905-15. 8°. Boma. Congresso internazionale pel miglioramento della con- dizione dei ciechi sotto l'alto patronato di S. M. il Re d'ltalia (Napoli, 30 marzo-3 aprile 1909). Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1908, iv, 1-16.—Freyssinler (J.) Le Congres des typhlophi- les. Rev. philanthrop., Par. 1910, xxvii, 415—424.— Taddei (P.) Atti del V° Congresso nazionale di tiflologia e per la prevenzione della cecita. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1908, iv, No. 1, 29; No. 3, 33; No. 5,65; No. 7,17. Blindness (Physiology and psychology of). Griesbach (H.) Vergleichende Untersuchun- gen iiber die Sinnesscharfe Blinder und Sehen- der. 8°. Bonn, 1899. Aho, in: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1899, lxxiv, 577- 638: lxxv, 365; 523. Krogius (A.) [The mental world of the bhnd.] Pt. 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1909. Ansaldl (L.) Das Seelenleben eines Erblindeten. Eos, Wien, 1905, i, 46-66.—Ayres (S. C.) Observations on some bhnd but quiet and apparently inoffensive eyes. Do they produce a pseudo-sympathetic inflammation? Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford,Conn., 1900,137-144. Aho, Reprint.— Bl. Ueber die Sinnesthatigkeiten bei Blinden; eine natur- philosophische Betrachtung. Blindenfreund, Diiren, 1898, xviii, 129-136.—Bond (N. J.) & Dearborn (W. F.) The auditory memory and tactual sensibility of the blind. J. Educ. Psychol., Bait., 1917, viii, 21-26.—Burde. Die Plas- tlk des Blinden; experimentelle Untersuchungen. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych, [etc.], Leipz., 1910, iv, 106-128.—Chalu- pecky (J.) [La vie psychique des aveugles.] Rev. neurol., psychiat., fys. a diaetet. therap., v Praze, 1906, iii, 11; 59; 105; 174; 230; 278; 337; 412; 466—Colucci (C.) Per una psi: cologia dei ciechi; appunti di lezione e di ricerche. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1910, vi, No. 1,1-44.-----. Tatto a distanza, senso degh ostacoli e senso di orientazione nei ciechi. Ibid., No 7,1-10.—Dunton (W. R.) Mental state of the bhnd. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1908-9, lxv, 103-112— Fabozzl (G.) La condizione del cieco; vantaggi fisici, morali, intellettuali che i ciechi avrebbero da una vita in comune con i veggenti flno dall' infanzia. Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1905, i, 29-44.— Foveau de Courmelles. Visibilite des rayons X par cer- tains jeunes aveugles. J. d'hyg., Par., 1898, xxhi, 173-175.— Fraser (C. F.) Psychology of the blind. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1917, xxviii, 229-237.—French. (R. S.) The psychology of the bhnd. Proc. Am. Asst. Instr. Blind, Bost., [Little Rock, Ark.], 1910, 84-87.—Gregoire (E.) Die Furchtsamkeit beim Blinden. Eos, Wien, 1905, i, 274-276.— Haines (T. H.) A point scale for the mental measurement of the blind. J. Educ. Psychol., Bait., 1916, vii, 143-149.— Hebert (M.) Sur l'eveil de l'idee de Dieu chez les aveugles sourds-muets. Rev. de l'Univ. de Brux., 1911, xvi, 603- 626 —Ioteyko (Mile. J.) Les fonctions sensorielles des aveu- gles. Rev. scient., Par., 1917, i, 619-626.—Krogius (A.) [Auditory sensations in the blind.] Izviest. S.-Peterb. biol. lab., 1907-8, ix, No. 1,10-35.—Kuklyarskl (D. V.) [Hallu- cinations of visual organs in perfect bhndness.] Arch. psikhiat. [etc.], Kharkov, 1884, iv, No. 1, 49-58.—Kum (M.) Zur Blindenphysiologie (das Sinnenvicariat). Wchnschr. f Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd.-A., 1901-2, v, 318; 326; 390; 399; 406. Aho: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, hi, 997; 1057; 1102; 1159; 1208.-----.Fis;ologia dei ciechi (il cosi detto vicariato dei sensi). Riv. di tiflol., Roma, 1905, l, 1-19: 1906, ii, No. 2, 22; No. 3, 28.-----. Del tatto a distanza o del cosi detto senso degh ostacoli. Ibid., 1909, v, No. 3, 1-55, 2 ch. Du tact a distance comme facteur de la faculte" d'orientation des aveugles (sens des obstacles?). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, cliii, 431-434—Lodato (G.) Gli effetti dell' anopsia nello sviluppo dell' apparato visivo. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1902, xxxi, 662-664. Aho: Arch, di ottal.. Paler- mo, 1903-4, xi, 95-122, 11 pi—Melland (C. H.) The sense of proximity. Nature, Lond., 1909, lxxx, 456.—Mills (W.) The behavior of blind animals. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1902-3, 344-347.—Pbtscn (Anna). Ueber Farbenvorstel- lung Blinder. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1898, xix, 47-62.—Rappawl (J.) Geistesleben der Blinden. Eos. Wien, 1914, x, 246-253.—Reckling (O.) Der sechste Sinn der Blinden. Ibid., 1908, iv, 17-20— Rudnefl (V I) [Psychology of the bhnd. J Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1910, xvii, 411-436.—Treves (Z.) Beobachtungen iiber den Muskclsinn bei Blinden. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1910, xvi, 279-306.—Truschel (L.) Das Problem des soge- nannten sechsten Sinns der Blinden. Ibid., 1909, xiv, 133-178. _____. Contribution a 1 'etude du sens de la direction chez les BLINDNESS. 646 BLINDNESS. Blindness (Physiology and psychology oj). aveugles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1911, ciii, 1022- 1024.—Wolflln (E.) Untersuchungen uber den Fernslnn der Blinden. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1908, xliii, 187-198.—Wylie (A. R. T.) On the psychology and pedagogy of the blind. Pedag. Seminary, Worcester, 1902, ix, 127-160.—Zeeman (W. P. C.) & Turn- belaka (R.) Das zentrale und periphere optische System bei eineriongenital blinden Katze. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1916, xci, 242-263. Blindness (Prevention of). See, also, Conjunctivitis (Gonorrheal, Breven- tion of). McMurtrie (D. C.) National work for the prevention of blindness and the conservation of vision. 8°. New York, 1913. National Committee for the Prevention of Bhndness. Tracts and publications. 12°. New York, [n. d.]. Van ( 'leve (E. M.) A program for the preven- tion of blindness. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Wingenroth (E.) Der Kampf gegen die Erblindung. Auf Grund hinterlassener Auf- zeichnungen Gelpkes gemeinverstandlich dar- gestellt. 8°. Beipzig, 1906. Barnard (C. E.) Notes on cases of preventable blind- ness. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1899, Brisbane, 1901, 365-367.—Berry (G. L.) Saving sight; saving citizens. South. M. J., Nashville, 1917, x, 857-861. Aho, Reprint — Blair (W. W.) Preventable blindness. Penn. M. J., Athens 1911-12, xv, 366-382— Blake (E. M.) The preven- tion of blindness in infancy and childhood. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, N. Haven, 1916, cxxiv, 75-84.—Campbell (M. A.) Organized work for the prevention of blindness as carried on by the Ohio State Commission for the Blind. Month. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus, 1914, iv, 236-251.— Cheatham (W.) Preventable blindness. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1911, ix, 558-566. A too, Reprint.— Conn (H.) Haben die neueren Verhiitungsvorschlage eine Ab- nahme der Blindenzahl herbeigefiihrt? Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1901, li, 1497; 1541; 1584; 1630; 1672; 1712; 1769; 1810; 1866.—Cosse. La prevention de la cecite\ Ann. med.- chir. du centre, Tours, 1913, xiii, 313; 325.—Cuenod. La prophvlaxie de la cecite en Tunisie. Bull, de l'Hop. civ. franc, de Tunis, 1900, iii, 62-70.—Daland (J.) Es- kimo snow blindness and goggles. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1917, Xxvi, 116-118. Aho, Reprint.—Eliot (S. E.) The prevention of blindness. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., Co- lumbus, Ohio, 1911, i, 309-316.—Eloul Pacha. Un mot sur la prevention de la cecite et 1'amelioration du sort des aveugles en Egypte. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1909, xxviii, 241-246.—French (W. 3.) The prevention of blindness work of the State Industrial Accident Commission. Calif. State J. M., San Fran.,_ 1918, xvi, 377. —Glaser (E. F.) Present and proposed legislation for the prevention of blind- ness. Ibid., 1917, xv, 213-216.—Govvens (H. L.) Statisti- cal study of bhndness from the standpoint of prophylaxis. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1914, xlix, 290-293. Also Re- print.—Greene (H. C.) Preventable blindness; achallengo to the professions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1913, lxi, 1156- 1161.—Heller (S.) Prophylaktische Massnahmen fiir spater Erblindende. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1911, xxv, 67-71.— Hirsch (L.) Entstehung und Verhutung der Blindheit, auf Grund neuer Untersuchungen bearbeitet. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1901-2, viii, 489-596.—Howe (L.) A plea for new methods for the prevention of blindness. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1907, vii, 136-138. [Discussion], 164.—Jervey (J. W.) The conservation of sight. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1911, lxxx, 565-567.—Leone (S.) R61c de l'Etat dans la prophy- laxie de quelques causes de cecite. Rev. d'hyg. et de mod. inf. [etc.], Par., 1911, x, 375-409.— Lewis (F. P.) A practical method of abolishing the cause of one-quarter of the un- necessary blindness in the United States. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1906, xlvi, 1262-1265. Also, Reprint.-----. The prevention of blindness. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1910, lv, 303-308.—McCurry (W. T.) Preventablo blindness. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1918-19, xv, 106-170.— Menacho (D. M.) Causas de la ceguera y su prevencion. Gac med. catal., Barcel., 1910, xxxvi, 393-401.-Motais. La preservation de la cecite. Internat. Arch. f. Selnilhyg., Munchen, 1910, vi, 407 121.—Nance (W. O.) Prevention of blindness. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1912, xxi, 410. -----. What the State can do to prevent blindness. J. Ophth. & Otc-Laryngol., Chicago, 1914, viii, 36 42.-----. What the State can do to prevent blindness. Illinois M. J., Chicago, 1917, xxxii, 155-161. Aho: .1. Ophth. & Oto- Laryngol., Chicago, 1917, xi, 309-321.—Owen ( K. S.) The conservation of vision. West.. M.'llcv., Omaha, 1911, xvi, 414-421.—Pecliln. Causes et prevention de la excite; hygiene do la vision. Actualitcs med.-chir. (Rothschild), Blindness (Prevention of). Par., 1911, 275-306.—Putelll (F.) II protettore della vista dei combattenti. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1918, lxvi, 116- 127.—Report of the committee on preventable blindness, appointed at the International Conference on the Blind, held at Manchester in July, 1908. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1909, vii, 603.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) The prevention of blindness and the instruction of the blind child. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1912, xii, 279-286. Also, Reprint.-----. Conservation of vision and prevention of blindness. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, lxvi, 393-397. Aho, Reprint. Aho: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1916, ciii, 215-220.—Strieker (L.) Blindness and its prevention. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1911, vii, 435-440.—Trousseau (A.) La prevention de la cecite en France. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1909. xx, 502-510.—Van Cleve (E. M.) The present status oi the movement for the prevention of blindness. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. Blind, Berkeley, Cal., 1915, xxii, 49-61. Aho: Out- look for Bhnd, Bost., 1915, ix, 24-27.—Voigt (C. B.) Pre- vention of blindness. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1910, xviu, 664-667.—Woodruff (T. A.) Prevention of bhndness. Ibid.. 1911, xx, 291-302. Aho, Reprint.-----. Prevention of blindness and conservation oi vision. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1912, xxi, 399-425: xxu, 560-565.—Wiirdemann (H. V.) Legislation for the prevention of blindness. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1896, xxx, 480-482. Blindness (Quadrantic). Pusev (B.) A case of quadrantic blindness. J. Norv. & Ment. Div, N. Y., 1918, xlvh, 217-219.—Williamson (L.) Homonymous quadrant anopsia (left). Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1907, xxiv, 353-360.-----. A further report on a case of quadrant anopsia. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol., Chicago, 1909, iii, 65. Blindness (Treatment of). Chavanis (A.; * Histoire de la guerison d'un aveugle-ne. 8°. Lyon, 1912. Javal. Conseils a donner aux adultes qui deviennent aveugles. 8°. Baris, 1902. Plaschke (Olga). Von wiedergewonnenem Augenhcht; aus eigenen Erlebnissen. 8'. Leipzig, 1902. Bates (W. H.) Bhndness relieved bv a new method of treatment. N. York M. J. [etc], 1917, cv, 200-202. Also, Reprint— Bergmeistcr (R.) Einiges aus der Tatigkeit des Augenarztes an einer Blindenanstalt. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1911, lxi, 2029-2033.—Brown (J. E.) A review ofthe oculist's records for ten years at the Ohio State School for the Blind. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1908, iv, 222-229. Dus- saud. Appareils pour les aveugles. Compt. rend. Arid. d. sc, Par., 1902; cxxxiv, 375-377.—Ellas berg (J.) Doit-on la vorite aux sujets menaces de cecite? Arch, d'opht., Par., 1912, xxxii, 679-6S4.—Fox (L. W.) Gold-blindness, or retinal asthenopia und its treatment. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 121-124. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Dan- bury, Conn.. 1901, xx, 17.5-177. Aho; Reprint.—Hambur- ger (C.) Soil man Augenkranken die Erblindung verheim- lichen? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1904, xxx, 465.— Heard (Mary K.) When the bhnd see: a case report. Woman's M. j., Cincin., 1915, xxv, 79-S1.—Ho- lienciuser (K.) Der Arzt gegentiber den Erblindeten. Zt- schr. f. I'sychoth. u. med. Psychol., Stuttg., 1909, i, 144- 149— Lobanoff (S. V.) [Three cases of continuous, com- plete loss of sight with its subsequent reestablishment.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz.. Irkutsk, 1909, ii, 205-207— Mc Anally (J. T.) The problem of the blind from the doctor's stand- point. Illinois M. .1., Springfield, 1909, xvi, 643-648.— Minor (J. L.) Learning to see at 40, first with one eye, and later with both. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartiord, 1897-8, viii, 460-468, 2 ch.— Muskens (L. J. J.) «v Snellen (W.) Onderzoek naar de veelvuKligheid van blindheid, als ge- volg van goner.on hersenaandoemng en een poging tot nauw- keuiiger bepaling der aanwijziugen tot palliatief-operatie. Nederl. Tijdschr. V. Geneesk., Amst., 1909. ii, 1113 1124.— Xolslievski (K.) [An electrophthalnio-cyelope.] Dnevnik SvezdaObsh. Russk. Vrach. v pamvat Pirogova.S.-Petorb., lxss-9, iii, 220. [Discussion], 347.—Ormond (A. W.) . Treatmentof blinded men. Cuy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1917, xxxi, 311-316.—Parker (W. R.) Report of acase of total loss of vision in one eve and partial loss in the other com- pletely relieved by scllar decompression operation. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1917, xhi, 528-532.—Paul. Beitrage zum Sehenlernen und Wiederschenlernen. Jahresb. d. schles. Ge- sellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1905, Bresl., 1906,74.—Rodman (H.) A case of blindness and focal infection, due to ethmoiditis, cured. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 316. Aho, Reprint.— Sanz Blanco. Tratamiento higiemco y medico del ciego colegiado. Rev. Tbeio-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1907, xvii, 392-101.—Seydel (F.) Ein Beitrag zum Wiederschen- lernen Blindgowoideuer. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1902, xl, 97 113.—Swinerton (Lenna D.) Treat- ment of some of the postural defects and habit motions common among the blind. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxv, 803-806.—von SzUy (A.) Die Aufgabe des Augenarztes* BLINDNESS. 647 BLIX. Blindness (Treatment of). unheilbar Erblindenden gegentiber. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1906, xliv, 420-426—True (II.) Assis- tance oculistique des aveugles. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opht., Par., 1901, xviii. pp. xxviii-xxx.— Uhthoff (W.) Weitere Beitrage zum Sehenlernen blindgcborener und spater mit Erfolg operierter Menschen, sowie zu dem gele- gentlich vorkommenden Verlernen des Sehens bei jiingern Kindern. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. & Leipz., 1897, xiv, 197-241.—Wescott (C. D.) & Pusey (B.) The danger that may lurk in blind eyes. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 356-359. Blindness in soldiers. See, also, Blindness (Feigned). Ferponnes (Mile.) Romain Landry, soldat aveugle; souvenirs d'un guide; par Paul Junka [pseud.]. 8°. Baris, 1918. Bielschowsky (A.) Die Hilfstatigkeit fiir die kriegs- blinden Akademiker. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1917. xliii, 627.—Brieux. Ce qu'on fait en France pour nos soldats aveugles. Rev. interallied interessant les mutiles de la guerre. Par., 1918, i, 21-26.—Clark (H. T.) Cheer-up books for blinded soldiers. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1918, xii, 41.—Feilchenfeld (W.) & Bauer. Kriegs- blinden-Fursorge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1916, xhi, 1324.—von Grosz. Die Kriegsblindenfiir- sorge in Ungarn. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1916, lvh, 173.—Kolubovskl (Ya. N.) [The bhnd and the war.] Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Ralona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 11, 5-44.—Krtlckmann (E.) Ueber Kriegsblindenfursorge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1915, xii, 725; 763; 788.—Lundsgaard (K. K. K.) [Provision in Germany for soldiers blinded in war.] Hosp.-Tid., K0benh., 1918, lxi, 80-85.—Masugi (A.) Statistische Beobachtungen iiber die Blindheit der Militarpfhchtigen in Japan. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Tokyo, 1918, 15. —Uhthoff (W.) Ueber Kricgsblinde und Kriegsbhnden-Fiirsorge. Berl. khn. Wchnschr., 1916, lhi, 78-81. •------. Augenarzthche Erfahrungen und Betrachtungen iiber Kriegsblinde. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1916, xlh, 468. Aho: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1916, lvh, 176.—Valois (G.) & Rouvelx. Les borgnes de la guerre. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1916, cliii, 519-529. Blindness in soldiers [Reeducation]. See, also, Blind (Occupations for). Angeluccl (A.) La protezione degli occhi dei soldati e la rieducazione dei ciechi di guerra. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1916, xxhi, 177-205.—Bordley (J.) Plans ofthe U. S. Gov- ernment for the soldiers bhnded in battle. Outlook for Blind, Bost., 1917, xi, 54-58. :-----. Reeducation ofthe war blinded. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, lxx, 1931.—Brieux (E.) Our blinded soldiers; instructions for directors of schools. Outlook for Bhnd, Bost., 1918, xii, Suppl., 3-12. -----. Blinded soldiers and our duty to them. Reveille, Lond., 1918, i, 190-197.—Care (The) and training of blinded soldiers and sailors; the work of St. Dunstan's Hostel, Regent's Park, London, England. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1918, vi, 41-46.—England (Emma K.) The reeduca- tion of the bhnded soldier. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1919, xxvi, 29-34.—Foveau de Courmelles. La reeducation oculaire. Paris med., 1918, xxvih, suppl., 259-261.—Gines- tous (E ) Le soldat aveugle; la reeducation de l'ecriture par la Tablette Verdon. Progres med.. Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxu 176 -----. La reeducation du soldat aveugle. Ibid., 1918, 3. s., xxxih, 199-202.—Ginestous (E.) & Dominique (C ) La premiere education du soldat aveugle. Ibid., 1916, 3 s xxxi, 199-201.—Lawson (A.) Blinded sailors and soldiers; remarks on the training at St. Dunstan's. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 223.—McCallin (Sirs. Sidney). Blindness a temporary disablement. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1918, xi, 295-297 —Merle & Schaldler. Ausbildung und Berufs- tatigkeit der Kriegsblinden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1916, xhi, 468—Nobbs (H. G.) Where blind soldiers learn to see. Reveille, Lond., 1918, l, 108.— Terrien (F.) Remarques sur la reeducation des aveugles. Paris med., 1916, xviu, 490-493. Blind-spot. See Retina. Blinkoff-Talnowsky (Etja-Souja). *Ueber Pro- tylin. 16 pp. 8°. Bern, Kamp-Berger, 1909. Blique (Raoul) [1884- ], ^Contribution a l'etude de la spondylose rhizomehque. 77 pp. 8°. Barh, 1910, -No. 325. Blischke (Carl) [1865- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur therapeutischen Anwendung des Natrium para- cresotinicum. 60 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, Kast- ner dc Callwey, 1912. Blisnianskuja (Grunia). *Zur Entwickelungs- geschichte der menschlichen Lungen: Bron- Blisnianskuja (Grunia)—continued. chialbaum, Lungenform. 59 pp.,- 1 pi. 8°. Zurich, J. F. Kobold-Liidi, 1904. Bliss (Andrew Richard) [1S87- ]. A laboratory manual of quahtative chemical analysis, for stu- dents of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy; with working tables. 4 p. 1., 5-244 pp. 8°. Bir- mingham, Ala., the author, 1914. The same. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., pp. 11-194. 8= Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, W. B. Saunders Co., 1918. & Olive (Alfred Henderson) [1877- ]. A text-book of physics and chemistry for nurses. xiv, 239 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, J. B. Lippincott Co., [1916]. The same. 4 p. L, v-xiv, 239 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc London, J. B. Bippincott Co., 1918. Bliss (Arthur Ames) [1859-1913]. Blockley days; memories and impressions of a resident physi- cian, 1883-4. 94 pp. 8°. [Springfield, Miss.], printed for private circulation [Springfield Printing & Binding Co.], 1916. For Biography, see Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. Y., 1913, xxxv, 307. Aho: Ibid., 1914, xxxvi, 303-305. Bliss (Charles L.) Note on the analysis of the water from the Manila water supply, pp. 39—49, 8°. Manila, Bureau Bub. Brint., 1904. Forms No. 20: Dep. Interior. Bureau Gov. Lab. Chem. Lab., Manila, 1904. Bliss (Hubert E. J.). See Ballliere's popular atlas of anatomy and physiologv, [etc.]. fol. London, 1908. Bliss (Lyman W.) [1835-1907]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 890.— Small (S. I.) [Obituary.] J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1907, vi, 191, port. Blisters. See, also, Counter-irritants; Vesication. Sboellb (J.) *Vesicatoire et leucocytose. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Thiberti (A.) Memoria sull' azione contro stimolante de' vesicanti. 8° Bavia, [n. d.]. Bott (S.) Extensive blistering occurring in an infant; di- agnosis of scurvy. Lancet, Lond., 1911, i, 878.—Helbing (II.) Vesicant. [Pat. spec] No. 649692; May 8, 1900.—Lemoine (G ) & Gallois. Faut-il mettre des vesicatoires? Nord m6d., Lille, 1898, iv, 173-176—McAlister (E. W.) Blister- plaster. [Pat. spec] No. 716265; Dec. 16, 1902—Mathews (W P ) The use and abuse of bhsters. Med. Reg., Rich- mond, 1899-1900, hi, 399-404.—Naumann (O.) Die Epis- pastica als excitirende und deprimirende Mittel. Ihr Einfluss auf Puis und Korperwarme. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1867, xciii, 133-152. Blitz (Adolf) [1874- ]. *Ueber Heilung von Stauungspapillen. [Kiel.] 25 pp., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, 0. Francke, 1899. Blitz (Ernst) [1822-1903]. Thorns (H.) [Biography.] Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1903, xiii, 3-6. Blitz (Heinrich) & Kiippers (Ernst). Chemisch- analytische Untersuchungen der Hieronymus- quelle in Niederkoutz bei Sierck i. Lothr. 13 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1906. Blitz (Richard) [1884- ]. *Die liautmikro- sporie. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin. E. Ebering, 1909. Blivet (Fulgent - Francois- Xavier- Louis - Marie i [1872- ]. *La yariole a l'hopital d'Auber- villiers en 1896. Etude clinique. 52 pp. K = . Baris, 1897, No. 593. Blix (Carl August) [1837- ]. *Studier ofver glaskroppen. [Studies on the vitreous humor.] 37 pp. 8°. Stockholm, F. A. Norstedt dc Soner, 1868. Blix (Magnus Gustav) [1849-1904]. Bergman (P.) [Biography.] Aim. sven. Lakartidn., Stockholm, 1904, i, 183-185— Johansson (J. E.) [Biog- BLIX. 648 BLOCH. Blix (Magnus Gustav). raphy.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1904, 2. f., iv, 191-196, port.— Ohrvall(H) Minnesord. [Gedenkrede. Uebers., p. xix.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1903-4, n. F., ix, pp. ix-xii.—Tiger- stedt(R.) [Biography.] Skandin. Arch.f. Physiol., Leipz., 1904, xvi, 334-347.— Torup (S.) [Biography.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1904, 5. R., ii, 458. Blizard (Sir William) [1743-1835]. An oration delivered February 9, 1826, before the Hun- terian Society. 39 pp., 21., 3pi. 4°. [London], Carpenter dc Son, [1826]. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1914, i, 550. Bloc (Henri) [1872- , 1. *Du siege decomplete\ mode des fesses. (Etude statistique.) 55 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 356. Block (Albert) [1872- ]. *De l'assistance medicale gratuite dans les campagnes. 57 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 155. Block (Alfred). ^Casuistischer Beitrag zur Pathologie der Geschwiilste der Dura mater. 30 pp. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Lossen, 1900. Block (Arthur) [1880- ]. *Metastatische Eiterungen als Folge von Bronchialerkrankun- gen. 36 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1903. Block (Bruno). *Die geschichthchen Grundla- gen der Embryologie im Altertum. [Basel.] 54 pp. 4°. Halle a. S., 1904. Repr.from: Nova acta helvet., Basileae, 1904, lxxxii. ------. Die Sporotrichose. Beihft. z. Med. Klin., Berl. & Wien, 1909, v, 181-202. ------. Die allgemein-pathologische Bedeutung der Dermatomykosen. 112 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1913. Forms 4.-5. Hft., v. 2, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Dermat. [etc.]. Block (Carl Edvard). Studier over tarmbetsendel- se. [Studies on intestinal inflammation.] 2 p. 1., 160 pp. 8°. K0benhavn, A. Bangs, 1902. Block (Edmond) [1875- ]. *Rhumatismes et dyspepsies. 166 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 132. Block (Emil). Die Ohrenheilkunde im Kreise der medicinischen Wissenschaften. Akademische Antrittsrede. 16 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer. 1900. Block (Ernst). *Zur Physiologie des Blutes. 21 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Bonitas-Bauer, 1895. Block (Gaston). *Etude chnique sur la cause la plus frequente et la moins connue des devia- tions utero-annexielles et des douleurs qu'elles engendrent. 60 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 221. Also, Editor of: Archives generates de kinesitherapie, Paris, 1909-14. Block (Hedwig). *Ueber den Einfluss der Men- struation bei verschiedenen internen Erkran- kungen. [Basel.] 24 pp., 6 pi. 8°. Karlsruhe i. B., G. Moos, 1910. Block (Heinrich) [1877- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Entwicklungsfehler der weiblichen Genitalien. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. dc J. Goeller, 1907. Block (Heinrich) [1879- ]. *Beitrag zur Bak- terienflora der Strassburger Wasserleitung. 30 pp., 1 tab., 11. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Miih dc Co., 1903. Block (Hermann Armand) [1878- ]. *Ueber manuelle Placentarlosung bei recht- und friih- zeitigen Geburten. Casuistik aus der Strass- burger geburtshiilflichen Klinik und Pohklinik von 1898-1902. 46 pp., 11. 8°. Strassburg i. E., J Singer 1903. Block (Isidore) [1872- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la syringomyomyelie a type scapulo- humeral. 47 pp. 8°. Barh, 1897, No. 114. Block (Iwan) [1872- ]. *Ueber den Einfluss von Jod, Thyrojodin, Thyraden auf den Stoff- wechsel. 46 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheincr, 1896. Bloch (Iwan)—continued. ------. Die geschichtliche Entwickelung der wissenschaftlichen Krankenpflege. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Forms 136. Hit. of: Berl. Klinik. ------. Der Ursprung der Syphilis; eine medizi- nische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung. v. 1, 1.-2. Abteilung. xiv, 765 pp. roy. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1901. ------. Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Psychopathia sexualis. Mit einer Vorrede von Albert Eulen- burg. 2 v. xvi, 272 pp., xviii, 400 pp. 8°. Bresden, H B. Bohrn, 1902-3. ------. Das erste Auftreten der Syphilis (Lust- seuche) in der europiiischen Kulturwelt. Ge- wiirdigt in seiner weltgeschichtlichen Bedeu- tung, dargestellt nach Anfang, Verlauf und vor- aussichthchem Ende. Vortrag gehalten in der staatswissenschaftlichen Vereinigung zu Berlin am 12. November 1903. 35 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fhcher, 1904. ------. The origin of syphilis (morbus ameri- canus). Translated from the German by M. G. Miller. 23 pp. 8°. [Stuttgart], 1904. Repr.from: Proc. Int. Cong. Am., Stuttgart, 1904. ------. Die Perversen. 42 pp. 8°. Berlin, Ban- Verl., [1905]. ------. Die Praxis der Hautkrankheiten; Unna's Lehren fiir Studierende und Aerzte zusam- mengefasst und dargestellt. Mit einem Vorwort von P. G. Unna. xii, 698 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Schwarzenberg, 1908. ------. The sexual hfe of our time, in its relations to modern civilization. Translated from the 6. German ed. by M. Eden Paul. xvi. 790 pp. 8°. London, 1908. ------. Die Prostitution, v. 1: xxxvi, 870 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Marcus. 1912. Aho, Co-Editor of: Zeitscnrilt fiir Sexualwissenschaft, Bonn, 1914-15. von Block (Joh.V See UnmiiRlichkeit (Die) den Verwundeten [etc.] [in 2. s.]. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Bloch (Judith). *Ueber cystische Tumoren der Mamma. 39 pp., 11. S°." Freiburg i. B., Ham- merschlag dc Kahle, 1910. Bloch (Leopold). *Ueber habituelle Luxation des Ellenbogens. 32 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Strassburg, C. dc J. Goeller, 1900. Block (Lippmann Friedrich) [1SS8- ]. *Stu- dien iiber Rotationsdispersion und Mutarota- tion der Zuckerarten in Wasser, Pyridin und Ameisensaure. [Erlangen.] 71 pp. S°. Berlin. 1911. Bloch (Louis). *Action de l'arsenic sur le sang et les organes hematopo'ietiques; £tude experi- mentale. 82 pp. 8°. Baris, 1908, Xo. 99. Bloch (Marcel). La coaguiabilite sanguine; me- sure clinique. 231 pp. 8°. Barh, G. Steinheil, 1914. ------. Les aveugles en France. 3 p. 1., 181 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, Bousscau A Cie.. 1917. Bloch (Marcus Elieser) [1723-99]. [Biography.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz., 1913, xxxix, 900. Bloch (Martin) [1867-1908]. Munter (D.) [Biography.] Med. Reform, Berl., 1908, xvi, 61. Bloch (Maurice). La vaccination preventive de la tuberculose par la famille ou par la methode des eongeneres. 188 pp. 16°. Barh, 1899. Bloch (Maurieel. *De la conduite a tenir dans le cas de dvstocio pelvienne d'origine rachitique. 54 pp., 1 i, 6 tab. 8°. Barh, 1900, No. 624. BLOCH. 649 BLOMART. Bloch (Maurice). *Les neoplasmes malins primi- tifs de la plevre. 126 pp., 11. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 414. ------. The same. 126 pp., 1 1. 8°, Barh, Vigotfrlres, 1905. Bloch (Moritz). *Neuere Untersuchungen iiber die Einwirkung des Aethers auf Hamoglobin und rote Blutkorperchen wahrend der Narkose an Menschen und Kaninchen. [Bern.] 37 pp. 8°. Beipzig, T. C. W. Vogel, 1908. Bloch (Oscar). Om D0den. En almenfattehg Fremstilling. [Death. A comprehensive pre- sentation.] 7p. 1., 473 pp.; 321pp. 8°. K0ben- havn, Nordhke Forlag, 1903. ------. Chirurgien i kliniske forelaesninger. Fra det kgl. Frederiks Hospitals, Afd. C, 1886-1904. iv, 375 pp., iii, 861 pp. roy. 8°. Kdbenhavn dc Krhtianw,, 1905-6. For Biography, see Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, Kdbenh., 1912-13, xi, 285 (J. Berg). Bloch (0[tto]). *Beitrage zur Kohlenoxydvergif- tung nach dem Material der 2. medizinischen Khnik zu Berhn. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Leivzig, B. Georgi, 1902. Bloch (Paul). *Sur une epidemie de fievre typhoide au pavilion de la scarlatine de l'hopi- tal Trousseau. Contribution a l'etude de la contagion hospitaliere de la fievre typhoide. 87 pp. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 133. Block (Rend). Contribution a l'etude anatomo- clinique de la tuberculose primitive de la rate. 179 pp. 8°. Barh, 1907, No. 300. Bloch (Robert) [1882- _ ]. Contribution a l'dtude des caracteres histologiques des tumeurs malignes chez l'enfant. 69 pp., 11. 8°. Byon, 1904, No. 46. Bloch (Sarra) [1884- ]. *Peroneussehnenluxa- tion. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Block (Siegfried) [1882- ]. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Darminvagination. 26 pp. 8°. Beipzig, E. Behmann, 1910. Bloch (Vera). *Ueber Periarteriitis nodosa. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Zurich, J. J. Meier, 1913. Bloch (Wilhelm) [1886- _ ]. *Ueber die Apo- plexie im Secundarstadium der Lues. 24 pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, B. Muller dc Steinicke, 1911. Bloch (Willy) [1880- ]. *Ueber extragenitale Syphilisinfektion an den Lippen. [Wurzburg.] 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Noske, 1905. Blockmann (F.) Ist die Schutzpockenimpfung mit alien notwendigen Kautelen umgeben? Erortert an einem mit Verlust des einen Auges verbundenen Falle von Vaccineubertragung. 3 p. 1., 87 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Tubingen, F. Butzker, 1904. Blockmann (Georg Reinhart Eduard) [1875- ]. *Ein Fall von Myxom des linken Vorhofs. 28 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fkncke, 1904. Block (Adalbert) [1876- ]. *Beitrage zur Litteraturgeschichte der Augenheilkunde im Mittelalter unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Augenheilkunde des Alkoatim. 26 pp. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1901. Block (Felix) [1888- ]. *Ueber pathologische Harnblasenrupturen. [Greifswald]. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, A. Seydel dc Co., 1913. Block (Felix [Ernst]) [1858- ]. Welche Mass- nahmen konnen behufs Steuerung der Zunahme der Geschlechtskrankheiten ergriffen werden? In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1901, No. 317 (Innere Med., No. 93, 577-606). ------. Wie schiitzen wir uns vor den Geschlechts- krankheiten und ihren tiblen Folgen? 32 pp. 8°. Beipzig. J. A. Barth, 1904. Forms 3. Hft., of: Flugschr. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Bckampf. d. Geschlechtskrankh., Leipz. Block (Feodor) [1876- ]. *Untersuchungen iiber Aspirin, Novaspirin und Aspirophen. [Giessen.] 42 pp. 8°. Borna-Leipzig, B. Noske, 1909. Block (Georg) [1882- ]. *Zur Morbiditat und Mortalitat im Wochenbett. Statistische Beitrage aus dem Material der Universitatsfrauenklinik zu Freiburg i. Br. von den Jahren 1899-1903. 25 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., E. Kuttruff, 1906. Block (Heinrich) [1879- ]. *Beitrag zur Alkoholneuritis mit Korsakowschem Sympto- menkomplex. 26 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1910. Block (Walter). Das Radium und seine Bedeu- tung in Wissenschaft und Leben. 95 pp. 8°. Beipzig, T. Thomas, [1914]. Bloc-notes dietetiques a l'usage des praticiens par un medecin praticien. Traduit sur la 7. ed. allemande par E. Vogt. vi pp., 63 1. 12°. Barh, C. Beinwald, 1897. Blodgett (Albert George) [1841-1917]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. f., 1917, clxxvi, 330. Blodgett (James H.) Relations of population and food products in the United States, exclusive of Alaska and the insular possessions; mainly as indicated by census reports, 1850-1900. 86 pp. 8°. Washington, Gov. Brint. Office, 1903. Forms Bull. No. 24, U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Statistics. Blodgett (Stephen Haskell) [1863- ]. Urinary diseases, v, 125 pp., front. 8°. Boston, Whit- comb dc Barrows, 1914. Bloebaum ([Carl] Hans Wilhelm) [1874- ]. *Ueber Cranioclasie. 31 pp. 8°. Bonn, B. Bieberstein, 1902. Bloebaum (Friedrich). Syphilis in Nase, Rachen, Ohr und Auge und die Behandlung derselben insbesondere die Chromwassercur. 51 pp. 8°. Neuwied, Berlin dc Beipzig, Heuser, 1897. Bloesch (Joannes Alexander). *Diss. sistens ani- madversiones quasdam in statum et therapiam submersorum. 31 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingx, Litt. Fuesianh, 1799. Blote (H. W.) Bloed en tuberculose. 37 pp. 8°. Leiden, Gebr. van der Iloek, 1898. Blokm (Bogislav) [1871- ]. *Ueber Vereite- rung subcutaner Fracturen. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1898. Blokm ([Hans Hugo] Willy) [1881- ]. *Ueber Hernia funiculi umbibcalis congenita. [Kiel.] 25 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Brenkel, 1908. Blohm (Richard) [1879- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der malignen Limbustumoren. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1905. Blohmke (Artm*) [1888- ]. *Beitrag zur Frage der sekundaren Labyrinthinfektion bei akuter Mittelohreiterung. [Konigsberg i. Pr.] 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1911. Blok (J.) Schoolartsen. [School physicians.] 22 pp. 8°. Haarlem, F. Bohn, 1895. Forms No. 2 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1895, ii, 33-54. ------. Het menschelijk oog. Bouw, verrich- ting en verzorging. 39 pp., superimposed pi. 8°. Beventer, Kluwer dc Co., [1897?]. Blok (Johan Cornells). Cver vagotonic 5 p. 1., 138 pp. 8°. Leiden, E. Tjdo, 1913. Blom (Petrus Joh.) Verslag van de mazelziekte welke gedurende het jaar 1829, te Utrecht epi- demisch geheerscht heeft. 1 p. 1., 79 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Utrecht, N. van der Monde, 1830. Blomart (Francois). Gymnastique. Developpe- ment du programme pour les ecoles primaires. 73 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Anderlecht, F. Benh, 1906. BLOMBERG. 650 BLONDLOT. Blomberg (Hugo) [1876- ]. *Ueber die diag- nostische Bedeutung der Menstruationscurvc bei Tubenschwangerschaft. 44 pp. 8°. Kiel. F. Beters, 1901. Blome (August). *Ueber Carcinomentwicklung in versprengten Brustdriisenkeimen. [Wiirz- burg.] 64 pp. 8°. Warburg, F. Quick, 1898. Blome (Karl Ludwig). *Ueber zwei neue Wurm- spezies; Triehosomum papillosum und Hete- rakis cylindrica. [Bern.) 16 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Ber- lin, S. Mittler dc Sohn, 1909. [Blomfleld (Charles George Massie)] [1878-1915]. The young officer's guide to knowledge. 5. ed., revised and enlarged. 2 p. 1., pp. 7-56. 32°. [London], Harrison dc Sons, 1917. Blomfield (Edward Eldridge) [1863- 1910]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1910, ii, 1567. Blomfleld (James Edward) [1856- ]. Anaes- thetics; a practical handbook. 4. ed. vii, 147 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1917. Blomme (Edmond) [1876- ]. *De la valeur therapeutique du mesotane. 52 pp. 8° Mont- pellier, 1904, No. 70. Blomme (Georges) [1874- ]. ^Considerations sur la polydactylie. 46 pp. 8°. Pan's. 1901, No. 205. Blomquist (Arvid). See Delphin (T), Blomquist (Arvid) & Westllng (R.) Korthandledning[etc.]. 8°. Stockholm, 1907.—Kommen- tar till svenska farmakopen [etc.]. 8°. Stockholm, [1902]. Blond (Charles-Narcisse-Henri-Joseph) [1881- ]. *Sur la valeur therapeutique de la fulguration dans le traitement du cancer. 73 pp. 8°. Lille, E. Bufrenoy, 1910, No. 22. Blondeau (Albert) [1876- ]. *Des accidents causes par l'etranglement des hernies diaphrag- matiques. (Etude anatomique et clinique.) 80 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1898, No. 14. Blondel (Charles). *Lesauto-mutilateurs; etude psycho-pathologique et medico-legale. 132 pp., ■ 11. 8°. Barh, 1906, No. 329. END OF VOL. Blondel (Charles)T-continued. ------. The same 1 p. 1., 132 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J. Bousset, 1906. Blondel (Elysee) [1881- ]. *Occlusion intesti- nale par coudure de Tangle gauche du colon au cours de la grossesse. 149 pp. 8°. Byon, 1909, No. 5. Blondel (Jules) [1868- ]. *De l'intervention dans la perityphlite. 54 pp. 4°. Barh, 1895, No. 9. Blondel (Maurice) [1886- ]. *Sur le traitement des pieds bots difficiles de la premiere enfance par La, section des ligaments posterieur et interne de l'articulation tibio-tarsienne. 51 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1910, No. 65. Blondel (Paul) [1874- ]. Contribution a l'etude des kystes de l'iris. 102 pp. 8°. Lille, 1900, No. 430. Blondel (R[aoul-Emile]). Editor of: Revue de therapeutique medico-chirurgicale, Paris, 1853-1914. Blondes. Bloch (A.) Origine et evolution des blonds europeens. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1911, 6. s., ii, 54-78.— Mackintosh (J. S.) Anthropology and the school; the hygiene of the blonde. School Hyg., Lond., 1911, ii, 490-495. Blondin (Paul). *Essai sur le role du bacille de Koch dans la genese de certaines cirrhoses du foie dites alcoohques. 132 pp. 8°. Barh, 1905, No. 320. ------. The same. 132 pp. 8D. Baris, Vigot freres, 1905. Blondin (Paul). *Traitement de la dysenterie amibienne par les lavements creosotes. 46 pp. 8° Baris, 1908, No. 80. Blondin (Paul). See Tissier (Paul[-Louis-Alexandre]) & Blondin (Paul) [in 2. s.]. Traitement de la syphilis [etc.]. roy. 8*. Parh, 1912. Blondlot (R.) Rayons N; recueil des com- munications faites a l'Academie des sciences. avec des notes complementaires et une instruc- tion pour la confection des ecrans phospho- rescents. vi, 78 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Barh, Gauthier- Villars, 1904. , THIRD S1UI1S. &££:. IwaK-Mi'.'.-i-^tM'iii'r ;.V.; 1.'. r■ «,V.;I ""; "A'(.V.•