3£&*-T' Kfr' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ^ . . FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C, Bl9 574 NU INDEX-CATALOGUE OF , ! j THE LIBEAEY OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES ARMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. SZEOOUSTZD SEBIES. Vol. XIV. Q.-RZEHAK. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1909. X 3? S er, 2 V. 14 I 909 C. 2_ War Department, Surgeon-Genekai/s Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, Wunhiiif/ton, I). C, July 1, 1909. General George H. Torney, Surgeon-General, U. S. Army. General: I have the honor to present herewith the fourteenth volume of the second series of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This volume includes 10,019 author titles, representing 5,281 volumes and 8,158 pamphlets. It also contains 4,065 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets, and 31,370 titles of articles in periodicals. The Library now contains 168,879 bound volumes and 297,560 pamphlets. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue as far as published: Total in first series..... Second series: Vol. I___ Vol. II... Vol. III.. Vol. IV.. Vol. X... Vol. VI.. Vol. VII. Vol. VIII Vol. IX.. Vol. X... Vol. XI.. Vol. XII. Vol. XIII Vol. XIV Total to date..... AUTHOR-TITLES. SUBJECT-TITLES. Titles. 176,364 6,346 15,732 11,112 9,628 6,825 15,589 6,225 10,704 S.706 10,122 8,023 5,476 5,566 10,019 306,437 Volumes. 85,663 6,127 6,383 4,873 4,133 2,695 5,865 2,692 5,330 2,599 4,690 4,063 2,355 3,250 5, 2K1 145, 999 Pamphlets. 151,504 6,327 14,802 10,690 8,523 5,957 14,296 8,157 9,897 8,291 10,750 9,311 5,195 4,851 8,058 276,609 Book titles. 168,557 7,884 5, 774 10,636 S, 828 7,645 5,962 13,179 5,731 5,322 10,856 5,634 10,996 7,678 4,065 78,747 Journal ar- ticles. 511,112 30,384 21,725 34,314 28,316 40,045 30,561 32,522 29,684 31,481 22,622 31,211 35,324 40,221 31,370 953,892 Portraits. 4,335 5,012 Very respectfully, WALTER D. McCAW, Lieutenant-Cod>nel', Medical Corps, Librarian, S. G. O. in FIFTH ADDITION ALPHABET EC AL LIST ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES MEDICAL PERIODICALS, PUBI.ISHED IN" THE NIjKTTH VOLUME, SECOISTD SERIES, OF TUB INDEX-CATALOGUE. 3? For explanations, see the Alphabetical List of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. IX, 2. s. A. Abhandlungen, Magdeb. iEsculapian, N. Y. Am. Healtli, N. Haven & N. Y. An. de la Acad, de obst. [etc.], Madrid. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. . . . de Catalunya, Barcel. Ann. di Ippocrate, Milano. Ann. d. Manic, prov. di Peru- gia. Ann. de physicotherap., Par. Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Infectionskrankh. in Bern [etc.], Jena. Abhandlungen. Magdeburg, v. 1, 1908. 8°. iEsculapian (The). A quarterly journal of medical history, literature and art. New York City. v. 1, 1908-9. 8°. American Health. The official organ of the American Health League. New Haven & New York. v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. American Health League. [See Am. Health, N. Haven & N. Y.] American Institute of Homoeopathy. [See J. Am. Inst. Ho- mceop., N. Y.] American Medical Editors' Association. [See Proc. Am. Med. Editors' Ass., N. Y.] American National Red Cross. [See Bull. Am. Nat. Red Cross, Wash.] American Osteopathic Association. [See J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., Auburn, N. Y.] Anales de la Academia de obstetricia, ginecologia v pediatria. Madrid, v. 2, 1909. 8°. Anals de medecina. Butlleti mensual de 1'Academia y labora- tori de ciencies mediques de Catalunya. Barcelona, v. 1, 1907. 8°. Annali (Gli) di Ippocrate. Rivista di medicina, chirurgia, igiene, speciality mediche, terapia, riviste italiene ed estere. Milano. v. 1-3, 1906-9. 8°. Annali del Manicomio provinciate di Perugia. Perugia, v. 1, 1907. 8°. Annates de physicotherapie, electricite [etc.]. Paris, v. 10, 1909. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem Institut zur Erforschung der Infektions- krankheiten in Bern und den wissenschaftlichen Labora- torien des Schweizer Serum- und Impf-Instituts. Jena. 1 Hft. 1908. 8°. Archives bohemes de medecine. [See Sborn. lek., v Praze.] [1] [2] Arch. gen. d. kinesither., Par. Arch. Latino-Am. de pediat., Buenos Aires. Arch. Psychol., N. Y. Arch. f. Volkswohlf., Berl. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r. . . . 2. Cong, internat. . . . 1906, Par. Atti d. Soc. ital. di patol., Pavia. Atti di Soc. med. leg. in Boma. Archives generates de kinesitherapie. cinesie.) Paris, v. 11, 1909. S°. (Ancienne Revue de Archivos Latino-Americanos de pediatria. Buenos Aires, v. 1-4, 1905-8. 8°. Archives of Psychology. New York. Xos. 1-11, 1906-8. 8°. Archiv fur Volkswohlfahrt. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. Assainissement et salubrite de 1' habitation. Compte-rendu des travaux du deuxienie Congres international tenu a Geneve du 4 au 10 septembre 1906. Paris. 1 v. 1907. 8°. Association internationale d'urologie. [See Cong, de 1'Ass. inter- nat. d'urol., Par.] Association medico-chirurgicale des accidents du travail. [See Bull, med.-chir. d. accid. du travail.] Atti della Societa italiana di patologia. Quarta riunione. Pavia. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Atti della Societa di medicina legate sede in Roma. 1909. 8°. Roma. v. 2, B. Beibl. d. Mitteil. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med., Wien. Beitr. z. Futtermittell. u. Stoflf- wechselphysiol., Berl. Beitr. z. Physiol, u. Path. Festschr. . . . L. Hermann, Stuttg., 1908. Ber. u. d. I. internat. Kong. f. d. Bettungsw. 1908, Berl. Ber. a. d. k. bayer. biol. Ver- suchsstation in Munchen, Stuttg. Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma. Bull. Am. Nat. Red Cross, Wash. Bull. Med. & Chir. Fac. Mary- land, Bait. Bull, med.-chir. d. accid. du travail, Par. Bull, et mem. Soc. radiol. •med. de Par. Bull, de l'Office internat. d'hyg. pub., Par. Bull, san., Montreal. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par. Baas (Hermann). [See Zwnzg. Abhandl. z. Gesch. d. Med. Festschr. . . . Baas, Hamb. & Leipz.] Beiblatt der Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fiir physikalische Medizin. Wien. v. 1, 1908. 8°. Beitriige zur Futtermittellehre und Stoffwechselphysiologie der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztiere. Berlin. Hft. 1-3, 1905-8. 8°. Beitriige zur Physiologie und Pathologic Hrsg. von O. Weiss. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage Ludimar Hermann von seinen Schulern gewidmet. Stuttgart. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Berichte iiber den I. internationalen Kongress fiir das Rettungs- wesen zu Frankfurt a. M. 1908. Band 1. Vortrage. Berlin. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Bericht aus der kgl. bayerischen biologischen Versuchsstation in Munchen. Stuttgart, v. 1, 1908. 8°. Bollettino della Societa medica di Parma. 1908. 8°. Parma, s. 2. v. 1, Bulletin. Published quarterly by The American National Red Cross, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. v. 1-4, 1906-9. 8°. Bulletin (The) of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Mary- land. Baltimore, v. 1, 1908-9. 8°. Bulletin ntedico-chirurgical des accidents du travail; organe de 1'Association medico-chirurgicale des accidents du travail. Paris, v. 1-2, 1908. 8°. Bulletins et memoires de la Societe de radiologic medicate de Paris. Paris, v. 1, 1909. 8°. Bulletin de l'Office international d'hygiene publique. Paris. v. 1, 1909. 8°. Bulletin sanitaire. Publie par le Conseil d'hygiene de la pro- vince de Quebec. Montreal, v. 1-8, 1901-8. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique. Paris, v 1-2 1908-9. 8°. [3] V. Calif. Eclect. M. J., Los Angeles. California (The) Eclectic Medical Journal, Los Angeles, v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. Cancer. Internat. Monatschr. [etc.], Berl. Cancer. Internationale Monatsschrift, [etc.], Berlin, v. 1,1908-9. Central States Medical Monitor and Indianapolis Medical Journal. [See Indianapolis M. J.] Chiari (Hans). [See Festschr. . . . Hans Chiari . . . seines 25jiihr. Prof.-Jubil. [etc.], Wien & Leipz.] Clinique (La) pratique medico-chirurgicale de pathologiegenerate et speciale. Paris, v. 1-5, 1905-9. 8°. Cong, del'Ass. internat. d'urol., Congres de 1'Association internationale d'urologie. 1. 1908. Proees-verbaux, rapports et discussions. Paris, v. 1, 1908. Clin. prat, med.-chir. de path. [etc.], Par. Par. Congres international d'assainissement et salubrite de l'habita- tion. [See Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C. r. . . . 2. Cong, internat. . . . 1906, Par.] Conseil d'hygiene de la province de Quebec. [See Bull, san., Montreal.] D. Desinfektion. Monatsschr., Berl. Dreschfeld Memorial, Manches- ter. Desinfektion. Monatsschrift. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Stadthygiene. [See Ztschr. f. Stadthyg. Berl.] Dreschfeld Memorial Volume. Containing an account of the life, work, and writings of the late Julius Dreschfeld, with a series of original articles dedicated to his memory by colleagues in the University of Manchester and former pupils. Edited by E. M. Brockbank, Manchester. 1 v. 1908. 8°. E. Epilepsia, Amst. Epilepsia. Revue internationale trimestrelle, consacree a l'etude au point de vue pathologique, therapeutique [etc.]. Amster- dam, v. 1, 1909. 8°. F. Festschr. . . . Hans Chiari . . . seines 25jahr. Prof. - Jubil. [etc.], Wien & Leipz. Folia serolog. [etc.], Leipz. Folia Therap., Lond. Festschrift Herrn Hofrat Prof. Dr. Hans Chiari aus Anlasz seines 25jiihrigen Professoren-Jubiliiums gewidmet von seinen Schulern. Veranstaltet und herausgegeben von Paul Dittrich. Wien & Leipzig. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Folia serologica. II. (serologischer) Teil des internationalen Zentralorgans fiir Blut- und Serumforschung. Leipzig. Hft. 2. v. 1, 1908. 8°. Folia Therapeutica. A periodical journal relating to modern therapeutics and pharmacology for medical practitioners. London, v. 1-2, 1907-8. roy. 8°. M e. Gazz. di med. e chir., Palermo. Ginecol. mod., Genova. Gior. d. malaria, Napoli. Gior. d. Osp. Maria Vittoria, Torino. Grenzfr. d. Lit. u. Med. in Ein- zeldarstell., Munchen. Grenzgeb. in d. Med. 14 Vortr. . . . d. ErOffnung d. Kaiserin Friedrich-Hauses [etc.], Jena. Gulf States J. M. & S. [etc.], Mobile. Garman (Edward). [See Stud, philos. & psychol. . . . Gar- man commem., Bost. & N. Y.] Gazzetta di medicina e chirurgia. (Continuazione della Gazzetta Siciliana di medicina e chirurgia.) Palermo, v. 8, 1909. fol. Gesellschaft fiir physikalische Medizin. [See Beibl. d. Mitteil. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med., Wien.] Ginecologia (La) moderna. Genova. v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. Giornale della malaria. Napoli. v. 1-3, 1907-9. 8°. Giornale dell' Ospedale Maria Vittoria (ginecologia, ostetricia- pediatria). Torino, v. 8, 1908. 8°. Grenzfragen der Literatur und Medizin in Einzeldarstellungen. Munchen. Hft. 1-8, 1906-8. 8°. Grenzgebiete in der Medizin. Vierzehn Vortriige anliisslich der Eroffnung des Kaiserin Friedrich-Hauses fiir das iirztliche Fortbildungswesen. Jena. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Gulf States Journal of Medicine and Surgerv and Mobile Med- ical and Surgical Journal. Mobile, v. 14," 1909. 8°. H. Harvey Lect., Phila. & Lond. Hygiene & Phys. Educat., Springfield, Mass. Harvey (The) Lectures. Delivered under the auspices of the Harvey Society of New York, 1906-7. Philadelphia & Lon- don. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Harvey Society of New York. [See Harvey Lect., Phila & Lond.] Hermann [Ludimar]. [See Beitr. z. Physiol, u. Path. Festschr. . . . L. Hermann, Stuttg.] Hvgiene and Physical Education. Springfield, Mass. v. 1, 1909. 8°. I. Igiene mod., Genova. Imp. Voyenno - Med. Akad. Trudi Hosp. Khir. Klin. Fyo- dorova, S.-Peterb. Indianapolis M. J. Internat. Arch. f. Vet.-Med., Magdeb. Internat. Dermat. Cong. Tr., N. Y. Internat. Hosp. Bee, Detroit. Igiene moderna. Genova. v. 1, 1908. Imperatorskiy Kazanskiy Universitet. Imp. Kazan. Univ.] [See Uchen. Zapiski Imperatorskiy Novorossiyskiy Universitet. [See Trudi fak. terap. klin. Levashova pri Imp. Novoross. Univ., Odessa.] Imperatorskaya Voyenno-Meditsinskaya Akademiva. Trudi Hospitalnol Khirurgicheskoi Kliniki S. P. Fyodofova. [Im- perial Army Medical Academy. Papers of the Hospital Sur- gical Clinic of Fyodoroff.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1906. 8°. Indianapolis Medical Journal. (Central States Medical Monitor and Indiana Medical Journal.) Indianapolis, v. 12, 1909. 8°. Institut zur Erforschung der Infektionskrankheiten in Bern. [See Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Infectionskrankh. in Bern [etc.], Jena.] Internationales Archiv fur Veteriniir-Medizin. Maedebur^ v. 1, 1909. 8°. B ° International Dermatological Congress. Sixth. 1907. Official transactions. New York. 2 v Sept. 9 to 14, 1908. 8°. International Hospital Record. A monthly journal for hospitals and allied interests. [Formerly: Hospital Record]. Detroit. v. 12, 1909. fol. [5] Internat. Rev. d. ges. Hydro- biol. u. Hydrograph., Leipz. Internat. Tuberk.-Konf. Ber., Berl. Izviest. Obsh. Astrakhan. Vrach. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hvdrobiologie und Hydro- graphie. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. Internationaler Kongress fiir das Rettungswesen zu Frankfurt a. M. [See Ber. ii. d. I. internat. Kong. f. d. Rettungsw. 1908, Berl.] Internationale Tuberkulose-Konferenz. Bericht. 7th, 1908. Berlin. 1 v. 1909. 8°. Internationales Zentralorgan fiir Blut- und Serumforschung. [See Folia serolog. [etc.], Leipz.] Izviestiya Obshtshestva Astrakhanskikh Vrachei. [Communi- cations of the Society of Astrakhan Physicians.] Astrakhan. v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. ' J. J. Am. Inst. Homceop., N. Y. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., Auburn, N. Y. J. Nat. M. Ass., Tuskegee, Ala. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., Guthrie. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., Bait. J. Rontg. Soc, Lond. J. South. M. Ass., Shreveport. J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nashville. Jahrb. f. wissensch u. prakt. Tierz., Hannov. J. Univ. Sydney M. Soc. Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. New York. v. 1, 1909. 8°. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. Auburn, N. Y. v. 1-8, 1900-1902 to 1908-9. 8°. Journal of the National Medical Association. Tuskegee, Ala. v. 1, 1909. 8°. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. Guthrie. v. 1, 1908. 8°. Journal (The) of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Baltimore, v. 1, 1909. 8°. Journal (The) of the Rontgen Society. London, v. 5, 1909. roy. 8°. Journal of the Southern Medical Association. Shreveport, La. v. 1, 1909. 8°. Journal of the Tennessee State Medical Association. Nashville, Tenn. v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. Jahrbuch fiir wissenschaftliche und praktische Tierzucht ein- schliesslich der Zuchtungsbiologie. Hannover, v. 1-3,1905-8. 8°. Journal of the University of Sydney Medical Society. Sydney. N. s., No. 1, 1908. 8°. K. Kaiserin Friedrich-Hauses fiir das iirztliche Fortbildungswesen. [See o. \>2. (In- nere MM.. No. 65, 9J7-9.V1). «U- PrzcdnU'wi*"/. (E[ugenie-Antonine]) [1S70- ]. * Infection et synutrie. 82 pp., 1 1. 4°. rarif, 1S96, No. 355. |»r#.*'«*'ndza (Adolf) [1S74- ]. *Beitrag I zur l.rhre v<»n den Doppelmissbildungen (Dice- phalus tripus mit Sacralcvste). 16 pp. 8°. Munchen, C Wolf & Sohn, 1902. Przculud chiruriricznv; pismo poswiecone chirurgii, oftalmologii* otiatryi, laryngologn, akuszervi, jrinekologii, syfilidologii i derma- tologii. ' [Surgical review; journal devoted to sur^erv. ophthalmology, otiatrics, laryngology, ohstctrics, gynecology, syphilidology, and der- matology.] Editor: "W. H. Krajewski. In pt. 3 of v. 4 are added as co-editors: S. Orosglik, A. Karc/.ewski. v. l-o, 1S93-1905. 8°. War- KZairti. Current. Published at irregular intervals. Przt'fgltid chorol) skornych i weneryeznych. [Review of skin and venereal diseases.] [Month- ly.] Editor: Feliks Malinowski. v. 1-3, UtOU-S. 8°. Warszaua. Current. Przt'tflad dentystyczny; niiesiecznik, poSwie- cony cfiorobom zel»'i\v l jainy ustnej. [Dental Review; monthly, devoted to diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. ] Editor: B. Dzierzawski. v. 3-:., 1000-1902. 8°. Wnrxzmca. PrzcuJad farmaceutycznv; czasopismo, po- Bwiecoiie farmacji i naukom s nisj, zwiazek ma- jacvm, oraz sprawom zawodu. [Pharmaceutic l(eview; journal devoted to pharmacy and kindred sciences, also professional interests.] Editor: Bolestaw Gtadvch. [Semi-monthly.] v. 3-4, 1900-1901. 8-". " Warszawa. Ended. Continued as: I-'aruiaceutapolski. Prx«*tflad hygicniczny; organ Towarzystwa l'r/\ j:i> i''f Zdrowia. [Hygienic review; organ of the Society of Friends of Health.] v. 1-7, 1902-S. IMitors: J. Szpilman, Jozef Meruno- wicz, and Legezynski. [Monthly.] 8°. Lwow. Current. Przeglad lekarski. Organ towarzystw lekar- skich Krakowskiego i Galicyjskiego. [Med- ical review. (>rgan of the Cracow [Lemberg] and Galician medical societies.] v. 11-14, W2-5; v. 30-47, lswl-1908. 4°. Krakow. Current. Beginning with v. 40, "Lwowskiego" is in- serted after "Krakowskiego". Editors: v. 11-14, S. Ja- nikowski; v. 23-30. L. Blumenstok; v. 31, L. Halban; v. 32 to no. 19, v. 3n, S. Domatiski: no. 20, v. 35, to v. 44, A. KwaSuicki; v. 45-47, S. Ciechanowski. Przcglud pisiniennictwa lekarskiego polskiego za lr-^7-1906. [Review of Polish medical literature.] v. 11-30. 8°. [ Warszaiea, 1888- 190s.] Round tcith: Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw.,1889,lxxxv- l'.«'>, ci\. Przetflad weterynarski; organ Galicyjskiego Towarzystwa Weterynarskiego; czasopismo poswiecone weterynaryi i hodowli. [Veterinary Review; organ of the Veterinary Society of Galicia; journal devoted to veterinary medi- cine and breeding.] Editor: Jozef Szpilman. [Monthly.] v. 13-23, lst«s-190S. 8°. Lw6w. Current. von I»rzt'»mj «ki (Marian Adam) [1869- ]. * lelier janisiti-cheProtozoenaus-demInneren der Rotatorieu. pp. 358-408. s°. Munclien 19H2. R>pr. from: Bull, de l'Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1J02. Przewoski (Edward) [1S4D- 1. ■ \/. ) [Biogrf.pliy.] Kryt. lek., ■:in.) [port, in text] KraiiiM/.tyk sznun, 1 War- von Przeuoski (Joseph Ignatz) [1863- I. * Zur Casuistik der Verschhessungen der Gal- lenwege. ( Kin Fall von Ductus hepat.cus-Yer- schhJ.) 22 pp. 12°. Gee,piva/d,F. ]\.Ku- ( S[tanislav Aleksandrovich] ) ike, is«t2 PrzliibfU'k ^ olw1"18"" ^^^.r.-r-—-_, , \lSry>- ] *NIekotoriye produkti okisleniya mnogoatomnikh spirtov. [Certain products of oxydation of polyatomic alcohols.] 38 pp., 1 1. 8° S.-Peterburg, V. F. Ikmakqff, 1881. Kratkiy kurs farmatsii i farmakognozii; po lektsivam sostavili A. Livanoff i E. Rippe. [Brief course of pharmacy and pharmacognosy; compiled by . . •] 2. ed. 195 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburq, N P. Petroff, 1899. _____ Otchot S.-Peterburgskol gorodskol labo- ratorii za 1898 god. [Report of the Municipal Laboratory of St. Petersburg for 1898.] 142 pp., Laboratory of ci 1 map. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [M. Shreder], 1899. Przliikliodzki (E[mil Mikhail] I[vanovich]) [lSt.4- ]. *K voprosu o pitatelno-funktsio- nalnom mekhanizmfe nervnof klietki. [Nutri- functional mechanism of the nerve cell.] ti>., [St. Petersburg.] 1 p. 1., 346, vii pp., 4 1., 1. pi. 8°. Varshava, 1904. Przibram (Hans). Einleitung in die experi- mentelle Morphologie der Tiere. 142 pp. 8°. Leipzig A Wien, F. Deuticke, 1904. ------. Anwendung elementarer Mathematik auf biologische Problenie. 84 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Kn(/ehnann, 1908. Form's 3. lift, of: Vortr. u. Aufs. u. Entwcklngsmech. d. Organ., Leipz. Prziszcwska (Regina) [1875- ]. *Insuffi- sance ovarienne. 89 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 643. Przyhylski (Roman Matw. ) [1834- ]. I'.irsztany w sezonie leczniczym 1883 roku. [Birshtani for the season of 1883.] 16 pp. 8°. Warszau-a, K. Koiralewski, 1884. Suppl. to: Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1884, 2. s., iv, no. 22. Przygoda (Wladislaus). * Ueber den klini- schen Verlauf der multiplen Sklerose. 43 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Miinchen, G. BirkA Co., 1907. de Przyiemski (Albinus [Franc. Julius]) [1827- ]. * De aneurysmatibus. 32 pp., 11. 8°. Berolini, typ. frat. Schlesinger, [1851]. Psalidas (Michel) [1855- ]. * Etude cli- nique et histologique sur le lymphadenome en general, et en particulier sur une forme rare ob- served dans la mammelle. 79 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 76. Psalliota. Lloyd (C.G.) Mvcological notes: The genus Psalliota. 8°. [Cincinnati], 1899. Cutting from: pp. 25-32. Psammoma. See, also, Brain (Concretions in); Dura mater (Psammoma of); Spinal cord (Concretions in) Kahn (K. H.) *Zur Casuistik der Psam- mome. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1903. Wolf(F. M.) *Das Psammoma Virchowi, nebst einem selteneren Fall der Dura spinalis S". Wurzburg 1905. Ernst (l\) Ueber Psammome. Beitr. z. path. Anat u z a lg. Path., Jena. 1*91-2, xi, 234-259, 1 pl.-IHiiie l5i> xxiiC1a08ei('H,;r'mi.,i"ma.3 £hivZ*l «i Shinpc. Tckio, lwi, xxi, 1081-10'.U.—Routledge (A.) Acaseof nsnm- San^anf ',cTJ r ^ ' '■ U^h 19°* n '■. xiii,^^- ?£„¥■ J! ltj-) ,X flhromi delle membrane cerebro- ("rtK»aarnL ;^/ht0 tekoye Peschaniya'tleltsa What are Znfuii k(5-voProsuo0 stroyenii psammom.) Lwnat are sandlike bodies . . . ? On the structure ol PSAMMOMA. 3 PSEUDO -ELEPHANTIASIS, Psammoma. psammoma.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 951-953.— Woolleorabe (W. L.) A ease of Virchow's psammoma of the pituitary body, with remarks as to the function of that structure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1351-1353. Psammosteidie. Rohon (J. V.) Beitriige zur Anatomie und Histologie der Psammosteiden. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. 1901, Prag, 1902, No. XVI, 31 pp., 2 pi. Ps a tli ma. Meckel (E.) & Sclilagdenltauffen (F.) Sur les psathura de l'lle de la Reunion et sur la P. angustifola J. de Cordemoy, en tant que plantes aromatiques et ex- citantes. Repert. de pharm., Par., 1900, 3. s., xii, 54-60. Pscliorr (Robert). * Ueber einige neue Deri- vate des (1) Phenyl (3) Methylpyrazolons und Antipyrins. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1894. Psekup. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Psellus. De victu humano. In: Nicephoris. Logica [etc.], fol., Venetiis, 1498, Y2&-Y66. Pseudaconitine. See, also. Aconite. DmiKtiiii (W. R.) On pseudaconitine. J. Chem. Soc. Lond.. 1M"7, lxxi, 350-359. Pseudacusis. See Audition (Abnormal, etc.). Pseudarthritis. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of motion. Pseudarthrosis. .See Fractures (Ununited). Pseudencephalus. See Monsters from defect, etc., of brain, etc. Pseudo-achondroplasia. Raymond (F.) & Claude (H.) Sur une forme de dyschondroplasie avec arthropathies et micromelie (pseudo-achondroplasie rhumatismale). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 263-265. Pseudo-sesthesia. Ferrara (G.) Sulle pseudoestesie flsiologiche seoon- darie. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1124-1127.—JUat- tfrola. Observation d'une forme rare de pseudo- esthesie. J. de neurol., Par., 1906, xi, 281-285. Pseudo-ammonium compounds. Gadamer (J.) Ueber die Konstitution der Pseudo- ammoniumbasen. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1908, ccxlvi,89. Pseudo-anaemia. See, also, Anaemia (Idiopathic, etc.). Strauss (H.) Ueber Pseudoaniimien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 589-593.—Vernieliren (F.) Pseudoanamia angiospastica [vasomotorische Neurosej. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1903, 3. f., iii, afd. 2, no 4, 1-58. Pseudo-angina. See, also, Angina. Cook(W. H.) A case of pseudoangina. Chicago M. Obs., 1898, i, 230-232. Pseudo-aphakia. Czermak (W.) Pseudophakia fibrosa, eine faserige Scheinlinse, hervorgegangen aus der Tunica vasculosa lentis. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1907, lvii, 79-96, 4 pi. Pseudobranehia. JTIliller (F. W.) Ueber die Entwicklung und mor- phologische Bedeutung der Pseudobranchie und ihrer Umgebung bei Lepidosteus osseus. Arch. f.mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1897, xlix, 463-503, 2 pi. Also, Reprint.— Mueller (J.) Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen iiberdie Pseudobran- chien. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1841, 263-277. Pseudobulbar paralysis. See Paralysis (Bulbar, Diagnosis of). Pseudochlorosis. Hutlnel. Pseudochlorose der Sauglinge. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1908, liii, 408; 418. Pseudoehroma?sthesia. See, also, Color (Perception of, Disordered). Martin (Lillien J.) A case of pseudochromtesthesia based on reproduction of Corot's "Orpheus greeting the morn" (in black and white). Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1906, xiii, 189, 1 pi. Pseudocirrhosis ( Pericarditic) [Pick's syndrome]. Ernst (S.) *Mikroskopische Studie iiber einen ausgesprochenen Fall von sogenannter Pick'scher Krankheit (Polyserositis produc- tiva). 8°. Warzburg, 1904. Riemer (K.) * Ueber Zuckergussleber und fibrose Polyserositis. 8°. Kiel, 1906. Schulze (J. P.) * Ein seltener Fall von Mul- tipler progressiver Hyaloserositis (Zuckerguss- bildung), mit ausgedehnter Kalkablagerung. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Curschmann. Zur Differential-Diagnostik der mit Ascites verbundenen Erkrankungen der Leber und des Pfortadersystems. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1884, x, 564.—Ollardini (G.) Un casodi polisiero- site con sindrome di Pick. Casuist, med.-chir., Milano, 1905,i,21-27.—Jollasse(O.) UebereinebesondereForm der Entziindung seroser Haute (Curschmannsche Zucker- gussleber resp. Picksche pericarditische Pseudoleber- cirrhose). Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1897-8, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1900, vi, 227-210.—Kelly (A. O. J.) On multiple serosities; the association of chronic obliterative pericarditis with ascites; with particular reference to the pericarditic pseudocirrhosis of the liver of Pick and the iced liver (Zuckergussleber) of Curschmann. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1902, 3. s., xxiv, 62-102. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1903, cxxv, 116-148. — Krecke [A.] Zuckerguss- leber. Zwei Jahre chir. Tatigk. . . . Privatklin. v. . . ., Munchen, [1905], 143-145. — Pick. Ueber chronische, unter dem Bilde der Lebercirrhose verlaufende Peri- carditis (pericarditische Pseudolebercirrhose). Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1896, xxix, 385.—Reizenstein (A.) Ueber Poliorromentis bzw. die perikarditische Pseudo- leberzirrhose. Sitzungsb. d. iirztl. Ver. Niirnb. 1905, Mun- chen, 1906,20.—Rose(U.) Die Zuckergussleber und die fibrose Polyserositis. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1904, iv, 137-166.—Schupfer (F.) Sulla cosidetta pseudocirrosi pericarditica del fegato. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1904, xx, 225-229. — Tranquil 11 (E.) Un caso di morbo di Pick. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1906, xxxii, 533-546.—Wata (Y.) & Taiya (M.) Ueber Schaumorgane. [Japanese text.] Chiugai Iii Shinpo, Tokio, 217-231. Pseudoeoxalgia. See Hip-joint (Diseases of, Diagnosis, etc., of). Pseudocroup. See, also, Croup (Diagnosis of); Diphtheria (Diagnosis of). Bonnns (G.) Un cas d'angine avec croup a fausses membranes non diphteriques; examen bacteriologique. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1898, i, 229-234.—Franken- berger (O.) Contribution a l'explication de la toux pseudocroupale. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1898,xxiv.pt.2,23-26.—Heim (P.) Alcroup es neuropathias constitutio. [Pseudocroup and neuro- pathic constitution.] Budapest! orv. ujsag, 1907, v, 895.— Ziminermann (G.) Die Aetiologie des Pseudocroup. Munchen.med.Wchnschr., 1898, xlv,922. [Discussion] ,939. Pseudocyesi s. See Pregnancy (Imaginary); Pregnancy (Jurisprudence of). Pseudodiphtheria. See Diphtheria (Diagnosis, etc., of). Pseudodipsomania. See, also, Dipsomania. IHarjunlies (A.) Ueber Pseudodipsomanie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xxiv, 307; 321. Pseudodysentery. Hilgermaini. ZurKasuistikder Pseudodysontcrie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 22sI. — Kemp. Ceber Paradvsentcrie. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infektionskr. Berl., 1907, Iii, 4«)-504. — Kruse, Rittersliaus & Kemp [etc.]. Dysenterieund Pseudodvsenterie. Ihi.—Rabajoli ((\ R.) Sul- la psittacosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, I'.mii), xxi,75S-760.— Boncairliolo (E.) Polmonite lobulare diploeoccica ila psittaeosi. C'ron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1*96-7, iv, lsii-l'.iO.—Scott ( H. N.) Three cases of psittacosis. Tr. N. Hains]>hire M. Soc, Concord, 19U6, 168-171.—Sicard. Epidemie de psittacose; recherches bacteriologiques. t'otnpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 844-847.— de Souza (C.) Um cnso de psitaccose. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1904, ii, 28-5-290.—Sp. Torquato Palamidessi: Ueber eine wahrscheinlich durch Papageien auf den Menschen iibertragene Infectionskrankheit. [Rev.] Wien. med. Presse, 1*96, xxxvii, 870.—Npitzer (E.) 1st die Papagcicnkrankhcit ansteckend'.' Wien. mecl. Wchn- schr., 1*97, xlvii, 2)01-2403.—Stazzi (P.) II til'o essuda- tivo o peste aviaria nei psittaeidi. Clin, vet., Milano, 1906, xxix, 337; 364.—Vialle (K.) Les perruches infec- tieuses devant le Conseil d'hygiene. Aetualite med., Par., 1892, iv, 49-51.—Viekery (II. F.) Three cases of probable psittacosis, with bacKriologic report by Oscar Richardson. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1904, xix, 364-372. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxxv, 780-784.— Villard. Grippe et psittacose. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 611. —Widal & Sleard. Differeneiation du bacille typhique et du bacille de la psittacose par la reaction ligglutinante: des retries a suivre pour differeneiation des microbes d'espeecs voisines par Taction des serums. Presse med.. Par.. 1896, 054. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1*96, xvii, 1600.—Willielm. Deux obser- vations de psittacose. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 502; 5.53. Also [Abstr.]: Soc. de med. de Nancv. C.-r.....1903-4, 115. Psittaciis. See Parrots; Psittacosis. Pskov Government. Kaukh (K. A.) Kratkiy mediko-topografi- cbeskiy ocherk Pskovskol gubernii; mediko- sanitarnoye polozheniye gubernii v nachalle 1890 goda. [Brief medico-topographieal sketch of the Government of Pskov; medico-sanitary condition of the Government in the beginning of 1890.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Psoas region. Follis. ' | Bullet embedded in the psoas region.] Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1902, xiii, 55.— (.cute*. Innervation du muscle psoas; cas du nerf femoro-eutane. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1902, xxiii. 110— Klopper (Zah D.) The psoas muscle i the muscle of Byron Robinson). Med. Standard, (Tiicago, 190*. xxxii. 59*-601. Psoas region (Leilainitiation and abscess of). See, also, Abscess (Psoas); Scarlatina (Complications of). Coxdamin (R.) * De la trepanation du bassin commetraitementde la psoite. 4°. Lyon, 188s. Doxies (R.) * Psoitis actinomveosique. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Jeandidier (A.) *Traiteinent du psoitis aigu. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Petmj. (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la psoite. 8°. Paris, 1*98. Aiknian (J.) Compound fracture and psoas ab- scess. Hospital, Lond., 1904, xxxvii, 119.—A udard (E.) Psoitis consecutive a. une perforation du ca-ciim au cours d'une typhlo-appendicite; ])ropagation de la suppuration a toute la cuisse droite. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par.. 1901, n. s., vi, 625-627. — B[errj ] ( T. D. ) Psoas abscess (Treves' operation; necropsy). Rep. Surg.-Gen. Pub. Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S., Wash., 1904, 544.—Ben- son (A.) Du psoitis secondaire, a evolution tardive. Psoas region (Inflammation and ahsccxs of). d'origine infectieuse puerperale. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1903,1, 193; 217— Blanc ct Vitaut. Note sur un casde psoite suppuree d'origino a]>pendiculaire. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1900, xix, 20V212.—Bnrrell (H. L.) Ob- scure double psoas abscess; operation, supposed retro- peritoneal tumor; operation, drainage of right abscess; infection, operation, drainage of left abscess. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 45.—t'ainpani (A.) Sopra un caso di psoite traumatica. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 99.—Coste. Psoitis simulant une appendicite. [Abstr.] Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1905, xlv, 543-54-5.—Coues (W. P.) A psoas abscess mistaken for a case of "acute abdomen ". Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clviii, siis.—Ferjiuson (A. H.) Double psoas abscess treated by the open method; incision internal to the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium; curettage and drainage; apparently cured. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvii, 312. -----. Tubercular abscess [in the course of the psoas and iliacus muscles]. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1904, xx, 333.—Franz. Psoasabscess beim Pferd im Verlauf der Druse. Berl. thieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1902, 172. — Galasso (C.) La cura generale e chirurgica della psoite tubercolare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 1567.— Ganirolplic (M.) De l'attitude du membre inferieur dans la psoite suppuree; de sa signification prognostique. Lvon med., 1890, lxv, 393-400. -----. Psoite par trauma- tisme direct. Ibid., 1897, lxxxiv, 125.-----. A propos de la trepanation dn bassin dans la psoite suppuree. Bull. Soc. dechir. de Lyon, 1*99-1900, iii, 70.—Gayet (G.) Un casde psoite aigue suppuree, traitee par la trepanation du bassin. Lyon med., 1900, xciii, 295-301.— Grittault& ITIoreau. Sur un casde psoitis. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1897, xi, 78-83. —Gnndorolt" (M. I'.) K voprosu o gnol- nom vospalenii bolshol poyasnichnol mishtsl (psoitis pu- rulenta). Yoyenno-med.'j., St. Petersb., 1899, exciv, med.-spec.pt., 1117-1158.—H:emorrnage into old psoas abscess cavity. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1904, n. s., xxxi, 232.—Keei'e (J. W.) Cases of radical cure of psoas abscess by operation. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1898, Providonce, 1899, v, 577-581.—Klein. Psoitis; he- matome enflamm6 du psoas d'origine traumatique datant de deux mois; laparotomie; mort par hemorragie (hemo- philic dusujet). Arch, demed. etpharm. mil.,Par., 1897, xxx, 279-283.—Lardennois. Du psoitis; pronostic et traitementd'aprestroisobservationspersonnelles. Union med.du nord-est,Reims, 1901,xxv, 1-6.—Launois (P.-E.) De la psoite puerperale. J. de med. de Par., 1908, 2. s., xx, 23-25. Also: Rev. prat.de l'obst. et de pa;diat., Par., 1908, xxi, 10-17.—Leclerc. Psoite aigue suppuree. Anjou med., Angers, 1898, v, 142-152.—Lovett (R. W.) The treatment of psoas abscess by incision. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 463-465. Also, Reprint. -----. Pott's disease and psoas abscess; operation on abscess; acute nephritis apparently due to pressure of drainage tube; recovery from nephritis. Ibid., 1902, cxlvii, 46.— Met- tenueimer (C.) Psoitis. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1889-90, n. F., xxx, 365.—Monks (C.) Psoas abscess; in- cision; exhaustion by cupping; recoverv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 456. Also: Indian M. Rec," Calcutta, 1901, xx, 335.—Morestin (H.) Les formes benignes de psoitis. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect. de chir. gen., 534-541.—Pearson (C. Y.) A clinical lecture on psoas abscess; its nature and treatment, with notes of an illustrative case. Med. Press & Circ, Lond 1906, n. a., lxxxii, 58-60.—Polak. Caseof post-puerperal psoitis. Brooklyn M. J., 1903, xvii, 427.—Bivin^ton. Varieties of psoas abscess, with remarks on diagnosis and treatment. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1*73-4, 56-59.—Roger (J.) Appendicite et psoitis. Presse med' Par. 1900, ii, 189-191.—B iijjli (J. T.) A valuable sign in the differentiation of psoas abscess from inguinal or femoral hernia. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1905 xviii, 433-435.—Sauvan. Abscess im rechten Psoas- muskelbeimPferde. Ztschr. f. Veterinark.,Berl., 1902 xiv 397r399.—Sclieuer (H.) Schwierige Differentialdiagnose zwischen Psoas-Abscess und Perityphlitis. Aerztl Prax Berl., 1907, xx ,73.-Spencer (VV. G.) Acute solitary suppuration in the psoas and iliacus muscles. Tr Clin Soc Lond., 1906-7, xl, 141-145.-----. Obliteration of bilat- eral psoas abscess. Ibid., 273.-Spirt (E.) Un caz de psoita dreapta la un copil de 2 anl; incisiune; vindecare Romania med., Bucuresci, 1900, viii, 426-428 —Taniei Psoitis suppuree; ouverture et drainage par la region £?£«e; ^V"'rls,jn- Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1890, xxiv 241-246— an de Warker (E.) Psoas abscess in women. Tr. M. Ass Central N. Y. 1898, Buffalo, 1899, 17- 22. Also: Buflalo M. J., 1898-9, xxxviii, 326-331 Also Repnnt.-\ lerhufr (J.) Zur Aetiologie des pfoas' abszesses. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 279- rWn?al Af I; ■} -vI'Pareiltly unavoidable errors in the diagnos.s of psoas abscess. Am. Med . Phila., 1905, x, 55- 178 {£":7iL L"zerne Co M. soc, Wilkesbarre, 1905 iii, 1/8-1*8. Also, Reprint.— U retllnd (E. W.) Kronisk inflammation i muse psoas sasom orsak till magnlaeor mm. IChronic inflammation of psoas muse easl cause of disorders of the stomach.] Eira, Stockholm, 18W,1t" PSOAS. 7 PSORIASIS. Psoas region (Tumors of). Castan (A.) & JTIoliuery (R.) Sarcome hemato- kystique du psoas iliaque. Toulouse med., 1903, 2. s., v, 150-150. Also [Abstr.]: Languedoc med.-chir., Toulouse, 1903, xi, 120. — Bur vii le (F.) Une tumeur de Paine; l'hygroma chronique simple de la bourse sereuse du psoas; essai clinique. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec., Par., 1898, iv, 277; 300.—Closes (H.) Psoashiimatome bei Hiimophilie. ^Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tubing., 1905, xlvii, 592-604.—Piequ6(L.) Osteome du psoas iliaque; extir- pation; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 1063-1065. Psoitis. See Psoas region (Inflammation, etc., of). Psoralea. L. (V.) Breves apuntes para contribuir al estudio de la Psoralea pentaphyla. Estudio, Mexico, 1891-2, iv, 192- 194— Lozano y Castro i M ) 1 'ropiedadesfisicasyqui- micas [del alcaloide de Contrayerba blanca]; experimen- tos fisiol6gicos. N. recop. de monog. mexican., Mexico, 1897, ii, 113. Psoralin. Lozano y Castro (M.) Algunos datos quimicos acerca de la psoralina; determinaci6n de su formula ele- mental. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1899-1900, xiv, 467-169. -----. F6rmula racional de la psoralina. An. d. Inst. med. nac, Mexico, 1899-1900, iv, 260. Psoriasis. See, also, Leprosy (Diagnosis, etc., of); Rheu- matism (Complications of, Cutaneous). Burgener (P.) * Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Psoriasis. [Bern.] 83. Berlin, 1903. Also, in: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xxiv, 1; 13; 25. Gothe (L. [W.]) * Die Fiille von Psoriasis, welche in der medizinischen Klinik zu Gottin- gen in den Jahren 1875-88 beobachtet wurden. 8°. Gottingea, 1889. Hobson (L. J.) Psoriasis. 8°. London, 1894. Kaufmaxn (A.) * Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Psoriasis vulgaris. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Nielsen (L.) Bidrag til kundskaben om Psoriasis. [Contribution to the knowledge of . . .] 8°. Kjebenhavn, 1892. Also, transl. in: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1892, xv, 317; 365. Also, transl.: Select, monog. on der- mat., Lond., 1893, 571-607. Weinbrenxer (F.) * Ueber die Fiille von Psoriasis, "welche in der koniglichen Universi- tatsklinik in den Jahren 1879 bis 1894 beobach- tet wurden. 8°. Bonn, 1894. Angle'(E. J.) Psoriasis. West. M. Rev. Lincoln, Neb., 1901, vi, 129-132.—Baird (T.M.) Psoriasis. Mem- phis M. Month., 1896, xvi, 118-121. Also: Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 18%, iii, 43-45.—Balzer. Etiologie et traite- ment du psoriasis. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1902, lxix, 325-332.—Barend t (F. H.) Psoriasis. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1894, xiii, 2:33.—Bennet (F. A.) A case of psoriasis. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi, 389.— de Beurmann & Gongerot. Psoriasis et ichthyose. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 247-249. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 873-875. Also: Med. orient., Par., 1907, xi, 353.— Blascliko (A.) Psoriasis. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1897, Wiesb., 1*99, iv, 714-731.— Bloom (I.N.) Extensive case of psoriasis. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1894, xvii, 11-13. — Bradley (M. S.) The diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1907-8, xiv, 123-127.—Brooke (H. G.) Psoriasis. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), Lond., 1X99, viii, 561-585.—Brown (W. B.) Psoriasis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 36-38.—Bulkley (L. D.) Clinical notes on psoriasis, with especial reference to its prognosis and treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 706-711. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1895. n. s., Ix, 547-5.50.—Bureau (M.) & Bureau (G.) Un cas de psoriasis figure. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s., xxv, 1051-1051.—Burgess (M.) A case of psoriasis guttata. Rep. Soc. Studv Dis. Child.. Lond., 1905-6, vi, 215-217.—Busr.ard (F.) A case of ps,,riasis rupioides. Lancet, Lond.. 1902, i, 814.— (anipana (R.) & Bignone. Studi sulla psoriasi. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital.1887, Pavia, 1*89, ii, 400- 403.-----------. Della psoriasi. Gior. intermix, d. sc. med., Napoli, 1888, n. s., x, 661 1889, n. s., xi, 899, 1 pi.— Cantrell (J. A.) Psoriasis. Charlotte [N. C.} M. J., 1895, vii, 313-318. -----. Psoriasis presenting circinate lesions. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 171 —Crocker (H. R.) A lecture on psoriasis. Clin. J., Lond., 1906-7, xxix, 321- Psoriasis. 331.—Darier. Le psoriasis seborrheique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 119. -----. Psoriasis et parakeratose. J. de med.int., Par., 1906, x, 157-159.— Didama (H. D.) A singular case of psoriasis. Tr. N. York M. Ass., N. Y., 1898, xv, 125-127. Also: N. Albany M. Herald, 1903, xxii, 244.—Doyon (A.) Psoriasis papil- laire fongoi'de. Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1893,3. s., iv, 954.—Du Caste 1. Le psoriasis simple. Semaine med., Par., 1899, xix,329. -----. Le psoriasis. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 101-103.—Eddowes (A.) A case of psoriasis passing on to acute eczema. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xxxii, 356.— Kmbleton (D.) A case of psoriasis generalis. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1876-7, 177-179.—Feulard (H.) Psoriasis. Mus. de l'H6p. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et svph., Par., [1896], 103-106, 1 pi. Also: Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. ... St. Louis Hosp. Lond.; Phila., 1895-7, 91-94, 1 pi.— Fox (G. H.) Psoriasis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, i, 298-305, 2 pi. -----. Psoriasis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 490-496, 1 pi.—Frick (W.) Psoriasis. Kansas City M. Index, 1897, xviii, 128-133.—Gassmann (A.) Casuistische Beitriige zur Psoriasis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1897, xli, 357-366, 1 pi. -----. Casuistischer Beitrag zur Psoriasis. Ibid., 1899, xlix, 171- 184, 1 pi.—Gaudier. Diagnostic et traitement du pso- riasis. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1903, xiv, 19.—Geiger (C. G.) Psoriasis. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1896, n. s., xv, 73-76.— Godinlio (B.) Psoriasis, clinical, {etiological, and therapeutical. Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc. Bombay (1895), 1896, 78-98.—Gottheil (VV. S.) Psoriasis. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1894, n. s., xviii, 329.—Griinbaum (C.) Zur Pathologie, Klinik und Therapie der Psoriasis. Med. Bl.,Wien, 1902, xxv,245;267.—Ilallopeau & Teis- seire. Gale et psoriasis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 203. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 556.—Heidingsleld (M. L.) Case of psoriasis vulgaris (guttata universalis). Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1900, n. s., xlv, 123.—Hind (W.) A case of pso- riasis diffusa. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 1420.—Hirsch (P.) Zu* Statistik der Psoriasis vulgaris. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1904, viii, 66-73.—Hubbard (D.) Psoriasis in a negress. J. Cutan. Dis. inch Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 321.— Hutchinson (J.) A peculiar form of psoriasis attended by papillary growth (papilloma-psoriasis); a remarkable example of it. Arch.Surg.,Lond.,1889-90,i,375-377. -----. A form of psoriasis which was not attended by desqua- mation, and. which left scars, easily cured for a time by arsenic, but persistently relapsing for forty years. Ibid., 1892-3, iv, 56.—lordan (A. P.) Sluchal psoriasis acuta universalis. [Case of . . .] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1895-6, v, 142-148.— Italinski (V. D.) Sluchal psoriasis vulgaris acuta et dermatitis exfoliativa. [Case of . . .] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1903, vi, 171-173.—Jackson (G. T.) Psoriasis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 346.—Jacquet (L.) Pso- riasis figurata. Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. ... St. Louis Hosp., Lond.; Phila., 1895-7, 153-156, 1 pi.—Ja. dassolin. Ein Fall von Psoriasis vulgaris. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1903, xxxiii, 20.—Jamieson (W. A.) Psoriasis. Clin. J., Lond , 1895-6, vii, 154-159. -----. A case of psoriasis. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1904-5,n. s., xxiv, 60— Jeanselme (E.) Le psoriasis. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 675-678. Also: Rev. g£n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 613.—Jelks (J. T.) Psoriasis. Hot Springs M. J., 1896, v, 40.—Jordan (A.) Psoriasis, with a case in illustration. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. Richmond, 1897, 124-129. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month. Richmond, 1897-8,ii,365-367.—Kaspari (G. A.) Psoriasis vulgaris diffusa. Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh. 1891-2, i, 50-54.— KesteII (J. R.) Psoriasis. Med. Age Detroit, 1895, xiii, 424.— Kishita (F.) [A case of pso- riasis] Fukuiken Ikraku Kwai Zasshi, 1898, no. 31, 6-13, 3.photos.—Kraklit (S. F.) Rledkiy sluchal psoriasis vulgaris. [Rare case of . . .] Protok. Mosk. ven. i der- mat. Obsh., 1S91-2, i, 29-31.—Krasnoglazofi* (V. P.) Sluchal psoriasis vulgaris universalis acutte. [Case of ] Ibid., 1895-6, v, 37-40.—Kuznitzky. Cas de psoriasis nummulaire k la localisation strictement unilaterale. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 105.— Lang (E.) Bemerkungen iiber Psoriasis. Wien. med. BL, 1*90, xiii, 99.—Lawrence (G. H.) Psoriasis. Wis- consin M.J., Milwaukee, 1906-7, v, 637-513.—JMaeleod (J. M. H) A case of follicular psoriasis. Polvelin Lond., 1903, vii, 85.— niartin (S. C.) Psoriasis. Am. j' Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1900, iv, 35-38.— Mendes da Costa. Enkele opmerkingen over psoria- sis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1906, ii, 1137- 1144.—JTIolinari (O.) Un caso di psoriasis universalis. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1898, xlvi, 1059-1065.— Murrell (T. W.) Notes on psoriasis. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1905, xxvi, 76.—Neumann. Psoriasis. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1886, Wien, 1*87 162-164. —Olimaiui-Dumesnil (A. H.) Psoriasis Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896,iii, 307-313. Also, Reprint.— Okaninra (T.) [Psoriasis vulgaris.] Hifubvog. kin Hiniokibyog. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, vi, 344-348.—6ro (M.) & iVlosc-a (L.) Contributo alio studio della psoriasi. PSORIASIS. PSORIASIS. Psoriasis. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1901, n. s., xxiii, 843; 1057.—Fetters ^'. i Lupenka (psoriasis'). Casop. lek., eesk.. v l'ni/e, wo, ix, 234; 241; 249. — Pinkus (F.) P-oriasis. Priitsche Klinik, Berl., 1906, x, 506-552 — Fol<»tebnoft*(A. G.) Psoriasis; etiologiya, techeniye i Ucelieni\e. K . .; etiology, cour-e, a ml i reatment.] Der- mat. izslled. lz klin. Polotebno\a» S. 1'eterb., 1886-7, 300- 410, 1 pi. Al Ca-esof psoriasis, hepatic torpor, gout ami corpulency. X. Am. J. Diagn. & Pract., St. Louis, ]v.i9, ii,7s-S5.—Fsoriasis(Le). Monde med., Par., 1899, ix, no. 108,3-20,1 pi.—Psoriasis (be). Gaz. med. beige, Liege, 1904-5, xvii, 435; 415— Psoriasis uni- versalis; 1 Fallgeheilt. Kindersp. in Basel. Jahresb. (1900), 1901,xxxviii.5s.—Kascli i<\) Psoriasis. Hosp.- Tid., Kjubeuh., ls'.is, 4. r., vi, 1095-1098. —Beinliart (J. C.) Psoriasis. Toledo M. 9; 1616; 1660. -----. Studien iiber PsoriasK Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 401. -----. PathologieundTherapie der Psoriosis vulgaris. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz 1902, No. 327(Innere Med., No. 97, 689-726).—Shields (E. H.) Notes on psoriasis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxii, 429. [Discussion], 432-434.—Shoemaker (J. V.) Psoriasis. Med. Bull., Phila., 1895-1906, xvii- xxviii,passim. -----. Psoriasis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 461. -----. Psoriasis. J. Med.-Chir. Coll, Phila.. 1902, iii, no. 10,13-18.------. Psoriasis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv,267-269.-----.. Psoriasis. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 19ns, xiv, 115-117.—Shtshokiu (K. P.) I>va sluehava psoriasis vulgaris. [Two cases of 1 Russk..l. Kozhn. iVen. Bnlu-zn., Kharkov, pjo:;, v 234- 237.—Sirski(K. L.) P-oria-is. Dermat. izslled! iz'klin Polotebnova, S.-Peterb., 1886-7, 243-299. — SneiriiiKki (S.I.) Psoriasis gyrata. Kussk. Med., St. IVtcrsl.. 1.3SJ2 xvii, 118-120.—Speranskiy. S.) RIedkivsluchal pso- riasis vulgaris. [Hare case of . . .] Protok. Mosk. ven i dermat. Obsh., 1*93-4, 1 16-1 |s. Also: Ibid., 1N93-4 Mo-k 1895, iii, 180-183.—SteUvagon 1 H. W.) Psoriasis. In- ternat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892. i, 721-723,1 pi.—Sukliofr (A. A. ) Psoriasis vulgaris gvrata. Protok. zasaid Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1890-91, xxix, 17-21.— Szadek itC.) Pathogeneza luszczyev (psoriasis). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1*9;\ 2. s., xviii, 139-151.—Tillbiergc (G.) Le psoriasis. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1891, i, 249-251. -----. Du psoriasis. Ibid., 1895, v 145-147. — Torok ( L.) Das Verhaltniss der Sebor- rhcea corporis Dub ring zur Psoriasis vulgaris und zum Eczem. Pe-t. med -chir. Presse, Budapest, 1899, xxxv, 145; 173.—I una (P. <;. 1 Neuere Erfahrungen urd An- schauungen iiber Psoriasis. Arb. a. Unna's Klin f. Hautkr. 1903-7, Berl. u. Wien, 1908, 1-19. Also: Med Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 1011; 1037.—Valin (C.-N.) Quelques remarques pratiques au suj et d' un cas de psoriasis. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1903, xxxii, 278-282.—Valit- ski (L.) 1903, viii riasi; patogenesi e cura. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven'., Milano, 19(t», xlix, 137-180. —Wadhaius (R. L.) Psoriasis. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1905, xiii, 148-152.— Welleldi.T.) Psoriasis. Am. J.Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 115-117. — Zabolotski (A. N.) Sluchal psoriasis vulgarisuniversalis acuta. [Case of...] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1895-0,v.72.—Zelyo- 11 e fit" (I. F.) Slleduyet li psoriatikov prinimat v voven- nuyu sluzhbu ? [May psoriatic pers< ms be admitted to the army?] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, ii, 222-229.— Zielewski (T.) Przypadek luszczycy (psoriasis). Przegl. lek», Krak6w 1872, xi, 410. Psoriasis (Arthropathia). Adrian (C.) Ueber Arthropathia psoriatica. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med.u. Chir., Jena, 1903, xi, 237-2S3 3 pi.—A ud ry (C.) & Ancian. Luxation pathologiqiie du genou au cours d'un psoriasis arthropathique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 362. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903,4. s , iv, 964. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1904, xvi, 257-259.—Bellini (A.l Natura e patogenesi della psoriasi; uncasodi pso- riasi artropatica. Boll. clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Mi- lano, 1901, xiv, 145; 169; 193.—Bcsnier (E.) Psoriasis et arthropathies; cedeme angio-nerveux: en-theme noueux chronique des membres inferieurs; eczema en aires de la laiiL'ue. J. demed. et chir. prat., Par, Ivy, lx, 600-603.— ■Initios. Psoriasisavecarthropathies. Bull.Soc.franc de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1896, vii, 27-29. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1*96, 3.s., vii, 52. -----. Psoriasis Sluchal psoriasis vulgaris. Dletsk. med., Mosk., 39-42.— Yerrottl (G.) & Annan (E.) Pso- Psoriasis (Arthropathic). et synovite fongueuse. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et j-yph., Par., 1904, xv, 106. Also: Ann.de dermat. etsyph., Par.. 1901, 4. s., v, 260.—Darier. Le psoriasis ar'thro- pathiqiie. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 711—I>u Castel. Psoriasis arthropathique et vitiligo. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 10. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1S99, 3. s., x, 48.— Gaucher & Bostaine. Psoriasis et arthropathies. Ibid., 1903, 4. s., iv, 427-429. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 217-219. — Lipiuan- Wull"(L.) Zur Frage der Beziehungen zwischen Pso- riasis und Gelenkaffektionen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1903, x, 567-571.— Menzen (J.) Ueber Gelenkerkrank- ungen bei Psoriasis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz., 1904, lxx, 239-262. — Sergent (E.) Degeneres- cence calcaire du lobe gauche du corps thyroide et atro- pine du reste de la glande dans un cas de psoriasis ar- thropathique terming par myxeedeme fruste. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 180-183. —Strauss (A.) Pso- riasis und Arthropathien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 617-621.—Vaquero y Xresaries 1.1.) Poliar- tritis psoriasica. 1901,v, 408-428. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, Psoriasis (Buccal or lingual). See Psoriasis of mucous membranes. Psoriasis (Causes and pathology of). Hamel (A.) * Etude 6tiologique sur le pso- riasis. 8°. Paris, 1907. Hilbing (R.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Pathogenese der Psoriasis. 8°. Munchen, 1905. Jalkowski (J.) *Zur Pathologie der Psori- asis. Nach 105 in den letzten Jahren in der medizinischen Klinik zu Tubingen behandel- ten Fallen. 8°. Tubingen, 1896. Kromayer (E.) *Zur pathologisohen Ana- tomie der Psoriasis, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber den normalen Verhornungsprocess und die Structur der Stacheizelle. [Halle a. S.] 8°. Wien, 1890. Also, in: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien, 1890, xxii, 557-607, 1 pi. Perrot(H.) *De la nature parasitaire du psoriasis. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Tortellier (E.) * Contribution a. l'etude de Petiologie du psoriasis. 4°. Paris, 1894. Aronlieim. Ein Fall von traumatischer Psoriasis Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1906, xiii, 36-38.— Artom (S.) Psoriasi atipica in individuo affetto da in- (ossicazione cronica arsenicale. Gior. ital. d. mal ven Milano, 1903, xxxviii, 89-98.—A iidry (C.) Psoriasis gene- ralise apres un choc moral. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 120-122. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1900, xii, 315. -----. Examen histologique des crofites d'un psoriasis rupioide. Ibid., 1901 xiii 377- M-.Vugagneiir (V.) Sur la nature parasitaire du psoriasis; un point de fait. Province nit'd Lvon 1900 xiv.73—Augagneur(V.)&Destot. Inoeiilabil'itedu psoriasis. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med de Lvon (1889), 1890, xxix, pt, 2,131-133.^Balzer & lleslia yes. Psoriasis atypiqueau cours d'une infection blennofrha- gique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par 1906 xvii, 22-25. ^4^o:-Ann. de dermat. et svph Par 1906' 4.s. vu ims Balzcr&Fanre-Bea'ulieu. Psoria- sis consecutif a un choc emotif. Bull. Soc. franc de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 322-326. Also: Aim. de der- mat. etsyph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 639-643.-Benassi (P ) ESwTi? onnat HnitA- G««z- internaz. di med., Napoli lf?l ' I B<^na7& p»ery. PathogSnie du pso- nasis. Presse med., Par., 1896, 521-525.-Bettmann. Auttreten von Psoriasis vulgaris (im Anschluss an eine latowirung). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901. xlviii li.V-aeBeiirraanii & Kamond. Psoriasis conse- Ann. de dermat franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, xiv, 48-50 Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., v, 139^ 141-Blazl»evski (S. S,)_ K voprosu ob etiologii pZ- ., Kharkov, 1903, ir Aetiologie der xx, M;5.— Bon- ■aon-irSUSs.^ J* Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn vi,99-l02.-Boesl(C.) Ein Beitra- v.x Psoriasis \\ ien. klin. Rundschau, I90r, net (L.-M.) Note sur Panatomie natlioloeiuue du 1,-, nas!s. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 319-35:,-B,fse i„ p Leber den psonatischen Prozess; histoloKiseh-„atl 'trene n1™kternBe,traf-xr[Tr£nsl- from the Italian:] i 1 * llX^e •m5t- Han?b-' 18^-xxix, 301-322,lpl -BciilW; Par °f4«e9dUB Psoria?f; s,?n traitement.' J. de in'd de r-ar.,1903 2. S-i xv 514. 523.—Brodier (L ^ IWi ."is 939.—Cam nana ^\h" S^?' dG m^d-' Par-J1906. »• 1987-1934 i„/„-qPat0^enesi e patologia della i>s,,rii \n,\.A ~ *w I.\r paioiopia aei a 1 Accad. med. di Roma, 1904-5, xxxi. xxi, 22- isi. Bui lpl. d. Also: PSORIASIS. 9 PSORIASIS. Psoriasis (Causes and pathology of). Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1905, x'xiii, 21- 28, 2 pi. -----. II parassita della psoriasi; uiteriori studi. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1904-5, xxxi, 246-248. Also: Clin.dermosifilopat.d.r. Univ.di Roma, 1906, xxiv, 39-42—Cantrell(J. A.) Several cases of psoriasis show- ing probability of contagion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 627. -----. Several cases of psoriasis showing an incised or contused wound as the initial point of attack. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1897, lxxvi, 265.—Coffin. Ke- marques sur la theorie parasitaire du psoriasis. ,!. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1S99, xi, 74-79.—Bcmatels (P.) Sulla etiologia della psoriasi. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1SS7, Pavia, 1889, ii, 425-42*.—Dore (S. E.) Three cases of psoriasis following vaccination. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1902, xiv, 295-297.—Uucrey (A.) Sulla pretesa contagiosity della psoriasi. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 391-395.—Enjjlisli (Evelyn A. W.) Psoriasis inherited (?) from mvxeedematous parent. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1648.—Fridiuan (E. F.) Ma- terial! k patologii cheshulchatavo lishaya. [Pathology of psoriasis.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 1689; 1755.—Gaudier. Metastasedu psoriasis. J. de med. etchir. prat., Par., 1907, lxxviii, 19.— Gel'ter (A.A.) Psoriasis i nervnayasistema. Russk..T. Ko/.lm. i Yen. Bo- llezn., Kharkov, 190*, xv, 323.—tirube (Iv.) Ueber Pso- riasis (SehuppenflechteiinZusanimenhangmitGiehtund Diabetes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 1134-1136.— Hallopean. Sur la nature parasitaire du psoriasis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1901, xii, 148- 151.—Hyde (J. X.) The influence of light-hunger in the production of psoriasis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 833-S39.— Klaveness iK.) Trauma-psoriasis. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901. vi, 8*7*92.—Kopytowski (W.) Przyczynek do zmian anatomo-patolo^ic/.nych w skorze przy luszczycy (psoriasis). [Contribution to the anatomo-pathological changes in the skin in . . .] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1S95, xci, 54; 290,5 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1899, 3. s.,x,765- 769.—Kuznitzky (M.) Psoriasis unilateralis und die TheorieniiberAetiologieder Psoriasis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxiii, 402-405. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz., 1897, lxviii. pt. 2,2. Hlfte., 435-437.-----. Aetiologie und Patho- genese der Psoriasis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1897, xxxviii, 405-460,1 pi.—Leredde (E.) Etude du sang des psoriasiquesau point de vue des 6osinophiles. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 213. Also: Bull. Soc. frang. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, viii, 86.— Le Boy (B.) On the setiolovrv of psoriasis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvi, 78~>.—JHantegazza (U.) Note ist> ilogiche sopra alcuni casi di psoriasi. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1893, xxviii, 51-71,1 pi.—xtleneau. Un cas de contagion apparente de psoriasis. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1895, xxv, 578. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1*9~>), 1896, 471.—.VIorris (M.) Is common psoriasis a constitutional disease? Proc M. Soc. Lond., 18*7-8,xi,251.—.Uunro (W. J.) Note sur l'histo- pathologiedupsoriasis. Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 961-967.—Nairolsclunidt. Psoriasis und Pankreas. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 517.—Nar- deccliia (A.) Psoriasi ed alcoolismo; studio clinico ed istoharico sulle alterazioni cutanee derivanti dai detti due processi. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1*99, 55-72. Also: Riforma med., Palermo, 1899, xv, pt. 2, 159; 171; 183; 195.—von Nottliaft't (A.) Ein Fall von familiarer Psoriasis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 8<2— Orlipski. Ein Fall von traumatischerPsoria-is vulgaris; casuistischer Beitrag zur Aetiologie der trockeiien Sehuppenflechte. Med. Woche, Berl., 1902, 317.—Pearse (T. F.) On so-called gouty psoriasis. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1496— Pitt'ard (H. G.) A contribution to the histology of psoriasis. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 132-139.—Schtitz (J.) Beitrage zur Patholotrie der Psoriasis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien, 1892, xxiv, 739-770, 1 pi— Shoemaker (J. V.) A clinical demonstration of psoriasis, with special remarks upon etiologv. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1*94, xxv,333-342— SliterniM. A.) Ketiologiipsoriaza. [On the etiology of psoriasi-.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1899, vi, 459-461.—ShtsIicrbakolf( A. S.) Sluchal psoriasis universalis na nervuol pochvie. [. . . of neurotic origin.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1906, xii, 93.—Teske (H.) Die traumatische Psoriasis mit Riicksicht auf die Unfallheilkunde. Mo- natschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1905, xii, 234-244.—Tom- maso 11 (P.) Di due casi interessanti per la storia e per la patogenesi della psoriasi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 2, 613-616.—Trupiznikoff (A. V.) K voprosu o zarazitelnosti psoria-is vulgaris. [On the contagious- ness of . . .] Yovenno-med. J. St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxv, 1. sect., *11-849.-Trudi (M.) Contributo alia casistica del le a ifezionieutanee psoriasi formipost-vaccinali. Boll. d. ^oc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1*99, 98-104.—Verrotti (G.) La patogenesi della psoriasi; i ricerche urologiche). Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1902, n. s., xxiv, 529-544. -----. L'histo-pathogenie du psoriasis. Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. a., iv, 633-666, 3 pi. -----. L' influ- Psoriasis (Causes and pathology of). enzadelleirritazioni cutanee (specialmente traumatiche) nella produzione delle efHorescenze psoriasiche. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 359-367. -----. Nuovo contributo urologico alia patogenesi della psoriasi. Ibid., 1009-1024. -----. Lapatogenesidellapso- riasi. Ibid., 1908,n.s., xxx, 289; 337.—Weidenleld (S.) Zur Pathogenese der Psoriasis. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1903, lxiv, 359-308.—Weinstein (E.) Ueber Psoriasis nach Impfung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 161-164.— Wisniewski (J.) Luszczyca ura- zowa, psoriasis traumatica. Przegl. chor6b sk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1906, i, 550-557.—\revdokiiuoflf (V. N.) Naslledstvenniy psoriasis. [Hereditary . . .] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiii, 67. Psoriasis (Complications and sequel*, of). See, also, Parapsoriasis; Psoriasis (Arthro- pathic). Bau.mli (L.) * Ueber Psoriasis und Diabetes mellitus auf Grand von Beobachtungen auf der Ziircher medizin. Klinik. 8°. Zurich, 1901. Colombel (R.) * Les cardiopathies chez les psoriasiques; leur origine rhumatismale. 8°. Paris, 1907. Baruchello (L.) La fase desquammativa maligna nella psoriasi. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1896, 165-193, 2 pi. -----. Le manifestazioni della sepsi nella psoriasi. Ibid., 1900, xviii, 115-126, 1 pi. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 33--3I*.—Bennati (A.) Dermite esfoliativa ter- minale cachettica secondaria a psoriasi. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1901-2, lxxvi, fasc. 1-2, 1, 29- 33.—Bonnet (L.-M.) Dermatiteexfolia trice secondaire a, un psoriasis. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 172-177.—Bo wen (J. T.) Psoriasis followed by dermatitis exfoliativa. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 314.—tiallo way (J.) Case of extensive psoriasis, with suppurating le- sions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, dermat. sect., 41.—Gaudier. Des metastases du psoriasis. In- ternat. dermat. Cong. Ber.ii. d. Verhandl. 1892, Wien u. Leipz., 1893, 677-687. -----. Psoriasis avec debut de pity- riasis rubra secondaire. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1904, xvi, 834.—Gottheil (W. S.) Generalized lichen planus and psoriasis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 182.—Grossniann. Leucokeratose linguale chez un psoriasique. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1906, v, 230.—Hallopeau (H.) Sur la production, consecutivement a des plaques psoriasiques, d'achromies persistantes. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892,iii,11.—Hallopeau (H.)&Gasne (E.) Sur un cas de psoriasis avec achromies persistantes et localisations suivant des spheres de distribution nerveuse. Ann. de der- mat. etsyph., Par., 1898,3. s.,ix,690-693— Hallopeau (H.) & Trastour. Contribution a l'etude des troubles de la pigmentation chez les psoriasiques. Ibid., 1900, 4. s., i, 851.—Hartzell(M. B.) Epithelioma as a sequel of pso- riasis and the probability of its arsenical origin. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1899, Concord, 1900, 11-25, 2 pi. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1899, n. s., cxviii, 265-272. Also, in: Select essays & monogr., 8°, Lond., 1900, 259-267.—Hutchin- son (J.) Acute erythematous dermatitis in a psoriasis patient. Polyclin., Lond., 1905, ix, 6.—Leslie (F. E.) Psoriasis with ataxia. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1901-3, xiv, 599.—.Tloller. Ett fall af acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans-i-psoriasi.s. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1907,2. f., vii, 164.—Pcrgcns (E.) Schrumpfung der Bindehautbei Psoriasis. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1900, v, 14-18.—Bona (S.) Dermatitis exfoliativa universalis esete psoriasis kapcsan. [A case of . . . after psoriasis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xlv,l;!5.—Tliibierme (G.) Un casde psoriasis avec localisations pr<5dominantes sur le territoire du nerf saphene interne gauche et des nerfs musculo-cutan£sdu plexus brachial. Ann. dedermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 1185-1189.—Whitfield. [A case of psoriasis associated with rodent ulcer.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1906, xviii, 40.—Wickliain (L.) Pso- riasis; poussee aigue simulant des placards d'eczema sec prurigineux (nevrodermite circonscrite) au cours d'un psoriasis ancien prurigineux. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et svph., Par., 1893, iv, 483-485. Also: Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 1189-1191.—'Alii vii It (S. 0.) Sluchal cheshulchatavo lishaya, oslo/lmenniy slushtshivayushtshimsya dermatitom. [Psoriasis com- plicated with exfoliative dermatitis.] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1897-8, vii, 191-196. Psoriasis (Diagnosis and semeiology Bonnet (E.) "Contribution a l'etude des psoriasis anomaux. S°. Paris, 1900. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1900. PSORIASIS. 10 PSORIASIS. Psoriasis (Jjiai/nosi.s and semeiology Blcek (Augusta). *Beitr;i^e zur Kenntnis der Parapsoriasis (Brocq). 8°. Hamburg <£■ Uipzig, 1903. Also, in: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. & Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 141-166. Francois-Dainville (E.) *Des troubles de la nutrition et de l'elimination urinaire dans les dermatoses diathesiques (eczema et psoriasis). 8°. Paris, 1905. Mathieu (P.) * Psoriasis atypiques; leur in- terpretation; leurs rapports avec 1'eczema; leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1891. Na<;elschmidt (C. F.) * Psoriasis und Gly- kosurie. [Kiel.] 8°. Berlin, 1900. Also [Abstr.], in: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 31-34. Yoshida (S.) * Ueber Leukoderma psoria- ticum. 8°. Rostock, 1907. Abraham (P. S.) Psoriasis or seborrhcea? Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s., lxxv, 565.—Benassi (P.) Nota clinica sulle cause che possono determinare le ferme umide nella psoriasi. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1901, xxxvi, 427-452. -----. Psoriasi fruste. Ibid., 1904, xxxix, 93-115, 1 pi.—Beurmann & Page. Sur un cas de psoriasis aigu tres difficile & distinguer d'avec une syphilis secondaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1908, xix, 99-102.—Beyer (A.) Ueber atvpiMhe Psoriasis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 805; 821—BlaschUo (A.) Ein Fall von halbseitiger Psoriasis in Form von zosterartigen Streifen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil., 257.—Bleinian (A.) Pigmentation of the skin from psoriasis. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., X. Y., 1906, xxiv, 227.—Brocq (L.) Les parapsoriasis. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1902, xiii, 121-123. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 313-315. -----. Les parapsoriasis. Ibid., 433-468. -----. Le diagnostic differentiel du psoriasis et des syphilides psoriasiformes. Hull, med., Par., 1908, xxii, 283-285.—Bulk ley (L. D.) Clinical study and analysis of 1,000 cases of psoriasis. Cong, internat. de dermat. et de syph. C. r. 1889, Par., 1*90, 878-894. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1891, xxv, 463; 1*5. -----. Clinical notes on psoriasis, with special refer- ence to its prognosis and treatment. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895, 139-153. Also, Reprint.—Castle (C. H.) Gouty psoriasis mistaken for syphilis. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx, 351-354.—Cenas. Psoriasis aty- pique;dermatiteexfoliativegeneralisee:dilatation, batte- ments des carotides. Loire rued., St.-Etienne, 1896, xv, 62-66.—t'onibeleran. Psoriasis papillomatetix. J. d. mal. cutan.etsyph., Par., 1906, xviii, 408-413.—Beutsch I K.) At ypisehe Psoriasis (Psoriasis ostreacea). Wien. klin.Wchiischr.,1898,xi, 130-135.—Bubois-Havenith. 1'n cas de psoriasis atypi'iue. Presse med. belse, Brux., 1906, lviii, 461.—On t'astcl. Les varietes cliniques du psoriasis (diagnostic). J.demed. int.. Par., 19U3, vii, 221- 223.—ICud litz. Psoriasisen gouttesd'aspect syphiloide. Bull. Soc. iranc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1898^ ix, 260.— Falvre. Psoriasis atypique. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1904, xviii, 151.—Gastoiu & Gimeno. Psoriasis avec collerette de Biett chez une seborrh^ique et diagnostic histologique des Eruptions psoriasiformes. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 50-52. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 162-164.— Gaucher & Besmoulifere. Des troubles de nutri- tion et de l'elimination urinaire dans le psoriasis. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1905, viii, 316-331.— Gottheil (W. S.) Psoriasis; a clinical lecture. Albany M. Ann., 1894, xv, 267-271. Also: Denver M. Times, 1894, xiv, 81-85. Also: Cleveland M. Gaz., 1894-5, x, 311-315. Also: X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xxii, 177-180.— Gramatcliikon* ( A. I.) Azotistiy obmlen i usvoye- niye azotistikh chastel pishtshi pri-psoriasis. [Nitrog- enous metabolism and assimilation of the nitrogenous parts of food in psoriasis.] Dermat. izslled. iz klin. Po- lotebnova, S.-Peterb., 1886-7, 411-423. — Greenough i F. B.) Clinical notes on psoriasis. Boston M. & S. .1., lss."», cxiii, 241-245. Also, Reprint.—Hallopeau & Boucliot. Sur une erythrodermie geiierulisee post- ecz6mateuse et ses rapports avec le psoriasis. Bull. ,*oc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 3. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1904, 4. s., iii, 46.—Hallopeau & Gasne (E.) Sur un cas de psoriasis avec achromies persistantes et localisations suivaut des spheres de distri- bution nerveuse. Bull. .*oc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1*9*, ix, 327-330. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1*9.*, 3. s., ix. 690-693— Hallopeau & Lemierre. Suruneforme d'apparence bulleuse etrupioide de psoria- sis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 14-1*. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 42-46—Heller (J.) Ueber seltene Localisationen der Psoriasis (Diagnosis and semeiology Psoriasis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 827.—Jadassohn. Ueber ein eigenartiges psoriasiformes und lichenoides Exanthem. Verhandl, d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz., 1891, iv, 524-535. -----. Ueber Atvpien bei Psoriasis vulgaris. Berl. Klinik, 1897, 113. Hit.— Jamleson (A.) Psoria- sis, with a peculiar crateriform arrangement of scales. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb. 1894-5, n. s., xiv, 211—Jean- seline. Du role des irritations cutanees dans la topo- graphie du psoriasis. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1903, xiv, 337-340. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 939-942.—Kraukow (X. P.) Ueber die qualitative Zusammensetzung des Hams una der Epidermis bei Psoriasis universalis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1891, n. F., viii, 75-77. — Little (G.) Psoriasis simulating lupus erythematosus. Tr. Med. Soc, Lond., 1906-7, xxx, 384.— Liveing. Curious case of psoriasis simulating ichthyosis. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1907, xix, 221.—Lulthlen. [Fall von atypischer Psoria- sis.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904, iii, 61.—L. J ants (A. I.) K kazuistikle atipichnikh form cheshulchatavo lishava (psoriasis atvpica). Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lviii, 186-191.—JTIeaehen (G. N.) Aberrant form of psoriasis, simulating a syphilide. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s., lxxv,_ 215.— JVIonte- SailtOS (D. E.) Mia jrepi7n-a)cris /coii'jj? i^/iopidireiDS T7js 77-aAdjou)5 ie de 48 cas de pso- riasis traites par les injections organiques d'or- chitine. Communication a 1'Academie de mede- cine, seance du 23 juillet 1898. 8°. Paris, 1900. -----. Des rapports du psoriasis avec la neurasthenie; bons effets du traitement par les injections d'orchitine. 8°. Paris, 1902. Gerstle (E.) * Ueber Psoriasis vulgaris und deren Behandlung. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Jessxer (S.) Die Schuppenflechte (Psoriasis vulgaris) und ihre Behandlung. 8°. Wurzburg, 1904. Schultz (H.) Ueber Psoriasis und deren Be- handlung. 4°. Kreuznach, 1882. Schwenk (A.) *Die Behandlung der Psoria- sis mit Naftalari. 4°. Wilrzhurg, 1899. Abraham (P. S.) On psoriasis and its treatment. Brit. M. J,, Lond., 1906, i, 842-841. —A link vist (J.) & Welander (E.) Ueber die Behandlung der Psoriasis mit intravenosen Arsenikinjectionen. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1900, n. F., xi, Xo. 21, 1-54, 3 ch.—Annan. Psoriasis (Treatment of). Psoriasi; cura. Gior.ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1908, xlix, 180-195.—Balzer (F.) & rTIonsseaux (A.) Traitement du psoriasis par les grands bains a l'huile de cade. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1900, xiv, 321-323.— Balzer (F.) & Schimpft'e (A.) Emploi des bains a l'huile de cade dans le traitement du psoriasis. Bull. g^n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1901, cxlii, 728-731.—Barendt (F. H.) Gallanol in psoriasis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1894, xiv, 393-396.—Basch (1.) Ahydracetinalkalmazasa psoriasis ellen. [Application of hvdracetin in psoriasis.] Gy6gyiiszat, Budapest, 1890, xxx, 37-39. Also, transl. [Ab- str.] : Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 196.— Bayer (H.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Psoriasis vul- garis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 1014.—Benard (P.) Du traitement des leucoplasies ou leueokeratoses par les eaux min<5rales. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. [etc.] 1902. C. r., Grenoble, 1903, vi, 418-425.— Bernard. (H.) Traitement du psoriasis. Mementos therap., Par., 1902, 283-295.—Ber tare 111 (A.) Note sur le traitement du psoriasis par les injections de calomel. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsvph., Par., 1896, vii, 553. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896,3. s., vii, 1320.— Bock (P.) Traitement pniventif des recidives du psori- asis. Clinique, Brux., 1893, vii, 785; 807.—Bohm (M.) Die physikalisch-diiitetische Behandlung der Schuppen- flechte. Arch. f. physik.-diatet. Therap., Berl., 1906, viii, 291-295.—Bouffe (F.) Deux cas de gu^rison de psoria- sis par les injections organiqnes. Bull, et mem. Soc de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893, 395-404. -----. Nature et traitement du psoriasis. Cong, franc, de med. 1894, Par., 1895, i, 725-745. -----. Des rapports du psoriasis avec la neurasthenie; traitement paries injections d'orchitine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1901, cxxxiii, 378-380.— Bran It (J.) Deux cas de psoriasis traites par les injec- tions mercurielles. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1895, vi, 332-334. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 676-678. -----. Traitement du psoria- sis par les injections mercurielles. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, vii, 493. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s., vii, 1095.— Breda (A.) II massaggio nella psoriasi. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1896-7, 7. s., viii, 1569-1574. -----. Caustici e massaggio nella cura della psoriasi. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1897, xxxii, 366-371.— Brocq (L.) Principes ge,neraux du traitement du pso- riasis. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 177. -----. Apercu sur le traitement des diverses formes de psoriasis. Pro- gres med., Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiii, 877.—Bulkley (L. D.) On the restriction of meat in the treatment of psoriasis. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans. 1896, Lond., 1898, iii 734-738. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, li, 41-43. -----. The cure of psoriasis, with a study of 500 cases of the dis- ease, observed in private practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1906, xlvii, 1630-1638. Also, Reprint. -----. The value of an absolutely vegetarian diet in psoriasis. J. Am M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, i, 582-585. -----. A case of psori- asis showing great improvement under internal treat- ment. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 315.— Butte (L.) Traitement de certaines affections cutanees, en particulier du psoriasis, par une nouvelle preparation de permanganate de potassium. J. de mgd. de Par., 1903, 2. s., xv, 171. Also: Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1903, xiii, 156-159. Also: Repert. de therap., Par., 1903, xx, 89- 91.—< am pan a (R.) Psoriasi ed eczema del cuoio ca- pelluto (guarigione della psoriasi col disparire del- 1' eczema). Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1904, xxx 23-27.—Cantrell (J. A.) Psoriasis treated with oil of copaiba; record of two cases. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3.s., xi, 368. -----. The treatment of psoriasis. Internat Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. s., i, 91-98. -----. Copaiba in psori- asis; cases of psoriasis in which oil of copaiba should be administered for its curative effect. Am. Therapist, X.Y., 1898-9, vii, 141.—Cappelli (J.) Note sul rieambio'mate- riale in alcuni casi di psoriasi trattati colle iniezioni di siero fisiologico. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906 xii, 396-426.—Carpenter (Julia W.) Psoriasis and the new remedy, gallacetophenone. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic 1892, n. s., xxvii;, 578. [Discussion], 583. Also, Reprint.— du Caste I. Eruption psoriasiforme, peut-etre lepre Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1894, v, 69-71.— Cerchez. Traitement du psoriasis par l'iodure de po- tassium en grande dose. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz 1894, Roma, 1895, v, dermat., 82-84.— Cerulll (M.) Pso- riasi; effetti della cura. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano 1905, xl, 494-500.—Chatzkij (S.) Guerison de psoriasis vulgaris par l'electricite statique. Arch, d'electric med Bordeaux, 1897, v, 6-13— Chornoguboff (A. N.) K llecheniyu psoriasis vulgaris po sposobu Bvrom Bram- wel'ya. [On the treatment of ... by the method of . ..] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh. (IK93-4), 1895, iii, 13- 20.—ColBn (A.) Traitement du psoriasis. Merc'redi med., Par., 1893, iv, 321.—Crocker (H. R.) Salicin and salicylates in the treatment of psoriasis and some other skin affections. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1421-1423.—Da- grim (M.) Een middel tegen psoriasis. Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk., Batavia, 1899, vii, 22-24.—Dearborn (H. M.) The treatment of psoriasis. Med. Brief, St.Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 937.—Discussion (A) on the treatment of PSORIASIS. 12 PSORIASIS. Psoriasis (Treatment of). psoriasis. Bri t. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1328-1332.—Dreuw. Zur Behandlung der Psoriasis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Der- mat., Hamb., 1903, xxxvi, 508. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1904, li, 879. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv,1842.-von During. Therapie der Psoriasis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 2011-2041.— Eddowes (A.) The treatment of psoriasis. Med. Times nasis vulgaris, polzovannom vodol Klyuchevskavo ozera Barnaulskavo okruga. [. . ., treated by the water of Klyuchev Lake, in Barnaul circuit.] Protok. Omsk med. Obsh., 1887-8, v, 35-38.—Startin (J.) The treat- ment of psoriasis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 697 — stel wagon (H. W.) Notes on the hospital treatment ot psoriasis. Phil Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii, 215-21H. Also, hepnnt.-Syl venter (C. P.) A ease of psoriasis cured bv laparotomy and curettage. Boston M. & S. J., 1906. chv, t^.-Thiblerge (G.) Traitement du psoriasis. emaine med.. par., 1893,xiii. 4X2-4sj. Also, transl: Gac. 1893, xii, 5.85; 609. Also, transl.: Med. jd. de 'iranai PSORIASIS. 13 PSORIASIS. Psoriasis (Treatment of). Week, Par., 1893, i, 545-54S.---—. Traitement du pso- riasis. J. de med. de Par., 1906, 2. s.. xviii, 202.— To- yama. [The treatment of psoriasis vulgaris.] Hifubyog. kiu Hiniokihyog. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1903. iii, 395-39*.—i'll- inann. [Psoriasis mit Arsen behandelt.] Arch. t. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1903, lxvii, 122-124.— Valeke "(J.) Du traitement du psoriasis. Belgique med.,Gand-Haarlem, 1902, ix.pt. 2, 275-279 -----. Traite- ment du psoriasis. Presse med. bel^e. Brux.. P.'ni. lvi, 207-213.—lander Horck (M. P.) The treatment of psoriasis with large doses of iodide of potassium. North- west. Lancet, St. Paul. 1890, x, 97-102 — Vandeweghe (Ci Le traitement du psoriasis. Fiandre med.. Gaud. 1891, i, 762-768.—Vasile > B. > Studio clinico ed atia- tomico sopra alcune particolnrita morfologiche e di terapia nella psoriasi e sue varieta. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma. 1896. xxii, 90-132, 3 pl. Also: Clin, der- mosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1896, 3-44. 3 pl. —Ver- rotti (G.) Nuovo contributo urolugico alia patogenesi della psoriasi. Gior.internaz. d. sc. med.. Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 961-991.—Vollmer (E.) Psoriasis und Bal- neotherapie. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1898. xix, 148-154. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 189s. xix. 459. Also; Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898. xi, 30*—Walker (N.) The treat- ment of psoriasis; a clinical lecture. Quart. M. J., Sheffield.l896-7,v.327-334.— Watson D.C.)&Thomp- son (J. A. D.) The treatment of psoriasis with myelo- eene. Lancet. Lond., 1902, ii, 1033-103-.—Wickliam (LA Traitement du psoriasis. Presse med.. Par., 1894, 212. — Zahrtniann (M. K. Om Smitsomheden og Behandlingen af Psoriasis. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1893, 4. R., i. 865-871.— Zeleneft" I. F.) Malokroviye pso- riatikovi otnosheniye k liemu mishyaka. [Anemia in psoriasis, and relation of arsenic to it.] Vovenno-med. J., St.-Petersb., 1892. clxxv, unoffic pt., sect. 1, 305-329. Psoriasis (Treatment of) with chrysa- 'robin. Bon fa (A.) Contribution to the study of psoriasis and itstreatmentbychrysarol'in. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1907, v. 310.—Campana iK.i Variazioni cromatiche della pelle nei tratti p*' >riasiei, sotto l'azione della crisarobina. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1890, iv, 138-142.—Felieiani i I.i La crisarobina nella psoriasi. Riforma med., Napo'.i. 1894, x, pt. 4, 494-497.— Lengefeld. Die Behandlungder Psoriasis vulgaris mit Chrvsarobin-Dermasan. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1906", 112: 134. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1906, 112:134 — Neisser (A.) Ueber Psoria«is-Therapie.nebst Bemerkuntreii iiber die Verwendbarkeit des Chrvsaro- bins. Ztschr. f. arztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M.. 1-94. iii, 1; 38 — Nicolas (J.) & Favre (M.) Sur le role de l'erytheme chrysophanique dans Paction therapeutiqtie sur'le psoriasis. Lyon med., 1905, cv, 705-707.—Stoc- quart (A.) Du traitement du psoriasis par l'usage in- terne de l'acide chrvsophanique. Arch, de med. et chir. prat., Brux., 1890, iv. 20-24.—Veratti (L.) L'acido criso- fanico e la crisarobina usati per via ipodermica nella cura del psoriasi. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano. 1894, vii, 6- 36.—Walker (N.) The use of chrvsarobin in psoriasis. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1908, xxii, 312-316, 2 pl. Psoriasis ( Treatment of) by light, Rontgen rays or radium. Allen (C. W.) Psoriasis associated with leukoderma treated by X-ray. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 334.— Becker (P. F.) Zur Behandlung der Schup- pennechte mit LTtraviolettstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 2139.—Bricheff (A. A.) Sluchal psoriasis vulgaris, Hechonniy svletovimi vannami. [. . . treated by ravs of light.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1904, viii, 131.—Do- meniel (E.) Psoriasi volgare guarita completamente coll' azione diretta dei raggi solari. Gazz. d. osp..Milano, 1907. xxviii, 1289. — Eberhart (N. M.) The X-ray and the high-frequency current in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. Am. J. Dermat & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis. 1907, xi. 227-23U. —Ferris (E. S.) Psoriasis treated with X-ray. Am. Elcotro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago, 1903, iii, 165-107. —Oamlen (H. E.) A record of attempts to treat psoriasis bv X-rav-: with an example. Arch. Roentg. Ray. Lond.," 1904-5. ix, 76. — Gnhr (M.) Helio- therapieder Psoriasis. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., I9i)6, pt. 2, 98-106. [Discus- sion], pt. 1. 20. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii. 536-539. — Heidingsi'eld (M. L.) X-ray in inveterate psoriasisof nine years' duration. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907. xcviii, 42.— Joseph (M.) Heliotherapie der Pso- riasis. Dermat. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, ix. 35s. _ .Mar- ques (H.) Psoria-is rebelle gueri par la radiotherapie. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 103-105.— ."Meshtsherski ( M. I. ) K llecheniyu cheshuistavo lishaya foto-elektricheskimi vannami. [Treatment of psoriasis by photo-electric baths] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1906, lxv, 70-77.—illewborn, A case of psoriasis de- veloped on a seborrhoic skin showing the effect of treat- Psoriasis (Treatment of) by light, Rontgen rays or radium. | ment bv the X-rav. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1904, xxii, 88-91.—Reims (J.) & Salmon (P.) Influ- ence du radium sur le psoriasis. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1905, lviii. 614-616.—Samuels t A.) The value of the X-ravsinthetreatmentofpsoriasis. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg.. Bait., 1906-7. ix, 41-16. — Schmidt (H. E.) Die Rontgenbehandlung der Psoriasis un 1 des Ekzems. Ztschr. f. phvs. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1900-7. x, 144-148. Psoriasis (Treatment of) with sodium cacodylate. Fourxier (V.) * Traitement du psoriasis par l'acide cacodylique. S:. Paris, 1897. Bernex. Psoriasis generalise et cacodylatede soude. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 152.—BuSetti (V.) I metodi di cura della psoriasi ri- spetto alia cura caeodilica. Rassegna diterap., Torino, 1907, vi, 257; 297.—Daulos. Psoriasis traite par l'acide cacodylique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897. 3. s., viii, 196. Also, in: Bull. Sue. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, viii, 69. -----. Psoriasis invetere traite par l'acide cacodylique. Ann.dedermat. et syph.. Par., 1897, 3. s., viii, 559-o62. Also, in: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, viii, 246-249.—Davezae. Psoriasis et cacodylate de soude. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1901), 1902. 158.—Demange (J.) Un cas de psoriasis generalise traite par le cacodylate de soude. Soe. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. 1S99-1900, pp. cvi- cvii. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1900, xxxii. 406.— Dudumi (V.) Un cas de psoriasis volgar generalisat (tip papulos) vindecat prin mjectiunl subcutanate cu cacodilat de sodiu. Presa med. rom., Bucurescl, l*9;»- 1900, vi, 225-232.—Gijselman (H.) Ueber Anwendung der Kakodylsaure in der Behandlung von Hautkrank- heiten, namentlich der Psoriasis vulgaris. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1899,xii,363-369.—Klinger (B.) Atypischer Fall von Psoriasis vulgaris diffusa, durch Kakodylinjek- tionen geheilt. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1904, liv, 225.— lUolnar (S.) Vizsgalatok a kakodylsav hatasara n£zve p oriasisnal. [Researches on the effect of caeodylic acid I in psoriasis.] Dolgozatok az egvet. borkort. intezetb., Budapest, 1901. 45— Pelagatti (M.) II cacodilato di sodio nella cura della psoriasi. Kendic d. Ass. med.- chir. di Parma, 1900, i, 258 202 —Roua i>.) Kakodylsa- vasnatriummal gy6gyitott psoriasis beteirek. [Psoriasis cured by cacodylate of soda.] (>rvo«i heti szemle.Buda- pest, 1900. xxviii. 343.— Verrotti (G.) La cura caeodi- lica nella psoriasi. Arte med.. Napoli, 19oo, ii, 902-906. Psoriasis (Treatment of) with thyroid extract. Guisax (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la medication thyroidienne dans le psoriasis, et de ' son influence sur Pexcretion urinaire. Sc. Lausanne, 1S9S. Lehmann (F.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Psoriasis mit Thyreoidin und Salophen. 8°. Wurzburg, 1897. Anderson (McC ) Case of psoriasis treated by thy- roid extract. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xii, 421.—Brain Weil (B.) The treatment of psoriasis by the internal admin- istration of thyroid extract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*93. ii, 933-938. -----. A clinical lecture on a case of psoriasis treated by thvroid extract. Ibid., 1894, i, 617-023. a'so, [Abstr.]: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb., 1*93-4. n.s., xiii, 31. -----. Psoriasis; thyroid treatment. Clin. Stud.. Edinb.. 1903-4, ii, 211-228. -----. Psoriasis; successful result of thyroid treatment. Ibid., 1907-s, vi, 169.—Browne i,FI. Notes on a case of psoriasis treated by thyroid feedintr. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1894, xiii, ls2-l*4.— Cantrell (J. A.) Thvroid feeding in psoriasis. Therap. Gaz., De- troit, 1894,3. s.. x. 00O-OO2. — < hornoguboff (A. X. [ K llechenivu psoriasis vulgaris tireoidinom. [Treatment of ... by thyroidin.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1893, xl, 956- 959. -----. K llecheniyu psoriasis vulgaris po sposobu ByromBramwell'ya. [On the treatment of ... by B. Bramwell's method [thvroid extract], l'rotok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1893-4,10-16.—Collins i.e. D.) Psoriasis I cured by thyroidine. Clinique, Chicago. 1903, xxiv, 260.— Cova (A.) Contributo alia cura del psoriasi per mezzo della tiroide. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 1 618-628.—Crary (G. W.) The thyroid treatment of pso- 1 psoriasis, and other skin diseases. Med. Rec, X. Y., Is94, xlvi, 427—Cura (La) della psoriasi mediante la somministrazione interna di estratto di ghiandola tiroi- dea. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1893, Iii. 523; 543.— Kwald (C. A.) Zur Thyreoidea-Behandlung der Pso- | riasjs. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 147.— (.ordan (J.) Treatment of psoriasis ^vpbilitie) by thyroid extract. Brit. M. J.. Lond., Is94, i. 1*6.—Hays ^.E.,i Thyroid extract in psoriasis. Am. Pract. & News PSORIASIS. 14 PSOROSPERMIA. Psoriasis (Treatment of) with thyroid extract. Louisville. 1900. xxix, 121-123.—Jones (T.) The treat- ment of psoriasis by thyroid extract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 1121.—Kisel (A. A.) Sluchal psoriasis u mal- cbika 10 Bet, llechonniy preparatami shtshitovidnol zhelyozl. [Psoriasis in a boy 10 years old treated with preparations of thyroid gland.] Trudi Obsh. dletsk. vrach., Mosk.. l*9s'-1,), vii, 14-17.—Loiiifbothara (G.) Thyroid extract in psoriasis. Brit. M." .)., Lond., 1903, i, 849.—.TIasse. EtTets de la medication thyroidienne dans deux cas de psoriasis. Assoc, franc- pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. isoo, par., 1897, xxv, 540. — ITIeneau. Quelques mots sur la medication du psoriasis au moyen de l'extrait de corps thyro'ide pris it, l'inte- rieur. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux (1894), 1895, 297-305.— Nammack (C. E.) Psori- asis treated by thyroid extract with negative result. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 343.—Pasehkis (H.) & Grosz (S.) Zur Behandlung der Psoriasis vulgaris mit Jodo- thyrin. Wien. Klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 609; 629; 646: 664.—Petrini de Galatz. Un cas de psoriasis vulgar vindecat prin capsule de corp tiroid. Presa med. rom., BucurescI, 1899-1900, vi, 129-131. Also, transl: Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wien u. Leipz., 1900,19- 24. Also, transl: Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, xliii, 166-168—PospIelofl*( A. I.) Sluchal uspleshnavo dlelstviya tireoidina pri psoriasis vulgaris. [Successful action of thyroidin in . . .] Med.Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lvi, 416-420.—Preeee (H. R.) A case of psoriasis of many years' standing treated with thvroid extract. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 697.—Purdon (U.S.) The thvroid treat- ment of psoriasis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1*96, 8. s., cii, 379- 384.—Ram4>ii Campos R. (J.) La psoriasis i su trata- miento, especialmente por la tiroidina. Union med., Sant.deChile, 1898, v,512-521.—Spillmann. [Psoriasis generalise, traite . .. par les injections hvpodermiques de liquide thyroi'dien.J Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mem.,1895-6, pp. xxii-xxv.—Squirei B.) Thetreatment of psoriasis_by thyroid extract. Brit. M. J., London, 1894, i, 13.—Thevenin (P.) Note sur trois cas de psoriasis vainement traites par l'extrait thvroOlien. ,1. d. mal. cutan. etsyph., Par., 1895, vii, 540-5il.—Thibierge (G.) Contribution a l'etude de la medication thyroidienne; le traitement thvroidien du psoriasis. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895,3. s., vi, 760-787. Ateo [Abstr.]: Cong. franc, de med. 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 601-612.—Varlot (G. i Traitement du p-oriasisparl'ingestion deglande thyroide et d'extrait thyroi'dien par Byron Bramwell d'Edim- bourg. .1. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., ls9l. ii. 30.— Vfshinskayaj Yekaterina R.) Lleeheniyetireoidinom psoriasis vulgaris. [Thvroidin treatment of . . .] Pro- tok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., lso.5-0. v. 103-105.—Wil- son i A.) A ease of general psoriasis cured by thyroidin. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1895, xxviii, 276. Psoriasis (Cngueal). Abrahams (R.) Psoriasis of the nails. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 327.—Danlos. Pso- riasis avec localisation sur les extremites, et chute des ongles. Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 737- 739. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1900, xi, 194-190—Lapowski ( B.) Psoriasisof the nails. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y.. 19o7. xxv, 317 — .Heneau. Psoriasis atypi'iue limite aux ontrles. Mem. et bull. Soc. demed. et chir. de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 752-755. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 27. -----. Contribu- tion k l'etude du psoriasis ungueal. Bull. Soc. franc;, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 232-248. Psoriasis (Vaccinal). Ahronheim (C.) * Ueber Psoriasis nach Im- pfung. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Blanc (H.-M.) * Psoriasis vaccinal. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Vignal (P.) * Psoriasis vaccinal. 8°. Lyon, LS97. Bettmann. Ueber Localisation der Psoriasis auf Impfnarben. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 476.—de Beurmanii. Psoriasis vaccinal secondaire. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv. 22-24. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904,4. s., v, 67-69.— Hallopeau (H.) A: Gastou. Sur un nouvel exemple 'le psoriasis consecutif ii une vaccination, et sa significa- tion. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 103-105.—Nek si m i h.) Psoriasis vaccinata. Or- vosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 122.—Nicolas (J.) & Favre (M.) Deux casde psoriasis vaccinal. Bull. Soc. med. d.h6p. de Ly. >n. 1907. vi. 102-108. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 876-ssi.—Rioblane. Surun casde psoriasis vaccinal. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1*95). 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 150-155.—Wo Iter!*, psoriasis und Impfung. Kor.-Bl. d. allg. inecklenb. Aerztever., Rostock, 1904, No. 242, 1630. Psoriasis in animals. Perrussel. Psoriasis circine de Megnin chez le cheval. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1898, 5. s., ii, 724-720.—Sircar (M. L.) A case of psoriasis in a parrot with discoloration and dropping of feathers; cured by arsenic. Month. Homoeop. Rev., Loud., 1903, xlvii, 5H-60. Psoriasis in children. Abrahams (R.) Acute psoriasis in an infant. Pe- diatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1898, v, 158 —Benassi ( P.) Pso- riasis infantium. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1903, xxxviii, 99-116—Burnet (J.) Psoriasis in childhood. Rep. Soc. Study His. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 28-33. -----. The treatment of psoriasis in children. Merck's Arch.,N. Y., 1908, x, 171— Carpenter (G.) Uncommon cases of psoriasis in children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1895, xii, 277.—Friederichs (A.) Drei Fiille von Psoriasis vulgaris bei Sauglingen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xiv, 232-234.—Janvier (G.) Psoriasis chez deux eon- joints. Arch.gen.de m<§d., Par., 1904, i, 399.—Leiucr (C.) Psoriasis in children. Am. J. Dermat. & Gcnito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 310.—ITIaeleod (.1. M. H.) [A case of psoriasis in an infant aged 6months.) Brit..I. Dermat., Lond., 1907, xix, 119.— JVIankouski (L.) Przyczynek do kwestyi luszczycy u dzieci. [Psoriasis in children.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1905, xliv, 175; 188.— rHeaehen (G. N.) Psoriasis in children. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxvii, 256.— ITIery. Psoriasis chez l'enfant. J. de med. int., Par., 1904, viii, 262.— Rambo (C. M.) A case of psoriasis at the age of two years and five months. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 452.— Rille (J. H.) Ueber Psoriasis vulgarisim friihen Kindes- alter. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xlv, 2097-2102. -----. Le psoriasis vulgaire chez le nourrisson et l'enfant. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1899, xi, 385-394— Slmoninl (R.) Vn caso di psoriasi congenita. Pediatria, Napoli, 1904,2. s., ii, 282-293. Psoriasis of mucous membranes. See, also, Leukoplakia; Mouth (Leukopla- kia of). Chichkoff (D.) *Des rapports de la leuco- plasie buccale avec la syphilis. 8°. Paris, 1902. Rauch (F.) *Zwei Fiille von Wangencarci- nora auf Grund von Leukoplakia buccal. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Balzer & IHerlc. Psoriasis atypique; localisation sur la muqueuse des levres et peut-ltre sur la muqueuse linguale. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1907, xviii, 78-82. —Bebove. Psoriasis buccal et cancer du larynx. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1907, lxxx, 627-629.—See (M.) Psoriasis et lesions buceales. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4.8., iv, 219-223. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1903, xiv, 85-89. Psoriniim. Blackwood (A. L.) Psorinum. Med. Visitor, Lan- sing, Mich., 1902, xviii, 457-459. Psorospermia. See, also, Coccidia; Greg-arinidae; Mycosis fungoides (Causes, etc., of); Sporozoa. Baraban & Saint-Remy (G.) Sur un cas de tubes psorospermiques observes chez l'homme, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1894, 10. s., i, 201.—Behla (R.) Ueber die systematische Stellung der Parasiten der Miescher'schen Schliiucheund deren Ziichtung. Berl thieriir/.tl. Wchnschr., 1897, 564-566.—Caziii (M.) Les sporozoaires. Semaine m6d., Par., 1891, xi, 354-358.— Clarke (.I. J.) Sarcoma caused bv psorosperms. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 1893, i, 115. -----. Psorosperms in an ade- noma of a cat'slip. 2Md.,9Sl.—Freeman. Coccidium oviforme (psorospermise). Med. Pec., N. Y., 1890, xxxvii 305— Klener. Sur la signification de certaines forma- tions epidermoidales pathologists qui pourraient etre confondues avec de jisorospermies. Verhandl d x in- ternat. med. Cong, l.syo. Herb, 1891. ii, 3. Abth., 114-118 — LieberkiihiMN.j Ueber die Psorospcrmien. Arch.f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1854, 1; 349, 3 pl.— IHalassez (L.) Sur les psorospermoses a pro- pos de la communication de M. Vincent. Compt rend Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 123. -----. Sur la pre- sence des psorospermies dans les tumeurs epitheliales. Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'hi-tol du Coll de France. Trav. 1891-3, Par., 1895, 82-si.— Tlerieux & Carre. Sur la psorospermie du barbeau. Mem et ;'?m1p,t;"rend,Soc-d- sc-m6d-de Ly°n (1898), 1899, xxxviii, UI- -<&■ Aho: Lyon ni,V1 • 1898- Ixxxix, 408-410.— rteiirer (L.l I eber einige neue Formen von Miescher'- schen Schlauchen mit Mikro-, Myxo- und Sarcosporidien- L°o--o , ^r, apropos of a new case. J. Cutan. AGenito-lrin. Ins., N. Y., 1896, xiv, 209- 219. Also, Reprint—Bukovsky (J.) Psorospermosis foUicularis vegetans Darier. Areh.f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1905, lxxv, 279-302, 1 pl.—Bulkley (L. D.) Psorospermosis foUicularis cutis. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 465-468. Also. Reprint. —Bulloch (W.) Psorospermosis. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), Lond., 1907, ii, pt. 2, 825-829.— Condorelli Franca- vlglia (M.) 9>. i. 1114.—Pimlia (,F.) Le liMderne dottrine psKh.atriche ed il d;r.tto penale. Studi di med. leg. e var. . . . onore di G. Ziino. Messina, 1907. 437-463.—Pun- ton (J.) The trend of modern psychiatry and its rela- tion to general medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1904. xii. 156-161— Putnam (J. J.) The bearing of philoso- phy on psychiatry. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii. 1021- 1023. — Kauschke. Praktische Ergebnisse aus dem Gebiete der Psvcbiatrie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 19'6, xiii, 1312-1310 .— Schultze i K. > \Yichtige Entschei lunu'eii auf dem Gebiete der Psychiatrie. Psy- chiat.-neurol Wchnschr., Halle a. S.. PvT-s, ix, 13; 20; 35. — Shtida iV.) [Stieda, in French]. O psikhiatrii v Y'aponii. [Psychiatry in Japan.] Obozr. psichiat., uevrcl. retc], S.-Peterb., 1906, xi, 260-26S. Als,,. transl: Inioriiiaueur d. alien, [etc.]. Par., 1907, ii. 221-226.— Sibbald . St'rJ.) Psvchiatry in general hospitals. Kev. Neurol, .v Psychiat., Edinb., 1903, i, 4-12.—Soutzo riis. La psvchiatrle moderne et Poeuvre du ptvfosseur Krae- pelin. Ann. med.-psychol., Par., 1906, 9.s.. iii. 243: 403.— Speeht(W.) Psychologie und Psychiatrie. Centralbl. i. Nervenh. u. Psychiat.. Berl. u. Leipz.. 1905, xxx, 379- 3*7 — Therman (E.) Yhta ia toisia psykiatrian alalta. l'rese:.t and former psvehiatrv"; Puodecim, Helsinki, 19"S, xix, 274: 1904, xx, S">—13.—Yoirt (,K.) Psykiatnens hovedtraek: V. Sindssygdonime. [Les grandes liirnesde la psychiatrie. Res.. >36.] Norsk Mae. f La-trevidensk., Kristiania, 1904. 5. R.. ii. s03-s22.— Woodwortli t R. S.) Psvchiatry and experimental psychology. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1906. lxiii. 27-37.—Ziehen (T.) ' Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten. Ersnznsjshfte z. med. Klin., Berl., 1906. ii, 313-S3S. Psychiatry (History of). Sihmerling (E. 1 Psvchiatrie im Wandel der Zeiten. Rede. sc. K<4, 1904. Syezd otechestvennikh psikhiatrov. [Con- gress of Russian psychiatrists. ] Trudi per- j vavo, . . . proiskhodivshavo vMoskvie s 5 po 11 yanvarya 1887 g. [Memoir of the first meet- ing which took place in Moscow, Jan. 5 to 11, 1887.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1SS7. Allen (C. L.) The present status and trend of psy- chiatry. South. Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles, 1908, xxiii, 363-> 9— C'hapin (J. B.) Fifty vears in psychiatry Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1904-5, lxi. 399-416.—Cotton . H .A. i A review of the progress of modern psychiatry. J. NI.■■!. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 190s-9, v, 74-78.—Drewry (VY F.) Evolution of psvehiatrv, or progress in the care and treatment of the insane. Charlotte M. J., 1904, xxv, 297- 913.—Farrar (C. B.) Some origins in psychiatry. Am. J. Insan , Bait , 1907-8, lxiv, 523. -----. Trend of current psychiatry. Maryland M. J.. Bait.. 19)8, li, 374-380.— Fitzgerald (J.d.) A brief resume of the development of clinical psychiatry. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8. xii, 1U2—10s. Also: Dominion M. Month., Toronto. 1907, xxix, 102-108.—Hoppe [V.) Psvchiatrisches ausNord- Amerika. Allg. Ztschr. t. Psvehiat. [etc.], Berl.. lyuT, lxiv. 320-346.—Jellltt'e .—Vedrani A.) Su le presenti condizioni della psichiatria c.inica in Italia. Gior. di psichiat. clin. e teen, manic , I-Vrrara, 1907. xxxv, 119-133.—Wejgaudt (YV.) Ueber Psychiatrie und PsychologieinDeutschland. Cong, internat. de nied. C.-r. 1903. Madrid. 1901. xiv, sect. de neuropath, [etc.i. 225-239.—Zleken UP) Die Ent- wicklungsstadiendeiT'sx chiatric. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 777-7SO. Psychiatry (Instruction in). Heilbronxer (K.) Ueber die Aufgaben der klinischen Psychiatrie. 8°. Utrecht, 1904. Brush (E. N.) A plea for the clinical study of psv- chiatry. Tr. M. Soc. Yirg. 1904, Richmond, 1905, 260-268. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1904-5, ix, 4S5-1S9.—Campbell (C. M.) New Y'ork State and psy- chiatric teaching. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat., Edinb., 1905, iii, 409-413.—Durquet (J. .1.1 Observaciones y consideraciones. sobre clinica pshjuhitrica. Arch, de psiquiat. y crimiiiol., Buenos Aires, 1906, v. 730-752.— d'Hollander iF.), Duchateau ifc 31aere. La Clinique psychiatring. inter- nat. de m£d. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect. de neuro- path, [etc.], 896-906.—Schultze (E.) Die Entvricke- lung des psyehiatrischen Unterrichts in GreiMvald. Klin. Jahrb.. Jena, 1907, xvi. 4si_506_ i diag.—Taylor (I. M.) Some points in clinical psychiatry of interest to the general practitioner. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1906, lv, 12-14.—Thomson (D. G.l The teaching of psychi- atry. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 190s. iiVi 500-559. Psychiatry (Jfuseum^for). See Museums (Medical). Psycliical experiences. A diary of 1891. Edited by Sarah E. Post. 143 pp. 24°. Xew York, Nightingale Co., 1893. Psychical research. See, also, Apparitions; Clairvoyance; De- rnonology, etc.; Divination; Faith-cure; Hypnotism; Magic; Magnetism (Animal); Medicine (Magic, etc.); Mind-reading; Oc- cultism; Psychotherapy; Sorcery; Spirit- ism; Suggestion; "Witchcraft. Bo>c (E.) La psychologie devant la science et les savants; od et fluideodique, aura, polarite humaine, fluide astral, magnetisme, hypnotisme, suggestion; l'hypnose; catalepsie," lethargie, somnambulisme, clairevue, clairaudience, tele- pathic, medium, exteriorisation, possession, obsession, la force psychique, spiritisme, les trois ames de l'homme, niagie et goetie, occul- tisme. 12°. Paris, 1894. De.vdy (\V. C.) The philosojihv of mvsterv. 8°. London, 1S41. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1845. DcporY (J.-J.-B.-E.). Si-ienees occultes et physiologie psychique. 12°. Paris, 1898. Halphide (A. C.) The psychic and psv- chism. 12°. Chicago, 1901. Hidsox (T. J.) The law of psychic phe- nomena; a working hypothesis for the syste- matic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc. 8. ed. 12°. Chicago, 1895. Rate (C. G.) Psychology as a natural science applied to the solution of occult psychic phe- nomena. 8'. Philadelphia, 1889. PSYCHICAL. 1 Psychical research. Scueidemacher (C.) Das Seelenleben und die Gehirnthiitigkeit; gegen die Seelenleugner gerichtete Forschungen, auf Thatsachen be- griindet. 8°. Regenshurg, 1876. d'Ardenne. L'attraction k distance sans parole ni contact. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1903, xiii, 193-199.— It:il I our (<;. W.) Presidential address. Proc. Soc. I'sych. Research, Glasg., 190.5-7, xix, [xx], 373-396.— Bell ((j.) The subconscious mind; subliminal con- sciousness. Med.-Leg. J., K. Y., 1897-s, xv, 129-144. Also: Med.-Leg. Stud. N. Y., 1898, v, 167-182.—Boirac (E.) Un essai de classification des ph6nom6nes para- psychiques. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1893, iii, 341- 354. -----. Les phenomenes cryptoides. Rev. phil., Par., 1*99, xlvii, 42-62.—Cas (Un) ancien de lucidity. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1891, i, 114-117. — (rookes (W.) Address by the president. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1396-7, xii, 338-355. Also, transl: Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1897, vii, 89-113.—Dariex (X.) Au- tres experiences de lecture & travers les corps opaques. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1897, vii, 326. -----. Rapport de la commission de l'Academie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier sur la vue sltraversles corps opaques. Ibid., 189s, viii, 6-24.—Krny (A.) Psychisme. Ibid., 1897, vii, llx-122. — Fluiitmarlon (C.) L'inconnu et les problemes psycliiiiues. Nice-med., 1899-1900, xxiv, 134; 155; 16s.—tirasset. Une experience de lecture a travers les corps opaques. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1897, vii, 321- 326.—Guebhard (A.) Sur 1'evocation psvehique des objetsreels. I6irima], 1771-2. Psychological (The) Bulletin. Literary sec- tion of the Psychological Review. Edited bv J. Mark Baldwin [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. J-o, 1904-8. 8°. Lancaster, Pa. Current. Psychological (The) Clinic. A journal for the study and treatment of mental retardation and deviation. Edited by Lightner Witmer [et al.]. [9 Nos. annually.] v. 1-2, 1907-8. 8°. Philadelphia. Current. Psycological (The) Index. A bibliography of the literature of psychology and cognate sub- jects. Nos. 1-14. Index for 1894-1907. 8°. New York & Lancaster, Pa., 1894-1908. Psychological (The) Review. Edited by J. McKeen Cattell [et al.]. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-5, 1894-1908. 8°. New York & London. Current. Psychological • (The) Review. Monograph Supplements, v. 1-9, 1894-1908. 8°. Lan- caster, Pa.; New York. Current. Psychological .Society of Great Britain. Pro- ceedings: 1875-9. [Several articles paged sepa- rately.] 8°. London, 1880. Psychologische Arbeiten hrsg. von Emil Kraepelin. v. 1-5. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1895-1908. Psychologische Bibliotheek. Uitgegeven vanwege de Nederlandsche psychologische Ver- eeniging. No. 1, [1897]. 8°. Amsterdam. Psychologische Studien. Hrsg. von YVil- helm Wundt. Neue Folge der Philosophischen Studien. v. 1-4. 8°. Leipzig, 1905-8. Psychology. See, also, Alcoholism (Psychology of); Apha- sia; Attention; Automatism; Brain; Con- sciousness; Criminals (Mental condition of); Emotions; Euthanasia; Genius; Imagina- tion; Impulse; Joking; Laughter; Mathe- maticians; Memory; Modesty; Movement (Sense of); Music (Physiology, etc., of); Nerve- currents; Passions; Pedagogy; Perception; Phototropism; Pleasure; Beading; Spirit- ism. Beiteage zur Psychologie und Philosophie. Hrsg. von Gotz Martius. Hft. 1, v. 1. 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Bekhtereff (V.) Psikhika i zhizn. [Soul and life.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, [1902]. Benedikt (Al.) Die Seelenkunde des Men- schen als reine Erfahrungswissenschaft. 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Berger (H.) Ueber die korperlichen Aeus- serungen psychischer Zustiinde; experimentelle Beitriige zur Lehre von der Blutzirkulation in der Schadelhohle des Menschen. Pt. 2. 8°. Jena, 1907. Bierens de Haan (P.) *Hoofdlijnen eener psychologie met metafysischen grondslag. 12°. Amsterdam, 1898. Bimberg (P.) Das Studium der Psychologie ist fiir den Kunstbeflissenen unbediiigt noth- wendig. Philosophische Abhandlung. 8°. Iserlohn, 1876. Bischoff (E.) *Die Bedingungen der psy- chischen Energie. 8°. Munchen, 1906. PSYCHOLOGY. 19 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology. Bosaxquet (B.) Psychology of the moral sell. 12°. London, 1897. Bi'llen (D. B.) *Diss. med. de pathematum ratione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1823. Danileyski (Y. I.) Dusha i priroda. [The soul and nature.] [2. ed.] 8°. Kharkov, 1897. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology, including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neu- rology, physiology, economics, political and social philosophy, philology, physical science and education and giving a terminology in Eng- lish, French, German, and Italian. Written by many hands and edited by James Mark Bald- win, with the cooperation and assistance of an international board of consulting editors. 4 v. roy. 8°. New York, 1901. Diem (U.) *Pas Wesen der Anschauung. Ein Beitrag zur psvehologischen Terminolouie. 8°. Bern, 1899. Donath (J.) Die Anfiinge des menschlichen Geistes. Fest-Vortrag, gehalten in der Jahres- versammlung der Gesellschaft der Budapester Hospitalsiirzte, am 29. December 1897. 12°. Stuttgart, 1898. Drijvers (H.) Zielkunde. 8°. Antwerpen, [1900]. Fabricics [pseud, f]. Etude medico-psycho- logique. Dieu, 1'homme et ses fins dernieres. Sc. Paris, 1868. Feuillet-Streiff (H.) Synthese psycholo- gique. 8°. Paris, 1897. Haeger (A. [F. C. ] 1 * Lotzes Kritik der Her- bartischen Metaphysik und Psychologie. 8°. Greifswald, 1891. Hall (E.) The rational psychology and its vindications. 83. Neu< York, 1862. Repr.from: Am. Theological Rev., June, 1862. -----. An examination of the latest de- fenses of Dr. Hickok's rational psychology. 8°. New York, 1863. Repr.from: Am.PresbyterianTheologicalRev.,July,1863. van Hall (M. C.) De zelfstandigheid der ziel. Aan J. L. C. Schroeder van der Kolk. 2. ed. s°. Amsterdam, 1852. Heck (O.) Physiolojrie. Die menschlichen Sinnesthatigkeiten, Bewusstsein, Wille, Vorstel- len, Empfinden, Denken, Urteilenund Handeln. 12°. Homberg (Oberhessen), 1901. Hellpach (W.) DieGrenzwissenschaftender Psychologie; die biologischen undsoziologischen Grundlagen der Seelenforschung, vornehmlich fiir die Vertreter der Geisteswissenschaften und Piidagogik. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. -----. Technischer Fortschritt und seelische Gesundheit. 8°. Halle a. S., 1907. Hirth (G.) Energetische Epigenesis und epi- genetische Energieformen insbesondere Merk- svsteme und plastische Spiegelungen. Eine Pro- grammschrift fiir Naturforscher und Aerzte. 8°. Mimchea, 1898. Hitchcock (Clara M.) The psychology of expectation. 8°. New York, 1903. Hompf ( A. ) * Untersuchung fiber sym- bolische Relationen. Psychologische Studie. [Munich.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1905. Jastrow (J.) Fact and fable in psychology. 8°. Boston & New York, 1900. Maxwell (J.) Les phenomenes psychiques; recherches, observations, methodes. Preface de Charles Richet. 8°. Paris, 1903. 'sychology. ------. The same. 2. ed., revue. 8°. Paris, 1904. Messenger (J. F.) The perfection of num- ber. 8°. New York, 1903. Mobius (P. J.) Die Hoffnungslosigkeit aller Psychologie. 8°. Halle a. 8., 1907. Molinie (J.-A.) Analytique de l'esprit hu- main et de la vie (bio-animisme). 12°. Paris, 1907. Muller (F. M.) Three introductory lec- tures on the science of thought. 8°. Chicago, 1888. Noizet [F.-J.] Etudes philosophiques. Psy- chologie, metaphysique et application de la philosophie a la direction de la vie humaine. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1864. Persijn (J.) De psychologie van het woord. 12°. Antwerpen, [1903]. Pflau.m (C. D.) Die individuelle und die soziale Seite des seelischen Lebens. 8°. Wies- baden, 1906. Planck (K. C.) Anthropologic und Psycho- logie auf naturwissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Ein Leitfaden zum Selbststudium wie fiir den Cnterricht. 8°. Leipzig, 1874. Reich (E.) Die Geschichte der Seele, die Hygiene des Geisteslebens und die Civilisation. roy. 8°. Mindeni.W., 1S84. Rozhitski (C. K.) Skeleti kharaktera; popu- lyarniy psikhologicheskiy ocherk. [Skeletons of character; popular psvchological sketch.] 8°. Zhitomir, 1902. Shiltoff (A. M.) 0 bezsmertii dushi. [On the immortality of the soul.] 8°. Kharkov, 1893. Snegireff (V.) Psikhologiya; sistematiches- kiy kurs chteniy po psikhologii. [Psychology; a systematic course of readings on psychology.] 8°. Kharkov, 1893. Spiess (C.) L'ame et le corps au point de vue bio-physiologique; quelques reflexions a propos d'un ouvrage recent. 8°. Geneve,,1906. Stohr (A.) Vom Geiste. Eine Kritik der Existenz des mentalen Bewusstseins. 8°. Wien, 1883. Stcdies in philosophy and psychology by former students of Charles Edward Garman, in commemoration of twenty-five years of service as teacher of philosophy in Amherst College. 8°. Boston & New York, 1906. Trokhimovich (V.) Ucheniye ob osnovakh chelovlecheskavo soznaniya i znachenii lich- nosti. [Principles of human consciousness and the meaning of personality.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1896. Tuczek (F.) Gehirn und Gesittung. 8°. Marburg, 1907. Uses of mental science. 12°. New York, 1891. Verworn (M.) Die Mechanik des Geistes- lebens. 12°. Leipzig, 1907. Volny L'Hotelier. Avant-propos de l'essen- tialit^ de la vie en connaissance de Dieu et de 1'homme. Essais sur quelques analogues en pa- thologie et en therapeutique. 8°. Poitiers, 1847. . Ward (L. F.) Status of the mind problem. 8°. Washington, 1894. Zelenski (M.) Ob umTe i metodie yevo vospitaniya. [Mind, and methods of its culti- vation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1890. ArairoJii (A.l Importancia del estudio de la psicolo- gia. Mem. Sue. cient. ' Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1893-4, vii, 289-295.—Arnhart (L.) Objektive Psychologie. PSYCHOLOGY. 20 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology. Biol. Central. 1 .Leipz., 1899, xix, 521-526.—Arnold (F.) The psychology of interest. Psychol. Rev., Halt., 1906, xiii, 221; 29..—Baker (S.) The identification of the sell'. Ibid., X. Y. it Lond., 1S97, iv, 272-2*4.—Bald win (.l.M.) On selective thinking. Ibid., 1*9*. y, 1-24.-----. A scheme of classification for psychology. Princeton Contrib. Psychol., 1903, iii, 16-19. -----. The genetic pro- gression of psychic objects. Ps\chol. Rev., N. Y*., 1904, xi, 216-221, 1 tab.— Beelitere\v (W.) La psychologie objective. Rev. scient., Par., 1906, 5. s., vi, 353; 390 — Belliieei (ii.) L' indeterminato e P ignoto nella psi- eologia popolare. Riv. de psieol. applic, Bologna, 1908, iv, 191-203. -Bentley (I. M.) The psychological mean- ing of clearness. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1904, n. s., xii, 213-253.—Benussi (V.) Gli atteggiamenti intellettivi clcmentari ed i loro oggetti. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 440-445.—Bertrand (A.) Un essai de cosmologie sociale; les theses monadologi- ques de Gabriel Tarde. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lvon & Par., 1904, xix, 623-660.—Billla (M.) L' oggetto della psieologia. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 339-34*.—Binet (A.) Attention et adaptation. Annee psvchol. 1899, Par., 1900, vi, 248-404.—Black- well (Antoinette B.) Consciousness and its helpers. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1897-8. xv, 437-442.— Bonnier (P.) Y a-t-il une psycholoaic humaine? Rev. Scient., Par., 1905, 5. s., iv, 641-644.—Bourdeau (L.) Cause et origine du mal. Rev. phil.,Par.,1900,1,113-141.—Bucke (R. M.) Cosmic consciousness. Proc. Am. Med.-Psy- chol. Ass. 1894, Utica, N Y., 1895, 316-327. -----. Mental evolution in man. J. Hyg., N. Y., 1897, xlvii, 309-319.— Ilii li ler ( K.) Remarques sur les problemes de la psy- chologie de la pensec. Arch, de psychologic Geneve, 1906-7, vi, 376-3*6. —Buslinan (J. S. ) The practical use of mental science. .1. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1862-3, viii, 132-152. Also, Reprint—fatten (J. McK.) Psychology. Science N. Y. sicologia in rapporto colle scienze filosofiche. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906,v, 317-322.— Del Greco (F.) Sulla psieologia della individuality. Atti d. Sue. rom. di antrop., Koma, 1897-8, v, 259-278. -----. La psieologia del carattere ed i contributi delle ricerche psiehiatriche. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905. Roma, 1906, v, 560-562. —Dewey (,I.i Reality as experience. J. Philos. Psychol, [etc.]. Lancaster, 1906, iii, 253-257. -----. Tlie control of ideas bv facts. Ibid., 1907, iv, 197; 253; 309. — Dubray ( C. A.) Psycho- logical studies from the Catholic University of Amer- ica edited by E. A. Pace: the theory of psychical dispositions. Psychol. Rev., X. Y. it Lond., 1905 [Mo- nog. Suppl.], vii, no. 2, pp. i-vii, 1-170.—Du-ias (L.) Analyse psvchologique de l'idee de devoir. Rev. phil.. Par.,' 1897," xliv, 390-412. -----. Fanatisme et char- latanisme; etude psvchologique. Ibid., 1900, xlix, 596- 613. -----. L'entetement. Ibid., 1901, li, 561-569.— Duprat (C.-L.) Contre l'intellectualisme en psycholo- gie. lbiil. 1906, lxii, 53-63.—Durr (E.) Ueberdie Frage des Mihangigkeitsverbaltnisses der Logik von der Psy- chologic. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol.. Bonn, 1903. i, 527- 541.—liau'er (R-) Problems in psychology. Bristol M.- Chir. J., 1901, xxii, 289-302.—Edlnger (L.) Himanato- mieund Psychologic Berl. klin. Wchnschr.,1900,xxxvii, 561; 600.—liisler (R.) Das YVirken der Seele; Ideen zu einerorganischen Psychologic Ztschr.f.d. Ausbaud.Ent- wcklngslehre.Stuttg., 1908,ii, 197; 267; 309—Fonsejirive (G.) L'homogeiicite morale. Rev. phil.. Par.. 1*90. xxx, 1-21.—Fouillee (A.) L'evolutionnismedesidccs-forces. Ibid., 1*90, xxix, 113; 267; 337. -----. Le problemc psy- chologique. Ibid., 1*91, xxxii, 225-248. — Fraser (A.) The psychological foundation of natural realism. Am. .1. Psychol., Worcester. 1*91-2. iv. 429-450.—Fukurai (T.) [Researches on the psychology ot haste.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi.Tokyo, loot. 1-11 —Fullerton (U.S.) The psychological standpoint. Psychol. Rev., X. Y. it Lond., 1*94, i, 113-133. -----. Theknowerin psychology. Ibid., 1*97 iv 1-26. -----. The doctrine of the eject. . I. Philos., Psvchol. [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & X. Y., 1907, iv, 505-510 — Psychology. Gerard-Varet (L.) La psychologie objective. Rev. phil.. Par., 1900, xlix. 492-514. — till y Orteiia (B.) Casus raros y extraordinarios, nihil novum sub sole. Siglo med., Madrid, 19U8. Iv. 551-554.—Gore (G.; A scientific view oi human choice, etc. Monist. Chicago, 1907. xvii, 220-229.—G on rd (.l.-.l.j In vieil argument en faveurde la metaphysiijue. Rev. phil., Par., 1890, xxix. 365-383.— Gross it).) 1'eber \'orstellungszerfall. Monatscbr. f. Psvehiat.u.Xeurol., Berl..1902, xi,205-212.—atrick ( E. A. ) A broader basis for psychology necessary. .1. Philos., Psvchol. 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Cognitive thought and "immediate" experience. J. Philos. Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa.. & X. Y., 1906, iii, 174-180.—von Lendenleld (11. \ The undying germ- plasm and the immortal soul. [Transl. from the Ger- man.] Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1891, xvi, 92-99.—L.etour- neau it;.) La vie d.e conscience chez l'homnic. Rev de li cole d'anthrop. de Par., 1900, x, 1-16— Liiitloime (C. A. F.) Intelligence of action. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1907-8, ix, 405-116. —1.1 pps (T. i Zur Psychologic der Kausalitiit. Ztschr. f. psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnes- org., Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1*90. i,ii5j-299. —'-—. Einige psy- chologische Streitpunkte. Ibid.. 1902, xxviii, 145-178. -----. Die Wegeder Psychologic. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905. Roma, 1906, v, 57-71. Also: Arch, f d ges Psychol., Leipz., 1905, vi, 1-21. — Lloyd (A. H.) The stages of knowledge. Psvchol. Rev.,N. Y.& Lond., 1897, iv, 161-179. — Luquet (G.-II.> LogiMue rationnelle et psychologisme. Rev. phil.. Par.. 1906. lxii. 600-610.— luckaiE.) Das Problem einer Charakterologie. Arch f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1908, xi,211-211.—.Tlanouvrier ( L.) Discussion des concepts psychologiques; sentiments et connaissance; etats aliectifs. Rev. mens, de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1*95. v, ii; 185; 309. — ^lantesrazza (P.) Prime linee di psieologia positiva. Arch, per l'an- PSYCHOLOGY. 21 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology. tro'p Firenze, 1900, xxx, 269: 1902, xxxii, 145; 247; 543: 1903, xxxiii. 65: 131; 351: 1904, xxxiv, 1; 143; 193—Mar- shall i^H. RA Of neururgic and noetic correspondences j. Philos.. Psvchol. [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & X.Y.. loot, i, 309-316.—-Hartinak (E.) Das Wesen der Frage: eine psvchologiseh-logisyhe Untersuchung. Atti d. Cong, in- ternaz. di psieol. 1905. Roma, 1906, v, 332-336.—Jleinoiiss (A.) Zur Psychologie der Komplexionen und Rela- tionen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891, ii, 245-265. -----. Abstrahiren und Yergleiehen. Ibid., 1900, xxiv, 34-82. -----. Ueber An- nahnien. Ibid.. 1902, Ergnzngsbd. ii, xv pp., 1-298.-----. In Sachen der Annahmen. Ibid., 1906, xii, 1. Abt., 1-14.— Mercler (C.) A classification of feelings. Mind. Lond. it Edinb., 1884, ix. 325: 509: 1**5. x, 1. Also, Reprint — Herlino t.S.) Sonime*-nous neophobes? Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xlv, 522-527.—.Hetautses VT.) Ilepi tt}s jrirG- I i-ioTcpai efT)-y>7Js T»js voofiaireias if ttjs /u.eTa/3i/Sds Trjs (jKfvitui aAAws c. Month., X. Y., 1896, xlix, *lo-821.—Pace (E. A.) Psychology. Ibid., 1902, lxi, 110-113—Patrick (G. T. ,V i The psychology of profanity. Psychol. Rev.. X.Y., 1901, viii. 113-127.—Peirce (C. S. i Man's glassy essence. Monist, Chicago. 1892-3,iii, 1-22 —Peterson (F.) Prac- tical psychology. Buffalo M. J., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxix, 639-648— Pillsbury (W. B.) An attempt to harmonize tbe current psychological theories of the judgment. Psychol. Bull.,Bait.. 1907, iv, 237-242— Pillsbury (W. B.) [et al.]. Onmeaning; a symposium. Psvchol. Rev., Bait., 1905, xv, 150-180. — Pifiero (H. G.) Programa de psieologia presentado a la Facultad de filosofia y letras; curso de 1902. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1902, xxv. 179-191— Pricliard tH. A.) A criticism of the psychologists' treatment of knowledge. Mind. Lond. & Edinb., 1907. n. s., xvi, 27-53.—Psychological tend- encies; the study of imitation. Rep. Com. Educat. 1896-7, Wash.. 1*98. i. 671-694.—Psychologie naturelle; 6tude sur les facultes intellectuelles et morales dans leur i5tat normal et dans leurs manifestations anormales chez les alienes et chez les criminels. Union med. dela Pro- vence, Marseille, 1*6*. 187-193. -Radakovic (M.) Ueber eine besondere Klasse abstrakter Begriffe. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1906, xiii, 1-9—Ramon Cajal (S.) Prologo a un libro del Dr. Maestre: [Introducei''>n al estudio de la psieologia posi- tiva.] Gac. med. de Granada. 1905, xx^ii, 330-335.— Kansehbu rg (P.) Ueber die Bed eutung der Aehnlich- keit beim Erlernen. Behalten und bei der Reproduktion. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1905, v, 93-127.—Re- irnault i F.) Sur une classification naturelle des carac- feres. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psvchol.physiol., Par., 1*97-8, xii. 25ii-254.—Reich (K.i Welt-An-chauung, Instinct. Fatalisnius und die Leiden der Metis-hen. Athenaeum d. Gegenwart, Munchen, 1892, 21-48.—Ribot (T.) Sur la valeur des questionnaires en psychologic J. de psy- chol. norm, et path.. Par., 1904, I, l-lo— Riehet (C.) On the conditions of certainty. Proc. a rati ><<>). liindischen iibersetzt und verbessert von dem Verfasser. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. Washburn (Margaret F.) The animal mind; a text-book of comparative psychology. 8°. New York, 1908. Wilder (B. G.) [On the lack of distance- sense in prairie-dogs. ] 8°. [Ithaca, 1890.] Repr.from: Ithaca Journal, 1890. Wundt (W.) Vorlesungen iiber die Men- schen-und Thierseele. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. -----. The same. Lectures on human and animal psychology. Transl. from the 2. Ger- man ed. by J. E. Creighton and E. B. Titchener. 8°. London & New York, 1896. . Yerker (R. M.) The dancing mouse; a study in animal behavior. 8°. New York,1901. Aliiiro (A.l Ferocidad y ternura en los animides; observaciones nechas en Costa Rica. Arch, de psiquiat. ycriminol., Buenos Aires, 1904, iii, 710-713.—Allen (J.) The associative processes of the guinea pig; a study of the psychical development of an animal with a nervous svstem well medullated at birth. J. Comp. Neurol. & P"sychol., Gainville, O., 1904, xiv, 293-359, 2 pl.—Anient (W.) Ein Fall von Ueberlegung beim Hund? Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1905, vi, 249-253.—Anacker. Das Seelen- u. Gemuthsleben unserer Hausthiere. Thier- arzt, Wetzlar, 1902, xii, 1; 49. — d'Arsonval. Expe- riences demontrant que la matiere brute peut, comme la matiere vivante, acquerir un etat dynamique resultant des etats anterieurs par lesquels elle a passe. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1904, iv, 166-16*.—Baron. De la betise du chien et de la haute intelligence du mouton; 6thologie et psychologie comparces. Ibid., 75-84. -----. De l'autodidaxie comparee. Ibid., 1906, vi, 104-113.— Baud-Bovy (D.) Le combat des vaches dans les Alpes valaisannes. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1903, ii, 297-299.—Bauer (V.) Ueber einen objektiven Nach- weis des Simultnnkontrastes bei Tieren. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, xix, 453-462.—Beard (J. C.) Have the lower animals other senses than ours.' Scient. Am., N. Y., 1903, lxxxviii, 378.—von Beeli- terew(W.i Die biologische Bedeutung der Psyche und die Rolleder psvehischen Auslese. J. f. Psvchol. u. Neurol., Leipz., 1905, v, 211-234.—Bell (J. C.) " The re- actions of crayfish to chemical stimuli. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1906, xvi, 299-326. Also: Harvard Psychol. Stud., Bost. & N. Y., 1906, ii, 617-644 — Berlllon. La psychologie du courage et replication ducaractere. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phvsiol., Par., 1904-5, xix, 281-245.—Berry (C. S.) The imitative tend- ency of white rats. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1906, xvi, 333-361. -----. An experimental study of imi- tation in cats. Ibid., 1908, xviii, 1-25.—Billard. Une simple observation sur l'amour du jeu chez un chien. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1906, vi, 95-98.—Bolin (G.) De revolution des connaissances chez les animaux marins littoraux. Ibid., 1903, iii, 590: 1904, iv, 190. -----. Les dangers du scalpel en psychologie. Ibid., 1904, iv, 186-189. -----. Integration des sensations et abstraction chez les animaux inferieurs et les enfants. Ibid., 269- 271. -----. La peur chez les animaux inferieurs. Ibid-, 381-385. -----. De Involution des connaissances chez les animaux marins littoraux. Ibid., 590-629. -----. Impul- sions motrices d'origineoculaire chez lescrustac^s. Ibid., 1905, v, 412-456. -----. Attractions et oscillations des ani- maux marins sous l'influencede lalumiere. Attid. Cong. internaz. dipsicol.l905,Roma,1906,v,224-228.-----. Revue generale sur la psychologie comparee. Annee psychol., Par.,1906 vii,428-460.-----.L'individualite psvehiquechez les vers, les echinodermes et les insectes. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1906, vi, 115-125. -----. Introduction st la psychologie des animaux a svmetrierayonnee. Ibid., 1907, vii, 81-129. -----. De l'acquisition des habitudes chez les etoiles de mer. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 633-635. -----. Les essais et erreurs chez les etoiles de mer et les ophiures. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psy- chol., Par., 1908, viii, 21-102. -----. Le passe et Pavenir de la psychologie comparee. Rev. scient., Par., 1908, 5.»., ix, 619-627. -----. Sur le role et la protection desorganes des sens chez les echinodermes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 277-280.—Bonnier (<;.") Les abeilles n'executent-elles que de mouvements reflexes? Annee psychol., Par., 1906, xii, 25-33. -----. Thecollective intelligence of bees. Scient. Am. [Suppl.], N. Y., 1906, lxi, 2.5496. -----. Sur quelques exemples d'un raissonne- ment collectif chez les abeilles. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907, cxlv, 13*0-13*5.-----. Le raisonnement col- i lectif des abeilles. Rev. scient., Par., 190S, 6. s., ix, 426- 431.-----. Lesocialismechezlesabeilles. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 190*, viii, 397-426.—Bouvier (E.-L.) Les variations des habitudes chez les philanthes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 1129-1131.—Boz- PSYCHOLOGY. 23 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Compared ice). zano (E.) Perceptions psychiques et animaux. Ann.d. sc. psych., Par., 1905, xv, 422-469.— t'aniaelio (L. A.) Do animals reason.' Scient. Am., N. Y., 1907, xcvi, 515.— ( aiuillo (K.) Das Wesen des Psychischen. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1906, xxvi, 76-95.—t'austier (E.) La methode en psychologie zoologique. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1902-3, xvii, 230-241.—t'lapa- rede (E.) La psychologie comparee est-elle legitime? Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1905-6, v, 13-35. See, also, injra, Nuel.—Cole (L. W.) Concerning the intelligence of raccoons. .1. Comp. neurol. & Psychol.,Bait.,1907,xvii, 211-261— Con pin (H.) Les animaux meteorologistes et astronomes. Rev. scient., Par., 1903, 4. s., xix, 20S-212. Also, transl.: Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1902-3, 567- 571.—<'ourtis(*5.A.) Response of toads to sound stimuli. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1907, xii, 077-6*2.—Dahl (P.) Noch einmal iiber den Instinkt. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 120-124.—David (J.-E.) Observations de psy- chologie canine; hierarchie, politesseetvassalite. Arch. de psychol., Geneve, 1903, ii, 372-377.—Davis (H. B.) The raccoon; a study in animal intelligence. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1907, xviii, 447-4*9, 1 pl.—Dawson (J.) Some physical reactions of Phvsa. Proc. Am. Phv- siol. Soc. 1906, Bost., 1907, p. xiii.—Dearborn (G. V. N.) Notes on the individual psvchophvsiologv of the cray- fish. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1900," iii, 404-433. ----'-. Consciousness in the brutes. J. Nerv. A: Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1907, xxxiv, 31; 128—Del Greco (F.) La psieologia del carattere e i contributidelle ricerche psichiatriche. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 461.— Dexler. Beitriige zur Psychologie der Haussiiuger. Deutsche tieriirztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1908, xvi, 289; 317.—Dubois (R.) Mensuration par 1$ methode gra- phique, des impressions lumineuse produites sur certains mollusques lamellibranches par des sources d'intensite' et de longueurs d'onde differentes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 714-716. Also: Univ. de Lvon. Trav. lab. physiol.. 1888-9, i, 16-18. -----. Psychologie et physiologic comparee; reponse & J.-P. Nuel. Compt. rerid. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lvii, 474-476.—Duginore (A. R ) The outlaw; a character study of a beaver who was cast out by his companions. [From: Everybody's Mag.. Mar., 190LJ Rep. Smithson.Inst., Wash., 1899-1900, 517-522, 6 pl.—Erikson (E. V.) O psikhikle zhestko- krilikhnaslekomikh. [The psychic sense of Coleoptera.] Yestnik psikhol., krim. antrop., S.-Peterb., 1905, ii, 13*- 153—Ernst (C.) Hielt Descartes die Tiere fiir bewusst- los? Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1908, xi, 433-444.— Evans (E. P.) The aesthetic sense and religious senti- ment in animals. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892-3, xiii, 472-481.—Faure-Fremiet. Organisation, fonctionne- ment et reactions individuelles chez les cytozoaires. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par.,19C6, vi, 305:1907, vii, 75. -----. Les conditions organiques du comportement chez les cytozoaires; le Colpoda cucullus. Ibid., 308-315. -----. Les conditions organiques du comportement chez les cytozoaires: l'Urostyla grandis. Ibid., 1908, viii, 441- 446.—Fere ( C. ) Exemple d'induction psychomotrice chez un chat. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1906, iii, 26-30.—Fielde (Adele M.) & Parker (G. H.) The reactions of ants to material vibrations. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1904-5, lvi, 642-650.—Flammarion (C.) Les animaux et les perceptions psychiques. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1905, xv, 734-739.—Fore'l( A.) DieBerechtigungder vergleichenden Psychologie und ihre Objekte. J. f. Psy- chol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1902, i, 3-10. -----. Thepsychical faculties of ants and some other insects. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1903, Wash., 1904, 587-599. -----. Memoire du temps et association des souvenirs chez les a bei lies. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1906, vi. 25K-267.—Franeois- Franek. Les expressions extericures et profondesdes emotions chez 1'homme et les animaux. Ibid., *:;-'.il.— Frandsen (P.) Studies on the reactions of Limax inaxi- mus to directive stimuli. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc., Bost., 1901-2, xxxvii, 185-227. — Giard (A.) La psy- chologie et la biologic Rev. de l'hypnot. et psycnol. physiol., Par., 1902-3, xvii, 241-248.—Glrard. Expres- sion numerique de la superiority cerebrale des especes. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1907, vii, 53-60. — Glaser ( O. C. ) Movement and problem solving in Ophiura brevispina. J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1907, iv, 203- 220. Also [Abstr.l: Science, N. Y.. & Lancaster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxv, <20.—Goldsmith (Mile.) Recherches sur la psychologie de quelques poissons littoraux. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1905, v, 51-68. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 313.— Grasset. La biologie et la psychologic. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1902, xii, 36-")',.— Hacliet-Souplet (P.) Essai sur les caracteres distinctifs des actes psychiques dans la serie animale. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1903-4, xviii, 153-157. -----. Des erreurs chez les animaux. Bull, de l'lnst. g£n. psychol., Par., 1904, iv, 443-448.-----. Un nouveau procedlexperimental en psychologie zoologique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., i905, lix, 103. -----. Comptes-rendus d'experiences de psychologie zoologique. Atti di Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1006, v, 305-310. -----. Les pcrfec- tionnements de l'instinct primaire et les industries ani- Psychology (Comparatice). males; lejeu chez les animaux; l'adaptation et la selec- tion des instincts; limitation instinctive. Ibid., 310-313. -----. Les chiens sauveteurs et la zoopedie. Bui. de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1908, viii, 451-460. —Halm (W. L.) Some habits and sensory adaptations of cave- inhabiting bats. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1908, xv, 135; 165. —Hamilton (G. Van T.) An experimental studv of an unusual type of reaction in a dog. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1907, xvii, 329-341.—Han- sen. Ein Beitrag zur Psychologie des Pferdes. Berl. \ tieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1905, 216. —Herriek ( F. H. ) Analysis of the cyclical instincts of birds. Science, N. Y & Lancaster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxv, 725. -----. The relation of instinct to intelligence in birds. Ibid., 1908, n. s., xxvii, 847-850.— Hill (A.) Can dogs rea- son? Nature, Lond., 1902-3, lxvii, 55*: 1903, lxviii, 7.— Ilirsciilatf (L.) Der Schimpanse Consul; ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Psychologic. Ztscbr. f. padagog. Psy- chol, [etc.], Berl.,1905, vii, 1-22.—Huxley (T.H.) Upon animal individuality. In his: Scient. Mem., 8°, Lond., 1898,146-151.—J astro w (J.) Theproblemsof compara- tive psychology. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1892-3, xiii, 35- 48. -----. Fact and fable in animal psychology. Ibid., 1900, lxix, 138-146.—Jennings (H. S.) Modifiability in behavior. II. Factors determining direction and charac- terof movementinthe earthworm. J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1906, iii, 435-455. -----. Formation of habits in the star- fish. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ, Bait., 1907, no. 195,16- 18. -----. The interpretation of the behavior of the lower organisms. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1908, n. s., xxvii, 698-710.—Jordan (H.) Einige neuere Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Psychologie wirbelloser Tiere. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1905, xxv, 451; 473.—Killennann. Konnen die Tiere, insbesondere die Vogel zahlen? Na- turw. Wchnschr., Jena, 1906, xxi, 373-377.—Klnnaman (A. J.) Mental life of two Macacus rhesus monkeys in captivity. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1902-3, xiii, 9*; 173.—Kirkaldy (G. W.) Upon maternal solicitude in Rhvnchota and other nonsocial insects. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1903, Wash., 190-L 577-5*5.— Kline (L. W.) Meth- ods in animal psychology. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1898-9, x, 256-279. -----.' Suggestions toward a labora- tory course in comparative psychology. Ibid., 399-430.— Kolinstainm (O.) Grundlinien einer biologischen Psychologic Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 273-277.—Kolbe (H. J.) Ueber die psychischen Funktionen der Tiere. Naturw. Wchnschr., Jena, 1903, n. F., iii, 1-7.—Kunst- ler (J.) Lievresetlapins; episode de la lutte active pour l'existence entre mamiferes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 277.—Langkavel (B.) Dogs and sav- ages. [Transl. from: Arch. f. Ethnog., viii, 109.] Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1897-8, 651-675.—Lecaillon (A.) Nouvelles recherches sur la biologie et la psychologie des chiracanthions. Bull. Soc. philomat. de Par., 1905, 9. s., vii, 224-252—L.e Bossignol (J. E.) The training of animals. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1892-3, v, 205-213.— Lctourneau. L'esclavagedansleregne animal. Rev. mens, de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1894, iv, 356-367.— Lipmann (O.) Eine Methode zur Vergleichung von zwei Kollektivgegenstanden. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Phv- siol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1908, xlviii, 1. Abt., 421-131.— .Haas(0.) ReizversucheanSusswassermedusen. Ztschr. f. allg. Physiol., Jena, 1907, vii, 1-15— IH'Oraeken (Isa- bel). The egg-laying apparatus in the silkworm iBom- byx mori) as a reflex apparatus. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psy- chol., Bait., 1907, xvii, 262-285.—MeDougal (D. T.) The faculties of plants. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1908, xcix, 174.— .Harclial (P.) Etude sur l'instinct du Cerceris ornata. Arch, de zool.exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1**7, 2. s., v, 27-61).— Marshall (H. R.) The methods of the naturalist and psychologist. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1908, xv, 1-24.—.Head ((J. II.) Concerning animal perception. Ibid., 1907, xiv, 3*3-390.—IMeelian (J.) Intelligence of animals. Nature, Lond., P.ii)l-5, lxxi,176.—IHenegaux. Questions de morphologic et de psychologie chez les oi- seaux. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1908, viii, 427- 440.—iHetelinikotrfE.) Les rudiments psychiques de 1'homme. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1904, iv, 233-253. -JHezzara. [(louts individuels chez les chiens etleschats.] Ibid., 5*1-590.—.ilia II (L.C.) Life history studies of animals. Rep. Brit. Assoc Adv. Sei., Lond., 1897, lxxvii, 667-6*3. Also: Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1*96-7,4*3-5ii6.—UI ills (T. YV.) Comparative psychology; its objects and problems. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1886-7, xxx, 651-660. .Ito, Reprint. —Willis (W.) Some as- pects of the development of comparative psychology. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. s., xix, 745-756.— IHinette. De l'intelligence chez la chevre, le chat etle chien. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1905-6, xx, 343-345.— Holl (A.) Mitteilung iiber den "klugen Hans". Ztschr. f. piidagog. Psychol, [etc.], Berl., 1904, vi, 368-380. ——. Weitere Mitteilung iiber den klugen Hans. IWr?., 448-464.—IHorgan (L.) Comparative and genetic psychology. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1905, xii, 7*- 97. — .Horse (M.) Notes on the behavior of Gonio- nemus. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1906, xvi, 450-456. -----. Further notes on the behavior of PSYCHOLOGY. 24 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Comparative). phenomena and corporal processes in the organism of animals and man.] Sputnik zdorov., S.-Pctcrb.. l*9*-9, i, 84; 99; 117; 131, 163; 210; 226; 290; 307; 322; 339.— Tawney (G. A.) Two tvpes of consistency. J. Philos., Psvchol. [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1906, iii,457-462. — Tchi- riev (S.) Le siege des processus psychiques conscients chez les animaux. N. ieonog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1908, xxi, 1-24, 3pl.—Tliorndike (E. L.) The intelli- gence of monkeys. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1901, lix, 273- 279.— Turner (C. H.) A preliminary note on ant be- havior. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1906-7, xii, 31-36, —■—-. Tbe homing of the mud-dauber. Ibid., 1908, xv. 215-225.—Vaschlde (N.) & Rousseau (P.) Experi- mental studies on the mental life of animals. Rep. Smith- son. Inst., Wash., 1902-3,545-566.----------. Etudes ex- perimentales sur la vie mentale des animaux; les re- cherches de M. Thorndike sur l'association des idees chez les animaux. Rev. scient., Par., 1903,4. s., xix, 737; 777: 4. s., xx, 321.----------. L'association des idees chez les singes (d'apres les experiences de M. Kinnaman). Ibid., 1904, 5. s., i, 583; 617. — Vielimeyer (H.) Zur Kolonie- grtindung der parasitischen Ameisen. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz.,1908,xxviii,l*-32.—Vignoli (T.) U determinismo biologieoe gliepifenomeni psichici a proposito di recenti pubblicazioni. R. 1st. Lomb.disc.elett, Rendic,Milano, 1897,2. s.,xxx,1489-1496.-----. Istintoodintuitonell'eser- ciziodell' intelligenzaanimale? Ibid., 1905, 2. s., xxxviii, 349-353.—Washburn i Margaret F.) &Bentley (I. M.) The establishment of an association involving color-dis- crimination in the creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Granville, O., 1906, xvi, 113- 125.—Wasmann (E.) Einige Bemerkungen zur Ver- gleichenden Psychologie und Sinnesphysiologie. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xx, 342-350. -----. Nervenphysio- logie und Tierpsychologie. Ibid., 1901, xxi, 23-31. -----. Die monistisehe Ideutitiitstheorie und die vergleichende Psychologic Ibid., 1903, xxiii, 54.5-556. ——. Weitere Beitriige zum sozialenParasitismusund der Sklaverei bei den Ameisen. Ibid., 1908, xxviii, 257; 289; 321; 353; 417.— Watson (J. B.) The need of an experimental station for the study of certain problems in animal behavior. Psychol. Bull., Bait., 1906, iii, 149-156. -----. Imitation in monkeys. Ibid., 1908, v, 169-178. — Wheeler (W. M.) The queen ant as a psychological study. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1906,lxii, 25685.-----. Vestigial instincts in insects and other animals. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1908, xix, 1-13.—Wigge. Ein Beitrag zur Tierpsycho- logie. Berl. tieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 541-543.—If erkes (R. M.) George Bohn's studies in animal behavior. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1906, xvi, 231-238.-----. Objective nomenclature, comparative psychology, and animal behavior. Ibid., 380-389. -----. Modifiability of behavior in hydroidesdianthus v. I bid., 441-449. -----. Concerning the behavior of Gonionemus. Ibid., 457^63. -----. The mutual relations of stimuli in the frog, rana clamata Daudin. Harvard Psychol. Stud., Bost. & N. Y., 1906, ii, 545-574.-----. The senses and intelligence of the Chinese dancing mouse. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y\,1906,iv, no. 1, 3.-----. Recent progress and present tendencies in comparative psychology. J. Abnorm. Psy- chol., Bost., 1907-8, ii, 271-279. -----. The relation of plas- ticity to sex and age in the dancing mouse. Proc. Soc. Ex- per. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1907-8, v, 64-66.—Vourieviteli. De la methode en psychologie zoologique, d'apres le pro- fesseur Wagner, deMoscou. Bull.de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1903, iii, 49L493. -----. Nomination d'une commis- sion pour l'elaboration d'un plan general de psychologie animale. Ibid., 1905, v, 43-50.—Ziegler (H. E.) Theo- retisches zur Tierpsychologie und vergleichenden Neuro- physiologie. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1900, xx, 1-16.— Zolotnisky (N.) Les poissons distinguent-ils les cou- leurs? Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. fetc.l, Par., 1901, 3. s., ix, pp. i-v. Psychology (Comparative). Gonionemus. Am. Naturalist, Host., 1907, xii, 683-688.— .Hiiller ( R.) Ueber die Bedeutung des biologischen Individualbegriffes fiir die Psychologic. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1904, iii, 231-244.—Hunk (H.) Lernen und Leisten. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1903, xxix, 427-43*.— Nieolai (G. F.) Diephysiologische Methodik zur Eriorschung der Tierpsyche, ihre Mog- lichkeit und ihre Anwendung. J. f. Psychol, u. Neu- rol., Leipz., 1907, x, 1-27.—Nuel (J.-P.) Psychologie et physiologie comparee, reponse it Raphael Dubois. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lvii, 686-688. -----. La psychologie comparee est-elle legitime? R6pon.se k Ed. Claparede. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1905-6, v, 326- 343.—Pavloff (LP.) Eksperimentalnaya psikhologiya i psikhopatologiya na zhivotnikh. [Experimental psy- chology and psychopathology in animals.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1903, vii, 109-121. -----. The Huxtey lecture on recent advances in science and their bearing on medicine and surgery; the scientific investigation of the psychical faculties or processes in the higher animals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 871-873. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 911-915. Also: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxiv, 613-619.—Pieron (H.) Les methodes de la psychologie zoologique. Rev. phil., Par., 1904, lviii, 171. —-—. Observations de psycho- logie animale. Rev.de psychiat., Par., 1904, 79-81. -----. Un cas d'abstraction chez un chien. Ibid., 1905,30. -----. Etude psychologique d'une espece de Myrmicidee. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 304. -----. Contribution a la psvchologie des actinies. Bull. de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par", 1906, vi, 40-59. -----. Gene- rality du processus olfactif de reconnaissance chez les fourmis. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 385- 387.-----. L'adaptation k la recherche du nid chez les fourmis. Ibid., 1907, lxii, 216. -----. De l'autotomie evasive chez le crabe. Ibid., 863. -----. De l'autotomie protectrice chez le crabe. Ibid., 906-808. -----. L'auto- tomie Evasive chez les orthopteres. Ibid., Ixiii, 571-573. -----. Contribution k l'etude de l'activite animale; activite r6flexe ou volontaire. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 190*, v, 32-35.—Pikler (J.) Das Beharren und die Gegensatzlichkeit des Erlebens. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Entwcklngslehre, Stuttg., 1908, ii. 1:65.—Por- ter i.I. P.) A preliminary study of the psychology of the English sparrow. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester,1901.xv,313- 346.-----. The habits, instincts and mental powers of spi- ders, genera Argiope and Epeira. Ibid., 1906, xvii, 306- 357.—Kabaudi Observations sur les manifestations mentaies chez les oiseaux. Bull.de l'lnst. gen. psvchol., Par., 1904, iv, 438-143.—Ramsay (W.) Can dogs reason? Nature,Lond.,1902-3, Ixvii, 609.—Reasoning (A) horse. Scient. Am., N. Y'., 1904, xci, 213.—Riscli. Beitrag zum Verstiindnis der psychogenen Zustiindc Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1908, lxv, 171-187.—Romer (J.) Der Ausdruck der Gemutsbuwearungen bei der Haus- katze. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Entwcklngslehre, Stuttg., 1907, i, 77-*0.—Romanes (G. J.) Mind in men and animals. N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1**5, cxl, 251-257.—Rou- baud. Instincts, adaptation, resistance au milieu chez les mouches des rivages maritime^. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1907, vii, 60-72.—Rouse (J. E.) Respira- tion and emotion in pigeons. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psv- chol., Granville, O., 1905, xv, 494-513. -----. The mental life of the domestic pigeon; an experimental study of cer- tain emotional and associative processes. Harvard Psy- chol. Stud., Bost, & N. Y., 1906, ii, 580-613.— Ryder (J. A.) Proofs of the effects of habitual use in the modification of animal organism. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1889, xxvi, 541-558. Also, Reprint. — Samojloflf ( A. ) & Plieopliilaktowa (A.) Ueber die Farbenwahrneh- mungbeim Hunde. Zentralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1907. xxi, 133-139.—Schneider (K\ C.) Grundziige der vergleichenden Tierpsychologie. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1905, xxv, 666; 702.—Senet (R.) Periodo belicoso en la evoluci6n psicologica individual. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1905, iv, 284-305.—Sikorskl (LA.) Biologicheskiye voprosi v psikhologii i psikhia- trii. [Biological questions in psychology and psychia- trics.] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1904, ix, 79-114.— Sklotovski (P. O.) K voprosu o yedinstvle psikhiches- kikh sil zhivotnavo mira i ikh progressivnom razvitii. [On the unity of the psychical forces of the animal world and their progressive development.] Russk.med.vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1903, v, no. 2, 15-26— Slonaker (J. R.) The normal activity of the white rat at different ages. J.Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1907, xvii, 342-359.—Small (Wr. L ) Notesou the psvehic development of thevoungwhite rat. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1899-1900, xi, 80-100 — Spaii Id i ii g ( E. G.) An establishment of association in hermit crabs, Eupagurus longicarpus. J. Comp. Neurol. & Psvchol., Granville, O., 1904-5, xiv, 49-61. — Stel'ani (U.) & I'golottl (F.) Alcune ricerche di psicofisiologia cellulare. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1905, vi, 07-86, 7 pl.—Stuinpf. Note sur un cheval dou6 de re- marquablcs aptitudes intellectuelles. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psyclc .1. physio].. Par., 1904-5, xix, 362.—Tarkhanoff (Dukel. It.) I'sikhicheskiya yavleniya i tielesniye pro- tsessi v organizmle zhivotnikh i chelovleka. [Psychical Psychology (Congresses relating to). See Psychology (Periodicals, etc., relating to). Psychology (Criminal). See, also, Anthropology (Criminal); Psy- chology (Medico-legal). _ d' Alfonso (X. R.) Sommario delle lezioni di psieologia criminale fatte nella r. University di Roma nell' ano scolastico 1905-6. (Critica delle dottrine criminali positiviste.) 8°. Boma, 1907. Archivio di psichiatria, neuropatologia, an- tropologia criminale e medicina legale, v. 1- 29, 188-J-1908. 8°. Torino & Roma. Archivo* de psiquiatria y criminologfa, apli- cadas & las ciencias afines. Dirigidos por el Dr. J. Ingegnieros. [Monthly.] v. 2-5, 1903-6. roy. 8°. Buenos Aires. PSYCHOLOGY. 25 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Crim inal). Am/hafkenburg (G.) Das Verbrechen und seine Bekampfung. Einleitung in die Krimi- nalpsychologie fiir Mediziner, Juristen und S<>- ciologen; ein Beitrag zur Reform der Straf- gesetzgebung. 2. Aurl. 8°. Heidelberg, 1906. Gall (F.-J.) oc Spikzheim (G.) Des dispo- sitions innees de l'ame et de l'esprit, du mate- rialisme, du fatal ism e et de la liberte morale, avec des reflexions sur l'education et sur la le- gislation criminelle. 8°. Pa ris, 1811. Gross (A.) Kriminalpsychologische Tatbe- standsforschung. 8°. Halle U.S., 1907. Gross (H.) Kriminal-Psychologie. 2. Aufl. S°. Leipzig, 1905. Isakowitz (J.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis moraliseher Defektzustiinde. [Leipzig.] 8°. Berlin, 1904. Massachusetts laws concerning offenses against chastitv, morality, and decencv. 16°. Boston, issl. Monatsschrift fiir Kriminalpsychologie und Strafrechtsreform. Hrsg. von Gustave Aschaf- fenburg. v. 1-5, April; 1904-8. 8°. Heidel- berg. Current. Scholz (F.) Die moralische Anasthesie; fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 8C. Leipzig, 1904. Schcltze (E.) Weitere psycliiatrische Beob- achtungen an Militargefangenen mit klini- schen, kriminalpsychologischen und prakti- schen Ergebnissen aus dem Gesamtmaterial von 100 Fallen. 83. Jena, 1907. Sommer (R.) Kriminalpsychologie und straf- rechtliche Psychopathologie auf naturvvissen- schaftlicher Grundlage. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Weinberg (S.) Ueber den Einfluss der Geschlechtstunktionen auf die weibliche Kri- minalitat. 8°. Halle a. S., 1907. Appel (Louise). Feelingand emotion in Eastern and Western psychology: their hearing on crime and insanity. Tr. Med.-Leg. Soc. Lond., 1904-5. ii. yy-hrj.—Aseliai- lenburg '0.1 Kriminalpsychologie und Strafrechts- reform. M<>natschr. f. Krini.-P-Tchol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, i, 1-7. -----. Zur Psych ilng'ie der Sittlichkeitsver- brecher. Ibid.. 39y—117.—Bert rami (A.) Le mouve- ment psychol ogi The gambling impulse. Am. J. Psychol.. Worcester. 1902-:'., xiii, 361- lu..—Freud (S.) Tatbestandsdiagnostik und Psycho- analyse. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906-7, xxvi, 1-lu. — Gross ffl.i Antrittsvorlesung. [Ueber die Psychologic de- Verbrccheiis.] Ibid., 1905, xxi, 169-183. -----. Kriiiiinalp-vchologie mid Strafpoli- tik. Ibid., 1906-7, xxvi. 07-»u.—Hellwii; (A.) Der bose Blick als Mordmotiv. Ibid., 1907, xxviii, 220-222.— Iniregnieros (J.) D'une classification des criminels fondee sur la psychopathologie. Rev. scient., Par., 1906, 5. s., v. 618-651. -----. La vanidad criminal. Escuela de Psychology (Criminal). med.. Mexico, 1907, xxii, 413-421.— Jaeger iJ.i Hinter Kerkermauern. Autobiographien und selbstbekennt- nisse, Aufsatze und Gedichte von Yerbrechern; ein Bei- trag zur Kriminalpsychologie. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xix, 209-256.— Jung (C. G.) Zur psychologischen Tatbestandsdiagnostik. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1905, xxviii, M3- 815.—Liegois (j.) L'affaire Chambige (etude de psy- chologic criminelle). Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phy- siol., Par.,ls93-4, viii, 234-240.—Lipmann (O.) Reform- vorschlage zur Zeugenvernehmung vom Standpunkte des Psyehologen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Krimina- list., Leipz., 1905, xx, 68-si—Lollier iiii (M.-U.) La fascination de la criminalite. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1907, xxviii, 93-99.— Montero >iti va del reato. Arch, di psichiat. [etc], Torino, ls.is, xix. 419-433.—Rotliscliield (F.) Ueber Einrichtuugen von Jugendgeriehten. Monatschr. f. Kriminalpsvchol., Hei- delb., 1908, iv, 623-641.—Selineickert (H.)' Kriminal- charakterologische Studien. Der Denunziant. Arch.f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 204- 276. -----. Neue Gaunertricks. Ibid., 1907, xxvi, 293- 326.—Sigliele (S.) Eugene Sue et la psychologie crimi- nelle. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 190s, xxiii, 105-127.—Tesar (O.) Die Rehabilitation Verurteilter und die Kriminalpsychologie. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 344-349. Psychology (Early treatises on) [prior to A. D. 1800]. Albertus (M.) De admirandis aninue prae- cipue humanse effectibus. 4°. Halie Magdeb., ! [«. d.]. Aristotele's psychology. A treatise of the principle of life. (Deanimaand Parva natu- ralia.) Transl. with introduction and notes bv YV". A. Hammond. 8°. London, 1902. Avicexxa. Compendium de anima. De mahad, id est de dispositione, sen loco, ad quern revertitus homo, vel anima ejus post mortem. Aphorismi de anima. De diffinitionibus, et qua/sitis. De divisione scientiarum. Ab Andrea Alpago Bellunensi, ex arabico in latinum versa. Cum expositionibus ejusdem Andreas collectis ab auctoribus arabicis. Omnia nunc primum in lucemeedita. sm. 4°. Venetiis, lo46. Baudisius (L.) Institutionum anatomica- rum disputatio xxiii. De facultate anima? sensi- % tiva. sm. 4°. Witebergic, KS07. In: Knobloch (T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sm.4°. TlVre- berejx, 1608, 6 1. vox Baumhauer (A. J. G.) *Commentatio philosophico-literaria in librum qui inter Hippo- craticos exstat itepi cpv6ioc, txvfjpoonov. S°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1S43. Dlxeau (D.) Explication nouvelle et me- canique des actions aniniales, oi il est traite des fonctions de l'ame. Avec une methode fa- cile pour demontrer exactement toutes les par- ties du cerveau, sans couper sa propre substance, PSYCHOLOGY. 26 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Early treatises on) [j>rior to A. 1). J son], et un discours sur sa formation. 24°. Paris, 1678. Fabre (P.) Essai sur les facultcs de l'ame, considcn'es dans leurs rapports avec la sensi- bilite et l'irritabilite de nos organes. 12°. Am- sterdam & Paris, 1785. Formey (J.-H.-S.) Melanges philosophiques. v. 1. 12°. Leyde, 1754. A. Gaesbeek (L.) * Quo pacto anima in cor- pore moveat et sentiat. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1763. van Geixs (S. J.) *De corporum habitu- dine anirme hujusque virium indice ac mode- ratrice. 4°. Harderviei, 17S9. Jaxike(J.) Disputatio xxiv et ultima. De tertia ac nobilissima animee facultate rationali. sm. 4°. Witebergse, 1607. In: Knobloch(T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sm. 4°. Wite- bergse, 1608, 14 1. Jentschich (J.) Disputatio xxii. De facul- tatibus animpe in genere; et de facultate ve- getativse. sm. 4°. Witebergse, 1607. In: Kxobloch(T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sm. 4°. Wite- bergse, 1608, 6 1. Olschlegelius (X.) Disputatio xxi. De anima in genere, ejus definitionem, originem, sedem et immortalitatem explicans. sm. 4°. Witeberga', 1607. In: Knobloch (T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sm. 4°. Wite- bergse, 1608, 10 1. Psychologize specimen ab Andrea Draghetto S. J. in Universitate Braydensi propositum, a Marchione Josepho Origono propugnatum. 12°. [Mediolani], 1771. ------. The same. In coll. Braidensi pro- positum a D. Benedicto Pizzarelli propugna- tum. 12°. Mediolani, 1772. Poll (J.) Disp. metaphysica de variis circa intellectum divinum qu;cstionibus, prsecipue ilia, quse est deo ideis rerum possibilium, num videlicet deo naturales, num vero arbitrariae sint. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, 1710. Thomas (D.) *De animo humano ejusque in corpus effectibus. 4°. [Lugd. Bat.], 1776. Woertjiax (J. G.) De proxima sede, quam anima in corpore humano occupat, oratio. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1752. Trembley (J.) Antwoord op de vraag: Welke is de nuttigheid der zielkunde (psychologie) in de opvoeding en bestiering van den mensch, en met opzicht tot het geluk der maatschappen? En welke zoude beste manier zyn, om de schoone weetenschap te volmaaken en haaren voortgang te bevorderen? [With French translation in text.] Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1781, xx, pt. 1,1-310. Psychology (Ethnic). See Psychology (Racial). Psychology (Exper i mental). See, also, Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of); Psychology (Instruction in); Reaction (('me. Amberg (E.) * Ueber den Einfluss von Ar- beitspausen auf die geistige Leistungsfiihigkeit. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Aschaffexburg (G.) * Experimentelle Stu- dien iiber Associationen. 1. Theil: Die Asso- ciationen im normalen Zustande. [Heidel- berg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Si e, also, infra. Bawden (H. H.) A studv of lapses. 8°. New York, 1900. Bixet (A.) La psychologie du raisonnement; recherches experimentales par rhypnotisme. 12°. Pan'*,, 1886. ------. Etudes de psychologie experiinentale. 12°. Paris, 1888. •sychology (Experimental). -----.The same. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. The psychology of rea- soning. Based on experimental researches in hvpnotism. Transl. from the 2. French ed. by A. (x. Whyte. 8°. Chicago, 1S9S). Birnbau.m (K.) * Versuch eines Schemas fiirlntelligenzhandlungen. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1902. Boas (F.) The measurement of variable quantities. 8°. New York, 1906. Calkins (Mary W.) Association. An essay analytical and experimental. 8°. New York & London, 1896. Camerer (W.) *Yersuche iiber den zeit- lichen Verlauf der Willensbewegung. 8°. Tu- bingen, 1866. Doxders (F. C.) De snelheid van psychische processen. Eerste gedeelte. 8°. " Utrecht, [1869]. Fere (C.) Sensation et mouvement; etudes experimentales de psveho-mecanique. 12°. Paris, 1887. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1900. de Jausseraxd (J.-P.) De sensibilitate et irritabilitate partium corporis humani. Ex- perimenta. 4°. Monspelii, 1758. Lobsien (M.) Sclnvankungen der psychi- schen Kapacitiit. Einige experimentelle Unter- suchungen an Schulkindern. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Nechayeff (A. P.) Sovremennaya eksperi- mentalnaya psikhologiya v yeya otnoshenii k voprosam shkolnavo obucheniya. [Contempo- rary experimental psychology in its relationship to questions of school instruction.] 8°. S. Pe- terburg, 1901. Nordman (G. A.) *Omden for framkallan- det af en formforniinmelse; nodiga retningstiden i dess beroende af niigra sarskilda variabler. [The necessary reaction time for eliciting a con- ception of form in its relation to some special variables.] 8°. Helsingfors, 1887. Orshaxski (I. G.) Izmiereniye psikhiches- kikh yavleniy; iz lektsiy po fiziologicheskol psikhologii. [Measurement of psychical phe- nomena; from lectures on physiological psy- chology.] 8°. Kharkov, 1897/ Repr.from: Zapiski Kharkov. Univ. 1897, iv. de Sarlo (F.) I dati della esperienza psi- chica. 8°. Firenze, 1903. Sokolovski (E.[E.] ) *OdIeIstvii signalnikh rasdrazheniy. [On the action of signal irrita- tions.] 8°. Yunjee, 1898. Stratton (G. M.) Experimental psychology and its bearing upon culture. 8°. New York, 1903. Thorndike (E. L.) On introduction to the theorv of mental and social measurements. 8°. New York, 1904. Titchexer(E. B.) Experimental psycholo- gy. 2 v. in 4. 8°. New York & London, 1901-6. Watson (J. B.) Kinaesthetic and organic sensations: Their rule in the reactions of the white rat to the maze. 8°. Baltimore, 1907. Wiersma (E.) Het psychologisch experi- ment en de psychiatrie. 8°. Groningen, 1903. Williams (H. S.) The century's progress in experimental psychology. 8°. New York, 1899. Catting from: Harper's N. Month. Mag., N. Y. onale. Riv. di sc. biol., Torino, 1900, ii, 193-209.— Catte II (J. McK.) Mental tests and measure- ments. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1890, xv, 373-380. -----. Aufmerksamkeit und Reaction. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1892, viii, 403-406. Also, Reprint. -----. On errors of observa- tion. Am. J.Psychol., Worcester, 1892-3, v, 285-293. Also, Reprint. -----. Mental measurement. Philos. Rev., Bost., 1895, ii, 316-332. -----. Psychological tests of ab- normal and exceptional individuals. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1901, viii, 165. -----. Psychological tests and measure- ments. [Abstr.] Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Brooklyn, 1901, vi, 194.—Colin (J.) Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Gefiihlsbetonung der Farben, Helligkeiten und ihrer Combinationen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1894, x, 562-603, 1 diag.—Colardeau (E.) L'evaluation sen- sorielle des longueurs. Rev. scient., Par., 1898, 4. s., x, 97-104.—Cordes (G.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Associationen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1901, xvii, 30- 77.—Croeq. A propos de la pseudo-exteriorisation de sensibilite. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phvsiol., Par., 1893-4, viii, 217-220.—Cron (L.) & Kraepelin (K.) Ueber die Messung der Auflassungsfiihigkeit. Psvchol. Arb., Leipz., 1897, ii, 203-325.—Davis (W. W.) Researches . in cross-education (second series). Stud. Yale Psvchol. Lab., X. Haven, 1900, viii, 64-108.—Decroly (O.) & De- gand (Mile. J.) Les tests de Binet et Simon pour la mesure de l'intelligence. Arch, de psvchol., Geneve, 1906-7, vi, 27-130.—De Sanctis (S.) I fenomeni di con- trasto in psieologia. Atti d. Soc. rom. di anthrop., Roma, 1894-5, ii, 199-280.—Dixon (E. T.) On the relation of accommodation and convergence to our sense of depth. 'sychology (Experimental). Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1895, n. s., iv, 195-212.—Douse (T. Le M.j On some minor psychological interferences; a study of misspellings and related mistakes. Ibid., 1900, n. s., ix, 85-93.—DUrr (E.) Ueber die stroboskopischen Erscheinungen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1900, xv, 501-523.— Eckener (H.) Untersuchungen iiber die Schwankun- gen der Auffassung minimaler Sinnesreize. Ibid., 1892, viii, 343-387.—van Erp Taalman Kip (M.J.) De- monstratie van schommelingen in de psychische functies door middel van de experimenteele woordassociatie. Feestbundel Dr. Sape Talma letc], Haarlem, 1901, 225- 242. -----. Studien over associates. Psychiat. en Neu- rol. Bl., Amst., 1903, vii, 7-38— Fwald (J. R.) Eine neue Methode zur Messung der Reakiionszeit. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, 1*89, lxi, 72-74.—Falk (M. L.) Opiti nad pamyatyu razsto- yaniy, vosprinimayemikh pri pomoshtshi dvizheniy ruki. [Experiments on memory of distances, received by aid of movement of the hands.] Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1899, xiii, 59-134.—Fere (C.) Note sur le temps d'association, sur les conditions qui le font varier et sur quelques consequences de ses varia- tions. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 173- 180. -----. Le plaisir de la vue du mouvement. Ibid., 1901, 11. s., iii, 930-932.—Ferrari (G. C.) Experimental psychology in Italy. Am. J. Psychol.,Worcester, 1905,xvi, 225-227.—Finzl (J.) L' obiettivo e il soggettivo negli experimenti di psieologia. Atti Accad. d. sc med. e nat. inFerrara, 1898-9,1 xxiii, bl-59. -----. Zur Untersuchung der Auffassungsfahigkeit und Merkfahigkelt. [Transl.] Psychol. Arb., Leipz., 1900, hi, 289-384. — Foucault. Mesure de la clarte de quelques representations sensori- elles. Rev. phil., Par., 1896, xiii, 613-634. — French (F. C.) Mental.imagery of students, a summary of the replies given to Titchener's questionary by 118 juniors in Vassar College. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1902, ix, 40-56.— Galton (F.) Mental tests and measurements. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1890, xv, 380. -----. The just-percepti- ble difference. Notices Proc. Rov. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1893, Lond., 1894, xiv, 13-26.— Gamble (A. McC.) & Calkins (Mary W.) Ueber die Bedeutung von Wortvorstellun- gen fiir die Unterscheidung von Qualitiiten sukz.essiver Reize. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1903, xxxiii, 161-170.— Geiger (M.) Neue Com- plicationsversuche. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1902, xviii, 347- 436.—GemelH (A.) L'esperimento in psieologia. Riv. di psieol. applic, Bologna, 1908, iv, 53; 149.—Gley (E.) Experience relative au pouvoir moteur des images ou re- presentations mentales. Bull. Soc. de psychol. physiol. 1889, Par., 1890, v, 30-33.—de la Grasserle (R.) Des mouvements alternants des idees reveles par les mots. Rev.phil., Par.,1899, xlviii,391; 495.— Guieeiardi (G.1& Ferrari (G. C.) Dialcuneassociazioniverbali; ricerche di psieologia individuale. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio- Emilia, 1897,xxiii,649-672.—Hachet-Souplet. Sur un projet de creation d'une section d'etudes experimentales de dressage scientifique. Bull.del'Inst.gen.psychol.,Par.. 1907,vii,301-308.— Halm (R.) UebersinnvollesVerlesen; Antwort auf die Erwiderung von Dr. Jung. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1904, iii, 351-353.—Haines (T. H.) & Davies (A. E.) The psychology of aesthetic reaction to rectangular forms. Psychol. Rev., X. Y. & Lond., 1904, xi, 249-281, 4 pl.—Hamlin (Alice J.) Attention and distraction. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1896-7, viii, 3- 66.—Hering (E.) Britrag zur Lehre vom Simultankon- trast. Ztschr f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890,i, 18-28— Heymans (G.) Untersuchun- gen iiber psychische Hemmung. Ibid., Leipz., 1899, xxi, 321-359.—Heymans (G.) & Wiersma (E.) Beitriige zur speziellen Psychologie auf Grund einer Massenunter- suchung. Ibid., 1907, xlv, 1. Abt., 1: 1908, xlvi, 1. Abt,. 331.—Hill (Caroline M.) On choice. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1897-8, ix, 587-590. —Holler (A.) Kriim- mungscontrast. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnes- org., Hamb. u.Leipz.,1896,x,99-108.—Hollands (E. H.) VVundt's doctrine of psychical analysis and the psychical elements and some recent criticism. Am. J. Psvchol., Worcester, 1905, xvi, 499: 1906, xvii, 206.—Home (Mme.) Experiences de psychometrie. Ann. d. sc psych., Par., 1907, xvii, 176-181.—Jaguaribe (D.) Resultats obtenus pendant les deux premieres annees de l'lnstitut psycho. physiologique de Sao-Paulo (Bresil). Rev. de l'hypnot- et psychol. physiol., Par., 1903-4, xviii, 377. — Johns- ton (C. H.) Feeling analysis and experimentation. J. Philos., Psvchol. [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1907, iv. 209-215.—Joire (P.) De la sensibilite) k dis- tance et de l'exterioration de la sensibilite. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1893-4, viii, 172-174. -----. De la methode d'exp6rimentation des phenom&nes psychiques. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1902, xii, 1-15.— Judd (C. H.) The visual perception of depth. Psv- chol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1898, v, 150. -----. Practice withoutknowledgeofresults. 2Md.,1905 [Monog.Suppl.], vii, 185-198.—Jung (C. G.) Die psychopathologische Bedeutung des Assoziationsexperimentes. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop.u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxii, 145-162. -----. Ueber die Reproduktionsstorungen beim Assoziations experiment. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol.,Leipz., 1907,ix, 188. PSYCHOLOGY. 28 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Experimental). 197.—Jinii: (C.'g.) & It i klin (E.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber Assoziationen Gesunder. Ibid., 1904, iv, 21-07.—Kiiinple (B.) Beitriige zur experi- mentellen Priifung der Methode der richtigen und fal- schen Falle. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1892-3, viii, 511-591, 1 diag.—Katydroif" (D.) Experiences sur le r61e de la recitation comme iacteur de la memorisation. Arch.de psychol..Geneve, 1907-8,vii,225-258.—Keller(R.) Piida- gogisch-psvchoiaetrische Studien. 1. Vorliiufige Mittei- lung. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1894, xiv, 24; 38. — Kliol- cheffi 1.) Ob individualnikh kolebaniyakh vnimaniya. [Individual fluctuations in attention.] Yopr. filos. i psiehol., Mosk., 1901, xii, pt. 2, 135-148.—Kleniin (O.) Yersuche mit dem Komplikationspendel nach der Methode der Selbsteinstellung. Psvcholog. Studien, Leipz., 1907, ii, 324-357.—Kiilpe (O.) Ueber die Gleich- zeitigkeit und Ungleiehzeitkeit von Bewegungen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1891, vi, 514: vii, 147. -----. Zur Frage nach der Beziehung der ebenmerklichen zu den iiber- merklichen Unterschieden. Ibid., 1901-2,xviii,328-346.— Lahy (J.-M.) Application de la methode d'observation directe en psvchologie experimentale. Rev. de psvehiat., Par., 1904, 504-509.—Langelaan (J. W.) Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz von W.Salomonson: Die Effektgrosse als Funktion der Reizgrosse. Arch.f. d.ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1905, cvii, 94-96.—Langley (J. N.) Physiology, includ- ing experimental pathology and experimental psy- chology. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc 1899, Lond., 1900, 881- 892.—Lay (VV.) Mental imagery. Psvchol. Rev., N. Y., 1903, x, 300-306.—Lazurski (A.F.) Programme izslle- dovaniya lichnosti. [Programme of individual exam- ination.] Vestnik psikhol., krim. antrop., S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 686-709.—Lesoivski (L. W.) Beitriige zur ex- perimentellen Aesthetik. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1908, xii, 230-311.—Levy (M.) Studien iiber die experimentelle Bceinflussung des Yorstellungsverlaufes. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1907, xlv, 1." Abt., 321. —Lipmann (O.) Die Wir- kung der einzelnen Wiederholungen auf verschieden starke und verschieden alte Assoziationen. Ibid., 1904, xxxv, 195-233— Lipmann (O. ) & Wertheimer (M.) Tatbestandsdiagnostische Kombinationsversuche. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych, [etc.], Leipz., 1907-8, i, 119-128,2 tab.—Lipps (G. F.) Die Massmethoden der experi- mentellen Psvchologie. Arch.f. d.ges. Psychol.,Leipz., 1904, iii, 153-243. —Loeb (J.) Ueber Kontrasterschei- nungen im Gebiete der Raumempflndungen. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1898, xvi, 298.— Loomis (H.N.) Reactions to equal weights of unequal size. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1907, [Monog. Suppl.], viii, 334-348.—MacDonald (A.) Neuro-social data. Ibid., N.Y.& Lond., 1896,iii, 125. ,4teo,Reprint.— MacDougall (R.) The subjective horizon. Ibid.. X. Y., 1903, [Monog. Suppl.], iv, 145-166. -----. On secondary bias in objective judgments. Ibid.. Bait.. 1906, xiii, 97-120. —Mayer (A.) & Ortk (J.) Zur qtialitativen Untersuchung der Association. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnes- org., Leipz., 1901, xxvi.2-13.— Meinong (A.) Beitriige zur Theorie der psychischen Analyse. Ibid., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1893-4, vi, 340; 417— Mino't (C. S.) Second re- port on experimental psychology; upon the diagram tests. Proc. Am. Soc. Psvch. Research, Bost., 1885-9, i, 301-317, 1 pl.— Moritz (R.E.) On the significance of character- istic curves of composition. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1904, Ixv, 132-147.—Milller (9. E.) & Schumann (F.) Ex- perimentelle Beitriige zur Untersuchung des Gediichtnis- =es Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1893, vi, 81; 257.—Miiller-Lyer (F. C.) Ueber Kontrast und Konfluxion. Ibid., 1895, ix, 1: 1895, x, x, 421— Milnsterberg (H.) The danger from experi- mental psychology. Atlantic Month., Bost., 1898, lxxxi, 15M-167. -----. Experimental psychology in Harvard. Harvard Psvchol. Stud., Bost. & N. Y., 1906, ii, 3-7.— Newbold (W. R.) Experimental induction of auto- matic processes. Psvchol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1895, ii, 348-362—Face (E.)" Zur Frage der Schwankungen der Aufmerksamkcit nach Yersuchen mit der Masson'schen Scheibe. Phil. Stud., Leipz., ls92, viii, 388-402.-----. Fluctuations of attention and after-images. Ibid., 1902, 1902, xx, 232-245.—Fatrizi (M. L.) Die graphisch-psy- chometrische Darstellung der Aufmerksamkeit. Unter- such. z. Naturl. d Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1895, xv, 543-555.—Patrizi (M. L.) & Casarini (A.) Sensa- zione postuma e oscillazione vasculare conseguenti alio stimolo termico (freddo); nuove ricerche col guanto volu- metrico. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906 v 230-232.—Philippe (J ) Un recensementdama- ges 'mentales. Rev. phil.. Par., 1897, xliv, 508-524— Piilero (H. G.) Psieologia experimental; curso en la Facultad de filosofia v letras; psico-flsiologia de las sensa- ciones An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1902, xxv, 317- 353. Also [Abstr.]: An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1902, iv 382-388 lpl.-----. La psvchologie experimentale dans laRepublique Argentine. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par 1903, iii, 33-10— van der Plaats (X.) Vrijewoord ftsMM-iatie. Psvehiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst, 1898, ii, 437- 441 1 tab — Prince (M.) An experimental study of visions [Abstr.l J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1898-9, iii, 47-50. Psychology (Experimental). -----. Experiments to determine co-conscious (subcon- scious) ideation. J. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost., 1908-9, iii, 33-42.—Riehet (C.) Reflexions k propos de l'observa- tion de M. Capitan sur l'appreciation du temps. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s.. v, 701.—lColand (F.) De la suppression des sensations et de ses effets sur l'activitei psvehique. J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 306-309.—Bosenbach (O.) ZurLehre von den Urteils- tiiuschungen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnes- org., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 431-418. — Saloihonson (J. K. A. W.) On the effect as a time-function. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1901-2, iv, 647-657. -----. Die Effektgrosse als Funktion der Reizgrosse. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903. c. 455-4X6.—Sanl'ord (E. C.) On the guessing of numbers. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1903, xiv, 647-665.—Sehaefer. Demonstra- tion des akustischen Laboratoriums des psychologisehen Instituts. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1068. — Schmidt ( F. ) Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Associationslehre. Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1902. xxviii, 65- 95.—Schnitzler (J. G.) Experimentelle Beitriige zur Tatbestandsdiagnostik. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych, [etc.], Leipz., 1908-9, ii, 51-91.—Sclmurinans Stekhoven. Een schema ter verkrijging van vergelijkbare gegevens bij het ohderzoek der psvehische functies. Psvehiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst., 1903, vii, 401-420, 2 tab.—Scripture (E. W.) Psychological notes. Am. J. Psychol., 1891-2, iv, 577-584. Also, Reprint. -----. Elementary course in psychological measurements. Stud. Yale Psychol. Lab., N." Haven, 1896, iv, 89-139. -----. Cross-education. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1899-1900 Ivi, 589-596. -----. Compu- tation of a set of simple direct measurements. Stud. Yale Psychol. Lab., X. Haven, 1900, viii, 109-123.—Seeor ( W. B.) Visual reading; a study in mental imagery. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1899-1900, xi, 225-236.—Sedg- wick (A.) Experimental psychology. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 133.—Slaughter (J. VY.) The fluctuations of the attention in some of their psycho- logical relations. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1900-1901, xii, 313-334, 1 pl. -----. A preliminary study of the be- havior of mental images. Ibid., 1902-3, xiii, 526-549.— Smith (Margaret K.) On the reading and memorizing of meaningless syllables presented at irregular time in- tervals. Ibid., 1907, xviii, 504-513. — Sommer ( R. ) Dreidimensionale Analyse von Ausdrucksbewegungen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1898, xvi, 275-297.—Spearman (C.) The method of " right and wrong cases " (" constant stimuli") without Gauss's formulae. Brit. J. Psychol., Cambridge, 1908, ii, 227-242 — Sreznevski (V. V.) O vliyanii vosproizvedyonnikh predstavleniy na puis i dikhaniye. [Influence of repro- duced images on the pulse arid respiration.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], St.-Peterb., 1906, xi, 321-334.— Site lie lis (Laura). Ueber die motorische Einstellung; experimentelle Beitrage. Ztschr. t. Psvchol. u. Physiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1900, xxiii, 241-308. — Steli'ens (Lottie). Experimentelle Beitrage zur Lehre vom oko- nomischen Lernen. Ibid., xxii, 321-382. — Stern ( L. \Y.) Die Wahrnehmung von Helligkeitsveriinderun- gen. Ibid., Hamb., u. Leipz., 1894, vii, 395-397. -----. Psychische Prasenzzeit. Ibid., 1896-7, xiii, 325-349 — Stevens (H. C.) The relation of the fluctuations of judgments in the estimation of time intervals to vaso- motor waves. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1902,xiii,1-27.— Stratton (G. M.) Ueber die Wahrnehmung von Druck- iinderungenbei verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1896, xii, 525-586.—Tawney (G. A.) Some experiments on the tactual threshold for the perception of two points. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1897, xxxi, 820- 823.—Tawney (G. A.) & Hodge (C. \V.) Some experi- ments on the successive double point threshold. Psy- chol. Rev., X. Y. & Lond., 1897, iv, 591-614. Also: Prince- ton Contrib. Psychol., Princeton, 1897-8, ii, 121-144 — Taylor (R. W.) The effect of certain stimuli upon the attention wave. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1900-1901, xii, 335-315—Titehener (E. B.) The Leipsic school of experimental psychology. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1892, n. s., i, 200-234. -----. Experimental psychology. Med. Rec, X.Y., 1895, xlviii, 111-115. -----. Scientirie'psvchol- ogy. Ibid., 1897, li, 397-400. -----. Ein Versuch die Me- thode der paarweisen Vergleichung auf die verschiedenen Gefiihlsrichtungenanzuwenden. Phil. Stud., Leipz.,1902, xx. 382-406. -----. Class experiments and demonstration apparatus. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1903, xiv, 439-455. -----. The problems of experimental psychology. Science N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. s., xx, 786-798. Also: Am. J. Psychol., Worcester. 1905, xvi, 208-224.— Toulouse, Yaschide (N.) & Pieron (H.l Classifi- cation des phenomenes psychiques pour la recherche ex- perimentale. Rev.de psychiat., Par., 1903, viii, 328-342.— Triplett (N.) A contribution to individual psycholo- gy. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1902, xiii, 149-160.— Tschelpanott'(S.) De la mensuration des phenome- nes psychiques. Rev. scient., Par., 1900, 4. s., xiii, 193; 264.—I rban iF. M.) Discussion; the application of cal- culus to mental phenomena. J.Philos. Psvchol. [etc.]., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1905, ii, 16-18. -----. On the PSYCHOLOGY. 29 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (EJx/nr/mental). method of just perceptible differences. Psvchol. Rev., Bait., 1907, xiv, 244-253—Van Biervliet ^.l.-.l.i L'ceil etlamain. Annee psychol.. Par.. 1901, vii, 275-277.-----. La psvchologie quantitative. Rev. phil., Par., 19U7, lxiii, 1; 140: lxiv, 651: 190S, lxv, 19. — Voirt (R.) Ueber Ab- lenkbarkeit und Gewidinnngsi'-ihigkeit. Psvchol. Arb., Leipz., 1899, iii,62-201.—Waller (A. li) Points relating to the Weber-Feehner law; retina: muscle: nerve. Brain, Lond., 1895, xviii, 200-216, 4 pl— Wasuiann ( K.) Zur Kastenbildungund SvstematikderTermiten. Biol.Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxviii, 68-73— Werner (F.) Bei- triige zur Collectivmasslehre. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1900, xv, 453-500.—Wertheimer (M.) >■). Auerbaeh (S.) Ein neuer Sensibilitatspriifer. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 672.—Belloni. Pre- sentazione e spiegazione degli istrumenti; P indicecra- niografo; algometro a puntura. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1902, xxviii, 317— Bergstriim (J. A.) A tvpe of pendulum chronoscope and attention appara- tus." Psychol. Rev., X. Y. & Lond., 1900, vii, 483-489. -----. Spring suspension for laboratory motors. Psvchol. Bull., X. Y., 1905, ii, 1-5.—Binet (A.) Un nouvel esthe- siometre. Annee psychol., Par., 1901, vii, 231-239. -----. Technique de l'esthesiometrie. Ibid.,240-248. -----. Un nouvel appareil pour la mesure de la suggestibility. Ibid., 524-536.—Brown (J. J. G.) Note on a new form of sesthesiometer. J. Physiol., Lond., 1901-2, xxvii, 85-88.— Colueei (C.) Un ps'ico-estesiometro. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1903, n. s., lvii, 414-418, 1 pl. Also: Ann. di nevrol., Xapoli, 1904, xxii, 12.5-129,1 pl.—Dodge (R.) An improved exposure apparatus. Psychol. Bull., Bait., 1907, iv, 10-13.—Dunlap (K.) A new rhythm and time device. Science, X. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1907, xxvi, 257.—Edgell (Beatrice) & Symes (W. L.) The Wheat- stone-Hipp chronoscope. Brit. J. Psychol., Cambridge, 1908, ii, 281-2*3.—Greiror (A.) Ein einfacher Apparat zur Exposition optischer Reize. Klin. f. psveh. u. nerv. Krankh., Halle a. S.. 1908, iii. 20.—Mac Dona Id (A.) A temporal algometer. Psychol. Rev., X. Y. & Lond., 1898, v, 40s. Also, Reprint. -----. Instruments of use in dermatology. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, Is'.i'j. iii, 141-147.-----. Medico-electrical instru- ments. J. Liectrother., X.Y., 1899, xvii, 201-207. Also, Reprint —.Miner (J. B.) Apparatus for producing and for recording serial stimuli. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1903, x, 170.—Modern experimental psychology; its methods and apparatus. Scient. Am., N.Y., 1907, xcvii, 164-166.— Miiller (K.i T'.-ber Mosso's Ergographen, mit Riick- sicht auf seine physiologischen und psychologisehen An- wendungen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1901, xvii, 1-29,1 diag.— rVoi'shevski (K. I.) Topotermesteziometr. Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 18*8-9, iii. 25:;.—Peterson (F.) The electric psvehom- eter. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 179-181. -----. The galvanometer as a measurer of emotions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 804-806. -----. The galvanometer in psy- chology. J. Nerv. 71.— Cattell (J. McK.) Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Ibid., Bait., 1890, iii, 281-283.—Dear- born (G. V. N.) Psychology and the medical school. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster. Pa., 1901. n. s., xiv, 129-136. Also, Reprint.—Farey (P.) Le programme de I'Ecole de psychologie. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 226-22\-Herdiuan (W. J,) Psychology an essential factor in medical education. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa., 1900-1901, v, 136-144.— Krolln (W. O.) Facilities in experimental psychology in the colleges of the United States. Rep. U. S. Com. Educ. 1890-91, Wash., 1894, ii, 1139-1151.—Laisant (A.) Education seien ti tin ueet psychologic Rev. scient., Par., 1903, 4. s., xix, 257; 326.—JlajSiiin (P.) L'Ecole de psy- chologie. Rev.de l'hvpnot. de psvchol. physiol., Par., 1904-5, xix, 226-231.— Jlarucei (A.)" Su l'insegnamento della psieologia. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 431-433.—Jliuer (B. G.) The changing attitude of American universities toward psychology. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. s., xx, 299-307.— .Tlyers (C. S.) The teaching of psychology in univer- sities of the United States. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1903, xlix, 659-665.—Parkyn (H. A.) Report of work done at the daily clinic of the Chicago School of Psychology. Hypnot. Mag., Chicago, 1897, ii, 5; 65.—Piiiero (H. G.) Ensenanza actual de la psieologia en Europa y America; catedras, laboratories y congresos de psieologia. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1902, x, 205-225. -----. La psieologia actual y su ensenanza experimental. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r., Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de phy- siol. [etc.], 44-59. -----. Ensenanza y programa de la psieologia. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1904, iii, 615-623. -----. Ensefianza de la psieologia en la Facultad de filosofia y letras de Buenos Aires. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 434-440.— Sanford (E. C.) Laboratory course in physiological Psychology. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1891-2, iv, 141: I :j.f>3: 17): 1S92-3, v, 390: 1893-4, vi, 593, 1 pl— Sehultzc (F. E. O.) Einige Hauptgesichtspunkte der Beschrei- Psychology (Instruction in). bung in der Elementarpsychologie. Arch. f. d. ges. Psy- chol., Leipz., 1906, viii, 241-384— Wadswortli < \V. S.) Psychology in the medical school. Univ. M. Mag,, Phila., 1898-9, xi, 138-140.—Witmer (L.) University courses in psychology. Psychol. Clin., Phila., 1907, i, 25-35. Psychology (Juvenile). See Children; Children (Education of); Crime in children; Pedagogy. Psychology (Jleinuals and treatises of). Abel (J. F.) Einleitung in die Seelenlehre. 12°. Stuttgart, 178(5. Bain (A.) The emotions and the will. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1S88. Baldwin (J.) Elementary psychology and education; a text-book for high schools, normal schools, normal institutes, and reading circles, and a manual for teachers. 8°. New York, 1899. Baldwin (J. M.) Handbook of psychology. Senses and intellect. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1890. Brotjgh (J.) The study of mental science. Popular lectures on the uses and characteristics of logic and psychology. 8°. London, 1903. Burr (C. B.) A primer of psychology and mental disease. 12°. Detroit, 1894. ----The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1906. Calkins (M. W.) An introduction to psy- chology. 8°. Neiv York & London, 1901. Carpenter (W. B.) Principles of mental physiology, with their application to the train- ing and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions. 6. ed. 8°. London, 1881. Dewey (J.) Psychology. 3. ed. 12°. New York, 1897. Fichte (I. H.) Psychologie. De Lehr vom bewussten Geiste des Menschen, oder Entwicke- lungsgeschichte des Bewusstseins begriindet auf Anthropologie und innerer Erfahrung. 2. Theil. 8°. Leipzig, 1864-73. ( Iarnier (A.) Precis d'un cours de psycholo- gie; suivi 1°. d'une defense de cette etude con- tre les objections de ses antagonistes; 2°. d'es- quisses sur les autres parties de la philosophie intellectuelle et morale; 3°. d'un parallele des ecoles philosophiques, relativement a la ques- tion de nos sources de connaissances. 8°. Paris, 1831. Gilyarevski (A.) Posobiye k izucheniyu psi- khologii. [Aid to the study of psychology.] 4. ed. 8°. Moskva, 1894. Gley (E.) Etude de psychologie physiolo- gique et pathologique. 8°. Peiris, 1903. Hagemann(G.) Psychologie. Ein Leitfaden fiir akademische Vorlesungen sowie zum Selbst- unterrichte. 2. Aufl. 8°. Mtcnster, 1870. Hovell (D. DeB.) .Medicine and psychology. The annual address to the Hunterian Society, for 1866. 12°. London, 1866. Hyslop (J. H.) Syllabus of psychology. 8°. New York, 1899. James (YV.) The principles of psychology. 2 v. 8°. New York, 1899. Kirchner (F.) Katechismus der Psychologie. 12°. Leipzig, 1883. KfLPE (O.) Grundriss der Psychologie auf experimenteller Grundlage dargestellt. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Ladd (G. T.) Outlines of physiological psy- chology. A text-book of mental science for academies and colleges. 8°. New York, 1891. Losski (N.) Osnovniya ucheniya psikhologii stochki zneniyavolyuntarisma. [Fundamental PSYCHOLOGY. 32 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Man uals and treatises of). principles of psychology from the view-point of voluntarism.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1903. Maestre (T.) Introduccion al estudio de la psieologia positiva. Con un prologo por S. Ra- mon-Cajal. 8°. Madrid, [1905]. Mercier (C. A.) Psychology, normal and morbid. 8°. London, 1901. xSicati (W.) La psvchologie naturelle. 12°. Paris, 1898. Richet (C.) Essai de psvchologie generale. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1891. Rosmini Serbati (A.) Psychology. 3 v. 8°. London, 1884-8. Royce(J.) Outlines of psychology. An ele- mentary treatise with some practical applica- tions. 12°. New York, 1903. Stanley (H. M.) An outline sketch. Psy- chology for beginners. 8°. Chicago, 1899. Stoct (G. F.) Analvtic psychology. 2 v. 8°. London, 1896. ------. A manual of psvchology. 12°. Lon- don, 1899. Sixly (J.) Outlines of psychology with spe- cial reference to the theory of education. 8°. New York, 1891. Surbled (G.) Elements de psychologie phy- siologique et rationnelle. 12°. Paris, 1894. Titchener (E. B.) An outline of psychology. 12°. Neiv York & London, 1896. ------. A primer of psychology. 8°. New York, 1898. Van Bieryliet (J.-J.) Elements de psycho- logie humaine. Cours professe a 1' Universite de Gaud. 8°. Gand & Paris, 1895. ------. Causeries psychologiques. 2. s. L'evolution de la psychologie au xixe siecle. Le sixierue sens. L'education de la memoire a, l'ecole. La mesure de 1'intelligence. 12°. Gand, 1906. Villa (G.) Contemporary psychology. Re- vised bv the author and transl. with his permis- sion bv H. Manacorda. 8°. London, 1903. Wells (D. YV.) Psvchology applied to medi- cine. 12°. Philadelphia, 1907. Wcndt ( W.) Grundziige der physiologi- schen Psvchologie. 4. Auflf. 2 v. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. ------. The same. Principles of physiolog- ical psychology. Transl. from the 5. German ed. (1902) by E. B. Titchener. v. 1. 8°. London,1904. ------. Outlines of psychology. Transl. with the cooperation of the author by Charles Hubbard Judd. 3. revised English ed., from the 7. revised German ed. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Ziehen ([G.] T.) Leitfaden der pliysiolo- gischen Psychologie in 14 Vorlesungen. 8°. Jena, 1891. ------. The same. ... in 15 Vorlesungen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1893. ------. The same. 3. vermehrte und ver- besserte Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1896. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1898. ------. Introduction to physiological psy- chology. Transl. bv C. C. van Liew. 8°. Lon- don, 1899. . . Biblio" rapliie der psvcho-physiologischen Littera- tur des luhres lsv). Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sin- nesorg- Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, i, 363-418. Also, Reprint,— Biblio«raphie der psycho-physiologischen Litteratur des Tahres 1890 Ibid., 1891, ii, 459-536. Also, Reprint.— Bibliographic der psvcho-physiologischen Litteratur des Jahres 1891. Ibid., 1892-3, iv. 433- 503. — Biblio- "•rauhie der psvcho-phvsiologischen Litteratur des Tahres 1*92 Ibid.. 1893, v, 419-487. — Brnns (E. E.) Gl ivnivevoprosipsikhizma. [Principal questions of psy- Psychology (Man uals and treatises of). chism.] Arch, psichiat. [etc.], Kharkov, lsso, vii, no. 2, 22-70.—Sikorsltl (I. A.) Prostlelshiye akti poznaniyti i vnimaniya. [The simplest acts of consciousness and attention.] Vopr. nerv.-psich. med., Kiev, 1897, ii, 52- 104, 9 pl ; lsos, iii, 7-16, 1 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev. de psychol. clin. et therap., Par., 1901, v, 196-203. Psychology (Medical and pot liohxjical). 'See, also, Brain (Diseases of); Consciousness (Disordered); Hypnotism; Mind (Influence of) upon the body; Miracles; Psychology (Peri- odicals, etc., relating to); Psychotherapy. Barker (L. F.) The psvehic side of medi- cine. 8°. [Chicago?], 1907. Repr.from: Univ. Rec, 1907. Binswanger (O.) Die psychologische Denk- richtung in der Heilkunde. 4°. Jena, 1900. ( Clavel. Le medecin du corps et de l'ame. Ed. revue, corrigee et considerablement aug- mented par l'auteur. 2 v. 12°. Paris, 1854. I)' Alfonso (\V. R.) La localizzazione delle attivita psicologiche normali e morbose. Co- municazione riassuntiva e definitiva. 12°. Roma, 1905. Frecd (S.) Zur Psychopathologie des All- tagslebens (iiber Vergessen, Versprechen, Ver- greifen, Aberglaube und Irrtum). 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Grasset (J.) Demifous et demiresponsables. 8°. Paris, 1907. Hedenborg (J.) * Expositions psychopa- thologite tentamen. sm. 4°. Upsalue, [1822]. Hilty (C.) Kranke Seelen. Psychopathi- sche Betrachtungen. 12°. Leipzig & Frauen- fld, 1907. Hyslop (T. B.) Mental physiology, espe- cially in its relations to mental disorders. 8°. London, 1895. ------. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. Jelgersma (G. ) Psychologie en patholo- gische psychologie. Rede. 8°. Leiden, 1899. Laurent ( L.-H.-C. ) *Des etudes secondes; variations pathologiques du champ de la con- science. 4°. Bordeaux, 1892. ------. The same. roy. 8°. Bordeaux & Paris, 1892. Moreau (J.) La psychologie morbide dans ses rapports avec la philosophic de l'histoire, ou de l'influence des nevropathies sur le dyna- misme intellectuel. 8°. Paris, 1859. Olliver (C.) Influence des affections orga- niques sur la raison, ou pathologie morale. 8°. Paris, 1867. yon Schrenck-Notzing. Kriminalpsycholo- gische und psychopathologische Studien. Ge- sammelte Aufsiitze aus den Gebieten der Psy- chopathia sexualis, der gerichtlichen Psychia- trie und der Suggestionslehre. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Sleeswijk (R.) Ueber die Bedeutung des psychologisehen Denkens in der Medizin. 8°. Biissum, 1908. Storring (G.) Mental pathology in its rela- tion to normal psychology. A course of lectures delivered in the University of Leipzig. Transl. by Thomas Loveday. 8°. London, 1907. Adamkieivicz (A.) Le moi actif et le moi inactif; leur association et leur dissociation; essai d'une explica- tion physiologi'ine de quelques phenomenes psychopa- thiquesfondamentanx. Rev. de psvchol. clin. et the- rap., Par., 1901. v. 325-332. — Belt lite re ft" (V. M.) 0 slishanii sobstvennikh mislel. [On hearing one's own thoughts.] obozr. pMchiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb, 1896, i, 733-710. —Benedikt ( M. ) Second life, das Seelen-Binnenleben de- gesunden und kranken Men- schen. Wien. Klinik, 1894, xx, 127-138. — Binet (A.) Sur un cas d'inhibition psychique, Rev. phil., Par , T<91. xxxii, 622-625. — Birnbaum (K.l Ueber degenerativ Verschrobene. Monatschr. 1". Psvehiat. u. Neurol., Berl., PSYCHOLOGY. 33 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Medical and pathological). ll.i*7. xxi, 308-^0.—*»ii»u< k.;irtl (K.) La'psychologie »r la medecine. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol , Par., 1903-4, xviii. 243-217— Bolton (F. E.) A contri- bution to the study of illusions. Am. J. Psychol., Wor- ce-tcr, 1897-8, ix, 167-182.—Buchanan (A. P.) Psychol- ogy in medecine. J. Pract. M.. N. Y., 1895-6, 97-101.— Buniieniann (O.) I'eberden Begriff des Psychischen. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. uv l'sycliiai., Berl. u. Leipz., 1906, xxix, 289; 337.—Olaparede i. K.j La psychologie dans ses rapports avec la medecine. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1901, xxi, 597-609. -----. The value of biological interpretation for abnormal psychology. J. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost., 1906, i, 83-92 — Clouston (T. S.l Modern medico-psychology and psychiatry. Hospital, Lond., 1895, xviii," 337. — t'otard. De laboulie et de l'inhibitation en patholngie mentale. Bull. Soc. de psy- chol. physiol.. Par., 1S86, ii, 55-5>i.— trainer (A.) Zur Theorie "des Gedankenlau werdeiis. Arch. 1. Psychiat., Berl., 1^98, xxx, 646.—Dauriae (L.) Les facteurs psy- chologiques et les divergences meYlicales. Rev. de l'hyp- not. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1903-4, xviii. 12.—De Buck (D.) L'expression de 1'idee et ses troubles. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1898, i, 363, 388.—Bel (ircco (F.) Ideefissee disgregazione psicologica; note di psicopato- logia generale. Ann. di nevrol., Napoli, 1900, xviii, 111- 122. -----. Sulln psieologia delle individualitaanormali. Manicomio, Nocera. 1906, xxii, 315-331.—Duggan (M.) Psvchologv as a factor in medicine. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1905, i, 205-207.—Dumas (ii.) Qu'est-ce que la psvchologie pathologique? J. de psvchol. norm. et path., Par., 1908, v, 10-22.—Eiskamp (G. H.) Psy- chology as applied to modern medicine. Med. Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 497-504. —Franz (S. I.) Psychology and the medical school. George Washing- ton Univ. Bull., Wash.. 1907, vi, no. 4, 7-15.—Freud (S.) Zur Pyschopathologie des Alltagslebens (Yergessen, Versprechen, Vergreifen), nebst Bemerkungen iiber eine Wnrzel des Aberglaubens. Monatschr f. Psvehiat. u. Neurol., Berl . 1901, x, 1; *-(iasser (H.) Physi- cians as psychologists, and the circulation in the nerv- ous system. Med. Times, N. Y., 190o, xxviii, 97-99.— Gaujoux. Contribution a l'etude de l'einotivite' mor- bide chez l'enfant, frayeur provoquant un acces de lype- manie anxieii-e aigue k direction d'auto-accusation chez un predispose Omotif. Montpel. med., 1907, xxv, 350- 359.—Gilbert (.J. A.) The relation of psychology to medicine. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1902, x, 189- 195.—de Greco (F.) La psicopatologia sintetica y apli- cada. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1906, v, 3-16— Hallervorden. Klinische Psychologie, die Vorstufeder Psvchohygiene. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.; 1896, xxii, 656-659. — Hellpach (W.) Grundeedanken der Wissenschaftslehre der Psychopa- thologie. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1906, vii, 143- 226.—Hunter (.1.1 Psvchologv of the sick room. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1907, xxxii, 601-604. —Inge- gnieros i I.) Nuova clas-ificazione dei delinquent! fondata sulla p-icopatologia. Manicomiu, Nocera, l'.Hio. xxi. 311-320.— Jastro\v (.1 ) Psychological medicine. Month. Cvcl. Pract. Med., Phila.. xviii [xix]. 193-199.— i Johnstone (Marv M.S.) The p-vchologv of disease. Woman's M.J. .Toledo. 1905, xv, 252--_'51. —Ke isle r I B.C.) The psychological side of medicine. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1903, Richmond, 1904, 127-133. Also: Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1903-4, viii, 391-394.—Keywer (P H.) The value of psychology to the physician. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1903, ix, 1-6. — Lepine (R.) Sur un cas de cecite p-vchique des choses. Lyon med., 1*97, lxxxv, 71- 73.—Levy (P.-E.) Pathogenie psychique et psychothe- rapie; les psvehonevroses meconnues. Rev. g''u. de clin. et de therap., Par, 1906, xx, 501-503. — Lew is (C J.) Cerebrologv.or mind from the standpoint of a physician. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, lsy5, ii, 417-425.—iTITlelland (Sophia). The pathology of thought. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1896-7, xiv, 317.—iTIaeder (A.) Contributions a la psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne; oublis; confu- sions, lapsus. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1906-7, vi, 148-152.-----•. Nouvelle contribution a la psychopa- thologie dela vie quotidienne. Ibid., 1907-8, vii, 283- 299. —.Tlarimb (F.) Psicopatologia dell'abuso. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 691. -----. Psieologia e medicina. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1905, xi, 391; 401; 417; 425. — Itteisl (A.) Das psychsche Trauma; analvtische Studien iiber die Elemente der psychischen Funktion. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx", 225; 246. — Michaut. La psychologie du ma- lade. Chron. med., Par., 1898, v, 561-566. —.mils (W.) Psychology in relation to physiology, psychiatry, and general medicine. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1908-9, lxv, 25-37. — ,TIitehell (P. S.) Psychics in the practice of medicine. J. Kansas M. Soc, Lawrence, 1905, v 332-339.— Nagel (W. A.) Ueber das Aubert'sche Phanomen und verwandte Tiiuschungen iiber die vertikale Richtung. Ztschr f. Psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1«98, xvi, 373-398. — Norbury (F. P.) Clinical psychology. Med. Fortnightly. St. Louis, 1906, xxx, 597-605.— Ono- dera (K.) SHshinbyo kanshiu sitsuken kiji. [Clinical observations on psychopathology.] Ztschr. d. med. Ge- VOL xiv, 2d series---3 Psychology (Medical and pathological). seUsch. z. Tokyo, ls>J3, vii, no. 14, 44-53. — Palmer (J. G.) Psychology as an aid to our knowledge of man and his diseases. "Mobile M. & S. J , 1908, xii, 89-103.— Pavlovskaya (Mme. L.S.) Ob otnoshenii psikhologii k psikhiatrii. [Relationship of psychology to insanity.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1905, x, 207- 279.—Payne i R. L.), jr. The mental factor in the cau- sation and cure of disease; being the annual oration be- fore the Medical Society of North Carolina at its thirty- sixth annual meeting. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, 1890, 7:>-80.—Peterson (F.) A talk on morbid psychol- ogy. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1907-8, iv, 407-415 — Pick (A.) Psycliiatrische Beitriige zur Psychologie des Khvthmus and Reimes. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1899, xxi, 401-416. — Prince (M.) Some of the present problems of abnormal psychology. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1905, xii, 118-143. Also, Reprint.— PuiKon (J.) The evolution of neurology and medical psychology. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1907, xxviii, 71-76.—Kadin < K. P.) Psikhopatologicheskiy metod v psikhologii v primlenenii k razlichntm sostoyaniyam upadka lichnosti i v evolyutsii lichnosti. [Psycho- pathological method in psychology as applied to vari- ous conditions of decadence and evolution of per- sonality.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1902, vii, 254-283.—Bobinson (R.) Medical psychol- ogy. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1904, 139- 115.—Royee (J.) The new psychology and the con- sulting psychologist. Forum, N. Y., 1898, xxvi, 80-96.— Savage ("<;. H.) Lectures on mental pathology. Med. Press ct Circ, Lond , 1891, n. a., Iii, 247; 271; 327; 351; 410; 433.—Seholield (A. T.) The extension of medical psy- chology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 918.—Schroder (P.) Die Psvchiatrie und ihre pathologische Anatomie. Jahresb. d. sVhles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1906, BresL, 1907, lxxxiv, 96-98.—Sidis (B.) Studies in psychopathol- ogy. Boston M. & S. .1., 1907, clvi. 321. 357, 394; 432; 472.— Sikorski (LA.) Ob usplekhakh meditsini v izuchenii yavleniy psikhicheskavo mira. [Success of medicine in the study of psychical phenomena] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.,1888-9, iii, 107-113.—Smith (G. C.) The psychic factor in dis- ease. Providence M. J , 1907, viii, 137-150. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 205-211. Also: Kansas City M. Rec, 1907, xxiv, 249-260.—Squillaee (F.) La psicopatologia positiva e 1' avvenire della critica letteraria. Riv. mens. di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1898, i, 127-131.—Stark (H. S.) Psychical infection; remarks upon the probability of a mental contagium. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 554- 5=)6.—Storeh (E.) Psvchologie und Medicin. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xciii, 412-450— Takasliima (H.) [The connection of medicine with psychology.] Geibi Iji, Tokyo, 1904, 19; 5v James Row- land Angell. 8°. Chicago, 1896. University of Iowa. Studies in psychology. No. 5. Ed. by Carl Emil Seashore. 8°. Balti- more, 1908. University of Toronto Studies. Psycholog- ical series, v. 1; No. 1, v. 2. 8°. Toronto, 1898- 1902. Vestnik Psikhologii, Kriminalnol Antropo- logii i Hipnotizma. [Messenger of Psychol- ogy, Criminal Anthropology, and Hypnotism.] [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1904-6. 8°. S.-Peterburg. VoprosI Filosofii i Psikhologii. [Questions in Philosophy and Psychology.] 1890-1902. 8°. Moskea. Voprosi psikho- i nevrologii v obshtshedo- stupnikh ocherkakh. [Questions of psychology and neurology in popular sketches.] Pts. 1-5, 1904. Edited by L. Lowenfeld and G. Kurella. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Yale University, New Haven. Psychological Laboratory. Studies from the Yale Psycholog- ical Laboratory, edited by E. W. Scripture. v. 1-4. 8°. ^vew Haven, 1893-7. Zeitschrift fiir ptidagogische Psychologie, Pathologie und Hygiene. Hrsg. von F. Kern- sies und L. Hirschlaff. [Bi-monthly.] v. 4-9, 1902-7. 8°. Berlin. Current. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. Hrsg. von Herm. Ebbing- haus und Arthur Konig. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1- 40, April 22, 1890, to Feb. 15, 1900. 8°. Ham- burg & Leipzig. Continued in' 2 pts.: Zeitselirift fiir Psychologie, and: Zeitschrift fiir Sinnesphysiologie. Zeitschrift fiir Religionspsychologie. Grenz- fragen der Theologie und Medizin. Hrsg. von Joh. Bresler und Gustav Vorbrodt. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1907-8. 8°. Halle a. S. Current. Bennett (E.-F.) La societe pour les recherches psy chiques; sonorigineetses progres; esquissede sonceuvre. [Transl.] Ann. d.sc.psvch., Par., 1903, xiii, 200; 301; 361: 1904, xiv, 13. — Buehiier (E. F.) The third Interna- tional Congress of Psychology. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1896, iii, 589-602.—DUrr (E.) Erster Kongress fiir experimentelle Psychologie in Deutschland. Bericht. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1904, xxxv, 380-392.-----■. Bericht iiber den zweiten, vom 18. bis 21. April 1906 in Wurzburg abgehaltenen Kongress fiirexperimentellePsvchologie. Arch.f.d.ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1906, viii, 225-240.—Ferrari (G.C.) Le V" Con- gres international de psychologie. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1905, v, 497-542. — Heymans (G. ) & \Viersma (E.) Beitrage zur speziellen Psychologie auf Grund einer Massenuntersuchung. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1906, xiii, 1. Abt., 81; 258 — Hirsehlan"(L.) Bibliographie der psycho-physiolo- gischen Literatur des Jahres 1900. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1902, xxviii, 305-469.—Pe- ters (\V.) Der fiinfte internationale Psychologenkon- gress in Rom (26. bis 30. April 1905). Arch. f. d. ges. Psy- chol., Leipz., 1905, vi,241-248.—Bageot (G.) Cinquieme Congres international de psvchologie. Rev. phil., Par., 1905, lx, 68-87.—Warren (H.C.) The fourth Interna- tional Congress of Psychology. Psychol. Rev., N. Y.,1900, vii, 533-546. — Weyssandt (\V.) Die Forsehungsrich- tung der "psychologisehen Arbeiten". Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, xxvi, 29-44. Psy c hology (Phys iolog it xii). See, also, Brain (Localization of functions of); Hypnotism; Psychology (Manuals [etc.] of). Andre.e (T.) *De animee sede. 8°. Leo- ' vardiir, 1803. Arnold (F.) The psychology of association. 8°. New York, 1906. Bechterew. L'activite psychique et la vie. Traduit et adapte du russe par P. Keraval. 12°. Paris, 1907. Benedikt (M.) Second life, das Seelen-Bin- nenleben des gesunden und kranken Menschen. 8°. Wien & Leipzig, 1894. Carus (P.) The soul of man, an investiga- tion of the facts of physiological and experi- mental psychology. 12°. Chicago, 1891. Claparede (E.) L'association des idees. 8°. Paris, 1903. Dreher (E.) Beitrage zu einer exacten Psy- cho-Physiologie. 8°. Halle, 1880. ------. Drei psycho-physiologische Studien. 8°. Leipzig, 1891. Exner (S.) Entwurf zu einer physiologischen Erkltirung der psychischen Erscheinungen. Pt. 1. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1894. Flechsig (P.) Gehirn und Seele. Rede. 2. Ausg. 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Forel (A.) Is de normale mensch toeerken- baar? 12°. Amsterdam, [1908]. Goeden (A. [L. F.]) Zur Mechanik der See- lentatigkeiten. 8°. Neuweid & Leipzig, 1871. -----. The same. 2. Abdruck. 8°. Ber- lin & Neuwied, 1893. Hauptmann (C.) Die Metaphysik in der mo- dernen Physiologie. Eine kritische Unter- suchung. 8°. Dresden, 1893. Joly (H.) L'imagination; etude psycholo- gique; illustre par A. Delaunay et L. Massard. 12°. Paris, 1883. Kassowitz (M.) Allgemeine Biologie. 4. Bd. Nerven und Seele. 8°. Wien, 1906. Keratry [A. H.] Inductions morales et phy- siologiques. 3. ed. 12°. Pa,is, 1841. Kern (B.) Das Wesen des menschlichen Seelen- und Geisteslebens. 8°. Berlin, 1905. von Kries (J.) Ueber die materiellen Grund- lagen der Bewusstseinserscheinungen. 4°. Frei- burg, 1898. Kuttner (E.) * Ueber die Wahrnehmung passiver Bewegungen. 8°. Leipzig, [1907]. Maitres (Les) de la science. Haller. Me- moire sur la sensibilite. Memoire sur 1'irrita- bility. Reponse a quelques objections. 12°. Pari*, 1892. Mitchell (Sir A.) About dreaming, laugh- ing, and blushing. 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1905. ( )poix. L'ame dans la veille et dans le som- meil. 12°. Paris, 1821. Panizza (M.) I nuovi elementi della psico- fisiologia, conferenze tenute al Circolo dei natu- ralisti in Roma. 12°. Roma, 1898. -----. Gnoseologia come introduzione alia psieologia fisiologica. 8°. Roma, 1904. Paulhan (F.) Les phenomenes affectifs et les lois de leur apparition. Essai de psycholo- gie generale. 12°. Paris, 1887. Pohl (J.) Ueber die Einwirkung seelischer Erregungen des Menschen auf sein Kopfhaar. roy. 8°. Halle, 1894. Cutting from: Nov. act. Acad. nat. curios., lxiv. de Redern [S. E.] Des modes accidentels de nos perceptions, ou examen sommaire des PSYCHOLOGY. 36 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Phy.slolt>gieal). niodilications que des circonstances particulieres apportent a l'exercice de nos facultes et a la per- | ception des objets extcrieurs. 2. 6d. 8°. Paris, 1818. Reinhold (K. L.) Versuch einer neuen The- orie des menschlichen Yorstellungsvermogens. 16°. Prag cfc Jena, 1789. Ribot (T.) Psvchologie de l'attention. 8°. New York, 1889. ------. The same. The psychology of atten- tion. Authorized transl. 3. ed. 16°. Chicago, 1894. ------. The psychology of the emotions. 12°. London, 1897. Richet (C.) L'homme et 1'intelligence. Fragments de physiologie et de psychologie. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1887. Schonig (A.) *Zur Lehre von der Regulie- rung der willkurlichen Bewegungen. [Frei- burg i. B.] 8°. Buhl, 1892. Schultze (E.) Ueber die Umwandlung will- kiirlicher Bewegungen in unwillkiirliche. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. Sirot (O.) Ame et cerveau. L'ame existe- t-elle scientifiquement? 12°. Paris, 1896. Smee (A.) The process of thought adapted to words and language, together with a descrip- tion of the relational and differential machines. 8°. London, 1851. Sommer (R.) *Soemmering's Lehre vom Sitz der Seele. 8°. Wurtzburg, 1891. Verworn (M.) Die Mechanik des Geistes. Rede. 8°. Gottiugen, 1906. Williams (Lillie A.) How to collect data for studies in genetic psychology. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Repr.from: Pedagogical Sem., iii. Aars (K. B. R.) Ueber die Beziehung zwischen apriorisehem Causalgesetz und der Thatsache der Reiz- hohe. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1898-9, xix, 241-250.—Adamkiewicz (A.) Die Grosshirnrinde als Organ der Seele. Grenzfr. d. Nerv. u. Seelenleb., Wiesb., 1902, 11. Hft., 1-79, 2 pl.—Aikens (H. A.) & Tliorndike (E. L.) Correlations among perceptive and associative processes; with the assistance of Miss Elizabeth Hubbell. Psychol. Rev., N.Y. & Lond., 1902, ix, 374-382.—Aiiue (H.) Definition et nature de l'element dynamique psvchique. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 353-359.—Alelekoflr" (A. N.) Starost; klinicheskoye izslledovaniye v oblasti nervnol sistemi i psikhofiziologii. [Old age; clinical in- vestigation of the nervous system and psycho-physiol- ogv.] Vestnik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St.*Petersb., 1891-2, ix, pt. 2, 75-178.—Allin (A.) Recog- nition. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1895-6, vii, 249-273.— Alrutz (S.) Om sinnesrorelsernas fysiologi och psyko- logi. [Zur Physiologie und Psychologie der Arfekte. Uebers., pp. ix; xx.J Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1900-1901, n. F., vi. 1:52; 230; 520; 609.—Angell (J. R.) The prov- ince of functional psychology. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1907, xiv, 61-91 — Arnaiiiakott* (A. P.) K ucheuiyu ob- oshtshushtsheniyakh i pamyatii obumstvennikhutomle- niyakh. [t )n sensations and memory, and on mental fa- tigue.] Syezd russk. estestvo. i vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1890, viii, 7. sect., 15-29.—Bailey (T. P.) Organic sensation and organismic feeling. J. Philos., Psychol, [etc.], Lan- caster & N. Y., 1908, v, 406-412.— Bain (A.) On physio- logical expression in psychology. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1891, xvi, 1-22.—Bair (j. H.) Development of voluntary control. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1901, viii, 474-510.—Bas- tiau (C.) Les processus nerveux dans l'attention et la volition. Rev. phil., Par., 1892, xxxiii, 353-384.—Becher (E.) Kritik der Widerlegung des Parallelismusauf Grund einer naturwissenschaftlichen Analyse der Handlung durch Hans Driesch. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1907, xlv, 1. Abt.,401-440. -----. Ener- gieerhaltung und psychologische Weehselwirkung. Ibid., 1908, xlviii, 1. Abt., 406-420.—Bentley (I. M.) The psy- chologv of mental arrangement. Am. J. Psychol., Wor- cester. 1902-3, xiii,268-293.—Bianelii (L.) La psieologia odierna e 13 sue attinenze con alcuni rami della biologia. Ann. di nevrol., Napoli, 1905, xxiii, 161-ltW.— Binet (A.) La concurrence des etats psychologiques. Rev. phil., Par., 1S90. xxix, 138-155.—Bleuler (E.) Versuch einer naturwissenschaftlichen Betrachtung der psychologi- sehen Grundbegrifle. Alljr. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Psychology (Physiological). Berl..lsy.3-4,1,133-168. -----. DiagnostischeAssoziations- studicn. 5. Beitrag. Bewusstsein und Association. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1905-6, vi, 126-154—du Bois- Reymond (E.) Vitesse de la transmission de la vo- lonte et de la sensation a travers les nerfs. Rev. d. cours scient. [etc.], Par., 1866-7, iv, 33-41. — Bourdon (B.) Les resultats des theories contemporaines sur l'associa- tion des idees. Rev. phil., Par., 1891, xxxi, 501-010.— Bradley (F. H.) What do we mean by the intensity of psychical states? Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1895, u. s., iv, 1-27.—Brady (E. T.) Mental action, material action. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond. is>9. xx, 74-81. Also, Re- print.— Bralin (M.) Gehimforschung und Psychologic Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach u. Leipz., 1902, i, 8-21.— Bray (C.) Cerebral psychology. Proc. Psvchol. Soc. Gr. Brit. 1875-9, Lond., Pss.0, 207-218.—Bryant (Sophie). Variety of extent, degree, and unity in self-conscious- ness. "Mind, Lond., 1897, n. s., vi," 71-89. — Calkins (MaryW.) Elements of conscious complexes. Psychol. Rev., N.Y. & Lond., 1900, vii, 377-389. -----. A reconcil- iation between structural and functional psychology. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1906, xiii, 61-81.—Cams (P.) The physiological condition of consciousness. J. Comp. Neu- rol., Granville, O., 1895, v, 129-138.—Cergsole (P.) Le parallelisme psyeho-physiologique et l'argument de M. Bergson. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 190.5-6, v, 112-120.— Child (C. M.) Statistics of unconscious cerebration. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1892-3, v, 249-259.—Col a- santi (J.) & JUengarini (G.) Das physiologische Speetral-Phiinoineu. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1882-8, xiii, 451-470, 1 pl.—Conklin (E. G.) The relation of the psychic life to the nervous system. Scient. Am. [Suppl.], N. Y., 1902, liv, 22343.— Cornelius (H.) Psychologie und Erkenntnisstheorie. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1906, xiii, 1. Abt., 401-413. - Daireaux (Marie-J.) La suraction. Rev. phil., Par., 1904, lviii, 270-279.— Dauriac (L.) La psychologie phvsiologique. Rev. scient., Par., 1892, xlix, 769-777.—Davies (A. E.) Sug- gestions toward a psychogenetic theory of mind. J. Philos., Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1907, iv, 342-356.—Delasiauve. Du double caractere des phe- nomenes psychiques. Progres med., Par., 1877, v, 961; 985. Also, Reprint.—De Sanctis (S.) Studien iiber die Aufmerksamkeit. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1898, xvii, 204-214. — Descliainps. Note sur Interpretation et la terminologie des deux psychismes. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1907, iv, 351-357.—Dewey (J.) The reflex arc concept in psy- chology. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1896, iii, 357- 370.—Dresslar (F. B.) Some influences which affect the rapidity of voluntary movements. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1891-2, iv, 514-527.—Drewry (N. B.) Emo- tional influence over physical action. Tr. M. Soc. Geor- gia, Atlanta, 1903, 381-387.—Dubreuque (G.) L'intui- tion motricc Rev. phil., Par., 1898, xlvi, 253-292.— Dunias (Q.) Recherches experimentales sur l'excita- tion et la depression. Rev. phil., Par., 1897, xliii, 623- 634.—Ebbinghaus (H.) Ueber erkliirende und be- schreibende Psychologie. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1895, ix, 161-205.—Kdin- ger(L.) Hirnanatomie und Psychologie. Arch.f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1900, xxxiii, 663-666. Also: Ztschr. f. Psy- chol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 445-448. Also [Abstr.]: Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1900, iv, 647.— Forel (A.) Gehirn und Seele. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1894, lxvi, pt. 1, 73-88. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1505; 1557. -----. Die psycho-physiologische Identitatstheorie als wissen- schaftliches Postulat. Festschr. J. Rosenthal [etc.], 1906, pt. 1, 121-132. —Fullerton (G. S.) Psychology and physiology. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1896, iii, 1-20.— Gamble (A. Mc(\) & Calkins (M. W.) Die repro- duzierte Vorstellung beim Wiedererkennen und beim Vergleichen. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnes- org., Leipz., 1903, xxxii, 177-199.— Card (W. L.) A preliminary study of the psychology of reasoning. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1907, xviii, 490-504.—Gasser (H.) Physiological psychology. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 554-557.—Gehring (A.) Practical problems for future psychology. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1896-7, xii, 193-199.— Gilbert (J. A.) The psychic half. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, Ix, sso-sxs.—Goblot ( K.) Sur la theorie phvsio- logique de l'association. Key. phil., Par.,1898, xlvi,"487- 503.—Gordon (Kate). Attention as determined by the complexity of the presented content. Psvchol. Rev., N. Y., 1903, x, 278-283.—Groos (K.) Experimentelle Bei- trage zur Psychologie des Erkennens. Ztschr. f. Psychol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1901, xxvi, 145-167.—de Guadalerzas (ElMarques). Estudios psico-risiol6gicos. Siglomed., Madrid., 1896, xliii, 179; 197; 214.—Hall (G. S j & Allen (A.) The psychology of tickling, laughing, and the comic. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1897-8, ix, 1-41. Also, Reprint.—Hainann (R.) Ueber die psy- chologisehen Grundlagen des Bewegungsbegritfes. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1907, xlv, 1. Abt., 231-254.—Hateli (J. L.) Consciousness from a biologic point of view. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., PSYCHOLOGY. 37 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Physiological). 1*92-3, v, 845-849. Also, Reprint.—Henle (J.) Physio- logie des Affects. In his: Anthrop. Vortr., Brnschwg., 1*76. i. 57-71 Hennig(R.) Entstehungund Bedeutung der Svnopsien. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnes- org.. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1S96, x, 183-222.—Henry (C.) Le probleme et les methodes generates d'une psvchologie physiologique. Rev. scient., Par., 1893, li, i33-14L — Hering (H. E.) Inwiefern ist es moglich, die Physio- logie von der Psvchologie sprachlich zu trennen? Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1903, xxiii, 347-352.— Herriek (('. L.) The nature of the soul and the possibility of a psycho- mechanic. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1907, xiv, 205-228.— Holler tA.l Psychische Arbeit. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894-5, viii, 44; 161. -----. Zur Analvse der Vorstellungen von Atistand und Richtung. Ibid., 1896. x, 223-234.—Howe (H. V.) Mediate association. Am. .1. Psychol., Worcester, 189:1-4, vi, 239-241.—Imitation and selective thinking. [Dis- cussion.] Psychol. Rev., X. Y., 1902, ix. 57: 3S3; 597: 1903, x, 51: 404.—Irons (IM Prof. James' theory of emotion. Mind, Lond. & Edinb.. 1*94, n. s., iii. 77-97.—James (W.) Does consciousness exist? J. Philos., Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., £ X. Y., 1904, i, 477-491.-----. La notion de conscience. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1905-6, v, 1- 12. — Jastrow (J.) Community and association of ideas; a statistical study. Psychol. Rev., X. Y. L.) La ]psychologie physiologique. Compt. rend, du Cong, scient. internat. d. catholiques. Par , 1891, sect. 3, 131-153.—JIalanco (F.) Fisiologia psicol6gica; conocete a ti mi-mo. Gac. m£d de Mexico, 1895, xxxii, 387-103. Also: Gac med. de Granada, 1895, xiii, 401; 485.— Mann (E.C.) An introduction to the study of the phys- ical basis of voluntary action, memory, emotion, and thought. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1892, xviii, 447-152.— Manouvrier (L.) Moiivements divers et sueur pal- maire consecutifs a des images mentales. Bull. soc. psy- chol. physiol., Par., 1886, il, 60-64. -----. Discussion des concepts psychologiques; sentiment et connaissance; elats affectifs. Rev. mens, de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1895, v, 41-65.—Harslial I (H. R.) Consciousness and biolog- ical evolution. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1890, n. s., v., 367; 523. -----. Consciousness and self-consciousness and the self. Ibid., 1901, n. s., x, 98-113.— Marty (A.) Ueber Annahmen; ein kritischer Beitrag zur Psychologic, na- mentlich der deskriptiven. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phy- siol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1905-6, xl, 1-54— Meisl (A.) Analytische Studien iiber die Elemente der psychiscnen Funktion. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 637; 6.54; 890.—Metcalf (J. H.) Unconscious cerebration. Psvch. Rev. Bost., 1892-3, l, 230-241. — Montgomery (E.) Automatism and spontaneity. Monist, Chicago, 1893-4, iv, 44-64.—Moore (E. V.) The process of recognition. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 286.— Psychology (Physiologicat). N'agel (W. A. i reberJ.'von Uexkiills vergleichend-Sin- nesphysic .louche I'ntersuchung No. 1. Ztschr.f. Psychol. y Physiol. <1. sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, x,43:W42.— Nicati. Theorie physique de la pensee; (corollaire d'une theoriedela couleur). Marseille med., 1895, xxxii, 485; 516.—Nichols (H.) Psychology and physiology. Am. J. Insan., Chicago, 1897-8, liv, 181-200. — Nicolas (A.) L'automatisnie dans les actes volontaires, MOni. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1883-8. 2. s., iii, 327-368.— Noordijk ^J. T.) Over de motorische voorstellingen en gevoelens van het bewustzijn. Psvehiat. en Xeurol. Bl., Amst., ls'.is, ii, 20-32.—Nuel (.l.-P.) De la psycho- physiologic comparee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1905, lviii, 355. -----. La limitede la psychologie et de la physiologie. [Anal, par A. Bienfait.f Gaz. med. beige, Liege, 1905-6, xviii, 251-254— Obersteiner (H.) Zur vergleichenden Psychologie der verschiedenen Sinnes- qualitiiten. Grenzfr. d. N'erven- u. Seelenleb., Wiesbad., 1905, 37. Hft., 1-55.—Onanott"(J.) De la perception in- consciente. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1890, xix, 364-377 — Patrizi (M.L.) La simultaneity e la succcssimie degli impulsi volontari simmetrici. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1893, 3. s., xii, 195-209. Also, trans!.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1893, xix, 126-139.—Pan Hi an (.F.) Notes sur la combinaison des images consecutives. Bull. Soc. de psychol. physiol., Par., 1*86, ii, 91-93.—Pelletier (Madeleine). La place de l'association des idees dans les processus psychologiques. Med. mod., Par., 1907, xviii, 283-285.—Perales Gutierrez ( A.) Estudios psico-fisi- ologicos. An. r. Acad, de med, Madrid, 1896, xvi, 14-35.— Plander i.A.) Das Bewusstsein des Wollens. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1898, xvii, 321-367.—Philippe t.I.) Sur les transformations de nos images mentales. Rev. phil., Par., 1897, xliii, 481-193.— Pillsbury (W. B.) A study in apperception. Am. J. Psychol.. Worcester, 1896-7, v'iii, 315-393. — Piflero (H. G.j Psicr.-fisiologia de la atenoi6n y de la consciencia. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1901, xxiv, 509-527.—Piper (R.) Die Beziehungen zwischen Sinnes- physiologie und Psychologie. Med. klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 372-376.—Prince (M.) Hughlings-Jackson on the con- nection between the mind and the brain. Brain, Lond., 1891-2, xiv, 250-269.—Psiehe (La) umana 6 una «ostanza. Tav. statist, d. manic. S. Servolo in Yenezia (1889-93), 1895, 65-80.—Kadin i K. P.) Bio-psikhologicheskiy pa- rallel i/in. [Bio-psychologicalparallelism.] Nevrol.Vest- nik. Kazan, 1903."xi, no. 2, 90-143.—Ramon y Cajal (S.) Algunas eonjeturas sobre el mecanismo anat6mico de la ideacion, asociaci6n y atenci6n. Gac. m6d. de Granada, 1895, xiii, 217-222. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1895, 367-378. -----. Cate- va ipotese asupra mecanismulul anatomical formatiunel de idel a asociatiunilor si a atentiunel. Spitalul, Bucu- rescl, 1897, xvii', 293-301!—Regriault (F.) Les causes des actes. Rev. de l'hvpnof. et psvchol. phvsiol., Par., 1896-7,xi, 179-1*4.—Reid (G.A ) Reflex action, instinct, and reason. Fortnightly Rev., N. Y. [Lond.], 1896, lix, 269-277.—Rivers (W. H". R.) & Kraepelin (E.) Ueber Ermudungund Erholung. Psvchol. Arb., Leipz., 1895-6, i, 627-678.—Richardson (B." W.) The duality of the mind. Asclepiad, Loud., 1892, ix, 349-370.—Richet (C.) A propos des images mentales. Bull. Soc. de psvchol. physiol. 1885, Par., 1886, i, 53.—Rosenthal (J.)" Phy- siologie und Psychologie. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz.. 1905, xxv, 713; 741.—Ruffini (G.) Ricerche su alcuni spe- ciali fenomeni di contrasto e di automatismo. Riv. di sc. biol., Torino, 1899, i, 762-768.—Sabatier (A.) Com- ment se fabriquent les toes. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psy- chol., Par, 1904, iv, 337-372.—Sadger (J.) Das Wunder vom denkenden Eiweiss. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg., 1897, xxii, pt. 2, 203-226.—Salomonson (J. K. A. W.) Anew law concerning the relation between stimulus and effect. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1903-4, vi, 73-78, 1 pl— San lord (E. V.) A laboratory course in physiological psychology. Am. J. Psvchol., Worcester, 1891-2, iv, 141; 303; 474.—Saroli. Delia genesi del pen- siero; saggio di psieologia fisiologica. Gior. med. a. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1892, xl, 577-618. -----. II pensiero come inoviinento, saggio dimeccnnieapsieoloyiea. Ibid., 1493-1538.—Sciaiiiaima (E.) II meccanisnio della vita psichica. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1897, iii, 333-338.—Scripture i E. W.) Ueber den associativen Verlauf der Vorstellun- gen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1891, vii, 50-146.— Seluippe (W.) Der Zusammenhang von Leibund Seele das Grund- problem der Psvchologie. Grenzfr. d. Nerv.- u. Seelen- leb., Wiesb., 1902, 13. Hft., 1-67. —Sergi (G.) Intorno al processo fisiologico nelle percezioni. Riv. quindicin. di psieol. [etc.], Roma, 1897, l, 1-4. -----. Ueber den Sitz und diephysischeGrundlageder Affekte. Ztschr. f. Psy- chol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz. 1897, xiv, 91-100.—Sliand (A. F.) Feeling and thought. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1898, vii, 477-505.—Sheldon (\Y. H.) A case of psychical causa lion.' Psychol. Rev. ,X.Y., 1901, viii, 578-595.—s i cc li e u o It" 11. M.) V pechatlleniya i dlelstvi- telnost. [Impressions and reality] Trudi fiziol. inst. Imp. Moskov. Univ.,l89ti,v,l-16.—Sniilh (W. G.) The relation of attention to memory. Mind, Lond. A Edinb., 1895, n.s., iv, 47-73. — Solomons (L. M.) & Stein (Gertrude). PSYCHOLOGY. 38 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Physiological). Normal mot or automatism. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. ifcLond., 1896, iii, 492-512. — Soury (,I.j Anatomie cerebrale et psychologie. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1901, 2. s., xii, 28; 97.—Stanley (H. M.) Discussion; remarks on tickling and laughing. Am. J. Psvchol., Worcester, 1897-8, ix, 235-240. — Stuinpl"(C.) Wundts Antikritik. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891, ii, 206-293. -----. L'ame et le corps. Rev. scient., Par., 1896, 4. s., vi, 321-326. -----. Ueber den Begriff der Ge- muthsbewegung. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sin- nesorg., Leipz., 1S99, xxi, 47-99.—Tannery (P.) Sur la parole interieure. Bull. Soc. de psychol. physiol., Par., 1887, iii, 1-6.—Thorndike (E. L.) The effect of prac- tice in the case of a purely intellectual function. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1908, xix, 374-384. — Tigerstedt (R.) & Rergqvist (J.) Zur Kenntniss der Appercep- tionsdaner zusammengesetzler Gesichtsvorstellungen. Ztschr. f. Biol..Munchen. 1*83,xix, 5-44, 1 diag.—Titchei ner (E. IS.) The relations of feeling and attention. Psych. Rev.. N. Y. A- Lond., 1902,ix, 481-183.—Toulouse, Vasehide & Pieron. Classification des phenomenes psychiques. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901-2, xxxvi, 93. —TrenhoJine (E. H.) Correlation of the psycho- logical and physiological forces. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1877-8, v,439-446. Also, Reprint.—von Tschisch (W.) Warum sind Raum- und Zeitanschauungen bestiindig und unentbehrlieh? Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sin- nesorg., Leipz., 1898, xvii, 368-382.— Turnowsky (M.) Az utanzasr61. [Imitation.] Gv6gyaszat, Budapest, 1898, xxxviii, 8t)l; 816.—von Uexkttll (J.) Vergleichend- sinnesphysiologische Untersuchungen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz., 1895, xxxii, 548: 1896, xxxiv, 319. See, also, supra, Na^el.— von UexkUll (S.) Ueber die Stel- lung der vergleichenden Physiologie zur Hvpothese der Tierseele. Biol. Centralbl., "Leipz., 1900, xx, 497-502.— Vailati (G.) La distinzione tra conoscere e volere. Atti d Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1908, v, 366- 369.—Vaiuo (F. W.) Material equivalents of psychical action. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 385-389.—Vas- ehide (N.) & Vurpas (C.) Du r61ede l'image motrice dans I'automatisme psvchologique. Rev. de psvehiat., Par., 1901,n. s., iv, 165-172. Also: J. de med. dePa'r, 1901, 3.s., xiii, 290-292.—Vignoli (T.) Psieologia fisiologica. R.Ist. Lomb.disc.elett. Rendic,Milano, 1899,2.s.,xxxii, 709-716.—Viktoroff (P. P ) Ucheniye o lichnosti, kak nervnopsikhicheskom organizmle. [On personality as a neuro-psvchical organism.] Trudi perv. siezda otechesti psichiat., St. Peterb., 1887, 953-1045.— Villa (G.) Sulle teorie psicolofrie.he di \V. Wundt (a proposito di alcune recenti pubblicazioni). R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Ren- dic, Milano, 1896, 2.S., xxix, 805; 1084; 1197.—Vogt (0.) Psvchologie, Neurophysiologie und Neuroanatomie. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1902, i, 1-3.—Vogt (O.) & Vogt ( Mme.) L'anatomie du cerveau et la psvcholo- gie. Ztschr. f. ITypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1900, x, 181-189.— Walslie (W. II.) Physiology v. metaphysics in relation to mind. Lancet, Lond., 1884, i, 1-3. Also, Reprint.— Warren (H.O.I The nature of feeling. Am. Natural- ist, Phila.. 1896, xxx, 948-951.—Weir (J.) The expres- sion of ideation. Charlotte [N. C.J M. J., 1896, viii, 470- 475.—Weuley ( R. M.) The movement towards "phy- siological" psychology. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1908, lxxii, 481: lxxiii, 73.—Wernicke (C.) Prineipes de psycho-phvsiologie. Rev. de psvchol. clin. et therap., Par., 1899, iii, 261; 304; 330; 357: 1900. iv, 5; 37.—Winn (J. M.) Mind and living particles; also a review of Fer- rier's localisation of cerebral disease. J. Psvchol. M. Lond., 1879, n.s.,v, 18-29. Also, Reprint.—Witasek (S.) Ueber willkiirliche Vorstellungsverbindung. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, xii", 185-225. -----. Beitriige zur Psvchologie der Kom- plexionen. Ibid., 1897, xiv, 401-435. — Verkes (R. M.) Concerning the genetic relations of types of action. [Edit.] J. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Granville, 1905, xv, 132-137. — von Zehender (\Y.) Vernunft, Verstand und Willc. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1898, xix, 192-202. Psychology (Primitive). See Psychology (Racial, etc.). Psychology (Racial and primitive). Baldwin (J. Al.) Mental development in the child and the race. Methods and proces- ses. 2. ed., corrected. 8°. New York, 1895. ------. The same. 8°. New York, 1898. Hellpacii (W.) Xervenleben und Welt- anschauung. Ihre Wechselbeziehungen im deutschen Leben von heute. S°. Wiesbaden, 1906. Letourneap (C.) La psychologie ethnique. 12°. Paris, 1901. Psychology (Pacini and primitive'). Mr ret (M.) L'esprit juif. Essai de psy- chologic ethnique. 12°. Paris, 1901. Perez (B.) Lecaractere de l'enfant a 1'hom- me. 8°. Paris, 1S92. Pilcz (A.) Beitrag zur vergleichenden Ras- sen-Psychiatrie. 8°. Leipzig <.(• Wien, 1906. Reich (E.) Studien iiber die Volksseele aus dem Gesichtspunkte der Physiologie und Hy- giene. 2. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1879. Reports on the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits. Vol. 2. Physi- ology and psychology. 4°. Cambridge, 1901. -----. The same. Pt. 2. Hearing, smell, taste, cutaneous sensations, muscular sense, va- riations of blood-pressure, reaction-times. 4°. Cambridge, 1903. Romanes (G.-J.) L'Evolution mentale chez 1'homme; origine des facultes humaines. Tra- duit de l'anglais par Henrv de Varigny. 8°. Ptiris, 1891. Schoebel (C.) L'ame humaine au point de vue de la science ethnographique, suivi d'une note sur Claude Bernard et son principe du crit^rium experimental. 2. £d. 8°. Paris, 1879. Repr.from: Actes Inst, ethnograph., 1878, ix. Stern (L. \V.) *Die Analogie im volkstiim- lichen Denken. 12°. Berlin, 1893. Ashinead (A. S. ) Some psychological studies of man's moral evolution. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1906, xxvii, 474: 1907, xxviii, 1; 177; 367; 449.—Baldwin (J. M.) Mental development in the child and the race; methods and processes. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1895, xxix, 687-694.—Bastian (A.) Ueber psychische Beob- achtungen bei Naturvolker. Schrift. d. Gesellsch. f. Exper.-Psychol. zuBerl., 1890, 2.-3. St., 43-68—Boas (F.) The mind of primitive man. Rept. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1900-1901,451-460.—Chamberlain (A. F.) Sulle significazioni nella lingua degli indigeni americani detti Kitonaqa (Kootenay); dei termini chedenotano gli stati e le condizioni del corpo e dell' animo; saggio di psieolo- gia filologica. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1893, xxiii, 393-399. -----. Primitive hearing and hearing-words. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1905, xvi, 119-130.— Cureau (A.) Essai sur la psychologie de FEuropeen au pays chauds. Rev. gen. a. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1906, xvii, 362; 410.—Bel Greco (F.) Intorao alia scienza delle individuality psicologische umane (la piseo-antropologia ed il suo metodoj. Manicomio, Nocera, 1903, xix, 305- 344. — Beniker (J.) Caracteres anthropologiques en rapport avec les particularity's psychologiques. Annee psychol., Par.. 1906, xii, 483-497.—Dewy (.1.) Interpre- tation of savage mind. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1902, ix, 217-230. —iniilhe de Saint-Projet. La methode en anthropologic; une preuve experimentale de l'exis- tence de l'ame. Compt. rend, du Cong, scient. internat. d. catholiques, Par., 1891, sect, viii, 62-69.—Fiessinu'er (C.) Les races morales. Med. mod., Par., 1899, x, 101- 403. —«llnther (S.) Die Anfiinge des Zahlens, Rech- nens und Messensim Lichte der vergleichenden Ethno- logic Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., Mun- chen, 1904, xxxv, 133. -t.uibert. Sur Involution de l'entendement. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 815-828.—Kohler (J.) Rechtund Volkerpsychologie. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach u. Leipz., 1902, i, 385-390.— Laborde ( J.-V. ) Pes fonetions intellectuelles et ins- tinctives. Rev. mens, de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1891, i, 33-45.—Lahy (I. M.) Genese de la notion d'iime d'apres quelques textcs cthnoj,'r.iphiques. Atti d. Cong. internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 707-711.—Letonr- neau(C.) Un fait de psychologie primitive. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1898, 4. s., ix, 321-328—lioria (L.) Appuntidi psieologiapapuana (punta S.-K.) delle Nuova- Guinea Britannica. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 716-732.—Mantegazza (P.) Prime lineedi psieologia positiva. Arch, perl' antrop., Firenze, 1901, xxxi, 269; 1902, xxxii, 145— Mason (<>. T.) Traps of the American Indians; a study in psychology and in- vention. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., i900-1901, 461-473, 1 pl. —Morselli (E.) Osservazioni critiche sul neo- misticismo psicologico. Arch, per P antrop., Firenze, 1896, xxvi, 183-236. —Perez (B.) L'ame de l'embryon et l'ame de l'enfant. Rev. phil., Par., 1887, xxiii, 583- 602.—Pflautii (('. D.) Begriff und Aufgabe der Volker- psychologie. Pol it.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach u. Leipz., 1903, ii, 383; iss — Psieologia de las razas. Comr. med. internac. de accid. d. trab.de Lieja dc 1905. Apunt. y considerac, Barcel., 1905, 123.—Rossi (P.) La psieolo- PSYCHOLOGY. 39 PSYCHOLOGY. Psychology (Racial and primitive). giacollettiva. Scuola positlva, Roma, 1902, xii, 257; 321.— Schmidt ( P. YV. ) YV. Wundts Yolkerpsychologie (Erster Band: Die Sprachel. Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1963, xxxiii, 361-389.—Tawney (G. A.) Feel- ing and self-awareness. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1902, ix, 570-5%.— Thomas (YV. I.) The psychology of raee- preiudioe. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago. 1903-1, ix, 593-611.— Woltiuann ( L.) Rassenpsvchologie und kulturge- schichte. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz., 1904, iii, 350-357. -----. Grundfragen der Rassenpsvchologie. Ibid., Leipz., 1907, vi, 97-102.—Wundt (YV.) Die An- fange der Gesellschaft; eine volkerpsyehologische Studie. Psycholog. Studien, Leipz., 1907. iii, i-48. Psychology (Scrtud). See Sexual instinct (Perversion of, Psychology of); Sexual iyistinct (Psychology of). Psychology (Soda/). 'See, also, Soldiers (Psychology of). Baldwin (J. M.) Social and ethical inter- pretations in mental development. A study in social psvchologv. 2. ed., revised, with addi- tions. 8°. New'York, 18W>. Holzapfel (R.) * Wesen und Methoden der sozialen Psychologie. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Tarde (0.) Etudes de psychologie sociale. 8°. Paris, 1S9S. Aragon (E. O.) Multipolaridad y polipsiquismo. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1907, xxii, 289-292.—t'ampe- aniu Psichologia multimel annate. [Psychology of an armed multitude] Rev', san. mil., Bucurescl, lsy>-9, ii, 513-529— Banilevski (V. Y.) Zamietki po sotsialnol fiziologii. 1. Obshtshiya polozheniya. 2. Sotsialnoye znacheniye chuvstva. "[Social physiology. 1. General principles. 2. Social importance of feeling.] Arch. biol. nauk . . . , S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, suppl., 225-246.—Elias (J. P.) De psychologie der menigten of de motie der af- deeling Rotterdam en omstreken van de Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der geneeskunst. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1902-3, lx, 49-52. — Feigenwinter (E.) Ueber anonvmeBriefe. [Eine sozialpsycholo.irisehe Studie.) Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol, [etc.], Heidelb., 1907, iv, 512-521.— Fouillee (A.) Nece^site dune in- terpretation psvchologique et sociologique du monde. [Abstr.] Rev. phil., Par., 1893, xii, 465-498. —Har- tenberg (P.) Les emotions de bourse: notes de psy- chologie collective. Rev. phil., Par., 1904, lviii, 162- 170. — Heveroch (A.) O psychologii davu. [The psychologv of crowds.] Sbirka prednasek a rozpr. s oboru lekafsk., v Praze, [1899], 7. s., no. 2, 21-40. —Hill (Caroline M.) Voluntary organizations; a proposed study in social psychology. Psychol. Bull., Bait., 1907, iv, 375- 378.—.Jelii'ersma (D. G.) Quelques observations sur la psychologie des foules. [Rap.] Psychiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst., 1901, v, 5-15.—Jones (J. W. L.) Sociality and sympathy. Princeton Contrib. Psychol., Princeton, 1903, iii, 69-159. — Palante (G.) Anarchisme et individua- lisme: etude de psvchologie sociale. Rev. phil.. Par., 1907, lxiii, 337-365.—Patrick (G T. W.) The psychology of craze-. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1900-1901, lvii, 285-294.— Provenzal (D.) Meditazioni su certe indagini didemo- p-icologia. Riv. de psieol. applic, Bologna, 1908. iv, 128- 148.—Rossi (P.) La psieologia collettiva. Scuola posi- tiva, Roma, 1902, xii, 257-Jsii.—Simmel (G.) Ueber das Wesen der Sozial-Psvchologie. Arch. f. Sozialwissensch. [etc.], Tubing., 1908, xxvi, 285-291.—Thomas (W.I.) The province of social psychology. Psych. Bull., N. Y., 1904, i, 392.—Tufts (J. H.) On the psychology of the family. Psychol. Bull., 1907, iv, 371-374. Psychology (Therapeutic). See Psychotherapy. Psychology (Vegetable). Lazarus (M. E.) Comparative psychology and universal analogy. Vol. I. Vegetable por- traits of character, compiled from various sources, with original additions. 12°. New York, lsol. France (R. H.) Grundriss einer Pflanzenpsychologie, als einer neuen Disziplin induktiv forschender Naturwis- senschaft. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Entwcklngslehre, Stuttg., 1907, i, 97-107.—Haberland (G.) DieSinnes- organe der Pflanzen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Leipz., 1905, 72-87.—Painter (J. H.) Flowers that feel. Scient. Am. Suppl., X. Y., 1906, lxii, 25524. Psychology in animals. See Instinct; Psychology i Competreitice). Psychology in art and letters. See, also, -ffisthetics; Arts; Genius; Medi- cine (Novels relating to); Medicine (Plays re- lating to); Medicine (J'oems, etc., relating to); Medicine and the fine arts. Carpenter (YV. B.) Unconscious action of the brain and epidemic delusions. 12°. Bos- ton, [1871]. Lay (YV.) Mental imagery; experimentally and subjectively considered. 8°. New York et- London, ISMS. Lelut (F.) Du demon de Socrate; specimen d'une application de la science psychologique a celle de l'histoire. 8°. Paris, 1836. Schulz (O. G. H.) *Die Darstellung psy- chologischer Vorgiinge in den Romanen des Kristian von Troyes. 8°. Breslau, 1903. Serehryakoff (P.) Ucheniye o dushevnikh dvizheniyakh v primlenenii k stsenicneskomu iskusstvu. [Mental movements as applied to dramatic art.] 8°. Moskva, 1891. &ully (J.) Sensation and intuition; studies in psychology and aesthetics. 8°. London, 1874. Armstrong (A. C), jr. The imagery of American students. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1894, i, 496-505.— du Bois-Reymond (R.) Die physiologischen Wir- kungen der Kultur auf den Menschen. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach u. Leipz., 1902, i. 329-345.—Bo-vet (P.) La vocation de Socrate; specimen d'une application de la science psychologique & celle de l'histoire. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1906-7, vi, 261-268.—CJatowski (Mme. C.) Observations psychologiques sur le langage drama- tique. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 291-295.—Gumplowicz (L.) Zur Psychologie der Geschichtsschreibung. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz., 1903-4, ii, 994-1001.—Heymans (G.) Aestheti- sche Untersuchungen in Anschluss an die Lipps'sche Theorie des Komischen. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, xi, 31; 332. -----. Zur Psychologie der Komik. Ibid., Leipz., 1899, xx, 164- 173 —Hirn (Y.) The psvchological and sociological studv of art. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1900, n. s., ix, 512-522.—Ireland (W. W.) On the psychology of the crusades. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1906, Iii, 745-755.— Jack- son (J. H.) [Punning.J Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xi, 1-7— Kirkpatrick (E. A.) Mental images. Science, N. Y., 1893, xxii, 227-230. — Kuhlmann (F.) On the analysis of the memory consciousness; a study in the men- tal imagery and memory of meaningless visual forms. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1906, xiii, 316-348.—Lacombe (P.) La psychologie de Taine appliquee a l'histoire litteraire. Rev. phil., Par., 1905, lx, 173-190.—Le Baron (A.) A case of psychic automatism, including speaking with tongues. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1896-7, xii, 277-295.—Lipps (T.) Ueber eine falsehe Nachbildloka- lisation und damit Zusammenhangendes. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, j 60-71— ITIareh (C.) Evolution and psychology in art. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1896, n. s., v, 441-463.— Neu- mann (E.) Untersuchungen zur Psychologic und Aesthetik des Rhythmus. Phil. Stud., Leipz.. 1894. x, 249; 373.—Miller'(!//.5S Frank). Quelques laits d'iina- ginatioiicreatricesubconsciente. Arch, de psychol., Ge- neve, 1905-6, v,36-5L—Itliinstertoerji\ ille (A.) Lineaments de psychologie estheti- que. Arch. depsychol.,Geneve,1903,ii,89-104.—Nikitin (M. P.) Chekhov kak izobrazitel bolnol dushi. [Chekh< >v as a painter of the diseased soul.] Vestnik psikhol., krim.antrop.,S.-Peterb., 1905, ii, 1-13.—Pierce (K.) The aesthetics of simple forms; the functions of the elements. Psychol. Rev.. N.Y. & Lond., 1896, iii, 270-2^2—Pieron. Un cas de precocite commerciale. Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1903, viii, 342.—Reinhard (E.) Der Ausdruck von Lust und Unlust in der Lyrik. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1908, xii, 481-515.—Report on the census of hal- lucinations. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1894, x, 25-422.—Ronxel. La bio-psychologie des mages. Rev. med.. Par., 1904, xiii, 594.—Sikorski (I. A.) L'expres- sion des emotions et des sentiments dans la peinture russe contemporaine. Rev. de psychol. clin. et therap., Par., 1901, V, 228; 259; 292.—Sorel (G.) Contributions psycho-physiques a l'etude esthetique. Rev. phil., Par., 1890, xxix, 561: xxx, 22.—Thumb (A.) Die experi- mentelle Psvchologie im Dienste der Sprachwissenschaft. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Befbrd. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1907). 1908,11-34.—Vailati (G.) La psieologia di un dizionario. Riv.di psieol. applic, Bologna, 1908, iv, 13-30.—Walsh (J. J.) Heredity, physical disease and PSYCHOLOGY. 40 PSYCHOPIIYSICS. Psychology in art and letters. moral weakness. In: O'Mallev & Walsh. Essavs Pastoral Med., 8°, Lond. & Bombay, 1906, 120-128.—Wissler (C.) A psychophysical element in primitive art. Boas Anniv. vol., N. Y., 1906, 189-192.—Witasek (S.) Zur psycholo- gisehen Analyse der asthetischen Einfuhlung. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnosorg., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 1- 49.—Wundt (W.) Ueber naiven und kritischen Rea- lismus. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1896, xii, 307-408. Psychomechanics. See Psychophysics. Psychometry. See Psychology (Experimental); Psycho- physics. Psyehomorphology. France (R.) Funktionelle Selbstgestaltung und Psvchomorphologie. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Or- gan., Leipz., 1908, xxv, 715-719. Psychoneuroses. See Neuroses. Psychopathology. See Pathology (Medical, etc.). Psychophobia. Bonatelli (F.) Psicofobia. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1896-7, 7. s., viii, 963-978. Psychophysics. See, also, Psychology (Experimental); Psy- chology (Physiologiced). Fechner (G. T.) Elemente der Psychophy- sik. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Leipzig, 1860. Michelis (H.) *Schopenhauers Stellung zum psychophysischen Parallelismus. 8°. Ko- nigsberg i. Pr., 1903. Siekermann (F. A.) *Zur Kritik der Hypo- these des psycho-physischen Parallelismus. 8°. Greifswald, 1899. Wissenschaftliche Briefe von Gustav Theo- dor Fechner und W. Preyor. Nebst einem Briefwechsel zwischen K. von Vierordt und Fechner sowie neun Beilagen; hrsg. von W. Preyor. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1890. Wkeschner (A.) Methodologischer Beitrag zu psychophysischen Messungen (auf experi- menteller Grundlage). 8°. Leipzig, 1898. Aars (B.) Monisme, dualisme et parallelisme psy- chologiques. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v 329-332.—Adainkiswicz (A.) Psychophysische Processe. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz.,Wien, 1894, vi, 1-5.—Ame- line. Comment faire un theorie mecanique des pheno- menes mentaux. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1908, v, 398-446.—Bain (A.) The respective spheres and mu- tual helps of introspection and psychophysical experi- ment in psychology. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1893, n. s., ii, 42-53.—Bawden (H. H.) Recent tendencies in the theory of the psychical and the physical. Psychol. Bull., N. Y., 1904, i, 102-117.—Becher (E.) Das Gesetz von der Erhaltung der Energie und die Annahme einer Wech- selwirkung zwischen Leib und Seele. Ztschr. f. Psychol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1907, xlvi, 1. Abt., 81- 122.—van Biervliet (J.-J.) La psychologie quantita- tive. Rev. phil., Par., 1907, lxiii, 1; 140; 561— Biske (F.) Zum Verstandnis des psychophysischen Gesetzes. Arch. f.d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1907,x, 193-195.— Bleuler (E.) Psychophysischer Parallelismus und ein bischen andere Erkenntnistheorie. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sin- nesorg., Leipz., 1906, xii, 1. Abt., 15-27.— Boas (F.) Ueber die verschiedenen Formen des Unterschiedsschwellen- werthes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881-2, xxvii, 214- 222.—Bruns (H.) Ueber die Ausgleichung statistischer ZahlungeninderPsychophysik. Phil.Stud..Leipz.,1893-4, ix 1-52.—Bufl%t (E. P.) The psycho-physical paradox. Med.-Leg. J., N.Y., 1904-5, xxii, 450-457.—Dedichen (H. AT) Hvader Psvkofysik? Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania.1896, 4. R, xi, 11-50.—Ebbinghaus (H.) Ue- ber negative Empfindungswerte. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, i, 320-334.— Farrington (J. M.) Tbe psychophysical relations of man, considered from the standpoint of a practitioner of medicine. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 445: 493.— Fechner (G. T.) Ueber negative Empfindungswerte. Ztschr f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890, i", 29; 108— Oodlernaux (A.) Le paralle- lisme psycho-physique et ses consequences. Rev. phil., Par 1904, lviii, 329; 482.—Guic»iardi (G.) Nuovi stru- Psychophysics. menti per ricerche psicoflsichc. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1905, xxxi, 618-629.—Hen ry (C.) Sur la loi psycho-physique; applications a l'energ6tique et la photometric Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907, cxlv, 638-641.-----. Psycho-physique, (jnergetiqueet photome- trie. Rev.del'Univ.deBrux.,1907-8, xiii,577-594.—Hob- son (E.W.) Psychophysical interaction. Nature, Lond., 1903, lxviii, 77.—Holt (E. B.) The classification psveho- physic methods. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1904, xi, 343-369.— Hughes (C. H.) Psychical or physical? An inquiry into the mind and matter problem. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1891, xii, 170-185. Also, Reprint.—Hurd (Kate C.) Some of Francis Galton's tests concerning theorigin of human faculty. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat., Ithaca, 1891, vi, 80-97.—loteyko (Mile. I.) La conception ideo-energetique et la psychomecanique. J. de neurol., Par., 1908, xiii, 161-175.—Jung (C. G.) On psychophys- ical relations of the associate experiment. J. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost., 1906-7, i, 247-255—Kraemer. Psycho- physische Gleichgewichtsstdrung? Bemerkung zu der Abhandlung von Kohler in Bd. VIII d. Ztschr. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tuberk.,Wiirzb., 1907, viii, 369-371.—Kraepe lin (E.) Zur Kenntniss der psychophysischen Methoden. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1891, vii, 493-513. -----. A measure of mental capacity. Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1896, xlix, 756-763—Kra'ins'ki (N. V ) Zakon sokhraneniya erer- gii v primienenii k psikhicheskol dleyatelnosti chelo- vleka. [1 he law of the conservation of energy as applied to the psychical activity of man.] Trudi Kharkhovsk. med. Obsh., 1897, i, 273-310. Also: Arch, psichiat. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1897, xxx, no. 2, 1-38.—Lange (L.) Ueber das Massprincip der Psychophysik und den Algorithmus der Empfindungsgrossen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1894, x, 125- 139.—Laurie (S. S.) Reflexions suggested by psycho- physical materialism. Mind, Lond. & Edinb., 1894, n. s., iii, 56-76.— MacDonald (A.) Recent instruments of precision for the muscular and tactile sensations. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1898-9, xi, 526-532.—MeBougall (W.) On the seat of the psychophysical processes. Brain, Lond., 1901, xxiv, 577-630.—rTlcBougall (W.), Lodge (C.) & Worthington (A. M.) Psychophysical inter- action. Nature, Lond., 1903, lxviii, 32. — ITlach (E.) Sur le rapport de la physique avec la psychologie. Annee psychol., Par., 1906, vii, 303-318. —IMarbe (K.) Theorie des Talbot'schen Gesetzes. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1896, xii, 279-296.—Meinong (A.) Ueber die Bedeu- tung des Weber'schen Gesetzesr Beitrage zur Psycho- logie des Vergleichens und Messens. Ztschr. f. Psy- chol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, xi, 81; 230; 352.—Mendelssohn (M.) & JWuller-Lyer ( F.-C. ) Recherches cliniques sur la psychophysique; etude sur la perceptibilitedifferentielle. Arch.de neurol., Par., 1887, xiv, 47; 354: 1890, xx, 356.— Montgomery (E.) Anent psychophysical parallelism. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1905, xvi, 184-189—Milller (A.) Ueber psy- chophysische Wechselwirkungen und das Energieprinzi'p. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1908, xlvii, 1. Abt., 115-140. — Noordijk (J. T.) Over het zoogenaamde psychophysische parallelismus. Psvehiat. en Neurol. Bl., Amst., 1900, iv, 190-213.—Peterson (F.) & Jung (C. G.) Psychophysical investigations with the galvanometer and pneumograph in normal and insane individuals. Brain, Lond., 1907, xxx, 153-218.—Pikler (J.) Eine Consequenz aus der Lehre vom psychophy- sischen Parallelismus. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1901, xxvi, 227-230. — Robinson (T. R.) Experiments on Fechner's parodoxon. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1895-6, vii, 9-25,1 pl. — San lord (E. C.) Psychology and physics. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1903, x, 105-119.—von Schnehen (W.) Die Theorie des psychophysischen Parallelismus. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Entwcklngslehre, Stuttg., 1908, ii, 112 -118.—Schnei- der (K.C.) Der psvehophysiche Parallelismus. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 421; 15:3; 473; 492; 511. -----. E. Mach's Erkenntnis und Irrtum. Ibid., 1906, xx, 786; 806.—Seashore (C. E.) Weber's law in illusions. Stud. Yale Psychol. Lab., N. Haven, 1896, iv, 62-68.—Sikorski (I. A.) Prostlelshiye akti poznaniya i vnimaniya (psi- khofizicheskoye i klinicheskoye izslledovaniye). [Sim- plest acts of judgment and attention (psychophysical and clinical investigation).] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1897, ii, 52-104, 9 pl.—Smith (J. B.) Psycho- physics and practical medicine. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 355; 410; 452.—Spearman (C.) Demonstration of formulse for true' measurement of correlation. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1907, xviii, 161-169.—Sully (J.) The psychophysical process in attention. Brain, Lond., 1890, xiii, 145-164.—Titchener (E. B.) Recent psycho- physical investigation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 257- 261. -----. A psychophysical vocabulary. Am. J. Psy- chol., Worcester, 1895-6, vii, 78-85.—de Varigny (H.) A propos du paradoxe de Weber. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 140-142—Variseo (B.) II de- terminismo flsiopsichico. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 330-354.—Verrier (E.) Des contractures psycho-physiques (digression psvcholo- gique). France med., Par., 1893, xl, 561-565.—Weber (M.) Die Grenznutzlehre und das psychophysische Grund PSYCHOPHYSICS. 41 PSYCHOTHERAPY. Psychophysics. gesctz Arch. i. Sozialwissensch. [etc], Tiibing., 1908, xxvii, 546-558.—Witasek iS.) Versucne iiber das Ver- gleichen von Winkelverschiedenheiten. Ztschr. f. Psy- chol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, xi, 321-332. — Witmer (L.) Some experiments on lifted weights looking toward a restatement of the psychophys- ical problem. J. Philos., Psych, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa.', & S. Y., 1905, ii, 64. —Wundt ( W. ) Ueber psychische Causalitat und das Princip des psveho-phvsischen Paralle- lismus. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1894, x, 1-124. Psychorhythm. Hyslop (T. B.) Psychorhythm and recurrent psy- cho-y's. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 252; Js3. Psychoses. See Insanity; Neurasthenia (Manifestations of); Neuroses; Paralysis (General, Mental con- dition in); Phobias; Psychology (Medical, etc.). Psycho-Therapeutic (The) Journal. An exponent of curative mesmerism, hypnotism, and suggestion. Monthly publication of the London Psvcho-Therapeutic Society, v. 1-5, October, 1901, to December, 1906. 4°. London. Psychotherapy. See, also, Faith-cure; Hypnotism (Thera- peutic use of); Insanity (Treatment of); Mind (Influence of) upon the body; Neurasthenia (Treatment of); Psychology (Medical, etc.). Ardieta (H.) Sugestion; su importaneia re- ligiose, moral y jurfdica en el individuo y en la colectividad. Estudio psico-fisiologico. 8°. Barcelona, 1901. Berndt. Zelfbedwang. Xieuwe geneeswi]se der zenuw- en zielsziekten, hartstochten, zinne- lijkheid, drank- en speelzucht, enz. 12°. Am- sterdam, [1907]. Bernheim (H.), Hypnotisme, suggestion, psvchotherapie. Etudes nouvelles. 8°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. Akademische voorlezin- gen. Uit het Fransch vertaald, 1908. Dresser (J. A.) The true history of mental science. The facts concerning the discovery of mental healing. 12°. Boston, 1899. Edwards (P.) Mental healing as compared with medical treatment. 12°. London, [1899]. Elm (F.) Ueber physiologische Fernewir- kung. 8°. Kiel, 1901. de Flepry (M.) Introduction a, la medecine de l'esprit. 8°. Paris, 1897. Forel (A. H.) Der Hypnotismus, seine Be- deutung und seine Handhabung. In kurzge- fasster Darstellung. 8°. Stuttgart, 1889. ------. The same. Der Hypnotismus; seine psycho-physiologische, medicinische, strafrecht- Psychotherapy. liche Bedeutung und seine Handhabung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1891. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. mit Adnotatio- nen von O. Vogt. 8°. Stuttgart, 1891. ------. The same. Der Hypnotismus und die suggestive Psvchotherapie. 4. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1902. ------. The same. Der Hypnotismus; seine psychologische, psychophysiologische und the- rapeutische Bedeutung, oder die Suggestion und Psychotherapie. 5. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1907. ------. The same. Hypnotism; its signifi- cance and management "briefly presented. In: Wood's M. & S. Monog., X. Y.. 1890, v. ------. The same. Hypnotism, or sugges- tion and psychotherapy. A study on psycho- logical, psycho-physiological and therapeutic aspect of hypnotism. Transl. from the 5. Ger- man ed. by H. W. Arm it. 8°. London <1> New York, 1906. Gaud (M.) *De certains processus psy- chiques de gut'rison. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Hirsch (M.) Suggestion und Hypnose, ein kurzes Lehrbuch fiir Aerzte. 12°. Leipzig, 1893. ------. The same. Hypnotismus und Sug- gest ivtherapie. Ein kurzes Lehrbuch fiir Aerzte und Studierenden Nach der 1. Aufl. voll- standig neu bearbeitet von L. Hirschlaff. 12°. Leipzig, 1905. Hudson (T. J.) The law of mental medicine; the correlation of the facts of psychology and histology in their relation to mental therapeu- tics. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Laurent (E.) La medecine des ames. 24°. Paris, 1894. Leavitt (S.) Psycho-therapy in the practice of medicine and surgery. 8°. New York, 1903. Lessing (T.) Ueber Hypnose und Sugges- tion; eine psychologisch-medizinische Studie. 8°. Giittingen, 1907. Magnin (E.) La psychotherapie alliee au bio-magnetisme. 8°. Paris, 1906. Magnus (H.) Metaphysische Krankenbe- handlung. Medizin - geschichtliche Studien iiber (iesundbeten und verwandte Bestrebun- gen. 8°. Breslau, 1902. Maluta (G.) Principii di suggestione tera- peutica. 12°. Padova, 1901. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Padova, 1903. Mason (R. O.) Hypnotism and suggestion in therapeutics, education, and reform. 8°. London, 1901. Oppenheim ( H. ) Psychotherapeutische Briefe. 2. unvehinderte Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1906. ------. The same. Letters on psychother- apeutics. Transl. by Alexander Bruce. 8°. Edinburgh, 1907. Pakkvn (H. A.) Autosuggestion. What it is and how to use it for health, happiness, and success. 4. ed. 16°. Chicago, 1906. Portigliotti (G.) Psicoterapia. 16°. Mi- lano, 1903. Price (E. C.) The mind cure, or the mental method of healing. 16°. New York, 1886. van Renterghem (A. W.) Kort begrip der psychische geneeswijze. 12°. Amsterdam, 1904. St. Louis School of Suggestive Therapeutics and Medical Electricity, Los Angeles. Annual announcement for 1901 (6.). 16°. [Los Ange- les, 1901.] PSYCHOTHERAPY. 42 PSYCHOTHERAPY. Psychotherapy. Sihofield (A. T.) Unconscious therapeu- tics ; or, the personality of the physician. 2. ed. London, 1906. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1906. System (A) of physiologic therapeutics; a practical exposition of the methods, other than drug-giving, useful for the prevention of disease and in the treatment of the sick. Ed by Solo- mon Solis Cohen. Vol. VIII. Rest, mental therapeutics, suggestion, by Francis X. Der- cum. 8°. Philadelphia, 1904. Tuckey (C. L.) Treatment by hypnotism and suggestion, or psychotherapeutics. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1907. Wood (H.) Has mental healing a valid sci- entific and religious basis? 8°. BeMon, [n. d.]. Worcester (E.), McComb (S.) & Coriat (I. H.) Religion and medicine, the moral control of nervous disorders. With a preface bv Som- erset E. Pennefather. 8°. London, 1908. ----------------. The same. 8°. New York, 1908. Zbinden (H.) * Contribution a l'etude de la psychotherapie rationnelle. 8°. Geneve, 1905. Achorn (J. W.) Habit cure, mental and physical. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 260-204.—Aikin (.1. M.) Mental therapeutics in medicine. Med. News, N.Y, 1903, lxxxiii,491.—Allen (L.B.) Psychotherapy. Univ.Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1908, xxi, 76-80.— Andre-Thomas. La psychotherapie. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 627-630—Ash (E.) On treatment by suggestion without sleep. Hospi- tal, Lond., 1907, xiii, 373.—Bailey (P.) The compara- tive physiology of faith cures. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 1077-1OM.—Barker (L. F.) Some experience with the simpler methods of psychotherapy and re-education. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvs., Phila., 1906, xxi, 696-724. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, n. s., cxxxii, 499-522.-----. On the psychic treatment of some of the functional neu- roses. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907, 17. s., i, 1-22. -----. Psychotherapy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 368- 371.—Barlow (C.) Historic relations of faith healing. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 647-650.—Beebe (B. F.) An explanation of suggestion in therapeutics. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 585-5N8. Also, Re- print.— Beerwald (R.l Die Suggestion als Heilwir- kung. Bl. f. Volksgsndntsprlg., Munchen, 1903, iii, 21- 24.— Benbrook (J. T.) Psychology as a therapeutic agent in treatment of disease. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1905-6, i, 337.—Benedict (A. L.) Psychother- apy. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 609- 6i:i — Berillon (E.) Les applications de Phypnotisme k la pedagogieetal'orthopediernentale. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exper. et therap. 1900, Par., 1902, ii, 190- 199. —---., L'hypnotisme fortuit et l'auto-hypnotisation. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1902-3, xvii, 289-295. -----. Le methode hypno-pedagogique; ses ap- plications au traitement des habitudes vicieuses chez les enfants. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France 1904, Par., 1905, ii, 482-491. -----. Importance de la psy- chotherapie dans le traitement des impulsions sexnelles. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 553. -----. La methode hypno-pedagogique (la suggestion hvpnotiirue envisag^e comme procexle de reeducation). Ibid.. 05;i-661.-----. Ler6flexe de la suggestibilite. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1906-7, xxi, 375- 377. —----. Valeur propre du sommeil provoqu6 en psy- chotherapie. Ibid., 23. -----. La psychotherapie gra- phiipie; importance des exercices d'ecriture appliqu£e dans le traitement des aboulies et des psycho-nevroses. Ibid.. 337-339.—Bernlieiin. Le Docteur Liebeault et la doctrine de la suggestion. Rev. ined. de Pest, Nancy, 1907, xxxix, 36; 70.—Bezzola. Beitrag zum Hei'l- werth der Psychotherapie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, lx, 208-211.—Bieser (<..) A case of . suggested blindness cured by suggestion. Suggestion, Chicago, 1902, ix, 7-5-80.—Binet-Sangle (C.) La sug- gestion religieuse. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exp6r. et therap., Par., 1902, 248-257— Bleuler (E.) Psychothe- rapie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 224—Bliss (M. A.) Psychotherapy. Interstate M. J.,St. Louis, 1907, xiv, 2*7-293".— Block' (S.) Mental defectives; an at- tempt to treat some cases with medicines. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 728-730.—Bobb (B. A.) Suggestive therapeutics. Med. Age, Detroit, 1905, xxiii, 561-508.— Boirac E.) Une nouvellemethode d'experimentation pour verifier Paction nerveu-e a distance. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1*95, v, 246-252.—Bonne (G.) Ueber Sug- gestionsbehandlung in der taglichen Praxis, besonders Psychotherapy. bei Alkoholisten. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1902, 313- 315.—Bourdon. Importance de Phypnotisme en psy- chotherapie. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exp6r. et the- rap. 1900, Par., 1902, ii, 209-215. -----. Faits nouveaux de psychotherapie; operation chirurgicale evitee; orthope- die morale. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1903-4, xviii, 140-146.—Bousquet (II.) Une grenouille dans l'intestin! guerison par suggestion due a. l'emploi d'images radiograpbiques. Bull, med., Par., 1907, xxi, 47-49. .4^0/ Montpel. med., 1907, xxiv, 19-24.—Brad- ley (J. M.) Healing by faith; discussed from the standpoint of a physician. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1906, xiii, 946-950. —i'aballero (J. B.) La psicotera- pia grafica. Rev. espec. med., Madrid, 1908, xi, 49-52.— Cabot (R. C.) Mind cure; its service to the community. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1906, xii, 490-499. Also: Detroit M. J., 1907, vii, 269-280. Also: Med. Counselor, Detroit, 1907, xxvi, 188-195. Also: Colorado Med., Denver, 1907,iv, 5-15.— Cappellari (L.) La suggestione applicant alia terapia e all' educazione da unmedicocondotto. Pratica d. med., Napoli, 1903-4, iv, 201-207.—Carller. Un cas d'anesthesie, par suggestion pendant une operation chi- rurgicale. Echo med. dunord, Lille, 1907, xi,50.—Cams. (P.) Christian science and the reason of its strength. Monist, Chicago, 1907, xvii, 200-208.— Cerquelra ITIa- gro. Psychotherapia; um caso clinico. Med. mod., Porto, 1896, iii, 267.—Christiansen (V.) Psykoterapi. Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1905-6, iv, 129-150.— Clark (L. P.) Freud's method of psychotherapy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1908, xxxv, 391. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 481.—Ciough (A. E.) Psy- chologic suggestion as a remedy for disease. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1907, xii,105-111.— Com by (J.) Psychother- apy in childhood. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1904, xi, 624-527.—Cook (II. W.l Psychotherapy. Old Domin- ion J.M.& S., Richmond, 190s, vii, 90-96.—Cornell (W. B.) The r61e of suggestion in therapeutics. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxx, 946-948. Also, Reprint—D. La therapeu- tique bypno-suggestive. Scalpel, Li6ge, 1907-8, lx, 649- 651.—Dale (W.) Psychotherapeutics. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 416-420.—Damoglou. La valeur th6rapeutique de la suggestion hypnotiqueetde la psychotherapie. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1904-5, xix, 46-50.— Dariex (X.) Experiences de suggestion mentalefl, dis- tance, faitcsen 1890. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1893, iii, 257- 267.—Deiuond (CM.) Legal prohibition of unprofes- sional mental healing. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1902, xii, 301-306.—De renin (F. X.) An analysis of psycho- therapeutic methods. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1908, 3.s., xxiv,305-316.—Dldama (H.D.) Mental therapeu- tics. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1891, viii, 419-42S.— Diller (T.) Mental influences in the treatment of disease. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1895, xxvi, 2M-292.—Di Liiizenber- ger(A.) Appuntidi psicoterapia dinamogenetica. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1904, iii, 321-337. -----. La psicoterapia nella pratica medica. Ibid., 1905, iv, 24:138; 226; 338. — Dix (Mrs. W. R.) Psychotherapy from the standpoint of mental science. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1908, xxv, 373-376.—Dixon (C. H.) Suggestive therapeutics. with report of its action in a case. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1901, 191-194. Als,,: Med. Times, N. Y., 1903, xxxi, 365.— Dubois (P.) Principes d'une psychotherapie rationnelle. Cong. d. m£d. alienistes et neurol. de France ... C.-r., Pat. &Brux., 1903, xiii, v. 2,527-533. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 767.-----. Die Demon- stration des Herrn Krause iiber Wachsuggestion. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1903, xxxiii, 422-129. ----- Grundziige der seelischen Behandlung. Ibid., 809-N18.— Edes (R.T.) Mind cures from the standpoint of the general practitioner. Med. Communicat. Mass. M.Soc, Bost,, 1904, xix, 657-678. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cli, 173-179— Edlen (E. A.) Psychotherapeutics. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903 4, n. s., v, 287-290.—van Eeden (F.) Les principes de la psvchotherapie. Rev. de l'hyp- not. et psychol.physiol., Par., 1892-3, vii,97-119.—Egrot. Guerison de troubles fonctionnels par la suggestion. Bull. med. de PAlgerie, Alger, 1904, xv, 64-68.—Fmmanuel (The) Church movement in Boston. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii, 1047.—Engelen. Suggestion und Hyp- nose. Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Munchen, 1904, xi, 277: 1905, xii, 9; 35; 58.—Eschlc. Suggestion, Hvp- nose, erziehliche Therapie. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miin- chen, 1907, xvii, 85.—Farez (P.) Sommeil naturel et suggestion. Cong, internat. de l'hvpnot. exper. et the- rap. 1900. Par.,1902,ii,203-207.—Fercnczi (S.) Gy6gyitas hypnotikus suggesti6nal. [Treatment bv hvpnotic sug- gestion.] Gy6gyAszat, Budapest, 1906, xlvi, 500. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, No. 22, 4.— Fiessinger (C.) La therapeutique psychique. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 625-627.—Flocken. Zur Sugges- tionstherapie. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1905, xxi, 81-85.—Forel (A.) Un cas d'auto-hypnotisa- tlon. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1888-9, iii, 277. -----. Zum heutigen Stand der Psvchothera- pie; ein Vorschlag. J. f. Psvchol. u. Neurol., Leipz., 1908, xi, 200-20y.—Frank. Ueber den Heilwerth der Hypnose (Suggestiotherapie). Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, lx, 202-208. -----. Zum Kapitel iiber PSYCHOTHERAPY. 43 PSYCHOTHERAPY. Psychotherapy. den Heilwert der Psvchotherapie. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat.. Perl. u. Leipz., 1903, xxvi, 50-52.—Freud (S.) Ueber Psychotherapie. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miin- chen, 1905, xv, 13-16. -----. Ueber Psvchotherapie. Wien. med. Presse. 1905, xlvi, 1-16.—Goodell (C. E.) Ancient healing by the power of suggestion and the lay- ing on of hands. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1905-6, xv, 355; 389. —Gordon (O.) Der gegenwiirtige Stand der sug- gestiven hvpnotischen Psvchotherapie. Internat. Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Leyden), Berl., 1902, ii, 377-385.— Grasset (J.l La psvchotherapie totale ou superieure. [Extr.] Rev.de psychiat., Par., 1906, 397-111.—Greene-Wilson (Dora). The present status of psychotherapy. J.Mis- souri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1906-7, iii, 261-271— Grinker (J.) General aspects of psychotherapy. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1908, xiii, 625-630. -----. Some reflections on psychotherapy. Texas M. J., Austin, 1908-9, xxiv, 159- 166. —Grossinann. Psychotherapie in der Kinder- praxis. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kin- derh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Wiesb., 1905, xxi, 115. Also: Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1904, xlv, 515.— Grube (R. II.1 Suggestion and therapeutics. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s., li, 425-429. Also: Cleveland M. J.,1903, ii, 550-504.—Hall (D. Ml Faith and suggestion in the practice of medicine. Memphis M. Month., 1904, xxiv, 360-364. [Di-cusMon]. 3s8.—Hallam (A.) Prac- tical instruction in psycho-therapeutics. Psycho-Therap. J., Lond., 1904-1. iii, 3:5-35. -----. A course of instruction in curative human radiations, medical hypnotism, and suggestive therapeutics. Psvcho-4'herap. j., Lond., 1905, iv, 1906, v, 8: 16; 36: 41; 69,- 84.—Hamilton (A. McL.) Mental medicine: the treatment of disease bv sugges- tion. Century, N. Y., 1893, xlvi, 430-435. —Hellsten (A.F.) Vahaisen n. k. fysikaalisen terapian alalta. [Re- marks on so-called phvsical therapy.] Duodecim, Hel- sinki, 1903, xix, 127-134.—Herring (A.) Mental thera- peutics. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1897, xvi, 209-211.— Herring; (A. P.) Psychotherapy in the treatment of the functional neuroses. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1908, li, 14S-152.— Hill (G. H.) Manual training for medical students and instruction in the principles of psycho- therapy. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa., 1905-6, 753- 761. Also: Iowa M. J.. Des Moines, 1907, xiii, 409-412.— Hinkle (Beatrice M.) Psychotherapy, with some of its results. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 149.5-1498. -----. Some results in psychotherapy. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., loos, xxxv, 392-396.—Holmes (B.) Sug- gestive therapeutics as practiced by a surgeon. Med. Age, Detroit, 1904, xxii, S09-S15.— Hooker (J. S.) Some aids to psvcho-therapeutics. Psvcho-Therap. J., Lond., 1905, v, 17-20— Hunt (P. C.) Psychotherapy. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1908-9, xiii, 121-123.— Jacobs. Un cas de guerison par la suggestion reli- gieuse. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1906, lxviii, 185- 192.—Jellitt'e (S. E.) The reeducation method of Du- bois [in psychotherapy]. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1908, xxxv", 389-391.—Joire (P.) La technique de la suggestion hypnotique k distance (par lettre). Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol. phvsiol., Par., l"06-7, xxi. 154-160.— Kalloch (P.'C.) The"elementof faith in healing. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii. 1132—Keniston (.1. M.) Suggestive therapeutics. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridge- port, 1903.254-280. Also: YaleM. J., N. Haven, 1903-4.x. 167; 205.—Kerekcsh (E.) Izoblastinarodnolpsikhoterapii. [Popular psychotherapy.] Vrach. Gaz.. S.-Peterb., 1908, xv,694-69*.—Kesner (G. T.) Suggestion or suggestive therapeutics in the practice of medicine. Atlanta Jour.- Rec Med., 1906-7, viii, 163-170.—Kinu'sbiiry (1. W.) Suggested analgesia in surgery; report of two cases, with a review of the literature. Med. A Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1906, vii, 185-194—Kochs . F.) Suggestion in the treatment of the sick. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1905, xxv, 121-124.—Weever (G. S.) Suggestion as a therapeutic measure. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., Psychotherapy. 1902, 26-40.—Wells (F?L.) Technical aspects of experi- mental psychopathology. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1907-8, lxiv, 477-512.—Wetterstrand (O. <1.) Ora psykisk be- handling. [Psychical treatment.] Ilalsovannen,Stock- holm, 1906, xxi, 4-7 — Williams (T. A.) A few hints from personal experience in psychotherapy inculcated by physiological analogies. .Month. Cvcl. r .las Pterygium. 8°. Berlin, 18i».>. Maurice (A.) *Le pterygion; son histoire, sa nature et son traitement rationnel. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Petehs (O.) * Ueber das Pterygium. 8°. Kiel, 1*90. Eoux (P.) * Etude sur le ptervgion; patho- genic; traitement. 4°. Lyon, 189o. Trapesontziax (Catherine). * Etude sur le ptervgion; pathogenie, anatomie, pathologie. [Lausanne.] 8°. Genere, 1901. Also, in: Key. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve,1901,xxi, 12; .s3, 3 pl. Adler (H.) Yorstellung von colossalen, beiderseiti- gen, nachmarastischen Conjunetival-Geschwiiren aufge- tretenen Pterygien. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll., 1881. x, 265-272.—Alt (A.) On Pinguecula and ptery- gium. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xxii, 268-281.— De Faleo (A.) Importanza della latica oculare nella etiologia e nella tendenza alia recidiva dello pterigio. Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1907. viii, 2805-2S15. -----. L'in- fluenza della fatica oculare sul' etiologia e recidiva dello pterigio. Boll. d. Osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma, 1908, vi, 94; 98.—Degive(A-) Du pterygion trichiasique chez les animaux domotiques. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1SS5, xxxiv. 651-057.—Eleutheriades (K.) rioAAan-Aa wre- pi-yca nap ivi icai Tul auTui dppuMTTta (car' d/u.OTepovs Tons oaAuois. IaTpi A pterygium pathologiAjahoz. S/.emtiszet, Budapest. 1905. 379-383. Also, transl.: Arch, f Augenh., Wiesb., 19<.i6. liv_, 174-179.—Fuehs (E.) Ueber das Ptery- gium. Asch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1892, xxxviii, 2. Abth., 1-90, 2pl— Galleuga (C.) Brevi osservazioni intorno a cisti che si rinvengono nello pterigio. Rassegna di sc. med.. Modena, 1*93, viii, 1-11, 1 pl.—tionin (J.) Uncas de pterygien malin avec recidives ayant. conduit a la ce- cite. Ann. d'ocul.,Par..1902,cxxxvih.371.—liutieriez- Ponee. De lheredite du pterygion. Rec d ophth., Par.. 1*93, 3. s., xv, 419.—Hoor i K. i Seltene Form eines Flugelielle*. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1898. xi, 411.— Johnston (R. H.i The pathology of pterygium. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1905, xiv, 16::',-i65.—Jlalgat. Quadruple ptervgion desdeux yeux chez un gan-oii d- Plans. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1*92, 3. s.. xiv, 4U7-409.—JUller (R. W.) The report of a case of mucous membrane grafting for a recurrent pterygium, together with some notes on ptery- gium. Calif. "M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1906, ii, 825.— ."tlonphous. Un cas de pterygion de la paupiere superieure. Bull, et mgm. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1901, xviii. 47-5-479.—Bogers (A. C.) Pathogenesis of ptery- gium. South. Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles, 1,**,. ii, 406-^68.— Ryerson (G. S.) Extreme cases of pterygium. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891, xxxix, .5:;o.—Sarti (U.) Sulle cisti dello pterigio. Bull.d.sc. med.di Bologna, 1896. 7. s., vii, 357-383. 1 pl.—Sehulek (V.) A pterygium nov6s(5r61. [The operation for . . .] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1891, 28; 38. Also, tro nst. [Abstr.]- Unsrar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. u. Wien, 189-5, i, 75-77.—Silastic! (T. H.) Pterygium. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, P.'uo. xiv. 165-473. Also, Reprint.— Vradinsky. Two cases of congenital pterygium of the upper lid (epitarsu-i. Ophthalmol., Milwaukee, 1906-7, iii, 013.—Westliofl* ulP operazione dello pterigio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 299-301.— Balis (F.) A medical treatment for pterygium. Mem- phis M. Month., 189-5, xv, 11 — Bellman (B.) Snbvolu- tion, a new ptervgium operation. Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vi. 1-5. Also: .J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 421. Also, Reprint.—Black 1 G. M.i Thesimpleexcision operation for ptervgium, with a new instrument. Ophth. Rec. Chicago, 1897, vi, 650 — Boeckmann (E.) The operative treatment of pterygium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1*97, xxviii, 97-99.—Boneristiani (M.) Pterigii dell' occhio sinistro. escissione, legatura. In his: Resoc. d. casi. . . di Monte Castelli, 8°, Umbertide, 1893, 15.— Boston (A. P.) A neat method of doing the operation for pterygium. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1890-91, n. s., xviii, 191.—Briiriisi W. E.) The treatment of pterygium. Oc- cidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1891, v, 369-372.—Ca- bannes C.) Nouv.eau procede operatoiredu pterygion. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, .20.—Chibret. Pterygium (Treatment of). Application de l'autoplastie conjoint i vale a la cure chi- rurgicale du pterygion. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1891, xi, 528-531.—Coe(A.) Anewmethod ot treatingptervgium. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1896, iv, 250. Also, Re- print.— Deschamps. Pu raclage methodique de la cornee dans le traitement du pterygion. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc- d'opht., Par., 189.5, xiii, 510-515. At so, transl.: Ann. d'ocul., N. Y., 1895, cxiv, 54-56. -----. Le raclage du pterygion. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1897, xxi, 186- 1*9.—Elliot (R. H.) A modified method of transplant- ing a pterygium. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1905, xl, 215.—Fage. Le traitement du pterygion. Gaz. m6d. de Picardie, Amiens, 1902, xx, 648-650.—Fruiiiuele (C.) Un caso raro di tre pterigi riuniti tra loro e costituenti una membrana continua semicircolare. Gior. internaz. d.scmed., Napoli. 1877, n. s., xix, 340-347.—Garnye (P.) O krilovidnol plevie i yeya operatsii. (On pterygium and its operation.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev. 1897. xiv, 221-230.— Haiuman ( G. A.) McReynolds' operation for pterygium. J. Kansas M. j3oc, Lawrence, 1904, iv, 2*5—Hirschberg (J.) Ein Fall von Fliigelfell mit Doppeltsehen, durch Operation gehei'.t. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1891, xv. 263-265.—Hobbs (A. G.) The treatment of pterygia with the galvano cautery. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Atlanta, 1894, 90-96. Also: Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1893-4, iii, 463-467. Also: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xi, 284-287. -----. A further contribution to the use of the galvano-cautery in ptery- gium operations. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1896, n. s., xiii, 433—137.—Holmstroin (J.) Zur Operation des Ptery- gium. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.,Stuttg., 1900, xxxviii, 550-553.—Hotz(F.C) A tew experiments with Thiersch's grafts in the operation for pterygium. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1*92, xix, 297.—Kodai (Y.) [A new operation for pterygium.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, To- kyo. 1901, v, 1284-1289.—Kogawa (K.) [The ptervgium operation of Kunatsubu.] ibid., 1902, v. 317-330.—Lo- pez (H.) Ptervgium and its treatment. Arch. Ophth., N. Y.. 1*08, xxvii, 279-293.—Loring (F. B.) The mod- ern treatment of pterygium. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 211-213. -----. The cauterization,of pterygium. Wash.M. Ann., 1907-s.vi. 427-432.—."TlcReynolds (J. O.) The nature and treatment of pterygia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 296-299.—de Obarrio (P.) Un caso excepcional de pterigi6n, y consideraciones sobre el tratamiento de esta afecci6n. An. de oftal,, Mexico, 1902-3, v, 316-321, 1 pl. Also: Arch, de oftal. Hispano- Am., Madrid, 1903, iii, 539-541.—Oliver (C. A.) Brief report of a case of traumatic pterygium, with a compara- tive study of the refractive condition of the eye before and after operation. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1896, ix, 361. Also, Reprint.—Pansier (P.) Le traitement electrolytique du ptervgion. Arch, d'electric m£d. Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 643-646. —Prince (A. E.) An accidental divulsion of a pterygium, leading to an improvement in the regular operation. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1885, xiv, 16-18. Also, Reprint.—Prionx (C.) De l'operation du ptervgion. Bull. Soc. de m<5d. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1900, xxxii, 68-72.- Reynolds (D. S.) Radical cure of ptervgium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 161— Rollet. Pterygion recidive; greffe de la muqueuse buccale. Lyon med., 1905,cv, 159.— Sassaparel (I.) Lecheniye krilovidnol plevi mas- sage'm. [Massage treatment of pterygium.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1901, lxxix, med.-spec, pt., 483-488.— Scott (K.) Short notes of a case of natural cure of pterygium. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1895, xiv, 133.—Starkey (H. M.) The galvanic current for the treatment of ptery- gium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1828, xxxi, 634. — Thompson (W. R.) Early operation in ptervgium. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1898, 260-264.—Weyiuann (M. F.) A new plan for pterygium operations. Med. Herald, Pt. Joseph, 1896, n. s., xv, 498^96. -----. Ptery- gia; pathology and treatment. Ann. ophth., St. Louis, 1900, ix, 3*1-399. Also: Med. Herald. St. Joseph. P.mhi. u. s., xix. 301-305. — Wieden ( .1. ) Del tratamiento del pterigion, a proposito de un caso grave del liiiMim. Arch. de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1906, vi, 3,37, 387.—Wo 111- lin ( E. ) Beschreibnng einer neuen Art der Ptery- giumoperation im Anschluss an einen kurzen Ueberblick iiber die Entstehung desselbcn und die bisherigen Ptery- giumoperationen. Deutsche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen,1901. x, 28-32.— Young (H.B.) Anew pterygium knife. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1908, xvii, 132. Pterygoid fossa. Spencer (W. G ) An encapsuled sarcoma in the pterygoid region. Tr. M. Soc, Lond., 1906-7, xxx, 57-60. Pterygo-maxillary space. Dieulale (L.) Surlatopographiedel'espacept^rygo- maxillaire: applications chirurgicales. Bull, med., Par., 1908, xxii, 781. l*t\\ota plxmoso. Oueguen. Etude du Ptilota plumosa, aigue apparte- nant k la classe des florides recueillie sur le corps d'un novc. Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1908, lxxxix, 304-312. PTIOPHAGAN. 46 PTOMAINKS. Ptiophagan. Scgiyama (G.) * Untersuchungen iiber Spu- tumdesinfektion mit Ptiophagan. 8°. Postock, 1905. Ftit§fn (Vladimir). Etnograficheskiya svle- dieniya o Tibetskol meditsinie v Zabalkalye. [Ethnographical data of Thibetan medicine beyond the Baikals.] 32, 7 pp. 8°. ,S'.- Peterburg, N A. Lebedeff, 1890. Ptoloiiiirus (Claudius). L' ottica di Clau- dio Tolomeo, da Eugenio, arumiraglio di Sicilia, scrittore del secolo xii, ridotta in latino sovra la traduzione araba di un testo greco imperfetto, ora per la prima volta conforme a un codice della Biblioteca Ambrosiana pubblicata da Gil- berto Govi. xlix, 171 pp., 9 diag. 8°. Torino, G. B. Paraira& Co., 1885. Ptomaines. See, also, Butylamine; Cadaver (Poison of); Canned food; Collidine; Creatinine, etc.; Fish (Poisonous); Food as a source of disease; Goitre (Exophthalmic, Causes, etc., of); Ice- cream (Poisonous); Infection, etc. (Autoge- netic); Leucomaines; Methylamine; Musca- rine; Neurine; Peptotoxines; Propylamine; Purpura (Hemorrhagic); Putrescine; Pyo- cyanine; Septicaemia; Shell-fish (Poisonous); Tetanins; Toxin.es; Trimethylamine; Tyro- toxicon; Veranhydrine. Aitken (Sir YV.) On the animal alkaloids, the ptomaines, leucomaines. and extractives in their pathological relations. 2. ed. 12°. Lon- don, 1889. ------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1889. Brown (A. INI.) The animal alkaloids, pto- maines and leucomaines; their common origin. A fresh page in bio-chemics. 8°. Loudon, 1886. ------. The same. The animal alkaloids, cadaveric and vital; or, the ptomaines and leu- comaines chemically, physiologically, and pa- thologically considered in relation to scientific medicine; with an introduction by Armand Gau- tier. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1889. ------. Contribution to the study of the cadaveric alkaloids; the ptomaines and leuco- maines; their physiological and pathological significance in relation to scientific medicine. 12°. London, 1886. ------. MM. Gautier and Peter on the pto- maines, leucomaines, and microbes; a new de- parture in pathology. 12°. London, 1886. Ch.\rrin(A.) Les poisons de l'organisme; poisons del'urine. 12°. Paris, [1893]. ------. Les poisons de l'organisme; poisons du tube digestif. 12°. Paris, [1895]. Guaresciii (1.) Ihtroduzione alio studio degli alcaloidi, con speciale riguardo agli alca- loidi vegetali ed alle ptomaine, roy. 8°. To- ■ rino, 1892. S .vrles (E.) * Contribution a l'etude des pto- maines. 4°. Montpellier, 1891. Ecole de pharmacie. A be Ions (J.-E.) [etal.]. Sur la presence dans les ma- cerations de muscles putrefies d'une ptomaine elevant la pression arterielle. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1906, lx, 530-532.—Ajello (S.) Azione delle ptomaine della putrehi/.ione sujrli alcaloidi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 2, 75: 80.— Animal (The) alkaloids; ptomaines nnd leucomaines. Scalpel, Lond., 1898, iii, 276-280.— Be in (S.) Ein ptomai'nhaltiger Kaffee. Ztschr. f. ang. Chem., Berl., 189*. 658-661.—Bell (J. M.) Ptomains. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1899, n. s., xviii, 15-18.—Beny- sek 'J.l Ueber ein Ptomain des Seefisch-Cadavers. Ztsehr. f. Nahrunsrsmit.-Untersuch. u. Hyg., Wien, 1895, ix jni— Berend (M.) Az ujsziilott belrothadasanak korkeperbl. [The pathological type of intestinal putre- Ptomaines. faction of the new-born.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906,1, 175-17S —Bolin. Les lon^ues remissions de la dyspn6e toxi-alimentaire. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliv, 482. — Boinet (E.) Etude physiologique d'une ptomaine retiree de son contenu. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1S97. 10. s., iv, 779.—fliarrin (A.l Apercu sur le role des substances toxiques dans les phenomenes de Porganisme. Semainem6d., Par., 1892, xii, 413. -----. Poisons de l'organisme; poisons du tube digestif. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1895, xiii, 607. See, also, supra.— Coraini (E.) & Paganini (C.) SulP azione di osta- colo che le piu comuni leucomaine e ptomaineesercitano nelle reazioni cromatiche caratteristiche di alcuni alca- loidi. Gior. di med. leg., Lanciano, 1895, ii, 123; 164.— Desliay es. Du r61e des ptomaines dans Palteration des substances alimentaires. Dep. de la Seine-Inf. Cons. centr. d'hyg. [etc.] 1886, Rouen, 1887, 154-163.—Dieu- tlonne (A.) Die bakteriellen Xahrungsmittelvergif- tungen. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. med., 1908, viii, 39-88— Formanek (E.) O ptomainech. [Ptomaines.] Sbirka pfednasek a rozpr. z oboru lekafsk., . v Praze, [1899], no. 42, 37-55.—Frisco (B.) SulP azione dei veleni putridi nell' organismo animale. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1895, n. s., v, 449-500, 3 ch.—Garcia (S. A.) Ueber Ptomaine, welche bei der Fiiulniss Von Pferdefleisch und Pankreas entstehen. Ztsehr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1892-3, xvii, 543-595.— Gau- tier (E. J. A.) Sur les alcaloides derives de la des- truction bact£rienne on physiologique des tissus ani- maux; ptomaines et leucomaines. Bull. acad. de med., Par., 1886, xv, 65; 115; 219; 259; 303; 425; 512; 691. Also, Reprint—Griffiths (A.-B.) Sur une nouvelle ptomaine de putrefaction, obtenue par la culture du bacterium Allii. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, ex, 416-418. -----. Ptomaines extraites des urines dans quelques maladies infectieuses. Ibid., 1891, cxiii, 656. -----. Sur une nouvelle ptomaine obtenue par la culture du bacte- rium Allii. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1892, 3. s., xxiii, 268-272. -----. Sur une ptomaine obtenue par la culture du Micrococcus tetragenus. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1892, cxv, 418. -----. Sur une ptomaine obtenue par la culture du Fungcryptococca xanthogenica. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate" 1899, Mexico, 1900, xiv, 17. — Haefcke. Enthalten die Tierkorpermehle Ptomaine und Toxine? Ztschr .f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berl., 1908, xviii, 245-253.—Hericourt (J.) & Kicllet (C.) De Paction toxique des extraitsalcooliques du sang et des divers tissus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol , Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 695.—Hermanides (S. R.) Ptomainen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, 2. R., xxii, 221- 243. Also, Reprint. — Hirayama (M.) [On the pto- maines.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1896, 455- 459.—Hoffa. Zur Lehre der Ptomaine. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., lssg, 96-102.— Human (G.) The nomenclature of ptomaines. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 823. —Hunter (W.) The influence of oxygen on the formation of ptomaines. Proc. Row Soc. Lond., 1891, xlix, 376-379.—Jat-quemart (E.) Les ptomaines (histoire et caracteres chimiques). J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1890, xc, 577; 622; 652: 697. —Kiya- nitsfn (I.I.) O vliyanii temperaturi, vlazhnosii i dos- tupa yozdukha na obrazovaniye ptomai'nov. [Influence of temperature, moisture, and access of atmosphere on the formation of ptomaines.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 3. sect., 1-38. Also [Abstr.] r Vrach, St. Peterb., 1891, xii,611-613. Also, transl.: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1892, 3. F., iii, 1-20.— NaeleHerrera (J.) Ptomainasvleucomainas; estudio sistematico. Gac. med. de Granada, 1893, xii, 33; 61; 93: 153; 196; 305; 342; 393; 449; 529.— Norton (F. A.) On a ptomaine extracted from the putrefying stomach and stomach contents of a dog. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1905, lxxvii, 206-209.—CEehsner de Coninck. Contribu- tion k l'etude des ptomaines. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1890, ex, 1339-1341.-----. Sur les ptomaines. Ibid , 1891, cxii, 584.-----. Sur quelquesactionsphvsiologiques d'une ptomaine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol'., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 215; 276. -----. Nouvelles observations sur le pouvoir antifermentescible et antiputride des ptomaines. Ibid., 805. -----. Sur quelques-unes des consequences qui decoulent de Pexistence de ptomaines antiputrides et antifermentescibles. Ibid., 863. -----. Sur le pouvoir antifermentescible des ptomaines. Zfa'd.,Is9f, 10. s.,i,223; 250.-----. Contribution al'etudedesritoiiiaines Compt rend. Acad. d. sc, Par, 1893, cxvii, 1097—Bojrer (H ) & Gamier (M.) Les poisons du tube diyestifii l'etat pa- thologique. Rev. de med., Par., 1906. xxvi, 953-975 — Sehri»n(0.) Ptomaine. Morgagni, Milano, 1893, xxxv, 189-193.—von Sell weinit* i E. A.) A preliminary study of the ptomaines from the culture-liquids of the hog- cholera germ. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 237-239 — stliber. Ueber ein dem Veratrin ahnliches Ptomain. Ztschr f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl 1903 vi 1137.—Tanba (K.) [On ptomaines.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1897, 51-59. —Talta- vall (W. A.) & Gies (W. J.) Absence of detectable ptomaines from poisonous cheese. N. York M J. [etc I 1907, Ixxxvi, 726. " PTOMAINES. 47 PTOMAINES. Ptomaines (Poisoning by). Chapin (C. V.) The role of ptomaines in infectious diseases. 8°. Providence, 1889. Le Coci (A.) Contribution a l'etude des em- poisonnements par les gateaux a, la creme (etio- logie, pathogenie, prophvlaxie). roy. 8°. Pa- ris, 1906. Paczkowski ( T. ) Die Auto-Intoxication (Selbstvergiftung des Korpers) als Grundlage zu Erkrankungen. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von Dispositionen und Krankheitsbedingungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. ------. The same. Zelfvergiftiging van het lichaam (auto-intoxicatie) als oorzaak van ziek- ten. Een bijdrage tot de leer van den aanlag tot ziekworden. 12°. Leiden, 1900. Aldridge (A. R.) Obscure cases of ptomaine poison- ing. Lancet, Lond , 1899, i, 1714.—Alleged poisoning by cheese, ice cream, etc., in Michigan in 1895. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1896, Lansing, 1897, xxiv, pt. 2, 391-400 — Anderson (Martha). Ptomaine poisoning; a case. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1904, xiv, 153.—Blssange (IM Les auto-intoxications d'origine gastro-intesthiale chez les bovides. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1903, 8. s., x, 258- 265.—Black (S. P.) Pathology of ptomaine poisonimr. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1907, xxii, 368.—Blake (H.G.) A case of ptomaine poisoning. Boston M.& S.J., 1899, cxli, 463-465. [Discussion], 472. Also: Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc., Bost , 1900, iii, 43-48.—Borland (J. R.) Ptomaines and whisky; a peculiar case. Chicago M. Times, 1908, xii, 315.—Boynton (S. R.) Ptomaine poi- soning, with a history of two fatal cases. South. Illinois J. M. & S., Metropolis, 1900-1901, i, 323.—Broadway (T. B.) A case of presumed ptomaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 755.—Brouardei. Les intoxications alimentaires. Med. mod., Par., 1903, xiv, 105.—Bryant (YV. S.) Deaf-mutism and ptomaine poisoning. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N Bedford, 1905, ix, 32-42. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Ann. d. mal.de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1906, xxxii, 25-29.—Bryson (M.) Case of ptomaine poisoning from mutton, with marked bradycardia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1710.—Bunce (M. A.) Ptomain or alkaloidal poisoning. Phila. Polyclin., 1896, v, 141-143.— Cahlll (J.) A note on ptomaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 1122.—Canned meats and "ptomaine" poisoning. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1028.—Carles (P.) A propos des gateaux toxiques. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. etchir. de Bordeaux (1902), 1903, 334-342.—Cates (S. R.) Food infection or ptomaine poisoning, report of cases. Texas M. Gaz., Fort Worth, 1904, iv, 327-329.— Cliallant (C. D.) Ptomaine poisoning. Peoria M. J., 1896, i. 102—Coffin (W. V.) The recent epidemic among the Whittier School boys apparently caused by ptomaine poisoning. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1903, xviii, 388—Coues(W.P.) Acaseofptomainepoisoning. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxlii, 90.—Darnall (C.F.) The treatment of ptomainepoisoning by means of subcutaneous injec- tions of blood serum. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 46.— Ilea til from ptomaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 1821.—Deaths from ptomaine poisoning. Ibid., 1900, i, 1918. —Dunn (A. D.) A case of coma from pto- main poisoning simulating acute meningitis. J. Am. M". Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 2116.—Durant (R. J. A.) Two cases of ptomaine poisoning. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, xi, 88-90.—Durham (H. E.) Acute infections due to unsound meat. Clin. J., Lond., 1899, xiv, 109-112. — KkeloT (E.) Om preserv-sjukdomar. [Diseases from preserved foods.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1904, 2. f., iv, 1214-1243.—Eliot (L.) A case of pto- maine poisoning simulating small-pox. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1903-4, viii,264.—Fatal cases of ptomaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1894.—Fer- guson (E. D.) A class of fatal cases presumably due to intestinal ptomaines. Tr.Vermont M. Soc. 1895-6, Burling- ton, 1897,301-318.—Fischer (E.) Drei Fiille von Ptoma- tropinvergiftung verursacht durch denGenuss von Kreb- sen. St. Petersb. M. Wchnschr., 1897, xxii, 472. [Discus- sion], l898,xxiii,204.—Forchheimer (F.) Chronic in- intestinalauto-intoxication. Am..I.M.Sc, Phila.,1907, n.s., cxxxiv, 70-80. Also, Reprint.— GandinKV.) Ilcolera dei barbi; contributo clinico e sperimentale alio studio delle intossicazionialimentari. Gazz. meftlomb.,Milano, 1904, lxiii, 421; 431.—Garef a Feijod. Diagn6stico ne- crosc6pico del ictismo y otras intoxicacioncs ptomainicas. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect.de med. leg. ettoxicol., 75-82.—Goodman (P. T.) Ptomaine poisoning followed by desquamation. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 1653.— Gourletn. Du role de l'auto-in- toxicationdans le mecanisme de la mortdesanimauxde- capsuhis. Rev. med. de la Suisse rom., Geneve, 1897, 557- 574. Also: Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Geneve 1899, Ptomaines (Poisoning by). Geneve, 1900, i, 12-29— Griffiths (A.-B.) Les ptomaines dans quelques maladies infectieuses. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1892, cxiv,496; 1382.—Ham (B. B.) Ptomaine poisoning. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 190S, xxii, 91-96.— Ha si in o to (K.) Ijini-byotokuno jenyen kanke ni zu- kete no sitsuken. [Relation of some ptomaines to infec- tion] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. Tokio, 1893, vii, No. 1, 20-23.— Henrot (H.) Empoisonnement par les pto- maines. Rev* san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1890, vii, 20.—Hensley (J. W.) Alimentary putrefaction. Illi- nois M. J., Springfield, 1903^1, n.s., v,611-619.—Herrera (J.D.) Envenenamiento porlaspreparaciones decrema. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1900-7, 164-172.—Herzog (A. W.) Turkey and ptomaine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlv, 155.— Huehard (H.) Asvstolie, dyspnee cardiaque et pto- mainique. Bull, med'., Par., 1895, ix, 899-902.—Hutch- inson (J.) Urticaria and jaundice associated with pto- maine poisoning. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., Ix, 654. — Insulating apparatus for canned goods to prevent ptomaine poisoning. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1904, xci, 13. — Intoxications (Les) alimentaires. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 1211-1213. — I ruin (J. R.) Pto- maine poisoning and gastro-intestinal antisepsis. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, 1894, 47-52— Jellinek (E.O.) On ptomaine poisoning. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1902-3, i, 121-123. -----. A report on three cases of pto- maine poisoning. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1903, xlvi, 110.—Johnston. CEdema following ptomaine poison- ing; two cases. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., X. Y., 1907, xxv, 216.—K. (B. R.) Ptomaine poisonings. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1903, x, 614.—Katzenbach (W. H.) Ptomaine poisoning; a report of six cases in a family; one death. N. York Polyclin., 1894, iii, 33-36.— Kiomizu (S.) Tofu jutoku. [On ptomaine poisoning.] Med. Ztg., Tokio, 1892, No. 387, 18-24. Also: Tokio med. Wchnschr., 1892, no. 757, 6-11.—K.orn. Ueber Ptomaine-Intoxication. Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzb., 1899, xii, 49; 65. — Kovacs (J.) Clinical lecture on the present state of our knowledge of auto-intoxication. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s.,lxxii,328.—Kushefl*(N. E.) Ptoma'inniye paralichi, [Ptomaine paralyses.] Russk.Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 1126-1128.—l«e Beui'(L. G.) Ptomain poisoning; dura- tion of cases in children. N. Orl.M.&S. J., 1900-1901, liii, 742-749.—Lewis (VV. M.) A case of ptomaine poisoning. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1899, xiv, 464-466.—L.uff (A. P.) Report on the relation of the ptomaines or animal alkaloids to some of the infectious fevers. Rep. Scient. Grants Com. Brit. M. Ass., Lond., 1891, 87.— iTIcFarland (J.) A case of alleged ptomaine poison1 ing. Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x, 278-281.— Mackey (C.) Two cases of ptomaine poisoning. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 496-199.—M'Mechan (F. H.) Ice cream balls; a report of two cases of acute ptomaine poisoning. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1904, n. s., liii, 263.— Mann (J. D.) On ptomaines in relation to disease. Med. Chron., Man- chester, 1888, viii, 10-21. Also, Reprint.—Marsh (J. P.) A case of ptomaine poisoning. N.York M.J. 1889,1,516.— Martin (G.) Intoxications dues anx patisseries. M6m. et. bull. S'>c. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1902), 1903, 325-333.—Martin (S.) Poisoning bv food; ptomaine poisoning. Svst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, ii, 787-792.—Meyer (L. F.) Zur Kenntnis des Stoffwechsels bei den alimentaren Intoxikationen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1907, lxv, 585-608.—Montaner de la Poza (M.) Consideraciones clinicas y terapeuticas sobre las auto- intoxicaciones de origen gastro-intestinal. Gac. m6d. de Granada, 1889, viii, 617-628.—Mil rri( A.) Degenerazione cerebelare da intossicazione enterogena. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1899-1900, i, 593; 609, 1 pl.—New- man (G.) Poisoning due to cheese. Pub.Health, Lond., 1901-2, xiv, 233-236.—Nichols (F. E.) Ptomainepoison- ing. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1904, vi, 688.—O'Neill (J. A.) A case of ptomainepoisoning. Med.Rec, N. Y., 1897, In, 240.—Preobrazhenskl (P. A.) K kazuistikle ptomainnikh paralichel. [Ptomaine paralyses] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, liii, 92-102. Also, transl.: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1900, xvi, 456-466. — Pru- szyhskl (J.) O zatruciach ustroju przez zasady orga- niczne zwierze.ce (ptomainy i leucomainy). [Poisoning by . . .] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1891, xii, 581-590. — Pto- maine poisoning and its causes. San. Rec,Lond., 1902, n. s., xxx, 332.—Ptomaine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 889—Ptomaine poisoning. (Edit.] Ibid.,1902, ii,756.—Itemarquesausujetdedeuxempoisonnements ptomainiques. Ann. Soc. demed. leg. deBelg., Charleroi. 1890-91, ii, 155-162— Richards (S.J.) An epidemic of ptomainepoisoning. Intercolon. M.Cong. Australas. Tr. 1899, Brisbane, 1901,104-106.—Rixa (A.) Ptomaine poi- soning. Med. Summary, Phila., 1902-3, xxiv, 89. Also: Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1902, viii, 275.—Roos (E.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Diaminen (Ptomainen) bei Cholera und Brechdurchfall. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 354-357.—Saint-Philippe. Intoxication par les gateaux a la creme. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1902), 1903, 386.—Saqiiet. De l'empoisonnement par les cremes et par les gateaux k la creme. Gaz. med, de Nantes, 1907, 2. s., xxv, 216-248.— Sheppard (C.) Report of three cases of fatal ptomaine PTOMAINES. 48 PUBERTY. Ptomaines (Poisoning by). poison in jr. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1907, xxii, 370-372.—Shtsherbak (A. E.) Otravleniye omarami; ostraya polinevriticheskaya ataksiya, sochetannaya s akronevritom; chastichniya razstrolstva chuvstva dvi- zheniy; vizdorovleniye. [Poisoning with lobsters; acute polyneuritic ataxia, combined with acroneuritis; partial disturbances of the sensation of movements; recovery.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1907, xiv, 285; 317.—Sugg (E.) Recherches sur des cas d'intoxication alimentaire pro- duitepar 1 ingestion dufoiedecheval. Ann. Soc demed. de Gand, 1899, lxxviii, 26-39. —Supposed ptomaine poisoning; iinjuestona child. Brit. Food J., Lond., 1903, v, 267.— [Two instances of] ptomaine poisoning. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1900-1901, 174. —Watson (C. S.) A case of possible ptomaine poisoning. Tr Clin. Soc Lond., 1890, xxiii, 47-50.—Weikard. Zur Kasui- stik der Ptomainvergiftungen. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1907, liv, 1334.—White (G. B.) Case of ptomaine poisoniug from ingestion of cold roast lamb. Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1896, n. s., lxii, 109—Wieber (F. W. F.) Ptomaine poisoning. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1903, 278— Worrall (E. S.). Case of ptomaine poisoning from eating turkey. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 843.—Zypkin (S. M.) Ueber Autointoxicationen gastro-lntestinalen Ursprungs. Med. Woche, Berl., 1901, 332? 339; 349. Ptomaines (Poiseming by, Jurisjrru- dence of). Kaensche (C. C.) * Zur Kenntniss der Krankheitserreger bei Fleischvergiftungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Palau Ballestero (F.) Estudios contem- poraneos de qui mica legal. 1. Ptomainas y lencomainas. 8°. Madrid, 1891. Anrep (V. K.) & Pel (A.V.) O ptomainakh i zna- chenii ikh v sudebnoi khimii. [Ptomaines and their im- portance in forensic chemistry.] Vestnik sudeb. med. [etc.] St. Petersb., 1884, i, sect. 2, 1-29, 1 tab.—Corainl (E.) Ricerche tossicologiche su alcuni alcaloidi in rap- porto alle quistioni delle ptomaine. Atti d.xi.Cong.med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, med. leg., 88-91.—Farqu- harson (A.C.) Medico-legal importance of ptomaines. J. State M., Lond.. 1892-3, i, 127-137.—Kratter. Ueber die Bedeutungder Ptomaine fiirdie gerichtliche Medicin. Vwrlmndl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 17. Abth., 26-28. [Discussion], 32. Also: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1890, n. F., liii, 227-234.—M'Vey (W. B.) The chemical importance of ptomaines or ca- daveric alkaloids in medico-legal analysis. Bull. Med.- Leg. Cong. 1895, N. Y., 1898, 46-54. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 458-460. Also: Med.-Leg. J., 1895-6, xiii, 157-165.—Malvoz (E.) Les ptomaines du cadavre et les recherches toxicologiques. Scalpel, Liege, 1898-9, li, 254.—Pellaeani (P.) La tossicita dei tessuti animali ed i criteri per lidentiricazione dei veleni vegetali estratti dai cadaveri freschi. Terapia mod., Padova, 1892, vi, 242; 281.—Rossi (E.) Nota di tossicologia cerebrale. Manicomio mod., Nocera, 1891, vii, 148-158.—Vaughan (V. C.) The toxicological importance of ptomaines and other putrefactive products. In: Hamilton & Godkin. Syst. legal med., 8°, N. Y., 1894, i, 475-492. -----. Pto- mains and other bacterial products in their relation to toxieologv. In: Text-Book Lejr. Med. (Petersou& Haines), 8°, Phila", 1!)C4, ii, 691-707.—de Visscher. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ptomaine fiir die gerichtliche Medicin. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 17. Abth., 28-32.—Wolff (L.) The ptomaines; their forensic and pathological importance. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 21-26. Also, Reprint. Ptomatrophin. See Ptomaines. Ptosis. See Eyelids (Paralysis of). Ptosis (Abdominal). See Enteroptosis; Stomach (Prolapse of); Viscera (Prolapse of). Ptyalin. Levy (D. J.) Some physical properties of ptyalin. 8°. [n. p., 1905.] Repr.jrom: Rep. Mich. Acad. Sc, 1905, vi. F-tat (L') du pouvoir sacchariflant delaptyaline chez les gastrostomises anciens. Loire m6d., St.-Etienne, 1907, xxvi, 154-158.—Latimer (C. W.) & Warren (J. W.) Zur Ptyalinogenfrage. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1894-5, viii, 211. Also, Reprint -llaszeuski T.) Oniektorych warunkach sprawnosci ptyaliny. [Snme condition's for the action of ptyalin.] Pam. Touarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1900, xcvi, 1-8. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1900, xxxi, 58-64. Ptyalism. See Salivation. Ptychobothrium. Fuhrniann (O.) Sur un nouveau bothriocephalide d'oiseau (Ptvchooothrium armatunO. Arch, de para- sitol., Par., 1902, v, 440-418. Ptychochromis. Pellegrln (J.) Sur la gibbosite frontale chez les poissons du genre Ptvchochromis. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907, cxliv, 1168-1170. Ptychodera. Hill (J. P.) On a new species of enterop- neusta ( Ptychodera australiensis) from the coast of New South Wales. 8°. Sydney, 1894. Puberty. See, also, Anaemia (Causes of); Hygiene (Sexual); Lanugo; Menstruation (Commence- ment of); Tonsil (Pharyngeal, Diseases of). Aievoli (E.) I pericoli della puberta; lettura popolare. 16°. Milano, [1892]. Barbaud (C.) & Lefevre (C.) La femme; aux trois grandes periodes de sa vie: puberte, union sexuelle, menopause. La puberte chez la femme; etude physiologique, clinique et the- rapeutique. 12°. Paris, 1897. Bierent (L.-H.) * Etude sur la puberte chez 1'homme et chez la femme. La puberte a, l'etat phvsiologique. 4°. Lille, 1896. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1896. Cramer (A.) Entwicklungsjahre und Gesetz- gebung. Rede zur Feier des Geburtstages Seiner Majestiit des Kaisers und Konigs am 27. Januar 1902 im Namen der Georg-August-Universitiit. 8°. Gottingen, 1902. Craninx (P.) *De pubertate, in sexu mu- liebri. 8°. Lovemii, [1829]. Dalche ( P. ) La puberte chez la femme. 12°. Paris, 1906. Francillion ( M. ) * Essai sur la puberty chez la femme. Etude de psycho-physiologie feminine. 8°. Paris, 1906. -----. The same. Psychologie; physiolo- gie; pathologie. 12°. Paris, 1906. Granville (J. M.) Youth; its care and cul- ture. An outline of principles for parents and guardians. 12°. New York, [n. d.]. Klatt ( H. ) Pubertiit und Menstruation. 12°. Leipzig, [1904]. Marro (A.) La puberta, studiata nell' uomo e nella donna in rapporto all' antropologia, alia psichiatria, alia pedagogia, ed alia sociologia. 8°. Torino, 1897. -----. The same. La puberte chez 1'homme et chez la femme etudiee dans ses rapports avec lanthropologie, la psychiatrie, la pedagogie et la s:iciologie. Traduit sur la 2. ed. italienne par J.-P. Medici, sous la direction du Dr. A. Marie. Preface du Dr. V. Manquan. 8°. Pa- ris, 1902. Sex (B. C.) The nubile age of females in India, physiologically treated. 16°. Calcutta, 1890. Also, in: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1891, ii, 23-30. Also, in: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1890, ix, 706-710. Tarnovski (V. M.) Polovay a zrlelost, yeya techeniye, otkloneniya i bollezni. [ Sexual maturity; its course, deviation, and diseases.] 2. ed. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Virard ( P. ) Essai sur la sante des lilies nubiles. 8°. Londres & Paris, 1776. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. Londres, 1779. Wood-Allen ( Mary ). Wenn der Knabe zum Mann wird. 8°. Zurich, 1904. Angus (H. C.) The Chensamwali, or initiation cere- mony of girls, as performed in Azimba Land, Central Af- PUBERTY. 49 PUBERTY. Puberty. rica. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1898, 479- 482.—Baelz (E.) Das Wachsthum derGeschlechter zur Puberuitzeit. Ibid., 1901, 211. — Bernshteln ( A. X.) Misheehniv valik v vozrastle polovovo sozrlevaniya. tMyooedeniaat puberty.] Klin.J.,Mosk.,1899,ii,552-556.— lournevllle. Reflexions sur la puberty a propos des deux premieres observations. Recherches clin. et tlterap. surl'epileps. [etc.],Par., 1902,xxii,24.—Bulkley (L. D.) On the dangerous influences of overtaxing the girl's mind, particularly attheageof pubertv. Bull. Am. Acad. M..[Easton, Pa.1.1905-6, vii,673-689.—Chateaubriand. Psychologie del.n puberte. J. demtJd.dePar., 1901,3. s.,xiii, 183-185. \llsu: Rev. de psychiat.. Par., 1901, n. s., iv, 52- 61.—Christopher (W. S.) The nature and manage- ment of pubertv. Am. Gvnec. & Obst. J.,N. Y., 1898, xiii, 1-9. |Piscu-sion], 68.—Clarke (A. P.) The dangerous influences of overtaxing the girl's mind, particularly at the age of pubertv. Bull. Am. Acad. M., [Easton, Pa.], 1905-6, vii, 663.—Cook (G.W.) Pubertv in the girl. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1902, xlvi, S04-807.—Crampton (C. W.) The influence of physiological age upon scholarship. [Abstr.] Psychol. Clin.,Phila.,1907, i,115-120.—Dalclie. La puberte; ses manifestations et leur diagnostic. J. de med. int., Par., 1902, vi, 91; 106. — Darnall ( W. E. ) The pubescent schoolgirl. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1901, xviii, 48,8 - 494. -----. The gynecologic aspect of mental overstrain at puberty and its influence on development. Bull. Am. Acad. M., [Easton, Pa.], 1903-5, vi,885-896.—DeBlasio (A.) La puberta dei napo- letani normali e delinquenti. Med. ital., Napoli, 1907, v, 632-634.—Discussion on problems of adolescence. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1043-1045. —Fere (C.) Note sur l'6rotisme de la puberte. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1907, xxvii, 393-400.—Gruzdeff (V. S.) K voprosu o nachalle polovol zrielosti u zhenshtshin S.-Peterburga. [On puberty in women in St. Petersburg.] Trudi v svezdaObsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894. i. 534-542.—Hattield (M. H.) Dynamics of school puberty. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 1333 — Holmes (J.) Initiation ceremonies of natives of the Papuan Gulf. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1902, xxxii, 418- 425, 1 pl.—Jackson (J. A.) Hygiene of adolescence. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1896, xxx, 278-290.— Key (A.) Om pubertetsutvecklingen och des forhal- lande till sjukligheten bos skolungdomen. [Sur le d<5- veloppement de la puberty et sur ses rapports avec la santedelajeunessescolaire.l Xord.med.Ark.,Stockholm, 1891, n.F.,i, 1-73— Lesshaf t(P.) Period vozmuzhalosti i yevo provavleniya. [ Period of puberty and its manifesta- tion.] Izviest. S.-Peterb. biol. lab., 1897-8, ii, no. 2, 44- 45; no. 3, 48-60.—Loinbroso (C.) La puberte chez les hommes de g6nie. Rev. de psychol. clin. et therap., Par., 1901, v, 355-367. Also, transl.: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1902, xxiii, 176; 257— JTlcLeod (K.) On the nu- bile age of females in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, xxv. 278. [Discussion], 305; 377.— Uarro (A.) La puberte; ses rapports avec 1 anthropologic, la physiologie et la psychiatrie. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1891, 413; 574. -----. L' epoca pubere. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, psi- chiat. [etc.], 194. -----. La puberta; suoi rapporti col- 1' antropologia, colla fisiologia, colla psichiatria e colla pedagogia. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1895, 8, v-viii, passim. -----. SulP eliminazione dell' urea e degli altri componenti orinariin rapporto alia puberta nella donna e nell' uomo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1895, 3. s., xliii, 531-536. -----. Le role sociale de la puberte. Rev. phil.. Par., 1899, xlvii, 606-631. -----. Modificazioni della criminality prodntte dallo sviluppo pubere. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1905, xxvi, 412^116. -----. Sulla influenza*dello sviluppo pubere sulla criminality. Atti d. Coinr. internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 673. Also, transl.: Am. J. Sociol., Chicago, 1899-1900, v, 193- 219.—."TIartell (M.) Causas que debilitan el desarrollo de la pubertad. Rev. de espec. med., Madrid, 1908, xi. 128-132. — JTIediii::. Ueber die Pubertatsentwicke- lung in medicinisch-.trerichtlieher Hinsicht. Ver. deut- sche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1848, n. F., iv, 395-399.—.TI i 11 e r (E. H.) Puberty; its benefits and dangers. J. Missouri M. A^s., St. Louis, 1905-6, ii, 731- 737.—Playlair (W. S.) Remarks on the education and training of giris of the easv classes at and about the pe- riod of puberty. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1895, ii, 1408-1410.— Bust (H. X.) * A puberty ceremony of the Mission In- dians. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1906, viii, 28-32, 1 pl.— Saint-Cyr (F.) Epoca della puberta di alcuni mam- miferi. Boll, scient., Pavia, 1889, xi, 100.—SIredey (A.) La puberte et l'education des ieunes lilies. Internat. Arch. f. Schulhyg., Leipz., 1907, iv, 66-79. Puberty (Disorders incident to). See, also, Hebephrenia; Menstruation (Dis- ordered) . Fachatte (R.) * La puberte et les premiers troubles menstruels; etude clinique. 8°. Pa- ris, 1898. VOL XIV, 2d series----4 Puberty (Disorders incident to). Grempler (G.) * De manias exemplo ano- mala pubertatis evolutione insigni. 8°. Yra- tislavix, [1852]. Hernandez (B.) *Dyspepsie byposthenique de la puberte. 8°. Paris, 1905. Hours (P.) * Contribution a l'etude des metrorragies de la puberte. 8°. Paris, 1906. Wille (W.) Die Psychosen des Pubertiits- alters. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1898. Bouilly. De l'ascite des jeunes filles. J. de med de Par., 1897, 2. s., ix, 491.—Burr (C. B.) The insanity of pu- bescence. Am. J. Insan., I'tica, X. Y., 1886-7, xliii, 328-339. Also, Reprint.—Christopher (W. S.) The relation of unbalanced physical development to pubertal morbidity as shown by physical measurements. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 691-700.— Clark (Sir A.) Remarks on the barking cough of puberty (cynobex hebetis). Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiv, 142-153. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1416-1418. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1319-1321.—Dalche (P.) Hygiene et therapeutique de la puberte et de ses accidents chez la femme. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.1, Par., 1900, cxl, 564; 609.—Elliott (H.) In- sanity of pubescence. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, 1, 73-77.— Ferrari (G.) Sullaclorosi maschiledella puberta. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1908, n. s., xxx, 263-270.— Fischer (J.) 1'eber Blutungen am Beginne der Puber- nit. Monatschr. l. Geburtsb. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1907, xxv, 446-457.—Fried lander (A.) Cardiac dilatation at pu- berty. Interstate M. J., St. Louis,1902,ix,587-590.—Gutz- ■naiin (H.) Ueber Sprachstorungen in der Pubertiits- entwicklung. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1895-6, xix, 336-347.—Hale (J. A.) Growing pains; what are they? Their treatment Pediatrics, N. Y., 1901, xii, 50-53 — Hammond (W. A.) Hebephrenia; mental derange- ment of puberty. VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 1-9.—Hecker(E.) Die Hebephrenic oderdasPu- bertiitsirresein. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1877, xix, 53; 70.— Hess. Ueber Heboidophrenie. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. neurol., Berl., 1906, xx, 294.—Jennings. A case of profuse haemorrhage at puberty. N. Zealand M. J., Dun- edin, 1895, viii, 157-161.—Kahane (M.) Die Chlorose (Vegetationsstorung der weiblichen Puberbitsperiode); Symptomatologie und Therapie. Wien.Klinik,1900,xxvi, 299-404.—Kahlbaum. Ueber Heboidophrenie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1889-90, xlvi, 461-474.— Key (A.) Die Pubertiitsentwickelung und das Verhall- niss derselben zu den Krankheitserscheinungen der Schuljugend. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, i, 66-130. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. Rev. f. Balneol., Wien, 1890, i, 78-81. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 660-663 —Kieler. Fall von He- bephrenic (Kahlbaum-Hecker). Allg. Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat. [etc.], Berl., 1891-2, xlviii, 389. — KIscli (E.) Ueber Herzbeschwerden der jungen Miidchen zur Zeit der Geschlechtsreife. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1895, xxxi, 169-172.—Lomuiel. Ueber Pubertatsal- buminurie. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1903, xxxii, 398-400.— Marro (A.) Rapporti della puberty colla delinquenza e colla pazzia. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 612-614. Also, transl.: Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. C. r. 1896, Geneve, 1897, iv, 207-210,2 diag.—JTIery. Les troubles de la puberte. J. de med. int., Par., 1906, x, 219-221.—JWolle. Des souffles veineux femoraux observes au cours de la pu- berte chez les garcons; leur importance diagnostique et pronostique en particulier au point devuede la ptetu- berculose; utilite de leur recherche lors de la selection du contingent aux conseils de revision. Loire med., St.- Etienne, 1902, xxi, 249-253. — Montgomery (J. H.) Clinical observations on cases of simple anemia or chlo- rosis occurring in young women in the decade following puberty. Cleveland J. M., 1896, i, 149-451—Norbury (T.-P.) The insanity of adolescence. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1897-8, iv, 281-287— Pribram i A. > Ueber die Pubertiitsalbuminurie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1901. xxix, 1-3.—Rosenthal (E.) The medical treatment during the adolescent period of girls. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1900-1901, xiv, 180. Also: South. M. J., La Grange, N. C, 1901, v. 529-533.—Sack!. Symptomen- bild der Dementia paralytica bei einem Miidchen im Pubertatsalter. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1896, xxviii, 287.—Seitz (C.) Erkrankungen in der Pubertiitszeit. In: Handb. d. Kinderheilk. (Pfaundler & Schlossmann), 8°, Leipz., 1906, i, 516-530. Also, transl. in: Dis. Chil____ Pfaundler & Schlossmann, Eng. transl., roy. 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1908, ii, 111-130.—Smith (Julia H.) Three patho- logical conditions hindering normal puberty in girls. Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xxi, 515-519.—Taylor (J. M.) Puberty in girls and certain of its disturbances; a practical lesson. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1896, ii, 49- 54.—Voisln (J.) Resume du rapport sur les psychoses de la puberte. Semaine gynec, Par., 1900, v, 259.— Westbrook (R. W.) The growing pains fallacv. Brooklyn M. J., 1905, xix, 196-199. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury,Conn.,1905,xxiv,267-271.—Wheelock PUBKRTY. 50 PUBIOTOMY. Puberty (Disorders incident to). I.K. K.) Eve defects associated with the development of puberty. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxviii, 653-655.— Wigleswortli (J.) General paralysis occurring about the period of pubertv. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 635. Puberty (Precocious). See, also, Breast (Abnormities of); Menstru- ation (Precocious, etc.); Pregnancy (Early). South (J. F.) Geschichte einer zu friihen Pubertat. 8°. [u. p., 1823.] Cutting from: M. d. Archiv., viii, 3. Bernhardt. Vorstellung eines ca. 3jahrigen Kna- ben mit Riesenwuchs und abnorm starker Entwicklung derGeschlechtstheile. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, vii, 318.—Campbell (H.) A case of premature puberty. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1896, xxix, 214,1 pl.—Dallas (A. M.) Precocious sexual maturity in a new-born infant. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvi, 554.—Dean (J. McH.) Pre- mature puberty; history of the case. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxi, 215.—Devon (J.) Case of preco- cious development. Glasgow M. J., 1905, lxiv, 339-343.— Gautier (V.) Maturite precoce et melanodermie chez un garcon de 6 ans £. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1890, x, 331-340, 1 pl.—Guthrie (L. G.) Extreme obesity with precocious puberty in a girl set. 3. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1905-6, xxxix, 252, 1 pl. -----. Precocity in relation to the ductless and accessory genital glands. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 747-750.—Howard (W. R.) A precocious development. N.York M. .1., 1892, lv, 659.— Jenkins (R. H.) A prematurely developed negro child. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1902, xiv, 314.—Kainenski (O. G.) Maturitas praecox u dlevochki 5 Het. [Precoc- ity in a girl 5 years old.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1908, xv, 785. Also, transl.: J. d'accouch., Liege, 1908, xxix, 329.—Kendle (F. W.) Case of precocious puberty in a femalecretin. Brit.M.J.,Lond.,1905,i,246.—Klein. Ein Fall von Pubertas praecox. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 47.—Langdon-Dovvn (R.L.) Precocious development. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 743- 747.—Lett (H.) A case of precocious development. Rep. Soc Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1905-6, vi, 200-203.—Mil- ward. Precocious development. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 861— Uloncorvo filho. Um caso de excitacao sexual em umacreanca de 19mezes. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1902, xvi, 341. — OTorestin (H.) Adenite prepu- bienne, parapenienne. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 99-101.—Ittorsee (J. L.) Precocious ma- turity. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1897, xiv, 241-250. Also, trans!.: Frauenarzt, Berl., 1897, xii, 242; 290.— Paternite ptecoce. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1898, xiii, 586.—Bowlands (R. P.) Case of early puberty. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1903-4, xxxvii, 256.—Saechi i E.) Di un caso di gigantismo infantile (pedomacrosomia) con tumore del testicolo. Arch, di ortop., Milano, ls95, xii, 305-318, 2 pl.—Pla (E. F.) Un nino de tres a nos diez meses, que presenta todo el desarollo genital de un ado- lescente. Gac. med., Mexico, 1892, xxviii, 287-290. Also, transl.: Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 256-260.—Stein (A.) Eine dreijahrige Virgo. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 224.—Stekel (W.) Ueber Coitus im Kindesalter. Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 247-249— Vladiiiiirolf (G. E.) Sluchal prezhdevremennavo ti/.icheskavo razvitiya dle- vochki 6-ti Het. [Precocious development of aO years old girl.] Trudi Obsh. dletsk. vrach., Mosk., 1896-7,' v, 15-17. Pubiorrhaphy. Spinelli (P. G.) Sinfio-pubiorrafia secondaria per lussazione operatoria della sinfisi del pubi. Atti Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1904, Roma, 1905, x, 228. Pubiotomy [Hebotomy]. See, also, Pubiotomy ( Methods, etc., in ); Symphysiotomy. Berny (J.) * La pubiotomie en France au 31 decembre 1906. 8°. Toulouse, 1907. Braunert (M.) * Ueber die Pubiotomie als entbindende Operation. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Kohle (W. R. M.) * Ueber drei Fiille von Pubiotomie. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Leitner (A.) * Erfahrungen mit der Pubio- tomie in der Frauenklinik zu Jena seit 1. Okto- ber 1904. 8°. Jena, 1907. Maier (0. E.) * Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Hebotomie, bearbeitet auf Grund samtlicher bis jetzt veroffentlichten Fiille. 8°. Tubingen, 1907. Muller ( L. ) * Ueber beckenerweiternde Operationen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Hebotomie. 8°. Wurzburg, 1906. Pubiotomy [Hebotomy]. Raedle (F. ) * Zwei Hebotoinien aus der Universitiits-Frauenklinik zu Erlangen, 1905. [Erlangen.] 8°. Liegnitz, 1905. Yog pet .P.) *De la section laterale du pu- bis dite operation de Gigli. 8°. Paris, 1906. AleksandrolT (I. N.) Sluchal pubiotomii. [Case of . . .] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxx, 50-53.—Aubert ( L. ) De l'agrandissement momentan6 du bassin par l'hebotomie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1906, xxvi, 18-40. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1906, xx, 361-378.— Audebert & Gilles. Deux observations de pubioto- mie laterale. Bull. Soc.d'obst. de Par., 1907, x, 257-265.— Backer(J.) Ein Fall von Pubiotomie. Gvnaek. Rund- schau, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, i, 713-725. Also, transl.: Szii- 16szet, es nbgyogy., Budapest, 1907,1-8.—Ballengliicn. L'operation de Gigli dans la pratique obstetricale. J. d. sc. med.de Lille, 1907, i, 505; 529. Also [Rap.]. Bui). Acad. de med., Par., 1907, 3. s., lvii, 625-616.—Bar (P.) Pubio- tomie dans un cas de bassin cyphotique. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1905, viii, 76.—Barsotti (A.) Contributo alia casistica del taglio lateralizzato del pube. Ginecolo- gia, Firenze, 1905, ii, 568-573.—Bauereisen (A.) Ueber die Hebotomie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 2481; 2529. See. also, infra, Seeligmann (L.).—Ban mm (P.) Beitrag zur Pubiotomie nach Gigli. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1903, xvii, 632-635. -----. Erwiderung zu vorstehendem Aufsatz von Gigli. Ibid., xviii, 294. -----. Erfahrungen fiber die Pubiotomie. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1907, xxv, 462- 485.—Bergholm (H.) Mietteita pubeotomian avulla toimitetum synnvtvksen johdosta. [Pubiotomv in par- turition.] Duodeeim, Helsinki, 1907, xxiii, 289-296.-----. Betraktelser i anledning af en pubeotomi. [Betrachtun- gen anliisslich einer Pubeotomie. Ref., pp. i-iii.] Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1907, xlix, pt. 2, 333-339.— Bertino (A.) Un caso di taglio lateralizzato del pube in donna primipara. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1907, iv, 73-83. -----. Taglio lateralizzato del pube in pluri- para. Ibid., 715-719.—Bill (A. H.) Hebotomy (pubi- otomy); an operation for the enlargement of con- tracted pelves. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 42-50.—Blumenthal (R.) L'accouchement spon- tanea dans les bassins retrecis a. l'aide de l'heboto- mie sous-cutan6. Clinique, Brux., 1907, xxi, 101-117.— Blumreich. Zur Frage der Hebotomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 298-302 — Boerma (N. J. A. F.) Een hebotomie. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, i, 1654-1658.—Bonardi (B.) Taglio lateralizzato del pube col filo-sega Gigli in donna a termine con bacino piatto-rachitico; esito felice per la madre e pel feto. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1898, xx, 85-90.—Bortkevich (A. M.) K voprosu o hebosteoto- mii. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1908, xxii, 702-729. — Bossi. Die Anerkennung der Verdienste Gigli's um dieGeburtshilfe. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1577-1579.—de Bovis (R.) De l'osteotomie pubienne par la methode de Gigli. Semaine med., Par., 1904, xxiv, 409-413. Also, transl.: Arch, de ginecop., Bar- cel., 1905, xviii, 26; 52. Also, transl.: Clin, mod., Firenze, 1905, xi, 409-416.— Brenner (M.) Ein Fall von Puboto- mie aus der Praxis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, pt.2,1963.—Breuer (M.C.) Pubiotomv. Buffalo M. J., 1905-6, lxi, 348-351.—Bue (V.) De l'agranaissement mo- mentane du bassin (operation de Gigli). Nord med., Lille, 1906, xii, 97-101. — Burger (O.) Zur Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 805-N6S.-----. Beitrag zur Hebosteotomiefrage. Gvnaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien., 1907, i, 489-507.—Bumm (E.) Die Pu- botomie mit der Nadel. Zentralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 897-901.-----. Zur Indikationsstellung bei der Pubotomie. Ibid., 1908, xxxii, 609-613. —Busch (O.) Ein Fall von Pubotomie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxii, 173.—Carrara (G.) Tre casi di pubiotomia col metodo Gigli. Lucina, Bologna, 1906, xi, 71; 87; 103.— CassimP.) Un cas d'operation de Gigli. Bull, et mem. Soc. de mea. de Vaucluse, Avignon, 1907, iii, 659-661.— Costa (R.) Di un possibile parallelo fra P operazione cesarea conservatrice ed il taglio lateralizzato del pube. Arte ostet., Milano, 1906, xx, 107-112.—Cusmano (F.) Diametri e morfologia del bacino nella pubiotomia. Gine- cologia, Firenze, 1905, ii, 452-472, 1 pl.—Dfski (I ) Dva sluchaya pubiotomii. [Two cases of . . .] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1907, xxii, 439-444. — Doderlein (A.) Weitere Erfahrungen und Verbesserungen der subkutanen Hebo- tomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1240-1244. -----. Zur Hebotomiefrage. Ibid., 1906, xxx, 84-86.— Doederlein (T. J.) Report of a case of pubiotomy. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vi, 176— Doerfler (HI Ein weiterer Fall von Pubiotomie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 455— DUhrssen (A.) Zur subcu- tanen Gigh'schen Hebotomie (Pubiotomie). Berl klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1521-1526. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1905), 1906, xxxvi, pt. 2, 431-445.—Elir- lich(H.) Przyczynekdohebosteotomii. Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1908, iii, 287.—Eisenstein(K.) Pubiotomia. Gv6- gyaszat, Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 4.— Endelman (Z.) Hebosteotomia (pubiotomia) z pomyslnym wynikiem dla PUBIOTOMY. 51 PUBIOTOMY. Pubiotomy. matki i dziccka. [. . . with successful result for both mother and child.! Medycyna, Warszawa, 1907, xxxv, 621-626.—Evans (D.J.) Pubiotomy; case report. Mon- treal M. J., 1906, xxxv, 799-804. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1907, xxxii, 17-23.—Fell ling. [Ueber Pubiotomie.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1860. -----. Pubiotomie und kiinstliche Friih- geburt. Ibid., 1906, xxxii, 1642. Also: Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 127. Also: Zentralbl. f. Gvniik.,Leipz., 1906,xxx, 1209. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2089 — Ferrari. Cousiderazioni sulla mia prima operazione di taglio lateralizzato del pube. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1903, ii. 105-114.—Ferroni (E.) Per la casistica del taglio lateralizzato del pube. Gine- cologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 237-242. — Frank (F.) Ueber Pubeotomie. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. zu Koln 1904-5, Berl., 1900, 26-45. -----. Beitrag zur Pubeotomiefrage. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1906, xxiv, 44-63.-von Franque (O.) Zur Indi- kation des Schambeinscbnittes nach Gigli. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 441. -----. Schambeinschnitt nach Gigli. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 51; 65: xxxi, 179.—Frigyesi (J.) Pubotomia litjan befejezett sztiles ket esete. [Two parturitions with pubiotomy.] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1905, 221-227. Also: Budapesti k. orvosegy, evkonyve, 1905, 87. Also: Orvosi hetil., Bu- dapest, 1905, xlix. 362. — Fry (H. D.) Pubiotomy in America, with the report of two cases. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, v, 156-162. [Discussion], 237-240. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1907, lv, 834-840. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1907-8, xii, 135-139. Also: Tr. Am. Gvnec Soc, Phila., 1907, xxxii, 65-81. [Discussion], 102-121. -----.Pubiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1907, lvi, 125-127. —Fyodorotf (V. P.) K voprosu o pubiotomii; [sluchal proizvedyonniy N. I. Ra- chinskim]. (On pubiotomy; case performed by Rachin- ski.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 829: 881. -Gar- dini (P. L.) II secondo caso di pubiotomia col filo sega Gigli; sinfisiotomia o pubiotomia? Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1900, xxii, 417-43*.— Gastonguay (P. A.) A propos de Gigli. Bull. med. de Quebec, 190-5-6, vii, 488-493.—Gib- • son (M. J.) Pubiotomv. with notes of three cases. Tr. Row Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1907, xxv, 256-265. Also: J. "Obst. & Gynaec, Brit. Emp., Lond., 1907, xi, 377-384. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 368.— Gigli (L.) Taglio lateralizzato del pube; suoi vantaggi; sua tecnica. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1894, xvi, 649-667. -----. Taglio lateralizzato del pube. Cong, period, de gynec. et d'obst. C.-r. 1902, Florence-Rome, 1904, iv, 726- 733. Also: Boll. d. Soc. tosc di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 94-113. Also: Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec 1903, Roma, 1904, ix, 374-387. Also, trans!.: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 1298-1303. Also, transl.: Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi, 68-73. -----. Pubiotomia alia Baumm. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1903, vi, 377-387. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyneek., Berl., 1903, xviii, 289-294. -----. De la section laterale du pubis. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1904, vii, 296-306. -----. Lateral- schnitt des Beckens. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 281-290. -----. La section laterale du pubis ap- prectee d'aprfesles resultats fournis par 90 interventions. Presse med., Par., 1905, i, 329-331. -----. Le operazioni dilatanti il bacino al xii. congresso della societa ostetrico- ginecologica tedesca tenuto in Dresda. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1908, i, 93-107. -----. II taglio lateralizzato del pube nelleinfezioni genitali. Ginecol. mod..Genova, 1908, i, 13; 57. -----. Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Prof. E. Pestalozza. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 633-635.—Gil (C.) La pubiotomia subcutanea. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1906, xvi, 62-75, 1 pl. — Gil les. Un cas d'operation de Gigli. Toulouse med., 1907, 2. s., ix, 63-65. — Gueniot (P.) La pubio- tomie (operation de Gigli). Rev. prat, de gynec, d'obst. et de pediat., Par., 1906, i, 21: 56. — Gule- ciardi (G.) II terzo caso di taglio lateralizzato del pube nella MaterniU di Firenze. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1903, ii, 85-88. -----. Ta- glio lateralizzato del pube in donna primipara. Gineco- logia, Firenze, 1906,iii, 35-46. -----. A proposito della pu- biotomia nella donna primipara. Ibid., 1907, iv, 100-106.— Hammer (F.) Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Hebotomie. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1905, hi, 952-954.—Hammer- schlag. Warnung vor poliklinischer Ausfuhrung der Hebosteotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1001-1003.—Harris (R. P.) Some thoughts upon de- livery under pubic section. N. York J. Gynsec. & Obst., 1892, ii, 1101-1104.—Hart (D. B.) Note on a case of hebotomy (lateral section of the pubes). Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1903-4, xxix, 107-111.—Hartmaim i-l.) Ueber die Entstehung von Hernien im Hebotomiespalt. Zentralbl.f.Gvniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi,585-597.—Henkel. Ueber die Pubiotomie. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1906, lvii, 113-140. -----. Einiges iiber die Pubio- tomie; ein Fall von engem Becken und Placenta prsevia centralis, Pubiotomie; vaginaler Kaiserschnitt, Wendung und Extraktion. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 233-239.—Herz (E.) Ausfuhrung einer Pubiotomie in Pubiotomy. einer Bauernhiitte. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906,lvi,214- 219.—Higuchi (H.) [The operation for dividing the pubic bone.l Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1907, xxvi, no. 301, pt. 2, 1-9.—Hirst (B. C.) The ultimate results of a pubiotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi,604. AIso, Re- print. Also: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1892, xvii, 561.— Hohliveg(H.) Vier Fiille von Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1281-1289.—Jacoby (M.) Symphyseotomie und Pubiotomie; zusammenfassende Uebersicht. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 1101- 1105. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 1101- 1105.—Jardine (R.) Hebotomy or pubiotomy, with notes of a case. J. Obst. & Gyneec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1908, xiii, 167-169.—Jessen (F.) Missglilckte Puboto- mie; Symphyseotomie; lebende Mutter: lebendes Kind. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 252-254.—Jewett (C.) Hebotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liv, 849-852.— Kannciiiesser. Beitrag zur Hebotomie auf Grund von Fallen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1906, lxxvii, 52- 105. -----. Zur Hebotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 254. -----. Einiges iiber den Schambein- schnitt. Sachs. Hebam.-Ztg.,Dresd., 1907,iv,49-52. -----. Ueber subcutane Hebotomie auf Grund von weiteren 30 Fallen und iiber die Dauererfolge der Operation. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxi, 666-625, 2pl.—Kehrer (E.) Svmphvsiotomie und Pubiotomie. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u.Gvniik.,Berl.,1905,xxi,228; 361.—Kholmogo- rotr"(S. S.) O pubiotomii. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1539-1542.—Kitner (O. I.) [Kiittner, in German]. K voprosu o pubiotomii. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1905, xix, 1095-1115. Also, transl.: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 485-496. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 868-871. -----. Tretiy sluchal pubiotomii. [Third case of pubiot- omy.] Ibid., 1905, xix, 1116-1121. -----. Sluchal pubio- tomii. Ibid.,1906, xx, 1291-1293.— Krivski(L. A.) Slu- chal pubiotomii. J. akush. i jensk. bioliez., St. Petersb., 1905, xix, 1155-1160. -----. Sluchal pubiotomii. Ibid., 1906, xx, 131-135.—Kroemer. Zur Frage der Becken- erweiterung bei der Hebotomie. Zentralb. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 239-247. -----. Die Erfahrungen der Universitats-Frauenklinik an der kgl. Charite iiber die Pubotomie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 1044-1046. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv,1107.— Kuff'e- rath (E.) Sur l'hebotomie. Soc roy. d. sc. nted. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1907, lxv, 6-13. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1907, xxi, 121-127—Lau rend eau (A.) Pubio- tomie; de la scopolamine comme anesthesique en obste- trique. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1906, xxxv, 16-23. -----. Mon second cas d'hebotomie. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1906-7, viii, 55-66.—Leopold. Ueber die Erweiterung des stark verengten Beckens zur Erleich- terung der Geburt mittels Durchsagung der vorderen Beckenwand. Siichs. Hebam.-Ztg., Dresd., 1905, ii, 37.— Lewis (H. F.) Resunte of some recent literature of pubiotomy. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1208, vi, 191-194.—Lichkus(L.G.) K voprosu o pubiotomii. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx, 1206-1257.— Iiiehtenstein. Ueber die Beeinflussung der Indi- cation zur Wendung und Extraction durch die Hebo- tomie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxi, 626-647.— Eilesovol (V. G.) K voprosu o pubiotomii. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx, 1296-1299.—Mace (O.) Operation de Gigli pour bassin oblique ovalaire; succes pour la m6re et l'enfant. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1905, viii, 212-216, 1 pl. -----. Deux cas d'opera- tion de Gigli. Ibid., 1907, x, 62-66.—Mann (R.) Zur Hernienbildung nach Hebosteotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gy- niik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1383-1389.— Mafiueco Villa- padierna (E.) La pubiotomia subcutanea en las cli- nicas alemanas. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Ma- drid, 1907, xvii, 422-453. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1907, liv, 681; 599; 612; 629; 643.—Martin. Demonstration pubiotomierter Frauen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 935.—Mathes (P.) Osteoplastische Beckenerweiterung. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 523-525.—Men- schel. Zwei Fiille von Durchsagung der Schambeine bei Beckenengc. Siichs. Hebam.-Ztg., Dresd., 1900, iii, 67.—Montgomery (E.B.) Lateral section of the pubis (Gigli) in persistent mento-posterior positions. Cong. internat.de med.,Lisbonne, 1904-7, xv, sect. 13,207-211. -----. Pubiotomv and its relative indications. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liv, 771-781. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1906, xxx, 618. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., lviii, 593-599.—Mueller (A.) [Fall von Pu- biotomie.1 Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 48.— Norris (R. C.) Pubiotomy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 587-589.—Offergel'd. Chemische und histolo- gische Beitriige zur Pubotomie. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1907, xxvi, 67; 197.—Pape. Pubioto- mie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1478.—Pestalozza (E.) Due casidi taglio late- ralizzato del pube. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 161-166. Also: Clin, mod., Pisa, 1903, ix, 38-40. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz , 1903, xxvii, 101-105. -----. Bemerkungen zu dem offenen Brief des Herrn Bossi: Ueber die Anerkennung der Verdienste Gigli's um die Geburtshilfe. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., PUBIOTOMY. 52 PUBIOTOMY. Pubiotomy. 1908, xxxii, 147-150.—Pinard. De Pischio-pubiotomie ou operation de Farabeuf. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec. Par., 1893, viii, 11-16.—Pisarzewski (G.) Pubiotomia (hebotomia). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1907, 2. s., xxvii, 185- 190. -----. Dwa noweprzypadki pubiotomii. [Two new cases of pubiotomy.] Ibid., 1907, 2. s., xxvii, 858-862.— Pobiedinski (N. I.) K voprosu o razslechenii lonnol kosti. [On pubiotomy.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1537-1539.—Pomeroy (R. H.) Report of a case of impacted breech presentation treated bv hebotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii.511-515. [Discussion], 665—572.— Porak. Bassin pseudo-oblique ovalaire; operation de Gigli; succes pour la mere et pour l'enfant. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1906, ix, 2-5, 1 pl.—Preller (K.) Drei- zehn Fiille von Pubiotomie. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1907, xxv, 623-650. -----. Ein Fall von wiederholter Pubiotomie an derselben Patientin. Zen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 44-47.—Prozorov- ski (N. M.) K voprosu o pubiotomii. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 1415-1419. -----. O pubiotomii. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1907, lxviii, 116-129. Also, transl.: Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl., 1907, v, 654-692.—Pubiotomy with the needle. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 346.—Baineri (G.) Contributo sperimentale alio studio dell' allargamento permanente del bacino dopo pubioto- mia. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1907, xvi, 360; 609; 687. -----. Sopra due casi di pubiotomia. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1907, ii, 237-246. —Beeb (M.) Zur subkutanen Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 348-351. — Beitt'erscheid (K.) Zur Pu- biotomie. Ibid., 1905, xxix, 1289-1296. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen mit der Pubiotomie. Sitzungsb. hrsg. v. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westfal. 1906, Bonn, 1907, 49-54. -----. Erster Fall von spaterer Ge- burt nach subkutaner Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gv- niik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 512-514. -----. Weitere Erfah- rungen mit der Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1326-1333. -----. Pubiotomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 125.— Besinelli. La dilatazione eruenta del bacino durante la gravidanza. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1907, iv, 417-423.— Blssmann (P.) Zur Pubiotomie. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1906, lvii, 371-383. — Bodrigues Lima. Um caso de hebotomia. Brazil-m6d., Rio de Jan., 1905, xix, 263-265.—Bonsse (I.) Un cas de pubio- tomie. Bull. Soc. beige de gvnec. et d'obst., Brux., 1906-7, xvii, 16-25. — Bosenteld ( W. ) Ueber die Art der Beckenerweiterung bei der Pubotomie. Zen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 92-97. Also: Halb- monatschr. f. Frauen- u. Kinderkr., Wien, 1905, ii, 105.— Bossier. Un cas de pubiotomie. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1908, xxviii, 147.—Roster. Un caso di taglio lateralizzato nella pratica privata. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1903, ii, 205-210.— Botter (H.) Pubotomia esete. [Case.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 462. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Buda- - pest, 1906, xl, 473. Also: Szuleszet 6s nogy6gy., Budapest, 1906, 75-81. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, 272. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1906, xiii, 1055. -----. A medencze tagulasa pubio- tomiaknal. [The dilatation of the pelvis in pubiotomy.] Gvnaekologia, Budapest, 1907, 90. Also: Sziil6szet es nogyogy., Budapest, 1907, 8-10.—Rilhl (W.) Ueber Ge- fahren der Pubiotomie und Vorschliige zu deren Verhii- tung. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1906, xxiv, 299-307.-----. Zur Berechtigung der Hebotomie. Arch.f. Gynaek.,Berl., 1907.lxxxii,236-253.—Buppert. Weitere Erfahrungen mit der Pubiotomie. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1907, xi, 502-518.—Saehs. O cieciu kosci ionowej (hebosteotomia); pieC przypadkbw hebo- steotomii. [Five cases of .. .] Czasopismo lek., L6d2, 1908, x, 72-74.—Saladino (A.) II secondo taglo late- ralizzato del pube nella Clinica ostetrica di Siena. Boll. d. Soc. tosc di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 170-175. -----. Studio clinico ed anatomico su] taglio lateralizzato del pube. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 587-604. -----. II taglio lateralizzato del pube in donna primipara. Ibid., 1906, iii, 349-351. -----. Un altro caso di pubiotomia. Ibid., 1907, iv, 68-73— Scarlini. II primo caso di taglio lateralizzato del pube nella Clinica di siena. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Fi- renze, 1902, i, 166-170. —Sehmitt (J. A.) Ein Fall von Gigli's Operation in der Privatpraxis. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1906, xviii, 97-101. Also, transl.: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix, 833-835.—Seeligmann (L.) Zur Kasuistik und Technik der Hebotomie; eine neue Hohlsondennadel zurEinfiihrungderGigli'schen Draht- siige. Zentralbl. f. Gynak.. Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1206-1209. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 190-5, xxxi, 1989. -----. Zur Hebotomie: eineErwiderung auf einige Bemerkungen in Bauereisens Aufsatz in der Munchen. med. Wchnschr., No. 52,1905. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii. 868. Also: Zentralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 247-252 —Scitz (L.) Zur Frage der Hebotomie. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1906), 1907, xvi. 110-134.-----. Zur Frage der Hebotomie. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1993; 2061. —Sell- heim (H.) Hebotomie Oder Symphyseotomie? Monat- Pubiotomy. schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1906, xxiii, 362-370.— Semmelink (H. B.) KasuistischerBeitrag zur Blasen- verletzung bei der Hebotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1333-1336.—Khvoger-dLettetskl (F.I.) K voprosu o pubiotomii. Rusk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907. vi, 1797.—Sigwart (W.) Zur Pubotomie im Pri- vathause. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 553; 1181.—Sitzeni'rey (A.) Weitere Erfahrungen liberden Schambeinschnitt nach Gigli. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 321-324. — Soblestianski (E. M.) Sluchal pubiotomii. Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1907-8, xliv, 158-163. —Stoeckel (W.) Die Pu- botomie; eine neue Methode zur Ervveiterung des ver- engerten Beckens. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 133- 135.-----. Symphyseotomieoder Pubotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz.. 1906, xxx, 78-84—Stolfpinski (V. A.) Sluchal pubiotomii. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx, 1289-1291.—Stroganoff (V. V.) Ch?tire slu- chaya pubiotomii. [Four pubiotomy cases.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx. 852-864. Also: Sborn. trud. po akush. i ginek. posv. D. O. Ottu [etc], S.-Peterb., 1906, i, 263-276. — Toth (I.) Pubotomia sulyos seriilesekkel. [Pubiotomy for serious wounds.] Gyhaekologia, Budapest, 1905, 394-396. -----. A pubioto- miarol. Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1907, xiii, 433-436, Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 251. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xliii, 613-515. -----. Negy iljabb pubiotomiat mutat be a 2. sz noi kli- nikar61. [Fourrecentpubiotomies operated in the Second Gynaecological Clinic] Gynaekologia,Budapest,1907,87.— Trotta (G.) Tre casi di pubiotomia. Arch, di stet. e ginec, Napoli, 1906, xiii, 17-26.—Xruzzi (E.) Di due casi di ebotomia ed a proposito dell' ampliamento perma- nente della pelvi materna. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1905, ii, 229-246. -----. Ein Vorschlag zur Erzielung einer dau- ernden Beckenerweiterung durch Pubotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 930-932.—Tweedy (E. H ) A case in which delivery was accomplished b v pubiotomy. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1907, xxv, 266-271. Also: J. Obst. & Gynfec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1907, xi, 402- 405.—Udaeta. Pubiotomia. Rev. de med. y cirug, pract., Madrid, 1907, lxxvi, 115-118.—Van Canven- berghe (A.) Elargissementdu bassin par la pubiotomie. Obstetrique, Par., 1905, x, 1-19. -----. Quelques mots sur la pubiotomie. Bull. Acad. roy. demed. de Belg., Brux., 1906, 4. s., xx., 545-558.—Van de Velde (T. H.) He- botomie met blijvende verniyding van met bekken. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903, 2. R., xxxix, d. 1, 1303-1309. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 847-849. -----. ZurHebotomte. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 913-923. -----. Hebotomy (extra- median symphyseotomy). Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1904,xvii,533-547.-----. Eenignieuwsoverde hebotomie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 1860-1871, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 873- 878.—Vener (A. R.) K voprosu o pubiotomii. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1907, lxvii, 215-226.—Villa (F. G ) Am- pliamento del bacino colla pubiotomia. Tribuna med., Milano, 1905, xi, 140.— Walcher (G.) Vollkommen subkutan ausgefiihrte Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1102.—Waldstein (E.) U^ber die Ervveiterung des Beckens nach Pubiotomie. Gvnaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1907. i, 34; 69.—Wendeler (P.) Ein Vorschlag zur Erzielung dauernder Becken- erweiterung durch Pubotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 603.—Weydlich. Zwei Pubioto- mien. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg, 1905, xviii, No. 12; 1-5. -----. Ein weiterer Fall von Hebo- steotomie (Pubotomie). Ibid., 1907, xx, No. 11, 1-3.— Wilson (T.) Pubiotomy, with notes of an illustrative case. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond. 1907-8, i., Obst. & Gv- nsec. Sect., 19-31.—Winter (G. J.) Sananen lantiota laajentavista obstetrisista leikkauksista; svmfyseotomia vaiko pubiotomia? mietteita tekemieni 3 symfvseoto- mia- ja 1 pubiotomia tapausken johdosta. [Remarks on more extended obstetrical obduetions; symphyseotomy or pubiotomy? From data of three symphyseotomies and one pubiotomy.] Duodecim, Helsinski,1905, xxi, 283-299. Pubiotomy (Methods and technique in). Banalonte (M.) La cuesti&n de la hebosteotomia. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1907, xlix, 65-75.—Bensinger (M.) Schambeinschnitt ohne Knochennaht. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 168-170.—Brun (A.) Tre casi di pubiotomia eseguiti col metodo sottocutaneo. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1907, i, 489-494.—Bndin (P.) Re- cherches experimentales: aproposde l'ischiopubiotomie. Obstetrique, Par., 1896, i, 225-236. Also: Rev. obst. inter- nat., Toulouse, 1896, ii, 225; 236. -Calabresl (A.) Sin- fisiotomia e taglio lateralizzato.del pube (operazione del Gigli). Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1907, xlvii, 75- 94. —Charpentier. Sur Pischio-pubiotomie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 52.—Ciiiaventone (U.) Della tecnica operativa nella pubiotomia e di un nuovo modello di pubiotomo. Tribuna san., Milano, 1907, i, 245-249.— Cueea (C.) La bipubiotomia del Gal- biati. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1893, ii, 33; 65; PUBIOTOMY. 53 PUBIS. Pubiotomy (Methods and technique in). 233.-Cusmano (F.) Tecnica operatorio della pubio- tomia. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 494-508.—Fabre. Operation de Gigli; bassin transversalement retreci; suc- ces pour la mere et pour l'enfant. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1907, x, 262-264.—Farabeni" (L.-II.) De l'agran- dissement momentane du bassin oblique ovalaire par ischio-pubiotomie, avec considerations sur la puissance nocive du forceps, etc. ,Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1892, xxxviii, 401-430. -----. Anatomie et obstetrique. [La pelviotomie.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1907, 3. s., lvii, 776-789.—Fry. Pubiotomy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1907, lvi, 396.—Geissler (O.) Beitrag zum Instrumen- tarium fiir die Pubiotomie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1767. — Hamou de Fresnay (L.) Etude critique sur la symphyseotomie, la pubiotomie et Pischio- pubiotomie. [Rap. de Henrotav.] Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1893, lv, 11-71.—Henkel (M.) Zur Indika- tion und Technik der Hebosteotomie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1368-1373.—Hoeheisen. Klini- sche und radiologische Betrachtungen iiber 16 Puboto- mien mit der Nadel. Arch, f, Gynaek., Leipz.,1906,lxxx, 99-134, 1 pl.—Mace (O.) Etat de la section osseuse d'une operation de Gigli neuf mois apres Poperation. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1906. ix, 246.—Nubiola (P.) Pelvis viciada plana; pubiotomia lateral subcutanea. Arch. d. ginecop., Barcel., 1908, xxi, 21-25.— Ott'ergeld. Experimente iiber die Staubehandlung der intizierten Pubotomiewunde. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1907, xxvi, 779-797.—Pleilsticker (W.) Zur Technik der Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1465-1467—Pinard. De Pischio-pubiotomie ou operation de Farabeuf. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3.S., xxix,27-31. [Discussion], 102-109. Also, transl.: Lancet., Lond., 1893, ii. 301.—Puppel (E.) Zur Pubio- tomie. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlv iii, 1219-1224.— Beeb tM.) Ueber Klinik und Technik der Pubotomie. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 175-178. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 2319-2322—Beifferseheid (K.) Zur Indication und Technik der Pubiotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1906, xxx, 351-356.— Bos- ner (A.) W sprawie tamowania krwotok6\v podczas hebosteotomii.[ Stopping haemorrhage in hebosteotomy.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1908, xlvii, 95-97. -----. Zur Blut- stillung bei Hebosteotomie. Gvnaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1908. ii, 465-409 —Bossier (G.) Deux cas d'he- bosteotomie (pubiotomie!. Rev med.de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1907, xxvii, 621-626.—Sagalott"(A. L.) Sluchal pubiotomise poTandler'u pri kifoticheskom poperechno- suzhennom tazle. [Pubiotomy by Tandler's method in a kyphotic transversely contracted pelvis.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx, 688-692. -----. Vtorol sluchal pubiotomiae po Tandler'u. [Second case of . . .J Ibid., 1906, xx, 1203-1205. — Saladino (A.) II taglio lateralizzato del pube in donna primipara. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1906, iii, 323-332. — Seheib (A.) Ueber die Heilung der Wunden nach Giglischern Scham- beinschnitt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1739; 1787— Seeligmann (L.) Zurlndika- tion und Technik der Hebotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1041-1045. -----. Zur Methode und Technik der Hebotomie. Ibid., 1907, xxxi, 139-144.— Sellheim (H.) Zur Topographic und Technik der sub- kutanen Hebotomie nach Dbderlein. Zentralbl. f. Gy- niik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1097-1101. -----. Die Becken- erweiterung nach Hebotomie und Symphyseotomie. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, 643- 655. -----. Wie soil man die Technik der Symphysioto- mie oder Hebosteotomie lernen? Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 8sx.— Tandler (J.) Zur Anatomie des Lateralschnittes. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz..1905,xxix.899-902. -----. Zur Anatomieund Tech- nik der Pubiotomie. Ibid., 1906, xxx, 87-92—van de Velde (T. H.) Intorno alia teen ;ca dell' ebotomia taglio piu o meno lateralizzato del pube? Clin, ostet., Roma, 1904, vi, 229-237—Waleher (G.) Zur Technik der Heb- osteotomie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz. 1907, xxxi, 929.— Zangcmeister (W.) Beitrag zur Technik und Indi- kation der Pubotomie. Zentral. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1321-1326. Pubis. See, also, Hip-joint; Symphysis pubis. Goldthwait (J. E.) A case of marked separation of the pubic bones. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 47. 1 pl.—Schwartz (E.) Pubis. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1881, xxx, 63-87.—Seeley (H. G.) On the bone in crocodilia which is commonly regarded as the os pubis, and its representative among the extinct reptilia, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xliii, 235-242. Pubis (Diseases of). See, edse,, Pubis (tuberculosis of); Pubis (Tu- mors of). Klein ( O. ) * Ueber Schambeinnekrosen. 8°. Munchen, 19.')5. Pubis (Diseases of). Bouzoud. Osteite de la branche descendante du pu- bis. Loire med..St.-Etienne,1900,xix,304-308. —Colzi (F.) Osteomielite prolungata da statilococco piogeno aureo ed albo della branca orizzontale e discendente del pube sinistro con fistola all' ombelico: resezione della branca orizzontale e discendente del pube; guarigione. In his: Kesoc. d. op. eseg.... in Clin. chir. in Firenze, 8°, 1892, 172-174.—Demoulin (A.) Sur un casd'osteomyelite at- tenuee du pubis; quelques mots sur les osteomyelites de cette portion du squelette du bassin. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 405-408.—Esau (P.) Akute Osteomyelitis des rechten Sehambeins und zentrale pathologische Luxation des Oberschenkels. DeutscheZtschir. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xci, 611-619.—Girard. Osteomyelite de pubis chez les adolescents. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb, [etc.], Par., 1892, vi, 505-508.—Kirchner (A.) Acute symmetrische Osteomyelitis (Epiphysenlbsung) der Schambeine, nebst Bermerkungen zur Aetiologie der acuten Osteomyelitis. Arch. f. klin. Chir.,Berl., 1899, lviii, 317-333.—Marques (H.) Un nouveau cas de luxation de la symphyse pubi- enne. Montpel. med., 1907, xxiv, 46-48.—Mauelaire (P.) Exostose probablement ostg£nique du pubis; ar- thrite s£ehe consecutive de la hanche. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 196-198—Begnier. Osteite trauma- tique de la branche ascendante du pubis; phlegmon sous-peritoneal, ouverture de l'abdomen; mort 42 jours apr^s l'operation. Mem. Soc.de med. de Nancy (1889-90), 1891,63-65.—Boeher (L.) Osteomyelite aigue du pubis. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 15-18. Pubis (Surgery of). See Pubiorrhaphy; Pubiotomy; Symphy- seotomy. Pubis (Tuberculosis of). Dhery (P.) * La tuberculose du pubis chez l'enfant. 8°. Paris, 1906. Also, in: Medecin prat., Par., 1906, 188-190. Labeyrie (G.) *La tuberculose du pubis et de la svmphvse pubienne. [Paris.] 8°. Nantes, 1900. ' Robert (J.) *De la tuberculose du pubis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Veyruxe. * Contribution a l'etude de la tu- berculose du pubis. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Coudray (P.) Osteite tuberculeuse du pubis; abees consecutif de la grande 16vre chez une fillettede huit ans. J. d. clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1894, ii, 283.— Dambrin & Clermont. Osteite tuberculeuse au pu- bis produisant un abces f roid dans la grande levre. Tou- louse med., 1906, 2. s., viii, 218-220.—Dhery (P.) Diag- nostic et traitement de la tuberculose du pubis. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1906, xxiv, 310-323.—Me- nard. Note sur un cas de tuberculose du pubis. Ibid., 1900, xviii, 331-335.—Poitau (E.) Osteite tuberculeuse du pubis. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1907, ii, 376-381. Pubis (Tumors of). Isidor. Myxomes'it implantation osseuse sur le pu- bis. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1894, lxix, 476-479.—Morel (L.-E.) Fibro-sarcome prepubien. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat.de Par., 1905, lxxx, 286. — Pieque (L.) Osteosar- come du pubis droit avec envahissement de la branche horizontale et descendante; resection etendue du pubis; marche facile au bout d'un mois. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 745—Bieflfel (H.) Osteome du pubis. Ibid., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 967-969.— Stewart (F. T.) Sarcoma of pubes. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliv, 946-948. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1908, ix, 154-156. Pubis ( Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Symphysis pubis (Separation of). Briddon (('. K.) Compound fracture of the pubic arch from impalement. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 558.—Cox (R. P.) Forward luxation of right-pubes. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1890, xi, 222 —Daniourette. Frac- tures multiples du pubis; rupture du canal del'ur&thre. Bull. Soc. anat de Par., 1891, lxvi, 6—ICiiiiliscli (J.) Bruch desSchambciiies; Ilcilung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien,1881, xvi, 4.—Fischer. Fractur des borizontalen Astes des Schainbeiues. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Winnenden, 1883, xxxiv, 43— JHalsted (W. S.) Fracture of the ascending and descending ramus of the eft pubic bone, and a separation of the symphysis pu- bis ] Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1900, xi, 32.— Ilolton (S.) Fracture of the pubis and other injuries. Peoria M. Month., 1881-2, ii, 129-131.— Maydl (K.) Ein Fall von Rissfractur des horizontalen Schambeinastes. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1881, xxvi, 228. — Nuflez (E.) Fractura pubiana; necrosis; secuestrotomia; curacifjn. Abeja med., Habana, 1895, iv, 46. — Olivier. Fractnra ossis pubis. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1834, Berl., 1836, 229-234.—Baffa (A.) Frattura del pube con rot- lH'BIS. 54 puccinia. Pubis ( Wounds and injuries of). tura dell' uretra; cystotomia s'ovrapubica; cateterismo retrogrado: guarigione. Sperimentale,Firenze, 1889, lxiv, 343-316. Also, transl.: Gaz. med. de Par., 1889, 7. s.. vi, 582.—Villeiieuvc. Fracture du pubis; dechirure du rectum et de la vessie; mort. Ann. de I'Ecole . . . de m6d. et pharm. de Marseille 1892, Par., 1893, 213. Public Dispensary, Edinburgh. Report of the committee appointed for considering the sub- ject of visiting the sick poor at their own habi- tations. 14 March, 1817. 2 1. 4°. [Edin- burgh, 1817.] Public Dispensary for the Relief of the Sick Poor, London. Annual report of the commit- tee of management to the subscribers. 105., 1886-7; 117., 1898-9;121., 1902-3; 124., 1906-7. 12°. London, 1887-1907. Public Health, v. 3-22, May, 1890 to 1909. 8°. London. Current. Public Health. A quarterly journal of sani- tation. Organ of the associated health authori- ties of Pennsylvania [etc.]. William B. Atkin- son, editor and publisher, v. 1-8, 1896, to Sep- tember, 1904. 8°. Philadelphia. In 1898, v. 3, became monthly. Public health associations. See Hygiene (Public, Societies, etc., of), by lo- calities. Public Health, Michigan. Issued for the gen- eral dissemination of sanitary knowledge. Pub- lished quarterly by the State department of health, Lansing, Mich. v. 1-3, 1906-8. 8°. Lansing. Current. Public (The) Health Engineer. A weekly journal of sanitary, water, gas, and municipal engineering. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-18, May 15, 1897, to 1907. fol. London. Ended. Want nos. 18, 26. Public (The) Health Journal. Editors: David Wark [etal.]. [Monthly.] v. 10-15, June, 1896, to August, 1901. fol., 4°, & 8°. New York. Public Health Record. A monthly magazine devoted to sanitation and hygiene. M. B. Fee- ney and Herman Betz, editors. No. 1, v. 1, May, 1901. 8°. New York. Public (The) Library, Minneapolis, described and illustrated. 30 1. obi. 8°. [Minneapolis, 1890.] Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee. See Milwaukee. Public Museum of the City of Mil- waukee. Public water supplies; their collection, storage, distribution, engineering, plant, purity, and analysis. A <1 igest and index to volumes v-xviii of the Engineering and Building Record (prior to 1887 The Sanitary Engineer), compiled bv D. Walter Brown. 242 pp. 8°. New York, 1S90. Publications of the American Statistical Asso- ciation. [8 Nos. form 1 v.] N. s., v. 1-17 (Nos. 1-83), March, 1888-1908. 8°. Boston. Current. In June, 1891, v. 2, title on covers became: Quarterly Publications [etc.]. Publications of Cornell University Medical College. Studies from the Department of Neu- roloirv. Reprints, v. 1-2. 8°. New York, 1904-7. ------. Studies from the Department of Pathol- ogy. Reprints, v. 1-7. 8°. New York, 1904-7. ----—. Dispensary, New York City. Medical report, January, 1905. v. 1. See Cornell Uni- versity Medical College. Publications de I'lnstitut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des sciences naturel les. v. 22, 1893; v. 25, ist»6; v. 26, 1897; v. 27, 1904. 8°. Luxembourg, 1893-1904. Publications from the Laboratories of the Jef- ferson Medical College Hospital, v. 1-4,1904-8. 8°. Philadelphia. Publications of societies. A provisional list of the publications of American scientific, liter- ary, and other societies from their organization. 181 pp. sm. 4°. New York, I'ublislter's Weekly, 1899. Publicirtes hochfiirstlich-wiirtzburgisehes all- gemeines Mandatum wegen der zu Marsilien und derselben (legend des Kdnig-Reichs Franck- reich dermahlen noch so grassirend- als weitera uinb sich greiffender, wie auch in Pohlen conti- nuirender Contagion. 61. 8°. Wiirlzburg, 1721. Pucci (Paolo). Delle nevrosi nei militari con- siderate precipuamente sotto il rapporto medieo- legale. Memoria onorata del premio Riberi. xii, 253pp., port. 12°. Rornet, frat. Bocca,1897. Puccianti (Gaetano). Intorno alio stato mor- boso delle febri e delle infiammazioni. 39 pp. 8°. Firenze, Logge del Grano, 1846. [P., v. 2228.] Repr.from: Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.-fls., Firenze, 1846, iv. ------. Delle malattie dinamiche. 33 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1850. [P., v. 2228.] Repr. from: II Progresso, Firenze, 1850, i, nos. 23-24: ii, no. 1. -----. Intorno ad una memoria del Prof. Claudio Bernard: SulP ufficio dell' apparecchio Chilifero nell' assorbimento delle sostanze alimentari. 11 pp. 8°. Firenze, M. Cecchi, 1853. [P., v. 2228.] Repr. from: Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc. Firenze, 1853, 2. s., v. Pucciardi (Carlo). Riforma dell' innesto del vajolo naturale sopra la proposta vaccina. Ra- gionamento diretto al comitato di vaccinazione del circondario di Pisa. 45 pp. 12°. Pisa, R. Prosperi, 1811. Pucciarelli (Joseph-A.) [1857- ]. *Des abces perinephretiques d'origine intestinale. 94 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 429. ------. The same. 94 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Balliere A fils, 1900. Puccinclli ( Alessandro ). Dialoghi sopra le cause della peste universale, ne' quali con veris- simme ragioni, non solamente si reprova l'opi- nione di Marsilio Ficino, seguita dalla maggior parte delli scrittori sopra la detta peste univer- sale, ma s' insegnano ancor le regole appartenenti alia preservatione di essa. 3 p. 1., 51 ff. 8°. Lucca, V. Busdraghi, 1577. For Biography, see Quadro biog. . . . med. e chir. luc- chesi, Lucca, 1843, 8. Puccinelli (Cesare). Editor of: lUouitore dei medici, Roma, 1890-93. Puccinia. Jacky ( E. ) * Die Compositen-bewohnen- den Puccinien vom Typus der Puccinia hieracii und deren Specialisierung. [Bern.] 8°. Lud- wigsburg, 1H99. Bubak (F.) Ueber einige Umbelliferen-bewohnende Puccinien. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bbhm. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch. 1900, Prag, 1901, No.26, 1-8,1 pl. -----. Ueberdie Puccinien vom Typus der Puccinia anemones virginianae Schweinitz. Ibid., 1901, Prag, 1902, No. 2, 1-11, 1 pl — Cruchet (P.) Contribution k l'etude biologique de quelques puccinies sur labiees. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1906, xvi, 212; 396, 497; 674, 1 pl.— Hasler (A.) Kulturversuche mit Crepis- und Centau- rea-Puccinien;vorlaunge Mitteilung. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.l,2.Abt.,Jena,1905,xv.257—iTIaire (R.) Surles ph£nom£nes cytologiques precedant et accompagnant la iormation de la teleutospore chez le Puccinia liliacearum Duby. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1899, cxxix, PUCCINIA. 55 PUHMEYER. Pucciuia. 839-s41. —Probst (R.) Versuche mit Kompositen-be- wohnenden Puccinien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. .lena, 1907, xix, 543.—Sciiiadeni (F. O.) Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Umbelliferen bewohnenden Puccinien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 2. Abt.,-Jena, 1904-5, xiii, 73; 214; 338: 439: 527, 2 pl. — Tiwch ler (G.) Kurzer Be- richt iiber die von Eriksson und mir ausgefiihrten Unter- suchungen iiber das vegetative Leben das (ielbrostes (Puccinia glumarum Erikss. et Henn.). Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiv, 417-423.—Ward (H. M.) On pure cultures of a Uredine, Puccinia dispersa (Eriks.). Proc. Row Soc. Lond., 1902, lxix. 451-466. Also: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, ix, 161: 242.-----. Experiments on the effect of mineral starvation on the parasitism of the Uredine fungus, Puccinia dispersa, on species of Bromus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1902-3, lxxi, 138-151, 3 tab.—Wurtli (T.) Kulturversuche mit Puc- cinien vom Typus der Puccinia galii (Pers.); vorlaufige Mitteilung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1904, xii, 713. -----. Rubiaeeen bewohnende Puccinien vom Tvpus der Puccinia galii. Ibid., Jena, 1905, xiv, 209; 309. Puccinotti (Francesco). Delia periodicita nelle febbri e della sua causa e natura. 71 pp. 12°. Pesaro, A. Nobili, 1826. ------. Lezioni sulle malattie nervose. 175 pp., 2 1. 8°. Firenze, Ricordi ct- Co., 1834. [P., v. 2235.] -----. Dialoghi intorno alia teoria della flogosi di Giovanni Rasori. 142 pp., 1 1. 8°. Milano, Pirotta it- Co., 1837. ------. Del carattere civile della medicina. 39 pp. 8°. Pisa, tipog. Nistri, 1839. [P., v. 2230.] -----. Storia della medicina. 3 v. in 4 pts. 8°. Livorno A Prato, frat. Giachetti, 1866. See, also, Areta?iis Cappadox. Delle cause, dei segni [etc.]. 8°. Firenze, ls36.— Fabbri (A.) II latte con- siderate quale nutrimento [etc.]. 8°. Bologna, 1856. ------. See, also: Allegri (N.) Puccinotti in Ferentino (1817- 18). roy. 4°. Roma, 1888. Crivelli (N.) F. Puccinotti e 1' igiene sociale. Con prefazione per G. Baccelli. 8°. Roma, 1903. ------ & Pacinotti (Luigi). Esperienze sulla esistenza e le leggi delle correnti elettro-fisiolo- giche negli animali a sangue caldo, eseguite nel gabinetto fisico della Universita di Pisa nei mesi di giugno e luglio del 1839. 82 (11.), viii pp., 1 pl. 8°. Pisa, frat. Nistri, 1839. Puccioni (G [iuseppe]). Contributo alio studio dei tumori maligni nel seno mascellare (antro d' Ignioro). 14 pp. 8°. [Roma, 1897.] -----. Le iniezioni sotto-congiuntivali ed intra- venose di sublimato corrosivo nelle infezioni chirurgiche dell' occhio; osservazioni cliniche e ricerche sperimentali. 21 pp. 8°. Roma, I. Arterio, 1899. ------. Pseudo-elefantiasi della regione palpebro- sopraccigliare. 9 pp. 8°. Roma, 1899. Repr.from: Riv.univ. di med., chir. e sc. affini, Roma, 1899, i. Pucclle (A.-D.) *Coup-d'ceil sur la vaccine. 17 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1823, No. 659. Puclie (Celestin-Henri-Anselme) [1867- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des accidents post- mortem du chancre infectant. Des rrveils lo- caux du virus au niveau ou au voisinage irame- diat du point d'inoculation primitif. 83 pp. 4°. Lille, 1890, 3. s., No. 82. Puchelt (Friedrich August Benjamin). Spe- cielle Pathologie und Therapie. [Manuscript notes by Moritz-Leo-Wolf.] 2 v. 647 pp.; 554 pp. 4°. Heidelberg, 1826. -----. Die Hautkrankheiten in tabellarischer Form auf Veranlassung seiner Zuhorer darge- stellt. 20 pp. 4°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1836. Ses. also, Barth (Jean-Baptiste-Philippe) & K.ojjer fHenri). Ueber Auscultation, etc. 8°. Stuttgart, 1842.— Frank (Joseph). Praxeos medicse universse praicepta. 8C. Lii>si;e,im. Pucitta (Emidio). Contributo alia cura della malattia navicolare o podotrochilite cronica. 24 pp. 8°. Fossombrone, F. Morutce/li, 1895. Puckle (James). Meteorology in India in re- lation to cholera, pp. 89-100. 8°. [Londem, 1876.] [P., v. 2034.] Cutting from: Quart. J. Meteor. Soc., Lond., April, 1876. Pudding. Se- cundino E. Sosa. 8°. Mexico, 1888. Cal (M.) Geografia botanica; plantas del antiguo cardino de Puebla a Mexico. Estudio, Puebla, 1875, i, 105.—Diaz Barriga (P.) Algunas reflexiones sobre etiologia de enfermedades dominantes en Puebla. Re- forma med., Mexico, 1885-6, 2. ep., i, 91-94.—Gonzalez (B.) Apuntes sobre el elima de Puebla, deducidos de seis afios de observaci6n en el Colegio del Estado. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1887-8, i, 143-222, 4 tab.—Mena (M. M.) La ciudad de Puebla bajo el punto de vista de la higiene. Ibid., 1889-90, iii, 215-288. Puecli (A.) De l'influence de l'etablissement de la menstruation sur l'apparition d'accidents oculaires, en particulier chez les sujets diatM- siques. 10 pp. 8°. [Havre, Lemale & Cie., 1889.] ------& Fromaget (C.) Elements d'ophtal- mologie journaliere. 1 p. 1., 246 pp. 16°. Paris, [1896]. ------------. Precis d'ophtalmologie journa- liere. viii, 368 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ci-fils, 1901. ------------. The same. LTpaKTiKrf'jepcxn'Fv- tikt) roav oepQaXpiK&v vo6rjfidrcov Kara pe- ratet. e ginec. 1903, Roma, 1904, ix, 192.— Bieea-Barfoeris (E.) Sudiun caso di grave anemia a tipo aplastico, in puerperio infezioso. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1908, 4. s xiv, 128-131.—Sanders (H. C.) A report of a case of severe anemia secondary to puerperal sepsis accompanied with multiple neuritis. Tr. PUERPERAL. 57 PUERPERAL. Puerperal ansemia. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1903, 143-149. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1904, xxii, 134-137.—Sloeum (H. A.) A case jf extreme puerperal anemia and nephritis, delivery at term with forceps applied, under chloroform, above the superior strait; recovery of mother and child. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 664. Also, Reprint. — Vlgneri (G.) Caso di paralisi di cuore per anemia acuta post partum, in una donna affettada febbre tifoide, vinta con iniezioni sottocutanee di cloruro di sodio. Gazz. med. d. Puglia, Bari, 1890, x, 254-257. -----. Azione del cloruro sodico nella minaccia di paralisi di cuore per anemia acuta post partum. Puglia med., Bari, 1S94. ii, 139-145.— Vinay (C.) Traitement de l'anemie pernicieuse de la puerperalite. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 425. Puerperal appen dicitis. See Puerperal state (Complications of, Gastro- intestinal). Puerperal cellulitis. See Puerperal septicaemia. Puerperal con culsions. See, also, Epilepsy in pregnancy, ete.; Insan- ity (Puerjxral); Labor (Seguelieof). Andre (T.-E.) * Etude critique de la patho- genie de l'eelanipsie et de son traitement. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893. Azais ( C. ) * Contribution a l'etude de l'eclampsie puerperale; sa frequence, ses for- mes, sa gravite a Lvon. Maternite, hospice de La Charite. 4°. Lyon, 1891. -----. The same. roy. 8°. Lyon, 1891. Baeza (C. E.) *Pathogenese und Therapie der Eklampsia gravidarum. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Leiden, 1892. Bauer ( A. ) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Eclampsie. 8°. Munchen, 1876. Berxs (A. W. C.) lets over eklampsie. 8°. Gravenhage, 1872. Beumer ([F. W.] O.) * Ueber Eclampsie. [Rostock.] 8°. Greifswald, 1875. van Boxselt (W. G.) *De gravidarum par- turientium ac puerperarum convulsionibus. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1775. Braux (C.) Ueber Convulsionen der Frauen. 8°. Erlangen, 1853. Bremme(\V.) * Eklampsie bei mehrfachen Geburten. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Curaxt ( H. ) *De eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. 8°. Berolini, [1861]. Durand(J.) *De 1'eclampsie puerperale sur- venant durant la grossesse, pendant le travail, ou apres l'accouchenient. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866. Dyrexfukth (0.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Eklampsie. 8°. Breslau, 1874. Ebinger (E.) * Kin Beitrag zur Statistik, Prognose und Behandlung der Eklampsie. 8°. Kiel, 1900. Flatau (S.) Die Lehre von der puerperalen Eklampsie en ihrer gegenwiirtigen Gestalt. 8°. Halle a. S., 1899. Forster (E.) * De l'eclampsie puerperale au point de vue de ses causes et specialement au point de vue de son traitement. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1867. Fouqueau (E.-P.-F.) * Observations d'acces d'eclampsie puerperale et traitement. 8°. Pa- ris, 1898. Gugexheim (J.) *Ueber puerperale Eklamp- sie. 8°. Strassbure/, 1894. Harig (\V.) * 1st Wiirttemberg relativ im- mun gegen Eklampsie? 8°. Tubingen, 1901. Heymaxn (E. [R. R.]) -*De eclampsia par- turientium. 8°. Vratislavise, [1835]. Joachimi (A.) *Der gegenwJirtige Stand- punkt der Lehre von der Eklampsie. 8°. Jena, 1893. Puerperal con culsions. Jovi (G.) Eclampsia puerperale. Nota cli- nica. 8°. Pistoia, 1895. Kamnitzer (A.) * Ein Beitrag zur Eklamp- siefrage. [Bonn.] 8°. Kbln, 1904. Kauffmanx (H.) * Ueber Eklampsie. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Lafou (H.) Contribution a l'etude de quelques formes anormales d'eclampsie. 8°. Paris, 1899. Lahaussois (H.) *Des acces eclamptiques debutant apres l'accouchenient. 8°. Nancy, 1898. Lange (J. S. E.) *Ein Beitrag zur Eklamp- sia. 8°. Greifswald, 1899. Lefloch (J. J. M.) *Quelques remarques sur l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896. Lehmann (J. [J. K.]) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Eclampsie. 8°. Marburg, 1894. Lustig (J.) *De eclampsia gravidarum et parturientium. 8°. Berolini, [1858]. Mace (G.) * Quelques considerations sur les acces eclamptiques principalement sur leur diagnostic et leur traitement. 8°. Paris, 1898. Micholet (J.-L.-D.) *Des causes de la mor- tality de l'enfant dans l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894. Oberlander (W.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eklampsie. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Perrochet (C.) * Beitrage zur Eklampsie- Frage. [Basel.] 8°. Basel, 1894. Pollak (E.) Kritisch experimentelle Stu- dien zur Klinik der puerperalen Eklampsie. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1904. Righi (A.) Note eziologiche e terapeutiche sulF eclampsia delle partorienti. 8°. Pergola, 1892. Roeper (C. M. A. H.) *De eclampsia. 8°. Rostochii, 1835. Rosart (J.) De l'albuminurie et de l'eclamp- sie puerperales. Essai critique sur la genese de ces deux complications de la grossesse et sur quelques particularites du traitement des con- vulsions eclamptiques. 8°. Liege, 1S74. Seeger (W. [H. C.]) *Ueber Symptomato- logie und Therapie der Eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium et puerperarum. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. So a res (J. M. A.) * Eclampsia puerperal; etiologia e tratamento. row 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1905. Sommer (V. J.) *Die Aetiologie und The- rapie der puerperalen Eklampsie. 8°. Bonn, 1898. Soxrel (C.) ^Contribution a l'etude des acces eclamptiques, et plus particulierement de leur pathogenie. 4°. Paris, 1894. Swiderski (B.) * Beitrage zur Eclampsie- Frage. [Giessen.] 8°. Lissa i. P., 1900. Timermans (G.) DelP eclampside od eclamp- sia. 12°. Torino, 1854. Wagner (C. F.) *De eclampsia exquisita in partu. 8°. Marburgi, 1817. Wider (K.) * Ueber puerperale Eklampsie. 8°. Tubingen, 1894. Wildbolz (R.) * Beitriige zur Eklampsia puerperalis. [Zurich.] 8°. Wetzikon, 1890. Aall (C) Eklampsie. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Liegefor., Kristiania, 1905, xxv, 277; 330.— Abrams (E. P.) Puer- peral eclampsia. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1902, N. Y., 1903, xv, 341-347. Also: Am. J.Obst. X. Y., 1903, xlvii, (14-70.—Adam (G. R.) Notes on puerperal eclampsia. Intercolon. M. J. Australas , Melbourne, 1902, vii, 549- 556. [Discussion], 575-580.—Adams (M. R.) Puerperal eclampsia. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1906, xxix, 59-61.— Alilleld (F.) Genese, Prophylaxe und Behandlung PUERPERAL. 58 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions. d r Kki.niipsie. Deutsche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1901, x, 1; 54.—Allan (B. A.) Notes on puer- peral eclampsia. Med. Age, Detroit, 1906, xxiv, 921- 928.—Armstrong (G. E.) Puerperal eclampsia. Proc. Med.-Cliir. Soc. Montreal (1882-31, 1884, 89-95.—Bailey (G. M.) Puerperal eclampsia. Med. Critic, N. Y., 1902, ii, 563.—Handler (S. W.) What is eclampsia? Am. J. Obst.,N.Y., 1903,xlvii,433-446.—Barnes (R.) Puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 987.—Barone (A.) Contributo alia patogenesi e cura dell' eclampsia puerperale. Pn-Mgna d'ostet. e ginec., Napoli, 1896, v, 518-538.—Basham (I). W. i Eclampsia parturientum. l'roc. Kansas M. Soc., Topeka, 1894, xxviii, 147-157.— Beattie (T. J.) Puerperal eclampsia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 493-^96.—Bell (T.J.) Puerperal eclampsia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 191-193.—Bell (T. YV.) Puerperal eclampsia. N. Zealand M. J. Dunedin, 1893,vi.266-271.— Bentiveiina (A.) Eclampsia edauto- intossiiiazionegravidica. [From: Lucinasicula, Palermo, 19(i3. nos. 2-3.] Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1903, vi, 30.— Berezeller (I.) Eklampsia gravidae. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xlv, 65.—Betti (O.) Contributo alia casistica ed alia cura dell' eclampsia puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 613.—Betz (F.) Ein Fall von Convulsionen in utero und nach der Geburt. Memo- rabilien, Heilbr., 1894, n. F., xiii, 340-343.—Bianelii (L.) ck Colueei (C.) Eclampsiaedepilessia. In: Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap.med., Milano, [1892], ii, pt. 4, 497-708.— Blacker (G. F.) A clinical lecture on eclampsia. Clin. J., Loud., 1895-6, vii, 10-13.—Blair (J.) Puerperal eclampsia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1906, xxvi, 218-234.— Blaisdell (W. S.) Puerperal eclampsia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1891, xxv, 31-33.—Bin in e (F.) Eclampsia gravidarum. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, .xxxii, 638-614. (Discussion], 787. Also: Tr. Am. Ass. (>bst. c, Detroit, 1904, iii, 142-148.— Bonnaire (E.) Pathogenie et traitement de l'eclamp- sie puerperale. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1903, xxxi, 362; 371. Also: Progres med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xvii, 391-396. Also: Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1903, xxxii, 458- 473.—Bootl»(T. S.) Puerperal eclampsia. TexasCour.- Rec. Med., Dallas, 1896-7, xiv, 39-14.—Boyd (J. N.) Puerperal convulsions. Ibid., 1895-6, xiii, 157; 183.— Bradley (Frances^. Eclampsia. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1905-6, vii, 73-78.—von Braitenberg (J.) Bei- trag zur Casuistic der Eklampsie. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 19H2, xv, 167-17(1.—Briiiirs (W. A.) The nephritis and eelampsiaof pregnancy and parturition. Occidental M. 'rimes, Sacramento, 1*95, ix, 355-363.— Hrigham (F. L.) Eclampsia. Am. Gvna-e. & Obst. J., N. Y.. 1899, xv, 521-525. Also: Ann. Gvnec. A: Pediat., Bost.,1899-1900, xiii, 175-179. Also: Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Burlington, 1900,171- 181.—Brown (S. G. A.) Puerperal convulsions. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N.Y'., 1906, xxviii, 69-72.—Brown- iield (H. M.) Puerperal eclampsia. Guv's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, x,391.—de Bruine Ploos van Amstel (P. J.) Eclampsia puerperalis. Med. Weekbl., Amst:, 1905-6, xii, 253; 269, 281; 293; 307: 317; 337. Also, transl.: Rev. de med., Par., )9(i6, xxvi, 68; 167.— Budin (P.) Eclampsie. J. d. sages-t'emmes, Par., 1898, xxvi, 121; 137: 1899, xxvii, 297; 305; 313.—Bue (V.) Pathogenie et traitement des acces eclamptiques. Arch, de gy- nec. et de toeol., Par., 1896, xxiii, 641-667.—Burgess (T.) Puerperal convulsions and its treatment. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896, xxxiv, 323-326.—Burns (A. S ) Eclampsia; its etiology and treatment. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1908, xx, 142-148.—Byers (J. W.) The pa- thology and treatment of eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 747-719.—Carrell (J. B.) Thoughts on puerperal eclamp-ia. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1896, x, 657 — faskie i \V. A. i Puerperal convulsions. Glasgow M.J., 1907, lxviii. 48-52.— <'atio (W. M.) Puerperal eclampsia. Am. Gvna-e. A: Obst. J.. N. Y., 18.96, ix, 423-430. Also, Re- | print—Cecil (.!. (1.1 Puerperal eclampsia. Am. Pract. A- News. Louisville, 1898, xxv, 393-403— Charles (N.) Quelques mots surles causeset ie traitement de l'eclamp- sie puerperale. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1905, xxvi, 334.— Claueiosi (A.) Nuovo contributo alia patogenesi e cura dell' eclampsia gravidiea. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1897, 7. s., viii, 836-816.—Claiborne (J. H.) Puer- peral eclampsia. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1889, Phila., 1890. ii. 330-345. Also [Abstr.]. Med. Age, Detroit, 1889, vii, 553-556.—Clarke (A. P.) Puerperal eclampsia; its causation and treatment. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1893, iii, 331-338.—Colien (B. M.) Eclampsia gravidarum, parturientium puerperarum. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1874-5. vii. 107-125.—Collins (A. N.) Cause and treat- ment of puerperal eclampsia. J.Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1904, iii, 441-447. [Discussion],446-453.—Cooksey (T. L.) ; Puerperal eclampsia. Columbus M. J., 1905, xxix, 493.— Cooper (C. M.) Puerperal eclampsia; etiology and treat- Puerperal convidsions. ment. Minneap. Homoeop. Mag., 1899, viii, 14-22.—Coo- ver (E.) Puerperal eclampsia. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 567-574.—Coston (H. R.) Puerperal eclnmpsia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1896, 3. s., xii, 368-371.—de Cotret (E. A. R.) De l'eclampsie. Union med,, du Canada, Mon- treal, 1898, xxvii, 137-153. -----. Eclampsie. Ibid.. 1906, xxxv, 386-396.—(ova (E.) L'eclampsia nelle plu- ripare. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1905, ii, 609-634.—Crago (W. H.) An introduction to a discussion on puerperal eclampsia, with notes of two cases. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1896, xv, 311-314. [Discussion], 310-312.—Craim (D. W.) A few remarks on eclampsia. ,1. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.] Minneap, 1908, xxviii, 119-122— Crista Hi (<;.; Eclampsiaoeclampsie puerperali? A rcb.di ostet. e ginec, Napoli. 1905, xii, 14- 35. — Cunningham (S.) Some observations on eclampsia. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1893, xxv, 205-212. Also: Texas M. J., Austin, 1893-4, ix, 320-328.— Cunning'liam (T. E.) Puerperal eclampsia. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, c.xxix, 116—Curry (M. A.) Eclampsia. Maritime M.News,Halifax,19o_\xiv, 124-129.— Dallas (A. McC.) Puerperal convulsions. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1905, xl, 300-303.—Daniels (Y. G.) Some mooted points in the etiology and treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Med. Recorder, Shreveport, La., 1904, i, 373- 378.—Das (K. N.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Indian M. Cong. 1891, Calcutta, 1895, 435-445, 2 ch. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1895,xxx, 103; 180, 1 ch. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 79-94. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, vi, 99. -----. Puerperal eclampsia. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1898, xiv, 308-311.—Davenport (G.) Puerperal convulsions. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Bur- lington, 1894, 81-99. Alio: Am. Gvmec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 159-167. Also, Reprint—Davidson (A. C.) Puerperal eclampsia, with special reference to its cause and treatment. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1894, 291-304. Also: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1893, xiv, 1; 35.—Davis (E. P.) Eclampsia, antepartum and postpartum. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxvii, 476-480. [Discussion], 523-526.— Delabrosse. Eclampsie de la grossesse. Bull.Soc.de med. dp Rouen (1892), 1893, 2. s., vi, 77.—Desbonnets (V.) Eclampsie puerperale. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1893, viii, 137-140.— Dingess (M. T.) Eclamp- sia. J. Kansas M. Soc, Lawrence, 1904, iv, 298-302 — Dinwoodie (W.) Puerperal eclampsia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1890, x, 118-121.—Discussion (A) on puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 679- 684.—Dodge (W.) Puerperal eclampsia. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1890, v, 166-176. — Doktor ( S.) Eclampsia intra et post partum. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 281. — Diilirssen ( A.) Ueber Eklampsie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1892-3, xliii, 49-161.—Duke (A.) A note on puerperal convulsions. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n.s., lxxx, 324.—Dunlop (R.) Some ob- servations on puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1634-1636.—Dyce (R.) On puerperal convul- sions. Ibid., 1868, i,372. Also, Reprint.—Earle (C. WO Puerperal eclampsin Chicago M. Rec, 1861, ii, 191-205. [Discussion], 206.—Kclampsle (L') puerperale; theo- ries; prognostic de gravity; traitement. Scalpel, Li6ge, 1893-4, xlvi, 241—Elderdice (R. B.) Puerperal con- vulsions. Med. Summary, Phila., 1895-6, xvii, 289-291.— Ely (J. W. C.) Remarks on puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1892, Providence, 1893, iv, pt. 4, 382-390.—Escli. Ueber Eklampsie. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1906, lviii, 11-62. -----. Zur Eklamp- sie ohne Anfalle. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 295-299.—Fav re (A.) Ueber Puefperaleklampsie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1891, exxiv, 177-216,1 pl.— Fell ling. Die Pathogenese und Behandlung der Eklampsie imLichte der heutigen Anschauungen. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 714. Also: Sitzungsb. d. aerztl. Ver. Halle a. S. 1898-9, Munchen, 1900, 33.— Fenton (Susan J.) Eclampsia of pregnancy and the puerperal state. Pacific Coast J. Homceop., San Fran., 1902,x, 178.—Ferensiewicz (M.) Przypadekrzucavvki wpologu. [Eclampsia in puerperio.] Przegl. lek., Kra- k6w, 1899, xxxviii, 640.—Ferre. Contribution a l'etude de l'eclampsie puerperale etde son traitement. N. Arch. d'obst. et de gynec, Par.. 1891, ix, 398-409.—Fin ley (M. A.) Eclampsia. J. Kansas M. Soc., Lawrence, 1905, v, 247; 288.—Flandrin. L'eclampsie sans albuminuric et l'albumosurie. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1900, xxiv, 198-202.—Folger (W. ('.) Noteson puerperal eclampsia. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1906, xxix, 321-324—Fother- gill (W. E.) Some recent work on the setiology and treatment of eclampsia. Practitioner, Lond., 1903, lxx, 217-223.—Fox (C. J.) Puerperal eclampsia. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1890, ii, 1-3.—Fraseani (V.) Con- tributo alio studio della eclampsia non accompagnata da disturbi uropoietici. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1890, ii, 284-287— Fulkerson (P.S.) Puerperal eclamp- sia. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. .TeiTcrson City, 1893, 236-247.— (;alla<£lier(F. \V.) Puerperal convulsions. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, li, 663.—Garth right (R. II.) Prevention and treatment of puerperal convulsions. Virginia M. Month..Richmond, 1891-2, xviii.571-571— Garvinf'l II. i Puerperal convulsions. Kentucky M..I., Louisville, 1905-6, iii, 537-539.—p, 'Aflfji/ai, 1901, i, 142-144.— Conrad (C.) Ein Fall von schwerer Eklampsie nach der Geburt mit Uebergang in Heilung. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1896, ix, 13.—Corson (E. R.) Some clinical jottings on twenty cases of puerperal eclampsia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl,502-506.—Coudert (F. E.) Puerperal eclampsias. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, ix,591.— Courtney (S.E.) Reportof fourcases of puerperal eclampsia occurring in the Boston City Hos- pital. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, cxxxii,486.—Craik (R.) A note on two cases of puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1639.— Crown miHer (Mary M.) A few casesof puerperal eouviilsions. Paeilic Coast J. Homceop. San Fran., 1902, x, 278-280.— Cully (B. L.) A caseof ec- lampsia. J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi, 1899-1900, iii, 723- 726.— Cuseaden (<;.) Eclamptic convulsion occurring fourteen days after confinement. Australas. M. Gaz..Syd- ney, 1905, xxiv, 382. [Discussion], 390.—Davidson (A. C.) Four cases of puerperal eclampsia, with treatment. PUERPERAL. 63 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Cases anel sta- tistics of). Tr. M. Ass', (ieorgia, Macon, 1888. 89-94.—Davis (E. P.) A case of post-partum eclampsia, multiple atheroma, and death. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 334.—Davis (J. E.) Report of a case of puerperal eclampsia, with recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1830.— Day (C. E.) Report of a caseof puerperal eclampsia. Physio-Med. Rec, Indianap., 1906, ix, 125. — Delbeeq. Un cas d'eclampsie. Bull., Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1902, 303-310. -----. A propos d'un cas d'eclampsie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 20-28.—Dervau.v (H.) Deux cas d'eclampsie. J. d. sc. nud. de Lille, 1905, ii, 156-158.—De war (M ) A clinical note on a case of eclampsiaat the sixth month; recovery, successful labour at full term. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc., '1900-1901, xxvi 55- 63. Also: Scot. M.& S..1.,Edinb., 1901,viii, 149-155.—Dod- son (G. E.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. St. Bartli. Hosp. J., Lond., 1897-8, v, 24.—Doktor (S.) Eclampsia post partum ket esete. [Two cases of puerperal eclamp- sia.] Gybgyaszat, Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 735.—Douglass (T.) Puerperal eclampsia, with report of cases. Tr. Ar- kansas M. Soc. Little Rock, 1902, xxvii, 163-173—Du- rand (A.) & Sclimitt (C.) Eclampsie et droit marital. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1904, 2. s., xxii, 421-426.— Karl (G. H.) Cases of eclampsia. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1906, xii, 276-282.—Eelampside; parto distocico; guari- gione. Lucina, Bologna, 1903, viii, 22-24.—Edwards (J:J.) A case of puerperal eclampsia ending fatally. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1893, xxi, 201.- Eklainpsie mit gluckliehem Ausgang. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 336. — Fngelmann (F.) Ueber einen bemerkenswerten Fall von Eklampsie mit fast 200 Anfallen und Ausgang in Heilung. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz.,1907, xxxi,306-314.—Eskelim Karolina). Hundrafemtio fall af eklampsi. [One hundred and fifty cases of eclampsia.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsing- fors, 1897, xxxix, 38-182.—Farre Boix (R.) Un caso de eclampsia durante el embarazo v en el parto. Uni6n med., Lerida, 1899,iii, 191-193— l'cuwiek (G. P.) Three cases of puerperal eclampsia. Tr Wash. Obst. & Gvnec. Soc. 1887-9, IN. Y., 1890],ii, 34-40.—Finlay (S.) Case of puerperal eclampsia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 308.—Finzi (G.) Sopra un caso di eclampsia seguito da morte. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1890, 7. s.,i, 649- 665. — FitzGerald (F. CI . Urremic eclampsia; coma; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 1452.—Plata it. [Zwei Falle von Eklampsie.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1155. — Flesch (M.) Zwei Fiille von Eklampsie. Ibid., 1890, xxxvii, 723-725.—Ford i.I.F.) Eclampsia, with a report of two cases. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii, 102-168. -----. Puerperal eclampsia; a study of seventeen cases in country practice. Tr. M. Soc. Wis- consin, Madison, 1899, xxxiii, 193-203. Also: Ann. Gvnec. & Pediat., Bost., 1899-1900, xiii, 8-14. —FoilIkrod (C.) Report of three cases of eclampsia recovering without delivery. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 619- 621— Fox (P. W.) Three cases of puerperal eclampsia out of four women delivered within ten days; one death. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1900, xxix, 47.—Fowler (G.) Notes on four cases of puerperal eclampsia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1898,i, 1184.—Frankenthal (L. E.) A case of eclampsia. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1897, xi, 363- 369. — Fraser (N.S.) Eclampsia occurring twenty-one hours afterdelivery. Med. Council, Phila., 1904, ix, 164.— Fratkin (B. A.) ' Dva siuchava eklampsii. [Two cases of . . .] Protok. i soobsh. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (1889), 1*90, vii, no. 2, pt. 2, 3-15. — Freeman (W. L.) Report and remarks on a case of puerperal eclampsia. Denver M. Times, 1895-6, xv, 138-140.—Gage (J. A.) A case of eclampsia. Boston M. & S. J.,1890, cxxii, 275.—Gamble (M.) Notes on a case of severe puerperal eclampsia. Intercolon. M. J Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, 512-516.— Gaussel-Ziegelmann (Mme.) De la continuation de la grossesse apres les acces d'eclampsie. Montpel. m6d., 1903, xvi, 345; 377.—Geijl (A.) Eclampsie voor de ge- boorte naar aanleiding van vier, in het laatste jaar waar- genomen gevallen. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1896-7, iii, 359- 363.—Gilbert (R. B.) Three cases of puerperal convul- sions. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1902, xxxiv, 102-104.—Gill (J. J.) Report of a case of puerperal eclampsia from a pediatric point of view. Arch. Pe- diat.. N. Y., 1906. xxiii, 685-687. [Discussion], 705.— Gillion (L.) A propos d'un cas recent d'eclampsie suivi de guerison. Clinique, Brux., 1889, iii, 785-787.— GllroyU.) Caseof puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i. 68°.—van Goudoever (L. C.) Waarneming van eclampsie in de laatste maand der zwangerschap. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1861-2, xii, 55-89. Also, Reprint. —Giiz. Ein Fall von Eklampsia tardissima, 8 Wochen post partum. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 547.—Goldberg (O.) Beitrag zur Eklampsie auf Grund von 81 Fallen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.,1891,xli,295:1892,xlii,87.—Goss(C.W.) An unusual obstetrical experience. Med. Rec, N. Y.,1894, xlv, 440.— Grainier (M.) Klinicheskiya zamietki i statistiches- kiya danniya po eklampsii. [Clinical notes and statistics on eclampsia.! J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., Puerperal convulsions (Cases and sta- tistics of). 1907, xxi, 1407-1425.—Green (C. M.) Puerperal eclamp- sia; the experience of the Boston Lying-in Hospital dur- ing the last eight years. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1893, xviii, 141-174. Also: Am. J. Obst.,'N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 18-44. [Discussion], 147-150.—Green (J. J.) Report on cases of puerperal eclampsia. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 457.—Gregory (W. H.) Case of puerperal ec- lampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1208.—Grey (H.) Primary eclampsia in a multipara. Ibid., 1904, i, 74.— Griffith (W. s. A.) Notes of a case of puerperal ec- lampsia, with a description of a five weeks' ovum re- moved in a subsequent pregnancy. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., (1899), 1900, xii, 151-161, 2 1., 2 pl.—Grossmaun. Ein Fall von Eclampsie, nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur The- rapie. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M., 1895, iv, 303; 366. — Guerin-Valmale. Quelques refle- xions a propos de quinze observations d'acces eclamp- tique. Montpel. med., 1903, xvii, 320; 337; 370; 391.— Haasei Fran ('.) Eklampsie mit gutem Ausgang. Siichs. Ver.-Hebam.-Ztg., Dresd., 1904, i, No. 9, 6.— Hamil- ton (T.) History of a case of convulsions during the latter months of pregnancy, with practical remarks on convulsions during pregnancy and labor. Ann. Med. Edinb., 1801, v, 313-343. Also, transl.: Samml. auserl. Ab- handl. z. Gebr. prakt. Aerzte, Leipz., 1801, xx, 534-558.— Haminersehlag. Die Eklampsie in Ostpreussen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1904, xx, Ergn- zngshft., 475-521. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1172.—Hampel (Anna). Ueber verschiedenes Auftreten von Eklampsie ausmeiner Praxis. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg.,Berl.,1901, xix, 468.— Hare (C. H.) A case of eclampsia; death. Boston M.& S. J., 1895, cxxxii, 487.—Harrer (J. A.) Concerning one hundred and fifty cases of eclampsia in the Lying-in Hos- pital of New York. Bull. Lying-in Hosp., N. Y., 1905, ii, 72-74.—Hart (B.) A clinical lecture on a case of ec- lampsia. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, iii, 405-407. — Hen- derson (W. W.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 76-80. —Heu (Minna). Eklampsie mit gliicklichem Verlauf. Allg. deutsche He- bam.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 187.—Hiekey (P. M.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1893/, iv, 13-16.—Higashibara (S.) Kiukan sitsuken. [Clinical experiences on puerperal eclampsia.] Torin no Siwori, Fukuoka, 1893, v, no. 3, 12-17. —Hirigoyen (L.) Notes cliniques sur vingt-six cas d'ecTampsie. Rev. mens, de gyn6c. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1901, iii, 457-469.— Hirst (B. C.) Practical lessons from an experience of more than one hundred cases of eclampsia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1904, 3. s., xx, 73-76.— Hirst (J. C.) A clinical and statistical review of 122 cases of albuminuria and 48 cases of eclampsia occurring in the maternity of the Hos- pital of the University of Pennsylvania. Am.Med.,Phila., 1903, v, 694-696.—Hooper (J. W. D.) An interesting case of puerperal eclampsia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1891- 2, xi, 45-47. — Hilnerniann. Eklampsie in der Ge- burt und im Wochenbett; 8 Fiille. Charitrj-Ann., Berl., 1893, xviii, 583-585.—Isham. A case of puerperal con- vulsions; death. Tr. Obst. Soc Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 42^5.—Jaeobsen (G. O.) Case of puerperal eclampsia six days after delivery; death. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 395.—Jardine(R.) Case of recurrent eclampsia. Glas- gow M. J., 1904, lxii, 295-298. -----. Puerperal eclampsia. Hospital, Lond., 1904-6, xxxvii, 137. -----. Clinical notes of a consecutive series of cases of eclampsia. J. Obst. & Gyncec Brit. Emp., Lond., 1905, viii, 14-24.—Ja- vvorski (J.) Przypadek eklampsyi porodowej u epilep- tyczki, z bardzo wysoka. cieplouj przebiegajaey. [Puer- peral eclampsia in an epileptic woman, with very high temperature.] Kron. lek., Warsawa, 1895, xvi, 801; 841.— Jenkins (T. W.) Remarks on a case of eclampsia during pregnancy. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xii, 423-431.— Johnston (CH.) Puerperal eclampsia; report of eight cases. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, GrandRapids, 1896, xx, 560-567. Also: Phvsician&Surg., Detroit& Ann Arbor, ls96, xviii, 337-341. Also: Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1896-7, x,514- 549.—Johnstone (J.) A caseof puerperal eclampsia. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1907, xxix, 70-74.—Joli- ceeur. Grossesse; coma 6clamptique; mort nvant l'ac- couchenient. Cnion med. du nord-est, Reims, 1903, xxvii, 46-50.— Jorgensen (P. P. M.) A caseof eclamp- sia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 175.—Kehres (F. A.) Eclamptische Krampfe; Eclampsia in partu et puerperio, Hemiplegia. In his: Beitr. z. klin. u. exper. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Giessen, 1879-90, ii, 401-406.—Keiser (E. E.) Post-partum eclampsia! reportof acase; recovery. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii, 312-317—ifcelso (H. J.) Puerperal eclampsia, with reportof case. Nashville J. M. & S., 1892, lxxii, 55.—Kerr (J. M. M.) Eclampsia; an analysis of the cases which baveoccurred in the Glas- gow Maternity Hospital during the last fifteen years. Glasgow Hosp. Rep., 1901, iii, 67-97.—Kidd (D. A.) Re- port of a case of puerperal eclampsia. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1891-2, xxiv, 98.—Kitching fC. Med.) Acase of puerperal eclampsia. South African M. .1., Cape Town, 1896, iv, 191-194.—Krisch (Maria). Eklampsie bei PUERPERAL. 64 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Cases and sta- tistics of). Steisslagc Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, xvi, 401.—Kriimmacher. Eklampsie [43 Fiille]. Charite- Ann., Berl., 1903. xxvii, 421-429.— Kuss (Frau M.) Eklampsie mit gliicklichem Ausgang fiir Mutter una Kind. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 367 — Lagarde (A.) Un caso de eclampsia grave. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1893, ii, 364-378.—Lalonde (A. J.) A case of eclampsia. Queen's M. Quart., Kings- ton, Canada, 1905-6, x, 73.—Lambert (W. M.) Puer- peral convulsions; report of two cases. Memphis M. Month., 1900, xx, 418.—Lambinon (H.) Eclampsie chez une primipare a terme; guerison. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1903, xxiv, 361.— Laubenburg(K. E.) Eklamp- sie in friiher Schwangerchaft. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1903, xvii, 842-849. — Leblond (V.) Note sur cinq cas d'eclampsie. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gvnec, Par., 1890, v, 519-531. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1890, xviii, 155; 105; 173. —Lelevre (B.) Deux cas d'eclampsie puerperale. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1902, xxiii, 249.—Leonard (A. M.) A clinical studv of eclampsia. Med. Times, N. Y., 1904, xxxii, 273-276.— Lippi (V.) Un caso di eclampsia durante il puerperio. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1319.—Lippold (W. E.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1907, lvi, 855-857.—Lithgow (J.) Puerperal eclampsia be- fore delivery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1211.—Lock- hart (V. O. i A case of puerperal convulsions four days after delivery. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1890-91, n. s., vii, 532.— Loviot. Eclampsie au 7" mois de la grossesse chez une primipare albuminurjque; mort. Bull, et mem. Soc obst. etgvnec.de Par., 1890,253-256. Also: Repert. univ. d'obst. et gynec, Par., 1891, vi, 241.—Lowry (C. O.) Report of two cases of puerperal eclampsia. Centr. States M. Monit, Indianap., 1906, ix, 753.—Liitzkendorl' (Frau). Eklampsie nach der Geburt. Allg. deutsche Habam.- Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 390.— MacAtan (N. D.) A case of eclampsia. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1906, xxix, 247.—Me- Credie (R. W.) A case of eclampsia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1902, xxi, 565.—McDowell (R.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 184.— McGehee (J. W.) Eclampsia, with report of three cases. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1906, xxix, 204-206.— Me- Ilwraith (K. C.) Report of a fatal case of eclampsia. Canad. Pract.& Rev., Toronto, 1902, xxvii, 141—Mc- Bady (F. S.) Eclampsia, with a report of two cases. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1897, 131-141.— Mann (J.) Eklampsia 46 esete. [Cases.] Gynae- kologia, Budapest. 1907. 1-19.—Manning (V.) Acase of puerperal eclampsia. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1898, vi, 117.— Marriott (J.) Three cases of puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 193.— Martin (J. W.) A caseof puerperal eclampsia. Edinb. M. J., 1892-3, xxxviii, 1125-1128. Also: Tr. Edinte. Obst. Soc, 1892-3, xviii, 55-5*.—Martin (T. A.) A case of latent puerperal convulsions, occurring three weeks after delivery, and presenting no premonitory symptoms of uremic poisoning. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1900, xxiii, 418- 420. [Discussion], 468-473.— Martin (W. J.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Homceop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xiii, 392-395.—Matsokln (P. G.) Eclampsia sub et p. part, s khoroshim iskhedom dlya rozhenitsi i ploda. I. . . with good result for mother and child.] Russk. Med. St. Petersb., 1890, xv, 500.—Maygrier. Eclamp- sie post-partum. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gyn6c de Par., 1897, 200-203. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1897. xiii, 286-288.—Meachem (J. G.) Report of fifteen cases of puerperal eclampsia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 274-277. Also, Reprint. —Miglia- vacca (Annetta). Osservazioni su un caso di eclamp- sia. Arte ostet., Milano, 1903, xvii, 254.—Miller (M. B.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 540.—Mooney (J. B.) Puerperal eclampsia and septicemia,with report of cases. Med. Times, N. Y., 1902, xxx, 107-109.—Moran (J. F.) Puerperal eclampsia; statistics of Columbia Hospital. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 341-347. [Discussion], 405-407. -----. Puer- peral eclampsia; statistics of Columbia Hospital. Ibid., 1906, liii, 609-622. [Discussion], 720.— Mukherji (A. C.) Puerperal eclampsia; recovery. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1906, xxvii, 1027.—Munson (E. L.) Precipitate labor associated with eclampsia. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1896-7, 348.—Murphy (C. W.) Eclampsia. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1903, xviii, 527-529.—N. (A.) [mid- wife]. Eklampsie mit gliicklichem Verlauf. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 235.—Nadosy (I.) Az eklampsia ket esete. [Two cases of.. .1 Gy- naekologia, Budapest, 1906, 209-214. —Neale (L. E.) Notes on puerperal eclampsia, with reportof four cases. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii, 268-272.—Newell (F. S.) An analysis of the cases of eclampsia occurring at the Boston Lving-in Hospital during the last fifteen years. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxli, 466-469. [Discus- sion], 473.—Newhall (H. W.) A case of eclampsia. Ibid., 1890, cxxii, 130.—Neyra (A.) Eclampsia uremica de forma cerebral. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1891, vi, 149—Nikolski (D. P.) Pozdnyaya posllerodovaya Puerperal cotivulsiofis (Cases and sta- tistics of). eklvampsiya. [Late puerperal eclampsia.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xvi, 760-762— No 1st Trenite (A. N.) Eclampsia gravidarum naar aanleiding van een geval. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1896-7, iii, 290-292 —Norberto Hernandez (A.) I'n caso de eclampsia seguido de feliz terminacion. Regeneraci6n med., Salamanca, 1896, ii, 277-281.—Norm en t (R. B.) Puerperal eclampsia, with a report of six cases. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890-91, xxiv,331-342. —O. (D.) Ein Fall von schwerer Eklampsie. Sachs. Hebam.-Ztg., Dresd., 19o6, iii, 56.— Olshausen. [Eklampsia in einer Primipara.] Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1906, lviii, 516.—O'Malley (D.J.) Two cases of puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1351.—Paine (C. F.) Puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Galveston, 1893, xxv, 213-215.—Pairman (T. W.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1892, v, 36-39.—Parna 11 (C G.) A fatal case of eclampsia, after the delivery ot twins; remarks on the etiology and pathology of the disease. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1906, v, 485-492.—Partridge (H. G.) On puer- peral eclampsia, with the report of nineteen cases. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1902, Providence, 1903, vi, 491-503. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlvii, 313-325. -----. Puerperal eclampsia, with report of cases. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence, 1906, vii, 366-371. Also: Provi- dence M. J., 1906, vii, 126-130. -----. Puerperal eclamp- sia, with report of cases. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1907, lvi, 159-165.—Patten (W. L.) Report of case of puerperal convulsions. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1890-91, n. s., vii. 409- 411.—Payne (J. W.) Acase of puerperal eclampsia. Australas. M.Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 236.—Peek (Eliza- beth L.) Report of acase of post-partum eclampsia. Phila. Hosp. Rep. (1900), 1901, iv, 127.—Peterson (RA Puerperal eclampsia, with report of a case. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1890, xii. 300-309.—Petersson (Maria). Fall af konvulsioneri samband med hafvande- skap och forlossning. [Case of convulsions during preg- nancy and labor.] Jordemodern, Stockholm, 1908, xvi, 93-97.— Phillips (J.) A case of puerperal eclampsia occurring intra- and post-partum. King's Coll.Hosp. Rep. 1896-7, Lond., 1898, iv, 221.—Piana (G.) Contributo clinico all' eclampsia puerperale. Arte ostet., Milano, 1902, xvi, 81; 102. — Pinzani. Dieci casi di eclamp- sia puerperale osservati in soli cinque mesi nella Clinica ostetrico-ginecologica di Pisa. Boll. d. Soc tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 119-128.—Poe (C. T.) Seven cases of puerperal eclampsia, treatment. Omaha Clinic, 1890-91, iii, 85.—Poole (T. D.) A case of puerperal ec- lampsia. Brit. M. J..Lond.,1892,ii,681.—Praguer Frdes (F.) Eclampsia no trabalho do parto. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1902-3, 5. s., vi, 355-359—Pueeh (P.) Eclampsie grave au 6e mois de la grossesse; guerison, accouchement normal un mois plus tard. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1893, ii, 31-34. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec. Par., 1893,xx,276.—Puiawski (W.) Przypadek rzucawki na poczalku piatego miesiaca ciazy; poronienie. [Eclampsia in the beginning of fifth month ot pregnancv; abortion.] Czasopismo lek., L6d2,1899, i, 348-354.—Purefoy (R. D.) Eclampsia. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1902, xx, 256.—Queirel. A propos d'une eelamptique. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de psediat.. Par., 1905, xviii, 353-364.—B. (O.) Eklampsie mit todlichem Ausgang. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 441. — Bandle (W. K.) Puerperal eclampsia, with report of acase. N. York. M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 1130. Also, Reprint.—Ban (C. K. M.) A. case of puerperal convulsions. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1902, xxii, 205. -----. Puerperal convulsions during labour; recovery. Ibid., 1903, xxiv, 842.—Belnhold (C. H.) A case of post-partum eclampsia; recovery. Guys Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xviii, 274.— Beneoret Ovalle (P.) I'n caso de eclampsia puerperal. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1896, xxiv, 259-264.—Bey (H.) Eclampsie puerperale; guerison spontanee. Cour- rier m6d., Par.. 1894, xliv, 113.—Bezza. Intorno a due casi di eclampsia. Lucina, Bologna, 1907, xii, 133-136.— Biehards (G. L.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1889-91, Providence, 1890-92, iv, 324- 328.—Bichardson (W. L.) Cases of eclampsia. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1890, cxxii, 121-123.—Bitter (Karoline). EinFall von Eklampsiemitglucklichem Ausgang. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviii, 187.—Bivera (M.) Eclampsia puerperal: 26 aecesos sin intermitencia! curaci6n. Siglo med., Madrid, 1892, xxxix, 454-456.— Boberts (W.) & Barker (C.) Case of puerperal ec- lampsia; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 796.—Boehe (L.) Eclampsie puerperale survenant neuf jours apres 1 accouchement; mort. Bull. Soc. m6d. de l'Yonne 1900, Auxerre, 1901, xii, 44-48.—Bonse (A.) Relation d'un cas d'eclampsie suiviede mort chez une multipare. Ann. Soc.demed. deGand, 1898, lxxvii, 238-242.—Bosenber- ger(A.) Eklampsia-esetek. [Casesof...] Sziileszetes nogy6gy., Budapest, 1903, no. 2, 1-7.—Bosi (U.) Su di un caso d: eclampsia. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1894, iii, 336-338—Ross (J. J.), Chipman (W. W.) & Goodall (J.R.) Childbirth complicated with eclampsia. Montreal M. J., 1904, xxxiii, 267-277. —Bumble (S.) PUERPERAL. 65 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Cases and sta- tistics of). Puerperal eclampsia, with report of cases. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1897. 110-124. —Kiitledge (Frances). | Labor followed bv hemorrhage and eclamptic svmp- toms. Woman's M. J.. Toledo, 1902, xii, 131. — Ry- bieki (S. ) Przypadek drgawek porodowych bez I bialUomoczu. [Puerperal convulsions without albu- minuria.] Medyeyna, Warszawa, 1881, ix, 1; 17. -----. ' Przyczynek do ka/.uistykidrgawek porodowych (eclamp- sia parturientium) z uwagami, przedmiotu tego do- tycz4cemi. [Cases of eclampsia.] Ibid., 1905, xxxiii, 148: 165: 1^3; 203. — Ryder ( G. H.) Some clinical observations on thirty-seven cases of eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liii, 622-639. — Byle (R. J.) A caseof fatal puerperal eclampsia. Guy's Hosp.Gaz.,Lond., 1896, x, 340.—S. (K. I.) Notes of four cases of puerperal eclampsia. Ibid., 1898, xii, 332-334.—Sa lies (M.) I'm caso de eclampsia. Kev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Jan., 1905, ix, 271-279.—Savage (M.) A case of puer- peral convulsions, J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phvs. A Surg. Bait., 1900-1901, iii, 42-44— Savory (H.) Notes of a case of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. t, 1899), 1900, xii, 284-293.—Sawyer (W. B.) Eclampsia; report of cases. South. Calif. Pract.,Los Angeles,1902,xvii.2s2-284.— Schniirer (J.) Ueber die Puerperaleklampsie; kriti- sches sammelreferat fiber die von 1890 bis Ende Juni 1902 ei'M'hienenen Arbeiten. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1903, vi, 90, 136:171; 217; 265; 298; 333; 309 — Sch open (A.) Vier Fiille von Eklampsie. zwei mit gutem, und/weimit todlichem Ausgang. Allg. deutsche Hebam.- Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviii, 327— Sehreiber (G.) Ein Bei- trag zur Statistik der Eklampsie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1896, li, 335-357.—Sehreiber (L. E.) Chetire sluchaya posllerodovol eklampsii. [Four cases of puerperal eclamp- sia.] Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz.. Odessa, 1893, ii, 355; 369; 380. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek., Berl., 1895, i, 474-487.— Sehroeder (H\ t Zur Eklamp- siestatistik. Ibid., Iy03, xvii.23*-259. Ab*o [Abstr.]: Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aer/tc 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 230-235—Seiapiades t K.) Eklamp- sia-tanulmany a budapesti egyetemi ii. sz. noi klinika 23 eves anyaganak attekintese kapesan. [Study of eclamp- sia after 23 years observation in the Budapest General Gynecological Clinic. Section II] Gvnaekologia, Buda- pest. 1904,147: 342: 495.—Scott t.I. T.) Reportof caseof puerperal eclampsia. Kansas M. J., Topeka,1892,iv,604.— Scull i W.B.) A report of fourcasesof puerperal convul- sions. Codexmed., Phila., 1894-5,i,300-303—Sgobba (D.) Eclampsia albuminurica grav all' 8° mese di gravidanza. Puglia med., Bari, 1901, viii, 76-79.—Shemwell (J.W.) A case of puerperal eclampsia, s-outh. Pract., Nashville, 1892, xiv, 483.—Shivers iM. <>.) Puerperal eelanlpsia; report of recent cases. Mi—i.-»ippi M. Rec, Vicksburg, 1903, vii, 185-190.—ShtsherbakolFt A. s. . sluchal ec- lampsia; puerperalis. Russk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1903, v, no. 9, 19-26.— Siedentopl". Leber Eklampsie mit besonderer Riiek-ieht auf die in Magdeburg beobach- teten Fiille. Fe-tschr. z. Feier d. 50. Be-teh. d. med. Ge- sellsch. zu Magdeb., 1898,131-147— Sniiruo w (LA Ec- lamp-ia. Internat.M.Mag..N.Y.,1899,viii,590.—SmitsiJ.) Ein Fall von Eclampsia gravidarum. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1891, vi.3s7-::-9—Spott(K.) Bozec rodicky (ecclampsia parturientium); vvleceni . . . [...: recovery.] Casop.lek. cesk., v Praze, 1872, xi. 33.—Spurn in ( W. H.) An un- usual case of eclampsia commencing eight hours after delivery. Guys' Hosp. Gaz.. Lond., 1899, xiii, 29 —Spun- (F.) Three casesof puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1717-1719— Stabler (F.) Besprechung eines mit EklampsieeinhergehendenGeburtsfalles. ■ Allg.deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 192— Stouflfs. Eclampsie post-partum rapidement mortelle chez une jeuue primi- pare. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 723.—Stroga- noff(W.) Achtundfiinfzig Fiille von Eklampsie olme Todesfall von dieser Erkrankung. Monatsehr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gvnaek.. Perl.. 1900. xii, 422-433. Also, transl.: Obstetrics, N. Y.. 1901, iii, 49-60.—Sweringen (H. V.) Puerperal eclampsia. Fort Wayne M. A: J.-Mag., 1903, xxiii, 8-15.—Tate (M. A.) Puerperal convulsions; cases and treatment. Lancet-Clinic Cincin., 1905, n. s., liv, 393-397. [Discussion], 411-113. —Taylor (I.E.) Eclamp- sia during pregnancy. Tr. N. York M. Ass., Concord, N.H., 1886. iii, 370-386. Also, Reprint.—Terry (II.) Report of a case of puerperal eclampsia. Providence M. J., 1902, iii, 7u— Thies. Ein Fall von Eklampsie in der Geburt. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1904), 1905, 82.— Todd^J.B.) Puerperal eclampsia, with reportof ten cases. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi.263.—Tokhtaiuishelf(G. K.) Sluchal eclampsia? postpartum. [Caseof...] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891. xvi, 317— Townseud (<_'. W.) A caseof eclampsia. Boston M. A: S. J., 1890, cxxii, 129. -----. Puerperal eclampsia; a study of one hundred and sixty cases occurring at the Boston Lying-in Hospital and in the private practice of members of the Obstetrical Society of Boston. Ibid., 1897, exxxvi, 206-209.—Traf- fbrd (B.) A case of puerperal convulsions. N.Albany M. Herald, 1896, xvi, 118; 147.—Trepant. I'n cas d'eclampsie. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1894, xii, VOL XIV, 2D SERIES----5 Puerperal convulsions (Cases and sta- tistics ef). 302-306—Trimble (R. T.) Puerperal eclampsia, em- bracing a collection of sixty-five cases. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 823-836. —Trotter ( R. M.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1144.—Turazza (G.) sopra un caso di eclampsia. Itiv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1897, xxvi, 176-182.— Iuderhill (J. W.) Fatal caseof puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 471-482.—Vaquez (II.) Sur un cas d'eclampsie survenue un mois a]ires l'accou- chenient. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1906, ix, 38-40.— van de Veldc (T. H.) Eclampsie zonder albuminuric. Herinneringsb. Prof. S. S. Kosenstein, Leiden, 1902, 075- (Wo. — Yerich. Pfipad ecclampsie. [A case of . . .1 Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1867, vi, 388. -----. Pfipad z porodnicke praxe; dvojeata, ecclampsie, amaurosis. [Case from obstetrical practice; secondipara . . .] Ibid., 1868, vii, 197.—Viko (E.) A case of puerperal eclampsia (ante laborem) with recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898. xxx. 160.—Watkins (T. J.) A case of puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 544-516.— Watt (.]. F.) A personal experience with puerperal eclampsia. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1900, viii, 159.—Werner. Fiille von Eclampsia ante, intra und post partum. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fell- bach, 189">, xlvi. 33-10. — Wheeler (J. A.) Notes on cases of eclampsia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 186-189.—Wilson (W. F.) Reportof acase of eclamp- sia. Northwest... Lancet, Minneap., 1903, xxiii, 283-285.— Windiseli (O. ) Eklampsia harom estete. [Three cases of . . .] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1903, 48. -----. Eklampsianegy esete. [Fourcasesof eclampsia.] Ibid., 59-61—Worcester (A.) Five cases of eclampsia, with comments upon the treatment. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvi, 204-206.—Worcester (J.) A case of eclampsia. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost,. 1902, xxxvii, 199-202.—Woyer ( G.) Ein Fall von Eklampsie bei Mutter und Kind. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1895, xix, 329-334.—Voting (J. Van D.) Puerperal eclampsia; report of a case. N. York Polyclin., 1896, viii, 33-38. — Voung (P. W.) A severe case of puerperal eclampsia; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1255.—Zadra (F.) A propositb di un caso di eclampsia gravidarum. Boll. d. Ass. med. tridentina, Trento, 1896, xv, 5,8-60.—/anardi (U.) Sopra un caso di eclampsia puerperal tardiva. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 971.—Zinke (G.) Case of puerperal eclamp- sia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1900, n. s., xliv, 324-326 — Zwillingsgeburts-Eklampsie mit gliicklichem Ausgange fiir Mutter und Kinder. Allg. deutsche Heb- am.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviii, 368. Puerperal convulsions (Causes and 2>atholoe/y of). See, also, Bright's disease in pregnancy, etc.; Pregnancy (Abnorm Hies in); Pregnancy (Ma- lar, Hydaliforni); Pregnancy ( Vomiting in, Complications of); Puerperal convulsions (Blood in); Puerperal convulsions (Urine in). Berexdt (C. A.) *De mulierum eclamp- sia.' pathologia. 8°. Berolini, [1842]. Bostrom (L. A.) * De convulsionibus gravi- darum et parturientium, casu illustratis, disser- tatio pathologica. sm. 8°. Luudie, 1836. Boukfe de Saint-Blaise (< r.) * Lesions ana- tomiques que Ton trouve dans l'eclampsie puer- perale. 4°. Paris, 1891. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1891. Chirie (J.-L.) * Recherches experimentales sur l'eclampsie. Hypertension arterielle et ac- ces eclamptique. Rapports de 1'hypertension avec les accidents, les lesions, le traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1907. -----. The same. Preface par Porak. 8°. Paris, 1908. Figownki (Selma). *Zur Histogenese der Lebervehinderungen bei der puerperalen Eklampsie. 8°. Zurich, 1900. Finke (J.) *Zur Histologie der Eclampsie- placenta. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1897. Hagopofp ( K. ) * Contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie de l'eclampsie puerperale. (Etude clinique.) 8°. Paris, 1897. Jung (F.) *Zur Kenntnis der pathologischen Anatomie der Puerperal-Eklampsie. 8°. Leip- zig, [1894]. PUERPERAL. 66 PUERPERAL. Puerperal cetnvulsions (Causes and pathology of). Katagiri (K.) * Ueber Puerperal-Eklamp- sie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Nie- ren- und Leberveriinderungen. S°. Erlangen, 1904. Lassudrie-Duchenne (E.) * Pathogenie de l'eclampsie. 8°. Paris, 1901. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1901. de Lauradour (A.) ^Contribution a, l'etude des lesions du foie dans l'eclampsie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1890. Lenneper (A. E.) * Ueber das serienweise Auftreten der Eklampsie mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Infektionstheorie. 8°. Bonn, 1902. Nitzsche (E.) *Neunzehn Sektionsbefunde bei puerperaler Eklampsie. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Pratz (W.) * Ueber das anatomische Ver- halten der Leber bei der puerperalen Eklamp- sie. 8°. Konigsberg, 1892. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1892, xxiii, 1-51. Schlichting ([E.] P.) *Pathologische Ana- tomie der Puerperal-Eklampsie unter Benut- zung der Sektionsberichte in der koniglichen Frauenklinik zu Halle a. S. in den Jahren 18X7- 94 verstorbenen Eklampsiefalle. 8°. Halle a. S., 1896. Schmorl (G.) Pathologisch-anatomische Un- tersuchungen iiber Puerperal-Eklampsie. roy. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Snijders (C. J.) * Eclampsia gravidarum, met opvolgende zicktetoestanden in het kraam- bed; beschouwingen, naar aanleiding eener pathologische waarneming. [Utrecht.] 8°. Middelburg, 1862. Valexti ( C. ) Albuminuria ed eclampsia gravidica. 8°. Girgenti, 1905. Volhard (F.) * Experimentelle und kri- tische Studien zur Pathogenese der Eklampsie. [Halle.] 8°. Berlin, 1897. Also, in: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh.u. Gynaek., Berl., 1897, v, 411-437. Weinberger (R.) *Die pathologische Ana- tomie der Puerperal-Eclampsie und Uriimie. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1903. Wiedemann (E. [A.]) * Ueber Eklampsie bei gesunden Nieren. 8°. Bonn, 1902. Yagodinski ( A. E. ) * Patologo - anatomi- cheskiya izmieneniya golovnavo mozga pri eklampsii beremennikh. [Pathological altera- tions in the brain in puerperal convulsions.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Also [Abstr.], in: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 267. Aall (C.) Eklampsi ved Kristiania f0dselsstiftelse 1895-1904. [Eclampsia in the Kristiania Lying-in Hos- pital from 1895-1904.] Tidsskr.2f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania, 1905, xxv, 114-117.—Aberg (P.) Tre fall af eclampsia gravidarum jemte nagra ord om eklampsiens etiologi. [Three cases of eclampsia gravidarum, with some remarks on the aetiology of eclampsia.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898, lx, pt. 2, 82-85. — Abuladze ( D.) K voprosu o patogenezle eklampsii po dannim Kiyevskoi akushorskoi kliniki i polikliniki. [Pathogenesis of ec- lampsia after data from the Kiev Obstetrical Clinic and Polyclinic] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1900, xivj 1413-1446.—Acconei (L.) Patogenesi dell' eclamp- sia puerperale. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895,i, 318-321. Also: Riv.diostet. [etc.],Torino, 1896,1,265-276.-----. Eclamp- sia, sinciziolisina e nucleoproteide della placenta umana. Attid. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1903, Roma, 1904, ix, 142- 147.—Albeek (V.) & L.olise (J. E.) Ein Versuch, das Eklampsiegiftauf experhnentcllem Wege nachzuweisen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1908, lxii, 115-136, 3 pl.—Albert! W.) Bemerkungzudem AufsatzMullers: Ueber die Entstehung der Eklampsie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl. 1902, Ixvi. 4M. -----. Die Aetiologie der Eklamp- sie. 'ibid., 483-494.—A Idrieli (C. J.) Etiology of puer- •peral eclampsia. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1891-2, vn, 172- 183b —Alfieri (E.) Contributo alio studio delle altera- Puerperal convulsions (Causes and putliology of). zioni anatonio-patologiehe fetali nell' eclampsia puer- perale. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1900, xxii, 1077-1121,3 pl. . 11 so [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1901, iv, 50-53.—Amico-Koxas (S.) nulla patogenesi e cura della eclampsia puerperale. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1906, vii, 105; 114.—Andrews (H. R.) Microscopical sections of the kidneys from a fatal case of puerperal eclampsia (with full notes ot post mortem). Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1901), 1902, xliii, 111-116.—Align* (W. R.) Notes on a caseof puerperal eclampsia follow- ing death of a six months foetus. Indian M. Kec, Cal- cutta, 1897, xii, 390.—Aseoll (A.) Zur experimentellen I'athogeneseder Eklampsie. Centralbl.f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 1321-1326.—Aspell (.1.) Constipation as an etiological factor in eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlvii." 4*3-493. [Discussion], 522 - 527.—Bagot (L.) Eclampsie hereditairc. Anjou med.. Angers, 1904, xi. 168- 170.—Baptista i II.) I'ma hypothese sol)re a etiologia da eclampsia. Tribuna med., Kio de Jan., 1895, i, 169- 175.—Bar (P.) Atropine et degenerescence kysticnie du rein gauche: hypertrophic et nephrite epitheliale du rein droit; eclampsie; mort. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 126-129. -----. Les reins des eclamptiques. Obste- trique, Par., 1903, viii, 193-215. -----. Liquide cephalo- rachidien sanglant et hemorrhagic meningee dans l'eclampsie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1904, vii, 284-236.— Bar (P.) & fiuieysse. Note sur un point de l'anato- mie patliologique du foie dans l'eclampsie puerp6rale. Ibid.,1899, ii, 5-8.—Bar (P.) . Die Aetiologie der Eklampsie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvii, 178-185. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 376-378.—Brown (P. K.) The relation of the kidneys to eclampsia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 85-89. —Brzhezinskl (V. A.) Etiologiya eklampsii s tochki zrieniya infektsionnoi teorii V. V. Stroganova. [Etiology of eclampsia from the viewpoint of Stroganoff's theory of infection.] J. akush. i iensk. boliez.. St. Petersb., 1901, xv, 410-438, 22 tab — Biittner (O.) Statistik und Klinik der Eklampsie im Gro^iierzog- thum Mecklcnburg-Schwerin. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Herl., PUERPERAL. 67 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Causes and pathology of). 1903, lxx, 322-410. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Nie- renfunction bei Schwangerschaftsniere und Eklampsie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1906, l.xxix, 421-478. —Bui*t (R. C.) The pathogeny of puerperal eclampsia. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1898, iii, 51-03.—Byers (.1. W.) The pathology of eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 29.— Caiubier v V. i A propos de la pathogenie de l'eclamp- sie. Cliniiiue. Brux., 1905, xix, 927-931.—Oameseasse (J.) Eclampsie puerperale consecutive a. une grande fa- tigue stiivie d'une chute. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 1349; 1369.—Cliambre lent (J.) Recherches experimen- tales et bacteriologiques sur trois cas d'eclampsie puer- perale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 14S-151. -----. Toxicite du serum maternel et foetal dans un cas d'eclampsie puerperale. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1894, iii, 271-283. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1894, 9. s., i, 365; 373. Also, transl.: Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1894, viii, 1245; 1323. -----. Eclampsie puerperale d'ori- gine intestinale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 29. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 10.—diaries (X.) Secondipare a sept mois de grossesse; oedeme, albuminurie et eclampsie: retention de debris placentaires: ictere grave; peritonite septique; deces le 5me jour; autopsie extremement instructive. J. d'ac- couch., Liege, 1904, xxv, 190-192. — Cliarrin (A.) La pathogenie de l'eclampsie. Cong, internal, de niea. C. r., Par,1900, sect de path, gen., 650-655. Also: J.de phv- siol.et de path, gen., Par., 1901,iii, 80-84.—Cliarrin (A*.) l*c Koche. Les poisons de l'organisme et la gestation (eclampsie). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903,exxxvi, 1593-15%.—Clieinisse (L.) Theories pathogeniques de l'eclampsie. Semaine med., Par., 1898, xviii, 249-254.— Cliilesotti (E.) Ricerche anatomiche sopra certe par- ticolari produzioni di tessuto allasuperricie delle ovaie e del peritoneo pelvico in un caso di eclampsia puerperale. Policlin., Roma, 1901, viii, sez. chir.. 417-427— < liirie (J.-L.) Lesions cellulaires tres graves du foie et legeres du rein apres ligature temporaire des deux veines renales du chien pendant 10 minutes; rapprochement avec les lesions cellulaires du foie et du rein dans l'eclampsie puerperale. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1907, x, 44- 53. —:—. Les capsules surrenales dans l'eclampsie puerperale et la nephrite gravidique. Obstetrique, Par., 1908, Ji. s., i, 247-274.—Chi rie (J.-L.) & Mayer (A.) Production experimentale des crises eclamp- tiques. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1907, x, 92-102.— Christiani (A.) Zur "Geschichte der fbtalen Theorie iiber die Ursachen der Eklampsie, von C. Mouton". Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz.. 1902. xxvi, 1329-1331.—Cioja (A.) Contributo alio stud io della patogenesi della nef rite gravidica e dell' eclampsia. Stud, di ostet. e ginec, Milano, 1890, 323-331.—Clark (J. G.) The etiology of eclampsia. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1903-4, xvi, 331- 334.—Clarke (A. P.) Puerperal eclampsia; its causa- tion and treatment. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1893, Phila., 1894, vi, 265-274.—Colorni (C.) Contributo alio studio delle alterazioni placentari nella eclampsia puer- perale. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1905, xxvii, 381-414.— Combemale & Bue (V.) Pathogenie de l'eclampsie puerperale fondee sur sa naturemicrobienne. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1892, xxxi, 273-279.—da Costa (A.) A theoria fetal da eclampsia. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1899, vi, 427-431.—t'ouiicilnian (W. T.) Observations on the kidnevs in a case of puer- peral eclampsia. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1894, 5. s.,93-99, 1 pl. —i'rosti (G.) La fisiopatologia del rene e lagenesi della eclampsia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 327; 337; 317—Cutler (L.) Kidneys from a case of eclampsia. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1894), 1895, xxxvi, 176-181.— < zcinpin (A.) Die Entstehung der Eklampsie. Centralbl. f. Gynak.. Leipz., 1901, xxv, 593-596. — Dannaker (C. A.)" Uraemic poisoning, or threatening eclampsia. Tr. West, Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1897, Lincoln, 1898, 59-61.—I>a v id son (A. C.) Puerperal ec- lampsia, with special reference to its cause and treatment. Times & Reg.. Phila., 1893. xxvi, 561-567.—Bavis (E. P.) The aetiology of eclampsia and the diagnosis'ol impend- ing eclampsia. Am. Gvnac. A: Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xv, 1-6. [Discussion], 64-69.—lie Lee (J. B.) Theories of eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., X. V.. 1905. li, 325-330. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1905, xxvii. 442-447.—B'Ereliia (F.) Contribute alio studio patogenetico dell' eclampsia puerperale. Arch. ital. di ginec. Napoli, 1907, i, 153- 173.— Bienst (A.) Kritische Studien iiber die Patho- genese der Eklampsie auf Grund pathologisch-ana- tomischer Befunde, Blut- und Harnuntersuchungen eklamptisher Mutter und deren Friichte. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1901-2, lxv, 369-464. Also: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 476-478.-----. Ueber den Verbreitungsweg des Eklampsiegiftesbei der Mutter and ihrer Leibesfrucht. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1904, xix, 1-13, 2 pl. -----. Das Eklampsiegift; vorlimfige Mitteilung. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 353-364. -----. Die Pathogenese der Eklampsie; vorliiufige Mitteilung. Ibid., 1908, xxxii, 826-828. -----. Die Pathogenese der Eklampsie und ihre Beziehungen Puerperal convulsions (Causes and pathology of.) zur norma len Sehwangerschaft, zum Hydrops und zur Schwangerschaftsniere. Arch. f. Gynak., Berl., 1908, Ixxxvi, 314-386.—Boderlein. Zur Frage der Eklamp- siebacillcn. Centralbl. f. Gyniik, Leipz., 1893, xvii, 1-3.— ten UocMscliate (A ) Leber das Vorkommen von Milchsiiure bei der Eklampsie. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strasb., 1907, liv, 153-168. — DolganofT (V. N.) O pa- tologo-anatomicbeskikh izmieneniyakh sletchatol obo- lochki pri eklampsii. [On the pathological changes in the retina during eklampsia.] Vrach, St.-Petersb., 1897, xviii, 620-622.—Borland (W. A. N.) The role of the liver in the production of eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 369-373. [Discussion], 395. Also: Tr. Sec. Gynec Coll. Phys. Phila., N. Y., 1900, vi, 88-93. Also, Reprint, — Brejer (P.M.) Om puerperaleklampsiens patogenese. [On the pathogenesis of puerperal eclamp- sia] Tidskr. f. d. norske Laigefor., Kristiania, 1895, xv, 197; 209.—Bryfuss (B. J.) Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Aetiologie der Eklampsie. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1907-8, vii, 493-528.—BUrek (H.) Histologische Studien zur pathologischen Anatomie der Puerperal- eklampsie. Beitr. z. path. Anat. Otto Bollinger z. Feier s. 60. Geburtst.....Wiesb., 1903, 94-114. —Butto (U.) A proposito della teoriaparatiroidea dell' eclampsia delle gravide. Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1905, xxv, fasc, 3, 97-99.— Ehrenfest (H.) The etiology of eclampsia. Scient. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni 1905, St. Louis, 1906, 125-132. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1905, xxxiii, 200-207.—Eklampsie mit todlichen Aus- gang. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1905, xx, 59.— Elingren (R.) Puerperaali-Eklampsiian pathogenee- sista. Duodecim, Helsinki, 1898, xiv, 178-183.—Essen- son (S. J.) Report of two cases of post partum eclamp- sia due to diabetes. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 762.—Evoli (T.) Contributo alio studio della patoge- nesi dell' eclampsia puerperale. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1903, v, 11; 49; 81; 155.—Favre (A.) Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber eine bakteriolog.-experiment. Untersuchung zur Frage der Puerperaleklampsie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1891, exxiii, 376. -----. Die Ursache der Eklampsie eine Ptomainiimie mit Beriicksichtigung einer neuen Methode der Nephrectomie behufs Herabsetzung ihrer noch geltenden hohen Sterblichkeitsziffer und einer Genese der bunten Niere; eine bakteriologisch- expt rimentelle Untersuchung an 3 klinischen Fallen. Ibid., 1892, exxvii, 33-84. -----. Des causes de l'eclamp- sie puerperale. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1895, xliv, 151. -----. Zur Aetiologie der acuten paren- chymatosen Nephritis ( Puerperaleklampsie, Ptomai- niimie ); eine Datenrechtfertigung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, exxxix, 25-35. — Fell ling (H.) Die Pathogenese und Behandlung der Eklamp- sie im Lichte der heutigen Anschauung. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1899, No. 248 (Gynakol., No. 89, 1507-1522). ---—. Begriff und Pathogenese der puerpe- ralen Eklampsie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz.. 1901. ix,239-261. [Discussion],292; 533.— Fincke (C. L.) The present status of the pathology and etiology of eclampsia. Brooklyn M. J., 1902, xvi, 445-152.—Ford (R. L.) The relation of albuminuria to puerperal eclampsia, with reportof acase. Wisconsin M. Recorder, Janesville, 1901, iv, 236.—Fraenkel (M.) . Die Theorien der Eklampsie. Wien. med. Wchnschr 1904, liv, 1311; 1363; 1421.—Freund (R.) Ueber das Eklampsiegift. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 240.—Gardner (W. S.) The relation of albuminuria to puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst, & Gvnec, Phila., 1890, iii, 31-37. Also: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Mary- land, Bait., 1891, 75-83. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1891, 3. s., vii, 16-19.— Gerdes (E.) Ueber den Eklampsie- bacillus und seine Beziehungen zur Pathogenese der puerperalen Eklampsie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 603-606. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1892, xv, 422-425. Also: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz.. 1892, xvi.379-384. Also: Munchen.med. Wchnschr..1892.xxxix, 383-385. Sir, idso, infra, Haegler, Hofmeister.—Gcssner (W.) Leber puerperale Eklampsie und die Nierenstorun- genderSchwangerschaft undGelmrt. Wien. klin. Rund- schau,1905,xix,616; 035.—Getz(H.L.) Puerperal eclamp- sia, pathology and etiology. Tr.Iowa M. Soc.. Des Moines, 1896, xiv, 178-181 — Griffith (J. I.) Puerperal eclampsia, and some probable cause of it. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, At- lanta, 1.898,204-207. [Discussion] ,207-216.—Guicciardi (G.) Alterazioni placentari nell' albuminuria gravidica, Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1904, xxvi, 113; 235, 2 pl.—Gurin (E.) Novayateoriyaproiskhozhdeniyaeklampsii. [New theory of the cause of eclampsia.] Protok. zasaid. akush.- ginek. Obsh. v Kieve. 1892, vi, 27-32.—Haegler (K. S.) Zur Frage, " Eklampsiebaeillus" Gerdes. Cenralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 996-998.—Hale (G. E.) The importance of obstruction to the outflow of urine as a cause of puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 662. -Hall (A.R.) Significance of albumin and casts in pregnancy. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1906, viii, 324- 328 — Hainan (W.A.) Gestative conditions eventuating in eclampsia. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1907, xiii, PUERPERAL. 68 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Causes and put Iu dog y of). 763-777.—Hammond (F. P.) The pathogenesis and etiolegy of puerperal eclampsia; a plea for the more sys- tematic observation of patients during pregnancy. X. York State J. M., N. Y., 1903, iii, 190-193.—Hardman (W. B.) Pyelitis and pyelo-nephritis as a probable cause of puerperal eclampsia after delivery. Tr. M. Ass. Geor- gia, Atlanta, 1892,212-218. Also: Ann. Gvnaec. & Psediat, Phila., 1891-2, v, 478-481.—Hengge (A.) Eklampsie, die derzeitige Forschungen iiber Pathogenese dieser Erkrankungen und ihre Therapie. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1903, No. 316 (Oyniikol.. Xo. 128, 841-862).— Herman (G.E.) Five more casesof puerperal eclamp- sia especially illustrating the temperature and urine in this disease. [Abstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1891), 1892, xxxiii, 315-353.—Herrgott (A.) Considerations sur la pathogenie de l'eclampsie puerperale. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1892-3, 25—12. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Xancv, 1S93, xxv, 65-82. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1893, 2. s.', xl, 111-115. Also: Ann.de gynec. et d'obst., Par.. 18'.>3. xxxix, 1; 109.—Hicks (J. B.) Contribution to the pathology of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1866), 1867, viii, 323-336. Also, Reprint.—van der Hoeven ( P. C. T.) De z. g. foetale theorie over de oorzaak der eclampsie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1899, x, 118-124. Also, transl.: Obste- trique, Par., 1899, iv, 454-460. Aim, transl.: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1900, xxii, 251-261.—Hol'bauer. Zur Pathologic und Pathogenese der Eklampsie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908,xii, 740-742.—Hol- niaim (K. B.) Ueber das wahrscheinliehe Vorkom- men von Karbaminsaiire bei Eklampsie. Centralbl. f. in- nere Med., Leipz., 1898, xix, 725-729.—Hofmeister(F.) Zur Characteristikdes Eclampsiebacillus Gerdes. Fort- schr. d. Med., Berl., 1892,x,899; 9is.—Hurry (J. B.) Case of symmetrical erysipelas, followed by premature labour; eclampsia on the nineteenth day post partum; twenty- eight paroxysms; no renal disease; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 900. Also: Lancet, Lond.,1890, ii, 822 — Hurt (C. D.) Etiology of puerperal eclampsia; its treat- ment, with report of some typical cases. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1893,49-59. Also: Ann.Gvnaec.&Paediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 728-734— Illowy. On the etiology of puerperal eclampsia, Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 21-36.—Jaekle (A.) Eklampsie eine Infectionskrank- heit? Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baderi, Karlsruhe, 1893, xlvii, 9- 14.—Jaggard (W. W.) Etiology of puerperal eclamp- sia. Med. News, Phila., 1889, lv, 271— Jardine (K.) Eclampsia during pregnancy; death from suppression of urine; extensive infarction of both kidnevs. J. Obst. f). Lancet, Lond., IMiO, i, 1122. — Boissard (A.) Hemor- rhagic cerebrate dans l'eclampsie. Bull. Soc d'obst.de Par., 1900, iii, 336— Hon Ion (\V.<.) Eclampsia; a case with postpartum hemorrhage, puerperal mania and pleu- ritis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1X99, xxxii,355.—Bowen (W.S.) A case of puerperal eclampsia and placenta pre- via partialis. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1895-6, xxxiii, 431- 433—Brettauer(J.) Eclampsia in twin children. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1905, li, 116-11 s.—Buscarlet. Hysterie et Eclampsie. Cong, period, internat. de gvnec. et d'obst. C.-r., 2. sess. 1896, Geneve, 1897, obst., 290-294. — Bussolati (O.) Eclampsia con mania puerperale se- guita da guarigione. Bull. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1890, x, 14-17.—Carver (N. C.) & Fairbairn (J. S.) Haemorrhage into the pons varolii as the immediate cause of death in the eclampsia of pregnancy, with illustrative cases. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., lxxxv, 116- 120. Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, obst. sect., 79-94.—Cassait & Chambrelent. Des lesions du foetus dans l'eclampsie puerperale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 75-79.—Charles (N.) Tertipare k 4 mois de grossesse, atteinte d'albuminurie et d'eclampsie, apporteemourante a laMaterniteetdecedee peu aprls son entree. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1900, xxi, 235. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1900, xxviii, 106-108. -----. Quarti-pare k 9 mois, infiltree et albuminurique; eclamp- sie avant et apres l'accouchment force avec le dilatateur de Loevenstein; enfantvivant; mort de la femme 25 heures apres. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1903, xxiv, 379. -----. Mul- tipare a 7 mois de grossesse; cedeme et albuminurie dis- paraissant par le traitement etrevenant apres; eclampsie et mort. Ibid., 1905, xxvi, 289. -----. Tertipare a terme; albuminurie et eclampsie post partum; ictere; mort le 5» jour; graves lesions du foie. Ibid., 1906, xxvii, 181.—Du- rante & David (C.) Hemorrhagic cerebrale enorme chez une eclamptique atteinte de tuberculose pulmonaire et presentant des lesions d'arterite cer6brale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1907, lxxxii,330-332. Also: Ann. degyn6c. etd'obst.,Par.,1908,2.s.,v,244-'.'li;.—Favre(A.) Weitere vorliiufige Mitteilung fiber Puerperaleklamp- sie mit Beriicksichtigung der dabei vorkommenden Ero- siones hffimorrhagiese ventriculi. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1891, cxxiii, 628.—Fieux (G.) Delire post- eclamptique pendant la grossesse. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1897, iii, 73-76— FothergiII (W. E.) A case of eclampsia followed by puerperal melancholia, which was treated with thyroid gland substance. Edinb. M. J., 1906, n. s., xix, 236-240.—Filth (H.) & Lockemann (G.) Ueber den Nachweis von Fleisch-Milchsiiure in del Zerebrosplnalflussigkeit Eklamptischet. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 41-43.—Gier (J.) La mort chez les femmes eclamptiques et leurs enfants. Rev. prat. d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1907, 308-310.—Gould (H. U.j & Howell (C. M. H.) A caseof pregnancy complicated by chorea gravidarum and eclampsia; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1180— Graham (W. F.) Case of eclamp- sia in third month of pregnancy. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Ce- dar Rapids, 1890, viii, 220-226. —Grayson (W.) Puer- peral eclampsia: vagitusuterinus. Pittsburg M.Rev.,1896, x, 237B-243— Grulee (C. G.) Eclampsia of the mother as a cause of early nephritis in the child. Arch. Pediat, N. Y.,1907, xxiv, 510-515— Gueriii-Y almale. Paraly- sie faciale par toxemie gravidique sans albuminurie; eotampsie k 8 mois; naissanceil terme d'un enfant vivant. Montpel.med., 1903,xvi,293-296.—Gutbrod(O.) Druck- gangran, entstanden im eklamptischen Coma. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1902, xlviii, 154. -----. Gan- gran nach Eklampsie. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1905, xxi, 734-738.—Haddon (J.) Puerperal ec- lampsia with jaundice. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., ii, 160- 162.—Hawes (Mary). A caseof eclampsia endingfatally. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1906-7, xxvi, 4-7—Hall (A.J.) A caseof acute nephritis during puerperiumwith convul- sions. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893. n. s., Iv, 662.— Harrold (R. E.) Two cases of eclampsia followed by jaundice. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 18.— Heidner (G. A.) Peculiar case of puerperal eclampsia. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 73.—Hill (E. E.) The re- port of a case of puerperal eclampsia with complications. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 1899, 228-237. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxli, 191.—Hillekamp (The- rese). Krampferscheinungen in der Schwangerschaft; normale Geburt; Verlust des Augenlichtes, Triibsinn der Mutter. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., 1906, xxi, 199.— Hoist (A.) Et tilfselde af graviditas extrauterine med eklampsi. [Sur un cas de grossesse extra-uterine avec eclampsie. Res.,1352.] NorskMag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kris- tiania, 1897,4. R., xii, 1341-1345—Jardine (R.) Eclamp- sia during and after labour; recovery after upwards of two hundred fits. J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1906, x, 38-42.—Jewett (C.) Eclampsia; anuria; colonic irrigation; death. Brooklyn M. J., 1899, xiii, 322-325.— de Kevily (M.) Une lesion tr^sfrequentedu foie chez les eclamptiques; surcharge graisseuse des cellules etoi- lees. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1907, x, 224-22*.—Knapp (L.) Hemianopsie bei Eklampsie. Prag. med.Wchnschr. PUERPERAL. 71 PUERPERAL. Puerperal cotivulsions (Complications and sequelm of). 1901, xxvi, 251.— Knipe (W. H. W.) A case of eclamp- sia with unusual features. Post-Graduate, N. Y'., 1907, xxii,813-817. —.Koenig(R.) Eklampsie; Sectio csesarea post mortem; lebendes Kind. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 447-449.— Kreuzmann. Albuminu- rie wiihrend der Schwangerschaft, ohne Konvulsiouen bei der Mutter, jedoch mit Eclampsie bei dem neugebo- renen Kinde. Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1899, xiv, 98-102.—L.. M. ) Vorzeitiger Wasserabfluss, Nabelschnurvorfall, klampsie mit todlichem Ausgang. Allg. deutsche Heb- am.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 258. — Leicester (J. C. H.) A case of eclampsia with death on the sixteenth day after delivery from general septic peritonitis, due to rupture of an abscess in the spleen. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 818- 820. Also: Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (1905), 1906, xlvii, 271- 280— Lafforgue (E.) Sur la reapparition des pheno- menes psychologiques dans la guerison du coma eclamp- tique. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France. Rap. etc.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, viii, 696-704. Also [Abstr.]: Arch, de neurol., Par., 1897, 2. s., iv, 342.—Lambiiion. Albuminurie chez une secondipare; expulsion preniatu- ree du produit de la conception; 2 acces d'eclampsie post partum; guerison. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1897, xviii, 294.— Little (W. L.) Acase of puerperal albuminuria with convulsions, followed by peritonitis; recovery. Missis- sippi M. Month., Meridian, 1x93-4, iii, 243-247.—LiOben- stine (R. W.) & Welch (,l. E.) Report of a case of eclampsia, with death due to rupture of diaphragm and stomach. Bull. Lying-in Hosp. N. Y., 1905, ii, 17-19.— mansurofF (N. A.) Sluchal puerperalnol eklampsii s oslozhneniyami, okonchivshiysya polnim vizdorovle- niyem. [Puerperal eclampsia with complications, ending incomplete recovery.] Akusherka, Odessa, 1899,33-36.— Marshall (E.) A case of puerperal eclampsia with kidney failure and facial paralysis. Obstetrics, N. Y., 1901, iii, 67-72.—Mason (W. B.) A case of eclampsia occurring in twin pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1318.—Mayarrler (C.) Recidive d'eclampsie au cours d'une grossesse. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 56-63. -----. Eclampsie post partum; mort par hemorrhagic c6rebrale. Ibid., 1900, iii,174-179.-----. Eclampsie puer- perale; mort par pleuro-pneumonie insoupconnee pen- dant la vie. Ibid., 1903, vi, 375-380. -----. Hemorrhagic cerebrale chez une eclamptique apres unseul acces; mort. Ibid., 1908, xi, 142-144.—Mondy (S. L. 0.) Case of puer- peral eclampsia complicated by hemiplegia. Glasgow M. J., 1903, lix, 339-342.—Moussous i A.) Etatdesreins chez les enfants de femmes eclamptiques. Bull. Soc. d'anat. 'et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 11.—Xana- vatty (B. H.) Puerperal convulsions during delivery; craniotomy; complete unconsciousness lasting for seven davs; recovery. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1896, iv, 128-130. Also: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x, 181.— IVeu (M.) Herpes zoster im Wochenbett einer Eklamp- tischen. Monatsschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1905, xxi,446-456.—Noll (Margarida). Eklampsie und Venen- entziindung. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg . Berl., 1906, xxi, 280.—Ogata & Nyakuyama. [Eclampsia and its sequelae.] Daihan Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, 72-125.—Orbant (M.) Sluchal eklampsii, oslozhnennol psikhozom. [Eclampsia, complicated with psychosis.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1899, vi, 650- 652.— F-ick (A.) A case of eclampsia followed by facial erysipelas; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 133.— Plauchu & Savy. Eclampsie avec hyperthermic suivie de mort rapide. Lyon med., 1903, cv, 585-588.— Remy (S.) Deux cas de mort rapide dans l'eclampsie puerperale. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1891, xxiii, 737- 745.—Rhu (R. H.) Report of a case of placenta previa, complicated with puerperal convulsions. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1896-7, xii, 76-79.—Rivera (M.) Eclampsia puer- peral; veintiseis accesos sin intermitencia; curaci6n. Corresp.med., Madrid, 1892, xxvii, 200-202.—Rodri^ues dos Santos. Abuminuria gravidica com accideiites fataes, antes e depois do parto, sem a menor manifes- tacuo eclamptica. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1899, xiii, 71; s^'-Roncaglia (G.) Delle bronco-pneumoniti nelle e< lainptiche e del loro preteso rapporto colla cura del- 1' eclampsia. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1893, viii, 449-467.—Ronse (A.) Relation d'un cas d'eclamp- sie suivie de mort chez une multipare. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1898, lxxvii, 238-242. — Rouvler ( J. ) Eclampsie post puerperale chez une primipare; mort. Arch, de tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1892, xix, 143-146.— Royster (L. T.) & Grandy (C. R.) Acute yellow atrophy of the liver following eclampsia. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1905, Richmond, 1906, xxxvi, 252-259. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix, 8-10.—Ruth (W.) Eklampsie und Wetter. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi, 561-56-5.—Ryan (M.) Case of puerperal convulsions, mania, sloughing of the genitals; death. Lond. M. & S. J., 1829, iii, 406-408.—Savor (It.) Ein Fall von Hydro- thionurie nach langandauerndem Coma eclampticum. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 135; 161 — Schauta. CEdema labiorum eclampsia consequente. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., Iv, 4. —Seu de Rouville. Puerperal convulsions (Complications and sequel ie of). Eclampsie et troubles trophiques consecutifs. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drome [etc], Valence & Par., 1903, iv, 154.—Slieill (J. S.) Sequel to an attack of eclampsia. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1906, xxiv, 307-311.— Smith (A. L.) Cerebral anaemia and puerperal eclamp- sia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 572.—Stewart (R. W.) Puerperal eclampsia; report of a case, with the treatment of same patient during a subsequent pregnancy. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1899, n. s., xiii, 285-293.—Tarnier. Ac- couchement simple; convulsions tetaniques i d'heure apres l'accouchement; mort moins de 8 heures apres la delivrance par apoplexie meningee et apoplexie cere- brale; complication de tuberculose ignoree. J. d. sages- femmes, l'ar., 1890, xviii, 105.—Tliiemich (M.) & Birk (W.) Ueber die Entwicklung eklamptischer Sauglinge in der spateren Kindheit. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl.,1907, lxv, 16; 201— Tliornliill (F. M.) Puerperal eclampsia in a primipara bearing twins. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 348. — Touchard. Deux cas d'amnesie post- eclamptique. Rev, obstet. et gynec, Par., 1893, ix, 205- 211.—Trepant. Eclampsie post-partum chez une multi- pare epileptique. Arch, de tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1895, xxii, 1-4.—Tronehet. Eclampsie chez une primipare; presentation du siege; mort. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1890, iv, 97-105. Also: Bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de La Ro- chelle, 1891, 72-78.—Turazza (G.) Eclampsia in sopra- parto seguita da mania puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Mila- no, 1895, xvi, 858-860.—Turner (A. J.) A case of puer- peral eclampsia with haematuria. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1899, xviii, 94.— Vainshtein (E. M.) Tri slu- chaya eklampsii u materi i novorozhdionnavo. [Three cases of eclampsia in the mother and newborn.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 149-153 — Van de Velde (T. H.) Eclampsia puerperalis tardis- sima. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haar- lem, 1897, viii, 257-265. —Vecchi (M.) Di un caso di anasarca e peritonite in feto nato da donna eclamptica (contributo clinico alio studio dei rapporti fra malattie materne e malattie fetali). Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1905, xiv, 529; 585.—Vincent. Eclampsie puer- perale; hemorrhagic cerebrale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, pt.2, 87-91.— Voorhees (J. D.) A severe case of eclampsia compli- cated bv a marked erythema multiforme. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1*899, lvi, 515-517.—Walther. Zur Amnesie im Puerperium beziehungsweise bei Eclampsie und deren forensische Bedeutung. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1898, xiv, 201-205. -----. Weiterer Beitrag zur Amnesie bei Eclampsie. Ibid., 1903, xix, 31-34.— Waters (J. B.) Postpartum eclampsia and glycosuria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1399—Welch (J. E.) A case of eclampsia with ruptureof thediaphragmandstomacb. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1905, n. s., v, 35. -----. An un- usual case of hemorrhage in eclampsia. Bull. Lying-in Hosp. N. Y., 1905-6, ii, 83-87, 2 pl.—Wheaton (S. W.) Tetany as a sequela of puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 130.—Wilke (W.) Ein Fall von Encepha- litis des Kindes bei Eklampsie der Mutter. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 385-392. —Woods (H.) Per- manent left hemianopsia, sequel of puerperal eclampsia- Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1902, ix, 659-664. Also. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1902, xlv, 483-486. — Zimnier- maiin (C.) On ocular affections in puerperal eclamp, sia. Tr. M. Soc Wisconsin, Madison, 1898, xxxii, 460^71: Also: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1898, xxvii, 490-498. Also. Reprint. Puerperal convulsions (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See, also, Puerperal convulsions (Blooel in); Puerperal convidsietns ( Urine in). Caillard (J.-B.) *Du pronostic de l'albu- minurie survenant pour la premiere fois chez une multipare. 8°. J'eiris, 1897. Hiss (H.) *rAuv Diagnose der Eklampsia puerperalis. [Tubingen.] Frankfurt a. M., 1890. Kirsch (P. H.) * Ueber die Prognose der Eklampsie. 8°. Bonn, 1904. Roman (A.) * Ueber die Prognose der Eklampsie. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Theiveny (L.) * Diagnostic clinique des acces eclamptiques. 8°. Paris, 1903. Aleksenko (N.) K voprosu o lozhnol eklampsii v posllerodovom periodle (pseudoeclampsia puerperarum). J. akush. i jensk. boliez.,St. Petersb., 1898, xii, 1425-1436.— Allieri (E.) Contributo clinico alia conoscenza delle forme f rust re di eclampsia. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 515-522—Allen (J. R.) A case of puerperal eclampsia, with unusual symptomatology. Texas M. Gaz., Fort PUERPERAL. 72 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Diagnosis emd semeiology of). Worth, 1903, iii, no. 6, 3-5.—Audebert & Fournier. Dilatation aigue de l'estomac chez les eclamptiques. Tribune med., Par., 1908. n.s., xl, 87—Baley (H.) Les symptomes prodroruiques de l'eclampsie. Courrier med., Par., 1S94, xliv, 25-27.—Bar (T.) Eelampsisme; eclamp- sie sans attaques. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1908, xxxvi, 153.-----. Eelampsisme et eclampsie sans acces. Rev. mens, de gynec, d'obstet. et de pediat., Par., 1908, iii, 41- 53.—Bautista Pif'arr£ (J.) Pronostico en la eclamp- sia puerperal. Uni6n med., Lerida, 1895-6, i, 133-135.— Binder (G.) Eklampsie ohne Kriimpfe; Mitteilung aus der Praxis. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1017- 1019.—Bouft'e de Saint-Blaise. Sur quelques acces eclamptiques sans albuminurie. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 184-193.— Brunei (G.) UeberdiesogenannteEklampsieohneKriimpfe. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1908, ii, 177-185. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 702.—Budin. Deux cas d'eclampsie puerperale sans attaques d'eclampsie. Obstetrique, Par., 1898, iii, 237-239.—Burckhard (G.) Ein Fall von Pseudo-Eklampsie im Wochenbett. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1898, vii, 375-381.— Case of eclampsia with hyperpyrexia; (temperature 108.8°). Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, x, 332.—Cliirie (J.-L. j & Stern, ficlampsie sans crise. Syndrome cli- nique fruste; syndrome anatomique tres marque. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi, 19-23. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1908, n. s., xl, 261.—Duniont. Manuscrit conte- nant des conclusions importantes sur trois cas tres graves d'eclampsie puerperale ayant simuie la mort. [Rap. de Champetier de Ribcs.j Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1904, 3. s., Iii, 15.—Earle (F. B.) Diagnosis and clinical course of puerperal eclampsia. Illinois M. J., Spring- field, 1899-1900, xlix, 431-435. Also: Med., Standard, Chi- cago, 1899, 391-393.—fiaillard (J.) Eclampsie sans crises convulsives. Tribune med., Par., 1907, n.s., xxxix, 629. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1907, xxi, 841-846.—fiins- burg (Mme.) tin cas d'eclampsie sans albuminurie. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de p.ediat. 1898, mem. et disc, Par., 1900,"ii, 437-439—tJmeiiier (J.) Bemer- kungen fiber das Verhalten der Temperatur bei Eklamp- sie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xxiii, 573; 587; 600— (■randin (E. II.) The clinical types of eclampsia (toxemia) as viewed by the specialist for the benefit of the general practitioner. Am. Med., N. V.& Burlington, Vt., 1908, n.s., iii, 257-26U.—Herman (G. E.) Five cases of puerperal eclampsia, especially illustrating the tem- perature and urine in this disease. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., (1890), 1891, xxxii, 17-61. Also, Reprint. Also: Brit. M. L, Lond., 1890, i, 133. -----. Five more cases of puerpe- ral eclampsia, especially illustrating the temperature and urine in this disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 72.— Hoe lie (L.) Zur Prognose der Eklampsia parturientium. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1890, Leipz., 1892, ii, 683-688.—Jean (A.) & Vicente (M.) De l'eclampsie tardive etde son diagnostic precoee. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1896, lxix, 61: 82; 91— Jewett ( C. ) Danger-signals of the preeclamptic state. Brooklyn M. J., 1899, xiii, 408- 478.—Lobenstine (R. W.) The clinical manifestation (if hemorrhages in eclampsia. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila. &N. Y., 1905, exxix, 231-243.— Mace (O.) & Oaillard. Hemor- rhagic meningee pendant la grossesse; diagnostic retro- spectif d'eclampsie, sans crises convulsives. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1906, ix, 314-318.—Maee. (O.) & Pierra (L.) Du point de congelation et de la teneur en chlo- rures du sang et de l'urine dans l'6tat puerperal, et en particulier dans l'eclampsie. Ibid., 1905, viii, 232-271.— ItEoriarty (D. C.) Case of puerperal eclampsia with un- usual symptoms. Am. Gynec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 361. — Paseoletti (S.) Contributo alia diagnosi di eclampsia in gravidanza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 74s.—Pearee (F. S.) Pseudo-puerperal convulsions due to dystocia. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Sue, Phila., 1898, xix, 139. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii, 378._Pestalozza (E.) Kclampsia puerperale, pseudo-eclampsia ed eclampsia larvata. Riv. crit. di clin. med. Firenze, 1899-1900, i, 14- 17—Pinzani (E.) Sull' importanza prognostica del- 1' eclampsia post partum. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 5- 10.—Porak. Observation d'uremie simulant l'eclamp- sie de la grossesse. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 228- 242.—Rapczewski (F.) Przyczynekdosymptomatolo- gii drgawek porodowych. [. . .of puerperal convul- sions.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. s., xiv, 744.—Rei- necke (P.) Ueber Eklampsie ohne Kriimpfe. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1522.—Ritter (C. A.) Symptoms and differential diagnosis of puerperal eclamp- sia. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1903, x, 315-319.—Roche. Eclampsie pendant la grossesse sans trace d'albuminurie dans l'urine. Bull. Soc. m6d. de l'Yonne 1893, Auxerre, ism xxxiv,79-82. [Discussion],pt. 2, pp. viii-xi.—Sa la- din o A.) Ricerchesulla concentrazione molecolare del sangue edell' orinadelleeclamptiche. Atti d. r. Accad.d. rlsiocrit. in Siena, 1901, 4. s., xiii, 299-317. Also: Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1901, iv, 503-506. — Sclilntius. Zur Eklampsieohne Kriimpfe. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 107-109. — Schuiorl. Eklampsie ohne Puerperal convulsions (Diagnosis emd semeiology of). Kriimpfe. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 363.— Shearer (T. W.) Symptomatology of puerperal ec- lampsia. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1898, 152-154.—Sle- nions (J. M.) Eclampsia without convulsions. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907,xviii,448-455.— d e Soy re (J.) Etudes sur les p6riodes diverses de l'accrs d'e- clampsie. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (18651, lsuti, i, 118- 128.—Takemura (K.) Differential diagnosis between tubercular meningitis of pregnant woman and uraemia or eclampsia (including treatment of eclampsia >. Sei-i- Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1907, xxvi, 189-198.—Taj lor (T. E.) Types and clinical aspects of eclampsia. Univ. Colorado M. Bull., Boulder, 1906-7, iii, no. 2, 71-73.—Tridondani (E.) Osservazioni sfigmografiche nell'eclampsia. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1901, xxiii, 55-73, 2ch. Also: Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1901, iv, 53-56. Also: Atti d. Soc ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1901, Roma, 1902, viii, 264-270, 1 pl.— ■Walter. Fall af eclampsia parturientium utan albu- minuri. [A case of . . . with albuminuria.] Goteborgs Liik.-siillsk, Forh., 1906, 49. — Zamboni. Pseudo-ec- lampsia in gravidanza. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1903, xxxviii, 361.—IKangemeister. Blut und Harn bei Eklampsie. Verhandl. d. deutsch.Gesellsch.f.Gynak., 1903, Leipz., 1904, x, 231-247. Puerperal convulsions (Prevention of). Baley (H.) * Des symptomes prodromiques de l'eclampsie et de leur traitement par le re- gime lacte. 4°. Paris, 1893. Coudray (F.) *Des indications de l'inter- ruption de la grossesse chez les femmes en- ceintes albuminuriques. 8°. Paris, 1900. Arnaud (J.) Traitement preventif de l'eclampsie puerperale par le chloral longtemps continue. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 219.—Benjamin (D.) Puerperal convulsions; method of prevention. Med. Bull., Phila., 1890, xii, 441.— Bennett (L. F.) The prevention of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1900, xxxiv, 173-189. Also: (ibstetrics, N. Y., 1901, iii, 168- 172. — Biiinni (E.) Die soforti.ue Entbindung 1st die beste Eklampsiebehandlung. Miinehen. med. Wchn- schr., T.'OS, 1, 889-891.—Charles ^N.j Le cesarienne pro- phylactique de leclampsie. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1900, xxi, 271-273. —Clark (F. S.) The prophylactic treat- ment of puerperal eclampsia. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 24-28.— Collins (A. N.) How shall we treat threatened puerperal convulsions? A report of cases. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1898, xx, 105- 109. [Discussion], 137-139.—Danforth (L. L.) Toxae- mia or pregnancy; a review of its causes, diagnosis, and treatment with reference to the prevention of eclampsia. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1894, xxix, 481-491.—Davis (E. P.) The prophylaxis and treatment of eclampsia. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1895, xx, 282-296. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s., xi, 433-437. Also [Abstr.]; Am. Gynaec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 911. [Discussion], 912- 918— Donald (A.) Induction of labour in cases of al- buminuria in pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 893.— Drejer. Om behandlingen af den truende eklampsi. [Sur le traitement de l'eclampsie menacante. Res., 895.1 Norsk Majr. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1898, 4. R., xiii, 817-834. -----. EtkortsvartilDr. Skjelderup: Fremdeles nogle ord om truende eklampsi. [A short answer to Dr. Skjelderup: Somefurtherremarksonthreateningeclamp- sia.] Norsk Mag. f. Ltegevidensk., Kristiania, 1898, 4. R., xiii, 1256-1259. See, also, infra, Skjelderup.—Duft*(J. M.) The albuminuria of pregnancy treated by the internal administration of chloroform; report of cases. Addr. . . . sect. Obst. & dis. worn. 43. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, 27-32.—Ellis ( E.) A case of threatened puerperal eclampsia. Practitioner, Lond., 1903, Ixxi, 294. — Ferre (J.-A.) Nouvelle contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'eclampsie puerporale et remarquessur sa prophvlaxie. Obstetrique. Par., 1896, i, 487-507. -----. Puerperal ec- lampsia; its prophylaxis. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1906, xxviii, 414-116— Fry (H. D.) Prevention of puer- peral eclampsia by the induction of premature labor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 875-878. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1S91, 3. s., vii,376-379.—Cireen (C. M.) The value of the hot-water immersion bath in the treatment of threatening puerperal eclampsia. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxliii, 624-627. [Discussion], 635. —Hardie (D.) The prophylaxis of puerperal eclampsia. J. Obst. & Gyn- ajc Brit. Emp., Lond., 1906, x, 395-406.—Jarrett (Eliza- beth). The induction of premature labor in cases of albuminuria. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lvi, 474-476.— Kreutzmann (H.J.) The prevention of eclampsia. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1900, xiv, 339-344.— Kroemer. Schonende oder forcierte Entbindung bei Kklampsie. Zentralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 691-608.—lionayear (H. W.) The prophvlactic treat- ment of eclampsia gravidarum. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1*95. Phila., 1896, viii, 181-188. Also: Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 631-638. [Discussion], 787.— PUERPERAL. 73 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Prevention of). .HeKeouii'li (G.T.) The prophylaxis and treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1893-4, xxii. 53-57. Also: physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1888. x, 97-107.—.TIarr (G.) An early case of puerperal eclampsia, with some observations on aseptic technique in obstetric work. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1905, iii, 197-199.—.Herletti (C.) Profilassi dell' eclamp- sia puerperale secondo le moderne vedute intorno alia I sua patogenesi. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1898, xx, 697-750, 2 pl. A/so: Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1898, i, 576-579.— Nicholson til. O.) The treatment of the auto-intoxi- cations of pregnancy by thyroid extract; the anticipation of impending eclampsia. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1903, xii, 204-211.—Morris (R. C.) The preventive treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Am. Gvnnec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xv, 7-11. [Discussion], 69-73.—Nubiola (P.) La evacuaci6n uterina y la expectation en la eclampsia. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1905, xviii. 197-200.—Nuiiez Sanipelayo (A.) Consideraciones sobre lapatogenia y el tratamiento preventivo de la eclampsia obstetrica. Rev. de rued, y cirug.pract., Madrid, 1900, xlviii,401-406.— Paschal (F.) Intervention in pregnancy complicated with albuminuria. Texas M. J., Austin, 1895-6, xi, 354- 356.—Pooley (T. R.) The induction of premature labor in amaurosis and amblyopia, in connection with the al- buminuria of pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. Y.,1888, xxxiii, 93-96.—Richardson (K. H.) When should we inter- fere in threatened puerperal convulsions? Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1891, 113-126. Also: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1891-2, n.s., viii, 207-214.—Rittenhouse (W.) Eclamp- sia: its prevention and treatment. Illinois M. Bull., Chi- cago, 1906-7, vii, 211-246.—Rotliroek (J. L.) Can we by modern methods anticipate impending attacks of pu- erperal eclampsia'.' St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1902, iv, 685-690. — Sippel ( A. ) Ein neuer Vorschlag zur Bekiimpfung schwerster Eklampsieformen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1559-1563.—Skjelderup ( M.) Fremdelesnogle ord om truende eklampsi. [Some fur- further remarks on threatening eclampsia.] Norsk Mag. f. Ltegevidensk., Kristiania, 1898, 4. R., xiii, 1250-1255. Sif, also, supra, Drejer.—3paldiiis(H. E.) Prophylaxis of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1899, N. Y., 1900,639-646.—Stewart (D. H.) Thoughts on the prophylaxis of puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. J., 1903, xlvii, 203-205. -----. The surgical treatment of puerperal eclampsia and the prevention of convulsions. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 86-xs.—Stewart (R. W.) Puerperal eclampsia; report of a case, with the treatment of same patient during a subsequent pregnancy. Am. J. Obst.,N. Y.. 1899, xxxix, 28-41. [Discussion),88-98. Also, Reprint— Strogaiioff" (V. V.) Profilakticheskiy me- tod Hecheniya eklampsii i yevo rezultati; na osnovanii 330sluchayev. [Prophylactic method of treating eclamp- sia and its results, based on 130 cases.] Novoye v Med., S.-Peterb.. 1908, ii, 33; 72.— Study (J. N.) Albuminuric retinitis in pregnancy; premature labor; death in utero of twin child; puerperal convulsions; hemiplegia; acute mania; death. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 654—Stuver (E.) Antipvrine and digitalis combined for the preven- tion and treatment of convulsive disorders. Denver M. Times, 1895-6. xv, 224-227.—Upshur (J. N.) Puerperal convulsions and their prevention. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1896-7, n.s.,xiii, 810-814. Also: Practice, Richmond, 1896, x, 351-360. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 164-466. [Discussion] ,481^483. Also: Langsdale's Lancet, Kansas City, 1896, i, 437-440. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1896. xxxvi, 16-5-167. -----. Puerperal convul- sions from the standpoint of prevention. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1897, lxiv, 70-74. Also: N. Albany M. Herald, 1897. xvii, 6-8. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1897, xxxix, 81-88. Also: Texas M. J., Austin, 1896-7, xii, 366- 374.—Wlieeler (J. T.) The prevention of puerperal eelampMa. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Albany, 1903, 281-2x6. Also: Albany M. Ann., 1903, xxiv, 313-319. — Wo Iff ( F.) Eclampsia gravidarum und Bossi'sche Methode. Zen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 477-479. Puerperal convulsions {Repeated [in successive preg?iancies] or fam ilial). Stuckmann (A. \V.) *Macht ein einmaliges Ueberstehen der Eklampsie gegen eine gleiche Erkrankung bei spiiteren Sehwangerschaften immun? 8°. Bonn, 1903. Charles (N.) Secondipare a 8 mois de grossesse, avant eu de l'albuminurie et de l'eclampsie a son 1" ac- couchement et atteinte de nouveau d'eedeme et d'albu- minurie; travail provoque par un bain chaud; enfant vi- vant; suites heureuses. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1897, xviii, 435—Co va (E.) Sull"eclampsia recidivante. Ginecolo- gia, Firenze, 1905, ii, 659-672.— Gugllelnil (A.) Sul- 1' eclampsia ripetuta. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1904, xxvi, 453-175.—Hanemann (F.) Zwei Fiille vonpuerperaler h'klampsie bei Zwillingsschwestcrn. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 475.—Jardlne (R.) Case of re- current eclampsia. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gyna±c. Soc. (1902-4), 1905, iv,238-241. —Kerr (J.M. M.) [Recurrence i Puerperal convidsions (Repeated [in successive pregnancies'] or fam Hied). of eclampsia ... Two cases. A V-para had convulsions in her three previous pregnancies and another V-para had convulsions in all her previous, labors.] Glasgow Hosp. Rep., 1901,iii,58.—Lemichez. Eclampsie du post-partum chez une femme de 22 ans, accouchee pour la troisieme fois, ayant prcsente de l'eclampsie du travail au premier accouchement et ayant eu un deuxieme accouchement absolument normal. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, ii, 458- 462.— UcCann (A. E.) Puerperal eclampsia twice in the same patient. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1904, i, I486.— Owen (F. J.) Puerperal eclampsia occurring after the birth of first two children, but not after the third. In- tension. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1898, iii, 528-530— Spalding (O. B.) Recurrent eclampsia, with report of case. Calif. State J. M. San Fran., 1905, iii, 154.— Stewart (J.) Three cases of puerperal eclampsia (two insisters). Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 86.—Stunner (A. J.) Three attacks of eclampsia occurring in a multipara. J. Obst. & Gyruec. Brit, Emp., Lond., 1904, vi, 224-227. Also: Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1904, xxiv, 938. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of). See, also, Puerperal convulsions (Prevention of). de Andrade (B. F. L.) *Tratamento da eclampsia. 4°. Rio de Jemeiro, 189H. Bourdon (J.C.) * Diss, sistens morbos puer- perii ejusoue regimen, sm. 4°. Moguntiw, 1761. Bungart (P.) *Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Behandlung der Eklampsie. 8°. Bonn, 1903. Draeck (H.) *Zur Therapie der Eklampsie. 8°. Bonn, [1877]. Dubost (F.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'albuminurie et de l'eclampsie puerperales. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1891. Friedemann (B.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Eklampsie ante partum. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1897. Gherardi (G.) Contributo clinico alia cura della eclampsia in gravidanza. 8°. Pesaro, 1903. Goubert (J.) *Traitement de l'eclampsie a la Clinique obstetricale de Lyon. 8°. Li/on, 1900. Kallmann (G. S. G.) *Therapie der Eklampsie. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Knape (K. P. E.) * Beitrage zur Therapie der Eklampsie. 8°. Halle a. S., 1904. Knapp (L.) Ueber puerperale Eklampsie und deren Behandlung. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Leske (J. F.) *Zur Behandlung der Eklampsie. 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Maury (A.) *Le traitement de l'eclaimpsie puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1903. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1903. Molinikr (P.-Di-B.) *Contribution au traite- ment de l'eclampsie. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Moreau (A.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'eclampsie. 4°. Petris, 1X91. Paris (H.-E.-H.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement des acces d'eclampsie. 8°. Paris, 1901. Phillips (J. J.) Cases of puerperal convul- sions treated without bleeding. 8°. [n. p., 1870.] Rawson (C. H.) Puerperal convulsions. Treatment of, etc. A paper read before Iowa State Medical Society. 8°. Des Moines, 1878. Samuel (M.) * Ueber die neueren Behand- lungsmethoden der Eklampsie. 8°. Strassburg, 1904. Urfey (W. J. H. M.) *Die Behandlung der Eklampsie an der Bonner Frauenklinik unter G. von Veit. [Bonn.] 8°. Crefeld, 1895. PUERPERAL. 74 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Treatm-ent of). Adams (P. A.) Review of one hundred and seventeen i cases [of] puerperal eclampsia,withmethodsof treatment. Calif. M. &S. Reporter, Los Angeles, 1907, iii, 561-567.— Allen (J. E.) Curative treatment of puerperal eclamp- sia. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1907-8, ix, 519-524.—Alt- man (J. T.) The treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Nashville J. M. & S., 1905, xcvii, 477-482.— Ayers (E. A.) Eclampsia; its prevention and treatment. N. York M. J., 1903, 1 xxvii, 929-932.—Ayres (D.) A caseof puerperal eclampsia at the seventh month, with'a few thoughts from practical experience as to treatment. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1892, ix, 98-104. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 212-214. Also, Reprint.—Bacon (C. S.) Non- operative treatment of eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1905, li, 455-461.—Ball (R. R.) A case of puerperal eclampsia at eight months and a half of pregnancy, with remarks upon the use of Buffalo lithia water in the after- treatment. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 591.—Ballantyne (J. VV.) Clinical note on a case of eclampsia at thesixth month of pregnancy, treated by saline infusion and vera- trum viride. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1900, vii, 19-25.— Bates (F.) A case of puerperal eclampsia, treated by both the old and new methods. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 507. — Berkeley ( C.) The treatment of eclampsia. J. Obst. & Gynec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1904, v, 263-277.—Bernheini (M.) Essai d'un traitement rationnel de l'eclampsie. Med. mod., Par., 1893, iv, 1094.— Blailock(W. R.) Treatment of eclampsia. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1898, 157-162.—Boissard (A.) Traite- ment de l'6clampsie puerperale. M6d.mod.,Par., 1898,ix, 305; 313. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1898, xxvi, 107; 115; 125; 133. Also: Med. orient., Par., 1898, ii, 98; 132.— Bonnaire (E.) Traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale. Presse med., Par., 1898, ii, 354-356.—BoxaII (R.) [et al.]. A discussion on the treatment of albuminuria and eclampsia occurring in pregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 715-721.—Bradley (W. L.) The treatment of puerperal convulsions. Proc. Connect. M. Soc., New Haven, 1872-5, 2. s., iv, 119-131. Also, Reprint.—Brand (G. H.) The treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 509.—Braun (J.) Beitrag zur Therapie der Eklampsie. Aer/.tl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1897, ix, 301- 303.—Brickell (F.) The management of nephritis gravidarum and eclampsia gravidarum. Tr. Lousiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1*91, 310-321. —van den Brink: (J. A.) Eenige nieuwe beschouwingen omtrent het wezen en de therapie der eclampsie. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1907-8, xi, 209-215.—Brunei li (P.) Sulla cura dell' eclampsia. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1898, iv, 322; 331.— Budin. Le traitementde l'eclampsie puerperale. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 101— Bumiu (E.) Die Behandlung der Eklampsie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz.u. Berl , 1907, xxxiii, 1945-1947.—Butt- ner. Ueber das Wesen und die Behandlung der Kk la mp- sie. Berl. Klinik, 1905, xvii, 208. Hft., 1-28.-Byers (J. W.) Traitement de l'eclampsie. [Rap.] Cong, period. internat. de gynec. et d'obst. C.-r., 2. sess. 1896, Geneve, 1897. obst., 185-194.—Cameron (J. C.) The dangers and accidents of local treatment in puerperal cases. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal (1887-9), 1890, iv, 48-51.—(a- siccia (V.) Del miglior trattamento dell' eclampsia. I'ammatone, Genova, 1897, i, nos. 3^4, 47-67.— Charles (N.) Traitement de l'eclampsie. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1896, xvii, 311; 319; 327; 335. Also: Cong, period, internat. de gynec. et d'obst. C.-r., 2.sess. 1896, Geneve, 1897, obst., 223-255. Also, transl.: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1896, xviii, 907-909. -----. Primipare a 6£ mois de grossesse; cedeme, albuminurie, eclampsie; anesthesiques, saignee, hypo- dermoclyse; accouchement premature spontane; enfant mort; giierison de la mere. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1898, xix, 52— Charpentier (A.) Sur le traitement de l'eclampsie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1*93, 3. s., xxix, 32; 54. [Discussion], 111-126. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1893, xx, 448; 509. Also: N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1893, viii, 63; 117; 152. -----. Traitement de l'eclampsie. [Rap.] Cong. period, internat. de gvn6c et d'obst. C.-r.. 2. sess. 1896, Geneve, 1897, obst., 111-144. Also, transl: Ann. Gvntec & Paediat., Bost., 1896-7, x, 131- 208.—Chris- tides. Sur le traitement d'eclampsie puerperale. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1891-2, xxxiv, 308-312.— Clark (F. S.) The treatment of puerperal eclampsia, with a reportof cases. Cleveland M. J.. 1903, ii, 321-330.— Clark (J. A.) & Skelton (L. L ) Acetone in eclamp- sia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 196-205.—Clark (J. S.) Treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Chicago M. Rec, 1891, ii, 88. [Discussion], 155-165.—Clarke (E. D.) Puerperal eclampsia; report of cases, with discussion of the various methods of treatment. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1905, Providence, 1906, vii, 265-278. Also: Med. Progress, Louisville, 1906, xxii, 306-310.—Cocq (V.) Le traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale. Clinique, Brux., 1901, xv, 73-81.—Cohen (B.) The prevention and treat- ment of eclampsia. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1906, vi, 392-394.—Cole (G. L.) Treatment of puerperal eclamp- sia. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1896, xi, 449-452.— Commandeur. Quelques cas d'eclampsiegueris sans interruption de la grossesse. Province med., Lyon, 1902, Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of). xvi, 457-461.—Cristalli (G.) Trattamciitodell' eclamp- sia. Med. ital.. Napoli, 1907, v, 4">-18.—Crol't (h\ O.) The treatment of albuminuria and eclampsia of preg- nancy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 589.— Cronson ( R.) Treatmentof thepuerperal eclamp- tic attack. Am. Med., N. Y. A Burlington, Vt.,1908, n. s., iii, 269.—Cnscaden (G.) The treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1902, xxi, 235.— Cykowski (S.) Przyczynek do leczenia eklampsyi. [Treatment of eclampsia.] Ginekologia, Warszawa, 1903-4, i, 489-506.—Czyzewiez (A.) Kilka uwag w sprawie leczenia drgawek porodowych. [Treatment of eclampsia.] Ibid., 1905, ii, 146; 223. — llavcga (S. M.) The preventive and curative treatment of eclamp- sia. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1*99, 101- 109.—Davis (E. P.) The prophylaxis and treatment of eclampsia. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc., Phila., 1895, xx, 282-296. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s., xi, 433-437. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Gyua:c. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 911. [Discussion], 912-918.-----. The pre- vention and treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Therap. Gaz.,Detroit, 1899, 3. s., xv, 793-798. -----■. The treatment of eclampsiain the patient's home. Ibid., 1908,3.8., xxiv, 1-4.—Davis (T. G.) The treatment of puerperal eclamp- sia. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 618. -----. Eclamp- sia treated by veratrum and morphin. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1907, xxii, 020-623— De L.ee (J. B.) The treatment of eclampsia. Obstetrics, N. Y., 1899, i, 407-416.—Delgado Arcos (B.) Eclampsia puerperal; curacion. Siglo med., 1900, Madrid, 1901, xlvii, 330-332. Also: Independ. m6d., Barcel., 1900, xxxi, 210-212.— Demelin. Traitementde l'eclampsie puerperale. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par.,1905, xix, 673-675.—Deme- triOS (G. A.) UpoXruliis Ka.i Oepaneia Tv ■irapot;v'e well (F. S.) The treatmentof eclamp- sia bv the method of Prof. W. Stroganoff. Boston M. & S. J.,1902. cxlvi, 192-194. -----. The treatment of eclamp- sia. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1905. xxx. 307-316. Also: Am. .1. Obst., N. Y., 1905, Iii, 339-317. Also, Reprint.— Norris (R. C.) The treatment oi eclampsia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1899,3. s..xv.803-806.—>'oto. Curamedicae ostetrica dell'eclampsia secondo la scuola. Arch. ital. di ginec..Napoli, 1908.i,373-375. A/so, transl.: Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1900, 352-354. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1900, xv,530-532.—Osterloh. Die Behandlungder Eklampsie. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 553-556.— tfstrcil (A.) Beitrag zur Therapie der Eklampsie. Arch. f. Gynak., Berl., 1902, lxvi, 6234554.—Oui. Traite- ment de l'eclampsie puerperale. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 214-218. -----. Les acces eclamptiques. Ibid., 1903, vii, 201. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1903, 232-236.—Palmer (F. C.) Case of puerperal eclampsie treated with antipyrin. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii. 92*. —de Paoli (G.) Contributo alia scelta dell' in- tervento nei casi gravi di eclampsia. Arch, di ostet. e PUERPERAL. 76 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of). ginec, Napoli, 1901, viii, 539 .517.—Parke (W. E.) The treatmentof puerperal eclampsia. Med. News, N. Y.,1902, lxx.\, 966-969.—Parker (l).L.) A line of action in puer- peral convulsions. Physician & Surg., Detroit* Ann Arbor, 1*92, xiv, 388-393.—Parker (H.) Treatment of eclamp- sia. Louisville Month. J. M. it S., 1902-3, ix, 107-109.— Parvin (T.) Trailcment de l'eclampsie. Cong, period. internat. de gvnec. e( d'obst. c. r., 2. sess. 1*96, Geneve, 1897, obst., 195-208.—Pena (I.) Un caso de eclampsia postpartum; tratamiento antiflogistico; curacion. Siglo med., Madrid. 1906, liii, 441.^-Pestalozza (E.) Sul modernoconcetto esullacuradclla eclampsia puerperale. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1896,1, 599; 611: 1897, li, 5.—Peterson (J. S.) Practical points in the management of eclampsia. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xix, 312.— Polak (J.O.) Treatmentof eclampsia. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1895, vii, 619-625. Also, Re- print—Popescul. Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Eklampsie. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 620- 621.—Porak. Traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst, 210-241.—Potter (W. W.) Principles of treatment in puerperal eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 680-689. [Discussion], 552-554. Also: Tr. Am. Ass. obst. A: Gvnec. 1897, Phila., 189*. x, 51-73. Alsei: Med. News, N.Y.,1*97, lxxi, 249-251.—Powell (H. R.) Puerperal eclampsia treated alkaloidallv. Am. J. Clin.M., Chicago, 1907, xiv, 1352.—Prinio (N. Ya.) Otehoto83sluchayakh eklampsii, llechonnikh po sposobu Stroganova. [Report of 83 cases of eclampsia treated by Stroganoft's method.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx, 1390-1115.— Prunae. Crises eclamptiques au huitieme mois de la grossesse d'une duree anormale (72 heuresi; accouche- ment spontane 48 heures apres le debut des attaques; emissions sanguines et chloral a haute dose; gu6rison. N. Montpel. med., 1895, iv, 405-411.—Kearny (T. A.) The treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Am.Gvnrec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1*95. vi, 752-763. [Discussion],'912-91*. Also, Reprint.—Kedman (W. E.) Notes on a ease of puerperal eclampsia; treatment; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 366.—Keed ((.'. B.j Treatment of eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1905. li, 331-336. —Register ( E. C.) The management of puerperal eclampsia. Charlotte [X. C.j M. Jv 1907, xxx, 178-182.—KeilI.y (T. F.) Some re- marks on the action of remedies usually employed in puerperal eclampsia. Am. Med., N. Y. & Burlington, Vt. 1908, n.s., iii, 261-263.—Rene de Cotret (E.-A.) Traite- ment de l'eclampsie puerperale. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 18%, xxv, 387; 453; 5H; 5*4— Reynolds (E.) The treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1899, 3. s., xv, 802.—Ricci (A. P.) Tcrapia del- 1' eclampsia puerperale. Arch. ital. di ginec, Xapoli, 1908, i, 108-126.—Rivers (J.) The treatment of puer- peral eclampsia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1902, n. s., xlix, 465.—Rogers (II. W. I Pathology and treatment of puerperaleclampsia. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1891-2, vii, 166- 172.—Boss (T. II.) The treatmentof puerperal convul- sions. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 611-613.—Rowland (J. M. H.) Treatment of eclampsia. Tr. M. Soc. Vinr. 1903, Richmond, 1904, 233-243.—Rudanx (P.) Traite- ment de l'eclampsie. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 246-248. Also: Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1908, xxiii, 177-184.—Sabin (G.i Eclampsia puerperalS, si tratamentul ei. Spitalul, BucurescI, 1907, xxvii, 451-459'.—Savage (S.) The treat- ment of puerperal eclampsia. Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1906, lx, 214-224.—Sintenis ( E ) Zur EklampsiebehandlmiK. Zentralbl. f. Gynaek., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 141-143— Sip- pel ( A.) Ein neuer Vorschlag zur Bekiimpfung schwer- 4er Eklampsieformcn. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 175- 177.—Sitsinski ( A. A.) Llecheniyezaraznikh posllero- dovikh zabolievaniy v polosti matk'i. [Treatment of in- fectious puerperal diseases in the uterine cavity.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1904, xviii, 473; 577.— Smith (R. P.) The treatment of puerperal eclampsia, with report of cases. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Bait., 1903-4, vi, 33-41 — Soloyolt" (G.) K sovremennof terapiieklvampsii. [Contemporary treatmentof eclamp- sia,] J.akush.i jensk. boliez. St. Petersb., 1904, xviii, 1523-1534.—Speidle 1(E.) What active measures of treat- ment should be undertaken in eclampsia? Louisville Month. J. M. A S., 1905-6. xii, 388-390.—Stamin (M.) Eclampsia and its treatment. Cleveland M. J., 1904, iii, 398-404.—Stamsbnry (O.) The treatment of puer- peral eclampsia. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1897 xi 33S-34L—Stowe (H. M.) The modern treat- ment of eclampsia. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 894-89*.— Strempel. Beitrag zur Behandlung der Eklampsie im Wochenbett nach Bumm. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1335-1338.—Strizover (M.) K lle- cheniyu posllerodovol eklampsii. [Treatment of puer- peral convulsions.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1891, xxxv, 26.— Stroiianolt'l V. V.) K llecheniyu eklampsii. [Treat- ment of eclampsia.] Terap. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1899, ii, 449-472 -----. K llecheniyu eklampsii. [Treatment of eclampsia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 1137-1140. Also, transl.: Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 198-210.-----. O llechenii eklyampsii; otvlet Puerperal convulsions (Treed ment of). prof. MeiiLte. [Treatment of eclampsia; reply to Viof. Menge.J Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901,xxii, 1377. Afro, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 1309-1312. -----. U patogenezie i llechenii eklyampsii. [Pathogenesis and treatment of eclampsia.] Russk. Vrach, s.-Peterb.. 1902, i, 993; 1021; 1053; 1113. See, also, sn^ra, Newell (F. S.). Also,transl. [Abstr.]: Cong.pcriod.deirvnec.etd'obst. C.-r. 1902,Florence-Rome, 1904, iv, 131-134.—Sutherland (J. L.) Managementof puerperaleclampsia. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1900, v, 13-17. — Swayne (J.G.) On the treatmentof puerperal eclampsia occurring during preg- nancy and presentingnosimisof labour. Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1896, i, 523-525. — Taj lor (F. J.) Puerperal eclampsia and its treatment. J. Med. A Sc, Portland, 1898-9, v, 280- 292.—Ter-(irigoriantz. De la therapie de l'eclampsie des femmes enceintes. Coiik. internat. de med. C. r.. Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 241-211.—Terry (II.) Remarks on the treatmentof eclampsia. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1898, Providence, 1899, v,557. —Traitementde l'eclaiiip- sie puerperale. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1893, iii, 333; 350.—Traitement (Le) de l'eclampsie au Con- jures de Geneve. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1896, lxix, 1101; 1107.— Traitement (Sur le) de l'eclampsie. [Discussion.] Contr. period, internat. de gynec. et d'obst. C.-r., 2. sess. 1896. Geneve, 1*97, obst., 257-276.—Treatment (The) of albuminuria in pregnancy, with special reference to the management of labor, when convulsions occur. Proc Orleans Parish M. Soc 1896, N. Orl., 189*, 71-83.—Treat- ment (On the) of puerperal eclampsia. [Discussion.] Glasgow M. J., 1892, xxxviii, 62-68.—Treatment (The) oi puerperal eclampsia occurring during the first static of labour. Practitioner, Lond., 1*95, lv, 45s-i65.—Tuley ( II. I-;. ) Treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., xviii, 735-741.— Tiirenne (A.) Consideraeiones terapeuticas sobre dos casosde eclamp- sia. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1905, viii, 52- 58.—Tweedy (H.) Eclampsia; with special reference to its treatment. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1890, ei, 206-215.— Tyson (J.) A short supplement to Barton Cooke Hirst's paper on the treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Proc. Phila.Co.M.Soc, I'hila., 1904, n.s.,vi,47-51. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1901, 3. s., xx, 145-147. —Valdcavcllano (A. G.) Casode eclampsia. Juventud med., Guatemala, 1899, i, 9-11. — VaHois. Traitement de l'eclampsie. Montpel. med., 1902, 2. s.,xv, 1033-1044.—Veit (J.) Ueber die Behandlung der Eclampsie. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. Ge- burtsh. ii. Gvnaek. z. Feier ... v. Carl Ruge, Berl., 1896, 110-120.—Wkitten (H. H.) The medical treatment of puerperal eclampsia. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1904, vi, 242-246.—Williams (J. W.) Problems involved in the treatment of eclampsia, with illustrative cases. Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1901-2, vi, 88-90.— Williamson (H.) Discussion on the treatment of ec- lampsia. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1902-3, x, 73-79.— Wilson (A. C.J.) Treatmentof puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1174. -----. The use of calomel in the treatmentof eclampsia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1906, xxx, 306-309.—Winter (J. T.) Puerperaleclampsia; its therapeutics. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxix. 639-64*.— Wright (II. J. B.) The treatmentof puerperal eclamp- sia. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1891, xxxiv, 577-585.— Voniiii' i J. W.) Treatment and prevention of puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Des Moines, 1896, xiv, 182- 193. Also: Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1895, n. s., xiv, 434- 136. —Kinke (E.G.) The treatment of puerperal eclamp- sia. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1905, N. Y., 1906, xviii, 261-272. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liii, 226-234.— Zwetfel. Zur Behandlung der Eklampsie; Bericht iiber 129 hier beobachtete Fiille.' Centralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1895, xix, 1201; 1238; 1265. -----. Das Gift der Eklampsie und die Konsequenzen fiir die Behandlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 297-299. [Discus- sion], 337. -----. Zur Aufkliirung der Eklampsie. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik.,Leipz.,1906,143-151. Puerperal convulsions (Treutment of Operative). See, also, Csesarean section on dead or dging; Puerperal conrulsions (Preeention of). Bardet (J.-A.-P.) * Le traitement chirurgi- cal de l'eclampsie puerperale. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Haixdl (G.) * Ueber die Indikationsstellung zum klassischen und zum vaginalen Kaiser- schnitt bei P^klampsie. 8°. Erlangen, 1906. Meller (J.) *Ein Fall von Eclampsie mit Indication zum Kaiserschnitt. 8°. Wurzburg, 1893. Alilleld (F.) Eklampsie und vaginaler Kaiserschnitt. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 1553; 1904, xxviii, 321. —Andrews (A.) A case of eclampsia tit eighth month in primipara; Bright's disease 15 years' duration; Cesarean section; death on fifth day. Australas. M. Gaz., PUERPERAL. 7 < PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of Operative'). Sydney, 1*94, xiii, 77-79.—Ascli (R.) Xierendekapsula- tion bei puerperaler Eklampsie Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 2*3— Bacon (C. S.) The operative treatment of eclampsia. Illinois M. .1., Springfield, 1904- 5, n. s.. vi, 462-471. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii. 1332-1335—Barrows (0. C.) Puerperal eclampsia treated by Duelnssen's incisions and veratrum viride. N. York M. J., Is95, lxii. 66J-664. Also, Reprint. Also: Practice, Richmond, 1895, ix, 414-421. Also: Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., X. Y., 1896, 7-12.—Baskin (S.) Ovliyaniioperativnavovmleshatelstvaprirodakh.oslozh- neniiikh eklampsiyel. [On the influence of operative interference during labor complicated by eclampsia.] Russk. med., St. Petersb., 1893, xviii, 778: 798. Also, Re- print. — Bergesio (L.) La decorticazione del rene e nefrotomia nei casi gravissimi di eclampsia. Gior. di pe- diat., Torino, 1907, vii, 305-312.—Boldt (H. F.) Kaiser- schnitt wegen schwerer puerperaler Eklampsie, ausge- fiihrt an einem zwolf Jnhre acht MonatealtenKinde mit engem Becken. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1906, xxiii, 612-616.—de Bovis (R.) De la decapsula- tion du rein dans le traitement de reelampsie. Semaine med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 109.—Brindean (A.) Deux cas d'operation de Diihrssen. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1906, ix, 286-290.—Brodliead (G. L.) Eclampsia from the surgical standpoint. Med. News, N. Y., 1899, Ixxiv, 552- 555— Carstens (J.H.) Vaginal Cesarean section in grave cases of puerperaleclampsia. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. &Gynec 1904, X. Y., 1905, xviii, 61-70. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1904. 1. 633-640. Also: J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1904. iii, 448-453. Also, Reprint. — Cavaillon (P.) & Trillat (P.) Du traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale par la de- capsulation renale, d'apres Edebohls (de New York). Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1903, lxxvi, 1146. — Cliambrelent. Decapsulotomiepour eclampsie. J.demed. deBordeaux, 1906, xxxvi. 140— Cliambrelent & Pousson. De la decapsulation renale et de la nephrotomie dans le traite- ment des formes graves de l'eclampsie. [Rap. d'A. Pinard.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1906, 3. s., lv, 489- 497. Also [Rap.]: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1906, xxxiv, 91; 99.—Corsin (I.) Un caz de eclampsie post partum; vindecare. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1900, xx, 19-22.— € room (Sir H.) Csesarean section in eclampsia. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1903-4, xxix, 194-209.—Boktor (S.) Sectio csesarea vaginalis eklampsia miatt. Gyogyaszat, Buda- pest. 1906, xlvi, 596-598. Also: Ungar. med. Presse, Buda- pest, 1906, xi, No. 26, 1-4— Biilirssen (A.) Ein neuer Fall von vaginalem Kaiserschnitt bei Eklampsie, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Behandlung der Eklampsie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1900. lxi, 548-564. -----. Ein weiterer Fall von vaginalem Kaiserschnitt bei Eclampsia graviditatis. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 4**-493. Also, Reprint.—Eastman (J. R.) Duehrssen's operation in eclampsia gravidarum. Med. & Surg. Moni- tor, Indianap., 1901, iv, 1*5.—Edebohls (G. M.) Renal decapsulation for puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1903. xxviii, 133-141. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1903, xlvii, 783-785. Also: N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 1022-1024. -----. A second case of puerperal eclampsia successfully treated by renal decapsulation. Tr. Am. Gvnec Soc*., Phila., 1904, xxix, 136-149. Also: Boston M. & s. J.. 1904, cl, As6-588. -----. A third successful renal de- capsulation for puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1906, xxxi, 269-276. Also, transl.: N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1906, xviii, 189-192. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 719-722.— Essen-^Itfller (E.) Eklampsi (konvulsioner) under hafvandeskapet; kejsarsnitt; dod. [Eclampsia during pregnancy; Caesarean section; death.] Jordemodern, Stockholm, 1904, xvii, 146. -----. Ein Fall von Nieren- dekapsulation bei Eklampsie. Zentralbl.f.Gyniik.,Leipz., 190*. xxxii, 449-451.—E%va Id (A. L.) Eklampsie und vaginaler Kaiserschnitt. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1906. xviii. 1-4.—Faliiowski. Nierendecapsulation bei Eklampsie im Wochenbctt. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, lxxvi, 772. Also: Zentralbl. f. Gynaek., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 37 - 41. -----. Ueber Decapsulation der Nieren bei Eklampsie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, lxxvii, 449— Federiel (X ) Di un nuovo caso di eclampsia gravidica opera to e guarito. Gazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1908. xxix, 6.50.—Franek (O.) Ueber Nieren- dekapsulationbei Eklampsie. Munchen.med.Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 2171-2173.—Freund (H.) Zwei vaginale Kai- serschnitte bei Eklampsie. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1906, iii, 33-35.—Fry. Vaginal Cesarean section for eclampsia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1907, lvi, 391—tianss (('. J.) Zur Behandlung der Eklampsie mit Decapsulatio renum. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz.. 1907, xxxi, 521-510.—Gobiet (J.) Vaginaler Kaiserschnittbei Eklampsie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1114-1118—tirandin ( E. H.) Modern treatment of eclampsia, considered from a sur- gical standpoint. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., X.Y.,1890, x, 69- 72.—von — Caussin (O.) De l'influence des inhalations de chloroforme dans l'eclampsie. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens 1892, x, 246. ----. Un nouveau cas d'eclampsie traitee par les inhalations de chloroforme et suivie de guerison; 29 acces. Ibid., 1904, xxii, 18-21.-Clowes (\ B ) A case of puerperal eclampsia treated by hyos- (inc. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 940-Coiiimaiideur. FelamDsie guerie par la medication chlorahque. Lyon med 1902, xcix, 120-122.-Doktor (S.) Az eclampsia kezei'esenarcotikusszerekkel. [The treatmentof eclamp- sia bv narcotics.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xln, 269 — Dove (R A.) Choral hvdrate in puerperal eclampsia. Brit M J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1228,-Klder (G.) A case of rmeroeral eclampsia, and its treatment by morphine. Ibid 1901, i, 51 l.-Feeny (M. H.) The chloral treat- mentof puerperal eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 366.— Kity-erald (G. E.) Puerperal eclampsia, and its treat- ment hv morphine. Brit, M. J., Lond 1900, ii, 1496.- Frane'isiL A.) Morphine in uraemic eclampsia. Ibid., 1898 ii 152— Gardener (W. F.) A case of puerperal eclampsia successfully treated by .chloral and bromide of notasslum with inhalation of chloroform. Lancet, Lond lsMTii 915—Gaylord (E. P.) Cocaine in threatened eclampsia.' Homceop. J. Obst.N, Y 1891, xiii 247-252.- Hallowes (W. B.) Puerperal eclampsia; four cases successfully treated by rectal injections of chloral hy- drate Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 75 -de la Harpe (R.) Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) with anaesthetics and narcotics. The treatment of puerperal eclampsia by large doses of morphine, with a series of hitherto unpublished statistics from the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin. Tr. Row Acad. M. Ireland, 1906, xxiv, 281-289. Also: J. Obst. & G vnaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1906, ix, 102-105. [Discussion], 70.—Heady (J.F.) A report of two cases of puerperal convulsions treated with large doses of morphine hypodermic-ally. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897, xxxix, 25-27. [Discus- sion], 41^9. Also: Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 229- 233. Also: Nashville J. M. cfc S., 1897, lxxxii, 128-132.— Hoiiig (M.) Az eclampsia es status epilepticus gyogy- tanahoz. [The therapeutics of . . .] Orvosi hetil., Bu- dapest, 1898, xiii, 594.—Hoig (D.) Morphia in the treat- ment of puerperal convulsions. Canad. Pract, & Rev., Toronto, 1900, xxv, 359-364. —Horand (A.) De la superiorite du chloroforme sur la saignee dans le traitement de l'eclampsie. J. de med. de Lyon, 1866, vi, 161-174.— Irvine (A. G. C.) A case of puerperal eclampsia (albuminuric) treated by morphine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 810.— Jennings (J. F.) A case of eclampsia treated by the administration of chlo- roform. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 793.—Kitchens (T. N.) Apomorphine in puerperal convulsions. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., xviii, 512.—de Laval (E.) De 1'em- pi oi de la morphine dans le traitement de l'6clampsie. Gaz. med. deMontreal, 1892, vi,242-246.— Malone (G. B.) Apomorphia in treatment of eclampsia and other condi- tions, with report of cases. Memphis M. Month., 1*99, xix, 26-28.—fTIayne (W. B.) The treatment of eclamp- sia by hypodermic injections of morphine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1212. -----. Two cases of eclampsia suc- cessfully treated by morphine. Ibid., 1371.—Perron. Cas d'eclampsie tr6s grave, sans albuminurie, consecutif k l'accouchement; crises subintrantes; injections sous- cutanees d'ether; guerison. Mem. et compt. rend. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1891), 1892,. xxxi, pt. 2, 34-36. Also: Lyon med., 1891, lxvi, 368.—Snejdsirek. Eclampsia ante partum zavingn&, jak se podobii, ammoniaemii; po- rodpfipatnactemzAchvatu; vstfiknutipfilgranumorphii aceticipod kuzi v osmn&etem z&chvatu; uzdraveni. [. . . conditioned, as it seems, by ammoniaemia; parturition during fifteenth coma; subcutaneous injection of igr.acet. morph. during eighteenth coma; recovery.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1869, viii, 177; 193; 201.—Soutli wortli (M. A.) Eclampsia and cocaine. PacificM. J., San Fran., 1896, xxxix, 10-13.—Stewart (D. H.) Why chloroform should be used in puerperal eclampsia. Med. News. N. Y., 1903, lxxxii, 24.—Stokes (E. S.) A case of eclampsia treated by chloral and morphia. Australas M. Gaz., Syd- ney, 1896, xv, 370.—Trusli. Hypodermic injections of morphine in puerperal eclampsia. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, 276-281.—Wilson (W. R.) The useof morphia in eclampsia. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1891-2, v, 464-471. Also, Reprint. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) by bloodletting, general or local. a Paulitz (J. T.) *De usu venjesectionis in parturientibus. 4°. Basilex, [1750]. Abrahams (R.) Venesection and transfusion in puerperal eclampsia. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 969.— Bonebakker (A.) Een geval van eclampsia post partum behandeld met venae sectio. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1899-1900, vi, 529-531.—Bonnafos. Observa- tions d'eclampsie; traitement par la saignee. J. demed. de Lyon, 1866, vi, 81-94.—Bradley (M. M.) Puerperal eclampsia; recovery following venesection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1384.—Charles (N.) Eclampsie chez une primipare agee, a 7j niois; saignee; accouchement spon- tane; suites heureuses. J.d'accouch., Liege, 1907, xxviii, 181; 190. — Cleveland. Convulsions cured bv blood- letting. Tr. Obst. Soc Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 148-150.—Crisp (J. E.) Venesection in puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890. i, 889.— Cutler (C. N.) Two cases of eclamp- sia successlully treati d bv venesection and intravenous infusion of salt solution. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxl,304.— Bale (J. Y.) Bleeding in eclampsia. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 56.—Donald (A.) Venesection in puerperal eclampsia. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892-3, xvii, 170- 172.— Dulberg (J.) Leeches in puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 653.—Dwyer (D.) Free blood- letting in puerperal eclampsia. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 17.—Foss (R. W.) Caseof puerperal convulsions treated by venesection. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1877-8, 121-123.—<»agllardl (L.) Grave caso di eclampsia post-puerperale curatocol salasso e 1' ipodermoclisi. Arte ostet., Milano, 1900, xiv, 41. —Gibson (J. R.) A case of puerperal eclampsia without renal symptoms; blood-letting; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 18%, ii, 1153.—Hamilton (J. F.) Venesection in eclampsia; report of acase. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii,1265.— Kirk (R.) Five cases of albuminuria gravidarum with eclampsia, for which venesection was performed in two; recovery of all. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ri, 247.—Laimois (P.-E.) '& JTIeslier (A.) Nephrite gravidique grave; PUERPERAL. 79 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) by bloodletting, general or local. uremie et eclampsie; saignee; transfusion; guerison. Rev. sen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1897, xi, 563-565.— IUace (O.) Des indications de la saignee dans l'eclamp- sie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 690.— Mace (O.) & Chirie (J.-L.) La saignee dans le traitement de l'eclampsie. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 19-22. —itlcLeod (J.) Puerperal eclampsia treated by venesection. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 145. —Maygrier. Eclampsie puerperale grave avec anurie, traitee par la saignee et le gavage avec du lait; diurese rapidement abondante; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1893, 106-110.—iTlerletti (L.) Perlariabilitazionedelsalassonell' eclampsia puer- perale conclamata. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, Roma, 1900, i, 61-67.—Merritt (E. D.) Venesection in puerperal eclampsia. Am. Med. Phila., 1901, ii, 643.— itllller (J. T. R.) Puerperal eclampsia; venesection; recovery. Brit. M:. J., Lond., 1893, i, 795.—Penn (G. W.) Simultaneous use of physiologic salt solution and vene- section in puerperal eclampsia. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 361.—van Roojen (A. P.) Een geval van eclampsia post partum, behandeld met venaesectie. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1897-8, iv, 333-335.—Ryan (R.) Puerperal convulsions, with albuminuria, comai, and pro.- longed insensibility, treated by local and general bleed- ing, etc.; recovery. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, lxxvii, 230- 236. Also, Reprint.—Sonthwick (G. R.) Is venesec- tion with saline transfusion ever justifiable in the treat- ment of eclampsia? N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1899, xxxiv, 163-168.—Tison. Considerations sur l'eclampsie puer- perale a propos d'une guerison par la saign6e. Actua- lite med., Par., 1893, v, 33-36.—Waddiiigton (J. E. G.) Venesection and a case of puerperal (uraemic) convul- sions. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1904, lxiv, 658-660. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) by induction of labor. See, also, Puerperal convulsions (Prevention of). de Felice (J.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'accouehement rapide dans 1'eclampsie. 8°. Paris, 1^02. Michel ( A. ) * Est-il utile de provoquer l'accouehement chez une femme ayant des acces d'eclampsie? 8°. , Paris, 1897. Robert (C.) Eclampsie puerperale, accou- chement force. Nouvelle etiologie possible de l'eclampsie. Note sur la differenciation des albumines, analyses chimiques et microsco- piques, par M. Bellocq, pharmacien a Pau. Re- ponse ii M. le Prof. Charpentier. 8°. Parts, 1896. Schmitt ( C. ) *Contribution a l'etude du traitement obstetrical de l'eclampsie puerperale. [Paris.] 8°. Xantes, 1900. Adair (Mrs. O. i Puerperal eclampsia; delivered without labor [forcepsj. Proc. Oregon M. Soc 1890, Portland, 1891, xvii. 18-55.—Appleby (J. F. R.) Guiacol in puerperal eclampsia. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvi, 258.—Arthur (H. H.) Two cases of rapid delivery in threatened eclampsia. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1895-6, xxxiii, 254-257. — Auvard & Daniel. Albuminurie gravidique chez une femme grosse de un mois et demi; Iclampsie; vomissements incoercibles; eiectricite galva- nique; avortementprovoqu6; guerison immediate. Arch. de gvnec et de tocol., Par., 1896, xxiii, 675-679.—Bal- lantyne (J. W.) A noteon Bossi's dilator in eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 420.—Boerma (N. J. A. F.) Verwijding van den baarmoedermond, volgens Bossi bij eclampsia gravidarum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, i, 542.—Bossi (L. M.) Sul trattamento del- 1' eclampsia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 18%, xvii, no. 140, suppl., 1-6. Also, transl.: Obstetrique, Par., 1896, i, 508- 510. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Rev. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1896, lxiii, 649.—Braun von Fernwald (R.) Ueber die mechanische und blutige Dilatation des Cervix bei schwerer Eklampsie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 361-365.—Briee (E.) A plea for evacuation of the uterus in unrelieved cases of puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1175 — Briquet (G.) Bipare a 7 mois; eclampsie grave; provocation du travail par l'61ytro- cyste; forceps; l'enfant succombe £ heure et la mere 3 jours apres h- travail. Rev. m6d., Louvain, 1890, ix. 289.— Bruscherini ( Adele ). Contributo alia cum del- 1' eclampsia col parto prematura artificiale. Gior. p. Ip levatrici, Milano, 1896, x, 83: 90. —Bruyelle (A.) Eclampsie chez une femme enceinte desept mois, accou- chement premature; expulsion d'un foetus mort; gueri- son. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, 153-155.— Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) by induction of labor. Castroverde (J.) Eclampsia gravidica grave; parto forzado. curaci6n. Siglo med., Madrid, 1906, liii, 42.— Cavaeiui (F.) Altro intervento col dilatatore Tarnier per albuminuria ed eclampsia in gravidanza. L'Abruzzo san., Chieti, 1904, i, 25-28.—Charles (N.) Primipare a 7 mois de grossesse; cedeme, albuminurie et eclampsie; dila- tation du col, version podalique et extraction d'un enfant vivant; suites heureuses pour la mere et le nouveau-n6. J. d accouch., Liege, 1889, x, 133. -----. Primipare a 8h mois de grossesse; albuminurie et cedeme; eclampsie pendant le travail (8 acces avantet 2 apres 1' accouche- ment ); version podalique et extraction d'un enfant mort; deces de la femme 3 heures apres la delivrance. Ibid., 1898, xix, 79.-----. Albuminurie pendant la grossesse; un cas chez une primipare au 8« mois; travail provoque par le traitement; enfant mort posterieurement; un 2e cas chez une autre primipare au debut de la gestation; mort de la femme. Ibid., 126. -----. Quintipare a 63 mois de grossesse; albuminurie (6 gr.) et eclampsie (7 acces); provocation du travail trois semaines plus tard pour menaces de nouvelles convulsions; enfant mort apres 48 heures, de faiblesse congenitale (?); guerison de la femme. Ibid., 1902, xxiii, 154. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1902, xxx, 74 - 76. -----. Primipare a terme, atteinte d'eedeme et d'albuminurie (2 gr.); 7 acces d'eclampsie pendant le travail; dilatation du col avec l'instrument de Lcevenstein; suites heureuses pour la mereet l'enfant. J. d'accouch., Li6ge, 1903, xxiv, 371. -----. Primipare prfes du terme, albuminurique et eclamptique; dilatation du col k l'aidedu Lcevenstein; forceps de Hubert pour le l»r enfant; extraction manuelle du 2e; delivrance artifi- cielle; enfants mort-nes; mort de la mere une heure apres l'accouehement. Ibid., 1904, xxv, 379. -----. Primi- pare albuminurique et eclamptique, apportee dans l'agonie; dilatation avec le Lcevenstein, puis forceps de Hubert; mort de la femme 2 heures apres; enfant rappeieala vie, mort le 22" jour. Ibid., 1905, xxvi, 28. -----. Primipare a 8£ mois; cedeme, albuminurie, eclampsie: dilatation artificielle du col et forceps; sui- tes heureuses pour la mere et l'enfant. Ibid., 406.— Charpentier. Sur un memoire de M. le Dr. Robert. .. a propos d'un cas d'eclampsie puerperale; accouchement force par la dilatation manuelle progressive, le col ayant toutesa longueur et n'etant nullement dilate; guerison. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxv, 594- 604.—Chosker (G. S.) Eclampsia treated by rapid de- livery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1903, xxiv, 869.—de Cotret (E.-A.-R.) Albuminurie pendant la grossesse; eclampsie; accouchement force; veratrum viride; chlo- ral. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1900, xxix, 777- 790.—Cotton (J. M.) Reportof a case of rapid empty- ing of the uterus in eclampsia. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1907, xxxii, 202.—Cykowski (S ) Przelewa- nia krwawe oraz rozwiazanie w leczeniu eklampsyi poro- dowej. [Blood transfusion and induction of labor in the treatment of puerperal convulsions.] Gaz, lek., War- szawa, 1906, 2. s., xxvi, 1065; 1112; 1136; 1163.—De liee (J.-B.) The causation and treatment of eclampsia, with special reference to the methods of accomplishing rapid delivery of the foetus. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1006,16. s., i, 133-154, 6pl.—De Moerloose (Mile.) Eclampsie al- buminurique grave survenue au 8« mois de la grossesse; dilatation artificielle du col; terminaison de l'accouehe- ment au moyen du forceps. Rev. obst. internat., Tou- louse, 1896, i, 217-221.—De-Paoli (G.) Altri due casi di eclampsia in gestazione trattati col parto forzato metodo Bossi dopo esauriti gli altri mezzi. Ann. di ostet., Mi- lano. 1894, xvi, 465-468.—Drejer. Om den obstetriciske Behandling af Puerperaleklampsien. [The obstetrical treatment of puerperal eclampsia.] Norsk Mag. f. Leege- vidensk., Kristiana, 18%, 4. R., xi, 8&5-905 — Dnbrisay (L.) Deux cas d'eclampsie traites par l'accouehement m6thodiquement rapide. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1900, iii, 56-66.—Diihrssen. Zur Behandlung der Eclampsie ante et inter partum. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1892, xxiii, 303-319.—Esch. Zur Geburtshulfli- chen Therapie der Eklampsie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr.. 19%, liii, 699-701.—Fagoriski (T.) Drgawki w przebiegu ciazy; przedwezesne odklejnie sie. lozyska; por6d wymuszony. [Eclampsia during pregnancy; pre- mature separation 01 the placenta; forced labor.] Gi- nekologia, Warszawa, 1903-4, i, 294. — Falaschi (E.) Eclampsia al settimo mese di gestazione in donna di 43 anni x-para; interruzione artificiale della gravidanza e parto forzato; guarigione. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1889, 4. s., 1, 545-566.—Fell (G. E.) Puerperal eclampsia at seventh month; induced labour; recovery. Tr. N. York M. Ass.,1891, viii, 456-460.—Fieux (G.) De 1'opportunite de l'accouehement provoque dans l'eclamp- sie de la grossesse. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1899, xii, 33; 77. Also: Rev. mens, de gynec [etc.], Bor- deaux, 1899, i, 74; 118.—Frost (W. E.) The treatment of eclampsia by rapid delivery by means of Bossi's dila- tor. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiii, 238-242.— iiarnier. Eelamn-ie; accouchement provoque artificiel; manie pu- erperale consecutive; guerison. Echo med. et pharm. de PUERPERAL. 80 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) by induction of labor. l'ouest, Rennes, 1881, i, 2-6.— Ciliezzi (A.) Eclampsia in sopraparto; forcipe; esito buono per la madre e per il feto. Gior. p. le levatrici, Milano, 1896, x, 181.—Goi- nard. De l'accouehement artificiel dans l'eclampsie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1904, vii, 253-261. -----. A case of puerperal eclampsia, illustrating a method of rapid de- livery. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1896, xvi, 224-226. Also LAbstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1164.—GrotT(J. W.) Accouchement force in acase of eclampsia gravidarum. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1894-5, vi, 83-89.— Ilalbertsuia (T.) Bijdrage tot de verloskundige be- handeling der eclampsia gravidarum et parturientium. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1897, viii, 92-136. — Haininersehlag. Zur Technik der forcierten Entbindung bei Eklampsie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 367.—Helme (T. A.) Eclampsia of pregnancy, with notes on the use of Bossi's dilator. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 838-840.— Hen- rotay(J.) Trois cas d'eclampsie; deux applications du dilatateur de Bossi. Bull. Soc. beige de gvnec. et d'obst., Brux., 1905-6, xvi, 33-38.—Hernandez Cuartero (A.) Eclampsia puerperal; aplicacion de forceps; septicemia; curaci6n. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1904, li, 574-576.— Jewett (C.) Note on the induction of labor and accouchement force in the preventive treatment of eclampsia. Tr. Pan- Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 982-984.—Kayser (F.) Schonende oder forcierte Entbindung bei Eklamp- sie? Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage des Accouchement force. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1905, xxix, 561-579.— Ker- manner (F.) Schonende oder forcierte Entbindung bei Eklampsie. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1057-1061. — Knapp ( L. ) Accouchement force bei Eclampsie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 605.— i.aiighoflf"(H.) Ueber einen Fall von Erweiterung des Muttermundes mit Bossi's Dilatator bei Eklampsie. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 1268.—Leopold (G.) Zur schneilen vollstiindigen Erweiterung des Mutter- mundes mittels des Dilatatorium von Bossi, namentlich bei Eklampsie. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 489-495. Also, transl.: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 1049-1052.—Liepmann (W.) Der Wert der Statistik fiir die Frage per Schnellentbindung bei der Eklampsie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1209.—Lop. De l'accouehement provoque dans l'albuminurie gravide. Marseille med., 1895, xxxii, 737-743.—JHcBrayer (L B.) Some experiences in obstetrics; twenty cases of puerpe- ral eclampsia; theinduction of premature labor; retained placentae. Charlotte IN. C] M. J., 1903, xxiii, 185-187.— iTIartinez Cereeedo. Doscasosdealbuminuriagravi- dica; provocaci6n del parto prematuro, por un procedi- miento espanol, en el segundo. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1904, xii, 249-254.—Jlayne (W. B.) In- duction of labour v. morphine in eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 94.— rUessink (W. B.) A case of ante- puerperal eclampsia. Louisville M. Month., 1895-6, ii, 323—.Wills (A.) Eclampsie an te-partum; accouchement premature artificiel; guerison. Clinique, Brux., 1902, xvi, 423-420.—Morrison (W. H.) Severe puerperal eclamp- sia; the immediate induction of labor; recovery. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii. 50-55. Also, Reprint. . Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1891, xii, 51-53.—Ostreil (A.) O rychlem rozsifeni hrdla deiozniho za porodu, s poznamkou o zvlastnim prubehu jeduoho pripadu eklampsie. [A rapid excentric dilator of the uterus in parturition, with remarks on a special trial in a case of eclampsia.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1903, xiii, 79-83. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 325- 329—Paoletti (L.) Un altro caso di eclampsia in gesta- zione trattato col metodo Bossi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 491.—Petit (J.) Eclampsie puerperale et ac- couchement acceier6; (considerations therapeutiques sur l'eclampsie). Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1899, xiii, 625-628.—Plantier. Accouchement premature et artificiel dans un cas d'eclampsie suivi d'etat comateux. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 19%, xvii, 250-252.—Pol- lak(E.) WeitereBeitragezu'rTechnikdermechanischen Dilatation mit spezieller Beriicksichtigung ihrer Erfolge in der Eklampsiebehandlung. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Berl., 1904, xx, 335-358— Pomorski (J.) Die active Therapie bei Eclampsie. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek. Festschr. . . . Aug. Martin, Berl., 1895, 214- 218. — Pomorski (W.) O zastosowaniu rozszerzadla Bossicgo przy eklampsvi w przebiegu crazy i porodu. [Use of Bossi's dilator in the treatment of eclampsia dur- ing pregnancy and laborj Ginekologia, Warszawa, 1903-4, i, 292.—Ralkh (M. Z.) NIeskolkoslovpopovodu tekhniki primleneniya instrumenta Bossi pri eklampsii. [On the technique of using Bossi's instrument in eclamp- sia 1 J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1907, xxi, 213—Biggs (H. C.) Induced labor as related to puer- peral eclampsia. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 258-261.— Bobert(O) Eclampsie puerperale aseptmoisenvirnti, chez une primipare agee de 36 ans; accouchement force par dilatation manuelle progressive, le col ayant encore toute sa longueur et n'etant nullement dilate; guerison sans complication. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de paediat. Mern. etdisc. 1895, Par., 1896, 685-689.—Sau (J.) Puerperal cemvulsions (Treatment of) by induction of labor. Ligeras consideraciones al tratamiento obstetrico de la eclampsia en los ultimos tiempos del emharnzo. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1899, xxv, 681-691.—Selloekaert (R.) Accouchement force au moyen du dilatateur de Bossi dans le cas d'eclampsie. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1907, 81-86. -----. Bossi's dilatator bij moederstuipen. Handel, v. h. vlaamsch nat- en geneesk. Cong., Brugge, 1908, xi, 140-147.—Selhorst (J. B.) Een geval van eclampsia gravidanum behandeld met den ballon van Champetier de Ribes. Med. WeekbL, Amst, 1899-1900, vi, 653-655.—Sen (K. N.) Puerperal eclampsia; forceps delivery, recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vi, 112.—Simpson (A.R.) Induction of labour by means of intrauterine injections of glycerine in a case of eclampsia gravidarum. Edinb. M. J., i892-3, xxxviii, 889-898, 1 ch. Also, Reprint. -----. Eclampsia with rapid delivery bv means of Bossi's dilator. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1902, xi, 492-496.—Sippel (A.) Schonende oder forcierte Ent- bindung bei Eklampsie. Zentralbl., f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 841-845. — Stoulf's. Eclampsie chez une pluripare albuminurique arrivee au 8e mois de la gros- sesse; accouchement force; spasme du col; guerison. Bull. Soc beige de gynec. et d'obst., Brux., 1895, vii, 144- 150.— Tiwary (S. N.) A case of puerperal eclampsia with anuria; Veit's treatment; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1903, xxiv, 33.—Tornberg. Olika metoder att astadkomma snabb forlossning, och deras anviindande vid behandling af eklampsi. [Different methods to produce rapid parturition and their employ- ment in treating eclampsia.] Medd. f. Liikaresiillsk. i Lund. Forh., Stockholm, 1903-4, 2-17.—Vercauteren (Y.) Albuminuriegravidique; eclampsie; accouchement force; mere et enfant vivants. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1904, lxxi, 44.— Vitanza (R.) Sul parto forzato per eclampsia. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, ostet., 152-154. -----. Se i dilatatori sono da preferirsi alle incisioni del collo dell' utero nel parto forzato in donne agonizanti per eclampsia. Arch, di ostet e ginec, Napoli, 1898, v, 257; 385.—Vogt (W. H.) The Bossi method in the treatment of puerperal eclamp- sia; report of two cases. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1903, xxiv. 577-5H1.— Ward ( FloreneeN.) Albuminuria; induced labor; forceps delivery; living child; recovery of mother. Pacific Coast J. Hoinieop.. San Fran., 1902, x, 196.—Wilson (T. G.) Case of eclampsia, in which Frommer's dilatorwasused. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydnev, 1904, xxiii, 624-626. [Discussion], 617. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) by Iu/mbarpuncture. Audebert & Fournier. Traitement des convul- sions eclamptiques par la ponction lombaire. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec et de pediat. de Par., 1907, ix, 119-135. Also: Ann.de gynec et d'obst, Par., 1907, 2.s., iv, 350-370.—Hebb ( R. G.) A case of puerperal eclamp- sia in which there was cessation of the urtvmic symptoms after removal of cerebro-spinal fluid. Lancet. Lond., 1906, ii, 861.—Helme (T. A.) A suggestion for the treat- ment of puerperal convulsions by spinal subarachnoid puncture, with notes of acase so treated. Brit. Gvnaec.J., Lond., 1904-5, xx, 84-97. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1131-1133.—Henkel (M. ) Ueber Lumbalpunktion bei Eklampsie. Zentralbl. f.Gynak., Leipz., 1%4, xxviii, 1329-1336.— Kleinwachter (L.) Eine kurze Rand- bemerkung zu B. Kronig's: Ueber Lumbalpunktion bei Eklampsie. Ibid., 1336-1339. — Kronig (B.) Ueber Lumbalpunktionen bei Eklampsie. Ibid., 1511.—Mirto (F.) La puntura lombare ed il veratrum viride nella cura dell' accesso eclamptico; considerazioni; esperienze; confronti. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1905, ii, 680-617.— Follak (E.) Ueber Lumbalpunktion bei Eklampsie. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 865-870.— Proud (F.) Lumbar puncture in puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 678.—Tliies (J.) Ueber Lumbal- punktion bei Eklampsie. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz , 1906, xxx, 649-658. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gyniik. zu Leipz. (1906), 1907, 4-14. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) with paraganglia. Bellotti (M.) La paraganglina per iniezioni ipoder- miche nell' eclampsia gravidica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 91-93. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) irith pilocarpine. Klaiiqiiinquc. Deux observations d'eclampsie puerperale; guerison par les injections hypodermiqnes de pilocarpine. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par", 1893, xl, 212.— Fermie (A.) A case of puerperal eclampsia,treated by pilocarpine and chloroform: recovery. Indian M.Gaz., Calcutta, 1895, xxx, 227— Fetherston ( R. II. J.) Pilo- carpine in puerperal eclampsia. Intercolon.M.Cong. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 708-710.—Inglis (A.) Case of puer- peral eclampsia treated by pilocarpin. Brit. M. J., Lond., PUERPERAL. 81 PUERPERAL. Puerperal convulsions (Treeitment of) w ith p ilocarpin <\ 1900, ii, 74s.—Jones i H.M.) Pilocarpine in eclampsia. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 276. -----. Pilocarpin in eclamp- sia. Brit. M. J.,Lond.,1897,i, 367.—Bae (G. A.) Injec- tion of pilocarpine in puerperal eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 706. Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) with saline injections or with serum. Bernheim (M.) *Traitement de l'eclampsie puerperale, en particulier par les injections sous-cutanees d'eau salee. 4°. Paris, 1893. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1893. Allen (L. M.) The treatment of eclampsia by infu- sion of salt solution, with report of three cases. Am. J,. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xxxix, 621-631.—Audebert (J.) Eclampsie huit jours apres l'accouehement; erytheme scarlatiniforme; vomissements traites par les lavements d'eau salee; guerison. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1902, viii, 227-229.—Brown (A. G.), jr. Report of a case of eclampsia, with special reference to the value of normal salt solution. Practice, Richmond, 1899, xiii, 16-18.— Caillaud (E.) Cas d'eclampsie grave traitee et guerie rapidementparle lavage du sang. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1898, lxxi, 857-S59.—Coen (G.) La cura dell' eclampsia puer- perale merceleiniezioniendovenosediacquasalata. Riv. di ostet. [etc.], Torino, 1896, i, 178-181.—Charles (N.) Quelques considerations sur l'eclampsie puerperale; la serotherapie anti-eclamptique; une primipare atteintede convulsions k 8£ mois de grossesse et accoucheeheureuse- ment 36 heures plus tard. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1900, xxi, 262-264. —Dunn (S. S.) Saline solution (NaCl) in puerperal eclampsia. Australas. M. Gaz. Sydney, 1899. xviii, 374.— Ka kins (G. R.) Report of 'a case of unemic eclampsia; unconscious five days; treat- ment by hypodermatic injection of chloride of sodium solution; recovery Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi, 425-427.—Fraser (N S.) Venous transfusion of normal saline in eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1903, ii, 1332.—de Freitas (E.) Eclampsia puerperal; umcasodecurapelo s6rodt Cheronepelacafeina. Med.mod., Porto, 1902, ix, 297.—Groves (E. W. H.) The pathology and treatment of puerperal eclampsia, with s] .ecial reference to the use of saline transfusion (with notes of two cases). [Abstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1901>, 1902, xliii, 117-142. [Discus- sion], 148-159.—Ja'rdine (R.j The treatmentof eclamp- sia by intercellular iniection of saline fluid. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, Lond., 1S98-9, xxiv, 105-120. Also: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1899, v, 306-325. -----. Intercellular saline injections in cases of hemorrhage and eclampsia. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gvnaec. Soc, 1900, ii, 27-37. Also: Glas- gow M. J., 1899, li, 169-177. -----. Notesofsixcasesofpuer- peral eclampsia treated by saline infusions. Glasgow M. J., 1900, liv, 262-267.-----. The treatment of puerperal eclampria by saline diuretic infusions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 510. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1901,i, 1682. -----. The treatmentof puerperal eclampsia by saline diuretic in- fusion, based on twenty-two cases. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901,11. s., ii, 27-38. -----. Five cases of eclampsia, occur- ring within sixteen days, treated bv saline infusions. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiv, 19-26.—Berlin (F.) Acces eclamptiques chez une femme enceinte de sept mois; coma prolonge; saignees; injections hypodermiques et intra-veineuses de serum artificiel. Loire med., St- Etienne, 1898, xvii, 66-71.—Nauwelaers. Eclampsie infantile grave d'origine gastro-intestinale guerie par les injections hypodermiques d'eau salee. Presse med. beige, Bru^., 1897, "xlix, 129-131.—Neale (L. E.) Saline trans- fusion in puerperal eclampsia. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1898-9, xl, 108-110. [Discussion], 111.—Poux (R.) Du lavage du sang dans l'eclampsie puerperale. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1*97, iii, 33-38.-Bose (A.) Va- ginaldouche mit Kohlensaure, ein Mittel bei puerperaler Eklampsie. Deutsche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1901, x, 384-389.—St. Johnston (G.) Saline transfusion In .eclampsia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1023.—Sene. Eclampsie, au cours d'une grossesse, traitee et guerie par des irrigations d'eau tiede dans le rectum. Cong, franc, de med. 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 1018- 1021.—Seytre (P.) Des injections de serum artificiel accompagnees d'emissions sanguines comme traitement preventif de l'eclampsie de la grossesse et de 1'aecouche- ment. Nice-med.. 1899-1900, xxiv, 33-37.— Sole. Al- buminurie gravidique avec acces eclamptiques; injec- tions.sous-cutanees massives de serum artificiel. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1897, xlix, 25-27. [Discussion], 74- 77.—Teysseyre (A.) Eclampsie [puerperale]; gueri- son par les injections de.scrum artificiel. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1897, xi, 15-17. — Wettergren (CA Fall af eklampsi framgangsrikt behandladt med subkutan in- fusion af koksaltlosning; efterfoljande akut hallucina- torisk forvirring; hiilsa; epikris. [Case of eclampsia suc- cessfully treated with subcutaneous infusionsof common salt solution, followed bv acute hallucination; recovery.] Eira, Stockholm, 1895, xix, 199-215. VOL xiv, 2d series----6 Puerperal convulsions (Treatment of) with thyroid extract. Abt (G.) *Le corps thyroi'de et la grossesse; quelques cas d'eclampsie et de trtanie. 8°. Pa- ris, 1904. Baldovski (V.G.) Dvasluchaya llecheniyaeklamp- sii ekstraktom shtshitovidnol zhelyozi. [Two cases of treatment of eclampsia by thyroid extract.] Vrach. Gaz. S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 31-33. ^1/so: J. med. khim. i organoterap., S.-Peterb., 1905, xi, 219-230.—Brun (V.) Due casi di eclampsia gravidica curati con la paratiroidina Vassale. Arte ostet., Milano, 1906, xx, 335; 348. — Cerf (L.) Le traitement thyro'idien de 1'eclampsie puerperale. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1904, iv,311-315.—Dun- bar (Eliza L. W.) The new theory and prophylaxis of puerperal eclampsia. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1906, xxiv, 132- 137. — Kaiser (O.) Eklampsie und Parathyreoidin. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1240. — Lo- benstine (R. W.) A few preliminary notes on the use of thyroid extract in eclampsia and threatened eclampsia. Bull. Lying-in Hosp. N. Y., 1905, ii, 68-72.— ITIacnab (J. C.G.) & Jflacnab (D. S. E.) Case of puer- peral eclampsia treated by thyroid extract dissolved in saline and given subcutaneously. J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1904, vi, 386.—Nicholson (H. O.) Eclampsia and the thvroid gland. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1900-1901, xxvi, 184-215. Also: Scot. M. &S. J., Edinb.,1901, viii, 503-526.-----. Further notes on the use of thyroid ex- tract in puerperal eclampsia and the pre-eclamptic state. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1901-2, xxvii, 160-174.-----. On the use of thyroid extract in puerperal eclampsia and in the preeclamptic state. J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1902, ii, 40-51. -----. Puerperal eclampsia in the light of thvroid inadequacy and its treatment by thvroid extract Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1138. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press 0.2pl. Also: J.Obst. A:Gyniec.Brit.Emp.,Lond., 1904, v, 19-25, lpl.—Fruhinshol'z (A.) & Jeandelize (P.) Insufflsance thyro-parathyro'idienne et eclampsie. Cong, period, de gynec et d'obst C.-r. 1902, Florence- Rome, 1904, iv, 757.— iVIoussu. Ablation des organes thyroidiens au cours de la gestation (eclampsie). Compt. rend.Soc.de biol., Par., lw:>, lv, 772-777.—Nicholson (H. O.) Eclampsie et glande thyroide. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1902, xxiii, 200.—Nubiola (P.) El origen para- tiroideo de la eclampsia puerperal. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1906, xix, 285; 290; 437; 461— Sarbach (J.) Das Verhalten der Schilddruse bei Infektionen und Intoxi- kationen. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1905, xv, 213-246, 1 pl. Puerperal diphtheria. See, also, Diphtheria inpregnancg, etc. Bask ix (S. Z.) K voprosu o poslierodovikh zabolievaniyakh. [On puerperal diseases.] 8°. [S.-Peterburg, 1897.] Chapiet (A.) * Contribution a, l'etude des rapports du diabete sucre et de la puerperalite. 8°. Paris, 1907. Burlakott* (V. M.) K voprosu o poslierodovikh salpingitakh i salpingooforitakh. [Puerperal salpin- gitis and salpingoovaritis.] Vrach. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1904, vii, 449; 466. -----. K voprosu o differentsial- nom raspoznavanii poslierodovikh salpingitov i sal- pingo-bofaritov. [Differential diagnosis of puerperal salpingitis and salpingo-odphoritis.J Ibid., 625; 641; 659.—Cioffi (E.) Un altro caso di guarigione di en dometrite difterica di origine puerperale, curato col siero di Behring. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 715- 717. -----. La difterite utero-vaginale nel puerperio; la vitalita dei bacilli di Klebs-Loeiner; le reinfezioni e le cure preventive. Riforma med., Palermo, 1899, xv, pt. 4, 506; 518; 531; 544.—Cuthoertson (W.) Diphtheritic genital infection simulating puerperal fever. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 965-968.—Eisner (S. L.) Report of a case of puerperal diphtheria involving vagina and endometrium. Tr. M. Ass. Central N. Y. 1897, Buffalo, 1898, lbtj-ius.. Also: Buffalo M. J., 1897-8, xxxvii, 842- s44. — tiuilleinet & Patron. Croup d'embiee et bronclio-pneumoiiie dipht6rique post-partum. Gaz. med. de Xantes, 1906, 2. s., xxiv, 549-553.— Jacobs. Un cas d'infection diphteritique genitale post partum. J. d'ac- couch., Liege, 1897, xviii, 462. — Lonsj ear (H. W.) Puerperal diphtheria. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1897, Phila., 1*98, x, 74-83. Also: Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 489-497. [Discussion], 554-557.—Lop. Infection puerperale diphterique avec bad lies de Loeffler. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1904, vii, 93-96. —Orbaut (M. P.) Difterit poslierodovol matki. [Diphtheria of the puer- peral uterus.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 231-233. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1906, li, 513; 525 — Pyasetski (A.) Sluchal rodilnoi goryachki, razviv- sh'eisva na pochvle difterita, porazivshavo pervichno ves rodovol kiinal rodilnitsi (febris puerperalis diphtheri- tica.) [. . .; diphtheria existed primarily in entire gen- ital canal.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt med.", St. Petersb., 1900, vii 129-137.—Ungaro (V.) Difterite puerperale in un caso di placenta previa centrale. Rassegna d' ostet e ginec, Napoli, 1906, xv, 257-266. Puerperal diseases. See, also, Breast in pregnancy, etc.; Fevers in pregnancy, etc.; Milk-fever; Obstetrics (An- tiseptics in); Osteophytes; Perimetritis; Phlegmasia alba dolens; Puerperal ante mi a; Puerperal convulsions; Puerperal diphtheria; Puerperal erysipelas; Puerperal gangrene; Puerperal diseases. Puerperal hxrnatoma; Puerperal mastitis; Puerperal osteomaleisia; Puerperal peritonitis; Puerperal phlebitis; Puerperal phobias; Puer- peral scarlatina; Puerperal septicemia [and subdivisions]; Puerperal state (Complications of) [and subdivisions]; Puerperal state (Sudden, etc., death in); Puerperal tetanus; Puerperal thrombosis, etc.; and under names of divisions, as: Fever (Typhoid) in pregnancy and puerperal state. Barker (B. F.) The puerperal diseases. Clinical lectures delivered at Bellevue Hospital. 3. ed. S°. New York, 1876. ------. The same. Die Puerperal-Krank- heiten. Klinische Vortriige am Bellevue Hos- pital zu New York. Nach der 4. Aufl. des Originals ins Deutsche iibertragen von C. G. Rothe. 8°. Leipzig, [1880]. ------. The same. Lezioni cliniche sulle ma- lattie di puerperio. Prima traduzione italiana del Cirillo Tamburini. 8°. Milano, [1882]. Baudrexl (B.) *Ueber die vorzuglichsten Puerperal-Krankheiten. 8°. Douauivorth, 1845. Beckers (F. J. M.) *Demorbis puerperarum et earutn regimine. 4°. Moguntiie, [1771]. Beoruxe (F.) *Grippe et suites de couches. 8°. Paris, 1907. Bernstein (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Genese und Prophylaxis der Puerperal-Krankheiten. [Leipzig.] 8°. Berlin, 1894. Danet (G.) De l'alcool dans le traitement des maladies puerperales, suites de couches et de la resorption purulente. 8°. Paris, 1872. von Fehlino (H. [J. K.]) Die Physiologie und Pathologie des Wochenbetts fiir Htudirende und Aerzte. 8°. Stuttgart, 1890. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1897. ------. The same. Fisiologiya i patologiya rodilnavo perioda; rukovodstvo dlya studentov i vrachei. Perev. s niemetsk. S. Z. Serebrenni- kov. [Transl. from the German by . . .] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1890. Grenser (W. L.) *De vi puerperii lactandi- que temporis medicatrice. 8°. Lipsiee, 1838. Grossmann (E.) * Ueber die lndikationen zur ortlichen Therapie der Puerperalkrankheiten. 8°. Strassburg, 1895. Guilbert (H.) *Des complications inflam- matoires aigues benignes des ligaments larges dans les suites de couches pathologiques. 8°. Paris, 1906. Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Chicago. A prospectus of an extra course of twenty lectures on the puerperal diseases. To be given in the Hahnemann Hospital during the winter term of 1883-4. By R. Ludlam. 12°. [Chicago, 1883.] Hamon de Fresnay [L.] Essai pratique sur le puerp^risme (etat puerperal); pathologie de la grossesse; complications du travail, de l'ac- couehement et des suites de couches au point de vue de la methode dosim£trique. Ouvrage precede d'une lettre patente duProf. Burggraeve. 4°. Paris, 1894 [1893]. Hicks (J. B.) A contribution to our knowl- edge of puerperal diseases; being a short report of eighty-nine cases. 8°. London, 1871. Losinsky (Anna). *Des causes de la morbi- dity dans les suites de couches. 8°. Genere, 1907. Luther (R. M. H.) * Beitriige zur Erkennt- niss der Puerperalerkrankungen. 8°. Halle, [1869]. PUERPERAL. 84 PUERPERAL. Puerperal diseases. Marzodko (G.) *Zur Aetiologie des Wo- chenbett!' rostes. 8°. Wurzburg, 1885. Mendailles (G.) * Des mastites puerperales et leur traitement. 4°. Paris, 1896. Mironoff (M. M.) *0 prichinakh pos- lierodovikh zabolievaniy. [On the causes of puerperal diseases.] 8°. Kltarkov, 1889. Xeyoloff (X. K.) Istoricheskiy ocherk razvitiya ucheniya o poslierodovikh zabolievani- yakh. [Historical sketch of the development of knowledge concerning puerperal diseases.] 8°. [Kiev, 1900.] Scheer (G. K. P.) * Ueber Wochenbett- erkrankungen nach priicipitirten Geburten. 12°. Berlin, 1892. Sirc (G.) * Rapports des fievres eruptives avec la grossesse et les suites de couches. Re- vue gen6rale. 8°. Montpellier, 1908. Strauss (S.) * Localisation und Complica- tionen der Puerperal-Erkrankungen. 8°. Mun- chen, 1888. Verrier (E.) Des positions inclin£es et du nouveau traitement des affections puerperales. 8°. Paris, 1869. Ahlfeld (F.) Beitriige zur Physiologie und Patho- logie der Nachgeburtsperiode. In his: Ber. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.-gynaik. Klin, zu Marb. 1S81-2, 8°, Leipz., 1883, i, 40: (1883-4), 1885, ii, 39: (1885-6), 1887, iii, 18.—Akhsha- rumoflf (B.) O raspoznavanii i llechenii mlestnikh poslierodovikh zabolievaniy. [Diagnosis and treatment of local puerperal diseases.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1903, xvii, 507-522. — Applegate (J. C.) Re- viewal of some setiological factors of invalidism follow- ing childbirth. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 249-252.— Oetti (U. A.) V aspiriua contro i morsi uterini delle puerpere. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1903, v, 298-300.—Blount (D.M.) A post-parturient case. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894, v, 154.—Bowers (W. C.) Observations on some forms of puerperal disturbances, with cases from ] >ractice. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1895, 331-338.— Brothers (A.) The management of febrile conditions after abor- tion and labor. N.YorkM. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii, 300- 304.— Bit (I ill. Le reveil et l'aggravation des maladies infectieuses apres l'accouehement Rev.gen.de clin.et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 36-38.—Charrin (A.) Predis- positions morbides de la periode puerperale; hyperglyce- mic et demineralisation. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1899, exxviii, 836-839. Also: Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1899, 10. s., vi, 212-216. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 362.—Floersliciin (S.) The etiology of non-in- fectious post-partum fevers. Med. Council. Phila., 1905, x, 447.—Franck. Die Krkrankung der Wbehnerin, die Vermeidung der Erkrankung und Behandlung derselben. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii, 381-384. Also, Reprint— Fritscli. Zur Behandlung frischer puerperaler Exsu- date. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1891, vi, 291-295. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1891, xiv, 367.—Gardner (W. S.) Diseases of the puerperal period. Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1889-90, xxii, 461; 481; 506:1890, xxiii, 28; 87; 152; 237; 349.—Harrelson (N.O.) Diseases of women originating in the lying-in chamber. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1907, xxviii, 193- 195.— Hartoii (('. M.) Waarnemingen van kraambed- ziekten. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxviii, d. 1, 125-146—Ha rtz (A.) Ueberdie Aetiologie und Prophvlaxe der Puerperalerkrankungen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1900, liv, 243-249. Also: Ver- einsbl. d. pfiilz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1901, xvii, 85; 116; 141.—van Heriverden (M.) Biidrage tot de kennis van het puerperium. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1905, xvi, 240-281, 1 pl. Also, Re- print.—Hicks (J. B.) Puerperal diseases; an explana- tion. Am. J. Obst.N.Y., 1886, xix, 474-481. ^.so.Reprint -----. Further contribution to the clinical knowledge of puerperal diseases. Tr. Obst Soc. Lond. (1893),1894.xxxv, 412-426. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1253.— Jaworski (J.) Zastosowanie stalego pradu elektrycz- nego lacznie z kolpeuryza. do leczenia przewlocznyeh poporodowych wynicowari macicy. [Applicability of the constant electric current and colpeurysis to the treatment of common puerperal diseases of the uterus.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1904, 2.8., xxiv, 1037-1042.—Jobln (A.) Sto- matite puerperale. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1902-3, iv, 398- 405— Kalabin i I.S.) Ob etiologiii llechenii poslierodo- vikh zabolieraniy. [Etiology and treatment of puer- peral diseases.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1901, xv, 507-544. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1902, xvii, 145; 193;21v—Koblanck. Bosartige Erkrankung im Anschluss an das Wochenbett. Allg. deutsche Heb- am.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 351-353— Koliplnski (L.) The antiseptic treatment of the puerperal woman. Puerpera 1 disease's. Med. New-, X. Y., 1904, lxxxv, 1258. Also, Reprint— Knlin. La quinine dans les affections puerperales; Al- phonse Leroy ct l'ancienne Maternite de Kouen. Nor- mandiemed., Rouen, 1904, xix, 44-46.—Laiiibinon (H.) Affections puerperales. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1905, xxvi, 100.—Lanaras liv.) Xpijcis tt)s v6podepa.ireias en-i 32 TrepLTTTuia-eiov Ac^umcScui'. TaArji/bs, 'ABrjvai, 1893, xxiii, 129- 133.—Landau (R.) Zur Lehre von den puerperalen Scheidengeschwuren. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- naek.,Berl.,1895, ii, 24-28.—Lazard (E. M.) Some of the more unusual causes of disturbed puerperium. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1908, xxxiv, 57-60.—Lo\vi» (D.) Local manifestations of invasion during the puerperium. Chi- cago Clin. Rev., 1896-7, vi, 371-388— .Hcliillicuddy (T. J.) Clinical observations on the use of Highland water in puerperal eclampsia, puerperal nephritis, and the vomiting of pregnancy. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 229-231.—iHarkoe (J. W.) The open-air treatment as employed at the Lving-in Hospital. Bull. Lying-in Hosp. N. York, 1906, vi, 34-37, 3 pl.—Mayer (K.) Beitrag zur Infektion von Mutter auf Kind im Wochenbett Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1027-1029.—Ulironoff (M. M.) K voprosu o mlestnom llechenii poslierodovikh zabolieva- niy. [On the local treatment of puerperal diseases.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1907, xxi, 374-4U2.— Neislitab (Ya. T.) Influenza et parametritis acuta puerperalis. Zapiski Ekaterinosl. med. Obsh., 1892, SO- SO.—Oliver (J.) Cellulitis of the anterior abdominal wall occurring after a premature birth without evidence of coexisting pelvic disturbance. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1068.—Oswald. Erkrankungen im Wochenbett in Folge gesundheitswidriger Wohnungsverhaltnisse. Zt- schr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1896, ix, 33.—Pistes (N. A.) 2v/n0oAr) eij to n-ep! iTTi.\o)(€iwv eirurAo/cwi'. 'IarpiKi) irpooSos, 'Ei' 2vpu>, 1901, vi, 8-10.—Budaux (P.) Semeiologie des douleur's abdominales pendant la puerperalite. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 742.—Sakurai. [A complication of dis- eases appearing after parturition.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Kenkiu Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1903, no. 57, 1-8.— Sclnnidlechner (K.) Vincent-fele bakteriumok Altai okozott megbeteged^s a puerperiumban. [Diseases in the puerperium caused by the bacterium of Vincent.] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1905, iv, 102-112. Also, transl. : Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1905, lvi, 291- :'.u6. — Singer (G.) Ueber Puerperal-Rheumatismus. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 325-327.—Sinitli (T.C.) Puerperal rheumatism. Tr. Wash. Obst. A Gvnec Soc, 1889-90, [N. Y., 1892], iii, 33-41.—Solovycff(G. A.) K ucheniyu o borble s posllerodovlmi zabolievaniyami. [On the struggle with puerperal diseases.] Vrach. Zapis- ki, Mosk., 1895, ii, 267-277. -----. K ucheniyu o borble s poslierodovimi zabolievaniyami. [Struggle with puerpe- ral diseases.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach v. Mosk., 1898, xxxvii, pt. 1, 52-78.' [Discussion],213-216.—Takenaka (S.) [Puerperal stomatitis.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1897, no. 1025, 4-6.—Tweedy (E. H.) Puerperal morbidity. Brit M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 426.—Villa (F.) Contributo alio studio delle raccolte tubariche nello stato puerpe- rale. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1895, xvii, 316-320. Also: Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, 143-148.—Veit. Krankheiten der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane, Puer- peral krankheiten. Handb. d. spec. Path. u. Therap. (Virchow). Erlang., 1855, vi, 2. Abth., 213-412.— Waetzoldt. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Polymyositis acuta (post partum). Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl.,1893, xxii, 600-625. Puerperal diseases (Statistics of). See, also, Puerperal convulsions ( Cases and statistics of); Puerperal septicemia (Statistics of). Block (G.) * Zur Morbiditiit und Mortalitiit im Wochenbett. Statistische Beitrage aus dem Material der Universitiitsfrauenklinik zu Frei- burg i. Br. von den Jahren 1899-1903. 8°. Frei- burg i. Br., 1906. Gamerschlag (H.W.) * Ueber AVochenbett- Morbiditiit beobachtet am Material der k. Uni- versitiits-Frauenklinik zu Greifswald wiihrend des Jahres 1903-4. 8°. Greifswald, 1904. Grycnixg (R. B.) *Statisticheskiy material k voprosu o pronlaktikle poslierodovikh zabo- lievaniy (po dannim otchotov S.-Peterburgskikh rodovspomogatelnikh uchrezhdeniy za 1885- 97 g.). [Statistics on prophylaxis of puerperal diseases (after data obtained from reports of St. Petersburg lying-in institutions during . . .)] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Horhne (F.) * Ueber puerperale Mortalitat und Morbiditiit in der koniglichen Universitiits- Frauenklinik in Konigsburg i. Pr. wiihrend der PUERPERAL. 85 PUERPERAL. Puerperal diseases (Statistics of). Jahre 1898 bis 1902. 8°. Konigsburg i. Pr., 1903. Cliambrelent & Sabraz^s. Nouvelles recherches experimentales relatives au passage du streptocoque de l'ervsipele et de 1'infection puerperale a travers le pla- centa. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 588: 1893, xxiii, 50.—Feliling (H.) Klinische Untersuchung und Morbi- ditiit im Kindbett Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1899, viii, 321-328. -Uriswold (E.) On tlie puerperal diseases of the shenango Valley. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1878, xii, 250-266.-Kalabln (I. S.) 0 llechenii postllerodovikh zabolievaniy v okruzhn. boln. Imperatorskavo Mosk. vosp. doma v 1898 g. [Treatment of puerperal diseases in the general hospital of the Imperial Moscow Orphan Asylum in 1898.1 Khi- rurgia, Mosk., 1901, x, 706-711. KiimiuIh (K.) Nippon sanyokubyo no mirai. [Future treatment of puerperal diseases in Japan.] Sanka Fujinka Kenkyukwai Geppo, Tokio, 1893, no. 22, 1-5. Pippingskold (J.) Redogo- relseforresultaten af sink-och belsovarden via Allmanna Sjukhusets Barnsbonis-afdelning under aren 1871 och 1872. [Results of diseases treated in General Hospital, lving-in section.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsing- fors, 1873, xv, 133-192.—Puerperale Erkrankungen und Sterbefiille in den Jahren 1891-3, ortliche und zeitliche Verbreitung. Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Amts- thatigk. . . . d. k. k. Reichshaupt- . . . 1891-3, Wien, 18%, xxi-xxiii, 728-738. —Kicliardiere. Phlegmatia alba dolens puerperale et^rysypele. Semaine med., Par., 1892.xii, 346. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec. Par., 1892, xix, 845-852.—Zanu'emeister (W.) Klinische Bei- triige zur Frage der Woelienbettsmorhiditat Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1902, xlvii, 440-463. Puerperal diseases in animals. Denzlek (B.) * Die Bakterienflora des gesun- den Genital-Kanals des Rindes in ihrer Bedeu- tung fiir das Zustandekommendes Puerperalfie- bers. [Zurich.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1904. Also, in: Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1904, xvi, 145-195.. Alhreolit. Zur Kasuistik der puerperalen Erkrankun- gen des Rindes. Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Viehzucht, Mun- chen, 1905, xlix, 481; 497.—Andersen (L.) Nogle Iagt- tagelser over Forholdet mellem Kaelvningsfeber og Luft- trykket [Some observations on the relation of puerperal fever in calves, and atmospheric pressure.] Tidsskr. f. Vet., Kj0benh., 1893, 2. R., xxiii, 177-252.1 tab.—Baroni (G.) Contributo alia patogenesi del collasso puerperale. Clin, vet., Milano, 1907, xxx, 65-72.—Kerch Graven- horst (E. H.) Bijdrage tot de differentieel-diagnostiek van kalfziekte en apoplectische puerperaal-septicaemie. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk., Utrecht, 1902-3, xxx, 81- 84.—Bettini (G.) Contributo alia casuistica delle gua- rigionidel collasso puerperale mediante le insufflazioni endomammarie d' aria. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1906, xi, 312; 321; 241; 361; 381; 401.—Biggs (G. P.) Puerperal septi- caemia in a dog. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1895), 1896, 44.—Cesclielli (I.) Un beicasodiguarigionedicollasso puerperale. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1907, lvi, 633-635. — Dorosnenko (I.) Febris puer- peralis paralvtica u korovi. [. . . in a cow.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1895, xxv, pt 2, 73. -Fa- bretti (C.) Mastiti da febbre puerperale e da setti- cemia nelle troie. Mid. zooiatro, Torino, 1902, xiii, 463. — Friiliner. Puerperale Pyiimie bei der Stute im Anschluss an Abortus. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 19c. obst et gynec de Par. (188,8), 1889, iv, 182-188.— fitienne (G.) Grangrene massive d'un membre in- lerieur par endarterite obliterante progressive, suite k distance d'une infection puerperale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, ii, 2402-2406. Also: Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r.....mem., 1902-3,186 Also [Abstr.]: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1903, xxxv, 674.—Faiwon (W. F.) Moist gangrene of both legs following parturition. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1889, xxiv, 401. — Fraenkel (E.) Ueber spontane puerperale Grangriin beider oberen Ex- tremitiiten. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Berl., 1905, xxii, 781-804.— Oottschalk (S.) Ueber die Me- tritis dissecans puerperalis. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- niik., Stuttg., 1904, Iii, 179-206.—Cionraud (F.-X.) In- fection puerpGrale; gangrene pulmonaire par microbes strictement anaerobies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1172. — tiralenbcrg (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Metritis dissecans puerperalis (Gangraena uteri puerperalis). Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxiv, 273-288.—Hagcmeyer (G.) Ueber puerperale Gan- griin der unteren Extremitiiten. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1901, xv, 685-687— Klioliuogorolf (S. S.) Omertvle- niye nog v posllerodovom periodie. [Puerperal gan- grene of the feet.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 1246-1249. — Lugeol. De la gangrene des extremites PUERPERAL. 86 PUERPERAL. Puerperal gangrene. chez les accouchees. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 112-115. — Itlandl (E.) Ein Fall von Gan- griin der beiden unteren Extremitaten im Wochenbette. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 1307; 1355.—Pliillips (R.) Gangrene of the legs during the puerperium; death. Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond., 1904, viii, 70.—Bonginsky (A.J.) Gangrene of the puerperal uterus. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lviii, 450-453.—Scliaefter (0.) Ueber Un- terschenkelgangran im primiir afebrilen Wochenbette. Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1903,1,1964; 2149.—Schniid- lecliner (K.) Gangraena uteri puerperalis (metritis dissecans?). Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1905, 187-196.— Tate (M. A.) Puerperal gangrene. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1898, xxxvii, 501-506. [Discussion], 542-544. Also; Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xl,502-506. Also: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1897-8, x, 159. Also [Abstr.]: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1898, lxviii, 199-203.—Waltlier (H,) Ueber einen Fall von Metritis dissecans puer- peralis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 23-26.— Wormser (E.) Nochmals zur puerperalen Gangriin der unteren Extremitaten. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 110-112. -----. Ein weiterer Fall von puer- peraler Gangriin des Fusses. Cor.-Bl. f. sehweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1901, xxxi, 545-552. -----. Ueber puerperale Gan- griin der Extremitaten. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1904, xviii, 73; 96. Puerperal hematoma. Phellipon (G.) Des hematomes de la vulve et du vagin au cours de la puerperalite. 8°. Paris, 1900. Allievl (Adelina). Ematoma vulvo vaginale puer- perale. Arte ostet., Milano, 1906, xx, 68-70.—Brooks (W. H.) Three cases of haematoma of the vulva follow- ing labor. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1891-2, xxvi, 375-377.— Cadilliac. Thrombus puerperal de la vulve et du vagin. N. Montpel. med., 1895, iv, 297; 319.—Coston (H. R.) Puerperal hematoma; with report of a case and remarks concerning it. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1903, xlvii, 598-603.—Croom (J. H.) On the etiology of vaginal haematoma occurring during labour. Edinb. M. J., 1885- 6, xxxi, 1001-1005, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1886, xiii, 961-966.—Dorland (W. A. N.) Puer- peral hematoma; tardy development of a fatal case of the vagino-vulvo-perineal type. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1904, xlix, 757-762,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Ettinger. Ein Fall von Haematoma vulvae et vaginas post partum. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1895, xix, 1180.— Ferlin. Trois cas de thrombus puerperal delavulve etduvagin. Bull. Soc. m6d.-chir.de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par., 1903, iv, 6-10.—Glasgow (R.) Haematoma of vulva incident to parturition. Virginia M. Month..Richmond,1894-5,xxi, 1116-1118.—Huzarski (S.) Zakrzep czyli guz krwisty wargisromuej wi^kszej prawej.powstalypodezas porodu (thrombus s. haematoma labii pudendi majoris dextri). |... arisen during labor.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1885,2. s., v,638-641.—Jackson (C.B.) A case of postpartum haema- toma. Alabama M.&S. Age, Anniston, 1897, ix, 135-137.— Klautsch. (A.) Hsematoma vulvae et vaginas post partum. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 75-79.— Kouwer (B. J.) Haematoma vulvae et vaginae tijdens de baring. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1901-2, v, 353-359. Also: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxviii, d. 1, 225-232.— Lefranc. Hematome de la vulve et du vagin consecutif k un accouchement normal. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1896, xx, 138- 141.—Lepage (G.) Un casde thrombus vulvo-perin6al apres accouchementspontane. Compt rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec etde paediat. de Par., 1903, v, 60-64.—Lower (J. D.) Puerperal hematoma. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1898-9, xiv, 589-591— Mann (F. W.) Hsematoma of vulva post partum. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 310.— Muir (W. S.) A case of thrombosis of the utero-vulvar canal ruptured during labour. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1888-9, xxi, 41.— Oui (M.) Le thrombus puerperal de la vulve et du vagin. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1897, x, 161- 193.—Plana (G.) Un caso di trombo vulvovaginal in parto spontaneo. Prat, ostet-ginec, Milano, 1899, ii, 99- 104.—Pinard. Le thrombus puerperal de la vulve et du vagin. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 619.—Sjo berg (N.) Nagraord om haematoma vulvae et vaginae post par- tum. Eira, Stockholm, 1898,xxii,623-627.—Siuilli (T.C.) Cases of vaginal hematoma following labor. Tr. Wash. Obst & Gynec. Soc. 1887-9, [N. Y., 1890], 66-68. Also: Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1888, xxi, 696-698.— Thompson (F. G.) Pudendal haematocele or thrombus, with history of a case. St. Joseph M. Herald, 1890, ix, 277.—Trombo della vulva. Rendic. clin. d. r. 1st ostet-ginec 1895- 1900,Palermo, 1901,81.— Vineberg(H. N.) Post-partum hematoma of vaginal wall; suppuration. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 633-539.—von Westphalen (R.) Doppelte Ruptur der Nabelvene mit (doppelter) Harna- tombildung bei spontaner Geburt. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 297-301—Wettergren (C.) Haema- toma vulvae et vaginae intra partum; trombos i den vari- kosa vena saphena magna sin., spridande siggenom vena cruralis, lliaca externa och communis upp i vena cava Puerperal hsematoma. inferior samt darifriin rekurrent ned i vena cruralis dex- tra; upprepade embolier i arteria pulmonalis; hiilsa. Eira, Stockholm, 1897, xxi, 603-609.—Wilson (H.) Haema- toma of the vagina occurring during labour. Tr. Row Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1896, xiv, 297-300.—Wilson (W. R.) The anatomic relations in pelvic hematoma following labor. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 126-128. Puerperal /Hemorrhage. See Puerperal state (Complications of, Hemor- rhagic). Puerperal mania. See Insanity (Puerperal). Puerperal mastitis. See, also, Breast in pregnancy, etc. Beonstein (A.) * Ueber puerperale Mastitis. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Gundekt (G.) * Die Hiiufigkeit des Vorkom- mens der Mastitis puerperalis. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1900. Jacobs (F. A. P.) Zur Statistik der puer- peralen Mastitis. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Kunze (G. E.) * Ueber die Haufigkeit des Vorkommena der puerperalen Mastitis an d. Greifsw. Frauenklinik in den Jahren 1883-1903. 8°. Greifswald, 1903. Alilleld (F.) Zur Prophylaxe der puerperalen Mas- titis. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Stuttg., 1902, xlvii, 236-238.—Braqueliaye (J.) Sur quelques formes d'abces du sein de cause puerperale. Bull, de l'Hop. civ. franc, de Tunis, 1901, iv, 131-136. — Broiilia. A propos d'un cas de mastite puerperale. Obstetrique, Par., 1900, v, 51-58.—Corminas (E.) Una ley de patologia puer- peral; toda puerpera que tenga una mamitis aguda no muere de infecci6n puerperal. Rev. de cien. m6d. de Barcel., 1902, xxviii, 524-526.—Cristalli (G.) Le mastiti puerperali seguite da morte. Med. ital., Napoli, 1904, ii, 352.—Davis (E. P.) Puerperal mastitis; its prevention and treatment. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1901, 3. s., xvii, 217-220. — Oliezzi (A.) La mastite puerperale. Arte ostet,Milano, 1900, xiv, 33-40—€iurd (AdelineE.) Etiol- ogy, prevention and treatment of puerperal mastitis. Detroit M. J., 1903-4, iii, 76-78. —Heussy (W. C.) Puer- peral mastitis; its prevention and treatment. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1903, i, 234-236—Jewett (C.) Preventive treatment of puerperal mastitis. Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix, 745-754.—lV; Leqiieux. Peritonite puerperale; laparotomie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi, 242-245.— Charles (Etta). Malignant peritonitis during the pu- erperium. Internat J.Surg., N. Y., 1905, xviii, 252-254.— Davis (W. E.B.) The surgical treatment of puerperal peritonitis. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1892, 141-148. [Discussion], 158-176. Also: AtlantaM.&S. J.,1892-3, n. s., ix, 257-262. — Duvernay. Peritonisme post-partum simulant la rupture uterine. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 525- 531.—Evans (Z. H.) Surgical treatmentof puerperal peritonitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 407. -----. A successful case of abdominal section in acute diffused puerperal peritonitis. Ann. Gvnaec & Paediat., Phila., 1890-91, iv, 705-709.— Forssell (W.) Ett fall af empyema bursae omentalis; ett bidrag till kannedonien om den va- riga peritoniten och dess behandling. [A case of . . .; a contribution to the knowledge of purulent peritonitis and its treatment.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 190,5-6, n.f., xi, 210-218.—Fournier. Peritonites puerperales; drai- nage et lavage du peritoine. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1897, xv, 340-345.—Ghent (H. C.) Puerperal pelvic peritonitis. J. Gynec, Toledo, 1891, i, 78-89.— Glirist (Jennie G.) A case of puerperal peritonitis treated with formaline solution. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1904, xiv, 150.— Gordon (S.) Puerperal peritonitis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, 109. —Gordon (S. C.) Peritonitis in the female; its causes, effects, and treatment both prophylactic and immediate. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 801-813.—Grandin (E. H.) The treatment of purulent puerperal peritonitis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxvii, 427-430. Also: Merck's Bull., N. Y., 1893, vi, 184-188. Also, Reprint. — Grosse (A.) & Herren- schmidt ( H.) Un cas de peritonite aigue mortelle PUERPERAL. 88 PUERPERAL. Puerperal peritonitis. d'origine annexielle chez une accouchee. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec etde paediat. de Par., 1904, vi, 178-183. — Gueniot (P.) Peritonite puerperale traitee par la colpotomie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1904, vii, 8-14.—Hamilton ( J. D. ) Puerperal peri- tonitis. Kansas City M. Index, 1890, xi, 232-235.— Han ley (L. G.) Treatmentof septic peritonitis conse- quent upon miscarriage and pyosalpinx. Buffalo M. J., 1901-2, n. s., xii, 751.—Harrison (V. W.) Purulent puerperal peritonitis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 331-335.—Haiigliton (R. E.) Suppurative peritonitis; celiotomy; puerperal sepsis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 538.—Herrgott (A.) Un cas de p6ritonite non puerperale observee pendant la puerperali- te. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1893-4, pp. lx-lxii.— Hervieux (E.) Des peritonites puerperales aigues partielles et de leur traitement. Mem. de therap. appliq. 1866, Par., 1867, vi, 169-221.—Hirst (B.C.) The position of abdominal section in the treatment of septic peritonitis after childbirth. Tr. Am.Gynec. Soc,Phila.,1891, xvi,461- 472.—Jeannin(C) Traitement chirurgical des peritoni- tes puerperalesgeneralisees. Obstetrique, Par., 1906, xi,211; 329; 388.—Kownatzki. Zur Behandlung der freien puerperalen Peritonitis mit Laparotomie und Drainage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 938-940.—Kreutzer (B.) Tod einer Wochnerininfolge von Blutvergiftung und anschliessender Bauchfellentziindung. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, xi, 224. —L,e IVouene ( L. ) Peritonite post-puerperale k contenu geiatineux. Rev. m6d. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 277-280.—Leopold (G.) Zur Gonokokkenperitonitis im Wochenbett; Lapa- rotomie; Drainage; Genesung. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1177-1180. -----. Zur operativen Be- handlung der puerperalen Peritonitis und Thrombophle- bitis. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1908, lxxxv, 483-511.—Le- page (G.) Note sur le traitement des peritonites puer- perales. Compt ren d. Soc d'obst, de gvnec.eldepediat.de Par., 1905, vii, 131-143.—J?lcDonald (E.) Puerperal gen- eral peritonitis; reportof eleven cases. Ann. Surg.,Phila., 1907, xlv, 203-222.—Malins (S.) Case of fatal peritonitis in the last month of gestation. Lond. M. &S. J.,1831, vi,52- 57.— Itlanclaire. Peritonites puerperales traitees par la laparotomie ou par la colpotomie posterieure. [Rap.] Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst, de gvnec et de paediat. de Par., 1905, vii, 30-39. [Discussion], 180-182.—Moore (W.) Case of puerperal peritonitis successfully treated by abdomi- nal section and washing out of the abdomen. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1891, n. s., xiii, 179-185.—iWurphy (J.) Suppurative puerperal (peritonitis; drainage; recovery. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1890-91, 33. -----. Puerperal peritonitis; re- covery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 619.—Noble (C. P.) Puerperal pelvic cellulitis and puerperal peritonitis. Am. Gvnaec. & Obst J., N. Y.,1895, vi, 18-25. Also, Reprint— Pane. Acute peritonitis after confinement; abdominal section; dermoid disease of both ovaries; removal; recov- ery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 250.—Perret. Arrivee du dehors avec peritonite; morte 24 heures apres l'accouehe- ment. Obstetrique,Par.,1906,xi,149.—Picque(L.) Pelvi- peritonite localisee au cours d'une infection puerperale; laparotomie; guerison. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1905, yiji,279-281.—Pillet (E.) Peritonite puerperaleg6nera- lis6e post-abortive; colpotomie; guerison. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 487.— Powilewicz. Peritonite mortelle chez une accouchee n'ayant presente aucun signe d'infection puerperale. Rev. med. de Nor- mandie, Rouen, 1902,172-175.—Baymond. Traitement chirurgical de la peritonite puerperal. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 891.—Bees (J.) Case of chronic peritonitis, without much pain; delivery; death. Lond. M. & S. J., 1831, vi, 213-216.—Bibas y Bibas (E.) Contribucion al estudio de la infeccion peritoneal post-operatoria. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1906, xxxii, 56-75, 3 pl.—Bick- etts (E.) Puerperal peritonitis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n.s., xxvi, 765-767. [Discussion], 769-773.—Bobin- son (F. B.) Gonorrhceal puerperal peritonitis (fever). N Am. Pract, Chicago, 1892, iv, 19; 62—Bossier (G.) Pelvip6ritonite puerperale. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1904, xxiv, 302.—Smith (A. L.) A case of puerperal peritonitis treated by amputation of the uterus; recoverv. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxv, 43- 49. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt. Berl., 1892, vii, 105-111.— Teichelniaim (E.) A case of peritonitis following parturition; removal of ruptured pyo-salpinx; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1276.—Tison (E.) Peritonite aigue par rupture d'un kyste dermoi'de, chez une femme en couches; mort cinq jours et dix heures apres l'ac- couehement. Bull. Soc. anat. dePar., 1892,lxvii,241-247.— von Unge (H.) Peritonitis puerperalis; incision och drainage genom fossa Douglasii; helsa. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1890,lh, 474.—Van Langenueersch (A.) Metro- peritonite puerperale; laparotomie; guerison. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1891, liii, 25-32.— Worcester (A.) The treatment of puerperal septic peritonitis. Boston M. & S J., 1893, exxviii, 590-592—Zangemeister (W.) Experimenteller Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der akuten puerperalen Peritonitis. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Stuttg., 1908, lxii, 610-520. Puerperal phlebitis. See, also, Phlegmasia alba dolens. Charpy (C.-J.) * Formes rares de phlebite pendant la grossesse et les suites de couches. [Paris.] 8°. Courbeville, 1902. Closs (O.) * Ueber die thrombophlebitische Form des Puerperalfiebers. 8°. Tubingen, 1895. de Lingen (C.) *De phlebitide uterina. 8°. Berolini, [1841]. Vaney (F.-A.) *Des processus phlebitiques du tractus genital au cours de la puerperalite (metrophlebites puerperales). 8°. Nancy, 1906. Audebert. Traitement de la phlebite infectieuse post-partum par des injections sous-cutanees d'acide phe- nique. Bull. Soc. d'anat et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 172. — Boissard (A.) Des phiebites puerpe- rales et, en particulier, de leurs differentes modalites et de leurs signesprecoces. Semaine med., Par., 1901, xxi, 185.—Corsy. Un cas de phlebite puerperale. Marseille med., 1908, xlv, 245.—Fochier (A.) Traitement des phiebites puerperales des membres inferieurs par les abces de fixation. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de paediat. 1898, mem. et disc, Par., 1900, ii, 520-524.— Hirst (B. C.) Puerperal phlebitis. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1894, lxxi, 866-858. Also, Reprint — Hooper (J. W. D.) Phlebitis from the obstetric stand- point. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1906, xi, 359-361.—PTIorestin (H.) Phlebite suppuree de la sa- phene interne, d'origine puerperale, trait6e par la resec- tion tres eteudue de la veine; guerison. Bull, et m6m. Soc. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 567-571—Moscato (P.) Un caso di flebite trombotica delle vene renali consecu- tiva a quella delle crurali in una puerpara. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1905, vi, 41-44.—Neu- gebauer (L. A.) O pologowym zakrzepie i zapaleniu zyl (phlebothrombosis et phlebitis puerperalis). Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1861, xlvi, 1-64. Also, Reprint- Petit (V.) Phlebite d'origine puerperale, pied bot phiebitique. Bull, et mem. Soc obst. et gvnec. de Par., 1898, 77-81. Also: Med. inf., Par., 1898, 577-580.—Pina- telle. Sur un cas de phlebite puerperale remarquable par des rechutes lointaines et une localisation insolite. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1901, n. s., vi, 1201.—Bobin (A.) Traitement general des phiebites d'origine puerpe- rale. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1905, xvi, 167.—Tarnier. Double poussee de phlebite pendant la grossesse; occipito-iliaque droite anterieure; application de forceps; double cireulaire autour du cou. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1891, xix, 321-323.— Tliomitian (C. A.) Puerperal phlebitis in left thigh terminating in abscess, commencing 20 days after confinement. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 175.— Toelg (J.) Phlebitis puerpera- lis subsequente endocarditide ulcerosa; Tod. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst (1892), 1893, i, 847.—Vaney (A.) Sur la phlebite uterine puerperale. Ann. de gyn6c. et d'obst, Par., 1906, 2. s., iii, 449-180. Puerperal phobias. Raymond. Phobies post-puerperales. J. de med. int., Par., 1905, ix, 172. Puerperal psychoses. See Insanity (Puerperal); Puerperal pho- bias; Puerperal state (Complications of, Neu- rotic). Puerperal pyeemia. See Puerperal septicemia. Puerperal saprsemia. See Puerperal septicemia. Puerperal scarlatina. See, also, Scarlatina in pregnancy, etc. Di'rand (M.) * Etude historique et critique sur la scarlatine puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1891. Fisser ( M. ) * Scarlatina in puerperio. [Wiirzburg.] 8°. Emden, [1887]. Gocht (H.) *Scharlach im Wochenbett. 8°. Erlangen, 1894. Haas (K. H.) * Ueber Scharlach bei Woch- nerinnen. 8°. Marburg, 1892. Saxdahl (C.J.) *Har den af Th. Helm beskrifna scarlatina 1. Purpura puerperalis va- rit en egenartad puerperal-sjukdom? [Is the scarlatinal purpura puerperalis described by PUERPERAL. 89 PUERPERAL. Puerperal scarlet ina. T. Helm a separate puerperal disease?] sm. 8°. Lund, 1847. Schneider vV. B.) * Fiinf Fiille von Schar- lach im Puerperium. 8°. Marburg, 1873. A Men (W. L.) The pseudo-scarlatina of puerperium. Albany M. Ann., I,s91, xii, 233-235. -----. A case of scarlet-lever in the puerperium complicated with cere- bral hemorrhage, convulsions, and hemiplegia. Tr. N. York M. Ass.. 1890, vii, 404-408. Also: Gaillard's M.J., N. Y., 1891, Iii, 139-144. — Aril a ml (J.) Scarlatine et eruptions scarlatiniformes dans l'etat puerperal. Arch. de tocol. etde gynec, Par., 1892, xix, 688-695.—Boxa 11 (R.) Scarlatina during pregnanev and in the puerperal state. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1888), 1889, xxx, 11; 126. [Discussion], 167-192. Also, Reprint.—Brinton (W.) A puerperal woman dying on her seventh day of scarlet fever. Maryland M.J., Bait, 1892-3, xxviii, 397-400 — Earle (F. B.) Scarlatina in nursing mother. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1892-3, i, 13.—Fiessinger (C.) Sur un cas de scarlatine puerperale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1893, 8. s\, il, 469-471.—Frank (L.) Scarlatina in the puerperium. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1902-3, ix, 443-415— .]. Alilleld ( F. ) Aphorismen fiber Pathogenese und Prophylaxe des Fiebers im Wochenbette. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1899, viii, 266. [Dis- cussion], 328; 381.—Alexander (W.) Puerperal fever. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.,1894,xiv,351-367.—Amadeo (A. J.) Contribucion al estudio de la septicemia puerperal. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, 977-982—Ander- son (A. B.) Puerperal sepsis. West. M. Rev., Lin- coln, Neb., 1897, ii, 341. —Applegate (J. C. ) Puer- peral sepsis. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1903, xii, 655-658.— Ashton (L.) Puerperal septicaemia. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1886,197-219.—Ayers (E. A.) The pathology and treatment of puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 657-663.—Bacon (C. S.) Puerperal in- fection in private practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 1243.—Baisch (K.) Ursache, Ve'rhutung und Behandlung des Kindbettriebers. Beihfte z. med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 267-290.—Bald ridge (M.C.) Puer- peral septicaemia. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1892, 338-348. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 417-428. — Bannan (Theresa). Puerperal fever. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 810.—Barber (C. L.) Puerperal septicemia. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1902,xxiv, 152-159. [Discussion], 169-172.—Barnes ( R.) Puerperal fevers and septicaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, 623. Also, Reprint.—Bun mm (P.) Ueber den Begriff des Puerperalfiebers und die praktische Be- deutung der Definition der Krankheit. (Bemerkungen zu dem gleichnamigen Aufsatz von Olshausen in No. 1 1899 dieser Zeitschrift. ) Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 289-292.—Beatie (W. R.) Puerperal infec- tion. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1903, xxiv, 8-12.— Beck (T. S.) On puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1865, i, 428; 456; 478. Also, Reprint.—Benevento (A.) Contributo alio studio della febbre puerperale dal punto di vista etiologico. profllattico e terapeutico. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 277; 287.—Bishop (H. D.) The diagnosis and treatment of fever during the puerperium. J. Surg. Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1907, xxix, 472-478.— Black (J. C.) Puerperal septicaemia. West. Canada M. J., Winnipeg, 1908, ii, 259-267.—Black (W.) Puerpe- ral fever and septic poisoning. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1891), 1892, xxxiii, 76-105.—Blackburn (J.T.) Child- bed fever. Louisville J. S. & M., 1898-9, v, 405-409.— Boldt ( H. J. ) Puerperal infection. N. York M. J. [etc ], 1906, lxxxiii, 1024. Also, Reprint.—Bonney (V.) On puerperal fever. Clin. J., Lond., 1908, xxxii, 289-298.— Boxall (R.) Fever in childbed. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (ls9ti), 1891, xxxii, 219; 275, 3 ch, 1 tab. Also, Re- print.— Britton (S. H.) Puerperal septicemia. Med. Age Detroit, 1898, xvi, 681-685.—Bucura (C.J.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Schiittelfrostes im Wochenbett mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pyhamie. Monatschr. f Geburtsh.u. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, xvi, 705-719.—Bud in. Les accidents febriles suites de couches. Rev. gen. de clin et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 417.—Bug. Fievre puerperale. Nord med., Lille, 1900, vi, 133-140.—Buinin (E ) Zur Definition des Begriffs Puerperalfieber. Cen- tralbl f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1899, xxii, 161-164.—Burck- hard t (L.') Fever complicating the puerperium. Proc. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1900, 45-57. —Burekhardt (O ) Ueber Faulnisfielber im "Wochenbett. Beitr. z. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1899, ii. 2. Hft., 193-235.— Burweil (C. A.) Puerperal septicemia. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x. 222-225.—Buslillo Lirola (A.) Ensayo sobre la rie'ore puerperal. Arch. de la Policlin., Habana, 1895, iii. 39; 97.— [Busch (D W H.)l Kindbettfieber. Encvcl. Worterb. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1839, xix, 527-598. — Byers (J. W.) Puerperal fever; its nature, prevention, and treatment. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1891, xci, 410; 473. -----. A plea for the early recognition, and treatment of puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1193-1196. — By rue (W. S.) Fevers of the puerperal state. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 273-275. -----. Puerperal sepsis; it's pathology and treatment. Ibid., 1902, xxi, 227-233.— Carbo (F.) Infecciones puerperales. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1906, xxxii, 97-121.—Carini (L.) Pelvi- peritonite primitiva puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1'tOl xxv 428-430.—Carrico (P. O.) Puerperal septi- cemia. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 625- tvs — Cobb (J. P.) Puerperal sepsis. Tr. Am. Inst. Honneop. 1900, N. Y., 1901, 561-572. Also: Homeop. ,1 Obst., N. Y., 1900, xxii, 427 - 431. — Connnan- deur. Pyohemie puerperale. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 214-216.—de Cotret (K.-A.-R.) De l'infection puerpe- rale Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1907, xxxvi, 635; 704- 1908. xxxvii. 30: 87.—Cowen ( H. O.) Puerperal sepsis Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, Puerperal sej>tic;onin. 463—474.—Chandler(S.) Puerperal sepsis. Med.News, N. V., 1904, lxxxv, 260. — Chaiitemessc. L'infection puerperale. Progres mecl., Par., 1890, 2. s., xi, 241; 369. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii, 623; 688.— Chason (J. D.) Puerperal septicemia; its cause and treatment. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta. 1S97, 304-311. — Chatl- nifere. Les infections puerperales et l'infection puer- perale. Cong, period, de yvine. et d'obst. C.-r. 1902, Florence-Rome, 1904, iv, 759-76:;.— Cheney (W. F.) The pathology and local treatment of puerperal endometritis. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1894, viii, 57-64.— Clark (A. L.) Puerperal fevers. Chicago M. Times, 1896, xxix, 167.—Cole (W.C.) Puerperal fever. J. Mor- gan Co. M. Soc, Jacksonville, 111., 1901, iv, 5-7.—Cope (A. L.) Puerperal septicemia. Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1902,i,302.—de Cortejarena (F.) La fievre puerperale. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890,Berl., 1891, iii, 8. Abth., 149-153.—de Cotret (E.-A.-R.) De l'infection puerperale. Union med. du Canada, Montreal. 1907, xxxvi, 635; 704: 1908, xxxvii, 30.—Cowan (II. O.) Pu- erperal sepsis. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1905, Adelaide, 1907, vii, 247-253.—Cowles (J. E.) Puerperal infection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 1257-1259.—< rain (E. A.) Puerperal sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxvii,626.—Crockett (S.S.) Puerperal infection. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1901, 167-183. Also: Nash- ville J. M. & S., 1901, xc, 7-12.—Crouzat. La fievre chez les femmes r6cemment accouch^es. Midi med., Toulouse, 1892, i, 175-178. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gy- nec, Par., 1892, xix, 749-754.—Crowell (H. C.) Puer- peral septica-mia. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Columbia, 1895, xxxviii, 301-311.—Crum (C. C.) Puerperal infection. [Abstr] Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1907-8, xxvi, 133- J38.—Danlorth (L. L.) Puerperal septicemia: its eti- ology and treatment. J. Surg., Gynec. f/a(.ixia. 'IaTpocr/ TrprioSos, "E^Sv'pa., 1900, v, 139-143.—Kalt (A.) Ein Bei- trag zur puerperalen Infection. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1900. xxx, 593-600.—Kathan (D. R.) Puerperal sepsis. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1902,'ii, 211—Kaut'mann (J.) Zur Casuistik des Puerperalfie- bers Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg, 1906, xix, No. 5, 2-7.—Kay (T. W.) Childbed fever. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii,564-507.—Kempl'i K.J.) Puerperal infection. Louisville M. Month., 1*98-9, v, 121: 169.— Khazan (S. Y.) fohazan, w On-wan]. Die Streitpunkte in der Puerperalfieberfrage. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1890, No. 12 (Gyniik., No. 4, 61-108). -----. Yeshtsho raz o rodilnoi goryachkle. [Once more on puerperal fever. ] Akusherka, Odessa, 1894, v, 119- 121. —Kidd (G. H.) On puerperal fever. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1881, [3.] s., lxxviii, 97-115. Also, Reprint.— Ki'sse ' It. II.) Puerperal infection; its pathology, pre- vention, and treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, Puerperal septiaemia. xxvii, 234-236. — Kinsman (D. N.) Puerperal fever. Columbus M. J., 1898, xx, 50-58. [Discussion], 64-68.— Koblanek. Zur puerperalen Infection. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1896, xxxiv, 261: 1899, xl, 85.— Koiron (J. V.) Puerperal fever. Cleveland J. M., 1898, iii, 256-260.—Korbelyi (E.) Agyermekagyi lazrol, [On puerperal fever.] Many. orv. 6s term.-vizsg., Pozso- nv, 1866, 195-203.—K rim iir. Fieber im Wochenbett. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Fortbi Id., Berl"., 1907, iv, 545-549—Krlijser (G.) Das Kindbettlieber. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xii, 258-260.—Kusuda (H.) [Acute puer- peral fever.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1903, v, 267-296— Labadie-Lai»rave (F.) La fievre puerperale d'autrefois et la fievre puerperale d'aujour- d'hui; etude clinique. Ann.de gvnec et d'obst., Par., 1891, xxxvi, 244-288. Also, Reprint.—Lambert (S. W.) & Painter (H. McM.) Fever in the puerperal woman. Soc. Lvinsr-in Hosp. N. York. Med. Rep. (1893), 1894, 24-99, 3 ch.—Law (G.) Child-bed fever. Denver M. Times, 1895-6, xv. 150-151—Lea (A. W. W.) Some re- marks on puerperal infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 581-5*1.—Leake (E. N.) Puerperal fever. Homeop. J. Obst., N.Y., 1904, xxvi, 11-51.—Leeson (J. R.), Hicks (J. B.) & Playlair (W. S.) Puerperal septicemia. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1175.— Lewis (I).) Varieties of infection as observed in the pregnant, parturient, and puerperal woman. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1*96-7, vii, 292- 307.—Libow (B. A.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der puer- peralen Metrophlebitis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1902, xlvii, 251; 261; 274.—Liebaert. De la septicemie puer- perale. Ann. Soc. de med. deGand, 1894, lxxiii, 103-140.— LJiiqvist (R.) Sananen lapsivuodekuumeen diagno- sista, prognosista ja hoidosta. [The diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of puerperal fever.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1905, xxi, 37-44.—LopezHermosa (A.) Contribuci6n al estudio de la etiologia y tratamiento de la septicemia puerperal. Gac. med., Mexico, 1902, 2. s., ii, 282; 299, 6 ch.—Lussom (P. M.) Puerperal fever. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1894, 184-189.—Lyle (R. P. R.) Puer- peral sepsis: Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 925-927.—McCann (F. J.) The symptoms and treatment of septic intoxica- tion (sapraemia) during the puerperium. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1505.—McCracken (J. H.) Puerperal septice- mia. Texas Cour.-Rec Med., Dallas, 1894-5, xii, 83-85.— M'Cutcheon (J. M.) Puerperal infection. Texas M. News, Austin, 1903-4, xiii, 80-86.—McEachran (A.) Puerperal sepsis. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1903, v, 773-775.—M'Govern (J.J.) The cause, prevention and treatment of puerperal infection. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1898, xxxii, 404-410.—Mcllwraith (K. C.) Fever in puerperium. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1904-5. xxxviii, 771-779.—MeMahon (J. P.) A consideration of puerperal fever in the light of our present-day knowl- edge. WisconsinM. J., Milwaukee, 1908-9,vii, 1-14.—Mt- Swain (J. A.) Puerperal fever. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1901,158-166. [Discussion], 173-183. Also: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1901, xix, 219-225.—Madden (T. M.) Observations on puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 261-265. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1883, n. s., xxxvi, 196. -----. Observations on the aetiology, prevention, and treat- ment of puerperal septicaemia. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl., 1894. xii, 256-273. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1*91, xcvii, 477^90, 2 ch. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891, n s., lvii, 666.— Maim (J.) Puerperal septicemia in the practice of the country physician. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895, 113- 123. Also: Am. Gvnaec. & Obst. .1., N. Y., 1895, vi, 589-594. Also, Reprint.— Mann (M. D.) Puerperal infection. Buffalo M. J., 190D-1901, n. s., xl, 1-15.—Marshall (C.) Kuerperal infections. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1904-5, viii, 213-246.— Ma r.x (S.) Early diagnosis and treatment of puerperal septic diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix, 661-667.—Meriwetlier(F.T.) Puerperal sepsis. Char- lotte [N. C] M. J., 1896, viii, 763-767. Also, Reprint.— Michel (L.) Consideration sur l'infection puerperale. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1908, xl, 546-551. [Discussion], 575-579. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1908, xxi, 2*5-300.—Miller i A. B.l Infection of the puerpera. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Phila.. 1*97. 326-330. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv. 527-531.—Monajrhan (W. J.) Puerperal infection. Lehigh Valley M. Masr., Easton. Pa., 1898, ix, 101-106.—Montane. Septicemia puerpe- ral^). Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1890- 92), 1895, v, 79-86.— Montini (A.) Contributo alio studio della infezione puerperale. Gazz.d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 214-217.—Moser (W.) A study of puerperal fever, or septico-pyatnia. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 753.— Munde (P. F.) President's address. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1898, xxiii, 3-23. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxviii, 1-18.—Murray (W.) Puerperal parame- tritis. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1903, ii, 137.—Myers (W. H.) Puerperal fever. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec, Phila., 1890, iii, 20.5-214.— Nandts (('.) De l'infection puerperale. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1904, xi, 195- 1 )*.— Nava (C.) Infezione puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 213.—Neumanin (P.) Lapsivuode- PUERPERAL. 92 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia. kuunieen tarttuman lahteistii. [The infection of puer- peral fever.] Katilolehti, Helsingissii, 1907, xii, 71-77.— Noble (C. P ) Acute puerperal cellulitis and true pelvic abscess. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1894, xv, 193- 203. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1*94, xxix, 447-456. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1891. xxxi. 59-65. Also: N. Albany M. Herald, 1894, xiv, 147-153.—Nunez (A.) Considera- ciones sobre la septicemia y piocmia puerperal. Gac. med. de Granada, 1893, xii. 505-511—Nyulasy (F. A.) Notes on puerperal sapneuiia and septicaemia. Inter- colon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1902, Hobart, 1903, 406- 411. Also: Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1902, vii, 191-197. -----. The sub-committee's report on puer- peral sepsis; a criticism. Ibid., 1905, x, 563-570.—Oliver (T.) Puerperal septicaemia. Brit. Gynaec J., Lond., 1891- 2, vii, 301-310.— Olshausen (R.) Ueber den Begriff des Puerperalfiebers und die praktische Bedeutung der Defi- nition der Krankheit. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 1-6. -----. Erwiderung auf die vorstehende Ab- handlung. Ibid.,16i. See, also, supra, Baumm—Pa rente (A.) A inieceao puerperal. Brazil-Med., Rio de Jan., 1897, xi, 245-313.—Parkes (J. F.) Puerperal fever. N. Albany M. Herald, 1904-5, xxiii, 32.—Peter. Pathoge- nie* et prophylaxie de la fievre puerperale. Bull. m6d., Par., 1889, iii, 1499-1501. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1889, xvi, 679.—Pichevin (R.) A propos de l'infection peri- toneale. Semaine gvnec, Par., 1896, i, 84.- Playlair (W. S.) Puerperal septicaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1347.— Pond (E. M.) Puerperal septicemia. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, 1900, Burlington, 1901, 69-7?.—Prevost (L. C.) Puerperal septicaemia. Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii, 14-29.— Priddy(A. S.) Puerperal infection. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1906, xl, 221-238.— Prince (E. M.) Puerperal infection. AlabamaM..F.,Birmingh., 1904-5,xvii,375-384.— Proot (M.) Puerperale sepsis. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1898-9, v, 319.—Pryor (W. R.) Puerperal fever. Inter- nat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1*92, v, 176-179. -----. Puerperal sep- sis: its pathology and treatment. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1901, i, 205-207.—Puerperal fever. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1891, 196-198.—Puerperal fever. Tr. South. Surg. &Gynec. Ass.. Phila., 1902, xiv, 373- 379.—Puerperal septicaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1412-1116.—Puerperal toxaemia. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1903- 4, xvi, 573.—Queisner(H.) Beitrag zur Puerperalfieber- Frage. Deutsche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Mun- chen, 1901, x, 761-763.-----. Aetiologie und Therapie des Puerperalfiebers. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1904, xix, 38-47.—Questions and answers concern- ing puerperal fever; inquiries made of well-known author- ities on obstetric affections. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1903, xii.641-617.—Raft*erty(T.N.) Puerperal sepsis. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1895-6, xiv, 259-203.—Raud en bush (J. S.) Puerperal sapremia. Med. Council, Phila., 1905, x, 444-447.—Recasens. Dos lecciones sobre la infec- ci6n puerperal. Rev. espec med. La oto-rino-laringol. espafi., Madrid, 1903, vi, 65; 85; 112. — Regner (J. A.) Puerperal septicemia. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1904, vi, 364-367.—Reid (T. J.) Puerperal septicaemia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 227-230.—Resi- nelli (G.) La diagnosi e la terapia delle infezioni puer- perali. Arte ostet., Milano, 1905, xix, 65; 81; 113; 137; 152; 161; 305; 319; 347; 361: 1906, xx, 19; 33. —Ribbius (P.) Het v66rkomen van kraamvrouwenkoorts. Maand- bl. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1897-8, i, 85-91.—Rip- ley (G. H.) Puerperal fever. Clinique, Chicago, 1907, xxviii, 65-75.—Robert. Observations sur la fievre des accouch£es, connue sous le nom de fievre puerperale; suiviede remarqueset annotations. Ann. clin., Montpel., 1816, xxxix, 108: 339.—Robert. Septicemic puerperale. Cong. Jpenod. de gvnec, d'obst. et de pa?diat., mem. et disc. 1895, Par.. 1*96, 657-660.—Robinson ( G. D.) Remarks on certain aspect* of puerperal sepsis. West- minst. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond, 1903, xiii, 161-166.—Rosen- berg (J.) Puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.,1899, xxxix. 304-324. [Discussion], 538-518. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1*99. lv, 368. [Discussion], 513.—Routh (A.) Some observations on puerperal infection and immun- ity. Clin. J., Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 209-215. — Row- land i(J.i Puerperal fever. Tr. Indiana M. Soc. Indi- anap., 1899, 23.5-243. Also: Obstetrics, N. Y., 1900, ii, 377-3*2.—Kunye (E.) Ueber Puerperalfieber. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xlv. 550-553. Also, transl.: Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1908, xv, 590-596—Rust (J. W.) Puerperal septicemia. Chicago M. Times, 1901. xxxiv, 409-413—Ruth (C. E.) Parturient sep.-K Med. Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1906, xxix, 29-32. — Rutherford (J. C.) Puerperal septicaemia. Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1896, v, 257-262.—Sanchez y Carrascosa (M ) tTn caso de septicemia puerperal. Siglo m(>d. Madrid, 1908, lv, 181—Scliell (W.), Hayden (A, M.) A- Loring (D.J.) Symposium on puerperal infection. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, M. Logansport, 1901, 130-157— Se- «rarra Llorens. De las infecciones puerperales. Corresp med.. Madrid, 1901, xxxvi, 236; 247; 258; 274: 281; 297: 310: 319; 332: 346; 355; 406; 418; 430; 442: 153; 481; 493; 517—Shaw i.I.J.) Puerperal in lection. Homceop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xix, 115-118.—Singletary (T. B.) Puerperal septicemia. Puerperal septicemia. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc 1895, N. Orl., 1*96, 166-171. —Sippy (J. J. j Puerperal sepsis; cause and treatment. J. Kansas M. Soc, Law- rence, 1905, v, 433-437.—Sliuh (J. M.) Puerperal septi- cemia. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1892, xxvi, 171-184.— Sloss (W.) Puerperal sepsis. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev. 1905, xxiv, 203-206.—Smith (E. A.) Puerperal infection. Buffalo M. & S. .)., 1*92-3, xxxii, 17-20 — Souliiioux. Infection puerperale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1*90, lxv, 310-312.—Souter (C. H.) Puerperal sep- sis in country practice. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1903, xxii, 105-10,*.—Speidel (E.) Puerperal infection. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville. 1905, xxxix, 629-538.—Stevens (E. H.) Puerperal septicemia. Boston M. A S. J., 1906, cliv, 12-15.—Stevens (T. G.) The septic diseases of the puerperium. Treatment, Lond., 1900-1901, iv, 225; 308; 392, 1 diag. — Stiickel. Ueber das Woehenbettfieher, seine Crsachen, seine Anzeichen und seine Yerhiiuing. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1906. xxi. 9V 115.— Symposium (A) on puerperal sepsis. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1899, xxi, 259-27ii.—Sym- posium on puerperal fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 289-435.—Sziklai (C.) Das Kindbettfieber. Un- gar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1898, iii, 613-616.—Tanner (H. B.) Puerperal fever. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madi- son, 1893, xxvii, 271-280.—Tarnier. De la fievre puer- perale purulente. France med., Par., 1895, xiii, 33-36.— Taylor (J. C.) Puerperal sepsis. N.York State J. M., N.Y.,1905, v, 333-336.— Thomson (W. S.) Puerperal septicaemia. South African M. J., Cape,Town, 1896-7, iv, 6-11.—Toll"(E.) Despre infectiunile puerperale. Spita- lul, BucurescI, 1903, xxiii, 409-416.—Tosi (L.) Conside- razioni sulla febbre puerperale. Gazz. tosc a. sc. med.- fis., Firenze, 1845, iii, 262-267.—Trawick (G. C.) Some recent developments in puerperal infection. Tr. M. Soc Tennessee, Nashville, 1903, 231-252. —Trousseau. De la fievre puerperale. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1857-8, xxiii, 473: 484; 694.—VaI lack (A. S.) Puerperal sepsis. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne. 1906, xi, 113- 120.—Van Slyck (D.B.) Puerperal fever. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Franc, 1897, 275-293.— Veit (J.) Zur Dia- gnose und Therapie des Puerperalfiebers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv 590-592.—Vineberg (H. X.) Puer- peral septic diseases. N. York M. J., 1901, l.xxiii, 478. -----. The etiology, pathology, and treatment of puer- peral sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlviii, 325-338. [Discussion], 1903, xlvii, 765.—Voli'son (Z. I.) Sluchal septitsemii u rodilnitsi i nleskolko slov o poslierodovikh septicheskikh zabollevaniyakh. [Septicaemia during la- bor and on puerperal septic diseases.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1892, xvii, 624-626.— Wadsworth (A.) On puerperal infection, with special reference to douching and the practical value of bacteriological examinations. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xliii, 439-468. Also, Reprint— Wagoner iG.W.) Puerperal septicaemia. Penn.M.J., Pittsburg, 1899-1900, iii, 185-190.—Walther. Was muss die Hebamme heutzutage vom Kindbettfieber wissen? Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 35-38.— \V a the n (W. H.) The pathology, diagnosis, and prog- nosis of puerperal sepsis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 7. s., iv, 296-301. — Waugh (W. F.) Sapremia. Med. Council, Phila., 1897, ii, 41.—Way (E.W.) Modern re- search and child-bed fever. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1893, xii, 271-278.—Weiss (R.) La infecci6n puerperal ante-partum. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 87-103.—Wheaton (C. L.) Puerperal infection. Colorado Med., Denver, 1893-4, i, 134-139. Also: ChicagoM.Recorder. 1905. xxvii,571-576.—Wiclie- rink (J. W.) Puerperale sepsis. Geneesk. Courant, A.mst., 1903, lvii, 207; 216; 223.—Wiggin (F. H ) Diag- nosis, prevention, and treatment of puerperal infection. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 1005-1007.— Willett (J. M.) Puerperal septicemia. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1895, xi, 208-211.—Wilson (Olive). Puer- peral sepsis. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1903, xiii, 63-65.— Wochenbettkrankheiten, insbesondere Kindbett- fieber. Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll. . . . im Koiiijrr. Sachsen 1897, Leipz., 1898, xxix, 107-113.—Wright (A. H.) Puerperal septicemia. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1894, xix, 1-8. -----. Puerperal septicemia. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1900, xxv, 121-123. -----. Puerperal septicemia. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1908-9, xliii, 170- 177. Also: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 205-20*.— Wright (A. L.) Puerperal septicemia. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Dubuque, 1886-9, vii, 180-1S9. — Wylle (W. G.) Puerperal fever. Charlotte [NT. C] M. J.,'l902, xx, 1*7- 192. — Zadyora ( G. ) Sluchal posllerodovol septi- tsemii. [Puerperal septicaemia.] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1900, x, 52. Puerperal septicemia {Autogenetic). See, also, Infection (Autogenetic) in preg- nancy, etc. Germont (L.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'auto-intoxication gravidique d'apres une sta- PUERPERAL. 93 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia. tistique prise a la Maternite Baudelocque de- puis sa fondation jusqu'au lpr Janvier 1893. 4°. Paris, 1893. Gille (H.-G.) *De 1'auto-infection post-par- tum due a des lesions inflammatoires uterines anterieures it la grossesse. 8°. Nancy, 1900. Hunei's (W. H. H.) * Aufsteigende Sepsis in partu und in puerperio die Hauptursache der puerperalen Selbstinfektion. 8°. Marburg 1903. Alilleld (F.) Puerperale Selbstinfektion. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1377-1379. See, also, infra, Natvig. — de Rovis (R.) De Panto-infection puer- perale au point de vue clinique. Semaine m6d., Par 1907, xxvii, 3-8. —Briini (C. L. ) Puerperal sepsis from retained lochia (lochiametra). St. Paul M .1 St. Paul, Minn., 1903, v, 611-614.— Cheney (W. F. j Puerperal auto-infection. Pacitic M. J., San Fran., 1895, xxxviii, 9. — Collignoii. De la fievre d'origine uterine chez les accouehees. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1896, xx, 19-21.— Commandeur. Sur l'auto- infection puerperale par lesions suppurees anciennes des annexes. Provincemed., Lyon, 1901,xv,553-555.—Dun- can (J. T.) Shall the term "auto-infection" be retained? Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 313-316. Also, Reprint.— 1 Minn (T. D.) Auto-infection. Am.Gymec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, Ti, 13-17. Also, Reprint. -----. A probable case of auto-infection, with some remarks on the bacte- riological origin of puerperal sepsis. Ann. Gvnae. & Psediat., Phila., 1893-1, vii, 569; 611.— Edelman (E.) Septicemia por auto-infecci6n en el puerperio. Arch. de la Soc c*tnd. clin. de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 271-2,i..—Erlikli (S. L.) Sluchal autointoksikatsii iz posllerodovol matki (endometritis chronica ichorosa, ichorhsemia) i toksicheskavo zabollevaniya nervnikh uzlov serdtsa. [Absorption of sepsis from a post-puerperal uterus: . . . and toxic disease of the nerve ganglia of the heart.] Vestnik med., Kharkov, 1896, i, 301: 317. — Fehling. Ueber Selbstinfektion. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1889, Leipz., 1890, 47-64.—Fischer. Ueber Selbstinfection in der Geburts- hiilfe. Zt>ehr. f. Wundiirzte u.Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1890, • xii, 257-262.—Fruhinsholz (A.) Deux observations d'auto-infection post-partum. Soc de m6d. de Nancy, C.-r. et proc.-verb., 1903-4, 6-10. Also: Rev. nnM.del'est, Nancy, 1903, xxxv, 696-700.—G. (B.) Infezione puerpe- rale; per colpa della puerpera. Arte ostet., Milano, 1903, xvii, 13-15.— Gardini (P. L.) L' autoinfezione puerperale. Lucina, Bologna, 1902, vii, 173: 1903, viii, 3.—Clregor (G. D.) Puerperal auto-infection. Proc. Utah M. Soc, Salt Lake City, 1895-6, 112-120.— Ho- wie i.I. M.) Autogenetic puerperal septica-mia; its causes, prophylaxis, and treatment. Liverpool & Man- chester M. /)■ See, also, Puerperal state (Complications of, Genito-urinaru). Mixium ([K.] W.) * Bakteriologische Unter- suchungen einiger Fiille von puerperaler Sepsis. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Morgknstern (E.) * Ueber das Vorkommen von Microorganismen bei Puerperalfieber. 8°. Wurzburg, 1886. Strunxkmann (K.) Zur Bacteriologie der Puerperalinfection. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Also, transl. in: Boll. d. levatr., Bologna, 1898, i, 395; 489; 667. Vesque (M.-L.-J.) *Des infections puerpe- rales non streptococciques. 8°. Nancy, 1899. de Weldige (A.) * Zusammenstellung der- jenigen Fiille von Puerperalfieber, bei welchen Mikroorganismen nachgewiesen und seit 1874 veroffentlicht sind. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Dor- sten, [1884]. Afanasyeff*(A. N.) K voprosu o mikroorganizmakh poslierodovikh otdleleniy. [On the microorganisms of the discharges after birth.] Protok. zasaid. akush.- ginek. Obsh. v Kieve, 1894, vii, 79-110,1 pl.—B. (J. M. L.) Estreptococcia puerperal. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1898-9, xxi, 233-236. — Bacaloglu ( C.) Septico-piohemie postabortiva datorita starilococulul. Spitalul, Bucu- rescl, 1901, xxi, 211-216.—Basso (G. L.) Delia stafilo- coccemia puerperale. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1908, v, 225- 256. — Bernabei (C.) Eliminazione dei microgermi patogeni per la cute (vesicole miliariche e piaghe) in caso d' infezione puerperale (Streptococcus septicus liquefaciens). Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma 1890-91 [1893], xvii, 389-400.—Bidone (E.) Starilococcoemia puerperale da Staphylococcus piogenes albus. Riv di ostet. [etc], Torino, 1896, i, 233-248.—de Bo vis (R.) L'auto-infection puerperale au point de vue bacterio- logique. Semaine med., Par., 1906, xxvi, 445-451.— Brindeau & Mace. Sur les anaerobies dans l'infec- tion puerperale. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par 1900, sect, d'obst, 107-111. — Buinin (E.) Ueber die Beziehungen des Streptococcus zur puerperalen Sepsis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gvniik. 1903, Leipz 1904, x, 578-593.—Buiiiiu (K.) A Sigwart (W.) Un- tersuchungen fiber die Beziehungen des Streptococcus zum Puerperalfieber. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1904, viii, 329-336.—Burckhardt (O.) Die Be- deutung der Streptokokken fiir die Entstehung des Puer- peralfiebers. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 220. -----. Puerperale Sepsis durch Infektion des puer- peralen Uterus mit Pneumococcus Friinckel; metasta- tische Pneumokokkenmeningitis; Exitus Beitr. z Ge- burtsh. u. Gyneek., Berl., 1901, v, 336-338. — Caselli (A.) Experimentelle und bakteriologische Untersuchun- gen fiber das Puerperalfieber. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1899, xxv, 5-10 — < aterina (E.) Sulla saproemia puerperale e sulle infe/.ioni uterine da germi anaerobi; contributo alio studio battel iologico della endometrite putrida. Atti d. Soc ital. di ostet e ginec. 1900, Roma, 1901, vii, 309-313.—dishing (K. W.) Relations of certain bacteria to puerperal inflammations I'hysic Mag., I'hila., 1885-6, i, 153-171. Also, Reprint! Also: Tr. Gynaec.^Soc, Bost., 1889, n. s., i, 65-90.—I»e- lassuw & LemiciT. Septicemic suraigue a tetragenes chez une femme en puerperalite; mort rapide; infection in uterode l'enfant; accidents graves; mort. J. d sc med. de Lille, 1908, ii, 73; 97.—Bobbin (G. W.) Puer- peral sepsis due to infection wit h the bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii, 24-28. -----. A case of puerperal infection in which the bacillus typhosus was found in the uterus. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxviii, 185-198, 1 ch. -----. Puerperal in- fection with the bacillus typhosus. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait,, 1900/ viii, 321-337. Also; Johns Hopkins Hosp. Stud, in typhoid fever, Bait,, 1901, no. 3, 321-337, 1 ch.—Doderlein. Klinisches und Bakteriologisches iiber eine Puerperalfieber-Epidemie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1891, xl, 99-116. -----. Bacteriologie investigation in the recognition, prevention, and treatment of puer- ral fever. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1905, xx, 367-372.— PUERPERAL. 94 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia (Bacte>riology of), Boleris (J.-A.) Apropos du streptocoque puerperal. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1892, vii, 357-370. -----. Anatomie pathologique; physiologie du strepto- coque puerperal; son habitat; sa vitalite; sa virulence: conditions de l'immunite. Ibid., 1894, ix, 110-117.— Dubreuilh (W.) Infection puerperale due au staphy- lococcus pyogenes aureus. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 139.—I>u iiioii t (A.) Pseudo- infection puerperale, d'origine intestinale, due au coli- bacille. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1894, xxi, 493-511. — Dunn (T. D.) Bacteriological origin of puerperal sepsis; with report of a case of probable auto-infection. Richmond J. Pract., 1894, viii, 201-208 — Fisenhart ( II. ) Puerperale Infection mit todtli- chem Ausgang, verursacht durch Bacterium coli com- mune. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1891, xl, vii, 181-201 — Fabre & Amstail. Des plaques d'agar sanguin et de leur emploi en pratique obstetricale. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1905, viii, 86-91.—Ferguson (C. E.) The bac- teriology of puerperal infection; its relation to treatment. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1904-5,xxiii, 375-377.—Fouler- ton (A. G. R.) & Bonney (W. F. V.) A diphtheroid bacillus isolated from the uterus in two cases of puerperal fever. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1902-3, liv, 137-142. ----- -----. A case of primary infection of the puerperal uterus bv diplococcus pneumoniae. J. Obst. & Gynsec Brit, Emp., Lond., 1903, iii, 450-453.—von Franque (O.) Bacteriologische Untersuchungen bei normalem und fieberhaf tem Wochenbett. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Stuttg., 1892-3, xxv, 277-305.—Franz. Zur Bakteriol.i- fiedes Puerperalfiebers. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, viii, 315-321.—Frascani (V.) osservazioni cliniche e ricerche batteriologiche sopra alcuni casi d' infezione puerperale. Gazz. med. di To- rino, 1891, suppl., 97; In >.—tiamber (W. P.) Bacteri- ology in midwifery and prophylaxis of puerperal fever. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1894, xviii, 502-514.—tiaugain (L.) Recherches sur les infections d'origine intestinale au cours de la puerperalite (lacolibacillose). Arch. med. d'Angers, 1907, xi, 46; 445; 469.—tioldscheider (A.) Klinische und bakteriologische Mittheilungen fiber Sep- sis puerperalis. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1*93,xviii, 165-212.— dlonuet ((.'.) Histoire d'une epidemie interieure de fievre puerperale k streptocoques. Lvon med., 1907, cviii. 664-682. Also: Obstetrique, Par., 1907, xii, 38-56.—Gor- don ( A. K.) A case of puerperal sepsis due to the bacil- li is coli communis. Lancet, Lond.,1906, i, 371.—Guerin- Valmale. Infection puerperalegonococcique. Mont- pel. med., 1903, xvii, 352-354.—Haushalter (P.) Re- cherches bacteriologiques dans quelques cas d'infection puerperale. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii, 713-721. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1890, xxii, 174; 216; 241 — Hellendall (HA Bakteriologische Beitrage zur puer- peralen Wundinfektion. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek., Leipz., 1905, x, 1: 1906, x, 320, 2 pl— Heyneiiianu (T.) Die Bedeutung der hamolytischen Streptokokkenfiir die puerperale Infection. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1908, Ixxxvi, 61-96.—Himmelheber (k.) Ein Fall von Gonokokkenscpsis im Wochenbett mit Lokalisation in der rechten Niere. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 769-771.— Hoke (E.) Streptokokkenaggressin im Blute bei Sepsis puerperalis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 1091.— Holmsen (F.) Ettilfaelde af ondartet puerperal in- fektion beroende paa engasudviklendeanaerob stavbak- terie (gasgangra'n). [Sur un cas d'infection puerperale maligne causri par un bacille anaerobe gazogene (gan- grenegazeuse.gangrenefoudroyante). Re's, 425.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1903, 5. R., i, 410-422, 1 pl.—Jeannin (C.) Recherches sur la bacteriologie de 1'uterus dans ses rapports avec le traitement local de l'in- fection puerperale. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1907, x, 109-120.—Jell le (L.) Ein neuer fiir den Menschen pathogener Bacillus (beobachtet bei todtlichem Puer- peralprocess). Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 297-300,1 pl.—Kerr (J. M. VI.) The bacillus coli communis in puerperal septi- caemia. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gvmec Soc, 1901, ii, 93-96. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1899, Iii, 174 -177— Labadic- LaKrave & Basset. La septicemic puerperale atte- nuee (etude bacteriologique). Cong, period, intermit, de gynec et d'obst. C.-r. 1892, Brux., 1894, i, 319-325.—Lea (A. W. W.) Two cases of puerperal septicaemia due to streptococcic infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 96s- 970.—Little (H. M.) The bacillus aerogenes capsulatus in puerperal infection. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.,Bait., 1905,xvi,136-146. Also, transl.: Zentralbl.f.Gyniik., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 196-203.—Lloyd (H. C.) Some notes on the bacteriologv of puerperal infection. Intercolon. M. J. Australas.,'Melbourne, 1905, x, 474-480.—Lop. Infec- tion puerperale a staphvlocoque. Gaz. d. hop..Par., 1906, lxxix, 400-402.—Lusk (W. T.) Recent bacteriological investigations concerning the nature of puerperal fever. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 337-347. [Discussion], 414-423. Also: Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1896, viii, 109-175 — von llamuis (A ) Ceber reine puerperale Staphy- iokokkenpyaiaie. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, Puerperal septicemia (Bacterial tice,mia {Blood in). Del Fabbro (A.) Coritributo alio studio della for- mula leucocitaria nelle infezioni puerperali. Ginecolo- gia, Firenze, 1906, iii, 164-172.—Emery (W. D'E.) The blood in puerperal fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 416-421.—Fxehaquet (E.) Contribution a l'etude des modifications globulaires du sang dans l'infection puer- perale. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1908, 2. s.. v, 459- 477.—Rammer (S.) Ueber die jodempfindliche Sub- stanz in Leukocyten beim Puerperalfieber. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899,xxxvi. 119-121.—Kownatzki. Blutun- tersuchungen bei Puerperalfieber. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1906, x, 275-299, 2 pl.—Potocki & La- casse. Des modifications globulaires du sang dans l'in- fection puerperale envisagees au point de vue du pronos- tic et du traitement. Cong. nat. period, de gvnec, d'ob- stet. et de paediat., Rouen, 1904, iv, 379-290. Also: Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1904, 2. s., 337-349.—Signoris (E.) Sul comportamento dei leucociti eosinifili nelle in- fezioni puerperali. Ginecol. mod., Genova, 1908, i, 371- 379. Puerperal septicemia {Cases of). See, also, Puerperal septicemia (Statistics of). Baker (H. B.) A case of puerperal septic fever, reported by George J. Northrop, and some remarks on the relations of the medical profes- sion to the people. 8°. Detroit, 1887. Repr.from: Detroit M. J., 1887. Baroxe (G.) A proposito d' un casodi setti- cemia puerperale. s°. Bitonto, 1896. Kaufmaxx (J. A.) * De febri puerperali non- nulla, adnexa morbi historia. 8°. Wirceburgi, ls:]4. Loewensteix ( H. ) * Klinisch - statistische Beitrage zur Puerperallieberfrage. [Breslau.] sD. Berlin, 1902. Also, in: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1901-2, lxv, 40-71. Abernethy (J. C.) Puerperal sepsis with report of cases. Alabama M & S. Age, Birmintrh., 1897-8, x, 465- 473. -----. Puerperal sepsis, with report of cases. Ala- bama M. J., Birmingh., 19U2-3, xv, 231-237. —Aze veilo jun. Um caso de septicemia puerperal. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1902, xvi, 411. — Bard (I. W.) Puerperal pyemia; report of a case. Cleveland J. M., 1900, v, 110- 115— Barrows (C. C.) Report of a case of acute sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlvii, 366-368. — Behm. Kin Fall von Fieber im Kindbett (interessant wegen der in Frage kommenden Meldepflicht und wegen der zuletzt aiiRewandten erfolgreichen Therapie von Kochsalzin- fusionen in den Darm). Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xxiii, 621-624.—Bell (H. S.) Infection following child- birth, with report of a case. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1*97, ii, 197.—Bin k ley (J. T.) A case of puerperal septicaemia. Med. News, Pliila.,1891, lviii,689.—Binney (E. H.i Notes on some cases of puerperal septicemia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1903, xxii, 512-515.—Bitting (B T.) Acase of puerperal septicaemia. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1894, xxxiii, 146. — Bondarelf ( P. G.) Nleskolkoslov o rodilnoi goryachkle po povodu odnovo sluchaya meningitis purulenta u beremennol. [Puerperal fever, apropos of a case of. . .] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1901, xv, 545-559.—Boyd (A. W.) A case of puerperal septicaemia. Nashville J M. & S., 1891, lxx, 51— Budd (G. A.) A case of puerperal septicemia. f'leveland .1. M., 1896, i, 213-215.—Bud in 11'.) Deux cas d'infection puerperale. .(. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1899, xxvii, 201; 209.—Bullock (T. S.) Puerperal sepsis, with Puerperal septicaemia {Cases of). illustrative case. N. Albany M. Herald, 1895, xv, 1.— Casalis (G.) Xotes on four cases of puerperal infection. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1899, vii, 150-158.—Casa- mayor-Dul'aiir (A.) Deux observations de septice- mic puerperale. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1897, iii, C6-70.—Clivio (I.) Ricerche intorno ad alcuni casi di infezione puerperale. Riv. di ostet. e ginecol., Torino, 1890, i, 2; 17; 33. — Congdon (C. E.) Personal experi- ence with puerperal fever. Buffalo M. J., 1903-4, n. s., xliii, 292-296.—Cowles (J. E.) A case of puerperal in- fection. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1894, ix, 81- 86.—Cristalli (G.) Un caso molto istruttivo d'infe- zione in puerperio. Med. ital., Napoli, 1903, i, 45-47.— Currie (J. Z.) Puerperal septicemia, with case. Boston M. , 1900, v, 205.—Polak (J. O.) Report of two cases of' puerperal fever. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 545. Also, Reprint.—Porcher (F. P.) Case of puer- peral septicaemia. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1893, xxxi, 4.—Purdy (J. R.) Case of puerperal fever. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1895, viii, 252.—Queirel. Un cas d'infection puerperale grave. Rev. prat, d'obst. etde paediat., Par.,1905, xviii,65-7s.—Kaiiisbottoin(C.H.G.) Notes on a peculiar case of puerperal septicaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 732.—Boot (Eliza H.) Reportof a caseof puerperal infection. Chicago M. Recorder, 1896, x, 407- 410. — Boy (C. C.) A unique case of puerperal sepsis; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899 xvii, 530.— Sacra ( E. > A proposito di un caso di settico-piemia puerperale con esito in guarigione. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, I8;i9, ii, 260-264.—Salter (G. H.) Case of puer- peral fever commencing nine days after delivery. Lan- cet, Lond., 1891, i,657— Schade (Lea). Tod der Mutter an Kindbettfieber 24 Stunden nach der Geburt. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 479— Stevens (T. G.) Puerperal sapraemia. .Esculap. Soc. Abstr. Tr. 1895-8, Lond., 1899, vi, 36-38.—Stirling (R. A.) Cases of sepsis after puerperium or abortion. Intercolon. M. .1. Australas., Melbourne, 1899, iv, 159-161.—Tarnier. Une toxemique. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1894, xxii, 121-123. -----. Infection puerperale declaree 24 heures apres raccouchementimortaelamere: mortdel'enfant. Ibid., 1895, xxiii, 297.—Thompson (H. F.) Puerperal infec- tion as seen by the country practitioner. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1905, xxviii, 470-472.— Turing (E. T.) Notes on puerperal septicaemia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 305-370.—Townes (I. T.) Puerperal fever, with report of seven cases. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. Louis- ville, 1900, n.s.,viii,45-53.—Troeonis A icala i L.) Dos casosde fiebre puerperal. Gac med., Mexico, 1896, xxxiii, 377-386. —Trudeau (L.-J.) Un cas d'infection puerpe- Puerperal septicemia {Cases of). rale k la campagne. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1904, xxxiii, 276-279.—I'pslmr (J. N.) Puerperal septi- caemia; report of a case. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1886, 219-237.—Van Kiuan \ F. T.) Puerperal infection [3 cases]. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1904, xxv, 361- 365.—Watson ( W.) Twenty-six cases of puerperal fever observed in Belvidere Hospital. Glasgow M. J., 189"), xliv. 268-280. Also: Med. A: Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 509-515. — \% atson (W. T.) Fatal case of puer- peral septicaemia. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1902-3, vii, 563-565. — Wheeler (H. M.) Cases of puer- peral septicaemia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1890, x, 264.—Wilson (H. C.) Remarks on septicaemia as oc- curring in puerperal cases. Pacific M. Rec, Portland, Oreg., 1893, l, 1.—With row (J. M.) An unusually se- vere case of puerperal sepsis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1904, n. s., liii, 36. Puerperal septicemia {Causes et nel pa- thology of). See, also, Puerperal erysipelas; Puerperal septicemia (Autogenetic); Puerperal septicemia (Bacteriology of); "Puerperal septicemia (Treat- ment of). Batsevich (E. [B. F.]) Prichini septiche- skikh poslierodovikh zabolievaniy; antiseptika; aseptika. [Causes of septic puerperal diseases; antiseptics; aseptics.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Baumgarten (G.) *De l'influence du toucher vaginal et rectal sur la production de l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1897. Bourget (L.) * Contribution a l'etude des ptomaines et des bases toxiques de 1' urine dans la fievre puerperale. [ Geneva. ] 8°. Lau- sanne, 1887. Carpentieri (A.) Contribuzione alia pato- logia delle flogosi utero-peritoneali nel puerperio e of invalidism following childbirth. N. York M. J. [etc.!. X. Y., 1907, lxxxv, 249-252. Also, Reprint.—A ther- ton i A. B.) Case of septicaemia following induced abor- tion. dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1894, iii, 113-115.— Arteiujetf (A. P.) O mikroskop. kartine poslierod. otdiel. u zaboliev. rodilnitz. [Microscopical representa- tion of post partum secretions in childbed fever.] Xauch. Besedy vrach. zakavkazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis, 1890, v, 61-68, 1 pl.—Bacon (C. S.) Concerning some questions about the pathology of puerperal infection. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xiii, 98-105.—Barnes (R.) On the causes, internal and external, of puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1036-1042. Also, Reprint. -----. The sources of puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 1731.— Bass (A.) Xeueres fiber die Pathologie der puerperalen Sepsis (Sammelreferat fiber die Literatur der Jahre 1897, 1898 u. 1899). Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1900, iii, 865-880.—Beer i II.) Zur Aetiologie des Puerperalfiebers. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 125.— Berne. De la nature de la (ievre puerperale. J. de m6d.de Lyon, 1866, v. 177; 272.—Bo ven (<>.) Distemper ' as;LCiiUM'(.i puerperal fever. Lancet, Loud., 1898, i,223.— Borde < L.) Sulle cause della febbre puerperale. Lu- I vol xiv. 2d series---7 Puerperal septicemia {Causes and pa- thology of). cina, Bologna, 1890, i, 81. 1897, ii, 101. Also, Reprint,— ' Bosquier. Thrombus vagino-perineal chez une primi- pare de 17 ans; septicemie subaigue (uterine et pulmo- naire). .1. d. sc med. de Lille, 1896, i, 391-395.—Botli- held (.1. F.) A post-partum fever due to other causes than sepsis, llnmeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1904, xxvi, 205- 211. -Boursier (A.) De la frequence de l'endometrite d'origine puerperale. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1891-2, xxi, 77-79.—Boxall (R.) Fever in childbed. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1890), l.s91, 219: (1893), 1894, xxxv, 340, 2 2 ch.—Boyd (G. M.) A case of puerperal pelvic ab- scess, with some remarks on septic infection. Am.Gyna-c it Obst. J., N. Y., 1894, v. 6-">s-tj6u.—Brothersi A.) Puer- peral feverin the tenements. Am. Gvnec J., Toledo,1893, iii, 1-15. —Brown (D. C.) Putrid'infection in the pu- erperal state. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1894-5, i, 206; 244.— BrUnniclie (A.) Parametritis puerperalis. In iu's: Praktikantklin.,8°,Kjobenh.,1892,181-190.—Buchanan (R. M.) A case of puerperal fever illustrating the mode of infection and the infective agent. Glasgow M. J., 1892, xxxviii,429-434.—Biittner (O.) Quellen und Wege der puerperalen Infektion. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 227-229.— Burckhardt (O.) Die endogene Puerperalinfektion. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1901, v, 327-336.— Burr (A. H.) Gonorrheeaasafactor in puerperal fever. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 533-535.—Burton (J. E.) Puerperal endometritis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 345.—Buntin (E.) Ueber puer- perale Endometritis. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesell- n sch. zu Wiirzb., 1891, 9-13. Also, Reprint. Also: Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gvniik. 1891, Leipz., 1892, iv, 369-375. Also: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1891, xl, 398^18, 2 p). Also, transl.: Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1892, xxxvii, 440: xxxviii, 26. Also: Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1898-9, iii, 511-521. -----. Ueber Aetio- logie und Pathogenese des Kiudbettfiebers. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., Is99, viii, 276. [Discussion]. 328, 381.— By licki (W.) NiezvvykIezr6dlo zakazenia pologou ego: przyczynek do powstawania naj- mniejszychprzetokpochwowo-prostnicowych. [Unusual source of puerperal infection, on the origin ot minute vagino-rectal ristuhe.] Lwow. tygodn. lek., 1906, i, 97; 111; 124.—Campos (M.) Distoeia e iniecei6n. Arch. de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1892-4), 1895, vi, 135-142.— Caselli (A.) Contributo alia conoscenza della patogenesi della infezione puerperale. Policlin Roma, 1896, iii-C, 109-114.— Chambrelent. De l'unite pathogenique des differentes formes de l'infection puerperale. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, xx, 79; 88. —Chenery (E.) Did the sponge do it? N. Eng., M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1891-2, xi, 164-166. — Che- ney' (W. F.) The vaginal secretion and its impor- tance as regards puerperal fever. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1895, ix, 467^472.— Cliepiiiell (C.) Uterus from a septic case. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1894), 1895, xxxvi, 3.—Chiara (D.) II bagno della superricie d'in- serzione della placenta nella infezione puerperale d' ori- gine endo-uterina, e qualche critica del raschiamento. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1893, xv, 549-556, 5 ch.—Clark ( R. ) Kidney from a case of puerperal septicemia. Brooklyn M. J., 1898, xii, 711.— Coiiiniandeiir. Phle- bite uterine et. utero-ovarienne a debut pulmonaire; infection puerperale; mort. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 733- 737.—Coplin (\V. M. L.) Uterus, gross specimen and sections; also sections of the liver, kidney, and bladder from a case of puerperal sepsis due to mixed infection bv the cocci of suppuration and the Bacillus coli communis and other organisms; also a preliminary consideration of a morbid process affecting unstriped muscle (particularly the elastica), and not heretofore described. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1901-2, n. s., v. 227-243. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1902, viii, 278-290. Also, Reprint— Coriuinas (E.) Infecciones puerperales y no infeccion ni fiebre puerperal. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1899, xxv, 441- 458.—de Cortejarena (F.) Etiologie et nature des infections puerperales. Cong, internat. de med. C. r„ Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 14.5-155.—CotteII (H. A.) Sepsis following labor and abortion. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1903^1, x, 66-72.—Cowles (J. E.) Puerperal infec- tion, with special reference to its etiology and prophv- laxis. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1890, v, 121-131 — Cra<:~iii ( K. B. i Specimens of septic uterus. Am. Gvn- aec. et Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii, 362-368.—Cullen (T.'S.) Fatal puerperal sepsis due to the introduction of an elm tent. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1897, vi, 109-111, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Cu rrier ( A. F.) Certain forms of septicaemia resulting from abortion. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 335-341. Also, Reprint. —€ze- metsehka (J.) Zur Kenntnis der Pathogenese der puerperalen Infection (Metrolymphangitis post partum als Metastase anderweitiger durch Diplocoeeus pneu- moniae bedingter Erkrankungcn'). Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1894, xix, 233.—Dale-he. Puerperalisme tardif; subinvolution et retroflexion uterines. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1903, xiv, 235— Dashkevich (L.) PUERPERAL. 98 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Causes and pa- thology of). K voprosu 6b otsla'ivayushtshem posllerodovom vospa- lenii matki. [Desquamative puerperal metritis.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. 1'etersb., 1900, xiv, 16-31, 1 pl., 1 diag., 1 tab.—Davis (E. P.) Puerperal sapraemia. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1895, vi, 13-17. — Delbet (P.) Deux cas d'infection puerperale consecutifs a une retention placentaire meconnue. Med. inf., Par., 1908, v, 08-72.—Doleris [etal.]. Etiologie et nature des infec- tions puerperales. [Rap.] Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1900, liii, 3-57. Also: Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 3-33. Also [Rap.]: Ann. de gvnec et d'obst., Par., 1900, liv, 3-34.—Dorman (F. A.) ' The pathology of puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1906, liii, 771-775. [Discussion], 835-846.—Duflf* (J. M.) The source of puerperal sepsis. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & ' Gynec. 1897, Phila., 1898, x, 84-104. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 483-488. [Discussion], 554-557. Also: Practice, Richmond, 1897, xii, 204-208.—Duke (A.) On the origin of puerperal septicaemia. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lvi, 441. Also: Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1893, xxi, 656. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 571.—Duncan (J. M.) On the alleged occa- sional epidemic prevalence of puerperal pyaemia or puer- peral fever and of erysipelas. Edinb. M. J., 1875-6, xxi, 774-784, 5 tab. [Discussion], 840-846. Also, Reprint.— Duret(H.) Des pyohemies uterines puerperales. Cong. period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de paediat. 1898. Mem. et disc, Par., 1900, ii, 334-344.—Ernst (H. C.) The etiol- ogy of puerperal fever. Syst. Obst. (Hirst), Phila., 1889, ii, 401-459.—Espagne (A.) Des conditions meteorolo- giques de la fievre puerperale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1863, lvii, 580.—Fehllng (H.) Zur Pathogenese des Puerperalfiebers. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1906, iii, 217- 219.—Felkin (R. W.) Does the increase of civilization rendertherecurrenceof sepsismore common? Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1888-9, xiv, 117-131. — Fllia (V.) Febbre puerperale o suppurativa? Unione med., Catanzaro, 1894, ii, 49-51. — Foster (R. X.) The causes of puer- peral fever. Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xxi, 53-63.— Foulerton (A. G. R.) The pathology of puerperal fevers. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 387-415.— Foulerton (A. G. R.) & Bonney (V.) An investiga- tion into the causation of puerperal infections. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1905), 1906, xlvii, 11-64. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 915; 992. Also [Abstr.]: J. Obst. & Gvnaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1905, vii, 121-126.—Fournler(F.) Phleg- mon des ligaments largesd'origine puerperale; interven- tion k froid; mort par septicemie streptococique. Tou- louse med., 1905, 2. s., vii, 186-192.—Fraunlelter (J.) Puerperal infection; its cause and treatment. Columbus M. J., 1896, xvii, 207-214.—Freeman (W. L.) Sapraemia following parturition. Denver M. Times, 1894-5, xiv, 267- 273.—Futagawa (K.) [A case of infection from mat- tress of lying-in woman.] Jo-san-no Shiori, Osaka, 1898, 271-273.—Gartner (F. W.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der septischen und pyiimischen Infection des Uterus. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1892-3, xliii, 252-264, 2 pl. -----. An experimental investigation of puerperal pyaemia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1902, n. s., cxiii, 429-444.—Galabin (A. L.) The Hunterian oration on the etiology of puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 919-924. Also, Reprint- Gallant (A. E.) The etiology of puerperal toxemia. Med. Xews, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 976-979. Also, Reprint — Gardner (W. S.) Sapremia and septicemia during the puerperal period. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1889, ii, 312-330.—Gill (B. M.) A case of puerperal sepsis, with an extensive membranous deposit in the genital tract. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1896, x, 438-440.—Gil lmo re (R. T.) The study of a case of puerperal infection, with special reference to its etiologv. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1907, xii, 433-444.—Gordon (H. K.) The methods of infection in puerperal fever. Pub. Health, Lond., 1905-6, xviii, 205-215.—de Grand- ■liaison. De la pathogenie de l'infection puerperale. Med. mod., Par., 1899, x, 521.—Greene (G. W.) An un- mentioned means of puerperal infection. X. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 1246. — Greenley (T. B.) Case of septicemia resulting from abortion and retained placenta. Am. Pract. & Xews, Louisville, 1890, n. s., ix, 259-262 — Greer (W. J.) Puerperal septicemia and pemphigus neonatorum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 1241.— Gueniot. Du mephitisme de l'air comme cause de septicemie pu- erperale. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1892, xx, 75; 83; 92; 107. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 284; 469. [Discussion], 327; 386.—Harajewiez (W.) Partus; endo- metritis puerperal is septica, sequente peritonitide uni ver- sali. Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1890, xxix, 158.—Hartz (A.) Ueber die Aetiologie und Prophylaxe der Puerperal- erkrankungen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1900, liii,243-249. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1900, xxxv, 673-675.—Haworth (F. G.) Puerperal fever and its causes. J. State M., Lond., 1897, v, 426-430.—Herman (G. E.) The etiology of puerperal fever. Pub. Health, Lond., 189:3-4, vi, 2s2-2ss — Herr (A.) Geschichte einer kleinen Xindbettfieber-Gruppe: dk sofortigeFernhaltung der Hebamme von ihrer geburtshulflichen Thiitigkeit als Puerperal septicemia (Causes anel pa- thology of). einzig sicheres Mittel gegen die Weiterverbreitung der Krankheit. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 18*2, xxiii, 1; 25; 49; 73, 97. Also, Reprint.—Heuck (11.) Beitrag zur Frage der Endometritis, inbesondere der Retentio chorii et de- ciduae. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gvnak. z. Feier . . . v.Carl Ruge, Berl., 1896, 223-246. — M Irst (B. C.) Specimens of puerperal sepsis. Tr. Sec. Gvnec. Coll. Phys. Phila., X. Y., 1899, v, 49-53— Holmes (O. W.) The contagiousness of puerperal fever, 1843-93. Ann. Gynaec. & Paediat., Phila., 1892-3, vi, 513-534.—HuaJies (AV.) On puerperal hysteritis. Lond. M. & S. J., Is29, iii, 318-320. — Jardine ( R.) Xotes of three cases of puerperaf septicaemia of unusual origin. Glasgow M. J., 1900, liii, 296-301. Also: Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gyn.ec. Soc, 1901, ii, 157-162.-----. Fatal case of puerperal septicaemia from gonorrheal rheumatism. Glasgow M. I., 1901, lv, 442-444. Also: Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gynaec. Soc. (1900- 1902), 1903, iii, 68-70. -----. A fatal case of septic peritonitis in a puerperal patient arising from an old ulcer of the stomach and a subhepatic abscess. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1903, xiii, 232-235. -----. Fatal case of puerperal septicaemia from double pyosal- pinx. Glasgow Obst. & Gynec. Soc. (1900-1902), 1903, iii, 129-131. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1902, lvii, 48-50 — Jaworski (J. ) Przyczynek do etyologii i pato- genezy goraczki pologowej. [On the ... of puerpe- ral fever.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1895, xvi, 625-630. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Presse, 1896, xxxvii, 345-348.— Jeannln (C.) Infection uterine par retention des lo- chies; gangrene pleuro-pulmonaire consecutive; mort. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1901, iv, 37-47. -----. De l'in- sufflsance hepatique dans ses rapports avec les accidents infectieux des suites de couches. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi, 515-519. -----. Les accidents infectieux chez la nouvelle accouchee. Medecin prat., Par., 1905, 45.—Jewett (C.) Remarks on the sources of puer- peral wound-infection. Brooklyn M. J., 1890, iv, 212- 218.—Jones (M. H.) Puerperal blood-poisoning and sewer emanations. Clin. J., Lond., 1894, iv, 368-373.— K. (Frau). Ein Fieberfall im Wochenbett infolge ungesunder Wohnung. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xxii, 398-400.—Ke liter. Grossesse de cinq mois; avortement mecanique; retention placentaire; in- fection. Bull. Soc. beige de gynec et d'obst., Brux., 1892, iii, 196. . Infectionlentepostabortum. Pressemed. beige, Brux., 1893, xlv, 181.— Klitin (I.I.) Histologi- cheskiya izmleneniya posllerodovol matki v sluchayakh ostravo tslepekokkbvavo gnilokroviya pri primleiienii protivotslepekokkovolsivorotkiibezneya;izslledovaniye osnovannoye na opitakh. [Histological changes of the puerperal uterus in cases of acute streptococcic pyaemia with and without the use of antistreptococcic serum; ex- perimental investigation.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 766; 793.—Korzon (T.) Przypadeksepticopyemii wsku- tek zakrzepu w zyle biodrowej podczas ciaiy; por6d przedwczesny; wyzdrowfenie. [Septico-pyaemia in con- sequence of thrombosis of iliac vein during pregnajicv; premature labor; recovery.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1899, 2. s., xix, 1011-1015.—Kothen (C.) Ueber die Morbiditiit im Wochenbett nach Geburt von macerirten Fnichten. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1903, lxx, 723-745.—Kronlg (B.) Etiologie et nature des infections puerperales. Cong, in- ternat. de med. C.r., Par.,1900,sect. d'obst.,33-40. -----. Bemerkungen zum Aufsatze von Ahlfeld: Beitrage zur Frage von der Entstehung der fieberhaften Wochenbetts- erkrankungen. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 1099-1101. -----. Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz von Sticher: Handesterilisation und Wochenbettsmorbiditiit. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Puerperalinfection. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1901, xlvi, 458-471.—Kurz (E.) Acute Septikiimie in Folge von postpuerperaler Metrophlebitis, Memorabilicn, Heilbr., 1901-2, n. F., xix, 321-324.—Kuss (Frau M.) Ueber Enstehungsursachen des Wochenbettfiebers. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl.. 1902, xvii, 474.—Lambinon (H.) Contribution a l'Ctude des causes de la fievre puerperale. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1894, lxxiii, 147-184. -----. Frequence et gravite de l'hetero-infection puerperale par la contagion digitale. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1897, xviii, 161.—Lancry. U accouchement et la fievre puerperale a la campagne. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1891, ii, 73-83.—Le Clerc (R.) Sep- ticemic puerperale causee par un furoncle d'une garde- malade. Xormandie med., Rouen, 1892, vii, 258-264.— Legueu (F.) Infection urinaire et infection puerperale. Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1897, xi, 353-356.— Leigh (T. D.) Oral sepsis and puerperal septicaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, S82.-E.6vai (D.) Adatok a puerperalis sepsis k6r- es gy6gytanahoz. [Contributions on the pathology and therapv of. ..] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, ii, 623.—Lewis (D.) Infection following labor. Chicago Clin. Rev 1896-7, vi, 225-240.—Libolt" (B. A.) Mozhet-li ochistitelnaya vanna, primlenyaye- maya u rozhenits, sluzhit istochnikom poslierodovikh zabolievaniy. [Can the cleansing bath, used in child- birth serve as a source of puerperal disease'.'] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, 784-787.—Lol'tus (W. V.) Puerperal PUERPERAL. 99 PUERPERAL. Puerperal stptieemia (Causes and pa- tholoe/y of). fever cycles. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1893, iv, 381- 384.—Lop & Bonus (Mme.) Pneumococcie aigue ge- neralisee k debut peritoneal, 36 heures apres l'accouche- ment. Gaz.d.h6p.,Par.,1900,lxxiii,1091-1093.—Macliarg (W. E.) An analytical account of fifty-seven cases of puerperal infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 373-377.— Magniaux. Etiologie et nature de la fievre puerperale. Xormandie med., Rouen, 1901, xvi, 33; 60.— Manton (W. P.) Late puerperal infection. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1893. xvii, 306-309.—Mareus (L.) Eene opmer- kingbetretl'endede aetiologie der puerperale infectie/.iek- ten. Med.Weekbl., Amst, 1895-6, ii, 379-382.—Marquis. Staphvlocoecies et coli-bacilloses puerperales Ann. de gynec" et d'obst., Par., 1908, 2. s., v, 207-221.—Marsha11 (Clara). Specimens from a case of puerperal septicemia, simulating typhoid fever. Tr. Path. Soc, Phila., 1889-91, xv. 210-215.— Martin (A.) ZurErforschungder Ursachen des epidemisehen Puerperalfiebers. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1857, x, 253-273. Also, Re- print.—Martini(E.) UebereinengelegentlichenErreger von Sepsis puerperalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1307-1309.— Men»-e. Etiologie et nature des infections puerperales. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 40-49.—Menge ( K.)& K. roil ii; (B.) Ueber Aetiologie und N'aturdes Puerpe- ralfiebers. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien 1900, xii, 431. Also, transl. [Abstr.]; Semaine gynec, Par., 1900, v, 260.—Mery. Infection generale avant pour point de depart une fausse c< niche probable. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 637.— Meyer (H.M.) Luftinfektionsomaarsagtilbarselfeber. Aerial infection as a cause of puerperal fever.] Tidskr. . d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1901, xxi, 292-297.— Montgomery iE. E.) Sapraemia resulting from the presence of a dermoid cvst. Am. Gvnaec & Obst. J., X. Y., 1897, x, 529-531. [Discussion], 607-612. — Mueci (S.) Influenza dell' intossicazione intestinale sull' infezione puerperale. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1903, v. 89-91.—Neiijean (V.) Etiologie del'infecti6npuerperale. Scalpel, Liege, 1907-8. lx, 35-37.—Meuman (P.) Om barnsangsfeberns infe k tionskii 1 lor. [The infection sources of puerperal fe- ver] .Tordemodern, Stockholm, 1905, xviii, 197-201.— XijliolT(G. C.) Over het ontstaan van koorts in het kraarabed. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1889, xxv, 1. afd., 41-56. Also, Reprint,—Noble (C P.) Puer- peral pelvic cellulitis and puerperal peritonitis. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1895, vi, 18-25.—Olshausen (R. M.) Ueber puerperale Parametritis und Perimetritis. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1871, No. 28,233-268.—Ott(E.) Ein casuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von puerperaler Sepsis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 145.—Oui. Endometrite septique puerperale. Gaz. degynec. Par., 1903, xviii, 257- 261. Also: Union med du Canada, Montreal, 1903, xxxii, 474-478 — Pestalozza. Etiologie et nature des infec- tions puerperales. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 49-106. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. med., Mont- real. 1900-1901, iv, 52.—Piehevin (R.) & Pettit (A.) De l'infection p6ritoneale chirurgicale et, en particulier, apr£s les interventions sur les organes genitaux internes. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 882-904.— Picque' (L.) Septicemie puerperale k marche rapide; gros abeSs dans la paroi interne constate il l'autopsie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s.. xxviii, 198- 200.— Pilf. Jodoformgazerest in der Vagina einer Woch- nerin. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1903,3. F., xxvi, 256-258.—Pilliet (A.) Examen du foiedans deux casde septicemie uterine avec ictere. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 132-137.—Playlair (W. S.) An address on defective sanitation as a cause of puerperal disease. Lancet. Lond., 1887, i, 251-254. Also, Reprint.—Polka- no ft" V. I.) Sluchal posllerodovovo otslafvayushtshavo vospaleniva matki (metritis dissecans). [... in the puerperium.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1641.— Poneet (A.) Septicemie suraigue par infection digitale dorigine puerperale. Ni Arch.d'obst. etde gynec, Par., Is93, viii, 473-480. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 651.—Prentiss (D. W.), jr. A caseof fever during the puerperium caused by a large lumbricoid worm in the intestine. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xliv, 843-846. Also, Reprint.—Primipare a 8i mois, perte legere; ac- couchement facile, delivrance spontan6e; septicemiepre- coce; debris placentaires et membraneux ramines par les lavages uterins; mort 15 jours apres l'accouehement. J. d accouch., Liege, 1891, xii, 253.—Primipare a terme, forceps au bas de l'excavation; dechirure du perinee; septicemic; retention d'urine meconnuc; mort le9<> jour. Ibid., 1892, xiii, 61-63.—Rapin (O.) La fievre puerpe- rale sans localisations n'existe pas. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de paediat., mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896. 639-644. Also: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv, 527-531—Bastouil. Infection puerperale et granulie. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 352.—Rob- inson (B.) What kills the patient, puerperal fever or ihe rupture of pathogenic cysts? N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1894, vi, 353.—Bouclino (A.) Ricerche sperimentali sulla patogenesi esull istologia patologica dell' infezione endo-uterina post-partum. Arch, di ostet. e ginec.,Roma- Puerperal stptieemia (Causes and pa- thology of). Xapoli, 1899,' vi, 1; 81, 3 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. di ginec, Xapoli, 1899, ii, 132-136. -----. Due casi di endo- metrite puerperale; ricerche istologiche. Gior. d. Ass. napol.di med.e nat., Xapoli, 1899, ix, 166-177, 1 pl. Also: Arch. ital. di ginec, Xapoli, 1899, ii, 460-466.—Ross (Alice M.) Three cases of gonorrhoea! septicaemia in puerperal women. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxv, 852.— Ross (F. W. F.) Decaved teeth and puerperal fever. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1896, i, 696.—Rossi-Doria (T.) sulle intossicazioni locali egenerali come causa predisponente alle infezioni puerperali. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. eginec 1895, Roma, 1896, ii, 189-213. Also, trans/.: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 1251; 1301. -----. Contributo alio studio delle tossiemie e delle infezioni gravidiche. Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii-C, 75; 118; 235.—S. (A. M.) A case of puerperal septicaemia occasioned by a foetus papy- raceus in utero. Brit. J. Nursing, Lond., 1905, xxxv, OS.— Rubeska (V.) Pfispevky k pathogenese hnisav^ch onemocneni puerpAlnich a zvlaste take peritonitidy. [Contributions to the pathogenesis of suppurative puer- peral troubles and especially peritonitis.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1891, xxx, 3; 31.—Rupp (Frau). Wo- chenbettfieber und Tod bei niedriger Temperatur der Wochnerin. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 59.—Selilieben. Zur Aetiologie des Puerperalfiebers. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1906, xix, 517.—Schubert (G.) Die Bedeutung des Zweifelschen Blutcoagulum. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1907, xxvi, 357- 366.—Scollard (J.T.) Etiology and prophylaxis of puer- peral sepsis. Milwaukee M. J., 1903, xi, 8.5-87.—Seliger (P.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie der puerperalen Sepsis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1908, xxxiii, 95-97.—Shears (G. P.) A case of puerperal sepsis fromretained lochia (lochiometra). Med. Xews, X.Y., 1901, lxxviii,171-173.—Shtsherbakon" (A. S.) Posllerodoviya septicheskiyazabollevaniya i ikh mlestniya proyavleniya. [Puerperal septic infections and local phenomena.] Russk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1904, vi, 142-148.—Smith (W. R.) The aetiology of puer- peral fever. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1889, lxxii, 83-90. [Discussion]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, 3. s., i, 21-26.—Souligoux. Les ganglions lymphatiques dans l'infection puerperale. Bull. Soc. aiiat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 523-525.—Sticher (R.) Das Vorbereitungs- bad der Kreissenden als Infektionsquelle. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 217-221. -----. Handesterilisa- tion und Wochenbettsmorbiditat; ein Beitrag zur Aetio- logie der Puerperalinfektion. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1901, xlv, 510-655. See, also, supra, Kronig.— Stone (W. S.) The application of hospital methods for the prevention and treatment of puerperal sepsis to private practice. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 1165-1169. — Szczypiorski (S.) Deux cas d'infection puerperale par contagion sous forme de metrovaginite pseudo-membraneuse. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 337.— Taliaferro (E. C. S.) The pathological aspect of puerperal infection. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond, 1905-6, x, 460-463. —Tarnier. Lambeaux de membranes restes dans l'uterus apres la delivrance. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1896, xxiv, 73. — Taussig ( F. J.) Gonorrheal puerperal fever. Am. Gvnec, N. Y., 1903, ii, 334-345.—Tissier ( L.) Uterus d'infectees puerperales. Bull. Soc, d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi, 16-20.— Trush. Case of puerperal fever from gonorrheal poi- soning. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 216-221.—Tso- haku (K.) [Causes of sepiic puerperal fever.] Jo- san-no Shiori, Osaka, 1898, no. 23, 1-9— Vandena- beele. Transmission de la fievre puerperale par les sages-femmes: de la possibilite d'exclure temporairement de la pratique obstetricale les sages-femmes ayant trans- mis l'infection. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1890, 312-314.—Verdelet (L.) Septicemics puerperales et maladies de l'oreille. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 754.— Voorhees (J. D.) The etiology of puerpe- ral sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liii, 753-770. [Dis- cussion], 835-846.— Vysfn (V.) Pfispevek k pficino- slovi horecky omladnic. [Contribution to the origin of puerperal fever.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1884, xxiii, 587-589.—Wallich (V.) Sur la nature de l'infection puerperale. Ann. de gvnec. et d'obst., Par., 1890, xxxiii, 367-374, 4 pl.—Walthard. Zur Aetiologie und Bakte- riologie der puerperalen Wundintoxikation ausserhalb des Uterus. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1907, Leipz., 1908, xii, 626-634.—Wathen (W. H.) The etiology of puerperal sepsis. Internat, Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. s., ii, 28,5-291. —Weichardt. Wochenbettfieber-Er- krankungen durch Hebammen-Infektion. Preuss. Med.- Beamten-Ver. Off. Berl., 1898, xv, 4-9.—Weiss (R.) La infecci6n puerperal ante-partum. Progreso med., Ha- bana, 1891, iii, 147-155. —Wilner (Anna S.) Fever in childbed due to other causes than sepsis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 1327-1331.—Wilson (W. R.) Ute- rine thrombosis following post-partum haemorrhage and its relation to puerperal infection. Ann. Gvnac. . vi, s-12.—Winter (J. T.) What is the cause of puerperal fever.' Tr. Wash. Obst. ^ Gvnec. Soc 1891-5, X. Y.. is'.ir,, iv. 'J11-24S. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1895, xxxi. 379-:;.s5.—Wormser(E.) L'infection de la cavite uterine pendant les suites de couch.es. Semaine med., Par., 1900, xx, 383-387. Puerperal septicemia {Complications and sequel e of). See, also, Puerperal anemia; Puerperal gangrene; Puerperal phlebitis; Puerperal sep- ticemia (Mixed infection in). Borst (F. J.) jr. *De dood van het kind in aansluiting aan koorts van de moeder. 8°. Leiden, 1905. Carboxe (L.) Intorno ad un caso compli- cato di infezione puerperale. 8°. Napoli, 1903. Ditmond (P.) *Des deviations uterines con- smitives a l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1902. Lobsteix (K.) * Ueber multiple Eitermeta- stasen in den Muskeln bei puerperaler Pvamie. 8°. Slra.ssburg, 1894. Wolff (C.) * Ueber Puerperalinfektion der Neugeborenen. 8°. Wurzburg, 1893. Arnstein (F.) Rzadkie powiklanie zakazenia polo- wego: choroiditis purulenta (absct'ssus choroideae ). [Rare complication of puerperal infection.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1899, 2. s., xix, 1021. —Hanerjee-( B. B. ) Aphasia after puerperal fever, cured. Indian Lan- cet, Calcutta, 1898, xi, 23— Rarry (W. F.) Septic in- fection and obstinate hiccough during the puerperium. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1899, lvi, 715— Rlumentlial. Leuee- mie consecutive a la septicemie puerperale. J. med. de Brux., 1904, ix, 383.—Roinet (E.) Abces du lobe occi- pital droit du k une infection puerperale. Rev. neurol., Par., 1907, xv, 1228-1230.—Roquel (A.) Septicemie puer- perale; mort par abces du poumon Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 556.—Royd (G. M.) A case of puerperal pelvic abscess, with some remarks on septic infection. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1894, v. 658-660. [Discus- sion], 664. Also, Reprint.—Rrindeau & 1'liavaue. Infection puerperale; embolics renal es et spleiiiijucs. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par.,1899, ii, 8-14. 1 ]>! -Hudin d'.i Des oedemes partiels dans les infections puerperalen. Ibid., 1902, v, 36-4:;.—Rusearlet. Septicemie puerpe- rale; lesions localisees auxpoumons; phlebite de la veine cave inferieure. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 378- 380.—Cairis (M.-X.) De la septicemie puerperale com- pliquee avec hemoglobinurie quinique et phlegmon in- tramusculaire de la paroi abdominale. Med. mod., Par., 1900, xi, 577-579.—Capon lade (J.) Fievre puerperale k forme purulente; parotidite suppuree; mammite double suppuree; phlebite double adhesive. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel.. 1891, xiii, 529-5:->0.— Cliancenotte & Hyenne. Infection puerperale; infection concomi- tante et suppuration d'un kyste dermoide de I'ovaire; operation; guerison. Rev. nied. de la Franche Comte, Besancon, 1906, xiv, 210-213. — Choinel. Observation sur un dep6t singulier forme dans le peritoine a la suite d'une couche. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc 17_>\ Par., 1730, mem., 413-425. Also: Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc [de Paris] 1728, Amst, 1732, mem., 581-599. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1728, Bressl., 1755, vii, 191-2U3.— Conte (G.) Contributo clinico alia casi>- tica dell' utero enfisematoso e setticemia puerperale gas- sosa. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Xapoli, 1901, x, 33; 65.— Coudert (E.) Septicemie puerperale a localisations multiples. Tribune med., Par., 1903, 2.s., xxxv, 323-327.— Currier (A. F.) Puerperal septicaemia of prolonged duration and many complications. Am. Gvnaec & Obst. J., X. Y., 1896, viii, 63-66. -----. Supplementary report of a case of puerperal septicemia of prolonged duration and with manifold complications. Ibid., 317-321, 1 ch. Also, Reprint.—Davis (A. B.) A report of two cases of puerperal septicaemia complicated bv abscess of the parotid. Bull. ^Lying-in Hosp. 'X. York, 1906, vi, 43- 46. — Dennetieres. Endometrite puerperale; salpin- gite suppuree gauche: autop-ie. Bull. Soc anat.-clin. de Lille, 1SS9, iv, 32-35. — Dcrvaux. Monoarthrite du poignet consecutive a une metrite purulente puer- perale; guerison des deux lesions. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1906, ii, 596-601. Also [Rap. de Siredey]: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 916 — Ilespres. Abces du sein; fievre puerperale tardive; mort en quarante-huit heures. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1896, lxix, 111.—llietz (E.i Eine seltene Complication des Puerperalfiebers. Deufsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, 438-442—Klliott (F. P.) Acase of puer- Puerperal sejiticn-mia (Complications anel sequel e of). peral septicaunia, pvaemia, and insanity. Brit. Gvinec. J.. Lond., 1901-2, xvii, 159-164.—Flliott (J. B.) Case of pneumothorax following puerperal septicemia. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1908, lx, 901-903.—Fay kiss (F.) Empyema thoracis; sepsis puerperalis. Budapesti k. m. t. cuvet. 2. sz. Seb. Klin, betegf. 1906, Budapest, 1907, 21—Fiessin- ger. Tachycardie paroxystique aud6clinde la septi- cemie puerperale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8. s., i, 4s]- 483.—Find ley (P.) Report of cases illustrating compli- cations of puerperal sepsis. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1897, iii, 47-50.— (iolovchiner (M. s.) Febris puerperalis (septicaemia), parotitis metastatica duplex; erysipelas migrans; vizdorovlenive. [. . .: recoverv.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1894, vi, 340-313.— Uoudard (H.) Para- lysie de la vessie accompagnant une infection puerpe- rale guerie par suggestion k l'etat de veille, discussion de l'observation. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1S94, n. s., iv, 298-302.—Heflin (W.) Puerperal infection and its consequences. Alabama M. ticemia (Diagnosis and ami semeiology of). 1891, ii, 127c—Caiide'la (M.) Synthese clinique des j modalites de la fievre puerperale. Cong, period, de gy- nec, d'obst. et de prediat Mem. etdisc 1895, Par., 1^96, 637-639.—Cartlerudem-e Alilleld (F.) Die Lehre von der puerperalen Selbst- infektion und vom Selbsttouchiren in forensischer Be- ziehung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1897, x, 733-746. -----. Kreisarzt und Kindbettfieber. Ibid., 1906, xix, 697-701.—Beinhauer. Ueber den Standpunkt des arzt- lichen Sachverstandigen bei Anklagen wegen Wochen- bettfieber. Preuss. Med.-Bearaten-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl., 1895, xii, 33-64.—Caterina (E.) Sulla patogenesi delle infezioni puerperali dal punto di vista della responsabi- litaprofessionalejun caso di metrite dissecante. Rassegna d' obstet. e ginec, Napoli, 1907, xvi, 155; 246; 362.—Dujj- gan (M.) Puerperal infection; inquiry as to sources and the physician's responsibility. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1901,196-205.—Ekstein (E.) Die puerperale Infektion in forensischer Beziehung. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Frauenh. u. Geburtsh., Halle a. S., 1907, vii, 3. Hft., 1-24.—Freyer (M.) Das Puerperalfieber in foren- sischer Beziehung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1891, vii, 581-589.—Kob. Drei in einem kurzen Zeitraum hin- ter einander in foro verhandelte Fiille von Puerperalfie- ber. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.,Berl., 1905,xxx, 11-25.— Kostlin. Die forensische Bedeutung des Puerperalfie- bers. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1904, xix, 720-742.—Rauber. Eine Anklage wegen Wochenbett- fieber. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1896, ix, 29-33.— Responsabiltte du medecin et de la sage-femme en cas d'epidemie puerperale. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hvg. de l'enf., Par., 1890, iii, 97-101.—Strassner. Bestrafung einer Hebamme wegen unterlassener Einholung von Ver- haltungsmassregeln bei Kindbettfieber. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1900, xiii, 43-15.—Szab6 (D.) A gyerme- kagyi \kz torv6nysz6ki orvosi szempontbol. [Puerperal fever in its forensic relations.] Gy6gya.szat, Budapest, 1893, xxxv, 25; 39. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 301; 415.—Verco (J. C.) Should a medical man practice midwifery while in charge of a case of puerperal fever? Intercolon. M. Cong. Tr. Melbourne, 1889, ii, 684-691.—Waloher. Ueber die Stell lung der Oberamtsarzte zum Kindbettfieber. Med. Cor.. Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1907, lxxvii, 657-661 Puerperal septicemia {Mi,veil infection in). See, ulse>, Puerperal erysipelas; Puerperal septicemia (Complications, etc., of). Kleinknecht (A.) * Beitrag zur Frage der Mischinfectionbei Puerperalerkrankungen. S°. Strassburg i. E., 1895. Agresti (A.) Contributo alio studio .delle associa- zioni microbiche nella infezione puerperale. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1899, ii, 221-227.—Aui'recht. Atypische Pneumonie bei puerperaler Endometritis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1900, lxv, 633-636.—Blumer (G.) Acase of mixed puerperal and typhoid infection in which the streptococcus and the typhoid bacillus were isolated both from the blood and the uterine cavity. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1899, xxxix, 42-50.—Roubier (C.) Pneumonie k streptocoques dans la convalescence d'une infection puerperale. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 101-105.—So- lovyetfi A.S.) Peritonit:stuberculosaetseptica(k vop- rosu o smleshannikh poslierodovikh zabollevaniyakh). [ . . . ; mixed puerperal diseases.] .1. akush. i jensk. bo- liez., St. Peterb., 1890, iv, 785-792.—Spatswood (D. J.) Puerperal fever and erysipelas; infant one month old with erysipelas of head, face, neck, trunk, and extremi- ties; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 14. Puerperal septicemia {Pathology of). See Puerperal septicem ia (Causes, etc., of). PUERPERAL. 104 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia (Phy.sician^s re- lation to). See Puerperal septicemia (Jurisprudence of). Puerperal septicemia {Prevention of). See, also, Contagion, etc. (Prevention of, Pub- lic measures relating to); Labor (After-treatment of); Midwives (Functions, etc., of); Obstet- rics (Antiseptics in). Ahlfeld (J. F.) In Angelegenheiten der Leipziger Instruction fiir Hebammen iiber die zur Verhiitung von Wochenbettkrankhei- ten einzuhaltenden Yorsichtsmassregeln. 4°. [Leipzig, 1879, vel subseq.~\ Axweisuxg fiir die Bekiimpfung des Kind- bettfiebers (Wochenbett-, Puerperalfiebers). Heft 3. 16°. Berlin, 1906. Bischoff (J. J.) Zur Prophvlaxis des Puer- peralfiebers. 8°. Basel, 1876. " Brc.viLLE (P.) *De {'importance des injec- tions intra-uterines de sublime au millieme dans la prophylaxie des septicemics puerperales. 8°. Paris, 1900. Byrne (J. A.) Observations on puerperal fever and puerperal mortality, in reply to Evory Kennedy's paper, entitled "Zymotic diseases, as more especially illustrated by puer- peral fever ", made at the meetings of the Dub- lin Obstetrical Society, session 1868-9. 8°. Dublin, 18fi!>. Dieckmeyer (O.) *Die neuen in Fra^e der Aetiologie und Prophylaxe des Kindbettiiebers hervorgetretenen Ansichten. 8°. Jena, 1893. Hesse (E. [F. K.]) *Zur Prophylaxe des Puerperalfiebers. 8°. Greifswald, 1892. Holowko ( A.) * Ein Beitrag zur Prophy- laxe der Puerperalerkrankungen mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung der Lehre von der Selbst- infection. 8°. Dor pat, 1890. Also, in: Ber. u. Arb. a. <1. Cniv.-Frauenklin. zu Dorpat, Wiesb., 1894, 133-1S2. Kennedy (E.) Hospitalism and zymotic diseases, as more especially illustrated by puer- peral fever or metria; also, a reply to the criti- cisms of seventeen physicians upon this paper. 2. ed. 8°. Lonebm, 1869. 8'ce, also, infra, Madden. Lahm (K.) * Zur Entstehung des Kindbett- fiebers. 8°. Wurzburg, 1892. Lydston (G. F.) The prophylaxis and treat- ment of puerperal septicaemia and the puer- peral inflammations. 8°. Chicago, 1884. Madden (T. M.) Observations on the cure and prevention of puerperal fever, made before the Dublin Obstetrical Society, 8th May, 1869, in reply to Evory Kennedy's paper on zymotic diseases. 8°. Dublin, 1869. Cuttiiujfrom: Rep. Dublin Obst. Soc, 1869, 48-54. Maisch ( J. ) Das Kindbettfieber und die Hebammenfrage. 8°. Berlin & Nemeied, 1893. Paquet ( F. ) Application de la dosimetrie au traitement preventif des accidents puerpe- raux. Memoire communique [au] Congres in- ternational de medecine dosimetrique de Ma- drid. 8°. [Paris, n. d.~\ Penna de Carvalho (J. B.) *Da prophy- laxia da infeccao puerperal, roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1905. Triaire (P.) Xote sur le traitement preven- tif de la fievre puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1875. Tschaeche (J. ) * Ueber Prophylaxis des Puerperalfiebers. 83. Greifswald, 1889. Ttrazza (G.) Patologia e terapia delle in- fezioni puerperali con speciale riguardo alia Puerperal septicemia (Pr< ccntion of). profilassi ed antisepsi ostetrica. 8°. Milano, [1892]. Weisl. Die antiseptische Behandlung wiih- rend des Wochenbettes als Mittel zur Verhii- tung und gegen die Yerschleppung des Kindbett- iiebers besprochen fiir Hebammen. 2. Aufl. S°. Prag, 1878. Alilleld (P.) Beitrage zur Frage von der Entstehung der fieberhaften Wochenbettserkrankungen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1900, xiii, 191-227. -----. Lassen sich Infektionen mit todlichem Ausgnnge in Entbindungsanstalten, die dem Lehrzweckediencn, ver- hiiten? Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 985- 991.—Albert (W.) De l'endometrite microbienne la- tente danslagrossesse; fievre purperale et sa prophylaxie. [Abstr.] Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1901, lvi, 41- 56.— Aretander (H.) Om Forholdsregler med Barsel- feber. [On measures against puerperal fever.] Ugeskr. f. Lager, Kjobenh., 1908, lxx, 329-334.—Aust. Die kreis- iirztliche Kontrole der Hebammen bei Kindbettfieber- Erkrankungen. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, viii, 453-456.— Banta (F. M.) The prevention of sepsis in the practice of midwifery. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 39- 42.—Barker (T. K.) The advantages of antiseptic irri- gation of the parturient canal before and alter labor. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1*93, n. s., xvii, 212-216.—Bass (A.) Neueres iiber die Prophylaxe und Therapie der puerpera- len Sepsis. (Sammelrefcrat iiber die Literatur der Jahre 1897, 1898 u. 1899.) Centralbl. f. d. Grenzsrcb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1902, v. 12; 75; 107— Bauer (,.l. L.) The pre- vention and treatment of postpartum and post-abortion infection. St. Louis M. Era, 1895-6, iv, 45-49—Beatty (T. E.) Observations on the cause and prevention of puerperal f ver in lying-in hospitals. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1869, xlviii, 298-309.—Berlioz (P.) Immunitecontre la fievre puerperale rompue par des hemorrhagies graves. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1892, xvi, 264.— Bidone (E.) Infezione puerperale; profilassi e sieroterapia. Lucina, Bologna, 1896, i, 113-121:1897, ii, 3-8.—Bokelmann (W.) Zur Verhiitung von Fieberfiillen im Wochenbett Zen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 821-825.—Boquel (A.) Du traitement prophylaetique de l'infection puer- perale. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1902, vi, 15.5-180.—Bussl (L. M.) Sull' infezione puerperale a domicilio e sul- • 1' urgenzadi modiricare il vigente regolamento ostetrico; memoria indirizzata al prof. Santoliquido. Ann. di ostet. Milano, 1898, xx, 559-583. Also: Corriere san., Milano, 1898, ix, 470-475.—Briggs (W. A.) The abortive treat- ment of puerperal affections. Am. Gvnac. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1898, xii, 762-764. -----. The prevention and treat- ment of puerperal infections. Occidental M. Times, Sac- ramento, 1898, xii, 113-121. [Discussion], 159-164 —Brit- ton (YV.) The prevention of puerperal fever. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1889-90, xxii, 299-304. — Brouliead (G. L.) Prophylaxis of puerperal sepsis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 653.—Budin (P.) Le service d'accouche- ments de la Charite. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1891, xiii, 1035- 1051. -----. Precautions k prendre poureviter l'infection puerperale. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1905. xxxiii, 297- 299.—Byers (J. W.) Puerperal fever; its nature, preven- tion, and treatment Dublin M. J., 1891, xci, 410; 473. -----. Suggestions for the prevention of puerperal infec- tion in private practice. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1904, cxviii, 172-182. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 439-441. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 1314.—C'alderlnl II miglior mezzo profilattieo contro alle infezioni puerpe- rali. Lucina, Bologna, 1907, xii, 81-87.—Cassidi (F.) On the isolation of puerperal fever. Quart. M. J., Shef- field, 1894-5, iii, 122-126.— Charles (N.) Experimenta- tion du liquide physiologique pour les injections vagi- nales et intra-uterines, du 25 septembre au 28 novembre 1891, n°s 383 a 481 de la statistique; causes de la septice- mie; hetero-infection et auto-infection; discussion. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1892, xiii, 2; 13.—Chase (W. B.) The prevention of puerperal septicaemia. N. York J. Gvnac & Obst, 1893, iii, 810-817. Also, Reprint—Chazan (S.i Sind dieGrundsiitzeder Aseptikin ihrem vollen I'mfange in der Nachgeburtsperiode durchzufiihren? Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 1061.—Coroinilas (G. P.) Infection puerperale de nature paludeenne et moyens prophylactiques. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., lu6.—Cragln (E. B.) The preven- tion of maternal infection. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1908, lviii, 490-193.—Crede (B.) Die Prophylaxe der Sepsis bei Laparotomien und bei Eingriffen am Uterus. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1898, viii, 583-590. -----. Zur Prophylaxe des Puerperalfiebers. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 163-165. Also, Reprint— (uzzi (A.) Patogenesi e profilassi della febbre puerpe- rale. Collez. ital. di lett s. med., Milano, 1892, 7. s., 227- 273.—Danlbrtlt (L. L.) Rules for the guidance of nurses to prevent infection of the birth canal. Homeop. J. Obst, N. Y., 1901, xxiii, 361-363.—Darder (T.) Estudiode lain- fecci6n ensus relaeioncs eon la profilaxis puerperalen Pal- ma. Rev.balear de cien. med., Palma deMallorca, 1889, xvi, PUERPERAL. 105 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Prevention of). 414-427.—Bar is (E. P.) The prevention and treatment of puerperal fever. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 199-201.— Davis (J. E.) Practical suggestions for the limitation of puerperal infection. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1907, xx, 271-273. Also: J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1907, vi, 450- 452.—Day (W. C.) Prevention of puerperal septicemia in private practice. St. Louis M. Era, 1895-6, v, no. 4, 3-7.—Discussion (A) on puerperal fever in relation to notification. Brit. M.J.,Lond., 1900,ii,705-709.—Btfder- lein (A.) Zur Verhiitung der Infektion Gebarender. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 1101-1103. -----. Ver- hiitung und Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900. lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 216-219. Also: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1899, xiii, 639-642. Also: Med.-chir Centralbl., Wien, 1900, xxxv, 141-143. -----. Zur Entste- hung und Verhiitung des Puerperalfiebers. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1903, Leipz., 1904, x, 563- 577. -----. Die Erfolge der bakteriologischen Forschung in Erkennung, Verhiitung und Behandlung des Kind- bettfiebers. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1793.—Doertler (H.) Zur Verhiitung des Puerperalfiebers. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 409: 461.—Diinger (A.) Zur Prophylaxis des Wochen- bettfiebers. MonatMhr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Berl., 1907, xxv, 497-499.—Dunlap (F.) Is puerperal fever preventable? A stud v of statistics. Med. Progress, Louis ville, 1890, iv, 800-804.—Kbriiilit (E. D.) Prophvlaxis of puerperal sepsis in country practice. Am. J. Obst NY., 1898, xxxvii, 604-606.—Edgar (J. C.) Pathology and prophvlactic treatment of puerperal sepsis. Med. Xews, N.Y.,1903, lxxxiii, 730-733.—Ekstein (E.) Zur Bekiimpfung des Puerperalfiebers in der geburtshilfli- chen Praxis. Wien. med. Presse, 1905, xlvi, 1681-1683. -----. Zur Sozialhvgiene des Puerperalfiebers. Gvnaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, i, 124: 161. — Fa'rgas. Profilaxis de la infecci6n puerperal. Rev. de cien. med de Barcel., iS97, xxiii, 321; 361. — Fehling (H.) Zur Prophvlaxe und Therapie des Puerperalfiebers. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 1109-1411. — Find lay (\V. J.) The etiology and prevention of puerperal fever. Omaha Clinic, 1897, x, 55-60.—Fischer (L. C.) Preven- tion and treatment of puerperal sep-is. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1905, lvi, 189-200. [Discussion], 208-213. Also: Med. News, N.Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 311-348—From- mel (R.) Zur Prophylaxe der Wochenbettserkrankun- gen. Deutsche med. Wchrschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1*92, xviii, 202-2U4. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1892, xxvii. 364.—Galabin (A. L.) The prevention and treat- ment of puerperal septicemia. Clin. J., Lond., 1897-8, xi, 49-57.—Gain ber (W. P.) Bacteriology in midwifery, and prophvlaxis of puerperal fevers. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1894-, lxxi, 97-100. — Garnett (A. H.) Puerperal fever; are antiseptics a prophvlaxis? Kansas M. Cat., Fort Scott, 1890, i, 139-142.—Garthrlght (R. H.) Puerperal fever: its prevention and treatment. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, <893-4, xx, 229-232.— Goinard. Prophvlaxie de la fievre puerperale. Bull. med. de l'Al- gerie, Alger, 1904, 2. s., xv, 203-206.—Cow (W. J.) On the prevention of puerperal fever in London lying-in hospitals. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 351-358.— Grandin (E. H.) Late infection in thepuerperal state, being a plea' for the routine manual examination of the interior of the uterus after the completion of the third stage of labor. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., ex, 25-29. Also, Reprint. — Greder (W.) Zur Prophylaxis und Therapie des Wochenbettfiebers. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1901, xi,349-351.—Grothan (O.) & Grothan (G. A.) Prevention of puerperal infection practically considered, with brief reference to treatment. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1908, xiii, 455-461.—Ground (W. E.) The causes and prevention of puerperal sepsis (fever j. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii. .543-546. Also: Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 541-546.—Haas (A.) La lutte contre la fievre puerperale. Pratique jour., Lille, 1895-6, i, 177-188. Also, Reprint.—Hamburg; Anweisung des Medizinalkollegiums fiir das Verhalten der Hebammen zur Verlnitung des Wochenbettfiebers: vom 25. October 1894. Veroffentl. d. k.Gsndhtsamtes.Berl., 1895, xix, 137- 110.—Hanks (H.T.) The prevention and management of pelvic inflammation of puerperal women. Am. Med.- Sursr. Bull., N. Y., 1893, vi, 357-368. Also,. Reprint— Harnsberger (S.) Preventive treatment of puerperal fever. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1900-1901, v, 256-260.—Harris (S.) Puerperal infection; its causes and prevention. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1899-1900, xii, 637- 645. Also: Tr.M.Ass.Alabama, Montgomery, 1900,495-507 — Hart (I). B.) The prevention of puerperal septicaemia. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 310-318.—Hegar (A.) Zur puerperalen Infektion und zu den Zielen unserer modernen Geburtshilfe. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1889, No. 351 (Gyniik., No. 101, 2537-2554).—Henries- son (B. A.) Till fragan om den puerperala allman- infektionens behandling medelst framkallande af lokala abscesser. [Zur Frage von der Bekampfung der puerpe- ralen Allgemeininfektion durch Hervorrufung lokaler Abscesse. Ref.. p. xxiii.] Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1905, xlvii, 521-535.—Henry (J. M.) Pre- Puerperal septicemia {Prevention of). vention and treatment of puerperal fever. Utah M. J. [Denver M. Times], 1906-7, 119-134—von Herff (O.) Wie ist der zunehmenden Kindbettfiebersterblichkeit zu steuern? Mindcrung der Operationen; Besserungder Des- infektion in der Hauspraxis. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1907, liv, 1017-1021. -----. Im Kampfe gegen das Kindbettfieber; ein Mahnwort an Aerzte. Samml. klin. Vortr.,Leipz., 1908,n.F.,No.487 (Gyniik., No. 177,265-2981.— Herman (G. E.) The prevention of puerperal fever in private practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 74-78 — Hirsch (M.) Zur Verhiitung der puerperalen Wund- infektion. Mod. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 652; 679.—Hoi- nieier (M.) Zur Prophylaxis der Wochenbetterkran- kungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 1321-1323. -----. Zur Prophylaxis der Wochenbett- erkrankungen. Munchen med Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 821- 823. -----. Die Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers in den geburtshilflichen Unterrichtsanstalten. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1897, No. 177 (Gyniikol., No. 65, 813- 844). Also [Abstr.]: Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1897, 2-5. -----. Zur Verhiitung des Kind- bettfiebers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1898, xxxv, 1009-1013. -----. Zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers. Munchen. med. Wchnschr 1900, xlvii, 1257: 1902, xlix, 737: 793. See, also, infra, von, Scanzoni. -----. Die Verhiitung puer- peraler Infectionen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1901, ix. 83-56. -----. Zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 1913-1916. See, also, infra, von Scanzoni.—Hood (G. F.) How soon after exposure to sepsis may obstetric practice be resumed? Mass. M. J., Bost., 1905, xxv, 193-196.—Hutt'i O.N.) His- tory and prophylaxis of puerperal infection. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xii, 381-394.—Hyndman (J. G.) Anti- septics as a safe-guard against puerperal fever. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 100-103.—Jaeoby (M.) Ueber Prophylaxe und Behandlung des Wochenbettfiebers. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 412-444. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 442-441— Jardine (R.) The prevention of septic infection during labour and the puerperium. J. Obst & Gvnaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1904, v, 240-247.—Kaan (G. W.) Sir Thomas Watson; the causation of puerperal fever, and its prophylaxis by dis- infection and the wearing of gloves. Ann. Gvnec & Pe- diat, Bost., 1908, xxi, 216-219.—Kinyon (C. B.) Puer- peral infection and its prevention. Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xxiii, 210-218.—Klein (J.) Ueber die Ver- hiitung der Fieberanfalle im Wochenbett. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1904, i, 194.—Kober (G. M.) Prevention of puer- peral fever. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 557-562. Also, Reprint—Kronig. Eine kurze Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz von M. Hofmeier: Zur Ver- hiitung des Kindbettfiebers. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1900, xlvii, 1422.— Krohne. Die Verhiitung und Bekampfung des Kindbettfiebers. Preuss. Med.-Beam- ten-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl., 1905, 6-38. — Landsberger (J.) Zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 983-987.—Laps!vuodekuunieen esta- misestii. [Prevention of puerperal fever.] Katilii-Lehti, Helsingissii, 1896, i, 7; 17.—Laure (J.) Sobre profilaxia de la iiebre puerperal. Rev. Soc. med. argent. Buenos Aires, 1892, i, 133-137.— Leedham-Green (C. [A.]) Is it still desirable to abstain from midwifery practice after recent contact with virulent septic matter? Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1904, iii, 146-149.—Lendian (C. R.) Con- sideraciones sobre la antisepsia en el parto; tuberculosis e infeccion puerperal. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1904-6, xiii, 8-32.—Leopold (G.) Zur Verhu- tung des Kindbettfiebers. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii, 541. Also, Reprint. -----■. Wei- terer Beitrag zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers; Riick- blick auf die 1388 klinischen Geburten des Jahres 1887. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1888, xiv. 389- 391. -----. Dritter Beitrag zur Verhiitung des Kindbett- fiebers; Riickblick auf die 1369 klinischen Geburten des Jahres 1888. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1889, xxxv, 149-161. -----. VergleichendeUntersuchnngenuberdieEntbehr- lichkeit der Scheidenausspiilungen bei ganz normalen Ge- burten und iiber diesogenannte Selbstinfection. Arch. f. Gynaek.,Berl., 1894,xlvii,580-634,3tab.—Leopold (G.) & G old berg. Zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers (Ent- hehrliehkeit der Scheidenausspiilungen bei normalen Geburten, Beschrankung der inneren Untersuchungen und grosstmogliche Verwerthung der iiusseren Unter- suchungin der Geburtshiilfe); Riickblick auf das Jahr 1891. Den (schemed. Wchnschr., Leipz.u.Berl., 1892. xviii, 275-279 — Leopold i li.j&Pantzer. Die Beschrankung der inneren und die grosstmogliche Verwerthung der aus- seren Untersuchung in der Geburtshiilfe; vierter Beitrag zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers miteinem Riickblicke auf das Jahr 1889. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1890, xxxviii, 330-366.—lie Saulnier (H.) Prevention of childbed in- fections. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1908, xiii, 640-644.— Lingel. Zur Verhiitung des Puerperalfiebers. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 2183.—Lohlein (H.) Die Verhiitung fieberhafter Erkrankung im Wochen- bett. In his: Gyniik. Tagesfr., Wiesb., 1891-3, 230-264.— Lon<£altcr (D.) The prophylaxis of puerperal septi- cemia. Internat.M. Mag,,N.Y.,1903,xii,647-650.—Ldpez PUERPERAL. 106 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia (Prevention of). Hermosa (A.) Important ia de la desinfeccion de la vagina, en la profilaxis de Jas infecciones puerperales. Gac. med., Mexico, 1903, 2. s, Tii, 59-68.—Lowry iM. J.) Puerperal infection, prevention and treatment. Tr. Mis- sissippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1893, xxvi, 47-51.—Lynds (J. G.) Prophylaxis and treatment of puerperal infection. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1904, iii, 281-285.—McGuire (E.) Prophylaxis and treatment of puerperal sepsis. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1901, Richmond, 1902,165-184—MeNaniara (J.) The prevention of puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 847.—Mangiagalli (L.) Ladisinfezioue della mano in rapporto colla profilassi puerperale. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1902, xix, 248-255.—Mann. Die Prophy- laxe der puerperalen Wundinfektionskrankheiten nach den Vorschriften des preussischen Hebammenlehrbuches von 1904. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1905, xviii, 1-12 — Manton (W. P ) On the construction of small lying-in hospitals, with reference to septic infection. Ph'vsician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1890, xii, 294-300.—mars (A.) O zapobieganiu goraczce pologovvej w zakladach prze- znaczonych do nauczania. [On the prevention of puer- peral fever in institutions intended for instruction.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1898, xxxvii, 163; 177. Also, transl.: Wien. klin Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 435-439.—Martin (C.) On the prevention and treatment of puerperal sepsis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1902, Iii, 337-353 — ITIaternidade de Lisboa: InstruccOes de prophylaxia puerperal, hospi- talar. Correiomed.deLisb.,1890,xix,175— Mathes (P.) Wochenbettfieber und Hebammenfrage. Gvnaek. Rund- schau, Munchen, 1908, ii, 363-368. Also: Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1908, xlv, 101-105.—Mont- gomery (E. E.) Puerperal fever; its prophylaxis and treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 231-233. -----. Puerperal sepsis; its prevention and methods of treatment. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, i, 27-29.—Moran (J. F.) The prophylaxis and treatment of puerperal sep- sis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 615-617.— Morison (F. H.) Prophylaxisof puerperal fever. Pub. Health, Lond., 1901-2, xiv, 92.—Muccl (S.) Sulla profi- lassi della febbre puerperale. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1905, xxi, 637-553—Mucha (I.) Walka z goraczka. pologow^. [Struggle with puerperal fever.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1901, xvii, 847-856.—Mueller (A.) Ueber die Verhiitung der Fieberfalle im Wochenbett. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 817-821.— Nebel (A.) Die Verhiitung des Wochenbettfiebers in der Pri- vatpraxis. Ztschr. f. arztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M., 1892-3, i, 13; 37.—Nesemann. Die Entwicklung der sanitatspolizeilichen Massnahmen in Preussen gegen das Wochenbettfieber und ihre Wirksamkeit Vrtljschr. f. gejichtl. Med., Berl., 1892, 3. F., iv, 347-372.—Neujean (V.) Prophylaxie de l'infection puerperale. Scalpel, Liege, 1907-8, lx, 103-105.—Neumann (A.) Macht die Aenderung des Begriffs Kindbettfieber eine Aenderung der polizeilichen Anzeigepflichtnothwendig? Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 442-447.—Neville (W. C.) On the nature and prevention of the graver fevers of childbed. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1884, 3. s., Ixxviii, 314; 391; 490. Also, Reprint.—Nicholson (H. O.) A clinical lecture on the prevention of fever in the puerperium. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv, 462-464.— Nickel. Ueberdie Meldepflicht von Kindbettfieber nach dem neuen Hebammenlehrbuch. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1905, xviii, 242-244. See, also, infra, Walther.— Noble (C.P.) Prevention of puerperal infection. Rich- mond J. Pract., 1900, xiv, 370-376.—Norris (R. C.) The prophylaxis and curative treatment of puerperal infec- tion. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1897-8, x, 10-21. -----. The prevention and treatment of puerperal infection. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 256-260.—Old (H.) The manage- ment of normal labor for the prevention of puerperal in- fections. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 457-460.—Paget (C. E.) Puerperal fever and the con- trol of midwives. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 365- 378.— Peiser(E.) Klinische Beitrage zur Frage der Ent- stehung und Verhiitung der fieberhaften Wochenbett- erkrankungen. Arch.f.Gynaek.,Berl., 1899,lviii,248-293.— Pestalozza (E.) Sulla prevenzione della febbre puer- perale. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 353-355. -----. Per la profilassi della febbre puerperale. Ibid., 1906, iii, 737-716. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. prat, 182-186.—Pie- dagnel. Note sur unmoyenpreventif dela fievre puer- perale. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1856,xliii, 1007-1009.—Pinard(A.) Puerperalfever.itsetiologyand prevention. Med. Press &Circ,Lond, 1893,n.s.,lvi,471.— Playlair (W. s.) Introduction to a discussion on the prevention of puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18*7, ii, 1034-1036. Also, Reprint.—Polano (0.) Ueber Pro- phylaxe der Streptokokkeninfektion bei Geburt und Ope- ration durch aktive Immunisierung. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt.2, 2. Hlfte., 178. —Porter (W. D.) Prophylaxis of puerperal sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxvii, 496- 501. [Discussion],534-542.—PotenlW. A.) DieAnzeige- pflicht bei Kindbettfieber. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906. xxxii, 881-883. -----. Begriff und Meldepflicht des Kindbettfiebers seitens der Hebamme. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, i, 459-464.—Pot- i Puerperal septicemia (Prerenlion of), ter (W.W.) Puerperal sepsis; its prevention and cure. Ann. Gynsec & Psediat, Pnila., 1892-3, vi, 385-392. Also: Tr. M. Soc.N. Y., Phila., 1893, 89-98. Also: Buffalo M. cfc S. J., 1893-4, xxxiii, 10-19.—Preiss (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1338-1341. — Preussen. Ausfuhrungsbestim- mungen, die Verhiitung des Ki ndbettfiebers betr. Verof- fentl. d. k. Gsndhtsainres, Berl., 1689, xiii, Ergnzngshft., 28-35.—Prolilaxis (La) de la fiebre puerperal. Gac. med. de Costa Rica, San Jose de Costa Rica, 1905-6, x, 99- 102.—Proust (A.) Instruction prophylactique relative a la fievre puerperale. Compt. rend. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Seine, Par., 1897,167.— Uueirel. "Prophylaxie de la septicemie puerperale a la Clinique obstetricale de Marseille. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse.l s9-\ i-195-197.— Bape (W.A.) Puerperal septicemia, and some of the methods of its prevention. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Aiwin, 1899, xxxi, 190-196.—Becaseus (s.) Profilaxis y trata- miento de las infecciones puerperales. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract, Madrid, 1904,Iii, 161-174.—Biss (R.) Traite- ment preventif de l'infection puerperale par Pecouvil- lonnage et les attouchements iod£s. Rev.mens.de gy- nec, d'obstet. etdepediat, Par.,1908, iii, 172-178.—Bose- water (C.) Some points in the prevention and treat- ment of puerperal fever. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1894-5, x, 101-114. Also: Omaha Clinic, 1894-5, vii, 481-487.—Bo- slnski. Ueber das Wesen des Kindbettfiebers und fiber die Grundzuge derDesinfeetion. Allg. deutsche Hebam.- Ztg., Berl., 1892, vii, 269-271.—Bozenblatt (Ya.) K profilaktik!epo3llerodovikh zabolievaniy. [Prophylaxis of puerperal diseases.] J.akush.i jensk.boliez., St. Pe- terb., 1892, vi, 1073-1084. — Saborit (E.) Las defensas natura'es del organismo contra la infeccion enelemba- razo, parto v puerperio. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1899, xxv, 881-889. -----. Valor de las defensas gestacio- nales en la profilaxis de la infecci6n puerperal. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1902, xvi, 77-79.—Saft (H.) Zur Prophylaxe und Therapie des Wochenbettfiebers. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1896, Iii, 579-620.—Sarwey(0.) Ueber die in klinischen Lehranstalten bestehende Nothwendig- keit einer geburtshilflichen Abstinenzzeitfiir "inficirte" Stndenten. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1895, No. 122 (Gyniikol., No. 47, 363-386).—von Scanzoni (C.) Ueber den Wochenbettsverlauf bei priicipitirten Gebur- ten und solchen Geburten, bei denenkeineHilfeleistung von Seiten geburtsleitender Personen stattfand. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 80-96. -----. Entgegnung auf den Aufsatz des Professor Hofmeier: Zur Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1102. — Schenk (P.) Der gegenwartige Stand- punkt in der Bekampfung des Kindbettfiebers. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1901, xxxiii, 267-284.—Schftnleld (G.) Die Massregeln zur Ver- hiitung des Kindbettfiebers auf den geburtshilflichen Kliniken der preussischen Universitaten. Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1889, i, 175-187.—Shoemaker (G E ) The preva- lence and the prevention of puerperal infection in pri- vate practice. Proc Phila. Co. M.Soc, Phila., 1898, xix, 167-170. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1898, 3. s., xiv, 809- 813.—Slgwart (W.) Moderne Bestrebungen der Pro- phylaxe des Puerperalfiebers. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii 1207-1215.—Skeel (R. E.) Theetiol- ogv and prophylaxis of puerperal sepsis. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1896, 335-344.—Smith (A. L.) On the pre- vention and treatment of puerperal fever. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1892, xvii, 339-356. Also: N. York J. Gynaec & Obst., 1892, ii; 1015-1029. — Sprigg (W. M.) Puerperal infection and its prevention. Am. .1. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxvii, 491-496. [Discussion], 529-531.—Ntar- zewski (J. ) O zapobieganin goraczce polosjowcj i przyrannej. [On the prevention of puerperal and wound fever.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1898, xxxvii, 304: 317.— Stephenson (W.) On the preventionof sepsis in mid- wifery. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1905, xvi, 313-319 — Stieher. Handesterilisation und Wochenbetts-Morbi- ditat. Ztschr.f.Geburtsh.&Gynrek.,Stuttg., 1901,xlv,510- 555. [Discussion]: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1901, Brest, 1902, lxxix, med. Sect., 207-219. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, Ver.-Beil., 293.—Taylor (W. H.) The prevention of infection during and after labor. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, 1899, 356-363.—Temple (J. A.) The etiology of puerperal fever, and the method of preventing this dread condition. Canad.Pract.,Toronto,1890,xv,325-327 — Trush (J.) Concerning the prophvlaxis of puerperal fever. Tr.Obst. Soc, Cincin.,1879-85,ii, 103-118.—Valen- zuela (J.) Sur un moyen pratique concernant la pro- phylaxie de la fievre puerperale aprfes l'accouehement. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 111-116.—Varden (R. B.) The prevention of puerperal sepsis. Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, ii, 140-143.—Varnier (H.) L'infection puerperale; les moyens de la prevenir et de la combattre. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hvtr. de l'enf., Par., 1889,ii,33; 97; 129; 161: 1890, iii, 10; 46. Also [Abstr.]: Nice-med., 1888-9. xiii, 136; 156.—Velledniug til fore- byggelse af barselfeber. [Guide for the preventionof puerperal fever.] Tidsskr. f. .lord mad re, Kristiania, 1907, xiii, 66-70.—Velt (J.) Zur Prophylaxe des Puerperal- PUERPERAL. 107 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septic;emia(Preventiem of). fiebers. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 467-470. Also: Frauenarzt, Berl., 1891, vi, 394-403.—Viana (O.) A pro- posito della prevenzione della infezione puerperale. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 4*5-494.—Walther. Wei- tere Erorterungen fiber die Meideptiicht bei Kindbett-' tieberfallen, als Erganzung zu Dr. Nickels Aufsatz. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1905, xviii, 473-479. -----. Was muss die Hebamme heutzutage vom Kindbettfieber wissen? Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Bert, 1906, xxi, 35; 55.—'\Veissj»'erber (P.) Vorrichtung zur Desinfek- tion der Seheide und Verhiitung des Wochenbettfiebers. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Bert, 1894, xv, 609.—Wetherill (H.G.i The prevention of puerperal septicemia. Colo- rado M. J., Denver, 1900, vi, 429-434— Whittle (G.) Some points in the prophylaxis and treatmentof puer- peral fever. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 267-286.— Williams (W.) Puerperal septicaemia from a public health aspect Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 379-386.— Wilson (E. J.) The prevention of puerperal septic in- fection in private practice. Columbus M. J., 1898, xx, 301-313. (Discussion], 317-326.—Wilson C\\) On the nature and prevention of puerperal fever. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1898, xliii,65-83. Also [Abstr.]: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1898, xiv, 264-266.—Winter (G.) Ueber Ursaehen und Verhiitung des Kindbettfiebers. Allg. Deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1888, iii, 49; 57; 67. Also, Reprint— Wolczynski. Ueber Schutzmassregeln gegen die Verbreitung des Wochenbettfiebers und Re- formen des Hebammenwesens. Gvnaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, i, 333-339.—Wygodski (J.) Pro- filaktykagoraczkipologowej. [Prophylaxisof puerperal fever.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 377-382.— Zillesen (O.) Wie gestaltet sich die Anzeigepflicht fiir Puerperalfieber nach unseren neuesten gesetzlichen Bestimmungen in Preussen? Arch. f. Gynaek., Bert, 1907, lxxxi, 263-270.—Zweifel (P.) Die Prophylaxis des Puerperalfiebers. Bert klin. Wchnschr., 1878, xvi, 4-6. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber die Verhiitung der Fieberfalle im Wochenbett. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh, zu Leipz. (1904), 1905, 37: (1905), 1906, 51. Also: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 681: 1906, xxx, 5. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsdh. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1905, Leipz., 1906, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., IM. Puerperal septicemia (Statistics of). Boerner (E. H. R.) *Das Puerperalfieber in der geburtshulflichen Klinik des kgl. Cha- rite-Krankenhauses zu Berlin 1885-94. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Caldero.v y Calderon* (J. B.) * Breves apuntes para la historia de la metritis puerperal en Mexico. 8°. Mexico, 1877. Clarke (J.) An essay on the epidemic dis- ease of lying-in women of the years 1787 and 1788. 4°". London, 1788. -----. The same. Versuch iiber die epi- demische Krankheit der Kindbetterinnen, welche in den Jahren 1787 und 1788 herschte. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von G. W. Cons- bruch. 16°. Meirburg, 1792. ------. The same. Ueber die epidemische Krankheit der Kindbetterinnen, welche sich im Jahr 1787 und 1788 ereignete. 8°. [n. p., n. d.~\ Also, transl. in: J. de med., chir., pharm., [etc.], Par., 1791, Ixxxvi, 31; 166. Ftscher-Duckelmaxn (Anna). *Die vom April 1888 bis Januar 1895 in der Ziircher Frauenklinik beobachteten Fiille von Puerperal- fieber. 8°. Zurich, 1896. Gminder (C.) * Ueber eine kleine Puerperal- fieber-Epidemie in der Universitiits-Frauen- klinik zu Erlangen. Ein Beitrag zur Frage von der Selbstinfektion. 8°. Erlangen, 1904. Ixgersley (E.) Om D0deligheden ved Bar- selfeber i Danmark og Antiseptikens Betydning for samme. [On the mortality of puerperal fe- ver in Denmark and the significance of anti- septics in it.] 8°. Kjebenharn, 1892. Also, transl. in: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1893, xxvi, 443-479. Kradepohl (L.) *Zur Casuistik des Puer- peralfiebers an der Bonner Frauenklinik 1893-8. 8°. Bonn, 1898. Lachmansky (C.) *Fieber und Todesfiille im Wochenbett in der konigl. Universitiits- Puerperal septicemia {Statistics of). Frauenklinik zu Konigsberg i. Pr. wiihrend der Jahre 1893-7. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., [1898]. Madlener(M.) Die puerperalen Todesfiille der Munehener Frauenklinik 1887-91. (Casuis- tisch-statistischeBeitrage.) 8°. Munchen, 1892. de Marval(C) * Ueber Mortalitiit und Mor- biditiit des Puerperalfiebers an der geburtshulf- lichen Klinik zu Basel wiihrend des Decenniunn 1887-96 incl. 8°. Basel, 1897. Meyer (J.) *Febris puerperalis epidemica (jualein inter proximum superius decennium deprehendinius. 8°. Bostochii, 1842. MI'ller (C.) *Statistische Untersuchungen fiber die Pyaemia metastatica puerperalis. 8°. Berlin, 1869. Perrin (T.) *Die Mortalitiit an puerperalen septischen Prozessen in der Schweiz vom Jahre 1891 bis und mit 1895, statistisch bearbeitet. 4°. Bern, 1898. Sachs (E.) *Die puerperalen Erkrankungen und Todes'falle der septischen Abteilung der Strassburger Frauenklinik 1891-1901. [Stras*- burg i. E.] 8°. Berlin, 1902. Schnitter ({).) *Der heutige Stand der Puer- peralfieberfrage dargethan im Anschluss an die Beobachtung einer kleinen Wochenbetts-Stadt- epidemie. 8°. Strassburg, 1891. Schroeder (E.) * Ueber eine leichte Puer- peralfieberendemie in der Kieler Frauenklinik, nebst Untersuchungen fiber das Verhalten der Morbiditiit und Mortalitiit in der geburtshulf- lichen Abteilung wiihrend der Jahre 1886-92. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Schroter (K.) Statistik der fieberhaften Puerperalprozesse der Giessener Frauenklinik aus den Jahren 1894-7. 8°. Giessen, 1898. Tonnelle (L.) Des fievres puerperales ob- servees a la maternite pendant 1'annee 1829, dans le service de Desormeaux; des differens moyens employes pour les combattre, et speciale- ment des saignees locales et generates, des vomitifs et des mercuriaux. 8°. Paris, 1830. Weber (E.) Beitrage zur Mortalitiits-Statis- tik an septischen puerperalen Prozessen. 8°. Bern, 1890. Alilleld (F.) Bericht fiber zwei Puerperalepidemien. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1877, clxxiv, 193-201. Also, Re- print.—Bacon (C. S.) The mortality from puerperal infection in Chicago. Am. Gvnsec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii, 429-446. [Discussion ],"526. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc, N. Y., 1895-6, 116-133. [Discus- sion], 146.—de Bovis (R.) Remarques sur les cas d'in- fection puerperale observes k la Clinique obstetricale de I'Ecole de medecine de Reims pendant l'annee 1901. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1902, xxvi, 73; 88.— Ballard (W. E.) Puerperal infection in New York Citv. Who is responsible? Can it be prevented? N.York J. Gynaec. & Obst, 1894, iv, 399-404. Also, Reprint— Burdick (A.) A curious epidemic [of puerperal sep- ticemia]. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 639.—Cowen (H. O.) Some aspects of the mortality from puerperal sepsis. In- tercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1904, ix, 381-387. [Discussion], 422-427. — worth ( C. J.) An inaugural address on the undiminished mortality from puerperal fever in England and Wales. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1897, i, 573-575. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 643-648. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1897), 1898, xxxix, 91-114. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiii, 242-244. — Killers. Zur Statistik des Puerperalfiebers. [Discussion.] Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttjr., 1899, xii, 351-355. — Ekstein ( E. ) Die zweiten funf Jahre geburtshilfiicher Praxis; ein Beitrag zur Puerpe- ralfieber-Frage. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Frauenh. u. Geburtsh., Halle a. S., 1904, vi, 1-48.—Fies- sinner (C.) La septicemie puerperale dans les cam- paniles. Gaz. med. de Par., 1894,9. s., i, 183-185.—Funke. Statistik und Anzeigepflicht bei Puerperalfieber. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1906, iii, 214-217.—l.alabln (A. L.) Annual variation of puerperal fever compared with that of some allied diseases. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. 1901-2, Lond., 1903, 121-134. Also: Lancet, Lend., 1902, i. 1671-1675.— Halm (\V.) Die Verbreituns des Puerperalfiebers in Oesterreich im letzten Janrzehnt. Wien. med. Presse, PUERPERAL. 108 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Statistics of). 1903, xliv, 1974-1979. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl.d.Gesel'lsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., :19. — Heekinir. Ueber Puerperalfieber - Statistik. Zt-chr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1891, iv, 625-630.— von Hehleken (C.) Om den puerperala dodligheten i Finland. [On the mortality of puerperal fever in Fin- land.] Finska lak.-adsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1893, xxxv, 760-764.—He I lie r (J. B.) On an epidemic of puerperal fever a century ago. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 422-428.—Honck (E.) Zur Hebammenfrage und Puerperalfieberstatistik. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F Leipz., 1897, No. 174 (Gynakol.. No. 63, 753-794).—Iiiiier- sleviE.) OmBarselfeberdudeligheden. [Themortality of puerperal fever.) Tidsskr. f. Jordem0dre, Kj0benh., 1892-3, iii, 143-151. — Loewenstein ( H. 1 Klinisch- statistische Beitrage zur Puerperalfieberfrage. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl ,1901, lxv, 40-71.—JIH'Iintoek. Recent epidemic of puerperal fever as it appeared in the Dublin Lying-in Ifo-pital. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc, 18.54-5, 96- 106.—Jlayssrler (0.) De 1'hospitalisation des femmes en couches infertees; statistique comparee du service d'isolement et des services generaux de l'h6pital Lari- boisiere. Rev. obst. internat, Toulouse, 1897, iii, 202- 208.— Uiiller (J. C.) Bidrag til Puerperalfeber-Epide- miernes Historic [Report on the history of puerperal fever epidemics.] Ugesk. f. Leeger, Kj0benh., 1840, iii, 49-68. Also, Reprint. — Narlman (T. B.) Puerperal fever in Bombay; its causes and prevention. Indian M.- Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1895, iii, 1-7. A.lso: Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1895, v, 297-Hoo.—Nijhoflf" (G. C.) Integrale statistiek vansterfte en koorts in de verloskundige kliniek der Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen 1898-1901. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec., Haarlem, 1902, xiii, 207- 227.—Perez Beato (M.) Estadistica de la mortalidad por fiebre puerperal. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1894, ix. 269.—Powell (H. H.) Mortality from puerperal in- fection. Surg.. Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 10-13.— Beynolds (E.) The frequency of puerperal sepsis in Massachusetts; its diagnosis and efficient treatment. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, cxxxi, 153-155. Also: Med. Com- municat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1*94, xvi, 413-434.—Taka- zaki (T.) [Mortality from puerperal fever in Japan.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokvo, 1905, vii, 209-246. Also: Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1905, 769; 825. Also: Hokue- tsu Ikwai Kwaiho, Shinto, 1905, 101-131.—Thies (T ) Ueber Fieber im Wochenbett im Jahre 1905. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 1181-1184. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u.Gynak. zu Leipz. (1906), 1907, 55-61. —Velde. Geschichte des Kindbettfiebers im Charite-Krankenhause zu Berlin. Arch. f. Gynaek Berl., 1898, lv, 111-128.—\V—d. Dode af barnsiingsfeber och barnsbord i Sverige 1776-1900. [Deaths from puer- peral fever and parturition in Sweden from 1776 to 1900.] Jordemodern, Stockholm, 1904, xvii, 21-27.—Warren (S. P.) The prevalence of puerperal septicemia in private practice at the present time, contrasted with that of a generation ago. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1905, li, 301-317. Also, Reprint.—Weiss (R.) La mortalidad en la fiebre puerperal. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1894, ix, 270-272. Also: Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1892-4), 1895, vi, 290-294.—Williams (W.) Puerperal mortality. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1895-6, xv, 100-133, 2 tab., 4 ch.—Zandyek. Etude sur la fievre puerperale epide- mique, et en particulier sur l'epidemie qui a regne k Dunkerque, du mois de juin 1854 au mois de mars 1855. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1856, i, 129; 324; 528. Also, Reprint. Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of). See, also, Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of Local); Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of. Op- erative); Puerperal septicemia ( Treatmentof), bg cold and cold baths; Puerperal septicemia (Treat- ment of) by curettage of uterus; Puerperal septi- cemia (Treatment of) by excision of uterus; Puer- peral septicemia (Treatment of) by fixettion ab- scess;. Puerperal septicemia (Treatmentof) by in- travenous, etc., injection of medical solutions; Puer- peral se}>ticemia ( Treatment of) with serums anel attenuated adheres. Baudin (H.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitementde l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1901. Carxcs (J.) * Etude comparative des divers traitementsdel'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1905. Charpentier. Etiologie et traitement de la fievre puerperale. 12°. Paris, 1899. Deetz (G. [E. H.]) *De usu ammonii carbo- nici in febribus puerperalibus. 8°. Berolini, [1850]. Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of). Doxzelli (P. P.) Apologia seconda concer- nente la cura delle febbri puerperali dipendenti dalla deviazione del latte in risposta al dialogo, ed alle lettere su lo stesso argomento del dottor fisico Giuseppe Cerri. 16°. Milano, 1790. Gheorghiu (N.-N.) * Contribution a l'etude clinique du traitement de l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1900. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1900. Gugelot (F.-A.-C.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'infection puerperale. roy. 8°. Lille, 1896. Jost (B.) Zur Therapie der puerperalen In- fektionen. 8°. Greifswald, 1903. Kxapp (L.) Ueber puerperale Infections- Erkrankungen und deren Behandlung. ,s°. Berlin, 1901. Lorenz (A.) *Die Allgemeinbehandlung der puerperalen Sepsis, mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung dreier in der koniglichen Universitats- frauenklinik zu Gottingen beobachteter Fiille. 8°. • Gottingen, 1891. McCaxn (F. J.) The treatment of puerperal infection. 8°. London, 1906. Mars (A ) & Jordan- (H.) O zapobieganiu i leczeniu goraczki potogowej. [Course and treatment of puerperal fever.] 8°. Krakow, 1901. Mulleh (H. G.) * Ueber die Behandlung mittelschwerer und schwererer frischer Puerpe- ralneberfiille durch conservative Methoden. 8°. Marburg, 1903. Nebel (K. A.) * Ueber Puerperalfieber und dessen Behandlung. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Pixard (A.) & Wallich (V.) Traitement de l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1896. Rigal (M.) * Contribution a l'etude du trai- tement de la fievre puerperale. 8°. - Paris, 1902. Sitsixski (A. A.) Liecheniye zaraznikh pos- lierodovikh zabolievaniy v polosti matki. S predisloviyem D. 0. Otta. [Treatment of infec- tious puerperal diseases in the uterine cavity. With preface by D. 0. Ott] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1904. Also, transl. in: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1904, xx, Ergnzngshft, 640-677. de Souza (0. L.) * Tratamento da septicemia puerperal. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1900. Thoizon (A.) *Surun point du traitement de l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1897. Wagner (J. G.) *De medicamento quodam ad puerperarum febres mali moris inprimis sic dictam purpuratam specifico. sm. 4°. Lubece, 1742. Abel (C ) Die Behandlung der vom Uterus ausge- henden septischen Infection. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 1091-1095. [Discussion], 1101-1105. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1900), 1901, xxxi, pt 2, 374-385. [Discussion], pt. 1, 196-206. — Altnian (J. T.) The treatment of puerperal infection. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1904, lxxi, 282-288. Also: In- ternat. J. Surg., N.Y, 1904, xvii, 265-268.—Asabu (T.) [A case of petrified foetus, and the treatment of puerperal fever.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokvo, 1903, v, 92-102.— Ash by (T. A.) Observations on the clinical history and treatment of puerperal infection. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1893, xxix, 551-558.—Atherton (Ella B.) Salicin used in a case of puerperal fever. Ann. Gvnec. & Pediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii, 299-302.—Atkins (J.) A severe case of puerperal septicaemia; recoverv. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1904, ix, 43-46. —Aulrec'ht. Zur Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1901, xv, 222-224:—Ayers < E. A.) The pathology and treatment of puerperal infection. Tr. Pan.-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 973-976.—Bacon (('. S.) Treatment of puerperal fever. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1903, xl, 1049-1051.—Barnay cfc Roland. Retention placentaire complete avec adln rences. septicemic puer- perale; curage, ecouvillonnageettamponnement uterins; guerison. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1889, viii, 391-394.— PUERPERAL. 109 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of). Barreiro. Tratamiento sobre la infeccion puerperal. Key. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1902, xxx, 354-360.— Bell (A. C.) Report of a case of septicemia and it- treatment Denver M. Times, 1899-1900, xix, 512.—Ben- necke (A.) Neuere Bestrebungen bei der Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek Berl., 1903, xviii, 76-84.—Bishop (H. D.) The treat- ment of puerperal infection. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Chicago, 1903 568-576. Also: Cleveland M. A S. Reporter 1903, xi, 369-376.—Boise (E.) The treatment of puer- peral septicaemia. Tr. Michi M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1896, xx, 690-711. Also: Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Ar- bor, 1S96, xviii, 297-301.—Boldt (H. J.) The treatment of puerperal fever. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., 1901 336-345 Also: Med. Rec, X.Y., 1901, lix, 169-172. — tfonnaire. La cura dell' infezione puerperale. Rassegna d' ostet e ginec, Napoli, 1894, iii, 377; 429. Also, transl..- Tribune med., Par., 1894, 2. s., xxvi, 567-572. Also, transl..- Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 6. s., iii, 47-53.—Branthoiuiue (G.) Un cas de guerison de fievre puerperale; remarques sur le traitement. France med., Par., 1896, xliii, 581- 583.—Breton (A.) Guerison d'un cas grave d'infection puerperale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1904, xviii, 450.—Briekner (S. M.) The rational treatment of fever in the puerperium. Am. J. Surg., X.Y., 1907, xxi, 71-74. Also [Abstr.]: Long Island M. J., Brooklvn! 1907, i, 188-190.—Brown (B.) A reportof six cases of puerperal septicemia, illustrating the results of treat- ment under the old and new methods Tr. M. Soc Virg., Richmond, lssf), 237-249.—Brown iS. A.) Tincture of iodine in puerperal fever. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1908, xv, 122.—Budin (P.) Des accidents d'infec- tion et de la faeon de les traiter. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1900, xxviii, 57; 65; 73; 81. -----. Du traitementde l'infection puerperale. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlvi, 106-130. Also: Obstetrique, Par., 1901, vi, 301- 323. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par.. 1901, xv, 451-454. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1901, xii, 253-257—Biuiiin { h.) Ueber die Erfolge der Localbehandlnng beim Puerperalfieber. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch." Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1893, Leipz., 1894, lxv, pt. 2, 147-155.—Burgos (f.) [Trata- mento da infeccao puerperal.] Rev. med. de S. Paulo, 1904, vii, 27-34. See, also, infra, Magalha-s.—Burlakoff (V.M.) Oblagotvornomdieistvii khinina pri febris puer- peralis. [Beneficent a'-tion of quinine in. . .] Bnlnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Peter>b.. 19u2, xiii,1825-ls2v—Burten- shawi.I.H.) Treatment of puerperal infection. Inter- nat M. Mag.. X. V., 19i'3, xii, 651-654.—Bnrzi (G.) Con- tributo alia cura dell'infezione puerperale. Gazz. d.osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 249.—de Bustaniente i A. s.) Dos casosdeeclarn[»ia puerperal curadospor la punciun lum- bar; hemorragia umbilical curada por una inyecci6n de suero antidiitericn. Rev. med. cubana, Habana, 1908, xii, 5-9.—Byers .1. W.) A plea for the early recognition and treatment of puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1896 ii, 525- 528. -----. The early treatment of acme puerperal in- fection. Brit. Gyna-c J., Lond., 1903^4, xix, 73-79.—Cal- caziii (P.) La cura dell' infezione puerperale. Ras- segna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1903, xii, 669; 784.— Can- naday (J. E.) Present treatmentof puerperal sapremia and puerperal sepsis. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1907, lvi. 0us-610.— Carossa (K.) Eine souverane Methode der Behand- lung d'-s Ivindbettfiebers. Aerztl. Rundschau. Munchen, Is'.n;: vi, 353; 369; 4M — Casiceia i V.) Trattamento delle infezioni puerperali. Pammatone, Genova, 1897, i, nos. 8-10, 73-100.— Charles (X.) Traitement de la septice- mie puerperale. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1897, xviii, 16s: 178.—Chase (W. B.) The treatment of puerperal septi- caemia. Brooklyn M. J.. 1*94, viii, 713-730.—Chazan ( s. I 'H Oepaneia tou eirtAo^eiou irvperov. TaAjji/bs, 'A9qvai, 1893. xxiii, 397; 418.— Coleman fD. J.) The treatment of puerperal sepsis. Old Di amnion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1903-4, ii, 199-205, 1 ch— Corniinas iE.) Curaci6n de una infeccion purulenta puerperal. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1897, xxiii, 94-96.— da Costa Ferreira (A. A.i Sur le traitement des infections puerperales. Cong, internat. de im'd., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 13, 268- 277.—(oil I bourne i J.T.) Treatmentof puerperal septi- caemia. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1904, xvi, 435-139. [Discussion], 478-480.— Co wen (H. O.) [et al.). Re- port of subcommittee of the Medical Society of Vic- toria on puerperal sepsis in private practice. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, 532-535. -t'r.m in (E. B.) The treatment of puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1906, liii, 775-791. [Discussion], 835-846.— Crispo (M.) La febbre puerperale in seguito alle ope- razioni ostetriche, elediflicultadellasuacuranei comuni rurali. Riv. clin.eterap., Napoli,1890, xii,80-85.—Davis (E. P.) The present treatment of puerperal septic in- fection. Phila. M. J., 1903, xi, 804-867.—De Lee (IB.) The treatmentof puerperal fever. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xii, 395-403. [Discussion], 423-427.—I»e Leo. Me todo di cura rapida dell' endometrite puerperale. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet e ginec. 1900, Roma, 1901, vii, 314- 316.—Deinelin. Traitementactuel de l'infection puer- perale. Rev. gen. declin. etde therap., Par., 1894, ix,388. Also: Arch, de tocol. etde gy nee., Par., 1895, xxii, 141-144.— Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of). Discussion (A) on the treatmentof fever following de- livery. Brit M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 965-971— Discussion sur le rapport presentepar M. Gheorghiu sur le traitement de l'infection puerperale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1906-7, ix, 131-147.—Doleris (A.) Accidents tardifs de l'infection puerperale; necessite d'un traitemeii t prolonge. N. Arch, d'obst. etdegynec. Par.. 1895, x, 401- 410. -----. Traitementde l'infection puerperale. Cong. period, de gynec, d'obst. etde paediat, mem. et disc. 1895. Par., 1896, 668-670#-----. Traitement integral de Tin lec- tion puerperale. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gvnec. et de paediat. de Par., I9u\ vii, 226-253. Also: Gvneeologie, Par., 1906, xi, 1-36.—Doniinguez Adaine (F.) & Do- iningucz Adaine (M.) Algunos casos pr&cticos de fiebre puerperal; consideraciones generalessobre el trata- miento actual de e-ta enfermedad. Kev.med. deSevilla, 1897. xxviii, 129: P.l; 225; 289, 321: 1897, xxix, 5; 7; 33; 193; 225; 289; 3 >3 —Draiihicscu. Le traitement local de la septicemic puerperale cmplovea la maternitede Bucarest. Cong, internal, denied. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 137- 111.—Fileuohls^G.M.) Conservative treatment of some cases of puerperal sepsis. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1896, ix, 375.—Fehliiiii' (H.) Therapie des Puerperalfiebers, speciell der allgeiueinen Sepsis. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 322-324. Also: Ztsehr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1891, xiii, 360-366.—FeIdt (C.) The treatmentof puerperal fever. Milwaukee M. J.. 1896. iv, 291.—Felsenreicli. Zur Behandlung des Puerperal- fiebers. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gvnaek. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1889, ii, 86-88.—Ferroni (E.) Cura dell' infezione puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 1255-1261. Also: Arts ostet.. Milano, 1908, xxii. 17; 49— Ferwerda is. It) Acutepuerperaalsepticacmie en luehtinsutllatic. Tijdschr. v.veeartsenijk. Maandbl.. Utrecht. 1905-6, xx xiii. 712-715. —Fisehel (\V.) Zur Therapie der puerpera- len Sepsis. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1882, xx, 1-70, 1 ding. Also, Reprint.—Friinkel (M.) Zur Behandlung des Puerperalliebers. Heilkunde, Berl., 1905, 313-315.— Frank (L.) Treatment of puerperal sepsis. Tr. Ken- tucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1895. n. s., iv, 126-110. Also- Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 369-376.—Fritsch (H. Die Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1890, v, 503-511.— Froniinel (F.) Behandlung der puer- peralen Septikiimie. Handb. d. spec. Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena, 1894, i. 419-438. Also: Ibid., 2. Aufl., Jena, 1897-9, i, 69-75.—Fuller (B.) The treatment of forms of puerperal fever. Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg, 1907, iii, 69-75. — Galabin (A. L.) The treatment of puerperal fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 298-309. —Oari-Jsues ( H. J. ) The present status of the treatment ol puerperal infection. Med. Rec, X. Y 1901, lix, 34-36. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1901, xxiv. 1- 14. Also, Reprint— Gilliam (D.T.) The rational treat- ment of post-partum infections of the uterus. Am. J. Obst, X. Y., 1993, xlviii, 698-707. Also: Tr. Am. Ass Obst. & Gynec. 19.)3, X. Y., 1904, xvi, 165-177. — Glitwcli. Ueber neuere Methoden der PuerperalfieberbehandlunLt Med. Cor.-Bl. d wurttemb.iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1903 1 xxi ii 469; 509— Glyadkolf , S. a.) O llechenii posiierodu- vikh parametritov tyazhestyu. [Treatment of puerperal perimetritis by pressure-weight.] J. akush. i jensk. bo- liez.. St. Petersb., 1901, xv, 273-276.—Gordon (A. K.) Notes on the treatment of puerperal fever. Brit M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 970-972. -----. Some problems in the treat- ment of puerperal septic diseases. J. obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1908, xiv, 257-203.—Goufoert (G.) De Paction antiseptique et microbicide de l'essence de terebenthine, et de son emploi dans le traitement des fievres puerperales. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. de Vaucluse, Avignon, 1908, iv, 29-32. — Govin (E.) Traitement des infections puerperales. j. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1901, xxix, 354: 363; 370; 378: 1902, xxx, 19; 27; 50; 58. —Green (CM.) A case of puerperal septicaemia treated bv supportives and stimulants; re- covery. Boston M. A: S. J., 1899. cxl, 114. [Discus- sion], 118.— Gueniot (P.) Traitement des infections puerperales par retention lochiale due a l'anteflexion uterine. Rev. prat, de gynec., d'obst. et de pediat, Par., 1907, ii, 12.8-131;.—Gutierrez ( E.) Tratamiento de las infecciones puerperales. Rev. de clin., terap. y farm., Madrid, 1895-6, ix, 3; 20.— Guzarcliik (I.) Kapillyar- niy drenazh matki.kak metod liecheniya poslierodovikh endometritov.- [Capillary drainage of the uterus as a method of treating puerperal endometritis.] J.akush.i jensk. boliez., St. 1'etersb., 1898, xii, 138; 325; 493, 4 tab.— Harney (L. G.) The treatment of puerperal sepsis. St. Louis Clinique, 1907, xx, 69-77.—lfauber. Ueber eine crfulgreiche Behandlungsweise bei septisch infizierten Wochnnrinnen. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1894, iv, 529— Hcnrotin (F.) The cure of septic pelvic diseases in women. Am. Gynaec.& Obst J., X.Y., 1896,viii, 689-706. Also, Reprint.—Henry (\V. O.) How shall we treat sep- sis following abortion or labor? Tr. West. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1901, Lincoln, Neb., 1902, 253-266. Also: Med. News, X. Y., 1902, lxxx, 973-976. Also: West M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1902, vii, 369-372.—von HerfffO.) Zur Behand lung des Puerperalfiebers. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1903, xxxiii, 33-41.—Higgins (F. A.) The treat- PUERPERAL. 110 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of), i ment ot puerperal infections at the Boston City Hospital. Ann. Gvnec. & Pediat, Bost, 1900-1901, xiv, 1031-1037. Also: Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., Bost, 1901, 12. s., 55-61.—Hlrigoyen (L«) Note sur le traitement de la septicemie puerperale, apr&s l'accouehement. Cong. period, de gynec, d'obst. et de padiat Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 652-655.—Hirsch (M.) Zur Behandlung riebernder Wochnerinnen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 832- 835.—Hirst (B. C.) Modern methods in the treatment of puerperal infection and their comparative worth. Am. J. obst., X. Y., 1896, xxxiv, 180-184. -----. The treat- mentof puerperal sepsis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 33-36.—Holmes (R. W.) A few remarks on the treatment of puerperal infection. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1904-5, xxi, 241-252. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 1200-1205. Also, Reprint—Htird (E. P.) Treat- ment of the septic accidents of the puerperal state Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1890, 3. s., vi, 439-449.—Jeanuin (C.) De la conduite k teniren presence d'une femme at- teinte d'infection puerperale. Mcdecin prat., Par., 1906, 366-368— Jerome (M. A.) The treatment of puerperal -epsis. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1900, xxvi, 163-166.— .lewett (C.) Themedical treatment of puerperal infec- tion. Am. Gynaec. & Obst., X.Y..1S97, xi,521-531. [Discus- cussion], 616-624. —Johnstone (t.) Histoire d'une femme attaquee d'une fievre puerperale, avec quelques observations generates sur le traitement de cette maladie. Biblioth. med.-phys. du nord, Lausanne, 1783, i, 68-74.— Jung. Xeuere Bestrebungen in der Behandlung der puerperalen Infektion. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1253- 1257.—Kaarsberg (J.) Om Behandling af Barselfeber. [The treatmentof puerperal fever.] Kj0benh. med. Selsk. Forh.,1902-3,83-89. Also [Discussion]: Hosp.-Tid.,K0benh., 1903.4.R.,xi.813-820.—Killebrew (J.B.) Thetreatment of puerperal infection. Georgia J. M. >& S., Savannah, 1900, vii, 158-167. Also: X. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 1031- u'36. — King ( A. F. A.) Treatment of puerperal sep- ticaemia J. Pract. M., N. Y., 1897-8, viii, 361-364. Also: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1897-8, vii, 218-221. — Kinne ( P. S.) Septic fever; acase from practice. N. York M. J.. 1898, lxvii,8S.—Klein (J.) Diemoderne Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1907, iv, 41-45.— Kreutzer (C. A.) The treatment of puerperal sepsis. Milwaukee M. J., 1905, xiii, 191-193.—Kroemer. Thera- piederWochenbetterkrankungen. Deutschemed. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 365.—Kufferath. Kesultats obtenus dans la fievre puerperale k notre cli- nique. Cong, period, internat de gvnec. et d'obst. C.-r. 1892. 'Brux., 1894, i, 14-20— Kusuda (K.) [The treat- ment of puerperal fever.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zas- shi, Tokyo, 1899-1900, ii, 441-454.—Lambinon. Contri- bution k l'etude du traitement de la septicemie puerpe- rale. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1898, lxxvii, 246-262, 1 ch. Also: J. d'accouch., Liege, 1898, xix, 418; 428; 438.— Lange (M.) Mitteilungen iiber das Puerperalfieber im Regierungsbezirk Posen nach den Ergebnissen des neuen Ermittlungsverfahrens inderZeit von November 1906 bis Xovember 1907. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1908, xxvii, 584-591.—Laskine. Du traitement de la fievre puerperale. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1897, lxiv, 396: 434.—Law (G.) The treatment of puerperal -epsis. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1906-7, xxvi, 145-148.— L.eavitti8.) Treatmentof puerperal sepsis. Homceop. 1. Obst., X. Y., 1*86, xviii, 129-137.—Le Dentu (A.) Les infections puerperales aigues et leur traitement. Bull. med., Par.. 1905, xix, 417-420.—Lehinann (M.) Zur Be- handlung des Kindbettfiebers, insbesondere der septi- schen Endometritis. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 1338.— Liepmann. De puerperale pvaemia en haar behand- ling. Med.Weekbl., Amst., 1908, xiv, 512-514.—Lockhart (F. A. L.) The treatment of puerperal infection, preven- tive and curative. Montreal M. J., 1897, xxvi, 122-133. Also, Reprint—Longyear (H. W.) The treatment of puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiv, 481-498. [Discussion], 755-759. Also: Tr Am. Ass. Obst. A: Gynec. 1896, Phila., 1897, ix, 264-297.—Loring (D. J. i The treatment of puerperal infection. Med. News, X. Y., 1901, lxxix, 367-370—McBeath (W.) Antipyrin in puer- peral fever. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1097.—McCann (F.J.) On the treatment of puerperal infection. Ibid., 1905, i, 1403-1406.—Mae hell (H. T.) Treatment of puer- peral sepsis. Canad. Pract, Toronto, 1896, xxi, 559-571.— Madden (E. M.) Two cases of puerperal septicaemia rapidlv cured bv removal to another house. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1898, xiii, 328-331, 1 ch.— Maga- Ihaes (C.) A proposito do tratamento da infeccao puer- peral; respostaaoSnr. Dr. Burgos. Rev. med.deS. Paulo, 1904, vii, 155-158—Mantelin. The importance of the emulation of the fever in the treatment of puerperal sep- ticemia. Dosimet. M. Rev., X. Y., 1895, ix, 217-221.— Martin. Entwicklungder Therapie dessog. Puerperal- febers. X. Yorker med. Monatschr.. 1908, xx, 35-39. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1908, liii, 321.— Martin (C.) The treatmentof puerperal fever. Birmingham M. Rev., 1899, xlv. 12-18.—Martin (E.) Zur Therapie der puerperalen Entzundungen der u eit.lichenSexualorgane. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u Fraiienkr., Berl.. 1865. xxv, 82-106. Also, Reprint.—Massimi n.r.) Sulla terapia delle infezioni Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of). puerperali. Policlin., Rbma,1906,xiii,sez.prat.li;07-b;i I.— Matas (R.) A case of puerperal invasion of the uterus of six weeks' standing completely reduced in one night by the colpeurynter. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1903, N. Orl., 1904.224.—Mattel. Etudes sur la nature et le traitement des fievres puerperales, des resorptions puni- lentes et des resorptions putrides. Monit. d. hf.p., Par 1858, vi, 284; 297; 313; 346. Also, Reprint.— Maygricr (C.) De 1'hospitalisation des femmes en couches in- fectees; statistique comparee du service d'isolement et des services generaux de l'h6pital Lariboisiere. Obste- trique, Par., 1897, ii, 193-197. [Discussion], 279.— Meek (H.) Some views regarding puerperal infection and its treatment from our present-day view-point Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1904, xxix, 61-67.—Mereier (A i L'antikamnia, la therebentineet le serum de Marmoreck dans l'infection puerperale. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1901, xxx, 431-436.—Meteall"(W. F.) Treat- ment of puerperal sepsis. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1903, ii, 131-137.—Milhiet (H.) Traitement de l'infection puerperale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1900, xiv, 459.—Miller (A. B.) Intermediate treatment of puerperal sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 615-623. Also: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst, & Gvnec. 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 62-70.—Mitchell (T. E.) The nature and treatment of puerperal infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 78.— Montgomery (E. E.) Puerperal sepsis; its effects, recent and remote, and how to treat them. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1892, xiii, 287-291. -----. The treatment of puerperal fever. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1896, xii, 330-333. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 1054. -----. The treatment of puerperal sepsis. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 735.—Monzardo (G.) Sulla cura delle infezioni puerperali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 818-822.— Miillerheim(R) Die Behandlungdes Puer- peralfiebers. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 209; 242.—Noble (G. H.) The treatment of puerperal infection. Am J. Obst., N. Y., 1907, lvi, 189- 204. [Discussion], 234. Also: Atlanta Jotir.-Rec. Med., 1907-8, ix, 385-400.—rVu bio la (P.) Cura del vitero sep- tico puerperal. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1905, xviii, 383-387.—Opitz (E.) Ueber Heilungsaussichten und Behandlung der puerperalen Pviimie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1904, xxx, 910; 953; 986.— Osterloh. Beitrag zur Behandlung der puerperalen Sepsis. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch- f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., Munchen, 1901-2,186-197. Also: Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1902, xlix, 894-897.— Palm (H. F.) The treatment of puerperal fever. Times & Reg., N. Y. & Phila., 1899, vii, 482-484.—Parvin (T.) Questions relatives a l'in- fection puerperale et a son traitement. Cong. p<5riod. de gynec, d'obst. etde paediat. Mem.etdisc. 1895, Par., 1896, 645-649.—Pawlowlcz (T.) Przyczynek do leczenia goraezki pologowej. [Contribution on the treatment of puerperal fever.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 608- 611.—Pazzl (M.) Ilmetododi cura piu pratico e pin sicuro per combattere i processi puerperali localizzati, con tavola statistica. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1892, ft. s., xiii, 93; 121; 145. -----. Ilmetododi cura piu pratico ne meno sicuro per combattere i processi puerperali localizzati. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893,xiv,588-600.—Pedraja(J.)&Tanago (G.) Valor terapeutico de los nuevos tratamientos de la fiebre puer- peral. Siglo med.,Madrid,1908,lv,455-457.—Perlsee(M.) Ueber Beseitigung von zuruckgebliebenen Eihautresten und Behandlung der Endometritis puerperalis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 491.—Pestalozza (E.) La terapia odierna delle infezioni puerperali. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1896, 1, 193; 205; 217.— Pichevtn (R.) Du traitement de l'infection puerpe- rale. Semaine gynec, Par., 1901, vi, 249. -----. Traite- ment medical de l'infection puerperale. Ibid., 1906, xi, 49.—Piet&Perrln. Trois cas d'infection puerperale; considerations sur le traitement. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1904, i 645-553 —Pinard (A.) Clinical lecture on the indications for and the method of treatment of puerperal infection. Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 325. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 151-153. -----. Traite- ment curatif de l'infection puerperale. Semaine med , Par., 1895, xv, 373-376. -----. Traitement de l'infection puerperale. Rev. prat, d'obst. etde pediat, Par., 1903, xvi, 14-22. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1902-3, xxxi, 226; 235.—Polak i J. <).) Theclinical value of modern treat- ment in puerperal sepsis. N. York Lancet, 1900, xxi, 165-173. Also: Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1900, xv, 47.5-484. Also: Tr. Ass. Physicians Long Island, Rahwav, N. J., 1900-1901, ii, 28-43. -----. What is conservatism in pelvic infection? Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1904, xcviii,278-284 — van de Poll (C. X.) De behandeling in het tijdperk der nageboorte en van de daarin mogelijke stoornissen. Med. Weekbl., Amst, 1894, i, 182; 205.—Pollak (E.) Die Xucleo-Prote'ide in der Behandlung septischer Krank- heitsformen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1906, lxxix, 479 521.—Pope (G. L.) Some practical remarks on puerpe- ral septicemia and its treatment, with a few illustrative cases. Louisville M. Month., 1895-6, ii, 8-12.—Pozzi. Traitementde l'infection post-abortum. Semaine gvnec., Par., 1898, iii, 57.—Prince (E. M.) Treatment of'puer- PUERPERAL. Ill PUERPERAL. Puerperal septiaemia {Treatment of). peral sepsis. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1907-8, xx, 578- 582.—Pryor (W. R.) Puerperal sepsis; its pathology and treatment. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1900, lviii, 641. -----'. The iodine treatment of puerperal sepsis. X. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 356. -----. Puerperal sepsis, and its treatment by iodine. Ibid., 1904, lxxix, 155-160. Also, Reprint—tfcneirel. Note sur le traitement de la septicemie puerperale. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de paediat Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 676- 678.—Reeve (J. C.) The treatment of puerperal fever. ColumbusM. J., 1882-3,i,494-500. Also, Reprint—Keid- haar. Beitrag zur Behandlung der puerperalen Sepsis. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, xvi, 765- 772.—Bibas y Bibas (G.) Tratamiento de la endo- metritis puerperal. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1905, xix, 505-510.—Rineheart (J. F.) Treatmentof puerpe- ral infection, with report of cases. Tr. Kentuckv M. Soc, Louisville, 1897, n. s., vi, 120-131—Riss. Traitement preventif de l'infection puerperale par l'ecouvillonnage de la caviteuterine et lesattouchements iodes. Marseille med., 1908, xlv, 371-3,3.—Robins (C. R.) The iodine treatment of puerperal sepsis. Charlotte [N. C.l M.J., 1908, xxxii, 195-197.—Rose (D.) Septicaemia following confinement or miscarriage; a treatment believed to be new. X. Y'ork M. J., 1895. lxi, 209.—Rosenstein. Zur Behandlung der puerperalen Sepsis. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1903, xviii, 393-401.—Rose- water (C.) The treatment of puerperal sepsis. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1907, xii, 397-i0"\—Rossi (E.) Per un nuovo metodo nella cura dell' endometrite puerperale. Rassegna d' ostet e ginec, Napoli, 1905, xv, 36-38.—von Rosthorn. Die Behandlung der puerperalen Infek- tion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 897-903.—Rothrock (J. L.) The rational treat- ment of puerperal septic infection. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1892, xii, 318-321.—Rouet (A.) Traitement simple et methodique de l'infection puerperale. Rev. gen. declin. etde therap., Par., 1906, xx,581-583— Schla- voni (M.) Contributo alia terapia dell' infezione puer- perale. Per il xxv anno d. insegn. chir. di F. Durante n. Univ. di Roma, 8°, Roma, 1898, iii, 151-222.—Schmid. Zur Behandlung parametritischer Exsudate im Puerpe- rium. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1896, lxvi, 113-117.—Sehiitz(A.) Zur Therapie des Puer- peralfiebers. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1889, Leipz., 1890, i, pt. 2, 143-157—Scott (J. F.) The treat- ment of puerperal infection. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 125. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt 1, :<76.—Sears (F. W.) The management of puerperal in- fection. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1900, 208-214. Also: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1900, xvi, 295-301.—Seu de Rouville. Hemorrhagic tardive de la delivrance; fievre puerperale; guerison. Bull. Soc med.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc.], Valence & Par., 1903, iv, 155— Shild- kret. K llechenivu rodilnikh zabolievaniy. [Treat- ment Of childbed fever.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1890, xv, 195-198.—Shtshol kin (D. S.) Nlekotoriya soobra- zheniya otnositelno llecheniya rodilnoi goryachki. [Treatment of puerperal fever.] J. akush. i jensk. bo- liez., St. Petersb., 1901,xv,560: 727, 2diag.—Sikes (A. W.) Treatmentof puerperal sepsis. Internat. Therap., N. Y., 1905, i, 227-232.—Silvestri (T.) L' antipirina ad alta dose nella febbre puerperale e nell' erisipela. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1366.—Sinclair (W. J.) The treatment of puerperal sepsis. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1718-1721.—Solt. Ergotin als Prophylacticum und Spe- cificum beim Wochenbettfieber. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1902, xvi, 57-62.—Speidel (E.) The treatment of puerperal infection. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1908, vi, 293-295.—Squlcclarini (P.) II tratta- mento topico dell' infezione puerperale localizzata. Med. ital., Napoli, 1908, vi, 282; 364— Steiner (V.) Zur Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 1163-1165.—Streubel (A.) Ein Beitrag zur aktiven Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Frankf. a. M., 1896, v, 462-465.— Siissmann. Ueber Aptipyrese bei puerperaler Infek- tion. Aerztl. Prax., Berl. u. Leipz., 1901, xiv, ,255.— Swiecieki (H.) Przyczynek do leczenia zakazen po- logowych. [Contribution to treatment of puerperal in- fection J Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1891, xxx, 49-52. Also, transl.: Wien med. BL, 1891, xiv, 228-230. Also, tremsl.: Frauenarzt. Berl., 1891, vi, 196-202. -----. Kilka s!6w o leczeniu garaczki pologowej. [Treatment of puerperal fever.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1891, xxx, 423. -----. Na czem polega korzystny wplyw wyskoku w zakazeniu pologowem? [Can we rely upon favorable action of alco- hol in puerperal infection?] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1892, xx, 761-764.—Szayerowfcz (L.) Krytyczny poglad na terapie,goraczki pologowej. [Treatmentof puerperal fe- ver.] Czasopismo lek., E6dz, 1904, vi, 59-70.—Taft (CE.) Treatment of puerperal sepsis. • Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1904-5, xi, 41-55.—Tarnier. Traitement de l'infection puerperale. Bull. m&L, Par., 1895, ix, 87-89. -----. Du traitement de l'infection purulente des nouvelles ac- couehees. Rev. obst et gynec, Par., 1895, xi, 13-16.— Tauri (A.) Cura della febbre puerperale. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, ostet., 275-277.— Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of). Terapia (Per la) dell' infezione puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 258. — Tow lies (I. T.) Puer- peral fever, with report of seven eases. Louisville Month. J. M.& S., 1900-1901, vii, 1^1-128— Treatment of puer- peral septic diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 572-576 — Turenne (A.) Traitementde l'infection puerperale. Ann. de gynec. etd'obst, Par.,1907,2. s.,iv, 449-464. Also, Imnsl: Rev. med.d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1908, xi,53-65.— Van de Yelde (A.) Traitement de lasepticcmiepuer- perale. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1898, lxxvii, 62-164, 1 ch. — Verchfcre (F.) Traitement de la septicemie puerperale. France med., Par., 1895, xiii. 529-532. Also: Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1895, xvii, 587-591. Also: Cong, period.de gvnec, d'obst. etde paediat, mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1890, 67.S-6K4.—Vineberg (H. X.) The treatmentof puerperal sepsis. Tr. Am. Gvuec.Soc, Phila., 1903, xxviii, 84-119. Also: Am..I. obst., N. Y., 1903, xlviii, 325-338. Also, Reprint—Von Ramdohr (C. A.) The treatment of puerperal fever. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst.. 1892,ii,738-742.—Vorobelehikolf( A.) Posllerodoviya septicheskiya zabollevaniya za poslledniye desyat Het v akushorsko-ginekologicheskol klinikle Imperatorskavo Kharkovskavo Universiteta i sposobi ikh llecheniya. [Puerperal septic diseases during the last ten years in the obstetrico-gynecologic clinic of thelmperial Kharkov Uni- versity, and methods of their treatment] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1901, xviii, 1501-1522.—Wal- ton. Du traitement des inflammations puerperales. ' Bull. Soc. belgedegynec. etd'obst.Brux., 1900-1901, xi,80- 92.—Warden (A. A.) Remarks on the treatment of puerperal infection. Brit M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 989.— Wathen (W. H.) The treatment of puerperal sepsis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898,8. s., i, 83-90.—Walk ins (T. J.) Notes on the treatment of puerperal infections. Chi- cago M. Recorder, 1903, xxv, 212-217. Also: IllinoisM.J., Springfield, 1903^1, n. s., v, 21-27. — Weissmann. Zur Behandlung der vom Uterus ausgehenden septischen In- fektion. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1903, xiii, 177.— WernItz(,I.) Zur Behandlung der Sepsis. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 146-151.-----. Ueber den Vorschlag Zweifels zur Verhiitung von Wochenbetts- erkrankungen. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1908, ii, 97-100.—Wetherill (H. G.) The rational treatment of puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1903, xlvii, 590-598.—Worcester (A.) The treatment of puerperal septic peritonitis; report of cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxviii, 590; 597. Also, Reprint.—Wygodski (J.) Wyniki leczenia goraczki pologowej. [Treatment of puerperal fever.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898,2. s., xviii, 1316; 1339. Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of Local) [by irrigation, drainage, and antiseptics]. Aumond (L.) *De l'iode comme topique uterin dans les infections puerperales. 8°. Paris, 1904. Dobrouskine (Mile. E.) *L'irrigation con- tinue comme traitement prophylactique et cu- ratif tie la septicemie puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1891. Frascaxi (V.) Infezione puerperale et creo- lina. Ricerche sperimentali. 8°. Pisa, 1889. JrxGtsLUTH (G.) * Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf das putride Fieber. 8°. Bonn, 1902. Ligowsky (G. [A.]) *Die Alkoholbehand- lung bei Puerperalfieber. 8°. Greijsmald, 1893. Schabbel (C. E.) * Ueber die Mercurial- behandlung gewisser puerperaler Entzundungs- formen des Uterus und seiner Adnexa. 8°. Heidelberg, 1889. Selhorst (J. F.) * Intrauterine injecties van sjalicylzuur bij febris puerperalis. 8°. Leiden, 1879. Ratini. Contributo alia cura della endometrite set- tica puerperale fatta col drenaggio. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet e ginec, Firenze, 1903, ii, 152-157.—Bellamy (R.) A new instrument for irrigating the uterus in puerperal septicaemia. N.York M. J., 1893, lvii, 144.—Blelogla- zofr* (M.) O bolshikh dozakh slerol rtutnol mazi. [Large doses of gray mercury ointment.] Prakt Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 895-897.—ten Bokkel Huinink (J. A.) De locale behandeling van endometritis puerpe- ralis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haar- lem, 1894, v, 113-146. —Bo rde (L.) II metodo Massa renti nella cura dei processi puerperali. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1891, 7. s., ii, 138-158, 11 diag.— Brindean (A.) Le nettoyage de l'uterus dans l'infec- PUERPERAL. 112 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia (Treeitment of. Local) [by -irrigation, drainage, and antiseptics], tion puerperale. Mementos therap., Par., 1902, 48-51 — Rurteiishaw (J. H.) General puerperal septicemia treated by intra-abdominal irrigation with normal saline solution;'recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 961-963. — t'abanes (E.) Du pansement iodo-iodure repete dans les infections puerperales et par avortement. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1904, 2. s., xv, 185-195. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii. 329.-----. A series of cases of puerperal infection treated by the intrauterine application of iodized gauze. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., Ixxviii, 38. -----. Du pansement iod6 repete dans les infections puerperales. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1906, xvii, 209-214. Also: Rev. prat, de gynec, d'obst. et de pediat., Par., 1907, ii, 330. Continued in: Rev. mens, de gvnec, d'obstet. et de pediat., Par., 1907, ii, 449—Carrutliers (V. T.) Hydro- gen peroxide in puerperal sepsis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1360.—Cenerelll (0.) Un caso di febbre puer- perale guarito col trattamento di acido fenico glicerinato sotto cute. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet ital., Torino, 1899, xlviii, 725-729— Chambers (F. E.) Constant irri- gation in puerperal septicaemia. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1902, xxii, 536-539.—Citernesi (P.) L' irrigazione endo- uterino continua nell' infezione puerperale. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1905, i, 12-14.—Corminas (E.) Tratamiento de las enfermedades puerperales por la esencia de tre- mentina y otras esencias arom&ticas. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1898, xxiv, t. 1, 41-43. -----. Trata- miento de las infecciones puerperales por la esencia de trementina. Ibid., 1899, xxv, 81-88. — Culling- ivortli (('. J.) On the local treatment of puerperal fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1895, liv, 312-318.—Cur- rier ( A. F. ) Septicemia and its treatment with oxygen. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1893, xviii, 127- 140. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxvii, 806-817.— IV A ma to (\'.\ Antisepsi ecura delle febbri puerperali secondo P indirizzo dell' ostetricia moderna. Puglia med., Bari, 1897, v, 221-234. Also, Reprint. Also: Leva- trice cond., Roma, 1897, vi, 148-156.—Daniel (C.) Influ- ence du traitement local sur la marche de l'infection puerperale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, ii, 2657-2667.— DavidoIf (G. L.) Unguentum Crede pri gnilostnikh zabolievaniyakh v posllerodovom periodle i o posllero- dovoi skarlatinle. [. . . in purulent diseases during the puerperium and puerperal scarlatina.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 1743-1745.—De Marchis (F.) II ta- chiolo (fluoruro d' argento) nella terapia dell' infezione puerperale. Arch, farmacol. sper., Roma, 1903, ii, 413- 427. Also: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1904, xxx, 61-73.—Denton (A. X.) Viskolein in puerperal fever. Texas M. News, Austin, 1898-9, viii, 55-57.— D'Erehia (F.) La cura dell' endometrite settica puerperale me- diante le causticazioni. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1904. i. 176-183.—Deslandes. Note sur l'emploi de l'eau oxy- genee dans les infections uterines d'origine puerperale. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi, 107-111.—Ethier (A.! Le chlorure de chaux dans les infections puerperale-. Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal, 1903-4, vii, 253; 268 — Eustaelie. Injections intra-uterines dans le traite- ment de la septicemie puerperale. Cong, period, de gy- nec, d'ob-t. et de paediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 655-657.—Evans (D. J.) The value of local treatment in septic infection of the puerperal woman. Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii, 405-416. — Fabbretti (C.) Acido fenico glicerinato e febbre puerperale. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital?, Torino, 1899, xlviii, 9*5-9s;i.—Fochier. Des injections intra-uterines dans la puerperalite. Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 133-137.—Fourquemin (G.) Case of puerperal septicaemia; recovery under car- bolic acid treatment. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1893. xxi, 249.— Fowler (E. B.) Continuous intra- uterine irrigation in grave puerperal sepsis: with report of case. Chicago M. Recorder, 1903, xxiv, 395-400. [Dis- cussion] , 438.—Frederick (C. C ) Remarks on intra- uterine irrigation in the treatment of fevers occurring during the puerpeiium. Am. Gvnaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1894. v, 372-377. — Gallant ( A. E. ) Puerperal fever treated bv utero-vaginal drainage. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 261-263.—Gallois. Infection post-puer- perale; lavage intra-p<5ritoneale; guerison. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1891, xv, 1-3—Gardner (W. S.) Gauze drainage in infection of the puerperal uterus. J. Alumni A-s. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Bait., 1901-2, iv, 80-82.—Glyad- kotT (s.) 6 llechenii gnilostnikh form poslierodovoi goryachki postoyannim vlagalishtshnim orosheniyem. [On the treatment of puerperal fever, putrefactive form, by constant vaginal irrigation.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxv, 1. sect, 360-376. — Goinard (E.) Du pansement iode dans les infections puerperales. Rev. prat, de gynec, d'obst. et de pediat., Par., 1907, ii, 17.— Gonzalo (R.) La irrigacion continua como comple- mento del legrado uterino en las infecciones puerperales. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract, Madrid, 1907, lxxv, 169- 173.—Gordon (A. K.) The treatment of puerperal sep- sis by active disinfection of the uterus; with a series of Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of Local) [by irrigation, d re linage, anel antiseptics]. cases. J. Obst. e*c Gvnac. Brit. Emp.. Lond., 1907, xi, 17- 22.—Gordon (\V. S.) A case of puerperal scp.-is; illus- trating the advantages of local treatment. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1895-6, xxxiii, 316-348. — Ham bl in (V. M.) Puerperal sepsis cured bv formalin. Am. M. Month., Bait, 1903-4, xxi, 279-284. — Jleinsheimer (!•".; Ein Fall von puerperaler Sepsis, behandelt mit Unguentum Crede. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, lxix, 567-569.— Herpin. Septicemie puerperale; injections de la li- queur au sublime par les sages-femmes. J. de med.. chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1887, lxxxiv-lxxxv, 737-747.— Hewitt (G.) Double current tubes for vaginal and intra-uterine injections in obstetric practice. Lancet. Lond., 1890, i, 533.—Hoerschelmaiin (E.) Ueberdie Forrualinbehandlungderpuerperalen Sepsis, si. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1904, xxix, 33— Honan (W. P.) For- malin in a case of sepsis. Honieop. J. Obst., X. Y., 1903, xxv, 79-81.—Honig (P. J. J.) Een geval van febris pu- erperalis genezennainspuiting met oleum therebinthinae. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1907, i, 1121-1124.— Hoshi (M.) [Carbolate of silver in puerperal fever.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, iv, 44-49.— Hubert (E.) Les antiphlogistiques etles antiseptiques dans la fievre puerperale. Rev. med., Louvain, 1891, x, 49-60.—Hiilt'ell. Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung des Puer- peralfiebers mit der Crede'schen Silbersalbe. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, 443-448—111 (E.J.) The treatment of puerperal endometritis by the Carossa method. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1897, Phila., 1898, x, 116-119, 1 pl.—Jacob (L.) L'aniodol en injections vaginales et intra-uterines dans le traitement de l'infec- tion puerperale. Marseille med., 1900, xxxvii, 659-664.— Jones (S. S.) The use of Crede's silver ointment in puerperal sepsis. Obstetrics, X. Y., 1899, i, 61-69.—Kahn (E.) Die therapeutische Anwendung des Dampfes gegen Endometritis puerperalis. Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1896, xx, 1233-1244.—Kantorowlrz. Die Alkoholthe- rapie der puerperalen Sepsis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 2t»7.—Kime (R. R.) The drainage tube in puerperal infection. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 608-610. Also, Reprint. -----. Drainage in puerperal infection. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1896, xv, 341-344.— La Manna (M.) Contributo alia cura della infezione puerperale col metodo Scott Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1893, n. s., xv, 855-861.—Laiiibiiion. Traitement de la septicemie puerperale par les injections sous-cutanees de creosote. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1897, xviii, 93. — liasai'gues (P.) Etude critique du drai- nage de l'uterus pendant les suites de couches. Langue- doc med.-chir., Toulouse, 1907, xv, 129-134. — Lea (A. W. \V.) The local treatment of puerperal infection; with analysis of 48 cases. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1899,3. s., i, 313-336— McEldery (H.) The use of intra- uterine douches in puerperal fever. Phvsician &Surg., Ann Arbor & Detroit, 1888, x, 289-291. Also: Proc. Detroit M.&Libr. Ass.,1888, 55-57.—M'aePherson (J. D.) Some experiences with ichthyolin puerperal fever. Med. Rec, X.Y.,1903,lxiv,414.— Malapert. Deux casde fievre puer- perale grave, gueris au moyen des injections intra-ute- rines, et des injections sous-cutanees de serum artificiel a haute dose. Rev. obst. internat, Toulouse, 1898, iv, 105- 107.—Manseau (H.) Continued irrigation of the uterus versus hvsterectomv, in acute puerperal septic metritis. Montreal M. J., 1898, xxvii, 498-502.—Marchesi (P.) Lo zaffo endouterino con garza iodoformica nella endo- metrite puerperale. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Xapoli, 1896, iii, 1-37.—Martin (A) Die Alkoholtherapie bei Puerperalfieber. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Stuttg., 1889, xvii, 350-356.—Martinez Cereeedb (A.) Trata- miento local de las infecciones puerperales por el vodo. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1906, ix, 265; 298f 310. Also: Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1906, xv, 387-402. — Melehiorre ( Y.) Terapia locale della setticemia puerperale. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1901, iii, 258- 265.—Mouehotte (J.) Le drainage de l'uterus dans la metrite aitrue puerperale. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de pa- diat, Par., 19fv_>, xv, 316-324.— N'oble (G. H.) The top- ical use of alcohol in puerperal infection. Tr. M. A-s. Georgia, Atlanta, 1898, 196-203. [Discussion], 207-216. Also: Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah, 1898, iii, 190-192,2 ch. on 1 L— Orbant (M.) O naftalinle pri posliero- dovikh endometritakh. [Naphthaline in puerperal en- dometritis.] Ejened. jour. •• Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 377-379. — Ouimet ( J.-A. ) Des injections intra-uterines dans l'infection puerperale. Clinique, Montreal, 1898-9, v, 8-16. — Ovary. Ueber die Wir- kung des Chininum salicylicum bei septischem Fie- ber, besonders im Wochenbett. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904, xl, 789; 816. — Paueot. Du drainage de l'uterus puerperal infecte; des avantages du drain de Mouehotte. Bull.etmem.Soc.med.-chir.dunord,Lille, 1905, i, 16-58. Also: Nord med., Lille, 1905, xi, 104-106.— Pelagalli (E.) Contributo alia cura delle infezioni puerperali generalizzati; grave saproemia in puerperio eu- PUERPERAL. 113 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment af, Local) [by irrigation, drainage, and antiseptics], rata felicemente col tachiolo Paterno. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Porto Civitanova, 1905, xiii, no. 11,1.—Peters. Ein Fall von Puerperalfieber, behandelt mit Unguentum Crede. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 163.--Petrilli (A.) II bicloruro di mercurio nella settieoemiapuerperale(metodoBacelli). Policlin.,Roma, 1905, xii, sez. prat., 1234-1216. Polyanski (X. S.) Naf- talin pri poslierodovikh endonietritakh. [Naphthalan in puerperal endometritis.] Prakt Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 518.- Pulverniacher. Ueberdie Anwendung der Credeschen Argentunisalbebei Sepsis puerperalis. Cong. period, de gvnec et d'obst C.-r. 1902, Florence-Rome, 1904, iv, 8997- Radtke. Ueber lokale Behandlung bei infektiosen Wochenbettserkrankungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Bert, 1905, xxxi, 366. — Ralkh (M. Z.) K voprosu o llechenii poslierodovikh endome- tritov promivaniyem matki. [Treatment of puerperal endometritis by flushing the uterus.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1907, xxi, 746-750. —Routh (A.) Drainage of the uterus in puerperal sapraemia. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1496.—Sehantz (Margaret Hassler). The local treatment of puerperal septicaemia. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn. 1898, Phila., 1899,252-258.—Schmld. Zur intrauterinen Puerperalfieberbehandlung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1891, lxi. 249; 252: 259 — Sehrader (W.) Woher der therapeutische Misserfolg der Antisepsis beim Puerperalfieber. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F.. Leipz.,1894,No.96(Gynakol., No.37,85-98).—Schii- eking. Eine neue Methode der Behandlung des Kind- hettriebersmitdurchschlagendster Wirkung, von Carossa. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1897, xxi,329-331.—Schwab (A i De la disinfection de la cavite uterine dans les in- fections puerperales. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 99-101. Also, transl.: Internat Clin., Phila., 1908, IS. s., iii,142-149.— Sexton (L.) Peroxide hydrogen in puerperal cases. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl., 1896. 266-269.—Soiners (\. B.) Iodine treatment of puerperal infection. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1904, ix, 89-95.—Southwlck (G. R.) The local treatment of puerperal septicaemia. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1895, li, 906-912.—Steele (C.) Note on the internal administration of formalin in cases of puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1163.—Stri- zover. O snaryadle Morozova, upotreblyayushtshem- sya pri llechenii poslierodovikh zabolievaniy zhenskikh polovikh organov. [On Morozoff's apparatus used in the treatment of puerperal di-eases of the female sexual or- gans] Otchet o dieiatel. < )de-sk. balneol. Obsh., Odessa, 18^7-92. iv, 131-138.—Taiiuchi. [The carbolateof silver of Kuredevein puerperalfever.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, iv, 90-104.—Talley (F. W.) Puer- peral septicaemia treated with unguentum Crede. Am. Gvnaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1901, xix, 72-77— Talmon- Gros. Ueber das Puerperalfieber und dessen lokale Be- handlung. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1899. 1, 55; 252; 338: 1900, li. 16; 72; 229: 1901, Iii, 38; 110.— Tornu (E.) Un caso de septicemia puerperal generali- zada tratado con exito por el ichtyol, al interior. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1895, xxi, 480-487.— Tourneur. De la medication iodee dans i infection puerperale. Se- maine gvnec. Par.. 1904, ix. 177— Trahan (A. R.) Hvdrogen peroxide in puerperal septicaemia. N. Orl. M". & S. J., 1893-4, n. s., xxi, 494. —Upshur (J. N.) Hydrogen peroxide in the treatmentof puerperal sepsis. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1H9S-9. n. a., xv, 666-668. - Valle (A.) Alcune considerazioni sulla febbre puerperale e suo tratta- mento col sublimato corrosive Riv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1889, ix, 401-410.—Viett. Lokale Silberthera- pie bei Puerperalfieber. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1907, xvii,217-219.—Warden i A. A.) On theoccasional necessity of drainage of the uterus in puerperal infection. Lancet,Lond., 1907, ii, 1383.— Watson (D.) An adjunct to uterine irrigation in puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1229.- Wernitz(.t) Ueber die Misserfolge der Antisepsis beim Puerperalfieber. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 1002-1066.—Wetherill (H.G.) Intra- uterine flushing and drainage for infection; the passing of the curet and douche. Am.Med.,Phila., 1904, vii, 189-191. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of, Operative). See, also, Puerperal peritonitis; Puerperal septicemia (Complications, etc., of); Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of) by excision of uterus. Aidebert (J.-L.) *De l'intervention dans l'infection puerperale post-abortive. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1890. Bimm (E.) Ueber die chirur^ische Behand- lung des Kindbettfiebers. 12°. Halle a. S., 1902. Aguilar (J. M.) Contribucion al estudio de las la- paratomia- en las infecciones graves del puerperio; his- VOL XIV, 2D SERIFS--—ri Puerperal septicttnnia {Treeitment of Operative). toria clinica de una laparotomia puerperal evacuatriz con exeresis de los anejos dereelios del litero; curaci6n; con- sideraciones generales. Rev. ibero-am. de cien.-med., Madrid, 19u7, xviii, 351-362.—Alvord (A. YV.) Surgical treatment of puerperal sepsis. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1899, xxiii, 227-240.— Ascli (R.) Zur Radikal- operation bei puerperaler Sepsis. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u.Gynaek.,Berl., 1903, xviii,383-393.—Aust-Lawrenee (A. E.) Abdominal section in puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 636.—Baldy (J.M.) Abdominal section for puerperal septicaemia. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1895, xx, 159-177. Also: Am. .1. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii, 1-8. [Discussion], 130-131. Also: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1895, xvii,275. ^4(so[Abstr.]: Am.Gviuec &Obst J., N.V., 1895, vi, 868-878.—von Bardeleben (H.) Rechtzeitige und richtige Ausfuhrung der Venenunterbindung ist das wirksamste Hilfsmittel zur Bekampfung der puerperalen thrombophlebitischen Pviimie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 308-313.—Bell (W. E.) Posterior colpotomy, and iodoform gauze packing in the treatmentof puerperal septicaemia. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1904, vi, 161-166.— Berkofsky (K.) Zur Unterbindung der Venae sper- maticae bei puerperaler Pyiimic Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 739-742.— Berruti (G.) La colpotomia e la celiotomia nelle infezioni puerperali gravi. Gior. di ginec.e di pediat., Torino, 1906, vi, 129-131.— Boissard. Les serums et l'intervention chirurgicale dans le traitement de l'infection puerperale. Cli- nique, Par., 1907, ii, 597-599.—Bo Idt (H.J.) I. Septicae- mia, acute baeteriamia: and pyaemia, chronic bacteriae- mia. II. Theindications for hysterectomy and the indica- tions for abdominal section arid drainage in puerperal in- fection. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 142-148. Also, Reprint. -----. Thesurgicaltreatmentof puerperalinfection; apart of the symposium on puerperalinfection. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.,1903, xlviii, 295-300. -----. Puerperale septische Infek- tion ; Resektion des rechten Cornu uteri mit einem Teil der Gebarmutter und des rechten breiten Mutterbandes mit thrombosiertenBlutgefassen. N. Yorkermed. Monatschr. 1905, xvii, 259-261.—Boquel (A.) Note sur la laparotomie suivie de drainage dans le traitement de l'infection puer- perale. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1903, vii, 153-161.—Bovee (J. W.) Laparotomy in puerperal sepsis. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 428-435.—Broun (Le R.) Myomectomy per vaginam, two weeks after labor, on account of sepsis. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1903, xlvii, 647 — Bufalini (M.) Laparotomia in un caso di peritonite puerperale purulenta. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1897, 5. s., xxiii, 49-51.— Bhmm (E.) Kirurgisk behandling af barnsiingsfeber. [Surgical treatment of puerperal fever.] Eira, Stockholm, 1902, xxvi, 127-129. -----. Zur opera- tiven Behandlung der puerperalen Pviimie; (5Fallevon Unterbindung der Venae spermat. und hypogastr. mit 3 Heilungen), Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 829-834. -----. Ueber die Unterbindung der abfuhrenden Venen des Uterus bei Pyamie. Med. BL, Wien, 1905, xxviii, 19.— By lord (H. T.) Clinical notes upon abdominal section for puerperal sepsis. Chicago, M. Recorder, 1902, xxiii, 120- 130. Also, Reprint-----. Laparotomy for puerperal infec- tions. [Discussion.] Am.J.Obst,N.Y.,1902,xlvi,525-528.— Cenl(U.) Del precoceintervento nella febbre puerperale. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1900, xxvi, 477-488.— Chandler 3.) A new operation for puerperal sepsis. N. York M. J. [etc], 1904, lxxix, 108,8-1090. [Discussion], 1110-1112.— Chassot. Septicemie hemorrhagique k la suite d'une mastite puerperale causee par lestaphylocoque etle bacille pyocyanique. Bull.Socd'obst.de Par., 1904, vii, 160-170.— Clegg (W. T.) Puerperal fever from a surgeon's point of view. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893,xii,74-76.— Cordier (A. H.) Puerperal sepsis; laparotomy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 519-551.—<'ult"( A.) A contribution to the operative treatment of puerperal pyaimia. with re- port of a successful case. J. obst. & Gvnaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1906, ix, 317-322, 1 ch.—1'urrier (A. F.) Puer- peral septicaemia; abdominal section followed by recov- ery; abscess in right broad ligament. Am. Gvnac. & Obst J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 42U-422. Also, Reprint. -----. Puerperal septicaemia; its surgical treatment. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1895, viii, 133-136—l>a vis ( K. P.) Irriga- tion of the peritoneal cavity in puerperal sepsis: complete removal of the uterus for multiple fibromata. Ann. Gyna-c & Paediat, Phila,,1891-2,v,604-609. [Discussion], 621-624. -----. The surgical treatment of puerperal sep- sis. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii, 116-122. -----. Whenshall celiotomy be performed in the treatment of puerperal sepsis? Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 155-161. -----. Drainage in puerperal sepsis: with a reportof cases. Ibid., xxxii, 218-221—Beaver i.I. B.) Postpuerperal sepsis, indications for an operative treatment thereof. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 447-449. -----. Postpuer- peral sepsis. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 1109-1112.—De- letrez (A.) Infection puerperale; laparotomie; injec- tion de serum antistreptococcique de Denys; guerison. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1898-9, vi,29: 1899-1900, vii, 29.—Discussion sur le drainage de l'uterus dans l'infection puerperale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med.-chir. du Nord, Lille, 1905, i, 61-63.—Dodd (J. M.) Surgical treat- PUERPERAL. 114 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of Operative). ment of puerperal sepsis. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1907-8, 639-642.—Buret t,H.) De l'intervention chirurgi- cale dans les infections puerp6rales. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1898, i, 479-489. Also, in his: Leo. de clin. chir., 8°, Lille & Par., 1900, 5-16.—Faix (A.) Quelques mots sur la ligature des veines du bassin dans la pyohe- mie puerperale. Bull. Sm'. d'obst. de Par., 1906, ix, 325- 335. -----. Traitement chirurgical de la pyohemie puer- perale par la ligature des veines du bassin. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1907, lxxx, 159-165.—Felsenreich (A.) & Miku- llcz (J.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss und chirurgischen Be- handlung der puerperalen Pyohaemie mit Einschluss einiger progredienter nicht metastatischerEntziindungs- processe im Puerperium. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1881, ii, 112-153.— Fleming (C. K.) Report of a case of puerperal infection treated by the Pryor method. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv, 30.—Frank (L.) Choice of method and indications for radical operation in puerperal sepsis. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. -Y., 1896, ix, 282-284.—Fraser (N. S.) A case of puerperal infection treated bv opera- tion (Pryor's method). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 816 — Friedemann (<;.) Die Unterbindung der Beckenve- nen bei der pviimiischen Form des Kindbettfiebers. Mun- chen. med. \Vchnschr., 1906, liii, 1813. -----. Ein Fall von puerperaler Pyamie, geheilt durch Unterbindung der Beckenvenen. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 761-763.—Fromme. Ueber die Operation bei puerpe- raler Pyamie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 241. -----. [Eine durch doppelseitige Unterbindung der Ve- nae spermaticae und hvpoga-trieae geheilte akute puer- perale Pyamie] Ibid'., 1059.—Garlick (S. M.) Surgi- cal puerperal septicemia. Proc. Connect. M. Soc,Bridge- port, 1898, cvi, 322-330. — Goldbach (R.) Zum septi- schen Fieber in derSchwangerschaft. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 449.— Graiidin (E. H.) The surgical treatment of the puerperal septic diseases. Am. Gvnac. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1897, xi, 532-540. [Discussion], 016-624.—Guicei- ardi (G.) La cura chirurgica nella infezione puerperale a forma trombo-flebitica. Ann.di ostet., Milano, 1906, i, 1-47.—Gwathmey (L.) Surgical aspects of puerperal infections. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 463-466.—Haeekel (H.) Unterbindung der Venae spermaticae und hypogastric.ee bei puerperaler Pyamie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1637.—Hirst (B. C.) Results of operative treatment for the different forms of puerperal sepsis. Phila. M. J., 1902, ix, 120.—Howlett (E.H.) Puerperal metritis; operation. Quart M. J., Sheffield, 1895-6, iv, 36-38.—Humiston (W.H.) A case of streptococcus infection following labor; operation and recovery. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii,619-621.—Isidori (T.) Ancoradel raschiamento dell' utero nell' infezione puerperale. Clin, ostet, Roma, 1907, ix, 11-14.—Jeanne. Infection puerperale; septice- mic; arthri te suppuree tibio-tarsienne, et phlegmon secon- daire diffuse de la jambe; arthrotomie, puis astragalecto- mie; ouverturedes autres collections; guerison. Norman- diemed., Rouen, 1907,xxii,583-585.—Jepson (S. L.) Sur- gical treatment of puerperal infection. West Virg. M.J., Wheeling, 1907-8, ii, 281-283.—Kendall (H. E.) Notes on the surgical treatment of puerperal sepsis. Maritime M. News, Halifax. 1905, xvii, 22-24.—Labusqulere (R.) Peritonite et pyohemie puerperales, traitement chirurgi- cal, Leopold, Bumm, Haeekel, Cuff. Seegert et E. Cragin. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1906, 2. s., iii, 416-431.— Lauphear (E.) Puerperal fevers, from a surgeon's standpoint. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1902,276-296. Also: Regular M. Visitor, St. Louis, 1902, iii, 109; 141. Also: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1901-2, xv, 144-148. Also, Re- print. Also: Med. Fortnightlv, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 532- 517. Also: Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1902, i, 434-446. Also [Abstr.]: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1902-3, 77- 82.—Latzko (\V.) Die chirurgische Therapie des Puer- peralprozesses. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 555- 560.—Lenhartz. [Acht Falle von operierter puerpera- ler septischer Thrombophlebitis.] Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 817. -----. Ueber die Unterbindung der Venen zur Bekampfung des Puerperal- fiebers. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 160-164.—Leopold (G.) Zur operativen Behandlung der puerperalen Peri- tonitis und Pyamie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1906, lxxvii. 1-33.— Lop (P.-A.) Infection puerperale localises (sal- pingo-ovarite suppuree) trente-six heures apres l'ac- couehement; laparotomie sous-peritoneale; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 1117—livoff (I. M.) Za- vorot kishek pri posllerodovom parametrite, chrevosie- cheniye.vizdorovleniye. [Twist of intestines during puer- peral parametritis; abdominal section; recovery.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, ii, 1236.—Macan (Sir A.) the opera- tive treatment of puerperal fever. ,T. Obst. & Gvnaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1908, xiv, 246-256. Also: Tr. Row Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1907-8, xxvi, 198-219.—McMurtry (L.S.) The indications for operation in puerperal sepsis. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 71- 95. Also: Am. J. Obst, X. Y., 1895, xxxii, 609-615. [Dis- cussion] , 773-778. Also: Internat. J. Surg., X. Y., 1896, ix, 7-9. Also: Denver M. Times, 189.5-6, xv, 228-230. -----. The surgical and serum treatment of puerperal sepsis. Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of, Operative). Brit M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1207.—Mann (M. D.) The surgical treatment of puerperal infection. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 213-216. Also, Reprint—.Maury (R. B.) The indications for laparotomy in the treatment of the puerperal fevers. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1891, xvi, 248-263. -----. Suggestions, chiefly surgical, upon the treatment of the puerperal fevers. Memphis M. Month., 1893, xiii, 97-405.—MicheIs (E.) The surgical treatment of puerperal pyaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 1025.— Montgomery (E.E.) Puerperal septicaemia requiring abdominal section. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvi, 486. -----. The surgical treatmentof puerperal.sep- sis. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1902, xi, 466-468.— Moore (W.) The operative treatmentof puerperal pyaemia. In- tercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1907, xii, 3so-;;94.— Murphy (J.) The surgical treatmentof so-called puer- peral fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, 81.—Noble (C. P.) Cceliotomy for puerperal septicaemia and peritonitis. Am. Gvnaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 423-130. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 801-811. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 312-315.— Opitz (O.) Zur chirurgischen Behandlung der puer- peralen Pviimie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905,' xxxi, 2008-2010.— Outerbrldge (P.) Opera- tion for relief of puerperal fever, with report of two cases. N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1892, ii, 331-336.— Parish (W. H.) Cceliotomy after labor. Am. J. Obst, X. V., 1892, xxvi, 481-489. Also: Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1892, xvii, 127-137. Also, Reprint— Passerini (G.) Trattamento chirurgico dell' endometrite puerpe- rale settica. Morgagni, Milano, 1890, xxxii, 19-43. — Paueot. Du drainage de l'uterus puerperal infecte; des avantages du drain de Mouehotte. Nord med., Lille, 1905, xi, 104-106.—Petit (P.) Treize interventions pour acci- dents postpartum; infection puerperale k forme mixte. France med., Par., 1890, xxxvii, 657-659.—Pieque (L.) L'intervention chirurgicale dans la septicemie puerpe- rale. Bull, med., Par., 1901, xv, 317-319.—Pinard. Des interventions intrauterines pendant les suites de couches. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 561-563.—Plympton (H.) Septicemia and the curette. Mississippi M. Rec, Vicks- burg, 1902, vi, 275-278. Also: Nashville J. M. & S., 1902, xcii, 149-152. Also: N. York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 631. Also: Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1902, viii, 243. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 484. Also, transl.: Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1902, xxxi, 696-699.—Poneet (A.) Mortdu Dr. Emile Blanc; septicemie suraigue par infection digitale d'origine puerperale. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1893, xx, 481-487.—Price (J.) Five cases of abdominal section for puerperal fever. Ann. Gynaec. <& Paediat., Phila., 1889-90, iii, 473-476. Also: Proc. Phila. Obst. Soc, 1890-91,47-50. -----. Vaginal section in relation to puerperal sepsis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix, 385-387— Rachel (G. W.) The surgical treatment of postpartum septicaemia. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 537-540.—Reckitt (J. D.) Puerperal septicae- mia caused by retention of portion of placenta and mem- branes; operation and recovery. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 293.—Reslnelll. Sulla cura operativa della pioemia puerperale. Ginecologia, Fi- renze, 1907, iv, 737-741.—Robb (H.) The vaginal inci- sion in sepsis following abortion. Am. Gvnec, N. Y., 1903, ii, 524-530. Also, Reprint—Root (Elizii H.) Puerperal infection with laparotomy; report of a case; bacteriolog- ical report made by Anna E. Blount. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1903, xiii, 3-5.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) A case of bilateral metastatic ophthalmitis in puerperal pyemia; recovery of the patient Ann. Ophth., St. Louis", 1907, xvi, 39-42.—Seitz (L.) Zur chirurgischen Behandlung der puerperalen Pyamie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2585. -----. Die operative Behandlung der puer- peralen Pyamie. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1907, No. 464 (Gyniik., No. J71,125-152).—Sinclair (S/rW. J.) Sur- gical treatment of puerperal fever with special regard to general practice. Surg., Gynec &Obst, Chicago, 1907, v, 561-602.—Skee I (R. E.) A brief resume; of puerperal sep- sis and its treatment on surgical principles. Cleveland M. J., 1902, i, 254-266.—Sourdille (L.) Traitement de l'infection puerperale grave par la laparotomie ou la col- potomie sans hvsterectomie. Rev. de gvnec. et de chir. abd., Par., 1905, ix, 857-890.—Stewart (R. W.) Surgical treatment of puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liv, 224-238.—Taylor (F. E.) Major operations in the treatment of puerperal sepsis. Practitioner, Lond., 1908, lxxxi, 304-319.—Taylor (J. W.) On the value of colpotomy in the thrombotic form of puerperal fever. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1905, lvii, 144-153, 2 ch. Also: Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1905-6, xxi, 75-87.—Taylor (W. W.) The surgical treatment of infections of the uterus during the puerperium. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1898, Phila., 1899, xi, 176-480.—Trendelenburg (F.) Ueber die chirurgische Behandlung der puerperalen Pviimie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 513-516. [Discus- sion], 638-640.—Tllttle (A. H.) A case of general septic peritonitis following abortion: treated by peritoiual and intestinal drainage, resulting in recoverv. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 623.—Vlana (O.) Sulla cura chirur- ^ PUERPERAL. 115 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of Operative). gica della pioemia puerperale. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1908, v, 365-375.—Villa (F. G.) Sulla cura chirurgica dell' infezione puerperale. Tribuna meh., Milano, 1903, ix, 321-324.—Vineberg (H: N.) Treatment of acute puerperal sepsis from a surgical standpoint Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah, 1902, x, 153-159. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 625-628.—Vitanza (R.) La mia opera ostetrica nella pratica privatadal puntodi vista del nuovo indirizzoterapeuticonell' infezione puerperale. Atti Soc. ital. di ostet. eginec 1904,Roma, 1905,x, 169-172.— Weth- erby (B. J.) The surgical treatment of puerperal septi- cemia. Kansas M. J., Topcka, 1896, viii, 469-472.—von Wlnekei IF.) Ueber die Kbliotomie bei der diffusen eitrigen puerperalen Peritonitis. Tnerap. Monatsh., Berl., 1895, ix, 178-183 — Worrall (R.) Analysis of thirteen cases of puerperal septicemia, including one case successfullv treated bv abdominal section. Austra- las. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893. xii, 406-409. Puerperal septicet-mia {Treatment of) by cold and cold baths. Brehier (G.) * Quelques nouvelles observa- tions d'infections puerperales trait^es par le froid. S°. Paris, 1899. Desteknes (,T.) * Indications et role du bain froid dans le traitement de l'infection puerpe- rale. 4°. Paris, 1S95. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1895. Vital (R.-A.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la septicemie puerperale par les bains: froids. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901. Voyer (P.) * De Faction favorable des bains froids dans le traitement de la septicemie puer- perale.^ 4°. Paris, 1895. Mace O.) Traitementde la septicemie puerperale par la ren iteration. Arch, de tocol. et de gvnec, Par., 1894, xxi, 881-909. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec de Par., 1894,267-284. -----. Traitement de la septicemic puerperale par la refrigeration et en particulier par les bains froids. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1894, lxvii, 1367-1372. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of) with collar got. See Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of) by intravenous, etc., injection of medicaieel solutions. Puerperal septicemia (Treatment of) by curettage of ■uterus. Clement (P.) * Essai sur le traitement in- tra-uterin de l'infection puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1907. Denis (F.) * Quelques considerations sur le curettage precoce dans l'infection puerperale (forme uterine). Observations prises dans la clientele rurale. 4°. -Paris, 1894. ------. The same. s°. Paris, 1894. Marmasse (R.) * Du curettage dans les acci- dents des suites de couches. 4°. Paris, 1895. ------. The same. 8°. IJaris, 1895. Perey (H.) *Du curettage de l'uterus dans la fievre puerperale. s°. Lausanne, 1898. Has is ((r.-C.) * Indications du curettage dans les accidents febriles post-partum. 8°. Paris, 1906. Riou (E.) *Les divers traitements de l'in- fection puerperale et le curage digital suivi dYrouvillonnage. S°. Peiris, 1902. vox Weiss (O.) Das Curettement bei En- dometritis puerperalis, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Endometritis putrida sub partu. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Localbehandlung des Puerperal-Fiebers. 8°. Wien, [1892J. Adam (G. R.) The use of the curette in the treat- ment of puerperal sepsis. Intercolon. M. J.. Australas., Melbourne, 1904, ix, 277-282.—Anders (J. W.) Septic infection following abortion: curettage, pyosalpinx opening into the uterus. Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, ii, 138-140.—von Kraim-Fcrnwald (E.) Ueber die antiseptische Ex cochleatio uteri bei Endometritis puer- peralis. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1890, xxxvii, 452- 490.—de Biinian (E.) Le curettage et la fievre pucr- | perale. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1905, xxv, ' Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of) by curettage of uterus. 641-684.—Can bet. Curettage del'uterus chez une malade atteinte de septicemie due k la retention des d6bris de l'ceuf apres un avortement de 4 mois; guerison. Arch. de tocol., I'ar., 1890, xvii, 283-285—Charles (N.) Cu- rettage apres l'accouchenient chez une primipare atteinte d'infection puerperale; guerison rapide. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1907, xxviii, 235— Charrier (P.) Du curettage precoce dans l'infection puerperale, envisage comme moyen therapeutique et prophylactique. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1891, ii, 111. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gy- nec, Par., 1891, xviii. 601-617. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1891, ii, 141-159. Also, transl.: Frauenarzt, Berl., 1891, vi, 529-545.—4'havane (A.) Curage et curettage de l'uterus dans l'infection puerperale; presentation de rinstrument Poitou med., Poitiers, 1903, xvii, 22; 40.— Clark (S. M. D.) Puerperal infection; brief considera- tions of the nature of puerperal infection and its etiolog- ical treatment, with special reference totheuseandabuse of the curette. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1903,N.Orl., 1904,171-197. Also: N. Orl. M. &S. J., 1903-4, lvi, 279-305.— Collins (E. T.) Pathologicalobjectionstocurettingthe uterus in puerperal fever. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 128.— Davidson (W. P.) The curette in puerperal and non- puerperal cases. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 266-272.—Demelln. Discussion sur le curettage dans l'infection puerperale. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1906, ix, 141-151.—Dubrisay (L.) Note sur un cas d'infection puerperale traitee par l'ecouvillonnage. France med., Par., 181)5, xiii, 433.—Duke (A.) On curetting the uterus in cases of puerperal septica'mia. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 669. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 315.— Ferre. Le curettage uterin dans l'infection puerperale. N. Arch, d'obst. etdegynec, Par., 1894, ix, 494-507. -----. Les suites eloignees du curettage dans le post-partum in- fectieux, a propos de vingt-cinq nouvcaux cas de cette operation. Obstetrique, Par., 1898, iii, 215-219.—Fiorioli della Lena (F.) Tre casi di febbre puerperale; spaz- zolamento, raschiamento della cavitiuterina; considera- zioni pratiche sull' affezione, cura e profilassi. Riv. ve- neta di sc. med., Venezia, 1898, xxix, 376; 412.—Fisher (J. B.) Curetting the womb and packing with iodoform gauze in puerperal fever, with report of a case. Med. Reg., Richmond, 1897, i, 100-102.—Fritsch (H.) Ueber Aus- kratzung des Uterus bei Puerperalfieber. Deutsche med Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 553-555.—Guenlot. Sur un memoire de M. le Dr Rifat, intitule: Note sur le traitement de la parametrite puerperale par le raclage de l'uterus. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxiv, 351-355.—Gutierrez (M.) Algo sobre la raspa uterina en el puerperio infeccioso. Gac med., Mexico, 1891, xxvi, 20.5-209.—Horeau & Delageniere (H.) Delire aigu consecutif a de l'infection puerperale gu^ri par le curettage et la disinfection de l'uterus. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1897, i, 64-67.— Huthwaite (W. H.J.) A case of puerperal septicemia; curettage of uterus; re- covery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiii, 330.— Isidorl (T.) Contributo alia cura dell' infezione puer- perale per mezzo del raschiamento. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 92-95.—Lanibiiion. Septicemie puerperale et retention placentaire; emploi du serum artificiel; curet- tage. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1900, xxi,73. Also: Rev. pr t. d'obst. etde gynec, Par., 1900, xvi, 197-199.—Lea( A. WAV.) Curettage in the treatment of acute puerperal infection. J. Obst. & Gymec Brit Emp., Lond., 1903, iii, 132-152.— Marion (II. E.) Earlv curetting in puerperal sepsis. Boston M. & S J., 1895, exxxii, 538. [Discussion], 542.— Montgomery (E. E.) Curetting for puerperal infec- tion. Maryland M. J., Bait, 1894, xxxi, 468.—Mooney (F. D.) The use of the uterine curette and of the intra- uterine douche in puerperal fever. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896,xxxiv, 287-289. [Discussion], 349; 370.—Moras (E. R.) The early use of the sharp curette in puerperal infec- tion. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 1079-1081.— Murray (R. A.) The abuse of the curette in puerperal fever. Tr. Am. Gynec Soc, Phila., ]s'.i9, xxiv, 127-133.—Noer (J.) The use of the sharp curette in septic infection after labor and abortion. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi, 450-454.—Percy (H.) Curettement in puerperal fever. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat, Bost.,1898-9,xii. 291:375.—Piche- vin (R.) Im curage uterin dans l'infection puerperale. Semaine gynec, Par., 1905, x, 249.—Pinard <& Wal- ilch. Le traitement de l'infection puerperale; curet- tage et curage de l'uterus. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1896, lxvii, 881-892.-----------. Le curettage dans le traitement de l'infection puerperale. Rev. prat, d'obst etde pa-diat, Par., 1896, ix, 197; 229.—Porteou* (J. L.) The treatment of puerperal septicaemia by curetting. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 490.—Pryor (W. R.) Upon the treatmentof puerperal streptococcus infection by curet- tage, the cul de sac incision and the application of anti- septic dressings. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xl, 315-317. -----. Curettage of the puerperal septic uterus: an inex- cusable procedure. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 133 — ICapin (O.) Du curettage dans la fievre puerperale. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de piediat. Mem. et disc. 1«:5, Par., 1896, 660-668.—Itubino (C.) Note sulla infezione puerperale e contributo alia cura col raschia- PUERPERAL. 116 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of) by curettage of uterus. mento. Ras>egna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1903, xii, 97; 169.—If uth (<'. E.) Curettage and puerperal sepsis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, 235-240.—Schiavoni (M.) II raschiamento dell' utero nelle infezioni puerperali. Clin, ostet,, Roma, 1900, ii, 253; 293.—Sofia (G.) II raschiamento uterino nelle infezioni puerpe»ali. Ibid., 1902, iv, 96-101.— Spinelll (P. G.) II raschiamento del- 1'utero e lo zaffo endo-uterino nella cura delle endometriti puerperali dopo il parto a termine. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1891, xiii, 353-367.—Tarufli (P.) Del raschia- mento dell' utero nelle infezioni puerperali. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 161-175— Villeneuve. Metrite puer- perale; retention de debris placentaires; curettage; gue- rison. Marseille med., 1897, xxxiv, 291— U'allich & Baudron. Dimcultes rencontrees au cours d'un curet- tage de l'uterus, pratique dans un cas d'infection puer- perale. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat, Par., 1898, xi, 1-6. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of) by excision of uterus. Benoist (F.). Contribution a l'etude de l'hysterectomie dans l'infection puerperale avec lesions uterines predominantes. 8°. Paris, 1901. BLErzE (P.-A.-J.-J.) * L'hysterectomie est- elle indiquee dans le traitement de l'infection puerperale aigue? 8°. Lille, 1902. Boxamy (R.) *De l'hysterectomie dans l'in- fection puerperale aigue. 8°. J'eiris, 1899. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1899. Dkamakd (R.) *De l'hysterectomie dans l'infection puerperale aigue. 8°. Paris, 1901. Kunith (W.) * Zur Totalexstirpation des septischen Uterus unter Verwendung von Fallen der konicrlichen Universitiitsfrauenklinik in Berlin. 8°. , Berlin, 1904. Mouchotte (J.) * Documents pour servir a l'etude de l'hysterectomie dans l'infection puer- perale post-abortum. 8°. Paris, 1903. Also, in: Ann. de gvnec et d'obst., Paw, 1904, 2. s., i, 118-187. Thomas (P.) *Des indications de l'hysterec- tomie dans le traitement de l'infection puerpe- rale aigue. 8°. Paris, 1904. d'Utra Guimaraes (L.) * Do valor da hys- terectomia e de suas indicacoes na infeccao puerperal aguda. roy. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1905. Zipperlex (H.) * Die Totalexstirpation des septischen Uterus. 8°. Tubingen, 1899. Albert in. Hysterectomie pour septicemie puerpe- rale. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1906, ix, no. 2, 56. Also: Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 718— Albertin & Janibon. I'n cas d'infection puerperale a marche lente traitee par 1'hvsterectomie abdominale. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lvon, 1906. ix, no. 8, 3-9. Also: Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 821-826.— Ashton (W. E.) Hysterectomy for puerperal septi- caemia. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1895, xx, 515-522, lpl. Also: Med. Bull., Phila., 1896, xviii, 6-10.—Baisch. Zur Indikationsstellung fiir die Total-Exstirpation des septischen Uterus, Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek.. Leipz., 1902, vi, 350-36 l.—Baldy (.1. M.) Removal of the uterus and adnexa for puerperal sepsis. Am. Gynaec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi. 25-29. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Arch. de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 278-282. -----. Hvsterectomv for puerperal septicaemia; specimens. Am. Gvnasc. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895. vi, 431; 472. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 131. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of puerperal thrombosis; hysterectomv; recovery. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1896, xxxiii, 673-677. [Discussion], 710-714.—Bersesio (L.) L' isterectomia nell' infezione puerperale. Gior. di ginec. e di pediat., Torino, 1903, iii, 197-201.—Berrutl (G.) Infezione acuta puerperale ed isterectomia. Gior. di ginec e di pediat., Torino, 1905, v, 1-7.—Bieknell (F. T.) Removal of uterus for puer- peral sepsis. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1896, xi, 44H48.—Boldt (H. J.) Vaginal extirpation of the uterus and adnexa in pelvic suppuration and septic puerperal metritis and peritonitis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 1-15. -----. Abdominal hysterectomy; acute puerperal sepsis. Med. Rec, N. Y., is.i.8, liii, 571. -----. Abdominal pan-hysterectomy for puerperal septic infec- tion. Ibid., 1904,1, 99-101. -----. Hysterektomie wegen puerperaler Sepsis; Genesung. N.Yorker med.Monatschr., 1905, xvii, 259. -----. Abdominal panhysterectomy for puerperal sepsis caused by a myoma in the lower segment of the uterus and cervix. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, Puerperal xcjrficemia (Treatment of) by excision af uterus. 40*0-403. See, also, in/ra, Vinebtrjr.—Bossi (L. M.) Sul- 1' isterectomia nell' infezione puerperale acuta. Corriere san., Milano, 1903, xiv, 340-342. —Byrne (W. S.) A case of hysterectomy forpuerperal infection. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1903, xxii, 414.—(abanes & Vincent. Hysterectomie pour infection puerperale. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1904, xv, 78.—Carpenter (A. C.j Va- ginal hysterectomy for puerperal sepsis due to retained decidua; recovery. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1896, xlix, 625.— Cartledge (A. M.) Hysterectomy in acute puerperal sepsis; with report of cases. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 157-175. Also: Am. Gynajc. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii, 30-39. Also, Reprint. -----. Hysterectomy in some phases of puerperal infection. Obstetrics, N. Y., 1900, ii, 57-09. —Cestan. Septicemie puerperale; hysterectomie abdominale totale; parotidite double suppuree; guerison. Toulouse med., 1903, 2. s.. v, 188-190.—Clternesi (P.) L' isterectomia nell' infezione puerperale. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1906, ii, 113.—t'ocq (V.) A propos des indications de l'hysterectomie dans le traitement de l'infection puerperale aigue. Clinique, Brux., 1902, xvi, 1143-1157. Also: Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1903, xviii, 97; 113.—de Cortejarena (F.) Considera- ciones acerca de la histerectomia en el tratamiento de la infeccion puerperal. Siglo med., Madrid, 1904, li, 51-54.— Cortiguera (J.) Indications de l'hysterectomie dans l'infection puerperale aigue. [Rap.] Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect d'obst. et de gy- nec, 17-80.—Cristeanu (C.) Isterectomie si infecjiune puernerahl acuta. Rev.de chir., BucurestI,'1904, viii,337; 467. 'Also, transl.: Rev.degynec. etdechir.'abd.,Par., 1904, viii, 617-702.—t'uniston (C. G.) Remarks on the indica- tions for hvsterectomv in acute puerperal septicemia. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst.&Gynec 1905, N.Y.,1906, xviii, 121-140. Also: Am. J. Obst, N. Y.,1905, Iii, 717-734. Also, Reprint.—Dain (C.) A propos de deux cas d'infection puerperale post abortumtraitesparl'hvstcrectomie. Clinique,Brux., 1904, xviii, 261-272.—Daniel (C.) &Rlcou (C.-C.-J.) L'hys- terectomie vaginale dans le traitement des infections puerperales. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 597-615.— Deletrez (A.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical de l'infection puerperale; hysterectomie vagi- nale pratiqute dans un cas d'infection puerperale aigue. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1903, x, 81-85. Also, Reprint. -----. Infection puerperale aigue; hysterecto- mie vaginale; guerison. J. de chir. et aim. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1903, iii, 70-75. Also [Abstr.]: Cong. nat. period, de gynec, d'obstet et de paediat., Rouen. 1904, iv, 313-316. -----. Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'infection puerperale par 1'hvsterectomie. Assoc, franc. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 209-211— De- inelin. Hysterectomie pour infection puerperale. Se- maine gynec, Par., 1941, vi, 229.—Demelin & Jeaii- nin. Un cas d'infection puerperale par putrefaction foetale intra-uterine; hysterectomie abdominale; guerison. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1901, iv, 267. [Discussion], 332; 363; 410, 2pl.—Discussion: De l'hysterectomie abdo- minale dans l'infection puerperale. Bull, et mem. Soc, de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 202; 269; 340. — Doleris (J.-A.) Hvsterectomie dans l'infection puer- perale. Ann. de gvnec et d'obst., Par., 1903, lix, 379- 394. Also: Gynecologic, Par., 1903, viii, 10-5-120. ----;. Hvsterectomie dans l'infection puerperale k forme phle- bi'tique. Gyneeologie, Par., 1904, ix, 97-107. Also: Compt rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec et de paediat de Par.. 1904, vi, 92-99.—Draithiescu. Trel historectomil abdomi- nale totale pentru infec^iune puerperali!. Spitalul, Bu- curescl, 1900, xx, 413- 419.—Drucbert (J.) Hysterecto- mie abdominale pour infection par suite de retention pla- centaire datant de deux mois dans un uterus fibromateux. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1905, ix, 523.—Buret (H.) Sur les indications de l'hysterectomie dans les infec- tions puerperales. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1903, i, 313: 337. Also: Semaine gynec., Par., 1903, viii, 49-52. —Faure (J.-L.) Sur le traitement de l'infection puerperale aigue par l'hysterectomie vaginale. [Rap. de Rochard.] Bull. et meni. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 335-339.— Fell ling (H.) Zur Frage der supravaginalen Amputa- tion des septischen puerperalen Uterus. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1895, xix, 961. -----. Die Hysterectomie in der Behandlung der puerperalen Infektion. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Berl., 1902, xvi, 506-514. Also: Cong, period, de gvnec et d'obst. C.-r. 1902, Flo- rence-Rome, 1904, iv, 135-143. Also, transl.: Arch, degine- cop., Barcel., 1903, xvi, 93-101. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gy- naekologia, Budapest, 1902, 107. — Feis (O.) Ueber die Totalexstirpation des septischen puerperalen Uterus, Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-YVien, 1903, n. F., v, 220-223.— Freund (W. A.) L'hysterectomie comme traitement de l'infection puerperale [Rap.] Rev. de gynec et de chir. abd., Par., 1902, vi, 861-864.—iiolVe (J. R.) Hyster- ectomy for puerperal sepsis; with report of a case. Med. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxiv, 103-106—Goullloud. Pre- cede d'hvsterectomie abdominale pour les uterus infectes. Lvon med., 1904, ciii, 91-95.—Jiradenwitz (R.) Ueber die Exstirpation des puerperalseptischen Uterus. Miin- PUERPERAL. 117 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treeitment of) by excision of uterus. chen. med. Wchnschr , 1902, xlix, 2139; 2176. —Hayd (H. E.) Hvsterectomv in puerperal sepsis. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 777-780.—von Herlt" n>.i Ueber die Bewertung gewisser Behandlungsmethodeu der Bakte- riamien des Kindbettes, inbesondere der Hysterektomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1041; 1096; 1137.—Hirst (B. C.) Hysterectomy for puer- peral sepsis. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 876-878. [Discussion], 909-914.—Holmes (B.) When shall hys- terectoinv be performed in puerperal sepsis? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 901-908.—Jewelt (C.) Hyster- ectomy in puerperal septic infection. Am. Gvnec, N. Y., 1903, ii, 118-135.—Joriida (M.) Due isterectomie totali vaginali per infezione puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1318-1321.—Rime (K. R.) Is hysterectomy for puerperal infectioniustitiablc? Tr.South.Surg. &Gynec Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 2,8-282. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 719— Kiriac (J.) Sur le traitement de l'infection puerperaleaigueet l'h vsterectomie. Gaz.de gynec, Par., 1903, xviii, 177-188.—Kulferalh (E.) Infec- tion puerperale; hysterectomie vaginale: guerison. Bull. Soc. beige de gvnec etd'obst, Brux. ,1903-4. xiv. 49-56. Also: l'ressemed.beige,Brux.,1903,lv,793-799.—L,apointe(A.) Laparotomie et hysterectomie dans le traitement de la grande in feet ion puerperale. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 195.— La Torre (F.) Intorno alle indicazioni dell' isterecto- mia nelle infezioni puerperali alia cura di esse. Clin. ostet, Roma, 1901, iii, 289-303. Also: Bull. d. Soc. Lanei- siana d. osp. di Roma, 1901-2, xxi, 74; fasc. 2, 179. Also, Reprint. Also: Clin, ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 321-342. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1901-2, viii, sez. prat., 97-101.—lie Fort. Hvsterectomie abdominale pour infection puerperale. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1902, 75. [Discus- sion], 97-104.—Lemoine. Les indications de 1'hyste- rectomie dans la metrite puerperale aigue. J. de chir. et ami. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1904, iv, 193-216. Also: J. med. de Brux., 1904, ix, 543-551.—Leopold (G.) Die Hvsterectomie bei der Puerperal-Infection. Monatschr. f. "Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1902, xvi, 514-524. Also: Cong, period, de gynec. et d'obst. C.-r. 1902, Florence- Rome, 1904, iv, 191-238. Also, transl.: Rev. de gynec et de chir. abd., Par., 1902, vi, 909-918. Also, transl.: Clin, ostet., Roma, 1903, v, 3-10.—Lewis (P.) Indications for inter- ference during infection; hysterectomy during the puer- perium. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1898-9, ix, 83-97.—Lop. Infection puerperale post-abortum; hysterectomie abdo- minale. guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1906, lxxix, 281- 283.—Lopez Hennosa (A.) La histerectomia en el tratamiento de las infecciones puerperales. Gac med., Mexico, 1903, 2. s., iii, 298-304.—Loureiro (C.) A pro- posito da hysterectomia na infeccao puerperal post abor- tum. Rev. med. de S. Paulo, 1904, vii, 399-404.—Ludlam. Chronic pi >st-puerperal metritis with universal pelvic ad- hesions; vaginal hysterectomy. Clinique, Chicago, 1894, xv, 570.—JIace (6.) Infection puerperale et hysterec- tomies (revue des discussions recentes). Obstetrique, Par., 1903, viii, 45-54.—nanrique (J. E.) Infeccion puerperal grave; histerectomia vaginal. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1905-6,141-150.— Jlanseau (H.) Continued irri- gations of the uterus versus hysterectomy for acute puer- peral septic metritis, with report of several successful cases. N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 121-123.—Marian! (C.) Grave infezione puerperale dell' utero accompa- gnata da peritonite acuta; isterectomia vaginale; guari- gione. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Roma-Napoli, 1900, vii, 20-28.— Ulauclaire. Traitement de l'infection puerpe- rale par l'h vsterectomie. Semaine gynec, Par., 1903, viii, 257; 265.—Jietcall' (W. F.) Chronic metritis, subinvo- lution, and double pyosalpinx, after streptococcic puer- peral infection; abdominal hysterectomy. Detroit M. J., 1905-6, v, 126— IHonzle. Septicemie puerperale prolon- ged; hvsterectomie supra-vaginale; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 301-303.— Noble (C. P.) Cceliotomy for puerperal septicaemia and peritonitis. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi, 423; 497.—Pen rose (C. B.) Report of a case of hysterectomy for acute puerperal sepsis, with recovery. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 678-681. [Discussion], 710-714.—Pe- terson ill.) Hvsterectomy for puerperal infection. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1895,xxv,268-272. Also, Reprint— Pichevin (R.) Hysterectomie et infection puerperale. Semaine gynec, Par., 1901, vi,241. -----. Infection puer- perale et hysterectomie totale. Ibid., 1902, vii, 209. -----. Sur l'hysterectomie dans la cure de l'infection puerpe- rale. Ibid., 297. -----. L'hysterectomie et l'infection puerperale post abortum. Ibid., 1904, ix, 17— Picque (L.) De l'intervention chirurgicale dans certaines varie- tes de septicemie puerperale; hysterectomie supravagi- nale suivie de succes. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 124-126. -----. Traitement de l'infec- tion puerperale par l'hvsterectomie abdominale. Bull. med., Par., 1902, xvi, 465-467. Also [Discussion]: Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 115-168.—Pinard (A.) Indica- tions de l'hysterectomie dans Tin feet ion puerperale aigue. Bull, med., Par., 1903, xvii, 471-474. Alser. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1903, lix, 241-252. Also: Rev. de gynec. Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of) by excision of uterus. et de chir. abd., Par., 1903, vii, 493-496. Also: Rev. prat. d'obst. et de padiat, Par., 1903, xvi, 129-142. Also [Rap.]: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect. d'obst. et de gvnec, 8-17. Also, transl.: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1904,13. s., iv, 234-241.—Pol a k. (J. O.) A case of hysterectomy for septic puerperal metritis. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 528.—Price (M.) Hysterectomy for puer- peral infection. Am. Gvnaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vii, 365-367. [Discussion], 391-396. Also, Reprint.—Pro- chow nick. Ueber die Ausschneidung der puerperal- septischen Gcbarmutter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv. [Discussion], Yei.-Beil., 290; 301. Also [Abstr.]: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gv- naek., Berl., 1899, x, 14-25. — Psaltoph (A. N.) 'H utiaemia {Treeitment . Seifert (M.) * Neuere Erfahrungen iiber Antistreptococcenserum, speziell bei Puerperal- fieber. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Borna-Leipzig, 1906. Vainshtein (E. M.) *Streptokokk i anti- streptokokovaya sivorotka; ekpserimentalnoye yeya primlenenle pri posllerodovol streptokok- Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of) 'tvith serums and attenuated cultures. kovol septitsemii. [Streptococcus and antistrep- tococcic serum; its experimental use in puerpe- ral streptococcic septicemia.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Wagner (P.) * Zur Therapie der puerperalen Sepsis mit Antistreptokokkenserum (Aron- son). [Munich.] 8°. Langensalza, 1906. Abnladze (D. A.) Dva sluchaya rodilnoi goryachki, liechonniye vpriskivaniyami antistreptokokkovol sivo- rotki. [Two cases of puerperal fever, treated by injec- tions of antistreptococcic .serum.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 433-435. Also: Univ. Izvlest. Kiev, 1904, xliv, [Protok. Akush.-Ginek. Ob.-h., 1902, 6-9].—Adam (J.) Puerperal fever treated by antistreptococcic serum, fol- lowed immediately by enteric fever; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1825.— Anderson (A. J.) On the use of antistreptococcus serum in puerperal septicemia and erysipelas. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 378—Andrew (J. E.) Acase of puerperal septicaemia, in which anti- streptococcic seruni was successfully used. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi, 553.—Arkhangelsk! (P. I.) Tri sluchaya seroterapii poslierodovikh septicheskikh zabolievaniy. [Three cases of serum-therapy of puerperal septic diseases.] ,1. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 552-566.—Arthur (D.) Treatment of a case of puerperal fever by antistreptococcus serum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 7s— Ausset (E.) & Kouze. Un cas tres grave de streptococcic purpe>ale traite par les injections de serum de Marmorek; guerison. Rev. de med., Par., 1896, xvi, 590-593.—Baldy ij. M.) Antistreptococcic serum in a case of acute puerperal lymphangitis and phlebitis. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 615—Bar & Tissier. Faits pour servir k l'histoire du traitement de l'infection puerperale paries serums antistreptococciques. Obstetrique, Par., 1896, i, 97; 204.—Barker (S. J.) Case of puerperal septicaemia treated with antistreptococcic serum. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1900, xii, 141.—Bergesio (L.) La sieroterapia nelle infezioni puerperali. Gior. di ginec. e di pediat., Torino, 1902, ii, 361-367.—Berthod (P.) Un casde septicemie puerperale traitee par le se- rum antistreptococcique. J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 226. Also: Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1896, xii, 175- 179.— Benttner (O.) Ein Fall von puerperaler Strepto- kokkeninfektion, geneilt mit Marmorek'schem Serum, nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Puerperalfieberdiskus- sion der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Gvntikologie in Ber- lin. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 996-999.— Bewersdorfl". Ueber einen mit Streptokokkenserum Menzer behandelten Fall von puerperaler Pyaemie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 1482— Bikhov- ski (S. B.) Primleneniye protivotslepekok kovol sivo- rotki v sluehayakh gnilostnikh poslierodovikh zabolie- vaniy. [Antistreptococcic serum in purulent puerperal diseases.] Ejened. jour. "Pakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1899, vi, 761; 782.—Blackwood (W.) A case of puerperal fever successfully treated with antistreptococcic serum. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1253.— Bluinberg (M.) Beobach- tungen bei der Behandlung von Puerperalfiebererkran- kungen mit Marmorek'schem Antistreptokokkenserum. Berl.klin. Wchnschr..1901, xxxviii. 132; 171. —Bohnstedt (G. y Ueber die Serumbehandlung der puerperalen Sep- sis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxii, 491-495.— Bosc. Grandeur et decadence du curettage dans le traitement de l'infection puerperale. Gaz. med. du cen- tre, Tours, 1908, xiii, 19-21.—Bouttiau. Serum anti- streptococcique de Rouk et fievre puerperale. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege. 1903, xiii, 567-575.—Brack (C. E.) A case of puerperal septicemia treated with antistrep- tococcus serum. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Ph vs. A; Surg., Bait., 1898, i, 13-17.—Brennan (E. F.) Puerperal fever versus antistreptococcic serum. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 852 — Briudcaii iA.i Traitementde l'infection puerperale par le bacille bictique. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi. 158-160.—Bue (V.) Pyelo-nephrite gravidique; in- fection puerperale: curettage et serotherapie. Obste- trique, Far., 1396, i,218-224.—Biiinin (E.l UeberSerum- behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, Berl., 1905, xxxv, pt. 2, 313-326. [Discussion], pt. 1, 171-175. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 1145-1149. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1011. Also, transl.: Therapist, Lond., 1904, xiv, 161; 177— Burckhard (G.) Zur Serumtherapie der Streptokokkeninfektionen, spe- ziell des Puerperalfiebers. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1904, liii, 490-502. Also [Abstr.]: Relchs-Med.- Anz., Leipz., 1905, xxx, 43-45.—Burkard (<>.) Ueber die Behandlung des Wochenbett liebers mit Paltauf'sehem Streptokokkenserum. Arch.f.Gynaek., Heti.. 1906,lxxix, 673-695, 1 pl— Busalla. ZurBewertuns des Antistrep- tokkenserums fiir die Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers auf Grund statistischer Untersuchungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1130.— Butin. Deux cas deflevre puerperale traites par le serum de Marmorek: guerison. J.d.scm6d.de Lille, 1896,ii,202-208.— Caie (W. J.) Caseof PUERPERAL. 120 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia {Treeitment of) tvith serums and attenuated cultures. puerperal septicaemia treated with antistreptococcus se- rum; recovery. Brit. M..I., bond.,1903, ii, 1210.—Camp- bell (J. M.) Notes of a case of septic infection after childbirth successfully treated by antistreptococcic serum. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlviii, 382. -----. Abortion with sep- ticaemia; treatment by antistreptococcus serum; recov- ery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 189s, i, 298. — Cameron (M.) Antistreptococcus serum in puerperal fever. Ibid., 1906, ii, 1710. — Castronuovo (G.) Terapia dell' infezione puerperale col siero Behring. N. riv. clin.-terap., Na- poli, 1906, ix, 102-413.—Chalelx. Sur un cas d'infection puerperale generalisee et traiteeparlaserotherapie. Gaz. hebd. de moi., Par., 1896, xliii, 1192. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc.med. de Bordeaux. 1897, xviii, 222-224.—Charles (N.) Septicemie chez une primipare, apres un accouchement normal; emploiinfructueux duserumleucocygene; deces le 25" jour. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1906, xxvii, 253.—Char- pentier. Serotherapie antistreptococciqueappliquee au traitementde la fievre puerperale. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse,1896,ii,129; 140. Also: Semaine gynec. Par., 1896, i, 89-92.—Charrin & Roger. Essaid'applieationde la serumtherapie au traitement de la fievre puerperale. Compt.rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1895,10. s., ii, 124-126.— Chatterton ( B.) A case illustrating the value of anti-streptococcus serums in puerperal septicaemia. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1906, xii, 215.—Christie (Mar- garet M. T.) A caseof puerperal septicaemia of two days' duration, following the delivery of a microcephalic mon- ster, treated with antistreptococcus serum; recovery; and a caseof puerperal septicaemiaof fourdays'durationtreated with antistreptococcus serum; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902,i, 1208.—Clark (L.B.) Use of antitoxin intwocases i if puerperal sepsis. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, cxxxviii, 27- 29.—Cox (C. W.) A case of puerperal septicaemia unsuc- cessfully treated by antistreptococcus serum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1S98, liii, 462.—Craig i J.) The oral administra- tion of diphtheria antitoxin in the treatment of puerpe- ral septicaemia and other septic conditions. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1904, iii, 428-135.—Crowe (G. W.) & Wyim (W. H.) A case of streptococcic puerperal in- fection treated with a vaccine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 303.—Cummins (W. A.) Case of puerperal septicae- mia treated by antistreptococcus serum, with recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 393.—Cuscaden (G.) Notes on a caseof puerperal infection treated by antistrepto- coccus serum. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1898, xvii, 249.— Davalos(,I. N.) Un caso de fiebre puerperal tratado por el sucroantidifterico. An. Acad, de cien. med. ... de la Habana, 1899-1900, xxxvi, 171-179.—Davis (E. P.) A marked result in the treatment of puerperal sepsis ob- tained by the use of serum; also, two failures of the same method of treatment. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 642-644.—Belize (A.) , Un cas de fievre puerperale; em- ploi du serum de Marmorek; guerison. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1898, xix, 23.—Delbet (P.) Remarques sur les abces appendiculaires; infection puerperale guerie par le serum de Raymond Petit. Compt. rend.Soc.de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 837. — Discussion on antistrepto- coccic serum. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 701-713.— Douglas (C. E.) Case of puerperal septicaemia treated with antistreptococcic serum with negative result; re- covery. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., i, 413-415.—Dunbar. Zur kenntnis des Heufieber- und Eklampsieheilserums (Entiregnung an Dr. Weichardt). Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 554-556.—Duncan (J. W.) A case of metritis and cellulitis in the puerperium treated with antistreptococcic serum. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 720.— Durante (G.) >3(i.—Fowler (S. C.) Notes on acase of septic infec- tion in the puerperium treated by antistreptococcus se- rum. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., i, 185-187—Fry (II. D.) Streptococcic infection in childbirth and the application of serumtherapy. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., isos, xxiii, 336-351. -----. The use of antistreptococcic serum in pu- Puerperal septiaemia (Treatment of) with strums and attenuated cultures. erperal sepsis. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1898, Wash., 1899, iii, 155-157. Also: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1898-9, viii. 423- 425. Also: Am. J. Obst., 1899, xl, 317-328.—Fry (W. E.) Antistreptococcus serum in puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 249.—tiaratt (A. H.) A case of puerpe- ral fever treated with antistreptococcus serum; recovery. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1900-1901, xxxiv, 319-351.— Garrett (R. W.) The present position of antistrepto- coccus serum in the treatment of puerperal infection. Kingston M. Quart., 1899-1900, iv, 82-94.—Gau lard. La serotherapie dans la fievre puerperale. Presse med., Par.; 1895, 478-4so.—Gervis (11.) A case of puerperal septicaemia: treatment bv antistreptococcus serum; re- covery. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1900, i, 1278.—Grega; (J. L.) Precipitate labour; septicaemia; antistrepjococcus serum; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, ls97, xvi, 533-540.— Grlmsdale (T. B.) A case of puerperal septicaemia in which antistreptococcic serum was used with success. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 719-721.—Grinevich il. I.) Dva sluchaya rodilnoi goryachki, polzovanniyeprotivotslepe- kokkovoi sivorotkol. [Two cases of puerperal fever treat- ed with antistreptococcic serum.] Vrach. Gaz.,S.-Peterb., 1901, viii, 852-854.—Grochtmann. Puerperale Sepsis behandeltmitAronsons Antistreptokokkenserum. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 354.— Groth i E. R. G.) A case of septicaemia successfully treated with anti-streptococcic scrum. Lancet, Lond.,1897, ii, 387-389.—Halberstadt i K.) Tyazholiy sluchal pu- erperalnol septiko-pi'emii, llcchoniy protivostreptokok- kovol si vorotkol. [Severe case of puerperal septico- pyemia treated by antistreptococcus serum.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1898, xii, 87-93.—Hamilton (J. A. G.) A case of puerperal septicaemia treated wdth antistreptococcic serum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1899, xviii, 331. -----. Antistreptococcus serum in puer- peral septicemia and scarlet fever. Tr. Am. Ass. < )hst. & Gynec. 1894, N. Y., 1905, xviii, 207-214—Hand (p.) Aronsons Antistreptococcenserum bei puerperaler Sepsis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1800. Also: Therapist. Lond., 1905, xv, 179.—Haultain (F.W.N.) On the culture diagnosis and serum treatment of puerperal infection, with illustrative cases. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., ii, 128-135.—Hay ward (W. T.) A case of puerperal septicaemia treated bv antistreptococcic serum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897^ xvi, 109.—Henry (T. J.) A case of puerperal infection treated with injections of antistreptococcus serum. Ibid., 487. -----. Notes on a fatal case of acute puerperal septicaemia treated with anti- streptococcus serum in addition to the usual methods. Ibid., 1898, xvii, 201.—Hession (M. F.) A case of acute puerperal sepsis treated with antistreptococcus serum; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 810. — Higgins (F. A.) Observations on the use of anti-streptococcus serum in the treatment of puerperal sepsis, with a re- port of five cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 422- 426.—Hinder (H. C.) Septica'mia and the anti-strepto- coccic serum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi, 388.— Hirst (B.C.) Cases of puerperal sepsis in which the antistreptococcic serum was employed. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 625-629.—Hoffmann. Aronsonsches Antistreptococcenserum bei puerperaler Sepsis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1904, xxx.1686.—Home (I. F.) Case of puerperal septicaemia following on pla- centa praevia; treatment by antistreptococcic serum; death. Med. Age, Detroit, 1*99, xvii, 11. Also: Scalpel, Lond., 1899, iv, 8.—Howard i,G. T.) Case of puerperal septieaniia treated with anti-streptoeoccic serum; recov- ery. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1897, ii, 667.—Howard (V.) Case of puerperal septicaemia treated bv injections of antistreptococcus serum; recov- ery. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1903-4, xi, 210.—Hubert. Traitement des septicemics puerperales par le serum anti- streptococcique; quatre cas de guerison. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. deBelg.,Brux.,1898,4.s.,xii,198-205. [Discussion], 553; 601. Also: Rev. med., Louvain, 1897-8, xvi, 193; 433.— Hughe«* (IL) Case of puerperal fever treated by anti- streptococcus serum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1597.— Inilach ( F.) Puerperal fever and its antitoxin. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 517.—lmpastato (R.) Le iniezioni di siero antidifterico nelle infezioni puerperali. Gazz. sicil. di med.e chir. [etc],Palermo, 1903, ii, 468-470.— Jacoby (M.) Die Serotherapie in der Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers. Zentralbl. f.d. ges.Therap.,Leipz.,1907, xxv, 505-511.—.Tacqiiot. Note sur un cas de septicemie puerperale traitee au moyen du serum antistreptococ- cique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895, 10. s.. ii, 358.—J a worski (J.) Przyczynek do stosowania serum- terapii w goraczce pologowej. [On serum-therapv in puer- peral fever.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1897, xviii, 183-190. -----. O znaczeniu zastrzykiwah podsk6rnych serum artificiale w zakazeniu poiogowem. [Value of subcu- taneous injection of artificial serum in puerperal infec- tion.] Ibid., 1904, xxv, 501-509. Also, transl.: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 1350-1356. -----. Przyczy- nek do etyologii i terapii goraczki porodowej. Staphy- lococcaemia, serotherapia specifica. [Causes and treat- PUERPERAL 121 puerpp:ral. Puerperal septicemie/ (Treeitment of) tvith serums anel attenuated cultures. ment of puerperal fever . . .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1907, 2. s., xxvii, 670-675.—Johnson (J. G.) Puerperal sep- ticemia treated by antistreptococcic serum. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1899, xviii, 296-298.—Johnston (A.) Two cases of puerperal fever treated with antistrep- tococcus serum. Scot. M. tv. S. J., Edinb., 1898, ii, 338- 311.—Jones (R.) The value of anti-streptococcus serum ui the treatmentof severe puerperal septica'mia. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1904, xxiii, 61-63. -----. Case of puerperal septicemia treated with antistreptococcus serum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1210.—Josue tO. i & Herniary (A.) Un cas de septicemie puerperale traite par le serum antistreptocoeciqtie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895,10. s.,ii,340-343.—Kennedy (A. E.) Puer- peral septicemia: use of streptocoeensantitoxin. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1106.—Kershaw (E.) A caseof puerperal fever treated with unti-streptococcic serum. I bid.. 1898. i, 784. Also: Louisville M. Month., 1898-9, v, 219 — Klitin (I.) Ob obshtshel ostroi streptokokkovol infektsii v pos- lierodovom periodle i o dlestvii pri nel protivostrep- tokokkovoi sivorotki. [General acute streptococcic in- fection in the puerperal period, and the action of strep- tococcic serum in that disease] Arch. biol. nauk .... S.- Peterb., 1898-9, vii, 144-167. Also, transl.: Arch.d.sc biol., St.-Petersb., 1898-9.vii, 143-167— Labusquiere (R.) In- fections puerperales et serum de Marmorek. Ann. de gy- nec et d'obst., Par., 1901, lv, 238-243.—Laruelle (L.) Un cas d'infection puerperale traite par le serum antistrepto- coccique: guerison. Presse med.beige, Brux., 1896, xlviii, 337-339.—Leary (T. G.) Successful treatment of puer- peral fever by antistreptococcus serum. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x. 516-526. Also: Tr. Edinb., Obst. Soc, 1906-7, xxxii, 67-74.—Leask (II. L. G.) Puerperal fever treated by antistreptococcus serum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 18.16, i, 1500.—Led rain. Fievre puer- perale grave; injections de serum antistreptococcique; guGrison. Progres med., Par., 1896, 3. s., iii, 227.—Les- sona (F.) La sieroterapia nella febbre puerperale. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1896, xlvii, 613.— Levai (D.) Puerperalis laz serummal kezelve. [The treatment of puerperal fever by serum.] GyogyAszat, Budapest, 1901, xii, 394.—Liboft"(L. A.) Nleskolko nablyudeniy nad primleneniyem protivotsiepekokkovol sivorotki pri pos- lierodovikh zabollevaniyakh. [Observations on the use of antistreptococcic serum in puerperal diseases.] Vrach. gaz., S.-Peterb., 1901, viii, 850-8.52.—Lloyd (H. C.) Re- port of two cases of puerperal sepsis treated by vaccines. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1907, xii, 498- 600.—Longyear (H. W.) The medical treatment of puerperal infection, with especial reference to serum therapv. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1899, xxiii, 214-226. Also: Med. Times, N. Y., 1899, xxvii, 353-357. -----. A case of streptococcic puerperal in- fection successfully treated in which serum therapy was used. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1903, ii, 270-274.— Lop (P -A. i Septicemie puerperale traitee par le serum de Marmorek (deux observations). Marseille med., 1896, xxxiii, 477-482.—LvoIf (I. M.) O llechenii septiches- kikh poslierodovikh zabolievaniy protivotsiepochechnoi sivorotkol Marmorek'a. [On the treatment of septic puerperal diseases bv antistreptococcus serum of . . .] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. ivterb., 1897, xi, 1643-1647.— .Hellwraith (K. C.) Three cases of puerperal septi- cemia treated with antistreptococcus serum. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto. 1902, xxvii, 247-251.—Macken- zie (J. M.) & Blaudy i W. B. i A note on a case of puerperal septica mia t r> at> d b v a ntistn ptococcic serum. Lancet, Lond., 1903,ii, 88j.— McKcoim'h (G. T.) Cases of puerperal sepsis treated withanti-streptococcusserum. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1900, vii, 26-29.—MeKerron (R. G.) Antistreptococcus serum in puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1033-1035.—MacXalty (F. C.) Puerperal peritonitis successfully treated with antistrep- toccus serum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 86.—Maertens (L.) Deux cas de fievre puerperale traites par le serum polyvalentduprofesseurDenys. J. d'accouch.,Liege, 1902, xxii, 136.— Mainzer (F.) Ueber einen Fall von puer- peraler Sepsis, behandelt mit Aronsohn's Antistreptococ- censerum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 955.—Maisey (C. T. B.) A case of puerperal septicaemia treated with antistreptococcic serum; re- covery. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 501 — Makuna (M. D.) Anti-streptococcie, serum in puerperal fever. Ibid., 1902, j, 963.—Mann (M. D.) The surgical treatmentof puer- peral infection. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 213-216.— Mapleton (G. H.) Antistreptococcic serum in puer- peral septicemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1040—Mar- tin i E.j Lie Behandlung des Puerperalfiebers mit Anti- streptokokkenserum. B'rl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 971-973.—Marx (S. i Intrapartum pyaemia; antistrepto- coccus serum injection; laparotomy: death. Am. Gynaec& Obst.J., N. Y., 1897, x, 210-212— Maryanchik (N. P.) K voprosu o raspoznavanii poslierodovikh zabolievaniy i oleehebnomznacheniisivorotki Marmorek'a. [Diagnosis of puerperal diseases and the medicinal value of Mar- morek'a serum.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1903, x, 421; Puerperal septicemia {Treatment of) tvith serums and attenuated cultures. 444.—Mayer (A.) Ueber die Verhiitung des Puerperal- fiebers und den Erfolg der Behandlung desselben mit dem Aronsohnschen Antistreptokokkenserum. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1907, xii, 155-193.— Mazzei (T.) L' uso del siero antistreptococciconella febbre puer- perale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 767-709.—Me r- letti (C.) Efficacia dello siero polivolente Tavel nel- 1' infezione puerperale. Lucina, Bologna, 1905, x, 74-76.— Miller (C. S. ) Antistreptococcic serum in puerperal septicemia. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1903, ii, 422-421. Also: Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1903, xxix, 599-601. Also: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1903-4, xvii, 43-45.— Moorhead (T. IL) A case of acute puerperal septic in- toxication treated with antistreptococcus serum; recov- ery. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1897, i, 204.—Mpitsakes (E.) 'H Sepaneia rov eirt\o\€iov irvperov Sea roil CLVTibifyOtpiTiKov oppou toJ RoUX. 'IaTpi/crj npooSos, '!> 'Siipai, 1903, viii, 132- 134.—.Moran (J. F.) The prophylaxis and treatment of puerperal fever, with reportof three cases of streptococ- cus infection successfully treated with anti-streptococcus serum. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xxxix, 766-780. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1898-9, viii, 556-560. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1899, Wash., 1900, iv, 12-16.—Morton (T.) Antistreptococcus serum in acase of puerperal septicaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 583.—Mucci (S.) II siero Behring nelle tossietnie puerperali. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Xapoli, 1905, xxi, 646-656.— Miiller (A.) Serumbehand- lung des Puerperaltiebers. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 702. -----. Zur Serumbehandlung des Puer- peraltieliers. Ibid., 1069-1071.— Mu in lord (A. A.) Puer- peral septicaemia and the anti-streptococcie serum. Med. Chron. Manchester, 1898, ix, 168-172.—Norris (R. C.) A case of puerperal sepsis successfully treated with Anti- streptococcus serum. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 629-636. —Nyulasy (A. J.) Serum treatment in puer- peral septicaemia with septic pneumonia. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1899, iv, 53-57.—O'Connor (T. H.) A case of puerperal sepsis successfuly treated by antistreptococcus serum. Boston M. &S..I., 1898, cxx.xix", 468.—Opler (F.) Ueber einen Fall puerperaler Infek- tion, geheilt unter Anwendung des Aronsonsehen Auti- streptokokkenserums. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1211. Also, transl.: Therapist, Lond., 1904, xiv, 164.—Ortega Jimenez (A.) De la serote- rapia en la infecci6n puerperal aguda con motivo de dos casos de streptococcia puerperal graves de forma difte- roide y uno de ellos, ademas, con localizaciones septico- piohemicas. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Ma- drid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'obst. et de gynec, 345-361.—Fad- dock (C. E.) Antistreptococcic serum in puerperal fevers. Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 897-900. —Parrot (T. G.) Acute puerperal sepsis treated with anti- streptococcus serum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 145.— Pecker. Quelques considerations sur les injections du serum artificiel dans les infections puerperales. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 141-145.— Peham (H.) Ueber Serumbehandlung bei Puerperal- fieber. Arch. f. Gyniik., Berl., 1904, lxxiv, 47-69. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 405. [Discussion], 428.— Pickett (I. N.) Puerperal pyemia, and the use of anti streptococcic.serum. West. Med. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1899, iv, 13.—Pilzcr (H.) Dwa przypadki goraczki pologo- wej, leczoncj surowica. przeciwpaciorkowcowa,. [Two cases of puerperal fever treated by antistreptococcic serum.] Przc.irl. lek., Krak6w, 1898, xxxvii, 614.—Pi 1- zer (H.) & liberson (M.) Ueber einen Fall von Wo- chenbettfieber, geheilt mit (Marmorek'schen) Antistrep- tococcenserum. Aerztl. Centr-Ztg., Wien, 1901, xiii, 473. -----. -----. Ueber die Behandlung des Wochenbett- fiebers mit Antistreptokokkenserum. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1904, xviii, 509-513.—Pirn (A. A.) Puerperal py- rexia treated by antistreptococcus serum. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1898, ii, 1489.—Porter (W. D.) A case of puer- peral sepsis in which serum treatment seemed beneficial. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., liv, 405-407.—Prim- rose (A. J.) Antistreptococcus serum in two cases of puerperal septic infection. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 895.—Kaniicy (G. E.) The relationship of antistrepto- coccus serum to the treatment of puerperal sepsis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 1060-1063.—Raw (N.) A case of puerperal septicaemia treated by anti- streptococcic serum; recovery; bacteriological report. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 503-506. -----. Puerperal septica'- mia, with special reference to the value of antistrepto- coccic serum, based on observation of sixty-one cases. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1904, xxiv, 259-272. Also: I. < >bst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1904, v, 334-343. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., l.xxx, 482-485.—Raw- lings (J. D.) A case of puerperal septicaemia treated with antistreptococcic serum; death. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 309.—Read (B. T.) A case of puerperal septicae- mia treated by anti-streptococcie serum, complicated by pulmonary embolism, perimetritis, and axilliary abscess; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1725.—Rebreyend (P.) Le serum antistreptococcique dans l'infection puer- PUERPERAL. 122 PUERPERAL. Puerperal septicemia (Treatmemt of) tvith serums and attenuated cultures. perale; etude historique et critique. Presse rn£d., Par., 1898, i, 283; 309.—Reddy iH. L.) Streptococcic, puer- peral infection: injection of Marniorek's antistreptococ- cic serum; recovery. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1895-6, xxiv, 569-573, 1 ch.—Rene de Cotret (E.-A.) Etude critique sur l'emploi du serum antistreptococcique dans l'infection puerperale. Union med. du Canada. Mon- treal, 1902, xxxi, 136; 219, 272; 335; 416; 700.—Reno. Ueber die Serumbehandlung des Puerperalfiebers in der Greifswalder Universitiits-Frauenklinik. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1905, xxii, 710-716.—Rich- ardson (J. C. R.) A case of puerperal fever treated by anti-streptococcus serum; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 86.—Richer (A.J.) Diplo-streptococcic puerperal infection treated with Marmorek's serum. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1896-7, xxv, 245-248.—Richmond (R.) Two cases of puerperal septicaemia treated by anti-strep- tococ ic serum; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 791.— Rose (T.) Acase of streptococcic puerperal infection treated with a special puerperal antistreptococcic serum; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 1830.—Rosenthal (E.) The treatment of puerperal septicemia by the anti- streptococcic serum. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 219-223.— Ross (E. F.) A short report on serum-therapy in fever after delivery. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1899, Brisbane, 1901,429.—Rossi Doria (T.) Sul valore della sieroterapia nelle infezioni puerperali. Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1896, v, 641; 705. Also: Atti d. Soc ital. di ostet. e ginec, Roma, 1897, iii, 235-257.— Roughton (J. P.) & Tolputt (A. G.) A caseof puer- peral fever treated with antistreptococcic serum; death. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 1321.—Russell (A. W.) A case of puerperal toxaemia in which the antistreptococcic serum was used. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gynaec. Soc, 1896-8, i, 23- 25. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlviii, 148-151.—Savor (R.) Klinische Beobachtungen iiber die Wirksamkeit des Antistreptococcenserums von Marmorek bei Puerpe- ralerkrankungen. Ber. a. d. 2. geburtsh.-gynakol. Klin. in Wien, 1897, 51-76.—Scainmell (J. H.) Case of puer- peral septicaemia, treated with anti-streptococcie serum. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1899, xi, 8.—Schulz (F.) Puerperalfieber, geheilt durch Antistreptokokkenserum Menzer. Med.Klin., Berl.,1906, ii, 1096.—Sch wabland (W. T.) Report of a case of puerperal sepsis treated with antistreptococcic serum. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1903, ix, 178-181, 1 ch.—Seredinski (I. K.) Tri slucha- ya rodilnoi goryachki, polzovanniye protivotslepekok- kovol si vorotkol. [Three cases of puerperal fever, treated by antistreptococcus serum.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 348.—Shapiro (G. K.) Sluchal rodilnoi goryachki, polzovannol antidifteriynol sivorotkol. [Puerperal fever, treated by antidiphtheritic serum.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 515.—Sharp (A. J.) A case of severe puerperal septicaemia; injection of antistreptococcic' serum; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 519.—Sheen (A.) A case of puerperal septi- caemia treated bv antistreptococcic serum; death. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1774.—Shober (J. B.) Puerperal fever treated with antistreptococcic serum; a series of twenty-one cases collected from the Lancet and from the British Medical Journal for 1896. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 647-650.—Shoemaker (G. E.) Septicaemia from self-induced abortion; serum injection; autopsv. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 637-641— Shtern (M*.) Sluchal puerperalnol septitsemii, liechonniy antistrepto- kokkovol sivorotkol. [Case of puerperal septicaemia treated bv antistreptococcus serum.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1898, v, 729-731.—Sifl'(H.) A case of puerperal septicaemia successfully treated bv anti- streptococcus serum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 701-703.— Sippel i A.) Die operative Behandlung der puerperalen Pviimie. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 1361- 1368.—Smith (R. T.) A case of puerperal peritonitis treated with anti-streptococcie serum. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1897-8, xiii, 188-193. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiv, 2— Smyth (E. W.) Anti- streptococcic serum in puerperal fever; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 495.—Snoeck (J.) Infection puer- perale; injections de serum antistreptococcique polyva- lent du professeur Denys. Ann. Soc. de mea. de Gand, 1899, lxxviii, 70-74.—Spencer (H.) The treatment of fever following delivery, with special reference to serum- therapy. [Abstr.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., cxix, l's3. — Stanger (W.) A case of puerperal fever successfully treated with antistreptococcic serum. Lan- cet, bond ,'1996, ii, 651.—Stansby (C. J.) Anote on the use (u' anti-streptococcie serum in puerperal fever. Lan- cet, Lond., 1897, ii, 1243.—Steele (E. A. T.) Serum ther- apy in puerperal septicaemia; with a table of cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 899-901.—Steiner (V.) Zur Be- handlung des Puerperalfiebers, nebst Mittheilung eini- ger mit Antistreptococcen - Serum behandelter Fiille. Heilkunde.Wien [etc.],1901,2-5. Also: Frauenarzt,Leipz., 1901, xvi, 99; 148— Steinhauer. Behandlung von Pu- erperalfieber mit Antistreptococcenserum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 213-215.— Swanwick(E.M.) Puerperal septicaemia treated with- Puerperal septicemia (Treeitment of) with serums and attenuated cultures. out streptococcic serum; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 1308.—Taylor (T. E.) Serum treatment of puerperal septicaemia, with report of two cases. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1899, v, 90-92.—Themerson (M.) Leczenie goraczki pologowej surowiea. przeciwpaciorkowcowa. (se- rum antistreptococcique). [Treatment of puerperal lever with . . .] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1902, xxiii, 311-313.— Thomson (J. C.) Puerperal fever; recovery after the injection of antistreptococcus serum. Select. Colon. M. Rep. 1900-1901, Lond., 1902, 206.—Thurnam (F. W.) A case of puerperal fever treated with anti-streptocoecic se- rum; death. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1824.—Yainshtcin (E. M.) Antistrepto-kokkovaya sivorotka (Marmorek'a) pri poslierodovoi streptokokkovol septitsemii. [Anti- streptococcic serum in puerperal streptococcus septi- caemia.] J.akush. i jensk.boliez.,St. Petersb.,1897, xi, 1232- 1240. Also, transl.: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, vi, sect. 13, 231-2i8. — Veiga (F.) Infeccion puerperal tratada por el suero antiestreptoc6e- cico. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1903, vi, 363- 3ii7.—Veitch (A.) Puerperal wound infection, treated by antistreptococcic serum; recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1897, n. s., i, 182-184.—Verdelet. Serum antistreptococcique dans l'infection puerperale. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 149-151.— Vinay (C.) Traite- ment de la septicemie puerperale par le .serum antistrep- tococcique. Lyon med., 1896, lxxxi, 109-118. -----. Le serum de Marmorek dans le traitement de la septic6mie puerperale. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1897), 1898, xxxvii, 37-58. Also: Lyon med., 1897, lxxxv, 179; 221.—Voorhees (J. D.) A severe case of puerperal sepsis treated by antistreptococcus serum and unguentum Crede. Med. Times & Reg., Phila., 1899, xxxvii, 294-296. Also: N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 847.— Wagner (P.) Zur Therapie der puerperalen Sepsis mit Antistreptokokkenserum (Aronson). Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1906, xxi, 289; 344. Also, Reprint.—Waller (H. E.) & liibbs (F. R.) A case of puerperal fever successfully treated with antistreptococcic serum. 'Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1873.—Wallich (V.) De la serotherapie appli- quee k la septicemie puerperale. Compt.-rend. Cong, in- ternat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, vi, sect. 13,224-231. Also: Cong, internat. d. sc. med. a Moscou, Par., 1897, xii, 228- 247.—Walthard (M.) Grundlagen zur Serotherapie des Streptokokkenpuerperalfiebers. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1904, li, 469-488.—Walsh (W. B.) A case of puerperal fever treated with anti-streptococcus serum. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1897, ii, 184-186.—Walters (J.) & Walters (A. R.) Case of pu- erperal septicaemia treated bv antistreptococcic serum. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond.(1898), 1899, xl, 277-284.—Ward(P.H.) A case of pyrexia following childbirth treated with anti- streptococcic serum. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 1571.—Web- ber (H. W.) A case of puerperal septicaemia, in which a favorable result was obtained from one injection of an- tistreptococcus serum. Brit. M, J., Lond., 1900, i, 377.— Weichardt. Entgegnung auf vorstehenden Artikel des Herrn Professor Dunbar. Wien. klin.-therap. Wchn- schr., 1904,557-5f0.—White (C. S.) Remarks on bacteriol- ogy and serum treatment cf puerperal septicaemia, with an illustrative case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 55.—Wig- nolle. Septicemie puerperale trait6e par les injections de serum de Marmorek. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1900, ii, 40.—Williams (C. E.) A caseof puerperal fever treated with antistreptococcic serum; recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxix, 467.—Williams (J. D.) The value of antistreptococcic serum in the treatment of severe puer- peral septicaemia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1285-1288. Also: Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1896, vii, 607-615.— Williams (J. W.) [et al.]. The value of antistreptococ- cic serum in the treatment of puerperal infection. Am. J. Obst.,N.Y.,1899,xl,289-314. Also [Abstr.]: Tr.Am.Gynec Soc, Phila., 1899, xxiv, 80-126.—Wilson (D.),jr. Anti- streptococcus serum in puerperal fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1207.—Wood (A. H.) A case of puerperal septi- caemia treated by anti-streptococcie serum, and compli- cated by phlegmasia; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 401.—Work (H.) A case of puerperal septicaemia un- successfully treated by anti-streptococcus serum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 313.—Young (E. B.) The efficacy of serum treatmentin streptococcus puerperal septicemia. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, cliii, 212-216.—Zasackl. Przy- padeck goraczki pologowej leczony surowiea. przeciwrop- niczq, (wyrobu Prof. Bujwida). [Caseof puerperal fever treated by Bujwid's antipyaemic serum.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1897, xxxvi, 439. Puerperal septicemia in animals. See Puerperal diseases in animals. , Puerperal state [subsequent to delivery]. See, also, Labor; Lochia; Uterus (Involu- tion, etc., of). Altamira (F.) * Breve estudio sobre el puer- perio. 8°. Mexico, 1880. PUERPERAL. 123 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state [subsequent to delivery]. Andreas (F. H.) * Ueber den Verlauf des Wochenbettes nach operativen Kingriffen. Aus der Universitiits-Frauenklinik zu Marburg. 8°. Marburg, 1906. Btyalski (V. [A. M.]) *K voprosu o teche- nii posllevodovavo perioda pri normalnikh ro- dakh, protekshikh bez vsyakavo akusherskavo vmieshatelstva. [On the course of the puerpe- ral period in normal labor, completed without any obstetrical interference.] 8°. Vilna, 1894. Izaguirke (R. B.) * Estudio sobre algunos fenomenos puerperales. 8°. Mexico, 1878. Jovaxovic-Battt (M.) Porodilja. [Woman in puerperium.] 12°. [n. p.], 1899. Picard (G.) *De la puerperalite chez les femmes agees de moins de seize ans. 8°. Pa- ris, 1903. Also, in: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1903, xvi, 116-128. Rixdfleisch ( C. ) * Ueber Woehenbetts- erscheinungen und ihren ursaehlichen Zusam- menhang. [ Wurzburg. ] 8°. Leipzig, 1889. Alilleld ( F. ) Weitere Untersuchungen uber die phvsiologischen Vorgange in der Naehgeburtsperiode. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1897, xxxvi, 443- 466.—Bldone (E ) Sui primi giorni di puerperio. Lu- cina, Bologna, 1900, v, 65-69.—Boensel. Die sekreto- rische Thiitigkeit der Magenschleifnhaut in den ersten Tagen des Wochenbettes. Deutsche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1902, xi, 481-484—Bnist i.I. K.) The puerperium. South. Pract., Nashville, 1896, xviii, 497-504. — Cecil (J. G.) The puerperium. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1901-2, viii, 76-79.—Corminas (E.) Las leves de la inmunidad puerperal. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1893, xxix, 145-147.—Daniel (C.) Du pouls et de la temperature, pendant la puerp6ralit6 (valeur semeiologiqueetpronostique). Ann. degvnec.et d'obst., Par., 1902, lvii, 349-384. — Denkschritt verfasst und dem preussischen Cultusministerium vorgelegt durch die von der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakologie in Berlin gewiilijte Puerperalfieber-Commission. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1878, iii, 1-15. Also, transl.: Edinb. M. J., 187s-9. xxiv, pt. 1, 435-446. Also, Reprint.—De' Paoli i G. i & De' Barbierl( U.) L' emo- antitossina nelle gravide e nelle puerpere. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 1628-1631—Funke. UeberdieSterb- lichkeit im Kindbett in Elsass-Lothringen 1904 und 1905. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1906, iii, 297: 1907, iv. 13.—Oard- ner i W. S ) The normal puerperal state. Marvland M. J., Bait., 1889-90, xxii, 461-466. —t.elli (G.) Del puerperiofisiologico. Pratico, Firenze, 1897, ii, 358-366.— Gryni'eltt (J.) De l'etat puerperal phvsiologique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1890, xii, 133-135.—Heil (K.) Untersuchungen fiber die Korpergewichtsverhalt- nisse normaler Wochnerinnen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1896, li, 18-32. -----. Verhalten des Arztes in der Naehgeburtsperiode. Heilkunde, Berl., 1907, 449-457.— Herman (G. E.) The change in size of the chest, and abdomen during the lying-in period, and the effect of the binder upon them. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. 11890), 1891, xxxii, 108-118.—van Herwerden (M.) Bijdrage tot de kennis van het puerperium. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec., Haarlem, 1905, xvi. 240-280, 1 pl.— Hol'baner (J.) Zur Phvsiologie des Puerperiums. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek., Berl., 1897, v, Er- gnzngshft., 62-57. —Jackson (H.) The heart in the puerperium. Boston M. & S. J., 1906, civ, 4-6.—Kuapp (L.) Wochenbettstatistik und Hebammenreform. Gv- naek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, i, 38; 81.—Leo- pold. Ueber die Wochenbetten von nicht untersuch- ten und nicht ausgespulten Gebarenden. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1889, Leipz., 1890, 68-72.— Lewlcki (S.) Szv istnieje rizyologiczne zwolnienie te.tna w pologu? [Does there exist a physiological slow- ing of the pulse in the puerperium?] Przegl. lek., Kra- k6w, 1902, xii, 677; 698.—Iiongridge (C. N.) Creatinin excretion in lying-in women. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Obst. & Gvnaec. Sect., 193.—lleArtlnir (A. N.) Notes on clinical observations of the puerperium. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, 509-512. [Discussion], 531.—Mansield (O. P.) Ueber den Wert der puerperalen Bakteriologie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxiii, 620-639.—Mayrhoier (C.) Zur Frage nach der Aetiologie der Puerperalprocesse. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkrankh., Berl., 1865, xxv, 112-134. Also, Reprint.—Jlerletti ((',.) Nuovi elementi per lo studio della funzionalita cardiaca nello stato puerperale. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1907, lxxxi, fasc. 3, 9-61, 1 tab., 1 pl.—Neumann (S.) Untersuchungen iiber Schwefelsaureaus-ciieidung und Darmfaulniss bei Wochnerinnen. Arch. f. Gvnaek., Berl., 1896, Iii, 441- Puerperal state [subsequent to delivery]. 452.—Parvin (T.) Puerperal convalescence. Med. A: Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxiii, 151-153.—Finto (V.J.) The puerperium. Am. Gyna-c. & Obst. J., N.Y., 1895, vii, 30. Also, Reprint.—Porceddn (G.) II ricambio a-zo- tato nelle puerpere sottoposte o no ad allatamento. Arch. di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1906, xiii, 420-445.—Potters (J. M.) The days after labor. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1904, xxiv, 7-12.—Potts (W; A.) The puerperium. Midland M. .1., Birmingh., 1908, vii, 2-5.—Puerperium (Het). Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1904-5, viii, 195- 198.—tfcuessy (A. H.) <& Merrill (,<'■ F.) The puer- perium. ,1. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phvs. & Surg. Bait., 1902-3, v, 84; 107.—Itodners (M. A.) The puerperium. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1893, iii, 139-145.—Sherman (A. W.) The puerperal state. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1897, iii, 56-60.—Staples (J. W.) Labor and the puerperium, from the standpoint of the general practitioner. Med. Age, Detroit, 1905, xxiii, 252-257.—Stevens (T. G.) & Oritttth (W. S. A.) Notes on the variation in height of the fundus uteri above the symphysis during the puer- perium, the conditions which influence this, and the practical conclusions which may be drawn from such observations. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1895), 1896, xxxvii, 246-262.—Sutherland (W. D.) The puerperium in the Tropics. J. Prop. M., Lond., 1899-1900, ii, 34.—Temes- vary (R.) & Backer (J.) Studien aus dem Gebiete des Wochenbettes. Arch. f. Gvnaek., Leipz., 1888, xxxiii, 331-399. Also, Reprint.—Wallich (V.) Les suites de couches physiologiques. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1907, xx, 129-146.—Wilkes (G. A.) Observations of the heart during the puerperium. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1904, iii, 162-165. — Wilkinson (A. D.) Puerperal convalescence. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1900, n. s., xix, 467-471.—Winter (G.) Ueber die Meldepflicht der Hebammen bei Wochenbettfieber. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1908, xxi, 71-78.—Wright (A. H.) The emotional element in the puerperal period. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1891, 313-317. Also: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1391, xviii, 283-291. Puerperal state (Acetonuria in). See Puerperal state (Urine in); Urine (Ace- tone i)i). Puerperal state {Albuminuria in). See Labor (Urine in); Puerperal convulsions ( Urine in); Puerperal state ( Urine in). Puerperal state (Bacteriology of). See, also, Puerperal septiaemia (Bacteriology of). Starg aedter (J.) * Bakteriologische Lochial- Untersuchungen und klinische Befunde bei nor- malen und kranken Wochnerinnen. 8°. Mun- chen, 1906. Artemyeff (A. P.) O mikroskopicheskom i bakte- rioskopicheskom izslledovanii poslierodovikh otdleleniy. [Microscopical and bacterioscopical investigations of puerperal secretions.] Nauch. Besedy vrach. Zakav- kazsk. Povival. Inst.,Tiflis,1889,iv,129;152,l pl.—Boquel (A.) & Papin (P.) Deux observations de colibacillose au cours de la puerperalite. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1905. ix, 513-522. Also: Obstetrique, Par., 1905, x, 193-198.— Burckhardt (L.) Ueber den Einfluss der Scheiden- bakterien auf den Verlauf des Wochenbettes. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1893-4, xlv, 71-93.—Doderlein. Ueber Scheidenabsonderungen und Scheidenkeime. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1891, xl, 306-312.—Marx (S.) The bacte- riology of the puerperal uterus; its relation to the treat- ment of the parturient state. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlviii, 301-324. Also: Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1903, xiii, 345-351.—Prloleau ( L. ) Puerperalite et micro- bismepreexistant. Arch, de tocol. etde gynec, Par., 1894, xxi, 10-33.—Sehanenstein (W.) Zur Bakteriologie des puerperalen Uterussekretes. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1J01. v, 418-482.— Vahle. Ueber das Vor- kommen von Streptokokken in der Scheide Gebarender. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1896, xxxv, 192-214. Puerperal state {Blood in). See, also, Puerperal convulsions (Blood in); Puerperal septiaemia (Blood in). AlalIkix (D. [D.]) *K voprosu ob izmle- nenii morfologicheskavo sostava krovi v razlich- nikh sostoyaniyakh rodilnavo perioda. [On the changes of the morphological composition of the blood in various conditions of the puerperium.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Gruxeisex (M.) * Ueber die Verlangsamung des Pulses in Geburt und Wochenbett. 8°. Halle a. S., 1898. 1HKKPERAL. 124 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state (Blood in). Koppehl (F.) *Das Verhalten des Pulses im normalen Wochenbett. 8°. Halle a. S., 1895. Savelli (P.) * Tension arterielle et fre- quence du pouls dans la puerperalite. 8°. Montpellier, 1903. Calzolari (M.) Ricerche sulla basicity del sangue nello stato puerperale. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1907, lxxxi, 11-33. Also, Reprint.—Carton (P. i Contribution a l'etude des modifications du sang pendant l'accouehement et les suites de couches normales et pa- thologiques. [Rap. deChampetierdeRibes.] Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1904, 3. s., Iii, 23.—Cora i E.) La reazione iodofila nel santnie nello stato puerperale. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1903, xxv, 800-8U7. Also: Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1903, ii. 165.—Perron! (E.) La pres- sion e arteriosa nello stato puerperale. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1899, xxi, 873-891, 1 ch—Gneccht (A.) Le va- riazioni della pressione arteriosa nello stato puerperale. Kassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Xapoli, 1903, xii, 595; 681; 732. Also: Rendic d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1903, iv, 104- 107.—Gralentoerg (E.) Die prognostisehe Bedeutung der morphologisehen Blutelemente bei puerperalen Er- krankungen. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl.. 1908. lxxxv, 302- 354, 2 pl.—Hubbard (C. M.) & White [F. W.) The leucoevtosis of labor and the puerperium. ,T. Exper. M., N. Y, 1898, iii, 639-646.—Labusquifere (R.) Existe-t-il un ralentissement du pouls physiologique chez les ac- couchees? Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1898, 1, 129- 135.—x^lerletti (C.) Significato delle ipertermie con polso lento in puerperio. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1906, iii, 99-119.—Neishtab (Y. T.) Parametritis puerperalis et influenza. Meditsina, St. Peterb., 1891, iii, 619-621.— Puecli (P.) La tension arterielle dans la puerperalite. Prov. med., Par., 1907, xx, 563-566.—Schenk (F.) Ver- gleiehende Untersuchungen des Blutes im Wochenbette, ein BeitragzurTheorie der Iliiraagglutination. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1897. -----. Ueber die Vermeh- rung der Haemagglutinine im Wochenbett. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 19U5. Iii. li'.23-1625. Also: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 19u5, xxix, 551.—Varnier (H.) Du ra- lentissement du pouls pendant les suites de couches. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1899, li, 30-47. Puerperal state (Complications of). See, also, Abscess (Iliac); Labor (Seguelxof); Mercury (Bichloride of, Toxicoloegy of); Puer- peral convulsions; Puerperal diseases; Puerpe- Talsepticiemia(Complications, < tc., of); Puerperal state (Sudden, etc., death in); Tetanus in preg- nancy, etc.; Tetany in pregnancy, etc. Corxeloup (J.) * Phlegmon ligneux de la base du ligament large dans certaines suites de couches. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Favre. Trois complications curieuses de puerperium chez trois cas isoles. S°. Paris, [1899]. Herxu (C.-A.-J.) * Contribution it l'etude de la constipation dans les suites de couches. 8°. Lille, 1904. Johx (W. [K. L.]) *Im Puerperium ent- standene, in Abscedierung iibergegangene, para- metrische Exsudate. 8°. Greifsu-ald, 1893. Marmasse (R.) *Du curettage dans les ac- cidents des suites de couches. 4°. Paris, 1895. Roger (E.-aI.-J.) *Etude clinique sur le phenomene de 1'entree de l'air par les sinus uterins dans l'etat puerperal. 8°. Paris, 1S99. Schirsky (Marie). *De la grippe dans les rapports avec la puerperalite. 8°. Paris, 1898. Scrum (H.) * Ueber Liihmung der unteren Extremitaten im Verlaufe von postpuerperaler Parametritis. 8°. Wurzburg, 1899. Trautmaxx (H. G.) *De incommodo et pe- riculo puerperis ex convivio baptismali immi- nente; vom Schaden des Kindtauf-Schmauses. 4°. Erfordiu; [1756]. Abrahams (R.) Influenza complicating the puer- perium; a studv based on a series of sixteen cases. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1895, xxxi, 866-869. ----. Influenza in the puerperal woman. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1899, lv, 111.— Ari£. De la constipation dissimulee chez les femmes en couches. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1902-3,120- 123.—Aubert. Des points douloureux cutanees de la paroi abdominale dans les suites de couches. J. de m6d. Puerperal state (Complications of). de Lyon. lsf,;. viii, 139-111. — Audebert. Deux nou- velles observations de fievre typho'ide au cours de la pu- erperalite. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1905, xi, 212.—Bar (P. 1 & Bon lie. Grippe et puerperalite; cinquante cas de grippe observes chez des femmes enceintes ou accou- chee*. Obstetrique, Par., 1898, iii, 193-214.—BedaI (Adel- heide C.) A case of leukomain-poisoningdurint; the pu- erperium due to fecal impaction. Rep. Proc. Alumna; Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1897, 50-59.—Blanc (E.) Que doit-on penser des accidents occasioned par le sublime dans les suites de couches? Mem. et compt -rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, 196-216.— Bourns (N. W.) Puerperal apoplexy in a young wom- an; life maintained for fourteen hours by artificial respi- ration. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1129.— Buru;a«le (K.) Une amelioration dans les injections de sublime de la puerperalite. J. de mexl. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 378- 380.—Burgess i J. A.) Complications of the puerperium. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Madison, 1892, xxvi, 307-310.— Buttner. Die Quellen der Wochenbettschaden und deren Verhiitung. Ztschr. f. KrankenpfL, Berl., 1905, xxvii. 401-407.—Buxton (W. M.) Puerperal vomiting. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 368— Carre ( M.) De l'aphasie puerperale. J.d. sases-femmes, Par..l8'.i.5, xxiii, 340; 346.— Chabannes. fitat puerperal et ulcere de l'estomac. Lyon med., 1903, ei. 529-532.—Chalke iE.) Faecal im- paction causing sciatica in a puerperal woman. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 177.—Christer-Nilsson (Hanna). Fall von puerperaler Scheidenatresie. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Festschr. Otto Kng- strom . . ., Berl., 1903, 289-292.—Commandeur. Note sur les vomissements survenant dans le puerperitun. Province med., Lyon, 1901, xv, 529-532.— Coudert. De l'eedeme inflammatoire du tissti ecllulaire pericer- vical dans les suites de couches patholo.niques. Obste- trique, Par., 1906, xi, 8-17— Cristalli (<;.) Cura delle metrorragie puerperali. Arte med., Xapoli, 1901, iii, 151; 171. — Dak in ( W. R. ) On mercurialism in lying-in women undergoing sublimate irrigation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1886), 1887, xxviii, 281-307.—DavfdolT (G. L.) Posllerodoviya yazvi vlagalishtsha i shclki matki i ikh znacheniye pri matochnikh promivaniyakh. [Puerperal ulcers of the vagina and uterine cervix and their im- portance in uterine injections.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1900, xiv, 1190-1200.—De-Gasperi (F.) Un bei caso di collasso pu.rperale (contribu- zione clinica). Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, b.His. lvii, 9(15-907.—DemeHn, Leroy & Do- minlci. I'n cas de charbon interne chez une femme en couches. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1898, i, 369- 374. — Discussion sur les indications du curettage pendant les suites de couches. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de pa-diat. de I'ar., 1905, vii, 1; 182— l.liot (L.) The complications of the puerperal state. Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gynec. Soc. 1891-5, X. Y., 1896, iv, 115-122. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1894, xxix, 354-359. Also, Reprint.— Etienne (G.) Contribution a l'etude du "petit retour de couches". Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1891, xviii, 828-839. Also [Abstr.]: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1892, xx, 12; 19; 27.—Frank (K.) Leber die Behebung der Obstipation, im Puerperium, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Purgatins (Knoll). Zentralbl. f. d. stes. Therap., Wien, 1904, xxii, 174-179.—Fry (H. D.) Puer- peral malarial fever. Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1896-7, vi. 226- 235. Also: Am. .1. Obst, N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 1-10.—Gal- lettl (G.j Lforia di un tumore nell' addome di una pu- erpera curato felicemente. Rac. di opusc. med.-prat., Fi- renze, 1778. iii. 171-187.— Grayi F.D.) Pernicious malarial fever complicating the puerperal state, with reportof a case. Charlotte [X. ('.] M. J.. 1899, xv, 37-40—Gressor (A.) Puerperal vomiting. Brit. M..I.. Lond.. ls9s. i, 915.— Gros. Les accidents de la puerperalite chez les femmes indigenes de l'Algerie. Bull. med. de l'Alirerie, Alger, 1905, xvi, 322; 397.—Hecht (A.) Zur Aetiologie der Pa- racolpitis puerperalis. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 654.—Hirigoyen (L.) Scarlatine et rougeole chez une accouchee. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 217.—Hirst (B.C.) Some complications of the puerperal state independent of septic infection. Svst.Obst. i Hirst), Phila., 1889, ii, 461-543.—Judd (A. M.) ' A case of puer- peral psoitis. Brooklyn M. J., 1903, xvii, 60.—Lazard (E. M.) Some of the more unusual causes of disturbed puerperium. Calif. M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles. 1906, ii, 775-778.—Le Gendre (P.) Arthrite purulente sacro- iliaque et psoitis suppuree post-puerperal es tardives. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gvnec. et de paediat. de Par., 1899, i, 274-278.—Lepage. Les fibromes uterins et la puerperalite. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 660.—Le-Koyy Cassa(.L) Uncasodepaludi.smo puerperal de forma larvada. Abeja med., Habana, 1892, i, 42-44. Also: Arch, de la Soc estud. clin. de la Habana (1890-92), 1895, v, 234-241.—Levy (F.) Atonia uteri post partum; intrauterin Tamponade. Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 1890, 3. R., viii, 25-28.—Luciano (E.) I'n caso di col- lasso puerperale guarito col metodo Schmidt. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 19H5. liv, 728-730.— Ha nuclide*. Paludisme et puerperalite. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1900-1901, xliii, 300-3115.—.TIayer(M.) PUERPERAL. 125 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state (Complications of). Postoperative, bindtrewebige Narbe der Wand des puer- peralen Uterus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1046.—Jlerletti (('.) Nuovi elementiper lo studio della funzionalita cardiaea nello stato puerperale. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1907, ii, 145-207— ^Montgomery (E. E.) The complications of the puerperal state, and how to treat them. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 554-569.—.Hyers (R. P.) Constipation after childbirth, producing symp- tomsof puerperal infection. Med.Rec, X. Y., 1896,1, 247.— Negri (P.) Per lo studio dei rapporti reciproci fra ma- laria e puerperio. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1890, xii, 355-360.—Orellano (M.) Una causa no descrita de estrenimiento puerperal. Progreso ginec, Valencia, 1881. i, 6; 22. -----. Sobre una forma especial de colicos uterinos puerperales. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1901, xiv, 563-567.—Parke i\V. E.) The puerperium compli- cated bv tvphoid fever. Am. Gvnpec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1898. xii, 419-451. [Discussion], 512-514— Pist is (X.-A.) Quelques accidents puerperaux. Grece med., Syra, 1900, ii, 22.—Ranking (,I. E.) The causes, prevention, and treatment of afterpains. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 41- 49. Also, Reprint.—Kles(E.) Leber die Atropine des Uterus nach puerperaler Erkrankung. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1893, xxvii, 38-55— Ronlier. Un accident rare du post-partum. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1904-5, x, 122. —Sengler \F.) Ein Fall von Lufteintritt in die Venen des puerperalen Uterus mit todlichem Ausgange. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 185— Smith (A. L.) The dorsal decubitus after confinement and miscarriage as the commonest cause of retroversion of the uterus with fixation. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893. Wash., 1S95, pt. 1, 1181-1133.— Mrzhalko (I. K.) & Kliasberg ( E. M. ) K kazuistikle poslle- dstviy ot vnutrimatochinikh manipulyatsiy v puerpe- riumie. [Cases demonstrating the sequelse of intra- uterine manipulations during the puerperium.] Priloj. k protok. Obsh. Minsk, vrach., 1888-9, 1-7. — Torre- badella (R.) De los pseudoentuertos y metrorragias puerperales. Uni6n med., Lerida, 1895-6, i, 51-53.— Trant (J.) Reflex vomiting after delivery cured by ice. Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1895, n. s., lix, 271.—Villeneuve i L.) Psoite post-puerperale. In his: Clin. chir. lsss-9, 8°, Par., 1891, i. 71-75. Also: Marseille med., 1890, xxvii. 456-460.— Wanner (R.) Zwei seltene Wochenbettcoinplicationen. Miinchen med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii..305: 398. — Webber (X. W. ) Puerperal traumatosis. Phvsician & Surg., De- troit & Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, 535-539.—Wells (F. M.) Some emergencies of the lvine-in state. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1897, 177-184.—Wigg (A. K.) Saline in- jections in the treatment of puerperal shock. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1899, xviii, 321—Wood (W. C.) Post- puerperal psoitis. Ann. Surg.. Phila., Is99, xxix, 143- 151.—Wymau (H. C.) Puerperal p-oitis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1892, x, 70-72. Puerperal state (Complications of Articular and osseous). Cubertafox (G.) * Des polyarthrites pel- viennes dans la puerperalite. 4°. Paris, 1895. Macker (E.-J.) *De l'arthrite puerperale. 4°. Strasbourg, 1853. Pa^turel(X.) * Contribution a l'etude des monoartbrites suppurees d'origine puerperale. 8°. Paris, 1904. Begouin ( P.) Du pseudo-rhumatisme puerperal; son identite avec le rhnmatisme blennorrhagique. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., JK98, xlix. 1-20.—Braillon. Arthriteset puerperalite. Echomed.dunord, Lille, 1905, ix, 196-199. — Hirst (B. C.) Sub-acute arthritis in the child-bearing woman, with special reference to etiology. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii, 515-518.—Lop (P.-A.) Des arthrites pelviennes d'origine puerperale. Presse med., Par., 1901, ii, 293-295. -----. Des arthrites au cours de la puerperalite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 977- 979. — .Tlorse (E. E.) Puerperal arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1905, xliv, 1847-1849.—Mosny & Beau- l'ume. Polvarthrite puerperale de nature gonococci- que. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi 1242-1247. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1904,2. s., xxxvi, 821--2:; — Paci (A.) Sulla coxite puerperale e suoi esiti. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1891, viii, 418: 1892, ix, 30; 73.— Roberts (J. B.) Suppurative synovitis following par- turition. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., i, 237-242. Puerperal state { Complicatiems of Biliary). Girard (M.) * Contribution a l'etude des icteres graves survenant dans les suites de couches en dehors des cas d'infection puer- perale. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Puerperal state { Complications of Biliary). Le Massox (C.) *Les icteres et la colique hepatique chez les femmes en etat de puerpe- ralite. 8°. Paris, 189S. Tabourin (G.) * Etude sur la physiologie pathologique et le traitement des coliques hepatiques chez les femmes en etat de puer- peralite. 8°. Paris, 1900. Audebert. Les icteres et la colique hepatique chez les femmes en etat de puerperalite. Toulouse med., 1899. 2. s., i, 89-95.—Hartniaiin. Cholecystite pendant les suites de couches. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de p.ediat de Par., 1902, iv, 223-226. See, also, infra, Pinard.—Labusqui^re. Observation d'ietere apres l'accouehement. Bull, et meru. Soc. obst. et gynec de Par., 1891, 18-24. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1891, vii, 73-78. — Pinard. Cholecystite pendant la puerperalite; suite de la discussion. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst,, de gynec et de padiat. de Par., 1902, iv, 261. S<>: also,supra, Hartmann.—Potocki [etui.]. Cholecystite et puerperalite. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1903, lix, 269-293.—Budaux (P.) De la colique hepatique pen- dant la puerperalite. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, i, 80-91.—Vergely (P.) Fievre dans les suites de couches, somnolence, apathie dues a l'insuflisance hepatique. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1896), 1897,239-254. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xxvi, 255; 271. Puerperal state {Complications of Cutaneous). Verbeke (E.-B.-J.) *Erythemes scarlatini- formes dans les suites de couches. 8°. Lille, 1898. Alilleld (F.) Ueber Exantheme im Wochenbette, besonders uber den sogenannten Wochenbettscharlach. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1892-3, xxv, 31- 44 — Arnaud (J.) Des eruptions scarlatiniformes dans l'etat puerperal. Marseille med., 1892, xxix, 205-213.— Bacon (C. S.) Report of two cases of temporary hy- pertrophv of glands of the skin of the axilla in puerperse. Tr Chicago Path. Soc, 1902, v, 89. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 256. —Bod illy (R. T. H.) Puerperal erythema simulating scarlet fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 574—Champneys (F. H.) & Bowlby (A. A.) Further observations on the development of mammary functions by the skin of lving-in women. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1895, lxxviii, 267-274, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1321. —Oaertig (H. ) Ueber Ery- them im Wochenbett. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz , 1894, xviii, 720-722. — Heitzmann ( J.) Ueber puerperale Exantheme. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, 1328; 1378.—Lipinsky (S.) Ein Fall von Erythema im Wo- chenbette. .Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 135.— JLoviot. Erythemes scarlatiniformes desquamatifs ge- neralises a repetition d'origine puerperale. J. d. mal. cutan. et svph., Par., 1894, vi, 481-483. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec., Par.,1894,x, 282-284.—Mizon&Troueliaud. Trois cas d'erytheme scarlatiniforme desquamatif, conse- cutivement a" des accidents puerperaux; diagnostic; pa- thogenic Nord med., Lille, 1897, iii, 167-17L-.no ra lie r. [Pigmentanomalieim Wochenbett.] Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1904, li, 368— Olshausen (R.) Un- tersuchungen iiber die Complication des Puerperium mit Scarlach und die sogenannte Scarlatina puerperalis. Arch. I. Gynaek., Berl., 1876, x, 169-195. Also, Reprint- Stack (.1. J.) Puerperal erythema. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 1113.—Vlana (O.) Supra una forma non comune di enfisema sottocutaneo in sopra parto. Ginecologia, Fi- renze, 1907, iv, 164-175.—Warnian (X.) Exanthem im Wochenbett. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1895, x, 149-152. Also: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1897, xiii. 60.—Wilson (W. R.) A report of two cases of symptomatic dermatitis in the puerperal state. Ann. Gvritec & Psediat., Phila., 1890-91, iv, 493-498. Puerperal state (Complications of, Gastro-intestinal). See, also, Puerperal state (Complications of, Biliary). Bapteste (A.) *De 1'appendicite dans la puerperalite. [Lyons.] 8°. Dijon, 1899. Bauch (A. F.) * Dysenteriam albam in pu- erpera, exponit. 4°. Iiintelii, [1723]. Couter (P. H.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'appendicite pendant les suites de couches. S°. Nancy, 1905. PUERPERAL. 120 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state (Complications af Castro- intesf in a I). Gatgaix (L.) * Recherches sur les infections d'origine intestinale a cours de la puerperalite (la colibacillose). 8°. .Aim, 1907. Peres (L.) * Essai sur le traitement medical de l'appendicite dans la puerperalite. 8°. Toulouse, 1901. Bue(V.) Infection intestinale pendant les suites de couches. Medecin prat.. Par., 1908, iv, 133-135.—Com- mandeur. Appendicite et puerperalite. Lyon med., 1905, civ, 20-23 —Estienny. Appendicite post-puerpe- rale; guerie sans intervention. Arch. med. de Toulou e, 1901, vii, 275-279 —Fieux (G.) Appendicite pendant les suites de couches. Rev. mens, de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1899, i, 265-371. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1900, 2. s., xiv, 25-31. — Fischer (I.) Darmerkrankungen im Wochenbette. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xiii, 1773-1778.— Gunn tX.D ) Membranous colitis during puerperium. Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii, 206.—Keim. La diarrhee et la constipation chez la femme pendant la periode puer- perale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1902, xvi, 212-216. — Mars (A.) Powiklanie pologu nadmierna. bebniea. skutkiem opadniecia jelit do zatoki Douglasa. [Complication of the puerperal state by excessive tym- panitis following descent of the intestines into Douglas's cul de sac] Przegl. lek.. KrakOw, 1891, xxx, 493-495.— MealeiH.M.) Postpartum appendicitis. Med. Rec, N. V., 1893, xliv, 14.—Oui. Entero-eolite avec fievre pen- dant les suites de couches. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1902, 189-191.—Peterson (R.) A case of appendicitis occurring on the seventh day following labor; rupture into the bowel; recovery. Med. News, Phila , 1893, lxii, 515-517.—Bicketts (L.) Puerperal appendi- citis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1902-3, vii, 367-369.—Vecchi (M.) Osservazioni sulla funzionalita intestinale in puerperio in rapporto coi fenomeni di auto intossicazione. Ginecologia, Firenze, 1908, v, 5-25. Puerperal state { Co ///plications of, Geiiito-urt nary). See, also, Gonorrhoeainpregneincy, etc.; Puer- peral state ( Urine in); Septicaemia (Causes, etc., of). Bailly (E.-L.-J.) *Des cystites au cours de la puerperalite. 8°. Lille, 1906. Hornez (F.-J.) *La vessie dans l'etat puer- peral. 8°. Lille, 1897. Klugkist (H.) * Ueber puerperalen, para- metrischen Abscess mit nachfolgender Pyelone- phritis im Anschluss an einen beobachteten Fall. 8°. Griefswcdd, 1897. Malocvier (P.-A.) *Des pyelo-nephrites apparaissant pendant les suites des couches. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Bxge (C.) *Teher die puerperale Blase und die puerperale Ischurie. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Trocillard (A.) * Contribution a l'etude du diabete et de la glycosurie physiologique dans l'etat puerperal. 4°. Paris, 1893. Adamson (R. O.) Pyelonephritis complicating the puerperium. Glasgow M. J., 1907, lxvii. 412-416 — Audebert (J.) Gonococcie et puerperalite. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1903, lix, 423-452.—Beat- tie (T. J.) Some puerperal conditions as we meet them. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1908, xxxi, 16.5-168. — BiancardKG.) Turbe vescicali in puerperio edil com- pitodellalevatrice. Arteostet., Milano, 1907,xxi,17-22.— Blake (V.J.) A case of retention of urine in a puer- peral woman with extreme dilatation of the bladder. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, ix, 253.— Burr (A. H.) Gonorrhea in the puerperium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 236-239.—Chamberlain (W. M.) The relation of the urinary organs to puerperal diseases. Am. J. Obst. N. Y., 1877.x, 177-205. Also, Reprint.— Charpentier. Nephrite infectieuse puerperale. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 310-335. Also: N.Arch.d'obst.etde gynec,Par., 1891, vi, 433-463. -----. Recherches experimentales sur un cas de nephrite infectieuse puerp6rale. Bull. Acad. de med.. Par.. 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 53. [Discussion], 85; 103. Also: Arch, de tocol. etde gynec, Par., 1892, xix.123-130.— Cuervo Serrano (S.) Nota sobre la exprcsloii de la vejiga en la reteiiciondeorina post partum. Tr. Pan-Am. M.' Cong. 1893. Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 929—Khrlich ill.) A case of septic pyelitis following cystitis, as a complication of the puerperium. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, cxxxvii, 444.—Erbkam. Die venerisehen Erkrankungen der Schwangeren. Allg. deutsche Hebam-Ztg.,BerL, 1890, xi, Puerperal state (Complications of Genitei-urinary). 335.—Font iMonteros (J.) Cistitis puerperal. Rev. ba- lear decien. med., Palmade Mallorca,1902, xxiii,217-226.— Friedman (L. V.) Puerperal salpingitis. Suix Ovnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vii, 476-478. —Gizhitski (I.) Sluchal uremii poslie rodov bez yavleniy eklampsiy. [Case of uremia after labor without eclampsia.] J. akush. l jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 1138-1141.—tin ice (N. L.) A case of puerperal nephritis; tardy firststageof labor; profuse post-partum hemorrhage; electricity as an oxytocic. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1886, 47-51.— Hartmann (H.) Anurie puerpdrale; decapsulation du rein; mort. Ann. de gynec et d'obst,, Par., 1906, 2. s., iii, 370.—Herrera (P.) Un casode nefritis aguda post par- tum complicadode uremia y perinefritis, completamente curado. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1899-1900, iii, 257- 261.—Kempt" (E. J.) A case of cerebral uremia, with cataleptoid attitudes. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1897, xxiii, 401-105.—Kolischer (G.) Pericystitis in puerperio. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 748- 750. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, 399-401.— Lafond. Pyelonephrite primitive des suites de couches. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 70.— Legneu (F.) De la pyelonephrite dans ses rapports avec la puerperalite. Ann. degynee. etd'obst., Par., 1904, 2. s.,i, 193-224. Also [Rap.]: Ann.d. mal. d.org.genito-urin., Par., 1904, xxii, 1441-1486. Also [Rap.]: Cong. nat. p eriod. de gynec, d'obstet. et de psediat., Rouen, 1904, iv, 33-79, 1 ch.—Longaker (D.) Gonorrhea in its relation to puerperal morbiditv. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 275-277.—Lowe (G.) Notes on an unusual case of retention of urine after labor. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1904-5, xii, 167.—Mayer (A.) Zur klinischen Diagnose der Wochenbettsgonorrhoe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 543. -----. Gonorrhoe und Wochenbett. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1906, xxiii, 811-822.—IVeale (J. E.) Gonorrhoea during the puerperal period. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1896-7, iv, 59-61.—Norris (R. C.) Infection of the uri- nary tract after labor, with especial reference to the kid- neys. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1892-3, xii, 588-602.—Olvera(J-) Estadopuerperal; afeccionesgraves en el puerperio, debidas con grande probabilidad il la go- norrea. Gac. med..Mexico, 1903, 2. s.,iii, 197-201.—Pesta- lozza (E.) Lapielonefrite nello stato puerperale. Gine- cologia, Firenze, 1904, i, 449^53.—Bemy (S.) Retention d'urine chez les accouchees. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1895, xxvii, 501-504. Also: Arch.degynec. etde tocol., Par., 1896, xxiii, 296-298.—Kudaux (P.) Troubles vesicaux de la puerperalite. Arch.gen. demed., Par., 1905,ii, 1873-1883. -----. Diabete etglucosuriependantla puerperalite. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1906, 2. s., iv, 267-280.—Huge (C.) Ueber die puerperale Blase und die Ischurie. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1904, xx, Ergn- zngshft., 537-556.—Sawyer (W. H.) Puerperal cystitis. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1896, xx, 467-470.— Schockaert (R.) La blennorrhagie dans la puerpe- ralite. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1904, n. s., i, 313-317.— Smith (C. H.) Infectious cystitis in the puerpera. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1894, xlv, 128-134.— Snider (O. H.) Kidney complications in the puerperal and other states. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1902, iv, 430-432.— Stone (W.S.)&McDonald(E.) Thegonocoecus in the puerperium, with report of seventeen cases. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 151-162. [Discussion], 233. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liii, 251-261.— Stewart (R. W.) Case of septic cysto-pyelo-nephritis, post-partum. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic,1904, n.s., Iii,240-242.— Veggia (A.) Un caso di iscuria in 31» giornata di puer- perio per ritenzione di annissi fetali; secondamento arti- ficiale; guarigione. Gior. p. le levatrici, Pavia. 1889, iii, 153-156.—Wallich (V.) Pyelo-nephrite et suites de couches. Compt. rend. Soc d'obst., de gvnec. et de paediat. de Par., 1904, vi, 53-65. Also- Ann. de gvnec et d'obst., Par., 1904, 2. s., i, 156-167. Puerperal state (Complications of Hemorrhagic). See, also, Haemorrhage (Uterine) in preg- nancy, etc.; Puerperal hxmatoma; Puerperal thrombosis, etc. Guodex (YV. C. O.) * Ueber Einfluss gros- serer Blutverluste auf die Pulsfrequenz im Wochenbett. 8°. Meirburg, 1889. Krieg (L.) *Die Grosse des physiologischen Blutverlustes in der Naehgeburtsperiode. 8°. (i lessen, 1905. Fieux. Un cas d'hematometrie post-partum. Tri- bune med., Par.. 1903, 2. s., xxxv, 299.—Fraisse (G.) Du tamponnement intra-uterin dans certains accidents de puerperalite. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1891, xviii, 161- 168.—(iauthier (C.-L.) Hematometrie post partum. PUERPERAL. 127 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state {Complications of Hemorrhagic). Ann. de gvnOc. et d'obst, Par., 1904, 2. s., i, 104-108.— Gossett (W. B.) The puerperal state and puerperal ha-morrhage; derivation and classification. N.York M. J.. 1899, lxx, 297-299.—Golh (1.. • Ein neuer Handgriff zur Behandlung der atoni-chen Naehblutungen. Zen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1998, xxxii, 473-479. See, also, infra. Zickel— lieonte. Kctcntiune menstruala post- partum; doua casuri de hemato-colpometrie. spitalul, Bucurescl, 1899. xix, 3-10. — Jlaygrier. Hemor- rhagies de la delivrance; accidents de la constipation dans la puerpetalite. J. denied, etchir. prat., l'ar.,1903, lxxiv, 571-577.—-Morrow (R.) Traumatic post-partum haemorrhage. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 500.—Pinard. Des hemorrhagica uterines pendant l'etat puerperal. Bull, med., Par., 1894, viii, 1043-1045.—Wilson (W. R.l Uterine thrombosis following post-partum haemorrhage, and its relation to puerperal infection. Ann. Gvnac. \ urotie). Se>, also, Paralysis in pregnancy, etc. Fiedler (M.) * Chorea im Puerperium. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Gerber (A.) * Quelques considerations sur les paraplegies puerperales. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Allen (R. J.) A peculiar case of the puerperium; the history of a late and fatal complication of the puer- peral state, associated with brain defects, paralyses, and final coma, ending in death. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1968. xv, 505.—Balint (R.) Adatok a puerperalis ideg- bajok tan^hoz. [Contributions to the science of puer- peral nervous troubles] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1899, xliii. 321: 334.—Bassette (M.Imogene). Two cases of paralvMs occurring during the puerperal state. J. Nerv. 2v Ment. Di-., N. Y., 1890. xvii. 93-96. [Discussion], 119.— Berry c R. 9.1 Parturition followed by a brain lesion involving tne speech and certain motor centres. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 439.— Broughton t H. W. i Cases of hys- teria in childbed. Boston M. ct s. J., isyu, cxxii, 576-579. [Discussion]. 5s,;_;svs —Brush (A. C. i Puerperal mye- litis. Med. New-. N.Y.,ls9S. lxxii, 390-392. [Discussion], 413—t'ampa i F. de P. Contribucion al estudio de la hemiplegia puerperal; comentarios sobre una historia clinica. Gac. med. catal.. Barcel., 1890, xiii, 358; 387.— Cantarano (G.i Cause e profilassi dei disturbi cere- brali del puerperio. Ra—etnia d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1897. vi. 55-64. Also. Reprint.—Carre i M.) De l'aphasie puerperale. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec. Par., 1893, xx, 487—193.—Charpentier. Sur un cas d'amnesie post- eclamptique. public par M. le Dr. Bidon, medecin des hopitaux de Marseille. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 355-359.—Cominandeur ( F.) Des menin- gites cerebrales et cerebro-.-pinales suppurees au cours de la puerperalite. Obstetrique, Par., 1908, n. s.. i. 289-315.— Czerwenka (K.) Hvpersesthesia puerperalis (hyste- rica). Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 72-76.—Uantsiji (A. N.) K posllerodovim zabolievaniyam nervnol sis- temi. [On puerperal diseases of the nervous system.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1899, vi, 161- 166 — Detieorge. Aphasie post partum. Soc. d. sc. m.'d. de Gannat. Compt. rend.. Par., 1881, xxxv, 71.— Ezekiel (A.. A ca-e of puerperal r?) tetany. Indian M. Kec, Calcutta, 1899, xvi. 422 — Gliczzi (A.) Un caso di parali-i puerperale transitoria. Arte ostet., Milano, 1904. xviii, :;9-4L—Haiuill (R. H.) A case of myelitis following labor; autopsy. Am. J. Obst., N.Y.. 1*95. xxxii, 106-109.—Iieesoii (J. R'.) Two cases of paraplegia after parturition. Edinb. M. J., 1897. n. s., i, 411-413.—."»!ore 11 (H.) Puerperal mvelitis; report of a ca-e following abortion. I'hila. M."j., 1902, ix, 138.—Neville (W. 0.) Hemiplegia after delivery. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1885, iii, 227-235.—Poupon (H.) Des aphasies puerpe- rales. En<-e])liale, Par., ls.85, v, 393-417. — Pureloy (R. D.) I'uer[)eral aphasia. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.. 1902, xx, 63-267. Also: Med. Press A: Circ, Lond., 1902, n.s.. lxxiii, 487.—Quincke (H.) Ueber puerperale Hemiplegien. De it-che Ztschr.f Nervenh., Leipz.. 1893-4, iv, 291-298.—Belle. I'aralvsies puerperales infectieuses. J. de med. etchir. prat., Par., 1895, Ixvi, 825-82,.—Bemy (S. i Aphasie ethemiplegie pendant les suitesde couches; t'Uer>on. Mem. Soc de med. de Nancy (1889-90), 1891, 43.—Bossi (C.) Sulla paralisi generale progressiva di orif-dne puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 548- 550 —Sinclair (M. A.McL) On puerperal aphasia, with an analysis of 18 cases. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 204-207.— Sloan *(S.) Case of puerperal hemiplegia. Edinb. M.J., 1887-8,xxxiii.274-281.—Sottas ( K. i i Sottas i.I. i Note Bur un cas de paralysie puerperale generalisee (poly- Puerperal state {Complicatiems of Xeurotlc). nevrite puerperale). Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1892, lxv, 1153-1157. Also: Arch. d. tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1893, xx, 401-410.- Ntrain (W.L.) Paralysis after delivery. Glasgow M.J., 1888, [4.1 s., xxix, 468-4^3.—Valiii (P.j Trois cas d'acci- dents cerebraux d'origine puerperale. Normandie med., Rouen, 1892, vii, 298-301 .—Villa (F.) Paralisi puerperali ed albuminuria; contributo di ca-nistica e considera- zioni. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1891, 1, 81: 97.—Vinay (C.) Desparalvsies puerperales par nevrite peripherique. Province med.", Lyon, 1893, vii, 592; 603.—White (W.) Case of hemiplegia after parturition. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1883. i, 1281— Windscheid. Ueber recidivirende Mye- litis im Puerperium. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1901), 1902, 7»5. Puerperal state (Con/plications of, Ocular). See, also, Amaurosis in pregnancy, ete.; Eye (Inflannnatio/i of, Puerperal, etc.). Bastide (A.) *Des troubles oculaires dus a l'etat puerperal. 4°. Paris, 1898. Gimurto (N. J.) * Ueber Vehinderungen des Augenhintergrundes bei kranken Wochnerin- nen. 8°. Strassburg, 1893. Kater (B.) * Beitrag zur puerperalen meta- statischen Ophthalmie. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Grbningen, 1897. LfTTOE (W.) * Panophthalmitis tuberculoma in puerperio. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1902, lv, 53-74. Panopf (Mile. C.) *Sur un cas d'ophtalmie metastatique puerperale. 8°. Lausanne, 1902. Rancurel (G.) * Considerations sur la cho- roidite metastatique puerperale. 4°. Paris, 1892. ------. The same. 8°. Perm, 1892. Bagchi (J. C.) Post partum blindness. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1906, xxviii, 323.—Bayer. Plotzliche Erblindung im Wochenbette. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenb., 1907, No. 9 7.—Colvln (D.) A case of puerperal blindness. Tr. N. York M. Ass., N. Y., 1893, x, 281-287.—Cullimore (G.) Total blindness of both eyes as the result of puerperal septic embolism. Okla- homa M. News, 1901, i, 47.—Heavenridiie ; A. \ A case of puerperal amaurosis. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1890- 91, ix, 269.—Hellmuth (K.) Amaurosis puerperalis. Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1889, xxviii, 177.-L.ee (R.) On the ophthalmia of puerperal women. Med.-Chir. Tr. Lond., 1845, xxviii, 345-352. Also, Reprint.—Lelnuann (F.) Hemianopsie bei puerperaler Amaurose. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 1134. — JlcOllllcuddy (T.J.) A case of puerperal amaurosis. Times & Reg., Phila., 1892, xxv, 169.—von Beuss iA.i Sehnerven- leiden in Folge von Graviditiit. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1908, xxi, 1116-1119. —de Schweinitz (G. E.) Concerning metastatic ophthalmitis, with the re- portof a caseof this affection which developed thirty- one days after confinement. 1'niv. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1905-6, xviii, 78 81— Smith (A. L.) & Kerry (R.) Case of puerperal phlebitis with cellulitis of pelvis and orbital cavity and destruction of part of one eye. Mont- real M. J., 1906, xxxv, 456-459.—Wood (C. A.) Puer- peral panophthalmitis due to septic embolism. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1894, xxix, 635-639. Also: Tr. ChicagoGynec. Soc, N. Y., 1892^, ii, 295-301. Also: N. York J. Gynaec. & Obst., 1894, v, 151-157. Puerperal state {Complications of Purulent). Verics (F.) * Des abces puerperaux des annexes de l'uterus. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867. Aleksandroll'il. X.) Sluchal gnoinavo razrushe- niya lonnavo sochlencniya v posllerodovom periodic, osiozhnennom krupo/.nim vospaieniyeni lyokhkikh. [Purulent destruction of the symphysis pubis in the pu- erperium, complicated bv croupous pneumonia ] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1899, xiii. 1164-1173. Also: Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk. (1 s«.is-'.i.. p.iuo, xxxvii-xxxviii, 109-116. [Discussion], 180-183.—Ande- rodias & Pery. Les abces puerperaux de Luteins. J. demed.de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 197-202.—<'heron (H.) Infiltration purulente du col chez une accouchee. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 295-303. -Coiiibele- ran. Abces putride gazeux de la cuisse chez une femme nouvellement accouchee. Toulouse med., 1904, 2. s., vi, 217-219.—Cortiguera (J.) Flegmon puerperal del ter- cio superior del ligamento ancho, inyecciones de suero PUERPERAL. 12 Puerperal state {(implications of, Purulent). artificial, dilataci6n y desagiie; curaci6n. Regeneracion med., Salamanca, 1896, ii, 83-85. — Discussion sur les abces de l'uterus pendant la puerperalite Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec et de paediat. de Par., 1903, v, 51.— Dobfoert (F. A.) Sluchal gnolnavo razrusheniya lon- navo sovedineniyavposllerodovom periodic [Suppura- tion of the svmpliysis pubis during the puerperal period.] .1. akush. i Jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1895, ix, 124-129.— Follin. [Vastes abces consecutifs dans une femme r6- cemment accouchee; mort.] Bull. Soc.anat.de Par., 1848, xxiii,33.—Gheorghiu. Abceseuterineinterstitialepu- erperale. Rev.dechir.,BucurestI,1904,viii,208-21L—Jump (H. D.) Metastatic abscess"following an infected de- cidua. Codex med. Phila., 1894-5, i, 338.—Laiubinon. Phlegmon du ligament large et abces du sein chez une accouchee. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1906, xxvii, 208.—I*as- taria(F.) Del frequente esito spontaneo in guarigione delle suppurazioni periuterine puerperali. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec.1900, Roma, 1901,vii,374. —lie wis(D.) Metastatic abcess formation in the puerperium. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1897-8, vii, 35-48.—Noble (C. P.) A case of puerperal abscess treated bv drainage, with subsequent results. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxii, 342. -----. The conservative treatment of pelvic suppuration of puerpe- ral origin. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., T6ky6,1898, xvii, 617-624.— Noble (G. H.) Intramural abcess of the puerperal ute- rus. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1906, xxxi, 296-305.— Orloff*(V. N.) K kazu'istikle sluchayev vospaleniya i nagnoyeniya lozhno-shzistikh kistom v posllerodovom periodle s ikh poslledstviyami. [Imflammation and sup- puration of pseud o-myxomatous cystomata in the puer- peral period and their sequelae.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Pe- terb., 1906, v, 889-891.—Poulaln (J.) Phlegmon de la paroi abdominale chez une puerperale, consecutif k 1'em- ploie de la methode de Crede. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1908, i, 509-512.—Temoin. Deux observations de sup- puration pelvienne d'origine puerperale eompliquees de fevste dermoide de I'ovaire. Assoc, franc- de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.]. Par., 1896, x, 925— Wilson (('. M.) Report of two cases of puerperal abscess. Ann. Gvnaec. & Pae- diat., Phila., 1889-90, iii, 352-354. Also: Proc Phila. Obst. Soc, 1890, 25-27. Puerperal state (Complications of, Respiratory). Teillet (P.) * Des aceident8 pleuro-pulmo- naires pendant les suites de couches le plus sou- vent preeurseurs de la phlegmatia alba dolens. 8°. Paris, 1903. Valot (E.) *Asthme et puerperalite. 8°. Toulouse, 1901. Audebert. Asthme et puerperalite. Cong, internat. demed. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 155.—Barnes (R.) Note on the broncho-pneumonia of lying-in women. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1862), 1863, iv, 5.5-59. Also, Reprint.— Breuer (R.) Ueber puerperale Pleuritis und Pneumo- nie. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. Rudolf Chrobak . . . 60. Geburtst. [etc.], Wien, 1903, i, 399-419. —Frango- pulo (N.l Sluchai pneumothorax'a v posllerodovom periodle. '[. . . in the puerperium.] Vrach. Gaz., S.Pe- terb., 1903, x, 929.—Gomez (F. A.) Estado puerperal; pleuro-neumonia; phlegmatia alba dolens. An.Acad.de med.de Medellin, 1890-91, iii, 160-167.— Moss (B.) Pneu- monia advnamica puerperal; nephrite epithelial. Bra- zil-med., Rio de Jan., 1896, x, 52.—Nyulasy (F. A.) Case of puerperal pleuro-pneumonia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i. 1090.—Phillips (J.) On acute non-septic pulmonary disorders as complications of the puerperium. [Abstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1889), 1890, xxxi, 171-196. Puerperal state (Complications of Septic). See Puerperal septicemia. Puerperal state {Curettage of uterus in). See Puerperal state (Hygiene, etc., of); Puer- peral septicemia (Treatment of) by curettage of uterus. Puerperal state (Eruptions in). See Puerperal state (Complications of, Cuta- neous). Puerperal state {Gonorrhoea in). See Puerperal state (Complications of, Genito- urinary). PUERPERAL. Puerperal state (Hygiene and manage- ment of). See, also, Labor (After-treatment of); Puer- peral septicaemia (Prevention of); Puerperal state (Nutrition in). Barrexeciiea (Carmen). La moral y la hi- giene puerperal e infantil ante la benericencia municipal. 8°. Madrid, \_n. d.]. Beapcamp (E.) Die Pflege der Wochnerin- nen und Neugeborenen. 12°. Bonn, [1891]. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 12°. Bonn, [1898]. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. 12°. Bonn, [1902]. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. 12°. Bonn, [1907]. Breunecke. Die Frage der Geburts- und Wochenbetts-Hygiene in foro der preussischen Aerztekammern. 8°. Magdeburg, 1889. Bruxow (J. L.) * De fasciarum cauta in puerperis a\ >plicatione. 4°. Halte, [1783]. Ciccoxe (V.) II vade-mecum del puerperio. 12°. Nipoli, 1896. Feder (P. H.) *De cura et regimine par- turientium. 16°. (lotting*, [1791]. Fleche (F.-L.-J.-M.) *Du sejour au lit des accouchees; £tude medico-sociale. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1907. Golay (E.) Conseils au jeunes meres. 4. ed. 8°. Genere & Bdle, 1904. de Gorter (J.) Kort vertoog of aanwijzing hoe en waar de sluitband der kraam-vrouwen moet gelegt worden; waarin te gelijk de kwade gevolgen van de gewone legging wordt voor oogen gestelt. Wei eer onder andere weikjes, maar nu, wegens deszelfs, mittigheid en ge- bruik, afzonderlyk uitgegeven. 8°. Amster- dam, 1744. Hubexer (W. [A.]) * Ueber Sublimat- und Carbolausspiilungen des puerperalen Uterus; [nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Verwen- dung des Creolins zu diesem Zwecke]. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Humprey (M.) A manual of obstetric nurs- ing. 12°. London, [1894]. Jewett (C.) Manual of childbed nursing. 4. ed. 16°. New York, 1895. ------. The same. 5. ed. 12°. Nu- York, 1902. Kershaw (J. M.) Care of mother and child in the lying-in room. 8°. St. Louis, 1886. Laxcry (G.) * Contribution a l'etude de la contagion de la diphterie et de la prophylaxie des maladies contagienses dans les hopitaux d'enfants de Paris. 4°. Paris, 1S86. -----. The same. Prophylaxie de l'auto- infection puerperale. De 1'excellence de l'eau simple, comme liquide d'injections vaginales chez les accouchee?. 8°. Dunkerque, 1889. Liedbeck (P. J.) Om qwinnans forhallande wid forlossning och barnsang, saint det ny- fodda barnets skStsel och behandling. Ett bi- drag till warden af det menskliga sliigtlifwet. [Situation of women in delivery and childbed and the care of the new-born child. Contribu- tion to importance of sexual condition.] 16°. Stockholm, 1848. Loxgridge (C. X.) The puerperium; or, the management of the lying-in woman and newborn infant. 12°. London, 1906. Maxx(F.) Die Pflege der Wochnerin und des Sauglings; einHandbuch fiir den Unterricht. 12°. Paderbom, 1902. PUERPERAL. 129 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state {Hygiene and manage- ment of). -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 12°. Paderborn, 1904. Martin (A.) Hygiene des Wochenbettes und Pflege des Neugeborenen; jungen Miittern gewidmet. 12°. Berlin & Leipzig, 1902. Martin (Clotilde). *De Taction des bains dans les suites de couches. 8°. Paris, 1902. Massy (P.-A.) * Etude sur les injections in- tra-uterines dans l'etat puerperal. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1886. Meyer (J.) Zur Pflege des weiblichen Kor- pers im Wochenbett. 16°. Dor pat, 1905. Milexuer (1. G.) *0 poslierodovikh ochi- shtsheniyakh; klinicheskoye i literaturnoye izslledovaniye posllerodovavo perioda. [tin post-puerperal cleansing; clinical and historical investigation of the post-puerperal period.] 8°. Yuryev, 1896. " Obstetricus. " On the evils resulting from rising too early after child-birth. 8°. London, 1862. Prager. Das Wochenbett; hygieinisches Verhalten vor, in und nach demselben, ein Rathgeber fur Mutter, wie die Entbindung leicht und mbglichst schmerzlos zu gestalten ist. 8°. Leipzig, [1899]. Schmechel (O.) * Ueber Exodin (Schering) also Abfiihrmittel bei Wochnerinnen. 8°. Munchen, 1905. Schultze (B. S.) Regeln fiir die Pflege der Wochnerinnen. 8°. [ Weimar, 1882.] Repr.from: Taschenb. f. KrankenpfL, Weimar, 1882,iv. Sebilleau (L.-A.) *Inutilite des injections vaginales pendant les suites de couches et dan- gers qu'elles peuvent meme presenter dans cer- tains cas. 4°. Paris, 1895. da Silva Mello (V. M.) * Hygiene do puer- perio. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1900. Silvestre (R.) *Des accidents provoques par les injections intra-uterines employees en obsti'trique; £tude clinique. 4°. Paris, 1892. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Stern (E.) *Die Geschichte der Behand- lung des Xachgeburtszeitraums. [Leipzig.] 8°. Berlin, 1903. Wagxer (A.) Die Wochenbettspflege. Leit- faden fiir Kindbettwiirterinnen. 8°. Stuttgart, 1897. Walther (H.) Leitfaden zur Pflege der Wochnerinnen und Neugeborenen. Mit einem Vorwort von Hermann Lohlein. 12°. Wiesba- den, 1898. Abbot (A. W.) Prolonged lying-in as a possible cause of subinvolution and retro-displacements of the uterus and atony of the pelvic supporting musculature and circulation. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 44-46.—Alilleld (F.) Die Behandlung der Naehgeburts- periode. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. &Wien,1901,ix, 107-116 — Ah He Id (F.) & Vahle (F.) Die Wirkung des Alko- hols bei der geburtshiilflichen Desinfection. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 81. — von Alvensleben. Das Aufstehen der Wochnerinnen en den ersten Tagen des Wochenbettes. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1908, xxxii, 1184-1191.—Anderson (W. V.) Care of the woman during puerperal period. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1902, xxviii, 601.—Apostoli (G.) Sur une nouvelle application de l'electricite apres les accouchements. Ann. d. gynecol., Par., 1881, xv, 327- 337. Also, Reprint. — Audebert (L.-J.) Du sejour au lit des accouchees. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1899, v, 209- 217. Also: Gaz. hebd. de m<5d., Par., 1899, n. s., iv, 754- 756. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1899, 2. s., xi, 336. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1899, i, 577-587.— B. (A.) Igiene del puerperio; consigli pratici alle signore levatrici. Prat. ostet.-ginec, Milano, 1899, ii, 8; 39; 71; 96.—Bacon (C. S.) Massage and exercise in the management of the puer- perium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 355-360.— Barker (T. R.) An ideal napkin for the puerperal woman. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxix, 461-464. -----. VOL xiv, 2d series----9 Puerperal state {Hygiene and manage- ment of). How long shall the puerperant maintain the recumbent position? N. York M. J., 1895, lxii, 8. —Barnes (N. P.) The hospital, a proper place for the delivery and man- agement of the puerpera. Wash. M. Ann., 1906-7, v, 248-265.—Bamett (S. T.) The after-care of obstetrical patients. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1905-6, vii, 807-819.— Benjamin ( D.) Nursing in confinement. Trained Nurse, N. Y., 1897, xviii, 5; 268: xix, 27.—Betti (U.-A.) I purganti nel puerperio. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1901, iii, 341-348.—Bonet y Amigd (J.) De la antisepsis puer- peral. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1885, xi, 735; 769:1886, xii, 14; 43; 77.—Bouchacoiirt (L.) La duree du sejour au lit apres l'accouehement physiologique. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 307; 410. —Boxall (R.) Mortality in childbed both in hospital and in general practice. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1905), 1906, xlvii, 196-234.— Brennecke (H.) Die Stellung der geburtshiilrlichen Lehranstalten und der Wochnerinnenasyle im Organismus der Ge- burts- und Wochenbettshygiene. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 159.—Bretschneider (R.) & Kroenig. Kli- nische Versuche iiber den Einfluss der Scheidenspiilun- gen wiihrend der Geburt auf den Wochenbettsverlauf. Arch.f. Gynaek., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 453-471.—Brisset (A.) La duree du sejour au lit apres l'accouehement physio- logique. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1908, xxxvii, 200-207.—Broes van Heekeren (W.) De verpleging van kraamvrouwen en pasgeborenen in vroegeren en tegenwoordigen tijd. Nosokomos. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Vereen. ... v. Verpleeg., Amst., 1902-3, iii, 406-425.—Bu6 (V.) De l'intestin dans l'etat puerperal. Med. mod., Par., 1898,ix, 81; 161; 233; 281— Biimin (E.) Zur Frage der inneren Desinfektion Kreissender. Centralbl. f. Gy- niik., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 153-164.— Caldwe 11 [Margaret). Care of the patient during the lying-in period. Tr. Wis- consin M. Soc, Madison, 1892, xxvi, 250-267.—Canipfi,. Antisepsis puerperal practica. Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel., 1890, xiii, 129-133.—Campbell (W. M.) Cases illustrat- ing the dangers of routine vaginal injections during the puerperium. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 391. Also, Reprint. — Charles (N.) Le danger des in- jections mal faites chez les accouchees. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1905, xxvi, 469.—Chrobak (R.) Zur Tamponade des puerperalen Uterus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 959-962. — Clem in (W. M.) Beitrag zur Pflege im Wochenbett. Med. BL. Wien, 1907, xxx, 2.—Cocq (V.) De la duree du sejour au lit apres l'accouehement. Cli- nique, Brux., 1901, xv, 472-475. -----. A propos des soins antiseptiques k donner pendant les suites de couches normales. Ibid.; 1906, xx, 741-753. Also: Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1906, xxi, 321-334. — Cooke (J. B.) A new and simple breast binder for post-partum use. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 589.—Bangers (Des) du sublime en obstetrique. [Discussion.] Bull, et mto. Soc. de therap., Par., 1890, 2. s., xvii, 46-50. — Delassus. Du sejour au lit des accouchees. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1899, i, 241-249.— Oesplats. Est-il bon que la femme soit condamnee a un repos severe apres l'accouehement? Ibid., 73-81.— Discussion: Should antiseptic vaginal douching be made a routine practice in the puerperium? Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1893-4, xxix, 190-202.—Mole ris. Examen gyn6cologique et traitement prolong^ des accouchees. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gyn6c de Par., lsus, 21-27. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1898, 2. s.. x, 237-239. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. etde gynec, Par., 1898, xiv, 131-136.—Dor- man (F. A.) Care of the patient in the puerperium. Am. J. Obst.,N.Y.,1908,lvii,99-103. [Discussion], 118-128.— Duke (A.) On the lying-in decubitus. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s.,liii, 126.—Duniont (A.) Dangers et complications du curettage postpartum. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., l«95, xxii, 161-180.—Duree (La) du sejour au lit des accouchees. J.de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1907, lxxviii, 721-725.—Hdmonds (,G. C.) The ambulatory treatment of women after confinement. Mass. M.J.,Bost.,1906,xxvi,351-354.—Eichholz. Uterus irrigation oder intrauterine Aetzung? Frauenarzt, Berl., 1890, v, 529-540. Also, Reprint—Ekstein (E.) Neue Forderungen unserer Geburts-und Wochenbettshygiene. Wien. med. Presse, 1905, xlvi, 1801-1809.—Mustache (G.) Est-il bon que la femme garde un repos prolonge apres l'accouehement? J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1899, i, 193-201.— Fischer (I.) Ueberdie Berechtigungder Ausschabung der Gebarmutter bei verzogerter Riickbildung derselben in Wochenbette. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1898,v, 794. —Flint (A.), jr. Management of the puerperium, from a surgical standpoint. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, 94-99. [Discussion], 118-128.—Frantz(A.) Zur Behand- lung des Nachgeburtszeitraumes, mit Riickblicken auf 200 Geburten in der Landpraxis. Vereinsbl. d. pfiilz Aerzte, Frankanthal, 1903, xix, 11; 38.—Frederick (C. C.) Re- marks on intra-uterine irrigation in the treatment of fe- vers occurring during the puerperium. Am. Gynaec & Obst. J., N. Y., 1894, v, 372-377. Also, Reprint.—Freund (W. A.) Die Behandlung der Naehgeburtsperiode und die Macht derZahlen. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wein, 1900, n. F., ii, 344-349. — Frltsch. Zur Behandlung frischer PUERPERAL. 130 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state {Hygiene and manage- ment of). puerperaler Exsudate. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1891, Leipz., 1892, iv, 77-81.—Fruhinsholz (A.) De quelques restrictions Ala therapeutique intra- uterine chez les nouvelles accouchees. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy,1907,xxxix, 440; 477. Also: Rev.prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1907, xx, 97-118.—Cache (S.) Antisep- sia puerperal. An. d. Circ med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1891, xiv, 159-182.—Gallant (A. E.) The puerpera; her care and comfort during convalescence, particularly the prevention of visceral prolapse. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 783-786.—Gili'ord (H.) The abuse of rest in the treatment of puerperal cases. Tr. Reading Path. Soc, 1895-6, i, 21-32.—Grandin (E. H.) Late infection in the puerperal state; being a plea for the routine manual examination of the interior of the uterus after the com- pletion of the third stage of labor. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1895, xx, 462-468.—Gutierrez (M.) Necesidad de la sobrevigilanciamedica en el puerperio. Gac. med., Mexico, 1902, 2. s., ii, 175-177.—Haberlein. Ueber Me- teorismus nach Geburten. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 1623-1625.—Halm (J.) Zur Tamponade des puerperalen Uterus nach intrauterinen Eingriflen. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1898, xxii, 376-378.—Haynes (F. L.) & Haynes (J. R.) Irrigation of the puerperal uterus; its uses and dangers; with especial reference to the treatment of puerperal fever. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1889, xxii, 113-126. Also, Reprint.—Hebert (N. A.) Hy- giene de la nouvelle accouchee. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1890, n. s., iv, 564; 633.— Herzleld (C. A.) Ueber die Pflege des Wochenbettes. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1891, xxxvi, 61; 73; 85; 97; 109; 193. Also, Reprint.— Heyl (H.) DasMittag-und Abendessender Wochnerin. Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1902, xvii, 346; 394.—Houghton (H. S.) The proper duration of the lying-in period. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 99; 352. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Repr., Lond., 1893, iv, 81.—Ingerslev (E.) Den puerperale Mortalitet i Provinsbyerne og K0benhavn for Tidsrum- met 1860-99. [. . . in provincial cities and Copenhagen from 1860-99.] Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1902, 5. R., ix, 817; 841. — Ivanolr"(A. I.) Opit promlvaniya posllero- dovol matki slabim rastvorom povarennol soli. [Wash- ing out the puerperal uterus by weak salt solutions.] Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1893, ii, 367-369.—Jar- man(G.W.) After-treatment of the mother in normal cases. Med. Rec, N.Y.,1900, lviii,630.—Kampfter (L.) Zur Uterusausspiilung unmittelbar post partum nebst Mitteilung zweier danach beobachteter Todesfiille. Aerztl. Prakt Hamb., 1894, vii, 1201; 1225. —Keating (J. M.) Clinical lecture on the after-treatment of women. Phila., M. Times, 1882-3, xiii, 561-564.— Keitt'er. L'injection antiseptique intra-uterine apr^s l'accouehement. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1892, xliv, 221-223. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1892, viii, 289- 295.—Khazan (S. Yu.) O vedenii posllerodovavo pe- rioda. [Management of the puerperal period.] Aku- scherka, Bransk, 1890, i, 77-81. — Knipe ( W. H. W.) The management of the mother and child during the puerperium. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1907, xxii, 408-429.— Kolipinski (L.) The antiseptic treatment of the puer- peral woman. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxv, 1258 — Kolischer (G.) Nursing in the lying-in period. Med- icine, Detroit, 1900, vi, 11-13.—Kroemer. Der heutige Stand der Wochenbettpfiege. Med. Woche, Berl., 1907, viii, 1; 13; 25; 37.—Krol (P.) O dlelstvii kornutina v posllerodovom periodle. [On the action of cornutin in the puerperal period.] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kieve (1894), 1895, viii, 97-102. [Discussion], 17- 19.—Klistner. 1st einer gesunden Wocnnerin eine pro- trahirte Bettruhe dienlich? Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, viii, 52.5-539.—Langes (H.) Puerperaler Uterus und Curette bezw. Behandlung des Abortes. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1905, xxi, 457^61.—La Torre (F.) Intorno al riposo a letto delle puerpere. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1900, ii, 56-66.— Leopold & Goldberg. Ueber die Entbehrlichkeit der Scheiden-Ausspiilungen und-Auswaschungen bei regelmiissigen Geburten und fiber die grosstmogliche Verwerthung der ausseren Untersuchung in der Geburts- hiilfe. Arch. f. Gynaek.,Berl., 1891, xl, 439-473.—Lewis (D.) The management of the puerperal state. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1896, v, 456-471.—Lieber (F.) Rules for the nursing of obstetrical cases as practiced in the maternity department of the Hospital of the University of Pennsyl- vania. Therap. Gaz. .Detroit, 1893,3. s..ix, 668. — Lohlein (H.) Ueber Wochnerinnenpflege und Pflegestiitten fiir unbemittelte Wochnerinnen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1*88, xiv, 103-105.—Lombana Barren- die CJ. M.) Las inyecciones vaginal es en el puerperio lisiolotfico. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1906-7,193-196.—Long (J. W.) The curette after labor and abortion. Tr. M. Soc. X. Car. 1890, Wilmington, 1891, 80-92.—Lynds (J. G.) The care of cases after labor. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii, 20-26.—McCann (F. J.) On the im- portance of the examination of the abdomen during the puerperium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 192.—Manton (W. P.) Remarks on the after-treatment of normal mid- Puerperal state {Hygiene- and manage- ment of). wifery cases. Physician it Surg., Ann Arbor & Detroit, 1891, xiii, 205-211.—Martin (A.) Conduite de l'accou- cheur aupresd'uneparturiente. Normandiem6d.,Rouen, 1896, xi, 6; 29; 82; 139; 175; 241; 312.—Martin (E.) Zur Bettruhe im Wochenbett. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1908, xxvii, 248-252.— Marx (S.) Treat- ment of the puerperium. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, 104-108. [Discussion], 118-128.—Mason (R. O.) First hour with the mother and newborn baby. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv, 300.—Mercantl (F.) Per la tutela della gestante e della puerpera. Propaganda san., Firenze, 1908, ii, 201-203.— Merkel (H.) Ueber einen forensisch interessanten Fall von Tod im Wochenbett; mit allge- meinen Bemerkungen fiber die Beziehung von Magen- Darmgeschwuren zum Puerperium. Friedreich's BL f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1905, lvi, 321; 418— Mlchaells (H.) Die Naehgeburtsperiode, ihrregelrechter und regel- widriger Verlauf und das Verhalten der Hebamme wiih- rend dieses Geburtsabschnittis. Allg. deutsch. Hebam.- Ztg., Berl., 1907, xxii, 75-95.—Mills (J.) On the indica- tions for and method of washing out the puerperal uterus. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi, 472-476.— Mlllsop (Sarah J.) The importance of more thorough after-care of the parturient woman. Homceop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xvi, 426-434.—Minambres y Alonso (N.) La antisepsia puerperal en la praetica privada. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, ii, 307-315.—Monin (F.) Quelques refle- xions k propos du sejour au lit apres l'accouehement. Lyon med., 1*99, xc. 433-438.—Morrison (J.) The treat- ment of the puerperal uterus. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1896-7, iv, 136-13*.— Miinster. Die intrauterinen Injec- tionen im Wochenbett. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik., Stuttg., 1877, i, 422-451. Also, Reprint—Mule rt (G.) Ueber die Einschriinkung der inneren Untersuchung der Gabarenden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 108.—Napias (H.) Note sur un point d'hy- giene et d'assistance interessant les nouvelles accouchees et les enfants du premier age. Rev. d'hvg.. Par., 1888, x, 1063-1069. [.Discussion], 1093-1100.—Nurin(R.J.) Some- thing new in the treatment of women after confinement. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta 1895, 54-56. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 199-201. —Olivier (A.) Des soins k donner k la femme et k l'enfant pendant l'accouehement proprement dit. Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1893, ix, 34-38. —Oui. Indications, complications et manuel operatoire des injections intra- uterines apres l'accouehement. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 46-51.— Ousley (LinnieM.) Postpartum treatment. Clinique, Chicago, 1896, xviii, 20-22.— Palmer. Vaginal injections in puerperis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 385-394.— Peinado (J. deD.) Valor de los lavados genitales en la praetica obste- trica. Gac. med. de Granada, 1892, xi, 341-349.— Perrigo (J.) Obstetrical nursing and the importance of asepsis. Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1895-6, xxiv, 260- 271.—Perrin. Quatorze observations de curettage de l'uterus puerperal. Arch, de tocol. et de gvnec, Par., 1895, xxii, 203-211.—Petroff (V. A.) Sluchal viskabli- vaniyapolostimatkivposllerodovom periodle. [Curetting the uterus in the puerperal period.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 529.—Phillpp. Die Aufgaben zur Sicherung gesundheitsgemiisser Geburts- und Wochenbettspflege. Preuss. Med.-Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl., 1889, vii, 27- 47.—Piccininl (G.) Sul raschiamento dell' utero nel puerperio. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1897-8, iv, 1231- 1234.—Pierra (L.) La duree du sejour au lit apres l'ac- couehement phvsiologique. Rev. prat, de gvnec, d'obst. et de pediat., Par., 1907, ii, 340-342.—Pinard (A.) De Taction de l'eau chaude sur l'uterus pendant la puerpe- ralite. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 7; 24. -----. Des in- terventions intraut6rines pendant les suites de couches. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1905, xviii, 161-173.— Pingler (G.) Ueber die Anwendung des kalten Sitzba- des in der Naehgeburtsperiode. Bl.f. klin. Hvdrotherap., Wien, 1X91-2, i, 77-83. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1891, xxvi, 553; 565.—van de Poll (C. N.) Rust in het kraambed. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1907-8, xiv, 341; 353; 365; 377.—Pu Is (A. J.) Hygiene of obstetrics; the puer- perium. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1896. xxx, 266- 277.—Pynchon (E.) The postpartum douche. Ala- bama M. & S. Age, Anniston, 1890-91, iii, 449-457. Also, Reprint.—Quisling (N. A.) Kurser i puerperal anti- septik og aseptik for vore jordmpdre. [. . . for our mid- wives.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 1900, xx, 791-804. — Boblnson (G. D. ) On intra-uterine douching of the puerperal uterus. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1897-8, v, 40-42.—Bosent'eld (W.) Ueber das Friihaufstehen im Wochenbett. Gvnaek. Rundschau, Berl. u. Wien, 1908, ii, 401-405.—Rutherford (J. C.) The care of lying-in women. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 268-277. —Schandlbauer ( H. ) Wie k.innen kiirzlich entbundene und deshalb noch nicht erwerbs- fiihige Mutter besser geschutzt werden? Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-CoIL, 1885, xi, 198-200.—Schauta (F.) Die Behandlung des normalen Wochenbettes. Centralbl. PUERPERAL. 131 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state {Hygiene and manage- ment of). f. d. ges'. Therap., Wien, 1891, ix, 1; 65. -----. Phy- siologie und Hygiene des Wochenbettes. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1895, xl, 201; 211; 224—Schmid. Zur Be- handlung parametritischer Exsudate im Puerperium, Aerztl. Rnndschau, Miinchen, 1896, vi, 289-292.— Sell warzenbaeh. Eine einfache Methode der asep- tischen Tamponade des puerperalen Uterus. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1898, xxii, 969-973.—Scollard (J. T.) How to secure normal involution of the puerperal uterus. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi, 482-486.— Semmelink (H. B.) Eine Wochenbettsbinde. Zen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1905, xxix, 1595-159*.— Truzzi i E.) Dell' uso profilattico post partum dello zaffo endo- uterino. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 155-158. — Leber die gute Behandlungder Wochnerinnen. Arch.gemein- niitz. phys. u. med. Kenntn., Zurich, 1790-91, iii, 1. Abth., 97-133. — 11 rich ( G. A.) Tamponning the puerperal uterus. Surg., Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 650- 652— Valdagni (V.)La profilassi puerperale nell' Isti- tuto ostetrico-ginecologico della r. Universita di Torino Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1900, xxii. 637; 707.—Valen- tino (C.) Hygiene des couches et du premier age chez les Hindous. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, ii, 2408-2415.—Van den Bosch. De l'iodoforme dans les suites des couches. In his: Forceps-cephalotribe [etc], 8°, [Bruxelles, 1882], 3-6— Villa ( F. N.) La terapia dell'intestino nello stato puerperale. Arteostet., Milano, 1899, xiii, 30,5-311. -----. II compito della levatrice nel puerperio fisiologico. Ibid., 1903, xvii, 171; 185; 200 — Voorhees (J. D. ) Care of puerpera. Med. News, X. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 49. — Vuich (M.) K voprosu ob oslozhneniyakh nablyudayemikh pri promiwaniyakh posllerodovol matki. [Complications arising from wash- ing the puerperal uterus.] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kieve, 18*9-90, iii, 77-108.—Weston (E. B.) The care of the lying-in patient. Chicago M. Rec, 1891 ii,89-92. [Discussion], 155-105—Wetterwald (F.) La kinesitherapie post-partum. Rev. de cinesie, Par., 1907 ix, 156-15*. —Wilkins (Theoda). The care of the breastsafterparturition. South. Calif. Pract., LosAngeles 1896, xi. 204-207.—von Winekel (F.) Die Behandlung der Naehgeburtsperiode. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 49-52.—Wright (A. H.) Should antiseptic vaginal douching be made a routine practice during the puerperium? Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 400-407. Also: Ann. Gynaec & Pa;diat., Phila., 1894-5, viii, 48-54. Also: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1*94, xix, 8o3-889. Puerperal state (Hyperpyrexia in). See Puerperal septiaemia; Puerperal state (Temperature in). Puerperal state {Intercurrent diseases of)- See Puerperal state (Complications of) [and subdivisions]. Puerperal state {lactosuria in). See Puerperal state (Urine in); Urine (Milk in). Puerperal state (Xutrition in). Ludwig (C. (.t.J [Pr.] de nutritione puerpe- rarum non lactantium. 4°. [Lipsiic, 1767.] Brutzer (W.) Ein Beitrag zurWocnenbettsdiatetik. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1897, xxxvii, 391- 440.—Ch azan (S.) Physiologie und Diiitetik der Naeh- geburtsperiode. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1892, No. 52 (Gyniik., No. 21, 481-506;.—Falk (O.) Modeme Fragen der Wochenbettdiiitetik. Ibid., 1905, No. 3*5 (Gy- nakol., No. 142, 253-268).—Fiirst (L.I Zur Frage der Wbchnerinnen-Ernahrung und Kinder-Diat. Frauen- arzt, Leipz., 190.;, xxi, 530-536.—Filth. Beitrag zur Ka- suistikdernervosen Erkrankungen im Wochenbett. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. zu Leipz. (1905), 1906, 7.5-79. Also: Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 593-597.— Hegar (A.) Diiitetik der Wochnerin; klinischer Vor- trag. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906 xxxii, 1904-1908.—Hell (K.) Zur Physiologie und Diii- tetik der Naehgeburtsperiode. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxi, 9.5-119.—Johnson (J. T.) On the diet of puerperal women. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1875, ii, 56-62.—Keller (H.) La nutrition dans l'etat puerpe- rale. Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1901, lv, 338-389, 4 ch.— Laserstein. Ueber Ernahrung im Wochenbett. Allg. dcuNche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, xi, 205-208.— Peck (<;. B.) Puerperal dietetics. Tr. Am. Inst. Ho- mceop., Phila., 1895, li, 91:1-919.—Walcher (G.) Ernah- rung der Wochnerinnen und Stillvermogen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 158-162. Puerperal state {Peptonuria in). See Puerperal state (Urine in). Puerperal state {Pulse in). See Puerperal state (Blood in). Puerperal state (Secretions in, Vagi- nal). See Puerperal septicaemia (Bacteriology of); Puerperal state (Bacteriology of). Puerperal state (Sudden or rapid death in). See, also, "Death (Sudeten) in pregnancy, etc.; Puerperal septicaemia (Statistics of). < rouzat. Mort rapide en 24 heures, moins de deux jours apres l'accouehement, par suite d'une meningite infectieuse a pneumocoques, sans symptomes pre-moni- toires. Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1897, xix, 296-301. Also: Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1897, in, 99-102.— Cashier (Elizabeth). Venous thrombosis as a cause of sudden death in the puerperium. Am. Med - Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1895, viii, 1519-1521.—Deaths during the puerperium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 551.—Ferri (A.) Morte improvvisa della puerpera. Arte ostet., Mi- lano, 1905, xix, 20-25.—Haase (( liristiane). Tod einer Wochnerin infolge eines entziindeten Blutaderknotens. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 378.—Ka- mann (K.) [Drei todlich verlaufene Fiille schwerer puerperaler Erkrankung.] Verhandl. d. gvnakol. Gesell- sch. Bresl., Berl., 1903-4, 85-89.—Madden (T. M.) Sud- den death soon after parturition. Am. J. Obst N Y 1871, iv, 193-203. Also, Reprint.—Mahler. Thrombose' Lungenembolie und plotzlicherTod. Arb. a. d. k Frau- enklin. in Dresd., Leipz., 1895, ii, 72-120, 2 diag.—Porak & Daniel. Appendicite calculeuse perforan te apres l'ac- couehement; mort. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec et de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 13-20. [Discussion], 26-33.— Budaux (P.) De la mort subite pendant la puerpera- lite. Arch.gen.de med., Par.,1906,i,1089; 1153.—Tarnier. Presentation du front; rupture prematuree des mem- branes; infection putride; peritonite; mort de la femme; presentations du front en general. J. d. sages-femme' Par., 1895, xxiii, 225; 233.—von Tiesenhausen (P j Todtliche Lungenarterienembolie im Wochenbett. St.- Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1896, n. F., xiii, 358.—AVard (Florence N.) Sudden death during puerperal period. Pacific Coast J. Homceop., San Fran., 1892, x, 197. Puerperal state {Surgery in). See, also, Ovariotomy during pregnancy, ete.; Puerperal septicaemia (Treatment of, Operative). Ghezzi (A.) Un caso de paracistite puerperale; inci- sione della sacca ascessuale; guarigione. Arte ostet Mi- lano, 1904, xviii, 161-164.—Hirst (B. C.) Three laparot- omies in the puerperal state. Ann. Gynaec & Paediat Phila., 1889-90, iii, 543-546. Also: Proc. Phila. Obst Soc'' 1890-91, 69-72.—Hubbard (J. C.) Some of the surgi- cal conditions of the puerperium. Am. J. Obst., N Y 1906, liii, 686-«93.—Legueu, Lepage & Couvelaire] Phlegmon perinephretique gauche pendant la puerpera- lite; incision; fistule persistante; nephrectomie au cours d'une seconde grossesse. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de paediat. de Par., 1904, vi, 145-149.—Lewis (D.) The surgery of the puerperium. Illinois M J Springfield, 1899, xlix, 99-113. [Discussion], 117-119. Also'- Am. J. Obst... N. Y., 1899, xxxix, 728-750—Montgom- ery (E. E.) Condition following parturition requiring abdominal section. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila , 1801 lxv, 86-91. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1891, xxii, 177- 185. Also, Reprint.—Murray (R. M.) Pyosalpinx re- moved by laparotomy in the early puerperium. Edinb M. J., 1900, n. s., vii, 124-129— Parish (W. H.) Cceli- otomy after labor. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1892 xvii, 127-137.—Pinard (A.) Cholecystite pendant les suites de couches; cholecystotomie pratiquee le onzieme jour apres l'accouehement; guerison. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynee. et de pasdiat. de Par., 1902, iv, 212-220.— Potocki. Cholecystotomie pratiquee queh|ues heures apres l'accouehement. Ibid., 155-165.—Kliett (K. B.) A laparotomy in the puerperal condition. Am J Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxvi, 20S-210.—Ross (.1. T. W.) Ab- dominal and pelvic operations for the relief of conditions incident to the puerperal state. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1896, xxi, 636-649.—Senger (E.) Ueber einen operativ geheilten Fall cxtensivster Pyometra bei einem Uterus bicornis puerperalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 778-780.—Van Hoosen (Bertha).. Puerperal surgery Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1899, xlix, 113-119.—Vineberg (H. N.) Acute cholecystitis in the puerperium; report of two cases; cholecystotomy; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 532-534.—Walther. Operative Massnahmeri bei Regelwidrigkeiten im Wochenbettsverlauf. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 922; 954; 980. PUERPERAL. 132 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state (Temperature in). See, also, Puerperal septicaemia (Diagnosis, etc., of). Bruyant (S.-E.) *Des principales causes d'Elevation de temperature chez les accouchees. 4°. Paris, 1895. Franz (K.) * Bakteriologische und klinische Untersuchungen iiber Fiebersteigerungen im Wochenbette. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. Also, in: Beitr. z. Geburtsh. ii. Gvnaek., Leipz., 1900, iii,51-100. Also,transl. [Abstr.] in: Obstetrics, N.Y.,1900, ii, 215-232. Goedecke (A.) * Temperaturmessungen im Wochenbett. 8°. Halle a. d. S., 1896. de la Harpe (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de la thermometrie puerperale. Des hearts febriles passagers chez la femme en couche. [Zurich.] 8°. Lausanne, 1876. Moore (B. T.) On the influence of temper- ature during childbirth, and on the right man- agement of the puerperal state. ... 3. ed., with notes and commentary. 8°. London, 1876. Schergoff (M.) * Ueber die Bedeutung des Schiittelfrostes im Wochenbett. 8°. Berlin, [1904]. Schupp (K. M.) *Anale und axillare Tem- peraturmessungen von Wochnerinnen. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Aiuiebert (J.) De la fievre de surmenage apre.s l'ac- enucheineiit. Toulouse med., 1902, 2. s, iv, 111-113. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1902, 2. s., xvi, 267-269.—Ayers (E. A.) Non-infectious fevers of the puerperium. N.York l'olvclin., 1898, xii, 1-5— It. (I).) Drei Fiille von Fieber im Wochenbett mit todlichem Verlaufe. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1905, xx, 358-360—Brady (E. J.) An alarminglv high temperature immediately after labour. Med." Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liii, 262.— Biimm (E.) Zur Kenntnis des Eintagsfiebers im Wo- chenbett. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 1337- 1344.—Cameron (J. C.) High temperature and gly- cosuria in tbe puerperal state, the result of nervous in- fluences. Proc Med.-Chir. Soc Montreal (18*7-9), 1890, iv, 197-205.—Coe (H. C.) Elevation of temperature of obscure origin during the puerperium. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 641-653. Also, Reprint.—< rouzat. La fievre chez les femmes recemment accouchees. Midi med., Toulouse, 1892, i, 175-178. —Danlorth (L. L.) Elevation of temperature in the puerperium. Tr. Am. Inst Homceop., Phila., 1895, li, 892-905. Also: Homceop. .!. HIM., N. Y.. 1896, xviii, 9-24— Davidson (H. A. C), .TlePlierson (J.) & Steavenson (A. P.) Extreme hyperpyrexia [puerperal]. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1904, i, 129.—Davis (E. P.) Puerperal non-septic fever. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1*94, 4. s., iii, 263-277— Delia Valle (L.) Di una tabella-tipo della temperaturain puerperio. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1902, xxiv, 45-74,1 ch.—Duncan (J. W.) Temperatures during the puerperium. Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1905, ii. 384.—Gaines (L.M.) An unusual caseof postpartum temperature. Am. Med.,Phila., 1905, ix, 306.— Glockner (H.) Temperaturmessungen bei Gebiiren- den. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1891, xxi, 386-436. [Discussion], 442-447.—Griffith (W. S. A.) The normal temperature of lying-in women; the causes and treatment of some variations. Clin. J., Lond., 1898-9, xiii, 289-299— Gull lenient. Temperature excessive inde- pendantede tout accident infectieux ou d'une affection viscerale quelconque, chez une femme accouchee depuis onze jours. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1896-7, xv, 124.—Hal- len (Nanny). Nigra temperaturkurvor fran barnsiings- kvinnor. [Some curves of temperature of women in childbed.] Jordemodern, Stockholm, 1906, xix, 219-224 — Harniscli i J. A.) De febre quotidiana in puerpera, falso pro i 111! a mmatoria habitu et f eliciter curata. Selecta med. Franeof., Francof. ad Viadr., 1747-8, iv, 56-72.— Hirst (B. (J.) Non-infectious fevers in the puerperal state. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1889, 3. s., xi, 110-120.— Holzapl'el (K.) Zur Frage der Temperaturmessungen im Wochenbett. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, S68-*71.—Kalinus (G.) Ueber den Werth der bisheri- gern Temperaturmessungen im Wochenbett, Ibid., 1898, xxii, 498-501.—Lackie (J. L.) Puerperal hyperpyrexia, with an illustrative case. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, Lond., 1898-9, xxiv, 84-88. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1899, n. s., v, 585- 5ss -----. A series of cases of non-septic puerperal py- rexia. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiii, 140-146.—Leopold (G ) Typische Wochenbettscurven. Arb. a. d. k. Frauen- klin. in Dresd., Leipz., 1895, ii, 49-71, 10 diag.—Levy- Weissmann. Hyperthermic puerperale par stercorS- mie Semaine gynec, Par., 1908, xiii, 225.—lUackin- Piierperal state ( Tem/>erature in). tosh (J. S.) Puerperal hyperpyrexia of malarial origin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 999.—Memiami (A.) Wie verlaufen therapeutisch unbeeinflusste iieberhafte Wo- chenbetten? Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxii, 28-59.— Meurer. [Temperatuursverhooging in puerperio.] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1903, xiv, 61-67. [Discussion], 67-74.—Norton (T. M.) Un- usually high pyrexia following confinement, without apparent corresponding structural lesions. Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gynec Soc. 1889-90, [N. Y., 1892], iii, 92-101 — Oakeshott (W. F.) Hyperpyrexia in the puerperal state. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 942.—Osier (W.) Chills and fevers in post-partum anamiia. Montreal M. J., 1897, xxv, 794.—Pearson (H. L.) A caseof puerperal hyper- pyrexia. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 229.—Rhodes (F. A.) Physiology of temperature; with special reference to that of the puerperium. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liii, 83-98.— Ryder (G. H.) Temperatures occurring during the puerperium. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, iv, 48-58.—Sarwey (O.) Ueber wissenschaftlich verwerth- bare Temperaturbestimmungen im Wochenbett. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 396-402.—Schmitz. Ueber Temperaturbestimmungen im Wochenbett. All?. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviii, 495-497.—Slkes (A. W.) On the rises of temperature occurring in the puerperium. Internat. Therap., N. Y., 1906, ii, 1-6.— Skinner (W. W.) A case of post-puerperal hyperpy- rexia, with a temperature of 109.4°; treated by cool salt- water baths; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 66.— Spurgin (P. B.) Puerperal hyperpyrexia of malarial origin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 841.—Squire (W.) Puerperal temperatures with additional diagrams and observations on diet and the use of chloroform and chlo- ral. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1867), 1868, ix, 129-144. Also, Reprint.—Stapler (H.) Remarques sur la temperature des accouchees et sur les accidents infectieux reputed tardifs. Union me-d., Par., 1890, 3. s., 1, 159; 196; 220.— Straehan (B.) Pyrexia and rigor following douching in the puerperal woman, with a theory of their causa- tion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1492.—Sykes i W.) Py- rexia and rigor following douching in the puerperal woman, with theory of their causation, ib"/., 1115.— Takahashi (J.) Sanshi oyobi sanko no hatsuretsu. [High fever at the time of and after parturition.] Chiba Igakukwai Zashi, 1893, no. 15, 13-16.—Tu ley (H. E.) What is the significance of a febrile puerperium? Obstet- rics, N, Y., 1900, ii, 327-337.—Tweedy (E. H.) The high range of normal temperature and pulse throughout the puerperium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 704-706—Wil- liams (Ethel M. N.) Pyrexia of gastro-intestinal origin during the puerperium. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1101.— Wormser (E.) Wie erfiihrt man am besten die hoch- sten Tagestemperaturen im Wochenbett? Beitr. z. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1900, iii, 299-308. Puerperal state ( Urine in). See, also. Albuminuria in pregnancy, etc.; Bright's disease in pregnancy, etc.; Diabetes in pregnexney, etc.; Kidney in pregnancy, etc.; La- bor (Urine in); Puerperal convulsions (Urine in). von Gusnar ([A. M.] P.) * Beitrage zur Lactosurie der Wochnerinnen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1895. Recht. De la miction chez len femmes en couches. 8°. Paris, 1894. Walker-Bruere ( Mme. E. ) De l'albumi- nurie puerperale. 4°. 1'aris, 1890. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Bennett ( R. C. ) Puerperal albuminuria and the action of sulphate of quinine on the gravid uterus. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 598— Bianeardi (G.) Ricerche sulla glicosuria florizinica nello stato puerperale (con- tributo alio studio dell' esplorazione funzionale del rene nel campoostetrico). Ann.di ostet.,Milano, 1903,xxv,897- 964.—Boni (A.) Alcune ricerche chimiche sulle urine delle donne nello stato puerperale. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1904, xiii, 65; 145; 222: 344. -----. I corpi purinici nelle urine della k'ravideedellepuerperc Ann.di ostet., Milano, 1906,i.48-6*.—Costa (R.) Dell' acetonuria nello stato puerperale. Iliid., 1901, xxiii, 241-249. -----. Ricerche sui fermenti dijrcstivi delle urine nello stato puerperale. Ibid., 1901, xxvi, 476-4*9— Crlstalli (G.) Di una uuova reazione delle urine delle puerpere. Arch. di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1906, xiii, 274-284.—EhrstrUm ( R.) Ueber die sogenannte puerperale Peptonurie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 695-708.—Fossati (G.) Di alcune proprietadeir estratto etereo delle urine specie in rapporto al puerperio ed all' allattamento. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1906, l, 82-101.—Holste (K.) Ueber den Residualharn im Wochenbett. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1906, xvi, 233-237.—Jarrett (Elizabeth). A case of puerperal albuminuria. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. PUERPERAL. 133 PUERPERAL. Puerperal state ( Urine in). X. Y., 1896, xxxi, 366-368—Lemaire (F. A.) Over het voorkomen van melksuiker in de urine bij kraamvrou- wen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. phvsiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1896, 4. R., iv, 18-40.—Longridge (C. X.) Excretion of creatinin in lying-in women; with some remarks on involution of the uterus. .1. Obst. & Gvnaec. Brit. Emp., Lond.. 1908, xiii, 420-429.—Mabley (H. C.) Albuminuria in the puerperium; with report of case. Cleveland J. >L, 1899, iv, 126-130. — Mcfann (F. J.) & Turner (\V. A.) On the occnrrence of sugar in the urine during the puerperal state. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1892), 1*93, xxxiv, 473-490. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 1389.—Marianl ( A.) Ricerche sull' ammoniuria nello stato puerperale. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Xapoli, 1905! xii, 569-576.—Mereier (R.) & Menu (A.) De l'acetonurie dans la grossesse et la puerperalite. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1898, i, 261-269.-----------. De la peptonurie dans la grossesse et le post-partum. Ibid., 1899, ii, 224-232.—von Noorden. Ueber die puerperale Lactosurie nach dem Genuss von Traubenzucker. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1893, 385. — Poggiani (A.) Intorno alia pretesa peptonuria della gravidanza, del travaglio, del parto e del puerperio. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1904, xxvi, 233-247.—Queirel & Doniergue. De la glyco- surie pendant l'etat puerperal; (grossesse et suites" de couches). Compt. rend. Cong, period, internat. de gynec. et d'obst. 1899, Amst., 1900, iii, 645-654.—Seholten (R.) Ueber puerperale Acetonurie; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Stoffwechsel wiihrend der Geburt. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1900, iii. 439-451. —de Sinety. Note relative aux caracteres de l'urine chez les femmes en couches et les nourrices. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 189s. io. s., v, 754.—Sior (L.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Pepton in Harn. Eiter und Milch. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh.. Leipz., 1893-4, n. F., xxxvii, 352-377— Spolverinl (L.-M.) Albuminurie maternelle et allaitement. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par., 1908, vii, 121-180. Puerperal state and tuberculosis. Godreau (Mile. H.) * Influence rvciproque de la tuberculose et de la puerperalite d'apres des statistiques dans les hopitaux de Toulouse. 8°. Toulouse, 1906. Kaxia (V.-C.-E.) * De Pinfluencedela puer- peralite sur les femmes predisposes a la tuber- culose. 8°. Paris, 1904. Bonnaire (E.) De l'influence de la puerperalite sur la tuberculose. Presse med., Par., 1905, 639.—Call (Em- ma L.) Acute tuberculosis in puerperal women. Boston M. &S. J.,1897, cxxxvii, 342-314.—Carli (G.) Puerperio etubercolosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii,871-876.— Cova. Endometrite tubercolare in puerperio. Bull. d. Soc. toscvdi ostet. eginec, Firenze, 1903, ii, 28-36.—Gan- lard. Etat puerperal et tuberculose. Presse m6d., Par., 1893-4, 389. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 371-378. — Malade. Ueber Struma puerperalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 412-414.—Pompe van Meerdervoort (N. J. F.) Een geval van tuberculose van den uterus in het puerperium. Herinneringsb. Prof. S. S. Rosenstein, Leiden, 1902,511-518. Puerperal tetanus. Muller (F. W. K.) * Ueber Tetanus puer- peralis. 8°. Greifswald, 1897. Rollix (C.) * Contribution a l'etude du te- tanos puerperal. 4°. Paris, 1892. Witthauer (K). *Ueber Tetanus puerpe- ralis im Anschluss an zwei beobachtete Fade. 8°. Jena, 1889. -----. The same. *°. Jena, 1889. Alexandre. Un casde tetanos k la suite d'une fausse couche. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1890, 973-976.— do Araaral (V.) Tetano puerperal. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan.. 1898, xii, 253.—Balint < R.) Puerperalis tetanus gy6gyult esete. [Cured case.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 75. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1907, xliii. 145.—Bleynle (L.) Un cas de tetanos pendant les suites de couches. Limousin med., Limoges, 1903, xxvii, 52.—Boarman (C. V.) Puerperal tetanus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 522-524. Also,Reprint.— Crovetti (E.) Un caso di tetano puerperale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 956.— Crum (E. W.) Puer- peral tetanus; report of a case. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 690. — Das ( K. ) Tetanus puer- peralis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1901, xxxvi, 170-172. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1201. — Davidson (A. C.) A case of puerperal tetanus, following craniotomy. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Macon, 1888. 85-87.—Demange (J.) & Spillmann. Tetanos puerperal. Rev. med. del'est, Nancy, 1899, xxxi, 142-144.—Depasse ( E.) Une obser- vation de tetanos chez une aceouc•lnV. Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1905, xx, 321-323.—Drappier. I'n cas de tetanos puerperal. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1*95. ii, 641-647. Also: Puerperal tetanus. Arch, de gynec et de tocol., Par., 1896, xxiii, 373-377.— Ferberg (G.) Beitrag zur Frage der puerperalen Krampfzustande. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1900, n. F., xvii, 254.—Vortnn (E.) Tetanos puerperal. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1896, i, *2— Gautier (V.) Du tetanos puerperal et specialement de ses causes etde sa pathogenic Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1*89, ix, 745-771.—Gregory (W. H.) Note on a case of tetanus after the induction of premature labour. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 903.— Heinricius (G.) Ein Fall von Te- tanus puerperalis. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1891, xv, 673-675.—Heyse. Ueber Tetanus puerperalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893. xix, 318-323. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1892-3, xii, 238- 254.—Hirst (B. C.) Puerperal tetanus, with a report of three cases in the University Maternity. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, ix.750-762.—Irwin (.1. W.l Puerperal tet- anus. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 324-326. Also, Reprint- Jacob (P.) Ueber einen geheilten Fall von Tetanus puerperalis, nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Tetanusgift. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 383- 385.—Jensen (W.) Tetanus nach der Geburt beim Rinde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1890, vi, 409-411.— Kentmann (H.) Tetanus puerperalis. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1900, xi, 527-539.—King (A. F. A.) Puerperal tetanus. Am. J. Obst., 1895, xxxii, 225- 230. [Discussion], 311. Also: Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gvnec. Soc. 1891-5, N. Y., 1896, iv, 291-295.—King (J. S.) Puer- peral tetanus. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1890, viii, 158.— Kilhnau (W.) Ein Fall von Tetanus puerperalis, nebst einem Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Symptomatologie der Tetanusinfectionen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 613; 641. Also: Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1898, xiii, 444; 495.— Iiebensbaum (M. ) Przypadek te.zca pologowego. [Case of puerperal tetanus.] Medycyna, Warzawa, 1*94, xxii, 324.—von Leyden (E.) Ueber einen mit Dural- infusion behandelten Fall von Tetanus puerperalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 632-634. Also, transl: Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1899, Iii, 421-430. — Lop. Tetanos puerperal 32 jours apres l'accouehement; grossesse gcjmellaire; albuminurie grave (retinite, cedeme pulmonaire, cedeme vulvo-vaginal, monstre); eehec du regime lacte; provocation de l'accouehement au 8e mois. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1904, vii, 96-101.—McNamara (S.J.) Tetanus occurring post partum. Brooklyn M. J., 1906, xx, 244.—Markus (J.) Tetanus puerperalis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 265.—Miller (J. T.) Puerperal tetanus. Kansas City M. Index, 1*91, xii, 159- 162. — Mosher (G. C.) Tetanus puerperalis. Am. J. Surg. & Gynaec, Kansas City, 1894-5, vi, 174-177.—Oster- loh. Tetanus im Wochenbett. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., Munchen, 1901-2, 225.—Pitha (V.) Pfispevek k aetiologii a therapii tetanu puerper&l- niho. [Contribution to the etiology and therapy of puer- peral tetanus.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1898, xxxvii, 849; 871. Also: Sborn. klin., v Praze, 1899, i, 187-210, 1 ch., 1 tab. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 865-892. Also, transl.: Klin.-therap. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1899, vi, 1; 33. —van der Poll (C. N.l Een geval van tetanus puerperalis. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1900-1901, vii, 389-392.—Kiss. Cue observation de teta- nos, d'origine uterine. Marseille med., 1905, xiii, 576- 579.—Koderer (J. F.) Case of puerperal tetanus with recovery. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 362.— Rossi Doria (T.) Contributo alio studio del tetano puerpe- rale spccialmente in rapporto alia diagnosi batteriolo- gica. Policlin., Roma, 1893-4, i-C, 44-61.—von Rost- horn. Beobachtungen fiber Tetanus puerperalis. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, viii, 421-429.—Roussiel. Un cas de tetanos puerperal. Cli- nique, Brux., 1908, xxii, 241-245. Also: Gaz. de gvnec, Par., 1908, xxiii, 113-117—Rubeska (V.) Pfipad puer- per&lniho tetanu, kon&ici smrti. [Case of puerperal tet- anus ending in death.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1883, xxii, 627-631. — Sawhill (W. F.) Puerperal tetanus. Kansas City M. Index, 1896, xvii, 55-57. — Scheef (J.) Ein Fall von Tetanus puerperalis. Mitth. a. d. Tubing. Poliklin., Stuttg., 1886, 1. Hft., 72-79.— Scott (J. F.) Bacteriology and treatment of puerperal tetanus. Am. J. Obst., X'. Y., 1895, xxxii, 230-237. [Discussion], 311. Also: Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gynec Soc 1891-5, N.Y.,1896, iv, 295-303. — Seegert (P.) Ein Fall von puerperalem Tetanus nach Abort. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1906, xxx, 393.—Sepet (P.) Du tetanos puerperal. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1898, lxxi, 1184. Also: Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de paediat. 1898. Mem. et disc, Par., 1900, ii, 207-215.—Siebourg (L.) Fall von Tetanus puerperalis. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1900, xii, 347- 351.—Smith (Anna M. S.) Two cases of tetanus after childbirth successfully treated with cannabis indica. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1608.—Steinltz (G.) Ein Fall von Tetanus puerperalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1419. —Straehstein (A.) Report of a case of tetanus following labor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxvi, 977.—Sziklassy (B.) Tetanus puerpe- ralis gydgyult esete. [A case of . . . cured.] Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1896, xx, 33.—Thomas (J. J.) Report of a case of puerperal tetanus. Cleveland M. J., PUERPERAL. 134 PUERTE YIESUO. Puerperal tetan us. I90ii, v, 1:14—137.—Thomas (J. N.) An interesting case of puerperal tetanus. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xxii, 845-849.—Walko (K.) Ueber einen mit Tizzoni's Antitoxin behandelten Fall von Tetanus puerperalis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 591- 593—Wurdaek (E.) Ueber einen Fall von Tetanus puerperalis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1903, xxyiii, 97; 111. Puerperal thrombosis and embolism. See, also, Death (Sudden) in pregnancy, etc.; Puerperal hirmatoma; Puerperal septicaemia (Causes, etc., of); Puerperal state (Complications of, Ocular); Puerperal state (Sudden, etc., death in). Bode (G. A. P.) * Lungenembolie nach Geburten und gyniikologischen Operationen. 8°. Iledlea. S., 1899. Bories (E.) *Les thrombus genitaux puer- peraux. 8°. Paris, 1904. Cramm (H. [T. F.j) *Ueber Lungenembolie im Auschluss an Graviditiit, Partus, Puerperium und Sexualerkrankungen. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Jakob (B.) * Ueber infektiose Embolie im Wochenbett. 8°. Erlangen, 1898. Lehmann (A.) *Ueber einen Fall von Lun- genembolie im Puerperium. [Erlangen.] 8°. Spegera. Bh., [1893]. Stepaxoff (Sophie). * Contribution a, l'etude des thrombus puerperaux. 8°. Paris, 1902. Ac-hard (C.) & Ribot (A.) Sur l'embolie pulmo- nale precedant la phlegmatia des membres pendant les suites de couches. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 13, 262-265.—Arnott (J.) Craniotomy, adherent placenta, and thrombosis. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 403-105.—Atkinson (LE.) Post-partum throm- botic abscess. Kansas City M. Index, 1892, xiii, 289-291.— Atkinson (T. R.) Embolism of the pulmonary artery more than two months after delivery; death. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1897, i, 203.—A n vard. Thrombus et sphacele du col uterin constSeutif k un accouchement difficil e. Arch, de tocol.etdegynec.,Par.,1893,xx,891-893.—Barnes (R.) On the thrombosis and embolia of lying-in women. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1862), 1863, iv, 30-53. Also, Reprint.— Barre- ras (A.) Trombus vaginal puerperal. Rev. m4d. cu- bana, Habana,1908, xii,66-73.— Rauer (M. MA Puerperal thrombosis. Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii, 24.—Berczeller (I.) Azarteriapulmonalis egy ag&nak eltomiilese a gyer- mek&gyban; gy6gyulas. [Embolism of a branch of pul- monary artery in childbed; recovery.] Gy6gy£szat, Buda- pest, 1892, xxxiv, 343. Also,.transl.: Pest.med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 1123.—RoxaIl(R.) Pelvic hsema- toma following delivery: death four hours after labour. Tr.Obst.Soc.Lond.(1889),l*90,xxxi,303-308.—vonBraun (E.) Ueber einen giinstig verlaufenen Fall von Hy- dramnios und Lungenembolie am 24. Tage post partum. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1289.— < louston. Vaginal thrombosis; postpartum. Canada M. Rec, Mon- treal 1892-3,xxi,103.—bst. cV: Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1903, iii, 218-221.—Glasi (G.) Intorno ad un caso di embolismo nel puerperio. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Ve- nezia, 1*90, xii, 462-464. — Lachie (J. L.) Puerperal pulmonary thrombosis, with an illustrative case. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1895-6, xxi, 165-171. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1*96-7, xii, 21-25.—Le Boeuf (L. G.) Relation of a caseof cardiacembolus following forceps delivery; death 15 days later. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1900-1901, liii, 575-581. [Discussion], 596-598.—liejars (F.) Traitement opera- toire des thrombo-phlebites septiques utero-pelviennes d'origine puerperale. Semaine gynec, Par., 1906, xi, 329.—Leopold. Thrombose una Embolie im Wochen- bett, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der gonorrhoi- schen Infektion. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1897-8, 158-187. -----. Ueber Lungenerkran- kung im Wochenbette, beruhendauf Thrombose und Em- bolie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905, lxxxv, 219-226—Lewis (In Embolism and thrombosis. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1*97-n, vii, 146-161.—Loviot. Thrombus du vagin pendant le travail chez une h&nophyle; embolie Puerperal tlirond)e>sis and embetUsm. pulmonaire; guerison. Rev obstet. et gvnec, Par., 1890, vi, 304-307.— iTIaeready (.1.) Puerperal embolism. Cincin. M. J. ,1891, vi, 401-406.— itlazzi (A.) Andamento non comunediun casodimetrorlebotrombosi puerperale. Morgagni, Milano, 1903, xlv, 394-400.—HIoseato (P) Un caso di flebite trombotica delle vene renali consecu- tiva a quella delle curali in una puerpera. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1896, lv, 332; 341.—Murphy (P. C.) An anomalous case in obstetrics; [enormously distended fluid sac; placenta adherent; died from pulmonary em- bolism] . Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1902, x iv, 327-330.— Noble (G. H.) Surgical treatment of puerperal throm- bosis of pelvic veins. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1906, Phila., 1907, xix, 1-11.—Palmer. Fatal cardiac thrombosis and embolic pneumonia, following deliv- ery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1877-9, i, 150-152.—Pesta- lozza (E.) Delle trombosi puerperali e post opera- tive. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 13-18. — Richter (A.) Thrombose und Embolie im Wochenbett, sowie die auf derselben Grundlage beruhenden Lungenerkran- kungen der Wochnerinnen. Arch. f. Gvniik., Berl., 1904, lxxiv, 102-144, 2 pl. -----. Das Mahlersche Zei- chen bei Thrombose und Embolie im Wochenbett, sowie den puerperalen Lungenaffektionen. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Natur- u. Heilk. in Dresd. (1903-4), Miin- chen, 1905, 182-185. — Kielantler (A.) Ueber Venen- thrombosen im Wochenbett. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1906, xxiv, 154-170.—Singer. Thrombose und Embolie im Wochenbett, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der gonorrhoischen Infection. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1898, lvi, 218-263.—Sperling (M.) Zur Kasuistik der Embolie der Lungenarterie wiihrend der Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett, nebst einigen epikritischen Bemerkungen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1893, xxvii, 438 - 465. — Stock well (Helen R.) Venous thrombosis; notes of acase follow- ing normal labor. Nursing World, Providence, 1896, iii, 101-103.—Tandan (R. K.) Pulmonary embolism after natural labor; a suggestion as to its cause and recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vi, 143.—Thompson (C. M.) Clinical notes of two cases of post-partum pul- monary embolism. Ibid., 1903, xxiv, 691.—Tissier & DesfOsses. Rupture sous-peritoneale dans un cas de l'epaule negligee; vaste thrombus remontant iusqu'au diaphragme. Trav., prat, d'obst. et de gvnec, Par., 1898, 176-178.— Triboulet (H.) L'embolie, s'ans phlebite ap- parente, chez les accouches. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 773- 775.—Williamson (H.) A case of pulmonary embo- lism occurring twenty-four davs after delivery. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1903), 1904, xlv, 189-191.—Wyder(T.) Ueber Embolie der Lungenarterien in der geburtshilflich-gyna- kologischen Praxis. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1,896, No. 146 (Gynak., No. 54, 529-550).—Zampetti (A.) Embolismo cerebrale in puerperio morboso. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 546. Puerperal toxarm ia. See Puerperal septicaemia. Puerperal urinary disorders. See Puerperal state (Complications of, Genito- urinary) ; Puerperal state ( Urine in). Puerperal diseases. An explanation. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.~\ Puerperal (On) insanity. 32 pp. 8°. Lon- don, 1859. Repr.from: J, Psychol. M., Lond., 1859, xii. Puerperal mania. 10 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Puerperium. See Puerperal state. de la Puerta (Gabriel). Botdnica descriptiva y determination de las plantas indigenas y cul- tivadas en Espafia de uso medicinal, alimen- ticio e industrial. 2. ed. 669 pp., 2 1. 8°. Meidrid, 1891. ------. Tratado de quimica inorgfinica, con las aplicaciones & la farmacia e industria y princi- pios generales de analisis conforme con las teo- rias modernas. 2 v. 636 pp.; 005 pp., port. 8°. Madrid, Hernando & Co., 1896-7. de la Puerta y Eseolar (Ricardo). Las aguas potables de Madrid. 22 pp., 1 1. 12°. Muelrid, A. B. Velasco, 1900. See, also, Ciufa ilustrada [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1896. Puerte Viesgo. See Waters (Mineral), by localities PUERTO. 135 PUGLIESI. Puerto (Juan). La circuncisiun; su importan- cia tanto en la familia como en el estado. 35 pp. 24°. Mexico, C. Bamiro y Ponce de Leon, 1876. ------. Anti-svphilitic lymph. 8 pp. sm. 4°. [Mexico, 1892."] Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Mexico, 1892. Puerto-Priueipe. Reglamento de higiene para la ciudad de Puerto-Principe. 8 pp. 16°. Puerto-Principe, tipog. "La Yerdad", 1899. Puerto Principe, Cuba. See, also, Fever (^ Yellow, History, etc., of); Hos- pitals (Description, etc., of); Hygiene (Munici- pal, Laics, etc., of), by localities. Armstrong (S. T.) Puerto Principe, Cuba; its sani- tary conditions and vital statistics. N. York M. J., 1899, lxix, 336-338. -----. The hospitals of Puerto Principe, Cuba. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 782. Also, Reprint. Puerto Rico. See Porto Rico. Putter (August) [1879- ]. *Das Auge der Wassersiiugethiere. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, H. Fleischmann, 1901. -----. Studien zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Stoffvvechsels. 79 pp. 8°. Berlin, Weid- mann, 1908. Repr.from: Abhandl. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Gottingen. Piitter (August F.R.) [1879- ]. *Die Wir- kung erhohter Sauerstoffspannung auf die le- bendige Substanz. [Gottingen.] 44 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1904. Piitter (Ernst). Die Bekampfung der Tuber- kulose innerhalb der Stadt; ein Beitrag zur Wohnungsfrage. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1907. See, also, Frrichtung (Die) und Verwaltung [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1905. PUtterieh (Georg). * Untersuchungen iiber das Korpergewicht in Geisteskrankheiten. [ \V iirz- burg.] 16 pp. 8°. Munchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1897. Repr.from: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv. Piitz (H[ermann]) sen. Die Seuchen und Herdekrankheiten unserer llausthiere mit Riicksicht auf die Zoonosen des Menschen; fiir Thierarzte, Aerzte und Landwirthe nach seinen eigenen Vorlesungen bearbeitet. x, 709 pp. 8°: Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1882. -----. Die Resultate der in verschiedenen Staa- ten ausgefiihrten Impfungen gegen Lungen- seuche und Schafpocken. pp. 88-92. 8°. II ten, 1887. Forms pt. 3, 21. Hft., of: vi. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. zu Wien. -----. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Schutz- und Nothimpfung zur Tilgung von Thierseuchen. 28 pp. S°. Halle, 1889. Forms 8. Hft., v. 1, of: Thiermed. Vortr., Halle. ------. Die Hauptdaten der Lungenseuche-Im- pfung seit 1819. 44 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1891. ------. Der Bacillus pyogenes und seine Bezie- hungen zur Schweineseuche. 52 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, Ii. Schoetz, 1905. Forms No. 4 of: Arb. a. d. hygien. Inst. d. k. tierarztl. Hochsch. zu Berl. Piitz (Hermann Reiner) [1879- ]. * Der Ba- cillus pyogenes und seine Beziehungen zur Schweineseuche. [Giessen.] 52 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, P. Se-lujetz, 1905. Piitz (Max). * Ueber Alveolarabscesse; ihre Aetiologie, Prognose und Therapie, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der in der kOnigl. Cha- rite zu Berlin beobachteten Fiille. [Erlangen.] 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, E. Streisand, [1898]. Piitz (Otto) [1866- ]. * Ueber Nabelschnur- hernien und ihre Behandlung. 36 pp., 3 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer ek Co., 1891. Piitz (Phil. Franz) [1865-* ]. *Ueber den traumatischen Ursprung der Hernia epigastrica. 37 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1898. Piitz (Richard) [1870- ]. * Ueber operative Entfernung von Fremdkorpern aus dem Ohre. 28 pp., 3 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer ct- Co., 1893. von Pufendorf (F. L.) Ausfiihrbare Vor- schliige zur giinzlichen Vertilgung der Blattern. Regenten, Staatsmiinnern und Menschenfreun- den zu reiflicher Erwiigung und Beherzigung empfohlen. 11 p. 1., 128 pp. 16°. Braun- schweig, Verlag der Sch ulbuclihandl., 1792. Puff (Michael) [1400-1473]. Senlelucr (L.) Michael Puff aus Schrick, 1400-1473. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 334; 350; 381; 397; 414; 443; 460; 477; 494. Puff-adder [Olotho arietans]. See Serpents (Poisonous, Bites of, Treatmentof). Puffi. Sieveking. Ueber vermeintliche Gesundheitsschad- lichkeitdesUngeziefermittels "Puffi,"sowie einesgelben Handschuhfutters und bunter Abziehbilder. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1905, xi, 176. Puga-Borne (Federico). Elementos de hi- jiene. 2 v. 576 pp.; 504 pp., 1 1. 8°. San- tiago de Chile, Gutenberg, 1891. Puglie (B.) Success of the bark in a deplorable small-pox. p. 209. 8°. [London, n. f/.] Cutting from: Gentleman's Mag. & Hist. Chron., Lond. Pugilism. Fatal (The) glovefight. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 1345.— Flint (A.) Pugilism. In his: Collect, essays, 8°, N. Y., 1903, ii, 319-329.—Death from fisticuffs. [Edit] Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 538.—Lydston (G. F.) A case of "pu- gilist's ear ". Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, v, 439- 441.—Orton (F.) The deaths from (?) boxing. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1366. Puglia (Alessandro). See Finiliani (Luigi). Ricerche a stabilire [etc.]. 8°. J/(/(^/k(,1833.—tienerall (Francesco). Esposizione dei casi piu importanti [etc.]. 8°. Modena, 1871. Puglia (La) medica. Periodico mensile desti- nato alio incremento delle scienze mediche e affini nelle Puglie, redatto dal dott. Giuseppe Zuccaro. v. 1-8, 1893-1900. 8°. Bari. Ended. Pugliatti (Rosario). Alcuni casi di ostetricia e ginecologia. Rendiconto sommario dell' isti- tuto ostetrico e ginecologico di Messina anni scolastici 1884-5 e 1885-6"; 1889-90 e 1890-91. 36 pp. roy. 8°. Messina, G. Crupi, 1892. Pugliese (Angelo). Azione del cloruro disodio e di potassio sul ricambio materiale. pp. 271- 327. 8°. [Firenze, 1894?] Cuttimj from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1896. ------. Azione del cloruro di sodio e di potassio sul decorso dell' inanizione. pp. 363-420. 8°. [Firenze, 1894?] Catting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1896. ------. Influenza delle sostanze alimentari sui movimenti respiratori e cardiaci e sul fenomeno della rarefazione espiratoria del palpito car- diaco. Studio sperimentale. pp. 441-468, 4 pl. 8°. Firenze, 1895. Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. di fisiocrit. di Siena. ------& Coggi (C.) Azione del cloruro di sodio sul ricambio materiale dell' uomo. 8°. pp. 329-362. 8°. [Firenze, 1894?] Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena, 1896. Pugliesi (Giovanni). Osservazioni cliniche. 36 pp. 12°. Milano, 1895. ------. Della mortality nel comparto medico femminile nel ventennio 1878-97. Saggio critico- statistico. 16 pp. 8°. Lodi, 1898. PUGLIESI Pug 1 iesi (Giovanni)—continued. ------. I bisogni ed i mezzi del nostro Ospitale maggiore. 30 pp. 8°. Lodi, Qurico & Camagni, 1899. See, also, Ospitale maggiore di Lodi. Resoconti sta- tistici-clinici [etc]. 8°. Lodi, 1892-3.—von Ziemssen (Heinrich). Conference, [etc.]. 8°. Milano, [n.d.]. Pugliese (Livio). L' epilettico di fronte al diritto. Con prefazione de Salvatore Ottolenghi. xi, 106 pp. 8°. Torino, frat. Bocca, 1902. Puglioli (Giovanni). Di un nuovo metodo per la cura dei seni perirettali e delle flstole alte dell'intestine 14pp.,lpl. 8° Bologna, 1859. Pugnat (Amedee). *La biologie de la cellule nerveuse et la theorie des neurones. [Geneva.] 59pp. 8°. Nancy, Berger-Leeraultek Cie., 1901. Pugnet (Jean-Francois-Xavier) [1765-1846]. Memorie sulle febbri maligne, e pestilenziali del Levante, con un quadro fisico-medico dell' alto Egitto. 1 p. 1., 338 pp., 1 1. 12°. Milano, Piorottao & Maspero, 1804. For Biography, see Neuhaus (C.) Le docteur Pu- gnet. 8°. Berne, 1847. ------. See, also: tiros (H.) Les oeuvres de Jean-Francois-Xavier Pu- gnet. Janus, Amst., 1903, viii, 1; 76; 123. Pugni (Giovanni). *Del rammollimento del curore. 25 pp. 8°. Pavia, Fusi c0 Co., 1848. [P. v., 2227.] Pulilniann (C. G.) Handbuch der homoopa- thischen Praxis. Anleitung zur klinischen Un- tersuchungen Kranker und zu deren Behandlung nach homoopathischen und diiitetischen Grund- siitzen, mit besonderer Beruchsichtigung der in den Tropen vorkommenden Krankheitsformen. In Verbindung mit mehreren Aerzten hrsg. xvi, 670 pp., 1 1., 2 col. pl. 8°. Leipzig, ]Y. Schwabe, 1894. Puhlinanu (ErnstRobert) [1869- ]. *Ueber Seekrankheit. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1901. du Pui (Meinardus Simon). *Dehomine dextro et sinistro. 1 p. 1., iv, 191 pp., 61. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apudfratres Murray, 1780. [P., v. 2068.] ------. De affectionibus morbosis hominis dextri et sinistri. iv, 191 pp., 31. 8°. Lugd. Bat., frat. Murray, 1780. die Puitte de Magondeau (Mrne. Leonie), nee Senepart [1873- ]. * Contribution ii l'etude de leucokeratose vulvo-vaginale. 61 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 362. Puig (J.) [1865- ]. * Considerations sur les lesions inflamatiores des ovaires. 107 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1893, No. 39. Puig-Ainetller (Albert) [1874- ]. *Con- tribution a l'etude des tumeurs malignes du rein chez l'enfant etchez l'adulte. Etiologie; syrnp- tomatologie; evolution; anatomie pathologique; pathogenie. viii, 9-95 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1900, No. 9. Puilin (Ernestus Wilhelm). *De vitiis a retar- data et accelerata foetus evolutione oriundis. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. 8°. Erlangae, typ. Jungeanis, [1S14J. Puissegur (Andre). * Troubles gastriques de causes mecaniques au cours du rein mobile. 70 pp. 8°. Pan's, 1906, No. 161. Puissegur (Osvaldo). *Da amputacao inter- scapula thoracica e das suas indicacoes. 45 pp. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, M. Orosco & Co., [1905]. Puistienne (H.) Les paillettes d'acide borique sont un excellent purificateur de la voie utero- vaginale. 1° Elles peuvent guerir la metrite infectieuse et jouer un role important dans la guerison des metrites en general. 2° Elles peu- vent guerir les fleurs blanches. 3° Elles peuvent PULCHER. Puistienne (H.)—continued. prevenir et combattre l'infection puerperale. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1897. Pujada (P.) La cure pratique de la tul >erculose. Preface par E. Boirac. xx, 369 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, G. Carre &• C. Naud, 1900. Puiadas Mayans (Antonio). Mendez (R.) El Dr. Puiadas Mayans. Rev. f renopat. espan., Barcel., 1908, vi, 67-75. Pujade (P.) La cure pratique de la tubercu- lose. Precedeed'une lettre-pret'ace par E. Boirac. xx, 369 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, O. Doin, 1901. Ptljat (C.) *Des signes du tabes dans la para- lysie generale. 86 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1905, No. 627. Pujati (Antonius Cajetanus). See Pujati (Giuseppe Antonio) [in 1. s.]. Disserta- tiones medicse quinque, [etc.]. 8°. Venetiis, 1771. Pujebet (Victor-Marie-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste- Gerard) [1876- ]. *De la perforation de la v£sicule biliaire au cours ou a la suite de la fievre tvphoide. 77 pp. 8°. Lille, 1903, No. 118. Piijo (Ch.). See Guyenot ([Joseph-]F[rederic]) & Piijo (Ch.) Etude clinique sur les suites de couches [etc.]. 8°. Lyon, 1869. Pujo(Jean-Octavien-Rene) [1877- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude du traitement des tumeurs cutan£es par la cauterisation. 88 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 2. Pujol (Emile) [1864- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des rapports du pied bot congenital avec l'hydrocephalie et l'hydrorachis. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 201. -----. The same. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1890. Pujol (Eugene). * Contribution a, l'etude des fractures du crane chez le nouveau-ne au point de vue medico-legal. 64 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1904, No. 572. Pujol (Georges) [1872- ]. *De Pevacuation rapide des 6panchenients non purulents du ge- nou. 82pp.,lpl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 58. Pujol (Pierre) [1874- ]. *Des rapports de la chlorose avec la tuberculose. 39 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 19. Pujol y Br till (Adolfo). See Kecasens Ciirol (S.) Lecciones de ginecologia. 12°. Barcelona, 1900. Pujos (Henri). *De 1'examen syst^matique et de 1'ablation de l'appendice au cours des laparo- tomies. 70 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 458. -----. The same. 70 pp. 8°. Paris, Vigot frPres, 1905. Pujos (Jean-Henri) [1869- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du traitement du bec-de-lievre bilateral complexe. 48 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 108. Pujos (Jeanus-Francois-Martin) [1874- ]. *Du sue pulmonaire dans les pleuresies puru- lentes. 70 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 80. Pujos (Paul) [1876- ]. *Des dechirures extra-p6ritoneales de la vessie, des ruptures de l'urethre membraneux et prostatique dans les traumatismes du bassin (mecanismes localisa- tions, infiltrations consecutives). 55 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 54. von Puky (A.) Ueber Wundbehandlung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Lister'schen Methode, nebst einigen Krankengeschichten. 1 p. 1., 113 pp. 8°. Budapest, F. C. }Yilckens& Sohn, 1880. Repr. from: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, 1879, xv Puleher (Jacob) [1876- ]. Zwillings- schwangerschaft in der Tube. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, H. Dorr, 1905. PULEGIUM. 13 Pulegium (Toxicology of). See, also, Mentha; Pulegone (Toxicology of). Holland (G. W.) A caseof poisoning from penny- royal. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1902-3, vii, 319.—Runnalls (H. B.) Reportof a case of acute poi- soning by oil of pennyroyal. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1904, xii, 325.—Stephen (W. H.) Case of penny- royal poisoning. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1894, xiii, 466. Pulegone (Toxicology of). Bonanni (A.) Sull' origine del grasso nell' avve- lenamento da pulegone. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1903, xxix, 193-202. Also: Arch, farmacol. sper., Roma, 1903, ii, 97-106.—Lindeinann (YV.) Ueber die Veran- derungen des Gesanimtstotl'wechsels bei Vergiftung mit Pulegon. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1899, n. F., xxi, 1-17. Pulex. See, also, Fleas. Berte (F.) II blastoderma del Pulex irritans osservato al taglio dell' uovo. 8°. Catania, 1884. Laxdois ( L.) Anatomie des Hundeflohes (Pulex canis Duges) mit Beriicksichtigung ver- wandter Arten und Geschlechter. 4°. Dresden, 1866. Repr. from: Nov. act. Acad. nat. curios., Dresdse, 1866, xxxiii. Lass ( M. ) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis des histologisch-anatomischen Baues des weiblichen Hundeflohes (Pulex canis Duges s. serraticeps TaschenbergL 8°. [Berlin'], 1904. Also, in: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1905, lxxix, 73-131, 2 pl. External (On the) anatomy of the Indian rat flea (P. cheopis) and its differentiation from some other com- mon fleas. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1907, vii, 446-456, 3 pl.— Howard (L. O.) The cat and dog ilea (Pulex ser- raticeps Gerv.). U. S. l>ep. Agric. Div. entomol., Wash., 1896, Bull. no. 4. n. s., 24-31.—Observations on the bionomics of fleas, with special reference to P. cheopis. J. Hyg., Cambridge. 190s. viii, 236-259.—Physio- logical (Thn anatomy "f the mouth-parts and ali- mentary canal of the Indian rat flea, Pulex cheopis, RothschiH. Hud., vi. 186-495, 1 pl. — Stokes (A. C.) The pvgMium of the common flea. J. N. York Micr. Soc, 1896, xii, 41-47. Pulford (Alfred). Repertory of the symptoms of rheumatism sciatica et cetera. 211 pp. 12°. Tiffin, O., B. B. Krammes, 1898. Puiido Fernandez ( Angel) [1852- ]. Bosquejos medico-sociales para la mujer. 373 pp., 1 1. 16°. Madrid, V. Saiz, [1874]. -----. Tratado pnictico de las oclusiones del intestine Estrangulaciones, invaginaciones, volvulos, atoscos, hernias, apendicitis, etc. 2 v. 560 pp.; 477 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1900. See, also, C'omenge (Luis). Clinica egregia [etc.] 12°. Barcelona, 1895.—Compaired y t'abodevilla (Celes- tino). Oeografia medica espanola [etc.l. 83. Maelrid, 1887— ITIartinez y Gutierrez Paeheeo (Modesto) Pulsus bisferiens. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1899, i, 75-77.—Chretien (E.) Le pouls dicrote. Rev. de med., Par., 1894, xiv, 325-346.—Dawson i P. M.) The dicrotic elevation at different points oi the arterial tree. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1905-6, iii. <;3. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1906, n. s., i, 153.— Oehio i K.) Der Pulsus bigeminus als Grundform des int< nu ittirenden Pulses. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, n. F., vii, 167- 171—Federiei(C) Sullacondizioned'originedel polso bigemino. Segno, Firenze, 1889-90, i,225-228.—Fick (A.) Ueber den Dikrotismus des Pulses. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn., 1891, xlix, 105-110,1 pl.—Foa (M.) Del poiso bigemino. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1903. liv, 391-393.— Gcrhardt (D.) Ueber seltenere Ursiiehen des doppelt- schlagigen Pulses. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1896, xxix, 324-333.—GranstrennE.A.) Kvoprosuotseiitralnomili perifericheskomnapravleniidikroticheskol volni. [Cen- tral orperipheral direction of the dicrotic wave.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1907, xiv, 421-431. Pulse (Dicrotic). Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1908, lxvi, 146- 152—Janowski (W.) O tetaie dwubitnem przy nie- dostatec/.nosci zastawek aorty. [Dicrotic pulse in insuf- liciencv of the valves of the aorta.] Now. lek., Poznan, 1906, xviii, 413-418—lie wis (T.) The factors inflnen- cing the prominence of the dicrotic wave. J. Physiol., Lond., 1906, xxxiv, 414-429. -----. The pulsus bisferiens. Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1907,i, 918-920.—Lohinann (A.) Ue- ber die Entstehung des Dikrotismus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xcvii, 438-456. -----. Erwiderung auf die Ausfuhrungen von F. Philips: Le dicrotisme arte- riel est-il d'origineperipherimie? 76td.,1904,ciii,632-635.— Mackenzie (.1.1 Hyperdicrotism. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiv,527-529.—fflarey. Interpretation hydraulique du pouls dicrote. [Abstr.] Coinpt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1858, xlvii, 826.—ITIari (G.) Polso bigemino e sua genesi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1890, lxvi, 587-614. Also, Reprint.—ITIurri (A.) Bigeminismo clinico e bigemi- nismo sperimentale. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1901, ii, 362-379.— Oddo (C.) Sur la pathogenie du pouls dicrote. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1005- 1007.—Paelion (V.) De rinfluenee de la vitesse de de- contraction cardiaque sur la grandeur du dicrotisme ar- teriel; demonstration experimentale. Cong:, internat. de med. C.r., Par., 1900, sect, de physiol.,183-186.— Philips (F.) Ledicrotisme arteriel, est-il d'origine pcripherique? Arch, internat. de physiol., Liege & Par., 1904, i, 78-82. -----. Sur l'existence du dicrotisme arteriel chez les pc- tits mammiferes. Ibid., 1904-5, ii, 116-122. — Willem (V.) Note sur l'origine du dicrotisme et des ondulations du plateau svstolique de la pulsation arterielle. Arch. de biol., Gand & Leipz., 1895-6, xiv, 275-284.—Zoja (L.) A proposito di un caso di polso dicroto delle arterie del braccio di un solo lato. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, Milano, 1898, 91-107, 1 ch., 1 pl. Pulse (Early writings on). Boym (M.) Clavis medica ad Chinarum aoc- trinam de pulsibus. Iiujus operis ultra viginti annos jam sepulti fragments,, hinc inde dis- persa collegit Andreas Clyerus [etc.]. sm. 4°. [Frankfurt a. il/.], 1686. Cerri (G.) Dissertazione intorno al polso. 16°. Milano, 1786. Dorr (F. J.) *Diss. med. in qua Veritas doctrinae sphygmic?e observationibus quibus- dam desuper factis comprobatur. 16°. Mo- guntiae, 1781. Flemynu (M.) De Francisci Solani inventis circa arteriarum pulsum et praesagia inde hau- rienda programma; in quo ea secundum receptas in ceconomia animali leges solvuntur et expli- cantur. roy. 8°. Londini, 175,3. Galen (C.) Introductio in pulsus ad Teu- thram. Martino Gregorio interprete. Ejusdem de pulsuum usu, Thoma Linacro interprete. 24°. Lugduni, 1550. ------. De pulsibus ad tyrones liber, e Grseco in Latinum sermonem conversus per Ferdinandum Menam, enm ejusdem cotnmen- tariis doctissimis, adjectis passim plurimorum locorum in libros Galeni de pulsibus castiga- tionibus. Opus nunc primum natum. sm. 4°. Compluti, 1553. ------. The same. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Kanad (Se/ge). Science of sphygmica, or Sage Kantid on pulse. An English translation with Sanskrit passages by Kavinij Russick Ladl Gupta. 12°. Calcutta, 1891. MERorRirs Monachus. ^Avayxexiorarv 8i- SadKaXia itepl 6q>vypwv Mercurii Monachi. pernecessaria de pulsibus doctrina, ex ins. Cod. Regia? Neapolitans Bibliothecse edidit, atque illustravit Salvator Cyrillus. 12°. Xeapoli, 1812. Also, in: Phys. et med. Grseci min. 8°. Berolini, 1842, ii, 254-256. Philareti h. Incipit liber pulsuum Philareti. fol. Venetiis, 1487. Roganus (L.) Ceetanus. In Galeni libellum de pulsibus ad tyrones commentarius. In quo omnia quae Galenus sexdecim libris de pulsibus transegit brevi exponuntur. Ejusdem deurinis PULSE. 140 PULSE. Pulse (Early writings on). libri tres, ex Hippocrate et Galeno collecti, quorum primus de differentiis urinarum est, secundus de causis urinarum, tertius de provi- dentia ex urinis. 16°. [Neapoli, 1556.] Scheffer (J. G.) De pulsu. sm. 4°. Gissac- Hassorum, 1690. Soleilhet (D.) Epistola ad . . . Roux circa adnotationes nov?e pulsuum doctrinse utiles, quas nuper publici juris fecit de Haen. Ex Gallica in Latinam linguam versa, cum adjuncta praefatione Josephi Huttenbacher. 12°. Nea- poli. 1778. Struthtus (J.) Artis sphygmicse jam mille ducentos annos perditse et desiderata? libri quinque. 16°. Yenetiis, 1573. Theophilus Protospatharius. Liber de pul- sibus. In: Ermerius ( F. G. ) Anecdota med. Graeca. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1840, 1-77. Homberg. Observation sur un battement de veines semblable au battement des arteres. Hist. Acad. d. sc. 1704, Par., 1745, Mem., 159-163. Also: Hist. Acad. d. sc. [de Paris'] 1704, Amst., 1707, Mem., 218-224. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1704, Bressl., 1750, ii, 403-10*.—ZcrVOS (S.) MapxeAAos d 2i5jJttjs Kal to avevpeffiv ipyov tow: n«pi o-vyp.b>y. 'Ia.Tpi.Kri n-poofios, 'Ev 2upa>, 1906, xi, suppl., A0—Ae'. Pulse (Examination and recording of). See, also, Pulse (Quality of); SphygmogTaph; Tonograph; Tonometer. Ewart (W.) How to feel the pulse and what to feel in it. Practical hints for beginners. 12°. London, LS92. Oliver ((r.) Pulse-gauging, a clinical study of radial measurement and pulse pressure. 16°. London, 1895. Vigorita (Y.) Ricerche sperimentali sulla causa delle ondulazioni esagerate del plateau sistolico del cardiagramma. 8°. Portici, 1902. ------. Un nuovo exploratore diretto delle arterie. 8°. Portici, 1902. Ballantyne (J. W.) Sphygmographic tracings in pregnancy, labour,and the puerperium. Brit.M.J.,Lond., 1886, ii, 1094-1096. Also, Reprint.— Bard (L.) De l'en- registrement graphique du pouls veineux des jugulaires Chez 1'homme. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1906, viii, 454-459.—Batten (R. D.) On a clinical pulse man- ometer. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 549-560. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1892, xlix, 95-99.—Binet (A.) & Courtier (J.) Seconde note sur la correction des tra- ces au moven d'un orifice capillaire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1895, 10. s., ii, 296-298.—Binz (C.) Ge- schichtliches iiber das Zahlen des Pulses. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,ls98, xxiv, 640.—Bramwell (B.) The examination of the pulse, including a descrip- tion of the sphvgmograph. Rep. Proc. Northumb. .—Fellner (B.) Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Blutdruck, pulsatorische Druckzunahme (Pulsdruck), sowie ihre Beziehungen zur Pulskurve. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905, lxxxiv, 407-44*. ,*Ve, also, infra, Strassburger.—von Frey (M.) Die Beziehungen zwi- schen Pulsform und Klappenscliluss. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 140. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1*90, iii, 370.—von Frey ( M.) & Krehl (L.) Die Zuruckwerfung der Pulswellen. Centralbl. f. Phv- siol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1890-91, iv, 409-411.—Gent (W") Volumpulscurven beiGefiihlenund Affecten. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1901-3, xviii, 715-792, 5 diag.—<>runbaum (R.) & Ainson (A.) Der Einfluss von Bewegungen auf die Pulsfrequenz. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xiii, 2161-2171.— Halloek-Greenewalt (Marv). Pulse and rhvthm. Pop. Sc. Month., Phila., 1903, 425-431.—Heitler (M.) Pulsveriinderung durch Erregung des Gehors, Geruchs und Geschmacks. Zentralbl. f. innere med., Leipz:, 1904, xxv, 401—107.-----. Ueber Pulsveriinderung beim Schlies- sen und Oeffnen der Augen. Wien. med. Presse, 1904, xlv, 261-266. -----. Ueber das Zusammenfallen von Vo- lumveriinderungen djs Herzens mit Veriinderungen des Pulses. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 458.—Hesse (A.) Blutdruck und Pulsdruck der Gesunden. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1907, Iii, 418.—Hill (L.), Barnard (H.) & Sequeira (J. H.) The effect of venous pressure on the pulse. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1897, xxi, 147-159.— Hirschl'elder (A. D.) Some observations upon blood pressure and pulse form. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 262-265.—Hirsehmann (E ) Ueber die Deutung der Pulscurven beim Valsalva'schen und Miiller'schen Versuch. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lvi, 389-407.—Hlirthle. Ueber den Einfluss der Herzthatigkeitauf die Form des Arterienpulses. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1889, BresL, 1890, lxvii, 52-54.—Ikavitts (E. K.) Nieskolko slov v dopol- nenii k ucheniyu o pulsovikh krivikh. [On pulse curves.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1897, xxxvi, pt. 1, 255-26L—Jaeque (L.) Le trace de la pulsation arterielle chez le chien. Arch.de biol., Liege & Par., 1900-1901, xvii, 553-560.—Janowski (W.) Wsp6Iczyn- nik szybkosci tetna (coefficient celeritatis pulsus) w sta- nach normalnych i patologicznych. [. . . in normal and pathological conditions.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1907, 2. s., xxvii, 203; 242; 264.—Kelehner (Mathilde). Die Abhiingigkeit der Atem- und Pulsveriinderung vom Reiz und vom GefuhL Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1905, v, 1-124,15 pl.—Knoll (P.) Ueberdie Deutung der Puls- curven beim Valsalva'schen und Miiller'schen Versuch. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lvii, 406-409, 1 diag.— Lagrange (F.) Des modifications du trace du pouls sous l'influence des exercices methodiques. Rev. de cine- sie, Par., 1900, ii, 75-78.—Landois (L.) Ueber die nor- male Gestalt der Pulscurven. Amtl. Ber. ii. d.Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1863, Stettin, 1864, xxxviii, Pulse (Quality of). 155-157. Also: Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Leipz., 1864, 77-93.—von Laebiy; (G.) Die Pulscurve unter dem verminderten Luftdruck. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1*03, xiv, 519-522. Also: Sitzungsb. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Morphol. u. Phvsiol. in Munchen, 1893, ix, 1- 15. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1*93, xv, 174-1*7— martin (H.N.) The direct influence of gradual variationsof temperature upon the rate of beat of dog's heart. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1883, clxxiv, 663-6*8. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. Soc, Lond., 1882-3, xxxiv, 444. -----. The influence upon the pulse rate of variations of arterial pressure, of venous pressure, and of temperature. Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., 1895, iii, 12-24.—IM ode. Zur Un- tersuchungdes Pulses; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, lxxiii, 198.—Pawinski (J.) Die Entstehung und klinische Bedeutung des Galopp- rhythmus des Herzens. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1907, lxiv, 70-94.—de Bey Pailhade (F.) Sur les a vantages d'indiquer le nombre des battements du ceeur par vingt- quatre heures ou jour entier. Bull, gen.de therap. [etc.], Par., 1898, exxxvi, 697-699.—BieznikolP (M. M.) O pulsovol krivol i o vliyanii na neyo tsvletovovo oshtshu- shtsheniya. [Pulse curvature and influence upon it of color sensation.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 95; 137; 176—Boy (C. S.) The form of the pulse-wave, as studied in the carotid of the rabbit. J. Physiol., Lond. & Cambridge, 1879-80, ii. 66-81,1 pl.—Boy (C. S.) & Adami (J. G.) Heart-beat and pulse-wave. Practitioner, Lond., 1890, xliv, 81; 161; 241; 347; 412; xlv, 20. Also, Reprint.— Schniid (K.) Herzkammersystole und Pulscurve; kritische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Erklii- rung der Pulscurve. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1902, xci, 265-294, 2 pl.—Seotti (F.) Sulla frequenza del polso in rapporto ai cambiamenti di posizione del corpo. La- vori d. Cong, di med. int. 1904, Roma, 1905, xiv, 573-577. Also: Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1905, viii, 47; 71.— Smith (E.) Hourly pulsation and respiration in health with two diagrams and tables. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1856, xxxix, 35-58. 2 diag. Also, Reprint.—Steinhaus (J.) Stosunek szybkosci obiegu krwi do cze.stosci te.tna. [Relationship between the rapidity of the blood-circula- tion and frequency of the pulse ] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1907, xxxv, 731-736.—Stephens (O. Z.) Blood pressure and pulse rate, as influenced by different positions of the body. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 955-962.— Sterling (E. Blanche). A study of the pulse rate and systolic arterial pressure during sustained volitional teta- nus. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Bost., 1904, ix, 16-22.— Strasburger (J.) Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von B. Fellner: Klinische Beobachtungen fiber Blutdruck, pul- satorische Druckzunahme (Pulsdruck), sowie ihre Bezie- hungen zur Pulskurve. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905-6, lxxxv, 618-621.—Thacher (J. K.) The pulse-wave velocity and ventricular close-time in health. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1888, iii, 244-262. Also, Reprint.— Tigerstedt (R.) Nyare undersokningar om puls- kurvan. [New researches onpulse curves.] Hvglea, Stockholm, 1*92, liv, 258-266.— Trautwein (J.) Leber das Zustandekommen der katakroten Erhebungen der Pulscurve. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, lvii, 239-262. -----. Die verschiedenen Formen der Puls- curve mit Beriicksichtigung ihres zeitlichen Ablaufes. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1898, xvi, 525- 533, 2 diag. -----. Ueber den Zusammenhang der secun- daren Pulswellen mit dem Herzstoss und den beiden Herztonen. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1904, civ, 293-315, 1 pl.—Treves (M.) La ventosa di Junod con- siderata in rapporto alia frequenza del polso ed alia pres- sione arteriosa. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1901, iii, 701-704.— Urbantsehitseh (E.) Die Aenderung der Puls- frequenz durch mechanische Verhaltnisse. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 1227-1229.—Van de Velde (T. H.) Ueber willkurliche Vermehrung der Pulsfrequenz beim Menschen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1897, lxvi, 232-240.—Velieh (A.) Experimentelle Erkliirung der Ursachen der Pulsfrequenzanderungen bei der Atmung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 655-559. -----. Studien iiber den Einfluss des Nervensystems auf den Puis. Ibid., 663-671.—Zoja (L.) Modificazioni del polso per contrazione e rilasciamento delle pareti vasali. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1898, Roma, 1899, ix, 492. Pulse (Semeiology of). Anthoine (A.) * Contribution a l'etude du pouls chez les laparotomises. 8°. Montpellier, 1906. Bertonnier (F.) * Essai sur la semeiologie du pouls en clinique chirurgicale. 4°. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1895. Falconer (W.) Beobachtungen iiber den Puis zur Berichtigung der Anzeigen desselben bei Krankheiten und insbesondere bei Fiebern. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt, mit Anmerkun- PULSE. 143 PULSE. Pulse (Semeiology of). gen und einer Beilage begleitet von Kausch. 12°. Leipzig, 1797. von Frey (M.) Die Untersuchung des Pul- ses und ihre Ergebnisse in gesunden und kran- ken Zustiinden. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Gaultry (A.) *Des modifications subies par le pouls sous l'influence de la toux a l'etat nor- mal et a l'etat pathologique. 8°. Paris, 1904. Hirsh (H. [P.] *Ob izmleneniyakh pulsa i dikhaniya pri ntekotorikh psikhicheskikh sos- toyaniyakh; pletizniograficheskiya izslledova- ni3ra. [Changes in the pulse and respiration in several psychical conditions; plethysmographic investigations] 8°. Yuryee, 1899. Hf sler ( F.) * Ueber die Regelmiissigkeit des Pulsrhythmus bei gesunden und kranken Menschen. [Basel.] 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Also, in: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1894-5, liv, 229-247. Luzzatto ( M. ) Modificazioni della fre- quenza del polso a seconda le diverse posizioni, specialmente nei malati di cuore. 8°. I'adora, 1891. Wexdt (F.) De pulsus mutatione quadam insigni. sm. 4°. Erlangee, 1788. Wetsch (I. J.) Medicina ex pulsu sive sys- tema doctrinae sphygmicse. 16°. Pragie, 1770. Wohlauer (F.) * Ein Versuch, die verschie- denen am Krankenbette zu beobachtenden Formen unregelmassigen Pulses auf Grund der modernen Lehre der myogenen Natur des Herz- schlags zu erklaren. [Leipzig.] 8°. Berlin, 1903. Alexander (B.) Zur Pulsuntersuchung. Berl. klin.- therap. Wchnschr., 1905, 217-219. Also: Wien. klin.-the- rap. Wchnschr., 1905, 217-219.—Babcoek (R. H.) The pulse as a guide to the life insurance examiner. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1904, xiv, 278-281.—Ball (W. F.) The pulse in diagnosis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1898, xxvi, 205-207.—Ba I linger (J. B.) The pulse in diagnosis and therapeutics. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1907-8, iii, 67-69.— Bosehi (E.) & Baeehi della Lega (A.) Note in- torno ad un caso di mancanza completa del polso nella regione del capo e degli arti superiori e considerazioni sulla patogenesi del polso venoso fisiologico. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1908, 8. s., viii, 81-105, 3 fold, pl.— Brown (M. A.) Channelling of the radial; aneurism of the subclavian; aneurism of the thoracic aorta; a study in pulse. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1900, 9. s., iv, 151- 157.—Crook (J. K.) Tvpes of the pulse. Post-Gradu- ate, N. Y., 1897, xii, 482-485.—Cumston (C. G.) The importance of a study of the pulse in surgical disorders, with special reference to its bearing on diagnosis, prog- nosis, and treatment. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1906,16. s., i, 114-132.— Curl(s. W.) On the arterial pulse; its phys- iologvand pathology. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1091-1096.— Cushny (A. R.) On the interpretation of pulse-trac- ings. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1899, xiv, 172-186.— Dabney (T. S.) The pulse; its diagnostic and prognos- tic value. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1153-1156. Also, Reprint. Also: Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1898, N. Orl., 1899, 152-1 »i0—Dawson (P. M.) & Gorham (L. W.) The pulse pressure as an index of the systolic output. J. Exper. M, Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1908, x, 484-489,2 pl.—Feletti (R.) Sullapulsazione estensiva del capo. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1901- 2, iii, 365-369.—Fellner (B.), jun. Klinische Beobach- tungen iiber den Wertder Bestimmungder wahren Puls- prn->e (Pulsdruckmessung) bei Herz- und Nierenkranken. Deutsches Arch.f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1906, lxxxviii, 1-35.— FranklO.) DieGrundformdesarteriellenPulscs. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1898-9, n. F., xix, 483-526.— Gordon (W. S.) Pulse-tension, arterio-sclerosisand ne- phritis, in several aspects. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-6, x, 415-417. — Grlinberg (J.) Ueber Pulscurven und deren diagnostischen Werth bei Herz- fehlern und Gefasserkrankungen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1901, n. F., xviii, 69-72.— Halloek (Mary). Pulse and rhythm. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 425-131.—Hay (J.) Reversed pulsus paradoxus due to aneurysm of the aortic arch. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1195- 1197.— Hoover (C. F.) A clinical study of the pulse. Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii, 212-220. Also, Reprint.—Jack- son (H.) The value of the pulse in diagnosis and prog- nosis. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxli, 151-154. Also: Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1899, xviii, 125-137. Also, Reprint.—James (A.) Some interesting cases and Pulse (Semeiology of). pulse tracings. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1900, vi, 91-95, 2 pl.— Janowski (W.) Ueber die diagnostische und pro- gnostische Bedeutung der exakten Pulsuntersuchung' Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1897, No. 192-193 (Innere Med., No. 57, 975-1056).—Kirstein (A.) Der tracheale Aortenpuls als phvsiologisches und pathologisches Pha- nomen. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, lxiv, 937 — Luthje(IL) Der Puis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1904, iv, 265-302.—JJIarischler (J.) Przyczynek do zmian w tetnie obwodowem przy schorzeniach miazdzy- cowych tetniey glownej. [Changes of peripheral pulse in atheromatous degeneration of theaorta.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1900, xxxix, 157-159.— Iflolz (CO.) The pulse as an aid in diagnosis. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1900, xii, 183- 185 —TIorrill(E. F.) The pulse in life insurance. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1905, xv, 87-90.—Morton (S. W.) The pulse from a practical point of view. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91. iii, 759-766.—Oliver (G.) Pulse-pressure; a clinical stud v. Practitioner, Lond., 1893,1, 256; 333; 424: li, 21; 92. — Orlner (N.) Klinische Wahrnehmungen iiber Aorta-, Anon yma- und Carotis-Puls des gesunden und kranken Menschen. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1906, xxiii, 279-298. Also: Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1906, xxvii, Abt. f. int. Med., 367-432. Also [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 728. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 1605. —von Recklinghausen (H.) WaswirdurchdiePulsdruck- kurve und durch die Pulsdruckamplitude uber den gros- sen Kreislauf erfahren. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1906-7, lvi, 1-53. —Reineboth. Diagno- stische Schlusse aus Puis und Pulscurven. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1898, lx, 111-138.—Boy (C. S.) & Adaml (J. G.) Heart-beat and pulse-wave. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1890, xliv, 81; 161; 241; 347; 412: xlv, 20.— Schwarz(E.) Ueber Analyse des Pulses. Wien.med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 2001; 2059. —Secchieri (A.) Con- tributo alio studio semiologico delle pulsazioni laringo- tracheali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1054-1057.— Strauss (H.) & Fleischer (F.) Ueber die klinische Bedeutung des turgosphygmographischen Pulsbildes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 1087-1093. — Suarez Gamboa (R.) El pulso en cirugia. CrOn.med., mexi- cana, Mexico, 1904, vii, 253-258. — Svoyekhotoff (A.) Klinicheskoye znacheniye pulsus paradoxus. [The clini- cal importance of ... ] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1908, xv, 625; 691.—Syers (H. W.) Pulse tension; its clinical sig- nificance. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 35; 61.— Trevisanello (C.) Nota di semeiotica; omo; dinamia e allodinamia del polso. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1903, ix, 238.—Trosier. Sur le pouls de la con- valescence. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop.de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 1239-1241.—Variot (G.) Autopsie d'un cas demicrosphygmie permanente avec ichthyose et debility mentale. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1908, xii, 415-418. Also: Bull, et mem.Soc. med. d. h6p.de Par.,1908,3. s.,xxv, 643-647.—Vasehide (N.l Quelques observations sur le pouls radial pendant les emotions. Rev. phil., Par., 1899, xlviii, 276-316.—Vlnograd (I. B.) K patologii i terapii likhoradochnavo pulsa. [Pathology and treatment of fever pulse.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v. Mosk., 1898, xxxvii, pt. 1, 230-239. —Volhard (F.) Ueber Leber- pulse und iiber die Compensation der Klappenfehler. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 522, 565— Waite (Lucy). The significance of the pulse temperature and respira- tion in abdominal and pelvic disturbances. Milwaukee M. J., 1904, xii, 59.—von Ziemssen. Ueber den Pulsus differens und seine Bedeutung bei Erkrankungen des Aortenbogens. Arb. a. d med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig- Maximilians-Univ. zu Munchen, Leipz., 1890, ii, 484-494.— Yanovski (V. L.) Krovyanoye davleniye, nasto- yashtshaya velichina pulsa i skorost pulsa v razlichnikh patologicheskikh sostoyaniyakh. [Blood pressure, actual size and rapidity of pulse in various pathological condi- tions.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 1552; 1592.— Zoja (L.) II polso della mano durante accessi di acro- angiosincope ed acroangioparalisi. Gazz. med di Torino, 1898, xlix, 641-645. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 3, 726-728. Pulse (Senile?). Bischofp (T.) *De puisu senum. 16°. [Yienn.r], 1771. Fredcrici! (L.) Sur l'existence d'un plateau systo- lique dans le sphvgmogramme du pouls senile. Arch. internat. de physiol., Liege & Par., 1907, v, 128-130.— Tovillgyi (E.) A senilis pulsusr61. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1899, viii, 601-608. Pulse {Slow). See, also, Epilepsy (Causes, etc., of); Heart (Slow); Paralysis (General, Diagnosis, etc., of); Pericarditis ( Diagnosis, etc., of); Stokes- Adams syndrome. Czermak (J.) Nachweis der Erscheinung der sogenannten Pulsversptitung beim Frosche, PULSE. 144 PULSE. Pulse (Slow). und das Verfahren dieselbe wahrzunehmen. 8°. [Trim, 1865.] Repr.from: Sitzungsb.d. k. Akad.d.Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CI., Wien, 1865, li. Henry (L.) * Contribution a l'etude du pouls lent, suite de diphterie. 8°. Paris, 1901. Jacqitier (A.) *Lenteur et arythmie tran- sitoires du pouls chez l'enfant. 8°. Pans, 1902. Saurel (G.) *Du pouls lent en general et en particulier dans le surmenage et l'anemie. 8°. Paris, 1898. Apert (E.) Pouls lent avec inegalitc pupillaire sur- venu au cours d'une scarlatine chez un enfant de 11 ans. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1896, xiv, 376-380 — Aron (E.) Ein Fall von Pulsverlangsamung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 620-622. — Barbier (H.) Du pouls lent post-diphterique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 1217-1222.—Bernheim. Acceleration et ralentissement du pouls par numeration acceleree ou ralentie. Soc. de med. de Nancv. C.-r. . .., 1904-5, 8. Also: Cong, franc, de med. C.-r. 1904, Par., 1905, 92.—Castronuovo (G.) II ritardo del polso nelle cardiopatie. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1901, iv, 232- 260.—Chappet& Beriel. Faux pouls lent avec rythme couple du cceur. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1903, ii, 92-94. Also: Lyon mmin£. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (18S5), 1886, xx, 145.—Forlanini (C.) Contributo alio studio del polso venoso presistolico. Policlinico, Torino, 1890, i, 419^156.—Fredericq (L.) La seconde ondula- tion positive (premiere ondulation systolique) du pouls veineux physiologique chez le chien. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., 1907, 4. s., xxi, 211-235. Also: Arch, inter- nat. de physiol., Liege & Par., 1907,v,l-25.—Futran (M.I.) Sluchai polozhitelnavo tsentroblezhnavo vennavo pulsa pri otsutstvii nedostatochnosti valv. tricuspidalis. [Case of positive centrifugal venouspulse with absence of insuf- ficfencyof . . . ] Vestnik med., Kharkov, 1896, i, 435-437. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 115.— Gerhardt (D.) Einige Beobachtungen an Venenpul- sen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1901-2, xlvii,250-266.—Oibson (A.G.) The significance of a hith- erto undescribed wave in the jugular pulse. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1380-1382—Herln»- (H. E.) Die ventrikel- diastolische Welle des Venenpulses. Verhandl. d. Kong. f.innereMed.,Wiesb.,1904,xxi,332-334. -----. Ergebnisse experimenteller und klinischer Untersuchungen iiber den Vorhof venenpuls bei Extrasvstolen. Ztschr. f. exper. Path.u.Therap.,Berl., 1905,i,26-42.-----. Zur Analysedes Venenpulses. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1895-1897.—Hewlett (A. W.) The inter- pretation of the positive venous pulse. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1907-8, xvii, 119, 1 diag.—Hirschtelder (A. D.) Some variations in the form of the venous pnlse. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 265-267.— Holz (B.) Ueberaufsteigenden Venenpuls. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1889, xxvi, 1084-1087. [Discussion]: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (lssg), 1890, xx, 223: pt. 2, 176.— Keith (A.) An account of the structures concerned in the production of the jugular pulse. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1907-8, xii, 1-25. — Liparl (G.) Con- siderazioni sul polso venoso. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano, 1891, iv, 457-462.—Mackenzie (J.) The signifi- cance of the venous pulse. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1893-4, n. s., xiii, 69-74. -----. Die Bedeutung der ven- trikuliiren Form des Venenpulses. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1398-1403.—Maurel (E.) Etude sur le pouls veineux retro-sternal. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1887, xvi, pt. 2, 825.— Morrow (W. S.) Ueber die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit des Venenpulses. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, lxxix, 442-449. -----. The various forms of the negative or phvsiological venous pulse. Brit. M. J, Lond., 1906, ii, 1807-1812. -----. The venouspulse. Jbtd.,1907,i,777.—BMetneff(D.D.) Oven- nom pulsle. [Venous pulse.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1907, lxviii,391; 694.—It ill 1 (J.) Experimentelle Analyse des Venenpulses bei den durch Extrasystolen verursachten Unregelmiissigkeiten des Saugetliierherzens. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905, i, 43-79,5diag.-----. Ueber den Venenpuls nach experimenteller Liision der Tricuspidalklappen. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wien, 1907, xxiv,453-456—Volhard. Ueber Venenpulse. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, Ver.-Beil., 257. Pulse (The) of Rush Medical College. Published annually by the middle class. 265 pp., 21. obi. 12°. Chie-ago, 1894. Pulse (The), Rush Medical College. Published annually by the sophomore class, vol. 2. 375 pp. 8°. [Chicago, 1895.] PUI>E-BREATH. 145 PUNCTURE. Pulse-breath. Halite. R.) On pulse-breath. Med.-Chir.Tr.,Lond., 1862, xlv, 167-175. Pulse-curves. See Pulse (Examination, etc., of). Pulse-pressure. >'('('Pulse ^ Eianimation, etc., of). Pulsl (Carolus Wilhelmus). *De causis exigui medicinte theoretical in hominum mortalitatem momenti. 44 pp. 12°. Vratislariir, typ. Kreu- zem-Srh,)izianis. [1820]. Pulntinger ( Friedrieh) [1874- ]. * Ein Fall von congenitaler Missbildung des Herzens. 16 pp., 1 pl., 11. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf & Sohn, 1904. Pulte (J[oseph] H[yppolyte]) [1811- ]. Homeopathic domestic physician; containing the treatment of diseases, with popular explana- tions of anatomy, physiology, hygiene and hy- dropathv; also an abridged materia medica. 2. ed. xxiv, 540 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, II. W. Derby 98, i, 1517. Pumiline. Nankiveil (H.) On the therapeutic uses of pumi- line. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1890, xxxiv, 385-389 Pummerer (Rudolf Joseph Wilhelm) [1882- ]. * Ueber Pvron. 86 pp., 11. 8°. Mun- chen, V. Hotting, 1905. Pumpelly (Raphael) [1837- ]. Across America and Asia. Notes of a five years' jour- ney around the world, in Arizona, Japan, and China. 454 pp., 10 pl., 4 maps. 8°. New York, Leypoldt & Holt, 1870. -----, Hills (Wm. B.) & Storer (H. R.) The dangers of impure ice. Report to the Sani- tary Protective Association of Newport, R. I., upon the purity of the ice supply from Almv's pond. 12 pp. 12°. [New York, 1882.] Repr.from: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1882, x. ------ & Smyth (George A.) Appendix O. Second report on the results of an investigation into the filtering capacity of soils, pp. 579-664. 8°. Washington, 1883. Cutting from: Rep. Nat. Bd. Health, Wash., 1883. Pumpkins. Storer (F. H.) On the composition of certain pump- kins and squashes. Harvard Univ. Bull. Bussey Inst., Cambridge, 1877-1900, ii, 81; 221. Pumplun (Emil) [1863- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Syphilome am Halse. 36 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1889. Pumps. Baratoux. De l'emploi de la pompe electrique pour aspirer les liquides. Pratique med., Par., 1906, xx, 20- 22.—Forest (M.) Eine Verbesserung der Milchpumpe. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1149.—Gross (VV.) Ein Ventilschaltstuck, welches jede grossere Spritze zu einer fiir Stauung und Punktion tauglichen Luftpumpe macht. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 426. Pumps [Patent specifications for], Carroll (VV. C.) Surgical pump. No. 473546; April 26, 1892.—Carroll (VV. V.) & Hales (B. F.) Surgical pump. No. 411690; Jan. 13, 1891.—Hales (B. F.) Sur- gical pump. No. 459002; Sept. 8, 1891.-l.ee (E.) Sur- gical pump. No. 419161; Jan. 11, 1890.—Truax (C. H.) Surgical pump. No. 459053; Sept. 8,1891. -----. Surgical pump. No. 459054; Sept. 8, 1891. -----. Surgical pump. No. 459055; Sept. 8, 1891. -----. Surgical pump. No. 487136; Nov. 29, 1892. Puna. See Mountain-sickness. Punaria. Llnke. Punaria ascochingae. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 83: 1908, iii, 215. Puncta lacrimalia. See Lacrymal organs. Puncture (Explerratory). See, also, Acupuncture. Baelalll (P.) Nuovo apparecchio per eseguire in modo perfettamente asettico le punture esplorative. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1070.—Baslle (G.) La tecnica delle punture esplorative. ^rch. internaz. di PUN'CTl'RE. 146 PUNISHMENT. Puncture (Exploratory). med. e chir., Napoli, 1902, xviii, 463-470.—de la Camp (O.) Die diagnostische und therapeutische Verwendung der Probepunktion in der internen Medizin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 437-439.—Kenssen (W.) Proef- punctiempunctie. Med. YVeekbl., Amst., 1894, i,460; 473.— l^ioelli (P.) Riassunto dell' indagine praticata nel li- cpiiclo estratto colle punture esplorative nei singoli casi; puntura esplorativa per via vaginale. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1905,xii,430-442.—Tarelietti&Goggia. Tecnica per le punture explorative delle cavihi sferose. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1908, xiv, 69-72. Puncture (Lumbar). See Injections (Spinal, Subarachnoid); Spine (Puncture of). Punctumeter. lluiziniLU (J. G.) The punctumeter for measuring the range of accommodation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 1095. Pund§ehu (Carl). Editor of: Jahrbuchfiir Militar-Aerzte, Wien, 1871-2. Punica granatum. I)[e] N[6bele] (L.) Le grenadier: Punica granatum Lin. Rev. pharm., Gand, 1886-7, ii. 193-201.—.tlatsuda ( S.) [The rind of Punica granatum L.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, 856-860. Punicin. Leipold (B. G.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Punicin. 8°. Kiel, 1891. Punin (N[ikolaI] M [ikhailovich]) [1860- ]. *Ovliyaniiverkhovoiyezdi na azotistiy obmien i usvoyenie azotistikh veshtshestv pishtshi u zdorovikh lyudel. [ Influence of horseback riding on nitrogenous metabolism and assimila- tion of nitrogenous substances of food in healthy men.] 35 pp., 10 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Si e, also, Laveran ([Charles-Louis-] Alphonse). Vo- yennaya hig'iena [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Punishment. See, also, Criminals (Mental condition of); Flagellation. Aerztliche Berufspflicht und Humanitat in Konflikt mit dem Strafgesetz. Zwei richter- liche Fehlspriiche kritisch beleuchtet von einem praktischen Arzt. 8°. Miinchen, 1902. Amalfi ( G. ) Sc().— liar raud(R.) Rapport du droit penal et de la sociologie criminelle. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1886, i, 9-23.—de la Grasserie (R.) Du droit de la personne lesee contre la society. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1900, xxi, 57-75. -----. De l'ap- plication et de la desapplication de la peine. Ibid., 1901, xxii, 65-100. -----. L'extinction de la peine et du crime. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1902, xii, 395; 449; 513; 599; 659.—Griffiths. Sur le traitement pratique de la recidive. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. C. r. 1896. Geneve, 1897, iv, 340-347. [Discussion], 364-374.— Gross (Al Ein neues Jugendstrafrecht in Oester- reich. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1908, v, 92-lls.—Gross i H.I Hausarrest als Strafmittel. Ibid., 1905, ii, 209-219.—Glintlier (L.) Die Strafrechts- reforra im Aufklarungszeitalter, nebst Vergleichen mit unserer modernen kriminal-politischen Reformbewe- gung. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1907, xxviii, 112; 2 25. — Gutherz ( H.) Ueber die Wertungslehre im Straf rec lit: erweiterte Besprechung der Schrift O. Tesars: Die symptomatische Bedeutung des verbrecherischen Verhaltens, ein Beitrag zur Wertungslehre im Strafreeht. Arch, f, Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1908, xxix, 317-324. —van Haiuel (G.-A.) Reforme penale au point de vue anthropologique et psychiatrique. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 7, 255-260. Also: J. de neurol., Par., 1906, xi. 118-153. Also [Rap.]: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1906, xiii, 183-186. Also [Rap.]: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1906, lviii, 389-393. -----. Traitement des jeunes criminels dans le droit penal et dans la discipline p£nitentiaire, suivant les principes de l'anthropologie criminelle. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], To- rino, 1906, xxvii, 37V377. Hammer i \V.) Warum ich die Priigelstraie nicht durchaus in Grund und Boden verdamme. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1908, v, s2-87— Hartmann (A.) Staatund Strafrechts- pflege in Amerika. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol., Hei- delb., 1906, iii, 317-335.—Ilauck. Ueber Strafe und Strafvollzug. Ibid., 1907-8, iv, 692-698.— Heeler (A.) Zur Methode der legislativen Bearbeitung des Strafrechts, insbesondere auf rechtsvergleichender Grund bure. Mo- natschr. f. Kriminal psvchol. u. Strafrechtsref., Heidelb., 1907, iv, 337-350. —Heimberger [et al.]. Gerichts- iirztliche Wiinsche bei der Revision der Strafgesetzgebung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1904, xvii, 533-549. ----- let al.]. Gerichtsarztliche Wiinsche mit Rticksicht auf die bevorstehende Neubearbeitung der Strafgesetzgebung fiir das Deutsche Reich. Deutsch. Med.-Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber.....Berl., 1904, iii, 7-104. -----. Gerichtsarzt- liche Wiinsche in Bezug auf die bevorstehende Reform der Strafprozessordnung. Ibid., 1905, 9-54.—Hermosa (A. L.) Juicio critico del Juicio critico sobre los arti- culos 569 v 570 del Codigo penal vigente. Gac. med., Mexico, 1897, xxxiv, 189-206. Also: Cr6n. med. mexi- cana, Mexico, 1897-8, i, 257-324. —Hoejjel (H.) Die Straffalligkeit des Weibes. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1900, v, 231-289. -----. Zur Reform der Freiheitsstrafen. Monatschr. f. Krim.- Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, i, 356-388. -----. Straf- zumessung und Versuchsstrafe. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxiv, 45-54—Hughes '(_'. H.) Medical aspects of the Czolgosz case; medical in- quiry and the guillotine commended for capital crime; a psvchological opportunitv lost. Alienist .—Wenger. Strafprozessevordemromischen Statthalt'T in Aeirvpten. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz!, 1904, xvi, 304-323. — White way ( A. R. ) Concerning humanitv mongers. Med. Mag., Lond., 1902, xi, 541-550.—Zerbojilio (A.) Le pene e la loro efficaeia. Scuola positiva, Fiesole, 1897, vii, 513-519, Punishment (Capital). See, also, Cadaver (Experiments on); Decap- itation; Electricity and capital punishment; Guillotine; Hanging-. Abhaxdlung iiber die vermuthete Sehmerz- haftigkeit der Decollation mit Hinbliek auf einige andere Todesarten. 12°. Nilrnburg, 1S05. Johx (R. E.) Ueber die Todesstrafe. Ein popultirer Vortrag. 8 = . Berlin, 1867. Lacassagne ( A. ) Peine de mort et crimi- nalite, I'accroissement de la criminalite et I'ap- plication de la peine capitale. 12°. Paris, 1908. Massachusetts. House of Bepreseutatives. Reports on the abolition of capital punishment. S°. Boston, 1837. Massachusetts. Senate. Report on expedi- ency of abolishing capital punishment. S. Xo. 69. [March 7, 1837.] 8°. Boston, 1837. Newton* (\X.) The total abolition of the death penalty defended. 16°. Lemdon, 1850. Oldfield (J.) The penalty of death, or the problem of capital punishment; being a consid- eration of the causes which led to the adoption and perpetuation of this terrible penalty; an attempt to consider the fitting time for its ter- mination, and the substitutes by which to replace it. 12°. London, 1901. Quelques articles sur 1'abolition de la peine de mort, publics par M. de la Rochefoucauld- Liancourt. 12°. Paris, 1837. Repr.from: J.morale chretienne, xi. de Sellox (V.) La peine de mort au vingt- ieme siecle. 8°. Paris, 1877. Sheady (G. F.) Xo pain in death. Cutting from: Mail & Express, [>\ Y.], 1889. Spitzka (E. A.) The execution and post- mortem examination of the Van Wormer broth- ers at Dannemora, N. Y., October 1st, 1903. fol. New York, 1904. Repr.from: Daily M. J.. X. Y. & Lond., 1904, i. Torres-Caicedo ( J.-M. ) De la peine de mort. 8°. Paris, 1864. United States. Congress. An act to reduce the cases in which the penalty of death may be inflicted. 54. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 878. In S. March 25, 1896. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] -----. The same. March 30, 1896. Re- ported by Mr. Hoar, row 8°. [ Washington, 1896.] ------. The same. April 7, 1896. Re- ported by Mr. Hoar, with an amendment. roy; 8°. [Washington, 1896.] United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatives. A bill to abolish the punishment of death and substitute therefor imprisonment for life. 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 7196. March 14, 1S92. Introd. by Mr. Curtis. rov. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] ------. A bill to reduce the cases in which the penalty of death may be inflicted. 54. PU Nihil MENT. Punishment (Capital). Cong., 1. sess. H. K. 878. Dec. 9, 1895. Introd. by Mr. Curtis, roy. 8°. [Washington, J895.] ------. The same. Jan. 22, 1896. Referred to the House Calendar, rov. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] Abolition (The) of capital punishment. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1295.— Bell (C.) Electricity and the death penalty. Bull. Internat. Med.-Leg. Cong. ls«9, N. Y., 1891, 303-321.—Bleyer (I. M.) Instant death by decapi- tation an impossibilitv according to biological analvsis. Med.-Leg. J.,X. Y., 1S98-9, xvi, 515-532.—Oiassaji'iiy. De la peine de mort et de son influence suivant la maniere dont elle est appliquee. Lyon med., 1M90, lxv, 167; 204.— Crothers (T. D.) Should inebriates be punished for crime by death'.' J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 932- 935.—Dalleinagne (J.) La peine corporelleet ses bases physiologiques. Ann. Soc. de mexl. leg. de Belg., Charle- roi, 1893-4, v, 179-200. Also, Reprint.—Farese (U.) Sele- zione e pena di morte. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1893, iii, 1078-1088.—Fell (G. E.) The death penalty. Does the garrote or hanging ever produce instantaneous uncon- sciousness? Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1890, vii, 220-222. -----. Electrodes, and their application in electrocution. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1892, xix, 365-367.—Fischer (J.) Ueber die Berechtigunsr zur Totung. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xlv, 1765-1768.— Haberda (A.) Ueber die Art des Yoll- zuges der Todesstrafe. Arch.f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Krimi- nalist., Leipz., 1902, x, 230-257.— Hutchinson (W. M.) Electrical execution. N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 861— Kornleld (H.) Zur Vollziehung der Todesstrafe. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1908, xlix, 114- 123.—Liacassagne (A.) Peine de mort et criminalite; I'accroissement de la criminalite et I'application de la peine capitale. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1908, xxiii, 57-74.—Legrand (M.-A.) La peine de mort etles chatiments corporels appliques aux criminels (If opi- nion des interesses). Ibid., 689-696.—liohsing(E.) Ab- schaffung der Todesstrafe. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kri- minalist., Leipz.,1902,ix, 1-16.-Lowndes(F.W.) Capital punishment and circumstantial evidence. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1890, x, 285-315.— Ulaestre (T.) Dos penasde muerte. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1905, iv, 827; 901; 961; 1004; 1051.—Blarey(M.S.) Whatisthepropermodeofexecuting criminals? Tr.IllinoisM.Soc,Chicago, 1894,xliv,526-532.— f?larsh (F. O.) Some medical aspects of capital punish- ment. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, 1898, 416-421.—Moir (D. M.) Judicial hanging. Indian M. Gaz.,Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 266-270.—Nacke (P.) Gedankeneines Mediciners iiber die Todesstrafe. Arch. f.Krim.-Anthrop.u. Krimina- list,Leipz.,1902,ix,316-326.—Nass (L.) Bourreauxetsup- plicies. Corresp. med., Par., 1907, xiii, no. 315, 6-11. — O'Gorman (P. W.) Judicial hanging. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1894, xxix, 366.—O'Neill (J. A.) Who's the executioner? Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1898, x, 184.— Penta (P.) Pagine retrospettive; la pena di morte a Firenze dal 1328 al 1759. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1903, vi, 1-26.—Plea (A) for humane ex- ecutions. [Edit.] Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896, xxxiii, 148- 150.—Rockwell (A. D.) Discussion on electrical exe- cution. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 811-814. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 363-365.—SerTier. La peine de mort remplaeee par la castration. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon& Par., 1901, xvi, 129-141.—Sliidlov- skl (K. I.) K voprosu ob otmlenle smertnol kazni. [Abolition of «eath penalty.] J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk., 1905, xi, 457-469.—Shipley (M.) Results of the practical abolition of capital punishment in Belgium. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1905, ix, 307-314. -----. Homicide and the death penalty In Austria- Hungary. Ibid., 1906-7, x, 253-259.—Sikorskl (I. A.) Chuvstva, ispitivayemiya zritelem pri vidle smertnol kazni. [Feelings experienced by a witness of capital punishment.] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1905, x, 104-111.—Taylor (L. S.) The humane execution of con- demned criminals. Chicago M. Times, 1895, xxviii, 323.— Travers. Abschaffung der Todesstrafe. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1907, iii, 651-656.—Vig- dorchik (N.) Vrachi i smertnaya kazn. [Physicians and capital punishment.] Russk. vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 378-382.—X. Note sur l'execution de Busseuil; la der- niere heure d'un condamne. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Par., 1894, ix, 373-377.—ZhbankofT(D. N.) Smertnaya kazn. [Death penalty.] J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. V pam. Pirogova, Mosk., 1905,"xi, 445-456. Punishment (Corporal). Hammer (W.) Die Priigels;rafen iirztlich beleuchtet mit Benutzung der Briefsammlungen John Bull beim Erziehen und Amerika beim Erziehen. 8°. Leipzig, [1906]. Zhbankoff (D. N.) & Yakovenko (V. I.) Tfelesniya nakazaniya v Rossii v nastoyashtshe- ye vremya. [Corporal punishment in Russia at the present time.] 8°. Moskva, 1899. A PUNISHMENT. 149 PUNTON. Punishment (Corporal). Baldwin t,S. E.) Corporal punishments for crime. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1899-1900, xvii. 61-73— Biishuyelf (V. F.) Po povodu tielesnikh nakazaniy v volskakh. [On corporal punishment among troops.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 1171-1175.—Dalleinagne (J.) La peine corporelleet ses bases physiologiques. Scuola posi- tiva, Roma, 1894, iv, 927-947.— Golosoft* (A.) Ncrchin- skaya katorga; vraehebno-sanitarniye voprosi; tielesniya nakazaniya. [Hard labor convicts at Nerchinsk; medico- sanitary questions; corporal punishment.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1905. xii, 377; 422; 482; 569; 711.—^Iowry (D.) Whipping as a punishment for crime; a replv. Green Bag. Bost., 1901, xiii, 553 - 556. — Schmldt- Heuert (C. K.) Die vermeintlichen und die tats'ieh- lichen sexuellen Gefahren derRutealsErziehungsmittel. Monatschr. f. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz., 1906, iii, 291- 301.—Shaikevieh (M.) TIelesniya nakazaniya v me- ditsinskol literaturle i yeya vliyaniye na sovremennuyu zhizn. [Corporal punishment in medical literature and its influence on modern life.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1899-1900, xvii, 61-sO.—von Sterneck (O.) Das nor- wegische Strafreeht, in seinen Grundlinien kritisiert. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxi, 255-302.—Tybjerg- (E.) Die Priigelstrafe in Diinemark. Monatschr.!". Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905,ii,133.— /.Iibankolf (|). N.) Vzglyad vrachel na tlelesnoye iiakazanive. [View of phvsicians on corporal punish- ment.] Vrach, St.-Petersb., 1897, xviii, 1323; 1365; 1387. -----. Yeshtsho o tielesnikh nakazaniyakh. [Further on corporal punishment.] Ibid., 1898, xix, 813; 850; 881. -----. Snova o tlelesnom nakazanii. [Once more on cor- poral punishment.] Ibid.. 1899, xx, 881-890. -----. TIe- lesniya nakazaniya v Rossii nakanunte xx vleka. [Cor- poral punishment in Russia on the eve of the twentieth century.] Ibid., 1900, xxi, 33; 65. -----. Tielesniya naka- zaniya v Rossii v xx vlekle. [Corporal punishment in Russia in the twentieth century.] Ibid., 1901, xxii, 73;107; 143. -----. Khronika tielesnikh nakazaniy v Rossii v xx vlekle. [Corporal punishment in the twentieth century in Russia.] Ibid.,1121; 1153. -----. Nakanunie otmleni tielesnikh nakazaniy v Rossii. [On the eve of the aboli- tion of corporal punishment in Russia.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 875; 906. -----. Khronika tielesnikh nakazaniy v Rossii v 1902-3 godakh. [Corporal punish- ment in Russia during 1902-3.] Med. besleda, Voro- nezh, 1905, xix, 1; 35. -----. Tielesniya nakazaniya poslie otmleni ikh. [Corporal punishment after its abo- lition.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 817; 841. Punjab. Annual reports on the lunatic asy- lums in the Punjab by the superintendents to the secretary to the government, for the Delhi Lunatic Asvlum and Lahore Lunatic Asylum for the years 1867; 1868; 1889-99. fol. Lahore, 1868-1900. For continuation, see, infra, Punjab. Punjab Lunatic Asylum. -----. Minute by Sir I). F. McLeod, late lieu- tenant-governor of the Punjab, on the suppres- sion of infanticide. 3 pp. fol. [Lahore, 1870.] -----. Annual reports on the lock hospitals in the Punjab. By the inspector-general of civil hospitals to the chief secretary to government, for the year 1889. 2, 6, 5, 7, 5, 6, 5, 4, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 7, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 pp. fol. Lahore, "Civil and Mil. Gaz." Press, 1890. -----. Annual reports on the sanitary adminis- tration of the Punjab. By the sanitary commis- sioner to the secretary to government, for the years 1889-1902. fol." Lahore, 1890-1903. -----. Annual reports on vaccination in the Punjab. By the sanitary commissioner to the secretary to government, for the years 1889-90 to 1902-3. fol. Lethore, 1890-1903. Report for 1902-3 called Notes on vaccination. -----. Annual reports of the dispensaries and charitable institutions of the Punjab. By the inspector-general of civil hospitals to the secre- tary to government, for the years 1889-1902; 1905. fol. Lahore, 1890-1906. Report for 1902 and 1905 called Notes on the annual statements. ------. Report on voluntary venereal hospitals in the Punjab for the year 1890. 2 p. 1., 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 pp. fol. Lahore, "lied and Mil. Gaz." Press, 1891. Punjab. ------. Report of the chemical examiner to gov- ernment, Punjab, for the year 1906. 2 p. 1., 10 pp. fol. Lahore, "Civil and Mil. Gaz." Press, 1907. Punjab. See, also, Cashmere; Dispensaries (Deserijr- don, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of),, Insane (Asylums for, Description, etc., of), Leprosy (History, etc.,of), Plague (History, etc.,, of), Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Itose (H.A.) Hindu birth observances in the Punjab. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1907, xxxvii, 220; 260.—statement showing the total death- rate per 1,000 of population in the municipalities and thanas of the districts of the Punjab for the year 1892 as well as brief remarks for each municipality and thana under the heads of drainage, water, domestic cleansing, and conservancy, the measures taken to remedy the evils in each locality and the net receipts from, arid ex- penditure on, conservancy for each municipality. Rep. San. Admin. Punjab (1892), Lahore, 1893, i-lxxix.— Stephenson (.1.) The Punjab and its people. J. Man- chester Geog. Soc, 1906, xxii, 26-40. Punjab. Punjab Lunatic Asylum. Annual and triennial reports of the Punjab Lunatic Asylum. By the inspector-general of civil hospitals to the general secretary to government, for the years 1900; 1902-1906. fol. Lahore, 1901-7. This asylum was opened on the 1st March, 1900. A new institution formed by the consolidation of the two old asylums at Lahore and Delhi. Punnet t (R. C.) Mendelism. 2. ed. vii, 84 pp., 1 1. 16°. Cambridge, Macmillan ct- Bower, 1907. Punton (John). The social and medical aspects of insanity. 8 pp. 8°. [Kansas City, Mo., 1891.] Repr. from: Kansas City M. Index, 1891, xii. ------. "The neuropathic constitution, educa- tion, and marriage as factors in the causation and propagation of nervous diseases." 14 pp. 8°. [St. Joseph, 1893.] Repr.from: Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1893, xii. ------. The modern crank and mental responsi- bility. 9 pp. 8°. Keokuk, 1894. Repr.from: Tri-State M. J., Keokuk, 1893-4, i. ------. Review of recent advances in our knowl- edge of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 8 pp. 8°. Kansas City, 1894. Repr.from: Kansas City M. Index, 1894, xv. ------. The treatment and prophylaxis of in- sanity. 16 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1894. Repr.from: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1894, xv. ------. The civic duties and responsibilities of the physician to his community, State, and nation. 10 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1897. Repr.from: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1897, xviii. ------. The relation of the science of medicine to public school education. 8 pp. 8°. Kansas City, Mo., Gate City Print. Co., [1807]. ------. The diagnosis and treatment of neuras- thenia. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1899. ------. The pathogenesis of functional nervous diseases and their prophylactic indication. 8 pp. 8°. New YrrrJc, 1899. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lvi. ------. The relative value of medical advertis- ing. 5 pp. 8°. Kansas City, 1901. Repr.from: Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1901, xxii. ------. The criminal responsibility of the epilep- tic. 11 pp. 12°. New York, W. Wood d- Co., 1902. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxii. ------. A gigantic medical fraud detected and exposed. 15 pp. 8°. Kansas City, 1903. Repr. from: Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1903, xxiv. PUNTON. 150 PUPIL. Punton (John). -----. The principles of diagnosis of medical malingering. 20 pp. 12°. Neir York, 1904. Repr.fmm: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv. -----. The trend of modern psychiatry and its relation to general medicine. 10 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, 1904. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii. ------. Mvsophobia, with report of case. pp. 171-181. '8°. [Kansas City], 1905. Repr.from: Proc. Am. Med.-Psvchol. Ass., [Utica, N. Y.], 1905. Also, Editor of: KansasaCity (The) Lancet, 1898-1906. ------. The borderland of insanity in its clinical aspects. 30 pp. 16°. [Kansas City], 1907. Repr.from: Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1907, xxviii. Punton Sanitarium Association, Kansas City, Missouri. Announcement to the medical pro- fession. Information concerning the ... 61. 16°. Kansas <'ity, Burd & Fletcher, [n. <<.]. Puollaiiier (Joannes). Consilium de haem- morrhoidibus, Cottschalko Klocken dedicatum. 1H pp. 8°. Bamberger, A. Horitzius, 1590. -----. In medicina? laudem oratio, Joanni Hert- /.og dicata. 6 1. 8°. Bamberger, A. Horitzius, ------. De sanguinis mictu consilium, Conrado Witzman dicatum. 6 1. 8°. Bambergiv, A. Horitzius, 1590. Pupier (Eugene) [187.'!- ]. *De l'unite de la tuberculose humaine et de la tuberculose ani- male. Etude critique et experimentale. 320 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 148. -----. The same. 320 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin & Houzeau, 1903. Pupier (Zenon). Action des eanx de Vichy sur la composition du sang; refutation experi- mentale de la pretendue anemie alcaline. 167 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1875. Pupil. See, also, Cheyne-Stokes respiration; Iris; Mydriasis, etc.; Myosis, etc. Bach (L.) Pupillenlehre. Anatomie, Physi- ologie und Pathologie. Methodik der Unter- suchung. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Schifp (M.) La pupille considered comme esthesiometre. Traduction de Pitalien par R. Guichard de Choisity. 8°. Paris, 1875. Abbott (W.J.) Experiments on the functions of slit- form pupils. Univ. Toronto Stud. Psychol. s.,ii, 71-81, 2 pl.—Aitken (J.) The pupil of the eves during emo- tion. Nature, Lond., 1884-5, xxxi, 553.—Alt (A.) Onthe musculus dilatator pupillae. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.], Oto-Larvngol. Sect., St. Louis, 1907,266-276. Also: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1907,xxiv,257-267.—Auer (.1.) &Melt- zer (S.J.) Theactionof calcium upon the pupil and its relation to the effects of mydriatics. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1908, v, 80.—Bach (L.) Die Bezie- hungen der Medulla oblongata zur Pupille. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1221.—Bartels (M.) Pupil- lenverhaltnisse bei Neugebori'iien. Ztschr. f. Augenh , Berl., 1904, xii, 03s-644.—tin Bois-Beyiuond. [Ueber Pupillenstudicn.] Verhandl. d. Berl. ophth. (lesellsch. 1,893-1904, Leipz.. 19U5, 9-11. —Bonsiunorio (Mile.) Etude sur 1 estroiiblesfonct ion nelsde la pupille et sur leur cause. Tribune m> d,Par.,1901,2.s., xxxiii.905; 94M:1902, 2. s., xxxiv, 33;229;685:1903,2.s., xxxv. 10.—Bumke (O.) Die Phvsiologie und Pathologie der Pupil lenbewegungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1221-1224.—Blue los. Occlu- sion complete de la pupille par syneehie anterieure totale consecutive a, un traumatisme de la cornee et du cristallin avec atropinisation intempestive. Arch. m£d. de Tou- louse, 1905, xi, 37-39.—Helm bold (R.) Beitrag zur Bestimmung des Pupillenabstandes. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1906, xvi, 45.—Hess (C.) Untersuchungen fiber die Ausdehnung des pupillo-motorisch wirksamen Be- zirkes der Netzhaut una fiber die pupillomotorischen Aufnahmeorgan. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1907, lviii, 182-205.—Jones (N. C.) Ueber angeborene entzund- liche Ektopia der Pupille. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1905, ii, 523-531.—Magnus (R.) Die Pupillar- reaction der Octopoden. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1902, xcii, 623-643,1 pl.—fTIarquez (M.) Investigaciones acerca de la accion de los medicamentos sobre la pupila, Pupil. la acomodacion y la tension intra-ocular. Cong.internat. de med. <".-r. 1903, .Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, d'opht., 303- 392. -----. (,'ontraceion paradojica de la pupila. Arch de oftal. Hispano-Ain., Barcel., 1908, viii, 620. -.Marina (A.) Ricerche sperimentali sul restringimento della pu pilla alia convcrgenza e sui movimenti laterali ed alia conven:enza dei bulbi. Ann.di nevrol., Napoli, 1902, xx, 543-554.—Milneh (K.) Zur Anatomie des Dilatator pu- pillae. Ztschr. f.Augenh.,Berl.,1905,xiii, 1-16—Oiiawa (K.) [Clinical view of the correspondence of the same sensations in the pupils of the eye.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, vi, 704-710.—Pi I iz (J.) Ein neuer Apparat zuni Photographieren der Pupillen- bewegungen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 801; 853. — Polimanti (O.) Sulla valenza motoria della Pupilla. Arch, di ottal. [etc.], Napoli, 1906, xiv, 85-93. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol..Turin,1907,xlvii,400^08.— Strasbnrger (J.) Pupillentragheit bei Akkommoda- tion und Konvergenz. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn (1904), 1905, med. Abt., 83.—Tschirkowsky (W.) Die Bewegungen der Pu- pille nach Opticusdurchschneidung. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1906, lv, 119-121. —Veasey (C. A.) An instru- ment for testing the light-reflex of the pupil. J. Am. M. Ass., .Chicago, 1907, xlix, 1362. Also, Reprint.—Vida I (C.) A propos de la reaction consensuelle de la pupille. Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1907, viii, 493-497.—Weid- Iich(J.) The optical significance of the accommodative pupillary movements. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1907, xxxvi, 819-823. Pupil (Abnormities of). »S'eeCorectopia; Iris (Abnormities of); Pupil (Semeiology of); Pupillary membrane (Persist- ent). Pupil (Artificial). See, also, Iridectomy; Iridotomy. A.ssalini (P.) Ricerche sulle pupille artifi- ciali. 8°. Milano, 1811. Demouks. Observations sur une pupille arti- ficielle ouverte tout aupres de la scl^rotique. 8°. [Paris, 1800.] Emden (J.) *De raphiancistro novo instru- mento ad novam coremorphoseos methodum perficiendam. 12°. Gottiugn, 1818. Harpke (H.) *Der Vortheil der kiinst- lichen Pupillenbildung nach unten mit nachfol- gender Discission bei harten Cataracten. 8°. Wurzburg, 1879. Lindner (J. [G.] C.) *De variis pupillte artificialis conformandse methodis, hucusque jamjarh laudatis. 12°. Vredislavise, [1820]. Muller (E.) *De 1'operation de la pupille artificielle. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859. Toche-Couleon (M.-J.) * Dissertation sur la pratique des pupilles artificielles. 4°. Stras- bourg, [1803]. Wachter (G. H.) *De pupilla artiriciali. 8°. Groningw, [1810]. Daviss (E. P.) Evolution of our operation for arti- ficial pupil. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1898, 271-2-sit.— Edwards (A. H.) Operation for artificial pupil. Ken- tucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1907-8, v, no. 8, 10. — ls-:;i 1.— Sehneldeiuan (T. B.) Pu- pillarv inequalitv in health and disease. Phila. Polv- clin.,'1898, vii, 14-18.—Stefani (U.) & I'golotti (I.) Inegalite pupillaire alternante; contribution ;1 l'etude des actions musculaires automaticiucs et des energies specifiques. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904-5, xiii, 271.— Thomas (H. M.) The anatomical basis of the Argyll- Robertson pupil. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1903, n. s., exxvi, 939-956.—Weber (F. P.) Spontaneous fracture in the tarsus in a woman with Argvll-Robertson pupils. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1905-6, xxxix,246,1 L, 1 pl.—Weber (L. W.) Zur prognostischen Bedeutung des Argyll-Ro- ertsonschen Phanomens. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neu- rol., Berl., 1907, xxi, 271-273.— Zieminski (B.) Zniek- sztalcenie zrenicy przy nierownomiernem jej oddzialy- waniu. [Malformation of pupil when reactingunequallv.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1893, xxxii, 14.5-147. Pupil (Beflexes of). See, also, Pupil (Dilatation of); Pupil (Bigid- ity of). Bo'iadjieff (B.) *La reaction dite parado- xal de la pupille. 8°. Toulouse, 1901. Secret (X.-H.-M.) * Contribution a l'etude de la reaction paradoxale de la pupille a la lu- miere. 8°. Lille, 1907. PUPIL. 152 PIP1L. Pupil (Ren7 exes of). Vidal (C.-A.) *Etude sur les reflexes pupil- laires. 8°. Paris, 1901. Babinsk i. L'examen des reflexes pupillaires et leur importance semeiologique. J. de med. int., Par., 1904, viii,263. Also: Poitou med., Poitiers, 1904, xviii, 203-207. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 22. -----. De l'influence de l'obscuration sur le reflexe des pupilles a la lumiere et de la pseudo-abolition de ce re- flexe. Bull, d'ocul., Toulouse, 1906, 3. s., xx, 63-58. Also: Poitou med., Poitiers, 1906, xx, 109-113. Also: Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1905, xiii, 1214-1218. —Baeh (L.) Ueber das Ganglion ciliare und das Reflexcentrum der Pupille. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlv, 252. -----. Ueber Pupillencentra. Sitzungsb. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1902, Wiesb., 1903,16-19.-----. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Frage nach dem Verlauf der Pupillarreflexbahn und iiber Storungen im Verlaufe dieser Bahn. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1902), 1903, 6-15. -----. Ueber Pupillenreflexzentren und Pu- pillenreflexbahnen. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1905, xiii, 260-274. Also [Abstr.]: Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1904), 1905, 2-7.—Bach (L.) & Jleyer (H.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Abhangigkeit der Pupillenreaction und Pupillenweite von der Medulla oblongata et spinalis. Arch. Ophth., Leipz., 1903, lv, 414-436, lpl.----------. Weitere experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Beziehungen der Me- dulla oblongata zur Pupille. Ibid., lvi, 297-302.—Beeli- terew. Retrecissement reflexe de la pupille par la lumiere. Arch, slaves de biol., Par., 1886, i, 356-363.— Breton (M.) & Painblan (E.), La reaction para- doxal de la pupille ft la lumiere. Echo med.du nord, Lille, 1907, xi, 241-245—Bumke. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Irisbewegungen; der Hirnrindenreflex der Pu- pille. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Leipz., 1903, xxvi, 673-680.—Consiglio (P.) Su di un caso d' inver- sione del riflesso pupillare luminoso e su di un nuovo fenomenopupillare paradosso. Ann.dimed. nav., Roma, 1907, i, 164-189.—Elias (J. P.) De pupil-reflexen. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1903, x, 334-336.—Frenkel (H.) Sur la reaction paradoxale de la pupille. Lyon med., 1896, lxxxii, 209-214.—Mross (O.) Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten der Pupille auf Lichteinfall nach Durch- schneidung des Sehnerven beim Hund. Arch.f. d.ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1906, cxii,302-310.—Haab (O.) Thecor- tical reflex of the pupil. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1904, xxxiii, 643-661.—Herte I (E.) Experimentelles iiber die Veren- gerung der Pupille auf Lichtreize. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1906, Wiesb., 1907, 56-64. -Leroy (C.-J.-A.) Note complementaire sur la thCorie du phe- nomene de l'ombre pupillaire. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1887, vi, 440-442.—Levinsohn (G.) Beitrage zur Phy- siologie des Pupillarreflexes. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1903, lix, 191-220. -----. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Bahnen des Pupillenreflexes. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, x, 353.—Marina (A.) I centri delle reazioni pu- pillari. Morgagni, Milano, 1905, xlvii, 657-675. Also [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong. d. med. int. 1904, Roma, 1905, xiv, 210-230.—Wlassaut (H.) Experimentaluntersu- chungen iiber den Verlauf der den Pupillarreflex vermit- telnden Fasern. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1896, xxviii, 432-456, 2 pl. —ffleyerhoff". Zur Geschichte der Lid- schlussreaction der Pupille. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 90.—Piitz. Die paradoxe Pupillenreaction und eigene Beobachtung von Verengerung der Pupillen bei Beschattung der Augen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1902, xxi, 939; 1012; 1054,— Sehreiber (L.) Neue Beobach- tungen iiber PupillenreflexenachSehnervendurchschnei- dung beim Kaninchen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1905, lxi, 570-575.— Silex (P.) Ueber die sogenannte paradoxe Pupillen-Reaction. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1900, iii, 198-504.—Spiller (W.G.) Paradoxical reaction of the pupil in accommodation. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1903, xxx, 295.—Tedeschi (E.) Di una singolare rea- zione pupillare alia luce (riflesso pupillare esauribile ed inverso). Riv. crit. di clin. med.. Firenze, 1903, iv, 420; 433.—Trendelenburg (W.) .fc Bumke (O.) Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen zur Frage der Bach-Mever- schen Pupillenzentren in der Medulla oblongata. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1907, xlv, 353-391. ----- -----. Die Beziehungen der Medulla oblongata zur Pupille. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1385.— Tsuchida (U.) Ueber das Pupillencentrum. [Japan- ese text.] Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907-8, vi, 241- 251.—von Varady (L.) Untersuchungen iiber den oculopupilliiren sensiblen Reflex. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1902, xv, 310-314.—Venneman. Les reflexes de la pupille. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux. 1905, 4. s., xix, 699-707. Also: Clin. prat. d. mal. d. veux [etc.], Par., 1906, ii, 105-112. Also: Semaine med., Par., 19C6, xxvi, 15-17. Also [Abstr.]: J. med. de Brux., 1906, xi, 122. —Westphal (A.) Beitrag zur diagnostischen Bedeutung der Lidschlussreaction der Pupille. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 1042-1045. — AVitte. Ein Fall von scheinbar paradoxer Pupillenreaction. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1905, Bresl., 1906, 33-35. Pupil (Eieiitlity of). s, e, also, Pupil (Semeiology of). Brautigam (A.) * Ueber reflektorische Pu- pillenstarre nach Contusio bulbi und nach Kopfverletzungen. 8°. Preiburg i. Br., 190b. Englander (II.) * Ueber Pupillenstarre im hysterischen Anfalle. [Freiburg i. Br.] s°. Aachen, 1906. Krueger (O. E. H.) * Ueber die Pupillar- reaktion, nebst Mitteilung eines Falles von einseitiger reflektorischer Pupillenstarre. 1l)0. Berlin, 1894. Ketzlaff (K.) *Die diagnostische Bedeu- tung der Pupillenstarre und der Pupillentriig- heit fiir die Erkennung von Nerven- und Gei- steskrankheiten. 8°. Berlin, [1907]. AbelsdortT. [Patient mit linksseitiger reflektori- scher Pupillenstarre nach geheilter linksseitiger Oculo- motoriuslahmung.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1231.—AhlstrSm (G.) Fall af ensidig reflektorisk pu- pillororlighet. [Case of unilateral reflex immobility of the pupil.] Goteborgs Lak.-Sallsk. Forh., 1894, 2. hft., 10-18.—Axenfeld (T.) Ueber traumatische reflekto- rische Pupillenstarre. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 663; 1167. See, also, infra, Dreyfus (G.).—Baas (K.) Ueber das Zentrum der reflektori- schen Pupillenverengerung und fiber den Sitz und das Wesen der reflektorischen Pupillenstarre. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 406-110.—Bach (L.) Expe- rimentelle und pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchun- gen iiber die Pupillarreflexbahn; Sehnervenbefund bei doppelseitiger reflektorischer Pupillenstarre. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1899, 76-79. -----. Ueber die reflectorische Pupillenstarre und den Hirnrin- denreflex der Pupille. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 1090-1093. -----. Wie verhalt sich die Pupille bei der typischen reflectorischen Pupillenstarre? Ibid., 1904, xxiii, 717-720.-----. Begriff und Lokalisationder reflek- torischen Pupillenstarre. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1906, x, 353-357. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1114. -----. Die pathologische Anatomie der reflektorischen Pupillenstarre. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1906, xv, 487- 501 -----. Differentialdiagnose zwischen reflektorischer und absoluter Pupillenstarre. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1907, liv, 353-391.—Borthen (L.) De topisk-dia- gnostiske forhold ved ensidig reflectorisk pupillebe- vsegelighed (Pupillenstarre). [The topical diagnostical relation in unilateral reflex immobility of the pupil.] Nord. ophth. Tidsskr., Kjabenh., 1891-2, iv, 129-144.— Bumke. Ueber die pathologische Anatomie der re- flektorischen Pupillenstarre. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1114.—Caspar (L.) Ein Fall von einseitiger re- flectorischer Pupillenstarre. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895-6, xxxii, 291-293. -----. Beobachtungen fiber ein- seitige reflectorische Pupillenstarre. Ibid., 1906, liv, 53- 63.—Breyfus (G.) Ueber traumatische Pupillenstarre; eine Beitrag zur Lehre von den Beziehungen desobersten Halsmarkes zur reflektorischen Pupillenstarre. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 355-358. -----. Ueber traumatische Pupillenstarre; Entgegnung auf die von S. Kreuzfuchs gemachten Bemerkungen iiber meinen unter obigem Titel erschienenen Aufsatz. Ibid., 604. -----. Ueber traumatische reflektorische Pupillenstarre: Bemer- kungen zu der Mitteilung von Prof. Axenfeld. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1167.— Frenkel (H.) Sur la reaction dite paradoxale de la pupille a la lumiere. Toulouse med., 1899, 2. s., i, 109- 120.—Friedlaender (R.) & Kempner. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der hemianopischen Pupillenstarre. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 2-8.—Heddaeus (E.) Ueber reflectorische Pupillenstarre. Centralbl. f. Ner- venh., Leipz., lss'j, xii, 65-71. -----. Ueber einseitige re- flectorische Pupillenstarre. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1898, xxvii, 38-15— Hondo (T.) Ein Fall von der hemi- optischen Pupillereaction. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1895, ix, 23. Hft., 1-12.— Kreuzfuchs (S.) Ueber traumatische Pupillenstarre; zum Artikel des Dr. G. Dreyfus. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1906, liii, 460— Kutiier (R.) Abnorme Erschopf- bnrkeit der Lichtreaktion der Pupille (asthenische Lichtstarre). Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psvehiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1906, xxix, 825-829.—Lacliinund (H.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Convergenzreaktion bei reflektori- scher Pupillenstarre. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 1263-1266.—Levinsohn (G.) Zur Frage der reflectori- schen Pupillenstarre. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psvehiat., Coblenz & Leipz., 1900, n. F., xi, 354-360. -----. Vorstel- lung eines Falles von einseitiger reflektorischer Pupillen- starre mit Myosis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 1492. -----. Ueber Miosis bei reflektorischer Pupillen- starre. Ibid., 1908, xlv, 745-748.—L.eyden (E.) Ueber die hemiopische Puprllenreaction Wernicke's (hemiano- PUPIL. 153 PUPIL. Pupil (Rigidity of). pische Pupillenstarre). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 3-5. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. in- nere Med. zu Berl., 1891-2, xi, 99-104. Hendcl. Leber reflectorische Pupillenstarre. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (18S9I, 1890, xx, 203-208. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv. 957.— Iflobius (P. J.) Leber reflectorische Pupillenstarre. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1*nx, xi, 689-692.—Negro ^C.) Sulla rigidita riflessa congenita delle pupille. Riv. neuropat., Torino, 1908, iii, 1-6. — \oiuie. Ueber die sogenannte mvotonische Convergen/.tra.nhcit lichtstarrer Pupillen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz.. 1902, xxi, 1000- 1004.—Ohm (J.) Ein Fall von einseitiger reflektorischer Pupillenstarre bei Vorhandensein der Konvergenzreak- tion infolge von peri phererOkulomotorius-Lahmung nach Eindringen eines Eisensplitters in die Orbita. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh.. Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 193-201.—Piitz (J.) Ueber neue Pupillenphs'inomene. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1899, xviii, 218-251. Also, transl.: Medycyna, Warszawa, 1900, xxviii, 2o2-207. -----. Die paradoxe Pupillenreaction und eigene Beobachtung von Verenge- rung der Pupillen bei Besehattung der Augen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1902, xxi, 939; 1012; 1054. —Pineles (F.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie der reflectorischen Pupillenstarre. Arb. a. d. Inst. f. Anat. u. Physiol, d. Centralnervensvst. an d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. ii. Wien, 1896, 4. Hft., 101-109.—Bedlicli (E.) Ueber ein eigen- artiges Pupillenphiinomen; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Franc der hvsterischen Pupillenstarre. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz. u. Berl., 190\ xxxiv, 313-315.—Reieh- ardl (M.) Leber angeborene Pupillenstarre. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 521-526. -----. Das Verhal- ten des Ruckenmarkes bei reflectorischer Pupillenstarre. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1904, xxxix, 324-382. -----. Ueber PupiHarfasern im Sehnerv und iiber reflektorische Pupillenstarre. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1904, xxv. 408-430.—BoemheId (L.) Ueberdie tonische Reaktion lichtstarrer Pupillen. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1904, li 2041.— Bolhmann (M.) Doppelseitige triige Reaction lichtstarrer Pupillen bei Accommodation und Convergenz. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 818.— Scuanz (F.) Drei Fiille einseitiger reflectorischer Pu- pillenstarre. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895, xxxi, 259- 265.—Schlesinger (,E.) [Fall von passagerer trau- matischer Pupillenstarre.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1137.—Sehultze (F.) Leber Pupillenstarre im hysterischen Anfall und bei Synkope. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1907, xlviii, 8-11.—Scliwarz O. ) Ein Fall von rechtsseitiger unvollstiindiger re- ectorischer und linksseitiger unvollstandijrer accom- modativer Pupillenstarre. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 357-359. —Seggel. Ein Fall einseitiger reflectorischer Pupillenstarre. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1891-2, xxiv, 234-240. -----. Ein Fall einseitiger reflecto- rischer Pupillenstarre. Ibid., 1892-3, xxvi, 151. -----. Ein weiterer Fall einseitiger reflektorischer Pupillen- starre. Ibid., 1895, xxxi, 63-85.—CJlithoflt* ( W. ) Zur diagnostischen Bedeutung der reflectorischen Pupillen- starre. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 36; 54. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesell*ch. (1884-5). 1886. xvi, pt. 2,323-343. [Discussion], pt. 1, 25'.i--j66.—Vossius. Leber die hemianopische Pupillenstarre. Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk., Giessen, 1899-1902, xxxiii, 185. Also: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. *ieb. d. Au- genh., Halle a. S., 1901, iv, 3. Hft., 1-15— Wolff (G.) Das Verhalten des Riickenmarks bei reflectorischer Pu- pillenstarre. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1899, xxxii, 57-85. -----. Zur Frage der Localisation der reflectorischen Pupillenstarre. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1901-2, xxi, 247-260. Pupil (Semeiology of). See, also, Apoplexy ( Diagnosis, etc., of); Insane (Eye of); (Esophagus (Cancer of, Diagnosis, etc., of); Paralysis (Eye in); Pa- ralysis (General, Eye in); Pupil (Dilatation of); Pupil (lneepied.it y of); Pupil (Reflexes of'); Pupil (Bigi'Hty of); Pupillometers. Aexstoots (C.) * Ueber die Pupillenreak- tion bei Lidschluss. 8°. Giessen, 1904. Baas (K.) Die seniiotische Bedeutung der Pupillenstorungen. 8°. Halle a, S., 1896. Also, transl. [Abstr.]in; Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1896, iii, pt. 2, 326-334. Beauches.ve (P.-J.-M.) *Kelations entre les lesions de l'aorte et les troubles de la pupille. 8°. Paris, 1902. Bumke. Die Pupillenstorungen bei Geistes- und Xervenkrankheiten. 8°. Jena, 1904. del Castillo Quartiellers ( R. ) Examen funcional del iris como elemento de diagnostico. 8°. Madrid, 1900. Pupil (St-meiology of). Gordon (E.) * The state of the pupil as a sign and aid to the diagnosis of disease, exclud- ing diseases of the eye proper and the action of drugs. 8°. London, ls8(>. Iblitz (F. ^y. A.) * Kommt Pupillendifferenz audi bei Leuten vor, welche nicht augen- oder nervenkrank sind? 8°, Bonn, 1893. Leblanc (F.) Essai sur les modifications de la pupille prodtiites par les agents therapeu- tiques. 8°. Paris, 1875. Lewis (G. G.) The pupil of the eye in health and disease. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Linde ( M. ) * Pupillenuntersuchungen an Epileptischen, Hysterischen und Psychopathi- schen. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Moderow (F. K.) *Das Verhalten der Pu- pillen bei der Konvergenz und Akkommoda- tion. [Marburg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Ploeger (H.) * Das Verhalten der Pupillen bei der Hysterie, Epilepsie, Xeurasthenie, Mi- griine und beim Alkoholismus. 8°. Marburg, 1907. Schlegel (E.) Die Iris nach den neuen Ent- deckungen des Dr. Ignaz von Peczely. 8°. T'u- liingen, 1887. Abelsdorff(G.) & Feilchenfeld (H.) Ueberdie Abhangigkeit der Pupillarreaktion von Ort und Aus- dehnungdergereiztenNetzhautflache. Ztschr. f. Psychol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1904, xxxiv, 111-131.— Attain* (.leannie S.) Pupillary phenomena in some general diseases. Tr. Alumnae Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1899, 64-72.—Ahlstroiu (G.) Om den s. k. hemiopiska pupillarreaktionen. [The so-called hemiopic pupil reaction.] Hygeia, Stockholm, 1898, lx, 311-319.—A lb rand. (Ur.) Das mortale Pupillenphiino- men, nebst weiteren Beobachtungen iiber Veranderun- gen am menschlichen und thierischen Leichenauge; eine forensisch-oculistische Studie. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1904-5, li, 267; 313,1 tab.—Ailing (A. N.) The pupil under physiological and pathological conditions. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1895, 94-105.—Antal (E.) Ueberdas Westphal-Piltz'schesogenannte paradoxe Pupillenphanomen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xix, 149-155. -----. Ueber das sogenannte paradoxe pupillare Phaenomen von Westphal-Piltz. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1901, vi, 97-99.—Baas (K.) Ueber eine sel- tenere Pupillarreaction und den Aufbau des Pupil- lencentrums. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesell- sch. 1901, Wiesb., 1902, xxix, 28-44. —Babinski (J.) Des troubles pupillaires dans les anevrismes de l'aorte. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s , xvii, 1121-1124. -----. L'examen pratique et la seme- iologie de la pupille. J. de med. int., Par., I9u3, vii, '238- 241. -----. Mecanisme des troubles pupillaires. Med. mod., Par., 1906, xvii. 325— Babinski (J.) & Char- pentier. De 1'abolition des reflexes pupillaires dans ses relations avec la svphilis. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 676-681. Also: Bull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, x, 347-352.—Bach (L.) Be- merkungen zur Methodik der Pupillenuntersuchung, zu den Ursachen der Anisokorie und Stdrungen der Pupil- lenbewegung. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Wiesb., 1901, xxix, 20-28. -----. Pupillenstudien. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1903, lvii, 219-265. -----. Das Verhalten der Pupillen bei der Konvergens und Akkommodation. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1905, xii, 725-729. -----. Bemer- kungen zur Methodik der Pupillenuntersuchung und Demonstration einer PupillenuntersuchunKsmethode. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1906, Wiesb.,1907, 270-283.—Bach (L.) & Meyer (H.) Ueber das Ver- halten der Pupillen nach ICntterming der Grosshirnhemi- sphiiren, des Kleinhirns, bei Kei/ung der lateralen Par- tien der Medulla oblongata und des Trigeminus auf Grund experimenteller Untersuchungen bei der Katze und dem Kaninchen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1904, lix, 334-343.—Bekhtereif (V.) Ob izvrashtshonnol svle- tovol reaktsii zraehkov. [On the perverted reaction to light of the pupils ] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan. 1x97, v, no. 2, 165-171; no. 3, 138-159. —Beykovsky. Praktische Bedeutung patholofrischer 1'upillensymptome. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvii, 1753: I80L—Bielehowshy (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pupillenphanomene. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xii. :;us-327.— Bumke (0.) Neuere Untersuchungen fiber die diagno- tische Bedeutung der Pupillensvmptome. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 2313-2317. -----. Ueber die diagnostische Bedeutung der Pupillensvmptome. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 293-298.—del Castillo y Quartlelles (R.) Examen funcional del iris como PUPIL. 154 PUPIL. Pupil (Semeiology of). elemento de diagnostico. He v. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1900, iii, 142-158.— Cazzamali (G. A.) Valore diagnostico della pupilla. Clin, e prat., Treviglio, 190o, ii, 67-75— < liaillous (J.) Des troubles pupillaires chez lesmaladesatteints de dilatation aorti'itie. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1902, cxxviii, 28-33.— Cornwell (H. C. De V.) The pupil in extra-ocular disease. Am. Med., Burling- ton, Vt., & N. Y., 1908, n. s., iii, 464-170.—Cosle ( M.) Du reflexe pupillaire dans quelques maladies infectieuses. Marseille med., 1898, xxxv, 449-453.—Heady (C.) The pupil as a diagnostic si-n. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc, N. Y., 1894, xxix, 114-120. — Debagoriy-.Uokriyevicli. K voprosu o neravnomiernosti zrachkov pri rakie zhe- ludka, hipertroficheskom tsirrozle pecheni i ekssudativ- nom plevritie. [On the inequality of the pupils in can- cer of the stomach, hypertrophic cirrosis of the liver and exudative pleuritK] Ejened. jour. '■ Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1898, v, 533-539.—Dercum (F. X.) The pupil in tabes, paresis, and syphilis. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1906, xxxiii, 718-720.—Dor. Observation de rigidite reflexe de la pupille etdu muscle aceommodateur. Lyon med., 1890, lxiii, 531-534.—Duncan t.I. T.) The size of the pupil as an aid to diagnosis. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1903-4, xxxvii, 151-154. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 523-527. Also: Montreal M. J., 1903, xxxii, 736-739. — Ellis (A. N.) Some few random thoughts on the pupil in health and disease. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1907, xcviii, 351-353.—Eversbusch it).) Ein bemerkenswerther Fall von Sichtbarkeit der ciliar- fortsiitze im Pupillargebiet. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901,xlviii,49. —Fernandez Sauz(E.) La semeyotica pupilar en neuropatologia. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1906, xv, 234; 360: xvi, 102; 219; 401.— Geromie. Zur Kenntniss der springenden Pupillen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl., 1906, lx, 377-382.— Oittbrd (H.) An orbicularis pupillarv reaction. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1895, xxiv, 402-103.— C.uddeii (H.) Ueber die Pupillenreaction bei Kauschzustiinden und ihre forense Bedeutung. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xix, 1090- 1100— Hamilton (E. E.) Some pupillary phenomena normal and pathological. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1896, viii, 609-612. Also: ()phth. Rec, Nashville, 1895-6, v, 408-415.— Hawthorne (('. O.) Abnormal clinical conditions of the pupils. Polyclin., Lond., 1903, vii, 237-240—Hed- daeus (E.) Ueber i'riifung und Deutung der Pupil- lensymptome. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1889, xx, 46- 54, l" pl. Also: Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1889, xii, 450-453. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1889, xviii, 189-197. -----. Der Haab'sche Hirnrindenreflex der Pupille in seiner Beziehung zur hemiopisehen Pupillen- reaction. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895-6, xxxii, 88-95. -----. Zur Priifung der Pupillenreaktionen. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1906, xxix, 385.— Hertel (E.) Experimenteller Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pupillenverengerung auf Lichtreize. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1906-7, lxv, 106-134.—Hess (C.) Untersuchungen zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Pupillenspieles. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1908, lx, 327-389. Also: Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1224-1226.-Hilton (C. T.) The pupil in health and disease. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1900, xiv, 156; 180.—von Hippel. Neuere Untersu- chungen zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Pupillen- phanomene. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, ii, 692; 757.—Hirschberg (J.) Obere Halbtaubheit der Pu- pille. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 230-232.—HUbner (A. H.) Ueberdie psychische und sensible Reaktion der Pupillen. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1905, xxviii, 945-947. -----. Beschreibung eines Apparates zur Untersuchung der Pu- pillen, nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige Pupillenreak- tionen. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1907, xxii, 15-20.—Jack (E. E.) The pupil in general disease. Med. Comnmnicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1899-1901, xviii, 830-837. Also: Boston M. Ver- halten der Pupillen bei Erkrankungen des Wurm- fortsatzes. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1906, xvi, 783-789. Also, transl.: Clin. prat. d. mal. d yeux [etc.], Par., 1907, iii, 34-36.— Joeqs. Valeur se- meiologique des troubles pupillaires dans les affections cerebro-spinales. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France . . . C.r., Par., 1905, xv, v. 2,132—Koenig (W.) Ueber springende Pupillen in einem Fallevon cerebraler Kinderlahmung; nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die prognostische Bedeutung der springenden Pupillen bei normaler Lichtreaction. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 778. -----. On pupillary anomalies in paralysed and non-paralysed idiot children, and their relation to hereditary syphilis. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1900, xlvi, 427- 444.—Ktthigstein (L.) Physiologie und Pathologie der Pupillarreaction. Wie untersuchen wir die Pupil- larreaction und welche Schliisse konnen wir aus dersel- Pupil (Semeiology of). ben Ziehen? Wien. Klinik, 'l>s\ xiv, 113-146.—Konrad (J.) Az irismozgas egy sajitsagos zav&rol. [A peculiar disturbance of the movements of the iris.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1892, i, 377-381. Also, transl.: 1'est. med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 785. Ah,>, transl.: Ungar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1892-3, i, 405-409.—K riisius (F. F.) Zur diagnostischen Verwertung des Eserins bei Pupillenstorungen. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xviii, 442-446.—Lans (L.J.) Pupilwijdte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1899, 2. K., xxxv, d. 2, 1144-1153 — Laquenr (L.j Beitrage zur Lehre von der Pupillen- bewegung. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1898-9, xxxviii, 135-143. -----. Beitrag zur Lehre vom Verhalten der Pu- pille unter pathologischen Verhaltnissen.' Ibid., 1908, lix, 327-351.—Leszynsky (W. M.) An abstract of a lec- ture on the significance and value of pupillary phenomena in nervous disease. N. York M. J., lsss, xlvii, is37. Also, Re- print. —-—. Unilateral loss of the pupillary light reflex (reflex iridoplegia); its pathology and clinical signifi- cance. N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 148; 192. Also, Reprint.— Lewis (G. G.) The pupil of the eye in health and dis- ease. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol., Chicago, 1908, ii, 49-56. Also: Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1907, xvii, 321-320.— Liebrecht. Ueberdas Wesen der Pupilleiiersclieinun- gen und ihre diagnostische Bedeutung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 408; 424— Little (W. S.) The value of pupillary symptoms in general dis- ease; an analysis of one thousand symptoms. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1884, xvi, 154-171. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1884-5, i, 119-126.—Lowy (M.) Ueber die Schmerzreaktion der Pupillen als ein differential- diagnostisches Zeichen zwischen organisclurund psycho- gener Drucksclunerzhaftigkeit. Neurol.Centralbl.,Leipz., 1906, xxv, 947.—Lopez (E.) La pupilaeliptica. Arch.de la Policlin.,Habana, 18lj9, vii,573-576. Also: Arch.de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana, 1899-1900, x, 53-57.—Mace wen (\V.) The pupil in its semeiological aspects. Am. J.M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s., xciv, 123-146.—Marburg (O.) Die diagnostische Bedeutung der Pupillenreaction. Wien. Klinik, 1903, xxix, 235-258.— Mariinb (F.) Contributo al valoresemiologico della pupilla. Riv. sper. difreniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1899, xxv, 451-171—Marina (A.) Ueber die bei den coordinirten Seitenbeu egungen der Augen an dem sich medial warts drehenden Auge eintretende Pupillenverengerung. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 797-801. ——. Sul restringimento pupillare, che si osserva ai movimenti laterali dei bulbi, nell' occhio che va all' interno. Policlin., Roma, 1904, xi, sez. med., 162-165.—iTIink (A. E.) Pupillary diagnosis. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1895, xvi,180-190.—Moulinier (R.) Un cas de reaction paradoxale de la pupille a la lumifere, chez un sujet atteint d'abces du eervelet. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1908, lxxxix, 2*9-299.—Moulton (G. C.) The pupil in health and disease. Mass. M. J., Bost. 1905, xxv, 413-417.—Naxera (L.) Hippus a jeho vyznam. [L'hip- pus au point de vue diagnostique. Res., 485.] Sborn. klin., v Praze, 1900-1901, ii, 474-485—Ogawa t K.) [The sympathetic movements of the pupil] Iji Shinbun, To- kio, 1902, ,859-862.—Ovio (G.) Movimenti pupillari, in- tensity luminosa, accomodazione. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1905, xxxiv, 102-146 —Parrot (J.) Sur un phenomene pupillaire observe dans quelques etats pathologiques de la premiere enfance. Rev.demed., Par., 1882, ii,809-824.— Payne (D. A.) The effects of disease and drugs on the pupil. Illinois M. Bull., Chicago, 1906-7, vii, 3.5-39. -----. The pupil; in health and disease. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1900-1901, iv, 676-681.—Philipsen (H.) Pupillens Til- stand under fysiologiske og patologiske Forhold. [Condi- tions of pupil, physiologicallyandpathologicallv.] Hosp.- Tid., Kjabenh., 1891, 3. R.,ix, 1001; 1025; 1052; 1101.—Pick (A.) Ueber Pupillendifferenzen, bedingtdurchdifferente Wirkung derdirecten undindirecten Beleuchtung. Neu- rol. Centralbl.,Leipz., 1900,xix,930-932.—Plister(J.) Die diagnostischen Merkmale an der Pupille. Cor. - BL f. sch weiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1899. xxix, 33-48.—Polimanti(0.) Sulla valenza motoria della pupilla. Arch, di ottal., Na- poli, 1906-7, xiv, 85-93.—Pontiggia (C.) Anisocoria ed ippuspupillare respiratoriod' originepleurica. Gazz.med. ital..Torino,1908,lix,81; 92.— Pop-Avramescu. Despre pupiia si reflexele pupilare; (descript;unea unui alt feno- men (reflex) ptrnilar). Spitalul, BucurescI, 1907, xxvii, 501-512.—Quaglino (A.) Riassuntodelle attualinostre cognizioni sui movimenti della pupilla nello stato fisio- logico emorboso. Ann. di ottal. ,Pavia,1881.xiii, 115;199.— Baecke. Zur Lehre vom Westphal-PiltzschenPupillen- phanomen. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1903, ii, 202- 205 —Bampo Id i (R.) Ancora sul le variazioni pupillari dipendenti da malattie polmonari di natura tubercolare. Ann. di ottal., Pavia.1895, xxiii, 478-182.—Bobey (W. II.) The clinical manifestation of a phvsiological fact. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1899, cxli, 627.—Bodiet (A.) & Cans. Les modifications pupillaires pendant les ictus. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1908. 316-325.—SalgO (J.) Die unregelmassige Reaktion der Pupillen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxvii, 1457; 1496.—Samelsohn. Sel- tenere Beobachtungen zur Semiotik der Pupillarreaction. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 91.— Schanz (F.) Ueber das Westphal-Piltz'sehe Pupillen- PUPIL. 155 PUPIN. Pupil (Semeiology of). phiinomen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 1065- 1067. Also [Abstr.]: Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'ophtal., 387. Also [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., Munchen, 1900- 1901, 1. -----. Ueber das Westphal-Piltz'sehe Pupillen- phiinomen. (Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Prof. A. Westphal in No. 49 des vorigen Jahrgangs.) Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 67.—Schauuiaii (O.) Om pupillarolikhetens frequens och kliniska betydelse jiimte nagra speciella anmiirkningar rorande den s. k. sprin- gande mydriasis. [The frequency of dissimilaritv of the pupils, with some special observations regarding so-called incipient mydriasis.] Finska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsing- fors, 1903, xlv, 219-256. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. nord. Kong, f. inn. Med. 1902, Stockholm, 1903, iv, 255- 266. — Schmeichler (L.) Klinische Pupillenstudien. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1179; 1209; 1246; 1275.— Sclionte (G. J.) Abnorme Augenstellung bei excen- triseh-ireleirener Pupille. Ztsehr. f. Psychol, u. Phvsiol. d. simn^or--., Leipz., 1898, xviii, 268-273.— Schramcck. L'irregularite pupillaire; sa valeur semeiologique; ses rapports avec le signe d'Argvll-Robertson. Bull, et mem. Soc franc, d'opht., Par., 1902, xix, 568-572.—Sou:a 1 (S ) K izmleneniyu zrachkov vpatologicheskikh sluc'havakli. [Changes of pupil in pathological cases.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 18,88. xiii, 218; 231. —Seo. Ueber drei Fiille von Oculopupillarphanomen. [Japanese text. Ausz., 14. Hft., suppl., 2) Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1906, xx, 417-442 — Si< iliano (L.) La reazione pupillare all' accomodazione negli individui che hanno la visione monoculare. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int Roma, 1907, xvii, 92-95.— Siiiiiorelli (A.) I riflessi vi- scerali delle pupille e 1' anisoeoria splenica. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1906, xxii, 1093-1099. — Splller (W. G.) The paradoxical reaction of the pupil in accom- modation, with a report of three cases. Phila. M. J., 1903, xi, 756.—Stefan! (U.) Comment se moditie la reaction de la pupille a 1'atropine a la suite de l'usageprolonge de cette substance; contribution a l'etude de l'adapta- tion. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904, xii, 1-16.—Stefan! (U.) & I'golotti (F.) Diseguairlianza pupillare alter- nante; contributo alio studio delle azioni muscolari auto- matiche e delle energie specitiche. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1904, xxv,469-4s7.—Steuber (F. G.) The pupil in health and in disease. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1898-9, xiv, 295-298. — Strasburger (J.) Pupillentriigheit bei Accommodation und Convergenz. Neurol. Centralbl. Leipz., 1902, xxi, 738-740. -----. Pupillentriigheit bei Accommodation und Convergenz oder myotonisehe Pu- pillenbewegung. Ibid., 1052-1054. -----. Pupillentrag- ' heitbeiAkkommodationundKonvergenz. Ophth. Klin., StuttR., 1905, ix, 17 — Tange (R. A.) De normale pupil- wijdten volgens bepalingen in de polikliniek. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxviii, d. 1, 515-527. —Tyner (T.J.) The appearance and be- havior of the pupil in health and disease. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 18s8-;t, iv, 237-241.—Vaquez (H.) Syn- drome deBabinski (association des troubles de la pupille avec les lesions de l'aorte). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 75-80.—Vysin (V.) Para- doxni reakce zornicek. [Paradoxal reaction of the pupil.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1896, xxxv, 697; 713.— Westphal (A.) Leber ein bisher nicht beschriebenes Pupillenphanomen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, xx, 162. Also: Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1899, iii, 75. -----. Ueber das Westphal-Piltz'sche Pupillenphanomen; Be- merkungen zu der gleichnamigen Arbeit von F. Schanz. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 1226. -----. Ueber ein im katatonischen Stupor beobachtetes Pupillenpha- nomen, sowie Bemerkungen iiber die Pupillenstarre bei Hysterie. Deutsche rued. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 10x0-10X5.— Wiesinger. Eine noch nicht be- schriebene respiratorische Pupillenreaktion, nebst einer kurzen Einfiihrung in die Semioloeie der Pupille. Cha- rite-Ann., Berl., 1906, xxx, 591-002.—Wllks 1 sA On the pupil in emotional states. Brain, Lond., 18x3-4, vi, 1-6. Also, Reprint. Pupil after death. See, also, Death (Signs of); Eye (Jurispru- dence of); Jurisprudence (Medical). Courtney (J.E.) The pupil after death. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix,349 —Marshall (J.N.) Observations on the changes which take place in the pupil after death, and the action of atropine and other alkaloids on the dead eye. Lancet, Lond.. 1885, ii, 286-288.—Plaezek. Ueber Pupillenveranderungen nach dem Tode. Vir- chow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], 1903, clxxiii, 172-204 — Vasoin (B.) Dell'azionedellatemperaturasullapupilla post mortem. Atti r. 1st. Venetodi sc, left, ed arti, 1901-2, 8. s., iv, pt. 2, 107-121. Pupillary inemJyrane (Persistent). Lepage (H.) *Persistance de la membrane pupillaire et pigmentation cong&iitale de lacris- talloi'de anterieure. 8°. Paris, 1901. Pupillary 'membrane (Persistent). Sporl (R.) *Ein Fall von beiderseitiger Membrana papillaris perseverans. 8°. Miin- chen, 1902. Zweig (O.) * Zur Lehre von der persistieren- den Pupillar-Membran. 8°. Giessen, 1905. Bailhache (P. II.j Persistent pupillary membrane and tremulous iris. Rep. Snperv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1886-7, 116.—Banister (J. M.) A case of mem- brana pupillarisperscverans in both eyes in an adult. Ann. Ophth. & OtoL, St. Louis, 1895, iv, 351.— Collins (W. J.) The capsulo-pupillary membrane, with some varieties of its persistence. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, xii, 195-200. Also, Reprint.—ftlnestous. Deux cas de persistanee de la membrane pupillaire. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 7-9.— von Ilippcl (E.) Membrana pupillaris persistens cor- ne;e adhserens. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1905, lx, 441-447, lpl.—Hlrsehberg (J.) Ueber langsame Ruekbildung der persistirenden Pupillen-Haut. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 103-105.—Kalcic (J.) Ein Fall von persistirenderobliterirter Arteria hyaloidea und ein Fall von Membrana pupillaris perseverans. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 2229-2231.—Kenny (A. L.) Rare case of persistent pupillary membrane in both eyes. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 332.—LInde (M.) Ein seltener Fall von Pupillarmembran. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 81 — Marple (W. B.) A caseof persistent pupillary membrane of rather consid- erable size. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1903-5, x, 593.— Nakasliiuia (I.) [Membrana pupillaris persistens.] Juntendo I.ji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900,561-564.— Norris 1 W. K.) Cases of persistent pupillary membrane in which there was a firm attachment to the lens cap- sule, with partial opacity of this membrane and of a thin layer of underlvinjr lens substance. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1896, Hartford, 1897. vii, 580-585, 2 pl.—Phillips (S. L.) Persistent pupillary membrane associated with atrophy of choroid and optic nerve. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1893-4, n. s., x, 652-651.—ICiinischewitsch (K.) Zur Anato- mie der sogenannten persistirenden Pupillarmembran. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 18S9, xx, 314-321. -----. Ein sel- tener Fall von persistirenden Pupillarmembran. Ibid., 1903, xlvi, 154-162. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1908, xxvii, 595-602.—Smith (F. T.) A case of persistent pupil- lary membrane. Memphis J. M. Sc, 1890-91, ii, 135-137.— Stephenson (S.) Concerning persistent pupillan- membrane, and its frequencv. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. King- dom, Lond., 1892-3, xiii, 139-143, 1 L, 1 pl.—Tsatskin (A. B. ) Membrana pupillaris perseverans oculi utri- usque; hypermetropia magna. Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1907, xxiv, 473-475.—TurnbulKC.S.) Persistent pupil- lary membrane. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc. 1887, Phila., 1888, viii,53.— Wlcherklewlez (B.) Niezvvykle polo- zenie przetrwalej blony zrenicznej (membrana pupilaris perseverans). Post, okul., Krak6w, 1904, vi, 382.— Wintersteiner. Ein Fall von angeborener Pupil- larmembran. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii, 788. -----. Ein Fall von der Hornhaut adharirender, persistirender Pupillarmembran. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, vi, 508-510.—Yamada. [The membrana pupillaris perseverans. ] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, x, 637-656.—Zlrm (E.) Ein Fall von der Cornea adharirender persistirender Pupillarmem- bran. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh,, Stuttg., 1890, xxviii, 288-291. Pupillometers. See, also, Eye (Examination of, Lnstruments for). Blanco. Presentaci6n de un nuevo pupil6metro. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Madrid, 1904, iv, 538-543.— Bordier (H.) & Nogler (T.) Nouveau pupillometre. Rev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1907, xxvi, 529-531.—Bumke. Ein neues Pupillometer. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1,1343.— :u/, B. Georgi, 1903. Pupkiii (Z[akhar] Ya[kovlevich]) [1S54- ]. * K metodikle opredleleniya shtsholochnosti krovi; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovaniye s kri- ticheskim obzorom stvietstvennoi literaturi. [Method of determining the alkalinity of the blood; experimental investigation, with a crit- ical review of corresponding literature.] 80 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, G. I. Zarkhi, 1904. Pupko (Sh[olom.-Shmul. .Nukhimovich] ) [1872- ]. Sravnitelnoye opredieleniye zhe- lleza i hemo^lobina v krovi pri razlichnikh zabolievaniyakh s pomoshtshyu sovremennikh klinicheskikh metodov. [Relative estimation of iron and htemoglobin in the blood in vari- ous diseases with the help of modern clinical methods.] 92pp.,lpl. 8°. [ Varshava, 1902. J Bound tvith: Varshav. univ. izvlest., 1902. Pupo (Carlos). * Recherches experimentales sur la digestion artificielle de l'albumine. 39 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1S99. Puppc. Alkohol und Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. 28 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Puppc (Georg [Gottfried]) [1867- ]. *Un- tersuchungen iiber die Folgezustiinde nach Abortus. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schude, [1890]. Ptippcl (Ernst Emil Max Carl) [1876- ]. * Beitriige zum Studium der Ausbreitung des Gebiihrmutterkrebses inpraeformierten Lymph- bahnen. 51 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kbnigsherg i. Pr., 1900. Puppcl (Richard) [1879- ]. * Die Tuber- kulose der Parotis. 29 pp., 3 1. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Pr., Karg iiera (P.) El pur- geno; nuevo purgante sintetico. Corresp. med., Madrid, 'urgene. 1903, xxxviii. 175.—Schwartz (O.) Ueber den Gebrauch von Purgentabletten als Abfuhrmittel bei Siiuglingen und Erwachsenen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 1557. see, olso, infra, von Vamossy (Z.).—Tiimiicliffe (F. W.) Synthetic purgatives; tlie purerative action of dihvdroxv-phthalo-phenone (phenolphthalein, purgen). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1224-1227.—Interberg (E.) Beitrage zur abfiihrenden Wirkungdes Purgens. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wien, 1902, n. F., iv,203-205.—Vaisen- berg ( S. A.) Novove slabitelnove: purgen. [A new purgative: . . .] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1908, xv, 274.— von Vamossy (Z.) Ueber ein neues Abfuhrmittel (Purgen). Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wien, 1902, n. F., iv, 201. -----. 1st Purgen ein schadlicb.es Abfuhrmittel? Erwiderung auf den Vortrag des Herrn Dr. O. Schwartz. Munchen med. Wchnschr, 1903, 1, 1124. — Wenhardt (J.) Ueber Purgen, ein neues Abfuhrmittel. Heilkunde, Berl., 1902, 212-214.—Wernicke (R.) Nuevo purgante sintetico. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1904, xxvii, 276-280.— Wohlgemuth (R.) Beitrag zur Be- handlung der Obstipation mit Purgen. Med. BL, Wien u. Leipz., 1906, xxix, 222-224. Purgene (Toxicology of). Best. Ein Fall von Purgenvergiftung. Ztschr. f, Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1906, xix, 364. -----. Niiheres iiber Purgenvergiftung und Bemerkungen iiber den Arznei- mittelverkehr. Ibid., 722-727.—Holz (B.) Ueber Pur- gen-Vergiftung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 931. Purgieren, Purgiernuss. pp. 739-772. 12°. [Berlin, 1811.] Cutting from: Kriinitz. Oekon. technol. EncykL, Berl., 1811, pt. 118. Purgo or pnre/ol. von Vamossy i Z.) Egyiij hashajtoszerrol (apurg6- rcl). [A newpurBrative(purgol).] Orvosi hetil.,Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 147; 167. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxviii,899.—Wenhardt (J.) Apurgo, iiihashajt6 szer. [Purgo, a new purgative.] Orvos. lapja, Budapest, 1901, xii, 217. Puri. See Hygiene (Public, Leius, etc., of), by local- ities. Purification (The) and utilization of town sewage by the Whitthread process (patented), and scientific reports thereon. 18 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1874.] [P., v. 2026.] Purin bodies. See, also, Alloxanthine; Caffeine; Guanin; Leucomaines; Pyrimidines; Theobromine; Theophylline; Uric acid; Xanthines. Cabannes(E. ) *Sur les composes puriques de l'organisme. 8°. Montpellier, 1906. Hall (I. "W.) The purin bodies of food stuffs and the role of uric acid in health and disease. 2. ed., revised. 12°. London, 1903. Isaac (S.) ■ * Ueber das Auftreten von Purin- basen bei der Autolyse. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1904. Mouneyrat (A.) La purine et ses derives. 8°. Paris, 1904. Ribakovski (A. A.) *0 klinicheskom zna- chenii opredleleniya vslekh purinovikh tiel v mochle po sposobu Walker Hall'a. [Clinical importance of determining the purin bodies in the urine by the method of . . .] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1904. Staffel (S. A.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Kohlehydrat-Entziehung auf die Purinkorper- ausscheidung im Harn. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. Tarbouriech (J.) *La purine et ses derives. [Paris.] 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Concours. Aeh (X.) Ueber die diuretische Wirkung einiger Purinderivate. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1900, xliv, 319-348. — Benjamin (R.) Ueber Purinbasen-Ausscht-idung. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. u. Chem. Festschr. . . . Ernst Salkowski, Berl., 1904, 61- 73—Bergell (P.> & Bicliter (P. F.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Beziehungen zwischen chemi- scher Constitution und diuretischer Wirkung in der Puringruppe. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1905, i, 655-662.—Bloeh (B.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis dea PURIN. 161 PURIN. Purin bodies. Purinstoffwechsels beim Menschen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905, lxxxiii, 499-522. -----. Die Umwandlung der Purinkorper im Saugetierorganismus. Biochem. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, v, 561; 817; 873.—Bu- rlan (K.) Zur Frage der Bindung der Purinbasen im Nueleiiisiiuremolekul. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1904, xiii, 297. -----. Die Herkunft der endogenen Harn- purine bei Mensch und Saugetier; vorliiufige Mitteilung. Ibid., 1904-5, xliii, 532-546. -----. Pyrimidinderivate aus Purinbasen. Ibid., 1907, li, 438-456. —Burian (R.) & Hall (J. W.) Die Bestimmung der Purinstoffe in tieri- schen Organen mittels der Methode des korrigierten Wertes. Ibid., 1903, xxxviii, 336-395.—Burian (R.) & Scliur (H.) Ueber die Stellung der Purinkorper im menschlichen Stoffwechsel. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, lxxx, 241: 1901, lxxxvii, 239.-----------. Das quantitative Verhalten der menschlichen Harnpurin- ausscheidung; nochmalige Feststellung und kritische Prufung unserer bisherigen Ergebnisse, zugleich Ant- wort auf O. Loewi's Einwiinde. Ibid., 1903, lxxxxiv, 273- 336.—Campbell (H.) Purin-free diets. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1168.—Ciaecio (C.) Sulla loealizzazione dei corpi purinici negli organi dei vertebra ti in condizioni normali e patologiche. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxviii, 298-320.—Courmont (J.) 7'.i.—von Halzner (E.) Puro und seine Bedeulung fiir die Zusnmmen- setzungderBlutfliissigkeit. Heilkunde, Berl.,V.in7 .r.5-69.— Tliluz (P.) Der Fleischsaft Puro. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1904, xiv, 127.—Nied (L.) Ueber die thera- peutische Verwendung von "Puro". Heilkunde, Berl., 1902, 304.—Rattner. Praktische Versuche am Kran- kenbett und in der ambulanten Praxis mit dem Fleisch- saft Puro. Heilkunde, Berl., 1906, 66-69.—Sehai'er. Ueber Puro; Versuche, angestellt in der Krankeuabthei- lung des Zuchthauses Munchen. Wien. med. BL, 1899, xxii, 763-765. ■-----. Le puro; essaisl'aits & l'hfipital de la maison de reclusion de Munich. Progres med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xvii, 280-284.—Schmidt i W. A.) Woraus besteht "Fleischsaft Puro". Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 800-802.—Sehiitte (P.) Puro und seine therapeutische Bewertung. Prakt. Arzt, Leipz., 1908, xlviii, 73-79.— Weinberg (M.) Ueber die Verwendung von "Puro" in der Privatpraxis. Heilkunde, Berl., 1904, 102-105.— Winterberg (J.) Xeuere Versuche und Untersuchun- gen mit dem Fleischsaft "Puro". Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, lxxiii, 295-299. Purple. Dedekind (A.) L'etymologie du mot pourpre ex- pliqu6e par les sciences naturelles. Arch, de zool. exp6r. etgen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1896, 3.S., iv,pp.i-xix, 2pl. -----. Recherches sur la pourpre oxyblatta chez les Assyriens et les Egyptiens. Ibid., 481-516. -----. Sur la fausse pourpre des anciens. Ibid., 1898, 3. s., vi, pp. lxx- lxxviii. -----. La pourpre verte et sa valeur pour In- terpretation des ecris des anciens. Ibid., 467-480. 3 pl.— Dubois (R.) Sur les microbio'ides de la glande k pour- pre du Murex brandaris; leurs transformations et la for- mation de pigment dans des vacuolides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 435-438. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur la pourpre du Murex brandaris; action des lumieres colorees, teinture, purpuro-photographies. Ibid., 718-720.—de Lacaze-Duthlers (H.) Note sur la couleur de la pourpre tirCe des mollusques. Arch, de zool. exper. etg^n. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1896, 3. s., iv, 471-480.—Lietellier (A.) Recherche sur la pourpre pro- duite par le purpura lapillus. Ibid., 1890, 2. s., viii, 361- 408,1 pl.-----. Recherches sur le mecanisme intimede la formation de la pourpre chez le purpura lapillus. Ibid., 1902, 3. s., x, pp. xxxiii-xlii. -----. Recherche sur le mecanisme intime de la formation de la pourpre chez lo purpura lapillus. Ibid., 1903, 4. s., i, pp. xxv-xxix. Purple (Visual). See Retina; Rhodopsin. Purple (Samuel Smith) [1822-1900]. A vale- dictory address delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, January 16,1879. 13 pp. 8°. [New York, 1879.] [P., v. 1999.] -----. Catalogue of the genealogical library of the late ... 2 p. 1., 252 pp., port. 8°. Bos- ton, 1909. For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxliii, 364. Also: Med. Libr. & Hist. J., Brooklyn, 1903, i, 102-116, port. (S. Smith). Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 543. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 542. Also: N.York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 599. Also: Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1896- 1901), 1903, 363-382 (S. Smith). Purpura. See, also, Purpura (Hemorrhagic) [and sub- divisions]; Purpura (Senile); Purpura (Sim- ple); Purpura in children; Purpura with ery- sipelas, etc.; Purpura in pregnancy, etc. Camerarius (A.) & Linsenmann (C. L.) Ex- ercitatio academica sistens a?gram purpura alba majori laborantem. 4°. Tubingx, [1723]. Cheyne (C. C.) *De purpura. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1822. Faessler (W.) * Ueber Purpura aus der me- dicinischen Klinik in Zurich. 8°. Zurich, 1894. Grotjahn (A.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Purpura. 8°. Berlin, [1894]. Ginther (J. G. ) *De purpura miliari. sm. 4°. Argenlorati, 1764. Mornu (J.) * Contribution a l'etude du pur- pura. 8°. Paris, 1905. PURPURA. 163 PURPURA. Purpura.. Xeicrantz (P.) De purpura liber singularis, in quo febrium malignarum natura et curatio proponitur. 4°. Lubecx, 1648. Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] de purpura? antiquo et novo pigmento. 4°. Gottingn, 1741. Also, in his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 73-80. Stephenson* (G. H.) *De h?emorrhea pete- chial!. 8°. Edinburgi, 1822. Babonneix (L.) & Tixier (L.) Sur un cas de pur- pura gangreneux. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1908, xii, 337-341. Also: Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1908, x, 91-96.—Barnes (H. E. I Puipura. Brit. M. J., Lond., I 1904, ii, 182.-Baudonin (G.) Le purpura. Union med.. Par., 1896, 4. s., ii, 37-40— Brain we II (B.% On I purpura. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1904-5, iii. 325-360.—Ce- stan (R.) Note sur quelques cas de purpura. Arch, i med. de Toulouse, 1896, ii, .~>lo-Mti.— 4 hiucli (R.) Pur- | pura. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, l^.i,. xvi. 394-397.— De Bla»i (A.) Porpora esantematiea. <.azz. d. osp., Milano, l'.'Ol, xxii. 1541.—Deseroizilles. De deux cas de purpura. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1891, v, 317-.19.—Diehl (A. E. t On the relation of peliosis to the other forms of idiopathic purpura. Buffalo M. J., 1895-45, xxxv, 483 —Diibeli i E.) Ueber Purpura abdo- minalis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1908, xxxviii, 240; 284—Dubois (R.) Sur la purpurase du purpura; a Eropos d'une note de M. A. Letellier. Compt. rend. Soc. de iol., Par., 1903, lv.82.—DunlopiG.H.M.) Persistent pur- pura. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 246.— Evans ( E. C.) Purpura. Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1896, ix.577-5>2.—Ferrari i, A.I Purpura annularis telangiec- todes i.Majocei . i;ior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1908, xlix, 233-236, 2 pl.—Gardner I. A.i i'a-e of purpura. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi. Sul — Gaucher (E.) & "La- capfere. Le purpura chronicle de l'angio-sclerose. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., l.'Ul, 3. s., xviii, 397-402.—Hamiseh J. A.) De ictero flavo cum pur- pura alba Seleeta med. Francof., Francof. ad Viadr., 1743-5. iii, 425-437—Ha j em. Dupurpura. Presse med., Par 1895 233-235.-----. Leber Purpura. Allg.Wien. med. Ztg.,'1897, xiii, ls7;197;209.—Hirtz (E.) & Bernhelm. Deux cas de purpura. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 899-910—Hutinel. Les pur- pura-. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 19o8, xxii, 22'j—Jamieson (W. A.i, Torok iL.) & de Azua y Suarez (J.) Les purpuras. [Rap] Cong.internat.de med. C.-r. 19u3. Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de dermat. e svph., 228-250.—Kennedy (O. A.) Purpura, with re- portof cases. Kentucky M. J., Louisville, 1906-7, ix,865- 872.—Lande. Purpura des cuisses, des jambes, des pieds et de la region lombaire. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 134— Lenez. Trois cas de purpura. Arch. dem6d.etpharm.mil., Par.. 1903,xlii, 45.5-459.—Lenoble (E ) Purpura mvelofde chronique. Cong, franc, de med. 1907. rompi! rend.. Par., 1908,34-39.—Me Ann (D. J.) Purpura. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 658.—Me- Elroy (J B.) Report of three cases associated with purpura. Missi-ippi M. Rec, Vicksburg, 1903. vii, 137- 145— Slacken zfe — Purpura. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), X. Y. A: Lond., 1898, v, 568-585.— Meachen (X. i [Case of persistent purpura.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond.. 1903, xv, 454 _iNeilson i W. H.) Purpura. Wisconsin M. J., Mil- waukee, 1906-7, v, 105-114.—Neptune CI. W.) Purpura. KansasM. J.,Topeka,1895,vii. 6u3-6o5.—Nevyadoniski (P. M.) Sovremennoyesostoyaniye voprosaorazlichnikh formakh idiopaticheskol purpuri (morbus maculosus Werlhofli, purpura simplex, purpura hemorrhagica, pur- pura rheumatica s. peliosis rheumatica, etc.) [Present position of the question of idiopathic purpura.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1902, xiii, 339-361.—Pearee i W. H.) Purpura or scurvy. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1*95. xiv, 488.-Pratt (J. H.) Purpura and haemophilia. ///.- Mod. Med. (Osier). 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1898, iv, 681-734, 1 pl— Quales (X. T.; Purpura. Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii, 306-316.—Queirel. Du purpura. Marseillemed., 1901,xxxviii.289-301.—Kasch (C.) Purpura. Hosp.-Tid., Kj0benh., 189-8, 4. s., vi, 1133- 113-5—Rlsel (H.) Ein Beitrag zu den J'urpura-Lrkran- kungen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1905, lviii, 163-172.— Sachevano(r(E. M.) K kazuistikle purpura. Pro- tok. zasaid. i trudi Obsh. Simpheropolsk. vrach., 1893, iv 32-37 —Sandall (T. E.; A note on a case of pur- pura. Lancet, Lond.,1901,ii, 1731-Sautini (A.i Con- tributo alio studio delle porpore. Med. ital., Xapoli, 1905, iii, 2; 23; 42; 62.—Spirt (E.) Reflexiuni, asupra doua cazuri de purpura. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1907, xxvii, 170- 177—Steffen (A.) Ueber Purpura. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893-4, n. F., xxxvii, 1-28.—Stengel t A. i Pur- pura. Progr. Med , Phila. & N. Y., 18.99. ii. 29*.—Sulrin (S ) Doug casurl de purpura. Romania med., Bucu- rescl, 1900, viii, 104-114.— TiJrok (L.) Les purpuras. Cong. int. de med. C. r. sect, de dermat. et syph. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, 230-246. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et Purpura. svph., Par., 1903, xv, 251-266. Also, transl.: Rev. e~pan. de dermat. y sif.. Madrid. 1906, viii, 105; 145; 193.—Wal- lace (R.) Angioneurotic purpura. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 616.— White iW. H.i Purpura. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1900, xiv, 461-46*.—Wynne (E. T.) Xotes on two cases of purpura. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1889, xxv, 165-167. Purpura (Alctdtolic). See Purpura (Ca uses, etc., of). Purpura (Arthritic). See Purpura (Causes, etc. ,of). Purpura (Beicteriology of). See Purpura (Causes, etc., of); Purpura (Hx- morrhagic, Causes, etc., of); Purpura in chil- dren. Purpura (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Iodine (Toxicology of, etc.); Pur- pura (ILemorrhagic, Causes, etc., of); Purpura in children. Apert (E.) *Le purpura. Sa pathogenie et celle de ses diverses varietes cliniques. 8°. Paris, 1897. B e n a (H.) * L' hematologie et la pathogenie du purpura. 8°. .Paris, 1896. Farcy (L.) * Etude sur le purpura secon- daire. 8°. Paris, 1901. Giraux (A.) *Le purpura et les maladies in- fectieuses. 8°. Paris, 1903. Grenet(H.) * Pathogenie du purpura. Re- cherches cliniques et experimentale. 8°. Pa- ris, 1905. Harle (E. F.) * Ueber Purpura und ihr Yerhaltniss zumSkorbut. 8°. Heidelberg, 1896. Lapin (J.) *Le purpura infectieux; son etiologie, sa pathogenie, ses varietes cliniques. 8°. Lyon, 1898. Mosser (A.) * Ueber rheumatoide Purpura. 8°. Strassburg, 1899. Pareur P.-L.-E.) * Du purpura de l'epilep- sie. s°. Paris, 1901. Poirrier (J.) * Contribution a l'etude du purpura alcoolique. 8°. Ports, 1890. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Portais (J.) * Le purpura; considerations etiologiques et pathogeniques., 4°. Paris, 1896. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1896. Tuor (A.) * Ueber Blutbefunde bei Pur- pura nach Beobachtungen der Ziircher Klinik. 8°. Zurich, 1907. Will (E.) * Quelques considerations sur les taches hemorrhagiques a propos d'une cachexie alcoolique. 4°. "Strasbourg, 1872. Acliard (C.) Infection streptococcique apyretique; purpura et peritonite latente. Med. mod., Par., 1894, v, 1477-1479. — Allaria ( G. B. ) Ricerche ematologiche sulle porpore. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1903, i, 649- 660 —Antony. Purpura infectieux avec examen bacte- riologique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 72-74.—Apert (E.) La pathogenie du purpura. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 473-480.—Bellei (G. ) & Bosehi (E. ) Ricerche batteriologiche in un caso di porpora infettiva primitiva. Riforma med., Pa- lermo, 1899, xv, pt. 2. 75-78— Bensaude (R.) Etat du caillotdans le pupura. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 118-1J0— Berard i A. I & Boubier (C.) Clas- sification et pathogenie des- purpuras. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1907, lxxx, 1635; P',71. —Boulloche. Sur une formespe- cialedepurpura infectieux. J. declin. et de therap.inf., Par., 1899, vii, 693.—Brazzola (F.) Ricerche batterio- logiche ed anatomo-patologiche sulla porpora. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1893, 5. s., iii, 107-114, 1 pl. -----. LTteriori ricerche sull' etiologia e patogenesi della por pora; biologia del bacillo della porpora. Ibid., 695-701.—Breton. Purpura et intoxications. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1899, xiii, 37-39.—Brfln- niche (A.) Purpura; endocarditis. Hosp.-Tid., Kj0- benh, 1891, 3. R., ix, 1146; 1161.—Buckley (C. W.) A rare form of purpura complicating diphtheria. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 132.— Charrin. Purpura experimental. PURPURA. 164 PURPURA. Purpura (Caxms and pathology of). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 425'— (ha- voi.v. Purpura survenu A la suite du traitement d'une hydrocele par la ponction et l'iniection iod6e. Mem. et bull. Soc. demed. etchir. de Bordeaux U896), 1897,537.— (.'laisse (P.) Note sur un cas de purpura k pneumo- coque. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1891, iii, 379-385. -----. Pathogenie des purpuras infectieux. Bull, med., Par., 1896, x, 855-857.—De-Bcnetletti (B.) Contribution k 1'eLude del'tHiologieet pathogenie du pur- pura primitif. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1904, vi, 209- 231.—Kason (J.) Mechanical and orthostatic purpura. Edinb. M. J., 1908, n. s.. i, 121-140, 1 pl.—Eaton ( G. L. ) Gonorrheal rheumatic purpura. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1903, xvii, 82-81.—Ferrier (J.) Du purpura infectieux. Province med., Lyon, 1896, x.55; 68.—Good- all (E. W.) & Basan (('. i A case of purpura following diphtheria. Lancet, Loud., 1901, ii, 1492.—Grenct (H.) Purpura experimental. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1509-1511. Also; Arch. gen. de med , Par., 1904, i, 129-134, 1 pl. -----. Etat du caillot dans le purpura. Tribune med., Par., 1903, 2. s., xxxv, 438. Also: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 392-396.— Grossinann. Epistaxis et purpura iodique a repetition. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par., 1906, v, 231.—Halbreeht. [Cas de purpura d'origine infectieuse.] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1884, no. 33, 100-110.—Hallopeau & Bibot ( A. ) Sur la presence de trainees purpuriques correspondant k des trainees de grattage. Ann. de der- mat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 613. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 296.—Hanot (V.) & liiizet (C.) Note sur le purpura k streptocoques au cours delam6ningitecerebro-spinalestreptococcienne; transmission du purpura de la mere au netus. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1890, ii, 772-785. — Havas (L.) Ueber einen Fall von cerebraler Menin- gealhiimorrhagie bei Purpura. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 574. — Head (U. li. ) A case of arthritic purpura, with nephritis Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1901, xxxi, 379.—Herringliaiu (\V. P.) Of purpura, and especially of that form which occurs in sarcoma, lymphadenoma, and tubercle. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond., 1903, xxxviii, 117-128. —Hirtz. Les purpuras infectieux primitifset les purpuras secondaires. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1902, lxxv, 157-160. — Jaunln ( I'. ) Purpura et moelle osseuse. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1897, xvii, 450-454. — Kellogg (VV. ('.) A case of arthritic purpura. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 461.—liaconiine (J.) Deux cas de purpura infec- tieux benin. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1899, xviii, 9-15.— Laiiccreaux (E.) Hemorragies nevropathiques de la peau; purpura. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 1224-1227.—Lannois (M.) & Cour- moiit (J.) Surun casde purpura infectieux. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1892, iv, 114-126.—La- pin (J.) Deux casde purpura infectieux. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 225-227. Also', transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1898, xliii, 400; 414.—Lebreton. Un cas de pur- pura infectieux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 37-41.—Lelcowlteh (C. H.) Diabetic purpura. Am. Med., Phila., 1906, xi, 103.—Lenoble (E.) Le caillot et le s6rum des purpuras, leur valeur clinique, pronostique et pathogtfnique. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, int.,320-334. Also: Arch. prov. de med., Par., 1900, ii, 420-435.—Loebel (A.) Ein Fall von Purpura bei eintretendem Klimakterium. Cen- tralbl. f. dynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 121-123.—ITIacaiish (W.) Scorbutic purpura. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xx, 144.— Mareou-JTIutzner. Purpura infec- tieux et scorbut. Arch. gen. de m^d., Par., 1901, n. s., vi, 406-412.— Tiery. Purpura et .anemie. J. de med. int., Par., 1904, viii, 281.—Itliron. Purpura d'origine palu- dique. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1905, 3. s., xxii, 595. Also, transl.: Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 549.— IHosse & Iversenc. Purpura infectieux suraigue; in- suffisance hepatique d'origine polvmicrobienne. Gaz. med. de Nantes, is;i7-8, xvi, 310.—Mouisset & Lyon- net. Purpura infectieux. Province med., Lyon, 1895, ix, 1-4.—IVluir (K.i A case of purpura and intense anaemia with marked deficiency in the red bonemarrow. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 909-911.—Nixon (C. J.) Pur- pura variolosa. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875-7, n. s., vii, 247.—Nouvelles recherches sur la pathogenie du pur- pura. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1905, lxxvi, 801- 804.— OikonoillOS (G; A.) 2um)3oAtj twv drainaAui/ £vfj.tov rov 7re7TTi/cou (rcoArji/os iv ttj ainoAoyt'a tt)s Trop<\>vpa<;. 'larpixos p.rfvvT(ip, 'Adqpai, 1906, vi, 69-71.—I*eake (F. E.) Case of arthritic purpura. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 14.— Potain. Des causes du purpura. Bull, med., Par., 1890, iv, 645— Bend u. Le purpura exanthematique et sa pathogenie. Semaine med., Par., 1898, xviii, 233.— Benon(L.) Pathogenie du purpura. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1897, i, 725-736.—Kocaz (C.) De la patho- genie des purpuras; a propos d'un cas de purpura rhuma- toide. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1900,184-190.— Kosenberry (B. P.) A case of arthritic purpura. J Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 2137. —Bossi (A.) La porpora cancerigna; contribuzione anatomo-patologica alio studio delle emorragie sintomatiche della pelle. Purpura (Causes andpathologii of). Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, lsyi, xii, 530-532. — Neholield (S. P.) Infective purpura. Lancet, Loud., 1905, ii, s7s.— Schwab i A.) Purpura mvelopathique d'origine infec- tieuse. Med. mod., Par., 1893, iv, 1070-1072.—Starr (N.) Two cases of purpura arthritica. Clinique, Chicago, 1903, xxiv. 523. Stelt'en (W.) Hamatorhachis und Hiima- tomvelie bei Purpura mit Sectionsbefund. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1896, n. F., xiii, 288-295—Stengel (A.) Iodic purpura with fever. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., xviii, 1-7. Also, Reprint.—Variot. Purpura et granulie. J. de med. int., Par., 1904, viii, 226.—Voitu- riez. Du purpura pneumonique (purpura a pneumo- coquea). J.d.sc. med. de Lille, 1891, ii, 601-612.— Weisz (F.) Ein Fall von Purpura in Folge gonorrhoischer Allgemeininfection. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, lvii, 189-192. Also, transl.: Orvos. lapja, Bu- dapest, 1901, xii, 319.—Zimiuerinann (K. J.) Einige Bemerkungen fiber gewisse den Blutgefiissen zukom- mende Anomalien, nebst der Beobachtung eines fieber- losen Morbus petechialis. Abhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zuErlang., Niirnb., 1812, ii, 275-283. Purpura (Chronic). See Purpura (Complications of); Purpura in children. Purpura (Complications of). See, also, Parotitis (Epidemic, Cornjdiceitiom of); Purpura with erythema, etc. CARDEiLnAC (L.) * De la cachexie pigmen- taire consecutive aux purpuras. 8°. Paris, 1898. Nanu ( C. G. ) * Purpura chronique a grandes ecchymoses. 8°. Paris, 1900. de Raffix de la Raffixi (G. H.) * Pur- pura et tuberculose. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Aehard (C.) & Grenet (H.) Purpuraorthostatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. d. Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 96. See, also, infra, Danlos. — Apert (E.) Foie pig- mentaire k la suite de purpuras repetes. Bull, med., Par., 1898, xii, 665-668. -----. Purpura recidivant a pous- sees mensuelles, co'incidant avec des hemorragies anales periodiques, chez 1'homme. Ibid., 1899, xiii, 9. -----. Des pousses provoqu^es par la position debout dans le purpura exanthematique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1904,3. s., xxi, 107-109.—Balzer (F.) & GaIup(J.) Le purpura annulaire telangiecta- sique. Med. mod., Par., 1908, xix, 25.—Bo wen (J. T.) The association of purpura and acute circumscribed oedema. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1892, N. Y., 1893, xvi, 110- 117. Also: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1892, x, 434-440. Also, Reprint.—Brand weiner (A.) Purpura annularis teleangiectodes. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1906, xliii, 529-543.—Bruek (A.) Purpura rheu- maticaund Angina. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900,xxxvii, 1005-1009.—Cohen (S. S.) A case of purpura rheuma- tica, with edema of the genitalia, in a mulatto child. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 352.— Danlos. A propos dela communication de M. Aehard sur le purpura ortho- statique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 110.—Debrie (E.-J.) Un cas de purpura chro nique a vastes ecchymosos et k recidives indefinies. Bull. med., Par., 1900, xiv, 1297-1299.—Dumas. Purpura in- fectieux survenu chez un tuberculeux et suivi d'une hemorragie cerebrale rapidement mortelle. Arch, de med. etpharm.mil., Par., 1903, xii, 527-532.—Edes (R.T.) A case of meningeal hemorrhage and nephritis super- vening upon a purpuric diathesis of twentv-five vears' duration. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1902, xvii, 565- 569. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 596-598.—Gatti (A.) Sulla rigenerazione della porpora e sul comporta- mento dell' epitelio pigmentoso nella retina esposta ai raggi Rontgen. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1897, xxvi,344-351. Alsojransl: Arch.ital.de biol.,Turin, 1897-8,xxviii,47-49.— Hamilton (W. F.) A case of purpura with recurrent attacks. Montreal M. J., 1902, xxxi, 875-877.— Irigaray (F.) Un caso de purpura con recidiva. Clin, mod., Zara- goza, 1905, iv, 1000.—Johnston (H. A.) A case of pur- pura with gangrene (dry) of the nose. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 400.—Labbe (M.) Purpura et leucemie lvmpha- tique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1905,3. s., xxii, 45-50. -Labbe (M.) & Beaujard. Purpura et leucemie lympho'ide chronique. Ibid., 828.—Majocchi (D.) Purpura annularis teleangiectodes; Teleangiectasia foUicularis annulata; klinische Beobachtungen und his- tologische Untersuchungen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xliii, 447-468, 1 pl. -----. Purpura annularis teleangiectodes. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist.di Bologna, 1903-4, 6. s., i, 355: 1905, 6. s., ii, 3, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Rendic. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bolopna. 1903-4, n. s., viii, 140: 1904-6, n. s., ix, 51.—Mostly (lv i A: Harvier(P.) Purpura rhumatoide tuberculeux avec fluxions pleurales, survenu spontane'ment, puis reveille1 par des injections de tuberculine. Bull, et m6m. Soc. PURPURA. 165 PURPURA. Purpura (Complications of). m6d. d. hop.de Par., 1907. 3. s., xxiv,134-141. Also [Abstr.]: Tribune med.. Par., 1907, n. s., xxxix, 85. Atso, transl. [Abstr.]: Tribune Med., Am. ed., N. Y., 1907, iii, 85- 87._^los*!»e & Iverseng. Purpura infectieux aigu et insutlisance hepatique. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1898, Par., 1899, xxvii, 198.—Parker (H. F.) A case of purpura with nephritis, followed by slough- ing of skin. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1903-4, xi, 7.— Bavogli (A.) Purpura recurrens. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1893, xvii, 545-651. — Salazar de Sousa (J.) Um cuso de purpura intermittente reci- divante, ligada a hysteria (?l. Arch, de med., Lisb., 1898-9, ii, 17-20.—Saundby (R.) Orthostatic purpura. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 946.— Stelwagon (H. W.) A case of purpura with circinate lesions. J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1887, v, 369, 1 pl.—Zemlinski (V. Z.) K voprosu o svyazi mezhdu morbus maculosus Werlhofii i tuberkulyozom. [Connection between . . . and tuber- culosis.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 595. Purpura (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See, also, Purpura (Hemorrhagic, Diagnosis, etc., of); Purpura in children. Adam (M.) * De l'oedeme dans le purpura. 4°. Boris, 1892. Apert (E.) Le purpura; sa pathogenie et celle de ses di verses varietes cliniques. 8°. Paris, 1897. Rerolle (A.) * Etude clinique du purpura infectieux a forme typhoide (typhus angeio- hematique). 8°. Lyon, 1901. Vigier (J.-B.-P.) *Du classement des pur- puras. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Armand-Delille (P.) Deux cas de purpura a topo- graphie radiculaire. Rev. neurol., Par., 1905, xiii, 775- 778.—Bergasse. Purpura infectieux primitif k forme typhoide. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par.. 1907, xlix, 438-442. Also: Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Dr6me [etc.], Valence & Par., 1907, viii, 199-203.—Bo wen (J. T.) The association of purpura and acute circumscribed oedema. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1892, x, 434-440.— Caniilleri (E. S.) Purpura e sue varie forme. Boll. med.-chir., Tunisi, 1894-5, i, 117-123.—Constantin (E.) Note clinique et histologique sur un cas de purpura papu- leux. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1905, xvii, 489- 496.—Daiuura (K.) Jabaiibyo shitsuken. [Clinical note on purpura.] Hokuetsu Ikwai Kwaiho, Tokio, 1893, no. 60, 1-8.—Faivre. Purpura infectieux k forme leu- cemique. Poitou me-d., Poitiers, 1904, xviii, 76-81.— Gordon (H. L.) A rare form of purpura. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 433.—Hutchinson (J.) On the two forms of purpura. Polyclin., Lond., 1900, iii, 272-274.— Hutinel. De quelques varietes cliniques du purpura. Semaine med., Par., 1890, x, 105.— Lenoble (E.) Les purpuraset leurs modalitescliniquesd'apresleur formule sanguine. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 1097-1112. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 827-829. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1126. -----. La concep- tion des purpuras d'apres leur formule anatomo-sanguine. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path.. Par., 1903, xv, 238; 279.—Mason (G.) Purpura; svmptoms and diagnosis. Milwaukee M. J.. 1906, xiv, 127-129.— Jlorton (W. W.) Was it purpura? Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliii, 282.— Oliver (T.) Various forms of purpura. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, iv, 1-13, 2 pl— Pritehard (F. H.) The semeiological value of purpuric eruptions in blood dis- eases. Med. Times, N. Y., 1899, xxvii, 264.—Boger (H.) Purpura metamerique. Presse med., Par., 1902, i, 447.— Bosenblath (\V.) Ueber einen eigenartigen Fall von Blutfleokenkrankheit. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxix, 21- 29.—Silberniann (O.) Klinische und experimentelle Beobachtungen iiber Pur- pura. Paediat. Arb., Berl., 1890, 237-256.—Spa ight (H. W.) A peculiar caseof purpura. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1650.—Tliibierge (G.) Le purpura et ses principales formes. , Reprint.—Lowry (Agnes). Purpura hemorrhagica. Med. Kec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 551-553— llcCa 11 (J. K.) Purpura hemor- rhagica. Vet. Rec. Lond.. 1901. xiv, 276.—Mailly (H.) Three cases of purpura. I'niv. M. Mas'., I'hila., 1892-3. v, 260-263.—Martin (R.) A caseof purpura hemorrhagica. Clinique, Chicago, 1900, xxi, 380-382. —Massanek (G.) Werlhof-k6r chronikus esete. [A chronic case of Werl- hof's dfsea.se.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1903, xlvii. 441. Also: Budapesti orv. ujsag., 1963. i, 116. Also, tnuisl.: Pest-med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 965.—Mi- toma (K.) [A case of Werlhof's disease] Kvo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo, 1897, ix, no. lo, 7-10. — Miura '(S.) [A case of purpura haemorrhagica.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1900, xxi, 73-80.—Morilz (O.) Zur Kasuistikdes Morbusrnaculosus Werlhofii. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1315.—Mossc (M.) Zur Kennt- nis der Pseudoleukaemie und der Werlhofschen Krank- heit. Verhandl. d.Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Leipz., 1905, ii, 2. Hlfte., 65-68. — Nagatomi (J.) [A case or morbus maculosus Werlhofii.] Chiugai Iji Shin- po, Tokio, 1896, xvii, no.395.19-24.—Nakahara. [Some cases of the disease of Werlhoff.] Hifubyog. kin Hinio- kibyog. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1903. iii, 372-374. — Neiedoff (V. V.) SluchalmorbusmaculoviisWerlhofii. [Case.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxx. 319-326.—Nehrkorn. Beitrag zur Purpura hemorrhagica. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1372.—Nesterovski (I. M.) K kazu'istikle Werlhof'ovol bollezni. [Case of Werlhoff's disease.] Dletsk. med., Mosk., 1898, iii, 117-11'.'—Nikitin (W.N.) Ein Fall von Werlhof'scher Krankheit. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1901, n.F., xviii, 387.— Ozenne (E.) Pur- pura hemorrhagique non febrile (type Werlhof); mi- trorragies chez une jeune fille de 19 ahs, vierge et obese. Med. inf., Par., 1901, iii, 242-244.—Paisley <('. A>) Pur- pura hemorrhagica. J. Comp. M. &. Vet. Arch., Phila., 1902, xxiii, 441.—Pakhomofr (S. M.) Sluchal Werl- hof'ovol pyatnistol bollezni. [Wrerlhoff's disease.] Vo- venno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1905, i, med.-spec.pt., 496- 500—Pasalski (A. A.) Sluchal Werlhoff'ovol bollezni. [Werlhof's disease.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1898-9, xvi. 79-83.—Peters. [Ueber Morbus Werlhofii.] St. Pe- fersb. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx, 194.—Pick (A.) Zur Kenntnis der Purpura haemorrhagica. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903,xvii, 313; 340.—Piatt. Purpura haemor- rhagica. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1892, iii, 75.— Pope(D. H.) Acase of purpura haemorrhagica. Brit. Purpura (IlreniarrJiaqir). M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1364— Porter (W. H.) Purpura hemorrhagica. Post-Graduate, N. V., 1897, xii, 448^154.— Porto (A.) Um caso de purpura hemorrhagica verda- deira ou purpura mveloide. Tribuna med., Rio deJan., 1906, xii, 310-319.—Powell (W. L.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica. Chicago M. Obs., 1898, i, 37.—Prentiss (D. W.) Purpura hemorrhagica rheumatica (peliosis rheumatica; morbus maculosus Werlholfii). Tr. Assoc. Am. Phys.. Phila., 1890, v, 186-190. Also, Reprint.— Bachtord (B.K.) Purpura hemorrhagica. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 433-435. Also, Reprint.—Bosenblatt. Purpura haemorrhagica czy haemophilia. Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1892, xxxi, 383-385.—Kottot. Purpura hemor- ragique. Union m.—Knott (J. F.) Heredity in pur- pura haemorrhagica. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1888. vi, 33-37. Also, Reprint.—Knowles ( F. C.) Hem- orrhagic purpura caused bv scurvy; report of a fatal case. Am. Med., Phila. & York, Pa., 1908, n. s., iii, 30-32—Kolb (M.) Zur Aetiologie der idiopathischen Blutflecken- krankheit (Purpura hamorrhagica, Morbus maculosus Werlhofii). Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1891, vii, 60-82, 4 pl.—Konstantinovieh (V. N.) K voprosu ob etiologii i patologo-anatomicheskikh izmleneniyakh pri morbus maculosus Werlhofii. [Sur l'^tiologie et l'anato- mie pathologique de la maladie de Werlhoff. Extr., 590.] Russk.arch, patol. klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1899, viii, 541-551.—Le Count (E. R.) A; Batty (A. J.) Pur- pura hemorrhagica with generalized infection with ba- cillus paratvphosus. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1907,iv, 175- 186, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1907-8, vii, 47^19.—Le Dautee. Contribution k l'etude du pur- pura hgmorrhagique infectieux. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m£d. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 5.—Lenoble (K.) Purpura h£morrhagique consecutif k un choc sur la region des reins s'accompagnant de phenomenes h£morrhagiques nombreux (h£maturie, epistaxis); absence de reactions sanguines caracteristiques. Arch. d. mal. ducoeur [etc.], Par., 1908, i, 475-179.—Letzerieh (L.) Ueber die Aetio- logie und die Kenntniss der Purpura haemorrhagica (Morbus maculosus Werlhofi), nebst therapeutischen Be- merkungen. Ztschr. f. Klin. Med., Berl., 1890-91, xviii, 517—52/.— MacLeod (G. E.) Case of purpura haemor- rhagica following Malta fever or Mediterranean fever. Lancet, Lond., 1897. i, 1410.—Marion (J.) Rapport de deux observations de purpura hemorrhagique au cours des flevres typhoides. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1903-4, v, 396-399—Mason (J.) A contribution to the pathology of purpura haemorrhagica. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1898, xvii, 203.—Ogata (K.) & Nashima (A.) [Rheu- matic purpura haemorrhagica.] Tokyo Ij*i-Shinshi, 1897, no. 1014, 1-7.—Purpura hemorrhagica de origen palu- dico. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1900-1901, xxiii, 166.—Rino- napoli (E.) Poche considerazioni sulle esplicazioni della diatesi emorrhagica; caso di porpora perniciosa. Purpura (Hsemorrhagic, Causes and pa- thology of). Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1887, v, 200-204.—Bist (E.) 8l Paris (A.) Purpura hemorrhagiqtie et m6ningite ccrebro-spinale k diplocoques de Weichselbaum. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 314-321.—Boeea (C.) Uicerche eniatologiche sulla porpora emorragica. Boll. d. mal. ven., sif. e d. pelle, Roma, 1899-1900, i, 6; 19.— Bubovits (W. H.) Report on the pathology of a case of-purpura hemorrhagica. Chicago M. Recorder, 1901, xxi, 390-393. [Discussion], 469-475.—Sabunayelf (M.) K voprosuobetiologiimorbimaculosi Werlhofii. Sihirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1904, ii, 249-251.—Santini (A.) Reperto batteriologico in porpora emorragica. La- von d. Cong, di med. int. 1903, Padova, 1904, xiii, 291.— Seliram (A. W.) The infectious origin of purpura hemorragica. Chicago M. Recorder, 1901, xxi, 386-390. [Discussion], 409-475—Seliram (A. W.) & Bubovits (W. H.) The infectious origin of purpura hemorrhagica. Phila. M. J., 1902, x, 229-232.—Shiperovieh (M. V.) K patogenezu Werlhof'ovol bollezni. [Pathogenesis of Werl- hoff's disease.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1894, v, 1001; 1025.—Sicard (A.) Caracteres relatifs au se- rum sanguin dans certaines varie46s de purpura hemor- ragica. Compt. rend. Soc. d. biol., Par., 1899, 11. s., i, 679- 581.—Spietsehka (T.) Ueber einen Blutbefund bei Purpura haemorrhagica. Arch. f. Dermat. u.Syph, Wien, 1891, xxiii, 265-274, 2 pl.—Stewart (S. G.) Septic pur- pura hemorrhagica. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1894, vi, 601.— Tiiiiasheff(S.) K etiologii bollezni Werlhof'a (mor- bus maculosus Werlhofii). Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1900, v, 183-190.—Tizzoni (G.) & Giovannini (S.) Ricerche batteriologiche e sperimentali sullagenesi dell' infezione emorragica. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1889, 4 s., ix, 739-762, 1 pl.—Tizzoni (G.) & Tizzoni (S.) Bakteriologische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der hamorrhagischen Infection. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, vi, 301- 330, 2 pl.—Tonge (E.) Purpura haemorrhagica follow- ing sea bathing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 15.—Tripp (G. A.) Purpura hemorrhagica due to ptomain poison- ing. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1903, i, 321. [Discussion], 336.—Wallace (J. R.) Acase of purpura haemorrhagica, illustrating the strange connection of a shock during menstruation as the cause of this disease. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1892, iii, 121. Purpura (Haemorrhagic, Complications of)- Robert (L.) * Purpura hemorragique et tu- berculose chronique. 8°. Paris, 190-4. Ausset (E.) Sur un cas de maladie de Werlhoff re- cidivante, avec h^maturies lors de la derni£re atteinte. Bull. Soc. centr. de m£d. du nord, Lille, 1900, 2. s., iv, 160-165. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1900, iv, 221.— Bauer (P.) Purpura haemorrhagica bei Tuberkulose. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 748.— Bazal- gette (H.) Maladie de Werlhoff avec otite hemorra- gique. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 519.—Bensaude(R.) &Bivet(L.) Purpura hemorrha- gique et tuberculose. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect, 5, 349-370. Also [Abstr.]: Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 469. —Blaker (P. S.) A retropharyngeal blood cyst in a case of purpura haemorrhagica. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 944.—Burch (J. H.) An obstinate case of purpura hemorrhagica. Med. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxiv, 427-131. —Bureau (M.) Sur la maladie de Werlhof (purpura hemorragique primitif apvrrjtique). Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1904, 2. s., xxii, 201-206. — Carnot (P.), Bensaude (R.) & Harvier (P.) Un cas de purpura hemorragique grave pr6-tuberculeux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 374-383.—Car- ruth ers (S. W.) Purpura haemorrhagica with fatal re- sult from cerebral haemorrhage. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, clin. sect., 120-123.— Casarini (C.) Por- pora emorragica di origine si til it ica. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1897-8, xii, 50-50 —Chauffard. Purpura grave chez un tuberculeux. Med. mod.. Par., 1908, xix, 115.—Citelli (S.) Un caso molto raro di sordomutismo per porpora emorragica. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], 1905-6, xvii, 276-281—Compton (W.) Purpura hemorrhagica, complicating tonsillar abscess; excessive hemorrhage from the tonsil. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1896, Wash., 1897, i, 48-53.—Corsinl (R.) Un caso di porpora emorra- gica sifilitica. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1890, ii, 241-248.— Dandois(L.) Le purpura hemorragique dans la tu- berculose. Rev. m£d. de Louvain, 1906, 251.— Bern- bach. Morbus maculosus mit Lahmungserscheinungen. Ztschr. f. Veteriniirk., Berl., 1907, xix, 174-179—Kunze (F.) Ein schwerer Fall von Morbus maculosus Werl- hofii. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, lix, 1525-1527 — Fiorentini (E.) Ricerche su di un caso di porpora emorragica sopravvenuta nel decorso di una adenite in- guinale. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1903, li, 289- 295.—Friedlandert Fall von Purpura haemorrhagica, PURPURA. 168 PURPURA. Purpura (Hemorrhagic, Complications of)- kombiniert mit Lungentuberkulose. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xiii, 649-651.—Gastou (P.) Purpura he- morrhagique et pleuresie interlobaire gauche. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 1195-1201. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 489- 495.—Gibbs < .1. S.) Laryngeal symptoms complicating a case of purpura hemorrhagica. Tr. Am. Laryngol., RhinoL, & Otol. Soc. 1902, N. Y., 1903, viii, 134-138. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Med., Phila.,, 1902, iv, 624.—Gil- bert ( A. ) & Weil ( E. ) Etude hematologique d'un cas de purpura hemorragica chez un tubercu- leux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 995-997.— iJirgiiiotr. Yedin sluchal s "purpura hae- morrhagica retinae ". [Onecaseof . . .] Spis. na Sofiysk. Med. Druzh., 1900-1901, i, 489-498.—Gossner. Purpura haemorrhagica bei Genitaltuberkulose. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 451.—Grenet (H.) Reac- tions nerveuses dans le purpura exanthematique. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 917-921. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 868.— Hoke (E.) Ein Fall von Morbus maculosus Werlhofii nebst localer, chronischer Tuberculose in den Nieren, in den rechtsseitigen iliacalen und retroperitonealen Lymphdriisen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x. 784-786.— Jacobson (N.) Hemorrhagic appendicitis as the first manifestation of purpura haemorrhagica. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 207.—Jolly (J.) Purpura hemorrhagique chez un nouveau-ne syphilitique; hemorrhagies gastro- intestinales; autopsie; ulceration de l'intestin grele. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 180-183. Also: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1896, xiv, 517-521.—Kano (K.) [Ocular haemorrhage accompanying morbus macu- culaeus Werlhofii.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899, iii, 433-130.—Kisel (A. A.) K voprosu o svyazi mezhdu Werlhof'ovol belleznyu i bugorchatkol. [Connection between Werlhoff's disease and tuberculo- sis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 929-932.—Lies- man (B.) Purpura hemorrhagica; land scurvy; ab- scess of brain; case. Med. Summary, Phila., 1896-7, 37- 39.—Luce ill.) Ueber einen Fall von Werlhofscher Krankheit mit intraperitonealer Blutung. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1893-4, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1896, iv, 465-480.—Madzsar (J.) Morbus maculosus (?) kap- csan feliepett szajiiri ttinetek. [Symptoms of the buccal cavity developed after . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 142. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1902, vii, 203.—Martin (C. F.) rrhagic, Treatment of). dulaireet hepatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 318-329.—Lu-per (M.) & Crou- zon (0.) Un cas de purpura hemorragique traite par l'adrenaline; guerison. Bull, med., Par., 1903, xvii, 741-743.—Lusignoli (A.) Morbo del Werlhof; guarigi- one con iniezioni endovenose di sublimato. Riforma med., Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 4,578-581. Also: Brazil-med., Riode Jan., 1901, xv, 383-385. Also, transl.: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1901, n. s., v, 27-32.—McLeod (J. H.) The serum treatment in purpera haemorrhagica. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1903-4, xxvii, 228. Also: .1. ('(imp. Med. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1903, xxiv, 166-168—Mauclaire. Hemostase chez les h6mophiles; injection hemostatique de serum anti-diphterique chez un malade atteint de purpura hemorragique; insucces. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 343—Millard. Purpura hemor- rhagica rebelle; guerison a u bout de neuf mois, confirmee par l'examen du sang, suivant le precede de M. le profes- seur Hayem. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1897,3. s., xiv, 229-239.—Morestin (H.) Purpura he- morragique d'une gravite extreme; resurrection veritable par les injections de serum de cheval, selon la methode de Weill. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 866-869.—Pigot (A.) Sur un cas de purpura hemorrhagique gueri par des injections de serum artifi- ciel. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 990—Pize. Emploi du perchlorure de fer dans le traitement du pur- pura haemorrhagica, et de son action sedative sur le cceur. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1859-60, xxv, 686; 719; 733; 748; 760; 807; 828; 905; 957; 990; 1002. — Sansoui (A. E.) Case of purpura haemorrhagica with acute pem- phigus, probably induced by influenza; treatment by large doses of sodium sulpho-carbolate; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1893-4,xxvii, 239-244.—Mehelfler. Un cas de maladie de Werlhof; hemophilic; traitement par la medication thyroidienne. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1901, xxxvii, 246-248.—Senni (G.) Un caso di morbo di Werlhof guarito colle iniezioni sottocutanee di gelatina. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1900, xxi, 150-152.— Sereni (S.) Due casi di porpora emorragicaguariti con la gelatina somministrata per la via rettale. Policlin., Roma, 1900-1901, vii, 1458-1402. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1902, xix, 169-176. — Shendrikovski (I. I.) Sluchal pyatnistol (Werlhof'ovol) bollezni i kro- veostanavlivayushtsheye pri nel dieistviye stiptitsina. [Purpura hemorrhagica and the haemostatic quality of stypticin] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, ii, med.'-spec. pt., 555-558.—Tito (G.) Un caso di morbo maculoso di Werlhof curato con iniezioni ipodermiche di adrenalina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 714.— Tomaseili Peratoner (A.) Contributo alia cura della porpora emorragica. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899, Roma, 1900, x, 452-455. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 1477.—Wojniez (A.) Leczeniepalmicy krwa- wej surowym szpikiem kostnym. [Treatment of purpura haemorrhagica with red blood marrow.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1897, xxv, 1007-1009. Purpura (Hemorrhagic, Tubercular). See Purpura (Hemorrhagic, Complications of). Purpura (Hemorrhagic) in animals. Barthel. Der heutige Stahdpunkt in der Frage der Blutfleckenkrankheit, Ztschr. f. Veterinark., Berl., 1906, xviii, 430; 465— Baxter (J.) Recurrent attack of pur- pura haemorrhagica in a horse. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1899, xii, 72— Boek. Petechialfieber, Morbus maculosus, beim Pferde und Uebertragung des- selben auf den Menschen. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1902, 314.—Dorrwaehter. Ueber einen Fall von Mor- bus maculosus beim Rind. Mitt. d. Ver. bad. Tieriirzte, Karlsruhe, 1908, viii, 33.—Fettick (O.) Ueber den Wert des Argentum colloidale Crede gegen die Blutflecken- krankheit des Pferdes. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1903, xi, 317; 325.—Lelliuann (W.) Ein Fall von Morbus maculosus bei einem Hunde. Berl.thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1902, 206.—Meissner (P.) & Lemholer. Zur Behandlung der Blutfleckenkrankheit (Morbus ma- culosus) der Pferde mit Argentum Cred6.. Ibid., 1899,133- 136.—Nitskevich. Petekhfalniy tif, Krovyano-pyat- nistava bollezn u loshadi. [Petechial fever, purpura haemorrhagica in a horse.] Vet. Vestnik, Kharkov, lx>>9, viii, pt. 4, 90-95.—Babagliati (D.S.) Purpura haemor- rhagica complicated with dysentery in cattle used for the production of cattle-plague preventive serum. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1906, xix, 113-118.- Raitsits ( E. ) Morbus maculosus esete kutyaban. [. . . in a dog.] Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1906, xxix, 421-123.—Rogers (T. B.) Purpura hemorrhagica from the standpoint of comparative pathology. Vet. Mag., Phila.,1896,iii,l-6.—Sobornoff(A) Morbus maculosus u loshadi. [. . . in a horse.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1901, xxxi, 1038-1043.—Somiiiermeyer (O.) Behand- lung von Morbus maculosus mit Druse-Streptokokken- Serum. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1902, x, 123. Purpura (Hemorrhagic) in children. Allan (A.) Two cases of purpura ha mori hagiea neonatorum. Glasgow M. J., 1907, lxvii, 165-l(o—A n- deoud (H.) Note sur un cas de purpura foudrovant chez un garcon de deux ans et demi. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1906, xxvi, 241-244.—Ausset (E.) Purpura fulminans chez un enfant de 18 mois, ar- rive a la, periode cachectique d'une gastro-enteritc chro- nique. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1S99. iii, 41-43.—Bour- dillon (P.) Purpura foudrovant chez une enfant de six mois. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1907, x, 100-104.— Boulloche (P.I Note sur un cas de purpura foudro- vant suivi de guerison. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1899, i, 371-373.—Chevron (J.) La maladie de Werlhof chez le nourrisson au sein. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1905, xxix, 158-162. —Codeek (M.) Un caso di morbo maculoso di Werlhof in una bambina di 9 mesi. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1903, xx, 272. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 244.—Dereuiu (Clara T.) Purpura fulminans in children. Med. 95. xxxvi, 1499-1508. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1896, viii, 129-147. Purpura (Simple). See, also, Purpura (Causes, etc., of); Purpura in children. Jacqmarcq (M.-E.-E.) * Contribution a l'etude de la nature infectieuse du purpura sim- plex, rov. 8°. Lille, 1896. Agai'onoff (A. A.) Sluchal purpuree simplicis. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1897-8, xxxvi, 36-43.—Allen (C. W.) Purpura simplex Inter- nat, Clin., Phila., 1897, 6. s.. iv, 341, 1 pl— Carriere (G.) Sur un cas de purpura simplex; contribution a l'etude morphologique du bacille d'Achalme-Thiroloix. Arch. de med. exper et d'anat. path., Par., 1901, xiii, 149-162.— Debuehy. Cas de purpura simplex: guerison. J. d. scmed deLille, 1896, ii, 37-40.—Grlining (R.) Morbus maculosus (Purpura simplex) als lnfectionskrankheit. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1893. n. F., x, 105-108.—Okada (T.) Ein Fall von Purpura simplex. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1896, x, 49; 2. Hft., 1. Purpura (Symptomatic). See Purpura (Causes, etc., of). Purpura (Syphilitic). See Purpura (Hemorrhagic, Ceruses, etc., of); Syphilis (Manifestettions of). Purpura (Toxic). See Purpura (Causes, etc, of); Serpents (Poisonous, Venoms of, Effects of). Purpura (Treatment of). See, also, Purpura (Hemorrhagic, Treatment of); Purpura in chi lelren. Claiborne (J. H.) Treatment of purpura. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1901, Richmond, 1902, 244-247.—Coe (J. W.) The treatment of purpuric conditions and hemophilia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906. xlvii, 1090-1093.—Loebel (A.) Zur Purpurabehandlung mit Tnnk- und Bade- kuren. Arch. d. Balneoth. u. Hydroth., Halle a. S., 1900, ii, 7. Hft., 1-36 Also: Veroffentl. d. Central verb. d. Bal- neolog. Oest., Wien, 1900, ii, 83-111. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 1023; 1084; 1121; 1190.—Bussell (VV. B.) Purpura and calcium chloride. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 199.—Seheffer. Un cas de purpura avec epis- taxis graves traite par le corps thyro'fde. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 20. Purpura (Tubercular). See Purpura (Complications of); Purpura (Hemorrhagic, Com])/ications of); Purpura in children. Purpura annularis telangiectodes. See Purpura (Complications of). Purpura in children. See, also, Purpura (Hemorrhagic) in children. Vil.main (M.-E.) * Contribution a l'etude du purpura exanthematique (en particulier chez les enfants). 8°. Xuucy, 1902. Willers (C.) * Beitrage zur Lehre von Pur- pura im Kindesalter. 8°. Gottingen, 1901. Abelniann (M.) Peliosis rheumatica im Siiuglings- alter. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1892, n. F., ix, 141- 143.—Braislin (VV. (J.) A case of mastoiditis in a boy of 13 years; operation followed by attacks of purpura; recovery. Brooklyn M. J., 1906, xx, 303.—Brineh (T.) Et dodeligt Tilfaelde af Purpura hos et Patteban u [A fatal case of purpura in an infant.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1897, 4. R., v, 1021-1023.—Burrows (H.) A case of Henoch's purpura in which a laparotomv was performed. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 28-31.—Cattaileo (C.) Con- tributo alia eziologia e patogenia della porpora primitiva nell' infanzia. Pediatria, Napoli, 1903, xi, 544-559. Also [Abstr.]: Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1903, iv, 141-146. Also, transl.: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de pediat., 759-772.—Claude (H.) Note sur deux cas de purpuras infectieux et toxique chez des enfants. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1896, xiv, 143^-155.—Cou rtin. Purpura cutane et gastro-enteralgie apvretique chez un enfant de treize ans. Mem. et Bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1898), 1899, 101-106. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 198-200.— Dean (H. R.) Observations on the purpura of children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 815-819.—von Duseh. Pur- pura im Kindesalter. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1889, Dresd., 1890, vii, 171-176.—von Duseh (T.) & Hoche (A.) Die Henoch'sche Purpura; eine klinische Studie. Paediat. Arb., Berl., 1890, 379-411.—Grdsz (G.) A gyer- mekkori purpurar61. [Purpura in childhood.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1894, xxxviii, 309: 323; 337. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Kinderh , Stuttg., 1894, xviii, 1-23. Also, transl.: [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 1047-1049.—Guinon (L.) & Vielliard. Paroxysmes douloureux abdominaux au cours de purpura infantile. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1907, 3. s., 1048- 1055. Also: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1907, xxv, 529-561.— Hecht. [Purpura mit Pertussis.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1907, vi, 120.— Heeker. Ein Fall von Henochscher Purpura. Cen- tralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1903, viii, 355-358.—Jackson (H.) A fatal case of purpura, with a few notes on the recent literature of this disease. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc 1890, [Phila.], 1891, ii, 158-167.—Koch (0.) Ein Beitrag zur Purpura bei Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1889-90, n. F., xxx, 403-408. —Macalister (G. H. K.) The prognostic significance of purpura in children. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1906, xx, 176; 196.—Mai (R.) [A rare form of purpura in a nursling.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1903, 105-111.—Mantel (P.) Purpura exanthematique. Arch. de med. d. enf., Par.. 1905. viii, 353-357.—Marian. Pur- pura chronique a grandes ecchymoses; vulvo-vaginite des petites-filles. J. d. med. et chir. prat., Par., 1900, lxxi, 252-259 —Meynier (E.) Porpora ed eritemi infettivi. Pediatria, Napoli, 1903, 2. s., i, 882-900.—Morse (J. L.) A case of purpura in an infant, probably the result of pneumococcus infection. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1897-8, 372-374. —Perrin (L.) Purpura de l'enfance. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst. et de paediat. 1898, mem. et disc, Par., 1900, ii, 624-650. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1898, ii, 725-745. Also: Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1899, ii, 513-536. — Bakhmaninoff (I. M.) Nleskolko sluchayev purpuri i hemofiliiu dletel. [Pur- pura and haemophilia in children.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1904, lxi, 533-544—Bocaz (C.) De la pathogenie des purpuras; a propos d'un cas de purpura rhumato'ide. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux (1899), 1900, xi, 184-190. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1900, xlv, 60.—Simon (L.-G.) Les purpuras primitifs de l'enfant. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 769-774.—Solaro. La porpora nell' in- fanzia. Pediatria, Napoli, 1896, iv, 201-206. — Soiiuna (G.) Contributo alia patogenesi della porpora ecchimo- tica infettiva nei bambini lattanti. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1892, x, 30-46.—Spolverini (L. M.) Contribu- tion a l'etude de retiologie et de la pathogenie du pur- pura primitif chez les enfants. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 389; 426. -----. Le purpura chez les enfants atteints de malaria; nouvelles recherches cliniques et bact6riologiques. Ibid., 1900, iv, 325-338.—Sutherland (G A.) On a variety of purpura haemorrhagica (Henoch's purpura). Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1896, ii, 412-427. PURPURA. 172 PURSCIIKK. Purpura in children. -----. Intussusception and Henoch's purpura. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 23-28.—Syers (H. VV.) A note on uncomplicated purpura in children, its affinities. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 432— Voeleker (A. F.) Purpura in childhood. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1905, xxvii, 33-54.— Wolf (M.) Orthostatische Symptome bei Purpura mit Tuberculose hereditar belasteter Kinder. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1908, xlvii, 241-259. Purpura with erythema and visceral lesions [Ilenetclrs ]>urpura\. See, also, Purpura in children. Best (F.) *Ein Fall von Henocher'schen Purpura hiimorrhagica mit entzundlichem Oedem. 8°. Heidelberg, 1903. Calmels (C.-M.-F.-X.) * Les troubles gastro- intestinaux dans les purpuras. 8°. Paris, 1902. Mourre (A.-M.-J.-E.) *Le purpura dit he- patique. 8°. Paris, 1900. Argyle (S. S.) A ease of Henoch's purpura haemor- rhagica. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1896, i, 364-366.—Beale (E. C.) A case of Henoch's purpura. Practitioner, Lond., 1899, lxii, 265-268. —Brlinniehe (A.) Purpura, Endocarditis, Embolia renum, cutis, etc. In his: Praktikantklin., 8°, Kj0benh, 1892,109-111.—Car- ter (H. S.) A case of hemorrhagic exudative ervthema (Henoch's purpura). Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1902, cxxiv, 295-298. — Ci^gliiiski (K.) Plamica (purpura simplex) a niestrawnosc (dyspepsia gastro-intestinalis). Czasopismo lek., L6dz\ 1899, i. 277-279.—Claxton (E. I.) Case of Henoch's Purpura. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xviii, 92.—Dobeli (E.) Die Purpura abdominalis (He- noch). Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1908, xxxviii, 201-210.— Dunlop (J.) Convalescence from Henoch's disease. Glasgow M. J., 1904,lxi,48-50.—Elliott (A.F.) Purpura accompanied bv arthritis and visceral lesions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 920.—Ewart. [Case of purpu- ric eruption.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1903, xv, 63.— Faweett. A case of enlarged liver and glands with purpura and fatal haematemesis; sarcomatosis? Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xviii, 457-462. —Field (G. H.) Case of Henoch's purpura. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xviii, 130.—Fowler (VV.l Two cases of purpura urti- cans. Intercolon. M. J. Australas.. Melbourne; 1902, vii, 499._Goldstlieker. Ein Fall von Henoch'scher Pur- pura. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1900, Bresl., 1901, lxxviii, 1. Abt., 84-80.— tireig (D. M.) Acase of Henoch's purpura simulating intussusception. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb.. 1908, xxii, 302-305.—Henoch. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Form von Purpura. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1874, xi, 641-643. See, also, infra, Huet,— Holiuen (A.) Et tilfaelde af saakaldetpurpuraabdomi- nalis med udgang i helbredelse. [A case of so-called abdominal purpura with recovery.] Norsk Mag. f. Lae- gevidensk., Kristiania, 1907, 5. R., v, 1072-1079.—Huet (G. D. L.) De Henoch'sche purpura. [Critical exami- nation of Henoch's article: "Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Form von Purpura." Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.,. Ymst, 1886, xxii, 129-136.—Lewers (A.) A ease of Henoch's disease. Intercolon. M.J. Australas., Melbourne, 1S98, iii, 532-534.—Loiiiiley (J. A. X.) A case of Henoch's pur- pura, Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 859— Maearthur (W. F.) Henoch's purpura. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiii, 49-51.—Maisey (C. T. B.) A case of Henoch's purpura. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1899, xiii, 315.— Morrison iM. D.) Henoch's purpura. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1907, xix, 463— Oddo (C.) & Olmer. Purpuras et affections viscerales. Arch, gem de med., Par., 1900, n. s., iii. 138; 331. Also: Marseille med., 1900, xxxvii, 107-113.—Orr (J.) A case of Henoch's purpura. Practitioner, Lond., 1903, lxxi, 431-434.—Osier (W.) A caseof chronic purpuric erythema (eightyears' duration), with pigmentation of skin and enlargement of liver and spleen. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1903. xxi, 297- 302, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. On a form of purpura associated with articular, gastro-intestinal, and renal svmptoms. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii, 675-677. Also, Re- print.— Robinson (J. W.) The use of thyroid extract in Henoch's purpura. J.Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1907. xlix, 247.—Rommel (O.) Ein Fall von Henoch'scher Pur- pura. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903. xl. 755— Schwartz (H. J.) A case of purpura with visceral crisis and renal involvement. Cornell Univ. Med. Coll. Dispensary. N. Y. City, X. Y., 1905, i, 26-31. — Smith (O. C.) Two cases of Henoch's purpura: with remarksuponthegastro-intestinal lesion. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxvi, 890-892. —Sticker. Ervthem und Purpura. Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Na't.-u. Heilk., Giessen, 1899-1902, xxxiii, 159.—Thomp- son (F. A.) Henoch's disease, or nervous purpura. N. York M. J., 1898. lxviii, 773.—Vallt (A.) Eritema nodoso e porpora febbrile. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 268- 270.—Verco (VV. A.) A caseof Henoch's purpura. Aus- Purpura with erythema, anel ciweral lesions [Henodes purpural\ tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xx, 418. — Vomer (H.) Alternierendes Auftreten von Purpura rheumatica una Erythema exsudativum multiforme Hebne. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 2611.—Weber t F. V.) Notes on a case of purpura, with remarks on the nature and visceral complications of cases of purpura. Brit .1. Der- mat., Lond., 1900, xii, 77-83. Also, Reprint. — Wbite (W. H.) Henoch's purpura. Guv's Hosp. Gaz.. bond., 1904, xviii,44-50. — Widal (F.) k Therfese. Purpura et erytheme a streptocoques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. Imp. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 76-82.— W ynkoop (E. J.) Report of a case belonging to the erythema group or Henoch's purpura, with chronic parenchymatous ne- phritis; autopsy. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii] 737. Purpura lapillus. Dubois (R.) Sur la formation de la pourpre de Pur- pura lapillus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1903, exxxvi, 117.—Roaf (II. E.) & Nierensteiu (M.) The physiological action of the extract of the hypobranehial gland of Purpura lapillus. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1907, pp. v-viii. —Robert (A.) Sur une monographic ancienne du Purpura lapillus L. Arch, de zool. exper et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par.,1901, 3. s., ix.pp. xxv-xxx. Purpura in pregnancy and puerperal state. See, also, Purpura (Hemorrhagic) in preg- nancy, etc. Ru.mpelius (G. F.) *De purpura puerpera- rum. 4°. Jene, [1690]. Dielil (J. C.) Ueber Purpura in puerperio. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1899, xii, 218-270.—Hen- nig. Ueber Purpura puerperalis. Verhandl. d. Gesell- sch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1899), 1900, 1-4. Purpura recurrens. See Purpura (Complications of). Purpura urticans. See Purpura with erythema, etc. Purpura (A.) & Pertica (E.) Sulle case ope- raie ed econotniche; memoria. 48 pp., 4 pl. roy. 8°. Palermo, 1890. Purpura (Francesco). Sugli accidenti erniari con speciale riguardo all' infiammazione. 109 pp. 8°. Pariet, Tipog. e leg. coop., 1906. Purpurine. Dubois (R.) Adrenaline et purpurine. Compt. rend, Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 636— Kanviei; (L.) Des applications de la purpurine a l'histologie. Ecole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav., Par., 1874, 262-274. Purpu§ (Emil). * Untersuchungen iiber die Ausscheidnng verschiedener Arzneimittel (sali- cylsaurea Natron und Jodkali) durch den Ham bei Gesunden und Kranken. [Erlangen.] 21pp. 8°. Ansbach, <'. Brugel ct Sohn, 1898. Purrington (W. A.) A review of recent legal decisions affecting physicians, dentists, drug- gists, and the public health, together with a brief for the prosecution of unlicensed practi- tioners of medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy, with a paper upon manslaughter, Christian sci- ence and the law, and other matter. 105 pp. 8°. New Yorl; E. B. Treat & Co., 1899. ------. Professional secrecy and the obligatory notification of venereal diseases. 12 pp. 12°. New York, A. B. Elliott, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, lxxxv. Pursche (Karl Louis). Verkehrs-Storungen im Organismus. 16 pp. 8°. Munchen, 0. Gtnelin, 1902. Repr.from: Aertzl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1902, xii, 389- 392. Purschke (Richard). Die Verhiitung der Tu- berkulose. Ratschliige zum Nutzen und From- men fiir Jedermann. 49 pp. 12°. Olmittz, F. Grosse, [1906]. PURSEIGLE. 173 PUSCH. Purse igle (Jean-Baptiste) [1879- ]. * Etude sur les tumeurs de l'epiglotte. 133 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 83. -----. The same. 133 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, R. Schneider, 1905. Pursell (Isaac) [ -1888J. In memoriam. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1889-90, xxi, 262. Purser (J[ohn] M[allet]). The modern diag- nosis of diseases of the stomach. In: Wood's M. & S. Monog. 8°. New York, 1891, ix 513-555. ------. See, also: Purser (The) medal in the University of Dublin. [Edit,] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1200. Purtseher (Gisela). * Die Ueberhiiutung einer Schusswunde der Zunge. 14 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Zurich, E. Biiegg, 1902. Puru. Ginilette (T. D.) The puru of the Malay penin- sula. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1906, ix, 149; 173, 2 pl. Purves (Laidlaw). Endothelium et emigration. 7 pp., 1 pl. S°. [LaHaye, 1S74.] Repr.from: Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes Tetcl, La Have 1874, ix. ' Purvis (Prior) [1812-11*08]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1730. de Pury (Charles-Louis). Tableau par com- munes des individus reformes (1) pour cas d'in- firmites dans le canton de Xeuchatel, le 20 mai 1849 et jours a suivre. 4 1. MS. fol. [Neu- chdtel, 1849.] de Pury (Ed.) La chambre de charite et I'ap- plication des lois sur la violation des devoirs de famille. 8 pp. 8°. [Xeuchdlel, 1882.] de Pury (Francois) [1829-1902]. Jlattbey (C.) Le Dr. Francois de Purv [1829-1902]. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1902, xxii, 712; 803. Also, Reprint. Pus. Home (E.) A dissertation on the properties of pus. 8°. London, 1788. Jacquemix (J.) * Considerations sur la nature et l'origine du pus et les metastases purulentes. 4°. Stmsbourg, an XI (1803». Kikschenblat (D. R.) * Ueber das Verhal- ten der neutrophilen Granula in den farblosen Blutkorperchen des Eiters. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Leuchs (K. J.) * Ueber die Zellen des menschlichen Eiters und einiger serosen Exsu- date. 8°. Munchen, 1904. Also, in: Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1904, cxxvii, 28-44, 1 pl. Lixard (A.) *Cryoscopie du pus. 8°. Pa- ris, 1903. Messerschmidt (F. G.) *De pure et sanie. 8°. Leipzig, 1842. Pram a nx (A.) *De puris indole et genesi. 8°. Berolini, 1828. Tissot (F.) * Du cytodiagnostic des pus chi- rurgicaux. 8°. Geneve, 1902. .Binaghi (R.) Sull' azione protettiva del pus contro le infezioni chirurgiche mortali. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Roma, 1904, xviii, 77-81. Also: Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1904, xx, 477-484. -----. Sulpotere battericida del pus e sul suo meccanismo d' azione. Poli- clin., Roma, 1905, xii, sez. chir., 189-204.—Bizzozero (G.) Saggio di studi sulla cosidetta endogenesi del pus. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1872, 33-38. Also, in his: Opere scient. 1862-79, Milano, 1905, i, 291-30*.— Calve (J.) & Iseovesco (H.) Etude sur les constituants col- loi'des du pus sterile d'abces froid. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi. 198—Deganello (U.) Ueberdie supravitale Farbbarkeit der Zellen des acuten und chro- nischen Eiters des Menschen. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. §ath. Anat., Jena, 1902, xiii, 94L-943.—Dreyer. Examen el pus con el reactivo de Millon. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1908, xxxiv, 306-309. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. Pus. de la Habana, 1908, xiii, 351-354.—Goldberg (B.) Ueber die Miiller'sche Modifikation der Donne'schen Eiter- probe. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1905, xxvi, 497- 502.—Hertz (R.) O proteolitycznym odczynie jalowej ropy. [The proteolytic reaction of sterile pus.] Medy- cyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1908, lxix, 429. Also, transl: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 957.—Janowski (W.) Badania nad morfologiq, ropy rozmaitego pocho- dzenia. [Recherches sur la morphologiedu pusd'origine diverse. R&s., pp. li-liv.] Przegl. chir., Warszawa, 1894-5, ii, 465-503,1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1895, xxxvi, 8-44, lpl.—Poreile (V.) Sul valore semeiologico della reazione iodofila nei corpuscoli purulenti. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1061-1064.—Reid (D. VV.) Pus. Med. Fortnightlv, St. Louis, 1900. xviii, 435-441.—Salomon. Ueber das Vor- kommen des Glykogens im Eiter. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1879, iii, 159-161.—Shattoek (S. G.) A note on the presence of peptone in pus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 229-232.—Spasokukotskaya (Natalyal.) K voprosu o raspoznavatelnom znachenii perevarivayu- shtshel sposobnosti gnoya. [On the diagnostic impor- tance of the digesting faculty of pus.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 394.—Thiroloix. Pvogenese asep- tique artificielle. Bull, med., Par., 1907, xxi, 749-753.— Tissot (F.) De la cytologic des pus. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 1043.—Wider** e (S.) En diflerentialdiagnostisk pusreaktion. [A differential diagnostic pus reaction.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1907, 5. R., v, 881-900.—Williams (E. T.) Eosinophiles as constituents of pus. Boston M. & S. J 1901, cxlv, 329-331.-----. Spermine crystals in pus. Ibid., 355.—Zvinyatski (N. I.) Asepticheskiy gnol, yevoproiskhozhdeniye,khimicheskiya,histologicheskiya i fiziologicheskiya osobennosti po sravneniyu s gnoyem septicheskim. [Aseptic pus; its origin, chemical, histo- logical, and physiological peculiarities, as compared with septic pus.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 681; 697; 715; 731. Pus (Colored). See, also, Infection (Pyocyanic). Ferkhmin (P. R.) Okrasnomnagnoyenii. [Onred suppuration.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 621; 654.— Kadyan (A. A.) Nieskolko slov o zelyonom gnove. [On green pus.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 682; 730— Petrequin (J.-E ) Etude experi- mentale sur la suppuration bleue, avec des recherches nouvelles sur la pyogenie et sur la composition du pus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1851, xxxiii, 666-669.— Serkovsk i (S.) O bolleznetvornom dlelstvii palochki zelyonavo gnoya. [On the pathogenic action of the ba- cillus of green pus.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1899, vi, 609-617. Pus (Microorganisms and ferments of). Achalme. Recherches sur la presence de ferments solubles dans le pus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par 1899, 11. s.,i, 568-570.—Demanche & Sartory. Etude d'une nouvelle levure isolee d'un pus de peritonite par perforation de Pestomac. Ibid.,1907, lxiii, 261.—Knapp (R.) Ueber die eiweissspaltende Wirkung des Eiters. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1902, xxiii, Abth. f. Chir. [etc.], 236-249.—Linossier (G.) Contribution a l'etude desfermentsoxydants; surln peroxvdasedupus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 189M, 10. s., v, 373-375.—mail- lard. Examen baeteriologique de pus. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 63.— Marshall (J.) The gas evolved in the decomposition of hydrogen dioxide by pus. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila , 1902-3, xv, 366-368.—Rodella (A.) Bakteriologischer Befund im Eiter eines gashaltigen Abscesses. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiii, 135-142, 1 pl.— Vital! (D.) Di un fermento ossidante contenuto nel pus. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1900- 1902, 6. s., ix, 219-228. Also: Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1900-1901, n. s., v, 60. Pus tubes. See Fallopian tubes (Inflammation, etc., of). Pusch (Hans) [1874- ']. * Ueber die Gah- rungsverhiiltnisse und den Eiweissgehalt der Faeces gesunder und kranker Kinder im ersten Lebensjahr. [Bonn.] 18 pp., 5 tab., 1 1. 8°. Danzig, E. Baczkiewiez, 1898. von Pusch (Lucian). Der Armenarzt. Meine Hydrotherapie. 2. Aufl. 7 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Besser, 1900. -----. Meine Obstcur. 7 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Besser, 1900. -----. Der Armenarzt. Hvdrotherapie. 5. Aufl. 7 pp. 12°. Leipzig, lV. Besser, 1901. PUSCH. 174 PUTBUS AUF RUGEN. von Pusch (Lucian). -----. Intuitive Diagnose aus den Gesichts- zi'igen. Aus der Kraft der hoheren Magnetopa- thie. 5. Aufl. 17 pp. 12°. Leipzig, W. Besser, 1901. -----. Die Obstheilkrafte (magnetopathische). 5. Aufl. 10 pp. 12°. Leipzig, W. Besser, 1901. Pusch (Theodor). Defektur-Taschenbuch, ent- haltend eine kurze Zusammenstellung aller in dem Arzneibuch fiir das Deutsche Reich (Phar- macopoea Germanica, Editio tertia) gegebenen Vorschriften fiir die Darstellung chemischer so- wie pharmaceutischer Praparate und Reagen- tien. 32 pp. 16°. Berlin, 1890. -----. Tabellarische Ausziige aus dem Arznei- buch fiir das Deutsche Reich, 3. Ausgabe (Phar- macopoa Germanica, Editio tertia) zum Ge- brauch fiir Apotheker, Apotheken-Revisoren, Aerzte, etc. 38 pp. 16°. Berlin, 1890. Puschcck (Karl). Editor of: Deutsch-Amerikanische homoopathi- sche Zeitschrift, Chicago, 1888. Puschmann (Adolph). * Ueber Oxydiinor- phin und seine Wirkung auf den tierischen Or- ganismus. 30 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1895. Puschmann (Theodor) [1844-99]. Richard Wagner. Eine psvchiatrische Studie. 3. Aufl. 69 pp. 12°. Berlin, B. Behr, 1873. -----. A history of medical education from the most remote to the most recent times. Transl. and edited by Evan H. Hare, xi, 650 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1891. -----. Historisch-kritische Beleuchtung der Blattern-Impfung. 19 pp. 8°. Wien, M. Per- les, 1892. Repr.from: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii. For Biography, see Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 911 (Pagel). Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1713. Also: Janus, Amst., 1899, iv, 567-569, port. (J. L. Pagel). Also: Orvosihetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 499 (M. Tihanyi). Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1899, xl, 1688-1691 (M. Neuburger). Puscy (Brown). A new ophthalmoscope, com- bined with which there is a plain mirror for retinoscopy; intended as a pocket instrument for ophthalmologists and practitioners. 1 1. 12°. Chicago, 1901. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii. -----. The genesis of glioma retinae in neurog- lia. 14 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Baltimore, 1902. Repr.from: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1902, xiii. -----. Retinal rosette formations of neuroglia in inflammatorv processes, pp. 325-333. 8°. Xeiv York, [1903]. Cxdting [cover with printed title] from: Arch. Ophth.; N. Y., 1903, xxxii. See, also, Wescott (Cassius D.) & Pusey (Brown). Clinical contributions [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1902.— Wood (Casey A.) & Pusey (Brown). Primary sar- coma [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1902. Pusey (David) [1831-1903]. Greenley (T. B.) Biographical sketch. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1903, xxxvi, 49-51. Pusey (H[enry] K.) [1827-96]. Central Ken- tucky Lunatic Asylum. Some facts relating to its management. 16 pp. 16°. Louisville, 1889. For Biography, see Am. J. Insan., Chicago, 1896-7, liii, 483-487 (VV. A.). Pusey (S[idney] E[dward] B[ouverie]). Per- manence and evolution; an inquiry into the supposed mutability of animal types, x, 204 pp. 8°. London, Kegan Paul Trench & Co., 1882. Pusey (William Allen) [1865- ]. Lupus healed with Roentgen rays. 7 pp. 12°. Chi- cago, 1900. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, lxxxv. Puscy (William Allen)—continued. ------. Roentgen rays in the treatment of skin diseases and for the removal of hair. 14 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1900. Repr.from: Chicago M. Recorder, 1900, xviii. ------. Roentgen rays in the treatment of dis- eases of the skin. A review of recent literature and a personal experience. 23 pp. 12°. Chi- cago, 1901. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii. -----. The principles and practice of derma- tology. Designed for students and practition- ers, xxiv, 1021 pp. 8°. New York & London, D. Appleton & Co., 1907. For Biography, see Chicago Clin. Rev., 1896-7, vi, 641, port. ----- & Caldwell (Eugene Wilson). The practical application of the Rontgen rays in therapeutics and diagnosis. 591 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders & Co., 1903. ------------. The same. 2. ed., thoroughly revised and enlarged. 690 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, IP. B. Saunders c0 Co., 1904. Pussaco-Liarcebau (Jean-Baptiste) [1868- ]. * Etude sur les tumeurs b6nignes du pharynx buccal et inferieur. 53 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1895, No. 107. Pnssep (L[yudvig] M[artinovich]) [1876- ]. *0 mozgovikh tsentrakh, upravlyayushtshikh erektsiyel polovovo chlena i slemyaotdieleni- yem. [Brain centers controlling erection of the penis and semen secretion.] 180 pp., 3 pl., 4 diag. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1902. ------. Nervno-sosudistiy ostriy otyok kozhi. [Neuro-vascular acute oedema of the skin.] 23 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1907. Forms October no. of: Klin. Monosr., S.-Peterb., 1907. See, also, Kruglevski (Nfikolal] A[leksandrovich]). Ob amputatsiyakh [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. Pust (Francois). * Contribution a l'etude de la valeur de ponction lombaire et du signe de Kernig dans le diagnostic des meningites tuber- culeuses de l'enfance. 110 pp., 11. 8°. Tou- louse, 1906, No. 667. Pust (Fr[iedrich] Albert) [1873- ]. * Ueber einen durch Laparotomie geheilten Fall von Darminvagination. 13 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1898. Pust (Heinrich [Friederich Wilhelm]) [1867- ]. * Ueber zwei Fiille von traumatischer Psvchose. 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Bower, [1892]. Pust (Walter Franz) [1878- ]. *DieTuber- kulose der Thymus. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt & Klaunig, 1903. Pustoschkin (Nadeschda) [1867- ]. * Ver- suche iiber Infektion durch Geschosse (schwei- zerisches Ordonnanzgewehr, Modell 1889). 24 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bern, Obrecht r identical with, beri-beri, occurring in seafaring men in northern latitudes. 11 pp. 8°. New York, M. J. Booney York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1905. ----. The treatment of psychasthenia from the standpoint of the social consciousness. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1908. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1908, cxxxv. See, also, Oanlield (Ralph M.) & Putnam (James J.) A case of acute hemiplegic chorea. 8°. Cambridge, 1884.—Case (A) of middle meningeal hemorrhage. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895.—rtteynert (Theodor) [in 1. s.]. The anatomy of the mammal brain. 8°. New York, [1873]. For Biographi/, see Harrington (T. F.) Harvard M. School, 8°, N. Y., 1905, iii, 1417-1421. ---- & Elliott (J. W.) Three cases of tumor involving the spinal cord; treated by operation. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 1903. Repr. from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1903, xxix. ---- & Pfaff (Franz). Experimental research showing that uric acid secretion is not regularly diminished in the period preceding epileptic seizures. 3 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1900. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1900, n. s., cxx. ----& Richardson (Maurice (H.) A case of cerebral sarcoma of great extent; extirpation; marked amelioration of symptoms; recurrence and death at the end of six months. Remarks on the advantages of palliative operations in cere- bral tumors. 16 pp. 12°. Boston, Damrell ifc Upham, 1899. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxl. ---- & Warren (J. Collins). The surgical treatment of tumors within the spinal canal. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1899. n. s., cxviii. -----& Waterman (George A.) Notes on some unusual forms of infectious disease of the central nervous system. 11 pp. 12°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx. ----- & Williams (Edward R.) On tumors involving the corpus callosum. 46 pp. 8°. [New York], 1901. Repr.from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1901, xxvii. Putnam (James W.), Krauss (William C.) & Park (Roswell). Sarcoma of the third cer- vical segment; operation; removal; continued improvement. 5 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1903, cxxv. Putnam (Sumner) [1818-87]. Draper (J.) Obituary. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1888, Montpelier, 1889, 100-105. PUTOKIUS. 177 PUTREFACTION. Putorius. See, also, Ferret. van Kampeu (P. N.) Die Anheftung des Zungen- beins am Seludel bei Putorius putorius L. Zool. Anz., Leipz.. 1907, xxxi. 695. Putrefaction. See, also, Cadaver; Cadaver (Jurisprudence of); Drowning (Jurisprudence cf); Necrop- sies; Phosphorescence; Poisons (Animal). [d'Arconville (Mme.)] Essai pour servir a l'histoire de la putrefaction. 8°. Paris, 1766. Bordas (F.) * Etude sur la putrefaction. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Ekker (E.) *De putredine animali. 8°. Groningx, 1815. Exgels (J. G.) *De putrefactione ut causa assimilationis. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Bhenum, 1739. de Gardane (J.-J.) Essais sur la putrefac- tion des humeurs animales; sur la suppuration et sur lacroute inflammatoire; traduits du latin de differens auteurs. Auxquels on a mini tou- tes les experiences detachees, relatives a cette question; avec une dissertation sur la salive, et des reflexions sur tous ces objets. 16°. Paris, 1769. Hexsex (H. K. A.) * Ueber die Durchgiin- gigkeit von Membranen fiir Faulnissprozesse. [Kiel.] 8°. Munchen, 1897. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1897, n. P., xvii, 101-115. Klhx (F.) *Morphologisehe Beitrage zur Leichenfiiulnis. [Wurzburg. ] 8°. Munchen, 1891. Malvoz (E.) De la putrefaction au point de vue de 1'hygiene et de la medecine legale. 8°. Bruxelles, 1898. Also [Rev.], in: Mouvement hvg., Brux., 1898, xiv, 131; 175; 214. Martelly (E.) *La digestion animale et la putrefaction; comparaison des phenomenes di- astasique?. 8C. Paris, 1902. Pirri (F.) Teoria della putredine, preceduta d' alcune considerazioni sopra la riproduzione dei corpi organizati. 16°. Boma, 1776. Schwexxiger (F.) Ueber die Wirkung fau- lender organischer Substanzen auf den lebenden thierischen Organismus. Gekronte Preisschrift, 8G. Miinchen, 1866. Stern- (H.) Die Zersetzung animalischer Materie. 8°. Milwaukie, Wis., 1890. Wilsox (E.) Informe sobre las putrefac- ciones y las nitrifacciones de las materias or- g&nicas super y sub terraneas y sus relaciones con la salud piiblica. 8°. Habana, 1893. Aekermann (D.) & Jley1 P.) Untersuchung eines Eiweissfaulnissgemisches nach neuen Methoden. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1906, xiii, 629- 632.—Ascarelli (A.) La putrefazione del tessuto mus- colare striato (muscoli volontari e cuore) in rapporto con alcune cause di morte violenta. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino. 1907, xxviii, 133-172, 1 pl.—Bail (O.) Versuche fiber die Yerwe~ung pflanzlicher Stoffe. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.J, 2. Abt., Jena, 1902, ix, 501; 538; 577; 633.— Bienstock. Recherches sur la putrefaction. Ann.de l'lnst. Pa-teur, Par., 1899, xiii, 854-864. -----. Untersu- chungen iiber die Aetiologie der Eiweissfiiulniss. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1899, xxxvi, 335-390,1 pl.— Buglia i G.) Variazioni della coagulability, al caloredel sierodunmtelaputrefazione. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], To- rino, 1906, xxvii, 165-174.— C. Earl y decomposition. Co- lumbus M. J., 1890-91, ix, 113 — Carrara (MA Contri- buto alio studio della putrefazione del sangue (pressione osmoticae conduttivita elettrica). Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1902, xxvi, 369-383, 1 ch.—De Dominieis (A.) Osservazioni sulla putrefazione. Gior. dimed. leg., Pavia, 1904, x, 111-116. — Ferrai (C.) Sulla pseudodigestione putrefattiva. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 86-90. -----. Ricerche viscosimetriche sul sangue in putrefa- zione. Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez. med., 241-251.— Folll (F.) Alcuni fenomeni intimi della putrefazione VOL XIV, 2d series----12 Putrefaction. del tessuto nervoso. Zacchia n. secolo xx, Bologna, 1901-2, i, 109-111.—Fornario. SulP azione tossica dei prodotti della putrefazione di alcune sostanze alimentari. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1906, n. s., xvi, 215-249.—Frisco (B.) Sull' a/ione dei veleni putridi nell' organismo animale. 1st. d' ig. d. r. Univ.di Palermo. Lav. di lab., Roma, 1894- 5, i, 17-68, 3 ch.—Gilbert. Proeven ter bevestiging derproeven van J. Pringle over de verrotting van diere- lyke lichaemen. Uit het Heeren-Magazyn van London. Hollands Mag., Harlem, 1750, 402-404.—Kuborn. La putrefaction au point de vue de 1'hygiene publique et de la medecine legale. [Rap.J Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1898, 4. s., xii, 115-127.—Levi- son (F.) Jordens Forhold til Foraadnelse og Smit- stoffer. [The relation of the earth to putrefaction and infectious substances.] Tidsskr. f. Sundhdspl., K0- benh., 1892-3, iii, 35-50. — Luzzatto (O.) Contributo alio studio dei proteici del siero sanguigno nella putrefa- zione. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1896,1,146- 160. Als,,. transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1896-7, xxvi, 205-208. —."TIalvoz (E.) La putrefaction des cadavres. Scalpel, Liege, 1895-6, xlviii, 141. -----. La putrefac- tion comme agent general d'assainissement. Ibid., 1897-8, 1, 307. -----. Les facteurs internes de la putrefac- tion des cadavres. Cong, internat. de med. leg. 1897, Charleroi, 1899, ii, 17-20. [Discussion], 294-312. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi. 1897, ix, 42-45. —Jfinovici (M.) Putrefactia si cimitirele. Bui. a soc. gen. a med., Bucurescl, 1899-1900,'iii, 435-439.— ITIontalli (A.) Intorno al valore delle influence che spiegano le casse da inumazione sul proecsso putrcfattivo. Gior. di med. leg., Lanciano, 1896, iii, 49; 12s.—Nielsen (H. A.) Om Forraadnelsens Forhold til de smitsomme svudomme. [The relation of putrefaction to infectious diseases.] Tidsskr. f. Sundhdspl., K0benh., 1892-3, iii, 211-255—Oberniayer ( F.) & Kerry (R.) Studien zur Kenntniss der Eiwissfaulniss. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1893-4, vii, 806-810. —Ostertag. Zur Kenntnis der Zersetzungsvorgange bei Wild, das unaus- geweidet einige Zeit gelegen hat. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg.,Berl.,1907, xvii, 333-336.—Pasteur (L.) Exa- men du role attribue au gaz oxygeneatmospherique dans la destruction des matieres animales et vegetales apres la mort. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863, lv, 734-740. -----. Recherche sur la putrefaction. Ibid., 1189-1194.— Perrin (E.-R.) Contribution {Ll'etude de la decompo- sition cadaverique hative ou foudrovante. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1884, vii, 317-322.—"Pick (E. P.) phrenic). Haverbeck (C.) * Beitriige zum Pyopneu- mothorax subphrenicus. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Ramadan (S.) * Du pyopneumothorax sous- phrenique. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1891. Thouvenin (L. [-A.]) Contribution a l'etude du pyopneumothorax sous-phrenique (d'origine tuberculeuse). 4°. Paris, 1896. Hiegahski ( W. ) Przyczynek do r62niczkowego rozpaznawania ropni podprzeponowych. [Differential diagnosis of subphrenic pvopneumothorax.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1893, xxi, 521;" 542.—(assaet (E.) & Cassa- gnier. Un nouvel exemple de pyopneumothorax sub- phrenicus. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1906, ii, 1729-1739. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 198. Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 157. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux 1906, Par. & Bordeaux, 1907, 151 — Corberi (G.) Un caso di raccolta gassoza subfrenica. Gazz. d.osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 1294-1297.—Dickinson iL.) Two cases of subphrenic pyopneumothorax, with remarks upon the relation of that condition to general peritonitis when caused by perforating gastric ulcer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 233-235.—Gasparini (G.) Un caso di pneumotorace subfrenico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 1297-1303.—Gold (V. Y.) K voprosu o dia- gnostiklepvopneumotborax subphrenicus. [Diagnosis of . . .] Trud'i Obsh. dietsk. vrach., Mosk., 1898-9, vii, 50.— Konyayeflf (V. S.) Sluchal lozhnavo pnelmotoraksa (pvopneumothorax subphrenicus). Bolnitsch. gaz. Bot- kina, St. Petersb.. 1898, ix, 129-133.—Krohne (O.) Bei- trag zur Kenntniss der subphrenischen Abscesse; ein Fall von Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus; operation; Heilung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 708-711.—Laaclie ( S. ) Om Pyopneumo- thorax subphrenicus og Empyema pleurae medLdgangs- punkt fra Underlivet. [. . . with origin in the abdo- men.] Norsk Mag. f. La?gevidensk., Kristiania, 1894, 4. R., ix, 1021-1030. — Lejden ( E. ) & Renvers. Ueber Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus und dessen Be- handlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1^92. xxix, 1153-1158. [Discussion]. 1172-1174. — Maraiiliauo (D.) Piopneu- motorace subfrenico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 511.—Osier (W.) Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 113-115. —Pel (P. K.) En retro-peritoneaal luchthoudend absces onder het dia- phragma (z. g. pyopneumothorax hypophrenicus retro- peritonealis). Nederl. Tidjschr. v. (Jeneesk., Amst., 1892, 2. R., xxviii, pt. 1, 717-733.—Schiller IK.) A subphre- nikust&lyog 41tal okozott heveny genylcgmellrbl (pyo- pneumothorax hypopbrenikus apertus esete, mely sub finem vitae acut pyopneumothoraxot idfeett elo, exitus). [Acute pyopneumothorax caused by subphrenic abscess; a case which progressed to a terminal acute stage.] Bu- dapest orv. ujsag, 1906, iv, 943-948. Also: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, No. 35, 4.—Sliort (T. S.) On the diagnosis between supraphrenic and subphrenic pyo- pneumothorax. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1899, xlv, 193-294.— Strazhesko (N. D. ) Sluchal gazovavo nariva pod grudobryushnol pregradol (pyopneumothorax subphre- i nicus, abces gazeux sous-diaphragmatique). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii,737-739.—Teichl (K.) Ein Fall von Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xxvii,75-77.—Thue(K.) TilBelysningaf den sub- freniske Pyopneumotorax's Patogenese. [Contribution to the pathogenesis of subphrenic pyopneumothorax.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1894, 4. R., ix, 1031-1939.—Tuflier& Rarbarin. Pyo-pneumothorax sous-phrenique; kvstehvdatiquedufoie; peritonite gene- rate. Bull. Soc". anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 689-692 — tin ber ( F.) Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus (Ley- den) auf peritvphli'tischer Basis ohne Perforation. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb". d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1900, vi, 605-617.— Volhard. [Fall von Pyopneumothorax subphrenicus.] Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk.,Giessen, 1906, med. Abt., 33. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 505. Pyopneumothorax ( Treatment of Operative). See, also, Pyopneumothorax (Subphrenic). Rroglio ( C. ) Sopra un caso di piopneumotorace curate colle lavature pleurali apneumatiche. Ateneo med. parmense, Parma, 1890, iv, 123-141.—Corner (E. M.) A case of pyopneumothorax due to phthisis; Pyopneumothorax {Treatment of Operative). operations on the principles of Estlander's (thoraco- plasty) healing with an aerial fistula. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1903-4, xxxvii, 243.—Cosma. Interventia chirur- gicala in piopneumotorax. Spitalul, Bucurescl,' 1900, xx, 1-4. — Delayatitski. [Pyopneumothorax s pravol storoni llechonniy po sposobu Levashova.] [Pyopneu- mothorax of right side treated by Levashoff's method.] Protok. i trudi Obsh. Khersonsk. vrach. (1894-5), 1896, xxvi, 33.—Djemil-Pacha. Pyopneumothoraxancien, suite d'une plaie ptinetrante de la poitrine op£r6e par le proced6 de Delorme. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 36-39. — Dollinger (J. ) Abschalung der die Lunge comprimirenden Pseudomembran bei chronischem Pyo- pneumothorax. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1900, xxxvi, 686. — Finlay ( D. W. ) A case of tuberculous pvopneumothorax treated by incision and removal of ribs. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1903-4, xxxvii, 183-191.— Gaudier. Pyo-pneumothorax superieur droit avec vomiques; intervention; impossibility de trouver la ca- verne; thoracoplasties guerison complete. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par, 1905, xxiii, 551-555.—Ho rand (R.) & Savy (P.) Pyopneumothorax enkyste, tolerependant douze ans; drainage; guerison. Bull, med., Par., 1907, xxi, 630.—Kimball (J. P.) Case of pyopneumothorax treated by Estlander's operation. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1898-9, v, 314.—Lardy. Pyopneumothorax ancien oper4 par le precede de Delorme. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1895, xxv, 167-169. Also: Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stant., 1895-6, xxxviii, 135-13*.—ITIerklen (P.) Traite- ment du pyopneumothorax tuberculeux par la pleuroto- mie. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1891, 3. s., viii, 551-561. — Pyopneumothorax; consecutives Hautemphysem; Paracentesis; Tod. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenh. Wieden 1875, Wien, 1876, 210. — Toussaint. Pleuresie sero-fibrineuse tuberculeuse terminee par vomique; pyopneumothorax consecutif; thoracotomie; guerison. Arch. prov. de med., Par., 1899, i, 690-697 — West (S.) Case of pyopneumothorax of several months' duration cured by free incision; with some remarks on the surgical treatment of pneumothorax. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, xxi, 41-54.—Whitney (H. B.) The Bue- low method of drainage in pyopneumothorax. Colorado Med., Denver, 1903-4, i, 263-266. Pyopneumothorax in an imals. ' Douville. Pyopneumothorax chez un fine. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1907, lxxxiv, 693-697.—Petit (G.) Un cas de mort subite chez le chien par pyopneumothorax tuberculeux. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 440. Pyopneumothorax in children. Rlaker ( P. S.) A case of pyopneumothorax in an infant. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904. ii, 1754.— Brothers (A.) Acase of pyopneumothorax in a child two and a half years old. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1895, xii, 199-201.—Car- penter (G.) Lung with multiple abscesses from a child aged three years with pyopneumothorax. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1905-6, vi, 255-258. — Carr (W. L.) Pyopneumothorax. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1895, vii, 69-72. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1895, xii, 588-591.—Simon (P.) Du pyopneumothorax tubercu- leux chez les enfants. Rev. g6n. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1893, vii, 449. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Barille ( A.) * Des complications infec- tieuses de la periodontite suppuree. 4°. Paris, 1891. Guebey (J.) *Etude sur l'osteo-periostite alveolaire (osteo-periostite alveolo-dentaire de Magitot). 4°. Paris, 1880. Montell (W. A.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris. 8°. [n. p.], 1897 Nash (H. S.) Loosening teeth, or chronic alveolitis ( pyorrhoea alveolaris, phagedenic pericementitis, Riggs' disease, etc.); its causes, clinical history, and treatment. With general directions for the care of the teeth, v. 1. 12°. New York, 1897. Adair (R. B.) Riggs' disease; from the standpointof a specialist. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1904, xlvi, 370-374. Also, transl.: Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Ge- neve, 1901, xiv, 115-124. —Allan (G. S.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila., 1889, x, 712-725.—Arkovy. Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Osteoperiostitis alveolo-dentalis. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1883, xix, 314.—Arringtpn (B. F.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait., 1890-91, 3. s., xxiv, 481- 492. -----. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv, 274-283. -----. Some facts concerning pyorrhea alveolaris or Riggs' disease, so-called, that PYORRHCEA. 192 PYORRHCEA. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. will be well for physicians and dentists to consider care- fully and keep in mind. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1907, xxx, 58-62.—Atkinson (C. B.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1890, xxxii, 445-450. Also, Re- print.—Atkinson (W. H.) Studies in pvorrhea alveo- laris. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1888, xxx, 406-428. Also, Iteprint.—Hennett (Bessie B.) A few thoughts about pyorrhea. Items Interest, N. Y., 1905, xxvii, 656-659.— Rennette(B.) Pvorrhea alveolaris. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1900, xliii, 49-60.—Rerten (J.) Ueber Alveolar- pyorrlioe. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1905, vii, 133-139—Hodecker (C. F. W.) Pyorrhoea alveo- laris. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1903, xvii, 110-120.—Ron- will (W. G. A.) Pyorrhea alveolaris; its origin and treatment. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, odont., 31-46.—Roswell (J. V.) A few points on pvorrhea alveolaris. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1907, xiii, 351-361.—Ruehanan (A.) Brief note on pyorrhoea alveolaris in India. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 790.—Rurbrldge (C. A.) Pvorrhea alveolaris. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1905, lix, 503-532.—Ruxbanm (A. I. F.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896-7, n. s., lxxxviii, 115-121.—Capon (R. M.) Pvorrhcea alveolaris. Dental Rec, Lond., 1902, xxii, 249-254.— Carpenter (G. T.) Some points on the etiology, pa- thology, and treatment of persistent pvorrhea. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1899, liii, 368-374. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1X99, xxxiii, 393-395. Also: Ohio Dent. J., Cin- cin., 1899, xix, 404-409.—Carr (J. W.) & Roughton (E. W.) A case of sapramia due to pyorrhoea alveolaris simulating tvphoid fever. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 525. Also: West. Dent. J., Kansas City, 1904, xviii, 176-184.— Cravens (J. E.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass. 1892, Phila., 1893, xxxii, 58-65. -----. Pyorrhoea al- veolaris. Internat. Dent. J., N.Y. & Phila., 1895, xvi, 591-601.-----. Kings'disease: or. what you will. Dental Reg., Cincin., ls95. xlix, 261-280. -----. Pyorrhoea al- veolaris or RifrKs' disease; etiology, pathology, charac- teristics, treatment. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1896, ii,435- 439.—Curtis (G. L. i Syphilitic locolosis alveolaris (pyorrhea alveolaris). Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1900, xii, 247-251. — David. De l'osteo-periostite aheolo- dentaire ou maladie de Fauchard. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par. (1885), 1886, 51-60. Also, Reprint.—Davis (B.) Co-operation of the patient in pyorrhoea alveola- ris. Dental Rec, Lond., 19u2. xxii, 342."—Davis (L. L.) Pvorrhcea alveolaris and prehistoric man. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1902, xvi, 548-550. [Discussion], 570-577. -----. Some questions concerning1 pvorrhea. Ibid.,1905, xix, 773-776. [Discussion], 81 l-x33.—Dubois (P.) Perio- dontite expulsive ou osteoperiosrite alveolo-dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1892, xii, 1-19.—Dudley (E. D.) Pyor- rhoea alveolaris. Brit. Dent. J.. Lond., 1907, xxviii. 1103- 1168.—Dzierzawski fB.) Ropotokzebodolowy. [Alve- olar pvorrhcea.] Przegl.dent..Warszawa. 1902.v. 123-139.— Fenehel. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Alveolarpyorrhoe. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1895, xiii, 416- 449.—Fisk (W. J.) Pvorrhu-a alveolaris. Brit. J. Dent. Sc.,Lond.,1892,xxxv, 529-536.—Fitzgerald i.I.) On the nature and treatment of pyorrhoea alveolaris, and its im- portance to the physician. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 406-468. -----. Pyorrhoea alveolaris and its relations to general medicine. Clin. J., Lond., 1898-9, xiii, 314; 331; 395; 411.— Fitzhardinge ( H. C.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris; a case in practice. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1904, xxv, 705.— Forcliheimer (F.) Etiology and treatment of pyor- rhea alveolaris: stomatitis ulcerosa chronica. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901, iii, 392-398. Also, Reprint — Frey. La pvorrhee alveolaire et le terrain. Rev. d. mal.de la nutrition, Par., 1906, 2. s., iv, 503-513.—Fryd. Fiille aus der Praxis, nebst einigen Erorterungen iiber Alveolarpyorrhoe. Deutschezahnarztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 1905, viii, 389-392. —Galippe (V.) Gingivite arthro- dentaire infectieuse (pyorrhea alveolaris) chez une pan- there. J. d. conn. med". prat., Par., 1893, 5. s., xii, [3. s., xiii], 25-28. -----. Sur divers cas de gingivite arthro- dentaire infectieuse, observes chez des animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvi, 154. -----. Note sur une complication rare de la pyorrh6e alveolaire. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1906, xiii, 555-557.— Goadby (K. W.) Pvorrhcea alveolaris; progress report. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxxiv, 166-201. Also: Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1902, xlv, 494; 545. -----. The Eras- mus Wilson lecture on pvorrhcea alveolaris. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond.. 1907. 1, 345; 389: 441. Also: Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1907, xxviii. xx5; 1039; 1074. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 633-643.—God lee (R. J.) On some of the medic- al andsurgicalcomplicationsofpvorrheaalveolaris. Med.- rhir.Tr.,Lond..l'.Kii».lxxxiii,335-349. Also: Brit.J.Dent. Sc. Lond.. 1900. xliii, 529-537. Also: Dental Rec, Lond., 1900, xx, 337-317. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 1469— Good (R.) Pvorrhcea alveolaris. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1898, xii, 808-811. [Discussion], 819-829. -----. Pvorrhea alveolaris. Tr. N.York Odont. Soc. 1901. Phila., 1902, 143-160. Also: Dental Cosmos. Phila.. 1902, xliv. 317- 355.—Gray (W. O.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Austral. J. Dent., Melbourne, 1900-1901, iv, 272-2^3.— Greve (II. C.i Ueber die sogenannte Alveolarpyorrlioe, recte Caries Pyorrhoea alveolaris. alveolaris. Deutsche zahniirztl. Wchnschr., Berl., 19a5, viii, 529-532. — Hagan y P. R.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Dental Cosmos. Phila., loin, xliii, 790-795. — Harlan (A. W.) Pyorrhea alveolai is; with some notes I'roin the practice of the author. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc. 1898 Phila., 1899, 28-40. -----. A review of recent literature on the loose tooth or pvorrhea problem Ibid., 1900, Phila., 1901, 11-29. —Heise (O. N.) Notes on pyorrhea alveolaris. Dental Reg., Cincin., 1899, liii. 17-31. Also: Ohio Dent. J., Toledo, 1899, xix, 9-23.—Hermann (K.) Die Alveolarpyorrlioe als klinisches Symptom bei gewis- sen Stoffweehselkrankheiten. Wien. "zahnarztl Monat- schr., 1901, iii, 169-180, 1 tab. -----. Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Pvorrhoe. Oesterr.-unsar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1905, xxi, 201-204.—Ho ward (F. E.) Some observations in connection with pvorrhea alveo- laris. Dental Cosmos., Phila., 1902, xliv, S'_'7-sno.—Kalu- stofT (G. N.) O t. naz. pyorrhoea alveolaris. [On so- called . . .] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1898, xxxvii, pt. 1, 88-117. [Discussion], 201. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, odont., 122-124.—Karolyi. Beobachtun- gen fiber Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1901, xvii, 279-283.—Keyes (W. B. Pyorrhea alveolaris, with special reference to practi- cal medicine. Dental Cosmas, Phila., 1902, xliv, 1-9.— Kichise (U.) [Pyorrhea alveolaris] Shikwaga- kuho, Tokyo, 1902, vii, no. 10, 11-19.—Kinney (De L.) Interstitial gingivitis, or so-called pvorrhea alveo- laris. Dental Brief, Phila., 1907, xii, 504 .)n.i—Kling (A.) Praktische Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Alveolarpyorrhoe und der dadurch entstandeiien Lo- ckerung der Zahne. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahniirzte, Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 120-121..—Kovarski (I. M.) K voprosu o lle- chenii alveolyarnoi piorre'i. [On the treatment of al- veolar pyorrhoea.] Odont. obozr., Mosk., 1899, i, 52-60, 1 tab.—Landgraf (L.) Kritische Betrachtungen iiber Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1903, xxi, 636-656. -----. Die Initialsymptomeder Alveolarpyorrhoe. Ibid., 1905, xxiii, 69-77.—Lederer (W. J.) The value of intestinal gingivitis (pyorrhea alveolaris) in the recognition of systemic disease (a digest of the important recent literature;. Arch. Diagn., N. Y., 1908, i, 281-285.—MeDonagh (A. J.) Pyorrhoea alveo- laris. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii, 34-37.— Mairltot (E.) Memoire sur l'osteo-periostite alveolo- dentaire. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1867, i, 678: ii, 35. Also. Reprint. -----. Nosographie et histoire de l'arthrite alveolaire symptomatique (pvorrhee alveolaire). Ver- handl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 14. Abth., 26-33.— ITIalassez & Galippe. Note sur l'etio- logie et le traitement de l'osteoperiostite alveolo-den- taire. France med., Par., 1884, ii, 1123. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 739. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1884, 3. s., vii, 249.—Marshall (J. S.) A remark- able case of pyorrhoea alveolaris, with reproduction of bone, occurring in the practice of Dr. Allport. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1883, i, 641-643.— Michel (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Alveolarpyorrhoe. Deutsche Monat- schr. f. Zahnh.. Leipz., 1902, xx. 301-312.—.Hills (G. A.) More about Riggs' disease. Independ. Pract., Bait., 1880, i, 377-3x2. Also: Am. J. Dent. Sc., Bait., 18x0-81. 3. s., Xiv, 160-100.—Newell (K. B.) Pvorrhea alveolaris. Dental Reg., Cincin.. 1902, lvi, 331-3~>4.—Norman (F.) Pyor- rhea alveolaris and oral sepsis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv, 579-5x3.—Peacock (('.) Pvorrhcea alveo- laris. Dental Rec, Lond., 1903, xxiii, 123-129.—Pease (C. G.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris, often diagnosed as facial neuralgia. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1892, xii, I7x.—Peek (A. H.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv, 543-552.—Pierce (C.N.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris; its cau- sation, diagnosis, and treatment. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1896, 103-127.—Poppwell (H.) Pyorrhea al- veolaris. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1905, xvii, 178- 180.—Prinz (H.) Oral disturbances from pyorrhea al- veolaris. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 792.— Kawls (A. O.) Pvorrhea alveolaris. Dental Cosmos, I'hila., 1885, xxvii,265-274. Also: South. Dent. J., Atlanta, 188.5-6. iv, 133-144.—Rhein (M. L.) Studies of pyorrhea alveolaris. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1888, xxx, 406-428. Also, Reprint. -----. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1899, xiii, 163-174. -----. Splinting loosened teeth in pyorrhea alveolaris. Tr. N. York Odont.Soc.1903, Phila., 1904, 7-15.—Ronier. Leber Alveolarpyorrhoe. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Winterthur & GeneVe, 1903, xiii, 1-11. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong. 1904, Phila., 1905, 1, 222-225. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1905, xlvii, 89-92.— Rose (W. S.) Pvorrhcea alveolaris. Brit. J. Dent. Sc, Lond., 1902, xlv, 721-731.—Rosenthal. De la pvorrhee alveolaire. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1x96. vi, 301-308—Schmidt (L.) Zur Casuistik der Periostitis alveolaris. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1890, vii 170-180.— Senn (A.) Leber Alveo- larpyorrhoe. Ibid., 1906, xxiv, 187-196.— Sevier (C. A.) An interesting case of Riggs' disease. Dental Brief, Phila., 1906, xi, 630-632.—Shaver f A. E.) Pyor- rhea alveolaris. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1902, PYORRHCEA. 1-93 PYORRHOEA. Pyorrhoea al ceedaris. xiv, 148-152.—Sibley (F. L.) Arterio-sclerosis in pyor- rhea alveolaris. Dental Digest, Chicago, 1902, viii, 468- 471. Also: Dental Office & Lab., Phila., 1902, 4. s., xvi, 65-68.—Smith (D. D.) Alveolar pyorrhea; its cause, sequels, and cure. Proc. Phila. Co., M. Soc, Phila., 1904, xxv, 176-185. Also: Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran., 1904, 26-50. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 605- 625. Also: Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1904, xvi, 388- 404.—Stewart (H. J.) Riggs' disease. Memphis M. Month., 1903, xxiii, 345-355. Also: Dental Summary, Toledo, 1904, xxiv, 38.3-392. —Sudduth (W. X.) Pyor- rhea alveolaris. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1894, xxxvi, 534; 589.—Talbot (E. S.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. ibid., 1896, xxxviii, 310-321.-----. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Tr. Acad. Stomatol., Phila., 1897, 1-23, 1 pl. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xviii, 111-119. Also, transl.: Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, odont., 46- 51. -----. Interstitial gingivitis, or so-called pyorrhcea alveolaris. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1903, xxiii, 435; 538.—Touvet-Fanton (E.) Sur la pyorrhee alveolo- dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1902, 2. s., xiv, 205-212— Towner (J. D.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. Dental Head- light, Nashville, 1908, xxix, 60-65. —Truman (J.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Am. J. Dent. Sc, Bait,, 1889-90, 3. s., xxiii, 444-450—Turner (J. O.) Pyorrhoea leading to antral suppuration. Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1901-2, n. s., xxxiv, 164. -----. Some clinical notes on pyorrhoea alveolaris. Proc Rov. Soc Med., Lond., 1907- 8, i, Odont. Sect., 104-107.—Verrinder (A. E.) Pysemia as a sequela of pvorrhea alveolaris. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1896, viii, 1L—Warren (G. W.) Alveolar pyorrhoea up to date. Dental Brief, Phila., 1906, xi, 492-499. — Wetzel (E.J.) Pyorrhoea alveolaris; its causes and treatment. Internat, Dent. J., Phila., 1903, xxiv, 208-270.—Whittles (J. D.) Some observations on pyorrhoea alveolaris. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1906, xxvii, 1058-1064, 4 pl.—Younger (W. J.) Pyorrhea alveolaris. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 790-794. Also: Pacific Coast Dentist, San Fran., 1894, ii, 301-312. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 540-550. -----. Pyorrhea alveolaris. Compt.-rend. Cong, inter- nat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899 v, odont., 25-30. -----. Pyorrhoea alveolaris. Dental Brief, Phila., 1905, x, 657- 670. Also, transl.: Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Zurich & Geneve, 1905, xv, 87-108. -----. Pyorrhea alveolaris in the times of the Pharaohs and the present Egyptians. Den- tal Rev., Chicago, 1905, xix, 920-924. —Znamenski (N. N) Alveolyarnaya piorreya, yeya patologicheskaya anatomiya, prichmi i radikalnoye l'lecheniye. [Alveo- lar pyorrhoea; its pathological anatomy, causes, and radical treatment.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1902, lvii, 439- 454, 3 pl. Also, transl.: J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1902, xxiii, 385-604. Pyorrhoea alveolaris {Causes and pa- thology of). Arno'ne (L.) La saliva degli ammalati di piorrea al- veolare. Odontoloxia. Palermo, 1896, xxi, 161: 1897, xxii, L—Arrington (B. F.) The etiology of pyorrhoea alve- olaris discovered, so stated. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1900, xxi, 451-4 >s.—Raudet. La resorption progressive des arcades alveolains ou mal perforant buccal. Arch. ff6n. de m6d., Par., 1895, i, 62-80. —C'arr (J. W.) & Koughton (E. W.) A case of sapremia due to pyor- rhea alveolaris simulating typhoid fever. Dental Pract., Toronto, 1908, v, 151-153.—C'econi (E.) Della piorrea alveolare o necrosi traumatica alveolare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1185-1187.—Ceconi ( G.) Eziologia della piorrea alveolare. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Vene- zia, 1900, xxxiii, 314-317. -----. Contributo alio studio della eziologia della piorrea alveolare. Stomatol., Mi- lano, 1903-4, ii, 441; 497.—er den Verlauf derPyra- midenbahn bei niederen Siiugetieren. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxix, 113-132. See, also, supra, Haller. -----. Con- tribution k l'etude de la voie pyramidale chez 1'homme et les animaux. Arch, d'anat. micr., Par., 1896-7, ix, 21- 46,2 pl—Ugolottl (F.) Sulle vie piramidali dell' uomo. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1906, xxxii, 776-802. Pyramidon. Blanc (A.) *Etude therapeutique sur ±e py- ramidon (phenylmethvlamidodimethvlisopyra- zolone). 8°. Paris, 1903. Burg (R.) * Etude experimentale, clinique et therapeutique sur le pyramidon. 8°. Lvon, 1897. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Cruzel (J.-J.) Contribution ii l'etude des pyramidon (dimethyl-amido-phenyl-dimethyl- pyrazolon). 8°. Lyon, 1905. Graxdchamp (R.) Pyramidon et fievre ty- phoide. 8°. Toulouse, 1903. Hernandez y Martinez (F.-X.-A.-L.-A.) Contribution a l'etude therapeutique du phe- nvldimethylamidodimethylisopyrazolone (py- ramidon). 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Kirstein (F.) * Ueber das Pvramidon. s°. Berlin, 1900. Legendre (C.) *Sur le pyramidon. Etude experimentale et therapeutique. 8°. Paris, 1897. Oraboxa (J.-A.) *De la valeur analgesique et antithermique du pyramidon. H°. Montpel- lier, 1904. Parcy (J.) *Lescamphoratesde pvramidon. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Albreelit. Ueber Pyramidon, besonders beim As- thma. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wien. 1902, n. F., iv, 470—Apert (E.) Les urines rouges dans la medication par le pyramidon. Arch. g£n. de m6d., Par., 1904, ii, 1665- 1671.—Bardet iG.) Action antithermique du pyrami- don. Bull, gen.de therap. [etc.], Par., 1901, cxli, 367-370.— Barral (E.) Nouvelles reactions colorees du pyrami- don. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1903, ii, 206.—Ber- therand (L.) Contribution k l'etude du pyramidon et de ses sels. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.],Par., 1901,cxli,243- 249. -----. Contribution a l'etude therapeutique du py- ramidon et de ses sels, le camphorate acide de pyramidon et le sallicylate de pyramidon. Priel., cxlii, 276-298.— Bondouy (T.) Action du ferment oxydant de la gom- mearabique sur le pyramidon; incompatibilite du pyra- midon et de la potion gommeuse. Trav. scient. Univ. de Rennes, 1903, ii, 281-283.-Butters. Ueber Pyramidon. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. Krankenh. d. Stadt Niirmb., 1898, 505-521—del €ueto (J. A.) Pvramidon. Arch. de ginecop., Barcel., 1902, xv, 93-95.—D. (J.) Le pyra- midon; modes d'administration, doses, action. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 140.—Deguy (M.) Le pvramidon et ses usages. Mementos therap., Par., 1902, 52-59. — Di- balloff (S. I.) K voprosu o llechebnom znachenii pira- midona. [Medicinal value of pyramidon.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 44.—Diogo (C.) filho. Pesquisa da Pyramidon. antipyrina no pyramidon. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1906, iv, 363-367. — Fasano (A.) II piramidone come antipi- retico ed analgesico nella odierna terapia. Arch, inter- naz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1900, xvi, 193-208. — Fi- 1 ehne (W.) Leber das Pvramidon, ein Antipvrin- derivat. Berl. klin Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 1061-1063.— Fuchs (C.) Die therapeutische An wendung des Py- ramidon in der zahnarztlichen Praxis. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl., 1907, xvi, 181. —Hallopeau. Sur l'apparition d'exanthemes identiques apres l'ingestion d'antipyrine, d'aspirine et de pyramidon. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 242. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 383.— Hirsehkron (J.) Neuere Erfahrungen mit Pvrami- don. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1901, xlvi, 142. —Hoff- mann (P.) Vergleichende Reaktionen von Antipyrin, Pyramidon und Verwandten und Schicksal des Pyr'ami- dons im Tierkorper. Arch, internat. de pharmacod.i Gand et Par., 1899-1900,vi, 171-180. Also, transl.: Nouv. remedes, Par., 1900, xvi, 241-245. — Homelier (C.) Pyramidon (Dimethylamidoantipyrin). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 759.—Jaffe(M.) Ueber das cbemische Verhalten des Pyramidons im Organismus. Internat. Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Leyden), Berl., 1902, ii, 1-12. — Kelly (L.) Pvra- midon. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1899, iv, 12. — Klein. Contribution a l'etude du pyramidon. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1900, lxvii, 15i.—Kolin (s.) pyramidon und Morphium. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxii, 222- 224. —Korovitski (K. I ) Piramidon i yevo llecheb- noye primlenenive. [. . . and its medicinal use.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 1479; 1510. — Laumonier (J.) Py-ramidon. Nouv. remedes, Par., 1901, xvii, 340-344.— Lepine (R.) Sur la valeur clinique du pvramidon. Lyonmed., 1897, lxxxv, 215-217. -----. Sur le pvramidon. Rev. de med., Par., 1897, xvii, 196-198. — Linke. Pvra- midon. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 85-91— Hl«s- nard (P.-A.) Emploi therapeutique du pyramidon. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 762. — Itliiller. Ueber Pvra- midon. Deutsche Prax., Munchen, 1903, xii, 680-687.— Patein (G.) Un nouveau mode d'essai du pyramidon. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1905, 6. s., xxii, 5-8.—Pauli (W.) Leber Nebenwirkungen des Pvramidon. Cen- tralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien,1900, xviii, 129-132.—Poll I (J.) Ueber Pyramidon. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien. 189s, x, 289-291.—Bahn (A.) Die kampfersauern Pvramidon- Salze. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1903, 444.— Rem- mets. Einiges iiber Pyramidon. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1902, xiii, 265-267.—Bobin (A.) & Bardet (G.) Un medicament aromatique analgesique et antipyretique ex- citateur des ^changes organiques, le dimeLhylamidoan- tipvrineoupvramidon. Cong.internat.demed. C.r.,Par., 1900, sect, de therap., 137-141. Also: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1900, cxl, 113-123. Also: Nouv.remedes, Par., 1900, xvi, 337-345.—Roth (I >.) Ueber die Wirkungsweise des Pyramidon bei verschiedenen Krankheitszustanden. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1*97, x, 964-968.—Sadkovski (G. S.) K farmakologii piramidona. Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1902, i, 689-692. Also, transl.: Kron. lek., War- szawa, 1902, xxiii, 353; 405.—Suehannek. Erfahrungen mit Pyramidon. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1898, xxiii, 141.—Tauszk (F.) A pyramidon s6i. [Saline pyrami- don.] Budapestiorv. ujsag, 1904, ii, 901-904. Also, transl: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1904, ix, 665-567. Also, transl.: Deutsche Prax., Munchen, 1905, xiv, 204-209. Also, transl.:,Buffalo M. J., 1904-5, n. s., xliv, 809-815.— Torday ( A. ) Salicylsavas pyramidon. [Salicylated pyramidon.] Budapest! orv. ujsag, 1905, iii, 581.—Vin- eenzo (G.) Note cliniche ed osservazioni sperimentali sul piramidone. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 472- 474. —von Waldheim (M.) Ursache und Verhiitung der Inkompatibilitat des Pyramidons und des Gummis. Ztsehr. d. allg. osterr. Apoth.-Ver., Wien, 1902, lvi, 1025. Pyramidon (Toxicology of). Sprimon (V. [F.] ) * K toksigologii pira- midona; vliyaniye piramidona na krov, sele- zyonku, pechen i pochki u zhivotnikh. [Toxi- cology of pyramidon; influence of pyramidon upon the blood, liver, and kidneys in animals.] 8°. Moskva, 1904. Also [Abstr.] in: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1904, lxi, 759. Kieler. [Pyramidonexanthem.] Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, Ixxxvi, 311-313. Pyrantin. Ciioffredi(C) Ueber Pyrantin (-Piutti) (p-Aethoxy- phenylsuccinimid), ein neues Antipvreticum. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1898, lx, 559-575.—Pyrantin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1898, xii, 560. Pyranum. See Neuralgia (Treatment of). Pyrawarth. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. PYRAZIN. 196 PYKIDAZIN. Pyrenees. Tableau des ceuvres et institutions du de- partement des Pvrenees-Orientales. 8°. Paris, 1896. < artailliac (E.) Quelques faits nouveaux du pr6- historic]iie ancien des Pyrenees. Anthropologic Par., 1894, v, 19— < az;iux (M.) Les stations d'altitude esti- vales dans les Pvrenees francai-es. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. C.-r., 1904-5, 1,1*7-200. Also: Gaz. d.eaux, Par., 1905, xlviii, 233; 241— Ideographic medicale; la region des Pyrenees. Independ. med., Par., 1898, iv, 19; 43.—l>aloy. EthnographischesausSiidwest-Frankreich. I. Die Pyreniien. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1903, n. F., i, 43-50.—Lite y Aras (J.) [La cura de 6 por la altura en los Pirineos de Arag6n.] An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1899, xix, 178-186.—Martel (E.-A.) LVnfouis- sementdeseaux souterraines; lereboisementobligatoire; l'exploration hydrologique souterraine des Pvrenees. Gaz. d. eanx, Par.. 1904, xlvii, 297-299. —de Pietra Santa. Influence de Pair des Pyrenees sur les a flec- tions chroniques de la poitrine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1862, lv, 63S.—Pyrenean health and pleasure resorts. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1897, lxiv, 61. Pyreneei-Orientales. Conseil central d'hy- giene publique et de salubrite. VIII. Etude sur l'epidemie cholerique de 1893 et la vallee de la Tet par le Doeteur Lesage. Rapport addresse a monsieur le president du conseil, ministre de l'interieur. Mission sanitaire de 1893. 102 pp., 10 pl. 8°. I'erpignan, C. Latrobe, 1894. Pyrenol. Burehard. Erfahrungen fiber die therapeutische Leistungsfahigkeit des Pyrenols: a) bei Asthma und Per- tussis; b) bei Gicht und Ischias. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1903, 462-464. — Fasano (A. ) II pyrenol nella odierna terapia. Arch, internaz. di'med. e chir., Napoli, 1905, xxi, 172-181. — Frerichs (G.) Pyrenoltabletten undEglatolkapseln von Dr. Horowitz. Apoth.-Ztg.,Berl., 1908, xxiii, 521; 622.—Frey (E.) Pvrenol alsAntlasthma- ticum. Heilkunde, Berl., 1903,418-420.—Frieser (J. W.) Ueber Pyrenol, dessen Wert und Wirkung bei Bronchitis, Asthma und Pertussis. Med. Bl., Wien, 1903, xxvi, 788- 790.—Harnack ( E.) Ueber die Missstiinde in der Heil- mittelproduktion unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pyrenolfrage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv,1537-154L— Hirschberg (J.) Zur Pyrenol- undEglatol-Frage. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1908,461- 464.—Horowitz (A.) Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Pyrenols. Apoth.-Ztg.,Berl.,1908,xxiii, 173.—L-lnke. Pyrenol. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, iii, 251-253.— Locb (F.) Ueber den therapeutischen Werth des Py- renols, nebst Bemerkungen zur Frage derSalicylwirkung auf das Urogenitalsystem. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 1086.—UIanasse(K.) Zur An wendung des Pvrenol. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, lxxii, 983-985.—von Oefele. Pyrenol und der Circulustherapiae. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1906, x, 102. — Sehtttte (P.) Pyrenol in der Therapie der Respirationsorgane. Ibid., 1907, xi, 149-151.—Sternberg. Das Pyrenol als Asthmamittel. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1903, xiii, 405. — Thorns (H.) Ueber Pyrenol. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, xxiii, 315- 318. — Walther (F.) Pyrenol. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1906, i, 87.—Kernik (F.) Pyrenol und Natrium thvmico-oxvbenzoicum. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xxii, 1091-1093. -----. Nochmals das pyrenol. Ibid., 1908, xxiii, 427. Pyrenolysis. Lannoy (L.) Les phenomenes de pyrenolyse dans les cellules de laglande hepato-pancreatique de 1' Kupagurus Bernardus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvi, 109-112. Pyrazin. See, also, Piperazine, etc. Scholl (F.) * Ueber Wasserstoffadditions- produkte des Pyrazins und Tetramethylpyra- zins, ein Beitrag zur Konstitutionsfrage des Pyrazins. 8°. Jena, 1893. Pyrazol [and derivatives], Culmann (E.) * Ueber eine neue Synthese von Pyrazolonderivaten. 8°. Bern, 1896. Duden (P.) * Beitriige zur Theorie der Py- razolbildung. 8°. Jena, 1892. Ernst ( R. ) * Ueber die Einwirkung der Oxybenzaldehyde auf Phenylmethylpyrazolon. [Bern ] 8°. Berlin, 1899. Glette (L. R.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis eini- ger Pyrazolonderivate. [Rostock.] 8°. Par- chim, 1906. Grenzfelder (J.) * Ueber das p-Oxaethyl- phenylmethylpvrazolon und seine Derivate. 8°. Jena, 1894.* Knorr (L.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Py- razolhomologen. 8°. Jena, 1S97. Licinski (H.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pyrazolonfarbstoffe. 8°. Bern, 1898. Macdonald (J.) *Feber das (a?Methyl- pvrazol, ein Beitrag zur Konstitutionsfrage des Pyrazols. 8°. Jena, 1894. "Meister (H.) * Ueber Pyrazole mit stark basischem Charakter. 8°. Jena, 1894. Muller (M.) *Zur Kenntnis von Pyrazo- londerivaten aus /3-Naphtylhydrazin. 8°. Jena, 1892. Oettinger (B.) * Ueber das 3, 4, 5-Trime- thylpyrazol und die zwei isomeren Tetrame- thylpyrazole. 8°. Jena, 1894. Paal (C.) * Furfuran-Thiophen- und Pyrrol- synthesen aus ^-Diketonen und ^-Ketonsiiuren. [Erlangen.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1890. Roosen (P. A.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger Pyrazolabkommlinge. [Erlangen.] 8°. Aachen, 1891. Schwimmer (M.) * Pyrazolderivate entstan- den durch Einwirkung von Isobutyryl- und Isobutylidenacetessigester auf Phenyihydrazin. 12°. Jena, 1892. Winkler (E.) * Krystallographische Unter- suchung des Pyrazols und einiger seiner Ab- kommlinge. [Jena.] 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Wirsing ([A.] F.) *Pyrazolin und Pyrazo- linderivate. 8°. Kiel, 1893. Betts (W. R.) Phenyl di-sulphonate calcium di- methvl pvrazolone. Synonyms: Cutol; pyrol. Tr. Louisi- ana M. Soc, N. Orl.', 1900, 259-271— Biberfeld (J.) Pharmakologische Studien iiber einige Pyrazolon- derivate. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1908, v, 29-42.— Eury (J.) Recherches sur les combinaisons de l'oxyde de mercure avec les pyrazolones. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1908, xv,384-394.—Klages (A.) Pyra- zole aus Diazoessisester und 1.3 Diketonen. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb., 1908, n. F., ix, 156-163.— Kobert (R.) Beitriige zur Kenntnis einiger Pvrazolon- derivate. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1907, lxii, 57-99 — Tappeiner ( H.) Pharmakologische Versuche fiber einige Pyrazole, insbesondere iiber die Methylphenyl- pyrazolcarbonsaure; ausgefuhrt von Cand. med. Canne. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1891, xxviii, 295-301. Pyrenees. See, also, Cretinism; Waters (Mineral), by localities. Lamarqxte (H.) Du choix d'une station sul- fureuse dans les Pyrenees francaises. Lecons du cours libre de therapeutique, hydrologique et climatherapie. Preface par X. Arnozan. 12°. Pans, 1903. Picot (de L.) Memoire sur quelques especes d'orobes des Pyrenees. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Pyrethrnm. Parisel (L.-V.) *Essais chimiques sur la racine de pyretre. 8°. Paris, 1833. Verneau (V.) * Etude sur les pvrethres. 4°. Montpellier, 1892. Pharmacie. Bosredon. Intoxication par la poudre de pyrethre. Bull. gen. de therap. fete], Par., 1897, exxxii, 275.—Oe- rard. Sur les pyrethres. [Abstr.] Bull, de pharm. de Lyon, 1898, xx, 325.—iUanget. Note sur une falsifica- tion de la poudre de pyrethre. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxvii, 311-314. Pyridazin. Kuhn (G. [J. T.]) *I. Synthese von Diphe- nyl-Pyridazinderivaten. II. Ueber colloidales Chlor-Brom und Jodnatrium. 8°. Erlangen, 1908. PYRIDINE. 197 PYRODINE. Pyridine. See, also, Diphtheria (Treatment of) witli anti- septics, etc.; Pyrimidine. Kroxthal ( W. ) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis des /i^-Dibenzylpyridins. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Krugel ( C. G. A. ) * Synthese einiger am Stickstoff aethylierter Pvridinderivate. 8°. Breslau, 1897. Matzdorff ( A. ) * Beitrage zur Synthese sauerstoffhaltiger Pyridin- und Piperinderivate. Das Picolylaethvlalkin und einige seiner Deri- vate. 8°. Breslau, 1898. Merl ( T. ) * Zur Kenntnis des Pyridins. 8°. Erlangen, 1901. Meyer ( 0. ) * Ueber den Xaehweis von Pyridinbasen in dem Teer der Kohle von Mes- sel bei Darmstadt. [Karlsruhe.] 8°. Bostock, 1893. Moureu (C.) Composes pyridiques et hydro- pyridiques. 4°. Paris, 1894. Concours. Pincissohn ( L.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pyridinverbindungen. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Plugge (P. C.) Pyridine-en chinolinederi- vaten. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Repr.from: YVeekbl. v. Pharm., iii. Salzer (J. A.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlor auf Anilin und Pyridin. 8°. Konigs- berg i. Pr., 1904. Schroeder (J.) *Chemisches und physika- liseh-chemisches Verhalten des Pyridins und von Metallsalzen zu und in Pyridin. 8°. Gies- sen, 1904. Wendler ( A. ) * Ueber die Xipecotinsiiure (Hexahvdropyridin-/?-Carbons;iure). 8°. Bres- lau, [1892]. Bartlie(L.) Purification de la pyridine. Proc.-verb. Soc. d. sc. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux, 1904-5,48.—Braeu- tigain i \V.) Leber die Harnsiiure losende Eigenschaft des Pyridins, dessen Nachweis und desinfizirende Wir- kung. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1902, xlvii, 498-500.—Brun- ton (T. L.) & Tunnielirte (F. YV.) On the physio- logical action of pyridine. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1894, xvii, 272-276. — Camps ( R. ) Ueber einige Harnstoffe, Thioharnstoffe und Urethane des Pyridins. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1902, ccxi, 345-365. — Cohn ( R. ) Ueber das Verhalten einiger Pyridin- und Naphtalinderivate im thierischen Stoffwechsel. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1893-4, xviii, 112-130.—Co rin (G.) La pyridine comme moyen d'extraction des taches de sang. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Brux., 1904-5, xvi, 10-15.— Deriu (A.j Ricerche farmacologiche sopra alcuni de- rivati cianpiridoni. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 839-854. —Francois ( M.) Dosage de la pyridine en solution aqueuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, cxxxvii, 324-326. Also [Abstr.]: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1903, 6. s., xviii, 337. — Monari ( A. ) & Scoccianti (L.) La piridina nei prodotti della torre- fazione del caffe. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1895, 4. s., xxi, 70-72. Pyridine (Toxicology of). Helme (G. E.) A fatal case of pyridine poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 844. Pyridoacetic esters. Bauer (J.) * Ueber Alkylidendipyridoyles- sigester und Isonitrosopyridoylessigester. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Pyriform sinus. Forns. Condiloma sifilitico del seno piriforme. Rev. espec. m6d. La oto-rino-laringol. espafl., Madrid, 1903, vi, 266.—liandesberg (R.) Ein Knorpelstiick im Sinus pyriformis. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1905, xxxix, 545-548.—Singer (G.) Idegen test a sinus pyri- formisban. [A foreign body in . . .] Gyermekgy6gya- szat, Budapest, 1904, ILL—Vitto-UIassel (R.) Angioma cavernoso del seno piriforme sinistro. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1906, xxiv, 109-114, 1 pl.—Vulovic' (L.) Strano telo u recessus pyriformis'u; ekstrakcija kroz usta. [Foreign body in . . .; extraction through the mouth.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek., Beograd, 1908. xiv, 20-22. Pyrimidines. Eberhardt (P.) * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pyrimidine. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Schwarz (R.) * Ueber die Synthese einiger Pyrimidinderivate. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Johns (C. O.) Researches on pyrimidines; synthesis of 4 methylcytosine. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1908, xl, 348- 355.—Johnson (T. B.) Researches on pvrimidins; syn- thesis of thymin-4-carboxylic acid. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1907-8, iii, 299-306. -----. Researches on pyrimidins; a method of separating thymin from uracil. Ibid., Bait., 1908, iv, 407— Johnson (T. B.l & Clapp (S. H.) Re- searches on pyrimidins; synthesis of cytosin, thymin and uracil. Ibid., v, 48-70.—Johnson (T. B.) & Johns (CO.) Researches on pyrimidins; some 5-iodopvrimidin derivatives; 6-iodocytosin. Ibid., N. Y., 1905-6, i", 305-318, 1 pl.—Johnson (T. B.) & McCollum (E. V.) Re- searches on pyrimidins; on methods of synthesizing iso- barbituric acid, and 5-oxy-cytosin. Ibid., 437-449. ----- -----. Researches on pyrimidines; the action of potas- sium thiocyanate upon imide chlorides. Am. Chem., Bait., 1906, xxxvi, 136-148.—Johnson (T. B.) & ITIenge (G. A.) Researches on pyrimidins, 5-ethvlcytosin. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1906, ii, 105-115.—ITIaiidel (J. A.) & Levene (P. A.) On the pyrimidin bases of the nucleic acid obtained from fish eggs. Ibid., 1905-6, i, 425.—Os- borne (T. B.) & Heyl (F. VV.) The pyrimidine deriva- tives in triticonucleic acid. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1907-8, p. xxi.—Steudel (H.) Das Verhalten einiger Pyrimidinderivate im Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901, xxxii, 285-290. -----. Fiit- terungsversuche in der Pyrimidingruppe. Ibid., 1903, xxxix, 136-142.—Traube (W.) & Nithack (W.) Ein- wirkung von Aldehyden auf Orthodiamine der Pyrimi- dinreihe. Arb. a. d. pharm. Inst. d. Univ. Berl., 1906, iii, 34^42.—Wheeler (H. L.) Researches on pyrimidins; on some salts of cytosin, isocytosin, 6-aminopyrimidin and 6-oxypyrimidin. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1907-8, iii, 285- 297.—Wheeler (H. L.) & Johns (C. O.) Researches on pyrimidines; synthesis of cytosine-5 carboxvlic acid. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1907, xxxviii, 594-602.—Wheeler (H. L.) & Johnson (T. B.) Researches on pyrimidins; or a color test for uracil and cytosin. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1907-8, iii, 183-189, 1 pl.—'Winter (F.) Ueber einige Derivate des 4. 5-Diamino-6-oxy-2-Thiopyrimidins. Arb. a. d. pharm. Inst. d. Univ. Berl., 1906, iii, 50-54. Pyrkosch (Carolus) [1831- ]. *De uteri gravidi retroversione. 35 pp. 8°. Vratislavise,- typ. C. F. A. Guentherianis, [1855]. Pyrlides (Sophokles K.) *Ein recidivirendes Fibrom des Riickens. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurz- burg, P. Scheiner, 1891. Pyrmont. See Small-pox (History, etc., of); Waters (Mineral), by localities. Pyrmont Spa, Germany. 20 pp. obi. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] Pyrocatechine. Lazennec (I.) *Sur quelques nouveaux de- rives de la pyrocatechine. 8°. Paris, 1907. Pyrodiazol. IiO JUonaeo (D.) & Tarulli (L.) Sopra 1' azione fisiologica di alcuni derivati del pirrodiazolo. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma (1895), 1896, xv, fasc. 2, 26-28. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 1, 616. Also: Terap. clin., Napoli, 1895, iv, 99. Pyrodine. Cesari (G.) La pirodina. s°. Modena, 1889. Lehoucq (L.-J.-D.-M.) * Recherches sur les effets physiologiques et therapeutiques de la pyrodine. 4°. Lille, 1889. Simon (P.-E.) Contribution a l'etude de la pyrodine. 4°. Nancy, 1889. Albertonl (P.) Ueber Blutbildungsprozesse unter dem Einflusse von Pyrodin; nach Versuchen von G. Mazzoni. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1891, 1, 587- 599.—De Renzi (E.) Osservazioni sulla pirodina. Morgagni, Milano, 1890, xxxii, 349-358. — Dreschfeld (J.) Clinical observations on pyrodine, a new antipy- retic. Med. Chronicle, Manchester, 1888-9, ix, 89-99. Also, Reprint.—Fraenkel (A.) Ueber das Verhalten des Stoflwechsels bei Pyrodinvergiftung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1890, xvii, Suppl.-Hft., 239-262.—Gatti (G.) Ricerche sulle alterazioni determinate dalla pirodina PYRODINE. 198 PYROMANIA. Pyrodine. sull' organismo. Bull. d. s(>. med. di Bologna, 1892, 7. s., iii, 581-594. —.Martini (X.) & Bagnaeci (E.) Sul- 1' azione antitenuiea della pirodina. Progresso med., Xapoli, 1889, iii, 585; 619; 633; 670; 707. —Ren vers. Leber Pyrodin. Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl., 1891, ii, 471-471.—Simon P.) De Taction antithermique de la pyrodine Otudiee eomparativement avec l'antifebrine et la ple'iiaietine. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1890, xxii, 49-54—Nurzyckii.I.) Opvrodinie. Przegl. lek.,Krak6w, 1.S90, xxix, 617; oui) — Wertlieiiner (E.) & Meyer (E.) De l'influence de la pyrodine sur la capacite respiratoire du sang et sur la temperature. Arch, de phvsiol. norm. et path., Par., 1890, 5. s., ii, 197. Pyrodine {Toxicology of). Edinger (L.) Zu dem Artikel: Ueber Pyrodinver- giftung bei Hunden, von Rothmann und Mosse. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 230.— Mosse ( M. ) & Rothmund (M.) Leber Pyrodin- vergiftung bei Hunden. Ibid.. 134; 187.—Rothmann (M.) Leber Pyrodinvergii'tung bei Hunden. Ibid., 134- 138. -----. Ant wort auf die Bemerkungen des Herrn Edinger zu dem Artikel: Ueber Pvrodin-Vergiftung bei Hunden. Ibid., 231. Pyrodinium. Plate (L.) Pyrodinium bahamense n. g., n. sp.; die Leucht-Peridinee des Feuersees von Nassau, Bahamas. Arch. f. Protistenk., .lena, 1906, vii, 411-429, 1 pl. Pyrofume. Francis. Experiments in the use of pyrofume for mosquito destruction. Pub. Health Rep. ' L. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1906, xxi, 711. Pyrogallol. Coblixer (J.) *Zur Kenntnis des Pyro- gallols. 8°. Munchen, 1903. Konaniii (A.) L' influenza del pirogallolo sui pro- cessi d' ossidazione e sintesi. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1900, xxvi, 748-752.—Braunstein (A.) Influ- ence du pyrogallol sur l'elimination de l'acide carbo- nique par les animaux. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Gand et Par., 1899-1900, vi, 195-209.—Okada (W.) [Pyro- gallol in naso-pharyngo-larvngologv.] Chiugai Iji Shin- po, Tokio, 1902, xxiii, 4-6.—Roberts (H. L.) On the influence of salicylic acid and other chemical substances on the oxidation of pyrogallol. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1893, v, 216-218.—Weyl (T.) & Zeitler (X.) Ueberdie Sauerstoffabsorption des Pyrogallols in alkalischer Lb- sung. Ann. d. Chemie, Giessen, 1880, ccv, 255-264, 1 pl. Pyrogallol (Toxicedogy of). Baradulin (G.) K voprosu ob eksperimentalnom vosproizvedenii zlokachestvennavo malokroviya pod vliyaniyem otravleniya pirogallolom. [Sur l'anemie pro- gressive causee par l'intoxication par le pyrogallol. Extr., 468.] Russk. arch, patol., klin., med. i bakteriol., S.-Pe- terb., 1899, viii, 441-463.—Orago (S.) Contiibuto alle alterazioni dei centri nervosi nell' avvelenamento da pirogallolo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 219.— Kitsch (P) Ein Fall von schwerer Pyrogallolvergif- tung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wienu. Leipz., 1901, vii, 521-530. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 1296-1299.—Vollmar (E.) Ein Fall von Pyro- gallolintoxication. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 45. Pyroiodone. Cousin. La pyroiodone. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 190s, 6. s., xxviii, 158-161. Pyroleol. Plisson (L.) De l'imploi du pyroleol dans le traite- ment des brulures. Caducee, Par., 1908, viii, 76-7S. Pyromania. See, also, Mind (Entpiiry into condition of). CruiE (J.) *Du crime d'incendie, particu- lierement Studie d'apres la plupart des codes penaux suisses. [Berne.] 8°. Delemont, 1890. fSraiidstil'timg und Mord; moralische Idiotie; Gut- achten von Prof. Forel (1888); Verurtheilung des Expl. zu lebensliinglichemZuchthaus. Gerichtl.-psychiat. Gut- acht. a. d. Klin. Forel in Zurich, Stuttg., 1896, 48-57.— Brandstittung; moralischeslrreseinmit hysterischen Characteranomalien; Gutachtenvon Dr. Delbriick an die Justiz-Direction betr. Versorgung vom Gesichtspunkte der Gemeingefahrlichkeit; Einweisung der Explorandin in eine Irrenanstalt. Ibid., 02-71. — Brandstil'tung; constitutionelle Psychose (moralLches Irresein); Gutach- ten von Dr. Hiiberlin (Is'.n.); Kin-tcllung des Verfahrens. li id.. 77-s|.—Brandstil lung; Dammerzustand eines it trunkeneii Epileptikers; Gutachten von Prof. Forel ilsyu); Frei-prechung des Explor. Ibid., 233-236.— Braiidstil'tuii^; pathologischer Rausch bei schwerer l'-yehopatliie; Gutachten von Prof. Forel (1893); Frei- Pyromania. sprechung des Exploranden. Ibid., 240-248.—Brand- sitltung; periodischdeliriosel'syc hose: Gutachtenvon Dr. Delbriick (1894); Einstellung des Vorfahrens. Ibid., 274-284.—Brandstii'tungsversueli; Kpilepsie mit Schwachsinn; Gutachten von Dr. Delbriick ^s9L; Kin- stellung des Verfahrens. Ibid., 224-227.—Bu rkliar«l t. WiederholteBrandstiftunginFolgevon moralNrhem Irre- sein. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1890, xii, 270-278.—t'ainuset. Contribution k l'etude medico- legal de la pyromanie. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1893, 7.s., xviii, 432-117.— < appellctti (I j Piromania in im- becille. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1903-1, lxxviii, 137-146.— liioulant ( L.) Obergerichtsarztliches Gutachten der chirurgisch-medieinischen Akademie zu Dresden iiber die Zurechnungsfiihigkeit einer« Brand- stifterin. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leiytz., 1812, i, 181-185.— Dumaz(.L) Les incendiaires en savoieau point de vue medico-legal; etude sur la demence legale. Ann. med.- psych., Par., 1894, 7. s., xx, 370-100.—tirazianetti (G.) Sulla pazzia incendiaria. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. freniat. ital. 1890, Milano, 1891, vii, 415-118.—Hiiberle. Gutach- ten fiber den Geistes/ustand einer jugendlichen Brand- stifterin. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. \'er., Stuttg., 1890, lx, 148— Hoppe. Zwei Fiille von wiederholten Brandstiftungen unter Einfluss des A1 kohols. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1900, lvii, 653-is:;.—.Bolly & Skrzeczka. Obergutachten der kdnigl. u Nsenschaftl. Deputation fiir das Medicinalwesen betreil'eiid Zurech- nungsfiihigkeit einer Brandstifterin. Vrtljschr. f. ge- rich. Med., Berl., 1899, 3. F., xvii. 1-9. — Kautzner (K.) Brandlegung wahrendeines pathologi>ehen Kailsch- zustandes. Mitth. d. Ver. u. Aerzte in stciennark 1891, Graz, 1892, xxviii, 30-42.—von Kraflrt-I<:i»ing. Brand- stiftungen aus Eigennutz in geistiger Gesundheit; Er- worbene Neurasthenie und Dysthymic auf Grund heftiger Gemiithsbewegungen; Todtiing eines Gefangnissautse- hers und schwere Ver'etzung eines Gefangnissarztes in hochstem Affect und wahrscheinlich psychischem Zwang; Todesurtheil. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1894, xlv, 32-54.-----. Massenhafte motivlose Brandstif- tungen, mdglicherweise in praemenstrualer mftnischer Exaltation von einer Imbecillen begangen. Ibid., 453- 462. -----. Vielfache impulsive Brandstiftungen Seitens einer imbecillen Epileptischen. Ibid., 1897, xlviii, 24-34.— Kure (S.) Bowako wo itjitoko tosite ronji sono nisan no soreo igu. [Pyromania is a symptom of mental weak- ness] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch., Tokio, 1893, vii, no. 9, IS: no. 10, 15. —Laurent (E.) Une famille de deg6- neres incendiaires. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1889, 7. s., x, 355-302. Also. Reprint.—Leroy (ft.) Pyromanie et pu- berte; examen medico-legal d'une jeune incendiaire. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1904, 2. s., xviii, 449-464.—Lom- broso & < arrara, Incendiario pazzo (perizia me- dico-legale). Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1895, xvi, 108-112.—Mare. Considerations medico-legales sur la monomanie, et partieiilierement sur la monomanie incendiaire. Ann. d'hyg. pub.. Par., Is33, x, 357-474. Also, Reprint.—Medina (('. II.) Gutachten iiber eine schwaehsinnige BrancLtifterin, nebst einigen allge- meinen Vorbeiuerkungeii. Mag.f.d. Staatsarznk.,Leipz., 1844, ii, 94-108. -----. Ein nachtrag zu dem Gespenst des Brandstiftungstriebes. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. t. d. Staats- Arznk. Freiburg i. Br., 1*48, n. F.. iii, 79-91.—Meyer ( E.) Casuistische Beitrage zur forensischeu Psvchiatrie i 1 Fiille von Brandstiftung). Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1902, 3. F., xxiii, 291:'xxiv, 15— Miiller. Beweis fiir die Existenz des Brandstiftungstriebs, durch Mittheiluug einiger Falle. Ver deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1849, n. F., v, 277-288.—Nash (H. M.) Pyromania. Mass. M. .1., Bost., 1903, xxiii, 385-392.— Nessel. Ein Motiv zur Brandlegung. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1900, iv, 343.—Peters. Angezweifelte Zurechnungsfiihigkeit bei vorsiitzlieher Brandstittung; verminderte Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1890, iii, 237-217.—Rosen- blatt. Pyromanie oder verbrecherische Brandlegung. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist.. Leipz.. 1906, xxi, 334-338. —Sander (M.) Welche ■ Vortheile. welche Nachtheile bietet die Feuerbestattung? Welche bedeu- tung hat sie im hygienischen Sinne'.' Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1900, 3. F., xx, 368-389.—Schnei- der ( P. J.) Obergerichtsarztliehes Gutachten iiberzwei von einer 34 Jahre alten Frauausgefuhrtcn Brandstiftun- gen. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1847, n. F., i, 185-200.—Sehroeter (R.) Geistes- kranke Brandstifter mit angezweifelter Zurechnungs- fahigkeit. Schweizerhof, . . . f. Nerv.- u. Psych.-Kranke weibl. GeschL, 4°, Berl., 1893,ii, 41-51.—Siebenhaar (F. J.) Ein gerichtlicherFall, in welchem eine an Stumpfsinn leidende Person wegen veriibter Brandstiftung zur Ver- biissung der gesetzlichen Strafe verurthheilt wurde. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1842, i, 186-203. -----. Zur Beantwortung der Streitfrage fiber die Existenz eines krankhaften Triebes zur Brandstiftung im jugend- lichen Entwickelungsalter. Ibid.. 1M1, ii, 266-283.— Spitta (D. H.) Hvsterismus und Epilep-ie; Brandstif- tung. In his: Prakt. Beitr. z. gcrichtsarztl. Psychol, 8°, Rostock, 185:,. 1-22.—Todd (F. A.) Pvromania. Toledo M. a: s. Reporter, 1898, xi, 95-97. — I hgew Alter. Ju- PYKOMANIA. 199 PYURIA. Pyromania. gendlicher Brandstifter. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop, u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxi, 345.—Weingart. Leber geisteskranke Brandstifter. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.]. Berl., 1896, liii, 585-588— Wilbrand (F. J. J.) Ueber jugendliche Brandstifter uberhaupt und fiber Pvromanie insbesondere. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1849, n. F., v, 241-276. Pyrometer. Bardet (A.) Le pyrometre thermo-eiectrique. Rev. trimest. suisse d. odont., Zurich & Geneve, 1906, xvi, 303- 309. Pyron. Pummerer (R. J. W.) * Ueber Pyron. S°. Muuchen, 1905. Pyrophacus horologium. Pouehet (G.) Sur Pyrophacus horologium. J. de l'auat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1895, xxxi, 505-510, 1 pl. Pyrophorous action [Bichardson]. Richardson (Sir B. W.) Pyrophorous blood and pyrophorous action in the tissues. Asclepiad, Lond., 1894-5, xi, 459-465. Pyrosal. See Phenosol. Pyrosis. See Stomach. (Pyrosis of). Pyrosoma. Huxley (T. H.) On the anatomy and devel- opment of Pyrosoma. 4°. [London, 1862.] Cuttine/from: Tr. Linn. Soc., Lond., 1862, xxxiii, 193-260, 2pl. Also, in his: Scient. mem. 8°. London, 1899, ii, 313- 387, 2 pl. Brooks i W. K.) Dipleurosoma; a new genus of Py- rosoma. Johns Hopkins Lniv. Circ. Bait., 1906, xxv, No. 5, 98.—Korotneff. Zur Kenntniss der Embrvologie der Pyrosoma. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xx," 793-799 — Lav era n (A.i & Nieolle (MA Contribution a l'etude de Pvrosoma bigeminum. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par..' 1^99, 11. v. i. 74H-75L—\e\v (A) blood parasite. Med. Xews, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 311— Salensky (W.) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pvrosoma. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Erlang., 1890-91, x, 225-233.—Sell lit z. Ueber die Pvrosomenkrankheiten der Kinder. Arch. f. wissensch. u." prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1904-5. xxxi. 317-329. Pyroth (Heinrich) [1870- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der posttraumatischen Syringo- myelic. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Pyrozone. See Hydrogen peroxid. Pyrozone (H20_,) in bacteriology. A weapon in defence of disease-resisting uower. 40 pp. 12°. New York, McKesson & Bobbins, [n. d.]. Pyrrol. Braikoff (N. P.) * Synthese von Pyrrol- derivaten. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinelieu, 1890. Cousin (H.) *Le pyrrol et ses derives. [Pa- ris,.] 8°. Lons-le-Saunier, 1899. Ecole de pharmacie. Ginzberg (J.) * Ueber das Verhalten des Pyrrols und einiger seiner Derivate im tieri- schen Organismus. 8°. Konigsberg i.Pr., 1890. Khotixsky (E.) *Sur la bromuration et la reduction des pyrrols. 8°. Genere, 1904. Rilliet (A.) * Recherches sur la transforma- tion des derives du pyrrol en bases pyridiques. 8°% Genere, 1907. Stenger (E.) I. Ueber eine neue Synthese unsymnietrisch substituirter Pyrrole. II. Ueber Acetonoxaminsiiure. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Neuberg (C.) Zur Kenntnis der Pyrrolreaktion. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. u Chem. Festschr. . . . Ernst Sal- kowski, Berl., 1904, 271-277— Pighini (G.) Sul corn- portamento del pirrolo introdotto nell' organismo ani- male. Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1905-6, iii, 142-147.— Tunniclitt'e (F. W.) & Rosenheim (O.) Die phy- siologische Wirkung einiger reducirter Pyrrolderivate (Pyrrolin, n-Methvlpyrroliden). Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1902, xvi, 93-97.—Zaleski (I.) O nleko- torikh reaktsiyakh, obshtshikh diva polimerizovannavo pirrola i urobilina. [Various reactions common to poly- merized pvrrol and urobilin.] Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, Suppl., 149. Pyrrolidine. Sciilinck (J. E.) *Zur Kenntnis des Pyrro- lidins. [Giessen.] 8°. Mannheim, 1899." Pyrnla. Smith (B.) A contribution to the morphology of Py- rula. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1907, lix, 208-219, 1 pl. Pythagoras. See Pseon & Pythagoras. Exercitationes ana- tomicEe et medicae. 12°. Basilese, 1682.—Poemata, Phocylidis, Pythagorse, et Naumachii. 12°. Zittavise, [1685]. For Portrait, see Phil. Port. Series, Chicago, 1898. -----. See, also: A. (P.) Du regime de vivre pvthagoricien, del vitto pitagorico. Lyon med., 1908, ex, 631-634 Python. von Hansemann. Ueber saurefeste Bacillen bei Python veticularis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 212.—Hatch (J. L.) Some original investigations upon the Python molurus. J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1890, xi, 415-435. — Yoshinaga (T.) Die Eingeweideorgane von Python. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1900, xiv, 100-112,1 pl. Pynria. See Kidney (Abscess of); Urine (Pus in). Q. Q- QUACKS. Q. (J.) [Hints on the use of hemlock.] p. 683. 8°. [London, 1761.] Cutting from: Gentleman's Mag. & Hist. Chron., Lond. 1761. Quaas (Felix Wilhelm) [1881- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Collummyome. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Gcorgi, 1904. Quaassdorf ([August] Otto [Hugo]) [1869- ]. *Fibromyoma uteri. Beitrag zu den Verlagerungen und Drucksymptomen einge- keilter Fibromyome. 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1894. Quack doctors. In: Swindlers (The) of America. 12°. New York, [n. d.], 18-34. Quack doctors dissected [etc.]. See Corry (John). Quackenbos (John D[uncan]) [1848- ]. Causes and recent treatment of neurasthenia. 19 pp. 8°. Neie York, [1897]. -----. Hypnotism in mental and moral cul- ture. 4 p. 1., 290 pp., 1 1. 12°. New York & London, Harper & Bros., 1900. Quackcnbos (Nicholas I.) *An inaugural dissertation, in which, by an induction of facts from dysentery, the Mitchillian doctrine of pes- tilential fluids is illustrated. In: Caldwell (C.) Med. theses [etc.]. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1806, ii, 139-157. Quacks and quackery. See, also, Abortion (Criminal); Concep- tion (Preventionof); Malpractice; Medicines (Patent, etc.). Aanwuzing van het schadelijke en gevaar- lijke van kwaksalvers; als mede in het gebrui- ken van geneesmiddelen, die men onder den naam van universeel uitvent. Uitgegeven door de maatschapij: "Tot Nut van 'tAlgemeen", door J. T. Sebastiani. 16°. Amsterdam, 1810. Adams (S.H.) Quacks and quackery. I. The sure-cure school, fol. New York, 1906. Cutting from: Collier's, N. Y., 1906, xxxvi, no. 16,12; 22. ------. Quacks and quackery. II. The miracle-workers. 4°. New York, 1906. Cutting from: Collier's, N. Y., 1906, xxxvii.no. 10,14-16. ------. Quacks and quackery. III. The specialist humbug, fol. New York, 1906. Cutting from: Collier's, X. Y., 1906, xxxvii, no. 23,16-18. ------. The scavengers. fol. New York, 1906. Cutting from: Collier's, N. Y., 1906, xxxvii, no. 26, 15; 24; 26. Ailhaud (G.) Reponse de M. D'Ailhaud, baron de Castelet, a la lettre de M. Lorentz, in- inseree dans le Journal de medecine du mois d'octobre 1772. 24°. Carpentras, 1772. See, also, infra. Alexander (K.) Wahre und falsche Heil- kunde, ein Wort der Aufkliirung iiber den Werth der wissenschaftlichen Medicin gegen- | Quacks and quackery. iiber der Gemeingefiihrlichkeit der Kurpfu- scherei. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Befugte Kurpfuscher. Ein offenes Wort zur Aerztefrage in Oesterreich. 8°. Wien, 1908. BIelozerski (Zh.) Meditsina i sharlatanstvo. [Medicine and charlatanry.] 12°. Moskva, 1907. Brackebusch (H.) Ueber Baderschwindel, Raubtierdiat und Patentmedizin. 8°. Bostock, 1905. Brouardel (P.) L'exercice de la medecine et le charlatanisme. 12°. Paris, 1899. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1898-9, xvi, 545-548. Buckley (J. M.) Christian Science and other superstitions, being selected chapters from faith-healing, Christian Science, and kindred phenomena. 12°. New York, 1899. Cantaloube (P.) * L'exercice illegal de la meclecine et les meclicastres des Cevennes. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Crohare. Lettre a M. l'abbe de Fontenai. [Sur la poudre de M. le Chev. de Goderneaux.] 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Cutting from: J. gen. de France, no. 5. Damm (L. A.) Die Krankheit der Welt. 4. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1892. Delaistre (C.-L.) Le charlatanisme deVoile par l'examen analytique de l'£lixir americain [de de Courcelles] a 1'usage du sexe, suivi de re- flexions sur la medecine clinique et sur la na- ture et l'action des remedes, conformes a la doc- trine des plus celebres medecins. 8°. Chaalons, 1790. Doll (K.) Ueber Kurpfuscherei und Heil- mittelschwindel. 8°. Munchen & Berlin, 1906. Ebstein ( W. ) Charlatanerie und Kurpfu- scher im Deutschen Reich. 8°. Stuttgart, 1905. Essay on quackery and the dreadful conse- quences arising from taking advertised medi- cines, illustrated with remarks on their fatal effects. 8°. Kingston-upon-Hull, 1805. von Franckenberg (A.) Raphael oder Artzt- Engel, auff ehmahliges Ersuchen eines Gottlie- benden Medici A. S. Jetzoaber zum sonderbah- ren Nutzen und allgemeinen Besten ans Licht gebracht und mitgetheilet. 4°. Amsterdam, Franckfurt & Leipzig, [1839]. Fritze (J. (I.) Scharlatanerie und Menschen- opfer. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Todtschliige in den medizinischen Annalen aufs Jahr 1780. 16°. Leipzig, 1772. [Gadbury ( J. )] Philastrogus. Knavery epitomized, with a vindication of Mr. Culpeper, Mr. Lilly, and the rest of the students in that noble art, from all the false aspersions (of the malicious antagonists) cast upon them about the great eclipse of the snnne. Whereunto is annexed an epistle to all moderate spirited 201 QUACKS. 202 QUACKS. Quacks ami quackery. men, shewing the people's great mistakes, and misunderstanding of the honest and ingenious artists, who spake truly, as is averred by this ensuing tractate. 16°. London, 1(152. Gauthier (V.) * Considerations sur l'exer- cice illegal de la medecine. 8°. Paris, 1900. Gegen die Kurpfuscherei und den Heilmittel- schwindel. Amtliche Sammlung der offentli- chen Warnungen des Ortsgesundheitsrates der Haupt- und Residenzstadt Karlsruhe. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1905. Geyer (J. D.) Miissiger Reise-Stunden gute Gedancken von der Artzney-Pfuscherey. 13. Discours. 4°. Dresden, 1735. ------. Miissiger Reise-Stunden gute Ge- dancken von dem Chur-Saohsischen Leek-Mar- tin, auf Anleitung des Berlinischen Wunder- Kindes. 18. Discours. 4°. Dresden, 1735. Hat Kuhne recht? Darstellung und Kritik der Kuhne'schen Heilmethode, sowie Nach- klange zum Kuhneprozess. Bearbeitet von einem Leipziger Wahrheitsfreunde. 8°. Leip- zig, [n. d.]. Heiberg (P.) Om Kvaksalveri. 8°. Kje- benharn, 1902. Repr.from. Pansk Tidsskr., Kj0benh., 1902, Apl. Kerambrun (F.-J.-M.) *Les rebouteurs et les guerisseurs; croyances populaires. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1898. Kersten (G.) Die beiden Gesichter der Me- dizin. Eine populiire Abhandlung iiber das Wesen und die Erfolge der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde im Gegensatz zu den kurpfuscheri- schen und naturheilkiinstlerisehen Verfahren und ein Beitrag zur Kurpfuscherei selbst. 8°. Hamburg, 1903. Lelievre (M.) *De l'exercice illegal de la medecine en Bretagne; les guerisseurs, dor- meuses et rebouteurs du pays breton. 8°. Pa- ris, 1907. Long (J. St. J.) A letter to Sir Astley Cooper, bart. 8°. London, 1831. M. (J. H.) Der Schwindel mit Geheimmit- teln, welche alle Krankheiten heilen. 12°. Basel ^ Muhlhausen, 1873. Magnus (H.) Das Kurpfuscherthum; eiue medicin-gesehichtliche Studie. 8°. Breslau, 1903. Methods and successes of Dr. Tom Foo Yuen, imperial physician. 8°. Los Angeles, [1897, vel subseq.]. Metterhausen ( F. ) Ueber Kurpfuscher. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1899. Mignard ( J. ) Premiere, seconde, et troi- sieme attaques portees au charlatanisme des cit. Laffecteur et aux vertus chimeriques de leur role antisvphilitique. 2. 6d. 12°. Paris, an FIZZ [1800]. Muller (K), Roth & Wclff. Das Kur- pfuscherei- und Geheimmittelunwesen im Her- zogtum Oldenburg. Bericht erstattet von der ad hoc gewiihlten Kommission. 8°. Olden- burg, 1903. • Oberndorffer (J.) The anatomyes of the true phvsition, and counterfeit mounte-banke; wherein both of them are graphically described and set out in their right and orient colours. Transl. into English by F. H. Hereunto is annexed a short discourse or discovery of cer- tain stratagems, whereby our London empericks have been observed strongly to oppugne and ofttimes to expugne their poore patients purses. sm. 4°. London, 1602. Quacks and quackery. Partanski (X. P.) Ephedra vulgaris (khvol- nik yagodniy iii stepnava nialina), sredstvo znakharya Kuzmicha, protiv revmatizma i khronicheskikh stradaniy pishtshevaritelnikh organov. [Ephedra vulgaris; the method of the healer Kuzmich against rheumatism and chronic derangements of the alimentary organs.] 2. ed. Kursk, 1893. Rasch (C.) Ueber die Anwendung von Ge- heimmitteln bei Epilepsie (Fallsucht). Ein Warnruf fiir die Epileptischen und ihre Ange- horigen. 16°. Bielefeld, 1906. Reese (D.M.) Humbugs of New York. Be- ing a remonstrance against popular delusion, whether in science, philosophy, or religion. 12°. New York, 1838. Reissig (C.) Medizinische Wissenschaft und Kurpfuscherei. Zur Aufklarung des Publikums gemeinverstandlich dargestellt. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1901. Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] de veterum empyri- corum ingenuitate. 4°. Gotlingse, 1741. Also, in his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. et Lips., 1780, iii, 43-49. Rotario (S.) Lettera seconda all' . . . Fran- cesco Merlo. [Intorno all' empirismo di molti medicamenti.] 8°. [ I erona, 1717.] Saint-Aurens. Les charlatans de la mede- cine. Preface de M. le Dr. Maxwell. 12°. Pa- ris, 1904. Sala (A.) Descriptio brevis antidoti preti- osi, quaantiquissimse ejus virtutes, ususque mul- tiplex variis in morbis, et humani corporis af- fectibus, recensentur, nunc primum luci com- missa. 16°. Marpurgi, 1620. Scharold (E.-G.) Sur les cures miraculeuses operees par le prince de Hohenlohe. Trad, de l'allemand, par un cure du diocese de Nantes. Lettres diverses sur le meine sujet. 12°. Paris, 1825. Schth (J.) Wissenschaft, Naturheilkunde und Kurpfuscherei. 12°. Leipzig, 1898. Steen (J.) Der Quacksalber. 1. pl. obi. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Texier (M.) *L'empirisme et le charlata- nisme. 4°. Paris, 1896. Timmer (J.) jzn. Over valsche wetenschap. Open brief aan den Heer G. B. Schmidt, secre- taris der Vereeniging tegen de Kwakzalverij. 12°. Utrecht, [n. d.]. Tinzl (A.) Die Curpfuscher und die Curpfu- scherei im Volksmunde. Eine naturphilosophi- sche Studie oder Quintessenz alles Pfuscher- thums und der gesammten Curpfuscherei. 12°. Ulten (Tirol), 1901. Veron (P.) Les marchands de sante. Nou- velle edition. 12°. Paris, [n.d.]. Vorberg(G.) Kurpfuscher. Eine zeitge- miisse Betrachtung. Mit einem Vorwort von H. Sahli. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Wilheim (J.) Die Naturiirzte und das Natur- heilverfahren, seine Vortheile und Mangel. 12°. Wien, 1898. Young ( J. ) Sidrophel vapulans, or the quack-astrologer toss'd in a blanket by the au- thor of Medicaster Medicatus in an epistle to W[illia]m S[almo]n; with a postscript reflecting briefly on his late scurrilous libel against the Royal College of Physicians, entituled "A re- buke to the authors of a blue book". 12°. [London, 1698.] QUACKS. 203 QUACKS. Quacks and quackery. Abernetliy (Y. L.) The duty of the medical pro- fession concerning fanaticism, frauds, fools, and fads. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1906, xiii, 41; 178— Adrians (P.) De lotgevallen van een medicus-charlaian in de 17de eeuw. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1906, lx, 413; 421.— Advertising (An) quack wants a helper. J. Am. M. A^<., Chicago, 1907. xlviii, 1209.—Aerzte und Kurpfu- scher; cine historische Betrachtung. Berl. Aerzte-Cor- resp.. 1897, ii, 65; 69.—Alexander (C.) Die Bekiimpfung der Kurpfuscherei, eine hygienisehe Forderung. Allg. mod. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, lxx. 4ni.—Amateur pin - sicians in the past. Lancet, Lond., LOT, i, 410.—An- drewes (F. W.) On the pathology of common honesty. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1904-6, xii, 5-9.—Andrews (C. S.) Medical quacks; their methods and dangers. Med. News, N.Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 6-11. Also: Buffalo M. J., 1905-6, lxi, 152-164. —Annandale (T.) "Quackery"; the promotion address to the graduates of 1906. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1906, xix, 201-214. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1906, xv, 535-542. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 140.—Another victim to quackery. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i. 1012.—Arnesen (H.) Kvaksalverondet. [The quackery evil.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania, 1902, xxii, 187; 532.—Arzt (Der) und der Niehtarzt: ein Dialog iiber die Lngewiss- heit in der Medicin. N. med. Arch, [etc.], Mannh., 1793-6, i,251-259.—Astbury's (Dr.) pills. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1143. — Audacious quackery. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 10Q2.—Ball (J. H.) Quackery in Texas. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 4-v—Barbieri (P.) El curanderismo en la Repiiblica Argentina. Arch, de psi- quiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires. 1905, iv, 707-725.—Bar- tonic'ek (V.) O hudlafich na Morave. [Quacks in Moravia.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1906, xiv, 335; 374.— Beluze (E.) Madame de la Motte et Cagliostro d'apres les livres de M. Frantz Funck-Brentano. France med., Par., 1902, xlix, 66: 85.—Biberl"eld.(J.) Zur Curpfu- scherei; [das Voltakreuz]. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898. xxiv, 482. -----. Die Kurpfuscherei in der neusten Rechtsprechung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1899, xii, 106-111. -----. Die Kurpfuscherei als Betrug. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi. 651. -----. Zur Bekampfung der Kurpfuscherei; ein VerMieh mit untauglichen Mitteln. Ibid., 1902, xxviii, 688.--BilliniiS (F.) The secret nostrum evil. Illinois M. J.. Sprinstield, 1905, viii, 480-490. — Blair (B. H.) Some remarks on fraudulent advertisements in church papers. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvii, 325-327.— Bleneke. Die Kurpfuscherei in ihrer jetzigen Gestal- tung und deren Schaden. Verhandl. a. M tt. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtsptl. in Magdeb., 1904, 81-98.—Bloch (J.) Ein Brief an einen Pharmakopolen des Alterthums. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1899, iii, 107. —Bonnet (A. O.) Our attitude toward osteopaths, Christian Scien- tists, and physical culturists. Columbus M. J., 1902, xxvi, 423-42-v—Booth (J. P.) Quacks and quackery, and patients and proprietaries, from a hygienic viewpoint. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles 1905, xx, 563-567.— Borderland (The) of quackerv [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1548; 1608.—Borst (J.) Kwakzalverij. Nederl. Tijdschr.'v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xii, d. 2, 1606-1619.—Boutry i M.) Les tribulations d'une gueris- seuse au xviiie siecle. Chron. med., Par., 1905, xii, 289- 297. — Brouardel P.) Le charlatanisme medical. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1899, 3. s., xii, 5-23. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1899, lxxii, 58; 93; 114.—Brack (A.) Hausapo- theke und Curpfuscherei. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 223.— Brilning. Zum Kur- pfuschereigesetz [1700]. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 636.— Brulin. Philosoph? Kurpfuscher! Heiteres aus dem Kurpfuscherlager. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 687.—Bueli i.M.) Leber Curpfuscherei und Wissenschaft und eine nothwendi^e Krweite- rung des medicinischen Unterrichts. St. petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1891, n. F., viii, 195-198—Buniim. Kwakzalverij. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1902, ii, 257-264.— Buttertleld (E. J.) The newspaper and the advertis- ing quack. Iowa M. J. [etc.], Des Moines, 1908-9, xv, 211- 215.—Car0e (K.) En kvaksalver i 1682. [A quack of 1682.] Lgesk. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1908, lxx, 801. —---. G0glerog arkanahandler. [J i idlers and dealers in secret remedies.] Ibiel.,SOQ.—(!arr fW.I'.j Remarks on quacks and hypnotism. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1901, Wash., 1902, vi, 42-52.—Cartaz (A.) Charlatans et pseudo-me- decins. Nature, Par., 1891-2, xx, 106-110. -----. Quacks and the reason of them. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1895-6, xlviii,e21-825.—Case (The) of Henry Davis. [Edit.] Lan- cet, Lond., 1901, i, 567.—Charlatans (Les) guerisseurs deparalysie au xviii" siecle. [From: Inienned.d. cherch. et d. curieux, 30 aout.] France med., Par., 1901, xlviii, 325.—Charlatanisme (Le). au xviii8 si&cle. 76*71,1907, liv, 81-*3.—Chateau CI.) Les charlatans. Odontologie, fJar., 1905, xxxiv, 283; 325.—Christian Scientists. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1900. i. 1195—Clark (M. A.) Quacks. At- lanta .lour.-Rec. Med., 1908-9. x,353-358.—Clenim (W.N.) Homoopathie und Kurpfuscherei. Munchen.med.Wchn- schr.. 190:',. 1, 8^0.—Comment on traite les charlatans Quacks and quackery. enAllemagne; le m^decin homceopathe Volbeding. J. de m6d. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 605.—Congres (Le) pour la repression de l'exercice illegal de la medecine en France. J. de ln.'d. et chir. prat., Par., 1906> lxxvii, 481- 487.—Coroner's i A ) censureof aquack. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, lsi;o.—Ciirpl'uscher (Der) Paul Weidhaas; der innere Gesch;'i!'tsbctrieb. Kor.-Bl. d. iirztl. Kreis- u. Be- zirksver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1899, lxvii, 57-59.— Davis iW. B.) The dangers to the public health and morals, especially to young persons, from quackery as promulgated by public advertisements. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1901, 97-110. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 396-398.—May (C. R.) Quackerv v. medical ethics. Tr. M. A-s. Missouri 1900, St. Louis, 1901, 148-159.—Death and quackery. [Edit.] Lancet.Lond., 1901, i, 295.—Defi- nition (The i of quack; Dakhvl r. Labouchere. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 359.—Denver (The) healer. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895. xlviii, 771.—Deutsche Kurpfuscherei als Exportartikel. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1901,xxvii.79.—Dietrich. Leber dieSchiiden der Kurpfuscherei. Preuss. Med.-Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl., 1896, xiii, 44-87. Also: Verhandl. u. Mitth. d.Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb., 1898, xxiv, 19-51.—Dietz (E.) Kurpfuscherei im Yplk. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtsptl., Strassb., 1894-5, xvi, 252-254.—Druggist (The) and the quack. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1175.—Diihrssen. Die Behandlungsmethode der Kurpfuscherin Minna Kube bei bbsartigen Eierstoekgeschwulsten. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, iv, 62.—Dyas (The) case. [Edit] Mari- time M. News, Halifax, 1908, xx, 372-375.—Echter- meyer. Ein Rencontre mit dem Naturheilkundigen Max Canitz. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 415.—Eden (T. W.) On ancient and modern quackery. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1350-1353.—Editor's (An) responsibility. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 190*,i, 100.— Eisenstadt. Der moderne Heilschwindel, besonder*- auf dem Gebiete der Geschlechtskrankheiten. Hyl:. Volksbl., Berl., 1903, iv, 152; 161. —van Elk (J. M.j Die internationale Bekampfung der Quacksalberei. Hyg. BL, Berl., 1905, ii-, 41. — Elmergreen ( R. ) The medical mountebank. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1902, 185-201. Also: Milwaukee, M. J.. 1903, xi, 33-41.—Engelen. Gesehichtliche Bemerkungen zur Kurpfuscherei. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1904, xiv, 2-6.—Eseh(\V.) Dilettanten und Stumper in der Heil- kunde: ein Beitrag zur Losung der Kurpfuscherfrage. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 551.—d'Estree (P.) Le juif guerisseur. J. de m6d. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xiii, 157.— Eulenburg (A.) Magnetopath Reichel. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898,xxiv,419.—Exhi- bition (An) of quackery. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 1105.—Exit Antonius. Buffalo M. J., 1902-3, n. s., xiii,765-767.—Felonyorgrossimmorality. Cincin.Lan- cet-Clinic, 1897, i, xxxviii, 297-301.—Feniale (A) quack- salver, late of St, Bartholomew's Hospital. Hospital [Nursing Section], Lond., 1906, xl, 131.—Filthy adver- tisements. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1190.— Flint (A.) The open door of quackerv. In his: Collect, cssavs, 8°, N. Y., 1903, ii. 406-411.—Folet. Exercice illegal et char- latanesque de la medecine par la reclame. Echo mid. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 217-224.—Foster (B.) Rational medicine and charlatanry. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 323; 341.—Fournel (V.) Empiriques et char- latans (xvie et xvii<= siecles). Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1890, lxiii, 169; 205; 233; 261: 335; 441; 449. Also [Abstr.]: Conr- rier med., Par., 1890, xl, suppl. auno. 9, 1. L; no. 10, 1 L— Franz. Zur Kurpfuschereifrage. Ztschr. f. Med.-Be- amte, Berl., 1907, xx, 737-743— Free (J. E.) Quackery. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1901, xx, 567-561.—Fiille. Ein Beitrag zur Curpfuschereifrage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 802.—FUrst (Z.) A reclamrol. [Reclame (self-advertisement).] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1903, iii, 127; 139. — Fuld. Kur- pfuscherei und unlauterer Wettbewerb. Arch. f. soziale Med. u. Hyg., Leipz., 1905, i, 301-310.—Fuller (H. S.) The history of empiricism during the last century. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1892, 819-833.—Gibbons (C. H.) Quacks and humbugs. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1896, x, 77-79.—Gomez (F. A.) Los char- latanes en medicina. An. Acad, de med. de Medellin, 1890-91, iii, 155-160.—Gonzaga (The) panacea. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiii, 501.—Goodwin (R. P.) The Strenva vacuum fraud. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 55.—Goolam Kader titulado ocu- lista, el m6todo vegetal arabe y un medico que le encu- bria ante los tribnnales de justicia . . . Bol. ofic. d. Col. de med. de Barcel., 1897, i, 338-348.— Gould (G. M.) The etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the prevalent epi- demic of quackery. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 510-517. Also, Reprint.-----. Some intellectual needs of Amer- ican growth. Montreal M. J., 1904, xxxiii, 555-570.— Grassmann (K.) Der Einfluss der Kurpfuscher auf Gesundheit und Leben der Bevolkerung. Deutsche Vrtlj- schr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1903, xxxv, 69-94.— Graves (W. H.) Amenoretts. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 897. —Gray (J. A.) Medicine and quackerv. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 393-409.—Grossmann (M.) QUACKS. 204 QUACKS. Quacks and quackery. Ueber arztliche Parasiten und deren Heilung. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br., 1849, n. F., vi, 214-234.—Griln (H.) Das Kurpfuschertum in Oesterreich. Heilkunde, Berl., 1904, 109-111.—Gueris- seur (Un) au xviie siecle. Montpel. med., 1904, xix, 164- 168.—Gumprecht (F.) Die Kurpfuscherei in Sachsen- Weimar; neuere Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung iiber Kurpfuscherei in Deutschland. Monatschr. f. soziale Meet, Jena, 1904, i, 145; 234; 285.—Guthmann. Natur- arzt und Phthiseotherapeut Lehmphul. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 503.—H. Aerzt- liche Curpfuscherei. Kor.-Bl. d. arztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks- Ver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1899, lxvii, 56.—Haar- lem oil; how a nostrum vender in olden times used methods akin to those of to-day. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1908,1,1714.—Hakes (H.) Quackery. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. 1901, Wilkesbarre, 1902, ix, 32-39. Also, Re- print.— Hamonic (P.) Les charlatans au xv siecle. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gynec, Par., 1906, xii, 40-42.— Heavy (A) fine inflicted upon a quack. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 1222.—Heliir (P.) Remarks on the sale of poi- sons and on quacks and quackerv in India. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 157-160. —Hennig. Ge- schlechtskrankheiten und Kurpfuscherei. Mitt. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Bekiimpf. d.Geschlechtskr., Leipz., 1902-3, i, 164-167.—Herzfeld (P.) Zur Curpfuscher- praxis. 1. Ein Besuch beim" Hygienologen" Jacobi. 2. Eine Heilbotschaft des Magnetopathen Willy Reichel. Deutsche med.Wchnschr.,Leipz.u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 577.— Heynacher. Auch ein Beitrag zur sogenannten Me- dizinalpfuscherei in Preussen. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1890, iii, 213-219.—Hill (W.) An introductory ad- dress on occultism and quackery. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 960 - 965. — Hillebreeht. Getreue Warming vor Kurpfuschern im xvi. Jahrhundert. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1901, xi, 520.—Historical notes on medicine, surgery, and quackery. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 688; 904; 1047; 1491.—Hoerning. Briefliche Behandlung Kran- ker. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 43.—Hogarth and quackery: I. Mrs. Mapp and Dr. Ward; II. Chevalier Tavlor, St. Andre, Rock, and Misaubin. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1905, i, 831; 909.—Hogg (J.) Women quacks in the seventeenth century. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1899,n.s., lxvii, 136.—Impudent quacksand the name of the Lancet. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 829.— ■lacquey (J.) Mt'decine et magnetisme. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 249-251.—Jenner (E.) The in- gratitude of Mr. Dunn. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 687.— John Bull and his poisoners. Med. Mag., Lond., 1897, vi, 38-47.—Juettner (O.) An Eldorado of quackery. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxv, 117-122.—Kan- tor (H.) Zur Frage der A bwehr des Kurpfuscherthums. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 548; 561—Kapltel (Zum) " kurpfnscherhafte Reklame von Patentarzten". Deutschemed. Presse, Berl.,1905, ix, 79—[Kauftmaim.] Sorciers, devins et guerisseurs du Poitou. [Extr.l Tri- bune med., Par., 1906, n. s., xxxviii, 545; 558; 563; 574. Also [Abstr.]: J. med. de Brux., 1906, xi, 590-592.— Keeley, Talmage & Co. (unlimited), dealers in medico- religious humbug. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 601 — Kenwood (H.) The unbridled practice of medical quackery [president's address]. Pub. Health, Lond., 1900-1901, xiii. 99-106.—Kettner. Kurpfuschertum urns Jahr 1600. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 166.— King (W. P.) The evolution of a quack. Am. Med., Phila.,1902, iii, 635.—Kochs (J.) Rheumatismuspulver. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xxi, 997.—Kratschmer (F.) Massregeln gegen den Geheimmittel-Schwindel. Inter- nat. Cong, f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, 8. Hft, 1-83.—Krische (P.) Die arztliche Wissenschaft und das Kurpfuschertum. Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen, 1906, ii, 28-31.—Kurpfuscherei in Sachsen. Aerztl. Vereins- bl. f. Deutschl.. Leipz., 1903, xxxii, 192.—Kurpfu- scherei; missgliickteKureinesBeinbruchs. Samml.ge- richtl.-med. Obergutacht, Berl., 1891,511-518.—Kurpfu- schereiunwesen. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, iii, 101: 113.—Lady (A) doctor at Southend. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 946.—Landau (R.) Die Kurpfu- scherei im Lichte der Wahrheit. Bayer, arztl. Cor.-Bl., Munchen. 1900, iii, 161; 169; 177; 195. Also, Reprint— Lawrence (H. N.) Electrical (so-called) body appli- ances. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 372-375.—Lazaro (L.) Charlatanism. N. Orl M. & S. J., 1907, lx, 306-312.— Lewis (B. i Some unrecognized responsibilities of press and state in conserving health. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1905-6, ii, 339-361.—Lippmann. Zwei Fiille von Naturheilpfuscherei. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, iii, 98—Lohnstein (R.) Zur Aetiologie und Pathoge- nese des Kurpfuschertums. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, lxxii, 190; 211.—Lorentz. Sur la poudre d'Ail- haud, adressee k M. Roux. J. de med., chir., pharm. [etc.], Par., 1772, xxxviii, 315-334. See, also, supra.— Loth. Eine Verordnung des kurfiirstlichen Landes Eichsfeld gegen die Kurpfuscherei aus dem Jahre 1783. Korr.-Bl. d.allg.arztl. Ver. v.Thuringen,Jena,1905, xxxiv, 73-77.—Lustverk (E. Y.) Gangrena nogi vslledstviye znakharskavo llecheniya. [Gangrene of the foot follow- ing treatment by a peasant healer.] Med. besleda, Voro- Quacks and quackery. nezh, 1902, xvi, 433-437— McLain (J.S.) The evolution of empiricism in the District of Columbia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 149-163.—Madden (J.) The mendacity and filth of quack advertising. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 403-406.—Marcus. Medizin, Naturheilmethode und Kurpfuscherei. Hyg. BL, Berl., 1906-7, iii, 17; 39; 53; 68.—Marcuse (J.) Ein Curpfuscher des Alterthums. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 386.—Martin (C. F.) Charlatanism past and present. MontrealM.J.,1902,xxxi,381-388.—Medical (A)botanist. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 356.—Medical institutes: how they entrap the unwary young; the Hibbard case as an illustration. [Edit.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 1330-1335.—Medicine (The) man, conjurer, hypnotist, and doctor. Brit M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1439—Michel (G.) Quelques faits pour servir k l'histoire du charla- tanisme medical et pharmaceutique. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r.....1904-5, 97. Also: Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1905, xxxvii, 540.—Montgomery (D. W.) The point of view of an advertising doctor. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 1254.—Morse (N. C.) Christian Science and other irrational methods of practice. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1895^6, i, 299-311. -----. Model empirical inventions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1404.—Murine eye remedy: a nostrum with an alleged college of ophthal- mology for a side line. Ibid., 1908, li, 1614.—Murray (Grace P.) Health fads of to-day. Woman's M. J., To- ledo, 1901, xi, 207-214.—Music (A) hall practitioner con- victed. Brit M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 165—Music-hall patients. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1906, ii, 228. Nacke. Zur Psychologie der Kurpfuscherei. Arch. f. Krim.-An- throp. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xx, 184-186.—ISeue Enthullungen iiber das Treiben der Naturheilkundigen. Hvg. VollksbL, Berl., 1903, iv, 253. —Neumann. Zur Kurpfuschereifrage. Reichs-Med. - Anz., Leipz., 1903, xxviii, 206.-----. Zum Kurpfuschereigesetz. Ibid., 1908, xxxiii, 105.—Neustatter (O.) Gesetzliche Massnahmen gegen die Kurpfuscherei in Baden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 2302-2304. -----. Medical charlatan- ism in Herman v. Brit M.J., Lond., 1906, i, 1348:1410; 1470; 1638.—Nifong (F. G.) The active principle of quackery. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 1902, xlv, 247-256. Also: St. Louis M. Rev., 1902, xlvi, 181-184. —Noller. Der Kur- pfuscher in Radbruch. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1895, viii, 107-111. — O'Connor (T. P.) [A notorious quack of the last century; St. John Long.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 80. —Oelele. Eine Be- forderung der Kurpfuscherei istdie expektative Behand- lung, besonders bei Epidemien, wie Morbilli, Scarlatina [etc.]. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1902, 290-292.—Oh- mann-Dumesnil (A. H.) Collier's methods ex posed. Pipe dreams versus facts; the deadly parallel. St. Louis M & S. J., 1906, xc, 18.5-205.—Oliver (J. C.) Theattitude that should be assumed by the medical profession toward Christian Science and allied fads. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, 1899, 299-311. — Ophthalmic quacks in America. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 892. — Paffrath. Anzeigepflicht der Kurpfuscher. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1904, xvii, 9-13. — Page (C. E.) What constitutes a quack, in the proper sense of the term. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 595.—Pause. Kurpfuscher im Alter- thum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 909. —Peculiar(The) people. [Edit] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 1196.—Pettet (J. W.) Quacks and quackery. Univ. med., Galveston, 1895-6, i, 157-169.— Pied. Lettres d'un vieux medecin, par M. le docteur Chero (resume). Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne, Auxerre, 1896, xxxvii, 80-88.—Pipino (W. C.) How quack doc- tors obtain certificates. Omaha Clinic, 1894-5, vii, 378- 390.—van de Poll (C. N.) Geneeskunst en kwakzal- verij. Med. WeekbL, Amst, 1902-3, ix, 534-537.—Popu- lar (A) delusion or use of patent medicines. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1905, xxvi, no. 16,1-3.—Potter (T.) The apotheosis of empiricism. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1895, xlvi, 296-306. Also: Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1895, ix, 267-272. —Pouliot (L.) L'exercice illegal par les re- bouteurs, sorciers et empiriques de mtaie nature. [Rap.] Bull med., Par., 1906, xx, 519.—Practice by a disregistered person. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 56.— Prescribing (A) quack. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 501.— Proto Gomez. Irresponsabilidad de los charlatanes. Rev. med., Bogota, 1888-9, xii, 97-104.—Quack doctors. In: Swindlers (The) of America, 12°, N.Y., [n.d.],18-34.— Quack (A) at Pontefract; wise words from a coroner. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 595.—Quackery. Ibid., 1903, ii, 1103. — Quackery in excelsis. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1894-5, ii, 223.—Quackery, in foro publico. [Edit] South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1906, iv, 236- 238.—Quackery in Germanv. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, 530.—Quackery; an historical sketch. Practitioner, Lond., 1902, lxviii, 89-96.— Quack- ery and quack advertising in India. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1898, xv, 415; 465. —Quacks and abortion; a critical and analytical inquiry. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 1570; 1651; 1723; 1807: 1899, i, 182; 327; 717; 855; 908; 1739: ii, 111; 174—Bambaud (P.) Les charlatans d'autrefois en Poitou. France med., Par., 1906, liii, 208; 227.—Kam- sey (A. B.) Quacks and quackery. Tr. M. Soc. Tennes- QUACKS. 205 QUACKS. Quacks and q uackery. see, Nashville, 1895, 283-291. Ah.o: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 271-2*0. — Kaiisom (P. W.) Massage, baths, suggestion, and other lines of treatment which should be rescued from the quacks. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1906, xiii, 1402-1407. —Begistered (The) quack. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 981. —Beitzel ( 0. E. ) Quacks, charlatans, and impostors. Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1905, xxvii, 97-100. — Betribution for a quack. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 370. — Rigdon (R. L.) Quack- ery in genito-urinary diseases. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1895, xxv, 310-316. —Bobinson (W. J.) The composition of some so-called svnthetics and ethical nos- trums. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 1010-1020.— Rogers (F. T.) The correspondence method of treat- ing disease. Providence M. J., 1905, vi, 16-25.—Roland. Du charlatanisme medical tolere et de celui defendu. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1891, v, 193-199. —Both ( E.) Kurpfuscher und Kurpfuscherei. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1906, iii, 114-117.—Runge (H.) Zum Treiben der Kurpfuscher. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 14. —S. ( R. ) Kurpfuscherprozess in Darmstadt Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 558.— Saratidi (H.) L'empirisme en Roumanie. Rev. med., Par., 1906, xiv, 687-689. Also: Med. orient., Par., 1905, ix, 559-564.—Schachter (M.) Kuruzslas esetei a torveny- szek elott. [Cases of quackery before the county court] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 550; 502 — Schiller- Tietz. DasgelehrteKurpfuscherthum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 654. — Schnei- ckert (H.) Aus dem Formularmagazin unserer Kur- pfuscher. Arch. f.Krim.-Anthrop.u.Kriminalist.,Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 327-337. — Schotield (A. T.) The cure of quackery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 976-97S. —Schu- chardt (B.) Eine internationale Kurpfuseherin zu An- fang des 18. Jahrhunderts. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar, 1902. xxxi, 281-286.—Sehlitze (W.) Das Kurpfuscherunwesen. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsche Aerzte in Reichenberg, 1900, xiii, no. 4; 5. -----. Aber- glaube, Wahrsagerei und Kurpfuscherei. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist, Leipz., 1903, xii, 252-258.—von Schulz ( M.) Ausiibung der Heilkunde, Medicinal- pfuscherei und Gewerbegerichte. Med. Reform, Berl., 1902, x, 291; 301.— Schwartz (O.) Die Notwendigkeit eines Verbotes gewerbsmassiger Kurpfuscherei durch die staatlicheStrafgesetzgebung. Heilkunde, Berl., 1903,301- 303.-----. Curpfuscherei und Naturheilverfahren. Ibid., Berl. & Wien, 1904, 394—Serpossian. Les guerisseurs, les medicastres et les rebouteurs a Constantinople. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant, 1899-1900, xiii, 320. —Shute ( D. K.) The philosophical foundations of charlatanry in medicine. George Washington Univ. Bull., Wash., 1907, vi. no. 4, 60-70. Also: Wash. M. Ann., 1907-8, vi, 411-425.— Sicker (D. F.) Quackerv. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 447-454. Also: Texas M. J., Austin, 1905-6, xxi, 273-281.— Siebert (F.) Zur Psychologie der Kur- pfuscherei. Deutsche Prax., Munchen, 1904, xiii, 101; 117. —Siefart (G.) Medizinische Wissenschaft und Kurpfuscherei. Hvg. Volksbl., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, iii, 73; 85.—Skryabin (K) Sposob llecheniya bleshenstva u kirgiz. [Method of treating hydrophobia among the Kirgheez.J Vestnik obsh. vet, St. Petersb., 1907, xx, 806-809.—Slee (R.) A pow-pow doctor. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 319— Soiuinerleld (T.) Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bekampfung des Kurpfuschertums; Eroffnungsrede. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, iv, 78-82.—Somnambule et pharmacien. Med. anec- dot, Par., 1903, 108-111.—Specialist (A) in locomotor ataxv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 1382— Stancell (R H.), jr. Empiricism; annual essay. Tr. M. Soc. N. . Car., Wilmington, 1895, 11-26. Also: Xorth Car. M. J., Wilminton, 1895, xxxv, 305-320. —Stolper (P.) Die Ausiibung der Heilkunst durch nicht approbierte Perso- nen (Kurpfuscherei). Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl.,1906, xii, 65-69 —Stuver (E.) Dangers to public health and morals, especially to young persons, from quackery, as promulgated by public advertisements. Med. News, X. Y. 1901 lxxix, 8S4-&57.—Suter (F. A.) Les rebouteurs et les rhabilleurs de Geneve et de la Haute-Savoie et leurs victimes Arch, internat. de chir., Gand, 1904-5, ii, 275-338, 3 pl—Transatlantic (The) quack. Brit M.J, Lond., 1907, i, 236.—Uncrowned (The) king of the appendicitis pill. Lancet, Lond., 1903 i, 849.— Vance (Ap M.) Charlatanism. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. 1899, Louisville, 1900, xliv, 58-71. Also: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1899, xxviii, 41-50. [Discussion] ,65. Also: Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1899-1900, vi, 71-77.- Volksabstiminung (Zur) im Kanton Zurich vom 27. November fiber die sogenannte Kurpfuscherei-Imtia- tive. Schweiz. BL f. Gsndhtsptl., Zurich, 1904, xix, 241- 250.-Walker (J. P. C.) Quack doctors and their patrons. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1887, 229- 237.—White (A) witch. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, l, 1452—Wiles (The) of a quack. Lancet, Lond,, 1900, ii, 785.—Williamson (C. S.) The attitude of the physi- cian toward the nostrum evil. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1906 x 166-172.—Winkler. Betrachtungen uber den Tilsiter Prozess. TZwei Fiille von Diphtheric] Arch. f. phTs^et Therap., Berl., 1905, vii, 38-42.-Witry (T.) Quacks and ej uackery. Ein Kurpfnschereiprocess vor hundert Jahren. Janus, Harlem, 1907, xii, 71-76. -----. Historisch-Pathologisches uber die Pseudomessiasse der Vergangenheit und Gegen- wart Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2210.— Wood (H. C.) Nostrums. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Marv- land, Bait, 1899,153-164.—Wrzosek (A.) O znacharst- wie unas i srodkachwalkiz niem. [Quackery among us, and the means of combatting it] Krvt. lek., War- zawa, 1900, iv, 105-110.—X. if. '£,. A local charlatan. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 317.—Zahn. Ueber das heutige Kurpfuscherthum. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Franken- thal, 1902, xviii, 16; 38. Quacks and quackery {Jurisprudence of). Fleischer (R.) Ein Fall von plotzlichem Exitus nach Application einer Salbe auf die ganze Korperoberflache. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. Landau (H.) Arzt und Kurpfuscher im Spiegel des Strafrechts. Ein Beitrag zur iirzt- lichen Frage. 8° Miinchen, 1899. Wolff (J.) *Die Kurpfuscherei in juristi- scher Betrachtung. 8°. Greifswald, 1900. Boyd (J.) Judgment in the Crichton case. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1907, xxxii, 127-146.— rdeaux, 1906. Albrecht (P ) Ein Fall von doppelsei tiger Ruptur der iniadri/.epssehne. Jahresb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1906, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, 32.—Allis (O. H.) Subcutaneous rupture of thigh muscles. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1903, v, 93.—Allison (X.) Rupture of the quadriceps exten- sor tendon. Interstate M. J., St Louis, 1904, xi, 188.— Arouheiiu. Beitrag zur Behandlung der subcutanen Ruptur des Musculus extensor cruris quadriceps. Mo- natschr. f. Lnfallheilk., Leipz.,1903.x.311-313.—Auvray. Angiome musculaire de la portion vaste interne du qua- driceps femoral dont revolution a simule une arthrite du genou. Tribune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 21.—Ax- hausen. Beitrag zur Aetiologie derQuadricepssehnen- QUADRICEPS. 207 QUADRUPLETS. Quadriceps femoris {Tendon of Rup- ture and wounds of). ruptur. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxii, 599-606.—Bawden (.J. B.) Ruptur of the patellar at- tachment of the left quadriceps extensor cruris. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 297.—Blume (S.) Rupture of both quad- riceps extensors. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, viii. 1038.— Brewer (G. E.) Old rupture of the quadriceps extensor tendon. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899,xxix,490.—Buchanan (J. J.) Rupture of the tendon of the quadriceps extensor femoris [with tableof 36cases]. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., I'hila., 1895. xxvi. 234-240. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlviii, 625-627.—Bull (W. T. i Rupture of the quadriceps ex- tensor tendon. X. York M. J.. 1889, xlix, 421-424. [Dis- cussion], 415—Burgess (A. H.) A case of rupture of the quadriceps tendon; primarv suture. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxix, 366.—Crary (G. W.) Rup- ture of the quadriceps extensor treated by suture. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1896-7, 24.—Cutler (C. W.) Report of a caseof complete rupture of the quad- riceps extensor muscle, treated by mechanical means and resulting in a perfect cure. X. York M. J., 1890, li, 319.— Barley-Hartley (W.) Rupture of rectus femoris ten- don in an aged subject; recovery. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1895-6, iii, 257.—Beaderick (C.) Case of rupture of quadriceps femoris tendon with dislocation of patella beneath the intercondyloid groove of the femur. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 102.—Bebongnie. Rup- ture du tendon du triceps femoral; arrachement partiel du rev^tement periostique anterieur de la rotule; repro- duction osseuse de celle-ci. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1895, 4. s., v, 230-235— Debrie (E.-J.) Rupture sus-rotu- lienne du quadriceps traitee par la suture. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lvon, 1905, viii, no. 8,17-21. Also: Lvon med., 1905, cv, 369-373.—Be lay e. Du dedoublement de la ro- tule appliquee a la cure des ruptures totales etanciennes du tendon tricipital femoral (precede de Rochet). Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1901, x, 482-487. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc de chir. de Lyon, 1900-1901, iv, 221-223. Also [Abstr.]: Lyonmed.,1901,xcvii.062.—Devars. Arrache- ment du tendon du droit anterieur de la cuisse il son inser- tion a la rotule. Lyonmed., 18*7, liv, 499-503.—Diirald (K.) Ruptur derQuadricepssehne, Pyarthros des linken Kniegelenkes nach Sturz. Wien. med. Presse. 1902, xliii, 23-25.—Ferraresi (P.) Tenoplastica per recisione da antica data del legarnento rotuleo dal tendine del qua- dricipite estensore; applicazione dello stesso processomo- dificato per le fratture della rotula e dell' olecranon. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc], 566-573.—Fischer. Einige Falle von Rupturen des Quadriceps femoris. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttg.. 1*72-3. xxv, 241-243. -----. Muskel-Zer- reissung des quadriceps femoris. Ibid., Winnenden, 1882 xxxiii, 47. — Fleseli (J.) Doppelseitige Ruptur der Quadricepssehne. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1900, xlv, 85.— Fort (R. E.) Rupture of the quadriceps extensor ten- don. South. Pract., XTashville, 1899, xxi, 515.—Fowler (G. R.) Rupture of both quadriceps extensor tendons at the patellar attachment. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 501.—Gage (H.) Rupture of the quadriceps ex- tensor tendon. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn , 1906, viii, 474-_4,x2.—Gross (G.) & Sencert. Ruptures sus-rotuli- ennes du quadriceps. Soc. dem6d.de Xancy. C.-r. . . ., 1904-5,63-69. Also: Rev. nied.deTest,Nancy, 1905,xxxvii, 344-349— Guillaume-L.ouis( P.) Rupture du tendon quadricipital (caracteres anatomiques). Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1905, i, 274-277.—Haecker (R.) Klinischer und anatomischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der doppelseiti- gen Quadricepssehnenruptur hart am oberen Rande der Patella. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1860-1S63. — Halstead (A. E.) A case of com- plete rupture of quadriceps extensor tendon treated by suture oi the tendon. Chicago M. Recorder, 1900, xviii, 217-220. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1900, xviii, 328-331.— Hardoiiin (P.) Les angiomes du quadriceps femo- ral. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1905, i, 1097-1101.—Hi Ide- brand. Fall von doppelseitiger Quadricepssehnen- ruptur. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1900, xxx, 111.— Karewski (F.) Zur Frage der Behandlung von Rup- turen des Quadriceps femoris. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1127-1129.—Keetley (C. B.) A case of rupture of the quadriceps extensor tendon. West Lond. M. J.,Lopd., 1906, xi, 110.—Klein (P.) Zur Kenntniss der subcutanen SehnenzerreNsunK des M. quadriceps femoris nebst Mittheilung eines Falles. Mo- natschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1902, ix, 140-113— KJihI E.) Ruptur der Sehne des rechten Musculus quadriceps emoris; Sehnennaht. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1893, xxiii, 454.—Korte. Abreissung der Quadriceps- sehne von der Kniescheibe; Xaht. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, Ver.-Beil., 175.—liejars. Rupture du tendon du triceps crural; suture. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 405-408.— Iiucas-Championniere. Rupture du tendon du triceps femoral de la cuisse gauche; reparation par un proced6 nouveau avec fixation de fils meLalliques perpen- diculaires aux fibres du triceps pour donner un point d'attache solide a des fils passes aux travers de la rotule. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1898, lxix, 290-293.— Quadriceps femoris {Tendon of Bup- ture and wounds of). Liiniii<>'. Xaht der Sehn'e der Quadriceps femoris. Cor.- Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1881, xi, 689.—McBurney (C.) Suture of quadriceps tendon. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 507.-----. Rupture of the quadriceps ex- tensor tendon. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895,xxii,506-508.-----. Suture of the divided ends of a ruptured quadriceps ex- tensor tendon, with perfect recovery. Ibid., 1887, vi, 170.—OTeOosh (A. J.) Rupture of the quadriceps ex- tensor tendon; suture. (Three operations, two patients, j Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbvterian Hosp., N. Y., 1897, ii, 1*2- 186. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxv, 355-358.—Jla- sini. Section du tendon du quadriceps; suture. Bull. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1906, lxxxi, 554.—JWaydl (K.) Ueber subcutane Muskel-und Sehnenzerreissungen sowie Rissfracturen, mit Beriicksichtigung der analogen, durch directe Gewalt enstandenen und offenen Verletz- ungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1882, xvii, 306; 513: xviii, 55. -----. Riss des Quadriceps und seiner Sehne (61 Fiille). Ibid., 518-547.—IMorris (H.) Rupture of the quadriceps extensor tendon, with report of a case. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1903-4, xvi, 367.—Persi- chetti (C.) Rottura del tendine del quadrieipitefemo- rale. Gior. med. d. r. esercito fete], Roma, 1895, xliii, 1323-1328.—Poirier. Rupture au tendon du quadriceps femoral; suture, massage et mobilisation immediats. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 542- 546.—Quen u (E.) & Duval (P.) Traitement operatoire des ruptures sus-rotuliennes du quadriceps. Rev. de chir., Par., 1905, xxxi, 169-194.—Biedinger (J.) Ueber Sehnenrupturen (Biceps femoris und Biceps brachii). sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1903, 79.— Bongiiisky (A. J.) A case of rupture of quadriceps extensor femoris muscle. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 932.—Schmidt (E.) Ein Fall von Luxation der Patella nach Abriss der Quadricepssehne. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 1023-1025.—Severeano (C.) D6chirure du tendon du droit anterieur crural, h6mor- ragie dans l'articulation du genou droit; i hrombose de la veine poplitee; embolie pulmonaire; guerison. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc.], 543-545.—Stetson (H. G.) Rupture of the qua- driceps extensor femoris muscle. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 174-177. Also: Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1903, xix, 439-451.—Stiassny (S.) Ein Beitrag zur Quadricepsplastik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 1680.—Villar (F.) Rupture sus-rotuliennedu quadri- ceps des deux c6b3s. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 873.—Walker (J. B.) Rupture of the quadrieeps ex- tensor muscle and its tendon above and below the pa- tella; an analysis of 255 cases with reference to treatment and results. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1896, n. s., cxi, 638-649.— Walther. [Arrachement du tendon du triceps k son insertion sur la rotule, traite par la suture m^tallique et gu^ri depuis cinq ans.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 402-405.—Walz (K.) Zum Me- chanismus der subcutanen Zerreissungen des Quadriceps, der Patella und des Ligamentum patellae. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896-7, xliv, 430-442.—'Wharton (H. R.) Simultaneous rupture of both quadriceps ex- tensor femoris tendons. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. 1903, v, 152-154. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1903, xxxvii, 459-461. -----. Separation of the quadriceps extensor femoris tendon from the patella. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., (1904), 1905, 69. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1904, xl, 273.—Wilson (H. A.) Teno-suture and tendon elonga- tion and shortening by open incision; advantages and disadvantages of the various methods. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i, 174-185. Also, Reprint.— Wunsch. Ein Fall von Abriss derQuadricepssehne an der Patella; operative Behandlung; gutes functionelles ResultaL Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xliii, 613-619 — Iflerreissung beider Quadricepssehnen. Biirgerspit. Basel. Jahresb. (1899), 1900,144. Also: Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, in Basel (1899), 1900, 60. Quadriceps femoris (Tumors of). Auvray. Angiome musculaire de la portion vaste interne du quadriceps femoral dont revolution clinique a simul6 une arthrite de l'articulation du genou. Bull. et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix. 837-S4L—Boye- Gcorges. K vste hydatique du quadriceps de la cuisse droite." Ibid., 1907, lxxxii, 597-599. — Hardonin. Un cas d'angiome du quadriceps femoral. Ibid., 1905, lxxx, 261-263. Quadrio (Giuseppe Maria). Uso, utilita, es- toria delle acque termali di Trascorio. In tre parti divisa, alia illustrissima citta Bergamo in- titolata. 5 p. 1., 180 pp., port. 4°. Venezia, G. Terernin, 1749. Quadruplets. See, also, Monsters (Quadruple). Pinther (L.) * De partu quadrigeminorum. 8°. Jense, 1857. QUADRUPLETS. 208 QUALN. Quadruplets. St hister ( (t. ) Genesis quadrimellorum, sive historia rara et perquam curiosa de muliere, diebus xvi. et xvii. Febr. mdccxxxix. duplices gemellos, netnpe masculum et tres femellas, vivos et vitales, enitente. sm. 4°. Chemnicii, [1739?] Alzenberg (V. M.) Sluchal rodov chetvernyami. [Birth of quadruplets.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, 920-922. — Ausch (O.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Vier- lingsschwangerschaft. Pratf. med. Wchnschr., 18y7,xxii, 123; 137. — Baud ou ill i M.) Ln cas de grossesse qua- druple, formeede deux < cut's, dontl'un k trois germes avec sternopagie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1902, 12. s., ii, 369 — Beyer. Vierlinge. Gen.-San.-Ber. v. Westfalen 1838, Minister, 1840, 17*-180.—Bousquet. Relation d'un cas de grossesse quadruple. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., l»94,121-123. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1S94, x, 223-226.—Budd (W. H.) A case of quadruplets. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1906, iv, 200.—Cole- man (C. A.) A case of quadruplets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1429— Belaunay (H.) Gestation quadruple chez une vac-he. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1902, 8. s., ix, 490.— Be Leon (J.) Remarkable fecondity. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1890, v, 280. —Fal- coz. Un cas de grossesse quadruple. Gaz.- d. h6p., Par., 1905, lxxviii, 1207. — Fothergill (W. E.) Acute hvdramnios with quadruplets. Practitioner, Lond., 1903, lxxii, 710-713. — Freeman (A. H.) Four of a kind [quadruplets]. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1904, xi, 173.—Ginzburg ( M. I).) Viktdish chetverneyu s urod- stvom odnovo iz zamdishei. [Abortion of quadruplets, one foetus a monster] Kjcncd. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1896, iii, 361— tioode (E.T.) A case of quadru- ruplets. Lancet, Lond.,1*97.i,590.—graphy, see Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1894, xxiii, 3-17 (Guaita & Rampoldi). Also: Morgagni, Milano, 1894, 48. Cfcuain (Jones) [1796-1865]. The muscles of the human body in a series of plates, with refer- ences and physiological comments. 112 pp., 51 pl. fol. London, Taylor &• Wedton, 1836. -----. Elements of anatomy. 4. ed., revised and enlarged, xxvii, 910 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Lon- don, Taylor & Walton, 1837. -----. The same. Edited by Richard Quain and William Sharpey. 5. ed. 2 v. in 3, paged consecutively, cccvii, 1363 pp. 8°. London, 1843-8. -----. The same. Edited by William Sharpey and George Viner Ellis. 6. ed. 3 v. 8°. Loudon, Walton & Maberly, 1856. -----. The same. Edited by William Sharpey, Allen Thomson, and Edward Albert Schafer. 2 v. 8. ed. xiii (1 1.), 680 pp.; viii, 850 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1876. -----. The same. Edited by Albert Schiifer and George Dancer Thane. 10. ed. 3 v. 8°. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1890-95. CONTENTS. v. 1, pt. 1. Embryology, bv Prof. Schafer. iv, 169, xi pp. 1890. v.l,pt.2. General anatomy or histology, by Prof. Schafer. v, 171-231, xi pp. 1891. V. 2, pt. 1. Osteology, by D. G. Thane. 11., 146 pp. 1890. v. 2, pt. 2. Arthrology, mvology, angeiology, by D. G. Thane, vi, 147-593 pp. 1892. v. 3, pt. 1. The spinal cord and brain, by Prof Schaefer. v. 3, pt. 2. The nerves, by G. D. Thane, vi, 221^03 pp. 1895. v. 3, pt. 3. Organs of the senses, by Prof. Schafer. v. 3, pt.4. Splanchnology, by E. A. Schafer and Johnson Symington, viii, 344 pp. -----. The same. Editors: Edward Albert Schafer, Johnson Symington, and Thomas Has- tie Bryce. 11. ed. 4 v. 8°. London, Long- mans, Green & Co., 1908. CONTENTS. v. 1. Embryology, by T. H. Bryce. viii, 275 pp. v. 3. Neurology. Pt. I, containing the general structure of the nervous system and the structure of the brain and spinal cord, by E. A. Schaferand J. Symington, ix, 421pp. ------. Appendix. Superficial and surgical anatomy. By G. D. Thane and R. J. Godlee. QUAIN. 209 QUANTZ. Quain (Jones)—continued. 10. ed. 1 p. 1., 76 pp. 8°. London, Long- mans, Green t(- Co., 1896. For liiiutraplni, sec Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 89 (D'A. Power). See, also, llott'mann (Carl Ernst Emil). Lehrbuch der Anatomie [etc.]. 8°. Erlangen, 1877-87.— Martinet (L[ouis]). Manual of pathology, [etc.]. 16°. London, 1826. ------ cc WilsoB (William J. E.) The vessels of the human body in a series of plates, with references and physiological comments. 1 p. 1., 110 pp., 50 pl. fol. London, Taylor & Walton, 1837. Bound with: Quain (Jones). The muscles of the hum«n body [etc.]. fol. London, 1836, ------------. The nerves of the human body; including the brain and spinal marrow and organs of sense; in a series of plates, with ref- erences and physiological comments. 1 p. 1., 96 pp., 38 pl. fol. London, Taylor d Walton, 1839. ------------. The viscera of the human body; including the organs of digestion, respiration, secretion, and excretion; in a series of plates, with references and physiological comments. 1 p. 1., 67 pp., 32 pl. fol. London, Taylor d Walton, 1840. Bound with their: The nerves [etc.]. fol. London, 1839. ------------. The bones and ligaments of the human body; in a series of plates, with refer- ences and physiological comments. 1 p. 1., 103 pp., 31 pl. fol. London, Taylor d- Walton, 1842. Bound with their: The nerves [etc.]. fol. London, 1839. ------ ------. A series of anatomical plates; with references and physiological comments, illustrating the structure of the different parts of the human body. 2. ed., revised, with ad- ditional notes, by Joseph Pancoast. 1 p. 1., 92 pp., 30 pl.; 103 pp., 50 pl.; 99 pp., 50 pl.; 87 pp., 38 pl.; 64 pp., 32 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1843. ------------. The same. 3. ed. 92 pp., 30 pl.; 103 pp., 50 pl.; 99 pp., 51 pl.; 87 pp., 38 pl.; 64 pp., 32 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1845. ------------. The same. 1 p. 1., 92, 103, 99, 87, 64 pp., 200 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1846. Quain (Richard) [1800-87]. Diseases of the bronchial glands. 8 pp. 8°. London, 1878. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, ii. -----. Observations in reference to the license of the Royal College of Physicians of London as a complete qualification to practice medi- cine, surgery, and midwifery, addressed to the Fellows of the College. 8 pp. 8°. London, Spottiswejoele & Co., 1884. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 90 (D'A. Powery. -----. See, also: Quain (Jones). Elements of anatomy. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1843-8. Quain (Sir Richard) [1816-98]. A dictionary of medicine, including general pathology, gen- eral therapeutics, hygiene, and the diseases of women and children, by various writers. Edited by Richard Quain, assisted by Frederick Thomas Roberts and J. Mitchell Bruce, with an Ameri- can appendix by Samuel Treat Armstrong. New ed. 2 v. xxiv, 1261 pp.; vii, 1305 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1895. -----. The same. Edited by H. Montague Mur- ray, assisted by John Harold and W. Cecil VOL xiv, 2d series----14 Quain (Sir Richard)—continued. Bosanquet. 3. ed. xviii, 1892 pp., 21 pl. 8°. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1902. ------. The same, xviii, 1892 pp., 21 pl. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1903. For Bioqraphy, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 793-795. Also: Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1901, suppl. 3, 288 (D'A. Power). Also: Edinb. M. J., 1898, n. s., iii, 445. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 816-820. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1898, n. s., lxv, 293. Also: Med. Rev. of Rev., N.Y., 1898, iv, 736-738, port. Also: Montreal M. J., 1898, xxvii, 315-318 (J. G. Adami). Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1898, lxiii, pp. vi-ix (J. F.). Also: Pop. Sc. Month., N.Y.,1898, liii, 835-839, port, [front.]. Also: Scalpel, Lond., 1898, iii, 101, port. Quaint ante (A[ltus] L[acy]) [1870- ] & Banks (Nathan). Contributions toward a monograph of the American Aleurodidse. The red spiders of the United States (Tetranychus and Stigmpeus). 79 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Washing- ton, (ioet. Print. Office, 1900. Technical series No. 8, U. S.Dept. Agric, Div. Entomol. ------& Brues (C. T.) The cotton bollworm. 155 pp., 25 pl. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1905. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bureau Entomol. Bull. No. 50. de Quakenhrugge (Job.. Adolphus Frank). *Positiones de chylificatione. 11 pp. sm. 4°. Harderoviei, rid. A. Sets, 1716. Quandt (Max Kurt) [1878- ]. * Ueber Fracturen des knochernen Gehorganges durch Gewalteinwirkung auf den Unterkief er. 24 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kammerer & Co., 1904. Quang-Tcheou-Wan. Broqnet. Notes sur leclimat de Quang-Tchex>u-Wan (Chine Meridionale). Ann. d'hyg. etde med. colon.,Par., 1907, x, 183-186.—Cazaniian. Le territoire de Quang- Tcheou-WTan. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1904, lxxxii, 363; 449.—Vialet. Sur Quang-Tscheou-Wan. Ibid., 1901, lxxv, 295-312. Quanjer (A. Am. J.) Medisch woordenboekje bevattende de verklaring der meest gebruike- lijke technische geneeskundige uitdrukkingen alsmede de noodige aanduidingen van de juiste uitspraak ten behoeve van ziekenverpleegsters, ziekenverplegers enz. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. 12°. Gouda, G. B. van Goor zonen, [n, d.]. SeeBaske (H. J.) Demazelen [etc.]. 8°. 's Graven- hage, 1880.—Boltz [Eduard]. Leefregels voor lijders aan jicht [etc.], 12°. Amsterdam, [1888].—Stonimel (Kuno) [ml. s.]. Hoe wordt men gezond? 8°. Amster- dam, 1887.—Tlierapentisclie anteekeningen [etc.]. 8°. 's-Hertogenbosch, 1893. Quanjer (Th. A). Editor of: Nieuws (Het), 's-Hertogenbosch, 1904-5. Quante (Hujjo) [1872- ]. * Die Ergebnisse der Viehstatintik in den wichtigsten europiii- schen Liindern mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Staaten. 63 pp., 31. 8°. Halle a. S., H. John, 1899. Quante (Otto) [1875 ]. *Zwei Falle von Ruckenmarkstumor. 28 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1899. Quanter (Rudolf). Die Liebes- und Lebens- strafen bei alien Volkern und zu alien Zeiten. Eine kriminalhistorische Studie von.... 240+ pp. 8°. Dresden, II. B. Dohrn, 1901. Quantin (Jules) [1857- ],. *Essai sur les maladies du cceur, depuis Erasistrate jusqu'a Senac. vi, 86 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 149. Quanlin (Pierre). *Disssertation sur la nutri- tion du foetus. 1 p. 1., 20 pp. 4°. Strassbourg, 1812, No. 357. Quantz (J. ().) Problems in the psychology of reading. 51 pp. 8°. New York & London, Macmillan Co., 1897. Forms no. 1, v. 2, of: Monogr. Suppl. of: Psychol. Rev. QUARANTA. 210 QUARANTINE. Quaranta (Antonio). See Bosclietti (Federico). I miei primi due anni [etc.]. 8°. Parma, 1896. Quaranta (Bernardo). O^servazioni intorno ad una memoria del cav. Benedetto Vulpes in- titolata: Illustrazione di un forcipe a branche curve, lettera al cav. Salvatore De Renzi. 20 pp. 8°. [Napoli, 1847.] Repr.from: Filiatre-Sebezio, Napoli, 1847. -----. Gli scheletri cerocefali trovati in un an- tico sepolcro di Cuma nel dicembre del 1852. 16 pp. 8°. Napoli, N. Fabricatore, 1853. Quarante [Lucien]. Lesions de la nutrition; traitement de la goutte, de la gravelle et du dia- bete. 9. ed. 117 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 24°. Paris, Amyot, [1875]. Quarante questions d'internat. Premiere serie. 142 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1904. Quarantine. See, also, Cholera, Epidemics, Fever (Ty- phus), Fever (Yellow), Plague, Prevention of; Plague (Prevention of, Public measures for). Andeeucci (0.) Delle quarantene conside- rate nei loro rapporti politici, sociali ed igienico- sanitari. Prolegomeni storici documentati al Dizionario d' igiene quarantenaria e navale. 2 v. 8°. Firenze, 1866-9. . Bizaed (E.-C.-L.) *Evolution de la police sanitaire maritime. Les mesures modernes de defense internationale contre la peste, le cho- lera et la fievre jaune. 8°. Lille, 1904. Coidoue (P.) *Les quarantaines. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Kobler (G.) Sur les quarantaines dans les foyers d'epidemies. 8°. Paris, 1900. Lucas (A.) & Torchut (V.) Manuel du can- didal aux fonctions de medecin sanitaire ma- ritime. 8°. Paris, 1904. NAcra synpunkter och iakttagelser angaende karantiinsinrattningar. [New viewpoints and observations on improvements in quarantine methods.] 8°. Stockholm, 1902. Meddelanden fra,n kongl. medicinalstyrelsen, no. 3. Trolard (P.) De la prophylaxie des mala- dies exotiques, importables et transmissibles. (Des mesures propres a remplacer les quaran- taines.) 8°. Alger, 1891. Ullmanx ( K. ) Ueber modernes Quaran- tiinewesen. 8°. Wien, 1907. Repr. from: J. d. Export-Akad. d. k. k. osterr. Handels- Mus., Wien, 1905-6, viii. Yaxderpoel (S. O.) General principles af- fecting the organization of quarantine. 8°. New York, 1874. Wyman (W.) Quarantine. Reprint of chap- ter xxii, Dr. Geo. H. Rohe's "Text-book of hygiene". 2. ed., thoroughly revised and largely rewritten, with many illustrations and valuable tables. 8°. Philadelphia, 1890. Apery. Les quarantaines. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stant., 1901-2,904-913.—Armstrong (S. T.) The neces- sity of quarantine. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1887, 90-98— Aubert-Boche. Note sur les medecins sanitaires envoyes en Orient. Bull, de l'Acad. de m6d. Par., 1847-8, xiii, 225-230 —Bore 1. Role des medecins sanitaires maritimes dans la defense sanitaire. Bull. med., Par., 1903, xvii, 605-608.—Bracken. The modern methods of quarantine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 677.— Bruinbau2.li (A. B.) Quarantine. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1906-7, x, 6*5-088.—Byrd (H.) Rational quarantine. Georgia Pract., Savannah, 1906, iii, 137-139.— Clark (N.L.) Pratique and health certificates. Ala- bama M. & S. Age, Birmingham, 1897-8, x, 185-189 — Clarke (T.) Introductory address to the section on port sanitary administration. J. State M.. Lond., 1903, xi, 454-461.—Collinridge (W.) The Milroy lectures on quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 715; 7*7; 803. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 646; 711.—Da vis (M. L.) Cremation furnaces for quarantine hospitals. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn. 1888-9, Harrisburg, ]s91, v, 556, 1 Quarantine. ch.—Discussion on disinfection and quarantine Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1896, xxx, 139-158.—Boty (A. H.) Modern quarantine in its relations to passengers, crew, and cargo. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 681-683, Also, Reprint. -----. The use of the clinical thermome- ter as an aid in quarantine inspection. Ibid., 19o2, lxii, 690-692.—Byer (I.) The qualities which determine a quarantinable disease. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1898-9, li, 496- 503.—Freneh opinion on quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 111.—Fulton (J. S.) Quarantine, the delirium ferox of American sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1905, Columbus, O., 1906, xxxi, 252-259. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 049-652.—tilennan (A. H.) The study of quarantine in the light of modern progress. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxi, 484. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1902, xxviii, 85- 91. Also, transl.: Independ. med., Barcel., 1902, xxxii, 145-148.—tioode (R.) Maritime quarantine and hy- giene. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 290-293.— Hamburg. Fin-de-silcle quarantine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 715.—Hamilton (J. B.) Report on the sanitation of ships and quarantine. Rep. Superv. Surg.- Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 85-95.—Hocne. Wie schiitzen wir uns gegen die Einschleppung der Volksseuchen durch den Seeverkehr? Bl. f. Volks- gsndhtspfL, Munchen, 1904, iv, 49-54.—Horlfoeek (H. B.) Maritime sanitation at ports of arrival. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep.1890,Concord,1891, xvi,110-125,8pl. -----. On the necessity for the organization of bac- teriological commissions for the study and investiga- tion of quarantinable diseases under the formation and control of the governing authorities of the countries in- terested; an absolute necessity for the scientific manage- ment and betterment of maritime hygiene and quaran- tine. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 483-485.—Jones (I. J.) Quarantine and sanitation; their mutual relations and importance. Texas M. News Austin, 1900-1901, x, 538- 543.—Jones (J.) Outline of the history, theory, and practice of quarantine; relations of quarantine to consti- tutional and international law and to commerce. In his: Med. f Canadian quarantines. For the years 1886-7; 1889-91; 1893-4. 8°. [attaint, 1887-94.] IVIontizaiiibcrt (F.) Modern quarantine in Canada and the United States. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg.it Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, viii, 10-14. -----. The Cana- dian quarantine system. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix, 92-103.—Quarantine regulations for the Dominion of Canada. Spec. Consular Rep.,Wash., 1891,61-82. CAPE COLONY. Quarantine laws of Cape Colony. Spec. Consular Rep., Wash., 1891, 6-14. CHINA. Anioy; quarantine customs notification. Spec. Con- sular Rep., Wash., 1891, 229.— Brashc. O karantinle v Kvantunskol oblasti. [Quarantine in Quan-Tong prov- ince.] Med. pribav. k morsk. zborniku, St. Petersb., 1900, pt. 2,169-182. CONNECTICUT. Report of the board of health, city of New Haven 1874; 1880. City year-book New Haven, 1875,299: 1X81,191' COSTA RICA. Costa Rica; quarantine rules. Spec. Consular Rep., Wash., 1891, 97-99. CUBA. Glennan (A. H.) Protection cuarentenaria de la Isla de Cuba. 8°. Habana, 1901. CJaibarlen; quarantine regulations. Spec. Consular Rep., Wash., 1891,195-197.—Measures of inspection and disinfection prescribed by Cuban Government for vessels from certain Mexican ports. Pub. Health Rep. 1'. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1903, xviii, 1043.—Relative to the transfer of the quarantine system of Cuba to the new government of that island. Ibid., 1902, xvii, 1169-1172 — Torralbas (F.) Historia cuarentenaria de la Isla de Cuba. Rev. de med- trop., Habana, 1902, iii, 89-102. DELAWARE. Delaware. Board of Health of the State e>j Delaware. Report on domestic hygiene and quarantine. 8°. Wilmington, 1885. DENMARK. Denmark. Love og Anordninger Karantsene vsesenet vedrorende. [Laws and regulations pertaining to the quarantine system.] 16°. Kobenhavn, 1893. Denmark. Justitsministeriet. Bekenptg0relse om, at Bestemmelserne i 2det Afsnit 1. af Lov om Foranstaltninger mod smitsomme Syg- dommes Indf0relse i Riget af 2den Juli 1880 indtil videre trsede i Virksomhed med Hensyn til Skibe, der ankomme fra eller have staaet i Forbindelse med Havne med det sorte eller azowske Hav. [Notice that the regulations in the second section of the law containing measures against the introduction of contagious diseases, into the country from July 2, 1880, till further notice, goes into effect with reference to ships which come from or have had communication with harbors of the Black or Azov seas.] 8°. Kjobenharn, 1892. <'lod-Hanscn (A.) Nogle Bemsekninger om det moderne K«rant*nvasen. [Some remarks on modern quarantines.] Tidsskr. f. Sundhdspl., K0benh., 1899-1900, vii, 99-166.—Lubbers (A.) Lidt om S0-Karantaenen her hjemme i gamle Dage og Nutiden. [On sea quarantine in Denmark formerly and at present.] Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1899, 5. R., vi, 889; 913. DUTCH EAST INDIES. van der Kemp (P. H.) De quarantaine- en epidemie-voorschriften in Nederlandsch-Indie (Staatsblad 1892 nos. 44 en 45), toegelicht uit de officieele bescheiden en getoetst aan de wet- geving in Nederland. roy. 8°. Batavia, 1892. QUARANTINE. 213 QUARANTINE. Quarantine {Laws, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. EGYPT. Avrilleaud. H6pitaux et lazarets de la Mer Rouge. Arch, de med. nav , Par., 1902, lxxviii, 431-450, 1 plan.— Dickson (E. D.) Pelerinage de la Mecque; service sanitaire de la Mer-Rouge. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stant., 1879-80, xxii, 85; 96.—Fauvel (A.) Rapport sur une proposition du gouvernement anglais de supprimer la station quarantenaire d'El-Ouedj et de transporter la quarantaine des pterins de la Mecque aux sources de Mo'ise. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1878, vii, 19-30. -----. Sur les quarantaines ft, Suez. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1882, xciv. 1082- 1095. Also. Reprint. Also: France med., Par., 1882, i, 577; 692; 601.—Kruijt (J. A.) Sur la quarantaine dans la Mer Rouge. Cong, internat. de med. d. colonies 1883, Amst., 1884, 161-187.—Long (J. G.) The quarantine camp at El Tor [Turkey]. Pub. Health Rep. V. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1902, xvii, 1150-1159.—JHIlingen (C.) Quarantine at El Wedj, Red Sea. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., ls73, i, 477.—Quaraiitane-Station (Die), El-Tor, by Paul Kaufmann, Berlin, 1892. San. Rec,Lond., 1891-2, n. s., xiii, 422. — Quarantilie ^The) station of Camaran in the Red Sea. Med. News, N. V.,1898, lxxiii, 631.—Kuflfer (M. A.) Measures taken at Tor and Suez against ships coming from the Red Sea and the Far East. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1801-1806.— Tennhardt (R.) Ein Ausflug nach der grossten Quarantainestation der Welt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 572.—Tonin (R.) La stazione quarantenaria di Gebel-el-Tor. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1903, xiv, 637-643. EUROPE. Davy (J.) Notes and observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta; with some remarks on Constantinople and Turkey, and on the svstem of quarantine as at present conducted. 8°. London, 1842. Textes juxtaposes des conventions sanitaires internationales de Venise, 1892; Dresde, 1893; Paris, 1894; Venise, 1897. fol. Bruxelles, 1897. Carmiehael (C. H. E.) La quarantena; progetto di regolamento internazionale. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. in- ternaz. 1894, Roma, 1*96, vi, igiene. 69.—Teissier (J.) Le systeme quarantenaire dans la Mediterranee; ses ca- racteres vexatoires; son inutilite; ses dangers. Bull. Acad. de med.. Par., 1903, 3. s., xlix, 688. [Discussion], 742; 773. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1903, xvii, 519-524. FLORIDA. Arguments and appeals for the restoration of the United States quarantine at Tortugas, Florida. A memorial to the United States Congress. 8°. New York, 1901. FRANCE. France. Departement del'intirieur. Direction de V assistance et de V hygiene publigues. Regle- ment general de police sanitaire maritime. DeYret du 4 Janvier 1896. sm. 4°. Melun, 1896. Melier. Ouverture du lazaret de Ratoneau. 8°. Marseille, 1850. Repr.from: Moniteur universel, 1850. Arnand (J.) Examen d'un projet d'isolement au Frioul des contagieux de nos h6pitaux. Marseille med., 1903, xl, 714-719.—Fauvel. Rapport sur un projet de lazaret a Bastia. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. Rub. de France, Par., 1878, vii, 36 - 45. — (iimbert. Etude des lazarets du Pian de Latte et de Nice pendant l'epid^mie de cholera de 1884. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Par. (1886), 1887, xxi, 134-142.— Lazaret de Trompeloup. Rec. d. trav. ('omitey-onsult. d'hyg. pub. de France, Par., 1876, v, 126-150— Jli I lard (H. B.) National quarantine as constituted and administered in France. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, L—Police sanitaire maritime; regie- mentation applicable aux colonies. Rec. d. trav. ComibS consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1897, Par., 1898, xxvii, 416- 432. Also, transl.: Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1899, xxiii, 354; 383.—Vallin. Sur les services sanitaires etle lazaret de Frioul. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlvii, 311-341. [Discussion], 389; 482. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1902, xxiv, 193-223. GERMANY. Hamburg. Verordnung in Betreff der Qua- rantaine-Anstalt zu Cuxhaven. Beliebt durch den Rath- und Biirger-Schluss vom 22. De- cember 1856. Auf Befehl eines hochedlen I Quarantine {Lairs, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. GERMANY—continued. Raths der freien und Hiinsestadt Hamburg publicirt den 29. December 1856. sm. 4°. Hamburg, [1857]. Munster, Westphalia. Wir Frantz Arnold . . ., Bischoff zu Minister und Paderborn, . . . thuen kundtund fiigen jedermanniglichen hier- mit zu wissen, . . . dass in einigen . . nicht weit entferneten Landen einige ansteckende bose Kranckheitcn, . . . sich wiederumb hervor- thue und eusseren solle [followed by quaran- tine instructions]. 3 broadsides, fol. Milnster, 1713. Vorsciirift iiber die Ausbildung des Laza- rethgehiilfenpersonals. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Quarantine laws of Hamburg. Spec. Consular Rep., Wash., 1891, 313-315. -Reincke (J. J.) Kritik der Quarantaine-Massregeln fiir Seeschiffe. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1874, n. F., xxi, 241:1875, n. F., xxii, 119. Also, Reprint. — Roewer. Kritik der Quarantanen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 831-835. GREAT BRITAIN. See, also, in this list, Australasia; Bermuda Islands; Canada; Cape Colony; Guiana Jamaica; Malta; Natal; New South Wales; Trinidad. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Quarantine. Return to an ad- dress of the House of Commons, dated 22 May, 1860, for "copy of abstract of regulations in force in foreign countries respecting quaran- tine, communicated to the board of trade". fol. [London, I860.] -----. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 5 Aug., 1861, for copy "of the papers relating to quarantine, communicated to the board of trade on the 30th day of July, 1861". fol. [London, 1861.] Quarantine laws and regulations of the United Kingdom. Spec. Consular Rep., Wash., 1894, 412-415.— Regulations of 9th November, 1896, as to cholera, yel- low fever and plague; ports. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd., Lond., 1896-7, 139-146. GUIANA. Cirieve (R.) [Quarantine.] Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1892, 1-10. HAWAII. Hawaii. Board of Health. Quarantine regu- lations for the Hawaiian Kingdom. Adopted Oct. 17, 1883. 8°. [Honolulu, 1883.] ITALY. Fratini (F.) Progetti di massima per un lazzaretto da costruirsi in Feltre. 8°. Feltre, 1889. Gallina (V.) Studi sull' ordinamento dei lazzeretti. 4°. Firenze, 1874. Genoa. Regolamento per il lazzeretto del Varignano, situato nel golfo Spezia. 4°. Ge- nova, 1822. Genoa. Commission centrale de sante. Orga- nisation du service des quarantaines dans le port de Gdnes. 4°. [Genes, 1810.] Moratti (P.) Racconto degli ordini e pro- vision! fatte ne' lazaretti in Bologna, e suo contado in tempo del contagio dell' anno 1630. sm. 4°. Bologna, 1631. Kager (J. M.J Italian emigration regulations. Pub. Health Rep. IJ. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1901, xvi, 3067-3076.—Lanzl (M.) II lazzaretto di S. Sabina nel- 1' anno 1886. Bull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. d. municip. di Roma, 1887, viii, 1-8.—Moleschott (J.) & Erliardt (W.) Abstract of the conclusions adopted and proposi- tions rejected by the technical commission of the Inter- national Sanitary Conference of Rome; made in accord- ance with a resolution adopted by the conference. Rep. Superv.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1885-6, 279-303.—Pag- liani (L.) La profilassi internazionale europea contro QUARANTINE. 214 QUARANTINE Quarantine {Laws, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. ITALY—continued. i morbi esotici e la Conferenza internazionale sanitaria di Venezia. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Roma, 1892, iii, 57; 109; 169; 421; 453; 537; 585; 658: 1893, iv, 78; 853.—Smith (J. A.) The game of quarantine as played at Naples. Boston M. 5 e 1886. Rev. de med. mil., Porto, 1887, li, 69; 101; 142— Portuguese quarantine regulations. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 684; 762. RUSSIA. Shapiroff(B. M.) O neobkhodimosti reorganizatsii karantinov. [Necessity for quarantine reorganization.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 3051-3058. SIAM. Quarantine regulations at Bangkok, Siam. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1903, xviii, 758. SIERRA LEONE. Sierra Leone quarantine rules. Spec. Consular Rep., Wash., 1891, 23-25. SOUTH AMERICA. See, also, in this list, Argentine Republic; Brazil. Agote (L.) Defensa sanitaria maritima contra las enfermedades exdticas viajeras. Prim. reun. d. Cong. cient. Lat. Amer., Buenos Aires, 1898, iv, 209-261.—Guth- mann (A.) Quarantane auf dem Rio de la Plata; aus dem Logbuch eines alten Schiflsarztes. Med. Woche, Berl., 1905, vi, 393-395. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston. Board of Health. Maritime san- itation in use at the quarantine station, Charles- ton, S. C. [And official regulations for the government of . . .] obi. 16°. Charleston, 1890. SPAIN. Cao-Cardido (F.) Lazareto de Pedrosa; memoria administrativa, correspondiente al aflo de 1887 [y 1888]. Bol. de san., Madrid, 1889, iii, 18-27. SWEDEN. Waller (C. E.) Nigra ord om den praktiska tillamp- ningen af nu gallande observations- och karantanssystem med sarskild hansyn till verksamheten vid observations- och karantiinsanstalten vid on Fejan under hosten 1893. [Some remarks on the practical execution of the now ex- isting observation and quarantine systems, with special regard to those in activity in Fejan in the fall of 1893.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi, 23-40. Quarantine {Laws, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. SWITZERLAND. Ordonnaiiee concernant les mesures protectrices k prendre contre le cholera et la peste en ce qui concerne les entreprises de transport et le service des voyageurs, des bagages et des marchandises. San.-demog. Wchn- bull. d. Schweiz, Bern, 1900, 45; 60; 71. TEXAS. Medical legislation; quarantine bill. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1890-91, vi, 443-448.— Quarantine; the existing law on the subject, passed by the twenty-second legislature, 1891. Texas Sanitarian, Austin, 1891, i, 34- 38.—Quarantine (The) law of Texas. Texas M. J., Austin, 1899-1900, xv, 187-192. — Quarantine procla- mations by the governor of the State of Texas. Texas M. News, Austin, 1903, xii, 270-272. —Sivearingen (R. M.) The quarantine system of Texas. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix, 111-115. TRINIDAD. Trinidad quarantine laws. Spec. Consular Rep., Wash., 1891, 163-167. TURKEY. Turkey. Instruction sur la disinfection ap- plicable dans les etablissements quarantenaires de P Empire Ottoman. (Extrait des regle- ments.) [Lu au Conseil de sante et approuve dans la seance du 11 octobre 1879.] 8°. Con- stantinople, 1879. JTIarenaiid. Rapport de la commission nomm6e par le Conseil sup^rieur de sante pour s'occuper de la ques- tion d'hygiene publique, dont il a et6 saisi par le Gou- vernement Imperial. Gaz. meet. d'Orient, Constant., 1869-70, xiii, 117-122.—Turkey. Instructions generates sur la disinfection applicable aux provenances de ports containing de cholera, de peste ou de fievre jaune. Ver- offentl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1902, xxvi, 1227-1230. UNITED STATES. See, also, in this list, Alabama; Alaska; Cali- fornia; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Hawaii; Louisiana; Massachusetts; Missis- sippi; Missouri; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Philippine Islands; South Carolina; Texas; Virginia. Holt (J.) Quarantine control: State or na- tional? the question. A speech delivered be- fore the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Louisiana, New Orleans, Jan. 11, 1893, and re- spectfully submitted to the honorable the Sen- ate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled. 8°. New Or- leans, 1893. United States. Congress. Amendment in- tended to be proposed by Mr. Dolph to the bill [H. R. 5575] making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year 1894-5. [For purchase of a site for a quar- antine hospital at or near the mouth of the Co- lumbia River.] 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 5575. In S., July 9,1894. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] -----. [Public, No. 199.] An act to amend section 2 of the act approved Feb. 15, 1893, en- titled, "An act granting additional quarantine powers and imposing additional duties upon the Marine-Hospital Service." Approved, Aug. 18, 1894. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] -----. An act providing for the establish- ment of a quarantine station at or near Astoria, Oregon. 54. Cong., 2. sess. S. 2487. In H. R., Jan. 27, 1897. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] ------. The same. Committed to the Whole House, Feb. 5, 1897. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] -----. The same. 55. Cong., 1. sess. S. 966. InH. R., May 20,1897. roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1897.] ------. The same. Rep. with an amend- ment. March 3, 1898. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1898.] QUARANTINE. 216 QUARANTINE. Quarantine {Laws, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. -----. An act providing for the purchase by the Government of the quarantine station at Portland, Maine. 54. Cong., 2. sess. S. 2308. In H. R., Feb. 1, 1897. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] -----. An act to amend "An act granting additional quarantine powers and imposing ad- ditional duties upon the Marine Hospital Ser- vice " approved Feb. 15, 1893. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. 4171. In H. R., May 28, 1900. roy. 5°. [Washington, 1900.] -----. The same. Ref. to the House Cal- endar, Mav 29, 1900. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1900.] United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatives. A bill to provide lor the better pro- tection of commerce and for the general welfare by the establishment of a national quarantine. 52. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9757. Dec. 6,1892. Introd. by M. Rayner. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] ------. A bill to exempt the counties of Ben- ton, Roone, Carroll, Newton, Madison, AVash- ington, Marion, Baxter, Izard, and Fulton, in the State of Arkansas, from quarantine regula- tions. 52. Cong., 2. sess. H. R.9851. Dec. 13, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Peel. rov. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1892.] ------. A bill to provide for the improve- ment of the Federal quarantine service, and for the temporary suspension of immigration. 52. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9899. Dec. 15, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Brosius. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill for the establishment of a for- eign quarantine, and suspension of immigration under certain circumstances. 52. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 9980. Dec. 20, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Stump, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill to amend section two of the act approved Feb. 5, 1893, entitled "An act granting additional quarantine powers and im- posing additional duties upon the Marine Hos- pital Service". 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 7884. Aug. 3,1894. Introd. by Mr. Curtis, roy. 8°. [Weishinejton, 1894.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to establish a permanent quarantine station at or near Cape Charles, Virginia. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1641. Jan. 24,1888. Introd. by Mr. Daniel. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1888.] -----. A bill to provide for the better en- forcement of the quarantine laws and regula- tions of the United States, to prevent the intro- duction of contagious or infectious diseases into the United States from foreign countries or from one State into another, and to establish within the Treasury Department a National Board of Health. 52. Cong., 1. sess. Dec. 10, 1891. In- trod. by Mr. Harris, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1891.] ------. A bill granting additional quaran- tine powers and imposing additional duties upon the Marine Hospital Service. 52. Cong., 2. sess. S. 2707. Introd. by Mr. Harris, May 24, 1892, and reported by him, Dec. 22,1892. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] ------. The same. Jan. 6,1893. Ordered printed as amended, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1893.] Quarantine {Laws, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. ------. Report. [To accompany S. 2707.] S. Rep. No. 1144. Subm. by Mr. Harris, Jan. 4, 1893. 8°. [ Washington, 1893.] -----. Report. [To accompany S. 2280.] To amend the quarantine act of Feb. 15, 1893. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. Rep. No. 634. Aug. 4,1894. Subm. by Mr. Gallinger. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] ------. A bill providing for the purchase by the Government of the quarantine station at Portland, Maine. 54. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2308. Feb. 28, 1896. Introd. by Mr. Frve. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] ------. A bill providing for the establish- ment of a quarantine station at or near Astoria, Oregon. 54. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2487. Mar. 11, 1896. Introd. by Mr. Mitchell, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] ------. The same. Reported Jan. 21, 1897, by Mr. McBride, with amendments, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] ------. A bill providing for the establish- ment of a quarantine station at or near Astoria, Oregon. 55. Cong., 1 sess. S. 966. Mar. 19, 1897. Introd. by Mr. McBride and reported by him Apr. 1, 1897, without amendment, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] _ ------. A bill providing for the establish- ment of a quarantine station at or near Astoria, Oregon. 55. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1142. March 23, 1897. Introd. by Mr. McBride. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] ------. A bill amending "An act granting additional quarantine powers and imposing ad- ditional duties upon the Marine-Hospital Serv- ice", approved Feb. 15, 1893. 55. Cong., 2. sess. S. 2680. Dec. 9, 1897. Introd. by Mr. Caffery. 8 pp. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1897.] ------. The same. Rep. by Mr. Vest, with an amendment, Jan. 19, 1898. 16 pp. rov. 8°. [Washington, 1898.] ------. A bill relating to quarantine. 55. Cong., 2. sess. S. 4637. May 20, 1898. Introd. by Mr. Spooner. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1898.] ------. A bill relating to quarantine and the public health. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1440. Dec. 12, 1899. Introd. by Mr. Spooner. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1899.] ------. A bill to amend an "Act granting additional quarantine powers and imposing ad- ditional duties upon the Marine-Hospital Serv- ice", approved Feb. 15, 1893. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. 4171. April 12, 1900. Introd. by Mr. Vest, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1900.] -----. A bill relative to quarantine and the public health. 57. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2417. Jan. 7, 1902. Introd. by Mr. Spooner. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1902.] United States. National Board of Health. An act to prevent the introduction of conta- gious or infectious diseases into the United States; and the rules and regulations prepared by the National Board of Health in pursuance thereof. Approved by the President, June 26, 1879. 8°. [Washington, 1879.] United States. Treasury Department. Circu- lar. Importation of old rags from Marseilles. Oct. 9, 1891. 4°. [Washington, 1891.] -----. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, urging that the sum of £80,000 be ap- QUARANTINE. 217 QUARANTINE. Quarantine {Laics, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued." propriated for the maintenance of the United States quarantine stations for the coming fiscal vear. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. Ex. Doc. No. 105. May 27, 1892. 8°. [ Washington, 1892.] -----. United States quarantine laws and regulations. Feb. 24, 1893. 8°. Washington, 1893. -----. Laws and regulations for the mari- time quarantines of the United States. April 4, 1893. 8°. Washington, 1893. -----. Quarantine laws and regulations of the United States. April 26, 1894. 8°. Wash- ington, 1894. -----. Interstate quarantine regulations of the United States. Sept. 27, 1894. 8°. Wash- ington, 1894. -----. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in response to the Senate resolution of June 26, 1894, transmitting copies of corre- spondence and reports concerning the impor- tance of and urgency for the establishment of a quarantine station at or near the mouth of the Columbia River, and stating what action is nec- essary thereto. 53. Cong., 2. sess. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 130. Julv 9, 1894. 8°. [ Washington, 1894.] -----. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a form of bill to amend the quarantine act of Feb. 15, 1893, and giving facts in connection with the present quarantine laws. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. Ex. Doc. No. 169. Aug. 1, 1894. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] -----. Quarantine laws and regulations of the United States. Rev. ed. Nov. 13, 1899. 8°. Washington, 1899. United States. Treasury Department. Ma- rine-Hospital Service. Quarantine laws and reg- ulations of the United States. Rev. ed. Doc. No. 2319. 8°. Washington, 1903. -----. Circular. Regulations for the main- tenance of quarantine inspections on the north- ern frontier of the United States. Department No. 153. Oct. 10,1885. 4°. [Washington, 1885.] -----. Circular. Revoking regulations is- sued Oct. 10, 1885, for the maintenance of quar- antine inspections on the northern frontier of the United States. Department No. 32. March 17,1886. 4°. [Washington, 1886.] -----. Circular. Instructions to customs and medical officers acting under provisions of department circular Xo. 148. Sept. 3, 1892. Department Xo. 153. 4°. [ Washington, 1892.] -----. Circular. To prevent the entrance of infected vessels or vessels from infected ports entering smaller ports of the United States where quarantine restraints are insufficient. Sept. 19, 1892. 4°. [ Washington, 1892.] Andrews (J. M. ) Quarantine in relation to the present statute regulating same. Texas M. J., Austin, 1901-2, xvii, 50-52.—Armstrong (S. T.) Quarantine, and the present status of quarantine laws. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 354-357.—Beaver (D. B. D.) Control of quarantine by the national government. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 721-723. —Bell (A. N.) Quarantine and the Lnited States Marine Hospital Service. Sani- tarian, X. Y., 1892, xxix, 490-515. -----. Quarantine and port sanitation; afortvyears' review. Ibid., 1897, xxxviii, 481-504. —Chancellor (C. W.) Cholera, quarantine, and immigration: a national quarantine implies na- tional exclusion. Ibid., 1893, xxx, 97-114. Also, Re- print in part. — Cobb (J. O.) Report of services at Cairo and Camp Fontainebleau and experiences with local quarantines. Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp. 1896-7, Wash., 1899, 669-672. — Cochran (J.) The proper re- lationship of Federal, State, and municipal quarantine. Quarantine {Lairs, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. Alabama M. & S. Age, Anniston, 1893-4, vi, 616-628. Also: J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 402-404.—Doty (A.H.) New quarantine methods and changes which are called for in marine sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1900, Columbus, O., 1901, xxvi, 55-62. -----. The health of the port. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1905, v, 89-93. -----. Modification of present port inspection. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1905, Columbus, O.,1906, xxxi, 260-264.— Federal quarantine. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxviii, 149.—Geddin^K (H. D.) A precis of quarantine prac- tice at national quarantine stations. Rep. Superv. Surg.- Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1896,479-523.—Olennaii (A.H.) The care of floating property at United States quarantine stations. Ibid., 474-177.—Hamilton (J. B.) The U. S. quarantine laws and their scope. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1892, xix, 698-702. Also, Reprint—Hornblower (W. B.) Some of the legal aspects of our quarantine system. N. York M. Exam., 1892-3, ii, 143-145.—Kainn- heliner (G..I.) Local quarantine. Moil. Xews, X. Y., 1896, lxix, 033-635. — Lowe (E. P.) Quarantine. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. 1895, N. Orl., 1896, 295-301. -----. The necessitv for national quarantine. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1905, N. Orl., 1906, 236-243. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1905-6, lviii, 537-544. —OTcCall (J. H.) A resume of the quarantine law, and a plea for its national control. Tr.M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1898,220-225. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxii, 483-485.—National quarantine administration (domestic). Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1896, 455-473.—National quarantine ad- ministration (domestic). Ibid., 1896-7, Wash., 1899, 476- 509. — National quarantine administration (foreign). Ibid., 1896, 422-454, 1 pl.—National quarantine com- mittee. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 277. —National quarantine service. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1891-2, Wash., 1893, 66-85, 18 pl. —National quarantine stations. Ibid., 1893, Wash., 1894, i, 247-259.—New (The) quarantine regulations. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxxi, 833-835.—Nolle (A.) State quarantine. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc, 1905, N. Orl., 1906, 259-267. Also: N. Orl. M. &S. J., 1905-6, lviii, 560-568. —Policy (The) of the United States Government in respect to quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 627.— Quarantine (The) conven- tion of the South Atlantic and Gulf States. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 428; 488; 551.—Quaran- tine law; [approved June 19, 1900], Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1906, xxi, 707-709 — Relations with state and local quarantines. Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp. 1896-7: Wash., 1899, 510- 579. — Rosenau ( M. J. ) Some of the recent as- pects of quarantine and its relation to public health. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1907, 1, 18-26.—Rowley (A. E.) Quarantine limits. Ohio San. Bull., Columbus, 1903, vii, 74-80. — Sanders ( W. H. ) National, state, and lo- cal quarantines, how best to adjust their relations. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1898, 167-198.—Sexton (L.) National quarantine a reasonable function of the Government. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 479- 481.—Shakespeare (E. O.) The National Government should have supreme control of quarantine at all fron- tiers. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 281-287. Also, Re- print.—Smith (S.) Early national legislation on the subject of quarantine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 378; 408; 466. -----. Suggestions relating to improvement of quarantine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 581-583.— Spencer (G. B.) Local quarantine. Month. San. Rec, Columbus, 1893, vi, 97-106.—Swearingen (R. M.) The relation of Federal to state quarantine. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1897, xxxix, 427-134. Also: Texas M. J., Austin, 1897-8, 105-111.—Testimony taken before congressional com- mittee at Havana, Cuba, and Key West, Fla.., in relation to immigration and quarantine. Rep. Bd. Health Flor- ida, Jacksonville, 1892-3, iv, 71-125.—Thornton (G. B.) National maritime and interstate quarantine. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1^93, 53-59. Also: Memphis M. Month., 1893, xiii, 193-201.—lnited States quarantine laws and regulations. Rep. Superv. Surtr.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1894, Wash., 1895, 229-253.—United States quar- antine rules to be observed in places infected with yellow fever, ibid., 305-308.—Vjjjne ((!.) Lercfdement dc police sanitaire maritime des Etats-Unis. Caducee, Par., 1905, v, 219-221.—Walcott (II. 1'.) National health legislation and quarantine. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, exxvii, 307; 311. Also: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1892, xxix, 385-390.—Wyman (W.) The quarantine system of the United States. San- itarian, N. Y., 1897, xxxiv, 418-427. -----. The quaran- tine system of the United States and a description of the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. [Transl., p. 308.1 Tr. Internat. San. Convent. Am. Re- publics 1902, Wash., 1903, i, 138-156. VIRGINIA. Feild (E. E.) Necessity for a state quarantine andits relation to the state board of health. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1893, xxiv, 142-151. QUARANTINE. 218 QUATREFAGES [DE BREAU]. Quarantine {Laws, ordinances, and re- ports relating to), by localities. WEST INDIES. Chamberlain (J.) Circular and correspondence relative to West Indian quarantine conference: addressed to the British Colonies. Pub. Health Rep. U.S. Mar.- Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1904, xix, 2029-2032. Quarantine. The prevailing sickness at Bil- oxi leads the board of health to declare quar- antine against Harrison County, Mississippi. A careful examination of the facts, broadside 4°. [New Orleans, 1886.] Repr.from: N. Orl. Picayune, 1886. Quariteh (Bernard) [1819-1899]. A rough list of valuable books from the libraries of John Ed- ward Gray [et al.]. 16 pp. fol. [London, 1874.] [P., v. 1294.] Quaritz. See Scarlatina (History, etc., of), by localities. Quarries. Foster (C. Le N.) Quarrying. J. San. Inst., Lond., isovo, xvi, 126-142,4 pl.—Frenkel (L. M.) Ob uslo- vivakh raboti na kamnelomnyakh. [Conditions of work in quarries.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 1134; 1186. Quarterly Atlas of Dermatology. An illus- trated quarterly journal of skin and venereal diseases. Edited by A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil. v. 1-3, April, 1893, to January, 1896. 8°. ,SV. Louis. Quarterly Bulletin Medical Department of Washington University, v. 3-5. 8°. St. Louis, 1905-7. Quarterly Bulletin of the Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School (Chicago Medical College). Title, after April, 1901, of: Bulletin (The) of the Northwestern University Medical School (Chicago Med- ical College). Quarterly Compendium of Medical Science. Nos. 25-26, January to April, 1889. 8°. Philadelphia. Ended. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology. Editors: E. A. Schafer, F. Gotch [et al.]. v. 1, 1908. 8°. London. Current. Quarterly (The) Journal of Inebriety, v. 11- 28, 1889-1906. 8°. Hartford, Conn. In 1903: Bulletin of the American Medical Temper- ance Association merged in this journal. In 1907 con- tinued under title: Journal (The) of Inebriety. Incor- porating Archives (The) of Physiological Therapy. Quarterly (The) Journal of Medicine. Edited by William Osier, J. Rose Bradford [et al.]. v. 1-2, October, 1907-9. roy. 8°. Oxford. Current. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. v. 30-53, 1889-1909. 8°. London. Current. ------. Index to . . ., 1853-88, to the trans- actions of the Microscopical Society, 1844-52, 1853-68, and to the proceedings of the Dublin Microscopical Club, 1865-80. 8°. London, 1889. Prepared by G. H. Fowler. Quarterly (The) Journal of Veterinary Science in India, and Army Animal Management, v. 7-8, 1889-90. 8°. Madras. Quarterly (The) Medical Journal for York- shire and adjoining counties. Edited for the promoters bv Simon Snell [et al.]. v. 2-11, October, 1893, to May, 1903. 8°. Sheffield. Ended, v. 1, 1892-3, under title: Sheffield (The) Medical Journal. Quarterly (The) Medical Review. Being a new [3.] series of The Quarterly Journal of Quarterly (The) Medical Review—continued. Foreign Medicine and Surgery. Edited by William Speir. No. 1, v. 1, January, 1827". 157 pp. 8°. London. All published. Quarterly Publications of the American Sta- tistical Association, Boston. Title, after March, 1891, of: Publication", of the American Statistical Association, Boston. Quarterly Review of Deaf-Mute Education. v. 2-5. 1889-98. 8°. London. Ended. Quarterly (The) Therapeutic Review, v. 7-18, 1889-1900. 4°. London. Quartier (Claudio). fe Vergne (Claudius). Quartz. Borel (A.) *Sur la polarisation rotatoire magnetique du quartz. 8°. Genive, 1903. Repr.from: Arch. d. sc. phys. et nat., Gen&ve, 1903. Quass. Baloft'iA.) Higi'ena domashnyavo obikhoda; kvas. [Hygiene of the household; quass.] Feldscher, St. Pe- tersb., 1902, xii, 291--".m;.—Ilyinski (N. V.) Material! k uchenivu o hospitalnom kvasie. [On quass for hospital use.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1881, ii, 104-107.—Kolbersj (V. F.) Dalnlelsheyekhimicheskoyeizslledovanive hos- pitalnavo kvasa. [Further chemical analysis of hospital quass.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1902, pt. 2, 208-210. Quassia. Massite (F.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der chemischen Bestandteile von Quassia amara L. und Picrsena excelsa Linds. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 1890. Paarmann (P.M.) * Examen ligni quassias. In: Wittwer. Delect, diss. med. [etc.]. 8°. Norimb., 1779, iii, 35-66. Bokai (A.) A quassin es calumbin hat&sa a gyo- mornedvet elv&laszto mirigyekre. [The effect of quassia and calumbin on the secretory glands of the gastric juice.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1893, ii, 455-464,1 pl. de Quatrefages [de Breau] (Jean-Louis' Armand) [1810-92]. Rapport sur l'ouvrage de M. de Gobineau, intitule: Essai sur l'inegalite des races humaines. pp. 195-241. 8°. [Paris, 1857.] [P., v. 799.] Cutting. -----. Etudes sur les maladies actuelles du ver a soie. viii, 382 pp., 6 pl. 4°. [Bans, I860.] Repr.from: M6m. Acad. d. sc. de l'lnst. de France, Par., 1860, xxx. ------. Nouvelles recherches sur les maladies actuelles du ver a soie faites en 1859. 4°. [Pans, I860.] Cutting from: M6m. Acad. d. sc. de l'lnst. de France, Par., 1860, xxx, 521-640. ------. Recueil de rapports sur les progres des lettres et des sciences en France. Rapport sur les progres de 1'anthropologic. 570 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Hachette &' Cie., 1867. -----. Introduction a l'etude des races hu- maines. 2. ed. xxiii, 618 pp., 6 pl., 7 maps. 8°. Paris, Schleicher freres & Co., [n. d.]. Forms part 1 of: Histoire g6n6rale des races humaines, 1886. (Bibliotheque ethnologique, publ. .par Quatrefages et Hamy.) ------. Teratologic et teratogenic 40 pp. 8°. Paris, 1887. Repr.from: J. d. savants, 1887. —;—. Darwin et ses precurseurs francais. Etude sur le transformisme. 294 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, F. Alcan, 1892. ------. The human species, x, 498 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Internat. scientific series. ------ & Hamy (E.-T.-J.) Tetes osseuses de races humaines fossiles et actuelles. Histoire de QUATREFAGES [DE BREAU]. 219 QUEDLINBURG. de Quatrefages [de Breau] (Jean-Louis- Armand)—continued. la craniologie ethnique. Race negrito. 6 pp. 4°. Paris, 1875. Repr. from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1S75, lxxxii. For Biography, see Anthropologic, Par., 1892, iii, 1-l.s, port. (Cartailhac). Also: Nature, Par., 1891-2, xx, 113, port. (Tissandier). Quatremere - Diijonval (Denis Bernard) [1754-1830]. Si< 'Camper (Peter). Dissertation physique . . . [etc.]. 4°. L'tn eld, 1791. ----- Discours prononc£s par ... en 1'Academic dc dessein [etc.]. 4°. Utrecht, 1792. Quattro - Ciocchi (Giuseppe). Sul tratta- mento chirurgico delle nefriti mediehe. 263 pp., 1 1. 8°. Milano u Cliesne] (Josephus) [1546- 1609]. Sclopetarius, sive de curandis vulneri- bus, quae sclopetorum et similium tormentorum ictibus acciderunt, liber. Ejusdem antidota- rium spagiricum adversus eosdem ictus. 7 p. 1., 209 pp., 5 1. 16°. [Lugduni], J. Lerlout, 1591. Bound with his: Opera medica [etc.]. 16°. LugduniASSH. ------. A breefe aunswere of. . . to the exposi- tion of Jacobus Aubertus Vindonis, concerning the original, and causes of mettalles; set foorth against chimists. Another exquisite and plaine treatise of the same Josephus, concerning the spagericall preparations, and use of minerall, animali, and vegitable medicines; whereunto is added divers rare secretes, not heeretofore knowne of many, by John Hester, practicioner in the spagericall arte. 2 p. 1., 61 ff., 5 1. 16°. London, 1591. -----. Ad veritatem hermetic* medicinae ex Hippocratis veterumque decretis ac therapeusi: necnon viv;e rerum anatomite exegesi, ipsiusque naturae luce stabiliendam, adversus cujusdatn anonymi phantasmata responsio. 7 p. 1., 312, 68 pp., 4 1. 12°. Lutetire Parisiorum, A. Sou- grain, 1604. ------. Diaeteticon polyhistoricon. Opus utique varium, magnie utilitatis ac delectationis, quod multa historica, philosophica et medica tam conservandpe sanitati, quam variis curandis mor- bis necessaria contineat. 418 pp., 1 1. 16°. Genene, P. Chouet, 1627. ------. See, also: Dubedat. Analyse d'un ouvrage de Joseph du Chesne, dit Quercetanus (xvi« siecle). J. de med. de Par., 1908, 2. s., xx, 213. Quereioli (V.) Intervento nelle otiti medie purulente. 40 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1907]. Repr.from: Clin, chir., Milano, 1907, xv. Quereus and quercitrine. Laumann (H. R. W.) *Die Semina Quereus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Arzneimittel. 8°. Halle a. S., 1897. Rudse (F.) * Synthese eines Isomeren des Quercetins. 8°. Bern, 1906. Wachs (R.) * Vergleichende Untersuchung des Quercitrins und der ihm ahnlichen Verbin- dungen. 8°. Jurjew, 1893. QUERCY. 223 QUESNAY. Querey. Galtie. Notes medicales sur les plateaux du Quercv. Languedoe med.-chir.. Toulouse, 1904, xii, 179-185. Querey (Jean) [1881- ]. *Les tumeurs a tissus multiples du testicule. vi, 7-49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, ll>08, Xo. 49. Quere (Jean-Francois) [1869- ]. * Etude critique sur l'anesthesie dentaire. 102 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 97. Quere (Jean-Justin-Etienne) [1879- ]. *De la prostatectomie dans l'hypertrophie de la prostate (etude de ses di verses methodes). 91 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, Xo. 60. Querengrlii (F.) Contribution clinique a la physiologie du ganglion ophtalmique. 17 pp. 8°. [Boris], G. Steinheil, [1890]. -----. Lipome sous-conjonctival de l'ceil droit; histoire clinique et anatomique. 11 pp. 8°. [Haere, Lemale A Cie., n. d.] Queretaro. Altaniirano (F.) Memoria acerca de una excur- sion botanica al estado de Queretaro. An. d. Inst. med. nac, Mexico, 1905, vii, 3S9-42S. — Aillasefior iF. F.) Anfllisis del agua potable de la ciudad de Queretaro. Mem. See. cient. "Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1899-1900, xiv, 257-204. Queriault (H.) * De l'interversion du saccha- rose dans les sirops simples du Codex. 74 pp. 8°.. Melun, 1904, No. 13. Ecole superieure de pharmacie de Paris. Querleux (Charles) [1880- ]. *Des sup- plices infliges aux cadavres pendant le moyen age et la renaissance. 96 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1904, No. 49. Querneau (A.) [1873- ]. *De 1'eventra- tion consecutive a la grossesse. 97 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, Xo. 42. Quertant (Maxime) [1882- ]. *Du traite- ment des empyemes chroniques par la decorti- cation du poumon. 106 pp. 8°. Paris, 1907, No. 201. Querton (Louis). Du role des cellules migra- trices provenant du sang et de la lymphe dans 1'organisation des tissus chez les animaux a sang chaud. 56 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1897. [Also, in: P., v. 599.] Forms fasc. 1 of: Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1897. xv. -----. Le sommeil hibernal et les modifications des neurones cerebraux. 58 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1898. Part of fasc. 1, t. 2, of: Inst. Solvay. Trav. de lab., Brux., 1898, 1-58. -----. Action des courants a haute frequence et a haute tension au point de vue physiologique, et specialement des effets sur le taux de l'oxy- dation chez le cobaye. 28 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1899. Part of fasc. 1, t. 2, of: Inst. Solvay. Trav. de lab., Brux., 1899, 1-28. -----. Assurance et assistance mutuelles au point de vue medical, xii, 145 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Bruxelles, Misch & Thron, 1905. -----. L'augmentation du rendement de la machine humaine. xii, 216 pp., 6 pl. 12°. Bruxelles, Misch & Thron, 1905. deQuervain (Fritz) [1868- ]. * Ueber die Veriinderungen des Centralnervensystems bei experimenteller Kachexia thyreopriva der Thiere. [Bern.] 74 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, 1893. ------. Die akute, nicht eiterige Thyreoiditis. 3 p. 1, 165 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1904. Second Suppl.-Bd. to: Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1904. Bound with Suppl.-Bd. 1. de Quervain (Fritz)—continued. -----. Spezielle chirurgische DiagnostikfiirStu- dierende und Aerzte. xv, 607 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1907. See, also, lliiru rtiSo de peritos (2a parte). A medicina legal no processo Joanna Pereira. 1 p. 1., 603 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1878. Question de medecine, dans laquelle on ex- amine si c'est aux medecins qu'il appartient de traiter les maladies veneriennes, [etc.]. See Baron (Hyacinthe-Theodore). Question de medecine, dans laquelle on ex- amine si la theorie de la botanique ou la con- noissance des plantes est necessaire a, un mede- ein. See Barrere (Pierre). Qucstione (La) del regolamento pel cimitero urbano. See Lucca. Questione (La) sanitaria nel comune di Fi- renze. 26 pp. 8°. Firenze, tipog. d. Pia Casa di Patronato, 1890. Repr.from: L'Opinione nazionale, Firenze. Questions (L.raniination). See Education (Medical, Examination papers in.). Questions to be answered by the family phv- sician. 2 1. 8°. [n. p., 1889.] Questions on electricity, galvanism, magnetism, and electro-magnetism. 21 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Questions d'internat du "Petit journal de me- decine". I. Pathologieexterne. II. Pathologie interne. 291 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Maloine^ 1908. Questions (Les) du "Mercredi medical". Questions orales de pathologie. Concours de l'internat et de l'externat. 1. s. 1 p. 1., 91 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Masson, [1891]. Questions problematiques touchant 1'usage des Amx de Pouges. 23 pp. 12°. [Nevers, 1634.] Bound with: Courrade (A.) L'hydrefeminine, [etc.]. 12°. [Nerers, 1034.] Quetand (Ernest-Alfred-Antoine). ♦Topogra- phie medicale de quelques contrees de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. 66 pp., 11. 4°. Mont- pellier, Boehm etfils, 1871, Xo. 22. Quetelet ( [ Lambert-] Adolphe [ - Jacques ] ) [1796-1874]. Sur 1'homme et le developpement de ses facultes, ou essai de physique sociale. 2 v. in 1. xii, 327 pp.; viii, 327 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Petris, Bachelier, 1835. For Biograplni, see M6m. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1809-90, v, 165-167 (Tallois). Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1874-5, xxiii, pp. xi-xvii. Also: Rev. de l'Univ. de Brux., 1904-5, x, 412^24 (Waxweiler). ------. See, also: IVIessedaglla (A.) Critico della teoriadel Quetelet sul' uomo medio; ilamanoscittoinedito. Clin. med. gen. di Padova ... A. de Giovanni, Milano, 1904-5, ii, 34-5-365. Quetta. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), by lo- calities. Qucttier (Desire) [1855- ]. *De la thera- peutique du raccourcissement dans les coxalgies gueries. [Lille.] 128 pp. 4°. Montreuil-sur- Mer, 1S95, Xo. 83. Quetin (Edouard) [1866- ]. ♦Contribution ii l'etude de l'anemie hemorrhoidaire. 53 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 452. Queuille (Adrien). *L'arterite rhumatismale aigue (arteres peripheriques). 70 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, Xo. 221. Quevedo (Salvador) [1856- ]. * De 1'hallux valgus (orteil en equerre, en croix ou clinodac- tyie) et de son traitement chirurgical. 113 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1894, Xo. 241. Quevenne (T.-A.) See Desjardins (Camille). Memoire sur un cas de dilatation variqueuse [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1854. Queyrat (Auguste) [1872- ]. *Du service de sante dans les annees de 1'ancien regime. 97 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, Xo. 433. Queyrat (Frederic). L'imagination et ses va- rietes chez l'enfant; etude tie psychologie ex- perimentale appliquee a l'education intellec- tuelle. 162 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Aleuu, 1893. Queyron (Jean-M.) [1872- J. ♦Contribu- tion a l'etude des kvstes synoviaux articulaires du dos du pied. 2 p. 1., 64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bor- deaux, J. Durand, 1902, Xo. 91. Queyrot (Joseph) [1878- ]. * Etude sur la coloration et la culture du bacille de Ducrev. 45 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, Xo. 82. Quick (Joseph). The water supply of the metropolis, and the proposed transfer of the London water companies to a public authority. 78 pp., 1 tab. 8°. London, E. & F. N. Spon, 1880. Quickening. See Pregnancy (Physiology of). Quidet (Leon) [1871- ]. * Essai historique sur les indicts du debut de la tuberculose pul- monale. 99pp., 11. 8°. Petris, 1898, No. 393. Quignard (Christian) [1864- ]. *Du rhi- nosclerome. 71 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, Xo. 164. -----•. The same. 71 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1892. Qui.)ano (Jose M.) * Algo acerca del trata- miento de los abscesos del higado. 64 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1895. Quilis Cortell (Jose Maria). Memoria rela- tiva a un nuevo suspensorio de miembro y tes- ticulos, inventado por ... 11 pp. 8°. Valen- ciei, J. Berenquer, [n. d.]. Quiliaia. Hemmans (L. F.) Quiliaia as an emulsifying agent. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, 1, 318. — Ziekjrral". Versuche iiber die therapeutische Verwendung der QuiHajarinde. Med. Woche, Berl., 1904, v, 222. Quillard (Alfred). ♦De I'appendicite chez la femme. 96 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, Xo. 208. Quillet (Claude) [1602-61]. La callipedie, traduite du poeme latin. 203 pp. 12°. Impri- mee d, Amsterdam, et se vend d Paris, Durand, 1749. Latin and French text. Quillian {Daniel David) [ -1906]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi,1390. | Quillier (Fernand). *L'eczema des nourris- sons. 125 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, Xo. 68. Quilliet (Jacques-Albert-Maurice) [1877- ]. ♦Contribution a l'etude des paralysies oculaires d'origine heredo-syphilitique. 135 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 133. Quilliot (Albert). ♦ Role des nerfs dans la con- duction des infections. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, 19C3, Xo. 397. Quilliot (Victor-Desire-Joseph) [1868- ]. ♦ Polyarthrite alveolo-dentaire. 67 pp. 4°. Lille, 1895, No. 88. QUILLON. 225 QUINCKE. Quillon (Emile) [1875- ]. * Formes et pa- thogenie de 1'hypertrophic congenitale des membres. 79 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, Xo. 72. Quilly (Jules) [1871- ]. ♦Traitement de la blennorrhagie chez 1'homme par les lavages sans sonde au gallobromol. 110 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1894, Xo. 879. Quiinby (Charles E.) The pneumatic cabinet in the treatment of pulmonarv phthisis. 16 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1893. Repr.from: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, i. -----. Pneumotherapy in pulmonary haemor- rhage. 12 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton ct Co., 1896. Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1896, lxiii. -----. The president's address before the so- ciety of alumni of Bellevue Hospital. 19 pp. 12°. New York, 1900. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii. -----. Pneumatic differentiation in the treat- ment of organic disease of the heart. 24 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1902. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii. -----. The relation of intestinal toxemia to ar- teriorenal disease. 15 pp. 8°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: X. York State J. M., 1902, ii. Quimby (Hosea M.). See Worcester, Massachusetts. Ventilation of school- houses in Worcester. 8D. Worcester, 1889. Quiinby (Isaac Xewton) [1831-98]. Patho- logical action of alcoholic stimulants on health and in disease. 24 pp. 8°. Camden, N. J, 1883. For Biographg, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1S9S, xxx, 1191. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 189S, xxxi, 1199 (C. H. shepard). Also: Quart. J. Inebr.. Hartford, lsyy, xxi, 1-9, port. (T. D. Crothers). Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersev, New- ark, 1898, 376-378. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Quiinby (William C.) Sterility in the male; its operative treatment when due to bilateral epi- didymitis. 7 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Boston, 1906. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1906, civ. Qui in per. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, Description, etc., of), by localities. Quin (Arthur) [1874- ]. ♦Du drainage des collections peritoneales par la voie rectale. 47 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1898, Xo. 39. Quin (Frederick Hervey Foster) [1799-1878]. Du traitement homteopathique du cholera, avec notes et appendice. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1*32. [P., v. 1975; 2209.] -----. The same. Om cholerans homoopa- thiska behandling. Ofversiittning af P. J. Liedbeck. [Transl. by . . .] 40 pp. 12°. Stcjckholm, Elmen & Gretnberg, 1834. >" ,a/so Hahnemann (Samuel). Fragmentadeviri- busmedicamentorumpositivis [etc.]. 8°. Londim, 1834. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 106 (G. C. Boase'). Quin (James M.). See Jalir (G. H. G.) New manual (or Symptomen- Codex), etc. 3 v. 8°. New York, 1848-53. Quin (O'Xeil). ♦De febre continua. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, P. Neill, 1822. [P., v. 1908.] Quina (Abrahamus). ^De medicina. 3 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., ex off. D. & A. d Gaasbeek, 1660. [P.' v. 1949.] Quinaeetine. Anthony (W. E.) Quinaeetine - sulphate. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1897, xvi, 7. Quinamine. Oudemans (A. C), jr. Over de quantitatieve bepa- ling van kinine in kinabasten met behulp van den pola- ristrobometer. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. VOL xiv, 2d sekies----15 Quina mine. Natuurk., Amst., 1876, 2. R., ix, 370-379. Also, Reprint. -----. Bijdrage tot de kennis der kinamine. Versl. . .. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1878, 2. R., xii, 257-290. Also, Reprint. Qui nan (Clarence). The relations of specific gravitv and osmotic pressure to hemolysis. 10 pp. 8°. Boston, 1903. Repr.from: J. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, x. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1904, i, no. 17. -----. Ueber spezifische Erythrolyse. pp. 95- 109. 8°. In: Stid. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, N. Y., 1905, iii. Quinan (John Russell) [1822-90]. The char- tered right of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland to exact licenses to prac- tice in the State. The president's address, de- livered before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, at Baltimore, Md., April 27, 1886. 11pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1886. Repr.from: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1886. For Biography, see Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890-91, xxiv, 411-414 (Archer). Also: Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait., 1891, 165-176 (W. S. Forwood). Quinby (HenrvClay). Xotes on dental prac- tice, xii, 202 pp. 8°. London, J. & A. Chur- chill, 1883. -----. The same. 2. ed. xv, 216 pp. 8°. London ct* Liverpool, J. & A. Churchill & G. G. Walmsleu, 1892. -----. The same, xii, 202 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co., 1884. -----. Finger training in dentistry. 20 pp. 8°. Liverpool, G. G. Walmsley, 1889. Quinby (Watson F.) Mongrelism. 28pp. 8°. Wilmington, Jettnes & Webb, 1876. Quincerot (Ch.-L.) Manuel de therapeutique dentaire speciale et de matiere medicate appli- quee a l'art dentaire, suivi d'un formulaire a l'usage des praticiens. 2. ed. viii, 86 pp., 1 1. 16°. Paris, Vi got freres, 1899. -----. The same, iii, 254 pp. 12°. Paris, Vigot freres, 1905. Quinee. Alibert (J. L.) Considerazioni fisiologiche sul frutto del cotogno. Ann. di chim. e storia nat., Pavia, 1798, xvi, 89-104. Quineieu (Hyacinthe) [1869- ]. ♦Contri- bution a l'etude de la columnisation du vagin. 75 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1895, Xo. 1089. Quincke (Gustav) [1877- ]. ♦Studie iiber die Sauren und den Alkohol im Wein und ihre quantitative Bestimmung. 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Bickels Sbhne, 1907. Quincke (Heinrich Irenseus) [1842- ]. Ue- ber Meningitis serosa. 40 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1893, No. 67 (In- nere Med., No. 23, 655-694). -----. Ueber Eisentherapie. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1895, No. 129 (In- nere Med., No. 38, 313-354). -----. Die Stellung der Medicin zu den ande- ren Universitatswissenschaften. Rede beim An- tritt des Rektorates der koniglichen Christian- Albrechts-Universitiit zu Kiel am 30. April 1900. 18 pp. 8°. Kiel, P. Toeche, 1900. -----. Die Technik der Lumbalpunktion. 15 pp. 8°. Berlin & Wien, Urban & Schwarzen- berg, 1902. ------ & Hoppe-Seyler (Georg Karl Felix) [1860- ]. Die Krankheiten der Leber, viii, 680 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1899. Forms: Spec.Path.u.Therap. . . . Nothnagel,xviii, pt.l. QUINCKE. 226 QUININE. Quincke (Heinrich Irenseus) & Hoppe- Seylcr (Georg Karl Felix)—continued. ------------. Diseases of the liver. Edited with additions by Frederick A. Packard. //).• Nothnagel's Pract. Dis. of Liver [etc.], Phila., 1903, 381-905. Quincy, Illinois. See Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Hygiene (Municipal, Laics, etc., of), Statistics (Vital), by localities. Quincy, Illinois. Annual reports of city officers to the city council, for the year 1906-7. 113 pp. 8°. Quincy, Monarch Ptg. Co., 1907. Contains reports of the board of health, board of in- spectors of house of correction, board of public works, chief of fire department, chief of police, Citizens' Water Works Company, city clerk, city treasurer, comptroller, free public library, market master, sanitary policeman, and town collector. Quincy, Illinois. Board of Health. Rules and regulations of the Board of Health of the city of Quincy. 8 pp. 8°. Quincy "Excelsior" Steam Job Printing House, 1869. Quincy, Massachusetts, Annual report of the board of water commissioners. 1892. 14 pp. 8°. Quincy, 1893. Quincy (Henry Parker) [1838-99]. Memoir of Edward Wigglesworth. 5 pp. 8°. Cam- bridge, J. Wilson & Son, 1897. Repr. from: Publications Colon. Soc. Mass., 1897. See, edso, Dwiglit (Thomas). Frozen sections of a child, rov. 8°. New York, 1881. For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J.. 1899, cxl, 270, (C. S. M.). Quincy (John) [ -1722]. An essay on the different causes of pestilential diseases, and how they became contagious. With remarks upon the infection now in France. 3. ed. iv, 34 pp. 8°. London, E. Bell, 1721. [P., v. 2215.] ------. Pharmacopoeia officinalis et extempora- nea, or a compleat English dispensatory in four parts containing: I. The theory of pharmacy, and the several processes therein. II. A de- scription of the officinal simples, with their virtues and preparations, Galenical and chym- ical. III. The official compositions, according to the last alterations of the College; together with some others of uncommon efficiency, taken from the most celebrated authors. IV. Ex- temporaneous prescriptions, distributed into classes suitable to their intentions to cure. 4. ed. xvi, 647 pp., 31 1. 12°. London, E. Bell, W. Taylor & J. Osborn, 1722. -----. The same. 9. ed. xvi, 700, lx pp. 8°. London, J. Osborn & T. Longman, 1733. ------. The same. In two parts, theoretical and practical. Part I, in two books: Book I. Of the definition subject, general intentions, media, instruments, and operations of phar- macy. Book II. Of the distribution into proper classes, general nature, and medicinal virtues, etc., of simples.—Part II, in five books: Book I. On the preparation of simples. Book II. Of saline preparations. Book III. Of officinal compositions, containing all the prescriptions of the London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias, according to the last alterations thereof; to- gether with those of other authors, and the present practice, which claim any notice. Book V. Extemporaneous prescriptions which are therein disposed into proper classes accord- ing to their several curative intentions. 13. ed. xxiii, 704 pp., 32 1. 8°. London, T. Long- man, 1761. ------. Lexicon physico-medicum; or a new medicinal dictionary, explaining the difficult Quincy (John)—continued. terms used in the several branches of the pro- fession, and in such parts of natural philosophy as are introductory thereto; with an account of the things signified by such terms. Collected from the most eminent authors, and particularly those who have wrote upon mechanical princi- ples. 6. ed. xvi, 480 pp. 8°. London, T. Longman, 1743. See, also, American (The) medical lexicon. 8°. New York, 1811.—Hodges (Xathaniel). Loimologia 12°. London, 1720. —Hooper (R[obert]). Quincv's lexicon-mcdicum. 8°. Philadelphia, 1817. — Sancto- rius (Sanctorius). Medicina statica, [etc.]. 12°. Lon- elon, 1737. For liiotiraphu, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii 112 (N. Moore). Quine (W[illiam] E.) [1847- ]. Vaccina- tion. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, McClure, [1894]. Repr.from: West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1894, xvi. For Biography, see West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1893, xv, 242. Quinger (Curt Richard) [1876- ]. ♦Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der chronischen Leukae- mie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Temperatur und Pulszahl. 24 pp., 1 ch., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Fiirstenau, 1903. Quinidine. Schaeuffele & Bouquet. Recherches et ob- servations pour servir a l'histoire de la quini- dine. 8°. Paris, 1852. Farkas (G.) A conchinin, s ennek l&zellenes hatasa. [Conchinin and its uses in fever.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1881, xxv,810; 875.—Freudenberger (J.) Ueber das Conchinin und seine therapeutische Verwendung. Arb. a. d. med.-clin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maximilians- Univ. zu Munchen, Leipz., 1884, i, 103-132.—Polansky (St. A.) Versuche iiber die Anwendung des Chinidin (Conchinin, O. Hesse). Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien, 1881, lv, 1-23—Rlzopoulos (D.) ©eu/CT) KoyKivivrj (conchinin. Sulphuric.) /ca-raTwi'SiaAeinw- Taivbfieva. Ta\iqvbs, 'At^yai, 1884, xii, 177-180.—Steffen (A.) Ueber Conchinin und Hvdrochinon. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1882, xviii, 71-104, 1 tab.—de Vrlj (J. E.) Sulphate of quinidine. Pharm. J.& Tr.,Lond., 1877-8,3.s., viii,745. Also,Reprint. Quinine. See, also, Cinchona (Alkaloids of); Cincho- nidine; Euchinine; Quinamine; Quinidine; Quinisatine; Quinoidine, etc.; Quinoline, etc.; Quinone, etc. De-Matheis (G.) Di un nuovo ed efficace succedaneo dei preparati di chinino; considera- zioni cliniche presentate all' esame generale, per essere laureato in medicina e chirurgia. 8°. Torino, [1869]. Repr.from: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1869. Henry fils. Note au sujet des falsifications du sulfate de quinine. 8°. [Paris, 1829.] Moens (J. C. B.) De samenstelling van qui- nium, bereid uit afval van op Java gewonnen kinabasten. 8°. [Batavia? n. d.] Schoxewald (PI.) ♦Ueber die Anlagerung von schweflicher Stiure an Conchinin und Chi- nin. 8°. Munchen, 1902. de Vru (J. E.) Kinologische studien. No. XXXVII. Quantitatieve bepaling der kinine als herapathit. 8°. [Den Haag, 1881.1 Repr from: N. Tijdschr. v. d. pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1881. ------. The same. No. XLVII. Onder- zoek van Fransche sulphas chinini. 8°. [Den Haag, 1886.] ------. The same. No. XLVIII. Onder- zoek van Engelsche sulphas chinini. 8°. [Den Haag, 1886.] ------. The same. No. LIV. Bepaling der zuiverheid van sulphas chinini door middel van QUININE. 227 QUININE. Quinine. chromas kalicus (Ka'-'CrO1). 8°. [Den Haag, 1886.] Repr.from: N. Tijdschr. v. de pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh.. 1880. -----. The same. No. LV. Verbetering mijner chromaatproef voor kinineonderzoek. 8°. [Gravenhage, 1887.] Repr.from: N. Tijdschr. v. de pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1887. -----. The same. No. LVI. Verbetering mijner chromaatproef voor kinineonderzoek. [No. LVII. Bepaling der juiste hoeveelheid- cinchonidine in het kininesulfaat des handels.] 8°. [Den Hung, 1887.] Repr.from: N.Tijdschr.v. de pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1887. -----. The same. No. LVIII. Opsporing der hydrokinine in den sulphas chinini des handels. 8°. [Den Haag, 1887.] Repr.from: N. Tijdschr. v. de pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1887. -----. The same. No. LXI. Hydrochloras chinini. 8°. [Den Haag, 1888.] Repr.from: N. Tijdschr. v. de pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1888. -----. The same. No. LIX. De optische methode van A. C. Oudemans voor kinine- onderzoek beschouwd in verband met de hydro- kinine. [No. LX. Mijn laatste woord over mijne zoogenaanide chromaatproef voor het onderzoek van sulphas chinini.] 8°. [Den Haag, 1888.] -----. The same. No. I. Chromas kalicus (Ka2Cr04) als reagens op de zuiverheid van sul- phas chinini. 8°. [n. p., 1889.] Repr.from: N. Tijdschr. v. de pharm. in Nederl., Gra- venh., 1889. -----. Kininebereiding in Java. 8°. [Den Haag, 1885.] Abensour (J.) Recherche de la quinine. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1907, 6. s., xxvi, 25.—Balbiano (L.) Perizie ed analisi del chinino di stato fornito al governo dalla ditta Candiani di Milano. Orosi, Firenze, 1902, xxv, 263-271. -----. II chinino e le liti di stato. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1902, xiii, 585; 629.— Baroui (E.) II chinino di stato. Orosi, Firenze, 1903, xxvi, 37-47. Also: Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1903, xiv, 153-163.—Bauiu (H.) Das Aristochin, ein Ersatz- mittel des Chinins. Heilkunde, Berl.-Leipz., 1903, 245- 250.—Belolioubek. (A.) O neprave chininove kufe: China cuprea, ktera obsahuje chinin. [The spurious quinine bark: China cuprea, which contains quinine.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1883, xxii, 227.—Binz (C.) Das Fiebermittel Chinin. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg., 1895, xx, 35; 201.—Buck (H. C.) Quinine. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1907, xxx. 57.—Burnett (J. A.) Quinine. Regu- lar M. Visitor, St. Louis, 1905, vi, 144-146.—Cardoso i.I.) Euquinina (a 5 centigrammas). Med. mod., Porto, 1900, vii, 114-116.—Clioay (E.) Note sur le quinium. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1903, vii, 273-278— Christensen (A.) Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Chininsals Herapathit. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1881, xx,581-592. Also, Reprint. -----. OmChininetskvantita- tive Bestemmelse ved Titrerings-Methoder og om dets Adskillelse fra andre Chinaalkaloider, navnlig fra Cin- chonidin. [Quantitative definition by methods of titra- tion of quinine and on seperation of other alcaloids of quinine, especially of cinchonidinc] Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kjpbenh., 1891, no. 3, 191- 238.—Dc Giorgi (B.) Indagini di polizia sanitaria sopra diversi preparati di china; metodo semplice di ricercare e dosare approssimativamente la chinina. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1892, n. s., xiv, 481- 499.—Denlgfes (G.) Recherche de la quinine dans les liquides de l'organisme a l'aide de ses proprietes fluo- rescentes. J. dc pharm. et chim., Par., 1903, 6. s., xvii, 505-508.—De Vriese (W. H.) De uitkomsten der kina- kulture in Xederlandsch Indie in 1856. Versl. . . . d. k, Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1857, vi, 129- 190,1 pl.—Dujardin-Beaumetz (G.) Un succedang du sulfate de quinine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 203.—Durante (F.) 1 succedanei del chinino e 1' idro- clorato di fenocolla. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1898, vi, no. 8, L-4.—Gallenga (P.) Soluzioni concentrate o diluite di chinino? Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1899-1900, Quinine. vi, 513-516.—Ganassini (D.) Distinzione e ricerca microchimica dei quattro principali alcaloidi delle chine. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1901,117-123, 3 pl.—Gaudei'roy. Falsification du quinium Poitou med., Poitiers, 1898, xii, 116-118.—Giemsa (G.) Auf- speicherung und Retention des Chinins im menschlichen Organismus. Beihfte. z. Arch. f. Schiffs-u. Tropenhvg., Leipz., 1908, 5. Hft., 78-81.—Grimaux (E.), Laborde & Bourrn. Sur les homologues de la quinine; leur action physiologique et therapeutique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 1303-1306.—Gulglies (I'.) Incompatibility de la quinine et de l'ac6tate d'ammo- niaque Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1904, x, 280-2*3. -----. Sur la recherche de la quinine par la reaction de J.-J. Andr6. J. de pharm. etchim., Par., 1904, 0. s., xx, 55-57. -----. Sels de quinine et sels ammoniacaux. Ibid., 1905, 6. s., xxii, 303-306.—Harrison (E. F.) & Gatr (D.) The quantitative separation of strychnine from quinine. Pharm. J., Lond., 1903, 4. s., xvii, 165.— Hesse (O.) Zur Frage der Chininpriifung. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1887, xxxii, 258-261. Also, Reprint.—Hille (W.) Die Bestimmung des Chinins in Gemischen der Chiuaalkaloide, in der Chinarinde und den darausher- gestellten Galenischen Praparaten. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1903. ccxli, 54-110. — Hirsclisolin (E.) Ueber eine neue Reaction des Chinins und Chinidins. Pharm. Centralhalle, Dresd., 1902, n. F., xxiii, 367.—J[orissen] (A.) Un nouveau proc6d6 pour le titrage du quinquina et de ses preparations. J. de pharm., An vers, 1902, lviii, 71-74.—Kiniura (H.) [The color reaction of quinine.] Rinsho Yakuseki Shimpo, Tokyo, 1905-6, i, 393-397.— Laqueur (E.) Ueberdie Wirkung des Chinins auf Fer- mente mit Riicksicht auf seine Beeinflussung des Stoff- wechsels. Arch.f.exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.,Leipz., 1906, lv, 240-262.—Leger (E.) Sur la recherche de la quinine par la reaction de J.-J. Andr6. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1904, 6. s., xix, 281-284. -----. Sur le dosage de la quinine dans ses melanges avec les autres alcalo'ides des quinquinas. Ibid., 427-434. -----. Sur revaluation de la quinine par la reaction de J.-J. Andr£. Ibid., 434.—- Marian! (F.) Chinino puro o chinino grezzo? Poli- clin., Roma, 1904, xi, sez. prat., 1573-1577. — Martin (H. A.) Notes on quinine, with a brief history of the barks from which it is derived. Pharm. J., Lond., 1899- 1900, 4. s., x, 337.— Merkel (A.) Stoffweehselproducte des Chinins. Arch, f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1901-2, xlvii, 165-177.—Murray (B. L.) The constitu- tion of quinine. Merck's Rep., N. Y., 1905, xiv, 237; 267; 301. Also: School of Mines Quart., N. Y., 1905-6, xxvii, 39-60.—Pagano (F.) Chinino puro o chinino grezzo; replica al dottor Mariani. Policlin., Roma, 1905, xii, sez. prat., 975.—Price (The) of quinine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 803.—Rfeglement concernant la vente de la quinine du gouvernement dans les bureaux de poste de l'lnde anglaisc. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1908, i, 531- 534. — Seely (F. L.) Quinine, from the ground up. Pharm. Era, N. Y., 1901, xxv, 639-646. —SergleyeiT (M. P.) Otnosheniye khinina i morfiya k slernol kislo- tle. [The relation of quinine and ' morphia to sul- phuric acid.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 1077.— Tschircli. Les quinologues du xixe siecle. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de pharm. 1900, Par., 1901,150-166.— Vigneron. Dosage de la quinine dans les quinquinas. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1905, 6. s., xxi, 180-183.— de Vrij (J. E.) Quantitative estimation of quinine. Pharm. J. A: Tr., Lond., 1881-2, 3. s., xii, 601-603. Also, Reprint. — Weller (A.) Zur Chininprlifungsfrage. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1887, xxxii, 679. Also, Reprint. -----. Priifung von Chininsulfat; zur Abwehr. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1888, xxxiii, 191. Also, Reprint. -----. Zur Chinin- frage. Pharm. Ztg., Berl., 1888, xxxiii, 252. Also, Re- print.— Wormley (T. G.) On some of the tests for quinine. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1894, 4. s., xxiv, 561-573. Also, Reprint. Quinine (Accidents from use of). See Quinine (Action of) on uterus; Quinine (Hypodermic [ami other] injections of, Accidents from); Quinine (Idiosyncrasies in regard to); Quinine (Poiseming by); Quinine (Therapeutic use of, Complications of) [anel subdivisions]. Quinine {Action of) on ttterus. Derbanne (C.-L.-P.) *De la quinine en ob- stetrique. 8°. Naney, 1904. Dimmock (H. P.) & Tavakia (H. K.) Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the effects of the administration of quinine in cases of fever during pregnancy. With the discus- sion on the report by the members of the so- ciety. 8°. Bombai/, 1893. Bound with: Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc. 1893, Bombay, 1S94. QUININE. 228 QUININE. Quinine {Action of) on uterus. de Micas (A.) * Contribution ii l'etude de rinfiuence du sulfate de quinine sur l'uterus gravide. 4°. Paris, 1890. dc Almeida t'onto (J. L.) Se e contra-indicada a administracao dos saes de quinina durante a gravidez. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1895-6, 4. s., vi, 437-444.—Atkinson (I.E.) The oxytocic action of quinine. Am. J.M.Sc, Phila., 1890, n. s., xcix, 139-149.—Backer (J.) A chini- num sulfuricumr61, mint a meh osszehuzod&s&t elosegito szerrol. [Chininum sulfuricum as an oxytocic] Szul6- szet es nogyogy., Budapest, 1904, 63-65. Also, transl.: Deutsche med Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 417- 419.—Bertrand. Action du sulfate neutre de quinine sur l'uterus gravide. Ann.Soc. de med. de Gand,1890, lxix, 234-240.—Betti (U. A.) II chinino nelle gestanti. Clin. ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 213-215.—Bisso (A.) L'azione dellachininasulledonnegravide. Clin.ostet..Roma, 1902, iv, 129.—Bush (O. B.) Sulphateof quinineasanecbolic. Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah, 1901, ix, 04-66.—Cliambre- lent & Bruyfere. Recherches cliniques et experimen- tales sur l'action des sels de quinine pendant la grossesse. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 185; 208. Also, [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de gvn6c. ct d'obst. 1899, Amst., 1900, iii, 252.-€onitzer (L.) Erfahrun- gen aus der Praxis iiber Chinin als Wehenmittel. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1907, lxxxii, 349-303.—('eromilas (G.) Action of quinine upon the internal genitalorgansduring pregnancv and menstruation. Am. Gvnac. tfc Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi. 316-321. Also, Reprint.—Diinmock (H. P.) The administration of large doses of quinine during pregnancy. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1378.—Dim- mock (II. P.)&Tavaria(H. K.) The effect of quinine on pregnancy. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1894, ii, 92-9s.—DiicliasKaing (A.) De Taction du sulfate de quinine sur les organes g6nito-urinaires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1*17, xxv, 114-116.—Duioix (A.) Du role de la quinine dans T expulsion du produit de con- ception etde ses annexes. Echomecl. d. Cevennes, Nimcs, 1901, v 27-33.—Federiei (O.) Sul potere abortivo del chinino. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 125-129.—Georgi (M.) Chinina egravidanza. Arch, farmacol. sper., Roma, 1903, ii, 106-110— Hammond (L J.) A study oi the action of quinine in one hundred cases of labor. Am. Gyna-c. it Obst. J.. N. Y., 1898, xii, 468-490. [Discussion], 508.—Hare (H. A.) The value of quinine as an oxytocic. Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1897, x, 693-699. -----. The limited usefulness of quinine as aremedv for uterine iner- tia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, 3. s.', xiii, 433-437 — rtlaekness (G. O. C.) The use of quinine as a substi- tute for ergot in midwifery. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1897- 8, xxiii, 100-105. Also: Edinb M. I., 1898, n. s., iii, 517- 521.—IHiiurer (A.) Ueber den Einfluss des Chinins auf die Wehentatigkeit des Uterus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxi, 173-170.—ITIantelin. Arret presque eomplet de la dilatation; reprise graduelle du travail et terminaison rapide de l'accouehement, grace k l'action ocytocique du sulfate de quinine en injection sous-cutanee. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 741.—Oslierovski (L. J.) Sluchal prezhdevre- mennikh rodov i otravleniya khininom. [Case of pre- mature labor and poisoning bv quinine.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1890-91, xxvii, 414-419.— Bouftiandis. Influence de la quinine sur la grossesse chez les Europ6ennes au Tonkin. Gaz. hnbd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv, 599.—Schwab (A.) De Tac- tion du sulfate de quinine comme agent oevtocique. J. de med. de Par., 1890, 2. s., viii, 570-573. Also: Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., lsuc, xii, 315-320. -----. De Taction du sulfate de quinine comme agent accelerateur du travail de l'accouehement. Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, 17-19.— To run (A.) Sulla pretesa azione ecbolica del chinino. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 347-357.—Tsakyroglou. Quinine, grossesse et accouchement. M6d. orient., Par., 1903, vii, 457-459.—Villani (G.) Intorno all' azione ec- bolica della chinina e all' usodelT idrocloratodi fenocolla nella cura delle donne gravide. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1903, xi, no. 7, 1-3.—White (W. J.) Quinine as a uter- ine stimulant; with an interesting case. Peoria M. J., 1S9.S. iii, 413-418.—Wiesner (A. i Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Wirksamkcit des Chinins als Wehenmittel; Geburt von Zwillingen mit Pause von 24 Stunden. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1904, xviii, 393; 410. Quinine (Deafness from use of). See Quinine (Therajwutic use of, Complications of, Aural). Quinine (Eruptions from use of). See Quinine (Therapeutic use of, Complications of, Cutaneous). Quinine (Hydrolremiate of). Boille (E.) Du bromhydrate de quinine neutre ou basique. Effets physiologiques, action Quinine (Hydrohromate of). therapeutique, indications, observations. 8°. Paris, 1876. Itlaurel (E.) Contribution a T£tude experimentale du bromhydrate neutre de quinine. Arch, demed. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1902, xiv, 821:1903, xv, 37. -----. Action du bromhydrate neutre dc quinine, aux doses thc- rapeutiques et toxiques, sur le cceur et les vaisseaux de la grenouille. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1129. -----. Action du bromhydrate neutre de quinine sur les 616ments figur6s du sang du lapin. IbieL, 1202. -----. Comparaison de la toxiciteau bromhydrate neutre de quinine injecte a un titre rapidement leucocyticide dans les veines et dans les arteres. Ibid., 1393. -----. Explication probable du plus grand danger des injections de bromhydrate neutre de < j uinii i e k un titre leucocyticide dans les veines que dans les arteres. Ibid., 1117-1449.— Itlaurel (E) & Lemosj' D'Orel. Infiuencedelavoie d'administration sur les dosesniininiamortellesdebrom- hydrate neutre de quinine. Ibid., 1907, lxii, 1179. Quinine {Hydrochloride of). Baillon (A.-P.) *Des chlorhydrates de qui- nine comme sels de choix. Leur usage en injec- tions hypodermiques. Leur forme la meilleure dans les approvisionnements pour les expedi- tions coloniales et les reserves de guerre. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Arkharott* ( I. ) Vliyaniye solyanokislavo khinina natemperaturu, gazoobmfen i tyoploobrazovaniye u nor- malnikh i likhoradyashtshikh zhivotnikh. [Influence of quinine hydrochloride on the temperature, gaseous metabolism, and heat formation in normal and febrileani- mals.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1888-9, iii, 79—Carette (H.) Sur lechlorhydrate neutre de quinine. J. de pharm.et chim., Par., 1905, 6. s., xxii,299-303.—ITIoro (('.) II muriato di chinino come rimedio locale in chirurgia. Boll. d. r Accad. med. di Genova, 1906, xxi, 141-144. Also[hhstr.\ Policlin., Roma, 1906, xiii, sez. prat., 1198.—Silvestrlni (E.) Contributo all' azione caustica del cloridrato di chinino. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 879. Quinine (Hypodermic [and other] injec- tions of). See, also, Quinine (Hypodermic injections of, Accidents from). Holland (H.) * Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Chininum bimuriaticum zur subcutanen In- jection, insbesondere bei Kindern. 8°. Bonn, 1891. Roux (A.) Etude sur les injections hypoder- miques de quinine. 4°. Montpellier, 1895. A Ituna sis. Memphis M. Month., 1901, xxi, 638-640.— Hirtz (E.) Injections sous-cutanees de sels de qui- nine; le formiate de quinine. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop.de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 37-45.—Ivanoti'i A.) O vnutrimishechnikh vpriskivaniyakh khinina. [Intra- muscular injections of quinine] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, liii, 120-128.—Kelseli. Note sur les injections hy- podermiques de quinine. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1*95, xxv, 81-89— Kobner (H.) Leber subcutane Chinininjectionen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 42-4-1.—Liaeroix (H.) Les injections de quinine. Ca- ducee, Par., 1906, vi, 193.—Lebovici. L'emploi de la quinine sons la forme d'injections sous-cutani§es. Nouv. remedes, Par., 1898, xiv, 385-389.—Lelinlioli-W yld (F.) Dc las inyecciones intravenosas, en especial de las de quinina. Juventud m£d., Guatemala, 1906, viii, 25- 31—Nuova formula per le iniezioni ipodermiche ed en- dovenosedellechinina. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1898.vi,306.—Porte &Audan. Utilite de la voie liyjMi- dermique pour Tadministration dela quinine. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1906, xxx, 279-2*3.—Sadou I. Au sujet des injections hypodermiques de quinine. Ann. d'hyg. et de med.colon., Par., 1906, ix, 59s.—Santesson (,('.(';.) Uebei subcutane Chininsalzinjectionen und ii 1 >er den Einfluss des Antipyrins auf Chininum hydrochloricum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl. 1897, xxiii, Therap. Beil., 57.—Spire. Note sur la pratique des in- jections de quinine. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1905, xlvi, 340-342.—von StottVlla. Anwendung von Chinin in Form subcutaner Injectionen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1*98. xii, 5-7.—Wellman (F. C.) Observa- tion on the subcutaneous injection of quinine. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1905, viii, 327. Quinine (Hypodermic injections of Acciden ts from). Accidents graves causes par les injections de chlor- hydrate de quinine. Rev. de Pharmacol. m6d., Par., 1906, iv, no. 38, 7.—Balduzzi (A.) Accidenti causati dalle iniezioni ipodermiche delle soluzioni dei sali di chi- nina. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 1, 380-382.— Bernardini (D.) Iniezioni di sali di chininoeascessi. Clin, vet., Milano, 1906, xxix, 12-14.—Danger (The) of subcutaneous injection of quinine. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1901, iv, 343.—Dangers des injections de quinine. Gaz. med. dePar..l9ul,12.s.,i, 21*.—Hodges (A.) The danger of subcutaneous injections ot quinine. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1902, v, 113.—Kobner (H.> Ueber subcutane Chininin- jectionen, nebst einem Falle von seltener Nebenwirkung derselben. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz.,u.BerL, 1890, xvi,323. Also.transl.: Bull.gen.de therap. [etc.],Par., 1890, cxviii, 233-235. — Lafforgue (E.) Les accidents con- secutifs aux injections hypodermiques de chlorhydrate de quinine; conditions qui les favorisent: influence pr6- pondL, Lond., 1901,iv.402.—Townsend (R.M.) Thedanger of subcutaneous injection of quinine. Ibid., 324. Quinine (Idiosyncrasies in regard to). Cosentini (A.) L' intolleranza chinica in un caso di febbricola ambulatoria, con consi- derazioni in genere sulla febbricola. Lettera aperta al Sergio Marchetti. 8°. Segni, 1889. Bonivento (G.) Intolleranza per la chinina. Rac- coglitore med., Forli, 1897, 5. s., xxiv, 289-301.—Chitty (F. W.) Quinin-idiosyncrasy. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv,529.—Goodman (A. L.) Quinine fever. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxx, 805-867.—C;orbacheir(L F.) Ob idio- sinkrazii k khininu. [Idiosyncrasy to quinine.] Klin.i., Mosk., 1901, v, 151-167. —Premier (F.) A case of idio- svnerasy of intolerance of quinine. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1898, xxxiii, 48. — Gros (H.) L'intolerance qui- nique. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1901, lxxvi, 458-462.— Hancock (J. L.) A case of quinin idiosyncrasy. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 271. Also, Reprint.—Hare (H. A.) A case illustrating extraordinary idiosyncrasy to quinine. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1901, 3. s., xvii, 294.— Hodges (A.) Quinine idiosyncrasy leading to hsemo- globinuria. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1902, v, 184. —Mettler (L. H.) An unusual susceptibility to quinine. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliii, 507. — Montgomery (D.W.) Acquired idiosyncrasy for quinine, as shown by purpura and bleeding of the gums. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 646.—N'agl (J.) Ein Fall von Idiosynkrasie Quinine {Idiosyncrasies in regard to). gegen Chinin. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xxiv, 360- 302. — Nogara (G.j Contributo alia terapeutica della intolleranzadachinino. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1205.—Padgett (Hazle i. Quinine idiosyncrasy. South. Pract., Nashville, 1906, xxviii, 207.—Bosenblatt. Przy- padek idiosynkrazyi wzglcdem chininy. [Idiosyncrasy in relation to quinine.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1890, xxix, 183. — Sehamberg (J. F.) Quinine idiosyncrasies. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 333.—Spitzer ( F.) Chi- ninidiosynkrasie. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1890, viii, 130-138.—Stelwagon (H. W.) An extraordi- nary case of quinine susceptibility. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1901, N. Y., 1902, 164-168. Also: J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1902, xx, 13-16. —Sunburnt (W.I.) Quinine idiosyncrasy and its prevention. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1903, xlvi, 632-536. —Van ICnian (F. T.) A peculiar quinine idiosyncrasy, with report of case. Kan- sasCity M.Index-Lancet, 1905, xxvi,368-370.—Williams (C.) A case of quinine amaurosis. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1908, xvii, 53-57.— Witlierspoon (J. A.) Qui- nine idiosyncrasy; report of a case. South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1894, xvi, 95-98.—Wood (H. C.) Notes on quinine idiosyncrasies. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, 180. Quinine {Intravenous injection of) [Bacvidli s method]. See Quinine (Hypodermic [and other] injec- tions of). Quinine {Jurisprudence of). Constant (C.) Le quinquina devant les tribunaux. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiii, 173-177.—I*egge (La) sulla vendita del chinino. Boll. d. ord. d. san. d. citta e prov. di Parma, 1901, iii, no. 2, 1-5.—Wittliaus (R. A.) On the detection of quinin in chemico-lcgal cases. Re- search. Loomis Lab___Univ. City N. York, 1*92, ii, 91-101. Quinine (Physiologic and therapeutic effects of). See, also, Quinine (Action of) on uterus; Qui- nine (Hypodermic [and other] injections of); Qui- nine (Idiosyncrasies in regetrd to); Quinine (Salts, ete-., of); Quinine (Therapeutic use of, Complications of) [and subdieisions]. Bauer (L.) Das Chinin des Diabetes. Eine neue Aetiologie und Therapie der Zuckerharn- ruhr. 8°. Dresden, [n. d.]. Bunin (I. M.) *K voprosu o vliyanii sierno- kislavo i solyanokislavo khinina na otpravle- niya zheludka u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the action of sulphate and muriate of quinine on the functions of the healthy stomach.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1891. Cotard (H.) *Des indications therapeutiques des sels de quinine tirees de leurs proprietes vaso-motrices. 8°. Paris, 1898. Daniel (B.) * Ueber die Verminderung der durch Thyinusgabe vermehrten Harnstiureaus- scheidung durch Chinin und Acidum tannicum. 8°. Benin, 1898. Herbst (H.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der antiseptischen Eigenschaft des Chinin. 8°. Bonn, [n. d.]. Macpherson (J.) Quinine and antiperiodics in their therapeutical relations, including an abstract of Briquet's work on cinchona, and a notice of Indian febrifuges. 8°. Calcutta, 1856. Merkel (A. L. J.) *Ptoffwechselprodukte des Chinin. [Strassburg. ] 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Quinine as prophylactic or preventive against malarial fever. 8°. Waldhof, near Mannheim, 1889. de Salazar (T.) Tratado del uso de la quina. 4°. Madrid, 1791. Sanchez (J. M.) *Inyecciones hipodermicas de sulfate y bromhidrato de quinina. Estudio experimental comparativo. 8°. Mexico, 1876. Santopadre (F.) Osservazioni sul modo di agire delle preparazioni della china e sull' uti- lita del chinino nei casi di delirio nervoso. 12°. Loeli, [1841]. QUININE. 230 QUININE. Quinine (Physiologic and therapeutic effects of). "Schmidt (G.) * Ueber die Wirkung fortge- setzter Chininaufnahme beim gesunden Men- schen. 8°. Greifswald, 1885. Schmitz ( R. ) * Ueber Ausscheidung und Bestimmung des Chinins in Hani und Faces. [Berne.] 8°. Bonn, 1906. de Se<;i-in (G.) Instruction sur l'usage du vin de quinquina de Seguin dans le traitement de plusieurs maladies, et particulierement dans celui des fievres, et maniere de s'en servir. 16°. Paris, 1811. Sokoloff (V. [I.]) *Ovliyanii khinina na obrazovaniye granulyatsionnol tkani. [Action of quinine on the formation of granulating tis- sue.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Also [Abstr.], mi: Protok. zasaid. Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1891 (Feb.-Mar.), 14-20. [Talbor, or Talbot] (Sir R.) Les admirables qualitez du kinkina confirmees par plusieurs experiences, et la maniere de s'en servir dans toutes les fievres, pour toute sorte d'age, de sexe et de complexions. 2. ed. 24°. Paris, 1694. Valatx (L.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement du cancer par la quinine. 8°. Paris, 1901. Venediger ([K. PL] E.) * Ueber den Ein- fluss des Chinins auf die Stickstoff-Ausschei- dung beim Menschen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1894. Alexander (M. J.) The therapeutics of quima. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 11-16.—Apery. Sur l'elimination urinaire des sels de quinine. Gaz. m6d. d'Orient, Constant., 1905, 1, 64-66. Also: Grece med., Syra, 1905, vii, 54.—Arnaud (F.) Mode d'action thera- peutique de la quinine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 630-632.—Ashe (R. S.) Cinchonidine and Wrightiaantidvsenterica as prophylactics against dysen- tery and malaria. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1899, xxxiv, 313!—Autreclit. Eine bequemere subkutane Anwen- duiifisweise des Chinins. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1903, xvii, 57.—Barbi (E.) Sulla necessita che per le solu- zioni di bisolfato di chinino venga sempre prescritta dal medico 1' acqua distillata. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1906, ii,230- 232— Benedlcentt f A.I Le soufre et l'azote de la bile sous Taction de la quinine. Arch.ital.de biol., Turin, 1902-3, xxxviii, 431-43*.—Bilbro (YV. C.) The abuse of quinine. Atlanta M. & S. ,1., 1890-91, n. s., vii, 395-398.— Binz (C.) Ueber die ant ipvretische Wirkung von Chinin und Alkohol. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1870, li, 6; 153. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber die Wirkung des Chinins auf die Leucocvten. Arch, internat. de phar- macod.. Gand et Par., 1897-8, iv, 289-292.—Bremer (L.) The administration of quinine in the light of blood ex- aminations. Med. Rev., St, Louis, 1895, xxxi, 481-184.— Buchanan (W. J.) The prophylactic issue of quinine; a synopsis of an experiment on a large scale in Indian gaols. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1900-1901, iii, 42.—Carbonell y Soles (F.) Vias de elecci6n para administrar la qui- nina a los niflos. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1905, xviii, 493-195— Carrasqui 11a li (J. de D.) Acci6n fisiol6gica y teraperitica de las sales de quinina. Rev. mecl. de Bo- gota, 1904-5, 195-200.—Castera (R.) Absorption et effet presque immexliat du sulfate de quinine dans les fievres intermittentes. Examinat. med., Par., 1841, i, 134-138.— Cavazzani ( E.) Influence de la quinine sur la glyco- genese et sur la thermogenese du foie. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1899-1900, xxxii, 350-356.—Charas. Nou- velle preparation de quinquina et la maniere de s'en ser- vir pour la guerison des fievres. M6m. Acad. rov. d. sc. 1666-99, Par., 1730, x, 92-98, 1 pl.—Church (W. F.) The abuse of quinine. Buffalo M. J., 1900-1901, n. s., xl., 98- 104.—Churchman (J. W.) The use of quinine during the civil war. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1906, xvii, 175-1*1—Corminas ( E. ) El crepusculo de la quinina. Rev. de cien. m6d. de Barcel., 1904, xxx, 483-490— Cutore Cutore (G.) Azione della chinina sull' isotonia e sul numero dei corpuscoli rossi del sangue. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 1. 4: 40.— Dalencour. Les indications generates de la quinine. ,1. de med. int., Par., 1906, x, 173-176.—Do Holt" (A. S.l The abuse of quinin. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 64.— Dueila* (J. L.) Sobre el empleo de la quinina en la Habana. Cron. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1890, xvi, 364-377—Dupouy (R.) Sur l'action de la quinine sur les oxvdations intraorganiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1904, lvi, 259.—Erlenmeyer (A.) Steigerung der allgemeinen Reflexerregbarkeit als aussergewohn- liche Chinin-Wirkung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psy- Quinine {Physiologic and therapeutic effects of). c'hiat, Coblenz & Leipz., 1890, n. F., i, 97-101.—Escomel (E. E.) Un caso de raquiquininizacion. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1902, xix, 78.—Fearnside (<". J.) Note on the prophylactic use of quinine and cinchonidine in the Cen- tral Prison of Rajahmundri. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1899, xxxiv, 316-319.—Felkin (R. W.) The therapeutics of quinine. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 420-450—Fie Id- ing-Ould (R.) The administration of quinine, with special reference to the practice on the West Coast of Africa. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1900-1901, iii, 43—Flamini (M.) L'assorbimento di alcuni sali di chinina insolubili, pifl comunemente usati nella pratica infantile. Policlin., Roma, 1906, xiii, sez. prat., 1537-1544.— Freudentlial. Ueber Anwendungs-Formen des Chinins in der Kinder- praxis. Aerztl. Prax., Berl. u. Leipz.. 1904, xvii, 193.— Galezowski. Nevrites et thromboses reLiniennespa- ludeennes; guerison par la quinine. [Rap. de Chauvel.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlv, 565-570.— Giemsa (G.) Ueber die therapeutische Verwertbar- keit der freien Chininbase. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen- Hyg., Leipz., 1907, xi, 300-302.—Giemsa (G.) & Pro- wazek (S.) Wirkung des Chinins auf die Protisten- zelle. Beihite. z. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropenhvg., Leipz., 1908, 5. Hft, 88-98. —Giemsa (G.) & Sehaumann (H.) Pharmakologische und chemisch-physiolojiische Studien fiber Clinin. Ibid., 1907, No. 3, 1-84. —Gil- bert. Du quinquina et des sels de quinine; des anthel- minthiques. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1894, iv, 241.—Giosent (M.) Sull' azione del chinino nell' eul infantile. Policlin., Roma, 1905, xii, sez. prat. 1501; 1535.— Go liii (C.) Azione della chinina sui parasiti malarici e sui corrispondenti accessi febbrili. Gazz. med. di Pavia, 1892, i, 11; 34; 79; 106.—Goliner. Zur therapeutischen WirkungkleinerChinindosen. Reichs-Med.-Anz.,Leipz., 1892, xvii, 179. Also, Reprint.— GonzalezDeleito (F.) Los nuevos estudios sobre la acci6n farmacodinamica de la quinina. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1906, v, 32-34.—Graves (N. A.) Quinine in the treatment of disease. Chicago M. Times, 190S, xii, 93.—Greanelle (W. J.) Palatable quinine mixture for children. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 628. — Grethe (G.) Ueber die Wirkung verschiedener Chininderivate auf Infusorien. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1895, lvi, 189-201.—Grosser (P.) Ueber das Verhalten des Chinins im Organismus. Biochem. Ztschr.,Berl., 1908,viii, 98-117.—Hall (P. H.) The ther- apeutic uses of quinia. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1892, xii, 292- 299.—Halliburton (B. S.) Therapeutics of quinine. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 19-22. —Hare (F. E.) Quinine as a cardiac stimulant. Lancet. Lond., 1*91, i, 930. — Haussniann (G. M.) Ueber die wehenerre- gende Wirkung des Chinin. Med.-chir. Centralbl.,Wien, 1882, xvii, 579.—Hucliard (H.) Quinine et vaso-con- striction; applications therapeutiques. Bull. gen. de the- rap. [etc.], Par., 1900, cxl, 903-912. Also, Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1900, xiv, 804-807.—Jones (H. B.) & Dupre (A.) On a fluorescent substance, resembling quinine, in animals; and on the rate of passsage of qui- nine into the vascular and non-vascular textures of the body. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.,1866-7, xv, 73-93.—K. (I. E.) n, 1902, vii, 356. — LadicOS (E. P.) 'iatvofj.eva Si)AT;T7)pidcreu>s eVe/ca /hjj dveKTiKOTT/Tos ttjs Kivivijs. Ibid., 1908, xiii, 236.— Iiamonaca (G.) Un caso d' intossicazione chinica seguito da guarigione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 1565. — Little (Mary E.) A curious case of quinine poisoning. Med. Summary, Phila., 1898-9, xx, 21.—Ma- rin Perujo. Ulceracion del est6mago por el usoinade- cuado de la quinia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1897, xliv, 706.— Maure 1 (E.) Determination des doses de quinine mini- ma mortelles pour certains vert6bre.s. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1128.—Mayer (F. J.) Qui- nine intoxication. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1890-91, n. s., xviii, 355.—Moscato (P.) Ancora su due casi d' intossicazione chinica. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1899, xv, 328; 365; 393. -----. Sulla intossicazione chinica nella infezione tifoide e nella leucemia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1898, lvii, 117; 127; 138.—Murri (A.) Sul- T intossicazione da chinina. Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii- M., 340-365. Also, in his: Scritti med., 8°, Bologna, 1902, ii, 903-938. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. internaz. d. sc med., Napoli, 1895, n. s., xvii, 626-630. Also, transl.: Med.-Chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1898-9, xxxiii, 682; 711: xxxiv, 2; 13; 27; 41. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 115; 136.— Parsons (A. C.) A case of quinine poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1443.—Perez (A.) Brevi note sulla in- tossicazione chinica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 431.—Pispiris. Accidents et morts produits par le sul- fate de quinine administre k 1'inte.rieur ou par friction. Progres med., Par., 1891, 2. s., xiv, 121—Quill (R. H.) A fatal case of poisoning by sulphate of quinine. J. Rov. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1903, i, 306-308.—Rear (G. R.) A case of quinine poisoning. Med. Visitor, Lansing, Mich., 1902, xviii, 466.—Reina. Intoxication quinique. Clin, opht., Par., 1903, ix, 262.—Roberts (A. E.) A re- markable case of quinine poisoning. Tr. Indian M. Cong. 1894, Calcutta, 1895, 505-507. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1895, xxx, 146. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 644.— Rosenberg (D. D.) A case of quinine poisoning. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxii, 151.—Salomon (O.) Ein interes- santer Fall von Chininintoxikation. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1787.—Schoute (G. J.) Ueber Cin- chonin-Intoxikation. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, ix, 571-575.—Scuderi (F. F.) L' intossicazione da chinina. Riv. med., Milano, 1906, xiv, 129-131.—Semana Junior (J. 1 A proposito de um caso de envenenamento pelo sali- cylate de quinina. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1896-7, i, 305-308.—Sertoli (A.) Contributo clinico sulT azione tossica della chinine. N. riv. clin.- terap., Napoli, 1899, ii, 75-78.—Stancanelli (P.) Con- tributo alio studio delle varie forme di tossidermia da chinina. Gior. internaz. d. sc' med., Napoli, 1908, n. s., xxx, 913-934.—Titlow (Bennetta D.) Report of a case of acute quinine poisoning. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv, 422.—Tomaselli Peratoner (A.) Euchinina ed in- tossicazione chinica. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Na- poli, 1901, iv, 220.—Wittmaack (K.) Demonstration histologischer Veranderumren am Ganglion spirale bei Chininvergiftung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 414.—le- k lino If (A. M.) Sluchal otravleniya khininom. [Poi- soning by quinine.] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1904, xiv, 561. Quinine {Salicylate of). Mldy (L.) Medication salicylique; du sali- cylate de quinine. S°. Petris, 1877. Moore (Sir J. W.) A note on salicylate of quinine. Practitioner, Lond., 1903, lxx, 6-10.—oVary (P.) A chinin-salicyl hatasr61 septikus lazaknal, kivalt a gyer- QUININE. 232 QUININE. Quinine (Salicylate of). mekagvban. [The effect of saiicylated quinine in septic fevers," especially of childbed.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1903, i, 094-097. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 687. Quinine (Salts and preparations of). See, also, Quinine (Hydrobromette of); Qui- nine (Hydrochlorale of); Quinine (Salicylate of); Quinine (Sulphate of); Quinine Pin- nate of), and references under Quinine. Clinical reports on hypo-quinidol (Gardner). 8°. [St. Louis, 1900, vel subseq.] Dall' Olio (V.) Contributo alio studio del- 1' etil-carbonato de chinina nella terapia infan- tile. 8°. Bologna, 1900. Dareigan (J.-L.-M.-A.-A.) * Etude medi- cale du glycerophosphate de quinine. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900. Falieres (E.) Etude chimique; contribution a, l'etude physiologique du glycerophosphate de quinine pur. 8°. Bordeaux, [1898?]. Remarks on the properties of quina-Laroche (complete extract of the three kinds of cin- chonas), a vinous elixir, reconstituent, and febri- fuge. 16°. New York, [n. d.]. Abogado (E. L.) La quinina y sus sales; el hidro- ferrocianato. Cn'm. m6d. mexicana, Mexico, 1899-1900, iii, 35; 7o—Arnaud (F.) Sur Tabsorption et l'elimina- tion des sels de quinine. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 628-630—Baroni (E.) Sul fenato di chinina. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1890, xxxviii, 1009-1019. — Benaky (N.-P.) Posologie et action antiperioiliqua et therapeutique del'arseniate et de Tarseniate de quinine. Presse m6d., Par., 1903, ii, 584.— Blackwood (W. R. D.) Clinical notes on euquinine. Med. Summary, Phila., 1899-1900, xxi, 166-168.—Boy- mond. Des equivalents therapeutiques des sels de qui- nine. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 18X7,108-110.— Christian (M.) Ueber die Verschiedenheit des thera- peutischen Werthes von Chininverbindungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 216-218 — Cook (A. B.) Experiments with a modified form of quinin. Memphis M. Month., 1902, xxii, 536-538.— Crouzel (E.) Incompatibilite de TaeeLate d'ammo- niaque et de l'extrait de quinquina dans les potions et dans les sirups. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 542.— lloiiiiiM-i- (R.) Ueber Aesco-Chinin Fliigge. Med. Woche, Berl., 1903, iv, 3x3.—Dreser (H.) Ueber geschmackfreie Chininderivate. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1902, 97-103.—Euquinine (L'). Nouv. remedes, Par., 1898, xiv, 529-533. —Finlay (A. K.) The ad- vantages of sulphovinateof quinine in hypodermic treat- ment. N. Orl. M. &S. J., 1896-7, xlix,'200-202.—Fon- toynont. Le formiate de quinine ou quinoforme. Caducee, Par., 1906, vi, 201.—Garsed (W.) A note on quinine acid hydrochloride. Pharm. J., Lond., 1905, 4. s., xxi, 138.—Grimaux (E.) & Laborde. De Taction physiologique et therapeutique d'un nouveau sel qui- nique: le chlorhydro-sulfate de quinine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 182-187.—Guigues (P.) Formiates de quinine. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1906, 6. s., xxiv, 301.—Hatch (J. L.) Some observations on modoquinia or modified quinine. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1903, xiii, 159-161.—Hedbom (K.l Forsok med chloretum chinicum. [Experiment with . . .] Upsala Univ. Arsskr. Med., 1896, 89-97.—Hevesi (J.) Chini- num lygosinatum, ein neues Wundbehandlungsmittel. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 1-4. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Therapist, Lond., 1902, xii, 205.—Hielbig (C.) yystematischer Gang zur Prufung des schwefelsauren und salzsauren Chinins der Apotheken. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb., 1888, xxvii, 256-261. Also, trans/..: Analyst, Lond., 1888, xiii, 206-20X.—Kerscli (S.) Eisen-Chinin-Chlorid und seine therapcutische Verwer- thung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1X90, xxv. 090; 710. -----. Das Chinin-Eisenchlorid, seine chemisch-physi- kalische Eigenschaften und therapcutische Bedeutunjr: Formel (Fe2C2oH24N20j) CI3.10H2O. Memorabilien, Ileilbr., 1890-91, n.F.,x, 461-472. -----. Eigenschaften des Chinin- Eisenchlorid. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1891, xxvi, 413^415. -----. Weitere Mittheilungen zur Wirkung des Chinin-Eisenchlorid. Ibid., 1893, xxviii, 442: 457. -----. Wirkung des Chinineisenchlorids (Chinini ferro chlora- tum) bei pathologischen Processen der weiblichen Sex- ualorgane. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1894, Leipz., 1895, lxvi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 144-148 — Kolosvary (S.) Azaristochinin hatas4r61. [The effect of aristochinin.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1902, xiii, 436- 439.—liacroix (H.) Remarques sur les formiates de quinine. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1906, 6. s., xxiv, 493.—Murry (A.) L'arseniatodi chinina adaltedosi. In Quinine {Salts and preparations of). his: Scritti med., 8°, Bologna, 1902, i, 09-92.—Niclot. Sur le formiate de quinine. Caducee, Par., 1906, vi, 302.— Overlach (M.) UcberChinin und seine Ester. Cen- tralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1901, xxii, 815-822. Also, Re- print—Pirkner (F.) Experiments with a new qui- nine derivative. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxii, 258- 262.—Silbersteiii(.L) UebereinneuesChininpraparat. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, 1901, xiii, 696-598. Also, Re- print. — Stiirsberg ( H.) Ueber Aristochin, ein ge- schmackloses Chininderivat. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1902, xlix, ls79.—SzeiidrtJ (J.) Ueber Chininum lygosinatum, ein neues Mittel zur Wundbehandlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 1890.—Tarozzi (G.) SulT albuminate di chinina idrato. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1890, xlix, 436.—Vigiere (P.) Solution titree de lactate de quinine pour injections hypodermiques. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1891, 5. s., xxiv, 5.—Walther (F.) Chininum lygosinatum. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 357. Quinine (Sulphate of). Desiderio (A.) Esame di un giudizio dato intorno ad alcuni fatti relativi al solfato di chi- nina, e nuovi sperimenti sul medesimo. 8°. Veuezia, 1843. Diaz Lozano (J.) * Estudio comparativo entre el sulfate neutro de quinina y los dos bromhidratos de la misma base. 8°. Mexico, 1880. Sedan (F.-A.) * Etude experimentale sur la propriete anti-septique du sulfate de quinine, et sur les divers modes d'administration de ce medicament. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869. Stoeder (W.) Onderzoek der in den handel voorkoinende sulphas chinini. 8°. [Amster- dam, 1880.] Repr.from: Tijdschr. v. Pharm., 1880. de Vrij (J. E.) Over den sulphas chinicus basic des handels. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Adolphus (J ) Quinine sulphate. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1895, xxiii, 433-437.—Aguild (M.) Abusos del empleo del term6metro clinico y del sulfate de quinina en la pr&ctica. Rev. balear de cien. m6d., Palma de Mallorca, 1899, xvi, 105-111.—Biginelli (P.) Saggi di Kerner e di Liebig-Hesse applicati direttamente al bisol- fatodichinina. Arch, farmacol. sper., Roma, 1903, ii. 72- 79.—Cabanfes. Le sulfate de quinine; gu6rit-il la tievre? J. de la sante, Par., 1895, xii, 289.—Carlinl'anti (E.) Sul saggio del bisolfato di chinina. Orosi, Firenze, 1901, xxiv, 181-183.—Champigny. Du sulfate de quinine, de sa purete. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par. (1886), 1887, 122-132.— Duclaux (E.) Sur la coagulation du sulfate de quinine. Ann. de TInst. Pasteur, Par., 1892, vi, 657- 675— Duncan (W.) The solubility of quinine in am- monia, and the testing of sulphate "of quinine. Pharm. J., Lond., 1905. 4. s., xx, 438-440.—Gibson (J. L.) Solu- ble sulphate of quinine in ophthalmic practice. Austra- las. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1905,xxiv,366.—Helm (F.) Surdes Hyphomycetes observes dans les solutions de eulfate de quinine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894, 9. s., vi, 159-161.—Jousset (P.) Des indications du sulfate de quinine dans le cours des maladies aigues non palud6- ennes. Art med., Par., 1903, xcvi, 437-453.— Kerner (G.) & Weller (A.) Priifungdes kauflichen schwefelsauren Chinins. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle a. S., 1887, xxv, 712- 784. Also, Reprint.—Merisanu ( C.) Cercetarl experi- mentale asupra puritiitil ' sulfatulul de chinina in co- merciu. [Researches on the purity of the sulphate of quinine in commerce.] Rev. san. mil., Bucurescl, 1899- 1900, iii, 275; 341; 407; 476.—Shearer (J. Y.) Quinine sulphate. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, Ixxxvi, 1171-1173. Also, Reprint.—Treille (A.) De la preLendue accoutu- mance au sulfate de quinine chez certains malades im- proprement appeles palud^ens. Cong, franc, de m6d. Rapp., Par., 1899, v, 562-570—de Vrij (J.-E.) Sur le sulfate de quinine. Arch, de m6d., Par., 1884. 2. s., xiii, 664: 1896,2. s., xv, 660. Also, Reprint.—Wittmaii (F. J.) Verhandeling over de zwavelzure quinine, als genees- middel beschouwd. Natuurk. Verhandel.v. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, 1825, xv, pt. 1, 3-136, Quinine {Tannate of). Cell! (A.) II tannato di chinina in casi di intolle- ranza, anche emoglobinurica, dei preparati chinacei solu- bili in acqua. Med. ital., Napoli, 1907, v, 401-404.—Ga- glio (G.) Se i cioccolattini di tannato di chinina rappre- sentino una preparazione razionale per la sommimstra- zione della chinina. Arch, di farm, e terap., Palermo, 1906, xii. 123-129. Also: Med. ital., Napoli, 1906, iv, 441- 443.—Mazzitelli (P.) A proposito delT assorbimento dei cioccolattini al tannato di chinino. Policlin., Roma, QUININE. 233 QUININE. Quinine (Tannate of). 1900, xiii, sez. prat., 1193-119s.—Spica (P.) & Pazienti yV.) Ricerche sul tannato di chinina e sui cioccolatini al tannato di chinina. Atti r. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1906-7, lxvi, pt. 2,329-340— Warin (J.) Sur le dosage des cinchotannates dans le quinquina liquide de Vrij. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1904, 0. s., xix, 233-236. Quinine (Therapeutic uxe of). See Quinine (Physiologie', etc., effects of), and following titles. Quinine ( TJterapcutic use of Com pli- cations of). See, also, Quinine (Idiosyncrasies in regard to). Bazelis (A.-A.-C.) * Contribution i! l'etude des accidents causes par le sulfate de quinine. 8°. Lille, 1897. Carr (S. H.) Corvza following ingestion of quinine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 420— < lievallier (A.) Essai sur la sante des ouvriers qui s'occupent de la preparation du sulfate de quinine, et sur les moyens de pr^venir les maladies auxquelles ils sont sujets. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1850, xxxi, 517. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur les maladies qui atteignent les ouvriers emplovesa ^preparation du sulfate de quinine. [Abstr.] Ibid., 1851, xxxii, 910. — Hastings (R. W.) Quinine nose-bleed. Boston M. d., Par., 1902, i, 379.—Millan (G.) Laquinine et ses incon- venients. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1895, lxviii, 1451-1453.—van derS. (A.) Over schadelijke bijwerkingen van chi- nine. Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk., Batavia, 1894, ii, 37- 42.—Seiler (C.) Cinchonism and its effect upon articu- lation and vocalization. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass., N. Y.,1901, 102-104. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 656 — Treille (A.) Sur les intercurrences morbides dans la fievre a sulfate de quinine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvi, 1478-1481. — Vaughan (B. A.) [Qui- nine; very distressing experience.] Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1889,120-129, 1 pl. Quinine (Therajteatic use of Compli- cations of Aural). Berthelot. Remarque sur quelques sensationsacous- tiques provoqu6es par les sels de quinine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1890, cxi. 715.—Chcatle (A. H.) Qui- nine deafness and its prevention. Tr. Otol. Soc. 1". King- dom, Lond., 1902-3, iv, 101-lOx—Dabney (S. O.) Acase of permanent deafness most probably caused by quinine. Arch. Otol., N. Y.,1890, xix. 6.— Dreyfuss (R.) De l'influence de la quinine sur les tonus labyrinthique. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par., 1904, vii, 179. [Discussion],261. Also, transl.: Ztschr.f.Ohrenh.,Wiesb., 1905, xlix, 343-350.—Pritchard (IT.) Notes of a case of temporary loss of audition and equilibration from an overdose of quinine. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1901, ii, 132-134.—Schenck (H. D.) Effects of quinine upon the ear. Homceop. Eye, Ear it Throat J., N. Y., 1905, xi, 315-324.—Sikkel (A.) De werking der chinine-zou- ten op het gehoororgaan. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Nat.- en Geneesk. Congr., Haarlem, 1897, 297-305.—Tiffany (F. B.) Total deafness from quinine. St. Joseph M. Herald, 1890, ix, 289. -----. Deafness from quinine. Denver M. Times, 1890-91, x, 103-105.—Wittmaack (K.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Chinins auf aas Gehor- organ. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1902, Bresl., 1903, Ixxx, med. Sect., 276-279.-----. Sind die Wirkungen des Chinins am Gehororgan auf Circulations- storungen zuruckzufuhren? Arch.f.d.ges.Phvsiol.,Bonn, 1903, lxxxxv, 209-233. -----. Der Angriffspuhkt des Chi- nins im Nervensystem des Gehororganes. Ibid., 234-263, lpl. Quinine (Therapeutic use of Com j di- ctations of Cutaneous). Allen (('. W.) Acquired idiosyncrasy for quinine, showing peculiar cutaneous manifestations. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii. 97-100.—Bazelis. Deux cas d'erup- tion dusau sul fate de quinine. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 313-315.—Benaky (N.-P.) Hemorrhagica et ex- antheme quiniques; action preventive du tannate de quinine dans ces cas. Med.orient., Par., 1901, v, 193.— Erbach (Amelia). Acute general dermatitis, with ex- foliation of epidermis, caused by a small dose of quinine sulphate. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1892, ix, 197-199.—lir- menge (F.) Contribution k l'etude des eruptions m<5di- Qiiinine {Thera/>eutic use of Complica- tions of Cutaneous). camenteuses; eruption erythe^mateuse g6n6ralisee il type scarlatiniforme consecutive k Vingestion d'une faible dose dc quinine. J. de med. de Par., 1901, 3. a., xiii, 194- 196.—Galloway (J.) Case of acute scarlatiniform erup- tion following theadministrationofsmalldoses of quinine. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Dermat. Sect., 71- 73.—Giampietro ( V.) Urticaria prodotta dal solfato di chinina. Riv. clin. eterap., Napoli, 1890, xii, 454.—Gr*tn (K.) Chininexanthemerved indvorteschininbrug. [Sur production d'exanthemes quiniques par l'emploi interne de laquinine. Res., 1246.] Norsk Mag. f. Leegeviden.sk., Kristiania, 1900, 4. R., xv, 1220-1240. — Haralamb. Eruption erytli6mato-bulleuse quinique. Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. ct svph., Par., 1895, vi, 444-448. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi, 1148-1152.—Ioni- tescu (G.) ct Pop-Avraiucscu. Eruptiune erite- mato-buloasapigmcntatil fi-xit produsil de chinin;!. [. . . produced by quinine.] Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1906, xxvi, 247- 257.—Johnston (J. C.) Bullous quinine dermatitis. .1. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xiv, 266-268 — Korjbut- Oaszklewicz (B.) Przypadek zatrucia chinina, symulajacy plonice,. [Quinine intoxication, simulating scarlatina.] .Medycyna, Warszawa,1907, xxxv, 9; 19.—Lamieau (C. B.) Quinine eruption; a peculiar idiosyncrasy. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1890-91, n. s., xviii, 313.— lieggatt (A.) A diffuse erythematous rash, probably due to quinine. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 720.—Lu Re (G.) Contributo all' urticaria prodotta dai sali di chi- nina. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1891, xiii, 69.—Mea- < hen (G. N.) Note on an anomalous form of quinine eruption. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 620.—Moir (D. M.) A case of quinine eruption. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1897, xxxii, 376-378.—O'Connor (J.) Case of extensive der- matitis following a small dose of quinine. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 254.—Reisinger (E. W.) Case of exfoliative dermatitis due to quinine. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1902, lxxxii, 312-314. Also: Wash. M. Ann., 1902, i, 34-36.—Bosenbusch (L.) Ein Fall von acuter Chininvergiftung mit scharlachahnlichem Exanthem. Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 571.—Buyssen. Ery- thfeme provoque par le sulfate de quinine. Bull. m<5d. du nord, Lille, 1896, xxxv, 536. —Schenck (J.) Some unusual effects of quinin on the skin. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 202.—Sestini (L.) Un caso di esan- tema patone.net ico da chinino. Ann. di med. nav.,Roma, 1895, i, 927-932.—Shepherd (F. J.) A remarkable case of quinine rash produced by very small doses of the drug. Montreal M. J., 1x91-2, xx, 667-669. Also, Reprint.— Taylor (.1. G.) A ease of quinin rash, Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 128. — Thibierge (G.) Eruption qui nique k forme bulleuse et k 616ment unique chez une femme ayant eu des eruptions analogues apres Tusage de Tantipvrine. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3.'s., xxiii, 120-122. —Walker (N.) Quinine-urti- caria. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1893, v, 212.—Welch (E. A.) Skin eruptions following the use of quinine sul- phate. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 328 —Wiles (J. R.) A scarlatinous rash following the use of quinine. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1903, xxiii, 199-202. — Wood (H. C.l. jr. Quinine rash, with reportof a case. Proc. Phila. Co. Si. Soc, Phila., 1901-2, xxii, 329-340. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1902, lxxxii, 242-252. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., viii, 8-13. Quinine (Therapeutic use of Complica- tions of (iemito-urinary). Set', also, Hsematuria (Causes, etc., of). AnastasiadCs (T.) De la maniere dont il agit la quinine pour la production de Themoglobinurie. Grece m6d.,Syra, 1907, ix,5.—Brancati (A.) Breve nota sulla febbre itteroematurica da chinina. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 422— Brodnax (B. H.) Does quinine pro- duce hematuria? Med. Summary, Phila., 1900-1901, xxii, 105.—Campbell (G. G.) Vesical irritability and pain following moderate doses of quinine. Montreal M. J., 1901, xxx, 020.—Dumas (R.) Note sur une observation d'urines noires determinees par la quinine (h^moglobi- nurie quinique). Arch, de merl. nav., Par., 1897, lxvii, 291-301.—Galvagno (P.) Sulla febbre ittero-ematurica da chinino. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1889-90, i, 61-63.—Micclche (G.) Un caso di intossicazione chi- nica in individuo malarico, seguita da morte per uremia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 159; 171.—Murri (A.) DelT emoglobinuria da chinina. Policlin., Roma, 1897, iv-M., 557-565. Also, in his: Scritti med., 8°, Bologna, 1902, ii, 939-948.—Palese (A.) Febbre ittero-ematurica da intossicazione chinica. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1X77, Pavia, 1889, ii, 92-94.—Pecort (G.) Un caso di emoglobinuria da chinino. Bull. d. Soc Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1900, xx, fasc. 2, 155-170.— Tomaselli (S.) Nefrite acuta con consecutiva uremia nella intossica- zione chinica. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 273. -----, Sulla febbre ittero-ematurica da chinina. Tratt. ital. di I patol. e terap. med., Milano, [n. d.], i, pt. 4, 227-242. QUININE. 234 QUI XL AX. Quinine {Therapeutic use of, Complica- tions of Xeurotic). G io rdani (L.) Sulle flni alterazioni nervose nell' in- tossicazione da cninina. Policlin., Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. prat., 706. —Hodge (S. R.) Some cases of strange mental phenomena. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1899, xiii, 101-105.—Pant (H. D.) Unique action of quinine. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, iv, 50.—Purrey. Syn- copes provoquees par i'absorption de faibles doses de qui- nine, disparaissant par le decubitus dorsal. Bull. Soc de med. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1887,4. s., 92-94.—Vincent (E.) Tetanos et quinine. Ann. de TInst. Pasteur, Par., 1904, xviii, 748-760. Quinine (Therapeutic use of, Complica- tions . 004; 030: or,:;.—Porazzolo (S.) II crepitio delle falangi negli alc-nolisti i. segno
  • 9i). Qui nt ar (Joseph) [1861- ]. * Operative Behandlung der Carcinome des Dickdarmes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Darm- resektion. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Koniasberg, M. Liedtke, 1892. Quintard(Gustave) [1881- ]. *Deladiar- rhee au debut de I'appendicite. 63 pp. 8°. Paris, 1907, No. 227. Quintal 1. lxxx. 776. Also, Reprint. — Blair (\\. R.) Five lambs at one parturition. Am. Vet. Rev., N. V., 1906-7, xxx, 224.—«le Blecourt (I. J.) Waarneining van een vijfiinggeboorte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903, 2. R., xxxix, d. 2, KI5.S-100L—Hanson (F.) Five children at a birth. [From: Elgin Courant.] Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1858, n. s., xvi, 409.—Ilibbs (R. A.) A case of quintet labor with photographs of children and placenta. Am. Med.-Surg. Hull., N. Y., ism;, x, 267.— Leclech& Le Fur. Quintuple gestation chez une vache. Hull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1904, lviii, 421. —.Tliklmovski (Yu. I.) Sluchal rodov pvater- nyami. [Quintuplets. 1 J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., ions, xxii, 79-85.—Nijhoflr" (G. C.) Nog ids over de vijtlinggeboorte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1901, 2. R., xxxix, d. 2, 1305-1307. Also, transl.: J. Obst. & Gynasc. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1904, vi, 32-34, 1 pl. -----. De vijfiinjren en limine placenta. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 19(13-1,vii,274-276. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. (ivimk., Stuttg., 1904, Iii, 173-179.— Plekova (Mile. S. T.j & Akimova (Mile. N. N.) Sluchal mnogoplodnoi bercmenosti pyatyu plodami. [Pregnancy with quintuplets.1 Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 800. Also, transl: Nord med., Lille, 1906, xii, 138.—Quintuple twins. [Edit.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1505.—Riickiier. Funflinge bei einer Kuh. Berl. tieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1905, 27.—Sato (M.) [An ob- servation of five children at one parturition.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1901, iii, 417-426. —Sato (M. S.) & Sato (M. N.) An experience of a case with five children at a birth. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1902, xxi, 40-44—Sliishido (S.) [The birth of five infants at one parturition.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1901, 433-438.— Stoker (J. M.] A case of quintuplets. Brit. Gynac J., Lond., 1X95-0, xi. 373. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1164. — Volkinauii. Zur Fiinflingsgeburt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 312.—Wein- burg(\V.i Zur Casuistik der Fiinflingsgeburt. Ibid., 396. Quinzio (Cesare). Malattie ed epidemie piu frequenti negli eserciti. Conferenze raccolte dagli allievi . . . E. Saggini, G. Paganini e W. Stefani. viii, 355 pp., 11. 8°. Firenze, tipog. dei minori corrigendi, 1892. ------. Manuale pratico di medicina legale mili- tare. xi, 356 pp. roy. 8°. Firenze, tipog. dell' Lst. geog. mil., 1899." Quioc (J. ) Causes de la fievre typhoide et moyens de la prevenir. 47 pp. 8°. Dijon, Darantihr, 1892. Quiot (D.) [1877- ]. *Des inclusions foe- tales de la region sacro-coccygienne. 79 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 56. Quiret (Vincent-Desire-Joseph) [1869- ]. * Le dermatol dans les diarrhees. 47 pp. 8°. Lille, 1897, 5. s., No. 64. Quirica. See Pinta. Quiring (Walther) [1882- ]. * Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung fluoreszie- render Stoffe auf Labferment. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf&Sohn. 1905. de Quiros (C. Bernaldo). Vocabulario de an- tropologia criminal. 149 pp. 12°. Madrid, J. Bueda, 1906. ------. The same. 152 pp. 16°. Madrid, Edi- torial internat., 1906. Qui§erne (Pierre). *Des polyglobulies. 148 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 516. ------. The same, xii, 148 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Bousset, 1902. Quisling (N. A.) Studier over rakitens vsesen og aarsajrsforholde. Prisbel0nnet afhandling. [Prize essay on rickets and its causation.] 91 pp. 8°. Kristiania, II. Aschehoug & Co., 1886. Also, Editor of: Tidsskrii't for Jordm0dre, Kristiania, 1904-7. QUISSAC. 237 QVIST. Quissac (Jules) [1810- ]. Anatomie phy- siologique et pathologique des articulations diar- throdiales. Question traitee dans le concours pour la place de chef des travaux anatoiniqiies. 2 p. 1., 21 pp. 8°. Montjnllier, L. Castel. 1834. _____. De la doctrine des elements morbides et de son application ii la medecine pratique. 2. ed. 2 v. 384, 396 pp. 8°. Paris & Mont- pellier, J.-B. Balliere, 1857. Quitteiibaum (Carl Friedrieh) [1793-1852]. Inest commentatio de ovarii hypertrophia et historia exstirpationis ovarii hydropiei et hy- pertrophici prospero cum suceessu facta'. 36 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Bostochii, typ. Adlerianis, 1835. Quittor. Sec, also, Horse (Diseases of). Luekey (D. F.) An epizootic quittor among horses and mules. Am. Vet. Rev.. N. Y., 1905-6, xxix, 178-181.— Paine (R.) Excision of the entire lateral cartilage in the treatment of quittor. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1902, xv, 81. Quilzinaim (Ernst-Anton) [1809-79]. Ge- sehichtliche Entwicklung der Parasiten-Theorie und ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Ausbildung der Pathogenie. pp. 145-280, 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, K. Groos, 1845. Cutting. Quitzow (Joh.) * Ein Fall von Monoplegie mit Aniisthesie des Tastsinnes. 19 pp. 8°. Wurz- burg, F. Fromme, 1891. Quivogne (F.) Examen d'une question d'hy- giene publique a propos de 1'epidemie de fievre typhoide, qui sevit a Lyon. 24 pp. 8C. Lyon, Yve. Chanoine, 1874. Quivy (Georges) [1875- ]. *Du xanthome des glvcosuriques. 52 pp. 8C. Paris, 1808, No. 302. Quixotism. Pi y 3Ioli*t. El quijotismo. Rev. me.d.-hidrol. espafi., Madrid. 1905. vi, 155-178. Quiz questions. Ste Flagg (J. Foster). Quiz questions [etc.]. 12°. Philadelphia, 1862. Quiza (Jose G.) Nociones de antropologia y antropometria judicial. Metodos de identifica- Quiza (Jose G.) cion y del eortejo de escritos. Obra de recono- cida utilidad para los cuerpos de seguridad de vigilancia, juzgados y establecimientos penales. 141 pp. 12°. Madrid, Y. Suarez, 1904. Quod (Albert). *De la retroversion de l'uterus pendant la grossesse. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1868, 3. 8., No. 92. Quod liceat pestilentium fugere. Ad cardinalem Grisogoni, dominicus episcopus Brisciensis. MS. 25 1. 4°. [Brescia, 1490?] Congis. Cremitan. S. Romuah. Camald. Ord. sub n° 45. From the librarv of the Camaldulian Monastery. founded by San Roniualdo in the beginning of the eleventh century in Camaldoli, Lombardy. Quoika {Josef) [1813-1900]. Rebitzen. [Nekrolog.] l'rag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 617. Quosig (Karl). * Ueber Gastrostomieen. [Hei- delberg]. 51 pp. 8°. Slrastsburg i. E., C. Midi & Co., 1898. Quota I'd {Henri-Ilonore) [1797-18(51]. Orillard (A.) Discours prononce aux obseques de M. le docteur Quotard. Bull. Soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1862, 4. s., no. 29, 85-89. Qurin (Alexander). *Zur Differentialdiagnose zwischen Tvphus abdominalis und septischer Infection. 32 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Pietzcker, 1896. Quthe (Pierre) [1519- circa 1588]. Dorveanx (P.) Pierre Quthe, maitre apothecaire de Paris. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par., 1908, xv, 369-378, port. Qvist (C.) Koleran, dess igenkiinnande och skyddsmedlen mot densamma. [Cholera, its character and prophylactic measures in the same.] 31 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell & Son, 1872. ------. Statistiska anteckningar ofver en mindre kolera-epidemi i Helsingfors sommaren 1872. [Statistical notes on a minor epidemic of cholera in Helsingfors in the summer of 1872.] 23 pp., 1 map. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell & Sou, 1873. Repr.from: Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, xv R. R * * *. R. r * * *. Catalogue des livres composant la bibliotheque medicale et litteraire de . . . 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, A. Labittc, 1882. R. See Li. A R. Porte-feuille antiv6n6rien [etc.]. 18°. Basle, 1785. R. (A.) See Ross (Alexander). Arcana microcosmi [etc.]. 16°. London, 1652. R. (C. B.) The connexion between vital and physical motion: A conversation. 69 pp. 8°. [London, Harrison 6c Sons, 1881.] R. (E.) The experienced farrier, or farring com- pleated, in two books, physical and chyrurgical, being pleasure to the gentleman and profit to the countrey-man, in which you have the whole body, sum, and substance of it, in one entire volume, in so full and ample manner that there is little or nothing more material to be added thereto; for here is contained every- thing that belongs to the true horse-man, far- rier, or horse-leach, viz, breeding, the manner how, the season when, the place where; the colours, marks, and shapes of all stallions and mares, and what are fit for generation; the feeder, rider, keeper, ambler, and buyer; as also the making of several precious drinks, sup- positories, pills, purgations, scourings, oint- ments, salves, powders, waters, charges, balls, perfumes, and directions how to use them for all inward and outward diseases. 1 p. 1., 161 pp., 9 1.; 54 pp.; 159 pp., 17 1., 1 pl. sm. 4°. London, R. Northcott, 1678. R. (F. F.) Kurze theoretische und practische Abhandlung von venerischen Krankheiten, wo- rinne gezeiget wird, wie man alle dergleichen Krankheiten mit, und ohne Salivation, sicher, und geschwind aus dem Grunde heilen konne, mit einigen hochst nothigen Cautelen und Erinnerungen, zum Nutzen der Chirurgorum und Anfiinger, aufgesetzt. 7 p. 1., 158 pp. 8°. Dresden, M. Grbll, 1760. Bound irith: Schaarschmidt (Samuel). Theoretische und practische Abhandlung von venerischen Kranck- heiten. 8C. Berlin, 1759. R. (H. P.) Brief medical directions for the treatment of accidents, and the course to be pursued in cases of poison, the bite of venom- ous insects, and directions for performing sim- ple surgical operations. To which are added a few useful medical recipes and instructions for sick cookery. By a physician. 82 pp. 16°. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, 1852. R. (J. C. ), jr. Experience in cholelithiasis with and without icterus. By Professor Riedel. [Review.] 4 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii. R. (J. G.) William Pepper, M. D., LL. D. (1843- 98), Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. By Francis Newton Thorpe. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1904, 8°, pp. 555. [Review.] pp. 361-364, port. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1904. Cutting from: Alumni Reg., Phila., 1904, viii. R. (T.) A cure for the epidemical madness of drinking tar-water, lately imported from Ire- land by a certain r----1 r----d doctor. In a letter to his L----p. 66 pp. 8°. London, J. 6c P. Knaplon, 1744. [P., v. 1334.] R. Accademia dei fisiocritici di Siena. Atti della ... s. 4, v. 1-18, 1889-1906. 8°. Siena. ------. Processi verbali delle adunanze. Anni 203-J07, 1894-5 to 1898-9. 8°. Siena, 1895-9. R. Accademia medica di Genova. Bollettino della . . . Anni 4-20, 1888-1905. 8°. Genova. -----. In memoria del Professore Alessandro Tafani. 15 pp., 1 1. 8°. Genova, B. Istituto Sordo-muti, 1890. -----. Statuto e regolamento. 9 pp. 8°. Ge- nova, 1892. R. Accademia medica di Roma. Bollettino. Anni 15-34, 1888-9 to 1908. 8°. Boma, 1889- 1908. ------. Indice decennale dei lavori pubblicati dalla R. Accademia medica di Roma dalla fon- dazione fino a tutto 1' anno 1884. 69 pp., 1 1. 8°. Boma, frat. Centenari, 1890. R. Accademia medico-chirurgica di Napoli. In- dice alfabetico degli autori delle memorie inse- rite nei 42 tomi del Resoconto della r. Accade- mia medico-chirurgica di Napoli (dal 1847 al 1888) e nel volume dei saggi accademici pub- blicato nel 1829. Compilato del Dottor Gennaio de Rosa. 16 pp. 8°. Napoli, A. Tocco A Co., 1889. -----. Resoconto delle adunanze e dei lavori delP ... v. 43, 1889. 4°. Napoli, 1890. -----. Bollettino della .. . v. 2-3, 1890-91. 8°. Napoli, 1891-2. ------. Atti della ... v. 46-59, 1892-1905. 8°. Napoli. R. Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bolo- gna. Memorie. 4. s., v. 1-10; 5. s., v. 1-10; 6. s., v. 1-4. fol. Bologna, 1880-1907. ------. Note sur les derniers progres de la ques- tion de 1'unification du calendrier dans ses rap- ports avec 1'heure universelle. Aux universi- tes et corps savants representes aux fetes du huitieme centenaire de 1' Universite de Bologne. 26 pp. 8°. Bologne, Gamberini& Parmeggiani, 1888. ------. Nouveaux progres de la question du ca- lendrier universel et du meridien universel. Rapport de la commission de 1'unification du calendrier communique aux universites et corps savants representes aux fetes du viii0 centenaire de 1'Universite de Bologne. 20 pp. 4°. Bolo- gne, Gamberini ei- Parmeggiani, 1889. ------. Indici generali dei dieci tomi componenti la serie quarta delle memorie della . . . 1880- 89. 49 pp. fol. Bologna, tipog. Gamberini & Parmeggiani, 1890. Bonnet with: Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1889, 4. s., x. -----. Indice generale dei dieci tomi compo- nenti la serie quinta delle memorie della . . . LS90-1903. 24 pp. fol. Bologna, 1904. Bound with v. 10, 5. s., of Memorie . . . 239 R. 240 R. R. Accademia della scienze [etc.]—continued. -----. Rendiconto della sessione della ... n. p., v. 1-11, 1896-7 to 1906-7. 8°. Bologna, 1897-1907. R. Accademia delle scienze mediche di Genova. Rendiconto sommario della . . . Anno 1, 1885. 96 pp. 8°. Genova, 1885. R. Accademia delle scienze mediche in Palermo. Atti della . . . 1889-1902. 8°. Palermo, 1890- 1903. R. Istituto d' incoraggiamento alle scienze natu- rali economiche e tecnologiche di Napoli. Atti. 4. s., v. 9-11, 1896-8; 5. s., v. 1, 2, 5, 6, 1899- 1904. fol. Napoli, 1897-1905. R. Istituto ostetrico di Torino, diretto dal Prof. Domenico Tibone. Annesso all' Ospizio della maternita. Movimenti clinico dell' anno sco- lastico 1882-1883 (dal di 3 novembre 1882 al 21 luglio 1883). 8 pp. 8°. [Milano, P. Agnelli, 1883.] Repr.from: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1883, v. R. Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico (maternita) di Palermo. Rendiconto clinico del sessennio 1895-1900. Dott. Noto Antonio medico-aiuto. 272 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Palermo,frat. Marsala, 1901. R. Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico di Pisa. Re- soconto del movimento clinico nel . . . durante 1' anno scolastico 1897-98. Dal Prof. Ernianno Pinzani. 41 pp. 8°. Pisa, F. Simoncini, 1898. R. Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di per- fezionamento in Firenze. Sezione di medicina e chirurgia. Pubblicazioni. II triennio 1883- 5 nella clinica ostetrica e s°- Paris, Schleicher frlres, 1900. ------. Anatomie elementaire de la main et du pied, iii, 5-36 pp., 3 1., 1 superimposed pl. 8°. Paris, Schleiclier freres, 1901. ------. Anatomie elementaire du pharynx, de l'oreille et du nez. 38 pp., 1 superimposed pl. 8°. Paris, Schleicher freres, 1901. —---. Notions elementaires sur l'anatomie, la physiologie et Fhygiene de la grossesse. 20 pp., 1 "I., 1 superimposed pl. rov. 8°. Paris, Schleicher frens, 1902. Rabaud (Etienne)—continued. -----. Anatomie et physiologie du corps hu- main. viii, 222 pp., 7 superimposed pl., 7 1. roy. 8°. Paris, Scldeicher freres 6c cie., [1903]. ------. Atlas anatomique du corps de Fhomnie et de la femme. 7 superimposed pl., 8 1. 4°. Paris, Schleicher freres 6c cie., 1905. ------& ^1 on pill aril (Fernand). Atlas d'his- tologie normale, principaux tissus et organes. 198 pp., 50 1., 50 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Carre & C. Naud, 1900. Rabaut - Pomier (Jacu ties - Antoine) [1711-1820]. Rabaut-Pomier, 1744-1820: d'apres des documents inedits. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1893, Hi. 73. Rabbas (G.) Ueber die Wirkung des Sulfonals. Aus der Psychiatrischen Klinik zu Marburg i. H. 7 pp. "8°. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1888.] Repr.from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv. Rabbe (Georges) [1869- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la paralysie faciale dans le zona. 66 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 330. Rabbit-breeding (The) imposture. See Toft (Mary) [in both series of lndex-Cutu- logue]. Rabbits. See, also, Hares. Reiniger (A.) * Anatomie und Ontogenie der beiden Dentitionen von Lepus cuniculus. 8°. Erlangen, 1901. Asslieton (R.) The primitive streak of the rabbit: the causes which may determine its shape, and the part of the embrvo formed byits activity. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1894-5, xxxvii, 191-221, 3 pl. —Castle (W. E.) Color varieties of the rabbit and of other rodents; their origin and inheritance. Science, X. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxiv, 287-291.—Oe Bule (F.) Recherche sur l'innervation motrice du larynx chez le lapin. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1903, v, 96-101.—Kunst- ler(J.) La castration des lie vres par les lapins. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 105. -----. Encoreles litSvres et les lapins. Ibid., 701.-^ftlorpurgo (B.) & Tirelli (V.) Sullo sviluppo dei ganglii intervertebral! del coniglio. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1891-2, iii, 225-250, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892-3, xviii, 413-435.—Thierry (E.) Castration des lievres par les lapins. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 339.—Tonrneux (F.) Note sur le develop- pement de la paroi primitive du thorax chez le lapin. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1902, iv, 16S-174.— Weber (E. H.) Ueber zwei Knoeh'enseheiben, welche sich zwischen je zwei Wirbeln beim Hasen und Kanin- chen befinden. Arcn. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1827, 272-274, 2 pl. Rabbits (Diseases of). Braun ( G. ) Kaninchen-Krankheiten und deren rationelle Behandlung fiir praktische Kaninchenziichter, Kaninchen - Besitzer und Liebhaber. 8°. Leipzig, [1900]. Boddaert (R.) Etude sur une communication ex- ceptionnelle entre le canal thoracique et la veine azygos chez le lapin. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1899, lxxviii, 123-130.—Dueamp. Maladie infectieuse spontanee du lapin avec nevrites p6riph6riques. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1893, Par., 1894, xxii, pt. ii, 817-819— Fabela (O. G.) Notes on an epizootical disease in rab- bits. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1906, Chicago, 1907, xxxii, pt. 2, 198.—Giltay (C.) Sur l'occlusion des ar- teres nourricieres de la tete chez le lapin. Arch, de biol., Gandyer (W. T.) Mulattos. Nature, Lond., 1907-8, lxxvii, 126.—Tnurn- wald (R.) Stadt und Land im Lebcnsprozess der Rasse; eine orientierende Skizze. Arch. f. Rassen. u. Gesellsch.-Biol., Berl., 1904, i, 550; 718; 840.—Weinberg (R.) Zur Theorie einer anatomischen Rassensystematik. Ibid., 1905, ii, 198-214 —Westergaard (H.) Znr Be- volkeningsfragre in der Neuzeit. Ibid., 1906, iii, 359-372.— von Wettstein (R.) Die Entstehung der Rassen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1904, xviii, 7; 25. — Wietli- Knudsen (K. A.) Rassen kreuzung und Fruchtbar- keit. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1908, vii, 289-299.— Wilser (L.) Die Rassengliederung des Menschcnge- schlechts. Ibid., 1906-7, v, 387; 436. -----. Die rassen- haften Wurzeln der europaischen Kultur. Ibid., 698- 703.—Woltmann (L.) Rasse und Genie; Rasse und Religion. Ibid., Eisenach & Leipz., 1903-4, ii, 964-970. -----. Die Bedeutung des Milieus fiir die Rassenent- faltung. Ibid., Leipz., 1905-6, iv, 537-543. -----. An- hanger und Gegner der Rassetheorie. Ibid., 1906-7, v, 257-268. -----. Ein vorurteilsvollcs Buch fiber das Ras- senvorurteil. Ibid., 501-"xi7. -----. Bemerkungen zur Rassetheorie. Ibid., 673 682— Zaborowski. Metis d'Australiens et d'Anglais. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1907, 5. s., viii, 384-393. Race (Degeneration and improvement of)- Sec, also, Man (Degeneration, etc., of); Pueri- culture. Coxtet (E.) La regeneration des families et races tarees. Prophylaxie et hygiene thera- peutique de l'her^dite morbide. 12°. Paris, 1906. LeBerre (J.-F.-M.) * Etude des causes de decheance des races indigenes dans nos colonies. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Rextoll (R. R.) Race culture; or, race sui- cide? (A plea for the unborn.) 8°. London 6c Felling-on-Ti/ne, 1906. Atlierton (A^ B.) The causes of the degeneracy of the human race. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1907-8, xii. 97-102.—Black (J. B.) Race suicide with suggestions Of some remedies. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1907, xix, 247-254. —Bullard (RoscT.) Race conservation. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1904, xiv, 73-76, Burns (B. N.) The importance to the phvsician and surgeon of a knowl- edge of the radical diversities of the human race. Mass. M. J., Bost,, 1907, xxvii, 85-90. —Cliarles ( Etta). Race suicide; the mother's side of the question. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, xcix, 774-778. — Drysdale- Viekery (Alice). Race deterioration and infantile mortalitv. Malthusian, Lond., 1907, xxxi, 11; 19.—von Gerhardt. DerNiedergangderarisclien Rasse. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1908, vii, 72-70. —Houser (J. A.) Race suicide. Med. Brief, St. Louis. 1907, xxxv, 80*; 957 — Knopl (S. A.) RACE. 247 RACHFORD. Race (Degeneration and improvement How may the medical and teaching professions cooperate to improve the moral, mental, and phvsical condition of the voung? Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxx, 401-407. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lyon med., 1906, cvii, S15-S18.—Koliout (B.) Degeneracija covjeceg pokolenja. [Degeneration of the human race.] Lijec. vijestnik. u Zagrebu. 1907, xxix, 9S; 133. — liaupts. D6generescence ou ple- thore? Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1908, xxiii, 731-749.— ITlcGritt" (E. E.) Race suicide; quantity or quality; some economic suggestions. Lancet-Clinic, Cin- cin., 1908, xcix, 771-774—ITIatteuzzi (A.) L' influenza dell' ambiente geograflco e dell' eredita dei caratteri acquisiti nell' evoluxione e nella dissoluzione dei popoli. Atti d. Cong.internaz. di psieol. 1905. Roma, 1906, v, 448.— ^lazzarella vG.) Die neuen Methoden der ethnolo- gischen Jurisprudenz. Arch. f. Anthrop.. Brnschwg., 1906, n. F..v. 227-243.—Pearson i K.) Ueber den Zweck und die Bedeutungeiner national en Rassenhygiene (Na- tional-Eusenik) fiir den Staat). Arch. f. Rassen-u. Ge- sellsch-Biol., Munchen, 1908, v, 67-96. — Penka (K.) Kultur und Rasse. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz., 1904, iii, 229-256.—Ploetz (A.) Willibald Hent- schels Vorschlag zur Hebung unserer Rasse. Arch. f. Rassen-u. Gesellsch.-Biol., Berl., 1901, i. 885-895. -----. Zur Abgrenzung und Einteilung des BcgritTs Rassen- hygiene. iftid., 1906,iii,8i'.4->67.—Reibmayr i A.) Das Schicksal der talentierten und genialen Familien. Po- lit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1907, vi, 545-558. — Rieliard- son(J.H.) Race suicideand Christian Science. Canad. J. M. & $.. Toronto, 1906, xx, 255-257. — Robinovitcli (L. G.) Remarks on a specific human energy and its economic and social significance. Atti. d. Coiir. internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 734-744.—Webb (s. i Phy- sical degeneracy or race suicide? Pup. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1906-7, lxix, 512-529. Race-horses. Barrier (G.) Des qualites a rechercher chez les re- producteurs des chevaux de vitesse. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 545-559.—Cagnj* (P.) Les boiteries d'origine osseuse sur les chevaux de courses. Bull. Soc. centr.. de med. vet., Par., 1900, n. s.. xviii, 132-142.—Dop- ing IThe^ of race-horses. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 218.—Heiming (R.) Das Rennproblem und der Graditzer Rennfall. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1906, iv, 249-252. Racemisation. Wedekind (E.) Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen iiber die Geschwindigkeit der Autoracemisation von optisch- aktivenAmmoniumsalzen. Ztschr.f. Electrochem. [etc.], Halle a. S., 1906, xii, 515-517. Race-suicide. See Conception (Prevention of); Race (De- generation, etc., of). Racli (Carl). Is there a substitute for mother's milk? 2 1. 8°. [Chicago, 1890.] Repr.from: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1890, vii. Rachel (George W.) See >'ew York (The) nurse register. 8J. New York, 188s, Rachialgia. See Neuralgia (Spinal). Rachicocainization. See Injections (Spinal, etc.). Rachid (Kadri). * Etude sur les variations du chlore dans l'organisme. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Pa- ris, 1900, No. 615. Rachinski (X[ikolai leronimovich]) [1856- ]. *K voprosu o mikroorganizmakh pi- shtshevaritelnavo kanala; peptoniziruyushtshi- ya blelok bakterii v zheludkle sobak pri myasnol pishtshle. [Microorganisms of the alimentary canal; bacteria that peptonize albumen in the stomach of dogs on meat diet.] 50 pp., 2 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, Mine. P. Voshtshinskaya, 1888. -----. O primlenenii Hapsalskikh gryazevikh vann na osnovanii fisiologicheskikh dannikh. [Application of the Hapsal mud baths, based on physiological data.] 50 pp. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, P. 0. Yablonski, 1890. Ripr. from: Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1890, vii. Racliinski (N[ikolaI leronimovich])—cont'd. -----. Massage i gimnastika pri zhenskikh bo- lleznyakh. [. . . and gymnastics in diseases of women.] iv (1 1.), 99 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Bikker, 1895. -----. Ob akushorskikh shtshiptsakh. [Ob- stetric forceps.] 26 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1903. Racliiotome. Breglia (A.i II rachiotomo e microtomo per le ossa non decalciticatc. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, isoo vi, 216-249, lpl. Rachitis. See Rickets. Rachlin (Leiba) [1880- ]. * Ueber die operative Behandlung der Nephrolithiasis. 60 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1908]. Racliinilcwilscli (Esfira). *Hundert Fiille von abdominaler Exstirpation des carcinomato- sen Uterus mit Beckenausriiumung. 70 pp., 3 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1907]. Racluiiilcwilz (Nachmon) [1876- ]. *Ue- ber einige Derivate der Benzhydroxamsiiure. 43 pp. S°. Konigsberg, H. Jaeger, 1900. Racliou (Jean) [1878- ]. *Le foot-ball Rugbv et ses accidents. 55 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905 No 59 Racliwalsky (Theodor) [1879- ]. *Zur Lehre von den Mastdarmfisteln. 34 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Raciborski (Adam) [1810-70]. Portrait. In: Album wybitnych lekarzv polskich, 8°, Poznah, [1906]. Racine (M.-Henri). * Etude climatologique, hydrologique et therapeutique de Bagneres-de- Luchon. 120 pp. 4°. Toulouse, 1893, No. 23. Racine County. See Insane (Asylums for, Description, etc., of), by localities. Racine County. Bacine County Asylum. An- nual reports of the board of trustees, superin- tendent, and visiting physician to the board of supervisors of Racine Countv. 1.-13., 1889-90 to 1901-2. 8°. Bacine, 1890-1902. Racing. Furnivall (P.) Physical training for high speed competitions. 8°. London, 1888. Dodd (J. R.) & Battersby (H. L.) The Ghurkha "khud" race. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vii, 408-410.— Gibson (L. P.) Physiological effects of prolonged strain; Mr. Edge's motor drive. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 100.—Henselien (S. E.) Skidlauf und Skidwettlauf; eine medizinische Sportsstudie. Mitt. a. d. med. Klin, zu Upsala, Jena. 1899.ii, 1-74.—Martin (G. H.) The Marathon race; a pvschic defeat. Med. Century, N. Y., 1908, xvi, 289-291. —Pl'elffer (YV.) Lntcrsu- chungsergebnisse an Wcttgehern und YVettradfahrern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 93-97.—Triplet! (N.) The dvnamogenic factors in pacemaking and competi- tion. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1897-8, ix, 507-533.— Wliittingdale ( J. F. L. ) Is it advisable to allow junior boys to compete in long-distance races? J. San. Inst., Lond., 1900-1901, xxi, 91-94.—V. (<1. U.) A law of record times in racing. Nature, Lond., 1900-7, lxxv, 463. Rack (Achille). *De Palimentation azotee. lp.l.,40pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865,2. s., No. 846. Rackwitz (Carl August Walter) [1874- ]. * Vier Fiille von Angina Ludovici. 18 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, K. Jansen, 1904. Raekwitz ([Oswald] Hugo) [1878- ]. * Beitrage zur Therapie der Extrauterine iravi- ditiit. 28 pp. 8°. Halle a. S.,C. A. Kaemmerer 6c Co., 1905. Racliford (Benjamin Knox) [1857- ]. Ansemia of tuberculosis. 24 pp. 8°. New York, M. J. Booney, 1892. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1892, ix. RACHFORD. 248 RADCLIFF. Racliford (Benjamin Knox)—continued. ------. Fat digestion. 9 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1892, cvi. ------. Purpura hemorrhagica. 8 pp. 12°- [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxiii, ------. The etiology of chorea. 14 pp. 12°. [n. p., 1893.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiv. ------. Tuberculous neuroses of childhood. 17 pp. 8°. New York, 1893. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat.,N, Y., 1893, x. ------. Paraxanthin as a factor in the etiology of certain obscure nervous conditions. 17 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 6c Co., 1894.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv. -------. Uric-acid leukomains as factors in the etiology of migraine and kindred nervous diseases. 13 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 6c Co., 1894.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv. ------. Comparative anatomy of the bile and pancreatic ducts in mammals, studied from the physiologic standpoint of fat digestion. 11 pp. 8°. Detroit, Geo. S. Davis, 1895. Repr.from: Medicine, Detroit, 1895, i. ------. Leucomain poisoning. 21 pp. 12°. New York, 1895. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii. ------. Treatment of leukomain poisoning. 11 pp. . 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers 6c Co., 1895. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. ------. A case of superficial gangrene. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1896, xiii. -------. Leukomain poisoning. 18 pp. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxvii. -----. Studies in pancreatic digestion, made with pancreatic juice. 99 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1900. Repr.from: J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1891, xii. ------. Study of a typhoid fever epidemic. 13 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1901. Repr.from: Medicine, Detroit, 1901, vii. -----. Acute influenzal nephritis in childhood. 8 pp. 12°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx. ------. Treatment of migraine. 12 pp. 12°. New York; 1903. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii. -------. Neurotic disorders of childhood, includ- ing a study of auto and intestinal intoxications, chronic anaemia, fever, eclampsia, epilepsy, migraine, chorea, hysteria, asthma, etc. 440 pp. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat 6c Co., 1905. ------. Gonococcus vaginitis in children. 4 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1906. Repr. from: Lancet-Clinic, 1906, lvii. ------. Pseudomasturbation in infants. 20 pp 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat, N. Y., 1907, xxiv. ------. Lithemia; its pathology, etiology, symp- tomatology, and treatment. 48 pp. 8°. '[Cin- cinnati, n. d.] ------& Crane (W. H.) Comparative toxicitv of ammonium compounds; a study in auto- intoxication. 17 pp. 12°. New York, 1902. Repr. from: Med. News, N. Y., 1902. Racle (Victor-Alexandre) [1819-1867]. *De l'alcoolisme. 122 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Hire 6c fils, 1860. [P., v. 2251.] Concours. Lade (Victor-Alexandre)—continued. ——. Traite de diagnostic medical ou guide clinique pour l'etude des signes caractcristiques des maladies. 3. ed., revue, augment*'e ct con- tenant un precis des precedes physiques et chimiques d'exploration clinique. viii, 697 pp 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere 6c fils, 1864. See, also, Bouillaud (Jean-Baptiste). Lecons clini- ques sur les maladies du cceur [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1*53.— Valleix (P.-L.-I.) Guide du medecin praticien retc.l 8°. Paris, 1860-61. L J Raclot (Leon). *Des alopecies du nouveau-ne dans leurs rapports avec le traumatisme obste- trical. 80 pp. 8°. Pans, 1903, No. 320. Racuvitza (Emile-G.) *Le lobe cephalique et l'encephale des annelides polychetes; anatomie, morphologie, histologie. 216 pp., 5 pl. 8° Paris, G. Steinheil, 1896. ------. Essai sur les problemes biospeologiques. pp. 371-488. 8°. Paris, Schleicher freires, 1907. Forms no. 7 of: Arch, de zool. exp6r. et gen. Hist, nat, [etc.l, Par., 1907,4. s., vi. Alio, Co-Editor of: Archives de zoologie experimen- tale et generale, Par., 1906-7. von Bad (Carl). * Ueber einen Fall von ange- borener Pulmonalstenose mit einem Defect in der Ventrikelscheidewand. 33 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, F. Pietzcker, 1895. Rad for allmogen i afseende k de spada barnens uppfodande i Norra Finland. [Advice to the people in respect to bringing up young children in North Finland.] 24 pp. 12°. Helsingfors, J. Simelii Arfwingar, 1844. Radaeli (Francesco). Sul modo di comportarsi dei globuli bianchi nella sifilide. 21 pp. 8°. Boma, 1896. Repr.from: Policlinico, Roma, 1896, ii, Radafme. * Etude sur l'alcoolisme a Madagas- car avant la conquete francaise. 66 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 28. Radais (Maxime). La fleur femelle des coni- feres. 103 ,pp. 4°. Pan's, 1894. Concours. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris. Radasch (Henry E.) [1874- ]. Ectopia of the adrenal. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1902, exxiv. In: Pub. Lab. Jefferson Med. Coll. Hosp., Phila, 1904,i, no. 13. ------. An interesting tumor and its relations to heredity. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1905. Repr.from: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix. In: Pub. Lab. Jefferson Med. Coll. Hosp., Phila.,1905,ii. ------. Observations upon the form of the red blood corpuscle of man. 7 pp. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1906.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1906, exxxi. . In: Pub. Lab. Jefferson Med. Coll. Hosp., Phila., 1906,iii. ------. An unusual anomaly of the palmaris longus muscle. 4 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1906.] Repr.from: Am. Med., Phila., 1906, n. s., i. In: Pub. Lab. Jefferson Med. Coll. Hosp., Phila., 1906,iii. For Biography, see Jeffersonian, Phila., 1908-9, x, i. Radasewsky (Max) [1864- ]. * Ueber die Muskelerkrankungen der Vorhofe des Herzens. 105 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jiirjeu; Schackenburg, 1894. Radau (Rodolphe) [1835- ]. Me moire sur les phenomenes produits par le concours de deux sons, par R. Keenig. Analyse. 14 pp. roy. 8°. [Paris, Yves. Benou, Maulde 6: Cock, b87(>.] A. L. A. Repr.from: Monit. scient., Par., 1876, xviii. Radhmicli (Gustav). Geburtshiilfe und Straf- reeht. 34 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1907. Radeliff (Samuel). .sv.eHameau rj.-M.-Gustavel. The climate of Arca- I chon [etc.]. 8°- Lontloii, 1874. RADCLIFFE. 249 RADEL-FRIEDMANX. Radcliffe (Dr.). See Clarke (Jacob Augustus Lockhart) [in 1. s.]. On the pathology oi tetanus [etc.]. 8°. London, 1865. Radcliffe (Charles Bland) [1822-89]. Epilepsy and other convulsive affections, their pathology and treatment. 2. ed., revised and enlarged. x (1 1.), 383 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1858. -----. Lectures on epilepsy, pain, paralysis, and certain other disorders of the nervous system. xxiv, 25-280 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 6c Blakiston, 1866. -----. The electrical aspects of vital motions. 139 pp. 8°. [London, B. Clai/, Sons 6c Taylor, 1874.] -----. The connexion between vital and phys- ical motion; a conversation. 69 pp. 8°. [Lon- don, Harrison 6c Sons, 1881.] See, also. Diseases (On) of the spine [etc.]. 8°. Phil- aililphia, 1871.—Epilepsy, [etc]. 8°. London, 1854. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog.,Lond., 1896, xlvii, 121 [D'A. Power). Also: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1890, lxxiii, 9-11 (Sir E. H. Sievekingt. [Radcliffe (John)] [1650-1714]. Pharmaco- peia Had cliff eana; or, Dr. Radcliff's prescrip- tions, faithfully gathered from his original reci- pe's; to which is annexed useful observations upon each prescription. 2. ed., corrected. 2 pts. xii [4 1.], 100 pp.; 166 pp., 1 1.; 5 p. 1., 595 pp., 7 1., port. 12°. London, C. Bivington, 1716. The 100 pp. are devoted to a life of Radcliffe. -----. The same. 3. ed. xii, 165 pp., port. 16°. London. C. Bivington, 1718. See. also, Practical (The) physician for travellers, [etc.]. 8°. London. 1729. ForBioaraphu. see Diet. Nat. Biog.,Lond., 1896,xlvii, 129- 132 (G. A. Ait ken i. Also: Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, xxiv, 308. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1899, lxiii, 57- 60,1 pl. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Also: Doctor's Mag., Alma, Mich., 1901, v. ------. See, also: Gosse(E.) A doctor to kings. Cutting from: Harper's Month.Mag., N.Y.,1905.cx, 173-178.—Jolin Radelitte, M. D., founder of the Radcliffe Library, Oxford. Pharm. J., Lond., 1898, vii, 222; 267; 331.—L.avers-Smitli (H.) Memoir. Guv's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1901, xv, 545-550.— Osier (W.) "John Radcliffe [the first possessor of the "gold-headed cane"]. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1906, xvii, 163-165. Radcliffe {John) [1690-1729]. Aitken (G. A.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 132. Radcliffe (John Netten) [1830-84]. Sc Diseases (On) of the spine [etc.]. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1*71. For Bioaraplai, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 132 i B. B. Woodward). Radcliffe (Samuel J.) [1828-1903]. The rela- tion of tonsillitis to rheumatism. 8 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1890. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv. -----. Ichthyol as a remedy for facial erysip- elas. 7 pp. 12°. Detroit, Mich., G. S. Davis, 1892. Repr.from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. s., viii. -----. Cold water as a hygienic measure in health and disease. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1893.] Repr. from: J. Balneol. & Diet, N. Y., 1893, vii. -----. Foreign bodies in the nasal cavities. 6 pp. 8°. [St. Louis, 1893.] Repr. from: St. Louis Clinique, 1893, vii. For Biography, see Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiv, 104. Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. Annual reports of the committee of management to the govern- ors and subscribers. 116.-137., 1886-1907. 8°. Oxford, 1887-1908. Established 1770. Incorporated by royal charter Dec. 23, 1884. Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford—continued. ------. A practical scheme for maintaining the continuity of annual subscriptions during the lifetime and for a number of years (more or less) after the subscriber's decease or migration, through the generous and facile agency of the Post Office Savings Bank. By E. Vaughan Jenkins, iv, 73 pp., port. sm. 4°. Oxford, Alden 6c Co., 1899. Radcliffe Library, Oxford University Museum. Catalogue of transactions of societies, periodicals, and memoirs available for the use of the stu- dents in the reading room of the ... 4. ed. 95 pp. 8°. Oxford, Radcliffe Trustees, 1887. ------. Catalogues of books added to the . . . during the years 1889-1903. 4°. Oxford, 1890- 1904. Raddi (Amerigo). L' architetto costruttore in rapporto all' igiene delle abitazioni. 19 pp. 8°. Torino, L. Roux 6: Co., 1890. ------. Quali le norme de seguirsi nei progetti di nuovi piani regolatori edilizi e di risanamento. 22 pp. 8°. Torino, L. Roux 6c Co., 1890. ------. Sulle condizioni igieniche di Spezia. Riassunto di lettere e scritti, con considerazioni ed aggiunte. 62 pp. 8°. Firenze, S. Landi, 1890. ------. All' operaio italiano. Raeeolta di scritti varii sulla previdenza sul lavoro, sulle condi- zioni economiche del lavoratore, e sull' igiene relativa. 148 pp. 8°. Firenze, S. Landi, 1891. ------. L'assainissement de la ville de Venise. Reponse a MM. Cadel et Gosetti. 16 pp., 1 map. 12°. Paris, imp. C. Schlaeber, 1892. Repr. from: G6nie sanit., ii, 2. [------.] The same. 16 pp., 1 map. 8°. [Pa- ris, C. Schlaeber, 1892.] ------. Alcune questioni d' igiene edilizia e di polizia sanitaria. Memorie e comunicazioni lette alia Societa fiorentina d' igiene durante le sessioni ordinarie del 1894 e 95. 1 p. 1., 77 pp., 1 1. 8°. Firenze, G. Civelli, 1896. Repr.from: Gior. d. Soc. fiorent. d' ig., Firenze, 1896, xii. Rade (V.-A.) Traite de diagnostic medical, etc. Trattato di diagnosi medica, o Guida clinica per lo studio dei segni caratteristici delle malattie. Contenente un sommario dei procedimenti fisici e chimici di esplorazione clinica; 4a edizione, colla aggiunta di una es- posizione dei piu recenti lavori, redatta dal dottor Blachez. Parigi, 1868, Bailliere & fils. Cenno bibliografico del Domenico Mucci. 47 pp. 8°. Milano, 1869. [P., v. 1851.] Repr.from: Ann. univ. di med.,Milano, 1809, ccx. Radeberg. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Radecke (Ludwig Adolf Petrus Joh.) [1863- ]. * Ueber den heutigen Stand der Erv- sipel-Frage. 37 pp., 11. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer 6c Co., 1891. Radecke (Walther) [1872- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Abknickung der Flexura sig- moidea ohne Volvulus. 28 pp., 21. 12°. Ber- lin, C. Yoe/t, 1896. Radefeldt (Fritz Emil Karl) [1877- ]. *Ein Fall von Fraktur der Halswirbelsiiule und Hernia duodenojejunalis. 29 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Greifswald, II. Adder, 1901. Radeke {Gustav) [1812-92]. For Biography, see Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1892, Provi- dence, 1893, iv, pt. 4, 483-487, port. Radcl-Friedmann (Mme.) * Contribution a l'etude de la hernie traumatique dans les acci- dents du travail. 46 pp. 8°. Lausanne, Pache- Vnridel 6c Cie., 1904. RADEMACHER. 250 RADIOACTIVITY. Rademacher (Edmund) [1876- ]. *Ho- denretention und Abdominaltumoren. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., Wischan 6c Burkhardt, 1904. Radcmaclicr (Joh. Gottfried) [1772-1850]. Sti Auerbaeli (H[ermannj M.) Rademacher's Heil- mittcl. 12\ li, ;V/h, 1S52.—Oehiiieii i F.) .lohann Gott- fried Rademacher, [etc.]. 8D. Bonn, 1900. Rademacher (Max) [1872- ]. *Ein Bei- trag zu den Beobachtungen der carcinomatosen Degeneration des Fibromyoma uteri. 29 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1895. Rademacher (Wilhelm). * Ein Fall von Endothelioma cervicis uteri. 25 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, 1895. Rademacherism. Auerbach (H. M.) Rademacher's Heilmit- tel. Fiir den Praktiker zusammengestellt. 2. unveranderter Abdruck. 12°. Berlin, 1852. Hoffmann (R.) *Die Arzneimittel Rade- machers. Ein historischer Beitrag zur Arznei- mittellehre. 8°. Greifswald, 1895. Kissel (C.) *Die Heilmittel Rademachers und der naturwissenschaftlichen Therapie. 16°. Giessen, 1859. Rademacher (J. G.) Rechtfertigung der von den Gelehrten misskannten, verstandes- rechten Erfahrungsheillehre des alten scheide- kiinstigen Geheiniarzte und treue Mittheilung des Ergebnisses einer fiinfundzwanzigjahrigen Erprobung dieser Lehre am Krankenbette. 8°. Berlin, 1843. -----. The same. 2. Ausg. 2 v. 8°. Ber- lin, 1846-7. -----. The same. 4. Ausg. 2 v. 8°. Ber- lin, 1851-2. Radeinaker (Geurt Arend). * Onderzoekin- gen naar aanleiding van een geval van Indische spruw. [Leiden.] 3 p. 1., 102 pp. 8°. Zwolle, de erven J. J. Tijl, [1906]. Radeinaker (J.). Sir Aaelien als Kurort [etc]. 8°. Aachen, 1889.— Aix-la-Cliapelle [etc.]. 8°. London, 1892. Radenhausen (Rudolf Florentin) [1871- ]. *Ueber Acidylamidosiiure hydrazide. 38 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, d. Andresen, 1893. RadCKtock (G.) Die Inunctionskur, ihreAn- wendung und Bedeutung gegeniiber anderen antiluetischen Kuren. iv, 122 pp. 12°. Leip- zig, C. G. Neumann, [n. d.]. Med. Bibliot., nos. 29-30. Radestock (Paul). Schlaf und Traum. Eine phvsiologisch - psychologische Untersuchung, x (1 1.), 330 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Breitkopf 6c Hdrtel, 1879. Radesyge. Bemerkungen iiber die Radesyge. Syphilidol., Erlang., 1802, iii, 408-488.—Kjerruli" (C. J.) Utkast till den Bohusliinska Saltflussens eller Radesygens nosograri, efter Anteckningar gjorde pa. Liinssjukhuset i Uddevalla Iran ar 1842 till och med ar 1849. [Sketch of the Bo- husliin eczema or nosography of radesyge, from notes taken in Government Hospital in Uddevalla from 1842 to 1849.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1850, xii, 193; 251. Radet (Jean-Baptiste) [1751-1830]. See [Barre (P.-Y.) & Kadet]. Les docteurs mo- dernes [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1784. Radford (Thomas) [1793-1881]. Galvanism applied to the treatment of uterine haemor- rhage. 8 pp. 8°. [Wcjreester, Deightonci-Co.], 1844. -----. Cases of torsion, doubling, and expul- sion of the fictus, in shoulder presentations. 8 pp. 12°. Manchester, Wm. Irwin, 1848-9. -----. Further observations on the Caesarean section. 13(11.), 4 pp., 11. 8°. Manchester, 1868. Radford (Thomas)—continued. -----. The same. 13 (1 1.), 4 pp., 1 1. s°. Metnehester, The Guardian, 1868. [P., v. 2193.] Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1S68, i. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 379 (D. L. Roberts). Also: Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 147 (O. W. Sutton). Radford (W. T.) risii-lwoj. Roberts (D. L.) Biography. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1763. Radiata. Goto (S.) The bodv-cavities of the stai-iisli. Annot. zool. japon., Tokyo, i898, ii, 79-s;>.—Nalcnsky (VV.) Radiata und Bilatcria. Biol. Cent rait jL, Leipz.. 190H, xxviii, 624-630.—!Scliimkewit»ch (Mi Leber die Beziehungen zwischen den Bilateralia und den Radiata; vorliiufige Mitteilung. Ibid., 129; 145; 196. Radiation. See Rays and radiation. Radiators. Clamond (The) gas radiator. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1520-1522. Radica-l>oodica. See Monsters (Surgical operations on). Radical cure of hydrocele [etc.]. See Earle (Sir James). Radicke (Paul). *Schiitztdas Emphysem vor Erkrankung an Lungentuberkulose? 31 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge & Sohn, 1902. von Radics (P.) Mineralbad Toplitz in Un- terkrain und seine Umgebungen. x, 117 pp. 12°. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1878. Radiculitis. See Nerves (Inflammation of). Radier (Francis) [1862- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des dechirures du perinee et de leur traitement primitif. 64 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 372. Radig (Bruno) [1871- ]. * Beitrag zu der Tarsoplastik nach Biidinger. 25 pp.,1 1. *°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Radiguer (Paul) [1877- ]. *R61e des toxines tuberculeuses locales dans le processus tuberculeux. La tuberculose, maladie d'intoxi- cation surtout locale. Etude de pathologie ge- nerale. 54 pp., 5 pl., 6 1. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 323. Radiguet (Henri-Edouard-Michel) [1863- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'origine hydriquede la fievre typhoide; fievre typhoide et eau de Seine dans les prisons de Paris. 117 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 65. Radiguet [ -1905]. [Biography.] Arch, d'electrio. med., Bordeaux, xiii, 929 (H. G.). Radijs (A.) Wat hebben zij te bedenken, die van het krankbed opgerigt, of van ziekten ver- schoond gebleven zijn? 39 pp. 8°. Haar- lem, J. B. Yan Loe/hem, 1849. Radike (Richard). *Die physikalisch-mecha- nische Behandlung von Herzkrankheiten. 39 pp. 8°. Genf, II. Kiindig, 1903. Radilowski (Mendel) [1876- ]. *Beitrag zur Therapie schwerer Scoliosen. 19 pp., 21., 1 tab. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., A. Jacoby, 1900. Radioactivity. See, also, Light; Polonium; Radium; Rays and radiation; ROntg-en rays; Selenium; Tho- rium; Uranium; Waters (Mineral, Radioac- tivity of). Blanc (G. A.) Radioattivita; conunaprefa- zione d' A. Sella ed un' appendice di G. D'Or- mea sulle azioni fisiologiche dei raggi Becque- rel. 16°. Milano, 1907. RADIOACTIVITY. 251 RADIOACTIVITY. Radioactivity. Dicca (W.) * Ueber luniineszierende Stoffe und die Radioaktivitiit des I*runs. 8°. Miin- chen, 1905. Jones (H. C.) The electrical nature of mat- ter and radioactivity. 8°. New York; 1906. Makower (W.) The radioactive substances, their properties and behaviour. 12°. New York, 1908. Marckwald (W.) Ueber Becquerelstrahlen und radioaktive Substanzen. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Rutherford (E.) Radioactivitv. 8°. Cam- bridge, 1904. -----. Radioactive transformations. 8°. New York, 1906. Armstrong' (H. E.) & Lowiy (T. M.) The phe- nomena of luminosity and their possible correlation with radio-activity. Proc. Roy.,Soc. Lond.. 1903, lxxii. 258- 264— Balthazard (V.) Etude physiologique et thera- peutique des radiations emiscs par les corps rndio-actifs et de leurs emanations. Arch, d' electric. merL, Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 403-414.—Barker (<;. F.) Radioactivity and chemistrv. Apoth.<& N.Eng. Drug., Bost., N. Y. & Phila., 1903, xv. 475; 554; 622. Also: School of Mines Quart., N. Y., 1902-4. xxiv, 267-302. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Druggist A Pharm. Rec, N. Y., 1903, xiii, 101.—Becker (A., 1'n- sere gegenwartigen Kenntnisse iiber Radioaktivitiit. Naturw. Wchnschr., Jena, 1904. n. F., iii, 993; 1012. -----. Die Radioaktivitiit der Atmosphare und der Erdsubstanz. Ibid., 1906, xxi, 209; 225— Beequerel (H.) Sur la ra- dioactivity de la matiere. Proc. Rov. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1903, xvii, 85-94, 7 pl.—Beequerel (P.) Re- cherche sur la radio-activite vt5g6tale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1905, cxl, 54-56.—Bergell (P.) Le- ber Radioaktivitiit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1394. -----. Die Radioactivitiit. Ztschr. f. Balneol., Berl.. 1908, i, 418-423.—Bevilacqua (P. G.) La teoria radioattiva per le malattie infcttivi ed autotos- siche. Risveglio med., Pescara, 1900, i, 133-141.—Bolton (H. C.) An experimental study of radioactive substances. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1898-9, 155-162. — Bolt- ivood i B. B. i On the ultimate disintegration products of the radic lactive elements. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1905, 4. s., xx. 253-207. -----. On ionium, a new radio-active clement. Ibid.. I'M*, 4. s., xxvi, 36.5-381.—Boyle (R.W.) The absorption of the radio-active emanations bv char- coal. J. Phys. Chem., Ithaca, 1908, xii, 484-506.—Buni- stead (H. A.) Atmospheric radioactivitv. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven. 1904, 4. s., xviii, 1-11.—Buinstead (H. A.) & Wlieeler (L. P.) On the properties of a radioactive gas found in the soil and water near New Haven. Ibid., xvii, 97-111.—Cameron (A. T.) The transformations of elements; those detected by radioactive methods; with some account of the properties of these elements so far as known. Science Prog. 20. Cent., Lond., 1907-8, ii, 525- 549.—Consens (R. L.) On a radioactive substance dis- covered in the Transvaal, and experiments connected therewith. Chem. News, Lond., 1905, xcii, 203; 215 — Curie (P.) Recent research on radioactivity. Am. Chem. J..Bait.,1904, xxxi, 410-445.—Dadouriun (H.M.) Radioactivity of underground air. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1905, xix, 16-22. -----. Sur les constituents de la radio- activite atmospherique. Radium, Par., 1908, v, 102-105.— Dannc (J.) Sur les courbes de radioactivity induite obtenues par MM. Sarazin et Tommasina. Ibid., 71-75.— Darier (A.) Action analg6siante des substances radio- actives. Ibid., 1904, i, 77-81. Also: Rev. de therap. med.- chir., Par., 1904, lxxi, 685-691.—Deblerne (A.) Les corps radioactifs. Bull. d. sc. pharmacol., Par., 1905, xii, 278; 324: 1906, xiii, 18. -----. The present state of our knowledge of radioactivity. Chem. News, Lond., 1908, xcviii, 235; 247; 259; 271; 289; 300.-Des< hamps (J.) Les corps radio-actifs. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 38-46—Dessauer (F.) Ueber Radioaktivitiit und Elektronentheorie. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1906, xxxi, 62-69.—Duane ( VV. ) Sur remission d'elec- tricite par la radioactivity induite du radium. Ra- dium, Par., 1908, v, 65-71. —Diiden. Leber die Fort- schritte in der Erkenntnis der radioaktiven Stoffe. Na- turw. Wchnschr., Jena, 1903, n. F., iii, 17-20.—Eve (A. S.) Absorpion des ravonsy des substances radioactives. [Transl.] Radium, Par., 1906, iii, 136-939. —Fernan- dez Osuna (G. F.) Teoria de la radioactividad. Gac. meM.d. Sur de Espafia, Granada, 1907, xxv, 49-54. -----. Radioactividad tehirica. Ibid., 97-100.— Form an ek (E. ) O.iatkaeh radioaktivn^ch. [Radioactive sub- stances.] Casop.p. verej., zdravot.,Praha, 1904, vi,41-49.— Gager (C. S.) Radioactivity a factor in plant environ- ment. Science, N.Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxv, 263. -----. Some effects of radioactivity on plants. Ibid., 264.— Gledltsch (E.) Sur le lithium dans les mineraux radioactifs. Radium, Par., 1908, v, 33.—Gottlieb (L.) Die Wirkung und Anwendung der Joachimsthaler radio- aktiven Grubenwiisser. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Radioactivity. Wien u. Berl., 1907* xxv, 169-173. — Halm (0.) Die Atomzerfallshypothese. Ztschr. f. Elcktrochem., Halle a. S., 1907, xiii, 383-388. -----. Der Zerfall der radioakti- ven Elemente. Beihfte. d. med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 33-64.—Henry (A.) La radioactivite. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1903, xxvii, 237-214—Himstedt (F.) Radioactivity. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1905-6, Wash., 1907, 117-130. — Hoffmann (K.) Die radioaktiven Stoffe nach dem gegenwiirtigen Stande der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntniss. Heilkunde, Berl., 1903, 291-294.— Hoff- mann (K. A.) & YVollt (V.) Radioactive lead and Grignard's reaction. Chem. News, Lond., 1907, xcvi,13.— Jentzsch (F.) Kompressen aus radioaktiven Stoffen. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1908, iii, 23- 25.—Jessen (F.) Ueber Radioactivitat in der Davoser Luft. Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch., Aarau, 1906, 2. Hft., 7-9.—Joly (J.) The radioactivity of sea-water. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1905-8, n.s., xi, 253-256.— Komppa (G.) Radioaktivisista aineista. [Radioactive substances.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1903, xix, 295-303.— Le Bon. Theorie de la radioactivity dissociation des atomes et de la matiere. Rev. pharm., Gand, 1907, n. s., xxiii, 353-358.—von Lerch. (F.) Die Naturder radio- aktiven Strahlung. Ztschr. f. Elektrochem., Halle a. S., 1907, xiii, 377-383.—London (E.-S.) Action physiolo- gique de la radioactivite faible. Radium, Par., 1905, ii, 393-395. Also: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 94-101.—Lotero (L.) Seccion de radioactividad. Rev. med.-hidrol. cspafi., Madrid, 1908, ix, 97-101. — McClelland (J. A.) The comparison of capacities in electrical work; an application of radio-active substances. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1904, n. s., x, pt. 2,167-177.— McCoy (H. N.) Radioactivitv as an atomic property. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1905, xxvii, 391-103.— McCoy (H. N.) & Ashman iG. C.) The preparation of urano-uranic oxide, l"3 <>8, and a standard of radio- activity. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1908, 4. s., xxvi, 521-530.— McLennan (J.-C.) Sur la radioactivite des sels de po- tassium. Radium, Par., 1908, v, 142.—McLennan (J.C.) & Burton (E. F.) On the radioactivity of metals gen- erally. Univ. Toronto Stud. Phys. Sc. s. 1903, 27-32.— Marelivvald (VV.) Ueber radioactive Stoffe. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, lxxii, 590. -----. Radio- aktive Stoffe, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Heilkunde. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1907, iv, 257-264. ------. Das chemische Verhalten der radioaktiven Substanzen. Ztschr. f. Elektrochem., Halle a. S., 1907, xiii, 372-375. -----. La radioactivite. Monit. scient., Par., 1908, 4. s., xxii, 569-587.—Meyer (G.) Die Entwickelung von Helium aus radioaktiven Substan- zen. Ztschr. f. Elektrochem., Halle a. S., 1907, xiii, 375- 377.—Meyer(S.) & von Sell weldler (R.) Recherches sur les substances radioactives. Radium, Par., 1905, ii, 389-392.—Mygge (J.) ^Fldre medicinske Doktriner be- lyste gennem Elektronteorien og Leeren om Radioaktivi- tet. [Older medical doctrines illustrated by the electron theory and the doctrine of radioactivitv.] Ugesk. f. Lar- ger, K0benh.,19O5, 5. R., xii, 337; 361.—Nordmann (C.) Enregistrement continu de l'ionisation gazeuse et de la radioactivity par les methodes de deperdition. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 1596-1599.—Part- ridge (E. A.) & Bradbury (R. H.) Radioactivitv. J. Franklin Inst., Phila., 1903, clvi, 321-334.—Pegrain (G. B.) Detection and measurement of radioactivitv. Arch. Electrol. & Radiol., Chicago, 1904, iv, 313-317.— Plesch (J.) A rajecftirdtti heAviz radioactivitasa. [Radioactivity of the hot water of the baths of Ra- jec] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1904, ii, 367; 387.—Bam- say (SirW.) Do the radio-active gases (emanations) belong to the argon scries? Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1908, lxvi, 326. — Blemer (O.) Radioaktivitiit. Med. f. Alle, Wien u. Leipz., 1906, i, 241-244. —Biglii (A.) Esperienze dimostrativo della radioattivita. Rendic. r. Accad. d. sc d. 1st. di Bologna, 1903-4, n. s., viii, 120-135. —Bock well (A. D.) Radioactivity. Arch. Physiol. Therap., Bost., 1905, i, 65-08. —Bol 11ns (W.) Some principles involved in the therapeutic applica- tions of radio-activity. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 542-544. — Butlierl'ord (K.) Present problems in radioactivity. Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 5-34. -----. Absorption of the radioactive emanations by charcoal. Nature, Lond., 1906-7, lxxiv, 634. -----. Re- cent advances in radioactivity. Ibid., 1907-8, lxxvi 422- 426.—Severeanu (G.) Radiologia si substantele radio- active in medicina. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1905, 'xxv, 122- 132.—Sickles (W.) Radioactivity: the therapeutic re- sult we may expect at its present stage of development. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1904-5, iii, 623-627.—Simp- son (G. C.) Atmospherical radioactivity in high lati- tudes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 209-216.— Soddy (F.) Etat nctucl de la radioactivite. Radium, Par., 1906, iii, 193-195.—Southwick (G. R.) Radio- activity. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1904, xxxix. 496-505.— Strong (W. W.) Radioactivity of ordinary substances. Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 524-;>35.—Strutt (R. .1.) On the radio-active minerals. Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1905, Ixxxvi, A, 88-101. -----. Radio-active changes in the earth. Chem. News, Lond., 1908, xcviii, 73-75.—Sul- RADIOACTIVITY. 252 RADIUM. Radioactivity. livan (J. C.) Radioactivity. Illinois M. J., Spring- lield, 1901, vi, 236-238.— Tale 1 (J.) Ueber die Chemie der radioaktiven Stofl'c. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1905,116-140.—VIlanova (P.) Apli- caciones terap6uticas del radium. Rev. demed. y cirug., Parcel.. 1906, xx, 97-107. —Voller. Radioaktivitiit. Ztschr. f. Elektrochem., Halle a. S., 1907, xiii, 36-372.— Waller (B.) Ueber radioaktive Umwandlungen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 94-102.—Weber (R. H.) Unsere heutige Kenntnis der Radioaktivitat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 457-459.—Wilson (R.) & Call (H.) On the useof the less radioactive substances in medicine. I. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 271-278.—Winkler (C.) Radioactivity and matter. Chem. News, Lond., 1901, Ixxxix, 289-291. -----. Radioactivitv and matter. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y\, 1904-5, lxvi, 267-272. Radiocarpal articulation. See Carpus and wrist-joint; Radius; Wrist- joint. Radiodermatitis. See ROntgen rays (Accidents, etc., from use of). Radiodiagnosis. See Rdntgen rays (Diagnosis by). Radiography. See Rdntgen rays [and subdivisions]. Radiolaria. Breckxer (A.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der koloniebildenden Radiolarien mit Nadeln (Sphferozoida). 8°. Kiel, 1906. Borgert (A. [H. C.]) * Ueber die Dictyo- chiden, insbesondere iiber Distephanus specu- lum, sowie Studien on Phaeodarien. [Kiel.] 8°. Leipzig, 1891. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., li. Haeckel (E.) Die Radiolarien. (Rhizopoda radiaria.) fol. Berlin, 1862. Borgert (A.) Ueber den Bau von Distephanus (Dic- tyocha) speculum Ehrbg. sp. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1890, x'iii, 227-231.— Brandt (K.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Colliden. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1902, i, 69-88, 2 pl.— Hacker (V.) Ueber die biologische Bedeutung der feineren Strukturen des Radiolarienskelettes; nebst einem Anhang: Die Phaospharien der " Valdivia"- und " Gauss"-Ausbeute. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1905, n. F., xxxii, 851-648.—Neviani (A.) Nuovigeneri e sottogeneri di radiolari e briozi fossili italiani. Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma, 1901, 2. s., ii, 41-43. Radiology. See Rays and radiation. It a ri i o-metacarpal m uscle. Le Page. Muscle radio-me^tacarpien. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 587. Radiometry. See ROntgen rays (Measurement, etc., of). Radioneuritis. See ROntgen rays (Accidents, etc., from use of). Radionoff (Sergius). * Ueber die Tuberkulose der Schadelknochen. 38 pp. 4°. Basel, [1906]. Radiopclvigraphy. See Pelvimetry. Radiopelvimetry. See Pelvimetry. Radiophobia. Soiland (A.) Radiophobia and radiomania. Am. X-Ray J., Chicago, 1903, xiii, 360-362. Radiophor. See Radium. Radioscopy. See ~Ron.tgeia.rays (Diagnosis by). Radiotelliiriiim. Heurieli (F.) LeberRadiotellur. Sitzungsb.d.phvs.- med. Soc. zu Erlang. (1905), 1906, xxxvii, 310-320.—Vil- lari (E.) Intorno ad alcune esperienze eseguite col ra- dio-tellurio. Rendic r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1903-4, n. s., viii, 88-95. Radiotherapy. See Radiumtherapy; Rays, etc.; ROntgen rays (Therapeutic use of), etc. Radiotropism. Gager (C. S.) The probability of a radiotropic re- sponse. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Bait., 1908, iv, p. xliii. Radiozoum. Mingazzlni (P.) Contributo alia conoscenza dei cistoflagellati, Radiozoum lobatum n. gen., n. sp. Ri- cerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1904, x 97-108, 1 pl. Radium. See, also, Polonium; Radium (Biologiceffects of); Selenium; Thorium; Uranium. Berget (A.) Le radium et les nouvelles ra- diations. Nouvelle ed. 12°. Baris, 1907. Hammer (W. J.) Radium and other radio- active substances; polonium, actinium, and tho- rium, with a consideration of phosphorescent and fluorescent substances, the properties and applications of selenium and the treatment of disease. 8°. New York; 1903. Also [Abstr.], in: Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1903, lv, 22904-22907. Hampson (VV.) Radium explained. A popu- lar account of the relations of radium to the natural world, to scientific thought, and to hu- man life. 12°. New York, 1905. Meyer (K.) Radium og radioaktive stoffer samt nyere optagelser angaaende straaler. [Ra- dium and radioactive matter, with new views concerning rays.] 12°. Kristiania, 1904. Moffett (C.) The wonders of radium. 8°. New York, 1903. Cutting from: McClure's Mag., N. Y., 1903, xxii, 1-15. Xiewenglowski (G. H.) Le radium. 12°. Paris, [1904]. Radium (Le). La radioactivite et les radia- tions, les sciences qui s'y rattachent et leurs ap- plications. [Monthly.] Secretaire de la redac- tion: Jacques Danne. v. 1-5, July, 1904, to 1908. 4°. Paris. Current. Ramsay (Sir W.) Radium and its products. 8°. New York, 1904. Cutting from: Harper's Month. Mag.,N.Y.,1904, cx,52-57 Abbe (R.) The subtle power of radium. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1904, xxii, 253-262. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxvi, 321-324.—d'Arsonval. Le radium. Anjou med., Angers, 1904, xi, 35-39.—Aselioff(K.) Das Vorkommen von Radium in den Kreuznacher Solquellen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 517.—Axmann. Ueber Radioaktivierung und ein neues Radiumpraparat (Radiophor). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1192. —Batten (G. B.) The revelations of radium. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1903-4, viii, 173-181.— Beck (A.) O dzialaniu promieni radii na nerwy obwo- dowe. [Action of radium upon the peripheral nerves.] Rozpr. wvdz. matemat.-przvr. Akad. umiej. 1905, Krak6w, 1906, 3. s., v, B, 111-123.—Beequerel (H.) Sur la phos- phorescence scintillante que preaentent certaines sub- stances sous Taction des rayons du radium. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvii, 629-634. -----. Sur quelques proprieties des rayons a 6mis par le radium et par les corps actives par l'emanation du radium. Ra- dium, Par., 1906, iii, 65-68. — Behn ( U. ) Radium. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg., 1907, ii, 85-94.—Bergell (P.) Ueber die Gewinnung der Radiumemanationen in do- sierbarer Form. Arb. a. d. path. lust, zu Berl. Feier . . . Johannes Orth, Berl., 1900, 502. — Boden (J.) Ueber Radium. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., l'.ml, li, 459-461.— Bolton (H. C.) An experimental study of radio-active substances. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1899, 155-162. -----. A new source of heat; radium. Pop. Sc. Month., N.Y.,1903, lxiii, 61-03.—Bolt wood (B. B.) The radio- activity of the salts of radium. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1906,4.s.,xxi,409-414. Also,transl: Radium, Par., 1906,iii, 170-172. -----. Note on the production of radium by acti- nium. Am. J.Sc.,N.Haven, 1906,4. s.,xxii,537.-----. On the life of radium. Ibid., 1908, xxv, 493-506— von dem Borne. Untersuchungen an Radiumemanation. Jah- resb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1906, Bresl., 1907, lxxxiv, 97.—Bradbury (R. H.) Radium and radio-activity in general. J. Franklin Inst., Phila., 1905, RADIUM. 253 RADIUM. Radium. clix, 225-238— Braunsteln (A.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Radiumemanation und ihre Anwcndung. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1905, xx, 163-167. Also: Therap.d. Gegenw., Berl.,1905, xlvi, 201-203. Also, transl.: Radium, Par., 1905, ii, 257. — Brissonnet (J.) Le ra- dium d'apres les theories modernes sur la matiere. Med. et hyg., Brux., 1904, ii, 49-55.—Bronson (H.-L.) Influ- ence des temperatures elevees sur la loi de decroissance de l'activite induite deposec par lc radium. [Transl.] Radium, Par., 1906, iii, 72-77. — Cameron (A. T.) The transformation of elements; radium and its emana- tion. Science Prog. 20. Cent., Lond., 1908-9, iii, 69-88.— Cameron (A. T.) & Ramsay (Sir W.) Radium ema- nation and transmutation; the chemical action of radium emanation on copper and lead and on water. Scient. Am.Suppl., N. Y., 1908, lxv, 94.—Charbonneaii (A.) Influence des connexions sur le fonctionnement des tubes a vide. Radium. Par.. 1905, ii, 289-291. —C re igli- ton (H. J. M.) & Mackenzie (A. S.) The influence of radium on the decomposition ol hvdriodic acid. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1908, xxxix, 474-493.—Crookes (Sir W.) The ultra-violet spectrum of radium. Proc. Roy. Soc Lond., 1903, lxxii, 295-304, 2 pl.—Curie (E.) Radium. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1902-3, 187-201. — Curie (Mme. Sklowdowska). Radio-active substances, (.'hem. News, Lond., 1903, lxxxviii, 85; 97; 134; 145; 159; 169; 175; 187; 199; 211: 223; 236; 247; 259; 271. —Curie (Mme.) & Gleditseli (Mile.) Action of radium emanation on so- lutions of copper salts. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1908, xl, 485- 489. — Debierne (A.) Le radium et la radio-activite. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 11; 60— Despaux (A.) L'energie dans la radio-activite? Rev. scient., Par., 1904, 5. s., i, 7-12.—Dewar (S('r J.) The rate of production of helium from radium. Chem. News, Lond., 1908, xcviii, 188-190. — Ebert (H.) Ueber die Moglichkeit radioaktivierende Emanationen in flus- siger Luft anzureichern. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phvs. CI. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Munchen, 1903,133-170.— F.iiiiiorn (M.) Observations on radium. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904. lxv, 164-108— Ellenbogen (K. A.) O flzi- cheskikh i khimicheskikh svolstvakh radiya i o fiziologi- cheskom yevo primlenenii. J Physical and chemical prop- erties of radium, and its phvsiological application.] Med. privav. k morsk.sborniku,St. Petersb.,1907,pt. 2,269-289.— Eve (A.S.) On the relative activity of radium and thori- um, measured by the gamma-radiation. Am. J. Sc, Phila., 1906, 4. s., xxii, 477-180.—Fernandez Osuna (G. F.) Radio y cuerpos radio-activos. Gac. m£d. d. Sur de Es- pana, Grenada, 1907, xxv, 36-40. — Foveau de Cour- melles. Le radium et les corps radio-actifs. Rev. internat. de therap. phys., Rome 1903, iv, 433-451. -----. Le radium en climatologis et en hydrologie. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1904, xlvii 217; 225. -----. Le radium. Medecin, Brux., 1904, xiv, 1. Also: Rev. med., Par., 1904, xiii, 195-198.—(lager (C. S.) Preliminary notes on the effects of radium rays on plants. [Abstr.] Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 1030.—(iarnault ( P.) Instrue.9e.es para a pesquiza do radium e dos mineraes radio-activos no Brazil. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1905, xix, 211.— Oaubert (P.) Les gisements de pechurane de la Saxe. Radium, Par., 1906, iii, 132-135.—Giesel (F.) Theoccur- rence of radium and radio-active rare earths in Fango mud and in earth from the fields of Capri. Chem. News, Lond., 1905, xci, 86.—van der Goot. Over radium en zijn stralen. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1903, lvii, 387-389.— Grelnaeher (H.) Ueber Radium und Radioaktivitiit. Naturw. Rundschau, Brnschwg., 1906, xxi, 453-459.— Hammer (W. J.) Radium, polonium, and actinium. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1903, lv, 22710.—Hardy (W.B.) & Anderson (H. K.) On the sensation of light pro- duced bv radium ravs and its relation to the visual purple. ' Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1903, lxxii, 393-398.— Hodgson (F. G.) Radium; a review of the literature. N. York M. J. [etc.], N. Y. & Phila., 1905, lxxxi, 62-65. Also, Reprint. -----. Radium. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1906-7, viii, 228-239.—Holzkneelit (G.) & Scliwarz (G.) Ueber Radiumstrahlen mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der vorlatifigen Mitteilung von E. London. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1903, vii, 262. — Huggins (SzrW.) & Huggins (Lady). On the spectrum of the spontaneous luminous radiation of radium at ordinary temperatures. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1903, lxxii, 196-199, 1 pl. -----. -----. Further observations on the spectrum of the spontaneous luminous radiation of radium at ordinary temperatures. Ibid., 409-413, lpl.—Inglis(J.) Radium and radiant energy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 370-373.—Joly (J.) On the radium content of deep-sea sediments. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1905-8, xi, 288- 294.—Justus (J.) Radiummal val6 tapasztalasok. [Ex- periences with radium.] Gv6gy&szat, Budapest, 1905, xlv, 544-548. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 35. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1905, x, 443; 463.—Kanolt (C. W.) Radium; its extraordinary prop- perties. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1903, lxxxviii, 149.—Robert K.) Ueber das Radium und die Radioaktivitat. Ztschr. . Krankenpfl., Berl., 1906, xxviii, 401; 438.—Laborde (A.) Application de l'emanation du radium aux me- sures de radioactivite. Radium, Par., 1905, ii, 386-389.— Radium. Lankester(E.R.) Radium and radio-activitv. Pharm. J. & Tr., Lond., 1906, 4. s., xxiii, 169.—Levy (O.) Mikro- skopische Untersuchung zu Experimenten iiber den Einfluss der Radiumstrahlen auf embryonale und rege- nerative Entwicklung. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1900, xxi, 130-149, 1 pl.-I.oeb (M.) Hy- pothesis of radiant matter. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 52-60. —liowentlial (S.) & Edelstein (E.) Ueber die Beeinflussung der Autolyse durch Radium- emanation. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xiv, 484-490.— Lombardi (L.) Sulle different! forme di radioatti- viul e le propriety fisiche del radio. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1904, iii, 185-187.—McClelland (J. A.) On the emanation given off by radium. Scient. Tr. Rov. Dubl. Soc, 1902-5, 2. s.. viii, 89-94. -----. The penetra- ting radium rays. Ibid., 99-108.—McClelland (J. A.) & Haekett (F. E.) The absorption of 0 radium ravs by matter. Ibid., 1907, 2. s., ix, 37-50.—McClung (R. K.) Absorption des rayons o du radium. [Transl.] Radium, Par., 1906, iii, ON-72.—Makower (W.) & Russ (S.) On the effect of high temperatures on radium emana- tion and its products. Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1907, s. A, lxxix, 158-166. Also, transl.: Radium, Par., 1907, iv, 235- 239— Marekwald (W.) Ontheradio-activeconstituent of the bismuth from Joachimsthal pitchblende. Chem. News, Lond., 1903, lxxxviii, 224-226.—Matout (L.) Le rayonnement du radium. Radium, Par., 1904, i, 6-14. -----. Lespropriet6sphysico-chimiquesduradium. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 227-229.—Metzenbaum (M.) Radium, radioactive substances and aluminum with ex- perimental research of the same. Cleveland M. J., 1904, iii, 191-208. Also, Reprint.—Mietlie. Ueber das Ra- dium. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 1180-1182. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1903), 1904, xxxiv, 319-325.—Mlura (K.) Ueber das Radium. [Japanese text, German res., Hft. 1.] Shinkeigaku Zasshi Tokyo, 1904-5 iii, 26-30.—Moore (R. B.) On the decay of the radium emanation when dissolved in water. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1908, s. A, lxxx, 597.—Phoustanos (I. A.) To viov ii.CTa.kkov paSiov. 'larpiKYj npooSos,' Ey 2vpo>, 1904, ix, 1; 17; 33.—Fiffard (H. G.) A few words concern- ing radium. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904,lxv, 999-1004—Pitte- rua. A propos de la nature des proprietes du radium. Rev. scient., Par., 1904, 6. s., ii, 174.—Poulsson (E.) Om radium. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1907, 5. R., v, 1-30. -----. Zur Frage iiber die Wirkung der Radiumemanation. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz, 1908, Suppl.-Bd., 443-448.—Radium. Med. Council, Phila., 1903, viii, 405: 1904, ix, 1.—Radium (Sul). Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1904, lxxiii, 171-176.— Ramsay (Sir W.) Emanation du radium (exradio), ses proprieties et ses changements. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 1388-1394.—Ramsay (Sir W.) & Collie (J. N.) The spectrum of the radium emanation. Chem. News, Lond., 1904,lxxxix,301-303.—Ramsay (Sir VV.) & Soddy (F.) Experimentsin radio-activity and the production of helium from radium. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash., 1902-3, 203-206. Also: Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1903, lxxii, 204-207.-----------. Further experiments on the production of helium from radium. Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 346-358.—Re buff at (O.) Sulle proprieta cliniche del radio. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1904, iii, 187.— Riglii (A.) Sullecaricheelettricheacquisitate dai corpi colpiti dai raggi del radio. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1905, 6. s., ii, 151-161. Also [Abstr.]: Rendic. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1904-5, n. s., ix, 109.—Robarts (H.) Radium. Dental Brief, Phila., 1904, ix, 409-418. Also: Med. Fortnightlv, St. Louis, 1904, xxv, 279-284.—Rutneri'ord (E.) Radium. Montreal M. J., 1904, xxxiii, 112-116.—Sabat (M.) Wplyw pro- mieni radu na przewodnictwo elektryczne elektrolitow. [Influence of radium rays on electrical production of elec- trolytes.] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przvr. Akad. umicj., Krak6w, 1906, 3. s., vi, A, 1-5— Salant (W.) & Meyer (G. M.) The elimination of radium from normal and nephrcctomized animals. Am.J. Physiol., Bost., 1907, xx, 366-377.—Schuster (A.) Heating effect of the radium emanation. Nature, Lond., 1903-4, lxix, 55.—Silber- gleit (H.) Ueber den Einfluss radiumemanationshalti- ger Bader auf den Gaswechsel des Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 13.—Smart (M.) A few notes on radium. Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond., 1904, v, 356- 363.—Soddy (F.) The recent controversy on radium. Nature, Lond., 1906-7, lxxiv, 510-518.—Sonimer (E.) Radium und Radioaktivitat. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miin- chen, 1905, xv, 013: 1906, xvi, 1; 14; 25. Also, Reprint- Spiegel (L.) Leber Radium. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 829; 852.—Starke (H.) Recherches sur les rayons secondairesdu radium. Radium, Par., 1908, v, 35- 41.—Stevens (R. H.) Further clinical experiences with radium with special reference to Lieber's radium coat- ings. Tr. Am. Inst. Homcep.,Chicago, 1905, lxi, 796-800.— Stover(G. H.) Radium. Colorado Med., Denver, 1903- 4,i,92-96.—Strebel(H.) Dergegenwartige Stand der Ra- diumforschung. Ztschr. f. d. arztl. Prax., Berl., 1908, xxi, 42; 49.—Strebel [H.1 [et al.]. Stato attuale delle nostre cognizioni sul radium. Idrol. e climat., Fi- enze, 1907, xviii, 428-430.—Strlekrodt. Radium und RADIUM. 254 RADIUM. Radium. Radioktivitat. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xix, 150; 160.— Strutt (R. J.) On the intensely penetrating rays of ra- dium. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1903, lxxii, 208-210. — Sivlateckl (J.) Rad i jego promienie. [Radium and its ravs.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1904, 2. s., xxiv, 1209; 1238; 1206; 1298; 1313.—Taylor (W. H.) Radium; its radia- tions, physical, chemical, and mental. Old Dominion J. M. iv. S., Richmond, 1904-5, iii, 417-438.—Thomas (W. B.) Heredity and radium at Dublin; an impression of the British Association meeting. Science Progr. 20. cent., Lond., 1908-9, iii, 177-191. — Thorpe (T. B.) On the atomic weight of radium. Chem. News, Lond., 1908, xcvii, 229-233.—Tjaden Modderman (R. S.) Het radium. Album d. Nat., Haarlem, 1904,161-182.—Traey (S. G.) Radium. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 43- 48.—Trowbridge (J.) & Rollins (W.) Radiumand the electron theory. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1904, n. s., xviii, 77-79.—Turner (B. B.) Ionium, the parent of ra- dium; a review of recent investigation. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1908, xxxix,653-658.—Turner (D.) Radium. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1903-4, n. s., xiii, 38-13.—Weber (R. H.) Leattuali conoscenze sulla radioattivita. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1904, iii, 141-148—Werner (A.) Radium und radioaktive Stoffe. Vrtljschr. d. na- turf. Gesellsch. in Zurich, 1904, xlix, 115-127.—Werner (R.) Zur lokalen Sensibilisierung und Immunisierung der Gewebe gegen die Wirkung der Radiumstrahlen. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1072; 1111.—Williams (F. H.) Note on the use of the fluor- ometertoestimate the proportions of beta and gamma rays given off from radiumsalts. BostonM. & S. J., 1903,cxlix, 691.—Wilson (W. E.) An experiment on the possible effect of high pressure on the radio-activity of radium. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1904, n. s., x, pt. 2, 193-216, 4 pl.—Zlmmern (A.) Aetualites scientiflques; le ra dium. Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 78. Radium {Accidents and injuries from). Abbe (R.) Explosion of a radium tube. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, xlvi. 015.—Bohn (G.) A propos de l'action toxique de 1'Emanation du radium. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1655-1657.—Cesare (D.) Sopra un grave caso di radiodermite. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1908, xxii, 27-34.—Exner (A.) & Holzknecht (G.) Die Pathologie der Radiumdermatitis. Sitzungsb. d.k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CI., Wien, 1903, cxii, 155-162. — Maatsuok (M.) Ueber die Radium- verbrennung der Haut. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1909, xcii, 569-572. — Mewborn (A. D.) Recurrent ra- diodermatitis in a patient affected with a generalized lichenificationof the skin. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 271-273.—Fiffard (H. G.) A new radium danger. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1124. Radium (Bactericidal effect of). Browne-Carthew (R.) Radium and the ba- cillus typhosus. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1688.—Dixon (H. H.') & Wigham (J. T.) Action of radium on bacteria. Nature, Lond., 1903-4, lxix, 81. — Born (E.), Baumann (E.) & Valentiner (S.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Radiumemanation auf pathogene Bakterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Inlectionskrankh., Leipz., 1905, li, 328-340.—Green (A. B.) A note on the action of radium on micro-organisms. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 375-378. Also: 3. State M., Lond., 1904, xii, 403- 411.—Hoffmann (W.) Ueber die Wirkung der Radium- strahlen auf Bakterien. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1903, xiii,913-917.—Jaworski (W.) Przyczynekdodzialania promieni rada na bakterye. [Action of radium rays upon bacteria] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1908, xliii, 1121.— Montefiiseo (A.) Dell' azione del radio suimi- crorganismi. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 321-323.—Fleiffer (R.) & Friedberger (E.) Ueber die bacterientddtende Wirkung der Radiumstrah- len. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 640—Frescott (S. C.) The effect of radium-rays on the colon bacillus, the diphtheria bacillus and yeast. Science, N. Y. & Lancas- ter, Pa., 1904, n.s., xx, 246. Radium {Biologic effects of). See, also, Radiumtherapy. Foxck (F.) Radium und Nervensystem. 12°. Leipzig, 1906. Thies (A. E.) * Wirkung der Radiumstrah- len auf verschiedene Gewebe und Organe. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Also, in: Mitt. a. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1905, xiv, 694- 725, 2 pl. Action (The) of radium rays on tissues, eggs, and animals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 382-384.—Aubertin (C.) & Delamarre (A.) Action du radium sur le sang. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 437-439. Also, Irons!.: Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1908, xxix, 1037- 1039— Axniaim (H.) Beseitigung der durch Radium- strahlen bewirkten Gefasserweiterungen. Munchen. Radium {Biologic effect* of). med. Wchnschr.. 1907. liv, 1877.—Baskerville (('.) Ra- dium and its physiological actions. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1904-5, ix,29X.—Beclcrc. Note sur les phenomenes dits de prereaction eonsecutifs ii l'expo- sition de la peau aux rayons de Rontgen ou au rayonne- ment des sels de radium. Arch, d'electric me'd., Bor- deaux. 1907, xv, 443-4 is.—Bergell (P.j cv. Braunstein (A.) Leber den Eintluss der Radiumsalze auf den fer- mentativen Eiweissabbau. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 310- 312.—Bi re li -H i rscklc Id (A.) Die Wirkung der Ront- gen- und der Radiumstrahlen auf das Auge. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1904, lix, 229-310,1 pl. -----. Sur Taction physiologique et pathologique du radium, specialement au point de vue de l'oeil. (Ueber die physiologische und pathologische Wirkung der Radiumstrahlen mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des Auges.) Cong, internat. de m6d., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect. 2, 56-70. [Discussion], 126.—Bock ( E.) Radium und Auge. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1905, 1, 99; 109; 125. Also: Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Weimar, 1905-0, xi, 7-14.—Bohn (G.) Influence des rayons du radium sur les animaux en voie de crois- sance. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvi, 1012. -----. Action des rayons du radium sur les te- guments. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1442-1444. — Bonglovanni (A.) Sulle vie di con- duzione delle emanazioni del radio dall' occhio al sis- tema nervoso centrale. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino. 1906, xxx, 591-599.—Bouchard (C.) & Balthazard (V.) Action toxique et localisation de l'6manation du radium. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii, 198- 200.-----------. Action de Temanation du radium sur les bactexies chromogenes. Ibid., 819-823.—Bouchard (C), Curie (P.) & Balthazard (V.) Action physio- logique de T emanation du radium. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 1384-1387— Burke (J. B.) On the spontaneous action of radio-active bodies on gelatin media. Nature, Lond., 1905, lxxii, 78. -----. Onthespon- taneous action of radium on gelatin media. Ibid., 294.— Curie (P.) & Danne (J.) Loi de disparitiou de Tacti- vite induite par le radium aprts chauffage des corps acti- ves. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 748- 7YL—Danysz (J.) De l'action pathogene des rayons et des emanations emis par le radium sur diffeLents tissus et differents organismes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvi, 461-464. -----. De Taction du radium sur les differents tissus. Ibid., exxxvii, 1296-1298.—Darier (A.) Radium et rayons X; action des radiations nou- velles sur l'organisme; action stimulante a faible dose; action destructive sur les cellules jeunes et neoplasiques; action tetanisante et paralysante sur le systfeme nerveux ft, fortes doses; action anesth^siante et inhibitrice; action bactericide des radiations; action toxique puissante des emanations. Clin, opht., Par., 1904, x, 3; 67; 115—Des- fosses (P.) Histoire de trois lapins et d'un fragment de radium. Presse m6d.. Par., 1906, xiv, annexes, 25.—De- tre (L.) & Jakab (L.) A radium-sugarak vegyi, elet- tani 6s bakteriumolo hatas&rol. [The chemical, biolog- ical, and bactericidal effect of radium rays.] Budapesti k. orvosegy. evkonyve. 1903, 128-130. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 787.—Dixon (H. H.) & Wigham (J. T.) A note on the action of radium on some organ- isms. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1904, cxvii, 161-164.—Dominiel (H.) & Bareat. Action du radium sur le tissu conjonc- tivo-vasculaire. Cong, franc, de med. Compt. rend. 1907, Par., 1908,435-439. Also: Arch, d.mal. du cceur [etc.], Par., 1908, i, 153-161.—Dominici(H.) & Faure-Beau- licu. De Tarret et du sejour prolonge du sulfate de ra- dium dans les tissus vivants. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvi, 1051-1054.— Einliorn (M.) Radium- behalter fiir den Magen, Oesophagus und das Rectum. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1906-7, ii, 27-29.—Exher (A.) Zur Kenntnis der biologischen Wirksamkeit der durch den Magneten ablenkbaren und nicht ablenkbaren Radiumstrahlen. Jahresb. u. Arb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1904-5, Berl., 1906, 66-77.— Foveau de Courmelles. Le radium; proprietes physiques, physiologiques et thexapeutiques. Progres med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xviii, 489-492.—Gager (C. S.) Some physiological effects of radium ravs. Am. Natural- ist, Lancaster, Pa., 1908, xiii, 761-778.—Glertz (K. H.) Om radiums inverkan p8, ogat. [Ueber die Einwirkung des Radiums auf das Auge. Uebers., p. xxx.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1904-5, n. f., x, 400-405—Greeff. Leber Radiumstrahlen und ihre Wirkung auf das gesunde und blinde Auge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 452. See, also, infra, London. -----. Ant- wort an E. S. London, betreffend die Wirkung der Radiumstrahlen auf das blinde Auge. Ibid., 1032.— Hardy (W. B.) The action of salts of radium upon globulins. Chem. News, Lond., 1903, lxxxviii, 73. Also: Proc Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1903, p.xxix.—Heineke (H.) Zur Kenntnis der Wirkung der Radiumstrahlen auf tierische Gewebe. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1382-1384.—Henri (V.) & Mayer (A.) Action des ra- diations du radium sur Themoglobine: transformation en methemoglobine. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1412-1414.-----------. Actions des radiations du ra- dium sur les globules rouges; modification des echanges RADIUM. 255 RADIUM. Radium. osmotiques. Ibid., 1414-1416.-----------. Action des radiations du radium sur les collo'ides, Themoglobine, les ferments et les globules rouges. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 521-524. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 229. ----- -----. Action des radiations du radium sur les ferments solubles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904. lvi, 230- 232. -----•-----. Precipitation des collo'ides positii'spar les radiations 0 du radium. Ibid., lvii, 33.—lliiimiel (I. M.) Radiy v biologii i meditsinle. Kazan. Med. J., 1904, iv, 1-19.—Hussakof (L.) On recent investiga- tions of the action of radium on plants and animals. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 89-94.—Ivanott"(V. M.) O dleistvii radiyanazdorovuyukozhn chelovleka. [Action of radium upon the healthy human skin.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 17; 87: 157; 239; 316; 417, 4 pl.—Jieinsky (J. R.) Experimental inves- tigations with radium upon living tissues. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1904, x, 141-143.—Kalmann (A.J.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Radiumwirkung von Heilquel- I len. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 565-567.—K.era- val (P.) De Taction des rayons du radium sur Texcita- I bilite des centres psvehomoteurs. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 63-67.—Laitinen (T.) & Winter (K. I O.) Lisatietojaradiumindesinfioivastaja kemotaktisesta vaikutuksesta muutamiin baktereihin. [On radium dis- infection and thechemotaxisof some bacteria.] Duode- cim, Helsinki, 1907, xxiii. 101-1S3.— Leduc (.s.) Action du radium sur Tceil. Arch, d'electric. rued., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 453— Lepine (R.) & Boulud. Sur les effets deTiniectionintra-veineuse d'eau salee radifere. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 467.—Linser (P.) & Helber (E.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf das Blut und Bemerkungen iiber die Einwirkung von Radium und ultraviolettem Lichte. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905, lxxxiii, 479-498.— Loeweothal (S.) Ueber die Wirkung der Radiumemanation auf den menschlichen Korper. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1484: 1907, xliv, 1117.—London (E. S.) O fiziologo-patologiche- skom znachenii luchel radiya. I. Ob otnoshenii luchel radiya k oblasti zrleniya. [Physiological and patholog- ical significance of radium rays. I. Their relation to the domain of vision.] Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1903-4, x, 191-211. Also, transl.: Arch. d. sc. biol., St.- Petersb., 1903-4, x, 191-211. Also, transl.: Arch, d'electric mecl., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 258; 2l.'8. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1903-4, lvii, 342-362. -----. O fiziologo- patologicheskom znachenii emanatsii radiya. [Physio- logo-pathological importance of radium emanation.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1104. iii, 869-872. Also, transl.: Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 363-372. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. & Wien, 1904, xviii, 185-188. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1904, iii, 138-141. -----. L'action phvsiologique et pathologique des produits du radium. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 614-627. -----. Leber Radiumstrahlen und ihre Wirkung auf das ge- sunde und blinde Auge; Erwiderung auf den Aufsatz des Herrn Prof. Greef. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 784. -----. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber Radiumwirkung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1336-1338.—Matsuoka. [Experimental researches on theaction of radium ravs on the skin.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1906, 1064-1067. Also: Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1906,1097-1100.— Meyer (G. M.) The fate of radium after its introduc- tion into the animal organism, with some remarks on the excretion of barium. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y., 1907, ii, 461- 479.—Meyjes (W. P.) Het effect der radiumbestraling. Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1904, 2. r., xl, d. 2, 319-321.—Micheels (H.) & De Heen (P.) Influence du radium sur l'energie respiratoire de graines en ger- mination. Acad.rov.deBelg. Bull.delacl.d.sc.Brux., 1905, 29-34.—Muggia (G.) & Ohaniiessian (B.) Azione del radio sull'eccitabilitd, elettrica dei nmscoli. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1906, xxii, 700. — N. Neuere Studien zur Pathologie und Klinik der Radium- wirkung. Med. BL, Wien, 1904, xxvi, 207-209.—Nev- zoroft*(N. A.) Obzor voprosa o fiziologo-patologiche-- kom i terapevticheskom znachenii luchel radiya i radio- aktivnikh veshtshestv. [Physiologo-pathological and therapeutic value of the rays of radium and radioactive substances.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 804; 851; 89*.—Obersteiner (H.) Ueber die Wirkungen der Radiumbestrahlung auf das Centralnervensystem. Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, xii, 86-104. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1904, xviii, 1049. Also, Reprint.—Obiei (G.) Azione del radium sulla eccitabilit£ della corteccia cere- brale. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze, 1904, ix, 76-81.— Okada (E.) [The influence of radium rays on the mus- cles and peripheric nerves.] Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1905-6, iv, 141-144. Also, transl.: Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, xii, 105-10*. — Phillips (W. C.) Experiments with radium emana- tions. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 341-343.—Bam- say (W.) Le radium peut-il donner la vie? Rev. g6n. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1905. xvi, 801-803.—Rehns Radium. (J.) Note sur quelques actions du radium. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 206.—Biehet (C.j Influence de Temanation du radium sur la fermentation lactique. Arch, internat. de physiol., Liege ct Par., 1905-6, iii, 130-151.—Budge (W. A. D.) The action of radium and certain other salts on gelatin. Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1906, s. A, lxxviii, 380-384,1 pl.—Salant (W.) — Schmidt-Nielsen (S.) Radium- straalernes Indvirkning paa Chymosin. [The action of radium ravs on chymosin.] Medd. f. Fiusens med. Lysinst., Kobenh., 1904, ix, 179: 1906, x, 86. Also, transl.: Beitr. z. chem. Phvs. u. Path., Brnschwg., 1903-4, v, 398: 1904-5, vi, 175—Solioltz (W.) Leber die Wir- kung des Radiums auf die Haut. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 364-367.—Sehwarz (G.) Ueber die Wirkung der Ra- diumstrahlen; eine physiologisch-chemische Studie am Htihnerei. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, c, 532- 546.-----. Zur physiologischen Radiumwirkung; Bemer- kungen zu J. Wohlgemuth's gleichnamigem Aufsatz. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 867.—Sereni (S.) Azione del radium sul pus vaccinico. Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez. med., 145-156.—Studies of the effects of radium on plants and animals, with demonstrations, communicated by William J. Gies. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N.Y., 1904-5, ii, 86.—Tarkhsuiolf(I ) Radiy i nervniye akti. [Radium and nerve action.] Arch. biol. nauk.....S.- Peterb., 1904, xi, suppl., 199.—Thaler (H. A.) Ueber die feineren Veriinderungen im Hodengewebe der Ratte nach Einwirkung der Radiumstrahlen. Jahresb. u. Arb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1904-5, Berl., 1906,172-187. Also: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxix, 5/6-594.— Tur (J.) Sur l'influence des nyons du radium sur le developpement de la roussette (Scyllium canicula). Arch. d. zool. exper. et gen. Notes et rev., Par., 1906, 4. s., v, pp. xxxix-xlviii.—Turner (D.) On the nature and physiological action of radium emanations and rays, with observations on other rays. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1523.—VanBeuren (F.), jr., & Zinsser (H.) Some experiments with radium on bacteria. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 1021.—Veneziani (A.) Ueber die physiologi- sche Einwirkung des Radiums auf die Opalina ranarum; vorliiufige Mitteilung. Zentralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1904, xviii, 130-134.—AVerner (R.) Experimen- telle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der Radium- strahlen auf tierische Gewebe und die Rolle des Leci- thins bei derselben. Zentralbl.f.Chir., Leipz., 1904,xxxi, 1233-1239.-----. Zur chemischen Imitation der biologi- schen Strahlenwirkung; Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze von R. Werner in No. 15 dieser Wochenschrift. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 911. -----. Vergleichende Studien zur Frage der biologischen und therapeutischen Wirkung der Radiumstrahlen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tu- bing., 1906, Iii, 51-161, 6 pl. Also, Reprint.—Wiekham (L.) Action Elective du radium, sans reaction inflamma- toire secondaire, sur certaines tumeurs et affections de la peau et des muqueuses. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 461.— Willcock (E. G.) Radium and animals. Nature, Lond., 1903-4, lxix, 55. -----. The action of the rays from radium upon some simple forms of animal life. J. Physiol., Lond., 1903-4, xxx, 449-454. -----. The action of radium rays on tyrosinase. Ibid., 1806, xxxiv, 207- 209— Wintrebert (P.) Influence d'une faible quantite d'^manation du radium sur le developpement et la meta- morphose des batraciens. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii, 1259-1262.—Wohlgemuth (J.) Zur Kenntniss von der physiologischen Wirkung des Radi- ums. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 704.—Vagn (P. P.) O vliyanii radiya na spetsificheskuyu hemoliticheskuyu sivorotku. [Influence of radium on specific hemolytic serum.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 653.—Zhu- ko vskl (M.) O vliyanii luchel radiya na vozbudimost psikhomotornikh tsentrov. [Influence of rays of radium on the excitability of psycho-motor centers.] Obozr. psi- chiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1903, viii, 801-814.— Zlobicki (W.) Wplyw radu na przewodnictwo elek- tryczne roztwor6w koloidowych. [Influence of radium upon the electric conductivity of colloid solutions.] Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przvr. Akad. umiej. 1907, Kra- k6w, 1908, 3. s., vii, A, 153-165. Also transl. [Abstr.]: Bull, internat. de TAcad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1907. Classe d. sc. math, et nat., 1009-1016. Radium {Bromide of). Ackroyd (W.) Anew case of phosphorescence in- duced by radium bromide. Nature, Lond., 1903, lxviii, 209— Bern (W. N.) &. WelkeriW.H.) Experiments to determine the influence of radium bromide on protein RADIUM. 256 RADIUMTHERAPY. Radium (Bromide of). metabolism in dogs. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1900, n. s., xxiii, 333. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 1030.—Burton-Opitz (R.) & Meyer (G. M.) Effects of intravenous injections of radium bromide. J. Exper.M.,N. Y.,1906,viii,245-251,lpl. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 1030.—Davidson (J. M.) Radium bromide; notes on some cases in which it has been tried. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 181.—Dewa r ifc Cu rie. Examen des gaz occlus ou degag^s par le bro- mure de radium. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 190-192. Also, transl: Chem. News, Lond., 1904, lxxxix, 85.—Dixon (H. H.) & Wigham (J. T.) Pre- liminary note on the action of the radiations from radium bromide on some organisms. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1904, n. s., x, pt. 2,178-192, 3 pl.—Hardy (W. B.) & Willeoek (E. G.) On the oxidising action of the rays from radium bromide as shown bv the decomposition of iodoform. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1903, lxxii, 200- 204.—Meyer (G. M.) The radioactivity of the different organs after intravenous injections of radium bromid. [Abstr.] Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 1030—Williams (F. H.) Some of the physical properties and medical uses of radium salts; with report of forty-two cases treated bv pure radium bromide. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxxiv, 241-246. Radium (Le). La radioactivite' et les radia- tions, les sciences qui s'y rattachent et leurs ap- plications. Publication mensuelle. Secretaire de la redaction: Jacques Danne. v. 1-5, July, 1904-8. 4°. Paris. Current, v. 1 complete in 6 numbers. Radiumtherapy. See, also, Lupus (Treatment of) by light; Ra- dium (Biologic effects of); Radium (Bromide of). Baskerville (C.) Radium and radio-active substances; their application especially to med- icine. 8°. Philadelphia, [1905]. Besson (P.) Le radium et la radioactivite. Proprietes generates; emplois medicaux. Avec une preface d'A. d'Arsonval. 12°. Paris, 1904. Clarke (J. H.) Radium as an internal rem- edy, especially exemplified in cases of skin dis- ease and cancer. 16°. London, 1908. Lehmann (L.) * Recherches sur Taction the- rapeutique du radium. 8°. Paris, 1905. Also, in: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1906, i, 1301-1316. Sommer (E.) Ueber Emanation und Emana- tionstherapie. 8°. Munchen, 1908. Abbe (T.) Notes on the physiologic and therapeu- tic action of radium. Wash. M. Ann., 1903^, ii, 363- 377. -----. Radium therap vin pediatrics and gynecology. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1906, liii, 680-686. [Discussion], 711. -----. Radium in surgery. J. Am. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 183-185. -----. The specific action of radium as a unique force in therapeutics. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 589-594. [Discussion], 620. -----. Some cases treated with radium. Wash. M. Ann., 1907-8, vi, 233- 241.—Aekroyd (W.) The relative efficiency of radium salts. Lancet, Lond., 1903, ii, 1464.—Adler (J. E.) A radium applicator. Ibid., 1906, ii, 1598.—Ball (M. V.) Radium; its possibilities in medicine. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1904, xxv, 149-151. — Barabashetf (P. N.) Nleskolko slov o radii i terapevticheskom yevo primle- nenii. [Radium and its therapeutic use.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1904,vii, 18-25.—Bayet (A.) Sur les effets therapeutiques du radium. J. med. de Brux., 1908, xiii, 795-797. — Beaudoin & Ceytre. La radiumtherapie. Rev. scient., Par., 1900, 5. s., ix, 111- 114.—Beck (J. C.) Experiments with radium in some nose, throat and ear diseases. Chicago M. Recorder, 1904, xxvi, 757-775. Also: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1904, xiv, 897-915.—Beelfere (A.) Note sur l'emploi therapeutique des sels de radium. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 1202-1215. Also: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 214-227. Also: J. de physio- therap., Par., 1905, iii, 6-19.— Bcrgonie (J.) Le rad"ium au point de vue medical; ce qu'on en sait et ce qu'on en ignore. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 123; 175.—Bernabeo (G.) Radio e sue applicazioni (espe- • rienze cliniche e risultati). Med. ital., Napoli, 1904, ii, lM-ls.8.—Blaschko (A.) Erfahrungen mit Radium- behandlung. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1906) 1907, xxxvii, pt. 2, 68-79. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1906, xliii, 224-227.— Blauel (C.) Experimentelle Un- tersuchungen fiber Radiumwirkungen. Beitr. z. klin Chir., Tubing., 1905, xlv, 141-184. — Bbluu (R.) Ueber Radium, radioaktive Substanzen, Radiumwirkung und Radiumtherapie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxx M; 99; 113.—Bolkott" (V. M.) Otritsatelniva storoni radiumterapii; neoplazicheskayaadenopativa inlestnaya i otdalyonnaya. [The negative sides of radiumtherapy; Radiumtherapy. neoplastic adenopathv.'local and distant.] Russk J Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1906, xl, 225-233 — Botey(R.) Le radium en oto-rhino-larvngologie. Ann d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par" 1906, xxxii pt' 2,101-120. Also, transl: Arch, de nnol., laryngol otol Barcel., 1906, xvii, 98; 249.—Brokaw (A. V. L.) Pres- entation of specimen of radium, with suggestions as to its therapeutic value in cancer and other malignant dis- eases. St. Louis M. Rev., 1903, xlviii, 415-417.—Butcher (W. D.) The therapeutic action of radium. Brit. M J Lond., 1908, ii, 720-722.—Cabrera y Benltez (F.) EJ radium y sus aplicaciones terapeuticas. Rev. med. cu- bana, Habana, 1906, viii, 158-165.—Caspari (W.) Die Bedeutung des Radiums und der Radiumstrahlen fiir die Medizin. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz 1904, viii, 37-45— Cleaves (MargaretA.) Radium; with a preliminary note on radium ravs in the treatment of cancer. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiv, 601-606—Cybulski (N.) Materya promienista jak srodek leczniczy. [Radi- ating substance as a remedv.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1905 2. s., xxv, 225-231. Also: Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1905, xliv' 143-146.—Danlos (H.) Sur l'action physiologique et therapeutique du radium. Bull. d. sc. Pharmacol., Par 1904, ix, 65-74.—Darier (A.) Sur Taction analgesiante et nevrosthenique du radium a doses infinitesimales et iuoffensives. [Rap. de F. Raymond.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1904, 3. s., li, 526-528. -----. Note on the ac- tion of radium as an analgesic and nerve tonic. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 652. -----. Die Anwendung des Radiums in der Augen-Therapie. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth Gesellsch. 1905, Wiesb., 1906, 205-215. -----. Des appli- cations medicales du radium. Clin opht., Par., 1905, xi, 169. — Davidsohn ( F. ) Radiumemanation als Heilfaktor. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1633-1635.— Desfosses (P.) Le radium en therapeutique; radiumtherapie. Presse med. Par., 1905, i, 121. — Diett'enbach (W. H.) A new method for the therapeutic application of radium salts. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1905, liii, 769-774. -----. Radium therapy. Ibid., 1906, 3. s., xxi, 766-771.— Dominici (H.) Le radium au point de vue physiolo- gique et therapeutique. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 493- 495. -----. De P utilisation du rayonnement v du radium en therapeutique. Cong, franc, de med. Compt. rend. 1907, Par., 1908,429-431. -----. Du radium et de ses appli- cations therapeutiques. J. de physiotherap., Par., 1908, vi, 132-139. Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1908, lxxv, 253-262.—D'Ormea (G.) Radium terapia. Poli- clin., Roma, 1906, xiii, sez.prat., 385-389.—Drake (G. W.) Radium rays; and their therapeutic possibilities. Char- lotte [N. C.J M. J., 1904, xxiv, 168-171.—van Dugteren. Rapport omtrent radiumbehandeling. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, i, 741-755.—Edwards (G. P.) The therapeutic value of radium. South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1907, xxix, 7-16.—Einhorn (M.) Radium recep- tacles for the stomach, oesophagus, and rectum. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1904, lxv,399. Also, Reprint. -----. Beobach- tungen fiber Radium. Ztschr. f. Krebsforsch., Berl., 1905, iii, 34^5.—Esdra (C.) Contributo alia radiumterapia. Policlin., Roma, 1907,xiv, sez. prat., 129-134. -----. Nuovo contributo alia radiumterapia. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1908, xlix, 236-239.—Exner (A.) Bericht iiber die bisher gemachten Erfahrungen bei der Behandlung von Carcinomen und Sarkomen mit Radiumstrahlen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1903, cxii, 285-308. -----. Demonstrationen von einem Fall von Karzinom des Mundes und einem Fall von Melasarkom, die mit Radiumstrahlung be- handelt wurden. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 804 — Ferreri (G.) Le radium dans la therapeutique laryn- gologique. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1907, xxiv, 730-736.—Floceo (G. B.) L' azione fisiologica e terapeutica del radium. Boll. d. mal. ven., sif. e d. pelle, Roma, 1904, v, 104-121.—Font de Boter. El radium en oto-rino-laringologia. Gac. san. de Barcel., 1906, xviii, pt. 2, 96; 111. -----. El radium en flsica y en terapeutica. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1908, vii, 225-243.—Foveau de Courmelles. Radium et radiotherapies diverses. Ac- tualite med., Par., 1904, xvi, 19-24. -----. Un peu d'his- toire de la therapeutique du radium. Ibid., 84-87. -----. Le radium en therapeutique nerveuse. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France 1904, Par., 1905, ii, 311-316. -----. Le radium. Medecin, Brux., 1904, xiv, 9«. -----. Les nouveaux resultats therapeutiques du radium et des corps radio-actifs. Progres med., Par., 1904, 3. s., xix, 353-355. -----. Effets therapeutiques du radium. Rev. med., Par., 1904, xiii, 322-337. -----. Le radium en art dentaire. Odontologie, Par., 1905, xxxiv, 456-461. -----. Nouveaux faits physiologiques et therapeutiques du radium. Actualile med., Par., 1906, xviii, 3-7. -----. Le radium en medecine. Ibid., 1908, xx, 4-7. Also, transl: Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1908, vii, 327- 330.—Freudenthal (W.) The effect of the rays of ra- dium upon the mucous membrane of the larynx. Arch. Electrol. & Radiol., Chicago, 1904, iv, 318-320. -----. Ex- periences with radium in diseases of the throat and nose. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 279-287— Fremiti (L.) DieRadiumbehandlmi^. Ztsehr. f.med.Elcktml.u. Rontgenk., Leipz., 1908,x, 305—tiallemaertsA L.oos- RADIUMTHERAPY. 257 RADIUS. Radiumtherapy. lelt. La radioactivite et ses effets therapeutiques. Poli- clin., Brux., 1904, xiii. 196-205.—Gelnats (V. N.) Ob izmlerenii kolichestva luchel radiya dlya terapevtiches- kikh tslelel. [Measurement of radium rays for therapeu- tic purposes.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 598-601, 1 pl. -----. O radioforle i drugikh podobnikh prepara- takh radiya dlya terapevticheskikh tslelel. [Radiophor and other similar preparations of radium for therapeu- tic purposes.] Ibid., 937-941.—Glew (F. H.) Radium in medicine. Chem. & Drug., Lond., 1903, lxiii, 143.— Graham (G. H.) Radium and its medical uses. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 31-39. Also [Abstr.]: Hospital, Lond., 1906-7, xii, 425.—Holzknecht. Ein Instrumentarium zur Applikation der Radiumstrahlen auf Haut und Schleimhaut. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. viii. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1903, Wien u. Leipz., 1904, 88-90.—Jorissen (W. P.) & Blnger (W. E.) Actions chimiques des rayons du radium. Arch n6erl. d. sc. exactes [etc.], LaHaye, 1907,2. s., xii, 157-174.—Ju- mon. Het radium; phvsische en therapcutische eigen- schappen. Med. WeekbL, Amst.. 1903-4, x, 584-587. Also, transl: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1903, lxx, 692- 695.— Justus (J.) Radiummal gyc'igyitott betegek. Patients treated by radium.] Budapesti k. orvosegy. vkomyve, 1905, 21-24. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 92. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Bu- dapest, 1905, xii, 560-562.—King (W. H.) Radium and its uses in medicine. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1903, li,729-733.—Kozerski (\.) & G6rkie\viez (S.) Ra- diumterapia. Przegl. chor6b skor. i wen., Warszawa, 1907, ii, 292-295. — Laquenr (A.) Ueber kunstliche radiumemanationshaltige Biider. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 719-721.— JLedue (S.) Emploi therapeu- tique des Emanations radio-actives. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 283-287. — Liieber (H.) Ra- dium und radioaktive Stoffe und deren Verwendung in der Medizin. N. Yorkermed. Monatschr., 1904, xvi, 49-58. [Discussion], 253-256. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1904-5, 253-255. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: J. Soc. Chem.Indust.,Lond., 1905.xxiv, 230. -----. Radiumand some methods for its therapeutic application, with demon- strations. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1904-5, ii, 32-37. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Med., Phila., 1905,ix,72-74. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 229-231. Also [Abstr.]: Science, X. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, n. s., xxi, 105. -----. Radium und Radioaktivitat in der Medizin. N. Yorker med.Monatschr., 1906,xviii,37-40— Maeintyre {.!.) On the therapeutic effects of the salts of radium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 199. -----. Radium and its therapeutic effects. Ibid., 1524-1526. — JHael.eod (J. M. H.) Fur- ther observations on the therapeutic value of radium and thorium. Ibid., 1904, i, 1366-1369. — OTarqufes (H.) Le radium et les corps radio-actifs; propriet6s physiques et biologiques; applications therapeutiques. Montpel. med., 1905, xx, 29; 69.—.TIayoral (A.) El ra- dium en terapeutica (datos clinicos originales). Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1906, xv, 35-40.— Merz (OH.) The physics and therapy of radium. Electro-Therap., Lima, Ohio, 1904, viii, 80-87.—Metzen- baum (M.) Radium; its value in medicine, with re- ports of cases. Arch, internat. de chir., Gand, 1904-5, ii, 352-357. -----. Radium; its value in the treatment of lu- pus, rodent ulcer, and epithelioma, with reports of cases. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1905, 14. s., iv, 21-31, 6 pl. -----.- Radium: its value in medicine. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., liv, 555-557. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev., To- ronto, 1905, xxx, 548-551. Also: Louisville Month. J. M. & S.,1904-5, xi, 188-190. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxiv, 17.—Morton (W. J.) Radium for the treatment of cancer and lupus. Med.Rec,N.Y.,1907,lxxii,760-766. Also, transl: Riv. internaz di terap. fis., Roma, 1908. ix, 160.— JUilhsam (R.) Ein neuer Radiumbehalter fiir Mast- darm undScheide. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xii, 748.— Nagelschmidt (F.) Die therapeutische Verwendung von Radiumemanationen. Ibid., 1908,xlv,548.—Nahm- maeher. Ueber Behandlung mit Radiumstrahlen. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Natur- u. Heilk. in Dresd. (1903-4) Munchen, 1905,147. -----. Radium und Radiumtherapie. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1908, xv, 905; 935; 962. -----. Ueber Radiumtherapie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1908, lv, 140.—Nieolai (V.) Radium e Rontgen terapia nella speciality. Atti d. Cons. d. Soc ital. di loringol. [etc] 1907. Pavia. 1908, 104-126,1 pl.—O'Brien (C. M.) The present position of radium in therapeutics, with a resume of the Finsen light and X-ray treatment. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1904, cxviii, 6-11. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 139-141. Also: Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond., 1904, viii, 131-137. —Ondin (P.) Etat actuel de la radiumtherapie. Radium, Par., 1906, iii,260- 265.-----. Action hemostatique du radium. Cong, franc. de med. Compt. rend., 1907, Par., 1908, 444-44S. — Oudin (P.) & Verchere. Du radium en gynecologic. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii, 90-92.— Park- hurst (B.) Therapeutic experiments with radium. Pacific Coast J. Homceop., San Fran., 1904, xii, 137-142. -----. Radiumtherapy, experience, and suggestions. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Chicago, 1905, lxi, 792-795. Also: N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1905, liii, 713-717.—Pleach (J.) VOL xiv, 2d series----17 Radiumtherapy. Das Radium und die Radioaktivitat der Thermen und der Moorerde von Rajeczfiirdo. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchn- schr., 1904,820; 845. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 820; 845.—Polland (R.) Therapeutische Versuche mit Radium und sensibilisierenden Substanzen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 1167-1172. —Pusey (W. A.) Radium and its therapeutic possibilities. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 173-180.—Baymond & Zlminern. Quelques faits relatifs & Paction therapeutique du radium. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1904, 3. s., iii, 180-184.—Behns (J.) Sur quelques effets du radium. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1905, lviii, 491. —Behns (J.) & Salmon (P.) Action du radium sur les epithediomes benins. Ibid., 1904, lvii, 313-315. — Biedel. Untersuchungen iiber die kunstliche Radiumemanation. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 405-407.—Bobarts (H.) Radium. Am. J. Surg. Jz Gynec, St. Louis, 1903-4, xvii, 145; 155.— Bosenak (M.) Radium vagyoperatio? [. . . or opera- tion?] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 637. — Budis- Jicinsky (J. i The dosage in the treatment with ra- dium. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1904, x, 344-346. -----. Radium in surgery. Arch. Physiol.Therap., Bost., 1905, i, 74-77,1 pl.—Scliilt'i K.) Die Bedeutung des Radium als Heilmittel. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien & Berl., 1907, xxv, 11-13. — Scholtz ( VV.) Ueber die physiolo- gische Wirkung der Radiumstrahlen und ihre therapeu- tische Verwendung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 94-97. — Shober (J. B.) Radium therapy. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1908, xxxii, 158-162. — Soddy (F.) Radium; a method of applying the rays from radium and thorium in the treatment of consump- tion. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 197-199.—Sonimer (E.) Radium, Radioaktivitat und Radiumtherapie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1908, xxxviii, 517-521.—Stapler (D. A.) Radium. Occidental M.Times.San Fran.,1904,xviii, 49-52. — Sternthal (A.) Demonstration einer neuen Rontgen-Rohre, nebst Bemerkungen fiber Radiumwir- kungen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, vii, 477-488. —Stevens (R. H.) Further clinical experiences with radium with especial reference to Lieber's radium coatings. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1905, liii, 720-725.—Storck (J. A.) Some facts concern- ing radium and the use of the intragastric radiode. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 820-822. Also [Abstr.]: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1903-4, lvi, 851. —Strasser (A.) & Selka (A.) Versuche mit Radiumemanation. Bl. f. klin. Hvdrother., Wien, 1908, xviii, 105-112. Also: Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1064-1069. —Strebel (H.) Vorschliige zur Radium- therapie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xxiv, 1145.— Thiebault. Notes et observations sur l'emploi du ra- dium (epitheliomas, scierites, trachome). Clin, opht., Par., 1906, xii, 347-351.—Tracy (S. G.) Radium. J. Ad- vanc. Therap., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 75.S-767. Also: N. York M.J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 792-794. Also, Reprint. -----. Radium; induced radioactivitv and its therapeutical pos- sibilities. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 49-52. Also, Reprint. — Wallian (S. S.) Radioactivity in diabetes and nephritis. St. Louis M. Rev., 1905, Iii, 179.—Werner (R.) Ueber Radiumwirkung auf Infektionserreger und Gewebsinfektion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1625-1627.—Werner (R.) & Hirschel (G.) Erfahrun- gen iiber die therapeutische Wirkungder Radiumstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1531- 1544.— Wickham (L.) Quelques notes sur l'emploi du radium en therapeutique. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 817-836. -----. Le radium, principales applications therapeutiques. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 801-803.—Wickham (L.) & Degrais. Considerations g6n<5rales sur l'emploi du radium en dermatologie; do- sage, mode operatoire et valeur des tissus de reparation. Cong, franc, de med. Compt. rend. 1907, Par., 1908,439-444. -----------. The specific action of radium on certain tumors and on certain rebellious skin-diseases. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1908, xxxiii, 645-751.-----------. Traitement par le radium, des noevi pigmentaires, des 6pitheiiomes, des cicatrices vicieuses. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par.,1908, xxi,141-149. Also: Bull, etmem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. dePar., 1908, 3. s., xxv, 465-472.—Williams (F. H.) Notes on radium; production of the gamma rays from the beta rays of radium; use of radium in some dis- eases of the eye. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 559-561.—Ze- lenkovski ( Y. V.) K voprosu o primlenenii Becquerel'- evskikh luchei (radiya) k llecheniyu glaznikh bolieznei; llecheniye trakhomi (zernistavo perioda). [Becquerel's rays (radium) in the treatment of diseases of the eye; treatment of trachoma (granular period) J Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 189; 224; 264.—Zerda (L.) Aplicaciones medicinales del radium. Rev. med. de Bogota, 1904-5, 259-265. Radius. See, also, Elbow-joint; Ulna; Wrist-joint. Dumur (J.) * Recherches experimentales sur la mecanique des articulations radio-cubitales. Mouvements de pronation et de supination. 4°. Bordeaux, 1889. RADIUS. 258 RADIUS. Radius. Delbet (P.) Experience sur la resistance du radius aux pres-ions verticales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii. 555—Dwight (T.) The movements of the ulna in rotation of the fore-arm. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1884-5, xix, 1S0-189.—Geinmill (J. F.) On the move- ment of the lower end of the radius in pronation and su- pination, and on the interosseous membrane. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1900-1901, xxxv, 101-109. Radius (Abnormities of). Appraille ( G. ) * Malformations eongeni- tales de l'extremite superieure du radius. 8°. Baris, 1901. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1901. Gaillot (G. H.) * Contribution :\ l'etude du radius cnrvus. 8°. Lille, 1907. Loebell (G. E. A.) * Ueber congenitalen Radiusdefekt. 8°. Giessen, 1906. MfxTNER (O.) *Congenitale Luxation des Radiuskopfchens mit Vererbung. [Erlangen.] S°. Wurzburg, 1891). Roget (E.) * Etude sur le radius curvus. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Savoenix (A.) * Contribution a, l'etude de 1'absence congenitale du radius (main-bote). 8°. Lyon, 1899., Schmid (O.) * Ueber eine bisher nicht beob- achtete Form von partiellem Radiusdefect. [Zurich.] 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. Also, in: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir.. Stuttg., 1892, ii, 59-94. Abbott (F. C.) Hereditary congenital dislocation of the radius. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1N91-2, xliii, 129-139. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet,Lond.,1892,i,s00.—Albertin. Ra- diuscurvus. Bull. Soc.de chir.de Lyon. 1905,viii, 115-120.— Ambard. Double luxation congenitale du radius en haut et en arriere chez un malade soupconne de svphilis h6r6ditaire. Rev. d'orthop., Par , 1901, 2. s., ii, 173-176,1 pl.—Antonelli (I.) Surun casodimancanza congenita bilaterale del radio. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1904, lv, 501; 519: 1905, lvi, 81. Also, trans/,.: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg.. 1905, xiv, 213-232. — von Bardeleben. Ein operirter Fall von beiderseits fehlendem Radius. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 221.—Boniienberg (T.) Die Luxatio capituli radii congenita (angeborene Verrcnkung des Radiuskopf- chens). Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1892-3, ii, 370-409.—Bossi (P.) Anchilosi radio-ulnare superiore congenita. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1904, xxi, 25-34.— Brown (\V. H.) Arrest of development of the radius following injury; resulting luxation of the head of the ulna. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 520. — Buehbinder ( H. ) Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik des kongenitalen Radiusdefektes. Festschr. . . . Benno Schmidt . . . Leipz., 1896, 47-57.— Biilow-Hansen (V.) Et til- ■ faelde af kongenital komplet radiusdefekt opereret efter Bardenheuer's methode. [A case of ... ] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1908, 5. R., vi, 956-960.—Cran- well (D.J.) Ausencia congenita del radio. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1903, xi, 540-555. Also (Abstr.] Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1903, x, 912.—Cuff (A.) Absence of radii. Clin. Sketches, Lond., 1896, iii, 41.—Favel. Arret d'accroissement du radius. Mem.et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1886), 1887, xxvi, pt. 2, 266.—Francais (H.) & Egger (M.) Ag6- nesie totale du systeme radial. N. iconog. de la Salpe- triere, Par., 1906, xix, 463-465, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. neurol., Par., 1906, xiv, 546.—Galliard (L.) & Levy (F.) Micromeiie avec malformation sym6trique des radius. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 1103-1106.—Garipuy. Un cas de main-bote par absence du radius. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1907, lxxxii, 174-179.—Gaudier & Bernard. Double luxation congenitale du radius. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 501.—Goerlich (M.) Ueber einige Radius- missbildungen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1908, lix, 421-440.—Gonnet. Absence congenitale du radius et meningocele c6rebelleuse. Bull. Soc.d'obst. de Par..1908, xi, 210-212.—Horroeks (W.) Arrested growth of lower end of radius. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 200 — If uisman (A.) Absence congenitale des deux radius. J. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 670. —Hutchinson (J.) Cases of congenital absence of the radius. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1891-2, iii, 299-304.—lllyes (G.) Velesziiletett radius-hi&ny. [Congenital defect of the radius.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 36.—Jagot (L.) Absence con- genitale du radius gauche et de la partie correspondante du massif osseux du carpe. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1905. ix, 161-167. — Langlands (F. H.) Case of arrested development in lower end of radius. Intercolon. M..I. Australas.. Melbourne, 1900, v, 104, 1 pl.—Layral V. > A Peju (G.) Absence congenitale totale du radin- et Radius {Abnormities of). malformations carpiennes multiples. Prov. med., Par., 1907, xx, 62s— Lciioiiiiant (C.) Ln nouveau cas de radius curvus. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1907, 2. s., viii, 1- 10 — Levy (R.) Leber Madelungsche Handgelenksde- formitat. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 2213-2216.— Lot sell (F.) Ein Fall von rechtsseitigem Radiusdefekt und linksseitiger daumenloser Klumphand. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxii, 630-541. — OT«- Curdy (S. Le R.) Congenital absence of radii, with operation. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1896, viii, 8-14. Also: Boston M.& S. J.. 1895, exxxiii, 446. ^4teo:Ann Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 44-47—OTalewski (B.) Przy- padek obustronnego, calkowitego braku kosci promienio- wych, polaezonego z gluchota wyrazowq,. [Complete bi- lateral absence of the radius, combined with word deaf- ness.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1903, xxi, 235-240.—OTar- san (F.) Sur un nouveau casde maladie de Madehnig. Arch. gen. de chir., Par., 1908, ii, 472-482. -----. La ma- ladie de Madelung (radius curvus). Gaz. d h6p., Par. 1908, lxxxi, 1671-1678. — OTichelsohn (J.) Ein Fall von totalem Defect des Radius. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1903', xii, 445-452. -----. [Ein 2|jahriges Kind mit totalem Defekt des Radius.] Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1357.—Middleton. A case of congenital absence of the left radius and of the left thumb, malformation of the left ulna, spinal curva- ture, and complete displacement of the heart to the right. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc, Glasg., 1897-8, ii, 156-160.—OTuni- mery (P. L.) A rare congenital deformitv of both radii. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 13-15 — JHuscatello (G.) Per la cura operativa nella mancanza congenita del radio. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1906, xxiii, 300-371, 4 pl. Also: Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1906, 170-176, 4 pl.—Peraire (M.) Pseudarthrose du radius et du cubitus. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 114-116.— Petersen ( O.) Partieller Radius- mangel bei einem syphilitischen Manne. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1880, v, 383-385.—Piollet. Ln cas de radius curvus. Lvon med., 1906, cvii, 799-801. Also: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1906, ix, no. 7, 274-277.—Poncet. Main-bote radiale bilaterale par absence congenitale des radius. Lyonmed., 1907, cviii, 17.—Porter (F. T.) Con- genital luxation of the head of the radius. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. (1871-3), 1874, n. s., v, 258. — Prlneeteau. Subluxation congenitale des deux radius. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxxvii, 612.—Keisz (O.) Ketoldalu ve- lesziiletett radiushiany felnott egyenen. [Congenital de- fect of the radius on both sides.] Gy6gvdszat, Budapest, 1904, xliv, 727.—Shattock (S. G.) On four specimens of congenital absence of the radius. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1881-2, xxxiii, 240-246,1 pl.—Smith (R. W.) Congenital luxations of the radius. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1847- 52, 267-269. -----. Congenital luxation of the radius. Ibid., 1852-8, 64.—Stetten (de W.) Ideopathic pro- gressive curvature of the radius, or so-called Made- lung's deformity of the wrist (carpus varus and carpus vulgus). Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1909, viii, 4-31 — Stouffs. Mains-botes resultant de 1'absence congeni- tale du radius (radiographic). Bull. Soc beige de gvnec. etd'obst.,Brux., 1899-1900.x, 124.—von Stubenraiicli. Ein Fall von congenitalem Defect des rechten Radius. Sitzungsb. d. iirztl Ver Munchen (1897), 1898, vii, 27.— Takada (S.) Ein FaL vom angeborenen, beiderseiti- genFehlen des Radius. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1898, xii, 973-977, 1 pl. Also: Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1898, 2955-2959, 1 pl.—Taylor (H. L.) Con- genital absence of the radius. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1897, x, 170-175. 1 pl. Also: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-7, v, 89.—Thomson (J.) [Case of almost entire congenital absence of the radius on both sides.] Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1889-90, xv, 56.—Van Haelst (A.) Main-bote par absence congenitale du radius. Bull. Soc. de m6d.de Gand, 1907, lxxiv, 177-180.—Van Hook (W.) Double congenital dislocation of the heads of the radii. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 958.—Voigt (L.) Beitrag "ur Casuistik des congenitalen Radinsde- fectes. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1863. iv, 27-42.—War- tield. Congenital absence of radius. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1892, iii, 42.—AVI Hard (De F.) Con- genital deformity of wrist; osteotomy of radius. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, i, 115. Also, Reprint. Radius {Curved). See Radius (Abnormities of); Wrist (Sublux- ation of), etc. Radius {Diseases and tumors of). Delfosse (E.) *De 1'osteomyelite de l'ex- tremite inferieure du radius. 8°. Paris, 1906. Dethan (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de l'oeteosarcome du radius. 8°. Paris, 1902. Atherton (A. B.) Case of excision of the upper end of radius for anchvlosis with ulna. Ontario M. J., To- ronto, 1892-3, i, 407.—Austin (M. A.) Osteosarcoma of the left radius. Centr. States M. Mag., Anderson, Ind., 1905, iii, 121.—Beck (C.) Regeneration of radius after RADIUS. 259 RADIUS. Radius {Diseases and tumors of). its removal for osteosarcoma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 717.—Blanc & Savolle. Lipdme osteo-perios- tique du qoI du radius; compressions nervcuscs. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1907, xxvi. 207-271.—Chapin (I). S.) Rlcdkiy sluchal chastichnavo ischcznovcniya luchevol kosti usihlitiehki vgummoznom periodle. [Rare case of partial disappearance of the radius in a syphilitic woman during the tertiary period.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 135.—Clieynet W.W.) Centralnecrosisof the radius with- out suppuration. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 18S9-90,xii, 249-252. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 785.— Clutton (H. H.) Three cases of giant-celled sarcoma of the radius. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xxvii, 86-93. -----. Endosteal sarcoma of radius. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 242.—De- page (A.) Osteome traumatique de la tetedu radius. J. de chir. ct aim. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1905, v, 199- 201, 1 pL—Deutschlander. [Fall von Ostitis albu- minosa des rechten Radius.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 932.—Bollinger (G.) A felkarcsont felsd vegenek csontvelojebdl kiinduld sar- coma. [Sarcoma arising in marrow of upper end of ra- dius.] Gy6gyaszat. Budapest. 1899, xxxix, 185. -----. A felkarcsont als6 feienek csonth&rty&j&bol kiindul6 sar- coma. [Sarcoma arising in lower half of periosteum of radius.] Ibid., 186.—Douty (E. H.) Note on a caseof resection of the radius for sarcoma. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 376.—Freeman t E. > Resection of the lower four- fifths of the radius for necrosis. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 18%, lvi, 209.—God Ira y i A. C.) Excision of the whole of the radius for tuberculous disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 1163.—Goinard. Exostose de l'extremite su- perieure du radius. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1905, xvi, 648.— Giindrum (F. F.) Osteo-sarcoma of the ra- dius in a dog. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 467-409,1 pl.—Heaton. Sarcoma of radius. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1892, i, 72. .4^..- Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 259.— Hendrix. Periostitesyphilitiqueduradius. Policlin., Brux., 1906, xv. 33>.— Jaboulay. Osteosarcome de l'ex- tremite inferieuredu radius et prothese interne avecde la gaze sterilisee simple. Lyon med., 1902, xcviii, 201-203. -----. Osteosarcome myeioide de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Ibid., xcix, 151.—Joiion (E.) La diaphyse en tiere d'un radius sequestree par osteomyelite. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1906. 2. s., xxiv, 255.—Kirmisson. Osteomyelite duradius. Med. mod., Par.. 1905. xvi. 2l»7.— Kozerski (A.) Kosc promieniowa, dotknieta pozhym przymiotem, zdjeta sposobem Roentgen'a. [Syphilis of the radius diagnosed by Roentgen's met hod.] Medyeyna, Warszawa, 1S97, xxv, 243-246.—Leclerc (<..) Oteite tu- berculeuse de la diaphyse radiale affectant la forme ana- tomiquedu spina ventosa. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1907, lxxx, 867.—Liniger. Spontanbruch der Speiche, Sarkom an der Bruchstelle. als Lnfallfolgeangemeldet. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz.. 1907, xiv, 10*-170.—MoBurney (C.) Sarcoma of radius. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 506. -----. Sarcoma of radius; amputation of fore- arm by a new method. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 181-183.—Monestie. Tumeur d'aspect myxosarcoma- teux de l'extremite inferieure du radius; antecedents svphilitiques; caracteresd'hybriditeduneoplasme. Bull. Soc anat.-clin. de Lille, 1890", v, 17-21. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille. 1890, i, 203-208.—Pozza (P.) [Osteomielite tu- bercolare dell' estremo inferiore del radio destro; artrite reattiva.] Osp. S. Antonio Abate in Fivizzano. Resoc. clin. d. sez. chir. 1891-3, Pontremoli, 1894, 45—Bies- meyer (L. T.) Operative removal of more than half of the radius for eburnation of the bone. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1901, xxiv, 14-21.—Bouvifere (H.) & Granel (F.) Sur une saillie osseuse situee sur le bord interne du radius; tubercule interosseux du radius. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1907-8, xvii, 95-97.—Vlannay. Osteo- sarcome de l'extremite inferieure du radius; resection; epiphyso-diaphvsaire; guerison. Loiremed , St.-Etienne, . 1908, xxvii, 203-208— Vollbrecht. Ein Fall von Osteo- myelitis radii dextri. Fortsehr. a. d. Gcb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1899, iii, 10.1 pl.-WiartlP.) Sarcome duradius recidive; ablation de la moitie superieure du radius. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1x97, lxxii, 666-668. Radius (Didoc-ations of). See, also, Elbow-joint (Dislocations of); Ra- dius (Abnormities of); Radius and ulna (Dis- locations of); Ulna (Dislocation of); Wrist (Subluxation of) [Madelung' s deformity]. Capron (C.-A.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude des luxations de l'extremite superieure du ra- dius en avant, compliquant les fractures du cu- bitus. [Lille.] 8°. Mermlle, 1906. Carrey (F.) *De la luxation traumatique ancienne du radius en avant (luxation irre- ductible) etde son traitement par la resection de l'extremite deplacee. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Chedieu (J.-Ci. ) *Sur la luxation particuliere du rayon. 4°; Strasbourg, [1803]. Radius (Dislocations of). Clxiot (S.) * Contribution a l'etude de la luxation du radius par elongation. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Frigaix (L.) *Les luxations de l'extremite superieure du radius en avant, 8°. Paris, 1897. Gi.isen (A. J.) * Ueber die isolierte Luxa- tion des Radius. [Freiburg.] 8°. Leiden, 1893. Gounand (A.) *Pes luxations de l'extremite superieure du radius en dehors. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868. Graille (V.) *De la luxation en dehors de la tete radiale. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Koehl (O. L.) * Ueber Subluxation des Ra- diuskopfchens. 8°. Kiel, 1894. dE Moraes Barros (J.-M.) Contribution a l'etude des luxations de l'extremite superieure du radius, et plus particulierement sur les causes de l'irreductibilite de ces luxations et sur leur traitement. 8°. Geneve, 1886. Stanculescu (G.) * De la luxation du ra- dius compliquant les fractures du tiers superieur du cubitus. 4°. Paris, 1890. Albertiu. Luxations de la tete du radius. Lyon m6d.,1898, lxxxix, 491. -----. Luxation de la tete du ra- dius isoiee ou combinee d, une fracture du cubitus. Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1893, xii, 596.—Amberger. Lin Fall von Luxation des Radius nach innen hinten. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1902, xxxiii, 823-829.—Barnes i A. C.) Backward dislocation of the head of the radius. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 97.—Beebe (H. E.) Two eases of compound luxation of the carpal extremity of tin- radius forward. Med. Century, Chicago, 1896, iv, oS'.K—Berz- told (W. H.) A case of symmetrical congenital disloca- tion of the head of each radius. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1891, xiv, 370-373.—Bessel Hagen (F.) Ueber angebo- rene und pathologische Luxationen des Radiuskopf- chens. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xii, 420-435.— Boot (G. \V.) A case of anterior dislocation of the head of the radius. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1896, n. s., xv, 499.—Braquehaye. Luxation du radius en avant. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . .. de Bordeaux, 1889, x, 153.— Brindeau (A.) Luxation congenitale du radius. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1908, xi, 140.—de Bruin. [Sublu- xatiocapituli radii bij jongekinderen.] Nederl. Tiidschr. v. Genec-k.. Amst., 1898, 2. R., xxxiv, d. 1, 76-79.—Cald- well (,('. E.) Sub-luxation of the radius bv elongation. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii, 496-499. [Dis- cussion] , 504.—DenucS. Note sur la pathogenie de l'af- fection connue sous le nom de subluxation par elonga- tion du radius chez les enfants. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 8-13. — Dersclieid- Delcourt (Marie). Radius curvus traumatique avec subluxation progressive du cubitus. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1907, vii, 235-239.—Esquerdo (A.) La luxaci6n anterior de la cabeza del radio en los nihos. Rev. de cien. m6d. de Barcel., 1890, xvi, 289-293. Also: (lac san. de Barcel., 1890-91, iii, 100-105— Filu- gelli ((i.) Intorno ad alcuni punti controversi della iussazione anteriore dell' estremiti superiore del radio. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.-fis., Firenze, 1848, vi, 44-46. — Fraser (A. H.) Dislocation of radius backward; reduc- tion after eight weeks. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 543.— Heath (C.) Dislocation forwards of the head of the ra- dius; reduction seven weeks after the accident resulting in a freely movable joint. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1060.— Labougle & Uaraiunez (E.) Luxation isoiee du radius en arri^re. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1888, ix, 164-166.—Le Dentu (A.) Luxations de l'extremite superieure du radius en avant,-compli- quees de fracture du corps du cubitus. In his: H6p. Necker. Etudes de clin. chir. 1890-91, 8°, Par., 1892, 107- 110.—Lejars (F.) Sur le traitement des luxations an- ciennes de la tete du radius en avant. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1898, ix, 93-111.—Loblt. Luxation meconnue de la tete du radius chez une enfant de 13 mois. Med. inf., Par., 1898, ii, 95-97.—Marcuse (J.) Isolirte Luxation des Radius nach vom. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 1301.—Math es (P.) Ein Fall von Luxation des Radiuskopfchens nach hinten durch Narbenzug, mit fast volhger Erhaltung der Function. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlvii, 393-397.—Minerbi (C.) Di unasingolare sub-lussazione del capitello radiale propria dell' infanzia e simulante una paralisi dolorosa dell' arto superiore (sub-lussazione del Pingaud). Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1894-5, lxix, 6-36.—Morton (T. S. K.) A case of excision of the head of the radius for old dislocation. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1897, xviii, 1. — Mullen Luxation de la tete radiale avec fracture du tiers superieur du cubitus. Lyon med., 1908, cxi, 126.— Parker (T) Forward dislocation of the radius and its reduction. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xii, RADIUS. 260 RADIUS. Radius (Dislocations of). 517.—Park burst (L. E.) Dislocation of the radius backwards at the elbow-joint. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 71* —Patel. Luxation ancienne du radius en arrifere. Lvon med., 1902, xcix, 874-876.—Prior (S.) Et Tilfaelde af" Ki>ifysel0sning og Luksation af Capitulum radii be- handlet med Eksstirpation af dette. [A case of loosening of the epiphysis and luxation of . . . treated by its extir- pation.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kobenh., 1907, 5. R., xiv, 1110- 1115.—sawlcki (B.) O nadwichnieniach ku przodowi glowkikosci promieniowej u dzieci. [Anterior subluxa- tion of the head of the radius in a child.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1891, 2. s., xi, 702-709— Scliroter (P.) Die traumatische laterale Luxation des Radiuskopfchens. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.,1893, xlvi, 809-843.—Schwartz. Sur un cas de luxation traumatique de l'extremite supe- rieure du radius droit da taut de cinq mois avec fracture du cubitus vicieusementconsolide; troublesfonctionnels; resection de la tete radiale; retablissement des fonctions du membre, par le Dr. Chevassu . . . [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 40-42.— Spencer (W. G.) Old dislocation of both radii, one backwards, the other forwards. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1890- 91 xxiv, 227.—Stetten (DeVV.) Musculo-spiral (radial) paralysis due to dislocations of the head of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii, 275-295, 10 pl.—Swind- ells (E.) Dislocation of the head of the radius back- wards. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii,874.—Widal (F.) Luxa- tion spontanee de la tete du radius droit au cours d'hy- darthroses blennorrhagiques k bascule des deux coudes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 607-610. Also: M6d. mod., Par., 1895, vi, 488. Radius (Fracture of). See, also, Forearm (Fractures of); Radius (Fracture of, Complications, etc., of); Radius (Fracture of, Diagnosis, etc., of); Radius (Frac- ture of, Jurisprudence of); Radius (Fracture of, Treatment af); Radius (Fracture of, Treatment of, Operative); Radius (Fracture of, Ununited); Radius (Fracture of) in automobilists; Radius (Separation of epiphyses of). lVdouyt (C.) * Contribution A, l'etude des fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. 8°. Paris, 1897. Foxze (E.) *Des fractures du col du radius. 8°. Mtmtpelier, 1905. Gazet (J.) *Fractures de l'extremite supe- rieure du radius. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Heumann (K.) * Ueber die typische Radius- fractur und ihre Behandlung der Mitella. 8°. Kiel, 1894. La Mouche (L.) *Des fractures de la dia- physe du radius de cause indirecte. [Lyon.] 8°." Dijon, [1898]. Stires (J.) * Ueber die Fractura radii typica. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., [1904]. Tabutix (M.) * Fractures de l'extremite su- perieure du radius chez l'enfant. 8°. Lyon, 1907. Abbe (R.) Colles's fracture. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893 2. s., iv, 209.—Allen (H.) The etiology of fracture of the lower end of the radius. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893^1, vi, 145-148. Also, Reprint.—Amata (F.) Sulla frattura di Colles; note cliniche. Arch, internaz. d. spec. med.-chir., Napoli, 1894, x, 8-11.—Ashhurst (J.) jr. Fracture of the radius. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892,2. s., i, 200-202.—Bahr (F.) Die typische Radiusfraktur und ihre Entstehung. Centralbl.f.Chir., Leipz.,1*94. xxi, 841- 845.—Baker (<"'. F.) Fracture of the head of the radius with report of two cases. J. Med. Soc, N. Jersey, Orange, 1907-8, iv, 415-417.—Balloch (E. A.) Colles' fracture. Wash. M. Ann.. 1905-6, iv, 273-284.—Banks (C. E.) Frac- ture of the head of the radius. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U.S., Car- lisle, Pa.,1905, xvi, 111—Beatty (L. K.) Colles'fracture. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1*95-6, xxxiv, 457-459. [Discus- sion], 400.—Beck (C.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 361; 433. Also, Reprint. _____. Fissure of the head of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila . 19iil, xxxiii, 466-468,2 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Beitrag zur Fractur der carpalen Radiusepiphyse. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 155-175. Also, Reprint.— Bennett (E. H.) Specimens of Colles' fracture (recent, comminuted). Proc. Path. Soc Dubl., 1880-92, n. s., ix, 63 -----. Fracture of the head of the radius. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890, viii, 402.—Bodine (J. A.) Regeneration of the radiusfromitsperiosteum. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1904, x, 182—Bonalonte (M.) Mecanismo de la fractura tipica del radio. Rev. med. de Sevilla, 1905, xliv, 61-68.— Bo wen (F. J.) Colles' Radius (Fracture of). fracture. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1892, iv, 261.—Bran- dau (J. W.) Report of a case of fracture of radius. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1890, 157-162. -----. Colles's fracture. Nashville J. M. & Surg., 1905, xcvii, 146-151.—Campbell (W. F.) Colles's fracture. Brooklyn M. J., 1905, xix, 21-24.—Cartwright (F. D.) Codes' fracture. Bull. Kentucky M. Ass., Louisville, 1903, i, 127-129. [Discussion], 136-139.-Clark (A. T.) Codes' fracture. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1896, xxix, 10-13.— Clay (A. B.) Colles' fracture, with report of seven cases. Memphis M. Month., 1898, xviii, 248-253.—Colles' frac- ture. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis, 1899, v, 612.—Conner (P. S.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 550-552. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1890, xi, 271. Also: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1891, xi, 113-116. -----. Fracture of the lower end of the radius. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 54.— Corson (E. R.) The mechanism of fracture of the neck of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 691-695.—Cotton (F.J.) Experimental Colles' fracture. J. Bost. Soc M. Sc 1897-8, ii, 171-174. Also, Reprint. -----. The pathology of frac- ture of the lower extremity of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxii, 194; 388, 3 pl. Also, Reprint.—Davis (G. G.) Fracture of the posterior lip of the carpal ex- tremity of the radius (Barton's fracture), produced post- mortem. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1891-3. xvi, 15. — Bes- tot. Des fractures de la tete du radius. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1903, vi, 304-310. -----. Fracture de l'extremite superieure du radius. Ibid, 311.—Destot & Lassalle. Fracture du radius. Bull.Soc.dechir.de Lyon, 1904, vii, 157.—Don (A.) & Haughton (W. S.) The pathology of Colles's fracture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 797— Edlen (E. A.) Colles's fracture. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1905, vii, 450-452.—Kly (L. W.) Colles' fracture; with anew theorvof its mechanism. J.Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 2130-2133.—Erving (W. G.) Frac- tures of the head and neck of the radius. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1908, v, 384-404.—Estes (W.L.), Fractures of the lower end of the radius. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1898, xi, 363-366.—Falconer (R. C.) Anatomy and surgery of Colles' fracture. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1907-8, v, no. 8, 20.—Ferguson (R.) Colles' fracture. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1898, xxiii, 271-273.— FISrcken (H.) Die Fraktur des Collum radii. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxv, 357-368.— Fullerton (A.) Fractures at the lower end of the radius. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 358. -----. Colles's fracture and other fractures and disjunctions at the lower end of the radius and ulna. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxix, 555; 586, 2 pl. on 1 L—Gar- cia (E. R.) Algunas consideraciones acerca de las frac- turas de la extremidad inferior del radio. Gac. m6d., Mexico, 1905, 2. s., v. 119-126, 1 pl—Golebiewski. Anatomische Analyse der deform geheilten typischen Radiusfracturen. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1899, vi, 372-374. -----. Ein Fall von rechtsseitiger typi- scher Radiusfraktur mit durch diese Verletzung her- vorgerufenerVerkiirzung des rechten Unterarms. Inter- nat. med.-phot. Monatschr., Leipz., 1894, i, 67-71—van der Goot. De overige radiusfracturen. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1903, iii, 141-146.—Gray (G. M.) Fractures of the base of the radius. Therap. Digest, Kansas City, 1898-9, i, 135-139— Gremllllon (C. J.) Fracture of the lower extremity of the radius. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1905-6, lviii, 379-386.—Hall (A. L.) Avulsion of the bicipital tuberosity of the radius. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1908, viii, 465.—Harlan (E.) Barton's fracture. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., xcviii, 90.—Haynes (I. S.) Fracture of the radius immediately below the bicipital tuberosity. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 795.— Hennequin (J.) Considerations sur le mecanisme, les symptOmes et le traitement des fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius cons6cutives aux chutes sur le poi- gnet. Rev. de chir., Par., 1894, xiv, 557; 801.—Hirsch (C. J. B.) Colles' fracture. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 213-215. —Holliday (B. \V.) Fractures of the lower end of radius. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893, 232-235. — Kenerson (V.) Fractures of the lower end of the radius. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 1069-1123. Also, Reprint. —Knott (J.) Colles' fracture. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1902, xx, 361-386. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1902, cxiv, 18; 87. -----. Colles's fracture. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1905, vii, 467-4*8.—Knox (R.) Fracture of the head of the radius. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 443.—Kocher. Frac- tura radii. In his: Chir. Klin, zu Bern, Jena. 1891,82-84.— Krecke (A.) Radiusfrakturen. Zwei Jahre chir. Ta- tigk____Privatklin. v.....Munchen, [1905], 192-194.— Kuhn. Der Mechanismus der Fractura radii typica. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, lxiii, 596-600.— Ladd (G. D.) Fractures in the lower portion of the radius. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1897-8, iv, 591-596.— La oh (P.) Fractura radii loco classico Collesii. Tijd- schr. v. inland. Geneesk., Batavia, 1899, vii, 24-29— Lash (H. M.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius. In- diana M. J., Indianap., 1891-2, x, 121-125 —Lassalle. Fracture du radius. Lvon med., 1904, cii, 1243.-Latar- jet & Gazet. Contribution a l'etude des fractures de RADIUS. 261 RADIUS. Radius (Fracture of). de l'extremite superieure du radius chez l'adulte. Lyon med., 1903, xxxv, 405-418.-l.ee (E. H.) Remarks on Colles' fracture. Medicine, Detroit, 1896, ii, 983-987. — Lejars. Une piece de fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 74-70 — Lilienleld. Ueber den klassischen Radiusbrucb. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxii, 166-190. —Link (J. EC Colles' fracture. ,1. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 356-300.—Lowman (W. B.) Report of two cases of fracture of the shaft of the radius. I'hila. M. J., 1900, v, 920-922. — McDonald (W. O.) Colles' fracture. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y., 1895, xxx, 252-257— ITIarchals. La fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 227-229.—Cleans (W. J.) Colles's fracture. Columbus M. J., 1902. xxvi. 472-475. — Miller (C. C.) Colles' fracture. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag., 1904, xxiv, 77- 80.—Monad. Fracture de la tOte du radius. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 366.—Morgan (J. B.) Colles's fracture. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1896, 60-66. [Discussion], 00-70. Also: Med. Times, N. Y., 1897, xxv, 205. Also: South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1896, xxvi, 326-331.—Mouehet (A.) Les fractures du col du radius. Rev. de chir., Par., 1900, xx, 696-622.— Murdoch (J. J.) Fractures of the radius. Med. Standard, Chicago. 1891, ix, 47.—Nicolaysen (.1.) Fractura radii hos born. [. . in children.] Norsk Mag. f. La'gevidensk.. Christiania, 1908, 5. R., v, 793-990, 2 pl. — Piergrossi (L.) Sul mec- canismo di una varietA di lussazione posteriore del carpo e della frattura dello estremo inferiore del radio. Arch. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1902, xviii, 352; 365.— Pilcher (L. S.) Fractures of the lower extremity of the radius. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Columbus," O., 1897, 523-536. — Fond (A. M.) Some considerations of Colles' fracture. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1903, ii. s., xxiii, 37-39.—Foulsen (K.) Studier over den saa- kaldte typiske Radiusfraktur. (Studies on the so-called typical fractures of the radius.] Hosp.-Tid., Kabenh., 1906.4. R., xiv, 605; 629; 669; 687; 713. Also, transl: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxx.902-954.—Powers (0. A.) The relative age-occurrence of Colles' fracture; a table of nine hundred and eightv-eight cases. Med. News, Phila ,1895, lxvi, 262-264. Also, Reprint.—Prat. Sur la fracture fermeede l'extremite superieure du radius. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vii, 121-139.— Pullen (A. J.) Colles' fracture. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1905-6, iv, 576-579.—Beclus (P.) Des fractures de l'extremite in- ferieure du radius. Gaz. med. de Par., 1906, 13. s., i, 1.— Boberts (J. B.) The ignorance of surgeons regarding fracture of tlie lower end of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899,xxix,272-279. -----. Thegardener'sspadedeformity and the silver-fork deformitv in fractures of the carpal end of the radius. Med.Rec.N.Y..1905,lxvii,808-810. Also, Reprint.—Bosenbaeh (J.) Ueber den Bruch des Ra- dius am untern Ende. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxvi, 993-1028.—Buss (R.) Fractures of the lower end of the radius with forward displacement of the distal frag- ment. Am. Med., Phi la., 1905.x, 520-528.—Savage (W.E.) Colles' fracture. Kentucky M. J., Louisville, 1905-6, iii, 542-544.—Shoemaker (ii. E.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1904, xl, 284, 2 pl. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. (1904), 1905, 80, 2 pl.— Smitli (R. W.) Fractureof the radius. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1859-62, n.s., i, 126-12*. —Stathers (W.C.) Colles' fracture. Railway Surg., Chicago. 1*90-7, iii, 457-459.— Stinson (L. A.) Fracture of the head of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvii. 5:;o. — Stirling (R. A.) Case of fracture of the head of the radius. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1891-2, xi, 98.—Stockwell (C. M.) Colles' fracture. Med. Age, Detroit, 1895, xiii, 673-680. Also: Do- minion M. Month., Toronto, 1897, viii, 123-131.—Taka- hachi (K.) [FourcasesofColles' fractureof the radius] Geibi Iji, Tokyo, 1903, viii. 551-554— Takaki i, K.) (A caseof spontaneous fracture of both radii.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., 1905, xxiv, no. 279, pt. 2, 8-12.—Thomas (T. T.) A preliminary report on a study of fractures of the head of the radius,*with special reference to its frequency and to fractures of the neck of the radius. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1905-6, xxvi, 298-307. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1906, xc, 21-29. -----. Fractures of the head of the ra- dius; an experimental study and report of cases. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1905-6, xvii, 184; 221. Also: Penn. M. J., Athens, 1905-6, ix, 504-511. -----. Fractures of the head and neck of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xlvi, 280-291, 15 pl.—Tillaux. Fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Med. mod., Par , 1896, vii, 425.— Totman (D. M.) The lower extremity of the ulna asa factor in Colles's fracture. Tr. M. Ass. Central N. Y., Buffalo, 1905, xii, 45-18. Also: Buffalo M. J., 1905-6, lxi, 693-696.— Tuffier. Fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius avec grand deplacement; integrite fonctionnelle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 801- 803.—Vance (A. M.) Barton's fracture. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1899, xxviii, 374-370.—Van Lennep (G. R.) Isthebreakintheradiin theonlvbone lesion inCol- les' fracture. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1899, N. Y., 1900,281- 296.—VIgnard. Fracture de col du radius chez l'enfant. Bull. Soc de chir. de Lvon, 1906, ix, no. 1,13-17. Also: Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 398-401.—Volkovich (N. M.) K Radius {Fracture of). voprosu o perelomle luchevol kosti v obichnom mlestle. [Fractureof the radius in the usual place.] Univ.lzvlest., Kiev., 1900, xl |Protok. fiz.-med. Obsh., 1898-9, ii, 212- 217].—Whitacrc (H. J.) Fracture of head of radius. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1900, n. s., xlv, 592.—Willis (H.) Colles' fracture. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y., 1895, xxx, 260.—Wise (S. 1'.) Some points on Colles' fracture. Ohio M..I.,Columbus,1905-6,i,513-517.—Wolkowitsch (N.) Einige Daten fiber den Mechanismus der Entste- hung der Radiusfracturen an typischer Stelle; Anatomie und Behandlung derselben. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1905, lxxvi, 917-942.—'Woolsey (E. H.) Colles' fracture. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1892, 65-92,11 pl. Also, Re- print. Radius {Fretdure of Complications and seejnehe of). See, also, Radius (Fracture of, Diagnosis, etc., of). Jourdan (E.-P.) * Etude sur leu troubles fonctionnels et trophiques consecutifs aux frac- tures du radius. 4°. Paris, 1895. Roberts (J. E.) A clinical, pathological, and experimental study of fracture of the lower end of the radius, with displacement of the carpal fragment toward the flexor or anterior surface of the wrist. 8°. Philadelphia, 1897. See, also, infra. Also, in: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1897, n. s., cxiii, 10-34. Andre. Compression du nerf median par un cal de fracture du radius; troubles sensitivo-moteurs et ther- miques; degagement du nerf; retour rapide des fonc- tions. Bull. m6d., Par., 1898, xii, 298-300.—Beck (C.) Fracture of the carpal end of the radius, with lissure or fracture of the lower end of the ulna, and other asso- ciated injuries. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiv,249-267,15 pl. Also, Reprint.—Bennett (E. H.) Reversed Colles' fracture. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1902, xx, 348,1 pl. -----. Rare fractures; reversed Colles'fracture; impacted intrascapular fracture of cervix femoris. Dub- lin J. M. Sc, 1902, cxiii, 241-244. — Bigelow ( H. J. ) Stellate crack of the radius at the wrist. Boston M. & S. J., 1858, lviii, 99. Also, in his: Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1900, 240.—Biraud. Fracture de l'apophyse styloi'de du ra- dius. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1905, xix, 11.—Blecher. Die Schiidigung des Nervus medianus als Komplikation des typischen Radiusbruches. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xciii, 34-45.—Brandon (J. W.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius with complications. Med. Age, Detroit, 1890, viii, 200.—Broca (A.) La fracture de l'oiecr&ne et la fracture du col du radius chez l'en- fant. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 697-701.—Brown (F. T.) Codes' fracture, with fracture of the styloid process of the ulna. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 651. — Bryden (R. J.) Case of double Colles's frac- ture. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, ii, 1129. —Carter (W. D.) Tubercular arthritis of the wrist-joint following impacted Colles's fracture. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1897, xxxii, 466-469.—Chaput. Fracture ancienne du radius vicieusement consolidee par la resection du radius, du cubitus et d'une portion du carpe. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 395-398.—Clark (F. C.) Malpositions of the ulna in Colles' fracture. Providence M. J., 1908, ix, 67-74.—Clarke (J. B.) A rare form of fracture of the lower end of the radius. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1002.—Coley (W. B.) Compound comminuted fracture of the radius; rupture of the super- ficial flexor muscles; suture; recovery, with restoration of function. N. York M. J.. 1891, liv, 228.—Compound comminuted fractureof radius. Rec. Sound View Hosp., Stamford, 1898, no. 8,13.—Davison (T. II.) Temporary arrest in the growth of finger nails following Colles' frac- ture. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 532.—Delorc & Lericlie. De la perte des mouvements de pronation etde supina- tion dans les fractures du radius. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 221.—Delorme. Fracture partielle longitudinale de la tete radiale. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 290.—Destot. Fracture de l'extremite i nf6ricure du radius avec fracture de l'os pyramidal. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1898), 1899. xxxviii, pt. 2,170. Also: Lyon med., 1898, lxxxix, 524. -----. De la perte des mouvements de pronation etde supination dans les fractures du radius. Lyon med., 1905, cv, 1111. -----. Fractures du radius et du scaphoi'dc Iliid., 1906, cvii, 317-319. Also: Bull. Soc de chir. de Lyon, 1906, ix, no. 5, 195-197.—Domer (M.) Zwei unglucklich verlaufene Fiille von Fraet. rad. im untern Drittel. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fell- bach, 1S92, xliii, 43-57.—Douvrin. Fracture simultan6e et symetrique des deux radius. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 570.—Durand & Destot. Fracture de l'extre- mite inferieure du radius vicieusement consolidee. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lvon, 1904, vii, 35. Also: Lyon m6d., 1904, cii, 426.—Edi'ngton (G. H.) Comminuted frac- ture of the lower end of the radius, with separation of RADIUS. 262 RADIUS. Radius {Fracture of Complications and st y utile of). the styloid process of the ulna. Glasgow M. J., 1898, 1, 119-123. Also: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1897-8, vii, 159-164—Fowler iG. R.) Shortening of the radius in Colles' fracture. Tr.' Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1902. xx. 378- :»*2. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi. 817.—Gag- nieres & Abadie. Fracture du scaphoide compli- quant une fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi. 399— tia I let. Fracture transversale de la cupule du radius et de l'apo- physe corono'ide. Ann. Soc beige de chir., Brux., 1900, viii, 66. Also: Clinique, Brux., 1900, xiv, 337— Gazin, Fracture compliquee de l'extremite inferieure du radius droit, a foyer large ouvert; luxation du cubitus; arrache- ment d'un fragment radial. Arch, de med. et pharm mil., Par., 1907, 1, 111-118. — (ieiard -Marchant. Notes sur les fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius avec deplacement du fragment inferieur et de la main en dehors, et saillie du cubitus en dedans i fracture de Dupuvtren au membre superieur). Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1894, v, 247-254. —Grlsel. Fracture basse radiale avec luxation en bas et en arriere de la tete du cubitus pseudarthrose consecutive. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1905, 2. s., vi, 531-537,1 pl. — Harns- berger (S.) A fracture of the radius with singu- lar features. Med. Bull., Phila., 1899, xxi, 91.— Her- mans (F.) Fracture du radius et du cubitus chez une genisse en gestation. Ann. de m6d. vet., Brux., 1906, lv, 154-150—J. (A. C.) [A double Colles' fracture.] Alka- loid. Clin., Chicago, 1901, xi, 215.—Jacob. Fracture de la tete du radius ct luxation du coude. Bull. Soc.de chir. de Lyon, 1900-1901, iv, 2()*-210.—Jaulin & Baudet. Fracture aneienne du radius; consolidation vicieuse; al- longement eonsecutif du cubitus. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 124. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 451.—Jeanne (A.) A propos d'une fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius con- solidee en position vicieuse: fracture de l'apophyse sty- lo'ide du cubitus, avec pseudarthrose. Normandie med., Rouen, 1899, .xiv, 405. 1 pl.—Jones (T. C.) An unusual case of bilateral Colles' fracture. I'hila. M. J., 1899, iii, 03.—Lane (W. A.) Fractures of the radius and ulna. Clin. J., Lond., 1902, xx, 171-173—Le Conte (R. G.) Compound fracture of radius and ulna. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xlv, 970, 2 pl.—Logan (J. C.) Comminuted frac- tureof both ends of the radius. Surg.. Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1907, iv, 273-275.—Lozano (K.) Fracturas atipicas de la extremidad carpiana del hueso radio. Clin, mod., Zarago/.a, 1904, iii, 545-554,1 pl.—Marchant (G.) Troubles (i'accroissement en longueur des os de l'avant-bras consecutifs 4 une fracture dc l'extremite in- ferieure du radius; arret de developpement du radius, allongemcnt du cubitus; deformations et troubles fonc- tionnels consecutifs; resection de deux cent, du cubitus; guerison therapeutique et operatoire. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1899, x, 261-265.—Means (W. J.) [Fall dislocating right hip and producing Colles's fracture of both wrists] Phagocyte, Columbus, 1904-5. ix, 7— Mirallie (('.) Fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius; troubles nerveux consecutifs. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1901-2, xx, 186-189.—Moucliet (A.) & l.enil-Feri in (G.) Frac- ture de l'extremite inferieure du radius avec luxation de la tete du cubitus en avant et arrachement de l'apophvse styloide cubitale. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vii, 225- 240,1 pl.—Fark (R.) Colles' fracture; bursitis of wrist; rice-grain bodies; sciatic nerve-stretching. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvi, 284-286.—Fatel. Fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius; subluxation de Pin- ter! igne radio-cubital inferieur. Lyon med., 1906, cvii, 509— Fearson (J. M.) A unique fracture of the radius. Northwest. Med., Seattle, 1905, iii, 339.— Pedraza. Fractura conminuta del radio. Rev. espec med. La oto-rino-laringol. espan., Madrid, 1904, vii, 20.—Plister (C.) [Leberfahrung von der Trolleycar; klaiTende in- fizierte Wunde an derStirn; Fraktur des rechten Radius; Zerreissung des rechten Ellenbogengeler.kes] X. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1906, xviii, 110— Fotieyenko (V. V.) Fractura complicata radii sini^tri et fractura simpl. ulna/ dextnc; vulnuscapitis contusus; eontusio palpebral oculi dextri; razshireniyerani, dezinfektsiya yeya, vpravleniye otlomkov kosti i repodvizhnaya povyazka: smcrt. [. . . widening of the wound; its disinfection, reduction of fractures and immovable bandage; death.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1*95. i, 728.—Badiuslrak- turen mit volarer Yerschiebung des peripheren Frag- mentes (Smith-Linhartscher Tvpusi. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1155.—Boberts (J. B.) A clini- cal, pathological, and experimental study of fracture of the lower end of the radius, with displacement of the carpal fragment toward the flexor or anterior surface of the wrist. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass. Phila., 1896, xiv, 611-682, 1 pl. -----. Fracture of the lower end of the radius, with forward displacement. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1897, 3. s., xix, 111-117, 1 phot. Also: Intemat.-Clin., Phila., 1897 7. s., i, 223-231, 1 pl. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1897, vi, 159- 161. -----. Fracture of the lower end of the radius, with anterior displacement of the carpal fragment. Phila. M. Radius (Fracture ef Complications and seipiehe ef). J., 1898, i, 699. -----. Infection by the bacillus aero- genes capsulatus in an open fracture of the radius and ulna. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 768-771 — Botgans. Ren geval van bijzondere fractura radii Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, i, 0U3.—Buss (R.) Fracture of the lower end of the radius, with forward displacement. Pacific M. J., San Fran., P.ki5 xlviii, 434.—Butherfurd. Colles' fracture, with frac- ture of the scaphoid. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. (1886- 91), 1892, iii, 269-271. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1891, xxxv 312-315.—Soubeyran & Gagnierc*. Fracturedu col duradius; fracture de l'extremite inferieure de l'hum6- rus. Montpel. med., 1902, xiv, 2*5-j,*9.—Stewart (F. T.) Fracture of the lower extremity of the radius, with ante- rior displacement of the lower fragment. Tr. Phila Acad. Surg. (1904), 1905, 85.—Thomas (J. L.) An in- quiry into the condition of the styloid process of the ulna in Colles' fracture. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1899-1900, iv, 4-7.—Tyler (A. F.) Colles's fracture; complications! West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1908. xiii, 95-97.—Van Lennep (W. B.) Impacted fracture of the radius. Hahneman Inst., Phila., 1896-7, iv, 15—Vest (VV. E.) Report of a case of compound dislocation of elbow, with compound fracture of radius. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1899-1900, vi, 426.—Vlenne. Sequestrede la partie inferieure dura- dius. Bull. Soc anat.-clin.de Lille, 1892, vii, 25.—Vitrac. Fracture de l'extremite inferieure duradius gauche; luxa- tion de l'extremite inferieure du cubitus; luxation de l'extremite superieure du radius. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 201.—Voting (P.W.) Colles' fracture, with dislocation of the ulna of seventeen weeks' standing. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 124.—Wilkes (W. D.) Compound Colles's fracture; traumatic gan- grene; amputation of arm, etc. Med. Times & Gaz. Lond., 1883, ii, 709.—Wrigley (P. R.) Dislocation of the semilunar bone complicating a fracture of the styloid process of the radius. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 658. Radius (Fracture of Diagnosis and semeiology of). Atlas of illustrations of clinical medicine, surgery, and pathology, compiled for the New Sydenham Society (a continuation of the Atlas of pathology). Fasc. xix (double fasc), being x and xi of the clinical atlas. Illustrations of herpetiform morphcea. Plate exxvi to exxxiv (coloured), and A to J (without colour); radio- graphs illustrating Colles' fracture, plates K to S (without colour), fol. London, 1904. Gallois (E.) * Fracture de l'extremite infe- rieure du radius; etude radiographique, physio- logique et experimentale. 8°. Lyon, 1898. ------. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1S98. Picard (F.) ^Contribution a l'etude des fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius par les rayons Roentgen. 8°. Paris, 1898. Rudolph y (K.'H. J.) * Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Liingsbriiche des Radius-Kopfchens. 8°. Greifswald, 1899. Allison (N.) The silver fork deformity. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1905, xii, 188-194. [Discussion], 236.— Beck (C.) Colles'fracture and the Roentgen ray. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxii, 230-232.—Bennett (E. H.) On the rarer forms of fracture of the carpal extremity of the radius. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1891-2. x, 322-329. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 902— Bougie. Le signe de Laugier dans les fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1899, xiii, M7-S19—< odman (E. A.) A study of the X-ray plates of one hundred and forty cases of frac- ture of the lower end of the radius. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxliii, 305-30*. [Discussion], 318-320—Cole iC. S.) Fractures of the upper end of the radius; some personal experiences, together with radiographs and plates and stereoscopic views. Post-Graduate,N. Y.,1907,xxii,501-506, 6pl.— Conant (W. M.) Skiagraphs of Codes' fracture. Boston M. &s. .1..1897, exxxvi, 360-362—ler. Radiusfractur, nach Prof. Rontgen photo- graphirt. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 201.— Freeman (L.) Some fractures of the lower end of the radius as seen by the Rontgen ravs. Ann. Surg., Phila., RADIUS. 263 RADIUS. Radius {Fracture of iJ'tignosis and semeiology of). 1S97, xxv, 4*70-174, 3 pl.—van den Goot. De typische radius-fractuur. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1903, iii, 82-89.— Hertoghe (E.) Application des rayons de Rontgen a l'etude des fractures de l'avant-bras. Bull. Acad. rov. dc m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1896, 4. s., x, 403, 2 pl— llolt (M. P.) Fracture of head of radius, line of fracture run- ning parallel to long axis of bone. J. Roy. Arniv Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, x, 295.—Kahleyss (M.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fracturen am unteren Ende des Radius. Deutsche Ztsehr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xlv, 631- 561, 2 pl.—Ledet (M.) Fracture en sens inverse de l'ex- tremite inferieure du radius. J. d. sc. rued, de Lille, 1907, i, 207-209.—-Horton (R.) A radiographic survey of 170 cases clinically diagnosed as Colles's fracture. Lancet, Lond., ll.H)7, i, 731.—Kindone Lo Be (S.) Contributo alia sincomatologia della frattura di Colles. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1900, iii, 202.— Boberts (J. B.) A cast and skiagraph of the so-called Smith's fracture of the lower end of the radius. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1901, 3. s., x-xiii, 61. Also: Phila. M. J., 1901. vii, 482. -----. The gardener's spade deformity and the silver fork deformity in fractures of the carpal end of the radius. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1905, 3. s., xxvii, 73-78. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 808-810 — Schwartz (E.) Fracture rare de l'extremite inferi- eure du radius chez un enfant; demonstration radio- graphique. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1898, ix, 333-335, 1 pl.— Shober (J. B.) Skiagraph of the deformity following fracture of the lower extremitv of the radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxv, 194-197.—Thomas (J. L.) A note on the pathology of a double Colles' fracture [with skia- graphs]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 12. -----. The con- dition of the ulnar styloid process in Colles's fracture. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1899, ii, 1225. -----. Fractures of the head and neck of the radius, with remarks based upon a series of skiagraphs of twenty-three cases from the col- lection of H. K. Pancoast, skiagrapher to the Univer- sity Hospital. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1906-7, x, 859-866.— Vallas. Pronostic fonctionnel de la fracture du radius. Lyon med., 1901, xcvii. 810.—Vance (Ap M.) X-rav of Barton's fracture. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1907-*. xiv, 16-18.—Van Lennep (G. A.) Is the break in the radius the only bone lesion in Colles' fracture? Hahne- man. Month., Phila., 1899, xxxiv, 621-631.—Ware (M. W.) The cardinal pathognomonic sign of fracture of the lower end of the radius (Colles'). Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lvii, 540. Radius (Fracture of Jurisprudence of). Conerty (J. M.) A case of Colles' fracture ending in litigation. Kingston M. Quart., 1899-1900, iv, 58-63. Also: Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 37-41.—Golebiewski. Zur Casuistik der typischen Radiusfracturen und der durch sie bedingten Erwerbsunfahigkeit. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1894, 3. F., vii, 122-144. Radius {Fracture of Treatment of). See, also, Radius (Fracture of, Treatment of Operative). Gordon (A.) On the treatment of fracture of the lower extremitv of radius. 12°. Belfast, LSril. Barnes (E.) A new method of dressing Colles' frac- ture. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lv, 87.—Beck (C.) The modern treatment of fractures of the lower end of the radius, as indicated by the Roentgen rays. Med. News. N. Y., 1902, lxxxi, 529-538. -----. The treatment of fractures of the lower end of the radius. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 1448-1453. Also: Tr. sect. surg. & anat., Am. M. Ass. 1902, Chicago, 1903, 452-471.— Booth (C. C.) Colles's fracture: with some new sug- gestions in the treatment. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6. iv, 501-512.—Braatz ( K ) Zur Behandlung des tvpischen Radiusbruchev Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1896, xxv, pt. 2, 300-306. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896,liii,329-335.—Buonomo (A.) Meccanismoe scomposizione della frattura dell' es- tremltA inferiore del radio; manovra per la riduzione ed apparecchio d' immobilizzazione. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 3, 314-320.—Chaput. Fracture de l'extre- mite inferieure du radius avec enorme deplacement, traitee exclusivement par le massage et la mobilisation, sans reduction ni immobilisation; resultat fonctionnel satisfaisant. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 774-776, 1 pl—Chudovszky (M.) A ty- pikusors6csonttor6sek kezeh'si'nec k6rdese. IThe ques- tion of the treatment of the typical fracture of the radius.] Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1902-ik cvi evkonyve, Budapest, 1902, 112. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1902, xxxii, 399. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi. 248. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxviii, 703. -----. Adatok erf. orsocsont als6 harmada tor6seinek kezeiesehez. [Contributions on the treatment of frac- tures of the lower third of the radius.] Orvosi hetil., Bu- dapest, 1902, xlvi, 608; 627.—Cooper (H. P.) A simple Radius {Fracture of, Treatment of). method of reduction and treatment of Colles' fracture. Am. .1. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1901-2, xv, 4. Also: Rail- way Surg., Chicago, 1901-2, viii, 43.—Corson (E. R.) A case of Colles's fracture treated prone on a flat splint,with chief regard to ruptured ligaments. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 82— Crile (G. W.) On the later treatment of fractures of the lower end ol the radius. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893, 236-240.—Becrel. Un nuevo metodo de tratamiento de las fracturas del radio, del tipo llamado de Colles. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1908, xxviii, 223-227. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1908, lxxix, 26-30.—Belanglade (E.) Sur la reduction san- glante dans ccrtaines fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 684-089. — Bestot. Traitement des diflerentes formes de fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Lyonmed., 1907, cix, 67-70. Also: Bull.Soc.dechir.de Lyon, 1907, x, 144-148.—Boyle (G.) Colles' fracture; the anatomical splint. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1894, vii, 188- 190. — Biltschke. [Erfolg der Uebungstherapie bei einer alten Radiusfractur.] Charite-Ann., Berl., 1903, xxvii, 318.—Eve (D.) Treatmentof Colles' fracture, with report of a case of double fracture of the lower ends of the radius. South. Pract., Nashville, 1908, xxx, 207-212.— Fiske (J. P.) The necessity of force in the treatment of Colics' fracture of the radius. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 1318. -----. Notes on the treatment of Colles's fracture. Phila. M.J., 1902, x, 477-479.—Gallant (A. E.) Roser's dorsal splint for fractures of the lower end of the radius. N. York M. J., 1901. lxxiv, 568.—Geraud (H.) Traite- ment sanglant des fractures du radius vicieusement con- solidees. J. de med. de Par., 1903, 2. s., xv, 466.—Grii- lith (F.) Van Arsdale's treatment of Colles's fracture. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 709.—Griffiths (.J.) Colles's fracture and its treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1654-1656.—Hervez de Chegoin. De la rigidite de la main apres les fractures de l'avant-bras et du moyen de reviter par un nouveau mode de traitement. Union med., Par., 1848, ii, 179. Also, Reprint.—Hobensaek (J. R.) The treatment of fractures of the radius be- tween the insertions of the pronator muscles. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1903-4, xvi, 373-375.—Huse (R. C.) Colles' fracture with especial reference to treat- ment. Boston M.&S. J.,1890, cxxiii, 77-79.—Hutchin- son (J.) On the avoidance of splint-treatment in Colles' fracture. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1898, ix, 276. -----. On the disuse of splints in Colles'fracture. Polyclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 351; 405.—Jackson (R. H.) An extension splint for Colles's fracture. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y., 1902, v, 272-276.—Jacobson (N.) The treatment of Colles' fracture. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1895, 62-67. Also: N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 423-425. Also, Reprint.—Lewis (Z. E.) & Kellogg (C. W.) [etal]. How do you treat Colles's fractureof the radius? N.York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 352-359.—Larkin (J.J.) Im- proved splint for Colles's fracture. Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vii, 106-109—Lexer. Zur Behandlung der typi- schen Radiusfractur. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1906, xxxv, 161-103.—Lucas-Champion- nifere (J.) Therapeutique des fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Med. d. accid. du travail, Par., 1908, vi, 336-348.—JUc Williams (C. A.) A method of reducing old Colles' fractures: stifinessfollowingapparent contusions of the elbow. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 853-H55.— ITIarcliais (M.) La fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Clinique, Par., 1906, i, 227-229. Also, transl: Massaggio, Torino, 1906, V, 41^7.—Glassy (A.) Quelques considerations cliniquessurletraitemcnt de la fracture classique de l'extremite inferieure du radius par le massage. Rev. de cinesie, Par., 1900, ii, 7- 10.—JTlonnier (L.) Le traitement des fractures de l'ex- tremite inferieure du radius, dai>s la pratique journa- lise. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 089-691.—.Horton (T. S. K.) A new method for reduc- tion of fractures of the lower end of the radius. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1894, xv, 260-262. Also, Re- print. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 262-264. Also: Richmond J. Pract., 1894, viii, 158-160. Also [Abstr.]: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1894, xxxi, 185.—Fetersen (E.) Zur Behandlung des typischen Radiusbruches. ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1894, xxiii, pt. 2, 352-358. [Discussion],pt. 1,49-51. Also: Arch. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894, xlviii, 708-714. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.,Leipz.,1894,xxiii, 92. Also [Abstr.]: Festschr. z. Feicr... Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 48.—Fool (E. H.) & Lambert (A. V. S.) A splint for the treatment of Colles' fracture. Surg. Gynec & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 571-573.—Bich- ardson (D.) The use of force for the reduction of fractures of the lower end of the radius, with the report of a simple method for its application. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1899, n. s., xviii, 267-269.—Biedel. Die mini- male Narkose bei kleineren chirurgischen Eingriflen, speciell bei der Reposition von Radius- und Knochel- bruchen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 629-631 — Boberts (J. B.) The uselessness of splints in fracture of the lower end of the radius. Med, News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 615-619.-----. The ignorance of surgeons regarding RADIUS. 264 RADIUS. Radius (Fracture of Treatment of). fracture of the lower end of the radius. Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1899, i, 107-114. -----. The necessity of force in the treatmentof Colles' fracture of the radius. Tr. Phila. Oo. M. Soc, Phila., 1899, xx, 82-87. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. M. J., 1*99, iii, 1071. -----. The common error in treating fractures of the lower end of the radius. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1901-2,v,503.—Bockey (A. E.) A method of maintaining approximation after Colles' fracture by short lateral splints without pressure on the tendons or inter- ference with the circulation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lvi, 159.—Bosi (U.) Sulla cura delle fratture inferiori del radio. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, pt. 1, 808; 820.— Schell (VV.) Treatment of fracture of lower end of ra- dius, in Indiana. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1890-91, ix, 172.—Sheldon (J. G.) Reduction of Colles' fracture. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 982.— Sprengel. Ein Fall von blutiger Einrenkung des Radiuskopfschens. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1905, xxxiv, 219.—Storp (J.) Zur Behandlung der typischen Ra- diusbruche. Ibid., 1896, xxv, pt. 2, 307-315. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896, liii, 3)6-344.—Taylor (F. L.) The treatment of fractures at the lower end of the radius. Therap. Month., Phila., 1902, ii, 141.—Thomson (G. S.) On Colles's fracture and an explanation of the mechan- ism and application of Gordon's splint in its treatment. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1891, ii, 20-23.—Tracy (E. A.) Treatment of Colles' fracture. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 1043-1045. Also, Reprint.—Vallas. Frac- ture de ladvaphyse radiale traitee par le massage. Bull. Soc de chir. de Lyon, 1899-1900, iii, 93.—Van Bureii (H.) Treatment of Colles'fracture bv extension. Chicago M. Recorder, 1893, iv, 271.—Vellano (G.) La frattura tipicadel radio e la stecca di Beely come metodo cura- tivo. Clin, e prat., Treviglio, 1905, ii, 11-17.—Volko- vich (N.M.) Nieskolkodannikhotnositelnomekhaniz- ma pro'iskhozhdeniya pereloma luchevol kosti v tipich- nom mlestle, yevo anatomiiillechenii. [Mechanism of the origin of fracture of the radius in its typical place, its anatomy and treatment.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 617-523.—Wessel (C.) Om Behandling af Fractura radii med Stasehvpersemi. Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, Kgbenh., 1905-6, iv, 353-357. Radius {Fracture of. Treatment of, (Jjnrative). See, also, Radius (Fractureof, Ununited). Betagh (G.) Frattura longitudinale della testa del radio, simulante una lussazione posteriore; artrotomia; guarigione. Policlin., Roma, 1904, xi, sez. prat., 148-152.— Bodine (J. A.) Open operation for correction of de- formity and restoration of function in ancient Colles' fracture. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1904, xxvi, 502-505. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1904, n. s., liii, 435.—Cipriani (A. G.) Sulla frattura tipica del radio e sull' intervento chirurgico nella cura dei calli deformi consecutivi. Clin, chir., Milano, 1897, v, 1-35.— Burante. Resezione-disarticolazione della testa del radio per pregressa frattura. Boll, de clin., Milano, 1891, viii, 49-51.—Goodhue (E. S.) Operation for the correc- tion of deformity of the wrist caused by shortening of the radius after fracture. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlv, 9.— Harte (R. H.) Osteotomy as a means of correcting vi- cious union occurring in the lower end of the radius, with a report of two cases. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 613-619. Also, Reprint. — Lane (W. A.) Operation for physical disability resulting from the unsatisfactory union of the fragments of a radius, which had been broken at the junction of the upper and middle third. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. a., lxii, 634. — Lichtenauer. Liingsbruch des rechten Radiusoperativbehandelt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903. xl, 626.—Lothrop (H. A.) Opera- tive treatment of old fractures at lower end of radius. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, cliii, 625-335. Also: Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1905, 221-242.—Mauclaire. Frac- ture de l'extremite inferieure du radius avec esquille gS- nant les mouvements de pronation et de supination; ab- lation; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 710. — IHourlhon. Fracture du radius dimcilement reductible, et vicieusement consolidee; osteotomie du radius et du cubitus; bon resultat. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 850-852.—Mugnai (A.) Resectio-disarticolatio della testa del radio per pregressa frattura. Gazz.d.osp.,Milano,1889,x, 634.—Bichon (L.) Fracture du col et de la tete du radius droit consecutive k une chute sur le coude; semiankylose du coude; resec- tion de la tete du radius; restauration fonctionnelle com- plete. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1902, xl, 490- 494.—Wallace (C. T.) Excision of the lower end of the ulna for an old Colles' fracture. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, xxxv, 198, 1 L, 1 pl. Radius (Fracture of Ununited). Anbin (E. D.) Ununited fracture of the radius. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1901-2, ii, 85 —Austin (H. W.) Excision of lower end of radius and ulna for an old un- united fracture, followed by necrosis of the bones. Rep. *uperv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash.. 1**9, 282, 1 pl.— Radius (Fracture of Ununited). Belageniere. Pseudarthrose du radius; encheville- ment etgreffe periostique empruntec au tibia; guerison. Bull, etmein. Soc. de chir. dePar., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 732- 734.—Bemoulin. Fracture ouverte ancienne de l'ex- tremite inferieure du radius gauche; gene considerable desfonctions de la main, troubles trophiques. Bull, ct mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 1188.—Krd- mann (J. F.) Resection and wiring for non-union of radius. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900,xxxi,737,1 pl.—Gordon (T. E.) A case of ununited fracture of the head and neck of radius treated by excision. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1897, civ, 388-390.—Hodgman (W. H.) Fracture of the ra- dius; non-union; operation; recovery. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 437.—Painter (C. F.) A case of ununited frac- ture of the rad ins due to osteomyelitis.. Boston M. &S..1., 1902, cxlvii, 4*0, 1 pl.—Powers (C. A.) Fracture of the radius; non-union; relief afforded by an extension appa- ratus. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 396.—Boberts (J. B.) Forcible reduction of unreduced fracture at the lower two of the radius, four months after the original injury, in end patients, one of them aged seventy-five years; cure in both cases. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i. 20l-'ju7.— Thomas (C. P.) Treatmentof unreduced Colics'frac- ture. St. PaulM. J.,1905,vii,693.—VanLenncp i W. H.) Ancient Colles' fractures. Hahneman. Inst., Phila., 1903, x.188. Radius (Fracture of) in automobilists. Box duel ( M.-H. ) * Fractures du radius chez les automobilistes. 8°. Bordeaux, 190">. Faugere (R.) * Fractures du radius chez les automobilistes. 8°. Paris, 1905. Archibald (E.) Automobile fracture of radius. Montreal M. J., 1906, xxxv, 630.—Beatson (G.T.) Two cases of chauffeur's fracture (fracture of the radius in starting automobiles). Glasgow M. J., 1907, lxvii, 56. -----. Chauffeur's fracture. Ibid., 1908, lxx, 161-167, 1 pl.—Casteret. Fracture iterative du radius determi- nee par le mouvement de retour du volant d'un auto- mobile. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1902, viii, 564.—Da- gron. Automobile et fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius. J. de med. de Par., 1902, 2. s., xiv, 270-272.— Bestot. Les fractures du radius chez les automobilistes. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lvon, 1904, vii, 145-148. Also: Lvon med., 1904, ch, 1181-1184. -----. Automobiles et frac- tures. Bull, med., Par., 1905, xix, 749-751. Also: Med. d. accid. du travail, Par., 1906, iv, 116-124.—Ghllllni (C.) Frattura dell' epifisi inferiore del radio nei manovratori d' automobili. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1904, 8. s., iv, 414-418. Also: Corriere san., Milano, 1904, xv, 990-992. Also, transl: Rev. de chir., Par., 1904, xxx, 479-483. Also, transl: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1905, lxxvii, 268-273. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1904, xiii, 759- 764.—Guillemot. Surun cas de fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius par manivelle d'automobile. J. de m6d. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi. [Discussion], 194.—Hooper (J. W. D.) A danger from motor driving [fracture of head of radius from "back fire"]. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, 232, 2 pl.—Hutchings (F. W.) Automobile fracture of the lower radial epiphy- sis in a seventeen-year-old boy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 120.—Lai'oy. Fracture du radius par mani- velle d'automobile. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 87-89.— Lucas-Champlonniere. Frac- tures du radius dues au retour de la manivelle d'automo- bile; ses varietes; son traitement; maniere delesprevenir. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1904, 3. s., li, 237-242. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par, 1904, lxxv, 209-216.—Lund (F. B.) Fractures of the radius in starting automobiles. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cli, 481-483, 2 pl. on 1 1. Also, Reprint.—fTIadeluiig. Ueber den Radius-Bruch der Automobil-Fahrer. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1904, i, 283.— ITIassard. Deux cas de fracture du radius par mani- velle d'automobil; choc direct. Limousin med., Li- moges, 1904, xxviii, 131— Mulisam (R.) Ueber eine typische Verletzung der Chauffeure. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1112. Also, transl: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1906, xxx, 554.—Quenu. Fracture indirecte partielle du radius, par retour de ma- nivelle. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 67-70.—Roland & Belaunay. Fracture de l'apophyse styloide du radius provoquee par la mise en marche d'un moteur d'automobile. Poitou med., Poi- tiers, 1902, xvi, 77.—Villar. Fracture de l'extremite inferieure du radius chez les automobilistes. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1899), 1900,133. Radius {Separation ofe/npnysrs ef). Boxta, (E.) *Du decollement epiphysaire traumatique de l'extremite infereure du radius. 8°. Par la, 1906. Foxtexeau (L.-M.-J.-A.) Contribution a l'etude du decollement epiphysaire de l'ex- tremite inferieure du radius. [Bordeaux.] s°. Nemtes, 1903. RADIUS. 265 RADOM. Radius {Separation of epiphyses of). Helmanx (J.) * Contribution a l'etude du decollement traumatique de l'epiphyse inte- rienr du radius. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Metenier (E.) * Contribution a l'etude du decollement epiphvsaire ii Pextremite inferieure du radius. 8°. Paris, 1907. Stehr (W.) * Ueber Hemmung des Liingen- wachstums des Radius nach traumatischer Epi- physentrennung. 8°. Tubingen, 1889. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1889, v, 595-606. Zwicke (G. G. O. E.) *Traumatische Epi- phvsenlosungen am unteren Radiusende. 8°. Berlin, [1908]. Biihr(F. 1 Bemerkungen zu den Frakturen der un- teren Kadiusepiphyse. Aerztl. Saehverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, ii. 475.—Beatson. Casts from a ease of dislocation of the radial epiphysis, simulating Colics' fracture. Tr. Glasg. Path. A: Clin. Soc, 1902-3, ix,125— Chaput. De- collement epiphysaire duradius droit k Page de huit ans; absence d'immobilisation; arret de developpement du radius; main bote valgus. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 162-164. — Codet-Boi»Kc. Ar- rachement partiel de la cupule radiale. J. demed. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 0N6.—Crawford (D.) Note of case of compound diastasis of right radius, with separa- tion of the ulnar epiphysis (patient and radiograph). Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1899, xix, 331.—Fullerton (A.) On twenty cases of disjunction of the lower epiphysis of the radius. Practitioner, Lond., 1906, extra no. on X- rays, 58-60, 6 pl — lfaubold (H. A.) Nailing the lower epiphysis of the radius; report of a case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li. 1329.—Jolion ( E.) Decollement trau- matique de 1'epiphvse inferieure du radius droit. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1906, 2. s., xxiv. 651-654.—Jl. (M.) De- collement epiphysaire de l'extremite inferieure du ra- dius. Tribune m'ed., Par., 1906, n. s., xxxviii, 583.—Me- tenier (E.) Contribution a l'etude du decollement epi- physaire de l'extremite inferieure du radius. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1907-8, xiii, 42.—Prineeteau. I Radiographics d'un cas de disjonction epiphysaire du radius. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 778.— Ubaldo (P.) La frattura dell' epifisi inferiore del radio. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Porto Civitanova, 1898, vi, no. 4-5, 6; no. 6-8, 1.—Walker (J. W. T.) A case of bilateral separation of the lower epiphysis of the radius. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1903-4, iv, 288-292. Also [AbstrJ: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 344-348.— Walther. Arret de developpement du radius conse- cutifs un decollement epiphysaire; radiographic. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 273.— Willems (C.) Decollement de la cupule du radius. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb, [etc.], Par., 1904, xvii, 599-601. Radius {Surgery of). See, also, Radius (Abnormities of); Radius (Diseases and tumors of); Radius (Dislocations of); Radius (Fracture of) [and subdivisions]; Radius (Separation of epiphyses of). Annequin. Resulta'ts eloigned de la resection de la tete du radius pratiquee chez un malade atteint de luxa- tion radio-humerale anterieure ancienne et de fracture du cubitus au tiers superieur; radiographic prise deux ans apres ropcration. Lyon med., 1898, lxxxvii, 73-82.— Benedict (S. C. * Resection of a portion of the radius followed by pvsemia and recovery. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta,1886,191-194.—Boyd (S.) Resection of the shaft of the radius; replacement of it bvdecalci tied turkey-bone. Clin. J., Lond., 1902-3, xxi, 305.—Chaput. Osteomyelite duradius; sequestreinvagine: resection duradius. Bull, j Soc.anat.de Par., 1891,lxvi.*:-!. —Schaeler i F.C.) Resec- tion of the head of the radius. Clin. Rev. Chicago, 1903, xix, 201.—Vogel (K.) Ein Fall von Ersatz der ganzen Radiusdiaphvse durch einen Elfenbeinstift. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 846-848. Radius and ulna (Dislocations of). Ehrlich (W.) *Ein Fall von kompleter La- teralluxation beider Vorderarmknochen nach aussen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Prenzlau, 1895. Auiiiir (F. A.) Forward dislocation of both bones of the forearm. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1898, liii, 314.—Bennett j (E. II.; Lnreduccd dislocation backwards of the bones of the forearm. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 1275.— Dress- ier. Luxation beider Vorderarmknochen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1892, xlvi, 68-70.— Enon. Luxation en arrifere des deux os de l'avant-bras et issue de l'humerus en avant a travers la peau; gu6rison com- plete en vingt jours. Anjou med., Angers, 1894-7, 228- 230.—Fulton (H. D.) Forward dislocation of the fore- arm. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii. 738. — Krause ( L.) Radius and ulna {Dislocations of). Przyczynek do kazuistyki zwichnieh bocznych przedra- mienia. fOn lateral luxations of the forearm.] Medy- cyna, Warszawa, 1898, xxvi, 881-888.—Longmore (T. W. M.) Simultaneous dislocation at the superior and inferior radio-ulnar articulations. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1323. — IVIusehold. Zwei Falle von aussen-seit- licher Verrenkung des Vorderarmes. Deutsche mil.- iirztl. Ztsehr., Berl., 1892, xxi, 249-253. — Pancoast. Complete dislocation, backwards, of both bones of the forearm. Med. News, Phila., 1884, xlv, 110.—Poggi (A.) Un caso importante de lussazione antcriore di ambedue le ossa dell' avambraccio sinistro da causa diretta. Bull. d.sc. med. di Bologna, 1886, 6. s., xviii, 299-303.—Powers (C. A.) Report of a case of compound dislocation of the radius and ulna, with rupture of the brachial artery. N. York M. J., 1885, xii, 11. — Spencer (W. G.) A case of recent dislocation backwards, at the elbow of both bones of the forearm, irreducible from the lower end of the humerus being held, like a button, bv a rent in the an- teriorligament. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.,1889-90,xxiii,25-29 — Sutclilfe (E.) Complete lateral dislocation of forearm. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 5s.»._Williams (T. H.) Partial dislocation of bones of forearm laterallv. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1884, i, 523. Radius and ulna {Fracture of). See Radius (Fracture of, Complications, etc., of). Radius (Justus) [1797-1884]. Geschichte des Georgen-Hospitals zu Leipzig als Heilanstalt. 16 pp. 4°. Leipzig, [P. Beclam], 1851. See, also, Bescot (Pierre-Jules). Ueber die ortlichen Krankheiten der Nerven. 8°. Leipzig, 1826.—Bamaz- zini (Bernard). Opera medica [etc.]. 12°. Lipsise, 1828' ------. See, also: Festschrift zur Erinnerung an die von der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig . . . Hern Justus Radius . . . dargebrachten Gliick- wiinsche. 4°. Leipzig, 1882. Radivoef (Theodore I van of) [1876- ]. *Les opinions emises stir les rapports de l'alcoolisme et de la tuberculose. 94 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 82. Radkevich (M. I.) K ucheniyu o pervichnom rakie pecheni. [Primary cancer of the liver.] viii, 337 pp., 8 1., 8pl. 8°. [Moscow, 1904.] In [paged separately]: Trudi fak. terap. klin. Imp. Mosk. Univ. . . . v chest . . . V. D. Shervinskavo, 1904. Radl (Emil). Ueber den Bau und die Bedeu- tung der Nervenkreuzungen im Tractus opticus der Arthropoden. 19 pp., lpl. 8°. Prag, Fr. Bivneic, 1899. -----. Untersuchungen iiber den Phototropis- mus der Tiere. viii, 188 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1903. -----. Geschichte der biologischen Theorien seit dem Ende des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts. Pt. 1. vii, 320 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1905. Radlauer (S.) Extraits des rapports publics sur l'antinervine-Radlauer, [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Radlotf (Franz) [1876- ]. * Ueber Gundu in Deutsch-Ostafrika. 36 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Gcorgi, 1907. Radiuiloviteli (Marie). * Contribution a l'e- tude des luxations recidivantes du coude. 29 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Geneve, J. Studer, 1905. Radnor. See Hospitals (Description, etc., of),by locali- ties. Rado du Matz (Louis-Marie) [1867- ]. *Du traitementde l'ervsipele par la pommade a la lanoline, vaseline et sublime et le sulfate de quinine. 61 pp., 1 1., 2 ch. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 28. Radoui. Przyehodzki (J.) Lwagi o stanie sanitarnym m. Radomia i o potrzebie reorganizacyi komisyi sanitarno- wykonawczych w naszych miastach gubernialnych. RADOM. 266 KAEHLMANN. Radom. [Sanitary condition of Radom, and necessity for reorgan- izing the sanitary commissions.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1904, 2. s.,iv. 763-782. Radoimki (Stephan). *Die HarncyUnder iin eiweissfreien Urin. 56 pp., 11. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1892. Radoviei (Jean-G.) [1868- ]. *Le climat des altitudes dans le traitement de la phtisie pulmonaire; action speciale exercee sur l'he- matopoitse par l'air rarifi6 des altitudes. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 160. Radtke (Carl [August]) [1869- ]. *Die nervenlahmende Wirkung des Phenyl hydroxy- lamins. 35 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Henri/, 1896. Radtke (Erich) [1877- ]. * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ureteritis cystica. 55 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., H. Herrmann, 1900. Radtke (Ernst) [1865- ]. * Zwei Fiille von intrauteriner.Spontan-Amputation. 26 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., E. Erlutis, 1894. Radtke (Max [Gottfried Paul]) [1870- ]. * Ein seltener Fall von spinaler Kinderlahmung. 25 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1895. Radtsikh (Pared Antonovich) [1811- 1906]. B—tsett"(V.) [In memoriam.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxx, 916. Radula. So I las (I. B. J.) The molluscan radula; its chemical composition and some points in its development. Quart. ,1. Mier. Se.. Lond., 1907-8, li, 115-136, 1 pl. Radulescu (Peter). * Ueber das specifische Gewicht des Milchserums und seine Bedeutung fiir die Beurtheilung der Miichverfiilschung. [Erlangen.] 24 pp. 8°. Miinchen, M. Bieger, 1890. Radulovich (V[ladimir Ivanovich]) [1835- ]. Ocherk istorii russkikh meditsinskikh obshtshestv, ikh tsiel, znacheniye i vzaimnaya svyaz. [Sketch of the history of the Russian medical societies, their aim, importance, and mutual connection.] 40 pp. 8°. Oryol, Mme. X. A. Semyonova, 1890. ------. O mierakh predostorozhnosti ot kholeri i pervoi pomoshtshi pri zabolievanii yeyu. [Preventive measures against cholera, and first aid in that disease.] 19pp. 12°. Oryol, Mme. X. A. Semyonova. 1892. Radunz (Paul Heinrich Ferdinand) [1869- ]. * Untersuchungen iiber die Erfolge einiger Methoden der Radicaloperation der Hernien. 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1892]. Radusliinski (L[azar Haimovich]) [1860- ]. *K voprosu o vliyanii iskusstvennol mineralnol vodi Wildungen na vidieleniye mo- chevol kisloti. [Influence of artificial Wildun- gen mineral water upon uric acid secretion.] 79 pp. 8°. Yuryev, K. Matisen, 1894. Radwansky (G.) Die Selbsthilfe des mensch- lichen Korpers. Eine gemeinverstiindliche Ab- handlung. 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Radzayevski (Dometiy Konstantino- vic/i) [ -1891]. Lcplinski (K. M.) [In memoriam.] Trudi Obsh. Kievsk. vrach., Kiev, 1895, n. s., i, no. 1, pt. 2, 4-10. Radzevieli (Nikolai Osipovich) [1858- ]. *Usvoyeniye azota blinov, prigotovlennikh iz svinol krovi, i azotistiy obmlen pri nikh u zdo- rovikh lyudel. [Assimilation of nitrogen from cakes prepared from hog's blood, and nitrogen- ous metabolism in healthy men when eating them.] 51 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. Merku- sheff, 1894. Radziejewski. Die erste Hiilfe fiir die Ver- wundeten im Felde. 40 pp. 12°. Berlin, H. Walther, 1902. Radzikowski (Casimir). Contribution a l'etude de l'electricite nerveuse. 22 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1899. Part of fasc. l, v. 3, of: Inst. Solvay. Trav. de lab. Brux., 1899, 1-22. ------. Immunite electrique des nerfs. 14 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1899. Part of fasc. 1, v. 3, of: Inst. Solvay. Trav. de lab Brux., 1899, 1-14. ------. Action du champ de force electrique stir les nerfs isoles de la grenouille. 32 pp. s°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1899. Part of fasc. 1, v. 3, of: Inst. Solvay. Trav. de lab. Brux., 1899, 1-32. ------. Contribution a l'etude de l'electricite nerveuse. 24 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1899- 1900. Forms no. 2 of: M6m. couron. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.l de Belg., Brux., 1899-1900, lix. Radziyevski (A[leksleI-Anton ] G[rigorye- vich ]) [1864- ]. O khirurgicheskom llechenii uremii. [Surgical treatment of uremia. 30 pp. 8°. [Kiev, 1893.] Bound with: Lxiv. Izviest., Kiev, 1893, xliii. Rae (J. H.) The application of electricity, as a therapeutic agent. 132 pp. 12°. Xeiv York, Bcericke & Tafel, 1877. , Rae (James) [1716-91]. Power (D'A.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 150. Rae (John) [1813-93]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 285. Rae {Sir William) [1780-1873]. Norgate (G. Le G.) [Biographv.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 155. Rae ( William) [ -1906]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1507. Raebiger (Adalbert) [1873- ]. *Die An- wendung der Zange in der kgl. Universitiits- Frauenklinik zu Greifswald in den Jahren 1887- 96. 33 pp. 8°. Greifstrtdd, J. Abel, 1898. Raeeke (Julius). * Ueber primares Melano- carcinom des Rectum. 36 pp. 8°. Freiburg, i. B., E. Kuttruf, 1895. ------. Die transitorischen Bewusstseinsstorun- gen der Epileptiker. 178 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Murholet, 1903. Raede ([Carl] Martin [Theodor]) [1865- ]. *lTeber Extrauteringraviditiit. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, O. Frantic, [1890]. Raediseli (Ernst [Albert Richard]) [1868- ]. *Ein Fall von krebsig entartetem Ovarial- kystom. 26 pp. 8°. Greifsieald, J. Abel, 1894. Rredle (Franz) [1879- ']. *Z\vei Hehoto- • mien aus der Universitiits-Frauenklinik zu Er- langen 1905. [Erlangen.] 39 pp. 8°. Lieg- nitz, B. Wagner, 1905. Raefle {Maximilian G.) [1837-1904]. Obituary. Med. News, N. Y, 1904, lxxxiv, 368. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv. 306. Raelilimum (Eduard). Ueber Mikrophthal- mos, Coloboma oculi und Hemimicrosoma. 21 pp., 2 pl. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Xeigele, 1897. Biblioth. med. Abtheilung (''. Hft. 10. -------. Ueber den Heilwerth der Therapie bei Trachom. 72 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, Fi- scher, 1898. ------. The same. Osnovi terapii pri trakho- mle. Perevod s nlemetskavo F. Hausman. [. . . Transl. by . . .] 1 p. 1., 57 pp. 8°. S, Beterburg, 1899. -------. Zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Ge- sichtssinnes; Beitrag zur Theorie der Licht- und KAEHLMANN. 267 RAFFIN. Raelilmann (Edward)—continued. Farbenemplindung auf anatomiseh-physikali- scher Grundlage. 1 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1907. de Raei (Johannes) [1618-1702]. Sie de I«aiiiz\veerde (Joh. Baptista) [in 1. s.l. Respirationis sswiimmerdammianse exspiratio [etc.]. 8°. Amstelodami. 1074. Raeis (Emile). *Des amputations du pied sous le rapport des resultats immediats et des resul- tats definitifs. 1 p. 1., 59 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1863, 2. s., No. 671. RUntscli (Margarete) [1880- ]. * Unter- suchungen iiber die Gliitte von Kleiderstoffen. 17 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, H. Stiirtz, 1907. Raetlier (Max) [1881- ] * Ueber die Ein- wirkung verschiedener einwertiger Alkohole auf sensible Nerven und Nervenendigungen. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, G. Tonnes, 1905. Rattig (August) [1850-* ]. * Ueber Parasi- ten des Froschblutes. 29 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Ber- lin, P. Lange, [1875]. Raettig (Charles). See JBurjjliardt (Joseph). Therapeutics of diph- theria. 8°. ~y>w York, 1891. RUtze (Carl). * Zur Prognose der Sarcomopera- tionen. [Erlangen.] 42 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, [1891]. Rauber (H.) Die Bestimmungen iiber den Ver- kehr mit Giften, Arzneimitteln und Geheimmit- teln ausserhalb der Apotheken, fiir Medizinal- beamte, Apotheker, Drogen-, Gift-, Farbwaren- Hiindler und Polizei-Behorden. 62 pp. 8°. Dusseldorf. L. Schwann, 1908. Su ateo. Zusamiiienstellung, Erlasse, [etc.]. 8°. Ltijr.ig, 1907. Rafael (R.F.). See Ouell y Bacigalupl (Eusebio), Immunity through leucomaines, [etc.]. 8°. yew York, 1889. Rafel (Henrv). * Zur Paranoia. 128 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. Vol/rath, 1894. Raffa (Arturo). See Ospitale civile generale di Vicenza. Resoconti sanitarii. Raffaele (Antonio). Guida pratica alia perj- zie medico-legali, civili e penali per medici, avvocati e magistrate 2. ed. xxxii, 831 pp., 23 pl. 8C. Napoli, N. Jovene ct' Co., 1895. •-----. Clinica di medicina legale. (Prima serie di casi.) 2 p. 1., 190 pp. 12°. Xapoli, N. Jovene & Co., 1896. -----. Codice di medicina legale. Vademecum per periti avvocati e magistrati. 1. Codice penale: Imputabilita, delitti contro il buon cos- tume, delitti contro la persona. 2. Codice civile: Del matrimonio, della filiazione, della capacita civile. 3. Codice di procedura: Delle perizie, del modo di accertare il corpo del reato. xv: 233 pp. 16°. Xapoli, tipog. Diogene, 1898. ----—. II medico nella legge sugli infortuni del lavoro. 39 pp. 8°. Xapoli, N. Jovene ct Co., 1898. -----. Imputabilita e medicina; considerazioni sommarie. 50 pp. 8°. Napoli, A. Trani, 1899. Repr. from: Pubblicazione pel 50. anno d' insegna- mento di Enrico Pessina. -----. Clinica di medicina legale, raeeolta di relazioni di perizie eseguite. ix (2 1.), 186 pp.; 1 p. 1., 190 pp. 8°. Napoli, N. Jovene it Co., 1900. -----. II medico ed il giudice nella legge sugli infortuni del lavoro. Legislazione; medicina; giurisprudenza. xvi, 436 pp. 8°. Napoli, N. Jovene it Co., 1901. -----. Propedeutica di tossicologia sperimen- tale applicata all' azione dei veleni sugli ani- mali e sull' uomo. iii, 253 pp. 8°. Napoli, F. Baimond, 1902. Raffaele (Antonio)—continued. ------. II suicidio in rapporto alia medicina legale, viii, 204 pp. 8°. Napoli, N. Jovene it- Co., 1902. Also, Editor of: Giornale per i medici periti giudiziari ed ufheiali sanitari, Napoli, 1897-1901. See, also, If rami (Gustav August). Manuale di oste- tricia [etc.]. 8°. Napoli, 1881. Raffaelli (S.) * Etude sur une epidemie de meningite cerebro-spinale observee a PHopital maritime de Cherbourg (14 Janvier -14 mai 1882.) vi, 7-37 pp., 2 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1883, No. 1. Raffalli (Louis) [1875- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des tuberculoses chirurgicales chez les lupiques. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 70. Raffalli (Pierre-Joseph) [1876- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude des kystes de la glande vulvo-vaginale. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 7(5. Raffalovit'll (Marc-Andr6). L'affaire Oscar Wilde. 33 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck; Paris, G. Masson, 1895. ------. L'uranisme, inversion sexuelle congeni- tale. Observations et conseils. 31 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck; Paris, G. Masson, 1895. ------. Die Entwickelung der Homosexualitiit. Autorisirte Uebersetzung aus dem Franzosi- schen. 39 pp. 8°. Berlin, Fischer, 1895. ------. Uranisme et unisexualite. Etude sur differentes manifestations de l'instinct sexuel. 363 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck; Paris, Masson & Cie., 1896. Raffeneau - I>elile (Alire) [1778-1850]. * Pulmonary consumption. 50 pp. 8°. Nevj York, T. & F. Swords, 1807. [Also, in: P., v. 821.] ------. Discours sur l'etude et les progres de diverses branches des sciences medicales. 28 pp. 4°. Montpellier, J. Martel aine, 1821. ------. Avis sur les dangers de 1'usage des champignons sauvages dans la cuisine. 27 pp. 8°. Montpellier, I. Tour-nel, 1825. [P., v. 1807.] Repr.from: Bull. Soc. d'agric. du depart, de l'Herault. ------. Memoire sur le Maclura aurantiaca, arbre de pleine terre; 6poque de sa decouverte, son histoire, sa description; etessaisde nourritures de vers-a-soie, au moyende ses feuilles. 14 pp., lpl. 8°. [Montpellier], 1833. [P., v. 1817.] Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'agric. du depart, de l'Herault, 1833, -----. Acclimatation du nelumbium speciosum ou nelumbo de l'lnde dans le midi de la France. 15 pp. 8°. [Montpellier, Ye. Picot, 1835.] [P., v. 1810.1 Repr.from: Bull. Soc. d'agric. du depart, de l'Herault, 1835. ------. Lettre sur le murier multicaule ou mu- rier des Philippines, en reponse a M. Achille Bege, prefetde l'Herault. 16 pp. 8°. [Mont- pellier, Ve. Picot, 1835.] [P., v. 1810.] Repr.from: Bull. Soc. d'agric. du depart, de l'Herault, 18?4. See, also, Hosaek (David). Description d'un ane- vrisme de l'artere crurale. 8°. \Paris, n. d.] -----. Ob- servations on the surgery of the ancients. 8°. New York. 1813. Rattl (A.) [1865- ]. *De la pathogenie cli- nique de la suppuration des kystes hydatiques du foie. 80 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Pans, H. Jouve, 1891, No. 13. Rattier (Gaston) [1876- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des pelvi-pentonites puerperales. 62 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 102. Ratlin (Francois-Gaston) [1873- ]. *Con- I siderationa sur la valeur semeiologique et le RAFFIN. 268 RAGS. Raffi n (Francois-Gaston) —continued. traitement des ulcerations talonnieres et occipi- tales observers chez les nouveau-nes et les nour- rissons dans les hopitaux ou hospices d'enfants. 46 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 21. de Ruftlii de la Raftianio (Gilbert-Henri) [1878- ]. * Purpura et tuberculose. 142 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 75. Raffinose. Davoll (D. L.), jr. A studv in raffinose determina- tions. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1903, xxv, 1019- 1028.—Herissey ( H.) & Lclebvre (C.) Ueber das Vor- kommen der Rattinose in Taxisbaeeata. Arch. d. I'harm., Berl., 1907, ccxlv, 481-1*5. Also, transl: J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1907, 6. s., xxvi, 56-02. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 7S8.— Neii- foerg (C.) Zur Kenntnis der Raffinose; Abbau der Raffi- nose zuRohrzucker und d-Galaktose. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, iii, 619-534.—Neuberg (C.) & Marx (F.) Ueber den Nachweis kleiner Mengen von Raffinose. Ibid., 535-538. Raffour (Louis-Fr.) *La medecine chez les Mexicains precolombiens. 130 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 611. Raff ray (A.) Les desequilibres du systeme ner- veux. Etude clinique et therapeutique. Pre- face de H. Barth. xiv, 556 pp. 8°. Paris, As- selin it Houzeau, 1903. Raffray (W.) [1867- ]. *Des metrites; con- siderations cliniques et therapeutiques. 132 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 120. Rafilsolm (Elizabeth). * Coxa vara congenita. [Freiburg i. Br.] 38 pp. 8°. Emmendingen, Druck- u. Yerlags-G. vorm. Dolter, 1908. Rati I toll n (Rosalia). * Aetiologie, Prognose und Therapie der Erb'schen Liihmung. [Frei- burg i. Br.] 24 pp. 8°. Emmendingen, Druck- u. Verlags-G. vorm. Dolter, 1908. Rafinesque (Constantine) [1784-DS40]. Wilder (A.) Rafinesque and reformed medicine. Chicago M. Times, 1899, xxxii, 123-127. Rafn (Carl). See Experiments with the metallic tractors [etc.]. 8°. Lonelon, 1799.—Trier(SeligmannMeyer). *Disserta- tionis de ictero particula prior, [etc.]. 8°. Hafnix, 1825. Rafter (George W.) Biological examination of potable water. 10 pp., 2 tab. 8°. [Bochester, 1890.] Repr.from: Proc. Rochester Acad. Sc, 1891. ------. Filtration of sewage. Complete text of the address delivered before the East Side Tax- payers' Association, Wednesday evening, May 21,1890. 10 pp. 8°. [Bochester, N. Y., 1890.] ------. Sewage irrigation. 100 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Off., 1897. Forms no. 3 of: Water-Supply and Irrigatton Papers, U. S. Dep. Int., II. S. Geol. Surv. ------. Water resources of the State of New York. Pt. 1. 99 pp., 11 pl., 2 ch. 8°. Washington, Gov. Print. Off, 1S99. Forms no. 24 of: Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers, U. S. Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv. -----& Baker (M. N.) Sewage disposal in the United States, xxvii, 598 pp., 7 pl. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand Co.; London, Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1894. ------ & JIallory (M. L.) Report on an en- demic of typhoid fever at the village of Spring- water, N. Y., in October and November, 1889. 21 pp., 4 pl., 1 map. 8°. [Bochester, 1890.] Repr.from: Rep. Exec. Bd. Rochester, 1890. Ragaine (Paul). *L'appendicite vermineuse. 60 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 85. Ragaz. Sally. Mitteilungen iiber die neuesten chemischen und pbvsikalischen Untersuchungen der indifferenten Therme Ragaz-Pfiifers. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesell- sch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1895, xvi. 123-129. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1*95, xvi, 495. Rager (Wilhelm). Luxatio coxa? congenita. vii, 370 pp., 28 pl. on 14 1. 8°. Kobenhavn, F. Hegel it Son, 1902. Ragged School Union, and City Children's Mis- sion. Annual report of the council to the con- tributors. 48., 1891-2. 40 pp., 1 tab. sm. 4°. London, Bagged School Union, 181)2. Raggi (Antigonio). Delia fotoparastesia negli alienati. 5 pp. 8°. [Milano, C. Bebeschini dc Co., 1881.] Repr. from: Rendic. d. r. 1st. Lomb., Milano, 1881 2. s., xiv. ------. Osservazioni intorno alia rivaccinazione dei pazzi. 7 pp. 8°. [Torino, Camilla it Ber- tolero, 1881.] Repr.from: Arch. d. psichiat., Torino, 1881, ii. ------. II progetto di legge Nicotera sugli alienati e sui manicomj. 31 pp. 8°. Voghera, Gatti, 1892._ Raggi (J. A.) * De purpune scarlatina? prophy- laxi apud italos studiosius procuranda. v—viii, 99 pp. 12°. Ticini, ex Viglevanensi typog., 1809. Ragi. Wehmer (C.) Der javanische Ragi und seine Pilze. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1900, vi, 610: 1901, vii, 313, 2 pl. Raginel (A.) & Co. Catalogue of 1856. Hu- man osteology; comparative osteology; artificial anatomy, soft parts in wax applied on natural bones; anatomy and pathology in wax; clastic anatomy; clastic comparative anatomy; micro- scopical instruments; microscopical prepara- tions; surgical instruments from M. Charriere, of Paris; various articles in vulcanized india- rubber for surgery and medicine. 24 pp. 8°. London, 1856. Ragn and (Emile). * Necrose du maxillai re in- ferieur chez les enfants. 66 pp., 11. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 740. Ragoneau (Joseph) [1860- ]. *Les tu- meurs ad£noides de la cavity naso-pharyngienne et les laryngites striduleuses. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 225. Ragot (Louis) [1878- ]. *Le Sucre dans 1'alimentation des febricitants. 47 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 85. Ragozin (L[yov] F[yodorovich]) [1847-1908], See Russia. Ministry of the Interior. Svod uzakone- niy [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895-6. For Biography, see J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1908, xviii, no. 5, 69 [port, in text]. Also: Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1908, xliv, pp. i-vi, port. (N. Freiberg). Rags and ragpickers. Coquereau (J.) * Contribution k l'etude de la desinfection des chiffons. 4°. Paris, 1891. Eppinger (H.) Die Hadernkrankheit eine typische Inhalations-Milzbrandinfection beim Menschen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer pathologischen Anatomie und Pathogene- sis auf Grund eigener Beobachtungen darge- stellt. 8°. Jena, 1894. Gibert (E.) Hygiene publique. Influence du commerce des chiffons et vieux vetements non desinfectes sur la propagation de la variole et autres maladies contagieuses. 8°. Marseille, 1879. Rlysch. Lompenhandel en besmettelijke ziekten. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Cutting. ------. Nog eens de lompen-quaestie. 8°. [n.p.], 1882. United States. Treasury Department. Cir- cular. Importation of rags from Egypt. De- partment No. 61. April 22, 1884. 4°." [Wash- ington, 1884.] RAGS. 269 RAHTS. Rags and ragpickers. Blaise. Lesentrepflts de chiffons au point de vue de l'hygiene et de leur suppression dans les centres ur- bains. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1894, xvi, 473-497.—Corlield (W. H.) Rag importation. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, 17. Hft., 7-9. [Discussion], 15-40. — Depots des chiffons. Bull, du serv. de sante [etc.], Brux., 1906,180-187.—Disinfection des chiffons importes en Russie. Technol. san., Louvain, 1899-1900, v 170-172.—Drasche (A.) Ueber die Infectionsfiihig- keit der Hadern. Wien. med. Bl., 1887, x, 1129; 1161. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Wien, 1893, 561-580.— Kyft". Der Verkehr mit Lumpen vom sanitiits-polizeili- chen Standpunkt. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1895-6, xxi, 170-202. —Finkelnburg. Welche Gefahren fiir die offentliche Gesundheit enspringen aus dem Hadernhandel und welche internationalen Maass- regeln sind dagegen zu empfehlen? Internat. Cong. f. Hvg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, 17. Hft,, 10-12. (Dis- cussion], 15-40. — GIbier (P.) Caveant sanitarians! [bacteria in imported rags]. N.York Therap. Rev., 1893, l, 31.—Leshtsliiiiski (D. V.) Ob uporyadoehenii trya- pichnavo dlela v S.-Peterburgle. [Regulating rag-pick- ing in St. Petersburg.] J. Russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1891, i, no. 2, 27-33.—Lodge (S.) On the occurrence of the broncho-pulmonary form of an- thrax amongst rag-pickers in Enerland. Med. Press «.t Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., Iii, 354 — Jlercantl (F.) Sulle malattie che phi frequentemente colpiscono i cernitori di stracci. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1906, ii, 93-112. — Kotli (0.) Ueber pathogene Mikroorganismen in den Hadern. Ztschr.f.Hyg., Leipz., 1890, viii, 287-308.—Ruyscli (W. P.) & Mouton (J.-T.) Les chiffons infectes. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien. 1887, vi. 17. Hft., 1-3. [Discussion], 15-40.—Sickness from use of mattresses made from old rags. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1903, xviii, 1616.—Smoleuski (P. O.) O tryapichnom promislle v sanitarnom otnoshenii. [The rag industry from a sanitary point of view.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1890, v, 2. sect., 36; 107. Also, Reprint.—I'lrik (A.) Kvantitativ Unders0gelse af Luftens Kim i Kludesorteringsiokaler. [Quantitative researches for bacteria in the air in rag- men's assorting rooms.] Biblioth. f. Lseger, Kj0benh., 1890, 7. R., i, 123-130. Ragsdale (A. C). Co-Editor of: Southern (The) Illinois Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Metropolis, 111., 1900-1902. Raguin (Emile) [1870- ]. * Contribution au traitement conservateur dans les cas d'ovaro- salpingite (ignipuncture, traitement de Martin). 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 472. Raguini (R.) Esperimenti comparativi di dis- infezione con vapore aqueo fatti colle stufe Geneste-Herscher ed Hennemberg. Relazione. 19 pp. fol. Boma, tipog. delle Mantellate, 1891. Ragusa. Wendzilowicz (M.) Ragusa als klimatische Win- terstation und als Seebad. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1,1201-1203. Also: Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Balneo- log. Oest., Wien, 1900, ii, 70-74. Rahe (Hermann Friedrieh) [1879- ]. *Die Resultate der wegen chronischer Tuberkulose der Niere vorgenommenen Nephrectomieen. [Freiburg i. B.] 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, E. Eisele, 1905. Raheem Mohamed Bnksh [ 1908]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1902. Rahere [ -1144]. Moore (N.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 166. -----. Rahere. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1903-4, xi, 125-127, 1 pl. Ralilff (A.) Eksperimentelle og kliniske Stu- dier over Colibacillen. [Experimental and clinical studies on the coli bacillus.] 215 pp. 8°. Aarhus, Jydsk Forlags-Forretning, 1898. Ralilff ([Hans Hermann] Friedrieh) [1867- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Stilbazolin. 24 pp. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jen- sen, 1893. Rah 1 son (Ernst). *Typhusepidemieen durch Trinkwasserinfektion und die Aetiologie der Epidemie in Mullheim im Breisgau vom Jahre 1891. 69 pp., 1 map. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. A. Wagner, 1895. Rahm (Eugen). *Die klinischen Beobachtun- gen iiber die Tuberculinbehandlung auf der chirurgischen Klinik zu Zurich (November 1890-November 1891). [Zurich.] 55 pp. 8°. Schaffhausen, II. Meier, 1892. Rail in (Otto). * Ueber die operative Behand- lung der Meningocele spuria traumatica. 28 pp. 8°. Tubingen, II. Laupp, 1896. For Biography, see Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxxv, 57-69 (E. R.). Kallmann (A.) * Ueber Myelitis chronica. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Prohrl, 1890. Ralimer (Sigismund) [1866- ]. Heinrich Heines Krankheit und Leidensgeschichte. Eine kritische Studie. vii, 81 pp. 12°. Ber- lin, G. Beimer, 1901. -----. Aus der Werkstatt des dramatischen Genies (Musik und Dichtkunst). 44 pp. 8°. Miinchen, E. Bernhardt, 1906. Forms Hft. 1 of: Grenzfr. d. Lit. u. Med. in Einzeldar- stell., Miincben. -----. Der menschliche Korper. (Die Physio- logie.) Zwolf Vorlesungen iiber den Bau und die Funktionen des menschlichen Korpers. 192, iii pp. 8°. Berlin, [1906]. -----. August Strindberg. 43 pp., port. 8°. Munchen, E. Bernhardt, 1907. Forms Hft. 6 of: Grenzfr. d. Lit. u. Med. in Einzeldar- stell., Munchen. Rahmlow (Hermann [Ludwig Ernst]) [1868- ]. * Ein Fall von '' Fractura sterni mit Lungenruptur". 24 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1892. Ralin ([Adolf Wilhelm] Fritz) [1865- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ranula. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1890]._ Ralin (Arthur). *Die Ergebnisse der Diphthe- rie-Behandlung mit Behring's Heilserum in der medicinischen Klinik zu Leipzig, einschliesslich der Fiille der chirurgischen Klinik. 2 p. 1., 77, lxxix pp. 4°. Leipzig, E. Hedrich, 1897. Ralin (James). * Ueber die Hernien des Wurm- fortsatzes. 24 pp., 11. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1893. Ralin (Joh. Heinrich) [1749-1812]. Editorof: Arcliivgemeinniitzigerphysischerundme- dizinischer Kenntnisse, Zurich, 1787-91. Ralin (Joh. Henricus). *De arcano tartari seu terra foliata tartari. 28 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishejff, [1732]. [P., v. 1919.] Ralin (Martin). *De morbillis. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Altdorffii, H. Meyer, 1682. Rainier (Richard). *Zur Epidemiologie und Aetiologie des Keuchhustens. [Freiburg.] 42 pp. 8°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1901. Rahnke (Georg [August]) [1865- ]. *Ne- phritis ohne Albuminurie. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1887]. Ration (Joseph). * Recherches sur les osse- ments humains anciens et prehistoriques en vue de la reconstitution de la taille; 6poques qua- ternaire, neolithique, protohistorique et moyen age. 1 p. 1., 56 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Hennuyer, 1892 No. 242. Rants (Carl) [1851- ]. Die Heilanstalten des Deutschen Reiches nach den Erhebungen der Jahre 1886, 1887 and 1888. II. Die Irren-, Heil- und Pflegeanstalten. 1. Die Krankenbe- wegung im Allgemeinen. 2. Die einzelnen Krankheitsformen. 3. Die Aenderungen im Krankenbestande. 4. Nachweis der erblichen Belastung. 8°. [Berlin, n. d.] Repr.from: Med.-Statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., i, 207-226. -----. Ergebnisse der Todesursachenstatistik. Die Sterbefiille im Deutschen Reiche wiihrend des Jahres 1896 im Allgemeinen, sowie insbe- RAHTS. 270 RAILROAD. Ralits (Carl)—continued. sondere unter der Bevolkerung der Grossstiidte. 54 pp., 2 maps. 4°. Berlin, J. Grosser, 1899. Repr.from: Med.-Statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1899, v. -----. Untersuchungen iiber die Hiiufigkeit der Sterbefiille an Lungenschwindsucht unter der Bevolkerung des Deutschen Reiches und einiger anderen Staaten Europas. 37 pp. 4°. Berlin, J. Grosser, 1899. Repr.from: Arb. a. d.k.Gesundhtsamte, Berl., 1899, xiv. Raia. Girardin (J.[-P.-L.]) & Preisser. Examen chimique de l'huile de foie de raie (Raia cla- vata et batis). 8°. Bouen, 1842. Odin (A.) *De l'huile de foie de raie et de la glande qui la fournit. 4°. Paris, 1873. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1873. Beard ( J. ) The morphological continuity < f the germ-cells in Raja batis. Veterinarian,Lond.,1901,lxxiv, 301-318.—Ewart (J. C.) The electric organ of the skate; observations on the structure, relations, progressive de- velopment, and growth of the electric organ of the skate. Phil. Tr. 1892, Lond., 1893, clxxxiii (B.), 389-420, 5 pl — Band (H. W.) The functions of thespiracleof theskate. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1907, xii, 287-302. —Rennie (J.) Accessory fins in Raia batis. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1906, xxviii, 428-431.—Scliultze (M.) Zur Kenntniss des den electrischen Organen verwandten Schwanzorganes von Rajaclavata. Arch. f. Anat., Phvsiol. u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1858, 193-214,1 pl. Raia (Francesco). Risposta alia lettera aperta del Feliciano Blandini sopra un caso di menin- gite cerebro-spinale infettiva. 19 pp., 1 1. 8°. Catania, 1891. Raia (Vito L.) Three cases of partial paralysis of the ocular muscles from injury to the head. 2 pp. 16°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv. Raichline (A.-M.) [1865-1902]. For Biography, see Arch, de neurol., Par., 1903, 2. s., xv, 125 (S. Soiixhanoff). Raieliline (Azrael) [1863- ]. *Contribu- tion ft l'etude clinique de la syringomyelic; sur un cas de svringomvelie avec manifestations bulbaires. 66 pp. 4b. Paris, 1892, No. 350. Raiens (Johann) [ -1631]. Tractatus de po- dagra medico-kimicus. 12 p. 1., 54 pp. 16°. Francofurti, D. & D. Aubr & C. Schleirii, 1621. Raikes (Cuthhert-Taunton) [1880-1908]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1336. Raikh((7[W<707%] L[vovich]) [1858- ]. * K voprosu o protivobrodilnom dleistvii kalome- lya (kolichestvo efirosiernikh kislot v mochie pri terapevticheskom primlenenii kalomelya u serdechnikh bolntkh v periodle razstrolstva kompensatsii). [On the antifermentative ac- tion of calomel (quantity of ethyl-sulphates in the urine in the therapeutic application of calo- mel in heart disease in the period of destroyed compensation).] 56 pp., 2 1., 13 diag. 8°. S.- Peterburg, A. S. Suvorin, 1896. Raillarcl (Etienne). *Del'ovaremisme. 43 pp. 4°. Petris, 1858, No. 195. Rail Hard (Etienne-Victor-Marie-Louise-Fran- cois) [1869- ]. * Recherches sur la descen- dance des tabetiques. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1902, No. 90. Rail Hard (Louis-Marie-Charles-Laurent-Jules) [1870- ]. *Des interventions chirurgicales dans la tuberculose vesicale. 53 pp., 2 1. s°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 98. Railliet (A.) Traite de zoologie medicale et agricole. xv, 1303 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin &• Houzeau, 1895. r ------ & Ifloule (L.) Histoire de l'ecole d'Al- fort. 829 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin & Houzeau, 1908. tail road cars. See, also, Cars (Hygiene of); Cars ( Ventilation of, Patent specifications for); Cattle (Hi/giene of). McClintic (T. B.) The limitations of for- maldehyde gas as a disinfectant, with special reference to car sanitation. 8°. Washington, 1906. Peserico (L.) Proposta di esperienze per la disinfezione delle vetture ferroviarie. 8°. Vi- cenza, 1902. Sanborn (G. 0.) & Gates (A. W.) Sanborn and Gates car ventilation. Detailed description. broadside 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Anton in (I.) Contribufiune la profilaxia b61elor contagidse asupra desinfectaunel vcchiculelor servind la transportul in comun (tr&surl, cupeurl, tramwaiuri, om- nibusuri, vag6ne, bastimente). Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1899, xix, 08; 154.—B. ini. Intorno ad un nuovo ventilntore ed estrattore d' aria per scomparti ferroviari. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1905, i, 163. — Baumcl (A.) Le- ber Abortanlagen in den Fahrbtriebsmitteln der Kiscn- bahnen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte, Leipz., 1906, i, 301-304.—Barbour (L. P.) Reforms in the sani- tarv construction of railway cars. Dietet. & Hvg. Gaz., N. V., 1906, xxii, 714-710.—Barnes (H.J.) Railway car heating. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvi, 46. — Barto- slievieli (Yu.V.) Zhelleznodorozhniya dezinl'ektsion- niya kameri-vagoni i vagoni-izolyatsionniya kvartiri. [Railway disinfecting cars and isolation cars.] J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1908, xviii, no. 4, 1-10: no. 5, 23-33. — Beck (R. J.) Seuchengefahr und ihre Verhiitung im Eisenbahnbetnebe. Ztschr. f. Eisen- bahnhyg., Leipz.-Wien, 1908, iv, 28-47— Kliime. Die Forderungen der Eisenbahnhygiene in Bezug auf das Rettungswesen im Eisenbahnbetriebe. Ber. ii. d. Ver- handl. d. 5. Verbandst. deutsch. Bahnarzte, Niirnb., 1902, 90-100. — Bracken (H. M.) Sanitation in public con- veyances. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1904, vi,276-2K3. -----. Infection in transportation. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 269-277. Also: Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1905, xv, 407-419. -----. A few points relating to car sanita- tion. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1905, Columbus, O., 1906, xxxi, 198-214 — Brahmer (O.) Die neuen Aerzte- wagen bei den preussischen Stattsbalinen. Aerztl. Sach- verst.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, viii, 254. — Brcna (J.) On car sanitation in the Republic of Mexico. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1903, Columbus, O., 1904, xxix, 188: (1905) 1906, xxxi, 215.—Buist (I. S.) Railroad hygiene; rail oad cars; proper ventilation as a sanitary measure to prevent the transmission of disease and promote the comfort of travellers. Ibid., 1890, Concord, 1891, xvi, 147-150. — Oar sanitation. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 505-512.— Carpenter (B. H.) Heating svstems for railwav cars. Engin. Rev., N.Y., 1907, xvii, no. 4,12-17.—Cavana(M.) The modern dining car. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1906, x, 591-597.—Conn (G. P.) Hygienic conditions of pas- senger cars. Weekly M. Rev." St. Louis, 1891, xxiii, 462- 464. Also, Reprint. Also: [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1891, iv, :14-14. -----. Report on car sani- tation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii,757-762.-----. Car sanitation. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 512- 618. -----. Report of the committee on car sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1895, xx, 236-250: 1896, xxi, 61; 285: (1897), 1898, xxiii, 245. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1895, i, 5; 40. -----. Passenger-car ventilation. J. Med. & Sc., Portland, 1897-8, iv, 313-315. -----. Car sanitation. In- ternat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1902, xv, 152-155. — Crowder (T. R.) The problems of car sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1906, Columbus, O., 1907, xxxii, pt. 1, 27M-293. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 1580- 15«6. -----. Wagons-lits aux Etats-Unis. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r. ... 2. Cong, internat. . . . 1906, Par., 1907, 570-578. —Csatary de Csatar (L.) Ueber die Hygiene des Eisenbahnwesens. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, 36. Hft., 63-63. — Dalby (W. T.) Can we improve upon the sanitary con- dition of our cars? Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Rep. 1895, Chicago, 1896,178-192. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 1016-1020.—Daniels (W. W.) Report of the com- mittee on car sanitation. , Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1891, Concord, 1*92, xvii, 67-73. [Discussion], 253-258.— De Rec liter. Des meilleurs precedes de desinfection des wagons servant au transport des voyageurs, des bestiaux et des marchandises. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1903, xix, 448-470.—Dickinson (G. K.) The car toilet; a plea. Internat. J. Surg.,N.Y.,1907,xx,89.— DI Greg- iiio (V.) Sulla ventilazione nelle vetture ferroviarie viaggianti; ricerche sperimentali. 1st. d' ig. d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Lav. di lab., Roma, 1899-1901, V, 159-173, Also: Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1901, n. s., xi, 546-559.— Dudley (C. B.) The passenger-car ventilation svstem of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Engin. Rev., X. Y.,1904, xiv, no. 11, 7-11. Also: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. s., xix, 724. -----. The ventilation of passenger cars on RAILROAD. 271 RAILROADS. Railroad cars. railroads. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1897, cxliv, 1-16.— Ely (T. N.) Steam heating of passenger trains on the Pennsvivania Railroad. Ibid., 1X90, 3. s., c, 367-373, 1 diag.—Fischer (C.) & Koske (F.) Untersuchungen fiber die sogenannte rohe Karbolsiiure mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Verwendung zur Desinfektion von Eisenbahnviehtransportwagen. Arb. a. d. k. Gsnd- htsamte, Berl., 1902-3, xix, 577-671.—Fulton (H. D.) A place to clean the teeth needed in railroad car. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 1201.—Greenwood (A.) The need for legislation in the disinfection and cleansing of railway-carriages. J. State M., Lond., 1901, ix, 766-772.—Gruber (M.) Gutachten des k.k. obersten Sanitiitsrathes fiber die wirksame Desinfection der Vieh- transportwaggons. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1895, vii, 428-435.—Hansen. Die Aborte der Eisenbahnztige. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1900. 378— Heizung und Liiftungder Eisenbahnwagen. ti-esundheit, Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 238-213.—Hellniann ( R ) [Apparat zur Desin- fektion der Eisenbahnwagen mittelst einer Formalin- lampe.] Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. 5. Verbandst. deutsch. Bahniirzte, Ndrnb.. 1902, 79-83.—Herkt. Die pne'uma- tischeReinigungderEisenbahn-Personenwagen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte, Melsungen, 1905-0, i, 126.— Herzfeld. Die hvgienischen Eisenbahnschmerzen des Herrn Hofrath Stich. Ibid., 80-82. -----. Die Eisen- bahnhvgiene im Jahre 1907. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 699.—Hudson (J.) Better ventilation for the travelling public. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1903, iii, 192-195.—Hurty (J. X.) Passenger coach sanitation. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1900-1901, vii, 225-230.—Hygiene (L) des chemins de fer; la desin- fection des wagons. Ind^pend. m6d.. Par., 1899, v, 218.— Insanitary railway carriages. San. Rec, Lond., 1895- 6, n. s., xvii, 3x5.— James (B. W.) Sanitation of rail- road cars and other convevances for travelers. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila. 189o, li, 959-971.—Jo I train (A.) La desinfection des wagons de chemins de fer. J. d'hyg., Par., 1894, xix, 553; 577.—Jordan (E. C.) Methods of cleaning sleeping cars. Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1896, vi, 88.—Redzie (R. C.) Ventilation of railroad cars. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1876, iv, 133-140.— Kinyoun (J.J.) The disinfection of the railway coach. Internat. J. Surg., X. Y., 1897, x, 29X-303. Also: Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., 1896-7, Wash., 1899, 739-744. -----. The bacterial contentof the railwa v coach. Med. News, X. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 193-199. — Kluu'e. Leber Luftung, Heizung und Beleuchtung. Ztsehr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte, Melsungen, 1905-6, i. 59-63 —Kobert (R.) Leber die Ansteckungsgefuhr in KLenbahnwageti. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1899, 270-27*.—Kossel. Des meilleurs precedes de disinfection des wagons servant au j transport des vovageurs, des bestiaux et des marchan- dises. Bull, med., Par., 1903, xvii. 775. — Lanza (G.) Heating cars by steam from the locomotive. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1x88-9, ii, 3x-66.—Lindner. Ueber Bauart und Reinigung der Eisenbahnwagen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte, Melsungen, 1905-6, i, 54-59.—Lode (A.) Versuche fiber die Desinfektion von Eisenbahn- personenwagen mit Formalin. Monatschr.f.Gsndhtsptl., Wien, 1904, xxii, 59-79.—Matemini ( F.) Ventila- zione dei treni ferroviari. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1894, v, 1X1; 222. — Mauriac. La transmission des mala- dies contagieuses par les wagons de chemin de fer; les movens de l'6viter. Mem et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1896), 1897, 276-284. Also: Gaz. d. h6p. de Toulouse, 1896, x, 396.— Mendes fiuerreiro (J.-V.) Mesures et conventions internationales pour assurer 1'hy- giene dans les voitures des trains k vovageurs en chemin de fer. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 14.131-137.— Merchant (W. F.) Sanitation of rail- way' passenger cars. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1900-1901, vii," 300-308.—Merveille (L.) Les voitures de chemin de fer pour malades. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1895-6, viii, 565.—OTezavtseflf (P. Y.) O neobkhodimosti vidlele- niya iz vrachebno-sanitarnol sluzhbl na zhelleznikh dorogakh sanitarnavo nadzora, ob yevo organizatsii i zadachakh. [On the necessity of separating the sanitary control from the medico-sanitary service of the railroads; its organization and problems.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trvdl ix. . . . sve/.da. 1904, S.- Peterb., 1905, v, 160-170. — Moribayashi (T.I Fune kuruma eisei ron. [On sanitation of railroad cars and steamships.] Eisei Ryohyoshi, Tokyo, 1894, no. 51, 24- 34.—Mornet. De la desinfection des wagons. Assain. etsalub. del'hahitat. C.-r. ... 2. Cong.internat. . . . 1906, Par., 1907, 598-603.—Nussbailm (H. C.) Ein Vorschlag . zur Liiftung fahrender Eisenbahnwagen. Gesundh.-In- genieur, Munchen, 1899. xxii, 344.—Ordonnanee du ministre destravaux publics de Prusse concernant le net- tovage et la disinfection des wagons de voyageurs, dessal- les dvattente etdes quais. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1899, xxi, 32- 40.—Orvanafios (D.) Observations on the cleaning of railroad passenger cars. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1896, xxi, 300-302. -----. Supplementary report on car sanitation. Ibid., 1900, Columbus, O., 1901, xxvi, 111-113.—Park (W. H.) Methods of disinfecting cars. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1902, xv, 159.—Pattison (J.) Railroad cars. Car sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1895, xx, 233-235.—Beed (R. H.) A report on the sani- tary inspection of passenger coaches. Sanitary News, Chicago, 1887-8. xi, 112-116.—Beichenbach (H.) Ver- suche fiber Fonualindcsinfection von Eisenbahnwagen. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infeetionskrankh., Leipz., 1902, xxxix, 428-446.—Bhoadsi.I. N.) Carsickness; cause and treat- ment. Therap. Month., Phila., 1901, i, 280-282—Bitt (E.) Heizung der Eisenbahnwagen. Gesundh. - Ingenieur, Munchen, 1905, xxviii,505-508.—Schnlirer (J.) Weitere Versuche zur Desinfektion der Eisenbahnviehtransport- wagen mit wasserigcji Formaldebvdlosungen. Ztschr. f. Infectionskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl., 1905-6, i, 32; 144.—Stich. Lebernachtungs- und Unterkunfts-Riiume fiir das Fahrpersonal. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong., Berl., 1890, v, Abt. Eisenbahnhyg., 31-41. Also, Reprint. -----. Hygienische Eisenbahnschmerzen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte, Melsungen, 1905M1, i. 34-37. See, also, supra, Herzfeld. -----. Erwiderung auf die Ausfiihrungen des Herrn Dr. Herzfeld (iiber den Artikel: Hygienische Eisenbahnschmerzen]. Ibid.,112.— Thierry (H.) Hygiene des voitures de chemin de fer; nettoyage, desinfection, ame,nagement. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r. ... 2. Cong, internat. . . . 1906, Par., 1907, 547-570.—Upenski (D. M.) Nleskolko slov o dezinfektsii zarazhonnikh skotskikh vagonovgoryachim parom. [Disinfectionofrailroadcarsbysteam.] Vet.dielo, St. Petersb., 1885, iii, no. 11, 12-15. -----. Dezinfektsiya zhelleznodorozhnikh vagonov v mirnoye i voyennoye vre- mya; bakteriologicheskoye izslledovaniye. [Disinfec- tion of railroad cars in time of peace and war; bacterio- logical investigation.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1889, clxvi, unoff. pt., sect."3, 21; 191; 425; 481.—Vallin (E.) La prophvlaxie dans les wagons de chemins de fer. [Rap.] Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1899, xxi, 385-405.—Ven- tilation of cars; hygienic importance of better meth- ods; two systems illustrated. Health Mag., Wash., 1895-6, iii, 501-508.—Warner (F.) The disinfection of railway coaches and street cars operating in Ohio. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1898-9, xiv, 411-416. Also: Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleve- land, 1899,320-327. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond, 1899-1900, iv, 149-152.—Washburn (W.) Car sanitation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 574.—Wilson (R.J.) The disinfection of sleeping ears. N.York Univ. Bull. M. Sc, 1901, i, 171-173.—Winkler (F. ) Der Kampf gegen die Tuberkulose und der Eisenbahnbetrieb. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 190X. xxvi, 53-63 — Woodbridge (S. H.) On the ventilation of railway coaches. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1896, xxi, 75-79. Also, Reprint. -----. Report of committee on car sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1897, Concord, 1898, xxiii, 242. [Discussion], 260: xxiv, 218: 1899, Co- lumbus, 1900, xxv, 389: 1901, xxvi, 102. Also, Reprint. -----. Circular of the American Public Health Associa- tion issued by the committee on car sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1901, Columbus,O.,1902,xxvii, 224-226.— Yelimolf( A. I.) K zhilishtshnomu voprosu na zhellez- nikh dorogakh. [The dwelling question on railroads.] Vestnik obsh. hig.,sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1907, xliii, 338-363.—ZausailofT (M. A.) & Telichenko (Ye. V.) K voprosu ob uchistkle vnutrennikh chastel klassnikh vagonov. [On cleaning the interior of railway passenger cars.] Ibid., 1908, xliv, 1049-1053. Railroad spine. See Railroads (Injuries on). Railroad-brain. See Railroads (Accidents on, Jurisprudence of). Railroads. See, also, Railroad cars; Railroads (Employees of); Street railroads; Subways; Wounded (Transportation of). Deprez (M.) & Leblanc (M.) Comparative study of the various methods of traction appli- cable to railways. 8°. London, 1885. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Lond., 1884-5, lxxxi. Dorsey (E. B.) English and American rail- roads compared. 8°. London, 1886. Repr.from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Lond., 1885-6, lxxxv, pt. 3. Mackenzie (J.) Resistance on railway curves as an element of danger, with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. 8°. London, 1883. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Lond., 1882-3, lxxiv, pt. 3. Metropolitan (The) railways. The metro- politan and metropolitan district railways. By Benjamin Baker. The city lines and extensions (inner circle completion) of the metropolitan RAILROADS. 272 RAILROADS. Railroads. and district railways. By John Wolfe Barry. With an abstract of the discussion upon the papers. 8°. London, 1885. Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Lond., 1884-5, lxxxi, pt. 3. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- senlatires. Safety of railway employees and the traveling public. Report [to accompany H. R. 9350. Various bills to promote safety of rail- way employees and the traveling public]. 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. Rep. No. 1678. Submit- ted by Mr. John J. O'Neill, June 27, 1892. 8°. [ Washington, 1892.] United States. Department of the Lnterior. Commissioner of Bailroads. Annual reports of the Commissioner of Railroads, for the years 1883-4; 1888-9; 1891-2; 1892-3; 1900-1901. 8°. Washington, 1884-1904. United States. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. Annual reports on the statistics of rail- ways in the United States. Prepared by the statistician to the commission. 1.-8., 1887-8 to 1S94-5. 8 v. 8°. Washington, 1889-96. Urquhart (T.) Communications between passengers, guards, and engine-drivers. 8°. London, 1891. Repr.from: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Lond., 1891, cvi. Verein deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen. Beitriige zur Theorie der Dienstunfahigkeits- und Sterbens-Statistik. VI. Heft. Im Auftrage des Vereins zu der Dienstunfahigkeits- und Sterbens-Statistik desselben vom Jahre 1889 verfasst von A. Zillmer. 8°. Berlin, 1891. Michigan. State Board of Health. No. 393. An al- leged dangerous railway crossing at Raisin Center. The danger throughout Michigan at grade crossings of rail- roads. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1891, Lansing, 1894, xix, pp. lxxxii-lxxxv. Also, Reprint. Railroads (Ambulance cars on). See Railroads (Hospital serrice of). Railroads (Electric). See Motormen; Street railroads. Railroads (Employees of). See, also, Color-blindness; Examination (Physical); Railroads (Injuries on, Jurispru- dence of). Benedicenti (A.) Sulle condizioni del per- sonale ferroviario addetto al servizio delle gal- lerie di difficile ventilazione dal punto di vista igienico sanitario. 8°. Pisa, 1899. Cron (K.) Der Dienst bei einem k. und k Eisenbahn-Sanitiits-Zuge. 16°. Wien, 1895. Cucaro (F.) Profilassi e cura di alcuni morbi piu frequenti nel personale ferroviario. 8°. Napoli, 1884. Fetz(A.) *Die Krankheiten und Unfalle der Arbeiter des Baulooses I der rechtsuferigen Zurichseebahn. [Zurich. ] 8°. Bern, 1896. Neck (C.) * Ueber Erkrankungen der oberen Luftwege und des Ohres bei Eisenbahnbeam- ten, ein Beitrag zur Frage der Gewerbskrank- heiten. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Regulations as to eyesight testing in foreign railway service. 8°. [n. p., 1892, vel subset/.] Report of a committee appointed on the 21st Oct., 1891, to promote the efficient control of railway servants' eyesight, to be submitted for approval to the council of the British Medical Association, at their meeting in April. 8°. London, [1891]. Report of the council of the British Medical Association on the efficient control of railway servants' eyesight. 8°. London, [n. d.]. Railroads {Employees of). Silex (P.) Ueber das Sehvermogen der Eisenbahnbeamten. 8°. Berlin, 1894. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to provide for the relief of injured and disabled employees of the Railway Mail Service. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1213. Dec. 11,1893. Introd. by Mr. McMillan, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1893.] Wiehe(A.) * Ueber Ohrenerkrankungen bei Eisenbahnbediensteten. 8°. Gottingen, 1893. Allport (F.) The eyes and ears of employees of trans- portation companies. Chicago M. Recorder, 1900, xix 81-97. -----. Some remarks concerning the ocular and aural requirements of railroad emplovees. Railway Surg Chicago, 1903-4, x, 190-195. Also: J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago' 1904, xiii, 585-590—Armaigiiac (H.) De l'emploi des fiches pour l'examen et le contr61e facile et rapide de la vision des emplov6s de chemins de fer. Rec. d'opht Par., 1897, 3. s., xix, 637-643.—Arnoldolf (V. A.) 0 zhilishtshnikh usloviyakh rabochikh remonta puti na Nikolayevskoi zhelleznol dorogle. [Dwelling conditions of the Nikolayev railroad laborers.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1906, xiii, pt. 2, 614- 527.—Baentsch. Ueber die Entstehung von Krank- heiten bei den Betriebs-Beamten durch allmahliche Ein- wirkung von Sehadlichkeiten. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahn- kasseniirzte, Melsungen, 1906, i, 230-235.—Baker (A.R.) The evesight and hearing of railroad men. Tr. OhioM. Soc, Columbus, 1887, 45-55.—Ball (J. H.) Visual quali- fications of railway employees. Homceop. Eve, Ear & Throat J., Lancaster, 1908, xiv, 63-70.—Bane (W. C.) Vision and color perception for railway service. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr. 1899, Chicago, 1900, 135-146.— Barrett (J. W.) Report to the Victorian commissioner of railways on the examination of the vision and hear- ing of railway employees in other countries (concluding portion). Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900, v, 201-206.—Barth (A.) Horpriifung bei Eisenbahn- bediensteten. Ztschr. f. Bahn-u. Bahnkassenarzte, Leipz., 1907.ii, 101-168.—Beck (R.J.) Ueber Massnahmen gegen den Missbrauch geistiger Getriinke bei den Eisenbahnen. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, ix, 393-400.—Beetz. Die Erniihrung des Fahrpersonals wiihrend der Fahrt. Verhandl.d.x.internat.med.Cong. 1890, Berl.,1891,v, Abth. 15a, 20-26. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.,1891, xxxviii, 251-253.—Bekess (A.) Alkohol und Eisenbahn. Monat- schr. f. GesundhtspfL, Wien, 1906, xxiv, 213-222. -----. Eisenbahn verwaltung und Alkoholbekiimpfung. Ztschr. f. Eisenbahnhyg., Leipz. u. Wien, 1908, iv, 167-172.— Black (N. M.) The environment and visual require- ments of railway enginemen and firemen; personal ob- servations from an engine cab. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 518-528. -----. A new series of semaphore charts for testing the vision of railroad emplovees. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xxii, 33-39. -----. Advantages and disadvantages of glasses in railway service; appended report of the opinion of ophthalmologists throughout the Lnited States as to the safeness of an employee requir- ing their use. Ibid., 1906, xxiii, 33; 66. Also, Reprint. -----. A critical review of the American Railway Asso- ciation's rules governing the visual qualifications of em- ployees. Ophth.Rec,Chicago,1906,xv,362-383.—Bogart (T. N.) Etiology and treatment of kidney hyperemia and Bright's disease among the railway employees. Kansas City M. Rec, 1905, xxii, 229-232.—Bonneau. Statistique medicale du personnel employ^ aux travaux du chemin de fer (annee 1901). Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1903, vi, 100-115.—Brahmer. Ueber den Einfluss der Aerzte auf den Eisenbahnbetrieb. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, Abth. 15a, 41-47.—Bridge (N.) The prevention of railroad acci- dents due to the personal equation. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr. 1898, Chicago, 1899, v, 34-51. —Capps (C. M.) Visual inspection of railway employees. Tr. M. Soc, Tennessee, Nashville, 1904, lxxi, 189-200.—Conn (G. P.) Hygienic training of men in charge of railway trains. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1894, xii, 365-373. Also, Reprint. Also: Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1895, iii, 193-197. -----. Physical fitness of railway employees as viewed from the surgical department. Railwav Surg., Chicago, 1899-1900. vi, 331-333. Also: Internat. ,1. Surg., X. Y., 1900, xiii, 60-62. [Discussionl, 217-220. Also, in: Physical fit- ness of railway employees, 8°, N. Y., 1900," 20-24.— Costiniu (M.) Examination of the ears of railway en- gineers and firemen in relation to the length of service and the fuel employed in Roumania. Ann. Otol., Rhinol, & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1904, xiii, 585-590.—Cramer. Zur Priifung des Sehvermogens bei Aufnahme- und Wieder- holungspriifungen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte, Melsungen, 1905-6, i, 152.—de Csatary (L.) Influence du service des chemins de fer sur la sante. des employes. J. d'hyg., Par,, 1907, xxxii, 75.—De Lantsheere. Le pterygion, maladie professionnelle. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 320-328.—Be Bossi (E.) L' esamedell' udito negli impiegati ferroviari. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1897, vi, 1-8. Alzo: Policlin., Roma, 1897, iv-C, RAILROADS. 273 RAILROADS. Railroads (Employees of). 214-219.—Bormaiin. Kurze Bemerkungen zu dem Auf- satz des Herrn Dr. Weissmann: Ueber baliiiiirztlichc Wie- derholungsprufungen auf Sell-und Horverinogen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte. Melsungen. 1905-6, i, 181- 183.—Eiermann. [Freie Arztwahl bei der Eisenbahn- betriebs-Krankeukasse in Frankfurt a. M.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 28-30.—Faircliilcl (D. S.) Report oi committee on uniform standard for the exam- inations of railway employees. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1903-4, x, 187-190.—Fasano (A.) Le malattie auricolari professional! in genere e dei ferrovieri in ispecie. Arch. internaz. di med e chir., Napoli, 1904, xx, 48S-497.— Feilchenield (H.) Sind die anomalen Trichromaten tauglichzum Eisenbahndienst. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1904, 1, 4s-55.—Ferreri (G.) Sull' esame dell' udito nei ferrovieri. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1907. xviii. 166-173.—Galletti (V. I L' esame dell' udito nei ferro- vieri. Lavoro, Pavia, 1903. ii, 231; 205. Also: Tribuna med., Milano. 1903, ix, 129: 193. Also, Reprint.—Gal- loway (R-l Five additional cases of serious visual de- ficiency affecting responsible employees in the marine and railway services. Ophthalmoscope. Lond.. 190s. vi. 344- 346.—Gefahren (Leber die) nervenkrankcr Bahnbe- diensteter fiir den Kisciibahnbetrieh. Ztsehr. f. Kisen- bahnhyg., Leipz., 1908. iv. 121: 137.—Gilbert (L. L.) Phvsical fitness of railwav emplovees: medico-legal fea- tures. Internat. J. Surg.. X. Y., 1900, xiii, 92-95. [Discus- sion], 217-220. Also, Reprint. -----. Welche Stellung sollen die Eisenbahn ver waltungen in der Bekiimpfung des Alkoholgenusses bei den Eisenbahnern nehmen? Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte. Melsungen, 1905-6, i, 85; 97.------. Die Horpriifungbei Eisenbahnbediensteten. Ibid., Leipz., 1907, ii, 189-191.— Guthrie i W. I-:.) The ex- amination of railwav emplovees Kan-ast'itv M. Index- Lancet, 1903, xxiv, 419-421— Guye (A. A.O.) De geluid- signalen op de spoorwegeii eii de gehoorscherpte der maehinLten. [Rap.] Nederl. Tiidsehr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1*97. 2. R., xxxiii. d. 2, 871-880.—Hall iJ. N.) Trainman's back. Nat. Ass. Railwav Surg. oil'. Rep., Chicago. 1892. v, 88-91.—Hansen iV.) Om de hygiej- niske Forhold og Sundhedsforholdene hos Lokomotivper- sonalet. [On the hygienic and sanitary status of loco- motive engineers] Bibliot. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1895, 7. R., vi. 63-*6.—Harnden (, R. S. i P-yehie contagion and su- perstition of railroad employees. Internat. J. Surg., N.Y., 1908, xxi, 03-65.—Herdinan (W. ,1. i Mental fitness of railwav employees: psychological factors. Ibid., 1903, xvi, 90-94.—Herzield m;.,i Outachten betreflend die Prii- fung einseitig farbenschwacher Eisenbahnbediensteten. Aerztl.Sachverst.-Ztg.,Berl., 1905, xi, 468-470.-----. Leber die Kleidung der Eisenbahnbediensteten. Ztschr. f. Bahn-u. Bahnkasseniirtze, Melsungen, 1905-6, i, 102-107.— Hiislics (C. H.) Railway brain strain of and brain strain regulation of railwav employees. Alienist & Neu- rol.. St Louis, 1906, xxvii. 189-199. — Liatt'ert. Zur Be- wertung des Nachtdienstes der Eisenbahnbediensteten. Ztsehr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte. Leipz., 1906, i, 309- 311.—Laird (A. J.) Trade mortality statistics, with spe- cial reference to railwav emplovees. Pub. Health, Lond., 1906-7, xix, 564-577.—Mare y (H. O.) The influence of inebriety in railroad accidents. Quart. J. Inebr., Bost., 1906, xxviii, 153-160.—de Martinet (H.) Note sur une affection speciale aux meeaniciens ct aux chauffeurs at- taches aux chemins defer. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.. Par., 1X57, xliv. 391.—Meinert. Die Gerichtsver- handlungenuberdieSprembergerEisenbahnkatastrophe. Alkoholfrage,I)resd.,1905-6,ii,359-363. -----. DasSprem- berger Eisenbahnungluek und der Alkohol. Ibid., 1906, iii, 103-152.—Miller (R. F.) The railroader's eye and ear. Railway Surg.. Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 580-583—T1 i nor (J. L.j Tests for tiie eyes and ears of the employees of the Southern Kail wav "Company. Internat. J. Surg., X. Y., 190H, xxi, 359 —Moore (J. T.) Physical examination of railwav emplovees. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1906-7, ii, 292-291.—Moos (S.) Railroad accidents in con nection with bad hearing of engine-drivers. [Transl. by W. C. Ayres.] Arch. Otol., X. Y., 18x2, xi, 91-96.—Mur- ray (H. L.i Examination of Victorian railway em- ploves in vision, colour sense, and hearing. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1902, vii, 406-486. Also: In- tercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1902, Hobart, 1903, 350- 354.—Nieddu (A.) Sull' esame dell' orecchio nei ferro- vieri. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1907, xviii, 221- 229.— Outten (W. B.) Railway relief organizations in the Lnited States. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 170; 192; 223; 251; 278: 290: 317; 371; 396; 418; 493; 536.—Physi- cal fitness of railway emplovees. Internat. J. Surg.. X. Y., 1900, xiii, 28; 55; 60; 88; 92. [Discussion], 217-220. . I lso. Reprint.—Pieck. Zur Bekampfung des Alkoholmiss- brauches bei den Eisenbahnbediensteten. Aerztl. Sach- verst.-Ztg.. Berl., 1804, x, 72-75. — Prlnzlny: (F.) Wie halten wirXeurastheniker vom Bahndienst fern. Ztschr. f.Bahn-u. Bahnkassenarzte, Melsungen, 1906, i, 226-230.— Pritchard (J. F.) Diseases of railway men caused by their occupation. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Rep. 1896, Chicago, 1897,136-144. Also [Abstr. 1: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1897, xxviii, 1169-1171. -----. Physical examination of railroad men. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr. 1898, Chi- VOL xiv, 2d series---IS Railroads {Employees of). cago, 1899, v, l.s-33.—Prolss. Die*" Alkoholfrage in ihrer Beziehung zum Kisenbalinpersonal. Aerztl. Sachverst.- Ztg., Berl., 190;'». ix. 337-341.— Plltelli (F.) Sull' esame dell' udito nel ferrovieri. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.] /tori no, 1907, xviii, 491-498.—Kaab. Der Alkoholmissbraueh bei dem niederen Kisenbalinpersonal und (lessen Verhiiting. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. 5. Verbandst. deutsch. Bahnarzte, Niirnb., 1902, 53-07.—Kicchi (G.) ct Benetlicenti (A.) Influenza della fatiea e dell' aria delle gallerie sulla fun- zione visiva del personale ferroviario. Bull. der Arztwagen fiir die Hilfsziige der preussischen Staats- eisenbahnen. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. 5. Verband-t deutsch. Bahnarzte, Niirnb., 1902, 85-87. — Besclirei- bung des bayerischen Rettungswagcns. Ibid., 88.— Blunie. Der keimfreie Schnellverband fiir Nothelfer im Eisenbahndienste. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassen- iirzte, Leipz., 1907, ii, 282; 293.—Bouflleur (A. I.) Prin- ciples vs. methods in railwav surgery. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1899-1900, vi, 421-120. -----. What should be the attitude of the railwav surgeon toward modern methods of diagnosis? Ibid., 1901-2, 810-812.—Boulen- jiier (O.) Le service medical des chemins de fer. Ann. med.-chir., Dour, 1908, xvi. 1U3-11L—Brasseur (J.) Le service medical des chemins de fer de l'etat. Gaz. med. de Liege, 1890, iii, 25, 37.—Bulle. Zur Krankengeld- statistik, Yertrauensarztfrage und Krankenkontrolle. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte, Leipz., 1908, iii, 29- 36.—Caldwell (F. H.) The railway hospital, its neces- sity and benefits. Times & Reg., Phila., 1893, xxvi, 1129- 1133 — Chaffee (G.) Railway surgery; its literature; surgical departments; relief trains; railwav hospitals. Practitioner's Month., Kingston, N. Y., 1892-3, i, 351-356. -----. The hospital system for railways. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1897, viii, 312-324. -----. Progress of railway surgery in America. Cong, internat. de mexl., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 16, 178-181.— Cottam (G. G.) The development of railwav surgery, and other topics. St. Louis M. Rev., 1901,xliv,379.—Crelley (H.C.) Antisepsis in railway surgery. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1905, xviii, 380.—Crutcher (H.) Emergency appliances in railway surgery. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1903-4, x, 113.—Dana (H. T.) Theeconomicvalueof asurgicalservicetoarailway corporation. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xix, 250-252.— Dentz (L.-F.) Sur le projet d'une organisation de service medical des compagnies de chemins de fer. Con- fer, internat. serv. san. d. chemins de fer [etc.]. C. r., Harlem, 1895, 188-193.—Diekson (C. R.) The instruc- tion of railway employes in first aid. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1899-1900, vi, 349-357.—Discussion on the management of emergency cases in unhygienic environ- ment. Ibid., 1902-3, ix,312-316.—Drake (N. A.) The management of railway injuries, with illustrative cases. Ibid., 1896-7, iii, 296-301. —von Eiselsberg (A.) & Rosmanit (J.) Zur Frage der Rettungskiisten bei Eisenbahnunfallen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 1447-1451.—El liott (W. H.) The organization of a rail- wav surgical department. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg. Off. Rep.. Chicago, ]S92, v, 31-30.—Estes (W. L.) First aid on railways. Med.Xews.X.Y.,1899,lxxiv,26. -----. Hospital cars for railwav service. Lehigh Valley M. Mag. Easton, Pa., 1900, xi, 217-225. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1179-1181.—Eve rhard (N.S.) Anesthesia in rail- way surgery. Internat. J.Surg.,N.Y., 1902,xv,311.—Fair- brother (H. C.) The advantages of railway surgery. Ibid., 1901, xiv. 286-290. — FairchiId (D. S.) _ The field of usefulness for the railway surgeon. Railway Surg.. Chicago, 1901-2, viii, 194-198— Flnkelnburg. Ergebnisse der Erkrankungs-Statistik bei 15 deutschen Eisenbahnverwaltungen. Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhts- amtes. Berl., 1877, i, Beil., nos. 48-50. Also, Reprint.— Francis (W. H.) Railway surgeons and hospitals. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1901-2, xix, 7-14.—Gardner (I. K.) Efficiency and economy in railway surgical practice. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1894-5, i, 395-399.—Garrett (R, W.) A few points in the treatment of severe railroad in- juries. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto, 1895, ii, 197-200 — Grant (W. W.) Car sanitation and railwav surgery. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1900, xi, 265-268.—Greco (V.) I medici ferroviarh. Boll. d. ord. d. san. d. prov. di Trapani, Trapani, 1902, iii, no. 3,1-4.—GUterboek (L.) Der Gesundheitszustand der Maschinisten der Berlin- Anhaltischen Eisenbahn. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 18*2, xiv, 156-172. Also, Re- print.—Hall (A. L.) Surgical emergency box for rail- way trains. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1895, viii, 148.— Hatch (H.) Conservatism in railroad surgery. Am. Acad. Railwav Surg. Tr. 1898, Chicago, 1899, v, 81-85. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 542— Heineii- uray(H.B.) Conservative railroad surgerv. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1890, xii, 347-351—Herrick (C. B.) Railroad surgerv. J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wavne, 1890-91. iii, 331-389. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila.. 1891, 325-331. Also: N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 263- 266.—Hunt (.1. G.) Railwav surgerv. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1*90-7, iii, 553-559.—Islierskl. K voprosu o RAILROADS. 275 RAILROADS. Railroads {Hospital service of). bolnichnol pomoshtshi ostro-zaraznim bolnim na Si- birskol zhellezn. dorogle. [Hospital aid in acute in- fectious diseases on the Siberian Railway.] Sibirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1905, iii, 345; 363.—Jack (H P) The responsibilities and possibilities of railway surgerv. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1903, xvi, 80-89.— Jonas (A. F.) Experiences in instruction in first aid to the injured at division points on the Lnion Pacific Railroad. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1902-3, ix. 124-127.— Julian (C. A.) The responsibilities of railway surgery. Gaillard's South. Med.. Savannah, 1905. xxxiii, 184-187.— Kakushkin i X.) Ginekologicheskaya iakushorskaya pomoshtsh na /hcllcznikh dorogakh v Rossii. [Gyneeo- iogical and obstetric aid of the railroads in Russia.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908. vii. 129; 104; 269; 304; 340.— Kermorgant ( A.) Intirmerie du chemin de fer de la Cote d'lvoire. Ann. d'hvg. et de med. colon., Par., 1904, vii, 540-543, 1 pl. — Korsakoff < W. W.) Vrachebnaya sluzhba na zhelleznikh, dorogakh. [The railwav medical service.] Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa", 1893, ii, 19; 38; 51.—Lanphear (E.) Why the railroad surgeon should not try to practice aseptic surgery. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1896-7, iii, 313-319.— Leipzlger (H. A.) Description of a passenger wreck and its management. Ibid., 1901-2, viii, 161.— Lewis I E. R.) Importance of a thoroughly organized medical department upon all railroads. J. Nat. Ass. Rail- way Surg., Fort Wayne, 1889-90, ii, 341-345. -----. Rail- way surgerv as a branch of the science and art of surgery. Tr. Pan-Arii. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 867-872. -----. The evolution of railwav surgery. Railwav Surg., Chicago, 1*94. i, 227-233. Also: Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1894-5, xii, 139-147.—liibonati (B.) La medicina preventiva nelle ferrovie dello stato. Morgagni, Milano, 1907, xlix, 231-238. — Lo ft on (L.) Rendering first aid in railroad wrecks. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 15— Meturdy (S. L.) An ambulance, hospital, and funeral car. [off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railwav Surg., Chicago, 1891, iv, 150-152. Also: Railway Age, Chicago & X. Y., 1891, xvi,604. -----. The surgical organization of the railway service. Is the management of the surgical service, through a chief sur- geon, an improvement over its management by an unpro- fessional official of the company? Railway Surg., Chicago, 1902-3, ix, 302.-----. A new medical box for railroads. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1904, xvii, 92.—Malko (A. I.) Ocherk vrachebnol i sanitarnol dleyatelnosti uehastko- vikh vrachel na zhelleznikh dorogakh po pravilam vra- chebno-sanitarnol sluzhbi. [Sketch of the medical and sanitary activity of division physicians upon railroads, according to the rules of the medico-sanitary service.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896. vi, no. 13, suppl., 117-120.—Manley (T. H.) Emergency character of railway surgery and the extent of local disorganization resulting frominjurv. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn.. 1903, xxii,425-427.—.nark- ham (H. C.) Railway surgerv as a specialty. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1897, iii, 73-76.— Jlartin (V F.) The present status of railway emergency work. X. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 53; 119. Also, Reprint.—filler (A. C.) Medical work on a Highland railway. Calcdon. M. J., Glasg.. 1894-6, n. s., ii, 110-116. -----. Cases occurring in railway practice. Ibid., 1*97-9. iii, 384-393.—3Iiller (J. R.) The Missouri Pacific hospital system from an em- ployee's standpoint. Railway Age, Chicago f Roads of Communication. Postanovleniye Ministra Putel Soob- shtsheniya 27 marta 1897 g. No. 5905, ob izmienenii i dopol- nenii pravil vrachebno-sanitarnol sluzhbi na zhelleznikh dorogakh, otkritikh dlya obshtshestvennavopolzovaniya, kakoviya pravila bili obyavleni i dopolneni postanov- leniyami Ministra Putel Soobshtsheuiya ot 20 iyunya!893 goda za no. 8526 i 24 noyabrya 1894 goda za'no. 20373. [Order of March 27, 1897, concerning the changes in tbe rules of the medico-sanitary service on public railroads,' adopted and completed by orders of June 20, 1893, and Nov. 24,1894.] Vestnik obsh. hig.. sudeb. iprakt. med., St. Petersb., 1897. xxxiii. no. 11,1. sect., 261-288. -----. Ob iz- mienenii i dopolnenii pravil vrachebno-sanitarnol sluzhbi na zhelleznikh dorogakh, otkritikh dlya obshtshest- vennavo polzovaniya. [Changes and supplements to the rules of the medico-sanitarv service on public rail- roads.] Ibid., 1900, 51; 71.—Sanitary (The) defence of the Hed.jaz railway. Lancet, Lond., 1908. ii, 971; 1104;1248; 140"'.—Scheet". Die Verbreitung ansteckender Krank- heiten durch die Eisenbahn. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver,, Stuttg., 1904, lxxiv, 855:875.—Sellwechten. Biihnarztverhiiltnisse und Eisenbahnhygiene in Nordame- rika. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg..Berl.,1905.xi.145-148. -----. Einwirkung d< r Berufstiitigkeit im Verkehrswesen auf die Gesundheit. Zr-clir. f. Eisenbahnhyg., Leipz.-Wien, 1907.iii,205-278.—Stctefeld iR.) KiihlungganzerEisen- bahnziige. Ge-undh. Ingenieur, Munchen, 1906, xxix, 279-281. — Swiateeki (J.) Nieco statystyki sanitarnej z budowy kolei"Zanieraeiiskiej. [Sanitary statistics from the Zaniemenka railwav -tation.] Czasopismo lek.. Lodz\ 1900, ii, 273-276.—Tre trop. Conference internationale concernant les service- -at i itairesdel'hygi&ne des chemins de fer et de la navigation. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 467.—Yerney (L.) Le cause dello scuotimento nei viaggi in ferrovia e i modi di eliminarle. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano. 1905, xxvii, 209-217. -----. I viaggi in ferrovia e 1' igiene. Policlin., Roma, 1905, xii, sez. prat., 788; 822.—Wagner (G.) Vorschliige wie einigen "hygienischen Eisenbahnschmerzen" abgeholfen wer- den kann. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte, Leipz., 1906, i, 304.—Way 01. H.) Remarks on railway sanita- tion, with special reference to the dangers of present methods of dispi ising of human excreta and suggestions for improvement. Charlotte [X. C] M. J. 1906. xxix, 80- 82.—Wichert [etal.]. Eisenbahnhygiene in Bezug auf die Reisenden. Deutscher Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. Ber. 1889, Brnschwg., 1890 xv, 105-144.—Wyman (W.) The interstate quarantine law and its relation to the railroads of the United States. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1897-8, iv, 202;229.—Xembliuolt' V. I.) Osanitarnikhusloviyakh massovoi perevozki po zhelleznimdorogampereselentsev i rabochikh. [Sanitary conditions of transport en masse of emigrants and laborers along the railroads.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 573; 615. Railroads {Injvries on) and their sequelae. See, also, Railroads (Hospital service of); Railroads (Injuries on, Jurisprudence of). Oongkes d'hygiene et de sauvetage a Bru- xelles en 187<>. Revue statistique des accidents sur les chemins de fer danois. Pr£sent6e au . . . par le Comite danois. 4°. Copenhague, 1876. Great Britain. Board of Trade. Bail/nay Department. Railway accidents. Returns of accidents and casualties as reported to the Board of Trade by the several railway compa- Railroads {Injuries on) and their sequel ;e. nies in the United Kingdom during the nine months ending 30th September, 1893, in pursu- ance of the regulation of railways act (1871), 34 & 35 Vict., cap. 78; together with the reports of the inspecting officers of the railway depart- ment of the Board of Trade upon certain acci- dents which were inquired into. fol. London, 1893. ------. The same. During the six months ending 30th June, 1898. fol. London, 1898. -----. The same. During the nine months ending 30th September, 1900. fol. London, 1901. ------. The same. During the year ending December 31, 1903. Part I. Accident returns. fol. London, 1904. Hall (J. A.) The causes of railroad acci- dents. 8°. New York, 1895. Catting from: Engin. Mag., N. Y., 1895, ix, 720-726. Koppin (H.) *Die Sehadenersatzpflicht der Eisenbahnen fiir Korperverletzungen nach den §§ 3 und 3a des Reichs-IIaftpflichtgesetzes vom 7. Juni 1871 und ihre Voraussetzungen nach § 1 desselben Gesetzes. [Greifswald.] 8°. Stettin, 1905. Snyder (C.) Tbe growing railway death roll. Who is responsible? 8°. New York, 1907. Cutting from: Everybody's Mag., N. Y.,1907,xvi, 504-514. ZausaIloff (M. A.) *Pomoshtsh postradav- shim ot nestehastnikh sluchayev i travmati- cheskiya povrezhdenia na Yekaterinimskol zhe- lieznoi dorogie za dvadtsat liet yeya susbtshest- vovaniya (1884-1904 gg.). [Aid to the injured and traumatic injuries of the Yekaterinoslav Railroad tor the twenty years of its existence.] [St. Petersburg.] 8°. Yekaterinoslav, 1903. Accident (L1) de chemin de fer du P. O. itJuvisy. Gaz. med. de Par., 1899, 11. s., 375 —Accidents (Les) du travail dans Pindustrie italienne des chemins de fer. Rapport des compagnies italiennes exploitant les r6- seaux de l'Adriatique et de la Mediterranee. Cong, in- ternat. d. accidents du travail 1900, Par., 1901, ii, 253- 280.—Assistance (L') des blesses dans les accidents de chemin de fer. Rev. demed. leg., Par., 1898, v, 20-22.— Badal. Neurasthe.nie, hemianopsie consccutives a un accident de chemin de fer. Gaz. hebd. d. se. med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 137-139.—Bemus (W. M.) Car sickness. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1898, xi, 288—Braeh- mer (O.) Die Aufgaben und die Thiitigkeit des Kisen- bahnarztes. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, i, 49-51. ——■—. Bestimmungen fiber die Arbeitszeit der Eisen- bahn-Angestellten. Ibid., 181-185.—C. Erste Hilfelei- stung bei Anfallen auf schweizerischen Eisenbahnen. Schvwiz. Bl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zurich, 1898, n. F., xiii, 321- 325.—Cam polony;o (F.) Morti e lesioni sulle strade ferrate. Scuolapositiva, Fiesole, 1896, vi, 193; 265.—Chew (R. S.) Railway construction reminiscences; some ugly accidents and extraordinary escapes from being killed. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 191.—Cramer. Zwei Fragen aus dem Eisenbahn-Samariterwesen. Zt- schr. f. Samariter- u. Rettungsw., Leipz., 1902, viii, 84- so.—Crow (C. R.) Railwav accidents. Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903-4, xxxii, 266.—Cryns (E.) Quel- ques mots sur les troubles du systdme nerveux consecu- tifs aux accidents de chemin de fer. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1891-2, iii,66-72.—CuIIcn (C. R.) Railroad injuries and railroad surgeons' fees. Tr.M.Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1889, 230-233.—JDabney (.ID.) Acase of crushing injury of the arm, complicated by fractureof the skull. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1901-2,' viii, 338.— Dcrciim f F. X.) Railway shockandits treatment. The- rap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3.'s., v, 649-660. Also, Reprint.— Dickson ^C. R.) Astandard system of first-aid instruc- tion for railway emplovees. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1900-1901, vii, 63-67.—Doten (C. W.) Recent railway ac- cidents in the United States. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1901-5, n. s., ix, 155-181.—Mrobner (H.) Ueber Eisen- bahn-Psychosen und -Neurosen. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 445; 489; 529; 009.—Emmert (J. M.) The psy- chic element in railwav injuries. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1903-4, x, 283-286.—Epley (F. W.) A case of severe rail- road injury. Tr. M. Soc Wisconsin, Madison, 1893, xxvii, 270.—Eskridge (J. T.) Mutual relations of the railway RAILROADS. 278 RAILROADS. Railroads {Injuries on) and their sequel ir. surgeon and the neurologist. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 959-961. Also, Reprint.—Evrard. Obser- vations recueillies k Phdpital militaire de Bruxelles, de militaires blesses a l'accident de chemin de fer de Groe- nendael. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1890, 3. s., xxxvii, 221-232.—Flood (H.) The lessons of a wreck. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1902, xv, 245-249.—Fort (F. T.) Report of a few interesting cases seen in railroad practice. Ken- tucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1908-9, vi, 351-353—Glat- tauer (B.) Die Begutachtung der chirurgischen Be- triebsunfalle durch die Bahnarzte. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1901, li, 285; 331; 389; 439.—Guillery. Etude sur les chemins de fer de 1'eLat beige; accidents des chemins de fer et moyens de les attenuer. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, vii, 156-167—Harnden (R. S.) Railway accidents, their cause and prevention from a psychological standpoint. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1902, xv, 221.—Highsmith (G. R.) Responsibility for railroad accidents. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1X95-0, ii, 481-485.—Hughes (C. H.) Paresis, epilepsy, and epileptoid as menaces to railway safety. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1908, xxix, 176- 180.—Hunt (J. G.) Conservative surgery in crushing injuries. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1898-9, v, 147-150.— Jones (H. A.) A peculiar ease of railway injury. Ibid., 1899-1900, vi, 78-80.— Jones (W. C.) Report of an un- usual railway injury. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1907, ii, 241.—Kane (E. O'N.) A case of first aid under diffi- culties. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1900-1901, vii, 70.—K.el- seytU. C.i Severe injuries to a deaf mute. Ibid., 1902-3, ix.313— Kiernaii (J.G.) Hysteric stigmatization from railroad accident suggestion; a study of Dutton vs. Chi- cago City Railway. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 190S, xxix, 459-474—lieser. Leber einige baufige Unfallver- letzungen, deren Behandlung und Folgen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte, Melsungen, 1905-6, i, 131-135.— MeFarland (J.) Specimens from a case of railroad ac- cident, showing very serious damage of internal organs; pneumonia, with malignant endocarditis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1898-9, n. s., ii, 63-65.—McHatton (H.) One hundred and seventy consecutive cases of rail- road surgery. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Macon, 1890, 63-71. Also: South. M. Rec. Atlanta, 1890, xx, 299- 309. Also: Fort Wayne J. M. Sc, 1891, xi, 98-108.— McKenna (E. D.) The importance of minor railway injuries. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxi, 194-198 — JVlcLain (A. J.) The surgical aspect of railway acci- dents. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1898, xviii, 529-535. — Mal- bran (C.) & Centeno (A. H.) Accidentes de ferroca- rril. An. d. Dep. nac. de hig., Buenos Aires, iii, 337-343.— Manley (T. H.) Extensive railroad injury; amputa- tion; tist'ula in ano; peritonitis. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 13. Also, Reprint. — Meyer (G.) Erste arztliche Hilfe bei Unfiillen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Eisenbahnunfalle. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, ix, 73; 97. -----. Ueber die AusbildungderEisenbahnbeam- ten im Samariterdienst. Ibid., 1904, x, 75-78. -----. Ue- ber die Einrichtung von Rettungszimmern auf Eisenbahn- hofen. Ibid., 301-303.—Miller (A. C.) Cases occurring in railway practice. Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1894-6, n. s., ii, 159-167.—Miuui (L. H.) Railway injury; casereport. J. Kansas M. Soc. Lawrence, 1905, v,310-313.—Nikolski (D.) Nestc ha stniy e.si uehai' natramvayeikonno-zhellez- nikh dorogakh. [Unfortunate accidents on street rail- roads.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908,vii,1541.—Nonne (M.) Casuistische Beitriige zum Kapitel der Nervenun- fallserkrankungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 629; 643; 668.—Oliver (T.) Electrocu- tion on the railway; the dangers of the live rail. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 516-518.—Out ten (W. B.) A statistical study of nine thousand three hundred and forty-eight railwav injuries. J. Nat. Ass. RailwaySurg., Fort Wayne, 1890-91, iii, 14-36. Also: Railway Age, Chicago & N. Y., 1891, xvi, 52; 74; 94; 114. -----. Railway relief organiza- tions in the United States. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 176; 202; 223; 251; 278; 296. -----. Classification of the causative factors of railway and allied in juries, based upon the kinesic states assumed by the injured individuals; along with an analysis of 82,361 railway injuries. Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1906, xiii, 561-571.—Piquard (W. M.) Burns and scalds in railroad accidents. Med. Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1902, xxii, 853-*55.—Plaut. Zur Ver- hiiting von Unfallen in Auswandererziigen. Ztschr. f. Bahn-u. Bahnkassenarzte, Melsungen, 1905-6, i, 178-181.— Prine e (M.) Traumatism as a cause of locomotor ataxia: a critical examination of the evidence, with reports of three new alleged cases. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1895, xxii, 77-100. — Railroad accidents. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1897-9, x, 197-201.—Railroad accidents and car sanitation. Ibiel., 1899-1901, xi, 82-91.— Railway accidents. Interstate Commerce Comm. Rep. Statist. Railways 1894, Wash., 1895, vii, 74-93. — Roemer (A.) Nervdse Storungen nach Eisenbahnun- fallen. Irrenfreund.Heilbr., 1889-90, xxxi, 129-154. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 575; 591; 602; 630; 663; 712. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1890, xiii, 455; 471; 4*7.— Railroads (Injuries on) and their sequels. Saenger (A.) Ueberdie Folgen von Eisenbahnunfallen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900 Leipz.,1901, lxxii, pt.2,2.Hlfte., 193. Also: Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi. [Discussion], Ver- BeiL, 283.—Sarles (W. T.) Some reasons why all cases of railway accident should receive careful examination and record by the surgeon in charge. Railway Surg Chicago, 1895-6, ii, 464-468.—Shaw-Mackenzie (J. A.) Railway or train sickness. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1134 Also: Lancet, N. Y., 1895, 323. — Stadelmann. Zur Beurtheilung der nach Eisenbahnunfallen auftretenden Erkrankungun. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 1289.—Stafford (W. G.) Some observations upon shock' as seen in railway injuries. Internat. J.Surg., N.Y. ,1908, xxi,357-359.—Stepp. Beitrag zur Beurtheilung der nach Eisenbahnunfallen auftretenden Erkrankungen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 1133; 1173.' Also: Sit- zungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Niirnb. 1897, Munchen, 1898, 57-73. -----. Beitrag zur Beurteilung der nach Eisenbahnun- fallen auftretenden Erkrankungen. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte, Melsungen, 1905-6, i, 350-357. — Sum- mers (T. O.) Railway neurasthenia. Alabama M.&S. Age, Anniston, 1896, viii, 573-580. — JSzuman (S.) Ein Beitrag zu den Herzaffectionen bei Railway-Brain und zur Behandlung dieses Leidens. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1895, xiii, 513-534. — Thiriar (J.) Quelques episodes chirurgicaux de la catastrophe de Groenendael et de quelques autres accidents de chemin de fer. Clinique, Brux., 1890, iv, 1; 150; 200. - Tibbal* (F. B.) Selected cases of railway surgery, Tr. Mich. M Soc, Grand Rapids, 1895, xix, 134-143.—Van Ouyn (J.) Three clinical cases; shock, hemorrhage and nerve re- pairs in railway surgery. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1894, vii, 191.—Vasiiyett" (S. M.) Sluchal zhelleznodorozh- navo nevroza. [Case of railroad neurosis.] Meditsina, St. Petersb.. 1895, ii, 457-461. —Vedenski (V. M.) Opit traumaticheskikh povrezhdeniy na zhelleznikh dorogakh, po dannim vrachebnikh doneseniy Niko- layevskol i Ribinsko - Pskovskol zhelleznikh dorog. [Traumatic injuries on the railroads after data of medical reports of the Nikolayev and Ribinsk-Pskov railroads.] Vestnik'obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1904, 461-482. -----. Oeherk travmatiches- kikh povrezhdeniy na zhelleznikh dorogakh po dan- nim vrachebnikh doneseniy Nikolayevskol i Ribinsko- Pskovskol zhelleznikh dorog. [Railroad injuries, after the medical reports of the Nikolayev and Ribinsko-Pskov railroads.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix. . . . syezda. 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, v, 171-181- Vlbert (C.) La catastrophe du metropolitain. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1905, 4. s., iii, 193-211.—Vfruboft' (A.) K voprosu o nlestchastnikh sluchayakh na zhelleznikh dorogakh. [On the unfortunate accidents upon rail- ways.] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 432-437.— Viilcker (F.) Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Verletzun- gen bei der Heidelberger Eisenbahnkatastrophe vom 7. Oct. 1900. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 792: s:07.—Wade (W. F.) Report on a case of railway injury. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond., 1870, xlv, 471-480. Also, Reprint. — Wassiljeft* (S. ) Eine Neurose in Folgc anhaltender Eisenbahnfahrten. Wien. med. BL, 1*95, xviii, 743-745. — Whitehead (W. R.) Railway injuries; bad compound fracture just above the knee-joint, with projection of bone outside of the wound; and crushing injury of the opposite foot close up to ankle-joint in front; cured. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1902, 145-147.—Wilson (B. R.) The first care of the injured in railwav accidents. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1897, x, 361-363.— Voshlda (H.) [A case of rail- way injuries.] Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1904, xxiii, pt. 2, no. 266, 10-13. Railroads (Injuries on. First aid in). See Railroads (Hospital service of). Railroads (Injuries on, Hospitals for). See Railroads (Hospital service of). Railroads {Injuries on, Jurisprudence of). Blum (A.) De l'hystero-neurasthenie trau- matique (railway-spine). 8°. Paris, 1893. Borri (L.) L' esercizio delle strade ferrate nei suoi rapporti con la medicina giudiziaria. 12°. Milano, [1894]. Conn (G. P.) Costs and compensations. 8°. [n. p., n. p.] Fabre (J.) * De l'hystero-neurasthenie trau- matic jue devant la loi dans les accidents de chemin de fer. 4°. Paris, 1893. RAILROADS. 279 RAILROADS. Railroads {Injuries on, Jurisprudence of)- Gailhard (A.) ^Contribution a l'etude me- dico-legale de l'hystero-traumatisme consecutif aux accidents de chemin de fer. 8°. Toulouse, 1906. Guekmonprez (F.) Medecine des chemins de fer. Simulation des douleurs consecutives aux traumatismes. Diagnostic par les courants induits et interrompus. 8°. Paris, 1881. Guillemaud (C.) *Des accidents de chemin de fer et de leurs consequences medico-judi- ciaires. 4°. Lyon, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, [1893]. Ramirez (Francisco Granizo) [ -1889]. See Granizo Ramirez (Francisco). Ramirez (Jose) [ -1904]. [Biography.] Gac. med., Mexico, 1904, 2. s., iv, 89- 93, port. Ramirez (Jos6). * Estudio sobre la fiebre puerperal. 31 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1875. [P., v. 2179; 2206.] Ramirez (Jose" Fernando). Anales de Cuauh- titlan. Noticias historicas de Mexico y sus con- tornos. 84 pp. 4°. Mexico, I. Escalante, 1885. Bound with: Anales del Museo naeional de Mexico, 1886, iii. Ramirez (Jose Juan). *Reminiscencias de al- gunos medicamentos muy usados. 26 pp. 8°. Puebla, M. Corona, 1884. Ramirez (Manuel). * Estudio sobre las fiebres intermitentes del estado de Morelos. 38 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. Batiza, 1873. Ramirez (Marcelino). Contribucion al estudio de la citologia. 67 pp. 8°. Madrid, hijos de B. A/rarez, 1899. Ramirez (Mariano) [ -1905]. Biography* Bol. Asoc. m6d. de Puerto-Rico, San Juan, P. R., 1905, iii, 136. Ramirez (Roman). *La ovariotomia'en Me- xico. 58 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1874. [P., v. 2178; 2206.] -----. El manicomio. 110 pp., 2 plans. 8°. Mexico, 1884. -----. Catalogo de las anomalias coleccionadas en el Museo naeional, precedido de unas no- ciones de teratologia. Por encargo del Sefior Director Interior del Establecimiento Dr. Manuel Urbina. 35 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1896. Ramirez (Santiago). Analisis del aire en las minas. Memoria presentada a, la Sociedad mexicana de historia natural. 23 pp. 8°. Mexico, C. Bamiro, 1877. Ramirez de Arellano (Juan Jose) [ -1902]. * Breves estudios acerca de los signos de la muerte real. 55 pp. 8°. Mexico, I. Es- calante, 1874. For Biography, see Escuela de med., Mexico, 1904, xix, 285. Also: Gac. med., Mexico, 1903, 2. s., iii, 161, port. (M. S. Soriano). Ramirez de Arellano (Nicolas). *Profa- nacion de cadaveres humanos. 26 pp. 16°. Mexico, C. Bamiro, 1877. Ramirez del Prado (Mariano). *Ligero estudio sobre los papilomas cutaneos 6 verrugas, su tratamiento por el jugo de la euphorbia splendens. 19 pp. 8°. Mexico, C. Tamborrel, 1887. Ramirez del Villar (Benigno). *Ueberdie Verruga peruana. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1895. Rainiro Diaz (Francisco). *E1 tratamiento electrolitico de las estrecheces de la uretra. 24 pp. 8°. Mexico, Gante, 1895. Ram is (Ibrahim) Aly Bey. * Zur Kenntnis der akuten gelben Leberatrophie, insbesondere der dabei beobachteten Regenerationsvorgiinge. 34 pp. 8°. Munchen, J. F, Lehmann, 1901. Ramisiray (Gershon). *Pratiques et croyan- ces medicales des Malagaches. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 629. Ramleh. See Cholera (History, etc., of), by localities. Rainlosa. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Ramm (Alexander). See Hierta-Retzius (Anna). La lutte contre Tabus [etc.]. 8°. Stockholm, 1900. Rainin (Fredrik). Kastration ved prostatahy- pertrofi. 1 p. 1., 73 pp. 8°. Kristiania, Stem, 1896. Suppl. to: Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1896, 4. R., xi. Ramm ( Friedrieh Heinrich Theodor) [1874- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Transposition der grossen arteriellen Gefiisse des Herzens. 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, C. Jansen, 1899. Ramm (H. August Joachim). Bohnenhiilsen- thee. Mittheilungen fiir Aerzte und Kranke. 14 pp. 8°. Preetz, J. M. Hansen, 1898. -----. The same. 11 pp. 8°. Preetz, J. M. Hansen, 1906. Ramm (Malka). * Ueber die Zotten der Mund- lippen und der Wangenschleimhaut beim Neu- geborenen. [Bern.] 42 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1905. Ram in (Mile. Tauba). *A propos de 1'cedeme dur traumatique. 19 pp., 2 1., 3 pl. 8°. Lausanne, 1905. Ramm (Vladimir Ivannovich) [1865- ]. *Vliyaniye nlekotorlkh yadov na vozbudimost mozgovol kori. [The influence of some poisons upon excitation of the cortex cerebri. ] 100 pp., 11. 8°. Yuryev, Shnakenburg, 1893. -----. Alkohblizm. 62 pp. 12°. S.-Peter- burg, 1899. Sputnik zdorov., Suppl., 1899, no. 10. Also, Editor of: Narodnoyezdravije, S.-Peterb., 1901. Also, Editor, of: Sputnik zdorovva, S.-Peterb., 1898-1905. See also, Robert (R. F.) Metodi propisivaniya He- karstv [etc.J 8°. Moskva, 1894. Rainmelsoerg (Karl Friederich) [1813-99]. Ueber die Mittel Licht und Wiirme zu erzeugen. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Charisius, 1866. Rammingen. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by localities. RAMMOW. 287 RAMPINI. Rammow (Siegfried) [1879- ]. *Beitrag zum Begriff der Alkohol paralyse. 27 pp. 8°. Kiel, E. Gottsch, 1906. Rammratli (Albert) [1860- ] *Ueber Wanderniere mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der operativen Behandlung. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1894. Rammsledt ([Wilhelm] Conrad) [1867- ]. * Ueber tiefe seitliche Cervicalrisse und deren Behandlung. 27 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer &■ Co., 1893. Ramoino (G. B.) Ernia diaframmatica. Nota. 7 pp. 8°. [Milano, Soc. edit, libr., 1899.] Ramon (Albert) [1869- ]. *Hvsterectomie abdomino-vaginale methode Pean dans les cas de gros fibromes uterins. 61 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 97. Ramon de Apraix (D.) Establecimiento de baiios y aguas bicarbonatadas caleieo-sodico- nitrpgenadas de Nanclares de la Oca, provincia de Alava, a dos leguas al occidente de Vitoria. 15 pp. 8°. [ Vitoria], D. Sar, 1887. Ramon } Cajal (Santiago) [1852- ] Estu- dios anatomicos. Observaciones microscopicas sobre las terminaciones nerviosas en los nniscu- losvoluntarios. 50pp.,lpl. 8°. Zaragoza,1881. -----. Nuevo concepto de la histologfa de los centros nerviosos. 68 pp. 8°. Barcelona, Hen- rich & Co., 1893. Repr.from: Rev. de cien. med., Barcel., 1892, xviii. -----. Les nouvelles idees sur la structure du systeme nerveux chez 1'homme et chez les ver- tebras. Ed. francaise, revue et augmentee par I'auteur, traduite de l'espagnol par le Dr. L. Azoulav. Preface de Mathias-Duval. xvi, 200 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, C. Beinwald & Cie., 1894. -----. Die Retina der Wirbelthiere. Unter- suchungen mit der Golgi-Cajal'schen Chrom- silbermethode und der Ehrlich'schen Methy- lenblaufiirbung. In Verbindung mit dem Ver- fasser zusammengestellt, iibersetzt und mit Einleitung versehen von Richard Greef. viii (1 1.), 179 pp., 7 pl. fol. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1894. -----. Elementos de histologfa normal y de tecnica micrografica para uso de estudiantes. vi, 484 pp. 8°. Madrid, N. Moyi, 1895. -----. Beitrag zum Studium der Medulla oblon- gata, des Kleinhirns und des Ursprungs der Gehirnnerven. Deutsche vom Verfasser er- weiterte Ausg. besorgt von Joh. Bressler. Mit einem Vor wort von E. Mendel, vi (1 1.), 139 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1896. -----. Manual de anatomia patologica general, seguida de un resumen de microsropia aplicada a la histologfa y bacteriologia patologicas. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 495 pp. 8°. Madrid, N. Moyei, 1896. -----. Reglas y consejos sobre investigation biologica. 122pp.,11. 8°. Madrid, Fonteinet,1899. -----. Textura del sistema nervioso del hombre y de los vertebrados, estudios sobre el plan es- tructural y com position histologica de los cen- tros nerviosos, adicionados de consideraciones fisiologicas fundadas en los nuevos descubri- mientos. 2 v. xi, 566 pp.; 1209 pp. 8°. Met- drid, N Moya, 1899-1904. -----. Relation de los titulos, meritos y traba- jos cientificos. 1 p. 1., 51 pp. 8°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1900. -----. Manual de histologfa normal y de tec- nica micrografica para uso de estudiantes. 4. ed., notablemente augmentada. vi (2 1.), 643 pp. 8°. Madrid N. Moya, 1905. See, also, Altabas Arrieta (Julio). Cirugia ab- dominal, [etc.], 8°. Madrid, 1890.—Atlas der patho- mnon j Cajal (Santiago)—continued. logischen Histologic des Nervensystems. rov. 8°. Ber- lin, 1892-5, 4. Lfg.—Pelsiez (P. L.) Anatomia normal de la medula espinalhumana [etc.]. 12°. Madrid, 1897.— del Rio y Lara (L.) Manual de tecnica micrografica general. 8°. Madrid, 1893.— Trabajos del laboratoria [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1901-3. For Biography, see Corresp. med., Madrid, 1900, xxxv, 341-344 (M. Marquez). Also: Ciencia mod., Madrid, 1896, iii, 1: 9 (P. L. Pelflez). Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, viv, 579 (J. Sobotta). ----. See, also: Barker (L. F.) Travel notes; Spain and Ram6n y Caial. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 403.—Costa (J.) [ei al.]. Homenaje al Dr. Cajal; £optimismo6 pesi- mismo? Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 190U, v, 473-488, port.— de M. (S.) Hommage. Arch, dc med. et chir. spec, Par., 1907, viii, 423.—Ramon y Cajal (S.) Souvenirs de ma vie. [Transl.] Rev. de l'Uuiv. de Brux., 1901-2, vii, 731-750: 1902-3, viii, 181; 535; 603.—Rodriguez (A.) El premio Nobel al Doctor Ram6n y Cajal. Siglo med., Madrid, 1907, liv, 102, 1 pl.—Sacanella (E.) La obra de Cajal. Rev. frenopat. espafi., Barcel., 1907, v, 3-9. Ramon de Lloreda. Des cicatrices d'al- longement. ,4 pp. 8°. [Evreux, 1869.] Repr.from: Evenement (L') med., 1869. Ramond (Felix) [1871- ]. * Fievre ty- phoide experimentale. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898. No. 314., -----. Etude sur la fievre typhoide experimen- tale. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1898. -----. The same. 180 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Jacques, 1907. Ramond (Louis). *Pleuro-tuberculose primi- tive et meningite tuberculeuse; etude compared des liquides pleural et cephalo-rachidien. 180 pp. 8°. Paris, 1907, No. 132. Ramond ( Octave-Edouard-Zacharie-Gabriel ) [1870- ]. *De l'emploi d'un collodion a l'huile de cade dans les affections de la peau. 62 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 192. Ramonet. *L'iodismeet lesglandes salivaires. 50 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 625. Ramonet ( Marie - Francois - Auguste ). * Des troubles fontionnels du systeme nerveux gan- glionnaire observes chez les femmes h vsteriques. 1 p. 1., 33 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1867, 2. s., No. 981. Rainoni (Alfredo). Duplice ferita penetrante nel ventricolo destro del cuore; sutura; guari- gione. 30 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Boma, 1899. Repr. from: Gazz. med. di Roma, 1899, xxv. Ramorino ( Emanuel). Hasce theses . . . disceptabat. 4 1. 4°. Genuse, 1826. [P., v. 2145.] Ramos (Eugenio Munoz). See Sueroterapia(La)en la difteria. 8°. Valladolid & Madrid, 1896. Ramos (Jose). De los signos profesionales bajo el punto de vista de la identification de las per- sonas. 54 pp. 16°. Mexico, Dubbin ct Co., 1880. Ramos (Jose). *Importancia de algunos fen6- menos oculares en el diagnostico de las afeccio- nes del sistema nervioso. 127 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1887 Ramos (Manuel). * Breves consideraciones so- bre la eclamsia puerperal, principalmente bajo el punto de vista de su patogenia y tratamiento. 100 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Mata, 1880. [P., v. 2182.] Ramos (Othon I.) * Estudio estadistico de la mortalidad en Mexico por la tos ferina. 41 pp., 3 diag., 1 map. 8°. Mexico, F. Mata, 1886. Ram pal {Louis) [1824-90]. [Obituary.] Marseille med., 1890, xxvii, 801. Rampini (Christian). * Ueber Abkommlinge des Benzylidenparatoluidins. [Bern.] 32 pp. 8°. Munchen, F. Straub, 1896. RAMPONT. 288 RAMUS. Rampont (Mansuy-Alphonse). Memoire sur l'encephalite aigue et chronique. 1 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Baris, D. Cetrellin, 1836. Ramsay (Alexander). See Scientilic (The) roll [etc.]. 8°. London, 1894-5. [Ramsay (Andrew Maitland).] Note book for the examination of eve diseases. 74 1., 11 ch., 2 pl., 14 pp. 4°. Glasgow, A. Stenhouse, 1888. ------. * Exophthalmic goitre; a clinical study. Thesis for degree of M. D. in the University of Glasgow. 48 pp. 8°. Glasgow, A. Macdougall, 1891. Repr.from: Glasgow M. J., 1891, xxxvi. ------. Atlas of external diseases of the eye- xvi, 195 pp., 48 pl., 48 1. 4°. Glasgow, J. Mac- lehose dc Sons; New York, The Macmillan Co., 1898. -----. Eye injuries and their treatment, xiii, 210 pp., 25 pl. 8°. Glasgow, J. Maclehose & Sons, 1907. -----. Diathesis and ocular diseases, xi, 184 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1909. -------. See, also: See, also, Pilarmacopoeia of the Glasgow [etc.]. 12°. Glasgow, 1*99. Ramsay (David) [1866-1902]. Obituary. Glasgow D. J., 1902. lvii, 106. For Portrait, see <'o!lection of Portr. (Libr.). Ramsay (Elizabeth Catherine). See Ostwald (Wilhelm). Conversations on chemis- try. 12°. New York. 1905. Ramsay (J. A.) A treatise on ventilating and working collieries. 66 pp., 12 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, A. Beid; London, Long- mans d- Co., 1882. Ramsay (Otto). See Kelly (Howard A.) & Ramsay (O.) De l'usage du catheLer rtoal [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1S97. Ramsay (Robert). On the treatment of cleft palate. 22 pp. 8°. London, Cox & Wyman, 1865. [P., v. 2193.] Ramsay (Robert Hamilton) [1S24-1907J. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1223. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1329. Ramsay (William). See Bamesay (William). Ramsay (Sir William) [1852- ]. A system of inorganic chemistry. xv, 700 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, l>. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1891. -----. The passing century; its history in great subjects. Chemistrv. Cutting from: The Suii, N. Y., 1900, Dee. 30. -----. The gases of the atmosphere; the his- tory of their discovery. 2. ed. xi, 264 pp., 9 port. 8°. London, Macmillan & Co., 1902. ------. Radium and its products, pp. 52-57. 8°. New York, 1904. Cutting from: Harper's Month. Mag., N. Y., 1904, ex. S>e, also, Rayleiale de N6ris. Premier fascicule. Des indications et des con- tre-indications des eaux de Neris. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1875. ------. De la medecine thermale et de la chirur- gie dans le traitement des nevralgies utero-ova- riennes graves. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1890. -----& L.echopie (Alfred). Commentaire de la nouvelle loi sur l'exercice de la medecine. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Daei/, 1891. Ransohotf (Albert) [1872- ]. *Chloral- amid als Hypnoticum bei Geisteskranken. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, L. Schumacher, 1896. Ransohoff (Joseph) [1853- ]. Rupture of middle meningeal artery without fracture; liga- tion of common carotid artery. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Donvm, 1890. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1890, viii. -----. The same. Ruptur der Arteria menin- gea media ohne Fractur; Ligatur der Arteria carotis communis bei secundarer Blutung. 8 pp. 8°. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1890.] Repr.from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1890, xiii. ------. Tuberculous disease of the tarsus. 10 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Philadelphia, 1890. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii. ------. Linear craniotomy for microcephalia. 6 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii. -----. The treatment of gangrenous hernia. 16 pp., 2 pl. 8°. [Philadelph ia, 1892. ] Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1892, xvi. RANSOHOFF. Ransoholf (Joseph)—continued. -----. Trephining for abscess of the brain. 8 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, 1892.] Repr. from: J. Med. Coll. Ohio, Cincin., 1892, iii. -----. The extirpation of aneurisms. 7 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix. -----. Thyroid abscess; thyroidectomy; re- covery. 8 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1894.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1894, xii. -----. Treatment of strangulated hernia. 24 pp. 12°. Chicago, Am. M. Ass. Press, 1894. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii. -----. Concerning stone in the kidney and its operative treatment, with report of cases. 24 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1895. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv. -----. Considerations on the diagnosis and operative treatment of gall-stones. 10 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1898. Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xl. -----. Decortication of the tongue in the treat- ment of lingual psoriasis. 7 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1899. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix. ------. Gall-stones; consideration of their etiol- ogy, diagnosis, and operative treatment. 24 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1899. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii. -----. Nephrectomy vs. nephrotomy. 34 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1899, iv. -----. The same. 33 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1899, xvii. -----. Cystadenoma of pancreas; extirpation. 8 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1901. Repr.from: Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii. -----. Nephrolithiasis; its diagnosis and surgi- cal treatment. 6 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1901. Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1901, n. s., xlvii. -----. The prerectal curvilinear incision for prostatic abscess; with a report of three cases. 10 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1902, xxxvi. -----. Trephining for brain tumors; report of two successful cases, one of nine years. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1902. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix. -----. Unilateral disease of the kidney simulating stone. 7 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl. -----. Hepatectomy for tuberculoma of the liver. 9 pp. 12°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv. -----. Stone in the kidney; its diagnosis and operative treatment. 15 pp. 12°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxv. -----. Pulsating exophthalmos; ligature of the common carotid, external carotid, and superior thyroid arteries. 3 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Chicago, 1906. Repr.from: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii. -----. Surgery of the kidney, the ureter, and the suprarenal gland. In: Syst. Surg. (Keen), Phila., 1908, iv, 183-271, 5 pl. -----. Pistol-shot wounds of the brain. 11 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, n. d.] Repr.from: J. Med. Coll. Ohio, Cincin. -----& Phelps (A. V.) An unusual and fatal hemorrhage from trephining. 6 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1903, xxi. RANSOM. Ransohoff (Max) [1871- ]. * Ueber die Yerteilung des Absorptionsvermogens einiger einfacherer Kohlenstoffverbindungen im ultra- roten Gebiete des Spektrums. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1896. Ransom (Brayton Howard) [1879- ]. On Hymenolepis carioca (Magalhaes) and H. mega- lops (Nitzsch), with remarks on the classifica- tion of the group, pp. 151-172, 3 pl. 8°. Lin- coln, Nebr., 1902. Cutting from: Studies Zool. Laborat. Univ. Nebraska. ------. An account of the tapeworms of the genus Hymenolepis, parasitic in man, including reports of several new cases of the dwarf tape- worm (H. nana) in the United States. 138 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1904. Forms Bull. no. 18 of: Treas. Dep. Hyg. Laborat. ------. Manson's eyeworm of chickens (Oxy- spirura Mansoni). With a general review of nematodes parasitic in the eyes of birds, and notes on the spiny - suckered tapeworms of chickens. 72 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1904. Forms Bull. no. 60 of: U. S. Dep. Agric Bureau animal indust., Wash. ------. A new nematode (Gongylonemia inglu- vicola), parasitic in the crop of chickens. 3 pp. 8°. Washington, 1904. Forms Circ no. 64of: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau animal indust., Wash. ------. The gid parasite (Ccenurus cerebralis); its presence in American sheep. 23 pp. 8°. Washington, Gort. Print. Office, 1905. Forms Bull. no. 66 of: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau animal indust., Wash. ------. The tapeworms of American chickens and turkeys, pp. 268-285. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1905. Forms Circ no. 85 of: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau animal indust., Wash. Repr. from: Rep. Bureau animal indust., Wash., 1904, xxi. ------. The life history of the twisted wire- worm (Hsemonchus contortus) of sheep and other ruminants. 7 pp. 8°. Washington, 1906. Forms Circ. no. 93 of: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau animal indust., Wash. ------. Some unusual host relations of the Texas fever tick. 8 pp. 8°. Washington, 1906. Forms Circ no. 98 of: U. S. Dep. Agric Bureau animal indust., Wash. ------. How parasites are transmitted, pp. 139- 166. 8°. [Washington, 1906.] Repr.from: Yearbook U. S. Dep. Agric, Wash., 1905. ------. Trichinosis; a danger in the use of raw pork. 6 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1907. Forms Circ. no. 108 of: U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau animal indust., Wash. Ransom (Charles C.) Removal of large frag- ment of glass from larynx after lodgment for twenty-one months. 4 pp. 12°. New York, 1891. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, ------. Diseases of the skin. A manual for students and practitioners. Series edited by Bern. B. Gallaudet. 201 pp. 16°. Philadel- phiet, Lea Brothers ct Co., [1893]. The Student's Quiz Series. ------. An unusual case of nsevus unius lateris. 6 pp. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: J.Cutan.&Genito-Urin.Dis.,N.Y., 1896,xiv. ------. The treatment of gout. 16 pp. 12°. New York, W. B. Jenkins, 1897. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, li. ------. Spa treatment of gout. 15 pp. S°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx. RANSOM. 294 RANTZOVIUS. Ransom (Charles C.)—continued. ------. Colchicum in the treatment of gout. 12 pp. 12°. New York, 1903. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 190L., lxxxii. ------. An analytical study of twenty-eight cases of arthritis, with special reference to gout and its treatment. 13 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1904. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1904, lxxxv. ------& Van Gieson (Ira). Observations on an uncommon form of cutaneous tuberculosis. 12 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [New York], 1895. Repr.from: J. Cutan. &Genito-Urin. Dis., N.Y., 1895, xiii. Ransom (Julius B.) A history of the tubercu- losis work at Clinton Prison. 29 pp. 8°. Ihinnemora, N. Y., 1904. ------. Tuberculosis in penal institutions. Re- port prepared for the Eighth International Prison Congress, 1905. 27 pp., 3 diag. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1904. House Doc, 58. Cong., 3. sess.', no. 142. Ransom (Stephen W.) [1843-1904J. Beltiw.E.) Memoir. Northwest.Lancet,Minneap., 1901, xxiv, 313. Ransom (William). Bacterial sewage-disposal. 6 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes & Son, 1908. Repr.from: Proc Inst. Civil Eng., Lond., 1908, clxxi. Ransom (William Henry). Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1032. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1196. Ransome (Arthur) [1834- ]. On the phys- iological relations of colloid substances. 22 pp. ' 12°. London, T. Bichards, 1866. ------. On the organic matter of human breath in health and disease, pp. 209-217, 2 tab. 8°. [Cambridge, 1870.] Cutting fro in: J. Anat. & Phys., Lond., 1870, iv. ------. The same. pp. 234-247. 8°. London, Taylor & Francis, 1870. Cutting from: Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc, Manchester, ses- sion 1869-70, 3. s., iv. ------. (in the constrictor action of the intercos- tal muscles. 5 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1874. Repr.from: Liverpool & Manchester M. &S.Rep., Lond., 1874, ii. ------. On the graphical representation of the movements of the chest-wall in respiration. pp. 251-264. 8°. London, Taylor & Francis, 1875. Cutting from: Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc, Manchester, 1873- 4, 3. s., v. ------. Seeds of disease. 23 pp. 12°. Man- chester & London, J. Hey wood, [1876]. [P., v. 2028.] Health Lectures for the People, 1875-6. ------. Long life, and the causes that prevent it. 24 pp. 12°. Manchester & London, J. Heywood, [1879]. [P., v. 2028.] Health Lectures for the People, 1878-9. ------. On epidemic cycles, pp. 75-92, 4 diag. 8°. [Manchester, 1880.] Cutting from: Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc, Manchester, 1880, xix. ------. On the limits of the infectiveness of tubercle. 30 pp. 12°. Manchester, J. E. Cor- nish, 1884. -----. The Milroy lectures for 1890. The causes and prevention of phthisis, viii, 146 pp., 2 diag., 3 maps. 12°. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1890. -----. Causes and prevention of phthisis. In: Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. Y., 1891, x, 171-283. -----. On re-infection in phthisis. 8 pp. 8°. Manchester, J. Heywood, 1892. Repr.from: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892. Ransome (Arthur)—continued. ------. The consumption scare. 11 pp. 8°. Manchester, J. Heywood, 1895. Repr. from: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1895. ------. The treatment of phthisis, xiii, 237 pp., 2 tab. 8°. London, Smith, Elder <.!> Co., 1896! ------. Tuberculosis and leprosy; a parallel and prophecy. 20 pp., 1 ch. 8°. 'London, 1896. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, ------. On rest and exercise in the open air treatment of phthisis. 16 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale Sons & Danielsson, Ltd., 1899. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii. ------. The principles of "open-air" treatment of phthisis and of sanatorium construction, x, 104 pp., 1 plan. 8°. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1903. ------. On the graphical representation of the movements of the chest-wall in respiration. pp. 251-264. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 2089.] ------& Vernon (George V.) On the influ- ence of atmospheric changes upon disease. 22 pp. 2 diag. 8°. Manchester, C. Simms & Co., 1861. Repr.from: Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester, session 1859-60. Ranson (Gustave) [1873- ]. * Etude sur l'hysterectomie abdominale appliquee au traite- ment des kystes et des tumeurs solides de I'ovaire. 86 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 189. Ranson (S. Walter). On the medullated nerve fibres crossing the site of lesions in the brain of the white rat. pp. 185-207, 1 pl. 8°. Gran- ville, O..1903. Cutting from: 3. Comp. Neurol., Granville, O., 1903, xiii. In: Papers Anat. Lab. St. Louis Univ., 1904, i. ------. Retrograde degeneration in the corpus callosum of the white rat. pp. 381-389, 1 pl. 8°. Granville, O., 1904. Cutting from: 3. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Granville, O., 1904, xiv. In: Papers Anat. Lab. St. Louis Univ., 1904, i. ------. Retrograde degeneration in the spinal nerves. 31 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1905. Repr.from: 3. Comp. Neurol. & Psychol., Bait., 1906, xvi. In: Papers Anat. Lab. St. Louis Univ., 1906, iii. Ransone ([Jodokus Ludwig Hubert] Ren6) tl873- ] * Ueber einen Fall von angeborner •esophagus-Atresie. 21 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Irapp, 1900. Ransquins (Ernest-Emile) [1865- ]. *Du tubage de l'uterus en dehors de l'etat puerperal (drainage prolonge" au moyen d'un tube de caoutchouc malleable). 95 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1892, No. 25. Ranlzovius (Henricus) [1526-98]. De con- servanda valetudine liber, in privatum libero- rum suorum usum ab ipso conscriptus, ac editus aDethlevo Sylvio Holsato; in quo de diata, itinere, annis climactericis, et antidotis pnes- tantissimis, brevia et utilia pnecepta continen- tur. 5 p. 1., 169 pp. 16°. Lipsire, \J. Steinman, 1576]. [------.] De valetudine conservanda. Or, the preservation of health, or a dyet for the health- full man. Collected but of Henricus Ronso- vius, which he wrought for the use of his sonnes: and now published for the helpe of all those that desire their owne healthes. By S. H. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 16°. London, T. Dewe, 1624. Bound with his: The Englishman's doctor. 16°. Lon- don, 1624. ------. Wie die menschliche Gesundheit nicht allein taglichen im hin unnd hiir Reysen zu Wasser und Landt, in Kriegen. Sterbensleuffen, RANTZOYIUS. 295 RAPCHEVSKI. Ranlzovius (Henricus)—continued. und andern gefehrlichen Orten zu erhalten, sondern auch so dieselbig corrumpieret, wie sie wider zu recht zu bringen sehe. Erstlich von . . ., colligieret und nach seinem Abgang durch D. Dethlevum Sylvium in Latein beschrieben. Jetzt aber menniglichem zu Nutz und From- men auss gemelter Sprach in die Teutsche auffs ] fleissigste transferieret durch D. Johann Beatum Humelium. 7 p. 1., 447 pp. 16°. Basel, S. Henricpetri, 1588. [-----.] The Englishman's doctor. Or, the schoole of Salerne. Or, physicall observations for the perfect preserving of the body of man in continuall health. [Transl. bv Sir John Harington.] 21 1. 16°. London,' J. Helme it /. Busby, jr., 1608. -----. The same. Whereunto is adioyned pre- cepts for the preservation of health. Written by Henricus Ronsovitis for the private use of his sons. And now published for all those that desire to preserve their bodies in perfect health. Transl. by Sir John Harington. 3 p. 1., 35 pp. 16°. London, T. Dewe, 1624. Last page called43. Ranula. See Mouth ( Tumors of, Cystic). Ranuneulacese. Biria (J. A. J.) * Histoire naturelle et me- dicale des renoncules, precedee de quelques observations sur la famille des renonculacees. 4°. Montpellier, 1811. Moller (C. A.) * Versuche iiber die blasen- ziehende Wirkung der Ranunkeln. 8°. Er- langt n, 1835. Krieg (W.) Versuche mit Ranunculaceen bewoh- nenden Aecidien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1906, xvi, 208. -----. Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber Ranunculus-Arten bewohnende Uromyces. Ibid., 1907, xix, 697; 771. — Vanderlinden (E.) Re- cherches microchimiques sur la presence des alcalo'ides et des glycosides dans la famille des renonculacees. Ann. Soc. rov.'d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1901, x, fasc. 1, pt. 3, 1-50, 2 pl. Ranvier (Louis-Antoine) [1835- ]. De la degenerescence des nerfs apres leur section. 4 pp. 4°. [Baris, Gauthier-Villars, 1872.] Repr.from: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1872, lxxv. -----. Traite technique d'histologic Fasc. 1-5. 2 p. 1., 800 4- pp. 8°. Baris, F. Savy, 1875-8. Also, C'o-Editejr of: Archives d'anatomie microsco- pique, Paris, 1897-1907. See, also, Cornll (A.-V.) & Ranvier (L.) Manuel d'histolojde pathologique [etc.]. roy. s°. Paris, 1881. ----------. A manual of pathological histology, [etc]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1880.-----------. The same. 8°. Lon- don, lhH-2.-----------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, ]hM,.-----------. Manuel d'histologic pathologique [etc]. 8°. Paris, 1902.—Frey ( H.) Traite d'histologic [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1x71. — Lee (Arthur Bolles) & Henneg'uy (F.) Traite des methodes technique de lanatomie microscopique [etc.]. 8°. Paris. 1887. ----- -----.The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, WM). -----•-----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Paris, 1902. -Manuel d'histo- logie [etc]. 8°. Pom, 1901. Ranvier's nodes. See Nervous system (Histology of). Ranzendorf (M. M). Se« Roose (Theodoras Georgius Augustus). Manuale per i medici e chirurghi forensi [etc.]. 24°. Venezia, 1808. Ranzi (Andrea). Del rinnovamento dell' an- tica maniera di considerare le malattie dette veneree, libri due. 215 pp. 8°. Pisa, frat. Nistri, 1840. -----. Lezioni di patologia chirurgica date nella R. Universita di Pisa. Edizione diretta e con- tinuata dal A. Marcacci. 3 v. 8°. Firenze, Grazzini, Giannini & Co., 1860-63. Raonl (Florentin) [1877- ]. *Le parricide au point de vue medico-legal. 60 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 53. Raonl (Francois). *Du pronostic en alienation mentale. 39 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 559. Raonl (lehan). See Clu y «l c Cliauliac. Les fleurs du grand Guidon. 16°. Lyon, L>49. -----. The same. 16°. Rouen, 1660. -----. The same. 24°. Paris, [n. d.]. Raonlt (Aimar) [1863- ]. * Essai sur les perforations de la membrane de Shrapnell. 99 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 166. -----. Etude anatomique et clinique. 103 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Pari*, 1893. See, also, Baudouin (Marcel-Edouard). Guide me- dical [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1889. RaonIt (Fernand) [1874- ]. * Etude sur la prophylaxie de la syphilis. 238 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 209. -----. The same. 238 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1902. Raonlt - Deslongehamps (Lucien - Rene) [1874- ]. *Lestaphylocoque pyogene; etude experimentale et clinique. [Lvon.] 268 pp. 8°. Paris, 1S97, No. 17. ------. The same. 268 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1897. Raoulx (Henri). * Complications et conse- quences tardives des decoliements de la retine. 99 pp. 8°. Paris, 1907, No. 203. Rao list (Paul). *Des poches ur£trales. 61 pp., 2 pl., 1 1. 8°. Toulouse, 1897, No. 218. Raoux [1871- ]. *Du sacrum dans les bas- sins asymetriques. 94 pp., 1 1., 3 tab., 20 pl. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 636. Raoux (Edouard). Les trois intemperances de la table, de la boisson et des mceurs, prevenues et com battues au moyen d'une alimentation hygienique, naturelle et economique. 3. £d., re- vue et augmented. 64 pp., 8 pl., 2 port. 8°. Lausanne, F. Payot, 1891. -----. Philosophic de 1'education, ou de la re- forme pedagogique, basee sur les lois de 1'an- thropologie et de 1'hygiene. 25 pp. 8°. [Zut- phen, W. J. Thieme, n. d.] Raoux (Henry) [1875- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la thyrotomie. 70 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 57. Rapchevski (I[van Filippovich]) [1855- ]. Ocherk disinfektsii parom i opisaniye novavo tipa parovol desinfektsionnot kameri. [Sketch on disinfection by steam, and description of a new type of steam disinfecting chamber.] 76 pp., lpl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, S. N Khudekoff, 1891. ------. Ob aziyatskol kholerle. Dvle nauchno- populyarniya lektsii. [On Asiatic cholera. Two popular scientific lectures.] 55 pp., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L Geruts, 1892. -----. O desinfektsii pri zaraznikh bolieznyakh. [Disinfection in infectious diseases.] 32 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Repr.from: 3. Russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb.', 1*92, ii. ------. Osnovi dezinfektsii pri kholerle. [Prin- ciples of disinfection in cholera.] 44 pp. 24°. S.-Peterburg, I. L Smirnoff, 1892. Repr.from) Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1890, clxviii, 3. sect. -----. Nastavleniye o prichinakh malyariynikh zabolievaniy i o mleropriyatiyakh protiv nikh. [Instruction on the causes of malarial diseases and on the measures against them.] 62 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, T-vo " Narodnaya Poize)", 1902. Also, Editor of: Voyeiino-ineditslnskiy Jurnal, S.-Peterburg, 1908, cexxiii. RAPE. 296 RAPE. Rape. See, also, Assault (Indecent); Pederasty; Rape (Jxirisprudence of); Rape on children; Rape during sleep, etc. Anthony (P. W.) Rape. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, cxxxii. 29; 56.—Aronstam i N. E.) Devirgination. Vir- ginia M. Semi Month., Richmond, 1901-2. vi, s2-*L— Attentat k la pudeur, tentative de viol. Med. inf., Par., 1905, 456-458. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1905, xii, 238- 240— Brouardel (P.) Le viol. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1907, 4. s., vii, 198-261. -----. Les causes des attentats aux mceurs. Ibid., viii, 331-340. -----. Viol et violences. Clinique, Brux., 1906, xx, 225-229.. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1906, lxxix, 243. Also: Med. d. accid. du travail, Par., 1906, iv, 193-196.—de Busschere (A.) Le viol et l'attentat k la pudeur. Ann. Soc. de m6d. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1893-4, v, 14; 84: 1894-5, vi, 213.— ('haddock (C. G.) Rape. In: Text-Book Leg. Med. (Peterson & Haines), 8°, Phila.. 1904, ii, 127-110— ('hernbach (R.) Atentatele la pudoare dupa legile noastre. [Crimes against decency by our laws.J Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1907, xxvii, 177.—Daniel (F. E.) The cause and prevention of rape; sadism in the negro. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1904, xxxvi, 279-291. Also: Texas M. J., Austin, 1903-4, xix, 452-462.—von Fgloff'stein. Notzucht an einer 75jahrigen Frau. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Krimi- nalist., Leipz., 1901, xvi, 172.—Goodell (W. C.) The anatomy of rape. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 766- 771.— Haussner. Sittlichkeitsverbrechen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 235.— Holler. Ein Notzuchtsversuch mit grausamcr Miss- handlung des Opfers. Ibid., 1905, xx, 147. —Khun- dadze (E. S.) K voprosu ob iznasilovanii. [On rape.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1903, x, 785-788.—Krauss (F.S.) Von vergewaltigten Miidchen und Frauen. Anthropo- phyteia, Leipz., 1904, i, 367- 37s. — Leppmann (F.) Aerztliche Betrachtungen iiber Sittlichkeitsverbrecher. Heilkunde, Berl., 1906, 193-199.—Mapes IC. C.) A prac- tical consideration of sexual assault. Med. Age, Detroit, 1906, xxiv, 928-939.—Matthaes. Zur Statistik der Sitt- lichkeitsverbrechen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Krimi- nalist., Leipz., 1903, xii, 316-319.—JUegevand (L.) Sur un cas de viol. J. de med. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xiii, 192- 194.—d'Oranovskaia (Anna). Le delit sexuel et le regime des mceurs. Rev. med., Par., 1905, xiv, 63-67.— Rossi (U.) Stupratorecriminaloide. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.J, Torino, 1894, xv,419-422.—Souza Lima. Da vio- lencia carnal. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da Fac. de med. do Rio de Jan., 1S93, vii. 1-38.—Thomsen. Noth- zucht einer Greisin. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1902, n. F., xxiii, 396—Trial (The) of Col. Chartres for a rape, committed on the bod v of Anne Bond, his servant. In: Three remarkable trials, 8°, Lond., 1764, 22-32. Rape (Accusations of crime of). See Rape (Jurisprudence of). Rape (Jurisprudence of). See, also, Epilepsy, Hymen, Hypnotism, Jurisprudence of; Rape on children; Rape dur- ing sleep, etc.; Semen stains. Bellin (E. F.) Sudebnaya meditsina rastle- niya; atlas. S predisloviyem M. D. Nikitma. [Medical jurisprudence of defloration; atlas. With preface by Nikitin.] fol. S.-Peterburg, 1898. Mabire (E.-J.-G.) * Etat mental et physique des individus poursuivis pour attentats aux mceurs. [Bordeaux.] 8°. Bouen, 1905. Schlottmanx (F. K. L.) * Schreck (Not- zuchtsversuch) und Geistesstorung. 8°. Bo- stock, 1906. Tabdieu (A.) Etude medico-Mgale sur les at- tentats aux mceurs. 4. 6d. 8°. Baris, 1862. ------. The same. 6. ed. 8°. Paris, 1873. ------. The same. 7. ed. 8°. Paris, 1878. ------. The same. Die Vergehen gegen die Sittlichkeit in staatsiirztlicher Beziehung be- trachtet. Nach der 3. franzosischen Aufl. ins Deutsche iibertragen von Fr. Wilh. Theile. 8°. Weimar, 1860. ------. The same. Estudio medico-legal sobre los delitos contra la honestidad. Tradu- cido de la septima edicion francesa y anotado conforme a las mas recientes teorias de la ciencia, por Prudencio Sorenana y Fartagas. Va comprendida la legislation actual espanola. s°. Barcelona ct Madrid, 1882. Rape (Jurisprudence of). Toxdel'r (C.-L.-C.) *Le viol cpmmis sur la femme anterieurement defloree. Etude medico- legale. 8°. Lille, 1900. Trial (The) and examination of Dr. Hunter. Being a full account of the examination at Mary- lebone police court, trial at the Old Bailey, Mrs. Merrick's statement and appearance in court, the verdict, and interesting particulars never before published. 8°. London, [n. d.]. United States. Congress. An act to amend chapter 341, section 9, of the Acts of 188"), so far as the same prescribes the punishment of death for Indians committing the offense of rape. 54. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2609. In H. K., March 30, 1896. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1896.] Adrian! (R.) Falsa denuncia di violenza carnale fatte da giovanetta isterica. Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed uff. san. [etc.], Napoli, 1897, i, 161-184.—Angebllches Stuprum; Nieren-undBlasentuberkulose; kann Stuprum Blasenruptur, Liisionen der Harnrohre, der Scheide ver- anlassen? Einfluss des Urins auf WundenundGeschwure. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891,301-320.— de Arinand (J. A.) Asexualization as a punishment for rape. Med. Bull., Phila., 1898, xx, 55-57.— \»< hal- fenburg. Beitrag zur Psychologie der Sittlichkeitsver- brechen. Arch. f. Psvehiat., Berl., 19U3. xxxvii, 1U43- 1048. — Bendix (L.) ' Mittiiterschaft oder Beiluilfe bei der Notzucht? Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psvchol. [etc], Hei- delb., 1905, i, 318-321— Blachian (F.) Notzuchtsde- likte im epileptischen Diimmerzustand. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1901, Iii,336-346.—Bonhoeffer (K.) Sittlichkeitsdeliktund Korperverletzung; einever- gleichend-psvchopathologische Untersuchung. Monat- schr. f. Krim'.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, ii,465-473.— Bortolucci (G.) II ratto e le condizioni psieologiche della donna rapita. Scuola positiva, Roma, 19H3, 2. s., i, 330-335.—Brouardel. Rapport sur un cas de viol; de- floration r6cente; examen de la victime, de l'inculpe et deslinges. Rev. dem6d. 16g., Par., 1896, iii. 13-17.—Cane- by (F. J.) The homicide of Mrs. Hattie E. McCloud. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc, Bost., 1898, ii, 346-349.—Cauvet. Attentats a la pudeur, examen d'une chemise. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiv, 177-180.— Codeluppi (V.) Stupratore pazzo-morale-epilettico. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1901, xi, 358-364.—Colin (H.) Sur l'etat mental et physique des individus condamnes pour attentats a. la pudeur. Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1897, n. s., 171-175.— Corin (G.) Le r61e du medecin praticien dans les ex- pertises pour attentats aux mceurs. Scalpel, Liege, 1899- 1900, Iii, 16.—Criminal jurisprudence; rape. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., 1, 87-89. — Cristianl (A.) Fre- nastenica passiva di violenza carnale con incapacity men- tale a resistere al seduttore, ma capacity mentale e giuri- dica alia denunzia e testimonianza. Manicomio, Nocera, 1905, xxi, 343-349.—Cross (W. W.) Scamp and criminal. [Rape committed on the person of a feeble-minded girl under treatment for epilepsy.] Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1902-3, i, 276.—De Dominicis (A.) Note di me- dicina legale; virginity e deflorazione. Corriere san., Milano, 1903, xiv, 567.—Edgar (J. C.) & Johnston (J. C.) Medico-legal consideration of rape. In: Witt- haus & Becker. Med. Jur. [etc.], 8°, N. Y., 1894, ii, 413- 490. — Eiilauer (H.) Wiederholte Notzuchtattentate unter dem Einflusse des Alkohols Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1903, liii, 1857-1862.—Ferrai (C.) Incapacity a resistere per malattia di mente [art. 331 C. P., n. 4]; atti di libidine violenti e maltrattamenti; demenza senile. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1906, xxi, 185-202.— Fornasari (E.) Violenza carnale a termini dell' art. 321 N. 4 C. P.; paranoia tardiva sistematica. Cirillo, Aversa, 1905, xiii, 21-26. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1905, lxiv, 102-105.—(iarnier (S.) Tentatives de viol; folie impulsive 6rotique et paralysie generale all6gu6es; responsabilit6 du pr<5venu; condemnation. J. de med. de Par., 1895, 2. s., vii, 522-525. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1895, ii, 259-266. Also in: Med. leg. [etc., Bergeron], 8°, Par., 1896, 259-266.— Orimaldi (A.) In causa di vio- lenza carnaleseguita da pazzia. N. riv. di psichiat.[etc.], Napoli, 1894, ii, 15-18.—Haberda(A.) Ucbcrdenanato- mischen Nachweis dererfolgten Defloration. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1900, xi,69-8s— von Ha- ven (C.) Defloratio et (menstruatio) metrorrhagia pre- cox. Lgeskr. f. Larger, K0benh.,1895,5. R.,ii, 685.—Hoif (A.) Medicinische Bemerkungen zu den arztlichen Gut- achten in mcinem Processe. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, 1900, xii. 357-361. —Hopkins (J. G.) Castration forrape. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1894, 145-147.—Kjrflseth (Marie). Undersogelser over deflcrrationensanatomiske tegn. [Researches on the anatomical signs of deflora- tion.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1905, 5. R.,ih,61-82.—Klein (G.) Gefiihlsprufung am weiblichen Genitalein krimineller Beziehung. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1905, ix, 60-62—Kornleld ( H .) Zum Straf-Ge- RAPE. 297 RAPE. Rape (Jurisprudence of). setz-Bueh § 176. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1905, xxxix, 1194-1200.—Kratter. Die StrafbarketderSexualdelicte. Compt.-rend.Cong, internat. demed. 1897, Mosc, 1900,vii, med. leg., 33.—Kilhner (A.) Streitige geschlechtliche Verhaltnisse. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xxiii, 897- 899.—Law (The) on rape in Colorado. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1905, xv, 9-12.—Lebriin (A.) Viols commis sur des imbeciles. Ann. Soc de med.leg.de Belg., Charleroi, 1893-4, v, 174-178. — Leggiardi-Laura. Stupratore frenastenico. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1900, xxi, 111-113.— Leppiuann (F.) DieSittlichkeitsverbrecher; eine kriminal-psvchologische Studie. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1905, 3. F., xxix, 277: xxx, 34.—L.e- Koy y Cussa (J.) Informe medico-legal en causa por estupro. An. Acad, dicien.med. . . . de la Habana, 1903-4, xl, 207-209.—Lombroso (C.) ct Bone Hi (A.) Inno- cenza di gravissima imputazione dimostrata dalla antro- pologia criminale. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1902, xxiii, 539-545.—Lopes Vieira (A.X.) Signes dela vir- ginite et de la defloration dans les rapports m^dico-16- gaux. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 16, 1-15. — Tlantzavinos (A.) Une observation mtSdico-legale curieuse; fausse accusation d'un viol; de- floration artificielle par un ceuf de poule chez une jeune ftlle. Independ. med., Par., 1899, v, 85. Also: Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1899, xiv, 226.— Hapes (C. C.) Higher enlightenment versus age of consent. Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 105-108. —Megevalid ( L. ) Sur un cas de viol. Med. 16g. et jurisp. med. Trav. [etc.], Par., 1902, 135-140. —Mercier (C, A.) Rex v. Tunnicliffe. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1907, liii, 141- 143.—Mercklin (A.) Sittlichkeitsvergehen; Zwangs- vorstellungen. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, xii, 469. — Mitrovic ( A. ) Ein Sittlichkeitsprozess in Oesterreich (Verbrechen der Schandung und Unzucht). Ztschr. f. Sexual wissensch., Leipz., 1908, i, 100-103.— Motet. Faux temoignages par les enfants; accusa- tion de tentative de viol. Soc. de med. leg-, de France. Bull., Par., 1890, xi, 357-362. Also: Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, S3-8S. — Nacke (P.) Ge'fuhlstau- schungenan den ausseren weiblichen Genitalien. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 368.— No Hi / uchtversuch; akuter alkoholischer Wahnsinn (pathologischerRausch): Gutachten von Prof. Forel (1891); Sistirung des Verfahrens. Gerichtl.-psychiat. Gutacht. a. d. Klin. Forel in Zurich, Stuttg., 1896, 254-258—Obo- lonski (N. A.) Prestupleniye iii sudebnaya oshibka? [A crime or judicial error?] Univ. Izvlest., Kiev, 1901, xii [Protok. Fiz.-Med. Obsh., 1900, iii, 25-41]. — Oeb- becke. Bedeutung der Gebarmuttersenkung fiir die gerichtsarztliche Beurtheilung eines Nothzuchtfalles. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1892,3. F., iv,92-94.— Ol- llve (G.) Rapport medico-legal sur un cas d'attentat a la pudeur; presence d'ulc^rations vulvaires; conclusions negatives. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1889-90, viii, 5(i.-Pa- risot (P.) De quelques anomalies de l'hymen et du vagin; attentats a la pudeur et viol. Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 759-765,1 pl.—Peixoto (A.) Semeio- tica do defloramento. J. de med. de Pernambuco, 1908, iv, 95; 123.— Ferrando. Stupro, tentativo od atti di libidine violenti. Gior. di med. leg., Pavia, 1900, vii, 173- 191.—Powell (A.) Medical examination in cases of rape. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1902, xxxvii, 230-234— BafTaele (A.) Morte per causa naturale non gid, per infezione sifllitica consecutiva a congiunzione carnale violenta. Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed ufl. san. [etc.], Napoli, 1899, iii, 1-11. -----. Giudizio di revisione di peri- j zie che ammettevano stupro avvenuto e contagio sifili- tico. In his: Clin, di med. leg., 8°, Napoli, 1900, 2. s., 170-175.—Beubold. Aus der gerichtsarztlichen Praxis. (Zu §§ 176 und 177 Reichs-Strafgesetzbuch.) Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1897, xlviii, 81-93.—Bow (F. E.) An interesting medico-legal case. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1906, xxxiv,557.—Ryan (M.) Charge of rape; discrepancy of medical evidence. Lond. M. & S. L, 1830, iv, 48-59.—Saeys. Relation d'une affaire d'at- tentats aux moeurs. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1890, i, 106— Schneider. Ueber Nothzucht, deren verschiedene Arten und Modificationen, oder Re- vision der Lehre iiber diesen wichtigen medicinisch- polizeilich-gerichtlichen Gegenstand. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arzk., Freiburg i. Br., 1850, n. F., vii, 211-272.—Sch re vens. Emploi intern pest if du speculum dans une accusation de viol. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1891-2, iii, 157.—Shtoltz(X) Sudebno- meditsinskaya ekspertiza podlelu E—vaobvinyaemavo v rastllenii i iznasilovanii. [Medico-forensic expert testi- mony in the case of E—v, accused of rape. 1 Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1895, ii, 629-6:56.—Smolski (I.I.) K voprosu o rastlleniiv sudebno-meditsinskom otnoshenii. [On rape from the point of view of medical jurisprud nce.J Vestnik obsh. hig.,.sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1898, no. 9, 2. sect., 742-719.—Sutherland (W. D.) Alleged rape. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1902, xxxvii, 244.—Szijreti (G.) Orvosszakertoi velemeny er6szakos nemi kozosiiles esteben. [Medical expert opinion as to rape in a case of sexual intercourse.] Orvos. Iapja, Budapest, 1901, xii, 253.—Tail (L.) An analysis ot the evidence in seventy consecutive cases Rape {Jurisprudence of). of charges made under the new criminal law amend- ment act. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1894, xiii, 226-233. Also, Reprint. — Thoinot ( L.) Les attentats aux nueurs. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1906, 4. s., v, 347-362.— I iKlcihill (A. S.) Notes of a case where death fol- lowed an attempt at rape. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1890, xxvii, 216-220.—Vairo (G.) Giudizio medico-legale con revi- zione di perizie per violenza carnale ed inoculazione di sifilide. Corricresan. Settim., Milano, 1897, viii, no. 32, 3; no. 33, 1.—Vanselow (K.) Missbrauch einer geistes- kranken Frauensperson zum ausserehelichen Beischlafe, Fehlen der Scheide, Beischlafsfahigkeit. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1900, li, 73-79. -----. An- schuldigung wegen Notzuchtsversuch; Verfolgungswahn. Ibid., 1901, Iii, 135-142.—Voisin (A.) Inventions men- songeres relatives a un pretendu viol racontees par une hysterique. Cong. aim. de med. ment. C.-r. 1893, La Rochelle, 1894, iv, 450.—Wralter (R. E.) Rape from a medico-legal point of view. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1903, xxiv, 389-392. — Zucker. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Bestrafung der Sittlichkeitsverbrechen. Mo- natschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, i, 219-222. Rape on childrein. Beaugeard (A.-M.-P.) *Des difficultes de diagnostic dans les attentats a la pudeur chez les petites filles. 8°. Beiris, 1902. Lang a (P.) La querela di parte nei delitti di violenza carnale e di corruzione di minorenni. 8°. Torino, 1897. Repr.from: R. penale. Suppl. v, fasc. iv, de Maupassant (G.) La petite Roque. 4. ed. 16°. Baris, 1886. Angeschuldigtes Stuprum an einem 12jahrigen Madchen. Abort oder nicht? Malzbier als Abortivum. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891, 281-289.— Ascarelli. Viol d'une petite fille de sept ans; per- foration du cul-de-sac recto-vaginal; dechirure du peri- nee; mort par inhibition, durant des tentatives de suffo- cation; resumed d'expertise medico-legale. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon & Par., 1907, xxii, 500-514.—Atten- tats a la pudeur sur deux sceurs ag^esde 17 et de 10 ans. Med. inf., Par., 1905, 495-498.—Bennati (A.) Le vulvo- vaginal delle bambine e gli attentat! al pudore. N. rac- coglitore med., Imola, 1902,i,208-211.—Boinbarda (M.) Violacao e assassinio d'umacreancaporum idiota. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1907, xxv, 247-251.—Dnbrandy. Viol d'une petite fille de six ans avec arrachement des organes genitaux internes et du gros intestin. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1904, 4. s., ii, 297-301.—Goshkevich (M. I.) Rastllena li MariyaG.,101Iet,isovershenoli rastlleniyeposredstvom polovovo sovokupleniya s neyu? [Was Maria G., 10 years old, deflowered, and was this accomplished by sexual intercourse with her?] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1897, xxxiii, no. 2, 3. sect., 17-21. -----. Rastllena li semi-lletnyaya dlevochka Tatvana T—va? [Was the seven-year-old girl Tatyana deflowered?] Ibid. 21-24.—Laurent (J.) Attentat a la pudeur sur une fillette de 7 ans par des garconnets de 13,12 et 6 ans. J. de med. de Par., 1907, 2. s., xix, 455; 505 — Lebedetl (A. I.) Ruptnra perinsei completa u 8-mi lletnel dle- vochki, perinseoraphia. [. . . in a girl of 8 vears (rape).] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (1892"), 1893, x, 114- 118.—Martens (K.) Unzucht mit Kindern, eine In- terpretation des § 1763 Reichsstrafgesetzbneh. Ztschr. f. Sexual wissensch., Leipz., 1908,193-223.—Ulejievand (L.) Un cas de viol sur une petite rille. Med. inf., 1'ar., 1901, iii, 115-121.—Meola (F.) Se vi sia o no stato stupro vio- lento su di una minorenne. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec , Napoli, 1899, viii, 16-23.—Noera (G.) Rapporto di peri- zia medico-legale in persona diS... Luigi del fuVincenzo di anni 65da Palermo, imputatodi violenza carnale verso P... Giuseppa di Francesco di anni 15; contributo al va- lore diagnostico del riflesso bulbo-cavernoso di Onanoff. Pisani, Palermo, 1906, xxvii, 289-332,1 tab.— Ottolenghi (S.) Tentato stupro su ragazza cretinosa con imene ati- pico. Osservatore, Torino, 1890, xii, 721-726. —Raffaele (A.) Sulla presunta congiunzione carnale compiuta dal- 1' ingegnere G. C. sulla ragazza di nove anni B. T. Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed uff. san. [etc], Napoli, 1900, iv, 81-98.—Bapport sur un cas d'attentat a la pudeur sur une petite fille; examen de la victime et de l'inculp^. J. de med. de Par., 1899, 2. s., xi, 97. Also: Rev. de med. leg.. Par., 1899, vi, 76-79.—Rieshetnikoti* (A.) Sluchal razriva zadnyavo svoda vlagalishtsha pri nasilstvennom rastllenii trinadtsatilletnel dlevochki. [Rupture of the posterior vault of the vagina in rape of a girl 13 years old.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1903, x, 447— RIeznikoff (O. A.) K kazu'istikle rastlleniya dletel grudnovo voz- rasta. [Rape of a nursling.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 789. — Valentinus (M. B.) De impregnatione puellse fatuee et contractee. In his: Nov. med.-leg., 4°, Francofurti ad Mcenum, 1711, 34-36.— Viviani ( V.) Deflorazione completa e rottura del fornice vaginale posteriore in bambina novenne per atti di libidine compiuti da un epilettico. Cefalpino, RAPE. 298 RAPOiN. Rape on children. Arez/.o, 1906, ii, 280-285. — Voliovlch (S.) Sluchal travmaticheskavo povrezhdeniya vlagalishtsha u malo- lletnel pri coitus. [Traumatic injury of vagina in a minor during . . . ] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1893, v, 451. Rape during sleep or insensibility. See, also, Anaesthetics, Chloroform, Ether, Hypnotism, Jurisprudence of. Mesnet (E.) Outrages a la pudeur. Violen- ces sur les organes sexuels de la femme dans le spmnambulisme provoque et la fascination. Etude medico-legale. 8°. Baris, 1894. Hoffmann. Defloration einer Schlafenden. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1906, xix, 749-752.—.Laurent (J.) Attentat a la pudeur sur une fillette de 7 ans par des gar- connets de 13,12 et 6 ans. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1907, xiv, 293-296.—Lebrun (A.) Accusation de viol d'une jeune fille 17 ans pendant le sommeil narcotique. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1899-1900, xi, 11-16.— Le-Roy y Oassa (J.) Violaci6n duranteel hipnotismo. Ann. Acad, de cien m6d. . . . de la Habama 1906-7, xliii, 49-62. Also: Rev. de med y cirug. de la Habana, 1906, xi, 213-222.—Lutaud (A.) L'anesthesiecriminelle. J. de med. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xiii, 49. -----. Peut-on violer une femme pendant l'anesthesie. Rev. de m6d. leg.. Par., 1901, viii, 40-43. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gvnec, Par.,1901, xvii. 77-80. Also: Med. leg. et jurisp.med. Trav. [etc.], Par., 1902, 40-43.—Phares (D. L.) Chloro- form and alleged double rape in dentist's office. Tr. Mis- sissippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1890, 64-74.—von Schrenck- Nolziiiii. Der Fall Mainone (Verbrechen gegen die Sittlichkeit an einer Hypnotisirten, verhandelt vor dem Schwurgericht in Koln am 7. und 8. Mai 1901). Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1901-2, vii, 132- 143.—Sohwabe. Versuchte Notzucht an einem in einem Zustande von oberfliichlicher Hypnose ( Hypo- taxie) befindlichen jungen Madchen durch einen sog. Magnetopathen. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1906, xix, 545-555.—Valentlims (M. B.) De stupris in somno a fa-minis admissis. In his: Nov. med.-leg., 4°, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1711, 30-33. Raphael (Alexander). * Ueber die diure- tische Wirkung einiger Mittel auf den normalen Organismus, nebst Bestimmung der " Jodzahl" einiger Harne. [Dorpat.] 94 pp., 1 1., 1 ch. 8°. Miteiu, J. F. Steffenhagen & Sohn, 1891. Raphael ( Felix ). * Untersuchungen iiber alimentiire Glykosurie. [Freiburg i. Br.] 1 p. I., 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1899. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1899, xxxvii. Raphael ill.). See Vogel (Alfred). A practical treatise on the dis- eases of children. 8°. New York, 1871. Raphael de los Reyes (Francisco). Tra- tado de inflamaciones internas, explicadas por leyes mecanicas, y ilustradas con observa- ciones, y extractos doctrinales. 7 p. 1., 324 pp. sm. 4°. Salamanca, A. J. Villargordo y Alcardz, 1754. Bound with: Canivell (Francisco). Tratado de ven- dages. sm. 4°. Barcelona, 1763. Raphael Santi. Schaaffhaisen ( H. ) Der Schtidel Rapha- els; zur 400jahrigen Geburtstagsfeier Raphael Santi's. 4°. Bonn, 1883. Welcker (H.) Der Schadel Rafael's und die Rafael- portnits. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1883-4, xv, 417- 440, 2 pl. Raphania maisitica. See Pellagra. Kapha mis. Saiki (T.) Ueber die enzymatische Wirkung des Rettigs i Raphanus sativus L.). Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1906, xlviii, 469-472. Raphida?. Lewiu (L.) Ueber die toxikologische Stellung der Raphiden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 237; 263. Raphidospora. lieger (L.) Sur un organisme parasite de l'intestin d'Olocratcs gibbus Fab. [Raphidospora Le Danteci.] Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 261. -----. Sur 1'evolution de Raphidospora Le Danteci Leger. Ibid., 262. Rapieius (Jovita). De thermis qwe ad Tiniavi ostia sunt. In: Junta (Thomas). De balneis omnia qua: extant [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1553, f. 307. Rapin (Eugene). *De 1'inflammation des vesi- cules seminales et des canaux £jaculateurs. 1 p. 1., 49 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1859, 2. s., No. 491. Rapin (Joseph-Maurice) [1876- ]. *Con- tribution a l'etude de la cirrhose alcoolique, 77 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1809, No. 54. Rapin (Oscar) [1847-1902]. Manuel d'accouche- ment a 1'usage des sages-femmes. 373 pp., port. 8°. Lausanne, T. Sack, [n. d.]. For Biography, see Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1903, xxiii, 70-75 (G. Rossier). Rapin (Oscar). * Etude de quelques tumeurs meson6phriques des organes genitaux feminins. 25 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Lausanne, E. Frankfurter, 1906. Rapin (Paul-Henry) [1873- ]. * Contribu- tion a, l'etude du torticollis aigu et specialement de sa pathogenie et de son traitement par 1'ex- tension continue. 74 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 46. Rapine (P.-A.) * Paralysie faciale et syndrome de Weber. 85 pp., 1 1. 8°. Toulouse, 1898, No. 255. Rapmund (Erich) [1879- < ]. *Die Menin- gitis cerebrospinalis epidemica im Grossherzog- tum Hessen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Jahres 1905. [Giessen.] 36 pp., 3 tab., 1 map. 8°. Minden i. W., J. C. C. Brum, 1907. Rapmund (Otto) [1845- ]. Das Gesetz vom 9. Marz 1872, betreffend die den Medici- nalbeamten fiir die Besorgung gerichtsarztli- cher, medicinal- oder sanitiitspolizeilicher Ge- schtifte zu gewiihrenden Vergiitungen, in der Fassung der koniglichen Verordnung vom 17. September 1876 und des Ergiinzungsgesetzes vom 2. Februar 1881. Im Auftrage des Vor- standes des Preussischen Medicinalbeamten- Vereins erliiutert von O. Rapmund. 51 pp. 8°. Berlin, Fischer, 1889. -----. Zweiter Gesammt-Bericht iiber das 6f- fentliche Gesundheitswesen des Regierungs- bezirks Aurich fiir die Jahre 1886-8. v, 227 pp. 8°. Berlin, II. Kornfeld, 1890. -----. Die gesetzlichen Vorschriften iiber die Schutzpockenimpfung; Reichs-Impfgesetz nebst den dazu gehorigen Bundesrats-Beschliissen und den in den einzelnen Bundesstaaten erlassenen Ausfiihrungsbestimmungen. 79 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, G. Thieme, 1900. ------. Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen. All- gemeiner Teil. x, 336 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. L. Hirsch feld, 1901. Forms Bd. 6, 3. Abth., of: Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Also, Editor of: Kalender fiir Medizinalbeamte, Berlin, 1902-6. See, also, Oesetz (Das) vom 9. Marz 1872, [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1889. Rapok (Otto). * Beitrag zur Statistik der Ge- schwiilste. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Aetiologie mit Ausschluss der Cystenge- schwiilste und der Driisenhyperplasien. [Strass- burg.] 1 p. 1., 79 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1890. Rapolano. Rovini (V.) Topografia e statistica medica del comune di Rapolano. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d'ig., Milano, 1882, iv, 241; 321; 481. Also, Reprint. Rapon (Toussaint) [1777-1857]. Preceptes hy- gieniques et regime ii suivre pendant le traite- ment homceopathique des maladies aigues et chroniques avec une instruction pour les ma- RAPON. 299 RAPPORTO. Rapon (Toussaint)—continued. lades sur la maniere de consulter leur medecin eloigne et de correspondre avec lui. 4. 6d. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, Bailliere; Lyon, Sari/jeune, 1844. [P., v. 2165.] Set, also, de Boiininghaiiseii (Clemens-Max-Fried- rich). Essai d'une therapie hoineeopathique des fievres intermittentes. 8°. Paris, 1833. -----. Tableau de la principale sphere d'action, [etc.], 8°. Paris, 1S34. Rapoula de (on. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Rapoutova (Riva). * Reduction des luxations pseudo - sous - coracoidiennes et axillaires (re- centes et non compliquees). [Lausanne.] 24 pp. 8°. GenPve, Soc. gen. d'imprimerie, 1906. Rapp {Adam) [1843-1903]. Sell in id (A.) Inmemoriam. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1904, li, 218. Rapp (Emile) [1873- ]. * De la voie va- ginale dans la resection du rectum. 95 pp. S°. Nancy, 1S98, No. 12. Rapp (Franz Xaver) [1876- ]. *Regenera- tive Vorgiinge an Muskeln und Driisen, sowie eigenartige Riickbildungsprocesse am Deck- epithel eines Amputationsstumpfes der Zunge. (Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Recidiv.) 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1901. Rapp (Georges) [1879- ]. * Trismus ou constriction actinomycosique des machoires. 63 pp. 8°. Lvon, 1904, No. 107. Rapp (Karl) [1877- ]. *Zur Casuistik der direkten Verletzung des Sehnerven in der Augenhohle. 28 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Pietz- cker, 1903. Rappaport (Eugen) [1876- ]. * Ueber den Einfluss verschiedener Medicamente und des Spargels auf die Harnsaureausscheidung. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Trapp, 1900. Rappard (Bernhardus). *De uromantiae et uroscopiae abusu tollendo. 24 pp. 4°. Halse Magdeb., typ. C. Henckelii, [1711]. [P., v. 1914.] Rappin (G.) Recherches sur l'inoculabilite du cancer. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Nantes, Imp. mo- derne, 1890. Rappolt (Guilelmus Theophilus). Inquiritur in quaestionem: Quae et quanta? sint vires solis ac lunse atmosphaeram nostram perturbantes? 28 pp. sm. 4°. Stuttgardix, C. F. Cotta, 1798. Rappoltsweiler. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Rappoltsweiler (Ober-Elsass). Das Carola- bad. Thermalquelle. Salinisch, erdig, lithium- haltig. Dauer der Saison: vom 1. Mai bis 30. September. 12 pp. 12°. Strassburg, A. Duseh : Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 1-4. Also, Re- print. Also: St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901, iii, 463- 471. -----. A portable ration for soldiers in battle and on the march. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1606- 1608. Also, transl.: Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7,xv, sect. 15,219-227.—Seay (S.) Haversack rations; what thev are and what thev should be. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S.', Governor's Island, N. Y. H.,1908, xliii, 79-82 — Seleznctt' (A. N.) & Kubareff (G. V.) Material! dlya izucheniya svolstv soldatskavo khlleba. [Data for the studv of properties of soldiers' bread.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 157; 194; 218.— Sl'orza (C.) Co- municazione sulle scatolette di came di bue in conserva e sulle boccette di brodo concentrado che si pre- parano in Casaralta (Bologna) per il r. esercito. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de m6d. et hyg. mil. et nav., 7-27. Also: Gior. med. d. r. esercito,Roma, 1903, li, 401-121.—Siegfried (C. A.) The United States naval ration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 763-769.—Sluchevski (A.) Nash soldatskiy rats'ion. [Our soldier's ration.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 890-909.—Smart (C.) The relation of concentrated foods to active service RATIONS. 306 RATS. Rations {Anni/). demands. Proc. Ass.' Mil. Surg. U. S. 1895, Cincin., 1896, 364-374. -----. Reportof a practical test of the use of the emergencv ration bv U. S. troops on active service. Rep. Surg.-Gen'. Armv, Wash., 1897, 165-171. -----. The army ration. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx, 84.5-847. Also: Boston M. ct S. J., 1899, cxli, 5*7. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 1507. Also: Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 1097. -----. The armv emergency ration. Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1899- 1900, ix, 651-655. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash., 1901, 5-8.—Soldier or grocer? J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1899, xxv, 137-139.—Spraw son (C. A.) Some emergencv rations. Indian Si. Gaz., Calcutta, 1903, xxxviii, 161-163.—Spurgin (W. F.) How to feed the soldier. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1888, ix, 33-53.—Stroebei. Sur une alteration du biscuit de troupe. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1892, xix, 18-23.—Suzdalski. K voprosu o khliebnikh konservakh v voiskakh. [On bread pre- serves for troops.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 1363-1368. -----. Opit myasnol operatsii v Smolenskom garnizonle. [Meat provision for the Smolensk garrison.] Med. besleda, Voronezh, 1898, xii, 723-727. — Takeo ( S.) [ Remarks on the examination of the drawing of soldiers' rations.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899, 493-500. — Thesen (J.) Om en engelsk reserveproviant og forslag til en norsk. [An English emergency ration and proposi- tion for a Norwegian one.] Norsk Tidsskr. f. Mil.-Med., Kristiania, 1903^, viii, 140-143.—Tilschkert (V.) Die Erzeugung von Pokel-Rauchfleisch im Kriege fiir die Yerpflegung der Armee im Felde und in Festungen. Allg. deutsche Nahr.- u. Genussmit.-Kunde, Munchen, 1S9N-9, i. 133; 141; 149; 157; 165; 173; 181; 189; 197.—TroSt- ski ( V. I.) K voprosu o chalnom dovolstvii v voiskakh. [Tea in the armv.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 1578-1590.—Tsatskin (A. B.) K voprosu o snabzhenii soldat goryachel pishtshel vo vremya pokhoda. [Furnishing soldiers with hot food on the march.] Ibid., 1904, i, med.-spec. pt., 550-556.—I'r- beanu (A.) Alimentatia trupelor rom&ne. [Alimenta- tion of the Roumanian' troops.] Rev. san. mil., Bucu- rescl, 1902-3, vi, 264-303.—Varges. Einiges fiber Trup- penernahrung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1902, xxxi, 251-253.—Velyamovieh (V.) O korennom uluchshenii vkusovikh kachestv, pitatelnosti i usvoya- yemosti soldatskavo khlleba. [Radical improvement of qualities of taste, nutrition, and assimilibility of soldiers' bread.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1901, lxxix, med.- spec. pt., 3479-3515.—Vignoli. Potages condenses pour l'alimentation des troupes en campagne. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1899, lxxii, 261-278.—Viry (C.) Notes sur Pamelioration du regime alimentaire des troupes en gar- nison. Arch.de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1898, xxxii, 81-90.—"Viry (H.) La viande congeiee dans l'alimenta-. tion des soldats en temps de paix et en temps de guerre. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1898, 3. s., xxxix, 394-426.—W. (F.) Den finske soldatens forplagning i fait. [Transl.] [The Finnish soldier's ration in the field.] Tidskr. i mil. Hel- sov., Stockholm, 1895, xx, 61-63.—Walter (F.) Die Con- serven, deren Werth fiir die Verpflegung operirender Armeen und deren Fabrikations - Verfahren. Allg. deutsche Nahr.- u. Genussmit.-Kunde, Munchen, 1898-9, i, no 4, 5; no. 5, 5; 45; 53; 61; 69; 77; 85; 92; 101; 109; 117; 125.—Waters (W. E.) How our bodies are nourished and the proper diet of the soldier. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1890, xi, no. 46, 697-719 — Wilmaers. De la valeur nutritive de l'alimentation du soldat beige en campagne. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1901, 4. s., xviii, 73-92. -----. Conserves de guerre. Ibid., 1907, 4. s., xxix, 217-239.—Woodruff'(C. A.) The ideal ration for an army in the Tropics. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1900, xxvii, 1-16.—Wood- ruff (C. E.) Emergency rations. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Cleveland, 1896, vi, 309-344. -----. The United States and foreign army rations compared. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lv, 701-705. —Yasnitski (A. A.) K voprosu o normalnol raskladkle. [Normal army diet.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, i, med.-spec pt., 122- 124.—Ifavein (G. Y.) Pitatelnoye znacheniye portsiy po raskladkle S.-Peterburgskavo klinicheskavo voyen- navo hospitalya. [Nutritive value of the rations of the St. Petersburg Clinical Militarv Hospital.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1902, v, 58-67.—Zuboft (A.M.J Ispitaniye varki soldatskikh shtshel po chorno- morskomu sposobu. [Cooking soldiers' soup by the Black Sea method.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec pt., 1801-1810. Rations {Navy). Japan. Navy Department. Results of the changes in the rations issued in the navy. 8°. [Tokio, n. d.] Belli (CM.) La nuova razione alimentare per gli equipaggi delle navi in riserva e in armamento, studiata sperimentalmente. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1904, x, v. 2,5-62. -----. Valore alimentare comparativo del pane e del biscotto. Pbid., 1907, i, 5-37.—Clpollone(L. T.) II Rations (Navy). vitto dei militari della regia marima sulle navi in riserva e in armamento. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1901, vii v 2, pt. 1, 199-273. —van l>e\ enter (A. W. M.) De voe- ding bij de zeemaeht in Nederland (in havens en op reeden). Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1897, i, 241- 299.—Honda (T.) Ueberdie Matrosenkost der kaiser- lich japanischen Marine. [Japanese text.] Ztsehr. d med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1894, viii, 8. Hft..1-16.—Man rei (E.) Influence des climats et des saisonssur les defenses de l'organisme chez 1'homme; fixation de la ration dans ces di verses conditions. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1900 lxxiv, 366: 1901, lxxv, 5: 81. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. eaux Par., 1902, xlv, 313-319— XIussini (A.) Oenni sui forni del sistema W. A. F. Wieghorst per la cottura del pane a bordo delle navi. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1898. iv, 1234-1245, 2 pl—Nagra ord om flottans portionsstater! [Some remarks on the ration of the navy.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1895, xx, 27-3*.—Sestini (L.) II vitto del marinaio dell' armata italiana. Ann. di med nav., Roma, 1895, i, 7-28.—Tiberio (V.) II vitto dei militari della R. Marina destinati di servizio a terra o sulle navi in disponibilitft. Ann. di med. nav., Roma 1901, vii, 181-248. Ratiriioff (Vasiliy AlJesandrovich) [1850-1904]. Gelnats (V. N.) [In memoriam.] Russk. Vrach, S.- Peterb., 1904, iii, 433. — Oppel (V. A.) [In memoriam.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1904, viii, 423. Ratisbon. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hos- pitals (Description, etc. ,of), Scarlatina (His- tory, etc., of), by localities. Ratkowski (Leopold) [1868- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der physiologischen Wirkung des Phenocollum hydrochloricum. 31 pp. 9.—Macleod (.1. J. R.) Observations on the excre- tion of carbon dioxide gas and the rectal temperature of rats kept in a warm atmosphere which was either very moist or very dry. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1907, xviii, 1- 13.—Jlanoiivrier. Un rapt de progeniture entre femelles de rat blanc. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par., 1905, v, 165-169.— Plague (A) of rats in Avr. San. Jour., Glasg.. 1900-1901, n. s., vii, 569.—Regaud (C.) Quelques faits nouveaux relatifs aux phenomenes de se- cretion de l'epitheiium seminal du rat. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Nancy, 1903, v, 179-186, 2 pl.—Small (W. S.) Experimental studv of the mental processes of the rat. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1899-1900, xi, 133: 1900- 1901, xii, 206. Rats {Bacteria and parasites found in). See also, Plague (Bacteriology of); Plague (Transmissionof) by rodents; Rats (Diseases of); Rats (Extermination of'). Alexander (G.) The rat; its sanitarv relationships. San. Jour.,Glasg., 1900-1901, n. s., vii, 477-187.— Buckley (C. F.) The rat and the flea. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 190S, li, 159-164.—Calmette (A.) Les rats propagateurs de maladies infectieuses. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 131.— Lloyd (B. 3.) The rat and his parasites; his role in the spread of di-ease. with special reference to bubonic plague. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1908, vi, 4-7.— Regnault i F.) Diagnostic histologique difierentiel entre les leiifs de ver et les sporozoaires dans une mala- die du rat. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 588.— Rothschild (N. C.) Note on the species of fleas found upon rats, Mus rattus and Mus decumanus, in dif- ferent parts of the world, and on some variations in the proportion of each species in different localities. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1906, vi, 483-485.—Suzuki. [Two kinds of unknown pathogenic bacilli found in rats] Saitake Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 41-46. —Toyama. Ueber einen pathogenen Mikroorganismen bei der Hausratte. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1901, xv, Hft. 20, 9-22 — X'riarte (L.) Sur la classification des pulicides des rats; rectification a une note ant6rieure. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 98.—AVeber (S. E.) The genus Hymenolepis in rats; their relation to public health and the close relationship of the Hyme- nolepis nana of man with the Hvmenolepis murina of the rat. Proc. U. S. Vet. Med. Ass. 1893, Phila., 1&94, xxx, 271-294.—Woithe. Vorrichtungen zum gefahrlosen Befestigen und Aufspannen wilder Ratten. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], l.Abt., Jena, 1907, xliv, Orig, 709-719.— Xylander. Ein bei Ratten gefundenes Bakterium der Friedlanderschen Gruppe. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1906, xxiv, 196-219. Rats {Bites of). Evans (W. A.) A fever following rat bite. Tr. Chi- cago Path. Soc, 1901-3, v, 298-303.—Irisawa (T.) Ueber den Rattenbiss. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Ge- sellsch. zu Tokyo, 1897, xi, 1054-1059,1 ch.—Maruyama iS.) [Two cases of poisoning by rats.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1901, xxii, 289-295.—.Ilium (M.) & To- riyama (N.) Ueber den Rattenbiss. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo. 1897, xi, 1059-1064, 1 ch—Miyake (H.) Ueber die Rattenbisskrankheit. Mitt. a. d. Grenweb. d. Med. u. Chir.. Jena, 1899, v, 231- 262, 1 diag.—Xagatonii & Jliyake. [The second re- port of cases of rat-bite.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1x98, xix, no. 429, 1-15; no. 430, 16-21. Rats {Diseases of). See, also, Rats (Extermination of). Bull (R. J.) Leprosy-like disease of a rat. Inter- colon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1907, xii, 263-267.— Dean (G.) Further observations on a leprosv-like dis- ease of the rat. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1905, v, 99-112, 2 pl. -----. A disease of the rat caused by an acid-fast bacil- lus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. fete.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1903, xxxiv, 222-224.—Ed in gton (A.) Rattenpest (Vorlau- Rats (Diseases of). fige Mitteilung iiber eine Krankheit der Ratten in Kap- stadt.) Ibid., 1901, xxix, 889-894. — Flexner (S.) & Jobling (J. W.) Further notes on a rat tumor. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N.Y., 1908, v, 91— Oriiiim (M.D.) Novava povalnaya bollezn kris. [New epidemic disease of rats.] Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1905, xvii, 297-301—Jensen (C. O.) Uebertragbare Ratten- sarkome. Ztschr. f. Kiebsforsch., Berl., 1908, vii, 45-54, 1 pl.—Itister. Kasuistische Mitteilungen zur Frage der Rattenpestdiagnose. Centralbl.f.Bakteriol.[etc.],l.Abt., Jena, 1906, xii, 780; 858: xiii, 91, 1 pl. Also, Reprint- Klein (E.) Report on the pathology and etiology of rat-plague and other infectious rat-diseases. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1902-3, Lond., 1904, 399; 688, 9 pl.— JlrCoy (G. W.) Distribution of the leprosy-like disease of rats in San Francisco, Cal. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1908, xxiii, 1601. -----. Patho- logical conditions found in rats; observations based upon examination of 50,000 rats in the laboratory of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, San Francisco, Cal. Ibid., 1365-1371.—Martini (E.) Ueber Inhalationspest der Ratten. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1901, xxxviii, 332-342. — Morpurgo (B.) Leber eine infectiose Form von Knochenerweichung bei wcissen Ratten. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2,2. Hll't., 8—Kabi- nowitsch. (Lydia). Ueber eine durch siiurefeste Bak- terien hervorgerufeneHauterkrankung der Ratten. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt,, Jena, 1903, xxxiii, 577- 580.—Schilling (C.) Ueber eine bei Ratten vorkom- mende Seuche. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1900, xviii, 108-113.—Schiirmann (W.) Ueber. eine durch Milben hervorgerufene Erkrankung von Ratten. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakterioi. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1908, xlviii, Orig., 167-172.—Stelanski (V. K.) Zabollevaniya u kris, viz- vanniya kislotoupornol palochkol. [Diseases in rats produced by the acid-resisting bacillus.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1726. — Tartakovski (M. G.) Ob odnol infektsionnol bollezni kris. [An infectious disease of rats.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1902, xxxii, pt. 2, 9-16.—Wherry (W. B.) Notes on rat leprosy and on the fate of human and rat lepra bacilli in flies. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1908, xxiii, 1481-1487. -----. Further notes on rat leprosy and on the fate of human and rat lepra bacilli in flies. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1908, v, 507-518. -----. The leprosy-like disease among rats on the Pacific Coast. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1, 1903.—Wiener (E.) Zur Entstehung von Rattenepizootieen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxii, 23-28. -----. Weitere Bemer- kungen zur Entstehung von Rattenepizootieen. Ibid., 1903, xxxiv, 406-411. Rats {Extermination of). See, also, Plague (Prevention of) by extermi- nation of rats; Plague (Transmission of) by rodents. Rosenau (M. J.) An investigation of a path- ogenic microbe (B. typhi murium—Danysz) applied to the destruction of rats. 8°. Wash- ington, 1901. Forms Bull. no. 5 of: Treas. Dep. Pub. Health & Mar. Hosp. Serv. U. S. Hyg. Lab. Abel (R.) Versuche fiber die Verwendbarkeit des Bacillus Danysz zur Vertilgung von Ratten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.BerL, 1901, xxvii, 869.—Acosta (E.) Virus Danysz para ladestrucci6nde las ratas. Croii. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1904, xxx, 55-57.—Annett (II. E.) Views for the destruction of rats and mice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1524 —Vpery (P.) De l'emploi de l'anhydride carbonique CO2 pour la destruction des rats dans les cales des navires et dans les caves, et de son action conservatrice sur les cadavres en general. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de med. nav., 48-50. Also: Grece med.,Syra, 1902, iv, 12-44. -----. L'anhydride carbonique comme moyen de destruction des rats dans les cales des bateaux. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1900-1901, xliii, 108-113. Also: Grece m6d.,- Syra, 1900, ii, 68_7i.-----. De l'anhydride carbonique comme moyen de destruction des rats dans les cales des bateaux, surtout en tempsd'6pid6miedepeste. Gaz. med.d'Orient, Constant., 1900-1901, xliii, 134-140. Also: Technol. san., Louvain, 1901-2, vii, 319-327.—Aujeszky (A.) Eine pestahnliche Rattenseuche, verursacht von einem Kapselbacillus der Friedlander-Gruppe. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1904, xxxvi, 603-612. — B. La legislazione danese in favoredelladistruzionedti ratti. Riv.d' ig.esan. pubb., Torino, 1908, xix, 641-644.—Bahr (L.) Ueber die zur Vertilgung von Ratten und Miiusen benutzten Bak- terien. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1905, xxxix, 263-274.—Batko. Destruction des rats sur les navires; conseilquarantenaired'Egypte. [Rap.] Reed. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1901, Par., 1903, xxxi, 513-516.—Bordas (F.) Resistance des ratsa l'intoxication arsenicale. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Par., RATS. 308 RATTNER. Rats (Extermination of). 1904, exxxviii, 836. — Bronst'ein (J.) Zur Frage der Ratten vertilgung mittcls des Danyszbacillus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl.,1901,xxvii.577.—Brown- ing-Smith (S.) Rat-destruction operations in the Pun- jab. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1908, xliii, 283-289. — Chauvin (G.) La destruction des rats a I'lnstitut Pas- teur. Scalpel,Li6ge,1900-1901,liii,29.—Christoph. De- struction des rats par l'acide carbonique. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1902-3,116-119.—Col'er (L. E.) A rat crusade in Honolulu [H. I.j. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1901, xvi, 2814-2816.—Currie (D. H.) The common rat; with some suggestions as to the best methods for its destruction. California State J. M., San Fran., 1902-3, i, 359-363.—Danysz (J.) Un microbe pa- thogene pour les rats (Mus decumanus et Mus rattus) et son application k la destruction de ces animaux. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1900, xiv, 193-201. Also, transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 947-949. -----. La destruction des rats par une maladie contagieuse. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1900, xxii, 321-323.—Destruction (The) of rats on ship- board. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 294.—Destruction (The) of rats on board ship. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1801.— Destruction of rats in the port of Marseille. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv.,Wash.,1903,xviii,755- 757.—Granjux. La guerre aux rats. Caducee, Par., 1903, iii, 215-21*.—Grinuu (M.) Vergleichende Unter- suchungen fiber den Bacillus Danysz und fiber einen neuen fiir Ratten pathogenen Mikroben. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 286-293. -----. Einige Bemerkungen zu Herrn Issatschenko's Arbeit: Untersuchungen fiber einen neuen fiir Ratten pathoge- nen Mikroben. iiM.,459.—Hossack (W. C.) Prelimi- nary note on the rats in Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1906, xii, 453-455.—Ho w to get rid of rats. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1903, lxxxviii, 379. — Issatschenko (B.) Ueber einen neuen fiir Ratten pathogenen Bacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.],l. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiii, 873.-----. Untersuchungen mit dem fiir Ratten patho- genen Bacillus. Lhid., 1902, xxxi, 26-28. See, also, supra, Grimm (M.).—Jacques (R.) Destruction des rats & bord des navires charges de marchandises, par la car- bonification. Rev. d'hyg.,Par.,1903,xxv,120-135.—Kin- youn (J. J.) Report on the effects of the Danysz virus No. 2 as a destroyer of rats and mice. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1900, xv, 2959.— Kister (J.) & Kiittgen (P.) Ueberdie von Danysz gefundenen, fiir Ratten pathogenen Bazillen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 275.— Kitaiuura (S.) £Re- marks on the researches on drugs for poisoning rats injuri- ous to man.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900, no. 109, 15-21.—Klein (E.) The identity of the bacillus Gartner with the rat bacillus of Danysz. Tr. Path. Soc.Lond., 1901- 2, liii, 842. -----. A new microbe, pathogenic for rodents, Bacillus equi. Vet. J., Lond., 1906, n. s., xiii, 199-202.— Klein (E.) & Williams (H.) Experiments with the Danysz rat bacillus. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 440.—Kolle (W.) Ueber Massnahmen und Verfahren zur Bekiim- pfung der Ratten- und Miiuseplage. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1905, ix, 289-297. —Krausz (A.) Erfahrungen fiber den Bacillus Danysz. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 351.—Kulyosha (G. S.) O patologo-anatomicheskikh izmleneniyakh, vi- zivayemikh vorganakh mishel i kris mishe- i krisoubiva- yushtshimi batsillami. [Pathological alterations in the organs of mice and rats by bacilli that kill these ani- mals.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1899, xxix, 2. sect., 309-321.—Langlois (J.-P.) & l«oir (A.) La resistance des rats et des insectes a l'acide carbonique et d, l'acide sulfureux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 414.—Lautz (D. E.) Method of destroying rats. Pa- cific M. J., San Fran., 1908, li, 421-426. -----. Rat exter- mination. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxvii, 759.— de Lavarenne (E.) La destruction des rats migrateurs et des campagnols. Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 147.—Marin (P.) Destruction des rats a bord des navires charges. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1903, 1, 385-391.—Mark 1 (G.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Danysz'schen Bacillus bei der Ratten- vertilgung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902, xxxi, 202-204.—Merezhkovski (S. S.) O sudble v Rossii i Yaponii batsilla, predlozhennavo mnoyu dlya istrebleniya mishel. [Fate in Russia and Japan of the bacillus proposed by me for the extermination of rats.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1903, xxxiii, S2*-848.— Oet- tinjjer(M.) Ueber die Wiener'sche Methode zur Viru- lenzsteigerung der Danysz-Bazillen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.,1903,1,324-327.—Possible (A) future for cats. [Edit.] Boston M. & S. J.,1908, clix,417.—Precaution- ary disinfection of vessels for purpose of killing rats, etc.: statements of steamship companies. Pub. Health Rep. U.S.Mar. Hosp.Serv., Wash., 1903, xviii, 1457-1461.— R. Nog iets over de cultures van ratten- en muizenver- delging. Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. [etc.], Zwolle, 1907, ix, 221-228.— Ramachandrier (P. S.) Rat-destruction inlndia. [Abstr.] Med. Times, Lond., 1908,xxxvi,919.— Rat extermination at Naples. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1904, xix, 1634.—Reaney (M. F ) & Maleolmson (G. E.) Rat destruction in Kamp- tee. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1908, xliii, 338.—Ringe- Rats (Extermination of). ling (H. G.) lets over ratten- en muizenverdelging. Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. en openb. gzndhdsreg., Zwolle, 1902, iv, 53-65.—Sakorrapho* (M.) 'H irpbs Karaarpo- 4>hv riav fxvitiv toc vnovonuyv tcr\i's toO jAocpo/3tov tou Da- nysz. 'Iarpocos firivvTop, 'A^vai, 19ol, i, 76. Also, transl.: 3. Trop. M., Lond., 1901, iv, 102.—Staff (Ct. T. A.) The destruction of rats on ships. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 730. — Strassner. Zur Frage der Rattenvertilgung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1902, xv, 696-698.—Toya- ma (C.) Ueber ein fiir Hausratten pathogenes Bakteri- um. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1902-3, xxxiii, 273-281.—Trautmann (H.) Bakterien der Para- typhusgruppe als Rattenschiidlinge und Rattensvertilger; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Differentialdiagnose der Ratten- pest. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1906, iv, 104-129. Also, Reprint —Vainshteln (E. M.) K voprosu o znachenii bacil. Danysz'a v dlelle unichtozhe- niya kris. [Importance of... in the matter of destruc- tion of rats.] Vestnik obsh. hig. sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1904, 1126-1131.—de Vaucleroy. Le rat mi- gratoire; ses dangers; sa destruction. Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1903, xix, 301-308.—Versuche mit den Danysz'- schen Rattenbacillen. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1903, xv, 165-167.—Wherry (W. B ) Experiments on the use of Bacillus pestis-caviaj as a rat virus. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1908, v, 519-533— Wiener (E.) Ueber den Ba- zillus Danvsz. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 401. — Wladimiroff (A.) & Kamensky (A.) Ver- suche an Haustieren mit der rattentotenden Bakterie .Neumanns. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1907, 25-28.—Xy- lander. DerRattenbazillus als Rattenvertilgungsniit- tel. Arb. a.d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1908, xxviii, 145-167. Ratsbane. Renner (W.) A case of poisoning by the fruit of the Chailletia toxicaria (ratsbane). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1314. Rattaggi (Guido). Nel nostro civico ospedale. Note. 35 pp. 8°. Arona, Brusa & Macchi, 1895. Rattel (J.-A.-Adjutor). Le catheterisme des trompes d'Eustachi rendu pratique par 1'usage de la sonde palatometrique. 8 pp. 12°. Paris, 1894. See, also, Deglaire (Alfred). Des inflammations chroniques du naso-pharynx, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1896.— de l'fipee (Charles-Michel), l'abbe. Dictionnaire des sourds muets [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1896.—Helmholtz (Hermann [Ludwig Ferdinand]). Le mecanisme des os- selets [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1886.—Sehwartze (Hermann). L'oreille. Maladieschirurgicales. 2v. 12°. Para,1897.— Steinbrugge (H.) L'oreille. 12°. Paris, 1895. Ratti (Francesco) [ -1800]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 381. Ratti (Guido) [1875- ]. *Ueber Behandlung der Kompressionsmyelitis bei Caries der Wir- belsaule mit Extension. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, E. Ebering, 1898. Ratti (Luigi). Nuovo metodo di curare da se medesimo la podagra (detta gotta). 14 pp. 12°. Torino, 1872. Ratti (P. Innocenzo). Le regie Terme Acquesi illustrate dal P. Innocenzo Ratti, con una nuova analisi delle acque e dei fanghi del P. Ottavio Ferrario. 191 pp. 8°. Milano, Guglielmini & Beelaelli, 1841. ------. Le regie terme di Acqui. New ed. 207 pp.,4pl. 8°. Milano, V. Guglielmini, 1844. Rattier (Auguste) [1873- ]. *Des epanche- ments urineux d'origine renale. 119 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 136. ------. The same. 119 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Beiilliere & fils, 1899. Rattles. Walton (J.) An essay on fevers, rattles, and canker. 8°. Boston, 1732. Rattle-snake. See Serpents (Poisonous, Bites of). Rattner (Zacharias) [1878- ]. *Practische Versuche am Krankenbett iiber die diuretische und antihydropische Wirkung des Theocin (Theophyllin). 50 pp.,11. 8°. Wurzburg, Y. N Seubert, 1903. RATTOXE. 309 RAUBACH. Rattone (Giorgio). Contribuzione alio studio della anatomia patologica dei corpusculi di Pacini, pp. 357-366, 1 pl. 8°. Torino, E. Loescher, 1885. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1885, viii. -----. Sulla nefrite. 19 pp. 8°. Torino, L. Boux ei-C, 1890. -----. Dei microrganismi con speciale riguardo alia etiologia e profilassi delle malattie infet- tive. 449 pp.; 707 pp. 8°. Torino, Bosenberg £• Sellier, 1894. See, also, .Hartlnotti (GiovanniL Le reti nervose del fegato [etc.]. 8°. Torino, 1^9. Rattray (Alexander). On the influence of diet, climate, and long voyages, on the health and diseases of seamen as indicated by their weight, etc. 28 pp. 8°. London, Taylor & Francis, 1S73. Repr.from: Statist. Rep. Health Navy 1866, Lond., 1868. -----. Further experiments on the more im- portant physiological changes induced in the human economy bv change of climate. 10 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1870. Repr.from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1872. -----. Divine hygiene; sanitary science and sanitarians of the sacred scriptures and mosaic code. 2 v. xvi, 655 pp.; viii, 748 pp., 1 map. 8°. London, J. Nisbet A Co., 1903. Rattray (Sylvester) [flor. 1650-436]. See Papiriius (Nicolaus) & Rattray (Sylvester). Theatrum sympateticum, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Haerlem, 1662. -----. See, also: Finlayson (J.) Dr. Sylvester Rattray, author of the treatise on Svmpathy arid Antipathy, Glasgow, 1658. Janus. Amst., 1900. v, 567; 625. Ratuld (Ladislas Marian) [1862- ]. *De la myopie; quelques considerations sur son £tio- lologie et sa prophvlaxie. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1889, Xo. 76. Ratymki (Martin-Ange) [1871- ]. *De la nephrectomie lombaire par morcellement. 58 pp., 1 1., 6 pl. 8°. Paris, 1897, Xo. 479. Ratz (Heinrich) [1875- ]. * Therapeutische Untersuchungen iiber Glykosal. 36 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1903. Ratz (Karl). *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der congenitalen Okklusionen des Diinndarmes. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, 1899. Ratz (Rudolf). * Ueber Fieber bei Enteritis acuta. 21 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Scheiner, 1890. Ratzeburg(Hans) & Liclitemtein (Floras). Die naturwissenschaftlichen Facher Chemie, Physik, Zoologie, Botanik in siebenhundert- fiinfzig Fragen und Antworten fiir dasTentamen physicum. 4 pts. in 1 v. 73 pp.; 80 pp.; 71 pp.; 64 pp. 8°. Munchen, T. Aekermann, 1902. Ratzeburg (Hans Ludwig Hermann Ernst) [1882- ]. *LTeber Vorkommen und Aetiolo- gie der Arteriosklerose, nebst einigen anhangs- weisen symptomatischen Bemerkungen. Ber- lin.] 58 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Noske, 1905. Ratzeburg (Julius Theodor Christian) [1801- 71]. See Hayne (Friedrieh Gottlob). Darstellung und Be- schreibung der Arzneygewachse. 4°. Berlin, 1834. Ratzel (Friedrieh) [1844-1904]. Vorgeschichte des europiiischen Menschen. 3 p. 1., 300 pp. 12°. Munchen, [C. Wolf & Sohn], 1874. -----. Anthropo-Geographie oder Grundziige der Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Ge- schichte. xviii, 506 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, J. Engel- horn, 1882. -----. The history of mankind, transl. from the 2. German ed. by A. J. Butler, with intro- Ratzel (Friedrieh)—continued. duction by E. B. Tylor. 2 v. xxiv, 280 pp., 16 pl., 1 map; xiv, 562 pp., 18 pl., 2 maps. 8°. London <_(• New York, Macmillan ct Co., 1897. For Biography, see Globus, Brnschwg., 1904, Ixxxvi, 176 (H. Singer). Also: Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1905, xxxv, 120-122 (R. Sieger). ------. See, also: Sehliiter (O.) Die leitenden Gesichtspunkte der Anthropogeographie, insbesondere der Lehre Friedrieh Ratzels. Arch. f. Socialwissensch. [etc], Tubing, 1906, xxii, 681-630. Rau. L'iniative privee et la loi en face de l'alco- olisme. 32 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1896. Bound with: Mouvement hyg., Brux., 1896, xii, no. 3. Rau (Alfred). *Die Bernsteinsaure als Pro- duct der alkoholischen Giihrung zuckerhaltiger Fliissigkeiten, nebst Studien iiber die quantita- tive Bestimmung derselben. [Erlangen.] 20 pp. 8°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1892. Rau (Charles). See Romer (F. F.) The prehistoric antiquities of Hungary [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1877. Rau ([Ernst] Felix) [1873- ]. *Ein Fall von Sclerodactylie. 59 pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Henry, 1896. Rau (Gottlieb Martin Wilhelm Ludwig) [1779- 1840]. LTeber den Werth des homoopathischen Heilverfahrens. vii, 206 pp., 1 1. 12°. Hei- delberg, K. Groos, 1824. ------. Nouvel organe de la medecine speci- fique, ou exposition de la methode homeopa- thique. iii, 272 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1839. Rau (J.) *Die malignen Furunkel des Ge- sichts und der Lippen. 27 pp. 8°. Jena, H. Bohle, 1892. Rau (Johannes Jacobus) [1668-1719]. Oratio inauguralis de methodo anatomen docendi et discendi. 1 p. 1., 39 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. Luchlmans, 1713. [P., v. 1945.] See, also, Denys (Jacobus). Observationes chirurgicae de calculo [etc.]. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1731. — Douglas (John). Lithotomia Douglassiana. 8°. Utrecht, 1726. Rau (Joseph). * Einfluss einiger Schlafmittel auf die Salzsiiureabscheidung des Magens. 23 pp. 8°. Jena, Fromann, 1894. Rau (L.) Heil-Art der verschiedenen Flechten- Ausschlage nebst Angabe der durch Erfahrung bestiitigten Kur-Methoden und aller in den letzten 3 Decennien vorziiglich bewahrt be- fundenen Mittel. x (1 1.), 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Sehweidnitz, L. Heege, 1843. Rau (Leonard S.) A comparative study of the different methods of treating posterior displace- ments of the uterus, both mechanical and op- erative. 7 pp. 8°. [New York, 1894.] Repr.from: Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1894-5, x. Rau (Raphael). * Varietiiten des Gefiiss-Sys- tems aus dem Priiparirsaale zu Wurzburg in den Winter-Semestern 1884-5 bis 1889-90. 32 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, 1890. Rau (Teofilo Lodovico). Organon della medi- cina specifica. Dal tedesco, trasportato in italiano dal Dottore Gio. Domenico Bruno. xx, 272 pp. 8°. Torino, Ceresole f Agriculture. Reports on the diseases of cattle [etc.]. 8°. Washington, 1869. Ravenel (Mazyck Porcher). Trichorexis no- dosa; a preliminary note. 1 galley sheet. [Bhiladelphia, 1892.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi. -----. A contribution to the study of the eti- ology of membranous rhinitis. 27 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Lea Bros, ei- Co., 1895. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. ------. An experiment in the transmission of syphilis to calves. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1900.] -----. A case of tuberculosis of the skin follow- ing accidental inoculation with the bovine tu- bercle bacillus. 2 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1901-2, xiv. ------. The intercommunicability of human and bovine tuberculosis. 61 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1902-3, xv. -----. Anthrax. Rabies. Glanders, pp. 42-75. In: Mod. Med. (Osier). 8°. Philadelphia &: New York, 1907, iii. ------. The etiology of tuberculosis. 14 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1907. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, n. s., cxxxiv. -----& McCarthy (Daniel J.) The rapid di- agnosis of rabies. 10pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. Repr.from: Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1900-1901, xiii. In: Penn. Contrib. William Pepper Lab., Phila., 1901, ii, no. 8. So, also, McCarthy (Daniel J.) & Ravenel (Ma- zyck Porchen. Melanosis of the cerebro-spinal meninges. 4°. Philadelphia, 1902.-----------. A pathology of for- age poisoning. 4°. Boston, 1903. Ravenel {St. Julien) [1819-82]. For Biography, see Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1881-2, n. s., ix, 437. Ravenhill (Thomas Hardy) [ -1907]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, i, 1033. Ravenilia. Parker (G. H.) The morphology of Rave- nilia glandulaeformis. 8°. [.Boston, 1886.] Repr.from: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1886, xxii_ Ravenna. See Diphtheria (History, etc., of), by localities. Ravenna (Umberto). Sezione per le malattie dei bambini nella Poliambulanza medico-chi- rurgica di Ferrara. Breve rendiconto sanitario del primo anno d' esercizio 1895-9. 14 pp. 12°. Ferrara, A. Soati, 1897. Ravennae (Thomas) Philologus. See Rang'oni (Tommaso), Filologus. Ravcmciolt (Edward) [flor. 1671-91]. See Anatomist (The), or the sham doctor. s°. Lon- don, [1762]. Ravestein (Adrianus). See 1'astellus (Bartholomteus). Lexicon medicum graecio-latinum [etc.]. 12°. Roterodami, 1665. Ravet (Clement) [1875- ]. * Traitement du cancer uterin par la quinine d'apres la me- thode de M. le professeur agrege Jabjulay. 2 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 45. Ravet (Pierre-Alexandre). * Observations et reflexions chirurgico-medicales sur les plaies de poitrine. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an Nil 1803), No. 118. Raviart (Georges Edouard) [1875- ]. *Les tubercules des pedoncules cerebraux. [Lille.] 117 pp., 1 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, G. Carre ct C. Nautl, 1900, No. 150. Ravich (Iosif [Ippolitovich ]) [ 1822(?) - 75]. Kurs ucheniya o povalnikh i zarazitelnikh bo- lleznyakh domashnikh zhivotnikh. [Hand- book of epizootic and infectious diseases of domestic animals.] 328 pp. 8°. [St. Peters- burg, 1869.] lionwl with: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1869, civ. RAVICH. 314 RAWL1NGS. Ravich (Iosif [Ippolitovich])—continued. -----. Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu patologii i terapii iufektsionnikh i zarazitelnikh bolieznei domashnikh zhivotnikh i veterinarnol politsii, sostavleno dlya vrachel i studentov. [Manual on the pathology and treatment of infectious and contagious diseases of domestic animals and on the veterinary police; compiled for physi- cians and students.] xix, 166 pp. 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, I. Tret, 1873. Bound with: Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1873, iii. Also, Editor of: Arch.vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1871-5, i-v. For Biography, see Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1875, v, suppl., 1-9. Ravicini (Serafino). Polizia sanitaria delle ma- lattie infettive dell' uomo. Conferenze agli uffi- ciali sanitari tenute dal . . . Prima serie di conferenze (1892). 90 pp. 8°. Milano, 1892. ------. Profilassi delle malattie infettive d' ori- gine professionale. 32 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Milano, A. Bertarelli, [1894]. ------. La sanita pubblica e 1' igiene nella pro- vincia di Milano durante 1' anno 1893. Rela- zione presentata al Consiglio sanitario. 104 pp., 11., 18 tab. 8°. Milano, 1895. Ravin (Paul-Louis-Pierre) [1868- ]. *Me- thode d'analyse spectrale quantitative; applica- tion au lithium. 33 pp., 1 1., 1 ch. 4°. Lille, 1893, No. 3. Faculty de medecine et de pharmacie de Lille. Ravogli (Augustus) [1851- ]. The influ- ence of the nervous system on certain disturb- ances of the skin. 13 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr.from: Med. News. Phila., 1892, lxi. -----. Psorospermosis cutis. 12 pp. 8°. Ham- burg, 1894. Repr. from: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1894, xviii. -----. Chairman's address. 12 pp. 12°. Chi- cago, 1898. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx. ------. Nature and treatment of cutaneous can- cer. 30 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1899. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii. ------. The treatment of gonorrhea in the fe- male. 14 pp. 12°. New York, 1899. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxv. ------. Tuberculosis of the skin. 8 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1900. Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1900, n. s., xlv. -----. A few notes on syphilitic bubo. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxxi. ------. A case of progressive idiopathic atrophy of the skin. 12 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl. ------. On the reflex eruptions of the skin from morbid alterations in the male urethra. 14 pp. 12°. New York, 1903. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii. ------. A false or cicatricial keloid. 11pp. 12°. Chicago, 1904. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii. ------. A few considerations on the etiology and pathology of cutaneous cancer. 10 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Cincinnati, 1904. Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1904, n. s., Iii. ------. Lichen planus verrucosus. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: 3. Cutan. Dis., N. Y., 1904, xxii. -----. Alterations in the posterior urethra as a factor in neurasthenia. 11pp. s°, New York, 1905. Repr from: Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1904-5, i. i Ravogli (Augustus)—continued. ------. Irritation of the bladder. 6 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1906. Repr.from: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvi. ------. Syphilis in relation to crime. 7 pp. 8°. Columbus, 1906. Repr.from: Ohio M. J., 1906. -----. Valedictory address, delivered to the graduating class of the Medical College of Ohio, 1905-6. 4 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1906. Repr.from: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvii. ------. Syphilis in its medical, medico-legal, and sociological aspects, viii, 518 pp., 15 pl. 8°. New York, Grafton Press, [1907]. Ravon (Eugene) [1874- ]. *La fievre du travail dans l'accouehement. 76 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 143. Ravoth (Friedrieh Wilhelm Theodor) [1816- 78]. Handbuch fiir die Heilgehulfen. 218 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1853. See, also, Sclilemm (Friedrieh). Operations-Uebun- gen am Cadaver. 12°. Berlin, 1845. Ravry (Albert). *La reglobulisation du sang chez les enfants tuberculeux soumis a la cure d'air a l'Hopital Herold. 110 pp. 8°. Paris, 1906, No. 40. Rawdon (Gulielmus Fredericus). *Diss. med. de erysipelate. 4 p. 1., 40 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Clarke & Soc, 1827. Rawdon (Henry Greenwood) [1836-1900]. The operative treatment of cleft palate in chil- dren. 15 pp. 8°. Liverpool, T. Brahell, 1880. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1751. Rawitz (Bernhard) [1857- ]. Das zen- trale Nervensystem der Acephalen. viii, 75 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1887. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Naturwissensch., Jena, 1887, n. F., xiii. -----. Compendium der vergleichenden Anato- mie. Zum Gebrauche fiir Studierende der Me- dizin. iv (1 1.), 272 pp. 12°. Leipzig, H. Hartung > 1^95, ix, 15. Hft., 1; 16. Hft., 4; 17. Hft.,32.—Iscoves- Raynand's disease. co. Asphyxie locale des ex tremi tes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894,10. s., i, 289.—.Icanselinc. L'asphy- xie symetrique des extremites. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 773.—Kaposi (M.) Raynaud'- sche Krankheit: Besserung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kran- kenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii,694.—Kassai (J.) Raynaud-felebeteg.-tfg. [Raynand'sdisease.] Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1904-ik6vi6vkGnyve, Budapesti, 1901. 7. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904, 4>'.i. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1904, ix, 67—King (E.) Raynaud's disease. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 822- 824. — Kornfeld (F.) Ueber symmetrische Gangriin. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 1985; 2029.—Logroiix. Asphyxie locale des extremites; ses rapports avec les en- gelures. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. s., iii, 184-189. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 73-78.—Iiiegeois. Maladie de Raynaud; lescas curables, les cas incurables. Rev. sen. de clin. et de the- rap., Par., 1899, xiii, 661-563.—McNabb (C. P.) Ray- naud's disease. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4. vi, 822-825 — Magni (E.) Sul ditoabacchetta di tamburo esul patc- reccio indolente nella malattia di Raynaud. (Jazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 1160.—Marian! (F.) Sulla sin- drome di Maurizio Raynaud. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, Siena, 1903, xviii, 85-101.—Masoin ( P.) A pro- pos du syndrome de Raynaud. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Brux., 1901, "50-55.— IHiyawara (M.) Ray- naudshi byo no sitsuken. [Observations on Raynaud's disease.] ijishimpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 10, 15-24.—.11 oriez (R.) Asphyxie locale des extremites. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1880, ii, 361, 373.—OTundt (J.) Ueber spontane Gangriin. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, lxvi,1069.—Munk(J.) Sur la gangrene spontanee. Gaz. hebd.de m6d., Par., 1897,n.s.,ii,901. Also, transl.: Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1898. x. 33. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 313.—Murray (A. D.) Raynaud's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 70.— Musser (J. H.) Raynaud's disease. Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 627- 633!—Nariman (S. K.) Ravnaud's disease. Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc, Bombay, 1904-5, 57.—Nicholson (H. C.) Raynaud's disease. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phvs. & Surg., Bait., 1908, xi, 37-42.—Nikolski (D. P.) K kazuistikle simmetricheskavo omertvleniya konechnosteL [On sym- metrical gangrene of the extremities.] Med. Obozr. Mosk., 1895, xliv, 17-20.—Noyes (A. W.F.), jr. Raynaud's disease. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1893, n. s., xv,265-269.— Ogino (T.) [Remarks on Raynaud's diseasej Kyoto Igakkwai Zasshi, 1900, 288-298.—Osgood (E. I.) Ray- naud's disease. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1904, xviii, 121.—Paciottl (A.) La forma nasale della malattia di Raynaud. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi,55.—Patella (V.') Del morbo di Raynaud. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1902, xix, 97-112. Also: Clin, mod., Pisa, 1901, vii, 257; 265.— Perrin (M.) & Blum (P.) Asphyxie symetrique des extremites. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . ., 1905-6, pt. 2, 56-59—Piazza (A.) Morbo di Raynaud e malattia di Basedow. Policlin., Roma, 1908,xv, sez.med.,218-235.— Pospleloff (A. I. ) Asphyxie locale des extremites Raynaud. Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1891-2, i, 112-115. —Potain. De l'asphyxie locale des extremi- tes. Independ. med.,Par.,1897,iii,40L—BandalKH.E.) Ravnaud's disease. Med. Age, Detroit, 1898, xvi, 679-681. Also: Med. World, Lond., 1898-9, iii, 129. — Renon (L.), Faure & Labbe. Gangrene symetrique des extremi- tes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 25-29. — Bosenbaum ( G. ) Die Raynaud'sche Krankheit, die symmetrische Asphyxie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 1144. Also: Ver- handl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1892-3, xii, 52-55.— Boy (P. S.) Raynaud's disease. Med. Rec, N. Y.,1894, xlvi, 42.—Scarpari (S.) L'asfissia locale delle estre- mita. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano,1884,eclxvii, 395- 400.—Schwimmer (E.) Asphyxie locale des extremi- tes. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xii, 195— Sliataloff (N. I.) Sluchal bollezni Raynaud (simmetricheskaya asfiksiya i gangrena). [Raynaud's disease (symmet- rical asphyxia and gangrene).] Med.Obozr., Mosk.,1903, lx, 857-863.—Sherwood (W. A.) Raynaud's disease. Brooklyn M. J., 1902, xvi, 403. — Shoemaker (J. V.) Raynand'sdisease. N. York M.J., 1907, lxxxv, 817. Also, Reprint.—Simpson (C.) Remarks on Ravnaud's dis- ease. Edinb. M. J., 1892-3,xxxviii, 1030-1037.—Sogge (L.) Raynaud's disease. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1907, ix, 685-692.—Spillmann. Maladie de Raynaud. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1894, viii, 233. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1894, v, 1037.—Struyeff(N. A.) K kazuistikle bo- liezni Raynaud. [Raynaud's disease] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1901, lv, 803-806.— Sturmuorl' ( A.) On symmet- rical sangrene. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891, xl, 113-121.— Tesdorpl" (P.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der symmetri- schen Gainrran. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1900, xxxiii, 255-291. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlft., 291- 295,—Tiril'ahy. Contribution & la gangrene spontanee. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1874. fix. 34-42. Also, Reprint. — Towle ( H. P.) Raynaud's disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 825.—Verdelll (C.) Sul morbo di Raynaud. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano, RAYNAUD'S. 319 RAYNAUD'S. Raynaud's disease. ls'.iS, vi, 173-176. -----. Contributo alio studio dell' asfis- sia e gangrena simmetrica delle estremita (morbo di Ray- naud). Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1896, xxxv, 101- 192,2 ch. Also, Reprint.—von Wartburg(0.) Ueber spontan-Gangriin der Extremitaten. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1902, xxxv, 624-709.— \Veiner (A.) Ravnaud's disease. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xxiii, 191.— \Volll"(A.) Fall von Raynaud'scherKrankheit, Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii,271.—Kengerle. Ueber sym- metrische Gangriin (Raynaud'sche Krankheit). Med. Cor.-Bl. d.wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.,'1899, lxix, 173; 181.—Zerbes(P.) Ueber symmetrische Gangriin. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 157; 200. Raynaud's disease {Cases and statistics of). Axspach (A.) *Ein Fall von schwerer Yerbriihung und Gangraen beider unteren Ex- tremitaten. 8°. Wurzburg, 1902. Ettmuller (G.) *De utroque crure per sphacelum a corpore ultro sejuncto. Prpemissa de gangrsenge et sphaceli notione commenta- tiuncula. 4°. Lipsix, [1831]. Fbiedel (F.) *Ein Fall von svinmetrischer Gangriin. 8°. Greifswald, 1889. Glass (AV.) *Ein Fall von Raynaud'scher Krankheit. 8°. Leipzig, [1903]. Werner (A.) *Ueber einen typischen Fall von spontaner svinmetrischer Gangriin, der sogenannten "Ravnaud'schen Krankheit". 8°. Jena, 1900. Abrahams (R.) Raynaud's disease; report and presentation of a case. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 19C6, xxi, 439.—Adams. Raynaud's disease. Abstr. Tr. Hunter- ian Soc, Loud., 1897-8, 184.—Albertelli. Due casi di morbo di Raynaud. Boll. med. di Salsomaggiore, Parma, 1903, i, 118.—Allen. Raynaud's disease. [Case.] J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1906, xxiv,72-74.—Ander- son (T.M'C.) Caseof Raynaud's disease. Glasgow M.J., 1895,xliv,419.—Arning^E.) Einschwerer FallvonMor- bus Raynaud. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, lxxxiv, 3-14, 3 pl.—Asselbergs. Cas de maladie de Raynaud. Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 247.—Badger (G. S. C.) A case of Ravnaud's disease. Boston M. & 8. J., 1902,cxlvi, 112-114. [Discussion] ,120.—Balzer & Fon- quet. Asphyxie locale des extremites avec gangrene des phalangettes et sclerodactylie. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1904, xv,96-99. Also: Ann. deder- mat. etsyph"., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 251-254.—Barlow (T.) Three cases of Raynaud's disease. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, xvi, 179-18$. Also, Reprint. -----. Sequel to paper on three cases of Raynaud's disease. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond. 1884-5, xviii, 307-312.—Batman (W. F.) A case of Raynaud's disease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 859.—Begbie (F. W.) A case of Raynaud's symmetrical gangrene. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond., 1904, ii, 588-590.— Benecke. Gangraena pedis spontanea bei einem jungen Manne. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Mcd.- Coll. zu Konigsb. (1841, 1. Sem.), 1842, 39.—Benedikt. Fall von Gangraena neurotica. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-CoIL, 1888, xiv, 230.—Bernard. Gangrene sy- metrique des extremites. Nord med., Lille, 1907, xiii, jo— Bernhardt (M.) Zwei Falle von "localer As- phyxie" der Extremitaten. Arch. f. Psychiat.,Berl., 1881, xii, 498-501. — Bidon ( II. ) Observation d'asphyxie symetrique des extremites. Marseille med., 1888, xxv, 324-329.—Binshtok (LI.) Sluchal bollezni Raynaud. [Case of Raynaud's disease.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 6.—Blake (J. B.) Raynaud's disease; gan- grene of fort-arm. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cli, 265.— Boikoff(V. M.; Bollezn Raynaud. [Symmetrical gan- grene.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1906, xi, 136-138.—de Bovis (R.) Deux cas d'elonga- tion nerveuse (maladie de Raynaud et gangrene des extremites). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 153-155.— Bon en (F. J.) A case of Raynaud's disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lvii, 824.—Bramann. Falle symme- trischer Gangriin. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1889, xviii, 29-37.— Briddon (C. K.) Sym- metrical gangrene of the feet. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 519.—Briese. Ein Fall von symmetrischcr Gangriin der oberen und unteren Extremitaten. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . . ., Brnschwg., 1897, 188-191.—Bronson (E. B.) A case of symmetrical gangrene. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y., 1903, 145-152, 1 pl. Also: 3. Cu- tan. Dis. incl. Svph., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 456-462, 1 pl.— Brown (E. H.) A case of Raynaud's disease. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1897, xii, 267.-Brown (W. H.j Notes of a case of symmetrical gangrene of the feet. Lancet, Lond., l>>91, ii, 292.—Buicliu. Un caz de boala lul Raynaud. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1899, xix, Raynaud's disease {Ceises and statistics of). 191-196. Also, transl.: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, xx, 1033.— Burns (F. S.) A case of Raynaud's dis- ease. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1904, xxii, 328.— Callenl'els (G.) Een geval van gangraena symmetrica (Raynaud's ziektel. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 1, 484-487.—Cal we II (W.) A case of Raynaud's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1484.—Campbell (II.) Raynaud's disease. Clin. J., Lond., 1897-8, xi, 432— Cardarelli (A.) Di un caso di probabile sclerosi in placche disseminate con asfissia simmetrica degli estremi. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1887, viii, 11-14.—Celotti (F.) Sincope ed asfissia delle estremita: caso clinico; guarigione. Morgagni, Napoli, 1879, xxi, 586-604.—Chace (A. F.) Report of a case of Raynaud's disease with symmetrical gangrene. Post- Graduate, N. Y., 1907, xxii, 1175-1179, 3 pl.—Chatzege- orgios (P.) nepi irep(.7rTuio-€(os tottik);? a.vtjias ij yay- ■ypcuVrjs o-v/oi/u.eTpiicr's rutv axpioc (vo A case of Raynaud's disease. Denver M. Times, 1907. xxvi, 343-346. — Shoemaker (J. V. ) Ravnaud's disease. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, gig'.— Simpson (J. C. ) Ca-e <>t Raynaud's disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 800— Skipton (A.) A case of Raynaud's disease. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 144.— Smith (F. ,1.) Symmetrical local asphyxia. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1892. i, 275.—Smitli (T. i A case of spontane- ous gangrene of the thumb and tinkers of the right hand. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., Is79—0. xiii. 196 —Sorel A: Buy. Un cas de gangrene symetrique des orteiK Toulou.se med., 1899. 2. s., i, 35; 37. —Soutlicy (R. ) A case of local asphvxia; symmetrical gangrene. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 18S2-3, xvi", 167-179,1 pl.—Stel'anesco. Cas de gangrene symetrique des extremites. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1906-7, ix, 159. — Stevenson (L. E.) A case of Ravnaud's disease. Lancet, Lond.. 1890. ii, 917.—Stewart" (W.) A case of Ravnaud's disease. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb.. 1904-5, n. s., xxiv, 160.— Stockman i R ) Case of Raynaud's disease. Glasgow M. J., 1903. lx, 429.—Stonestreet (R.) A case of sym- metrical gangrene. Nashville J. M. & S., 1891, lxix, 204.— Stiinndorl ( A.) On symmetrical gangrene; a clin- ical studv. with report of a case. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 113-121. Also. Reprint. —Takayama (S.) Ray- naudshi bvo sitsuki n. [Clinical experience on Ray- naud's disease.] Tokyo med. Wchnschr., 1894, viii, No.30, 1-5.—Taylor i R. W.'i Two cases of Ravnaud's disease. J. cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1890, viii, 382-284.— TayloriS.) A case of Raynaud's disease. Lancet, Lond., Is.s7, i, 208-210.—Tracy"( J. L.I A case of Raynaud's disease. Med. Rec. N. V. 1887. xxxii, 793.—Tweedy [H.C.) Svmmetrieal gangrene of ears. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i,647."—L'rquhart > A.R.) Two cases of Raynaud's disease occurringin James Murray's Royal Asylum, Perth. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1891-5, n. s., xiv, 40-50. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1894-5. xl, 806-813. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond.,1895, i, 32—Van Santvoord (R.) Two.cases of Raynaud's disease. Med. Rec, X. V., 1888, xxxiii, 35.— Vasiliu (C.) Svndromul lui Raynaud. Presa med., Bucurescl, 1899-1'Juo, vi, 187. Also: Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1900, xx, 432-131.—Vergely. Asphyxie des extremites; maladie de Ravnaud. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et eliir. de Bordeaux (lssSj, 1884, 401-tos. [Discussion], 379-382. Also: 3. med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, xiii, 401-403.—Ver- neuil. Note pour servir a l'histoire de la stupcur lo- cale. Union med., Par., 1886, 3. s., xii, 821-824.—Vespa (B.) Sopra un caso di sclerodermia e uno di malattia di Ravnaud. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. o>p. di Roma, 1895- 6, xvi, fasc. 1, 46-56. Also [Abstr.]: Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1895-6, ii, 360.—Vii lard. Gangrene symetrique des extremites, ou maladie de Raynaud, localisee aux membres superieurs. Lyon med., 1890, lxv, 195.—Vla- dar (L. M.) Raynaud-f61e betegseg egy esete. [A case of Raynaud's disease.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 481.—Volkovich (A.N.) Sluchal bollezni Raynaud. [Case of Raynaud's disease. J Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1897-8, xxxvi, 70-73.—Vvedenski (A. A.) Sluchal simmetricheskol gangreni nizhnikh konechnostel. [Caseof symmetric gangrene of the lower limbs.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1889-90, ix, 178- | 201,1 pl.—Waldo (H.) A case of Ravnaud's disease. Bristol M.-Chir. J.,1888, vi,272-275—Warl'vingc i V. W.) Ett fall af symmetrisk gangran. [Un cas de gangn lie symetrique. Res.] Arsber;'itte]se f.Sabbatsbi.Tgs Sjukliu-j i Stockholm, 1889, 88-96. — Walk ins (A. H. ) Notes on an epidemic of spontaneous symmetrical gangrene. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1893-4, i, 167.—Waugh (W. F.) Raynand'sdisease. [Case] Bacillus, Chicago, 1902-3, iii, 542-544. Also: Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1903, x, VOL xiv, 2d series---21 21 RAYNAUD'S. Raynaud's disease (Cose* anel statistie's ef). 28-30.—'Werner. Einige bemerkenswerthe Falle von (iangrsena spontanea. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Gebertsh., Winnenden,1882, xxxiii, 3-14.—West (S.) Clinical lect- ure on some cases of peripheral gangrene, Raynaud'sdis- ease so called. St. Barth. Hosp. Re].., Lond., 1908, xliii, 3-10.—White (C. J.) it Burns ( F. s.) Raynaud's dis- ease. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, elii. 749. Also: 3. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N.Y.,1907, xxv, V_>6 — Whitton (T. B.) Case of Ravnaud's disease. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1890-91. x, 353.—Wi Ison (G. F.) Report of a case of su- perficial bilateral gangrene with asymmetrical lesions. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxi, 609-613.—Winstanlcv (R. W.) A case of symmetrical gangrene of the lower limbs. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, Ml. —Wolff (A.) Fall von Raynaud'scher Krankheit. Verhandl. d. Berl med. Gesellsch. (1905), 1906, xxxvii, 83.—Woodson (T. D.) Clinical history and presentation of two cases of Ray- naud's disease. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1908, xxxiv, 420-422.—Voshita (H.) Raynaudshi byo no sitsuken. [Clinical observations on Raynaud's disease] Osaka Koigakusha Geppo, 1893, no. 53,1-10.— Zeller i M.) Ein seltencr Fall von spontaner Gangriin. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1893, xxx, 1263-1265. — Xerenin (V.) Sluchal bollezni Raynaud (simmetrich. omertvleniya). [Ray- naud's disease.] Khirurgi'a, Mosk., 1899, vi, 746-756. Also [Abstr.]: Laitop. khirurg. Obsh.v Mosk.,1899, xviii,112-115. Raynaud's disease {Causes and pathol- ogy of). See, also, Arteries (Diseasesof) ; Cold (Effects of ); Erysipelas (Complications of); Fever (Malarial, Complications of); Fever (Typhoid, Complications of); Gangrene (Senile); Haemo- globinuria [Paroxysmal, Causes, etc., of); Measles ( Complications of); Raynaud's disease (Complications of\. Bares (L.) * Etude de la gangrene des mem- bres chez les neuroarthritiques. 8°. Toulouse, 1898. Bonxexfant (M.) *Du role etiologique de la tuberculose dans l'asphyxie locale et la gan- grene symetrique des extremites; syndrome de Raynaud. 8°. Paris, 1904. Boroxelly (F.) *De l'asphyxie locale des extremites envisagee comme svmptoine. 4°. Paris, 1887. Busy (E.) *Etiologie et pathogenie des phe- nomenes de Raynaud (syncope et asphyxie lo- cales des extremites); essai de classification ra- tionnelle. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Caloxxe (V.) * Associations pathologiques dans la maladie de Raynaud. 8°. Paris, 1904. Chevkin (J.) *De l'asphyxie locale et de la gangrene des extremites dans les maladies in- fectieuses. 8°. Paris, 1899. Courchet (F.) *Le syndrome de Raynaud et l'arterite obliterante. 8°. Lyon, 1898." Defraxce (L.) * Considerations sur la gan- grene svnietriqiie; etiologie et pathogenie. 4°. Paris, 1895. Dubiqiet ((i.-J.) * L'asphyxie des extremi- tes; svmptoine d'insufhsance renale. 8°. Lille, 1902.* (jtibert (M.) *De la valeur de la nephrite au cours de la maladie de Raynaud. 8°. Paris, 1899. ------. The same. S°. Pom, 1899. Leveille ((i.-A.-A.) *SvndromedeMaurice Raynaud et pericarditis. 8°. Paris, 1900. Abereroinbie (J.) On some points in connection with Ravnaud's disease. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1886, iii, 567-573.—Aitken (C. C.) A caseof Raynaud's disease associated with uraemia. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 875. Also: .Med. Press & Circ, Lond., IS'.h;, n. s., lxii, 182 — Austreii<'silo(A.) Um casodcijangrenasymetricadas extrcmidades por arterile chronica., < Jaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1904, ii, 343-356.—Baraban i L. i i Illienne ( P.) End- arterite et gangrene symetrique des extremites. Lev. med. del'cst, Nancy, 1889, xxi, 513: 559.—Belkowsky (J. M.) Beitrag ziir Pathologic der sogen. Raynaud'- schen Krankheit oder symrnetriseheii Gangriin. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1905, xxiv, 836-819.—Bernard ifc RAYNAUD'S. 322 RAYNAUD'S. Raynaud's disease (Causes and pathol- "!/!/ of). Ituyssen. Un cas d'aortite obliterante chez une lemme v dxpiov avveTreia. eAovotrias. 'Iarpotj) TrpdoSos, 'Ev Sv'pc;., 1906, xi, 167.—Chavanis. Maladie de Maurice Raynaud etendarterite. Loirem6d., St.-Etienne, 1898, xvii, 223-229.—Colleville. Sur un cas de gangrene symetrique des extremites d'origine rhuma- tismale. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1883), 1884, vii, 201-205. Also: Francemed., Par., 1884, i, 126-129.— (olman (W.S.) & Taylor (J.) A case of Raynaud's disease, not asso- ciated with hamoglobinuria, but in which there were local changes in the blood. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, xxiii, 195-200.—Cone (J. E.) Case of symmetrical gan- grene from polyuria, with natural amputations. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1894, xlix, 433-436.—Coulonjou. Un cas de maladie de Raynaud, suivi de mort chez une jeune fille hysterique et tuberculeuse; examen anatomo-patho- logique. Cong. d. m6d. alienistes et neurol. de France 1904, Par., 1905, ii, 325.—Elsenberg (A.) Choroba Ray- naud'a (gangraena symmetrica) pochodzenia syfllitycz- nego. [Raynaud'sdiseaseof syphilitic origin.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 93-99. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien, 1892, xxiv, 577-587.—Fleming (R. A.) Raynaud's disease of organic nature. West. Canada M. J., Winnipeg, 1907, i, 185-192,2 pl.—Follet. Asphyxie pe>ipherique (syndrome de Raynaud) d'origine complexe au cours d'une typhoide & rechutes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 792-796. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1902, n. s., vii, 710.—Fox (G. H.) Notes on some cases of symmetrical gangrene; relation to arteritis. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1907, xiii, 371-386.—Friend. (E.) Symmetrical gangrene, or Ray- naud's disease. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. (1894-5), 1896, i, 239-245.—Godin (A.) CEdfeme du membre inferieur gauche; gangrene spontanea des orteils de ce c6t6; ossifi- cation de quelques points du systeme arteriel, en parti- eulierde l'artere tibiale posterieure gauche; obliteration de la veine crurale du meme cot6. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1836,2. s., xii, 52-55. -----. Gangrene des deux pieds, sans infiltration; cceur et systeme arteriel tres-peu d6ve- loppes; retrecissement de l'oritice auriculo-ventriculaire gauche. Ibid., 55-58.—Goldschmidt (D.) Un cas de gangrene symetrique d'origine traumatique suivi de quel- ques reflexions sur la pathogenie de l'affection. Bull, et mem, Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1905, 3. s., xxii, 748-750.— Griffith (T. W.) Three cases illustrating some of the affinities of Raynaud's disease. Med Chron., Manchester, 1891-2, xv, 89-95. -----. Additional remarks on the affin- ities of Raynaud's disease. Ibiel., 1902-3, 4. s., iv, 1-17.— Grinker *(J.) A case of Raynaud's disease with rheu- matoid arthritis. Chicago M. Recorder, 1905, xxvii, 514- 519.—Gr0nstad (N. L. H.) Gangraen i begge Underex- tremiteter efter en Kontusion af Brystkassen. [Gangrene in both lower extremities after a contusion of chest.] Xorsk Mag. f. Laegeridensk., Christiania, 1887, 4. R., ii, 897-901.—Haga. Ueber spontane Grangriin. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1898, clii, 26-60,1 pl.-Hahn (B.) Ein Fall von Raynaud'scher Krankheit mit ana- tomischer Grundlage. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. vaterl. Cult. 1902, Bresl., 1903, lxxx, med. Sect., 288 — Haig (A.) A case of Raynaud's disease, with paroxys- mal haemoglobinuria. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xv, 143- 156.-----. A caseof Raynaud'sdisease,and some pointsin its pathology. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1892, xxviii, 29-16. Also, Reprint.—Hnatek (J.) Prispgvek ku poz- nSni pathogenesy nemoci Raynaudovy. [Note sur la pa- thogenie de la maladie de Raynaud. Res., 106.1 Sborn. klin., v Praze, 1905-6, vii. 95-107. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Runschau,1906,xx,781; 801.—Hutchins (M.B.) Acase of symmetrical gangrene (Raynaud's disease), with some unusual featuresinitsetiology. AtlantaM.&S.J., 1895-6, n. s., xii, 722-724.—Hutchinson (J.) Case of asphyxia of extremities (Raynaud's disease); patient a healthy voung lady; some facts as to inheritance. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 1211.-----. On certain local disorders more or less cognate with Raynaud's maladv. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1889-90, i, 226-241. -----. Acro-asphyxia i Raynaud's phenomena). Ibid., 1891-2, iii, 1 pl. with 11. of text. -----. Inherited liability to Raynaud's phenom- ena, with great proneness to chilblains; gradual increase Raynaud** disease (Cause* anel jxtthol- al Trjs iwov tou Raynaud avveireia. yplirifr\<; /ecu 7repi(|>€piK))s vevpin-Sos. 'la.Tpt.Kr) TrpooSos, 'Ek 2iipo>, 1906, xi, 168. —Phisalix (C.) Sur un cas de maladie de Maurice Raynaud obtenu ex- perimentalement chez le cobaye. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1900, U.S., ii, 58-60.—Pitres (A.) & Vaillard(L.) Contribution il l'etude des gangrenes massives des mem- bres d'origine n^vritique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1885, 3. s., v, 106-127, 1 pl. —Pousson (A.) Asphyxie locale des extr6mit(5s chez un tuberculeux ge- nital. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, P.uis, xxix, 366— Remouchamps (E.) Gangrene symetrique des extremites par cause infectieuse. Ann. Soc. de med. de Hand, 19(i6, Ixxxvi, 21-26, lpl. Also, Reprint. Also: Bel- gique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1906, xii, X7-S9.—Kietsehel (H.) Kin Fall von paroxysmaler Hiimoglobinurie mit llavnaudsehcr Gangran. C:harit6-Ann., Berl.. 1907. xxxi, 121-128.—Kiggs (C. E.) Report of a case of Raynaud's RAYNAUD'S. 323 RAYNAUD'S. Raynaud's disease {Causes and pathol- ogy of). disease with pathologic findings. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1898, xxxi, 1400-1403.—Bona (S.) Az ligynevczett spontan vagy neurotikus multiplex gangraena aetiolo- giayahoz ot eset alapjan. [The etiology of the so-called spontaneous or neurotic multiplex gangrene, after 5 cases.] Elme-csidegk6rt.,Budapest, 1905.1-9.—Bondot [P..) Gangrene senile ayant debute lentement par une asphyxie locale des extremites inferieures; concretions ribrineuses anciennes dans l'iliaque primitive et la cru- rale droitesetdanslacruralegauche: atherouie des vais- seaux; plaques ramollies sur toute l'aorte; d6gse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 1120-1122. —Thomas (II. M.) A case of Raynaud's disease associated with convulsions and haemoglobinuria. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Bait., 1890, ii, 114-118. —Thompson (S. W.) A case of Ray- naud's disease occurring in a patient suffering from Grave>' disease. Med. Rec, N. Y., 190'2, lxii, 575.—To. maselli (G.) Contributo alio studio della gangrena -immetrica delle estremita nel decorso di malattie in- fettive. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1297-1301.— Vaillard. Contribution k l'etiologie de l'asphyxie lo- caledes extremites. Rec. demem. demed. . . . mil., Par., 1877, xxxiii, 585-598. — Verdalle. Asphxie locale et gangrene symetrique des extremites; atherome arteriel generalise. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux 11882), 1883, 272-279. —Vigo 11 roux ( A.) & Char- pentier (J.) Thrombose de l'aorte, chez un lioimne de 82 ans avant presente de la gangrene symetrique des ex- tremites. Bull, et m<5m. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1903, 6. s., v, 195-499.— Vvedenski (A. A.) Simmetricheskaya gan- grena v etiologicheskom otnoshenii. [Symmetrical gan- grene etiologicallv considered.] Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova 1891, Mosk., 1892, iv, 489-497.— Widal & IVobecourt. Gangrene symetrique para- doxale (embolie d'une seule artere iliaque primitive). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1898, 3. s., xv, 254-257.— Wilson (J. C.) A case of symmetrical gan- grene of the face and sacral region following scarlet fever. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1895, xii, 679-688. — Wood 1E. J.) A mixed infection with tertian and quartan ma- laria occurring in a patient with symmetrical gangrene. I. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 1891-1895. Raynaud's disease {Complications of). See, also, Brain (Diseases of, Causes, etc., of); Epilepsy (Complications of); Insanity (Com- plications of); Nervous system (Diseases of); Raynaud's elisense (Causes, etc., of). Bkengukh (P.) * Etudes sur les formes graves tie la maladie de Maurice Raynaud. 4°. Paris, 1896. Raynaud's disease (Complications of). Dotschkow (S. I.) *Sklerodermie und Ray- naud's-che Krankheit. 8°. Berlin, 190">. Garrkjues (A.) Syncope et asphyxie locales. Gangrene dite de Raynaud. Sclerodermic. 8°. Pari*, 1900. Also [Rev.], in: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 461. Barber (P. E.) Case of Raynaud's disease (local as- phyxia) of unusual severity and extent. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1902-3, xi, 31-34.—Begg (J. R.) Idiopathic gangrene of the four extremities, nose, and ears. Lancet, Lond., 1870, ii, 397-399.—Bracci (('.) Idiozia con sin- drome di Ravnaud. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1906, iv, 829-833.—Canessa (J. F.) Rara loealizacion de la enfermedad de Raynaud. Rev. med. d. Lruguay, Mon- tevideo, 1903, vi, 115-122.—Carles (J.) Localisation rare de la maladie de Raynaud. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 172-180. Also: 3. de med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxxii, 666-669.—Casassus (A.) Gan- grene symetrique des extremites; asphyxie locale de la langue. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 452-454.— Chaiittard (A.) Sclerodermic avec hemiatrophie lin- iniale ayant debute par le syndrome de la maladie dc Raynaud. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 516-522. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1895, lxviii, 818- 821.—Claude, Rose & Toucliard. Maladie de Ray- naud, sclerodermic et rhumatisme chroniques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par, 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 277-281.— (Iceman (R. A.) A case of Raynaud's disease, asso- ciated with angina pectoris. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 163-169.— Colin (T.) Ein Fall von Raynaud- schem Symptomeneomplex mit Sklerodermie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 902. Also: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, n. F., xiii, 560.—Cureton (E.) A fatal case of Ravnaud's disease. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1349-1351.—Dau'los. Asphyxie 'des mains avec plaque de sphacele cutane au-dessus du poignet droit. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1901, xii, 36. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 64.—De Buck (D.) Association chez un idiot de maladie dc Raynaud et de gangrene nevrotique cutanee multiple. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Brux., 1904, 43-49,1 pl. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haar- lem, 1904, xi, 159-162.— Decloux, Ribadeau-Du- inas & Sabareanu. Localisations rares de la mala- die de Raynaud. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 783. —De Grazia (F.) La nevrite periferica nella malattia di Raynaud. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 4, 38-43.— Desplats (H.) Gangrene symetrique des deux pieds et du nez chez un tuberculeux. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1906, i, 193.—Oidier. Gangrene pulmonaire succedant il la gangrene symetrique des extremites. [Abstr.] Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, ix, 369.—Oukeman (W. H.) Raynaud's disease; with report of a case resulting in death. Med. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxv, 650.—Fazio (F.) Sclerodermia e malattia di Raynaud. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1897, Roma, 1898, viii, 545-547.—Fere (C.) Note surPasphyxielocaledesextremit6schezlesepileptiqueset enpartieulier surun cas d'asphyxie disseminee. N. inco- nog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1891, iv, 354-357, 1 pi.—Fere (C.)&Batigne(P.) Note surun nouveau cas d'asphyxie loeale des extremites avec lesions congenitales de la peau chczunepileptique. Rev.demed.,Par., 1892,xii,891 -897.— Finlarson. Symmetrical gangrene of the extremi- ties complicating scleroderma. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 198. —Follet & Kaequepee. Syndrome de Raynaud; tetanie; sclerodermic. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 585-587.— Fox (G. H.) Two cases of Raynaud's disease with ocu- lar symptoms, one case complicated bv scleroderma. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 337-346, 2 pl.— Fu<-lis (T.) Raynaud'sche Krankheit und sklerodaet v- lie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 872-877.— Grasset (J.) Gangrene symetrique des extremites, exchiMvement limitee au nez et aux oreilles. Gaz. med. de Par., 1879, 6. s., i, 293 — Hallopeau (H.) Sur une asphyxie locale des extremites avec polydactylite suppurative chronique et poussees ephemeres de dermatite pustuleuse dissemi- nee et symetrique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1890, i, 39-45. —Hutchinson (J.) Raynaud's phenomena with thrombotic warts. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 9. ----—. Raynaud's disease, accompanied by severe haemorrhages. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 322.— .loliaiincsscn (A.) Lokal Asfyksi kombineret med Funktionsiorstyrrelser fra Hjernens Side. [Sur une asphyxie loeale aceompagnee de troubles fonctionnels du cerveau. Res., 81.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1897, 4. R., xii, 1-11,1 pl., 1 ch. Also, transl: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 547- 550.—Kiernan (J. G.) Raynaud's disease and the psy- choneuroses. Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 285-287.—Ko- vacs (P.) Hvsteria and Raynaud's disease. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 9. s., ii, 91-95.—Lee le re (F.) De l'as- phyxie locale des extremites dans les etats pathologiques bulbo-protubcrantiels. Semaine med., Par., 1900, xx, 307.—Little (G.) A case of lupus erythematosus in a RAYNAUD'S. 324 RAYNAUD'S. Raynaud's disease (Complicatiems of). woman aged 34, the subject of Raynand'sdisease. Brit. ,1. Dermat., Lond., 1905, xvii, 101. —-Uaiorli (G.) ct Grass! ( V. ) Su di un caso di gangrena simmetrica delle inani in donnaistericaedalienata. Cron.d. manic. di Sienna, 1899, xxv, 80-91, 1 pl.—.Martinez (.1. L.) Ln caso de asociacion de enfermedad de Raynaud y esclero- dermia. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1905-6, 2. ep., iii, 131-135.—.Munro iN. G.) A caseof symmetrical gan- grene a—iciated with peripheral neuritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897. ii, 618— Meeker (F.) [Fall von Raynaud- sehemSymptomenkomplex, kompliziertdurch Knochen- und Gelenk-tuberkulose.] Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx, 529-532.—Nicolas (J.) & Favre. Sclerodermic et maladie de Raynaud; examen radiographique. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1905, iv, 24-30. — Noyes (A. W. F.) A case of Raynaud's disease associated with cerebral and other phenomena. Intercolon. M. J. Aus- tralas., Melbourne, 1896, i, 544-546— Osier (W.) The cerebral complications of Raynaud's disease. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1896, n. s., cxii, 522-529. Also. Reprint.— Playlair i E. > Idiopathic muscular atrophy with 1 Raynaud's disease; death from pneumonia. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1896-7, Lond., 1898, iv, 211-218.—Poggi i(*. i A-tis-ia. gangrena e sclerodermia delle estremita. An h. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 18,85. xxii, 117-132.—Po- ■ tain. Asphixie locale des extremites et erythro-melal- I gie chez un meme sujet; cedemes d'origine nerveuse. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1897, lxviii, 16-20.—Rim- baud. Ln cas atypique de gangrene des extremites avec sclerodermic Montpel. med., 1903, xvi, 341-344.— Shah (T. M.) Symmetrical gangrene of four limb,-. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1901, xvii, 411.—Shvarts i S. L.i Sluchai sochetaniya bollezni Raynaud i akinesia inter- mittens fErb'al. [Combined Raynaud's disease and internment akinesia.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 913; 937; 950.— Stockman (R.) A case of Raynaud's disease with cerebral symptoms. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiv, 252.—Targowla. In cas d'asphyxie locale symetrique intermittente des extremites chez un lype- maniaque. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1892, 7. s., xv, 400- 403.—Thibierge (G.) Angi< ikeratome des mains, telan- giectasies du nez chez un sujet atteint d'asphyxie locale des extremities. Bull. Soe. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 414^17.—Tubercular meningitis ensu- ing on prolonged lactation; acute cystitis and acute bedsore; necropsy; deformity of finders and toes, the result of Raynaud's disease.; absence of any trace of previous tubercular disease. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1888, Lond., 1889, 31-33.—Vizioli ( F.) Caso singolare di gan- grene molteplici dei lobuli delle orecchie, della punta del naso e di tuttte le dita delle mani e dei piedi. di en- trambe le rotulo, dei malleoli, dell' astu. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1897, n. s., li, 417-476, 1 pl.— Warde (W. B.) [A generalised necrotizing attection in a tubercular subject suffering from Raynaud's di-ea-e.] Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1903, xv, 299—West (8.) Aca-e of Raynaud's disease associated with a peculiar eruption on the face, which was at first scaly and afterward- like erysipelas. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 329.—Wills (W. A.) On some cases of Raynaud's disease and its association with scleroderma. Clin. J., Lond., 1902-3, xxi, 10-16. Raynaud's disease (Diagnosis anel se- meiology of). See, also, Leprosy (Diagnosis, etc., of). Locis (V). *Des modifications du pouls dans la maladie de Raynaud. 4°. Paris, 1985. Albers-Sehilnberg. [Rontgenplatten eines Falles von Raynaudscher Krankheit.] Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 2098.—Alexander (W.) Neurotic gangrene (?) simulating Raynaud's dis- ease. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 582.—Bolkoff (V. M.) Demonstratsiya rentgenovskikh snimkov bo- llezni Raynaud. [Demonstration of Roentgen plates of Ravnaud's disease.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiii, 68.—de Boris iR.i De l'eiongation nerveuse dans la maladie de Raynaud. Semaine med., Par., 1904, xxiv, 49.— Calmaiin (A.) Zur Kenntniss der Ravnaudschen Krankheit. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Leipz. u. Wien, 1896, xv, 43-61. Also, transl.: Alienist & Neurol.. St. Louis, 1900, xxi, 317-336. Also. Reprint.—Charpen- tier. Sur une forme partieuliere d'asphyxie locale. Bull. Soc.med.de Par. (1874 i, 1875, ix, 127-lls.—Colucci (('. I Contributo alia diagnosi del eo-i detto morbo di i Raynaud (casi clinici e considerazioni i. Ann. di nevrol , Miiano. 1898, xvi, 13.8-154.—Fox (H.) Peripheral syphi- litic arteritis with clinical symptoms of Raynaud's dis- ease. J. ('titan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1908, xxvi, 470.— Hutchinson (J.) Affections allied to Ravnaud's dis- ease. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1888-9, 74-77.— | Jacoby (G. W.) A contribution to the diagnosis of Ravnaud's' disease (symmetrical gangrene). N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 143-149. Also, Reprint.—James iW. B.) A case of Raynaud's disease with some unusual features, j Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 511.— Juarros (C.) Enfer- medad y sindromes de Raynaud. Rev. san. mil. y med. ' Raynaud's disease {Diagnosis and se- meiology of). mil. espafl., Madrid, 19u,s, ii, 331-33*.—Levi ^L.) Snr une forme hysterique de la maladie de Raynaud et de rerythroineial.me. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., Is'.m, 10. -., i, 647— .Milne (J. A.) An unusual case of Ray- naud's^ disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1«,;;t.—.Tli- rallie (('.) Maladie de Raynaud; troubles de la sensi- bilite a topographie radiculaire (pseudo-metamerique). Gaz. med. de Nantes, iyt)5. 2. s., xxiii, 487-192. Also; Rev. neurol., Par., 1905, xiii. 561-567.—Nicolas (.!.)& Favre. Sclerodermic et maladie de Raynaud; examen radio- graphique. Lyon med., 1905, civ. 230-236.—Pantale- oni if.) Contro 1' opinione del Po-peloy intorno ad un nuovo sintoma della malattia di Raynaud. Pratica d. med., Napoli, 1902-3. iii, 262-267.—Pospleloif (A. I.) Noviy priznak micstnol sinyukhi konechnostci, iii bo- llezni Raynaud. [New symptom of local cyanosis of the extremities, or Raynaud's disease] Med. Obozr., Mosk 1901, lv, 807-810.—Kieliardson (B. W.) On arterial pulsation as a premonitory sign of gangrene of the ex- tremities. Asclepiad, Lond., 188ti, iii, 157.—Boasenda (G.) Malattia di Raynaud localizzata ad una estremita: con reperto radiogratico. Riv. neuropat., Torino, 19ao, i. 33-39.—Skirving (R. S. i On the diagnosis of erythro- melalgia and Raynaud's disease. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1902, xxi, 225-227—Weber (F. P.) Trophic disorder of the feet; an anomalous and asymmetrical case of sclerodactylia with Raynaud's phenomena. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1901, xiii, 41-46.—Zoja (L.) II polso della mano durante accessi di acroangiosincope ed acro- angioparalisi; contributo alia conoscenza della malattia di Raynaud. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1898, xlix, 641-645. Raynaud's disease (Treatment of). Boy (A.) * Essai sur l'asphyxie locale des extremites, specialement au point de vue du traitement par le sulfate de quinine. 4°. Pa- ris, 1881. Baltus. Action comparee de l'iodothyrine et des courants continus dans la maladie de Ravnaud. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1902, ii, 433-441.—Bonneloy. Traite- ment de la maladie de Raynaud par les courrants de haute frequence. Bull. off. Soc. frani,-. d'electrother., Par., 1907, xv, ls4-199.—Catcs i B. B ) Nitroglycerin in the treatment of Raynaud's disea-c with report of a case. Lniv. M.Mas.. I'hila., 1MU-2, iv. 347-352.— rushing (H.) Treatment by the tourniquet to counteract the vasomo- tor -pa-m of Raynaud's di-ea-e. J. Nerv. & Ment. Di-., N. Y., 1902, xxix^ 657-663.—Kwart (W.) A case of scle- rodermia associated with Raynaud's disease, with special reference to treatment. Med. Press, A: Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiii, 181-184.—Fossier (A. E. i Raynaud's dis- ea-eand its treatment with atropin, with report of a cn-e. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1906-7, lix, 505-511.— l.on/.alez Alvarez. [Tratamiento medico de la gangrena sim6- trica de las extremidades, 6 enfermedad de Raynaud.] An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1896, xvi, 94-97— dlraha in ( D. ) Massage in Raynaud's disease (symmetrical gan- grene). Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901, 10. S., iv, 17-2s. Also, Reprint. — de Leon ( .1. ) Maladie de Raynaud guerie par le maniluve elcctro-galvanique. Ann. d'elec- trobiol. [etc.]. Par., 1899, ii, 433-135.—Lino Frquieta (M.j Un caso de asrixia simetrica de las extremidades (emermedad de Mauricio Raynaudl curado por la ca- feina. Cron. med., Lima, 1894, xi, 248-251.—Massy i A.) Ln cas de guerison d'asphyxie loeale der extremites. J. de med.de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 416-418.—Schwab (S.I.) A caseof Raynaud's disease treated by the rubber tourniquet. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1904, xi, 540.— Souques (A.) Maladie de Raynaud de nature hyste- rique, guerie par suggestion indireete. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1902, 3. s.. xix, 538-542.— Syuiinetrische Gangran der Fingerspitzen; Heilung. Jahresb. vi. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald 1889-90, Leipz., Ising., ls«.>2-3, ix, 218-232. Raynaud's disease (Treatment of Operative). Aequaviva. Gangrene symetrique des deux pieds; amputation double et simultan.ee des deux jambe-: gue- rison. Marseille med., ls'.is., xxxv, 517-521. — Bain- bridge (G.) Symmetrical gangrene of the nates; suc- ees-ful skin-grafting. Tr. M. .v. Phvs. Soc Bombay 11883), issi, n.s.. No. iv, 93-96.—Bramwell (B.) Raynaud's disease, with floating kidney; remarkable improvement after stitelling the kidney t< > the side. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1908, vi, 254.-Brewer (G. E.) Symmetrical gangrene RAYNAUD^. 325 RAYS. Raynaud's disease (Treatment of Operative). of the legs in Raynaud's disease; double amputa- tion. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 125.— Curtis (G.) Case of gangrene of the lower extremities following a blow on the epigastrium; double amputation. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1889, i, 353.—Delaup (S. P.) Six amputa- tions for the relief of Raynaud's disease. Proc Orleans Parish M. Soc 1900, N. Orl., 1901, 133.—Forgue (E.) Amputations dans la gangrene spontanee ties extremites. N. Montpel. med., 1896, v, 881-888.—Oould (A. P.) A case of symmetrical gangrene of the feet from obliterat- ing disease and thrombosis of the arteries and veins; amputation through the knee-joints; recovery. Tr. Clin. soc. Lond.. 1890-91, xxi v. 131-1 m. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 639.—Obaliiiski. ud'ecie obu odnog dolnyeb w skutek zgorzeli. [Amputation ot both legs for gan- grene.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1874, xiii, 181.—Parsons ^S. B.) Endarteritis obliterans; symmetrical gangrene; amputation at lower third of the thighs; no arteries ligated; recovery. N. Am. J. Homceop., N.Y.,1897, 3. s., xii, 367-373.—Puzey (C.) On a caseof gangrene of both feet from arterial embolism; amputation (Pirogoff's) of left foot; and of right leg by Whitehead's modification of Teal's method. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1884, iv, 163- 166.—Williams (J. T.) Two cases of rapidly spreading gangrene of the upper and lower extremities; amputa- tion: recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 249. Raynaud's disease in children. Lehle (A.) *Ein Fall von Raynaudscher Krankheit im Siiuglingsalter. 8°. Mihu-hen, 1906. Maugce (C.) * Contribution l'etude de la maladie de Raynaud; sa frequence chez les jeunes enfants, forme a siege insolite. 4°. Pa- ris, 1895. .Solrmelet (H.) * Contribution a l'etude de la gangrene symetrique des extremites (maladie de Raynaud) chez les enfants. 8°. Paris, 1905. Abererombie (J.) Some points in connection with Raynaud's disease. Arch. Pediat.. Phila., 1886, iii, 667- 573! Also, Reprint— Adam (J. B.) Notes on a case of Ravnaud's disease, in a Chinese girl, terminating fatally. Tr." Hongkong M. Soc, 1889, i. 73-79.—Batton (J. A.) A case of local asphyxia 1 Raynaud's disease) in a child of three years. Phila. Polyclin.. 1895. iv. 125.—Berend (M.) Symmetricus gangriina (Raynaud-fOlc kor) esete gyermeknel. [A case of . . . in a child.] Gyermekgyo- g'yftszat, Budapest, 1899, 7. Also, transl.: Lngar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1899, iv, 529.—Comby (J.) .Maladie de Maurice Raynaud chez l'enfant. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1905, viii, 469^476. —Coulonjou. Un cas de ma- ladie de Raynaud, suivi de mort, chez une jeune fille hysterique et tuberculeuse; examen anatomo-patholo- gique. J. de neurol., Par., 1904, ix, 355. Also: Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1904, xii, 906.—De Busselier (L.) Asphyxie locale des extremites, d'origine infectieuse, chez un en- fant. Belgique med.,Gand-Haarlem, 1904, xi,255.—Du- rante (D.) Deux observations rares d'une forme mor- telle d'asphyxie locale symetrique des extremites chez les nouveau-nes dont les parents etaient syphilitiques (maladie de Raynaud (. Med. inf., Par., 1898, ii, 222-230. Also, transl.: Pediatria, Napoli, 1898, vi, 26-34.—Duval (A.-J.) Observation de gangrene des orteils chez un en- fant. Echo med.. Neuchat., I8.59, iii. 412. Also, Reprint.— Granclier. Difterentes especes de gangrene chez l'en- fant; maladie de Maurice Ravnaud. Ann. dem6d. scient. et prat., Par., 1891, i, 169-171.—l.uicliard (H.) Gan- grene spontanee de la jambe gauche chez un enfant de trois ans, menace d'arret de la circulation de la jambe droite; mort par hemorrhagic meningee? Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 172 — Henneeart. Gangrene symetrique des extremites chez l'enfant. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1891, xxx, 413-436.— Lehinann (E. R. ) Ein Fall von symmetrischer Gangriin der Beine. Arch. f. Kinderh., 'Stuttg., 1893-4, xvi, 70-77.— Leopold, [spontaner ('aiigniii beider Unterextremi- tiiten bei einem 15.'! ngealtcn Kinde.] Arch. f.Gynaek., Berl., l»70, x, 189.—JlakinsM;. II.) A caseof spontane- neous gangrene of toes in a child, with some remarks on its nature and its resemblance to the symmetrical gan- grene of Raynaud. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1882, Lond., 1883, n. s., xii, 155-163— Mendel (H.) Gangrene syme- trique des extremites chez une enfant de quinze mois. Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 203; 320. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, 3. s., iv, 406-409.—Monro (T. K.) On a complicated case of Raynaud's disease; local asphyxia with gangrene, occur- ring at a very early age; congenital disturbance of gen- eral cutaneous circulation; congenital hydrocephalus; tracheocele. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xii, 267-279, 1 pl — yiorison (A.) A case of Ravnaud's disease. Rep. Soc. Study Lis. Child.. Lond., 1902-3, iii, 163-167.—Rivet (L.) Syndrome de Maurice Raynaud avec gangrene du nez. Raynaud's disease in children. Bull. Soc de pediat. de Par., 1907, ix, 112-115— Stott- gren (Henrietta A.) A case ot symmetrical congenital gangrene. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1897, vi. 365-367.— Taylor (J.) A case of Raynaud's disease. Rep. Soc. Study Ids. Child., Lond., 1901-2, ii. 217.— Westcott 1 T.S.) Raynaud's disease. Am. Tcxt-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), Phila., 1898. 820-825. Also: Ibid., 2. ed., Phila., 1904, 820- 825.—White (W. II.) A clinical lecture on a fatal case of Raynaud's disease in a girl havingmitral and tricuspid stenosis, pericarditis, acute cardiac dilatation, pneumo- nia, embolism of the brachial artery, and atrophy of the muscles of the feet. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, iii,'369-375. Also: Guy's Hosp., Lond., 1894, n. s., viii, 121; 143.—Wil- son (J. 0.) A case of symmetrical gangrene of the face and sacral region following scarlet fever. Tr. Am. Pe- diat. Soc, N. Y., 1895, vii, 109-118. Rayncati. Rapport sur l'etat mental du nomme D. . ., inculpe d'outrages. 17 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903. Repr.from: Arch, de neurol., Par., 1903, 2. s., xvi. Rayncr (Thomas). Homoeopathy; a review of Dr. Roberts' attack on the homoeopathic prac- titioners of Manchester. 55 pp. 8°. London, H. Turner & Co., 1862. [P., v. 2187.] Rayons (Les) X. Annales de radiologic theo- rique et appliquee. E. de Bourgade la Dardye, redacteur en chef. [Weekly.] v. 1, Feb. 5, 1898, to April 22, 1899. fol. ' Paris. Ended. Rayot (Henri) [1881- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'anatomie pathologique de la syphilis des os longs chez le nourrison. 143 pp. 8°. Lyon 1905, Xo. 114. Rays and radiation. See, also, Light; N-rays; Phototherapy; Phototherapy by chemical rays; Radium; Rontgen rays [and subdivisions]. Allen (C. W.) Radiotherapy and photo- therapy, including radium and high-frequency currents, their medical and surgical applications in diagnosis and treatment. For students and practitioners. With the co-operation of aI. Franklin and S. Stern. S°. New York & Philadelphia, 1904. Cady (W. G.) *Ueber die Energie der Kathodenstrahlen. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Frankexhauser (F.) Die Warmestrahlung, ihre Gesetzeund ihre Wirkungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Gehrcke (E.) & Reichenheim (0.) Ano- denstrahlen. 8°. Braunschweig, 1907. Repr. from: Verhandl. deutsch. physikal. Gesellsch., 1907. Hammer (W. J.) Radium and other radio- active substances; polonium, actinium and tho- rium; with a consideration of phosphorescent and fluorescent substances, the properties and applications of selenium and the treatment of disease by the ultra-violet light. 8°. New York, 1903. Strutt (R. J.) The Beequerel rays and the properties of radium. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1906. Turner (D.) A manual of practical medical electricity, the Rontgen rays, Finsen light, ra- dium and its radiations, and high-frequency currents. 4. ed., revised and enlarged. 8°. London, 1904. ♦I'Arsonval. Les radiations N. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psvchol., Par., 1904, iv, 15-30.—Aseoli (M.l Une nou- velle espiVe de radiations; les rayons N. Rev. gen. d. sc pureset appliq., Par., 1904, 2. s., xxxvi, 226-242.—A nje- szky (A.) A Beequerel-stmara.k baktcricid hatasa. [The bactericidal effect of the Beequerel rays.| orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, 211.—Axinaiin 1 II.) Atte und neue Strahlen im Dasein der Mcnschheit. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 613-616. -----. Ein neues Prii- fungsverl'ahren zum Vergleich aktinischer Strahlenquel- len. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 911.—von Baeyer (H.) Ueber die physiologische Wirkung der RAYS. 326 RAYS. Rays and radiation. Bccquerel-Strahlen. Ztschr. f. allg. Physiol., Jena, 1904, iv, 79-86. — Kallet(G.) La recherche clinique des ra- yons N; technique. J. de med. int., Par., 1904, viii, 81.— JBalllia/ard i V.) Separation, au point de vue physi- ologique et therapeutique, des differentes radiations pro- duites dans les tubes Crookes et etude physiologique et therapeutique des radiations emises paries corps radio- actifs et de leurs emanations; (etude physiologique et therapeutique des radiations 6mises paries corps radio- actifs et de leurs emanations). Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906, xv, sect. 4, 1-12. Also: 3. de phvsiothe- rap., Par., 1906, iv, 239-249.—Bang (S.) Om Fordelingen af bakteriedraebende Straaler i Kulbuelysets Spektrum. [The distribution of bactericidal rays in the spectrum of the arc light.] Medd. f. Finsens med. Lysinst., K0benh., 1904, Xo. ix, 123-13"i.—Beequerel (J.) Sur Permission simultanee des rayons N et Xi. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 1332-1335. -----. Contributions a l'etude des rayons N et Ni. Ibid., 1486-1489. -----. Ac- tion du champ magnetique sur les rayons N et Ni. Ibid., 1586-1589.—Belot (J.) Nouveau dispositif pour la mesure directe de la quality du rayonnement tons par une ampoule; bonnette peniitratometrique. Arch. d'electric med , Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 851-854. -----. The principal factors in radiotherapy and radiumther- apy. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 36-41. -----. Table universelle pour radiologic construite par Gaiffe (modele du J. Belot). Arch, d'electric. m6d., Par., 1907, xv, 707-712. — Bichat (E.) Sur remission suivant la normale de rayons N et Ni/ Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1904, exxxviii, 1395. -----. Sur Permis- sion des rayons N et Ni par les corps cristallises. Ibid., 1396.—Bie "(V.) Skyldes Lysets baktericide Evne en di- rekte Virkning paa Bakterierne eller en indirekte Paa- virkning, ved Udvikling af etbaktericidt Stof i Nserings- substratet? [Is the bactericidal power of light due to a direct action on the bacteria or an indirect action by the development of a bactericidal substance in the nutritive substratum?] Medd. f. Finsens med. Lysinst., K0benh., 1904, Xo. ix, 56-109.—Blayer (J. M.) Las radiaciones nuevas; ravos cat6dicos y ravos de Roenti:-ren und Radiumstrahlen. Ibitl., 1904, xxx, 908.—Sehulek (V.) A hyperibclyas Laiy elleni vedekezes iigvc [Tlie prophylactic process against the ultraviolet ray.] Szemeszet, Budapest, 1899, 1-7. — Sel- din (M.j Uober die Wirkung der Rontgen- und Radi- umstrahlen auf innere Organe und den Gesamtorganis- mus der Tiere. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, vii, 322-3:-!9.—Senuelra (J. H.) & Morton (E. R.) The light, X ray, and electrical department at the London Hospital. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1905-6, x, 270-274.—Michel (G.) The present position of radia- tion in treatment. Hospital, Lond., 1906, xl, 153; 175.— Sommer (E.) Ueber elektrische Entladungen im luft- verdiinnten Raum: Geisslerlicht, Kathoden- und Kanal- strahlen. Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Miinchen, 1907, xiv, 25-3-8.—Stenbeek iT.) Rapide apercu sur les ray- ons Beequerel et le radium. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1903, vi, 723-730.—Stern (S.) Practical results ac- complished with radiant energy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 493-497. Also, Reprint. — Stradl in:; (G. F.) A resume of the physiological rays and the Ni rays, the physiological rays and the heavy emis sions, with a bibliography. J.'Frankl. Inst., Phila., 1907, clxiv, 57; 113. 177.— Strebel (II.) Kathodenstrahlen als Ersatz fiir Rontgen- und Radiumstrahlen. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xi, 680-688. Also: Deutsche med. ' RAZUMOFF. Hays and radiation. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 557. Also: Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 2070. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1904, xlv, 840-845. -----. Die Verwendung der iiusseren Kathodenstrahlen in der Therapie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 198-204 — Swinton (A. A. C.) Some experiments with kathode rays. Nature, Lond., 1896-7, lv, 568-571.—Thomson (J. J.) Cathode rays. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1896-7, Wash., 1898, 157-168, 3 pl.—Tousey (S.) The Rontgen and Fin- sen rays; electrolysis; galvanism; faradism; high-tension discharges, and diagnostic illumination; description of a practical office outfit for the general surgeon. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiv, 648-650.-----. The X ray, ultraviolet ray, and high frequency currents in diagnosis and therapy. N. York M. J., 1907, Ixxxvi, 1021-1024. Also, Reprint.— Treadwell (C. H.) The nature of cathode rays. J Electrother., N.Y.,1900, xviii, 15;;-157.— Trowbridge (J.) Triangulationbv means of the cathode photography. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1896, 4. s., i. 245.—Veress (!•:.' Sur la nature del'irradiation. Arch, internat. dc phvsiol.. Liege & Par., 1904, i, 138-244.—Vidal y Teruel (I.. De las diversas radiaciones; sus efectos fisiologicos y apli- caciones terapeuticas. Rev. espafi. de sif. y dermat., Madrid, 1904, vi, 313; 350; 496.—Vitoux (G.) Les rayons de Blondlot, rayons N. Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 67.— Walsham (H.) & Miller (L.) Rays proceeding from active muscles and nerves. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 610.— Walter (B.) Ueber die Becquerelstrahlen, eine den Rontgenstrahlen nahe verwandte Erscheinung. Fort- schr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1899, iii, 66- 76,1 pl,—Werner (R.) Zur Kenntnis und Verwertung der Rolle des Lecithins bei der biologischen Wirkung der Radium- und Rontgenstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr. Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 61-63.—AVien (W.) Gesetze und Theorien der Strahlung. Sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1907, 103-112.—Williams (F. H.) A comparison between the medical uses of the X-rays and the ravs from the salts of radium. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, el, 206-209.—Wilson (C. T. R.) Condensa- tion nuclei. Nature, Lond., 1906-7, lxxiv, 619-621 — Wright (A. W.) Experiments upon the cathode ray* and their effects. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1896, 4. s., i, 235- 244, 2 pl. Rays (Finsen). See Phototherapy by chemical rays. Rays (Ultraviolet). See Phototherapy by chemical rays; Rays and radiation. Raza. See Alexander Trallianus. Libri duodecim. 16°. Venetiis, 1552. Razemon (Jean-Baptiste-Henri) [1869- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des sarcomes des nerfs. 46 pp. 1 1., 1 tab. 4°. Lille, 1895, No. 109. Razeinon (Philippe-Rene) [1870- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude des traumatismes oculaires chez les mineurs. 44 pp. 8°. Lille, 1879, 5. s., No. 42. Razes (Georgios G.) KXtvtKt, icxrpeia; 6v6vnua iteitiiKOv. 135 pp. 8°. ''ABfjroac, rvito. n. Aeoovv, 1900. -----. The same. Sixfrnpa av(XTtvev6riKov. 152 pp. 8°. 'AQfjivcxic, rvttoypaep. NopiKi), 1901. Razetli (L). Editor of: !>]. Obituary. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvii, 33. Reach (A. J.) & Co. Physical culture; a man- ual of home exercise, showing with correct il- lustrations the best exercises for the develop- ment of the form and the maintenance of health and strength. 72 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, 188S. Reaction. See, also, Reagents. (■hilarducc-i (F.) Sopra una nuova forma della reazione degenerativa (reazione degenerativa a dis- tanza). Policlin., Roma, 1895, ii-M., 617-636.—Jost (L.) Leber die Reaktionsseschwindigkeit im Organismus. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, xxvi, 225-211.—Kraepe- lin (E.) & Merkel (J.) Beobachtungen bei zusam- meiiKesetzten Rcaetiotien. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1894, x, 499-506.—Smith iW. G.) Observations on the nature of human reaction movements. J. Physiol., Lond., 1900, xxv, p. xxvi.—Wundt (W.) Zur Beurtheilung der zu- sammengesetzten Reactionen. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1894, x, 485-498. Reaction time. See, also, Insane (Physical and mental charac- teristics of); Nerve-currents; Nervous system (Diseases of, Diagnosis, etc., of); Physiology (Experimental, Apparatus for); Psychology (Physiological). Dumreicher (0.) *Zur Messung der Reac- tionszeit, 8°. Stmssburg, 1889. Freudenthal (M.) * Untersuchungen iiber ilie Reactionszeit auf Schallreize. 8°. Wiirz- hurg, 1888. Froeberg (S.) The relation between the magnitude of stimulus and the time of reaction. 8°. New York, 1907. Jung (C. G.) * Ueber das Verhalten der Reaktionszeit beim Assoziationsexperimente. Habilitationsschrift, vorgelegt der medizini- schen Fakultat zu Zurich, zur Erlangung der Venia legendi. S°. Leipzig, 1905. Philippe (J.) *Technique du chronometre de d'Arsonval pour la mesure des temps psy- chiques. 8°. Paris, 1899. Roemer (E.) * Beitrag zur Bestimmung zu- sammengesetzter Reactionszeiten. [Heidel- berg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Also, in: Psychol. Arb., Leipz., 1895-6, i, 566-607. vox "Wittich (W.) Ueber die Schnelligkeit tmseres Empfindens und Wollens. 8°. Berlin, 1868. Alechsieff (N.) Reactionszeiten bei Durchgangs- bcobachtungen. Phil. Stud.. Leipz., 1900, xvi, 1-60, 2 diag.—Angell (J. R.) <.v. Moore (A. W.) Reaction time: a study in attention and habit. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1896, iii, 245-258. Also: Univ. Chicago. Contrib. Phil. Stud. Psychol. Lab., Chicago, 1896, 1-14,— Bachc (R. M.) Reaction time with reference to race. IM-chol. Rev., N.Y. & Lond., 1895, ii, 475-186.—Bald- win f J. M.) & Shaw (W. J.) Types of reaction. Ibid., 259-273. Also: Princeton Contrib. Psychol., Princeton, 1*95. i, 68-82.—von Beehterew (W.) Ueber die Ge- Bchwindigkeitsveriinderungen der psychischen Processe zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten, nach "den Untersuchun- gen von P. Ostankow und M. Gran. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1893, xii, 290-292.—van BiervJiet (J.J.) Ueber Reaction time. den Einfluss der Geschwindigkeit des Pulses auf die Zeitdauer der Reactionszeit bei Sehalleindrucken. Phil Stud., Leipz., 1894. x, 160: 1895, xi, 125.—Binet (A.) La perception de la duree dans les reactions simples. Rev. phil., Par., 1892, xxxiii, 650-659—Bliss (C. B.) Investi- gations in reaction-time and attention. Stud. Yale Psy- chol. Lab., N. Haven, 1892-3, 1-55.—Capriati (V.) Sul tempo di reazione agli stimoli elettro-cutaneidi intensita progressivamente crescente. Ann. di nevrol.. Napoli 1903, xxi, 401-411.—C'attell (J. McK.) & Dolley i (J. s.) On reaction times and the velocity Of the nervous im- pulse. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sc, Wash., 1895, vii, 391-415 — Colgrove (F. W.) The time required for recognition. Am. J. Psychol.. Worcester, 1898-9, x, 2*6-292.—Dela- barre (E. B). Logan (R. R.) & Beed (A.Z.) The force and rapidity of reaction movements. 1'svchol. Rev N.Y. & Lond., 1897, iv, 615-631—Dolley (C.'s.) & < al- tell (J. McK. i On reaction-times and the velocity of the nervous impulse. Ibiel., 1894, i, 159-168. Also, Reprint.— Doniselli (C.) II tempo di reazione dopo P ablazione di una zona nolandica. Arch, di risiol., Firenze,1904-5, ii, 288-29(i.—Edjsell (Beatrice). On time judgment. Am. L Psychol., Worcester, 1903, xiv, 415-438.- Fere (C.) Note sur le temps d'association, sur les conditions qui le font varier et sur les quelques consequences de ses varia- tions. Gaz. med. de Par., 1890, 7. s., vii, 207-210.—Franz (S. I.) Anomalous reaction-times in a case of manic- depressive depression. Psychol. Bull., N. Y., 1905, ii, 225-232.—Frieke (K.) Leber psychische Zeitmessung. I. Die einfache Reaktionszeit. 11. Zusammengesetzte Reaktionszeiten. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1-888-9, viii, 673: 1889-90,ix, 234; 437; 467. Grijns (G.) Bestimmun- gen der einfachen Reactionszeit bei Europiiern und Ma- layen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1902, 1-10.—Hall (G. S.) Reaction-time and attention in the hvpnotic state. Mind. Lond., 1883, viii, 170-182. Also, Reprint—Jas- Irow (J.) The time-relations of mental phenomena. Science, N. Y.. 1890, xvi, 99: 142; 155. Also, Reprint. -----. classification time. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1891-2, iv, 411-11"). -----. A sorting apparatus for the study of reaction-times. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1898, v. 279-285.- Jung (C. G.) Diagnostische Assozia- tionsstudiens. 4. Beitrag; iiber das Verhalten der Reak- tionszeit beim Assoziationsexperimente. J. f. Psychol. u. Neurol., Leipz., 1905-6, vi, 1-36.— Kiesow ( F.) Ueber die einfachen Reaktionszeiten der taktilen Belastungs- empfindung. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnes- org., Leipz., 1904, xxxv, 8-49.— Laliy (J.-M.) Sur le temps perdu des reactions physiologiques sous l'influence des excitants emotionnels. Arch. gen. de m6d..Par., 1905, i, 647-651.—Lapicque (L.) Sur le temps de reaction suivant les races ou les conditions sociales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1901, cxxxii, 1509-1511. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 639-642 — Myers (C. S.) Reaction-times. Rep. Cambridge an- throp. exped. Torres Straits, Cambridge, 1903, ii, pt. 2, 205-223.—IVadler (A. G.) Reaction-time in abnormal conditions of the nervous system. Stud. Y'ale Psychol. Lab., N. Haven, 1896, iv, 1-11.—Patrizi (M. L.) II tempo di reazione semplice studiato in rapporto colla surva pletismografica cerebrale. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1897, xxiii, 257-269.—Beigart (J. F.) & Santord (E. C.) On reaction-times when the stimulus is applied to the reacting hand. Am. J. Psvchol., Wor- cester, 1892-3, v, 351-355.—Butherl'ord (W.) On the measurement of simple reaction time for sight, hearing, and touch. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1894, 805 — Scripture (E. W.) Reaction-time and the time- memory in gymnastic work. Rep. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat,, N. Haven, 1894, ix, 44-49. -----. Researches on reaction-time. Stud. Yale Psychol. Lab., N. Haven, 1896, iv, 12-26. -----. Reaction-time in abnormal conditions of the nervous svstem. Psvchol. Rev., N. Y. .— J [onesl (H. C.) An investigation to determine whether there is change in weight in chemical reaction. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1906, xxxvi, 100-103.—von Jiiptner (H.) Wiirmeto- nung und freie Energie einiger chemischer Reaktionen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Leipz., 1905, pt. 2, 135-137. Reaolivos y reacciones. Lista alfabetica y de- scription breve de los reaetivos y de las reac- ciones conocidas por el nombre de los autores que las han descubierto, y una indieaeion alfa- betica de las substaucias ii las que se refieren los reactivos descritos por 11 redaccion de el Moni- tor de la farmacia v de la terapeutica. 303 pp. 8°. Madrid, B. Angle*. 1896. [Read (Al.-Phil.)] Traite du seigle ergote. 92 pp., 1 pl. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 779.] Read [Reade, Reid, Rliead or Rliae- dus] (Alexander) [15867-1641]. The chirur- gioall lectures of tumors and ulcers. Delivered on Tusedayes appointed for these exercises, and keeping of their courts in the Chirurgeans Hall these three veeres last past, viz., 1632, 1633, and 1634. 6 p. 1., 334 pp. sm. 4°. London, L. H, 1635. -----. The manuall of the anatomy, or dissec- tion of the body of man, containing the enume- ration and description of the parts of the same, which usually are shewed in the publick ana- tomicall exercises. 4 p. 1., 446 pp., 6 1. 24°. Loudon, F. Constable, 1642. -----. Chirurgo rum comes; or the whole prac- tice of chirurgery, begun by the learned Dr. Reed; continued and completed by a member of the College of Physicians in London. 11 p. 1., 714 pp. 12°. London, C. Wilkinson, 1687. For BV,graphy, see Diet. Nat. Biogr., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 424 (D'Arcy Power). Read (Alv). *Recherches de l'arsenic dans les cas d'empoisonnement. 74 pp. 4°. Baris, E. Thunot & Cie., 1867. [P., v. 1844.] Ecole de pharmacie. Read (Bertram Thomas) [lJSril-l903j. For Biographu, see Lancet. Lond., 1903, ii, 1839. Also: Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1903, n. s., lxxvii, 733. Read (Charles Coolidge). The insurance of children. Argument before the committee of insurance of the Massachusetts legislature, April 4, 1895, in behalf of the bill to prohibit the in- surance of children under ten years of age. 55 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Muelge & Son, 1895. Read (Charles Hercules).' see Glarson (John George) & Bead (Charles Her- cules). Notes and queries on anthropology, [etc.]. 16°. Londem, 1892. Read (Effie A.) *A contribution to the knowl- edge of the olfactory apparatus in dog, cat, and man. [Cornell.] ' pp. 17-47, 18 pl., 18 1. s°. Bed ti more, 1908. Cutting [with printed title] from: Am. J. Anat., Bait., 1908, viii. Read {Henry George) [ -1902]. P. (W. B.) In memoriam. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond., 1903, xxxviii, p. xxxv. Read (Jacobus Bond). *De tvpho. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., frat. Murray, 1795. Read {John). Power (D'A.) [Biography.] Diet.Nat.Biog.,Lond., 1896, xlvii, 351. Read (John) [1760-1847]. A description of Read's patent syringe, or stomach pump and lavement apparatus; with directions for its em- ployment; injecting the wounds inflicted by rabid animals, thereby preventing hydronhobia; containing also testimonials. 28 pp. 8°. Lon- don, W. G'lendinniug, [1833?]. Read {Louis W.) [1828-1900]. Obituary. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 748. Read {Sir William) [ -1715]. Frank(M.) Sir William Read: Queen Anne's(quack) oculist in ordinary. Detroit M. J., 1905-6, 217-221, port.— Scrcoiube (T.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 354.—Some famous quacks. Sir William Read. Practitioner, Lond., 1907, lxxviii, 416-421. Reade (Charles) [1814-84]. "An appeal," [on behalf of St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, London.] 2 1. 12°. [London, Harrison A' Sons, 1894.] Reade (Joseph Bancroft) [1801-71]. Boulger(G.S.) [Biography.] Diet.Nat.Biog.,Lond., 1896, xlvii, 360. Reade (Philip). History of the military can- teen. 168 pp. 8°. Chicago, C. J. Burroughs, 1901. Reade (Robert J.). Editor of: Dental Practice, Toronto, 1906-7. Reading. Dearborn (W. F.) The psychology of read- ing. An experimental study of the reading pauses and movements of the eye. 8°. New York, 1906. Hamilton (F. M.) The perceptual factors in reading, a quantitative study of the psycholog- ical processes involved in word perception. 8°. New York, 1907. J aval (E.) Physiologie de la lecture et de l'ecriture, suivie de deductions pratiques rela- tives k V hygiene, aux expertises en ecriture et aux progres de la typographic, de la cartogra- phic, de l'ecriture en relief pour les aveugles, etc. 8°. Betr is, 1905. Quantz (J. O.) Problems in the psychology of reading. 8°. New York <.(• London, 1897. Rolland (E.) Myope et bossu par flexion de la tete pendant la lecture. 8°. Bitris, 1902. Bravis (V.) Du mouvement des yeux dans la lec- ture. Lyon med., 1891, lxviii, 429-436. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d.sc. med.de Lyon (1891), 1892.xxxi, 191- 19y -Dearborn (W. F.) The fixation pauses of the eye in reading. J. Philos.,Psychol, [etc.],Lancaster,Pa., & N. Y 19U5 ii, 72.—Dimmer (F.) Lesen bei vertikalerStel- lungderZeilen. Arch.f.Ophth.,Leipz., 1907,lxvi, 189-194.— Dilttmann. UebereinenneuenLesestanderfiirKranke. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 1540.—lluey (E. B.) On the psychology and physiology of reading. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester! 1897-8. ix, 575: 1899-1900, xi, 283: 1900-1901, xii, 292,1 pl.—Laqueuri L.) Physiologische und psychologi- sche Bemerkungen iiber das Lesen. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz..PJOs.iv.210-229.—Lazin-Kki (A. F.) Ovliyanii razliehnavochteiiiya na khod assetsiatsiy; eksperimental- noyeizslledovaniye. [Influence of various forms of read- ing on association of ideas; experimental research.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1900, viii, no. 3, 67-101.—Mess- mer (O.) Zur Psychologie des Lesens bei Kindern und Krwachsenen. Arch, f. d. Res. Psychol., Leipz., 1903-4, ii, 1<)ii_-jiik.— Tliiiphy (F. G.) Books are injurious to the eves. N. York M..L,1900, lxxi, 551.—Nies*l von May- cikIoi-1 (E.) Leber eine direkteLeitung vom optischen zum kinasthetischen Rindenzentrum der Wort- und Buchstabenbildcr. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1335-1339.—Ogden (K. M.) Untersuchungen fiber den Einfluss der Geschwindigkeit des lauten Lesens auf das READING. 330 REALE. Reading-. Krlernen und Behalten von sinnlosen und sinnvollen Stod'.-n. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz., 1903-4, ii, 93- 19s.— <><»*i|>otf"(W. P.) Photographisches lautes Lesen. Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl., 1908, vi, 389-399.—Per- liens (E.) La lisibilite des caracteres d'impression. Cong, internat. d'opht. 1904, Lausanne, 1905, b234-b240. [Discussion], cl35.—Beading in bed. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1089.—Bolland (E.) Deviations de la taille des liseurs par flexion de la t6te pendant la lecture. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1902, xv, 37-45. -----. L'age de la lecture. Bull, d'ocul., Toulouse, 1908, 3. s., xxii, 55-60.—von Sarb<> (A.) Die phonomimische Me- thode des Lautlesenlernens vom arztlichen Standpunkte. Med.-padagog. Monatschr., Berl., 1907, xvii, 379-385.— Wieiiand (C.F.) Untersuchungen iiber die Bedeutung der Ge-taltu. II. Les i niatieresuruiini'iuesetinorganiquesdufoie et de* mu-clc- dans les premiers jours de la realinientation. .1. de phv- siol. et de path, gen., Par., 1904, vi, 193-203.—Kicliet K.) Realinientation. Des conditions de la realinientation apres le iefine. Zen- tralbl. f. d. ges. Phvsiol. u. Path. d. Stoffwechsels, Berl. & Wien, 1906, n. F., i," 161-167. Reality (The) of human vivisection. A review of a letter by William \Y. Keen, late president of the American Medical Association. 32 pp. 8°. Boston, 1901. Real-Lexieon der medicinischen Propadeutik: Anatomie, Physiologie, Histologic, pathologi- sche Anatomie, allgemeine Pathologie, Bakte- riologie, physiologische Psychologie, medicini- sche Chemie, Physik und Zoologie. Repetito- rium fiir studirende und praktische Aerzte. Unter Mitwirkung der Herrn . . . C. Benda. . ., CI. du Bois-Reymond . . ., R. du Bois-Reymond [et al.]. 3 v. 8°. Wien ct Leipzig, Urban ct Sch wa rzenberg, 189 [3-] 9. Reallexieon fiir Aerzte. Nachschlagebuch fiir die tiiglichen Bediirmisse in der Praxis mit An- gabe der Bezugsquellen und Preise. Hrsg. von Joh. Bierbach. 2. Aufl., 1907. 320 pp. 4°. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, 1907. Realseliule 1. Ordnung zu Stralsund. Pro- gramm Ostern 1868, durchwelcheszuderoffent- lichen Priifung, sowie zur Abiturienten-Entlas- sen, Donnerstag den 2. April, im Namen des Lehrercollegiums ehrerbietigst einladet der Di- rector Ernst Brandt. 50 pp. 4°. Stralsund, k. Beg.-Buchdr., 1868. Reamy (Thaddeus Asbury) [1829- ]. Report from the special committee on gynaecology to the Ohio State Medical Society, June, 1876." 22 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1876. -----. Laceration of the perineum. 16 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, 1878. Repr.from: Gynecol. Tr., Cincin., 187*. ------. Subinvolution of the uterus and vagina. In: Syst. Gynec. (Mann), 8°, Phila., ls,s7, i, 637-674. ------. The treatment of puerperal eclampsia. 12 pp. 8°. [New York], 1895. Repr. from: Am. Gynsec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vi. -----. In memoriam: Robert Battey, M. D., LL. D. 6 pp., port. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, ix. See, also, I'nderliill (J. W.) Valedictory address, etc. 8°. [n. p., 1**0, nlsubseej.] Reapers (J)i settles of). Cipriani (A. G.) Febbre dei mietitori e delle spigo- latrici; sua cura. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1289.— Deshriferes. Del'ulceredesmoissonneurs. Limousin med., Limoges, 1894, xviii, 130-133.— .1 aja (F.) Contri- buzione clinica alio studio dell' a ITezioue speciale del lab- bro inferiore descrittadal Moretti in Kecanate epaesi fini- timi. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano. 18*7, xxviii, 216- 228.—Moretti (O.) Aflezione speciale del labbro infe- riore osscrvata nella stagione estiva in Recanatie paesi finitimi. Kiv. clin. di Bologna, 18*6. 3. s., vi, 161; 493. 2pl. Also [Abstr.]: Atti Cong. gen. d. A-s. med. ital. 18*5, Perugia, 1886, xi, 171-176.— Tommasoli (P.) La cato- cheilite dei mietitori; considerazioni sopra un' affezione speciale del labbro inferiore, studiata per primo dal Dr. (). Moretti. Riv. clin., Bologna, 1887, 3. s., vii, 108-126. Rearclon (Timothy J.) Acute oedematousever- sion of the ventricle of Morgagni. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. ,L, 1907, lxxxv. Reau (Gustave). Des amauroses en general et de quelques amblyopies toxi<|iies en particulier. 73 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Sarip 1868. Reaubour;; (Gaston). * Etude organographi- que et anatomique de la famille des lardizaba- lees. [Paris.] 127 pp., 2 1. 8°. Nantes-snr- Seine, 1906, No. 10. Kcole de pharmacie. Reay ( Donald James Mackay), Baron [1839- ]. Address on opening the Gatty Marine Labora- tory, University of St. Andrews. 15 pp. 16°. Dundee, 1896. RE BARER. 332 REIiOUD. Rebarer (Frank E.). sc Savannah. Rebarer's digest. S-"\ Savannah, 1879. Rebatel (Fleury). Recherches experimentales sur la circulation dans les arteres coronaires. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1872. [P., v. 2052.] -----& Tirant (G.) Notes medicales recueil- lies en Tunisie. 15 pp. 8°. Lyon, Assoc, typog., 1874. [P., v. 2051.] Rebatel (Fleury) [1882- ]. *Le rire dans la demence precoce. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 132. Rebaute (F.-H.) Vade-mecum de medecine dosimetric]tie, ou guide pratique pour le traite- ment des maladies aigues et chroniques d'apres la methode du professeur Burggraeve, suivi d'un memorial toxicologique. xxii, 190 pp. 16°. Paris, 1881. Rebeek (Alberto Ettore). Bacterium d'Esche- rich e bacterium d'Eberth. Differenze morfo- logiche, biologiche e patogenetiche. Ricerche sperimentali. 1 p. l.,26pp. 8°. Salerno, frat. Jiwane, [181)6]. -----. Presenza e alterazioni nel sangue e nei vasi prodotte da lo streptococco del Fehleisen. Kicerche patogenetiche e anatomo-patologiche. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Salerno, frat. Joraue, [n. d.]. -----& Vitagliano (Giovanni Battista). Ca- suistica chirurgica delle operazioni praticate negli ospedali Ruggi d'Aragona e S. Giovanni di Dio nell' anno 1898. 32 pp. 8°. Salerno, A.Volpeei- Co., 1899. ------------. The same. Nell' anno 1899, con note di propedeutica e tecnica chirurgica. 46 pp. 8°. Salerno, A. Volpe A Co., 1900. Rebel (Jacobus Marinus). *Over de spontane verzwakking der virulentie van den diphtherie- bacil (Klebs-Loeffler). 112 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Utrecht, Kemink ct Zoon, 1890. c. Rebensburg ([Gustav] Hermann) [1874- ]. * Casuistische Beitriige zur chirurgischen Be- handlung von Gehirntumoren. 41 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1897. Rebentiseh ( E. ) *Der Weiberschiidel. [Strassburg.] 68 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, [1892]. Rebenliteli (Franz) [1880- ]. *Neubil- dungen am missbildeten Uterus. 32 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Miih, 1903. Rebentrost (David). See Friedlibin* (Amadeus), Rebentrost (David) &K.eiling (George). Collectanea curiosa de bismutho [etc.]. 16°. Dresden &■ Leipzig, 1718. Reber (Hans). *Zur Radikaloperation derFe- moralhernie. 48 pp. 8°. Basel, E. Birkhduser, 1907. Reber (Max). * Ueber eine bisher nicht be- schriebene Form von Rectalstrikturen und eine neue Behandlung derselben. [Basel.] 24 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1901. Repr. from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1901, xxxi, 1. Hft. Reber (Wendell). Six instances of color-blind women occurring in two generations of one family. 6 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia,!^.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi. -----. A clinical and statistical study of con- vergent strabismus. 20 pp. 12°. New York, A. B. Elliott Pub. Co., 1904. Repr.from: X. York M. .1. [etc.], 1904, lxxx. ------. The present status of preliminary iridec- tomy as related to cataract extraction. 29 pp. 12°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: X. York M. .1. [etc.], 1907. lxxxv. See, also, Hansell (Howard) & Reber (Wendell). A practical handbook on the muscular anomalies of the eve. 12°. Philadelphia. 1-9' — Text-book of diseases of the eve [etc.], rov. s-. p\ihtd. i,,loo. iyu3. Rebeyrolle (Emile). * Contribution a lVtude de la syphilis osseuse hcreditaire tardive dans ses manifestations epiphvsaires et articulaires 82 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 484. Rebiere (Jean-Joseph) [1863- ] *Des kystes hydatiques primitifs de la plevre. 56 pp. 4°. Paris. 1894, No. 37. Rebiere (Jean-Joseph) [1875- ]. Contri- bution a l'etude de la tuberculose dans ses rela- tions avec la grossesse et les suites de couches. 76 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 224. Rebiere-Laborcle (Leon) [1872- ]. -Con- tribution a l'etude clinique de la fausse angine de poitrine des hysteriques (deux cas nouveaux). 53 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 431. Rebierre ( Paul) [1879- ]. * Etudes sur les calculs urethraux autochtones. 52 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1892, No. 65. Rebillard (Ernest) [1864- ]. *Des pros- tatiques calculeux, et en particulier de leur trai- tement par Pepicystostomie (operation de Pon- cet). 82 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 117. Rebitzer (Berthold). *Zur Kenntnis des Krebses der Speiserohre. [Munich.] 32 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, J. L. Stich, 1889. Reblaud. Sec Dettweiler (Peter). Traitement hygienique de la phtisie. 8°. Paris, 1*8*. Reblaub(Th.) [1860- ]. * Etiologie et pa- thologie des cvstites non tuberculeuses chez la femme. 2 p. 1., 117 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 113. ------. The same. Des cvstites non tuberculeu- ses chez la femme (etiologie et pathogenie). 118 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1892. Rebinaiin (E.) & Seiler (H.) Der mensch- liche Korper, sein Bau und seine Thiitigkeiten, und Gesundheitslehre von H. Seiler. 3. Aufl. 160 pp., 1 pl. 24°. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1897. Sammlung Goschen. ------------. The same. 3. Aufl. 160 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1901. ------------. The same. 4. verbesserte Aufl. 153 pp., lpl. 12°. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1906. Rebmann (Friedrieh). * Ueber einen Fall von Carcinoma mammae virilis mit Cystenbildung. 28 pp. 8°. Ziiricli-Seln.au, Gebr. Leemann & Co., 1905. Rebold (Emmanuel). La medecine du pauvre et du riche; probleme resolu par le triple-electro- galvanique, nouveau systeme curatif, reunissant tous les avantages de la vieille medecine, de Phomeopathie, du magnetisme et de Phydro- therapie, sans presenter aucun de leurs incon- venients. 45 pp. 8°. Paris, 1853. Reboles y Campos (Gustavo). La peste bubonica o tifus Yersin. Resumen historico- practico de nuestros conocimientos acerca de dicha enfermedad y de los estudios bacterio- logicos modernos, con un prologo del Dr. Ma- nuel Alonso Saiiudo. xvii, 316 pp., 1 1. 12°. Madrid, Bailly-Bailliere e hijos, 1897. Also, Editor of: Agenda medico-quiriirgica de bol- sillo [etc.], Madrid, 1898-1901. Also, Editor of: Anuarlo internaeional de medicina y cirugia, Madrid, 1896-1906. Rebolledo Laugier {Enrique) [1853- 1908]. Necroloiiia. Med. mil. espan., Madrid, 1905-6, xii, 433. Reboud, Vaste dechirure de Piris, decolle- ment complet de Phyaloide avec retraction de tout le corps vitre sans decollement rctinien; acuite visuelle tres satisfaisante. 12 pp. 8°. Boris, G. St. inheil, 1891. REBOUIS. 333 RECENT. Rebouis (H.-Emile). Etude historique et cri- tique sur la peste. xi, 148 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Pieeird, 1888. Reboul (A.-E.-E.) [1873- ]. *De Pasthme prctuberculeux. xiii, 15-47 pp. 8°. Mont- pellitr, 1904, No. 9. Reboul (Charles-Fortune) [1867- ]. *Re- cherches sur Petiologie des chancres syphili- tiques cephaliques. 64 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1892, Xo. 24. Reboul (E.) * Etude botanique du Rhus cori- aria 1. (sumac des corroyeurs); etude chimique du fruit. 56 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 15. Feole de pharmacie. Reboul (Jean-Andre-Michel) [1875- ]. * Essai sur la pathogenie du suicide. 66 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900,"No. 66. Reboul (Jules) [1858- ]. *Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la tuberculose des os, des articulations et des synoviales tendineuses, de l'emploi des antiseptiques et en particulier du naphtol camphre. 247 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 131. -----. The same. 264 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1S90. -----. Des naphtols. Extrait de la these du dr. . . . Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la tuberculose des os, des articulations, etc. Paris, 1890. 16 pp. 8°. [Havre, Lemale &■ Cie., 1890.] -----.. A propos d'une tumeur de la paume de la main. 11 pp. 8C. [Pans, 1892.] Repr. from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1*92. i. -----. Craniectomie pour microcephalic; kyste serieux de la fosse frontale gauche; ameliora- tion des fonctions cerebrales. 11 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, 1893. Repr. from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., [1893], ii. -----. Kyste hydatique suppure de la rate com- muniquant avec la plevre gauche a travers une perforation dudiaphragme; laparotomie; ouver- ture large du kyste; guerison operatoire; mort cinq mois apres par kyste hydatique suppure du cerveau droit, ouvert dans le ventricle late- ral. 6 pp. 8°. Paris, 1896. Repr. from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v. Reboul (Ludovic). *Les tumeurs malignes de Pintestin chez les enfants. Etude clinique. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1904, No. 4. Reboul (Marie). *De la peritonite chronique, tuberculeuse. Etude critique des symptomes, difficulte du diagnostic. 64 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1897, No. 197. Reboulet (Claude) [1869- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de la pulpe dentaire exposee. 80 pp. 4°. Lyem, 1895, No. 1081. Rebreyend (Paul). *Les plaies perforantes de l'uterus. 219 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 269. -----. The same. 219 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Carre & C. Nuud, 1901. Rebrovski (A[leksiei Mikhailovich]) [1867- ]. (.) vnutriklletochnikh obrazovaniyakh pri rakle; patologo-histologicheskoye izslledo- vaniye. [On intracellular formations in cancer; pathologo-histological investigation.] 190, v pp., 1 pi. 8°. Kazan, 1896. Rebsamen (August). * Kritischer Beitrag zur Behandlung der Tuberkulose mit Zimmtsaure (Hetol) nach Landerer. [Lausanne.] 144 pp. 8°. Wintertime, Geschw. Ziegler, 1902. Rebufat (Ferdinand-Marie-Etienne) [1882- ]. *Le proces mental de Louis XVI. 55 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907, No. 47. Rebufli (Piene) [1487-1557]. Tractatus de sententiis pnejudicialibus sen provisionalibus, in quo etiam declarantur ordinationes regije materite huic congruentes. fol. Coloniw Allo- brogum, excud. P. de la Boviere, 1613. In: St'RDis (Joan. Petrus). Tractatus de alimentis, [etc.]. fol. Colonix Allobrogum, 1613, 697-736. Rebulet (J[ules]) [1852- ]. * Influence de Pheredite sur la frequence du cancer en Nor- mandie. 45 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 302. Rebuseliiui (Emilio). Sieroterapia. viii, 421 pp. 24°. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1898. ------. Organoterapia. viii, 441 pp. 16°. Mi- lano, U. Hoepli, 1899, ------. Le malattie del sangue. Manuale d' ematologia. viii, 432 pp. 24°. Milano, U. Hejepli, 1902. Rebustello(G.). See Cavazzani (A [lbertol) & Kebnstello (G.) Azione dell' urea sui centri, [etc.]. 8°. [Torino & Pa- lermo, 1892.]—Cavazzani ( A.) & Kebnstello (J.) De l'action de Puree, [etc.]. 8°. [n.p.,n.tl.] Rebyonok. [Child.] No. 1-8. 1905. 4°. S.-Peterburg. Suppl. to: Sputnik Zdorovya. Reeamier (Damas) [1882- ]. * Actions des rayons X sur le developpement de Pos. 58 pp., 21., 3 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 78. Reeamier (J.) Traitement du cancer uterin inoperable. 214 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1905. Reeamier (Jeanne - Francoise - Julie- Ade/aVde) [1777-184:9]. Caban&s. Le cas de Madame Reeamier. In his: Cabinet secret, Par., 1897, 2. s., 265-273. ——-. La cecite de Mme. Reeamier. Chron. med., Par., 1906, xiii, 161-174. Reeamier (Joseph- Claude - Anthelme) [1774-1852]. [Biography.] Practitioner, Lond., 1899, lxii, 6*2- 685, port. ------. See, also: Triade (P.) Reeamier et ses contemporains, 1774-1852. 8°. Baris, 1899. Triaire ( P. ) Reeamier, pr6curseur de Brandt. [Abstr.] Rev. internat. d'electfother., Par., 1898-9, ix, 305-312. For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac. de med. de Par. 4°. Paris. 1896. Reeasens Oirol (Sebastian). Notas clinicas. Ventajas del eter sobre el cloroformo como anestesico general. Deformidades consecutivas al noma de la boca. Algunas observaciones de quistes dermoideos del ovario. 37 pp. 8°. Barcelona, Balmas, Casamajo A Co., 1897. ------. Lecciones de ginecologia. Kecopiladas por sus ayudantes, Adolfo Pujol y Brull y Luis Ruiz Vicent. 348, iii pp. 12°. Barcelona, J. Cu nil/, 1900. ------. Tratado de cirugia de la infancia. 2 v. 524 pp., 4 1.; 360 pp. 8°. Beircelona, A. Lopez, 1901-2. ------. Tratado de obstetricia. 1008 pp. roy. 8°. Barcelona, Saleal & Co., [1906]. Reeelii (Nardo Antonio). See Hernandez (Franciscus). Rerum medicarum [etc.]. fol. Romiv. 1651. Reeent advances in physiology and bio-chem- istry. Edited by Leonard Hill. Contributors: Benjamin Moore, Leonard Hill, J. J. R. Mac- leod, M. >S. Pembrey, and A. P. Beddard. xi, 710 pp. 8°. New York, Longmans, Green et Co., 1906. Reeent (The) practical improvements in gen- erating ozone. See Johnson & Johnson. Reeent therapeutical notes on the use of "pa- poid " (Carica papaya) in tin? treatment of dys- pepsia and diphtheria. 32 pp. 8°. [Neiv York, n. d. ] . REUEPTACULUM. 334 RECK. Receptaculum chyli. See Thoracic duct. Reception of Benjamin A. Gould by his fellow citizens of Boston and vicinity, June 22, 1874. 32 pp. 8°. Boston, Band, A eery A Co., 1874. Reception Cottage, Saranac Lake, New York. Annual reports of the managers to the contribu- tors. 2., 1902-3; 3., 1903-4. 8 pp.; 12 pp. 12°. [Saretnac Lake], 1903-4. Rccettes medicales pour les maladies cutanees, traduites d'un fragment egyptien, en dialecte thebain, par J.-F. Champollion le jeune. 11 pp. 8°. [Baris, C. Lahure, n. d.] Repr.from: Rev. archeol., Par., [1854?], xi. Recti (Jacob) [1866- ]. *Graphische Un- tersuchungen iiber normale und pathologische Herzstossformen. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bonn, Hauptmann, [1890]. Recli (Julius). * Ueber Him- und Riicken- markshernien. 53 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1896. Recliat ( Leon ) [1859- ]. *Les eaux thermo-minerales de la Boucle de PAllier. Les Martres-de-Yeyre, Corent, Sainte-Marguerite. [Lyons.] 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1894, No. 163. Reche (Fritz) [1874- ]. * Ueber antisep- tische Beeinflussnng des Harns durch innerlich dargereichte Antiseptika. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Breslau, Grass, 1902. Reche (Joannes Guilielmus). * De medicamen- torum resolventium diversis generibus. 1 p. 1., 50 pp. 4°. Duisburgi, vid. Straub, 1760. Reche (Otto) [1S79- ]. * Ueber Form und Funktion der Halswirbelsitule der Wale. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Bresleiu, O. Gutsmann,1904. Rechenbach (Carl) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von sog. "Lupus vulvas". 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer ei: Co., 1901. von Reclienberg (Carl). Die Ernahrung der Handweber in der Amtshauptmannschaft Zit- tau. Gedruckt mit Unterstiitzung der konigl. siichsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. iv (1 1.), 80 pp. 8°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1890. von Reclienberg (Otto) [1859- ]. * Ueber das Verhalten des Anilins zur salzsauren Amido- salicylsiiure. 36 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1890. Reclienberg (Oskar Ernst) [1871- ]. *Ein Fall von Luxatio femoris centralis. [Kiel.] 24 pp., 1 pl., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1904. Rechenlieft zum Gebrauch in psychiatrischen Kliniken. 20 pp. 4°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, [n. d.]. Reclicnscliafts-Bericht des Central-Comite [etc.]. See Deutsche Vereine vom rothen Kreuz. Recherches cliniques et therapeutiques sur Pepilepsie, Physterieet Pidiotie. Compte rendu du service des enfants idiots, epileptiques et ar- rieres de Bicetre pendant les annees 1889-99 et 1901, par Bourneville, Sollier, A. Pilliet. v. 10- 20 & 22. 8°. Paris, Lecrosnier & Babe, 1890- 1902. Recherches sur les effets et le mode d'action des bains de mer. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, C. De- zauehe, 1830. Repr.from: Gaz. med. de Par., 1830, i. Recherches sur le pouls. See de Bordeu (Theophile). Rcchholtz (Ferdinand). *Zur Histologic der Arthritis deformans. 28 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Scheiner, 1892. Rcchncr (Zacharie). * Contribution a l'etude du pincement et de la ligature des arteres ute- rines, comme procede hemostatique et atro- phiant dans le traitement des flbromes uterins 69 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 464. Rechniewska (Witolda Clara) [1862- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du prolapsus de la mu- queuse urethrale chez la femme. 61 pp. 8° Paris, 1900, No. 571. Rechnitz (Fritz). * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Kiefferklemme. [Wurzburg.] 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, F. Cynamon, 1891. Recht (Nathan) [1859- ]. *De la miction chez les femmes en couches. <>2 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1894, No. 152. -----. The same. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1894. Rechtmessige Defension und Verantwortung . . . Biirgermeistern und Raths . . . Weerdt an der Tonaw gelegen. Wider die Notorische und Landkundige zwey underschiedliche Doctorn Georgen am und vom Waldts . . . under sein Tractetlin Panacea ... 42 pp. sm. 4°. Franckfurt am Mayn, M. Lechler, 1593. Rcchlsaincr (Mme.) * Des troubles cardiaques simulant Phypertrophiecardiaquede croissance. 78 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 209. Rechtsprechung und Medizinal-Gesetzge- bung. Beilage zur Zeitschrift fiir Medizinal- Beamte. 1891-1908. 8°. Berlin. Current. Issued with: Zeitscliril't fiir iledizinal- Beamte. Recidivists. See, also, Crime (Statistics of); Punishment. Koren (J. ) Some statistics of recidivism among misdemeanants in Boston. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost., 1901, vii, 271-309.—Morel (J.) Die psychologische Be- schaffenheit der riickfalligen Verbrecher. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psycbol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, ii, 219-231.—Suth- erland (.!. F.) Recidivism regarded from the environ- mental and psychopathological standpoints. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1907, liii, 341; 568: 1908, liv, 289. Recife. Estatlstica demographo-sanitaria da cidade do Re- cife. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1897-8, 5. s., i, 192.—de Frei- tas (O.) A nupcialidade no Recife. J. de med. de Per- nambuco, 1905, i, 29-31. -----. A natalidade no Recife. Ibiel., 38-41. Also: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1905, xix, 212-214. Recio (Pedro). Calatraveiio. El Dr. Pedro Recio de Agiiero, me- dico de la Insula Barataria. Rev. mexi.-hidrol. espafi., Madrid, 1905, vi, 195-198. Reek (A. B.) Materiel de desinfection systeme Reck. Traitement par la vapeur a basse pres- sion sans mouiller les objets, duree reduite a 45 minutes charge et evacuation incluses. Bre- vet obtenu ou demande dans la plupart des etats europeens, aux Etats-Unis, etc. 19 pp. 8°. Copenhague, J.-B. Qrist ct- Cie., 1893. -----. The same. Reek's disinfector, whereby the duration of a low-pressure steam process, which does not wet the objects, is lowered to 45 minutes, inclusive of filling and emptying. Patented or patent applied for in most of the European States, in the United States of America, etc. 19 pp. 8°. Copenhagen, J. D. Qvist& Co., 1893. Reck (Friedrieh) [1827-78]. Die Gesundheits- verhaltnisse der Stadt Braunschweig in den Jahren 1864-73 und die Verbreitung der Cho- lera daselbst, in den Jahren 1850 und 1855. 1 p. 1., 15, 8, 19 pp., 3 pl., 2 tab. 4°. Braun- schweig, [n. d.]. Reck (Paul). * Untersuchungen des Harns auf Mikrooryranismen bei acuter Nephritis. 23 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Scheiner, 1891. RECKE. 335 RECORD. Reckc (Friedrieh Martin) [1877- ]. * Yer- gleichende experimentelle Untersuchungen lo- kalanasthesierender Mittel. 50 pp., 3 1. 8?. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. von tier Reckc (Wilhelm). Beitrag zur Ruhr aus Curland im August 1875. ' 2 1. 8°. [Mitau, J. F. Stejfenhagen ct- Sohn, 1875.] _____. Das Sanitatswesen. 48 pp. 8°. Mitau, J. F. Slefenhagen ct- Sohn, 1877. van Rcckelinghuysen (Joannes). *De morbo hvdropico. 1 p. 1., 6 pp., 1 1. 4°. Har- deroriei, J. Moojen, 1760. [P., v. 1934. ]_ Reckert (Hermann). * Ueber kombinierte cel- lulare Degenerations-Formen in einem Ovarial- cystoid. 39 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, J. Seylmeyr, 1891. Reekleben. Allgemeine Thierheilkunde be- treffend die Krankheiten des Rindviehs, des Pferdes, der Schaafe, Schweine, etc. MS. notes bv Moritz Leo Wolf. 364 pp. 4°. Berlin, 1823. Reekleben (Hans). * Ueber das Allylanilin und einige Derivate desselben und Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Azoverbindungen und ihrer Um- lagerungsprodukte bei der Reduktion. 47 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. Vol troth, 1893. von Recklinghausen (Emil) [1867- ]. *Uel»er einen Fall von schwartiger adhiisiver Perikarditis in Folge primiirer Tuberculose des Perikards. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1892. von Recklinghausen (Friedrieh Daniel) [1833- ]. Die fibrose oder deformirende Ostitis, die Osteomalacie und die osteoplastische Carcinose in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen. 89 pp., 5 pl. fol. Berlin, 1891. In: Festschr. Rudolf Virchow, Berl., 1891. -----. The same. 89 pp., 5 pl. (3 col.) fol. [Berlin, G. Beimer, 1891.] -----. Die Adenomyome und Cystadenome der Uterus- und Tubenwandung; ihre Abkunft von Resten des Wolffschen Kdrpers. Im Anhang: Klinische Notizen zu den voluminosen Adeno- mvomen des Uterus, von W. A. Freund. 1 p. 1.," 247 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1896. For Biography, see Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 934 (Ribbert.) Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 2103-2105 (E. R.). Also: Wien. klin, Rundschau, 1904. xvii, 104 (F.). Recklinghausen's disease. See Myxoedema in infants, etc.; Neurofi- broma. Rs°. Dublin cfc London, 1888. Faber (E. E.) Skema til udsporgen, under- S0gelse og udarbejelsen af journal over patienter med medicinske sygdomme. [Form for inves- tigation, examination, and compilation of a journal for patients with medicinal diseases.] 16°. Kobenhavn dc Kristiania, 1905. Fischer's Kalender fiir Mediciner. Hrsg. von A. Seidel. 1895. 24°. Berlin, 1895. General (A)case record adapted to all the wants of physicians and students, securing a maximum of record with a minimum of labor. Improved ed. 4°. Ann Arbor, 1886. Hints for clinical clerks in medical cases. 12°. London, 1862. Kalender fiir Mediciner. Hrsg. von B. Holz. 1891-3. 24°. Berlin, 1891-3. Kruche (A.) Aerztliches Yademecum und Taschenkalender fiir die Jahre 1895-1901. Zum Gebrauch fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 7 Nos. 16°. Munchen, [1895-1900]. Laache (S.) Momenter til udarbeidelse af medicinske sygejournaler med angivelseaf endel symptomatoiogiske holdepunkter, til brug for medicinske studerende. [Data for the elabora- tion of a clinical diary, with the indication of symptoms, etc.; for the use of medical stud- ents.] 16°. Kristiania, 1905. Lalande (J.-J.-Le F.) Almanac des physi- ciens. 16°. Paris, [1801]. Life (The) register. 12°. London, 1888. Medical (The) News visiting-list, 1891. 16°. Philadelphia, 1890. Medicinal-Kalender. Taschenbuch fiir Ci- viliirzte. Einunddreissigster Jahrg., 1889. Hrsg. von L. Wittelshofer. 16°. Wien, 1889. ------. The same. Hrsg. von H. Adler. 16°. Wien, [1891]. Medicinal-Kalender und Recept-Taschen- buch. Hrsg. von H. Lohnstein v. 1-2, 1894-5; v. 7-14, 1900-1907. 12u. [Berlin.] Meyer's Sehreibtisch-Wochen-Kalender fiir Aerzte auf das Jahr 1902. Mit Terminskalen- der, mit den VVochenlisten zum Ausschreiben der Besuche sowie mit den Tabellen und Zusani- menstellungen fiir den taglichen Gebrauch am Sehreibtisch. fol. Hedherstudt, 1902. Nastolnaya kniga dlya zapisivaniya bolnikh i neobkhodemikh spravok na 189-g. [A table book for recording the patients and necessarv data for. . .] sm. 4°. S.-Peterburg, [1889]. " Neues allgemeines Recepttaschenbuch. Hrsg. vom Aerztlichen Centralanzeiger. 24°. Leip- zig & Wien, [1893?]. Xotizkalender und Adressbuch fiir prakti- sche Aerzte, [etc.]. v. 3-10. 12°. Berlin, 1888-95. Pexsuti (Y.) Manualetto di clinografia; nuovo metodo di scrittura clinica universale. 12°. Boma, 1904. Physical diagnosis record charts, obi. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., [n. d.]. RECORDS. 337 RECORDS, Records (Mt dical). Physician's (The) visiting list for 1894. 16°. Philadelphia, [1893]. Salaghi (S. S.) Sunto di studi schematici e delle loro applicazioni cliniche. 8°. Bologna, 1890. af Schulten (M. W.) Vagledning for uppta- gandet af sjukhistoriei' pa kirurgins omriide. For de studerandes behof sammanstald. [Guide for recording clinical histories in the physician's practice. Compiled for the use of students.] 12°. Helsingfors, 1890. Segur (G. C.) The physician's bedside rec- ord for the systematic recording of clinical notes and their permanent filing for future reference. 16°. Hartford, Conn., 1888. Sheen (A.) A new system of medical book- keeping for general practitioners, being a paper read befoie the South Wales and Monmouth- shire Branch of the British Medical Association in 1875. fol. Cardiff, [1875]. Siebold (K. K.) Chirurgisches Tagebuch. 8°. Niirnberg, 1792. Silvagni (L.) L' anamnesi nelle malattie mediche. Note ed avvertenze per medici e stu- denti. Con prefazione del Prof. Augusto Murri. 12°. Bologna, 1906. Specielle Kranken - Tabellen zur sofortigen leichten Uebersicht fiir praktische Aerzte. 10. Aufl. fol. Leipzig, 1890. ------. The same. 15. Aufl. fol. Leipzig, 1897. Taschen-Kalender fiir die Aerzte des Deut- schen Reiches. Hrsg. von Lorenz. v. 1-5, 1889-92. 12°. Berlin, 1889-92. Truskolyavski (Ts. F.) *K voprosu o za- gryaznenii skorbnikh listkov i knig v bolnitsakh mikroorganizmami. [On the infection of clin- ical charts and books in hospitals by microor- ganisms.] 8°. S.-Beterburg., 1894. Waardenburg (H. G.) * De ratione historian morbi scribendye. 8°. Lugd. Bat., 1829. Wilson (J. C.) Wilson's pocket visiting list. Sixty patients each week. Perpetual. Arranged for the use of practitioners. 12°. Bhiladelphia, [1894]. Barach (J. H.) An observationehart. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 339.—Benedict (A. L.) The card and envelope system of records. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, sno-895.—Black (C. E.) The card system in medical practice. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1903, xxiv, 751; 797— Cabot (F.) History blanks. Post- Graduate, N. Y.. 1907, xxii, 436-43*.—I'aille (A.) Clin- ical diagnosis chart and record; a guide to bedside diag- nosis for use in medical schools and in practice. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, X. Y., 1899, xi, 1-42-144— < 'a r I isle (K. J.) [et al.]. The Bellevue Hospital system of taking and pre- serving histories of cases. M. & S. Rep. Bellevue . . . Hosp.,N. Y., 1904, i, 7-10.—Casatl (E.) Narrazione del caso ed andamento della malattia. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1895-6, lxx, 36.— < havigny. L'artde prendre des notes etde lesclasser: ses applica- tions en medecine; leclassementdesobservations. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 97-107. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1903, ii, 469.— < ustis (A. F.) Notes on books of original entries, with special reference to use of physicians. Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii, 312: 325. [Discussion], 319.—Dickinson (R.L.) The card index or card catalogue as adapted to historv-tuking in private practice. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1894, xlvi, son.—Directions lor reporting medical and surgical cases. Med. Re- porter, Calcutta, 1895, vi, 117; 152; 230.—Dr. Wie sol leu wir Krankengeschichten abfassen? Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1895, ix, 133-136.—Kiting (A. W.) Remarks on the method of keeping histories of surgical patients in the Albany Hospital. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1902, xx, 148-150.—Farr (C. B.) A method of preserving and filing medical records by means of special envelopes or pockets. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 2113.— Fisac (G.) De la publicidad de las historias clinicas. Siglo m.VL, Madrid, 1903, 1, 614; 632.—Frank (O.) Die Vervielfaltigung von Curven auf photomechanischem Wege. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1894, 128.—Prtthllch. Das neue Rapportmuster, verglichen mit dem bisherigen VOL XIV, 2D SERIE8----22 Records (Medical). Rapportschema; ein Riickblick. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1896, xxv, 522-528.—liebser. Zur Aus- wahlder Krankheitsfalle fiir die Volksheil-tatten. Kor.- Bl. d. arztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks. Ver. im Konigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1898, lxv, 192.—Gould (G. M.) The life-study of patients, or the biographic and multiple biographic method of discovering medical truth. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 218-221. Also, Reprint.—Goyder. [Stencil plates for aiding the record of cases.] Rep. Proc. North- nmb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1881-2, 113.—Griffith (J. P. C.) On a new graphic clinical chart. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1889, 3. s., xi, 244-250,1 ch — Halliburton (W. D.) Reports to the Scientific Grants Committee of the British Medical Association. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1114-1117.—I la 11 Ion (L.) Sur le classe- ment des notes. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 617- 620.—Harmon (C.) Methods in case-recording. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1907, xxvii, 1-13.—Heiberg (P.) Studier over den statistiske Undersggelsesmetode som Hjselpe- middel ved terapeutiske Unders0gelser. [Studies on the statistical method of investigation as a help in thera- peutic researches.} Bibliot. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1897, 7. R., viii, 1-40. — Hirshberg (L. K.) System and the doctor. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv, 1090-1092.—Hun- ter (j.) The irreparable loss of unrecorded experience. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1908, xxxiii, 621-626. Also:St. LouisM. Rev., 1908,lvii,347-350.—Hutchinson (J.) Synoptical case-headings. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1897. viii, 43-48.—Keen (W. W.) Literary methods in medi- cine. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. s., i, 46-58. Also, Re- print.—Kenersou (V.) Personally kept medical rec- ords; suggestions. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1906-7, xiii, 20- 28.—Kirchgasser. Wochenkarten iiber ansteckende Krankheiten an die praktischen Aerzte. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berl., 1905, xviii, 621-62"4.—Kohler (A.) Ueber die Mitteilungsbefugnis der vollstandigen arztlichen Gutachten. Charit6-Ann., Berl., 1905, xxix, 479-485.— Lazarus. Vereinfachte Form des Krankenberichts. Deutsche Krankenpflg.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, iv, 209-213.— lioos (Julia C.) Case records and their use. Critique, Denver, 1908, xv, 397-102—Mahon (W.) Hospital case records. Nat. Hosp. & San. Rec, Detroit, 1897-8, i, no. 10, 1-4.—Medical book-keeping. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 44-47— Methods of keeping case records in private practice. Internat.Clin.,Phila.,1902,iv, 281-293. Also, Re- print.—Moll (A.) Die Beschlagnahme eines arztlichen Krankenjournals. Arch.f.off.Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1903, xxii, 525-531.—Moore (Sir J. W.) Clinical case taking. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 398-401.— Mosher (J. M.) Clinical records and bedside notes. Rep. St. Lawrence State Hosp. 1894, Albany. 1895, viii, 112- 115.6 diag.—Naumoff(I. I.) & Obraztsoff (V. N.) Doklad kommissii po peresmotru novavo obraztsa istorii bollezni Vinnitskoi Okruzhnol Liechebnitsi. [Report of the commission on the examination of the new method of history of disease of the Vinnitsa Circuit Hospital.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1903, xi, no. 2, 144-151.—Nel- son (T.) Medical book-keeping without books; the card system. Birmingh.M.Rev.,1899,xlvi, 145-152.—Pas- more (E.S.) How to take a family history. Brit.M.J., Lond., 1904. ii, 979.—Pensutl (V.) La elinografia nei ' suoi punti principali. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1904, xxx, 1; 57; 113; 141, 5 pl. Also, Reprint.—Power ( D'A.) A new clinical chart. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1905, xlviii, 129-132,1 ch.—Recording "ins" and "outs" and pa- tients. Nat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1905-6, ix, no. 9, 20-22.— Richardson (M. H.) On the significance of clinical histories before and after operative demonstration of the real lesion. Boston M.& S. J., 1908, clviii, 469; 613. [Dis- cussion] , 488-490.—Roberts (F.) A practical outline of case-taking. Clin. J., Lond., 1901. xviii, 257-265.—Sou- < lion (E.) The methodic description of a surgical di- ease. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, is96,xxvi,80;148. Also, Re- print.—Steenberg (A. S.) Katalogisering af Sygejour- naler. [Cataloguing the records of the sick.] Lgeskr. f. La-ger, K0benh., 1903, 6. R., x, 577-5*3.—Syezd Rossiy- skikh Khirurgov. [Congress of Russian Surgeons.] Do- klad komissiiovirabotkleklassifikat^iikbirurgicheskikh zabolievaniy i form! otchotov bolniehnikh khirurgiche- skikh otdleleniy. [Report of the commission on working out a classification of surgical diseases and forms of re- ports of hospital surgical divisions.] Russk. Khirurg. Obozr., Mosk., 1903, i, 611: 769.—Taylor (J. M.) Clinical records of families. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, xxi, 69-71.—Teale (T. P.) On the use of diagram and rough drawing in the record of surgical cases. Fest- schr. z. Feier . . . Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 87-92,1 diag.—To bin (R. F.) The promotion of uniform- ity in the registration of diseases in hospitals. Brit. M. J.", Lond., 1908, i, 1480.—von deiiVelden (F.) Die Wichtigkeit der Familienanamne.se. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1908, xviii, 429-431.—Wessels (F. E.) Diffi- culties of medical reporting. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 423.— Wetherill (H. G.) Careful case recording as a factor in exact diagnosis, and an aid to rational treatment. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1896, :L,-3S4. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiv, 239-244.—Wilks (Sir S.l On the importance of having a hislory of diseases. [Abstr.] RECORDS. 338 RKCIUTJ'S. Records (Medical). Med. Mag., Lond., 1901, x, 647-654.—Wilson (G. F.) A clinical chart for the records of patients in small hospit- als. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlv, 920. Records of the iEsculapian. [Also Regula- tions of the ^Esculapian Club as at 1st March, 1884, 2 pp.] 14 pp. sm. 4°. Edinburgh, F. Murray, 1888. Records of demonstrations of patients at the clinical museum, ii, 31 pp. 8°. [//. p., n. d.] Records of the Egyptian Government School of Medicine, v. 1-3. fol. Cairo, 1901-5. Records of Harvey in extracts from the Jour- nals of the Royal Hospital of St. Bartholomew; with notes by James Paget. 43 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1846. Records (The) of the Virginia Company of London; the court book from the manuscript in the Library of Congress. Edited with an intro- duction and bibliography, by Susan Myra Kingsbury; preface by Herbert Levi Osgood. 2 v. 636pp.; 611 pp., lpl. 4°. Washington, Goe. Print. Office, 1906. Recorfano. See Scarlatina (History, etc., of), by localities. Recoul j (Maurice) [1875- ]. *De la valeur de l'anus iliaque comme operation palliative dans le cancer de la partie terminale du gros intestin (S iliaque, rectum). 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1902, Xo. 40. Recours (Pierre-Paul) [1870- ]. *De l'evi- sceration post-opcratoire spontanee. 154 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 71. Recreation. See, also, Hygiene (Bersonal). Odell OV\) Recreation. 8°. Torquay & London, 1893. Herdman (YV. J.) Recreation in its effects upon the nervous svstem. Bull. Am. Acad. Med., Easton, 1905-6, vii, 277-285. [Discussion], 298-308.—Influence (The) of recreation upon the individual and the community [a symposium]. Ibid., 269-308.—McCaskey (G. W.) The physiology of recreation. Ibid., 269-276. [Discussion], 298-308. Also [Abstr.]: N.York M.J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 84-87.—Wilson (G. R.) Relaxation and recreation. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1897-8, xiv, 1-16. -----. Rational enjoyment. Ibid., 1898-9, xv, 149-167.—Wright (Emily). Duty of the employer to employe as regards recreation: duty to the poor. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1906, xvi, 69. Recruits. See, also, Armies (Becruiting of). Alphabetische Anordnung der bei der Un- tersuchung von Militarpflichtigen und Rekruten in Betracht kommenden Fehler nach Anlage I der Heerordnung. Zum Gebrauch beim Er- satzgeschaft und bei Einstellungen, zusammen- gestellt von Korting. 7. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1904. Cassedebat (P.-A.) De l'entrainement et de ses effets chez le fantassin. 16°. Baris, 1901. Fortegnelse over Udskrivningsdistrikterne og disses Inddeling i Rulleforerkredse og Lod- troekningsdistrikter. [Specification of recruit- ing districts (levy districts); their division, etc.] fol. Christiania, 1877. Gould (B. A.) Ages of U. S. volunteer sol- diery. 8°. New York, 1866. Korting. Alphabetische Anordnung der bei der Untersuchung von Militarpflichtigen und Rekruten in Betracht kommenden Fehler mit Bezugnahme auf die Heerordnung vom 22. No- vember 1888 und ihre Abiinderungen vom Jahre 1S93, sowie auf die Dienstanweisung vom 1. Februar 1894; zum Gebrauch beim Ersatzge- schiift und bei Einstellungen. 6. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Recruits. Myrdacz (P.) Ergebnisse der Sanitiits-Sta- tistik des k. k. Heeres in den Jahren 1SS3-7. 1. Theil. Ergebnisse der Recrutirungs-Statistik 8°. Wien, 1889. _ -----. Aerztliche Rekrutiernngsstatistik von Oesterreich-Ungarn in den Jahren 1894-1905. 8°. Wien, 1907. Repr. from: Streffleurs mil. Ztschr. zugleich Organ d. mil.-wissensch. Vereine, 1907. Nebogin (N. A.) * Material! k voprosu o vliyanii lagernikh sborov i manevrov na fizi- cheskoye razvitiye 'nizhnikh chinov. [In- fluence of camp life and field maneuvers on the physical development of enlisted men.] s°. Vilna, 1893. Woodhull (A. A.) The enlisted soldier. 8°. Washington, 1890. Repr.from: J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, N. Y. H., 1890. Adams (C.) Physical characteristics of ten thousand men: the results of the physical examination of 9,901 offi- cers and men of the Illinois National Guard. Med. Stand- ard, Chicago, 1*98, xxi, 9-11.—Ali'eyeft*(I. Y.) Ob izmle- nenii vlesa u molodikh soldat v perviye mlesyatsl ikh sluzhbi. [Changesof weightinyoungsoldiersduringthe first months of their service.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1903, iii, med. pt., 732-744.—Alsberg (M.) Militiir- untaugPchkeit und Grossstadt-Einfluss. Arch. f. Ktissen- u. Gesellsch.-Biol., Miinchen, 1908, v, 729-742.—Andre- yeft"(D. T.) Matiriali po vo'inskomu prisutstviyu Kras- ninskavo uyezda Smolenskoi gub. s 1874 g. po 1895 g. [Data of the military recruiting station of Krasinsk county, Smolensk government, 1874 to 1895.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1899, pt. 2, 465; 553, 6 diap.—Austin (R. F. E.) Respiratory train- ing for the soldier. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vii. 528 — AvramofffP. G.) K voprosu o vliyanii na soldat pervavo polugodiya sluzhbi. • [Influence on soldiers of the first half year of their service.] VovenHo- med. J., St. Petersb., 1903, ii, 125-134.—Bairaslievski (O.) K voprosu o vliyanii lagerel na fizicheskoye razvi- tiye nizhnikh chinov. [Influence of camps on the phys- ical development of enlisted men.] Ibid., 1901, lxxix, med.-spec.pt.,3460-3479.—Beevon (W.C.) The recruit- ing problem. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 277-279.—Cliau- vel. Des pertes que subissent par la r^forme les engages volontaires dans les differentes armes; influence de l'Age d'entree dans l'armee. Caduc6e, Par., 1906, vi, 19-. — Chirkin ( F. F.) K voprosu o na'ibolleye chastikh prichinakh skoropostizhnol smerti nizhnikh chinov Var- shavskavo Voyennavo Okruga i o stepeni vozmozhnosti yeya preduprezhdeniya.] [Reasons for most frequent causes of sudden death of enlisted men of the Warsaw military circuit and on the extent of its possible preven- tion.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1901, lxxix, med.- spec. pt., 3099-3144.—Chopinet (C.) & LevSque (E.) Du recrutement dans le Departement des Landes; £tude sur la population landaise. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, xxvi, pt. 2, 614-644.—Coates (G. M.) The efficiency of the enlisted men in the hospi- tal corps, with particular reference to the national guard. ,1. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xviii, 96-106. Also, Reprint.—Codeluppi(V.) II misdea di Spezia; contri- buto alio studio del delinquente soldato. Riforma med., Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 1,112; 122.—(uperus (N. J.) Be- schouwing over de opmerkingen van Dr. Blok omtrent ons keuringsreglement bij militairen. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1902, vi, 230-234.—Daae (H.) Ueber die Zunahme der Korpergrosse der militarpflichtigen Ju- gend in Norwegen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 721-723.—Davy (F. A.) The blot in recruit training. J. Roy. U. Service Inst., Lond., 1907, li, 1076- 1106.—Dunlop (F. P.) [et al.]. [Six prize-essays under same title.] The best, least irksome, and least costly method of securing the male able-bodied youth of this country for service in the regular or auxiliary forces as existing, and for expanding those forces in time of war. J6id„1906, [Suppl.], 1-147,3pl.,1 map.—Evanw (R.C.T.) Racial aspect of voluntary enlistment. Nature, Lond., 1899-1900, lxi, 200—Fairland (E.) A plea for the re- cruit. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond., 1903, i, 211:1907, V, 397.-----. An additional plea for the recruit. Ibid., 1905, v, 397-399. —Forssberg ( E.) Om vexlingar l kroppslangden hos kavallerirekryter. [Changes of the length of the body in cavalry recruits.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1899, xxiv, 19-28.—Freund (H.) Rekrutenkrankheiten. Militararzt, Wien, 1906, xl, 17- 22—Fukui (S.) [Hospital report of diseases of recruits for September, 1895.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1896, no. 72, 67-93—Grotjahn (A.) Die militarische Tauglichkeitsstatistik vom Standpunkte der socialen Hy- giene. Med. Reform, Berl., 1904, xii, 76.—Hahn (M.) Dienstanweisung zur Beurteilung derMilitardienstfaliis- RECRUITS. 339 RECRUITS. Recruits. keit «13,2 und Wehrordnung § 94,8b. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr , Berl., 1905, xxxiv, 374-379. -----. Leber die Be- ziehungen zwischen Sauglingssterbliehkeit, Sauglings- ernahrung und Militartaugliehkeit. .Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 560-565.—Idelson (E. M.) K vopr. o fizicheskom razvitii soldata pod vliyaniyem pervavo goda sluzhbi v plekhotle. [On physical development of soldiers under influence of first year's training in the in- fantry.] Vovenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1889, ix, 434; 452; 479: 497.— Ierusalimski (M. I.) Obshtshiya vpe- chatlleniva iz uyczdnavo po voinskolpavinnostiprisutst- viva. [General impressions from the county recruiting stations] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1903, i, r.ed. pt 869-874.—levers (P. G.) Sanitary notes for recruits. J Roy. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1904, iii, 624: 1905, iv, 160 —tfcelner (A. M.) K voprosu o prizivle na sluzhbu novobrantsev. [Drafting oi recruits for the army.] Voy- enno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxii, med.-spec, pt., .jv>_4sg —Lee (A. H.) The recruiting question. J. Roy. u" Service Inst., Lond., 1901, xlv, 1287-1315.—Mattau- schek (E.) Hilfsschulzoglinge und Militiirdiensteig- nung. Ztschr. f. d. Erforscb. u. Behandl. d. jugendl. Schwachsinns, Jena, 1908, ii, 272-283.—May (R. E.) Die Militartaugliehkeit nach Herkunft und Besehaftigung in den Jahren 1902 und 1905, die Lrsachen der stattrlnden- den Verscniebung in der Starke der Geburts- und Be- rufsgruppen und der Prozentsatz der Einjahrigen in den- .elbeii. Soziale Med. u. Hyg., Hamb., 1907, ii, 215-236.— Nicliol* t F. P.l Some recruiting reflections. J.Roy. Armv Med. Corps. Lond., 1907, ix, 272-275. —Feiper (E. ) s-iiii-'lingssterblichkeit und Militartaugliehkeit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 605- 620. — Kay moil <1 (H. I.) Some phases of army re- cruiting work. Mil. Surg., Carlisle, Pa., 1907, xx, 245- 25s. — Relkli (M. I.) O dopustimosti volnikh rabot voobshtshe i v chastnosti polevikh dlya nizhnikh chi- nov s khronicheskimi porazheniyami soyedinitelnol obo- lochki viek. [Admissibility of voluntary work, especially in the field, for enlisted men with conjunctivitis.] Voy- enno-med., J., St. Petersb., 1905, iii, med.-spec. p., 112- 117—Sell wienig (H.) Beitrage zur Rekrutierungs- statistik: mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der die Dienst- untauglichkeit bedingenden Krankheiten und Gebre- chen. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1907-8, xviii, 399-418. -----. Neuere Arbeiten iiber Rekrutierungsstatistiken des Inn- und Auslandes. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 651-663.—Sheen (W.) Suggestions regarding the personnel, equipment, and training of medical units attached to volunteer infantry brigades. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903. ii, 412-415.—Shulgin (K. Y.) K voprosu ob uvolnenii v nesposobniye v russkoi armii. [Dis- charges for unfitness in the Russian army.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, i, med.-spec. pt., 223-242.— Theron. Le recrutement a la Reunion. Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1897, lxviii, 5-18.—Izac. Recrutement des compagnies de discipline. Caducee, Par., 1906, v, 3— Westcott (S.) The organisation of recruiting in the northern command. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond.,1907,ix, 7; 156.—Zwaardemaker (H.) Gewicht en afmetingen van 300 recruten, die de kern uitmaken der te Amsterdam vereenigde militie. Nederl. mil. ge- neesk. Arch, [etc.], Utrecht, 1885, ix, 161-178. Also, Reprint. Recruits {Aqefor admission of). B. Ujonczoza-kor. [Age of recruiting.] Honvedor- vos, Budapest. l*9\ xi, 9-13.—Bareonea (E. M.) Xe- cesidad de prolongar a. veintiun anus cumplidos de edad, el ingreso en las filas del ejercito y armada. Actasy mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, viii, 10-5-108. Also: Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1898, xxi. 275-279.—Bertenson (L. B.) K voprosuoponizhe- nii prizivnavo vozrasta s 21 goda do 20 Hen. [On the reduction of the recruiting age from 21 to 20 years.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxviii, med.-spec. pt., 1-7. — Bonnette. La limite d'age physiologique des engagements volontaircs. Caducee, Par.. 1905, v, 39.— Dimltresooy. Considerations sur Page qui convient mieux au service militaire. Tr. viii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, viii, 72-78. Recruits {Examination of). See, also, Anthropometry; Armies (Beeruit- ing of); Eyes (Examination of); Medicine (Mil- itary). Cavasse (M.-A.-B.) *Les degeneres dans l'armee coloniale; de leur recrutement et de leur valeur militaire (etude medico-legale). 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Cazexepve (J.) * Engagement volontaire et degenerescence mentale. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Decaroli (E.) Sulla rivedibilita per diffetto di statura e sulla storia della miopia, iperme- tropia ed astigmatismo dal 1860 al 1889. Ris- Recruits {Examination of). petto al reclutamento militare italiano. 8°. Foligno, 1889. Bonders (F. C.) & Baudouin (A. F.) Hand- leiding tot de natuurkunde van den gezonden mensch ten gebruike bij het ondervvijs aan 's Hijks Kweekschool voor Militaire Geneeskun- digen. 2 pts. 8°. Utrecht, 1853. Dupeyron (P.-B.-L.) Aptitude et accoutu- mance au service militaire. 12°. Paris, 1907. Koch (J. L. A.) Die Bedeutung der psycho- path isc hen Minderwertigkeiten fiir den Militar- dienst. 8°. Baeensburg, 1894. Koerting (G. F.) Alphabetische Anord- nung der bei Untersuchnng Wehrpflichtiger in Betracht kommenden Fehler mit Bezugnahme auf die Rekrutirungsordnung vom 28. Septem- ber 1875 und die Dienstanweisung vom 8. April 1877. Zum Gebrauch beim Ersatzgeschaft und bei Einstellungen zusammengestellt. 8°. Ber- lin, 1880. ------. The same. Mit Bezugnahme auf die Heerordnung vom 22. November 1888, und ihre Abiinderung vom Jahre 1893. 4. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1894. ------. The same. Sowie auf die Dienstan- weisung vom 1. Februar 1894. 6. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1900. ------. The same. Alphabetische Anord- nung der bei der Untersuchung von Militar- pflichtigen und Rekruten in Betrag, nach Anlage I der Heerordnung und Dienstanwei- sung zur Beurteilung der Militardienstfahigkeit vom 13.' Oktober 1904. Zum Gebrauch beim Ersatzgeschaft und bei Einstellungen. 12°. Berlin 1906. Mikhnevich (I.I.) * Uvolenniye po pro- testu novobrantsi prizivov 1895-8 godov. 1. Danniya statisticheskol razrabotki meditsin- skikh listov na uvolennikh po protestu za 4 goda. 2. K voprosu o glavnikh prichinakh postupleniya v armiya znachitelnavo % nespo- sobnikh k voyennoi sluzhbie novobrantsev. [Recruits of the drafts of 1895-8, freed because of protest. 1. Statistical data from the medical lists. 2. Principal causes of the entrance into the army of a considerable percentage of unfit recruits] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Also, in: Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, med.-pt., 847; 1179. Palest at ([J.] B.) * Betrachtungen iiber die Skiascopie und ihre Anwendung im militii- rischen Ersatzgeschaft. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1904. Russia. Alfabitniy ukazatel bolleznyam i ttelesnim nedostatkam pri osvidletelstvovanii lits, prizvannikh k ispolneniyu voinskol po- vinnosti. Sostavil, po nastavleniyu i rospi- saniyu prikaza po V. V. ot 31 oktyabrya 1897 goda za no. 299, E. Idelson. [Alphabetical index of diseases and corporal deficiencies in examining recruits drafted for military service. Compiled in accordance with the order affect- ing the military establishment No. 299, of Oct. 31, 1897, by E. Idelson.] 16°. Kazan, 1898. ------. Nastavleniye prisutstviyam po voin- skol povinnosti, dlya rukovodstva pri osvidle- telstvovanii tleloslozheniya i zdorovya lits, prizvannikh k ispolneniyu sel voinskol- povin- nosti. [Instruction to drafting commissions for guidance in examining the constitution and health of recruited candidates.] 12°. S.-Peter- burg, 1906. ------. The same. 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1907. See, also, infra. RECRUITS. 340 RECRUITS. Recruits (Examination of). Scarano (L.) La leva militare dal punto di vista morale. Studio critico sul riconoscimento degli anomali nelle operazioni di reclutamento. S°. Boma, 1905. Repr.from: Rev. mil. italiana, Roma, 1905. Schwcsbel (E.) *Le poids et l'aptitude phy- sique militaire. 8°. Lyon, 1902. ------. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Tartiere (E.) De l'aptitude des conscrits du service militaire et de la robusticite hu- maine, dcterminees par les mensurations du poids et de la taille du corps. 8°. Petris, 1903. Tripler. An epitome of Tripler's Manual for the examination of recruits. [Prepared by Major Charles R. Greenleaf.] 8°. Washington, 1884. ------. The same. . . . and other publi- cations on the examination of recruits. 8°. Washington, 1890. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Washington, 1893. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Washington, 1898. United States. Viae Department. General Orders, No. 199. [Methods for determining and recording acuity of vision, color sense, and acuity of hearing.] 12°. Washington, 1906. ------. [Minimum visual requirements for recruits, bv J. M. Banister and Henrv A. Shaw.] Circulars 4, 5. 12°. [Washington],'!^. Yorschrift iiber die arztliche Untersuchung der Aspiranten fiir die Aufnahme in den Mili- tiir-Erziehungs- und Bildungsanstalten. 8°. Wien, 1904. Adams (C.) The physical examination of recruits for the Illinois National Guard. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Car- lisle, 1906, xviii, 250-258. Also, Reprint.—Ages, heights, weights, and chest measurements of all recruits finally approved for service during the year. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1x96, Lond., 1882-1902, xxi-xiii, passim. —Ab.1 (L.) Geistig Minderwertige und Heeresdienst. Ztschr. t. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epilept., Dresd., 1907, xxiii, 1-8.—Allen (S. G.) Varicocele as a cause of rejection of recruits for the armv. J. Rov. Armv Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 129-131— Antoniii (E.) & ftliehaescu (G. T.) Dare de sem& asupra resultatelor examinarel medicale a tinerilor cari ua concurat la for- marea contingentulul 1901. [Report on the results of the medical examination of the recruits of tbe contingent of 1901.] Rev. san. mil., Bucurescl, 1900-1901, iv, 577-587.— Antony & Loison. Examen du cceur st, la radioscopie au point de vue de l'aptitude au service militaire. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r. 1903. Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de med. et hyg.mil. et nav., 175-187.—Ayeart (L.) Con- dicionalidad higienica del reclutamiento. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1901, xv, 537; 557.— Barwinkel. Die Korpergrosse der Wehrpflichtigen der Lnterherrschaft des Fiirstentums Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1905, n. F., iv, 41-47.—Banister (J. M.) What standard of visual acuity should be re- quired of the enlisted men of our military services? Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Cleveland, 1896, vi, 239-251. Also, Reprint.—Beyer (H. G.) The physical factor in ex- aminations for the Army and Navy. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg., U. S. 1900, Chicago, 1901, ix, 275-281. -----. An improved method of standardizing the recruit. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1904, xv, 445-455. Also, Reprint— Beykovsky (.-.) Oesterreich-ungarische und fremd- liindische Assentvorschriften mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der Gebrechendes Auges. Militararzt, Wien, 1907, xii. 97-102.—Bielil (K.) Heben trockene, bleibende Liicken im Trommelfelle in jedem Falle die Tauglich- keit zum Waffendiensteauf? Ibid., 1903, xxxvii, 17-24.— Blackham (R. J.) Varicocele as a military disabilitv. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, iv, 132-137.—Boii- nette. La toise portative des sergents recruteurs. Ca- ducee, Par., 1907, vii, 28*.— Borradaile (A. L.) A sug- gestion for the examination of certain proposed recruits bv a medical board at command headquarters. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lund., 1907, viii, 297. — Boureaii '& de Gaulejac. Analyse et extraits d'un ouvrage inti- tuled Nouveau proeede d'evaluation physique du soldat. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1904, ix, 453-461.—Brezoas y Tablares (P.) De la formacion de hojas antropo- inetrieas individuals en el ejercito. Rev.desan.mil., Madrid, 1900, xiv, 31-39.—Burrell (H. L.) Is it expe- Recruits {Examination of). dient to have a physical examination of men before en- listing them in state troops? Boston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvi 469-471. Also, Reprint.—Busliuyett'(V. F.) Kvopro-u ob ispituvemlkh. [On those under test.] Vrach, st Petersb.. 1893, xiv, 997-999. -----. Voyennlye vrnchi i ispituvemive. [Armv phvsicians and soldiers submitted to test.] Ibid., 1900, xxi. 289-292.—Butza. Noulmijlocde apreciatiune a fortel fisice a omulul prin ajutorul co- eficientulul de robusticitate Pignet. [A new means of determining the physical strength of men by the aiding coefficient of robustness of Pignet.] Rev. san. mil., Bu- curescl, 1901-2, v, 419^67, 2 maps, 1 pl.—Cal el (J. F.) Regulations for the guidance of surgeons and post sur- geons in the medical examination of recruits for the National Guard. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1901-2, x, 260-270. Also: Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1899, Columbus, 1900, viii, 226-229. Also [AbstrJ: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 203.—Caro (A. F.) En cxpe- diente de responsabilidad facultativa porreconocimiento de un recluta. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1904, xxiv, 336-338. -----. En expediente sobre inutilidad de un sol- dado. Ibid., 1905, xxv, 24-28— Cliervin. Le begaye- ment envisage au point de vue du service militaire. Bull, med., Par., 189s, xii, 897-900.—Claoue (R.) Affec- tions de l'oreille et aptitude militaire. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1897, xxiii, pt. 2, 1-24. — Clapliani (J. T.) A note on hammer toe in the recruit. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, v, 144.— Collins (D. J.) A plea for an improved visual test for recruits. Ibid., 715-719. —Oolomer (g. G.) Estudio critico del cuadro de exenciones vi- gente para el servicio militar. Rev. espafi. de sir y dermat., Madrid, 1899, i, 438; 473. —Crisaiulli <]■:.) Su alcuni casi di inadattabiliui negli ambienti mili- tari. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1904, lxiii. 371; 381.— Debongnie. L'examen des recrues; l'aptitude au ser- vice militaire. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1904, xi, 33-37. Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s.. xvi, 45.— Deiuidovicli (B. B.) Nleskolko slov po povodu otnosyashtshikhsya k organu zrleniya punktov novavo rospisaniya bolieznei. [In reference to diseases of the •■ eyes, in the new list of diseases (relating to recruits).] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1898, exeii, med.-spec. pt., 1074-1090. — Dennnler (A.) Considerations medicales sur le service de deux ans. Progres med., Par., 1905,3. s., xxi, 118; 133— Dobroslavin (V.) Statyi 31 i 25 lit. A. rospisaniya bolieznei, prilozhonnavo k Nastavleniyu pri- sutstviyam po voinskol povinnosti. (Prikaz po voyen- nomu vledomstvu 31 okt. 1897 g., no. 299.) [Articles 31 and 25, letter A of the table of diseases, supplementary to the Instruction to the military recruiting offices. (Order affecting the military establishment of Oct. 31, 1897.)] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec. pt., 2310-2329.—Douglas (C. M.) The recruit from a depot medical officer's point of view. J. Roy. U. Service Inst., Lond., 1900, xliv, 1-17. Also [Abstr.]: Physician & Surg., Lond , 1900, i, 1-6.—Extraits de l'instruction du 31 Jan- vier 1902 sur l'aptitude physique au service militaire; organes de l'audition. Bull, de larvngol.. otol. et rhinol., Par., 1902, v, 214-217.—Federoli' (A. K.) Skhema os- motra i izslle dovaniya novobrantsev. [Scheme for the examination of recruits.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvi, med.-spec. pt., 67-71.—Finzi (E.) L'ar- ticolo lt>>a dell' elenco B delle infermita ed imperfe- zioni esimenti dal servizio militare ed i mezziperau- mentare i risultati numerici del reclutamento. Gior, med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1890, xxxviii, 412-430.— Forivood (W. H.) The selection and early care of recruits for the militarv service. Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1898-9, viii, 112-117.—Fox (W. H.) A dental examina- tion sufficient to enter the Army and Navy of the United States. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1900, xiv, 427-433.— Froidbise. Emploi de la skiascopie dans l'examen des miliciens. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1898, 4. s., xi, 217-239.— G—flf* (V.) GramotnostvSaratovskoI gubernii. (Po dannim o prinyatikh na voyennuyu sluzhbu 1892- 7g.) [Ability to read and write in the Government of Saratov. (From data furnished by recruits in 1892-7.)] Saratov, zemsk. ned., 1899, ii, Zemsk. otd., 135-147, 1 diag.—Gabbe (G. M.) Priziv novobrantsev vsievernol cliasti Llcaborgskol gubernii v 1904 g.; kratkiy ocherk rizic heskavo razvitiya prizivnikh. [Draft of recruits in the northern part of Lleaborg government in 1904; brief sketch of the phvsical development of the recruits.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, iii, med.-spec. pt., 7*2- 799.—Godin(L.-G.) Notesurla tailleminimaquedoivent presenter les enfantsde 13 ans destines k s'engager ill sans (au sujet del'admission des enfants dans les £colesniilitai- res pr6paratoires d'infanterie). Arch, de mexl. et pharm. mil.,Par.,1900,xxxvi.117-121.—Goldenberg(T.) Ueber eineneueMethodezubbswilligerMilitiirdienstentziehung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 177-184.— Gonzalez Alvarez (B.) En expediente de respon- sabilidad facultativa por reconocimiento de un recluta. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1904, xxiv, 342-345.— Gutierrez (E.) Dictamen de la tercera comisi6n de medicina forense acerca de la inutilidad de un recluta. Ibid., 1903, xxiii, 377-380. —Gyselynek. De l'acuite RECRUITS. 341 RECRUITS. Recruits (Examination of). visuelle et de son examen au point de vue militaire. Arch. med. beiges. Brux., 1906,4. s., xxvii, 73-88.—Haga (J.) Quelques donnees concernant l'etat de la denture de nos soldats. Janus, Harlem, 1906, xi, 25.—Hamilton (II.) The initial examination of the recruit for the United States Army. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xviii, 217-249. Also, Reprint.—von Hanno (A.) Veining af rekrutter ved Smaalenenes og Valders batal- joner. Norsk Tidskr. f. Mil.-Med., Kristiania, 1908, xii, 9-13.—Harvey (P. F.) On the application of some re- cent advances in anthropology to the physical examina- tion of recruits. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Cleveland, 1896, vi, 252-262—Hasslauer. Die Bezoldsche konti- nuierliche Tonreihe, ein Rechtfertigungsmittel. Deut- schemil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xxxv,632-642.—Haus- inan (F.) Noviyematerial! kopredieleniyusposobnosti k voyennol sluzhble. [New data for determining fit- ness for military service.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1902, lxxx, med.-spec. pt., 2534-2543. — Henze. Zur Frage des Militardienstes der geistig Minderwertigen. Ztschr. f. d. Erforsch. u. Behandl. d. jugendl. Schwach- sinns, Jena, 1907, i, 193-197.—Hirtz. Essai sur une me- thode de peses systematique des soldats avec riches indi- viduelles. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1905, xii, 1-23.—Hlilselier (W.) Die Behinderung der Nasenat- mung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Militiirdienstfahigkeit. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 324-326. Also: Med. Woche, Halle a. S., 1906, vii, 561—Howard (F.) Observations on some points in the medical regulations for recruiting. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1904, ii, 181-188.—Hult- kraiitz (.1. V.) Ueber die Korperliinge der schuedi- schen VVehrpflichtigen. Centralbl. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Bresl., 1896, i, 289-291.—Hunt (P. C.) Physical exami- nation of volunteers U. S. Army. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 189*-',), iii, 661-663. Also, Reprint.— Iglesias ( M.) Dictamen de la tcrcera comisi6n de medicina forense, sobre responsabilidad facultativa en asunto de quintas. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1901, xxi, 157-162.—Ikin (J. I.) On the comparative results of the inspection of recruits by military and civil sur- geons; and on the regulations laid down for the guidance of medical men. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1868, ii, 333. Also, Reprint.—Instruction sur l'aptitude physique au ser- vice militaire. Bull, du serv. de sant6 mil., Par., 1890, 319-382— Instruction du 31 Janvier 1902 sur l'aptitude physique au service militaire. Ibid., 1902, 29-32.— Jesclike. Die Bedeutung des Astigmatismus fiir die Diensttauglichkeit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1901, xxx, 589-595.—Jourdin. De la valeur physique et morale des engages volontaires. Caducee, Par., 1903, hi, lo5 — Kirchenberger. Leber den Gebrauch des Au-druckes "Derzeit zu schwach"am Assentplatze und die Auswahl der Rekruten zu den verschiedenen Waffen- gattungen. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1887, xxi, 177; 185.— LawKon (A.) Conditions of eyesight required for mili- tary service. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1849-1851.— Lemoine (G.-H.) Conditions d'aptitude physique au service militaire. Caducee, Par., 1904, iv, 75-78.— Livanoff*. Pochemu v volska popadayut negodniye k sluzhble novobrantsi. [Why do unfit recruits get into the army?] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Piro- gova. Trudi ix . . . syezda 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, v, 22- 26. —Lung (G. A.) Alcohol a depreciating factor of efficiencv. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xviii, 69-88. Also, Reprint— McCook (J. B.) Our physical reserve. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1905-6, xii, 656-666.— McCullocli (T.) Rejections on account of defective teeth. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1904, xxv, 76S-770.—."Tlac- kiewicz (H.) Poids et robusticit6; liNtoriqiie de la question. Bull, med., Par., 1902, xvi, 733-736. -----. Des mesures du corps comme signes mat6rielsde la ro- busticit6 probable du consent. Caduc6e, Par., 1905, v, 76-78.— iTIaim (G.) Affections des oreilles et aptitudes au service militaire. Presse med., Par., 1903, l, 208.— -JIaksiiiiotT(I. E.) Zamletka o sille zrleniya u novo- brantsev v svyazi s perelomleniyem i bolleznyami ikh glaz (primlenitelrio k 30 statye, fitera A). [Note on the strength of vision in recruits in connection with the re- fraction and diseases of their eyes (applicable to article 30,letter A).] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897. xviii, 305.—ITIar- gotta (C.) Sulla determinazione dell' ampiezza del ba- cino nell' anna di cavalleria. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1895, xliii, 769-791.—.Tlariani (J. M.) Dic- tamen de la tercera comisi6n de medicina forense, sobre responsabilidad facultativa en asunto de quintas. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1901, xxi, 324-330.—-Harty (J.) Led6veloppementphysiquechezlesjeunessoldats. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxvii, 44-59. -----. Professions ?t developpement physique; etude statistique sur l'etat general des jeunes soldats du 4" et du 77« de ligne, envi- sages au point de vue de leurs professions. Ibid., 305; 424. Also: Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1897, xxix, 424: xxx, 43.—ITIilllet (E. W.) Die Untauglichkeit zum Militardienst bei den Rccruten. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien, 1SS7. vi, 25. Hft., 47-50. [Discus- sion], 51-61.— Tliiiistorlo de la Guerra; ley de recluta- miento y reemplazo del ejereito de 11 de julio de 1885, Recruits {Examination of). modiricada por lade21 deagostode 1*96. Sac. med. catal., Barcel., 1897, xx, suppl., 60-96. Also [Abstr.]: Corresp med.,Madrid,1896,xxxi,313;321;329.—.Mints( V.S.) Po- chemu nevsyochislo novobrantsev okazivayetsyagodnim k voyennol sluzhble, ne smotrya na prinimayemiya mleri k ustraneniyu etovo yalvleniya? [Why are all recruits tit for military service, in spite of the meas- ures adopted to remove this disability?] Voyenno-med. ,L, St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvi, med.-spec. pt., 57-67.— iVIiyakotsiiki (M.) [Remarks on the examination of recruits in the army and navv.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, 1111-1121—Mohn (T.) Bedgmmel- sen af tjenstdygtighed ved sessioner og rekrutkommis- sioner. [Determination of fitness for service by the sit- ting and recruiting commission.] Norsk Tidskr. f. Mil.- Med„ Kristiania, 1902-3, vii, 43-63.—lVIokritski (F. G.) Ob ustanovlennom vremeni (zimnem) dlya priziva k is- polneniyu voinskol povinnosti, kak etiologicheskom mo- mentlechrezmlernikh zabolievaniy i potleri lyudeinle- sposobnimi i uniershimiv voiskakh voobshtsheimolodikh soldat v osobennosti. [On the time selected (winter) for drafting recruits as a cause of unusual sicknessand unfit- ness of men and mortality in thearmy in general, particu- larly of young soldiers.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, ii, 531-536.— Morel. Renseignements sur le recrutement au Congo. Rev. d. troupes colon., Par., 1904, iii, 134-147.—Nieddu (A.) Le affezionidell' orecchioincornpatibili colservizio militare. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1906, liv, 783- 802. Also: Atti d. Cong. d. soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1906, Siena, 1907, 107-126.—Nimier (II.) Affections des oreilles et aptitude militaire. Arch, de m£d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1892, xx, 55-60.—Noel. La nouvelle instruc- tion sur l'aptitude physique au service militaire. Bull. med., Par., 1894, viii, 699. -----. De l'aptitude physique au service militaire. Ibid., 1899, xiii, 1103-1105. -----. L'aptitude au service militaire et le Parlement. Ibid., 1904, xviii, 565; 576. -----. Ueber eine Reform der Re- krutenabrichtung. Allg.mil.-arztl.Ztg.,Wien, 1907.xlviii, 72-75.—Nouvelle (La) instruction sur l'aptitude phy- sique au service militaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 189o4, lxvii, 469-472.—Novyn&vod k lekarske prohlidce brancu. [New method formedical examination of recruits.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1883, xxii, 138; 167; 204.—Pavloit" (N. S.) Pre'imushtshestvai zhelatelniyadobavleniya votnoshenii glaznikh ispituyemikh po novomu nastavleniyu. [Ad- vantages and desiderata as to recruits whose eyes are be- ing tested under the new instructions. ] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxix, med.-spec. pt., 109; 293.—Peck (P.) Einfluss der korperlichen undgeistigen Defecteauf die Wehrfahigkeit. Cong, internat. d'hvg. etde demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 7, 599-604.—Perassi (A.) Peri metria toracica e reclutamento negli istituti militari. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlvii, 971- 976. -----. Iditiplantariretrattiegliarruolamenti nelle scuole militari. Ibid., 1904, Iii, 183.— Pi'alz (G.) Ueber den Einfluss des Astigmatismus auf die Tauglichkeit fiir verschiedene Waffengattungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deu^ch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 275.—Plaza Blanco (V.) Antropometriamili- tar. Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1903-4, x, 17; 40; 56: 72; 92; 109:128; 160; 192; 205; 237; 269; 301; 319; 366; 381: 1904-5, xi, 5.—Prynne (H. V.) Recruiting. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1905, v, 407-409. — Pulle (A. W.) L'albu- minurie et l'admission dans le service de la marine. Mil.- geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1900, iv, 233-243. -----. Al- buminurie bij keuringen. Ibid., 1904, viii, 221.—Ray- mond (H. I.) Some phases of armv recruiting work. Military Surgeon, Carlisle, 1907, xx, 245-260.—Reikli (M. I.) Kommentarii k St. 31-1 rospis. lit. A i k st. 2.1 rospis. bol.lit. B, " Nastavleniya prisutstviyam po voinskol po- vinnosti," prilozhonnavo k prikazu po v. vied. 1897 g. 299. [Commentarieson art. 31, letter A, and art. 2, letter B, of the " Instructions to recruiting offices," appended to the order no.299 affecting the military service of 1897.] Voyen- no-med. J., St. Petersb.,1899, exciv, med.-spec.pt.,101-125.— Rejections on account of defective teeth. J. Roy. Army M. Corps, Lond., 1904, iii, 188-190.—Romeyn (J. A.) Eendienstweigeraar? Mil.-geneesk.Tijdschr.,Haar- lem, 1905, ix, 193-200. -----. Maatregelentervoorkoming van het inlijven vangeestelijk minderwaardigerekruten inhetDuitscheleger. Ibid., 1907, xi, 107-110.—Rose (C.) Zahnverderbnis and Militartaugliehkeit. Deutsche Mo- natschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1904, xxii, 135-150, 1 tab. Also [Abstr.]: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1903, xix, 559-562. -----. Beruf und Militartauglieh- keit. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1905, iv, 124-160.— Rosenl'eld (S.) Einige Ergebnisse aus den schweizer Rekrutenuntersuchungen. Allg. statist. Arch., Tubing., 1898, v, 116-174.— Rotlienaiclier. EinSehpriifungsap- parat zum Gebrauch beim Ersatzgeschaft una bei der Re- krutenuntersuchung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 521-529. —Roux. Modifications survenues dans l'aptitude physique des jeunes soldats du 4« batail- lon du 2° d'infanterie apres cinq mois de sejour au corps. Caducee, Par., 1903, iii, 186.—Rulfner (E. L.) Defect- ive vision as a cause for rejection for military service. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1907, xx, 134-138.—Russia. RECRUITS. 342 RECTAL. Recruits (Examination of). Na.-tavleniye prisutstviyam po voi'nskoi povinnosti, dlya rukovodstva pri osvidletelstvovanii tieloslozheniya i zdo- rovya lits, prizvannikh k ispolneniyu sel povinnosti. [In- structions to drafting commissions for guidance in exam- ining the constitution and health of recruited candi- dates.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Pe- tersb., 1897, xxxiii, no. 11,1. sect., 251-261. Also: Vovenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, cxc, off. pt., 110-125. Also [Rev.]: Voyenno-med. J.,St. Petersb., 1897.exe, med.spec. pt.. 1373-1375. See, also, supra.— Salle. Note sur l'emploi des rayons de Rontgen chez les jeunes soldats pour deceler les les'ions ignores du cceur ou des poumons (en parti- culier la tuberculose). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 260-268.—Sc halter (L.) Die Auswahl "der lebendigen Kraft" fiir den Kriegsdienst. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1886, xxxi, 110; 122.—Schmidt (G.) Militardienst und Kbrpergewicht. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1903, xxxii, 65-91. — Sehultz (M. A.) K voprosu o prichinakh i poslledstviyakh nlepravil- navo priyoma novobrantsev i o mlerakh k preduprezh- dleniyu tlekh i drugikh. [On the reasons for. and conse- quences of, the irregular selection of recruits, and the means to prevent it.] Trudi V syezda Obsh.russk. vrach v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, ii, 541-554.—Seliultze -192.—Evans (F. R.) Case of opera- tion for congenital absence of rectum and anus. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, xxiii, 530.—Eaure (J.- L.) , 1906, xi, 267-269.—Nolle, Einiges fiber Missbil- dun'gen am Mastdarm. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 1096 — Oddone (E.) Nota clinica sulle alterazioni conerenite del retto. Clin.chir., Milano, 1897, v, 62-89.—Oirawa (S.) [The operation for congenital want of anus and rectum communicating with the vagina.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1901, 78-82,1 pl.—Petit (1'.) Traitement de l'anus vul- vaire congenital par la transplantation perineale. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1897, xiii, 125-136.—Pc- troff(N. A.) Sluchal atresite ani u telki s posltedu- yushtshel operatsiyel. [. . . in a calf, with subsequent operation.] Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1908, xx, i,:il.—Kibera y Sans (J.) Las anomalias de conforma- cion de ano v recto y su tratamiento. Rev. de med. y cirug. pr;ict., Madrid, 1908. lxxix, 209; 250; 2S9.—Bish- luiller (J. H.) Obstruction of a deviated rectum due to the encroachment of tbe right utero-sacral lisrainent. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1899, xix, 468.—Booney (R. F.) Congenital malformations of the anus and rec- tum; with a report of two cases. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1898, xii, 124-127.—von Bosthorn (A.) Unvollkommene Cloakenbildung (Fistula rectovestibu- laris) bei gleichzeitiger normaler Ausmiindung des Dar- mes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1*90, iii, 183-1*6—SI issh (J. M.) Congenital malformation; atresia ani \ esicalis, with an anatomical peculiarity not heretofore described. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 738— Snowball d. W.) A case of malformation of the rectum and imperforate anus. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 598.—Soto (J. J.) Doscasosde atresia ano-rectal tipo Giraldes. Arch. La- tino-Am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1908, iv, 119-122.— Squires (G. W.) Congenital absence of rectum with imperforate anus. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1903, lxiv, 576.— Swain. Malformed anus and lower bowel; right in- guinal colotomy; plastic operation on anus; cure. Lan- cet, Lond., 189i, i, 143.—Talini (B.) Di una viziatura congenita ano-rettale. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1890, xlix, 321-323.—Thomas (W.) The surgical treatment of congenital abnormalities of the rectum. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1*84, xv, 112-130. Also, Reprint.—Venot (A.) Malformation du rectum. Rev. mens.de gynec [etc.], Bordeaux, 1902, iv, 161-164.—Voisin (R.) Abouchement anormal du rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 316.—Wanons (E. Z.) A case of congeni- tal absence of rectum and anus. j. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906, xxvi, 16.—Welch (S. W.) Malforma- tion of the rectum with report of a ease. Tr. M. Ass. Ala- bama, Montgomery, 1907,232-235.—Wood house (W.M.) A case of congenital absence of the rectum; necropsv. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 733.—Wood-Jones (F.) The nature of the malformations of the rectum and uro- genital passages. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 1630-1634.— Woodman (M. S.) Report of a case of congenital ab- sence of anus and rectum. Atlantic M. Weekly, Provi- dence, 1897, viii, 53-55. Rectum (Abscess of). See Rectum (Lnflammation, ete., of). Rectum (Absorption by). See, also, "Rectal feeding. Gascon (R.) *De 1'absorption par la voie rectale des medicaments en solution concentree. 4°. Lyon, 1893. Kaxdidoff (P. G.) *K voprosu o vidlelenii slizistol obolochkol zheludka i mocheyu nle- kotorikh llekarstvennikh veshtshestv, vvedyon- nikh v priamuyu kishku. [On the question of elimination by the mucous membrane of the stomach and by the urine, of certain medicinal substances introduced via rectum.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1893. Lemanski (W.) *De la voie rectale et de son utilisation en therapeutique. 4°. Paris, 1892. Mohr (L.) *Ueber die Resorption einiger Arzneimittel und Arzneiformen vom Mastdarm aus. 8°. Wurzburg, 1896. Paradies (A.) * Untersuchungen zur Frage der Resorption vom Rectum aus. [Berlin.] 8°. Charlottenburg, 1895. Binz ( c.) Arzneiliche Vergiftung vom Mastdarm oder von der Seheide aus und deren Verhiitung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 49-51.—Harsu (M.) Des- pre pericolele administratiunel medicamentelor dife- rente pe calea rectala si'vaginala. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1895, xv, 379-3*3.—Kobner (H.) Ueber die Anwendung von Jod- und Brompraparaten per Rectum zu localen (regioniiren) und allgemeinen Heilzwecken. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 489-495. Also, Reprint.— Mas- Rectum {Absorption by). sol iL.) &.Hinet (.1.) Pouvoir absorbantdu rectum vis- a-vis dc quelques substances medicamenteuses. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 447-449.—Olscha- iicls.ki (M. A.) Ueber die Resorptionfahigkeit des Mastdarms. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz, 1*91-2, xlviii, 619-627.—Posner (U.) Resorption vom Mast- darme aus. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1895, xiii, 470-474.—Beach (F.) Ueber Resorption von Kohlch vdraten von der Schleimhaut des Rectums. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1901-2, xlvii, 231- 249.—Benaut (J.) Les injections rectales de liqueur de Fowler diluee et de cacodylate de sodium. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s.,"xli, 545-564. — Somiiia ( E.) Sull' assorbimento dell' joduro di sodio e della chinina per la via rettalo nei bambini. Peduiatria, Na- poli, 1897, v, 1; 33; 65.—Stein (J.) Zur Anwendung von Medicamenten per rectum zu allgemeinen Heilzwecken. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xv, 4 — Sticker (G.) Arz- neiliche Vergiftung vom Mastdarm oder von der Seheide ans. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 611.—Swie- zyriski (J.) Nachprufung der Griitzner'sHien Ver- suche iiber das Schicksal von Rcctalinjectionen an Men- schen unci Thieren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 614-516. — Vaughan (V. C.) The post- mortem imbibition of poisons. In: Textbook Leg. Med., (Peterson and Haines), 8°, Phila., 1904, ii, 708-72L Rectum (Actinomycosis of). Berard ( L.) Actinomycose ana'le, perirectale et peri- vesicale. Bull, med.. Par., 1898, xii, 559.—Nove-.Ios- serand. Un cas d'actinomycose ano-rectalc Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 989.—Poncet (A.) De l'actinomycose anorectale. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1898, 3. s., xl, 168- 176. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 981-9*4. Also: Lyon med., 1898, lxxxix, 137-143. - Thevenot (L.) De l'actinomycose ano-rectale. Rev. de chir., Par., 1902, xxvi, pt. 2, 250-268. -----. Actinomycose de la fess-e d'origine rectale. Lyon med., 1903, c, 123-125. Rectum (Alimentation by). See Alimentation (Bectal); Rectal feeding. Rectum {Atresia of). See Rectum (Lmperjorate). Rectum (Cancer of). -SW'Rectum (Carcinoma of), Rectum (Carcinoma of). See, also, Rectum (Diseases of) in children. Arenhold (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Statistik des Reetumcareinoms. 8°. Gottingen, 1892. Cohn (E.) * Ueber den Gallertkrebs des Rec- tum. [Wurzburg.] 8°. Namslau, 1891. Csesch (G. A. P.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Rektumcarcinome. 8°. Breslau, 1897. Henneke (K.) *Ein Fall von Carcinoma recti et linguae. 8°. Erlangen, 1907. Luck (K. R. F.) *Der Mastdarmkrebs im jugendlichen Alter. Zusammenstellung von 120 Fallen aus der gesamten Literatur im Anschluss an eine Beobachtung an der chirurgischen Kli- nik zu Greifswald. 8°. Greifswald, 1904. Pinkerton (S. H.) Carcinoma of the rectum. In his: Synopis clin. surg. 12°. Salt Lake City, 1893, 81. Raecke (J.) * Ueber primares Melanocarci- nom des Rectum. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1895. Sciiwieder ([O. A.] J.) *Die im koniglich chirurgischen Klinikum zu Berlin vom 1. April 1883 bis 1. Oktober 1888 operierten Fiille von Mastdarmkrebs, 8°. Berlin, [1889]. Weber (H.) * Ueber Carcinoma recti; 46 Fiille aus der ktinigl. chirurg. Klinik zu Greifs- wald. 8°. Greifswald, 1898. Wilde (H.) * Bericht uber 28 Fiille von Rec- tumcarcinom, ein Beitrag zur Statistik und The- rapie desselben. 8°. Bonn, 1903. Adenot. Cancer du rectum. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1895), 1896, pt. 2, 93-95. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, ix, 291.— Alexander. Cancer of rectum. Med., Surg. & Path. Rep.South. Hosp. 1901, Liverp., 1902,281. -----. Cancer of rectum. Ibid., 282. -----. Malignant disease of rectum. Ibid., 1902, 283. -----. Cancerof rectum. Ibid., 284.—Arnd (C.) Beitrag zur Statistik der Rectumcarcinome. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1891-2, xxxii, 1-92. Also, Reprint.—A iigier (D ) Epithelioma du rectum chez un homme de 74 ans: guerison. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, i, 136-138.—Ball RECTUM. 346 RECTUM. Rectum {Carcinoma of). 11'. B.) Cancer of the rectum. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ire- land, Dubl., 1892-3, xi, 164-238, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Beach (W.M.) Cancer of the rectum. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1907, i, 15-17.—Beattv (W.W.) Carcinoma of rec- tum. Brooklyn M. J., 1905,"xix, 429.—Bell (J.) Three cases of carcinoma of the middle and upper portions of the rectum. Montreal M. J., 1896-7, xxv, 929-934.—Bill- roth. Carcinoma recti. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder 1886, Wien, 1887, 49.—Boinmier (R.) A propos du cancer du rectum. Nord. med., Lille, 1903, ix, 198-200—Bryant (T.) A case of malignant disease of the rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 211.—Cabot (A.T.) Observations on malignant adenoma of the rectum. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 513-546. [Discussion], 547. Also, in his: Surg, papers, 8°, Bost., 1899, 21-31.— Cancer of the rectum; analytical summary of 64 cases for the 7 years 1882 to 1888. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1888. Lond.. 18*9. 133-149.—Cancer of the rectum. Ibid., 217-252. —Capo- notto(A.) Epiteliomi del retto; case4(M. 2, P. 2),di cui morti2 (M.l.F.l). Osservatore,Torino, 1883,xix,339-343.— Carcinoma recti. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1876, Wien, 1877, 335.— Carcinoma recti. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1889-97), 1897-8, passim.—Carcinoma of the rectum. Montreal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 223-225.—Carcinoma of rectum. North Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1889, Lond., 1891, 73 — Carcinoma of rectum; fatal cases. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1901, 144. — Clarke (J. J.) Cancer of the rectum. Polyclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 186. — Coley (VV. B.) Carcinoma of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 416.—Cooke (A. B.) Malignant diseases of the rec- tum. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, 1902, lxix, 229- 233. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1902, xxvii, 20-25. Also: South-Pract., Nashville, 1902, xxiv, 295-300. — Cooper (R. T.) Case of cancer of rectum. Homeop. World, Lond., 1903, xxxviii, 61.—<'ri|>ps (H.) A clinical lec- ture on cancer of the rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1907, xxx, 337-344.—Beanesly (E.) Carcinoma of rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1193.— Beaver (J. B.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1900, xviii, 289- 29*. Also: Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 952-955. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1900, xxxii, 726. -----. Carcinoma of the rectum. Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1901, iii, 22.—De- lore. Cancer du rectum. Lyon m6d., 1908, cxi, 340.— Discussion sur le cancer du rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n.,s., xxiii, 508-511.—Drue- foert. Cancer du rectum. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1905, ix, 608. — Drueck (C.J.) Cancer of the rectum. St. Louis M. Era, 1903-4, xiii, 44; 73. -----. Cancer of the rectum. Chicago M. Recorder, 1905, xxvii,560-568.-----. Cancer of tbe rectum. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1906, xxix, 64-68.—Ononis. Cancer du rectum. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1908, xii, 39-43.—Edwards (F. S.) Re- marks on carcinoma of the rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1894, iv, 81-86.—Kscher. Carcinoma del retto. Resoc. san. d. Sped. civ. di Trieste (1889), 1890, xvii, 84.—Evans (G. B.) Cancer; two cases of carcinoma of rectum, with deductions. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1907, i, 29-34.—For- line. Du cancer du rectum. Montpel. med., 1903. xvi, 19-59.—Foster (B. B.) Cancer of the rectum. J.Med. cV Sc, Portland, 1896-7, 161-164.— Gant (S. G.) Cancer ■ if the rectum. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1902, xi, 646- 65*. -----. Cancer of the rectum (classification, symp- toms, diagnosis, and prognosis). N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 111-114.— Gay (G. W.) Malignant disease of the rectum. Boston M. & S. J., 1894, exxx, 204-207.— Girard (C.) Sur le cancer de la portion superieure du rectum. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1904, xvii, 528-533.—Goodsall (D. H.) Six cases of rec- tal carcinoma. .Esculap. Soc. Abstr. Tr. 1895-8, Lond., 1899, vi, 59 — Gould (A. P.) On cancer of the rectum. Clin. J.. Lond., 1896-7, viii, 356-361. —Grlinbauiii (A.) Rak odbytnicy (carcinoma recti). Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1901, 2. s., xx, 395; 425.—Hamilton (J. B. ) Carcinoma of the rectum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 9. s.. i, 201.—Heath (C.) Cases of carcinoma of the rectum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., i, 165-174.— Ito ill.) [Cancer of the rectum.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1903, no. 1318, suppl., 6-8— James (J. E.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. Penn. 1894, Phila., 1895, 60-63.—Jewett (C.) High rectal cancer. Brook- lyn M. ,L, 1905, xix, 141-144. [Discussion], 170. Also, Re- print.— Jones (R.) Malignant disease ot rectum. Med., Surg. ..v. Path. Rep. South. Hosp. 1901, Liverp., 1902, 2S5 — Kammerer (F.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 523.—King (E. E.) Cancer of the rectum. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1902, xxvii, 6- 13.—Kraske's (On) cancerof the rectum. [Edit.] Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1897, xxvi, 371-381.—Kreeke (A.) Mast- darmkrebs. Zwei Jahre chir. Tatigk. . . . Privatklin. v. . . ., Munchen, [1905], 167-177.—Laureatl (F.) II canc-o dell' intestino retto. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., N"- poli, 1900, iii, 237; 251; 264- 288; 300; 310.—Le Dentn. Diagnostic et traitement du cancer du rectum. Rev- gen, de clin. et therap., Par., 1896, x, 497-499.—Lilllhi- cum (G. M.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 469-471.—He Arthur (L. L.) Cancer of the rectum. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., Rectum (Carcinoma of). 1891, lxiv, 532-535. [Discussion], 538-540. Also: N. Am Pract., Chicago, 1891, iii, 216-220. -----. Carcinoma of i he rectum. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 661.—.HcGill (W.J.) Malignant growths of the rectum. Proctologic St. Louis, 1908, ii, 229-233.—McLean i R. A.) Cancer oi' rectum. Tr. M. Soc (alii., San Fran., 1895, xxv, 111. [Discussion], 117-125—McMillan (J. A.) Cancerof the rectum. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 19o5, iv, 117-120.— Marsh (F.) Further notes of a case of cancerof the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 857.—Mathews (.1. M.) Report of a case, with comments [cancer of the rec- tum]. Louisville M. Month., 1896-7, iii, 401-403.—Mayo (C. H.) Cancer of the sigmoid and rectum. Surg Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 236-241.—Mayo (W.J.) Cancer of the rectum. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1906, viii, 216-224— Meiseubach (A. H.) Carcinoma of the rectum. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1905-6, ii. 239-247.—Meyer (W.) Obstructing cancer of the rec turn. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 133.—Mitchell (J. F.) Case of carcinomaof the rectum. Wash. M. Ann., 1907-8, vi, 147.—Monroe (G.J.) Cancer of the rectum. Wis cousin M. Recorder, Janesville, 1902, v, 137-140.—Morelli (P.) Due casi di cancro del retto. N. riv. clin.-terap. Napoli, 1902, v, 512-524— Mummery (P. L.) Carcinoma of rectum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxvii, 365.—Miedzielskl (K.) Rak odbytnicy. [Cancer of the rectum.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1896, xvii, 846; 891; 929:986.—Petermann. Ueber Mastdarmkrebs. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1473.— Pilliet & Pasteau. Epithelioma de la muqueuse anale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 768-772.— Pou I to n ( B.) Notes on some cases of rectal can- cer.^ Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 82-86.— Quenu. Etude clinique sur le cancer du rectum. Rev. de chir., Par., 1897, xvii, 3-15. -----. Du carci- nome rectal. Ibid., 533-550.—Bawling (L. P.) Some points in the svmptoms and treatment ot rectal carci- noma. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1907, xiii, 135-148.— Bectuiucarcinome. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald 1889-90, Leipz., 1892, 99-101— Beder (F.) Malignant disease of the rectum. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1907-8, iv, 386-392. Alto: Proctologist, St. Louis, 1908, ii, 14-21.—Reverdin. [Cancer du rectum.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 409- 415.—Bice (J. H.) Cancerof the rectum, with reportof cases. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1908, vi, 306-309.— Bodzevich (E. V.) Po povodu dvadtsati vosmi slu- chayev raka pryamol kishki. [Twenty-eight cases of can- cer of the rectum.] Khirurgi'a, Mosk., 1902, xi, 720-733.— Boss (G. G.) Diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the rectum. Medicine, Detroit, 1902, viii, 219-223—Samuel (F. W.) Cancer of the rectum. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1903-4, x, 46-55. -----. Cancer of the rectum. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1905, xxxix, 624-629. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1903-4, xvii, 123.—Sato (T.) [Cancer of rectum.] Juntendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899,1073-1082.—Senn (N.) Inoperable carcinoma involving the lower segment of the rectum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 11. s., iv, 188- 194. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1902, xx, 564-574— Sheild (A.M.) Cancer of rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1902-3, xxi, 341.—Smith (K. B.) Cancer of the rectum. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xix,3-5. Also: Lancet-Clinic,Cincin., 1906, n.s., lvi, 186-189.—Soubeyran. Epithelioma de l'ampoule rectale. Montpel. med., 1902, xiv, 477-479.— Stoney (R. A.) A clinical lecture on cancer of the rec- tum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv, 302- 305.—Sutton (E. M.) [Cancer of the rectum.] Peoria M. J., 1902, viii, 113-115.—Swan (R. H. J.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1908, xxxii, 366.—Til- laux. Cancer du rectum. Rev. internat. de med. et et de chir., Par., 1897, viii, 185.—Tirilahy. Epithe- lioma ulcere du rectum. Presse med. beige. Brux., 1890, xiii, 458.—Treves (F.) Remarks on acase of epithe- lioma of the rectum; its diagnosis and treatment. Clin, J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 221. -----. A clinical lecture on cancer of the rectum. Ibid., 1894-5, v, 330-335.— Tuttle (J. R.) Cancer of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 675.—Vanderlinden (O.) Le cancer du rectum. Belgique med.. Gand-Haarlem, 1897, ii, 611- 614.—Villette. Cancerdu rectum. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1890, xxix, 369-374.—Vogel (K.) Zur Statistik und Therapie des Reetumcareinoms. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lix, 313-382.—Voivenel. Cancer durectum. Toulouse med., 1906,2. s., viii, 253-256.—Vol- buru.li (C. A.) Adeno-carcinoma of the rectum. Proc- tologist, St. Louis, 1907, i, 42-46.—Wendel (W.) Zur statistik und Therapie der Rectumcarcinome. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898-9, 1, 289-318. Rectum {Carcinoma of Causes and pathology of). Edwards (F. S.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Its diagnosis and treatment. 8°. London, 1905. Fink (P.) * Multiple Adenome im Mastdarm als Ursache fiir Carcinom. 8°. Greifswald, 1S1»4. RECTUM. 347 RECTUM. Rectum {Carcinoma of Causes and pathology of). Gickler(H.) * Ueber die histologische Struk- tur der Rectalcarcinome. 8°. Wurzburg, 1898. Glasser (H.) *Ueber die Predisposition des Alters fiir Krebs im Anschluss an einen Fall von Mastdarmcarcinom bei einem 23jiihr. Mann. 8°. Erlangen, 1895. von Gorski (J. [N.]) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Dickdarmcarcinome. 8°. Greifswald, 1895. Nieveling (V. W.) * Ueber Polypenbildung im Magendarmkanal und einen seltenen Fall von Papilloma und Krebs des Rectums. 8°. Wurzburg, 1902. Sciimitz (R.) *Ein Fall von Polyposis recti mit maligner Degeneration. 8°. Bonn, 1904. ScuoENixti (G.) * Ueber das Vorkommen des Mastdarmkrebses in den ersten beiden Lebensdecennien. [Rostock.] 8°. Leipzig, 1885. Verrie (A.) *Du cancer du rectum a evolu- tion latente. 4°. Paris, 1892. Bennett (E. H.) Epithelioma of the rectum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1880-82, n. s., ix, 29.—Bolim (H.) Plattencpithel und Plattenepithelkrebs im Mastdarm. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, cxi, 624-535.— Cadol (,A.) Histologic pathologique et traitement du cancer du rectum. Arch. g6n. de mod.. Par., 1898, i, 571- 605.—Cazin (M.) Cancer collo'ide du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1V'2, lxvii, 807.—Deaver (J. B.) Cancerof rectum; colotomy. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 18*9- 91, xv, 31-37—Denuce. Cancer du rectum; extirpa- tion; autopsie. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1882, iii, 170-172— flow man iC. K ) Pathology and etiology of polvps and carcinoma of the rectum. AlabamaM.J., Birmingh., 1907-8. xx, 187-19L—Franch- oinnie. Tumeur cancereuse du rectum, pa raissant pedi- cuiee; operation de Kraske modifiee: on reconnait qu'il y a, a la fois, prolapsus et invagination intestinale; i-eussite des sutures intestinales; mort de pneumonie quinze jours apres l'operation. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1*91, vi, 50-54.—Hand ford (H.) Disseminated polypi of the large intestine becoming malignant; stric- tures (malignant adenoma) of the rectum and of the splenic flexure of the colon; secondary growths in the liver. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, xii, 133-137,11., 1 pl.— Hochenegti I J.) [Priiparate vonRektumkarzinomen 1 Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx, 30s—Mailclaire & Martin (C.) Cancer de la paroi posterieure du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 212— Mail noir (C.) Epitheiiome cvlindrique du rectum. Ibid., !*,•>, 1,208- 2io. — Mo I lie re (D.) Cancer meianique du rectum. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (l*87.i, 1,h\«, xxvii, pt. 2, 155.—Pitts (B.) ( olumnar carcinoma of humerus secondary to tumour of upper pa rt of rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 26,-2i.9—Quenu & Landel. Evolution pathologique du mucus dans un cancer du rectum. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 1045-1047.-----------. Etude d'un cancer du rectum k cellules muqueuses; evolution pathologique du mucus et theorie parasitaire. Ann. de microg., Par., 1897, ix, 145-165, 3 pl. Also: Progres med., Par., 1898, 3. s., viii, 5*-00. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1897, xvii, 861: 1898, xviii, 26.—Bider (A. G.) A case of malignant disease of the rectum; perforation; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1S97, i, 443.— Treutlein (A.) Leber einen merkwiirdi- gen Fall von Gallertkrebs des Rectum. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1902, xiii, 883-887. Rectum {Carcinoma of Complicatiems of)- Attimoxt (P.-A.) * Considerations sur le cancer secondaire de l'ombilic; cas de neoplasie ombilicale consecutive au cancer du rectum. [Paris.] 8°. Nantes, 1901. Excel (H. G. C.) * Ein Fall von Carcinoma recti bei einem jugendlichen Patienten compli- ciert mit hochgradigen Herzfehlen und Lungen- tuberculose. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Hennig (H.) * Ein Fall von papillomatosem Krebs des Rectum mit Durchbruch in Blase und Bauchhdhle. 8°. Erlangen, 1898. Vagedes (P.) *Zur Kenntnis der Compli- kationen und Todesursachen bei Mastdarm- karcinom (Darmperforation im Bereich des ge- dehnten Darmabschnittes oberhalb der Strik- tur). 8°. Kiel, 1900. Rectum {Carcinoma of. Complications of). Bardenlieuer (F.) Eine seltene Form von mul- tiplen Driiscnwucherungen der gesammten Dickdarm- und Rectalschleimhaut neben Carcinoma recti. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xii, 887-901.—Bernex. Sur un cas de generalisation tres considerable de cancer du rec- tum avec mort par hemorragie cerebrale droite, accom- pagnee d'hemiplegie droite. J. de med.de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 847.—Berry (J.) Extensive carcinoma of bladder and rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1901, xviii, 283.— Bert (A.) & Pollosson (A.) Cancer du rectum inope- rable; retention d'urine par obstruction de l'urethre (noyau de cerise). Lyon med., 1895, lxxx, 88. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Sue. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 167.—Bonsiiiiiorio (Mile.) Pheno- menes reflexes oculo-pupillaires et sensitivo-moteurs lies k un epithelioma du rectum. Tribune med., Par., 1899, 2. s., xxxi, 84-87—Bra in well (B.) Dysenteric diar- rhoea due to cancer of the rectum. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1906-7, v, 147.—Carcinoma of rectum; acute obstruc- tion due to strangulation b\ a band; death. St.Thomas's Hosp. Rep., 1903, Lond., 19UI, n. s., xxxii, 194.—Carci- noma of rectum; secondary growths in mesenteric glands; acute obstruction; death. Ibid., 195.—Caryo- phillis. Cancer du rectum propage a la vessie; com- munication des deux cavites rectale et vesicale; endo- cardite chronique calcifiee des valvules mitrale et aor- tiques; endarterite et obliteration par thrombose dedeux arteres femoralesetde leur branches terminales. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par , 1889, lxiv, 439.—Fuzinami. Casui- stische Mittheilung iiber einen primaren Rectumkrebs mit spontaner Fractur des linken Oberschenkelknochens. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cxlvii, 129-137 — Henke (F.) Demonstration eines kleinen Carcinoms des Rectums, entstanden in einem abgeglatteten tuber- culosenGescbwiir. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1902, Bresl., 1903, lxxx, med. sect., 15-17.—Hutch- inson (J. A.) & Micker (W. G.). Carcinoma of the rectum; rectovesical fistula. Montreal M. J., 1905, xxxiv, 541-543.—Ingelrans & Taconnet. Cancer du rectum suivi de carcinose miliaire generalisee (poumons, cceur, peritoine, peau); hydronephrose par compression ureterale. Bull.,Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1902, 202-204. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1902, vi, 285.— King (E. E.) Cancer of rectum and prostate. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1900, xxv, 239.—Lauibrior (A.- A.) Cancer annulaire dela portion superieure du rec- tum avec dilatation enornie du gros intestin. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, 1906, xx, 104-114—Liel'ebvre. Cancerdu rectum; accidents d'obstruction par peritonite et adherenees anciennes ayant determine audessous du neoplasme des retrecissements par coudure brusque du c61on descendant. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 455-457.—l.ereboullet (P.) Cancer du rectum; noyau secondaire de la peau. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 542-546.—Mankovski (A. F.) K voprosu ob odnovremennom porazhenii pryamol kishkirakomi bugorchatkol. [Rectum affected simultaneously by can- cer and tuberculosis.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 13-15.—Mauclaire& Mo restin. Cancer del'ampoule rectale; operation de Kraske; mort six mois apres par generalisation, sans recidive locale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 285.—Mirallie (C.) Cancer de l'om- bilic secondaire a un cancerdu rectum. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1900-1901, xix, 290-292.—Perforated carcinoma of rectum; general peritonitis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1904, n. s., xxxi, 174—Babe. Cancer massif du rectum avec adenopathie inguinale double et envahisse- ment des ureteres. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1S98, lxxiii, 106-112.—Kedmond (J.) Cancer of the liver second- ary to true scirrhosis of the rectum. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1889, vii, 326-329.—Rochet. Hydrone- phrose due k un cancer du rectum avec noyau de gene- ralisation englobant un uretere. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1901-2, v, 294.—Buo (A.I Carcinomalatente del retto con diffusa metastasi peritoneale e pleurica. In curabili, Napoli, 1898, xiii, 467-476.—Simon (L.-G.) Cancer du rectum generalise a la peau. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 211.—von Stubenrauch. Adenocarcinoma recti; Tod 6 Jahre post operationem in Folge malignen Tumors der linken Nebenniere mit Metastasenbildunj,'. Sitzungsb. d. tirztl. Ver. Munchen (1899), 1900. ix. 51-57. Also: Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 875.—Symonds (H. P.) A case of intussus- ception of a malignant growth of the large intestine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 638.—Tolot (G.) Cancer du rectum avec perforation de l'intestin au-dessus et en de- hors du tissu neoplasique. Rev. demed., Par., 1906, xxvi, 599-601—Toyosumo (H.) Ein Fall von Stenose des Rectum durch metastatisch.es Karzinom bei gleichzeiti- gem metastasierendem Mvelonn Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl.. 1908, exci, 70-79.—Verdelet (L.) & Orlewank (H.) Etranglement herniaire et cancer du rectum. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1907, xxviii, 39-41.—Werner. Crosses auf den Blind- darm sich beschrankendes Carcinom; kleiner Mark- schwammknoten in der Leber; Miliartuberculose beider RECTUM. 348 RECTUM. Rectum (Carcinoma of Complice it ions of). Lungen; Exsudat in der rechten Pleurahohle. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1890, xii, 215-225.— Wheeler (W. I.) On a large malignant growth of the rectum with abnormalitv of the kidnevs. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1896, xiv, 338-341, 1 pl. Rectum {Carcinoma of Dietgnosis and semeiology oj). Baldwin (A.) Chronic diarrhoea and cancer of the rectum. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1900, xxviii, 417-419.—Bel lo ( K.) Cancer del recto simulando en su periodo de generalizacion una cirr6sis hepiitica. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1S96, xiii, 134-136.—Beriel & Bouchut. Les formes dvseiiteriques du cancer du rectum. Lyon med.,1906, cvi'i, 781-78*.—Boas (I.) Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Rectumkarzinome, nebst Bemerkungen zur Friih- diagnose. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1905, xi, 574- 003. Also: Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Physiol., Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1886-1906, ii, 474-501. -----. Leber die Diagnose der Rektumkarzinome. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Jena, 1907, iv, 97-102.—Broughton (H. W.) Can- cer of rectum, with bulimia. Boston M. ik S. J., 1891, cxxiv, 449.—Demieville (P.) Carcinome du rectum reveie par l'expulsion d'un fragment canc-ereux par les M.lles. Rev. nii'-d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1891, xi, 768.—Eivald (C.A.) Chronische Ruhr unter dem Bilde eines Mastdarmcarcinoms verlaufend. , Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1906, xliii, 911 —i.e Fur (R.) Epitheiiome^cylin- driipie du rectum a cellules muqueusessimulant un retre- cissement; anus iliaque; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 785-79ii—Lozano (R.) Diagn6stico precoz del cdncer del intestino recto. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1903, ii, 418-424, 1 pl.—Mason (R. D.) The importance of early diagnosis in cancer of the rectum and sigmoid. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1906, xiii, 1317-1320. Also: West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1907, xii, 31-34. —Monnler (A.) Cancer du rectum k forme hepatique. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1905, 3. s., xxiii, 877-887.—Mummery (P. L.) The diagnosis of rectal cancer. Edinb. M. J., 1907, n. s., xxi, 113-117.—Quenu. Diagnostic du cancerdu rectum. Gaz. med. de Par., 1S97, 10. s., i, 2-5. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1897, liv, 145.—Rosenheim (T.) Zur Diagnose derhochsitzenden Mastdarm-und Flexura- karzinomemittelst Palpation und Endoskopie. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Berl.u. Leipz.,1904,xxx,377-379.—Boux (J.-C.) Diarrhees chroniques symptomatiquesdu cancer du rectum. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 264.—Spoor (A. A.) Microscopical report of a suspected case of cancer of the rectum. Rep.Mercy Hosp.,Chicago, 1902,23.—Symonds (C. J.) Prognosis in rectal cancer. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1899, xiii, 242-247.—Tuttle (J. P.) Instrumental examination of the rectum for malignantgrowths; a new proctoscope; some suggestions on the palliative treatment of inoperable growths. Am. Med , Phila. & York, 1907, n. s., ii, 26-30. Also: Nat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1906-7, x, no. 8,22-26.—Viannay (C.) De l'adenopathie inguinale dans le cancer du rectum. Gaz. hebd. demed., Par., 1901, n. s., vi, 181-184.—Vitrac (J.) Sur un fait curieux d'he- maturie symptomatique d'un cancer du rectum, sans le- sion vesicale; pathogenie; reflexions. Arch. clin. de Bor- deaux, 1897, vi, 240-242. Rectum (Carcinoma of Treatment of). See, also, Rectum. (Carcinoma of, Treatment if, Operative). Boger (A.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Mastdarmcarcinome. 8°. Bonn, 1897. Ekehorn (G.) Studier (ifver rektalkarcino- mets statistik och behandling. 8°. Stockholm, 181)0. Hartkopp (A.) * Ueber die Behandlung des Reetumcareinoms. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Kkuger (F.) *Die Behandlung des Mast- darmkrebses im Kaiserin-Augusta-Hospital. 8°. Berlin, 1889. Martin du Pan (C.) * Contribution ii l'etude du traitement du cancer du rectum. [Berne.] 8°. Baris, 1905. Adler(L.H.), jr. Treatment of cancer of the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 1152-1154. Also: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1896, viii. 860-865. Also, Reprint. Also: Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1896, iii, 333-339. -----. A consideration of some of the methods for the treatment of cancer of the rectum. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1905- 6, xii, 3-5.—Alexander (W.) A clinical lecture on three cases of inoperable cancer of the rectum. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1908, n. s., lxxxv, 391-396.—Alli- son (C. ('.) Lpon cancer of the rectum; its treat- ment. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1899, iv, 334.—dc Backer & Mosqueron. Ln nouveau cas de cancer inoperable du rectum traite par les ferments purs. Rev. Rectum {Ceircinoma of Treatment of). g6n. de l'antiseps. et d. ferments therap., Par., 1897,'551- 553.—Bacon (J. B.) Treatment of cancer of the rec- tum. Am. J. Surg. & Gymec. Wellston, Mo., 1*95-6, viii, 31-35.—Boell. Relation d'un cas de cancer ano-rectal, traitein-extremisparlacancro'ined'Adamkievicz. Anjou med., Angers, 1903, x, 270-273— Chapiit. Traitement du cancer du rectum. Bull, ct mem. Sot-, de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 258-266.—Che;yno (W. W.) Ob- servations on the treatment of cancer of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1360-1303.—Discussion sur le traitement du cancer du rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1896, n. s., xxii. 607-616.—Drew (D.) On the early recognition of cancer of the rectum and its treatment. Clin. J., Lond., 1906-7, xxix, 118-122.—Du- jardin-Beaumetz. Traitement medical du cancer du rectum et de l'enterite pseudo-membraneuse. Bull. et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1892, 327-329. —ICn- gelbreeht. Nahere Mitteilungen fiber einen von Pro- fessor Adamkiewicz verbffentlichten mit Caucroin be- handelten Fall von Mastdarmkrebs. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1903, xvii, 254-256.—Knjilisch. Carcinoma recti; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Siftung in Wien (1889), 1890, 292—Evans (G. B.) The treatment of malignant disease of the rectum. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1895, viii, 270-272. -----. Carcinoma of the rectum and treatment. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., lv, 343-347.— Ciant (S. G.) The treatmentof cancer of the rectum. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 319-324.— Hoebenegg (J.) Zur Therapie des Reetumcareinoms. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 729-736. Also, Reprint.— Jaboulay. Le traitement du cancer du rectum. Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1896, x, 2— Kelsey (C. B.) Axioms in the treatment of cancer of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxx, 524-527.—Mack (M. H.) Some remarks about the treatment and results of cancer of the rectum. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1898, iv, 321-326— Masse y (G. B.) The treatment of carcinoma of the rectum by mercuric cataphoresis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., I'.i03, xxiv, 54-58.—Mayo (C. H.) Evolution in the treatment of cancer of the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 1127-1129.—Monroe (G.J.) A new treatment for can- cer of the rectum. Cincin. M. J., 1894, ix, 627-629. -----. Treatment of cancer of the rectum. Wisconsin M. Re- corder, Janesville, 1902, v, 171-173. — Niederle ,( B.) Pfispevek k otAzce leceni rakoviny konecniku. [Etude sur le traitement du cancerdu rectum. Res., 259.] Sborn. klin.,v Praze, 1902-3, iv, 207-260.—Pennington (J. R.) X-ray tube, shields, and specula for treating cancer of the rectum and other cavities. Chicago M. Rec, 1902, xxiii, 403-408. Also: Phila. M. J., 1902, x, 943-945. Also, Reprint.—Cluenu. Malade atteint d'un cancer du rec- tum inoperable et ameiiore par le curettage. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 593-595.— Quenu & Hartmann. Traitement du cancer du rec- tum. Rev. d. mal. cancer., Par., 1897-8, iii, 5-16.—Be- clus. Traitement des cancers inoperables du rectum. Mercredi med., Par., 1893, iv, 97-99. -----. Traitement des cancers inoperables du rectum. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 465-467.—Bydygier (L.) 0 leczeniu zlosliwych nowotworow odbytnicy. [Treatment of malignant tumors of the rectum.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1902, 2. s., xxii, 588-594—Tixier. Sur le cancer du haut rectum et du bas colon pelvien; considerations therapeu- tiques k propos de quelques observations. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1907, x, 37-42. [Discussion], 44-52. Also: Lyon m6d., 1907, cviii, 734-739—Tuttle (J. P.) Cancer of the rectum; what has modern suraery accomplished in its treatment? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 579; 640. Also, Reprint.—Weir (R. F.) An improved method of treating high-seated cancers of the rectum. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 121-124. Also, Reprint. Rectum (Carcinoma of Treatment of Gjnrati re). See, also, Anus (Artificial); Colotomy; Rec- tum (Carcinoma of) in children; Rectum (Car- cinoma of) in females. Ammentorp (L.) Den operative Behandling af Cancer Recti. Afhandling for Doctorgraden i Medicin. 8°. Kjebenhaen, 1891. Christen (\V.) * Beitrage zur Statistik und operativen Behandlung des Mastdarmkrebses. [Ziirich.] 8°. Tubingen, 1900. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1900, xxvii, 411- 490. Desforges-Mariel (E.) * Essai sur le traite- ment operatoire du cancer du rectum. 8°. Toulouse, 1897. Finet (P.[-M.-A.]) *De la valeur curative et palliative de l'exerese dans le cancer du rec- tum. 4°. Baris, 189(3. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, ls.96. RECTUM. 349 RECTUM. Rectum {Carcinoma of Treatment of Operative). Hoiine ([F. A.] E.) * Ueber die Heilung des Reetumcareinoms durch Extirpation. 8°. Halle a. 8., 18H4. Iversen (A. ) Bericht iiber 247 Fiille von Operationen beim Cancer recti, aus den nordi- schen Landern gesammelt. 8°. Kopenhagen, 1890. KfpFERLE (L.) *Die Erfolge der Radikal- behandlung des Mastdarmkrebses. [Heidel- berg.] 8°. Tubingen, 1904. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1904, xiii, 663-755. Kipfer (J.) *Die Amputation resp. Re- section des Mastdarms bei Carcinom. 8°. Wurzburg, 189M. Lovinsohx (M.) *Zur Statistik und opera- tiven Behandlung der Rectumcarcinome. [Heidelberg.] 8°/ Tubingen, 1892. " Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1892, x, 208-230. Motz (K.) *Die Resection resp. Amputa- tion des Mastdarms bei Carcinom, mit einem Fall nach der Heineke'schen Methode operirt. [Erlangen.] 8°. Esslingen, 1890. Schatz (E.) *Die Resultate der operativen Behandlung der Rectumcarcinome. 8°. Bonn, 1898. ScnrxK (W.) * Beitrag zur Operation hoch- sitzender Rectumcarcinome. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1894. Thedieck (F.) * Ueber einen Fall von car- cin. Mastdarmpolypen. 8°. Wurzburg, 1897. Wessely (A.) Die Operationen der Rektum- carcinome. 8°. Wurzburg, 189-5. Adler (L. H.), jr. The treatment of cancerof the rectum. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 860-865. -----. The excision of cancer of tbe rectum. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 460. Also, Reprint. — A lling- liain (H. W.) Cancer of the rectum; treatment, oper- ative or palliative. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1133.—Ash- hurst (J.) Cancer of the rectum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., ii, 185-187.— Ball (Sir C.) [et al.]. A discussion on the surgical treatment of malignant disease of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 793-804.—Berger (P.) Epithelioma du rectum; extirpa- tion, suivie d'un prolapsus du rectum complique d'une ulceration rebelle de celui-ci; colopexie iliaque; guerison du prolapsus et de l'ulceration; cure de l'anus contre na- ture par l'enterorraphie. Bull, etmem. Soc. de chir. de Par., Is92, n. s., xviii, 146-151. [Discussion]. 153-160.— Berndt (F.) Zur Operation des Mastdarmkarzinoms. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 1481.—Bloeli (O.) Om Operationer for Cancer recti. (Sa.-rligt om Indika- tionerneog Saarbehandlingen). [. . . (With special re- gard to indications and treatment of wound.. ] Hosp.- Tid., Kj0benh., 1890, 3. R., viii, 1-12—Bceckel (J.) Re- sultats eloignes del'extirpation du rectum etdel'S iliaque, d'apres une statistique comprenant 50 observations per- sonnelles. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc], Par., 1897, xi, 609-625.—Brick (J. C.) The operative treat- ment of carcinoma of the rectum. Surg., Gvnec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, 683-685.—Broome (he (M.) De I'ablationdu cancerdu rectum. Bull. Snc.de chir.de Lvon, 1897, 14-21. Also: Province med., Lvon, 1897, xi, 330-333. Also: Gaz. d. h6p. de Toulouse, 1897, xi, 345. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1898, xviii, 357-360.—Gaston (J. M.) Extirpation of the rec- RKCTUM. 350 RECTI'M. Rectum (Carcinoma of Treatment of Operative). turn fur carcinoma, Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1892, liv,521- 525. Also: Atlanta M. & S. J.. 1892-3, n. s., ix, 129-134.— Gaudier (H.) Traitement du cancer du rectum; nou- veau precede d'extirpation totale abdomino-perineale. Rev. de gynec. et de chir. abd., Par., 1897, i, 857-864. See, also, infra, Quenu.—Gerster (A. G.) The modern op- erative treatment of rectal cancer. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 77-94. -----. Resection of rectum for cancer; cure lasting over ten years. Ibid., 487.—Gil- bert(J.) Cancer of the rectum; reportof a case. Texas M. News, Austin, 1903-4, xiii,565-569.— Godart (J.) Can- cer du rectum; operation; guerison. Policlin., Brux., 1904, xiii, 252-254.— Goodrich (C. H.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Brooklyn M. J., 1898, xii, 634-636—Good- win (T. H.) A ca^e of carcinoma of the rectum; opera- tion. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 666.—Gould (P.) A case of cancer of the rectum. Clin.J.,Lond.,1906,xxviii,413-416.— Gross. Extirpation d'un cancerdu rectum. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1908, xl, 718. —Gross (G.) Trois obser- vations d'ablation de cancer du rectum par la voie peri- neale (precede de Quenu). Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 201-204.—Gubarett" (A. P.) Operativnoye llecheniye rakovopererozhdennol matki. [Operative treatment of cancerous uterus.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 88it-90L—Guerin (A.) Sur une observation de resection du rectum pour cancer annulaire. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, 415-421. — Guyot (J.) Cancer pedicuie de la face posterieure du rectum, avec etat cachectique; extirpation; guerison. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 759. — Hackmann (N.) Zur Statistik und operativen Behandlung der Rektumkar- zinome. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. klin. Chir., Wien & Leipz., 1903, 263-319. Also [Abstr.]: Militararzt, Wien, 1904, xxxviii, 107-109.—Hahn. Leberdie Operation eines hochsitzen- den Mastdarmcarcinoms. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv,476. Also: Verhandl.d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1897), 1898, xxviii, pt. 1.125.—Hartwell (J. A.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Ann.Surg., Phila., 1905,xiii,273-277.—Heath. Four cases of annular carcinoma of the rectum in which inguinal colotomy was performed. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 12.—Heidenhain (L.) Zusammenstellungder Fortschritte in der operativen Behandlung des Mast- darmkrebses. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1896, xiv, 62-58.— von Heineke. Leber die Operation des Mastdarm- carcinoms. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1893, Leipz., 1894, lxv, pt. 2, 56-59. — Heuston t F. T.) Observations on excision of the rectum for ma- lignant disease, describing a method of operation. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894-5, xiii, 212-221.— Hochenegg (J.) Meine Operationserfolge bei Rec- tumcarcinom. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 399-404. -----. Zur Frage der Dauerheilung beim Rektumkar- zinom. Jahresb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1906, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, 17-19.—Imbert. Cancers du sectum traites par l'extirpation chirurgicale. Marseille med., 1907, xliv, 757.—Indications for the operative treatment of can- cer of the rectum. Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 509-512 — van Iterson. De operatieve behandeling van het car- cinoma ani et recti. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1890,2. R., xxvi, 610-620.—J ewett (C.) High rectal can- cer. Brooklyn M. J., 1905, xix, 141-144. [Discussion], 170. -----. Further report on case operated upon for cancer of rectum. Ibid., 468.—Jones (T.) On cancer of the rectum and its t reatment by excision. Med. Ch ron., Manchester, 1894, n. s., i, 11-16. —Keen (W. W.) Treat- ment of cancerof the rectum, with a reportof twenty- five cases. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, 3. s., xix, 217; 303. Also, Reprint.—Kelsey (C. B.) Cancer of the rectum and extirpation. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 477-479.—Khol- tsolt* (B. N.) Demonstratsiya bolnovo, operirovannovo A. A. Troyanovim po povodu rakovol strikturi pryamol kishki. [Demonstration of a patient operated upon by Troyanoff for cancerous stricture of rectum.] Bolnitsch. gaz.'Botkina, St. Petersb., 1896, vii, 870-873. —Koch (C.) Zur Operation des Mastdarmkrebses. Sitz.-Protok. d. aerztl. Ver. Niirnb. 1894, Munchen, 1895, 45-68. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 113; 141.—Kraske (P.) Ueber die weitere Entwickelung der Operation hochsitzenderMastdarmkrebse. Verhandl.d deutsch.Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1906, xxxv, pt. 2, 428-135. [Discus- sion], pt. 1,130. Also: Arch.f.klin.Chir.,Berl.,1906,lxxx, 634-641.—Kronlein. Ueber die Resultate der Operation des Mastdarm-Carcinoms. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesell- sch. f. Chir., Berl., 1900, xxix, pt. 2, 23-53. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxi, 309-339.—Kumnier (E.) R6- sultat final d'une resection du rectum pour cancer. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv, 580-582.—Lane (W. A.) Excision of the rectum and lower portion of the sigmoid for cancer. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 634. -----. Excision of the rectum for carcinoma. Lancet, Lond., L'OS. i, 418. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., lxxxv, 610.—Le Dentil (A.) Epithe- lioma cylindrique du rectum et de l'anus; resection du coccyx "et du sacrum; anussacre. In his: Hop. Necker. Etudes de clin. chir. 1890-91, S°, Par., 1892, 2<;s.—Ledru. Extirpation d'un cancer du rectum etendu par les voies Rectum (Carcinoma ef Treatment ef Operative). naturelles. Cong, franc-de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par 1891, v, 319-322.—Lejars. Des methodes d'operation Uii cancer du rectum. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par 1893, vii, 817-819. — Lieblein (V.) Zur Statistik und Technik der Radikaloperationen des Mastdarmkrebses. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing. 1902, xxxiii, 464-517.— Littlewood (H.) A contribution to the operative treatment of malignant disease of the rectum, illustrated by eight cases. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 745-748.—Loi son ,V Sinionin. Deux casde cancerdu rectum. Marseille med., 1905, xiii, 3; 28; 34—Lorenz (H.) Zur Operation hochsitzender Mastdarmkarzinome. Jahresb. d. ii. chir Klin, zu Wien 1906, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, 26-28.— Lusk (W.C.) Excision of the rectum forcancer. Surg.,Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vii, 113-226.—Maas (F.) Demon- stration eines durch Resection entfernten Mastdarmcar- cinoms. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1903, xv, 552.—Me- Cosh(A.J.) Excisionof cancerof the rectum. N.York M. J., 1892, lvi, 253-260. Also, Reprint.—McKay (X. E.) Carcinoma of rectum; operation: recovery. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1895, vii, 221—Macready (J. F.c. II.) Case of cancerof the upper rectum; colotomy, and subse- quent en terectomy. Tr.M.Soc. Lond.,1895-6, xix.409-412.— Man ley (T. H.) Surgical therapy of rectal cancer. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 382. Also: Am. M.-Siwg. Bull., N. Y., 1893, vi, 91-96. Also, Reprint— Manzoni (A.) Adenocarcinoma del retto occupante la parete late- rale posteriore sinistra all' altezza di cinque centim. dallo sfintere; resezione; guarigione. Gazz.med.lomb..Milano, 1894, liii, 377. —Marcacci (G.) Di una asportazione del retto intestino, di alcune ablazioni di carcinoma, e dell' estirpazione di un cancro sul collo accompagnata da ingresso d' aria nelle vene. Gazz. tosc d. sc. med.-fis., Firenze, 1846, iv, 317-325-Marey (H. O.) The resec- tion of the rectum for the removal of malignant growths. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1894, i, 80-85.—Marinno (B.) Jokuso shinshiki shusitsu no itjire. [New surgical operation for cancer of the rectum.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 307,17; no. 308, 35; no. 310,22.—Mathews (J. M.) Excisionof the rectum for cancer. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1890, i, 163-166. -----. Cancerof rectum; exci- sion; recovery. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1893, vi, 282.— Matlako wski (W.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki wycie.- cia odbytnicy z powodu raka. [Quelques cas de resection du rectum pour des cancers. Res.,p.lxix.] Przegl.chir., Warszawa, 1893-4, i, 681-594.—Mazzoni (G.) Epitelio- ma del retto in giovane a 21 anno; estirpazione col taglio sacrale (Kraske). Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 2, 135-137.—Meyer (W.) Excision of the rectum for carci- noma. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlvii, 811.—Millard (P. H.) Cancer of the rectum; extirpation. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 61.—ITIiller (A. G.) Caseof iliac colotomy for malignant disease of the rectum; pa- tient in good health three years after the operation. Edinb. M. J., 1892-3, xxxviii, 822-824.—Monroe (G. J.) Cancerof the rectum; reportof acase. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1903, n.s., li, 138-140.—Morton (C. A.) Aclinical lecture on a consecutive series of 34 cases of excision of a portion of the rectum for carcinoma. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1038-1040.—Moulonguet. Extirpation d'un cancer du rectum. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 327.-----. Ablation des cancers du rectum. As- soc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1897, xi, 638- 642.— Moynihan (B. G. A.) The surgical treatment of cancer of the sigmoid flexure and rectum, with special reference to the principles to be observed. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908, vi, 463-466.— Mummery (P. L.) The present position of the treatment for carcinoma of the rectum. Practitioner, Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 659-672. -----. A case of excision of the rectum for cancer. Poly- clin., Lond., 1907, xi, 65.-Munro (J.C.) Inguinal co- lotomy for malignant adenoma of rectum, with autopsy. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxviii, 468-470.—Murphy (E. A.) Cancer of the rectum. South. J. Homceop., N. Orl., 1891-2, ix, 471-176.—Murray (F. W.) Carcinoma of the rectum. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix, 356.—Myntcr (H.) Scirrhusof rectum and excision of rectum. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1890-91, xxx, 482.—Neve (A.) A case of carcinoma of the rectum; excision; recovery. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1898, xi, 232. Also: Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1898, xiv, 187. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 226 — Norton (A. T.) A case of epithelioma of the rectum; excision; restoration of function. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1889-90,xxiii,222. Also: Med. Press&Circ,Lond., 1890,n.s., xlix, 505.—N o ve-Josserand. Discussion sur le traite- ment du cancer du rectum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1897, 21-24.—Owen (E.) Cancer of rectum; colotomy; painful ulcer of anus; operation. Med.Press&Circ.Lond., 1898, n. s., lxv, 355.—Page (H. W.) Two cases of resec- tion for high rectal carcinoma. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1004.—Papin (E.) L'anurie dans le cancer du rectum. Rev. de gynec. et de chir. abd., Par., 1908, xii, 675-699.— Pauchet (V.) Ablation du cancer du rectum (type moyen). Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 693.—Pean. Traite- ment operatoire du cancer du rectum. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1897, xi, 597-609. Also: Gaz. RECTUM. 351 RECTUM. Rectum (Carcinoma of Treatment of (Jperative). a. hop., Par., 1S97, lxx, 1296.—Petermann (J.) Leber Mastdarmkrebs. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxx, 1- 32.—Peugniez (P.) Cure radicale d'un cancer du rec- tum. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1902, xx, 681-687.— Pichler (.1.) Zur Statistik und operativen Behandlung der Rectumcarcinome. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxi, 229-265. -----. Zur Statistik der sacral operirten Rectum-Carcinome. Ibid., 1901, lxiii, 237-240.—Pilcher (L. S.) Carcinoma of rectum; colostomy; death from pulmonary thrombosis. Brooklyn M. j!, 1896, x, 612. -----. Carcinoma of the rectum; result three years after extirpation. Ibid., 1902. xvi, 469.—Piatt (J. E.) On excisionof the rectum forcancer, with records of twenty- one case-. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1894, n. s., i, 419- 428. — Polya ( E.) Ausrottung des Mastdarmes und Dunudannre-ection infolgc Carcinom des Rectums. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 356.— Porter (C. A.) Adeno-carciuoma of the rectum. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 485. -----. Two cases of exci- sion of adeno-carcinoma of the rectum,with preservation of the sphincter. Ibid., 1907, clvii, 819.—Potieyuko (V. V.) Cancer recti; ehastichnaya rezektsiva pryamol kishki; vizdorovleniye. [. . .; partial resection of "rec turn; recovery.] Russk. chir. arch., !?.-Peterb., 1895, i, 716.— Prutz* (W.) Bemerkungen zur Statistik der sacralen Exstirpation des Mastdarmkrebses. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxii. 398-407. -----. Beitrage zur operativen Behandlung des Mastdarmkrebses. Ibiil., 1901, lxiii, 591- 612—Purcell \F. A.) Excision of the rectum and part of the sigmoid flexure (twelve inches i for malignant dis- ease. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 723—.—Quenu. De l'extirpation sacro-abdo- minalc du rectum cancereux en deux temps. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1896, n. s., xxii, 677-680. Also: Presse med., Par., 1896, 594. -----. Technique operatoire pour l'amputation du rectum cancereux. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 163-173. Also: Presse med., Par., 1*97, pp. xc-xcii. -----. Du choix des precedes operatoiresdans l'extirpation des cancers du rec- tum. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 458-474. Also: Presse med., Par., 1897, pp. cclxiii-eclxv. -----. De l'extirpation abdomino-perineale des cancers du rectum. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] Par., 1*98, xii, 327-333. -----. Cancers du rectum operes par voie perin6ale; quelques points de technique opera- toire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1898, n. s , xxiv, 190-192. -----. De l'extirpation des cancers du rectum par la voie abdomino-perineale. Ibid., 706-717. -----. Extirpation abdomino-perin6ale d'un cancer du rectum. Ibid., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 185. See, also, supra, Berger.— Quenu (E.) & Baudet (R.) L'extirpation du rectum cancereux par la voie perineale; technique operatoire. Rev. de gynec et de chir. abd., Par., 1898, ii, 847-870 — Reelus (P.) Nouveau precede d'anus iliaque dans le cancer du rectum. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 242-244 — Rehn (L.) Die Operation hochsitzender Mastdarm- Carcinome in zwei Zeiten. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1890, xix, pt. 2, 309-315.—Rever- din (A.) Ne devrait-on pas plus souvent preferer l'anus iliaque aux extirpations du rectum cancereux? Assoc. franc- de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1903, xvi, 692-695. Also: Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1904,ix, 180-182.—Rey- inond (E.) Ablation d'un cancerdu rectum par la seule voie abdominale apre.s hysterectomie totale; guerison. Assoc, franc- de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1907, 351.— Richelot. Cancer du rectum; operation de Kraske. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 55.—Ricketts (B. M.) Rectal carcinoma, with subsequent colotomy. Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, Allegheny, Pa., 1899, i, 40. Also: Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 316. Also, Reprint.— Roberts (G. W.) Sig- moidoproctectomy for cancer of the rectum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 451-455.—Rose (W.) Early colotomy in the treatment of malignant disease of the rectum. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lix, 11-20.—Rotter (J.) Ueber die combinirte Operationsmethode zur Entfernung von Mastdarm- und Colon-Carcinomen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxxi. pt. 2, 33-64. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1474.— It on tier (A.) Cancer annulaire de la partie superieure du rectum; resection par la voie sacree (Kraske) de 10 cen- timetres d'intestin avec conservation dusphincter. Bull. et m6m. Soc de chir. de Par., 1**9, n. s., xv, 676-684. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1889, ix, 961-972. [Discussion], 1009. -----. [Sur une observation de carcinome du rectum opere par la methode de Kraske.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, 397-406. [Discussion!, 424- 428.—Ryall (C.) Transsacral excision of the rectum for cancer. Treatment.Lond.,1898-9,ii,421^24. -----. Notes of a case of extensive transsacral excision of the rectum for cancer, followed by perfect sphincteric control. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1899, ii,1085.—Sabadini. Extirpation d'un cancer du rectum, precedee d'une colotomie iliaque gauche. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1903, 2. s., i, 191- 194.—Saltslitshetf(E. G.) Polnoye izslecheniye pred- statelnol zhelyozi s nizhnimi chastyami slemennikh pu- ztrkov i dvukhnizhnikh tretel pryamol kishki pri rakle ikh. [Complete excision of the prostate gland together with the lower parts of the seminal vesicles and two-thirds of the rectum for cancer.] Chir. Laitop.. Mosk., 1*95, v, 885-899.—Schmidt (G. B.) Ueber die Operationsme- thoden bei Rectumcarcinomund deren Knderfolge. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 573-575. — Schwartz. De l'anus contre nature dans le traitement du cancer du rec- tum. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1890, iv, 665- 66*.—Sciiii (N.) Excisionof high rectal carcinoma with- out sacral resection. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 607-610. Also, Reprint— JSouiiner (H. O.) The abdomino-sacral and other new methods for extirpation of rectal cancer. Med. Times, N. Y., 1901, xxix, 193; 225. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lvi,217.—Symonds. On the conditions demanding colotomy in the course of cancerof the rectum. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond.. 1*9:;. n.s., vii, 237; 257— Thorndike (P.) The operative treat- mentof rectal cancer, with especial reference to Kraske's sacral method. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, exxiv. 453-457.— Tixier. Cancer stenosant du haut rectum; hysterecto- mie abdominale totale permettant l'enterectomie ct 1'cti- terorraphie circulaire; retablissement des fonctions intes- tinales normales; guerison. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1907, x, 285-289. -----. Enorme cancer sus-ampullairc du rectam; ablation en deux temps: 1° anus contre nature RECTUM. 355 RECTUM. Rectum {Carcinoma of Treatment of, Operative, Methods in). definitif et hvsterectomie totale; 2°ablation totale perin6o- abdominale." Ibid., 17-19. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 579. -----. Enterectomie pour cancer de haut rectum; invagination colo-rectale a la Hochenegg; retrecissement cicatriciel ultereur; hysterectomie abdominale totale per- mettant une anastomose colorectaleau boutonde Larden- noie; fistule colovaginale; colpodeisis; guerison. Lyon med.,1908,cxi.131-134.—Torikata(R.) Beitrag zur kom- binierten Exstirpationderhochsitxenden,respectivehoch hinaufreichenden Mastdarmcarcinome bei Mannern. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xciv, 162-178.— Trlnkler (N.) Zur Technik der Enukleation des Mast- darms bei karzinomatbsen Erkrankungen desselben. Wien med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1740; 1779. — I llinann (E.) Ueber Colorectostomie oder Anlegung einer Anas- tomose zwischen Colon und Rectum bei inoperablen ho- hen Mastdarmcarcinomen. Wien. med. Presse, 1889, xxx, 9S5-98S. -----. De la colorectostomie, ou de I'application d'une anastomose entre le colon et le rectum dans le cas de carcinomes inoperables situes & la partie .superieure du rectum. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvcrs, 1890, Iii, 115-121.— Van Lennep (W. B.) Rectal cancer; complete obstruc- tion; inguinal colotomy. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1890, xxv, 643-645. -----. Kraske for rectal carcinoma; redressing. Hahneman. Inst., Phila,1902-3,x,246.—Ver- deletiL. i Cancerdu rectum et anus iliaque. J.demed. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii, 824.— Villard. De l'extir- pation trans-anale du rectum cancereux avec conserva- tion du sphincter. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1905, viii, 216-226. Also: Lyon med., 1905, cv, 232-241. — Vincent (E.) Cancer recto-sigmoide; anus iliaque preliminaire; resection du neoplasme par la voie abdomino-anale; gue- rison. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1904, xv, 53-57.— Vitrae. Cancer recto-sigmoide; extirpation par la voie abdomino-perineale. Bull. Soc. d'anat.etphysiol.de Bor- deaux, 1898, xix, 2*0-2*4.—Warren (J. C.) Excision of the rectum forcancer. Boston M. &S. J., 1902,cxlvi,385.— Weinlechner. Carcinom des Rectums, nach der Kraske'schen Methode operirt; todtlicher Ausgang. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1*80), 1888, 2_>6—Weir (R. F.) An improved method of treating high-seated cancers of the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1901, xxxvii, 801-*03. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 121-124. Also [Ab-tr.]: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1901-2, xv, 134.—Wenzel. Wie lasst sich dieRa- dikaloperation des Reetumcareinoms zu einer aseptischen und unblutigen Operationgestalten? Sitzungsb. d. nied.- rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn (1902), 1903, med. Sekt., 54-56.—White (S.) A ease of carcinoma of the rectum excised bvthe transsacral method. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1900-1901, ix, 264. — Willems (C.) Tech- nique operatoire du cancer du rectum. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem. 1*97, ii, 673-679.—Williams (J.M.) The scope of colostomy in cancer of the rectum. Tr. Ken- tucky M. Soc. Louisville, 1896, n. s., v, 215-219. Also: Am. Pract. & News,Louisville, 1896, xxii, 4*-52. Also: Louis- ville M. Month., 1896-7, iii, 168-170.—Wright (D.) The trans-sacral method of excising high-seated cancerof the rectum, with an account of four cases. Month. Homosop. Rev., Lond., 1899, xliii, 204-212. — ZaJ-ozieeki (W.) Wysoko usadowiony rak odbytnicy; operacyja podlug Kraskegozzastosowaniem pierwotnegoobwodowego szwu kiszkowego; wyleczenie; z kazuistyki krajowego szpitala w Czerniowcach, wraz zog61nemi u wagami nad metodami operacyi odbytnicy. [High-seated rectal cancer; opera- tion by Kraske's method with primary circular intestinal suture; recovery; case from the Czernowitz Hospital, with personal remarks on the operative methods in cancer of the rectum.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1890, xxix, 435; 444. Also, transl.: Wien. med. BL, 1*90, xiii, 291; 309.—/im- ■nermann. [Totale Rectumexstirpation wegen Carci- noma recti naeh der coccigealen Methode mit extrarec- talem, hintereinLangsschnitte] Militararzt, Wien, 1904, xxxviii, 75. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 145. Rectum {Carcinoma of) in females. Greiser (F. A.) *Zur Complication der Schwangerschaft und Geburt mit Rectumcarci- nom. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Krause (K. A.) *Mastdarm-Carcinom und Schwangerschaft. 8°. Bonn, 1900. Baldy iJ. M.) Cesarean section for cancer of the rectum. Tr. Sec. Gvnec. Coll. Phvs. Phila., N. Y., 1900, vi, 110-113. Also: Am. J. Obst., N"Y., 1901, xliii, 58-60. [Discussion], 82.— Barro w (A. B.) Epithelioma of rec- tum in a woman 7; months pregnant. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1896-7. Lond.. 1*9*, iv, 128. — Branhani (J. H.) Report of two cases of excision of the rectum for epithe- lioma, one case involvingperineum and vagina. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1*96, Phila., 1897, ix, 439-442.— By- lord (H.T.) Extirpation of the rectum per vaginam, with utilization of the vagina to replace the lost rectal tissue. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 18%, xxiv, 631-633. Also, Re- print.—Carcinoma recti. 2. W. Ber. d. k. k. Kran- Rectum {Carcinoma of) in females. kenh. Wieden 1877, Wien, 1*78,'228-231.—Craig- (W. B.) Surgical treatment of cancer of the rectum in women. Tr. Colorado M. Soc 1906, Denver, 1907, vi, 149-154. Also: Colorado Med., Denver, 1907, iv, 185-190. — Depage. Cancer de la partie inferieure du rectum; ablation par la voieperineo-vaginale; guerison. Ann.Soc. beigedechir., Brux., 1898-9, vi, 276.— Desguin (L.) Extirpation du cancer rectal par la voie vagino-perineale avec conserva- tion du sphincter. Ann. Soc. de med. d'An vers, 1890, Iii, 187-192. Also: Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1891, vi, 2-6.—Fri- gyesi. Geburt nach einer Kraske-Operation. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1907, xliii, 511. — Godart (J.) Cancer du rectum: voie perineo-vaginale. Poli- clin., Brux., 1906, xv, 83.—Goldner (S.) Sacrale Exstir- pation des Reetumcareinoms mit gleiehzeitiger Entl'er- nung des Uterus. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xiii, 441-444.— Goullioud. Cancer invagin6 recto-sigmoide; resec- tion de l'intestin par voie perineo-vaginale; amputation totale du rectum abdomino-p6rineale ulterieure. Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 77-79.—Grulee (C.G.) Car- cinoma in early life; with the reportof a case of carcinoma of the rectum in a girl of sixteen vears. Surg. Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 678.—von Herezel (E.) Exstir- pation des Mastdarmes mit Resection der Vagina combi- nirt. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1905, xii, 88.— Heydenreich (A.) De la voie vaginale dans la resec- tion du rectum. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1897, xi, 625-631. Also: Semaine m6d.. Par., 1897, xvii, 321.—Liiermaiin (W.) Vaginale Mastdarmopera- tionen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1899, xxv, 89-110.— Lorenz (H.) Graviditiit und Rektumkarzinom. Jah- resb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1906, Berl. u. Wien, 1907, 30-32.—Lusk (W. C.) Case of excision of the rectum for cancer, with preservation of normal anus; illustra- tions of surgical anatomy of the operation; anatomical studies relating to a proposition to excise rectum, uterus, and part of vagina, en masse, above pelvic floor. [Abstr.] Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1906, x, 178-183—I, uys (G.) Cancer du rectum; propagation secondaire pleuro-pulmo- naire; coexistence avec un fibrome uterin. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 142-149.—JM.cArthur (L. L.) Cancerof the rectum. Am. J. Obst., N.Y.,1891, xxiv, 567- 573.—JWarcacci (G.) Estirpazione di voluminoso epite- lioma del retto intestino in donna. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1883, iv, 474; 482.—Martens. Exstirpation ausgedehnter Mastdarmcarcinome bei Fraucn. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.,Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, Ver.-Beil.,117.—Matsu- iira(U.) [A caseof rectal cancercomplicatedwith ovarian tumor.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1899, xx, 517-520.— Milward (F. V.) Rectal carcinoma treated by a mod- ification of Witzel's colostomy and three weeks later by the extirpation of the entire organ by the vaginal route. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1454-1456.— Oakes (W. K.) Can- cer of the rectum, in the female, with report of case. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1899-1900, vi, 145-147.—Phillips (J.) A case of malignant growth of the rectum compli- cating pregnancy; induction of premature labour; subse- quent colotomy and extirpation. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1896-7, Lond., 1898, iv, 221—Pollosson (A.) Observa- tion d'un cas d'obstruction intestinale par cancer du rec- tum chez une jeune fille de 20 ans. Lyon med., 1*93, lxxiii, 285-288. Also: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1893), 1894, xxxiii, pt. 2, 73-77.—Polya (J.) Vaginaresectioval complik< vegbeikiirtas esete. [A case of extirpation of the rectum complicated by resec- tion of the vagina.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 392.—Quenu. Des resultats eioign6s de l'extirpation du rectum cancereux par voie abdomino-perineale, chez la femme. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 812-815.—Rectuinca rcinom bei einem 17jiihri- gen Madchen. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, in Basel (1902), 1903, 77.—Ryal I (('.) Case of excision of the rec- tum and vagina for cancer. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxviii, 85. Also: Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1899- 1900, xv, 333-335. -----. Inguinal colotomy for carcinoma recurring after excision of rectum and vagina. Med.Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxii, 192.—Nehwarz (D.) Exstirpatio recti abdomino-vaginalis. Liec. viestnik, u Zagrebu, 1899, xxi, 113-115.—Snow (H.) Two cases of recto-vaginal excisionfor high rectal cancer. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxix, 549. Also: Brit. Gyniee. J., Lond., 1900-1901, xvi, 114-117.—Stubbs (J. C.) Extir- pation of a carcinoma of the rectum with implantation of bowel into vagina. Chicago M. Recorder. 1905, xxvii, 226-231. Also: Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1905, vii, 90- 92.—Tailheler. Pathogenie des troubles vesicaux ob- serves dans le cours du cancer rectal et du cancer ute- rin. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1898, xvi, 102-105.—Thompson (J. J.) A new method for extir- pating cancer of the rectum in the female. Med. Cen- tury, Chicago, 1898, vi, 292. -----. Malignant growth in- volving rectum, vaginal wall, and uterus. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1900-1901, ix, 80-83.—Tho re n (A. V.) Carci- noma recti ct vaginae; resektion af andtarmen och bakre vaginal vaggen med tvarresektion af korsbenet. [. . .; re- section of rectum and posterior vaginal wall with cross sec- tion of the os sacrum.] Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1896, lviii, pt. 2, 317.— Whitacre (H. J.) A case of colloid carcinoma KECTUM. 356 RECTUM. Rectum {Carcinoma of) in females. of the rectum, with excision by the combined vaginal and inguinal routes. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1903, Phila., 1904, xvi, 371-378,3 pl.—Venokhin (B.) Ye- shtsho tri sluchaya izslecheniya pryamol kishki u zhen- shtshin po vlagalishtshnomu metodu. [Three cases of excision of the rectum per vaginam.] Kazan. Med. J., 1907, vii, no. 2, pt. 2, 153-162. Rectum (Concretions in). Cripps (W. H.) Concretion in the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1*96-7, xlviii, 122.—Shiniodaira (J.) Darm- steinbildung bei congenitaler Afterverengerung. [Jap- anese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1897, xi, 527-529. Rectum (Dilatation of). And rews (E.) Paralysis of the sphincters of the anus caused by the forcible dilatation of that orilice. Illinois M. .1.. Springiield, 1900-1901, n. s., ii, 4*5-1*9.—Fletcher (H.M.j & Ko bin won (II.B.) A caseof idiopathic dila- tation of the rectum and of the colon as far as the hepatic flexure. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1906-7, xl, 80-85. Also: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1907, i. 370-372.—Middleton (A.B.) Intro- ductory discussion of rectal dilatation in the practice of medicine. Peoria M. J., 1901, vi, 134-137.—Mummery (P. L.) A new rectal dilator. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 34.— Robarts (H.) Radio-rectal dilators; radio-urethral sounds; a short clinical report. J. Phvs. Therapy, Chi- cago, 1905-6, i, 259-264.—Roberts (D.") Gradual anal dilatation by a new method. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 985.—Simon (G.) Ueber die kunstliche Erweiterung des Anus und Rectum zu diagnostischen, operativen und prophylactischen Zwecken, und iiber deren Indicationen bei chirurgischen Krankheiten des Mastdarms. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1873, xv, 99-121. Also, Reprint. Rectum (Diseases of). See, also, Faeces (Incontinence of); Fistula (Anal); Fistula (Bectal); Haemorrhoids; Rec- tum (Actinomycosis of); Rectum (Carcinoma of); Rectum ( Concretions in); Rectum (Fissu re of); Rectum (Gangrene of ); Rectum (Haemor- rhage from); Rectum (Inflammation, etc., of); Rectum (Neuralgia of'); Rectum (Paralysis of); "Rectum (Parasites in); Rectum (Prolapse of); Rectum (Stricture of); Rectum (Syphilis of); Rectum (Tuberculosis of); Rectum (Tumors of); Rectum (Fleers of); Rectum (Valves of) [etc.]. Hoyt (E. F.) Observations and experiences involving rectal diseases. obi. 12°. [New York], 1890. Jelks (J. L.) A proctological clinic. 8°. Memphis, 1905. Repr.from: Memphis M. Month., 1905, xxv. Aeheson (G.) Atonv of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1897, ii, 1230.—Adier (L H.), jr. Some practical notes upon diseases of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1899, lxx. 951-954. Also, Reprint. -----. Some random notes on diseases of the rectum. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1903-4, vii, 217-252. -----. Diagnosis and treatment of some of theordinary diseases of the rectum. Med. Council, Phila., 1905, x, 435-141. -----•. Rectal diseases; a report of three cases; cepa<;e(A.) Rectum; [tableof diseases]. Compt. rend. . . . serv. de chir. a l'hop. St.-Jean de Bruxelles (l900), 1901, 69.—Einige neuere Arbeiten fiber Pathologie und Therapie der Affectionen des Mastdarms. Allfj. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, lxx, 754; 765; 779; 791.—Foster (B. B.) Remarks on a few of the more common diseases ot the rectum. .T. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1896-7, iii, 369- 372.— Gant (S. G.) A few remarks on the early history of rectal diseases. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1894, xxx, 461- 463. -----. The significance of diarrheal discharges as a Rectum (Disee/.s-s of). symptom of rectal disease. Mathews' M. Quart., Louis- ville, 1894, i, 521-530. -----. A few remarks on the early history of rectal diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895 xxiv, 162-164. -----. The future of the proctologist' N. York M. J. [etc.], 19D7, Ixxxvi, 334-336. Also, Re- print—Gilbert (W. W.i Common diseases of the rec- tum. Clin. Reporter, St. Louis, 1904, xvii, 13.-Oreen (W. O.) Report on rectal diseases. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1893, xv, 41-49. Also, Reprint.— Hamilton ( E. A.) Some colonic, siionoidal and rectal conditions. Proctologist, St. Louis, 190*. ii, 187- 191. Also: Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, [n. p.L 1908, 121-126.— Ilanes (G. S.) A new position for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and sigmoid Hexure J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 190*. li, 1131-1136.—Ilawley (D. C.) Diseases of the rectum. Tr. Vermont M. Soc 1895-6, Burlington, 1*97, 319-33,7. Also: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1897,x, 8-13. Also; Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1897, iii, 65-80.—Heath (('.) A clinical lecture on common diseases of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1299-1302. -----. A clinical lecture oil common diseases of the rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 65-70.—Hii-seliinann i L. .1.) Diseases of the rec- tum and anus: modern methods of treatment and diag- nosis. Detroit M. J., 1904-5, iv, 133-139.— Horrocks (W.) Anal tags. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1893-4, ii, 32s- 331.—House (H. G.) Some forms of rectal disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1898, lx, 252-263.—Kelsey (('. B.) One year's work in diseases of the rectum at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Med News, Phila., 1890, lvii, 585-588. -----. An analysis of seven hundred and fifty cases of rectal disease in private practice. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 2*5-292. -----. The second vear's work in diseases of the rectum at the New York Post-Graduate Hospital. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 347-349. Also, Reprint. -----. The third year's work at the clinic for diseases of the rectum in the New York Post-Graduate Hospital. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 191-193. Also, Reprint. -----. Four years' work in diseases of the rectum at the Post-Graduate Hospital clinic. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 723-725. Also, Reprint. -----. Five years' work in diseases of the rectum at the New York Post-Graduate Hospital. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 716-718. Also, Reprint. -----. Diseases of the rectum and anus. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1895, vii, 901- 909. -----. The limits of diseases of the rectum as a specialty. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 658-660.— Kronse (L.J.) Some interesting cases of rectal dis- ease. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1902, n. s., xlix, 77-79.— Leaf (C. H.) The diagnosis and treatment of some of the common diseases of the rectum and anus. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond , 1904, xxxii, 179; 195; 258; 307: 371; 3*5; 593; 737; 769; 817: 1905, xxxiii, 1; 17; 33: 49.—Le- va! (J.) Vegbcdsipolyok-es vetfbelkoruli talyogokrol. [Fistulse of the rectum and abscesses in the pen-rectal region.] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 52; 73; 88; 101; 150; 183. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest, 1899, xxxv, 73; 100; 126. — MacMillan (J. A.) Comment on some diseases of the rectum and intestinal tract with report of cases. Detroit M. J., 1908, viii, 49.— Maioeehi (A.) Affezioni del retto e dell' anno. Osp. magg. Riv.-scient. prat. d. . . . di Milano, 1907, ii, 236- 238.—Mauley (T. H.) Something more on the pathology and treatmentof hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas, and ulcers in the ano- rectal region, with a few notes on prolapsus ani and neoplasm. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1892, xx, 1441- 1446. Also, Reprint.— Mason (R. D.) The diagnosis and treatment of rectal diseases from the standpoint of the general practitioner. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 840-849.— Mathews (J. M.) Some late sugges- tions inrectal work. Indiana M. J., Indianap.,1895-6,xvi, 333-337. -----. Diseases of the rectum and anus. Syst. Pract. Therap. (Warei, Phila., 1897 iv. 631-675. -----. General remarks upon rectal diseases; with especial refer- ence tothetreatmentof fistula. Internat.clin., Phila.,1899, 9.s..iii,216-223.—Monroe (G.J.) Rectal diseases. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1*9*. n. s., xl, 546-548.-----. Disease of the rectum and anus. Ibid., 1900, n. s., xliv, 77-80. -----. A resume of rectal diseases. Ibid., 1903, n. s., 1, 424-427.— Moore (J. A.) Some thoughts on diseases of the rectum. (>ccidental M.Times, Sacramento, 1896, x, 442-445.—Jl ur- ray (D. H.) Some minor rectal lesions. Buffalo M. J., 1905-6, lxi, 525-529. Also: Tr. M. Ass. Central N. Y.. Buf- falo, 1905, xii. 33-37.—Ormshy (L. H.) Clinical lectures on diseases of the rectum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1898, n. s., Lxv, 325; 404; 431; 456.—Pearson (B. R.) Some of the more common diseases of the rectum. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1898. 110-120. Also: Ala- bama M. & S. Age, Birmingh., 1898-9, xi, 221-228.—Pen- nington (J.R.) Address of the president of the Ameri- can Proctologic Society. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 119- 121. Also. Reprint.—Powell (I). > The pathology and symptomatology of hemorrhoids, anal fistula, and anal fissure. J. Am, M. A-s., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 67-69.— (iiicnu (K.) Etude sur les hemorro'ides; des ulcerations variqueuses du rectum et de, l'anus. Rev. de chir., Par., 1892, xii, 981-1000. -----. Etude sur les lymphangites d'origine ano-rectale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de RECTUM. 357 RECTUM. Rectum {Diseases of). Par., 1*94, n. s., xx, 32.5-332.—Reed (J. G.) Rectal dis- eases. Cincin. M. J., 1890, v. 231.—Kieder (111 Ein Mischfall von Svphilis und Tuberkulosedes Ma^tdarmes. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1891-2. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2, 467-472. — K iji ley (J. A.) A lecture on the minor ailments of the rectum and anus. Lancet. Lond.. 1892, ii, 1430.—Rodman (\V. L.) Rectal di-ea-e. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 12. s., i, 169.— Schilling. ( F.) Die Krankheiten des Alters. Berl. Klinik, 190*. xx, Hft. 246. 1-25. — Schmitt (A.) Die Krkrankungen des Mastdarmes. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. il. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1903. iv, 1-44. —Sher- wood-Dunn ( B. ) Some clinical observations in rectal diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 1195-1197. — Sims (G. K.) Diseases of the rectum and anus. Gaillard'sM. J., N. Y., 1*96, 705-710. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1*96, xxxviii, 255-260. Also: Atlanta M. n the examination of the diseased rectum; with special reference to the inspection of its upper portion by the sigmoidoscope. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1905, lvii, 78-85.— Monroe (C J.) Obscure rectal or so-called rectal dis- eases. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 5*9-591. -----. Diagnosis of rectal diseases. Ibid., 1900, n. s., xliv, 119-121.—Neugebauer (F.) Die Bedeutung der Spinalanalgesie fiir die Diagnose und Therapie der Er- krankungen des Anus und Rektum. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, xxxii. 1169.— Pennington (.1. R. i The diagnosis of rectal diseases. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1900-1901, n. s., ii, 489-192.—Porter (W. T.) Differential diagnosis of diseases of the rectum. Weekly M. Rev.. St. Louis, 1890, xxii, 146-148.— Potts (J. D.) Theimportance and significance of rectal symptoms. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1907, i, 74-81—Sawyer ( P. E.) The importance of early diagnosis in diseases of tin1 rectum. Med. Hem Id, St. Joseph, 1904, n. s., xxiii, 467-171. —Schmidt (A.) LeberSchleim imStuhlgang. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., lierl., 1897, xxxii, 260-279, 1 pl. —Staull'er i W. II.) The im- portance of diagnosis of diseases of the rectum. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1904, xxv, 342.—Svehla (K.) Ueber neue Symptome der Affektionen der Mastdarm- schleimhaut. besonders fiber Fissurae ani mit Sympto- meii einer Coxitis. Jahrb.f. Kinderh., Berl., 1906, lxiii, 1*7-L'ii7. —Tuttle (J. P.) The local examination and treatmentof disea-es of the upper rectum and sigmoid flexure. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii, 527— Watkins (I. L.) Some of the commoner reflex symptoms from disease of the rectum. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1*98, Phila., 1899, xi, 470-475. Also: Medicine. Detroit, 1*99, v, 737-740— Worthington (R. H.) Systematic exam- ination for rectal disease. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx. 197-200. RECTUM. 358 RECTUM. Rectum {Diseases of Hospitals for). Gordon Hospital for Men, Women, and Chil- dren, Suffering from Fistula and other Diseases of the Rectum, London. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 1.-16., 1884-99. fol. & 16°. Lon- don, 1885-1900. Saint Mark's Hospital for Fistula and other Diseases of the Rectum, London. The history of St. Mark's Hospital, 1835-96. obi. 16°. Lon- don, [1897]. ------. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. IS., 1853; 23.-25., 1858-60; 28., 1863; 29., 1864; 31.-34., 1866-9; 37., 1872; 39., 1874; 40., 1875; 42,, 1877; 44.-62., 1879-97. 8°. London, 1854-98. Rectum {Diseases of, Manual of and treatises on). Allingham (W.) & Allingham (H. W.) The diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rec- tum ; being a practical treatise on fistula, piles, fissure and painful ulcer, procidentia, polypus, stricture, cancer, etc. 6. ed. 8°. New York, 1S96. ------------. The same. 7. ed. 8°. New York, 1901. Asiiton (T. J.) On the diseases, injuries, and malformations of the rectum and anus, with re- marks on habitual constipation. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1857. Ball (Sir C. B.) The rectum, its diseases and developmental defects. 4°. London, 1908. Brinkerhoff (W. C.) Diseases of the rec- tum, their consequences and non-surgical treat- ment. 12°. Chicago, 1907. Cooper (A.) & Edwards (F. S.) Diseases of the rectum and anus. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1892. ------------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1892. Howards (F. S.) Diseases of the rectum, anus, and sigmoid colon. Being the 3. ed. of Cooper and Edwards' Diseases of the rectum and anus. 8°. London, 1908. Gant (S. G.) Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum, anus, and contiguous textures, designed for practitioners and students. With two chapters on "cancer" and "coloto- my"' bv Herbert William Allingham. 8°. Philadelphia, 1896. -----. Diseases of the rectum and anus, de- signed for students and practitioners of medi- cine. 2. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. ---:—. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1905. Goo.dsall (D. H.) & Miles (W. E.) Diseases of the anus and rectum. Pts. 1 & 2. 8°. Lon- don, 1900-1905. Hoyt (E. F.) Observations and experiences involving rectal diseases. 16°. [New York], 1S90. Kelsey (C. B.) Diseases of the rectum and anus; their pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1890. ------. The same. 4. ed. New York, 1893. Mathews (J. M.) A treatise on diseases of the rectum, anus, and sigmoid flexure. 8°. New York, 1892. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1*96. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1903. Milward (F. V.) Diseases of the rectum. Being a short account of the symptoms, diag- Rectum (Diseases of, Manual of and treatises on). nosis, and treatment of some diseases affecting the ano-rectal region. 12°. Birmingham, 1906. Ti'ttle (J. P.) A treatise on diseases of the anus, rectum, and pelvic colon. 8°. New York, 1902. Rectum {Diseases of Periodicals and transactions of societies relating tee). American Proctologic Society. Transactions of the . . . v. 1, 1899; v. 10, 1908. 8°. Alle- ghany, Pa., 1899-1908. Louisville Monthly Journal oi Medicine and Surgery. Editors: Joseph M. Mathews, II. H. Grant [et al.]. v. 6-15, 1898-1908. 8°. Louis- ville, Ky. Current, v. 1-3 under title: Jtlathews' Medical Quarterly; v. 4-5, under title: IVIathew*' Quarterly Journal of Rectal and Gastro-intestinal Diseases. Proctologist (The). Edited bv R. H. Barnes. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, Dec, 1908." 8°. ,S7. Louis. Current. Rectum (Diseases of, Treatment of). See, also, Rectum (Irrigaliem of). Kelsey ( C. B. ) The office treatment of hemorrhoids, fistula, etc., without operation; together with remarks ou the relation of dis- eases of the rectum to other diseases in both sexes, but especially in women, and the abuse of the operation of colostomy. 12°. New York, 1898. Laplaze (N.) *Des applications intra-rec- tales des courants de haute frequence. 8°. Paris, 1906. Mason (R. D.) The office treatment of rec- tal diseases explained and simplified; being an exposition of the treatment of all those diseases, both medical and surgical, of the rectum, anus, and sigmoid flexure, the cure of which may be accomplished without surgical anesthesia. 12°. Omaha, 1901. Also [Abstr.],in: West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1901, vi, 204. Allbutt (T. C.) Dilatation of the sphincter ani. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-4, ii, 193. —Asman (H.) A few- reasons for some unsatisfactory results in the treatment of ano-rectal diseases. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1907, xii, 455-475. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, xcix, 77-80. [Discussion], 83-85.—Auld (J.M.) Non-operative treatment of rectal diseases Chicago Clin., 1898, xi, 323.—Banglimaii (.1. X.) Divulsion of the sphincter ani as a therapeutic agent. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv, 267.—Beach (W. M.) On the management of rectal diseases. Tr. W. Virg. M. Ass., Wheeling, 1902, 709-715. Also: Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1902-3, vi, 458-462. -----. Office treatment of rectal diseases. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 172-174.—Beaver (D. B. D.) Report of a case of rectal periphlebitis treated with galvanism. Ma- thews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1896, iii, 340-342.—Bener- niaiui (.LA.) Demonstration eines neuen Kiihlappara- tes fiir das Rektum. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1905, xvii, 261. —Brown (G. S.) Treatment of the more common diseases of the rectum. Alabama M. & S. Age, Birmingh., 1899-1900, xii, 169-174.—Brown (H. M.) Painless treatment of rectal diseases. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, lsss, 135-141— Corwin (R. W.) The rectal syphon. Colorado Med., Denver, 1903-4, i, 127-129.— Dieklnson (W. L.) The treatment of anal and rectal diseases, without general anasthesia. Detroit M. J., 1903-4, iii, 145-147.-----. Some observations on the treatment of rectal diseases. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1904-5, ix, 163.-----. Personal experience in the employment of mechanical vibration in the treat- ment of rectal diseases. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1905, iii, 377-380. ■-'■---. Galvanic treatment of some of the common diseases of the anus and rectum. J. Phys. Ther- apy, Chicago, 1905-6, i, 478-181. -----. Personal experi- ence in the employment of mechanical vibration in the treatment of rectal diseases. Detroit M. J., 1905-6, v, 120-123. -----. Galvanism in the treatment of hemor- rhoids, fissure, prolapse, ulceration, and non-malignant stricture of the rectum. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1908, ii, 119-124. Also: Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, [n. p.], 1908, 53-58.— IMijardin- Beauiuetz. Traitement des affections RECTUM. o) Rectum {Diseases of Treatment of). chroniques du gros intestin et en particulier du rectum par l'antisepsie intestinale. Med. contemp., Par., 1891, xxxii "11-213.— Duncan (J. A.) The cure of hemor- rhoids, fistula, fissure, and other affections of the rectum, bv office treatment, without operation. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1899. xxv, 811-814— Durrie (G. B.) On the treatmentof some diseases of the rectum. Med. Times, N. Y., 1897, xxv, 33-35.—Fouineau & Laquerriere. Deux cas d'applications intra-rectales de courants de hautes frequences. Bull. off. de la federal, med. beige, Dour 1903, i, 140-143. Also: Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par.,'1903, vi, 393-396. —Furniss (J. F.) Palliative treatment of fissure of the anus and ulcer of the rectum. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, 1-3.— Gant i S. G.) A plea for the non-hospital or office treat- ment of diseases of the rectum and anus. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 668-673. -----. Sterile water anaesthesia in the office treatment of rectal diseases. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 152-155. Also, Reprint.—(iraser (E.) Behandlung der Krankheiten des Mastdarms. Handb. d. spec. Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena, 1896, iv, 653- 705. Also: Handb. d. Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena, l.s.98. 2. Aufl., iv, 610-658.—tirossi (T.) Cataforesi elet- trica rettale. Gior. di elett. med., Napoli, 1904, v, 228- 239.—ilea ton (,G.) The treatment of some of the minor ailments of the rectum. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1905, iv, 162-16 .—Hill (T. C.) The technic to be observed in the examination and treatment of the upper rectum and pelvic organs. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 747-751.— Hlrschkron (J.) Leber Therapie der Haemorrhoi- den, Aftereczeme und Risse mit Analan. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1901, xlvi, 443.—Hirschmaii (L. J.) The use of local anaesthesia in the treatment of rectal and anal disease. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1906, v, 434-437. _____• The office treatment of the commoner rectal dis- eases. Detroit M. J., 1907, vii, 238-243. -----. Some minor ano-rectal lesions and their ambulant treatment. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1908, ii, 39-56. —Hogan (G. A.) Treatment of polvpi, ulcers, and cancers of the rectum. Alabama M.'J., Birmingh., 1907-8, xx, 194- 201.—Jelks (J. L.) My method of dealing with cir- cumrectal infections; case reports and illustrations. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx, 1116-1121.—Kelly (H. A.) A new method of examination and treatment of diseases of the rectum and sigmoid flexure. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 468-478.—Kelsey (C. B.) The limitations of the office treatment of rectal diseases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 129-131. -----. The office treatment of dis- eases of the rectum, with a description of some new methods. Ibid.,lxviii, 605-608. Also, Reprint. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Danburv, Conn., 1906, xxv, 237-243 — King (W. H.) Treatment of haemorrhoids and rectal fistula- by electrolvsis and the galvano-cautery. N. Am. J. Homceop., 1890, 3. s., v, 183.—Kistler (S. L.) A non- surgical treatment of rectal diseases by use of an electro- lytic self-retaining medicator. Med. Summary, Phila., 1903-1. xxv, 136-138.—Kosaka (K.) Jokusei byo no shindan ovobi shirvojo ni okeru komon densinho no ka- joku. [Value of stretching of the spincter ani in treat; ment and diagnosis of diseases of the rectum.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 321, 8-13.—Lilnn (S. H.) Notes on the non-surgical treatment of piles and diseases of the rectum and its adjacent organs by electro-cataphoric inter- vention, etc. Am. Therapist, N. Y., 1897-8, vi, 187-190. Also: Eleetro-Therap.. Lima, Ohio, 1901, v, 33-37— Lip- pineott < A. H.j A plea for a more careful examination in rectal cases, with some points on the office treatment of diseases of the anus and rectum most frequently met with. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1904-5, i, 309- 311.—Lloyd (R. W.) The administration of anaesthetics in rectal disease. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s., lxxvi, 57.—MacMillan (J. A.) The therapeutic value of rectal tampons. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1907, vi, 59- 62.— Mason (R. D.) Some advances in the office treat- ment of rectal diseases. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1906, n. s., xxv, 329-336.—Mathews (J. M.) Some vagaries in rectal practice. Med. Xews, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 395- 399. -----. The palliative treatment of diseases of the rectum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. s.. i, 116-133. -----. Some more fallacies in the practice of diseases of the rectum. Louisville Month. J. M. & 8., 1900-1901, vii, 309-311. [Discussion],349-351.—Monroe (G.J.) Treat- ment of fistula and fissure suggested by Dr. Gant's treat- ise on the rectum and anus. (Jinein. M. J., 1896, xi, 331- 334. -----. Treatmentof rectal diseases. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1898, n. s., xl, 159-163.— Ogata (K.) Die Saug- behandiung als schmerzstillendcs Mittel bei den After- erkrankungen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xxv, 307- 309.—Patchen i'G. H.) The kinesipathic treatmentof rectal diseases. Med. Times, N. Y., 1903, xxxi, 289-292.— Pennington (J. R.) Normal salt solution and other local analgesics in the office treatment of ano-rectal dis- eases. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1905, vii, 280-282. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 1093-1095. Also, Re- print. -----. Regional analgesia in the surgical treat- ment of anorectal diseases. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 198-200—Pesthy (I.) Az idiilt vastagbelhurutok hely- beli kezeleserol. [The local treatment of chronic catarrh RECTUM. Rectum {Diseases of, Treatment of). of the rectum.] Orvosi het'il., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 448.— Plsani (R.) Contribution au traitement de la fissure sphincnSralgique et des h6morro'ides par les courants de haute frequence. [Transl.] Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1902, v, 748-752.—Koberts (H.) Radio-rectal di- lators; radio-urethralsounds. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1905, xxviii, 438. — Robertson ( E. B.) Contraction of the sphincter ani, and its treatment. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1896, x, 23-25.—Rose (A.) Carbonic acid treatment in rectal diseases. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1903, 13. s., iii, 144-150.—Sehapps (J. C.) A garment for rectal patients. Am. M.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1895, viii, 1483. Also, Reprint.—Steele (W. G.) The treatment of rectal diseases. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penn. 1898, Phila., 1899, 114-123. Also: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1899, xxxiv, 236-244.—Straus (L.) Some fads and fallacies of mod- ern rectal surgerv. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1896-7, Kansas City, 1898, 232-237.'— Tousey (S.) Radiotherapy in cer- tain rectal diseases. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1903, xxxi, 1481.—Tuttle (J. P.) Practical suggestions upon the treatment of rectal diseases. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1901, xiv, 1; 47; 83; 114; 147; 169; 265; 336: 1902, xv, 3; 76. -----. The office treatment of rectal diseases and its lim- itations. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xx, 47. Also: Med. Counselor, Detroit, 1906, xxv, 16. Rectum {Diseases of, Treatment of Operative). See Rectum (Surgery of). Rectum (Diseases of) in animals [in- cluding tumors and wounds]. Brucker (L.) Mastdarmzerreissung beim Pferde. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904, 567.—de Bruin (M. G.) Strictur des Rectums in Folge eines durch den Deckact entstandenen parametralen Infiltrats. IbieL, 1901, 429.— Chanter (A.) Torsion du rectum. Bull. Soc. centr. de m(§d. vet., Par., 1904, lviii, 236-241.—Douville. Traite- ment du prolapsus rectal, chez le chien, par la colopexie. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 5-8.—Ghisleni (P.) Sui postumi di alcuni metodi curativi del prolasso rettale negli animali domestici. Clin, vet., Milano, 1908, xxxi, sez. sc, 87; 98, 2 pl.—Orlium (R.) Cloakenbildung beim Schweine. Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1902, xxvi, 121.—Hanioir (J.) Perforations intention- nelles du rectum chez des bovins. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1907, lvi, 605-610.—Laszlo (S.) Vegbelhiides elles ijt&n teh Extirpation of the rectum. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, 205-208. Rectum (Excision of Methods in). See, also, Rectum ( Carcinoma of, Treatment of, Operative, Methods in). Chardon (D.) *De l'extirpation transanale du rectum avec conservation du sphincter. s°. Lyon, 1906. Djelkptchieff ( S.-S. ) * Contribution a l'etude de l'extirpation du rectum par les me- thodes perineales. 8°. Toulouse, 1907. Sautelet (E.) * Amputation perineale du rectum par le procede de Hartmann. 8°. Paris, 1904. Albertin. Amputation abdomino-perineale du rec- tum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lvon, 19U7. x, 59. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 870. — Aldrich-Blake (Louisa B.) Abdominoperineal excision of the rectum by a new method. Brit. M. J., Lond., 190.!, ii. 1586-1588.—A llison (C. C.) Rectal excision by the Kraske method; reportof a case. Omaha Clinic, 1895-6, viii, 303-305.—Bacon (J. B.) The Kraske method of extirpation of the rectum. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1S92, iv, 467-470. -----. The sacral method of extirpation of the rectum. Mathews' M.Quart., Louisville, 1895, ii, 1-7. -----. Extirpation of the rectum by the Kraske method. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 127-129.—Bidwell (L. A.) A method of attaching the mucous membrane to the skin after perineal excision of the rectum. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1082.—B. Diagn6stico v terapeutica de las fisuras del ano. Gac. d. 1. hosp., Valencia, 1884-5, iii, 337; 361; 385.— Cooke (A. B.) Anal fissure. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1895, vii, 308-313.— Czerny (V.) Zur Behandlung der Fissur und des Yorfalls des Mastdarms. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing , 1903, xxxvii, 765-769.—Fissures of rec- tum. Rec. Sound View Hosp., Stamford, 1898, no. 7, 7.— Rectum (Fissure of). Goodsall (I). H.) Fissure, non syphilitic and syphi- litic, of the rectum and anus. St. ISarth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1892, xxviii, 205-210— Huntington (T. \Y.) Fissure of the anus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 96-98.—Lupb (P.i Contribuzione all' etiologia e cura delle ragadi ahali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1883, iv, 779; 794.—Pascal (A.) De la fissure & l'anus et de son traite- ment. Concours med., Par., 1896, xviii, 28-32.—Richet (A.) Fissures A l'anus; fissure syphilitk|iie. fissure sim- ple; incision du sphincter. In his: Clin, chir., s', Par., 1893, 515-528.—Rubio (F.) Conferencia sobre las fisuras de ano, su diagnostico y tratamiento con motivode un caso pr&ctieo. Siglo med., Madrid, 1883, xxx, 403-407.— Simon (S.) Rectal fissure accompanied by excessive hemorrhage. West. M. & S. Gaz., Denver, 1897-8, i, 539- 541.—Tedenat. De la fissure a l'anus. N. Montpel. med., 1894, iii, 889-894.—Varvel li ( K.) Ragade all' ano curata col metodo di Boyer niodilicato dal Lalemand; guarigione. Indipendente", Torino, 1879, xxx, 315-317.— Walker (H. O.) Treatment of anal fissure and haemor- rhoids by gradual dilatation; with a report of cases. N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi, 128. .Rectum (Fore'ign bodies in). See, also, Impalement; Insane (Injuries of). Adler (L. H.), jr. Foreign bodies in the rectum, with report of a case. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 107.—Akers (W. D.) Pin in the rectum for thirty years. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 690.—Anderson (W. M. A.) Foreign bod- ies in the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901,i,270; 575.— Aronson (E.) Foreign bodies in the rectum. N.York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 180—Atlee ( L.W.) Foreign bodies in the rectum; two cases. Penn. M.J., Pittsburg, 1900-1901, iv, 789-795.—Baskett (N. M.) A broken glass syringe in the rectum; removal. St. Louis (!our. Med., 1891, iv,76.— Bazy. Sur une observation du Dr. Broussin, intitulee: Corps Stranger (saucisson) du rectum. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Par.,1897,n.s.,xxiii,659.—Begouin. Bout de manche a. balai et crochet de fer retires d'un rec- tum. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 465-467. Also: Gaz. d. h6p. de Toulouse, 1898, xii, 171.—Bianchi (G.) Deglutizione di un pezzo di vetro; sua estrazione dall' ano. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1890, 5. s., ix, 121-126, 1 pl —Buckle (L.) A peculiar method of sexual gratification in a man of 70, with a mishap. Am. J. Urol., N.Y., 1908, iv, 11-13.—Cache (La) des forcats. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1902, xvii, 62-64.— Carnabel. Corps stranger du rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1903-4, vi, 21. — Casteret & Dannie. Extraction d'une bouteille du rectum. Bull. med.,Par., 1902, xvi, 767.—Cieehomski (A.) Szczeg61ne cialo obce w odbytnicy. [Peculiar foreign body in the rectum.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1903, 2. s., xxiii, 354.— Clarac. Corps strangers du rectum chez les condamnSs a. la Guyane. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par,, 1901, iv, 456-453.—Colle (J.) Corps Granger du rectum. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 514. Also: Nord med., Lille, 1904, x, 249.—Condio (G.) Piophila casei alia vagina e nel canale intestinale di una donna. Gazz. med. di To- rino, 1894, xlv, 141-148.—Delbet (P.) Comment il faut extraire certains corps etrangersdu rectum. Gaz.mdd.de Par., 1895, 9. s., ii, 537. -----. Corps etranger du rectum; mecanisme de l'enclavement des corps strangers longs et volumineux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 652-659. Also: Gaz. hebd. demed.,Par.,1897, n.s., ii,1069. Also [Rap. de Marchant]: Rev. dechir.,Par.,1897, xvii, 1124-1126.—IMetsch (U. O.) Fremdkdrperim Rek- tum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx,' 280.—Dumas. Corps Stranger dans le rectum pris pour un cancer, chez un homme de 67 ans; extraction; gueri- son. N. Montpel. med., 1896, v, 89-91.—Dunavant (H. C.) Foreign bodies in the rectum. Kansas City M. In- dex-Lancet, 1908, xxxi, 363-366.—Exner (A.) Zur Kasu- istik der in das Rektum eingefiihrten Fremdkorper. Jahresb. u. Arb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1904-5, Berl., 1906, 303-306.—Ferrand (J.) Corps stranger du rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par, 1899, lxxiv, 30 —Fest (F.T. B.) Die haufigsten Fremdkorper in Ano. N.Yorker med. Monatschr., 1892, iv, 469.—Finogenott'(N. N.) K kazuistikle inorodnikh tlel pryamol kishki. [Foreign bodies of the rectum.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1903, i, med. pt., 351-356— Fleischmann (L.) Lenyelt csont okozta vegve]fitfur6d&s. [Perforation of rectum caused bv a swallowed bone.] Orvosi heti szemle, Buda- pest, 1903, xxxv, 664. Alsen Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, 58.—Fraikin. Corps etranger du rectum. J.de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, >7>—Fried jung (J. K.) [Zwei Fragmente eines Thermometers, das im Rektum eines Sauglings brach und ohne Verletzungen entleert wurden.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1299.— Goeme. Ueber einen Fall von Proctitis in Folge von Fremdkorper im Mastdarm. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 34—Gokiyeloflf"(I. Y.) K kazu'istikle inorod: nikh tlel; sluchal prodolzhitelnavo prebivaniya butilki iz pod vodki v pryamol kishkle. [Presence of a vodka bottle for a long time in the rectum.] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1891, xi, 715.—Good (J.) Retention of urine from the presence of a bottle in the rectum. Lancet, RECTUM. Rectum {Foreign bodies in). Lond., 1901, ii, 1336—Goode (R.) Foreign bodies of the rectum. Tr.M.Ass.Alabama,Montgomery, 1908,316-324.— Gray (II.) Impaction of the rectum with bony material in the dog. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1902, xv, 390.—Grundzach (I.) Zniknieeie przedwste,pnychobjaw6wostrej niedroz- noSci kiszkowej po usunie.ciu ciala obcego z odbytnicy. [Disappearance of the initial symptoms of acute obstruc- tion of the intestines, after extracting a foreign body from the rectum] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1905, xxiii, 31 —Hawkins (G. M.) Extraction of a broken water tumbler from the rectum. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1898, xi. 417— Hutchinson (J.) Foreign bodies in the rec- tum. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1898, ix. 278. —Jenkins (T. W.) A peculiar case of foreign bodv in the rectum. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 531— Jones iW.C.) A piece of wood 6 inches in length impacted iii the rectum. Occi- dental M. Times, Sacramento, 1891, v, 375— Kakush- kin (N. M.) Prostol priyom dlya izslledovaniya prya- mol kishki u zhenshtshin i dlya udaleniya iz heya ino- rodnikh tlel. [Simple method of examining the rec- tum in women and for the removal of foreign bodies from it.] Yubil. sborn. v chest . . . Sklifosovskavo, S.- Peterb., 1900, 135-140. Also, trims!.: Russ. med. Rund- schau, Berl., 1906, iv, 716-718.—Keler ( N. I.) K ka- zuistikle inorodnikh tlel v pryamol kishkle. [Onforeign bodies in the rectum.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 953.—Kiesewetter (J. H. W.) Ausfuhrliche Relation von zwei Eydexen, die von zwei unterschiedenen Perso- nen per Ahum sollen seyn excernirt worden. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch., Bresl., Friihlings-Quartal, 1726, 590-603.—Kratzsch (A. W.) A foreign body in the rectum. Milwaukee M. J., 1894, ii, 284.—Krilolt". Palka s terapevticheskol tslelyu, zasunutaya v rectum derevenskol znakharkol. [A stick inserted into the rec- tum with a therapeutic purpose bv a village woman- quack. ] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1892, xvii, 200.— Krouse (L.J.) A broken needle imbedded in the lower outlet of the pelvis. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv. 119.—Kulin. Corps strangers dans le rectum; un grand nombre de coquilles de noisettes retirees de l'intestin: guerison. Normandie med., Rouen, 1898, xiii, 284.—Laoh. Een vreemd lichaam in het rectum. Tijd- schr. v. inland. Geneesk., Batavia, 1898. vi, 88.—Lari- more (F. C.) Piece of wood six inches long in the rec- tum for six months. Columbus M. J., 1895, xiv, 67.— Latrutfe. Phlegmon perianal; perforation du rectum par un fragment de novnu de peche. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 631— Lazaro (L.) An inter- esting case: a bone lodged in the rectum. Louisville Month. J. M. 2u — Charon. Atresie du rectum s'ouvrant au milieu du raphe du scro- tum chez un pseudo-hermaphrodite de trois mois. Cli- nique, Brux.. 1893. vii, 17-22.—Clarke (J.J.) Imperfo- rate rectum alter exploratory operation. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii. 1277. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1256.— Coats i.I ) Specimen of atresia recti, with dilatation of intestine. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1893-5, v. 100.— Toilette (J.) Un cas d'imperforation du rectum; ope- ration; guerison. Ann. Soc. mod.-chir. de Liege. 1890, xxix, 128.— t'oinmandeur. Ln cas d'imperforation du rectum: modification au procede operatoire par la voie perineo-sacree. Mercredi med., Par., 1894, v, 605- i;o7.—foiiant (W. M.) A case of imperforate rectum. Boston M. & S. J., 1892, exxvi, 287— Delanglade & Broca (A.I Imperforation ano-rectale d'abord traitee par le procede du trocart: anus artificiel au 50-jour. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1899, n. s., iv. 55.5-557. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., ls99, n. s., xxv, 609-612 — i Rectum {Imperforate). I>odire iC. L.) A case of imperforate anus in which the f;eces were parsed through the penis and later through the umbilicus; autopsy. Med. News, Phila., Is'.io, lvi, 626.—Karle iS. T. i A case of incomplete and imperfo- rate rectum. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1892-3, xxviii, 531.— l'ldmunds ( A.) Operation for imperforate rectum Med. Press & Circ, Dubl., 1908, exxxvi, 234. — Flliot (J. YV.) Successful laparotomy and Kraske operation on an infant two days old for imperforate rectum. Med. News, N. Y., 1896. lxix, 436. Also, Reprint.—Krlieh t X. S.) Vrozhdennoye zakritiye zadnyavo prokhoda (atre- sia ani et recti) i yevo operativnoye llecheniye. [Con- genital . . . audits surgical treatment.] Yuzhno-russk. med.-gaz., Odessa, 1894, iii.573: 591.—Faluny (A.) Both anus and rectum imperforate plus a scrotal fistula. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai. 1891. v, 207.—Ferguson i K. D.) Congenital imperforate rectum. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1891, viii, 500-507. Alto: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., lsyp liii, 401-407.— Ferraresi (P.) Contributo all' intervento chirurgico nei vizii di conform azione dell' ano e del retto. Riforma med., Roma, 1902, xviii, pt. 2. tisti- 692—Frey (J. H.) Report of a case of atresia of the anus and rectum. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1891-2, ix, 89. — Froelich ( R.) De l'imperforation ano-rectale; restauration du rectum dans tous les cas. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xii, 375-377. —Sal- tier. Un cas d'imperforation recto-iliaque. J. dc med. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxxiv, 46. — Griekholf 11.) Atresiaani et recti. Bolnitsch. Gaz. Botkina. St. ivtcrsh., 1892, iii, 1155.—Grise 1 (P.) Cure radicale des abouehe- ments eonggnitaux du rectum dans l'urethre post^rieur et la vessie. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1905, 2. s., vi, 449-474 — Grossich. Atresia ani cum fistula vestibulari; Opera- tion; Heilung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 313-315.—Hall ( E. A.) Imperforate rectum; oper- ation; recovery. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1902-3, xxxvi, 543. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1903, xlvi, 13-15 — Hardouin (E.) Resultats eloignes des interventions pour imperforations ano-rectales. Arch.gen.dechir.,Par., 190s, ii, 445-471.—Herezel (M.) Velesziiletett atresia ani vaginalis gyokeres mutete. [Radical operation for congenital atresia ani vaginalis.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1898, xiii, 74.—Heydrich (E.) Erwiederung auf die Bemerkung des Herrn Privatdocent Dr. O. Schaffer betreffend Divertikelbildung des Rectums. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1896, xx,897.—Hiiiiiins (F. A.) Imper- forate rectum; the operative treatment, with report of a successful operation by excision of the coccvx and part of the sacrum. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxiv. 485-487. [Discussion], 492. — Johnston (G. B. i Imperii mi lion of therectum. Med. Age,Detroit, 1891. ix. 709-712. Also: Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1891. Phila.. 1892, iv, 301- 307. -----. Imperforation of the rectum. W. Virg. J. M. &S., Huntington, 1894-5,1,1-8. Also: Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1895, iv, 356-359. Also, Reprint.—Keen (VV. W.) Inguinal colostomy for imperforate rectum, as a substitute for the perineal operation, with the report of a case in which it was done 45 hoursafter birth. Med. Mir- ror, St. Louis, 1899. x, 273— Lal'arelle & O'Konx. Im- perforation du rectum. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 159-161.—Laurie (J.) Three eases of imperforate anus and rectum. Brit. M.J., Lond., li 02, i, 266.—Luther (J. \V.) A case of imperforate rectum; death from chloroform after three operations. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, n. s., xviii, 152-151 — yialt'ei. Imper- foration ano-rectale. Clinique, Brux., 1897, xi, 249-254.— Martinez Vargas (A.) Imperforacion del ano: de- sembocadura del recto en la vagina; operacinn: ciimcion. Med. de los niflos, Barcel., 1906, vii, 302.—Mastin t\V. M.) A resume, of the surgical treatment of ano-rectal im- perforation in the new-born, with the report of personal cases. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1908. vii, 316-32:!.— Matas i R. i The surgical treatment of congenital ano- rectal imperforation considered in the light of modern operative procedures (Stromeyer's suggestion; Kraske's operation and its modifications; the combined perineo- sacro-abdominal operations, etc.): with two tables show- ing the results of coccygectomy and the sacral operation for imperforation; also'the report of a personal experience with Kraske's operation in this condition. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1897, 453-553.— Maylard (A. E.) Case of imperforate rectum: left inguinal sigmoid anus, with sub- sequent opening of the rectal canal: recovery. Glasgow M. J., is;i6. xlv, 120-122. Also: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg., 189.5-7, i. 21-23.—Michael. Ein Fall von Atresia ani et recti congenita. ('or.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar. 1895, xxiv. 287-289. — Montgomery (W. P.) The treatment of imperforate rectum; an analysis of ten cases, in nine of which eolotomv was performed. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i. 301-306.—Morris (E. J.) A caseof imper- forate rectum. Ann. Gynaec. & Piediat., Phila.. 1890-91. iv, 353. —Mouchet (A ) L'avenir des enfants operes pour absence et imperforation ano-rectales. Medecin prat.. Par., 1908, iv, 677.—Ned ic I ski (V. F.) Sluchal vroszbdennavo vivorota zadnel stlenki mochevovo pu- zirya i pryamol kishki. [Congenital inversion of the pos- terior bladder wall and rectum.] Univ. Izvlest. Kiev, 1904, xliv. [Protok. Akush.-Ginck. Obsh., 1902, s4-s6.]— RECTUM. 365 RECTUM. Rectum {Imperforate). O'Zoux. Atresie progressive de l'anus ct du rectum chez une enfant de 8 mois. Rev. mens, de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1899, i, 365-368.—Paget (S.) Cases of imper- forate rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Loiid., 1889-90, xli, 142: 1890- 91, xiii, 136.—Peters 1.0. A.) Een geval van atresia ani et recti. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1891, 2. R., xxvii. 594-596.— Plotnikott"(V. A.) Dva sluchaya atre- sia; recti. [Two cases of . . .] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk.vrach. v Kronstadte, 1898-9, xxxvii, S-12.—Porter (C. A.) A case of imperforate rectum. Boston M.A S.J., 1.S99, cxli, 2-10.—Beading (G. E.) A case of imperfo- rate rectum. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1899, 337.— Bocher (L.) ifc Charrier (A.) Imperforation ano- rectale; intervention: guerison. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 235-237. —Bo- ze'uzwoig ( R. H. ) Successful inguinal colotomy for imperforate rectum on a child two days old. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1893-4, i, 226.'—Sa- dovski (P. T.) Loskutniy metod pri operatsii atre- sia- ani vestibularis. [Flap method in . . .] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb.. 1891, v, 617-626. — de Saint-Germain. Imperforation du rectum. Bull. Sue. demed. de Par. iL>73i. 1871. viii, 130-131.—Schaei- feriO.,i Kongcnitaler Prolaps der Rectalmucosa mit Divertikelbildung in Kolge von circumscripter Schleim- hauthypertrophie. Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz.. 1896, xx, 759-761.. See, also, supra, fieydrich.—Schnitzler (J.) Artresia recti congenita, sacrale Operation; spiitcr Prolapsus recti; Beseitigung durch elastische Ligatur. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1897, Wien u. Leipz., 1899. vi, pt. 2, 297— Sheintsis (M.) K kazuistikle viso- koi atrezii zadnyavo prokhoda i pryamol kishki. [High atresia of the anus and rectum.] Khirurg'ia, Mosk., 1904, xv, 283-286.—Small i K. H.) A case of imperforate rec- tum with absence of the anus. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1905, xlv, 1305.—Snioier (F.) Atresia recti vesicalls bei einem 5 Tage alten Madchen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1898. xxiii, 477; 49U.—Soto (J. J.) Dos casos de atresia ano-rectal, tipo Giraldes. Rev. med. cubana, Habana, 1907, xi. 348-350.—Steele (E. A. T.) Atresia ani vagi- nalis Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1898, i, 1587.—Stoner [A. P.) Congenital occlusion of the rectum and anus; report of a case successfully operated upon through the perineum. Med. News, N. V.. 1897. lxxi, 206.—Suarez Garro (F.) Atresia congenita del recto; operacion; curacion. Rev. de med. yciruj. de la Habana, 1899, iv, 29-32.—Symp- son (E. M.) Imperforate rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 628.—Troquart. Atresie rectale; mort sans operation; necropsie. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 18,80-81. i, 9-11.—Veras (S.) Sur un cas d'imperforation du rectum. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 20.—Verhoel". Atre-ie congenitale de l'anus et du rectum. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1898-9, vi, 336.—Veron. Absence d'anus chez un nouveau-ne; rec- toplastie perineale; guerison. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes, 1907, xvi, 129-131.—Vincent. Sur une faute ft eviter dans l'operation des imperforations ano-rectales. Lyon med., 1908, cxi, 646.—Wharton (H. R.) Imperforate rectum. Tr. Acad. Surg., Phila., 1901. iii, 106. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxx, iii, 788. — Whitacre (H. J.) Three cases of imperforate anus with recto-vaginal fistula. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 670-673.—White (Grace E.) Imperforate rec- tum and congenital deformity of the ureter with hydro- nephrosis. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1896, ii, 518.— Wilson (W. R ) Congenital atresia and stenosis of the rectum and anus. Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 97-101.— Worthington (C. E.) Congenital rectal occlusion the result of maternal impressions. Med. Dial, Min- neap., 1900, ii, 7. Rectum (Infammation and abscess of). See, also, Anus (Abscessnear); Pelvis (Inflam- mation, etc., of); Periproctitis; Rectum (Dis- eases of) in children; Rectum ( Qangreoie of'). Clamouse (H.) * Rectite chronique hyper- trophique. 4°. Paris, 1896. Fragnaud (H.) * Contribution A, l'etude de la rectite proliferante. 4°. Paris, 1895. Winter (J. E.) *Colostomie bei Proctitis. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., 1903. Arcoleo (E.) Sulla rettite ipertrofica proliferante e stenosante con contributo clinico ed anatomo-patologico. Morgagni, Milano, 1901, xliii. 115-129—Balzer A Al- quier(L.) Rectite a gonocoques. liull.Soc.franc.de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1900,xi, 199-201.—Karnes (R. II.) Abscesses of the rectal region. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxi, 53.—Brav (H. A.) The diagnostic value of a proctoscopic examination in proctitis, with some remarks on that affection. N. York M.J. [etc], 1903, lxxviii, 23-25.—t'uneo (B.) & Ourrieux (A.) Surun cas de rectite proliferante. Rev. gen. declin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xii, 179-182— Dickinson (W. L.) Chronic proctitis and sigmoiditis. Columbus M. J., 1904, xxviii. 157-460.—Urueck(C.J.) Proctitis. Chicago M. Rectum (Infammation and ahscess of). Recorder, 1904, xxvi, 142-147. Also: Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 530-533. Also: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1907, xxx, 7-9.—Fan re (.l.-L.) & Bicftcl (H.) Rectum et anus, processus inllammatoires et leurs consequences. Traite de chir. (I>up 1 ay et Reelus), 2. e.d., Par., 1898, vi, 725-816.—Fitziiei-ald (V. L.) Colo-proctitis. Provi- dence M. J., 1908, ix, so 87— Fran ken burner (J. M.) Deep rectal abscesses. J. Missouri M. Ass.', St. Louis, 1906-7, iii, 513-515. Also: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1907, xx, 309-311.—Gant (S. G.) Proctitis and membranous colo-proctitis. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1902, xvii, 685-699.— Hamilton (E. A.) Proctitis. Columbus M. J., 1904, xxviii, 212-218.—Hamilton (J. B.) Proctitis. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1893,2. s., iv, 249.—Hill (T.C.) Colitis, sigmoiditis and rectitis, with special reference to the im- portance of the proctoscope in their treatment. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1909, xv, 6-13— .lounesco (T.) Resection du rectum pour rectite proliferante. Bull, et - mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1905-6. viii, 135.—Levai (J.) A vakbelgyuladiis sebeszi kezelcserbl. [The surgi- cal treatment of inflammation of the rectum.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899. xliii, 605— MacMillan (J. A.) Chronic proctitis. Med. Age, Detroit, 1903, xxi, 81-87.— Marcus y Cabot (A.) Absceso del ano producido por la ingestion de un cuerpo extraiio. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1896, xii, 609-612.—Mason (R. D.) Proctitis and sigmoiditis. Albright's Off. Pract., Phila., 1906, iii, 111-114. Also: West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1906, xi, 33-37.—Mummery (J. P. L.) A submu- cous abscess of the rectum. Polyclin., Lond.. 1908, xii, 41.—Navarro ( A.) Traitementdesrectitesstenosantes. Rev. de chir., Par., 1901, xxi, 722-733.—Fciiniimton (J. R.) Rectal abscess. Chicago Clinic, 1899. xii,"55.— tluenu ^E.) Les suppurations peri-recto-anales; pre- miere lecon Gaz.med.de Par., 1894, 9. s., i, 115.—Katt- ner (Z.) Zur Aetiologie und rationellen Therapie der Abszesse und Fisteln des Mastdarmes. Heilkunde, Berl., 1908, 84-89.-■ Buge (E.) Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Proktitis purulenta und ulcerosa. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxiii, 341-458.—Seiilel (H.) Der pro- trahierte rektale Kochsalzeinlauf. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1908, xxxv, 358-361.—Simmoiids. Ueber Proc- titis phlegmonosa. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1449.—Strauss t II.) Ueber Proctitis sphincterica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 1438-1410.—Sturgis (F. R.) Rectal abscess containing gonococci without any accom- panying gonorrhea. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 695.— Talley (D. F.) Chronic proctitis. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec Ass. 1897, Phila., 1898, x, 84-98. Also: Columbus M. J., 1898, xx, 183-190. Also: Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louisville, 1898, v, 28-34.—Terrier & Bazy. Traitement des abces du rectum et de l'anus. Repert. de therap., Par., 1905,xxii,L—Tuttle (J. P.) Acute in- flammatory, hypertrophic, and atrophic procltis. Math- ews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1891, i, 7-15. — Wallis (F. C.) A Bruce (W. I.) The treatmentof ulcerative proctitis by zinc kataphoresis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i. Surg. Sect., 170-lsi;.—AVaiiiiii (\V. F.) Mucous proc- titis. Peoria M. Rec, 189U, i, 311.—Wills ( E. F.) Proc- titis from chill. China M. Miss. S., Shanghai, 1901, xv, no. 4, 260. Rectum (Invagination of). See Rectum (Brolapse of). Rectum (Irrigation of). See, also, Rectum (Disease of) in children. Atabekiaxtz (Mile. Anna). *De l'influence de 1'irrigation rectale a, double courant sur la temperature animale normale et pathologique. 8°. Ceneee, 1901. Clarke (C G.i Rectal irrigation in enterocolitis of children. Atlanta Jour. Rec. Med., 1906-7, viii, 375-377.— Dommcr(K.) Rectalrohr mit Spiilvorrichtung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 410-412.—Haucs ((,. S.) Con- tinuous rectal irrigation. Am. Pract. A News, Louisville, 1908, xiii, 302-312 —Hyde (C. R.) Rectal iirigation in gynaecology. Am. Gvnac. A Obst. J.. N.V., 1899, xv, ISO- ISO. [Discussion], 176-179.—Kemp (R.C.) Ein Rectal- Irrigator k double courant mit Berichten fiber damit behandelte Fiille. Wien. med. BL, 1896, xix, 358. Rectum (Jurisprudence relating to). See, also, Gonorrhoea (Bectal); Pederasty; Rectum (Foreign bodies in); Sexual instinct (Pereersion cr* (A.) Rectnpexie pour prolapsus rectal. Bull.'soc. beige de gynec. et d'obst., Brux., 1904-5, xv, 34-37.— Discussion sur le prolapsusdu rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 751-762.—Drew (D.) The treatment of piles, prolapse, and procidentia recti. Clin. J., Lond., 1906. xxviii, 109-112.—Duval (P.) & Lenormant (C.) Rectoplicature antcrieure et myor- raphie des releveurs de l'anus dans le traitement du "pro- lapsus rectal. Rev. de chir., Par., 1904, xxix, 728-73*.— Edmunds (W.) Complete prolapse of the rectum; amputation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s.. cvi, 680.— vonEiselsberK. Zur operativen Behandlung gros- ser Rectum-Prolapse. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1902, xxxi, pt. 2,157-172. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxvii, 745-760.—Eitel (G. G.) Excision of the rectum for prolapsus caused by traumatism. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1898, xviii, 480.—England (F. R.) Acase of rupture of the rectum; operation; re- covery. Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 107.--Fischer (A.) Amputatio recti prolapsus miatt. [. . . on account of . . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xlv, 405.—Fowler (G. R.j An improved technic in amputation of large rectal pro- lapse. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 879.—Frauckc (C.) Zur operativen Behandlung des reponibclen Mast- darmvorfalles. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, li, 165-177.—French (P.) An original method for the cure of prolapsed rectum. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1899, xii, 293.—Froloft" (V. I.) Sluchal kolopeksii pri vipa- denii pryamol kishki s khoroshim funktsionalnim rezul- tatom. [Colopexy in prolapse of the rectum with good functional result."] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvii, med.-spec. pt., 12-16— tiangitano (C.) Colo- pessia terminate, resezione e anastomia terniino-laterale in caso di prolasso del retto. Clin, chir., Milano, 1900, viii, 926.—Gauthier (J.-A.) Indications operatoires et traitement des prolapsus du rectum. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 481-487.—Ghedini (A.I Nuovo processo di rettopessia (rettopessia laterale). Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1898, Roma, 1899, xiii, 171-181. -----. Pro- lasso totale del retto; rettopessia laterale; guarigione. Ibid., 1899, Roma, 1900, xiv, 59-63—Gordieyetf (I. M.) K patogenezu i operativnomu llecheniyu bolshikh vlpu- deniy pryamol kishki. [Pathogenesis and operative treat- ment of large prolapses of the rectum.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 190-194.—tiravirovski (N. P.) 0 llechenii vipadeniy pryamol kishki po Thiersch'u. [Treatment of prolapse of the rectum by Thiersch's method.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvii, med.-spec. pt., 387-391—Grenk off (S. P.) Izlecheniye vipadeniya pryamol kishki perekruchivaniyem yeya po sposobu Vredena. [Treatment of prolapse of rectum by twisting it after Vreden's method.] Ibid., 1898, cxci, med.-spec. pt., 1-4.—Gross. Traitement chirurgical du prolapsus grave du rectum. Semaine med., Par., 1890, x, 49.—Halbershtam (M.) K llecheniyu prolapsus recti s. ani po sposobu Thure Brandt'a. [Treatment of ... by the method of... ] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1892, iv, 158- 163.—Hall (J. K.) Prolapse of the rectum; report of an operation for the relief of the condition in a dement. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 601-603.—Halsey (F. W.) Procidentia recti with radical operations for relief. N, Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1905, xl, 539-544. -----. Procidentia recti; operation for its radical cure. J. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., N. Y., 1906, xxviii, 224-227.—Hanks (H. T.) An ideal operation for the cure of rectocele. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1890-91, vi, 431^34.—Haynes (I. S.) Prolapse of rectum; bloodless resection. Ann. Surg., Phila., 190«, xlviii, 443.—Hemorrol i vipadeniye pryamol kishki. [Haemorrhoids and prolapse of the rectum (2 cases).] Otchot o dievateln. khirurg. klin. [etc] v Mosk. (1899- 1900), 1901, 320.—Henle. Zur Teknik der Resektion des Mastdarmvorfalls. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1901-2, xxxii, 786-792.—Herezel (E.) Ein Fall von hochgradi- gem Mastdarmvorfall; Naht des Colon descendens; Colo- pexia: Heilung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix,355.—Hol'inaiin (C.) Zur Pathologie des Prolap- sus ani et recti und seine operative Behandlung durch Beckenbodenplastik. Zentralbl.f.Chir.,Leipz., 1905,xxxii, 905-912. -----. Der Unterschied zwischen der Beckenbo- denplastik und der Dammplastik mit Riicksicht auf den Rektalprolaps. Ibid., 1906, xxxiii, 667-669.—Hultl (H.) Miitett rectum prolapsus esete. [Operation for prolapse of rectum. ] Gyermekgy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1902, 46 — Jacoby i A.) Sigmoidopexy for the relief of prolapse of the rectum with reference to spinal analgesia; report RECTUM. 369 RECTUM. Rectum {Prolapse of Treatment of Ope rat ire). of case and review of literature. X. Orleans M. & S.J., 1902,lv, 156-164.—Jeannel. ResuUat d'une operation de colopexie pour prolapsus invagine du rectum. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 246-249.-----. Suites eloignees d'une operation de colopexie; autopsie. Bull. Soc. de med. de Toulouse, 1892, if, 5-7. -----. Du prolapsus du rectum; cure radicale de l'anus artificiel. Clin de la Fac. de med. de Toulouse, 1896, ii, 137-144.— Juvara (E.) Proceedeeleoperatoril contra prolapsulul complect al rectulul, si in particular despre un noil pro- cedu. [Operation for'total prolapse of the rectum, espec- ially after a new method.] Rev. dechir., Bucurescl, 1897- 8, i, 307-316. -----. Surun nouveauproeode.de cure radi- cale du prolapsus complet du rectum. [Rap. de P. Del- bet.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 723-729.—Kanirez (A. M.) K voprosu ob opera- tsii vipadeniva prvamol kishki. [Operation for prolapse of the rectum.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 603- 606.—Kennedy (R.) Case of excision of a strangulated prolapsed rectum, sigmoid flexure, and descending colon in a cretin: recovery. Tr. M.-Chir. Soc. Glasg. (1903-4) 1906, v, 129-132. Also: Glasgow. M. J., 1905, lxiii, 36-39. Kiriac (I.) Prolaps rectal: operate (recto-pexie); vin- decare. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1892, xii, 341-346. —Kirk (T. s.) Complete prolapse of the rectum successfully treated by intra-abdominal fixation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1777.—Knapp (J. R.) Preliminary report of a successful operation for the radical cure of complete pro- lapse of the rectum of sixteen years' duration in a case of primary dementia. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1903, lxiii, 896- 89>. Also, Reprint.—Krajew ski (W.) Operacyjne leczenie wypadnieeia odbytnicy (prolapsus recti). [Le traitement'ehirurgical du prolapsus rectal. Res., pp. xix- xxii.] Przegl. chir., Warszawa, 1898-1900, iv, 539-585.— Lagrange. Nouveau mode de rectopexie pour le pro- lapsus du rectum. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 25. — Latouclie (F.) Prolapsus rectal, rectopexie posterieure avec perineorrhaphie et avancement de l'anus. Arch. prov. de chir.. Par., 1895, iv, 204-209. Also, Reprint.—Le Dentu. Prolapsus du rectum traite successivement par la colopexie, la recto- ligamentopexie et l'excision combinee avec la perineor- raphie; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 48-50.— Lenormant (C.) La myorra- phie des releveurs de l'anus dans le traitement du pro- lapsus du rectum. Presse med., Par., 1903, i, 144. -----. Prolapsus du rectum traite par la methode de Gerard- Marchant et r£cidiv6 apres trois an-; application de la methode de Thiersch; guerison. [Rap. de L. Picque.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1906, n. s., xxxii, 10- 17.-----. La colopexie; contribution k l'etude therapeu- tique du prolapsus du rectum. Rev. dechir., Par.. 1907, xxxv, 191; 443.—Le Nouenne (L.) Traitement du pro- lapsus du rectum par des operations combines. Assoc. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par.. 1906, xix, 264-269. -----. Enorme prolapsus du rectum traite par des colo- pexies multiples et l'ileo-sigmoidostomie. Rev. med. de Normandie,Rouen, 1906,365-368.—L,iiidenbaum(V. F.) Sluchal polnavo izsiecheniya vipavshei pryamol kishki. [Case of complete excision of a prolapsed rectum. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1890, xi. 2«3.—Loison (E.) Yn cas de pro- lapsus total du rectum, chez l'adulte; operation: gueri- son. Marseille med., 1905, xiii, 97-110.—MeGuIre (S.) Excision of rectum for prolapse. Carolina M. J., Char- lotte, 1900, xlvi, no. 2, 11. Also: Clin. Bull., Richmond, 1900, v, 92.— McLeod (K.) A new operation for pro- lapsusor procidentia of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 117. -----. Case of prolapsus ani; excision by clamp and cautery; recovery- Ibid., 769.—Maire. Nouveau procede pour la cure" du prolapsus du rectum. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1907-8, xiii, 360.—Marchant (G.) Prolapsus totale du rectum, traite et gucri par le procede de M. Verneuil modifie (recto-coccypexic). Bull et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1890, n. s., xvi, K28-K35. -----. Prolapsus du rectum; recto-coccypexieetmyorra- phie des releveurs de l'anus. Ibid., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 8*5-890.—Martin Gil (R.) Nueva operacion para el prolapso del rectoy las hemorroidesinternas. Rev. Ibero- Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1907, xvii, 15-18.—de Mat- tos (D.) Therapeutica cirurgica do prolapso rectal: methodo de Thiersch (annel de fio de prata no contorno doanus); casodecuraaos 76annosqueparecedefinitiva. Movimento med., Coimbra, 1905-6, v, 893-395.—Meyer (W.) Roberts's operation for prolapsus recti. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvii, 89-91.— Moir (D. M.) Procidentia recti; excision and sigmoidopexy. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1902, xxxvii, 353.—Montagne (A.) Operatie van prolapsus recti bij kleine kinderen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, ii, 1280.—Morestin (H.) Traite- ment des grands prolapsus du rectum. Bull, ct mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 26-29.—Mott (D. MA Sig- moidopexy for prolapse of the rectum. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1901, xix, 367.—Murphy (J. B.) Abdominal colo- pexv for prolapse of the rectum. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1901, xiv, 186-190.—Murray (R. D.) Colopexy for pro- lapsus recti. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1903, xxxviii, vol xiv, 2d series----24 Rectum {I^rolapse of, Treatment of Operative). 251.—-von Mutacli (A.) Dieplastische Rektorrhaphie, eine neue Methode der operativen Behandlung grosser Mastdarmvorfiille. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1906, xxxvi. 392-394.—Napalkoff (N. I.) K voprosu o khirurgicheskom llechenii vipadeniya pryamol kishki. [Surgical treatment of prolapse of the rectum.] Svezd rossiysk. khirurg. 1900, Mosk., 1901, i, 142-149.—Nelaton. Prolapsus du rectum; excision du prolapsus. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 747-751.— Noble (C. P.) Proctorrhaphy; the suspension of the rectum for the cure of intractable prolapse and inversion of that organ. Am. Gvna>c & Obst. J., N. Y., 1900, xvii, 521-524. [Discussion], 537-539.—Noble (G.H.) An oper- ation for large rectocele. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec Ass. 1905, rhila., 1906, xviii, 88-94, 3 pl— Oderield (H.) 0 operacyjnem leczeniu wypadnieeia prostnicy za po- moca. colopexis. [On the operative treatment of pro- lapse of the rectum by . . . colopexy.] Medvcvna, Warszawa, 1898, xxvi, 949-952.—Ott (D.) Izliecheniye vipadeniya pryamol kishki putyom vozstanovleniya tazovavo dna. [Prolapse of rectum cured by reesta- blishing the pelvic floor.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1900, xiv, 401-405.—Parham (F.W.) Abdom- inal section for rectal prolapse of many years' standing. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1901-2, xv, 121.—Paton (E. P.) Two cases of prolapse of the rectum created by excision. Westm i nst. Hosp. Rep.,Lond., 1901, xii,115-117.— Poenaro. Prolapsus total du rectum opere par le pro- cede du Prof. Juvara. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bu- carest, 1906-7, ix, 184.—Pototski (S. A.) K operativ- nomu llecheniyu prolapsus recti et coli invaginati. [Op- erative treatment of . . .] Bolnitsch.gaz. Botkina, St. Pe- terb., 1890, i, 741-746.—Prevot (A.) Prolapsus complet du rectumetd'unepartiedel'Siliaque; ligature d'Alling- ham et exer&se au thermocauterc Tribune med., Par., 1903, 2. s., xxxv, 232.—Kicard. Prolapsus recidive du rectum; rectopexie posterieure; guerison. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 596.—Bicketts (B. M.) Hemorrhoids; prolapsed rectum; new operation. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1895, ii, 319. Also: Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii, 445. -----. Submucous ligature for rectal haemorrhoids and prolapse. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1900, vi, 512-519. Also, Reprint.—Bivet. Pro- lapsus du rectum; colopexie; guerison. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s., xxv, 61-66.—Boberts (J. B.) Note on a method, probably new, of operating for complete prolapse of the rectum. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1890, xi, 265-257. -----. The cure of complete prolapse of the rec- tum by posterior protectomy. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv, 539-545. Also, Reprint.—Boss (J. F. W.) Rec- tocele; combined paring and flap splitting operation; secondary haemorrhage on the eleventh day. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1890, xv, 53.—Rotter (J.) Zur Colo- pexie bei Prolapsus recti (die extra-peritoneale Fixation des Darmes). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.BerL, 1903, xxix, 564-566. -----. Ueber die Pathogenese und operative Behandlung des Prolapsus recti. Ibid., 1908, xxxiv, 690-692.—Rozanoft (V. V.) O korennom lle- chenii vipadeniv pryamol kishki. [On radical operation for prolapse of the rectum.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898,1, 852-858.—Byall (C.) Operation for prolapse after trans- sacral excision. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxix, 428. -----. Ventrofixation of the sigmoid for proci- dentia after excision of rectum. Ibid., 1903, n. s., lxxv, 196.—Sabadini. Prolapsus du rectum et rectopexie. Bull. m6d. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1906, xvii, 633.—Sabino Coelho. Prolapso completodo recto ecolopexia. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1903, xxi, 415.—Samter (O.) Zur opera- tiven Behandlung grosser Mastdarmvorfiille. Mitth. a.d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., 3. Suppl.-Bd., xxx, Mikulicz, Jena, 1907, 65-87, 1 pl— Sarfert. Die Colofixation bei Mastdarmprolaps. Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 667. Also, Reprint.—Shirokoff (N. S.) K voprosu o korennom sposoble llecheniya vipadeniya pryamol kishki. [Radi- cal method of treatment of prolapse of the rectum.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xx, 336-352. —Smith (H.) On the treatment of hasmorrhoids and prolapsus of the rec- tum by clamp and cautery. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 459.— Tacliard (E.) Prolapsus du rectum; rectococcypexie; guerison incomplete. Arch. prov. dechir., Par., 1892, i, 343-346. Also, Reprint.—Teirlinck (A.) Modification du proc6d6 de Thiersch pour le traitement du prolapsus du rectum. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1906, lxxiii, 159. -----. The treatment of rectal prolapse by a new and simple procedure. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1908, ii, 165- 167. Also: Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, [n. p.], 1908, 99-101.- Treves (F.) The treatmentof prolapse of the rectum by excision. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 396; 454.— Tsigler (D K.) Ob operatsiipo povodu vikhozhdeniya pryamol kishki. [Operating for prolapse of rectum.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach pri imp. Kazan, univ. (1895), 1896, 44-49.— Valla*. Deux cas de prolapsus graves du rectum trai- tes par I'amputation. Lyon med., 1898, lxxxviii, 615- 617—Vipadeniye prvamol kishki. [Prolapse of rec- tum.] Otchot o dleyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk, (1896-8), 1899, 166. — Vreden (R. R.) Skruchivaniye RECTUM. 370 RECTUM. Rectum (Prolapse of, Treatment of, Operative). pryamol kishki, kak sposob llecheniya vipadeniya yeya. [Twisting the rectum as a method'of treating its pro- lapse.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v. 912. Also: Protok. i trudi russk. chir. Obsh. Pirogova 1*95-6, St. Petersb., 1897, xiv, 26-28. -----. Skruchivaniye pryamol kishki kak sposob lie cheniya yeya vipadeniya. [Twisting the rectum as a method of treating its prolapse] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 1467. — Walther. Pro- lapsus du rectum; resection; guerison constatee apres huitanset demi. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 213-216.—Weber (F. K.) K voprosu ob operativnom llechenii vipadeniy pryamol kishki. [Oper- ative treatment of prolapse of therectum.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 46: 86. Also, transl.: Deutsche Ztschr. f.Chir.,Leipz., 1904, lxxii, 500-512.—Wedding. Heilung des Prolapsus ani nach Dupuytrens Methode. Prov. San.- Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Konigsb. [1837, 2. Sem.], 1839,73.— Wenzel. Zur Pathogenese una Radikaloperation der grossen Mastdarmvorfalle. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxvi, 19-32.—Wood (J. C.) [Prolapse of rectum since four years of age; amputation.] Med. Counselor, Detroit, 1896, n. s., l, 6. — Zerenin (V.) K llecheniyu vipadeniya i grizhi pryamol kishki. [On the treatment of hernia and prolapse of the rectum.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 747-759.—Zimmermann. [Ein etwa 10 cm langer Prolapsus recti nach der von Thiersch angegebenen Drahtmethode operativ behandelt.] Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1903, xxxvii, 29—Zuccarelli (P.) Pro- lapsus du rectum; rectococcypexie par le procede Gerard- Marchant; gu6rison complete. Marseille med., 1893, xxx, 472^82. Rectum (Prolapse of) in children. Claubel (F.-L.-P.) * Traitement chirurgical du prolapsus rectal chez l'enfant. 8°. Nancy, 1897. Guichou. * Du prolapsus rectal chez l'en- fant; sa guerison par le traitement medical. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Soulier (F.) *Le prolapsus du rectum de l'enfant; son etiologie, son traitement. 8°. Pa- ris, 1897. Adler (L. H.) Polypoid growths in children vs. pro- lapse. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1902-3, vi, 201. Also, Re- print.—Betti (U. A.) Sulla cura del prolasso del retto nei bambini. Pratica d. mod., Napoli, 1900-1901, i, 359- 361.—Broca. Du prolapsus du rectum chez l'enfant et de son traitement. Bull. m6d., Par., 1897, xi, 69-72. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1897, x, 57; 83. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. med. de Liege, 1896-7, ix, 229-231.— Chaus- sende. Du prolapsus du rectum, specialement chez les enfant. Lyon med., 1906, cvii, 617-624.—Courtin (J.) Traitement chirurgical du prolapsus de la muqueuse du rectum chez l'enfant. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1901, xxii, 470-472.—Csillag (J.) Zur Behand- lung des Prolapsus recti nach der Thure-Brandt'schen Methode. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1891-2, xiv, 59-63.— Cumston (C. G.) General remarks on prolapsus of the rectum in children. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1899-1900, vi, 37^1. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxi, 311-326, Also, Reprint.—Fabre. Note ,sur le traitement du pro- lapsus rectal chez l'enfant. Echo m6d. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1906, vii, 266-269.—Fontoynont. Prolapsus to- tal du rectum avec hydrocele chez un enfant malgache del2mois; recto-coccvpexie. Rev. mens.d.mal.del'enf., Par., 1904, xxii, 130-133. Also [Rap. de A. Broca]: Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 23.—Gau- dier. Prolapsus du rectum, chez un enfant; operation de Thiersch. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 428. Also: Nord med., Lille, 1906, xii, 210.—Hajech. Di un mezzo di cura del prolasso del retto nei bambini. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1604-1606. Also: Boll. clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1899, xi, 1-9. Also [Abstr.]: Attid. Cong, pediat. ital. 1898, Torino, 1900, iii, 62.— Julliard (G.) Prolapsus du rectum avec invagination de PS iliaque. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1892, xii, 732-737, 2pl.—Karewski. Die Behandlung des Prolap- susani der Kindermit Paraffininjektionen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 745.—Kephalllnds (N. A.) Ueber die Behandlung des kindlichen Mastdarmpro- lapses durch Liingsversteifung des Rectum. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1908, lxvii,325-333.—Logan (J. R.) Note on prolapse of the rectum in children. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1891, xi, 380-383.—Miserocchi (L.) Ancora sulla paraganglina Vassale contro il prolasso rettale infantile. Pediatria, Napoli, 1905, 2. s., iii, 380-384. — Mummery (J P. L.) Prolapse of the rectum in children, with fifty cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 812-815. -----. Prolapse of the rectum in a child. Polyclin.. Lond., 1908, xii, 40.— Phocas(G.l Prolapsus du rectum chez l'enfant. Gaz. d. h6p., Par.,1891, lxiv, 243-245—Reboul (J.) Prolap- sus du rectum chez un enfant de cinq ans; gangrene et perforations larges de l'intestin hernie; resection; gueri- Rectum (Prolapse of) in children. son. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par. ]s'i7 xi, 417-421. Also: Rev. de chir.. Par., 1897, xvii, 1037 — Behn (H.) Leber die haufigsten Formen des Mast- darm-Vorfalles im Kindesalter. Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzb 1898, xi, 3. Also: Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1899, xi 65 — Biva-Bocci (S.) Per la cura del prolasso rettale nei bambini colla paraganglina Vassale. Gazz. med ital Torino, 1906, lvii, 91-97.—Schaett'er (0.) Kongenitaler Prolapsder Rectalmucosa mltDivertikelbildunginFolge von circumseripterSchleimhauthvpertrophie. Centralbl f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1896, xx, 759-761.—Van Nieiiiven- huyse. Du prolapsus rectal chez l'enfant et de son trai- tement. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. befge de chir., Brux 1908, viii, 266-273.—Wharton (H. R.) Prolapsus of the rectuminchildren. Tr. M. Soc. Penn.,Phila.,1889-90.xxi 240-244.—von Winiwarter (A.) Einige Bemerkun- gen fiber die Behandlung des Mastdarmvorfalles bei Kin- dern. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. Rudolf Chrobak . 60. Geburtst. [etc.], Wien, 1903, ii, 101-113.- Yezhotf(K.) Bandage dlya llecheniya polnavo vipadeniya prvamol kishki u dletel. [. . . for the treatment of complete pro- lapse of the rectum in children.] Russk. Med., St Pe- tersb., 1893, xviii, 760. Rectum (Prolapse of) in females. Blankoff (Sarah). * D'un nouveau procede de colpoperineorraphie dans le traitement de la rectocele. 8°. Paris, 1899. Bovee (J. W.) An operation devised for the treat- ment of marked prolapse of the rectum in women. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii,851. Also, Reprint.—Dickinson (R. L.) High rectocele after perineal repair. Am. J Obst., N. Y., 1908, lvii, 347-352. [Discussion], 416.—Earle (E. R. C.) A case of prolapse of the rectum and a case of fibroidsof the uterus. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1657.—Em- met (T. A.) Rectocele, its cause and cure; development of the operation at the Woman's Hospital. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 673-688. [Discussion], 770-776.—Ger- tsen (P.) K voprosu o khirurgicheskom llechenii vipa- deniya pryamol kishki, matki i vlagalishtsha. [Surgical treatment of prolapse of the rectum, uterus, and vagina.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. vMosk., 1902, xxi,3. [Discussion], 19-21.—Gillette (W. R.) A new operation for the cure of rectocele and cystocele. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1877, x, 288-291. Also, Reprint—Lott (H. S.) A simple opera- tion for rectocele, and repair of the vaginal outlet. Car- olina M. J., Charlotte, 1900, xlv, 129-131.—Lowe (G.) A rare form of rectal hernia. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 59-61.—liuccarelli (V.) Rettopessia addo- minale anteriore nella donna (nuovo metodo di cura del prolasso rettale). Gazz. med. lomb.. Milano. 1907, lxvi, 1-4.—Munde (P. F.) The best operation for cvstocele and rectocele. Am. J. Obst.,N. Y.,1890, xxiii,268-274, lpl. -----. Rectocele, lacerated cervix, and retroversion. In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i, 284—Ott. Heilung des Rectal prolapses durch Restitution des Beckenbodens. Centralbl.f.Gynak.,Leipz.,1900,xxiv, 721-723— Ozeii lie. Diagnostic et traitement de la rectocele vatn'nale simple. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1892, lxv, 553-555—Schrader (T.) Prolapsus recti bei einer bisher nicht beschriebenen Miss- bildung des Afters (extramediane Afterspalte); Heilung desselben durch Proktoplastik. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl., 1899, lviii, 169-176.—Sonnenschein (K.) Ein Beitrag zur Therapie de« Mastdarmvorfalls bei Infantilismus. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 1129-1133.—Sorel (R.) Prolapsus du rectum; dechirure ancienne du peri- nee, retrocele; colpoperineorrhaphie; perin6orrhaphiean- nococcygienne avec rectopexie. Rev. med. de Norman- die, Rouen, 1900,309-312.—Spencer. Extensive prolapse of therectum and uterus in old women, due to ovarian cysts. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1901, xii, 91. Rectum (Rupture of). See, also, Pelvis (Treatment of, Complications, etc., of). Mohr (F. C. R.) * Ueber subkutane Perfo- rationen des Magen-Darmkanals mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines Falles von Ruptur des Rectum nach schwerem Heben. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Bu rkhard t (L.) Ueber Berstungsrupturen des Rek- tums. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1283.—Ca- vazzani (T.) Sopra un caso di rottura completa tras- versale spontanea del retto, con prolasso del moncone in- feriore. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1903, iv, 9- 12.—Franklin (C. L.) A case of rupture of the rectum caused in an unusual way. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1143.— Fyot. Prolapsus et rupture complete du rectum com- pliqu6sde hernie d'une anse intestinale dechiree. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1908, lxxxv, 129-132.—Helneke (H.) Ueber die sogenannten Spontanrupturen des Rectums. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1906, 1, 473-490. ----■. Ein Fall von Berstungsruptur des Rektum. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1631.—Klrstein. Ein Fall RECTUM. 371 RECTUM. Rectum {Rupture of). vonsubkutaner Mastdarmabreissung durch Ueberfahren. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1905, lxxx, 686-588.— MaksimofflV. V.) O samorodnom razrivle pryamol kishki, s vipadeniyem kisheshnikh petel, [Idiopathic rupture of the rectum, with prolapse of the intestines.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1890, clxvii, pt. 1,191-200.— Moulton (A. R.) Rupture of the rectum and hernia of the intestines in an insane man. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1901, xxii, 48-50.—MUller. Fall von Ruptur des durch Divertikelbildung besonders disponierten Mastdar- mes, entstanden beim Heben eines Strohbundes als land- wirtschaftlicher Unfall erkannt. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, xiii, 100-103. — Sauerbruch. Experimen- telles fiber Darmverletzungen nach Bauchcontusionen an der Hand eines Falles von Rectumruptur. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar, 1903, xxxii, 21- 26. —Wretzl ( J. ) A v6gbei szogbetoresenek gy6gyu- l£sa 16ban. [Rupture of the rectum in a horse.] Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest, 1907, xxx, 3. Rectum {Stricture of). See, also, Rectum (Carcinoma of); Rectum (Diseases of) in children; Rectum (Tuberculosis of). Arnald (L.) *Des stenoses inflammatoires du rectum. Stenoses svphilitiques, tubercu- leuses, blennorragiques, etc. Traitement chi- rurgical et resultats eloigned. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Doenier (V.) *Des retrecissements fibreux du rectum. 4°. Strasburg, 1868. Frank (R.) Ueber die angeborene Ver- schliessung des Mastdarmes und die begleiten- den inneren und ausseren angeborenen Fistel- bildungen. 8°. Wien, 1892. Kelsey (C. B.) Stricture of the rectum; a study of ninety-six cases. 8°. [New York, 1890.] Also, in: Wood's M. & S. Monog., N. Y., 1890. -----. The same. Stricture of the rectum; a study of one hundred and thirty-eight cases. 2. ed. 8°. [New York, 1891.] See, also, infra. Salmox (F.) A practical essay on stricture of the rectum; illustrated by cases showing the connection of that disease with prolapsus of the rectum, irritation of the lungs, affections of the urinary organs and of the uterus, fistula, etc.; to which is now added some practical ob- servations on piles and the hemorrhoidal ex- crescence. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1829. Siessl (F.) * Ueber einen Fall von Rektum- stenose bei Adnexeiterung. 8°. Miinchen, 1906. Strey (E. O. A.) * Ueber Stricturen des Mastdarms. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Torres (I.) * Estudio fisiologico sobre la constriccion aplicada en el recto. 8°. Mexico, 1880. Arnaud (L.) Les retrecissements blennorragiques du rectum. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1906, lxxix, 159-167.— Bacon (J. B.) Non-malignant strictures of the rec- tum. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1896, xviii, 101-104.—Ba- llesca. (J.) Estrechez rectal consecutiva &, una lilcera de origen traum&tico en la convalecencia de la fiebre tifoidea; convulsiones. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1907, viii, 78.—Barnes (It. S. F.) A caso of stricture of the rectum. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1881-2, vi, 157,lpl.—Beach (W. M.) Stricture of the rectum. Penn. M. J., Pitts- burg, 1899-1900, iii, 77-80.—Becker (W.) Some unusual stenotic conditions of the colon and rectum. Milwaukee M. J., 1904, xii, 1-9. —Beregi (A.) A vegb61 congeni- talis szukiilete. [Congenital stricture of the rectum.] Allatorvosi lapok, Budapest,1906,xxix, 388-390.—Black- ham (R. J.) Case of fibrous stricture of the rectum following dysentery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 847.— Bruhus. Leber Rektal-Strikturen. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, Ixxxvi, 307.—Billiard (W. D.) Acquired non-malignant stricture of the rec- tum; causes, symptoms and treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lvii, 47-53. [Discussion], 81. -----. Acquired non- malignant stricture of the rectum; ca uses, symptoms and treatment. Tr. sect. surg. & anat., Am. M. Ass. 1902, Chi- cago, 1903, 405-416. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 817-820. — Bu rghard (F. F.) The conditions which give rise to the so-called ballooning of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 392. —Carnabel (A.) Stricturl Rectum {Stricture of). rectale. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1898, xviii, 55-61.—Carroll (T.) Stricture of the rectum. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897, n. s., xxxix, 1-5. [Discussion], 14. Also: Tr. Acad. M. Cincin., 1897-8, 102-107. —Clejat. Retrecis- sement du rectum. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 397.—Cuinston (C. G.) Congenital stricture of the rectum. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal. . . Dis., Louis- ville, 1898, v, 5-13.—Derrick (G. H.) Stricture of the rectum. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1896, viii, 465-467.— Duckworth (D.) & Champiieys. [Two cases of simple stricture of the rectum following upon pelvic in- flammation.] St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1905, Lond., 1906, xli, 158.—Buy.au (W.C.) Traumatic (?) stricture of the rec- tum. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1897, xxvii, 477-484.— Bunlop(.L) Acaseof stricture of therectum. Lancet, Lond., I.s97, i, 1740. — Edelmann (M.) Stenosis recti egy esete. [Caseof...] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 6; 19. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 208.—Faykiss (F.) Stric- turarecti; perforatio ulceris. Budapestik. m. t. egvet. 2. sz. Seb.Klin.betegf.l906,Budapest, 1907,59.—Fercnczi (S.) Strictura recti esete. [Acaseof...] Orvosihetil.,Buda- pest, 1899, xliii. 653. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1899, xxvii, <\Y„ 1895-6,60-66. [Discussion], 91-97. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait.,'1895-6, xxxiv, 365-369. -----. Op- eration for rectal stricture; a new instrument. Chicago M. Recorder, 1895. ix, 169. -----. Surgical treatment of non-malignant strictures of the rectum. Tr. Am. Proc- tol. Soc, Allegheny, Pa.. 1899, i, 20-27. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 717. —Braquehaye. Cure radicale des retrecissements du rectum par autoplastie scrotale ou vaginale. Assoc franc, de chir. Proc verb. [etc.], Par., 1897, 338-&51. — Brault (J.) Note sur le traitement des retrecissements du rectum par le cathete- risme apres colostomie temporaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 1001.—Briddon (C. K.) Laparo-colotomv for stricture of the rectum. N. York M. L, 1890, Iii, 310-314.—Buchanan (J. J.) Excision of the rectum for cicatricial stricture, by the combined method, with preservation of the sphincter. Surg.,Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1907, v, 696-700. Also: Penn. M. J., Athens, 1907-8, xi, 978-982.—Casariego (J.) Estrechez del recto; ano iliaco; proceder de Reelus; curaci6n. Pro- greso med., Habana, 1895, vii, 146-148. — Casuso (G.) Estrechez del recto de siete centimetros de longitud; es- tirpaci6n por las viasnaturales; curaci6m Ibid., 1894, vi, 115-117. — Clairiiiont (P.) Zur Behandlung der ent- ziindlichen Mastdarmstricturen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1907, lxxxiv, 180-197—Balziel (T. K.) Excision of a simple stricture of the rectum by Kraske's method. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlviii, 210. —Beaver t.I. B.) Re- marks upon the treatment of stricture of the sigmoid flexure and of the first portion of the rectum. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lxix, 1005-1008. Also, Re- print. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 12-14. —Fran- kenburger (J. M.) Inflammatory stricture of the rec- tum. Med. News. N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 204-207. — Lond., 1892-3, xvi, 356.—Hart- mann (H.) Note sur un procede d'ablation des retre- cissements du rectum par les voies naturelles. Assoc. franc;, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1893, vii, 698-701.— Hercz.el ( M.) Luetikus vegbeisztikiiletnek Kraske- f61e sae'ralis extirpatio altal gy6gyult esete. [A case of luetic rectal stricture cured by the sacral extirpation of Kraske.] Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1892-iki evkony ve, 1893, 221-223. —Jackson (E. B.) Stricture of the rectum; linear proctotomy; recovery. Texas Health J., Dallas, 1893-4, vi, 25.—Kelsey (C. B.) Stricture of the rectum; intestinal obstruction; inguinal colotomy. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 437-440. — Koniir. Inguinal colostomy for severe ulcerative stenosis of the rectum. Internat. Rectum {Stricture of, Treatment of, Operative). Clin., Phila., 1899, 9. s., ii, 202-206. — Kronse (L. J.) Procto-plastic operation for cure of cicatricial stenosis of the anus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 506. —Lang (E.) strictura recti; plattenformige Infiltration der Mucosa recti; radiare Discission; Besserung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 667.— Lanphear (E.) Operation for stricture of the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894,xxii, 117.—Lapolnte (A.) Valeur de l'extirpation du rectum appliquee aux retre- cissements inflammatoires. Presse med., Par., 1898, ii, 153-155. -----. La colostomie temporaire dans le retre- cissement inflammatoire du rectum. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 1901, Auxerre, 1902, xiii, 40-51. —Lefebure & t; autre r. Sur un precede de suture special dans le cas de renversement du rectum. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1906, lx, 196-200.—Lejars. Extirpa- tion d'un retrecissement du rectum par la voie vaginale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 743- 715.—Leuk. Eine neue Palliativoperation beibenignen Mastdarmstrikturen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905,xiii,802- 805.—Lothrop (H. A.) Stricture of the rectum; a plas- tic operation for the relief of certain varieties. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, clii, 477-480. Also, Reprint.—Lydston (G. F.) Modified Kraske's operation for stricture of the rectum. Charlotte [N. C.j M. J., 1894, v, 503-505.—Me- dina (J. L.) Operation and after-treatment for non- malignant stricture of the rectum. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 689.—Miles (0. H.) Case of congenital occlusion of the rectum above the anus by a membranous septum; op- eration and recovery. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, xxiv, 355—Montgomery (E. E.) Stricture of the rectum following an operation for hemorrhoids. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 6. s., iii, 264-268—Nuckols (M. E.) Benign stricture of the rectum; external proctoplasty sug- gested. Richmond J. Pract., 1906, xx, 279-284.—Pean. Retrecissement du rectum, recidive au bout de cinq ans; rectotomie externe. In his: Lecons de clin. chir., [etc.], 8°, Par., 1890,635.—Petty (G. E.) Cellulitis with resulting stricture of rectum; colotomy; recovery. Memphis J. M. Sc, 1890-91, ii, 153-156.—tjuenu (E.) Retrecissement congenital du rectum; extirpation du retrecissement et de l'extremite inferieure du rectum; guerison avec insuf- fisance des sphincters. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 147-153.—Keber (M.) Leber eine bisher nichtbeschriebene Form von Rectalstrikturen und eine neue Behandlung derselben. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1901, xxxi, 172-192.—Ribera y Sans (J.) Pro- cedimiento operatorio para las estrecheces no cancerosas del recto. Ibid., 1898, xliii, 60-63. -----. Estrechez del recto consecutiva &, la ingestion de un cuerpo extrafio; rectotomia posterior; recidiva; nuevo procedimiento ope- ratorio; curaci6n. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1897, xli, 47-55.—Ries (E.) The treatment of extensive rectal strictures. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. 1902, Kan- sas City, 1903, iv, 110-120.—Rotter (J.) Die Sigmoideo- Rectostomie, ein neues Verfahren zur Beseitigung von Mastdarm-Stricturen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lviii, 334-345.—R oil tier. Resection du rectum par la voie sacree pour un retrecissement fibreux, traumatique, par M. le dr. Grey. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 323.—Sehede (M.) Leber die Resection des Mastdarms bei den stricturirenden Ge- schwiiren desselben. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1895, xxiv, pt, 2, 573-582. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1895, 1, 83,5-844. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxiv, 103-106. —Schloft'er (H.) Zur operativen Aus- schaltung entziindlicher Mastdarmstrikturen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1901, xxxi, 643-655.—Sieur. Retre- cissement fibreux du rectum et crises violentes d'entero- colite muco-membraneuse; creation successive d'un anus iliaque gauche et d' un anus ileo-iliaque droi t; resection du rectum par la voie perineale et creation d'un anus sacro- coccygien suivie de la fermeture des deux anus iliaques; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1906,n.s., xxxii, 1061-1076.—Sigl. Ueber einen operativ geheilten Fall von Mastdarmverschnurung beim Pferd. Wchn- schr. f. Tierh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen, 1907, li, 41; 61. — Sonnenburg ( K.) Beitrag zur operativen Be- handlung hochsitzender Mastdarmstricturen. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1897, lv, 713-745. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1897, xxvi, pt. 2, 383- 399, -----. Behandlung hochgehender Mastdarmstrictu- ren nach einem besonderen Verfahren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, Ver.-Beil., 158-160. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 787-789—Souli- goux (C.) & Lapolnte (A.) La colostomie temporaire dans le retrecissement inflammatoire du rectum. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 1221-1224. Also [Rap. de Chaput]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. dePar., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 884- 892—Stone (I. S.) Case of excision of rectum for in- curable stricture. Wash. M. Ann., 1902, i, 241-246.— Thompson (M. G.) A new operation for stricture of the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 572.— Wacquez. Sclerose annulaire du rectum et retrecisse- ment; colotomie. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, RKCTUM. 374 RECTUM. Rectum (Stricture of Treatment of Operative). 102-104.- WoIlf(J.) Zur Behandlung der stricturirenden Mastdarmverschwarung; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Mast- darmplastik. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 95; 113. Rectum {Stricture of) in females. Bacon (J. B.) New operations for the cure of non- malignant strictures of the rectum. Am. Gvnaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1896, viii, 310-316. [Discussion], 383-389. -----. Non-malignant strictures of the rectum. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxiv, 303.—Hamonic (P.) Un cas rare de retrecissement congenital du rectum chez unefemmede69ans; occlusion intestinale; colotomie ilia- que; guerison. Rev. clin.d'androl. etdegynec, Par., 1907, xiii, 1-5.—Peterson (R.) The etiology of non-malignant rectal stricture in women. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1899, xxiv, 426-437. 3 pl. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 259-262.—Phocas. Retrecissement proba- blement congenital du rectum sur une fillette de 15 ans; operation; guerison. Nord med., Lille, 1898, iv, 157-159.— Scott (N. S.) Rectal stricture of puerperal origin re- lieved bv laparotomy. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893, 149-157. 'Also: Med. Rec,N. Y., 1893, xliv,264-266. Also, Reprint.—Walking (T. J.) An operation for stricture of the rectum in women; preliminary report of a case. Am.J. Obst., N. Y.,1902, 474-478. [Discussion], 528-530. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1902, xxiii, 171-173. Rectum (Surgery of). See, also, Rectum (Abnormities of); Rectum (Carcinoma of, Treatment of, 0]>eratiee); Rectum (Dilatation of); Rectum (Excision of); Rectum (Fissure of); Rectum (Foreign bodies in); Rec- tum (Gangrene of); Rectum (Imperforate); Rec- tum (Inflammation, etc., of); Rectum (Prolapse of, Treatment of, Operative); Rectum. (Strieiure of, Treatment of, Operative); Rectum (Surgery of) in females; Rectum (Sy]>hilis of); Rectum ( Valres of) [etc.]; Rectum ( Wounds, etc., of). Beyer (Ct. ) *Die Operationen zur Freile- gung der oberen Rectumteile. [Erlangen.] 8°. Augsburg, 1894. Dittrich (A.) *Das angeborene Fehlen des Afters und die Proctoplastik, als die erfolg- reichste Operationsmethode. [Wurzburg.] 8°. Duisburg, 1899. Floeange (A.) Statistischer Bericht iiber die Erkrankungen des Anus und Rectum, die in der Bonner chirurgischen Klinik vom Jahre 1895-8 zur Beobachtung kamen. 8°. Bonn, 1903. Halsey (F. W.) Rectal surgery. Reports of cases. 8°. Montpelier, Yt., [1892]. van Leersum (E. C.) * Ueber Exstirpatio ani, Amputatio recti und Resectio recti. [Frei- burg i. B.] 8°. Utrecht, 1894. Quenu (E.) & Hartmann (H.) Chirurgie du rectum. Anatomie; exploration; rectites; blennorrhagie; syphilis; tuberculose; abces; fis- tules; retrecissements; hemorrhoi'des; ulcera- tions, roy. 8°. Paris, 1895. Sieber ( R. ) * Ueber die Befestigung des Rectums nach Nikoladoni, ein Beitrag zur Technik der Mastdarmoperationen. 8°. Bres- lau, 1900. Smith (H.) The surgery of the rectum. 1. Am., from 4. Eng. ed., with additions and il- lustrations. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881. Virdia (A.) La chirurgia del retto e del- 1' ano. 8°. Napoli, 1900. Wallis (F. C.) Surgery of the rectum. 8°. New York, 1907. ------. The same. 8°. London, 1907. Abbe (R.) Surgery of the rectum and anus. Svst. Surg. (Keen), Phila., 1908, iv, 110-167.—Bacon (J. B.) A reportof one hundred and fifty con.secutive operations for disease of the anus, rectum, and sigmoid flexure. Chicago M. Recorder, 1895, viii, 295-300.—Baudouin (M.) De l'antisepsie rectale. Progres med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xii, 167-170.—Beach (W. M.) Some complications resulting from rectal operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1899, xxxiii, 632.—Blondeau. Accidents de re- Rectum (Surgery of). tention d'urine consecutifs a I'application de meches dans le rectum apres 1'operation de la fistule et de la fis- sure de l'anus. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1866), 1867, ii, 175-180.—Bryant (T.) Some remarks on rectal surgery Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, xxi, 122-158. Also: Lancet Lond., 1898, i, 285; 420; 633; 923. [Discussion], 299. Also- Med. Presstt Circ, Lond., 1898, n. s., lxv, 127-130.—Bill- iard (W. D.) Surgical cases in Dr. Kelsey's clinic at the New York Post-Graduate Hospital. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiv, 612-615.—Carpenter (J. G.) Some important cases of rectal surgery; new method of examination; dif- ferent methods of treatment. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv, 203-214— Ceci (A.) Operazioni sul retto; casi clinici e studi sperimentali. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1891, vi, 230-269. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 3, 747; 760; 769.—Clarke (J. J.) A case showing the result of a plastic operation for the relief of rectal incontinence left after a modified Kraske's excision of the rectum for cancer. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1900-1901, xxxiv, 195-198.—Clouse (E.) Notes on an uncommon caseof rectal surgery. Canad. Pract. & Rev.,Toronto,1904, xxix,400.—Cooke(A.B.) Recent advances in rectal sur- gery. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louisville, 1897, iv, 13-20. -----. Some interesting cases in rectal surgery. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville, ]s;i<>. 178-186. Also: Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, ]s<.i9-iyoo, iv, 168-171.— Craig (A.) Some cases of rectal surgerv. I'enn.M.J., Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 181-184.—Baiuas. Petite chirurgie ano-rectale. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Indme [etc.], Valence & Par., 1901, ii, 11-l.s.—Belbet (P.) Maladies de l'anus et du rectum. Traite de chir. clin. et oper. (Le Dentu et Dclbet), Par., 1899, viii, 378-554.—Karle (S. T.) Report of two successful cases of rectopexy or suspension of the rectum upon the sacrum. Carolina M. J., Char- lotte, 1903, xlix, 59-61.—Kla (W.) Some observations on the surgical treatment of rectal affections. Boston M. & S. J., 1881, cv, 4-6. Also, Reprint.—liliot (L.) Restora- tion of the sphincter ani. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 649. [Discussion], 660.—Kills (J. N.) Abdomino-perineal proctosigmoidectomy. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1899, i, 380-383.—Fitch iC."W.) Con- servative surgery of the rectum. Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass., Columbus, 1898, xxvi, 153-160.—Gant (S. G.) Report of a few cases in rectal surgery. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1893, n. s., xii, 369-376, 6 pl. -----. A synopsis of one year's work in rectal and anal surgery at the K. C, Ft. S. & M. R. R. Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1894, i, 390-396.—Gaston (J. McF.) Surgical interference in rectal disorders. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1895, Phila., 1890, viii, 91-101. Also: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1895-6, n. s., xii, 577-583. Also: J. Pract. M., N. Y., 1895-6, vi, 197-200. Also: Mathews' M. Quart, Louisville, 1896, iii, 10-15. Also [Abstr.]: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 910— Gcrster (A. G.) A contribution to the surgery of the rectum. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1893, xi, 129-159. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xviii, 189-207. -----. Torsion for the cure of rectal incontinence. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix, 612-614. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y„ 1894, xlv, 161-163. — Gersiiny (R.) Eine Sphinkterplastik am Darm. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893, xx, 553-556.—Gibbs (J. B.) Fistula in ano in reference to the integrity of the rectum after operation. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y., 1896, 83-89.—Guarneri (A.) Sulla resezione circolare dell' intestino per ernia gangrenata. Atti d. Cong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 260-260— Halsey (F. W.) A study as to the cause of many failures in rec- tal operations. Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xxii, 122- 127.—Hancock (D. O.) Rectal surgery in the general practice of medicine. Louisville Month.'j. M. & S., 1903- 4, x, 285-'_'x9. — Hawley ( D. C.) Surgerv of the rectum. Proctologist. St. Louis, "1908, ii, 2-13. Also: Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1907, xiii. 235-241.—Henson (J. W.) The rectum as a controllable and clean bladder in ex- strophy and malignant disease. Am. J. Surg. & Gvnec, St. Louis, 1903-4, xvii, 165. Also: Charlotte [N. C.l M. .1., 1904, xxiv, 230.—Holland (H.) Ueber plastische Ope- rationen am Rectum bei Haemorrhoiden, Prolaps und Carcinom; A. Martins Prothesis recti unter Blutleere. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek. Festschr. . . . Aug. Martin, Berl., 1895, 87-95.—Jclks (J. L.) Some points in pelvic surgery; a rectal curiosity; case report, with photograph. Memphis M. Month., 190(), xx, 185-187.—Kelsey (C. B\) The relation of rectal surgerv to other specialties. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 197— Klyachkina (Vera G.) [Episiocleisis rectalis. ] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. vKieve,1894,vii.48-50— Korte ( W.) Diechirurgi- schen Erkrankungen des Mastdarmes. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1903, viii, 749-792.—Kraske. Leber Re- sectio recti. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1891, Leipz., 1892, lxiv, pt. 2, 239-242.—Krouse (L. J.) Valvotomy; with the report of three cases. Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s., li, 577-579.—Langc (F.) Ueber die hohe Mastdarm-Resektion und -Amputation, insbesondere bei specifischen Ulcerationen und ihren Folgezustanden, nebst Bemerkungen iiber plastische Afterbildung. Festschr. z. Feier . .. Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 277-288.— Le Conte (R. G.) An op- 75 KECTUM. RECTUM. Rectum {Surgery of). eration for the restoration of the sphincter ani. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.,1895, xxxi,863-866. [Discussion] ,904-907. Also, Reprint—Leigh (S.) Modern surgery of the rectum. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1898, iii, 271-275.— Lejars. Contribution a l'etude des resultats eloignes de la rectopexie. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1893, lxvi, 643-646.— Lennander (K. G.) M. sphincter ani forstord genom ett flegmone: plastisk operation fr&n mm. levatores ani och mm. glutei max.; continentia ani. [. . . disturbed by a phlegmon . . .] Upsala Lakaref. Fdrh., 1898-9, n. F., iv,337-346,3 pl. -----. Plastisk operation vid incontinen- tia ani. Ibid., 1899-1900, n. F., v, 589-599.—Lenck (G.) Mastdarnioperationen im Speculum. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1905), 1906, xxxvi, 243.—Lienaux (E.) Renversement du rectum chez un chien; contention par la suture peritoneale de l'organe. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1898, xlvii, 575-577.—Luke (J. C.) Operation for haemorrhoids and fistula in ano. Charlotte [N. C.j M. J., 1S94, v, 621— MacIUillan (J. A.) Some cases ot rectal disease in the surgical section of Harper Hospital poly- clinic. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1903^1, xiv, 19-23 — Uartin (T. C.) Surgical applied anatomy of the rec- tum. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1898, iii, 275- 277. Also: Cleveland J.M., 1898, iii,323-325. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1898, vii, 489- 505. Also, trans/.: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1898. xxxviii, 342-349. [Discussion], 497-503. -----. Val- votomy for obstipation. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 296.— -llartinGil(R.) Cirugia del recto. Rev. demed. y cirug. pract.. Madrid, 1901, li, 393; 477: Iii, 5; 45; 126; 211.— .Ilason (R. D.) Some practical points on rectal surgery. Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1902, i, 347-350. — Ma- theivs ( J, M.) Some suggestions in rectal surgery. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1895, vii, 521-525. Also: Buffalo M. J.. 1895-0, xxxv, 129-137. Also: Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville. 1895, ii, 16-22. Also: North Car. M. J., Wil- mington, 1895, xxxvi, 138-144. -----. The dangers of rectal operations. Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 692-695. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxi, 696-698. Also: Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Lis.. Louisville, 1898, v, 132-141.— ."Hayo (W. W.) & JIayo (\\. J.) Observations on the surgical treatment of rectal diseases. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1887, 81-86.— Micheli (E.) Sui risultati della resezione del retto. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi. pt. 1, 512-545. Also: Terap. clin., Napoli, 1895, iv, 86- ^9.—Miller (C. C.) The surgical treatment of rectal di-eases. Med. Summary, Phila., 1905-6, xxvii, 3; 35; 67; 131—Morton (D.) The role of the sphincter ani in rectal surgery. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1894, i, 15-17 \auiiiaini. Lennanders plastiska operation vid incontinentia ani. Goteborgs Lak.-sallsk. Forh., 1901, 1-3.—Norsworthy CO. L.) Post-operative treatment of the rectum. Texas M. News, Austin, 1900-1901, x, 340- 34 V—Petronio (F.) Contribuzione alia chirurgia del retto intestino. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv, 222-234.—Picone < E ) Un caso di rese- zionedel rettosenza incontinenza locale. Riformamed., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 3. 92; 100— Pinegln (V. A.) Dva sluchaya proktoplastiki. [Two cases of proctoplasty (artificial anus).] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Viatki, 1890-91, no. 2, pt.5,1-6.—Pitts i B.i Remarks on the sur- gery of the rectum. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 1234-1237 — Pratt (E. H.) The new operation for the removal of the pile-bearing inch, re-described and illustrated. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1890, xxv, 378-383, 3 pl. -----. Rectal surgery considered in its relation to general sur- gery. Tr. Am. Inst. Homeop., Phila., 1892, xlv, 652-662 — Prutz (W.) Ueber Versuche zum Ersatz des Sphincter ani nach dem Gersunv'schen Princip. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1897, xxviii, 257-271. [Discussion], i, 115-118. -----. Zur Operation des Mast- darmkrebses. Ibid., 1898, xxvii.pt. 1. 116-118.—tliienu. A propos de la recto-enterostomie. Bull. et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1905, n.s., xxxi, 908-917— Kibe ra y Sans (J.) Estrechez del recto consecutiva & la ingestion de un cuerpo extrafio; rectotomia posterior; recidiva; nuevo procedimiento operatorio; curacion. Indepcnd. med. Barcel., 1896-7, xxviii, 429-432.—Rlcketts(B.M.) Fifty cases of rectal surgerv. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1894, i, 379-383. Also, Reprint— Rixford (E.) Trans- plantation of the rectum. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1902, xvi, 428.—Kobson (A. W. M.) An opera- tion for incontinence of fa-cesdne to relaxed or paralysed sphincter ani. Practitioner, Lond., 1903, lxx, 175-177.— Rotter (J.) Sigmoideo-Rectostomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, Ver.-Beil., 50-52. -----. Die Krankheiten des Mastdarms und des Afters. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.}, 2. Aufl., 8°, Stuttg., 1903, iii, 580-707—Rushniore (J. D.) Anorectal transplantation. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiv, 655-659.—Rydygier. Zur Bildung einesschluss- fahigen Sphincter ani. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 1083-1085. -----. O wytwarzaniu zwieracza stolco- wego. [Making a rectal sphincter.] Przegl. lek., Kra- k6w, 1894, xxxiii, 601.—Strauss (L.) Six weeks' ob- servation in rectal surgery. Med. Mirror, St Louis, 1891, ii, 67-74. Also, Reprint. — Strunz (C.) Ueber fiinf weitere Falle von Gastrostomie mit Sphincterbildung Rectum {Surgery of). aus dem Musculus rectus abdominis. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1892, v, 601; 620.—Taylor (E. H.) The surgical applied anatomy of the rectum. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ire- land, Dubl., 1897, xv, 451-473.—Taylor (H. L.) A chap- ter of rectal surgery. Asheville M. Rev., 1890-91, i, 45- 50.—Terrier (F.) Resection du rectum. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 693-696. -----. Di- verticule du rectum; operation; guerison. Cong, franc. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc] 1889, Par., 1890, iv, 401-417.— Van Lennep (W. B.) The rectal mucous membrane as a means of preventing infection in operations about the anus. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1893, 3. s., viii, 37-40. Also, Reprint.—Wiggin (V. II.) Case showing the re- sult of resection of the rectum for anal fistulse. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. V., 1*97-8,6.—Willenis(C) Reeonstitution d'un sphincter apres I'amputation du rec- tum. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1896-7, iv, 100-106. Rectum {Surgery of Instruments and apparatus for). See, also, Proctoscope; Rectum (Exploration of). Dreti iv• Mastdarmobturator. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1906, xiii, 198.—Gant (S. G.) Exhibi- tion of new rectal instruments. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1900, xv, 217-225.—Le Fevre (W. I.) An improved rec- tal operating table. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 111.—Murray (D.H.) Anewrectal fistula-knife, tenacu- lum, and hemorrhoidal clamp. Phila. M. J., 1901, viii, 522. -----. A scrotal holder and shield for use in rectal operations. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1906, xix, 415.— Payr (L.) Ein gut functionirender Verschlussapparat fiir den sacralen After nach Resectio recti. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lix, 594-597.—Teaehnor (VV.) A rectal valve clip with applicator. J.Am.M.Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1701. Rectum (Surgery of, Methods in). See, also, Rectum (Carcinoma of, Treatment of, Operatire, Methods in); Rectum (Excision of, Methods in). Baron (T.) * Ueber die functionellen Resul- tate der neueren Methoden der Mastdarmresec- tion. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Deletre (G.) *De l'anus iliaque dans le traitement de eertaines maladies du rectum. 8°. Paris, 1899. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1899. Sawatzki (M.) * Beitrag zur Rectoperineo- plastik. 8°. Greifswald, 1904. Verrier ( F. ) *De 1'anastomose endo- rectal e par le procede de la pince porte-bouton de Lardennois. 8°. Paris, 1907. Wassiliefp (A.) *De Pil^orectostomie. 4°. Paris, 1895. A bbott (G. E.) Description of a new sacral operation performed by Professor Gussenbauer, of Prag. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 715— Ball (C. B.) Linear proctotomy. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1889, vii, 181-188,1 pl.— Bishop (H.M.) A contribution to rectal surgery and bloodless operations of membraneous and lax tissues by meansof an elastic quilled or welted suture. Tr.Pan-Am. M.Cong. 1893, Wash.,1895, pt. 1,534. -----. Bloodless oper- ation on the rectum. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1907, i, 102- 104.—Haeekel (J.) Resultats eloignes de l'extirpation du rectum et de l'S iliaque d'apres une statistique com- prenant 50 observations personnelles. Rev. de gvnec et de chir. abd., Par., 1897, i, 1059-1076. -----. Sigmo'ido-rec- tostomie inferieure dans la cure de l'anus sacre. Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1899, lviii, 73. — Bogdanik (J.) Zur Prioritat der Colopexie bei Mastdarmvorfallen. Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvi, 1823.—Bononio (L.) Nuovo metodo per la resezione alta estraperitoneale del retto. Arch, edatti d. Soc ital. di chir., Roma, 1897, xi, 693-698.— Cabot (A. T.) Notes on the closure, by buried sutures, of rents which implicate the anal sphincter. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxvi, 658.—Campbell (J.) The value of the sacral Biethod of operation in diseases of the rectum and other pelvic organs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1007.— Chassaignac (C.) Spinal anesthesia in rectal cases. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1900-1901, liii, 403-405.—Cooke (A. B.) A summary of twenty-five radical operations upon the rectum under local (sterile water) anesthesia. Med.News, N. Y., 1905, lxxxvii, 392-394. -----. The radical treatment of certain rectal diseases under local anesthesia; with re- port of ten cases. South. M. & S., Chattanooga, 1905, iv, 131-135. -----. Local and regional anesthesia in rectal surgery; a svnopsis of seventy operations. J. Am.M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1685-1687.—Cripps (H.) A clinical lecture on some points in rectal surgery. Clin. J., Lond., 1906-7, xxix, 401-410. — Cunningham (J. H.) Rectal RECTlTM. 376 RECTUM. Rectum (Sure/ery of, Methods in). anesthesia. Boston' M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 355-361.—De- pa,- l'emploi de l'anesthesie locale dans les operations prati- quees sur l'extremite inferieure du tube digestif. Tri- bune med., Par., 1905, n. s., xxxvii, 745.—.Tlct 'osh A. J.) Excision of the rectum, with secondary intestinal anas- tomosis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 519-521 .—.Mc- Cullough (J.J.) Colotomy in certain rectal diseases Mass. M. J., Bost., 1904, xxiv, 529-536— .VI a kins yG. H.) Remarks on two cases of rectal disease treated by modi- fied operative methods. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, "i, 191.— martin (T. C.) A new stitch securing the rectal mucous membrane to the skin at the anus after removal of a cylin- drical part of its lower third. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1895,li,549-555. Also: Med.Century,Chicago, 189o| iii, 349, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Proctocolonoscopy and its possibilities; bv a new method. Mathews' M Quart., Louisville, 1896, iii, 201-219, 1 pl.—JVIathews (J. M.) Some late suggestions in rectal surgery. Ibid. 101-106— N'icoladoni (C.) ZurNahtbeiResectiorecti' Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xxiv, 929.—Pennington (J. K.) New and improved rectal instruments. Louis- ville Month. J. M. & S., 1901-2, viii, 298-302. Also, Re- print. -----. Regional analgesia in the surgical treat- mentof anorectal diseases. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x,198- 200. Also, Reprint.—Pratt (E. H.) The American opera- tion; its history and application. Med. Era, Chicago, 1892, x, 68-72. Also, Reprint.—Prutz (W.) Ueber Versuche zum Ersatz des Sphincter ani nach dem Gersunv'schen Princip. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1897, lv, 528-542.— Kehn (L.) Die Fortschritte in der Technik der Mast- darmoperationen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1900, xxix, pt. 2, 514-536, 1 pl. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1900, lxi, 1009-1031, 1 pl.—Routier. Sur un procede nouveau de resection du rectum, par M. Moulonguet. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 646-648.—Sehloffer. Ueber abdominale Rectum-Resection. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1903, xxxii, pt. 1, 245-249—Semeria JMaji- glo (A.) Ricostruzione dello sfintere anale nelle ainpu- tazioni del retto mediante plastica dei grandi gluiei. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. diGenova, 1896, xi, 257-260.—Senn (N.) Excision of high rectal carcinoma without sacral resection. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 607-610.—Silbermark (M.) Zur Technik der Anal- und Rectumoperatiniien (Rectumokklusor). Wien. med. Wchnschr., Pais, lviii, 2465.—Simpson. Narrowing of the anal canal without ablation of tissue. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., lsoi. iii, 8. Abth., 92-95.—Stauffer (W. H.) The importance of post-operative treatment in diseases of the rectum. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1907, iii, 588-591.—Stiassny (S.) Ueber plastische Nachopera- tionen nach Resectio recti. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1900-1901, xxix, 491-507.—Turner (W.) Kraske's oper- ation after preliminary colotomy. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s., lxxiii, 62.—Tuttle (J. P.) Lrethro- rectal fistula; a new operation, with report of three suc- cessful cases. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louisville, 1898, v, 103-124. -----. Local versus general anaesthesia in rectal surgery. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 1214- 1217.—Walker (H. O.) Kraske's operation, with report of casesand the utilization of an enlarged Murphy button for the approximation of the divided ends of the rectum. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1894. i, 76-79. Rectum {Surgery of) in females. Rapp (E.) *De la voie vaginale dans la re- section du rectum. 8°. Nancy, 1898. Tholvexin (A.) *Dela voie vagino-perine- ale dans la resection du rectum ou diacolpopro- tectomie. 4°. Nancy, 1896. Becker (P.) Mvome des Mastdarmes. Arch. f. Gy- naek., Berl., 1908, lxxxv, 427-431—Bristow (A. T.I A case of exsection of the rectum bv the vaginal route. Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxix, 640.—Byl'ord (H. T.) Ex- tirpation of the rectum per vaginam, with utilization of the vagina to replace the lost rectal tissue. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiv, 631-033.—Campenon. De la voie vaginale dans les excisions pour retrecissement non cancereux du rectum avec restauration immediate du sphincter. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 277-280. Also: Ann. de gynec et d'obst, Par., 1894, xiii, 340.—Depage. De la resection du rectum par la voie vaginale. Ann. Soc beige de chir., Brux., 1895-6, iii, 246-248.—Ede boh Is (G. M.) Is the Kraske operation justifiable in women? Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xliv, 162-170. Also. Reprint.—Foderl (0.) Beitrage zur Chirurgie des Rectums und des Uterus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 249; 273; 308; 333; 350.— Fowler (W.) Non-malignant tumour of rectum; mul- tiple polypi of large intestine; fibro-cystic sarcoma of both ovaries, with secondary deposits in liver, kidneys, and lumbar glands. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1895, xiv, 179-181. — Frigyesi (J.) Kraske-miitet utani ter- hesseg kimenete. [Outcome of pregnancy after the op- eration of Kraske.] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1905, 406- RECTUM. 377 RECTUM. Rectum (Surgery of) in females. 40S.— Gordon (S. C.) Vaginal and rectal operations. J. Med. A Sc, Portland, 1902-3, ix, 81-85.—Herzen (W.) De la voie vaginale dans la resection du rectum pour re- trecissement non cancereux, ou colpoprocteetoniic. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv, 687-689.— Hey- denreieh t \.) De la voie vaginale dans la resection du rectum. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, 183-180. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Week., Par., 1897, v, 431. Also, transl.: Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1897, x, 653-658—Kozlovski (B. S ) Vlagalishtshniy metod pri operatsiyakh na pryamol kishkle. [Vaginal method of operating on the rectum.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1902, xviii. 294-310. Also [Abstr.]: Prakt.Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 115-117.—Lange (F.) Simultaneous excision of the rectum and extirpation of an intraliga- mentous ovarian tumor after removal of the lower part of the sacrum. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 310.— Uer- mann i\V.) Leber die vaginale Methode bei Mast- darmoperationen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1897, xix, 559-576. -----. Zur vaginalen Methode bei Mast- darnioperationen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aer/.te 1898, Leipz., 1899, lxx. pt. 2. 2. Hlfte.. 117- 120.—.Holier. Leber vaginale Rectumoperation. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 1459—.Uorison (.1. R.) Resection of the sigmoid flexure or upper portion of the rectum. Brit. Gynsec. J., Lond., 1900-1901. xvi, 272-275 — itlouchet (A.) " Grospolypedu rectum expulse pendant la defecation, chez une jeune tille de 22 ans. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par , 1894, lxix, sss.—.11 mimicry (I'.L.) Some recent advances in rectal surgerv. Clin. ,L, Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 328-335.—.Tlurphy (J. B.) Resection of the rectum per vaginam. Tr. South. Surg. A Gvnec. Ass. 1900, Phila., 1901, xiii, 334-347. 3 pl. Also: Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 383- 3s9. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Clin, ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 1-11.—vonNoorden. NarbigerMastdarmverschluss mitMastdarni-Scheidentistel: operative Heilung. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1895, v. 561-563.—Petrulis (S.) Vai;inalniy metod izstecheniya pryamol kishki u zhen- -htsbin. [Vaginal method of excising the rectum in wom- en ] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1905, xxi, 73-78.— Price (J.) Recto-vaginal anastomosis. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1896. xvii, 98-100. —Proehnow (J.) Zur vaginalen Mastdarmausschneidupg. Therap. Mo- natsh., Berl., 1903, xvii, 25.—Propos (A) de la communi- cation de M. Depatre sur l'extirpation du rectum par le vagin. Ann. Soc beige de chir., Brux., 1895-6, iii, 287.— BeIin(L.) Resectio recti vaginalis. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxii, 241-244.—Sihwarz (C.) Exstirpatio recti abdomino-vaginalis. Ibid., 1899, xxvi, 134-137.— Scott (X. S.) Rectal stricture of puerperal origin re- lieved by laparotomy. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 264- 206.— Sternberg (J.) Ueber den Rectovaginalschnitt bei Mastdarmoperationen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., Is97, xxiv. 305-312.— Warfvinge. Un casdemyomedu rectum, simulant un kvstome ovarien (F. Westermark). Gaz. de gynec, Par., 1894, i-x, 345 —Westermark (F.) Ett fall af myoma recti, simulerande ett-ovarialkystom. [Case of . . ."simulating ovarian cyst.] Festskr. . . . med. dokt. F. W. Warfvinge [etc.], Stockholm, 1894, 170- 179, 1 pl. Also, tremsl.: Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1896, xx, 1-9. Also, transl.: Scalpel, Lond.. 1896, i, 140-142. Rectum (Sy/>hllis of). See, also, Rectum (Slr'u-ture of, Syphilitic). Aderholdt ([E. A.] C.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der RektumsvphiHs. s°. Berlin, 1896. Fischer (E. [A.]) * Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der svphilitischen Mastdarmver.-chwurun- gen. 8°. 'Kiel, 1895. May (\Y.) * Ueber einen Fall von Mast- darmlues. 8°. Miinchen, 1900. Nickel (P. [R.]) * Zur Pathogenese der so- genannten svphilitischen Mastdarmgeschwiire. 8°. dreifswald, 1891. Perceau (C.) * Etude sur le chancre syphi- litique du rectum. 4°. Paris, 1894. Puechavy (L.) ^Contribution a, l'etude de le pathogenie du syphilome ano-rectal. 8°. Toulouse, 1904. Velhagen (C.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der svphilitischen Mastdanngeschwure. 8°. Greiftndjl, 1889. Audry (0.) Du r61e de la stase lymphatique dans la pathogenie du svphilome ano-rectal. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., i903, xv, 91; 497—Chassaiuiiac (('.') Syphilitic affections of the anus and rectum. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 263-205 — Hahn (E.) Ueber syphilitische Mastdarmerkrankung mit Demonstration eines Praparats von Proctitis ulcerosa Rectum (Syphilis of). syphilitica mit ausgedehnten Geschwiirsbildungen im Dunndarm. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 09.— Haward (W.), A clinical" lecture on syphilitic ulceration and some other diseases of the rec- tum; withremarksonthetreatmentof haemorrhoids. Lan- cet, Lond.,l895,i, 1495-1498.— Horwitz(0.) Ulcerofthe rectum; stricture of the rectum due to svphilis. Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii, 187-191. [Discussion], 193-198. — Howe (W. C.) Hereditary syphilis of the anus and rectum. Am. J. Dermat. A Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 318.—Huet (E.) Ueber syphilitische Affektionen des Mastdarmes. Syphilidol., Erfang., 1860, ii, 1-40, 4pl — Jclks (J. L.) The ano-rectal manifestations of syphilis. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1906, x, 363-366.— Lass (I. B.) Sluchal vipadeniya pryamol kishki na sililiticheskol pochvle. [Prolapsus of rectum from syphilitic causes.] Vrach, St. Peterb., 1891, xii, 309- 311.—Le Dentu. I)e l'anus artificiel temporaire comme moyen de traitement indirect du syphilome ano-rectal. Cong, internnt.de dermat. et de syph. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890, 658-663. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 206-210.— ITIathcws (J. M.) Syphilis of the rectum; colotomy; recovery; closure of the colotomy wound. Internat. Clin., Phila., lsos, 8. s., iii, 253-258. ---—. Extensive syphilitic ulceration of the rectum without pain. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1898-9, xi, 50.—Monroe (G. J.) Svphilis of the rectum. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s.,"xl, 32.—Mracek (F.) Rectal-Syphilis; Peri- proctitis nach Perforation der Darmwand; Vereiterung und Durchbruch eines Kystoma ovarii; Mors. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1891), 1892, 399.—Bille (J. H.) Die svphilitischen Erkrankungen des Mastdarmes. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1898-9, iii, 703: 1899, iv, 10.—Schuehardt (K.) Ein Beitragzur Kennt- niss der svphilitischen Mastdarmgeschwiire. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1898, cliv, 46-62,1 pl.—Sick. (C.) Ueber Exstirpation des Rectums bei syphilitischer Er- krankung. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1890, Leipz., 1892, ii, 451^464. — Stenosierende und ulcera- tive Processe luetischer und fraglich luetischer Natur im Rectum. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, in Basel, (1902), 1903, 79-81.—Stiaszny (K.) A higany alkalmazasa lues ellenarectumban. [The employment of mercury against lues in the rectum.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 135.—Suiidholm (A.) Nagot om rektalsyfilis och dess behandling. [The treatment of rectal syphilis.] Finska lak.-silllsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1895, xxxvii, 680-701.— Thiem. Verstellung einer Frau, welcher nach Ver- heilung der syphilitischen Mastdarm-Verschwarung und Verengerungder provisorischangelegte kunstliche After wieder geschlossen worden ist. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1892, xxi, pt. 1, 49.—Tuttle (J. P.) Syphilitic ulceration of the rectum. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 220-223. Also, Reprint. Rectum {Torsion of). Pscliorr (W.) Mastdarmtorsion. Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen, 1908, Iii, 748-750. Rectum (Tuberculosis of). Daniel (P.) *Contribution a letude des formes hypertrophiques et stt'nosantes de la tuberculose rectale. 8°. Baris, 1902. Stoianoff ((J.) Contribution a l'etude du retrecissement tuberculeux du rectum. 8°. Montpellier, 1907. Adler (L. H.), jr. Tuberculous ulceration of the rec- tum and anus. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 101. Also, Reprint.—Beach (W. M.) Tuberculosis of the rectum. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1901-2, v, 258-262.—Bcnavente. Rectitis ulcerosa de origin tuberculoso; estreeheces rec- tales. Rev. m6d. de chile, Sant. de Chile, 1905, xxxiii, 193-200— Bodenhaiuer ( W.) Creosote in the treat- ment of rectal tuberculosis and some other affections fifty years ago. N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 493-498—Cal- incite (A.) & Breton (.M.) Sur l'absorption de latu- berculine par le rectum. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1908, xii, 61.—Dejardin (F.) Tuberculose du rectum. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1806-7, iv. 310-316.—Du- vergey i.l.) Un cas de tuberculose h\ pertrophique du rectum avec sK-nose. <. 1908. lxxxvii, 440-448.— t'arwardine (T.) Villous papilloma of rectum. Tr. Path. Soc Lond, 1898-9, 1, 133— < hard on. Tumeur villeuse du rectum. Bull, et mem.Socanat.de Par., 1900, 1 Kxxi,127—Chauniier (E.) Un casde polype du rectum chez un enfant de 26 mois. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1908, xiii, 151.—Couture (P.) A propos dune tumeur du rectum. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1899, ii, 481-483.—Karl (H. C.) Note on a large fibromyoma from the rectum. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.,' 1905, xxiii, 330.—Elliott (J. SA Multiple adenomata of the rectum. N. Zealand M. J.',Wellington, 1905, iv, 322-328.— Eiter ( J.) Rectumtumor una Corpus liberum der Bauchhohle. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1902, xxxv, 338-312.—Evans (G. B.) Polyadenoids of the rectum. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1904, n. s., liii, 49-52.—Fan re (J.- L.)& Bielt'el (II.) Neoplasmes de l'atius et du rectum. Traite de chir. (Duplayet Reelus), 2. ed., Par., lsys, vi, 836-877.—Ferrari (P.) Tumori del retto (casi 5i. In his: Salachir. . . . d. Osp. magg.di Bergamo, 8°, 1*01,126- 128.—Fibroin des Mastdarms, 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt.d. Spit, zu Basel (1893), 1894,111 — Fiiiiirosum corpus ex ano extractum. Bononiciisi sc. et art. Inst. comment., Bononise, 1745, ii, pt. 1, 158—tiradenwitz. Mvoui des Rektum. Verhandl.d. gynakol. Gesellsch. Bresl., Berl., 1903-4, 76.—tireiif i I). M.) Lymphoma of the rectum. J. Path. & BactcrioL, Cambridge, 1908-9, xiii, 49,1 pl.—Heaton id.) Multiple pedunculated adenomata of the rectum. Birmingh. M. Rev., Wi:., xxxvii, 231—Heurtaux. Ad'-nome muqueux papil- laire du rectum. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes Inks, par 1890, xii. 70.—limiira (II.) [Communication on a large adenoma of the rectum. I Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, To- kyo, 1897, 718-720.—KUliler (A.) Entzundungen und Neubildungen an After und Mastdarm. Charite-Ann., Berl, 1892, xvii, 386-3s9.—Leduc (SA Guerison par la radiotherapied'une tumeurdu rectum. Arch.d'electric med.. Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 342 —Lexer (E.) Myoine des Mastdarmes. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. t'niv. Berl., 1904, xvii, 54-60.—Lonunet (LA Des tumeurs conjonctives beuitmes du rectum. Progres med., Par., 1898, 3. s., viii, 137; 1.3— Uaekay ; N. E. ) Villous tumour of rectum. Brit M. J., Lond. 1898, i, *16.— minici (E.) Ln caso di fibromioma <1< 1 retto. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1903, ii, 452.— Mummery (P. L.) The diagnosis of tumours in the upper rectum and sigmoid flexure by means of the elec- tric sigmoidoscope. Lancet, Loud. 1901, i, 1781.—.Vlusci (S.) Occlusione del lume rettale per neoplasia. Gior. di vet. mil., Roma, 1890, iii, 221.— Nomura (K.j [Acase of abdominal dropsy caused by adenoma of the rectum.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1*899, 1287-1291.— Noulis. Adenomes pe.dicuies du rectum. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1900, xliii, 14-16.—Ostrowshi (T.) Mvoma recti. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1908, 2. s., xxviii, 1079; ill2; 1126; 1147.— Paul. Villous tumour of the rectum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 446. Also: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1896, xvi, 217.—Potherat (E.) Tumeur villeuse du Rectum (Tumors of). rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. 8 xxxiii, 024-626. lie (E.) & Dubus. Adctiome rectal. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1907. xi, 259— Vii lard. Lipome pedicuie du rec- tum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1904, vii, 309.—Vil- liate. Sur un cas de polvpe du rectum. J. d. sc med de Lille, 1908, ii, 131-131.—Walker (H. O.) Crowths of the rectum: presentation of specimens with micro-photo- graphs, and report of cases. Mathews' M. Quart., Louis- ville, 18%, iii, 342-347.—Wa I lis ( K. C.) Growths in the rectum. Clin. J., Lond., 1906, xxviii, 24-27. Rectum {Tumors of Cystic). See, also, Rectum (Tumors of) in cliildren. Blase (R.) *Znr Diagnostik und Therapie des Polyposis des unteren Darmabschnittes; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Rektoromanoskopie. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1907. Kaselowsky (F.) *Ein Fall von Polyposis recti. 8°. Kiel, 1904. Meyer (H.) * Ueber Mastdarmpolypen. 8°. Leipziy, 1904. Sai.manoff (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Rectaldermoide. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Zt fall (M.) * Ueber Divertikel- und Cysten- bildungen des Rektums. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1906. Bacon (J. B.) Cvst of rectal wall. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louisville, 1897, iv, 327-329.—Bauby. Polype muqueux du rectum. Toulouse med., 1903, 2. s., v, 115.—Bennett (E. H.) Polypusof the rectum. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1877-80, n.s., viii, 18-20.—Biekersteth (R. A.) Multiple polvpi of the rectum occurring in a mother and child. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890, xxvi ,299-301.—Bodenhamer (W.) The non-malignant neoplasm or so-called polypusof the rectum and anus; its origin, formation, aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii, 230; 2t>7.—t'res- cenzi (M.) Considerazioni cliniche ed anatomo-patolo- giche su di un caso di tumore poliposo non eomunedel- 1' intestinoretto. Gazz. d. clin . Napoli, 1892,iii,401-109.— Descarpentries & Vasseur. Deux cas depolypede rectum. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1907, xi, 139.—Ilou- ville. Kvstedu rectum chezune juinent. Recdemed. vet, Par., 1908, lxxxv, 609-613.—Dunn ( L. A.) Multiple polypi of rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1.889-90, xli. 139 — Fleming ( i Polvpusof the rectum. Proc. Path.soc. Dubl., ]\05-s, n. s., iii, 49-51, 2 pl.—af Forselles (A.) Fvra fall of rektalpolvper. [Four cases of . . .] Finska lak.-iilNk. handl., Helsingfors, 1891, xxxiii, 2v*o-29n.— (>oldiii!£-Bird. Rectal polypus. Lancet, Lond, 1814, ii, 1182.—Horand. Polvpes multiples du rectum. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1897-8, 3-9. Also: Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 544-546.—leard (J.) Note sur un casde polype du rectum. J. de med.de Lvon, Isok. ix, 539-543.— Kemper (G. \V. H. i A Cow inis (IL A. i Fibrous poly- pus of the reitum. J. Am. M. Ass.,Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 161.—Kiittner. Fall von typischerPoliposis recti etin- tc-tini cra~-i mit Lebergang in Carcinom. Allg. med. Centr -Ztg,, Berl.. 1908, lxxviiA'l—Lauphear (E.) Poly- poid tumor of therectum; removal: recovery. St. Louis M. Era, 1895-6, iv, 1.—Loviot. Polype du rectum, fibro- myxome; ligature suivie d'excision hnmediatement apres l'accouehement. Rev. obstet. et gvnec., Par.. 1S90, vi.23l- 239. Also: J.demed.de Par.. l-VH), 2. *.. ii, 378-:i80.-.'»la- thews (J. M.) Cyst of the rectum. Med. News, N. Y.. 1898, lxxii, 368—Peraire (M.) Polype fibreux inter- mittent du rectum. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 31-34. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1900, xx,712-741.— Pogorlelski (M.) Sluchal polypus recti izllechonniy RKCTUM. 379 RECTUM. Rectum (Tumors of Cystic). gazelinom. [Case of . .. treated by witc i-hazcl.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1889. xiv,713.—Potherat. Polypedu rectum. Bull.etmem.Soc.dechir.de Par., 1907,n.s.,xxxiii, 35.—Prochownik(L.) Ueber einen tuberculosenMast- darmpolypen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 1205.—Botter (J.) Polyposis recti; Adenoma malignum; Spontanheilung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899,lviii,357- S60.—Schulze. Retrorectale Dermoidcysten und ihre Fxstirpation. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 352-355. — Vergely (A.) Polype du rectum. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xix, 116- 118—Watsuji (H.) [On rectal polyposis.] Chiugai IjiShinpo, Tokio, 1899, xx, 1081-1090.—Wharton (II. k.) A caseof polypusof the rectum. Ann.GvnBec.A Pa-diat., Phila., 1889-90, iii, 483-185. — Worthington (G. V.) Multiple polypi of rectum. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1896, Lond.. 1897, xxxii, 19; 21. Rectum {Tumors of Malignant). See, also, Rectum (Cdrci7ioma of); Rectum [Surgery of) in females. Bardenhecer (\V.) *Ein Fibrosarkoin des Mastdarmes als Beitrag zu den malignen Rec- talgeschwiilsten. 8°. Munchen, 190L\ Bvrxer (F.) * Ueber ein Melanosarkom des Rectums. Ueber die Aetiologie'der Ge- schwulste. 8°. Wurzburg, 1SS9. Brachmaxn (O.) *Zur Kasuistik der Sar- konie des Rektum. 8°. Erlangen, 1903. Breier (A.) * Ueber primares Melanosar- kom des Rectum. 12°. Freiburg i. B., 1893. Clavel (M.) *Contribution a l'etude de la sarcomatose ano-rectale primitive. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1907. Heller (H.) * Ueber Sarkorn des Rectums. 8°. Munchen, 1901. Logues (J.) * Contribution a l'etude des me- lano-sarcomes primitifs de la region ano-rectale. S°. Montpellier, 1908. Ma as (K.) * Ueber Fibrosarcom des Rec- tums. [Miinchen.] 8°. Tubingen, 1901. Sandxer (E. A. F.) *Ein Fall von primarem Melanosarkom des Rectums. [Erlangen.] 8°. Ansbach, 1904. Sen mitt (H.) *Fin Fall von Alveolar-Sarcom des Rectums. [Wurzburg.] 8°. Germersheim, 1892. Berardino (M.) Rara forma di polipa del retto (cancro melanotics i. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1892, xiv, 267-269.—Carwardine (T.) Spindle-shelled sar- coma of rectum; exei-inn of rectum, with preservation of the sphincter, by subperiosteal resection of the coccyx and part of the sacrum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898. ii, 1811.— Cestan (E.) Sarcomatose meianiquede la region ano- rectale Toulouse med., 1900, 2. s., ii, 63-65.—Cuinston (C.G.) Sarcomatosisof the rectum. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1898, xvii, 9-11.—Exner ( A.) Leber nichtmelanotische Sarkome des Mastdarmes. Med. Klin.. Berl.. 1908, iv, 858-861.—Francois-Bainville. Sarcome nielanique du rectum avec adenopathie ingui- nale. Bull et inem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1904, lxxix, 39- 4,1.—Gaudier & Debeyre. Sarcome du rectum. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1907, xi, 344.—Hagi-ard (VV. D.) Colostomy for sarcoma of rectum. South. Pract., Nashville, 1907, xxix, 75-77.—Heaton. Melanotic sar- coma of the rectum. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1893-4, xlv, 85-87.—Hessert (W.) Lvmphosarcoma of the rectum. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1902, xxxvi, 459-461—Key (E.) Drei Falle von Rectalsarkom. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1905, 3. f., v, afd. 1, no. 7, 1-26.—Koseli. Sarkom des Mastdarms. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Konigsb. (1834, 1. Sem.), 1836, 25-30.—K rouse (L. J.) Primary melanotic sarcoma of therectum and anus; with report of two cases. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., Pins, c, 161-168. Also: Proctologist, St. Louis. 1908, ii, 171-187. Also: Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, [n. p.], 1908, 108-121— Laplace (I-;.) Spontaneous resolution of a sarcomatous tumor produc- ing rectal obstruction. Med. Bull., Phila., 1900, xxii, 441.—JVIassabuau. Un cas de polype sarcomateux primitif du rectum. Montpel. med., 1907, xxiv, 398-401 — ."tleiyer (V. R.) Mclanoblasticheskaya sarkoma (khro- matoforoma, melanosarkoma) prvamol kishki. [Mela- noblastic sarcoma of the rectum] Kharkov. M. J., 1906, ii, 133-145. — Steinhaus (.1.) Angiosarcoma plexi- forme melanoticum recti. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1900, xxviii, 531.—Thirlar. Sarcome kystique de la partie superieure de meso-rectum et du meso de l'S iliaque. Clinique, Brux., 1893, viii, 211-246—Thompson (J. E.) I Rectum {Tumors of, Malignant). A ease of sarcoma of the rectum. Tr. South. Surg. A Gynec. Ass. 1907, Phila., 1908, xx, 475-482,3pl.- Wiener (G.) Ueber ein Melanosarkom des Rectums und die melanotischen Geschwiilste im Allgemeinen. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1899, xxv, 322-359. Rectum (Tumors of, Treatment of, Op- erative). See, also, Rectum (Tumors of, Cystic); Rec- tum ( Tumors of, Malignant). Raiment (P.) *Zur Operation hochsitzen- der Mastdarm tumoren. 8°. tireifsteal d, 1885. Abbe (R.) The abdominal route for approaching rectal tumors. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1902, xx, 474- 495. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila, 1902, xxxvi, 222-227.— Abrand (II.) Polype de l'anse sigmo'ide; diagnostic et extraction par le rectum k Paide du recto-sigmoi- doscope et d'un serre-noeud. Rev. mens, dc g-nec, d'obstet. et de pediat., Par., 1908, iii, 347. —Albu. Zwei Falle von faustgrossen prolabierten Masldarmtu- moren. Berl. klin. Wchnschr , 1907, xliv, 1560.—Bacon (J. B.) The extirpation of pelvic growths by the Kraske method. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1895, xxxi, 207-212— Be vill (C.) A case of double villous tumor of the rectum. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1903, lxxxv, 174-176. — Bingjiam (d.) Tumors of therectum. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1897, xxii, 85>i-m;3.— Bryant (T.) Two cases of intussuception of the large intestine, due to the presence of a papillomat- ous growth, successfully reduced by introduction of the hand into therectum, after removal of thegrowth. Med - Chir.Tr., Lond., 1893-4, lxxvii, 169-177.—Cestan. Polya- denome diffus du rectum et de l'anse sigmo'ide; extirpa- tion; mort. Toulouse m6d., 1903, 2. s., v, 280-282.—Cha- rannaz. Volumineux adenome du rectum chez un adulte; extirpation: guerison. Bull. Soc d'anat. et phv- siol. . .. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 33-36.-Da Iziel (T. K.) Diffuse papilloma of therectum removed by operation. Glasgow M. J., 1896, xlvi, 46. -----. Two cases of papil- loma of rectum treated bv excision of mucous membrane. Glasg. Hosp. Rep., 1898, i, 276-280.—God lee (R. J.) The position of the patient during excision of tumours of the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 64 —Guillet. Ade- nomes multiples du gros intestin; rectotomie lineaire; invagination iieo-ceecale; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 116-125. — Hartmann (H.) Technique de la colostomie dans le traitement de certaines tumeurs inoperables du rectum. Rev. de chir., Par., 1900, xx, pt. 2, 613-620.-Hirst (B. C.) Tubular adenoma of rectum. Tr. Sect. Gynec. Coll. Phys. Phila., N. Y., 1899, v, 120.— Ivanoft'iN. N.) Colotomia iliaca po Schinzinger-Ma- delung'u, kak predvaritelnaya operatsiya pri udalenii novoobrazovaniy recti. [. . . as preliminary operation for the removal of tumor of the rectum.] Soobsh. i pro- tok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh., 1887, v, 106-114. — Lewis (D. G.) Case of papilloma of the rectum; operation. Wash. M. Ann., 1906-7, v, 13. — Lorenz (H.) Unsere Erfolge bei der Radicalbehandlung bosartiger Mastdarm- geschwiilstc Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 854- 921.—IVlcCosli (A. J.) Fibroma of the rectum. Ann.' Surg, Phila.. 1893,xviii,41.—Menshikoir(A. N.) Mela- nosarcoma recti. Sibirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1902-3, i, 7. Also [with additions]: Khirurgia, Mosk., 1904, xv, 523-541.—Metcalf. Extensive obstructing fibro-lipoma surrounding the rectum and sigmoid flex- ure; operation. Detroit M. J., 1905-6, v, 157.—Meyer (VV.) Protectomy for papilloma of the rectum. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvii, 88— Mummery (J. P. L.) A case of successful removal of a large papilloma of the rectum. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 888.— Parke (C. R.) Adenoma of rectum, with prolapse of bowel; removal of mass; recovery. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii, 176- 178.—Poisson & Bivet. Presentation de 3 neoplasmes du rectum. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1908, 2. s., xxvi, v207- 209. — Polip pryamol kishki. [Polypus of the rec- tum,] Otchot. o dlevateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1896-8), 1899, 132.—Polipi rettali. 1st. di clin. chir. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Rendic. d. operaz., 1898-1901, 46.— Po/.zi. Tumeur du rectum; operation de Kraske Bull, ct m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894, n. s., xx, 505—Quenu [etal.]. Discussion sur le traitement chi- rurgical des tumeurs villeusesdu rectum. I bill., 1907, n.s., xxxiii, 1269-1273.—Bizzoli (F.) Asportazione di estesa porzionedi retto intestino per neoplasia fibrosa eseguita feliccmente con metodo misto cruento e termo-caustico. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1877, 3. s., viii, 417-435. Also, Reprint.— Sarkoma pryamol kishki. [Sarcoma of the rectum.] Otchot o dleyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc] v Mosk. (1899-1900), 1901, 210.— Schwartz ( E.) Enorme tumeur epitheiiale develop- peeen arriere du rectum dans la concavite du sacrum; laparotomie d'abord, puis operation de Kraske et abla- tion du neoplasme; resection du rectum; invagination d'apfes Hochenegg; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 771-774. -----. Tumeur villeuse du rectum grosse comme une orange; ablation RECTl/M. 380 RKCTUM. Rectum {Tumors of, Treatment of, Op- erative). large au galvanocautere avec la mu(|ueuse au dt la du point d'insertion. Ibid., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 1219.—Semi (N.) Intra-peritoiieal niyotibroma of the rectum weigh- ing twelve pounds successfully removed by laparotomy. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1 syi. xxiii, 221-223. A/so, Re- print— Shober (.1. P..) & Williams (H. L.) Tubular adenoma of the rectum. Tr. Sect, (ivnee Coll. Phvs. Phila., N. Y., 1899, v, 121-126.— Snow'i II.) Carcinoma (cylindroma) high up the rectum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 845.—Villard. Lipome pedicule du rectum. Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 889. Rectum (Tumors of) in children. i See, edso, Rectum (Carcinoma of) in children, j Berti (G.) Popra vno zaffo fibrinoso epite- liale del retto in una neonata. Osservazione clinica e ricerche micros ?opiche. 8°. Bologna, 1897. Bossert (E.) * Ueber Mastdarmpolypen bei Kindern. 8°. Strassburg, 1S92. von Hleb-Koszanska (M.) *Peritheliom der Luschka'schen Steissdriise im Kindesalter. [Zurich. ] 8°. Jena, 1904. Leclerc (G.) * Contribution a l'histoire des polyi>es du rectum chez les enfants. 8°. Pa- ris, 1S97. Adler (L. IL), jr. Polypoid growths in children vs. prolapse. Penn. M.J., Pittsburg, 1902-3, vi, 201.—A roil- heim. HeftigeBlutungund Anitmie, verursacht durch einen prolabirten Mastdarmpolypen bei einem 10 Jahre alten Knaben. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1184.—Bindi (F.) Su di un caso di polipi del retto in fanciullo. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, L>07, xxiii, 964-967.—Cazal. Polype du rectum chez un enfant. Languedoc med -chir., Toulouse, 1904, xii, 85. Also: Tou- louse med.. 1901. 2. s., vi, 101.—Hamonic (P.) Les polypesglandulairesdurectum chez l'enfant. Rev.clin. d'aiidrol. etde gynec, Par., 1898, iv, 225-235.—Herezel (M.) Ferfiokolnyi vegbei-sarcomakiirtasa 12eves fiiinal. [Removal of sarcoma as large as a man's fist from the rectum of a twelve-year old boy.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 71— Hnber ( 1'. i Probable etiology of rectal polvpi in children. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y.,1901, xiii, 112-118. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii, 685-691 — Judet & Balden week. Deux cas de polype du rec- tum, chez l'enfant. Tribune med.. Par., 1905. n. s., xxxvii, 775.— von IMetteiiheinier ( H.) Erfahrungen bei Mastdarmpolypen im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1906, lxiii, 208-211.—Shattock (S. G.) Polypi of lymphatic tissue from a child's rectum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, xli, 137-139. Rectum (Tumors of) in females. See Rectum (Surgery of) in females. Rectum (Ulcers of). See, also, Rectum (Diseases of) in children; Rectum (Diseetses of) in females; Rectum ( 7<7.s- sure of); Rectum (Syphilis of); Rectum {Tu- berculosis of). tSciiUBiGER (R.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Aetiologie und Therapie der Proctitis ulcerosa chronica. [Basel.] 8°. Pfaftifon, 1894. Adler (L. H.) A consideration of the various forms of non-malignant ulceration of the rectum. Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, Allegheny, Pa., 1899, i, 35-39. Also: Phila. Month. M. J., 1899, i,408. Also, Reprint.—Atkin- son (A.) Fissura ani. or fissure or irritable ulcer of the bowel. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1885, v, 29-35—Beach ( VV. M. ) Rectal ulcers and the electro-cauterv. Ma- thews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1896, iii, 1-9. Also, Reprint.— Kosher (L. C.) Simple ulcer of the rectum. Alabama M. & S. Age, Anniston, 1889-90, ii, 441-44f>. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, 614-617.—Brown ( H. M. ) Treatment of rectal ulcer. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx, 321.—Campbell (S. E.) Rectal ulceration. Phvsician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii, 536-539. [Discussion], 556.—Cooke (A. B.) Simple ulceration of the rectal pouch. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., Louisville, 1897, iv, 227-238. —Bavis (T.A.) A rectal ulcer and its sequences. Chicago Clinic, 1898, x, 136-139.—Karle iS. T.) Tubercular ulceration of the rectum. Louisville J. S. & M., 1898, v, 8-11.— Esquerdo (A.) Concepto clinico de las lilceras ano- rectales. Rev. tie cien. med.. Barcel, 1908, xxxiv, 161; 213; 253.—Foster (B. B.) Non-malignant ulcerations of the rectum. J. Med. & Sc. Portland, 1898-9, v, 141- 146.—Fraenkel (IC.) Leber stricturirende Mastdarm- geschwiire. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 557- Rectum (Ulcers of). 559. Also, transl.: Boll. d. din., Milano, 1895, xii, 491-197 _ liant (S G.) The treatment of rectal ulceration with report of cases. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1891, iii. ljLp't; -----. L'lcerationsof therectum. Med.Times.N. Y pinf xxix, 171-173. -----. Llceration of therectum; aclini.-ii lecture. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1905, xx, 374-381.—<;ihi>* (J.B.) Ulceration of the rectum, dm- to varicose veins \ York M. J., 1892, lvi, 93-96.—Gilbert i K.s. I Llceration of therectum. Texas Health J.; Dallas, moi-a, iv, 85 Also- St. Louis Clinique, 1892, v, 49.— Hazard ( E. M ) Caseof rectal ulcer. Chicago M. ob.-.," lsys ) \~- _ Happel (T. J.) Fissures of the anus, and' ulcers of the rectum. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga 1888, 119-130. -----. Rectal ulcers. Ibid., Nashville' 1901, 218— Helming (B. G.) Non-malignant ulcera- tion of the rectum. Memphis J. M. Sc, 1892-3, iv, 257- 261.— Tfirsehman (L.J.) The value of earlv diagnosis in ulcerations of the anorectal region. J. Mich. M Soc Detroit, 1905, iv, 535-539.—Kaufmaiiii (E.) Ein makro- skopisches Priiparat von chronischem steno-irendeni Rec- talulcus. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, lxvi, 530.— Kelly (L. A.) A case of benign ulceration of rectum with unusual features. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1902 xv, 335.—Kelsey (C. B.) On ulcerative disease of the upper rectum and sigmoid flexure. N. York M. J., 1891 liii. 733-736.—Lank lord (L.) Eight cases of fissure and ulcer of rectum. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 51-55. -----. Painful fissure and ulcer of the rec- tum. Ibid., 1898-9, iii. 243. Also: Richmond J. Pract., 1900, xiv, 40-42.—(TlaeJTIillan (.1. A.) Chronic multiple ulcers of the rectum. Proctologist, St. Louis, 1908, ii, 151. Also: Tr.Am. Proctol. Soc, [n. p.], mus, 85.—Mathews (J. M.) The aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of ulcera- tion of the rectum. N. Eng. M. Month., Danburv, Conn., 1893-4, xiii, 153-156. -----. Llceration of therectum with external piles; combined internal and external piles Med. Age, Detroit, 1900, xviii, 641-649.-Ulcnoeal (R.) Contribuci6n al tratamiento de lasiilceras di-entcricas del recto. Cong. med. region, de Cuba, Habana, Is'.w. 263- 269,—iHonroe (G.J.) Llceration of therectum. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s., 1, 55-57.—Nickel (P.) Leber die sogenannten syphilitischen Ma-tdaringe.-ehwure. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1892, exxvii, 279- 304.—Piatt (J. E.) The pathology and treatmentof tis- sure and ulcer of the anus. Med. Chron.. Manchester, 1898, ix, 32-36—Poelelien (R.) Ueberdie A.-iiologie der strieturirenden Mastdarmgeschwiire. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc]. Berl., 1892, exxvii, 189-279.—Sawicki ; li. i Przypadek owrzodzeh prostnicy, ktore spowodowaly zapclenie-otrzewnej i niedroznosci jelit. [Llceration of reef um resulting in peritonitis and obstruction of the in- testines.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 55-61.— Schedc. Leber die Behandlung des strieturirenden Mastdarmgeschwurs. Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 493.— Smith ( Louise L ) A caseof chronic ulcer of the rec- tum. Bull. M. Soc. Woman's M. Coll.. Bait., 1894, i, 4 — Specht(.L) Rectal ulcerations. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 161-164.—Stanley (R. s.) Irritable ulcers of the rectum. Memphis M. Month.. 1896, xvi,233- 235.—Straus ( L.) Howard Kelly's proctoscope asa factor in the diagnosis and treatment of ulceration of the rec- tum. Med. Fortnightly. St. Louis, l.s<.i<>, xvi,479.—Taylor (S. B.) Intolerant ulceration of therectum. Tr. Missis- sippi Valley M. Ass., Louisville, 1899, i. 216-221. Also: Columbus M. J., 1899. xxiii, :U3-:'.50. Also: Louisville Month. J. M. & S.,1899. vi,231-236.—Walker i D. A..) Fl- eer of rectum. Memphis M. Month., 1904, xxiv, 454-160.— AVallis (F. C.) Ano-rectal ulceration. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxv, 335-348. Rectum ( Valves of) [and their -pathol- ogy\ Gally (C.-J.) *Des valvules du rectum et de Irur role pathogenique. 4°. Toulouse, 1893. - Bodenhamer (VV.) Are there veritable valves in the rectum? N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 1026-1031—Cooke (A.B.) The auatomv and pathology of the rectal valves. Tr. M. Soc Tennessee, Nashville 1900, 135-152. -----. A study of the rectal valves, experimental and clinical. Phila. M. J., 1900. v, 964-969. -----. More about the rec- tal valves; a brief consideration of their physiology and pathology. South. Pract., Nashville, 1902, xxiv, 631- 540.—Frankenburger (J. M.) Rectal valves. Kan- sas city M. Index-Lancet, 1905, xxvi. 439-441.—Hirscli- man'(L. J.) A new and simple method of performing' rectal valvotomv. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii,847- 849. Also, Reprint.—JeIks (J. L.) Patholoeric.il rectal valves. Memphis M. Month., 1903, xxiii, 374.—Krouse (L. .1.) Rectal valves, with report of opera the cases Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1904, n. s. liii, 149-153.—.Martin i T. C.) New evidence that the rectal valve is an anatom- ical fact. Mathews' M. Quart., Louisville, 1896, iii, 310- 333. Also. Reprint.-----. Intrarectal obstruction. Cleve- land .1. M., 19U0, v, 423-425. -----. The rectal valve and obstipation. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 391-393. -----. Congenital valvular obstipation. Tr. Mississippi Valley RECTUM. 381 RECUEIL. Rectum {Valves of) [and their pathol'- ogy\- M. Ass. 1901, Kansas City, 1903, m, 399-404,1 pl. [Discus- sion] . 124-436. -----. Again the rectal valve and obstipa- tion. N. York M. J., 1902. lxxv, 398-400, 1 pl — imtchcll (E. VV.) Valves of the rectum. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1901, n. s., xlvi, 638— Roskoten (O. J.) Houston's valves and other points about the rectum. Peoria M. Rec, 1896, i. 199-205.—Teachnor (VV.) Hypertrophied rectal valves and their treatment. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1904. n. s., liii, 79-81. Rectum ( Venereal diseases of). See, also, Gonorrhoea (Bectal); Rectum Syph- ilis of). Balzer A Galnp. Chancre mixte et blennorrhagic de la region ano-rectale. Bull. Soc franc, dc dermat. et sytdi., Par., 1907. xviii. 377.—Briininji. Ein Fall von gonorrhoischerMastdarmfistel. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1906, xxx, 68-5-692.—Koni les (T.) Urinary fistulse and their treatment; with a case of penetrating wound of rectum producing peritonitis, followed by laparotomy, recto- vesical fistula, and recovery. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894, xii, 108-118. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893, cvii, 576-578.—Patry (E.) Plaie pen6trante du rectum et de la vessie; guerison. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1904, xxiv, 660-662.— Quenu (E.J Des plaies de la portion peritoneale du rectum et de leur traitement. Rev. de chir., Par., 1899, xix, 1-22. -----. Plaies du rectum. Ibid., 1900, xx, 569-591.— Bod man (VV. L.) Operation for laceration of the in- ternal and external sphincter muscles. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 12. s., i, 164-169.—Boss (P.) Wound of gluteal artery and rectum. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Deme- rara, 1897, p. xxvi.—Senn (N.) Rectoplasty for exten- sive traumatic defect. Ann. Surg., Phila,, 1905, xiii, 313.— StapfT. Pfahlungsverletzung vom After aus; vereiter- ter Bluterguss in der Bauchhble; Heilung. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1902, xxxi, 505- 5()8—Stewart (0.) Fatal penetration of the rectum by a stick. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1901, xxiii, 522.—Tariel. Perforation traumatique du rectum. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 603.— Townley (P. L.) Case of injury to the rectum. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1891-2, xi, 398.— Turner (G. R.) A caseof perforation of the rectum into the peritoneal cavity; laparotomy; suture; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1464.—Walther (H.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Mastdarmverletzungen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karls- ruhe, 1896, 1, 105-108.—Werner. Grosse Quetschwunde der Glutaal-, After- und Dammgegend. Ztschr. f. Wund- arzteu. Geburtsh., Fcllbach, 1901, Hi, 1-10. Rectum ( Wounds and injuries of) in females. Adams (R.) [A remarkable caseof protrusion of the' omentum from the cavity of the abdomen, from the orifice of the anus between the limbs, so far as nearly to reach the popliteal spaces.] Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852- 8, 19-22. —Jacoby. Virulenter Scheiden-Mastdarmriss. Jaresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1901, Bresl., 1902, lxxix, med. Sect., 293.—Kelly (H. A.) Verlet- zungen des Rectums bei gynakologischen Lntersuchun- gen. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, i, 775-778. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, xi, 775-778.—Ma - rique. [Cas de perforation du rectum chez une femme.] Ann. Soc d'anat. path, de Brux., 1883, no. 32,112. Rectus abdominalis (Muse id us). Davis (G. GA The weakening effect of a longitudi- nal incision through the rectus muscle. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1908, ix, 146-149, 1 pl. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliv, 720-723, 1 pl— Guilbaud. Fibro-sarcome d'un muscle droit de 1 abdomen. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1906,2. s., xxiv, 368-370.—Kazzandcr (J.) Zur Anato- mie des Musculus rectus abdominis des Menschen. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1904, xxiii, 541-583, 7 pl.—Lenez (L.) De la rupture du muscle grand droit de l'abdomen chez les cavaliers. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1904, xliv, 209-224. Also, transl.: Allg. mil.-arztl. Presse, 1905,69-77.— Morel (L.) Fibro-ieiomyome du grand droit de l'abdo- men. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1905, lxxx, 927.— lluviiri (G.) Intorno alia razionale cura delle diastasi primitive dei muscoli retti dell' addome e al modo di prcveniree curare le forme post-laparotomiche. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc d. 1st. di Bologna, 1906, 6. s., iii, 225- 233. — Wertheim ( E. ) Fibromyoma musculi recti abdominis; Laparotomia; Heilung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. lstis, Wienu. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 343. Rceueil contenant: Reglemens des 6tablir,se- inens de charity du canton de Berne. Rapport de I'lnstitut des indigens de Hambourg. In- structions pour la junte d'hospice et de refuge de Barcelone. Legislation anglaise concernant les pauvres infirmes, les valides et les vagabonds. Institution de bienfaisance, en favenr des arti- sans de Berlin etde Potsdam. 20-t pp., 11. 8°. Paris, II. Agasse, an F//[1799]. In v. 3 of: Rec. de mem. s. 1. 6tab. d'humanite. 8°. Paris. RECUEIL. 382 RED CROSS. Recueil general de medecine. Paris. Title of v. 58 of: Journal general de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacic, ou recueil [etc.], Paris, 1816. Recueil de medecine veterinaire. (Nouvelle bibliotheque medicale.) 5. s., No. 11, v. 6, November, 1869; 7. s., v. 6-10, 1889-93; 8. s., v. 1-10, 1894-1903; v. 81-84, 1904-7. 8°. Paris. Current. Recueil de memoires sur les etablissemens d'humanite. 7 v. 8°. Paris, H. Agasse, an VII [1799]. Reeueil de memoires, notes et observations sur l'idiotie par Bourneville. v. 1. xvi, 416 pp., [6 pl. paged in]. 8°. Paris, E. Lecrosuier A Babe, 1891. Reeueil de memoires d'observations et d'expe- riences sur 1'inoculation [etc.]. For translation, see Sammlung; von Nachrichten, Beobachtungen [etc]. 12°. 6lessen, 1801. Reeueil de memoires et observations sur 1'hy- giene et la medecine v£t£rinaires militaires. v. 20, 1873; 2. s., v. 14,17-20,1892-9. 8°. Baris. Reeueil mensuel de la Gazette medicale de Pa- ris; sous la direction de Jules Guerin. No. 1, v. 1, January, 1832. 176pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris. Reeueil d'observations d'anatomie et de chi- rurgie, etc. See Louis (Antoine).. Recueil d'observations de la Clinique des mala- dies de I'enfance, 1893. 103 pp. 8°. Paris, (i. Steinheil, 1895. Recueil des observations et des faits relatifs au croup. 140 pp. 12°. Paris, 1808. Recueil d'observations et de faits relatifs au magnetisme animal, presente a I'auteur de cette dt't-ouverte et publie par la Societe de Guienne. 168 pp. 8°. Paris & Bordeaux, 1785. Recueil d'ophtalmologie. 3. s., V. 11-31, 1889- 1909. 8°. Paris. Current. Recueil des pieces qui ont concours pour le prix de PAcademie royale de chirurgie. 3 v. 4°. Paris, 1753-9. Recueil des pieces les plus interessantes sur le magnetisme animal. 1 p. 1., 468 pp. 12°. [n.p.], 1784. Recueil de plusieurs pieces [etc.]. See Astruc (John). Recueil de quelques pieces interessantes sur 1'inoculation de la petite-verole. 1 p. 1., 138, 16 pp. 8°. La Ilenge, P. Gosse, jun., 1755. Reeueil de receptes, etc. See Fouquet (Marie), Vicomtesse de Yaux. Recueil de receptes [etc.]. 16°. Toulouse, 1703. Recueil de travaux anatomo-pathologiques du Laboratoire Boerhaave. See Universite de Leide. Recueil de travaux offerts par les auteurs ii J. Bosscha, secretaire de la Societe hollandaise des sciences il Harlem, a 1'occasion de son 70me an- niversaire le 18 novembre 1901. 8°. La Haye, M. Nijliof, 1901. v. 6, s. 2: Arch, neerl. d. sc. exactes et nat. Recueil des travaux de psychiatrie, de neurolo" gie et d'hypnologie publics en 1896. Paris. Title-page of v. 1,1896, of: Revue de psychiatrie, de neurologie et d'hypnologie, Paris. Recueyra y Mesa (Santiago). *Causas que influyen en la mineralizacion de las aguas mi- nero-medieinales. 54 pp. 12°. IIaba)ui,189i. Reczey (Imre). A betegsegelyzo penztarak or- vosai. Az Orsziigos Kozegeszscgiigvi Tansies 1903, evi oktober ho 8-;in tartott ulesebdl. [The medical fund for aid in sickness. The session of the National Sanitary Council, October 8, 1903.] 8 pp. 8°. Budapest, 1903. Red Bank. Sanitarium Association of Philadelphia, Red Bank, Delaware River. Annual reports of the managers to the subscribers and members. 1 1877; 3.-22., 1879-98. S°. Philadelphia,1878-W. Red Color. Ellis (H.) The psychology of red. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1900-1901, lvii, 365; 517— tiiuttrida-Him-cri (V.) II color rosso e il sangue; eccitamento fisiologico ed eccitamento atavico. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], To- rino, 1902, xxiii, 591. Red Cross (The). A monthly journal for prac- tical instruct on, to aid the sick and wounded in military and civic life. Edited by Wolgang Goetz. v. 1, 1890. 4°. New York. Red Cross notes. Johnson & Johnson labora- tories. Series 1-6, May, 1897, to 1907-8. S°. New Brunswick, N. J. -----. General index to . . ., series 1 and 2. For the years 1897-8 and 1899-1900; subjects and authors, 1900. Red Cross (The) of the Geneva Convention. See American National Association of the Red Cross. Red Cross societies. Baitr (A.) Sanitats-Katechismus fiir die Mitglieder der freiwilligen Sanitatskolonnen und Roten Kreuzvereine, fiir Krankeiipflegerin- nen, Krankenpfleger und Lazarettgehilfen, fiir Unfall- und Rettungsstationen, sowie fiir alle Samariter. 12°. Stuttgart, 1901. Kleen(R.) Riida korset enlight konventio- nerna. [The Red Cross in the light of its con- ventions.] 12°. Stockholm, 1906. Pai.asciano (F.) Memorie ed osservazioni; Pt. 3: La Croce Rossa. v. 5. 8°. Xapoli, 1899. RijHLEMANX. Unterrichtsbuch fiir Sanitats- kolonnen vom Roten Kreuz (nebst Kxerziervor- schrift). Im Auftrage des Zentralkouiittees des preussischen Landesvereins vom Roten Kreuz. 15. Aufl. 16°. Dresden., 1905. Aperen de quelques costumes en usage chez lessocie- tes de la Croix-Rouge. Bull, internat. d. soc. de la Croix- Rouge, Geneve, 1901, xxxii, 141-143, 4 )>!.—Boardman (Mabel T.) The Red Cross nurse. Proc Convent. Am. Soc. Superintend. Train. Sch. f. Nurses, Bait., 1906, 132- 144.—Braekett (E.G.) Volunteer aid work in foreign territory. Med. Communieat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1899, xviii, 105-113. — Breuiiing-Storm. Meddelelser om R0de Kors i Ldlandet. [Communications on the Red Crossin foreign countries.] Militaerla'gen,KJ0benh.,19C3, xi, 149-171. — iloita (A.) Leber die Ausbildung, die Rechte und die Pflichten der Schwestern vom Roten Kreuz. Krankenpflege, Berl., 1903, ii, 1016-1021—Por- ter. A few observations mainly concerning the Red- Cross badge. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902,ii, 1028.—Renault (L.) Be l'abns, en temps de paix, des insignes de la Con- vention de Geneve. Cong, internat. d. ceuvres d'assist. en temps de guerre 1900, Par., 1901, 44-49—Salili (W.) PasRote Kreuz und die Krankenpflege. Knmkenpflege, Berl., 1903, ii, 1021-1043. Red Cross societies {Periodicals ami transactions of conventions, etc., relat- ing to). Al.mana.ch de la Croix-Rouge pour 1'annee 1903. 12°. Lille, 1903. American (The) National Red-Cross. Bulle- tin. [Quarterly.] v. 1-4, 1906-9. 8°. Wash- ington. Current. Conference internationale de Geneve. Compte rendu de la . . ., les 26, 27, 28 et 2!) oc- tobre 1863, pour etudier les moyens de pourvoir a l'insuffisance du service sanitaire dans les ar- mees en campagne. 8°. Geneve, 1863. Repr.from: Bull. Soc genevoise d'util. pub., no. 24. Conference internationale des societes de la Croix-Rouge, St.-Petersbouig, 1902. viime. RED CROSS. 383 RED CROSS. Red Cross societies {Periodicals and transactions of conventions, etc., relat- ing to). Rapport du Comite central russe. 10. Ograni- sation pendant la duree des conferences de la Croix-Rouge, d'expositions internationales des inventions et des perfectionnements concernant les moyens de porter secours aux malades et aux blesses. 4°. St.-Petersbourg, 1902. Daae (H.) Genferkonventionen; historisk- kritisk studie. 8°. Kristiania, 1903. Erste Hilfe; Taschenkalender 1900 fiir Freunde des Roten Kreuzes. 32°. Miinchen, 1899. Historische Fragmente und Essays iiber die Entstehung der Genfer Konvention und des Roten Kreuzes, nach alten und neuen authen- tischen Quellen. sm. 4°. Miinchen, [1906]. History of the Red Cross; the treaty of Geneva, and its adoption by the United States. American Association of the Red Cross, 1883. sm. 4°. Washington, 1883. International convention for the ameliora- tion of the condition of the wounded and sick in armies in the field. Signed at Geneva, July 6, 1906. 8°. London, 1907. Meyer (J.} Geschichte der Genfer Konven- tion. Im Auftrage des Central-Komites vom Rothen Kreuz. 12°. Berlin, 1901. Montloro (K.) La Croce Rossa. Ricordi e notizie per 1' esposizione d' igiene in Napoli. Aprile-ottobre 1900. 2. ed. 12°. Napoli,1901. Moynier (G.) Les conferences internatio- nales des societes de la Croix-Rouge. 8°. Ge- nere, 1901. Red Cross (The). Edited by W. Goetz. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1890. 4°. Xew York. Red Cross notes. Johnson & Johnson labor- atories, s. 1-6, May, 1897 to 1907-8. 8°. New Brunswick, N. J. Ten Siethoff (E. G. A.) La convention de Geneve et les ambulances des societes de la Croix-Rouge; avec appendice de la declaration du docteur F. Albrecht, ex-chef d'ambulance chez les Boers. 8°. Amsterdam, [1902]. Vekeine vom Rothen Kreuz. Schriften der ... 2; Hft. Die internationalen Konferenzen vom Rothen Kreuz. 12°. Berlin, 1902. Visser (L.-E.) La convention de Geneve du 12 aont 1864 et les societes de la Croix Rouge. 8°. La Ilnye, 1902. von Wallmenich (C.) Sittlich-religiose Be- rufs-Erziehung der Lernschwestern (Schiilerin- nen) vom Rothen Kreuz. Referat fiir den iv. Verlandstag der deutschen Frauenvereine in Heidelberg. 12°. Berlin, 1899. Belief (G.) Quels sont les articles de la convention de Geneve qu'il est necessaire de modifier, au moins dans les termes, parce que l'experience en a demontr6 les defectuositesetspecialementcelui relatif au signe dis- tinctif de la convention de Geneve? Quels sont les articles qu'il faudrait y ajouter pour ce qui concerne les armees de terre? Cong, internat. d. ceuvres d'assist. en temps de guerre, 1900, Par., 1901,17-32. [Discussion], 32-43.—Bol- srey (M.) Origineset valeur pratique de la convention de Geneve. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1904, i, 1248-1261.— < ampos-HuiSueney. Etude critique d'un projet de revision de la convention de Geneve. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 283-288.—Donegan (J. L>. P.) Notes on the New Geneva Convention. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908,x, 520-526.—Dnpont (V.) La convention de Geneve (1864-1906). [Red Cross.] Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1906, lxxix, 1083-1089.—F. Nouvelle convention de Ge- neve. Caducee, Par., 1906. vi, 187-189. —Ferrierc. L'as- sistance aux blessCs militaires a l'Exposition nationale Suisse de Gen6ve. Bull, internat. d. soc. de la Croix- Rouge, Geneve, 1896, xxvii, 307-314—Gareis (C.) Die Weiterentwickelung des Princips der Genfer Konvention in den letzten dreissig Jahren. Ztschr. f. Krankenpflg., Red Cross societies {Periodicals and transactions of conventions, etc., relat- ing to). Berl., 1895, xvii, 281-288. Also: Rothe Kreuz, Berl., 1895, xiii, 219-222. — Hoehhelmer. Die Ausstellung vom Rothen Kreuz, Berlin, October 1898. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1898, xxvii, 616-632.—Hyades. La con- ference de la Croix-Rouge en 1907 dans ses rapports avec la marine. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1907, lxxxviii, 161; 241.—Maepherson (W. G.) Report on the interna- tional congress of CEuvres d'assistance en temps de guerre held in Paris, 20th to 24th August, 1900; on the organiza- tion and resources of voluntary aid in France; and on the Russian army medical service exhibits at the Paris ex- hibition. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1901, xli, 390- 426.—Iflajewski (K.) Die Genfer Pahne und die Artil- leries Bericht iiber Studien im Terrain. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien, 1900, 17.—IUatignon. La convention de Geneve et la guerre russo-japonaise. J. de med de Bor- deaux, 1906, xxxvi, 627-629.—Port. Die Genfer Konven- tion und die Organisationsmangel des Kriegs-Sanitiits- wesens. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1901, xxvi, 13-23.— Beuault (L.) Conference internationale pour la revi- siondelaconventiondeGeneve. [Rap.] Semainemed., Par., 1906, xxvi, 327-336.—Sehttcking (A.) Die Kon- ferenz zur Revision der Genfer Konvention. Militararzt, Wien, 1907, xli, 3; 21.—Seiin (N.) The seventh confer- ence of the International Red Cross. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 268. Also, Reprint,—Werner. Die Revision derGenferkonvention. Deutschemed. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 681.—Yates (L. H.) Milan Exhibi- tion; the work of the Red Cross societies. San. Rec, Lond., 1906, n. s., xxxviii, 198-201. Red Cross societies for armies and navies. Baumann (H.) *Die Aufgabe und die Or- ganisation der freiwilligen Krankenpflege im Kriege. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Kraske (P.) Die Kriegsleistungen und die kriegsvorbereitende Thiitigkeit des Rothen Kreuzes. 4°. Freiburg i. B., 1900. Lynch (C.) American National Red-Cross text-book on first aid and relief columns; a manual of instruction; how to prevent acci- dents and what to do for injuries and emer- gencies. 16°. Philadelphia, 1908. Trepte (A.) Die freiwillige Krankenpflege im Kriege, ihre Geschichte und ihre Aufgabe. Ein Hulfsbuch zum Verstiindnis und zur Wiirdi- gung des deutschen Roten Kreuzes. 12°. Ber- lin, 1895. AutTret (C.) De la Croix Rouge maritime. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, med. mil., 14-18.—Battle y Ordonez. La Cruz Roja y el gobierno oriental. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1904, vi, 183-190.—Brackett (E. G.) Volunteer aid work in for- eign territory. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1899,xviii,103-113.—Breuning-Storm. DetRpdeKors ogS0krigen. [The Red Cross and war at sea.] Militaer- laegen, Kj0benh., 1896, iv, 1-20— Cramer (L.) Ueber das Rote Kreuz und die Samaritervereine in ihren Be- ziehungen zur freiwilligen Hilfe im Kriege. Schweiz. Bl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zurich, 1903, n. F., xviii, 73; 85; 97.— Bueliaussoy & Granjux. Croix-Rouge'et medecine militaire. Caducee, Par., 1908, viii, 133-135.—Liltken. Aufgaben des Roten Kreuzes im Krieg und im Prieden. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1906, xxviii, 374-378.—Mac- pkerson (W. G.) The role of the Red Cross societies in peace and in war. J. Roy. U. Service Inst., Lond., 1907, li, 1345-1363, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—IWareou. Notes de guerre; veille de rupture; mobilisation de la Croix- Rouge. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1904, i, 553-556.—Nor- rie (Charlotte). Det R0de Kors. [The Red Cross.) Mi- liLerla;gen, Kj0benh., 1896, iv, 99-114. Red Cross societies and hospitals, by localities. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Cabezon (J. M.) Sociedad Argentina de la Cruz Roja; maniobras y simulacro de asistencia y curaci6n de heridos en el local social el dia 26 de mayo ultimo. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1901, iii, 497-510. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Verein vom Rothen Kreuze in den Landern der heiligen Krone Ungarns. Verzeichniss der durch den . . . auf der Ausstellung fur Hygiene RED CROSS. 384 RED CROSS. Red Cross societies and hospitals, by It nudities. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY—continued. und Rettungswesens, Berlin 1883, ausgestellten Gegenstiinde. 8°. Berlin, [188.3]. Bote (Das) Kreuz im Hilfsdienste bei Epidemienotzu- stiinden in Friedenszeiten. Oester. San.-Wes., Wien, 1906, xviii, 17; 26.—Societe (La) autrichienne en 1903. Bull. internat. d. soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Geneve, 1904, xxxv, 201-206.—Soeiete (La) hongroise de 1879-19C4. Ibid., 230-239, 2 pl. CHINA. Christie (D.) Notes of Red Cross hospital work in Newchwang. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1896, x, 91-95, 6 pl.—Smith. (G. P.) Tientsin Independent Red Cross Society. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1895, ix, 220-225, lpl. DENMARK. Soeiete (La) danoise en 1.903. Bull, internat. d. soc de la Croix-Rouge, Geneve, 1904, xxxv, 215-220. FRANCE. Laval (E.) La Croix-Rouge en France. Rev. scient., Par.,1904, 5.s.,ii,257; 293.—Bovira y Oliver (R.) La Cruz RoiaenFrancia. Independent med., Barcel., 1894-5, xxvi, 439; 449.— Soeiete (La) franeaise en 1903. Bull. internat. de soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Geneve, 1904, xxxv, 225. GERMANY. Bayerischer Frauenverein vom Roten Kreuz. Behandlung Verungliickter bis zur Ankunft des Arztes. Broadside. Munchen, [n. d.]. Behrens (F.) Zweck und Ziele der freiwilli- gen Sanitiits-Kolonnen vom Rothen Kreuz. Eine Denkschrift zur (iewinnung von Hiilfskritften fiir das Rothe Kreuz und Anleitung zur Bildung von Sanitiits-Kolonnen. 8°. Berlin, [1902]. Chuchul (P.) Das Rothe Kreuz, ein die Ge- schichte, Organisation und Bedeutung der Be- strebungen unter dem Roten Kreuz behandeln- der Vortrag. 3. Aufl. 8°. Cussel, 1905. Eilsberger (E.) Das Rote Kreuz. Mit Ge- nehmigung des Territorial-Delegierten der frei- willigen Krankenpflege fiir die Provinz Ost- preussen Ober-Priisidenten Frh. von Rich- thofen. 8°. Konigsberg, 1901. Marcks(F. ) Das Rote Kreuz. Seine Entste- hung und Entwicklung und seine Bethiitigung in Deutschland. 12°. Gutersloh, 1900. Marcuse (J.) Was muss jedes Mitglied der Sanitatskolonne wissen? Praktische, leichtfass- liche Unterweisung in Frage und Antwort. 12°. Dessau, [1903]. Ruhlmann. Exerziervorschrift fiir die frei- willigen Sanitatskolonnen vom Roten Kreuz. 16°. Dres'len, 1905. Scni.EsiNGER (M.) Das Rothe Kreuz und die Berufsgenossenschaften. Im Auftrage des Ko- mitees fiir das Zusammenwirken der deutschen Vereine vom Rothen Kreuz mit den Berufsge- nossenschaften. 8°. Berlin, 1900. von Strantz (V.) Das Rote Kreuz bei Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, eine kurze Darstellung seines Zweckes und seiner Organisation. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Weber (H.) Das Auguste-Yictoria-Kranken- und Schwestern-Haus vom Rothen Kreuz des Zweigvereins Berlin des vaterliindischen Frau- envereins mit Beriicksichtigung der besonderen Gesichtspunkte fiir Griindung, Bau und Betrieb eines Kranken- und Schwestern-Hauses vom Rothen Kreuz. Im Auftrage des Vereins und Curatoriums. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Brentano (A.) Das Lazarett der deutschen Vereine vom Roten Kreuz in Charbin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz..u. Berl..1905, xxxi, 1725:1761; 1K46; 1972:2065. Also: Rote Kreuz, Berl., 1906, xxiv. 39: 69.—Colin (E.) Leber die Stellung der Sehwestern vom Roten Kreuz zu den anderen Krankenpflege - Genossenschaften. Kranken- Red Cross societies anel hos j tit als, by localities. GERMANY—continued. pflege, Berl., 1902-3, ii, 711-725. — Kimiiile (L.) Die Kriegstatigkeit derdeutschen Vereine vom Rothen Kreuz im Jahre 1904-5. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 405-109. -----. Die Entwickelung der vaierlandischen Frauenvereine Preussens (einsehliesslich Hohenzollem) in den letzten zehn Jahren. Rothe Kreuz,Berl.,1905,xxiii,390-393.-----. Die Tiitigkeit des deutschen Roten Kreuzes zugunsten unseres sudwestafrikaiiischen Expeditionskorps. Ibid., 1906, xxiv, 402:428.—Kraiikenliau* (Das) vom Rothen Kreuz zu Li»sain Posen. Ibid., 1902, xx,389.—Lichmami (M.). Die Erholungsstiitten vom Roten Kreuz bei Berlin. Heilstiitten-Bote. Frankf. a. M., 1902, 38-41.—Meyer (J.) Die Erholungsstiitten bei Berlin. Med. Woche, Berl., 1902, 165-168.—Neuen (Die) Wohlfahrts-Einriehtungen des Rothen Kreuzes in Hohenlvchen in der Uckermark. Rothe Kreuz, Berl., 1903, xxi,"610.— Niche (A.) Die berufsgenossensehaftliehe Lnfallstation vom Roten Kreuz in Breslau und deren Tiitigkeit seit ihrer Griin- dung am 12. Dezember 1899 bis 31. Dezember 1905. Mitth. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Suppl.-Bd., iii, Jena, 1907, 218-234. — Both. Die Thatigkeit der. Vereine vom Rothen Kreuz und der Rettungs- und Sani- tiitshilfsdienst in ihrer Beziehung zu den Aufgaben des Medicinalbeamten. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1897, vii, 105-129.—Sehultze (M.) DieBeteiligungdesdeutschen Rothen Kreuzes an der Krankenpflege in Deutsch-Siid- westafrika und Ostasien. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1905, xxvii, 257-264.—Tobold. Organisation de la Croix- Rouge en Allemagne. Caducee, Par., 1902, ii, 205-207.— Werner. Die weiblichen Kriegskrankenpfiegekriifte des Roten Kreuzes. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1908, xxx, 263-267. GREAT BRITAIN. Central British Red Cross Committee. Re- port on voluntary organisations in aid of the sick and wounded during the South African War. fol. London, 1902. Great Britain. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Treaty series, No. 1, 1894. Proces- verbal, recording the deposit of the ratifications of the International Sanitary Convention, signed at Venice, Januarv 30, 1892. Rome, November 18, 1893. 8°. London, 1894. ------. Treaty series, No. 24, 1894. Acces- sion of Lichtenstein to the International Sani- tary Convention, signed at Dresden, April 15, 1893. September 20, 1894. 8°. London, 1895. ITALY. Memoriale per il personale direttivo (uffi- cieli) della Croce Rossa italiana chiamato in servizio per esercitazioni e manovre. 16°. Boma, 1900. Bernardo (L.) & Spataro (V.) Discord per P in- augurazione della Scuola dame infermiere della Croce Rosmi. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo, 1908, vii, 225-235.— Soeiete- (La) italienne en 1903. Bull, in- ternat. d. soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Geneve, 1904, xxxv, 239-241. JAPAN. Ariga (X.) La Croix-Rouge en Extreme- Orient. Expose de l'organisation et du fonc- tionnement de la Societe de la Croix-Rouge du Japon. 4°. Paris, 1900. Braisted (W. C.) The Japanese Red Cross nurse. Bull. Am. Nat. Red Cross, Wash., 1908, iii, 6-14, 6 pl — Granjux. La Croix-Rouge japonaise. Caducee, Par., 1902, ii, 109-111.—Japan (The) Red Cross Society during the Russo-Japanese war. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1906, xxv, 19.—Korting (G.) Ausbildung und Leistungen der japanischen freiwilligen Krankenpflegerinnen vom Roten Kreuz. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xxxvi, 723-734— Hacplierson (W. G.) The organiza- tion and resources of the Red Cro-« Society of Japan. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond , 1906, vii", 467-478.— Matlgnon (J.-J.) L'infirmiere de la Croix-Rouge ja- ponaise. Garde-malade hosp., Bordeaux, 1907, 65-74.— Ozawa (Baron). [Summary of a speech delivered be- fore the Nara Branch Societv of the Japanese Led < Toss.i Sei-i-Kvvai M. J., Tokyo, 1907, xxvi, 153-160.—Porten- gen (J. A.) De Japansche afdeeling van het Koode Kruis. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Leiden, 1898, xxii, 585-5S8.—Senn (N.) The Red Cross Society of Japan. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. s., Carlisle, Pa., 1904, xiv, 260. Also [Abstr.J: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904 xiii, 533. RED CROSS. RED CROSS. Red Cross societies and hospitals, by localities. MOROCCO. Legrand (M.) La Croix-Rouge au Maroc. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, annexes, 745-747. -----. Les inflr- mieres de la Croix-Rouge au Maroc. Ibid., 1908, xvi, annexes, 665-667. NETHERLANDS. Nederlandsche Roode Kruis. Handelingen der Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot het Verlee- nen [etc.]. 16., 17., 19. 8°. Haag, 1901-7. RUSSIA. Botsyanovski (V. F.) Istoricheskiy ocherk dleyatelnosti Rossiyskavo Obshtshestva Kras- navo Kresta. Sostavleno pod redaktsiyeyu M. M. Fedorova . . . [Historical sketch of the activity of the Russian Society of the Red Cross. Compiled under the editorship of M. M. Fedoroff . . .] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1896. Bogai'e wsky. Russie; personnel du comity central. [Transl.] Bull, internat. d. Soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Ge- neve, 1904, xxxv, 246-256.— Havard (V.) Noteson the Russian Red Cross Society. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. V. S.. Car- lisle, 1907, xx, 1-15. Also. Reprint.—Holt'(J. Van It.) The Russian Red Cross. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1906, lxix, 777- 782— Tishkoft*(I. P.) Istoricheskiy ocherk Obshtshini syoster Krasnavo Kresta pri Nikolayevskoni Morskom Hospitallev Kronshtadtle. [Historical sketch of the So- ciety of Sisters of the Red Cross in connection with the naval hospital in Kronstadt.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1902. pt, 2, 145-155.—Wilamow- ski (B.) Kilka slow o lazaretach Czerwonego Krzyza w czasie ostatniej wojnv. [The Red Cross hospitals during the late war.] Czasopismo lek., £6di, 1906, viii, 226-228. SPAIN. Nouvelles de la societe espagnole. Bull, internat. d. Soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Geneve, 1904, xxxv, 221-224. SWITZERLAND. Asseniblee annuelle de la SocieLe centrale suisse. Bull, internat. d. Soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Geneve, 1904, xxxv, 256-25s.— Hathaway (H.) & Blaekham (R. J.) The Red Cross of Geneva. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond.. p.m.iv xi, 368-377.—Krankenpflege des Roten Kreuzes in der Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1907, xxix, 356-359. UNITED STATES. American National Red Cross. Memorial of officers and members of the . . ., relating to amended by-laws recently adopted at a meeting of that organization. 57. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Doc. No. 340. Jan. 29, 1903. 8°. [ Washington, 1903.] ------. Resolutions adopted by the execu- tive committee. 4°. [Washington, 1907.] American National Red Cross relief commit- tee reports, Jlav, 1898, to March, 1899. 8°. New York, 1899. Association of Military Surgeons of the Na- tional Guard of the United States. Report of committee of the Association of Military Sur- geons of the United States on the proposed act of Congress for the protection of the insignia and name of the Red Cross. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 177. May 12,1894. Presented bv the President pro tem. 8°. [ Washington, 1894.] Text-book for first aid classes of the American National Red Cross. Arranged by Edward Howe. The notes on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene are by Henrv Pelouze De Forest. 12°. [n. p., 1903.] ' United States. Congress. An act to protect the insignia and the name of the Red Cross. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R 5580. In S., March 28,1894. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1894.] -----. The same. 55. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1913. In H. R., Jan. 7, 1898. roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1898.] VOL xiv, 2d series----25 Red Cross societies and hospitals, by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. -----. An act to incorporate the American National Red Cross. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2931. In H. R., Feb. 22, 1900. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1900.] -----. The same. Rep. with amendments, March 23, 1900. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1900. J -----. An act to incorporate the National White Cross of America. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2581. In H. R., April 9, 1900. Ref. to the House Calendar, May 11, 1900. rov. 8°. [Washington, 1900.] United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatires. A bill to protect the insignia and name of the Red Cross. 52. Cong , 1. sess. H. R. 9266. June 17, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Cogs- well, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] ------. The same. 53. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 49. Sept. 6, 1893. Introd. by Mr. Cogs- well, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1893.] ------. The same. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 5580. Feb. 3, 1894. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] ------. The same. Referred to the House Calendar, Feb. 22, 1894. roy. 8°. [Washing- ton, 1894.] ------. A bill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to loan the Columbian caravels to the American National Red Cross, incorporated. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. H. 6250. March 13, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Hulick. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to protect the insignia and the name of the Red Cross. 55. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1913. May 6, 1897. Introd. by Mr. Gray. roy. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1897.] ------. The same. Reported May 13, 1897, by Mr. (^ray, without amendment, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1897.] ------. A bill to incorporate the American National Red Cross. 56. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2931. Feb. 5, 1900. Introd. by Mr. Proctor, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1900.] ------. The same. Reported Feb. 14, 1900, bv Mr. Money, with amendments, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1900.] ------. A bill appropriating the sum of $5,000 a year for the support and maintenance of the "American National Red Cross". 57. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2424. Jan. 7, 1902. Introd. by Mr. Mason, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1902.] United States. Secretary of State. Message from the President of the United States, trans- mitting, in response to a resolution of the Senate of January 19, 1904, a report by the Secretary of State furnishing information concerning the Red Cross Society in foreign countries. March 2, 1904. 58. Cong., 2. sess. S. Doc. No. 178. 8°. [Washington, 1904.] Greenleaf (C. R.) The relation of Red Cross associa- tions to the medical department of the National Guard. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1895, Cincin., 1896, 337-341.— (irofl"(G. G.) Relation of volunteer relief associations to the government. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa,, 1903, xii, 277-284. Also, Reprint.—Knopf (S. A.) The Red Cross in the antituberculosis war; a plea for contri- butions through a Christmas stamp. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii, 1013-1016.—Lyneli (C.) What is the most effective organization of the American National Red Cross for war, and what should be its relations with the medical departments of war and navy? Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1907, xxi, 397-426.— IHctiee (Anita New- comb) The Red Cross. Trained Nurse, N. Y., 1903, xxx, 295-298. Also, Reprint.— Pilcher (J. E.) The Red RED CROSS. 386 REDERN. Red Cross societies and hospitals, by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. Cross. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1907, xx, 230-237.— Beport of committee on the organization of the Ameri- can Branch of the Red Cross Association, and its status in connection with the medical department of the National Guard and U. S. Army. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1895, Cincin., 1896, 92; 497. URUGUAY. Societe (La) uruguayenne en 1903-4. Bull, internat. d. soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Gen&ve, 1904, xxxv, 261. Red hair. Bartelletti (Veturia). Sugli individui a capelli rossi. Arch, perl' antrop., Firenze, 1903, xxxiii,277-285.— Bolk (L.) Hccft roodharigheid de beteekenis van nu- ance of van varieteit? Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, 2. R., xliv, 1. Afd., 216-230. -----. Heeft roodharigheid de beteekenis van varieteit? Ibid., 463- 469. -----. Is rood haar een nuance of een varieteit. Ibid., 643-646. Also: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1907-8, xvi, 260-268. Also, transl.: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, se, 1907-8, x, 321-328.— Dubois (E.) Heeft roodharigheid de beteekenis van atavistische varieteit? Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, 2. R., xliv, 1. Afd., 553-555. -----. On the correlation of the black and the orange-coloured pig- ments, and its bearing upon the interpretation of red- hairedness. Man,Lond.,1908,viii,87-X9—Kohlbrugge (J. H. F.) Roodharigheid (ervthrisme >. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, 2. R., xliv, 1. Afd., 548-552. -----. Rote Haare und deren Bedeutung. Globus, Brn- schwg., 1908, xciii, 309; 333. — Perrin de la Touehe (E.) Cheveux noirs et cheveux roux. Bull. Soc. scient. et m6d. de POuest, Rennes, 1903, xii, 622. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1901, 4. s., ii, 483-487. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1904, 2. s., xvi, 231. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1904, xi, 164-167. Red leg. Emerson (H.) & Norris (C.) Red leg; an infecti- ous disease of frogs. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1905, vii, 32-58. Also, Reprint. Redaelli (G[iuseppe]). Editor of: Casnistiea medico-chirurgica, Milano, 1905. Redard (C.). Editor of: Bevue trimestrielle Suisse d'odontologie, Geneve, 1898-1907. Redard (Paul). Etudes de thermometrie cli- nique, abaissements de temperature—algidite. 230 pp., 7 tab. 8°. Lille, L. Panel, 1874. -----. De la section des nerfs ciliaires et du nerf optique. 156 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- liere &fils, 1879. -----. Difformites du pied en rapport avec l'absence congenitale des os de la jambe. 10 pp. 8°. [Baris], G. Steinheil, [1890]. ------. Sur une nouvelle methode de traitement des luxations dites congEnitales de la hanche. 6 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1890]. Repr.from: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii -----. Traite pratique de chirurgie orthope- dique. 1 p. 1., 1047 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Doin, 1892 -----'. The same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1., 1052 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1903. -----. Le torticolis et son traitement. iii, 250 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Carre & C. Naud, 1898. -----. Traite pratique des deviations de la co- lonne vertebrate, vii, 466 pp. S°. Paris, Mas- son & Cie., 1900. -----. Transport par chemins de fer des blesses et malades militaires. Rapports presenters en 1882 et en 1902 ii 1'administration des chemins de fer de l'etat. 2 p. 1., 220 pp., 51 pl. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1902. -----. Precis de technique orthopedique. 1 p. 1., ii, 591 pp. 12°. Paris, F. B. de Budeval, 1907. -----. Sur un cas rare de kyste muqueux a cel- lules cylindriques du prepuce. 6 pp. 8°. Ha- vre, Lemale & Cie., [n. d.]. Redard (Paul)—continued. ------& Laran (F.) Chirurgie infantile et or- thopedique. Atlas de radiographic. 118 pp., 1 1., 48 pl. roy. 8°. Paris, Masson d- Cie., 1900. Redear. See Guisborough Union. Redcar. See Children (Hospitals, etc., for). Redde (Lucien). * Contribution a l'etude des derives de l'oxygene et leur emploi dans le traitement des plaies superficielles. 116 pp 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 259. Redding (Thomas B.) Trichina spiralis and trichinosis, including an examination of Indi- ana hogs, prepared under the direction of the Indiana State Board of Health, pp. 257-303. 8°. [n.p.], W. B. Burford, 1885. Cuttiny [coverwith printed title]/rom: Rep. Bd. Health Indiana, Indianap., 1885. Reddingius (Rutgerus Adolphus Benthem). *De nervo optico. 2 p. 1., 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Groningx, W. Zuidema, 1824. [P., v. 1970.] -----. Over het ziektebegrip. Redevoering. 36 pp. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1894. -----. Das sensumotorische Sehwerkzeug. viii, 138 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1898. -----. Een daad van geweld? Repliek door den red.-g6r. voor het N. Tijdschrift voor Genees- kunde geweigerd. 7 pp. 8°. 's Gravenhage, W. B. van Stockum & Zoon, 1899. -----. Over het wezen van scheelzien en de in- dicate voor operatief ingrijpen. 44 pp. 8°. 's Gravenhage, W. P. rein Stockum & Zoon, 1899. Reddingius (Willem). *Klebs tuberculoci- dine, hare bereiding en waarde als antitubercu- losum. 63 pp. 8°. Groningen, H. B. Boelfsema, 1893. Reddy (Herbert L.) The drugs used in the third stage of labour. 19 pp. 8°. Montreal, 1895. Repr.from: Montreal M. J., 1894-5, xxiii. Redeke (Heinrich Carl). *Onderzoekingen betreffende het urogenitaalsysteem der sela- chiers en holocephalen. [Amsterdam.] 85 pp., 3 1., 1 pl. 8°. Helder, C. De Boer jr., 1898. Redelings (T. J.) Disposal of waste and ex- creta, pp. 55-59. 8°. Lansing, 1894. Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1894, Suppl. Redenzione (La) igienica. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 6-20, v. 1; April 1 to Dec. 15, 1893; v." 2, 1894. 8°. Forsano. Redepenning (Rudolf [Karl Friedrieh Wil- helm] ) [1883- ]. * Der geistige Besitzstand von sogenannten Dementen. [Gottingen.] 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1908. Reder (Berthold). Editor of: JahrfouchfurMilitar-Aerzte, Wien, 1901-3. de Redern (Sigismond-Ehrenreich), comte [1719-88]. Reponse a la dissertation de M. le comte Voncalli, sur l'inoculation de la petite vi'role. pp. 349-361. 4°. Angnon, 1758. Cutting from: M6m. Acad. roy. d. se. de Berl., 1758, xiv, de R[edern (Sigismond-Ehrenreich)], comte [1755-1835]. Abrege historique de la grande emigration des peuples barbares, et des Emigra- tions principales arrivees dans l'ancien monde depuis cette epoque. 108 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, B.-.I. de Mat, 1817. [P., v. 2021.] ------. De l'influence de la forme des gouverne- mens sur les nations; fragment historique et politique. 1 p. 1., 119 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, de Mal, 1817. [P., v. 2021.] ------. Des modes accidentels de nos percep- tions, ou examen sommaire des modifications REDERN. 387 REDWATER. de R[edern (S.-E.)], comte—continued. que des circonstances particulieres apportent a l'exercice de nos facultes et a la perception des objets exterieurs. 2. 6d. 69 pp. 8°. Paris, Mongieaine, 1818. [P., v. 2021.] Redfern (Peter). On anormal nutrition in ar- ticular cartilages. 64 pp. S°. Edinburgh, Sutherland &■ Knox, 1849. Redfield (James W.) Comparative physiog- nomv, or resemblances between men and ani- mals'. 334 pp. 8°. New York, W. J. Widdleton, 1866. -----. The same. 334 pp. 8°. New York, Fowler A Wells, 1884. Redgrave (Alexander) & Redgrave (Jas- per A.) The factory and workshop acts, 1878 to 18H1; with introduction, copious notes, and an elaborate index. 4. ed. xxxvii, 292 pp. 12°. London, Shaw & Sans, 1891. Redgrave (Jasper). *e Bedgravo (Alexander)* Bedsrrave (Jasper). Thefactoryand workshop acts, [etc.]. 12°. London. 1891. Redlion (Alfred) [1871- ]. * Des troubles cardiaques dans l'hvsterie. 108 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, 1896, No. 117. -----. The same. 108 pp. 8°. Paris, H.Joure, 1896. Redi (Alberto). Spedale di S. Verdiana in Cas- telfiorentino. Relazione clinica dal 1° maggio 1899 al dic-embre 1900. 105 pp. 8°. Castel- fiorentino, Giorannelli ct- Carpitelti, 1901. Redi (Francesco) [1626-94]. De animalculis vivis qu* in corporibus animalium vivorum re- periuntur observationes. Ex Etruscis Latinas fecit Petrus Coste. 12 p. 1., 342 pp., 26 pl., 1 1. 16°. Amstehedami, apud Wetstenias, 1707. -----. Opere con somma diligenza insieme rac- colte, accresciute, e migliorate. Edizione novis- sima arricchita della vita dell' autore scritta dal Signor Abate Salvino Salvini, e w York, 1843. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1844.—Reece (Richard). The medical guide, [etc.]. 8°. Baltimore, 187:;. Reese (Heinrich). * Ueber einen Fall von Nierenvenenthrombose bei Chlorose. 34 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Wittmer, 1903. Reese (John James) [1818-92]. Text-book of medical jurisprudence and toxicology. 3. ed., revised and enlarged, xvi, 9-666 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1891. -----. The same. 4. ed., revised by Henry Leffmann. 624 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blak- iston, Son. ct- Co., 1894. -----. The same. 5. ed., revised by Henry Leffmann. xvi, 645 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1898. -----. The same. 6. ed. 660 pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1902. -----. The same. 7. ed., revised by Henry Leffmann. viii, 656 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1906. See, also, Tanner (Thomas Hawkes). Memoranda on poisons. 7. Am. ed. 24°. Philadelphia, 1892. Reese (J[ulius]) [1862- ]. * Ueber die Wendung bei engem Becken. 33 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt & Klaunig, 1891. Reese (W. A.). Editor of: Medical Journal, Eureka Springs, Ark., 1893. Reese ( William W.) [1813-94]. Hunt (J. H.) [Biography.] Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix, 368-370. Reeser ( Hendrik E. ) *Das Tuberkulin. [Bern.] 31 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1908. Rcetz (Hugo Karl Friedrieh) [1858- ]. * Altes und Neues iiber Kohlenoxydvergiftung. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1906. Reeve (Henry) [1780-1814]. Clerke (Miss A. M.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii, 406. Reeve (James Theodore) [1834-1906]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 1753. Reeve (J[ohn] C.) Historical and clinical notes on the deliverv of the placenta. 10 pp. 8°. Columbus, 0., 1884. Repr.from: Columbus M. J., 1884-5, iii. ------. On the use of anaesthetics in labor. In: Syst. Obst. (Hirst). 8°. Philadelphia, 1888, i, 635-692. ------. Chloroform and the Hvderabad com- mission. 21 pp. 12°. [Philaelelphia, 1890.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii. ------. The A. C. E. mixture. 14 pp. 8°. Cleveland, 0., Lowing & Prescott, [1891]. Repr.from: Cleveland M. Gaz , 1890-91, vi. ------. Some surgery of the liver and gall-blad- der. 14 pp. 12°. [New York, 1892.] Repr.from: N. YorkM. J., 1892, lv. ------. In memoriam. Alexander Dunlap, A. M., M. D. 10 pp., port. 8°. [New York, 1894.] Repr.from: N. York J. Gynsec. & Obst., 1894, iv. ------. The entrance of woman into medicine. 18 pp. 8°. Cleveland, Ohio, 1895. Repr.from: W. Reserve M. J., Cleveland, 1895, iii. -----. The treatment of puerperal fever. 8 pp. 8°. Columbus, [1883]. Repr.from: Columbus M. J., 1882-3, i. Reeve (Lovell Augustus) [1814-65]. See Adams (Arthur) & Reeve (Lovell). The zool- ogy [etc.]. 4°. London, 1848. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii (B. B. Woodward). Reeves (James Edmund) [1829-96]. Some points in the natural history of enteric or tvphoid fever. 26 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1890. Repr.from: Tr. Ass. Am. Phys., Phila., 1890, v. ------. A hand-book of microscopy for students and general practitioners, including chapters on bacteriology, neoplasms, and urinary exami- nations; with a glossary, xv, 16-237 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston Son ct Co., 1894. See, also, Circuit Court (In the) of the United States, [etc.]. 8°. Chattanooua, Teint.. [1N93]. For Biooraphii, see Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxviii, 196. Also: Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1896, 1319-1327 s. i, 69.—Mathieu (A.) Phenomenes reflexes d'oritrine alimentaire. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.}, Par., 1900, exxxix, 53<->-54L—Maxwell (L. K.) A. unique reflex. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Cleveland, 1904, xii, 16-20.—Mendelssohn. Valeur semeiologique et pathog6nique des reflexes. [R6sum6, fasc 3, 10.] Cong. internat. de neurol., de psvehiat. [etc.] 1897, Brux., 1898, i, fasc 1. [Discussion], 111-113.—Mills (W.) Reflexes, the ingoing or afferent impulses and their psychic correla- tives. Proc. Am. Psychol. Ass., N. Y., 1902, ix, 87-105. Also: Montreal M. J., 1902, xxxi, 401-414.—Montesano (G.) Riflessi dolorosi di origine psichica e di natura pro- fessionale. Riv. quindicin. di psieol. [etc.], Roma, 1897, i, 161-168.—Myers (B. D.) Anatomical basis for reflex movements. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1908, i, 5- 7.—Nauiuan (A. G.) Ob ulitkovo-litsev'om refleksle. [Reflex of the cortical and facial nerves.] Obozr. psi- chiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1904, ix, 677.—Neff (I. H.) Importance and significance of the reflexes. Phv- sician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1900, x, 461-168. [Dis- cussion], 497-499.—Pandi (K.) Der cortieale Mecha- nismus der Reflexphiinomene. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn., 1895, lxi, 465-474.—Patrizi (M. L.) A Bellen- tani (G.) Le reflexe du clignement et les phases de la pulsation. [Transl. from.: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc, lett. ed arti in Modena, 3. s.. v.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904, xli, 246-256.—Petr£n (K.) Iakttagelser ofver re- flexhyperalf.re^ier vid inre organsjukdomar. [Remarks on reflex hyperalgesias in internal organic di-case.] Allm. sven. Lakartidu , Stockholm, 1904, i, 727.—Pos- tliumus Meyjes (W.) lets over de aetiologie van sommige van den neus uitgaande reflex nenrosen. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1898-9, v, 293-295.—Purjesz e dans la Capanna Regina Mar- gherita. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904, xli, 375-383.— Guerra-Ooppioli (L.) Del valore semejologico del riflesso faringeo. Riforma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1907, xxiii, 533-535. —Kattwinkel. Die Aufhebung des Wurgreflexe und ihre Beziehung zur Hysteric Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. zu Miin- chen, Leipz., 1899, iv, 457-486.—Lambanzl (R.) & Pianetta (C.) Recherches sur le reflexe buccal. Rev. REFLEXES. Reflexes of deglutition. de psychiat., Par., 1906, 148-154.—Meltzer (S.J.) On the nature of the reflexes controlling the successive movements in the mechanism of deglutition. Am. Med Phila., 1906, n. s., i, 37-39. Also, in: Stud. Rockefeller Inst' M. Research, X. ,L, 1907, vi, no. 68.—Meltzer i S. J.) & Auer (J.) A vago-esophageal reflex. Proc. Soc. Exper Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1905-6, iii, 74. Also [ Abstr. 1: Am" Med., Phila., 1906, n. s., i, 158. Also [Abstr.]: Science, X. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxiii, 980.----------. Vagus reflexes upon oesophagus and cardia. Brit. M. J." Lond., 1906, ii, 1806.—Oppenheim. Ueber den Fress- reflex. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, Berl 1905, xxxv, 164-166.—Perugia (A.) <&Bagolan (A.) Reflesso boccale. Gazz. d. osp., M lano, 1906, xxvii, 905- 907.—Boger(H.) Lereflexea'sophago-salivaire. Presse med., Par., 1904, ii, 793.—Toulouse (E.) & Vurpas (0.) Le reflexe buccal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1903, lv, 952.—Zwaardemaker (H.) Sur une phase refrac- taire du reflexe de deglutition. Onderzoek. ged. in h, physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch.,1904-5, 5. R.,v, 145-166. Reflexes of diaphragm. See, also, Diaphragm-phenomenon; Re- flexes in children. Beeher ( W.) Anatomisch-physiologisehe Bemer- kungen zu dem von Litten beschriebenen Zwerchfells- phiinomen bei normaler Athmung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 54-56.—Bull (S.) Det Litten'ske Diaphragmafamomen. [The diaphragm svmptom of Litten.] Norsk Mag. f. Lfegevidensk., Kris- tiania, 1896, 4. R., xi, 1005-1011.—Cabot (R. C.) Expe- rience with Litten's diaphragm-phenomenon in 220 cases. Med. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxiv, 456^158. Also, Re- print.—Hess (O.) Ueber einen neuen Reflex (Zwerch- fellreflex); vorliiufige Mitteilung. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1906, xxiii, 359-361.—Puglisi (S.) Sul fenomeno diaframmatico di Litten. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1903, iv, 273; 292.—Biehardson (J.J.) Aural reflex phenomena. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1904, lxvi, 655. Also, Reprint. Reflexes of ear. See, also, Reflexes of eye; Reflexes of heart, etc. Alter(W.) Ein Ohrreflex. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 113.—BekhterefT (V.) Ob osobom slukho- vom iii akustiko-palpebralnom refleksie. [Special acous- tic, or acoustico-palpebral reflex.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1905, x, 86-88.—Bonnier (P.) Reflexesauriculaires. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1894, vii, 151-177.—Donaldson (E.) The auricu- lar reflex. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 869.— Egger (L.) Du reflexe binauriculaire. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1899, xxv, 729-738.—Friedrieh (E. P.) Weitere Beobachtungen fiber den diagnostischen Werth der Acusticusreaction. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 328-332.—Hammersehlag (V.) Leber die Reflexbewegung des Musculus tensor tympaniund ihre centrale Bahnen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Math, -naturw. CI., Wien, 1899, cviii, 6-34, lpl. Also: Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 251-275, 1 pl — ---:—. Die Lage des Reflexcentrums fiir den Musculus tensor tympani. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1902, lvi, 157- 160,1 pl.—Hogyes (E.) Ujabb adatok az elocsarnoki idegbdl kiindul6 reflexek tan&hoz. [Late contributions to the knowledge of the reflexes proceeding from the vestibular nerve.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 233.—Horsley (Sir V.) On a trigeminal-aural reflex in the rabbit. Brain, Lond., 1905, xxviii, 65-67, 3 pl.— Maloney (J. A.) An aural reflex. Ann. Ophth. A Otol., St. Louis, 1892, i, 243.—Maurlee (A.) Reflexes a point de depart tubaire. Arch.internat.de laryngol. [etc.],Par., 1908, xxv, 548-550.—Overend (W.) Concerning the auricular reflex. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 672.—Urbant- sehitseh (V.) Ueber die vom Gehororgane ausgehen- den Irradiations- undReflexerscheinungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 897; 950.—lfearsley (M.) Aural re- flexes. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1898, xiii, 225-229. Reflexes of eye. See, also, Eye-strain. Dechy (A.) *Le signe Argyll-Robertson et la cvtologie du liquide cephalo-rachidien. 8°. Baris, 1902. Merzbacher (L.) *Ueber die Beziehungen der Sinnesorgane zu den Reflexbewegungen des Frosches. I. Das Auge. [Strassburg i. E.] S°. Bonn, 1900. Motta (J. T.) * Contribuicao ao estudo do valor semiologico do Signal de Westphal. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, 1906. REFLEXES. 397 REFLEX.ES. Reflexes of eye. Axhner (B.) Ueber einen bisher noch nicht be- sehriebenen Reflex vom Auge auf Kreislauf und At- mung; Verschwinden des Radialispulses bei Druck auf das Auge. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 1529.— BekhterelT(V. M.) Oglaznomrefleksle. [Eyereflex.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1901, vi, 801- 804.— Bochenek (A.) Drogi nerwowe dla odruch6w, wywolanvch wrazeniami wzrokowemi. [Nerve tracks for reflexes produced by visual expr ssions.] Post, okul., Krak6w, 1903, v, 19.5-208.—Bumke. Untersuchungen iiber den galvanischen Lichtreflex. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1904, xxxvi, 294-299. Also [Abstr.]: Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1904, xvi, 289.— Cosmettatos (G.-F.) Abolition unilatgrale du reflexe lumineux, avee conservation du reflexe ac- commodatif, d'origine traumatique. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1905, xxv, 664-670.—Cruehet (R.) Note sur la recher- che du reflexe lumineux. Rev. neurol., Par., 1903, xi, 1215.— Dupont IM.) Excitateur de la pupille pour la recherche, du reflexe lumineux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 1366-1368.-----. Sur la mesure du reflexe lumineux. Ibid., 1449.—Elias (J. P.) De pupil-reflexen. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1903-4, x, 334; 361; 385; 449.—Haab (O.) Der Hirnrindenreflex der Pupille. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1902. xlvi, 1-29— Blennebert (C.) Reflexes, oto-oculaires. Presse oto-laryngol. beige, Brux., 1905, iv, 210-215.—Kaplan (J.) Zur Frage des Corneo-Mandibularreflexes. Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 910-912.— Kempner. Leber Storungen im Augengebiet des Trigeminus, speziell des Cornealreflexes und ihre diagnostische Yerwcrtung. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1906, xliii,379; 422.—Lewi* t F. P.) Ocularincoor- dination and cerebral reflexes. X. York State J. M., X. Y., 1903, iii, 397-401.—May hew ( D. P.) On the time of re- flex winking. J. Exper. M., X. Y., 1897, ii, 35-47, 3 ch., 2 pl.—Orbeli (L. A.) Uslovniye refleksi s glaza u so- baki. [Conventional eve reflexes in the dog.] Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1908, xiv, 31-36.—Overend (\V.) Preliminary note on a new cranial reflex. Lan- cet, Lond., 1896, i, 619.—Partridge (G. E.) Experi- ments upon the control of the reflex wink. Am. ,1. Psy- chol.. Worcester, 1899-1900, xi, 244-250 —Piseuti (G.) Di un riflesso pupillare di origine auricolare. Atti e ren- dic. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1897, ix, 250-255.— Reber (W.) & Wilmarth i A. W.) A clinical study of the correlation between the iris reflex and the patel- lar tendon reflex. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1896, xxvii, 290-295. —Bossi ( E.) Valore fisio-clinico del riflesso di Westphal e pupillare, associazione di essi e natura per stimolo patellare periferico. Manico- mio mod., Xocera. 1*90, vi, 17-64.—Buge (S.) Leber Pupillarreflexcentrum und Pupillareflexbogen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1902, liv, 483-490. —Sargent (R. E.) An apparatus in the central nervous system of vertebrates for the transmission of motor reflexes arising from optical stimuli. Biol. Bull., Bost.,1901, ii. no.6, 340- 342.—von S81der(F.) Der Corneo-Mandibularreflex. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1902, xxi, 111-113. -----. Le- ber den Corneo-Mandibularreflex; Entgegnung auf J. Kaplan's Einwendungen. Ibid., 1904, xxiii, 13-15.— Spiller (W. G.) The importance of the lachrymal re- flex in the diagnosis between organic and hysterical an- esthesia of the face. Phila. M. J., 1902, ix, 892.—Taylor (P. R.) Some distressing reflexes from errors of refrac- tion. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1908-9, vi, 512- 515.—Toulouse & Vurpas. Recherche du reflexe lu- mineux. Rev. de psvehiat., Par., 1903, 254-256.—Va- rady (L.) Vizsg&latok az oculopupillaris (sensibilis) reflexre vonatkoz61ag. [Researches on the oculopupillar (sensibilis) reflex. Orvosi hetil., Budapesl, 1901, xlv, 757-773— Zimmermann (M. VV.) Ocular headache and other ocular reflexes; a statistical study. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxxviii, 673; 1040. Reflexes of foot and ankle. See, also, Reflexes in children; Reflexes of tendo Achilles; Reflexes of toes, ete: Babinski (J.) Quelques remarques sur le memoire de M. Ettore Levi, intitule: Nouvelles recherches gra- phiquessur le phenomene de la trepidationdupied. En- cephale, Par., 1909, i, 40-44. —Ballet (<;.) Note sur le clonusdupied par irritation K) Comporta- mento dei riflessi rotulei in seguito ad a^portazione di alcuni organi glandolari. Med. ital.. Napoli, 1906, iv, 701.—Goteh (F.) Note on the so-called tendon reflex. J. Physiol.,Cambridge,1896,xx.322-333.— t.rudziriski (Z.) O badaniu odruchu rzepkowego. [Patellar reflex.] Kron. lek, Warszawa, 1907. xxviii, 353; 39S—tiuttmaim (W.) Zur Untersuchungstechnik des Patellarreflexes. Verof- fentl. a.d. Geb. d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Berl., 1906, 35. Hft., 393- 402. -----. Zur Beurteilung und Pruning des Patellar- reflexes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 1456.—Hamerand (B. C.) The significance of the knee-jerk. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1902, xxii, 193-199.— Hinsdale (G.) & Taylor (J. M.) Crossed knee-jerk, or contra-lateral adductor reflex. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1*95-6, iv, 369-376. Also, Reprint.— Hobhouse (E.) Excessive patellar reflex of nervous origin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 176.—Jackson (J. H.) Note on the knee-jerkin the condition of super-venosity. Ibid., 1892, i, 326. -----. Absent knee-jerks in some cases of pneu- monia; inaction of the intercostal muscles in respiration with good voluntary action of the same muscles, in a case of latent pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1472.— Josserand(E.) Reflexerotulienlateralise. Lyonmed., 1902, xcviii, 853-856.—Kidd (L. J.) Degrees of knee- jerk. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 801.—Koll (E.) Zur Lehre von Patellarsehnen-Reflexc. Verhandl. d. phvs.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1898, n. F., xxxi, 467-480.—Kronig (G.) Ein einfacher Kunstgriff zur Erzeugung des Knie- phanomens. Berl. klin.Wchnschr.,1906,xliii,1421.—Kro- ner (K.) Ueber Bahnung der Patellarreflexe. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 700-703. — Lanreys (S.) Quelques reflexions sur la raison physiologique et la locali- sation probable du reflexe patellaire. J. de neurol., Par., 1900, v, 491-495. [Discussion], 496. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1901, i,65-71— Leszynsky (W. M.) The knee-jerk in diagnosis. N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 801-803.— Luca. Un nou procedeu de a explora reflexele rotu- liene si avantagile lui. Romania med., Bucurescl, 1896, iv, 48^50—Maranilon deMontyel. Du reflexe pa- tellaire etudie che/, les memes malades aux trois periodes delaparalvsie generale Ann. med.-psvchol.. Par., 1898, 8. s., vii, 196-226. —Marehand (L.) "& Vurpas (C.) Recherches experimentales sur la nature et lc mecanisme physiologique du reflexe patellaire. Rev. de psvehiat., Par., 1901, n. s., iv, 321-325.—Ma rle (P.) Sur la contrac- tion reflexe des adducteurs de la cuisse determinee par la percussion du tendon rotulien du c6t6 oppose. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 246- 248.—Meyers (D. C.) The diagnostic value of knee- jerk. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1897, xxii, 405-408 — Mitchell (S. W.) & Lewis (M. J.) Physiological studies of the knee-jerk, and of the reactions of muscles under mechanical and other excitants. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 169-173. Also, Reprint.—Noyes (W.) On certain peculiarities of the knee-jerk in sleep in a case of terminal dementia. Am. J. Psvchol., Worcester, 1891- 2, iv, 343-361, 2 ch. Also, Reprint. — Oliver (C. A.) The relation of the patellar tendon-reflex to some of the ocular reflexes found in general paralysis of the insane. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 643. Also, Reprint.— Reflexes of knee. Pandy (K.) Meg egyszer a terdreflexekrol; felvilago- sitisok, Balint Rezso dr. valaszara. [Once more on the knee reflexes; elucidation of the rcplv of Rudolf Balint.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xlv, 568"—Phelps (R. M.) A consideration of the knee-jerk symptom. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1892, xii, 399-403. Also, Reprint.—Pick (A.) Ueber transitorische Beeinflussung des Kniepha- nomens durch cerebrale Affectionen. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1900, xiv, 158. -----. Vorschlag zu einer konven- tionellen Fixierung der Intensitiitsgrade des Kniephano- mens (resp. Patellarreflexes). Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxii, 917-919.—Popoff (N.M.) Kpatologii kollennavo refleksa. [Pathology of knee reflex.] Med. Obozr., Mosk , 1892, xxxviii, 725-741.— Boddolo (T.) Contributo alia fisiologia del fenomeno del ginocchio; ricerche eseguite con un nuovo apparec- chio di esplorazione bilaterale e contemporanca. Ann. di freniat, [etc.], Torino, 1905, xv, 358-382,1 pl.—Boelen (F.) Beitrag zur Casuistik des schnellenden Knie. Mo- natschr. f. Lnfallheilk., Leipz., 1898, v, 377-380.—Bosen- baeh (O.) Die Methoden der Verstiirkung des Knie- phanomens. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 72.— Bussell (J.S. R.) On some circumstances under which the normal state of the knee jerk is altered. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1893, liii, 430-458, 6 pl. -----. The crossed knee-jerk. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1896, n. s., cxi, 306-313.— Salomonson (W.) Over het ontbreken van den patel- lair-reflex bij diabetes mellitus. Nederl. Tijdschr v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1»90, 2. R., xxvi, 273-282—Sanna- Salaris (G.) Sulla localizzazione del riflesso patellare nel midollo spinale; note cliniche ed anatomo-micro- scopiehc in un caso difrenosi paralitica tabica. Ann. di freniat. Tete], Torino, 1889-90, ii, 118-134, 2 pl.—Sano (F.) Le mecanisme des reflexes; abolition du reflexe ro- tulien malgr6 l'integrit^ relative de la moelle lombo- sacr^e (six cas avec autopsie). J. de neurol., Par., 1898, iii, 313-327.—Scheven (U.) Zur Physiologie des Knie- sehnenreflexes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1907, cxvii, 108-132, lpl.—Sherrington (C. S.) Note toward the localisation of the knee-jerk. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 645. -----. Addendum to note on the knee-jerk. Ibid., 654. -----. Note on the knee-jerk and the correlation of action of antagonistic muscles. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, Iii, 556-564. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 685. Also, transl: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 951-959.-----. Note on the knee-jerk. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1893, xxi, 145-147.—Sliitase (K.) [New researches on the knee reflex.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900,1094-1101.— Smith (P. C.) Excessive patellar reflex of nervous ori- gin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 621— Sommer, Das Kniephiinomen bei Aequilibrirung des Unterschenkels. Jahrb. f. Psychiat.,Leipz.u.Wien,1894,xii,366-383.—Srez- nevski (V. V.) Ob izmlenenii kollennavo refleksa pod vliyaniyemispuga, vizvannavovistrlelom. [Changes in the knee reflex under the influence of fright from gun- shot.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1906, x, 202-219.—Stem bo (L.) Oberer Patellarreflex und seine Bedeutung. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 862- 864.—Sudniek (R.) Modificacionescualitativasdel re- flejo de larodilla. Rev. Soc. mt'd. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892, i, 6-17.—Szuman (S.) O anomaliach odruch6w, w szczeg61nosci kolanowych i o towarzyczacych im uczu- ciach (sensacyach) w przypadkach nerwic. [Anomalies of reflexes, especially of knee, and on accompanying sen- sations in neuroses.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1900, xxxix, 113; 126; 145; 161.—Verhoogen (R.) Le reflexe rotu- lien. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1895, 273- 286.—Vogt (O.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger psychischer Zustande auf Kniephanomen und Muskeltonus. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1900, x, 202-218. — Walbaum. Zur Technik der Patellarreflexpriifung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 810.—Weber (F. P.) A note on excessive patellar reflex of func- tional nervous origin, and especially the "trepida- tion" or "spinal epilepsy" form. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 14. — Wehrung (G.) Ueber einseitiges Feh- len und iiber die Wiederkehr des verschwunden ge- wesenen Kniephanomens. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 391-401.—Westphal (C.) Ueber das Ver- schwinden und die Localisation des Kniephanomens. Berl. klin.Wchnschr., 1881, xviii, 1; 20. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Berl., 1892, ii, 313-326. -----. Ueber eine Fehlerquelle bei Untersuchung des Kniephanomens und iiber dieses selbst. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1882, xii, 798- 812. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl.. 8°, Berl., 1892, ii, 327- 338. -----. Anatomischer Befund bei einseitigem Knie- phanomen. Arch. f. Psvehiat., Berl., 1887, xviii, 628. Also, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Berl., 1892, ii, 364.— Wigand. Ueber einen weiteren Fall von zeitwei- sem Fehlen der Patellarreflexe bei Hysterie. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 293-299. —Yakovleff (A. A.) K voprosu o vremeni kollenno-sukhozhilnavo refleksa. [Time in the knee-tendon reflex.] Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb., 1889- 90, vii, pt. 2, 198-253. REFLEXES. 400 REFLEXES. Reflexes ofhncer extremity. See, also, Reflexes of bones; Reflexes in chil- dren; Reflexes of foot, etc.; Reflexes in knee; Reflexes in toes, etc. Rodzaevska-Storojefp (Mme.) *Du reflexe rotulien, du clonus du pied et du syndrome du clonus du pied avec reflexe rotulien normal, affaible ou aboli. [Geneve.] 8°. Paris, 1901. Bekhtereff (V. M.) O slozhnikh sukhozhilno-ml- shechnikh refleksakh nizhnikh konechnostel pri mieli- takh. [Complicated tcndo-muscular reflexesof the lower extremities in myelitis.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S. Peterb., 1900, v, 647-651. -----. O poyasnichno- bedrennom refleksle. [Lumbo-femoral reflex.] Ibid., 1901, vi, 886. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1902, xxi, 836. -----. O fastsialnikh refleksakh nizhnikh konechnostel. [Fascial reflexes of the lower extremi- ties.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1903, viii, 889-892. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 833-835.-----. Po povodu poyasnichno- bedrennavo refleksa. [Lumbo-femoral reflex.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S -Peterb., 1904, ix, 484-486. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1905, xxiv, 194-196.— Bramwell (E.) A contribution to the spinal root localisation of the knee-jerk, Achilles-jerk and plantar reflex. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat., Edinb., 1903, i, 392- 399,2pl.—Calosso (E.) Ricerche sull' azione che P ische- mia artificiale dell' arto inferiore esercita sul fenomeno del ginocchio e sulla trepidazione epilettoide del piede. Boll. d. Policlin., Torino, 1896, i, 165; 181. — Cassirer (R.) Ueber den Oppenheim'schen Unterschenkelreflex. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1903, xiv, 37-53.— Fairehild (D. S.) Diagnostic value of the deep re- flexes of the lower extremities. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr. 1899, Chicago, 1900, vi, 35-47. Also: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 833-836.—Feix (J.) Ueber ein neues Verfahren zur Untersuchung des Patellar- und Achillessehnenreflexes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1223 —Friedlander (R.) Huidreflexen der on- derste extremiteiten. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1905, lix, 73.—Ooldflam (S.) Zur Lehre von den Hautreflexen an den Unterextremitiiten (insbesondere des Babinski'- schen Reflexes). Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 1109; 1137. Also, transl.: Medvevna, Warszawa, 1904, xxxii, 69; 78; 108; 129.—Mills ("<'. K.) Some points of special interest in the study of the deep reflexes of the lower extremities. 1. Ankle-clonus with absence of knee-jerk. 2. The significance of ankle-clonus in the diagnosis of hysteria from organic disease. 3. Patellar clonus. 4. Teiido-A chillis jerk in tabetics. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1*99, xxvi, 131-160, 3 pl. [Discussion], 172. At:no, Reprint.—Oniimis. Influence pathologique sur les centres nerveux des impressions peripheriques des membres inferieurs. Bull. Soc. de med.de Par. (1*79), 1880, xiv, S3-86.—Oppenheim (H.) Zur Pathologie der Hautreflexe an den unteren Extremitaten. Monat- schr. f. Psvehiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1902, xii, 518-530.— Bedlich (E.) Ueber zwei neue Hautreflexe an den unteren Extremitaten. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 97-100.—Bemak. Zur Localisation der spinalen Hautreflexe der Unterextremitiiten. Arch. f. Psvehiat., Berl., 1894, xxvi, 995.—Sherrington (C. S.) [Proprio- ceptive reflexes of the limb.] Nature, Lond., 1908, lxxviii, 592 —Shtsherbak (A. Ye.) Obiskusstvennom vizivanii, s pomoshtshyu mlestnol vibratsii, nlekotorikh nepostoyannikhrefleksovv oblasti stopi i goleni u chelo- vleka; vliyaniye mlestnol vibratsii na podoshvenno- bedrenive i podoshvenno-paltseviye refleksi. [Artificial production, by the aid of local vibration, of certain va- rying reflexes in the human foot and leg; influence of local vibration upon the plantar-femoral and plantar- phalangeal reflexes.] J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Kor- sakova, Mosk., 1908, viii, 1-19.—Verger & Abadie. Sur les reflexes cutanes du membre inferieur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902.11. s., iv, 1282.—YV estphal (C.) Lnterscheukelphaiiomen und Nervendehnung. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl.,. 1876-7, vii, 666-670. 'A/so, in his: Ges. Abhandl., 8°, Berl., 1892, ii, 300-304. — Voslii- nilira. Leber die verschiedene Formen der Hautre- flexe an den unteren Extremitaten bei Pyramidenbahn- erkrankunKen. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesell- sch. zu Tokyo, 1907, xxi, 951-957. Reflexes of month. See Reflexes of detjlutition. Reflexes of nose and naso-pharynx. See, also, Reflexes in children. Bates (W. H.) A case of nasal reflex. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1892, xli, 249— Beyer (H.) Athemreflexe auf 01- factoriusreiz. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1901, 261-275, 1 diag—Brush (A. C.) The nasal reflex. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1907, i, 2s8— Evans (C. 8.) Nasal and naso-pharyngeal reflexes. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., Reflexes of nose anel naso-pharynx. 1891, 143-151.—Hobbs (A. G.) Some amusing instances of nasal reflex. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 789. Also: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1897, ii, 144-147.— Koblanek. Ueber nasale Reflexe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1046-1049.— Be till (L.) Die von der Nase ausgelosten Reflexe. Monatschr. f. Orenh., Berl., 1904, xxxviii, 17-19.—Ko- quer Casadesus (J.) Sobre los retieios derivadosde la nariz, faringe y laringe. Rev. de lanngol., otol. y ri- nol., Barcel., 1893-4, ix, 147-153. Also: Enciclopedia.Bar ceL, 1894, vii, 109; 145.—Stoeckel. Ueber nasale Re- flexe. Berl. klin.-therap, Wchnschr., 1904, 791-797. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 791-797.—Swan (C. J.) A nasal reflex. Med. Visitor, Chicago, 1891, vii 325-327. Reflexes of oesophagus. See Reflexes of deglutition. Reflexes of }>haryn,r. See Reflexes of deglutition; Reflexes of nose, etc. Reflexes of skin. See, also, Reflexes (Measurement, etc., of); Reflexes of abdomen; Reflexes in children; Re- flexes of lower extremity; Reflexes of toes, etc. Hobohm (K. J.) * Beitrage zum Studium der Hautreflexe. 8°. Kiel, 1904. Munch-Petersen ( H. ) Hudreflexerne og deres jS'ervebaner. [Cutaneous reflexes and their nerve paths.] 8°. Kobenhavn, 1901. Also, transl. in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1902, xxii, 177-231, 1 pl. Zlataeoff (A. S.) Valeur semiologique de quelques reflexes cutanes et niuqueux. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Alurralde (M.) Contribuci6n al estudio de las re- laciones patol6gicas de los reflejos euuineos y tendinosos. Semana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1901, viii, 349-356.—Babin- ski. Les reflexes cutanes. J. de m£d. int., Par., 1904, viii, 201.—BUttlger. Untersuchung und diagnostische Verwerthung der Hautreflexe. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.- Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1902, n. F., ix, 7S-80—Croeq (J.) Dissociation et antagonisme des reflexes tendineux et cutanes. J. de neurol., Par., 1901, vi, 45-53.-----. La valeur clinique de la dissociation des reflexes tendineux et cutanes; reponse k Van Gehuchten. Ibid., 1902, vii, 221-242.—Egger (M.) & Dejerine. Un reflexe cu- tan6 croise. Rev. neurol., Par., 1904, xii, 610. — F£rt (('.) Note sur le riiflexe pilo-moteur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 342—Ferrannlni (A.) Le vie afferenti dei riflessi superflciali (cutanei e mucosi) sono diverse da quelle delle comuni sensibility, generali; ricerche semejologiche. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 4, 556; 667; 579.—Haskovee (I..) Pozn&mky ku re- flexu pilomotorick^mu. [Note sur le reflexe pilomoteur. Res., 126-128.] Sborn. klin.,v Praze, 1902-3, iv, 119-lJs. Also, transl.: Rev. neurol., Par., 1902, x, 1210-1212.— Heldenbergh (C.) Quelques remarques k pro- pos de la nouvelle theorie des reflexes cutanes et tendineux de Van Gehuchten. Belgique med., Gand- Haarlem, 1901, ii, 289-296. -----. Theorie des re- flexes cutanes et tendineux, basee sur la nature fonc- tionnelle des deux faisceaux pvramidal et extrapyra- midal. J. de neurol., Par., 1902* vii, 469-471. Also: Bel- gique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1903, x, 435-440 —Jakob (C.) Fisiologia y patologia de los reflejos cutaueos y tendinosos. An. d. Circ. m£d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1900. xxiii, 509-519.—Kreibich (K.) Ueber Hautreflex. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 117-153. — Laureys (S.) Reflexes tendineux et reflexes cutanes. J. de neurol., Par., 1900, v, 409. Also: Belgique med., Gand- Haarlem, 1901, i, 1-3.—Lombroso (Mme. Gina). Sur les reflexes cutanes chez les criminels et chez les normaux. Psychiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst., 1901, v, 295.— Mackenzie (J.) The pilomotor or goose-skin reflex. Brain. L..nd„ 1893, xvi, 515-533. —Negro (C.) Sulla tecnica di esplorazione e sulla semiotica generale dei riflessi tendinei e cutanei. Riv. neuro- pat., Torino, 1906, i, 105-117.—Noica. Sur les rapports des reflexes cutanes avec la sensibility. J. de neurol., Par., 1906, xi, 609-614. -----. Sur le phenomene de disso- ciation des reflexes cutanes et des reflexes tendineux, produit experimental ement chez 1'homme. Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1907, xv, 419. ——. Dissociation et antago- misme des reflexes cutanes et tendineux. Presse med., Par., 1908, xxi, 195. — Ostankoft? (P.) O kozhnikh i sukhozhilnikh refleksakh pri spinnot sukhotkle. [Cuta- neousand tendinous reflexes in tabes dorsalis.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1899, iv, 79.5-804.— REFLEXES. 401 REFLEXES. Reflexes of skin. Remak (E.) Zur Localisation der spinalen Haut- reflexe der Unterextremitiiten. Neurol.Centralbl., Leipz., 1893, xii, 506-512.—Sehoenborn (S.) Bemerkungen zur klinischen Beobachtung der Haut- und Sehnenreflexe der unteren Korperhalfte. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1901-2, xxi, 273-295.—Tedesehi (E.) Osserva- zioni sui riflessi cutanei e tendinei. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, xvii. pt. 2, 690; 602; 615; 628. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 630. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1901, 4. s., vii, 247- 250.—Van Biervliet (J.) Contribution a l'etude des reflexes tendineux et des reflexes cutands. Ann. de l'Inst.chir.de Brux., 1903,x, 105-109.—Van tieliueliten (A.) Reflexes cutanes et reflexes tendineux. Cong, in- ternat, de nied. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de neurol., 170-181. Also: Nevr.ixe, Louvain, 1900, i, 247-269. See, also, supra, Crocq. Reflexes of teeth. See, also, Reflexes in children. Jones (H. M.) A few remarks on dental reflexes. Dental Rec, Lond., 1890, x, 337-354. Also, Reprint.— Kern (C. B.) A strange reflex. Med. Visitor, Chicago, 1899, xv, 462.—Robinson (J. R.) Dental reflexes affect- ing the eye and ear. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1897, 436-438.—Truman (J.) Reflexes from lower molars. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass. 1899, Phila., 1900, 222-229. Reflexes of tendo Ach Hits. See, also, Reflexes (Paradoxal). YViniarska (J.) * Contribution a l'etude du reflexe du tendon d'Achille et de ses relations avec le reflexe du tendon rotulien. 8°. Geneve, 1902. Axenfeld (D.) Intorno al riflesso achilleo. Arch. di tisiol., Firenze, 1906-7, iv, 160-164.—Babinski. Va- leur diagnostique du reflexe du tendon d' Achille. J. de m6d. int., Par., 1900, iv, 784. -----. Importance du reflexe achilleen dans l'etablissement des diagnostics. Ibid., 1901, v, 1027. -----. Importance diagnostique du r6flexe achilleen. Lbid., 1903, vii, 269.—Biro (M.) Ueber Sto- rungen des Achille^sehnen- Reflexes bei Tabes und Ischias. Deutsche Ztsehr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1900-1901, xix, 188-196.—Bramwell (E.) A contribution to the clinical significance of absence of the tendo-Achilles-jerk. Brain, Lond., 1901. xxiv, 554-57r,— (haddock (C. G.) The reflex of the tendo Achilles. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1905, xii, 778-/M.— Conzen (F.) Leber die Be- deutung des Aehillessehnenretiexes. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1011-1016.—De Buck (I).) & De Moor (L.) Identity probable du reflexe antagoniste de Schaefer et du ph6nomene de Babinski. J. de neurol., Par., 1900, v. 81-84. [Discussion], 87.—Flatau (G.) Ueber des Fehlen des Achillesphanomens. Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz.. 19U7, xxvi, 1052-1055.—Iiazareff(V.) Ob antagonisticheskom refleksie Schiiffer'a. [On the antag- onistic reflex of Schiifer.] J. nevropat. ipsikh. . . . Kor- sakova, Mosk., 1905, v, 640-643. Also, transl.: Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 291-293.—Noiea. Studiu asu- pra reflexulul tendonulul lul Achile. Spitalul, Bucu- rescl, 1904, xxiv, 41-49.—Sar bo (A.) Az Achillesinreflex diagnostikai 6rt6kerol. [The diagnostic value of the re- flex of the sinew of Achilles.] Gv6g\'4szat, Budapest, 1903, xliii, 62S-63L—Schaei'er. Leber einen antago- nistischen Reflex. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1899, xviii, 1016-1018.—Walton (G. L.) & Paul (W. E.) Contribu- tion to the study of the Achilles-jerk and the front-tap. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1903, xxx, 341-349. Also, Reprint.—Ziehen (T.) Zur diagnostischen Bedeutung des Achillessehnenphanomens. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 653; 670. Reflexes of tendons. See, also, Reflexes (Measurement, etc., of); Reflexes in children; Reflexes of hand, etc.; Reflexes of knee; Reflexes of skin; Reflexes of tendo Achilles; Reflexes of toes, etc. Bertucci (G.) Degli atti reflessi (specie ten- dinei) considerati dal lato semiologico. 8°. Fiorenzuola d'Arda, 1891. Duxges (A.) * Ueber das Verhalten der Sehnenreflexe bei Abkiihlung der Korperober- fliiche. 8°. Bonn, 1889. Henner (R.) *Klinischer Beitrag zur reflek- torischen Erregung der Gefiissmuskeln. 8°. Munchen, 1904. Martin (L.) * Dissociation des reflexes ten- dineux entre eux et avec le clonisme tendineux. 8°. Lyon, 1902. VOL xiv, 2d series----26 Reflexes of tendons. Petitclerc (C.) Les reflexes tendineux. 8°. Baris, 1880. Renault (E.) * Etude du reflexe du fascia lata. 8°. Paris, 1903. Sternberg (M.) Die Sehnenreflexe und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Pathologie des Nerven- systems. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, 1893. Babinski. L'exageration des reflexes tendineux. Rev.gen.de clin. etde therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 471. -----. La recherche des reflexes tendineux. Ibid., 1904, xviii, 661. -----. Valeur semiologique des reflexes tendineux. J.de med. int., Par., 1905, ix, 185.—Ballet (G.) Contri- bution il l'etude des reflexes tendineux; note sur l'etatde la reflectivite spinale dans la fievre typhoide. Progres med., Par., 1881, ix, 783: 803.—Bartlett (C.) The diag- nostic significance of the tendon reflexes. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1890, xxv, 366-378. Also, Reprint—von Bechterew (W.) Ueber eine neue Untersuchungsme- thode der Sehnenreflexe und iiber die Veriinderungen letzterer bei Geisteskrankheiten und bei Epileptikern. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1892, xi, 34-40.—Botteher (G.) Uebersicht fiber den gegen wiirtigen Stand der Lehre von den Sehnenreflexen. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. >!., 1897, vi, 167-172.—BorovikoH* (1.1 Sukhozhil- niye refleksi u zdorovavo chelovleka. ' [Tendon re- flexes in the healthy man.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xiii, 126-129. -----. Sukhozhilniye refleksi u zdorovavo chelovleka. [Tendon reflexes in the healthy man.] Voyenno-med. J.,St. Petersb.,1895,clxxxiii,med.-spec.pt., 1. sect., 456-504.—Brissaud. Le reflexe du fascia lata. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1896, xliii, 253-250.—Buzzard (TA Post-graduate lecture on the diagnostic evidence afforded by tendon reflex in diseases of the nervous sys- tem. Med. Press & Circ,Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 241; 267.— Crocq (J.) Etude sur le clonisme tendineux. J. de neurol., Par., 1901, vi, 21-37. -----. Physiologie et patho- logie du tonus musculaire, des reflexes et de la contracture. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France . . . Proc. verb, [etc.], Par., 1901, xi, 1; 442, 1 chart, 1 1. Also: Progres med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv, 117-122. Also [Abstr.]: Tribune med., Par., 1902, 2. s., xxxiv, 654-656. -----. Le mecanisme des reflexes et du tonus musculaire. Rev. neurol., Par., 1902, x, 818-820. -----. Le reflexe du fascia lata. J. de neurol., Par., 1902, vii, 28-35.—De Buck (D.) A propos du rapport de M. le prof. Crocq sur la physio- logie et la pathologie du tonus musculaire, des reflexes et de la contracture. Belgique m6d., Gand-Haarlem, 1901. ii, 257; 321. -----. Over het verhouden van peesre- flexen bij drukking en doorsnijding van het ruggemerg. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1902-3, ix, 37.—Dide (M.) & Che- nais (L.) Sur le reflexe du fascia lata. J. de neurol., Par., 1902, vii, 274-277.—Fengwal 1 (E.) Reflexe durch sensible Muskelnerven. Skandin.Arch.f. Phvsiol.,Leipz., 1895, vi, 225-235, 1 pl.—Ferguson (J.) On the diagnos- tic and prognostic value of tendon reflexes. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 1-5. Also, transl.: Gaz. med. de Par., I,s92, 8. s , i, 421; 435; 451. — Frenkel (J.) & Collins (J.) Muscle tonus and tendon phenomena; their relationship and interpretation. J. Nerv. & Ment.Dis., N.Y.,1903,xxx, 428-430.—Govvers (W. R.) On the so-called tendon- reflexes. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1881, ii, 297-308.— Grassct (J.) L'exageration des reflexes tendineux dans rinsuffisance antitoxique. Semaine med., Par., 1903, xxiii, 217.—Jendrassik (E.) Sur la nature des re- flexes tendineux. Cong, internat. de m<5d. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, de neurol., 155-169. Also: Centralbl. f. Ner- venh. u. Psychiat, Coblenz&Leipz., 1900, n. F., xi,507.— Kolpin (O. ) Fehlen der Sehnenphanomene ohne nachweisbare ErkrankungdesNervensystems. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxiii, 1819.— Krauss (w. C.) The behavior of tendon reflexes in health and disease. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1892-3, xxxii, 133-147.—Langelaan (J. W. ) Over de beteekenis van den peesreflex. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903, 2. R., xxxix, d. 1, 805-819. — Longard (J.) Ueber die Beschaf- fenheit der Sehnenreflexe bei fieberhaften Krank- heiten und unter der Einwirkung psychischer Ein- fliisse. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1891, i, 300-311.—Marie. Le reflexe tendineux. Union med., Par., 1891, 3. s., li, 589-592. —van Melle (M. A.) lets over peesreflexen. Nederl. Tijdscbr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 1, 89-98.—Neu- mann. Zur Erkliirung der Sehnenreflexe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 497.—Nier- meijer. Peesreflexen. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1896,1, no. 6.— Oeconomakis (M.) Die Sehnenreflexe ange- strengter Korperteile; Untersuchungen an Marathonlau- fern. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1907, xxvi, 498; 563.— Ott (I.) Reflex action of tendons. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1876, xxxv, 442.—Philippson (M.) Con- tribution a l'etude des reflexes locomoteurs. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvi, 61.—Prevost (J.-L.) & Waller (A.) Nouvelles experiences sur les phenomenes nommes reflexes tendineux. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1881, i, 317-352.— Baikhlln (A.) O sukho- REFLEXES. 402 KEFLEXES. Reflexes of tendons. zhilnikh refleksakh pri spinnol sukhotkle, oslozhnennol stolkol hemiplegiyel. [On tendon reflexes in tabes dorsalis complicated bv persistent hemiplegia.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 251-255.— Beilexes (Les) tendineux sont-ils constants ou varia- bles chez les sujets bien portants? Semaine med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 542.—Beynolds (E. S.) The causa- tion of myotatic contractions (so-called deep reflexes). Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892-3, xvii, 308-311.—Sachs ( C.) Ueber Sehnenrefltxe. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Berl., 1876, ii, 49. — Schultze ( F. ) & Flir- bringer (P.) Experimentelles iiber die Sehnenreflexe (Erb). Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii, 929-932.—Sherrington (C.-S.) Sur la nature des re- flexes tendineux. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, de neurol., 149-155.—Shtsherbak (A. E.) Noviyadanniya po flziologii glubokikh refleksov. [New- data on the physiology of deep reflexes.] Obozr. psi- chiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1902, vii, 897-899. Also, transl.: Rev. neurol.,-Par., 1903, xi, 17-19. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 196-199.—Spitzka (E. C.) Tendon reflex disappearance without determi- nable pathological basis. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1895, xvii, 97.—Sternberg (M.) Ueber Sehnenreflexe. Ver- handl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1890, ix, 428-435 — Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xl, 1282. -----. Ueber die Beziehung der Sehnenreflexe zum Mus- keltonus. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CL, Wien, 1891, c, 288-291. Also, Reprint.—Stew- art (P.) Experimental observations on the crossed ad- ductor jerk. J. Physiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxii, 61-67.— Symtomatologyof tenden reflex. Phila. M. Times, 1SN0-M, xi, 661-664.—Tendon reflex. Ibid., 625-627 — von Trzecieski (A.) Zur Lehre von den Sehnenre- flexen; Coordination der Bewegungen und zwiefache Muskelinnervation. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1905, 306-379.—Van Gehuchten (A.) Un cas d'hyper- exeitabilite reflexe extraordinaire. J. de neurol., Par., 1899, iv, 261-264.—Waller (A. D.) On the physiologi- cal mechanism of the phenomenon termed tendon re- flex. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1890, xi, 3s 1-395.— Zie- hen. The demonstration and significance of tendon re- flexes. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 8. s., iv, 187-194. Reflexes of toes and sole of foot. See, also, Reflexes (Measurement, etc., of); Reflexes (Paradoxal); Reflexes in children. Yukawa (G.) * Untersuchungen iiber den Fusssohlenstrichreflex in der grossen Zeche (Ba- binski'scher Reflex) bei Gesunden und Kran- ken. 8°. Erlangen, 1902. Babinski (J.) Sur le reflexe cutane plantaire dans certaines affections organiques du systeme ner- veux central. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 207. -----. Du phenomene des orteils et de sa va- leur semiologique. Semaine med., Par., 1898, xviii, 321. Also [Abstr]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 699. Also, transl.: Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1898, xxxvii, 341; 354. Also, transl.: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1898, xv, 555-560. -----. Valeur pronostique du phenomene des orteils. J. de med. int., Par., 1900, iv, 784. -----. De l'abduction des orteils. Rev. neurol., Par., 1903, xi, 728. -----. De l'abduction des orteils (signe de l'eventail). Ibid., 1205. -----. Signe de l'orteil. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1907, lxxviii, 488. -----. Sur le reflexe cutane plantaire (differences dans les reactions, correspondant avec, des differences dans le siege de l'excitation). Rev. neurol., Par., 1907, xv, 755.—Bard (L.) De l'influence de facteurs peripheriques sur la genese du reflexe patho- logique du gros orteil. Ibid., 581-584.—Barnes (S.) The diagnostic value of the plantar reflex. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat., Edinb., 1904, ii, 345-376. — Bekhterett (V. M.) Ob osobom sgibatelnom refleksie nozhnikh palstev. [Special flexion reflex of the toes] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1904, ix, 421. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 609-611. -----. Ueber eine eigentiimliche Reflexerscheinung bei Plantarflexion des Fusses und der Zehen in Fallen von Affektion des centralen motorischen Neurons. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, xxv, 290.—Bickel (A.) Der Ba- binski'sche Zehenreflex unter physiologischen und patho- logischen Bedingungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1902, xxii, 163-165.—Boeri (G.) Sul fenomeno di Babinski (phenomemedes orteils). Riforma med., Paler- mo, 1899,xv,pt.2,843;855; 867. Also: N.riv.clin.-terap.,Na- poli, 1899, ii, 343-349.-----. Note sul fenomeno di Babinski. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899, Roma, 1900, x, 494-498.— Brain we 11 (B.) Note on the crossed plantar reflex. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat., Edinb., 1903, i, 795-797.— Brain- well (E.) The plantar reflex, with special reference to the Babinski sign and its diagnostic significance. Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1904-5,iii, 309-315.—Capriati (V.) Riflesso plantare, fenomeno di Babinski e riflesso antagonistico di Schaefer. Ann. di nevrol., Napoli, 1901, xix, 393-403.— Ceraulo (S.) II riflesso di Babinski. Gazz. d. osp., Reflexes of toes and sole of foot. Milano, 1904, xxv, 614.—Charpentier (A.) Valeur semeiologique du phenomene des orteils ou signe de Babinski. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1900, xi, 307-309.—Chodzko (W.) Przyczynek do kwestyi objawu paluchowego Babinskiego, oparty na zbadaniu przeszlo tysiaea osobnik6w chorych i zdrowych. [On Babinski's dactylic sign, based on upward of a thou- sand cases, healthy and diseased. ] Gaz. lek., War- szawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 1133; 1159.—Cohn (M.) Leber die Bedeutung derZehenreflexe. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1899, xviii, 5S0-5K5.—Collier (J.) An investigation upon the plantar reflex, with reference to the significance of its variations under pathological conditions, including an enquiry into the aetiology of acquired pes cavus. Brain, Lond., 1899, xxii, 71-99.—Cox (W. H.) Het phe- nomeen van Babinski. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 2, 1024-1027.—Crocq (J.) Contribution a l'etude de reflexe de Babinski. J. de neurol., Par., 1901, vi, 14-19. -----. Reflexe plantaire cortical et reflexe plantaire medullaire. Ibid., 1902, vii, 104-110. [Discussion], 159.—Cruchet (R.) Sur un cas de dissociation du phenomene des orteils. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 718.—D'Angeli. Osserva- zioni sul fenomeno di Babinski. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1899-1900, i, 521-524.—De Buck & De Moor. Identity probable du reflexe antagoniste de Schaefer et du phenomene de Babinski. Belgique m6d., Gand- Haarlem, 1900, i, 353-356.—Elias (J. P.) De reflex van Babinski. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1898-9, v, 603-606.— Engstler (G.) Ueber den Fusssohlenreflex und das Babinski-Phanomen bei tausend Kindern der ersten Le- bensjahre. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 567-569.— van Epps (C.) The Babinski reflex. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1900-1901, iv, 264-271.—Eskridge (J. T.) Some remarks on the plantar reflex, with especial reference to the Babinski phenomenon. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr. 1900, Chicago, 1901, vii, 93-119. Also: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 179; 257. Also, Reprint.— Giudieeandrea (V.) Sul fenomeno delle dita del piede, di Babinski. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1900, xx, 69-84.—Glorieux. Le phenomene des orteils ou reflexe de Babinski. J. de neurol., Par., 1898, iii, 482-492. Also: Policlin., Brux., 1898, vii, 381-388.— Goldflam IS.) O oslabieniu wzgl. zniesieniu odruchu palc6w nogi oraz odruchu skrocenia. [Weakening or sup- pression of the reflexes of the toes and of contraction.] Medycyna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1908, xliii, 1014; 1046. -----.■ Ueber Abschwachung bzw. Aufhebung des Zeheu- und Verkiirzungsreflexes. Neurol. Centralbl.,Leipz., 1908, xxvii, 946-958.—Heldenbergh (C.) La contraction paradoxale de Westphal et le reflexe plantaire combine ou paradoxo-normal. J. de neurol., Par., 1902, vii, 110- 112. -----. Note a propos du reflexe de Babinski. Ibid., 1903, viii, 71-73.—Ilirsehberg (R.) Note sur un reflexe adducteur du pied. Rev. neurol., Par., 1903, xi, 762.—Ilirsehberg (R.) & Bose (F.) Contributions a l'etude du reflexe adducteur du pied. iTjfd.,1904, xii, 91- 94.— Momburger (A.) Erfahrungen iiber den Babin- ski'schen Reflex. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1901, xx, 698-701. -----. Weitere Erfahrungen fiber den Babin- ski'schen Reflex. Ibid., 1902,xxi, 151-153.—Kalisclier (O.) Ueber den normalen und pathologischen Zehen- Reflex. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1899, civ, 486- 506.—Klingniann (T.) The signiiieance of absent plantar reflex in organic diseases. piivsieian& Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1908, xxx, 110-112— Klippel & Weil (T.) Les reflexes contralateraux, le reflexe plan- taire contralateral hornogene et heterogene. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1908, xxi, 270-277.—Knapp t,P. C.) The mechanism of the plantar reflex, with especial refer- ence to the phenomenon of crossed reflex. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat., Edinb., 1907, v, 82.5-829, 1 pl. Also, Re- print.— Kollarits (J.) Der diagnostische Wert des Ba- binski'schenZehenphanomens. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1900, vii, 1192-1197.—Letieimc (A.) & Mireou- che(H.) Du reflexe cutane plantaire. Arch.gen.de med., Par., 1899, n.s., i, 191-19.H —Levenberg (A. P.) Reflex Babinskavo i yevo klinicheskoye znacheniye. [Babin- ski's reflex, and its clinical value ] J. nevropat. i psi- khiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk., inu2, ii, 313-315.—Levi (H.) Ueber Zehenreflexe. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 870-873.—Lewy (F. H.) Die Hervorrufung des Ba- binskischen Phanomens durch elektrische Reizung. Mo- natschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1909, xxv, 28-31.— Marbe(S.) Le reflexe plantaire paradoxal; la transfor- mation morphologique du reflexe plantaire. Rev. neu- rol., Par., 1908, xvi, 1357-1359.—Negro (G.) Supra una nuova modality di esplorazione del fenomeno di Babin- ski. Corriere san., Milano, 1907, xviii, 470.—Nikitin ( M. P.) O sgibatelnom refleksie nozhnikh paltsev Bekh- tereva. [Bekhtereffs flexion reflex of toes.] Obozr. psichiat.,nevrol.[etc.], S.-Peterb., 1908, xiii,389-401. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv, 1643-1647.—Noica. Contribution a l'etude du phenomene des orteils ou signe de Babinski. Rev. neurol., Par., 1907, xv, 631-633. -----. Sur le mecanisme du signe de Babinski ou le phe- nomene des orteils. J. de neurol., Par., 1908, xiii, 201- REFLEXES. 403 REFLEXES. Reflexes of toes and sole of foot. 210.—Noiea & Sakelaru. Le reflexe plantaire etle phenomene des orteils (signe de Babinski) au point de vue physiologique et physio-pathologique. Se- maine med.," Par., 1906, xxvi, 601.— Par lion (C.) A> Go ldstein (M.) Sur le reflexe plantaire contra-lateral. J. de neurol., Par., 1902, vii, 141-150. [Discussion], 159. Also: Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1902, xxii, 526-535.—de Pa- strovich (G.) Ueber das Babinski'sche Zehenphano- men. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol.,Berl., 1900, viii, 370-380.—Petrb (F.) Sul fenomeno di Babinski nelle malattie nervose e mentali. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], To- rino, 1907, xvii, 43-61.—Pleiler (B.) Beitrag zur kli- nischen Bedeutung des Babinski'schen Fusssohlenre- flexes und des Oppenheim'schen Unterschenkelreflexes. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1903, xiv, 270- 288. -----. Ueber die Bedeutung des Babinski'schen Fusssohlenreflexes und des Oppenheimschen Unter- schenkelreflexes als Kriterien der Pyramidenstrang- erkrankung. Ibid., 1904, xvi, 565-583. -----. [Weit- gehende Untersuchung der Oppenheim'schen und Ba- binski'schen Zehenreflexe.] Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staats- krankenanst. 1903-4, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1905, ix, 139.— Pinaroli (G.) Contributo casuistico alio studio del cosidetto fenomeno di Babinsky. Riv. iconog. d. sez. mal. nerv. d. Policlin. gen. di Torino, 1899, 120-128.— Prince (M.) The great toe (Babinski) phenomenon; a contribution to the study of the normal plantar reflex based on the observation of one hundred and fifty-six healthy individuals. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 81-83. Also, Reprint.—Biehter (A.) Das Babinskische Ze- henphanomen. Jahresb. d. Gesellch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1902-3, Munchen, 1904, 82-96. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1,1027-1031.—Bossolimo (G. I.) Le reflexe profond du gros orteil. Rev. neurol., Par., 1902, x, 723. -----. Paltsovoi refleks; sukhozhilniy re- fleks paltsev nogi. [Tendon reflex of the toes.] J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk., 1907, vii, 683-588, 1 diag. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxvii, 452-455.—Budolph (R. D.) Theoccurrence of Babinski'ssign in normal people during sleep. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1906, xxxi, 632-635.—Sabrazes (J.) Le reflexe plantaire psychique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Borde mx, 1905, xxvi, 184.—Sano (F.) Contri- bution k l'etude du reflexe cutane du pied. J. de neurol., Par., 1901, vi, 617-621.—Santoro (F.) Contributo al valore semiologico del fenomeno di Babinski. Gazz. in- ternaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 262.—Schneider (H.) Ueber das Zehenphanomen Babinski's; ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Fusssohlenreflexen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1901, xxxviii, 946-951.—Schttler (L.) Beobach- tungen iiber Zehenreflexe. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1899, xviii, 585-589.—Sinkler (W.) The toe reflex. N. York M.J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 1315.—Stcherback (A.) Signe de Babinski et dissociation des reflexes profonds et cutanes, provoques exp6rimentalement chez 1'homme; valeur semeiologique du reflexe dorsal du pied. Rev. neurol., Par., 1908, xvi, 408.—Steinberg (H.) Ueber einen kontralateralen Plantarreflex. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1908, xlv, 2183.—Strdiewski (K.) O wartosci rozpoznawczej objawu Babihskiego. [Diagnostic value of Babinski's sign.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 1263-1266.—Toga wa & Yoshita. [Researches on Ba- linskis reflex.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1902.1581; 1849; 1920.— van Valkenburg (C. T.) Oven den voetzoolreflex. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, ii, 480-490.— Van Epps (C.) The Babinski reflex. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1901, xxviii, 214-223.—Van Gehuchten (A.) Le phenomene desorteils. J. de neurol. ethypnol., Par., 1898,iii, 153-155.—Verger (H.)&Abadie (.1.1 Recher- ches sur la valeur semeiologique des reflexes des orteils, phenomene des orteils de Babinski et reflexes antago- nistes de Schafer. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 219; 235. Also: Progres med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xi, 257-261.-----------. Sur les reflexes des orteils. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 89. Also: 3. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 281.—Vires & Calmette. Recherches sur le phenomene des orteils; signe de Babinski. N. Montpel. med., 1900, xi, 129-135.— Vitek (V.) Ein neuer Reflex auf der Planta pedis (vorliiufige Mittheilung). Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1905, xxiv, 402.—Walton (G. L.) The Babinski and scapular reflexes. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 382. Walton (G. L.) & Paul (W. E.) Contribution to the study of the plantar reflex, based upon seven hundred examinations made with special reference to the Ba- binski phenomenon. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1900, xxvii, 305-323. Also, Reprint.—Warrington (W. B.) Plantar reflexes. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1905, xxv, 104- 110. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxii, IL—White (W. C.) Observations on a new method of eliciting the extensor plantor reflex, and its spinal local- ization. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1905, lxviii, 57.—Wood (H.C.) The plantar or toe reflex; Babinski's symptom. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1900-1901, xiii, 73-76.—Voshimura. [The sign of Babinski.] Igaku Chuwo Zasshi, Tokvo, 1906-7, 533; 824; 939, 2 pl.—Zesas (D. G.) Ueber den Babinski'- schen Zehenreflcx (phenomene desorteils). Med. BL, Wien, 1904, xxvi, 303. Reflexes of upper extremity. See, also, Reflexes of hand. Huber (H.) * Ueber die Sehnenreflexe der oberen Extremitat bei Gesunden. [Erlangen.] 8°. Augsburg, 1893. Babinski. Reflexe du radius; son r61e dans un diag- nostic. J. de med. int., Par., 1900, iv, 766.—Bekhterett' (V. M.) Ob osobom lopatochno-plechevom refleksie. [Extraordinary scapulo-humeral reflex.] Obozr. psi- chiat., nevrol. [etc], S.-Peterb., 1899, iv, 767.-----. 0 znachenii lopatochno-plechevovorefleksa. [Importance of the scapulo-humeral reflex.] Ibid., 1900, v, 726-729. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xix, 1042- 1045. -----. Ob akromialnom iii verkhushechnom re- fleksie. [Acromial or apical reflex.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.],S.-Peterb., 1902, vii, 181. Also,trans/..: Neu- rol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1903, xxii, 194. -----. O podlopa- tochnomi grudnom refleksie. [Subscapularand thoracic reflex.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1902, vii, 899-901. -----. O refleksakh dalnikh otdlelov verkh- nel konechnosti i o diagnosticheskom ikh znachenii. [Reflexes of the distant regions of the upper extremity and their diagnostic significance.] Ibid., 1903, viii, 407- 410. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1905, xxiv, 392-395.—Cieaterri (B.) Osservazioni sul riflesso sca- polo-omerale. Policlin., Roma, 1908, xv, sez. prat., 281.— Cramer (A.) Zur pathologischen Anatomie des Ul- narisphanomens (Nachtrag zu der Veroffentlichung in No. 28 und 29 dieser Wochenschrift). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xli, 596.—Esposito (G.) Sul riflesso scapolo-omerale. Manicomio, Nocera, 1902, xviii, 437- 449—Francotte(X.) Le reflexe radio-bicipital. Bull. Soc.de med. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1896, 61-65.— Gordon (A.) Apropos of the so-called infraspinatus reflex. Phila. M. J., 1902, x,527.— Haenel (H.) Ueber den Scapulo-Humeralreflex. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xix, 399-401.—Lazareff(V.) Ob infra-spinalnom refleksie Steiner'at refleks ilineposredstvennoyemishech- noye razdrazheniye?). [Steiner's infraspinatus reflex (reflex or immediate muscular stimulus?).] Vopr. nerv.- psikh. med., Kiev, 1905, x, 409-416. Also, transl.: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1907, xxxiii, 82-90.—Pickett (W.) The scapulo-humeral reflex of von Bechterew. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1901, xxviii, 273-279. -----. The infraspinatus reflex; a question of priority. Phila. M. J., 1902, x, 487. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1902, xxi, 1143.—Steiner. Der Infraspinatusreflex; ein bisher unbekannter Reflex der oberen Extremitat des Menschen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1902, xxi, 810-843. -----. Ueber einen neuen Reflex der Oberen Extremitat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, Ver.-Beil., 264. Also: Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn (1902), 1903, med. Sekt., 31 — Steinliausen. Ueber den Scapula-Periostreflex. Neu- rol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1901, xx, 507. — Zamazal (J.) Reflexussupratrochlearis, s. r. Musculi tricipitis. Wien. med. BL, 1897, xx, 98. Reflexes of viscera. See, also, Reflexes of brain, etc.; Reflexes of heart, etc. Bkaud (P.) * De l'existence du reflexe reno- r£nal et de son role pathogenique. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1900. Gaillardon (F.-L.) * Contribution k l'etude du reflex hepato-jugulaire. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Abrams (A.) The liver reflex. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1903, xvii, 332-334. -----. The intestinal and stomach reflexes. Medicine, Detroit, 1904, x, 44-50.-----. The vagovisceral reflexes with special reference to the vagostomach reflex. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 575.— Anderson ( D. P.) Peculiar case of bladder reflex. Montreal M. J., 1901, xxx, 934-936.—Arnau (V. C.) Notas clinicas sobre el reflejoreno-renal de Guyon. Rev. demed. ycirug., Barcel., 1908, xxii, 33-37.—Arnaudet. Surun reflexe douloureux du foie dans les etats infec- tieux du ventre. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 679-681.—Brain we 11 (B.) The vesical reflex. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle- upon-Tyne,1880-81,21-31.—Burke (W.) Rectal reflexes. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1901, xvi, 123-125.— Fast (L. R.) Diseases produced through the rectal re- flexes. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag., 1903, xxiii, 45-52.— llnatek (J.) Reflex gastrolienalni. [Gastrolienal re- flex.] Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc], v Praze, 1900-1902, 2. t., x, no. 35, 1-8. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 21; 41; 60.—.Tainin (F.) Ueber das Verhalten der Bauchdeckenreflexe bei Er- krankungen der Abdominalorgane. Monatschr. f. Psy- chiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1904, xvi, 289. — M'Gannon (M.C.) Reflex symptoms in movable kidnev and uterine diseases. Nashville J. M. & S., 1895, lxxvii, 65-69.—Mur- ray (M. A.) Diagnosis and treatment based on visceral reflexes. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1908, xxi, 71-74.— REFLEXES. 404 REFRACTION. Reflexes of viscera. Vaaine. Le reflexe hepatique d'origine paludeenne. Rev. demed., Par., 1898, xviii,441.—Pousson (A.) Du role pathog6nique du reflexe reno-renal. Cour. internat. denied. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, dechir. urin., 83-*8. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 1157-1161.—Roger (II.) Le reflexe gastro-salivaire. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 373- 375. — Kossolimo ( G. I.) Fiziologiya i patologiya analnavo refleksa. [Physiology and pathology of the anal reflex.] Trudi Svezda llussk. Vrach. v pam. Piro- gova 1891, Mosk., L>92. iv. 751-753. Also, transl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1891, x, 257-259.—Volkoff (M. M.) K voprosu o tak naz. reflexe reno-renal; sluchal aneurys- matis dissecantis aortas abdominalis. [On so called . . .; case of. . .] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 1282-1288. — Wright (C. E.) The so-called proud people; subjects of anal reflex; a phase of hysteria. In- diana M. J., Indianap., 1901-2, xx, 421.—W u rin. Leber einen eigenthumlichen Reflex vom Blasenhals aus. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1899, xxxii, 649. Reflexions sur 1'etablissement d'une Societe' royale de medecine [etc.]. See Faculte de medecine, Paris. Reflexions sur les hermaphrodites [etc.]. See Champeau (Claude). Reflexions importantes sur le miracle. Arrive" au mois d'octobre dernier au bourg de Moisy en Beauce, diocese de Blois, en la personne de Louise Tremasse veuve Mercier, par 1'interces- sion de M. de Paris diacre de sainte memoire; et sur les ev^nemens qui ont suivi ce prodige. Avec les declarations par devant notaire de la veuve Mercier, de sa famille et autres, consul- tations d'experts, et certificats, tant des temoins qui ont vu la miraculee a Moisy, que de ceux qui l'ont vue a Blois, depuis sa eaptivite dans l'hopital general de cette ville. La lettre de M. le cure de Moisy, signee de deux de ses con- freres, de M. le prieur Malberbe et autres per- sonnes de marque, pour instruire Monseigneur de Crussol, leur eveque de la guerison miracu- leuse. Et la requete presentee audit Seigneur eveque par douze cures et un vicaire de son diocese, pour obtenir une information juridique des faits concernant cette merveille, et solliciter la revocation des lettres de cachet obtenuea par ce prclat pour faire exiler leurs confreres. 4 p. L, 24., lxiv pp. 4°. [Pans,] 1738. Reflexions sur le miracle opere a Troyes, snr Mile. Guelon, le 27 fevrier 1785. 93 pp. 16°. [n. p., 1785.] [P. v., 1909.] Reflexions lues dans la seance tenue au Lou- vre, par la Societe royale de medecine, le 18 septembre 1781; sur la nature de la constitution de cette annee, et le traitement des maladies qu'elle a occasionnees. 8 pp. 4°. [Paris, P.-D. Pierces, 1791.] Reflexions sur la nature et le traitement de la maladie qui regne dans le haut Languedoc; lues dans la seance tenue au Louvre par la Societe royale de medecine, le 4 juin 1782, et pubises par ordre de nosseigneurs les etats de Langue- doc. 15 pp. 4°. Paris, imp. P.-F. Didot le jeune, 1782. Reflexions sur la phthisic Reflexions sur les causes et les progres de la phthisie ou consomp- tion, piu - frequemment observed depuis un cer- tain temps. 51 pp. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Reflexions preliminaires a I'occasion de la piece intitulee: Les docteurs modernes, jouee sur le theatre italien, le 16 novembre 1784, revues et augmentees. 8 pp. 12°. [Pans, 1/84?] Reflexions sur la suette miliaire. Examen de quelques doctrines ^mises par M. le Dr. [Gigon]. 32 pp. 12°. Poitiers, F. A. Saurin, [n. d~]. Reflexions sur la theorie et la pratique d'Hip- pocrate et de Galien. See [Cusac (Louis)]. Reflexograph. See Reflexes (Measurement, etc., of). Reflexometer. See Reflexes (Measurement, etc., of). Reflexomultiplicator. .Ve Reflexes (Measurement, etc., of). Reformation, oder erneuerte Ordnung dess heyl. Reichs Stadt Franckfurt am Mayn, die Pflege der Gesundheit betreffend; welche den Medicis, Apotheckern, Materialisten, und an- dern Angehorigen daselbsten, auch sonsten jedermtlnniglich zur Nachrichtung gegeben worden; beneben dem Tax und Werth der Artzneyen, welche in den Apothecken allda zu finden. 184 pp., 11. sm. 4°. Franckfurt am Mayn, bey J. I). Zunnern, 1687. Reformatories. See Prisons; Prisons (Descriptions, etc., of), by localities. Reformatski (Nikolai Nikolayevich) [1855- ]. Dushevnoye razstroLstvo pri otravlenii sporinyel (bollezn " zlaya korcha"). [Mental derangement in ergot poisoning (the disease "evil spasm").] 420 pp., 6 pl., 2 1. 8°. Moskva, J. N. Kushnereff & Ko., 1893. Reforme (La) pharmacceutique. Memoire sur la nouvelle economie pharmaceutique ou phar- macie rationnelle par Hureaux, pharmacien. Consultation de Me Marie . . . sur la plainte en diffamation et en injures, port£e par M. Hureaux, contre le Cercle pharmaceutique de la Marne. Jugement du 5 mars 1853. 50 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1853.] Reforin-medieal (The) practice. See Reform Medical College of Georgia. 1. ed. xv, 1120 pp. 8°. Macon, 1857. Reforma (La) medica. Segunda £poca del Propagador homeopatico. Periodico cientinco del Instituto homeopatico mexicano. [Month- ly.] v. 1-2; Nos. 2, 4-6, 8-17, v. 3; Nos. 1-11, v. 4; Nos. 3-5, v. 5, January, 1875, to Mav, 1881. N. s., v. 1-2, June, 1885, to September, 1887. fol., 4° &8°. Mexico. Reformblatt fiir Gesundheitspflege. No. 16, v. 2, June 1, 1898. 4°. Warnsdorf. Refraction. Busi (A.) Contributo alio studio della abdu- zione riflessa delle dita del piede (segno del ventaglio). 8°. Bologna, 1905. Charuel (P.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude du phenomene des orteils. 8°. Nancy, 1900. von Eisner (V.) Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachen der Anisotropic organisirter Substan- zen. 8°. Leipzig, 1882. Falcon (M.-A.) * Indice de refraction de quelques solutions salines £qui-moleculaires. 8°. Montpellier, 1904. Klengel (E.) * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom normalen und pathologischen Fusssohlenreflex. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Ortmann (R. ) * Ueber das Babinski'sche Zehenphaenomen mit Beriicksichtigung seiner Bedeutung fiir Hysterie und progressive Para- lyse. [Jena.] 8°. Salzuntjen, 1903. Black (M.) Helps in refraction by the subjective methods of examination. Tr. OoloradoM. Soc, Denver, 1900,122-128.—von Ebnor (V.) Ueber eine optische Reaction der Bindesubstanzen auf Phenol. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CI., Wien, 1894, ciii, 162-188. -----. Weitere Versuche iiber die Lmkeh- rung der Doppelbrechung leimgebender Gewebe durch Reagentien. Ibid., 1896, cv, 15-19.—Lomb (H. C.) Ue- ber die Brechung an torischen Flachen. Arch. f. Au- genh., Wiesb., 1907, lvii, 103-107. —Stadfeldt ( A.) & REFRACTION. 405 REGENBOGEN. Refraction. Tschernlng. Une nouvelle meLhode poureLudier la refraction cristallinienne. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path , Par., 1896, 6. s., viii, 669-676. Also: Ann. de la Poli- clin.de Par., 1896, vi, 345-355. Refraetionist (The). A journal of practical ophthalmology. Editor: Francis F. Whittier. [Monthly], v. 1-3, April, 1894, to December, 1897. 8°. Boston, Mass. Ended. In v. 2 Maurice F. Pilgrim added as editor. Refractometer. See, also, Milk (Examination of, Apparatus, etc., for). Baler (E.)& Neumann (P.) Die refraktometnsche Untersuchung von Milch und Sahne und ihre Verwend- barkeit in der Nahrungsmittel-Kontrolle. Ztschr. f. Un- tersueb. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1907, xiii, 369^-384— Benedettl (A.) Refrattometro a triplice uso. Boll d.osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma, 1907, v, fasc. ii, 1-4.— Blair (C.) A portable refractometer. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U Kingdom, Lond., 1900-1901, xxi, 155-157. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1165.—CJrossmann (K.) A porta- ble refractometer and a portable astigmometer. Ibid., 1907 ii 1224-1226. Also: Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1908, xxvii, 109-118.—Halben. Ein Differentialrefraktometer zur Bestimmung der Brechungsindices optisch inhomogener Medien, speziell der menschlichen Linse. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Oesellsch. 1905, Wiesb., 1906, 354- 359 _Hanu» (J.) & 3."i — Perlmann (A.) Das Refraktometer. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1389-1393.—Race (J.) The estimation of alcohol and extract in spirits by means of the refractometer. J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond., 1908, xxvii,547.—KeissiE.) KlinischeEiweissbestimmungen mit dem Refraktometer. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch.deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Leipz., 1905. ii, 2. Hlfte., 35-37.— Snell (S.) A simple refractometer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1092.—Thompson (WA & Thompson (A. G.) Improvements in the refractometer for the correction of ametropia described in the Transactions for 1902. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1903-5. x, 409-415.—Woodruff (T. A.) The De Zeng refractometer. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass. Ophth. div., St. Louis, 1898.85-88. Refractometry. Engel (K.) A refractometria erteke a lobos 6s nem lobos sav6s folyadekgyiilemek megktilonboztetesenel. [The value of refractometry in the differentiation of in- flammatory and non-inflammatory fluid collections.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1905, xlix, 428-432. Refrigerants. See, also, Lemon. Dhargalker (L. B.) Refrigerants. Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc. 1897, Bombay, 1898, 26-30. Refrigeration. See, also, Cold (Artificial production of). Mechanical refrigeration by the processes and apparatus of the De La Vergne Refrigerat- ing Machine Company. 8°. New York, 1885. Siebel (J. E.) Different states of ammonia in refrigeration. 8°. Chicago, 1906. Ghodounsky (K.) Nastuzeni. [La refrigeration. Res., 477-479.] Sborn. klin., v Praze, 1899-1900, i, 409- 479.—Gefahren in den offentlichen und pri vaten Kiihl- hallen. Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1895, xx, 241 — Panlsset (L.) Discussion sur les alterations observees dans les cavites splanchniques de moutons refriReres. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1906, lx, 54-58.—Koss (R. R.) Artificial refrigeration. Tr. Ass. Hosp. Superin- tend., [n. p.], 1905, vii, 209-213.—Tate (F.) On cold storage; its effects upon our food supply. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1894-5, xv, 731-742, 2 pl. Reftlund (Hakon) [1871- ]. *Ueber Re- spirationsstorungen infolge von Missbildung der Epiglottis. 12 pp., 21. 8°. Kiel, P. Peters, 1896. Refuge and Bethesda Society, Boston. Annual reports of the officers to the directors. 77.-81., 1897-8 to 1901-2; 85., 1905-6; 86., 1906-7. 12°. Boston, 1898-1907, For reports prior to 1897-8, see Penitent Females' Refuge and Bethesda Society, Boston. Refugee Relief Commission of Ohio, at Cincin- nati. Semi-annual report of the secretary. 1., 1864. 14 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Times, 1864. Organized March 10,1864. Refuse. See Offal; Sewage. Refutation d'un ouvrage anonyme intitule': Lettre de M. Trondrin, sa declaration sur la maladie de Madame la Dauphine, et proces-ver- bal de 1'ouverture du corps de cette princesse; avec des reflexions proposees a toutes les fa- culties de medecine du royaume. 52 pp. 8°. [n. p.~\, 1767. Rega (lienre'-Joseph) [1690-1754]. [Goethals (F.-V.) ] Henri-Joseph Rega. 8°. Bruxelles, 1840. Cutting from: Histoire des lettres, [etc.]. 8°. [n. p., n. d.], ii, 244-297, port. Regad (Gabriel) [1871- ]. ^Contribution a, la therapeutique de l'anus contre nature; ente- rorrhaphie avec incision peritoneale d'emblee et methode de Murphy. 92 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1162. Regalecus. Mazza (F.) Note sull' apparato digerente delRega- lecusglesne Asc. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1901, xviii, 129-141, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1900, xi, suppl., 34-36. Regalia (Ettore). Su nove crani metopici di razza Papua, osservazioni intorno all' influenza del metopismo sui caratteri di razza del cranio. 42 pp. 8°. [Firenze, 1878.] Rep. from: Arch, per P antrop., Firenze, 1878, iii. Casi di anomalie numeriche delle verte- bre nelP uomo e interpretazione del fenomeno con un' appendice sull' omologia del processo trasverso lombare. 99 pp. 8°. [Firenze, 1880.] Rep. from: Arch, per 1' anthrop., Firenze, 1880, x. ------. Sul concetto meccanico della vita. 27 pp. 8°. Torino & Milano, frat. Dumalard, [1884]. Repr.from: Riv. d. filos. scient., [Torino & Milano], 1883-4, iii. Regan (John N.) [1817-88]. Bempsey (P. W.) Obituary sketch. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1889, xxiii, 275. Regaud (Claudius) [1870- ]. *Lesvaisseaux lymphatiques du testicule et les faux endothe- liums de la surface des tubes s6miniferes. 63 pp., 3 pl., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 112. See, also, Revue generale d'histologie [etc.]. 8°. Paris & Lyon, 1904. ------& Favre. Les terminaisons nerveuses et les organes nerveux sensitifs de l'appareil loco- moteur. (Dispositifs nerveux kinesth£siques.) Pt. 1. 140 pp. 8°. Lyon & Paris, A. Storck & Cie., 1904. Forms fasc. 1, t. 1, of: Rev. gen. d'hist. . . . 1904. Regazzoni (Antoine). Nouveau manuel du magn6tiseur praticien. Precede' d'une introduc- tion par un magn^tiseur spiritualiste. 106 pp. 12°. Paris, E. Dentu, 1859. Regemorter [or Regimoter] (Assuerus) [1614-50]. See GI isson (Francis). De rachitide sive morbo pue- rili [etc.]. 16°. Londini, 1650. -----. The same. 32°. Hagse Comitis, 1682. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlvii (Moore). Regenbogen ([Johann] Eduard) [1866- ]. * Ueber die Behandlung der tiefen Atherom- cysten am Halse. 15 pp. 8°. Kiel, 1892. Regenbogen (Otto). Compendium der Arz- neimittellehre fur Thieriirzte. ix, 397 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1901. ______. The same. 2. neubearbeitete Aufl. xi, 402 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1906. REGENERACI6N. 40' Regeneraei6n (La) fi'sica. Revista higienica y pedagogica de gimndstica [etc.] Redactores: David Ferrer y Mitayna [et al.]. [Semi-month- ly.] v. 1-3, Oct. 1, 1895, to November, 1897. fol. Madrid. Ended. Regeneraeion (La) medica. Revista bimen- sual de ciencias medicas e" intereses sociales, publicada por el Colegio de medicos de Sala- manca. Director: Lopez Alonso. v. 1-4, April 15, 1895, to June 15, 1898. 8°. Salamanca. Ended, v. 1 complete in 18 nos.; v. 2 commenced Jan- uary, 1896. Regeneration. See, also, Morphology (Experimental); Ovary (Begene ration of). Caknot (P.) Les regenerations d'organes. 12°. Paris, 1899. Fraisse (P.) Die Regeneration von Gewe- ben und Organen bei den Wirbelthieren, beson- ders Amphibien und Reptilien. fol. Cassel, 1885. Grunert (F.) * Experimentelle Untersu- chungen iiber die Regenerationsfiihigkeit des Gehirns bei Tauben. [Tubingen.] 8°. Budol- stadt, 1896. Korschelt (E.) Regeneration und Trans- plantation. 8°. Jena, 1907. Liek (E. G.) * Ueber den Einfluss der arte- riellen Hyperiimie auf die Regeneration. [Ko- nigsb. i. Pr.] 8°. Berlin, 1902. Also, in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1902, lxvii, 229-259. Meding (C. H.) *De regeneratione ossium per experimenta illustrata. sm. 4°. Lipsiie, 1823. Mestral (P.) * De la regeneration de la rate chez le triton. 8°. Lausanne, 1907. Minckert (W.) * Ueber Regeneration bei Cornatuliden, nebst Ausfiihrungen iiber die Auffassung und Bedeutung der Syzygieen. [Greifswald.] 8°. Berlin, 1906. Cutting from: Arch. f. Naturg., Berl., 1906,163-244. Morgan (T. H.) Regeneration. 8°. New York, 1901. Murray (A. J. G.) Commentatio de redinte- gratione partium corporis animalis nexu suo so- lutarum vel amissarum. 4°. Gottingrc, [1787], Rauber (A.) Die Regeneration der Krys- talle. Eine morphologische Studie. 8°. Leip- zig, 1895. ------. Ontogenese als Regeneration be- trachtet. 8°. Dorpart, 1908. Strasser (H.) Regeneration und Entwick- lung. Rectoratsrede gehalten bei der Stiftungs- feier der Berner Hochschule am 19. November 1898. 8°. Jena, 1899. Studer (C. A.) * Ueber den Begriff der Re- generation. 8°. Zurich, 1849. Talke (L.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Re- generationsvorgiinge in den Hautdriisen der Amphibien. 8°. Kiel, 1900. Abel (M.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Regenerations- vorgiinge bei den limicolen Oligochaeten. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1901-2, xxv, 625-530.—Adaini (J. (1.) On growth and overgrowth, and on the relationship between cell differentiation and proliferative capacity: its bearing upon the regeneration of tissues and the development of tumours. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1900, 3. s., iii, 161- 173. Also, Reprint.—Albarran A Bernard (L.) Re- generation de la capsule du rein apres decapsulation de l'organe. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 756.—Andrews (E. A.) Partial regeneration of the sperm-receptacle in crayfish. J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1906, iii, 121-128.—Arlola (V.) Rigenerazione naturale etero- morfica dell' oftalmopodite in Palinurus vulgaris. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1904, xviii, 248- 252,1 pl.—Aschoff (LA Regeneration und Hypertro- phic Ertrebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.], Wiesb., 1898, v, 22-72—Baiuhi (A.) Sviluppo degli arti pelvici REGENERATION. Regeneration. del Bufo vulgaris innestati in sede anomala. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze, 1905, iv, 671-693, 4 pl.— Bardeen (C. R.) Embryonic and regenerative devel- opment in planarians. Biol. Bull., Bost, 1902, hi, 262-288. Also, Reprint. -----. Factors in hetnomorphosis iii planarians. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechu. d. Organ., Leipz.,1903, xvi, 1-20. Also, Reprint.— Ituren (C.R.j & Baetjer (F. H.) The inhibitive action of the Roent- gen rays on regeneration in Planarians. J. Exper. Zool Bait., 1904, i, 191-195.—Barfurth (D.) Zur Regenera- tion der Gewebe. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1891, xxxvii, 406-491, 3 pl. -----. Versuche iiber Regeneration der Keimbliitter bei den Amphibien. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1893, vii, 43-50. -----. Regeneration und Involution. Anat. Hefte 1894, 2. Abt., Wiesb., 1895, iv, 458: 1896, v, 329. -----. Regeneration und Involu- tion. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entweklngsgesch. 1896, Wiesb., 1897-1907, vi-xvi, passim.-----. 1st die Regeneration vom Nervensystem abhiingig? (Nach eigenen und nach Ver- suchen von Richard Rubin.) Verhandl. d. anat. Gesell- sch., Jena, 1901, xv, 197-201.—Barlurth (D.) & Bra- gendorll' (O.) Versuche iiber Regeneration des Auges und der Linse beim Huhnerembryo. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902, xxi, Ergnzngshft., 185-199.—Baudouin (M.) Lti- lisation gastronomique des phenomenes de l'autotomie et de la regeneration despinces chez un crabe d'Anda- lousie. Rev. scient., Par., 1906, 5. s., vi, 293-300— Bauer (A.) Recherches sur quelques-unes des conditions qui reglent la regeneration des membres amputes chez le tetard de grenouille (si6ge et nombre des amputations, age des animaux et plus particulierement epoque deleur naissance). J. de Panat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1905, xli, 288-299.—Beitzke (H.) Neuere Arbeiten fiber Narben- bildung und Regeneration. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 675-577 —Bell (E. T.) On regeneration and trans- plantation of the balancers of embryos of Diemyctylus (with a note on the external gills). Anat. Anz., Jena, 1907, xxxi, 283-291.—Biberhol'er (RA Ueber Regene- ration des dritten Maxillipedes beim Flusskrebs (Astacus fluviatilis). Arch. f. Entwcklngsmech. d. Organ., Leipz., 1905, xix, 135-137. -----. Ueber Regeneration bei Amphi- oxus lanceolatus. Ibid., 1906, xxii, 15-17. — Bigelow (H.J.) The modern art of promoting the repair of tissue. Boston M.&S. J., 1879, c,769-777. Alsofnhis: Orthop.Surg., 8°, Bost., 1900, 326-350.—Blllard (A.) Regeneration de l'Obelia dichotoma L. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 1048. -----. Regeneration du Tubularia indivisa L. Lbid., 1049.—Bizzozero (E.) Sur la rege- neration de Pepithelium intestinal chez les poissons. [Transl. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1903, xxxviii.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904, xli, 233-245,1 pl. -----. Sul com portamento della cheratoialina e del- P eleidina nell' infiammazione, nell' edema e nella rige- nerazione. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1908, 4. s., xiv, 226-229.—Bizzozero (G.) Ueber die Regeneration der Elemente der Gewebe unter pathologischen Bedin- gungen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1886, xxiv, 81-84. Also, in his: Opere scient. 1879-96,8°, Milano, 1905, ii, 813-816. -----. Accrescimento e rigenerazione nell' organismo. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1893, xviii, 245-2.H7. Also,inhis: Opere scient. 1879-96,8°,Milano,1905, ii, 1101-1137. Also, transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 728- 732. Also, transl.: Wien. med. BL, 1894, xvii, 175; 194; 211. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xliv, 697; 744. Also, transl.: Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, i, 276-306 —Bogacki (K.) ExperimentelleFlossen- regeneration bei europaischen Siisswasserfischen. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1906, xxii, 18-20, lpl— Bordage (E.) Cas de degeneration du bee des oiseaux expliqu6 par la loi de Lessona. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 733-735. -----. Sur les localisations des surfaces de regeneration chez les phas- mides. Ibid., 837-839. -----. Sur le mode de croissance en spirale des appendices en voie de regeneration chez les arth'opodes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1899, exxix, 455-457. -----. Recherches anatomiques etbiolo- giques sur l'autotomie et la regeneration chez divers ar- thropodes. Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg., Par., 1905, xxxix, 307-154, 1 pl. —Born (G.) Grafting am- phibia. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1895, xxix, 590-592.-----. Ueber Verwachsungsversuche mit Amphibienlarven. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1896-7, iv, 349-405, 7 pl. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 785-787.—Brachet (A.) Les regenerations dans le rtgne animal. Ann. Soc. med.- chir. de Liege, 1902, xli, 314-335.—Broussonet. Ob- servations sur la regeneration de quelques parties du corps des poissons. Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc. 1786, Par., 1788, 684-688.—Brues (C. T.) The internal factors of regeneration in Alpheus. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1903-4, vi, 319. —Byrnes (Esther F.) Regeneration of the anterior limbs in the tadpoles or frogs. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1904, xviii, 171-177. -----. On the skeleton of regenerated anterior limbs in the frog. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1904-5, vii, 166- 169. -----. The regeneration of double tentacles in the head of Nereis dumerilis. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1906, xxi, 126-129.—Carnot (P.) Le REGENERATION. 407 REGENERATION. Regeneration. probleme therapeutique des regenerations d'organes. Presse med., Par., 1900, i, 9-12. -----. Reparations ex- perimentales des tissus. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'anat. path., 128-139. Also: Presse med., Par., 1900, ii, 237-239. -----. Sur l'activite cytopoietique du sang et des organes regeneres au cours des regenera- tions visceralcs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 463-465. — Cattelani (S.) Intorno alia regenera- zione del tessuto epatico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 273-278. —Cerny (A.) Versuche fiber Regeneration bei Siisswassersehnecken. Arch.f. Entwcklngsmech. d. Or- gan., Leipz., 1905, xix, 138.-----. Versuche iiber Regene- ration bei Siisswasser-und Nacktschnecken. Ibid., 1907, xxiii, 503-510, 1 pl—Child (C. M.) & Young (A. N.) Regeneration of the appendages in nvmphs of the agrio- nidse. Ibid., 1902-3, xv, 543-602, 3 pl". —Czwiklitzer (R.) Zur Regeneration des Vorderendes von Ophryo- trocha puerilis Clap.-Metch. Ibid., 1905, xix, 140-147 — Daniels (A. H.) The new life; a studv of regeneration. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1893-4, vi, 61-105. -Dawy- doft"(C.) Leber die Regeneration der Eiehel bei den Enteropneusten. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1902, xxv, 551-556.— Delaunay (H.) Des hyperplasies compensatrices qui peuvent se produire apres la destruction partielle des or- ganes d'apres des travaux recents. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1895, ix, 269-273. —Billion ^Abigail C ) The regenera- tion of a heteromorphic tail in Allolobophora f. Ibid., 1903, xvi, 365-376.— Helt'eran (Maryl. Experi- ments in grafting Hydra. Ibid., 1901-2, xiii, 565-587, 3 pl.—Hegler (C.) Zur Frage der Regenerationsfahig- keitdes Gehirns. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst. zu Tubing., Leipz., 1902, iv, 44-57. — Hriinebergi Schwanzautotomieund RegenerationbeiSiiugern. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, Ergnzngshft., 208-212.—Herbst (C.) Leber die Regeneration von antennenalmliehen Or- ganenan Stelle von Augen. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1899, ix, 215-292, 3 pl. -----. Ueber die Regeneration von antennenalmliehen Organen an Stelle von Augen; weitere Beweise fiir die Abhangigkeit der Qualitat des Regenerates von den nervosen Central- organen. Ibid., 1901, xiii, 436-447, 1 pl.— Hertwig (O.) Neuere Experimente iiber das Regenerations- und Ge- staltungsvermcigen der Organismen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1894, xxxi, 903-906. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Vortr. (1894), 1895, 32-41. —Hines (C. S.) The influence of the nerve on the regeneration of the leg of Diemyctylus. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1905-6, x, 44-17— Hirschler (J.) Studien iiber Regenerationsvorgange bei Lepidopteren-Puppen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1903, xxiii, 612-627. -----. Weitere Regenera- tionsstudien an Lepidopterenpuppen (Regeneration des vorderen Korperendes). Ibid., 1904, xxv, 417-435.— Holmes (S. J.) The behavior of Loxophyllum and its relation to regeneration. J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1907, iv, 399-418. -----. Regeneration as a functional adjustment. Ibid., 419-430.—Holmgren (E.) Om regenerationen. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1901, n. f., i, pt. 2, 321-338—I wanow (P.) Die Regeneration von Rumpf- und Kopfsegmenten bei Lumbriculusvariegatus Gr. Ztschr.f.wissensch.Zool., Leipz., 1903, lxxv, 327-390, 2pl.-----. Die Regeneration der Segmente bei den Polychiiten. Ibid., 1906, lxxxv, 1-47, 3 pl. -----. Die Regeneration des vorderen und des hinteren Korperendes bei Spirographis Spallanzanii Viv. Ibid., 1908, xci, 511-558, 3 pl.—Janda (V.) Ueber die Regeneration des centr. Nervensystems und Mesoblastes bei Rhynchelmis. Sitzungsb. d* k. bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Prag, 1902, Zool. Th., xi, 1-59. Also, Reprint. Jobert (de Lamballe). De la regeneration des tissus dans rhomme et les animaux. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1848, xxvi, 195-197. -----. Regenera- tion et reparation des tissus. Ibid., 1863, lvii, 365-368.— Jores (L. ) Ueber die Regeneration des elastischen Gewebes. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 4.— Kam- merer (P.) Ueber die Abhangigkeit des Regenera- tionsvermogens der Amphibienlarven von Alter, Ent- wicklungsstadium und speziiischer Grosse. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmech. d. Organ., Leipz., 1905, xix, 148-180, 1 pl. -----. Regeneration sekundar'er Sexualcharaktere bei den Amphibien. Ibid., 1907-8, xxv, 82-124,2 pl.------ Regeneration des Dipterenfliigels beim Imago. Ibid., 349-360.—Kellogg (V. L.) Restorative regeneration in nature of the starfish Linckia diplax (Miiller and Tro- schel). J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1904, i, 353-356. -----. Re- generation in larval legs of silk-worms. Ibid., 593-599. -----. Physiological regeneration in insects. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1906, n. s., xxiii, 149-152.—Kin«■ (Helen D.) Further studies on regeneration in Asterias vulgaris. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1898, viii, 351-363: 1900, ix, 724-737, 1 pl. -----. Observa- tions and experiments on regeneration in Hydra viridis. Ibid., 1901, xiii, 135-178. -----. Further studies on regen- eration in Hydra viridis. Ibid., 1903, xvi, 200-242, 3 pl. ——. Notesbn regeneration in Tubularia crocea. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1903-4, vi, 287-306.—Kings- bury (B. F.) The regeneration of the intestinal epithe- lium in the toad (Bufo lentiginosus americanus) during transformation. [Abstr.] Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. 1898, Lin- coln, Neb., 1899, xx, 45-18— K lintz (J. H.) Regenera- tion der Antenne bei der Kellerassel (Porcellio scaber Latr.). Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1907, xxiii, 653-559, 1 pl. -----. Versuche fiber das ge- ringe Regenerationsvermogen der Cyclopiden. Ibid.. 1907-8, xxv, 125-134. —Kochs (W.) Versuche iiber die Regeneration von Organen bei Amphibien. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1897, xlix, 441-461, 1 pl.—Korsehelt (E.) Regeneration und Transplantation im Tierreich. REGENERATION. 408 REGENERATION. Regeneration. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Leipz., 1907, 164-18*. Also: Naturw. Rundschau, Brn- schwg., 1906, xxi, 567; 580; 597. -----. Regeneration and transplantation in animals. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1907, lxiii, 25922. -----. Leber Regenerations-und Trans- plantationsversuche an Anneliden (Limicolen und Lum- briciden). Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Na- turw. zu Marb. (1907), 1908, 203-215.—Kovalevski (P. I.) Virozhdenive i vozrozhdeniye. [Degeneration and regeneration.] Sputnik zdorov., S.-Peterb., 1898-9, i, 1004; 1022; 1063; 1083.—Kroober (Johanna). An experimental demonstration of the regeneration of the pharynx of Allolobophora from eudoderm. Biol. Bull., Bost., 1900- 1901, ii, 105-110.—Kupler (Elsie M.) Remarks on re- generation. Science, X. Y. A Lancaster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxv, 583.—Kurz (O.) Ueber die Regeneration ganzer Extremitaten aus transplantierten Extremitatenteilen vollentwickelter Tiere. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1908, xxii, 369. — Ii. (F. T.) Doctor Lobster. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clviii, 433— Langerhans (R.) Regeneration and inflammation. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1903, xviii, 962-977.—Leger (L.) Mutilation pathologique et regeneration chez le protoptere. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897,10. s., iv, 543-545— Lemon (C. C.) Notes on the physiology of regeneration of parts in Planaria maculata. Biol. Bull., Bost., 1899-1900, i, 193-204.—L,e- vinsen (G. M. R.) Sur la regeneration totale des bryo- zoaires. Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., K0benh., 1907, 151-159, 1 pl— Iiillie (F. R.) On the smallest parts of stentor capable of regeneration; a con- tribution on the limits of divisibility of living matter. J. Morphol., Bost., 1896, xii, no. 1, 239-249. -----. Some notes on regeneration and regulat ion in planarians. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1900, xxxiv, 173-177. Also: Am. J. Phvsiol., Bost., 1901-2, vi, 129-141.—L°. Montpellier, 1886. Regimbeau (Fernand) [1855- ]. *De la transmission de la variole a Paris en 1891. 70 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 62. Regimen during homoeopathic treatment. 4 pp. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] Regimen sanitatis. Opera nova nella quale si contiene, asaissimi belli secreti contra veneni, appresso loro, alcuni altri contra diverse infir- mita come nella tavola del detto libro ritrovareti novamente posto in luce per 1' aprobato, Mi. Vincentio Venitiano, habitante nella citta, di Roma. Et tali secreti piu et piu volte sono stati da lui esperimentati, ede bei novo a lagiornata, si esperimentano in case degne di fede, come nelli soi privilegii appare, e chiaramente vedesi. Valle. 14 pp. 24°. [Roma, 1550?] Regimorter (Assuerus). See Reg-emorter (Assuerus). Regio Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova e Sta- bilimenti riuniti di Firenze. . Rendimenti di conti degli anni 1887 e 1887. 74 pp.; 87 pp. fol. Firenze, tipog. pei minori Corrigendi, 1890. ------. Statistica nosologica per gli anni 1888-9. Compilata dal Dott. Giorgio Marcacci. (Annate 7a-8a). xvi, 75 pp. roy. 8°. Firenze-Roma, tipog. dei fratelli Bencini, 1890. Regio Manicomio di Alessandria. Resoconto finanziario e morale per 1' esercizio 1894. Per Cesare Arrigo, il presidente. 23 pp. 8°. Ales- sandria, tipog. Jacejuemod, 1895. Regio Manicomio di Torino. Regolamento per 1' amministrazione. 28 pp. 8°. Torino, Bru- nerj .) Certificats de deces; secret professiunnel, service medical de la bienfaisance. Presse med. beige, Brux.. 1S92, xliv, 25-27.— Brouardel (P.) Declaration des causes de d6c6s; moyens de la rendre compatible avec le secret professionnel; declaration obli- gatoire des maladies 6pid6miques. Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1888, 3. s., xx, 522-542. Also, Reprint. -----. Declaration de naissance; situation du medecin vis-a-vis de la loi. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 481-5(12.—Came- ron (Sir C.) Death certification in Scotland. San. Jour., Glasg., 1893-4, n. s., xvii, 253-260. — Campbell (D. A.) Reciprocal registration. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1898, x, 253-262.-Certlticacl6nde defunei.'m. Higiene, Habana, 1891-2, i, no. 27, 4.—Death certifica- tion. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1893, i, 853; 907; 962; 1016; 1079; 1228; 1272; 1328: ii, 598.—Deleourt (A.) La verifica- tion officielle des deces. Mouvement hvg., Brux., 1891, vii, 183-195. — Falklner (N. M'l.) The registra- Registration of births, marriages, 'rtions and the duty of announcing them.] Ugesk. f. Larger, Kobenh., 1896 5. R., iii, 289-295.—Hardy (H. NA Death certification and registration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 322. Also- Med. Mag., Lond., 1896, v, 871-882.—Hill (T. E.) Death certification and registration. Pub. Health, Lond., 1893-4, vi, 205-210.—Hubert (E.) Deontologie; declarations de naissance. Rev. med., Louvain, 1893-4, xii, 395-401.— Israel. Die Ausstellung von Todtenscheinen; ein Bei- trag zur Frage des arztlichen Berufgeheimnisses. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, ii, 263.—Jarvi* { K.) on the law of registration of births, marriages, and deaths. Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila., 1858, xi, 527-547.—Ku born (H.) Quelques observations relativement & la declaration des naissances et au secret medical. Bull. Acad. rov. de med de Belg., Brux., 1895, 4. s., ix, 835-840.—Kiiezynskl (R. R.) The registration laws in the Colonies of Massa- chusetts Bay and New Plymouth. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass Bost., 1900-1901, n. s., vii, 1-9.—Lawrence (S.) Note on ancient Obit book versus the modern mortalif v regis- ter. Scot. M. f-ph ysicia;i*. See Directories and registers (Medical). Re;;la de S. Augustin X. P. Obispo, doctor de i la Iglesia. Constituciones de la Orden de la Hospitd de S. Juan de Dios X. P. confirmadas I por la Santidad de Urbana Papa VIII. en 9 de KEGLA. 413 regnp:k Regla de S. Augustin [etc.]—continued. noviembre de 1640. Devajo de la protection siempre de sus Mag. Catholicas con las addi- ciones hechas en el capitula general de 9 de febrero de 1738, en que van inclusas las Actas, confirmadas por el Sr. Inocencio XI. Aprobadas por la Sanidad del Sr. Clemente XII. por Xro. Santissirno P. Benedicto Papa XIV. en 20 de febrero de 1741. 8 p. 1., 246, 65 pp. sm. 4°. [n. p.], ano de 1744. Colophon at end: Reimpresas en Madrid, 1799. Reglainento v cuadro de exenciones. 16 pp- 8°. [Madrid, 1874.] Reglamento de medicos titulares de las islas Filipinas. 4 pp. fol. [Ma: ila, 1894.] Regla* para evitar ... la reproduccion . . . de la fiebre amarilla, etc. See Cabanellas (Miguel). Regleuiens de la maison de travail de Bride- well et de l'hopital des fous, a Londres; par l'assemblee generale des administrateurs des hopitaux royaux de Bridewell et de Bedlam, au mois de Janvier 1792. 240, 2 pp. 8°. Pan's, H. Agasse, an VIL [1799]. In v. 3 of: Rec. d. mem. s. 1. £tab. d'humanit6. 8°. Paris. Reglement voor den Geneeskundigen Kring te Zutphen, opgerigt den 27sten Augustus 1845. 11pp. 8°. Zutphen, A. E. C. ran Smneren, 1849. Reglementen en ordonnantien aangaande de vroed-vrouwen en vroed-meesters. 48 pp., 5 1. 4°. [Amsterdam, P. Mortice, 1766.] Bound with: Privilegien willekeuren [etc.]. 4°. Am- sterdam, 1766. Regli (Emil). * Experimentelle Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des Bromsethyls auf Herz und Xieren. 59 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bern, K. SHU a jifti &■ Co., 1892. Reglin (Elise). Dasaromatisch-spirituoseHeil- verfahren. Eine Abanderung und Erweiterung der Wasserheilpflege auf Grund eigener lang- jahriger Erfahrungen. x, 117, 712 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Geschwister Beglia, 1887. Reglin? (Paul) [1874- ]. * Ueber die Dauererfolge der Behandlung von Knieschei- benbriichen. 35 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebe- ring, 1897. Regnard. See Association (L') fraternelle des etudiants en medecine de Paris. Projet de statuts [etc.L 8°. Paris, 1864. Regnard (A.) * Nouvelles recherches sur la congestion cerebrale. 1 p. 1., 93 pp., 11. 4°. Strasbourg, 1868, 3. s., Xo. 121. -----. De Panalogie du crime et de la folie au point de vue de la responsabilite. pp. 493-500. rov. 8°. [Bruxelles, Vie. Monnom, 1887.] Cutting from: Societe nouvelle, Brux., 1887, iii. -----. Genie et folie; refutation d'un paradoxe. 166 pp. 8°. Boris, 0. Doin, 1899. Regnard (Albert) [1826-1903]. Necrologie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1903, 12. s., iii, 336. Also: Progres med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xviii, 223 (J. Noir). Regnard (Charles). * Etude sur la pathologie du pouls lent permanent. 127 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, Xo. 331. Regnard ( Paul - Marie - Leon ) [ 1850- ]. Physique biologique. Recherches experimen- tales sur les conditions physiques de la vie dans les eaux. vii, 500 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Mas- son, 1891. -----. La cure d'altitude. viii, 435 pp., 29 pl. 8°. Paris, Masson & Cie., 1897. See, eiisn, Bourneville (Desir6-Magloire) 8-4ii4.—von Lendenleld (R.) Bemerkungen fiber die Bedeutung der Riickbildung fiir d e Anpassung. Arch. f. Rassen- u. Gesellsch.-Biol., Berl., 1904, i, 793-797.—.Vlante^azza (P.) L'evoluzione regressiva. Riv. internaz. d' ig., Na- poli, 1901, xii, 10: 80.—Mills (T. YV.) Physiological and pathological reversion. Canad. M. & S. J., 1887-8, xvi, 513-525. Also, Reprint. Also: Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Mon- treal (1887-9), 1890, iv, 56-69.—Pearson (K.) Regres- sion, heredity, and panmixia. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1896, clxxxvi, 253-318.-----. Mathematical contributions to the theorv of evolution; on the law of reversion. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1900, lxvi, 140-164.—Reichenow (E.) Die Ruckbildungserscheinungen am Anurendarm wiih- rend der Metamorphose und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Zellforschung. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 190s, lxxii, 671-717, 1 pl. —Seliultz (E.) Leber ontogenetische und phylogenetische Riickbildimgeii. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxviii, 673; 705.—Staples-Browne (R.) On the inheritance of c ilour in domestic pigeons, with special reference to reversion. Proc. gen. meet. . . . Zool. Soc, Lond., 1906, 67-104. 4 pl— Verscliatlelt (E.) Galton's regression to mediocritv bij ongeslachtelijke verplanting. Livre jubil. . . . Van Bambeke, roy. 8°, Brux., 1899, 1-5. REGUEYRA. 415 REHFUSS. Regneyra (Francisco). Portrait. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1892-4), 1895, vi, faces 120. Reguis (J.-M.-F.) * La matiere medicale popu- late au xixe siecle. 106 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1897, No. 599. Ecole de pharmacie. Regula (Max) [1878- ]. * Zwei bemerkens- werte Fiille von complicirten Schiidelfracturen. 40 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Wernicke d- Co., [1904]. Regular (The) Medical Visitor. Published monthly in the interest of the regular medical profession. George H. Thompson, editor, v. 1-6, 1900-1905. 8°. St. Louis Regulation of form. Child (C. M.) Studies on regulation. Arch. f. Ent- wcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1902-3, xv, 187; 355; 603: 1903-4, xvii, 1. Continued in: J. Exper. ZoOL, Bait., 1904, i, 95; 463: 1905, ii, 253. Continued in: Arch. f. Ent- wcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1905, xix, 261: 1905-6, xx, 48; 157. Continued in: J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1907, iv: 357. -----. Form regulation in Cerianthus. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1903, v, 239; 304: 1903-4, vi, 1; 55; 266: 1904-5, vii, 127. -----. Contributions toward a theory of regulation. 1. The significance of the different methods of regulation in Tubellaria. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1905-6, xx, 380-426. -----. The relation between regulation and fission in Planaria. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl, Mass., 1906, xi, 113-123. -----. The relation between functional regulation and form regulation. J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1906. iii, 559-582. -----. The localiza- tion of different methods of form regulation in Polichoe- rus caudatus. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1907, xxiii, 227-248. -----. An analysis of form regulation in tubularia. Ibid.,396; 415; 445: xxiv, 1; 285; 317. -----. Some corrections and criticisms. Ibid., 131- 146. -----. The physiological basis of restitution of lost parts. J. Exper. Zool., Phila., 1907-8. v, 485-502. -----. Driesch's harmonic equipotential systems in form-regu- lation. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxviii, 577; 609. -----. Form regulation in Cerianthus sestuarii. Biol. Bull., Lancaster, Pa.. 1908, xv, 27-53. -----. Experi- mental control of certain regulatory processes in Hare- nactis attenuata. Ibid., Woods Holl, Mass., 1909, xvi, 47- 53. -----. The regulation of mutilated primordia in Tu- bularia. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1909, xxvii, 106-118.—Driest-li (H.) Studien fiber das Regulationsvermogen der Organismen. Ibid., 1897, v, 389: 1899, ix, 103: 1900, x, 411: 1901, xi, 185: 1902, xiv, 532. -----. Zwei Mitteilungen zur Restitution der Tubularia. Ibid.. 19u\ xxvi, 119-129. -----. Leber eine fundamen- tal Klassemorphogenetis-cher Regulationen. Ibid., 146- 152.—Gast (R.) & Godlewski (E.) jun. Die Regula- tionserscheinungen bei Pennaria Cavolinii. Ibid., 1903, xvi,72-116, 2 pl.—Giardina (A.) Regolazioniprimarie e regolazioni secondarie nello sviluppo degli anuri (ri- cerche su discoglossus). Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1905, xvi,207-209—Godlewski (E.), jr. Zur Kenntnis der Regulationsvorgiinge bei Tubularia mesembryanthe- mum. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1904, xviii,lll-160,1 pl.—Harper (E.H.) Notes on regulation in St vlaria lacustris. Biol. Bull., Woods Holl,Mass.. 1903-4, vi, 173-190.— Hirschler (J.) Ueber regulatorische Vor- gange bei Hirudineen nach dem Verluste des hinteren Korperendes. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1907, xxxii, 212-216.— Jennings (H. S.) The method of regulation in be- havior and in other fields. J. Exper. Zool., Bait., 1905, ii, 473-494.—Joliannsen (W.) Nogle forbigaaende Regu- lerings-Forstyrrelser hos hvilende Planter. [Some transi- torv regulation disturbances in reposing plants.] Overs. o. d. k. Dunske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., K0benh., 1905,11- 15.—Kibbert (H.) Anpassungsvorgange am Knorpel. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1905-6, xx, 125-129.—Tornier (G.) An Knoblauchskroten experi- mented entstandene uberzahlige Hintergliedmassen. Ibid., 76-124. Regulations for army medical services, 1900. vii, 236 pp. 12°. London, Harrison d: Sons, [1903]. -----•. The same. Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Issued October 1st, 19(12. '7 pp. 12°. [London, Harrison & Sons, 1903.] Regulations as to eyesight testing in foreign railway service. 17 pp., 3 tab. 8°. [n. p., 1892, velsubseq.] Regulations for the sale of viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products in the District of Columbia, etc. Approved February 21, 1903. 8 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1903. Regulin. von Boltenstern. Die Behandlung der habituel- len Obstipation durch Regulin. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1907,490-492.—Linke (J.) Regulin und Pararegu- lin. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1906, i, 137-139.—Meyer (H.) Die Regulin-Therapie der chronischenObstipation. Therap. d. (iegenw., Berl., 1907, xlviii, 202-207— JMoll- weide. Erfahrungen iiber Regulin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1906, xx, 126.—Piket (J.) Die Beeinflussung der Darmtatigkeit durch Regulin. Med. BL, Wien, 1906, xxix, 627-629.—Sehmidt (A.) Neue Beobachtungen zur Er- kliirung und rationcllcn Behandlung der cronischen ha- bituellen Obstipation. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Hi, pt. 2, 1970-1973. See, also, infra, Voit (W.).—Silber- stein (J.) Die Behandlung der habituellen Verstopfung mit Regulin. Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1908, xxiii, 205-211.— Voit (W.) A. Schmidt's Regulin-Behandlung der chro- nischen habituellen Verstopfung. Munchen. med.Wchn- schr., 1906, liii, 1453-1455. Regulski (Marian). * Beitrag zur Statistik und Klinik der Lippencarcinome aus der chirurgi- schen Universitatsklinik des Prof. W. Koch. 113 pp. 8°. Jurjew, C. Mattiesen, 1893. Regurgitation. See, also, Merycism. Deve (C.) & Podevin. Regurgitations incoercibles de nature indetermin^e, chez un nourrisson. Ann. de m<5d. et chir. inf., Par., 1904, viii, 456-461. Also: Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1904, vii, 194-198.—Grigorj elf (A.) Slu- chal vnezapnol smerti ot zadusheniya rvotnimi massami. [Sudden death from strangulation with vomited matter.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 113-122.—Holmes (B.) Regurgitation a symptom of gallstones, or rather of cholecvstitis. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, c, 482.—Lang will "(H. G.) Case of regur- gitation of food. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1901, n. s., xx, 5.—Sil (J.) O regurgitaci a ruminaci. Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1908, xlvii, 203; 237; 264. Reh (Alfred) [1878- ]. * Ueber das Verhal- ten der Reflexe bei Hirntumoren. [Strassburg.] 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1904. Reh (Ludwig). *Die Gliedmassen der Robben. 44 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1893. Reli (Otto). * Ueber Pseudomyxoma peritonei. 39 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1896. Reli (Theodore). * Contribution a l'etude de la pneumographie clinique. 62 pp. 8°. Genere, E. Pfeffer, 1906, No. 106. Rehberg (Franz). * Untersuchungen iiber die Adenome der Niere und ihre Entwickelung. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiburg i. B., Speyer dc Kaer- ner, 1902. Rehberg (Hermann). * Ueber den Modus der Blutabsonderung bei der Menstruation. 33 pp., 11. 8°. Bostock, C. Boldt, 1874. Rehberg (Theodor Friedrieh) [1881- ]. * Darminvagination durch Ascariden. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 0. Kummel, 1907. Rehboek (Lambert) [1877- ]._ *Zur Ka- suistik der Tuberkulose der weiblichen Geni- talien. 25 pp., 2 1. 8°. Greifswald, G. Abel, 1903. Rehbnrg. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Relifeld (Philipp). Ueber die Bestimmung der Residualluft. 20 pp. 8°. Wurzburg. J. M. Bidder, 1893. Rehflseh (Eugen) [1862- ]. Der Selbst- mord. Eine kritische Studie, nebst einem Vor- worte von Prof. Nendel. 167 pp. 12°. Berlin, II. Kornfeld, 1893. RehfuK* (Emil G.) [1861-1908]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 1803. Rehfuss (William F.) A treatise on dental ju- risprudence for dentists and lawyers, embracing the following subjects: Dental jurisprudence, dental expert testimony, identification by means of the teeth, dental malpractices, cocaine poi- soning, fracture of maxilla during extraction of teeth, injuries and deaths due to anaesthesia, the REHFUSS. 416 REICH. Rehfuss (William F.)—continued. jurisprudence of dental patents, etc. xii, 468, xl pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, The Wilmington Den- ial Mia. Co., 1892. Rehlander (Paul) [1869- ]. * Ueber einige Azoline der Anissiiurereihe. Ueber das Binaph- tylenthiophen und das Trinaphtylenbenzol. 35 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1893. Re Inn (Friedrieh Heinrich). Die Kuhmilch als Siiuglingsnahrung. pp. 79-112. 8°. [Niirn- berg, 1876.] Cutting from: Abhandl. d. naturh. Gesellsch. zu Niirnb., 1876, vi. Rehm (Friedrieh Wilhelm) [1877- ]. * Ue- ber die Einwirkung fluorescierender Stoffe auf das Eiweiss spaltende Ferment Papain (Papa- yotin). 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1903. Rehm (Marcel-Camille) [1878- ]. *La fievre dans l'entero-colite pseudo-membraneuse. 101 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 69. Rehm (Otto). *Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der multiplen Sarkomatose. 24 pp., 11. 8°. Miin- chen M. Ernst 1902. Rehm (Paul).' Schlaf und Schlaflosigkeit. 28 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold 1905. Forms 22. Hft. of: Med. Volksbiicherei. . . Abhandl., Halle a. S., 1905. Rehn (Eduard Karl Heinrich) [1880- ]. * Ueber Komplikationen von Hydronephrose. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 1904. Rehn (Johann Heinrich). * Ueber Gelenk- Tuberkulose, nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber Tuberkulose fiberhaupt. 24 pp. 8°. Marburg, Bayrhoffer, [1855]. See, also, Gnersant (Paul-Louis-Benoit). Notizen fiber chirurgische Padiatrik, etc. 8°. Erlangen, 1869. Reims (Jules) [1871- ]. *L'adeno-lipoma- tose diffuse symetrique a predominance cervi- cale. 102 pp., 1 1., 12 pl. 8°. Baris, G. Carre dc C. Naud, 1898. Rehr (Friedrieh) [1852- ]. * Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Dakryocystitis. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1894. Relisteiner (Hugo). * Beitrage zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Fruchtkorper einiger Gas- tromyceten. [Bern.] 2 p. 1., 44 pp., 2pl. 4°. [Leipzig, Breitkopf d: Hartel], 1892. Repr.from: Botan. Ztg., 1892. Rcibel (Jean-Baptiste-Jules). * Quelques con- siderations sur les differents appareils galvano- caustiques, et en particulier sur l'appareil Bceckel-Rebslob. 1 p. 1., 99 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Strasbourg, 1872. Reibensehuh (A. F.). See HJJlin (Josef) & Reibensehuh (A. F.) Der Curort Radein. 12°. Wien, 1890. Reibmayr (Albert). Tracts on massage. No. 1. The art of massage. Transl. from the Ger- man of Reibmayr, with notes, by Benjamen Lee. 41 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1885. -----. Massage i vrachebnaya gimnastika s obrashtsheniyem osobavo vnimaniya na primle- niya ikh v ginekologii. Perevod s nlemetskavo S. B. Oriechkina. (DieUnterleibs-Massage . . . in der Gynakologie.) [Transl. from the Ger- man by Orlechkin.] 95 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, [Ettinger'], 1891. -----. Die Technik der Massage. 5. vermehrte und verbesserte Aufl. vi (1 1.), 287 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1892. ------. The same. 6. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 266 pp. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, F. Deuticke, 1898. -----. Die Massage und ihre Verwerthung in den verschiedenen Disciplinen der praktischen Reibmayr (Albert)—continued. Medicin. 5. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 198 pp. 8°. Leip- zig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1893. -----. Der Praktiker. xii, 220 pp. 8°. Leip- zig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1893. -----. Die Ehe Tuberculoser und ihre Folgen. viii, 315 pp., 4 maps. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1894. ------. Inzucht und Yermischung beim Men- schen. vi, 268 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1897. ------. Die Immunisirung der Familien bei erb- lichen Krankheiten (Tuberculose, Lues, Gei- stesstorungen). Ein Wort zur Beruhigung fiir Aerzte und Gebildete. 51 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1899. Reieh (Anton) [1878- ]. * Ueber Leuko- cytenziLhlungen und deren Verwertbarkeit bei chirurgischen Affektionen. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, II. Lauppjr., 1904. Reieh (Eduard) [1836- ]. Hygiene social. Traduzido de allemao por Joao Felix Pereira. 192+ pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1875. Bound with: Gaz. med. de Lisb., 1875. Reieh (Eduard). Studien zur Aetiologie der Nervositat bei den Frauen. 2. Ausg. viii, 145 pp. 8°. Neuwied dc Leipzig, J. H. Heuser, 1877. -----. Studien iiber die Volksseele aus dem Ge- sichtspunkte der Physiologie und Hygiene. 2. Aufl. xxi, 447 pp. 8°. Jena, H. Coslenoble, 1879. ------. Das Leben des Menschen als Individuum. Die Leibes- und Seelen - Beschaffenheit der menschlichen Personlichkeit und deren Bezie- hung zu Gesundheit und Wohlfahrt im gesell- schaftlichen Zusammenleben. xiv, 368 pp. 8°. Berlin, [G. Bernstein, 1880]. ------. Arbeit und Lebensnoth, aus dem Ge- sichtspunkte der Gesundheitspflege und des Humanismus betrachtet. xvi, 456 pp. 8°. Berlin, M. Breitkreuz, [1881, vel subseq.]. ------. Die Abhangigkeit der Civilisation von der Personlichkeit des Menschen, und von der Befriedigung der Lebensbediirfnisse. 2 v. xxii (1 1.), 291 pp.; xiii (1 1.), 224 pp. 8°. Minden i. W., J. C. C. Bruns, 1883. CONTENTS. v. 1. Die personliche Entwickelung des Menschen und die Civilisation, v. 2. Die Lebensbediirfnisse des Men- schen und die Civilisation. -----. Die Emancipation der Frauen, das Elend und die geistige Ueberspannung. 105 pp. 12°. Grossenhain dc Leipzig, Baumert dc Bonge, 1884. -----. Die Geschichte der Seele, die Hygiene des Geisteslebens und die Civilisation, xx, 472 pp. roy. 8°. Minden i. W., J. C. C. Bruns, 1884. ------. Kalte und Schweiss-Ffisse, deren Ver- hiitung und Heilung. 100 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, A. Zimmer, 1891. ------. Die Wahrheit fiber die Lungenschwind- sucht, deren Entstehung und Verhiitung. vi (11.), 99 pp. 12°. Berlin, A. Schultze, 1892. ------. Geschichte und Gefahren der Frucht- Abtreibung. Culturgeschichtlich-medicinische Studie. 2. Aufl. 92 pp. 12°. Leipzig, H. Barsdorf, 1893. -----. immaterielle Ursachen der Krankheiten. Die Anliisse der Uebel und Leiden in der Welt des Geistes, des Gemiithes und der Gesittung. 1 p. 1., 139 pp. ,21. 8°. Berlin, Wallmann, 1894. ------. Studien fiber die epidemischen Krank- heiten und deren Verhiitung. 397 pp. 8°. Leipzig, K. F. Pfau, 1894. Also, Editor of: Athenaeum der Gegenwart, Miin- chen, 1892. REICH. 417 REICHEL. Reieh (Friedrieh Ludwig Carl) [1869- ]. * Ueber Arteriosclerosis nodosa mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Verhaltens der elastischen Elemente der Gefiisswand. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konif/sberg i. Br., M. Liedtke, 1896. Reieh (Georg Curt Viktor) [1876- ]. * Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der hamatogenen Pigment- bildung. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle, E. Karras, 189S. Reieh (Gothfrid. Christianus) [1769-1848]. * Diss, sistens brevem epidemi;e variolosa Arz- bergensis anni 1791 delineationem. 28 pp., 2 1. 16°. Erlangre, typ. Helpertianis, 1793. See, also. Foot (Jesse). Abhandlung fiber die Lust- seuche [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1793. -----. The same. 8°. Leipzig, 1791. Reieh (Henricus Carolus). See Kadelbacli (Christianus Fridericus) & Reieli (Hen. Car.) De exhalationibus. 4°. Lipshr, 1767. Reieh (Josephus) [1832- ]. *De aneurys- mate, maxime ejus divisione. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, B. L. Bendix, [1858]. Reieh (Max) [1874- ]. * Ueber elektrische Leitung reiner Substanzen. 38 pp., 3 pl., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1900. Reieli (Otto) [1879- ]. * Zur Methodik der Bestimmung des Ammoniaks in Harn. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Breslau, T. Schatzky, 1902. Reieh (Paul). * Ueber die Wirkung des Ar- sens auf die roten Blutkorperchen. 37 pp., S tab. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner dc Lossen, 1899. Reieh (Paul), * Das irreguliire Dentin der Gebrauchsperiode. Eine histologisch-topogra- phische Studie fiber normale und pathologische Dentinbildung. (Habilitations-Schrift.) 57 pp., 23 pl., 31. 8°. Marburg, 1906. -----. The same. Das irreguliire Dentin der Gebrauchsperiode. Eine histologisch-topogra- phische Studie fiber normale und pathologische Dentinbildung. 57 pp., 23 pl., 3 1. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1907. Reieh (Paul Friedrieh Carl) [1865- ]. * Quantitative Pental-Bestimmungen im Blute pentalisirter Tiere. 19 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1894. Reieli (Walter [Carl Theophil]) [1867- ]. * Die Laparotomie bei inneren Einklemmungen durch Ligamente. 1 p. 1., 81 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1892. Reichard (Hans) [1877- ]. * Radikalope- ration bei doppelseitigem Leisten- und Schen- kelbruch. 22 pp., 1 1., 2 ch. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn, 1904. Reichard (Joh. Jakob) [1743-82]. Editor of: ITledlcinisehes Wochenblatt fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte und Apotheker, Frankfurt a. M., 1780-89. Reiehardt (Albert Georg Curt) [1879- ]. *Zur Kasuistik des Leberabscesses. 48 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Reiehardt (Auguste). * Etude critique sur les differents procedes qui ont etc employes pour la transplantation de la peau. 44 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1872. Reiehardt (E.) Guide pour I'analyse de l'eau au point de vue de 1'hygiene et de l'industrie; precede de l'examen des principes sur lesquel- les on doit s'appuyer dans 1'appreciation de l'eau potable. Traduit de Pallemand avec l'autorisation de I'auteur par G.-E. Strohl. viii, 103 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Beinwald dc Cie., 1876. See, also, Thtirlngen's Bade- und Kurorte [etc.], 12°. Wien, 1875. Reiehardt (Martin). * Ueber die Untersu- chung des gesunden und kranken Gehirnes mit- vol xiv, 2d series---27 Reiehardt (Martin)—continued. tels der Wage. Habilitationsschrift dei- medi- zinischen Fakultiit der Universitiit Wurzburg vorgelegt. iv, 101 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. -----. The same. 101 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fi- scher, 1906. Forms Hft. 1 of: Arb. konigl. psychiat. Klin, zu Wurz- burg. -----. Leitfaden zur psvehiatrischen Klinik. viii, 211 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1907. Reichart (Anshelmus Gottfried.) *De men- struis difficilibus. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Jense, lit. C. Krebsdi, [1704]. Reiehart (Gotthard Wilhelm). *De uteri connexione cum mammis. 29 pp., 1 1. 4°. Ha he Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1753]. Reiehart (Max). Beitrag zur Anatomie des Ganglion ophthalmicum. 28 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Munchen, E. Stahl, 1875. Reiehe (Ernst Gottlieb Adalbert) [1882- ]. * Ueber abnorme paralytische Kontrakturen an der unteren Extremitat nach spinaler Kinder- hihmung. [Freiburg i. Br.] 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Langensalza, J. Beltz, 1905. -----. The same. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Konegen, 1905. Reiche ([Karl] Alfred) [1877- ]. *Klinisch- experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber den Mer- curialismus bei Schweinen. [ Giessen. ] 99 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Borna-Ljeipziq, B. Noske, 1905. Reiche (Paul) [1878- ]. * Ueber den Nach- weis und die Bestimmung von Aceton und Acetessigsaure im Urin. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Reiehel (Albert). *Ueberdie Beteiligung des Trigeminus und Vagus bei Tabes dorsalis. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, A. Vollrath, 1896. Reiehel (Berthold). * Ueber Localisation der Typhus-Infection mit Benutzung eines Falles von Laryngo-Tvphus. [Erlangen.] 21 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Wohlau, Schulze, 1892. Reiehel ([Friedrieh] Paul) [1858- ]. Zur Pathologie des Ileus und Pseudoileus. 7 pp. 8°. [Wurzburg, Stahel, 1892.] Repr.from: Sitzungsb. d. Wiirzb. phys.-med. Gesellsch., 1892, xi. -----. Die Entwicklung der Harnblase und Harnrohre. 43 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1893. ------. The same. 43 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wurz- burg, 1893. Forms No. 4 of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1893-4, n. F., xxvii. -----. Lehrbuch der Nachbehandlung nach Operationen in Vorlesungen fiir Studirende und Aerzte. xvi (1 1.), 485 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1897. -----. Die Abschiitzung der Erwerbsfiihigkeit. Aus der Invalidities- und Alters-Versicherungs- anstalt der Provinz Schlesien. 37 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1898. ------. Verletzungen und Erkrankungen des Kniegelenkes und Unterschenkels. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.], 1. Aufl., 8°, Stuttg., 1903, iv, 667-860. Reiehel (Fritz) [1879- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den strichformigen Dermatosen. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 0. Kixmmel, 1903. Reiehel (Georg Viktor Adolf Emil) [1870- ]. * Ueber die ursachliche Beziehung zwischen Trauma und Tuberculose. [Breslau.] 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Oels, A. Ludwig, 1898. KEICHEL. 418 REICHERT. Reiehel iGeorgius Christianus) [1/1/-/1]. .S(( Hiixliam (John). Liber de febribus [etc.]. 2. ed. 16°. Venetiis, 1772. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Venetiis, 1786. -----. Opera physico-medica. 8°. Lipsise, 1784. Reiehel (Joh. Wolfgang). * Ueber Cervical- gonorrhoe. 28 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E<, C. dc J. Goeller, 1897. Reiehel (Konrad). * Ueber das Contagium des Ulcus molle und Ulcus serpiginosum. [Frei- burg i. B.] 45 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. dc J. Goeller, 1896. Reiehel (Otto) [1878- ]. * Zwei Fiille von Aktinomykose der Mamma. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. A. Seyfried, 1903. Reiehel (Richard) [1866- ]. * Zur Littera- turgeschichte der antiken Arzneimittellehre, nebst einem Teil des Revocativum memorife des Johannes de Sancto Amando. (xiii. Jahr- hundert.) 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, [1894]. Reicliell (P.) Injuries and diseases of the knee and leg. In: Syst. Pract. Surg. [Bergmann et al.], 8°, N. Y. - benhavn, J. C. Stockholm, 1891. -----. Bidrag til Organotherapien og Aarelade- behandlingen. [Contribution to organotherapy and the treatment by phlebotomy.] 94 pp. 8°. Kjabenharn, H. Hagerup, 1S99. Reies Franco (Caspar). SeeReysFraneo (Gaspardos). Elysiusjucundarum Bruxellse, 1661. Reif (Ernst) [1873- ]. *Ueber die locale Behandlung des Hvdrops anasarca. 48 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1895. Rcifenslulil (Christian Hermann). *Chorea mit Geistesstorung. 44 pp. 8°. Gottingen, F. Kaestner, 1897. Reiff (Albert). * Beitrage zur reflectorischen Hemmung der Herzthatigkeit. 36 pp. 8°. Strassburg, C. Goeller, 1890. Reiff (Karl Albert Gottfried). Die Wissen- schaftlichkeit der Schlussler'schen Biochemie. 27 pp. 8°. Oldenburg, B. Sussutann, 1905. Reiff (Walther Hermann). See Ittosenthal (Moritz). *Geburtshilfliche Opera- tionslehre [etc.]. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1887. See, also, Heisig (W.) Ueber Kriiuterbiider in der Frauenpraxis des Walther Hermann Reiff (Ryffius). Centralbl. f. d. Kneipp. Heilverf., Worishofen, 1902, ix, 223; 234. Reitter (Konrad) [1825-1905]. Halter (E.) Obituarv. Cor.-Bl. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1905, xxv, 465-467. " Reifferscheid (Karl) [1874- ]. *Ueber die Durchwanderung von Kohlepigment durch die Gefasswand. 31 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1897. Reigate and Redhill Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of management to the subscribers. 21.-24., 1886-7 to 1889-90; 30., 1895-6. 8°. Ungate dc Bedhill, 1887-96. Reiner (O.) De jicht; hare behandeling en genezing. 19 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. Auf Der Heide, [n. d. ]. Rcijenge (J.) Die Prochownicksche Diiitkur und ihr Verhiiltniss zur kiinstlichen Fruhge- burt, Sectio Caesarea und Symphysectomie. 64 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wollers, 1896. ------. Een ignobele strijd. Open brief aan de Nederlandsche medici, als antwoord op het inge- zonden stuk van Dr. Reilingh in het Medisch Weekblad van 12 November 1898. 16 pp. 8°. Groningen, erven B. van der Kamp, 1898. Reijnvaan (Johanna Paulina) [1844- ]• Zu- ster Clara; schetsen uit het leven eener verpleeg- ster in een stedelijk gasthuis. 2 p. 1., 78 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. H. dc G. van Heteren, 1892. For Biography, see Nursing Rec, Lond., 1896, xvi, 5 (Hollandia). Reijst (Johannes Jacobus). *Het kokosvet; bijdrage tot de kennis der vetten en vetzuren. x, 240 pp., 4 1. 8°. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1905. ------. The same. 24 pp. 8°. Dieren, Opwijrda, 1906. , ^ Repr.from: Pharm. WeekbL, [Amsterdam], 1906. Reik (H [enry] Ottridge). The human eye and how to care for it. pp. 515-521. 8°. New York, 1900. Cutting from: Cosmopolitan, N. Y., 1900, xxix, REIK. 421 REIMANN. Reik (H[enry] Ottridge)—continued. _____. Is eyestrain ever an etiologie factor in epi- lepsy? 11 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1907. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii. _____.. Pyogenic diseases of the brain, of otitic origin, pp. 779-809. 8°. New York W. Wood, & Co., 1908. In: Am. Pract. Surg. (Bryant A Buck), X. Y., 1908, v. Also, Editor id: Bulletin (The) of the Medical and Chi- rurgical Facultv of Maryland. Baltimore, 1908-9, i. Ste, aisa, Blake ^Clarence John) A Reik (H. O.) Operative otologv [etc.]. 8°. Mew York A London, 1906. Reikli (M[ikhail Ivanovich]) [1S4.V ]. 0 torn chto dlelayet mir dlya uluchsheniya uchasti sliepikh. [What the Russian commune does for the improvement of the condition of the blind.] 2.ed. 47 pp. 8°. TiHis, A. A. Mikhelstm, 1891. -----. Nauchno-popuiyarnaya opticheskaya hi- giena glaz; diva pedagogov, uchitelet, studen- tov, vrachei-neokulistov, obrazovannikh lyudel voobshtshe. [Optical hygiene, popularly in- structive; for pedagogues, teachers, students, physicians who are not oculists, educated people in general.] iv, 144 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Bikker, 1893. -----. The same. 2. ed. vi (11.), 176 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Bikker, 1902. -----. 0 virazheniv glaz. [Expression of the eyes.] 43 pp. 8°." S.-Peterburg, K. L. Bikker [1898]. St*, aisn. Rotli (A.) Bollezniorgana zrleniva [etc.]. s°. S-J'/terburg, 1902. For Portrait, see Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.. ^94, i. Reiklilman (H[irsh] A[brahamovich]) [1872- ]. Mzmleiieniya v nadpochechnikh zhe- lyozakh dletel pri ostro-zaraznikh bolleznyakh, preimushtshestvenno pri difterii. [Changes in the supra-renal capsules in children in acute infectious diseases, principally in diphtheria.] 88 pp., 3 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, Y. Krovitski, 1902. Reil (Hermann). * Beitrag zur physiologischen Chemie der Nebennieren. [Bern.] 27 pp. 8° Oberursela. T, J. Abt, 1904. Reil (Mand of). Reil (J. C.) Untersuchungen fiber den Bau des gros- sen Gehirns im Menschen. Arch.f. Physiol., Halle, 1809, ix, 136-146. -----. Die Sylvische Grube oder das Thai, das gestreifte grosse Hirnganglium, dessen Kapsel und die Scitentheile des grossen Gehirns. Ibid., 195-208,1 pl. Reil (Joh. Christian) [1759-1813]. Von dem Grande und der Erscheinung der Krankheit. v. 1. 348 pp. 8°. Halle, Curt, 1815. See, also, Amoretti (Giuseppe Agostino). Nuova teo- ria delle febbri [etc.]. 8°. Torino, 1816-17. ■-----. See, also: Steffexs (H. ) Johann Christian Reil. Eine Denkschrift. 8°. Halle, 1815. Bound with: Reil (J. C.) Von dem Grunde und Er- scheinung [etc.]. 8°. Halle, 1815. Reilej' (J. J.) Resor-visnol; clinical report from Bellevue Hospital, New York City. 3 pp. 8°. New York, 1898. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., X. Y., 1898, xiii. Reilhac (Martial) [1875- ]. *De la regu- larisation de la menstruation par le mariage et k grossesse. 53 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 414. Reilingh (Didericus de Vries). * De Artemisia vulgari, nostra aetate potissimum in epilepsia laudata. viii, 78 pp., 4 1. 8°. Groningie, J. Oomkens, [1826]. [P., v. 1972.] Reilingh (Hendrik). Bijdrage tot de kennis der perforatie-peritonitis en der darmdesin- fectie. 1 p. l.,66pp. 8°. Groningen, Schol- tens dc zoon, 1892. Rcillc (Paul) [1869- ]. *Cure radicale de la hernie inguinale par le procede de l'abaisse- ment mise en usage par le docteur Schwartz. 134 pp. 8°. Paris, 181)8, No. 167. ------. The same. 135 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1898. ------. Tableaux synoptiques d'hygiene a 1'usage des etudiants et des praticiens. 208 pp. 8°. Pat is, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1900. Also, Editor of: General index of 3. s. of: Anna les d'hygiene publique et de medecine legale, Paris, 19u.">. Reilly (John Redmond) |"Ls44~i»7]. Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi, 639. Reiiii (Hans). Ueber doppelseitige Oberkiefer- tumoren und den Erfolg ihrer operativen Be- handlung. 101 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1894. Miinchen. med. Abhandl., 52. Hft. Rciinann. Mineral- und Kohlenschlamm-Bad in Gleissen bei Zielenzig in der Neumark. 1827. 8 pp. 12°. [Berlin, 1828.] Bound with: J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1828, lxvi. ------. Mineral- und Kohlenschlamm-Bad zu Gleissen bei Zielenzig in der Neumark. 1828. 8 pp. 12°. [Berlin, 1829.] Bound with: J.d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1829, lxviii. ------. Badechronik von Gleissen fiir 1829, nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Feststellung der Indikationen fiir die dasigen Mineral- und Schlammbader. Nebst einem Nachtrage von Hartmann. 8 pp. 12°. [B rlin, 1830.] Bound tvith: J. d. pract.Heilk., Berl., 1830, lxx. ------. Badechronik von Gleissen fiir 1830. 4 pp. 12°. [Berlin, 1831.] Bound with: J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1831, lxxii. See, also, Zeuscher (Friedrieh August) & Rei- mann. Das Mineral- und Kohlenschlamm-Bad. *° Berlin, 1827. Reimann (August) [1864- ]. *Ein Fall von Gehirntumor mit Intentionszittern. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1891. Reimann (Ernst) [1874- ]. * Ueber Spon- tanheilung von Uterusmyomen mit besonderer > Beriicksichtigung ihrer Verjauchung. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1899. Reimann (Georg Friederich) [1660-1742]. See Jf olfhiann (Friedericus). Vollstandige Anwei- sung [etc.]. 16°. Vim, 1724. -----. The same. 12°. Vim, 1743. Reimanii (Heinrich). *Klinische Untersu- chungen iiber Aortenaneurvsmen nach Beob- achtungen auf der medizinischen Klinik in Zu- rich. 86 pp. 8°. Uster-Zurich, A. Diggel- mann, 1893. c. Reimann (Joannes Godofredus). *Diss. sis- tens prsecipua experimenta de effectibus putre- dinis in pulmones infantum anteet post partum mortuorum, subjunctis novis quibusdam experi- ments circa pulmones infantum ante partum mortuorum institutis. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Traj. ad Viadr., typ. Winteriano, [1782]. Reimann (Max). Die Schwindsucht, ihre Be- kiimpfung und Abwehr. 72 pp. 8°. Kiel dc Leipzig, Lipsi s dc Fischer, 1901. Reimann (Oscar [Emil]) [1876- ]. * Un- tersuchungen iiber Tuberkulose der Gaumen- tonsillen. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1904. Reimann (S.) De behandeling der bloedziek- ten. Vertaald, aangevuld en voor het Nederland- sche volk verstaanbaar gemaakt. 91 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, Seyffardt, [1892?]. Forms: Gezondheids-Bibliotheek, nos. 40-41. REIMAK. 422 REIN BACH. Reimar ([Johann] Max [Alfred]) [1868- ]. *Ein Fall von Amenorrhoe bei Akromegalie. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1893. Rcimaru*. Die Rettung der Lungenkranken. Ein Segen der Menschheit. Auf Grund der Ent- deckungen Dr. Koch's. 5. Aufl. 20 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. Bfau, 1891. Reimani* (Joh. Albert Heinrich). See Barton (Benjamin Smith). Additional facts [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1813. Reimer (Carl) [1862- ]. * Ueber atypischen Verlauf der progressiven Paralyse der Irren. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1887, Reiiner (Ernst Heinrich) [1833-97]. Virchow (R.) Nachruf an Ernst Reimer. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cl, 388-390. Reimer ( Erwin) [1880-_ ]. _*Ueber die Operabilitiit der Uteruscarcinome in Ostpreus- sen. 52 pp<, 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., B. Leupold, 1903. Reiiner (Gottfried). Naturheilmethoden eines Arztes. 78 pp. 8°. Dresden, E. Bierson, [1907]. Reimer (Gottfried [Julius Heinrich Matthias]) [1868- ]. *DasHarnen in die Seheide. 26 pp., 11. 8° Marburg a. L., [1894]. Reimer (Hermann). Klimatische Sommer- kurorte. Leitfaden fur Aerzte und Laien. 2. Aufl. viii, 343 pp. 12°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1891. -----. Klimatische Winterkurorte. Leitfaden fiir Aerzte und Laien. 4. Aufl. viii, 318 pp., 1 map. 12°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1895. Reiiiiers (Erich [Wilhelm Julius]) [1871- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre des Volvulus der Flexura sigmoidea. 35 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1896. Rciiiiers (Ernst Simon) [1873- ]. * Ueber Mvxodem. 45 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Bower, 1S!H>. Reiiners (Franz). * Ueber das Zustandekom- men von Herzgeriiuschen und relativer Insuffi- cienz bei der Anaemic 24 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Etlinger, 181)2. Rcimers (Gustav [Adolph Heinrich Theodor]) [1868- ]. * Ueber die Dauer des Magen- krebses. 24 pp. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1893. Reiiners (Hermann) [1872- ]. *Beitrag zur Casuistik der Tumoren des rechten Parie- talhirns. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Reiiner* (John). *Ueber den Gehalt des Bodens an Bacterien. [Jena.] 44 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Vcit dc Co., 1889. Reiiners (M.) *Les quinquinas de culture. 4 p. 1., v, 223 pp., 1 1., 8 pl. 8°. Pans, 1900, No. 15. Ecole de pharmacie. Reims. Compte moral et administratif de la ville pendant les annees 1884-91. Presents au conseil municipal par le Dr. Henri Henrot, maire de Reims. 61 pp. 8°. Behns, imp. Ln- dqiend. Bemois, 1892. Rein (Friedrieh [Johannes]) [1874- ]. *Ein Fall von perforierender Sclerocorneal-Verlet- zung mit Behandlung durch Naht und conjunc- tivale Deckung und mit spiiterer Entfernung des Augapfels wegen Gefahr dersympathischen Entziindung des anderen Auges. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1907. Rem (F[riedrich Karl Aleksandrovich]) [1866- ]. Sanitarnaya chast v voiskakh; voisko- viye i mlestniye lazareti, priyomniye pokoiy i okolotki v chastyakh voisk vslekh rodov oru- zhiya. [Medical department of the army; army Ldil (F[riedrich Karl Aleksandrovich])—cont. and local temporary hospitals, reception wards and those sick in quarters, among the troops of all arms.] 1 p. 1., xvii, 374 pp., 1 1. 8°. s.. Peterburg, A. E. Lane I an, 1HS9. ----. Kratkoye rukovodstvo po obshtshel khi- rurgii. [Short manual on general sun'erv 1 2. ed. iv, 260 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Moskva,"s.' P Yakovleff, 1904. ----. Povrezhdeniya i zabollevaniya bryush- nikh stlenok. [Injuries and diseases of the abdominal walls.] 64 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg V. S. Ettinger, 1904. Forms pt. 27 of: Russk. khir. See, also, Bobroff(\ A ) Rukovodstvo kizucheniyu khirurgicheskikh povvazok [etc.]. 8°. Mosh-a, 1902 — DyakonofT(P. 1.) & Itein (F. A.) Obshtshayaopera- tivnaya khirurgiya [etc.]. 8°. S.-Petfrbiiro, 1903.— Iverskaya Obshtshina Syostr Miloserdiya Krasimvo Kresta v Moskvle. Otchot o dlevntelnosii'khirursriche- skol kliniki [etc.]. 8°. J/osfcva,1899.—Lektuiiiopcrativ- nol khirurgii [etc.]. 8°. Moskva, 1901.—Kodovspo- mozheniye v Rossii [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterbin-g, 1906. ----, Rerezkin (F. I.) & Lfsenkoff (X. K.) Kratkoye rukovodstvo k prigotovleniyu pre- paratov po topograrlcheskol anatoinii; pod re- daktsiyel i s predisloviyem P. I. Dyakonova. [Short handbook on the preparation of topo- graphical anatomy specimens; edited with a preface by P. I. Dyakonoff.] 154 pp., 7 pl. 16°. Moskva, S. P. Yakovleff, 1895. Rein (Friedrieh Oscar) [1878- ]. Anatomi- scher Befund bei einem Fall von Tabes dorsalis mit progressiver Muskelatrophie. [Erlangen.] 48 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Schwa rzenberg, 1903. Rein (G.) Sur la methode operatoire de l'ex- tirpation de l'uterus gravide. 8 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, 1881. Repr.from: Ann. de gin6c, Par., 1881, xvi. Rein (Josephus). *De febre hectica. 34 pp. 12°. Marburgi, typ. Elwartii Acad., 1834. Reina (Euplio) [1806-77]. Clinica chirurgica della r. Universita di Catania, ossia memorie di patologia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria, contenenti le osservazioni raccolte nella stessa clinica. v. 1. 327 pp., 11. 8°. Catania, C. Gu- latola, 1869. ------. Studio e insegnamento dell' anatomia ed esercizio clinico-chirurgico dal 1825 al 1860 nel- 1' Ospedale Santa Marta di Catania, con note letterarie e due appendici storico-anatomiche; opera postuma pubblicata per cura di Francesco Reina. xiii, 174 pp., port. 8°. Catania, C. Galeltola, 1899. Reina (Francesco). &e Reina (Euplio). Studio e insegnamento [etc.]. 8°. Cain n in, 1899. Reinach (Joseph) [1856- ]. Proposition de loi sur le regime des alienes. 165 pp. 4°. Pa- ris, imp. de la Chambre des Deputes Motteroz, 1890. Reinach (Otto). * Ueber Influenza mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der dabei auftretenden Lungen-Erkrankungen. [Erlangen.] 32 pp., 7 ch. 8°. Munchen, Gundlfinqer dc Co., 1892. Reinarz (CasparTheodoras) [1797- ]. *De irritabilitate arteriarum propria. 26 pp. 4°. Bonnie, ti/j). Buxclderianis, [1821]. Reinbac'li (Georg) [1872- ]. *Ueberden Einfluss der venosen Stauung auf die Secretion derGalle. 30 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 8°. Breslau, [1894]. ------. Zur Chemie des Colloids der Kropfe. 3 pp. 8°. Leipzig, IS!(8. Repr.from: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., Is'.is, xxv. See, also, von IVIikuliex (Johann) & Kcinbaeli (Georg). Leber Thvreoidismus bei cini'achem Kropt, [etc.]. 8°. dnia, 1901— Nantl ber-r ( Krnst) & Rein- baeh (Georg) [etal.]. Das israclitischc Krankenhaus, [etc.]. 4°. Breslau, 1904. REIXBACH. 423 KEINFELDER. Rcinbach (Georg). * Untersuchungen iiber den Bau verschiedener Arten von menschlichen Wundgranulationen. 57 pp. 8°. Breslau, Lippertdc Co., 1901. Reinbold (Paul). * Etude sur quelques cas rares d'affeetions pulmonaires. 32 pp. 8°. Lausanne, C. Bache-Varidel, 1904. Reinbnrg, (Pierre). *Les acces dits eclamp- tiques. Etude statistique generale et traite- ment d'apres les documents de la clinique Bau- delocque du ler Janvier 1890 au 31 decembre 1904. 108 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 244. Reineke (Johann Julius). Kritik derQuaran- taine-Massregeln fiir ^eeschiffe. 67 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1875. Repr.from: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1875, n. F., xxi-xxii. -----. Ein Fall von todtlicher Laboratoriums- cholera. 8 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1894.] Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xx. -----. Die Cholera in Hamburg und ihre Bezie- hungen zum Wasser. 102 pp., 7 pl. roy. 8°. Hamburg, 1894. Repr.from: Jahrb. d. Hamb. wissensch. Anst., 1*94, xi. -----. Das Medicinahvesen des Hamburgischen Staates. Eine Sammlung der gesetzlichen Be- stimmungen fiir das Medicinal wesen in Ham- burg, viii, 493 pp. 8°. Hamburg, W. Maitke Sblute, 1900. See, also, Hamburg. Das Medicinahvesen des Ham- burgischen Staates. 8°. Hamburg. 1*90.— JUetiiciual- tvesen (Das) des Hamburirischen Staates, [etc.]. 8°. fla?>i6ur,9,"[189U].—Olshaiiseii i IL i A Keineke f.T. J.) Leber Wohnungspflege, [etc.]. 8°. Braunschweig, 1897. Reineke (Julius) [1842-1906]. .Ilerkel (S.) Nachruf. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtsptl tr., Brnschwg., 1907, xxxix, pp. i-iii. Reindeer. Jacksox (S.) Report on introduction of do- mestic reindeer into Alaska. 52. Cong., 2. sess., S. Mis. Doc. No. 22. Jan. 10,1893. 8°. Wash- ington, 1893. ------. The same. 53. Cong., 3. sess. S. Ex. Doc. Feb. 23, 1895. 8°. Washington, 1895. Linnaeus (C.) De horsel der rendieren. 12°. [a. p., 1741.] Bergman (A. M.) Rennthierpest und Rennthier- pestbacillen. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1901, v, 241: 326, 3 pl.—Lundgren. Die Rennthierpest. Ibid., 1898, ii, 401-417.—Sliul'eldt (R. W.) On the external char- acters of fcetal reindeer, and other notes, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. 1891, Phila., 1892. 224-233. Reindl (Joannes). *Febrium et inflamma- tionum characteres pathognomonic!. 5 1., 2 ch. 12°. Vindobonee, typ. vid. A. Serous*, 1838. Reindl (Karl) [1875- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Diagnose der Mediastino-Pericarditis. [AViirz- j burg.] 30 pp., 11. 8°. Bamberg, 1902. ! Reinebotli (Hermann). * Ueber die Annah- ung der Wanderniere. 53 pp. 8°. Jena, H. Bohle, 1892. i Reinebotli (H[ermann]). * Experimentelle Studien iiber die Wiederausdebnung der Lunge bei offener Brusthohle, insbesondere nach Ope- ration des Empyems. [Halle.] 34 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1897. -----. Die physikalische Diagnostic der Lun- gentuberkulose. 17 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Forms 159. Hft. of: Berl. Klinik. Reinecke (A.) Ueber die Erblichkeit der multiplen Wachsthum-Exostosen. 18 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1891. Reinecke (Georg) [1870- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Retinitis pigmentosa. 17 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1894. I Reinecke (J. C.) Hiilfsbuch zur Berechnung und Einziehung der Vergiitung der Aerzte fiir ihre verschiedenen berufsmassigen Diensfclei- stungen. 2 p. 1., 97 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Hey- mann, 1873. Reinecke (Karl). * Ueber den Leukocyten- gehalt des Harnes. 31 pp., 2 diag. 8°. Jena, G. Neucnhulin, 1S94. Reinecke (Otto) [1867- ]. * Ueber die Di- agnose und Aetiologie der Harn-Genitalfisteln des Weibes unter Beifiigung eines durch Nieren- extirpation geheilten Falles von Harnleiter- Gebarntutterfistel. 33 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1893. Reinecke (Paul) [1878- ]. * Ueber Dauer- erfolge der Ovariotomie. 36 pp. 8°. Wurz- burg, P. Scheiner, 1905. Reinecke (Kemhard Johann) [1863- ]. *Kritische Beitriige zur Behandlung Verwunde- ter und Kranker im Feldlazarett. Auf Grund der im Burenkrieg gesammelten Erfahrungen zusammengestellt. 33pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1902. Reinecke (Rudolf) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von Aorten-Aneurysma mit Lungengangriin. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, H. Fienke, 1902. Reinecke (Walter). *Ueber die vaginale To- talexstirpation des Uterus, nebst einem Beitrage zur Casuistik derselben. 32 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, J. M. Bidder, 1892. Reinecke (Walter [Louis Ferdinand]) [1864- ]. * Leber Blutkorpererziihlungen. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1889. Reinelt (Erich) [1878- ]'. *Zur Statistik und Aetiologie der Gallensteine. 56 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner vus. 40 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Jena, A Kampfe. 1895. Reinhardt (Werner Peter Max) [1878- ]. * Ueber einige neue Abkommlinge des Nitroto- luidins vom Schmelzpunkte 107°. [Erlangen.] 47 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1904. Reinhardt (Wilhelm) [1883- ]. *Zwei Falle von Kallus luxurians. 19 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Munchen, K. Kuhn, 1907. Reinhart (Albert). * Beitrag zur Ossifikation der Trachealschleimhaut. 23 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Sohn, 1903. Reinhold (August F.) Nature vs. drugs. A challenge to the drugging fraternity, which, while immense progress has been made in all other sciences, still maintains, just as it did cen- turies ago, that a sick person must be poisoned in order to be cured. In this volume the author gives directions for a mode of living which will ensure perfect health, and he also shows how, by perverse living, health is lost. He has proved the correctness of his views by repeated success. . . . n38 (4 1.), vii pp., port. 8°. New York, A. F. Reinhold, [1898]. -----. Positive prevention and cure of tubercu- losis by the nature-cure process. For both the profession and laity, xi, 465 pp., port. 8°. New York dc London, Nichols dc Co., [1900]. See, also, Knhne (Louis). Facial diagnosis [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1897. Also, Editor of: Nature-Cure, New York, 1902. Reinhold (Friedrieh Walter) [1876- ]. *Zwei Fiille von Diplegia spastica (Little'sche Krankheit bei zwei Geschwistern). 36 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1902. Reinhold (Gottfried). * Ueber einen Fall von olhaltiger Dermoidcyste auf der linken Schla- fenbeinschuppe. [Freiburg i. B.] 1 p. 1., 23 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1893. Reinhold (Heinrich) [1862- ]. Bericht fiber die Influenza-Epidemie in Freiburg. (Ver- handlungen des Vereins Freiburger Aerzte.) 19 pp. 8°. [Freiburg i. 5., 1890.] Repr.from: Ber. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i. B. Reinhold (Hermann) [1874- ]. * Ein Fall von Milztuberkulose mit Verblutung durch den Magen. 15 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1899. Reinhold (Joseph). * Ueber Myxosarcome der Nase. 40 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1891. Reinhold (Karl Leonhard). Versuch einer neuen Theorie des menschlichen VorstellungSr vermogens. 579 pp. 16°. Brag dc Jena, 0. Widtmann & /. M. Mauke, 1789. Reinige (Theodor Alfred) [1874- ]. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom zirkuliiren Irresein. 84 pp., 1 1., 2 diag. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1902. Reiniger, Oebbert & Schall. Electro- medical instruments and their management, and illustrated price list of electro-medical ap- REIXIGER. 425 REIS. Reiniger, Oebbert oi Schall—continued. paratus. 5. ed. 2 p. 1., 101 pp. 8°. Bristol, J. Wright dc Co., 1893. .-----. Appareils electro-medicaux et leur manie- ment. 7. ed. 1 p. 1., xiii, A-D, 1 1., 3 pl., 185 pp. roy. 8°. Erlangen. 1898. Reiniger (Albert) [1868- ]. * Anatomie und Ontogenie der beiden Dentitionen von Le- pus cuniculus. 29 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Erlan- gen, A. Vollrath, 1901. Reiniger (Max). *Zwei neue Fiille von mul- tilocularem Echinococcus der Leber. 16 pp. 8°. Tubingen, II. Laup, jr., 1890. Reining (Wilhelm) [1876- ]. * Pathologie der Steinniere. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Bonn, S. Foppen, 1903. Reinitz (Otto) [1876- ]. * Ueber congeni- tale Stenose und Obliteration am Isthmus aorta?. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmielt dc Klau- ii iu, 1902. Rcinke (Friedrieh [Berthold]) [1862- ]. * Untersuchungen iiber das Verhiiltniss der yon Arnold beschriebenen Kernformen zur Mitose und Amitose. 14 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 18 d. -----. Ueber die funktionelle Struktur der menschlichen Slimmlippe mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung des elastischen Gewebes. 105- 116 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1897. Repr.from: Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1897, ix. -----. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen fiir Studirende und Aerzte, mit ge- nauer Beriicksichtigung der neuesten anatomi- schen Nomenclatur. xvi, 597 pp. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, Urban d-Schwarzenberg, 189[8]9. ----- Grundziige der allgemeinen Anatomie. Zur Vorbereitung auf das Studium der Medizin nach biologischen Gesichtspunkten bearbeitet. xxii, 339 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. Reinke (Johannes) [1849- ]. Die Entwick- lung der Naturwissenschaften insbesondere der Biologie im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Rede zur Feier des Jahrhundertwechsels, gehalten am 13. Januar 1900 in der Aula der Universitat zu Kiel. 21 pp. 8°. Kiel, P. Toedie, 1900. -----. Einleitung in die theoretische Biologie. xv, 637 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Paetel, 1901. Reinking (Friedrieh Franz Adolf) [1878- ]. * Ueber den Einfluss der Alkoholverbiinde auf den Verlauf entziindlicher Prozesse. 32 pp. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1903. Reinking (Otto) [1864- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der flegmonosen Gastritis. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmielt dc Klaunig, 1890. Reinle (Philipp J.) Reine Naturheilkunde im Gegensatze zu den siimmtlichen Richtungen des bisherigen Heilwissens in Form von offent- lichen Vortriigen. Erster Vortrag gesprochen den 21. Juli im grossen Saule von Kil's Kolos- seum. 48 pp. 12°. Miinchen, 1883. Reinmoller (Joh. Alb.) Das dentale Era- pyem des Antrum Highmori. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 4°. Bostock, G. B. Leopold, [1908]. Reino (Francesco). See Reina (Euplio). Studio e insegnamento [etc.]. 8°. Catania, 1899. Reins (Heinrich) [1880- ]. *Zur Casuistik schwerer Blut-Erkrankungen in Schwanger- schaft, Geburt und Wochenbett. Ein Fall von schwerer Aniimie. Purpura hamorrhagica als Folge der Schwangerschaft. 63 pp. 8°. Mar- burg, J. Hamel, 1907. Reinsberg (Josef). Nauka o soudnim lekaf- stvi. [The science of legal medicine.] 2. ed. 3 p. 1., 880 pp., 3 1. 8°. v Praze, Bursik & Kohout, 1896. Rcinsch (Adolf) [1862- ]. * Ueber die anatoniischen Verhaltnisse der Hamamelida- ce;e mit Riicksicht auf ihre systematische Gruppirung. [Erlangen.] 53 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, W. Engelmann, 1889. Reinsch (Paul Friedrieh). Morphologische, anatomische und physiologische Fragmente. 59 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Mok-uu, 1865. Rcinstadtlcr (Wilhelm) [1875- ] * Ueber Gicht mit hochgradigen Muskelatrophien. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1902. Reinstein (Joh. Hugo) [1875- ]. *Beteiligt sich die vordere Irisfliiche an der Absonderung des Humor aqueus? Experimentelle Untersu- chungen mit kritischer Wiirdigung der bishe- rigen auseinandergehenden Ansichten. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Halle a. S., 0. Hendel, 1903. Reinstein-Mogilowa (Anna). * Ueber die Betheiligung der Zellschicht des Chorion an der Bildung der Serotina und Reflexa. [Bern.] 26pp., lpl. 8°. Berlin, 1891. . Repr.from: Arch.f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl.,1891,cxxiv. Reintges (Wilhelm) [1876- ]. *Die Tre- panation des Processus mastoideus. 60 pp. 8°. Bonn, K. Drobnig, 1900. Reintjes (Heinrich) [1866- ]. * Ueber die Bassini'sche Methode der Radicaloperation freier Leistenbriiche. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1893. Reinvigoration (Sexual). See Paramsecium; Rejuvenation. Reinvillier (Aristide). La medication phos- phoree contre la phthisie pulmonaire, la bron- chite chronique et autres affections de la poi- trine. L'emploi du phosphore contre le rachi- tisme, l'anemie, ramaigrissement, la debilite native, les convalescences lentes dans la gros- sesse et chez les jeunes enfants. 11 pp. 8°. Saint-Germain, D. Bardin, 1879. Reinwardt (CasparusGeorgiusCarolus). Ora- tio de chemiae et historic naturalis studiis recte instituendis. 2 p. 1., 50 pp. 1 1. 4°. Amst el o- dami, 1810. [P., v. 1941.] ------. Oratio de augmentis, quae historia? naturali ex Indiae investigatione accesserunt. 22 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., S. dc J. Lucht- mans, 1823. [P., v. 1941.] See, also, Ermerins (Franciscus Zacharias). De Hippocratis doctrina, a pro^nostice oriunda. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1832. Reipen (Joh. Wilhelm Werner) [1876- ]. *Die Dauererfolge der vaginalen Totalexstir- pation des karcinomatosen Uterus. [Halle.] 41 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Georgi, 1901. Reis. La verite sur les creches. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, F. Mdteste A Cie., 1851.] Repr. from: Union med., Par., 1851, v. Reis (Adolf). * Ueber Polyphagie. 36 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann, 1895. Reis (Guilielmus Antonius). *De affectibus cum huemorrhagiis uteri connexionem habentibus. 2 p. 1., 44 pp. 4°. Argentorati, typ. J. Beckii, [1715]. Reis ([Heinrich Maria] Wilhelm) [1872- ]. * Ueber Augenmaasspriifungen unter dem Ein- flusse pharmakologischer Agentien. 39 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Bonn, K. Drobnig, 1895. Reis (Joseph). * Ueber einfache psychologische Versuche an Gesunden und Geisteskranken. [Heidelberg.] 110 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. En- gelmann, 1899. REIS. 426 REISS. Reis (Paul-Henri-Louis) [1801- ]. Manuel de l'allaitement ou conseils aux jeunes meres sur les differentes manieres de nourrir leurs enfants., 135 pp. 8°. Baris, Galliot, 1843. -----. Etude sur Broussais et sur son ceuvre. 166 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, P. Asselin, 1869. -. La clef de la science de 1'homme, ou notions d'hygiene, d'anatomie, de physiologie et de pathologie humaines, a 1'usage des gens du monde. 2. ed., considerablement augmentee. iii, 5-24, 354 pp. 12°. Paris, E. Dentu, 1877. Reisch (Ernst) [1867- ]. * Ueber die Zer- setzung der zweifach gebromten Bernsteinsiiuren durch Basen. 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., R. Leupold, 1897. Reisch (Otto). *Die pathologische Anatomie des Caput obstipum musculare. 33 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, 1899. Reisehauer (Adolf [Carl Ludwig]) [1869- ]. *In wie weit lassen sich die Fiille von angebo- renem Harnrohrenverschluss in der Frage von der Abstammung des Fruchtwassers verwerten? 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, 0. Ehrh.ardt, 1895. Reisehauer (Arnold Ernst Friederich) [1877- ]. * Vergleichende Untersuchungen fiber die Brauchbarkeit verschiedener Verfahren zur Ausfuhrung der Wohnungsdesinfektion mit Formaldehyd. 78 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1901. Reisehauer (Ernst [Emil Gustav August]) [1806- ]. * Beziehungen der Hysterie zum Genitalapparat. (Ein Fail von Hysterie beim Manne nach Urethrotomia externa.) 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1890]. Reischle (Fritz). *Ueber die schadlichen Wirkungen der Carbolsiiure. 26 pp. 8°. Munchen, 1879. Reise [der] Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Medizinischer Theil. [Schlussbemerkungen.] 79 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Wien, 1861. Repr. from: Reise der Fregatte Novara um die Erde, med. Th., Wien, 1861, 221-299. Reise-Rerichte des Komit£s zur Veranstal- tung arztlicher Studienreisen in Bade- und Kurorte. Bd. 1-2, hrsg. im Auftrage des Komites von W. H. Gilbert, P. Meissner [et al.]. v. 1-4. 8°. Berlin, Vogel dc Kreienbrink, 1902-5. Reisel (Salomon) [1625-1701]. Statua humana circulatoria. pp. 338-351, 2 pl. 16°. [Paris, 1683.] Cutting from: J. d. scavans, Par., 1683. See, also, Sebizius (Melchior) jun. Galeni quinque priores libri [etc.]. lv. 16°. Argentnrati, 1646. For Biography, see Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Ge- lehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805,106, port. Reiser (Emil). * Vergleichende Untersuchun- gen iiber die Skeletmusku'atur von Hirsch, Reh, Schaf und Ziege. [Bern.] 42 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Langensalza, H. Beyer dc Sbhne, 1903. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Berlin, P. Parey, 1903. Reiser (Otto Georg) [1875- ]. * Zur Biolo- gie des Bac llus fluorescens liquefaciens. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1902. Reiser (Samuel Seinyonovicli) [LSt>4— 19<»5]. Brannsliteln (E.) [In memoriam.] Kharkov. M. J., 19i»;. i, 95 [port, in text]. Reiser (W.) * Etude clinique de la coqueluche, avec observations recueillies a la Maison des enfants malades. 125 pp. 8°. Genere, 1896. Reishaus (Karl Bernhard) [1874- ]. *Bei- trag zur Aetiologie der Cornea - Fibrome. Reishaus (Karl Bernhard)—continued. [Greifswald.] 16 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Ham- burg, L. Vuss, 1898. Ripr.from: Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1*98, iy Reiske (Rudolf). * Ueber Gastroenteroplastik und Enteroplastik aus der Heidelherger chirur- gischen Klinik. [Heidelberg.] 1 p. 1., 20 pp 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1900. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1900, xxvii. Reisniami (Arnold). *Ein Fall von Bruch des 6. Halswirbels. 32 pp. 8°. Erlangen A. Vollrath, 1891. Reisinann (J. G. H.) *De cicuta et an sit remedium cancri. 1 p. 1., 40 pp. 4°. Duis- burgi, F. A. Benthon, 1763. Rcisner (Alois). *Ein Fall von Porokeratosis. 43 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. dc J. Goeller, Reiss (Carl). Die Krankheiten der Nase und ihre Behandlung. 53 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Stein itz, [1891]. Cover reads 1892. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 59 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, H. Steinitz, 1898. ------. Bibliothek der gesamten Naturheil- kunde. 16 v. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinit:, 1892- 1900. ------. Das Asthma, Atemnot und Brustbe- klemmung; Wesen, Ursachen, erfolgreiche Be- handlung. 2. Aufl. 56 pp 8°. Berlin, H. Stein itz, 1900. -----. Die Naturheilmethode bei sexueller Neurasthenic 62 pp. 8°. Berlin, II. Steinitz, 1901. Bibliothek der gesamten Naturheilkunde, v. 18. ------. Die Natur-Heilmethode bei Lungen- und Hals-Krankheiten. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, II. Steinitz, 1906. Die Natur-Heilmethode bei Magen- und Darmkrankheiten (Verdauungsstorungen). 2. Aufl. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, [n. d.V Reiss {Carl Marinus) [1829-1902]. [Biography.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1902, n. f., ii, pt. 2,296—Petersen (J.) [Biography.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1902, 5. R., ix, 697-700. Reiss (Eduard Herrmann Moritz) [1878- ]. * Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Osteomyelitis der langen Rohrenknochen, besonders in Bezug auf die Epiphysenknorpelfuge und die beglei- tenden Gelenkaffectionen. [Strassburg i. E.] 32 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1901. Reiss (Emil Richard) [1878- ]. *Der Bre- chungskoefficient des Blutserums als Indikator fiir den Eiweissgehalt. 32 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., J. Singer, 1902. Reiss ([Eugen Bernhard] Titus) [1859- ]. *Zwei Fiille von Exstirpation eines malignen Netztumors, welche zu Verwechslung mit Ova- rialtumor Veranlassung gaben. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, Knoll dc Wtilbling, [1886]. Reiss (Guilielmus Antonius). * De miraculo natune, utero muliebri. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 16°. Argentorati, typ. vid. J. F. Spoor, 1712. Reiss (Josef) ' [1880- ]. *Ein Fall von pri- marem Wirbel-Sarkom bei einem 12ljahrigen Madchen. 32 pp. 8°. Munchen, B. Heller, 1905. Reiss (M.-L.-J.-Ch.-Fr.-Ant.) * Recherches his- toriques sur le forceps, et considerations sur l'utilite de cet instrument. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an Kill (1805), No. 176. Reiss (Michael). *De hominis dextri et sinistri affectibus. 1 1., 54 pp. sm. 4°. Gottingen, J. P. Bayrhoffer, 1818. REISS. 427 REITZ. Reiss (Paul L.) [1867- ]. Contribution a l'etude des malformations cong£nitales du cceur. Maladie de Roger. 65 pp. 4°. Pan's, 1893, No. 348. -----. The same. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1893. Reiss (Peter). *Ueber Formalin-Desinfektion. 49 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, N. Seubert, 1899. Reiss (Rodolphe A.) Einiges iiber die signale- tische Photographie (System Bertillon) und ihre Anwendung in der Anthropologic und Medizin. 13 pp. 8°. Miinchen, 1902. Forms Hft. 1, v. 9, of: Zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. med. Photog., Ront.t*o>-k. [etc.]. See, also, Kabou i,Siegfried) & Wilezek (E.) Die omeiellen Drogcn [etc.]. 8°. strassburg i. E., 1903. Reiss (Rudolf). * Ueber die Natur der Reserve- cellulose und iiber ihre Auh\">sum>-sweise bei der Keimung der Samen. [Erlangen.] 57 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, 1889. Rcisseisen (Franz Daniel). S* i' von Soinnierriiiii (Samuel Thomas) &Reiss- eisen i Franz Daniel i [iii 1. s.]. Ueberdie Structur [etc.J. 8°. Berlin, lMN. Rcistcnlmch (Philipp). Editor of: Deutsche zahniirztliche Zettung, Miin- chen, 1901-4. Reisser (George). *Ce qui reste ii faire pour 1'hygiene et l'assainisscment de nos villages du Haut-Rhin. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s.. No. 820. Another copy numbered 826. Reinsert (Ernst). * Ueber weiche Papillome der Nasenhohle. 29 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, 1889. Rcissi;; (Carl). Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von En- chondrom. 25 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Scheiner, 1S92. -----. Medizinische Wissenschaft und Kurpfu- scherei. Zur Aufkliirung des Publikums ge- meinverstandlich dargestellt. iv, 126 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1900. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. iv, 144 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1901. -----. Aufkliirung des Volkes als Mittel zur Bekampfung der Kurpfuscherei. 8 pp. fol. Berlin, 1902. Bound with: Aerztl. Vereinsbl., Berl., 1902, xxxi. Also, Co-Editor of: Hygienische Blatter, Berlin, 1904-7. Rcissig (Heinrich Theodor Hugo) [1874- ]. * Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen Alko- holismus und Epilepsie. 25 pp., 2 1. 8°. Ber- lin, E. Ebering, 1898. Reissi;; (Joseph) [1879- ]. *Ultramikro- skopische Beobachtungen. 2 p. 1., 47 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge dc Se>hn, 1908. Reissner (E.) * Ueber die Ausscheidung von Fremdkorpern aus der Niere. (Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Mikroorganismen.) 36 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaeslner, 1891. Reissner (Ernest) [1824-78]. *De auris in- ternee formatione. 53 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Dor- pati Livonorum, H. Lankmann, 1851. -----. Der Bau des centralen Nervensystemes der ungeschwiinzten Batrachier, untersucht und beschrieben. x, 118 pp., 1 1. 4°. Atlas, 12 pl. fol. Dorpat, E. J. Karon; 1864. See, also, Keieliert (Karl Bogislaus). Bericht fiber die Abhandlung [etc.]. 8°. [n. p., 1851.] Reissner (Martin) [1881- ]. * Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Warmestarre. 14 pp., 1 ch., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, [A. Borst], 1905. Reissner (Otto). Zur Frage der intermediiiren Trepanation bei Osteophlebitis cranii. [Hei- delberg.] 25 pp. 8°. Tubingen, II. Laupp, 1891. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1892, viii. < Reissner (Richard). *Casuistischer Beitrag zur Wahl der Blasensteinoperationen beim Manne. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Hor- ning, 1891. Reissner's fhre. Ilorwley (Sir V.) Note on the existence of Reissner's fibre in higher vertebrates. Brain, Lond., 1908, xxxi, pt. 1, 117-irv.t.—NichoIlK (G. E.) Reissner's fibre in the frog. Nature, Lond., 1907-8, lxxvii, 344.—Sargent (P. E.) Reissner's fibre in the canalis centralis of verte- brates. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1900, xvii, 33-44, 3 pl. -----. The development and function of Reissner's fibre and its cellular connections. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1900-1901, xxxvi, 445-452, 2 pl.—SteinbrUgge. Ueber Lageveriindcrungen der Reissner'schen Membran. Ver. handl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1899, viii, 16-19. Rcitemeyer [August Philipp]. Salzschlirf,' seine Heilquellen und seine Moorbiider. 44 pp., 1 1., 1 map on cover. 8°. [Berlin, J. Bosen- baum], 1890. -----. Kurorte und Biider in Algerien. 40 pp. 8°. Halle a. ,V., 1901. Forms Hft. 8, v. 2, of: Arch. d. Balneoth. u. Hydroth. Reitcr (Hans Conrad Julius) [1881- ]. *Ne- phritis und Tuberkulose. 35 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Reiter [M[aks] V[yacheslavovich]) [1865- ]. * Krioskopiya mochi i yeya klinicheskoye zna- cheniye sravnitelno s opredieleniyem udielnavo vlesa. [Cryoscopy of the urine and its clinical value, as compared with the determination of the specific weight.] 1 p. 1., 165, xvii, 5 pp., 2 1,5 diag. 8°. S.-Peterburg, F. V. Shtender, 1903. Reiter [Michael] [1802-76]. Beobachtungen iiber die orientalische Cholera. Gesammelt in Wien. 11 1. sm. 4°. Passau, 1832. Rcitlingcr (L[udwig] R[udolfovich]) [1837- ]. * Material! dlya statistiki glaznikh bolieznei, gospodstvuyushtshikh v voiskakh russkoi armii. [Data on the statistics of diseases of the eyes prevalent among the stroops of the Russian army.] 72 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1. A. Bogel- man, 1898. Rcitmaier (Georg). *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Dystrophia muscularis progressiva. 35 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Scheiner,-1893. Reitniann & Schonaucr. Zur Ichthyol- Behandlung von Frauenkrankheiten. 11 pp. 8°. Wien, [F. Jasper], 1890. Repr. from: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii. Rcitsch ( Willy Paul) [1878- ]. * Zur Frage der Streptokoccen-Immunitat. [Leipzig.] 42 pp. 8°. Breslau, W. Friedrieh, [1905]. Reitter (Carl). Die Indikationen fiir den Ader- lass mit.nachfolgender Kochsalzinfusion in der Therapie der uriimischen Storungen. 86 pp. 8°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deuticke, 1907. Reitler (Joannes). *Disq. phys.-path, lienis. 28 pp. 12°. Vindobonx, J. E. Akkermann, 1820.. [P., v. 2239.] Reitls (V[ladimir Nikolayevich]) [1838- ]. Lektsii po patologii i terapii dietskavo vozrasta. [Lectures on the pathology and therapy of child- ren.] xiii, 493 pp.. 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Bikker, 1895. Reitz (Bruno) [1882- ]. * Zur Kasuistik der Verletzungen des Ductus thoracicus, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der operativen. [Ros- tock.] 28 pp. 8°. Ludwigslust, C. Kober, 1907. Reitz (Johannes) [1870- ]. * Beitrage zur Casuistik des Carcinoms im jugendlichen Alter. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Reilz (Otto Wilhelm) [1876- ]. *Die Ex- stirpatio tali beim angeborenen und erworbe- nen Klumpfuss. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. KEITZENSTEIN. Reitxcnstein (Albert). * Untersuchungen iiber die Ausscheidung des Aldehyds im Or- ganismus. 28 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahol, 1894. Rej [15(>5- ]. 5. Rejou (Marie-Pierre-Leon) [1865- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude du traitement electrique des fibromes uterins. 71 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Bordeaux, 1890, No. 8. Rejsek (Josef). Zvlastni titvar proximalnfho konce mfchy u ryby Trigla gunardus. [Peculiar formation of the proximal end of the spine in the fish Trigla gunardus.] 10 pp., 2 pl. 8°. v Praze, 1898.' Forms no. 15 of: Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis Frantiska Jo- sefa [etc.], v Praze, 1897-8, 2. tfida, vii. ------. Pozorovanf ze zivota sysla a normalni zachazenf embryf na bfezich uterech. [Obser- vations on the living shrew mice and the nor- mally inclosed embrvo in the pregnant uterus.] 10 pp. 8°. v Praze', ceske Akad., 1902. Forms no. 38 of: Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Jo- sefa [etc.], v Praze, 1900-1902, 2. tfida, x. Rejuvenation. See, also, Paramaecium; Protozoa; Roberts- Hawley lymph. Bleyer(l.M.) Reflections on rejuvenescence. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907. xxxv, 146-152. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 744.—Calkins (G. X. i Rejuvenescence in Protozoa. Proc.Soc. Exper. Biol.A Med., N. Y., 1904-5, ii, 60.—<'n 11 (Sara W.) Rejuvenescence as the result of conjugation. J. Exj.er. Zool., Bait., 1907, iv, 85-89.— Man pas i K. i Le rajeunissement knryogamique chez les cilies. Arch, cie zool. exper. et gen. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 18*9, 2. s., vii, H9-510, r> pl.— Ylinot (C. S.) Sene- scence and rejuvenation. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1891, xii, 97-153, 3 pl. -----. Rejuvenation. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1904, Lond., 1905, tiOO. — Prowazek (S.) De- generative Hyperregeneration bei den Protozoen. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena, 1903, iii, 60-63.—Sellultz (E.) Ueber Verjiingung. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1905, xxv, 465-473. Rekhtzamer ( Matvel [ Aleksandrovich ] ) [1860- ]. Material! k voprosu ob etiologii kholeri. [On the etiology of cholera.] 2 p. 1., 101 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, V S. Ettinger, 1895. Reiander (Konrad) [1853-1903]. Terveyshoi- dollisia tutkimuksia haapajarven purilaakari- puristii. I. Terveyteen vaikuttavien olosuh- teidn ja tapojen ynna y leisen terveyskannan valaisemiseksi haapaveden kunnassa." [Hygie- nic exploration of sanitary resorts (Finland).] 214 pp., 1 map. 8°. Kuopio, 0. W. Backman, 1892. For Biography, see Duodecim, Helsinki, 1903, xix, nos. 2-3, suppl., port. Relation (The) of the cervical sympathetic to the eye. Papers read [by G. E. de Schweinitz, William H. Wilder, James Moore Ball, and John E. Weeks] before the section on ophthal- mology of the American Medical Association at the annual session, New Orleans, May, 1903. 119 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1904. Relation historique de tout ce qui a'est passe a Marseille pendant la derniere peste. 2. ed. 472 pp. 16°. Cologne, B. Marleau, 1723. ------. The same. An historical account of the plague at Marseilles, giving a particular rela- tion of all the different occurrences that hap- pen'd during the visitation in that city. Pub- RELATIONS. Relation historique [etc.]—continued. lish'd by authority at Paris, and faithfully translated from the original French. By a phy- sician. To which is added a letter from Mon- sieur Pons, physician of the Faculty of Mont- pelier, wrote from Marseilles (while"he resided there by order of the regent) to Monsieur de Bon Chevalier, first president of the court of aids and finances of Montpelier, discovering the nature and cause of the pestilence, its symptoms, and the methods and medicines used for the recovery of the infected. 136 pp. 12°. London, M. Billingsley, etc., 1721. [P., v 2118.] -----. The same. An historical account of the plague at Marseilles, giving a particular relation of all the different occurrences that happened during the visitation of that city. Transl. from the original French by J. Soame, to which is added a letter from Pons to de Bon, discover- ing the nature and cause of the pestilence, its symptoms, and the methods and medicines used for the recovery of the infected. 2. ed., to which is added a particular and disdinct de- scription of the city of Marseilles. 135 pp. 8°. London, J. Billingsley, 1722. [P., y. 2213.] -----. The same. An historical account of the plague at Marseilles, giving a particular relation of all the different occurrences that happen'd during the visitation of that city. Publish'd by authority at Paris, and faithfully transl. from the original French. To which is added a letter from Monsieur Pons . . ., discovering the nature and cause of the pestilence, its symp- toms, and the methods and medicines used for the recovery of the infected. By John Soame. 2. ed. 135 pp. 8°. London. J. Billinqsleu, 1722. -----. The same. A historical relation of the plague at Marseilles in the year 1720, contain- ing a circumstantial account of the rise and progress of the calamity, and the ravages it oc- casioned; with many curious and interesting particulars relative to that period. Transl. from the French manuscript of Mons. Bertrand, physician at Marseilles, who attended during the whole time of the malady, by Anne Plump- tre, with an introduction anel a variety of notes by the translator, xxxii, 384 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Man-man, 1805. Relation de la maladie de Mademoiselle Le Juge, fille de M. Le Juge [Joseph], eonseiller du roy, correcteur en la chambre des comptes de Paris; et de sa guerison miraculeuse, arrivee le neuvieme jour de mars au soir de la pre- sente annee 1737. [Par 1'intercession du diacre Francois de Paris.] 12 pp, 8°. [Paris], 1737. Relation (On the) of the nasal and neurotic factors in the aetiology of asthma, bv F. H. Bosworth, E. L. Shurly, W. H. Daly, Andrew H.Smith. 20pp. 12°. [New York, 1889.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1889, lix. Relation of physicians to mortality statistics. The international classification of causes of death as adopted by the United States Census Office and approved by the American Public Health Association. 26 pp. 8°. Washington, 1903. Relation (On the) of psychology to physiol- ogy; a review. 19 pp. 8°. Glasgow, W. Mac- kenzie, 1859. Repr.from: Glasgow M. J., 1858-9, vi. Relation* (The) of the Marine Hospital Serv- ice [etc.]. See Medical Society of the State of California. RELATIONS. 429 RELIGION. Relation* (The) of the medical profession to the State. 24 pp. 8°. New York, 1879. Relationship. Kivers (W. H. R.) On the origin of the classiflcatory system of relationships. In: Anthrop. Essays, roy. 8°. Oxford, 1907, 309-323. Relatorio apresentado pela commissao no- meada pela Sociedade de sciencias medicas e approvado na senao de 25 de abril de 1894. 14 pp. 8°. Lisboa, 1894. Suppl. to: Rev. de med. e cirurg., Lisb., 1894, no. 8. Relay Station. See. Insane (Asylums for, Description, etc., of), by localities. Relazione della commissione incaricata [etc.]. See Bonagamba. Relazione del consiglio sulla attuale organiz- zazione sanitaria degli istituti ospitalieri; pro- poste di miglioramento organico modificato; re- golamenti. 14 pp. roy. S°. Bergamo, Alessan- dro dcfrat., 1899. Relazione del contagio stato in Firenze 1' anno 1630 e 1633; coll' aggiunta del catalogo di tutte le pestilenze piu celebri che sono state nel mondo, delle quali si trovi fatta memoria. Nuova ed. xvi, 232 pp. sm. 4°. Firenze, J. Guiducci dc S. Franchi, 1714. Relazione del Dott. Ettore Zanardi alia congre- gazione di carita nella seduta consigliare del 25 maggio 1902. 11 pp. 8°. Bologna, Azzoguidi, 1902. Relazione dell' esperienze fatte in Inghilterra, Francia ed Italia intorno alia celebre e famosa trasfusione del sangue per tutto maggio 1668. In cui, oltre all' oppugnationi e difese, si vede la sanita restituita ad alcuni infermi, e partico- larmenti a un pazzo. La maniera di facilmente pratticarla negli huomini, e la minuta descri- zione di essa, con nuova esperienza in un cane vecchio e sordo restituito alia forza e udito. (Da Emilio Maria Manolessi.) 74 pp. 12°. Bo- logna, Memolessi, 166*. Relazione delle febbri che si sono provate epi- demiche in diverse parti della Toscana 1' anno 1767. See Florence. Relazione dei lavori del comitato d' assistenza e beneficenza durante 1' epidemia 1885 in Misil- meri. 18 pp. 8°. Palermo, tipog. dello " Sta- tuto", 1886. Relazione sulla questione del controllo obbli- gatorio dei sieri e prodotti affini; presentata alia Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina da una com- missione composta dei soci professori Banti, Fano, Grocco, Lustier, Mya, approvata nell' adu- nanzadel 13 febbraio 1901. 3 1. 8°. Firenze, Soc. tipog. fiorentina, 1901. Relazione storica del cholera morbus nella provincia Ferrarese, l'anno 1855. See Ferrara (Province of). Relazione degli ufficiali medici incaricati dal Presidente degli Stati Uniti d' America. See United States. Treasury Department. Marine Hospital Service. Re les§ (Mile. Marie) [1872- ]. * Valeur di- agnostique, de la durete du premier bruit dans le retrecissement mitral. 87 pp. 8°. Paris, 1896, No. 80. Relhan (Anthony) [1715-76]. Moore (N.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 6. Relief (The) of pain by the use of metallic trac- tors. See [Hall (John Vine)]. Religio medici. See Browne (Sir Thomas). Religio medici, religio scientise, religio vitse, 1901; by a student of science and medicine, 1849- 99. viii, 216 pp. 8°. [London], C. Good dc Co., 1902. Religion. See, also, Clergymen; Medicine (Clerical); Medicine and religion ; Priests; Revivals; Sacred embryology; Saints in medicine; Sha- manism. Beliard (O.) & Caubert (L.) Le periple. 12°. Paris, 1908. Bruzon (P.) * La medecine et les religions. 8°. Paris, 1904. Haller (A.) Discours sur l'irreligion, ou l'on examine ses principes et ses suites funestes, opposes aux principes et aux heureux effets du ehristianisme. Trad, de l'allemand par M. Seigneux de Correvon, avec des notes du tra- ducteur. 16°. Lausanne, 1760. M agnls (H.) Medicin und Religion in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen. 8°. Breslau, 1902. Paget (J.) Theology and science. An ad- dress delivered to students preparing for ordi- nation at the Clergy School at Leeds, in Decem- ber, 1880. 2. ed. _8°. London, 1881. Raimon (A.) Dieu et 1'homme; etude philo- sophique. 8°. Paris,,1891. Religio medici, religio scienthe, religio vitae, 1901; bv a student of science and medicine, 1849- 99. 8°." [London], 1902. X . . . Les conflits de la science et des idees modernes. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1905. Benedikt(M) La religione e la morale. Anomalo, Napoli, 1891, iii, 161-168.—Binet-Sangle (C.) Physio- psychologie des religieuses; les religieuses de Port-Royal. J. de-neurol., Par., 1903, viii, 323-338.—Boutroux (E.) La religion selon Herbert Spencer. Bull, de l'lnst. g6n. psvchol., Par., 1905, v, 301-323- Brueliesi. Science et religion. Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal, 1904-5, viii, 197.—Coe (G. A.) Religion's value. J. Philos., Psychol. [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y., 1908, v, 253-256.—Cozzoli (G. ) Igiene e cristianesimo. Salute pubb., Perugia, 1904, xvii, 193-200—Frazer (J. G.) Folk lore in the Old Testament. In: Anthrop. Essays, roy. 8°, Oxford, 1907, 101-174.—Gota (A.) Algo sobre la vocacion religiosa. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1905, iv, 662-675.—Lodge 'Sir O. J.) Catechism of a scientist. Scient.Am.,N.Y.,1906,xev,483.— Meinert. Religion und Trinkerhilfe. Alkoholfrage, Dresd., 1908, v, 193-217.—lUohr (F.) Das modeme Zun- genreden; eine psychische Massenepidemie. Psychiat- neurol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1908-9, x, 61; 69.—Nacke (P.) Die angeblichen Wurzeln der Religion. Ztschr. f. ReligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1908, ii, 21-39.—Peeuliar (The) People again. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 907.—Peter- sen* Religion, Determinismus und Fatalismus. Monat- schr. f. Krim.-Psychol., Heidelb., 1906, iii, 335-352.—Po- korny (J.) Der Ursprung des Druidentums. Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1908, xxxviii, 34-50.—Senfft (A.) Religiose Quarantine auf den Westkarolinen. Glo- bus, Brnschwg., Berl., 1905, lxxxvii, 78.— IJbeyd-Oul- lah. L'islamismeetlapedagogiemusulmane. Rev.de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 104; 141. Religion (Psychology of). See, also, Demonomania; Ecstasy; Hys- teria (Manifestations of, Psychical); Insanity (Religious); Mystics, etc.; Nuns; Religion and sexual instinct; Revivals; Saints. Aumaitre (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de Physterie religieuse. Mme. Cuyon. 8°. Paris, 1907. Binet-Sangle (C.) Les lois psychophysiolo- giques du developpement des religions. L'evo- lution religieuse chez Rabelais, Pascal et Ra- cine. 16°. Paris, 1907. Bresler (J.) Religionshygiene. 8°. Halle a. S., 1907. Fiessinger (C.) Science et spiritualisme. La valeur de la science; l'ame et Dieu; le ma- terialisme; la psychologie du Catholicisme. 2. ed. 12°. Pan's, 1907. RELIGION. 430 RELIGION. Religion (Psychology of). von Hase (K.) Die psychologische Begriin- dung der religiosen Weltanschauung im xix. Jahrhundert. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Hilschek (S. P.) [Pr.] de mutatione quae usum sacra- ccenae sequi solet in morbis. 4°. Jenve, 1730. Porritt N. Religion and health; their mu- tual relationship and influence. 8°. London, 1905. Regnault (F.) Hvpnotisme, religion. 12°. Paris, 1897. Aars (B.) La religion devant la psychologie. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 426-128.— Auinaltre (A.) De l'influence de l'hysterie sur les sentiments religieux. Med. orient., Par., 1907, xi, 417- 421.—Bellucei (G.) II feticismo primitivo in Italia; contributo alia psieologia della religione. Atti d. Cons. internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 114-116.—Binet- Sangle (C.) LeprophtHeSamuel. Ann. mod.-psychol., Par., 1903, 8. s., xviii, 204; 353: 1904, 8. s., xix, 5; 177. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1904-5, xix, 152-156 -----. Relation de la profession re- ligieuse avec les signes de degenSrescence. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1903-4, xviii, 83-89. -----. LepropheteElie. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1904, xix, 161: 1905, xx, 225. -----. Association de la religiosity et du genie poetique; l'hi^rosyncrotime Ra- cine. Chron. med., Par., 1905, xii, 385; 417.— Bogoraz (\V.; Idges religieuses des Tchouktchis. Bull, et m6m. Soc. d'anthrop. dc Tar., 1901, 5. s., v, 341-f.v>.—Bresler (J.) Religioses Scliuldiutuhl. Ztschr. f. Religionspsy- chol., Halle a. S., 1907, i, 33-37.—Broda (R.) Quelques faits d'extase religieuse. Kcv. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phvsiol., Par., 1906-7, xxi, 319-351.—de Carde (leprince) & 'Roubinovitch. Contribution k l'etude de l'etat mentaldeJansenistesconvulsionn;ures. Bull.Soc. franc. d'hist. de med., Par., 1902, i, 53-63, 1 pl.—Chapman (J. W.) Acase of conversion. J. Am. Soc. Psych. Re- search, N. Y., 1908, ii, 5m;.—da Costa Guiinaraens (F.) Le besoin de prier etses conditions psychologiques. Rev. phil., Par., 1902, liv, 391-112.—Fallows (S.} Re- ligious psychology. Clinique, Chicago, 1908, xxix, 131- 137— Flournoy(T) Les principes de la psychologic religieuse. Arch, de psychol., Geneve, 1903, ii, 33-57. -----. Observations de psychologie religieuse. Ibid., 327-366.—Foul 1 lee (A.) La psvchologie religieuse dans Michclet. Rev. phil., Par., 1899, xlvii, 259-275.—Freud (S.) Zvvangshandlungen und Religionsiibung. Ztschr. f. ReligionspsychoL, Halle a.S., 1907, i,4-12.—Freytag. Zur Methode religionspsychologischer Forschung. Ibid., 1908.ii,39-47.—Hellpaeh (W.) ZurFormenkunde der Beziehungen zwischen Rcligiositat und Abnormi- tiit. Ibid., 1907, i, 97-110. -----. Religiose Wahnbil- dung bei thyreogener Erregung. Ibid., 360-382.— Hell wig (V. A.) Betcn und Verbrechen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1908, xxx, 79-82.— Holmes (J.) Notes on the religious ideas of the Elenia tribe of the Papuan Gulf. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1902, xxxii, 426-431, lpl.—I I berg (G.) Krankheit oder Siinde. Ztschr. f. Religionsp-vchoL, Hallea. S., 1908, ii, 99; 125 — Jaeger (J.) Krankheit oder Siinde? Ibid., 113-125.— King il.) The'evolution of religion from the psychologi- cal point of view. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago, 1908-9, xiv. 433- 450.—Iiadame (P.-L.) La separation k Gen eve; eludede psvchologie religieuse sociale. Ztschr. f. Religionspsy- choL, Halle a. S., 1907, i, 281-298— Leuba (J. H.) A study in the psvchology of religious phenomena. Am. J. Psvchol., Worcester, 1895-6, vii, 309-385. -----. Introduc- tion to a psvchological study of religion. Monist, Chicago, 1900-1901, xi. 195-225. -----. Revue generale de psycho- logie religieuse. 'Anneepsychol., Par., 1906, vii, 650-569.— Marzoraii ( A.) Le origini e lo sviluppo del pensiero religioso in rapporto ai fenomeni psiehici ed alle facoltil supernormali. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 161— .Hiseln (G.) Die religiose Selbstdar- stellung und die Seelengesehichte in der hellenisti- schen Mystik. Ztschr. f. Religionsi>sychol., Halle a. S., 1908, i, 473-498.—M8nkemi)ller. Anna Katha- rina Emmerich, die stigmatisierte Nonne von Diilmen. Ztschr. f. ReligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1907, i, 254; 299.— Morchen (F.) Die Psychologie der Heiligkeit. Ibid., 1908, i, 393-436.— Murisier (E.) Le sentiment religieux duns 1'extase. Rev. phil., Par., 1898, xlvi, 449; 607 — Naeke (P.) Zur Psychologie der plotzlichen Bekeh- rungen. Ztschr. f. ReligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1907, i, 233-253.—Parker ( W. B.) The psvchologv of belief. Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1897, li, 747-755. —Prince (M.) The psvchology of sudden religious conversion. J. Ab- norm. Psychol., Host,, 1906, i, 42-54.—Rasmussen (E.) Der Bahaismus. Ztschr. f. ReligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1907, i, 382-389.—Regnault (F.) Hypnotisme et reli- gion. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1894-5, ix, 150-157. —Runze ( G.) Ist die Religions- psychologie eine besondere Wissenschaft? Ztschr. f. Rel igion (Psychology of). ReligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1908, ii, 185-190.—Spitzka (E. A.) Auftreten von Epidemien des religiosen Fanatis- mus im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert; die neulichen Sugge- stionserscheinungen bei den Duchoborzen in Kanaua. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1903-4, xiv, 9-22. Also, Reprint. —Stanley (H. M.) On the psvchology of religion. Psvchol. Rev., N. Y. & Lond., 1898, v, 254-278.—Starbuck ( K. D.) A study of conver- sion. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1897-8, viii, 268-308.— Stoops (J. D.) The psvchology of religion. J. Philos., Psychol, [etc.], Lancaster, Pa., & N.Y., 1905, ii, 512-519.— Tanner (AmyE.) An illustration of the pswhology of belief. Psychol. Bull., Bait., 1907, iv, 33-36.—Weidel (K.) Zur Psvchologie der Ekstase. Ztschr. f. Religions- psychoL, Halle a. S., 1908, ii, 190-211— Will Hint (A.) Biblische Erziehungswerte, psycliologi»ch bcleiielitet. Ibid., 49-72.—Witry. Eine religiose suggestivepidemie in Deutschland. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1177. -----. Hysterie und religioses Empfinden. Psychiat.-neurol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1906-7, viii, 304. — Woolston (H. B.) Religious emotion. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1902, xiii, 62-79. Religion in anthropology. Hock (G.) *Griechische YVeihegehniuche. 8°. Miinchen, 1905. Karsten (li.) *The origin of worship. A study in primitive religion. [Helsingfors.] 8°. Wasa, 1905. Landtman (G.) *The origin of priesthood. [Helsingfors.] 8°. Ekenaes, 1905. Adler (C.) Museum collections to illustrate religious historv and ceremouials. Mem. Internat Cong. Anthrop. 1893, Chicago, 1894, 322-331. — Anneeliino (R.) Divi- nita criminali. Anomalo, Napoli,1897,vii,22; 54.—Binet- Saniile (C.) Les hierosyncrotemes familiaux. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1902-3, xvii, 282- 285.—BrauIt (J.) Les religions devant Phygiene dans les pavs coloniaux. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1903, xlix, 206- 241.—Breysig (K.) Die Entstehung des Gottesgedan- kens insonderheit bei den amerikanischen Urzeitvolkern. Ztschr. f. EthnoL, Berl., 1905, xxxvii, 216-221.—Cook (A. B.) The European sky-god. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1904- 8, xv-xviii, passim. — Dadachanji (R. K.) The in- fluence of religion on the formation of a nation's charac- ter and its social institutions and usages. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1906, vii, 376-397.—Dumoutier (G.) Chua-Hai-Ba, le temple des deux Dames, pres Hanoi. Anthropologie, Par., 1891, ii, l.Vi-159— Fugenlen (F.) Les Chiites d'aujourd'hui. Anthropos, Salzh., 1907, ii, 406-421, 3 pl.-Flinders-Petrie (W. M.) Soul-houses in Egypt; a curious religious custom. Scient. Am. Suppl., N.Y.,1907, lxiv, 380.—Fournier. Memoire sur la statis- tique des religions. Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist. 1889, Rome, 1890, iv, 125-146.—Haddon (A. C.) The religion of the Torres Straits Islands. In: Anthrop. Es- says, roy. 8°, Oxford, 1907, 175-188.—Jastrow (M.), jr. The scope and method of the historical study of religions. Mem. Internat. Cong. Anthrop. 1893, Chicago, 1894, 2*7- 297.—Kemp. Pontifex maximus. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 790; 894.—Kleemann (E.) Die Religion der Verbrecher. Ztschr. f. ReligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1908, i, 498-508.—K ley man (D.) Les Douchoboris (comhattants pour l'ame). N. iconog. de la SalpStriere, Par., 1908, xxi, 243, 1 pl.—I^effevre (A.) devolution religieuse. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 371-395. -----. L.a liturgie et la morale mazd6cnnes. Rev. mens, de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1893, iii, 73- 89.—Lejeune (C.) Le culte des morts au xx« siecle. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1902. 6. s., iii, 97- 111. Letoiirneau(C) L'evolution mythologique; na- ture ,et origines du sentiment religieux. Rev. mens. de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1891, i, 65-81.—Lloyd (A.) Dogmatische Anthropologie im Buddhismus. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Tokio, 1900, viii, 175-210— MarettfR. R.) Fromspell to prayer. Folk Lore, Lond., 1904, xv, 132-165.—Mead (G. H.) The imagination in Wundt's treatment of mvth and religion. Psychol. Bull., Bait., 1906, iii, 393-399.—Meier (J.) A kaja oder der Schlangenaberglaube bei den Eingebore- nen der Blanchebucht (Neupommern); ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Religionen" primitiver Volker. An- thropos, Wien, 1908, xxxii, 1005-1029.—Naeke (P.) Weiteres iiber das Schicksal der kanadischen Duchobor- zen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xviii, 358-360.—Nyuak (L.) Religious rites and customs of the Iban or Dyaks of Sarawak. Anthropos, Salzb., 1906, i, 11; 165.—Pommerol (F.) Origines du culte des vierges noircs. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1901, 5. s., ii, 83-88.—Preuss (K. T.) Die Siinde in der mexikanischen Religion. Globus, Brnschwg., 1903, lxxxiii, 253; 268. -----. Der Ursprung der Religion und Kunst; vorlaufige Mitteilung. Ibid., 1904, Ixxxvi, 321; 347; 356; 375; 380; 394: 1905, Ixxxvii, 413.—Relnaeh (S.) Satan et ses pompes. Rev. de l'Univ. de Brnx. RELIGION. 431 REMAK. Religion in anthropology. J909-3 viii, 97-112.—Rubbens (C.) Evolution reli- gieuse au Congo. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1891, 4. | ii 259 274. -----. Le dieu indien Civa. Ibid., 1894,4. s'' v,' 456^458.—Sheane (J. H. W.) Some aspects of the Awe'mba religion and superstitious observances. J. An- throp. Inst., Loud., 1906, xxxvi, 150-158. — Spiess (C.) Das Gehoft des Gottes Zakadza in Nogokpo. Globus, Brnschwg., 1907. xci, 6-8.— Stain (N.) The religious conceptions of some tribes of Buganda (British Equatorial Africa). Anthropos, Salzb., 1908, iii, 213-218.—Tar- nowsky (E.) Les crimes contre la religion en Russie. Arch, d'anthrop, crim., Lyon & Par., 1899, xiv, 241-263.— Vierkandt (A.) Die Anfiinge der Religion und Zau- berei. Globus, Brnschwg., 1907, xcii, 40; 61.—Wester- inarck (E.) L-'ar, or The transference of conditional curses in Morocco. In: Anthrop. Essays, roy. 8°, Oxford, 1907 361-371.—Wliittaker (T.) Apollonius of Tvana, Monist, Chicago, 1902-3, xiii, 161-217.—AVltry. Une epidemie religieuse en Allemagne. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 75-77. Religion and psychotherapy; See, also, Psychotherapy. Baker (R. S.) The spiritual unrest; the new mission of the doctor, pp. 231-244. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: Am. Mag., X. Y., 1908-9, lxvii. Buckley (J. M.) Dangers of the Emmanuel movement; reasons why it should not be gen- erally adopted, pp. 631-635. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: Century Mag., N. Y., 1908-9, lxxvii. Religion and medicine. Publication Xos. 1-7. 12°. New York, 1908. Religion and medicine, the moral control of nervous disorders, by Ehvood Worcester, Sam- uel McComb, Isador*H. Coriat. With a preface by Somerset E. Pennefather. 8°. London, 1908. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1898. Cornish (L. C,) The Emmanuel movement: its ele- ments of permanence. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 916.— Du Bose (F. G.) Psychophysics in the hands of the pseudo-psychopomp. Mobile M. & S. J., 1909, xiv, 11-13.— Edes (R. T.) The present relations of psvchotherapy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1909, Hi, 92-96—Farrar (C. B.) Psychotherapy and the church. .1. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa., 1909, xxxvi, 11-24.—II in man (F.) The Emmanuel movement and its relation to medicine. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1909,vii, 14-ls.—Hyslop i .1. H.) "Religion and medicine." J. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y., 1908, ii, 651-681.—lUiller (1). S.) Religion and medicine. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y., 1909, n. s., iv, 45— Nikitin (M. P.) Beligioznoye chuvstvo, kak istslelvayushtshiy faktor. [Religious feeling as a healing factor.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Pe- terb., 1904, ix, 1; 100. Religion and sexual instinct. Dromard (G.) Les fausses messes noires. Causeries psychologiques et medico-legales sur quelques scandales modernes. 12°. Paris, [1904]. Northcote (H.) Christianity and sex prob- lems. 8°. Philadelphia, 1906. Steixgiesser (F.) Das Geschlechtsleben der Heiligen. Ein Beitrag zur Psycopathia sexua- lis der Asketen und Religiosen. 12°. Berlin, 1902. Weir (J.) The psychical correlation of re- ligious emotion and sexual desire. 2. ed. 12°. Louisville, Ky., 1897. Ellis (H.) The auto-erotic factor in religion. In his: Studies [etc.], 8°, Phila., 1900, 231-244. —Freimark (H.) Die Beziehungen der Religiositat zum Sexualle- ben. Sex.-Probleme, Frankf. a. M., 1908, iv, 814-827.— Gannouchklne (P.) La volupt6, la cruaute et la re- ligion. Ann. med.-psychol., Par., 1901, 8. 8., xiv, 353- 375— Lemesle (H.) Psychopathic religieuse; le mar- tyre de Robert d' Arbrissei. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 249-253.— Runze (G.) Reli- gion und Geschlechtsliebe; zur Methode der Bestimmung ihrer gegenseitigen Beziehungen. Ztschr. f. Religions- psychoL, Halle a. S., 1908, ii, 282; 313.—Schroeder (T.) Erotogenesis of religion. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1907, xxviii, 330: 1908, xxix, 208. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. ReligionspsychoL, Halle a. S., 1908, i, 445-465. Religion and medicine, the moral control of nervous disorders, by Elwood Worcester, Sam- uel McConib, Isador H. Coriat. With a preface by Somerset E. Pennefather. 427 pp. 8°. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner dc Co., Ltd., 1908. ------. The same. 427 pp. 8°. New York, Moffat, Yarddc Co., 1908. Rcligioni (A[nton-Lyudvik] A[ntonovich]) [1866- ]. *Nadvlagalishtshnaya amputat- siya sheiki matki iii ekstirpatsiya vsevo organa pri rakovoin porazhenii shetki yevo (patologo- anatomicheskoye izslledovaniye). [Supravagi- nal amputation of the uterine cervix or extirpa- tion of the entire uterus in cancer of the cervix (patho-anatomical investigation).] 117 pp., 11., 2 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, G. P. Pcharoff, 1900. Religion* Society of Friends, for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. An address of the representatives of the . . ., to their fellow citi- zens, on behalf of the Indians. 55 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Friends' Book Store, 1891. Reliquet [Emile] [1837-94]. Lecons sur les maladies des voies urinaires faites a I'Ecole pratique de la Faculte de medecine de Paris. 1. fasc, 144 pp. 8°. [Paris], V.-A. Delahaye dc Cie., 1878. [P., v. 2059.] ------. Reorganisation de l'enseignement medi- cal. 8 pp. 12°. Paris, Vve. Babe dc Cie., 1892. ------. (Euvres completes, reunies et publiees par A. Guepin. v. 1-3. 8°. Baris, L. Battaille dc Cie., 1895. For Biography, see Progres med., Par., 1894, i, 422 (E. Reliquet). ------& Ouepin (A.) Faux retrecissements de l'urethre. 46 pp. S°. Baris, F. Alcan, 1-93. ------------. Les glandes de l'uretre; £tude clinique et pathologique. v. 1. 236 pp. 8°. Pam, L. Battaille dc Cie., 1894. Reliquet (Jean) [1874- ]. * Recherches sur l'etiologie de 1' hypertrophic senile de la prostate. 48 pp. 8°. Pans, 1900, No. 200. Rellay (Paul) [1872- ]. *Essai sur le traite- ment chirurgical de l'epilepsie. Considerations sur quelques cas d'epilepsie traites par la trepa- nation. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898. Relic (L.) * Essai sur les paralysies obstetricales. 50 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 259. Rclotius (Ayold). *Casuistische Beitrage zur Lehre von den Zwangsvorstellungen. 26 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Pietzcker, 1899. [Relotius (Everhardus).] *Deabusuthoracum balenaceorum. 1 p. 1., 23 pp., 11. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1938.] RelotiUN (Joh. Heinrich) [1880- ]. Zwei Falle von Appendicitis bei ungewohnlicher Lage des Appendix in der Magengegend. 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, IL Fiencke, 1904. Relpit (John). An inquiry into the medical efficacy of a new species of Peruvian bark, lately imported into this country under the name of yellow bark; including practical observations respecting the choice of bark in general, viii, 177 pp. 8°. London, J. Phillips, 1794. Remade. Corps legislatif. Session 1853. Rap- port fait au nom de la Commission chargee d'examiner le projet de loi concernant les enfants trouves et abandonnes et les orphelins pauvres, confies a 1'assistance publique. 95 pp. 8°. [Paris, H. & C. Noblet, 1853.] Remak (E[rnst]). Elektroterapiya. Perevod K. N. Kovalevskoi. [Electrotherapy. Transl. by Mme. Kovalevskaya.] 68 pp. 8°. [Khar- kov, 1888.] Bound with: Akch. psichiat. Letc], Kharkov, 1887-8, xi. REMAK. 432 KKMEDI. Remak (E[rnst])—continued. -----. Grundriss der Elektrodiagnostik und Elektrotherapie fiir praktische Aerzte. viii, 196 pp. 8°. Wiendc Lepzig, Urban dc Sehwarzenberg, 1895. -----. The same. Osnovi elektrodiagnostik i elektroterapii dlya prakticheskikh vraehef. Perevod s niemetskavo S. B. Oriechkina; s pre- disloviyein i primlechaniyami 0.0. Mochutkov- skavo. [Transl. from the German by S. B. Oriechkin, with preface and notes by O. O. Mochutkovski.] viii, 210 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1896. Issued by: Sovrem. med. i hig., 1896. —. Neuritis und Polvneuritis. 1. Hlfte. Anatomischer und pathologisch-anatomischer Theil bearbeitet von Eduard Flatau. x, 714 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1899. Forms v. 11, pt. 3, 3. Abth., of: Specielle Pathologie und Therapie. 8°. Wien, 1899. Remak (R[obert]) [1815-65]. Ueber multi- polareGanglienzellen. 7pp. 8°. [Wien, 1854.] [P., v. 1897.] Repr. from: Monatsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, 1854. -----. Neurologische Beobachtungen. 6 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1855.] [P., v. 1895.] Repr.from: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1855, vii. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Wirbelthieres. 2 p. 1., 194, xxv pp., 12 pl fol. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1851 [1855]. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr.(Libr.) Also: Album wybitnychlekarzy polskich. 8°. Poznan, [1906]. Remarks on the anti-streptococcus serum (Fisch) of the Bacteriologie Laboratory of John T. Milliken & Co., St. Louis, Mo., with reports of cases treated. 31 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., 1898. Remarks on the cholera [etc.]. See [Mauran (Joseph), Webb (Thomas H.), & Tobey (Samuel Boyd)]. Remarks on experimental pharmacology, com- piled by Surgeon-General C A. Gordon. 78 pp. 12°. London, W. Austin, 1882. Remarks on the explanation given by Lauder Brunton, examiner in materia medica, to the Royal College of Physicians of London, on his introduction into his text-book of pharma- cology, materia medica and therapeutics, of a large number of homoeopathic medicines, with- out any mention of the source whence he took them. 177-200 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale dc Sons, 1887. Repr.from: Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1887, xxxi. Remarks on the evidences against the system of phrenology, by Thomas Stone, esq., 1828. v. 1: pp. 153-164; 249-265; 349-362; 435-450. v. 2: pp. 47-59; 130-146; 507-530. 8°. [Lon- don, 1828.] Cutting from: Lond. M. & S. J., 1828, i. Remarks by the Medical and Surgical Corpora- tions of the United Kingdom on the reports of the visitors of examinations, 1881-2. 52 pp. 8°. London, Spottiswoode dc Co., 1882. Remarks on a misleading document published by the State Board of Lunacy and Charity. 15 pp. 8°. [Boston], 1895. Remarks on pepsine. 14 pp. 16°. [New York, 1876?] Remarks on the remarks of. . . ; or, inocula- tion justified, p. 313. 8°. [London, 1752.] Cutting from: Gentleman's Mag., Lond., 1752. Remarks on a report of a committee of the overseers of Harvard College, proposing certain changes, relating to the instruction and disci- Remark* on a report [etc.]—continued. pline of the College; read May 4, 1824, and to be taken into consideration June 1, 1824. By one, lately a member of the immediate gov- ernment of the College. 12 pp. 8°. Cain- bridge, Hillard dc Metcalf, 1824. Remarks on Dr. Some's case of receiving the small-pox by inoculation, impartially consid- ered, p. 255. 8°. [London, 1750.] Cutting from: Gentleman's Mag., Lond. Remarks on toothache. 3 pp. 8°. [Bdin- burghl821.] [P., v. 1974.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. & S. J., 1821, xvii. Remarks on the treatment of pulmonary phthi- sis. 47 pp. sm. 4°. [Boston, 1889.] Remarks on the treatment of small-pox. 7 pp. 16°. [Dublin, McGowan dc Co., n. d.\ [P., v. 2089.] Repr.from: Med. Press & Circ, Lond. Remarks on the use of alcohol for the prepara- tion of medicines. 8 pp. 12°. Boston, J. Wil- son, 1849. Re mar tine z y Diaz (Benito). See Galtier Victor] & Violet [Th.] Las pneu- moenteritis [etc.]. 8°. Mtuiri3, 4. R., i. 612-646.—First (The) French publi- cist; a bit of medical history. [Ivlit.] .1. Am. M \w Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 2015.—Guiiion (G.) Renaudot medecin. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1893, vi, 359- 364, 1 pl.—Tlieopliraste Renaudot, fondateur des policlmiqucs, 1580-1053. Assistance, Par., 1*92, ii, 195-207. For Portrait, see N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par 1893, vi, no. 6. Renauld (Antoine-Frederic) [1866- ] *Con- tribution a l'etude et au traitement des heinor- rhagies consecutives aux operations pratiquees sur les voies biliaires. 1 p. 1., 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1899, No. 20. Renauldin (Leopold-Joseph) [1775-1 S5it], See Dreyssig [Friedrieh Wilhelm], Traite du diag- nostic medical [etc.]. 8°. Paris, an XII [1804]. Renault (A.) Essai sur l'influence de l'al- coolisme dans le developpement de plusieurs groupesd'affectionscutanees. 70 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste dc Cie., 1874. Renault (Alex.). See JTlementos (Les) therapeutiques [etc.]. 12°, [Paris], 1891. Renault (Alphonse) [1862- ]. *Del'ar- throdese tibio-tarsienne dans les cas de pieds bots paralytiques. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 395. ------. The same. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1893. Renault (Ch). See Rambaud. (A.) & Renault (Ch.) Origine et developpement des os. Atlas, fol. Paris, 1864. Renault (Charles) [1867- ]. *Deladou- leur dans les maladies des yeux. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 45. Renault (Edouard-Theagene) [1866- ]. *De la tuberculose herniaire. 77 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1894, No. 77. Renault (Ernest). * Etude du reflexe du fas- cia lata. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Peris, 1903, Xo. 2t>8. Renault ( Eugene-Marie-Ange ) [1881- ] * Sur un nouveau mode de traitement du coryza spasmodique avec ou sans hydrorrhee par les injections interstitielles de paraffine. 42 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, Xo. 71. Renault (J.). See Debove (Georges-Maurice) & Renault (J.) Ul- cere de 1'estomac [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1892. Renault (J.) *De la gastro-enterostomie dans 1'ulcere du duodenum. 78 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1904, Xo. 359. Renault (Jules). *Du bacterium coli dans l'infection urinaire. viii, 79 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, Xo. 108. ------. The same, viii, 79 pp. 8°. Paris, 1893. Renault (Leon) [1873- ]. * La tuberculose chez les Bretons; etude etiologique. 68 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1899, Xo. 523. Renault (Paul). *Les hernies inguinales du csecum et de l'S iliaque considerees principale- ment chez l'enfant. 100 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 419. Renault (Paul-Louis) [1871- ]. *De la region sous glottique du larynx; anatomie com- paree, histologic, medecine operatoire. 56 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 37. Renault (Thomas-Eugene-Eloi) [1805-63]. See Bibliotneque vcterinaire, [etc.]. *°. Pari*, 1849. RENAULT'S. 437 RENGGLI. Renault's bodies. Splller (YV. G.) Renault's bodies in a case of vesi- culo-bullous dermatitis and gangrene. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1900-1901, xiii, 659-662. Also, Reprint. Renaut (J[oseph-Louis]) [1844- ]. Traite d'histologic pratique. 2 v. xxxix 973 pp.; 1827 pp. 8°. Paris, Lecrosnier d-Babe, 1889-99. -----. The glandulary power and significance of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules of the kidney and the therapeutic value of their products soluble in water. Transl. by Frank Abbott and Alexis Law-Gisiko from Bulletin de l'Academie de medecine, Paris, 1903. 31 pp. 12°. [Jersey City, 1903.] See, also, Debierre ^Charles-[Marie]). Manuel d'em- brvologie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1886. — Gamier (M.) & Renaut (F.) Formulaire des specialites [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1895.—Revue generale d'histologie [etc.]. 8°. Lyon A Paris, 1904-5. For Biography, see Rianehon (II.) Nos grands me- decins. 8°. Paris, 1891, 371-376. See. also: France med., Par., 1906, liii, 347. Also: Gaz. med. du Centre, Tours, 1906, xi, 257-260. Also: Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, suppl., 237. ■-----A: Hollard (J.) Le myocarde. pp. 143- 418. 8°. Lyon dc Paris, A. Storck dc Cie., 1905. Forms pt. l.fasc. 2, of: Rev. gen. d'histol., Lyon & Par., 1905. Renaut (Leon). *De la transmission de la syphilis par l'allaitement au point de vue juridi- que et deontologique. 78 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, Xo. 477. Renaut (Paul). * Contribution a l'etude de l'alcoolisme congenital. Au point de vue ex- perimental et clinique. 68 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 259. Renaux (Louis). * Contribution a l'etude de la zircone. [Paris.] 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Vin- cennes, 1900, Xo. 12. Ecole de pharmacie. Reiibakuchin. Okasc (K.) [On the so-called renbakuchin of the upper classes of Formosa.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1900, no. 561, 1-9. Renchbader. See Waters (Miner ed), by localities. Reneurel ( Jean - Louis - Emile ) [1872- ]. * Essai sur les rapports du pessimisme et de la neurasthenie. 63 pp. 4°. Bordeeiux, 1896, Xo. 53. Rendall (Stanley M.) The therapeutic action and application of the mineral waters of Aix-les Bains, Savoy. 15 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, E. dc S. Liringstone, 1887. Rendel (M ) & Rendel (G.). See Calcutta. Report by the Messrs. Rendel [etc.]. *c. [Calcutta, 1*59.] Rendel 1 (John) [1840-97]. Ditmars (J. G.) Obituary. Brooklyn M. J., 1897, xi, 852-854, port. Rendenbach (Karl) [1876- ]. * Ueber einen seltenen Fall von Fibrosarcom des Ova- riums. 29 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Midi dc Co., 1903. Rendieonto del xiii. congresso della Associa- zione oftalmologica italiana. 180 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Pavia, successori Bizzoni, 1893. Repr.from: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1893, xxi-xxii. Rendiconto morale, sanitario ed amministra- tivo per 1' anno 1903 del Pio istituto oftalmico di Milano. 79 pp. 8°. Milano, 1905. Rendieonto delle sessioni della r. Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. X. s., v. 1-10, 1896-7 to 1906-7. 8°. Bologna, 1897- 1907. Rendieonto sommario della r. Accademia delle scienze mediche di Genova. Anno 1,1885. 96 pp. 8°. Genejva, 1885. Rendic (Alfred Barton). See British Museum. Catalogue of the African plants. 8°. London, 1899. Rendle (William). See Batemaii (John Frederic), Beggs (T.) & Rendle (W.) On a constant water supply [etc.]. 8°. London, 1867. Rendle (William). St. Thomas's Hospital, from its foundation to 1553, chiefly from a manu- script book in the library of the Earl of Ash- burnham, in the British Museum. 34 pp. 8°. London, Harrison dc Sons, 1882. Repr. fram: Tr. Roy. Soc. Lit. Rendon Aleoeer (Victor). * Estudio sobre la cremation de los muertos. 46 pp. 8°. Me- xico, 1888. Rcndscliinidt (K. R.) [1872- ]. *Bericht iiber elf Fiille von Sarkom des Uvealtraktes. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, O. Kindt, 1903. Rendu (Henri [-Jules-Louis-Marie]) [1844- 1902]. *Des anesthesies spontanees. 1 p. 1., 180 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, A. Delahaye, 1875. [P., v. 2266.] Concours. A propos d'un cas d'obstetrique com- munique a la Societe medicale des hopitaux. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Go ipy dc Jourdan, [1883]. Lecons de clinique medicale. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 498 pp.; 547 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1890. Rapport general sur les travaux de la Societe medicale des hopitaux pendant 1'annee 1892. 17 pp. 8°. Pans, 1892. Repr.from: Bull, etmem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1892. See, also, Crocq (Jean) fils. Nature et traitement de l'angine [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1893. For Biography, see Bull, med., Par., 1902, xvi, 1107-1113. Also: Bull, et mern. Soc. d. hop. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 1188-1204. Also: Bull. Acad, de mecl., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlvii, 503-507. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1185. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1902, 12. s., ii, 132. Also: Presse med., Par., 1902, i, annexes, 373 (M. Letulle). Also: Progres nmd., Par., 1897, 3. s., v, 346. Rene de Cotret (Flphege - Adalbert) [1861- ]. [Biography.] Rev. m4d. du Canada, Montreal, 1902-3, vi, 372. Rene (Gerard) [1873- ]. *Des pleuresies putrides primitives avec pneumothorax. 56 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 17. Reneaume de L7e,ateo,Bernheim (Hippolvte). Hypnotisme [etc.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1891. ------& van Eeden (F.) Clinique de psycho- therapie suggestive fondee a Amsterdam le 15 aout 1887 et dirigee par les docteurs . . . Compte rendu des resultats obtenus pendant la premiere periode bisannuelle 1887-9. Conside- rations generates. Resume de P experience dans les cas speciaux. Statistique portant sur 414 cas. Observations de maladies, iv, 7-92 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, A. Manceaux, 1889. ------ -----. Psycho-therapie. Communica- tions statistiques, observations cliniques nou- velles. Compte-rendu des resultats obtenus dans la Clinique de psychotherapie suggestive d'Amsterdam, pendant la deuxieme periode 1889-93. 1 p. 1., vi, 291 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Soc. d'id. scient., 1894. Rentgenovski Vestnik. [Roentgen Gazette.] Edited bv P. A. Valter and Ya. M. Rozenblett. [Quarterly.] v. 1, July 27, 1907, to Dec. 1. 8°. Odessa. Current. Ronton (J[ames] Crawford). Treatment of sloughy ulceration of the cornea. 8 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver dc Boyd, 1881. Repr.from:. Edinb. M. J., 1881, xxvii, i. ------. Contributions to clinical surgery, xi, 192 pp. 8°. London, Bebman, 1905. Rentoul (Robert R[eid]). Proposed public medical service of England. With editorial re- marks from the " British Medical Journal" and the "Chemist and Druggist". 8 pp. 12°. [London, 1889.] Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i. ------. Proposed public medical service. How medical practitioners holding hospital appoint- ments can make it a success. 4pp. 12°. -[Lon- don, 1889.] Repr.from Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i. ------. The midwives registration bill. 29 pp. 8°. [Liverpool, 1890.] Repr.from: Prov. M. J., Lond., 1890, ix. ------. The dignity of woman's health and the nemesis of its neglect, xxxi, 32-144 pp. 8°. London, J. & A. Churchdl, 1890. Rentoul (Robert R[eid])—continued. ------. The reform of our voluntary medical charities; some serious considerations for the philanthropic, xii, 139 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Lon- don, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1891. -----. The proposed formation of an inferior order of midwifery practitioners; or a plea for the supplying of the highest medical aid to all women during pregnancy and child-birth. 3. ed. 77 pp. 8°. Liverpool, Meek, Thomas dc Co., 1894. ---;—. The (so-called) midwives registration bill, a disease-producing and death-dealing pro- posal; an insult to poor women. 24 pp. 8°. Liverpo I, Meek [and others], 1895. ------. The causes and treatment of abortion. With an introduction by LawsonTait. xiv (11.), 271 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1897. -----. Proposed sterilization of certain mental and physical degenerates; an appeal to asylum managers and others, v, 26 pp. 8°. London, dc Newcastle-on-Tyne, Walte ■ Scott Bubl. Co., 1903. -----. Race culture; or, race suicide? (A plea for the unborn.) xiv, 182 pp. 8°. London dc Felling-on-Tyne, W. Scott Co., 1906. Rentseh (Sigismundus) [1819- ]. *De pathologia amaurosis. 43 pp., 21. 12°. Bero- lini, frat. Schlesinger, 1842. Renuoei (Jean-Dominique). * Dissertation sur la rougeole. 1 p. 1., 19 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1824, No. 719. Renvall (Thorsten). *Daggdjurslefvern, dess form och flikar speciellt hos gnagarne. [The mammalian liver; its form and lobes, especially in the Rodentia.] [Helsingfors.] 192 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Abo, 1903. Ren vers (Gerhard Victor Rudolph) [1854- ]. * Ueber Gelenktuberkulose. 32 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, G. Lange, [1875]. ------. Zur Gehirnlocalisation. 4 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, 1888. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1888, xiv. ------. A contribution to the study of so-called scarlatina puerperalis. In: Wood's M. & S. Monog., X. Y., 1891, xii, 195-206. ------& Waetzoldt. Zur Behandlung der (lesophagusstricturen mittelst Dauercanulen. 7 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1888, xiv. Remviek (Sir Arthur) [ -1!»0S]. Obituary. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1908, xxvii, 688, port. Remviek (William) [17403-1x14]. Laughton (J. K.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 25. Reny ( Francois- Amedee) [1876- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude des membres fan tomes. 79 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1899, No. 7. Ren/; (August Georg). * Beitrag zur Prognose intraocularer maligner Tumoren. 23 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzcker, 1900. Renz (Carl). *Zur Casuistik der Sarkome des Ovarium. [Tubingen. ] 29 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1891. Renz (Friederich) [1877- ]. *Die Colpor- rhaphia fusiformis und deren Ergebnisse. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1903. Renz (Hermann) [1880- ]. * Zur Casuistik der Mvxome des Mesenteriums. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1907. von Renz (Wilhelm Theodor) [1834-96]. Die Cur zu Wildbad im Konigreich Wurtteinberg. RENZ. 441 REPERTORY. Repereatients. dans les differentes maladies chirurgicales. M6m. . . . pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1819, i, 195- 209.—Kulbel (J.-A.) Determiner les differentes especes de r6percussifs, leur maniere d'agir et l'usage qu'on en doit faire dans les differentes maladies chirurgicales. Ibid., 209-260. Repertoire de pharmacie. v. 19-26, July, 1862, to June, 1870; 3. s., v. 1-14, 1889-1902. 8°. Paris. Repertoire de pharmacie et Archives de phar- macie reunis. Paris. Title, after 1888, of: Repertoire de pharmacie, Paris. Repertoire de therapeutique. Paris. Title, after 1885, of: Repertoire de therapeutique medicale et chirurgicale. Repertoire de therapeutique medicale et chi- rurgicale a l'usage des medecins praticiens. v. 6-23, 1889-1906. 8°. Paris. Repertoire de therapeutique medico-chirurgi- cale; resume des travaux francais et etrangers publie sous la direction du Dr. Bergeron. 7 p. L, 558 pp. 8°. Paris, Maloine, 1907. Repertoire universel de medecine dosimetri- que, basee sur la physiologie, [etc.]. v. 17-22, 1889 to July, 1894. 8°. Paris. Ended. Repertorio medico-farm aceutico y de ciencias auxiliares. Director propietario: A. Gonzalez Curquejo. [Monthly.] Nos. 6-7, 9, v. 1, June to September, 1890. 8°. Habana. Repertoriuiii fiir die Amts-Praxis des Perso- nals der Heil- und Thierarznei-Kunde, Chirur- gie, Geburtshiilfe und Pharmacie im Konigreich Wurtemberg. 2. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 271 pp. 8°. Tubingen, L. F. Fues, 1831. Repertoriuiii der gesammten homoopathi- schen Journalistik oder aller bis jetzt homoo- pathisch geheilten und offentlich bekannt ge- machten Krankheitsfalle. Von D. St. 12°. Leipzig, 1836. Ended. von Renz (Wilhelm Theodor)—continued. Ein Fiihrer fiir Curgiiste. x, 196 pp., 2 plans, 1 map. 8°. Stuttegart dc Wildbad, J. Wcise, 1869. _____.. Die Spreizlade ein praktischer Yerband fiir Fracturen des Oberschenkels. 2. Aufl. 19 pp. 8°. Wildbad, C. Wildbrett, 1875. _____. Die Heilkriifte der sogenannten indiffe- renten Thermen, insbesondere bei Krankheiten des Nervensystems. llistorisch-kritische Vor- trage im Collegenkreise. Allgemeiner Theil. 1. Die Wiirnie, Aflinitiit und Elektricitut der indifferenten Thermen und Badformen in theo- retischer und praktischer Beziehung. vii, 96 pp. 8°. Tubingen, A. Mozer, 1878. ■-----. The same. Die Heilkriifte der sogenann- ten indifferenten Thermen, insbesondere bei Krankheiten des Nervensystems. Historisch- kritische Vortriige im Collegenkreise. Allge- meiner Theil. x, 158pp. 8°. Bonn,[C. Georgi], 1879. .-----. Balneologische Bibliotek des Geh. Hof- rathes Dr. von Renz, konigl. Badearzt zu Wild- bad. 140 pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1900. For Biography, see Med. Cor.-Bl. f. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1^97. lxvii, 45-47 (.1.). Renzu (V.) La faiblesse irritative sexuelle. Etude psycho-phvsiologico-medicale. 112 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Seiuleau, 1901. Renzi (Adolfo). Due conferenze di medicina operatoria. 31 pp. 8°. Bologna, Mareggiani, 1889. de Renzi (Errico). Tabe dorsale; tumore del cervelletto; artritismo; diabete mellito. Le- zioni raccolte dall' assistente G. D. Giuranna. 106 pp., 11. 8°. Firenze, L. Niccolai, 1900. See, also, Laniari (A.) Compendio dipatologia [etc.], 12°. yapoli. 1S99. Renzone (Kaffaele). Manuale pratico di chi- mica e microscopia clinica. 2. ed., riveduta ed aumentata. vii, 379 pp. roy. 8°. Napoli, N. Jovene dc Co., 1892. -----. Elementi di chimica animale. vi (1 1.), 170 pp. 8°. Napoli, M. d' Auria, 1897. -----. The same. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 227 pp. 8°. Napoli, M. d' Auria, 1902. Reopening of the famous Fauquier White Sul- phur Springs, Virginia. Season of 1880. 8 pp. 8°. Washington., D. C, S. Suodgrass, 1880. Repaei (Gaetano). Terapia del lupus vulgaris, con special riguardo ai metodi di cura piii re- centi. 60 electrographed pp. 8°. Torino, F. Gili, 1904. Repanis. * De Phermophenyl et de son emploi pour le traitement de la svphilis. 76 pp., 2 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 7. Repartition des chefs de service internes et externes dans les hopitaux de Paris, mai 1902. 1 sheet, fol. Paris, 1902. Bound with: Tribune med., Par. 1902, 2. s., xxxv. Repecaud (d'Hericourt) (Achmet). Surl'insa- lubrite des habitations [etc.]. 8°. Arras, 1849. Repelin (Edmond) [1865- ]. *Traitement de certains fibromes uterins par les crayons au chlorure de zinc. 62 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1893, No. 832. Repeilin (Louis) [1881- ]. * Des methodes actuelles de comblement des cavites osseuses succedant a Pevidement. 46 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1906, No. 26. Repenthin (Walter). * Beitrag zur Symphy- seotomie. 59 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Kdmpfe, 1895. Repercntients. Jurtzick (B.J.) * De noxiis repercutientium effectibus. sm. 4°. Halse Saxonum, 1775. Alary. Determiner les differentes especes de reper- cussifs, leur maniere d'agir et l'usage qu'on en doit faire Rcpcrlorium fiir die offentliche und gericht- liche Arzneiwissenachaft. Hrsg. von Friedrieh Ludwig Augustin. Nos. 1-2, [v. 1], 1810, 1812. 8°. Berlin. No. 3 wanted, to complete. Repertoriuiii der Pharmacie. Beilage zur Apotheker-Zeitung. Hrsg. vom deutschen A potheker-Verein unter Redaktion von H. Beckurts. v. 2, 1891. 4°. Berlin. Issued and bound with: Apotlieker-Zeitnng, Berlin. Repertorium der praktischen Medizin. Mo- natsberichte fiir praktische Aerzte. Hrsg. von L. Jankau. v. 1-3, July, 1904, to December, 1907. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1904; Leipzig, 1907. Current. Repertoriuiii der Tierheilkunde. v. 50-54, 1889-93. 8°. Stuttgart. Ended. Repertoriuiii der vorzuglichsten Arzneifor- • meln fiir die Therapie des Trippers und der Lustseuche. Mit einen Anhange, enthaltend die beriihmtesten Methoden und Mittel gegen den Bandwurm, eine Abhandlung iiber die Kubeben und einige andere Zusiitze. xii, 336 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C. H. F. Hartmann, 1831. ------. The same. Hrsg. von Sosibius. 2. un- veriinderte, mit Naehtragen, Sach- und Namen- register versehene wohlfeile Ausg. xii, 384 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C. H. F. Hartmann, 1835. Repertory to Herings condensed materia medica. Published by .the Homoeopathic Med- ical Society of Pennsylvania. 2 p. 1., 432 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1889. REPERTORY. 442 REPORT. Repertory of the materia medica pura; form- ing volume two of the pathogenetic cyclopaedia. xxxiv, 168 pp. 8°. Manchester, H.Turner, 1859. Repertory (A) of the most characteristic symp- toms of the materia medica; edited by George William Winterburn. 1 p. 1., 182 pp. 12°. New York, A. L. Chatterton dc Co., 1886. Repetitio medica thesium duodecimde morbis renum et vesicae urinaria?, in celeberrimo medi- cines baccalaureorum collegio propugnatarum a D. Joanne Baptista, Jos. Henrion, D. Wilhelmo vander Monden, D. Leopoldo Josepho Mauroy, D. Bernardo Josepho Dubois. 6 1. 8°. Lou- vanii, 1776. Repetitoriuin der Anatomie. Systematische und topographische Anatomie, Entwicklungs- geschichte und Histologic fiir Studenten und Kandidaten der Medizin. 132 pp. 8°. Bres- lau, Preuss dc Junger, 1905. Forms no. 1 of: Jiingers med. Univ.-Repetitorien. Repetitoriuin po chastnol patologii i terapii vnutrennikh bolieznei. [Review course of spe- cial pathology and therapeutics of internal dis- eases.] 743 pp. 16°. Kiyev, F. A. lohanson, 1890. Repetitoriuin po farmakologii; sostavleno po novleishim istochnikam. [Review course of pharmacology; compiled from latest sources.] 1 p. 1., 445 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiyev, F. A. Lohanson, 1889. -----. The same. [2. ed.] 1 p. 1., 492 pp. 8°. Kiyev dc Kharkov, F. A. Lohanson, 1894. Repetitoriuin po farmatsii i farmakognosii; sostavleno primlenitelno k programmiye medit- sinskol kommissii. [ Review course of phar- macy and pharmacognosis; compiled so as to be adaptable to the programme of the medical commission.] 278, v pp. 16°. Kiyev, F. A. Lohanson, [1893]. Repetitoriuin der Hygiene fiir Studenten und Kandidaten der Medizin. 49 pp. 8°. Breslau, Preuss dc Junger, 1906. Forms no. 5 of: Jiingers Med. Lniv.-Repetitorien. Repetitoriuin kozhnikh i venericheskikh bo- lieznei; sostavil po novielshim rukovodstvam, primienitelno k programmle ispitaniy na zvaniye lekarya v meditsinsko! kommissii, Ya. Sheftel. [Review course of skin and venereal diseases; compiled after the latest text-books, acceptably to the programme of examinations for the degree of physician before the medical commission, by Ya. Sheftel. ] iv, 5-136 pp. 12°. S.-Peterburg, N. P. Pyotroff, 1896. Repetitoriuin der medicinischen Hilfswissen- schaften, Chemie, Physik, Botanik und Zoolo- gie fiir Studirende der Medicin, Pharmacie, Thierarzneikunde, Chemie, etc. 8°. Breslau, 1890-1900. CONTENTS. Pt. 1. Chemie, 1890. Pt. 2. Phvsik, 1900. Pt: 3. Botanik, 1899. Repetitoriuin der medicinischen Wissenschaf- ten. Leitfaden fiir die Staatspriifung der Aerzte in Preussen und Bayern. 1.-3. Hft. 12°. Breslau, Maruschke dc Berendt, 1869-77. CONTENTS. 1. Hft. Knochen-, Bander- und Muskellehre. 2. Hft. Eingeweidelehre. 3. Hft. Gewebelehre incl. Bau und Entwickelung des Embryo und seiner Adnexa. -----. The same. Heft 1, 3. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 76 pp. 12°. Breslau, Maruschke dc Berendt, 1890. Repetitoriuin der normalen Histologic Mit einer kurzen Anleitung zu histologischen Un- tersuchungen. 47 pp., 11. 12°. Leipzig dc Wien, F. Deutike, 1891. Repetitoriuin der pathologischen Anatomie fiir Studenten und Kandidaten der Medizin. 134 pp. 8°. Breslau, Preuss dc Jiiuger, 1906. Forms No. 3 of: Jiingers Med. Univ.-Repetitorien. Repetitoriuin der Pharmakologie fiir Studen- ten und Kandidaten der Medizin. 61 pp. 8°. Breslau, Preuss dc Junger, 1906. Forms No. 4 of: Jiingers Med. Univ.-Repetitorien. Repetitoriuin der Physiologie. Mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung der medicinischen Staats- priifungen. Hrsg. von F. Becker. 1 p. J., 286 pp., lpl. 12° Leipzig, F. A. Grossman n,187 o. Repetitoriuin der Physiologie fur Studenten und Kandidaten der Medizin. 75 pp. 8°. Breslau, Breuss dc Junger, 1905. Forms No. 2 of: Jiingers Med. Univ.-Repetitorien. Repetzki (Paul). *Zusammenstellung der Ansichten iiber die Aetiologie der Pyelonephri- tis, nebst einer Statistik ihrer Complicationen. 34 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1890. Repin (Charles) [1864- ]. * Origine parthS- nogenetique des kystes dermoides de I'ovaire; contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie de ces kystes. 109 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 58. ------. The same. Ouvrage couronne par PAca- demie de medecine. (Prix Godard, 1891.) 110 pp., 1 1. 8°; Paris, G. Steinheil, 1891. -----. Procede sur de sterilisation du catgut et methode nouvelle de conservation des fils a liga- tures. 6 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1894. Repiton-Prencuf(Emile) [1865- ]. *Con- tribution a l'etude des symptomes et du traite- ment des polypes de Puretre chez la femme. „ 44 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 114. Repka (Jan). Tachycardia paroxysmalis. 27- 43 pp. 8°. v Praze, Bursik a Kohout, 1901. Forms no. 2 of: Sbirka predn&sek a rozpr. z oboru 16- kafsk., v Praze, 1901-2,10. s. Repkewitz( [Ernst] Otto) [1870- ]. * Ge- burten macerierter Friichte. 24 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., M. Liedtke, 1895. Reply (A) to Dr. Dickson's essay on the possi- bility and probability of a child's being born alive in the latter end of the fifth month, and continuing afterwards to live. 44 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, J. Moncur, 1713. Reply of the K'Euen Keae Shay, an association of Chinese inhabitants of the city and province of Canton for the promotion of abstinence from opium, to the address of the Anglo-Oriental Society for the suppression of the opium trade. 22 pp. 8°. London, 1877. Reponse d'un chirurgien de S. Cosme a la pre- miere lettre de M. Astruc [etc.]. See Petit (Antoine). Reponse d'un chirurgien au second memoire qui concerne le regime vegetal, propose pour les gens de mer, par M. Poisonnier Desperrieres. ix, 136 pp. 12°. Londres, 1776. Reponse a la lettre a un confesseur touchant le devoir des medecins et des chirurgiens [etc.]. See [Hecquet (Philip)]. Reponse* aux critiques de Pouvrage du docteur Broussais sur P irritation et la folie. 1 p. 1., 132 pp. 8°. Baris, chez Mile. Delaunay; Bruxelles, 1829. Report of addresses at the dinner given in honor of D. B. St. John Roosa, and to commemorate the twenty-one years since the inauguration of post-graduate medical instruction in this coun- try. 47 pp. 8°. New York, 1904. Report of the addresses and sermon at the dedi- cation of the Clifton Springs Wrater-Cure, held July 25, 1856. 16 pp. 8°. Geneva dc Canan- daigua, 1857. REPORT. 443 REPORT. Report of the American Humane Association on vivisection in America adopted at Minne- apolis, Minn., Sept. 26, 1895. 71 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, Am. Humane Ass., 1896. Report on the causes and prevention of suits for mal-practice, [etc.]. See Massachusetts Medi- cal Society. Report of a combined committee, appointed with a view to the establishment of a conjoint examining board between the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. 9 pp. 8°. Dublin, Ponsonby dc Weldrick, 1SS6. Report of the commission appointed to investi- gate the influence of artificial respiration, intra- venous injection of ammonia, etc., in Indian and Australian snake poisoning. [Signed by Joseph Ewart, president, Vincent Richards and 8. Crull Mackenzie, members.] In: Ind. Am. M. S., Calcutta, 1875, xvii, 191-252, 1 pl. Also: Appendix I-III pp. i-xcviii. Report of the commission appointed by the President to investigate the conduct of the War Department in the war with Spain. 129 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1899. Report of the commission to investigate the public charitable and reformatory interests and institutions of the commonwealth. 107 pp. 8°. Boston, Wright dc Botter, 1897. Report of the commission for the study and treatment of anemia in Porto Rico. Authorized by act of the legislative assembly. Respect- fully submitted to Beekman Winthrop, gover- nor of Porto Rico. [By Bailey K. Ashford, W. W. King, and Pedro Gutierrez Igaravidez.] 120 pp.; 120, lxxi pp., 7 pl. 8°. San Juan, 1904. English and Spanish text. Report of the commission for the study and treatmentof anemia in Porto Rico. [Abstr.] 32 pp. 8°. Porto Bico, 1904. Report of the committee of the American Neu- rological Association on the after-care of the in- sane. 5 pp., xxxii. 8°. New York, 1897. Repr.from: J. Nerv. iV. Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1897, xxiv. Report of a committee appointed by certain residents upon the banks of Charles River on the northerly side of Beacon street in Boston upon the past, present, and proposed use of Charles River for drainage. [Dwight Porter.] 8 pp. 8°. Boston, G. H. Ellis, 1893. Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the utility of the Turkish bath, erected by Doctor Barter, at Saint Ann's, Blarney, for the cure of distemper in cattle. 20 pp. 12°. Dub- lin, Farmers' Gazette Office, 1860. Repr.from: Farmers' Gazette. Report of the committee appointed to investi- gate the causes and extent of the late extraor- dinary sickness and mortality in the town of Mobile. See Ludlow (Jacob). Report of the committee appointed May 17, 1866, to consider and report upon the proposed erection of fever wards. 36 pp., 1 diag,, 2 1. 12°. [Oxford, 1866.] [P., v. 2291.] Report of committee appointed to memorialize the legislature of the State of Massachusetts on the subject of expert testimony. 4 pp. 8°. [Boston?], 1873. Report of a committee appointed on the 21st October, 1891, to promote the efficient control of railway servants' eyesight, to be submitted for approval to the council of the British Medical Association at their meeting in April. 16 pp. 8°. London, [1891]. Report of the committee of council of the British Medical Association on medical education, Janu- ary, 1881. 30 pp. 8°. London, 1881. Report of committee on disposal of waste and garbage. 56 pp. 8°. Concord, N. II., 1892. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Pub. Health Ass. 1892, Concord, 1893, xviii. Report by the committee on intemperance for the Lower House of Convocation of the Prov- ince of Canterbury. With copious appendix ... on the extent, the causes, the results, and the remedies of intemperance, vii, 238 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Green, Beader it Dyer, 1869. Report of the committee on international quarantine adopted by the Pan-American Med- ical Congress, held in the city of Mexico, No- vember 16 to 19,1896. 6 pp. 12°. NewYork,1897. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1897, lxv. Report of committee on lunacy commission, with the new lunacy law, enacted by the Mary- land legislature, January session, 1886. 13 pp. 8°. [Baltimore, 1886.] Repr.from: Tr. Med. & Chir. Fac. of State of Maryland, Bait., 1886. Report of the committee of the Medical So- ciety of the District of Columbia on the ice dealers' combination. 12 pp. 8°. Washington, D. C, Gibson Bros., 1893. Report of committee on military surgery [etc.]. See [Post (Alfred Charles) & Van Buren (Wm. H.)] Report of committee on National Bureau of Materia Medica. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Therap. Month., Phila., 1902. Report of the committee of the Portland Hos- pital. Printed for private distribution among the subscribers only. 176 pp., 35 pl. roy. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1901. Report of committee on "the restriction and prevention of tuberculosis". 2 1. 8°. Wash- ington, [1892]. Repr.from: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1892-3, i. Report of the committee on sewerage and drainage created by resolution of board of health, May 2, 1866, aided by appropriation of $250 voted by council, June, 1866, and aided by the valuable services of the engineers, Gen. Gilmer, Maj. Williams, and Mr. Hogg, city sur- veyor. James J. Waring, chairman. 20 pp. 8°. Savannah, Ga., C. E. O'Sullivan, 1866. Report of the committee of the S. G. O. Mutual Subscription Agreement, from its organization, Nov. 12,1881, to Dec. 31, 1885. 2 1. 4°. [ Wash- ington, 1886.] Report of the committee on the value and ne- cessity of vaccination for the eradication of small-pox. [Protection from small-pox by means of vaccination and re-vaccination.] 10 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1866.] [P., v. 336.] Repr.from: Tr.Am. M. Ass. 1865, Phila., 1866, xvi. Report of the council and auditors of the Zoo- logical Society of London, for the year 1905, prepared for the annual general meeting to be held on Monday, April 30, 1906. 67 pp. 12°. Lontlou, Waterlow dc Sous ltd., 1906. Report of the council of the British Medical Association on the efficient control of railway servants' eyesight. 17 pp., 3 tab. 8°. London, Harrison — Leydlg (F.) Zirbel und Jacobson'sche Organe einiger Reptilien. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1897, 1, 385-418, 3 pl.—JIanrer (F.) Die ventrale Rumpfmuskulatur einiger Reptilien; eine vergleichend - anatomische Untersuchung. Festschr. z. . . . Carl Gegenbauer, Leipz., 1896, i, 181-257, 4pl. -----. Die Entwicklung der ventralen Rumpfmuskulatur bei Reptilien. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1898, xxvi, 1-60, 3 pl.—Mitchell (P. C.) & Pocock (R. I.) On the feed- ing of reptiles in captivity; with observations on the fear of snakes bv other vertebrates. Proc. gen. meet. . . . Zool. Soc. Lond." (1907), 1908, 785-794, 3 pl.—Mitsukuri (K.) On the fcetal membranes of chelonia. (Contributions to the embriologyof Reptilia ii.) J. Coll. Sc, Imp. Univ. Japan,Tokyo, 1891, iv, 1-53,10pL—Jloeqnard (F.) Sur une collection de reptiles et de batraciens recueillis par M. Alluaud dans le sud de Madagascar. Bull. Soc philo- mat. de Par., 1901-2, 9. s., iv, 5-25, 2 pl.— Moodie (R. L.) Reptilian epiphyses. Am. J. Anat.. Bait., 1907-8, vii, 443- 467.—Nicolas (A.) Recherches sur l'embryologie des reptiles. Arch.d'anat.micr.,Par., 1899-1900, iii,457-489,1 pl. -----. Contribution a l'etude de la segmentation de l'ceuf des reptiles (communication preliminaire). Cinquanten. delaSoc de biol., Par., 1899, 323-332. -----. Recherches sur l'embryologie des reptiles; nouvelles observations re- latives a lafecondation chez l'orvet (Anguis fragilis). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1058-1060.—Op- penheimer (E.) Ueber eigenthiimliche Organe in der Haut einiger Reptilien; ein Beitrag zur Phvlogenie der Haare. Morphol. Arb., Jena, 1895-6, v, 445-461, 3 pl.— Osborn (H. F.) On the primary division of the reptilia into two sub-classes, Synapsida and Diapsida. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1903, n. s., xvii, 275. -----. Re- classification of the reptilia. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1904, xxxviii, 93-115.—Peracca (M. G.) Note di erpetologia italica; Gymnodactylus kotskyi Stndch. Boll. d. mus. di zool. ed anat. comp. d. r. Univ. di Torino, 1905, xx, no. 485, 1-4.-----■. Nuovi rettili ed amfibii. Ibid., 1907, xxii, 3.—Persy. Les reptilesde la Sarthe; les especes dange- reuses; le traitement des morsures. Arch. m6d. d'Angers, 1906, x, 400; 428.—Pilliet (A.) Pigmentation de la moelle osseuse chez les reptiles. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 247-249.—Prennant (A.) Observations cytologiquessur les616mentsseminaux des reptiles. Cel- lule, Lierre & Louvain, 18*8, iv, 179-195, 1 L, 1 pl. ----- Sur un organe des embryons de reptiles comparables d, 1'hypocorde des ichthyopsides. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1898, xxxiv, 433-462, 3 pl.-Bamdn [y] Cajal (P.) El fasciculo longitudinal posterior en los reptiles. Rev. trimest. microg., Madrid, 1897, ii, 153-162.— Seeley (H. G.) Researches on the structure, organiza- tion, and classification of the fossil reptilia. VIII. Further evidences of the skeleton in Deuterosaurus and Rhopalo- don, from the Permian rocks of Russia. Phil. Tr. 1894, Lond., 1895, clxxxv, (B.), 663-717, 4 pl. -----. Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia. Pt. ix, sec. 1. On the Therosuchia. Ibid., 987-1018,1 pl. -----. Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil reptilia. Pt. ix, sec. 2. The reputed mammals from the Karroo formations of Cape Colony. Ibid., 1019-1041, 1 pl— Slulter (C. P.) Ueber den Eizahn und die Eischwiele einiger Repti- lien. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1893, xx, 75-89, 1 pl.— Stejneger (L.) An annotated listof batrachians and reptiles collected in the vicinity of La Guaria, Venezuela, with descriptions of two new species of snakes. Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash., 1902, xxiv, 179-192. -----. The rep- Reptiles. tiles of the Huachuca mountains, Arizona. Ibid., 1903, xxv, 149-158.— Stralil (H.) Ueber Dottersacksreste bei Reptilien. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1893-4, iii, 619-526, 1 pl. -----. Zur Ceschichte der Reptilien - Entwickelung. Anat, Hefte, 2. Abt., Wiesb. (1894), 1895, iv, 605-641.— Verdun (P.) Glandules branchialcs et corps post- branchiaux chez les reptiles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 1046-1048.—Werner (F.) Leber sekundareGeschlechtsunterschiede bei Reptilien. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xv, 125-140. -----. Reptilien und Batrachier aus Peru und Bolivien. Abhandl. u. Ber. d. k. zool. anthrop.-ethn. Mus. zu Dresd., Berl., 1901, ix, No. 2, 1-14. -----. Beitrage zur Biologie der Reptilien und Batrachier. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1902, xxii, 737-758. -----. Beitrage zur Biologie der Reptilien und Batra- chien. Ibid., Jena, 1904, xxiv, 332-336. -----. Neue Rep- tilien aus Deutsch-Ostafrika. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1906-7, xxx, 53-55.—Will (L.) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Geckos. Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1890-1891, x, 592- 600. -----. Zur Frage nach der Entstehung des gastralen Mesoderms bei Reptilien. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 677-683. Reptiloma nia. -Kuczycki (B.) Przypadek obledu; opetanie przez dyabla i gady (demonomania et reptiliomania) i okresle- nie charakteru tego cierpienia. [Case of mania; . . . and definition of that disease.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1906, 2. s., xxvi, 81-84. Repussard (Ferdinand-Emile) [1877- ]. *Les injections a dose massive de biiodure de mercure dans le traitement de la paralysie gene- rale progressive. 61 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 152. Reputation (The) of the medical profession as affected by "trade-marks", "proprietary medi- cines", etc. 11 pp. 8°. [Detroit], 1881. Repr.from: Detroit Lancet, 1881, n. s., iv. Requete des enfants a naitre contre les sages femmes; facetie envoyee en 1782 aux £tats de Languedoc, et reimprimee avec une preface par Elie Fraisse. 51 pp. 8°. Montpellier, C. Coulet, 1873. Collection des cent-quinze. Requin (Ae-hille-Pierre) [1803-54]. For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac. de med. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. Requis (J.-M.-F.) La matiere medicale popu- late au xixe siecle. 106 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1897. Requisitions for graduation in the various medical colleges; and requisitions for license to practice physic and surgery, in the various states and territories of the Union. Papers by a com- mittee consisting of T. R. Beck, Wendell, and Ludlow, pp. 3-34. 8°. [Albany, 1833.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1832-3, i. Rerolie (A.) * Contribution au traitement des stenoses ou larvngites suffocantes de la rou- geole. 61 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1906, No. 674. Rerolie (Augustin). *Etude clinique du pur- pura infectieux a forme typhoide (Typhus angeio-hematique). 87 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 147. Res gestie in saluberrima Facultate Parisiensi circa sectionem symphiseos ossium pubis, supra muliere dicta Souchot, celebratum. (R£cit de ce qui s'est passe' a la Faculte de meclecine de Paris, au sujet de la section de la symphise des os pubis, pratiquee sur la femme Souchot.) 13 pp. 4°. Baris, Quillau, 1777. [P., v. 1403.] Resaldol. Brochockl (T.) Nowe leki resaldol i hedonal. [New remedies . . .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 1255-1259 -Herrmann. Resaldol, ein neues Darmtoni- cum und Darmantisepticum. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1900, xiv, 199-202. Resell (Alfr.) *Ein Fall von offenem Septum und Conusstenose. 28 pp., 11. 8°. Zurich, Gebr. Leemann dc Co., 1908. RESCH. 448 RESORHIX. Resell (Alfred). See Brandt (Thure). Thure Brandt's Heilgymna- stische Behandlung [etc.]. 8°. intra, 1888. Resch (Eduard) [1850-1903]. Ilnnim (Charlotte). [Obituary.] Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviii, 203.—Roster. Nachruf. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1902-3, xxii, 380-382. Resell (Friederich). * Die Veriinderungen der Korperschleimhaut bei Carcinom der Portio upd der Cervix. 33 pp. 8°. Strassburg, C. Goeller, 1894. Resell (Josef) [1881- ]. * Ueber die Grosser- verhiiltnisse des Herzens bei Tuberkulose. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callwey, 190b. Resehop (Fritz Wilhelm) [1879- ]. *Ein Fall von Volvulus der Flexura sigmoidea. 15 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1904. Reseiguo (Antonio). Prontuario di chimica bromatologica ed igienica ad uso dei medici- chimici-farmacisti e veterinarie. viii, 150 pp., 1 1. 8°. Salerno, A. Volpe dc Co., 1891. Rescoussi (Joseph) [1865- ]. *Essaisurles nevroses du nerf vague. [Paris.] 91pp. 4°. Paris, Clermont (Oise), 1892, No. 108. Resection. See Excision. Resegotti (Luigi). La diagnosi e la cura chi- rurgica delle occlusioni intestinali. Disserta- zione presentata alia Facolta medica di Torino. vii, 94 pp. 8°. Torino, Origlia, Festa dc Co., 1894. See, also, JTlo (Gerolamo). Trattato di medicina opera- toria[etc]. 8°. Milano, [1895] .—Trattato di medicina operatoria [etc]. 8°. Milano, Napoli, 1896. Resemblance. Gallon (F.) Measurement of resemblance. Nature, Lond., 1906-7, lxxiv, 562. Resenselieok (Friedrieh). *I. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Tellurs. II. Zur Kenntnis des kolloidalen Goldes. 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlan- gen, E. T. Jacob, 1904. Reservoirs. Coffin (F. C.) Covered reservoirs and their design. .1. N. Eng. Water Works Ass., Bost., 1899-1900, xiv, 252- 2*5, 1 diag., 1 plan. Resiboi* (Andre) [1873- ]. *De quelques formes anormales du cancer de l'estomac. 91 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 47. Residual air. See Respiration (Physiology of). Resinelli (Giuseppe). * Gli annessi nella gravi- danza multipla. Dissertazione presentata pel conseguimento della libera docenza in ostetricia e ginecologia. 104 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Pavia, 1895. ------. Del sarcoma deciduo-cellulare. 38 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Milano, L. F. Cogliati, 1895. Repr.from: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1895, xvii. ------. Note batteriologiche su di un aborto per tifo addominale. 21 pp. 8°. Milano, L. F. Cogliati, 1896. Repr.from: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1896, xviii. ------. Osservazioni cliniche ed anatomo-pato- logiche su di un caso di corioepitelioma maligno (deciduoma maligno). 45 pp. 8°. Milano, L. F. Cogliati, 1899. Repr.from: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1898, xx. ------. L' insegnamento dell' ostetricia nelle scuole per le allieve le allieve levatrici. 19 pp. 8°. Ferrara, A. Soati, 1902. ------. Contributo alio studio della gravidanza nell' utero doppio. 20 pp. 8°. Cagliare-Sas- sari, D. G. Dessi, 1903. Resins. Dubois (A.) *Constantes physiques et chi- miques des principaux produits rvsineux du droguier de 1'Universite de Lyon. 8°. Litmi 1903. IScnoit. De la medication thermo-resineuse. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par., 1903, viii, 188-191.— OieterieH (K.) Ueber kunstliche und synthetische Har/.produktc Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Gesellsch., Berl., 1908, xviii, 135-152.—Giraldos. Preparation y empleo de las resinas, gomas y aceites por los indigenas de Tong-King. Anthropos, Salzb., 1907, ii, 211-218.— Maiden (J. H.) The gums, resins, and other vegetable exudations of Australia. J. & Proc. Rov. Soc. N. South Wales, Sidney, 1901, xxxv, 161-212.—JJEislacariic (M.) Sulla ricerca della resina nei grassi ed in particolare nei saponi. Orosi, Firenze, 1903, xxvi, 11S-154.—Peset (Y.) Amoniacales y gomo-resinas. Gac. med. d. Sur de Es- pana, Granada, 1907, xxv, 467; 522.—Repulsa Alopubli- cado por D. Jos6 Vazquez sobre si la resina de Ids cua- pinales era el verdadero Karabe. Gac. delit. de Mexico. Puebla. 1831, i, 107-112.—Koberts IE.) Gutrul. .1. Cev- lon Br. Brit. M. Ass., Colombo, 1905, ii, 26-28.—Tarliirc'li (A.) Die Constitution der Harze. Compt.-rend. Cong. internat. de med. lxy7, Mosc., 1x93, ii, sect. 4c, 13-16.— Villasefior (F. F.) Preliminares al estudio de las re- sinas. An. d. Inst. med. nac, Mexico, 1901-2, v, 258-262, -----. Breves consideraciones acerca de las funciones de las resinas. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1902, xvii, 152-156. Resler (Arnoldus Gasparus). *De nitratis bis- muth utilitate in morbis quibusdam curandis. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningu; J. Bbmelingh, [1823]. [P., v. 1969.] Resler (Joh. Petrus). *De indicantibus et con- traindicantibus emeticorum. 1 p. 1., 60 pp. 8°. Groningu; W. Zuidema, 1818. [P., v. 1962.] Resnays (J.-F.) *Dissertation sur le sarcocele la castration. 1 p. 1., 29 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1814, No. 413. Resoeonto della clinica chirurgica propedeu- tica di Camerino, diretta dal Prof. Annibale Salomoni. Anni 5-8, 1890-1891 al 1893-4. 8°. Camerino, 1891-4. Resoconto per 1893-4, compilato dal Giuseppe Vannucci, assistente alia clinica. Resol. Hedman(K.) Om resol. Finska lak-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1893, xxxv, 441-460. Resolutie vande Ed. Groot Mog: Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, behelsende middelen ende praecautien tegens het voortset- ten vande pest. 6 1. 16°. in 's Graven-lit ye, by de Ersgenamen van wylen Hillebrandt Jaeobssz van Wouw, 1664. [Resolve accompanying petition of Webster Smith and others. "House, No. 387. Petition of physicians of Massachusetts who are in sym- pathy with good institutions, as a remonstrance against the resolve, with reference to the use of the so-called Keeley cure at the Massachusetts Hospital for Dipsomaniacs and Inebriates. March 13,1895.] 2 sheets. 12°. [Boston, 1895.] Resolvents. Reche (J. G.) *De medicamentorum resol- ventiumdiversisgeneribus. 4°. Duisburgi, 1760. Mugoii.jr. Distinguer les differentes especes de r£- solutifs, expliquer leur manure d'agir, et determiner l'usage qu'on en doit faire dans les differentes maladies chirurgicales. Rec. d. pieces . . . p. le nrix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, i, 447-490.—Tlopilier, jr. Essai sur les remedes resolutifs. Rec. d. pieces ... p. leprix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par., 1753, i, 491-507—Pontier. Distinguer les differentes especes de resolutifs, expliquer leur maniere d'agir, et determiner l'usage qu'on en doit faire dans les differentes maladies chirurgicales. Ibid., 421-446. Resonators. See Sound. Resorbin. Qlecksilberresoebix (Das) ein Ersatzmittel der grauen Salbe und seine Verwendung. 8°. [Berlin, 1902, vel subseq.] RESORBIN. 449 RESPIRATION. Resorbin. Bandel (P.) Das Resorbin in Verwendung als Salben- grundlage. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1895, xlvi, 151-160.—Gi>rl. Resorbin, speziell bei der Behandlung der Scabies and Lues. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1895, xx, 342-344.—Ledermaim (R.) Das Resorbin und seine Verwendung als Salbengrund- lage. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1893, lxii, 1093. Also, Reprint. Also: Med.-Chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1894, xxix, 4_6.-----. Weitere Erfahrungen iiber das Resorbin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1895, xxxii, 258-260. -----. On resorbin. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1902, xx, 349-357. Resorbisnol. Reiley (J.J.) Resor-bisnol; clinical report from Bellevue Hospital, New York Citv. 8°. New York, 1898. Resorcin. See, also, Lupus (Treatment of). Andeer (J. J.) Bibliograria della resorcina medicinale. 8°. Catania, 1903. Barell (E.) *Ueberdas Verhalten desBen- zoresorcins beim Methylieren. 8°. Bern, 189b. Chapman (W. C.) Resorcin as an anti-pvre- tic. 24°. [Louisville, 1891.] Coscera (X.) La resorcina. 8°. Milano, 1882. Repr. pom: Boll, farmac, Milano, 1882. Dreckmann (P.) *Ueber Resorcin und eine besondere Form der Anwendung desselben bei Hautkrankheiten. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Ham- burg dc Leipzig, 1890. Erig (J.) * Ueber Derivate des Hvdroresor- cins. 8°. Hailed. S., 1896. deKay (E.) * Ueber Nitroresorcin. [Stutt- gart.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1904. Loffler (J.) *Das Resorcin, seine therapeu- tische Verwerthung und seine Giftigkeit. 8°. Wurzburg, 1889. Vorlaxder (D.) * Synthese hydriter Ab- kommlinge des Resorcins. Habilitationsschrift. 8°. Halle a. S., 1896. Wagner (E. L. B. YV.) * Ueber einige De- rivate des Amido-Resorcins. [Erlangen.] 8°. Breslau, 1902. Bloinfleld (J. E.) Resorcin in rodent ulcer and op- erations for cancer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 1340.—Can- trell (J. A.) Resorcin and its external uses. Phila. Polyclin., 1896, v, 64-66. — Carbonell y Soles (C.) Aplicaciones topicas de la resorcina. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1907, xx, 253-255. — Cattanl (G.) Indicazioni terapeutiche della resorcina. Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1891, xii, 503; 511.—Clark (F. C.) Action of resorcin. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 483.—Cook (E. F.) Notes on com- pound resorcinol ointment N. F. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1908, lxxx, 120-122.—Fabrikant (M. B.) Materiall k farmakologii tribromrezortsina i yevo natronnol soli. [On the pharmacology of tribromresorcin and its sodium salt.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 1443.—Ferreira de Cas- tro. Contribuicao para o estudo clinico da resorcina, como medicamento gastro-intestinal. Med. mod., Porto, 1898, v, 171; >L -----. A resorcina e a dvspepsia putrida. Ibid., 1901, viii, 127-129.—Jackson (C. L.) & Dun lap (F. L.) Certain bromine derivatives of resorcine. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1893-4, n. s., xxi, 228-241.— Ropytowski (W.) Przyczynek do zmian anatomo- patologicznyeh w zdrowej skorze, wvwolanych przez dzialanie na nia rezorcyny. [Pathological alterations in the healthy skin, produced by the action upon it of re- sorcin.] Medycvna i Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1908, xliii, 721; 757. Also, transl: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1908, xcii, 111-124, 1 pl—Lcblond (A.) & Han- dier (C.) De l'antisepsie par la resorcine dansle traite- ment de la dipht^rie de la tuberculose pulmonaire, de la coqueluche et du chancre mou. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1889, xviii, pt. 2, 743-715.— flanges (M.) Resorcin as a gastro-intestinal remedy. N. York Polyclin., 1895, v, 173-175.—Ittenclie (H.) Das Resorcin alsinneres Mittel nachneunjahrigerErfahrun^. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891, xii, 377-383.—Pat- terson (J. A.) Therapeutics of resorcin. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, lxiv, 80.—Viganb (E.) Alcuni casi di ade- niti inguinali veneree curate colle iniezioni di resorcina. Boll. clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1901, xiv, 217- 237. Resorcin (Accidents from). Boulengler. Empoisonnement par la r<5sorcine. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1904, lvi, 885—Brudziriski {J.) Przyczynek do kwestyi o zatruciu rezorcynowem w wieku niemowle.cym. [Resorcin poisoning in infancy.] vol xiv, 2d series---29 Resorcin (Accidents front). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1899, 2. s., xix, 1034-1038. A/so, transl.: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1899, xiii, 353-355.—C. (L.) Untoward results after administering resorcin. Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii, 779.—Cronch (C. P.) The action of res- orcin on the kidneys in young children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1266. —Kaiser (S.) Eine lebenbedro- hende Intoxikation bei Anwendung 50 proz. Resorcin- paste. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1039.—Magna- ninii (R.) Su un caso di avvelenamento terapeutico per resorcina. Bull. d. Soc Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1902, xxii, 125-138.—INothen (H.) Ueber Resorzinver- giftun^ bei ausserer Anwendung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 901-903— Schwabe. Ein Fall von schwerer Resor- cin vergiftung. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1899, x, 103-105. Resorption. Joffe (Pauline). * Contribution a, l'etude de la resorption des organes embryonnaires et adultes sous la peau et dans le peritoine. 8°. Baris, 1900. Tecklenburg (A.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Nervensystems auf die Resorption. 8°. Jena, 1894. Daniclsen (W.) Ueber die Schutzvorrichtungen in der Bauehhohle mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Resorption. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1907, liv, 458- 512.—Friedentlial (H.) Ueber die Resorption wasser- unloslicher Substanzen. Arch f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1901, Ixxxvii, 467-172.— Hamburger (H. J.) Ueber den Einfluss des intraintestinalen Druckes auf die Re- sorption im Dunndarrne; Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Re- sorption. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1896,428-464.— H8ber (R.) Resorption undKataphorese. Arch. f. d. ges. Phv- siol., Bonn, 1903-4, ci, 607-635. -----. Zur Frage der elek- tiven Fahigkeiten der Resorption. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1906, xxvi, 748-754.—Hofbauer (L.) Zur Frage des Resorptionsmechanismus. Wien. med. Presse, 1902, xliii, 1169-1173.—Lambert. Absorption et resorption. Courrier med., Par., 1901, li, 290; 305— Leubuscner & Tecklenburg (A.) Ueber den Einfluss des Nerven- systems auf die Resorption. Arch. f. path. Anat., [etc], Berl., 1894, exxxviii, 364-370. — Koth-Schulz (G.) & de ILorBsy (K.) Contribution a l'etude de la resorp- tion; premiere communication; phenomenes de diffusion k travers les membranes, et leurs rapports avec la resorp- tion. Arch, internat. de physiol., Liege & Par., 1904, i, 457-493.—Ruziika (S.) Experimentelle Beitrage zu- der Lehre von der Resorption. Wien. med. BL, 1895, xviii, 375; 394; 409; 425; 112; 458; 474; 489; 505; 523.—von Steplianowitscli (K.) Zur Frage der Resorption experimented erzeugter Amyloidsubstanz. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1908, exciii, 549.— T«5r8k (B.) Die Bedeutung der Oberflachenspannung bei den Resorptionsvorgangen. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1906, xx, 206-209. [Respighi (Emilio).] Tabiano. Stazione bal- neare di acque e fanghi solforosi. 32 pp. 16°. Barma, G. Ferrari dcfigli, 1890. -----. Sull' ipercheratosi eccentrica; nuovo con- tributo. 15 pp. 8°. Milano, frat. Rieara, 1895. ------. Di una singolare ipercheratosi. 8 pp. 8°. Milano, 1896. ------. Appunti sull' Argas marginatus, larva ed adulto e circa eruzione sperimentali con esso prodotte. 26 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Perugia, Unione tipog. coop., 1906. Respinger (H.). Editor of: Soliwcizerisolie Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Zahnheilkunde, Basel, 1898-19oo. Respinger (Wilhelm). * Untersuchungen iiber die angebliche Kontagiositiit des Erysipels. [Basel.] 2 p. 1., 21 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1900. Repr.from: Beit. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1900, xxvi. Respiration. See, also, Air; Asphyxia; Auscultation; Breath; Chest (Measurement of); Heart (Phy- siology of); Hibernation; Lungs (Exploration of); Nitrogen;Nose; Oxygen; Pulse-breath; Respiration (Apparatus, etc., relating to); Res- piration (Artificial)^ Respiration (Effect of drugs on); Respiration (Expired air in); Res- piration in infants, etc.; Respiratory organs; Sleep. Cederschjold (P. G.) *Diss. physiol. de respiratione. Pts. 1 & 2. 4°. Lund, 1812. RESPIRATION. 450 RESPIRATION. Respiration. Enth's (G.) AvTidiarpifi)), sive animad- versiones in Malachise Thrustoni diatribam de respirationis usu primario. 12°. Londini, 1679. Hamer (J.) *De acre renovando in respira- tione. 4°. Harderovici, 1743. Jerre (J. F.) * De respiratione. sm. 4°. Erlangx, 1700. Mayow (J.) Tractatus duo, quorum prior agit de respiratione, alter de rachitide. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1671. ------. The same. 16°. [Lugd. Bat., 1708.] Nemzer (Ai. G.) *0 vliyanii razlichnikh polozheniy tielai tsentroblezhnol silt na gazoviy obmlen u krolikov. [On the influence of vari- ous positions of the body and centrifugal force upon the gaseous interchange in rabbits.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. van Oldenbarnevelt (J.) De ademkunst des menschen in verbinding met toon en woord in dienst der kunst en der wetenschap. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1907. ------. The same. Die Atmungskurist des Menschen in Arerbindung mit Ton und AVort im Dienste der Kunst und Wissenschaft. Offizielle Vortriige und Demonstrationen gehalten in arztlichen Kreisen zu Paris "Societe interna- tionale de la tuberculose", Haqg-Utrecht-Wash- ington. 8°. Oranienberg, [n. d.]. Porter (\V. T.) Ueber spinale Athem- bahnen. 8°. Berlin, 1894. Repr. from: Verhandl. d. phvsiol. Gesellsch. zu Berl., 1894. Kamacharaka Yogi. The Hindu - Yogi science of breath. A complete manual of the oriental breathing, philosophy of physical, mental, psychic, and spiritual development. 12°. Chicago, 1903. Schombart (J. T.) * Diss. med. de respira- tione ejusque difficultatibus et vitiis. sm. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, 1694. Stephenson (R.) *De respiratione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1817. Swyghtjisen (H.) *De aeris alternis vicibus inspirati et expirati effectu in sanitatem. 4°. Groningse, 1781. Thruston (M.) De respirationis usu pri- mario diatriba. Accedunt animadversiones a cl. viro in eandem conscriptse, una cum re- sponsionibus auctoris. 24°. Lugd. Bat., 1671. Ward (S. H.) Healthy respiration. 12°. London, 1855. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1867. Bernneini. 2v/u.|3oAtj ets rr\v a-wovSiju t»)s ancxrTei- puicrew? tov a.T^jLoa-j>aratus for use in re- lation to^. Colling wood (B. J.) An apparatus for recording respirations by means of an electro-magnet. Proc. Phy- siol. Soc, Lond., 1905-6, p. xxviii. — Fa no ( G.) Ri- cerche sul ricambio respiratorio. Parte 1, Tecnica a). Descrizione dell' apparecchio. Boll. d. r. Accad. med.di Genova, 1892, vii, 215-251.—Giglio ^C.) Alcune modifi- cazioni apportate alio apparecchio del Waldenburg. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 315.—Guglielnii- netti. Appareil respiratoire pour l'exploration des mi- lieux remplis de gaz irrespirables. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 60-63.—Haldane (J.) A new form of apparatus for measuring the respi ratory exchange of animals. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1892, xiii, 419-430.— Hoppe-Seyler (F.) Apparat zur Messung der respi- ratorischen Aufnahme und Abgabe von Gasen am Men- schen nach dem Principe von Regnault. Ztschr. f. phy- siol. Chem., Strassb., 1894, xix, 574-589, 2 pl.—Laulanie (F.) Surun appareil pour l'etude des echanges respira- toires. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 560-563. -----. Sur un appareil pour la mesure des echanges respiratoires par la methode de l'echantillon- nage continu et proportionnel. Arch, de physiol. norm. et path., Par., 1895, 5. s., vii, 619-628. -----.Sur un ap- pareil permettant la mesure des echanges gazeux de la respiration pendant un temps quelconque. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 877-880.—Lesauie (P.) Un hygrom&tre respiratoire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvi, 1097-1099.—Ulendel. De la mesure de la respiration nasale au moyen du rhinometre. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1897, xi, 7US-710.—.VIosso (U.) Appareil portatif pour determiner l'acide carbonique dans Pair expire par 1'homme. Arch. ital. de biol., Tu- rin, 1896, xxv, 235-243.—Bosenberg (Tora). Priifung des Sonden-Tigerstedt'schen Respi rationsapparates. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1904, xvi, 79-87.— Respiration indicator and regulating inhaler. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 13S9._Thunberg (T.) Ein Mikro- respirometer; ein neuer Respirationsapparat, um den respiratorischen Gasaustausch kleinerer Organe und Or- ganismen zu bestimmen. Skandin. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1905, xvii, 74-85.—Tigerstedt (R.l Der Re- spirationsapparat im neuen phvsiologischen lnstitut zu Helsingfors. Ibid., 1906, xviii, 298-305.—Waldenburg (L.) Un aparato pneumdtico transportable para el tra- tamiento mecinico de las enfermedades de la respira- tion. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1901, iii, 772-792.— Zoja (L.) Apparecchio per lo studio della eliminazione dell' anidride carbonica e dell' acqua per i polmoni. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1901, Roma, 1902, 148-151. Respiration (Artifcial). See, also, Asphyxia (Treatment of); Drown- ing (Bestoration from); Foetus (Bespireition, etc., of); Infant (New-born, Asphyxia, etc., of, Treat- ment of); Opium (Poisoning by, Treatment of); Suffocation (Bestoration from). Configliachi (P.) Doppio soffietto o mantice respiratorio per soccorrere gli asfittici e per in- traprendere con facilita alcuni esperimenti e ri- cerche di fisica e fisiologia. 8°. Pavia, 1816. Hirsch (H. ) * Ueber die kunstliche At- mung durch Ventilation der Trachea. 8°. Giessen, 1905. Apparatus for maintaining artificial respiration. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 515.—Archer (G. J. S.) Schafer's prone-pressure method of artificial respiration. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1908, 527.—Baker (H. B.) Ar- tificial respiration, and the treatment of the partially drowned, suffocated, or electrically shocked. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., 1897, Lansing, 1899, xxv, pp. cvii-cxiii. Also: Teachers' San. Bull., Lansing, 1899, ii, 27-31.—du Bois-Reymond (R.) & Katzensteiu (J.) Ueber die Bewegungen des Kehlkopfs bei kunstlicher Ath- mung. Verhandl. d. larvngol. Gesellsch. zu Berl. (1901), 1902, xii, 18-23.—Brauer & Petersen. Ueber eine wesentliche Vereinfachung der kiinstlichen Atmung nach Sauerbruch. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1904, xli, 299-302.—Brodie (T. G.) A tap for graduating the amount of antesttietic in experiments in which arti- ficial respiration is being employed. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, p. xxxii.—Brose'h (A.) Die w'irksamste Methode der kiinstlichen Athmung, zurWiederbelebung scheintodter erwachsener Personen. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1896, ix, 1177-1182. -----. Ueber die Verhiitung einer todtlichen Komplikation der kiinstlichen Atmung. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1897, vii, 724-726. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 1409-1416. -----. Theo- retische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die kunstliche Athmung Erwachsener. Arch. f. path. Anat. fete], Berl., 1897, cxlix, 266; 460— Daszkiewicz (B. K.) Kilka slow w sprawie ratowania od pozornej smierci noworodk6w i dzieci starszych; opis sposobu sztucznego Respiration (Artifcial). oddychania, dotad nie znany w pismiennictwie. [Resto- ration from apparent death of new-born and older chil- dren; description of a method of artificial respiration un- known heretofore in literature.] Zdrowie,Warszawa,1903, 2. s., iii, 766-773.—Drowning and artificial respiration. iEdit.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 243.— lutto ( U. ) Apparat fiir kunstliche Athmung der Thiere. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiii, 575- 581, 1 pl.—Eisenmenger (R.) Tragbarer Apparat zur Erzielung kunstlicher Athmung. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech.,BerL, 1901, xxiii, 131-133. -----. Mester- seges legzesre szolgald kcszulek. [Apparatus used in ar- tificial breathing.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1903, xlvii, 725-727. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 1730-1733. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. diiitet. u. phys. The- rap., Leipz., 1903-4, vii, 567-570. Also, trans/.: Illust. Mo- natschr. d. iirztl. Polytech.,Berl.,1904, xxvi, 113-118.-----. Kunstliche Atmung und gleichzeitig kunstliche Blutzir- kulation. Arch. f. phys.-diutet.Therap.,Berl., 1904, vi,257- 259.-----. Nehanyszo eljarasomes keszulekem hatas&r61 es alkalmazasar61. [Remarks on mv method and appara- tus.] Orvosi hetil.,Budapest,1904,xlviii,.V)i;.—Gies(VV. J.) & ftleltzer (S. J.) Studies on the influence of artificial respiration upon strvchnine spasms and respiratory movements. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1903, ix, 1-25. Also, Reprint.—Greene (N. W.) A positive-pressure method of artificial respiration, with a practical device for its ap- plication in thoracic surgery, together with a report on transpleural operations on fourteen dogs. Surg. Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, ii, 512-537. Also, Reprint—Guil- loz (T.) Sur une manoeuvre utile dans la pratique de la respiration artificielle. Bull, med.. Par., 1904, xviii, 755. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 147.— Heermann. Kunstliche Athmung bei Bronchitis der Kinder. Therap.Monatsh.,Berl., 1901,xv,4l3—Hen.">3-555.—Paeinl (F.) Delia respirazione artificiale praticata secondo i principj salu- tan della vera scienza. Imparziale, Fizenze, 1880, xx, 635; 563. Also, Reprint.—Ploinan (K. G.) Om konst- gjord andning pa manniskor. [Ueber kunstliche Res- pirationsmethoden bei Menschen. Lebers., 566.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1904-5, n. f., x, 493-551,4 pl. Also, transl.: Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1906, xviii, 57-118, 4 pl.—Prone (The) pressure method of artificial respira- tion, Brit. M. J., Lond,, 1905, ii, 1405—Bichardson (B. W.) Artificial respiration; the theory and practice. In: Wood's M. & S. Monog., 8°, N. Y., 1890, viii, 161-182.— Satterthwaite (T. E.) Artificial respiration and the principal methods in use. Post-Graduate, N Y., 1901, xvi, 458-470.—Schaefer (E. A.) Description of a simple and efficient method of performing artificial respiration in the human subject, especially in cases of drowning; to which is appended instructions for the treatmentof the apparently drowned. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1904, Ixxxvii, 609-623. -----. On methods of artificial respira- tion. Rep. Brit.' Ass. Adv. Sc. 1904, Lond., 1905, 754. -----. A new method of performing artificial respiration. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc, Edinb., 1904-5, n. s., xxiv, 61. -----. Artificial respiration in man. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 865. -----. Artificial respiration in its physiologic aspects. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 801-803. [Dis- cussion], 812-815.—Slechenoflr*(I.M.) &Shaternikoff (M. N.) Portativniy dikhatelnly apparat. [Portable apparatus for artificial respiration. [ Trudi Fiziol. Inst. Imp. Moskov. Univ., 1896-1906, v, no. 5, 57-65.—Stewart (R. S.) Passage du contenu de l'estomac dans les pou- mons; un danger que peut produire la respiration arti- ficielle. Progres m<5d., Par., 1899, 3. s., ix, 51.—Straub (W.) Ein einfacher Apparatzur Unterhaltung der kiinst- lichen Atmung an Versuchstieren. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1907, cxix, 549-552.—Tang 1 (F.) Beschrei- bung eines Apparates zu quantitativen Respirations- versuchen mit kunstlicher Athmung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xcviii, 588-594— Trask (J. W.) Prolonged artificial respiration, with a report of two cases of apparent death from drowning; showing its efficacy. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1907, xx, 351-359.—Tuffler & Hal lion. Sur la regulation de la pression intra- bronchique et de la narcose dans la respiration artificielle par insufflation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 1086-1088.-Volhard (F.) Ueber kunstliche Atmung durch Vent il a t ion der Trachea und eine einfache Vorrichtung zur rhytmischen kiinstlichen Atmung. Munchen. med. Wchschr., 1908, lv, 209-211.- Also [Abstr.]; Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Giessen' 1906, med. Abt., i, 40. -----. Ueber kunstliche Atmung durch Ventilation der Luftrohre. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, 2. Teil, 2. Hlfte., 35-39.—Woods (R. H.) On artificial respiration. Tr.Roy. Acad.M. Ireland, Dubl., 1906,xxiv,136-14L—Zie- genspeek (R.) Kleine Verbesserungen der Schultze- schen Schwingungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1743-1745. Respiration (Bronchial). See Respiration (Types of). Respiration (Chemistry of). See, also, Acid (Carbonic); Blood (Gases in); Nitrogen; Oxygen; Respiration ( Ajiparatus, etc., relating to); Respiration (Expireel air in); Respiration and altitude. Atwater (W. O.) & Benedict (F. G.) A respiration calorimeter with appliances for the direct determination of oxygen. 8°. Washing- ton, 1905. BiiRGi (E.) *Der respiratorische Gaswechs>el bei Ruhe und Arbeit auf Bergen. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, 1900. Also, in: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1900, 509-543. Fubixi (S.) & Benedicexti (A.) Influenza della luce sul chimismo della respirazione. 08- servazioni fatte sopra animali alio stato iber- nante. 8°. Bisa, 1891. Geoffroy (A.-A.-J.) * Modification de la respiration dans l'hyperthermie experimentale. Etude de physiologie, de pneumographie et de pneumochimie. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Mayer (L.) Determination experimentale de l'influence d'une revulsion cutanee sur le mecanisnie et le chimisme respiratoires. 8°. Bruxelles, 1901. Moleschott (J.) & Fubini (S.) Sull' influ- enza della luce mista e cromatica nell' esalazi- Respiration (Chemistry of). one di acido carbonico per 1' organismo animale- ricerche. 8°. Torino, 1879. Schmid (H.) *Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Kohlensiiuregehalt der Inspirationsluft. 8° Wurzburg, 1898. Sellier (J.) Contribution a l'etude de rin- fiuence de la tension de l'oxygene sur l'hemato- poiese et sur les combustions respiratoire*. 4°. Bordeaux, 1895. Taegener. * Ueber den Einfluss warmer Soolbiider auf den respiratorischen Stoffwechsel des Menschen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1901. B. (G.) Influenza della temperatura dell' aria in rela- zione col vapor d'acqua e acido carbonico emessi dall1 uomo. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1897, viii, 105—Ha ltd II (F.) & Stern (Mile. L.) Les echanges respiratoires ubois (R.) Application de la radiographic k l'etude des mouvements respiratoires en physiologie comparee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 17.—Duncan (C.) & Hoppe-Seyler (F.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Respiration der Fische. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1892-3, xvii, 165-181.—Faivre (E.) De l'influ- ence du systeme nerveux sur les mouvements respira- toires chez les dvtisques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1860, li, 530-533.—Francois-Franck (C.-A.) Mecanique respiratoire des poissons teleost6ens; tech- nique des explorations graphiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 962-964.-----. Technique des Frises de vues photo- et chrono-photographiques dans etude de la mecanique respiratoire des poissons tei6o- st6ens. Ibid., 965-967. -----. La mecanique respiratoire des cheioniens; contractilite de l'appareil pulmonaire de latortue terrestre. Ibid., 968-970.-----. Etudes de me- canique respiratoire comparee; pressions de l'air et ven- tilation pulmonaire expiratoire en deux temps chez les oiseaux. Ibid., lxi, 308-310. -----. Etudes de mecanique respiratoire comparee; la fonction respiratoire chez les sauriens fissilingues (16zard ocelie). I. Notions anato- miques relatives k l'appareil pulmonaire. Ibid., 1907, lxiii, 59-62. -----. Les phenomenes mecaniques de la respiration chez le lezard ocelie. II. Contractilite et in- nervation du poumon. Ibid., 68-70. -----. Etudes de mecanique respiratoire comparee; la respiration du lezard ocelie. III. Fonctionnement du poumon et des organes respiratoires externes. Ibid., 167-170. -----. Etudes critiques et experimentales sur la mecanique respiratoire comparee des reptiles. I. Cheioniens (tortue grecque). Arch, de zool. exper. et gen. [etc.], Par., 1907-8, 4. s., ix, 31-187,1 fold, pl.—Fredericq (L.) Recherches sur la circulation et la respiration; la pulsation du coeur chez le chien. Arch, de.biol., Gand & Leipz., 1888, viii, 497: 1890, x, 211, 2 pl.—Gage (S. H.) The comparative phys- iology of respiration. Proc. A m. Ass. Adv. Sc., Salem, 1892, xli, 183-196. Also: Am. Naturalist,Phila., 1892, xxvi,817- 832.—Gerber. Variation de la teneur enacides, en tannins, en hydrates de carbone et en alcools, des fruits pendant leur evolution; relation entre cette variation et celle du quotient respiratoire. Assoc, franc, pour l'a- RESPIRATION. 455 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Comparative physiology of). vance d. sc C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, xxvi, pt. 2, 454-462.— Grigorian (C.) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Luftath- mungsorgane der Labyrinthici und der Ophiocephaliden. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1900, xxiii, 161-170.—Hasselbalch (K. A.) Ueber den respiratorischen Stoffwechsel des Huhnerembryos. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1900, x, 353-402.—Hayashl (H.) & Muto (K.) Ueber Athemversuche mit einigen Giften. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1901-2, xlvii, 209-230 — Hayashi(H.)&Sudo. Ueberden Einfluss einige rGifte auf die Athmung. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Ge- sellsch. zu Tokyo, 1901, xv, 24. Hft., 1-26.—Hill (M. D.) Respiration in frogs. Nature, Lond., 1903—1, lxix, 489.— van der Hoeven. Bemerkung iiber Bojanus's Dar- stellung des Athmens der Acephalen. Arch, f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1828, 502.—Hough (T.) On the respi- ratory function of some muscles of the higher mammalia. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1891-3, v, 91- 98, 2 pl— Ishihara (M.) Bemerkungen iiber die Ath- mung der Fische. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1906, xx, 157-170.—Jolyet. Recherches sur la respira- tion des cetaces. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 655.—Kahn (R. H.) Zur Lehre von der Ath- mung der Reptilien. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1902, 29- 52— Konopacki (M.) Oddychanie u dzdzownic [Respiration in earth worms.] Rozpr. wvdz. matemat.- przyr. Akad. umiej., Krakdw, 1907, 3. s., vii, B, 303-335 — Krogh (A.) On the cutaneous and pulmonary respira- tion of the frog: a contribution to the theory of the gas exchange between the blood and the atmosphere. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1904, xv, 328-419.-----. Some experiments on the cutaneous respiration of verte- brate animals. Ibid., xvi, 348-357.—Kuiper(T.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Atmung der Teleostier. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1907, cxvii, 1-107. Also, transl. [Abstr.]": Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1906, xlv, 393-405.— Kulchitski (N. K.) K voprosu o stroyenii dikhatel- navo apparata kris. [Structure of the respiratory appa- ratus of rats.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Piro- gova. Trudi ix . . . syezda, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 50-57.— Langlois (J.-P.) Sur la polypnee thermique chez les poikilothermes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1904, ii, 559-561. See, also, supra, Couvreur & Gautier. -----. La polypnee thermique des poikilothermes; des condi- tions necessaires poursa mise en jeu. Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1904,-xi, suppl., 172-174. —Lataste. Note sur les canaux pretendus aeriferes qui se voient dans les ecailles ossiflees des scincoidiens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1876, Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 149.— Lavoisier. Experiences sur la respiration des ani- maux et sur les changemens qui arrivent k Pair en passant par leur poumon. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1777, Par., 1780, 185-194. — Lemberger (1.) Ueber einen Apparat zur Messung des respiratorischen Gaswechsels bei Thieren. Polnisch. Arch. f. biol. u. med. Wis- sensch., Lemberg, 1901, i, 89-111, 1 pl.—von Linden (Grafin M.) Der Einfluss des Kohlensauregehaltes der Atemluft auf die Gewichtsverandernng von Schmet- terlingspuppen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1907, 162- 208. -----. L'assimilation de l'acide carbonique par les chrvsalides de lepidopteres. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 360-362.—Lombroso (U.) Ueber einige besondere Regulationsvorgiinge der Atmungs- bewegungen bei Knochenfischen. Arch, f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1907, cxix, 1-28. -----. Ueber den Ursprung der Atmungsbewegungen der Fische; die Bedeutung desphysikalischen Mediums. Ibid., 1908, cxxv, 163-172.— Luciani (L.) & Lo Monaco (D.) Sur les phenome- nes respiratoires de la chrysalide du bombyx du murier. [Transl. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Georgofili. 1893, xvi.] Arch. ital. debiol., Turin, 1893, xix, 274-283.—Marcaeci (A.) I rapporti degli organi del respiro e del nuoto nei polmonati acquatici. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, fisiol., 116-121.—Martin (C. J.) Thermal adjustment and respiratory exchange in monotremes and marsupials. [Abstr.] Proc Roy. Soc. Lond., 1901, lxviii, 352.— Mattirolo (O.) & Buscalioni (L.) Le tegu- ment seminal des papilionacees dans le mecanisme de la respiration. [From: Malpighia, iv.] Arch, ital.de biol., Turin, 1891, xv, 129-146, 2 pl— Mitchell (Evelyn G.) Oral breathing valves of teleosts, their modifications and relation to the shape of the mouth. Am. Naturalist, Bost, 1904, xxxviii, 153-164.—Montnori (A.) La rego- lazione del consumo di ossigeno negli animali marini. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1906, ix, 685; 695. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Zentralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1906, xx, 271-274.—Nicolaides (R.) Ueber die Inner- vation der Atembewegungen beim Hunde. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1906, xix, 981-986.—Os- borne (W. A.) & Muntz (Edith). The action of carbon dioxide on the respiration of the gold-fish. Bio- Chem. J., Liverp., 1906, i, 377-382.—Packard (W. H.) The effect of carbohydrates on resistance to lack of oxy- gen. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1907, xviii, 164-180.—Pal- ladin (W.) Ueber normale und intramolekulare At- mung der einzelligen Alge Chlorothecium saccharophi- Respiration (Comparative physiology of). lum. Centralbl. i. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt, Jena, 1903, xi, 145-153, 2 diag.—Pi6ron (H.) De l'influence de l'oxygene dissous sur le comportement des invertebres marins. I. Quelques recherches preiiminaires sur les be- soins respiratoires en milieu clos. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 886-888.— Pngliese (A.) Influ- enza della polipnea sulla pressione sanguigna negli ani- mali riscaldati. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1025- 1027.—de Quatrefages. Memoire sur les organes et sur les fonctions de la respiration chez les anneiides pro- prement dites. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1851, xxxiii, 77-80.—Bicciardelli (M.) Sulla respira- zione buccofaringea e cutanea dello Spelerpes (al. Geo- triton) fuscus e della Salamandrina perspicillata. Speri- mentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1898, Iii, 153-175.— Richet (C.) De l'influence du chloral sur les actions chimiques respiratoires chez le chien. In his: Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, i, 548-559. -----. De la mesure des combustions respiratoires chez les mammi- feres. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1891, 5. s., iii, 74-86.—Roques (L.) Sur la respiration des poissons et la technique employee k son etude. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 287-289.—Rosenthal (J.) Ueber die Sauerstoffaufnahmeund den Sauerstoffverbrauch der Saugetiere. Sitzungsb. d. phys. med. Soc. zu Erlang. (1898), 1899, 30. Hft, 1-15. -----. Zweite Mittheilung betreffend den respiratorischen Stoffwechsel der Siiu- gethiere. Ibid. (1902), 1903, xxxiv, 84-87.—Rossi (G. L.) Sulla respirazione cutanea e branchiale dei diplopodi. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1903, xxvii, 150-156.—van Rynberk (G.) Recherches sur la respiration des poissons. Arch. ital. debiol., Turin, 1906, xlv, 183-198.—Schachmago- now (T.) Ein eigenthiimlicher Luftathmungsapparat bei Betta pugnax. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1900, xxiii, 385- 387.—Schultz (P.) Demonstration der Knochenath- mung der Vogel am Humerus der Ente. Arch, f. Physiol., Leipz., 1896, 180-182.—Seguin & Lavoisier. Premier memoire sur la respiration des animaux. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc, Par., 1789, 566-584.—Siefert (E.) Ueber die Athmung der Reptilien und Vogel. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiv, 321-506, 3 diag.—Sinclair (F. G.) [formerly Heathcote (F. G.)] A new mode of respiration in the myriapoda. Phil. Tr. 1892, Lond. 1893, clxxxiii, (B.), 61-72, 2 pl.—Stoklasa (J.) Ueber die anaerobe Athmung der Thierorgane und iiber die Isolirung eines gahrungserregenden Enzyms aus dem Thierorganismus. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1902-3, xvi, 652-658.—Stschelkanovzeff (J. P.) Ueber den Bau der Respirationsorgane bei den Pseudoscor- pionen. Zool. Anz.,Leipz., 1902,xxv,126-135.—Suchard (E.) Observations nouvelles sur la structure de la val- vule de Briicke et sur son role dans la respiration bucco- pharyngienne de la grenouille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 1179.—Tarulli (L.) Alcune nuove ricerche sulla respirazione degli animali. Ricerche di fisiol. e sc. affini ded. al Prof. L. Luciani. .. , Milano, 1900, 331-344. Also, transl.: Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Ciessen, 1900-1901, xvii, 356-376 — Thunberg (T.) Der Gasaustausch einiger niederer Thiere in seiner Abhangigkeit vom Sauerstoffpartiar- druck. Skandin. Aych. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1905, xvii, 133- 195.—Tissot (J.) Etude comparative du mecanisme de la respiration chez les mammiferes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902,cxxxv, 1229-1231.-Vernon (H. M.) The relation of the respiratory exchange of cold-blooded ani- mals to temperature. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1894, xvii, 277-292.—Verworn (M.) Die Lokalisation der Atmung in der Zelle. Festschr. z. 70. Geburtst. v. Ernst Haecke, Jena, 1904, 561-570.—Weiss (G.) Sur l'elimination de l'acide carbonique par la grenouille dans un gaz inerte. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 491-493.— Winterstein (H.) Beitrage znr Kenntnis der Fisch- atmung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1908-9, xxv, 73- 98.—Wood (H. C.) & Cerna (D.) The effects of drugs and other agencies upon the respiratory movements. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1892, xiii, 870-896, 1 pl.—Zuntz (N.) EinRespirationsapparatfiirWasserthiere. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1901, 543-551. Respiration (Costal). See Respiration (Types of). Respiration (Diaphragmatic). See Respiration (Types of). Respiration (Disordered). See, also, Asthma; Cheyne-Stokes respira- tion; Dyspnoea; Lungs (Diseases of, Diagnosis, etc., of); Respiration in infants, etc.; Respira- tory organs (Diseases of); Respiratory organs (Hygiene of); Sighing; Stertor; Yawning. Guggenbuhl (H.) * Sauerstoff-Inhalationen bei Atemstorungen. 8°. Zurich, 1904. RESPIRATION. 456 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Disordered). Hofbauer (L.) Seiniologie und Differential- diagnostik der verschiedenen Kurzatmigkeit auf Grund der Atemkurve. 8°. Jena, 1904. Locbry (H.) Contribution a l'etude des dysp- nees d'origine hysterique. 8°. Paris, 1906. McAldowie (A. M.) Periodic respiration; an inaugural address. 8°. Stoke - upon - Trent, 1899. Natier (M.) Module et polype vocaux asso- cies a des troubles respiratoires et nevropathiqties chez une institutriee. Importance primordiale de la respiration chez les professionnels de la voix (artistes, avocats, orateurs, etc.). 8°. Paris, 1902. Nechai (P. I.) Material! dlya patologii di- khatelnoi innervatsii. [Pathology of respira- tory innervation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1890. von Neusser (E.) Clinical treatises on the symptomatology and diagnosis of disorders of respiration and circulation. Authorized Eng- lish translation by Andrew MacFarlane, M. D. 2 v. 12°. New York, 1907-8. von Oefele (F.) Luftwechsel bei Storungen in den Luftwegen. 12°. Neuenedir, 1902. Aducco (V.) Sopra un caso di inibizione respirato- ria. Ann. di freniat, [etc.], Torino, 1889-90, ii, 220-230, 2 iii. — Ahrciit. Ueber einen Fall von ausgesprochen reileUtori>eher Inspirationsdvspnoe. Arch.f. Larvngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1904, xv, 351-353— A liter! (E.) "Su di una particolare alterazione del fegato del neonatocome segno di mancata odincompleta respirazione polmonare. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1907, xxi, 15-18. Also: Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli. 1907, x, 352.—Anders (J. M.) Some respiratorv conditions dependent upon gout and obesity. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1901-2, v, 246- 250. Also, Reprint.—A vel lis (G.) UeberStorungen des Organgefiihls fiir das respiratorische Gleichgewicht. Ver- handl.d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, 2. Teil, 2. Hlfte., 335.—Baumler (C ) Medikamen- tose und mechano-hydrotherapeutische Behandlung von Respirations- und Zirkulationsstoruicen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, iii, 321-329. Also: Grenzgeb. in d. Med. 14 Vortr. . . . d. Eroffnung d. Kaiserin Friedrich- Hauses [etc.], Jena, 1908,1-23.—Barnes (Il.J.) Control of respiratory diseases. Ann. Gvnec. & Pediat., Bost.. 1908, xxi, 207-210. —Bernheiih. De la dvspn<5e car- diaque. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1900-1901, Proces- verbaux, 58-60.—Binetti (G.) Contributo alio studio del- P ascoltazione della bocca in rapporto alia respirazione cardiopolmonare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 133- 137.—Bonniger (M.) Zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Athmung. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1908, v, 409^425. Also: Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1908, xxv, 514-530.—Brooks (G. L.) Infrequent cause of cog-wheel respiration. Clinique, Chicago, 1906, xxvii, 152.—Burivinkel (O.) Ein Atmungstisch fiir dyspnoeische Herz- und Lungenkranke. Krankenpflege, Berl., 1902-3, ii, 803. Also: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Ge- sellsch. in Berl., Vortr., 1903, 308 —Candela (M.) Ta- chipneaisterica con affezione organica respiratoria. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli. 1907, n. s., xxix, 57-77.— Cardi &Cionini. Coinributo alio studio delle aritmie respiratorie. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Roma, 1896, vii, 294.— Cavalero (G.) & Kiva-Rocei (S.) Sul sig- nificato clinico della iperfrequenza del respiro. Morga- gni, Milano, 1892, xxxiv. 197-219. Also [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano, 1891, iv, 323-327. Also, transl.: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892,1, 130- 150.—Christy (T. C.) Dysphonia; relief with the useof the galvanic current, Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 478-^82.— Codina Castellvi (J.) El hipo y su terapeutica. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1900, xlviii, 161; 201.— Corson (G. R. C.) Nasal respiration; its relation to general diseases. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1908-9, xii, 125- 130.—Cowl (W.) Ueber Luft- und Sauerstoffathmung bei Eupnoe und Dyspnoe. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1902, Suppl.-Bd., 429.— Deguy. Des allorythmies respira- toires. Rev. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xii, 228- 232.— Dorendorf. Ueber die aussere Untersuchung der oberen Luftwege. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 433- 43*.—Kskridae (J. T.) Reportof a caseof exceedingly rapid and very slow respiration, with pauses in respira- tion varying from twenty seconds to two minutes in dura- tion, in a patient suffering from tubercular meningitis, syphilitic periarteritis of the pons and medulla and from hysteria (the most rapid respiration was 140 to 142 per minute, the slowest from 2 to 3 per minute, the latter ex- tending over prolonged periods). Denver M. Times 1901-2, xxi, 513-528. — van Fysselsteijn (G.) Kunst- matige ademhaling en hoe zij behoort te worden toege- Respiration (Disordered). past. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1908, ii, 1436- 1464—Federici (C.) Sopra una forma insolita di alte- razione del respiro. Segno, Firenze, 1889-90, i, 65- 97 — Fell (G. E.) Forced respiration. Tr. N. York M. Ass 1891, viii, 176-190. —Ferraniuin (A.) L' antropologia clinica delle anomalie nella meceanica respiratoria Tommasi, Napoli, 1908, iii, 179; 203.—Fonteyuc (A.) La respiration dans certainesintoxicationsm6dicamenteuses et microbiennes. Arch, internat. de pharm'acod Brux et Par., 1906, xvi, 341-468.—Foy (R.) L'impotence fonc- tionnelle natale: son traitement par la reeducation. Ann d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1908, xxxiv' 417-436— FraucoiK-Franck (C.-A.) Mecanisme des troubles respiratoires dus a la perte de tonicite des parois abdominales et a la ptose viscerale dans 1'attitude verti- cale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 163- 166. -----. Note complementaire sur le mecanisme des troubles respiratoires dus a la perte de tonicite des parois abdominales dans 1'attitude verticale, a propos d'un travail anterieur de A. Mosso et d'une reserve formulae par Frantz Glenard. Ibid., 360-362. — Fredericq (L ) Sur la cause de l'apnee. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull de la cl. d. sc, Brux., 1900, 464-482, Also: Arch, de biol.. Liege & Par., 1900-1901, xvii, 561-580. — Freer (R.) Uniform incomplete inflation of both lungs. Brit, M. J., Lond 1895, ii, 1231.—Frunoni (C.) Alcune considerazioni in! tornoal respiro dissociato di Grocco. Riv. crit. di clin med., Firenze, 1906, vii. 645-653. -----. Ueber einige Res- pirationsveriinderungen centralen Ursprungs. Neurol Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxvii, 202-208.—Garrelon (L.j & Langlois (J.-P.) Ventilation et echanges respira- toires pendant la polypnee. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol Par., 1905, lix, 81-83.----------. Polypnee thermique ei pneumogastrique. Ibid., 83-s5.----------. Polypnee thermique a type periodique. Ibid., 166-10K.—Gelle ( E.) De la pression intra-thoracique et de la compression du cceur droit dans les accidents asphyxiques par stenose des voies respiratoires. Ibid., 1907, lxii, 587-590.—Geval (Een) van tachypnoe. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1904-5, xi, 29-31. — Gibson (G. A.) Some points connected with periodic breathing. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1889, xxv, 30-33. Also, Reprint. -Gonzalez (J. de J.) Disnea intensa por flaxidez de las alas de la nariz y ausencia de denta- dura. Cr6n.med.mexicana,Mexico, 1901,iv,7— Grocco (P.) Respirazione dissociata ossia di una speciale altera- zione dei movimenti respiratorii. Riv. crit. di clin. med Firenze, 1901, v, 333. Also, transl: Med. Woche, Berl 1905, vi, 26. — Giitzinann (H.) Zur Behandlung der Mundatmung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, 2. Teil, 2. Hlfte., 345— Harri- son (W. G.) Some causes and evilsof mouth breathing. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1907-8, xx, 637-643. -He- nocque (A.) Des rapports entre l'apnee volontaire ou involontaire et la duree de reduction de 1'oxyhemoglo- bine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 11. s., i, 538-541. — Henssen (O.) Ueber saccadirtes Athmen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902, lxxiv, 230-237. Also, transl.: J. Tuberc, Asheville, N. C, 1903, v, 62-68.— Herod (J.) Respiratory affections. Kansas City M. Index Lancet, 1906, xxviii, 322.—Hofbauer (L.) Ue- ber pathologische Athmungsformen. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1904, cclxxxiv, 1-13.-----. Ueber nervose Tachyp- noe (mit Demonstrationen). Verhandl. d. Kong. f. in- nere Med., Wiesb., 1905, xx, 216-220. Also: Med. BL, Wien u. Leipz., 1905, xxviii, 579. -----. Ueber Orthopnoe. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1907,vi,Beil., 79-84. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvii, 977-980.— Hofbauer (L.) & Holzknecht (G.) Zur Physiolo- gie und Pathol, igie der Atmung. 1. Mitteilung. Die Ver- anderungen des Standes und der Exkursionsbreite des Zwerchfells in den verschiedenen Korperlagen (Liegen, Sitzen, Stehen). Mitt. a. d. Lab. f. radiol. Diagn. u. The- rap. im k. k. allg. Krankenh. in Wien, Jena, 1907, 2. Hft., 1-8.—Hoover (C. F.) The sudden appearance of apnea in the course of tabes dorsalis and arterial sclerosis. J. Am. M, Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 237-JKi-Houssay. Des spasmes rythmiques respiratoires; une observation d'aboiement et de hoquet hvsteriques. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1897, lxviii, 539-545.—Huchard. La capacity respiratoire et la dyspnee. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 680.— Jankelevitch (J.) Ein Fall von schweren Athembeschwerden durch Erschlaf- fung der glosso-epiglottischen Falten und consecutiver Verstopfung des Larynxeintritts durch den Kehldeckel. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh.,Berl., 1900, xxxiv, 19.—Jappelli (G.) Sulla eceitabilita di taluni centri bulbari edei cen- tri motori corticali durante P apnea sperimentale. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1901, n. s., lv, 431-445.— Johnson (G.) A peculiar form of nervous apneea; its physiology and treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1870, ii, 455. Also, in fiis: Med. Lect.& Essays, 8°, Lond., 1887,286-289 — Kelson (W. H.) Diseases of the upper respiratory pas- sages in relation to life insurance. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y., 1907, xvii, 309— Kindler. Eine regulierbare In- halationspfeife. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv 870.—Kirchberjs ( F.) Manuell- mechanischeundUebungstherapiebeiLungenemphysem und Asthma bronchiale. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1908, RESPIRATION. 457 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Disordered). xlix, 310-314.—Kjelliuan (F.) Om orsakerna till elak andedriigt. [Causes of disturbance in breathing.] Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 358-362— Klotz (F. E.) Dis- eases of the breathing apparatus which affect the breath; the breath as an aid in the diagnosis of these and other diseases. N. York M. J. [etc], 1908, Ixxxvii, 306-308.— Koiiler (A.) Kinematographische Rontgenvorfuhrun- gen normaler und pathologischer Atmung. Verhandl. d. Kone. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1907, xxiv, 630-632. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1907, iii, 164-166— Kovalevski (N. O.) & Adam ii It (K. V.) Ueber einige Krscheinungen im Gefasssysteni bei storun- gen der Respiration. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1868, vi, 579-584. Also, in: Kovalevski (N.O.) Trudi, 8°, Kazan, 1895, no. 12, 10-16.—Lermuyrz (M.) In- suffisance nasale fonctionnelle et reeducation respira- toire. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 764-769. -----. Vn cas d'autophonie respiratoire. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1905, xxxi, 456-458.—liiebermeister (G.) Zur normalen und pa- thologischen Physiologie der Atmungsorgane. 2. Studien iiber die Atmungsmechanik bei plotzlich auftretender Larynxstenose (nach Beobachtungen bei Diphtherie). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1669-1674.—liina Gaipa (S.) & Titone (M.) Un caso' di straordinaria frequenza del respiro (tachipnen). Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 4, 688-691.—Little (W. T.) Colorado and asthma and hay fever. Denver M. Times [etc], 1908-9, xxviii, 153.—Mabley (H. C.) The occurrence of Chevne-Stokes breathing in acute disease, with report of a case. Cleveland M. J., 1903. ii, 167-176 — JlcCorkle (J. A.) Some forms of dvspnoea and their treatment. Brookland M.J., 1905,xix, 98-100.—JTIcKen- drick (J. S.) Case of marked paroxysmal dyspnoea oc- curring in a patient with double aortic disease, and wherein after death were disclosed striking appearances of chronic mediastinitis. Glasgow M. J., 1906, lxvi, 171- 179.—JTIcKenzie (A. F.) The clinical significance of tracheal breathing. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1906, xxvii, 7-12.—Mackenzie (.!.)& Cushny (A. R.) Two cases of Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1907, p. xiii.—Glares (F.) Ueber Dyspnoe und Asphvxie. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1902, lxxxxi, 529-564, 2 diag.—JWassalongo (R.) L' ineguaglianza pupillare nelle malattie acute e croniche delle vie respi- ratorie. Lavorii d. Cong, di med. int. 1906, Roma 1907, xvi, 266-270.—^licheleau. Un cas de respiration in- versee chez 1'homme. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xix, 84. —3Iic»:c!i (E.) Cura dell' ap- nea con un metodo misto e presentazione di una speciale pinza afferra-lingua per il medesimo. Atti d. xii. Cong. interprov. san. d. alta Italia, Venezia, 1904,193-197. Also: Arch, ital di ginec, Napoli, 1904, vii, v. 2,231-235.—JHon- corge. De la respiration faible physiologique, k droite. Lyon med., 1894, lxxv, 533; 570.—Jttosso (A.) L'acap- nie produite par les injections de soude dans le sang. [From: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. Lincei, 1904, xiii, fasc 10, 2. s.] Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa 1903, Turin, 1904, 282-295. -----. La physiologie de l'apnee etudiee chez 1'homme. [Transl. fre>m: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1903,2.8.,liii.] Arch, ital.de biol., Torino, 1903-4, xl, 1-30. -----. L'apnee telle qu'elle se produit dans les changements de position du corps. [Transl. from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc di Torino, 1903, 2. s., liii.] Ibid., 31-43. -----. L'apnee produite par l'oxygfine. [Transl. from: Atti d. r. Aeead. d. sc. di Torino, 1903, xxxix.] iWd.,1904, xli. 13s-i:>7.—llurri f A.) SulP origine pato- logica del respiro periodico. In his: Scritti med., 8°, Bo- logna, 1902, 1095-1113. —Pal (J.) Paroxysmale Ta- chypnoe. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1906, lvi, 2289; 2350. -----. Paroxysmale Hochspannungsdyspnoe. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, xxviii, 194; 233. Also, Re- print. -----. Atmungs- und Gefiisskrisen. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1908, xxv. 691-695.— Pawihski (J.) Napady cze.stego oddechania (polyp- noe) (tachypnoe paroxysmale) ze stanowiska kliniez- nego. f . . . from a clinical standpoint.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1896, 2. s., xvi, 1; 34; 59; 98; 149; 175; 202; 236; 296; 321. Also, transl. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1898, xxxiv, 89: xxxv, 91.—Pegler (L. H ) On functional abeyance of nasal respiration simulating true nasal ob- struction. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1902, xvii, 337-340.—Pre- vost (J. L.) & Stern (Mile.) Recherches sur les respi- rations terminales et la pause observers dans l'asphyxie ainsi que dans l'anemie des centres nerveux. Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Geneve 1905-6, Geneve, 1907, vi, 49-79. — Reckzeh. Nervose Tachypnoe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 452; 487; 523. — Robin (A.) & Binet (M.) De l'examen clinique des echanges respiratoires; description de l'appareil; resultats cli- niques; indications therapeutiques. Gaz. d. h6p.. Par., 1905, lxxviii, 939; 951. — Rocher ( L. ) Note Sur les causes de l'abaissement rythmique du larynx et de la depression inspiratoire des espaces intercostaux chez les dyspm'iques. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xxix, 363- 366.—Rockwell (A. D.) L'electricite dans les troubles de la respiration et en particulier dans la paralysie du diaphragme. [Transl.] Arch.d'electric. men.,Bordeaux, Respiration (Disordered). 1900, viii, 605-607.—Rosenthal (G.) L'insuffisance res- piratoire; traitement par la gymnastique et la reeduca- tion respiratoires. Presse m6d., Par., 1904, i, 177-179.— Royet. Sur l'insuffisance respiratoire nasale causae par l'existence de soudures de la trompe d'Eustache Ala paroi posterieure du cavum. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1906, i, 129-136.—Rzewuski (A.) Zur Rontgeno- graphie des Thorax dispnoischer Patienten bei Atemstill- stand. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb., 1908, x, 127.— Saenser (M.) Subjektives Luftbediirfniss. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1906, 315-317.—Schenck (F.) Ueber Athemreflexe bei Apnoe und Dyspnoe. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, lxxix, 319-332.—Sendziak (J.) Ueber den Zusammenhang von Storungen in den oberen Luftwegen mit Krankheiten des Urogenitalapparates. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 294-297.—Serpossian. Dysp- nee toxique d'origine alimentaire; r6gime lacte comme moyen preventif des acces d'angine de poitrine. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1906, li, 102-104.—von Shtein (S. F.) Sluchal vesma medlennavo dikhaniya nosovovo pro'iskhozhdeniya. [Case of very slow breathing of nasal origin.] Yezhemles. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Bollezn., S.-Peterb., 1907-8, ii, 265-267, 1 pl.—Smith (A. B.) Res- pirators- tract; affections; svmptoms and treatment. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1904, Ixxxvii, 242-245.—Smith (C. W.) Some remarks on the effects of obstructed respiration. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1896-7, xii, 387-392.—Snow (I. M.) Acute recurring respiratory failure in the newly born with symptoms apparently of bulbar origin. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1901, xiii, 122-128.—Sokolovskl (E. L.) Polypnoe u tryokh-lletnyavo rebyonka. [. . . in a three-year-old child.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1897, ii, 415- 420.—Solovyeflt"(N. S.) O prerlvistom dikhanii. [In- terrupted breathing.] Sibirsk. Vrach. Viedom., Krasno- yarsk, 1906, iv, 121; 137; 153.—Stern (R.) Ueber eigen- artige periodische Aenderungen der Athmung. [Abstr.] Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1895, Bresl., 1896, lxxiii, 1. Abth., med. Sect., 85-88.—Striiblng. Ueber Neurosen der Athmung (Spanopnoe und Tachy- pnoe). Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1896, xxx, 1-24.—Syl- laba (L.) Zvl&stni druh respiradni neurosy. [N6vrose respiratoire particuliere. Res., 131.] Sborn. klin., v Praze, 1899, i, 101-132.—Tarabini (L.) Le neurosi res- piratorie. Riforma med., Napoli, 1908, xxiv, 253; 283:— Taylor (F.) Varieties of morbid respiration. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1906, xx, 4-10.— Thomayer (J.) *K pathologii svalstva dychaciho. [On the pathology of the respiratory muscles.] Casop. 16k. Cesk., v Praze, 1889 xxviii, 41-44.—Treves (Z.) &Maioeco (F.) Osserva- zioni sull' apnea degli uccelli. Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1904-5, ii, 185-206.—Tyson (W. J.) Cases of difficulty of breathing which require general treatment. Clin. J., Lond., 1906, xxviii, 207.—Vasehide (N.) e Beule (F.) A propos du mecanisme des mouvements respiratoires de la glotte chez le chien. Nevraxe, Louvain, 1903-4, V, 109-149.-----. Le mecanisme des mouvements respira- toires de la glotte chez le lapin. Ibid., 1904-6, vi, 1-18.— Donaldson (E.) Movement of the membrana tym- pani with respiration. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1041.— Einthoven. Ueber die Wirkung der Bronchialmus- keln, nach einer neuen Methode untersucht, und fiber Asthma nervosum. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1891-2, li, 367^45,3 pl.—Pick (R.) Ueberdie Alhemmus- keln. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1897, Suppl.-Bd., 43-79. Also [Abstr.]: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiv, 178-181. -----. Einige Bemerkungen fiber den Mechanismus der Athmung. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med, RESPIRATION. 459 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Mechanism and move- ments of). Gesellsch.zu Wiirzb., 1897, 30-32.—Fllehne (\V.) & Ki- onka (H.) Die Regulation der Athmung bei Mnskel- thatigkeit. Arch. f.d.ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiii, 234- 252—Fitz (G. W.) A study of types of respiratory movements. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1896, i, 677-692, 3 pl.— Flint (A.) Mechanism of reflex nervous action in normal respiration. Chicago J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 1874, i 131-147. Also, in his: Collect, essays, 8°, N. Y., 1903, i' H2-123. -----. On the causes of the movements of ordinary respiration. Brain, Lond., 1881-2, iv, 43-55. Also, inhis: Collect, essay, 8°, N. Y., 1903, ii, 336-348.- Flourens. Determination du nceud vital ou point premier moteur du mecanisme respiratoire dans les ver- tebres a sang froid. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1862, liv 314-317—Flusser ( E.) Ueber die Wirkung der Musculi intercostales. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii,345- 352 —Francois-Franck (C.-A.) Etudes experimen- tales de mecanique respiratoire; analyse graphique des mouvements respiratoires des poissons teleosteens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 799-801. -----. Etudes de mecanique respiratoire comparee. Ibid., 1126: lxi, 6; 126; 370: 1907, lxii, 34. -----. Etudes graphiques et photographiques de mecanique respiratoire comparee; discussion de la theorie classique du fonctionnement des sacs aeriens des oiseaux (pigeon). Ibid., 1906, lxi, 174-176 —Freund ^W.A.) Zur Physiologie der Atmungs- mechanik. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1907, iii, 143 — Gaupp(E.) Zur Lehre von dem Athmungsmechanis- mus beim Frosch. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entweklngsgesch., Leipz., 1896, 239-268. —Grossiuann (M.) Ueber die Uhembewegungen des Kehlkopfes. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CI. 1889. Wien, 1890, xcviii, 3S5; 466.—tiuieysse (A.) Sur quelques points d'anatomie des muscles de l'appareil respiratoire. J. de l'anat. et phvsiol. letc.]. Par., 1898, xxiv, 419-132.—Hot- bauer (L.) & Molzknecht (G.) Die Verandcrungen des Standes und der Exkursionsbreite des Zwcrchfelles in den verschiedenen Korperlagen (Liegen, Sitzen, Ste- hen) Mitt. a. d. Lab. f. radio!. Diagn. u. Therap. im k k. allg. Krankenh. in Wien, Jena, 1907, 2. Hft., 1-8. Also, transl.: Rentgen. Vestnik, Odessa, 1907, l, 13-17.— Jaquet (A.) Zur Mechanik der Atembewegungen. \rch f exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1908, Suppl.- Bd., 309-316.—Keith (A.) [et al.]. A discussion on the mechanism of re-piration in health and disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii. 589-593.—Koraen (G.) & Moller (B ) Leber die Inspirationsmuskeln beim Kaninchen und bei der Katze. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1900, x, 425-433, 1 diag —Letulle (M.) & Pompilian (M ) Etude graphique des mouvements respiratoires. Presse med., Par.. 1902, ii, 831-833.—Levj-Dorn (M.) Experimentelle Lntersuchungen iiber Rippenathmung und uber Anwendung von Pflastern am Thorax. Cen- tralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1896, xvii, 809-812.—Le- wandowsky (M.) Die Regulirung der Athmung. Arch f Phvsiol., Leipz., 1896, 195-248, 3 diag.—Mat- Gillavry (T.-II.) L'influence du spasme bronchique sur la respiration. Arch, neerl. d. sc exactes [etc.], Har- lem, 1877, xii, 445-456. Also, Reprint.—Martin (H. N.) & Hartwell (E. M.) On the respiratory function of the internal intercostal muscles. Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., 1895, iii, 165-168,1 pl— Martine (G.) Essai sur les mouvemens alternatifsdu thorax et des poumons dans la respiration. Essais et obs. de mM. de laSoc d'Edinb., Par., 1740, i, 187-203.-Medgyes (B ) Hogvan vegyunk lelegzetet? [How do we d raw breath?] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1906, xlvi, 6-8 -Meltzer (S. J.) Die athemhemmenden und -anregenden Nerveniasern innerhalb des Vagus in ihren Beziehungen zu emander und zum Athemmechanismus. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, 340-408, 6 pl— Mongiardino (T.) Funzione dei muscoli intercostali nella respirazione. Mod. zooiatro, Torino, 1899, x, 307-309.—Mosso (A.) Les mouvements respiratoires du thorax et du diaphragme. [ Transl. from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1903, 2. s., liii.] Arch ital. de biol., Turin, 1903-4, xl, 43-98.—Murri (A.) Sul meccanismo della funzione centrale del respiro, conside- razioni. Riv. Clin., Bologna, 1884, 3. s., iv, 385-400. Also, Reprint. A ho, in his: Scritti med., Bologna, 1902 n, 1073-1086.—Otldi < R.) Influenza del lavoro museolare sul comples>ivo scambio respiratorio. Sperimentale, Mem. orig., Firenze, 1891, xlv, 135-143.—Oppel(A.) Atmungs-Apparat. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entweklngs- gesch. 1900, Wiesb., 1901, x, 312: 1903, Wiesb., 1904, xiii, 212: 1904, Wiesb., 1905, xiv, 142: 1906, xv, 289: 1907, xvi, 292.—Patchen (G. H.) The mechanism of the respira- tory organs and the cultivation of their functions as a means of preventing and curing disease. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1895, xxxv, 3; 111; 193.—Schenck (F.) Beitrage zur Mechanik der Athmung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1895, lxi, 475-493. -----. Innervation der Atmung. Ergebn. d. Phvsiol., Wiesb., 1908, vii, 65-98.—Semon (F.) On the position of the vocal cords in quiet respira- tion of man, and on the reflex-tonus of their abductor muscles. Proc. Roy.Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xlviii, 156-159.— Spencer (W. G.) The Arris and Gale lectures on the Respiration (Mechanism and move- ments of). central nervous mechanism of the respiration. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 465; 532.— Tauszk (F.) Ueber den Ein- fluss der Lungenvagusfasern auf den Mechanismus der Athmung. Ungar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1892-3, i, 397- 404.—Tissot (J.) Nouvelle methode de mesure et d'in- scription du debit et des mouvements respiratoires de 1'homme et des animaux. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1904, vi, 688-700.— Treves (Z.) Osservazioni sul meccanismo della respirazione. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1899, xxiii, 25-39. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1899, xxxi, 130-142.—Vidal (E.) Influence de l'ouverture du mediastin posterieur sur la capacite respiratoire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1664.—Weidenfeld (J.) Versuche fiber die respira- torische Function der Intercostalmuskeln. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1892, ci, 421: 1894, ciii, 24, 2 pl.—Wilmart (L.) Contribution a l'etude de l'action des muscles respirateurs et en particu- lier du diaphragme. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1895, 49-52.—Zwaardemaker. Les mouve- ments respiratoires et leurs consequences aerodyna- miques. Ann. Soc. de med. phys. d'Anvers, 1903-4, ii, 131-146. Respiration (Xasal). See, also, Respiration (Apparatus, etc., relat- ing to); Respiration (Oral); Respiration in infants, etc. Cuspari (P.) * Die Behinderung der Respi- ration durch die Nase. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Mendel (H.) Physiologie et pathologie de la respiration nasale. Avec une preface de M. le professeur Gariel. 8°. Paris, 1897. Also [Rev.], in: Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, 585. Bardes (A. C.) The value of nasal respiration. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1903, lxxix, 244-246.—Bresgen (M.) Zwei Schriftstiicke fiber die Bedeutung behinder- ter Nasenathmung, gerichtet an das preussische Un- terrichts-Ministerium. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv, 181. Also, Reprint.—Dunn (J.) Note on the effect of nasal breathing upon the air contained in the lachrvmal duct. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 755-757.—Fitzgerald (W. H.) Why the dentist should especially advocate nasal breathing. Dental Brief, Phila., 1906, xi, 353-359.—Foster (E. E.) The influence of imperfect nasal respiration on the oral cavity. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis, 1907, xvi, 661-671.—Goodale (J. L.) An experimental study of the respiratory functions of the nose. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 457; 487.—Guermonprez. Respirer par le nez. Pratique jour., Lille, 1907-8, vii, 49; 65.— Jouslain. De la respiration nasale. Soc med. de l'arrond. de l'Elvsee. Bull. d. trav. 1893, Clermont (Oise), 1894 46-52.—Kauiinann. De la respiration nasale. Anjoumed., Angers. 1906, xiii, 181-185.—Kayser (R.) The route of respired air through the nose. [Transl. from the German.] Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1891, xx, 30-44 — Masini (G.) Di alcune modalita della respirazione nasale. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1901, xvi, 344- 351. Also: Ann. di laringol. [etc], Genova, 1902, iii, 58- Sl-Parker (C. A.) Some observations and remarks on the air-currents in nasal respiration. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1901, xvi, 34.5-355. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 24.— Bugani (L.) Contributo sperimentale alia fisio-patologia della respirazione nasale. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc ital. di laringol. [etc.], 1902, Napoli, 1903, vi, 136-141. Also: Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], Torino, 1902-3, xm, 257; 463 -----. Ulteriore contributo alia fisiopatologia della respirazione nasale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1907 xviii, 163-165. Also: Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc] 1906, Siena, 1907, 286-288. —Sandniann (G ) Autograms of nasal respiration. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1894, viii, 59, 1 pl.—Senator (M.) Ueber er- worbene totale Ausschaltung der Nasenatmung und deren Folgezustande. Verhandl. d. deutsch. laryngol. Gesellsch. 1907, Wiirzb., 1908, ii, 118-122. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, 2. Teil, 2. Hlfte, 332.—Smurthwaite (H.) Nasal respiration; its importance in the economy of the body Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1903-4, iv 22-27 —Trautiuann. Bedeutung der nasalen Ath- muiiK in ihrer Schutz- und Heilwirkung auf Krankhei- ten Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1902, xxxvi, 530-532.— Wartield (C.) Nose breathing. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1902, 504-514. Also: Med. Times, N. Y., 1903, xxxi, 266-"69 —Wright (R. A.) Nose breathing. Alabama M. & S. Age, Anniston, 1896-7, ix, 553-561. Respiration (Oral). See, also, Mouth-breathing-. Smester. De la respiration par la bouche et par le nez. Reponse au rapport du Professeur RESPIRATION. 460 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Oral). Voillez sur la note lue a l'Academie de mede- cine le 13 septembre 1881, par le Dr. Smester. 8°. Paris, 1884. De Cigna (V.) La respirazione nasale e la respira- zione boecale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1907, xviii, 32: ln.i.—Farlow (J. W.) Mouth-breathers. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1*95. N. Y.,1896. xvii, 220.—Fellows (C. G.) "Mouthbreathing. Northwest Sanitarian, Ke- nosha, 1894-5, i,129.—Fitzgerald (,\V. H.) The rational treatment for mouth-breathing. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiv, 375.—Glbb (J. S.) Mouth-breathing; some of the causes and results. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1898, vii, 184-188.— Gutzniann (H.) Ueber systematische Ue- bungen des Mundschlusses. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1359-1361.—Mader(L.) UeberNasen- und Mundatmung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zur Infektionen. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nasen-, Ohren-, Mund- u. Halskr., Halle a. S., 1902, vi, 373-398.—Miller (C. M.) Mouthbreathing. Gaillard's M. J.. N. Y.. 1903, lxxix, 240-244.—Ott. Ueber Verande- rung der Lippen als Folge lange bestehendcr Mundath- muhg. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1894-5, ii, 299.—Poli (C.) Sul valore fisiologico della respirazione nasale e boecale. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1902, Napoli, 1903, vi, 141-161.—Price-Brown. Oral and nasal breathing, with exhibition of patients. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1896-7, xxix, 222-228.—Bich- ards (<;. L.) Nasal obstructions which result in mouth- breathing, with special reference to adenoid vegetations. Internat. Dent. J., Phila., 1896, xvii, 549-559.—Scheeh. Ueber Mund- und Nasenathmung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 189-192. Also: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Miinchen (1894), 1895, iv, 190-205.—Schutter (W.) Le nez et la bouche comme organes de la respiration. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1893, xix, 334-350.—Spohn (G. W.) Diseased conditions caused by mouthbreathing, and their prevention. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1908, i, 90-92.—Tello (W.) La respi- racion bucal permanente. Prim. reun. d. Cong, cient. Lat. Amer., Buenos Aires, 1898, iv, 403-418. Respiration (Periodic). See Cheyne - Stokes respiration; Respira- tion (Disordered). Respiration (Physiology of). See, also, Nerve (Olfactory); Nerve (Pneu- rnogastric; Respiration (Apparatus, etc., relat- ing to); Respiration (Artificial); Respiration ( Chemistry of); Respiration ( Comparative phys- iology of); Respiration (Expired air in); Res- piration (Mechanism, etc., of); Respiration (Types of); Respiration and altitude; Respi- ration in infants, etc.; Respiration in relation to heart, etc.; Respiratory organs. Arnheim ( R. ) * Beitrage zur Theorie der Athmung. [Berlin.] 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Berenstein (M.) *Ein Beitrag zur Bestim- mung der Residualluft beim lebenden Men- schen. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. Bertier de VOratoire [J.-E.] Dissertation sur cette question si l'air de la respiration passe dans le sang. 16°. Bordeaux, 1739. Beyerman (D. H.) * Over den invloed van het zenuwstelsel op de ademhaling. 8°. Am- sterdam, 1900. Biarnes (G.) * Recherches experimentales sur les rapports entre la valeur respiratoire du sang et la temperature animale. 4°. Toulouse, 1893. Ciccolini (Sofia-M.-A.) L'inspiration pro- fonde active inconnue en physiologie. 8°. Ba- ris, 1890. ------. The same. De krachtige diepe ademhaling onbekend in de physiologie; naar het Fransch. 8°. 's Graeenhage, 1892. De-Simoni (L. V.) * Della respirazione; sag- gio anatomico-flsiologico. 8°. Genoea, 1815. Dupuy (J.-M.) Memoire physiologique sur la respiration. 8°. Baris, 1806. Gerdts (A. E.) Eins ist noth, naturgemass Athmen. 8°. Bingen a. R., 1891. ------. Die Kunst des Athmens als Vorbeu- gungsmittel gegen Erkrankung und als Heil- und Respiration (Physiology of). Hilfsmittel bei Krankheiten, namentlich der Athmungsorgane. 3. Aufl. 8°. Biiujen a. R., 1892. Ghys(F. ) Lucht en ademhaling. 8°. AnU werpen, [1899]. Hamburger (H. J.) Over den invloed der ademhaling op de verplaatsing van suiker, vet en eiwit. 8°. Amsterdam, 1894. Hasselbalcii (K. A.) Det kemiske lysbads virkninger paa respiration, blodtryk og kreds- labsbetingelser. [The effects of the chemical light bath on respiration, blood pressure, and circulation.] 8°. [Kjobenham], 1905. Henriquks (V.) Undersogelser over Nerve- systemets Indflydelse paa Lungernes respira- toriske Stofskifte. [ Researches on the influence of the nervous system on the respiratory metab- olism of the lungs.] 8°. KJ0benharn,~18Ul. Jonas (E.) Die zweiseitige (getrennte) Nasen- Lungenathmung, deren Einfluss auf Thorax- bildung und die Erkrankungen der Lunge und die oro-nasale Athmung. 8°. Liegnitz, 1902. Krarip (J. C.) Den omgivende Tempera- turs indflydelse paa det respiratoriske Stofskifte og Varmeproduktionen. 8°. Kjebenhavn, 1902. Paction (M.-V.) * Recherches experimen- tales et cliniques sur la frequence et le rythme de la respiration. 4°. Paris, 1892. Pari (G. A.) Sull' intensity, degli scambi respiratori nei vertebrati eterotermi e sul signi- ficato della legge di superticie. roy. 8°. Bo- logna, 1903. Petitmengin (J.) * Considerations physio- logiques sur la respiration. 4°. Strasbourg, an NI [1803]. Ransome (A.) On the graphical representa- tion of the movements of the chest-wall in res- piration. 8°. [_n.p.,n.d.] Rehfeld (P.) * Ueber die Bestimmung tier Residualluft. 8°. Wurzburg, 1893. Rovere (M.) *Sur l'air consider^ dans ses rapports avec 1'economie animale. 4°. Genes, 1810. de Saint-Martin (L.-G.) Recherches expe- rimentales sur la respiration; les inhalations d'oxygene, sommeil d'anesthesie; 1'intoxication oxycarbonique. roy. 8°. Pari.*, 1893. Seemann (J.) * Leber die Combination expi- ratorisch wirksamer Athemreflexe. Habilita- tions-Schrift. 8°. Marburg, 1902. Soum (J.-M.) Recherches physiologiques sur l'appareil respiratoire. 8°. Paris, 1896. Speck (C.) Physiologie des menschlichen Athmens nach eigenen Untersuchungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1S92. Stempel (H.) *Die physiologische und pa- thologische Athmungskurve. 4°. Giessen, 1895. Vannier (L.) * Etude radioscopique de la fonction respiratoire. 8°. Paris, 1905. Vierordt (K.) Physiologie des Athmens, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Ausscheidung der Kohlensaure; nach eigenen Beobachtungen und Versuchen. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1S45. Aikman (J.) The respiratory movements of the pre- cordial area in health and in disease. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1271.— A in burger (G.) Ueber Athempausen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1892, n. F., ix, 229-232 — Anderson. (R. J.) A note on respiration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 831. -Ansiaiix (G.) La mort par le re- froidissement; contribution a l'etude de la respiration et delacirculation. Univ.deLiege. Inst.dephysiol. Trav. du lab. de Leon Fredericq, Par.: Liege, 1889-90, iii, 25-60. Also: Arch, de biol., Gand A: Leipz., 1890, x, 151- 180—Arlolng is.) A: Lanlanii' iF.) Introduction A. l'etude des troubles de la temperature des combustions respiratoires et de la thermog&nese sous l'influence des toxines bacteriennes. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., RESPIRATION. 461 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Physiology of). Par., 1895, 5. s., vii, 075-687. —Arabella (R.) Beitrage zur Theorie der Athmung. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1894, 1_50.—Aron (E.) Plethysmographische Untersuchun- gen der Athembewegungeii des Menschen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1893, cxxxii, 408-427,1 pl. -----. Die Lungen-Ventilation bei Aenderung des Atmospharen- Druck.es. Ibid., 1899, clvii, 550-557.—Aslier (L.) & Ar- nold. (J. P.) Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen iiber die Innervation der Athmung und des Kreislaufes nach un- blutiger Ausschaltung centraler Theile. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz., 1900, n. F., xxii, 271-287.—Aslier (L.) & Iilischer (F.) Untersuchungen fiber die Inner- vation der Athmung und des Kreislaufes nach unblntiger Ausschaltung centraler Theile. Ibid., 1899, n. F., xx, 499-535.—Atmlatrie. Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1897, xxii, 241-215. — Babak (E.) O podnetu vybavujiciin rythmus pohybu dychacich. [The dncitation ot the rhvthm in respiratory movements.] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1907, xlvi, 1033-1039.—Badaloni. Les positions asymtkriques du tronc en rapport avec la fonction de respiration. [Transl.] Bull. Acad. rov. demed.de Belg., Brux., 1906, 4. s., xx, 186-198. —Barnes (C. R.) The theory of respiration. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1905, n. s., xxi, 211-252.—Barth (A.) Die Veranderung der KorperoberfliichebeimAtmen. Verhandl.d. deutsch. laryngol. Gesellsch. 1907, Wiirzb., 1908, ii, 123. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, pt. 2, 2.Hlfte.,330.—Battelll (F.) & Stern (Mile. L.) Recherches sur la conservation de l'aetivite. respiratoire dans les differents tissus animaux apres la mort; action de quelques substances sur Pactivit6 respi- ratoire des tissus frais. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par., 1907, ix, 410-124.— Beer (T.) Ueber den Einfluss der peripheren Yagusreizung auf die Lunge. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, Suppl.-Bd., 101-216, 2 diag. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1891-2, v, 782-784.—Bell an (R. J.) The changes in the outlines of the heart, diaphragm and stomach during the phases of respiration as illustrated by the X-ra v. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1908. 18. s., ii, 62-73, 1 pl.—Berenstein (M.) Neue Versuche zur Bestimmung der Residualluft am le- benden Menschen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1891-2, 1, 363-375.—Bergeon (L.) Des bruits physiologiques de la respiration. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1869, lxviii, 431-435.—Bergonie (J.) &Sigalas (C.) Appareil pour l'etude des combustions respiratoires chez 1'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 906 — Beyerman (H. D.) Den invloed der faradische prik- keling van de capsula interna op de ademhaling. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1900-1901, ix, 745,1 pl. Also, transl: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1900-1901, iii, 689, 1 pl. —Bienfait (A.) Re- cherches sur la phvsiologie des centres respiratoires. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1892, 3. s., xxiii, 260-268. Also: Arch, de biol., Gand, 1892, xii, 639-645. Also: Univ. de Liege. Inst, de physiol. Trav. du lab. de Leon Fredericq, Par.; Liege, 1891-2, iv, 159-165. — Bien- fait (A.) & Hogge. Recherchessur le rythme respira- toire. Univ. de Liege. Inst, de physiol. Trav.dulab.de Leon Fredericq, Par.; Liege, 1889-90, iii, 13-24. Also: Ar6h. de biol., Gand & Leipz., 1890, x, 139-150.—Binet (A.) & Courtier (J.) Influence de la respiration sur le trac6 volumetrique des membres. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1895, cxxi, 219. —Birukoff(B.) Ueber die Wirkung einer gleichzeitigen Reizung beider Vagusner- ven auf das Athmungscentrum. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, 525-530.—Biscons. R61e du pneumogastrique dans la respiration. N. Montpel. m6d., 1895, iv, 354; 365.— Bleibtreu (M.) Fettmast und respiratorischer Quo- tient; vorlauflge Mittheilung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1x94, lvi, 464-466. -----. Fettmast und respirato- rischer Quotient. Ibid., 1901,lxxxv, 345-400,1 pl.—Bog- liean (D.) Demonstration eines Respi rati onsaparates zur Regelung der Tiefe und des Rhythmus der Athmung auf rein maschinellem Wege, ohne jegliche Zuthat sei- tens des Kranken oder einer anderen Person. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1899, xvii, 605.—Bohr (C.) & Henrlques (V.) Comparaison des quotients respiratoires determines simultanement dans le sang et dans l'air expire. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1897, 5. s., ix, 819-831. —du Bois-Reymond (R.) & Katzenstein (J.) Beobachtungen fiber die Coordination der Athembewegungen. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1901, 513: 1902, Suppl.-Bd., 430. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Phila. M. J., 1901, viii, 663-655.— Bonnet. Application du compteur k gaz k la mesure de la respiration. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1856, xiii,825: xliii, 519.—Borutteau (H.) DasAtemzentrum und seine Tiitigkeit. Ergebn. d. Phvsiol., Wiesb., 1904, iii, 2. Abt., 89-99.—Broden (A.) & Wolpert (H.) Respi- ratorische Arbeitsversuche bei wechselnder Luftfeuchtig- keit an einer fetten Versuchsperson. Arch. f. Hyg., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1900-1901, xxxix, 298-311.—Calamida (U.) & Citelli (S.) Sopra la partecipazione del seno irontale alia respirazione nell' uomo. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1902, Napoli, 1903, vi, 162-170.— Camus (L.) & Gley (E.) Influence du sang asphy- xique sur la contractilite du canal thoracique. Arch, de Respiration (Physiology of). physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1895,5. s.,vii, 328-334.—Cardi (G.) & Cionini (E.) Contributo alio studio delle arit- mie respiratorie. Morgagni, Milano, 1897, xxxix, 360- 379.—Cava lie. Effets de la section des nerfs intercos- taux sur la respiration des oiseaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898,10. s., v, 569-57L—Cavaluzzi (F.) Scam- bio respiratorio dopo 1' allacciatura dell' arteria polmo- nare. Puglia med., Bari, 1895, iii, 33; 81.— Chapman (H. C.) & Brubaker (A. P.) Researches upon respira- tion. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1891,13-44.—de Cigna (V.) La respirazione nasale e la respirazione boecale. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc] 1906, Siena, 1907, 261-286.—Cleghorn (A. M.) The nerve centres of respiration. Montreal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 255-268.—Co- lasanti (Q.) & Polimanti (O.) L' influenza dei dis- turbi chimici e meccanici della respirazione sulla meta- morfosi regressiva. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 1, 218.—Colucci (C.) L' allenamento ergografico nei nor- mali e negli epilettici (indagini di psicometria). Ibid., Roma, 1902, xviii, pt. 1, 424-42S.—Consiglio (M.) Sulle fibre d' arresto del respiro nel tronco del vago. Sicilia med., Torino - Palermo, 1891, iii, 563-676. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xvii, 49-54.—Cousot (G.) Contribution k 1'e.tude du trace graphique de la respira- tion. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1896, 4. s., x, 312-314. -----. Note sur l'innervation respiratoire. Ibid., 1907, 4. s., xxi, 448-469.—Cowl (W.) & Rogovin (E.) Ueber die Einwirkung sauerstoffreicher Luft auf die Athmung dyspnoischer Thiere. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1904,1-24.—Cowl (W. Y.) The factors of the re- spiratory rhvthm and the regulation of respiration. N. YorkM. J., i890, Iii, 256-261. Also, Reprint. See, also, in- fra, Meltzer.-----. Is the cause of respiration the venos- ity of the blood and tissue fluid in the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata? N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 641- 547. Also, Reprint. — Delbriick (J.) Sur la quantity d'air indispensable a la respiration durant le sommeil. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1862, lv, 892. — De- inonet (E.) Recherches sur la capacite. vitale abso- lue et relative suivant le sexe et suivant certaines dimensions du corps. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1905, 5. s., vi, 5; 100.—Dissard(A.) Influence du milieu sur la respiration chez la grenouille. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1893, cxvi, 1153.-----. Influence de la deshydratation d'un animal sur ses ^changes respiratoires. Compt.rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894,10. s., i, 482— Dre- ser (H.) Ueber die Bilanz zwischen At hemleistung und Athembedurfniss. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 26.— Ducceschi (V.) Sur la physiologie de la respiration. [Transt. from: Rendic. d. r. Accad. d. Lincei, 1906, xv.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1906, xlv, 289: 1907, xlvii, 205.— Durig (A.I Ueber die Grosse der Residualluft. Zen- tralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1903, xvii, 258-267.— Edlefsen. Zur Frage der Entstehung des vesiculiiren Athmungsgerausches. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1891, x, 394-103.—Eijkman (P. H.) Die Bewe- gung der Halsorgane beim Anstrengen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, viii, 280-282,1 pl.— Eisenmenger (R.) Ein neuer Respirationsapparat. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904, xl, 621-625.—Es- pina y Capo (A.) Del ritmo respiratorio; estudio de fisiologia patologica. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Ma- drid, 1903, lxi, 41-53.—Falloise (A.) Influence de la temperature exterieure sur les ^changes respiratoires chez les animaux asang chaud et chez 1'homme. Mem. couron. .. . Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1900-1901, lx, pt. 3, 1-29.—Falloise (A.) & Dubois (A.) Sur la valeur du quotient respiratoire. Arch. de biol. ,Gand & Leipz., 1895-6, xiv, 457-467.—Falta. Respirationsversuche am Hunde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 448.—Falzetti (C.) & Muggia (A.) Ricerche sull' in- fluenza che gli esagerati sforzi respiratorii esereitano sui polmoni di individui sani. Riv. clin., Milano, 1890, xxix, 748-758.—Fernet (E.) Note sur la solubilit6 des gaz dans les dissol 11 ti ons salines, pour servir a la theorie de la respi- ration. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1855, xli, 1237-1239.—Ferrari (G.-C.) Des alterations emotives de la respiration. Intermed. d. biol , Par., 1897-8, i, 358-361 — Fitzgerald (Mabel P. )&Haldane( J. S.) The normal alveolar carbonic acid pressure in man. J. Physiol.,Lond., 1905,xxxii,486-494.—Fitzgerald (W. H.) Normal breath- ing. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1905, xxviii, 225-232 — Flint (A.) Experiments on the effects upon respiration of cutting off the supply of blood from the brain and me- dulla oblongata. N. York M. J., 1877, xxvi, 449-461. Also, in his: Collect, essavs, 8°, N. Y., 1903, i, 124-135. -----. Is the action of the medulla oblongata in normal respiration reflex? Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1880, n. s., lxxx, 69-88. Also, in his: Collect, essays, 8°, N. Y„ 1903, i, 136-162.— Francois-Franck (C.-A.) Recherches sur l'action du systeme nerveux sur la circulation pulmonaire a l'etat normal et pathologique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1898, 3. s., xxxv, 106-117.-----. Etude critique et experimen- tale de la vaso-constriction pulmonaire reflexe. Arch. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1896, 6. s., viii, 178- 192. -----. Etude du r61e de la vaso-construction pulmo- naire reflexe a l'etat normal et dans quelques conditions RESPIRATION. 46! Respiration (Physiology of). pathologiques. Ibid., 193-205. -----. Pnotographie si- multanle des mouvements exterieurs de la respiration, des courbes pneumographiques et pleuro-manom6triques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 160-163. -----. Application a l'etude des mouvements respiratoires du procede des images multiples sur plaque fixe; photo- graphie simnltanee des deplacements costaux, diaphrag- matiques, abdominaux et des courbes pneumographiques et pleuro-manometriques. Ibid., 362-365. — Fredericq (L.) Wassoll man unter "Traube-Hering'schen Wellen" verstehen? Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887,351-354. Also: Univ. de Liege. Inst, de physiol. Trav. du lab. de Leon Fredericq, Par.; Liege, 1887-8, ii, 196-199. -----. Le role du sang dans la regulation des mouvements respiratoires. Arch. de biol., Gand, 1892, xii, 419-423.—Gad (J.) Ueber den Berns'schen Athemreflex. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, 335-337. -----. Ueber die klinische Bedeutung der Athemformen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 1045. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1891-2, xi, 69-75. [Discussion], 79-82.-----. Ueber das Athmungscentrum in der Medulla oblongata. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1893, 175-184.— Uardenghi (G. F.) Nuove ricerche sull' aria espirata e confinata. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d',ig., Milano, 1906, xxviii, 167-184.— Gauthereau (R.) Etude des rapports de la respiration au pouls. Rev. internat. de la tuberc, Par., 1908, xiv, 26- 29.—Gell6. Respiration et deglutition. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901,11. s., iii, 882.—Gerhardt (D.) Ueber inspiratorische Einziehungen am Thorax. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1896, xxx, 37-40.—Gevers-Leuven (J.-M.-A.) Contribution a l'aerodynamique des voies respiratoires. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1904-5, 5. r., v, 49-72.—Giannelli (A.) L'influenza della corteccia cerebrale sui movimenti respiratorii. Ann. di nevrol. Napoli, 1900, xviii, 442-454, 3ch.—Gley (E.) A propos de la note de G.-C. Fer- rari: Des alterations ^motives de la respiration. Inter- med. d. biol., Par., 1899, ii, 47.—Grandis (V.) & Mai- nini (C.) Sulle modificazioni che un ambiente caldo ed umido determina nel ricambio respiratorio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1902, 4. s., viii, 50-63.—de Grandmaison. Respiration et nutrition. Rev. de mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1906, 2. s., iv, 483-492.—Gre- liaut (N.) Du renouvellement de l'air dans les poumons de 1'homme. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1862,tv, 278-280.—Guerrini (G.) Sugli elementi elastici delle vie respiratorie superiori. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1898, xv, 25-33,1 pl.—Haldane (J. S.) & Priestley (J. G.) The regulation of the lung- ventilation. J. Physiol., Lond., 1905, xxxii, 224-266.— Hall (C. R.) On the action of the muscular coat of the bronchial tubes in respiration, and on the exciting cause of inspiration and of expiration. Tr. Prov. M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1850, xvii, 363-386. Also, Reprint.— Hall (M.) Theory of the inverse ratio which subsists between respi- ration and irritability in the animal kingdom; and on hybernation. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1832, pt. 1, 321-334. Also: Abstr. Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1830-37, iii, 105.— Hal- lion (L.) & Comte (C.) Sur les variations de volume des extremites en rapport avec les mouvements respira- toires. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1896, 5. s., viii, 216-224.—Hamburger (H. J.) Over den invloed van den nervus sympathicus op de ademhaling. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1891, 2. r., xxvii, pt. 2, 489- 496, 4 pl. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz., 1891-2, n. F., x, 305-317. -----. Eennieuvve factor in de beteekenis der ademhaling. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1894, 2. R., xxx, pt. 2, 756-759. Also: Tijdschr. v. Veeartsenijk. en veeteelt, Utrecht, 1895-6, xxiii, 3-8.-----. Over den invloed der ademhaling op het volumen en den vorm der bloedlichaampjes. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1897, 4. s., v, 208-218.—Harley (V.) Influence des injections de sucre dans le sang sur I'echange respiratoire. [Transl 1 Abstr.] from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei, 1893, ii.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1893, xix, 351-356.—Hasse (C.) Ueber die Athembewegungen des menschlichen Korpers. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1901, 273-279, 2pl.—Hasselbaleh (K. A.) Die Wirkungendeschemi- schen Lichtbades auf Respiration und Blutdruck. Skan- din. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1905, xvii, 431-472.—ten Have (J.T.) Over ademsnelheid, ademgroote enadem- arbeid. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1905, 5. r., vii, 41-91. Also, Reprint.—Heller (R.),Itlager (W.) & vonSchrbtter (H.) Entgegnung zu dem Aufsatze von E. von Gyon: "Zur Frage fiber die Wirkung rascherVeriinderungendes Luftdruckes auf den Organismus". Arch.f.d. ges. Physiol.,Bonn,1898,lxx,487- 493.—Hermann (K.) Die Kunst des richtigen Atmens und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Lautbildung. Verhandl. d. Ver. siiddeutsch. Laryngol., Wiirzb., 1904, 4-20.— Hermann (L.) Zur Bestimmung der Residualluft. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lvii,*387-39L Also: Ibid.,lix, 165-169.-----. SchlussbemerkunginSachcn der Residualluft. Ibid., 1895, lx, 249-253.—Herrera (A. L. i & Vergara Iiope (D.) Nouvelle theorie de la respira- tion; hematose et ormose des gaz dissouts; la respiration delaTamise. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate", Me- RESPIRATION. Respiration (Pht/sioloe/i/ of). xico, 1897-8, xi, 309-324.—Hewelke (O.) O stosunku trwania ruchdw do szmer6w oddeehowyeh. [Relation- ship of the duration of movements to respiratory sounds ] Gaz. lek, Warszawa, 1906, 2. s., xxvi, 371-374.—lie} u- sius (A.) Over de grootte der negatievc drukking in de borstkasbij rustige in- en uitademing. Neder. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1882, 2. R., xviii, 2. Aid., 156-191.— Hinsdale (G.) Observation station with reference to respiration. N. York M. L, 1890, li, 292-294.—lloggc (A.) Recherches sur les variations respiratoires de la pressionintra-abdominale. Arch, debiol., Gand, 1892,xii, 573-609. Also: Univ. de Liege. Inst, de physiol. Trav. du lab. de Leon Fredericq, Par.; Liege, 1891-2,iv,93-129.— Holm (H.) Den dorsale Vaguskjernes Anatomi og Pa- tologi. Et Bidrag til Laeren om Respirationscentret, dets Udviklingog Degeneration. Norsk Mag. f. La'gevidensk., Christiania, 1892, 4. R., vii, 1-44, 6 pl. Also, transl: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Ben., 1893, cxxxi, 78-120, 3 pl.— Holmgren (I.) oEtt praktiskt system for beteckning af andningsljud pa schabloner. [A practical system for recording the sound of respiration on stencil plates.l Hygiea, Stockholm, 1904,2. f.,iv, 449-456.—Holzkueclit (G.) & Hofbauer (L.) Stand und Bewegung des Zwerchfells bei vertiefter Atmung in Seitenlage. Mitt. a. d. Lab. f. radiol. Diagn. u. Therap. im k. k. allg. Knm- kenh. in Wien, Jena, 1907, 2. Hit., 9-14. Also, transl: Rentgen. Vestnik, Odessa, 1907, i, 18-22.-----------. Verhalten des Zwerchfells bei den verschiedenen Atem- typen. Mitt. a. d. Lab. f. radiol. Diagn. u. Therap. im k. k. allg. Krankenh. in Wien, Jena, 1907, 2. Hft., 50-54. -----------. Ueber den Mechanismus der Atemvertie- fung. Ibid., 55-60.—Hyde(IdaH.) A reflex respiratory centre. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1906, xvi, 368-377. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost, 1905-6, p. xi.— Impens. Les analeptiques de la respiration. Arch. internat. de pharmacod., Gand et Par., 1899-1900, vi, 149- 169. Also [Abstr.]: Nouv. remedes, Par., 1900, xvi, 246- 249.—Isenberg& Vogt (O.) Zur Kenntniss des Ein- flusses einiger psychischer Zustande auf die Athmung. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1900-1901, x, 131; 229.— Jappelli (G.) La sincronizzazione dei movimenti res- piratori con eccitamenti ritmiei di nervi centripeti. Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1905-6, iii, 215-236.—.Jaynet. Anhang zu den Bemerkungen zur Lehre von den Athem- bewegungen. In: Miescher (F.) Histochem. u. phvsiol. Arb., 8°, Leipz., 1897, ii, 289-295.—Johansson (j. E.) Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur in der Umgebung auf die Kohlensiiureabgabe des menschlichen Korpers. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1897, vii, 123-177.— Joris (H.) Contribution k l'etude du trac6 graphique de la respiration. Ann. Soc. rov. d. sc. mt5d. et nat. de Brux., 1896, v, 457-471.— Kahn (R. H.) Bemerkung zu der Mitteilung von V. Ducceschi; Atemzentrum und Schluckzentrum. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1906, xix, 990-992.—Kauders (F.) Ueber den Einfluss der electrischen Reizung der Nervi vagi auf die Athmung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lvii, 333-374. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 202.—Knoll (P.) Ueber Reflexe auf die Athmung bei Zufuhr einiger nuchtiger Substanzen zuden unterhalb des Kehlkopfes gelegenen Luftwegen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Math.-naturw. CI. 1873, Wien, 1874, lxviii,3. Abth., 245-273, 4 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Athmungsinnervation. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CL, Wien, 1882-8, lxxxv- xcvii, passim.—Kostin (S. I.) K voprosu o pro'fskhozh- denii normalnavo ritma dikhaniya. [Origin of nor- mal rhvthm of respiration.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1903, ii, 763. -----. Zur Frage nach Entstehen des nor- malen Athemrhythmus. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1904, Suppl.-Bd., 51-80,3 pl.—Kovalevski (N. 0.) Material! k izucheniyu lyokhochnavo dikhaniya. [Materials for the study "of lung breathing.] [From: Uchen. zapiski Kazan, univ., 1865, 105-135] In his: Trudi, 8°, Kazan, 1895, no. 2, 1-34, 1 pl.—Kuttner (A.) & Katzenstein (J.) Ueber die Innervation des Kehl- kopfes wahrend der Athmung. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1899, ix, 308-323.—Laborde (J.-V.) 1. Duree maxima de survie post-mortale des elements fonc- tionnels du reflexe respiratoire. 2. Deduction d'applica- tion pratique relative au signe automatique de la mort reelle, constituant en meme temps le moyen le plus puis- sant de resurrection; instrument mecanique adapt6 a ce double but (tracteur lingual). Bull. Acad, demed., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, 93-106. Also: Compt. rend. .Soc de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 620-625.—Landauer (A.) A lelek- z6sre a vegtagok korfogatara es az izomerore vonat- koz61ag tett vizsgalatok. [Researches on respiration in relation to circumference of the extremities and to muscular strength.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1895, iv, 434-442.— Landmann (S.) Ueber die Be- ziehung der Atmung zur psychischen Thatigkeit. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894-5, viii, 423-426. -----. Ueber freiwilligen tiefes Atmen. Hvgieia, Stuttg., 1897-8, xi, 289-303.- Langendorff (O.) Kleine Mittheilungen zur Ath- mungslehre. Arch. f. Phvsiol , Leipz., 1891, 486-498. Also [Rev.]: Ibid., 1893, 397-416.—Langendorff"(0.) & 63 RESPIRATION. RESPIRATION. Respiration (Physiology of). Oldag (R.) Untersuchungen fiber das Verhalten der die Athmung beeinflussenden Vagusl'asern gegen Ket- tenstrome. Arch. f.d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lix, 201- 224, 2 diag.—Langlois (P.) & Biehet (0.) Influence des pressions exteiieures sur la ventilation pulmonaire. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1891, 5. s., iii, 1-19. Also, in: Richet (C.) Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, ii, 333-351.-----------. De la sensibilite musculaire de la respiration. Iiu- Richet (C.) Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1891, i, 135-138. — Laulanie (F.) De la marche du quotient respiratoire en fonction du travail musculaire et du repos consecutif. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1896, 5. s., viii, 572-586. -----. be la regulation de la respiration en presence des obstacles chimiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 926. -----. Influence de l'alimentation sur les combustions respiratoires (frais d'exploitation des aliments). Ibid., 1904, lvii, 548-551. -----. Influence de l'alimentation sur les combustions respiratoires; effets d'une ration de viande ne croissant que tous les quatre jours. Ibid., 579- 581. -----. Influence de l'alimentation sur les combus- tions respiratoires; influence des hydrates de carbone. Ibid., 581-584.—Laves (E.) Respirationsversuche am gesunden Menschen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1894, xix, 590-602.—Lavrinovieh (M. O.) K voprosu o vliyanii bolshavo mozga na dikhaniye. [On the influ- ence of the cerebrum on respiration.] Fiziol. sbornik (Danilevski), Kharkov, 1891, ii, 523-536.—Leduc (S.) & Rouxeau (A.) L'inhibition respiratoire par les cou- rants intermittents de basse tension. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 897-899.—Lehmann (A.) Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Athmung und Aufmerksamkeit. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1893-4, ix, 66-95, 1 diag.—Lepine. Modifications de la respiration par l'excitation du bout inferieur du sciatique. Lyon med., 1898, lxxxix, 48.— Lewandowsky (M.) Ueber Schwankungen des Vagusstromes bei Votumanderungen der Lunge. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1898, lxxiii, 2*8-296. -----. Die Regulirung der Athmung; zur Lehre von den Athemcen- tren und ihrer Thiitigkeit. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1896, 483-510, 2 diag. -----. Kritisches zur Lehre von der Athmungsinnervation. Centralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1899, xiii, 42.5-431.—von Liebig (G.) Ueber die Ausathmung von Kohlensaure unter dem erhohten Luf t- druck. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol. in Munchen, 1890, vi, 27-35. -----. Einige Beobachtungen iiber das Atmen unter vermindertem Luftdruck. Ver- offentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. In Berl. Balneol. Ge- sellsch., 1891, xiii, 94-103. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1891, xii, 601-503. -----. Die Saugkraft des Thorax unter verschiedenem Luftdruck. Sitzungsb. d. Gesell- sch. f. Morphol. u. Phvsiol. in Munchen, 1893, ix, 16-27. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 540-542.—Likha- tschetr (A.) Sur la calorification en rapport avec I'echange des gaz de respiration chez 1'homme en eLat de repos relatif. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, ii, fisiol., 32-34.—Lindhageii (E.) Ueber den Ein- fluss der Ausschaltung der Nervi vagi auf die Athmung beim Kaninchen. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, iv, 296-330, 2 diag.—Litten (M.) Ueber die norma- literbei jeder Respiration am Thorax sichtbaren Zwerch- fellsbewegungen; eine physiologisch-klinische Beobach- tung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl. 1892, xviii, 273-275.—Loewy (A.) Zur Kenntniss der Erreg- barkeit des Athemcentrums. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1890, xlvii, 601-621. -----. Die Wirkung ermii- dender Muskelarbeit auf den respiratorischen Stoff- wechsel. Ibid., 1891, xlix, 405-422. -----. Zur Kritik der im Zunt'schen Laboratorium geiibten Methode der Respirations-Versuche am Menschen. Ibid., 492-498. -----. Ueber die Athmung im luftverdfinnten Raum. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, 545-547. -----. Kurze Mit- theilungzur Kenntniss des Einfhisses der oberen Bahnen auf die Athmung. Ibid., 1893, 185-1S-7.—Lonuiiel (F.) Zur Physiologie und Pathologie de.s Flimmcrcpithels der Athmungsorgane. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1908, xciv, 365-376.—Lope (D. V.) Une nouvelle theorie sur la respiration. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, ii, sect. 2, 11-23.—Luciani (L.) La dottrina dell' automatismo dei centri respiratori. Riv. di sc biol., Torino, 1899, i, 336-382. — MeKendriek (J. G.) The gases of the blood in relation to some of the problems of respiration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 331- 342. Also, Reprint.—Magnus-Levy (A.) Ueber die Grosse des respiratorischen Gasweclisels unter dem Ein- fluss der Nahrungsaufnahme. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1893, lv, 1-126, 1 tab., 2 pl— Mainini (C.) Sobre la influencia que ejercen los climas tropicales y humedos en el intercambio respiratorio. An. d. Circmgd.argent.. Buenos Aires, 1901, xxiv, 461-469.—Mair (I.) Leben ohne Athmen. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1893, xliv, 243-259— Mareaccl (A.) Sarebbe possibile la vita nell' aria atmosferica quando 1' azoto fosse sosti- tuito dall' idrogeno? Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. d. sc. e lett. CI. di sc. matemat. e nat., Milano, 1900-1904, xix, 229-254 — Mareet (W.) Contribution to the history of the respi- ration of man. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1365-1368.— Marckwald (M.) Werden die Athembewegungen Respiration (Physiology of). vom Riickenmarke beherrscht? Mitth. d. naturf. Ge- sellsch. in Bern (1899), 1890,59-74—Martin (H. N.) The normal respiratory movements of the frog, and the in- fluence upon its respiratory centre of stimulation of the optic lobes. Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., 1895, iii, 120-157, 1 ch.— ftlartin (H. N.) & Booker (W. D.) The influence of stimulation of the mid-brain upon the respiratory rhythm of the mammal. Ibid., 158-164, 1 ch.—Martin ( H. N.) & Donaldson ( F.) Pre liminary account of experiments in regard to the circu- latory and respiratory changes observed in animals placed in the pneumatic cabinet. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 549. Also, Reprint. Alsej: Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., 1895, iii, 173-176.—Martin (H.N.) & Dreyer (G. P.) Someexperimentsastothephysiological effects of differential respiration. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait., 1891-3, v, 115-127, 1 pl. Also, Re- print.—Martini. UebereineBeziehungderPulswellen- geschwindigkeitzuden Athmungsphasen. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1891, 169-175.— Mavrakis (C.) & Dontas (S.) Ueber ein Athemcentrum in der Grosshirnrinde des Hundes und den Verlauf der von demselben ent- springenden centrifugalen Fasern. Ibid., 1905, 473-481.— May (11.) Ueber einen Doppelstethographen zur Cur- vensclm ibung auf dem Kymographion. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1901, Lxxi, 39-49.— Mayer (L.) Determination experimentale de l'influence d'une revulsion cutanee sur le mecanisme et le chimisme res- piratoires. Ann. Soc. rov. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1900, ix, fasc. 4, pt. 2, 1-94, 3 ch.—Medgies (B.) Wie sollen wir athmen? Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, No. 21, 3. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 1079.— Meltzer (S. J.) Some remarks on my hypothesis of the self-regulation of respiration, and Dr. Cowl's discussion of it. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 57: Iii, 561. Also, Reprint. -----. Theories of respiration. N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 152-154. Also, Reprint. -----. On the respiratory changes of the intrathoracic pressure, measured in the mediasti- num posterior. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1892, xiii, 218-238, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Die athemhemmenden und -anregenden Nervenfasern innerhalb des Vagus in ihren Beziehungen zu einander und zum Athemmechanismus. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, 340-408.—Mentz (P.) Die Wirkung akustischer Sinnesreize auf Puis und Athmung. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1895, xi, 61; 371; 563.— Meyer (E.) & Biarnes (G.) Rapports entre la capa- city respiratoire, les gaz dusang et la temperature. Arch. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1893, 5. s., V, 740-750.— Miescher (F.) Respirationsarbeiten. In his: Histo- chem. u. physiol. Arb., Leipz., 1897, i, 131-135. -----. Der physiologische Process der Athmung. Akademische Habilitationsrede 1871. Ibid., ii, 35-54. -----. Bemer- kungen zur Lehre von den Athembewegungen. Ibid., 261-288.—Monteli (J.) La bronche epart6rielle ou lo- baire superieure droite et la respiration faible physiolo- gique du sommetdroit. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 760.—Morat (J.-P.) Pression partielle et res- piration. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 137-144.—Mosso (A.) Azione dei centri spinali sulla tonicity dei muscoli respi- ratori. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1903, 4. s., ix, 755-781. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904, xli, 111-137. -----. L'estensione degli eccitamenti respi- ratori ai centri spinali. Arch, di fisiol., Firenze, 1903^1, i, 143-170.-----. De la propagation des excitations respi- ratoires aux centres spinaux. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont Rosa 1903, Turin, 1904, i, 33-64. -----. L'acapnie produite par les injections de soude dans le sang. Ibid., 282-295. -----. Les centres respiratoires de la moelle 6piniere et les respirations qui pre.ce.dent la mort. [Transl.from: Rendic.d.r.Accad.d.Lincei. [Cl.disc.fis., mat. e nat., 1903, 5. s., 2. sem., xii.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904, xli, 169-183. -----. Demonstration des centres respiratoires spinaux au moyen de l'acapnie. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont Rosa, Turin, 1904-7, ii, 73-81.—Miil- ler (F.) Untersuchungen fiber die physiologische Be- deutung und die Chemie des Schleims der Respirations- organe. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1896), 1897, 53-76.—Neander (G.) Om den respiratoriska pausen efter djupa inspirationer. [The respiratory pause after deep inspirations.] Upsala Lii- karef. Forh., 1899-1900, n. F., v, 476-507, 1 ch. Also, transl: Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1901-2, xii, 298-327, I diag.—Nekhames (Ya.) K innervatsii dikhaniya. [Innervation of respiratory organs.] Rabott v lab. Med. Fak. Imp. Varshav. Univ., 1876, iii, 49-73.—Neudorfer. Das Athmen in der Ebene, in bedeutenden Hohen, in grossen Tiefen und in manchen Krankheiten. Oesterr.- ungar. Badeztg., Wien, 1895, xxiv, 97; 105; 113; 123; 129; 137; 145; 153; 161; 169.— Nieolai'd&s (R.) De la regula- risation de la respiration paries nerfs sensitifsdesmuscles respiratoires, notamment apres incision des deux nerfs pneumogastriques. Grece med., Syra, 1903, v, 42. •-----. Zur Lehre von der centralen Atheminnervation. Arch. nervation der Atembewegungen. Ibid., 1907, 68-82.— f. Physiol., Leipz., 1905, 465-472, 1 pl. -----Ueber die In- Niedswiedzki (W.) Ueber die Veranderungen der Athmungsorgane eines Kaninchens nach einseitiger Va- gotomie. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, RESPIRATION. 464 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Physiology of). 1895, vi, 120-122.—Obici (U.) Influenza del lavoro intel- letuale prolungato e della fatica mentale sulla respira- zione. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1901, xxvii, 1026: 1902, xxviii, 349.—Oddi (R.) Influenza della tem- peratura sul complessivo scambio respiratorio. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino e Palermo, 1890, xiv, 403-448.— Ols- hausen (R.) Zur Frage des ersten Athemzuges; Erwi- derung. Berl. klin.Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 113. —Ouwe- hand (C. D.) Bijdrage tot de bepaling van het men- schelijk ademvolumen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1904, 2. r., xl, d. 1,956-971.—Paehon (V.) Expe- riences sur le role du cerveau dans la respiration. In: Richet (C.) Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, ii, 97- 146.—Patchen (G. H.) How should we breathe? A physiological studv. Sanitarian, Brooklvn, N.Y., 1895, xxxv, 2; 113; 193. 'Also, Reprint.—Patrizi (M. L.) La courbe de fatigue du centre respiratoire inhibiteur. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1908, xlix, 449-464, 4 ch.— Patrizi (M. L.) & Franchini (G.) Quelques parti- cularites sur l'arret de la respiration par stimulation cen- trip^te du vague; fatigue et restauration du r6flexe inhi- biteur respiratoire. [Transl. from: Atti d. Soc. d. nat. e matemat. di Modena, 1906, 4. s., viii.] Ibid., 1906, xlv, 416-422. — Petteruti (G.) Sull' espirazione sistolica. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1888, Milano, 18*9, i, 324-330.— Piliiger (E.) Experimentalbeitrag zur Theorie der Hemmungsnerven. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1859, 13-32. See, also, infra, Schiff.—Philippon (G.) Appareil permettantde repeter facilement les experiences de Paul Bert sur l'air et sur l'oxvgenecomprimes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1892, cxiv, 929-931.—Plavec (W.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Blutgase fiir die Athembewe- gungen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, lxxix, 195- 210,1 diag. —Poiseuille. Recherches sur la respira- tion. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xli, 1072-1076.—Poll (C.) Sul valore fisiologico della respi- razione nasale e boecale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc], To- rino, 1903, xiv, 129-152.—Porter (W. T.) The path of the respiratory impulse from the bulb to the phrenic nuclei. J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1894-5, xvii, 455-485. Also, Reprint. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1894, viii, 258-264. -----. Ueber die Hemmungs- hypothese in der Athmungsphysiologie. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1894, viii, 593-596. Also, Reprint. -----. Ueber spinale Athembahnen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1894, 547-550. -----. Respiration scheme. Proc. Am. Phvsiol. Soc, Bost., 1903-4, p. xiii.—Porter (W. T.) & Muhlberg (W.) Spinal respiration. Ibid., 1900, p. xxiv. — Pra (P.) Breve critica sperimentale sui dati relativi alia capacita respiratoria. Clin. med. ital., Mi- lano, 1900, xxxix, 193-212.—Pugliese (A.) Influenza delle sostanzealimentari suimovimenti respiratori ecar- diaci e sul fenomeno della ra relazione espiratoria del palpito cardiaco. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1895, 4.S., vii, 441-468,4pl—Quiinby (C. E.) Some points in the acoustics of respiration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 937-941. — Beiehert (E. T.) Respiration. Am. Text-Book Physiol. (Howell), Phila., 1896, 503-574 — Richardson (B. W.) On the maintenance of life in a factitious atmosphere. Asclepiad, Lond., 1884, i, 53-61.— Richet (C.) Le rythme de la respiration. Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xlvi, 321; 392. -----. Mesure des combustions respiratoires chez le chien. In his: Physiol. Trav. du lab., 8°, Par., 1893, i, 532-547. -----. Le rythme de la respiration. Ibid.,, ii, 55-96.—Romaro (V.) Ricerche intorno alia capacity vitale in rapporto alle diverse com- binazioni morfologiche. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 457-159. — Rothmann (M.) Ueber die spinalen Ath- mungsbahnen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1902, 11-28.— Rothseliild (D.) Welche Rolle spielt der Sternal- winkel bei der Athmung? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 190-193. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1903), 1904, xxxiv, pt. 2, 66-77. —Rubner (M.) Lie Wirkung kurzdauernder Douchen und Bader auf den respiratorischen Gewechsel beim Menschen. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Berl., 1903, xlvi, 390-412.— Rulle. Bemerkungen zur Respiration. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1896, n. F., xiii, 35-40.—Rulot (H.) & Cuvelier (L.) Influence de l'occlusion de l'aorte descendante sur la valeur des ^changes respiratoires. Arch, de biol., Liege & Par., 1897-8, xv, 629-640. —Russell (W. B.) Some suggestions regarding respiratiim. Med. Age, Detroit, 1895, xiii, 493-495. —Sabrazes (J.) La duree maxima de la pause apneique volontaire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 99.— Sahli. Ueber die Entstehung des Vesicularathmens; eine neue Beobachtung fiber ein altesThema. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1892, xxii, 265-271. Also, Re- print.—Sehenck (F.) Ueberden Ort der Einwirkung der normalen Athemreize. Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-med. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1892, 146-156. -----. Ueber die Be- stimmung der Residualluft. Arch. f. d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1893, lv, 191-203. -----. Zur Bestimmung der Re- sidualluft. Ibid., 1894, lviii, 233-241. -----. Nochmals zur Bestimmung der Residualluft (Entgegnung an L. Hermann). Ibid., 1894-5, lix, 554-556. -----. Ueberden Einfluss der Apnoe auf die vom Vagus ausgelosten Athemreflexe. Ibid., 1900, lxxxiii, 99-119. -----. Ueber Respiration (Physiology of). die Bedeutung der Lungenvagusfnsern fur die Athmung Ibid., 1903, c, 337-347. Also: Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. (1903), 1904, 67-72.— S«-hiff(M.) Zur Physiologie der sogennnnten Hem- mungsnerven; eine Erwiederung an Eduard Pfluger in Berlin. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere Frankf. a. M., 1859, vi, 201-253. Also, in his: Ges. Beitr z' Physiol., 8°, Lausanne, 1894, ii, 344-374. -----. Einfluss der Nervencentra auf die Respirations!>ewegungen. Ibid., i, 1-107.—Schlossmann (A.) & Mursehhau- ser (H.) Ueber Eichung und Pruning des von Zuntz und Oppenheimer modifizierten Rcspirationsapparates nach dem Prinzip von Regnault und Reiset. Biochem Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xiv, 369-384. —Schmid, jr. Zur Therapie der respiratorischen Sauerstoffaul'nnhme. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1906, cxiii, 612-628.— Sekukowsky. Ueberden Einflussder Hirnrindeund der subcorticalen Ganglien auf die Athmung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., Ishs, n. F.,' ix, 12.—Scott (F. H.) On the relative parts pl.ived by nervous and chemical factors in the regulation oi respi- ration. J. Physiol., Lond., 1908, xxxvii, 301-326— Seoul (F.) & Masueci (U.) II polso dei cardiopatici nella sospensione volontaria del respiro. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1905, Roma, 1906, xv, 431.—Semon (F.) On the position of the vocal cords in quiet respiration in man. and on the reflex-tonus of their abductor muscles. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1890, xlviii, 403-433.—Senac. Sur les organes de la respiration. Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc 1724, Par., 1726, Mem.,159-175, 1 pl. ALo: Hist. Acad, rov d. sc. [deParis] 1724, Amst., 1731, Mem., 235-259,lpl. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 17^:4, Bressl., 1755, vi,300-318.—Shumkott'. Zavisimostdikha- telnol krivol ot sostoyaniya dukha. [Dependence of the respiratory curve on the condition of the mind.] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1903, viii, 241-247, 3 diag.—Silile (M.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber Veranderun- gen des Lungenvolumens und der Lungenkapa/.itiit bei ReizungderNasenschleimhaut. Arch. f. Physiol.. Leipz., 1906, Suppl.-Bd., 133-151.—Smith (E.) Researches into the phenomena of respiration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1859, i, 253. Also, Reprint. -----. Resume de recherches expe- rimentales sur la respiration dans ses rapports avec l'ali- mentation et diverses autres circonstances. J. de la physiol. de 1'homme, Par., 1860, 111, 506; 632. Also, Re- print.—Soprana (F.) Azione del vago sulla respira- zione interna. Atti d. r. Ist. venetodi sc, lett. ed arti, Venezia, 1903-4, lxiii, pt. 1,189-203. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904-5, Iii, 125-13s. -----. Del ritmo respiratorio nelle rane vagotomizzate. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1903-4, lxiii, pt. 2, 1025-1038. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904-5, xiii, 139-150. -----. Ulteriori ricerche intornoall'azione del vagosulla respirazione interne' Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1904-5, lxiv, pt. 2, 525-534.—Spallitta (F.) Influ- enza del vago e del simpatico sopra i movimenti della respirazione; ricerche sperimentali. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1890), 1891, 33-49. Also: Sicilia med., Palermo, 1891, iii, 81-100. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1891, xv, 376-387.—Speck (0.) Un- tersuchungen fiber die willkurlichen Veranderungen des Athemprocesses. Arch. d. Ver. f. wissensch. Heilk., Leipz., 1867, n. F., iii, 317-342. -----. Ueber die Regula- tion der Athemthatigkeit. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1*96, 465-4*2.—Spencer (W. G.) The effect produced upon respiration by farad ic excitation of the cerebrum in the monkey, dog, cat, and rabbit. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1895, clxxxv (B.), 609-657, 3 pl.—Spina (A.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Beziehungen der sensitiven Nerven zu der Athmung vor und nach der Vairotomie. Wien. med. BL, 1896, xix, 147; 164; 180; 199— Stelani (A.) Azione locale sui vasi muscolo-cutanei dt 1 sangue dispnoico e del sangue carbossidato. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed. arti, 1900-1901, 8. s., iii, pt. 2, 83-90.—Stern (R.) UeberSichtbarkeitderMagen-und Darmkontouren bei der Athnmng. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1898, xix, 1089—Stevens (A. J.) Respiratory pitch. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1629.—Stewart (G.N.) & Pike (F. H.) The automatism of the respiratory cen- ter. [Abstr.] Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N.Y. ,1906-7, iv, 83.-----------. Resuscitation of the respiratory and other bulbar nervous mechanisms, with special reference to the question of their automaticitv. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1907-8, xix, 328-359.-----------. Further obser- vations on the resuscitation of the respiratory ner- vous mechanism. Ibid., 1908, xx, 61-73. — Tliun- bern" ( T. ) Mikro-respirometrische Untersuchungen. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1904, xviii, 553-556.— Tisso t (J.) Appareil pour mesurer le debit et lesechanges respiratoires d'apres la methode de M. A. Chauveau (me- thode de la derivation partielle et proportionnelle du courant d'air expire^. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1896, 6. s., viii, 563-571. -----. Recherches experi- mentales sur Paction dc la decompression sur les exchanges respiratoires de 1'homme. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1902,11. s., iv, 682. -----. Action de la decompres- sion sur 1'intensite des echanges respiratoires pendant le travail musculaire. Ibid., 683-685. -----. La respiration RESPIRATION. 465 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Physiology of). dans une atmosphere dont l'oxygene est consid^rable- meut rar^fie n'est accompagnee d'aucune modification des combustions intraorganiques evaluees d'apres les echanges respiratoires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904,exxxviii, 1454-1456. Also: Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 876-878. -----. Les combustions intraor- ganiques sont independantes de la proportion d'oxygene contenue dans le sang arteriel; la respiration dans une atmosphere a oxygene fortement rarefie provoque un abaissement considerable du taux de l'oxygene dans le sang arteriel, mais ne modifie pas la valeur des ^changes respiratoires. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 941-943. — Tranchini ( G.) L'excitabilite phremco- diaphragmatique durant la suspension respiratoire de Traube. [Transl. from: Atti d. Soc. d. nat. e matem. di Modena, 1906, 4. s., viii.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1906, xlv, 406-415. — Tripet. Action des courants a haute frequence sur la respiration 616mentaire (activite des ^changes entre le sang et les tissus). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, exxx, 1785-1787.—Tussey (A. E.) Re- dundancy of respiratorv surface. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, v, 30-35.—Unia Steyn Parve (W. F.) Ademhaling. Nosok6mos. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Vereen. ... V. Verpleeg., Amst., 1903-4, iv, 87-93.—Yerstraeten (C.) Modifications de la pression intra-abdominale pen- dant les mouvements respiratoires. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1890, lxix, 270-275. -----. La respiration bronchique a l'etat normal et pathologique. Cong, franc. de med. Compt. rend. 1907, Par., 190S, 269-274.—Wal- ler (A. D.) & Collingwood (,B. J.) Note on the cal- culation of the respiratory quotient from volumetric data. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1903-4, pp. xxxix-xlii.— Weil (S.) Ueber Apnoe und Kohlensauregehalt der Atmungsluft. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1906, liv, 285-293.— Werth eimer (!•:. ) Sur les variations de volume des membres liees k la respiration. Arch, de phvsiol. norm, et path., Par., 1895, 5. s., vii, 735-743.—Westerland (A.) Studien iiber die Athembewegungen der Karausche mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den verschiedenen Gasgehalt des Athem- wassers. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1906, xviii, 263-280. — Winkler (C.) Over de veranderingen welke de ademhaling bij gemorphiniseerde honden ondergaat, tengevolge van faradisatie van bepaalde gedeelten van het perifere en centrale zenuwstelsel. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Nat.- en Geneesk. Cong., Haarlem, 1899,301-304. -----. Aandacht en ademhaling. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1899, vii, 143-160, 4 ch., 1 pl. Also, transl: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. Sect. Sc, 1899, i, 121-138, 4 ch., 1 pl.—Winkler (F.) Unter- suchungen iiber die Beziehungen des Abdominaldrucks zur Respiration. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1903, xcviii, 163-188,1 pl.—Wolf (H.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Vagus fiir die Atmung. Ibid., 1904, cv, 55-114. -----. Die Bedeutung des Vagus fiir die Atmung und seine Be- ziehungen zur Pneumatotherapie. Ztschr. f. diiitet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1904, viii, 365-369.— Woltt'berg (S.) Ueber die Athmung der Lunge. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1872, vi, 23-43, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Wolpert (H.) Ueber den Einfluss des Windes auf die Atmungsgrosse des Menschen. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Berl., 1902. xliii, 21-48.—Ypes (N.) Het ademhalings- type bij man en vrouw in verband met spreek- en zang- onderricht. Nederl. Tijdschr. v.Geneesk., Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 2,912-917.—Ypey (A.) Aanmerkingen over de ademhaaling. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maat- sch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1782, xx, pt. 2, 199-264.— Zanfrognini (C.) Sull' origine fisica del mormorio respiratorio. Morgagni, Milano, 1893, xxxv, 125-153.— Zeehuisen (H.) Over den invloed van koolzuurtoe- voer en van zuurstofonttrekking op de ademhaling van den kikvorsch. [Abstr.] Onderzoek. ged. in h. phy- siol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1901-2, 5. R., iii, 322-329.— Zuntz (L.) Ueber den Einfluss der Kastration auf den respiratorischen Stoffwechsel. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1908, xcv, 250-285.—Zuntz (N.) Ueber Haut- und Darmathmung nach mit F. Lehmann (Gottingen) und 0. Hagemann ausgefiihrten Versuchen. Arch. f. Phy- siol., Leipz., 1894, 351-355.—Zuntz (N.) & Geppert (J.) Nochmals fiber den Einfluss der Muskelthatigkeit auf die Athmung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891- 2, xlviii, 444.—Zuntz (N.) & Loewy (A.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Sauerstoffmangels und der Kohlensaure fur die Innervation der Athmung. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1897, 379-390.—Zuntz (N.) & Oppenheimer (C.) Ueber verbesserte Modelle eines Respirationsappa- rates nach dem Prinzip von Regnault und Reiset. Bi- ochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xiv, 361-368, lpl.—Zwaarde- maker (H.) Eenige toepassingen der brugmethode op luchtstroomen. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogsch., 1901-2, 5. R., iii, 255-261. -----. Die Luftbrfiche. Ibid., 1903, v, 421-450. -----. Courbe indi- quant la rapidity du courant respiratoire. Arch, inter- nat. de laryngol. [etc], Par., 1904, xviii, 847-853. -----. Die Schluckathembewegung des Menschen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1904, 57-64. -----. Vergelijking van neus-en mondademhaling. Nederl. Tijdschr.v.Geneesk., Amst., 1901, 2. r., xl, d. 2, 314-317.—Zwaardemaker Respiration (Physiology of). (H.) & Ouvvehand (C. D.) Die Geschwindigkeit des Athemstromes und das Athemvolum des Menschen. On- derzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1904-6, 5. r., v, 250-283. Also, transl: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1904, Suppl.-Bd., 241-264. Respiration (Physiology of History of the). Am els (E.) * Geschichtlicher Ueber blick iiber die Physiologie der Atmung bis zurn An- fange des 19. Jahrhunderts. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Chisius (A.) De respiratione; accedit mathe- matica exercitatio de calculo infinitesimali. 4°. Senis, 1788. Hinlopen (P.) *Utrum aer cum sanguine per pulmones transeunte misceatur et de pabulo vitae aereo. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1755. Marcet (W.) A contribution to the history of the respiration of man, being the Croonian lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians in 1895, with supplementary con- siderations of the methods of inquiry and ana- lytical results. 8°. London, 1897. Also [Abstr.], in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1365; 1431: ii, 4; 71. Also [Abstr.], in: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1561; 1623: ii, 6; 76. Randolph ( B. ) *De respiratione. 8°. Edinburgi, 1799. Thruston (M.) De respirationis usu prima- rio, diatriba; accedunt animadversiones a cla- rissimo viro in eandem conscriptse, una cum responsionibus auctoris. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1671. de B remond. Experiences sur la respiration. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1739, Par., 1741, 333-357—Foster (M.) The English school of the seventeenth century. The phys- iology of respiration. In his: Lect. Hist. Physiol., 8°, Cambridge, 1901,174-199. -----. The rise of the modern doctrines of respiration; Black, Priestley, Lavoisier. Ibid., 224-254.—Herman (P. L.) Istoricheskiye mate- rial! k fiziologii dikhamiy a. [Historical data on the phys- iology of respiration.] Trudi Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. (1897), 1898, ii, 2 p. L, pp. i—iii, 1-202.—Sur ce que devient l'air qui est entre dans les poumons. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc 1707, Par., 1730, 12-16. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1707, Amst., 1708,14-19. Also: K. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. in Par___Abhandl. 1707, Bressl.,1751,iii,l-5.—Sur les organes de la respiration. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1724, Par., 1726, 24-29. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1724, Amst., 1731, 34-42. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1724,Bressl.,1755,vi, 294-300.— von Top ly (R.) Die Abhandlung des Franz Deleboe iiber die Athmung und die Lungenthatigket (1663). Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1898, xliii, 332; 342; 354. Respiration (Proof of). See Docimasia. Respiration (Types of). See, also, Respiration (Nasal); Respiration (Oral); Respiration in infants, etc. [Bolin (J.)] On the different types of respi- ration in man and woman. 12°. [New York, u. d.] Repr.from: Posse Gymnasium Journal, iii, no. 1. Baelz (E.) Zur Lehre vom abdominalen und thora- calen Athmungs-Tvpus. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1901, 210.—Bang (S.) Om den bronkiale Respiration; svar til Prof. Israel-Rosenthal. [On bron- chial respiration; reply to ... ] Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, K0benh., 1904-5, iii, 59. -----. Endnu engang om den bronkiale Respiration. [Once more on .. .] Ibid., 114.— de la Camp. Beitriige zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Zwerchfellathmung, einschliesslich der zugehongen HerzbeweguiiK'en. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1903, xlix 411-455 — Couetoux (L.) La respiration bucco- nasale est-elle possible.' Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1892, xviii, 251-254.—Courtade (A.) La respiration est-elle exclusivement nasale ou buccale, peut-elle etre mixte? J. de med. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xiv, 51 —Fitz (G. W.) A study of types of respiratory move- ments Rep. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat., N. Haven, 1894 ix, 57-68. -----. A study of types of respiratory movements. J. Exper. M., N.Y., 1896, i,677-692,3 pl. Also, Reprint —Gad (J.) Ueber thoracale Athmung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 493; 507.—Garland (G.M.) Pharyngeal respiration. J. Physiol., Lond., 1879-80, n, 82- VOL xiv, 2d series -30 RESPIRATION. -466 RESPIRATION. Respiration (Types of). 90. Also, Reprint.—Gellat (P. P.) Teoriya grudobryu- shnopregradnavo dikhaniya [Theory of diaphragmatic breathing.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 1472-1476 — Gutzmann (H.) Zur Frage der gegenseitigen Bezie- hungen zwischen Bauch- und Brustathmung. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1902, xx, 508-518.—Harris (W. J.) Bronchial and vesicular breathing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1418-1420—Hasse (C.) Ueber die Bauch- athmung. Arch.f. Anat.u. Entwcklngsgesch.,Leipz.,1903, 23-26, 1 pl.—Ingals (E. F.) Respiratory movements of the bronchial tubes. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Detroit, 1905, xxi, 152-161.—Israel-Bosenthal. Om den bronkiale Respiration; af sluttende Replik til Overlaege Bang. [. . . concluding reply to Residing Physician Bang.] Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, Kgbenh., 1904-5, iii, 81; 154.—Kayser (R.) Ueber Nasen- und Mundathmung. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1890, xlvii, 543-552. — Lavrand (H.) La respiration bucco-nasale est possible. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1902, i, 593-599. Also: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1902, ii, 70-76.—Lievy-Dorn (M.) Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen iiber Rippenathmung und iiber Anwendung von Pfiastern am Thorax. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1897, xxxii, 433-450. —OTarcet (W.) On the different forms of breathing. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1895, lvii, 95-116. Also, transl: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1896, xvi, 601-613.—Martin (H. N.) & Dreyer (G. P.) Some experiments as to the physio- logical effects of "differential respiration". Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., 1895, iii, 177-188,1 ch — fflieheleau. Sur un cas de respiration diaphragma- tique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 28-30.—Poli (C.) Sul valore fisiologico della respi- razione nasale e boecale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], To- rino, 1902-3, xiv, 129-152—Reusner (G.) Die Expecto- ration bei allein erhaltener Zwerchfellathmung. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1898, n. F., xv, 13.—Rosen- thal (I.) Om den bronkiale Respiration. [Bronchial respiration.] Udeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1903, 5. R., x, 1153-1158.—Schecli. UeberMund- und Nasenathmung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xliii, 68. Also: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895, xxx, 131-133.—Smith (J. G.) Types and methods of respiration. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 67. Respiration and altitude. See, also, Air (Bressureof) ; Altitude; Moun- tains; Mountain-sickness. A 5<>;azzott i (A.) L'echange respiratoire des cobayes dansfl'air rarefie. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa. Trav. 1903, Turin, 1904, i, 160-175. -----. Recherches sur la composition de Pair dans les alveoles pulmonaires k la pression normale et dans l'air rarefie. Ibid., 1903, Turin, 1904, i, 232-240. Also: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1904-5, xiii, 14-22. -----. Influence de la depression barome.- trique sur la tension partielle de l'anhydride carbonique et de l'oxygene dans les alveoles pulmonaires. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa. Trav. 1903, Turin, 1904, i, 261-270.-----. La diminution del'anyhydride carbonique qu'on observe dans les alveoles pulmonaires de 1'homme, quand celui-ci revient k la pression barometrique nor- male apr&s avoir subi l'action de l'air rar6fie. Ibid., 271-281. -----. Action de la pression barometrique sur la composition de l'air dans les poumons de 1' homme. Arch. internat. de physiol., Liege & Par., 1904-5, ii, [35]. -----. Experiences faites sur un orang-outan avec la rarefaction de Pair. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1905-6, xliv, 39^8. Also: Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1907, ii, 123-132. -----. Experiences faites sur 1'homme alors qu'il respire en meme temps du CO2 et de PO2 & la pression baro- metrique de 122 mm., correspondant k l'altitudede 14,582 metres. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1905-6, xliv, 343-351. Also: Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1907, ii, 168-176. -----. Experiences faitessurunorang-outan; ac- tion de l'oxygene dans le malaise produit par la rarefac- tion de l'air. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1907, ii, 133-145. -----. Experiences sur un orang-outan; action de l'anhydride carbonique dansle malaise produit par la rarefaction de l'air. Ibid., 146-155. -----. Expe- riences sur un orang-outan; action simultange del'02et du CO2 dans le malaise produit par la rarefaction de l'air. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1905-6, xliv, 331-342. Also: Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1907, ii, 156- 167. -----. La reaction du sang dans l'air rarefie, deter- minee avec les methodes titrim6triques et eiectrome- triques. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1907, ii, 177-187—Boycott (A.E.) & Haldane (J.S.) The effects of low atmospheric pressures on respiration. J. Physiol., Lond., 1908, xxxvii, 355-377. — Jaquet (A.) De l'influence du climat d'altitude surles echanges respi- ratoires. Semaine m6d., Par., 1901, xxi, 217-220.—Kahn (M.) Pulse and respiration at an elevation of 10,200 feet, as ascertained by an examination of one hundred sub- jects. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxii, 495. Also, Reprint.— Kuss (G.) Les combustions intra-organiques mesurees par les echanges respiratoires ne sont pas modifiees par un sejour prolonge k l'altitude de 4 350 m. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1905, cxli, 273-275.— iTlosso (A.) De la Respiration and altitude. propagation des excitations respiratoires aux centres spi- naux. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa. Trav. 1903 Turin, 1904, i, 33-64. -----. Experiences faites sur lea singes avec la depression barometrique. Ibid., 142-155. -----. La rapidite de I'echange gazeux dans les poumons- duree de la reaction provoquee par l'anhydride carbo- nique inspire; l'expiration active. Ibid., 176-183.____-. Que la sensibilite pour l'anhydride carbonique inspire diminue surles montagnes. Ibid., 184-196. -----. Dans la depression barometrique la sensibilite pour l'anhy- dride carbonique diminue; experiences sur les animaux. Ibid., 196-203. -----. L'arrStde la respiration et les modi- fications de sa duree dans l'air rarefie et sur les montagnes. Ibid., 204-218. -----. Experiences faites sur le Mont-Rosa en respirant de l'oxygene pur et des melanges d'oxygene et d'anhydride carbonique. Ibid., 219-232.-----. La res- piration periodique (phenomene de Cheyne -Stokes) telle qu'ellese produit chez 1'homme sur les Alpes par I'effet de l'acapnie. Ibid., 1907, ii, 1-53. -----. Differences in- dividuelles dans la resistance k la pression partielle de l'oxygene. Ibid., 54-65. -----. Depression barometrique et pression partielle du CO2 dans Pair respire; observa- tions faites sur les singes. Arch.ital.debiol.,Turin,1905, xliii, 209-215. Also: Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1907, ii, 66-72. -----. L'anhydride carbonique comme remede du mal de montagne et pourquoi, dans les ascensions aerostatiques, il doitetre respire avec l'oxy- gene. Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1907, ii, 97-108.—Mosso (A.) & Marro (G.) La respiration des chiens et la polypnee thermique sur le sommet du Mont-Rosa; analyse des gaz du sang apres un long sejour k 4,560 metres d'altitude. Ibid., 1903, Turin, 1904, i, 115- 132.—Booin (A.), Binet (M.) & Dupasquier. Les echanges respiratoires aux hautes altitudes. Bull. Acad. de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlvi, 614-651.—Tissot (J.) Re- cherches sur l'influence des variations d'altitude sur les echanges respiratoires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvi, 118-120. Also: J. dephysiol.et depath.gen., Par., 1903,v, 55-64.—Ward (R.O.) Alveolar air on Monte Rosa. J. Physiol., Lond., 1908, xxxvii, 378-389. Respiration in infants and children. See, also, Docimasia. Bresgen (M.) Ueber die Bedeutung behin- derter Nasenathmung fiir die korperliche, die geistige und die sprachliche Entwickelung der Kinder. 8°. [n. p., 1891.] Repr.from: Monatschr. f. d. ges. Sprachheilk., 1891. Chait (J.) * Ueber Untersuchungen iiber die Atmungsfrequenz mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung im Kindesalter. 8°. Zurich, 1907. Troitski (P. P.) Dikhatelnaya gimnastika u dietei. S predisloviyem I. V. Troitskavo. [Respiratory gymnastics in children. With preface by Troitski.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1907. Ahlfeld (F.) Beitrage zur Lehre vom Ue'bergange der intrauterinen Athmung zur extrauterinen. Fiinfzigj. Doct.-Jubelf. d____Carl Ludwig, Marb., 1890,1-32, 2pl.— Ascher(L.) Die akuten Respirationskrankheiten spe- ziell des Siiuglingsalters. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1905, lv, 79; 135.—Avellis (G.) Was ist der sogen. typische inspiratorische Stridor der Sauglinge? Arch, f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1898, viii, 326-339. Also: Verhandl.d. Ver. siiddeutsch. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb., 1904, 245- 262.—Baculo (B.) & Coop (S.) Pneumatogrammi in neonati e poppanti. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Na- poli, 1903, n. s., lvii, 113-165.—Bresgen (M.) Ueber die Bedeutung behinderter Nasenatmung, insbesondere bei Schulkindern. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1889, ii, 507-522. -----. Ueber die Bedeutung be- hinderter Nasenathmung fiir die korperliche, die geistige und die sprachliche Entwickelung der Kinder. Gesund- heit, Frankf. a. M., 1891, xvi, 241-244. -----. Zur Frage der Bedeutung behinderter Nasenathmung, besonders bei Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1891-2, n. F., xxxiii, 358.—Brown (D.) Noisy respiration in children. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889, vi, 795-808.-Chanoz & Sargnon (A.) Pression et Vitesse de l'air dans la trachee chez les enfants. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1907, xxiv, 173-176. —Concano 11 (J.J.) Abnormal respira- tion in infants from obstruction in the upper air passage. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 1252-1257. Also, Re- print.—Cozzolino (O.) Una utile modifica agF im- pacchi senapati alia Heubner. Pediatria, Napoli, 1907, 2. s., v, 768-772.—Dohrn (R.) Ueber die Grosse des res- piratorischen Luftwechsels in den ersten Lebenstagen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1895, xxxii, 25-59.— Ewart (W.) An introduction to respiratory pediatrics, or the clinical care of respiration in infancy and child- hood. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1905, ii, 145; 249 — Faure (M.) L'education de la fonction respiratoire chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sec. 6, 334-336. Also: Rev. internat. RESPIRATION. 467 RESPIRATION. Respiration in infants and children. de la tuberc, Par., 1906, x, 323-325.—Finizio (G.) II bagno caldo nelle malattie bronco-polmonari acute dei lattanti. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1906, v, 81- mj _Flachs(A.) EineBemerkungzurAtemgymnastik. Ztsehr. f. Schulgsndhtsptl., Hamb., 1905, xviii, 80.—Fog- «ie(W. E.) A case of infantile respiratory stridor. Scot. 5. & S. J., Edinb.. 1897, i, 817-820.—Fullerton (R.) Respiratory spasm followed by cessation of breathing in a recently born child. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 124.— Gandy. Les maladies desvoies respiratoires chez les enfants et le traitement marin en France. Cong, inter- nat. de thalassotherapy Biarritz, 1903, iii, 184-197—Gau- joux (E.) Contribution a l'etude de la respiration chez l'enfant; renseignementsfournis par la pneumographie. Ann. de med. et chir. inf.. Par., 1908, xii, 325-337.— Gregor (K.) Die Entwickelung der Atemmechanik im Kindesalter. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1902, xxii, 119-125. -----. Untersuchungen fiber die Athembewegungen des Kindes. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxv, 272-304, lpl. Also: Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1902, Suppl.-Bd., 59-118. -----. Atmungsanomalien im Kindesalter. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1903, liii, 1402.— Gutzniann (H.) Ueberdie Schreiathmungdes Siiug- lings. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. .. . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Wiesb., 1903, 209- 213.—Heinian (H.) A study of leukocyte counts in fifty cases of bronchopneumonia, lobar pneumonia, and empyem in children. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1905, N. Y., 1906, xvii, 112-122.—Heinrieius (G.) Om res- pirationes typ hos den nyfodda. [Type of respiration in the new born.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsing- fors, 1889, xxxi, 247-250.— Kehrer (F. A.) Ein Ver- such bei einem neugebornen Kinde uber den Sitz der Athmungscentren. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz., 1891-2, n. F., x, 450-458.—King (A. C.) Inhalations, the oiled silk jacket and cold applications in acute diseases of the respiratory organs of infants and children. Proc. Orleans Parish M Soc. 1902, N. Orl., 1903, 83-90.— Lange (V.) Ueber den Einfluss behinderter Nasenat- mung aui die korperliche und geistige Entwicklung der Kinder. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1893, vi, 313-321.—Mensi (E.) S ulla sepsi dell' apparato respiratorio nell' eti infantile; eziologia; profilassi; cura. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1901, Firenze, 1902, iv, 62-56.— Itlori (A.) Congenital lesions of the diaphragm and respiratory insufficiency in newborn children. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1905, ii, 115-121.—Nageotte-Wil- bouchewitch (Mme.) Le perimetre thoracique et l'am- plitude respiratoire chez les enfants. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 19u5, vii, 237-250. — Neumann (H.) Ueber das Wegbleiben kleiner Kinder. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1905, xiii, 99-1U3. — Niepce. Les eaux d'Allevard dans les affections de l'appareil respiratoire chez les enfants. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1906, viii, 127.—Parkin- son (J. P.) Somerespiratory diseases of children and their diagnosis. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1905, ii, 337-345. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1906, xviii, 496-504.—Patterson (J. A.) The aetiology and treatment of subacute and chronic catarrhal affections of the upper air passages in children. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 555-557.— Philips (F.) Ueber Dvspuoe beim Saugling. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1907, lxv, 41*-436. — Bunge (M.) Der erste Schrei und der erste Athemzug. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1895, xxxii, 93-95.—Saint-Marty (G.) Gymnas- tique respiratoire dans le traitement des deformations thoraciques chez les enfants. Pediatrie prat., Lille, 1906, iv, 98-102. —Vallois (L.) & Fleig (C.) Le graphique respiratoire chez le nouveau-ne. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1905, cxi, 1422-1424.—Weiss (G.) Les echanges respiratoires des nouveau-nes et 1'indice d'oxyg6nation. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1908, 3. s lx, 458-465.—Yule (B.) An unusual cause of fatal dyspnoea in a child. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 385. — Zahorsky (J.) Some remarks on the treatment of respiratory diseases in chil- dren. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1906, xxxiv, 80-87.—Zuntz (N.) & Strassmann (P.) Ueber das Zustandekom- men der Athmung beim Neugeborenen "und die Mittel zur Wiederbelebung Asphyktischer. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1895, xxii, 264. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. (1895), 1896, xxvi, pt. 2, 75-85. [Discussion], pt. 1, Respiration in relation to heart and blood pressure. Brunton (Sir L.) Collected papers on circu- lation and respiration. 1. series, chiefly con- taining laboratory researches. 8°. London, 1906. Hartmann (O.) * Ueber ein \Terfahren zur Ermittelung der respiratorischen Capacitiit des Blutes und des Grades seiner Silttigung mit Sauerstoff. 8°. Gottingen, 1897. Loewy (A.) Untersuchungen iiber die Res- piration und Circulation bei Aenderung des Respiration in relation to heart and blood pressure. Druckes und des Sauerstoffgehaltes der Luft. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Schmidtborn (H.) Die Ursachen der Athem- bewegungen unci ihre Bedeutung fiir den Kreis- lauf nach den Lehren von Alexander Diester- weg. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1886. Abrams (A.) Some cardiorespiratory phenomena revealed by Rontgen rays. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 11- 15.—Aggazzotti (A.) Existe-t-il un rapport entre la reaction vraie et la reaction potentielle du sang k la pres- sion normale et dans l'air rar6fi6? Lab. scient. internat. du Mont-Rosa, Turin, 1904-7, ii, 188-191.—Bouchard (C.) L'ampliation de l'oreillette droite du cceur pen- dant l'inspiration, demontr6e par la radioscopie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1898, cxxvi, 310.—Buttersack. Mechanische Nebenwirkungen der Athmung und des Kreislaul's; eine nicht-experimentelle Studie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix, 260; 286.—Flint (A.) Experi- mental researches on points connected with the action of the heart and with respiration. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1861, n. s., xliii, 341-381. Also, in his: Collect, essays, 8°, N. Y., 1903, i, 61-111.—Fredericq (L.) Le role du sang dans la regulation des mouvements respiratoires. Univ. de Liege. Inst, de phvsiol. Trav. du lab. de L6on Fred- ericq, Par.; Liege, 1891-2, iv, 83-87. Also: Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1892, 4. s., vi, 156-160.— Grandis (V.) Sul rapporto che corre tra il sangue e la respirazione. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1897, xlviii, 781- 794. Also, transl.1 Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1898, xxix, 189-204. — Grossmann (M.) Ueberden Einfluss der wechselnden Blutfullung der Lunge auf die Athmung. Klin. u. exper. Stud____Lab. v. Basch, Berl., 1892, ii, 51- 79.—Giirber. Ueber den Einfluss grosser Blutverluste auf den respiratorischen Stoffwechsel. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1892, 72-77.—Guthrie (C. C.) & Pike (F. H.) The effect of changes in blood- pressure on respiratory movements. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1906, xvi, 475-482.-----------. Further observa- tions on the relation between blood pressure and respira- tory movements. Ibid., 1907-8, xx, 451-456. — Ham- burger (H. J.) Over den invloed der ademhaling op het volumen en den vorm der bloedlichaamjes. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. R., xxxiii, d. 1, 756- 762. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Thiermed.,, Jena, 1898, ii, 418- 426.—Harris (D. F.) The human cardiopneumatie movements. J. Physiol., Lond., 1905, xxxii, 495-500.— Hasse (C.) Die Atmung und der venose Blutstrom. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1906, 288-302, 2 pl.—Hofbaur (L.) & Holzknecht (G.) Verande- rungen des Herzstandes und respiratorische Lokomotion des Herzens bei Seitenlage. Mitt. a. d. Lab. f. radiol. Diagn. u. Therap. im k. k. allg. Krankenh. in Wien, Jena, 1907, 2. Hft., 15-18.—Hoggan (G.) On the erec- tile action of the blood-pressure in inspiration, and its important agency in the various functions of life. Edinb. M. J., 1872-3, xviii, 338-356, 1 pl.—Holowiriski (A.) 0 wplywie oddechania na ksztalt sfygmogramow. [On the influence of respiration on the sphymographic tracing.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 536- 539. —de Jager (S.) Quelle est l'influence de la respiration abdominale sur la pression sanguine arte- rielle? Arch. N6erl. d. sc. exactes [etc.], Haarlem, 1884, xix, 1-42. Also, Reprint.—Laborde (J.-V.) Le reflexe respiratoire et son mecanisme fondamental dans la fonc- tion cardio-respiratoire demontres par la methode gra- phique. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, 28- 30.—von Limbeck (R.) Ueberden Einfluss des res- piratorischen Gaswechsels auf die rothen Blutkorper- chen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1894-5, xxxv, 309-334.—Livierato (P. E.) Spostamenti dell' urto della punta cardiaca in rapporto agli atti respira- torii. Lavori d. Cong. di. med. int., Milano, 1890, iii, 250-253. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891, xii, 201-204.—Loewy (A.) Ueber die Respiration und Circulation unter verdiinnter und verdichteter, sauerstoffarmer und sauerstoffreicher Luft. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1894, lviii,409-415.—Maar(V.) Om Indflydelsen af Meengden af Blod, der passererLungerne, paa det respiratoriske Stofskifte i disse. [On the influ- ence of the quantity of blood which passes the lungs on the respiratory metabolism.] Overs, o. d. k.Danske Vi- densk. Selsk. Forh., K0benh (1902), 1903, 225-248, 1 ch.— Also, transl: Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1903, xv, 1-22, 1 pl.—Meltzer (S. J.) Ueber den Rythmus der AthmungunddesHerzschlages. Verhandl.d.x.internat. med. Cong. 1890,Berl., 1891, ii, 2. Abth. ,6-8— Meyer (E.)& Biarnes (G.) Sur l'oxygene du sang arteriel dans les variations de la capacite respiratoire. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 821-823.—Pezzetti (G.) Di ' un caso di arresto del polso coll' arresto del respiro nel- 1' inspirazione profonda. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1897, 7. s., viii, 150-179.—Sehreiber (J.) Ueberdas Ein- fluss der Athmung auf den Blutkreislauf in physiologi- scher und pathologischer Beziehung; nach klinischen RESPIRATION. 468 RESPIRATORY. Respiration in relation to heart and blood pressure. und experimentellen Untersuchungen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1878-9, x, 19: 1879-80, xii, 117. Also, Reprint.—Senae. Sur les organes de la respiration. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1724, Par., 1726,159-175, 1 pl. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1724, Amst., 1731, 235-259, 1 pl. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. ... Ab- handl. 1724, BressL, 1755, 300-318. —Steiliano (L.) Qualche osservazione intorno ai rapporti fra centri re- spiratori e centri cardio-regolatori. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1907, viii, 446-452. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1907, lxvi, 297-301. — Sollmann (T.), Brown (E. D.) & 'Williams (W. W.) The acute effects of gastric and peritoneal cauterization and irri- tation on the blood pressure and respiration. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1907-8, xx, 74-81.—Weigert (C.) Ue- ber den Eintritt des Kohlepigments aus den Athmungs- organen in den Blutkreislauf. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1883, i, 441-449.—Wenckebach (K. F.) Ueber patho- logische Beziehungen zwischen Atmung und Kreislauf beim Menschen. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1907, No. 465 (Inn. Med., No. 140, 131-187).— Wertheimer (E.) Influence de la respiration sur la circulation veineuse des membres inferieurs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1894,10. s., i, 721. Respirators. Examination (An) of objections to Mr. Jef- freys' respirator, and of proposed substitutes for it. 8°. London, 1851. Bight (C. F.) The thermal inspirator and animal heat conserver; a new device which promises to greatly overcome the eU'eets of cold, and make it possible to withstand the most frigid climates. Pub. Health, Phila., 1898, iii, 122-126.—Hall (J. W.) An artificial respirator. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1907, xcvi, 515. —Klein (K.) Ueber einen neuen, verbesserten Respirator. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 651.—Mosso (A.) La ventila- tion rapide des poumons au moyen d'un appareil qui fonctionne avec de Pair comprime et de l'air rarefie. [Transl. from: Rendic d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. CI. di sc ns., matemat. e nat., 6. s., xiii.J Arch. ital. de biol., Tu- rin, 1904, xli, 192-200. — Tissot (J.) Resultats founds par la realisation complete des conditions physiologiques auxquellcs doivent satisfaire les appareils respiratoires Four permettre sans danger le sejour et le travail de homme dans les atmospheres irrespirables. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907, cxliv, 1172-1175. Respiratory organs. See, also, Bronchia; Chest; Diaphragm; Larynx; Lungs; Respiration (Mechanism, etc., of); Trachea. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire (E.) Philosophic anatomique. Des organes respiratoires sous le rapport de la determination et de l'idendit6 de leurs pieces osseuses. 8°. Baris, 1818. Ghys (F.) Eenige ongesteldheden der adem- halingsorganen. 8°. Antwerpen, [1900]. Maliyefp (N. [M.]) Stroyeniye i dleyatel- nost dikhatelnikh organov u chelovleka. [Struc- ture and activity of the respiratory organs in man.] 16°. Tomsk, 1889. Merkel (F.) Darmsystem. Erste Abtei- lung. Atmungsorgane. 8°. Jena, 1902. Cowl (W.) Ueber die Lageanderung der Thorax- organe bei der Athmung und deren Darstellung auf dem Rontgogram mittels eines Rheotomverfahrens. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, 674.-----. Eine Methode zur Ge- winnung scharfer Bilder des Thorax-Inhalts wahrend der Atmung. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1898-9, ii, 169-174, lpl.—F10ystrup (A.) Aande- drsetsorganerne. [Organsofrespiration.] Med.Aarsskr., Kj0benh., 1890, iii, 68-81. —Guerrini (G.) Sugli ele- menti elastici delle vie respiratorie superiori. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1898, 4. s., xlvi, 33-53. — La- borde (J.-V.) Duree maxima de survie post-mortale des elements fonctionnelsdureflexerespiratoire. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900,11. s., ii, 126-130.—Lieber- meister (G.) Zur normalen und patliolugisehen Phy- siologie der Atmungsorgane. Centralbl. f. allir. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1907, xviii, 614-650.—Martino (P.J.) Cuatro observaciones de endoscopia de lasvias respira- torias, por el metodo de Killian. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Montevideo 1908, xi, 44-48. —Maziarski (S.) Narzad oddechowy i zmysl powonienia. [Respiratory apparatus and sense of smell.] Podrecz. histol. ciala ludzk., War- szawa, 1901, 259-276. — Merkel ( F. ) Respi rations-Ap- parat. Anat. Hefte 1894. .Wiesb., 1895,2. Abt., iv, 102: 1895, Wiesb., 1896,2. Abt., v, 127. Also: Ergebn.d. Anat.u. Ent- wcklngsgesch. 1896, Wiesb., 1897, vi, 130-139.—Oppel (A.) Respiratory organs. Atmungs-Apparat. Ergebn.d.Anat.u.Entwcklngsgesch. 1902, Wiesb., 1903, xii, 134-157.—Bossbach (M. J.) Ueber die Schleimhautbildung und die BehandlungderSchleim- hauterkrankungen der Luftwege. Festschr. z. 3. Saecu- larfeier . . . d. med. Fac. Wiirzb., Leipz., 1882, i, 85-133. Also, Reprint. — Wrzosek (A.) Znaczenie dr6g odde- chowych, jako wr6t zaka^enia, w warunkach prawidlo- wych. [Importance of the respiratory passages as the gates of infection.] Rozpr. wvdz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. umiej., Krak6w, 1906, 3. s., vi, B, 1-54. Also [Abstr.]- Now. lek., Poznan, 1906, xvii, 109; 161. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie (1906). 1907, 32-48. Respiratory organs (Diseases of). See, also, Bronchia, Chest, Diseases of; Hydrothorax; Influenza; Larynx, Lungs, Nose, Pleura, Diseases of; Pneumonia; Pneumothorax; Respiration (Disordered); Respiration in infants, etc.; Respiratory or- gans (Paralysis of); Trachea (Diseases of'); Tu- berculosis (Pulmonary). Barth (H.) Semiologie de l'appareil respira- toire. 8°. Paris, 1908. Carriere (G.) Traite pratique des maladiea de l'appareil respiratoire. 8°. Lille ct- Paris, 1902. ------. The same. Traits clinique et thera- peutique des maladiea de l'appareil respiratoire. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1908. Chiari (O.) Maladies des voies, respiratoires superieures. Maladies du nez. Ed. francaise, avec annotations par C. Breyre. Preface de F. Schiffers. 8°. Lilge, 1905. Dieterich (O.) Lungen-, Hals- und Xasen- leiden; ihre Heilung durch Inhalation anti- septischer und heilender Stoffe vermittelst Vergasungs-System. 8°. [Stuttgart, 1906.] Graf (W.) Die Hustenkrankheiten. Ra- chen-, Kehlkopf-, Bronchial-Katarrh, Lungen- entziindung, Keuchhusten, nervoser Husten, Influenza. Ihre Ursachen, Wesen und Behand- lung. Allgemeinverstandlich dargestellt. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Johanxi (J. l\) * Ueber einen Amyloidtu- mor des Kehlkopfs und der Trachea. [Basel.] 8°. Berlin, 1903. Also, in: Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1903, xiv, 331-349. Monin (E.) Les maladies de la respiration; medecine et hygiene. 16°. Baris, [1904]. Nagel (M. [W. I.]) *Der physikalische Nachweis vergrosserter Bronchial- und Media- stinaldriisen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Berlin, 1907. Paige (H. W.) Diseases of the lungs, bron- chi, and pleura. ,8°. Bhiladelphia, 1904. Pissavy(A.) Etudes cliniques. Maladies in- fectieuses; maladies des voies respiratoires. 8°. Baris, 1907. Rieder (H.) Erkrankungen der Respira- tionsorgane. 8°. Stuttegart, 1908. Sokolowski (A.) Wyktad kliniczne chorob drog oddechowych. [Clinical picture of dis- eases of the respiratory organs.] 3 v. 8°. Warszawa, 1906. ------. The same. Bollezni organov dikha- niya; klinicheskiya lektsii. Perev. I. V. So- khatskavo pod redaktsiyel i s predisloviyem K. E. Vagnera. Transl. from the Polish bv Sokhatski, under the editorship of and with preface by Vagner.] v. 1, pt. 1. 8°. S.-Beter- burg, 1906. ------. The same. Klinik der Brustkrank- heiten. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Twentieth century practice; an international encyclopedia of modern medical science by lead- ing authorities of Europe and America. Edited RESPIRATORY. 469 RESPIRATORY. Respiratory organs (Diseases of). by Thomas L. Stedman. Vol. VI. Diseases of the respiratorv organs. [Bv T. L. Stedman.] 8°. New York, 1896. Weigel (J.) Die Halskrankheiten bei den alten griechischen und roniisehen Aerzten. 8°. Leipzig, 1907. West (S.) Diseases of the organs of respi- ration; a treatise on the etiology, pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of diseases of the lungs and air-passages. 2 v. 8°. London, 1902. Williams (P. W.) Diseases of the upper re- spiratory tract, the nose, pharvnx, and larvnx. 8°. Bristol, [1894]. Bagley (W. R.) The etiology, symptoms, anp pathol- ogy of acute infectious disease of the lungs and pleura. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1898, xxviii, 107-110. [Dis- cussion], 117-119—Barnes (H. J.) The influence of dampness of soil and climate on the diseases (> f respi ration. BostonM.&S.J.,1906,cliv,490-493.—Barnliill (,I.F.) A new method of examination and treatment of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Centr. States M. Monit. Indianap., 1908, xi, 93-99.— Banmgarteu (E.) Les hemorragies penodiques des voies a6riennes sup^rieures. Arch, in- ternat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1905. xix, 31-39.—Beck (H. G.) & Stokes (W. R.) An epidemic pneumoooccic catarrhal disease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 889-S95.—Bergey (D. H.) Neglected prophylactic meas- ures against diseases of the respiratorv tract. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 438.—Bluinenleld. Leber Urtica- ria der Luftwege. Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutseh. La- ryngol. 1894-1903. Wiirzb., 1904, 492-499.— Brown (T. R.) The mechanics of respiration and of the respiratory dis- eases. In: Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, iii, 549-604.—von Bruns. Neubildun.ireiides Kehlkopfs und der Luftrohre. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Berg- mann [et al.],2. Aufl., 8°, Stuttg., 1902, ii, 223-249. Also, transl. in: Svst. Pract. Surg. (vonBenrmann), 8°, N. Y. & Phila., 1904, ii, 225-249.—von Uruus (P.) & Hoi- meister (i.) Die angeborenen Missbildungen, Verletzungen und Erkrankungen des Kehlkopfs und der Luftrohre. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Berg- mann [et al], 2. Aufl., 8°, Stuttg., 1902, ii, 136-297. Also, transl. in: Syst. Pract. Surg, (von Bergmann), 8°, N. Y. & Phila., 1904, ii, 145-296.—Candler (G. H.) The rational treatment of coughs, colds, and kindred diseases. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1905, xxviii, 100-103.—Cavallero (G.) & Biva.Bocci (S.) La funzione respiratoria negli individui affetti da ridu- zione di area polmonare respirante. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1890, n. s., xii, 361-390.—Cobb (C. M.) A discussion of the morbid conditions of the upper respi- ratory tract resulting from the infectious diseases. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. 1901, Kansas City, 1903, iii, 70- s3.—Coplin (W. M. L.) Changes in the intercostal musT cles and the diaphragm in infective processes involving the lung and pleura. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1904, n. s., exxvii, 7.54-767.—Craig (D. H.) The relations ex- isting- between respiratory and intrapelvic diseases. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1903, cxlx, 281-286. Also: Med. Communi- cat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1903, xix, 411-428.—Crawford (J. H.) Pathology and treatment of some of the affec- tions of the upper air tract. Tr. M. Soc. Georgia, Atlanta, 1903,149-160.—Darlington (T.) The work of the com- mission for the stud v of the acute respiratorv diseases. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1905, xxvi, 161-163.—Dis- eases of the respiratorv system. [Edit.] Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1905, xxvi, *13; 43; 87; 131; 175; 219.—Dmo- chowski (Z.) Przyczynek do anatomii patologicznej- tak zwanej rozy Wony Sluzowej gomego odcinka drog oddechowych. [Pathological anatomy of so-called ery- sipelas of the mucosa of the upper respiratory passages.] Pam.,Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1904, c, 261; 546,4 pl.— Feer (E.) Diseases of the nose, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and pleura. Dis. Chil. . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann, Eng. transl., roy. 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1908, iii, 31L-112, 2 pl.—Frankenberger (O.) O skleromu cest dycha- cich, zvlist6 v Ceehaeh. [Scleroma of the air passages, especially amongthe Bohemians.] Lek.rozhledy,Praha, 1906, xiv, 241-244.—Ooodale (J. L.) [Chronic and sys- tematic disturbances arising through local disease of the upper respiratory tract.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1141. Also, Reprint.—Herold (J.) Respiratory affections; symptoms and their treatment. Am. M. Compend, To- ledo, 1905, xxi, 270-272. Also: Am. Therapist, N. Y., 1903-4, xii, 202-205. Also, Reprint. -----. Respiratory affections; symptoms and their treatment. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1905, Ixxxix, 323-327.—Hofmeister. Verletzungen cles Kehl- kopfs und der Luftrohre. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . .. Bergmann [etal], 2. Aufl., 8°,Stuttg., 1902,ii, 137-140. Also, transl in: Syst. Pract. Surg, (von Bergmann), 8°, N. Y. & Phila., 1904, ii, 149-174. -----. Entziindlichc Erkrankungen des Kehlkopfs und der Luftrohre. | Respiratory organs (Diseases of). In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al], 2. Aufl., 8°, Stuttg., 1902, ii, 169-222. Also, transl. in: Syst. Pract. Surg, (von Bergmann), 8°, N. Y. & Phila., 1904, ii, 175-225.—Jackson (H.) Malignant disease of the lungs and pleura. Boston M. & S. L, 1905, cliii, 608-612.—Jurasz (A.) Kasuistische Bei- triige zu seltenen und bemerkenswerten Erkrankungen der oberen Atmungsorgane. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhi- nol., Berl., 1904, xvi, 325-331.—Kaminer (S.) Krank- heiten der Atmungsorgane und Ehe. In: Krankh. u. Ehe, 8°, Munchen, 1904, 251-282.—Kelson (W. H.) Diseases of the upper respiratory passages in relation to life as- surance. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1354-1357.—Kirstein (A.) Die Freilegung der tiefen Halsteile mit der Zun- genspatel. (Autoskopie der Luftwege.) Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutseh. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb., 1904, 76- 82.—Kuru (H.) [Syphilis of the respiratory organs.] Hifukwa kiu Hiniokikwa Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, vii, 452.— Lazarus (J.) Physikalische Therapie bei Krankheiten des Kespirationstractus. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1907, iv, I. Abth., 337-395.—Le Dentu (A.) Des complications bronchopulmonaircs post - operatoires. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1906, i, 724-742.—Meyer. Ein neuer Ge- sichtspunkt bei der Prophylaxe der Erkaltungskrank- heiten. Reiehs-Mcd.-Anz., Leipz., 1904, xxix, 267; 284.— Mliser(P.J. W.) Ueberden primaren Krebs der Lungen und Bronchien. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1908, viii, 111-154.—Murray (G. R.) Some acute af- fections of the respiratory organs. Clin. J., Lond., 1906-7, xxix, 183-189.—Nelshtab (Y. T.) Material! k sta- tistikle bolieznei dikhatelnikh putei. [Statistics of dis- eases of the respiratory organs.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1905, xii, 857; 891.—Newton (C. B.) Diseases of the re- spiratory organs: air borne. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1908, xxviii, 255-257.—Nikitin (V. N.) Ob otno- shenii obshtshavo sostoyaniya organizma k bolleznyam verkhnikhdikhatelnikh putel. [Relationship of the gen- eral condition of the organism to diseases of the upper re- spiratory passages.] Yezhemies. Ushn. Gorlov. i Nosov. Boliezn., S.-Peterb., 1908, iii, 421-426.— Nobecourt (P.) & Voisin (R.) Pathogenie des troubles meninges au cours des infections aigues de l'appareil respiratoire (pneumonie et broncho-pneumonie). Gaz.d.h6p.,Par., 1904, lxxvii, 487^190.—Perkins (J. J.) Review of the diseases of the respiratory tract. Practitioner, Lond., 1907, lxxviii, 674-685.—Philip (R. W.) Certain adapta- tions of percussion in the diagnosis and prognosis of re- spiratory disease. Edinb. M. J., 1907, n. s., xxii,473-480.— Potter (W. W.) Remarks upon diseases of the respira- tory tract. Tr. Nat. Ass. U.S. Pension Exam.Surg., Ro- chest., N. Y., 1903, i, 142-160.—Kansome (A.) General pathology of respiratory diseases. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iv, 625-647.—Renon (L.) Maladies de l'appareil respiratoire. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1900, n.s., iii, 93:1901, n.s., v, 349:1902, n.s., vii, 461.—Schae- fer (T. W.) The contamination of the air of our cities with sulphur dioxid, the cause of respiratory disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 106-110.—von Schrtttter (H.) & Weinberger (M.) Zur Kenntnis der Koliba- zillose der Rcspirationsorgane. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 864; 1091; 1125. — Sedziak (J.) Etyologia i leczenie grzybicz (mycosis) gornego odcinka dr6g odde- chowych. [Causes and treatment of mycosis of the up- per part of the respiratory passages.] Kron. lek., Wars- zawa, 1905, xxvi, 425; 455; 479; 501; 525; 554; 585; 616; 661; 693. -----. Zaburzenia nosowo - gardlowo - krtaniowo- tiszne w przebiegu cierpien dr6g oddechowych wzgl. pluc. [Naso-pharyngo-laryngo-otic complications of dis- eases of the respiratory organs and lungs.] Czasopismo lek.,L6d2,1907,ix,311-314.------Zaburzenia hysteryczne wg6rnymodcinkudr6g oddechowych. [Hysterical trou- bles in the upper part of the respiratory passages.] Now. lek.,Poznan,1908,xx,65; 134—Shearer(T.L.) Someex- cellent remedies in the treatment of catarrhal affections of the respiratory passages. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y., 1906, xii, 391-399.—Smith (A. B.) Respiratory tract; affections, symptoms,and treatment. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1904, x, 212-214—Solenberger (A. R.) The deviated nasal septum in the causation of re- spiratory diseases. Tr. Colorado M. Soc. 1906, Denver, 1907, vi, 203-212—Steianovski (F.) K kazuistikle za- bolievaniy, pro'iskhodyashtshikh reflektorno iz verkh- nikh vozdukhonosnikh putei. [Diseases resulting rc- flexly from the upper air passages/] Med. Obozr., Mosk. 1902, lviii, 368-371.—Strielnikofl* (N. D.) K voprosu obobrazovaniislizipri katarrledikhatelnikh putel. [On the formation of mucus in catarrh of the respiratory pas- sages.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 337; 354.— Suehannek (H.) Pathologie der Luftwege (exklu- sive Bronchien). Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat, [etc.] 1902, Wiesb., 1904, viii, 53-105. -----. Pathologie der Atmungsorgane (exklusive Bronchien und Lunge). Ibid. 1904-5, Wiesb., 1906, x, 380-502. — Tikhonovieh (A. V.) Dva sluchaya sifilisa dikhatelnikh putel. [Two cases of syphilis of the respiratory organs.] Pat.-anat. kazuist. .. . Kharkov. Univ. 1902-3, Mosk., 1904, 47-51.— Van den Wildenberg (L.) Methodesdirectesd'ex- amen des voies respiratoires et digestives superieures. INSPIRATORY. 470 RESPIRATORY. Respiratory organs (Diseases of). Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1906, lxviii, 223-232, 1 pl.— Wiggln (T. B.) The prophylaxis of respiratory dis- eases. Plexus, Chicago, 1906, xii, 11-18. — AVollstein (Martha). The influenza bacillus in inflammations of the respiratory tract in infants. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1906, viii, 681-691.—Zakher (A. V.) [Dvoye bolnikh s vol- chankol dikhatelnikh putei.] [Two cases with lupus of the respiratory passages.] Yezhemies. Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. Bollezn., S.-Peterb., 1906, i, 58-60. Respiratory organs (Diseases of Treat- ment of). See, also, Auscultation; Percussion; Res- piration (Apparatus, etc., in relation to). Barth (J.-E.-H.) Therapeutique des mala- dies des organes respiratoires. 12°. Baris, 1894. -----. The same. Terapiya bolieznei dikha- telnikh organov. Perevod s frantzuskavo M. Liona. [Transl. from the French by M. Lion.] 8°. Moskva, 1S96. Blennostasine in the treatment of coryza, hay fever, and all forms of catarrhal hyper- secretion, sm. 4°. [New York, 1896.] Bresgen (M.) Die Erkrankungen der Atem- wege und ihre Heilung durch die Kurmittel Wiesbadens, auch wiihrend der Wintermonate. Fiir Aerzte und Kranke. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1908. de Brun (H.) Al-khulasatu at-tubiyatu al- kitabu al-awwalu fi ailali a-jihazi at-tanafusi. Tarjamahu min al-ifransiyati alay al-arabiyati Khairallah Faraj Sfayr. [First book of med- ical aid in diseases of the respiratory organs. Khairallah Faraj Sfavr translated it from French into Arabic!] "8°. Beyrouth, 1888. Loxdynski. Notes sur le nouveau traitement des voies respiratoires et de l'anemie. 8°. Ale- xandrie, 1884. Mendel (H.) Memento therapeutique des maladies des organes respiratoires (avec un appendice concernant les maladies des oreilles). 16°. Paris, 1907. Xonxe (A.) Ueber die Anwendung von Lignosulfit-Inhalationen bei cbronischen und akuten Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane. 8°. Wiesbaden, [n. d.]. von Oefele (F.) Luftwechsel bei Atemnot und Erkrankungen der Luftwege. 12°. Bonn, 1901. Oertel (M. J.) Respiratorische Therapie. 8°. Leipzig, 1882. Handb. d. allg. Therapie (Ziemssen), i, pt. 4. Physics (The) of pneumatic differentiation, by Joseph Ketchum, Brooklyn, N. Y. Present status of the pneumatic treatment of respira- tory diseases, by E. D. Hudson, jr. Tabulated cases, by A. T. Houghton, Chicago. 12°. Cleve- land, 0., 1886. Reiss (C.) Die Natur-Heilmethode bei Lun- gen- und Hals-Krankheiten. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Traite de therapeutique appliquee, publie sous la direction de Albert Robin. Fasc. VII- IX. Traitement des maladies de l'appareil res- piratoire. 8°. Paris, 1896. Abbott (E. J.) General therapeutics of infectious diseases of the lungs and pleura. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1908, xxviii, 110-113. [Discussion], 117-119 — Alexander (A. S.) Experience in the treatment of coughs and respiratorv disorders of horses, cattle, and sheep. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1905-6, xxix, 1306- 1308—Alger (C. J.l The inhalation of formaldehyde in the treatment of infective disease of the respira- tory tract. West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1908, xiii, 136-138 — Althen (E.) Leber Dauerinhalation von atherischen Oelen bei Katarrhen der Atmungswcge. Aerztl. Rund- schau, Munchen, 1906, xvi, 309—Anders (J. M.) The fresh-air treatment of acute respiratory diseases, with especial reference to pneumonia. Med.-Chir. J., Phila., 1906, vii, 17-23.—Arthami (G.) La ventilation pul- monaireet l'insumsancepulmonaire. Progres med., Par., 1904, 3. s., xx, 481-185.—Bass (M.) Indikationen zur Respiratory organs (Diseases of Treat- ment of). Therapie akuter Erkrankungen des Rcspirationstraktes Pharmakol. u. therap. Rundschau, Wien, 1905, ii, ls&I 187.—Bliem (J.) The influenceoi the climateof South- western Texas upon respiratorv diseases. Tr. Am. Inst Homceop., Chicago, 1903, 261-266.—Bon lay (M.j La methode de Bier appliqu6e aux maladies des voies respi- ratoires supcrieures. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 261.— Cavazzani (E.) Contributo alia aeroterapia; gli in- alatorii di Riolo. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia 1904 xli, 66-7)5.—Cohn-Kindborg (E.) Ueber Hcissluft- thcrapie bei Emphysem, chronischer Bronchitis und Asthma brouchiale. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1335-1337.—Bean (O. A.) The treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs by drv inhalation. Tr. Mich M Soc, Detroit, 1890, 179-188.— Benison (('.) Demonstra- tion of a new management of pulmonary cavities, hem- orrhages and pleurisy by the fixation of one-half the chest. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxiv, 708-712.—Bon- nellan (P. S.) Some observations on intratracheal in- jections in the treatmentof chronicrespiratory affections South Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1908, xxiii, 50-fC — Bunlap (H. M.) Treatment of diseases of the respira- tory organs by direct application to the parts affected Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1892, xvi, 99-113.—Ferrua (J.) Tratamiento practico y racional de las enfenne- dades de los 6rganos respiratorios. Rev. valenc. decien. med., Valencia, 1906, viii, 33; 97; 113.—Fermi (C.) Ueber eine eigentiimliche schadliche Wirkung der Son- nenstrahlen wiihrend gewisser Monate des Jahres, und ihre Beziehung zur Coryza, Influenza, etc. Arch. f. Hvg Munchen u. Berl., 1904, xlviii, 320-412—Fischonich! Der gleichzeitige Gebrauch von Calomel und Jed bei Erkrankungen der oberen Luftwege. Verhandl. d. Wr. suddeutseh. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb., 1904, 640-CI1.— Gellat (P. P.) K llecheniyu zlokuchestveiinavositilisa verkhnikh dikhatelnikh putei. [Treatment of malig- nant syphilis of the upper respiratory passages.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov, 1902, iv, 308-311.— Gering. Noviye inhalyatsionniye metodi l apparati. [New inhalation methods and apparatus.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1905, xii,1113; 1239.—Glover (J.) Le terrain et le traitement general dans les maladies locales des pre- mieres voies respiratoires et digestives chez l'enfant. Ann. demed. etchir. inf..Par.. 1908, xii, 2*9-301.—Gluck. Ueber moderne Operationen an den oberen Luftwegen. Verhandl. d. Ver. siiddeutsch. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb., 1904, 630-632.—Go liner. Histosan bei Erkran- kungen der Atmungsorgane. Rcichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1907, xxxiii, 1st—Grazzi (V.) Le cure di alcuneaf- fezioni delle prime vie respiratorie colle acquedella Puz- zola (Porretta). Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1907, xviii,262- 267.—Haus (G. A.) Den respiratoriske therapi ved em- fysem og bronchit. Norsk Mag. f. Lagevidensk., Kris- tiania, 1906,5. R., iv, 578-595. — Heryng. Traitement des affections des organes respiratoires au moyen d'un appareil d'inhalation thermo-r^gulateur et gaz6ificateur. [Rap. de CorniL] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1904, 3. s., li, 84-86.—Herz (M.) Eine einfache Methode derpneu- matischen Therapie von Erkrankungen der Respirations- organe. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1905, xxxix, 1861-1865. -----. Die Licht-Luftstrombehandlung der Erkrank- ungen der Respirationsorgane. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1907, xxi, 15-18.—Hinkel (F. W.) A consideration of the value of topical applications to the upper air-tract. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1904, 3. s., xx, 292-305.—Holmeis- ter. Angeborene Missbildungen des Kehlkopfs und der Luftrohre; Laryngocele und Tracheocele. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.], 2. Aufl., 8°, Stuttg., 1902, ii, 137-140. Also, transl. in: Syst. Pract. Surg, (von Bergmann, 8°, N. Y. & Phila., 1904, ii, 145- 148. —----. Operationen an den Luftwegen. In: Handb. d. prakt. chir.. .. Bergmann [et al.], 2. Aufl., 8°, Stuttg, 1902, ii, 250-299. Also, transl'in: Svst. Pract. Surg (von Bergmann), 8°, N.Y.& Phila., 1904,;ii, 250-291.—Ide. Ueber die Wirkung der Seeluft auf die Erkrankungen der Luftwege. Ztschr. f. phvslk. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1908, xii, 207-210. — Kaestlc. Inhalationsver- suche mit zerstaubten Losungen. Ibid., 1907, xi,276; 862.— Karwacki (L.) Kreozot i kreozalbina w cierpieniach narzadu oddechowego. [. . . in diseases of tlie respira- tory organs.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1904, xliii, 311-311 Also, transl: Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1901, xi. 80s-Ml — Ber (C. B.) The open-air treatment of broncho -pneu- monia complicating whooping-cough. Tr. Mcd.-chii Soc. Edinb., 1903-4, n. s., xxiii, 41-51.—de La Touclio (I.) Nouveau traitement des affections des voies respira- toires par les inhalations glectro-medicamenteuses. As- soc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, xxvi, pt. 1, 348.—ITIagie (W. H.) The surgical treat- ment of acute infections of the lungs and pleura. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1908, xxviii, 113-119 — Bauzier (G.) Traitement des infections aigues des fines branches et du poumon. Prov. med., Par., 1907,xx, 27-34.—Saenger (M.j Zur Behandlung von Katarrhen der Luftwege una der Lungen mit Arzneidampfen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1904, xviii, 609-611.—Sell ere r (A.) Dionin bei Erkrankungen der Athmungsorgane. RESPIRATORY. 471 RESPIRATORY. Respiratory organs (Diseases of Treat- ment of). Therap. 'Monatsh., Berl., 1902, xvi, 126-131.— von Schrotter (E.) Beobachtungen fiber die Wirkung des Boghean'schen Respirationsstuhles. Wien. med. Wehn- schr.,1907,lvii,265;3S5.—Shtshepinski (.A.A.) Vdikha- niya mentola pri bolieznyakh dikhatelnikh organov. [Inhalations of menthol in diseases of the respiratory organs.]" Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, therap. pt., 41_44_Sinianovski (N. P.) O tslelebnom znachenii para- i ortokhlorfenolov pri bugorchatikh i drugikh zabo- flevaniyakh verkhnikh dikhatelnikh putel. [Medici- nal value of para- and ortho-chlorphenols in tubercu- lous and other diseases of the upper air-passages.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 229.—Singer (A.) Bron- chisan und sein Heilwert in den Krankheiten der Respiiationsorgane. Med. BL, Wien, 1907, xxx, 183.— Speiidlove (F. M. R.) Treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs by Butcher's direct contact method. Med. Age, Detroit, 1892, x,545-650.—Swain (H. L.) The local treatment of neuroses of the upper air-passages. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1904-5, xi, 414^123.—von Sza- b6ky (J.) Ueberdie Heliotropie und iiber ihren Wert bei Erkrankungen der Respirationsorgane. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1907, xxi, 521-524.—Tausig (H.) Die Be- handlung der Bronchial- und Lungenkatarrhe mit Thio- col, Sulfosotsyrup und Sirolin. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907,iii, 549.—Tnienot (J.) Des inhalations m^dicamenteuscs comme traitement systematique des affections respira- toires. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 895.—Van de Velde (H.) L'hydrotherapie dans les maladies des organes re- spiratoires. Ann. Soc. de med. phys. d'Anvers, 1903-4, ii, 61-69.—Veis (J.) Physikalische Therapie bei Er- krankungen der oberen Luftwege. Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutseh. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wiirzb., 1904, 678-683.— Vogler (A.) The Ems treatment of respiratorv catarrhs. Practitioner, Lond., 1908, lxxxi, 31-33.—Winter (A.) Zur Behandlung der Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 691-694—Zelyonfy (G. P.) Xoviy uslovniy refleks (na prekrashtsheniye zvuka). [New conventional reflex (stopping of sounds).] Khar- kov. M J., 1908, v,465-479.—Zoja (L.) L' acqua naturale di Salsomaggiore nella cura delle malattie degli organi respiratori. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1905, xvi, 159-162. Respiratory orgems (Foreign bodies in). See, also, Air-passages, Bronchia, Larynx, Lungs, Nose, Pheura, Trachea, Foreign bod- ies in. Alayrac (J.) * Etude clinique sur les corps etrangers des voies aeriennes superieures chez l'enfant. 8°. Toulouse, 1902. Icke (P.) *Ein Fremdkorper in den At- mungswegen. Nach einem Falle aus dem An- schar-Krankenhanse zu Kiel. 8°. Kiel, 1898. Miller (Ej * Ueber einen Fall von einem Fremdkorper in den Luftwegen. 8°. Munchen, 1906. Pohl (C.) * Ueber Fremdkorper im Kehl- kopf, in der Luftrohre und in den Bronchien. 8°. Breslau, 1902. Dodin (M. G.) K voprosu o terapii pri inorodnikh tlelakh dikhatelnikh putel. [Treatment of foreign bod- ies in the respiratorv passages.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 706; 734.—JIarkuzon (V. D.) Ob inorodnikh tlelakh dikhatelnikh putei u dletel. [Foreign bodies of the respiratory organs in children.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1908, xxiii, 365-383.—Jlelzi (U.) Contributo alia casuis- tica dei corpi stranieri nelle vie aeree. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze.1902, xx,85. Also, m his: Notedi clinica e terapia [etc.] ,8°,Milano, 1903,25.—Frota (G.) L' elettrocalamita applicata alia estrazione dei corpi estranei metallici dalle vie aeree. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.] 1902, Napoli, 1903, vi, 65-70.— Shvoger-Lettetski (N. F.) K kazuistikle dolgoyre- mennavo prebivaniya inorodnavo tlela v kikhatelnikh putyakh. [Foreign bodv present for a long time in the respiratorv passages.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, l, 719-722 — Xiinin (A. N.) K kazuistikle inorodnikh tlel v dikhatelnikh putyakh. [Foreign bodies in the respi- ratory organs.] Sibirsk. Vrach. VIedom., Krasnoyarsk, 1907, v, 35-10. Respiratory organs (Hygiene, invigo- ration, and therapeutic influence of). See, also, Respiration in infants, etc.; Res- pirators. Borovski (I.) Protsess i higiena dikhaniya; opit obshtehedostupnavo izlozheniya voprosov pedagogicheskol higieni. [The process and Respiratory organs (Hygiene, invigo- ratiini, and therapeutic influence of). hygiene of breathing; exposition of the ques- tions of pedagogic hygiene, accessible to all.] 8°. Odessa, 1892. Bosc (E.) Le livre des respirations: traits de l'art de respirer, ou panacee universelle pour pivvenir ou guerir les maladies de 1'homme, avec un glossaire des termes sanscrits. Ed. de la curiosite. 12°. Paris, 1898. Bowman (W. H.) Lecture delivered at Tre- mont temple, May 11, 1882, introducing his system of respiration for the development and treatment of the vital organs of the body. 12°. Boston, 1883. ------. The treatment of organic diseases by the system of respiration and compatibili- ties. 12°. Boston, 1891. ------. Respiration and compatibilities, their value in restoring health and prolonging life. 12°. Boston, 1893. ------. Respiration and absorption in the treatment of disease and restoration of func- tional power. 12°. Boston, 1894. -----. New method for the cure of organic diseases, and its results in sixty-three cases. 12°. [Boston, n. d.] Cathomas (J.-B.) Pflege der Athmungs- organe in gesunden Tagen. 12°. St. Gotten, 1898. ------. Pflege der Athmungsorgane in kran- ken Tagen. 12°. St. Gotten, 1899. (tuermonprez (F.) Gymnastique respira- toire pendant les mouvements. 8°. Paris, 1907. See, also, infra, Rosenthal. Hughes (H.) Lehrbuch der Atmungsgym- nastik. Anleitung zur Behandlung von Lun- gen-, Herz- und Untcrleibsleiden. 8°. Wies- baden, 1893. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wies- baden, 1905. Lund (\L M.) Luften og Livet. [Air and life.] 16°. Kjebenhavn, 1897. Timofieyefp (I. P.) * Material! k voprosu o vliyanii glubokikh vdikhaniy na zhiznennuyu yomkost, silu • vdokha, vidokha i razmakhi grudnol klietki u zdorovikh lyudel. [On the influence of deep inspirations upon the vital capacity, power of inspiration, expiration, and movements of the chest in healthy men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Weil (R.) Die Athmungskunde und die Athmungskunst. Eine hygienische Studie. 12°. Berlin, [1892]. ______. Tbe same. 2. Aufl. 12°. jBerZm, 1905. Weil ( S.) * Ueber Atemregulation. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1905. Zavadovski (I. Kh.) * K voprosu o vliyanii glubokikh vdikhaniy s medlennimi vidikha- niyami na usvoyeniye i obmien azota u zdor< >- vikh lyudei. [On the influence of deep inspi- rations combined with slow expirations upon the assimilation and metabolism of nitrogen in healthy men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1902. D'Ajutolo (G.) Sulla ginnastica respiratoria in otorino-laringojiitria. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di larin- gol. [etc.] 1905, Siena, 1906, ix, 320.—Ambard (L.) Modi- fications de la respiration et de la pression arterielle con- secutivesiiu cmiullage dr.s masses musculaires. Compt. rend Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 580-582.—d'Arson- val. La vie en milieu confine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc , Par., 1899, exxviii, 341-344— Austin (R. F. E.) Res- piration and disease. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1907, viii, 460. -----. Diaphragmatic drill for the im- provement of the "wind" and general health. Ibid., 574-589 —Babbitt (O. M.) The effect on lung capacity of arm movements during inspiration. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Brooklyn, 1902, vii, 34-38.—Barlow (G. ( RESPIRATORY. 472 RESPOXSABILlTrl Respiratory organs (Hygiene, inrigo- \ ration, and therapeutic influence t disease. The- rap. Gaz., Detroit, 1896, 3. s., xii, 594-596. -----. On re- spiratory exercises and pulmonarv phvsics. Clin. J., Lond., 1903, xxii, 289; 311; 329.—Carles i.I.) L'insuffi- sance respiratoire; son traitement par la gymnastique et la reeducation respiratoires. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1904, xxxiv, 904.— Collingwood (B.J.) & Buswell (H. L. F.) The tension of carbon dioxide in alveolar air during exercise. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond., 1907-8, p. xxi.—Contet. La reeducation re-piratoire dans la pratique medicale journalise. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1905, xix, 515-519.—Corner (E. M.) The phv.-iologvof the chest in exercise. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1905-6, x, 133-135. — Deane ( H. E.) Deep breathing. J.Brit. HonnEop. Soc. Lond., 1895, iii, 181- 195.—Besfosses i P.) & Santos (i i. i Gymnastique de la respiration et du mainticn. Prose med., Par., 1905, 545-54*.— Dixon i A. L. II.) The art of breathing as applied to physical development. J. Roy. U. Service In-t., Lond., 1*94, xxxviii, 611-055.—English (W. T. i M< >dern respiratory ad vantages. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*96, xxvii, 528-532.—Faber (E.) Om Respirationspvel- ser, med sserligt Hensvn til 0velser for Diafragma. [On respiratory exercises with special regard to exercises of the diaphragm.] Ugeskr. f. Lseger. Kiobenh., 1908, lxx, 30.5-315. —Fan re (M.i, Keyiuond *. -----. L'insuffisance respiratoire; traite^ ment par la gvmnaMique et la reeducation respiratoires Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 129; 337: ii, 506. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. d. hop. de France et de l'etrang., Par., 1904, vi, no. 5,3] Also, transl: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904, xviii, 125; 147! -----. La gymnastique et la reeducation respiratoires dans le traitement des convalescences. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1905, 3. s., xxii, 50-65. -----'. La gymnastique et la reeducation respiratoires. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 145-148. -----. A propos du livre de M. Guermonprez sur la gymnastique respiratoire pen- dant les moiiveinent^. J. de physiotherap., Par., 1908, vi, 139-147. — Saquet. Procedi respiratoire pour 6viter l'essoutflement dans la montee rapide des escaliers. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1906, 2. s., xxiv, 591.—S< hatlt nfroh (A.) Ue-pirationsversuche an einer fetten Versuchsper- son. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1900, xxxviii, 93- 113.—Taylor (J. M.) Respiratory education in the treatment of lung and heart disorders. Tr. Am. Climat Ass., Phila., 1904, xx, 259-271. Also: X. York M. J. [etc.] 1904, lxxx, 6S1-684. Also, Reprint.—Turner (A. L. j Why we breathe, how we should breathe, and the art of breathing as applied to physical and mental develop- ment. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1896-7, xiii, 65- 84.—Urbano (A. V.) Importancia de la respiraci6n nasal bajo el punto de vista higieiiico. Rev. de espec. med., Madrid, 1908, xi, 82-93. —Wells ( W. A.) The breath of life. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., X. Y.. 1898, xiv, 689- 692.—Wildlers. La gymnastique pulmonaire. Ann. Soc. de med. phys. d'Anvers, 1903-4, ii, 5-24. [Discus- sion] , 51-54. Respiratory organs (Paralysis of). Haller vox Hallerstein (S. A. K. 17.) *Drei Fiille von Luftdrucklahrnung. 8°. Kiel, 1889. Anderson (A. V. M.) Two cases of paralysis of res- piration. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1896, i, 542-544.—Bloss (T. R.) Respiratorv paralysis; a re- port of two cases. West Virg. M. J., Wheeling, 1906-7, i, 277-279.—C'astelo y terra. De la parali-is neum6- nica. Siglo med., Madrid, 1860, vii, 117.—Firth (J. L.) Paralysis of the respiratory centre from intracranial pressure. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1897, xv, 139-145.—Hop- kins (S. D.) Respiratory paralysis from haemorrhage around the medulla. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1897, iii, 5-8. Also, Reprint.—Itlaixner (E.) Priciny obrny respiratorni. [Causes of respiratorv paralysis.] Casop. lek. desk., vPraze, 1880, xix, 342-346.—Mo reau (G.) Dos rond; paresse respiratoire. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1906, xi, 105.—Northrup(W.P.) Paralysis of diaphragm and soft palate (diphtheritic?); recovery; severe dispnea; respiration entirely costal. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1905, xxii, 188-190. [Discussion], 193. -----. Paralysis of costal respiratory muscles; acute hemorrhagic myelitis; death in three days; dvspnea; respiration wholly diaphragmatic. Ibid., 191-193.—Richardson (B. W.) On pulmonary or pneumoparesis. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xi, 94-110. Also: Asclepiad, Lond., 1888, v, 1-22. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1888, n. s., xlv, 23. Also, transl: Gaz. med. de Par., 18*8, 7. s., v, 73-75. — Rotsehild (D.) Der an- geborene Thorax paralyticus. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. in- nere Med.. Wiesb., 1905. xx, *7-95.—Thomayer (J.) Pfispevekk vedomostem ' o obrnach svalu d^chacich. [Contribution to the knowledge of the paralyses of the respiratory muscles ] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1905, xlv, 4-7. Respirin. Stock (J.) O davnem kasli a respirinu. [Chronic cough and respirin.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1906, xiv, 327-331. Respirometer. See, also, Physiology (Experimental, Appa- ratus for); Respiration (Apparatus, etc., in relation to). Bueklin (C. A.) Improvements of the respirometer and its disinfection. Arch. Otol., X. Y., 1908, xxxvii, 365-369. Responsabilite veterinaire en matiere d'in- spection des viandes. Le cas de M. Reibel, medecin-veterinaire a Villenauxe - la - Grande (Aube). Acquittement. Arret de la cour d'appel de Paris, 9e chambre. Audience du 16 mai 1907. 108 pp. 8°. Troyes, G. Fremont, 1907. RESPONSIBILITY. 473 RESPONSIBILITY. Responsibility. Goring (C.) Ueber die menschliche Freiheit und Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. Eine kritische Un- tersuchung. 8°. Leipzig, 1876. Mairet(A.) La responsabilite^ etude psy- cho-physiologique. 8°. Montpellier &• Paris, 1907. Sutton (H. G.) Oration delivered before the Hunterian Society. 12°. London, 1876. Schultze (E.) Entlassungszwang und Ableh- nung oder Wiederaufhebung der Entmiindi- gung. 12°. Halle a. S., 1902. Biaiite. De la responsabilite au point de vue mental. Echo med., Toulouse, 1897,2. s., xi, 80; 89; 191; 111; 130; 138; 152; 232; 246.—von llolina (A.) Willensfrciheit und Verantwortlichkeit. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1906-7, iii, 513-534.—U rasset. Les criminels a, responsabilite attenuee. Tribune med., Par., 1908, n. s., xl, 657-660.—Guinpertz (K.) Willensfrciheit und Zu- rechnungsfiihigkeit. Deutsche med. Presse, Beil., 1906, x, 1*9-191.—Hitchcock (C. W.) A study in mental re- sponsibility. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1900-1901, lvii, 221-233. Also: Proc.Am. Med.-Psychol.Ass., [n.p.l ,1900,vii,264-276 — Hospital. Des degresde la responsabilite. Ann. m6d.- psychol., Par., 1S99, 8. s., x. 205-236—Koch (J. L. A.) Die menschliche Freiheit, Verantwortlichkeit, Zurech- nungsfiihigkeit. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1901, lxxi, 677-602.—Kuffner (K.) O pomeru lekare k ouizce pficetnosti. (La question de la responsa- bilite et le medecin. [R6s.].) Rev. v neurol., psychiat., fys. a diaetet. therap., v Praze, 1908, v, 65; 117.—Laupts. Responsabilite ou reactivite. Rev. phil., Par., 1908, lxv, 599-621.—von Liilienthal (K.) Ueber Zurechnungs- fahigkeit. Monatschr.f.Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1908,v, 257-277.—Naeke (P.) Moralische Werthe. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1902, ix, 213- 215.—Parboil (C.) Chestiunea responsabilitatil din punct de vedere s tiintifie£. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1901, xxi, 273-276.—Paulhan (F.) La responsabilite. Rev. phil., Par., 1892,xxxiii, 385; 503.—Pinsero (N.) Intorno ad alcuni criterii della responsabilite, sociale. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1893, iii, 721; 814.—Potpeschnigg (K.) Ueber das Wesen und die Ursachen kindlicher Minder- wertigkeit. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 1615-1623 — Toulouse ty Crinon. Examen de quelques questions touchant k la responsabilite. Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1906,165-177. Responsibility (Jurisprudence of). See, also, Alcoholism (Jurisprudence of); Criminals (Mental condition, etc., of); Deaf- mutism, Epilepsy, Insanity, (Jurisprudence of); Jurisprudence (Medical); Mind (Enquiry into condition of) ; Sexual instinct ( Perrersion of). Americ (E.) * La responsabilite- et la penality chez lea degeneres. 4°. Toulouse, 1895. Dallemagne (J.) *La volonte dans ses rap- ports avec la responsabilite penale. 12°. Paris, 1899. Also [Abstr.], in: J. de med. de Par., 1899, 2. s., xi, 327. Geffroy (S.-R.-M.) * Revue critique des divers criterium qui ont £te proposes pour la de- termination de la responsabilite en matiere criminelle. 4°. Bordeaux, 1888. Grasset (J.) La responsabilite des criminels. 12°. Paris, 1908. Guyot (C.-E.-C.) * Variations de l'etat men- tal et responsabilite. 8°. Bordeaux 1896. Imbert (G.) * Contribution a l'etude de la responsabilite dans l'absence du sens moral. 8°. Lyon, 1898. Koch (I. L. A.) Die psychopathischen Min- derwertigkeiten. 8°. Bavensburg, 1891. Lemesle (H.) *Les irresponsables devant la loi. 4°. Paris, 1896. Lossouarx (L.-E.-R.-A.-J.) *Les animaux en justice au temos jadis. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Mercier (C.) Criminal responsibility. 8°. Oxford, 1905. Morache (G.) La responsabilite. Etude de socio-biologie et de medecine legale. 12°. Paris, 1906. Responsibility (Jurisprudence of). Pelman (C. G. W.) & Finkelnburg. Die verminderte Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. 8°. Bonn, 1903. Puppe. Alkohol und Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Raffaele ( A.) Imputabilita e medicina; considerazioni sommarie. 8°. Napoli, 1899. Repr.from: Pubblicazione pel 50° anno d'insegnamento di Enrico Pessina. Riant (R.-A.-A.) Les irresponsables devant la justice. Alienes, epileptiques, hysteriques instinctifs, passionnels, hypnotises, suggestion- 's, automates, alcooliques, morphinomanes, victinies d'accidents, h£reditaires, ataviques, anormaux, dt>gener£s, desequilibr^s, etc. 12°. Paris, 1888. See, also, infra, Christian. Scinxz (H.) *Des causes pathologiques de la responsabilite limitee et du traitement des etats qui y conduisent. [Lausanne.] 8°. Neu- chdtel, 1899. Sibenaler (P.-C.-A.) *L'age du discerne- ment; considerations juridiques et medico- legales sur la responsabilite de I'enfance coupa- ble. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906. Also [Abstr.], in: J. de med. leg. psychiat.[etc.], Par., 1906, 1, 75-85. Stover (C.) Mental inhibition, or self con- trol, and its relation to legal responsibility. 8°. Amsterdam, N. Y., 1895. Wurtzen (C. H.) Studier over den person- lige Tilregnelighed; psykologisk og strafferetlig Henseende. Et retsmedicinsk Unders0gelse. [Studies on personal responsibility; psychologic and legal aspect. A medico-legal investigation. ] 12°. Kobenhaven, 1901. Ach (N.) Ueber geistige Leistungsfahigkeit im Zu- stande des eingeengten Bewusstseins. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1899, ix, 1-4. — Alberts (K.) Ueber straf- rechtliche Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1902, eclxxvi, 236. —Antheaume (A.) & An- theaume (L.) Responsabilite penale et expertise psy- chiatrique. Encephale, Par., 1907, ii, 414-430.—Aschal- fenburg (G.) Die verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, v, 397-400. Also: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1899, xxxii, 679-681. -----. Vermin- derte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1904, xxx, 1121-1124. -----. Alkohol und Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1907, iv, 422-431.—Auszterveil (L.) A korlatolt beszamit&srol. [On limited responsibility.] Gv6gyaszat, Budapest, 1908, xlviii, 100-103.—Bailey (P.) The State of New Jersev versus George H. Wood; a re- view of the evidence and of the theoriesavailable for the defence. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1084-1090.— Ballet (G.) L'expertise medicale et la question de re- sponsabilite. [Rap.] Bull. m6d., Par., 1907, xxi, 697. [Discussion], 701; 711. Also: M6d. mod., Par., 1907, xviii, 251-255. Also: Semaine med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 373-375. Also [Rap. et discussion]: Rev. neurol., Par., 1907, xv, 853-869. -----. La responsabilite des criminels; reponse a Grasset. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1908, v, 1-9. — Barbarczi (O. S.) A korlatolt beszamithat6sag. [Diminished responsibilitw] Elme-es idegk6rt., Buda- pest, 1906, 169-440.—Bare Ua. Note sur l'internement et la liberation des irresponsables dangereux; prophy- laxie des crimes 6vitables; asiles pour alcoolises, [suite de la discussion]. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1900, 4. S., xiv, 337; 689: 1901, 4. s., xv, 50; 128; 169; 237; 505; 681; 639; 833: 1902, 4. s., xvi, 141. —Bary (A.) Ueber verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Wien. Klinik, 1905, xxxi, 317-350.—Becker (C.) Aerztliche Gutach- ten bezuglich Wiederaufhebung einer Entmundigung. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1905, xviii, 337-342.— Becker (W. F.) Modified criminal responsibility. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1898, xxxii, 538-551. Also: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1898, xix, 673-582. -----. A study in the responsibility of criminals. Tr. M. Soc. Wis- consin, Madison, 1899, xxxiii, 414-442. — Bellini (G.) Sul grado di responsabilita del ladro e omicida N. Seve- rino; perizia psichiatrica. Progresso med., Torino, 1904, iii, 129; 138.— Benedikt (M.) Wie sind die Menschen mit abnormer Lebensfiihrung gesetzlich zu behandeln? Med. f. Alle, Wien, 1906, i, 6; 31. —B^rillon. La res- ponsabilite p6nale dans le droit romain. Rev. de l'hyp- not. et psychol. physiol. Par., 1907-8, xxii, 273-282.— RESPONSIBILITY. 47 Responsibility (Jurispimdence of). Berze (J.) Zur Frage der partiellen Unzurechnungs- fahigkeit. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. Letc], Heidelb., 1905, i, 205-218.— Binsse (L. E.) On the relations of mental defect and disease to criminal responsibility. Syst. Legal M. (Hamilton and Godkin), N. Y., 1894, ii, 217-258. —Bleuler (E.) Die psychologisehen Krite- rien der Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Monatschr. f. Krim.- Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, i, 621-634. — Boas (K. W. F.) Alkohol und Unzurechnungsfiihigkeit. Ibid., 1907-8, iv, 698-711. —Bravo (F.) Notas para dos informes sobre incapacidad. Protoo. med.-forense, Te- ruel, 1905, vii, 33-37. — Blittner (G.) Geistige Minder- wertige beim Militiir und vor Gericht. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1907, xviii, 25-35. — Bunge (A.) Determinaci6n retrospectiva de la irresponsabilidad penal y civil. Se- mana med., Buenois Aires, 1902, ix, 977-989. -----. De- terminaci6n retrospectiva de la irresponsabilidad penal y civil. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1905, iv, 57-77.—Burgl. Wie haben sich die Gesetzespa- ragraphen des biirgerlichen Gesetzbuches und der Zivil- prozessordnungsnovelle, welche sich auf die Entmiindi- gung beziehen, in der gerichtsarztlichen Praxis bewahrt, und welche Erfahrungen werden von Seiten der arzt- lichen Sachverstiindigen in Bezug auf die Handhabung des Gesetzesgemacht? Bayer. Med.-Beamten- Ver., Berl., 1905,15-35.—Calderoni (M.) Forme e criteri di res- ponsabilita. Riv. di psieol. applic, Bologna, 1908, iv, 233-261.—Caldwell (J. J.) Medico-legal responsibility of the aged and the premature senile considered men- tally, physically and mof-ally, particularly concerning their sexual failings, with cases illustrative. Med. Times & Reg., Phila., 1900, xxxviii, 222; 257.—Chaslin (P.) Sur la responsabilite des fous et des criminels. Rev. phil., Par., 1908, lxvii, 301-306.—Christian. Les irrespon- sables devant la justice, a. propos du livre de M. le Dr. A. Riant. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 248- 254. Also: Soc. de m6d. leg. de France. Bull., Par., 1890, xi, 15-20.—Clarus (J. C. A.) Gutachten der medicini- schen Facultilt in Leipzig fiber die Zurechnungsfii- higkeit bei einer zum drittenmale wiederholten Deser- tion. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1842, i, 159-181.— Cramer (A.) Die Behandlung der Grenzzustiinde in foro, nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber die geminderte Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 1053; 1096. -----. Die forensische Bedeutung der Grenzzustiinde. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1907, iv, 167-174.—Danneinann. Die Wahl des Vormundes im Endmiindigungsverfahren vom psychiatrischen Stand- punkte. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1906, lvii, 241-255. — De Boeck. De la responsabilite et notamment de la responsabilite partielle. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1897, ix, 72-75. Also: Cong. internat. de med. leg. 1897, Charleroi, 1899, ii, 120-123. [Discussion], 366-378.—Dohn. Bemerkungen iiber die strafrechtliche Zurechnungsfahigkeit, insbesondere den § 51 desStrafgezetzbuches. Allg. Ztschr.f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1899, lvi, 442-445. — Dubuisson (P.) De revolu- tion des opinions en matiere de responsabilite. Arch. de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1887, ii, 101-133.— Farez (P.) L'expertise m6dico-16gale et la question de la responsa- bilite. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 97; 129.—Ferrari (G. C.) La questione della re- sponsabilite "attenuata" nelle perizie giudiziarie. Riv. di psieol. applic, Bologna, 1908, iv, 189-193. — Florian (E.) Lafunzione dei motivi proprii dell' esecutore nella responsabilite dell' istigatore. Scuola positiva, Fiesole, 1895, v, 65-78.—Gero(S.) A korlatolt beszamithatosagrdl. [Limited responsibility.] GyogyAszat, Budapest, 1905, xlv, 148; 166.—Gordon (A.) Mental responsibility and crime. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv, 822.—Grasset (J.) Le probleme physiopathologique de la responsa- bilite. J. de psychol. norm, etpath., Par., 1905, ii, 97-114. -----. La responsabilite attenuee. Ibid., 1906, iii, 420- 450. -----. Les criminels k responsabilite attenuee; n£- cessite de rendre legalement obligatoires, dans tous les pays, 1'assistance et le traitement des demi-fous crimi- nels, dans les asiles sp6ciaux, jusqu'tl leur guerison,ets'ils sont incurables, pendant toute leur vie. J. med. franc., Par., 1908, ii, 775-778. Also: J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1908, ii, 409-418. -----. La responsabilite des criminels devant le Congres des alienistes et neurologistes de Gen&ve. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par., 1907, iv, 481-516. -----. L'expertise medicale et la question de responsabilite; dis- cussion du rapport du Dr. Gilbert Ballet. Medecin prat., Par., 1907, iii, 503-506.—Gumpertz (K.) Das arztliche Gutachten behufs Aufhebung der Entmundigung Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1908, xii, 90. -----. Begut- achtung der Geschiiftsfiihigkeit eines. Verstorbenen. Ibid., 153-155.—Halter (E.) Die Behandlung der ver- mindert Zurechnungsliihigen im Vorentwurf zu einem schweizerischen Strafgesetzbuch. Monatschr. f. Krim.- Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, i, 77-92.—Haga (J.) Alof niettoerekenbaar? Tiidschr.v.inland.Geneesk.,Batavia, 1893, i ,56-59.— Hirt (E.) Alkohol und Zurechnungsfiihig- keit. Alkoholfrage, Dresd., 1904, i, 109-126.— Hitchcock (C. W.) Mental responsibility. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1909, ci, 89-96. — Honer (A.) Leugnet Liszt allgemein Zurechnung und Zurechnungsfahigkeit? Arch. f. Krim.- RESPONSIBILITY. Responsibility (Jurisprudence of). Anthrop. u. Krim.-Statist., Leipz., 189S-9.L 189-199.—Hoe- gel (II.) Die Behandlung der Mindcrwortigen. Monat- schr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, i, 333-341.— Hoppe (F.) Leber verminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1906, lvii, 347; 422. -----. Die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Anstaltsinsassen. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc 1 Heidelb., 1906-7, iii, 600-613. -----. Trunkenheit und Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kri- minalist., Leipz., 1908, xxx, 163-173. Al.-n: Reichs-Med - Anz., Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 264; 286.—libera; (G.) Leber verminderte Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. [I'mm:Grenzboten 1 Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1899, lvi, 474-184.— Ivanott'(I. I.) Motivirovannoye predlozheniyetemipo voprosu ob umenshennol vmlenyayemosti. [On the question of diminished responsibility.] Vopr. nerv - psikh. med., Kiev, 1903, viii, 284-292.—jolly (F.) Leber geminderte Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat. [etc.], Berl., 1888, xliv, 461-478. — Jourdan (E.) Expertise medicale et la question de la responsabilite. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 283.— Katayama (K.) [The relation of mental ob- tuseness and responsibility in the greater criminal code.l Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900,129-132— Kern. Ueber die Grenzen des gerichtsarztlichen Lrteils in Fra- gen der Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Gedenkschr. f. d. ver- storb. Generalstabsarzt d. Armee ... v. Leuthold Berl., 1906, ii, 559-588.—Kielhorn (H.) Die geistige Minderwertigkeit vor Gericht. Monatschr. f. Krim.- Psychol., Heidelb., 1907, iv, 165-176. — Kirn. Ueber geminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1898, 3. F., xvi, 266-291. —Korn. feld (H.) Entmundigung wegen partieller Geistessto- rung. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1906, lxiii, 334-337.—Kraepelin (E.) Zur Frage der geminderten Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psvchol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1905, i, 477^93.—Kraiis (0.) Ueber Zurechnungsunfahigkeit. Atti d. Cong, internaz. di psieol, 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 589-591. — Lagritt'e (L.) Considerations sur quelques degres de la responsabi- lite. Ann. med.-psychol., Par., 1906, 9. s., iii, 229-242 — Legrain. L'expertise medico-legale et la question de la responsabilite. Rev.de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 242-252.—Leppniann. Die Mi'nder- wertigen im Strafvollzuge. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1908, xiv, 398; 417— Lezanski (R.) An der Schwelle krimineller Unzurechnungsfiihigkeit. Arch. f. Krim.- Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1905, xix, 87-90.—von List. Die Verantwortlichkeit bei arztlichen Handlun- gen. Aerztl. Rechtsk., Jena, 1907, 1-37.—Longard. Die geminderte Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1906-7, iii, 87-106.— Ldpez y Garcia (G.) Informe medico-legal en un casoaeercade incapacidad. Cron. med.-quir. de la Ha- bana, 1905, xxxi, 199-203.—Lucero (A. L.) Desarrollo psiquico y discernimiento para delinquir. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1905, iv, 464-475.— Iflagg. Ueber Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freiburg i. Br,,1849, n. F.,vi, 79- 89.—JTlannicke. Vermindert Zurechnungsfiihige und geistitre Minderwertige. Leipz. med. Monatschr., 1907, xvi, 323-325.— May (F.) Die Zurechnungsfahigkeit der Trinker. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1906, lvii, 81-92.— Mend el (E.) Ueber geminderte Zurech- nungsfiihigkeit. Psychiat. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1899, i, 7-10. -----. Die Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1903, xi, 153-176.—Mercier (C. A.) Criminal re- sponsibility. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 957-962.—Meyer (E.) Rausch und Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. Arch. f. Psy- chiat., Berl., 1906, xiii, 163-179.—Oppler. Ein Beitrag zur verminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Psvchiat.-neu- rol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1903, v, 173-175.—Peiita (P.) Diminuzione di responsabilite penale per invalidita. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1901, iv, 123-138.— Petren (A.) Till fragan om psykiskt undermaligas straffriittsliga behandling. [The question of the treat- mentof psychic irresponsibility.] Allm.sven.Liikartidn., Stockholm, 1906, iii, 1; 17. — Pietropaolo (F.l Re- sponsabilite, imputabilita, e repressione. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1893, iii, 625-641.—Prince (M.) Address: the criminal responsibility of insane persons. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 1643-1650.—Puglia (F.) Unioni criminali semplici e responsabilite penale. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1902, xxiii, 405-561.—Putnam (J. W.) The criminal's plea of irresponsibility. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 316-320.—Raffegeau. L'expertise medico-legale et la question de la responsabilite. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phvsiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 2S2.— Raiiiiann (E.) Die Behandlung und Unterbringung des geistig Minderwertigen. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Leipz. u. Wien, 1907, xxviii, 179-208.—Raynaud (L.) Sur un cas d'irresponsabilite. J. de ni6d. de Par., 1907,2. s., xix, 103. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1907, xiv, 47-49 — Regis (E.) L'expertise medico-legale et la question de responsabilite. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1907, xxxvii, 669-671.—Richardson (A. B.) Is legal recognition of graduated responsibilitv practicable? Am. J. Insan, Utica, N. Y., 1901, lviii, 243-249.—Robertson (A.) Re- RESPONSIBILITY. 475 RESTAURANT. Responsibility (Jurisprudence of). sponsibilitv and crime. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901,1,1141.— Sal,r6 (J.) Az vigynevezett csokkent beszemita.su egye- nek.e [The individuals of so-called lessened responsibil- ity.] Gy6gvaszat,Budapest,1905,xlv,736-739.—Nana re Hi (G.) Ilprbblcma medico-legale della responsabilite i>er le malattie del lavoro. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1907, i, 70- 73.—Saporito i,F.) La zona media e la responsabilite penale. Scuola positiva, Roma, 1906, 2. s., iv, 534; 631: 1907,2. s.,v, 29.—von Sclireilck-Notzing. Die Frage nach der verminderten Zurechnungsfiihigkeit, ihre Ent- twickelung und ihr gegenwartiger Standpunkt und eigene Beobachtungen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kri- minalist., Leipz.,L901,viii, 57-s;;.—Sema 1. Discussion sur la responsabilite morale et penale devant l'expertise medi- cale. Bull. Sot-, de med. ment. de Belg.. (iand et Leipz., 1891,288-300. — Sichart. Gedanken eines Verteidigers der 'zweckstrate iiber Zurechnungsfiihigkeit. Monat- schr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.]. Heidelb., 1905, i, 669-681.— Speranza (G. C.) The medico-legal conflict on mental responsibility. Green Bag, Bost., 1901, xiii, 123-126.— Sterne (A. E.) The question of legal responsibilitv. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1909, ci, 86-89. [Discussion], 94- yt;—Strassiuami (F.) Die verminderte Zurechnungs- fiihigkeit. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1905, xxx, 1-loT—Sury-Bienz. Leber die Grundlagen der foren- sen Zurechnungsfahigkeit; Antrittsvorlesung. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1880, iii, 2. BeiL. 17-32. Also, Re- print.— Svorclk (H.) Zurechnungsfiihig? Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1907, xxvii, 192- 202.—Talbot (E. S.) Criminal responsibility and de- generacy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 962.—Tomasini (S ) La responsabilite nei deficienti mentali. Manico- mio, Nocera, 1906, xxii, 391-406.— Toulzae. Debilite mentale; coups et blessures reciproques; responsabilite attenuee. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1907. xiv, 112-115. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1907, 2. s., xix, 195.—Ton ton (K.) Ueber die sexuelle Verantwortlichkeit. Ztschr. f. Bekampf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz., 1908, viii, 98-124.— Ufoeyd Oullah. La responsabilite dans la loi musul- mane. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1907-8, xxii, 301.—de Veyga iT.) La responsabilidad penal en los crimenes por alueinaciones de celos. Arch, de psi- quiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1906. v, 213-216. -----. Dos casos de responsabilidad penal. Ibid., 653-659.— Vogt (R.) Tilregnelighedssp0rsmaalet. [The question of responsibility.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kris- tiania, 1901,xxi"80-lll.—Wagner von Jauregg. Der Unzurechnungsfahigkeitsparagraph im osterreichischen Strafgesetzentwurfe. Med. f. Alle, Wien u. Leipz., 1907, ii, 305; 324. Also: Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psychol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1907, iv, 465-484.—Walsh i.J. J.; Chronic dis- ease and responsibility. In: O'Malley & Walsh, Essays Pastoral Med., 8°, London & Bombay, 1906, 245-250. -----. Impulse and responsibility. Ibid., 266-270.— Webb (R.) Legal tests of responsibility. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1902, xiv, 362-382. Also: Phila. M. J., 1903, xi, 180-184.—Weber. Historische Einleitung zur Besprechung der verminderten Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1899, lvi, 445-447.— Weingart (A.) Die verminderte Zurechnungsfahig- keit. ibid., 462-174.—Weir (J.), jr. Responsibility in mental deformity. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1905,lxvii, 816-818.— %Vernieke. Ueber die Zurechnungsfahigkeit nach geltendem Recht. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1889, Bresl., 1890, lxvii, 61-69.—Weygandt. Die geistige Minderwertigkeit im schulpfiichtigen Alter. Bayer. Med.-Beamten.-Ver., Berl., 1905,37-61.—Wherry (J. W.) Responsibility and crime; the most reliable anil efficient test for responsibility, when insanity is pleaded as a defense to crime, is this: Is the crime charged the product and direct result of the insanity alleged.' Alienist & Neurol.. St. Louis, 1903, xxiv, 423-437.—Will (F.) Drei Gutachen iiber Zurechnungsfahigkeit. Ver. diut-che Ztschr. f. d. Stuat-Arznk.. Freiburg i. Br., 1847, X. F., i, 309-333— Windelbaud f\V.) Leber Norm und Nor- malitat. Monatschr. f. Krim.-Psvchol. [etc.], Heidelb., 1906-7, ii, 1-13.—Winire IP.) Et afsnit af utilregnelig- heds-bestemmelsenshistoric [Un fragment de l'histoire des dispositions concernant lirresponsabilite. Res., 665.] Norsk Mag f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania, 1900, 4. R., xv, 628-651. Responsibility (Medical). See Malpractice; Physicians (Besponsibdity of). RcskcI (Gustav Adolf Robert) [1875- ]. * Ueber fiikale Verunreinigungen auf Obst und Gemiise. 27 pp., 21. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1907]. Rcssiguier (Marius) [1881- ]. * Traitement par l'ion argent de I'urethrite blennorragique chronique chez 1'homme. viii, 9-43 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 68. Ressmeyer (Heinrich Bernd August Georg) [1873- ]. *Zur Frage der AbwiinHerreini- gung. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, B. Friederieh, 1900. Rest. See, also, Hygiene (Mental); Insanity (Treat- ment of) by confinement to bed; Nervous system ( Diseases of, Treatment of) by rest and diet. Hilton (J.) Rest and pain; a course of lec- tures on the influence of mechanical and physi- ological rest in the treatment of accidents and surgical diseases and the diagnostic value of pain. Edited bv W. H. A. Jacobson. 5. ed. 12°. London A New York, 1892. Lombart (A.) * Importance de la mise au repos de 1'organe malade en therapeutique. 8°. Baris, 1899. von Voit (C.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Wechsels von Thiitigkeit und Ruhe im Leben des Menschen. 8°. Munchen, 1879. Aeland (T. D. ) The physiological value of rest. [Edit,] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 372.—Arena (A.) II riposo settimanale studiuto nei suoi rapporti con le curve stigmomanometriche, dinainometrichc ed crgogra- flche degli operai. Ramazzini, Firenze, 190S, ii, 141-151.— Harnett (J. R.) Rest and repair. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Milwaukee, 1889, xxiii, 81-95.—Belknap (L. J.) The rest cure; the cases selected: methods of treatment. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1892, xvi, 101-105—Bigelow (I. S.) The therapeutic value of rest. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Waterloo, 1S99,xvii,95-101.—Coimell(E.DcW.) Xoteson the conduct of the rest treatment or the S. Weir Mitchell rest cure. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1898, vi, 258- 266.—Ellis (T. S.) The position of rest in fatigue and in pain. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 84. Also, Reprint.— Hammond (W. A.) How to rest. N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1891, cliii, 215-219.—Handford (H.I The needs of the body on Sunday. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1283-1285.— Kaekley (L. B.) Rest and pain. Langsdale's Lancet, Kansas City, 1898, iii, 210-212.—Lagrange (F.) La phvsiologie du repos. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1904, 2. s., ii, 38.5-396.—Lapicqne (L.) Repos et travail; rectification a la bibliographie de M. Lefevre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 260.—Laziest LI"he) man on earth. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 958.—Lewis (C. C.) Rest versus medicine. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1897, n. s., vi, 86-93.— Lindley (E. H.) Ueber Albeit und Ruhe. Psychol. Arb., Leipz., 1900, iii, 482-534.—May lard (A. E.) The value of rest as atl'ected by operation in the treatment of certain diseases of the alimentary canal. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1902-3. ix, 91-111.—Jlilroy (W. F.) Therapeutic value of rest in bed. West. M. Rev., Omaha, Xeb., 1908, xiii, 290-300.—Perry (H.) On the use of rest in the treatment of disease. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1903, u. s., i, 240-254.— Pope (C.) A plea for the more syste- matic care and attention of chronic functional disease by the rest treatment. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1896, n. s., v, 209-271. Also: Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1896, ix, 444-446.—Preston (G. J.) The rest cure and the cases to which it is applicable. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1891-2 xxvi, s'.Mil.—Rest as an important agent in sur- gical cases. Tr. Gvnaec Soc. Bost., 1905,93-99.— Sell rone (T.) Wie ruht man gut? Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1903, xxv, 21-24.—Sinkler (W.) Diseases and condi- tions to which the rest treatment is adapted. J. Nerv. cv. Ment. Dis.. X. V.. 1892, xix, 321-338—Spivak (C. D.) Rest; a neglected factor in the treatmentof gastro-intes- tinal disorder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 210- 220. Also, Reprint.—Taylor (J. M.) On the conduct of rest treatment. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s., ix, 460-468.—UI rich (C. F.) Rest. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1897, xxix, 724-727.—Wellrle (G.) Rest as a cura- tive agent. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1905, 3. s., xxi, 78.— Willis ( W. M. ) On a case illustrating the value of physiological rest. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 245.—Wil- son (G. R.) The gymnastic of rest. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1890-7, xiii, 3-19. Rest (Anton) [1882- ]. *Kasuistischer Bei- trag zur Unigehung des Leberkreislaufes bei Lebersyphilis. (Spontane Entstehung der Tal- ma'schen Collateralen.) 1 p. 1., 46pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf & Sohn, 1907. Restaurador (El) farmaceutico. v. 44-57, 1889-1902. 8°. Barcelona. Restaurant (Raymond). Hippocrate de l'u- sage du boire a la glace pour la conservation de la sante. 7 p. 1., 88 pp. 16°. Lyon, G. Manty, 1670. RESTAURANTS. 476 RETHI. Restaurants. Powers (L. M.) Sanitary supervision of bakeries and restaurants. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1908, vi, 371-375. Rest oil. Madame. See Wonderful trial of Caroline Lohman. 8°. New York, 1847. Resti Ferrari (Alexander). *In praestantiora medicina; officia. 24 pp. 8°. Ticin'u Begii, [1831]. Restif de la Bretonne. Eulenburg (A.) Ein literarischer Erotomane des 18. Jahrhunderts. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 851.—Jac- quin. Restif de la Bretonne, precurseur de Schaudinn. Chron. med., Par., 1907, xiv, 162.—Louis. Un romancier fetichiste. Restif de la Bretonne. Ibid., 1904, xi, 353-357. Restitution. See Regulation of form Restlessness. Mercier (C.) Mental diseases; two cases of restless- ness. Hospital, Lond., 1907-8, xliii, 657. Results (The) of anthropometr}-. See Amherst College (Mass.). Department of physical educa- tion. Resurrectionists. See, also, Anatomy (History, etc., of); Burk- ing. Bailey (J. B.) The diary of a resurrectionist, 1811-12; to which are added an account of the resurrection men in London and a short history of the passing of the Anatomy Act. 8°. Lon- don, 1896. Buclianan (J. R.) The storv of a resurrectionist. Glasgow M. J., 1901, lv, 81-97.—"Doctor's (The) Mob." Med. Reg. N. Y., 1884, xxii, 265-287.—Lucas (J.J. S.) In the time of the resurrectionists. Stethoscope, Bristol, 1907, no. 46, x, 2-6.—Resurrection (A) man resur- rected. Practitioner, Lond., 1897, lviii, 57-61, 1 pl.— Robinson (G. C.) The development of grave robbing in England. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1905, xvi, 42-45. Resuscitation. See, also, Respiration (Artificial). Istruzioxe al popolo intorno agli asfittici o apparentemente morti ed al modo di soccorerli pubblicata dal Comitato permanente di sanita. 8°. Lucca, 1845. Mexschenfeeund (Der) in Todesgefahr. Eine Auswahl der allgemeinen bewiihrtesten auf der Stelle anwendbaren Mittel, Scheintodte und andere in plotzliche Lebensgefahr gerathene Menschen zu retten, und sich vor ansteckenden Krankheiten zu sichern. Zum Bedarf fiir alle Menschen und auch fiir Aerzte brauchbar. 16°. Berlin, 1799. Alter (W.) Zur Pathogenese der Krankheitserschei- nungen bei wiederbelebten Erhangten. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1903, xiv, 17-30.—Bailey (J. R.) A case of resuscitation after freezing. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1903, xxv, 502.— Conkling (W. S.) Resuscitation, by manipulation of the heart, of a patient apparently dead from shock. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 469. Also [Abstr.]: Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1905, xi, 377.—Crile (G. W.) On the resuscitation of an- imals apparently dead. St. Louis M. unn (D.) Retinal changes of doubtful nature in the macular region. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1899-1900, xx, 108-110.—Stohr (P.) Ueber die Querschichtung in den Kernen der mensch- lichen Stiibchensehzellen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1899, xvi, 197-201.—Sulzer (D.-E.) Determination qualitative et quantitative des fonctions de la retine et de la refraction. Encycl. franc, d'opht., Par., 1904, iii, 547; 679.—Talko (I.) K voprosu ob optografii v sudebno-meditsinskom otnoshenii. [Optography from a medico-legal view- point.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Pe- tersb., 1892, xiii, 3. sect., 9-13.—Thompson ( Helen B.) & (ilordoii (Kate). A study of after-images on the pe- ripheral retina. Psychol. Rev., Bait., 1907, xiv. 122-167. Also [Abstr.]: Psychol. Bull., Bait., 1906, iii, 66—Toiiini (P.) Sulle modificazioni degli elementirctiniciin scguito alle iniezioni endovenose di violetto di metile. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1899-1900, lxxiv, 261- 268, 1 pl— Tornabene (C.) Influenza della bile sulle modificazioni funzionali della retina; contributo speri- mentale alia genesi della emeralopia. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1901-2, ix, 41-71— Tribondeau (L.) & Bel- ley (G.) Microphtalmie et modifications concomitantes dc la retine par rontgenisation de l'ceil d'animaux nou- veau-ncs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907,,lxiii, 128-130.—Tribondeau (L.) &. Lafargue (P.) Etude experimentale de l'action des rayons X sur la retine et le nerf optique. Ibid., 1908, lxv, 149-151.—Tscherning. Recherches sur la quatrieme image de Purkinje. Arch. de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1891, 5. s., iii, 96-107. -----. Theorie des images de Purkinje et description d'une nouvelle image. Ibid., 357-372.—Ucke (A.) Epi- thelreste am Opticus und auf der Retina. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bonn, 1891, xxxviii, 24-38.—Ulbrich (H.) Eine RETINA. 482 RETINA. Retina. seltene Beobachtung bei markhaltigcn Nervenfasern der Netzhaut. Zt-chr. t. Augenh., Berl.. 1903. ix, 599-601.— Yaughan (_•'. L. > A: Rollunow (A.) Leber die Ver- teilung der Empflndlichkeit fiir farbige Lichtcr auf der | helladaptierten Netzhaut. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1907, xiii, 2. Abt.. 1-11 — Velha- gen. Ein seltsamer Befund in einer nach (Jolgi bchan- delten Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1901-2, liii, 499- 502.—Verajjuth (O.) Zur Frage nach dem pupillo- motorischen Feld der Retina. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1908, xxvii, 402-404.—Verhoell" (F. H.) Show images on the retina. Psychol. Rev., N. Y., 1900, vii, 18-28, 1 pl. -----. A hitherto undescribed membrane of the eye and its significance. Boston M. & S. .)., 1903, cxlix, 456-458.— Venues (L.i A retina neurolibrillumairol. [Theneuro- librillse of the retina.] Szemeszet. Budapest, 1904, 271- 282.—Viterbi (A.) La durata delle impressioni reti- niclie. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino. 1905, 4. s., xi, 351-350. Also: Arch, di Jisiol., Firenze, 1906-7, iv, 147- 159.—de Vries (Alma) & Washburn (Margaret F.) A study of the retinal rivalry in the after-image. Am. J. PsychoL, Worcester, 1909, xx, 131-135. —Walker (Ger- trude A.) So-called retained nerve-sheaths in the retina. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1898, xix, 82. Also: Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii, 231— Wallenberg (G.) Der "Le Cat'sche Versuch" und die Erzeugung farbiger Schatten auf der Netzhaut. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1890-91, xlviii, 537-543.—Waller (A. D.) On the excitability of nervous matter, with especial reference to the retina. Brain, Lond, 1900. xxiii, 1-38. -----. The retinal response to light. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 840. -----. On the retinal currents of the frog's eye, excited by light and excited electrically. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.. 1900, lxvi, 327-329.—Watt (II. J.) Ueber die Helligkeit einmaliger und periodisch wiederkehrcnder Lichtreize. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1905. vii, 591 5.is. — \V id mark (J.) Leber Bl end ung der Netzhaut. Skandin. Arch.f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, iv, 281-295, 2 pl.—Wolff (H.) Ueber die fokale Beleuchtung der Netzhaut und des Glaskorpers. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1901, v, 108. -----. Ueber die Abnahme der Pupillarreflexempfindlichkeit der Netz- haut vom Zentrum nach der Peripherie. Ibid., 1904, xii, 644-650. Retina (Abnormities of). Lenders ([F.]T. ) *Ein atypisches Netz- hautganglion. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1904, lviii, 309-323. Batten (R. D.) i, 333.—>cttleship (E.) Two cases of opaque nerve- fibres in retina. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond 1899-1900, xx, 182-186, 1 pl., 1 1. -----. Extensive con- genital opacity of retina in yellow-spot region of both eyes; ? opaque nerve fibres: high myopia also probably congenital; case under notice 15 years. Rov. Lord Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1901-6, xvi, pt. 4,'410-414' 1 pl.—Oliver (C. A.) Cristales de colesterina en la retina. An. de oftal., Mexico, 1900, iii, 33.—Bubert (J.) Ein Beitrag zu den Anomalien des Augenhintergrundes; zwei Fiille von ungewOhnlicher Ektasie in der unteren Fundushalfte. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1908, xx. 551- 557.—Sclieflfels (O.) Ein Fall von Perivasculitis retina; Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii, 374-380. Also' transl.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y.,1891, xx, 251-257—Seei'elder (II. i Ueber Anomalien im Bereiche des Sehnerven und der Netzhaut normaler fiitaler Augen: ein Beitrag zur (iliomfrage. Arch. f. Ophth.. Leipz., 1908-9, lxix, 463- 478, 1 pl.—Snydaeker (E. F.) Anomalous direction of retinal vessels on emerging from and entering optic disc. Ann. Ophth.,St. Louis, 1903, xii, 225-231.—SlcpheiiKoii (S.) Congenital anomalies of the retinal veins. Lancet, Lond., 1892. i. 219-251.—Strzemiiiski (I.) Przypadek rozpromienionia wlokien rdzeniowych nerwu wzroko- wego w siatkowee ze szparami teczowek i zrenicami dotakowemi. [Irradiation of medullary fibers from the optic nerve in the retina, with fissures of the iris and accessory pupils.] Post, okul., Krak6w, 1906, viii, 237- 240— Trailtas (A.) Anneau peripapillaire de fibres nerveuses opaques. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1905, 1, 19.—Werner ( L. ) Abnormal retinal vein. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1889-90, x, 151. Retina (Aiuvstliesia ef). Dubar. Anaesthesie de l'a retine d'origine trauma- tique. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 258.—Enuel- liardt. Anasthaesia retinee mit concentrischer Veren- gungdes Gesichtsfeldes;rascheHeilung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1865, iii, 261-268. —Fox i L. W.) Contraction of the visual field; a symptom of anesthesia of the retina in children. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 8-11. Also, Reprint. Also: Indian M. Kir., Cal- cutta, 1906, xxvii, no. 4, 3-6.— tirossmauii (L.) A reczehartya reflectorikus tuierzckenysegerol es erzestelen- segerol. Ton reflective hyperesthesia and anaesthesia of retina.] Gyogy&szat, Budapest. 1892. xxxii, 65: 80: 92. Also transl: Wien. med. Presse. 1893. xxxiv, 1757: ls05; 1842; 1885. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 316-318.—Pick (A.) Leber Hy- perasthesiederperipherischen Reti nan bschnitte; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den sogenannten katatonen Bewegungen. Monatschr. f. Psvehiat. u. Neurol.-, Berl., 1908, xxiv, 382-391—Salomons'ohn. Ueber Aniisthe- sia retina;, Asthenopie und sogen. Netzhauterniiidung. Verhandl.d. Berl. ophth. Gesellsch. 1903-4, Leipz . 1905, 12-14.—Seeondi (R.) Dell' anestesia traumatica della retina senza reperto obiettivo. Ann.di ottal., Milano, 1871-2, i, 113-136. Also, Reprint.—Southard i\V. F.) Report of a case of anaesthesia of retina. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1902, xlv, 266-280, 2 pl. Retina (Aneurism of). See Retina (Blood-supply of, Disorders of). Retina (Arteriosclerosis ef). See Retina ( P>b>od-supply of, Disorders of); Retina (Disease of, Causes, etc., of). Retina (A trop hi/ ef). See, also, Nerve (Optic, Atrophy of). Schlosser (H.) * Ueber Netzhautatrophie nach grauer Degeneration des Opticus und nach Embolie der (Vntralarterie. 8°. Jena, ISM. Chevallereau. Sur un cas d'atrophie papillaire brusque consecutive a des h6morrhagies uterines. Bull. et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht.. Par., 1903, xx, 280-294.- Ferentinos (S. i Ueber die Natur der einfachen Atro- phic der Netzhaut. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1906, x, 129- 134.—Heller (S.) Erfolge von padagogischen Seh- iibungen bei Sehstdrungen, insbesondere bei einem Falle von retiniliscbcr Atropine. Ibid., 617-623. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 19(10. xlvii, 1943-1947.—Huiliuielslieiui oV Leber (T.) Ein Fall von atrophischer Degeneration der Netzhaut und des Sehnerven mit hochgradiger Endarteritis der Arteria centralis retinfe bei Diabetes mcllitus. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1901, Iii, 336-357, 1 pl.— Kii»cl. Beitragr zur Genese der Retinitis atrophicans centralis (Kuhnt). Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Stuttg., 1906, xliv, 464-169—Kuhnt (H.) Ueber eine eigen- thiimliche Veranderung der Netzhaut ad maculam i Lett- RETINA. 483 RETINA.' Retina (Blood-simply of). schen Wahrnehmung der Netzliautgefiisse. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1905, xxxix, 327-331.—story (.1. B.) The light reflex on the retinal vessels. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1891-2, x, 446- 454. Also.- Dublin .1. M. Se., 1892. xciv, 313-319. Also: Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1892, xi, 100-108.—Tiirk (S.i Un- tersuchungen uber die Entstehung des physiologischen Netzhautvcnenpulses. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1899, xlviii, 513; 568. — I'sher (0. H.j observations on the retinal blood-stream at the time of death. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1890, xv, 339-351.—Yersari (R.) La morfogenesi dei vasi sanguigni della retina umana. Ricerche n. lab. dianat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma, 1904, x, 25-62, 3 pl.— Voll A i Ueberdie Entwickelung der Membrana vas- culosa retina'. Festschr. Alb. von Koelliker, Leipz., 1892, 87-93. 1 pl.—\ evetski ( F. O.) O neopisannol yesktsho anomalii venoznawo pulsa retini. [On astill undescribed venous pulse of the retina.] Trudi Russk. vrach. v Mosk. (1884), 1885,119. Retina (Atrophy of). nitis atrophicans sive rareiicans centralis). Ztschr. f. Augenh.. Berl., 1900, iii, 105-112. 1 pl.—No'islievski (K. t>.) O tryokh sluchayakh atrofii sietchatok. [Three cases of atrophy of the retina.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1901. xviii. 001-609. ----- Zanik czeSciowy siatk6wki. [Partial atrophy of the retina.] Post, okul., Krak6w, 1902, iv,1-11.—Soil (H.) Zur Casuistik der Lochbildun- genin der Macula lutea t Retinitis atrophicans centralism Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb.. 1908, lx, 254-261.—Rei* (W.) Zur Aetiologie und Genese der Lochbildung in der Ma- cula lutea (Retinitis atrophicans centralis, Kuhnt). Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl.. 1906, xv, 37-51.—Reynolds (D. S.) Atrophy of the retina. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago 1901. xxxvii, 1446. [Discussion], 1449-14M —Tohara iS.l [Atrophia retina] Kvo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo [?], 1898, x, 441-444.— Wirdeiiiann (H. V.) & Hogue (G. I.) Treatmentof partial optic and retinal atrophv by electricity and massage. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.]. Ophthal. Sect., St. Clair, 1906, 53-69. Also: Ophthalmol., Milwaukee, 1906-7, iii, 217: 1907-8, iv, 231. Also: North- west Med., Seattle, 1908, vi, 41; 107. Retina (BI<><>d-supply of). von der Ostex-Sackex (L.) * Der pro- gressive periphere Puis der Netzhautvenen. 8°. Dorpat, 1890. Alessandro. Terminazioni nervose nei vasi retinici (annotazioni ,l'i>tologia normale i. Boll. d. Osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma, 1908. vi. 59.—Axenfeld (T.) Seltene Circulationsanomalie der Netzhaut: Riicktluss des veno- sen Blutes grosstenteils in die Chorioidea (Cilioretinale Venen am Aequatori. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1894, xxxii, 31-18.—Baiardi (I'.j Sulla pres- sione del sangue nelle arterie della retina. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1906. 4. s., xii. 393-407.—Bar- rett (J. W.) Anexcellent view of the retinal circula- tion. Nature, Lond., 1896, liii, 510—du Bois-Rey- mond .('.i D'T sichtbare Puis der Net/hautgefasse. Arch.-f. Physiol,. Leipz.. 1^93. 303.— Brav lA.) Two central retinal arteries. Am. Vied.. I'hila.. 1903. vi. 348.— Cavazzani E ) Fixation, sur la retine, de quelques substances coloraiites injectees dans les veines. [Transl. from: Atti d. Accad. di Ferrara. 1*98.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1899, xxxi, 411. — Claparede (E.) Vision en- toptiquedesvaisseauxre4iniensiematinau reveil. Arch. de psychol., Geneve. 1900-7, vi, 269-273.—Coat* (G.) Pe- culiar appearance of a retinal vein. Tr. ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 309-312.—Bey t.I.i Ueber den Eintritt der Arteria centralis retime in den Sehnerv beim Menschen. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1895-6, xi. 087-092.— Dupuy-Dii temps. La veine een tralede la retine dans la >ta*e papillaire. Arcli. d'opht.. Par., 1907, xxvii, 696- 7ov—TClfcehiiiii-. Bemerkung zur Entstehung des Re- flexstreifen 3 der Netzhautarterien. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1903, vii, 314. -----. Bemerkungen fiber den Lichtreflex- streif der Netzhautarterien. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, x, 350. -----. Der Lichtreflex der Netzhautarterien des menschlichen Auges. Klin Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903-4, xiii, 37-12.—Filatotff V. P.) Vrozhden- naya anomaliya sosudov sietchatki. [Congenital ano- maly of the retinal blood-ve>-.el-.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1902, xix, 425-427.—(ialezowski. Des spasmes des vaisseaux r^tiniens et de U ur i n il uence sur la vision. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 866-868.— Also: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 69-72.—<»tiiui 8t einem Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Concremente des Opticus und seiner Scbeiden und einer kurzen Betrachtung iiber die von Fuchs beschriebene periphere Seh- nervenatrophie. [Zurich.] 8°. Utrecht, 1898. Wirth (O.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Glaskorperblutungen bei Sclerose der Netzhaut- gefiisse. 8°. Giessen, 1903. Bairueri*. Isehfimie retinienne; c6cite: guerison. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1892, xvi, 202.—Bajardi (P.) Di un nuovo disturbo circolatorio nei vasi della retina, osservato in un caso di cecita. monoculare tran- sitoria recidivante. (iior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 325-337— Ratten (R. D.) Obliteration of a retinal vessel (vein) with formation of new vessels. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, 75.— Beard (C. H.) Arterio-sclerosis of retina and choroid. Chicago M. Recorder, 1903, xxiv, 41-47.—Bull (C. S.) Arterio-sclerosis and its bearing upon certain lesions of the retina and optic nerve. N. York State J. M.. N. Y., 1904, iv, 152-154.—Bull (O. B.) Pathological changes of the retinal vessels. Cong, internat. d'opht. d'L'trecht. C.-r.. Amst., 1900, ix, 139-142. Also, trans/..- Tidskr. f. d. norske Lu'gefor., Kristiania, 1900, xx, 49-51.—Burnett (S. M.) Acaseof obstructed retinal circulation, with a series of pictures showing the changes in the vascular system during its reestablishment and the formation of new vessels in the retina. Ophth. Rec., Chicago, 1899, viii, 601-609. Also, Reprint.—Coats i a.) Obstruction of the central artery of the retina. Rov. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1905,'xvi, 262-306, 3 pl— < ulbertson (L. R.) Thrombosis of central vein of the retina. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xxii, 144-146.—Bavidsohn (F.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Verschluss dec Zentral- arterie. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1902, vi, 119; 127; 132.—I>es|>a<£iiet (F.) Arterite retinienne infectieuse des deux veux. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1894, 3. s.. xvi. 385- 390. Also:'\(f\\ g6n. d'opht,, Par., 1894, xiii, 292-294.— Ooyne (R. YV.) Varicose veins in the retina. Tr. ophth. soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 91— Buanc (A.) Aplasia of the papilla and retinal vessels, with a peculiar anomaly at the macula in eyes otherwise normal. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1903, xxxii, 319-324.— Fisher (J. H.) Aneurismal dilatations on diseased retinal arteries. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, 73.— Flcmmiii^ (P.) Drawing of fundus showing marked arterial disease: section of retina from same case. Ibid., 1903-4, xxiv, 126, 1 pl.—Foster (M. L.) Embolism or endarteritis of the central artery oi the retina. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 446-448".—FraenkeI (F.) Das Freibleiben eines parapapillaren Netzhautbezirkes bei pldtzlichcm Verschlusse der Ccntralarterie. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1903-4, xlix, 68-86—Friedenwald RETINA. 484 RETINA. Retina (Bhiod-supply ef Disorders of). (H.j The signiiieance of constrictions and dilatations in the calibre of retinal arteries. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1896, xxv, 177-190.—Flirstner it.) UeberSchlangelung und Erweiterung der Retinalgefiisse. Munchen. med. YVchn- schr., 1901,xlviii, 12:.5.—tialezowski. l>u grossissement de I'imageophtalinosco[>ii|ue da nsl'ct udede la pathologie des vaisseaux rStiniens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892. 9. s., iv, 601.-----. Thromboses et phiebites gono- eoeci'iuesde la ratine. Rec. d'opht.,Par., 1900. 3. s., xxii, 20t>-208.—(ienth i A.) Ein weiterer Fall von Freibleiben eines parapapillareii Netzhautbezirkes bei particllem Ver- schluss der Arteria centralis retime. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb.. 1901-5, li, 109-113, 1 pl.—lexia sanguinis retinae (von Michel) oder sogenannte Retinitis ha-morrhagica nach Unfall. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh..Stuttg., 1905, xliii.373- 384. — Ilirsehberg (J.) Eigenthiimliche Entartung siimmtlicher Netzhaut-Blutadern. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1897, xxi,20t;.—Hoag (F. LA Acaseof apoplexy of the retina. J. ophth.. Otol. & I.arvn^ol., N. Y.. 1892,'iv, 56.—lug I is (Vv. R. i A case of telangiectases of the retinal capillaries and venous radicles. Tr. < )phth. Soc.U. Kingdom. Lond..1906-7, xx vii, 128-130, lpl.— I wa- it off. Zur pathologistTun Anatomie der Retina; Peri- vasculitis retina-. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1865, iii, 328-336.—Jaeoby (E.) Ein weiterer Fall der mit aneurysmaartigen Bildungen der Retinalgefiisse ver- bundenen Retinalerkrankung. Ibid., stuttar., 19ii5. xliii, 137-143, 1 pl— Keiper (G. F.) OccluMoiiof a branch oi the central arterv of the retina. Tr. Am. Acad, ophth. [etc.]. OphthaLSect.St. Clair, 1906, 45-53, 2 pl.—Kess- ler(H. J.) Eenige opmerkingen omtrent perivasculitis der retinaal-arterien bij retinitis. < e-neesk.Ti id sch r. v. Ne- derl. Indie,Batav.,1889,xxviii,305-310— Levin i IL) Leber einen Fall von abnormer Schlangelung der Netzliaut- gefiisse. Arch.f. Augenh., Wiesb.,1898,xxxviii. 257-267,lpl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1902, xxxi, 437- 443, 1 pl.—Lunn (J. R.) A case of compression of the retinal veins by thickened arteries, with haemorrhages and patches of white exudation in the right eve only. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 145.— McCarthy A: Harbridge ( F. D.) A patient with in- termittent collapse of the retinal vessels. .J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1906, xxxiii, 731.—MarkofF(L) End- arteriitis obliterans arterise centralis retime diffusa. Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1898, xv, 154-167. Also, transl: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1897-8, xxxvi, 378-390. Also, I niisl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1902, xxxi, 466-473.— Ueyer (E.) Contribution au diagnostic ophtalmoseo- piquedes alterations des parois vasculairesclans la reLine. Rev. g<§n. d'opht., Par., 1S92, xi, 97-113.—von .tlicliel Ueber Erkrankungen des Gefasssystems der Arteria und Vena centralis retinae mit besonderer Renicksichtigung der pathologisch-anatomischen Veranderutnren. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1899, ii, 1-34, 2 pl—llillikin (B. L.) An unusual dilatation of the superior temporal artery and vein of the retina. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1904, xxxiii. 471- 473, 1 pl. — TtJotfat ( J. L. ) A few cursory notes on some of the vascular changes observed in the retina. Homo-op. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y., 1905, xi, 54- 56. — lloreau & Ilollet. Phlebite de la veine centrale de la retine. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 218.— Ptluger. Un casd'arterite etde phlGbite retinienne: in- jections d'huile biioduree; gangrene partielle de la fesse. Bull, etmem. Soc. franc, d'opht.. Par.. 1902, xix, 344-349.— Pineus (F.) Vollige Wiederherstellung der Funktion nach Apoplexia sanguinea retinae (Thrombosis vena1 cen- tralist Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1907, xlv,508- 573.—Raelilmann i E.) Ueberdieophthalmoscopische liiairnosc sclerotisclier Erkrankungen der Netzhautge- i';is»i-. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1902, vii, 425-451, 2 pl.— Reber i W. i obstructive disease of the retinal vessels. Retina (Blood-supply e>f\ Disorders of). Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.]. Ophthal. Sect, St. Clan, 1906, 24-44, 3 pl. -----. Beginning signs of retinal aiurie- sclerosis. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, P.O'.i, xviii, 71-77.—Hoi- let. La phlebite retinienne. Rev. g£n. d'opht. Par 1907, xxvi, 49-53.—Sehellels lO.) Ein Fall von Peri- vasculitis retinae. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii, 371-380. -----. Netzhautvenenerkrankung als Ur- sache recidivirender juin-iidlicher Netzhaut- und Glas- korperblutungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u Berl., 1897, xxiii, 199-201.—Sellrader. Ein endarte- ritisch erkranktes cilio-retinales Oefasssystem im Zusam- menhange mit dem Circulus arteriosus nervi optici Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1900. xvi, 81-90, 1 pl—tie Sehweinitz to. E.) Concerning alterations in the retinal bloodvessels caused by general arterio-sclerosis and chronic nephritis. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1902-3, xv, 407. -----. Intra-ocular angiosclerosis and its prognostic and diagnostic significance. Internat. Clin Phila.,1907,17.s.,i,177-ls8.2 pl.—Seydel. Ein Aneurysma arterio-venosum (Varix aneurysmatieus) der Netzhaut. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1898-9. xxxviii, 157-163, 1 pl Also: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1901, xxx, 260-264,1 pl. -----. Zu den Circulationsstorungen der Netzhaut. Ztschr. f Augenh., Berl., 1899, ii, 349-353, 1 pl.—Milba ,s.j Ex- Eerimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Embolie der N'etz- aut und Aderhaut. Arch. f. Ophth., I.eipz., P.iuii, lxiii, 393-417, lpl. —Shoemaker iW. T.) obstruction of the central retinal artery; report of a case. Am. .1. M. s<:., Phila. & N. V., I'.'tU, n. s., exxvii, 677-084.—Simon i'R.) Netzhautvenen-Erkrankung als Ursaehe der jugend- lichen Netzhaut- und Glaskorperblutung. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1890. xx, 325-331.—Sue 11 (S. > ,\ case of periarteritis of the retinal arteries. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1899-1900, xx, 106-108,1 pl., 1 1.— Surean. I'n cas d'isehemie retinienne chez une jeune I fille; rellexions sur le diagnostic et le pronostic de cetle affection, au moment de la periode aigue. Bull, et m<$m. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1896, xiv, 392-396. Also: Rec. d'opht , Par., 1896, 3. s., xviii, 473-477.—Terson pere. Dilatationsart6rio-veineusesanevrysmalesde la retine, en rapport avec une lesion tres probablement tuberculeuse. Ann. d'ocul.. Par., 1908, exxxix, 354-358. Also: Arch. med. de Toulouse. I'.mis, xv, 201-207.—Tyson iII.H\) Cyano-is retina-. Arch. ( iphth.,N. Y.,19us. xxvii.5.V>-560,1 pi.—I'hthotr. Zwei Falle von Verschluss der Arteria centralis retina-. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1890, xxvii. 825.— Van der Biest. Obliteration simultanee de l'artere centrale des deux reLincs. Ann. Soc. de mc»d. d'Anvers, 1902, lxiv, 109-113.—Varese (P. M.) Sulla papillite nella sclerosi a placche. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1897-8, v, 210-216—VerlioefffF. H.) Obstruction of the central retinal vein. Arch. Ophth.. N. Y., 1907, xxxvi, 1-36, 3 pl. Also JAl.str.]: Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1906, xxv, 353-357 — Videky i R.) Arecehartya-edenyeksklerosis^rol. [Scle- rosis of the vessels of the retina.]" Szem£szeti lapok, Bu- dapest, 1903, 7-11—\Vageiimanii(A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Circulationsstorungen in den Netzhaut- gefassen. Arch.f. Ophth., Leipz. 1897, xliii. 2. Abth.,219- 249. Also: Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch Heidelb. lvo", Wiesh., 1898. xxvi, 153-164.—WeMhoff (C. H. A.) Lin eigenthiimlicher Fall variedser Netzhaui- venenerweiteruntr. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1894, xviii. li,r> —\V iirdemaiiii i, II. V.) Report of acase of thrombo-phlebitis of the central retinal vessels, with necropsv. Arch. Ophth., N. Y„ ls',4, xxiii, 145-154. Also, transl: Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1897, 29. Hft., luu-109.—Ziiiiuieriiiauii (C.) Disturbances of circu- lation in the retina from arterio-sclero^K Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison. 1*99. xxxiii, 87-92. Also: Arch. ophth., N. V . Ism'.i, xxviii, 390-39s. Retina (Carcinoma of). See Retina ( Tumors of, Sfalignant). Retina (Centred artery of (>h*tpaction See Retina (Blood-supply of, Disorders of). Retina (Commotion of). See Retina ( Traumatism of). Retina (Cyanosis of). See, also, Cyanosis; Heart (Diseases of, Con- genital). Babinski (J.) & Toul'eseo (Mile. S.) De la cyanose des retines dans le retrecissement de l'artere pulmonaire. N. inmog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1905, xviii, 194-200,1 pl— Baquis E.) Ueber pathologische Anatomie und Pathogenese der Cyanosis retina, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die I'athogenese des Glaukoms. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 190s. lxviii. 177-231, 2 pl.—Ilirsehberg (J.) Leber Ovanose der Netzhaut. Ibid.. I'M a. lix, 131,1 pl.— Posey i W. c.) Cyanosis retinae. Tr. A in. Ophth. Soc., Hartto'rd. 1903-5, x, 634-644, 1 pl. Also: Am. J. M. Sc., Phila. n-es,-ma. Siglo med., Madrid, 1906, liii. 25S-26L—Aiidoirsky i N.) Ueber das Verhalten des Sehpurpurs bei der Netzhautablosung. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1897, xliii, 2. Abth., 404-442.— Arinaigiiae (Hi Nouvelle observatiou de guerison spontanee de decollement traumatique de la retine. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1894, 3. s., xvi, 257-261.—Baas (K.) Kristalldrusen in und unter der abgelosten Netzhaut. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1903-4, lvii, 571.— Baquis (E.) studio clinico di un caso di distacco di retina in contri- bu/ione alia conoscenza della nutrizione della retina. Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital. 1885, Pavia, 1896, xiv, 26U-275. Also: Ann. di ottal.. Pavia, 1896, xxv, 241-256.— Barnes (J. L.) Detachment of the retina. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp. Rep., N. Y., 1894, i, 27-36.—Barrett l.i. W.) Caseof detachment of the retina. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1896, i, 109. [Discussion], 115—Boek (E.) Ausgebreitete Netzhautabhebung nach Morserschuss; Erblindung; spontane Wiederher- stellung von Sehvermogen. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 202.—Bruner (\V. E.) Detachment of the retina. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1895, iv, 36.— Campbell (J. A.) Detachmentof the retina; acase. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., N. Y., 1900, xii, 190-192.— Collins (E. T.) Dragging forwards of the retina in the region of the ora serrata without general detachment. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 18*9. xii, 334-338.—Craig (J. A.) Remarks on a case of detachment of the retina. Brit. M. J, Lond., 1905, ii, 1641 — Dahrenstadt. Ein seltener Fall vonNetzhautablovnng. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 70-72— Deiitsehmann (R.) Zur Frage der Abreissung der Netzhaut von der Ora ser- rata. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1901, xlviii, 121-124. -----. Weitere Mitteilungen fiber mcin Heil- verfahren bei Netzhautablosung. 2. Fortsctzung. Beitr. ■ z. Augenh., Hamb. & Leipz., 1904, 59. Hft., 1-56.—Dor (H.) De la guerison spontanee du decollement retinien. Bull, et mto. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1893, xi. 240-249. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1893, ex, 419.—Dor CL.) Nouveau cas de decollement retinien gueri. Lyon med., 1902, xcviii. 446.—Dransart. Notes cliniques sur la curabilite, lv-tiolo'-rie et la pathogenie du decollement de la ratine; tln'orie du decollement par insuffisance de fil- tration. .1. d'ocul. du nord de la France, Lille, 1890-91, ii, 65-77.—Duncan (R. B.) Detachmentof the retina; its causation, prognosis, and treatment. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1895, n. s., xvii, 529-537.—Dunn (.1.) Partial detachment of the supero-temporal vein of the retina. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis. 1897. vi, 110-450—Elschniii (A.) Zur Entstehung der Netzhaut risse bei Netzhautablosung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Autrenh.. Stuttg., 1892, xxx, 416-127 — Fehr. Zur Kenntnissder Netzhautablosung. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 235.—Fortunati. Due casi di guarigione spontanea di distacco della retina. Retina (Detachment of). Bull. d. r. Acead. med. di Roma, 1901, xxvii, 39-52, 2 pl.— Foster (M. L.) Detachment of the retina. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1899, n. s., cxvii, 553-562.—Galezowski tX.) Du decollement de la retine et de son traitement. Ree. d'ophth., Par., 1890, 3. s., xii, 1-3.— Gaupillat. Du decollement de la retine. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opht., Par., 1888, vi, 189.—Gonln. Les causes et traitc- ments des decollements de la retine. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1906, xxvi, 343-310.—Grande le- nient. Traitement du decollement de la retine. Pro- vince med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 359. Atso: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1897, xi, 353. -----. Decollement de la partie inferieure de la r6tine. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 1092.— (.rant (W. L.) Acaseof retinal detachment, with a his- tory. Phila, M. J., 1898, ii, 871. -Gray (A. S.) A case of detachment of the retina. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1895, n. s., xvii, 355-357.—Green wood (A.) Cases of retinal separation. Ophthalmol., Milwaukee, 1904-5, i, 213-220.—Gurlinkel (A.) Sluchal samoproi'zvolnavo izlecheniya otslolki sietchatki. [Spontaneous healing of detached retina. 1 Vestnik oftalmol , Kiev, 1894, xi, 535.— ■iansell (H. F~.) Detachment of the retina. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 8. s., iii, 294-296—Hesse (R.) Zur Frage der Abreissung der Netzhaut von der Ora serrata. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xvii, 154-150.—von Hip- pel (E.) Ueber Netzhautablosung. Arch. f. Ophth.. Leipz., 1908. lxviii, 38-76, 2pl. -----. Nachtragzumeiner Arbeit: Leber Netzhautablosung. Ibiil., 392.—Horst- maun. Beitrage zum Verlauf der Netzhautablosung. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. (lesellsch. 1891, Stutttf., 1892, xxi, 140-145. —Kainoeki (V.) Selbstheiluny einer Lederhautentzundung und Netzhautablosung. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 15-17.— Keeliusi ML) Retinal detachment. St. Mary's Hosp. (iaz., Lond..1901,vii,82-87.—Kirkpatrick (S.) Report of a case of detachment of the retina. Alabama M. it S. Aire, Anniston, 1895-6, viii, 143.—Knaggs(R.L.) Acase of spontaneous recovery of a retinal detachment. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1896-7, xvii. 38-45. — Kopff*. Un cas de guerison spontanee du decollement de la retine. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1899, xvii, 327-332. Also: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1899,3. s., xxi,264- 269. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. Ren. d'opht., Par., 1899, xviii, 283.—Lange (O.) Zur Wiederanlegung der abgelosten Netzhaut. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xli, 528-533. — LauDer ( H. ) Ueber Netzhautablosung. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1908, xx, 118; 208. — Iieal, jr. Descollamento da retina. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Jan., 1903, vii, 333.—I»6pez (E.) Retina despren- dida. Arch, de la Policlin., Habana, 1900, viii, 154-150.— Itlarehetti (L. A.) Uncasodi guarigione spontanea di distacco retinico. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 1, 134-138.—Martinez Vazquez (A.) Caso clinico de desprendimiento de retina. Siglo med., Madrid, 1907. liv, 57.—Maser (G. W.) A case of detached retina. J. Kan- sas M. Soc, Lawrence, 1905, v, 279-281. [Discussion], 284- 288.—ITIazzoli (G. B.) Cenni sul distacco retinico c sua terapia con speciale riguardo alle iniezioni sottocongiun- tivalidi cloruro di sodio. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1899- 1900, vii, 255-278.— MergeI t F. I\.) Sluchal otslolki sietchatki. [Exfoliation of the retina.] Vrach. gaz., S.- Peterb., 1901, viii, 960-962.—Millikin (B. L.) Caseof muscular detachmentof retina with reattachment and recovery. West. Reserve M. J., Cleveland, 1894-5, iii, 370- 379.—MontaOo (E. F.) Algunas consideraciones sobre la pangenesis de los desprendimientos retinianos v su tratamiento. Gac. m6d., Mexico, 1904, 2. s., iv, 300-302.— Natanson (A. V.) Demonstratsiya bolnol s samoproi'z- volnim izllecheniyem otslolki sietchatki. [Spontaneous cure of exfoliated retina.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 425-427.— PostiM.H.) Detachment of theretina. Am. J.Ophth., St. Louis, 1907, xxiv, 129-135. — Betinal detachment. Medicine, Detroit, 1896, ii. 481-189. — Reynolds i D. S.) Detachment of the retina. Tr. Kentuek'v M. Soc. 1899, Louisville, 1900, xliv, 128-134. Also: Louisville Month. ,1. M. & S., 1899-1900, vi, 77-80.- Kilmer (P.) Ein Fall von totaler Abreissung der Netzhaut von der Ora serrata, Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1901, xxxix, 306.— lto. .1.1 Detachment of retina. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 96-99. Retina (Detachment of Causes and pathology of). See, also, Retina (Displacement of, Traumatic); Retina (Syphilis of); Retinitis (Striated). Flemminc; (J.) * Ueber einen Fall von Netz- hautablosung bei Retinitis albuminuric^ gravi- darum. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Fruchte (\V.) * Ueber Komplikationen, ins- besondere Netzhautablosung bei Hydrophthal- mus, nebst Beitriigen zu seiner Pathogenese. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1903. Aliajiuros (E.) IlapaTJjpTJcrei? €7ri TJJ5 o-v^votijto? rrjs a7TOKoAA7Js toO d/u.<£ij8AT7a"rpoei6oGs ?7ri juvaj7rta? Trap' r/fxiv. AarpiKi] n-pooSos, 'Ex 2upw, 1906, 324-326.—Axenl'eld (T.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Netzhautablosung und uber die Bedeutung allgemeiner vasomntorischer storungen ( Angcluccische Symptome) beim Hvdrophthalmus. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xli, 1-16.—Ba- duel i'.) II distacco della retina; distacco vero da mi- opia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii.pt. 4, 206; 218; 230; 241.—Belleneontre f E.) Decollement tardif de la re- tine apres resection du sympathique cervical pour goitre exophtalmique. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht, Par., 1901, xviii, 347-356.—Best i F.) Der Glaskorper bei Au- genbewegungen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Netzhautablosung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1904, xiii, 538-545. -----. Zur Pathogenese der Netz- hautablosung. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1906, Wiesb., 1907, 186-193, 1 pl.—Broeekaert. Opaci- tes du corps vitre et decollement retinien a la suite de si- nusiteethmoido-frontale. Belgiquemed.,Gand-Haarlem, 1901, i, 33-38. Also: Kev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1901, i, 14-19— Cantonnet (A.) La region papillo- maculaire et la perimetric des couleurs dans le decolle- ment retinien. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1906, xxvi, 513-521.— Crippen (H. H.) The pathology of detachment of the retina, based on deductions drawn from late researches on the functions of the uveal gland. Tr. Am. Inst. Ho- meop., Phila., 1892, xlv, 545-549.—Cyclitis and retinal detachment. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1906, xli, 269. — Delord. Signes du decollement de la retine! Echo med. d. C6vennes, Nimes, 1902, iii,27-29.—Dor (L.) Relations du decollement de la retine avec le rhnma- tisme tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 82-85.—Etu- dier le decollement de la retine et son traitement en se basant sur des recherches originales. [Rap. de Nuel.] Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1904, 335-337.— Frohlich ( C. ) Ueber spontane und postoperative Kurzsichtigkeitsnetzhautablosungen. Arch. f. Augenh Wiesb., 1898-9, xxxviii, 11-26.—Goldzieher (W.) Le- ber die Anatomie der bei Morbus Brightii vorkommen- den Netzhautablosung. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1900, iv, 49. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1900, xxxvi! 170-178.— <;on in (J.) La pathogenie du decollement spontane de la retine. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1904, cxxxii, 30-55. -----. Le role du corps vitre dans les diffe- rentes formes de decollement retinien. Cong, internat d'opht. 1904, Lausanne, 1905, b25-b32, 1 pl. [Discussion], c75. Also [Abstr.]: Clin, opht., Par., 1904, x, 313.— 22-.vjs.—nii*i,.. manns. Die Beziehungen zwischen Gin uki mi und NYt/ hautabhebung. Ibid., 1903, xli, 315-323.—Kalabros(M. X.) AictAeinwTes Trvpe-roi koX a7ro/coAA>;o-t? rov a/ti«- sokwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1901, 966-993.—/ieueiispeek (R.) Ein FallvonNetzhautablosunginfolgesogenantUer praklimakterischer Genitalblutung. Ztschr. f. Aum-iih., Berl., 1906, xvi, 196-198. Retina (D-tachment of Complications <>f)- Carslaw (J.i Detachment of retina in both eves in chronic nephritis. Tr. Glasg. Path. A: Clin. Soc, 1898-9, vii, 19?.— Cliaillous (J.) & Polaek tA.) Double de- collement de la r.-tine gueri depuis dix ans; choro'idite. Clin. opht.. Par., 1900, xii. 23U-233— Clarke (E.) Case of retinal detachment. Tr Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond.. 1891-2. xii, 144.—Collins i E. T.) On the origin RETINA. 487 RETINA. Retina (Detachment <>f Complications of). of ruptures in detached retinae. Ibid., 1895-6, xvi, 81-80.— Cowell i.G.) & tiriltith (J.) Circumferential folding of the periphery oi the iris, associated with detachment of the retina. Ibid., 1893-1, xiv, 95.—Bavidoit (G. S.) Sluchal rannyavo arterioskleroza s tsirrozom mnogikh organov, oslozhnennavo otslolkol sletchatok. [Early arteriosclerosis with cirrhosis of many organs, compli- cated with exfoliation of the retina*.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1900-1901, xxxvii, 368-373.— Eigeiitiiinliche Form von Netzhautablosung in Ver- bindung mit ehorioiditischen Veranderungen. Augen- heilanst. in Basel. Jahresb. (1895), 1896, xxxii, 45.— Hunter (D. W.) A case of detachment of the retina with peculiar features. N. York Eye & Ear Infirm. Rep., 1897, v, 23.— Juler iH.) Retinal detachment; ?intra- ocular growth. Tr. i >phth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Lond., 1899- 1900, xx, 152-155.—Krusius (F. F.) [Kail von Durch- locherung der Macula lutea bei Netzhautablosung.] Miinchen. med. Wchnschr,, 1908, lv, 46.—.Vlasselon (J.) De la chorio-retinite cicatricielle dans le decollement retinien tardivement gueri. Bull, et mem. Soc franc d'opht.. Par., 1897, xv, 322-327. — Noiszew ski (K.) Znaczenie zmetnienia ciala szklistegc) przy oderwaniu siatkowki. [Importance of cloudiness of the vitreous body in rupture of the retina] Post, okul., Krak6\v 1903, v, 137-443.—Sileoek (A.Q.) Detachment of retina; choroidal atrophy. Tr. Ophth. Soc. I . Kingdom. Lond., 1890-7. xvii, 45-47. 1 L, 1 pl — lei I la is. Double decolle- ment retinien chez un enfant de quatre ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1895, xiii, 175-189. Also: Med. mod., Par.. 1895. vi. 293. Also: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1895. 3. s., xvii, 2--->7-262.— Thomas (J.) Decollement de la retine avec glaucome simulant un neoplasme dans un ceil anciennement traumatise. Arch, d'opht,, Par., 1897, xvii, 474-179.—Velhajjen. Eine sehr seltene Form von Netzhautablosung und Iridoevklitis. Arch. f. Ophth Leipz.,.1900, xlix, 599-609. 1 pl.—Wood t D. J.) Retinal detachment with unusual dilation of retinal vessels and other changes. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1S91-2, xii, 143,1 L, 1 pl. Retina (Detachment of, Familial). De Beek (D.) Family history of retinal detachment. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1900, n. s., xliv, 176.—Fernandez M. S.) Total congenital detachment of the retina in two brother*. Arch. Ophth., N.Y., 1905, xxxiv, 338-347.— Hillikcn (B. L.) Three cases of detachment of the retina in the same family. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1896, v, 955-957.—Santos Fernandez (J.) Despren- dimiento total y congenito de la retina en dos hermanos. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1905, v, 417-420. Also: Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1906, xxxii, 65-68. Retina (Detachment of Traumatic). Bchlmaxn (A.) * Ueber spontane und nach Contusion entstandene Netzhautablosungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1905. Raoulx ( H. ) * Complications et conse- quences tardives des decollements de la retine. 8°. Boris, 1907. Zimmermanx (P. R.) *Ein Beitrag zu un- eerer Kenntnis von der Netzhautablosmng nach der Fukalaschen Operation. 8°. Kiel, 1903. Annuann (E.) Netzhautablosung und Unfall. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1904, xi, 400-409.—A rniaignae (H.) Nouvelle observation de guerison spontanee de decollement traumatique de la retine. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc- d'opht., Par., 1894, xii, 71-75. — Asmus (E.) Zur traumatischen Spatablosung der Netzhaut. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1906, xv, 441.—Bourgeois (A.) De- collement de la retine par suite de chute sur la tete. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1902, xxvi, 57. — t'arra (P.) Decollement retinien total apres trauma t i sm e grave. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 641.—Cramer (E.; Trau- matische Spatablosung der Netzhaut. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1905, xiii, 31-33.—Dunn (J.) A case of detached retina caused bv a bullet fired into the retromaxillary fossa. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix, 585.— Ellerhorst. Ein Fall von traumatischer Netzhaut- ablosuiifr. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1898, xxii, 266—Fromajjet. Decollement hemorragique de la re- tine par eiiort; guerison. J. demed. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 251. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1900), 1901,131.—Guedes de Mello. Caso de descollamento traumatico da retina e ruptura da cho- roide; ctiradefinitiva; consideracoes sobre a pathogenia e o tratamento dos descollamentos retinianos. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio dc Jan., 1897, i, Im-22.—Men- gelber*; 'R.) Zur Spiitdiagnose traumatischer Netz- hautabldMiiig. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1906, xvi, 466- 469.— Onkcn. Zur Spiitdiagnose traumatischer Netz- hautablosung. Ibid., 1905, xiv, 165. — Pagenstecher (A. H.; Zwei Falle von traumatischer Retinaveriinde- Retina (Detachment of, Traumatic). rung (multiple isolirte Netzhautrupturen); Lochbildung in der Gegend der Macula lutea. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1902, lv, 135-143, 1 pl.—Paul (L.) Ein Fall von voll- stiindiger Losreissung der Retina von dem Sehnerven nach Bulbusverlefzung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1905, xliii, 185-191,1 pl— Plalz. Die Netzhaut- ablosung als Unfallfolge. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, x, 261-271.—It cma k. Ein durch Kopftrauma geheilter Fall von Netzhautablosung. Centralbl. f. Augenh., Leipz., 1906, xxxi, 262. — Seheftels (O.) Ueber trau- matische Dialyse (Abreissung an der Ora serrata) und secundiire Aufrollung der Retina. Arch. f. Augenh Wiesb., 1890-91, xxii, 308-315, 1 pl. — Schwarz (O.) Netzhautablosung 8 Jahre nach Perforationsverletzung Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xvii, 54-57.—Weill (<;'.) Kontusion des Auges mit nachtriiglicher Netzhautablo- sung. Ibid., 1906, xv, 140-143. Retina (Detachment of Treatment of). See, also, Retina (Detachment of, Treatment of, Operative). Brengues (A.) * Contribution a l'etude du traitement du decollement de la retine par les injections sous-conjonctivales de chlorure de sodium. 8°. Toulouse, 1907. Buffiere (J.-B.-M.) * Sur le traitement des decollements de la retine par les injections sous- conjonctivales de chlorure de sodium. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Jaxecke ([C. H.] K.) *Ein Beitrag zur Therapie der Netzhautablosung (10 Falle). [Berlin.] 8°. Hannover, 1895. Makaval (J.) Contribution ii l'etude du decollement de la retine et de son traitement par electrolyse. 4°. Baris, 1895. -----. The same. 8°. Baris, 1895. Plazy (L.) * Traitement du decollement de la retine. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Staerkle (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Therapie der Netzhautablosung. 8°. Basel, 1900. Abadie (C.) Traitement du decollement de la re- tine. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1890, viii, 130-141— Adainyuk (E.) Po povodu voprosa ob izlie- chimosti otsloyennoi sietchatki. [On the curability of exfoliated retina.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1892, ix, 367-378.— Alvarado (E.) & Alvarez (A.) Curaci6n del desprendimiento de la retina. Arch, de oftal. His- pano-Am., Madrid, 1902, ii, 504; 545.—Asmus (E.) Zur Frage des Druckverbandes bei Netzhautablosung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 703-705.— Bad lie I (C.) Distacco di retina, mestruale, recidivante, sintomatico di edema retroretinico vasomotorio, con esito in guarigione. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. 1902, Firenze, 1903, 6.— Bonte. Traitement du decollement de la retine. Clin. opht., Par., 1907, xiii, 3-6. Also, transl: Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1907, xi, 228-234.—Bourgeois (A.) Traitement du decollement de la retine. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1892, xvi, 366-377. -----. Constitution du vitre, comme point de depart du traitement du decollement de la retine. Bull, et m6m. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1897, xv, 368-378. Also: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1897, 3. s., xix, 566- 575. Also: Union m6d. du nord-est, Reims, 1897, xxi, 163; 181. -----. Traitement du decollement de la retine par les injections sous-conjonetivales de chlorure de so- dium. Clin, opht., Par., 1901, vii, 245-248— Bu 11 (C. S.) Recent experiences in the treatment of detached retina, with a detailed report of thirty-eight cases. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1894-6, Hartford, 1897, vii, 15-48. Also, Re- print, Also: N. York M. J., 1894, lx, 267; 296.—Castre- sana y <>oieochea ( B.) Desprendimiento de la retina; su curaci6n por las inyecciones de cloruro de sodio. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1902, xlix, 114; 131; 146; 162.— Cliaillous (J.)APolaek (A.) Double decollement de la retine gueri depuis dix ans; choroi'dite disseminee. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii, 41-1-127. —Cheval- lereau. Note sur le traitement du decollement de la retine. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1892, x, 339-342.— Clarke (E.) The prophylaxis of detachment of the retina. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiv, 1.—Delwarde. Decollement retinien dil k la myopie chez un enfant de 6 ans; quelques mots concer- nant le traitement des decollements retiniens en gene- ral. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1908, 4. s., xxxi, 373-395.— Ileiitschmaiiii (R.) Ueber ein neues Heil verfahren bei Netzhautablosung. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1895, 20. Hft., 1-80. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 345. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Post Anhang: Curorte-Rev., Wien, 1895, iii, No. 20, 2. -----. Bemerkungen fiber die Netzhautablosung und ihre Behandlung. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1903, vii, 324- 326. Also, transl: Clin, opht., Par., 1903, ix, 318-320.-----. RETINA. 488 RETINA. Retina (Detachment of, Treatment of). Demonstration von Patienten mit geheilter Netzhaut- ablosung. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, x, 336. -----. Demonstration von zwei weiteren Fiillen von Netzhaut- ablosung die durch sein Verfahren geheilt sind. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, Ver-Beil., 299. -----. Sulla cura del distacco retinico. Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1904, 1727-1734. -----. Die Behandlung der Netzhautablosung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 564-566. Also [Abstr.]: Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1907, v, 410-415. -----. Noeh einmal: Die Behandlung der Netzhautablosung. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1907, 67. Hft., 5-36.—Dianoux. Traitement du decolle- ment de la retine par les injections de serum sucre. Clin. opht., Par., 1904. x, 376. Also: Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1904, 2. s., xxii, 1024-1020.— Dor (H.) Le traitement du decol- lement retinien. Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1896, xiv, 396-412. -----. Sur le traitement du decolle- ment de la retine. Cong, internat. d'opht. d'Utrecht. Compt.-rend., Amst., 1900, 418-425. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1899, ii, Ergnzngshft., 29.—Dor (L.) Decollement de la retine gueri par l'eiectrolvse. Lyon med., 1902, xcviii, 566. -----. Resultats eloignes du traitementde 25deVollementsde la retine. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1907, cxxxvii, 440-443.—Draeoulidfes. Une obser- vation sur le traitement du decollement de la retine. Bull. et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1890, viii, 141. -----. Traitement du decollement de la retine. Ibid., 1891, ix, 324-326.— Dransart. La myopie et le decollement de retine dans leurs rapports avec la cecite; moyens curatifs et preventifs. Bull, d'ocul., Toulouse, 1907, 3. s., xxi, 99- 102.—Emerson (J. B.) A contribution to the study of the treatment of retiiud detachment. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 330-333. — Etievant. Les injections sous- conjonctivales de chlorure de sodium dans le decolle- ment de la retine. Echo med. de Lyon, 1901, vi, 141- 143.—Fish (H. M ) Acase of retinal detachment that vielded immediately to treatment. Homceop. Eve, Ear & Throat J., N. Y., 1904, x, 267-273. Also: Ophtli. Rec, Chicago, 1904, xiii, 260-267.—Freytag (G.) Der Druck- verband in der Therapie der Netzhautablosung. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvi, 1734-1736.—Galezow- ski. Du decollement de la retine et de son traitement. (lac. ined., Mexico, 1904, 2. s., iv, 86-88, 1 pl.—Galtier. Therapeutique du decollement de la retine. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1891, cvi, 422-425.—Gasparrini (E.) Di una speciale iniezione sottocongiuntivale nella cura del distacco di retina. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1901, 4. s., xiii, 113-120. — Gillet de Grandmont. Vaste decollement de la retine; electrolyse: guerison. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1894, xiv, 337-340— Gotti (VI An- cora della cura dei distacchi di retina. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1898, 7. s., ix, 718-722. —Gradeiiino (P.) Sulla cura del distacco della retina col massaggio. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1893-4, 7. s., v, 1349- 1364, 3 pl.—Grandclement. Decollement de la re- tine traite par la dionine. Lyon med., 1902, xcix, 17.— Grimsdale (H. B.) Sub-conjunctival injections of sa- line in retinal detachment. Med. Times , di una certa quantity di vitreo tolta dall'occhio del coniglio. Riv. veneta d. sc. med..Venezia,1890,xxv,172-181.—ile Gouvea (H.) Caso •de cura de descollamento da retina por punceao scleroti- ca! e sclerotico-retinal. Rev. d. cursos prat, e theor. da Fac. de med. do Rio de Jan., 1886, iii, 2. num., 103-109.— Hirsehberg (J.) 1. Ueber operative Behandlung der Netzhautablosung; 2. Beitriige zur Anatomic und Patho- Retina (Detachment of Treatment of Operative). logic des Auges. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1879, viii, 37- 64. Also, Reprint. -----. Zur operativen Behandlung der Netzhautablosung. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1891, xv, 294. — Kroiiheim (A.i Ueber die Erfolge der Skleralpunction bei Netzhautablosung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Heil., ls'.is, xxiv, 282 280.—Licbrecht. Bemerkungen zu der operativen Behandlungder Netzhautablosung nach Seholer. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr.,1891, xxxviii,258. Also: Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1890-91, Munchen, 1892, i, 103.—McMulien (W. H.) A case of detachment of the retina in which recovery tollowed scleral puncture. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1906-7, xxvii, 124-128 — Itlaser (G. W.) Surgical treatmentof detached retina. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1907-8, ix, 550-560. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxii,510-512.—.Tltiller (L.) Ein neues Operationsverfahren zur Heilung der Netz- hautabhelnuig. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 977- 982. Also: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, xli, 459-162.—IVieati. Section du canal godronne pour de- verser riiunieur aqueuse dans le vitre en cas de decolle- ment retinien. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par. 1891, 9. s., iii, 542.—Norton (A. B.) A case of detachment of the retina with subsequent cataract; absorption of the cata- ract after iridectomy. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y., 1896, xxxi, 182-184.—Faton (L.) Case of detachment of the retina, treated liv operation. Am. ,J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1908, xxv, 183. Also: Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1907-8, xxviii, 150-152.—Rogers (W. K.) Two cases of detachment of the retina, traumatic in origin, treated by drainage incision. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1900- 1902, ix, 525-529.—Rovirosa. Operacion radical contra el desprendimiento de la retina. Med. de los ninos, Bar- cel., 1907, viii, 10.—Sachs i M.) Ueber ein operatives Ver- fahren zur Beseitigung von Netzhautabhebung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 1309-1312.—Santos Fernan- dez (J.) Tratamiento del desprendimiento de la retina por oftalmotomia. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1890-91, xxvii, 380-388. —Seholer. Kurze Be- merkungen iiber die Wirksamkeit der Jodtinktur im Anschluss an den von Dr. Gelpke mitgetheilten Fall von operativ behandelter Amotio retinse (nach Seholer) mit todtlichem Ausgange. Centralbl. f. prakt./Augenh., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 327-330. -----. Zur operativen Behand- lung der Netzhautablosung mittelst Jodinjection in den Bulbus, mit Demonstration geheilter Falle. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1890), 1891, xxi, pt. 2, 167-194. [Discussion], pt. 1, 111-113. Also: Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 708; 798. -----. Zur operativen Behandlung der Netzhaut-Ablosung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1896, xxxiv, 18-25.—Schultz (P.) Zur Therapie der Netzhautabhebung unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Skleralresektion zur Heilung derselben. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1904. xviii, 513-518. — de Sehiveinitz (G. E.) Scleral puncture in detachment of the retina, with illustrative cases. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i, 295-3U0.—Seeond i (R.) Sulla cura chirurgica del dis- tacco retinico mediante la idrodictiotomia. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1896, xxv, 352-360. Also: Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1896, xi, 267. Also: Atti Cong, region, lignre 1896, Genova, 1897, ii. 55. —Spalding (J. A.) A new suggestion for the treatment of detachment of the retina according to Deutschmann's method. ,1. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1894-5, i, 277-279. — Stillson (J. O.) Detach- ment of the retina; report of five cases operated on bv the multiple puncture of the sclerotic with the galvano- cautery; four recoveries; one negative result Tr. West. ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass. Ophth. div., St. Louis, 1898, 23- 39. .l/«/.- Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1898, xv, 129-141.— Sutplien (T. Y.) Result of scleral puncture in two cases of detachmentof the retina; the first successful in- restoring good useful vision, the second resulting in slight improvement only. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hart- ford, 1891-3, vi, 300-308.—Webster (D.) Nine cases of detachment of the retina treated bv operation. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 320-330. — Wernicke IG.) Klinische und experimentelle Beitriige zur operati- ven Behandlung- der Netzhautablosung. Klin. Mo natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1906, xlv, 134-161.—Wer- nicke (O.) Tratamiento quinirgicodel desprendimieto- de la retina. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1895, xviii, 365-372.—WollI"(VV.) .lodinjectionen in den Glaskorper von Hunden; cine experimentelle Studie zu Schoeler's "operativer Behandlung und Heilung der Netzhautablosung". Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1891. xl, 2. Abth., 63-112, 1 pl. — Ziiiiiuermaiin (W.) Dureh- schneidung von Giaskorperstrangen bei traumatischer Netzhautablosung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Stuttg., 1907, xlv, 192. Retina (Detachment of) in animals. von Hymiiien (H.) Ueber einen Fall von Netz- hautablosung beim Schweine. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Stuttg., 1902, xl, 292. — Wessely tK.) Demon- stration von kiinstlich an Tieren erzeugteu Netzhaut- ablosungen. Cong, internat. d'opht. 1904, Lausanne, 1905, RETINA. 490 RETINA. Retina (Detachment of) in animals. cl58-cl63. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 445. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1905), 1906, xxxvi, 139-141. — Xlniineriuann i.W.) Leber einen Fall von Netzhautablosung beim Hund. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1897, xxxv, 346-351. Retina (Detachment of) in pregnancy. Greenwood (A.) & Williams (E. K.) Bilat- eral retinal detachments in the nephritis of preg- nancv. 12°. Boston, 1902. Selierenbera; (K. ) Ein Fall von doppelseitiger Netzhautablosung -mit Drucksteigerung bei Retinitis al- buminuriea gravidarum. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1905, xliii, 31-44.—Tsukushiki. [A case of detachmentof the retina during pregnancy.] Iji Shin- bun, Tokio, 1904, 663-669. Also: Nippon Gankwa Gaku- kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, viii, 309-380. Retina (Diseases of). See, also, Amaurosis; Glaucoma; Neuro- retinitis; Retina (Anrcsthesia in); Retina (Atrophy of'); Retina (Blood-supply of, Disor- ders of); Retina (Detachment of); Retina (ILeinorrhage in); Retina (Ischremia of); Ret- ina ((Edema of); Retina (Syph His of); Retina ( Tuberculosis uf); Retina ( Tumors of); Retini- tis \_auel subdirisious]; Scotoma; Sun (Eclipse of, Observation of, Injuries to eyes from). Meyer (E.) * Ueber die Erkrankungen der Macula lutea der Netzhaut. 8°. Zurich, 1889. Scholte (G. J.) * Waarnemingen met een enkelen netvlieskegel. 8°. Leiden, 1898. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Phvsiol. d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., ls;i8-9, xix, 251-262. Stigell (H.) * Ueber Blendung der Netz- haut. 8°. Slrnsxburu, 1883. Zi.mmermanx (G. [H. E.]) Zur Analysis und Synthesis der pseudoplastischen Prozesse im Allgemeinen und einiger itn Besonderen. 8°. Berlin, 1844. Ailamkiewicz. Ueber die Stauungspapille. Neu- rol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1893, xii. 802.—Aurand. Fibres myediniques de la retine eoincidant avec line amblyopic par trouble de developpement de la papille. Lyonmed., 1908, ex. 961 —Baas i K.) Erkrankungen der Netzhaut und des Sehnerven. Egcbn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1899. Wiesb.. 1901, vi, Ergnzngsbd.. 318-324.—Best (F.) Leber eine hereditiire Maculaaffektion. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1905, xiii, 199-212.— Birch-Hirschi'eld (A.) Die Erkrankungen der Netzhaut und des Seh- nerven. Bericht iiber die Jahre 1900-1905. Ergebn. d. allg. Path, ul path. Anat., Wiesb., 1907, x, Ergnzngsbd., 843-1043. — Brauershtein (E. P.) Angionevrozi slet- chatol obolochki glaza. [Angioneuroses of the retina.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1905, xxii, 378^394. Also [Ab- str.]: Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix . . . syezda. 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, iii, 91-95 — Bui la i- t.I. F.) Ossification of the retina; ?sympa- thetic iritis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep , Lond., 1893, xxix, 302-304— Burchardt (M.) Beitrag zur Diagnose und zur Behandlung der Stauungspapille. Charit6-Ann., Berl.. 1895. xx, 303-312— Burkholder t.I. F.) Fundus lesions with normal vision. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1907, xvi, 43-70, 9 pl— t'astresana ( B.) Oonges- tiones de la retina. Arch, deoftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1905, v, 120-445. A/so: siglo med.. Madrid. 1005. Iii, 348; 363; 380.—Daiiilaiski iV.) Sluchal zastoinavo soska s voz- stanovleniyem zricniya poslle tryoklmedicliioi polnol poteri yevo. [Congestion of papilla, with restoration of sight after its complete loss for three weeks.] Ejened. jour. " Prakt. Med.", St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 701-703. Also, transl: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg.. 1898, xxxvi, 63-67.—Darier (A.) Dcgeneresccncecysto'ide bilaterale de la retine it evolution lente et progressive. Arch. d'opht., Par., 1890, x, 203-211, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Dudley iW. HA Trepid metamorphopsia. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1896, vii, 267.—Kllett (E. ('.) Metamorphopsia. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1897, vi, 5.—ICIschuig (.\.) Leber die sogenannte Stauungspa- pille. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1894, viii, 957-960. —Kwing (A. E.) Retinal exhaustion. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1907, xxiv, 193-195.—Falehi (F.) Leber die Bildung cvstenartiger Hohlraume im Gebiete der Retina. Arch. f." Ophth., Leipz., 1895, xli, 4. Abth., 187-228, 1 pl.—Fick (A. E.) Ueber Ermudung und Erholung der Netzhaut; eine Entgegnung. Ibid., 1892, xxxviii, 1. Abth., 118-126.— I''iek (A. E.) & Oiirber (A.) Ueber Erholung der Netzhaut. Pud., 1800, xxxvi, 2. Abth., 245-301.—van Genus (J. i:. i Ken zeldzame en eigenaardige retinaal- I aandoening. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, ! Retina (Disease* ef). 2. r., xli, d. 1,179.—ii rad ie (II.) Retinal disease limited to the region of the fovea. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xli, 592.—Harman (N. B.) Rectangular connective- tissue film veiling the optic disc. Tr. Ophth. Soc. V. King- dom, Lond.. 1902-3, xxiii, 254-256, 1 pl.—Heilbrunuer (K.) Leber M ikropsie und ver wand te Zustiinde. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1904, xxvii, 414-423.—Heyl (A. G.) Albuminoid (?) deposit in the optic dNk and retina. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1894-6, Hartford, lsy7, vii, 35.5-360.—Hoche (A.) Zur Frage der Entstehung der Stauungspapille. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1897, xxxv, 192-200.—Hirsehberg. Ueber Alters veranderungen der Netzhaut. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 322-324.—Jackson ( E.) Diseases of the retina and head of the optic nerve. Progr. Med., Phila. & N Y, 1899, ii, 390-105.—Iaesehe(E.) Zwei eigenthiimliche Fiille bekannter Netzhautleidcn. Arch. f. Augenh Wiesb.. 1893, xxvii, 133-142, 1 pl.—Lopes Oca ft a. De- generescencia calcarea retino-choroidea. Coimlna med., 1884, iv, 67-69.—.Merz (A.) Experimental investigations on the pathogenesis of choked disc. [Abstr.] Arch Ophth., N. Y., 1901, xxx, 348-364.—Monoyer. Visibility subjective de la tache aveugle. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 169-171.—Sachs i M.) Zur Erklarung der Mikropsie (nebst Bemerkungen iiber die geschiitzte Grosse gesehe- ner Gegenstande). Arch. f. Ophth , Leipz., 1897, xliv, 87- 101.—Nchobl (J.) Diseases of the retina. Svst. Dis Eye(Xorris ..t Oliver), Phila., 1898, iii. 413-477, 21 pl — Sehoen (W.) Die Funktionskrankheiten der Ora ser- rata und des Ciliartheiles der Netzhaut. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1894-5, xxx, 128-178. Also, Reprint. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1897, xxvi, 428-430.—de Schweinitz (G. E.) Aseries of cases presenting minor lesions in the macula lutea. .1. Am. M. Ass.. Hiicagn. 1890, xv, 557-561.—Tay (W.) Symmetrical retinal dis- ease in infants. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1892, i, 1022.—Voiuolf. O vliyanii santonina na sietchatku. [Influence of san tonin on the retina.] Med. Obozr., 2. ed., Mosk., 1874, i, 375.—Webster (D.) Acase of choked disks with unim- paired vision. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1891, viii, 339- 343.—Widmark (J.) Om bliindning af nathinnan. [Blinding of retina.] Nord. ophth. Tidsskr., Kjpbenh., 1892, v, 57-70. Retina (Diseases of, Causes and pathol- 1'mil of). See, also. Retina (Biepnent of); Retina (Stria- tionsof); Retinitis (Causes, etc., of). Baquik(K.) Alterazioni della retina conse- cutive ad inipiccagione o strangolamento. s°. Bisa, 1890. Also, in: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1891-2, xx, 121-424. Isciireyt (G.) Ueber septische Xetzhaut- veranderungen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1900. SciiREiBEit (L.) * Ueber Degeneration der Netzhaut und des Sehnerven. Nach e'xperi- mentellen und pathologisch-anatomischen Un- tersuchungen. Habilitationsschrift. [Heidel- berg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Baquis (K.) Fatti istologici consecutivi ad anemia temporanea della retina. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1891-2, xx, 161-177.—Barr i J.S.) & Rowan (J.) [An investi- gation into the frequency and significance of optic neu- ritis and other vascular changes in the retime of patients suffering from purulent disease of the middle ear, with the results of examination of the eves and ears in 100 con- secutive cases.] Glasgow M. J.. 1907, lxviii, 513.—Beau- mont (W. M.) The soldier's red coat as a cause of reti- nal hypera-sthesia. Brit.M.J., Lond., 139 l.ii, 584.—Bond i (M.) Die pathologisch-anatomischen Veranderungen der Retina bei pernicioser Anaemie. Arch.f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1896, xxxiii, Ergnzngshft., 85-100. — Caspar ( L. ) Ein Fall von seniler Degeneration in der Gegend der Macula lutea. Klin. Monatsbl. i. Augenh., Stuttg., 1892, xxx, 284- 287, 1 col. pl.—C/erniak (W.) Pathologisch-anatomi- scher Befund bei der von E. von Hippel beschriebenen sehr seltenen Netzhauterkrankung. Ber.ii.d.Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1905, Wiesb., 1906, 184; 335. — Dali- renstaedt. Ueber einen Fall von Sternfigur der Netz- hautmitte. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 42.—"De Bono. Ricerche sulle alterazioni dell' epitelio retinico c specialmente sulla formazione delle cosi dette glandule coroideali o corpi vitrei. Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital. 1890, Pavia, 1891, xii, 202-214. — Ed- munds (W.) Sections of retina from a caseof leuco- cvthsemia. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1889- 90, x, 157, 1 -L, 1 pl.—Elschnig (A.) Ueber die patho- logische Anatomie und Pathogenese der sogenannten Stauungspapille. Arch. f. Ophth.. Li ipz., 1895, xli, 2. Abth., 179-293, 2 pl.—Friedenwald (II.) The newer pathology of the retina; with special reference to the changes produced in the ganglion cells by certain toxic agents. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 141:5- RETINA. 491 RETINA. Retina (Diseases of Causes and /eat hot- oqy Le malattie del nervo ottico e della retina in rap- portocollealterazionidell' apparecchiocircolatorioed uro- poietico: considerazioni di fisiopatologiagenerale e di isto- logia patologica. Ann.di ottal., Pavia, 1904, xxxiii. 561- 009.—Pa:rehstecher (A.) Ueber Augenhindergrunds- veranderungen bei innerenKrankheiten.spee. beianami- schen Zustanden. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1905, Iii, 237-261.—Parsons (J. H.) Degenerations following lesions of the retina in monkeys. Brain, Lond., 1902, xxv. 257-269, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 1440. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. xii.—Pick i L.) Netzhautveranderungen bei chroni- schen Aniimieen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1901, xxxix, 177-192, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, Ver.-BeiL, 87 — Pulvermacher CE.) Ueber die Sternfigur in der Xetzhautmitte. Ceniralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 325-330.—Ko»ers (W. K.) Report of seven cases of retinal sequela; otdiM-a-e- a fleeting United States troops in Cuba and Porto Rico. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1899, viii, 489-499— Saloiiionsolui (II.) Ueber die sogenannte pathologische Netzhauter'mudung. Berl. Klinik,1894, 70. Hft., 1-22.—Schenck (H.D.) Retinitis; two cases of degenerate conditions. Homceop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., Lancaster, 1907, xiii, 145-152.—Sehreiber (L.) Ueber Degeneration der Net/.liaut und des Seh- nerven; nach expcrimcntellen und pathologisch-anato- mischen Untersuchungen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1906, lxiv, 237-339, 3 pl.—Sehreiber (L.) & Wengler (F.) Ueber Wirkungen des Scliarlachdls auf die Netzhaut; Mitosenbildung der Ganglienzellen. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1908, xix, 529-532. -----. -----. Ueber experimentelle Netzhautveranderungen. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1908, Wriesb., 1909, xxxv. 159-106.—Siegrist (A.) Ueber eine wenig bekannte Form von Netzhauterkrankung in Folge von Circulationsstorungen. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1896, Wiesb., 1897, xxv, 83-99—Steele (C.) A severe caseof retinal hvperwsthcsia from prolonged exposure to strong light. Edinb. M. ,L, 1897, n. s., ii, 265- 267.—Stock (W.i Leber eine bis jetzt noch nicht be- schriebene Form der familiar auftretenden"Netzhautde- generation bei gleichzeitiger Verblddung und iiber typi- sche Pigmentdegeneration der Netzhaut. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1908, xlvi, 225-244.— Takada (s.) Dedenmshi saimaku kikio no sitsuken. [Appear- ance of a snail like bodv on the retina.] Rikukun Ku- nigaku Kwai Zashi. Tokio, 1893, no. 61, 183, 1 pl.—Yarr (M. T.) Retinal sequelae of tropical fevers. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1899-1900, ii, 137. Retina (/diseases of IJiagnosis and se- meiology of). Janxin (A.) * Considerations sur une forme mal definiedestase papillaire aigue. 4°. Boris, 18So. Posadski (S. ) *Patologo-anatomicheskiya izmleneiiiya sietchatki pri niekotorikh ob- shtshikh zabolievaniyakh. [ Pathologo - ana- tomical changes of the retina in certain gen- eral diseases, j S°. Si ni ktpeterburg, 1882. Abadie (C.) Rapport sur le memoire du docteur Trousseau, intitule: Pseudo-atrophic de la papille. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1887), 1888, xxii, 52-54.—Brown (E. J.) Is physiological cupping of the optic disc, not confined to the center, evidence of a morbid process? Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1905, xxv, 256-260.—Coats t G.) Forms of retinal disease with massive exudation. Rov. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1907-8, xviii, 440-525.' U pl.— Cutler a'. W.) Drei ungewohnliche Falle von Retino- Cliorioideal-Degeneration. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1894-5, xxx, 117-122,1 pl.—Dehenne (A.) Note sur les pseudo-atrophies. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1887), 1888, xxii, 54-57.—Dor (H.) Maladie singuliere de la retine. Lyon med., 1907, cix, 37.—Feilcheni'eld (H.) Eine ungewohnliche Form von Erkrankung der Netz- hautmitte. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1901, v, 115-126, 1 pl.—(jrtinn (M.) Chronic retinal changes of unusual character. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1898-9, xix, 62.—Guziiianu (E.) Zwei Fiille einer sehr sel- tenen Netzhauterkrankung. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xvii, 40-45, 2 pl.—Hessberj*- (R.) Untersuchun- gen fiber die Verschmelzungsfrequens bei Augenhinter- grundserkrankungen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1908, lxix, 272-280.—von Hippel (E.) Ueber eine sehr seltene Erkrankung der Netzhaut; klinische Beobachtungen. Ibid., 1904, lix, 83-106, 4 pl. -----. Ueber eine sehr sel- tene Erkrankung der Netzhaut. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1903, Wiesb., 1904, xxxi, 199-207. Also [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, x, 352— Hutch- inson (J.) On the so-called retinal epilepsy. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1898, ix, 33-44.—Jaesche (E.) Two pe- culiar cases of well-known diseases of the retina. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1894, xxiii, 300-306, 1 pl.—Kinghorn ( H. McL.) Some retinal complications in chlorosis. Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 42-46.—Spengler (E.) Eine ungewohnliche Aderhautnetzhautveranding auf con- genitaler Basis. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1901, vi, 285- 292, 1 pl.—Trousseau (A. ) Pseudo-atfophies de la papille. Bull. Soc. de med. dc Par. (1887), 1888, xxii, 44- 46.—Wolff CH.) Neue Mitteilung iiber die Photogra- phic des direkten umgekehrten Augengrundbildes. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1906, x, 450-452, 1 pl. Retina (Embolism and thrombosis of). »See Retina (Blood-supply of, Disorders of). Retina (Exploration of). Lendon (E. H.) * The method of Cuignet or retinoscopy, with an atlas of diagrams. [Ox- ford.] 8°: London, 1902. Thorington (J.) Retinoscopy (or shade test) in the determination of refraction at one meter distance with the plane mirror. 5. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1906. Albertotti. Tavole fotoptometriche per la misura dell' emeralopia e del torpore retinico. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901-2, xxxvi, 150.—Atkinson (T. G.) In- terpreting the inverted retinal image. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1907, xxx, 252.—Aubaret. De l'examen si- multane et comparatif des deux rctines a I'image renver- see a l'aide de l'orthoscope. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 148-150.—Ay res (W.McL.) A study of fifteen hundred retinoscopic tests under a cy- cloplegic, with special reference to the axes of astigma- tism and accompanying svmptotns. Ohio M. J., Colum- bus, 1906-7, ii, 617-621.—Bruce ( E. S.) On a new instru- ment for measuring the duration of persistence of vision on the human retina. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1899, Lond.. 1900, 902.—Campbell (E. K.) Tbe theory of retino- scopv. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 582. —Cavazzani ( E. i Rhodopsimctre ou instrument pour determiner la cou- leur de la retine en rapport avec la quantite de rhodop- sinequi v est contenue. Arch.ital.de biol.,Turin, 1901-2, xxxvi, 4i9-428. Also, transl: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 632-635. — Foriin ( E.-P. ) Nouveau dispositif pour l'examen entoptique de la circulation retinienne. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 855— Hallett i G. De W.) The value of retinoscopy over ophthalmom- etry Homceop. Eye, Ear &..Throat J., N. Y., 1902, viii, 50-55.—Hammar (J. A.) & Ohrvall (H.) Undersok- ning af retina i ett fall af partiel makropsi. [Examina- tion of the retina and a case of partial macropsy.] Up- sala Lakaref. Forh., 1897-8, n. F., iii, 433-411—.Teniiiiijj,-s (J E.) The technique of retinoscopy. J. Am. M. Ass., RETINA. 492 RETINA. Retina (Exploration of). Chicago, l*9s. xxx. 254— Kriickmann (E.) Ophthal- moskopisches und Klinisches fiber die Neuroglia des Au- genhintergrundes. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Ge- sellsch. 1905, Wiesb., 1906. 52-76, 5 pl— Morton (0. E.) Seeing capillarv circulation in one's own retina. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 133.— Santucci (S.) Ap- plicazione dell' apparecchio Reymond alia pratica me- dico-legale; nuovo metodo per la dcterminazione della sensibilita retinica. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1905, xxxiv, 918-921. Also: Ann. di med.nav., Roma, 1906,i, 467-471.— de SeliAveiiiitz (<;. E.) Concerning the signs in the retina of persistent high arterial tension and their diag- nostic and prognostic import. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1906, xv, 383-394—Stevenson t M. D.) A shade to protect the examiner's eyes from the bright light when working with the source of light close to the mirror in photoscopy (retinoscopy). Ibid., 1904, xiii, 47. Also, Reprint.—Sy- inons (M.* J.) On retinoscopy. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. 1899, Brisbane, 1901, 316-326.—Thomson ill. W.) A convenient instrument for rapid retinoscopy. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1905, xxiv, 2imi Tomlinson (J. H.) A long arm for use in retinoscopv. Ophthalmoscope, Lond.. 19(i7. v, 145. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 60s—To- relli ( U.) Sullacromatoscopiaretinicanelleatronepapil- lari. Boll, d'ocul.. Firenze, 1888, x, 1-7. Also, Reprint.— Wiesner (D. H.i Retinoscopy. N. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 548-5.10.—Woodruff" (T. A.) Retinal changes as an aid to diagnosis in vascular degeneration. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xxii, 375-380. [Discussion], 1906, xxiii, 13-15. Retina (Extract of). Doyne (R.W.) The use of retinal extract in atrophia retina?. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 724-726. Also, transl: Clin, opht., Par., 1903, ix, 322-324. Retina (Foreign body in). See, also, Eye (Foreign benly in). FrechiA.) * Ueber einen Fall von Extrac- tion eines Fremdkrirpers aus der Retina. 8°. Strassburg i. F., ]S97. Wingenroth (E.) * Ueber Eisensplitter in der Netzhaut. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Karls- ruhe, 1897. Aubaret. Corps stranger m6tallique de la retine. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1909, xxx,- 21.—I»u- lour. Deux cas de perforation de la ratine; eclat de verre dansl'ieil. Kev. med. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1903, xxiii, 273— Goldzielier t V.) Idegen test a reti- naban. [Foreign body in the retina 1 Budapest! k. or- vosegy. 1894-iki evkon'yve, 1895. Kio-ltls.—Hirsehberg (J.) Ein seltener Operations-Fall. [Aus/ieliung eines an den Sehnerven-Eintritt angehefteten Eisensplitters.] Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1904, xxviii, 353- 359.—Hosch. Zur Einlieilung metallischer Fremd- korper in die Netzhaut. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1904, xlix. 209-211 .—.II c Lean (W.) A piece of steel imbedded in the detached retina. Homo-op. Lye. Ear it Throat J., Lancaster, 1908. xiv, 71.—rVatausoh (A. V.) Oskolok zhellezavsletchatkle. [An iron splinter in the retina.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1903, xx, 103. Retina (Clio ma of). Duhr (R. E. A. F.) * Ueber ein Glioma re- tina? mit massenhaften intrabulbiiren Metasta- ses 8°. Greifsn-uld, 1906. vox Hoffmann CSI.) Ein Beitrag zur Kasu- istik der doppelseitigen Xetzhautgliome mit Knochenbildung. 8°. Wurzburg, 1906. Isler (J.) * Ueber Glioma retime. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Koerber(H.) * Ueber Glioma und Pseudo- glioma retina'. 8°. Marburg, 1902. Mislowitzer (E.) * Ueber einen ungewohn- liehen Fall von (ilioma retina?. 8°. Wurz- burg, 1903. Mohr (T.) * Ueber Glioma retime mit Knotchenbildung auf der Iris. 8°. Berlin, [1904]. Plaut (M.) *Zur Casnistik der Xetzhaut- gliome. [Giessen.] 8°. yeu-Iseuburg, 1904. Schmitz (E.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Glioma retina?. 8°. Kiel, 1891. Scholz (A.) * Ueber Gliome der Retina mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung zweier Fiille, welche in der hiesigen Augenklinik in den letz- ten Jahren zur Behandlung gekommen waren. 8°. Greifsu-old, 1897. Retina (Glioma of). Wirth (J.) * Ueber zwei Fiille von Glioma retina' mit Besonderheiten. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Allenian (L.W.) A case of crypto-glioma of the ret- ina. Brooklyn M. .1., 1903, xvii, 214-247. — Ascunce. Etude sur le gliome de la retine. Ann.d'ocul., Par . 1905 exxxiii, 85-112, 1 pl.—Ay res (S. ('.) Glioma of the re- tina; reports of four cases. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1906 xxxv, 329-332, 2 pl.—Hall (I. M. i Glioma of the retina! St. Louis Cour. Med., 1895, xii, 5,-62,1 pl. Also: Internat Clin., Phila., 1896,5. s.,iv, 312-317. ,lto; St. Louis M Era' 1895-6, iv, 1-4. -----. Glioma of the retina. Med. Kev.' St. Louis, 1897, xxxv, 352-354.—Becker (II.) .leein l-'aii von wahrem und falschem Gliom der Netzhaut Ver- handl.d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907 Leipz 1908, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.. 283-287. —BijIsma (It.» Glioma, retina-. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1908, Lxii, 067.--Blu- ■neiithal (L.) Ein Fall von Glioma retina-. St.Peter.sb med. Wchnschr., 1893, n. F., x, ]-;;.—Briekley (E. \V.) Glioma retinae endophvtum; acase. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1899, xxxiv, 98-101—Briggs (\\. E.) Glioma of the retina, with a report of two cases. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1895, ix 125 128.—tlriiicione. Gli- oma neuro-epiteliale. Clin, ocul., Palermo, 1902, 913- 927.—Clark (C. F.) Glioma of the retina. Columbus M. J., 1904, xxviii, 8-10.—Co I burn t.I. E.) Glioma reti- nae. Chicago M. Rec, 1891, i, 405-408; 2 pl— Collins (E. T.) Glioma of the retina. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. s., iii, 306-311.—Cook (S. E.) Glioma of the retina. Ophth. Ree., Chicago, 1897, vi, 407^114.—Dunn (P.) Gli- oma of the retina. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1906, xi,316- 321.—Emanuel iC.) Ein Fall von Gliom der Pars ci 11- aris retinae, nebst Bemerkungen zur Lehre von den Netz- haut-Tumoren. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1900, clxi, 338-364, 1 pl.—Faire. Glio-sareome de la retine. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1892, x, 197.—Fejer (G.) Glioma retina1. Orvosi heiil.. Budapest, 1903, xlvii,805.— Fisher (W. A.) Caseof glioma of the retina, third stage. Chicago M. Recorder. l>9s. xiv, 73.—Fleming (G. A.) Glioma retime. Maryland M. ,L. Bait., 1898-9, xl. 133-135, [Discussion], 140— Fuller 1II. I>.) Glioma [of the ret- ina]. Milwaukee VI. .1., vi, 367-369.—Ginestous ^E.) Gliome double de la retine. Gaz. hebd. d. se. med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 330.—Ginsberg (S.) Leber em- bryonale Keimverlagerung in Retina und Centralner- vensystem, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Netzhaut- glioms. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz.. l.v.19, xlviii, 92-122, 2 pl.—Goldsmith (H. 1 & Phillips (W.) Glioma of retina. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 190K-7, vii, 239.—Grand. Note sur uncas de gliome d? la re- tine. Ann. d'ocul.. Par., 1897, cxviii, 30.—Greelt'tR.) Der Bau und das Wesen des Glioma retinas. Bei ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Stuttg., 1895, xxiv, 245- 255. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 327-330. ----r. Leber Gliome und Pseudogliome der Retina. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xviii. 455 — Greene (A. A.) Glioma of retina; with report 01 case. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1902-3, xv, 418-421. Also: Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1903, 445-418. —Holmes (C. R.) Glioma retinae with report of five eases. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 820-828.—Horsey (A.J.) Notes of a case of glioma of the retina. Ann. Oplitb. &Otol., St. Louis, 1895, iv, 317-319.—Johnson (.1. H. 1 Report of a case of glioma of the retina. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass. Ophth. div., St. Louis, 1901. 111-116. .l^i.- Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1901, xviii, 326-328— Jones M'. ApC) Glioma of the retina, with report of a case. Post Gradu- ate, N. Y., 1898, xiv, 949.- Kassil (A.) Sluchal gliaml sietchatki. [(ilioma of the retina] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1905, xxii, 278— Kirkpatrick 1 E. A.) Glioma of the retina. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1898, x, 105.— KoerberfH.) Ueber Glioma und Pseudoglioma retinae. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1902. viii, 248-266..—Kono(T.) Komaku no jikiusci gliom no itjize. [A case of fibro- glioma of the retina.) Ztschr. d. Tokio-med. Gesellsch., 1892, vi, no. 23, 1-5.—Lagrange. Gliome de la retine. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 340- 342.'-----. Quatre cas de gliome de la retine. Bull. Soc. d'anat. ct physiol. . .. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 30-43. Also: J. demed. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxxi, 331-333.— Laincy. Gliome de la retine. Normandie med., Rouen, is99. xiv, 511-513—La wi'ord (J.B.I A; Collins tE.T. > Not.-son glioma retinae, with a reportof 00 cases. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890-91. xiii. 12-37.—Leitner (V.) Mind- ket oldali glioma retina . [Bilateral . . . ] Budapest k. orvo«egy. 1904-ik cvi evkoiiwe, Budapest, 1901, 51. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, lid. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904, xl,700—Lukciis (C.) Glioma retinae, with report of a binocular case cured. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.]. Oto-Laryngol.sect., St. Louis, 1907, 259-265. Also: J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol., Chicago, 1908, ii, 1-5.—Magee i R. S.) Bin-ocular glioma of the retime. Ann. Ophth. & Otol.. St. Louis, 1892.1,236- 238— dialler (W. O.) Glioma of tin-retina. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1902, xxi, 413.—Marshal I (<'. D.) Notes on glioma retinae. Rov. Lond. ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1895-7,xiv,456-477.—ITIatheivson (G. II.) &Boss(J.Jd Glioma of the retina, affecting both eyes. Montreal M. J.. 1904, xxxiii, 857-800.—.Tlonteiro (J. F.) Sobre um RETINA. 493 RETINA. Retina (Glioma of). caso intercssante de glioma da retina. Brazil-med., Rio dc Jan.. 1892, 233.—Murrell (T. E.) Glioma of the retina. Denver M. Times, 1890-7, xvi, 317-350.—Na- navatty (B. H.) Glioma of the retina. Indian M.Gaz., Calcutta, 1903, xxxviii. 54-56. Also [Abstr.]: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1902, xxiii. 151— Nattini (E.) Glio-sar- coma della retina. Ann.diottal., Pavia. 1894-5,xxiii, 188- 209,2pL—Ovio (G.) Studisulglioniadella retina. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1905, xxxiv, 570-612, 7 pl.— Owen (S. A.) Glioma retinae. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1905,xvi,323-369.—Panas& Roclion-Duvigneaiid. Pronostic et traitement du gliome de la ret inc. Clm. opht.. Par 1898, iv, 14-5-147.—Parsons (.1. H.) On glioma of the retina. Clin. J., Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 361-365. -----. I \ case of glioma retinae in a shrunken globe. Rov. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1904-5, xvi, pt. 2, 141-149.— Perles (M.) Zur Casuistik des Glioma retinae. Cen- tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1891, xv, 210-242.—Picot, Aubaret & Muratet. Gliome de la ratine. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 548. —Pope (T. H.) Gli- oma of the retina. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1899-1900, viii, 394-397.—Presas (J.) Otro caso de glioma de la retina. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1897, xx, 769-773.—Prioux (C.) Gliome de la retine. Bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de La Kmv.elle, 1900, xxxii, 73-75.—Badelift'e (McC.) & Goldberg (H. G.) Gli- oma retinae; complete report of an extensive case. Arch. Ophth.. >'. Y., 1907, xxxvi, 223-232, 1 pl. —Ramos (J.) El glioma de la retina. Escuela de med., Mexico, 1904, xix, 305-309. — Rochon-Duvigneaud. Sur le pro- nostic et le traitement du gliome de la ratine. Clin. opht, Par.. 1906, xii, 81-87 — Sarin (Y.) [Glioma of the retina.] Dai Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1S9S, ii, 54-59 — Sehmidt-Rimpler (H.) Ueber in- traokulare GcschwiiKte (Sarcoma chorioideae, Glioma re- tina?). Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 671-680.— School (J.) Cylindroglioma retinae. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1*93. xvii, 97-101. -----. Crypto- glioma retinae. Ibid., 1890, xx, 129; 161.—de Scliwei- nitz (G. E.) Three cases of glioma of the retina. Proc. Path. Soc. I'hila., 1898-9. n.s.ii, 37-40.—deSehweinitz (G. E.iiSliuinway (E. A.) Twocases of glioma of the retina. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1900-1901, n. s.. iv, 29- 37. —Seydel (F.) Ueberdie Ausbreitung des Glioms, insbesondere des endophvten Tvpus desselben. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1900", xxxviii, 399-416,1 pl.— Shackleton ( W. E.) Glioma ct' the retina. Bull. Cleveland Gen. Hosp., 1900, ii, no. 4. 17— Sisson (E.O.) Glioma of the retina. Ophth. Ree. Chicago, 1906, xv, 156-162.— Steinhaus (J.) O ghjaku siatk6wki. [Gli- oma of the retina.] Medycyua, Warszawa, 1900, xxviii, 410; 432.— Stoeber. Contribution a l'etude du gliome de la ratine. Assoc franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1886, Par., 1887. xv, pt. 2, 781-783. —Sulzer (G. A.) Gli- oma of the retina. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1269. — Sy.okalski. Glioma malianum retinas. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Erlang., L8i;.5, iii, 390-104.— Taylor (C. B.) Note on a case of glioma of the retina. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 192. — Thieme ( F. i Leber Gliome der Retina. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1893, xxxix, 2. Abth., 175-198, 1 pl. —Thompson (J. L.) Glioma of the re- tina. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 628-032.—Toi (S.) TGliomaof retinaand tumorof neuroglia.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899, iii, 966-980. Also: Saisei Gakusha Iii Shimpo, Tokyo, 1900, 12-23. — Tsat- skin(A.B.) K kazu'istikle glioini sietchatki [Glioma of the retina.] Vrach. Gaz.. S.-Peterb., 1908, xv, 872-874.— Valenti(G.) Gliomixosarcoma endofito della retina. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1903, xxxii, 62-67.—Van Duyse (D.) Duglio-angiosarcometubuleuxde la ntine. Arch. d'opht., Par., 1893, xiii, 720: 1894, xiv, 28-48. —Vilas (C. H.) Glioma of the retina. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1895, li, 748-751.—Weymaiui ( M. F.) A case of glioma. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. V., 1893, vi, 479-482. — Winterstciner (H. ) Ueber Bau, Wachsthum und Genese des Glioma retinae. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 493-496. —Kiiiinieriiiann (M. W.) & Chance (B. K.) Glioma of the retina without sequelae. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1901. x, 394-397. Retina ( Glienna of Causes and pathol- ogy of). Alt (A.) Sympathetic ophthalmia caused by glioma retina-. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1897-9, viii, 485- 187—Ayres (S. C.) Specimen of gliomaof the eye. Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1901,n.s..xlvii,11.—Case (A) of double glioma; death from brain complications. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc., St. Paul, 1886, 192-191.—Chlarini (P.) Sopra un caso di glioma della retina sviluppatosi nell'occhio di un piccione; contributo alio studiodella natura e della genesi dei tumori della retina. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1905, xxxi, 1-12, 1 pl—Chisholm (J. J.) A gliomaof the right eye spreading bv metastasis through many periosteal centres. Arch. Ophth.. N. Y., 1884, xni, 47-52. A/so, transl: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1886-7, xvii, 207-210.—Gardiner (J. P.) Bilateral glioma of the retina with numerous distant metastases. Arch. Ophth., Retina (Glioma of Causes and peithol- °gy <>f). ■ N. Y., 1908, xxxvii, 057-071.—von Ilippel (E.) Ist das Zusammenvorkommen von Mikrophfhalmus congenitus und Glioma retinae im gleielien Auge sicher erwieseir.' Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1906, lxi, 352-364.— Jessop (W. H.) Some points in the pathology of, and prognosis in, glioma of the retina, with cases, 'st. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1902, Lond., 1903, xxxviii, 159-177, 2 pl.—Knapp (H.) Glioma of the retina, with large drawings and demon- stration of macroscopic and microscopic specimens. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1899, 347-350.—Krauss (F.) & Goldberg (H. G.) Glioma retinae, clinical and histo- logical report of a case. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xiv, 028-63;:.—Lagrange. Contribution a l'etude ana- tomique et clinique du gliome de la retine. Arch. d'opht., Par., 1890, x, 385-401. Also. Reprint— Minor (J. L.) Gliomaof retina; a case in which the growth at- tained sixteen inches in circumference. Memphis M. Month., 1898, xviii, 310-312.—Peck (E. S.) Pathology of glioma of the retina, with clinical notes of a recent case. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albanv, 19U2, 318-351. Also: Vermont M. Month..Burlington, 1902, viii, 150-153.—Picot [ital). Gliome de la retine. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 204-208.—Pusey (B.) The genesis of glioma retinae in neuroglia. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1899-1901, iv, 33-46. Also: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1902, xiii, 229-234, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Sec- tions of a glioma of the retina stained by Mallory's neu- roglia stain. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1901-2, v, 22-27.— Rohmer. Enorme gliome recidive. de la reLine. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1899-1900, p. lvii.—Scaffldi (V.) Ueber die Histogcnese des Netzhautglioms. Vir- chow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1903, clxxiii, 354- 380, 1 pl— Snydackcr (E. F.) Different methods in which glioma of the retina invades and affects the optic nerve. Arch. Ophth., N. V., 1901, xxx, 130-137, 1 pl.— Van Duyse (P.) ITn cas de gliosarcome de la redine avec recidive et mtftastase colossales. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1894, xiv, 81-90.—Weh rli (K.) Ueberdie Mikro- und Makrogyrie des Gehirns analoge Lntwicklungsstd- rungen der Retina; mit Bcsprechung der Epithelrosetten und der Pathogenese des Glioms. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1905, lx, 302-349, 1 pl. -----. Ueber die Beziehungen der wiihrend der Geburt entstehenden Retinalblutungen des Kindes zur Pathogenese des Glioma retime. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1935, xxxv, 43-47.— Wilson (F. M.) & Thompson (E. S.) Caseof glioma retinae and brain metastases, with autopsy and review of literature. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1900, xxix, 91-100, 1 pl.—Winter- steiner (H.) Ueber Hornhautveranderungen beim Neuroepithelioma (Glioma) retina;. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895-6, xxxii, 154-174, 1 pl.—Zelenkovski (I. V.) K ucheniyu o stroyenii i proi'skhozhdenii gliomi sietchatki. [Structure and origin of glioma of the ret- ina.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 129-132. Retina (Glioma of Diagnosis and se- meiology of). Becker (A.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Netzhautglioms. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth.,Leipz., 1893, xxxix,280-306,1 pl Challier (M.-J.-L.) *Du pronostic du gli- ome de la retine. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Heymer (K.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Glioms der Retina. 8°. Strassburg, 1893. Ovio (G.) Studi sul glioma della retina. [2 pts.] I. Osservazioni generali. II. In cer- tezze diagnostiche. 8°. Padova, 1904. Kchi'lz (F.) *Zur Prognose der Netzhaut- gliome. 8°. Gottingen, 1893. Brailey (W. A.) A case illustrating the develop- ment of the condition commonly known as pseudo- glioma. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1882-3, iii, 57. — Hrewerton (F. W.) Pseudoglioma. Ibid., 1899-1900, xx. 128-130.— Collins IE. T.) Pseudo-glioma. Ophth. Hosp. Rep.. Lond.. 1893-92. xiii, 361-391, 1 pl.— Consiglio (A.) Di un caso di pseudoglioma della retina. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 490-494.-Cramer & Schultze. Beitrag zur Casuistik und Anatomie der Pseudogliome der Retina. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1894, xxix, 288-297, 1 pl. •----- -----. A contribution to the etiology and anatomy of pseudo-glioma of the retina Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1896, xxv, 241-247, 1 pl.—Misenlolir t\V.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Glioms der Netzhaut. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1891, exxiii, 429-172, 1 pl. —Fejer (J.) Beitrage zur Lehre der Differentialdiagnose zwischen Glioma und Pseudoglioma retina-. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1902, xlvi, 144-154. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1903, xxxii, 154-162.—Flexner (S.) A peculiar glioma (neuroepithelioma?) of the retina. Bull. Johns RETINA. 494 RETINA. Retina (Gliamta of, Diagnosis and se- nt eioleu/g of). Hopkins iiosp., Bait., 1891, ii, 115-119. Also, Reprint — Cireefi* (It.) Die anatomische Grundlage der Pseudo- gliome. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1896, Wiesb., 1897. xxv, 113-121. -----. Ueber Pseudogliome der Retina. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1897, Berl.. lsn.s, xxviii, pt. 2, 213-225. [Discussion], pt. 1, ir.2-107. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 736- 740— Heincz (H.) & Frohlieh (J.) A pseudoglioma egy esete. [Case.] Szemeszeti lapok, Budapest, 1905,11.— Henderson (E. E.) Pseudo-glioma following injury. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 225 — Hertel (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Netzhaut- glioms. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1897, xxxv, 323-331, 1 pl.—Jessop (W. H.) Case of glioma of the retina simulating hypopyon. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1903, xxii, 15-19, 1 pl—Knape (E. V.) Ueber ein sehr selte- nes ophthalmoskopisches Bild (von Hippel'sche Krank- heit unter dem Bilde des Glioma retina). Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1908, lx, 49-57.—Lenders (T.) Ein atypisches Netzhautgliom. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1904, lviii, 309-323.—JTlonthus (A.) Gliome retinien avec propagations craniennes (contribution a l'etude du diag- nostic histologiquedugliome). Bull, et mem. Soc. franc. d'opht., Par., 1906, xxiii, 605-608—Ogawa (K.) Ein Fall von beginnendem Gliom. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1906, liv, 248-265, 1 pl.—Pettersson (A.) Till kannedomen om retinalgliomet. [Zur Kenntnis des Retinalglioms. Uebers., p. xxx.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1900-1901, n. F., vi, 374-388.—Remy. Pseudo-gliome. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1893, 3. s., xv, 703-707— Rochon-Duvigneaud. Gli- ome de la retine: son pronostic et son traitement. Rev. g£n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1896, x, 807.—Rollet. Gliome r6tino-irien simulant la tuberculose. Lyonmed., 1907, cix, 39. — Rumszewicz (K.) O wrzekomyeh glejakach siatkowki. [On pseudo-gliomata of the ret- ina.] Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1891, xxx, 541; 553. Also, transl: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1892, xxx, 41M50.—Shute (I). K.) Glioma of the retina in its second stage; its probable diagnosis from leuco-sarcoma of the choroid determined by age of the patient. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 610-614. — Smirnoff" (Ya.A.) Sluchalpsevdogliomi. [Pseudoglioma.] Vest- nik oftalmol., Mosk., 1908, xxv, 127-129.—de Spe.ville. Pseudo-gliome de la reLine chez une enfant de six mois. Rec. d'opht ar.,1906. 3. s., xxviii, 174-178.—Steinhaus (J.) Zur Kenntniss der Netzhautgliome. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1900, xi, 257-262. Retina (Glioma of Familial). Brown (J. F.) Glioma of the retina, with a history of three cases in onefamily. J. Ophth., Otol. it Larvngol., N. Y., 1891, iii, 151-154.—Newton (R. E.) Glioma of retina; a remarkable family history. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1902, xxi, 236.—Shell (S.) Glioma occurring iii two members of the same family, in one instance (fatal) both eyes being affected. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1904, xxiv, 230-237. ---—. A further in- stance in which glioma occurred in more than one mem- ber of the same family. Ibid., 1904-5, xxv, 261-266. Retina (Glioma of Pathology of). See Retina (Glioma of, Caus.es, etc., of). Retina (Glioma of, Treatment of). See, also, Retina (Glioma of, Treatment of, Operative). Cary (E. H.) Glioma of both retina?, with subsequent four vears' historv; result of X-ray treatment. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1907-8, iii, 278.—DeMets. Glio- sarcome primitif de la retine; injection de s6rum anti- cancereux. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1896, 58-61.— Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1896, iii, 513-516.— Hilgartner (H. L.) Report of case of double glioma treated with X-ray. Texas M. J., Austin, 1902-3, xviii,322. Retina (Glioma of, Treatment of Oper- ative). Alt (A.) Remarks on glioma of the retina and the question of rosettes. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1904, xxi, 257-277.—Anglade &. Aubaret. Gliome de la retine; exenteration sous-conjonctivale; guerison maintenue deux ans et demi apres; etude histologique du gliome par le procede d'Anglade. Bull, et mtSm. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux 1906, Par. & Bordeaux, 1907, 478-486. Also: Gaz. hebd.d. sc. m6d.deBordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 533- 535. Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxxvi, 765—Boteler (W. C.) Glioma; operation; cautery; re- coverv. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1895, xvi, 49-51. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y.,1895, xlviii, 303.—Collins (E.T.) Four cases of bilateral glioma of the retina cured by enuclea- tion of the two eves. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1895-6, xvi, 142-149. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1039.—Desvaux (G.) Gliome de la retine; Enu- cleation. Anjou med., Angers, 1898, v, 268-270. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1899, xvii, 255-258. Retina (Glioma of Treatment of Oper- ative). Also [Abstr.J: Clin, opnt., Par., 1899, v. 112.—tiarcia Calderon. Clioma retiniano en una nifia de dos meses; enucleacidn; curacion. An. deobst.,ginecopat. v pediat., Madrid, 1898, xviii, 109-171.—Jessop (\\, h.'j On the prognosis in glioma of the retina after operation Cong, internat. demed. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv sect d'opht., 350-358. Also: St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1903, Lond. 1904, xxxix, 213-217, 1 tab. Also, transl: Siglo med ' Madrid, 1906, liii, 597-600. — Latiisiiiiic. Quatre cas de guerison de gliomes de la retine. [Rap. de Panas.l Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlv, 441-445 — Schneider (G.J.) Glioma of the retina; enucleation and recovery. Ophth. Kec, Chicago, 1908, n. s., xvii, 410.—Snell (S.) A case of bilateral glioma* in whicli the patient's life was saved bv excising the two eyes Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Loud., 1903-1, xxiv. 227- 229. —de Speville. Gliome de la retine de l'ceil gauche; Enucleation; guerison. Clin, opht, Par., 1906, xii, 83. Also: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii, 173.— Stanculeanu. Guerison des gliomes rGtiniens; pre- sentation d'instruments servant d, l'6nucleation. Bull, et m6m. Soc. anat. de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 165-167.—Sureau. Gliome monolateral de la redine chez un enfant de 4 ans; enucleation de Pceil malade, sans sutures du moignon; reunion par premiere intention. Clin, opht.. Par., V.W2 viii, 113-115.—Sym (W. G.) A child, aged twcntv-eiglit months, on whom had been performed double enuclea- tion for glioma of the retina. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc., Ed- inb., 1906-7, n. s., xxvi, 34. — Wehster (D.) Supposed glioma of the retina; enucleation; no return in twelve years. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 763.— AVidmark (L) Ett fall af nathinnegliom. [Acaseof glioma of the retina.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1888, xx, no. 15, 1-15, 4 pl. Also, transl in his: Beitr. z. Ophth., 8°. Leipz., 1891, 2X1- 287, 4 pl. -----. Ytterligare nagra iagttagelser rorande "etfall af glioma retinae". [Quelques observations sur un cas de gliome de la retine. C.-r., p. 7.1 Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1889. xxi, no. 25,1-4, 2 pl. Also, transl. in his: Beitr. z. Ophth., 8°, Leipz., 1891, 301-304, 2 pl. Retina (Hxmorrhage of). See, also, Anaemia (Complications, etc., of); Retina (Surgery of); Retinitis (Hemorrhagic). Akimoff (N. j. Du scotome central dans les hemorrhagies ivtiniennes au point de vue de la perception des cotileurs. 8°. Baris, 1898. Beal (R.) *Dps hemorrhagies retiniennes dans la compression du thorax. 8°. Pan's, 1906. Also, in: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1906, exxxv, 353-383. Bleirad (H.) * Etiologie et pronostic des hemorrhagies retiniennes. 8°. Paris, 1905, Klopper (W.) * Ueber die recidivierenden juvenilen Netzhaut- und Glaskorperblutungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Leduc (F.-H.-B.) * Etude clinique sur les hemorrhagies de la retine (apoplexies retinien- nes). 4°. Lille, 1895. Mery (G.-E.) Contribution a l'etude des hemorrhagies retiniennes au cours des infec- tions generates aigues. 8°. Betris, 1904. Meyer ([F. \V.] A.) * Beitrage zur patho- logischen Anatomie der hamorrhagischen Reti- nalapoplexie durch Venenverschluss mit nach- folgendem Glaukom. 8°. Tubingen, 1907. Moser (P.) * Ueber Netzhautbiutungen nach Thoraxcompression. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Sen warzwasser (J.) * Ein Beitrag zur Patho- logie der Neuroretinitis marantica hemorrha- gica. Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchung. 8°. Zurich-Seluau, 1907. Schweigger (R.) * Ueber Netzhautbiutun- gen nach klinischen Beobachtungen. 8°. Ber- lin, 1897. Standacher (C.) * Ueber Netzhautbiutun- gen. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1895. Aiiimanii (K.) Die Netzhautbiutungen bei Blut- und Oefasserkrankungen. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1898, xxxiii, 1-70. — Artigalas (C.) Contribu- tion a l'etude semeiologique des hemorrhagies du fond de l'ceil; des hemorrhagies retiniennes dans l'artfrio- sclerose generalisee. Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1884, xc\ 237- 248. Also: < faz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1884, iv, 322-326— Auselier. Hemorrhagies retiniennes d'ori- gines brightique. Bull. clin. nat. opht. de l'hosp. d. RETINA. 495 RETINA. Retina (Hemorrhage of). Quinze Vingts, Par., 1887, v, 52—Basse res, Hemor- rhagies retiniennes d'origine palustre. Arch, d'opht., Par.. 1896, xvi. 352-366. — Best (F.) Netzhautbiutun- gen bei Aiist'all derSehilddriise. Ztschr. f. Augenh.. Berl., 190X, xx, 548-551.—Bijlsma iR.) Een geval van mul- tiple netvlies bloeding bij amenorrhoea. Med. WeekbL, Amst 1907-8, xiv, 25-27.—Blair i W. W.) Retinal haem- orrhages. Honeeop. Eve. Kar & Throat J., N. Y., 1902, viii, 105-111.—Bruns , il. D.) Atrophy and fatty degen- eration of the retina following malarial retinal hemor- rhage. Am.J. ophth .St. I.oui-, 1898, xv, 312.—t'aban- nes. Sur un cas d'hemorrhagie prertHinienne de la region maculaire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. unkl. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxix, 165-167.—(ampar. Observations de retini- tes hemorrhagiques avec urines normales. Bull. clin. nat. opht. de l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts, Par., issi. ii, 39- 42.—Derby i II.) On the occurrence of retinal hemor- rhage after 'middle age. and its bearing on the duration of life. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc., Bost., 1897, 391-399. Also: Boston M. A: S. ,!., 1S97, cxxxvii, 83-85. -----. A ca-e of retinal hemorrhage in a patient of seventv-three; treatment by the faradic current; com- plete recovery. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlviii, 50.— Doyne (R. W.) Caseof peculiar condition of retina, due possibly to the formation of small aneurysms and large extravasation of blood which has become decolourised. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Loud., 1895-6, xvi, 94.1 pl — Dunn (J.) Some comments upon a case of retinal hemorrhage due to diseases of the retinal arteries and veins. Clin. Bull.. Richmond. 1900, v. 74-77— K11 is ( H B.) Acaseof retinal hemorrhage. Ophth. Ree. Chicago. 1898, vii. 390.—Fage. Hemorrhagies retiniennes chez les adolescents. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1895, xiii. 237-239.—Fleming ( R. A.) Retinal haemorrhages us a diagnostic feature in fracture of the base of the skull and in subarachnoid haemorrhage. Med. Times A case of primary recurrent retinal lia-morrhasre. Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1-94. xxxvi, 225.—Hirscliberji i.T) & (winsberg tS.i Kin Fall von N'etzhaut-Blutung. die zur Schrum- pfungde* Augapfelsfiihrte. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1906, xxx. 193-196.—Hisaki iK.) [Unusual hemorrhage of retina in anchvlostomiasis.] Chiba Iga- kukwai Za-shi. Tokyo. 1900, no. 47. 1-7.—Hotz (F. C.) Retinal hemorrhages of unu-ual -iz" in the region of the macula with perfect recovery of \ i-ion. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis. ISS4-5. i, If,9-17L—Ischrejt (G.) Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der hamorrhagischen Xetzhauterkrankungen. Arch. f. Augenh.. Wiesb., 1900, xli, 38-78, 2 pl.— Jamieson (A. i Intermittent sub- retinal haemorrhage; recoverv. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1884, xxvii, 39.—Jennings (J.E.) A case of subhyaloid (?) retinal haemorrhages. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, l,s96, xiii, 329.—lessop (W. H.) Reti- nal haemorrhages and new ve-sels in the vitreous. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1900, xxxv, 247—Kalt. Hemorragie en forme dedisque de la region polaire pos- terieure de la ratine; considerations sur la structure de la membrane hvalo'ide et du corps vitrei. Clin, opht., Par., 1906. xii, 233. Also: Rec. d'opht., Par., 1906, 3. s., xxviii. 427-430.—Kolloek C.W.) Retinal hemorrhage. Tr. South Car. M. Ass . Charleston. 1899, 233-240.—Law- son (A.) Unusual retino-choroidal changes, the re-ult 'if haemorrhage and due to fibrinous deposits in the deeper layers of the retina. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, <;i— Lewis (G. G.) Hemorrhage of the retina. Ann. ophth . St Louis, 1901, x, 441-445. Also, Reprint.—Ldpez-Oeafia :'.-305.—Caspar (L.) Zur Casuistik und Aetiologie der Netzhautstriinge. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1894-5. xxx, 122-128, 2 pl.— Colueei (C.) Alterazioni nella retina della rana in seguito alia recisione del nervo ottico. (Contributo al- l'istologia normale patologica della retina.) Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1891, ii, 245-291, 2 pl.-----. Conseguenze della fecisione del nervo ottico nella retina di alcuni vertebrati; studio d' istologia normale e pato- logica della retina. Ann. di nevrol., Torino, 1893, n. s., xi. 191-251, 1 pl. Also: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, xiv, 1612-1616. Also: Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1894, xlviii, 14-28, 1 pl.-----. Sulla nevroglia retinica; ri-" cerche comparate d' istologia normale e d' istologia pato- logica -perimentale. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli. 1-91-5. v, 1: 81, 1 pl. Also: Atti d. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli, 1894, xlviii. 226-255. 1 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1895, xxiii, 121-129.— ■Mnniicr t F. i Die Macula lutea der menschlichen Netzhaut und die durch sie bedingten entoptisehen Erscheinungen. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz.. 1907. lxv, 4X0- 544. 1 pl. -----. Die Macula lutea der.menschlichen Netz- haut. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1906, Wiesb.. 1907. 175 - 185. — Do-iiel (A. S. i Ueber die nerviisen Klemente in der Retina des Menschen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1X91. xxxviii, 317: 1892, xl, 29: 1893, xli, 612. 7 pl.—Bonders (F. ('.) Pacini's mikrosko- pische onderzoekingen over den fijneren bouw van het netvlies. Nederl. Lancet, Gravenh.. 1847-8. 2. s., iii, 178- 187. Also, Reprint.—ICmbdcii id.) Primitivtibrillen- verlauf in der Netzhaut. Arch. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, 1900-1901, lvii, 570-583, 1 pl.—Falehi (F.) Sulla isto- genesi della retina e del nervo ottico. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, ls.ss, xii, 1-37, 3 pl. Also: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1880, xv, 528: 1887-8, xvi, 486. Also: Rendic. d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital. 1886, Pavia, 1887. 93: 1887, Pavia, 18ss, 113. Also: Spallanzani, Roma, 1887, 2. s., xvi, 327; 450. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1888. ix,382- 399,1 pl. Also, transl: Arch. f. < >phth., Leipz., 1888, xxxiv 2. Abth.,67-108,3 pl. —Fleiuniina; iW.) Zur Histologic der menschlichen Retina, Miinchen, med. Wchnschr., Retina (Histology of). 1897, xliv, 1153. ----'-. Leber das Fehlen einer Quer- schichtung in den Kernen der menschlichen Stiibchen- -ehzellen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, ]89s, li, 704-710 Also: Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte, Kiel, 1898, n. F., vi, 03 —Fritsch. Leber den Bau und die Bedeu- tung der histologischen Elemente in der Netzhaut des Auges, besonders am Ort des deutlichsten Sehens, bei verschiedenen Menschenras-cn. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1908, xxxii, 141-115.—I'romaiici (('.) Recherches sur l'his- tologie de la retine. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1892, xii, 721- 730. So-, also, supra.—Fusari (R.) Note historique a propos des nouvelles deeouvertes sur la fine anatomie de la retine de 1'homme et des mammiferes. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1897, xxvii, 155-168.—lireeiFi R.j Leber Zwillings-Ganglienzellen in der meiiseldiein n Retina. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1897, xxxv, I5i;-i7ti. 1 pl. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1900, xxix, 85-90, 1 pl. ----, S. Ram6n y Cajals neuere Beitrage zur Histologic der Retina. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1898, xvi. 161-187, 1 pl. -----, Leber Sehzellen in der Netzhaut des Menschen und der Siiuu'e- thiere. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 1191.—Ksil- lius (E.) Bemerkungen zu einer Arbeitiiberdie Retina von Ramdny Cajal. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1897, xiii, 151-163.— Kolmer(W.) UebereinStrukturelement der Stiibchen und Zapfen der Froschretina. Ibid., 1904, xxv, 102-104.— Koster (W.) Etude sur les cdnes et les biitonnets dans la region de la fovea centralis de la ratine chez 1'homme. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1895, xv, 428-437. von Krics(J.) Ueber die imNetzhautcentrumfehlendeNaclihilderschei- nung und iiberdiediesen Gegcnstand lietrell'enden Arbei- ten von C. Hess. Ztschr. f. Psychol, u. Physiol, d. Sinnes- org., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 81-98.—Levi (G.) Os-ervazioni sullo sviluppo dei coni e ha-toncini della retina. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. 1900, Firenze, 1901, 42.—Leydljj (F.) Einige Bemerkungen fiber das Stabchenroth der Netzhaut. Arch.f. Anat.u.Entwcklngsgesch.,Leipz.,1897, 335-344.—.11a■■ z. On medullated nerve fibres in the ret- ina. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1890, xxv, 234-240, 2 pl. ,Ha- rciiirlii iG.) Contributo alia fina organizzazione della retina. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1901, 51-80, 6 pl. Also, transl [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1900-1901, n. F., xxxiv, 12. Also, transl. [Ab- str.]: Verhandl. d. anal. Gesellsch., Jena, 1900, xiv, 12-16, 1 pl.—Ifl a was (J.) Surla structure de la ratine ciliaire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1908, cxlvii, ]:i:;4.-May- erwejj tK.) Ueber markhaltige Nervenfasern in der Retina. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1002, xlvi, 122-134 Also, /runs/.: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1905, xxxix, 69-79, 1 pl.—Jlayon t.M. SA A method of differential staining for retinal and other nerve ganglion cells. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 33s.—Norris (W. F.) The terminal loops of the cones and rods of the hu- man retina, with photomicrographs. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1891-6, Hartford, 1897, vii, 317-352, 7 pl. Also, Re- print.— rVorr is (W. F.) & Walla ee (J.) A contribution to the anatomy oi the human retina, with a special con- sideration of the terminal loops of the rods and cones. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1893-4, vi, 353-358, 2 pl. Also, Re- print.—OgneiT(I. F.) Einige Bemerkungen fiber die Miiller'schen Fasern und die Zwischensubstanz dor Re- tina. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899-, ii, sect. 1, 133. -----. O Miiller'ovskikh voloknakh retini. [On the Muller fibers of the retina] Vestnik of- talmol., Mosk. ,1904, xxi,495-506, lpl.—Pes (O.) Sulla fina anatomia dei membri esterni delle cellule vi-ive nella re- tina umana. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 162-168.—Pines (L.) Untersuchungen fiber den Bau der Retina mit Weigerts Neurogliamethode Ztschr. f. Augenh.,Berl., 1899, ii, 252-256. 1 pl.—Ramon y Cajal (S.) Nouvelles contributions it l'etude hi-tolu- giquc de la rCtine et A la question des anastomoses des prolongements profoplasmiques. J.de l'anat.et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1896, xxxii, 481-543, 4 pl. See, also, supra, Greeff (R.) and Kallius (E.) -----. El reticulo neurofl- brilar en la retina. Trab. d. lab. de invest, biol. Univ. de Madrid, 1904, iii, 185-211, 1 pl. Also, transl: Internat. Mo- natschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1904, xxi, 369-399.— Sala iG.) Contributoallostudiodellafinastrutturadella retina. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, 1904, 59-61, 2 pl. Also, transl: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1904, xxv, 240-249, 2 pl. -----. Nuove ricerche sulla fina stauttura della retina. Boll.d. Soc.med.-chir. di Pavia, 1906,347-354,1 pl.—Sclia- per (A.) Bemerkung zur Structur der Kerne der Stiib- chen-Sehzellen'der Retina. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1898-9, xv, 534: 1899, xvi,:; 12.—Sell inner (O.) Ueber die Funktion der soerenannten pararetieuliiren oder amakiineii Zellen in der Retina. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. (iesellsch. Heidelb. 1897, Wiesb., 1898. xxvi. 146-152.—Sehreiber (L. i A; Wengler (F.) Ueber Wirkungen des schar- lach ■"> Is auf die Netzhaut. Zentralbl. f. Nervenh. u. I'-y- ehiat., Berl. u. Leipz., 1908, n. F., xix, 654-650.—Xii lex ( P. ) Die Stiitzfasern der Netzhaut. Cong, internat. d'opht. d'Utrecht. Compt.-rend.,Amst., 1900.345— Tepl- jasehin. Zur Kenntniss der histologischen Verande- rungen der Netzhaut nach experimentellen Verwundun- gen. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1893-4, xxviii, 353-421, 3 pl.—F slier (C. H.) Medullated nerve fibres of the hu- RETINA. 497 RETINA. Retina (Histology of). man retina; microscopical examination of three eyes. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1896,1-8, 1 pl. -Van der Strielit (0 ) La nouvelle methode de Ramon y Cajal; son appli- cation a la retine. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1904, lxxxiii, 43-48— Vasehide i N. i A- Ynrpas (C.) De la constitution histologiquede la retine en l'absence conge- nitale du cerveau. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1901, cxxxiii, 304.—Vermes (L.) Ueber die Neurotibrillen der Retina. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1905, xxvi, 601-613.—Vogt (H.) Ueber Neurotibrillen in Nervenzellen und Nerven- fasern der Retina. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1902, xi, 167-181, 3 pl—Wetzel (G.) Bc-itzt die Zapfer.faser eine Dreiteilung' Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1998, cxxiv, 639-641—Weysse (A. W.) & Bur- tressiW.S.) Histogenesis of the retina. Am. Natural- ist, Bost., 1906, Xl, 611-637. Retina (Inflammation of). See Retinitis. Retina (Ischemia of). See Retina (Blood-sti]>ply of, Disorders of). Retina (Morphology of). See, also, Retina (histology af). Aichel (O. [0. W.]) Zur Kenntniss des his- tologischen Baues der Retina embryonaler Tele- ostier. 8°. Erlangen, 1896. Borysiekiewicz (M.) Beitriige zum feineren Baue der Netzhaut des Chamoeleo vulgaris. 8°. Leipzig eliiiaiin (T. W.) Ueber Bewegungen der Zapfen und Pigmentzellen der Netzhaut unter dem Einfluss des Lichtes und des Nervensvstems. Arch.f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1881-5, xxxv, 498-508, 1 pl.—Fick (A. E.) Leber Entfarben des Pigmentepithels der Netz- haut. Centralbl. f. Physiol, Leipz. u. Wien, 1895, ix, 577.— Gayet & Aurand. Des modifications de la couche pigmentaire, de la r6tine dans differents 6tats patholo- giques de lceil. Bull, et m6m. Soc franc, d'opht, Par., 1901, xviii, 314-329, 2 pl. Also: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1901, cxxv, 463.—van Genderen Stort (A. G. H.) De ana- tomie der teleneuronen (staafjes- en kegelneuronen) in verband met de pigmentcellenlaag in het netvlies van visschen en de door het licht daarin to voorschijn geroe- pen veranderingen. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Nat- en Ge- neesk. Cong., Haarlem, 1899, 308-323.—Gonin. Le sco- tome annulaire dans la degen^rescence pigmentaire de la retine. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1901, cxxv, 101-130. -----. Nouvelles observations de scotome annulaire dans la degeriereseence pigmentaire de la redine. Ibid., 1902, exxviii, 90-107.—Gradle ( H.) Anomalies of the retinal pigment epithelium and their clinical significance. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx. 248-250.—Henderson (E. E.) Two cases of pigmentation of the retina. Rov. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1903, pt. 4, xv, 355- 361.—Herzojj. Ueber Zapfen-und Pigmentbewegung in der Netzhaut. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1903, x, 354.— Hess (C.) & RiJmer (P. Ueber elektive Funktionen des Pigmentepithels und der Retina. Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1905, Wiesb., 1906, 233-241.— Hoor (K.) Ungewohnliches Bild einer Degeneratio pigmentosa retina?. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 412.—James (G. B.) A large area of retinal pigmenta- tion below the disc. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1900-1901. xxi, 169.—Koelluer (H.) Ueber das Ge- sichtsfeld bei der tvpischen Pigmentdegeneration der Netzhaut. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1906, xvi, 128-145 — Kriiekmann (E.) Anatomisches iiber die Pigment- epithelzellen der Retina. Arch f. Ophth., Leipz., 1898-9, xlvii, 644-661. -----. Physiologisches iiber die Pigment- epithelzellen der Retina. Ibid., 1899, xlviii, 1-20. -----. Die pathologischen Veranderungen der retinalen Pig- mentepithelzellen. Ibid., 237-282, 3 pl. -----. Ueber Pigmentierung und Wucherung der Netzhautneuroglia. Ibid., 1905, lx, 350-368, lpl.------. Ueber Pigmentierung und Wucherung der Netzhautneuroglia. Ibid., 452-512, 5 pl.—liauber(H.) Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Anatomie der Iris und des Pigmentepithels der Netzhaut Ibid., 1908, lxviii, 1-37.—Lodato (G.) Sui movimenti dell' epitelio pigmentato della retina. Arch. di ottal., Palermo, 1897-8, v, 398-405.—Pagenstecher (H. E.) Ueber Pigmentstreifenbildung in der Netz- haut. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1908, lxvii, 298-306,1 pl.— Parker (G. H.) Photomechanical changes in the retinal pigment cells of Paleeomonetes and their relation to the central nervous svstem. In: Bull. Mus. Harv. Coll., Cambridge, 1896-7, xxx, 275-300, 1 pl. -----. The photomechanical changes in the retinal pigment of Gammarus. Ibid., 1899-1900, xxxv, no. 6, 143-148, 1 L, 1 pl.—Flange (O.) Ueber streifenfdrmige Pigmentbil- dung mit secundaren Veranderungen der Netzhaut in- folge von Hiimorrhagien. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1891-2, xxiii, 78-90, 1 pl.—Raelilmann (E.) Zur Ana- tomie und Phvsiologie des Pigment-Epithels der Netz- haut Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xvii, 1-25,1 pl.— Rodzevieh. Sluchal pigmentnavo pererozhdeniya Retina (Pigment of). sietchatki bez pigmenta. [Degeneration of pigment layer of retina with disappearance of pigment] Vovenno- med. .1., St. Petersb., 1899. exev, med.-spec. pt, 408-471.— Stephenson (S.) A peculiar form of retinal pigmen- tation. Tr. Opth. Soc. II. Kingdom. Lond., 1890-91, xi 77- 82,21., 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 73.—Van der Oudcraa. Drie gevallcn van pigmen- taire ontaarding van het netvlies in eene familie. Handel, v. h. vlaamsch nat- en geneesk. Cong. 1898 Gent, 1899, ii, 118-121.—von Kchender (W.) Leber die im eigenen Auge sichtbare Bewegung der Pigment- korner in der retinalen Epithelschicht. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1895, xxxiii, 379-395. —Zla (H. A.) Ueber einen Fall von angeborener schwarzer Pigmentierung der Papille. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1904, viii, 49. Retina (Pseudoglaue-oma of). See Retina (Glioma, of, Diagnosis, etc., of). Retina (Striati.on of). Grosskopff (\V. M.) *Die Markntreifen in der Netzhaut des Kaninchens und des Hasen. [Marburg.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1892. Oxisi (Iv. Y.) * Ceber Retinitis mit Bildung langer Streifen und Strange in den tieferen Schichten der Retina (Retinitis striata). 8°. Tubingen, 1890. Also, in: Mitth. a. d. ophth. Klin, in Tubing., 1890, ii, 377-410, 3 pl. Schilling (R.) * Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der Gefassanomalieen und Streifenbildung in der Netzhaut. [ Freiburg. ] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1900. Caspar (L.) The etiology of retinal striations, with report of cases. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1897, xxvi, 80-84, 2 pl.—Dunn (J.) Ein weiterer eigenthiimlicher Fall von Netzhautstreifung. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1897, xxxiv, 294-296,1 pl.—Holden (W. A.) On the probable hemorrhagic origin of the striated affections of the retina. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1895, xxiv, 147-153—Jer- vey (J. W.) Chorioretinitis striata; a supposedly rare affection; report of a case. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1901, x, 521-526, 1 pl.—Krorner (F. A. W.) Stria? retinales. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1906, lvi, 263-267, 1 pl. Also: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, i, 1507-1511.— Lister (W. T ) Angioid streaks of the retina. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1903, xxii, 151-159, 1 pl.—rVatanson (A.) Ueber Chorio-Retinitis striata und spontane Heilung der Netzhaut-Ablosung. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.,Stuttg., 1896, xxxiv, 335-346, 1 pl— IMainre (O.f On pigment striae with secondary changes in the retina after hemor- rhage. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1892, xxi, 282-288.—Prann (E.) Striae retinas bei Netzhautablosung. Beitr. z. Au- genh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1893, 12. Hft, 104-118.—Schil- ling (R.) Ein Beitrag zur Pathologie der Gefassano- malieen und Streifenbildung in der Retina. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1901, xliii, 21-66,2 pl.—de Sehwei- nitz (G. E.) Angioid streaks in the retina. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1894-6, Hartford, 1897, vii, 650-651,1 pl. -----. A cured retinal detachment with remarks on retinitis striata. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1900, ix, 383-387, 1 pl.— Stephenson (S. ) Angioid streaks in retina. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1891-2, xii, 140-143, 1 1., lpl. Retina (Surgery of). See Retina ( Detachment of, Treatment of, Ope- rative); Retina (Glioma of, Treatment of, Opera- tive). Inouye (T.) [A method of resection of the retina.] Tokyd-med. Wchnschr., No. 937, 1-5, 1 pl.—Schbler. Zur operativen Netzhautbehandlung. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1889), 1890, xx, 26-36.-Watson (W.S.) Retinal haemorrhage, subsequent acute eyeball tension; treatment by Argyll Robertson's operation of trephining the sclerotic. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1886, vi, 314-316. Retina (Syphilis of). Schropfer (F. V.)' * Ueber die luetischen Affektionen der Papille und der Netzhaut. S°. Leipzig, 1903. Roe (F.) Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la reLinite syphilitique. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1892, Par., 1893, xxi, pt. 2. 757-701.—Friedenwald (H.) Syphilitic retinitis. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Bait, 1902-3, v, 7-9. Also: Ophthal. Rec., Chicago, 1901, x, 405-409.—GalezowKki. Du decollement sy- philitique de la retine et de son traitement Bull. Soc franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1893, iv, 366-369.----- RETINA. 499 EETINA. Retina (Syphilis of). R6tinite hemorragique due a la svphilis et l'arthritisme reunis. Rec. d'opht,, Par., 1898. 3. s., xx, 129-133.— Leonard (P. I.) Svphilitic retinitis with albuminuria. Med. Herald. St. Joseph, 1900, n. s., xix, 15-17— Oliver (C. A.) A rare type of perivasculitis retime in a young woman, the subject of inherited syphijis. Ophth." Rec, Chicago, 1907, xvi. 526-529.—Kollet (E.) Les retinites syphilitiques. Lyon med., 1898, lxxxviii, 249-257.—Ko- seiihaiK-h (E.) Kilaksiatk6wki wyleczonymergalem. [Gumma of the retina cured bv mergal.] Post okul., Krakow, 1908, x. 298-304, 1 pl. Also, transl: Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges. Dresd., 1908-9. xii, 161-163.— Senn (A.) Retino-Chorioiditis rudimentaris e lue con- genita. Arch.f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1901, xliv, Ergnzngshft., 147-172, 0 tab., 1 pl. Retina (Traume/tism of). See, ateo, Eye (Wounds, etc., of); Retina [Amesthesia ofr. Retina (Detachment of, Trau- matic); Retina (Foreign bodg in); Retina (Hicriiorrlifigir) ; Retinitis (Causes, ete-., of). Schmidt (C. F. (i.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Retinitis traumatica. 8°. Kiel, 1890. Siegfried (A.) *Die traumatischen Erkran- kungen der Macula lutea der Netzhaut. [Zu- rich.] S~. Hamburg tC- Leipzig, 1896. Teplyashin (A. P.) K ucheniyu o histologi- cheskikh izmieneniyakh v sletchatkle poslle raneniy; eksperimentalnoyeizsliedovaniye. [A study in the histological changes in the retina after wounds; experimental investigation.] 8°. Kazan, 1893. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1895, xxiv, 455-465, 3 pl. Adaiuilk (E.) Ueber traumatische Netzhautdege- neration. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1897, xxxvi, 111-128. -----. On traumatic degeneration of the retina. Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1901, xxx. 656-660—Amotio retinae; Behandlung mit subconjunctivalen Kochsalz-Injec- tionen. Augenheilanst in Basel. Jahresb. (1896), 1897, xxxiii, 47: ds9M, 1>99. xxxv. 31.—Barrett (J. W.) In- jury to the retina. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Mel- bourne, 1898, iii, 345.—Beaudoux (H. A.) A case of commotio retinae caused by contrecoup, with persistent blindness, resulting in complete recoverv Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1901, x, 449-452—Berezkin i P. I.) Contusio retinae. Vestnik oftalniol., Kiev. p.iOO, xvii, 489^92.— Deni;r (R.) Microscopic changes in experimental con- cussion of the retina. Arch. Ophth.. X. Y., 1897, xxvi, 377,1 pl.—Fali-hi (F.) Leber Karyokinesen in der ver- wundeten Retina. Beitr. z. path. Anat u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 18*9, v, 521-524— Fridenberir (P.) Sclerosed nerve fibers following retinal traumatism; a hitherto un- described ophthalmoscopic picture. X. York Eve & Ear Infirm. Rep.. X. Y., 1904, xi. 19-23. 2 pl. -----. Fibrilltires Oedem der Xetzhaut nach Contusion. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1905, Iii, 296-300. Also, transl.: Arch. Ophth., X. Y., 1905, xxxiv, 331-340, 1 pl. — Lohinann (W.) Ueber Commotio retinae und die .Mechanik der indirek- ten Verletzungen nach Kontusion des Augapfels (Com- motio retinae, Aderhaut-und Skleralruptur). Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1905, lxii, 227-249, 1 p).—Lystad (H.) Traumatiske makula affektioner,. Tidsskr. f. d. norske La;gefor., Kristiania, 1908, xxviii. 588-592.—ITIakrocki (F.) ZurSymptomatologie der Commotio retinae. Arch. f. Augenh.. Wiesb., 1891-2, xxiv, 244-254.— Oedema retinae nach Contusion des Bulbus. Augenheilanst in Basel. Jahresb. (1896), 1897,xxxiii, 48-50.—OlivertC A.) Ophthalmoscopic representation of a caseof traumatic rupture of the inferior temporal vein of the right retina. Ann. Ophth.. St. Louis, 1897, vi, 1-3. Also. Reprint— Kosenliauch (E.) O zmetinieniu Berlina z zacho- waniem petnej bystrosci wzrokowej. [On Berlin's dis- ease with the conservation of complete visual rapid- ity.] Post, okul., Krak6w, 1908, x, 319-323.—Stephen- son (L.) Concussion of the retina. Brit. M. I . Lond., 1900, i, 69— Wissclink (G. W.) Ein Fall von traumati- scher Erkrankung der .Macula lutea. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., stuttg., ]9ck.| Gankwa Rinjo Iho, Nagaoka, 1907,97. Also: Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, xi, 322-330. Retina (Tuberculosis of). Ewer (E.) *Ein Fall von Netzhautbildung bei Miliartuberculose. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Hancock (W. 1.) A case of (?) tubercleof the retina. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1904-5, xvi, pt. 2, 150-154, 3 pl.—O'Sullivan i5, xxiv, 206- 223.—Kason (H.L.) A case of albuminuric retinitis, three years after the acute attack, in which adetachment of the retina has spontaneously subsided in both eves. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1903^1, xxiv, 147.— Kllett (E. C.) Albuminuric retinitis, its value as a diagnostic and prognostic sign. Memphis M. Month., 1897, xvii, 433-437.—Eyre (J. W. H.) Albuminuric retini- tis. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1897, xvi, 275-281—Fox (L. W.) Retinitis albuminurie. Ophth. Rec., Nashville, 1893-4, iii, 119-456. Also, Reprint. -----. Albuminuric retinitis. X. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 1225-1229. Also, Re- print—Friedenwald (H.) Retinitis diabetica. Arch. Ophth., X. Y.. 1891, xx, 544-547— Gamble (W. E.) Dia- betic retinitis. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1906, xv, 310-313.— Gibson (J. L.) Note on the albuminuric retinitis of pregnancy. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1'.mi8, xxvii, 532- 534.—Goinpertz (R.) Note on'a case of albuminuric retinitis simulating optic neuritis. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1906, iv, 385-389.—Greenwood (A.) Albumi- nuric retinitis. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 649-652. Also, Reprint.—Guedes de Ulello. A retinite albu- minurica. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1893, 79-81.—Har- lan (CO Retinitis albuminurica. Med. & Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1877, xxxvii, 61-66. Also, Reprint—Has- brouek is.) Lnilateral albuminuric retinitis; with a case. Atlantic M. Weeklv, Providence, 1898, x, 49-52. Also: J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., N. Y., 1898, x, 119- 121.—von Haselberg. Retinitis albuminurica gra- vissima bei einem Kindevon 2J Jahren. Charity-Ann., Berl., 1904, xxviii, 328-330.—Hawthorne (C. O.) On a caseof albuminuria, cardiac hypertrophy, and retinitis. Polyclin., Lond., 1901, v, 15-20.—Hinshelwood (J.) A case of recovery from albuminuric retinitis, with re- marks as to prognosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1154.— Hirscliberj? (J.) Ueber diabetische Xetzhautentziin- dung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 1181; 1236.—Hobby (C. M.) Albuminuric retinitis. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1894, xi, 261.—Howe (L.) Albuminuric retinitis without albumin. Tr. M.Soc N.Y., Phila., 1893, 326-328.— Inouye (T.) [A case of retinitis connected with the albuminuria of the dark races, being an inquiry into the diathesis of nephritis.] Inouve Gankwa Dosokwai kai Ho, Tokvo, 1899, 139-150. Also, transl: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1898, xxxvi, 297-309, 2 pl.—Jessop (W. H.) A clinical hcture on . albuminuric retinitis. Brit M. J., Lond., 1907, i. 728-730. Also, transl: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1907, Iii, 281: 292.— Joeqs (R.) Sur le pronostic de la retinite brightique. Clin, opht, Par., 1899, v, 137. -----. Retinite albuminu- rique suivie de glaucome. Ibid., 1900, vi, 191-193. — K on iii (E.) La reunite brightique. Rec. d'opht, Par., 1891, 3. s., xiii, 143; 526.—de Lapersonne (F.) Valeur semeiologique de la retinite brightique. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1890, xxix, 485-496.—Laqueur (L.) Ueber Retinitis albuminurica. Therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1895, ii, 1062-1065.—Lawson (A.) Albuminuric retinitis in a female child ad. 7 years. Tr. Ophth. Soc V. King- dom, Lond., 1906-7, xxvii, 115: 1908, xxviii, 163.—Law- son (A.) & Sutherland (G. A.) Case of albumi- Retinitis (Albuminuric) [fYephritic anti- diabetic]. nuric retinitis in a child aged 12 years. Ibid., 1897-8, xviii, 140: 1898-9, xix, 71. - Marple (W.'B.) The occur- rence and significance of unilateral albuminuric retinitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 298-302.—de fTIello (G.) Retinite albuminurica. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1893 79; 167: 175; 227: 293.-Mills (J.J.) Retinitis albuminu- rica; report of unusual eases. Maryland M. J., Bait ,1900 xliii, 391-398.— Mitchell (T. H.) Retinitis albuminu- rica. Tr. M. Soc Georgia, Atlanta, 1903, 74-80.— ITIoglie (G.) Retinite albuminurica; studio istologico e clinico in riguardo specialmente ai rapporti con la malattia re- nale. Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii-M, 284-301.—Nesie (G. P.) Albuminuricnozapaljenjeinrezicekao simptom Brajtove bolesti. [Albuminuric retinitis as a symptom of Bright's disease.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek.,-Beograd, 1901, vii, 145; 205.—Ncttleship (E.) Observations on renal reti- nitis. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1903, pt. 4 xv, 320-345, 1 pl.—Opin & Rochon-Duvigneaiid. Recherches sur les lesions comparees de la retine et des autres organes chez les malades atteints de retinite albu- minurique. J. de physiol. et de path, gen.., Par., 1903, v, 1081-1095.-----------. Sur la pathogenie de la retinite albuminurique. Ibid., 1904, vi, 115-126. ----- -----. Lesions comparees de la retine et des autres organes chez les malades atteints de retinite brightique; in- dications qu'elles fournissent sur la pathogenie de l'affeetion. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1904, xxiv, 155-176.— Orlandini (O.) Alterazioni della retina nella glico- suria sperimentale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1904, xl, 97-107.—Parenteau (D.) De la retinite albu- minurique comme element de pronostic de l'albuminurie. Art med., Par., 1900, xci, 422-434. Also, transl: Honneop Eye, Ear & Throat J., X. Y., 1901, vii, 198-204.—Pa ton (L.) The retina in cases of albuminuria. Hospital, Lond., 1908, xliv, 253.—Potain. Retinite albuminu- rique. Ann. de med. scient. et prat, Par., 1892, ii, 201- 204.—Prentiss (D. W.) Exhibition of a case of albu- minuric retinitis consequent upon an attack of purpura hemorrhagica rheumatica. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1895, x, 89-91.—Pyle (W. L.) Unilateral albu- minuric retinitis; with report of a case. Phila. M.J 1898, ii, 1081-1084. Also, Reprint — Rabinovieh (G. A.) Albuminuricheskiyretinit i yevo prognosticheskove znacheniye dlya zhizni. [Albuminuric retinitis and its prognostic value for life.] Vestnik oftalmol., Mosk., 1906, xxiii, 717. —Kay (J. M. ) Bright's retina. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1901, xxxii, 19-21. —Reik (H. O.) Typical diabetic retinitis; report of two cases. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1899, viii, 315-318.—Roehon- Duvigneaud. Deux cas de guerison de retinite albu- minurique; remarques sur la nature de l'affeetion. Bull. et mim. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1901, xviii, 356-362. Also [Abstr.]: Clin, opht, Par., 1901, vii, 171. -----. La question des lesions arterielles chez les malades atteints de retinite albuminurique. Bull, et m6m. Soc. franc d'opht, Par., 1904, xxi, 235-240. -----. Le pronostic des retinites diab^tiques. Rev. gen. de clin. et de fierap., Par., 1908, xxii, 433.—Rocklifte (W. C.) Case of dia- betic? retinitis. Tr. Ophth. Soc. L. Kingdom, Lond.. 1893-4, xiv, 130. —Saundby ( R.) The Middlemore lectures. On the retinal affections of Bright's disease and diabetes. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1893, xxxiii, 1; 76. Also [Abstr.] : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 1329. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet Lond., 1892, ii, 1431. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 604.—Sehieck (F.) Leber Retinitis albuminurica. Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. d. ophth. Gesellsch. 1907, Wiesb., 1908, xxxiv, 77-88.—S«'hwei«rsjer. Zur diabetischen Netzhautent- ziindung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 260.—Shiba (S.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Retinitis albuminurica. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1908, xlvi, 387-400. —Simon (R.) Leber typische Violettblindheit bei Retinitis albuminu- rica. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 132-139.—Sne 11 athol<>, xxii, 15-18. -----. Ueber einen Fall von Retinitis pigmentosa. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'ophtal., 5.—Snell (S.) Numerous instances of nightblindness (retinitis pigmentosa) occurring in five generations, with genealogical chart. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, 68-70, 1 ch. -----. Retinitis pigmentosa occurring in several members of a family. Ibid., 1906-7, xxvii, 217-219.—Stirling (A.W.) Observations on the visual fields and earlv fundus changes in retinitis pig- mentosa. Atlanta M. &■ S. J., 1x95-6, n. s., xii, 328-336.— Stiir. Retinitis pigmentosa. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang.,1865, iii, 23.—Trail tas. Scotome annulaire dans un casde retinite pigmentaire tvpiijue. Rec. d'opht.. Par., 1895, 3. s., xvii, 331-334.—Veasey (C. A.) Retinitis pig- mentosa. Phila. Polyclin., 1896, v, 481.—Wagenmaiin (A.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der pathologischen Anato- mie der Retinitis pigmentosa. Arch. f. Ophth.. Leipz., 1891, xxxvii, 1. Abth., 230-242. —Winselmaim. Ein Fall von Retinitis pigmentosa ohne Pigmenti< rung. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1902, vi, 129-13L—Veura tS.) JA case of retinitis pigmentosa without pigmentation.] Nip- pon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, vi, 921-926.— Vevetski (F. O.) K patologiclieskol anatomii pig- mentnavo retinita. Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1890, vii, 449-460, 1 pl. Retinitis (Proliferative). Banholzer (M.) *Zur pathologischen Ana- tomie und Pathogenese der Retinitis prolife- RETINITIS. 505 RETINOL. Retinitis (Proliferative). rans (Manz). [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Wiesbaden, 1892. Also in: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1892, xxv, 186-209, lpl. Fuxfstvck (,W.) * Ueber die Entstehung der Retinitis proliferans. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1897. Ltuilbaud (G.) *La retinite proliferante. 8°. Paris, 1897. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1897. Romer (P.) *Verkalkung der Retina bei chronischer Nephritis, zugleich ein Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie des Glaukoms und der Retinitis proliferans. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. ' Leipzig, 1901. Also, in: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1901, Iii, 514-535,1 pl. Axenfeld (T.) Netzhautruptur (Losreissung eines radiaren Netzhautstreifens) bei einem Falle von Binde- gewebsnenbildung im Glaskdrper und der Retina (Reti- nitis proliferans Manz). Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1892-3, xxvi, 225-237.1 pl. Also, transl: Arch. Ophth., N.Y., 1894, xxiii, 119-123. 1 pl.—Barrett (J. W.) A case of retinitis proliferans. Internat. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1898, iii, 343-315.—Blessiu i.E. i Zur Casuistik und Aetiologie der priiretinalen Kiudegewebsbildung (Retinitis prolife- rans i. Klin. Monat-bl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1893. xxxi, 20''-207 — Carroll (J. J.) A case of retinitis proliferans. J. Eve. Ear & Throat Dis., Bait., 1904, ix, 123-129.—t'asali (A.) Contributo alia casuistica e all' eziologia della reti- nite proliferante. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1906, xxxv, 19_39. — Cirineione. Ricerche anatomiche sulla reti- nite proliferante. Clin, ocul., Palermo. 1905, 1921; 1959. Also transl: Beitr. z. Augenh. Festschr. Julius Hirseh- berg [etc.], Leipz., 1905, 289-310. — Ooeks (G. H.J & Weeks (J. E.) A case of retinitis proliferans; enu- cleation: microscopical examination. N. York Eye & Ear Infirm. Rep., 1897, v, 27-31. — Benin (R.) Anato- mischer Befund bei spontan entstandener Bindege- websneubildung im Glaskdrper (sog. Retinitis proli- ferans). Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1894-5, xxx, 312-317.— Febr. Zur Kenntniss der Retinitis proliferans. Cen- tralbl. f prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 193-198 — Fisher'I. H.i Ketinitisproliferans. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, I.ond.. 1897-8, xviii, L50-152. -----. Prolifera- ting retinitis in middle age associated with glycosuria. /(./>/.. 152.—Flemminit (P. i A caseof retinitis prolif- erans in which the eve was examined after death. Ibid., 154-164, 2 1., 2 pl— tioldsmith Retterer (Edouard) [1S51- ]. Lavcyssiere. [Biography.] Corresp. med., Par 1903, ix, no. 203, 3. * Rettger (LeoF.) Further studies on putre- faction, pp. 45-55. 8°. Baltimore, 1908. Repr.from: J. Biol. Chem., Bait., 1908, iv. In: Stud. Rockefeller Inst. M. Research, [N. Y.l 1908 viii. ' ' RettiK (Otto Rudolph Richard) [1869- ]. * Ueber angeborene Nabelschnurbriiche und ihre operative Behandking. 32 pp., 2 1. s° Berlin, C. Voegt, 1894. Rettler (Heinrich) [1873- ]. *Zur Casui- stik der malignen Tumoren, welche sich auf dem Boden angeborener Muttermale entwickeln 19 pp. 8°. Kiel, 1900. [Rets (Noel)] [1758-1810]. Precis sur les mala- dies epidemiques qui sont les sources de la inor- talite parmi les gens de guerre, les gens de mer et les artisans. xxxii, 299 pp. 12°. Paris, Meguignon, 1787. ------. Die Krankheiten der Haut, ihre Ur- sachen, ihre Symptome und ihre sowohl schick- liche als widersinnige Behandlungen. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von C. A. P. xvi, 17-112 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Breshtu, C. F. Gutsch, 1788. Bound with: Hbndy (James) & Rollo (John). Ueber die Drtisenkrankheit, [etc.]. 12°. Frankfurt a. M., 1788. See, also, Nouvelles ou annales de i'art de guerir 24°. Paris, 1787-90. Retze (Wilhelm) [1873- ]. * Ueber die Be- ziehung der Gesichtslage zum engen Becken. [Bonn.] 34 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn-Boppelsdorf, 1897. Retzer (Robert) [1881- ]. * Ueber die musculose Verbindung zwischen Vorhof und Ventrikel des Siiugethierherzens. 16 pp., 1 1., lpl. 8°. Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1904. Retzius [Anders Adolf] [1796-1860]. Memoire sur les formes du crane des habitants du nord. pp. 133-172. 8°. [Paris, 1846.] Cutting from: Ann. d. sc. nat. (zool.), Par., 1846, 3. s., vi. ------. Peruvianernas cranieform. 9 pp. s°. Stockholm, P. A..Norstedt & Sihier, 1848. Repr. from: Lr Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Aka- demiens Forhandlingar, Sept. 13, 1848, v. For Biography, see Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1901, n. f., i, 1-8, port. ------. See, also: Key (A.) Fran Karolinska Instituted fest den 13 Oktober 1896 till rirande af minnet af Anders Retzii fodelse for etthundra ar sedan; minnesord . . . med portriitt af Anders Kct/.ins efter original, maladt af Troili, och 4 zinko- typier. [The festival of the Karolinska In- stitute, October 13, 1896, for celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Andrew Retzius; a memorial . . . with portrait of An- drew Retzius after the original painted by Troili, and 4 zincotypes.] rov. 8°. Stockholm, 1896. L,oven (C.) Minnesord vid SvenskaLiikaresiillskapets fest till lirande af 100-&rs-dagen af hans fodelse, den 13 oktober 1896. [Memorial speech in the Swedish Physi- cians' Societv's festival celebrating the centenary of his birth [Retzius] October 13, 1896.] Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1896, lviii, pt. 2, 437-159. Ktl/ins ([Magnus] Gustav) [1842- ]. Ett fall af mikrocefaH jtimte en kort framstiillning af mikrocefalien i allmanhet. [A case of micro- cephalus; also a brief explanation of microce- phaly in general.] 38 pp., 2 pl. 8°. [Stock- holm, 1874.] Repr.from: Antrop. Sekt. Tidskr., Stockholm, 1878,i. RETZIUS. 507 REUMAUX. Retzius ([Magnus] Gustav)—continued. -----. Biologische Untersuchungen. Jahrg. 1881, 1882. 2 p. 1., 143 pp., 14 pl.; 153 pp., 8 pl. 4°. Stockholm, />. S. Liinder, 1881-2. -----. The same. Neue Folge. v. 1-13. fol. Stnckholm, 1890-1906. -----. Das Gehororgan der Wirbelthieiv. I. Das Gehororgan der Fische und Amphibien. 6 pp. 8°. Stockholm, Kongel. Boktr., 1882. Repr.from: Nord. Tidskr., 1882. -----. Das Menschenhirn. Studien in der ma- kroskopischen Morphologie. 2 v. viii, 167 pp.; lp. l.,96pl.,96l. fol. Stockholm, B. A. Xorstedt d- Simer, 1896. -----. Crania suecica antiqua. Eine Darstel- lung der schwedisohen Menschen-Schadel aus dem Steinzeitalter, dem Bronzezeitalter und dem Eisenzeitalter, sowie ein Blick auf die For- schungen iiber die Rassencharaktere der euro- paisehen Volker. 3 p. ]., iv, 182 pp., 100 pl. fol. Stockholm, 1900. -----. Emanuel Swedenborg as an anatomist and physiologist. 15 pp. 8°. Bn/n Athyn, Ba., 1903. -----. Cerebra simiarum illustrata. Das Affen- hirn in bildlicher Darstellung hrsg. 4 p. 1., 24 pp., 67 1., 67 pl. fol. Stockholm, Centraldr.; Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. Su, also. Loven ([Otto] Christian), Nordenson (E.) ct Retzius (Gust.) Materiaux pour servir [etc.]. s.c. [Storkholm, 1874.] -----. See, also: Reception de M. le Prof. G. Retzius. Bull, et mem. Soe. d'anthrop. de Par., 1901, 5. s., ii, 301-303. Retzius (Canity ef). See, also, Prevesical space. Gerardin (X.-A.) * Recherches sur la ca- vite preperitoneale de Retzius et sur son in- flammation. 4°. Paris, 1879. Bazy. Note sur l'existence de ganglions lympha- tiques dans la cavite de Retzius. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 805-807.—Engliseh (J.) Das Cavum praeperitoneale Retzii und die Erkrankungen seines Zellgewebes. Folia urolog., Leipz., 1908, ii, 201; 360. Retzius (Cavity of Tnflarmmation and abscess of). See, also, Pericystitis, etc. Geraudie (P.) * Contribution a l'etude pa- thogenique des phlegmons de la cavite de Retzius. 8°. Montpellier, 1903. Cotte (G.) Abces de la cavite dc Retzius. Gaz. d. hdp., Par., 1905, lxxviii, 579-5*0.—I-Cscat. Phlegmon de la cavite de Retzius. Marseille med. 1008, xlv, 116 — Hassler ( C. ) Ueber die idiopathische Entzundung des Zellgewebes des Cavum Retzii. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1902," xiii, 377; 442.—Honsell (B.) Ueber die Abscesse des Spatium pravesicale (Retzii). Beitr. z.,klin. Chir., Tubing., 1904, xli, 491-522. — Reyjrasse. A propos de l'origine in- fectieuse lymphati'jue des phlegmons de la cavity de Retzius. Languedoc m6d.-chir., Toulouse, 1905, xiii, 19- 25. — Saelie Stet&nescu. Flegmon al cavitatel lul Retzius. Rev. de chir., Bucuresti, 1900, iv, 228-230'. Retzlaff (Bruno) [1875-" ]. *Ursiichliche Momente fiir die Stellung verkohlter Leichen. 26 pp., 2 pl., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1897. Retzlaff (Karl) [1882- ]. *Die diagno- stische Bedeutung der Pupillenstarre und der Pupillentriigheit fiir die Erkennung von Nerven- ' und Geisteskrankheiten. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, G. Schade, [1907]. Retzlaff (Otto [Richard Waldemar]) [1879- ]. * Ueber Carcinome des Nierenbeckens. 40 pp., 11. 8°. Greifsumlel, J. Abel, 1904. Reuberling (Ernst) [1869- ]. * Ueber Spontanheilung von Leberechinococcus. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, C. L. Pfeil, 1894. Reuelilin (Ernestus). Amuletum contra pes- tirenti;e contagionem jam passim per hitifiov- A?7S divagantem ac proserpentem. In salutem eorum qui ex officio in veteri Marchia Domini- cuni gregem verbo verbique sphragidibus, hoc est, sacramentis fidelisime pascunt, ac juventu- tem in Phrontisterijs informant. 10 1. 12°. Magdebnrgse, A. Gheue, 1566. Reuelilin (Hermann) [1878- ]. *Zur Ka- suistik des doppelseitigen pulsierenden Ex- ophthalmus. 58 pp., 11. 8°. Tubmejen, G. Sehn'urlen, 1902. Reuelilin (Joannes). See Hippocrates. De pneparatione hominis, retc.l. 4°. [Tubingn;lbVl.} Rcudler (K. T. F.) & van Ilallie (L.) La- tijnsch-Nederlandsch woordenboek op de Phar- macopoea Nederlandica metbeknopteomschrij- ving van kunstwoorden en eigennamen. 4. ed. 2 p. 1., 144 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, D. B. Centen, 1906. Reuer (Fritz) [1877- ]. *Ueber Ventri- fixura uteri als Behandlungsmethode bei Lage- veriinderungen der inneren Genitalien. 59 pp. 8°. Wurzhurej, P. Scheiner, 1905. Reuffurtli (Eduard) [1866- ]. *Die me- chanischen Verhiiltnisse der krebsigen Stricturen der Speiserohre unter Zugrundelegung mehrerer Fiille von Carcinoma oesophagi. 41pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1890]. Reukauff (Hugo) [1873- ]. ^Etiologie und therapeutische Bewertung des Alkohols be- sprochen an dem Sachsenberger Krankenmate- rial in den Jahren 1876-1905. [Rostock.] 2 p. 1., 51 pp., 11. 8°. Schwerin, Sandmei/er, 1906. Reul (Adolphe) [1846-1907]. Precis du cours de zootechnie, d'hygiene et d'agronomie. 1. partie. Zootecbnie generale. 115 pp. 8°. Bru- xelles, F. Vanbuggenhoudt, 1902. For Biography, see Ann. de m6d. vet., Brux., 1907, lvi, 73-79, port. (Degive). Reulihet. Traite des maladies cutanees des pieds, et de toutes les infirmites auxquelles nous sommes assujettis, telles que cors, oignons, du- rillons, vermes, accidents des ongles, engelures, gercures, etc., avec les moyens de les prevenir, de les soigner et de les guerir. 172 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Toulouse, Bonnai ci- Gibrac, 1845. Reuling (George)_ [1839- _ ]. Bericht iiber die funfjiihrige Wirksamkeit der ersten deut- schen Aueren- und Ohren-Klinik, in den Ver- einigten Staaten (Maryland Eye and Ear In- stitute of Baltimore). 16 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Guggenheimer &• Weil, 1875. ------. Diseases of the general organism in their relation to vision. 17 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. H. Foster, 1877. Repr.from: Richmond & Louisville M. J., 1877, xxiv. For Portrait, see Vol lection of Portr. (Libr.). Reuling (Robert C.)[1872-1907]. Obituary. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1908, li, 490. Reulos (Auguste). * Contribution a, 1'etude de l'orchite rhumatismale. 33 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Paris, 1904, No. 518. Reulos (Marcel). * Considerations sur le trai- tement d'urgence des dechirures du perince. 53 pp., 1 1. 8°., Paris, 1903, No. 115. Reuuiatix (Emanuel) [1875- ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'osteome des cavaliers. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902, No. 155. Reumaux (Eucher-Victor) [1867- ]. *Du traitement des abces retro-pharyngiens. 46 pp. 4°. Lille, 1895, No. 87. KEUMONT. 508 REUTKK. Reumontf Alexander) [1817- ]. DieAache- ner Schwefelthermen in syphilitischen Krank- heitsformen. Diagnostisch und therapeutisch. 2., giinzlich umgearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. 68 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1859. ------. Winterkuren an Schwefelthermen. vi (1 1.), 138 pp. 12°. Wien, W. Braumuller, 1877. Su. also, He lira tli (H[einrich]). Aachen und Burt- K'heid [etc.). l-c. .lnc/(r/(,1870.—Thonison (Anthony Todd;. Anlcitung zur Erkenntniss und Behandlung der Vergiftungen. 12°. Aarhen. 1846. Reunion. See Plague (History, etc., of), by localities. Reunion du Bureau international de la tuber- culose. Seance publique du 5 mai 1903. Allo- cution de Casimir-Perier. Plan de campagne de la lutte contre la tuberculose en France; discours de Brouardel. 34 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Xaud, 1903. Repr.from: Lutte antituberc, Par., 1903, iii. Reunions cliniques de l'Hopital Saint-Louis pendant l'annee scolaire 1888-9. Comptes ren- dus publics par H. Feulard, secretaire general; A. Mathieu, A. Morel-Laval Ice, et G. Thi- bierge, secretaire* des seances. 238 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1889. Reuper (Erich) [1879- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Hirncyste. 26 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer ei- Co., 1906. Retire (Henri) [1871- ]. * Etude critique de l'hypospadias et de son traitement; nouvelle methode de reconstitution de l'uretre au moyen des greffes autoplastiques de M. le professeur Oilier. 9-4 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 129. Retire (Jean) [1875- ]. * De la compression pubio-mannelle comme traitement des hemor- rhagies apres la delivrance. 82 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 148. Reus (Joh.) *De apoplexia. 15 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Beit., A. Efzerier, 1698. Sir. also, tamper (P.) Brief aan Jan de Reus. 8°. Eeeturarden, 1~67. -----. Tweede brief [etc.]. 8°. Leeu- ivarden, 1707. Retiseh (F. E.) Theorie der Cylinderlinsen mit zwei auf Stein gravirten Tafeln. 35 pp. 8°. Leip:iy, B. G. Teubuer, 1868. Reusehel (Klemens). Editor of: Regeneration, Berlin, 1896-7. Reuseher (Carl). * Bericht iiber einen Fall von totaler halbseitiger Korperhypertrophie ver- bunden mit symmetrischer Polydactylie an Hiinden und Fiissen. 31 pp. 8°". Giessen, C. ran Mihichou; 1897. Reusner (Hieronymus). Eygendtliche unnd griindtliche Beschreibung dess uhralten heylsa- men minerischem Bades zu Wemdingen, darin- nen anss nati'trlichen, unwidertreiblichen Ur- sachen und beharrlicher, gewisser Erfahrung bewisen wirdt, zu welchen Kranckheiten unnd Leibsgebrechen solehes niitzlich unnd recht zu gebrauchen sey. Zu jedermiinigklichs Wol- fahrt verfertigt und in Truck gegelien durch Esaias Leschius. 192 pp. 12°." Xeuburg, L. Danhauser, 1618. Reuss. See Brouardel (Paul [-C.-H.]) Le Congres interna- tional d hygiene de Paris, 1*89. v\ Paris, 18S9. von Reuss (A[ugust]) [1841- ]. Ueber einige neuere Augenoperationen. 6 pp. 8°. [Wien, F. B. Geitler, 1870.] Repr.from: Wien. med. Presse, 1*70, xi. ------. Ophthalmometrische Messungen bei Keratokonus. 4 pp. s°. [Wien, G. Gistel & Comp., 1873.] Repr.from: Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv. von Reuss (A[ugust])—continued. ------. Ueber Tiitowirung der Hornhaut 8°. [Wien, F. B. Geitler, 1873.] 4 pp. Repr.from: Wien. med. Presse, 1873, xiv. ------. Leber Farbenblindheit. In: Wien. Klinik, 1S79, v, 65-100. ------. Pilzkonkretion in den Thriinenrohr- chen. 10 pp. 8°. [Wien, Urban d Sch uur-eu- berg, 1884.] Repr.from: Wien. med. Presse, 1881, xxv. ------. Das Gesichtsfeld bei functionellen Xcr- venleiden. iv, 119 pp. 8°. Leipziy & Wien F. Deuticke, 1902. Reuss (Christianus Fridericus) [1745-is 1.;]. Dispensatorium universale ad tempora nostra accomodatum et ad forinam lexici chemico- pharmaceutici redactum. [Cum supplement.] 2 v. paged consecutively. 5 p. 1., 976 pp. 12°. Ai-genlnrali, A. Koenig, 1786-7. Sic, also, IHssertationes medicee select* Tubin- genses. 3 v. 12°. Tubingie, 1783-5. Reuss (Franz Ambros) [1761-1830]. Die Mine- ralquellen zu Mscheno in BOhmen. Eine chemisch-medicinische Abhandlung. 184 pp. 16°. Leipzig, W. Rein, 1803. Reuss (Hans) [1873- ]. * Die Cercarie und Sporocyste des Distomum duplicatum Baer. [Munchen.] 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, W. Liigelmauii, 1903. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz., 1903. von Reuss (Wilhelm). See Album fur Aerzte, 1889. 16°. [Berlin, 1889-1 Reuss (Wolfgang) [1877- ]. *Symbiosevon Carcinom und Tuberkulose. Kasuistische Mit- teilung. 20 pp., 2 1. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner & Callu-ey, 1903. Reuter (Andreas Peter Wilhard) [1878- ]. * Beitriige zur Behandlung der Eklampsia puerperalis. Statistik der in der Universitiits- Frauenklinik zu Giessen 1890-1906 behandel- ten Eklampsie-Fiille. 87 pp. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1907. Reuter (B.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Acetessiganilids. 41 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Kiimpfe, 1893. Reuter (C[arl]. Bad Ems und seine Heil- mittel. vii, 90 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Bad Ems, A. Pfeiffer, 1901. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. vi, 125 pp.. s°. Bad Ems, A. Bfeffer, 1904. ------. Geruohsempfindungs-Sturungen. 12 pp. 8°. Wien, B. Spi,*& Co.,[n. d.]. Repr.from: Bibl. d. ges., med. Wissensch., [n. d.]. Reuter (C[ornelius] ) [1866- ]. *Ueber Lupus der Extremitaten. 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1890. Reuter (Fritz) [1810-74]. Albrecht (P.) Fritz Reuters Krankheit. Eine Studie. 8°. Halle a. S., 1907. Reuter (Fritz) [1869- ]. *Die Therapie des Nabelschnurvoi-falls bei Kopflagen in ihrer allmiihlichen Entwicklung bis zum heutigen St.inde der Dinge. [Bonn.] 99 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, W. Grece, 1894. Reuter (Hans Friedrieh Karl) [1878- ]. *Die neuern Aniisthetika in der Ophthalmolo- gic [Wurzburg.] 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Aur/sburg, P. J. Pfeiffer, 1906. Renter (Hermann) [lS2S-S!tJ. Jlerkcl (G.) [Obituarv.] Mitth. a. d. Ver. f. off. dMidhtsptlK. d. Stadt Niirnb., 1S90, xiii, 4-6. Reuter ( Karl). * Ueber die Entwickelung der Augenmuskulatur beim Schwein. [GiVttingen.] 21 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1897. Also, in: Anat. Hefte, Wiesb., 1897, ix, 367-387, 2 pl. RKUTEK. 509 REVENSTORF. Reuter (Karl Friedrieh). Ueber Priicocitiit der Menstruation in psychologischer und kra- nioskopischer Hinsicht. 47 pp. 8°. Wiesba- den, A. Scholz, 1846. Reuter (Ludwig). * Ueber die Isomerisation hoherer Homologen des Ae hvlens und Acety- lene. [Bern.] 2 p. 1., 29 pp. * 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1892. Reuter (Martin) & Rogncr (Konrad). Kate- chismus der Schlachtvieh- und Fleischbeschau. Eine Anleitung zur Abhaltung und zum Beste- hen der Fleisc'ibesehauer-Priifung nach dem Reichsgesetze betr. die Schlachtvieh- und Fleischbeschau. v, 179 pp. 12°. Ansbach, C. BriigeUi Sohn, 1904. Renter (Richard). *Ueb r die sogenannten ditonischen Zuckungen. [Wurzburg.] 23 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Halle, C. A. Kaemmerer ci Co., 1899. Reuter (Simon). *De sterilitate. 31 pp. 4°. Francof irti, typ. C. A. Zeitleri, jun., 1693. Reuter (Waldemar) [1873- ]. *Beitriige zu den Untersuc .ungen iiber die spontane Gradestreckung der rachitischen Unterschen- kelverkriinimungen. 25 pp. 8°. Kiel, II. Fiencke, 1899. Reutlingen. See Leprosy (History, etc., of), by localities. Reutter (Georges). * Quelques cas rares de earcinomes. 31 pp. 8°. Lausanne, C. Pache- Yaridel, 1901. Reutter (Louis). * Ueber Mastix, Caricari- Elemi, und fiber verschiedene Griiberharze aus Karthago. 75 pp. 8°. Bern, Neukomm & Zimmermann, 1904. Reuvens (C. L.) Die Myoxidte oder Schliifer. Ein Beitrag zur Osteologie und Systematik der Nagethiere. [Erlangen.] v, 6-80 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Leiden, P. W. M. Trap, 1890. Revacci nation. See Vaccination (Bepeated). Re vault (Gustave- Marie -Louis) [1872- ]. ^Contribution ii l'etude du traitement chirurgi- cal de l'exstrophie complete de la vessie. 66 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 23. Reveil (Le) medical. Revue mensuelle parais- sant le 15 de chaque mois. Redaeteur en chef: F. Bagarrv. Nos. 1-7, v. 1-2, Dec. 15, 1888, to June 15, 1889. 4°. Marseille. Reveil ([Pierre-] O [scar]) [1821-65]. Notes sur l'hvgiene et la toxicologic 22 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1862. Repr.from: Arch. gen. de m6d., Par., 1862, 5. s., xx. See, also, Barral (J[ean-]A[ugustin] i, tiste-] A (Iphonsel) pere & Reveil ([P.-JO.) Notice sur le lait, [L'tc.J. *0. Paris, 1836.—.Houquin-Tandon (A.) & Reveil (0.) Memoires a consulter [etc.]. 1 . [Paris, 1857.] — Trousseau [Armand] va- riotomie; suture complete immediate; guerison. 17 pp. 8°. [Paris, Decembre, 1886.] Repr. from: Ann. d. mal. d. org. gtiiiito-urin., Par., 1886, iv. ------. Contribution a l'etude du myxo'deme consecutif a l'extirpation totale ou partielle du corps thyroide. 29 pp. 8°. Genere, C. Sr-hu- chardt, 1887. Repr.from: Rev. m6d.de la Suisse Rom. .Geneve, 1887, vii. ------. De l'emploi du naphtol (3 dans les pan- sements. 14 pp. 8°. Genere, C. Schurhurdt, 1888. Repr.from: Rev.m6d.de la Suisse Rom.,Geneve,1888, viii. Reverdy (Gaston) [1880- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude des prostatites chroniques. 47 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 75. Reverdy (Georges) [1875- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'hopital modele. 220 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 95. ------. The same. Hygiene des hopitaux; con- struction, installation, amenagement. 220 pp., 11. 8°. Boris, J.-B. Bailliere ei fils, 1902. Revere (John). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Reverie. von Krafft-Eblng (R.) Ueber epileptoide Diim- mer-und Traumzustiinde. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1876, xxxiii, 111-125. -----. Beitriige zur kliniseh- forensischen Diagnostik epileptischer Traum- und Dam- merzustiinde. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1877, xxviii, 118-135. -----. Ueber Dfimmer- und Traum- zustiinde. In his: Arb. a. d. Gesammtgeb. d. Psvehiat. u. Neuropath., Leipz., 1898, 3. Hft., 21-95— Smith (T. L.l The psvchology of day dreams. Am. J. Psvchol.. Worces- ter, 1904, xv, 465-488.—Vasehide (N.) & iTIeiuiier. Projection durfive dans l'etat de veille. Rev.de i^vrli int., Par., 1901, n. s., iv, 38-49. —Vasehide (X.) & Ph'ron (H.) Valeur symptomatique du reve au point de vue de l'6tat mental de la veille chez une circulaire. <>az. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv. 913-916. Reverseau (Benjamin) [1869- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude des pyoperihepatites tubercu- leuses. 87pp.,2pl. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 175. Reversion. See Regression. Revertegat (Victor) [1860- ]. * Contribu- tions a, l'etude clinique des hallucinations dans la melancholic. 95 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 81. Revidirte Ordnung, wie es in des Fiirsten und Herrn Christian Ernsts Land und Fiirstenthum bei kiinfftig sich ereignender Pestilentz-Scuche in einem und anderen gehalten werden solle. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Bayreuth, J. Gebhard. 1680. Review (A) by the board of directors of the Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital of a report made from an investigation of the hospital by the Board of Charities. 23 pp. 8°. Washington, 1903. REVIEW. 511 REVISTA. Review of Circular No. 6, War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Nov. 1st, 1865. 33 pp. 8°. [New York, 1866.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1866, ii. Review and clinical notes on nosophen and its salts, antinosine and eudoxine. 64 pp. 12°. Xew York, [n. d.]. Review (A) of "The domain of medical police (abstract of a paper read before the New York Sanitarv Association, Feb. 6th, 1862). By Louis Elsberg, M. A., M. D.". 8 pp. 8°. [London, 1863.] Repr.from: Brit.&For.M.-Chir.Rev.,Lond.,1863,xxxii. Review (The) of Insanity and Nervous Disease. A quarterly compendium of the current litera- ture of neurology and psychiatry. Edited by James H. McBride. Associate editors: S. C. Grav [et al.]. v. 1-5, August, 1890, to Septem- ber," 1894. 8°. Milwaukee. Ended. No. 1, v. 5, last published. Review of letter on medical reform [by James Svme] from "Berwick Advertiser", 25th Octo- ber, 1845. 13 pp. 16°. [n.p..n.d.] Review of Neurology and Psychiatry. Edited by Alexander Bruce and Edwin Bramwell. [Monthly.] v. 1-7, 1903-9. 8°. Edinburgh. Current. Review (A) of the operations of the National Board of Health, together with the resolutions adopted. Letter to R. C. Kedzie. 42 pp. 8°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1882. Review of Prof. Palmer's statement [etc.]. See Sager (Abram). Review (A) of silver sutures in surgery; an an- niversary discourse before the New York Acad- emy of Medicine. By J. Marion Sims. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott ci Co., 1858. Repr.from: N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila., 1858, ii. Revifflio (Maurizio). See llelprato Pietro. Studj sulla peripneumonia essudativa [etc.]. roy. s'J. Parma, 185". Revilla (Enrique). Clinica ginecologica; lapa- rotomies e histerectomias. iii, 5-179 pp., 1 1., 8pl. 8°. Buenos Aires, J. Bettser, 1896. Revilla (Fernando A.) * Breve estudio sobre la constipation. 46 pp. 8°. Mexico, Berrueco hermanos, 1884. Revilla y Leon (Rafael). *Conducta del medico en los casos de retention de orina de causa uretral. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Mexico, 1891. [P., v. 2179.] Reville (Paul) [1864- ]. *Grossesseet hys- terie. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 188. Revilliod (Henry). *De la neurofibromatose generalisee et de ses rapports avec l'insuffisance des capsules surrenales. 88 pp. 8°. Geneve, II. Kundig, 1900. Revilliod [Leon]. Le traitement Koch. 12 pp., 25 1. 8°. Genere, Slapehnohr, 1891. Repr.from: Rev.med.de laSuisseKom.,Geneve,1891,xi. ----- & Binet (Paul). Tafeln zur Schilde- rung der durch den Alkoholismus verursachten Organerkrankungen des menschlichen Korpers. 12 pp., 4 pl. (fob). 8°. [Genere, Privut, n. d.~) Revised and enlarged manual of the active principles of indigenous and foreign medicinal plants. 65 pp. 16°. Xew York, B. Keith & Co., 1881. Revista de anatomia patologica y clinica. Peri- odico quincenal ilustrado, publicado bajo la di- rection del Dr. Rafael Lavista, con la elabora- tion de los doctores M. Dominguez, M. Tous- saint [et al.]. v. 1-2, April 1, 1896, to Dec. 15, 1897. 8°. Mexico. v. 1 under title: Revista quincenial de anatomia | [etc.]. i Revista argentina de ciencias medicas. Nos. 1-5, v. 6, January to May, 1889. 8°. Buenos Aires. Revista de la Asociacion medico-farmaceutica de la Isla de Cuba. Publication mensual. Or- gano de la asociacion. Director-administrador: Enrique B. Barnet, v. 1-2, September, 1900, to March, 1902. 8°. Habana. Revista balear de ciencias medicas. v. 5-25, 1889-1909. 8°. Balma de Mallorca. Revisla del centro estudiantes de medicina. Director: Francisco Rophille. Publication men- sual. v. 4-5, 1905-6. 8°. Buenos Aires. Current. Revista chilena de hijiene, publicada por el Institute de hijiene de Santiago. Director: F. Puga Borne. [Quarterly.] v. 3-5, November, 1896, to September, 1900. 8°. Santiago de Chile. Revista de chirurgie. Aparend mensual. Di- rector: Thoma Ionnescu. v. 1-10, March, 1897, to December, 1906. 8°. Bucurescl. Current. Revista de ciencias medicas. v. 1-10, Oct. 15, 1886, to Dec. 20, 1895. 4°. Habana. Revista de ciencias medicas de Barcelona, v. 15-34, 1889-1908. 8°. Barcelona. Current. Revista clinica de los hospitales. v. 1-3, 1889 to November, 1891. 8°. Madrid. Revista de clinica, terapeutica y farmacia. Di- rector: Angel de Larra y Cerezo. [Monthly.] v. 7-10, October, 1893, to December, 1896. 8°. Madrid. Continuation of: Revista de terapeutica y farmacia. Continued under title: Medicina (La) militarespaflola. Revista dos cursos praticos e theoricos da Facul- dade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, 5, 5a to 7, 1887-93. 8°. Rio de Janeiro. Revista (La) dental americana. Publicada men- sualmente porR. \V. Edwards. C. E. Edwards, editor asociado. v. 4-9, 1896-1901. 8°. Fda- delfia, Ba. Ended. Revista (La) dental mexicana. Periodico men- sual dedicado al adelanto de la ciencia dental. Redactada por C. A. Young, v. 1-2, June, 1898, to June, 1899. 8°. Mexico. Continued under title: Revistamedico-dental mexi- cana. Revista enciclopedica. Fisica, quimica, farma- cia, medicina, higiene, antropologia, biologia. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1898. 8°. Barcelona. Ended. * Revista de enfermedades de la infancia. Pu- blicada por Jaime Guerra y Estape. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-4, 6, v. 1, July to December, 1890. 8°. Barcelona. Revista espafiolade dermatologia y sifiliografia. Madrid. Title, after 1904, of: Revista espafiola de sifiliografia y dermatologia. Revista espafiola de higiene, 6 la salud de los individuos, de las familias y de los pueblos. Director: Arsenio Marin Perujo. [Semi-month- ly.] Nos. 1-13 (anos 1-2), Dec. 15, 1889, to June 15, 1890. fol. Madrid. Revisla espafiola de sifiliografia y dennatolo- gfa. Director: Luis del Portillo v Mestres. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, 1889-1908. 8°. Madrid. Current. In v. 7,1905, title became: Revista espafiola de dermatologia y sifiliografia. Revista especial de oftalmologia, sifiliografia, dermatologia y afectiones urinarias. v. 13-15, 1889-91. 8°. Madrid. REVISTA. 512 REVISTA. Revisla de especialidades medicas—La otorino- laringologfa espafiola. Director: Dr. Forns. [Semi-monthly.] v.4-12, 1901-9. 8°. Madrid. Current, v. 1-3 under title: Oto-rino-larlngolo- jiia espafiola, Madrid. Revista estomatologica. Redactor: D. L.Whit- niarsh. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-3, v. 1, April to June, 1894. 8°. Madrid. Revista farmaceutica. v. 15-21,1877-83; v. 26- 31,1888-93. 8°. Buenos Aires. Revisla frenop.itica espafiola. Organo cienti- fico del Manicomio de San Baudilio de Llobre- gat. Periodico mensual ilustrado. Director: Dr. Rodriguez Morini. v. 1-7, 1903-7. 8°. Barcelona. Current. Revista do gremio dos internos dos hopitaes. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-4, v. 1, June to September, 1890; Nos. 1-9, v. 2, January to September, 1891; Nos. 1-4, v. 3, May to August, 1892; No. 1, v. 4, April, 1893. 8°. Bio de Janeiro. Revisla de higiene. Barcelona. Title, after 1893, of: Revista de higiene y policia sanitaria, Barcelona. Revista de higiene y policia sanitaria. Publi- cation mensual. Director-fundador-propietario: Federico Castellt Ballespf. v. 1-7, 1890 to Sep- tember, 1896. 8°. Barcelona. Ended. In 1894, title became: Revista de higiene. Revisla homeopatica. Organo oficial de la Academia medico-homeopatica de Barcelona. Redactores: Jaime Abreu, Dr. Derch y Marsal [etal.V [Monthly.] v. 6-11, 1895-1900. 8°. Barcelona. Revista homeopatica catalana. Director: J. Noguc y Roca. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1902. 8°. Barcelona. Want nos. 1-2, v. 1. Revista ibero-americana de ciencias medicas. Propietario: Federico Rubio y Gali. [Quar- terlv: 2 v. annually.] v. 1-20, 1899-1909. 8°. Madrid. Current. Revista de laringologia, otologia, y rinologfa. v. 5-14, 1889 to February, 1900. 8°. Barce- lona. Ended. Revista medica. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-7, Feb. 1 to Aug. 1, 1851. 8°. Mexico. Ended. Each number paged separately. Revista medica. v. 12-28, 1888-1908. 8°. Bogota. Current. In April, 1889, title became: Revista me- dica de Bogota. Revista medica de Bogota. Title, after March, 1889, of: Revista medica, BogotA. Revista medica de Chile, v. 18-36, 1889-1908. 8°. Santiae/o de Chile. Current. Want no. 10, v. 20, October, 1892. Revista medica cubana. Publication mensual. Director: Alberto S. de Bustamente. [2 v. an- nually.] v. 8-14, 1906-9. 8°. Habana. Current. Revista medica fluminense. v. 5, 1839-40. 8°. Bio de Janeiro. Revista medica hispano-americana. Publica- tion mensual. No. 1, v. 1, April, 1905. 8°. Chien no, III. Revista medica de Mexico, v. 1, March 1,1888, to Feb. 15, 1889. fol. Mexico. Revisla iLa) medica de Puerto Rico. Perio- dico cientifico y profesional. Redactor: Ignacio Blanes. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-23, v. 1, Feb. 14, 1897, to Jan. 14, 1898. 4°. San Juan. Want no. 5, April 14. 1897. Revisla medica rural. Publicacittn eientifica y de intereses profesionales, compuesta v orga- nizada por los licenciados E. Alaberu y M. Bal- vev. [Semi-monthlv.] v. 1-2, Sept! 7, ls!»6 to Sept. 23, 1897. 86. Blanes. Ended. Revista medica de S. Paulo. Jornal pratico de medicina, cirurgia e hygiene. Directores: Victor Godinho e Arthur Mendonca. [Semi- monthly.] v. 7-8, 1904-5; No. 6, v. 6, 1908. 8°. ,V. Paulo. Revista medica de Sevilla. v. 14-33, 1889-99- v. 44-51, 1905-9. 8°. Sevilla. Current. Revista medica del Uruguay. Publicada bajo la direction de los doctores L. Marquio, J. H. Oliver, A. Turenne. [Monthly.] v. 5-11, 1902-8. 8°. Montevideo. Current. Revista medica vasco-navarra. v. 6, 1888 to March, 1889. 8°. Vitoria. Ended. Revista de medicina y cirugia. Barcelona. Title, after December, 1900, of: Revista de medicina, cirugia y farmacia, Barcelona. Revista de medicina, cirugia v farmacia. v. 3- 23, 1889-1909. 8°. Barcelona. Current. In 1901, title became: Revista de medicina y cirugia. Revista de medicina y cirugia prdcticas. v. 24- 32, 1889-1908. 8°. Madrid. Current. After 1899, 4 v. annually. Revista de medicina y cirnjfa. Habana. Title of v. 1, 1896, of: Revista de medicina y cirujia de la Hahana. Revista de medicina y cirujia de la Habana. Redactor en jefe: Jose A. Presno v Bastion v. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-14, Sept. 10, 1896, to 1906-9. rov. 8°. Habana. Current. Want v. 6-7. v. 1,1896, undertitle: Revista de medicina y cirujia. Revisla de medicina e cirurgia. Publicacao quinzenal. Redactores: Alfredo da Costa, L. da Camara Pestana [et al.]. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-3, January, 1894, to June, 1895. 8°. Lisboa. Revista de medicina contemporanea. Director: Baldomero Gonzalez Yalledor. [Semi-month- ly.] v. 20-29, afios 21-28, March 1, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1907. 8°. Madrid. Current. Continuation of: Revista de medicina do- simetrica. Revista de medicina dosimetrica. v. 10, 1889. 8°. Borto. Continued under title: Dosimetria (A). Revista de medicina dosimetrica, basada en la fisiologia v experimentation clinica. v. 10-20, 1889 to February, 1899. 8°. Madrid. Continued undertitle: Revista de medicina contem- poninea. Revista de medicina tropical. Publication mensual. Redactores: Juan Guiteras [et al.]. v. 1-7, July, 1900-1906. 8°. Habana. v. 2 commenced January, 1901. | Revista medico-cirurgica do Brazil. Direccao e administracao do doctor CarlosSeidl. [Month- lv.] Nos. 8-12, v. 12; v. 13-17, August, 1904, to 1909. 8°. Bio de Janeiro. Current. Want no. 10, v. 12. Revista medico-dental mexicana. Continuation de la "Revista dental mexicana". Periodico mensual, dedicado al adelanto de la medicina a la dentistica. Fundador, director v propie- tario: C. A. Young. No. 1, v. 1, July, 1899. 8°. Mexico. REVISTA. 513 REVUE. Revista medico-farmaceutica. v. 10, May, 1888, to Feb. 7, 1889. 8°. Castellan. Ended. Revista medico-farmaceutica de Aragon. v. 5-8, 1889 to Nov. 16, 1892. fol. Zaraegoza. Revista medico-hidrologica espafiola. Publica- tion mensual. Director propietario: Rosendo Castells Ballespf. v. 1-9, March, 1900, to De- cember, 1908. 8°. Madrid. Current. Revista medico-quirurgica. Organo de la So- ciedad medica de los hospitales. Publication mensual. Directorio: Ricardo Ortiz, Manuel Maria Casares, Carlos Naranjo y Juan Jose Egiiez. No. 1, v. 1, January, 1896. sm. fol. Quito. Revista (La) medico-quirurgica americana. Publication mensual, dedicada al progreso de las ciencias medicas y auxiliares. Redactor: Samuel E. Milliken. v. 1-3, September, 1892, to June, 1895. 4°. Xuera York. Ended. Revista medico-social. Director: J. Call. [Semi- monthly.] 2. ep., v. 6-8 (Nos. 1-49), June 16, 1891, to June 5, 1893. fol. Madrid Ended. Revista mensual de medicina, cirugia, farmacia y veterinaria, publicada por la libreria editorial de Bailly-Bailliere e hijos, con el concurso de los autores, traductores de la casa y cooperation de toda la clase medica. v. 1-8,1896-1903. 8°. Madrid. Ended. Want nos. 10-11, v. 1. Revista micrografica. Madrid. See Revista trimestral microgr&fica, Madrid. Revista obstetrica. Organo de la Asociacion obstetrica national de parteras. [Bi-monthly.] No. 6, v. 1, November, 1903. 8°. Buenos Aires. Revista portugueza de medicina e cirurgia praticas. Publicacao quinzenal dirigida por Alfredo Luiz Lopes [et al.]. [2 v. annually.] v. 1-12, Nov. 1, 1896, to Oct. 30, 1902. 8°. Lisboa. Revista quincenal de anatomia patol6gica y clinicas medica y quiriirgica. Mexico. Title of v. 1, 1896, of: Revista de anatomia patold- gica y clinicas, Mexico. Revista de sanidad militar. v. 3-20,1889-1906. 8°. Madrid. In 1907 united with: OTedicina (La) militar espafiola, forming: Revista de sanidad militar y La medicina militar espafiola. Revista de sanidad militar y la medicina militar espafiola. Directores: J. Clavero [et al.]. Pu- blication quincenal. v. 1-3, 1907-9. 8°. Meielrid. Current. Formed bv the union of: Jledicina (La) militar espafiola [etc.], with: Revista de sanidad mi- litar. Revista sanitaria de Jaen. Revista quincenal consagrada a los intereses cientificos y profesio- nales. Fundador y director: Federico Castillo Estremera, v. 3-4, 1906-7. 8°. Jaen. Current. Revista sanitor& militar&. Direc^iunea si re- dactiunea la spitalul militar central. [Month- ly.] v. 1-6, October, 1897, to February, 1903. 8°. Bucurescl. Ended. Revista de sciencias naturaes e sociaes. Pu- blicacao da Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro. Direc- tores: Ricardo Severo e Rocha Peixoto. [Quar- terly.] No. 4, v. 1, 1890. 8°. Porto. Revista de la Sociedad medica argentina. Pu- blication bimestral. v. 1-16, 1892-1908. 8°. Buenos Aires. Current. vol xiv, 2d series---33 Revista da Sociedade de medicina e cirurgia. Redactor: Simoens Correa. [Monthly.] v. 1-9, March, 1897, to 1905. 8°. Bio de Janeiro. In January, 1899, "do Rio de Janeiro" added to title. Revista da Sociedade de medicina e cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro. Title, after 1898, of: Revista da Sociedade de medi- cina e cirurgia, Rio de Janeiro. Revista trimestral microgafica. Organo del Laboratorio histologico de la Facultad de medi- cina de Madrid. Publicada por S. Ramon Cajal. v. 1-5, 1896-1900. 8°. Madrid. Ended. Revista valenciana de ciencias medicas. Pu- blicaci6n mensual ilustrada, fundada y dirigida por el dr. D. Faustino Barberfi. v. 1-11, 1899- 1909. 8°. Valencia. Current. Revivals. Coroleu (W.) Los renacentistas Anglo-Americanos. Rev. frenopat, espafi., Barcel., 1908, vi, 33-40.—Fryer (A. T.) Psychological aspects of the Welsh revival: 1904-5. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1904-5, xix, 80-161.—Hall (E.-V.) Quelques apercus sur le revival Gallois. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1905, xv, 299-307 — Hayes (S. P.) An historical study of the Edwardean revivals. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1902-3, xiii, 550- 574.—Revivalism in Wales. [Edit.] Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 1514. Revivescence. See Rejuvenation; Resuscitation. Re vol (Louis) [1877- ]. *La syphilis ter- tiaire du larynx. (Etude clinique.) 104 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 154. Revolat (E[tienne]-B[enoit] ) [1768-1848]. Auxhabitans du Departement des Alpes-Mari- times. Eveil, et instruction sur la vaccine. 24 pp. 16°. Xice, 1806. ------. Eloge historique de Jean-Marie Caillau. 32 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Lawalle jeune, 1820. Bound with: Soc. roy. de m6d. de Bordeaux Notice, 1815. Seealso, Oeninan (Thomas). Essai sur la fievre puer- perale. 16°. Lyon, an VI [1798]. Revolution. See, also, Insanity (Causes of). Cabanes & Nass (L.) La nevrose revolu- tionnaire. Preface de J. Claretie. 8°. Baris, 1906. Ellwood (C. A.) A psvchological theory of revolu- tions. Am. J. SocioL, Chicago, 1905-6, xi, 49-59.—La- borde (J.-V.) La psychologie morbide des hommes de la Commune. Chron. med., Par., 1896, ii, 196-204.— Lombroso (C.) Rivolte e rivoluzioni; agli avversari delle mie idee sulle rivoluzioni. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1898, xix, 105-109.—de Quiros (C. B.) La ex- pansi6n libertaria. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires, 1906, v, 432-438. de Revoredo Barros (Galeno). *Do alco- olismo na infancia sob o duplo ponto de vista clinico e social. 120 pp. roy. 8°. Rio de Ja- neiro, Carealhaes, 1905. Revue d'anthropologie. 3. s., v. 4, 1889. 8°. In January, 1890, united with: Revue d'ethnogra- phie, and with: ITIateriaux pour l'histoire . . . de 1'homme, forming: Anthropologic (L'). Revue d'anthropologic catholique. v. 1, 1847. 8°. Paris. Revue archeologique (antiquite et moyen age). Publiee sous la direction de MM. Alex. Ber- trand et G. Perrot. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] 3. s., v. 3-6, January, 1884, to December, 1885. 8°. Paris. Revue biologique du nord de la France, v. 1-7, October, 1888-95. 8°. Lille. Ended. Revue chirurgicale. Paris. Title of nos. 1-3, v. 3, of: Revue chirurgicale des ma- ladies des voies urinaires, Paris. REVUE. 514 KEVUE. Revue chirurgicale des maladies des voies uri- naires. J.-A. Fort, redacteur en chef. [Semi- monthly.] v. 1-5, Dec. 1, 1889, to Dec. 15, 1893. 8°. Paris. Ended. Nos. 1-3, v. 3, title: Revue chirurgicale. Revue de chirurgie. v. 9-39, 1889-1909. 8°. Paris. Current. After 1898, 2 v. annually. Revue de cinesie. Paris. Title of nos. 1-4, v. 1, of: Revue de cinesie et d'elec- trotherapie, Paris. Revue de cinesie et d'electrotherapie. Publiee par Rene Mesnard, E. Lacaille [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-11, 1899-1909. 8°. Paris. Current. Nos, 1-4, v. 1, undertitle: Kevuedecinesie. Revue clinique d'andrologie et de gyn^cologie. (Affections des organes urinaires et genitaux.) Eedacteur en chef: P. Hamonic. [Monthly.] v. 4-15, 1898-1909. 8°. Paris. Current. Revue de deontologie et d'interets profession- nels medicaux. Secretaire de la redaction: M. Wicart. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, October, 1903-5. 8°. Paris. . Revue de I'Ecole d'anthropologie de Paris. Recueil mensuel fonde par Abel Hovelacque. Publie par les professeurs. v. 9-17, 1899-1907. 8°. Paris. v. 1-8 under title: Revue mensuelle de I'Ecole d'an- thropologie de Paris. -----. Table decennale (1898-1900). 50 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901. Revue elementaire de medecine et pharmacie domestiques, ainsi que des sciences accessoires et usuelles, mises a la portee de tout le monde, par F.-V. Raspail. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-2, v. 2, June and July, 1848. 8°. Paris. Revue d'ethnographic v. 8, 1889. 8°. Paris. In January, 1890, united with: Revue d'anthropolo- gie, and with: Itlateriaux pour l'histoire . . . de Thomme, forming: Anthropologie (L'). Revue francaise de medecine et de chirurgie. Le gerant: G. Steinheil. [Weekly.] v. 1, Nov. 24, 1902, to Dec. 31, 1903. 4°. Paris. Revue francaise de medecine et de pharmacie electro-homeopathique. Directeur: J. Vigon. [Monthly.] v. 1-6, 1889-94._ 8°. Xice. Revue generale de l'antisepsie medicale et chi- rurgicale. Journal mensuel pour la vulgarisa- tion des methodes antiseptiques. Redacteur en chef: De Backer, v. 2-8, February, 1889, to April, 1899. 8°. Paris. Ended. Title of nos. 1-10 was: Revue speciale de l'antisepsie [etc.]. Revue generale de clinique et de therapeu- tique. Journal des praticiens. v. 3-23, 1889- 1909. 4°. Paris. Current. Revue generale d'histologic, comprenant 1'ex- pose su cessif des principales questions d'anato- mie generale, de structure, de cytologic, d'his- togenese, d'histophysiologie et de technique histologique. Publiee par les soins de J. Renaut et CI. Regaud, avec la collaboration de savants francais et etrangers. t. 1, fasc. 1-3. pp. 1-540. 8°. Lyon ct- Paris, A. Storck & Cie., 1904-5. Revue generale du lait, publiee avec la collabo- ration de Chr. Barthel [et al. ], sous la direction de M. Henseval [et al.]. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-7, Oct. 15, 1901-9. 8° Lierre. Current. Revue generale d'ophtalmologie. v. 8-29, 1889- 1909. 8°. Paris. Current. Revue generale de pathologie. Paris. Title of nos. 1-4, v. 1, of: Revue generale de patholo- gie interne. Revue generale de pathologie interne. Re- dacteur en chef: M. Courtois - Sufht. [Semi- monthlv.] v. 1-4, Feb. 5, 1898, to Jan. 20 1903. 8°. Paris. Ended. Nos. 1-1, v. 1, under title: Revue generale de pathologie. Revue generale des sciences pureset appliquees. Directeur: Louis Olivier. [Semi-monthly.] v. 15-20, 1904-9. fol. Paris. Current. Revue de gynecologie et de chirurgie abdomi- nale. Sous la direction de S. Pozzi. [Bi- monthly.] v. 1-13, 1897-1909. roy. 8°. Paris. Current. Revue hebdomadaire de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Fondee et publiee par E.-J. Moure. [1 v. in 2 parts annually.] v. 17-30 (annees 17-29), 1896-1909. 8°. Bordeaux & Baris. Current. Continuation of: Revue de laryngologie [etc.]. Revue homceopathique beige, v. 16-25, 1889, to March, 1899. 8°. Bruxelles. Revue homceopathique francaise. Le gerant: James Love. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, January and Feb- ruary, 1890; Nos. 1, 4, v. 13, January and April, 1901; v. 15, 1903. 8°. Baris. Revue homceopathique du midi. Publiee a Mar- seille, par une Societe de medecins. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, January, 1848. 8°. Marseille. Revue des hopitaux de France et de 1'etranger. Journal mensuel de clinique medicale et chirur- gicale et de therapeutique pratique. Le gerant: Lachartre. v. 1-9, 1899-1907. 4°. Baris. Current. Revue d'hygiene et de medecine infantile, et Annales de la polyclinique H. de Rothschild. Directeur: H. de Rothschild, [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-8, 1902-9. 8°. Pans. Current. Revue d'hygiene et de police sanitaire. v. 11- 30, 1889-1909. 8°. Baris. Current. ------. Tables generates . . . (annees 1879 a 1901), dressees par le Dr. Vallin. 162 pp. 8°. Paris, 1902. Revue d'hygiene therapeutique. v. 1-9, 1889- 97. 8°. Paris. Ended. Revue d'hygiene et de therapeutique oculaires. Organe des medecins oculistes, inspecteurs dea ecoles. Fondee et dirigee par A. Le Prince et M.-V. Berard. [Monthly.] v. 2-3, 1908-9. 8°. Paris. Current. Revue d'hypnologie theorique et pratique dans ses rapports avec la psychologie, les maladies mentales et nerveuses. (Continuation du jour- nal l'Encephale.) Directeur: J. Luys. [Month- ly.] v. 1, 1890. 384 pp. 8° Paris. Continuation of: Eneepliale (L'). Continued, in 1891, as: Annates de psychiatrie et d'hypnologie, [etc.]. Revue de 1'hypnotisme experimental et thera- peutique, [etc.]. v. 4-23, 1889-1909. 8°. Paris. Current. In June, 1889, title became: Revuedel'hyp- notisme et de psychologie physiologique. Revue de l'hypnotisme et de psychologie phy- siologique. Paris. Title, after May, 1889, no. 11, v. 3. of: Revue de l'hyp- notisme experimental et th6rapeuti05]. ^Obituary.] Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1905, xxv, 312. Reymond (Carlo) [1833- ]. Iridectomia sola od associata alle evaccuazioni ripetute del- 1' umor acqueo nella cura di alcune malattie corneali, stafiloma opaco-procidenza dell' iride, ulceri eel ammollimenti corneali-hanno. 77 pp. 8°. Torino, V. Vercellino, 1862. -----. Le arti figurative ed un vecchio pregiu- dizio fiziologico sulla visione. 35 pp. 8°. To- rino, G. B. Baravia A Co., 1891. -----. Sul valore degli optotipi od alfabeto degli oculisti. 24 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1893. In: Conversaz. med. . . . Policlin. gen. di Torino, Mi- lano, 1893, 1. s., no. 5. La climatologie de Sierre. 32 pp. 8°. Geneve, H. Kundig, 1903. See, also, Sperino (Casimir) & Reymond (Charles). Etudes cliniques [etc.]. 8°. Turin, 1862. Reymond (Carlo). See Lombroso (Cesare). Studi sull'ipnotismo. 8°. Roma, 1886. Reymond (E.) Ueber Encephalitis diffusa re- spective Poliencephalitis des Kindes. 32 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1897. c. Reymond (Emile) [1865- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'anatomie pathologique et de la bacteriologie des salpingo-ovarites. 203 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 203. -----. The same. 204 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1895. See, also, Terrier (F<§lix) & Reymond (E.) Chi- rurgie de la plevre. 12°. Paris, 1899. — & ITIally. Contribution ft, l'etude du trai- tement des fibromes uterins par les courants d'induction. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris], 67. Steinheil, [1891]. Repr.from: Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1891, xxxv. Reymond (Georges) [1876- ]. _ Du drai- nage de la cavite uterine, ses applications en gy- necologie et obstetrique. 70 pp. 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 112. Reymond (Georges-Henri-Francis). *Du traitement prophylactique et curatif de l'oph- talmie purulente des nouveau-nes; methode employee a la clinique Baudelocque. 73 pp., 4 tab., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 306. Reymond (H. C.) Physiologie et evolution de l'amour sexuel a travers les ages et les races humaines. Preface de L. Magon. ix, 10-401 pp. 8°. Paris, Chaumelek Cie., 1904. Reymond (Henry). * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de la diphterie. [Lausanne] 62 pp., 1 ch., 1 1. 8°. Fribourg, 1905. REYMOND. 520 RFA'NOLDS. Reymond (M.) Das neue Laienbrevier des Hackelismus. 2 pts. 192 pp.; 240 pp. 24°. Bern & Leipzig, G. Froben ci Cie., 1878. CONTEXTS. 1. Th. Genesis oder die Entwickelung des Menschen- geschlechts. 3. Aufl. 2. Th. Exodus oder der Auszug des Menschenge- schlechts aus Temurien. -----. Der kleine Schweninger oder kein Schmerbauch mehr. Ein Reimbrevier fiir Dicke und Solche, die es werden wollen. 62 pp. 24°. Berlin, M. Schulze, 1886. Reyn (A.) & lijer-Petersen (R.) Observa- tions on the opsonins with special regard to lu- pus vulgaris. 35 pp. 8°. London, 1908. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1908, i. Reynal (Georges-Marie-Auguste) [1865- ]. * De la nature infectieuse de la grippe et de son influence sur la pathogenie de l'ictere grave. 82 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 305. Reynard (J.-Emile) [1873- ]. * Suites eloignees de la fracture du scaphoide (49 obser- vations). .51 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1904. No. 178. Reynal (Joseph) [1875- ]. *De l'iinpr£- gnation maternelle ou l'infection maritale. 56 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 77. Reynaud [Auguste - Adolphe - Marc] [1804- ]. * Recherches sur la temperature hu- maine, considered sous le rapport des ages, des temperaments, des races et des climate. 43- 54 pp. 8°. Puris, Crochard, 1830. Repr.from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., l>:io. xliii. Reynaud (C.) * Considerations sur la nature du retrecissement mitral pur. 110 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 705. Reynaud (Charles) [1874- ]. * Contribu- tion & l'etude de la douleur phrenique au cours de la tuberculose pulmonaire. 64 pp., 2 1. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 08. Reynaud (Gaston) [1873- ]. *De l'here- dite dans les maladies du cceur et des vaisseaux. viii, 9-38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 34. Reynaud (Georges) [1873- ]. *L'hypoten- sion arterielle et sa valeur clinique dans les etats toxique et infectieux. 92 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 491. Reynaud (Gustave-A.) L'armee coloniale au point de vue de l'hvgiene pratique. 403 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1894. Repr.from: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1892-3, lviii-lx. -----. Considerations sanitaires sur 1'expedi- tion de Madagascar et quelques autres expedi- tions coloniales francaisesx et anglaises. Avec une preface de M. de Mahv. xi, 504 pp. 16°. Paris, L.-H. May, [1898]. ------. Hygiene des colons. Preface d'A. Ker- morgant. vii, 406 pp., 7 pl. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1903. ------. Hygiene des etablissements coloniaux. Preface d'A. Kermorgant. viii, 411 pp., 10 pl. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere A fils, 1903. Reynaud (Leon). See Rensade (Jules) & Reynaud i,Leon). Re- cherches stati.>ti'Uies [etc.]. 8°. Paris, lMi-i. Reynaud (Louis) [1881- ]. *De quelques precedes de dosages approximating mais rapides et cliniques de l'albumine dans les urines. 54 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 110. Reynaud (Maurice) [1878- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de la tuberculose renale et de son traitement par la nephrectomic 252 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 123. Reynaud (Paul) [1867- ]. * Examen ex- terne du bassin normal en clinique obstetricale 70 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4°. Baris, 1M»4. No. 182. ------. The same. 70 pp.. 11. 8°. Paris, 1894. Reynaud-Laeroze (Charles . De la nevrite et de perinevrite optic pies considen'es dans leurs rapports avec les maladies cerebrales. 72 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere d- his. 187G1" [P., v. 2251.] Reynders (John) & Co. Illustrated catalogue and price-list of surgical instruments, ortho- pa?dical apparatus, trusses, etc. 2. ed. vi, 194 pp. 8°. New York, [n. d.]. -----. The same. 3. ed. vii, 262 pp., 1 1. 8° New York, [1880]. -----. The same. 6. ed. 3 p. 1., 398 pp. 8° Xew York, [1890, rel subseq.]. Reynders (Leon) [1870- ]. *Du xeroforme comme antiseptique intestinal. 56 pp., 2 1 4°. Nancy, 1896, No. 25. Reynders (Reinhardus). *De pulmonum do- cimasia. 36 pp., 2 1. 4°. Groningse, apud vi- duamA. S. Hoitsema, [1813]. [P., v. 1948.] Reyne (J.) * Contribution a l'etude des idees hvpochondriaques simples (non delirantes). 68 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1903, No. 90. Reyneau (Michel-Joseph-Marcel) [ls81- ], *Demence precoce et hysterie. 55 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 38. Reynes (Henry) [1868- ]. *Etude d'hygiene marseillaise; la fievre typhoide a Marseille. 110 pp. 4°. Baris, 1894, No. 138. ------. The same. 110 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1894. Reynliardt (L.) Le docteur George J. Engel- mann, de Boston (Massachusetts, Etats-Cnisi. p. 43. fol. Paris, [1902]. Cutting from: Encyclop. contemp.. Par., [1902], Reynier (Ernest) [1S48- ]. *Epiploite he- morrhagique. 36 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 494. Reynier (Henry) [1880- ]. *Du bassin aplati et generalement retreci. 168 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 153. Reynier (J.-B.) Lecons d'orthopedie. Des traitements des deviations de la faille (sans cor- sets ni lits orthopediques). viii, 300 pp. 12°. Paris, 67. Masson, 1889. Cover reads 1890. Reynier [Jean-Louis-Antoine] [17t>2-1824]. See Levade [Jean-Daniel-Pierre-Etienne], Reynier ARertliout van Rercliem, tils. Rapport [ete.']. 1J:. Lausanne, 1788. de Reynier (Leopold Ernest). *Die Resul- tate von 40 Fruhgeburtseinleitungen mittels Ei- hautstichs. [Basel.] 25 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1904. Reynolds (A. S.) Resinol, a specific in dis- eases of the skin and all itching troubles. 20 pp. 12°. Baltimore, Resinol Chemical Co., T1904?]. Reynolds (Arthur R.) Paper on needed legis- lation, read before the State Board of Health Auxiliary Sanitary Association, held in Spring- field, Nov. 13-14,1894. 9 pp. 8°. [n.o.,1894.] For biography, see Med. News, N. Y., 1902, lxxx, 1108. ------ & Hazen (Allen). The water supply of Chicago; its source and sanitary aspects. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1893. Repr.from: Chicago M. Recorder, l»9:i. v. Reynolds (Dudley S[harpe]) [1842- ]. Gran- ular lids. 12 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1896. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii. See. aim, Hri ced. Xe timeas peger morbo quocunque labores, etc. [Ln fine:] Impressum Mediolani per pru- dentes opifices Leonardum Pachel et Videricum Seinzenceller Teuthonicos anno a nativitate Do- mini millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo primo. xvi kalendas Martias.] 2161. fol. Me- diolani, 1481. -----. Liber dictus Elchavi i. e., Complectens omnia quae ad medicinam spectant. [F. i<*.-] Joannes Britannicus Brixianus magnifico. et splendidissimo comiti Petro Gambeiensi salu- tem. [F. lt>:] Incipit prologus libri elhanti i. totum continentis Bubikir Zacharia errasis filij. [F. 2a-3b tab. F. 4a (c. sig. a.):] () X. nomine Dei misericordis et Migeratoris Laus sit uni Deo glorioso. 278 1. fol. [Brixix, I486.] Imperfect. Contains twelve books only. -----. Almansoris liber nonus cum expositione Sillani. [Ln fine:] Excellentissimi doctoris Do- mini Petri de Tussignano Receptee super nono Almansoris, feliciter finiunt. Impressae Vene- tiis jussu etimpensis nobilis viri Octaviani Scoti civis modo Venetiensis anno salutis mccccxc, decima die Aprilis. 89 ff. fol. Venetiis, 1490. -----. Albubekri Arazi filii Zacharie liber in- cipit: qui ab eo Almansor vocatus est: eo qui regis Mansoris Isaac filii precepto editus est. Verba Abubekri. In: Contexta in hoc volumine. fol. Venetiis, 1497, ff. la-H26. Also, in: Ibid. fol. 17 netiis, 1508, ff. 2a-112a. -------. The same. 81 ff. fol. Venetiis, per 0. Bapiensem de Luna, 1497. Bound with: del Garbo (D.) Expositio Dini Fioren- tini super tertiam et quartam et partem quintam fen quarti Canonis Avicenne [etc]. fol. Venetiis, 1499. -----. De pestilentia. In: Xicephorus logica [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1498. R.4o- A Ar>. -----. Continens quisquis es qui antiquiores illos et nunquam satis laudatos auctores in me- dicinali disciplina sectari studes. En tibi liber quern in medicina editit Abucbare filius Zacha- riae Ras's, virqui nulli perfecto inter arabas auc- tores auctoritate, doctrina, judicio, aut experien- tia fuit secundus. Hunc Helcbany, hoc est continentem appellavit: quia omnem fere me- dicinalem artem contineret. In eo enim qiue- cunque a priscis illis tarn gracis quam arabibus auctoribus annotatu digna in medicina sunt sparsim conscripta, collecta, congestaque in unum comperies: ita ut nequaquam possit eru- ditus medicus haberi qui hunc librum non per- RHAZES. 525 RHEIN. Rhazes (Abu Bekr Muhammad Ben Zakhariah A brazi)—cont i nued. legerit, Igitur emere ne pigeat. Habebis nunc emendatissimum: diligent! enim studio et lima denuo corrigi euravimus et non minori imprimi. [In fine:] Et sic est finis libri. 12. continentis. Ad laudem Dei Amen. 7 p. 1., 254 ff. fol. [Venetiis], 1529. _____. The same. Rhazes's treatise on the small-pox and measles. In- Mead (Richard t. The works of ... 8°. London, 1756,'iV, 109-204. _____. The same. Rhazis de variolis et morbil- lis commentarius. Ex Arabico Latine redditus. Jjr Mead (Richardusi. Opera omnia. 8°. Parisiis, 1757, i, 351-410. _____. The same. Traite de la variole et de la rougeole. Traduction francaise par Leclerc et Lenoir. 58 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1866. Repr.from: Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1S64, ix: 1865, X. _____. The same. Kniga ob ospie i kori. [Book on small-pox and morbilli.] In- Gubekt(V. O.) Sanitas publica. Ospai ospoprivi- vaniye. roy. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1890, i, 25-60. Excerpta qua? ad aquas et balnea per- tinent, In- IUlneis (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1563, ff. 309-321. .see also, .Vrculauus (Johannes). Practica Joannis Arcul'ani. fol. Venetiis, 1497. -----. The same. fol. [Papie, 1517.] -----■ Lucidisslma in nonum Raxis ad re- gem Almansorem librum expositio. fol. Venetiis, 1553.— Coste(Jean-Fruny.iisi. Lettres aM. Paulet, [etc]. 12°. Cantorbiry 1770. — de Gradi (Johannes Matthseus). Practice [etc.]. fol. [n.p.. 1471.] -----. Practica [etc.], fol. Venetiis, 1560.—Grant (Le) herbier en francoys. sm fol. LArbotayre,1554.]—Regiment der Gesundtheyt [ml. s.l. sm. 4°. Wormbs, 1530. — de Fornamira (Joannes) [in 1. s.]. Practica cum tabula, fol. [ Venetiis, 1521.] Si e, also: Jacchinus (L.) In nonum Rasis ad Alman- sorem, de partium morbis commentarii: Hie- ron. Donzellini . . . studio jampridem publicati: nunc exipso autographo castigatiores et ampli- ores redditi. 12°. Basilese, 1579. de Forxamira (J.) Incipit clarificatonum Johannis de Tornamira super nono Almansoris cum textu ipsius Rasis. fol. [Lugduni, 1501.] Vesa li us (A.j Paraphrasis in novum li- brum Rhazte medici Arabis claries, ad regem Almansorem, de affectuum singularum corporis partium curatione. 16°. Basilese, 1537. Cure in an hour bv Razes. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 65.— Guigues (P.) La guerison en une heure de Razes; tra- duction et notes. Janus, Amst., 1903, viii, 363; 411. Rhea (Lawrence J.) & Emmons (Arthur B.) A scries of ninety-one consecutive blood cul- tures. 15 pp.' 8°. Boston, 1907. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii. Rhead (Alexander). See Reid. Rhees (William J[ones]). List of public li- braries, institutions, and societies in the United States and British provinces of Xorth America. 81 pp. 8°. Washington, [C. Sherman & Son, Philadelphia], 1859. -----. Publications of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. May, 1896. 86 pp. 8°. Washington, 1896. The Smithsonian Institution documents relative to its origin and history, 1835-99. li. 1044 pp. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Office, 1901. Smithson. Misc. Coll., v. 42. Rheiins. See, also, Cholera (History, etc., of); Diph- theria (History, ete:., of); Fever (Typhoid, His- tory, etc., of); 'Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of); Rheiins. Hospitals (Description, etc., of); Hospitals (Gynxcologic, etc., of); Hygiene (Mu n icipa I, Laws, etc., of); Influenza (History, etc., of); Sewage (Disposal of); Statistics (Vital); Wa- ter (Supply of), by localities. Henrot (H.) Compte moral et administratif de la ville pendant les annes 1884-91, presente au conseil municipal. 8°. Beims, 1892. Hoel (H.) Annnaire demographique de la ville de Reims. 1888; 1889; 1894. 8°. Reims, 1889-94. Demoarupliie rcnioisc. Union m6d. du nord-est, Reims, 1897, xxi, 1-3-Hoel (H.) Demographie r6moise pour LannSe 1901. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1902, xxxvi, 161-173.—Pottevin (H.) & Langlet (F.) Pro- jet d'assainissement de la ville de Reims. Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1891, viii, 19; 26. Rheims. Bureau d'hygiene et de statistique. An- nuaire demographique de la ville de Reims. Par le Docteur H. Hoel. 8., 1889; 12., 1893; 13., 1894. 8°. Beims, 1890-95. Rhein. Oesterle (0. A.) Rhein aus Aloe-Emodin. Arch. f. Pharm., Berl., 1903, ccxli, 604-607. Rhein (Albert Wilhelm Gottlieb) [1871- _ ]. * Ueber zwei Falle von primarem Carcinom beider Ovarien. 25 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1898. Rhein (Georg [Ludwig Franz]) [1866- ]. * Einiges iiber Verbrennungen und deren Be- handlung im Anschluss an sieben auf der chi- rurgischen Universitats-Klinik zu Greifswald behandelte Fiille. 26 pp., 21. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1896. Rhein ([Heinrich] Carl) [1856- ]. * Ueber Keratitis neuroparalytica. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, B. Neusser, 1880. Rhein (John H. W[allace]). Encephalitis and other nervous affections complicating scarlatina. 13 pp. 4°. Bhiladelphia, 1905. Repr.from: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix. 7?!.- Univ. Penn. Contrib. Lab. NeuropathoL, Phila., 1905. ------. A pathological study of acute myelitis, with a report of two cases. 25 pp. 4°. Bhila- delphia, 1905. Repr.from: Univ. Penn. M.BulL, Phila., 1905, xvii. In: Univ. Penn. Contrib. Lab. NeuropathoL, Phila., 1905. ------. Four cases of hemiplegia (syphilitic en- cephalitis, cerebrospinal syphilis), with autopsy. 15 pp. roy. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1906. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1906, cxxxi. In: Univ. Penn. Contrib. Lab. NeuropathoL, Phila., 1906,'ii. , „ , A pathologic study of seven cases ot paralysis without gross anatomic change in re- lation to the Jause or causes of uremic hemiple- gia. 15 pp. roy. 8°. [Chicago], 1906. In: Univ. Penn. Contrib. Lab. NeuropathoL, Phila., 1906, ii. _____. The treatment of arthritis deformans. 9 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1907. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1907, xxxi. See also Mitcliell (John Kearsley), jr., & Rhein (J h' Wallace). Case of primarv combined column dis- ease. ' 16°. Chicago, 1898.-----------. A case of trans- verse myelitis [etc.], 16°. Chicago, 1898. & Potts (Charles S.) Post-apoplectic tremor (symmetrical areas of softening in both lenticular nuclei and external capsules). 12 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1907. Repr.from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.,N. V, 1907, xxxiv In: Univ. Penn. Contrib. Lab. NeuropathoL, [Phila.], iii. Rhein (M [eyerJ L.) Studies of pyorrhea alveo- laris. 6 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1888. Repr. from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1888, xxx RHEIN. 526 RHETIUS. Rhein (M[eyer] L.)— continued. -----. Chloride of methyl. 8 pp. 8°. [Chi- cago, 1889.] Repr.from: Dental Rev., Chicago, 1889, iii. -----. Amputation of roots as a radical cure in chronic alveolar abscess: in pyorrhoea alveolaris complicated by alveolar abscess. 10 pp. 8°. Chicago, II. D. Justi, [1890]. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Dent. Ass., Chicago, 1890. -----. The value of intense cold in dentistry, and its production by the chloride of methyl spray. 5 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1890.] Repr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1890, xxxii. -----. Ideal bridge-work. 14 pp. 8°. [Phila- delphia, 1894.] Repr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1894, xxxvi. -----. Dental Society of the State of Xew York. Report of the committee on practice. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. Repr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1895, xxxvii. -----. An etiological classification of pyorrhea alveolaris. 3 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1895. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Dent. Ass. 1893-4, Phila., 1895. -----. Alveolar abscess; preventive and cura- tive treatment. 7pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1896.] Repr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1896, xxxviii. -----. The oral expressions of malnutrition. 12 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1896.] Repr.from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1896, xxxviii. Rheinboldt (Max). *Zur Mechanik der Mus- kelzuckung. 36 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., D. Lauber, 1892. Rlieindorf (Adolf) [1878- ]. Nsevus pig- mentosa. Beziehungen desselben zu Som- mersprossen und Chromatophoromen. 29 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, 1905. Rheindorf (Hermann) [1867- ]. * Ueber 326 Falle von Enucleatio bulbi. 33 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, 1891. Rheindorf (J[oseph]) [1837- ]. Hand- buch der Augenheilkunde fiir praktische Aerzte. 2. Aufl. x, 238 pp. 8°. Leipzig & Heidelberg, [E. Polz], 1871. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. x, 246 pp. 8°. Leipzig & Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1875. Rheindorff (Oscar) [1864- ]. Ueber Kehlkopftuberculose im Kindesalter im An- schluss an einen Fall von Pseudoparalyse und Tuberculose. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg, M. Liedtke, 1891. Rheineek (Johannes). Neuer medicinischer Volkscathechismus, oder nutzlicher Unterricht fiir erwachsene Menschen zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit, und zum Benehmen in verschiede- nen Umsttinden und Ereignissen im gemeinen Leben. xvi, 176 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Memmingen, 1806. Rlieiner (G.) Wie entstehen geistige Storun- gen und wie verhiitet man solche? vii, 132 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Fock, 1893. -----. The same. Wie entstehen nervose Sto- rungen und wie verhiitet man solche? 2. Aufl. 132 pp. 8°. Leipzig ct- Zurich, T. Schroter, 1897. -----. Wie wird dein Kind gross, stark, gesund? Praktischer Ratgeber iiber Kinderernahrung in gesunden und kranken Tagen. 82 pp. 12°. Zu- rich, T. Sch meter, 1903. -----. Gesundheitliche Winke fiir Frauen und TOchter. 32 pp. 8°. Zurich, E. Richter, 1906. Rheinfelden. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Rheinheiiner (Hermann). * Ueber congeni- talen partiellen Defekt der Fibula. 49 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Wurzburg, 1898. Rheinslaedter (A[ugustus]) [1839- ]. Praktische Grundziige der Gynaekologie. Ein Handbuch der Frauenkrankheiten fiir prakti- sche Aerzte. 2. .Aufl. ix, 420 pp. 8°. Berlin A. Hirschwald, 1892. Rheinstein (Joseph). *Die Veranderung der Schuleraugen in Bezug auf Refraktion und An- genspiegelbefund, fest<;estellt durch in Zwi- schenriiumen von mehreren Jahren wiederholte Untersuchung derselben Schiller. [Wurzburg 1 21 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Sim ion, 1890. Rlieinwald (Max). *Die Behandlung des einfachen Magengeschwiirs mit Karlsbader Ku- ren. 25 pp. 8°. Tiibinyen, 1898. Rhemnius Fannin* Paheiiion (Quintus). See Celsus (Aurelius Cornel ins). De re medica. 12° Sa/ingiae-i, 1538. -----. The same. 12°. Luqdnni, 1542! -----. The same. 16°. Lugduni, 1549. -----. The same. 16°. Lugduni, 1554. -----. The same. 16°. Pata rii, 1563. -----. The same. 12°. Lugduni, 1566. -----. The same 24°. [Lugduni], 1608. Rhens. Hintze (E.) & Griinnut (L.) Chemische und phy- sikalisch-chemische Lntersuchung des Rhenser Sprudels zu Rhens bei Coblenz am Rhein. Balneol. Ztg., Berl 1902, xiii, 164; 172: 181. Rheoehords. Symes (W. L.) Two graduated arc rheoehords. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Lond., 1902, pp. xxxii-xxxv. Rheol. Henkel. [Rheolpraparate; lebendeSaccharomyces- reinculturen.] Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1904, li, 213-218. Rheostats. Jopre (R.) * Nuevo reostato. 8°. Mexico, 1889. Bergonie. Rheostat electroly tique destine aux cou- rants intenses. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1900, xxix, 284.—Bordier (H.) Interrupteur rheo- statique rvthmique universel. Bull. Soc. mid. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1903, ii, 291-294. Also: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1903, xi, 487-491.—Dufour (M.) & Verain (L.) Une nouvelle forme de rheostat liquide. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 172-174— Killian (G.) Ein Rheostat fiir Galvanokaustik. Verhandl. d. Ver. siiddeutsch. Laryngol. 1894-1903, Wurzb., 1904, 111.— Lallement (A.) Les rheostats; modification du rheo- stat du Prof. T. Guilloz (de Nancy). Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon, 1903, xi, 144-149.—Leduc (S.) Rheostat oscillant pour la production des courants ondu- les. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1900, viii, 300-306.— Marshall (D. T.) A simple and inexpensive rheostat to use with the electric light current. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 440. — Nicoletis. Courant enallaxotone obtenu par le rh6ostat enallax-ohm. Compt. rend. Soc, de biol., Par., 1907, lxii, 127-129. Also: J. de physiotherap., Par., 1907, v, 492-497.—Nogier. Rheostat electro-pneu- matique. Bull. Soc. m il Crueller E. A.) Rheumatism. Am. Med., I'hila pli'u vii, 734". Aho: Med.-Chir. J., Phila., 1905, vi, no. 1 4C> 44.— On<-k worth (Sir D.) The clinical and patholog- ical relations oi the chronic rheumatic and rheumatoid affections to acute infective rheumatism. Clin. J., Lond 1901, xviii, 1; 23.—Felch (B. F.) A svnopsis of gout and rheumatism. Milwaukee M. J., 1906, xiv, 159: 192 — Fowler (J. L.) Recent advances in the stuclv of rheu- matism. Med. Times, N. Y., 1905, xxxiii, 174; 197.— (hal- liard (L.) Lerhumatismesacro-iliaque. Bull, ctnicm Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1899, n. s., xxv, 408-112.— Garrod (A. E.) The clinical and pathological relations of the chronic rheumatic and rheumatoid affections to acute infective rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i. 774-777 [Discussion], 8.58; 936. Also: Brit. M.J., Lond., 1901, i, 710- 712.—Glass (P. J.) Some remarks on rheumatism. Mo- bile M. A: S. J., 1904, v, 216-220. —Goldthw ait (J. E.) Infectious arthritis. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 363^371. -----. The differential diagnosis and treatment of the so-called rheumatoid diseases. Paid., cli, 529-534. Also, Reprint.—Goroehovzett" (N. P.) Vzgliad na revma- tizm. [Views on rheumatism.] Protok. zasaid. Kav- kazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1891-2, xxviii, 71-86.—Grand y (C. R.) Rheumatism and other affections of the joints J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 1443-1446. —Hadra (B. E.) Nature and treatment of gout and rheumatism. Am. Med., Phila.. 1902, iii. 10-12—Hawthorne (C. O.) Some practical issues which arise, out of the uncertainsig- nificanceof the term rheumatism ". Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s.. lxxix. 425. [Discussion], 42S.—Herz- feld. Rheumatisehe Erkrankungen der Kiseubalmbe- diensteten. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg.. Berl.. 1900, xii, 233- 235.— Hcssler iR.) Rheumatism and rheumatic affec- tions. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag., 1904, xxiv, 177. Also, Reprint. — Hirtz ( E.) & Boustan. Rhumatisme xyphoidien. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1899, lxx, 253- 258— H lava (J.) K anatomii a aetiologii tak zvanyeh rheumatickych oneiuocnfni. [On the anatomy, and pa- thology of the so-called rheumatic diseases ] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1884, xxiii, 275-279. —Hopkins i.J.) On rheumatism and allied affections. Clin. J., Lond'., 1896-7, ix, 183-1*7.—Kelso (J. C.) Rheumatism. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1904-5, viii, 241-243.—Lane (H.) Differentia- tion in rheumatic diseases (so called). Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 862. Also, Reprint.—Lavenson (R. S.) A case of chronic osteo-atrophic arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1907, xlviii, 279-282. —Le Fur (R.) Arthropathies et manifestations rhumatismales d'origine prostatique. Ass. franc, d'urol. 1906. Proc.-verb., Par., 1907, x, 297- 309.—Le Gendre. Le rhumatisme et la diathese ar- thritique. J. demed. int.. Par., 1906, x, 361-363. —Len- hartz (H.) & von Heineke (W.) Behandlung des akuten und chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus und der rheumatoiden und Muskelerkrankungen. Handb. d. spec. Therap. inner. Krankh., Jena, 1894, v, 139-186. Also: Handb. Therap. innerer Krankh., 2. Aufl., Jena, 1898, vi, 520-555.—Levison (F.) Die Polyarthritis villosa infec- tiosa. Verhandl. d. nord.Kong. f. inn. Med. 1902, Stock- holm,1903,iv,218-226. Also [Abstr.l: Kjobenh. med.Selsk. Forh.. 1902-3, 43.—Litchfield (W. F.) A preliminary note on a phvsical sign of the rheumatic diathesis. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1896, xv, 467. —Liitzhoft (F.) Om Begrebet Reumatisme og om Reumatismeteorier. [The conception of rheumatism, and the theories of rheu- matism.] Bibliot. f. Lseger, Kobenh., 1902, 8. R., iii, 277; 356.— Mackenzie (S.) On the various forms of rheu- matism, especiallv in reference toage and sex. Edinb. M. J.,1897,n.s.,i,32; 139.—Jlaclasan iT. J.) Rheumatism. Twentieth Cent. Pract.. N.Y.,1895. ii.jis7-328.—Malsbary (G.E.) Rheumatism. Med.Rec,N.Y.,1904,lxvi,926-929.— Ulartin (F.) Arthropathies rhumatismales. Bull. Soc d'anat. et phvsiol. de Bordeaux, 1896. xvii, 109.— .1Iatthews(J.P.)" Rheumatism. Illinois M. J.,Spring- lield, 1904-5, vii, 604-607.—.nidelton (\V. J.l Rheu- matoid and its treatment bv counter irritation. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1907, xxxv, 515; 537.—Jlori- *on (A.) Some aspects of rheumatism. Med. Press & circ. Lond.. 1905, n. s., lxxix, 421-423. [Discussion], 4-'s— .Tlnrrell (\V.l Diseases commonly mistaken for rheumatism. Med. Press A- Circ, Lond., 1903, n. s.,lxxv, 587-589. Also, Reprint.— Uusser (J. H.) Some phases of rheumatism. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 326-329.— Natviii i R. i Om tolbare patologiske Forandringer ved reumatiske Affektioner. [On perceptible pathological changes in rheumatic affections.] Norsk Mag. f. Lage- vidensk.. Christiania, 1*92. 4. R.. vii. 233-2*2— Painter (C. F.) ct Hrving (YV. ei.) Chronic villous arthritis, with special reference to its etiology and pathology. Am. J.Orthop.Sure.. Post., 1903-4,i, 109-129. Also: Med. News, X. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 913; 973; 1021.—Pieree (.1. R.l Acute and subacute rheumatism. J. Pract. M, X. Y., 1896-7, vii, 353.—Popott'(A) K ucheniyu o revmatisme. [A studvof rheumatism.] Arch, psichiat. [etc.], Varshava, 1896," xxvii, no. 3, 1-26.—Predtetschensky (W.) Akuter und chronischer Gelenksrheumatismus. deren Entstehung und Beziehung zu anderen Gelenksaffek- RHEUMATIC. 529 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic affections. tionen. Centralbl. i. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u.Chir., Jena, 1902, v, 657; 713; 746; 793— Pretty man (J. S.),ir. The rheumatoid condition. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 649-651.—Prevost (C. YV.) Rheumatism. Tr. Luzerne I Co. M. Soc, YVilkesbarre, 1899, vii, 137-148.—Roi<> e Ibaftez (V.) Breves consideraciones sobre la natu- raleza del reumatismo. Cong, internat. de mi5d. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de path, int., 325-331.— Sanderson (H. E.) The nature of rheumatism. Oc- cidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1895, ix, 623-526.— Sehreiber (J.) SelteneFormenundLieblingssitzedes rheumatischen Processes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli. 12-1-1226.—Sehueller (M.) The relations of chronic villous polvarthritis to the dumb-bell shaped bacilli. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, n. s., exxxii, 231-239.— Smith (G. F.) A few thoughts on rheumatism other than the acute articular form. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1903, xxiii, 8.—Stengel (A.) Articular rheu- matism and some allied conditions. Am.J. M. iSc, Phila., 1903,n. s.,cxxv, 412-4J8. Also, Reprint.—S wilt (H.) Re- marks on some rheumatic affections. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1904, xxiii, 106-108.— Taeehi (G.) Polireuma- tosi visceraleinfettiva Gazz. med di Roma. 1892, xviii, 97- 109.—Tayloe (D. T.) Rheumatism. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car. 1893, YVilmington, 1894, 85-92. Also [Discussion]: North. Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1893. xxxii, 205-213.—Thelberg (M. A. H.) Rheumatic affections, their pathogenesis and treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 925-928 — Thomson (\Y. H.) Gout, rheumatism, and fibrositis, or so-called muscular rheumatism. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1904, xxxii, 943; 1048. -----. Pathology and treatment of rheumatism. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 455-459.— Van Vranken (G.) Some theories and facts about rheumatism. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 610.—Ver- hoogen (R.) Ce qu'il faut designer par le mot rhuma- tisme. .1. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 733. -----. Les affec- tions rhumatismales; definition et classification. Soc. roy. d. sc. m6d.et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1905, lxiii, 278-286.— Voigt (W.) Leber Rheumatismus. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1905, eclxxxviii, 105-119.—AVeisz (E.) Ujabb mozzanatok a csdz tan&ban. [Recent researches on rheumatism.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, 225; 243.—Whitingtou (\Y. P.) Rheumatism. Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1901, xix, 1-3.—Williams (L.) The rheumatics. Polyclin., Lond., 1906, x, 18-21. — Zani- boni (B.) Coincidenze di affezioni reumatiche con ispeciali tipi morfologici. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 323-325. Rheumatic affections {Preeention of). Laboxne (H.) Comment on se defend du rhumatisme; la lutte contre les douleurs et l'arthritisme. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, [n. d.]. La ville. De la goutte et des rhumatismes. Expose theorique et pratique d'un traitement curatif et preventif avec les formules prescrites. 21. ed. 16°. Paris, [n. d.]. -----. The same. On gout and rheumatism. A theoretical and practical exposition of a cu- rative and preventive treatment. 17. ed. 16°. [Surgeres, 1876, vel subseg.] -----. The same. 18 ed. 24°. London, [n. d.]. . Le Mercier (G.) *De l'ankylose consecutive aux arthropathies rhumatismales et de son traitement preventif. 4°. Petris, 1892. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Peltesohn (F.) Zur Aetiologie und Prophylaxe des Rheumatismus. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1898, xix, 643; 653; 663—Shade (N. B.) How to prevent rheuma- tism in the rheumatic diathesis. Med. Summary, Phila., 1904-5, xxvi, 298. Rheumatic affections in animals. Leblanc (C.) Memoire sur les affections de nature rhumatismale qu'on observe chez les animaux domestiques. Communication faite a l'Academie imperiale de medecine le 5 juillet 1864. 8°. Paris, 1864. Altniann. AcuterGelenkrheumatismusbeimPferde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1903, 5u.—Christiani. Akuter Gelenkrheumatismus beim Pferde. Ztschr. f. Veterinark., Berl., 1903, xv, 120-122.—Diem. Rheuma- tische Erkrankungen bei funf Pferden. Wchnschr. f. TieTh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen, 1906, 1, 501-503.—Froh- ner. Ein Fall von Gelenkrheumatismus beim Pferde. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1903, xiv, 448^50.— HInebaueh (T. V.) Rheumatism in horses. J. Comp. M. '.»4. Also: Independ. med., Barcel., 1902, xxxii, 351-354.—Franco (D.) Cdntribu- zione clinica alia terapia ed alia patogenesi del reu- matismo acuto. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Na- poli, 1894, xlviii, 473-17*.—Gomes (C. J.) Rheuma- tism; its etiology and treatment considered. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1896, 1-7.— Goodhart (J. F.) & Barlow (T.) Memorandum on acute rheu- matism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, i, 594. Also, Reprint— Grigoryeti^D. V.) Rheumatismus articularis acutus. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1896, vii, 366-368.— Hanirick (R. H.) Symptoms, diagnosis, and treat- mentof acute articular rheumatism. Alabama M. J., Bir- mingh., 1906-7, xix, 749-752.—Hanot (V.) Considera- tions generates sur le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Presse med., Par., 1894, 171-174.—Hargens (C. W.) Acute articular rheumatism. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 644-646.—Heidenhain (L.) Notiz iiber monoar- ticuliiren Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1895, xxi, 496.—Henry (W.) Rheu- matism. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1896, lxxxi, 85-88.—Hensel (E. A.) Causes and treatment of acute articular rheuma- tism. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1904, vi, 744-749.— Heubner. Der acute Gelenkrheumatismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1053-1055.—Hinsdale (W. B.) Rheumatic infection. N. Am, J. Homceop., N. Y.. 1904, Hi, 545-550.—Hunsberger (J. N.) Rheumatic fe- ver. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 466-468.—Jack (E.S.) Acute articular rheumatism. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1900, xviii, 531-539—Kali Icr. Ueber acuten Ge- ■ lenksrheumatismus. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, j 1201; 1241; 1281; 1320; 1363. — Kaumheinier ( G. J.) Complications and treatment of acute rheumatism. Mil- | waukee M. J., 1895, iii, 9-13.—Kern W. W.) Acuterheu- matism. Med. News, X. Y., 1901, lxxix, 528-531.—King (E. H.) The pathology and therapeuticsof rheumatism. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Des Moines. 1896, xiv, 55-60. Also: Iowa M. ,L, Des Moines, 1896, ii. 182-187. Also: J. Pract. M., N. Y., 1N95-0, vi, 441-445. — Klatt (H.) Ueber Aetiologie und Therapie des akuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1906, vi, 269- 287.—Kiilbl (F.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Polyarthritis rheumatica. Allg. Wien.med.Ztg.,1898, xliii, 48; 60.— Koretski (A. G.) K ucheniyu u revma- tizmle sustavov. [Rheumatism of joints.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1892, iv, 174; P.m.—Laiicereaux ( E.) Le rhu- matisme articulaire ai;ru ou fievre rhumatismale. In his: Loo. de clin. med. ... la Pitie, 8°, Par., issc-yo, 235- 242. -----. Le rhumatisme articulaire aiguoufievre rhu- matismale. Ibid., 1892, 342-414.—Land. K kazuistikle ostravo soehlenovnavo revmatizma. [Acute articular rheumatism] Rn-sk. Med., St. Petersb., 1893, xviii, 283- 285. — Ln ft' (A. P.) Rheumatic fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1901, lxvi,79-83.—Lyman (H. M.) Rheumatism. Internat.M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii,125-129. -----. Acute articular rheumatism. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, 205-211. Also [Abstr.]: J.Am.M. Ass., Chicago,1899,xxxii, Rheumatic fever. 304.—.TIcGauiihey iJ. B.) Rheumatic fever. North- west. Lancet, St. Paul., 1899, xix, 405-407.—.TIeLean ( H. L.) A consideration of acute inflammatory rheumatism Louisville Month. J. M. &S., 1902-3, ix, 170— .Man«li<-ld (C. D.) Acute articular rheumatism. Ibid., 190.V6, xii, 109-112.—ITlaragliano (E.) Sullapoliartrite reumatica acuta. Gazz. d.osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 177-lsO.—.Tliirl- ani. Poliartrite reumatica. Cron. d. clin. med. di Ge- nova, 1907, xiii, 76-79.—Jloule (E. E.) Rheumatic fe- ver. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1904, xxiii, 109-111.— Mcilson (W. H.) A consideration of acute inflammatory rheumatism. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin,Madison, 1899,xxxiii 156-163. Also: Med. Xews, N. Y., 1900, lxxvi, 240-218. — Xensholme (A.) The natural history and affinities of rheumatic fever; a studv in epidemiologv. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n.s., lix, 268; 296; 324:350. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 527; 581. — Peniferes ( L. ) Pa- thogenie et traitement du rhumatisme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1903, exxxvii, 626. -----. Le rhuma- tisme, pathogenie et traitement. Toulouse med., 1906, 2. s., viii, 47.— Pettyjohn (E. S.) Rheumatism; its pa- thology and modern treatment. Tr. Mich. M. Soc., Grand Rapids, 1895, xix, 498-506. [Discussion], 524; 527. Also: Med. Herald. St. Joseph, 1895, n. s., xiv, 524-528. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1895, viii, 487-492. Also, Reprint.—Poncct. Du rhumatisme articulaire. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlvi,373-378.—Poynton (F.J.) Acute rheumatism, or rheumatic fever. In: Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, ii,676-713.—Poyn- ton (F.J.) & Paine (A.) Some further investigations upon rheumatic fever. Lancet, Lond., 1901,i, 1200-1265.— Predteehenski (V. E.) Sustavnol revmatizm, yevo pro'iskhozhdeniy e i otnosheniy e k drugim zabolle vaniyam sustavov. [Articular rheumatism, its origin and rela- tionship toother joint diseases.] Prakt.Vrach,S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 623; 649; 667; 687; 708; 729.—Bead (H. M.) Acute articular rheumatism. North west Med. .Seattle, 1903, i, 178- 182.—Biva (A.) Sull' infezione reumatica. Lavori d. Cong, dimed. int. 1892, Milano,1893,v,216-254.—von Ro- kitansky ( P.) Ueber acuten Gelenksrheumatismus. Allg.Wien.med.Ztg., 1902, xlvii, 325; 335; 345; 355.—Seil.de med.. Par., 1893, xl, 494-496.—Beaton (R. M.) & Walker ( E. W. A.) The etiology of acute rheuma- tism and allied conditions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 237-239.—Beattie (J.M.) Rheumatic fever and amvloid degeneration. Ibid.. 1906, ii, 1444-1446.—Belcher (YV. N.) Etiological factors in rheumatism. Brooklvn M. J., 1900, xiv, 422-427.—Bigler (W. H.) The pathology of rheu- matism. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., N.Y.,189,, 665-679.— Blake i E ) The sapnemic origin of rheumatism. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 11-15—Bloeh (E.) Zur Aetio- logie des Rheumatismus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlv, 445; 488.—Buckley (E. YV.) Etiology of acute articular rheumatism. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1906, viii, 395-397.—Carles (J.) L'origine digestive du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 171.—Churton (T.) On the localising fac- tors in rheumatic fever and chorea. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, xxi, 29-41— Chvostek (F.) Zur Aetiologie des Gelenkrheumatismus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 469-472. -----. Zur Aetiologie des acuten Gelenkrheuma- tismus. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1897, xv. 99-127.—Cole (R. I.) ^Etiology of acute articular rheumatism. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 534-538. Also, Reprint.—Cossy (J.) Memoire pour servir & l'his- toire de l'anatomie pathologique du rhumatisme articu- laire aigu, et k celle des cas de mort rapide et impreA'ue survenant dans le cours de cette affection. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1854,i, 286-311. Also. Reprint.—Crees ( H.j The underlying causes of rheumatism. Calif. State ,L M., San Fran., 1907, v. 292— Cutter (E.) The prerheumatic and preembolic state-. Mel. Bull., Phila., 1897, xix, 139- Rheumatic fever (Causes and jmthol- 112. — llavies (J. C.) Etiology of acute rheumatism. Nuiilnvrt Med.. Seattle, 1907, v, 334-337.—Edward* (A. R.) Causation and symptomatology of acute artic- ular rheumatism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 305-307.—l«'ri»se I (L. F.) The etiology of acute rheuma- tism. Med. & Surg. Rep. Prcsbvterian Hosp., N. Y., 1906 vii. 34-53. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1906, lxix, 737-743.— Gay (M.) Sopra alcune esperienze sulla genesi delle aft'ezioni reumatiche. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Mi lano, 1895, vi, 217.—Gentili (G.) Contributo alio studio dell' etiologia e della patogenesi del reumatismo artico- lare cronico. Morgagni, Milano, 1908,1, 47; 92.—Ghedini (G.) L' eTiologia della infezione cosi detta reumatica in vestigata col metodo della deviazione del complemeuto. Ann. d. Ist. Maragliano p. la cura d. tuberc. [etc.], (ie- nova, 1906-7, ii, 126-129. A/so [Abstr.]:. Gazz. d. (.sp.. Milano, 1907, xxviii, 632.—Gilbert i A.) & LerebouN let (P.) L'origine digestive du rhuiuatisme articulaire aigu. Presse med., Par., 1901, i, 33-37.—Greenwood (M.j, jr., & Thompson (T.) On meteorological factors in the aetiology of acute rheumatism. J. Hvgiene, Cam- bridge, 1907, vii, 171-181.—Griin i E. F.) The etiology of rheumatic fever. Lancet, Lond., I'.nio. ii, 1098.—llaig (A.) The causation of acute rheumatism. Pract)tinner, Lond., 1891, xlvi, 111; 185; 271 — Harris (X. MacL.) Experimental arthritis. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc, 1903-5, vi, 303-306. — Hutchinson (W.) Rheumatism as a neuritis. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, xxi, 49- 53.—Illman (G. M.) The etiology and treatment ol acute and chronic rheumatism. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 409-411.—Jez (W.) Przyczynek do etiologii ostrego goscca stawowego. [Contribution to the etiology of acute articular rheumatism.] Przegl. lek., Krakow. ls97, xxxvi, 25-27.— Karwacki (L.) Przyczynek do badaii cytolo- gicznych nad wypocina. stawowa, w sprawach goSccowych i rzezaczkowyeh. [Cytological researches of the articular exsudates in "rheumatic and eonorrhaal processes.] Me- dycyna, War-zawa, l'.'o5, xxxiii. 818.—Kol linaiui. Zur Pathogenese des akuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix. 1098-1100.—Ladanyi (M.) A sukiziileti csiiz kOroktana. [The pathology of polyarthritis rheumatica.] Gyogyaszat. Budapest, 1^95, xxxv, 169-171. — Lande i.A.) O stosunku ostrego goScca stawowego do r6zy; kilka uwag og61nych oraz o patogenezie ostrego goscca stawowego. [Relation of acute articular rheumatism to erysipelas; likewise on the pathogenesis of acute articular rheumatism.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 3-"i0-;!5v—Lepine (J.) Le liquide ccphalo-rachidien dans les processus me- ninges subaigus d'origine rhumatismale. Lvon med., 1903, ci, 298-302. -----. Essai sur la pathogenie des rhumatismes. Rev. de m£d., Par., 1906, xxvi, 753-765.— LeBoux(F.-P.) Recherches sur la cause de la diathese rhumatismale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., ls9l, cxiii, 490-493.—lionsrstatt^G. B.) Acontributioutothe etiologv of rheumatic fever. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, n. s., xxiv, 33-83, 3 diag. — Lopes Vieira. 0 rheumatismo segundo a pathologia moderna. Coimhra med., 1898, xviiC557-559.—Lucatello (L.) Per 1' etio- logia del reumatismo articolare acuto. Lavori d. Cong. di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 299 —nXlymont (J.) Etiology of acute rheumatism. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., ]8'.t6-7, 89-93. — MalkoflT (G. M.) Ob etiologii i patogenezie ostravo sustavnovo revmatizma. [Etiology and pathogenesis of acute articular rheumatism,] Izvlest. Imp. Voycnno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1901, ii. 413-420.— Mann (F. W.) The etiology of acute rheumatism. Tr. Mich. M. Soc. Detroit, 1901, xxv, 67.—Manuelidi*. Rhumatisme articulaire palustrc. Arch, orient, de med. et de chir., Par., 1899. i. 135-13*.—Marshall (C.R.) The pathology and aetiologv of rheumatism, with some re- marks on treatment. X. York M. .!., Is99, lxx. 231-233.— Massalonuo (R.) Fisiopatologia del reumatismo arti- eolare cronico; sua origine nervosa. Lavori d. Conir. di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 301-311. -----. Sull' ori- gine digestiva del reumatismo articolareacuto. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1905, vi, 57-60—Menzer ( A.) Zur Aetiologie des akuten Gelenkrheumatismus. lautsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii. 97-99.—Mlr- eoli (S.) Sulla genesi dei processi reumatici. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899, Roma, 1900, x, 227-229. ----- Nel ciclo delle auto-infezioni reumatiche. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, ii, 424-427.—Morales Perez (A.) Relaci6n pato- 16gica entre el reumatismo y el cancer. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de chir. gen., 55.s-.56o.—Mostkoff(A.) K etiologii ostravo sochlenov- navo revmatizma. [On the etiology of acute articular rheumatism.] Kiened. jour. " Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1899, vi, 121-124.—\oesscl ( K.) Dot Einfluss der Assa- nirungsarbeiten in Miinchen auf den acuten Gelenkrheu- matismus. Ann. d. stadt. all?. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1885-91. 1892, v, 492-522. —6liva (P.) Sull' iniezione reumatica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 635— Phi- lipp (C. i Zur Aetiologie des acuten Gelenkrheumatis- mus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1903, lxxvi- 150-173.—Pinzaui (E.) Contributo alia conoscenza del- RHEUMATIC. 533 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever {Causes and pathol- ogy of). la' natura infettiva del rheumatismo. N. raccoglitore med Imola, 1902, i, 337-340. Also: Gazz. med. d. Marche, Porto Civitanova, 1902, x, no. 9, 5— Poynton (V. ,L.i Thepathologv of rheumatic fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1901, lxvi, 22-34. — Poynton (F. J.) & Paine (A.) The etiology of rheumatic fever. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 861; 932; 1306.-----------.The infectivity of acute rheumatism, with especial reference to the chronic types of the disease. Clin. J., Lond., 1901, xviii, 41-44. _____ -----. The pathogenesis of rheumatic fever. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1900-1901, Iii, 10-19, 1 L, 1 pl. ----- _____. Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Resultate einer Untersuchung (vom Januar 1899 bis August 1901) betreffend die Pathogenesis des akuten Rheumatismus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt, Jena, 1902, xxxi, 502-508. —:--------• The aetiology of rheumatic fever. Cong, internat. demed. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904,xiv,path. gen., 368-410. Also [Abstr.]: Ibid., sect, de path, int., 528- o35. —Prinzing. Beitrag zur Aetiologie des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Med. Cor. - Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1891, lxi, I61-l6s.—Rabi. Zur Aetio- logie des Rheumatismus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlv, 1178-1180.—Renon (L.) Rhumatisme toxique par intoxication alimentaire dans le decours d'une grippe tres legere. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 203-206. Also [Abstr.]: Courrier med., Par., 1899, xlix, 102. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 165.—Riesman (DA Acute articular rheumatism; its etiology and pathology. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1454-115>. —Biggs iC. E.) The -o-callcd rheu- matic element in nervous disease. St. I'aul M. J., St. Paul, Minn.. 1906. viii, 403-407—Riva A.) Sullaetiolo- gia del reumatismo articolare acuto. Boll. d. Soc. med.- chir. di Pavia 1^97, Milano, 1898, 89-93. Also: Clin, mod., Pisa, 1>97. iii, 221-223. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. innere Mud., Leipz., 1897. xviii, 825-828. — Nail Ii. Zur Aetiologie des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsches Arch.f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892-3, li, 451-471. Also [Abstr.]: Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1892, xxii, 22-24. Also, Reprint.— Salisbury (J. H.) Chemie theories of the causation of acute rheumatism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 307. Also: N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1899, xi, 70-73. Also [Abstr.]: Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, 219-221.— Samele iE.) Sull' etiologia dell' infezione reumatica ed in ispecie del reumatismo poliarticolare acuto. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1906, xlv, 749-770.—Satterlee (F. Le R.) Rheumatic poison and its treatment. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 627; 686.—Scaraiuucei (F.) II reumatismo articolare acuto secondo il concetto moderno. Rassegna san. di Roma, 1906, iv, 56-59.—Schiiler (M.) Bacteriological researches into the etiology of the so- called chronic rheumatic joint inflammations. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1893, xliv, 389-391.—Sehlbach (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Pathogenese des akuten Gelenkrheumatis- mus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 171—Shaw (W. V.) Acute rheumatic fever and its etiology. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1903-4, ix, 158-171.— Shot well (W. E.) Uric acid and rheumatism. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 417— Shrady (J.) The theories of rheumatism. Tr. X. York M. Ass., 1891. viii, 39-43.— Singer Weitere Erfahrungen iiber die Aetiologie des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1901, xix, 441-451, 2 pl. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 482-486.—Springthorpe (J. W.) The etiology of acute rheumatism. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900, v, 517-522.—Stoner (A. P.) Astudvof the etiology and pathology of rheuma- tism with special reference to rheumatic diathesis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1386-1389—Taylor (L. G.) Etiology and pathology of acute articular rheu- matism. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1905, xxvi, 190.— Time (K.) ^Etiologiske forhold ved rheumatismus acutus. [Les conditions etiologiques du rhumatisme aigu. Res., 199.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristia- nia, 1902,4. R., xvii, 168-177.— Timireft'( P.) K voprosu ob etiologii ostravo sochlenovnavo revmatizma. [Eti- ology of acute articular rheumatism.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1899, exev, med.-spec. pt., 1132-1174.—Tri- bouiet (H.) Du rhumatisme aigu franc; essai sur une interpretation possible de la pathogenie du rhumatisme a l'aide des doctrines actuelles. Rev. de med., Par., 1892, xii, 639-658. -----. Des rhumatismes chroniques d'infection; 6tiologie; pathogenie. Ibid., 1898, xviii, 189; 329.—Triboulet (H.) & Thomas (A.) A propos de l'examen histologique de la moelle d'une malade morte de pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux chronique. Pull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 780-785.—Tu rner (R. T.) Acute rheumatism; three cases of apparently direct infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 311. —Verhoogen (It.) Rhumatismes articulaires aiguset rhumatismes articu- laires chroniques; etiologie et pathogenie. Stic roy. d. sc. m^d. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1905, lxiii, 193-202. Also: J. med. de Brux., 1905, x, 561-565.— Volpe (G.) Contri- buto all' etiologia del reumatismo articolare acuto. Ri- forma med., Palermo-Napoli, 1906, xxii, 199-203.— Walker (E. W. A.) Pathology of acute rheumatism. Rheumatic fever {Causes and pathol- °9i/ °f)- Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, [suppl.], 15. Also: Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, xvii, 347. — Walker (E. W. A.) & ■1 y II e l (J. H.) The pathology of acute rheumatism and allied conditions; progress report on chemical pathology. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 659.—Waugh (W. F.) Rheu- matism and meat-eating. Med. World, Phila., 1898, xvi, 514-516—Webster ^G.W.) Theetiology of acute articu- lar rheumatism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 80- 83.—Wertz (T.) Etiologv of rheumatic fever. Tr. In- diana M. Soc, Indianap., 1897, 146-152.—Winters (.I.E.) Etiology of rheumatism; obscurity, insidiousness, pre- vention, and management in childhood. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 41-43.—Zeuder (N.) Contributo alio studio etiologico del reumatismo articolare e muscolare acuto. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 570-572.—ICoege von Mantcuifel. Ueber den Rheumatismus in den unteren Extremitaten und seine Beziehung zur Arterio- sklerose. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 173-175.—'Aoja (L.) Sulla deposizione di cristallidi acido urico nel liquido articolare estratto per puntura es- plorativa in un caso di reumatismo articolare acuto. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1901, Iii, 661-664. Also [Abstr.]: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1901, Roma, 1902, 635. Rheumatic fever {Complications [and see/a el iv] of). See, also, Parotitis (Epidemic, Complications of); Rheumatic fever (Sudden death in); Rheu- matic fever in children; Rheumatic fever and chorea; Testicle (Inflammation of). Bengue (J.) * Contribution a l'etude cles cedemes rhumatisrnaux. 4°. Baris, 1891. Bes (E.) Contribution a l'etude des kystes synoviaux des doigts d'origine rhumatismale. 4°. Baris, 1896. Oloff ( H. ) * Ueber Sehnenscheidenaffek- tionen bei Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Selacovitch (A.) * Certains accidents articu- laires croniques consecutifs au rhumatisme arti- culaire aigu. 4°. Baris, 1896. Suquet (L.) *De troubles digestifs dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. (Revue generale; essai de pathogenie.) 8°. Montpellier, 1900. Acute rheumatism; sequel; death. Charing Cross Hosp. Gaz., Blandford, 1900, ii, 61.—de Almeida (D.) Rheumatismo articular agudo; tetano superagudo; morte em menos de 24 horas. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Jan.. 1904, viii, 208-212.—Arkwright (J. A.) Acute rheumatism and sepsis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1083.—Bachinski (V. F.) K kazuistikle oslozhneniy ostravo sostavnavo revmatizma. [ Complications of acute articular rheumatism.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 1269. — Bamberger (E. ) Polyarthritis rheu- matica; Rheumatismus und Subluxation im rechten Kiefergelenke; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph - Stiftung in Wien (1891), 1892, 293. — Ba- nerjilR. P.) Rheumatism and malaria. Indian M.- Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1896, iv, 10-12.—Beach (E.) An unusual complication of acute rheumatism. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1897, 252—Besnier (J.) Rhuma- tisme cerebral avec complications cardiaques et pleuro- pulmonaires, traite par les bains froids. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1881), 1882, xvi, 237-250.—Bishop (L. F.) Sequelae of mild acute articular rheumatism. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1900, 10. s., iii, 93-100.—Bjelogolowy (A. A.) Beitrag zur Frage der Grenzen zwischen Rheu- matismus und Pviimie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xxv, 1; 9.— Bosanyi (B.) A heveny iziileti csuzlefo- ly&sanak m6dosulasai. [Modification of the sequelae of acute articular rheumatism.] FiirdU- es vizgy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1906, 1-6.—Brindel. Atrophie testiculaire d'origine rhumatismale; examen du larynx etde la voix. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1895, xvi, 108.—Briquet. Rhumatisme articulaire aigu; scarla- tine: nouvelle poussee articulaire; double hydrothorax sans anasarque, avec simple boutlissure de la face. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, os-70.—Broadbent (Sir W. H.) Chronic arthritis fol lowing rheumatic fever. Polyclin., Lond., 1903, vii, 147.—Broswird. Rheuma- tisme infectieux; mort par suppurations multiples. Poi- tou med., Poitiers, 1891, V, 1-6.—Chauffard (A.) & Ramond (F.) Des adenopathies dans le rhumatisme chronique infectieux. Rev. de med., Par., 1896, xvi, 345- 359 —Chatin (('.) Note sur un cas d'osteoperiostite rhu- matismale. Lvon med., 1894, lxxvii, 5-15.—Cheatham (W.) Rheumatism as it affects the eye, ear, nose, and throat. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1896, xxi, 330. [Discussion], 339-311.—Collin (E. H.) Rhumatisme RHEUMATIC. 534 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever {Complications [and seauelm] of). vrai secondaire, infectieux et pyogenique, a localisations presque exclusivement fibreuses; interpretation patho- genique speciale. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1894, lxvii, 1057; 1085; 1093.—Copland (J.) Cases of rheumatism affect- ing the ovaria, with practical remarks. Lond. M. & S. J., 1830, v, 58-65.—Cornwall (E.E.) [Rheumaticorchi- tis]. BrooklynM.J.,1903,xvii,7L—Coupland (W.H.) Acute rheumatism and some of its concomitants. Clin. J., Lond., 1903, xxii, 76-80.— Courtois-Suttit & Beau- fume. Rhumatisme articulaire aigu complique^ d'en- docardite, d'h^maturie, de parotidite, d'accidents c£t6- braux; ponction lombaire. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 1281-1283.— Co wen (B. S.) A complicated case of rheumatic fever. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1892, n. s., xiv, 67-70.—Curet. Reumatismo; eritema nudoso, endocarditis, artritis. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1906, vii, 197-199.—Davison (J. L.) Complications of rheu- matism. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 7-10.—Demme (R.) Polyarthritis rheumatica acuta mit raschem Uebergangder serosen Synovitis in die suppura- tive phlegmonose Form. Med. Ber. ii. d. Thatigk. d. Jenner'schen Kindersp. in Bern (1883), 1884, xxi, 52.— Desnos. Del'cedSme rhumatismal. Bull, et m^enannten Rheumatismus cerebralis. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Tarrade (A.) *De la ponction lombaire dans le traitement du rhumatisme cerebral et de certains exsudats meninges. 8°. Baris, 1907. Achalme (P.) Examen bacteriologique dun cas de rhumatisme articulaire aigu mort de rhumatisme ce- rebral. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 651-656.—Anderson (M'C.) Rheumatism with cerebro- spinal symptoms. Glasgow M. J., 1*93, xl, 29-31. — Bar re (H.) Case of cerebral rheumatism; disintoxication oi the blood; cure. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896, n. s., lxii, 230.—Bernard (R.) Ln cas de rhumatisme cere- bral. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1902, 3. s., xix, 181-186. — Bianchetti (C.) Sul reumatismo cere- brale. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1*95, xxii,5-16.— Boinet (E.) A propos du rhumatisme cerebral. Bull. et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 712- 7J.9.—Bommier. Un cas de rhumatisme cerebral, Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1*99, iii, 200.—Bond et. Rhu- matisme cerebral. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 40.— Bramwell (B.) Cerebral rheumatism; recurring at- tacks of severe headache, vomiting, and pyrexia in a rheumatic patient completely relieved bv salicylate oi sodium. Clin.Stud., Edinb., 1905-6, iv, 26-29.—Cade (A.) & Janibon (A.) Sur un cas de rhumatisme cerebral; recherches bacteriologiques; ponction lombaire. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lvon, 1905, iv, 274-282. Also: Lvon m6d., 1905, civ, 1416-1420.—Carrie re (G.) Note bacteri- ologique sur un cas de rhumatisme cerebral. Presse med., Par., 1896,196.—Choux (C.) Folie rhumatismale survenue & I'occasion dun rhumatisme a. peine esq uiss6, et termin6e par la demenee. Arch.de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1892, xix, 497-500.— Coupland (S.) Cerebral rheumatism. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1*92, iv, 259-276.— Francais. Note sur un cas de rhumatisme cerebral a forme meningitique. J. de med. de Lyon, 1866, v, 140- 144.—Gandy (C.) & Bornait-Legueule. Rhuma- tisme cerebral suraigu. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1905, 3. s., xxii, 801-810.— He.ze. Un cas de rhu- matisme cerebral. Nord med., Lille, 1897, iii, 218-220.— Josue & Salomon. Un cas de rhumatisme cerebral avec examen anatomo-pathologique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 1058-1064. Also: Tri- bune med., Par., 1903, 2. s., xxxv, 293.—Kraus (F.) Ein Fall von Cerebralrheumatismus. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1898, xxxv, 103-112.—Lu:>eol. Sur un cas insolite de rhumatisme cerebral. Mem. et bull. Soc de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1882), 1883, 217-221.— Mazzotti (L.) Di una rara complicazione cerebrale del reumatismo articolare acuto; rheumatismus apoplec- ticus, apoplexia rheumatica. Mem. r. Acad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna (1901-3). 1902-4, 5. s., x, 549-551. Also [Abstr.]: Rendic. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1902-3, n. s., vii, 147.—.Morgan (F. P.) Cerebral rheumatism. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 116-121. Also, Reprint. — Moutet (A.) Folie rhumatismale; guerison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 446-456. — Pie. Rhumatisme cere- bral; microbed'AchalmeetThiroloixdanslesang. Lyon m6d., 1899, xcii, 168.—Pic (A.) & Lesieur (C.) Contri- bution a la bacteriologie du rhumatisme articulaire aigu; nouvelles recherches sur le bacille d'Achalme-Thiroloix retrouve dans un cas de rhumatisme cerebral. J. de physiol. et de path. g6n., Par., 1899, i, 1007-1019—Pierre (Marie). Le rhumatisme cerebral. J. de la sante, Par., 1895, xii, 141-143.—Recehia (V.) Contributo alia casui- stica del reumatismo cerebrale. Morgagni, Milano, 1902, xliv, 712-710.—Shellenberg (M.) Treatment of cere- bral rheumatism bv cold baths. Albany M. Ann., 1902, xxiii, 657-661.—Souques (A.) & Castaigne (J.) Con- tribution il la pathogenie du rhumatisme cerebral. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1*99, 3. s., xvi, 565- 575.—Talamon (C.) Acetonemic cerebrale dans un cas de rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Med. mod., Par., 1*91, ii, 253-257.—Vandeputte (F.) Un cas de rhuma- tisme cerebral. Nord med., Lille, 1903, ix, 78— Ville- dary. Ln cas de rhumatisme cerebral avec choree aigue, traite par les bains mixtes et la ponction lombaire; gu6rison. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1904, xliv, 61-72. —"Whitmire (J. S.) My symptoms, impressions, and experience during an attack of metastatic rheuma- tism of the dura mater and arachnoid membranes of the brain. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1893, xv, 26-28. Rheumatic fever {Complications of Cutaneous). See, also, Erythema nodosum; Lichen; Pe- liosis rheumatica. d' Hotel (H.-R.) * Etude clinique sur les troubles trophiques de la peau et de ses de- pendances dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 4°. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. RHEUMATIC. 539 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever {Complications of Cutaneous). Peschel ([E.] P.) * Psoriasis und Gelenk- rheumatismus. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Poneydebat (P.) * Essai sur les manifesta- tions cutanees du rhumatisme chronique. 8°. Baris, 1901. Bayliss (R. A.) Extensive pemphigus in acute rheu- matism. Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii. 43L—Behrend (M ) Ueber rheumatische Ex- und Enantheme. Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 1129-1131.—Betz (0.) Ein Fall von Gelenkrheumatismus mit Erythema exsuda- tivum als Folgeerkrankung einer KieferhOhleneiterung. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1900-1901, xviii, 449-460.—de Brun ( H.) Rhumatisme et crytheme tuberculeux. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1902, xvi, 561-564.— Carrieri (I.) Un caso di porpora emorragica durante il decorso del reumatismo articolare cronico. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, med. int., 36.— Duckworth. (Sir D.) On a fatal caseof rheumatism associated with hajmorrhagic erythema, with remarks on rheumatic purpura. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 1-6.—Fournier, Gasne & Bernard (H.) Eczema keratosique symetrique; lesions de rhumatismes deformant: tic facial. Ann. de dermat. etsvph., Par.,1901, 4. s.,ii, 654-658.—\ essel (E.) O rheumatickych bolestech oblifiejoviyeh. [Rheumatic troubles of thecheek.] Sbirka prednasek z oboru lekafsk., v Praze, [1899?], nos. 5-6, 1-35, 21— Paquet (A.) Deux cas de purpura au cours d'un rhumatisme articulaire aimi. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 594-597.—Rendu. Lipomes multiples chez un rhumatisant. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d.hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix. 199.—Richard. Pityriasis rose de Gibert au cours dun rhumatisme articulaire suivi de choree. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1904, iv, 356- 361.—Riebold. Zur Kenntnis der Komplikationen des akuten Gelenkrheumatismus von Seiten der Haut. Jah- resb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd., Munchen, 1904-5, 37. -----. Zur Kenntnis der Komplikationen der Polyarthritis rheumatica acuta von seiten der Haut. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1904-5, lxxxii, 273- 293.—Rosenthal. [Gelenkrheumatismus; polymorphe Eruptionen.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 706.— Senator (H.) Bemerkungen iiber die Beziehungen zwischen Erythema nodosum und Gelenkrheumatismus. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1*99, xxiv, 2*5-291.—Smith (T. R. M.) Skin eruptions of rheumatic origin. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1893, xcvi, 181-191.-Symes (J. O.) A clinical lec- ture on erythema nodosum and rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 207.—Wa Mi (D.) Some aspects of rheu- matism in connection with skin affections. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.,1905,n.s., lxxix. 123-425. [Discussion], 428.— Yeinelyanoff(P. N.) K voprosu ob uzlovatol eritemle i otnoshenii yeya kostromu sochlenovnomu revmatizmu. [Nodular erythema and its relation to articular rheuma- tism.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1890- 91, xxvii, 411-114. Rheumatic fever {Complications of, Nervous). See, also, Neuritis (Multiple, Causes, etc., of); Rheumatic fever (Complicatiems of, Cerebral); Rheumatic freer and chorea. Smith (M.) *Trophische Storungen beim chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Jena, 1896. Berry (W. T.) Report of a case of possible acute peripheral neuritis due to the toxic element of rheuma- tism. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1906-7, xix, 160. — Bonnemaison. Sur un cas de rhumatisme osteo- hypertrophique. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1890, xxiv, 236-239.—Brase. Ueber nervos-rheumatische Muskel- schmerzen. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1906, xlvi, 1-4.— Uut- nikoft' (Z. V.) Otnosheniya revmatizma k nervnol sistemie. [Relations of rheumatism to the nervous sys- tem.] Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1896, v, 581; 595.— Hammerschlag (V.) Die rheumatischenAffectionen des Gehornervenapparates. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1901, Iii, 1-17.—Holi'elder. RheumatischerMagen- und Brustkrampf, sogenanntes Herzspann. Therap. d. Ge- genw., Berl. u. Wien, 1902, xliii, 560-562.— Kaliane (M.) Ueber neuromuskulare Erkrankungen bei Polvarthritis rheumatica. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1*92, xiii, 1041-1049— Lhcrmitte. Accidents nerveux tardifs du rhumatisme articulaire aigu franc. Rev. neurol., Par.. 1904, xii, 764-767 —.lloreines (G.) Rheumatismus; me: ningitis sero-purulenta. Objazat. pat.-anat. izslied. stud.- med. imp. Charkov. Univ., 1895, 149-156.—Partos (A.) Ueber rheumatische Muskelatrophie und deren Behand- lung. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 667-675. Also: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1903, viii, 383-385. -----. Ueber rheumatische Muskelatrophie im Gefolge von Gelenksrheumatismus und deren Behand- lung. Wien. med. Presse, 1904, xlv, 470-175.—Poynton Rheumatic fever {Complications of, Nervous). (F. J.) & Paine (A.) Some investigations on the nerv- ous manifestations of acute rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1905, ii, 1760-1765.—Roques. Note sur deux cas de para- piegie rhumatismale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xii, 465.—Rothmann (M.) Ueber Wieder- herstellung der Armfunction bei Lahmung des Musculus deltoidcs nach acutem Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 373-375.— Spreaa (G.) Polinevrite da reumatismo articolare. Uaccoghtore med., Forli, 1*95, 5. s., xx, 3-11.—Stenger. Die rheumatische Facialisparalvse und ihre iitiologischen Beziehungen zum Ohr. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1904, lxxxi, 583-595.—Taylor (J. J.) Rheumatic neuritis, or tabes dorsalis; case for diagnosis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1902-3, vii, 364-366.—Zie- hen. [Rheumatische Facialislahmung.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli, 839. Rheumatic fever (Cennpliceitions of Ocular). See, also, Iritis (Bheumettic). Winter (M.) *De ophthalmia et amaurosi rheumaticis. 12°. Vindobonw, 1829. Antonelli. Considerations sur les affections ocu- laires dites rhumatismales. Bull, et mem. Soc. frang. d'opht., Par., 1906, xxiii, 373-381. Also: Arch, d'opht., Par., 1906, xxvi, 374-3*1. Also: Clin. prat. d. mal. d. yeux [etc.], Par., 1907,iii,65-70.—Asmus(E.) Beobachtungen iiber akute Fiille von Sklerokeratitis rheumatica. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1903, ii, 194-199.—de Ratz. Ln cas d'eedeme rhumatismal conjonetival. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1901, 501.—Brose (L. D.) The rheumatic eye disease. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1902, xx, no. 12, 478-480.—Brown (E. J.) A case of rheu- matic iritis, mild optic neuritis (?), and interesting nasal complications, including sphenoiditis. Northwest. Lan- cet, Minneap., 1904, xxiv, 51.—Bunzel (R.) Ein Fall von Augenmuskellahmung im Anschluss an Polyarthri- tis subacuta. Prag., med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 181.— Cabannes (C.) Etude sur les keratites du rhumatisme (interstitielleetulcereuse), avec quelques considerations sur la keratite interstitielle en general. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1901, xxii, 555-558. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1901), 1902, 235- 245. -----. Tenonite rhumatismale ou fluxion rhumatis- male du tissu cellulaire orbitaire. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1904, xxxiv, 245. —Connor (L.) Is keratitis ever caused by rheumatism? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xlv, 381-387. Also, Reprint.—Converse (T. E.) The relation between choroiditis and rheumatism. Ophth. Rec., Chicago, 1900, ix, 7-9.—De Beck (D.) Rheumatic chorio-retinitis. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1904, ii, 199- 204.—Demieheri (L.) Episcleritis multiples dans une attaque de rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Progres med., Par., 1896, 3. s., iii, 225.—Elze. Studien fiber Rheuma- tismus auf Grund von Beobachtungen am Auge, speziell an der Hornhaut. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Au- ges, Dresd.-A., 1901-2, v, 273; 281; 290: 297: 306; 313; 321.— Feileheiil'eld(H) Sklerokeratitis rheumatica. Cen- tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 5-7.—Fou- cher (A.) Injections sous-conjoncti vales de salicylate de soude dans l'iritis rhumatismale. Presse therap. Par., 1904, i, 375-379.—Hallette (G. D.) A case of rheu- matic iritis. Chironian, N. Y., 1902-3, xix, 108.—Han- sell (H. F.) Two unusual forms of keratitis; probably rheumatic in origin. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1903, xii, 522- 524.—Heath (F. C.) Rheumatic tenonitis. Ann.Ophth., St. Louis, 1905, xiv, 93.—Inouye (M.) [On rheumatic subconjunctival*.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1900, 71-73. Also transl.: Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1900, iv, 97. Also, transl.: Clin, opht., Par., 1900, vi, 113. -----. Ueber Subconjunc- tivitis rheumatica und deren Verhaltnis zur Episcleritis periodica fugax, Sclerokeratitis rheumatica und Tendini- tis rheumatica ocularis. Ophth. Klin., Stuttg., 1903, vii, 353-357— Joly. Uncasdetenoniterhumatismale. Arch. de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1903, xli, 439-445.—Joyes (C.) Rheumatism as a fa tor entering into the eye and throat diseases. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1906, xl, 307-311. — Kalish (R.) Some external diseases of the eye due to rheumatism. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 777-780.—Opdyke (R.) Eyeaffectionscomplicatingand resulting from rheumatism. Ibid., 1903, lxxxii, 690-692.— Ortale (C.) Sulla cherato-congiuntivite bilaterale se- condaria a reumatismo articolare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 1197.—Parenteau (I).) Congestionoculaire totale de nature rhumatismale. Art med., Par., 1901, Xciii, 5-11.—Patterson (J. A.) Notes illustrating the progress of a retinitis of presumable rheumatic origin. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1907, xvi, 192-195.—PI'alz. Ueber Sclero-Keratitis rheumatica nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Wirkung von Natrium salicvlicum und Aspirin. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1900, iv, 6*3-5*9. Also [Abstr.]: Ver- handl.d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 209. — Shoemaker (W. A.) Ocular manifestations of rheumatism and gout. Am. J. RHEUMATIC. 540 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever (Complications ef Ocular). Ophth., St. Louis, 1907. xxiv. l-lo.-Smith (J. F.) Me- sotan and aspirin in rheumatic eve affections. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1903-4, x, 120— Stephenson i S.) Rheu- matic affections of the eye. Med. Press & circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxix, 533. —Stern. Leber einen Fall von eigenartiger Augen-Entzundungim Anschluss an Gelenk- rheumatismus. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Bresl., 1903, vi, 377.—Street (L.) Motor ocular paraly- sis as a complication of acute articular rheumatism. N. York M.J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 712. Also, Reprint.—Valk (F.) Rheumatism and the eve muscles. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany. 1905, 317-321. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 7*0-7**.—Woodruff (H. W.) Rheumatic dis- eases of the eye. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 363. Rheumatic fever (Complications of, Benal). Engelhardt (F. C. [C.]) * Ueber das Vor- kommen acuter Nephritis im Anschluss an acu- ten Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Berlin, [1892], Normaxd (H.) * Revue generale des compli- cations renales du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 4°. Paris, 1893. Dupont (E.) Rhumatisme articulaire aigu debutant par une nephrite albumineuse; guerison. Arch. m6d. beiges, Brux., 1892. xli, 104-116.—Israel-Roseuthal. Om renale Komplikationer ved Gigtfeberen og deresBe- tydning for Behandlingen. [Sur les complications re- nales dans la fievre rhumatismale et sur leur importance pour le traitement therapeutique. c.-r., no. 32, 1-3.] Nord. med. Ark, Stockholm, 1900, n. F.. xi, no. 27,1-85 — Josserand (E.) Nephrite rhumatismale aigue et trai- tement salicyie. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. do Lvon, 1907, vi, 166-168. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cix. 31.— Leiiianski. Deux cas de nephrite rhumatismale avec uremie eonvul- ' sive. Bull, med., Par., 1898, xii, 7*5-7**.—Porter (W. H.) The etiology, pathology and treatment of rheuma- tism, and its relation to renal diseases. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 2. s., iv, 68-78. Rheumatic fever (Complications of, Bespiratory). See, also, Larynx (Diseases of, Bheumatic); Pleurisy (Rheumatic); Pneumonia (Causes, etc., of); Rheumatic fever ( Tonsillar relations of). Benoist (P.) *Des pneumopathies rhuma- tismales et de la pneumonie fibrineuse dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 8°. Baris, 1900. Escluse (A.) *Des localisations pleurales du rhumatisme. 8°. Toulouse, 1901. Isaac (A.) * Ueber Heilung der chronischen Lungenaffektion durch Hinzutreten einer aku- ten Gelenkrheumatismus. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Berlin, 1904. Mevohas (J.-Y.) *De 1'cedeme aigu du poumon dans le rhumatisme articulaire franc. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Mixssex (O.) * Angina und Polyarthritis rheumatica. 8°. Kiel, 1901. Schlexder ([J. M.] F. [W.]) * Ueber (Edema laryngis bei Polyarthritis rheumatica acuta. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Sendziak (J.) Ueber rheumatische Affek- tionen der Pharynx, der Larynx und Nase. 8°. Jena, 1899. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1899, xix, pt. 2, 673-680. Auelair (I.) L'angine du rhumatisme articulaire. Bull, med., Par., 1894, viii, 157.—Raehmann. Die ka- tarrhalisch rheumatische Selbstinfektion; ein wichtiges Problem der Heilkunde. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1898, viii, 369-373.— Banmsurlen. Rheumatische Af- fection des rechten crico-ary taenoidealen Gelenkes. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 479.—Hauro- wicz (A.I Ueber Arthritis crico-aryta?noidea rheuma- tica. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1899, ix, 75- *0.—Besson (A.) Double pleuresie diaphragmatique, insuffisance aortique apparue durant le sejour du ma- lade, dans un cas dc rhumatisme aigu. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 2*0-2*5. — Blumenau (E. B.) O zabolle- vanii verkhnikh dikhatelnikh putel pri relmatizmle. [Diseases of the upper respiratory passages in rheuma- tism.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 172-175. Also, transl.: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, lxx, 549; 561. Rheumatic fever {Complicatiems of Bexpi rettory). Also, transl.: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1901, xxxvi, 365; 3*4. — Carrion. Manifestation broncho-pulmo^ naire primitive du rhumatisme. N. Montpel. med., 1*96 v, 981-990.—Cheatham (W.) An epitome of the sub- ject of rheumatism as cause and effect in inflammation of the throat. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lx, 923-925.— Chelehowski (K.) Szybki przerost utajonego rnie.- saka oplucnej pod wptywem goScea stawowego. [Rapid growth of a pleui?al sarcoma under the influence oi artic- ular rheumatism.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s., xiii, 196-19*.—Davezac. Rhumatisme polyarticulaire aigu; fluxions pulmonaires et pleurales; guerison. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. Bordeaux (1*95), 1*90,323- 329— Iluroziez (P.) De la pericardopleurite dans le rhumatisme articulaire aisu. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par (1881), 1882, xvi,76-85— Freudenthal (\V.) Rheuma- tism of the nose (rhinitis rheumatica). Tr. Am. Laryn- gol., Rhinol. & Otol. Soc 19C2, N. Y , 1903, viii, 375-3*4.— Gallaher (T. J.) Acute edema of the larynx compli- cating articular rheumatism. Laryngoscope, St. Louis 1904, xiv, 279-281.—Gay (M.) Contribuzione alio studio delle localizzazioni polmonari del reumatismo articolare, ed a quello del metodo di Maragliano per la diagnosi di versamenti liquidi nella pleura, da certi addensamenti polmonari. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1898, Roma, 1899, ix, 174-178— Gouguenheim. Angine rhuma- tismale aigue. Gaz. med. de Par., 1894, 9. s., i, 51.— Gfreenwood] (A. A.) A note on rheumatic pneumo- nia; remarks by L. A. Shaw. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1907, xxi, 500. — Houze. Rhiimatisme articulaire; pneumonie; ervsipele facial. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1890, 3. s., xxxvii, 361-365.—Joussot (A.) Etude sur l'angine rhumatismale. Rev. hebd. de larvngol. [etc.], Par., 1897, xvii, 609; 641.—L>anj£will (H. (;.') On the occurrence of epistaxis at the onset of acute rheumatism. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1903, xiii, 390-395.—de Lespi- nasse (G. A. F.) Rheumatism of the larvnx. St. Louis M. Era, 1903, xii, 359.—McBride (P.) & Turner (A. L.) Three cases of immobilitvof one vocal cord,of rheu- matic origin. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1898, v, 401-405.—Ma- ragliano (E.) Infezione reumatica con localizzazioni all' •apparecchio respiratorio. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1906, xii, 203.—Jlolle & Jouty. Un cas d'ar- thrite crico-aryteno'idienne au cours du rhumatisme arti- culaire aigu generalise. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 2-4.—Itlonnier (V.) Rhumatisme aigu et pneumonie fibrineuse. Courrier med., Par., 1*99, xlix, 234.—ITIoseley (H. P.) Rheumatic crico-arytenoid an- kylosis. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1906, xvi, 393-396. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 529-531 —Jloskovitz (I.) Die rheumatische Entziindung des Ring-Giess- beckenknorpel - Gelenkes im Kehlkopfe. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1904, ix, 79. — Peltesohn. Angina und Rheumatismus. Verhandl. d. larvngol. Gesellsch. zu Berl. (1897), 1*9*, viii. 37-39.—Potai'n. Angine rhu- matismale. J. de med. int., Par., 1*9*. ii, 166.—Seaman (G. E.) Rheumatic affections of the throat and nose. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi, 215-222. Also: Milwaukee M. J., 1897, v, 366-369. Also, Reprint— Sed- ziak (J.) Ogo§ecowych cierpieniach gardla, krtani i nosa. [On rheumatic diseases of the pharynx, larynx, and nose.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1899, xxxviii, 1; 32.— Sciiion ( F. ) Zum Aufsatz von Urbano Melzi: Ar- thritis crico - arytsenoidea bilateralis rheumatischen Ur- sprungs. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1902, xiii, 303.—Seux (V.) fils. De certaines manifestations mor- bides survenues pendant le rhumatisme et en particulier de la pleuresie rhumatismale. Marseille med., 1877, xiv, 381; 445; 509; 579. Also, Reprint.—Shurly (E. L.) The analogy between acute idiopathic pleuritis and acute ar- ticular rheumatism. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1887, xi, 149-154. Also, Reprint.—Somers (L. S.) Rheumatic pharyngitis. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxiii, 75.—Syers (H. W.) Acute rheumatism; its connection with pneu- monia and pleurisv. Treatment, Lond., 1899-1900, iii, 661- 666.—Thomson (St. C.) Rheumatic fever in relation to the throat. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1901, x, 22-30. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1901, lxvi, 35-15.—Valery (C.) Rhumatisme polyarticulaire aigu complique cie pneumo- nie lobaire et de parotidite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 1452 —Walker (R.) Acase of acute rheumatism; pneu- monia; death. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x, 113. Rheumatic fever {Complications of Vascular). See, also, Rheumatic ferer (Complications of, Cardiac). Astier (A.-M.-J.) * Etude critique de quel- ques observations d'arterites rhumatismales. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897. Bessox (M.) *Des arterites d'origine rhu- matismale, et de l'aortite abdominale en parti- culier. Etude clinique. 8°. Lyon, 1900. RHEUMATIC. 541 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever {Complications of Vascular). Blot (P.) *Sur la non existence de l'arte- rite rhumatismale. 8°. Lyon, 1898. Feytaud (J.) *Pes anevrysmes de l'aorte d'origine rhumatismale. 8°. Paris, 1906. Lexe (M.) ^Contribution a l'etude de la phlebite rhumatismale. 8°. Paris, 189S. Queuille (A.) *L,arterite rhumatismale aigue (arteres peripheriques). 8°. Paris, 1906. Aehard. Phlebite rhumatismale Cong, franc, de tomes; pronostic; anatomie pathologique; diagnostic dif fe*entiel. J. de med. int., Par., 1905, ix, 3-5.—Brown- lie (A.) Embolism in acute rheumatism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 1081. — Censier. Le rhumatisme vei- neux Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med.. Par., 1898, iii, 191-205. Also: France med.. Par., 189*. xlv, 225-228.— Chaves. Sobre un caso de reumatismo hemofilico. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1903, x, 477-4*1. [Discus- sion], 557-567.—Cherry (A. B.) Thrombosis as a com- plication of acute articular rheumatism. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Xeb., 1*9*. iii, 82.—Oombemale A: llerin. phlebite prodromique d'un' rhumatisnie articulaire aigu. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1*99, iii, 13*. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1899, n. s.. iv, 541—Conti (A.) Osserva- zioni cliniche sopra un caso di art erite reumatica a localiz- zazione non eomune. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1905, vi, 5*5-591.—Garnier (C.) Note sur deux cas de phlebite au cours du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Pro- gres med., Par., 1899, 3. s.. ix, 113-120.—Herriugham (\V. P.) A case of multiple phlebitis fol lowing rheuma- tism. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1908, xliii, 30-42.— lie** (A.) Zur Kenntniss der Venenthrombose beim akuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 464-466 — Kanellis (S.) Etude clinique sur un cas de gangrene de toute la jambe droite, suite d'un rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Progres med., Par., 1894, 5S.-l.eiie (M.) La phlebite rhumatismale et les cedemes rhumatismaux el forme dc phlegmatia. J. de med. int., Par., 1898, ii, 53-58.—Kabe. Contribution a l'etude des lesions des arteres dans l'in- fection rhumatismale. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 927- 929 -Remlinger (P.) Ln cas de phlebite rhumatis- male. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1896, lxix, 4*6-1*9.—Renon (L.) A propos dun cas d'anevrisme aortique survenue au cours du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1905, 3. s , xxii, 213-215.—Re- non (L.) A; Verliae. Anevrisme aigu cie la crosse aortique au cours du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Ibid., 181-1*6.—Reynier. Endarterite dumembre inferieur, consecutive au rhumatisme; gangrene des orteils: ampu- tation de la jambe; gangrene du moignon; mort. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1890, lxiii, 1009-1012.—Roeh ( M. i & Bur- nand (R.) L'arterite rhumatismale peripherique. Se- maine med., Par., 1908, xxviii, 145-149.—Weill, obser- vation de phlebite rhumatismale du meinbre inferieur droit. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1896, xx, 389- 392.—Widal & Sieard. Phlebite rhumatismale avec autopsie. Cong.franc.de med., Par. & Nancy, 1896-7, iii, fasc. 2,159-161. Also: Rev. med. del'est, Nancy, 1897, xxix, 327-330.— von JKoeire-.Hanteiifrel. Ueber Arteriosclerose und Rheumatismus an den unteren Ex- tremitaten. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1*92-3, xlv, 221-226. Rheumatic fever {Complication* of, Visceral). Bloch(E.) Rhumatismes et dyspepsies. 8°. Paris, 1902. Perez y Xogueka (E.) Reumatismo visceral. 8°. Madrid, 1904. Ashida (J.) [A rare endemic disease in the Akashi District (Japan) (intestino-gastric rheumatism).] I-Ctao- bvo Kenkvu Kwai Kwaiho, Tokyo, 1900-1901, ii, 468-486.— Butler (G.R.) Acute gastro-enteric rheumatism. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila., 1899,329-331. Also: Albany M.Ann., 1899, xx, 141-143.—Crouzon & lie Play. Complica- tion hepatique dans un cas de rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Bull, et nn'ni. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 1604-1608. — ICd wards (W.A.) Rheumatic ap- pendicitis; a studv of the relation of rheumatism to ap- pendicitis. Am. "Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 595-597. Also, Reprint. — Gin«£eot. Rhumatisme aigu a mani- festations visc-erales. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1892, vi, 625— Illoway (H.) Ein Fall von Rheu- matismus des Magens mit gelegentlichen Hiimatemesen unbestimmten Ursprungs. Arch. f. Verdauungskr.,Berl., 1907, xiii, 59-69.—Lyman (H. M.) Gastro-enteric rheu- matism. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1894, ix, 237- 248. Also: Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1894, n. s., cvii, 632-639.— iVlonin (E.) Les troubles gastriques chez les rhumati- sants. J. de la sante, Par., 1903, xx, 246-248.—Neste- Rheumatic fever {Complications of, Visceral). rovski (I. M.) Sluchal ostravo sochlenovnavo revma- tizma, oslozlmennavo vospaleniyem bryushini. [Acute articular rheumatism, complicated by peritonitis.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 573- 575.—Tomaselli (S.) Su di un caso di poliartrite reu- matica acuta con consecutive manifestazioni viscerali. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1896, ii, 253-256. Rheumatic fever {Diagnosis and se- meiology of). S'e, also, Fatigue; Influenza (Anomalous, etc.); Rheumatism (Chronic, Diagnosis, etc., of). Bonet (A.) AMarche du rhumatisme articu- laire aigu consideree dans la succession des at- taques. 8°. Paris, 1904. Bornemann (W. G. V.) * Ueber Polyarthri- tis rheumatica acuta und Polymyositis rheu- matica. [Greifswald.] 8°. Berlin, 1907. Davaine (G.) * Etude comparative du rhu- matisme articulaire aigu et des poussees aigues du rhumatisme chronique. 8°. Pan's, 1897. Also, in: J. de m6d. int., Par., 1*98. ii, 75; 85. Gautiek ( F.-L. ) *Sur un cas de pseudo- rhumatisme para-pneumonique. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1903. Lebert (H.) Klinik des acuten Gelenkrheu- matismus. 8°. Erlangen, 1860. van Rouen (B.) *Diss. exhibens nonnulla circa diagnosin rheumatismi et arthritidis ob- servata. 8°. Groningrc, [1828]. Steeg (C.) * Periode premonitoire du rhu- matisme aigu. 4°. Baris, 1892. -----. The same. 8°. Baris, 1893. Stoll (A.) * Klinische Studien iiber den Gelenkrheumatismus. [Zurich.] 8°. Leipzig, 1892. Also, in: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892-3, li, 50-82. Wade (W. F.) Notes on clinical medicine. Xo. 111. On rheumatic fever. 8°. Birming- ham, 1864. Achalme (P.) Sur un signe de diagnostic precoce des attaques et des rechutes de rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Arch. gc-n. de med., Par., 1902, n. s., viii, 257-267.— Baldwin (G. R.) Cases of arthritis resembling acute rheumatism. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1903, viii, 516-521.—Beisheim (A.) Nicht chronischer Pseudorheumatismus, sondern primarer progressiver chronischer Gelenkrheumatismus, sogenannte rheuma- toide Arthritis, nach einer Lungencntziindung entstan- den. Med. Woche, Berl., 1906, vii, 437.—Bishop (L. F.) The differential diagnosis between localized neuritis, rheumatism, and other conditions that give similar symp- toms J. Nerv. & Ment.Dis., N. Y., 1895, xxii, 401-408.— Bosanyi (B.) Ueber den Verlauf der Polyarthritis acuta rheumatica. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xi, 141.—Brown (P. K.) Symptomatology and diag- nosis of acute articular rheumatism. J. Am. M. Ass.,C'hi- eaKo, 190*.1, 739-741.—Briinet. Quelquescasdefluxions artieulaires.apvretiquesetephemoros, probablementrhu- matismales. A'rch. de mod. nav., l'ar., 1905, lxxxiv, 259- 265 —Butler (G. R.) The varieties of rheumatism and their differential diagnosis from rheumatoid affec- tions. Brooklyn M. J., 1900, xiv, 413-419.—Ca von (W.P.) Symptoms of acute rheumatism. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 4-6— CliauHa rd ( A.) Acute ar- ticular rheumatism and pseudo-mioctious rheumatism. Med Herald,- St. Joseph, P.kki, n. s., xix. 41-48.—Clinical (The) and pathological relations of the chronic rheu- matic and rheumatoid affections to infective rheuma- tism [Discussion.] Clin. J., Lond., 1901. xvm. 53-64 — Coombs (C.) Some clinical aspects of the rheumatic infection. Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 565-568.—Cunning- ham ; II C ) A peculiar case of rheumatism. South- west M K«c-., Houston, 1896, i, 161-169.—Curtis (Q. L ) The etiology of tooth and nail corrugations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xlv, 376.-<'utter (E ) The pre- rheumatic and pre-embolic states. Med Bull., Phila 1897, xix, 139-142. Also, in his: [Med. Repr.], 8°, N. \ ., 1897, s-12—Bestot. Rhumatisme et rayons X. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 455; 461; 471.-l>uek\vorth (Sir D) Rheumatic fever and its counterfeits. I'hila. J. J., 190° ix 28-31 -----• The varied manifestations of rheu- matic infection. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1904-5, xn, RHEUMATIC. 542 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever {Diagnosis and se- meioleniy of). 111-114—lily'(L. W.) Rheumatism of the feet. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxviii, 212-215.—Erben (S.) Diffe- rentialdiagnostische Bemerkungen fiber rheumatische Schmerzen an den unteren Extremitaten. Wien. med. Presse, 1898. xxxix, 1161; 1202.—Fiteh (R. R.) The symptomatology and diagnosis of the rheumatoid dis- eases. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1907, vii, 141. [Discus- sion] . 165.—Haines (L. M.) Confusion and errors in the diagnosis of rheumatism. Charlotte [S. C] M. J., 1908, xxxii, 142-145.—Garrod (A. E.) The clinical and pa- thological relations of the chronic rheumatic and rheu- matoid affections to acute infective rheumatism. Clin. J., Lond., 1901, xviii, 38-41.—Geyser (A.C.) The diag- nosis and treatment of rheumatism and allied affections. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 405; 457; 509.— Glbney (V. P.) Chronic and subacute rheumatic ar- thritis of the knee, usually monarticular. Denver M. Times, 1894-5, xiv, 245-252.—Gilbert (S. D.) Articular rheumatism; its clinical history and diagnosis. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1891, n. s., iv, 195-202.— Goggia (C. P.) Pseudo-reumatismo articolare acuto in soggetto isterico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 1560-1562.—Gowers (W. R. ) An unknown disease. [Rheumatism?] Med. Mag., Lond., 1896, v, 12-16.— Grasset & Vires (J.) Nature du rhumatisme articu- laire aigu; divers etats morbides dont il faut savoir le dis- tinguer. N.Montpel. med., 1895,iv,648; 665; 695; 705; 725.— Had ley (W. J.) Two rare cases of rheumatism. Tr. M. Soc Lond., 1899-1900, xxiii, 341.—Halm (E.) Ueber Knochenveranderungen bei akutem Gelenksrheumatis- mus im Rontgenbilde. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1903. xxiv, 260-272, 4 pl.—Hanot (V.) Sur les formes anomalesdu rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Presse med., Par., 1896, 649-654.—Hargens (C. W.) Acute articular rheumatism and acute arthritis deformans; their differ- ential diagnosis. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1906, xi, 37_42.—Harrington (T. F.) Differential diagnosis of rheumatism and the arthrites. Boston M. ct S. J., 1904, cl, 85-90. Also, Reprint.—Hawthorne (<'. O.) On the occurrence of rheumatic fever without arthritis. Practi- tioner, Lond., 1899, lxiii, 278-2*4.—Hay em. Rheuma- tisme articulaire aigu; diagnostic differentiel avec un pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux. J. de med. int., Par., 1904, viii, 17.— Herriek (J. B.) Differential diagno- sis of rheumatoid joint affections. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 3*1-3*3. [Discussion], 391-393.— Hobhouse (E.) Diagnosis of rheumatism and rheu- matic pains. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1*94, 216- 225.—Hoeflmayr (L.) "Rheumatische" Schmerzen. Deutsche Prax., Munchen, 1906, xv, 101-105.—Hue (F.) Pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux. Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Rouen (1891), 1892, 2. s., v, 23-27.—Jan be rt (L.) Sur • un cas de pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux a complications multiples. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1907, lxxx, 855-857.— Kahler (O.) Ueber die Selbststiindigkeit des Fiebers in dem Symptomencomplex des acuten und chronischen Rheumatismus. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1891, xix, 1-18.—Risen. (F), jr. Ueberdie Beziehungen des Stick- stoffgehaltes in Sohweiss und Harn bei rheumatischen Erkrankungen. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien & Leipz., 1904, xxv, 241-262 -Lake (D. H.) Rheumatism and quasi- rheumatic diseases. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkes- barre, 1905, xiii, 118-129.—Lane (H.) Differentiation in rheumatic diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 862-864.— Lassanee. Les pseudo-rhumatismes toxiques. Gaz. d hop., Par., 1906, lxxix, 711-718. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiv, 384-386 — Lull' (A. P.) The diagnosis and treatment of some of the forms of so-called rheumatism. Clin. J., Lond., 1905, xxvi, 401-406.—Macalister (C. J.) Some diseases sim- ulating acute rheumatism, and their probable relation to chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Med., Surg. & Path. Rep. South. Hosp. 1901, Liverp., 1902,151-161. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1902, n. s.. lxxiv, 595-597.—Manasse (K.) Zum Vorkommen von Monarthritis rheumatica, speciell des Kiefergelenkes. Heilkunde, Berl., 1905, 146-148.— Miller (A.) Diagnosis and prognosis of acute articular rheumatism. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1905, xxvi, 191-194.—Miranda (G.) Su di alcuni casi atipici di reumatismo acuto. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1900, vi, 1339-1350.—Montague (S. J.) A peculiar case of acute articular rheumatism. North Car. M. ,L, Wilmington, 1893, xxxii, 213.—Mouriquand (G.) Un cas de pseudo- rhumatisme infectieux d'origine urinaire. Lyon med., 1903, c, 520-522.—Muiioz (A.) Formas clinicas del reu- matismo. K4 i 1120-1122.—Perez y Noguera (E.) El col ice > muniatico! Corresp. med., Madrid, 1902, xxxvii, 376 37*. I'll i 11 i |>n (J.) A clinical study of 210 cases of acute articular rheu- matism. Cleveland M. J., 1906, v, 436-414—Pieli Icr i A.) Zur Symptomatologie des Rheumatismus (Tendinitis rheumatica ocularis). Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 737-740. — Pieraeeini (G.) Del reumatismo monoarticolare ad insorgenza acutissima ed agravesin- tomatologia locale. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale Firenze, 1896, 1, 419; 431—Piatt (I. H.) A case of rheu- matic fever without joint symptoms. Med. News, Phila 1893, lxiii, 72. Also, Reprint.—Pollosson (M.) Ln cas de pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux; du drainage de l'arti- culation tibio-tarsienne. Province med., Lyon, 1891 v 590; 601.—Poynton (F. J.) The parallelism between' the clinical symptoms and the pathological lesions of rheumatic fever. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1904, 13. s., iv, 95-111, 4 pl.—Queirolo (G. B.) Infezione reumatica con localizzazioni molteplici alle sierose articolari ed alle meningi. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1892-3, i, 65-70.— Batto (Teresa). Seudo-reumatismo escarlatinoso. Se- mana med., Buenos Aires, 1903, x, 1125-1140. — Ray- mond & INetter. Pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 56-64. Also: France med., Par., 1892, xxxix, 115-118.— Romero (J. F.) Tetragenos; un caso de pseudo-reu- matismo infeccioso, terminado por pyohemia. Cr6n. med. mexicana, Mexico, 1903, vi, 254-256.—Salinger (J. L.) An unusual case of acute rheumatic fever. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 986-988.—Sansom (A. E.) A clinical lec- ture on the nature of true rheumatism. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 81-83. Also: Ibid., 1895, vi, 329-332. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1893, xxxviii, 57.—Sehreiber (J.) Unusual forms and. favorite localizations of the rheumatic process. Med. Rec, N, Y., 1904, lxvi, 608-610. Also, transl.: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, 1904, Leipz., 1905, ii, 2. Hlfte., 57-60—See (G.) Types principaux d'observations de rhumatismales re- cueillies de 1845 a 1850. Med. mod., Par., 1892, iii, 25; 42; 73.—Singer (G.) Zur Klinik des acuten Gelenkrheu- matismus. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1898, x, 87-89. -----. Zur Klinik der atypischen Formen des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 249-254.—Souwers (G. F.) The Mephisto of the pale brotherhood of disease; a study of masked rheumatism, based, not on books, but experience. N. York M.J. [etc.J, 1905, lxxxii, 470; 625; 587; 642. Also, Reprint.—Steen- sen (C. L.) Rheumatism and gout; diagnosis, differen- tiation per se and from stimulating diseases, and the ra- tional treatment. Charlotte, [N. C] M. J., 1904, xxiv, 14-19.—Stengel (A.) Articular rheumatism and some allied conditions. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1903, n. s., cxxv, 412-428. Also, Reprint.—Stern (W. G.) The differential diagnosis of acute polyarticular rheumatism, from a sur- gical standpoint. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 7-12.—To- bias (G. W.) Correct diagnosis and treatment of rheu- matism. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1904-5, xxii, 13-17.— Tompkins (E. L.) The liability of mistaking locomotor ataxia for rheumatism. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1900-1901, v, 78-85.—Tri- boulet (H.) Quelques details de la clinique du rheu- matisme; rhumatismes simples; rhumatismes compli- ques. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 149-156. -----. A propos du pseudo-rhumatisme. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p.de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 187.—Valledor (V.) Reumatismo articular agudo y cronico. Rev. de med. contemp., Madrid, 1900, xxii, 191-195.—Verny. Pseudo- rhumatisme bacillaire suivi de tuberculose generalisee; diagnostic etabli a l'aide de la radioscopie. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1906, x, 553.—Villani (G.) Reumatismo muscolare e articolare. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1903, xi, no. 3, 5-7.—Voorsanger (W. C.) Report of a case of atvpical rheumatism. Calif. StateJ.M.,San Fran., 1905, iii, 332.—Walsh (J. J.) Some thoughts onrheumatism and rheumatic simulants. Am. Med. Phila., 1901, ii, 856-859. -----. Pseudo-rheumatism. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1902,ii,319-325. -----. Some so-called rheumatisms. Med. Xews, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 300-302.—Walton (J. C.) Rheumatism, acute and chronic; rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic arthritis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond, 1906-7, xi, 49-51—Watts (A. M.) An anomalous case of rheumatic fever. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, ix, 203.— Weiss (J.) Zur Kenntnis neuer Krankheitstypen der Neuralgie, Neurose und des Rheumatismus. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med.,Wiesb., 1905, xx, 404-413.—Weisz (E.) A hevenv es az idiilt iziileti csiiz kozti viszony. }The relation to each other of acute and chronic articu- lar rheumatism.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 313; 332; 347. Also, transl: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1900, lxviii, 95-114—"Voder (A. C.) Symptoma- tology and differential diagnosis of articular rheumatism, with report of an obscure case. Am. M. Compend, To- ledo, 1908, xxiv, 81-86. RHEUMATIC. 543 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever {History, topog- raph//, and statistics of). Barfod (H. P. G. B.) *Febri; rheumatica Bcuta's optrteden og udbredel^e i. Danmark i arene 1S75-92. En statistisk-ireogratisk under- *0irelse. [The appearance and diffusion of . . . in Denmark in the years 1875-92. A stati^tico- geographical examination.] roy. 8°. Koben- havn, 1891. Dllberg (J.) *Ein Beitrag zur Statistik des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Wurzburg, 1891. Hugo (J.) Stat ist isches und Klinisches iiber akuten Gelenkrheumatismus. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Breslau, 189.S. Kleinschmidt (F.) *Der Einfluss der Wit- terung auf das Auftreten des akuten Gelenk- rheumatismus. (Gottinger Klinik 1877-98.) 8°. Gottingen, 1901. Lang (E.) * Statistik des Rheumatismus articulorum acutus in den Jahren 1892-9 in- clusive auf der ersten medizinischen Abteilung des Allgemeinen Krankenhauses 1. I. in Miin- chen. 8°. Munchen, 1901. Lorentzen (C.) Febris rheumatica. Syge- lighedens Optrseden og Udbredelse i Kjoben- havn 1887-91. [. . . Appearance and spread of the disease in Copenhagen, 1887-91.] 12°. Kjobenhavn, 1895. Banerjee (R. P.) Rheumatism; its forms, course, prevalence, treatment, and its etiological relations to pe- culiar meteorological conditions and malaria, as treated at Pachbadra, Rajputana. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1896, xxxi, 315-319.—Bouardi (E.) Osservazioni cliniche e ricerche etiologiche suile recenti epidemie di infezione reumatica a Milano. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1905.2. s., xxxviii, 702-711.— Bosanquet (W. C.) A contribution to the statistics of rheumatic fever and its complications. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 15^1-1583.— Buchanan (W. J.) Acute rheumatic fever in the Tropics. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1899-1900, ii, 128.—Clark (R.) The ca-es of rheumatism. Methodist Eoiscop. Hosp. Rep. 1887-97, X. Y., 1898, i, 484-507.-Clarke (J. T.) Does rheumatism exist in the Tropics? Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1896, xxxi. 470.—Duer (C.) Rarity of rheumatism and osteoarthritis in India. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1*65.—Ellis (P. M.) Rheumatic fever in hill stations in India. J. Trop. M., Lond., Is99-1900, ii, 187.—Fiessinger (C.) Note sur l'6pidemiologie du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Gaz. med. de Par., 1892,8. ?.. i, 160-162.—Gray (J. A.) The late Amir of Afghanis- tan. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 994.—Hirseh (A.) Le rhumatisme; etude historique etgeographique. [Transl.] France med., Par., 1905, Iii, 103; 125. — ItteCrae (T.) Acute articular rheumatism; a report of the cases in the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1901-3. (From the clinic of Professor Osier.) Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 221-225. -----. Acute articular rheumatism; the statistics of a series of 270 cases from the service of Dr. Osier in the Johns Hopkins Hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 211-216.—Morales Perez (A.) El reumatismo en Barcelona. Rev. med. de Sevilla. 1894, xxii, 131-137.— Newsholme (A.) The Milroy lecturers on the natural hi-torv and affinities of rheumatic lever; a study in epi- rleminl.iL'y. Lancet, Lond., 1*95, i, 589; 657. -----. The epidemiology of rheumatic fever. Practitioner, Lond., 1901. lxvi. 11-21.—Parsons (H. C.) Reportof a case of acute rheumatism. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 1-3. Also: Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1903, xx, 12-15.—Smith (J. B.) Notes on a case of acute rheumatism. Med.Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, xxiv, 704. Rheumatic f ver (Hyperpyrexia hi). See, also, Rheumatic fever in eiiildren. Gunther (F.) *Ueber Hyperpyrexie beim akuten Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Erlangen, 1892. Hoffmaxx (K. E. G.) Ueber hyperpyreti- schen Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Alexander (W.) Rheumatism with hyperpyrexia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1*97, i, 331.—Allen (W.) & Russell (J. W.) Acaseof rheumatic hyperpyrexia followed by symptoms resembling those of disseminated sclerosis. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 150.—Bruns (C.) Ueber einen Fall von rheumatischer Hyperpyrexie. Beitr. z. wis- Rheumatic/l-tt?/' {Hyperpyrexia in). sensch. Med. Festschr.... d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. . . . Brnschwg., 1897, 42-50, 1 diag. —Burd (E.) Caseof acute rheumatism with hvperpvrexia; re- covery. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1891, i, 100.S.—Carette (P.) Hyperesthesia generalisee dans un cas de rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1904, viii, 113-115.—Cross (G.) A case of acute rheumatism, with hyperpyrexia. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1894, ii, 134-126.— Edge (A. M.) A fatal caseof rheumatic hvperpvrexia treated by cold baths. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1335.— Ferguson (R. T.) Hyperpyrexia in subacute rheu- matic fever. Ibid., 1899, i, 148.—c. Lond., 1**9-90, xxiii, 277-2*0.—Hawthorne (C. O.) On subcutaneous fibrous nodules as evidences of rheumatism. J. Balneol. Climat., Lond., 1901, v, 38-14.—Kumberg (X. J.; Dva sluchaya uzlovatavo revmatizma (rheumatismus nodo- sus). [Two cases of . . . ] Vrach, St. Peter>b.. 1*93, xiv, 914.—Laquer (B.) Ein Fall von rheumatischer reci- divirender Schwiele. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb.. 1896, xiv, 507-571.—McDonnell (W.C.) Acute rheumatism associated with fibrous nodules. Tr. Hun- terian Soc. Lond., 1896-7, 104.—.Tleusnier. Des nodo- sites rhumatismales souscutaiiees. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1884, Par., 1*85, xiii, pt. 2, 490-492.— ITIiddleton. Painful subcutaneous growths in a pa- tient with a rheumatic historv. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 26.— >Ioney (A.) Surface and subsurface nodular rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 540.—ITlorgiilis.(Yu. A.) Rledkiysluchal revmatizma, oslozhnennavo mnozhestvennimi uzlami vp"dkozhnoi klletchatkle. [Rare case of rheumatism, complicated with numerous nodules in the subcutaneous cellular tis- sue.] Protokzasaid. Tavrich. med.-pharm. Oh»h., l***-9, simpheropol, 1890, i, 7-9.—Morlohau-Beaiichant &. Landry (F.) Une forme insolitede nodosites sous- cutanees rhumatismales. Arch gen. de med., Par., 1903, ii, 3265-3271.—Nepveu (G.) Des nodosites sous-cuta- nees rhumatismales produites par une embolie baeteri- j fere. Assoc, franc,-, pour l'avance d. sc. C.-r. 1*90, Par., 1891, xix, pt. 2, 775.— Osier (W.) Rheumatic neuritis associated with subcutaneous fibroid nodules. Montreal M. J., 1896-7, xxv, 612.—Poynton (F.J.) Y W.j Remarks on tonsillitis as a factor in rheumatic fever Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 829-832. Also: Gaillard's M J N. Y., 1*96. lxiii [lxv],441-453.—Williams (P. W.) On the throat as the source of systemic infection in acute rheumatism. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1904, xxii, 215-220. Rheumatic fever {Transmission of). See, also, Rheumatic fever (Thyroidal relations of); Rheumatic fever (Tonsillar relations of). Josseran (P.) *De la contagion dans le rhumatistne articulaire aigu. 8°. Baris, 1905. Scdholter (W.) *Beitriige zu der Frage: Ist der akute Gelenkrheumatismus eine Infec- tions-Krankheit? 8°. Gottingen, 1883. Gualdi (T.) Infezione reumatica. Lavori d. Cony di med. int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 251-298.—Haw- thorne i E. S.) Acute rheumatism; five eases of appar- ently direct infection. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 1638.— Humphreys i.F. R.) The infectious nature of rheu- matism. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx, 465- 467. Also: Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. Lond., 1895-6, 77- 85.— Infectiousness of acute articular rheumatism; rheumatic phlebitis. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896, xxxiv, 380-3*2.— L.e Feuvre (W. P.) Infection in acute rheu- matism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 247.—Merlgot de Treigny. Nature infectieuse et probablement conta- gieuse du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1899, xiii, 529-531.—Meyer (G.) Mittheilung zweier Falle von acutem Gelenkrheumatis- mus; gleichzeitige Erkrankung zweier Familienmitglie- der; eigenartige Erscheinungen bei dem einen Kranken. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 380-382.—OH va (P.) Contributo alio studio dell' infezione reumatica. Riv. venetadisc. med , Venezia, 1894, xxi, 492-501.—Plnzani (E.) Contributo alia conoscenza della natura infettiva del reumatismo X. raccoglitore med., Imola, 1902, i, 337- 341.—Poynton (F. J.) The infective nature of rheu- matic fever illustrated by the study of a fatal case. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, xxvii, 2*3-297. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1117-1120— Saunders (A.) Two cases of valvular disease of the heart in sisters, due to acute rheu- matism. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1903, viii, 313 — Singer (G.) Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel Wasser- mann's und Malkoff's: Leber den infectiosen Charakter und den Zusammenhang von acutem Gelenkrheumatis- mus und Chorea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi 735.—Talamon (C.) Rhumatisme conjugal. Mt>d. mod., Par., 1903, xiv, 243.—Wassermann & llalkoll'. Ueberden infectiosen Charakter und den Zusammenhang von acutem Gelenkrheumatismus und Chorea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 638-640. See, also, supra, Singer. Rheumatic fever (Traumatic). Becker (L.) Gelenkrheumatismus nach Trauma. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, vi, 233-236.—Benja- min (H.) De rinfiuence des plaies articulaires dans l'apparition du rhumatisme. Bull. Soe. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1901, n. s., xix, 259-264.—Bernstein (R.) Acuter Gelenkrheumatismus und Trauma. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1900-1901, xiii, 430-442.—Bosek. Ein Fall von akutem Gelenkrheumatismus im Anschluss an ein Trauma. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, Ii. 4*3 — Catrin. Rhumatisme et trauma. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 164-166.—De Buck (D.) Traumatisch acuut gewrichtsrheumatisme. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1900-1901, vii, 586-588.—Hoe lie 1 (T.) Akuter Gelenkrheumatis- mus und Trauma. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1906, iii, 317.— Hunter (C. H.; Trauma in its relation to rheumatism. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1900, xx, 102-105.—Ingel- rans. Rhumatisme et traumatisme (k propos d'un cas clinii1uei. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 124-128.— Julliard (C.) Dans quelles conditions le rapport entre un accident du travail et une attaque de rhumatisme ar- ticulaire aigu franc peut-il etre etabli? M6d. d'accid. du travail. Par., 1906, iv, 97-115. Also: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1906, xxvi, 149-166. [Discussion], 189-191.— KieflerfC. F.) Rheumatoid pains following injuries in high altitudes. Denver M. Times, 1904-5, xxiv, 642-646.— Kissinger (P.) Ueber die Beziehungen von traumati- scheu Einflussen zur Entstehung von Gelenkrheumatis- mus und fiber pyogenen Ursprung desselben. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1900, No. 281 (Innere Med., No. 82, 177-194). -----. Beitrage zur Frage des Gelenkrheu- matismus nach Trauma. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, xxii, 193— Klihne. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung von Gelenkrheumatismus nach stumpfen Verletzungen. vol xiv, 2d series---35 Rheumatic fever {Traumatic). Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1903, x, 182.—Seitz. Traumatischer Gelenkrheumatismus. Ibid., 1899, vi, 397- 4°7------. [Ueber traumatischen Gelenkrheumatismus.] Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xxxiii, 76.— rhiem (C.) Ueber Gelenkrheumatismus nach stum- plen Verletzungen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xxiii, 765-767.— Weir (J.) Surgical or traumatic rheu- matism, with a note on the use of Corrigan's button. Glasgow M. J., 1904, lxii, 18-26.—Wrolit; Akuter Ge- lenkrheumatismus und Trauma. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, vi, 320. Rheumatic fever {Treatment of). See, also, Rheumatin: Rheumatism (Chronic, Treatment of); Spirosal; Thorium; Thyroid- therapy. Boxcourt (J.-A.-Y.) * Contribution histo- rique, experimentale et clinique a l'etude de la therapeutique du rhumatisme articulaire aigu et subaigu. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Bonxard (A.) *Du dermatol et de ses ap- plications dans le rhumatisme. [Lyons.] 4°. Voiron, 1892. Brown (C. W.) The treatment and cure of rheumatism, gout, lumbago, etc. 8°. Phila- delphia, [1885?]. -----. The same. 8°. [Philadelphia, n. d.~\ Busalla (P. A.) *Der acute Gelenkrheu- matismus und seine Behandlung mit Antipy- rin. (Nach dem Materiale der 2. medicinischen Klinik im konigl. Charite - Krankenhause zu Berlin, Jahrgtinge 1893-7.) 8°. Berlin, 1898. Collaxtes y Buenrostro (J.) *De la apli- cacion del iodura de potasio en el reumatismo articular agudo. 8°. Mexico, 1872. Ducarre (J.) * Traitement du rhumatisme, et en particulier du rhumatisme aigu et subaigu par le pyramidon. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Garxier (Mme.), nee Savatier. Description des plantes utiles au traitement du rhumatistne. 16°. Avignon, 1840. Graf (W.) Wie wird man Gicht und Rheu- matismus los? Allgemeinverstandlich antwor- tet. 12°. Berlin, 1901. -----. Wegweiser fiir Rheumatismus- und Gichtleidende. 12°. Berlin, 1902. Grisez (F.-J.) * Quelques considerations sur le traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866. Haxggi (A.) * Behandlung des akuten Ge- lenkrheumatismus mit Veratrin. 12°. Thun, 1861. Jorissenne (G.) Note sur le traitement du rhumatisme. 8°. Gand, 1884. Kahxt (K.) Die rheumatischen Erkran- kungen und ihre Behandlung nach den Grund- siitzen des Naturheilverfahrens mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Pflanzenheilverfahrens (Phytotherapie). 1. Hft. 8°. Berlin, 1906. Kaufmanx. Wie werde ich meinen Rheu- matismus los? 12°. Erfurt, [1901?]. Ohly([K. E.] M.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Phenocollum hydrochloricum bei akutem Ge- lenkrheumatismus. 8°. Halle a. S., 1895. Pennixcka (A.) Le traitement des rhuma- tismes et des nevralgies. 12°. Marcinelle, 1905. Pulford (A.) Repertory of the symptoms of rheumatism, sciatica et cetera. 12°. Tiffin, Ohio, 1898. Roch (C.-M.-I.) *Sur l'emploi du tartrite de potasse antimonie dans le rhumatisme chro- nique. 4°. Strasbourg, 1806. Roullet (G.) *Le rhumatisme articulaire aigu; ses causes, son traitement. 8°. Toulouse, 1907. RHEUMATIC. 546 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic feve-r (Treatment of). Royer (C.) * Traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu et subaigu par l'antipyrine. 4°. Baris, 1892. Saxtixi (J.) *La methode evacuante dans le traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu (rhumatisme vrai infectieux infecte; association gastro-intestinale). 8°. Baris, 1902. Schmidt (A.) * Ueber die in der Gottinger medizinischen Klinik in der Zeit vom 1. April 1877 bis 1. April 1889 behandelten Fiille von acutem Gelenkrheumatismus. 8°. Gottingen, 1890. Sourd (R.) * Traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu par l'antipyrine. Sa superiorite sur le salicylate de soude; son action preventive sur les localisations cardiaques. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Stadelmann (H.) Der acute Gelenkrheuma- tismus und dessen psychische Behandlung. Eine Studie mit einem Vorwort von Schrenck- Notzing. 8°. Wurzburg, 1895. Vergely (P.) De l'emploi de la belladone a haute dose dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 8°. Bordeaux, 1869. Viala (P.-E.-M.) *L'opotherapie thyroi- dienne appliquee au traitement des affections rhumatismales. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. Abrahams (B.) The treatment of rheumatism. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1907, xv, 35-47. Also: In- ternat. Clin., Phila., 1907, 17. s., ii, 14-24.—Alger ( E. M.) Rheumatism and its treatment. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1895, i, 111-114.—Allaire (G.) La catapho- rese appliquee au traitement du rhumatisme chronique et les resultats obtenus suivant les differentes formes. Gaz. med de Nantes, lsy9-1900, xviii. 174-180.—A rnsteln (F.) O zewnetrznem uzyciu wyskoku w eiozkim przy- padku ostrego goscca stawowego. [External" use of alco- hol in a severe case of acute articular rheumatism.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1902, xxx, 425-427.—Aujeszky (A.) Az agathinr61. [Value of agathin (in rheumatic affections).] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1894, xxxviii, 196. Also, irons/. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 7*3.— Avanzino (G.) Contributo alia cura della poliartrite reumatica acuta colle iniezioni endove- nose di sublimato corrosivo. Policlin., Roma, 1902-3, ix, sez. prat., 417-422.—Bacon (L. C.) Treatmentof rheu- matism. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1906, viii, 413- 415.—Baker (T. H.) Treatment of acute, articular, chronic, and muscular rheumatism. Am. Pract. & News. Louisville, 1*96, xxii, 5-8.—Banerjee (R. P.) Rheuma- tism; its forms, course, prevalence, etiology in relation to the peculiar conditions of the soil and climate, and treat- ment adopted, being a short resume of 976 cases treated (1897-1906) at the Northern India Salt Revenue Hospital and Jodhpur Raj Dispensary at Bhatki Sanchor Luni Salt Sources. Marwar. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1907, xiii, *9-92.—Bennett (C. L.) The use of formic acid in rheumatism. .1. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1905, iv, 547.— Bennett ( E. II.) On the limitation of chronic rheu- matic arthritis tu parts of joints. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894-5,xiii, 332-336.—Berganiasehi (L.) Nuovo contributo alia terapia del reumatismo poliartico- larc. Morgagni. Milano, 1896, xxxviii, 623-632.—Bern- licim i H. i A: Simon (PA De l'emploi de l'antipyrine dans le rhumatisme articulaire. In their: Rec. de"faits clin. lxx:;-6, «°, Tar., 1890,180-219— Bishop (L. F.) The theorv and treatmentof rheumatism. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1*96, xlix. 150-153. [Discussion], 169. —Bloeh (R.) Xov\' therapeutick^az&rovendiagnosticky znusob leceni rheumatickych affekci. [New therapeutic and diagnos- tic methods in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.] Casop. 16k. Cesk., v Praze, 1903, xiii, 831; 843. Also, transl.: Heilkunde, Berl.-Leipz., 1903, 339-346. Also, transl.: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Ma- drid, 1904, xiv, sect, de path, int., 335-341. —Bor- land (K. B.) Rheumatism. Penn. M. J., Pitts- burs. 1*97, i, 110-112. Also, Reprint. —Boueher. Un cas de rhumatisme traite par la saignee. Bull. Soc. de med. de Rouen (1892), 1893, 2. s., vi, 127-129.— Butler (G. F.) The modern practical treatment of acute articular rheumatism. Therap. Med., N. Y., 1907, i, 119-123.—Calalfo (V.) Despre tratamentul rheuma- tismului prin mercur. Inst, de chir., Bucuresci, 1891, 58-67.—Carriere (G.) Le traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Nord med., Lille, 1905, xi, 229-235. Also: Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1906, xvi, 29-45.— Carrleu & Vedel (V.) Traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. N. Montpel. med., 1894, iii, 549-556.— Chandler (A. H.) On the specific action of large Rheumatic fever (Treatment of). doses of lime juice in the treatment of acute, subacute and chronic rheumatism. Med. Era, St. Louis, 1907 xvi 5-10.—Chigayeff(X. F.) Vanni iz bervozovavo'l'ista pri llechenii sustavnavo revmatizma. [Baths from birch- tree leaves in the treatment of articular rheumatism 1 Russk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1902, iv, no. 22,30 — Clark (C. C. P.) On the treatment of rneumatic'fever vith the compound tincture of cinchona. Therap Gaz Detroit, 1890, 3. s., vi, 808.—Clement. De l'antipy- rine dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu avec com- plications diverses. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc duro di po- tassio nella cura del reumatismo articolare acuto. Ri- forme med., Xapoli, 1908, xxiv, 68-70.— Note (A. A.) Treatment of rheumatism. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1903-4, viii, 290-292.— Osenbaeh (W.) Some clinical observations on the treatment of rheumatism. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 19C2, n. s., xlviii, 351-35:'..—Otto. Ueber die Behandlung rheumatischer Affectionen mit jodsaurem Natron. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1900, xiv, 187-189.—Palardy fj.) Etude sur l'emploi de la sai- gnee dans le traitnicnt du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Rheumatic fever {Treatment of). Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1892, n. s.,'vi, 227-232.— Palmer (J. W.) How we should treat rheumatism. Med. Age, Detroit, 1904, xxii, 410-415.—Penrose (C. A.) Common yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisia?) in the treat- ment of rheumatic affections. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1906, xvii, 237.—Pergher (L.) II reuma- tismo articolare acuto con speciale riguardo alia terapia. Boll. med. trentino, Trento, 1900, xix, 197; 219, 1 tab.— Petrilli (A.) II metodo Baccelli e la poliartrite reu- matjea. Policlin., Roma, 1907, xiv, sez. prat., 434-436.— Plosz ( B.) Die Behandlung des Muskel-Rheumatismus mit Atropin-Morphium-Losung. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1*99, iii, 194-197.—Polyanski (X. S.) K voprosu o llechenii revmaticheskikh stradaniy iodnokislim nat- rom. [Treatment of rheumatic diseases by sodium io- dide.] Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 997.—Post (G. S.) Ichthyol in rheumatism. Therap. (laz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., xviii, 604.—Hancon (A,) Les globulaires, la globu- larine, la globularetine et la teinture prasoide dans le traitement des affections goutteuses et rhumatismales. [Rap. de Delccu-uillerie.] Bull.Soc.de med.de Gand, 1902, lxix, 245.—Bauzier (G.) Traitement du rhuma- tisme articulaire aigu. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1906, i, 655-668.—Keinhard (M.) Zur Prophylaxe und Thera- pie des Rheumatismus. Munchen. med'. Wchnschr., 1*98, xlv, 1176-1178.—Reisser. Au sujet de Taction thera- peutique des piqures d'abeilles. Rev. med. et pharm. de l'Afrique du nord, Alger, 1898, i, 593.—Riehy (H. A.) Some reflections on the treatment of rheumatic manifes- tations. Buffalo M. J., 1900-1901, n.s., xl, 477-480.—Rles- meyer(L. T.) Some recent researches in rheumatic fever, with remarks on internal antisepsis. St. Louis ('our. Med.,1901, xxiv, 166-177.—Robin (A.) Le traite- ment d'un cas de rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Union med., Par., 1891, 3. s., Iii, 925-930. -----. Le traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 1-3.—Roncagliolo (E.) Terapia della infezione reumatica acuta. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1898, v, 196-199. -----. II metodo del Singer nel trattamento del- la poliartrite reumatica acuta. Atti Cong, region, ligure 1898, Savona, 1899, iv, 51-56.—von Rotli (G.) Das Lac- tophenin und seine Wirkung beim acuten Gelenksrheu- matismus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 689-691. Also, transl.: Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1898, x, 177- 182.—Rothschiih (E.) Die Selbstbehandlung der zen- tralamerikanischen Indianer bei rheumatischen Erkran- kungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1706-1710.— Sansom(A.E.) The treatment of rheumatism. Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4. s., i, 1-15.—Satterlee (F. LeR.) Rheumatic poison and its treatment. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1906, viii, 44— Satullo (S.) II rimedio nelle idiosin- crasie chiniche e nel reumatismo articolare con endo- cardite. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1903, xi, no 2, 2-4. -----. Intorno ad un nuovo rimedio nelle idiosinerasie chiniche e nel reumatismo articolare, con endocardite. Ibid., 1904, xii, no. 2, 2.—Sclimitt. Analyse de l'urine d'un malade soumis au traitement antirhumatismal par le jus de citron. Repert. de pharm., Par., 1902, 3. s., xiv, 293-295.—Schudmak (A.) Cosaprin als neues Anti- pvreticum und Antirheumaticum. Klin.-therap. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1899, vi,39-42.—Schulman (M.),Talmage (J. B.), Tyrrell (J. B.) [etal.]. How do you treat acute articular rheumatism? N. York M. J. [etc.l, 1906, lxxxiv, 1038; 1088; 1136. — Schuster. Jodipininjektionen bei gichtisch-rheumatischen Erkrankungen. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1904, 82-87. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xxv, 425. -----. Die therapeu- tische Verwendung der subkutanen Jodipininjectionen bei rheumatoiden Gelenksentzundungen. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1904, xlv, 160-163. Also, transl.: Med. Times & TIosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xxxii, 531; 545.— Schweitzer (A.) Adatok a rheumatikus b&ntalmak gy6gykezel('■sehez. [Contributions on the treatments of rheumatic troubles.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1906, iv, 408. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xiii, 269-271. -----. K6t lij antirheumaticumrol. [Two new antirheumatics. ] Gy6gyAszat, Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 466.—Shoemaker (J. V.) The treatment of rheuma- tism. Med.-Chir. J., Phila,, 1904, v, no. 4,1-6.—Shtshe- pinski (A. A.) K vorposu o llechenii sustavnavo i mishechnavo revmatizma po sposobu Bourget. [Treat- ment of articular and muscular rheumatism by the method of ... ] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1902, xiii, 1913-1918.—Sigel (J.) Ueber den therapeuti- schen Werth des Rheumatins. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 703-705. Also, transl.: Rev. med. de la Franche- Comte, Besancon, 1903, xi, 170-174. -----. Rheumatin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli, 19.—Singer (G.) Die Behandlung des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus mit intra- venosen Sublimatinjectionen. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1898, xvi, 1-14.—Sogllano (M.) Sulla cura abortiva della reumartrite acuta. Atti di r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1904, n. s., lviii, 255.—Spuller (G.) Ein Beitrag zur Acetopyrin-Medication bei Gelenksrheu- matismus. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 106-108. Also, transl..: N. medic, Brux., 1904, iv, no. 3, 6; no. 4, 3 — Steinitz (E.j Erfahrungen iiberdie Behandlung des RHEUMATIC. 548 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever (Treatment of). akuten Gelenkrheumatismus mit Stauuntrshvperiimie. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1907, lxiv, 125-]5s—Menncl (A.) Some notes on the treatmentof rheumatism. Med. News, X. Y., 1900,lxxiii,963-965. A/so,Reprint. Also: Med. Rec. X. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 963-965.—St re tier. Rheumatin. Therap. Xeuheiten, Leipz., 1906, i, 353-355.—Summers (T. O.) Therapeutic indications of rheumatic pathology. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 112-114.—Svlrenko (V. O.) Xoviye sposobi llecheniya revmatisma. [New methods of treating rheumatism.] Arch. vet. nauk, S.- Peterb., 1906, xxxvi, pt. 2,20-29.—Szana (A.) Die thera- peutische und prophylaktische Rolle der Kleidung bei Rheumatismus. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1898, xx, 334: 347.—Tatzel. Rheumatismus. Ztschr. f. Hvpnot. [etc.], Berl., 1894-5, iii, 268. —Testolin (R.) " Etio- logia del rheumatismo articolare e muscolare acuto; delle diverse cure proposte: un caso di reumatismo poliartico- lare acuto guarito colle iniezioni alia Bouchard. Riv. med., Milano, 1906, xiv, 85— Thomas iW.E.) Acute rheumatism and its treatment. St. Louis M. Rev., 1902, xlv, 237-240.— Traitement de l'attaque de rhuma- tisme articulaire aigu simple. Union med.. Par., 1895, 3. s., lix, 517; 529.—Tucci (G.) II bleudi etilene nel reumatismo articolare acuto. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1900, iii, 176.—Vysin (V.) Leceni akut- niho rheumatismi kloubniho. [The treatment of acute articular rheumatism. ] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1900, viii, 257-265.—Walter (F.J.) Rheumatism and its treat- ment. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1907, lxxi, 89-95.—Watson (L. F.) The treament of acute articular rheumatism. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 1038.—Weber (L.) Die Behandlung der schweren Formen des acuten Gelenkrheumatismus, wenn wir denselben als acute in- fective Arthritis auffassen. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1899, xi, 11-14. [Discussion], 133-140. —Weisz ( E.) Zur Behandlung des subacuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, therap. Beil., 56. -----. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Behandlung des subacuten Gelenkrheumatismus. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg.. Wien, 1901, xiii, 73. Also: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1901, xxxvii, 399-402. -----. Ahideges melegszerepe az iziileti cstiz kezeieseben. [The r61e of cold and heat in the treatmentof articular rheumatism.] Gydgyaszat, Budapest, 1905, xlv, 216-218.— Westervelte (J. D.) Treatment of acute rheumatism. St. Louis M. Era, 1898-9, viii, 49-52.—Witthauer (K.) Behandlung des Gelenkrheumatismus mit Kollargolklysmen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907 iii, 1266.—Wobr (F.) Glycosal als neues Antirheumaticum. Med. Woche, Berl., 1903, iv, 499-502.—Wynn (W. H.) The treatment of acute rheu- matism. Midland M. J. Birmingh., 1906, v, 98-103.— Zaeslein (T.) Sulla cura del reumatismo. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1892, vii, 265-267.—35wart (B. H.) Treatment of acute articular rheumatism. Kan- sas City M. Index-Lancet, 1905, xxvi, 197-199. Rheumatic fever (Treatment of Cli- matic). Briinton (T. L.) Hammam R'Irha as a winter re- sort in gout and rheumatism. Practitioner, Lond., 1881 xxvi, 241-250.—Buckley (C. W.) The influence of cli- mate upon gout, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis. J. Balneol. & Climat,, Lond., 1907, xi, 67-89. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1907, xvi, 132-140.— Huchard (H.) Rheu- matikus e* arteriosus eredetii szivbajosok a Foldkozi- tenger melieken. [Rheumatic and arterial heart affec- tions on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea] Eiirdo- es vizgydgydszat, Budapest, 1904, 25-30. —JJIoriez. Influ- ence du climat mediterraneen sur le rhumatisme et les rhumatisants. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1905, xlviii, 33: 41; 49; 59.—Sardou (G.) Le rhumatisme sur le littoral medi- terraneen francais. Gaz. d. hop. de Lyon, 1905, vi, 440- 443.—Triboulet (H.) De l'influence du climat medi- terraneen sur les rhumatismes et les rhumatisants [Rap.J J. dephvsio-therap., Par., 1904, ii, 271-287. Also: Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1905, xlviii, 194; 204.—Williams (L.) Rheumatics in relation to climate. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1905, lviii, 457-469. Rheumatic fever {Treatment of Die- tetic). See, also, Rheumatism (Chronic, Treatment of); Rheumatoid arthritis (Treatment of). Allinsox (T.-R.) Sans aucune drogue, rien qu'avec un regime alimentaire approprie, et une hygiene bien comprise; guerison certaine du rhumatisme aigu et soulagement certain du rhumatisme chronique. Trad, de l'anglais par A. Thirion. 12°. Londres & Paris, 1904. Brandau (J. W.) The causation and dietetic treat- ment of rheumatism. Nashville J. M. & S., 1907, ci, 1-5.—Fletcher (H. H.) A successful treatment of rheumatism. Milwaukee M. J., 1903, xi, s-n.—Herr Rheumatic fever {Treeitment ef, Die- tetic). (A. W.) Feeding in rheumatism. Med. Council Phila 1906, xi, 290-293.—Jarvis (G. O.) Diet in rheumatism' Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1903, xii, 4-8.—ITIarcuse (J )' Diiitetik des Rheumatismus. Monatschr. f. prakt Was serh., Munchen, 1904, xi, 272-277. —Po|>«« (c.) ' The non-medicinal treatment of acute and chronic rheuma- tism. X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1896-7, xlix, 390-398. Rheumatic.fever (Treatment of Elec- tric) [including electrolysis]. See, also, Rheumatism '{Chronic, Treatment of). Fockexbeeger (E.-C.) *De I'introduction electrolytique de l'ion salicylitique dans le traitement local des arthrites rhumatismales. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Baynes (D.) The electrical treatmentof gout and rheumatism. Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond., 1904, v, 171-180.— Billinkin. Goutte aigue et rhumatisme'ar- ticulaire aijru trades par le c. c. h. i. Bull. off. Soc. franc d'eiectrother., Par.. 1907, xv, 85-87.—Files (CO.) Rheu- matism. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass. 1899-1900, Phila., 1901, 73-76.—Hiybee (C. GA The treatmentof rheumatism by electricity^. J. Electrother, N. Y., 1896, xiv, 208-211.— Labatut, Jourdanet .V Porte. Traitement des manifestationsarticulairesde la goutte etdu rhumatisme par introduction eiectrolytique du lithium. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1895, xix, 7-24.—Leuillieux. Intro- duction dans l'organisme d'ions & action therapeutique; application au traitement des manifestations articularres et periarticulaires de la goutte et du rhumatisme. Bull. off. Soc. franc, d'eiectrother., Par., 1903, x, 103-105. Also: Arch. med. d'Angers, 1903, vii, 331-334. Also: Cong, in- ternat. de med. C.-r., Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de physiol. [etc.], 129-131.— lUaddox (E.) Note sur Paction de la chaleur electrique et de la dionine dans les affections rhumatismales. Clin, opht., Par., 1902, viii, 352.—Pf'ah- ler (G. E.) The high frequency currents in chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1906-7. x, 344-348.—Bainear (A. R. ) The electro-therapeutics of rheumatism. Codex med. Phila., 1897-8, iv, 1-4. Also, Reprint.-----. Electricity in the treatment of rheumatism. Am. Med., Phila. & York, Pa,, 1907, n. s., ii, 170-173. Also. Reprint.—Soulages. Application des courants & haute frequence dans une crise aigue de rhumatisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 768. Rheumatic fever {Treatment of Local) [ Phys'io t h erapy]. See, also, Rheumatism (Chronic), Rheuma- toid arthritis, Treatment of. Chevandier (P.) *De la methode thermo- r£sineuse appliquee au traitement du rhuma- tisme apyretique. 4°. Paris, 1890. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1S<)<). Bog-art (T. X.) Lse and abuse of massage in the treatment of rheumatism. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1905-6, ii, 623-625.—Calderon (E.) The use of dry, hot air in the treatment of rheumatism and rheumatic pains. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1899, xiii, 641-645.—Kmrstrom (0.) El reumatismo y el amasamiento. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1904, xi, 114-119.— Gibney (H.) Brief notes on rheumatic joints treated bv hot air. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 93-95.—Gibney (V. P.) The treatment by superheated dry air of still' and painful joints, including the rheumatic and tuberculous, at the Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled. Med. Ree, N.Y., 1897, li, 109-111.— Gilbert (W. H.) The application of Dr. Frey's hot-air douche in combination with massage, with an account of its application in chronic gout and rheumatism. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de therap., 294-297.—Gillespie (A. L.) Notes on the treatment of acute articular rheumatism by hypoder- mic injections of carbolic acid. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., li, 6li>.—Graham (D.) Massage in rheuma- tism of the tempom-maxillary articulation and muscles of the lower jaw. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y., 1894, xv,487- 491.—Kessler (G. L.) Thermaerotherapv in rheumatic affections. Brooklyn M. .)., 1900, xiv, 436-444— Kou- Indjy. La massotherapic dans le traitement du rhu- matisme articulaire aigu. Rev. de cinesie, Par., 1904, vi, 198-206.—Laqueur (A.) Die Anwendung der physi- kalischen Heilmethoden in der Therapie des acuten Ge- lenkrheumatismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 329-331.—Lemoine (G.) Traitement local de la douleur dans le rhumatisme articulaire. Nord med., Lille, 1898, iv, 25.—Saralidls (H.) Le traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu franc par le massage au petrole. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1901, lxviii, 73-79. Also: RHEUMATIC. 549 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever {Treatment of Local) \ Physiotherapy]. Rev. san. mil., Bucurescl, 1901-2, v, 607-62?.—Shands (A. R.) Severe pain and spasm of inflammatory rheu- matism of the ankle relieved by immobilization of the joint. X. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 659. Also, Re- print—Sibley ( W. K.) Chronic rheumatism, caus- ing ankvlosed'knee and elbow; treated bv hot-air baths. Clin. J.,'Lond., 1896-7, ix, 37. Also: Med. Times i rin. \ rnstein (F.) Kilka slow o uzyciu aspiryny w os- trym gogecu stawowym i «tanach pok'rewnych. [Aspirin in acute articular rheumatism and similar ai-easov Medycyna, Warszawa, looO. xxviii, 1190-1193.—Harnett (H. X.) Aspirin in rheumatism; a warning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 21.—Campanella (G.) L' uso del- l'aspirina nel reumatismo articolare. Boll. d. clin.. Mi- lano, 1901, xviii, 453-457.—Faekelniann. Aspirophen. ein neues Antirheumaticum und Anal^eticum. Ally. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, lxxv, 615.— Gilkinet (G.i L'aspirine dans le traitement des affections rhumatis- males. Ann.Soc.med.-chir.de Liege, 1901, xliii, 110-159.— Jlackey (E.) On the value of aspirin in acute rheu- matism. Lancet, Lond.,1903, ii, 1293-1295.—Okuro (Y.) [Use of aspirin for rheumatic arthritis.] Chiuyai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1900, xxi, 1086; 1255.—Protin (('. A.I The treatment of rheumatism with acetvl-salicvlic acid (aspirin). Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1901, iii, 259-261.—Roeli (M), Jeanneret (M ) & Liamuniere (M.) Die Vor- teile des Aspirins bei Rheumatismus-Behandlung dem Natrium salicvlicum gegeniiber. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1907, xxi, 239-244.—Roellg (E.) Ueber Aspirin, ein neues Antirheumaticum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900. xxvi, therap. Bcil., 6-8.—Symp- son (E. M.) Clinical notes on the use of aspirin in rheumatism and other diseases. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1902-3, xi, 117-119— Vorobyeflf (N. A.) Ob aspirinle pri ostrom sustavnom revmatizmle. [Aspirin in acute articular rheumatism.] Bolnitsch gaz. Botkina, St. Pe- tersb., 1901, xii, 909-914.— Wright (T. P.) On the thera- peutic value of aspirin in rheumatism, and as an anal- gesic. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxx, 235. Rheumatic fever (Treatment of) by baths anel mineral waters. See, als'o, Rheumatism (Chronic, Treatment of); Rheumatoid arthritis (Treatment of). Flocken (R.) *De l'emploi de la'medica- tion ivfrigerante dans le traitement du rhu- matisme articulaire aigu. S°. Strasbourg, 1S72. Lecleke (C.) Du rhumatisme; manifesta- tions diathesiques traitees par les eaux de Plombieres. 8°. Paris, 1S75. Siiepari) (C. H.) Rheumatism, and its treat- ment by Turkish baths. 12°. Braok/i/n, X. Y., 1892. -----. The same. 5. ed. 12°. Brookli/n, X. Y., 1898. Aranvi (Z.) Neuraszteni&sok reumAs megbetegede- seinek balneoterapiaja. [Rheumatic neurasthenic dis- eases and balneotherapy.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1903, i, 136; Vu. -----. Adatok az idegesek rheum&j&nak fiirddi kezeleselie/.. [Contributions on the bath treatment of nervous rheumatism.] Ibid., 1906, iv, 405-408.—Barthe de Sandiort. Du bain de bones chez certains rhuma- tisants cardiopathes. J. de med. dc Bordeaux, 18s7, xvi, 554; 566; 587. Also, Reprint.—Bertliier. Curesulfuree hyperthermale et pathogenie du rhumatisme articulaire chronique. Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. [etc.], 1902. C. r., Grenoble, 1903, vi, 516-521. — Bertier (F.) Simple note sur le traitement du rhumatisme ar- ticulaire chronique par les eaux d'Aix-les-Bains (Savoie). Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1876-7, xxii, 317-326. Also, Reprint.—Brandt (C. X.) Nature's alkaline treat- ment of gout and rheumatism by the use of natural alka- line thermal waters. Cong, internat. de m6d. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, int., 407-412.—Crees (R.) The value of mineral springs in the treatment of rheumatic affec- tions. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1896, xiv, 495- 500.—Delmas (L.) Essai d'un guide pratique des rhu- matisants aux eaux minerales. Ann. Soc.d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1889, xxxiv, 224-263. — Frodsham (J. M.) A: Steedman (J. F.) Case of hyperpyrexia of rheumatic fever; treatment by cold bath; recoverv. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 983. — Fiirstenberg (A.) Zur hydriatischen Behandlung der rheumatischen Erkrankungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 443.—Gaube. La remineralisation appliquee au traitement des rhumatisants chroniques. [Rap.de A. Robin.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlv, 594-599.—Harding (E. S.) The treatmentof rheu- matismat Caledonia Springs. Montreal M. J., 1907, xxxvi, 250-263. Also: Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1907, xxxvi, 343; 392.—Hinsdale (G.) Treatment of rheu- matism and gouty states at the Virginia Hot Springs. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1906, xix, 106-108.— Kraft (H.) Die Baderbehandlung des chronischen Ge- lenkrheumatismus. Phys.-med. Monatsh., Berl., 1904-5, i, 20-23.—de Langenliagen. De Taction des eaux de la Motte sur le rhumatisme. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1892, xvi, 153-158.— Jharauza (A.) Du traitement du rhumatisme musculaire et du rhumatisme articulaire simple par les eaux et boues hvperthermales de Dax. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1896, vii, 161-165 — Leu sehne r (R.) Some observations on rheumatism and its treatment with the mineral baths at Mount Clem- ens; report of cases. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1906, v, 541-546.—Planehe. Le rhumatisme traite par les eaux et boues de Balaruc-les-Bains. Cong, internat. d'hvdrol. etde climatol. C.-r., Li6ge, 1898, v, 513-530. Also [Abstr.]: Arch.gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1898, ix, 446.—Pribram (A.) [Die Hydrotherapy des acuten Gelenksrheuma- tismus.] Spec. Path. u. Therap. . . . Nothnagel, Wien, 1899-1901, v, 437-442. Also: Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1899, ix, 164-169.— Sanderson (A. J.) Hydro- therapy in rheumatism. Calif. State J. M., San Fran.. 1904, ii, 287-289—Shepard (C. H.) Rheumatism, and its treatment bv Turkish baths. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicayo, 1890, xv, 424-427.—Thiroloix & Breton ville. Rhu- matisme vrai infectieux a, determinations articulaires et viscerales multiples et tenaces; impuissance de la medi- cation salicyiee; sedation rapide sous l'influence des bains froids et des injections intra-veineuses de collargol. J. de med. int., Par., 1905, ix, 91. — Utsehick (J.) Die Berechtigung der hydriatischen Behandlung des Ge- lenksrheumatismus. Fortschr. d.Hvdroth. Festschr.W. Winternitz, Wien u. Leipz., 1897, 176-185. — Weiss (E.) Wie sollen wir Fiille von subacutem Gelenkrheumatis- mus in Biidern behandeln? Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Balneolog. Oest., Wien, 1900, ii, 158-163. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xli, 812-81 L—Winternitz. Hydro- therapie und chronischer Gelenkrheumatismus. Verof- fentl. d. Hufeland. (Josellseh. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1893, xv, 66-76. Also: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl , 1893, xiv, 413-416. —Yushtshenkoflr" (A. A.) Llecheniye vodoyu revmatizma u lits, stradayushtshikh poroknm RHEUMATIC. 550 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fever (Treatment of) by baths and mineral waters. serdtsa. [Hydrotherapy of rheumatism in people suffer- ing from heart disease.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1897, xxxvi, pt. 1, 315-326. Rheumatic fever {Treeitment of) with mesotan. Burnet (J.) Mesotan; a new local anti-rheumatic remedy; a short account of six months' experience of its use in forty-seven cases. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1904, xxxii, 162-164.—Carbonell y Soles (F.) El mesot&n, t6pico salicilico anti-reum&tico. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1903, xvi, 447-449.—Croceo (E.) II mesotan nella cura delle affezioni reumatiche. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1904, xxv, 1026.—Floret (C.) II mesotan: antireumatico per uso esterno. N. progr. internaz. med.- chir., Napoli, 1904, i, 136.—Folache (A.) El mesotan en las afecciones reumaticas. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Valencia, 1906, viii, 187. — Kieffer ( C. F.) Meso- tan in the treatment of rheumatism arid allied states. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1905, 3. s., xxi, 150-159.—Lie pelt (K.) Mesotan, ein ausserliches Antirheumatikum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 361.—Meissner (P.) Ueber ein iiusserlich anwendbaresAntirheumaticum, das Meso- tan. Med. Woche, Berl., 1903, 106. —Neubauer (J.) Die ausserliche Behandlung rheumatischer Affektionen mit Mesotan. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 551- 553. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1904,551-553.— Posselt (A.) Ueber Mesotan, ein neues ausserlich an- zuwendendes Antirheumaticum. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xxiv, 232-234.—Ruhemann (J.) Ueber Mesotan, ein externes Antirheumaticum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 23.—Schifone (G.) II trattamento delle affezioni reumatiche col meso- tano. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1906, xii, 334-336. Rheumatic fever {Treatment of) with salicylic aciel and compounds. See, also, Rheumatic fever (Treatment of) vith aspirin; Rheumatic ferer (Treatment of) tvith mesotan; Rheumatic fever (Treatment of) v:ith salophen; Rheumatism (Chronic, Treat- ment of) with salicylic acid, [etc.]. Alzieu (J.-E.-H.) * Traitement du rhuma- tisme articulaire par les injections isotoniques peri-articulaires de salicylate de soude. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Chevron (F.) . * Du salicylate de soude et de l'antipvrine dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 4°. Lyon, 1892. Cos.ma (G.) & Clinceano. Traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu et subaigu par le salicylate de methyle administre a l'interieur. 8°. Baris, 1900. Hauffe(G.) * Zwei hundert drei und dreis- sig Gelenkrheumatiker ohne Salizylpriiparate behandelt. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Also, in: Therap. d. Gegeriw., Berl., 1906, xlvii, 54-71. Hibet (H.) *De l'emploi des ethers salicy- liques dans le traitement du rhumatisme. 8°. Beiris, 1902. Hood (D. W. 0.) On the treatment of acute rheumatism with special references to the use of the salicylates. 8°. London, 1888. Lapina (L.) * Traitement du rhumatisme et d'autres affections justiciables de la medication salicvlee par le salicylate de methyle en appli- cation locale. 8°. Paris, 1898. Marais (P.) * Delire salieylique dans le rhu- matisme articulaire aigu. 8°. Paris, 1900. Also, in: Arch. prov. de med., Par., 1900, ii, 70-83. Mathieu (J.) *De la salipyrine; son action | dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 4°. Li/on, 1893. Paschetta (C.) * Contribution a l'etude du rhumatisme articulaire aigu par la malakine (nouveau compose salicyle). 8°. Lyon, 1897. Ringot (G.) * Du traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu par le salicylate de methyle. roy. 8°. Lille, 1896. Arendt (P.) De la pommade salieylique et ichthyo- 16e 'lans le traitement des arthrites rhumatismales. Rheumatic fever (Treatment of) with salicylic acid and compounds. Ann. Soc. demed. d'Anvers, 189.H, lx, 73-sn.—Behr (M.) Intravenose Salizylbehandlung und rheumatische Atfek- tionen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1998-2000.— Beretta (A.) Della medicazione salicilica nel reuma- tismo articolare acuto. N. Raccoglitore med., Imola 1902, i, 320; 346.—Bondet. Traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu; parallcle entre l'antipyrine et le salicy- late de soude. J. de med. int., Par., 1906, x, 363.—Brc- merman (L. W.) Sal-ethyl in the treatment of rheu- matic affections. Medicine, Detroit, 1906, xii, 655-658.— Brugsch (T.) Weitere Beobachtungen zur Salizylbe- handlung (die intravenose lnjektion). Therap. d. Ge- genw., Berl., 1905, xlvi, 63.—Burnet (J.) Some inter- esting points in connection with the treatment of rheu- matism by means of salicylates. Internat. Therap., N Y 1905, i, 242-244. — Calalb (V.) Despre tratamentui rheumatismului prin salicylat si benzoat de chinina. Inst, de chir., Bucuresci, 1891, 67-74. — < atiin. Con- tribution a l'etude du salicylate de methyle; lc trai- tement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu par le salicylate de soude et le salicylate de methyle. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1898, 3. s., xv, 479-487.—Cerloll (A.) Sull' azione incostante dei salicilici nel reuma- tismo poliarticolare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1905, xxvi, 429^31.—Charteris (M.) Rheumatism, its treatment past and present; with special reference to recent exper- imental research on salicylic acidsand their salts. Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond., 1890, lxxiii, 141-149. Also: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, 3. s., ii, 61-67.— Clarke (T. W.) The value of massive doses of the salicylates in the diagnosis and treatment of acute articular rheumatism. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, n. s., exxxii, 429- 434.—Cline (J. W.) The use of salicin in the treatment of acute rheumatism. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1899, 133-141. Also: Colorado M. J., Denver, 1899, v, 358- 362.— Cosma. Sur l'emploi du salicylate de methyle a l'interieur contre les rhumatismes articulaires. Cong. internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de therap., 166- 173. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1900, 2. s., xii, 40.*..—Des- plats (H.) Traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu par le salicilate de soude. J. d. sc med. de Lille, 1895, i, 337-345.—Du Cazal. Note relative au mode d'action du salicylate de methyle en applications locales dans le trai- tement du rhumatisme. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi, 123.—Einis (L. L.) O naruzh- nom primlennenii salitsilovol kisloti pri ostrikh revma- ticheskikh ftradaniyakh. [External application of sali- cylic acid in acute rheumatic diseases ] Vrach. Gaz., S'.-Peterb., 1902, ix, therap. pt, 26-2*.—KHanger (I. J.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Anwendung des Natrium salicylicum per rectum bei tielenkrheuma- tismus. Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. d. K. Ludwig-Maxi- milians-Univ. zu Munchen, Leipz., 1893, iii, 642-667. Also: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892-3, li, 303- 328.—Fraser (T. R.) On the failure of salicyl-com- pounds in the treatment of acute rheumatism accom- panied with inflammation of the genito-urinary mucous membranes. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxi, 1-12,1 diag. Also, Reprint.—Frictions (Les) salicyiees dans le rhuma- tisme. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1896, xliii, 889. Also: Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Liege, 1896, xxxv, 334-338.— Gerber (H.) Ein Beitrag zur hypodermatischen Sali- zyltherapie des Rheumatismus, dargestellt an einer Reihe von Versuchsfallen. Wien. med. Presse, 1907, xlviii, 1809-1812.—Guieciardl (G.) L' acido salicilico per via epidermica nella cura del reumatismo articolare acuto. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1895, xliii, 792-822.—Hasenfeld (A.) Nehariy sz6 a bor felsziv6d- &si kepessegerbl <al&ban es a percutan alkalmazott sali- cylsav antirheumatikus es antipyretikus ertekerol. [On the antirheumatic and antipyretic action of percutan- eously applied salicylic acid. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1894, xxxviii, 368; 382. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 1196. —Henry (F. P.) Treatmentof rheumatism with the salicyl compounds; an historical note. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1896, iii, 45-47. Also, Reprint.—Hood (D. W. C.) On the treatment of acute rheumatism, with special references to the use of salicylates. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xi, 145-208.- Hussey (A. E.) Salamid C6H4=^jH2 in treatment of rheumatism. Therap. Digest, Cincin., 1902-3, i, 52.— Illman (G. M.) Salol as an anti-rheumatic Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1903, xii, 718-721.—Jaccoud (S.) Con- tra-indications to the salicylic treatment of acute articu- lar rheumatism. Med. Week, Par., 1896, iv, 577. -----■ Contraindications to the use of salicylate of sodium in the visceral manifestations of acute inflammatory rheu- matism. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 8. s., i, 1-7.—Kat- zenbach (W. H.) Acaseof inflammatory rheumati-m; purpura; unusual tolerance of sodium salicylate. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1890, xxxviii, 598.—Kollmann. Ueber Gly- kosal [als Antirheumaticum]. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903,xvii,939-94L—Konrled. Sur le traitement des ma- ladies rhumatismales par les injections intraveineuses de salicylate de soude. J. de med. int., Par., 1905, ix, 127- RHEUMATIC. 551 RHEUMATIC. Rheumatic fewr {Treatment of) with salicylic acid and compounds. xv, 7-14, 1 tab. Also, Reprint.—Sterling (S.) Masd salicylowa w gozCeu stawowym. [Salicylic ointment in the treatment of rheumatism.] Mcdvcvna, Warszawa, 1897, xxv, 1170-1175. Also, transl.: Munchen. med.Wchn- schr., L898, xlv, 303-305.—Sioekinan (R.) Salicylates in acute rheumatism. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg. (1901-3), 1904, iv, 427-429. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1903, lx, 435. -----. A clinical lecture on the action of salicylates in acute rheumatism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1439-1442.^ St re Her. Salit. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1907, ii, 25-28.—Syers (H. W.) The salicylates in acute rheuma- tism.- Treatment, Lond., 1902-3, vi, 803-807. —Taylor I.J. M.) Remarks on the constitutional treatment of rheumatic conditions. Month. Cvcl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1905, xviii, 494-l.is— Thompson (G. H.) Organic or synthetical salicylates in rheumatism. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 298-300. -----. An organic salicylate compound in sub-acute rheumatism and gout. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1898, lxxiv, 233-237.—Timi re If i P.) K vop- rosu o naruzhnom salitsilovom lechenii osti-ovo sochle- novnavo revmatizma. [External salicylic treatment of acute articular rheumatism.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1903, pt. 2, 118; 194; 238; 302.— Trakhtenberii- (A. L.) Salipyrin pri sochlenovnom revmatizmle. [. . . in articular rheumatism.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892, xii, 450.—Treatment (The) of acute rheumatism bv salicin and the salicylates. Proc. M. Soc Lond., 1884, vi, 49-132, 5 tab.—Walsh (J.J.) The sali- cylates in acute rheumatism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl, 217.—Weiss (M.) Zur Behandlung des acuten Rheumatismus mittclst cutaner Anwendung der Salicyl- siiure. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1837; 1879. — Williams (D. H.) The treatment of acute articular rheumatism; a clinical and statistical study of eighty-four cases, with a confirmatory plea for the salicyl-alkaline treatment. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., i892, lxvii, 129-135.—Wilson (R. W.) Recent ideas regarding the local treatment, and the use of the salicylates in rheu- matic fever. Med. Times, X. Y., 1899, xxvii, 334-336.— Winckelmann (W.) Die intravenose Anwendung der Salizvlsaure bei akutem, fieberhaftem Gelenkrheu- matismus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 730.—Zeigan (F.) Die Behandlung des Rheumatismus durch aussere An- wendung von Salicylpraparaten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, Xl, 279-281. Rheumatic fever {Treatment of) with salophen. Braneati (A.) II salofene nel reumatismo articolare acuto. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1900- 1901, ii, 49-51.—Ducci (G.) Sul trattamento del reuma- tismo articolare acuto con 1' uso del salofene. Morgagni, Milano, 1898, xl, 551.—tialliard (L.) Le salophene dans le traitement du rhumatisme articulaire. Presse m6d., Par., 1897, ii, 13.—Hardenbertfh (D. B.) Re- port of the use of salophen in ten cases of acute rheuma- tism. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 141.—Hare (H. A.) The value of salophen as an antirheumatic. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s., ix, 2s.— Holzsehneider. Un caso di reumatismo articolare acuto cura to col salofene. Morgagni, Milano, 1894, xxxvi, 240-242.—Lavrand. Le salophene antirhumatismal. J. d. sc. med. dc Lille, 1894, ii, 609-616. -----. Salophene et rhumatisme. Ibid., 1897, i, 154-156— Lugo Hidalgo (J. M.) El salofeno contra las neuralgias de origen reumatismal y el reumatismo muscular. Gac. med., Mexico, 1901, 2. s., i, 140-142.— Pearse (H. S.) Salophen in acute articular rheuma- tism. N. Y'ork M. J., 1896, lxiii, 345-347. Also, Reprint.— Biehy (H. A.) Salophen in acute rheumatic affections. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1895, xix, 201-205. Rheumatic fever (Treatment of) tvith Rheumatic fever {Treatment of) with salicylic acid and compounds. 129.—Korotkotf (S. J.) & I'ssolf (P. S.) Therapeu- tische Bemerkungen iiber die antirheumatische Wirkung des Malakins. Therap. Wchnschr, Wien,1896,hi,395-397.— Lannois & Linossier. Traitement du rhumatisme par les applications locales de salicylate de methyle. Cong, franc, de med., Par. & Nancy, 1896-7, iii, fasc. 2, 433- 453. Also: Lyonmed., 1896. lxxxiii, 75-93.—Lasker (A.) Klinische Erfahrungen uber Salacetol bei rheumatischen Erkrankungen. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1900, 269- 272. —Latham (P. W.) On the administration of the salicylates in acute rheumatism. Alabama M. &S. Age, Anniston, 1894-5, vii, 585-588. Also: Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1895, xi, 162-165. Also: Med. Mag., Loud., 1895, iv, 244-251. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 157.— Lemoine (G.-H.) Applications locales de salicylate de methyle dans le traitement du rhumatisme. Bull, et mem." Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 678-088.— Lent A. H. P.) Uric acid symptoms (rheumatism) and their relief bv colchicum and the salicylates. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1907, "lxxii, 549-553. — Lidma'nowski (K.) O potlsk6rnem stosowaniu salicvlanu sodu przy reumatyz- mie wielostawowym. [Subcutaneous use of sodium sali- cylate in polyarthritic rheumatism.] Czasopismo lek., Lod^, 1,905, vii, 101-104.—Linossier (G.) A: Lannois iM.) A propos des applications locales de salicylate de methyle dans le traitement du rhumatisme. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1899,3. s., xvi, 181. ----- -----. Le traitement salicyle du rhumatisme articulaire aien. Kev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par.,1905,xix.sis.— May (R. i n ischem Gelen krheuma- tismus. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1902, xlvii, li 19-152. Also [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. diatet. u. ph vsik. Therap., Leipz., 1902, vi, 209. Also [Abstr.]: Therap. d. Gegenw , Berl.- Wien, 1902, n. F., iv, 298-300. Also [Discussion]. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1902), 1903, xxxiii, pt. 1, 156-163. -----. Zur Frage der Streptokokkenserum- behandlung des acuten und chronischen Gelenkrheuma- tismus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli, 75. -----. Er- gebnisse der Serumbehandlung des akuten und chro- nischen Gelenkrheumatismus. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1904, li, 1461-1464. -----. Ein im Garnisonlazarett I Berlin mit Streptokokkenserum behandelter Fall von chronischem Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1905, xxxiv, 146-153.—Sehaeier. Zur Serumbehandlung des Gelenkrheumatismus. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1904, xlv, 106-110. — Schmidt (A.) Ueber die Behandlung des Gelenkrheumatismus mit Menzer'schem Antistreptokokkenserum. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 1117. Also: Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. 1903-4 Miinchen, 1905, 32.— Senator (H.) O sivorotochnom llechenii sustavnovo revmatizma. [Serumtherapy of articular rheumatism.] Terapiya, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 41-44.—Sherman (G. H.) Antistreptococcic serum in the treatment of inflamma- tory rheumatism and other diseases, with report of cases. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 633-635. -----. Further experi- ence with streptolvtic (antistreptococcic) serum in rheu- matism. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1904, iii, 245-247. -----. Conclusions drawn from three years' experience in the sjsrum treatment of acute articular rheumatism. Ibid., 1907, vi, 6-10.—Sinnhuber (F.) Die Behandlung des Gelenkrheumatismus mit Menzer's Antistreptokokken- serum. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1904, xxviii, 128-141.—Ron- zoni (G.) Nota preventiva su di una reazione ottenuta col siero antistreptococcico in casi di reumatismo artico- lare acuto. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1906, lvii, 81-84.— Weiss (J.) Die Wirkung von Seruminjektionen auf den Gelenkrheumatismus. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1896, xvii, 417-421. Also, transl.: Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1896, lxiii, 325-327. Rheumatic fever (Urine in). Collangettes (P.) * Contribution a, l'etude de l'albuminurie dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Sa valeur au point de vue des indica- tions therapeutiques. 8°. Paris, 1897. Arkhipofi* (A.) Sluchal tsilindrurii bez albumi- nurii pri ostrom sochlenovnom revmatizmle. [Acute cylindruria without albminuria in acute articular rheu- matism.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1903, i, med. pt., 595-600.—Ehrmann (R.) Ueber Albuminurie und iiber die Ausscheidungsverhiiltnisse der Salicylsaure aus dem Organismus von Gesunden und Gelenkrheumatikern. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 2595-2597.—Klie- neberger (C.) & Oxenius (R.) Ueber Urine und Urinsedimente bei normalen Personen,bei rheumatischen Erkrankungen und nach der Einwirkung von Salizylpra- paraten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1904, lxxx, 225-244. Rheumatic fever in children. Si-e, also. Rheumatic fever (Complications of, Cardiac) in children; Rheumatic fever (Subcu- taneous fibrous nodulesin) in children; Rheumatic fever and chorea; Rheumatism (Chronic) in children. Aschpiz (Esther). * Etude sur les pleuresies qui accompagnent le rhumatisme articulaire aigu chez l'enfant. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1891. Conklin (A. B.) Rheumatism in childhood. 8°. Ambler, Pa., 1907. Goudareau (H.) *Du rhumatisme articu- laire aigu chez l'enfant. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Renaud (L.) *De l'arthrite cervicale rhu- matismale chez l'enfant. 8°. Paris, 1901. Steinhagex (O.) * Ueber Polyarthritis rheu- matica mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Erkrankungen des Kindesalters. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Rheumatic A -ver in children. Abrahams i K. i Rheumatismus neonatorum Med Rec. N. V., 1896, 1, 547-550. Also, Reprint.—del Area (E. E.) Reumatismo infantil. Kev. Soc. inert argent Buenos Aires, 1903, xi, 47-49.—Bajiinsk> A.) Der acute Gelenkrheumatismus der Kinder. Verhandl d Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, Berl., 1905, xxxv, pt 2 35tC 386. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr , 1904, xli, 1213- l'>4:?_ Barbour(P.F.) Rheumatism in children. Pediatrics N. Y. & Lond., 1898, vi, 289-297.—Bareus (P. J.) A case of acute articular rheumatism in an infant twentv-seven days old. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1902, xix, 37 —Harlow (T.) Notes on rheumatism and its allies in childhood Brit.M.J.,Lond.,1883,ii,509-514. ^iso,Reprint.— 5{;iu< n (F. E.) The occurrence of rheumatism in children sub- sequent to an attack of cholera. Lancet, Lond.. is;is \\ 1195.—Blackader (A. D.) Rheumatism in children' Brit. M. J., Lond., 19(i6, ii, 925-927.—Burnet (J.) The rheumatic affections of childhood. Med. Times & Hosp Gaz., Lond., 1902, xxx, 145-147. -----. Some of the less commonly recognised manifestations of rheumatism in childhood; with remarks on the treatmentof thisdisease Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1904, i, 392-396.—CadelI (Grace R.) Acute articular rheumatism in an infant. Scot M & S. J., Edinb., 1899, v, 50-56. —Cariuichael (.!.)' Rheumatism in children. Ibid., 1898, iii, 222-227.— Cheadle ( W. B, ) The diagnosis and treatment of acute rheumatism in children. Treatment, Lond., 1897 i, 97-100—Cheney (W. F.) The manifestations of rheu- matism in children. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento. 1901 310-322, 1 pl. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 309-372.— Clemens (J. R.) Rheumatism and typhoid in child- hood. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii', 271. -----. The relationship of goitre (parenchymatous) to rheumatism in children. Arch. Pediat.,N.Y.,1905, xxii, 776.—Combe- Laboissi&re. Sur un cas de rhumatisme articu- laire aigu chez une enfant de trois ans. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drdme [etc.], Valence & Par., 1901, ii, 1.—Com by (J.) Anevrysme aortique rhumatismal chez une fille de quatorze ans. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1906, ix. 511- 549. — Cosgrave (Millicent). Rheumatism in children. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1908, vi, 58-60.—Cotton (A. C.) Rheumatism in children. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1898, xxi, 121-124.— Crandall (F. M.) Rheumatism in children. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1893, 3. s., i, 176-183. -----. The manage- ment of rheumatic children. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1902, xiv, 59-71. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1902, xix, 578- 590.—Da Costa (J. M.) Rheumatism. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), Phila., 1898, 351-358.—Dass (A. P.) Acute articular rheumatism in a child five months old. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1894, iv, 74—Deale (H. B.) Rheumatism in children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1905, xxii, 581-588.-Dunn (C. H.) The clinical aspects of rheu- matic fever in childhood, and their significance in the question of specific etiology. J.Am. M. Ass.. ( hicago, 1907. xlviii. 493-501. [Discussion], 542.—Dupont. Con- siderations sur le rhumatisme articulaire aigu de la pre- miere ent'ance. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 798-800.— I'aiie A: Huehet. Sur un cas de rhumatisme cervical chez un enfant. Progres med., Par., 1906,3. s., xxii, 665.— Feclele (N.) Su cinque casi di peritonite reumatica acuta in bambini, con guarigione. Morgagni, Milano, 1892, xxxiv. 125-132.—Fenner (E. D.) Acute rheuma- tism in childhood, with report of two cases. N.Orl. M.& S. J.. 1900-1901, liii, 135-140.—Fisher (L.) Rheumatism in children. Clin. Recorder, N. Y., 1896, i, 125.—Fol- lansbee (Elizabeth A.) Rheumatism in children. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1901, 322-326.—Fried lander (A.) Rheumatism in childhood. Cleveland M. J., 1903, ii, 307-314. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1903, xv, 513-520.— Gaumer (J. S.) Rheumatism in children. Med Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1907, xxxi, 6-9.—Gillet (H.) Traite- ment du rhumatisme aigu chez l'enfant; medication sa- licylee. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1904, xiv, 136-138.— Gossage (A. M.) Some clinical aspects of rheumatism in children. Clin. J., Lond., 1902, xx, 217-221.—Griffith (J. P. C.) Treatment of rheumatism in children. Therap. Gaz. [etc], Detroit, 1908, 3. s., xxiv, 229-231.—Harrison (H. A.) A case of infantile eczema, followed by rheu- matic torticollis. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1901, X. Y., 1902, lvii, 395-397.—Hastings (W. C.) Rheumatism of child- hood. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1905, iii, 209-211. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1906, xviii, 19-21.—Haushalten Phlebite rhumatismale du tronc brachiocephalique gau- che de la jugulaire interne et de la sous-claviere chez un gareon de 12 ans. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r., 1897-8, pp. lxxvii-lxxix.—Hawthorne (C. O.) Protection of rheumatic children. Rep. Soc. Studv Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 80-86. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1907, iv, 85-88. -----. Acute rheumatism in childhood. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7. vii, 241-257. Also: Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1907, iv, 325-332—llelman (H.) Remarks on the pathogenesis and prophylaxis of acute rheumatic fever in children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii,31-37.—Holbrooke (A. T.) Manifestations of rheumatism in infancv and early childhood. Wi-con- sin M. J., Milwaukee, 1903-4, ii, 666-678. Also: Pediatries, X. Y., 1905, xvii, 333-342.—Hoppe-Seyler (G.) Ueber RHEUMATIC. 553 RHEUMATISM. Rheumatic fever in children. Entwicklungshem'mung der Extremitaten nach Gelenk- rheumatismus im Kindesalter. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1902-3, lxxv, 320-337. — Ibrahim (J.) Akuter Gelenkrheumatismus. Handb. d. Kinderh. t,Pfaundler A Schlossmann), 8°, Leipz., 1906, i, 877-887. \iso, transl. in: Dis. Child.. . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann, Kusr. transl., roy. s \ Phila. & Lond., 1908, ii, 481-499.— .lemma. Reumatismo articolare acuto in un bambino lattante. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1902, Roma, 1903, xii, 211.—Jordan (J. R.) Some remarks on rheuma- tism in infant life. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1890, 381-389— Kephallino* (X. A.) Leber akuten Gelenksrheumatismus, Chorea und Endokarditis der Kinder. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.,1900, xix,563-566.—Ki*e I. 0 nlekotorikh osobennostyakh sochlenovnovo revma- tizma u dletel. [On certain peculiarities of articular rheumatism of children.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, st. Petersb., 1892, iii, 25; 57; 91.—Knud-llanseii. Lidt om den rcumatiske Infektion i Barnealderen. [Remarks on the rheumatic infection in eiiildren.] Lirc-k. f. Lse- ger, Kobenh., 1907, 5. R., xiv, lov;-iu92 — Laehmsmski (C.) Beitrage zum acuten und chronischen Gelenk- rheumatismus des KindesaIters. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxviii, 104-137.—Lapiner ( X.M.) Ob artri- tizmle u dletel. [Arthriti-m in children.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1902, vii, 410-419. — La rau/a (A.) Du traitement du rhumatisme articulaire chronique des enfants par les bains de boues de Dax. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1901. xii, 129-132.—Lees (D. B.) A clinical lecture on rheumatisminchildren. Clin.J.,Lond.,1900,xvi,241-248.— Lock (G. G.) Acase of rheumatic hyperpyrexia in a child of six. Brit. J. Child. Dis.. Loud", 1907, iv, 628-530. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 1608— H< l>oiioiiiili ( K. J.) Rheumatic manifestations in childhood. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 346.— JIaiikowski ( L. ) U wplywie leczniczym salicylanu sodu na ostry goSciec stawowy u dzieci. [Therapeutic influence of sodium salicylate upon acute articular rheumatism in children.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1908, xliii, 135; 162. — Harlan. Du rhumatisme articulaire aigu chez les enfants et en particulier du rheumatisme cervical. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1895, iii, 285-290. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1895, ix, 193-197.—JIargolin (I. M.) [Ostriy sochlenovniy revmatizm u 12-lietnyavo malchika.] [Acute articular rheumatism in a 12-year-old boy.] Ejened. jour. " Prakt. med.", St. Petersb.. 1898, v, 745.—Marshall (E.) Rheumatism in a vounsr infant. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1899, xvi, 876.— Mery. Rhuma- tisme chez l'enfant. J. de med. int., Par., 1904. viii, 202.— Miller (D. J. M.) Acute articular rheumatism in in- fants under one vear, with the report of a case. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. X. *Y.. lv.19. xi, 79-91. Also: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1899, xvi, 686-697. Also, Reprint.—Parsons (F. S.) Acute rheumatism in children. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1890, xv, 60-63. Also, Reprint. —Pascoletti (s.) Contributo clinico alia diagnosi di reumatismo nell' infanzia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 246.— Perret (S.) Du rhumatisme articulaire aigu infantile, d'apres 90 observations. Province med., Lvon, 1892, vi, 217; 229; 246— Phillips (S.) Rheumatism as a cause of epi-taxis in children. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 512.— Poynton (F. J. 1 The influence of school life upon rheumatic- children. J. Prevent. M., Lond., 1905, xiii, 406-415.—Reid (R. A.j Rheumatism in infancy and early childhood. Mass. M. J., Bo-t., 1903, xxiii, 49-54.— Reumatismo articolare. Osp. d. bambini in Milano. Rendic. 1899-1901, 39-42.—Sehaiiiberjj (J. F.) The cu- taneous manifestations observed in rheumatism in chil- dren. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1908, xxii, 110- 114.—Schlossmann (A.) Leber akuten Gelenkrheu- matismus und symptomatisch iihnliche Krknmkungen im friihen Kindesalter. Monatschr. f. Kinderh., Leipz. u. Wien, 1902-3, i, 305-318.—Sheffield ill. B.) Acute rheumatism in children. Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1904, xix, 925-929.—Shengelidze (V. V.; Ostriy sustavnol revmatizm; sluchal porazheniya ira rcbyonka rannyavo grudnovo vozrasta. [Acute articular rheumatism; case of an infant affected with thedisea-e.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 152-158.—Sicard (M. 11.) Rheu- matic manifestations in children. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1906, lxix, 709-711—Simon (J.) Du rhumatisme chez les en- fants et de son traitement. Bull, med., Par., 1893, vii, 1093-1097. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1894, 2. s., viii, 49; 61.—Simpson (F. 0.1 Acute articular rheumatism in children. Am. Pract. A: Xews, Louisville, 1900, xxix, 409-412.—Smith ( R. J. ) Rheumatism in children. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 19ns, x, 37-39.—Snyder (J. R.) Rheumatism of childhood. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 490-493. [Discussion], 542—Stanley (D.l Rheumatism in children. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1899, xlv, 336; 345.—Stewart (J.) Evidences of rheumati-m in childhood. Glasgow M. J„ 1903. lx. 255-263.—Still (<;. F.) Rheumatism in childhood. Practitioner, Lond., 1901, lxvi, 53-63. — Symposium on rheumatism in children. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1906, xxiii, 44-64.—"Van Baun (W. W.) The recognition, prevention, and con- trol of rheumatism, and its lesions in children. Tr. Am. Rheumatic fever in children. Inst. Homeop. loon, X. Y., 1901, 449-455.—Vid a 1 Sola- res (F.) Del reumatismo articular agudo en la infan- cia. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1902, xv, 73-76.—We- ber (F. P.) Infantile form of articular rheumatism, with chronic enlargement of the spleen, liver, and lym- phatic glands; result in the case. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, xxv.^14: 1902-3, xxvi, 346. Also, Reprint.—Weill (E.) & Thevenot (L.) Le rhumatisme visceral chez les enfants. Arch, de med. d. enf , Par., 1907, x, 651-660.— Wet more (F. H.) Rheumatism in children. Mari- time M. News, Halifax, 1907, xix, 104-107.—Williams (J. P.) Rheumatism in children. Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1903-4, viii, 372-374.—Wood (A. J.) A case of rheumatic fever in a child, and its sequel. In- tercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1897, ii, 31-33.— Wood (CM.) Manifestations of rheumatic infection in children. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1906, x, 409-411.— Woody (S. E.) Manifestations of the rheumatic state in childhood. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1895, n. s., iv, 271-2/3. Also: Med. Progress, Louisville, 1895, xi, 257— Zhukovski (V. P.) O revmatizmle u grudnikh dieted trheumatismus articulorum acutus u dvukh mle- s\ achnavo rebyonka). [On rheumatism in nurslings (... in an infant two months old).] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1895, vii, 114-117. Rheumatic f ver and chorea. Juliusberg (Al.) *Infectiose Chorea und ihre Beziehung zur rheumatischen Infection. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. Coltart (\V. II.) Case of acute rheumatism, chorea and cancrum oris supervening; death. Birmingh. M. Rev., I899, xlvi, 92-94. —lie Buck (D.) & Van de Wejjhe (C.) Notes sur un casde choree aigue d'origine rhumatismale. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1*99, ii, 705-710.—De Renzi iK.) Reumatismo e corea. X.riv. clin.-terap., Xapoli, 1907, x, 169-176.—Dickey (A. W.) Acute articular rhumatisra followed bv chorea. Toledo M. Compend, 1890-91, vi, 235-237.—Oault (A. H.) A case of rheumatic fever with chorea. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1904, xxiii, 108— Goldblum (X.) O stosunku plasawicydogoScca. [Relation of chorea to rheumatism] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1900, xxviii, 14; 34.— Habel 1 V.) Rheumatismus, Herzkrankheit und Chorea. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 265. — Jas- trowitz (M.) Acute rheumatische Geistesstorung mit acuter rheumatischer Chorea, nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Natur der choreatischen Bewegungen. Ibid., 1899, xxv, 540; 557. Also: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psvehiat [etc.], Berl., 1899, lvi, 821-839. — Kobrak (E.) Ueber rheumatische Chorea und ihre antirheumatische Therapie. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1903, xxxvi, 28-42. — Lucas (J. J. S.) The relationship of chorea and rheumatism. Bristol M.- Chir. J., 1904, xxii, 239-243.—Jllrcoll (S.) Ueber den pyogenen Lrspninif der Chorea rheumatica und der rheu- matischen Processe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 303-305.—Monteverdi (I.) Polisierosite acuta da in- fezione reumatica associata a corea, embolia cerebrale ed atetosi. Pediatria, Napoli, 1896, iv, 151-161.—O'Sul- livan (P. T.) A case of acute chorea; acute rheuma- tism ami cerebro-spinal meningitis in a girl of Id years; recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1906, n. s., lxxxi, 280—Polito (G.) Reumatismo e corea. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 849-851. — Reissmann (C. H.) Chorea in thecourseof acute rheumatism. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 19i)t, xxiii, 407.—Westphal, Wasser- mann A; IHalkoflF. Ueber den infectiosen charakter und den Zusammenhang von acutem Gelenkrheumatis- mus und Chorea. Berl. klin. Wchnschr,, 1899, xxxvi, 638- 640. — Williams (L.) Nervous diseases of rheumatic origin; chorea. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1902, vi, 235-249. Rheumatic./* />/• and goitre. See Rheumatic fever (Thyroidal relations of). Rheumatic goat. See Gout and rheumatism; Joints (Inflamma- tion of, Chronic, [etc.]); Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatin. See Rheumatic fever (Treatment of). Rheumatism. See Rheumatic affections and its references. Rheumatism {Cerebral). See Rheumatic fever (Complications, etc., of, Cerebral). Rheumatism (Chronic). See, also, Gonorrhoea (Complications of, Ar- ticular); Joints (Inflammation of, Chronic, etc.); RHEUMATISM. 554 RHEUMATISM. Rheumatism (Chronic). Osteo-arthritis; Rheumatism (Tubercular); Rheumatoid arthritis Caldwell (J.J.) Rheumatic diathesis (.dyscrasia), in relation to our pensioned soldiers. N. Am. M. Rev., Kansas City, 1898-9, vi, 1-4.—Cestan (R.) Sur le rhu- matisme chronique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 480-482— < ha u Hard. Du rhumatisme articulaire pro- gressif chronique. Rev. internat. de m6d. et de chir., Par., 1901, xii, 145-147. — Courtois-Suflit & Beau- fume. Sur les rapports de la goutte et du rhumatisme chronique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1905, lxxviii, 927-931.— Duckworth (Sir D.) The nosological position and relations of chronic rheumatic arthritis. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1891, xi, 245-252.— Garrod (A. E.) Chronic rheumatism. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iii, 56-t'>0.—(wltteriiiann (W.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1896, xvii, 259-262.—Goodell (F. W.) Sol- diers' rheumatism. Tr. Nat. Ass. U. S. Pension Exam. Surg., Rochester, 1905, iii, 69-74. — Hamaide. Note clinique, pathog6nique et therapeutique sur quelques formes du rhumatisme chronique. Anjou meTL, Angers, 1906, xiii, 30-32.—His (W.) Der chroniscne Gelenkrheu- matismus. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1904, xi, 269-286.—Kohler. Chronischer Gelenkrheumatismus. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 100-102.—Koenlg (F.) Zur Geschichte des sogenannten chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wien, 1899, n. F., i, 529.— Laneei-e.aux (E.) Le rhumatisme chronique, ses causes, ses symptomes et ses formes. In his: Lee. de clin. med. ... la 1'itie. 8°, Par., 1886-90,250-258. -----. Le rhumatisme chronique; evolu- tion; differents modes de terminaison: lesions anato- miques; diagnostic; indications pronostiques et thera- peutiques. Ibid., 259-266.—Lane (H.) Chronic rheu- matic arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1324.—Leiuoine (G.) A propos d'un casde rhumatisme chronique. Nord med., Lille. 1905, xi, 277-280.—Mark ley (L. R.) Chronic rheumatism. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1903, i, 241-213.— fflunson (B. W.) Articular rheumatism; its complica- tions in the veteran soldier. Proc Connect. M. Soc. Bridgeport, 1891, n. s., iv, 211-215.— Painter ( C. F.) Chronic rheumatism. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvii, 1210-1219. Also: Penn. M. J., Athens, 1905-6, ix, 158-174.— Parhon (C.) & Papinlan (J.) Pathogenie et traite- ment du rhumatisme chronique articulaire. Presse med., Par., 1905, i, 3.—Sacharjin (G. A.) Ueber chro- nischen Rheumatismus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 525-527.—Smith (L. B.) A case of chronic rheumatism. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1901, lxxx, 143.—von Steinbilchel (R.) Chronischer Rheu- matismus und dessen differential-diagnostische, sowie therapeutische Bedeutung in der Gynaekologie. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi.pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 243.—Stockman (R.) The causes, pathology, and treatment of chronic rheumatism. Edinb., M. J., 1904, n. s., xv, 107; 223, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 477-479. -----. Chronic rheu- matism of muscles and joints. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1906, xxxiv, 297-299. — Touehe. Rhumatisme chronique. Bull, etmem. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1901, lxxvi, 329.—Walsh (J. J.) Obstinate subacute rheumatism. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 411.—Weisz (E.) Beobachtungen aus dem Bereiche des chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus. Wien. Klinik, 1896, xxii, 69-92. — Wiehmann ( R. ) Chronischer Gelenkrheumatismus und verwandte Krank- heiten. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1903, 23-27.—Zboray (B.) Az iziiletek idiilt cstizos megbetegedejsei. [Chronic articular rheumatism.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1905, iii, 365-370. Rheumatism (Chronic. Causes and pathology of). See, edso, Rheumatism (Chronic) in children; Rheumatism (Tubercular). Borst (H.) * Recherche sur la molecule uri- naire elaboree rnoyenne et le rapport azotique dans le rhumatisme chronique progressif. 8°. Paris, 1902. Breslauer (L.) *Ist der chronische Gelenk- rheumatismus eine Nerven krankheit? [Wurz- burg.] 8°. Gleiwitz, 1889. Constant (F.) Du rhumatisme articulaire chronique simple ou d'emblee. 8°. Saint- Dizier, 1S99. Dauban (B.) * Contribution a l'etiologie du rhumatisme chronique progressif (poly- arthrite chronique progressive consiVutiv* au rhumatisme scarlatin). 4°. Paris, 1895. Rheumatism (Chronic, Causes and pathology of). Godefroy (M.) * Recherches sur l'elimina- tion du phosphore urinaire dans les cas graves de rhumatisme chronique. S°. Paris, 1903. Wichmann (R.) Der chronische Gelenk- rheumatismus und seine Beziehungen zum Nervensystem nach eigenen Beobachtungen. 8°. Berlin & Leipzig, 1890. ------. The same. 2. durch Nachtrag ver- mehrte Aufl. 8°. Berlin A Leipzig, 1892. Aeehiot£ (P.) Rhumatisme chronique et insuffisance thyroidienne. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1907-8 Iii 58-63. Also: Med. orient., Par., 1907, xi, 641-644.—Barbel Lne observation de rhumatisme chronique post-ourlicn. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1907, lxxviii, 341-350.—Ber- nard (H.) Lne conception pathogenique du rhuma- tisme chronique. Arch. gcSn. de med., Par., 1906, i, 265- 272.—Charrin (A.) Le rhumatisme chronique et l'in- fection. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1894, Par., 1895, xxiii, pt. 2, 828-831.—Froelieh (H.) Lym- phostasis; a rehabilitation of chronic rhumatism. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1894, v, 1-22. Also, Reprint. -----. The relation of chronic rheumatism to the functional neuroses. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1896, vii, 225-231.—Kellogg (J. H.) The etiology and treatment of chronic articular rheumatism. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1901, xxv, 79- 107.—Leopold-Levy & de Rothschild (H.) Con- ception pathog6nique du rhumatisme chronique pro- pressif. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 206- 208—.llassalongo (R.) Contributo allafisio-patologia del reumatismo articolare'cronico; sua origine nervosa Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 2, 159-163.—Regim- beau & Vedel (V.) Rhumatisme chronique fibreux; autopsie. N. Montpel. med., 1892, i, 348; 466— Schiiller (M.) Untersuchungen iiber die Aetiologie der sogen. chronisch-rheumatischen Gelenkentziindungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 805-«68. Rheumatism (Chronic. Complications of). d'Hotel (H.-R.) * Etude clinique sur les troubles trophiques de la peau et de ses depen- dances dans le rhumatisme articulaire chro- nique. 4°. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Dupuy (P.) *Le cceur dans le syndrome; rhumatisme chronique primitif. 8°. Paris, 1904. Peters (H.) Erfolge bei chronischem Rheu- matismus und Tuberculosis pulmonuni. 8°. Leipzig, 1865. Antonelli. Les manifestations oculaires du rhuma- tisme chronique. Cong, franc, de med. 1905, Liege & Par., 1907. viii, v. 2, 11-18.—Bstrie (E.) Le cceur dans le rhu- matisme chronique. Arch. g(jn. de med., Par., 1904, ii, 28*1-2886. Also: Cong, franc, de m<5d. C.-r. 1904, Par., 1905, 122-126.—Bishop (L. F.) Chronic articular rheu- matism; its sequelae. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1900, 10. s., iii, 101.—Chronic rheumatism; exophthalmic goitre. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1901, xxviii, 45 — Lancrreaux (E.) Le rhumatisme chronique; habitus exterieur; coincidences pathologiques, leurs variations selon les ages: migraines, neyralgies, fluxions congestive* et hemorrhagiques, troubles s6cr6toires, dyspepsie, entc§- ritg membraneuse, eruptions diverses; lesions ungu6ales, aponcSvretiques, hernies, varices, arterio-sclerose gtuiera- lisee, etc.; parallele entre le rhumatisme articulaire aigu et le rhumatisme articulaire chronique. In his: Leo. de clin. med., ... la Pitie, 8°, Par., 1886-90, 267-273. -----. Les troubles trophiques des extr£mit6s dans le rhuma- tisme chronique. Ibid., 307-31*. — Lejonne (P.) & Chartier (M.) Nevrite ascendante et rhumatisme chronique. Rev. neurol., Par., 1906, xiv, 873-876.—Le- jonne (P.) & Descomps (P.) NeArite periphcriqiie et rhumatisme chronique. Ibid., 1061-1063. — Lepiiie (J.) Rapports du rhumatisme chronique avec quelques maladies de la moelle. Lyon m eivton (I-) Epidemic muscular rheumatism. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1894, ii, 651.—Norstrom (G.) Chronic m v ositis rheumatica and its treatment bv massage. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1905, lxvii, 365-374.—Partos (S.) A rheu- matikus izomsorvadas es ennek kezelese. [Rheumatic troubles of the muscles and their treatment.] Gy6gyds- zat, Budapest, 1903, xliii. 372-374— Propper (H.) Ueber Myalgia rheumatica mit Berucksichtigung von Sensibili- tatsstorungen an den unteren Extremitaten. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1S99, xiii N45; jtis — Heumatismo musco- lare; fluxion de poitrine; pielite. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1898, v, 110-112.—Kisse ( H.) Polymyositis acuta und acuter Gelenkrheumatismus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl. lv.rr. xxiii. 232-234—Bos- toski (O.) Zur Pathologie des Muskelrheumatismus. Festschr. z. Feier . . . v. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. 1899, 179-184.—Senn (N. i Rheumatic affection of the plantar fascia. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1902-3, xvii, 261— Serullaz. Rhumatisme musculaire aigu au hui- tieme mois de la grossesse rebelle & toute medica- tion; accouchement a terme tres-rapide; mort subite au troisieme jour; reflexions, a propos de ce cas, sur la mort des nouvelles accouchees. J. demed. de Lyon, 1865, iii, 364-378.—Snowman (J.) An address on muscular rheumatism and allied conditions. Med. Mag., Lond., 1906, xv, 278; 354.—Svehla (K.) Pnspevek ku rozpoz- nani hostce svalu mezizebernieh. [On tbe diagnosis of rheumatism of the intercostal muscles.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1905, xliv, 835-837.—Taylor (J. M.) Remarks on muscular rheumatism and allied painful states. Month. Cvcl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1905, xviii, 394; 440.— Thorel (C.) Rheumatische Muskelschwiele. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1899, Wiesb., 1901, vi, (.95-69*.—Underwood (E. C.) Muscular rheumatism; its etiologv and diagnostic relationship with appendicitis. Nat. M. Kev.. Wash., 1899-1900, ix, H33-035. Also: Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1900, vi, 160-164.—Vila Ciibert (T.) Reumatismo muscular agudo. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1899, xxv, 651-658— Villani (G.) Reuma- tismo muscolare e articolare. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1903, xi, no. 11, 4.—Walsh (J. J.) Rheumatism vs. muscular and joint pains. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1903, n. s., exxvi, 284-289.—Zartsin (F. O.) O llechenii mi- shechnavo revmatizma vprGkivaniyami natri jodici. [Treatment of muscular rheumatism by injections of so- dium iodate.] Terapiva, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 206-208.— Zwintz (J.) Ueber Muskelrheumatismus. Wien. med. Wchnschr,, 1906, lvi, 1761-1767. Rheumatism (Nodulai). See Joints (Inflammation of, Chronic and rheumatoid); Rheumatic ferer (Subcutaneous fibrous nodules in); Rheumatic fever (Subcuta- neous fibrous nodules in) in children; Rheuma- toid arthritis (Cennplications of). Rheumatism {Post-infective-). See Gonorrhoea (Complications of, Articular); Rheumatic fever; Rheumatism (Tubercular). Rheumatism {/Spinal). See Spine (Deformities of, Osteo-arthritic). Rheumatism {Syphilitic). See Syphilis (Congenital, Late, Pseudo-rheu- tismal manifestations of). Rheumatism {Tubercular). See, also, Rheumatism (Tubercular) in chil- (XTCTi Aparici (A.-de-P.-J.-M.-B.-I.-de-L.) *Le rhumatisme tuberculeux existe-t-il? Etat de la question. 8°. Bordeaux, 1907. Rheumatism {Tubercular). Astier (L.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux; kystes poplites d'origine tuberculeuse. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Borkeil (J.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux ab- articulaire. Entero-colite d'origine tuberculeuse. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Bouclier (H.) *Rhumatisme tuberculeux, meningopathies inflamniatoires et autres d'ori- gine tuberculeuse. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Chambeu.and (P.) * Rhumatisme tubercu- leux; de la frequence des cardiopathies dans les tuberculoses medicales et dans les tuberculoses chirurgicales. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Chatain (R.) * Emploi de la cryogenine contre le rhumatisme tuberculeux. 8°. Lyon, 1904. (Jubertafon (H.) * Des arthrites tubercu- leuses a forme rhumatismale. 8°. Paris, 1903. Dkz (P.) *Rhumatisme musculaire tuber- culeux. Tuberculose inflammatoire. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Die (L.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux; hydro- cele essentielle, primitive d'origine tuberculeuse. 8°. Lyon, 1903. H(;mann,(F. ) * Rhumatisme articulaire aigu tuberculeux ou pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux articulaire a marche aigue, d'origine bacillaire. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Gaillard (H.) * De la polyarthrite tubercu- leuse a, allures cliniques rhumatismales (pseudo- rhumatisme tuberculeux aigu). 8°. Paris, 1902. Gemaux (H.) *Nouvelles recherches cli- niques et experimentales sur le rhumatisme articulaire aigu tuberculeux ou chez les tuber- culeux. (Diagnosticdifferentiel.) [Lyons.] 8°. Mort, 1902. Lasserre (A.) * Les pseudo-rhumatismes tu- berculeux. Etude critique. 8°. Geneve, 1903. Levet (J.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux. Ar- thrite ankylosante d'origine tuberculeuse. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Mvngenot (H.) * Quelle etait la maladie du conventionnel Couthon? 8°. Lyon, 1905. Max.iot (A.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux; granulie articulaire primitive a forme rhumatis- male. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Marxata (J.) * Tuberculose inflammatoire. Rhumatisme tuberculeux. Complications ocu- laires, auriculaires, periviscerales du rhumatisme tuberculeux ankylosant a, forme spondylo-rhi- zomelique. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Martin (P.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux. Des osteo-arthrites tuberculeuses consecutives a des manifestations articulaires rhumatismales. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Mazot(R.) *Tuberculoseinflammatoire. De la frequence du rhumatisme articulaire tuber- culeux primitif. 8°. Ln/on, 1905. Merson (F.-O.) *Du rhumatisme tuberculeux observe recemmentdans les sanatoria de Leysin. 8°. Li/on, 1903. Michel (V.) *Le rhumatisme tuberculeux dans les tuberculoses cutanees. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Montet (A.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux ankylosant. Spondylose rhizomelique d'ori: gine tuberculeuse. 8°. Lyon, 1904. de Morxv (L.-J.) *Le rhumatisme tubercu- leux au sanatorium d'Hauteville. 8°. Lyon, 1905. Pechine (A.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux primitif; polyarthrites aigues primitives d'ori- gine bacillaire. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Perdrizet (L.-E.) * Retraction de l'apon£- vrose palmaire d'origine tuberculeuse; tubercu- RHEUMATISM. 558 RHEUMATISM. Rheumatism (Tubercular). lose inflammatoire; rhumatisme tuberculeux abarticulaire. 8°. Lyon, 1904. Poncet (A.) & Mailland (M.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux (pseudo-rhumatisme d'origine ba- cillaire). 8°. Petris, 1903. See, also, infra. Polly (R.) * Rapports de la tuberculose avec le rhumatisme chronique deformant. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Raynaud (A.) *Pseudo-rhumatismes infec- tieux et rhumatisme tuberculeux. 8°. Paris, 1904. Schneider (A.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux et pleuresie; frequence du rhumatisme articu- laire tuberculeux chez les pleuretiques. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Schweizer (P. U.) * Polyarthritis tubercu- losa. [Tiibingen.] 8°. Budolstadt, 1906. Tompofolsky (Mile. E.) * Essai sur le rhu- matisme tuberculeux. 8°. Montpellier, 1903. Trebeneau (C.) * Frequence du rhumatisme tuberculeux dans les tuberculoses viscerales et dans les tuberculoses locales. 8°. L^yon, 1902. Valentin (J.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux. Frequence du rhumatisme tuberculeux chro- nique deformant chez les vieillards atteints de tuberculose pulmonaire. 8°. Lynn, 1905. Verdeau(F.-M.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux; cardiopathies inflammatoires d'origine tubercu- leuse. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Alamartine (H.) Le rhumatisme tuberculeux ar- ticulaireet abarticulaire. Rev.demed., Par., 1907,xxvii, 473-501.—Allaire (G.) Osteoarthrite tuberculeuse k 6volution lente; diagnostic par la radiographic. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1902-3, xxi, 46; 53.—Allessandri (G.) Due casi di reumatismo articolare tubercoloso. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 633-635.—Barbier (H.) Le rhumatisme tuberculeux. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 630.—Batut (L.) Du rhu- matisme tuberculeux. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drome feto], Valence & Par., 1904, v, 17.5-185.— Bernard (R.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1901, xcvii, 78- 80.—Beiitter. Rhumatisme tuberculeux. Bull. Soc. nn5d. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1906, v, 341-346. Also: Lyon med., 1906, cvii, 986-990.—Bezan^on (F.) Pseudo-rhuma- tisme tuberculeux. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 651-657.—Boudin (P.) Le rhuma- tisme tuberculeux. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 293.—Bouveyron. Contribution cli- nique k l'6tude du rhumatisme tuberculeux dans les cas de lupus willanique ou de tuberculides. Rev. de chir., Par., 1903, xxiii, 329-337.—Buicliu. Pseudo-reumatism tubcrculos. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1903, xxiii, 457-463.— Bureau (M.) Du rhumatisme tuberculeux. Gaz.m6d. de Nantes, 1905, 2. s., xxiii, 1017-102*.—Carles (J.) Le rhumatisme tuberculeux. J. de mOd. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 99-101.—Chalior (A.) Rhumatisme tubercu- leux articulaire et abarticulaire. Ann. m6d.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1904, iv, 575-578. -----. Rhumatisjne arti- culaire tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1904, cii, 789-795.—de t'isternes (E.) Deux casde pseudo-rhumatisme tuber- culeux gueris par le collargol. Kev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1904, xviii, 34-36.—Col lot. Snr une forme particuliere de rhumatisme tuberculeux avec troubles trophiques et periostites multiples. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 429. — Condray (P.) Polyurthrites tuberculeuses aigues et chroniques (rhumatisme tuberculeux de Pon- cet). Assoc, frang. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par.. 1903, xvi, 841-854.—Courinont (P.) Rhumatisme tubercu- leux de Poncet. Bull. Soc." med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 407-409. Also: Lyon med., 1908, ex, 210-212— Cuq (P.) Du rhumatisme dit tuberculeux et de son traitement. Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1905, vi, 302-304.—Be Faloo (A.) II reumatismo tubercolare. Tommasi, Na- poli, 1907, ii, 169-17-'.—Delore (X.) Pathogenie du rhu- matisme tubereuleux. Lvon m&L, 1903, ei. 343-346.--- Dor(L) Rhumatisme tuberculeux probable avec lo- calisations vert^brales, oculaires et pleurales. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 621.—Dujardin-Beaumetz. Examen critique des traitements du rhumatisme chro- nique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1894, exxvi, 97-109.—Esau (P.) Rheumatismus tuberculosus, Pon- cet. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 390-392—Gal- liard (L.) Pseudo-rhumatisme tuberculeux. Bull.et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 1081- 1084.—Gauthier (P.) Retraction de l'aponevrose pal- maire (maladie de Dupuytren) au cours d'un rhuma- tisme articulaire aigu tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1905, Rheumatism (Tubercular). civ, 576-578. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux primitif; polyarthrites, aigues, g6n6ralisees, pr6curseurs 61oignes d'une tuberculose pulmonaire. Ibid., 713-717. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux articulaire subaigu concomi- tant d'un lupus eLythemateux de la face et du cuir chevelu. Med. mod., Par., 1905, xvi, 113.-----. Rhu- matisme tuberculeux ankylosant; rhumatisme tubercu- leux ankylosant k forme spondylo-rhizom61ique; iritis it repetition de l'ceil droit; synechies anterieures; otitc, chronique, seche, des deux oreilles moyennes, etc. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1905,2. s., vi, 345-352.— tirandclemciit (L.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux ankylosant a tonne spondylo-rhizom61ique; iritis k rt-pcHition de l'ceil droit; synechies posterieures; otite chronique seche des deux oreilles moyennes, etc. Lyon mcM., 1905, civ, 722-726.— Griffon (V.) Ln cas de pseudo-rhumatisme tubercu- leux primitif; 6tude cytoscopique; preuve experimentale. Bull, et mem. Soe. med. d. h6p.de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 657-661.—Kokoris (D.) LTeber Rheumatismus tubercu- losus. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx, 833.—Laiine- longue. Loi qui regit les attitudes et la formation des luxations pathologiques dans les arthrites et osteo- arthrites tuberculeuses. Bull. m6d., Par., 1904, xviii, 953- 956.—Laub. Ein Beitrag zur Frage des akuten tubereu- loscn Rheumatismus. Ztschr. f.Tuberk.u. Heilstattenw., Leipz., 1905, vii, 421-426.—lie Gendro. Le traitement du rhumatisme chronique. J. de med. int., Par., 1907, xi, 35-38. -----. Le traitement des pseudo-rheumatismes infectieux et des rhumatismes chroniques. Rev. g£n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 129-132.— LerU-hc (R.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux, chronique, deformant. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1905, 2. s., vi, 267-274, 1 pl— Mail- land (M.) Du rhumatisme tuberculeux. Presse m6d., Par., 1901, ii, 142-115. Also: Belgique med., Gand-Haar- lem, 1901, ii, 385-400. Also, transl: Rev. mens, de med. [etc.], Madrid, 1902, vii, 97-100. -----. Rhumatisme tu- bereuleux primitif. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 819. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux; polyarthrites et syno- vites chroniques d'origine bacillaire. M6d. mod., Par., 1903, xiv, 107-109. Also: Rev., de med., Par., 1903, xxiii, 7N5-792. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux aigu dans la granulie; arthrites granuliques (granulie articulaire) et arthrites agranuliques (arthrites simplement inflamma- toires). Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 1409-1417. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux et tuberculose inflam- matoire (revue generale des thesessoutenues, depuis dix- huit mois, k la Faculty de m6decine de Lyon sur cette double question). Ibid., 1905, i, 1496-1507.—Maillard (L.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux ou pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux d'origine bacillaire (formes de tuberculose ar- ticulaire simulant divers types de rhumatisme). Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1900, n. s., v, 1045-1052.—Massia (J.) Reumatismo tuberculoso 6 pseudo-reumatismo de origen bacilar. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1901, iii, 1219-1225. — 31auclaire. Les arthrites tuberculeuses d'allure rhumatismale ou rhumato'ides. Bull. mY'd., Par., 1903, xvii, 567-571— Hilian. Le rhumatisme tu- berculeux. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 617-627.—Mohr (H.) Der Gelenkrheu- matismus tuberkulosen Ursprungs. Berl. Klinik, 1904, 197. Hft., 1-27— Molen (W.) Tuberculosis rheumatoides (tuberculosis inflammatorius). Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1905-6, xii, 305-334, 2 pl.— Patel (M.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux ou pseudo-rhu- matisme infectieux d'origine bacillaire (nouvelles obser- vations). Rev. de chir., Par., 1901, xxi, pt. 2, 801-828. -----. Le rhumatisme articulaire aigu tuberculeux ou pseudo-rhumatisme infectieux k marche aigue, d'origine bacillaire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1902, n. s., vii, 109- 111. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux chronique. Ibid., 313. -----. Frequence du rhumatisme tuberculeux dans les tuberculoses viscerales et dans les tuberculoses lo- cales. Ibid., 469. -----. Surun cas de rhumatisme tu- berculeux vertebral aigu. Ibid., 637.—Patel (M.) & Leriche (R.) Rhumatisme articulaire tuberculeux; polyarthrites vertebrales et autres, observees pendant plusieurs annexes; tuberculose pulmonaire en Evolution depuis plus de vingt ans; mort; anatomie pathologique des lesions. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vii, 193- 201. —Patricelli ( V. ) Reumatismo tubercolare. N. riv. clin.-terap., Xapoli, 1904, vii, 337-345. — Perrin (M.i & Blum (P.) Trois cas de rhumatisme tuber- culeux. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r, . . ., 1904-5, 93. Also: Rev. med. de Pest, Nancy, 1905, xxxvii, 505.— Poncet (A.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux ou pseudo- rhumatisme d'origine bacillaire. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3< s., xlvi, 194-203. Also: Echo med. de Lyon, 1901, vi, 321-326. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 817-819. Also: Lvon med., 1901, xcvii, 101-108. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par , 1901, xv, 499-501. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1901, xlvi, 510.-----. Rhu- matisme tuberculeux abarticulaire; localisations visce- rales et autres du rhumatisme tuberculeux. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1902, iii, 169-183. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xlviii, 97-114. ' Also: Echo med. de Lyon, 1902 vii, 225-240. Also: Lyon med., 1902, xcix, 65-82. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1902, xcix, 867. 1903, c, 78: 1904, cii, 797: 1906, cvii, 399; 592. -----. Rhu; RHEUMATISM. 559 RHEUMATOID. Rheumatism (Tubercular). matisme chronique tuberculeux a predominance syno- viale. Lyon med., 1903, c, 421-424. -----. Rhumatisme articulaire tuberculeux. Ibid., 1034-1036. Also: Bull. med., Par., 1904, xviii, 239-241. -----. Rhumatisme tuber- culeux ankv losant. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p.de Par 1903, 3. s., xx, S41-849. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux; polvarthrites et synovites tendineuses aigues d'origine ba- cillaire. Gaz. d.h6p., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 69-71. Also, transl.: Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.]., Palermo, 1903, ii, 60-62. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux; morbus coxte senilis d'origine tuberculeuse. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1903, lxxvi, 1341. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux; kystes du creux poplite de nature tuberculeuse. Ann. med.-chir. du cen- tre, Tours, 1904, iv, 3-7. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux polyarticulaire aigu. Gaz.d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 1460- 1462. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux polyarticulaire subaigu. Lyon med., 1904, cii, 411. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux abarticulaire; retraction de l'aponevrose pal- maire d'origine tuberculeuse. Med. mod., Par., 1904, xv, 57-59.-----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux; autopsie; lesions articulaires, pulmonaires etaortiques. Lvon med., 1906, cvii, 627-630. Also: Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1906! v, 312-317. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux articulaire. Bull, etmem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 304-405.-----. L'histoire du rhumatisme tuberculeux et de la tuberculose inflammatoire. Progres med.,'Par., 1907,3.s.. xxiii, 417-419.-----. Tuberculose inflammatoire a localisations multiples; rhumatisme tuberculeux. Lyon med., 1907, cviii, 995. —Poncet (A.) & lieriohe ("R.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux ankylosant: arthrites plasti- ques; ankyloses osseuses d'origine tuberculeuse. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1904, 3. s., Iii, 250-263. Also: Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 613-626. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1905, xxxi, 1-40.-----------. Anatomie pathologique du rhu- matisme tuberculeux; tuberculose imflammatoire et ses localisationsost£o-articulaires. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1906,3. s.. lv, 364-395. Also: Lvon med., 1906, cvi, 537; 597. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1906, lxxix, 363-369.— Poncet (A. i A Khenter. Ln casde rhumatisme tuber- culeux. Lyon med., 190*, ex, 856.—Reano (M.) Amio- trofia a tipo miopatico nel reumatismo tubercolare. Pro- gresso med., Torino, 1905, iv, 102; 111.—Kevillet. Quel- ques observations de rhumatisme tuberculeux abarticu- laire. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 515-517.—Rivifcre (A.) Rhumatisme articulaire tuber- culeux. Lyon med., 1907, cix, 995.— Rome. Rhuma- tisme tuberculeux; hydrocele e^entielle d'origine tuber- culeuse. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1902. n. s., vii, 1093.-T- Scliweitzer (P.) Ueber Polyarthritis tuberculosa. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst, zu Tubing., Leipz., 1906, v, 432-45U— Soiiques&Cawadias. Note sur les rapports de la tuberculide avec le rhumatisme chronique progressif. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1907, 3. s., xxiv, 610-616—Thevenot (L.) Rhumatisme arti- culaire tuberculeux; rhumatisme tuberculeux primitif; rhumatisme tuberculeux secondaire. Bull. m6d., Par., 1903, xvii, 693-696. -----. Le rhumatisme tuberculeux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1903, 12. s., iii, 425-427. Also: Lvon med., 1903, c, 1036-1038. Also: Rev. internat. de la tuberc, Par., 1904, iii, 11-17. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux ankylosant: la spondylose rhizom61ique d'origine tuber- culeuse. Med. mod., Par., 1903, xiv, 259. -----. Rhuma- tisme tuberculeux ankylosant; trois nouvelles observa- tions de spondylose rhiz'omelique de nature tuberculeuse. Ibid., 1904, xv, 137. -----. Rhumatisme tuberculeux an- kylosant a forme spondvlo-rhizom61ique. Rev .• d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vii, 33-38.— Verhoogen (R.) Le rhuma- tisme tuberculeux n'existe pas. J. m6d. de Brux., 1905, x, 627; 648. Also: Policlin., Brux., 1905, xiv, 294-296. Rheumatism {Tubercular) in eiiildren. ! Axdrieu (H.) * Rhumatisme tuberculeux chez les enfants. 8°. Lyon, 1903. Junes ( E. ) * Contribution a. l'etude des | pseudo-rhumatismes. Essai sur la polyarthrite aigue tuberculeuse benigne. (Rhumatisme ar- ticulaire aigu tuberculeux.) Ses applications a la medecine infantile. 8°. Paris, 1905. Barbier (H.) Deux cas de rhumatisme chronique infantile; int^grite' des os sur l'epreuve radiographique dans un cas; origine tuberculeuse possible dans l'autre. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1903, 3. s., xx, 349.—Barbier (H.) &. Francais (H.) Notesurun cas de rhumatisme chronique ankylosant d'origine tubercu- leuse chez un enfant de sept ans. Tubercul. inf., Par., 1904, vii, 126-141. Also [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1904, 3. s., xxi, 784.—Bentz (V.) Quel- ques observations de rhumatisme tuberculeux chez des enfants. Presse ni.'d., Par., 1903, ii, 682-584.—Kstor (E.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux. P<5diatrie prat., Lille, 1903, i, 16-18.—Karcher iJ.i i linmischer Gelenkrheumatis- mus der Kinder und seine Bezic hungenzur Tuberkulose. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1904, xxxiv, 790-795.— iTIouriquand (G.) Rhumatisme tuberculeux infan- tile; polyarthrites et synovites tendineuses chroniques, d'origine bacillaire, chez une petite fille de dix ans. Gaz. Rheumatism {Tuberculin*) in children. d. h6p., Par., 1904, lxxvii, 69-73.—Patel (M.) Rhuma- tisme tuberculeux chez l'enfant. Ibid., 1902, lxxv, 399 — Weber (F. P.) Still's type of chronic joint disease in children, and the so-called tuberculous rheumatism. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1905, ii, 208-214. Rheumatism (Visceral). See Rheumatic fever (Complications of, Visce- ral). Rheumatoid arthritis [Arthritis de- formans or Rheumatic gout]. See, also, Joints (Lnflammation of, Chronic and rheumatoid). Bannatyne (G.) Rheumatoid arthritis; its pathology, morbid anatomy, and treatment. 8°. Bristol d- London, 1896." ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Bristol, 1898. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Bristol, 1904. Bek (Ye. V.) *K voprosu ob osteoarthritis deformans endemica v zabaikalskol oblasti. [. . . in the Transbaikal region.] 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1906. Also [Abstr.] in: Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 74. Deglos (E. ) * Etude sur le rhumatisme chronique progressif et deformant. (Etiologie, pathogenie, urologie.) 8°. Paris, 1907. Delange (F.-N.-A.) *Du rhumatisme arti- culaire aigu chez le vieillard. 8°. Nancy, 1902. Kachel ( Mally). * Untersuchungen iiber Polyarthritis chronica adhsesiva. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. Jena, 1903. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1903, xxxiii, 327-362. Lecocounier (L.) ^Contribution a l'etude du traitement du rhumatisme noueux. 8°. Paris, 1902. Abrahams (B.) Acute arthritis deformans. Brit. ' M. J., Lond., 1905, ii, 1517.—Affleck (J. O.) Clinical notes on rheumatoid arthritis. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 406-414.—Alexander (D. L.) A case of arthritis deformans in which large doses of arsenic were taken. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 627-629. —Axtell (E. R.) Chronic rheumatic arthritis. N. York M. J., 1896, xliii, 437-440.—Bailey (G. L.) The etiology and treatment of rhumatoid arthritis and allied affections. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1901, n. s., xlvii, 27-30. [Discus- sion], 35-39.—Barjon (F.) Du syndrome rhumatismal chronique deformant. Echo m7. viii, v. 2. 1-5.—li wart (W.) A case of rheumatoid anhritis. Polyclin.. Lond., 1903, vii, 234-236.—Feiss (H. O.) The rheumatoid diseases. Cleveland M. J , 1901. iii, 494-498.—Fox (R. F.) The varieties of rheumatoid orosteo-arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 79-84. Also, Reprint. Also: Ahl2. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 19ip7 xlviii. 1586-1589—Horn i.M.) Rheumatismus no- ilo-u-. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 101.— Jackomi i II. i Chronic joint disease. Boston M. A S. J., 1904, —170. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto. 1906-7. xl. s6.v-si —Jialim (J. YV.) Some associations of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1903, i, 367.— Tlarie. Les rhumatismes deformants. Tribune med., Par., 1895, 2. s.. xxvii. 27-30.— Jleiiii'el (S. P.) Arthritis deformans. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. Wilkesbarre, 1904, xii, 95-101.— Merrills (E. M. i The patholotrv and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. N.York M. J." [etc.], 1903. lxxviii, 541-545.—UlurrelI (YV.) Rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Brief, St. Louis. 1907, xxxv, 243-218.—Mathan (P. W.) The classification of the cases heretofore called rheumatoid arthritis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & X. Y., 1906, n. s., exxxi. 55-71. — Neil (D. R.) Rheumatoid arthritis. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville. 1904, lxxi, 323-32$.— Neumann. Arthriti- deformans, ob Unfallfolge? Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 210.—Norton ( R.) Arthritis deformans. Tr. M. Soc Dist. Coluinb. 1*9*. Wash.. 1899, iii, 11-15. Also: Nat. M. Rev., Wa-h.. l*9*-9, viii, 27-31.— Peekham (F. E.) Rheumatoid disease as seen in Providence. Providence M. J., 1905, vi. 16.5-168, 2pl.—Pepper (YV.) Rheumatoid arthritis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., iii, .vs.— Perry (S. H.) The treatmentof rheumatoid arthritis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1904, lv, 160-164. -----. On the grroup classed as rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 597-603. —Plicque (A.-F.) Le rhumatisme chronique deformant; son pronostic, son traitement. Presse med., Par., 1900, i, 175.— Poynton (F. J.) A caseof chronic rheumatic arthritis. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1902-3, xxvi, S49-3.VL—Reese (E. F.) Arthritis deformans, with report of case. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1904-5, ix,2Js-230.—Ricliard- son F. L.) A clinical report of 75 cases of arthritis de- formans (chronic, non-tubercular arthritis). Div. Surg. M. Sch. Harv. Lniv.. Bost., 1904-5, Bull. No. iv. 24-42, 6 pl. on 3 1. Also: Boston M. & s. J., 1905, clii, 263-269, 2 pl. Rheumatoid arthritis [Arthritis de- formans or Rheumatic gout]. on 11. Also, Reprint.—Kobin (A.) La polyarthrite de- formante (rhumatisme noueux). Rev. gen. de clin. etde therap., Par., 1907, xxi, 281-283. -----. Traitement du rhumatisme noueux. Med. mod., Par., 1907, xviii, 315._ Runeberg (J. YV.) Arthritis deformans. Finska lak.- sallsk. handl., Helsinsrfors. 1904, xlvi. pt. 2, 221-223.— Kyorson (E. YV.) Arthritis deformans. Illinois M J Sprinsrtield. 1906, x, 578-5.M.—N«-hut kelt. Leber chn> nisehe Rheiimarthritis. Aer/.tl. Prakt.. Hamb., 1*95. viii, 449-457.—Shoemaker (J. \.\ Arthritis deformans' Med. Bull.. Phila., 1904, xxvi, 1-5. -----. Forms of ar- ticular di-ease: rheumatoid arthritis. Ibid., 19i>5. xxvii, 81-84. -----. Arthritis deformans. Ibiei., 1906. xxviiij 92-96—Sikes i.A. W.) Arthritis deformans. Internat' Therap.. N. Y., 1906, ii, 169-173— Sobemheiiii (YV.) Leber Maretinanwendung bei Polyarthritis rheumatica. Deutsche med. YVchnschr., Leipz! u. Berl., 1905, xxxij 5>s-5;iii.—Spender (J. K.) A: Garrod (A. E.) Rheu- matoid arthritis. Sy-t. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iii, 73-102.—Stewart i .1.1 Clinical lecture on two cases of multiple arthritis deformans. Montreal M.J., 1*95-6. xxiv. 0*6-093.—Stirling iK. A.) Rheumatoid arthritis. Intercolon. M. J. Australas.. Melbourne. 1*99 iv, 217, 1 pl.—Stranaeways (T. S. P.) A: ^It-Call (Eva). A resume of some of the more important litera- ture on the etiology and symptoms of rheumatoid arthri- tis. Bull. Com. Study Spec. Di*., Cambridge, 1905-7, i, 4- 21 —Strobell ic. YY'.) Deforming chronic rheumatic arthritis. Tr. Y'ermont M. Soc. 1904, Rutland, 1905,116- 126, 3 i>l. Al--o: Y'ermont M. Month., Burlington, 1905, xi 203-213. 3 pl. on 2 L—Swan (J. M.) A case of ar- thritis deformans. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila , 1896-7, ix, 507- 512. 2 pl.—Symes (J. O.) A clinical lecture on chronic rheumati*m and rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1906, n. s.. lxxxii, 83-85.—Teissier (J.) Sur le rhumatismeeoutteux. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1*97, Par.. 1*9*. xxvi, pt. 2, 7*u-7*5.—Van Wart (R. M.) Arthriti* deformans. X. Orl. M. A S. J., 1903-4, lvii, 155-163. Also.- Proc. Orleans I'arisli M.Soc. 1904, X. Orl., 1905, 95-103 —Walkhoff. Leber Arthritis deformans. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1905, Jena, 1906, 229-232.—Walsh (J. J A Arthritis deformans. J. Am. M. A**., Chicago, 1904, xliii, I03J-I1131. [Discus- sion], 1038. —Webster (H. T. i Arthritis deformans. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1907, lxvii. 612-016—Weichsel- baum (A.) Die senilen Veranderungen der Geleiike und deren Zusammenhang mit der Arthritis deformans. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. Ci., YVien, 1877; lxxv, 193-243, 4 pl.—Weiss (E.) Zur Symp- tomatologie und Therapie des Gelenkrheumatismus. YVien. med. Presse. 1906, xlvii, 1633; 1681.—Weisz ( K.l /.or Frasre der Arthritis deformans. Deutsche Med.-£:•,'., Berl.. 1*97, xviii. 433-438. -----. Az arthritis dcfonii.-.ns kerde*. he/. [< >n . . . ] Budapesti orv. ujs&g, 1905, iii, 411— Whiphain CT. R.) A case of osteo-arthritis. Rep. Soc. Study Di*. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 1-5.— White (W. II i A caseof acute rheumatoid arthritis. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, xxxviii, 110-115, 2 pl., 2 1. Rheumatoid arthritis (Causes and pa the/logy of). Cazal (G.) *De l'etiologie du rhumatisme chronique deformant des extremites ii la Salpe- triere. S°. Paris, !8\)7. Crevecckcr (C.) * Considerations generates sur la pathogenie du rhumatisme articulaire chronique. 4°. Paris, 1890. Delarrat (G.) *Le rhumatisme articulaire chronique deformant dans ses rapports avec le rhumatisme articulaire aigu. 4°. Paris, 1896. Kremer (0.) *Die Pathogenese der arthriti- schen Amyotrophien. 83. Greifsivald, 1902. Zelch (YV.) * Ueber das Verhalten der Xieren bei Polyarthritis, besonders bei Salicyl- behandlung. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Abrahams (B.) Arthritis deformans and its allies. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1904-5, xxxviii, 116-121.—Andrews (C. R.) & Hoke (M.) A preliminary report on the relation of albuminous putrefaction in the intestines to arthritis deformans (rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-ar- thritis); its influence upon treatment. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1907-S. v. 61-72.—Armstrong (YV.) On utero-ovarian irritation as a factor in the causation of rheumatoid arthritis, with suggestions for its treatment Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lx. 655-057. Alto: Brit. Gynsec. J.. Lond.. 1895-6. xi. 496-506.-Baiuial> ne (G. A.) The bacterial origin of rheumatoid anhrt.-. Med. Times & Hosp. (iaz.. Lond.. 1*97. xxv. 206.—Ban- natyne (G. A). Wohlinaiui A. S. A: Blaxall I R.) Rheumatoid arthritis; its clinical l.Mory, etiology, RHEUMATOID. 561 RHEUMATOID. Rheumatoid arthritis {Causes and pathology of). and pathology, with a report on its bacteriology. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i* 1120-1125, 1 pl.—Brngnola (A.) Sulla presenza di acido urico nel liquido endo-articolare di in- fermi affetti da poliartrite reumatica acuta. Policlin., Roma, 1903, x, sea. med., 275-280— Bullmore (11. H.) & Waterhouse (R.) The blood in rheumatoid ar- thritis. Edinb. M. J., 1907, n. s., xxi, 523-526.—Coats (J.) Specimens of femurs and patellas in chronic rheu- matic arthritis. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1893-5, v, 99.—Oeeherd (H. B.) Etiology of arthritis deformans. Oklahoma M. News-Jour., 1903, xi, 281-286.—Durand.- Fardel. L'arthrite noueuse et sa pathogenie. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1881), 1882, xvi, 23-29.—Ildsail (D. L.) & Lavenson t R. S.) Concerning the nature of certain eases of chronic polyarthritis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1903, n. s., exxvi, 991-1004.—Krving (YV. G.) On the condition of thebloodin rheumatoid arthri- tis and osteoarthritis. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 440.— Folli (A.) Contributo all' anatomia patologica ed alia patogenesi del reumatismo poliartieolare cronico. Po- liclin., Roma, 1893-4, i, M., 545-563.—Ci ask (G. E.) Bac- teriological examination of a case of "acute rheumatoid arthritis". Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1902-3, liv, 319.— Goldtliwait (J. E.) The differential diagnosis and treatment of the so-called rheumatoid diseases. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1904, xv, 251. [Discussion], 256.— Ooldthwait (J. E.), Painter (C. F.) & Os- good (R. B.) The preliminary report of a series of metabolism observations made in atrophic ar- thritis, hypertrophic arthritis, osteitis deformans and the normal. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 517; 590.— Hawthorne (CO.) The relationship of acute rheu- matism to chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Clin. J., Lond., 1901, xviii, 46-48.—Jones (K. L.) Rheumatoid arthritis as a cerebro-spinal toxa-mia. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n.s.,xiii, 25-36. -----. Some etiological factors of rheumatoid ar- thritis. Clin. J., Lond., 1903, xxii, 126-128. -----. The relationship of rheumatoid arthritis to chronic toxtemias. Practitioner, Lond., 1905. lxxv, 27-36. Also: Internat. Therap., N. Y., 1905, i,25*-260.—King (J. H.) A study of the metabolism in a case of so-called arthritis deformans. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 274-280 — Klippel. Sur une variete de rhumatisme deformant des mains et sur l'intervention du systeme nerveux dans les arthropathies de ce genre. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1897, ii, 385-393.—Lane (YV. A.) The causation and pa- thology of the so-called disease rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatic gout, and of senile changes. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1*85-6, xxxvii, 387-447. Also, Reprint.—Leavitt (B.C.) Osteo-and rheumatoid arthritis. Colorado Med., Denver, 1903-4, i, 67-75.—Luff( A. P.) [etal.]. Discission on rheumatoid arthritis and the morbid conditions which simulate it, with especial reference to pathologv and treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 1143-114*.—>la<- alister. Rheumatoid arthritis and its relations to some I other diseases. [Abstr] Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1904, xxiv, 66-73.— JleCrae iT.) The pathology and etiology of arthritis deforman-. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1027-1 u32. [Di-cussicn], 1038.—Mayer (M.) Frag- liche Lauer des Be*tcheiis einer Arthritis deformans traumatica. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Zt^., Berl., 1898, iv, 395.— Mil rdoeh (F. H.) The state of the gastric secretions in chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Xews, N. Y., 1901, lxxix, 166-168.—Nieholson (O. YV.) The morbid histology of some eases of rheumatoid arthri- tis. Bull. Com. study spec, dis., Cambridge, 1905-7, i, 103- 114,2 pl — Nicola (C.C.) Arthritis deformans and a comparison of joint inflammations. Mod. Med., Battle Creek, Mich., 1906, xv, 1-11.—Painter (C. F.) Patho- logical lesions in rheumatoid arthritis. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1901, xiv, 240-256. Also, Reprint. -----. The pathological lesions of the so-called rheumatoid dis- eases. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1904, xv, 252- 256.—Peju (G.) Suruneoriginedysthyro'idiennedurhu- matismechronique deformant. Loirem^d.,St.-Etienne, 1908, xxvii, 459-469.—PighinI (G.) Contribuzione alia anatomia patologica delle amiotrofie di origine articolare. Rendic d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1902, iii, 229-234.— Rimann(IL) Pathologisch-anatomische und atiolo- gische Beitriige zur Arthritis deformans. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zuBerl. Feier . . . Johannes Orth, Berl., 1906, 139- 159,1 pl.—Stewart (J.) Introduction to the discussion on the relation of rheumatoid arthritis to diseases of the nervous system, tuberculosis, and rheumatism. Mon- treal M. J., 1897-8, xxvi, 525-539.—Strange ways (T. S. P.) A study of joints from cases of rheumatoid arthritis and chronic gout by means of skiagrams, and dissection of the affected parts Bull. Com. Study spec, dis., Cam- bridge, 190-5-7, i, 87-102, 8 pl.—Strange ways (T.S. P.) & Burt (J. B.) A report on some points in the etiology and onset of 200 cases of so-called rheumatoid arthritis. Ibid., 1905-7, i, 55-78.—Touche. Quelques reflexions surla nature du rhumatisme chronique deformant. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours, 1903, iii, 73.—Uhlenhuth. | Ueber einen Fall von Arthritis deformans mit einer eigen- thumlichen Rothfarbung der Endphalangen der Finger. I vol xiv, 2d series---36 Rheumatoid arthritis (Causes and pathology of). Charite-Ann., Berl., 1898, xxiii, 806-809.—Waterhouse (R.) The superficial lymph glands in rheumatoid arthri- tis. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1908, xliii, 107-113.— Watson (C.) Chronic arthritis; a critical resume' of re- cent views on the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis, rheumatic gout, arthritis deformans, etc Edinb. M. J., 1908, n. s., xxiii,37-42,1 pl.—White (YV. H.) On the pathology of acute rheumatoid arthritis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1902, lvii, 9-28, 6 pl., 1 diag. — Wis- Iia rt (J.) A link between rheumatoid arthritis and jaun- dice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 252.—Wollenberg (G. A.) Pathologisch-anatomische Beitrage zur Lehre des chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus und der Arthritis de- formans. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 543. [Discussion], 571. Rheumatoid arthritis (Complications of). Malecot (L.) *De la degenerescence amy- loi'de dans le rhumatisme chronique deformant. 8°. Paris, 1903. Schmidt (G. A.) * Ueber einen Fall von Ar- thritis deformans des Schultergelenks mit chro- nischem Hydrops. 8°. Munchen, 1903. Steuernthal (H.) *Periostale und endo- stale Knorpel- und Knochenneubildung bei Ar- thritis deformans. [Freiburg i. Br.] 8°. El- berfeld, 1905. Abrahams (B.) Arthritis deformans and its allies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 873-875.—Aehard (C.) & Bi- bot (A.) Rhumatisme deformant du coni oppose ix, l'hemiplegie. Rev. neurol., Par., 1906, xiv, 194-196.— Bannatyne (G. A.) Pericarditis in rheumatoid ar- thritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1878, i, 138.— Castellino (P. F.) Poliartrite pregressa; insufficienza mitralica; scom- penso; ipertensione del piccolo circolo e dell' arteria pol- monare; dilatazione ed ipertrofia del ventricolo destro. Tommasi, Napoli,1905-6, i, 396.—Dulou r (H.) Deforma- tion et gonflement articulaire dans le rhumatisme chro- nique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897,lxxii,352.—Bshner (A. A.) A fatal case of polyarthritis complicated by cho- reiform symptoms and vegetative endocarditis. Proc. Path. Soc, Phila., 1902-3, n. s., vi, 95-98. Also: Phila. Hosp. Rep. (1902), 1903, v, 69-71. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxii, 253. Also, Reprint. —Findlay (J. W.) Multiple subcutaneous nodules of fibroid character and leucoderma in a case of rheumatoid arthritis. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1902-3, ix, 138-143. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1903, lx, 48-53.—Harrass (P.) Ueber die Hau- figkeit der Komplikationen der Polyarthritis rheumatica acuta, insbesondere derer von Seiten des Herzens. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 1551-1554.—Hewland (G. V.) Deformity of the hands in chronic rheumatic arthritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 90S—Hine (H. F.) Localized neuritis in rheumatoid arthritis. Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond., 1903, vii, 249.—Jones (R. L.) Vaso- motor and ocular phenomena in relation to rheumatoid arthritis. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1902, xx, 328-332. — Jul- liard i<\) Sur la frequence et la situation des lesions dans l'arthrite deformante (au dcibut). Arch, de m6d. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1908, xx, 438-452.—Lane (H.) The neuroses in chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 295.—Lawless (J. T.) Chronic articular rheumatism and resulting an- chylosis. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1895, viii, 36-40.—Le- pine (J.) Meningite spinale et syndromes radiculaires dans le rhumatisme chronique [deformant progressif], Lyonmed., 1906, cvii, 342-317. -----. Considerations pa- thogeniques sur les accidents nerveux du rhumatisme chronique. Ibid., 681-687.—lUayet. Note sur les lesions et troubles fonctionnels des centres spinaux c6r6braux dans le rhumatisme chrouicnie dciformant. Ibid., 1097- 1100.—Perrin (M.) & Parisot (J.) Lesions osseusesau cours du rhumatisme chronique deformant polyarticu- laire. Soc.demcid.deNancy. C.-r. . ..,1905-6,pt.2,136-138, Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1906, xxxviii, 587-589.— Pitres (A.) & Carriere (G.) Nouveaux faits relatifs a l'etude des nevrites peripheriques dans leurs rapports avec le rhumatisme chronique deformant. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1898, vii, 408-424.—Potain. Des defor- mations du rhumatisme chronique osseux. Semaine m^d., Par., 1896, xvi, 445. Also, transl.: Med. Week, Par., 1896, iv, 602-604. Also, transl: Med.-chir. Centralbl., VVien, 1896, xxxi, 645; 661.— Roncagliolo (E.) Le condizioni del cuore nel reumatismo cronico deformante. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1901, Roma, 1902, 259-261.— Spender (J. K.) On some of the rarer complications of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J.,. Lond., 1892, i, 905- 907. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 974. — Wein- berger (M.) [Ankylosierende Arthritis deformans und diffuse Sklerodermic] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in YVien, 1904, iii, 184-186. RIIEUM ATOID. 562 RHEU M ATOID. Rheumatoid arthritis {Diagnosis and Semeie>loe/y of). Balao-Ventura (A.) Di un caso non comune di artrite deformante. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1903, xxxix, 464; 495.—Baldwin (H.) On the presence of organic acid in the urine in cases of rheumatoid ar- thritis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1904, n. s., cxxviii, 1038-1048.—Bannatyne (G. A.) The anaemia of rheu- matoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1510-1512 — BartheJemy (M.) Considerations sur les arthrites chroniques et en particulier le rhumatisme noueux, k propos d'un cas de polyarthrite deformante progressive. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1905, xxxvii, 689; 719: 1906, xxxviii, 15; 170.—Beaumont (YV. M.) A note on the eye symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis, with especial reference to the field of vision. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 308-318. Also [AbstrJ; Lancet, Lond., 1904, i, 367.—Bowker (G. E.) & Lind- say (J. The skiagraphy of rheumatoid arthritis. Edinb. M. J.; 1907, n. s., xxii, 317-320, 2 pl.—Childs (S. B.) The X-ray as a valuable aid in the diagnosis of osteo-arthritis. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1906, xii, 435-438.—Goldth wait (J. E.) The differential diagnosis and treatment of the so-called rheumatoid diseases. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cli, 529-534, 4pl. on 2 L— Griffiths (C. T.) Some neural phenomena of rheumatoid arthritis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1893, xxxiii, 266-271.—ITIallm (J. YV.) A case of rheuma- toid arthritis, with Ravnaud's and Graves's symptoms. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903* i, 666. -----. Reflexes; their re- lation to diagnosis in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 133.—Merrins (E. M.) .Etiological sig- nificance of Heberden's nodes. N.York M.J.,1903, lxxvii, 271-277.— Nathan (P. W.) The differential diagnosis of the cliseases hitherto grouped together as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic rheumatism, arthritis deformans, etc. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1906, n. s., cxxxii, 857-873.— Pages. Rhumatisme chronique deformant et ankylo- sant; diagnostic 6tiologique. Montpel. m6d., 1905, xxi, 87-95.—Painter (C. F.) Types of rheumatoid disease. Boston M. &S. J., 1904, cli, 538.—Khiimatisiiienoueux. Ann. d'eiectrother., Brux., 1902, i, 47.—Schmidt. [Fall von deformierender progressiver Arthritis mit vasomoto- rischen Phiinomenen.] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904, iii, 213-215.— Spender (J. K.) On Heberden's nodes as a sign of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 1332.—"Wick (L.) Ueber den Heberdenschen Knoten (polyartikuliire Arthritis de- formans). Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1908, vii, 20-23. Rheumatoid arthritis {Spinal). See Spine (Deformities of, Arthritic or rheu- meitic). Rheumatoid arthritis {Tabetic form of). See Ataxia (Locomotor, Complications, etc., of); Joints (Neuroses of). Rheumatoid arthritis {Treatment of). Liebert (G.) * De 1' emploi des courants con- tinus dans le traitement du rhumatisme chro- nique deformant. 8°. Paris, 1906. Anders (J. M.), Daland (J.) & Pfahler (G. F.) The treatment of arthritis deformans with the Roentgen rays. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1512-1514.— Bosanyi (B.) Zur Behandlung der Polyarthritis rheu- mat. acuta. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 289; 334. -----. A polyarthritis acuta rheumatica lefolyasanak m6dosulasai. [Modifications of the course of .. .]' Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 298.—Buckley (C. YV.) The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Mag., Lond., 1907, xvi, 387-393.—Carles (J.) Arthrite chronique avec semi-ankylose trainee avec sncccs par la mcithode de Bier. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 511.— Clemens (J. R.) The treatmentof rheumatoid arthri- tis, with especial reference to the specific action of ferrous iodide. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1902, 3. s., xviii, 798.—D. (L.) Traitement des arthrites chroniques. Rev. med. de Louvain, 1904, n. s., i, 317-319.—Da- vies (YV. B.) The Spa treatment of arthritis defor- mans. [Presidentialaddress.] Med. Press& Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxviii, 513. Also: J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1905, ix, 1-4.—Eccles (A. S.) The treatment of chronic rheumatic arthritis. Practitioner, Lond., 1891, xlvii, 112- lls.—Ewart (YYT.) Interrupted circulation as a thera- peutic agent, illustrated in two cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 442-444. -----. Inter- rupted circulation as a therapeutic agent, with illustra- tive cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1906, lxxxix, 157-182. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 213- 216.—Frazer (F. M.) An inquiry into the treatment of rheumatic arthritis. J. Electrother., N. Y., 1897, xv, 72- 76.—Gamlen (H. E.) High frequency currents in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Lniv. Durham Coll. Rheumatoid arthritis (Treatment ef), Med. Gaz., Newcastle. 1903-4, iv, 4-7. Also: Med. i-:iuc- trol. A: Radiol. Lond. I'.HU. v,4s-56.—Hartiiiau (J.CM.) Diaetetischc en phy^is,!,,. behandeling van arthritis de- formans. Tijdschr. v. phys. therap. en hyg., Amst., 1906 33-40.— Holla (A.) Die Polyarthritis chronica progres- siva primitiva destruens (fiilschlich chronischer Gelenk- rheumatismus) und ihre Behandlung. Therap. Rund- schau, Halle a. S., 1908, ii, 1; 22.—Jewett (H. S.) Notes on the use of the continuous current in arthritis defor- mans, or rheumatic arthritis. Times & Reg., Phila & Bost., 1896, xxxii, 250-254.—Jones (R. L.) Types of rheumatoid arthritis, with suggestions as to thyroid treat- ment. Edinb. M. J., 1904, n. s., xv, 425-433.—Kali lo (G. D.) Arthritis deformans and- chronic articular rheu- matism; their treatment. Indiana M.J., Indianap., 1906- 7, xxv, 131-141.—Kolipinski (L.) Arthritis deformans and its treatment. Med. News, N» Y., 1904, lxxxv, 444- 446. Also, Reprint. -----. On pyroligneous acid and its internal use in arthritis deformans. Month. Cvcl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, x, 290-299. Also, Reprint.—Loeke (E. A.) & Osgood (R. B.) The treatment of non-tuber- culous chronic arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 388-393—Luff" (A. P.) Rheumatoid arthritis, and its treatment. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxv, 16-26.— .Ilidelton (YV. J.) The treatment of rheumatoid ar- thritis. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 895.—N. Observation d'un cas de polyarthrite deformante; son traitement par le colchi-salct lebe4ul-ol. Rev.dePharmacol.m6d.,Par.,1907, v, no. 49, 9-12.—Orr i J.) Rheumatoid arthritis; some ob- servations on its treatment. Practitioner, Lond., 1905, lxxiv, 211-216.—Peekham (F. E.) The treatment of some types of rheumatoid disease by means of physical therapeutics (electric-light baths, etc.). Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1908, v, 405-412.—Bhein (J. H. YV.) The treatment of arthritis deformans. Therap. Gaz. [etc.], Detroit, 1907, 3. s., xxiii, 159-162. Also, Reprint,—Sal- feld ( B. ) Zur Behandlung chronischer Arthritiden mittels Fibrolysin. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1906, xx, 601-604. — Santini (A.) Intraartikuliire Injektionen von Natrium salicylicum bei Polyarthritis. Berl. klin.- therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 919-927. Also: YVien. klin.- therap. Wchnschr., 1904, 919-927.—Sharp (MargaretM.) A case of osteo-arthritis treated with X-ravs. Arch. Roentg.-Ray, Lond., 1907, xii, 65-67. —Short (J. L.) Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Texas M. News, Austin, 1904-5, xiv, 141-144. — Skinner (C. E. ) The treatmentof arthritis deformans. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xliii, 1034-1039. Also, Reprint.—Smithies (F.) A case of arthritis deformans treated by Bier's passive hy- peremia. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1907, xxix, 209-213.—Snow (YV. B.) The electrostatic treat- ment of rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Electrol, & Radiol., Lond., 1903, iv, 143-149. -----. The treatment of rheuma- toid arthritis andallied conditions of the joints. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1906, vi, 356-360.—Thielle. Arthrites chroniques trainees par l'eiectrolyse lithincie. Bull. off. Soc. franc- d'eiectrother., Par., 1904, xi, 174. Also: Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1904, vii, 77— Thiroux (H.) Traitement de la polyarthrite deformante progressive (rhumatisme chronique progressif; pseudo-rhumatisme noueux) par les boues thermalesde Saint- Amand (Nord). Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1904, xv,19-29— Wake- field (A. YV.) The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by Bier's method of passive congestion. Bull. Com. study spec, dis., Cambridge, 1905-7, i, 79-86.—Weisz (E.) Az arthritis deformans kezeles6r61. [ Treatment of . . .1 Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 251.—Wetterer (J.) Ein radiotherapeutischer Versuch bei einem Falle von Arthritis deformans. Arch. f. phvs. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1907, ii, 210-215.— Winckler (A.) Ueber den deformierenden chronischen Gelenkrheumatismus (Ar- thritis deformans) und die Nenndorfer Kur. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1906-7, x, 709-722. Rheumatoid arthritis (Treatment of Operative). Bergeb ( F. ) * Ueber die Kesultate der Gelenkresectionen bei Arthritis deformans. [Bonn.] 8°. Koln, 1901. Vkerman (J. H.) Om den operativa behandlingen af arthritis deformans. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1898,n. f.,ix, 4. hft, no. 18, 1-38.—Albee (F. H.) Ar- thritis deformans of the hip; a preliminary report of a new operation. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1908, 1, 1977- 1980.—Balas (D.) Ein operirter, mit vollstiindiger Contractur der unteren Extremitaten einhergehender Fall von Polyarthritis ossificans. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1905, xli, 776.—Eiter (J.) YVeitere Beitrage zur chirurgischen Behandlung der Arthritis deformans, insbesondere der kleineren Gelenke. Deutsche Ztschr., f. Chir., Leipz., 1902-3, lxvi, 387-398.—Gessner (H. B.) The surgerv of arthritis deformans. N. Orl. M. & S.J., 1903-4, lvii, 165-169. Also: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1904, xi, 470-473. Also: Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1904, N. Orl., 1905, 105-111.—Griffiths (C. T.) On rheumatoid arthritis, especially from a surgical standpoint. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc 1897-8, Bristol, 1899, iii, 57-66. RHEUMATOID. 563 RHEYDT. Rheumatoid arthritis in child/'en [Still"S disease]. See, also, Joints [Diseases, etc., of) in children. Castagnoni. * Rhumatisme articulaire aigu avec arthropathies et deformations articulaires consecutives chez un enfant du premier age. 8°. Moutpellier, 1904. Cery (el iC.) A- shervin- skavo, 1904, 433-lls.—Kassel (C.) Die Na^enheilkmide des Hieronvmus Fabrieiu- aus Aquapciidente. Tunis Harlem, 1906, xi, 16; 69. — Klllian. Rhino-iant.'.ine destined, l'enseiernement clinique. Presse oto-laryngol. beige, Brux., 1903, ii. 511-520. -----. Die Grundlagen dei modernen Rhino-Larvngologfe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1502-1507. — Kubo il.) Zur Geschichte der alten Rhinologie in Japan. Arch. f. Larvngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1906, xix, 144-153. — Lfivy (B.) Rhinologisehe Mittheilungen (mit Demonstration). Verhandl. d. la- rvinrol. Gesellsch. zu Berl. (1900), 1901, xi, pt. 2. 19-27. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 695-697.— liiiwe (L.) Desirs rhinologiques. Rev. hebd. de laryn- gol. [etc.]. Par.. 1907, i, .545-551. — Navratll ib) Az Or- vosi Hetilapszorepeazorr- esge^etiikrcszet.feilodeseben. [The part of the Orvosi Hetilap in the developmentof rhinoscopyand laryngoscopy.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1906, 1, 44. — Onodi i,A.) Az orr-6s gegegy6gyaszataz orvostudomfinvban. [Rhinology and laryngology in medicine.] Budapesti orv. ujsag., 1904, ii, 137-139.—Os- tino((..-| Note eel appunti di rinologin. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1*99, 1, 221: 241. -Pynelioii < E.) The rhinolo- gical corner. Med. standard. Chicago, 1901. xxiv. 54*- 551. Also, Reprint —K. Over catarrhalc aandoenineen van de neus-en neuskeelholte. Tiidschr.v. inland. Oe- neesk., Batavia, 1896. iv. 33: 53; 65; *7: lv.i7. v. 43— Ran- kin (D. N.) Some remarks on the hi-torv of rhinology. Tr. ix. Internat. M. Cons..Wash.,18^7, iv, b'.-lv—Kliino- laryniiolonisehe Ausstellungim Kaiserin-Friedrich- Hause/.u Berlin. Berl. klin.YY'chnschr., 1906, xliii, 1552.— Schaeft'er (Ml Rhinologisehe Mittheilungen. Mo- natschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., l*si;, xx, 343-345. Also, Re- print.— Seinon (S/rF.) An address delivered at the opening of the section of larvngologv and rhinology. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1**8. ii. 359-361. Also, Reprint. -----. An address on the relations of laryngology and rhinology to general practice. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 859-802.— Von Klein (C. H.) Rhinology in the past and of the future. J. Am. M. Ass, Chicago, 1**6, vii, 673-677. Also, Reprint.-----. Address on rhinology; the president's addre-s before the American Rhinological Association. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi, 405-408. Also, Reprint.— YulpiiiK tYV.) Zur rhinologischen Casuistik. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., YViesb,. 1*95, xxviii, 55-58. Rhiiiometry. See Nose (Exploration of). Rhinomiosis. See Nose (Deformitiesof, Treatment of, Opera- tive); Nose (Hypertrophy of); Nose (Inflamma- tion of', Hypertrophic, Treatment if); Nose (Sur- gery of, Plastic). Rhino-pharyngitis. See Naso-pharynx (Inflammation of). RHINOPHARYNGITIS. 565 RHINOPHYMA. Rhino-pharyngitis mutilans [Oan- aosa]. Branch (C. W.) Rhino-pharyngitis mutilans. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1906, ix, 156.—Fordyee (J. A.) Gan- gosa an unusual form of tropical ulceration involving thenaso-pharvnx. Proc. N. York Path.Soc, 1906-7, n. s., vi 151-158—er (A. J.) A preliminary report on gangosa and allied diseases in Guam. C. States Nav. M. Bull., YVash., 1908, ii, 1-14, 9 pl., 1 ch.—Leys (J. F.) Tropical gangrene in Guam. J. Am.M.Ass..Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1225. -----. Rhino-pharyngitis mutilans (destine tive'ulcerous rhino-pharyngitis); a problem in tropical pathology. J. Trop. Med., Lond., 1906, ix, 47-51. Also, Reprint -----. Rhino-pharyngitis mutilans. Am. Pract. Surg. [Brvant ct Buck], N. Y., 1907, ii, 65-67.—Mink (O. J.) & .llcLoan (N. T.) Gangosa. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1906, xlvii, 1166-1171.-----------. Gangosa, with additional notes. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 503-512. 1 pl.—.nusmrave (YV. E.) & Marshall (H T) Gangosa in the Philippine Islands. Philippine J. Sc, Manila, 1907, ii, 3*7-401, 1 pl.—Milt (K. R.) A case of gangosa in a white man. U. States Nav. M. Bull., YVash., 1907, i, 96. -----. Rhino-pharyngitis mutilans, gangosa. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1906,175. Rhino-pharyngology. See Nasopharynx (Diseases of); Nose and throat {Diseases of). Rhinophar y n x. See Nasopharynx; Rhinopharyngitis mu- tilans. Rhinophyma. Aron (E.) * Ueber Elephantiasis der Nase. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Berlin, 1888. Egger(A. S.) *Zur Casuistik des Rhino- phyma. [Basel.] 8°. Wurzburg, 1905. Xedeltcheff (M.) *De l'^lephantiasis chon- dromateuse du nez, type clinique non decrit de l'acne elephantiasique. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Pottgiesser (G.) *Acht Fiille von Rhino- phvm. 8°. Wurzburg, 1899. Salvage (J.) * Contribution a, l'etude de l'acne hvpertrophique et de son traitement chi- rurgical. 4°. Paris, 1895. Sigallas (A.-H.) * Contribution a, l'etude de l'acne hypertrophique du nez. 8°. Paris, 1900. Squire (B.) On rhinophyma, or "the ham- mer-nose", fol. London, 1889. Brian ( E.) Elephantiasis cartilagineuse du nez. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 577-580.— von Bruns ( P. ) Ueber das Rhinophyma. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1903. xxxix, 1-7, 4 pl.—Butz (R. V.) Rhinophvma. Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 24-26, 1 pl. —Cas (Un) d'aene hypertrophique du nez. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1907, xiv, 25-27. — Charnotski ( A. K. ) Rinofima, prichini yeva proiskhozhdeniya ipatologo-anatomieheskoye stro- yehive. [Rhinophyma, causes of its origin and patho- logical structure.] Rabotihosp. khirurg. klin. Dyakono- va, Mosk., 1903, i, 312-325, 1 pL—Clejat. Acne hyper- trophique du nez. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 396.—Dolii. Kin Heitrag zur Kenntniss des Rhinophy- ma. (HMoloyi-che und klinische Studie.) Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1896, xxxvii, 361-378, 1 pl.—Dubreuilh. Acne, hypertrophique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 105.— Dyer (I.) Preliminary report on a case of hypertrophic rosacea, resembling tubercular leprosy. Tr. Louisiana M. Sex., N.Orl.. 1896, 295-300. -----. A case of hypertrophic rosacea 'pa < • 1 > \ dermatosis) resembling tubercular leprosy, cured with thyroid extract. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y., 1896, 33-35. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1896-7, xlix, 102-405,1 pl.—Kl lis (A. G.) Specimen from a case of rhi- nophvma. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1903-4,n.s.,vii,238-242. Also, Reprint.— Gibson (J. H.) Rhinophyma. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xlvi, 320— Gintillo (V. L.) Follicu- litis tacne) exulecrans scrpiginosa nasi (Kaposi i Fin- ger'a). Russk. .I. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1904, viii,371-379.—Gottheil (YV. S.) Rhinophyma. Tr.Pan- Am. M.Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2,1683-1688.—Hue (F.) Acn<5 hypertrophique (eldphantiasis du nez). Bull. Soc. de mcd.de Rouen (1893), 1894, 2. s., vii, 29-31.—Jamie- son (YV. A.) [Caseof hypertrophic acne rosacea.] Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1903-4, n. s., xxiii, 225.—Kirmis- son. Elephantiasis (acne hypertrophique) du nez. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s.,xiv, 792- 797.—von'Kliegl(F.) Rhinophvma. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893, i, 595.—Krieger. Bei- Rhinophyma. trag zur Kenntnis des Rhinophvma. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl. ,1898, v, 595-002.—Lassar(0.) Ueber Rhinophvma. Ibid., 1894-5. ii. 4.N5-4S9, 1 pl. Also: Internat. phot. Mo- natschr. f. Med. [etc.], Leipz., 1896, iii, 106-108. Len- naiider(K. G.) Ett fall at elephantiasis tuberosa nasi. Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1891, xxvi, 152-157, 1 pl— .ma- llard. Acn6 hvpertrophique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et nbv- siol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 220-222.—Ohinaim- Duinesnil (A.H.) A case of rhinophyma. Tr. Pan- Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1S95, pt. 2,1688-1695, 2 pl. -----. Rhinophyma. Quart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis, 1895-6, iii, 87-89— Kallier du Baty. Acn6 hypertrophique du nez simulant l'616phantiasis. J. d. sc.m6d.de Lille, 1897,ii, 236-240.- ICivet. Acne hypertrophique du nez. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1903, 2. s., xxi, 654.—Boze (F.) Rhinophvma. Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1901, vi, 991-1001, 1 pl.— Sick. [Bericht uber fiinf Fiille von Rhi- nophvm.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 259.—Solger (F. B.) Ueber Rhinophyma. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., YY'ien u. Leipz., 1901, lvii, 409- 420,1 pl.—Strominger (L.) & Pisani (X.) Uncazde acnee ipertrofica a nasulul (rinofima). Presa med. rom., Bucurescl, 1903, ix, 337-342—Strubell. [Drei Fiille von Rhinophym.] Deutsche med. YVchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxx'iii, 127.—Torek (F.) Acne hypertropica (Rhi- nophyma). N.Yorker med. Monatschr., 1903, xv, 29.— Toussaint (M.) El rinofima. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1903-4, 2. ep., i, 193-204.—Unna (P. G.) Das Rhi- nophym. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, xxv, 265-267.— Vlgnard. AcncS hvpertrophique du nez. Gaz.med.de Nantes, 1903, 2. s., xxi, 652-654.—Vyakhirerft"(A. V.) O rinofimic. Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xix, 130-139.— Wende (E.) & Wende (G. YV.) Rhvnophyma. Buf- falo M. J., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxix, 207-211,1 pl.—Wende (G. W.) & Beutz (C. A) Rhinophyma; a pathological analysis of five separate tumors occurring in the same patient. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., N. Y., 1904, xxviii, 15-29, 1 pl. Also: J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y\, 1904, xxii, 447-460,lpl.—ZakrIepa(N.G.) Sluchalrinofimi. [Case of rhinophyma.] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1898-9, viii, 96-99. Rhinophyma {Treatment of). See, also, Rhinophyma (Treatment of, Oper- ative ). Wings (F.) *Das Rhinophyma und seine Behandlung. 8°. Berlin, [1889]. Acne hvpertrophique ou nez d'une livre; guerison sans recidive. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1896, xlviii, 33. — Bogroff (S. L.) Rinofima i yeya llecheniye. [Rhinophvma and its treatment.] Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1904, vii, 482-487. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli, 852.—Dupre. Traite- ment du nez d'une livre. Clinique, Brux., 1891, v, 481.—lgnatovieh (K. I.) O llechenii rinofimi; slu- chal rinofimi. [Treatment of rhinophyma.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1905, xviii, 495-502.—Morestin (H.) Traitement de l'acne hvpertrophique du nez. Arch. gen.demed., Par., 1903, ii, 2330-2337.—Sabouraud (R.) Traitement du rhinophyma. Clinique,Par.,1907,ii,104-106— Strebel(H) Rhinophyma geheilt durch Rontgenstrahlen und Ephe- lides beseitigt durch Ultraviolettstrahlen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb.d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1903, vi,227-229.— Unna (P. G.) O llechenii rinofimi. [Treatment of rhino- phyma.] Terapiya, S.-Peterb., 1904, i, 11-15.—Warren (J C ) & White (C. J.) The treatment of rhinophyma. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn.,1903, v, 887-896,2pl. Also, Reprint. Rhinophyma {Treatment of Opera- tive). Liebmann (E. R. H.) *Das Rhinophyma und seine chirurgische Behandlung. 8°. Leip- zig, 1906. Baudon. Deux cas de restauration du nez pour acne hypertrophique. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1901, x, 754- 750. _____. Acne hypertrophique du nez; decortication par le thermo-cautere. Parole. Rev. internat. de rhinol. (etc.], Par., 1902, n. s., iv, 425-429.—Bloebaum (F.) Die Radikalbehandlung des Rhinophymas durch Galvano- kaustik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 2331. -----. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Radikalbehandlung des Rhino- phymas durch Galvanokaustik. Ibid., 1905, In, 2282.— Botey (R.) Un caso de acne hipertr6fico elefantisiaco de la nariz tratado con la decorticaci6n y los ingertos de Thiersch; curacidn a los diez dias. Arch. lat. de rinol., laringol. [etc.], Barcel., 1903, xiv, 94-98. Also: Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1903, xxvi, 297-299.—Carlini (L.) Con- tributo alio studio istologico e trattamento operativo del- 1' acne ipertrofica del naso. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1906, n, 253- 259 i pl.—De Amicis (T.) Sudiun caso di rinofima di straordinario sviluppo con chiazze di vitiligo alia superfi- cie; operazione e guarigione consecutiva. Gior.internaz.d. sc med., Napoli, 1902, n. s., xxiv, 673-682.—Desguin (L.) Acn6 hypertrophique du nez traite par la decortication RHINOPHYMA. 566 RHINOSCLEROMA. Rliynophyiiia (Treatment of Opera- tive). thermique. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1901, vi, 15, lpl. Also: Parole. Rev. internat. de rhinol. [etc.], Par., 1901, n.s., iii, 668-670.—Dubreuilh i YV.) L'acne hyper- trophique du nez et son traitement cldrurgical. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1903, 4. s., iv, 785-810. -----. Acne hypertrophique du nez traite par la decortication. Gaz. hebd. d. sc.med.de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 341— Gaudier (H.) A propos d'un cas d'acne hypertrophique dunez; son traitement instrumental. Echo mc§d. du nord. Lille, 1905, ix, 217-223.— Giitig (K.) Zur operativen Behand- lung des Rhinophyma. YVien. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xx, 1612-1614. — Keen (YV. YV.) Rhinophyma; report of a case, with operation forits relief. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1904, xxxix, 665-668, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. (1904), 1905, 16-19.—Kromayer (K.) Zur opera- tiven Behandlung des Rhinophyma. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, ii, 74-77.—von Navratil. Operirter Fall eines Rhinophvms. Pest, med.-chir/ Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 480.—Ohinann-Duiuesnil (A. II.i A case of rhinophvma; operation. St. Louis Clin. Phvs. & Surg., 1889-90, iii, 575-580. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J.,1890, lix, 265-272. Also, Reprint. -----. Rhinophyma; a case in which operation produced a good result; a new path- ological condition found. Internat. M. Mag., Phila , 1891- 5, iii, 26-34,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Pantaloni (J.) Trois cas de restauration dunez dans l'acne' hypertrophicjue. Arch prov. dechir., Par., 1901, x, 215-225.—Peraire (M.) & Pilliet (A.) Acn6 hypertrophique du nez formant une 6norme tumeur; ablation; autoplastie; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 327-329.—Poli (A.) Sopra un caso di rinofima di enorme sviluppo. Gior. in- ternaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1904, n. s., xxvi, 6*5-696.— Potherat. Acn6 hypertrophiquedu nez; decortication per ignem; guerison. Bull, etmem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 408. — Pozzi. Acn6 hypertrophique ayant envahi les deux tiers inferieurs du riez; decortica- tion; autoplastie primitive; guerison avec restauration immediate et complete du nez. Ibid., 1897, n. s., xxiii, 729-731.—Bauseh (P.) Zur operativen Behandlung des Rhinophima. YVien. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xv, 333-337.— Bipault. Un cas d'616phantiasis du nez, complique d'C'pithelioma, traits par la decortication. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1899, xxv, 203-205.— Bouiine (R.) Traitement chirurgical de l'acn6 hyper- trophique du nez. Presse m&L, Par., 1901, i, 45.—Sick (('.) Das Rhinophym und seine operative Behandlung. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1905, v, 70-76.— Siebemuaun. [Rhinophym; Operation.] Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1904," xxxiv, 537.—Squire (B.) A case of rhinophyma after operation. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1991. xxiv, 238.—Weinlechner. Rhinophyma, geheilt durch Keilexcision in senkrechter und querer Richtung. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1886), 1888, 207. Rhinoplasty. See Nose (Surgery of, Plastic). Rhiiiorrhflea. See Neurasthenia (Manifestations of); Nose ( Watery discharge from). Rhinoscleroma. Dorner (J.) *Ein Fall von Rhinosklerom. 8°. Wurzburg, 1905. Grenier (P.-H.-M.) *Le rhinosclerome en France; le rhinosclerome chez 1'homme et la maladie du reniflement chez le pore. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Lichthorn (B.) * Ueber einen Fall von Rhi- nosklerom. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Lissauer (M.) * Ueber das Rhinosklerom in Deutschland. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Also, in: Allg.med.Centr.-Ztg.,Berl.,1903,lxxii,111-114. Quignard (C.) * Du rhinosclc'rome. 4°. Paris, 1892. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Roudaeff (Mile. Bouni). * Contribution a l'etude du rhinosclerome en Suisse 8°. Lau- sanne, 1905. Alexander. Ein Fall von Rhinosclerom. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1903), 1904, xxxiv, 34-36.—Allen (C. YV.) Rhinoscleroma. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 1593-1596.—Artom (S.) Intorno ad un caso di rinoscleroma. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1902-3, xiii, 177-194.—Barth (E.) Ein neuer Fall von Rhinosklerom in Ostprousscn. Arch. f. Laryn- gol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1903, xiv, 573-575—Baiimgarten •IE.) Rhinoscleroma esete. [Acaseof...] Budapesti Rliinoscleroiiia. k. orvosegy. 1892-iki evkbnyve, 1893, 248-250. -----. Orr- es gegescleroma esete. [Scleroma of nose and throat 1 orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xli, 380.—Bail rowicz i A.) Das Sklerom auf Grund der Beobachtung von 100 Fallen. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., I960, x, 363- 402.—Bejiani (L.) K kazuistikle rinoskleroini. Khar- kov. M. J., 1907, iv, 395-414.—BIelo<>olovolt'(X. V.) Sluchal scleroma respiratorium (rhino-elerunia i. Bol- nitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1903, xiv, 337-344'. Also, transl.: Rev. hebd.de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1903, i, 740-^ 742.—Brezovsky (E.) Rhinoscleroma esete. [Case] Orsovi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 665.—BuriAii (K.) Rhinoskleroma esete. [Case.] Ibid., 1905, xlix, n._ Buschke. Demonstration eines Falles von Rhino- sklerom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 270.—CaMex (A.) Du rhinosclerome. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1892, xii, 161; 202. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par.j 1892, iv, 161-177. ■-----. Sur deux cas de rhinosclerome! Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1894, xiv,559-563.—Cher. nyavski. K kazuistikle rinoskleromi. (Case of rhi- noscleroma.] Med. Sbornik varshav. Lyazd. voyenn. hosp. Varshava, 1894, vii, pt. 2, 13-15.—t'iiiari (6.) & Biehl (G. ) Das Rhinosklerom der Schleimhaut Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, l-ss5,vi, 305-340, 1 pl., 1 tab.— fostiniu ( A. ) Le premier cas de rhinosclerome observe' en Roumanic. Kev hebd. de laryngol. [ete 1 Par., 1906, i, 33-36. — Danziger (E.) Two cases of rhinoscleroma. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1905, xv, 935.— Deutsehlallder. Vorstellung von vier Fallen von Rhinosklerom. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Gesellsch., Jena, 1901, x, 190.—Dreyer (H.) Rhinoscleroma. Mil- waukee M. J., 1900, viii, 357-361.—Fay kiss (E.) Rhi- noscleroma. Budapesti k. m. t. egyet. 2. sz. Seb. Klin betegf. 1903-4, Budapest, 1905, 8.—Freeman (YV. J.) A case of rhinoscleroma, occurring in a Russian in the United States. Ann.Otol., Rhinol.&Laryngol, St. Louis, 1900, ix, 141-147— Freudenthal (YV.) Rhinoscleroma. N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 133-137.—tierber (P. H.) Ue- ber das Sklerom, insbesondere in Ostpreussen. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1900, x, 347-362, 3 pl. -----. Ueber einen Skleromherd in Ostpreussen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl., 1904, xxxiv. pt. 2, 91-98. Also: Berl.klin.Wchnschr., 1903, xl,251-253. —i.ottslein. Rhinosklerom. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1902, Bresl., 1903, lxxx, med. Sect., 285.—tirant (D.) Case of rhinoscleroma. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1900, xv, 363- 365.—Mariner. Demonstration dreier Fiille von Rhi- nosklerom. YVien klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 154.— Heerinami. Zwei Falle von Sklerom in Deutschland. Deutsche med. YVchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 350.—Herezel (M.) Rhinoscleroma narium. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xli, 195.—Hinsberg. Rhino- sklerom. Jabresb. d. schles.Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1902, Bresl., 1903, lxxx, med. Sect., 286.—Hultl (II.) Rhino- scleroma esete. [A case of. . .1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 428.—lrsai (A.) Rhinoscleroma esete. [A case of . . .] Ibid.. 1897, xli, 305.—JaekMon (G. T.) A case of rhinoscleroma. J. Cutan. A Genito-rrin. Dis., N. Y., 1893, xi, 381-383, 1 pl. Also: Tr. Am. Dermat. As<. 1893, X. Y., 1894, xvii, 14-16. 1 pl—.lareeky (II.) Rhi- noscleroma. Med. Xews, N. Y., 1901, lxxviii, 42n—Ka- posi (M.) Rhinoscleroma. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 5. s., iv, 331-334.—Kayser. Ueber Rhinosklerom. Jah- resb. d. schles. Gesellsch. 1. vaterl. Cult. 1893. Bresl., 1894, lxxi, 1. Abth., med. Sect., 3-7.—Kornl'eld (I.) Zur Kenntniss der Verbreitung des Sc leromes. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl.. 1905, xxxix, 404.—K rak lit (S. F.) Slu- chal rhinoscleroma. Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1895-6, v, 15-18.—Kraus (A.) Uebertragungsversuche mit Rhinosklerom. YVien. klin. YVchnschr., 1907, xx, 1422-1424.—Lastra (P.) Un caso de rhinoscleroma. Se- raana med., Buenos Aires, 1902, ix, 1007— LuMnarteu. Case of rhinoscleroma. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Svph., N.Y., 1907, xxv, 303.—Lyants (A. I.) Sluchal rinoskleroini. [RhinoscleromaJ Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. ohsh., 1895-6, v, 148.—Marri (O. (I.) Sopra due casi di rino- scleroma. Cesalpino, Arezza, 1905,i, 41-51.—von ITIar- *clialk6. Ueber Rhinosklerom (mit Demonstration dreier Fiille). Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. viii. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 1903, Wien. u. Leipz., 1904, 49.—niazza (G.)' Appunti sul rinoscleroma. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, isys. xxxiii, 271-297. 2 pL—Meyer (E.) Fall von Rhinosklerom. Berl klin. YVchnschr., 1906, xliii, 1461: 163s.—Mikhailoir (N. M.) Sluchal rinoskleromi. [Ca^e of . . .] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1896, xxxv. 85-101. Also [with additions]: Med. Obozr., Mosk., ]sbservadorm6d., Mexico, 1885, vii, 149- 151.—Aulde(J.t The use of Rhus toxicodendron. Med. A:Surtf. Reporter. Phi In.,1*90.1 xiii.860-365. Also, Reprint— CasKidy (J..J.) Rhus glabra in enuresis. Canad. J. M. ct S., Toronto, 1901. ix, s2.—Beady (C.) The pathogenic and therapeutic action of Rhus tox. upon the eye. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., N. Y., 1900, xii, 209-213.— Felter (II. W.) The genus rhus in medicine. Tr. Ohio Eclect. M. Ass.. Cincin., 1895, 43-53.—Ford (W. W.) An- tibodies to glucosides, with especial reference to Rhus toxicodendron. ,1. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1907, iv, 541- 551.—Frank (L. F.) Remarks on Rhus toxicodendron. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1898, liii, 551-554.—Frankforter (<;. B.) & Martin (A. W.) A chemical study of the seed of Rhus glabra. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1904, lxxvi, 151- 158.— Jousset (P.) Rhus toxicodendron. Art med., Par., 1897, lxxxv, 241-254.—Moiitfiardini (G. A.)— Nuove osservazioni sugli effetti del Rhus radicans o toxi- codendron nella cura di alcune malattie. Mem. d. Inst. Ligure, Genova, 1814, iii, 261-279. Also, Reprint.—Plait (F.) On the active principle of Rhus toxicodendron and Rhus venenata. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1897, ii, 181-195,1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Royal i.G.) Rhus toxicodendron asan an- tiseptic. Med. Century, Chicago. 1895, iii. 52. Also, transl.: Allg. hombop. Ztg., Leipz.. 1*97. exxxv, 125.—Sciiwalbe (C.) On the active principle of Rhus diversiloba (poison oak). Med. Rec X. Y.,1903, lxiii, 855.—Sybel. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die heiisamen und nachtheiligen Wirkungen des wurzelnden Sumachs. 'Ao-icArjTrieioi', Berl., 1811, i, 497-503.— Thonias (F. W. i Clinical notes on Rhus toxicodendron. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii, 390. Rhus {Toxicology of). See, also, Paralysis (Causes, etc., of). Huntington (Annie O.) Poison ivy and swamp sumach. 8°. Glen Road, Mass., 1908. Aeree (S. F.) & Syiue (W. A.) Some constituents of the poison ivy plant. Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1906, xxxvi, 301-321.—Antidote (An) for poison ivv. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1*95, vii, 633.—Balch (A. W.) Poison ivy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 819 —Beringer (G. M.) Rhus-poisoning. Am. J. Pharm., Phila.. 1*96. lxviii, 18- 20.—Birkenliauer (H. J.) Treat merit for rhus poison- ing. Eclect. Rev., N. Y., 1902, v, 279.—Blateliley (W. D.) Lime water in rhus poisoning. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1891, xxiii, 55.—Brown. Dermatitis due to poi- son oak. Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1899, xiv, 641.—Bura- ezynski (A.) Dermatitis toxica, hervorgerufen durch Rhusvcrnicifera. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi,955.— Busey (S. C.) The transmission from one person to an- other of the poison of Rhus toxicodendron. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 655—C. (C. M.) Dermatitis from ivy poisoning. Alkaloid. <'lin., Chicago, 1903, x, 1485.—Can- trell (,T. A.) A treatment for ivy poisoning. Phila. Poly- clin., 1894, iii, 181. -----. Relative value of certain drugs in the treatment of ivv poisoning. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1898, xvii, 270-272.—Clarke (T. H.) Rhus toxicodendron poisoning. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1897, xxv, 1006.—Clevenger (S. V.) Ammonia for poi- son ivy. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1903, xxxi, 1359.—Connor (J. J.) Poisoning by Rhus toxicodendron. Am. J. Der- Kluis (Toxicology of). mat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., si. Louis, 1907, xi, 368.—Daniel (T. J.) A specific for rhus poisoning [quinin]. Med World, Phila., 1906, xxiv, 299—Fearn (J.) Rhus poi- soning. Chicago M. Times, 1902, xxxv, 560.—French (J.-M.) Sur le toxicodendron. In his: Traite sur le ve- nindelavipere [etc.],4°, Florence,1781,iii, 158-161. Also, transl. in his: Trattato del veleno [etc.], &°, Xapoli, 1787, iii, 114-117. Also, transl. in his: Treatise on the venom of the viper [etc.], 8°, Lond., 1787, ii, 181-1*4. -----. A case of rhus poisoning. Chicago M. Times, 1902, xxxv, 512-515. -----. Rhus toxicodendron and rhus poisoning. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1903, v, 223; 259.— Gang (E. S.) Der- matitis venenata [rhus poisoning]. Med. Bull., Phila., 1899, xxi, 291—Iladden (A.) Poison ivy, or Rhus toxi- codendron. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1906, xii, 764.— Harrinian (W. E.) Rhus and allied poisons. Med. Age, Detroit, 1897, xv, 295-298.—Havard (V.) Poison ivy and its kindred; with remarks on other skin-poisoning plants. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1899, Columbus, 1900, viii, 203-211.—Higgins (J. W.) Rhus-poisoning. Med. Summary, Phila., 1896-7, xviii, 299.— Iloare (E. W.) Rhododendron poisoning in a cow. Vet. Rec., Lond., 1906-7, xix, 630—Howard (F. A.) Rhus poisoning. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 1094.—Hubbard (S.) [et al.]. Poison oak or ivy. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv, 876- 878.—Hudson (A. T.) An antidote to the rhus poison. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1*9*, liv, 173—Hughston (W. L.) Poi- son ivy. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1905, xxxiii, 67*.—Hunt (J. H.) Rhus poisoning. Brooklyn M. J., 1897, xi, 392- 406.—Iminerwalir (R.) Ein neuer Fall von acuter Dermatitis durch Hantiren mit Rhus toxicodendron. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl., 1900, iii, 258.—Leviek (J.J.) A new use for aristol. [Poisoning from Rhus toxico- dendron.] Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lix, 105. — McKee (E. S.) Rhus toxicodendron poisoning. Wisconsin M. Recorder, Janesville, 1905, viii, 405-407. Also: Med. Her- ald, St. Joseph, 1906, n. s., xxv, 98-100. Also [Abstr.]: Therap. Rec, Louisville, 190.5-6, i, 81. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1906, xlix, 129-134. -----. Poisonous plants. [Rhus toxicodendron.] Med. Age, Detroit, 1906, xxiv, 81-84.—HacSwaiii (I. A.) Grindelia robusta in rhus poisoning. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1899, xv, 242.— IHatlicws (P.) Rhus poisoning. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1893, vii, 184-187.—May rand (R.) Eruption erythcjmato-vtisiculeuse causee par Paction toxique sur la peau du Rhus toxicodendron. Bull.mecl.deQu6bec, 1906-7 viii, 10-15.—Morris ( E. K.) Guaiacol in rhus-poisoning. Med. Xews, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 57.—Nieliolson (F.) A caseof acute dermatitis caused by handling the Rhus toxi- codendron. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 530.—Prichard (A. W.) Case of poisoning bv Rhus venenata. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1891, ix, 22-26 -Reagor (F. B.) Dermatitis caused by rhus poison. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Xashville, 1902, lxix, 109-112. — Itobinson (B. L.) Pfaff'sobserva- tions on the nature of ivy poisoning. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1897, xxxi, 901-903.—Schwalbe (K.) Diegifti- gen Arten der Familie Rhus: Rhus diversiloba, Rhus toxicodendron und Rhus venenata. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902,lxix, 1616.—Seott(J.A.) Acaseof poi- soning by Rhus toxicodendron acquired in an unusual manner. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 902-904.—Seabrook (H. H.) A peculiar case of poisoning. X. York M. J., 1891, liv, 51.—Sherman (RuthB.) Ivy poisoning; with re- portof a ease. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1901-2, ii, 660-668.— Treille* Un cas d'empoisonnement chronique caus6 par le contact des feuilles du Rhus toxicodendron. Mar- seille med., 1904, xli, 149; 161.—Walker (J. B.) Poison- ing by ivy at second hand. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 556.—Wierzbieki (F. P.) Poison oak (Rhus toxico- dendron). Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento 1858. ii, 146- 150.—Witmer (A.F.) Mercuric chlorid in the treat- ment of rhus poisoning. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 267. Rhyl. See Children (Hospitals, etc., for). van Rhyn (Cornelius Gerardus). *De motu perintaltico in genere. 1 p. 1., 66 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. & LI. Verbeek, 1765. [P., v. 1931.] van Itliyn (Didericus). *De dolore. 1 p. 1., 57 pp., 1 1. 4°. Harderovici, J. Moojen, 1767. [P., v. 1938.] Rhyiicoclemus. Bendl (W. E.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Genus Rhvnchodemus. Ztschr. f. wissensch., Zool., Leipz., 1907-8, lxxxix, 525-554, 2 pl. Rhyncoprion. Caxo y Alcacio (D.) *La nigua (Rhynco- prion penetrans Oken). 8°. Mexico, 1885. Karsten (H.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Rhyncho- prion penetrans. Bull. Soc. imp. d. nat.de Moscou, 1864, xxxvii, no. 3, 72-156, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. RHYNCOSIA. 573 RIBALKIN. Rhyncosia. Castro (A.) * Estudio del colorin chiquito (Rhvnchosia precatoria) leguminosas. 8°. Mexico, 1894. Rhyncotse. Heymoxs (E.) Beitrage zur Morphologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Rhynchoten. 4°. Halle, 1899. Cutting from: Nova acta; Abh. d. k. Leop. - Carol. deutschen Akad. d. Naturf., 1899. ten Rliyne (Wilhelm) [1647- ]. Yerhan- delinge van de Asiatise melaatsheid na een naaukeuriger ondersoek ten dienste van het gemeen. 24°. Amsterdam, A. van Someren, 1687. Sec, also. Blankaart (.Stephanus). Yerhandelinge van het podagra [etc.]. 16°. Amsterdam, lt'.si.—Valen- tin! i Michael Bernhard) [in 1. s.]. Aurifodina medica [etc.]. fol. Giessxti: Franoo'urti, 1123. For Biography, see Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehr- ten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805, 106, port. Rliyiier (Emma). * Lungengangriin nach In- fluenza. [Zurich.] 21pp. 8°. Munchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1895. c. Rhynii* (J. D.) Cottage homes for the better treatment of the insane. The nature of insan- ity; its cause, prevention, and permanent cure, together with interesting and suggestive statis- tics. 38 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, A. T. Zeising & Co.. 1*79. Rhythm. S,, also, Periodicity. Awranioff (D.) Der Einfluss des Rhythmus auf die Quantiuit und Qualitat geistiger und korperlicher Arbeit, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des rhythmi- sehen Schreibens. Phil. Stud., Leipz., 1901-3, xviii, 515-562.—Bolton (T. L.) Rhythm. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1*93-4, vi, 145-238.— Ilupont (M.) Sur des courants alternatifs de periodes varices correspon- dent a des sons musicaux et dont les periodes pr6- sentent les memes rapports que les sons; effets physiolo- giques de ces courants alternatifs musicaux rythmes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907, cxliv, 336-338.— Ettlinger (M.) Zur Grundlegung einer Aesthetik des Rhvthmus. Ztschr. f. Psvchol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Leipz., 1900, xxii, 161-200.—Fere (C.) L'influence vari- able du ralentissement du rvthme sur le travail. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1905, lix, 670: 1906, lx, 45.— MaeDougall i R.) Rhvthm, time, and number. Am. J. Psvchol., Worcester, 1902, xiii, 88-97. -----. The rela- tion 'of auditorv rhythm to nervous discharge. Psych. Rev., N.Y. $. Ribol (Georges') & I. a Ion (Robert). Dakar; ses origines, son avenir. 197 pp., 1 1 7 pl' 8°. Bordeaux, G. Delimit, m)8. Ribot (Georges-Gabriel) [1875- ]. *L'hy- giene et la demographic a Marseille. 86 pp 1 map. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 29. Ribot (Theodule-Armand) [1839- ). Das Gediichtnis und seine Storungen. Autorisierte deutsche Ausg. vi, 133 pp. 12°. Hamburg & Leipzig, L. Voss, 18S2. ------. The diseases of personality. 52 pp. 8°. New York, the Humboldt Pub. Co., 1887. The Humboldt library of science, no. 95. ------. The diseases of personality. Authorized transl. 2 p. 1., 151 pp. 12°.* Chica,/,,, the Open Court Publ. Co., 1891. ------. Die Personlichkeit. Pathologisch-psy- chologische Studien. Nach der 4. Aufl. des Originals mit Genehmigung des Verfassers iiber- setzt von E. Th. F. Pabst. vi, 179 pp. 8°. Ileilin, G. Reimer, 1894. ------. Der Wille. Pathologisch-psychologische Studien. Nach der 8. Aufl. des Originals mit Genehmigung des Verfassers itberset/.t von E. Th. F. Pabst. iv, 150 pp. 8°. Berlin, .) Die Func- tion der ersten Rippe. Verhandl. d. Cong, i. innere Med., Wiesb., 1902, xx, 441-447—Tripier. De la pretendue empreinte des cotes sur les plevrcs et les poumons dans les affections inflammatoires de ces organes. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon. 1902, i, 19-24. Ribs {Abnormities of). See, also, Ribs (Cervical). Bircherod (T. B.) Historia naturalis quatuor costarum bubularum, quibus quad superinducta caro fuerat, in verissimum os est conversa, cum observationibus aliis hue pertinentibus. Nunc autem in lucem edita, curante auctoris Alio Jacobo Bircherod. 4°. Havnix, 1723. Leg enure (M.) *Des malformations costales par defaut. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Lieberknecht (A.I * Ueber Kippendefecte und anderweitige Missbildungen bei angebore- nem Hochstand des Schulterblattes. 8°. Mar- burg, 1906. Aueel (P.I & Sencert i^L.i Sur les variations des segments vertebro-costauxchez 1'homme. Bibliot:. anat.. Par. A: Nancy. 1902. x, 214-239.—Baker iF. Ci Kil) va- I riation in Cardium. Am. Naturalist, Bost.. 1903. xxxvii, 481-488.—Bardeen tC. R.) Costo-vcrtebral variation in man. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1900, xviii, 377-:>2.—Bradley (O.C.) On a case of rudimentary first thoracic rib in a horse. J. Anat. A: Physiol., Lond." 1901-2. xxxvi, 51-62.— Cernicky (L.) Vrozeny^ defekt prsiiieh svaluv azeber. [Congenital defect of the pectoral muscles and ribs.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1908. xlvii,635-638.—D'Ajutolo (G.) Su di alcune articolazioni anomale del primo pajo di coste dell' uomo. Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bo- logna, 1*90, 5. s., i, 785-798, 1 pl.—Edington (G. H.) Specimens illustrating congenital abnormalities of ribs and costal cartilages. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc., 1899- 1900, viii, 102-106. -----. Shelf-like deformity of the ribs from a case of empyema. Ibid., 1902-3, ix, 164-169.— Ferrier. Bifurcation d'un cartilage costal; muscle in- tercostal surnumeraire. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. ... de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 34.—Frennd (H. A.) A rare case of acces-ory rib. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1907, vi, 508- 510.—Grosse (L.) Ein Fall von Missbildung der ersten Rippe. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1892-3, viii, 410-413.—Helm (F.) Einseitige rudimentare Entwickelung der ersten Rippe nebst einer Anzahl anderer Anomalien am Thorax einer und derselben Person. Ibid., 1894-5, x, 640-554.— Jaboulay ct Tuurnier. Les anomalies des c6tes. Province med.. Lyon, 1890, iv, 423; 433.— Jefferiss (F. B.) A case of i nc unpiete development of the third and fourth ribs. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 14:;7.—Hertslet (L. E.) & Keith i A.) A comparison of the anomalouspartsof two subjects, the one with a cervical rib. t lie other with a rudi- mentary rir-t rib. J. Anat. A; Physiol., Lond., 1895-6, xxx, 562—"j07.—Lannois* (M.) Absence congenitale de plu- sieurs cotes. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1905, iv, 217. Also: Lyon med., 1905, civ, 1195.—Leboucq (H.) Recherches sur les variations anatomiquesde la premiere cfitechez 1'homme. Arch, de biol., Gand & Leipz., 1897-8, xv, 125-179,1 pl. Also: Mem. couron. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1896-8, lv, no. 1, 1-47, 1 pl. Also, Re- print.—Levy (A. G.) A case of arrested development of the third and fourth ribs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1150.—Loureiro (L. de F.) Observac&o de um caso de acostia parcial. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1903-4, xxxv, 543- 550.—Low (A.) Description of a specimen in which there is a rudimentary first rib along with thirteen pairs of ribs and twenty-five pre-sacral vertebras. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1899-1900, xxxiv, 451-457.—Macpliail (A.) [Rudimentary first dorsal ribs. J Proc. Anat.Soc.Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1902-3, pp. lxx-lxxiv.—Molina & Massey (D.) Anomalia de la primera articulaei6n condrocostal. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1903, xxvi, 404-408.—OTorestin (H.) Cotes surnume- raires cervicales et lombaires. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 401-403.—OTurray (J.) A case of deficiency of ribs. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.,1895-6, xxix,252.— Niven (G. W.) Supernumerary ribs. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1732.—Osborne (J. T.) A case of congenital malformation of the ribs. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1891, viii, 346-349, 1 pl.—Parsons (F. G.) Abnormal rib in Hystrix cristata. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1892-3. p. xiii.— Plcelninl (M.) Anomalia de ivpaiodi costole. Clin. vet.. Milano. 1906, xxix, 61-64.— PopoHsky (J.) Zur Frayeder Rippenspaltung. Anat. Anz., .b-na, 1898-9. xv, 284-2**.—Kotli (A.) Egy borda- ptipot visszanyorno corset iMncrtefi'se. [Observations on a counter-pressure corset for protrusions on the ribs.] vol xiv, 2d series---37 Ribs {Abnormities of). Gydgyaszat, Budapest, 1902, xiii, 119-121.—K ove re (<; i Incompleta ossiricazione di alcune coste con ernia pohno- nare. Pediatria, Napoli, 1907, 2. s., v, 61-07. — Selilc- slnger (H.) Zur Lehre vom angeborenen Pectoralis- Rippendefect und dem Hochstande der Scapula Wien klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 25-31.—Slee (R.) A case of bifurcated rib. Ontario M. J., Toronto, 1892, i, 153.— Taguclil (K.) Koshui no shoshi ni kiyen seru kikotsu hatkeku ni zukete. [Abnormality of the ribs with super- numerary dorsal vertebra.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 319, 1-ci— Thorburn (W ) The seventh cervi- cal rib and its effects upon the brachial plexus Med Chir. Tr.,Lond.,1904-5,lxxxviii, 109-125.—Tredi>oI«l (A. F.) Rib variations in the primates, with special refer- ence to the number of sternal ribs in man. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1896-7, pp. xxvi-xxviii.— Valenti (G.) Sopra un caso di costa raddoppiata osser- vato nell' uomo. Mem. r. Accad. d..se.d. Ist. di Bologna 1900-1902, 5. s.,ix,97-102, lpl. Also: Rendic. Accad. d. sc! d,Ist.di Bologna,1900-1901,n.s.,v.43-45.—Van Beneclen (E.) Recherches sur les variations anatoiniques de la premiere cote chez 1'homme, par H. Leboueq. [Rap] Bull. Acad, roy.d. sc. de Belg., Brux., 1896, xxxi, 9-18. Ribs (Cancer of). See Ribs (Tumors of, Malignant). Ribs (Caries and necrosis of). See, also, Ribs (Tuberculosis of). Bonnel (A.) * Carie costale et abces froids thoraciques. 4°. Paris, 1891. Schmid ( H.) * Ueber die Caries der ersten Rippe. 8°. Freiburg i. B., 1892. Bern aril in i (D.) Fistola e necrosi delle costole da corpi estranei. Clin, vet., Milano, 1907, xxx, 33-37.—Ca- rles der 8. Rippe nach Typhus. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald (1888-9), 1890, 39.—Carie* of rib; tuberculous empyema; fatal. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1903, Lond., 1904, n. s., xxxii, 353.—Fincke. Ca- ries des Brustbeins und der Rippen in Folge rheumati- tischer Entzundung. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen 1844, Munster, 1846, 81— Gaspar (A. G.) Pulmonia cronica ulcerosa; caries de la quinta costilla, reseccion de su tercio anterior. Med. de los ninos, Bar- cel., 1908, ix, 348-350.—Hiekey (P. M.) Necrosis of the rib. Ar'-h. Physiol. Therap., Bost,, 1906, iv, 174.—Jen- nings (J. E.) Typhoid necrosis of ribs. Brooklyn M. J., 1901, xviii, 237.— Lastariu (F.) Di alcuni particolari della carie costale. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, n. s., xvi, 491-496.—de Lucalle (T.) Caries esterno costal; operaeion; curacion. Bol. m6d., LcMda, 1903, ii, 295-297.—Pilliet (A.) Carie costale; caverne tubercu- leuse de la face convexe du foie; idiotie; malformation de l'uterus et du vagin. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, ,-iS9-592.— Roebroeek (M. H. M.) Caries van een rib genezen na injectie van tuberculine-Denvs. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1904, 2. r., xlj d. 2, 1385- 1389.—Ropke (W.) Ueber progressive Rippenknorpel- nekrose. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1908, Ixxxvii, 970- 981.—Rowlands (R. P.) The treatment of caries of the ribs. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1907, lxi, 245-247, 1 pl. Ribs (Cervical). Bonxarme (M.) Contribution a l'etude de la septieme cote cervicale. Etude anatomique, diagnostic clinique et radiographique. 8°. Pa- ris, 1898. Deitmar ([B.] J.) *Die Symptomatologie der Halsrippen des Menschen. 8°. Erlaiujen, 1907. Fick (H. H. A. P.) *Ein Beitrag zur Pa- thologie der Halsrippen. 12°. Berlin, 1898. Griber (YV.) Ueber die Halsrippen des Menschen mit vergleichend-anatomischen Be- merkungen. 4°. St. Petersburg, 18(59. Herber ( K. ) * Ueber Halsrippen. 8°. Bonn, 1903. Krausse (O.) * Ueber Halsrippen des Men- chen. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Kronche ([D. J.]H.) * Ueber die siebente Halsrippe. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Ki;ester (B. [K.] F.) *Die klinische Bedeu- tung der Halsrippen. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Meyeowitz (F.) * Ueber Skoliose bei Hals- rippen. [Konigsberg i. Pr.] 8°. Tubingen, 1905. RIBS. 57 Ribs (Cervical). iSickol (W.) * Klinik der Halsrippen. 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Sciioxebeck (J. W.) * Beitriige zur Kennt- nis der Halsrippen. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1905. Sekvas ( L. ) * Contribution a l'etude des cotes cervicales chez 1'homme. [Lyons.] 4°. Bourg, 1896. Walther (W. F.) * Ueber Halsrippen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1906. Adolti (II. A.) Ovza'imnomotnosheniipoyavleniyat. naz. shelnikh ryoberi vidoizmleneniy nanizhnem kontsle grudnol klletki chelovleka. [ Mutual relationship of the appearance of the so-called cervical ribs and al- terations on the inferior end of the human thorax.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 1367-1370. -----. Ueber ein Hundeskelet mit sogenannten Halsrippen bei nur 26 Prasacralwirbeln. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1902, xxx, 374.—Alderson (H.) A case of cervical ribs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1638, 1 pl— Aron (E.) Zur Casuistik der Halsrippen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1892), 1893, xxiii, pt. 2, 166-173. Also: Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1892, xxix, 826-829.—Ascher. [Fall von Hals- rippe.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli, 839.—Rabcock (W. W ) Cervical rib with resulting gangrene of the ringers. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila. 1905-6, xxvi,280- 286. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 616-4318. Also, Re- print. Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1905, lxxxix, 316-322 — Raradulin ((.;. I.) K kazuistikle shelnikh reber. [Cervical rids.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1908, lxix, 107-111. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. orthop. Chir., Berl., 1908, viii, 33.—Barnard (H. L ) Supernumary cervical rib. Clin. J., Lond., 1903-4, xxiii, 190—Herger (P.) C6te surnum^raire cervicale chez une jeune femme simulant une tumeur du creux sus-claviculaire. Bull, et m6m. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 716.—Bernhardt (M.) Ueber das Vorkommen und die klinische Bedeu- tung der Halsrippen beim Menschen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1895, xxxii, 76-78.—Rlack (J.) Report of a case of cervica 1 ribs. Proc. Anat.Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond., 1897-8, pp. xlvii-1. -----. Report of a case of cervical ribs. Ibid., 1898-9, pp. i-iv.—Hogolyubotf (V.) K voprosu o shelnikh rebrakh. [On cervical ribs.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1906, lxvi, 314-323.— Boyd (S.) A case of cervical rib. internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893, ii, 881, 1 pl.—R road bent (W.) Cervical ribs and their effects on the great vessels of the neck. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 1033.— Hrodier (H.) Septieme cote cervicale surnu- meraire. Bull. Soc. anat de Par., 1892, lxvii, 79.— Rrusli (C. E.), jr. Notes on cervical ribs. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901, xii, 114-117. Also, Reprint.— Cervical ribs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 878.—Ranlos. C6te cervicale surnumeraire simulant un an6vrisme de l'artere sous-clavi6re. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 845. — Des- tarae. Deux cas de cote cervicale surnumeraire. Languedoc med.-chir., Toulouse, 1904, xii,215-220. -----. Deux cas de cote cervicale surnumeraire. Toulouse med.,1904,2. s., vi, 268-272.— Reux (Sur) casdeseptiemes cotes cervicales. Rayons X, Par., 1898, 6. — Fhrich. (E.) Zur klinischen Symptomatologie der Halsrippen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1895, xiv, 199-228.—Kisen- dratli (D. N.) The existence of cervical ribs in man. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, viii, 322-325. -----. Cervical rib. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1904-5, n. s., vi, 67.—Engel- mann. Zwei Falle von Halsrippen. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn, 1899, med. Sekt, 41.—Fairhall (G. H.) Reportof a ease of cervical ribs. Westminst. Hosp. Rep. 1897-8, Lond., 1899, xi, 133. —Farr ( C. B.) Bilateral cervical rib with symptoms of pressure on the brachial plexus. Am. Med., York & Phila., 1907, n. s., ii, 311-314—Foote (C. J.) A case of cervical rib. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1906-7, xiii, 325.—Franck (O.) Halsrippe und Unfall. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 697.— Gardner ( F.) Les c6tes cervicales chez 1'homme. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1907, lxxx, 699; 735.—Garre. Ueber Skoliose bei Halsrippen. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1903, xi, 49-53.— Gaudier & Rebeyre. Presence d'une c6te cervicale surnumeraire. Nord. m6d., Lille, 1906, xii, 272.—Gerard (G.) Anomalies osseuses; sur la presence d'une cote cervicale articulee avec la pre- miere c6te form6e elle-meme de la fusion des deux premieres cdtes thoraciques. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy, 1900, viii, 61-73.—Goodliart (S. P.) Cervical rib and its relation to the neuropathies; with report of a case. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Lancaster, Pa., 1908, xxxv, 586.—de Gordon (A.) Un caso de costillas cervicales en el esqueleto humano. Gac. med., Mexico, 1894, xxxi, 411-420.—Grisson. Beiderseitige Halsrippe. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1898-9, ii, 103, lpl.—Grounauer (L.) C6tesupplementalcervicale. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1898, xviii, 19-23.— Halbertsina (H.J.) Overde verhounding der onder- sleutelbeens-slagader tot toevallig aanwezige halsribben bij den mensch. Versl.. . . d. k. Akad. v. Wentsch. Afd. 8 RIBS. Ribs (Cervical). Natuurk., Amst., 1856, iv, 247-258, 3 pl. Also, Reprint — Ilanswii-tli (L.) Cervical rib; reportofaca.se. \ni .1. Surg., N. Y., 1905-6, xix, 147.—Hessert (W.) Cervicai rib. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliv, 630, 1 pl.—Hipphi* i.\. E.) Sluchal shelnavorebra. [Cervical rib.] Dietsk med., Mosk., 1903, viii, 153-157. —Hirseh ( K. ) Zur Klinik der Halsrippen. Wien. klin. VVchnsehr. lsor, jv 96-98.—Howell (C. M. H.) A consideration of some symptoms which may be produced by seventh cervical ribs. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1702-1707.—Jones (H. L.) Cervical ribs and X-rays. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 279. -----. Cervical ribs and their relation to atrophy of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. Med Electrol. & Radiol., Lond., 1906, vii, 202 205. Also: Quart J. Med., Oxford, 1907-8, i, 187-191, 2 pl.—Kainmerer (F.) Cervical ribs. Ann. Surg., Phila., I'.HU, xxxiv, 637- 648, 1 pl. — Kiderlen. Zwei Fiille von Halsrippen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi Ver.-BeiL, 61.— Knoch. [Ein Fall von Halsrippe.] Deutsche mil.-iirztL Ztschr., Berl., 1903, xxxii, 59.—Le\ i (H.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Halsrippen. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1904, xxiii, 988-992.—Liliciithal (H.) Cervical rib. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xli, 766-768.— OTc- Gavin (L.) Bilateral cervical ribs,and an abnormal bony mass at the first chrondro-sternal junction. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, xxxv, 179—JlcJtturrich (J. P.) Notes on a pair of fully developed cervical ribs. JAbstr.] Anat. Record, Bait., 1906-7, i, 76— Jttenocal (R.) Un caso de costillacervical. Semanamed.,BuenosAires, 1903,x,209.— ftlock. Cotes cervicales. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1908, lxxxiii, 263. — ITIui-pliy (J. B.) The clin- ical significance of cervical ribs. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1906, iii, 514-520.—Pancoast (H. K.) Cervical rib. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1901-2, xiv, 394-398 — Patrick (H. T.) Cervical rib. Illinois M. J., Spring- field, 1905, vii, 11.—Phillips (L. C. P.) Two cases of cervical ribs. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. A- Ireland, Lond., 1899-1900, pp. xxxiii-xlii.—Puehkovski (S.) Shelniya rebra u sobaki (Canis familiaris). [Cervical ribs in the dog.] Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1896, xiii, 227- 236.—de Quervaln (F.) Die Bedeutung der Halsrippen fiir die Militartaugliehkeit. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1896, xxvi, 235-239.—Ranzi (E.) Zur Kasuistik der Halsrippen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 274- 276.—Reuterskliild (A.) Om halsrefben. [Cervical ribs.] Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1908, lxx, 557-568.—Riesmaii (D.) Cervical rib. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1901-5, xvii, 2-7.—Roberts (J. B.) The surgical importance of cervical ribs to the general practitioner. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 1126-1130.—Rose (W.) Pulsating swell- ing in the neck caused by a supernumerary rib. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1893-4, Lond., 1895, i, 205—Rosen- haupt (H.) Zur Klinik der Halsrippe. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1905, xli, 205-225.—Russell (C. K.) Su- pernumerary cervical ribs and their effects on the bra- chial plexus and subclavian artery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 253-258. Also: Montreal M. J., 1907, xxxvi, 171-174.—von Rutkowski (W.) Zur Diagnostik der Halsrippen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl.,1906, lx, 267-271.— Scheller. Weitere Beobachtungen bestehender Hals- rippen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1897, xxvi, 421.—Schnitzler (J.) Zur Symptomatologie der Hals- rippen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895. xxii, 857.—Seif- l*er. [Ein Madchen mit doppelseitiger Halsrippe.] Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli, 818. -----. [Fall von doppel- seitiger Halsrippe mit nervosen Symptomen.] Arch. f. Psychiat,, Berl., 1906, xli, 1115.—Sherren (J.) Cervical ribs; involvement of superficial nerves in scar-tissue fol- lowing their removal. Clin. J., Lond., 1908, xxxii, 95.— Sokol (S.Y.) K voprosu o shelnikh rebrakh. [Cervical ribs.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1907, xxi, 23-28. — Spellissy (J. M.) Cervical rib. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1907, xlv, 638.— Spizharnfy(I.K.) O shelnikh rebrakh. [Cervical ribs.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lv, 687-695. Also [Abstr.]: Syezd rossiysk. khirurg. 1900,Mosk., 1901, i,66.—Stiller. Zur Pa- thologie der Halsrippen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 445.—Talon. Contribution a l'etude de la septieme c6te cervicale. Arch.gen. de med., Par., 1904,ii,2003-2006.— Tliorburn (W.) The symptoms due to cervical ribs, Med. Chron., Manchester, 1907-8, xlvii, 165-191,7 pl. Also: Dreschfeld Memorial, Manchester, 1908, 85-111, 5 pl.— Tlkhoif(P.) O shelnikh rebrakh s klinicheskol tochki zrleniva. [Cervical ribs from a clinical point of view.] Russk". chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1905, xxi, 211-230.—Til- mann. Die klinische Bedeutung der Halsrippen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xli, 330-340.— Unger (E.) Demonstration einer Kranken mit doppel- seitiger Halsrippe. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1902), 1903, xxxiii, pt. 1, 112.—VeselovzorolT (N. N.) K kazuistikle shelnikh dobavochnikh ryober. [On su- pernumerary cervical ribs.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 1540.—Wallace (D.) On cervical ribs, with example in living subject. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1891-2, n. s., xi, 24-29. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1891-2, xxxvii, 706-710. Also, Reprint.—Weiss (H.) Die Halsrippen . und ihre klinischen Erscheinungen. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1900, iii, 897-900.— Welssenstein (A.) Zur klinischen Bedeutung der RIBS. 579 RIBS. Riha {Cervical). Halsrippen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 373; 394.— Williams (H. J.l Report of a case of cervical rib, with remarks on mistaken skiagraphical diagnoses; with note by Samuel Lloyd. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxviii, 509-515.-----. A supernumerary cervical rib; a decep- tion of skiagraph. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1898, 88- 96. Also [Abstr.]: J. Am. M.Ass.,Chicago, 1898,xxx, 1111.— Winkler (C.) Over neuritis van den plexus brachialis ten gevolge van de aanwezig heid van een halsrib. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1904, 2. r., xl, d. 2, 589- 603, lpl. Ribs (Cervical, Treatment of Operative). Reck (C.) Die chirurgische Bedeut ung der Halsrippe. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, viii, 43- 47. Also, transl.: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 1912- 1915. —Rorchardt (M.) Sypmtomatologie und The- rapie der Halsrippen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1900-1901), 1902, xxxii, pt. 2, 431-448. [Discussion], pt. 1, 203. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 1265-1271. Also: Arb. a«d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1902, xvi, 157- 175.—Dimond (J. L ) Cervical rib removed bv opera- tion. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1901, xxi, 204-207.—Gordon (T. E.) A case of cervical rib; obliteration of the arteries of the right arm; gangrene of a portion of several fingers; excision of the rib. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1395-1398.— H. (J. W.) Cervical rib; obliteration of the subclavian ar- tery; resection of rib; recovery. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1907-8, viii, 14-16.—Hartshorn (W. E.) Cervicalrib; reportof acase removed at operation. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1907, xiii, 322-324,1 pl.—Huyberechts (T.) C6te cervicale supplementaire; operation. Presse med.beige,Brux., 1901, liii,705-707.—Keen (W. W.) The symptomatology, diagnosis, and surgical treatment of cervical ribs. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila. iV. N. Y., 1907, n. s., exxxiii, 173-218—.tlurpliy i.l. B.) A case of cervical rib with symptomsresemblintr subclavian aneurism. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1905, xli, 309-4u6. 4 pl—de Quervain (F.) Zur operativen Behandlungder Halsrippen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxii, 1065-1070. — Warren (J. C.) A case of cervical rib, with operation. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxiv, 258-260. Also, Reprint. Ribs {Dislocation of). Bosdeveix (A.) * Considerations sur les luxa- tions des cartilages costaux. 8°. Paris, 1897. Arthur (W. H.) An unusual case of dislocation by direct violence of costal cartilages unattended with seri- ous consequences. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1891, xl, 211.—Ren- net t (E. H.) Dislocation of costo-sternalarticulation,and fracture of the ribs. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1877-80, n. s., viii, 102-104.—Clarke ij. J.) Painful displacement of ribs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1135. — Depage (A.) Painful displacement of ribs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1004.—Etienne (d.i Luxations chondro-costales mul- tiples, spontanefs, cons^cutives a, une pneumonie chro- nique et 3, une pleuresie purulente. Arch. g<5n. de med., Par., 1894, i, 611-017—Harrison (S. G.) Dislocation of the ninth rib. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 78.—I^e Fur (R.) Luxation et arrachement de la premiere articula- tion chondro-costale, suivie de perforation du poumon. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, lxx, 446-449.—Le Gueut (F.) Un cas de luxation chondro-costale. J.d.sc. m6d. de Lille, 1899, ii. 450-155.— JlcCosh (A. J.) Case of ster- nal dislocation of second and third costal cartilages and of clavicle, with fracture of fourth and fifth cartilages; pneumonia; pericarditis. Med. «fc Surg. Rep. Presbvterian Hosp., N. Y., 1896, i, 203-205. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 279-281. —Platel (A.) Luxation chondro- costale. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1900, i, 182-185.—Scalzi (F.) Lussazioni delle coste. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1899, xxv, 647-652—Stoner (G. W.) Dislocation of the carti- lages of the ribs from the sternum (chondro-sternal dis- location). Physician Sc Surg.. Ann Arbor, Mich.. 1889, xi, 433-438. ^4teo:"Proc. Detroit M. & Libr. Ass., 1889. 68-74. Also [Abstr.]: Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 115.—Vanverts (J.) Luxation de l'extre- mite anterieure du dixiSme cartilage costal. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1907, lxxx, 30. Ribs {Diseases of). See, also, Empyema; Lning-s (Surgery of); Bibs (Caries, etc., of); Ribs (Osteomyelitis of); Bibs (Resection, etc., of); Ribs (Tuberculosis of); Bibs (Tumors of). Alvaro Esquerdo. Las condrites costales. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1906, lxx. 289-300.—Rerg (J.) Om refbenskondrit. [Costal chondritis.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1895, n. F., v, hft. 4 & 5, no. 22, 1- 45,1 pl. Also, Reprint— Rillinkin. Osteo-periostites costales traitees par l'efliuve de haute frequence. Bull. off. Soc. franc, d'eiectrother., Par., 1904, xi, 80-86.— Clarke (J. J.) A note on a painful condition of the twelfth pair of ribs. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, xxxv, 1, 1 pl.—Duplay. Exostose du creux susclaviculaire naissant de la septieme vertebre cervicale (septieme c6te Ribs (Diseases of). cervicale). Bull.med.,Par.,1897,xi,489-492.—Fraenkel. Exostose der ersten Rippe. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Nurnb. 1902, Munchen, 1903,13.—Frassi (A.) Periostite costalesuppurativadabacillodiEberth. Clin.mod., Pisa, 1897, iii, 177-179.—Freund (W.) Ein Fall von Aplasie dreier Rippen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz.,1899, n. F., xlix, 349-351.—Jacques (P.) Abces froids in tra-mammaires d'origine costale. Rev. med. del'est.Nancv, 1893,xxv,396- 108— JTIiillern-Aspegren (U.) Ett fail af septisk ref- benskondrit (Bacterium coli commune). [A caseof septic costal chondritis.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1896, lviii, pt. 2, 235-245.—PorliryelftS. p.) Sluchal chondritis etosteitis gummosa costa rum et stcrni. [Caseof...] Kazan Med. J., 1904, iv, 349-3(14. — Romignot. Exostose ou cdte surnumcraire. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1897, 2. s., i, 283-285.—Todd (A.) Deformity due to pe- riostitis of the ribs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1324.— Wiotlek (S.) Przypadek /.nacznej lamliwosci zeber. [Case of considerable fragility of the ribs.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii, 208. Ribs (Floating). Stiller (B.) Die klinische Bedeutung der Costa de- cima fiuetuans; Erwiderung an E. Meinert in Dresden. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900,1,413-418. -----. Diestigma- tische Bedeutung der Costa decima fiuetuans. Arch.f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1901, vii,375-391.—ZweigfW.) Die Bedeutung der Costa fiuetuans decima. Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Physiol., Path. u. Therap., Berl., 1886-1906, ii, 281- 291. Also: Arch.f. Verdauungskr., Berl., 1901, vii,248-259. Ribs (Fractureof). See, also, Chest ( Wounds, etc., of); Empye- ma; Insane (Injuries of); Kidney (Wounds, etc., of); Liver (Rupture of); "Lungs (Hernia of); Lungs, Spleen, Rupture of. Dhotel (J.) *Les fractures des cartilages costaux et la disjonction chondro-costale. 8°. Lille, 1903. Bennett (E. H.) Fractures of the costal cartilages. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875-7, n. s., vii, 244-247. -----. Fractures of first costal cartilage. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ire- land, Dubl., 1904-5, xxiii, 349-353. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1905, exx, 81-84.— Rreton (F.) & Roussel (G.) Du pronostic dans les fractures completes des c6tes, sans d6- placement des abouts osseux. Rec. de mgd. veL, Par., 1904, lxxxi, 244—EichJiolz (O.) Fracture of the first and second ribs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 134.—Flood (H.) Fracture of the ribs or traumatic pleuritis. Inter- nat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1904, xvii, 158-160.—Fractured pel- vis and ribs. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1905, n. s., xxxiii, 297.—Fractured pelvis and ribs, with rupture of lung, liver, and left kidney. Ibid., 1906, n. s., xxxiv, 354.—Fraetured ribs, contusion of brain. Ibid., 1905, n. s., xxxiii, 291.—Fraetured ribs; injury to lung; hge- mothorax. Ibid., 291.—tiiraud. Fracture de cfites; rupture de la rate. Marseille med.. 1908, xlv, 412.—Ham- ilton. Fracture of the ribs. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 206.—Hernandez (T.) Diagn6stico de las fracturas de las costillas. Cr6n. m6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1905, xxxi, 20-23— Huguenin (P.) Les frac- tures de c6tes. Concours m<§d., Par., 1895. xvii, 437-440.— IfI'Ronnell,(R.) Fracture of the ribs. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8, n. s., iii, 96-98.—ITI'Kenny (J.) Fracture of first rib. Vet. J., Lond., 1902, n. s., vi, 7-15. Also: Veterinarian, Lond., 1902, lxxv,250-258.-----. Fractured first rib. Veterinarian, Lond., 1902, lxxv, 336.—Miller (C. S.) Fractureof the rib; from the patient's standpoint. ToledoM. &S. Reporter, 1905, xxxi, 231—Peyrot (J.-J.) Fractures et luxations du sternum et des cotes. Traite de chir. (Duplay et Reelus), 2. ed Par., 1898, v, 708-724 — RollestoiKH. D.) Fractureof both first ribs. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, xiii, 222. -----. Fractures of the first rib. Ibid., 233.—Roy (C. C.) Narrow escape from being buried alive and a remarkably quick recovery from a frac- ture of the ribs. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvi, 394.— Slieild (A. M.) [Fractured ribs.] Clin. J., Lond., 1903-4, xxiii, 65-67.—Steinbaeli (L. W.) Fractures of the ribs. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1893, ii, 56-61.—Turner (G. R.) Frac- tured ribs; first and second on the right side, first on the left. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1889-90, xli, 233.—W. (A. M.) Fracture of both first ribs. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1905, xix, 74.—von Wedelstaed't (G. S.) Fracture of the ribs. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 276. Ribs (Fracture of Causes and mechan- ism, of). Aliern (M.J.) Fractured riband dislocated clavicle as a result of fits of violent coughing. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 503. -----. Fracture de cdtes par action muscu- laire. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1901-2, iii, 126.—Atkinson (A.) Fracture of rib during cough. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 490.—Rah r (F.) Ueber den Mechanismus der Rippenbruehe. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxxix, 251-280.—Rerezovski (S. E.) K voprosu o RIBS. 580 RIHS. Ribs {Fracture of. Causes and mechan- ism of). mekhanizmle pereloma reber i lopatki. [On the mech- anism of fractures of the ribs and scapula.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1892, xvii, 291; 307.— < hctiuonski (A.) O samoistnem, nierazowem zlamaniuzeberu chorych gruz- liczych i charlaczych. [Idiopathic, non-traumatic, frac- ture of the ribs in the tuberculous and cachectic] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 624.—Corner (E. M.) The influence of the shape of the thorax upon fractures of the ribs. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 17.—Rabout (E.) Fractures de cotes par accident de voiture. Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1905, xii, 379-382. Also: Petit J. de med., Par., 1905, no. 6, 37—Raukes (S. H.) Fracture of a rib due to muscular action. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1691.—Rel Conte (G.) Frattura spontanea di due costole in un tabetico. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1899, xv, 416-424.—Fisclier iG.) Depression am Thorax nach Fracturen des l. bis .">. Rippenknorpels. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1891-2, xxxii, 416-420.—Free- land (J.) Spontaneous fracture of ribs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 302.—<>iral. Fracture spontanee de cote. Independ. med.. Par.. 1898, iv, 257 — lonescu-Trifan (I.) Fractura costel a 7-a slang:!, printr' un acces de tusil. [. . . in an access of coughing, aet. 7.] Spitalul, Bucu- rescl, 1897, xvii, 604.—Jones H. E.) Rib fractured by coughing. Glasgow M. J., 1904, lxi, 118. -----. Note on the fracture of a rib by sneezing. Glasgow M. J., 1907, lxviii, 206.—^leyer (E.) Ueber Rippenbriichigkeit bei Geisteskranken. Arch. f. Psvehiat., Berl., 1897, xxix, 850-887.—Mask (J. T. C.) Fracture of ribs due to cough. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i. 245.—Rodman (H. D.) Sponta- neous fracture of tbe ribs, with reportof case. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville. 1904, xxxviii, 611-614.—Selierek (H. J.) A case of fractured rib as a result of a fit of vio- lent coughing. N. York M. J., 1894, lix, 434.—Sliaw (T. C.) Fractured ribs in the insane. !St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1890, xxvi, 15-24.—Skyrnie (H. E.) Frac- tureof a ribsix davs after injury to the side. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 733.—Somerset (E.) Fracture of rib from coughing. Ibid., 1894, i, 40\—Tunis i.I. IM Rib- fracture from muscular action, with forty collected cases. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890, xxiii, 523-527. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1890, xi, 254-263. Also: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1890-91, iii, 57-65. Also, Reprint. Ribs (Fracture of Complications of). See, also, Kidney ( Wountls, etc., of). Dellac (M.) * Sur une complication rare de fracture de cotes. 8°. Paris, 1898. Massol (A.) *"Des fractures de cote ferrnees et particulierement de leur suppuration coexis- tant avec des infections du poumon. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Pinatel ( E. ) *De l'emphyseme trauma- tique compliquant les fractures de cotes. 4°. Paris, 1S9L\ ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Richter (M.) *Zur Statistik der Rippen- briiche und Brustcontusionen sowie ihrer Com- plicationen. 8°. Berlin, [189,'j]. Amourouii Perforation pulmonaire par fracture de c6te; mort. Languedoc med.-chir., Toulouse, 1904, xii, 167. Also: Toulouse med.,1904, 2. s..vi, 202.—Halir(F.) Ueber eine Fractur des zweiten linken Rippenknorpels mit eigenthiimlichen Nebenerscln-inunsren. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894, xlviii, 9o^-'.40.—Hlane (L. G.) Un cas cie fractures spontanees de plu-ieiirs c6tes au cours de la grossesse. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par.. 1908, xi, 152-155.—Roteseu (H.) Traumatisme multiple; frac- tura de coaste; hematom supurat (streptococcic); nefrita acuta streptococcica. [. . . fracture of ribs . . .] Spita- lul, Bucurescl, 1902, xxii, 197-201. — Catterina (A.) Un caso d' enfisema universale della cute in seguito a frattura sottocutanea costale; toracotomia: zaffamento; guarigione. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1897, xxvii, 498-508. Also: Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1897-8, iv, 1188- 1191.— Cauehois & Jeanne (A.) Contusion de l'ab- domen; fractures de c6tes multiples; plaie par £crase- ment de la rate et du rein gauche. Normandie med., Rouen, 1900, xv, 186-1 s^.—Ciaglinskl (K.\ Przypadek og61nej rozedmy podskornej przy zlamaniu zebra. [Gen- eral subcutaneous emphysema in fractureof a rib.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1891. 2. s., xi, 501—Cooper (H. S.) Comminuted fracture of rib: emphysema; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 141.—Croft. Fracture of ribs; pyohaemothorax; paracentesis; resection of necrosed ends of ribs; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1380. — De Garis (Mary C.) A case of fracture of the ribs, rupture of the lung, and pneumohaemothorax, with notes of the post-mortem examination. Ibid., 1908, ii. 871—Relbet (P.) Pseudarthrose bilaterale du premier arc chondro- costal. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1S97, lxxii, 63-65.—Re- Ribs (Fracture of Complications e>f), reine. Fracture de cotes avec dOehirure du poumon et emphyseme presque generalise: guerison. Arch, med beiges. Brux., 1892, 3. s., xli, 73-82.— Drsigomir (B.j Ln cas de fractura a coastl a 7-a complicata" de enifisem generalisat. [Acaseof fractureof tin-seventh rib compli- cated by generalized emphysema.] Rev. san.mil Bu- curescl, 1899-1900, iii, 549-559.—Fllerton (J. F.'H.) General emphysema complicating fractured ribs. Brit M. J.. Lond., 1900, i, 1533.—Erdlieim .s.) Zwei Fiille von allgemeinem Hautemphysem nach subcutaner Rip- penfractur; Punctio thoracis. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 109-111.—Fraetura costarum v., vi., vii. dext; Ekchymoses ocul. utr. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kranken- anst. Is94, Wien u. Leipz., 1890. iii, 1075— Fractured ribs; fatal cases. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. Is99, Lond 1901, 102.— 4-ainblin (A.) Fracture multiple des cot,.3' Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1893, viii, 38-10.—Gines- tous. Pseudarthrose costale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. ct phy- siol. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 347-349. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 604.—Glnestous& Nourrit (Mile.) Pseudarthrose de la 11« cote. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1896, xvii, 5'.t">.—Hamil- ton i^W. C.) Subcutaneous emphysema and pneumotho- rax due to fractured ribs. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1899, ii, 12*7.— Heresco & Reletre (G.) Fracture des cAtes sans de- placement; dccliiruredu lobe moyen du poumon droit; hemothorax eonsecutif. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii, 715.—J. (A. C.) [Wheel of wagon passed over chest; fifteen fractures of the ribs; third rib close to sternum fractured and had punctured luna:: emphysema; recovery.] Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1904, xi, 215.— Jauines (A.) & Kstor (E.) Etude experimentale des contusions du thorax a propos d'un cas de m< inconse- cutive a la fracture de neuf cfites du cote droit N Montpel. nied. Suppl.. 1892, i, 693-722, 2 pl.— Johnston (G. J.) A case of fracture of the first rib, complicated by abscess opening into the lung, with remarks on fractures of the first rib. Dublin J. M. Sc, 18%, cii, 191-196.— Jones (S.) Fracture of ribs; empyema; resection of rib. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1379.—Konig (F.) Leber die Behandlung der durch Lungenverletzung bei sub- cutanen Rippenbriichen entstandenen Complicationcn. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1908, Ixxxvii, 467-180. -----. Ueber Rippenfracturen und traumatisches Emphysem. Verhandl. d. deutsclK Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1908, xxxvii, 166-168.—Kfiz < A.) Rupturatepnymezizeberni pri podkozni fraktufe zebra v^z kumem fysikilnim poz- ndna. [Rupture of intercostal artery in subcutaneous fracture of ribs; recognized by physical exploration.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, l.sss, xxvii, 758-760.—Latter. Fractures multiples de cotes par ecrasement avec hemo- thorax. J. d. se. med. de Lille, 1906, i, 151-1"".—Lau- rens &Rareanne. Fracture multiple de cotes; hcino- pneumothorax; emphyseme souscutan6. Bull, et mem. Soc.anat.de Par., 1902, lxxvii, 5si-r»s| —Lord (R. E.) Case of fractured ribs followed by tuberculous caseous pneumonia and death. Lancet, Lond., 189\ i. 1253.— fTIeK.ee. Fracture of the ribs followed by emphysema with a fatal termination. Montreal M. J., 1902,'xxxi, 973— Iflartsinovskl (V. I.) Sluchal pereloma reber s obshtsheyu emfizemoyu podkozhnol klletchatki. [Frac- ture of the ribs with general emphysema of the subcu- taneous cellular tissue.] Protok. i trudi Obsh. Archangel. vrach. (1895), 1806, ii, 28-32. -----. Sluchal pereloma rebra oslozhnennavo pneumothorax'om. [Fracture of a rib complicated with . . .] Ibid., 32-34.—Jlinaker I A. J.) An interesting case. [Fractured ri I is; laceration ot lung; death.] Pacific Coast J. Homceop.. san Fran . l!H>0, xiv, 8 — .Honks iG. H.) Emphysema of the entire sur- face of the bodv following fractured ribs. Med. & Surg. Rep. Post. City Hosp., 1900, xi, 156.—Morton (T.S. K.) Fractured ribs in thea^'d. Phila. Polyclin., ls'.iT.vi,234. Also, Reprint.—Murpliy (F. T.) Pneumothorax asso- ciated with fracture of the ribs; report of two cases. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 478-481.—Piekerinu ((.'. F.) A caseof fracture of the first rib alone, followed by suppuration in the chest wall and neck, and empyema. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1803, i, 406.— Rara complicanza delle fratture costali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1109.— Rastouil (H.) Fractures de cote-: rupture du foie; phenomenes simulant l'ictere srrave. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 66.— Rippenbriicli durch Ueber- fahren im trunkenen Zustande cb« Verletzten; Pyiimie; Tod; vorher erlittene Kopfverletzung nicht Ursache des Todes. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergutacht., Berl., 1891, 80-85.—Roberts (R. H. M.) A case in which all the ribs of the left side, and several on the right side were fractured, together with rupture of the right kidney, in a manseventv-three vears of age. who lived for six weeks after the accident. Tr. Clin. Soc Lond., 1896-7, xxx, 53- 57, 1 pl.—Rollet. Double fracture de c6te compliquee de pneumothorax et einphvseme sous-ciitane' generalise. Lyon med., 1904, cii, 1025-iu2s.—Ron bier. Fractures de c6tes; hystero-traumatisme; hemosyaleme-e; hemi- anesthfeie sensitivo-«ensorielle. Bull. Soc. med. d. hftp. de Lvon, 1900, v, 316-319. Also: Lvon med., 1906, cvii, 990-993.—Roy i C. D. i Fracture of rib, followed by ex- tensive tissue emphysema. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1891, RIBS. 581 RIBS. Ribs (Fracture of Can plications of). xxi, 7-12.—Saiiiiiiii (G.) Un caso di enfisema sotto- cutaneo universale in seguito a frattura costale; lettera aperta all' Eyretrio Signor Dr. Marco Luzzato. Riv. vc- neta di sc.med., Venezia, 1898,xxviii,278-281. —Sakaki. Ein Fall der Rippenfractur mit allgemeinem Haut- emphysem bei einem paralvtischen Patienten. [Japa- nese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1901, xv, 1. Hft., 10-15, 1 pl.—Schwartz (E.) Discussion sur le megacolon; violente contusion thoraco abdominale; frac- ture des cinq dernieres c6tes gauches, etc.; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 1176-1181.—Serr (G.) &Tourneux. Hernie pulmo- naire intermittente consecutive a une fracture de cote. Toulouse med., 1908, 2. s.,x, 253-257.—Seslavin (M. P.) Sluchal fractura costarum et pneumothorax. Med. soornik. Varshav. Ljazd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1894, vii, 1-5.—Skoog(A. L.) Bilateral deformity from costal cartilage fracture. J. Kansas M. Soc, Lawrence, 1906, vi, 535.—Spillmann (L.) Corps etranger de la bronehe droite; pneumothorax gauche total eonsecutif a. une frac- ture de cote; mort subite. Soe. dc med. de Nancy. C.-r. .. . Mem., 1902-3, 6.—Stewart (F. F.) Pyopneumotho- rax with greenstick fracture of the ribs. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 62-67.—Terrible (A) experience. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 373.—TUibaudet. Fracas des c6tes (6 c6tes brisees) avec dechirure du poumon et de la plevre; serie de graves complications; 6panchement sero- sanguin et gazeux; emphystaie sous-cutane; puis pyo- pneumothorax; mort. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1889, iv, 111-117.—Tilmann. Ein Fall von trauma- tischer Xeurose nach Rippenfractur, bei dem die Be- handlun? erfolglos war. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1891, xix, 315.—van de Pas (L. G. H. G.) Ribfractuur met conse- cutieveln rnia diaphragmatica. Tijdschr.v.veeartsenijk. Maandlil.. Utrecht, 1904-5, xxxii, 61-63. Ribs (Fracture of Treatment of). Crile (G. W.) An'original method of treating de- pressed fractures of the sternum or ribs. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1894, vii, 123.—Fort (R. E.) Depressed and incarcerated fractureof therilw; presentation of case and report of operation. South. Pract., Na-hville, 1907, xxix, 577-.VT9 —Gilles. Du traitement des fractures simples de cotes. Marseille med., 1893, xxx, 25-30.—Martini (E.) Sopra un nuovo apparecchio di cura delle fratture della coscia. Morgagni, Milano, 1908, 1, 632-638, 2 pl.— Resegotti ( L.) La cura operativa delle coste cervi- cali. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1896, xlvii, 207-211.— Ta- naka (X.I [Value of the iodoform-glycerin injection for fracture of the rib.] Chiugai Iii Shinpo, Tokio, 1899, xx, 18-23— Woodward R. M.) Treatment of frac- tured ribs. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xix, 257-200. Ribs (Fractureof) in animals. Radeoek (G. H.) Curious abdominal injury. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1903-4, xvi, 223.—Raxter (C. S.) Fracture of seventh and eighth ribs in a horse. Am. Vet. Rev., X. Y., 1903-4, xxvii, 341.—Rrinkwater (W.) Fracture of the ribsinahorse. Ibid., 113. Also: J. Comp. Med. & Vet. Arch.. Phila., 1903, xxiv, lriv—Sehiinmel (W. C.) & van der Veen (J.) Ribkraakbeenfrac tuur met par- tieele ribresectie bij een hond. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. Maandbl., Utrecht, 1906-7, xxxiv, 307. Ribs (Morphology of). Goppert ( E.) * Untersuchungen zur Mor- phologie der Fischrippen. 8°. Leipzig, 1895. Also,in: Morphol. Jahrb.,Leipz., 1895, xxiii, 14o-217,4pl. Has«e (C.) & Born (G.) Bemerkungen uber die Morphologie der Rippen. 8°. Leipzig, 1879. Repr.from: Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1879. Reichert. Das gleichzeitige Vorkornmen von Rippen und einem von diesen ganz ge- trennten unteren Dornfortsatz am letzten Bauch- wirbel bei Lates niloticus. 12°. Berlin, 1859. Cutting from: Monatsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., 1859. Dollo. Sur deux nouvelles preuves de l'existence des costoides. Resumed Bull. Soc d'anthrop. de Brux., 1888-9, vii, 812— Goppert (E.) Die Morphologie der Amphibienrippen. Festschr. z. . . . Carl Gegenbauer, Leipz., 1896, i, 393-436, 2 pl— Hatscliek. Die Rippen der Wirbeltiere. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch Jena, 1889 113-120.—Rabi. Ueber die Entwick- lung der Ex- tremitaten unci der Rippen der Wirbeltiere. Verhandl d. anat. Gesellsch.. Jena, 1891, v, 228.—Ribs (The) of vertebrates. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1890, xxiv, 480.— Tredsold (A. F. i Variations of ribs in the primates, with especial reference to the number of sternal ribs in man. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1896-7, 288-302. Ribs (Neu-rosis of). See Bibs (Caries, etc., of). Ribs (Osteomyelitis of). Filser (K.) *Beitriige zur Casuistik der akuten, infektiosen Osteomyelitis costse. 8°. Munchen, 1904. Hamon (A.) * Contribution a, l'etude des osteomyelites costales aigues. 8°. Paris, 1899. Hasle (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de quel- ques variotos d'osteomyelites costales aigues. 4°. Paris, 1892. Rraqueliaye (J.) Diagnostic et traitement de l'os- tcomyclite costale. Presse med., Par., 1894, 358; 890 — Fiedler (L.) Beitrag zur primaren akuten Osteomye- litis der Rippen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 235— Kaeppelln & Gangolphe. Osteomyelite cos- talc. Lyon med., 1900, xciv, 341.—Marian. Osteomye- lite aigtiede la troisieme cdte droite; p6ripleurite phleg- moneuse; perforation bronchique sans pneumothorax. Kev. g6n. dc clin. et de therap., Par., 1894, viii, 277-280.— Moeller fils. Osteomyelite costale. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1907, xiv, 83. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1907, lix, 440.— Osteomiellt rebra. [Osteomye- litis of a rib.] Otchot o dleyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1896-8), 1899,94.—Pujol Vails (J.) Osteomie- litis de la 8> costilla derecha; reseccion subperiostica; curaci6n. Med. de los nifios, Barcel.. 1907, viii, 144.— Tailliefer ( E. ) Osteomyelite chronique d'emblee d'une cote. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 607-613.— Verga ((1.) Un caso di osteomielite metapneumonica della ix costa, con sequestri. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1907. viii. 121-123.—WIdal (F.) Osteomyelite costale ayant evolug pendant dix ans k la suite d'une lifevre typhoide. Bull, et mem. Soc med. d. h6p. de Par., 1893, 3. s., x, 867-869. Ribs (Resection [and excision] of). See, also, Chest (Paracentesis of); Empyema (Treatment of, Operative) with excision of rib; Lungs (Abscess of, Treatment of, Operative); Pleura (Surgery of); Bibs (Caries, etc., of); Ribs (Osteomyelitis of); Bibs (Tuberculosis of); Ribs (Tumors of); Ribs ( Tumors of, Malignant); Tuberculosis (Pulmonary, Treatment of, Opera- tive) . Dhome (M.-J.-P.) * Contribution a l'etude de la resection costale. 4°. Bordeaux, 1890. Maheu(J.) Contribution a l'etude de la resection costale dans le traitement des abces froids thoraciques. 4°. Paris, 1894. Meier (G. F. L.) *Ein neuer Fall von operierter Halsrippe. 8°. Munchen, 1902. Aulrecht. Eine Verbesserung der Rippenresek- tionsschere. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1903, xvii, 130 — Raldassari (L.) & Gardini (A.) Ueber Knochen- neubildung nach der Rippenresektion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 102. — Bayer iK.) Anhaltender Schmerzalslndikation zur Freundschen Rippenknorpel- resektion. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1908, xxxiii, 83.— Roeckel (J.) Des resections costales tres etendues. Assoc, franc, dechir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1906, xix, 3*9-397. Also: Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1907, lxvi, 1-4.— Ro<£t!anik (J.) Nowy model nozyc do resekeyi zeber. I Ww model scissors for resecting ribs.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1905, xliv, 710. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Presse, 1906 xlvii 243-245.—Buffet. Costotomie avec pansement ouvertde'la plevre. Bull. Soc. de med. de Rouen (1889), 1890, 2. s., iii, 95-100.—Cabezon (J. M.) Resecci6n de costillas. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1900, ii, 899-905, 1 pi —Carrel. Un procede rapide de resection costale. Lyon m6d., 1902, xcix, 181-186.—Ceei (A.) Processo ope- ratorio per la resezione totale della prima costola. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1891, n. s., xiii, 721-730, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xli, 627-640, 1 pl Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. x. internat. med Cong.1890, Berl.,1891,7. Abth., iii,203-206.—Czerny. Resection einer uberziihligen 7. Halsrippe. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 821.—Rayot (H.) De la re- section costale dans le traitement des abces froids tho- raciques. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1892, 1,413-428.— Dcpatfc. Instrument pour la resection costale. Ann. Soc belKc de chir., Brux., 1900, viii, 238.—Inicliamp i V ) De la resection d'un segment de cote pour faciliter le pincement des arteres intercostales blessees. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1898, xvii, 167-171.—Fink (G. H.) Resection of a rib for abscess of right lung; recovery Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1891, xxvi, 303.—Fischer (G.) Exstirpation einer Halsrippe wegen Drucks auf den Plexus brachial™. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz 1891-2, xxxiii, 52-56.—Glllon (G. G.) Five cases of thoracoplasty and excision of ribs. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1907, v, 12-14,6 pl.-Greene (C.) Resection of ribs. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s„ lxxvii, 263; RIBS. 582 RIBS. Ribs (Resection [and excision^] of). 289.—Huber (F.) Specimens and photograph of re- sected ribs. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, Phila., 1907-8, xix, 193- 195. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1908, xxv, 262-264.— Karewski. Resectionen am Thorax. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 219; 251; 265.— Lange (F.) Thoracoplasty by subcutaneous excision of ribs. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xvii, 417.—Lobingicr (A. S.) A case of multiple costal resection. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 273-275.—Lofton (L.) Eucain; its sphere in surgerv, with report of a case of rib resection. Charlotte [N. C.] M. J., 1902, xxi, 113— Lordi (G.) Fistola toracica; resezione di 2 costole; guarigione. Ufticiale san., Napoli, 1894, vii, 465.—Martins da Silva. Resecc&o parcial do esterno e da 3» costella esquerda; excisao quasi completa da 4» costella esquerda; excisao completa da clavicula do mesmo lado; cura. Med. mod., Porto, 1907, xiv, v. 5, 157.—Meyer (W.) Osteoplastic resection of the costal arch in order to reach the vault of the diaphragm. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 1069-1075.—Monod (C.) & Vanverts (J.) De la resection du rebord costal pour la cure chirurgicale des collections sus-hepatiques. Rev. de gvnec et de chir. abd., Par., 1897, i, 499-526.—Morestin i U.) Difformite due ft une anomalie d'un cartillage costal; resection chondro-costale par la voie sous-mammaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 694-696.— Nasse. Operative Entfernung einer Halsrippe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil., 259.—Verneuil. Exostose ost6og£nique de la premiere cote comprimant le plexus brachial et causant de vio- lentes douleurs nevralgiques; operations successives, d, huit ans de distance, sur la tumeur osseuse et sur la cica- trice de la premiere operation; guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 744-753.—Wiener (J.) Osteoplastic resection of the costal arch, followed by resectic >u of lesser curvature of stomach and oesophagus, and (esophagectomy. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1908, xlviii, 530- 540.—Wyman (H. C.) Thoracoplasty; removal of ribs. Am. Therapist, N. Y., 1894-5, iii, 31. Ribs (Supernumerary). See Ribs (Abnormities of); Ribs (Cervical) m Ribs (Surgery of). See Ribs (Fracture of, Treatment of); Ribs (Resection, etc., of); Ribs ( Wounds, etc., of). Ribs (Tuberculosis of). Kruger (C.) * Ueber die Tuberculose der Rippen und des Brustbeins. 8°. Gottingen, 1893. Rlankenhorn (H.) Tubercular caries of the ribs. Cleveland J. M., 1896, i, 563.—Bugorchatka pravavo pyatavo rebernavo khryashtsha. [Tuberculosis of the right fifth costal cartillage.] Otchot o dlevateln. khi- rurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1896-8), 1899, 111.—Bugorko- voye porazheniye rebra i sbelnikh limf. zhelyoz. [Tu- berculosis of a rib and cervical lymphatic glands.] Ibid. (1899-1900),1901,157-159.—Rittrlch (F.) Uebertubercu- lose Perichondritis der Rippenknorpel. Festschr. z. Feier ... Fr.vonEsmarch,Kielu. Leipz.,1893,247-208.—Keiffer. Carie tuberculeuse costo-sternale compliquant une tuber- culose pulmonaire; guerison des diverses lesions. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1893-4, i, 134-136.—Ron Ig (F.) Die Tuberkulose der Thoraxwand mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Rippentuberculose auf Grund klini- scher Beobachtung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1906, lxxix, 1^46.—Matinian (Mile. L.) Contribution & l'etude de la tuberculose chondro-costale; procede opera- toire de M. le Prof. Roux. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1905, xxv, 112-132—Menard & Gulllaume. Tuberculose du 7« cartilage costal droit. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 359—Pollosson (M.) Tuberculose centrale d'un cartilage costal. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, pt. 2, 59-63.—Regnier. Osteite tuberculeuse de la 9« c6te; pleuresie primitive; abc6s froid eonsecutif de la paroi thoracique gauche; resection partielle de la cote; gucjrison. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy (1889-90), 1891,95- 99.—Renaud. Osteite tuberculeuse de la 9« cote; pleu- resie primitive; abces froid eonsecutif de la paroi thora- cique gauche; resection partielle de la c6te; guerison. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1*90, xxii, 497-501.—Roux. Resection costale pour perichondrite tuberculeuse (chez les adultes) par le procede a tranchees preiiminaires; re- sultats eloigners. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1904, xvii, 329-333.—Senn (X.) Multiple tubercular abscesses. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1904, xl, 602.—Shurly (E. L.) Tuberculosis of the ribs. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1894, v, 39-44.—Tuberculose der Rippen und des Sternums; 4 Fiille. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, in Basel (1897), 1898, 53.—Turner (W.) Operation for tu- berculous disease of rib with chronic abscess. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1903, exxvi, 304. Ribs {Tumors of). See, also, "Ribs (Tumors of, Malignant). Osterspey (\V.) *Ein Fall von Enchon- drom zweier Rippen und Metastase in der Haut 8°. Kiel, 1904. Schmidt (M.) *Zur Casuistik der Rippen- tumoren. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Schongarth (A.) * Ueber die Eroffnung der grossen Korperhohlen bei Rippentumoren. 8°. Breslau, 1901. Chondro-sareoinaof rib. St. Thomas's Hosp.Rep 1903, Lond., 1904, n. s., xxxii, 200.—Relore (X.) Chon- drome costal; ablation; pneumo-thorax operatoire sans accident immediat, ni eonsecutif. Lyonmed., 1902, xcix 116-119.—Reryuzliinski (S. F.) Sluchalizslecheniya znachitelnavo uchastka grudnol klletki vmlestle s ple- vroyu po povodu pervichnol vesma rlcdkol opukhoh re- bra, okonchivshiysya vizdorovleniyem. [Excision of a considerable portion of the thorax, together with the pleura for primary, very rare, tumor of the rib, ending in recovery.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1904. xv, 417-423.— Gangolphe (M.) Enchondrome du thorax chez un sujet porteur d'exostoses multiples. Lvon med., 1906, qvii, 927-930. —Gangolphe (M.) & Gabuurd (T.) Enorme enchondrome costal chez un sujet exostosique; considerations operatoires et pathog6niqiies. Rev. d'or- thop.. Par., 1907. 2. s., viii, 201-220. — Geraud (H.) & Mignot(R.) Kvste hvdatique costal. Rev. de chir., Par., 1903, xxiii, 48-59—Kaliseher (S.) Ein Fall von Ausscheidung des Bence-Jones'schen Eiweisskorpers durch den Urin (Albumosurie) bei Rippenmyelomen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 54- 56.—L.e Rentu. Resection thoracique pour chondrofi- brome recidive de la 8<> cote. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii. 244-210.—March (C.) Osteo- chondroma of the rib (card specimen). Tr. Path. Sue. Manchester, 1891-2, i, 153.—Pa rliain (T. W.) Resection of the ribs for sarcoma. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1907, Phila., 1908, xx, 527. —Porter (C. A.) Exten- sive thoracic resection for euchondroma of the ribs. Boston M. & S. J., 1908, clix, 861-863, 1 pl.—Reboul (J.) Deux cas de fibro-lipomes osteo-penostiques d'ori- gine costale developpes dans la paroi abdominale. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 515-517.— Sourdllle (G.) Osteo-sarcome des c6tes chez un enfant de 11 ans. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1909, 2. s., xxvii, 31-33.— Teske. Traumatisches Rippenenchondrom. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, 109.—Trolimoft*(V. K.) K ka- zuistikle pervichnikh opukholel reber. [Primary tu- mors of the ribs.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1902, xii, 169-180.— Vautrln. Exostoses osteogeniques; osteo-chondromes des c6tes. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1907, xxxix, 427- 431.—Waterhouse (H. F.) Chondroma growing from rib cartilage simulating tumour of the breast. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, ix, 317. Ribs (Tumors of Malignant). Chevillakd (X.) * Contribution a l'etude du sarcome primitif des cotes. 8°. Paris, 1907. Flugel (K.) *Metaplastische und resorp- tive Vorgange bei Carcinom der Rippen. 8°. Wurzburg, 1899. de Paulo (J.-A.) *Du cancer secondaire des cotes. 4°. Paris, 1893. Ha las (D.) Subscapularis bordasarkoma. [. . . sar- coma of the ribs.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1908, Iii, 66.— t'aro (J.) Beitrag zur operativen Entfernung der ma- lignen Rippentumoren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 57. — Chavannaz. Osteo- sarcome costal, extirpation, ouverture accidentelle du p6ricarde chez une femme ayant subi trois ans aupara- vant la resection du maxillaire superieur gauchejxmr sarcome de cet os; guerison. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 352-354. Also [Rap. de Broca]: Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 733.—Ltll- enthal. Sarcoma of rib apparently cured bv operation and Coley's fluid. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1903, xxxvii, 440- 442.—McGavin (L. H.) A case of multiple osteoma as- sociated with chondro-sarcomo of the ribs. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, liii, 356-360. — Negroni ( G. ) Sopra un caso di osteosarcoma costale. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1904, lv, 51-54.—Petit (G.) Sarcome ostc'oidetelangiecta- sique des cotes chez une vache. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxvii, 285. -----. Sarcome ossitiant teian- giectasique des cotes generalise au diaphragme, au foie, k la rate et a repiploon chez un chien. Ibid., 286-288.— Sourdille (G.) Osteo-sarcome de la on/.ieme c64e chez un enfant de douze ans. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s.. xxv, 917-923.—Steele (D. A. K.) Sarcoma of the chest wall involving 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th ribs on right side and requiring resection of a considerable part of the dia- phragm for its removal; recovery. P. & S. Plexus, Chi- RIBS. 583 RICCI. Ribs {Tumors of Malignant). cago, 189S-9. iv, 197-201.—Vallas. Osteosarcoma costal; propagation a la plevre et au poumon; resection de deux c6tes; pneumectomie partielle. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1899-1900, iii, 125-129.—Warden (C. C.) Sarcoma of the ribs. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 390-393—Whipple (C.) & Webber (H. \V.) A case of sarcoma of the sixth rib in the removal of which the pericardial and left pleu- ral cavities were opened; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1347. Ribs ( Wounds and injuries of). See, also, Ribs (Dislocation of); Ribs (Frac- ture of). Rehedict (A. L.) Painful incarceration of eleventh rib. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1903, xii, 603.—Hernan- dez (R.) [Herida de la 7» costilla izquierda, poreion cartilaginosa, de unos 5 centimetros de extensi6n.] Bol. Asoc. med. de Puerto-Rico, San Juan, P. R., 1905, iii, 3-5.— Routier. Extraction d'une balle siegennt sur la face interne de la 12e c6te depuisdix ans. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, 181.—Stemen (C. B.) Crushing injuries of the ribs and clavicle. Fort Wavne M. J.-Mag., 1905, xxvi, 430. RibsteiR (Edmund). Criminalirrenanstalten und Invalidengefiingnisse. 22 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.~\ Ribton (H. P.) Solutions volatilisees; traite d'une nouvelle methode pour preparer certaines substances medicamenteuses de maniere a y developper le maximum de force therapeutique, tout en enlevant leurs proprietes nuisibles; avec leur application a la guerison des maladies chroniques. Traduit en francais par C. W. Bar- ringer. 35 pp. 8°. Xaples, Pansini, 1874. Ricapet (Gabriel) [1S70- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la noix d'arec. 54 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1896, Xo. 506. -----. The same. 54 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1896. Ricard (Alfred-Louis) [1858- ]. See Voronoff. Manuel pratique d'operations gyn6- cologiques. 8°. Paris, 1899. ■-----& Launay (P.) Traite de therapeutique chirurgicale. iii, 902 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1903. -----------. Technique chirurgicale. 2 v. ii, 490 pp.; 6,15 pp. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1905. Rieard (Emile). SeeRupuy (Edmond) & Ricard (Emile). Manuel pratique de l'inspecteur des pharmacies, etc. 12°. Paris, 1880. Ricard (Felix-Philippe) [1874- ]. Con- tribution a lYtude de la descendance des para- lvtiquesgenc'raux. 92 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 88. Ricard (Gaston). *De l'examen force1 du larynx chez l'enfant. 49 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1899, No. 332. Ricard (Georges) [1858- ]. *Dilatation du col de l'uterus contre les vomissements inco- ercibles de la grossesse (procede de Copeman). 82 pp. 4°. Paris, 1895, No. 242. Ricard (J.-J.-A.) Doctrine du magnetisme hu- main et du somnambulisme. vi, 156 pp. 16°. Marseille, 1836. -----. Almanach populaire du magnetiseur praticien pour 1846. 163 pp. 16°. Paris, A.- L.-G.-F. Breaute, 1846. See, also, ArrSt de la cour supreme touchant le ma- gnetisme animal [etc.]. 12°. Pam, 1843. Ricard (Louis). *Granulosis rubra nasi. 44 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1904, No. 543. Ricardez Vigil (Genaro). * Estudio sobre el acibar naeional. 14 pp. 8°. Oaxaca, G. Mar- auez, 1886. [Ricardi (Carlo Luigi).] Istruzioni contro la corrente epizoozia nelle bovine. Coll' aggiunta della memoria d' Alberto Haller sul contagio nel bestiame. xxiv, 240 pp. 16°. Torino, F. Prato, 1798. RicardoR (J.-M.) [1871- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude des asclepiadacees. 101 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 3. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris. Ricard un Anglicus [ -1252], Anatomia Ricardi Anglici (c. a. 1242-1252) ad fidem co- dicis ms. n. 1(534, in Bibliotheca Palatina Vin- dobonensi asservati primum edidit Robertus Toplv. 1 p. 1., vi, 50pp. 4°. Vindobonse, J. Sa- fdr, 1902. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 201 (C. L. Kingsford). -------. See, also: Payne (J. P.) Ricardus Anglicus and the teaching of anatomy in the middle ages. [AbstrJ Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii, 1353-1356. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 1405-1408. Ricardus Parisiensis. &c Sancta Sophia (Marsilius de). Opus aureum non parvum utile arti medicine, [etc.]. 4°. Lugduni, 1517. Ricau (Jean-Baptiste-Paul-Louis) [1878- ]. *De lasuperiorite dos petits ballons de Champe- tier de Ribes sur les autres appareils pour la provocation de l'accouehement. 57 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 53. Ricaud (B.) [1868- ]. * Etude sur les frac- tures de l'extremite inferieure du femur. 92 pp. 4°. Toulouse, 1895, No. 67. Ricaud (Joseph-Raymond) [1870- ]. * Es- sai sur la therapeutique immunisante. 55 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, Gagnebin, 1895, No. 15. Ricca (Candidus Felix). *Detypho. 2 1. 4°. Genuse, 1808. [P., v. 2152.] Ricca (Carlo). See Richa (Carolus). Ricca (Giovanni Battista). Memoria sulla vac- cinazione. 16 pp. sm. 4°. Porto Maurizio, G. B. Canepa, 1807. [Also, in: P., v. 2148.] -----. Sopra la malattia del Presidente Ric- cardi; risposta al dottore G. F. Lavagna. 30 pp., 11. 4°. Savoua, Zerbini, 1812. [P., v. 2152.] Riccall rural sanitary district. See Doncaster combined sanitary district. Riccardi (Paolo). Studi intorno ad alcuni crani Araucanos e Pampas appartenenti al Mu- seo nazionale d' antropologia e di etnologia in Firenze. Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. Cl.dicfis.,ma- temat. e nat., Roma, 1878-9, 3. s., v, 139-161, 2pl. -----. Di alcune correlazioni di sviluppo fra la statura umana e 1' altezza del corpo seduto; studio di antropometria. 81 pp. fol. Modena, 1891. Table 5 is 1 sheet fol., called pp. 19-26. Repr. from: Mem. d. r. Accad. d. sc, lett. ed arti di Modena. Sez. di sc, 1891, 2. s., viii. Riccardo (Lorenzini). Uh caso di paralisi di Duchenne-Erb. 8 pp. 12°. Macerata, 1900. Ricchetli (Giacomo) [1833-92]. See Simon ((iustav). Le malattie della pelle, [etc.] 8°. Venetia, 1«51. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1538. It icell i (Aqostino) [1512- ]. [Rlograpny.] Quadro biog. . . . med. e chir. luc- chesi, Lucca, 1843,6. Ricchi {Donate). [Rlograpny.] Quadro biog. . . . med. e chir. luc- chesi, Lucca, 1848,4. Ricchi {Leonardo). [Hiography.] Quadro biog. . . . med. e chir. luc- chesi, Lucca, 1843,4. Ricchi (Teobaldo). La campagna antimalarica del 1901. Relazione al Sig. Direttore (ienerale della ferrovie adriatiche. 42 pp., 16 pl. roy. 8°. Bologna, L. Beltrami, 1902. Ricci. .SVrSignor SartPs Florentine anatomical models. 8°. Loiuhui, 1847. RICCI. 584 RICE. Ricci (Antonio). Contributo alio studio della pertosse. 32 pp. 8°. Fori), 1SS7. Repr. from: Raccotditore med., Forli, 1887, 5. s., iii. Ricci (Augusto). Ferita penetrante del cranio con permanenza della punta dell' arma nell' in- terno della cavita cranica. Trapanazione. 12 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Ancona, 1891. -----. Carcinoma primitive del rene sinistro. Contributo alia diagnosi clinica ed anatomo- patologica. 8pp., 11., lpl. rov. 8°. [Ancona, 1892.] Ricci (Bernardino). Del medico Jacobo Grandi di Gaiato; memorie. 68 pp. 8°. Modena, 1S93. Ricci (Domenico Felice). Tesi. 2 1. fol. Ge- nova, 1819. [P., v. 2150.] ------. Tesi. 3 1. fol. Genova, 1819. [P., v. 2150.] Ricci (Giambattista). Ospedale di Sinigaglia, casa penale pei cronici. Riparti di chirurgia. Statistica ed osservazioni cliniche intorno alle operazioni chirurgiche eseguite dal 1885 al 1891. 27 pp. 8°. Sinigaglia, G. Peiltonico, 1892. Ricci (Pietro). II0 Dispensario celtico gover- nativo di Roma. Resoconto statistico clinico del quinquennio 1890-94. 47 pp. 8°. Roma, tipog. delV Unione coop, editrice, 1895. Riccio (Francesco). Di alcune difficolta del medico pratico esercente nei piccoli centri. 30 pp. 8°. Gerace, V. Fabiani, 1899. Riccobclli (Pietro). See Mil man (Sir Francis). Ricerche sopra 1'origine e la sede dello scorbuto [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1799. Rice. See, also, Kohorimoti. Rakotosaona. *Le riz, son veritable role alimentaire. 8°. Montpellier, 1902. Brown (E.) & Scotield (C. S.) Wild rice; its uses and propagation. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1903, xvi, 23268.— 4 ollin (E.) Falsification des substances ali- mentaires au moven des balles de riz. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1906, 6. s., xxiii, 561-505.—Keith (G. S.) On rice-meal; suggestion for Indian famine relief. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1900, xv, 478— Kita (T.) Bacterien im Reisbrei. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1899. xiii, 613-66*.—.Martinet (A.) Bromato- logie clinique du riz. Presse med., Par., 1905, 691.—von Rau mer (E.) Zum Nach weis von Talk und Farbstoffen in Graupen und Reis. Ztschr. f. Lntersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Gcnussmittel, Berl., 1905, xii. 744-746.—Rosenheim (O.) it Kajiura ( S.) The proteins of rice. Proc. Phy- siol.Soc. Lond., 1907-8, p. liv.—Satoda. Untersuchung iiber die Resorption von Reis in Verbindung mit Miso- suppe. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu To- kyo, 1903, xvii, 724-736. — Tannfoa (K.) Nankin kome wakakutek6 shiken. [Result of chemical examination of Nankin rice.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1890, 253, l-3.-Vorderman (A. G.) De 16 tsioe of rijstwijn. [Rice wine.] Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk, Batavia, 1893, i, 27-29. Rice (Toxins, Toxicology and ill-effects of). See, also, Beri-beri (Causes, etc., of). Kita (T.) * Ueber die Mikroorganismen und Zersetzung des gekochten Reises (jap. B-e han). 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Morgagni (G. B.) Se le risaje siano cagioni di mali epidemici. Parere del . . . per la prima volta pubblicato. 12°. Venezia, 1785. Osservazioni sul discorso pubblicato per le stampe Marsigli di Bologna col titolo Delle risaje e de' pessimi, loro effetti. 8°. Forli, 1815. Deroto (L.i Sulla patologia delle mondatricidi riso. Lavori <1. Cong, di med. int. 1902, Roma, 1903, xii, 466- 469. — Jaiifcsen (H. A.) Intoxicatie door het gebruik van rijstenbrij. [. . . by the use of rice porridge.] Ne- derl. Tijdschr v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1890, 2. R., xxvi, 2. d., 517-521.—Orta (F.) Sulla dermatosi delle risaiole; con- tributo clinico sperimentale. Atti d. Soc. p. g. studi d. malaria, Roma, 1906, vii, 149-152—Pezza (F.) Derma- titi; paterecci; oftalmie nei lavoratori delle nsaie. La- Rice {Toxine, ToxicolWy and ill-efeds of). voro, Milano, 1905, iii, 16-22.—Pieraccini (G.) La pa- tologia dei lavoratori del riso. Ramazzini, Firenze, 1907, i, 140-163.—Nakaki (J.) A research on the poisonous nature of mouldy rice. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., T6ky6,1892, xi, 1-5. -----. Investigation on the poisonous rice. Ibid ' 1903, xxii, 34-39. — Suzuki (J.) [Researches on the toxins of rice.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. 1902 603-616. Rice (C. E.). See Reeision of the court of appeals of Kentucky [etc.]. 8°. Frankfort, 1892. Rice (Charles) [1841-1901]. Posological table, including all the officinal and the most fre- quently employed unofficinal preparations. 1 p. 1., 95 pp. 16°. Xew York; W. Wood, d- Co., 1879. ------. The study of pharmacy. Introduction. 16 pp. 4°. Xew York, 1895. Fen- Biography, see Am. Druggist, N. Y., 1901, xxxviii 282-289. Also: Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1901, lxxiii, 303-311, port, [front.]. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 511. Also: Med. News. N. Y., 1901, lxxviii, 787. Also: N. York M J., 1901, lxxiii, 865. For Portrait, see Rice (The) memorial. Pharm. Rev., Milwaukee, 1903, xxi, 305, port. ------. See, also: In memoriam. Charles Rite. Born Oct. 14, 1841; died May 13, 1901. [Issued by the board of trustees of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, 1902.] 8°. Xew York, 1902. In honor of Charles Rice. Am. Drug. & PJiarm. Rec, N. Y., 1903, xliii, 254.—Rice memorial meeting, College of Pharmacy of the Citv of New York. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1903, lxxv, 532-517.—Rice (The) monument. Am. Drug. & Pharm. Rec, N. Y. & Chicago, 1903, xiii, 311.— Rudolph (Adelaide). Charles Rice; a legend written by him and excerpts from his letters. Ibid., N. Y., 1905, xlvi, 133. Rice (Clarence C.) Adhesion of the soft palate to the wall of the pharvnx. 15 pp. 12°. [Xew York; 1885.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1885, xiii. ------. Some points in regard to the etiology and surgical treatment of "colds in the head". 8 pp. 8°. Xew York, 1886. A. l. a. Repr. from: Quart. Bull. Soe. N. Y*. Post-Grad. M. School & Hosp.', N. Y., 1885-6, i. ------. How the therapeutic value of our min- eral springs mav be increased. 15 pp. 12°. [Xew York, 1886.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliv. ------. Unusual causes of coughing. 10 pp. 8°. Ne>» York, M. J. Roonei/, [lSSti]. a. l. a. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix. -----. Glandular and connective-tissue hyper- trophies of the lateral walls of the pharynx. 9 pp. 12°. [New York; 1887.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1*87, xlvii. ------. The relation of laryngeal to pulmonary phthisis and the importance of local treatment. 12 pp. 12°. New York, Trow, 1887. A. L. A. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi. ------. "What cases of nasal catarrh require sur- gical treatment. 12 pp. 12°. [Neiv York, 1887.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1887, xlv. ------. Atrophic catarrh. A new method of treatment. The use of ozone in atrophic ca- tarrh. 12 pp. 12°. Xew York; [1893]. Repr..from: N. York M. J., 1893, lviii. ------. In what conditions of the nose, pharynx, and larynx the galvano-cautery should and should not be employed. 11 pp. 12°. [New York; 1898.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1898, lxviii. Rice (Cornelius At,rood) [1834-97]. Obituary. Med. Rec. Mississippi. Boloxi, 1897, i, 75. Rice (Florence Frances). Hospitals and nurses. 24 pp. 8°. Boston, Damrell & Upham, 1892. RICE. 585 RICHARD. Rice {John A.) [1834-1WWJ. Plilller i,H.) In memoriam. Wisconsin M.J.,1906-7, v, 191-193. Rice (John B.) Observations on the import- ance of supplying deficiencies in the sugar form- ing ferments of the digestive fluids, with espe- cial reference to glycosuria. 7 pp. 8°. [New York, 1890, eel subseq.] Rice (L. Frederick) Report on a general sys- tem of sewerage, for the city of Lawrence. 41 pp., 9 pl., L map, 1 tab. 8°. Lawrence, H. Reed, 1876. [P., v. 2133.] Rice (W. S.) The nature and cure of rupture. 36 pp. 8°. [Adama, N. ]'.], 1904. .-----. Personal advice to my patients. 25 pp. 12°. [Adams, X. Y., n. d.] Rice (William Roche). [1832-1903]. See Seientitic memoirs of medical officers of the army of India. Part vi, 1891. 4°. Calcutta, 1891. For Biography, see Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1895, viii, 257, port.—Late (The) Surgeon-Major General W. R. Rice. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1903, xxxviii, 226. Rice-culture. Husmann (E.) * Die Reiskultur in Italien, nebst Karte des Verbreitungsgebietes. [Bonn.] 8°. Bremen, 1895. Repr.from: Deutsche geographische Blatter, xviii. Lomas (X.) Notes on the hygiene of rice culture. MS. fol. [Mexico, n. a\] Also, in: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1891, Concord, 1892. xvii, 34-37. Spolverini (G.) La cultivazione del riso. 2. ed. 8°. Milano, 1825. United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Botany. Farmers' Bulletin No. 110. Rice culture in the United States. By S. A. Knapp. 8°. Washington, 1900. Ashmead (A. S.) Rice culture in Japan, Mexico, and the Lnited States from the hygienic point of view. Sei-i-Kwai M. J.. Tokyo, 1892, xi, 159-164.—Dentl (B.) La risicoltura e la malaria nei comiini di Castelleone, Izano, Fiesco, Salvirola e Romanengo (provincia di Cre- mona). Salute pubb., Perugia, 18.'4, vii, 165-171. Ricerche di biologia pubblicate per il xxv anniversario cattedratico di Pietro Albertoni dai suoi discepoli. Siena, 1876; Bologna; 1901. 4 p. 1., xvi, 664 pp., 1 pl., 8 ch., port. roy. 8°. Bologna, Zamorani &• Albertazzi, 1901. Ricerche fatte nel Laboratorio di anatomia normale della R. Universita di Roma ed in altri laboratori biologici. v. 1-13, 1872-1908. roy. 8°. Roma, 1873-1908. Ricerche di fisiologia e scienze affini, dedi- cate al Prof. Luigi Luciani nel venticinquesimo anno del suo insegnamento. 2 p. 1., 416 pp., 10 pl., port. 4°. Milano, 1900. Ricerche di psichiatria e nevrologia, antropo- logia e filosofia, dedicate al Enrico Morselli nel xxv anno del suo insegnamento universita- rio. viii, 776 pp. 4°. Milano, F. Vallardi, Napoli, 1907. Ricettario clinico taseabile per i medici pratici. Raeeolta delle ricette piu usate e piu commen- date nella clinica di Vienna. 176 pp. 24°. E. Detken, 1879. Ricettario (II ) contemporaneo, raeeolta delle migliori ricette dei piu illustri clinici d' Italia, Francia e Germania. 76 pp. 24°. Roma, fra- telli Capacceni, 1891. Ricettario fiorentino nuovamente compilato e ridotto all' uso moderno, diviso in due parti. 2 pts. inlv. 350 pp., 11. 4°. Firenze, G. Cam- biaep, 1789. Rich (A. B.) Our near neighbor, the mosquito. 58 pp., 9 pl. 12°. New York, the Abbey Press, 1901. Rich {Edward Randall) [1S44-1.W]. Knowles (E. R.) Memorial. J. B. Rich. 8°. [n. p., 1896.] Rich (JohnB.). See Present (The) relation of dentistry to medicine [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1SS7. Rich {Joshua Bartletf). Knowles (E. R.) Memorial. Joshua Bart- lett Rich. 8°. [n. p., 1896.] Rich (Kendall Ehen) [1824-90]. V. (W. O.) Necrology. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1891, xli, 28-30, port. Richa (Carolus) [1690- ]. Morborum vul- garium historia seu constitutio epidemica Tau- rinensis anni 1720. xxxii, 118 pp., 1 1. 8°. Aue/ust;e Taurinorum, apud P. J. Zappatam, 1721. Richard (A.) Etude et histoire des eaux de consommation de Bordeaux depuis 1520 jusqu'a nos jours. 150 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, L. Rabain, 1877. Richard (A.) La lutte contre l'alcoolisme. 96 pp., 1 ch. 16°. Pafis, R. Chapelot& Cie., 1901. ------. Livret antialcoolique du soldat. Pour la patrie. Redige conformement a la circulaire ministerielle du 15 Janvier 1901. 36 pp. 16°. Paris, R. Chapelot & Cie., 1901. Richard (Achille) [1794-1852]. Nouveaux Siemens de botanique, appliquee a la medecine a, l'usage des Sieves qui sui vent les cours de la Faculte de medecine et du jardin du roi. xv, 410 pp., 8 pl., 81. 8°. Paris, B. Jeune, 1819. See, also, Chevallier ([Jean-Baptiste-] A[lphonse]) & Richard (A.) Dictionnaire des drogues [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1S27-9.—Code pharmaceutique [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1*2(1.—Cours complet d'histoire [etc.]. 2 v. 8°. Bru- xelles & Londres, 1835. For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac de m6d. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. Richard (Adolf) [1876- ]. *Ein seltener Fall von plotzlichem Verschluss der Vena cava superior durch Aortenaneurysma. 37 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1907. Richard (Adolphe) [1822-72]. Sur la com- munication de certains kystes de I'ovaire dans la trompe uterine (kystes tubo-ovariens). pp. 121-129, 1 pl. roy. 8°. [Paris, 1851.] Cutting from: M6m. Soc. de chir., Par., 1851, iii. For Biography, see Bull. Acad, de m6d. de Par. (1873), 1874, viii, 9-12 (Charrier). Richard (Albert) [1866- ]. *Du lit platre dans le traitement du mal de Pott. 85 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 221. Richard (Albert) [1871- ]. Contribution ii l'etude des metrites seniles. 68 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, 1896, No. 50. Richard (Alexandre) [1871- ]. *De 1'hy- groma a grains riziformes de la bourse sous- deltoidienne. 52 pp. 8°. Pan's, 1898, No. 182. Richard (Bernhard). *Ueber /?-Chinaldine- sulfonsiiure und einige Derivate derselben. [Bern.] 24 pp. 8°. Munchen, F. Straub, 1891. Richard (Carl) [1879- ]. * Beitrage zur Kenntnis hochgradiger Myopie. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, J. Seelmeyr, 1905. Richard (Charles). See de Rochet)rune (A.-T.) Toxicologic africaine [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1896. Richard (Clement). * Statistique du service des diarrhees d'ete a la clinique infantile de la Faculte de Toulouse pendant les annees 1902 et 1903. 52 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1903, No. 534. Richard (David). Des rapports conjtigaux, histoire de la generation chez 1'homme et chez la femme. 4. ed. 323 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1894. RICHARD. 586 RICHARDIERE. Richard (David)—continued. -----. The same. 5. ed. xii, 13-343 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1898. ■ Richard (E.) *Combinaisons du bismuth et du bore avec certains phenols. [ Paris. ] 2 p. 1., 33 pp. 8°. Yvetot, 1900. Ecole de pharmacie. Richard (Edmond) [1871- ]. *De l'osteo" myelite de l'omoplate. 69 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 326. Richard (Edouard) [1872- ]. *Des pig- mentations cutanees d'origine mSdicamenteuse. 102 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898, No. 274. -----. The same. 102 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1898. Richard ( Eugene ). Precis d'hvgiene appli- quee. ix, 779 pp. 12°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1891. Richard (Eugene). *Le repos a-t-il une in- fluence sur la rupture prematuree des mem- branes? 56 pp. 8°. Paris, 1904, No. 477. Richard (Eugene) [1881- ]. *Le goitre chez le nouveau-ne. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 65. Richard (Jean-Baptiste) [1849- ]. *Le traumatol, ses emplois en chirurgie. 63 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 455. Richard (Joseph) [1867- ]. *L'hygiene au Havre et maladies contagieuses (1880-1901); mesures de prophylaxie. 125 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 600. Richard ( Joseph ). * Contribution a l'etude du traitement des retentions placentaires apres l'avortement. 62 pp. 8°. Par is, 1906, No. 357. Richard (Joseph-Gabriel) [1883- ]. *Syn- dromes basedowiens chez les tuberculeux. 68 pp., 1 1. 8°. Xancy, A. Crepin-Leblond, 1907, Xo. 6. Richard (Jules). * Essai sur les crustaces con- sidered dans leurs rapports avec 1'hygiene, la medecine et la parasitologic 83 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 176. Richard (Jules-Louis). * Etude sur les intoxi- cations alimentaires. 80 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 403. Richard (Leon-Albert) [1879- ]. Contri- bution a l'etude du traitement de la paralysie infantile par les greffes tendineuses. 112, v pp., 2 1. 8°. Xancy, E. Claude, 1907, No. 9. Richard (Louis). * Indications du traitement des fractures de la clavicule par la suture os- seuse. 69 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 372. Richard (Louis). *Sur un cas d'appendicite subaigue avec volumineuse tumeur inflamma- toire latero-ceecale d'apparence neoplasique. 66 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 213. Richard (M.) [1882- ]. *De la valeur du traitement chirurgical du torticolis congenital selon le procede' de Mikulicz, viii, 9-58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 18. Richard (Marcel). *De la luxation de Hu- guier (luxation du pied par rotation en de- hors). 59 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 511. Richard (Marie-Arthur). * Syndrome de la stenose du pylore chez les nourrissons. 74 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 300. Richard (Paulin). Notice sur l'invention du laryngoscope, ou miroirs du larynx (Garcia's Kehlkopfspiegel du Dr. Czermak), servantd'in- troduction a la seconde Edition des observations physiologiques sur la voix humaine par Manuel Garcia. Traduction francaise d'un memoire publie dans les Proceedings of the Royal So- ciety, London, vol. vii, No. 13, 1855. 36 pp. 8°. ' Paris, J. Claye, 1861. Richard (Pierre-Albert-Marie) [1875- ]. *Le mensonge chez la femme hysterique. 60 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902, No. 50. Richard (R.) Die Regeneration des gesch wiich- ten Nervensystems, oder grundliche Heilung aller Folgen der geheimen Jugendsiinden una der Ausschweifung. viii, 104 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Quedlinburg & Leipzig, Ernst, 1856. ------. Die mtinnliche Impotenz und die griind- liche Heilung aller Folgen der geheimen Ju- gendsiinden und deren Ausschweifung. 14, Aufl. vii, 95 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Ernst, [1899], Richard ( R[embert August]) [1876- ], *Ueberlick iiber den heutigen Stand der Frage nach der Lokalisation in der Grosshirnrinde und ihre Anwendung in der forensischen Praxis. 69 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kucsl- ner, 1906. Richard (S. Y.) The science of the sexes, or how parents may control the sex of their off- spring, and stock-raisers control the sex of stock. 5. ed. v, 6-315 pp. 12°. Louisville, Spining & Co., 1879. Richard (Theodor [Carl Konrad Friedrieh] ) [1872- ]. * Ueber Typhusbazillen im Blute und deren diagnostische Bedeutung. 26 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Richard d'Aulnay (Gaston). *De I'urethrite chez la femme, ses formes et ses varietes. 163 pp. 4°. Paris, 1893, No. 19. ------. The same. 163 pp. 8°. Paris, [L. Bigot fares'], 1893. ------. Des indications et de la technique des lavages urSthro-vesicaux. 29 pp. 8°. Paris, Hugonis, 1898. Richard Guildry Home (Harlem Lodge), Ca- tonsville, Md. Descriptive circular of the pro- prietor, presenting its facilities for the treatment of mental and nervous cases. 15 pp. (Illustr.) obi. 16°. [Baltimore, 1899?] R[ichard dc Hautesierck (Francois-Marie- Claude), Baron] [1700-1772]. Traite des prin- cipales maladies aigues qui attaquent le peuple; de la maniere de les connoitre et de les traiter. xxxv, 390, xxi pp. 16°. Paris, Croullebois & Deter ville, 1790. Richard dcLaprade (Jacques-Julien) [1781- 1860]. Discours sur 1'institution du medecin suivant Hippocrate, prononce a 1'ouverture so- lennelle de I'Ecole de medecine. etablie pres les hopitaux civils de Lyon le 14 novembre 1821. 36 pp. 8°. Lyon, Ballanche, 1822. Richard of Wendover. See Ricardus Anglicus. Richardi (Sebastian). Arstedie boeck begri- pende curen der menschen gebreken van hoe- wede bes totten voeten, gecolligeert uth man- niger bewerter mester boecken . . . dorch . . . MS. 368 pp. fol. [n. /i.], 1572. Richardiere (Henri) [1857- ]. La coque- luche. 192 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, Rueff & Cie., [1893]. ------. The same. Whooping-cough. Transl. by Joseph Helfman. 1 p. 1., 162 pp. 12°. De- troit, Mich., G. S. Davis, 1893. See, also, Brouardel (Paul-Camille-Hippolyte) ft) [lsoti- 97]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i. 1257. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1897, i, 1412. Richardson (Alonzo Blair) [1853-1903]. Al- coholism; a consideration of the symptoma- tology with reference to the pathological anat- omy. 8 pp. S°. [Cincinnati, 1890.] Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n.s., xxv. ------. The therapeutic value of hypnotism. 7 pp. 8°. [Cincinnati, 1891.] Repr.from: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvi. ------. The influence of military campaigns in tropical climates in the production of insanitv. 11 pp. 8°. Richmond, 1900. Repr.from: Proc Am. Med.-Psvchol. Ass., Richmond, 1900, vii. See, also. Commitment, detention, care, and treat- ment (if the in-ane. 8°. Baltimore & London, 1894. For Bioqraphn. ste Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1903, lx, 162- 166, port. (C. H. Cl. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xli, 195. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s., li, 16. Also: Proc. Wash. Acad. Sc, 1903-^, v, 411 (J. D. Morgan). ------. See, also: Eyman(H.C) Memorial A. B. Richardson. Proc Am. Med.-Psych. Ass., St. Louis. 1904, xi— Kutter (H. C.) Address delivered before Columbus. Ohio. Acadcinv of Medicine, June 30,1903, upon the occasion of the death of A. B. Richardson. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1903, lx. 123- 125. -----. Memorial A. B. Richardson. Proc Am. Med.- Psych. Ass., St. Louis, 1904, xi, 457-460.—Scott (W. H.) Memorial A. B. Richardson. Ibid., 448-457. Richardson (Benjamin Eranlli?A [1N1T-90]. Obituary. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxv, 776. Richardson (Sir Benjamin Ward) [1828-96]. Facts relating to scarlet fever. 22 pp. 12°. London, T. Richards, 1853. Repr.from: Assoc. M. J., Lond., Is53, n. s., i. -----. The vocation of the medical scholar; being the oration delivered at the eighty-third anniversary of the Medical Society of London. Richardson (Sir Benjamin Ward)—continued. 26 pp. 8°. London & S7. Louis, 1906. Repr.from: Interstate M. J., 1906, xiii. ------. On the responsibilities of the general practitioner. 49 pp. 8°. *SV. Louis, 1906. Repr. front: Quart. Bull. M. Dep. Wash. Univ., 1906, iv. See, also, Putnam (James J.) & Riciiardson (Maurice H.) A case of .cerebral sarcoma [etc.]. 12°. Boston, 1899. For Bioi/raphi/, see Harrington (F. F.) Harvard Medical School.' 8°. New York, 1900, iii, 1427. RICHARDSON. 592 RICHE. Richardson (Maurice Howe)—continued. ------it Brewster (G. W. W.) Appendicitis; remarks based upon a personal experience of 757 cases, including 151 consecutive cases suc- cessfully operated upon in the interval. 23 pp. 12°. Boston, Damrell & Upham, 1898. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1898. cxxxix. ------& Walton (George L.) Contribution to the study of cerebral surgery based on an oper- ation for the removal of a tumor. 9 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi. ------------. Removal of the Gasserian gan- glion for facial neuralgia; a successful case. 14 pp. 12°. Boston, Damrell & Upham, 189-1. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1894, cxxxi. ------------. The operative treatment of spas- modic torticollis, with cases. 15 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. & Co., 1895.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., cix. ------------. Further observations on the treat- ment of spasmodic torticollis. 14 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1896. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 18%. n. s., cxii. Richardson (Mervyn). Fourteen years' expe- rience of cold water; its uses and abuses. xiv (1 1.), 175 pp., 2 pl. 12°. London, Longman, Brown [et al.], 1857. Richardson (Robert) [177D-1847]. Biography. Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 242 (G. Le G. Norgate). Richardson (Tobias Gibson) [1827-92]. Memory (In) of T. G. Richardson. [Contents:] The professional services of Dr. Richardson, with appendices, by Stanford E. Chaille. The representative life and character of Dr. Rich- ardson, by B. M. Palmer. 8°. New Orleans. Tola ne Unirersity, Medical Faculty, 1893. Chaille (S. E.) Memorial address, delivered on mm- meiicement day, April 5, 1893, on the professional ser- vices of Tobias Gibson Richardson, emeritus professor of surgery; born January 3, 1827: died Mnv 26 1S92 X. Orl. M. & S. J., 1892-3, n. s., xx.—II. (.!. E.) Xecrologv. Tr. Am.Surg.Ass., Phila..1892, x, pp. xxx-xxxii.—Rich- ardson (The) memorial addition to Tulane Lniversitv. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 938-940.—Soutlion E.) Presentation of the portrait of T. G. Richardson. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl. 1366.-----. Reminiscences of T. G. Richardson. N. Orl. M. A S. J., 1895-6, n. s., xxiii. G89-699, port. Richardson (William George). On the de- velopment and anatomy of the prostate gland, together with an account of the injuries and diseases, and their surgical treatment, xii, 121 pp., 46 pl. 8°. London, J. i(- A. Churchill, 1904. Richardson (William Lambert) [1842- ]. Summary of seven vears' work of the State Board of" Health of Massachusetts. 61 pp. 8°. Boston, Wright &■ Potter, 1876. -----. A contribution to the study of the treat- ment of the acute parenchymatous nephritis of pregnancv. 18 pp. 8°. Boston, 1879. [P., v. 2093.]" Repr.from: Tr. Gynaec Soc Bost., 1879, iii. -----. Diagnosis and treatment of posterior positions of the occiput. Read at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 10, 1885. 16 pp. 8°. [.Boston, 1885.] ------. Address on the duties and conduct of nurses in private nursing. 26 pp. 12°. Bos- ton, G. H. Ellis, 1886. ------. The same. 23 pp. 12°. Boston, G. E. Ellis, 1887. -----. The use of antiseptics in obstetric prac- tice. 21 pp., 1 ch. 12°. Boston, Cupples, Up- ham & Co., 1887. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi. Richardson (William Lambert)—continued. ------. Report on midwiferv and gynajcolo^v ■ pregnancy. 13 pp. 8°. [h. p., n. d.) ------. Report on obstetrics and diseases of women; obstetrics. 14 pp. 8°. [n.p.,n.d.] ------ & Walton (George Lincoln). Case of temporo-sphenoidal tumor, presenting symp- toms suggestive of abscess. Upp. 12°. Bos- ton, Damrell i(- Upham, 1897. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvii. Richardt (Franz). * Ueber Yerbrennungser- scheinungen bei Gasen. [Karlsruhe.] 83 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Metzger <£• Wittiq, 1904. Richartz (Heinrich). * Leber Tetanie and sonstige Krampfzustande bei Hvpersecretion des Magens. 31pp. 8°. Giessen, C. >-,,„ M,,,,- chou; 1893. C- Riehaud (Albert). * Contribution a l'etude chimique, physiologique et therapeutique de l'homocreosol. 76 pp. 8°. Paris, 1898 No 512. -----. Precis de therapeutique et de pharmaco- logic xxx, 938 pp. 8°. Paris, Masson A- tie., 1908. -----. * Recherches physiologiques sur l'inulase et sur Pinuline. 94 pp! 8°.' Paris, 1900. Riehaud (Georges-Louis-Joseph) [1878- ]. *Les polvnevrites de la coqueluche. 92 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905. Riehaud (Marc). * Contribution a l'etude de Fautoplastie suivant la methode italienne modi- nee. 56 pp. 4°. Toulouse, 1896, No. 144. Richault (Eugene-Ernest-Felix) [1873- ]. * Contribution ii l'etude de la paralvsie generale aigue. 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 101. Riche (Alfred) [1829- ]. Manuel de chimie medicale et pharmaceutique. ii(31.), 771 pp. 12°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1870. ------. Rapport sur Fintroduction de la stron- tiane dans les vins et les molasses. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departe- ment de la Seine. 14 pp. 4°. Paris, imp. Chaix, 1891. ------. Rapport sur l'emploi du chlorure d'etain dans le pain d'epices. Conseil d'hygiene pu- blique et de salubrite du departement de la Seine. 11 pp. 4°. Paris, imp. Chaix, 1892. ------: Rapport sur l'emploi de la glace dans l'alimentation, au nom d'une commission com- poses de L. Colin, president, E. Laurent [el al.]. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departement de la Seine. 32 pp. 4°. Paris, imp. Chaix, 1893. ------. See, also: .Tlamtestatlon de sympathique reconnaissance pour le Professeur Riche, par ses anciens 616ves. Lniou pharm., Par., 1900, xli, 345-351. Riche (Andre) [1869- ]. *L'ataxie des tabetiques et son traitement, 120 pp., 1 1., 6 pl. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 469. ------. The same. 120 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1899. -----. Les etats neurastheniques; diagnostic et traitement. 95 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere &fls, 1908. Riche (Auguste) Fabbe. Les nierveilles de l'ceil; etude religieuse d'anatomie et de physio- logie humaine. 238 pp. 12°. Paris, E. Plon & Cie., 1876. Riche {Cleiude-Antoine-Gaspard)[1762- ^' Cuvier (G.-L.-C.-F.-D.) le baron. Eloge historique de CL A. Gaspard Riche. In his: Rec. d. eloges hist., 8°, Strasb. et Par., 1819, ii, 377-424. RICHE. 593 R1CHERAND. Riche (F.) De Forganicisme. 48 pp. 8°. Pa- ris, A. Delahaye, 1869. Riche (Louis). * Contribution a l'etude des perforations uterines instrumentales. 129 pp. 8°. Pari*, 1907, No. 442. Riche (Paul) [1867- ]. *Le goitre exoph- talmique. Interpretation nouvelle. 94 pp., 3 1. 8°. Paris, 1896, No. 66. Riche (Roger) [1864- ]. *De la choree gravidique. 54pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1891, No. 303. Riche (V.) [1876- ]. *La survie apres I'am- putation interscapulo-thoracique pour tumeurs malignes. 100 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 90. Richelet (Claude-Charles). * Du cholera-mor- bus epidemique. 1 p. l.,43pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1855, 2. s., No. 332. Richelet (Jules) [1873- ]. *Du bassin ge- neralement retreci au point de vue obstetrical. 123 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 549. -----. The same. 123 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. Pa- ris, G. Steinheil, 18m. Richelieu, Cardinal et Due de (Ar- mund-Jean du Plessi*) [1585-1(142]. Cabanas. Les migrations du crane de Richelieu. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1894, lxvii, 181— Corileu (A.) Ma- ladie et mort de Richelieu. Rev. scient., Par., 1898, 4. s., x, 402-404. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1898, 2. s., xxx, 762- 767.—Griffith (F.) A photograph of the head of Car- I dinal Richelieu taken two hundred and fifty years after death. Med. Libr. A: Hist. J., Brooklyn, 1906, iv, 184,1 pl Richelot (Gustave-Antoine) [1807-93]. Du traitement de I'asthme par les eaux thermales du Mont-Dore. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste & Cie., 1859. Repr.from: Lnion med., Par., 1859, 2. s., ii. ■-----. Etudes cliniques (deuxieme partie). Ef- fets generaux ou constitutionnels du traitement thermal du Mont-Dore. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste dc Cie., 1861. Repr.from: Union med., Par., 1861, 2. s., x. -----. Etudes medicales sur le Mont-Dore. Huitieme memoire. Du climat du Mont-Dore pendant la saison des bains. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, [F. Malteste & Cie.], 1867. Repr. from: Lnion med., Par., 1867, 3. s., ii. -----. Du traitement de la retroflexion uterine grave par la soudure du col de la matrice avec la paroi posterieure du vagin. 13 pp. 8°. Paris, 1868. Repr.from: Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s., v. -----. Etude sur la nature et les proprietes the- rapeutiques de l'eau minero-thermale du Mont- Dore; parallele sommaire de l'eau du Mont-Dore et de La Bourboule. 34 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste & Cie., 1874. Repr.from: Lnion m6d., Par., 1874, 3. s., xvii. ■-----. Discussion sur la nature arsenicale des eaux du Mont-Dore. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste & Cie., 1876. Repr.from: Union med., Par., 1876, 3. s., xxi. -----. Etudes cliniques sur la phthisie pulmo- naire au Mont-Dore. 22 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste & Cie., 1879. Repr.from: Lnion med., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvii. See, also. Hunter (John). CEuvres completes, v. 2. 8°. Paris, 1839. -----. The same. CEuvres completes [etc.]. 4 v. 8°. Paris. 1843. -----. Traite de la syphilis [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1*45. -----. The same. Traite de la maladie vencrienne. 3. <'d. 8°. Paris, 1859. —Mac- kenzie (William). Traite pratique des maladies des yeux. 8°. Paris, 1844. For Biography, see Union med., Par., 1893, 3. s., lvi, 445 (J. Rochard). Richelot (Louis-Gustave) [1845- ]. Patho- genie, marche, terminaisons du tetanos. 147 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillttre it fils, 1875. [P., v. 2272.] vol xiv, 2d series---38 Richelot (Louis-Gustave)—continued. -----. L'electricite, la castration ovarienne et l'hysterectomie. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, Lecrosnier it Babi; 1890. —-—. Stir le traitement du pedicule dans l'hys- terectomie abdominale par la ligature elastique perdue. 7 pp. 8°. [Paris], G. Steinheil, 1890. Repr.from: Ann. de gynec et d'ohst., Par., 1890, xxxiv. ------. Resultats eloignes de Fablation des an- nexes. 19 pp. 8°.[Paris],G.Steinheil,[189!]. Repr.from: Ann. de gynec et d'obst., Par., 1891, xxxv. ------. Manuel operatoire de l'hysterectomie vaginale. 29 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin dc Hou- zeau, 1893. Repr.from: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1893, 7. s., xxxi- xxxii. ------. Sur le traitement chirurgical des fibromes uterins. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, [1893]. Repr.from: Ann. de gynec etd'obst., Par., 1893, xxxix, ------. L'hysterectomie vaginale contre le can- cer de l'uterus et les affections non cancereuses. xvi, 446 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Dejin, 1894. ------. Chirurgie de l'uterus du vagin et de la vulve. vii, 598 pp. 12°. Paris, O. Doin, 1902. For Biography, see Clin, ostet., Roma, 1902, iv, 429-435 (F. La Torre). Richer. Ville d'Amiens. Bureau d'hygiene. Rapports presentes par ... 1 .-3. annee, 1884-6. 8°. Amiens, 1885-7. Richer (A. J.) On sanatoria locality and cure. 4 pp. 8°. Montreal, 1899. Repr.from: Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii. Richer (Paul-Marie-Louis-Pierre) [1849- ]. Paralysies et contractures bvsteriques. viii, 223 pp. 8°. Par»8, 0. Doin, 1892. ------. Physiologie artistique de 1'homme en mouvement. 335 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 1895. ------. L'art et la medecine. 1 p. 1., 562 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Gaultier, Magnier it- Cie., [1902]. ------. The same. 1 p. 1., 562 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Gaultier, Magnier ci- Cie., [1904]. ------. Du role de Fanatomie dans l'art. Leeon d'ouverture. 25 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Champion, 1903. ------. Introduction a l'etude de la figure hu- maine. viii, 190 pp. roy. 8°. Paris, Gaultier, Magnier dc Cie., [1903]. ------. Nouvelle anatomie artistique du corps humain. Cours pratique et elementaire. vi, 177 pp. sm. 4°. Paris, Plon, 1906. See, also, Charcot (Jean-Martin) & Richer (Paul). Les d6moniaques dans Part. 4°. Paris, 1887. For iiioqruptui, see Progres med., Par., 1898, 3. s., viii, 10 (Gilles dc la Tourette). ------. See, also: Hommage & Paul Richer & I'occasion de son Elec- tion A, l'Acadcmie des beaux-arts. N. iconog. de la Sal- petriere, Par., 1906, xix, 411-416, 1 pl. Rieherand (Anthelme-Balthasar) baron [1779- 1840]. Nouveaux elemens de physiologie. 7. ed. 2 v. xvi, 544 pp.; 584 pp. 8°. Paris, Otille dc Ratier, 1817. ------. The same. The elements of physiol- ogy; containing an explanation of the functions of the human body; in which the modern im- provements in chemistry, galvanism, and other sciences are applied to explain the actions of the animal economy. Transl. from the French by Robert Kerrison. 2. ed. xii, 464 pp., 6 1. 8°. London, J. Callow, 1807. ------. The same. Elements of physiology. 3. ed., transl. from the French by G.-J.-M. De Lys. xxiv, 512 pp., 6 1. 8°. London, T. dc G. Underwood, 1819. ------. The same. From the 5. Lond. ed., re- vised, corrected, and enlarged. Transl. from RICHERAND. 594 RICHET. Richerand (A.-B.) baron—continued. the French by G.-J.-M. De Lys, with notes by N. Chapman; the transl. corrected, and the late improvements added, by John D. Godman. viii, 621 pp., xvi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. E. Moore, 1823. -----. The same. Transl. from the French by G.-J.-M. De Lys; with annotations by N. Chap- man; copious notes and an appendix by James Copland and additional notes by John D. God- man. 5. Am. from last Lond. ed. viii, 448, 111 pp. 8°. Philadelphia. H. C. Carey dc I. Lea, 1825. ------. Nosographie chirurgicale. 2. ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Gra- part, 1808. -----. The same. Grundriss der neuern Wund- arzneikunst. Nach der 4., vermehrten und ver- besserten franzosischeu Originalausgabe iiber- setzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Heinrich Robbi. 8 v. 8°. Leipzig, Buum- gartner, 1819-24. CONTENTS. v. 1. Allgemeiner Theil. v. 2. Traumatologic und Helkologie. v. 3-6. Von den Operationen. v. 7. Von den Krankheiten der Knochen. v. 8. Von den Krankheiten der Knochen, Gelenke, Msskeln und Sehnen. Ser, also, Boyer (A[lexis]) baron. The lectures [etc.]. 8°. London, 1801. -----. The same. Vorlesun- gen iiber die Krankheiten der Knochen [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1804. -Broc (Pierre). Analyse critique de 1'ouvrage [etc.]. 8°. Paris. 1810. For Biography, see J. de la sante, Par., 1903, xx, pt. 2, 261 (Monpart). For Portrait, see Corileu (A.) Centenaire Fac. de med. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. ■-----. De l'enseignement actuel de la medecine et de la chirurgie. 19 pp. 4°. [Paris, Didot jeune, 1816.] Richcroiie (Eugene) [1862- ]. *Chirurgie du poumon; pneumotomie; pneumectomie. 96 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 268. ------. The same. 95 pp. 8°. Paris, 1892. Ricliert ( Hermann Karl Otto ) [ 1873- ]. *Ueber das Ekzem der Augen. 31 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1898. Richet (Charles-Robert) [1850- ]. Recher- ches experimentales et cliniques sur la sensi- bilite. 341 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1877. [P., v. 2050; 2264.] ------. * Structure des circonvolutions cerebrales (anatomie et physiologie). 1 p. 1., 172 pp., 2 pl., 1 ch., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Gerrner-Bailliere dc Cie., 1878. [P., v. 2056; 2263.] Concours. ------. Essai sur les methodes numeriques qui permettent d'apprecier la fecondite et la vitalite. pp. 203-212. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, [1880]. Cuttine/ [coverwith printed title] from: Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1880, ix. ------. Rapport sur F organisation des labora- toires de phvsiologie des Pays-Bas (Amsterdam, Leyde, Utrecht), pp. 289-300. 8°. [Paris, 1880.] Cutting from: Arch. d. missions scient., Par., 1880. -----. Sensibilite, nutrition, physiologie patho- logique des muscles, pp. 1024-1043. 8°. Pa- ris, Gerrner-Bailliere dc Cie., 1881. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Rev. de med., Par., 1881, i. ------. Etude sur l'action physiologique com- paree des chlorures alcalins. pp. 145-174; pp. 367-387. 8°. Paris, 67. Masson, [1882]. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath., Par., 1882, 2. s., x. ------. De quelques faits relatifs a la digestion chez les poissons. pp. 536-558. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, [1882]. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch.de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1882, 2. s., x. Richet (Charles-Robert)—continued. ------. Recherches decalorimetrie. pp. 237-291- pp. 450-497. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, [1885]. ' Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch.de physiol norm, et path., Par., 1885, 3. s., vi. ------. De Faction physiologique des sels alca- lins. Etudes de toxicologic generale. pp. 101- 150. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, [1886]. Cutting [cover with printed title\ front: Arch, de physiol norm, et path., Par., 1886, 3. s., vii. ------. L'homme et Fintelligence. Fragments de phvsiologie et de psychologie. 2. ed. vii 5-570 pp. 8°. Paris, F. A lean, 1887. ------. Cours de phvsiologie. Programme som- maire. 1 p. 1., 2 1., 350 pp. 12°. Paris, Bu- reaux des Revues, 1891. ------. Essai de psychologie generale. 2. ed. 176 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1891. ------. Experimentelle Studien auf dem Gebiete der Gedankeniibertragung und des sogenannten Hellsehens. Autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von Albert Freiherrn von Schrenck-Notzing. 254 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1891. ------. Phvsiologie; travaux du laboratoire. 8°. Paris, 1893-1902. CONTKNTS. v. 1. Systeme nerveux; chaleur animale. v. 2. Chimie; physiologie; toxicologie. v. 3. Chloralose; serotherapie; tuberculose; defenses de l'organisme. v. 5. Muscles et nerfs; therapeutique d'£pilepsie; zomo- therapie; reflexes psychiques. ------. Bibliographia phvsiologica, 1893-1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898; repertoire des travaux de physiologie de Fannee 1893-8, classe d'apres la classification decimale . . .; avec la collabora- tion de MM. Athanasiu, J. Carvallo et Depuy. 5 v. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan; Bruxelles, Office inter- nat. de bibliog.; Zurich, Concil. bibliog., 1894-9. ------. Dictionaire de physiologie, avec la colla- boration de P. Langlois et L. Lapicque [etal.]. v. 1-6; fasc. 1-2, v. 7. rov. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1895-1906. -----. Conspectus methodicus et alphabeticus numerorum "Systematis decimalis" ad usum bibliographic physiologica?, confectus Auctori- tate Instituti Bibliographici internationalis Bru- xellensis et Societatis biological Parisiensis. 23 pp. 8°. Turin, Ziircher dc Furrer, 1897. -----. Les poisons convulsivants. pp. 293-309. 8°. Gaud dc Paris, 1898. Repr.from: Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Gand et Par., 1897-8, iv. ------. Dictionnaire de phvsiologie. [Prospec- tus.] 43 pp. sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] See, also, Etard (A.) & Ricliet (Ch.) Procede nou- veau de dosage [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1883].—Gurnef (Edmund), flyers ( Frederic-W.-H. ) & Podmore (Frank). Les hallucinations [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1891.— Harvey (William). La circulation du sang [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1879.—Langlois (J.-Paul) & de Varlgny (Henrv). Nouveaux elements de physiologie. 12°. Pa- ris, 1893. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, 1900.— Lombroso (Cesare). L'homme de genie. 8°. Paris, ls*9.—ITIaiiaseina (Mariya Mfikhailovna]). Le sur- menage mental dans la civilisation moderne [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1890. — JJIaxwell (Joseph). Les phenomenes psvehiques, [etc.]. 8°. Paris,1904.—Ocliorowicz (J.) De la suggestion mentale. 2.cd. 12°. 1'aris. lsx9.-----. The same Mental suggestion. 8°. Xi w York, 1*91. For hinqraphn, see Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, suppl.,25. Also: Kev. del'hvpnot. et physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 65-69. See, also, Rouby. Bien Boa et Ch. Richet. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1906. xvii, 662-672. Also: Cong. intern, de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 7, 459-516. For Biography, sie Bianolion (H.) Nos grands me- decins. 8°. Paris, 1891, 379-388. For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac de med. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. ------ & Breguet (Antoine). De l'influence de la duree et de Fintensite de la lumiere sur la perception lumineuse. pp. 689-696. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, [1880]. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch.de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1880, 2. s., vii. RICHET. 595 RICHMOND. Richet (Didier-Dominique-Alfred) pere [1816- 91]. Memoire sur les tumeurs blanches. 37- 334 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere dc Jils, 1853. Repr.from: Mom. Acad, de med., Par., 1853, xvii. _____, Des aneurysmes spontanes et trauma- tiques, de leur traitement. pp. 260-446. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, 1865. Repr.from: N. Diet, de med., Par., 1864, ii. _____. Lecons faites par . . . et recueillies par les internes du service. 1874-5. 84 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Henry, 1876. Bound with: Ecole de medecine, Par., 1876, iii, nos. 105-130. _____. Traite pratique d'anatomie medico-chi- rurgicale. 5. ed., revue et augmentee. xiv, 1355 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Paris, Lauwereijns, 1877. _____Clinique chirurgicale. 660 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fits, 1893. Sec, also, Blum (Albert). Chirurgie du pied. 8°. Pari*,188s— Fort ([Aristide-] ,T [oseph-] Apiguste] ). Nou- veau procede pour guerir les retrecissements de l'urethre. 8°. Paris, lsss — Gravite (De la) des lesions traumati- qiies [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1871. — Kaisoimier ( Victor- Georges). La zomothcrapic. 8°. Paris, 1902. For Biograpiuj, see Biam-lion (H.) Nos grands me- decins. 8°. Paris, 1891, 377-387. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1894. n. s., xx, 18-33 iC. Monod). Also: Rev. scient., Par., is'.'l, 4. s., i, 65-73 (C. Monod). Also: Lnion med., Par., 1*92. 3. s., liii, 1-3 (L.-H. Petit). For Portrait, see Corlieu (A.) Centenaire Fac. de med. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. Richey (Stephen Olin) [1849- ]. General atrophv of the conducting apparatus of the ear as related to progressive arthritis deformans. 41. 8°. Philadelphia, W. Fell dc Co., [18S1]. Repr.from: Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Lond., 1881, iii. -----. Deterioration of vision .in school chil- dren. 8 pp. 8°. Concord, N. H., 1885. Repr.from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., 1885, x. -----. General atrophy of the conducting appa- ratus of the ear. (Proliferous inflammation.) 8°. [New York, 1886.] Repr.from: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1886, xv. -----. Eczema simplex dependent upon ame- tropia. 11. 8°. [Chicago, 1888.] Repr.from: Chicago M. J. & Exam. 1888, lvi. -----. The prime etiological factor of glaucoma is constitutional. 11 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1892, n. s., civ. -----. The disease process, glaucoma. 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv. -----. The halo symptom in glaucoma. 3 pp. 8°. Washington, 1894. Repr.from: Ann. Ophth. & Otol., Kansas City, 1894, m. -----. Chronic interstitial ophthalmitis (chro- nic simple glaucoma). 20 pp. 8°. [Kansas City, Mo.], 1895. Repr.from: Ann. Ophth. . Richter ([Eduard] Woldemar) [1870- ]. * Ueber die Behandlung der Spina bifida. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., Wischaa dc Wettengel, 1895. Richter (Erich). * Studien iiber die pilzto- dtende Wirkung des frischen Harns. [Wurtz- burg.] 20 pp. 8°. Munchen, R. Oblenburg, 1890 [1891]. Repr.from: Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1891, xii. Richter (Erich). Zahnarztliches Adressbuch fiir den europaischen Continent, xi. Bd. Aus- gabe fiir 1901. Als Fortsetzung des Dental- Kalenders fiir Deutschland, Oesterreich-Un- garn und die Schweiz. Theil I. Enthaltend Deutschland. 239 pp. 16°. Berlin, E. Hielder, 1900. -----. Adress-Buch der im Deutschen Reiche, in der Osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, der Schweiz, in den Konigreichen Daneniark, Schweden, Norvvegen, Rumanien, Bulgarien, Serbien, in Russland und im gesammten Orient in sel bsttindiger Praxis thatigen approbirten Zahniirzte, im Auslande diplomirten Dentisten und Zahnkiinstler, nach Landern, Provinzen und Stadten geordnet. Ausgabe fiir die Jahre Richtcr (Erich)—continued. 1903-4. 1. Theil. Deutschland. 2 p. 1., 408 pp. 16°. Berlin, 1903. See, also, Zahnarztliches Adressbuch [etc.]. 12°. Berlin, 1902. -----. The same. 16°. Berlin, 1905. Richler (Erich) [1881- ]. * Ueber das Jothion. 17 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, II. Fiencke, 1906. Richter (Ernst) [1872- ]. *Bericht iiber die bisherigen Resultate der Serumtherapie gegen Diphtherie in der konigl. medizinischen Universitats-Polyklink zu Halle a. S. 16 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Colbatzky, 1896. Richtcr (Ernst). See Friedheim (Hans) & Richter (E.) Taschen- buch fiir den Felddienst des Sanitatsofliziers. sm. 4°. Berlin, 1899. Richter (Ernst) [1878- ]. * Ueber Atro- phia cutis idiopathica progressiva; aus der Syphilido-Klinik in Wurzburg. 28 pp., 1 pl., 11. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Steiner, 1907. Richter (Friedrieh). Ueber psychische The- rapie motorischer Storungen der Hysterie. 27 pp. 8°. [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1880.] Repr.from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1880, xvii. See, also, Arndt (Rudolf). Die Neurasthenie (Ner- venschwiiche) [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1885. Richter (Friedrieh). *Die Hundestaupe, ihre Vorbeugung und Behandlung durch impfung. [Zurich.] 211 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Dessau, E. H de Hot, 1908. Richter (Friedrieh Wilhelm Ludwig Max) [1879- ]. * Ueber die in den letzten zwolf Jahren vorgekommenen Vergiftungen. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, O. Francke, 1905. Richter (Fritz). *Zur Casuistik der Sarkome der Samenstranghullen. 18 pp., 11. 8°. Miin- chen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Richter (Fritz [Kasimir Maria]) [1863- ]. * Ueber Fiebererscheinungen bei Syphilis. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, Goedecke dc Gallinek, [1887]. Richter (Georg [Fridolin Siegfried]) [1879- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lun- genrupturen. [Konigsberg.] 34 pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1994. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1904, xliv. Richter (Georg. Gottfried Carolus ). *De amaurosi. 2 p. 1., 46 pp., 1 1. 4°. Gottingic, J. C. Dieted cli, 1793. Richter (Georg Gottlob) [1694-1773]. [Pr.] de caussis instabilis medicamentorum effectus. Gottingic, 1736. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780,iii, 25-29. ------. [Pr.] de morte sine morbo, tanquam extrema artis salutaris meta, et de legibus diaeteticis, quae ad illam maxime ducunt. Got- ting x, 1736. In his: Gpusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 1-24. ------. [Pr.] de celeri ingestorum mutabilitate non semper salubri. [Cum vita candidati Nic. Willi. Cuhn. | Gottingic, 1737. In his: Opusc.med. 4°. Franrof. <£- Lips., 1780,iii,33-36. ------. [Pr.] de judicio virium medicarum pro variis vegetabilium partibus. Gottingre, 1737. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 17S0, iii, 30-32. ------. [Pr.] de prudencia medica ambiguos na- turae motus et crises determinandi. [Cum vita candidati Gunth. Anton. Henr. Albrecht.] Got- tingse, 1737. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 37-39. ------. [Pr.] de naturae apparente prodigentia ratione seminum. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Henrici Groskurt.] Gottingic, 1738. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips.. 1780,iii, 40-43. RICHTER. 598 RICHTER. Richtcr (Georg Gottlob)—continued. ------. [Pr.] de mania erotica. [Cum vita can- didati Friderici <4ottl. Meyer.] Gottingic, 1741. In las: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A- Lips., 1780, iii,89-93. ------. [Pr.] de materia et sede podagrae. [Cum vita candidati Joachimi Fursen.] Gottingic, 1741. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips.,1780, iii, 81-88. ------. [Pr.] de nsevis theoriae medicae. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Matthiae.] Gottingic, 1741. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii,50-57. ------. [Pr.] de purpurae antiquo et novo pig- mento. [Cum vita *candidati Jo. Cph. Ludov. Seip.] Gottingic, 1741. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 73-80, ------. [Pr.] de repentina morte hominum specie sanorum. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Ca- roli Crom.] Gottingic, 1741. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780,iii, 63-65. ■------. [Pr.] de veterum empyricorum ingenui- tate. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Justi Grum- brecht.] Gottingse, 1741. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 43-49. ------. [Pr.] de virtute stomachica vini calidi. [Cum vita candidati Jacobi Nicolai Marcord.] Gotting ;c, 1741. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii,66-72. ------. [Pr.] exhibens brevem de voce KoiXias disquisitionem. Gottingic, 1741. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii,58-62. ------. [Pr.] de phthisi sine ulcere. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Ludov. Reichmann.] Gottingic, 1744. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 126- 132. ------. [Pr.] de viis sputi pleuriticorum. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Christ. Lammers.] Gottingn; 1744. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780,iii,94-103. ------. [Pr.] exhibens brevem inquisit onem in Hippocraticas scorbuti antiquitates. [Cum vita candidati Hermanni Chr. Sartorus.] Gottingic, 1744. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 110- 117. ------. [Pr.] exhibens censuram nimiae laudis haemorrhoidum. [Cum vita candidati Georg. Conradi Wolfi.] Gottingse, 1744. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 17S0, iii, 104- 109. ------. [Pr.] exhibens judicium de phthisi ner- vosa. [Cum vita candidati Matth. Ludov. Ru- dolphii Berckelmann.] Gottingn; 1744. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 133- 139. ------. [Pr.] exhibens vindicias Herm. Boer- haavii adversus censorem anglum. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Chph. Starck.] Gottingse, 1744. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 140- 154. ------. [Pr.] qua assuetudo venena ferendi in drimyphagis expenditur. [Cum vita candidati Jo. Henr. Engenhagen.] Gottingse, 1744. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 118- 125. ------. [Pr.] de balneo inprimis animali. Got- tingic, 1748. in his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 177- 192. ------. [Pr.] de crisibus veterum in morbis, iisque proprio tempore. [Cum vita candidati Andreae Conrad.] Gottingse, 1748. In his: Opusc. med. 4° Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 164- 176. ------. [Pr.] exhibens conjecturas quasdam de duplici nova inflammationum exitus rigescendo Richtcr ((ieorg Gottlob)— continued. et desquammando. [Cum vita candidati Davidis Christophori Schobinger.] Gottingic, 1748. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Li'os., 1780, iii 155- 163. ------. [Pr.] de constantia senilis valetudinis. [Cum vita candidati Georgii Ferdinandii Wege- ner.] Gottingse, 1752. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 207- 215. ------. [Pr.] de jejuniorum ac nimiae sobrietatis noxis. Gotting a;, 1752. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 193- 206. ------. [Pr.] depiscium salutari cibo. Gollint/u:, 1752. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 216- 224. ------. [Pr.] de limitandis laudibus perspira- tionis. Gottingse, 1753. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 225- 232. ------. [Pr.] de salutaris somni mensuraet tem- pore. Gottingse, 1753. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 233- 251. ------. [Pr.] de insalubri lactis et vini miscela. [Cum vita candidati Balth. Laur. Zeis.] Got- tingse, 1756. in his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 301- 312. ------. [Pr.] de lege consuetudinis concilianda cum legibus medicis. Gottingn; 1756. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 268- 284. ------. [Pr.] qua ostenditur frigus capiti, fotum caloremque pedibus magis convenire. Got- tingse, 1756. in his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 285- 300. ------. [Pr.] de salutari situs corporei varietate litteratis etiam qui scribendo, legendo, meditan- doque occupantur, opportuna. [Cum vita candidati Wilh. Ludov. Chiiden.] Gottingic, 1756. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 252- 258. ------. [Pr.] de salutari dormientium situ. [Cum vita candidati Petri Ernesti Asch.] Got- tingic, 1756. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 259- 261. ------. De morte Servatoris in cruce succincta . commentatio. Gottingse, 1757. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 313- 366. ------. [Pr.] de salutari limitando tamen equita- tionis exercitio. Gottingse, 1757. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 376- 391. ------. [Pr.] de medico morientis adspectum magis quam mortui f ugiente. [Cum vita candi- dati Jacobi Samuel.] Gottingse, 1759. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 392- 398. ------. [Pr.] qua contra mendaciorum immuni- tatem a Platone medicis concessam disseritur. Gottingse, 1759. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 418- 442. ------. [Pr.] qua paralysis alio sensu pricis alio recentioribus sumta ad paralyticos N. T. acco- modatur. Gottingse, 1759. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 399- 417. ------• [Pr- ] qua victus animalis antiquitas et salubritas expenditur. Gottingse, 1761. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 443- 468. RICHTER. 599 RICHTER. Richter (Georg Gottlob)—continued. _____. [Pr.] de commodis senectutis inprimis senili satietate vita?. Gottingn; 1764. In his: Opusc. med. 4L. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 486- 508. ____. [Pr.] de siccis et sobriis. Gottingn; 1764. In his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. A Lips., 1780, iii, 469- 485. _____. Opuscula medica, antehac in academia Gottingensi seorsitn edita, nunc vero collecta studio Jo. Christiani Gottlieb Ackermanni; praefatus est Daniel Wilhemus Triller. 3 v. 4°. Francof. dc Lipsise, J. G. Fleischer, 1780-81. _____. See, also: Heyne (C. G.) Programma quo memoriem G. G. Richteri civibus posteritatique com- mendat. Gottingn; 1775. In: Richtek id. G.) Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780. i. Richter (H. E.) How we may preserve our youth. 7 pp. 8°. Milwaukee, Wis., Freidenker Pub. co., [n. d.], No. 11. Richtcr (Hans). * Ueber das Vorkommen von Flimmerepithel im Centralorgan des Nerven- svstems. [Bern.] 37 pp., 1 pl., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, E. Ebering, 1904. Richtcr (Hans [Karl Heinrich Wilhelm]) [1878- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der konstitutio- nellen Albuminurie. [Rostock.] 35 pp., 21. 8°. Dortmund, C. L. Krueger, 1906. Richter (Heinrich) [1878- ]. * Behand- lung der Strikturender mannlichen Harnrohre. [Bonn.] 64 pp. 8°. Dortmund, W. Criiwell, 1902. Richtcr (Heinrich Emil Julius) [1867- ]. * Casuistischer Beitrag zum primaren Krebs der Gallenblase. 22 pp. S°. Munchen, Kastner dc Callweii, 1903. Richter (Hermann). *Ein Beitrag zur patho- logischen Anatomie der Lymphdriisen. 18 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1894. Richter (Hermann Bruno) [1*71- ]. *Ueber einen Fall totalen embolischen Verschlusses der Lungenarterie ohne schwerwiegende consecu- tive Erscheinungen am Lungenparenchym. 29 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Richter (Hermann Eberhard Friedrieh) [1808-76]. See Clioulant Johann Ludwig). Lehrbuch der speciellen Patholugie, [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1845-7. -----. Thesame. choulant-Richter'sHandboekderbiizondere ziektekunde, [etc.]. 8°. Groningen, 1858-60. ■-----. See, also: Ghosse (C. J.) Hermann Eberhard Richter, der Grunder des deutschen Aerztevereinsbun- des. Ein Beitrag zur neueren Geschichte der Medicin. 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Grosse (C. J.) Hermann Eberhard Richter in seiner Bedeutungfiirdie arztliche Wissenschaft. Jahresb.d. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1896-7, 97-103. Also, Reprint. Richter (Hugo) [1879- ]. * Das Carcinoma vesicae urinaria? und seine operative Behand- lung. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Richter (Hugo Robert Rudolf) [1882- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der hereditaren multiplen Exostosen. 24 pp., 11., 1 pl. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1908. Richtcr (Joh. Emil Karl) [1867- ]. *Ein Fall von Aneurysma der Anonyma und der Carotis communis dextra. 31 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1890. Richter (Joh. Max Hugo) [1878- ]. ♦Ver- gleichende Untersuchungen uber den mikro- skopischen Bau der Lymphdriisen von Pferd, Rind, Schwein und Hund. [Erlangen.] 48 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bonn, F. Cohn, 1902. Repr.from: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1902, lx. Richtcr (Joh. Max Hugo)—continued. -----. * Ueber den Einfluss der Korperbewe- gung auf die Temperatur bei Pferden. [Gies- sen.] 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1905. Richter (Karel). Leceni tuberkulosy mlekem (lactotherapie). [The treatment of tubercu- losis by milk.] 32 pp. 8°. e Praze, ndkladem vlastnim, 1900. Ricliter (Karl). Handbuch des Versicherungs- arztes. 2 p. 1., 235 pp. 12°. Leipzig, B. Ko- negen,-1899. Richtcr (Karl) [1876- ]. * Ueber die opera- tive Behandlung der Axendrehung des Diinn- darms. 96 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1901. Richter (Karl Gottfried) [1874- ]. Unter- suchungen iiber Ltinge, Gewicht und Flachen- ausdehnung des normalen menschlichen Ma- gens und Darmes, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Veranderungen des letzteren unter dem Ein- fluss von Hartungsmitteln und Faulnis. 23 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1904. Ricliter (Kasimir Guido) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von centraler Neurofibromatose mit mul- tiplen Neurofibromen der Haut. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1903. Richter (Kurt) [1883- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von schwerer Neurasthenie bei multiplen Exostosen und Kontrarsexual-Empfindung. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1907]. Richtcr (Leo). *Das Hygrom der Dura mater. 39pp., lpl. 8°. Giessen, 1899. Richtcr (Max). Gerichtsarztliche Diagnostik und Technik. 304 pp. roy. 8°. Leipzig, S. llirzel, 1905. Richter (Maximilian). K. k. priv. Siidbahn- Gesellschaft. Sanitiits-Dienst. Uebersicht der statistischen Verhaltnisse der Erkrankungsfre- quenz, Krankheitsformen, Sterblichkeit, Krank- heits- und Arbeitsdauer zu einander und zu dem Personal stande der einzelnen Dienstescategorien wahrend der Periode 1871-5. broad-ide 23 x 34 in. [Wien, 1876.] ------. Die Pflege und Entwicklung der medi- cinischen Statistik bei der osterreichischen Siid- bahn. 48 pp., 2 1., 1 tab. 8°. Wien, R. ron Waldheim, 1876. ------. Die Ohren- und Augenerkrankungen in der k. u. k. osterr.-ung. Armee. Eine kritische Studie, basiert auf statistischen Daten. 43 pp. 8°. Wien, J. Safdr, 1907. Richtcr (Maximilian) [1869- ]. *Zur Sta- tistik der Rippenbriiche und Brustcontusionen s >wie ihrer Complicationen. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, [1893] Richter (Oswald). Di > Bedeutung der Rein- kultur. Eine Literaturstudie. viii, 128 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gebriider Borntrdger, 1907. Richter (Otto). Die Medizin: Ornamentfigur am Gebiiude des Kultusministeriums zu Berlin. 1 pl. roy. 8°. [Braunschweig, 1905.] Cult i mi from: Westermann's Monatsh., Brnschwg., Jan. 1905. Richter (Paul). *Beitriige zur Klinik und Casuistik der traumatischen Geistesstorungen. [Strassburg.] 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, H S. Her- mann, 1890 Richter (Paul). * Beitrag zur Lehre von den multiplen Exostosen. 39 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenbahn, 1894. Richter ( Paul). Ueber Hautpflege. 16 pp. 16°. Berlin, Vogel dc Kreienbrink; 1902. Hygienische Volksschriften, No. 8. RICHTER. 600 RICIN. Ricliter (Paul)—continued. ------. Die Entwickelung der Dermatologie in Berlin. Eine historische Skizze. 47 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1904. Richter (Paul Friedrieh) [1868- ]. Die Or- ganotherapie und ihre praktische Bedeutung. 27 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Forms Hft. 139 of: Berl. Klinik. Richtcr (Wilhelm Albert Theodor). See Funk (Richard). Katechismus der Chirurtrie 2. Ausg. s°. Leipzig, 1834. ' Richtcr ( Wilhelm Bruno) [1874- ]. *Bei- trag zur Wirkung der subkutanen Kochsalz- infusion bei Kindern mit Magendarmkatarrh 20 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1899. Richter (Wilhelm Friedrieh Theodor) [1864- ]. *Ein Fall von geheilter Ureterfistel. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1894. Richter (Wilhelm Michael) [1767-1822]. See Dellus (Henricus Fridericus). Super bile hu- mana [etc.]. 4°. Erlangen, 1788. Richtcr ([Wilhelm] Paul). *Partielle durch Tumoren bedingte Uterusinversionen. 58 pp., 2 sheets. 8°. Berlin, C Vogt, 1896. Richtcrs (Hermannus Antonius). *Demorbis ex nimia venere. 1 p. 1., 22 pp. 4°. Har- deroeici, J. Moojen, 1766. [P., v. 1935.] Richtsteig (Samuel). *De variolis. 22 pp. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat, A. Elzerier, 1703. [P., v. 2242.] Rici (Augusto). Ferita penetrante del cranio con permanenza della punta dell' arma nell' in- terno della cavita cranica; trapanazione. 12 pp., 1 pl. roy. 8°. Ancona, Tipog. Buon Pas- tore, 1891. Ricin. Field (C. W.) Agglutinating action of ricin on ery- throcytes in isotonic sugar solution. Proc. N. York Path. Soc, 1908-9, viii, 100. — Jacob j ( M.) Ueber die che- mische Natur des Ricins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz., 1901, xlvi, 28-40.—Osborne (T. B.l & Mendel (L. B.) On the chemical and physiological properties of ricin, with demonstrations. Proc. Soe. Ex- per. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1904-5, ii, 79. Also: Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1903-4, p. xxxvi.----------. Fur- ther studies on ricin. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost., 1904-5, p. xxxii. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 1028.— Osborne (T. B.), ittendel (L. B.) & Harris (I. F.) A study of the proteins of the castor bean, with special reference to the isolation of ricin. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1905, xiv, 259-286.—Ushinski (N. G.) K voprosu o vliyanii ritsina na organism zhivotnikh. [On the effect of ricin upon the organism of animals.] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1894-5, lxi, 53-60. Ricin (Toxicology and toxin* of). See, also, Ricinus (Toxicology of). Berkley (H. J.) Experimental lesions produced by the action of ricin on the cortical nerve-cell. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1896, vii, 143. -----. Experimental lesions produced by the action of ricin on the cortical nerve-cell of theguinea-pig'sandrabbit'sbrain; theeffect of acute ricin poisoning. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 325-329. -----. Ricin - poisoning; experimental lesions produced by the action of ricin on the cortical nerve-cell of the guinea-pig's and rabbit's brain. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1898, xviii, 328-347.— Brieger(L.) Versuchezur Reinigung des Ricins und des Diphtherieantitoxins. Festschr. z. 60. Geburtst. v. Robert Koch, Jena, 1903, 445- 45o—lad sen < T. i it Walbuni (L.) Toxines et antitoxines de la ricine et de l'antiricine. Overs, o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kobenh., 1904,81-103. Also, Pveprint — Miiller (F.) Beitriigezui Toxikologie des Ricins. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1899, xiii, 302-322. -----. Ueber einige pa- thologisch-anatomische Befunde bei der Ricinvergiftumj. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1900, xxvu, 331-348,1 pl.—Reims (J.) Essais sur les toxalbumines -----. Stoffwechsel und Stoffwechselkrank- heiten. Einfiihrung in das Studium der Phy- siologie und Pathologie des Stoffwechsels fiir Aerzte und Studierende. x, 389 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1906. -----. Indikationen und Technik der Entfet- tungskuren. 38 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Mar- hold, 1908. Forms, 4. Hft., v. 1, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Verdauungs- u. Stoflwechs.-Krankh. Richtcr (Paul Julius Willy) [1873- ]. * Bei- trag zur operativen Behandlung subduraler Haematoine. 47 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1900. Richtcr (Paul [Wilhelm Albert]). *Die Bro- meliaceen vergleichend anatomisch betrachtet. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Gewebe. [Berlin.] 23 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Lubben, F Driemel dc Sohn, 1891. Richter (Paulus) [1873- ]. *Die Veran- derungen in die Bauchhohle implantierter Or- gane in ihren Beziehungen zur fettigen De- generation. [Tubingen.] 24 pp. 8°. Rudol- stadt, F. Mitzlaf, 1904. Richter ([Robert] August) [1867- ]. *Die Bonitirung des Weizens seitens Handler und Muller im Zusammenhange mit seinen chemi- schen und physikalischen Eigenschaften. [Bres- lau.] 63 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzie,, H. Boigt, 1896. Richter (Th.). Sec Encyolopadle der menschlichen Anatomie. 2 v. 4°. Leipzig, 18 [34]-6.— Encyklopadie der Ana- tomie [etc.]. 4. Aufl. 4°. Leipzig, 1841. — Pl'ennijr- Encyklopadleder Anatomie [etc.]. 4°. Leipzig, 1834. Richter ([Ubbo] Richard) [1868- ]. *Der Verlauf der Geburt bei Vagina septa. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1894. Richter (V.) Hundrede Aars D0dsfald (1791- 1890). [The mortality of a century (1791- 1890).] 3 v. 1229 pp. 8°. Kobenhavn, J. Cohen, 1901-5. Paged continuously. von Richter (Victor). Chemistry of the car- bon compounds, or organic chemistry. Au- thorized transl. by Edgar F. Smith. 2. Am. ed. from the 6. German ed. xvi (1 1.), 17-1040 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son dc Co., 1891. -----. Organic chemistry, or chemistry of the carbon compounds. Edited by R. Anschutz. Authorized transl. by Edgar F. Smith. 3. Am. from 8. German ed. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son dc Co., 1899-1900. CONTENTS. v. 1. Chemistry of the aliphatic series, xvii, 625 pp. v. 2. Carbocyciic and heterocyclic series, xvi, 671 pp. -----. Text-book of inorganic chemistry. Ed- ited by H. Klinger; authorized transl. by E. F. Smith, assisted by W. T. Taggart. 5. Am. ed. from 10. German ed. 430 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston's Son dc Co., 1900. Ricliter ([Viktor] Johannes) [1878- ]. * Ueber die habituelle Adhiirenz der Placenta. 15 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, F. Pietzcker, 1904. Richter (Wilhelm) [1866- ]. *Fiinfzehn Fiille von vaginaler Totalexstirpation des Uterus aus der koniglichen Universitiits-Frauenklinik zu Konigsberg. 44 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg, M. Liedtke, 1891. RICIN. 601 RICKER. Ricin {Toxicology and toxins of). vegetates (abrine et ricine). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1902, 11. s., iv, 212-214.—Mepanolt" (A.) Etudes sur la ricine et l'antiricine. Ann. dc 1' Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1896, x, 063-668.—Tedeschl (G.) Sull' avvelenamento ricinico sperimentale; contributo all' azione protettiva e depurativa del fegatoe dell'intestino nelle intossicazioni. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Roma. 1896, vii, 338. -----. SulP avvelenamento ricinico sperimentale; contributo all' azione protettiva del fegato e dell' intestino nelle in- tossicazioni. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1898, n. s., xx, 338-353.— Watson (G. A.) Note on ricin and abrin experiments. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1905, ii, 1091. Ricinin. Evans (T.I A preliminary communication upon ricinine. J. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 1900, xxii, 39- 46.—.TIaquenne (L.) & Philippe (L.) Recherches sur la ricinine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1904, exxxviii, 506-50*.-----------. Sur la constitution de la ricinine. Ibid., cxxxix, 840-s43.— St-hulze ( E.) & AVinterstein (E.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Ricinin in jungen Ricinusprlanzen. Zivhr. f. phvsiol. Chem., Striis-b., 1904, xliii, 211-221— Sco I one (L.) Sull' azione fisiologica della ricinina. (lior. d r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1*95, 3. s., xliii, 569-192. Also, Reprint— Soave (M.) Sulla ricinina. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1895, 4. s.. xxi, 49-61. Ricinus. See, also, Ricin; Ricinin. Cicogxa (A.) Memoria sui vantaggi del- 1'olio di ricino. 8°. Milano, [789. Isaac (A.) * Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorwasser und Bromwasser auf Ricinolsaure. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1904. Martix (L.) * Etude sur le ricin (Ricinus communis L.). 4°. Montpellier, 1894. imkkel (A.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Oleum ricini. S°. Freiburg i. B., 1S92. Berliner (M.) Das Rizinusol alsVehikel. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1904, 457; 486.—Bruns (W.) Ueber die Anwendung des Oleum ricini bei den Haustieren. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr.,Hannov., 1908,xvi,349-353.— Chick (Edith). On the vascular system of the hypoco- tvl and embryo of Ricinus communis, L. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1897-9), 1900, xxii, 652-672, 3 pl.—Collin (E.) Tourteau de ricin; ses dangers, ses caracteres ana- tomiques. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1903, 6. s., xvii, 361; 422.—Dunant. Ueber das Ricinusol. Med. WchnbL, Frankf. a. M., 1782, iii, 105-111.—Fendler (G.) Flori- cin, ein mit Mineralolen mischbares Produkt aus Rizi- nusol. Arb. a. d. pharmazeut. Inst.d. Univ. Berl. (1904), 1905, ii, 272-274. — Flnnemore (H.) & Deane (H.) Castor oil. Pharm. J., Lond., 1905, 4. s., xxi, 137 — Green (J. R.) a Jackson (H.) Further observations on the germination of the seeds of the castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 190.5-6, s. B., lxxvii, 69-85.— Gregory (J.) The modus operandi of oleum ricini. In what diseases is it lwiul? Head 1772. Diss. memb. Roy. M. Soc, Edinb., 18.(2 y-14.-L.a- lesque. Nouveau mode d'administration dc 1' I mile dc ricin. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med.et chir. de Bordeaux (1888), 1^9, 691.—Lioret (VA Le ricin et ses emplois medicinauxdans 1'ancienneEgvpte. Rev. de med.. Par., 1902, xxii, 687-698. —Tlaiiims (R.) Der Einlluss des Rizinusoles auf die Verdauung-liewegungen. Arch. f.d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1898, cxxii, 261-266. — f»lazzuo- chelll (A.) Sul riconoscimento dell' olio dicroton nel- 1' olio di ricino. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1905, iv, 223-210.—Tleyer (H.) Ueber den wirksamen Be- standtheil des Ricinusols. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz., 1890-91, xxviii, 145-152.—Nicloux (M.) Sur le pouvoir saponifiant de la graine de ricin. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 117.5-1177. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol., Par., 1904, lvi, 702-704. -----. La propriete lipolytique du cytoplasma de la graine de ricin n'est pas due a un ferment soluble. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 1352-1354. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1904, lvi, 868-870. -----. Etude de l'action lipolytique de cytoplasma de la graine de ricin; action de la temperature^ Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1904, lvi. 839. -----. Etude de l'action lipoly- tique du cytoplasma de la graine de ricin; vitesse de saponification. Ibid., 840-843. — Rochat (G. F.) Bij- drage tot de kennis van het werkzame bestanddeel der ricine. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1902, iv, 1-79.—Testi (F.) Sopral'impiego dell' olio di ricino come materiale da illuminazione. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1902, i, 337-340.—Urbain (E.) & Saugon (L.) Sur les proprietes hydrolysantes de la graine de ricin. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1904, exxxviii, 1291.—Walker (W. H.; & Bourne (L. M.) The hydrolytic enzyme contained in castor-oil seeds. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1904, xvii, 284-288.—Wilson Ricinus. (J. A.) The alcohol test for pure castor-oil. Chem. News, Lond., 1890, lxii, 215.—Wlntcrstcln (E.) Zur Kennt- niss der aus Ricinussamen darstellbaren Eiweisssubstan- zen. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1905, xlv, 69-76. Ricinus {Toxicology of). See, also, Ricin (Toxicology, etc., of). Bierbaum (K.) * Beitrag zur Giftigkeit des Semen ricini communis. [Giessen.] 8°. Go- tha, 1906. Bispham (W. N.) Report of cases of poisoning by fruit of Ricinus communis. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1903, n. s., exxvi, 319-321.—Burroughs (W. J.) Poisonous effects of Ricinus communis. Brit. M. ,1., Lond., 1903, ii, 836.— < lialterji (B. B.) Two cases of castor-oil poison- ing. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, 126.—Condos (K.) Acase of poisonous symptoms from castor-seed confec- tion; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 47.— CumIiii v (A. R.) Ueber das Ricinusgift. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1898, xli, 439-448—For- naca (L.) Contributo clinieo-sperimentale alio studio dell' avvelenamento da semi di ricino. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1906, xlv, 405-424—GulIan (A. G.) Acute poi- soning bv a single castor-oil seed. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, l, 988.—Hutchinson (L. T. R.) Poisoning by castor-oil seeds. Ibid., 1900, l, 1155.—Jones (C. H.) Toxic effects of castor oil. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., 1, 32.—.Tie Id rum (W. P.) Poisoning by cas- tor-oil seeds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 317. Also: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 220— Nlkolski (P. S.) Sluchal otravleniya stemenami ritsina. [Poisoning by the seeds of the castor-oil plant.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1897, xxvii, 2. sect., 487.—©tlicer. Poisoning by castor-oil seeds. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1*95, xiv, 283.—Vitrac. Empoisonnement par des semences de ri- cin. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxiv, 585.— Volfson (Yelizaveta M.) Nleskolko sluchayev otravleniya slemenami kleshtshevini (semina Ricini com- munis L.). [Cases of poisoning by ... ] Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1891, xii, 1037-1039. Rick (Otto) [1868- ]. * Ein Fall von Osteom der linken Stirnbeinhohle und die osteoplasti- sche Aufmeisselung der Stirnhohle nach Kri- ster. 66 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Marburg, J. Hamel, 1907. Rickards (Burt Ransom). A comparison of some of the more common liquid disinfectants. 6 pp. 8°- Boston, 1903. Repr.from: J. Mass. Ass. Bds. Health, Bost., 1903, xii. ------. A simple method of cultivating anaerobic bacteria, pp. 557-559. 8°. Berlin, 0. Uhlworm, 1904. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1904, xxxvi. -----. Notes on a case of apparent pulmonary tuberculosis associated with the constant pres- ence of diphtheria-like organisms in the sputum. pp. 327-329, 1 pl. 8°. Boston, 1906. Cutting from: Biol. Stud. . . . W.T. Sedgwick 25. anniv., 1906. ------. Sputum shaking and sedimenting appa- ratus; a rabies collecting outfit, pp. 119-122, 1 pl. 8°. Chicago, 1907. Cutting from: J. Infect. Dis., Chicago, 1907, iv. ------. A consideration of some of the problems and difficulties of bacteriological diagnosis. 12 pp. 12°. Boston, [1906]. Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Columbus, O., 1906, xxxi. RU'kc (Max). * Ueber Intoxicationserschei- nungen des Cocains bei Anwendung desselben auf Schleimhaute. 33 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1889. RU'kcnlmelier (Otto ). * Untersuchungen iiber die embryonale Membrana tectoria des Meerschweinchens. [Basel.] 32 pp., 1 1., 8 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. Rieker (Eduard). * Beitriige zur Entwiek- lungsgeschichte des angeborenen Aderhaut-Co- loboms. [Heidelberg.] 48 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1891. Ricker {Charge H.) [1854-1905]. Obituary. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxviii, 5*7. RICKER. 602 RICKETS. flicker (Gustav) [1870- ]. * Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber Muskelatrophie. 42 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, [1893]. ------. Entwurf einer Relationspathologie. iv, 84 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1905. Rifkes (Heinrich) [1870- ]. * Ueber Klap- penhtimatome des Herzens. [Freiburg.] 21 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wu-e., 1897. Rickets. See, also, Barlow's disease. Adam (P.) * Beitrage zur Rachitis. 8°. Got- tingen, 1901. Bacinsky (A.) Practische Beitrage zur Kin- derheilkunde. 2. Hft. Kachitis. 8°. Tubin- gen, 1882. Chaumier (E.) Enquete sur le rachitisme, [etc.]. 8°. Tours, 1897 [1898]. Comby (J.) Le rachitisme. 12°. Paris, 1892. ------. Traite du rachitisme, craniotabes, scorbut infantile, osteomalacie, osteopsathyro- sis, aehondroplasie, dvsostose cleido-cranienne. 12°. Paris, 1901. Dewez (F. 0.) * De rhachitide. 16°. Vien- nie, 1764. Dieckerhoff ( F. ) Englische Krankheit. 12°. Berlin, [1905]. Dithmer ( [ P. ] L.) Zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Rachitis. [Bonn.] 8°. Schuerte, 1895. Fas ano ( A.) Malarial ansemia, chlorosis, rachitis, sm. 4°. New York, 1899. Galperlv (S. A.) Angliyskaya bollezn (ra- khit). Pod redaktsiyel knyazya I. R. Tarkha- nova. [English disease (rickets). Edited bv Duke Tarkhanoff.] 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. Hamersley (G.) * De rachitide. 8°. Edin- burgi, 1787. Kaoarlitzky (S.) * Beitrage zur Rachitis. 8°. Zurich, 1907. Kraemer(P.) Skrofeln und englische Krank- heit, deren Entstehung, Verhiitung, Behand- lung und Heilung; gemeinverstandlich darge- stellt. 12°. Berlin, [n. d.]. Lavroff (F.) Ob angliyskol bollezni iii ra- khitle. [Rickets.] 16°. Moskva, 1898. Mehn((t.) *De rhachitide. sm. 4°. Duis- burgi ael Rhenum, [1730]. Metge (M.-C.) * Essai sur le rachitis. 4°. Montpellier, 1823. Petersson (O. V.) Om engelska sjukan hos barn (rachitis). [On English disease (rickets), in children.] 12°. Stockhrdm, [1895]. Schlossmann (A.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss i der Rachitis. 8°. Munchen, 1891. Spilmann (F.-L.) * Le rachitisme. [Nanew] 8°. Paris, 1900. , van der Stem pel (M. L.) Eengelsche ziekte. 8°. Zwolle, [1908]. Topped (P.) *De rhachitide. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1770. Wieseler (0. J.) *De rhachitide. sm. 4°. Ilelmstadii, 1716. Wilckinghoff (H. A.) * Nonnulla de rachi- tide. 4°. Duisburgi, 1771. Zacintio (F. C.) Considerazioni sulla rachi- tide. 8°. Padova, 1817. j Zweifel (P.) Aetiologie, Prophylaxis und Therapie der Kachitis. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. Also [Abstr.], in: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 383-385. von Aberle. Leber die Wahl des Zeitpunktes zur Korrektur rachitischer Verkriimmungen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, 2. Teil, 2. lift., 130-132—Aekermann (.1. F.) Commen- j tatio medica de rachitide, qua respondetur ad quaestio- uem, a Societate Artium et Scientiarum, quae Trajecti ad i Rickets. Rhenum est, propositam: Qufenam est naturaet indoles rachitidis? Quaenam sunt causae, quae facrunt, ut prima illius initia raro post tertium setatis annum conspiciantur? Quaenam sunt hujus morbi signa? Quaenam est illius prognosis? An dantur remedia, quibus potest prfecaveri? et si quae dantur, quaenam? Qua-nam pne ceteris, ad curandum hunc morbum conveniunt remedia? Ver- handel. v. h. Prov. Utrecht. Genootsch. v. h. Kunst en Wetensch., Utrecht, 1794, vii, pt. 2,1-188,1 pl. See, also, infra, Veirac— All'aro (G. A.) Lutte sociale contre le rachitisme et les dystrophics alimentaires infantile*. [Rap.1 Arch. Latino-Am. de pediat., Buenos Aires,1906, ii 119-133.—Barbour (P. F.) Rachitis. Pediatrics, N. Y. &Lond., 1897, iv, 529-541.—Bau me I (L.) Du rachitisme. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ni£d. de Montpel., 1K91, xiii, 137-141.— Baumel (L.) & (Echsner de Coniiirk. Contribu- tion k l'etude du rachitisme. Rev. de mod., Par., 1898, xviii, 546-549.—Bllhaut (M.) Le rachitisme, ses causes, ses effets immediate etcloignt's. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1901, xiv, 257-285.—Bramwell (B.) Adult rickets Clin. Stud., Edinb., 1908-9, vii, 49-52.—vande Brink (J. A.) Rachitis; engelsche ziekte, haar wezen, ver- schijnselen en bestrijding. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1906-7, x, 225; 241; 257. Al.-<,: Nosokomos. Tijd- schr. d. Nederl. Vereen. ... v. Verplei k., Amst., 1906-7, vii, 409; 429; 465.—Broca (A.) Le rachitisme. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1905, xviii, 285-306.— Buch (M.) Om rhachitis' etiologi och behandling. Finska liik.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1902, xliv, 479- 483.—Carpenter ((i.) Rickets. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1906, xxxiv, 225-231— Chaumier (E.) Enquete sur le rachitisme. In his: Trav. du lab., 8°, Tours, 1898, 10. -----. La distribution geographique et la nature in- fectieuse du rachitisme. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1908, xiii, 145-147.—Cheadle (\V. B.) Rickets. Svst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iii, 108-144. 1 pl.— CInotti (F.) Di un raro intervento ortomorfico per arcatura rachitica, frattura e distacco epirisario; osteo- tomia segmentaria e liueare. N. Ercolani, Pisa, 1908, xiii, 513; 530.—Collomb (B.) Observation sur le rachi- tisme. In his: CEuvres med.-chir., 8°, Lvon & Par., 1798, 421-425.—Comby (J.) Rachitis. In: Twentieth Cent. Pract., 8°, N. Y., 1896, vii, 527-561.—Cordier. Forme grave de rachitisme chez un enfant de 2 ans. Presse mod. beige, Brux., 1908, lx, 657.— Cosio. [El raqui- tismo.] Gac. m6d. de Mexico, 1907, 3. s., ii, 170.— Crandell (A. R.) Rhachitis. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1899-1901, xviii, 867-876. Aim: Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxiv, 380-383.—Be Domlnicis (N.) Rachitide. Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., Milano, [n.d.], pt. 4, 41-84.—Discussion on rickets; its causes, effects, and treatment. Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Dur- ham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 18x4 -5, 75-86.— Divaris (P.-N.) Rachitisme, etiologie, anatomie patho- logique, complications, svmptdmes et traitement. Grece med., Syra, 1907, ix, 13.—Douglass (C.) Rickety chil- dren. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii, 165-170.—Draseke. Zur Kenntnis der Rachitis. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellseh. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1906, Wiesb., 1907, xxiii, 191.— Earle (K. B.) Rachitis. Chicago Clinic, 1900, xiii, 161- 167.—Ebstein (VV.) Ueber das Vorkommen rachitischer Skelettveranderungen im Altertum und im Mittelalter. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1908, exciii, 519-545.—English (D. E.) Rachitis. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1908, xx, 620-626.—Estor (E.) De la nature du rachi- tisme tardif. Pediatric prat., Lille, 1908, vi, 133-135.— Fatal (A) case of scurvv rickets. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1903, Lond., 1904, n. k, xxxii, 73-75—Forehbei- mer (F.) Rickets. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., i, 173-181.—Fulton (G.) Rickets. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1904-5, xi, 181-183.—«ald6s (I.) Contribuci6n al estudio del raquitismo. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1905, xii, 717-728.—Ganiba (A.) Patogenia e cura del rachitismo infantile. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1894, xlv, 481-484.—Gelatl (P.) Ricerche di sieroreazione al b. coli nel rachitismo. Pediatria, Napoli, 1908, 2. s., vi, 424- 433— Gottschalk (E.) Multiple eartilaginiire Exosto- sis, Rachitis und rarefizierende Ostitis. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1909, xiii, 131-133.— Gundobin (A. N.) Klinicheskaya kartina rakhita. [Clinical picture of rachitis ] Kiened. jour. " Prakt. med.", St. Peterb., 1897, iv, 33-38 —iiutmaiin (B.) Die Rachitis. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1908, viii, 89-113.—Haluiss ((!.) Angolk6r ritka esete. [Rare case of rickets.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1908, Hi, 67.—Hansemann. Beitriige zur Lehre der Rachitis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii, 1244: 1901, xxxviii, 83. Also [Discussion]: Verhandl.d. Berl. med. .-Holin iN.) Rakitis. Bibliot. f. Laeger, Kabenh., T.i03, 8. R., RICKETS. 603 RICKETS. Rickets. iv 1-14.—Hutchinson (J.) The pathology and symp- tomatologv of rachitis. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1907, xiii 566-570.—Jacobi (A.) The muscles of rachitical infanta. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1896, ii, 55-59.—Jttr- o-ensolin (A.) Ueber das Wesen und die Entstehung der Rachitis. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1908. xxxiii, 261-265.—Kirsch (E.) Rachitisund Skoliose. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1309-1311 — Kovarski (G. O.) Rasprostraneniye rakhita v Vilnle i kratkiv obzor polozheniya voprosa orakhitle. [Rickets in Viln'a, and brief sketch of the question of rickets.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1908, xv, 603; 627; 692. Also, transl.: Jahrb.f. Kinderh.,Berl.,1908,lxvii,Ergnzngshft., 171-181.— Lee (B.) Rhachitis; its various manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and prognosis. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 165-172.—Llebler. II rachi- tismo. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 1, 817-820.— Eiiiber (G.) Der heutige Stand der Frage iiber Aetiolo- gie und Bekampfung der Rachitis. Kor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Weimar. 1904, xxxiii, 333- 343— Making (G. H.) Rickets. Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond., 1895, i, 363-375. — Marfan. Du rachitisme. Ann. de med. scient. et prat., Par., 1893, iii, 2: 10; 97; 113; 137; 146; 169; 189. — Marvin (J. B.) Rickets. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 8. s., iii, 123-125.— Mery. Observations faites sur le squelette d'une jeune femme ag6e de seize ans, morte a l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris le 22 fevrier 1706. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1706, Par., 1707, Mem., 472-481.2 pl. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Par.] 1706, Amst., 1708, 613-624, 2 pl. Also, transl.: K. Akad. Wissensch. in Par.. Abhandl., 1702-6, BressL, 1750, 585-594, 2pl.—Mireoli iS.) II rachitismo come processo inriam- matorio. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1908, vi, 270-280.— Moliner (C.) Idea general del raquitismo. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1902, viii, 292-297.— Monti! A. > Rachitis. Wien. Klinik, 1900, xxvi, 39- 108—Morse (J. L.) Rickets. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 1188- 1192. Also, Reprint.—Murphy (W. G.) Rachitis. At- lantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1896, v, 33-39.—Naka- hara (T.) Ueber Rachitis und Osteomalazie in Toyama (Japan \. Med. Klin.. Berl., 190S iv, 743-746.— (Echsner de'Coninok. Nouveau documents relatifs au rachi- tisme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. so. Par., 1897, cxxv, 1042. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1898, 10. s., v, 406.— Park (R.) Kachitis. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 406.—Perier i.E.) Diagnostic et traitement du rachi- tisme. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1906, x, 313- 326.—Preehner (Z.) Krzywica w swietle pogladow wspolezesnvih. [Rickets in the light of modern views.] Czasopismo lek., E6dz\ 1904, vi, 313; 357. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1904, xxxix, 368- 388.—Pritehard (E.) The pathogenesis and treat- ment of rickets. [Abstr.] Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii, 99-107 — Rachitide (De). Bononiensi sc. et art. Inst, comment., Bononiae, 1767, v, pt. 1, 67-70.—Rachi- tisme (Sur lc). Union med., Par., 1895, 3. s., lix, 498- 500.—Raudnitz. Zur Rachitisdiscussion. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1886, Dresd., 1887, iv,80-x2 — Regnault (F ) Facies rachitique. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par., 1896, lxxi, 40L-404.— Reimers (P.) & Hoye. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Rachitis. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1905, xxvi, 953-962.—Reimer. Zur Casuistik der Rhachitis. Mitth. d. Ver. badisch. Thierarzte, Karlsruhe, 1902, ii, 197-199.—Rogers (G. M. F.) Rickets. North- west. Lancet, Minneap., 1903, xxiii, 415-417— Rumy- antseff(F. D.) Chastota rakhita u dletel vg. Irkut- skle i mieri borbi s nim, kak faktorom dletskol smert- nosti. [Frequency of rickets in children in Irkutsk, and measures of struggling with it as a factor in the mor- tality of children:] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 1036; 1100.—Safford (V.) A case of congenital rickets, with recovery. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1896, i, 49-53 — Sagretti (C.) Nuova patogenesi e cura della rachitide. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1891, n. s., xiii, 81-94.— Schilling IF.) Rachitis. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1902, xiii, 265-272—Senn (N.) Rachitis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1904,13. s., iv, 157.—Shaw (C. S.) Rickets. Med. & Surg. Reporter, N. Y., 1895, lxxiii, 258-260. [Discus- sion], 266-271. Also: Atlanta M. & S. J., 1895-6, xii, 466- 471. Also: Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1895, iv, 405- 408. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1895, xvi, 193-196.— Siegert (F.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Rachitis. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Wiesb., 1904, xx, 206-253. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1903, lviii, 929: 1904, lix, 237. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 266.— Sllvestri ( T.) Alcune considerazioni intorno alia rachitide. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1166-1168.— SIven (V. O.) Om rhachitis' etiologi och behandling. [The etiology and treatment of rachitis. ] Finska lak.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1902, xliv, 479-483.—Smith (J. L.) Rachitis. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1895, vii, 149-157. -----. Rachitis. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1898, 319-350, 1 pl.— Specht (J.) Rickets. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901. iii. 299-303.-Sterllng (S.) O krzywicy. [On Rickets. rachitis.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 303; 325; 379; 421; 442; 462; 508; 552. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1896, xx, 1-54. —Still (G. F.) Rickets. In: Mod. Med. (Osier), 8°, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, i, 864-892 — Stoeltzner(W.) Rachitis. Handb.d.Kinderh.(Pfaund- ler & Schlossmann), 8°, Leipz., 1906, i, 593-616. Also, transl.: Dis. Child. . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann, Eng. transl., roy. 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1908, ii, 196-218, 1 pl.— Stoenescu (N.) Note culese, asupra rachitismulul. Spitalul, Bucurescl, 1892, xii, 169; 201; 257.—Tacconus (C.) De rachitide. Bononiensi sc. et art. Inst, com- ment., Bononiae, 1767, v, pt. 2, 81-98, 3 pl.—Taylor (J. M.) Rachitis. Phila. Polyclin., 1897, vi, 273; 285.— Tedeschl (V.) Appunti sul rachitismo; comunicazione preventiva. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, 1883, xxvi, 185-188. Also, Reprint.— Toro (K.) [A case of rachitis. ] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1904, xviii, 465-468, 1 pL—Tsltrln (M. G.) Angliyskaya bollezn (rhachitis). Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1892, ii, 253-256.—Turner (A. J.) On rickets. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1891-2, xi, 104-107.—Tuttle (C. A.) A short paper on rickets. Tr. N. York M. Ass., N. Y., 1898, xv. 202-207. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1900, ix, 190-194.— Veirac (J.) Antwoord op de vraag, voorgesteld door het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen: Welke is de aart van de rhachitis, of zogenaamde Engelsche ziekten? Welche zijn de rede- nen, datmende eerste beginzelen zelden na het derde levensjaar der kinderen bespeurt? Welke zijn hare ken- merken? Welke is hare voorzegging? Kan men ze door eenige middelen voorkomen? Zo ja, door welke? Welke zijn de beste middelen tot hare genezing? Verhandel. v. h. Utrecht. Genootsch. v. h. Kunst. en Wetensch., Utrecht, 1793, 1-243. See, also, supra, Aekermann.— Vipond (A. E.) Observations upon the colored chil- dren of Jamaica, with especial reference to rickets and to Mongolian spots. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1908, xxv, 503- 512. — Virchow (R.) Rachitis und Hirnanomalie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1899), 1900, xxx, pt. 1, 88; 102; 110.—Vvedenskl (I.) K voprosu o rakhitle. [On rickets.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xx, 273; 306; 323; 339.— Wichmann (J. V.) Rakitis eller Pseudora- kitis? Nogle Bemaerkninger om Bensystemets Udvikling hos spaede Born. [. . . Some remarks on the development of the bones of infants.] Bibliot. f. Laeger, K0benh., 1900, 8. R., i, 1-29.—Woods (Elizabeth). Some consid- erations on rachitis. Toledo M. & S. Reporter, 1895, viii, 379-383. — Zappert (J.) Rachitis. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1904, vii, 427-478. Rickets {Blood in). Gianasso (A. B.) Alcune considerazioni sulla for- mola emoleucocitaria nel rachitismo. Gior. di ginec. e di pediat., Torino, 1905, v, 55-60.—Jacobi (A.) The blood and circulation in rhachitis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1896, xiii, 610.—Morse (J. L.) A study of the blood in rickets. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvi, 369-381. Also: Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp., Bost., 1897, 257-277. Also, Reprint.—Rovee (G.) Ricerche sui rapporti tra le alterazioni del sangue e la splenomegalia nel rachitismo. Tommasi, Napoli, 1905-6, i, 356-360—Stoeltzner (W.) Bestimmungen der Blutalkalescenz an rachitischen und nichtrachitischen Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1897, xlv, 29-44. Rickets {Can ses and pathology of). See, also, Rickets (Bloodin); Rickets (Com- plications of); Rickets (Familial); Rickets (Urine in); Rickets and syphilis. Aron (H.) * Kalkbedarf und Kalkaufnahme beim Siiugling und die Bedeutung des Kalkes fur die Aetiologie der Rachitis. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Also, in: Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, xii, 28-77. Couvreur (E.) * De la pathogenie du rachi- tisme. 8°. Paris, 1898. Elze (K.) Das Wesen der Rhachitis und Skrophulose und deren Bekampfung. 8°. Ber- lin, 1897. Frey (Emilie). * Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Rachitis. 8°. Basel, 1896. Greco (V.) Sulla pretesa origine piogenica del rachitismo. 8°. Palermo, 1896. Lartigan (A.-J.) Scrofule et rachitisme. 8°. [Pari*, n. d.] Lotin (A. V.) *K voprosu o sostoyanii nervov, vkhodyashtshikh v pitayushtshiye kanaltsi kostel pri rakhitle (so vklyucheni- yem nlekotorikh dannikh po histologii pitayu- shtshikh kanaltsevL [Condition of the nerves entering the nutritive canaliculi of bones in RICKETS. 604 RICKETS. Rickets (Causes and pathology of). rickets; including data on the histology of nutritive canaliculi.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1899. Also [Abstr.l, in: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx. 599. Terral (L.) * Etude sur l'etiologie et la pathogenie du rachitisme. 8°. Paris, 1900. Aguilar (C. M.) Deformaciones toracicas por tirage cr6nico; vegetaciones adenoideas y raquitismo. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1903, x, 607.—Allan (J.) Rickets in relation to the duration of lactation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 1219— Amantinl (A.) Contributo alia teoria infettiva del rachitismo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1903, xxiv, 363-367.—Angiolella (G.) Sulla struttura dei rigonfiamenti costali nel rachitismo. Morgagni, Milano, 1892, xxxiv, 47-68,2 pl.— Ausset (E.) Rachitisme et lait sterilise. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 125-138. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1902, vi, 401-408. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1902, vi, 232-237.—Ba- beau (J.) Des differents modes d'61imination de la chaux chez les rachitiques et des diverses periodes du rachitisme. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, exxvi. 846-848. Also: N. Montpel. med., 1898, vii, 365-368.—Bajardi (D.) A proposito della genesi infet- tiva del rachitismo. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1896, 1, 467-471.—Barton (J. K.) Nutrition, rickets and dental defects. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1903, xxiv, 265-267.—Bellotti (M.) Osservazioni pratiche sulla infettivita e contagiosity della rachitide. Racco- glitoremed., Forli, 1899, 6. s., iii, 217; 241. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1899, lviii, 101-106.—Biaglni (A.) Sulla patogenesi del rachitismo. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1897, xlviii, 948-957.— Birk (W.) Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss des Phosphorleberthrans auf den Mineral- stoffwechsel gesunder und rachitischer Sauglinge. Mo- natschr. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1908, vii,450-475.—Bosc(F.-L) La pathogenie du rachitisme. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 273-275.—Broca (P.) Recherches sur quelques points de l'anatomie pathologiquedu rachitisme. Bull.Soc. anat. de Par., 1852, xxvii, 112. Also, Reprint.—de Bruin (J.) Be- rust rachitis op zuurintoxicatie? Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 1, 785-7K9.—Cantro- witz (M.) Macht Buttermilch Rachitis? Jahrb. f. Kin- derh., Berl., 1906,n.F.,lxiii,722-729. —Castenholz. Ueber dieAetiotogiederRachitis. J7«'d.,1903,n. F.,lvii,671-674.— Charrin & Gley. Deformations rappelant cedes du rachitisme reproduces experimentalement. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 220-222—Chaumier (E.) De la nature du rachitisme. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, pediat., 42-49. Also: M6d. inf., Par., 1894, i, 243-254. -----. Refutation des diverses theo- ries de la pathogenie du rachitisme ayant cours actuelle- ment expose de la theorie infectieuse. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de med. de l'enf., 559-584. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1900, ii, 297; 309. -----. Le rachitisme est une maladie infectieuse. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1900, ii, 313-315. -----. Im- portance de la distribution gebgraphique du rachitisme, au point de vue de la doctrine infectieuse. Gaz. m6d. du centre, Tours, 1908, xiii, 65-68. -----. La distribution ge- ographique et la nature infectieuse du rachitisme. Ibid., 1909, xiv, 5.—Cobb (J. P.) Rhachitis; its etiology and pathology. Clinique, Chicago, 1897, xviii, 239-270.— Colin ( M.) Zur Pathologie der Rachitis. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893-4, n. F., xxxvii, 189-248.—Colac- cio (N.) La rachitide in rapporto alia difettosa alimen- tazione. Gazz. d. clin., Napoli, 1891, iii, 129-135.—Com- by (J.) Rickets and achondroplasia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 955.—Concetti (L.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Pathogenese der Rachitis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1900, xlv, 210.—Cozzolino (O.) Sull' etiologia e pato- genesi del rachitismo. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1900, viii, no. 4, 3-6.—Creech (C. B.) The relation of rachi- tis and osteomalacia. KentucKv M. J., Bowling Green, 1908, vi, 665.—Cronheim (W.) iz Miiller (E.) StotT- wechselversuche an gesunden und rachitischen Kindern mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Mineralstoffwech- sels. Biochem. Ztschr., Berl., 1908, ix, 76-126.—Del- court (A.) Sur l'importance des sels de chaux dans la pathogenie du rachitisme. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1898, lvi, 46-49. -----. Le rachitisme; sa pathogenie. Ann. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux., 1899, viii, 1-104, 1 pl.—Dibbelt (W.) Die Pathogenese der Rhachitis. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst. zu Tubing., Leipz., 1908, vi, 670-709. Also.- Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1856.—Dingwall-Fordyce (A.) Rickets in relation to the duration of lactation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, i, 971-973. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1907, xix, 65-72.—Donhauser (J. L.) Description of a rachitic skeleton of a child six years old. Bull. Aver Clin. Lab. Penn. Hosp., Phila., 1907, no. 4, 13-17, 5 pl.— Du Castel (J.) Le thymus rachitique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv, 725.—Dudgeon (L. S.) Rickets; aetiology. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 56-5S — Dyrenl'urth (F.) Ueber feinere Knochenstrukturen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Rhachitis. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Rickets {Causes and pathology of). Berl., 1906, clxxxvi, 321-340.—Eb bell' (B.) Rakitens aetiologi; et fors0g paa en ny theori. [The tetiohary of rickets; an exposition of a new theory.] Norsk Ma's; f Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1908, 5. R., vi, 207-202.—Ed iel- sen (G.) Zur Aetiologie der Rachitis. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., Berl., 1901, 509; 539; 564. -----. Ueber die Entste- hungsursachen der Rachitis und ihre Verwandschaft mitgewissenlnfektionskrankheiten. Ibid., 1902,169; 200. -----. Das Ammoniak in der Atmungsluft und die Aeti- ologie der Rachitis. Ibid., 1903, 1; 29.—Fl-ood (C.) A note on the etiology of rickets. Lancet, Loinl.,1899 ii 1S7-4S9. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., cx'ix,' 1M-1S3.—Fnslin (F.) Erwiderung auf die Arbeit vori Krauss: Leber Veranderungen am Sehorgan bei Schii- delverbildungen und ihre Ursachen, mit besonderer Heriieksichtigung des sogenannten Turmschadels und rler Rachitis. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xviii, 542- 545.—Esser. Die Aetiologie der Rachitis. Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 817-820.—Find lay (L.) The etiology of rickets; a clinical and experimental study. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 13-17, 1 pl.—Fischl (R.) Neueres zur Pathogenese der Rachitis. Arch.f. Kinderh. Stuttg., 1901, xxxi, 382-404.—Fisher (C.) Two cases of scurvy rickets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 826.—Free- man (R. G.) The etiology of rachitis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1904, xxi, 250-260.—Friend (S. H.) The etiology of rickets. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 24-30.— Fiirst (L.) Knochenweichheit und Rachitis vom patho- logischen und therapeutischen Standpunkte. Aerztl. Prax., Munchen, 1899, xii, 210-212.—Fujinami. Eine pathologisch-anatomische Mitteilung iiber Rachitis in Japan. [Japanese text. Auszug, 24. Hft.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1903, xvii, 1059-1095—Gam ba (A.) Eziologia e patologia del rachitismo. Atti d. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, pediat., 39-42.—Garrod (A. E.) & Fletcher (H. M.) The maternal factors in the causation of rickets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 707- 711.—Gelatl (P.) Note statistiche sul rapporto fra la ete dei genitori e la frequenza del rachitismo. Pediatria, Napoli, 1908, 2. s., vi, 419-424.—GUIet (H.) Rachitisme et troubles digestifs. France med., Par., 1898, xlv, 433- 437.—Grandis (V.) & Mainini (C.) Delle alterazioni che il rachitismo determina nei processi metabolici della cartilagine epifisaria. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1900, xxiv, 67-75, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1902-3, xxxviii, 157-163.— Gundobin (N. T.) K patogenezie angliyskol bollezni. [On the pathogenesis of rickets.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1896, vii, 1265-1275. —Hagenbach-Burckhardt (E.) Zur Aetiologie der Rachitis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 449-452.—Hagen-Torn (O. E.) Angllyskaya bollezn i zavisimost yeya ot otnositelnol vlazhnosti. [Rickets and its dependence on relative moisture.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 481^83. -----. Angliy- skaya bollezn, yeya pripadki, endemichnost i zavisimost ot otnositelnol vlazhnosti. [Rickets; its attacks, ende- micity, and dependence upon relative moisture.] Ibid., 1899, xx, 1258: 1288.—von Hanseiiiann (DA Leber die rachitischen Veranderungen des Schiidels. Ztschr. f. EthnoL, Berl., 1904, xxxvi, 373-383. — Iovane (A.) & Forte (S.) Contributo sperimentale alio studio della etiologia e patogenesi del rachitismo. Pediatria, Xapoli, 1907, 2. s., v, 641-670, 3 pl.—de Jager (L.) Over zuur- intoxicatie en het verband met rachitis. Nederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 1,1-24.— Kassowilz (M.) Zur Theorie der Rachitis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 1753; 1807; 1857. -----. Ist die Rachitis eine Infektionskrankheit? Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., Berl., 1902, 49-57. -----. Zur Aetiologie der Rachi- tis; Infektion oder Intoxikation? Ibid., 289. —Kisel (A.) Sluchal rakhiticheskol osteomalyatsii i tetanii u rebyonka vosmi mles., kormivshavosya tolko materin- skim molokom. [Rachitic osteomalacia and tetany in a child 8 months old, fed only on mother's milk.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1902, vii, 291. -----. O rakhitle u dletel, vskarmlivavemikh materinskim molokom. [Rickets of children fed by mothers' milk.] Obohtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix . . . syezda. 1904, S.- Peterb., 1905, iii, 173.—Korsakoff (X. S.) Iskusst- venniy rakhitizm po otnosheniyu k patogenezu rakhi- tizma. [Artificial rickets in relation to the pathogenesis of rickets.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892, xxxviii, 314-37S 1 pl.—Krauss (W.) Ueber Veranderungen am Sehor- gane bei Schadelverbildungen und ihre Ursachen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des sogenanntenTurmschii- dels und der Rachitis. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl., 1907, xvii, 432; 536. See, also, supra, Enslin.—L.anse(J.) Zur Aetiologie der Rhachitis. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf n. Aerzte 18%, Wiesb.,1897,xiii, 161-168.—Iiaumonler(J.) Rachitisme et tuberculose. Corresp. med., I'ar.,1906, xii.no. 272,10.— Mace (L. S.) Rickets and proprietary infant foods; report of a case. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1904, u, 228—Marfan (A.-B.) Etiologie et pathogenie du rachi- tisme. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1896, xiv, 24/- 261.—Mendel (F.) Thvmusdruse und Rachitis. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 134-136.-Miele. Over RICKETS. 605 RICKETS. Rickets (Causes and pathology of). de betrekkingen tusschen dyspepsie en rachitis. Hand. v.h. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong., Antwerpen, 1899, iii, 101-106. — Milligan (W. A.) Rickets; pathology and morbid anatomy. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 65. —Mircoli (S.) Theorie infectieuse du rachitisme. Presse med., Par., 1899, i, 47. -----. Sul- 1' esistenza di microrganismi piogeni in alcuni casi di rachitismo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 148-152. -----. II rachitismo considerato dal punto di vista infettivo. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1894, xxxiii, 609-628. -----. La teoria infettiva del rachi- tismo in rapporto alle morti d' emblee ed aifatti para- plegici nei bambini rachitici. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 1436. -----. Meine infectiose Theorie des Rhachitis- mus. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1897, lx, 48- 54. -----. Del rachitisma edel suo equivalente reuma- tico. Clin. med. ital., Milano, 1901, xl, 711-719.—Miura (S.) [An observation of acute rhachitis following in- flammation of the optic nerve.] Okayama Igaku Kwai Zasshi, 1897, 249-258.—.Monti (A.) Zur Aetiologie und Pathogenese der Rachitis. Internat. contrib med. lit. Festschr. . . . Abraham Jacobi X. Y., 1890,199-206.—Mor- purgo (B.) Studio sperimentale sull'osteomalacia e sulla rachitide. Arch, per le sc. med.. Torino, 1907, xxxi, 1-52. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, de mod. exptir. etd'anat. path., Par., 1907, xix, 119-123.—Nathan (P. W.) Etio- logy of rachitis. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 391- 395. — Norton ( R.) Scurvy aud rickets in children. Xat. M. Rev., Wash., 1897-8, vii, 38-43. — O'Donovan (0.) Rickets; improper food as the chief factor in its production. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 594.— (Echsner de Coninck. Sur uu processus d'elimina- tion chez les rachitiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1895,10. s., ii, 421. -----. Sur l'eliminationdelamagneae chez les rachitiques. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Par.,1895, cxx, list). -----. Sur l'elimination de la chaux chez les rachitiques. Ibid., cxxi, 262. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896, 10. s., iii, 367-369. -----. Sur l'elimination des chlorures chez les rachitiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1898, exxvii, 72. -----. Sur l'eli- mination du soufre chez les enfants rachitiques et chez les enfants bien portants. Compt. rend.Soc.de biol.,Par., 1898,10. s., v, 264.— Oehme (C.) Ueber die Beziehungen des Knochenmarkes zum neugebildeten, kalklosen Kno- chengewebe bei Rachitis. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1908, xliv, 197-232.—Olivl (G.) Etiologia e patogenesi del rachitismo. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1899, v, 749-756.—Pacchioni (D.) Alcune ricerche sul processo normale dell' ossifieazione condrale. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1901, Firenze, 1902, iv, 109-119. -----. Descrizione e patogenesi delle alterazioni dell' ossifica- zionecondralenelrachitismo. Ibid., 119-125.-----Sulla ossilicazionecondrale nellecondizioninormalie sul rachi- tismo. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1908, vi, 896-913.— Pagliari (F.) Le antiche e le nuove teorie sulla pato- genesi del rachitismo. Policlin., Roma, 1905-6, ii, suppl.-, 1-3.—Park(R.) Rachitis and malnutrition. Med.News, N.Y.,1906,lxviii,32L— Pi"aundler(M.) UeberdieKalk- adsorption tierischer Gewebe und iiber die Grundlagen einer modernen R-hachitistheorie. Munchen.med. Wchn- schr , 1903, 1, 1577-1579. Also: Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, sect, de pediat., 802-811. -----. Ueber Kalkadsorption und Rachitistheorien. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh., Wien, 1904, iii, BeiL, vii, 1-18. [Discussion], 154. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1904, liv, 1405; 1458; 1507.—Pleiffer. Die Zusammensetzung der menschlichen Milch bei Rachitis der Sauglinge. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1885, Dresd., 1886. iii, 1-1L—Plister (R.) Statistische Beitrage zur Frage nach der Verbreitung und Aetiologie der Rachitis. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1906, clxxxvi, 1-24,8 maps.—Pollosson (A.) Pathogenie du rachi- tisme. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1898), 1899, xxxviii, pt. 2, 158-160.—Ponticaceia (M.J Per la eziologia della rachitide. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1900, xxxiii, 357; 385: 1901, xxxv, 159; 220.— Rlidel (G.) Ueber die Resorption und Ausscheidung von Kalksalzen bei rhachitischen Kindern. Arch. f. ex- per. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1893-4, xxxiii, 90-100 — Schmorl. Ueber die Knorpelverkalkung bei begin- nenderund bei heilender Rachitis. Verhandl.d.deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1905, Jena, 1906, 248-260, 4 pl— Shabad (LA.) Izvest v patologii rakhita. [Lime in the pathol- ogy of rickets.] Novove v Med., S.-Peterb., 1908, ii, 645; 648.—Sherman (H. M.) The etiology of the skeletal deformities of rachitis. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1901, xv, 118-124.—Siegert. Die Aetiologie der Rachitis auf Grund neuerer Untersuchungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Hi, 622.—Snianiotti (E.) Recherches sur la pathogenese du rachitisme. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1897, xv, 122; 161.—Smith (J. L.) Causes of rachitis. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1893, v, 195-199. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893, x,996-1000.—Splllmann (L.) Recherches sur l'6tiologiedu rachitisme. Ann.de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1900, iv, 853-863. Also: Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1901, iv, 257-275.—Steinitz (F.) & Weigert (R.) Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung Rickets {Causes and pathology of). eines ein Jahr alten atrophischen und rachitischen Kindes. Monatschr. f. Kinderh., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, iv, 301-307.—Stoeltzner (W.) Die Stellung des Kalks in der Pathologie der Rachitis. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1899, n. F., 1, 268-279.-----. Pathologisch-anatomische Befunde an den Weichtheilen Rachitischer. Giebt es eine viscerale Rachitis? Charit<5-Ann., Berl., 1903, xxvii, 280-287 -----. Farbenanalytische Untersuchungen an rachitischen Knochen. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Wiesb., 1904, xx, 195-198. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 262-264.—Strasser (A. A.) The etiology of rachitis, scorbutus and cretinism. J. Med Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1906, iii,61-66.—Strzhelbitski (I. K.) Rakhit i isklyu- chitelnogrudnoye vskarmlivaniye. [Rickets and exclu- sive breast feeding.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v. pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix . . . syezda. 1904, St.-Peterb., 1905, iii, 174-183, 1 tab.—Taj lor (S.) A case of scurvy-rickets. Polyclin., Lond., 1902, vi, 427.—Troitski (I. V.) An- gliyskaya bollezn, klinicheskaya i eksperimentalnaya; prichini i sushtshnost. [Rickets, clinical and experi- mental; its causes and its nature.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 966; 1149; 1241; 1337; 1367; 1397. Also [Abstr.]: Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach v pamvat Pi- rogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 1, 15-18. Also, transl'.: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1897, xxiii, 241 - 278. — Van En- gelen ( J. ) Reflections & propos de la pathogenie du rachitisme. Clinique, Brux., 1892, vi, 81-S5. — Va- riot. Sur le rachitisme dans ses rapports avec l'al- laitement artificiel. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 73-83. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1902, vi, 590-596. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1902, 2. s., xxxiv, 246- 249.—Vierordt (O.) Ueber den Kalkstoffwechsel bei Rachitis. Verhandl. d. Cong, f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1893, xii, 230-235.—Villa (F.) Un caso d' acondroplasia o del cosi detto rachitismo micromelico, idramnios a rapido sviluppo. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1891-2, 109- 122,1 pl.—Vlrcho w (R.) Rachitis und Hirnanomalie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 999-201. [Discussion], 218-220. —Wachsmuth. Zur Theorie der Rachitis. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1893-4, 12-24. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1894, xxxix, 24- 57.—Wieland (E.) Ueber sogenannte angeborene und iiber friihzeitig erworbene Rachitis; klinische und ana- tomische Untersuchungen. Jahrb.f. Kinderh., Berl., 1908, lxvii, 675-740.—Zhukovskl (V. P.) Angliyskaya bo- llezn i nezavisimost yeya ot otnositelnol vlazhnosti voz- dukha; nablyudeniyanadangliyskoyubolieznyuvKrimu i v niekotorikh mlestnostyakh Rossii v svyazi s klimatom. [Rickets and its independence of atmospheric moisture; notes on rickets in the Crimea and other localities in Rus- sia in connection with the climate.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1899, li, 351-360. Continued in: Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 630-641. Rickets {Complications of). See, also, Bones (Bending of); Bones (Soft- ening of); Craniotabes; Dwarfs, etc.; Frac- tures (Spontaneous); Rickets (Complications of, Visceral). Bussi (A.) I disturbi nervosi del rachitismo (da osservazioni cliniche-pratiche). 12°. Fi- nale-Emilia, 1902. Deimel (F.) *De ossium structura et forma, quae rachitide efficiuntur. 8°. Berolini, [1857J. Dorfer (K.) * Ueber die rachitischen Defor- mitiiten der unteren Extremitaten an der Uni- versitats-Poliklinik fiir orthopadische Chirurgie. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Graf (A.) Ueber die Architektur rhachi- tischer Knochen. Ein Beitrag zum Wolff schen Transformationsgesetz. [Wurzburg. ] 8°. Stutt- gart, 1894. Also [Abstr.], in: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1893- 4, iii, 174-196. Grisel (P.) * Contribution a l'etude des mal- formations rachitiques du membre inferieur chez l'enfant. 8°. Paris, 1900. ------. The same. 8°, Paris, 1900. Labbey (G.) * Contribution a l'etude des re- tards de la premiere dentition chez les rachi- tiques. 8°. Paris, 1904. Manoini (P.) La rachitide e le deformita, da essa prodotte. 24°. Milano, 1904. Massmann (J. C. F. F.) *De rachitide,'cra- niotabe, osteomalacia. 8°. Berolini, 1851. RICKETS. 606 RICKETS. Rickets (Complications of). Mathieu (P.) * Die rachitischen Deformita- ten des Vorderarms im Rontgenbilde. 8°. Leip- zig, 1903. Molina-Castilla (I.) * Knochenveriinde- rungen bei Rachitis. 8°. Freiburgi. Br., 1905. Renoult (P.-L.) * Contribution a l'etude des rapports de l'idiotie et du rachitisme. 8°. Paris, 1902. Reuter (W.) * Beitrage zu den Untersu- chungen iiber die spontane Gradestreckung der rachitischen Unterschenkelverkriimmun- gen. 8°. Kiel, 1899. Verhoef (H.) *De rachitide sed prsecipue de ejus effectibus in ossium fabricam. 4°. Gro- ningie, 1782. Veve (A.) * Malformations et lesions den- taires chez les rachitiques. 8°. Paris, 1902. Abelmann (M.) Tetanie, Laryngospasmus und de- ren Beziehungen zur Rachitis. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1901, n. F., xviii, 90-94. —AkhmetyeflT (M. V.) Dva sluchaya neobiknovennol myakhkosti kostel u dletel rakhitikov. [Two cases of unusual osteomalacia in rha- chitic children.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1898, iii, 212-214. -----. Sluchal riezkavo razmyakhcheniya kostel u ra- khitika. [Rare case of osteomalacia in a rachitic boy.] Ibid., 1902, vii, 109. —Aubertin (C.) Varices du crane dans le rachitisme. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1903, xxi, 97-102. —Audebert & Lasaigues. Defaut de parallelisme entre les lesions rachitiques du bassin et des membres inferieurs. Toulouse med., 1904, 2. s., vi, 267.—Ausset (E.) Perte de substance des os frontaux chez un enfant de deux ans rachitique (cr&niotabes an- terieur). Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1901, 2. s., v, 162-165. Also: Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1901, v, 3(>9.—Barthez. Consulto sopra un vizio rachitico assai stravagante. In: Rae. di opusc. med.-prat., 8°, Firenze, 1778, iv, 47-59.—Bennett (E. H.) Rickety deformity of the skull and cervical vertebrae. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1875-7, n. s., vii, 116-118, 1 pl.-----. Rickety deformity of the base of the skull and of the upper cervical vertebrae. Ibid., 118-120.—Blng(R.) Myopathiaracbitica. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1908, lxviii, 649-667, 2 pl.—Bogle (Jessie). Larvngismus, a complication of rachitis. Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n.s., xxviii, 745-748.— Boinet. Enchondrose rachitiforme juvenile. Marseille ni6d., 1905, xiii, 264-269.— Bologntni (P.) Delia genesi dei disturbi nervosi nei rachitici. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1900, 7. s., xi, 589; 800; 871: 969.— Bonnilay (J.) La t£te des rachitiques; son developpement; son volume; ses rapports avec la taille. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1899, xvii, 97-106. — Boshou wers (H.) Over ra- chitis, uit een verloskundig oogpunt. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1906-7, x, 309; 325.—Bourneville & Leiuaire. Rachitisme et idiotie. Gong. d. m6d. alie- nistes et neurol. de France . . . C.-r., Par. & Brux., 1903, xiii, v. 2, 281. Also: Arch, de neurol., Par., 1903, xvi, 250.—Brandenberg. Ueber Stellungs-und Haltungs- anomalien rhachitischer Kinder. Ztschr.f.orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905-6, xv, 114-117. —Brun (F.) & Renault (J.) L'hematome sous-perioste chez les rachitiques; maladie de Moller-Barlow. Presse med.. Par., 1898, l, 18- 22.—Carpenter (G.) Scurvy developing in a rickety boy, aged five and a half years. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1246.— Carpenter (G.) & Pedley (R. D.) Primary dentition in its relation to rickets. Ibid., 1892, i, 1077 — Car r (VV. L.) Some manifestations of rachitis not always associated with severe bone changes. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1890, vii, 728-741. Also, Reprint.—Cazal (G.) & Cestan (E.) Sur un cas de deformation rachitique complexe des membres inferieurs. Toulouse med., 1899,2. s., i, 157-159, lpl.—Chaumier (E.) Que deviennent les deformations osseusesdes rachitiques? Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1901, iii, 193-196.-----. La premiere dentition dans le rachitisme, d'apres les auteurs. J6id.,251-253. -----. La premiere dentition chez les rachitiques. Ibid., 321-327.— Cohen (C.) Ein Fall von hoChgradigem Exophthal- mos infolge rachitischer Schadelverbildung. Klin. Mo- natsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1906, xliv, 517-520.—Colman (W. S.) The nervous symptoms of rickets. Brit. Phys., Lond., 1900-1901, ii, 1-3.—Comby (I.) Rapports entre le rachitisme et les accidents con vulsifs chez les enfants. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz., Roma. 1894, iii, pediat., 34-39. Also: Med. inf., Par., 1894, i, 1S7-193. Also: Pra- tique med., Par., 1894, viii, 183-186.—Cordoba (J.) Ra- quitismo prematura; eccema de la cara; sepsis cutanea; espasmo de la glottis; curacidn. Med. de los nifios, Bar- cel,1907,viii,209.—Cornil A Delaunay (P.) Arthrite seche; exostoses intra-eraniennes; rachitisme. Bull, et mto. Soc. anat. de Par., 1903, lxxviii, 282-284.— Cruchet. Rachitisme k deformations multiples et excessives. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 751. — D'Auria (S.) Incurvamenti delle diaiisi per rachitide. Morgagni, Mi- Rickets (Complications of). lano, 1903, xlv, 8-17— Del'ormita rachitiche; casi 86. Ist. ortop. Rizzoli. Rendic. 1900-1901, Bologna, 1902,121- 127. — Melcrolx (A.) Torticolis rachitique. Ann.de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1900, vii, 239— Dementyeff(V. G.) K voprosu o chrezmlernol myakhkosti kostel skeleta re- byonka-rakhitika. [Excessive softness of the bones of the skeleton of a rachitic child.] Vrach. gaz., S.-Peterb. 1901, viii, 889-893.—Dunlop (M.) A case of unusual de- velopment of craniotabes in a rickety skull. Tr. Med - Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1906-7, n. s., xxvi, 182. — lChMcin (E.) UeberrachitischeResiduen am Brustkorbe Krwach- sener. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 2667-2669.— Fdlefsen (G.) Fin Fall von racbitischem Hydroze- phalus mit Leptomeningitis serosa. Deutsche Aerzte- Ztg., Berl., 1907, 388-391.—Epstein (A.) Ueber kata- leptische Erscheinungen bei rachitischen Kindern. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xxi, 481; 494. Also: Ver- handl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . ..deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Wiesb., 1897, xiii, 38-57. Also [Abstr.]: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1896, xliii, 234-238. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz., 1897, lxviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 232-236.— Fshner (A. A.) Nodding and rotatory spasm of the head with nystagmus in rachitic children. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii, 598-603. Also, Reprint. -----. A case of probable rachitic deformity and a case of imbecility. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1903, xvi, 522.—Federiei (O.) Quelques suites du rachitisme. Ann. de med. et chir. inf.. Par., 1903, vii, 793-801.—Feiss (H. 0.) Spon- taneous fractures with rickets; reportof a case. Am.J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1905-6, iii, 271-27S.—Flschl (R.) Tetanie, Laryngospasmus und ihre Beziehungen zu Rha- chitis. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Wiesb., 1897, xiii, 17- 37.—Francine (A. P.) Diastasis of the recti muscles in rickets, with the report of a marked example in an infant. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1904, xxi, 116-119. Also, Reprint.—Frohlich (J.) Ueber Lymphdriisen- schwellungen bei Rachitis. Jahrb. f. Kinderh. Leipz., 1897, xlv, 282-307. — Frcelich (R.) Classification et traitement des deviations rachitiques des jambes. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1898, xvi, 288-297. -----. Fracture du femur chez une flllette de 18 mois, en puis- sance de rachitisme recent; pseudarthrose. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 277.—Filrst (L.) Das Ver- haltniss verzogerter Skelett-Verkalkung zu Rhachitis und Scorbutus inf. incipiens. Med. Woche, Berl., 1901, 485-487.— Oalliard (L.) Exostose douloureuse de la table interne de l'occipital chez une rachitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii,742-715 — Galtier. Rachitisme osseux generalise. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1903, xxxiii, 189.—Gamier (S.) & Sante- nolse (AA Sur un cas de rachitisme congenital avec nanisme, cnez un enfant arriere. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1903, 2. s., xvi, 31-37.—Gasne (E.) Deformations rachi- tiques tardives du poignet; subluxation de Madelung et radius curvus. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vii, 153: 241.—Gevaert (G.) Un cas de coxa vara double rachi- tique. J. de chir. et Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1902, ii, 1-7. Also: Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1902, xv, 45-50.—Grandls (V.) &Mainini (C.) Delle alte- razioni che il rachitismo determina nei processi metabo- lici della cartilagine epiflsaria. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1900, xxiv, 67-75.—Gros (H.) Rachitisme tardif et exostoses ost£og£niques chez un kabyle. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1908, xix, 630-633.—Gulnon (L.) Rachitisme aigu douloureux, avec lesions scorbutiques attenuees des gencives (maladie de Barlow fruste) chez une enfant de 18 mois, nourrie au lait maternis6. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1899, xvii, 518-524.— Guthrie (L. G.) Rachitis pseudo-paralytica, hypotonia muscularis. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child.. Lond., 1902-3, iii, 167-170. — Hagenbach IE.) Beobachtungen an rachitischen Muskeln. Cor.-Bl. i. schweiz. Aerzte, Ba- sel, 1907, xxxvii, 119.—Homen (E. A.) Zur Kenntniss der rhachitischen(?) Deformationen der Schadclhasis und der basalen Schadelhvperostosen. Deutsche Ztsehr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1901, xx, 3-15, 1 pl.—Jaeobi (A.) Rachitic deformities; etiology, clinical history and le- sions. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 633-639. Also, Re- print. Also: Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 159-164. -----. Nervous symptoms in rachitis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1896, xiii, 801-806. -----. Rachitis und Verwandtes. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1897, ix, 627- 545.—Kassowitz (M.) Les accidents convulsifs dans le rachitisme. Med. inf., Par., 1894, i, 547-552. Also, transl.: Pediatria, Napoli, 1894, ii, 259-263.—Kirmisson (E.) L'affaisement du col du femur sous l'influence du racnitisme. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1894, v, 367-376. — Ki- sel (A.) Sluchal neobiknovennol myakhkosti kostel u rebyonka (rakhitika) 1 goda i 1 mlesyatsa. [Unusual softness of bones in a child (rhachitic) 1 year 1 month old.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1896, i, 300-302. -----. Slu- chal neobiknovennol myakhkosti kostel u rebyonka li goda (rakhitika). [Unusual softness of bones in a child li vears old (a rhachitic)]. Ibid., iv, 355.—Kiioepfel- macher. [Ein Kind mit rachitischem Zwergwuchs.1 Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1904, RICKETS. 607 RICKETS. Rickets (Complications of). iii 56.—Koplik (II.) The rachitic hand. Arch. Pe- diat , N. Y., 1904, xxi, 770-773. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1904, N.Y., 1905, xvi, 116-119.—Kreeke [A.] Rachi- tisehe Verkriimmungen. Zwei Jahre chir. Tatigk. . . . Privatklin. v. . . ., Munchen, [1905], 187-189. — La- grange. Rachitisme avec deformation ties accusec du crane; staphylome de l'ceil gauche; amputation de l'he- misphere anterieur. Mem. et Bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1898), 1899, 48-51.—Laiuanna (G.) Con- tributo clinico alia etiologia della rachitide; il dolore os- seo nei rachitici. Incurabili, Napoli, 1907, xxii, 521-554.— Little (E. M.) Specimens of the bone from a case of late rickets previously shown at a meeting of the societv. Tr. M.Soc. Lond., 1900-1901, xxiv, 278— MeCurdy (S. L.) Rachitic deformities of the lower extremities; with treat- ment and report of cases. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1896, xi, 665-670,1 pl.—McKee (J. H.) Rickets and the nervous system. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1905, xviii, 487-489.— MeLaeliIan (J.) Rickets, and some of its associates. Brit. Homceop. Rev., Loud., 1907, i, 453-458.— .Harlan. Le rachitisme dans ses rapports avec la de- formation ogivalede la vovlte palatine et l'hypertrophie ehronique du tissu lympho'ide du pharynx. Semaine med., Par., 1907, xxvii, 445-419. -----. Les troubles di- gestifs dans le rachitisme. Presse med., Par., 1908, xvi, 745-747.—Martinez Angel [A.) Raquitismo (prologo para un tratado de deforniidades del cuerpo humano). Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1899, i, 115-143.— Martinez Varna* t A.) Dos casosde raquitismo grave con bronquitis coloidea, ectasia gastrica y terrores noc- turnos; curacidn rapida por las inyeeciones de lecitina; deducciones. Med. tie los ninos, Barcel., 1903, iv, 161- 171.—Master (I. G.) Krovyanaya opukhol golovi pri rakhiticheskom razmyakhchenii kostel zatilka. [Hsem- atoma of the head in rhachitic softening of the occipital bone.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1891, xxxv, 1130-1132.— Maunoury. Coxa vara d'origine rachitique. Bull.et m6m. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1902, n. s., xxviii, 281.—Mery. Les fractures des rachitiques. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1906, xx, 213.—Miller (D. J. M.) Three cases of head-nodding and head rotation in rachitic in- fants. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1900, xii, 72-80. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1900, xvii, 561-569.—Mo reau (G.) Deformation thoracique d'origine rachitique; poitrine en careme. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours, 1906, xi, 105.— Neurath (R.) [Sieben Monatealtes rachitisches Kind mit halbseitiger Hypertrophic. ] Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1901, iii, 102.—Nobe- court (P.) La glycosurie alimentaire ch-z les rediiti- ques. Compt. rend.Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 102- 104.—Northrup ( W. P.) Rachitis; pachymeningitis interna hEemorrhagica. Proc. N.York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891, 50.—Ogata. Ueber das Wesen der Racnitis und Osteomalacie. [Japanese text. Ausz., 2. Hft., pt. 2,1-4.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo,-1907, xxi, 53-110. Also: Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1907, 177: 263.—Owen ( H. R.) Marked angulardeformitv of both claviclesin rickets. Tr. Phila. Pediat. Soc. 1905-6,N.Y.,1907,ii, 16-18— Pateli M.) Note sur un cas de nanisme rachitique a forme tardive. Rev. d'orthop., Par.,1902,2. s., iii, 121-130,2pl.—Puyhau- bert. Rachitisme generalise. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv,879.—Bachitische Verkriimmungen (Genu valgum rachitic); 5 Fiille; alle gebessert. Kindersp. in Basel. Jahresb. (1900), 1902, xxxviii, 81.— Banzl (A.) Di alcune disformazioni delle ossa del cranio e della fac- cia dei rachitici, e considerazioni sulla condizione mor- bosa delle ossa dei medesimi. Gazz. tosc d. sc. med.-lis., Firenze, 1845, iii, 209; 225.—Raw (N.) A case with com- ments; scurvy, rickets with spontaneous fracture of three long bones. Practitioner, Lond., 1904, lxxiii, 825-828.— Regnault (F.) Le crane rachitique. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1899, xvii, 540-544. -----. Nanisme vrai chez les rachitiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 509.—Rocher. Deformations rachiti- ques tr6s accentuees des membres inferieurs. J.de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 732.—Salaghl (M.) Rachi- tismo e sue deformita. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1896, xiii, 412-415. — Sareinelli (F.) La milza nella rachitide. Pediatria, Napoli, 1903, 2. s., i, 221-234.—Sohulthess (W.) Ueber eine hiiuflge Form der rhachitischen Sko- liose. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1906, xvi, 1-11.— Seitz (J.) Rachitis mit Knochenhautblutungen und Nierenblutung. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1898, xxviii, 678-684.—Senn (N.) Rachitis, accompanied by hydrocephalus. Med.Standard,Chicago,1904,xxvii,348.— S'hattoek. Thickening of skull in rickets. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1891, i, 804.—Sobel (J.) Enlargement of the pha- langes in rickets; a reportof two cases. Med.News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 297-300.—Splllmann (L.) Recherches sur les alterations osseuses dans le rachitisme. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1901, xix, 16-31.—Spitzy (H.) Rha- chitis und Friihskoliose. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1905, xiv, 581-593.—Squire (W.) On the relation of rickets to laryngeal spasm. [Abstr.] Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lviii, 83.—Stone (J. S.) The cause of bowing of the left forearm in rachitic children. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvi, 108. -----. Deformities of the Rickets {Complications of). chest in rickets. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1898, xi, 337-346. Also, Reprint. -----. Rachitic deformities of the spine. Boston M.& S. J., 1901, cxiv, 126.—Szego (K.) Az angolk6r ideges jelensegeir61. [The nervous mani- festations of rickets.] Budapesti k. orvosegv. 1894-iki ebkonyve, 1895, 27-31. Also, transl: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1895, n. F., xl, 78-83.—Tashlro. Das endemi- sche Auftreten rachitischer und osteomalatischer Fiille in Toyama. [Japanese text. Ausg., 22. Hft., pt. 2, 1-13.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokvo, 1906, xx, 843- 909, 3 pl., 1 map.—Thomson (J.) A case of rickets, associated with laryngismus, convulsions, facial irrita- bility, headnodding, and convulsive laughter, and ending fatally. Arch. Pediat, N. Y., 1896, xiii, 745.— Tubby (A. H.) On the occurrence of a pad on the dor- sum of the foot in rickets. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1899, vii, 19-21. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1137.—Ullman (J.) Rachitis with marked thoracic deformity. Buffalo M. J., 1905-6, lxi, 29. — Urban- tscliitsch (E.) Die Rachitis und ihr Einfluss auf das Milehgebiss. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1907, xxiii, 629-567.—Veit (W.) Ueber die Spontanhei- lung rachitischer Verkriimmungen. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ., Berl., 1895, ix, 86-99. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1895, 1, 130-143.—Villemin. Coxa- vara rachitique. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1907, ix, 234, 2 pl.—Vincent. Sur l'osteomalacie locale, le rachi- tisme et divers apercus sur l'osteogenese provoquee, etc Lyon med., 1905, cv, 417-421.—Virchow (R.) Rachitis und Hirnanomalie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 199-201.—von Voit (C.) Ueber den Kalkgehalt der Knochen und Organe rhachitischer Kinder. Sitzungsb. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-phys. CL zu Munchen, 1889, xix, 437.—Weidlith (J.) Ueber Be- ziehungen zwischen der Rachitis und nervosen Krank- heitserscheinungen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1907, xxxii, 132-134.—Williams (C.) Rachitic deformities. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxvii, 399.—Young (A.) Case of multiple exostoses in a rachitic subject. Glasgow M. J., 1908, lxix, 183-1X7. [Discussion], 207.—Zanetti(L.) II dolore osseo e la sua etiologia nella rachitide. Pedia- tria, Napoli, 1904, 2. s., ii, 645-656.—Zariquiey. Contri- bution k l'etude des deformations du thorax dans le ra- chitisme. J. de clin. etde therap. inf., Par., 1894, ii, 869- 874.—Zarra (N.) Ginocchio valgo da rachitismo tar- divo. Scuola salernit., Salerno, 1906, vii, 97-99.—Ziegler (E.) Ueber Osteotabes infantum und Rachitis. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1901, xii, 865- 873. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1901, Berl., 1902, 142-149. Rickets (Complications of Visceral). Cadilhac (P.) * Affections broncho-pulmo- naires chez l'enfant rachitique. 8°. Paris, 1895. Dickinson (W. H.) On the enlargement of the viscera which occurs in rickets. 8°. Lon- don, 1869. Plomb (J.) *Le rachitisme thoracique; son influence sur les divers appareils et en particu- lier respiratoire et circulatoire. 8°. Montpellier, 1901. Tienes (G. A.) *Das Verhalten der Milz bei Rhachitis. 8°. Leipzig, 1903. Cattaneo (C.) Le capsule surrenali nel rachitismo. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1905, Roma, 1906, v, 242-247.— <'ornil. Ln cas de rachitisme avec deformation du foie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 735.—Cowan (J. M.) & McClure (J. C.) A note on the size of the spleen in rickets. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond., 1906, iii, 343-345.— FllatofT (N. F.) Bronkhopnelmoniya u rakhitika. [Bronchopneumonia in rickets.] In his: Klin, lektsii, 8°, Mosk., 1900, i, 150-163.—Hastings (R. W.) Rachitis; gastro-enteritis; hvdrocephalus. Ann. Gvnec. & Pediat., Bost., 1900-1901, xiv, 110-113.—Jessup (W. H.) Acaseof rachitis with enlarged spleen. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1900, xvii, 836-838.—Leigh (C W.) A unique case of rickets with synchronous heart-contractionsand inspiratory acts, each 64 per minute. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 213 — Mery. Hemorragies intestinales d'origine rachitique probable. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 567.—Miiller (E.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Be- deutung und der Hiiuflgkeit palpabler Milzen bei der Rachitis. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1897, xxii, 318-324.—Saun- ders (E. A.) A case of rickets with ansemia and great enlargementof the spleen. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1904, ix, 30: 1906, xi, 191.—Si I va (G.) Di alcune lesioni respi- ratorie nei rachitici. Riv. venetadisc med., Venezia, 1902, xxxvii, 354-360.—Taylor (R. T.) An enlarged liver in rickets. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1900, ix, 45-51.— Zasukhin (P. N.) [Sasuchin, in German). Selezyonka pri rakhitle. [Spleen in rachitis.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1900, 377-387, 1 pl. Also, transl.: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1900, n. F., li, 297-307,1 pl. RICKETS. 608 RICKETS, Rickets (Congenital). See, also, Rickets (Foetal). Kscher (C.) *Zur Frage der angeborenen | Rachitis. [Bern.] 8°. Berlin, 1902. Also, in: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1902, n. F., lvi, 613-638. Feyerabexd ( K. i * Ueber das Vorkommen der Rachitis bei Xeugeborenen nach Beobach- tungen in der koniglichen gynakologischen Klinik in Konigsberg. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1890. Rondeau (L.) * Des rapports du rachitisme congenital et de l'achondroplasie. 8°. Paris, 1905. Soxntag (E. H.) * De rhachitide congenita. 8°. Heidelbergie, 1844. Bcrendpl.) Rachitis congenita tetaniaval. [. . . by tetanus.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, ls97, xli, 155.— Breton (A.) Deux casde rachitisme congenital. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1907, xxv, 205-208—Chisto- vicli (F. Ya.) K voprosu o prirozhdennuin rakhitle. [Du rachitisme congenital. Extr., 615-617.] Russk. arch. patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1896. ii, 477-526, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb., 1896, vii, 1210. Also [Abstr.l: Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1896-7. 139-153.—Fowler (J. S.) Congeni- tal rickets. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soe. Edinb., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 254. — liesieur. Rachitisme congenital dans une famille de cobayes, nes de mere tuberculeuse. Lyon med., 1907, cix, 977.—Marfan (A.-B.) Le rachitisme congenital. Semaine med.. Par.. 1906, xxvi, 481-485. -----. Sur le rachitisme congenital. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1908, xii, 772-776. Also: Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1908, x, 241-217. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 190s, x, 1.80-182. —Mason (R. O.) A case of congenital rickets. Arch. Pediat., X. Y.. 1894, xi, 670-672. 1 pl—Mason (R. O.) & Townseiid (C. W.) Congenital rickets. Clin, sketches, Lond., 1895. ii, 69, 1 pl.—Mery & Parturier. Un casde rachitisme congenital. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1908, xii, 766-771. Also: Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1908, x, 233- 210. Also: (iaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1908, x, 169- 172.— Ostheimer (M.) Acase of congenital rachitis. Arch. 1'ediat , X. Y., 1902, xix, 839-841. Also, Reprint.— Rallton (T. C.) Remarks on a case of congenital rickets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894. i, 1299—Townsend (C. W.) Acase of congenital rachitis. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 761-763, 1 pl. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, X. Y., 1894, vi, 106-108, 1 pl.—Tscbistowitseh (T.) Zur Frage von der angebornen Rachitis. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cxlviii, 140; 209, 1 pl. Rickets (Deformities front). See. Rickets ( Causes, etc., of); Rickets (Com- plications of); Rickets (Treatmentof, Operative). Rickets (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See, also, Rickets ( Urine in). Ponthieu (A.-H.) *Contribution ii l'etude de la pseudo-paralvsie rachitique. 8°. Lille, 1906. A bt (I. A.) Study of a case of rickets, with skiagrams. Arch. I'ediat., N. Y., 1898, xv, 826-838.—A Id rich (C. J.) A case of head-knocking of medico-legal interest. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1900-1901, xiv, 403.—Berkeley (W. X.) Some remarks on three symptoms of rickets. Pediatrics, X. Y., 1900, ix, 486-490.—Bezbokol (M. Ya. i Rakhit v svyazi s umstvennim razvitiyem u dietel. [Rickets in connection with mental development in children.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 748.— Blanchard (W.) Skiagraphic revelations in rachitic deformities of the legs. Am.J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1905, iii, 52-71. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1905, xxvii, 612- 627.—Burnet (J.) Some of the less commonly recog- nized phenomena associated with rickets. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1905, n. s., lxxx, 54.—Carr (W. L.) Some manifestations of rachitis not always associated with se- i vere bone changes. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. l«yo. [Phila ] 1891, ii, 33-46.—Caubet (H.) Etude d'une deformation rachitique des membres superieurs; caracteres particu- liers des os rachitiques k la radiographic Rev. d'orthop Par., 1907, 2. s., viii, 137-144 1 pl.—Delearde. La pseudo-paralvsie rachitique. Echo med. du nord, Lille 1907, xi, 100-103.—Delmond-Belbet (S. i ('vphoses rachitiques et de l'adolescence; leur diagnostic avec le mal de Pott. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1896, xiv, 328-337.—Demelin. Diagnostic du rachitisme pelvien! Rev. internat. de med. et de chir. prat.. Par., 1895, vi, 367-369.—Dukelski (V. K.) Uchashtshennoye dikha- niye. kak odin iz priznakov angliyskol bollezni. [Ac- celerated respiration as one of the signs of rickets ] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, 621 -625. — Ewart (W.) The abdominal atony of rickets; its significance Rickets {Diagnosis and semeiology of). and its treatment, with remarks on the thorough treatment of rachitis. Brit. M. .)., Lond., 1908, ii y>0- 923. — Francesco (P.) La reazione elettrica'nel de- corso della rachitide. Pediatria, Xapoli, 1907 2 » v 801-824.—Fiirst (L.) Klinisches und Therapenti-ches iiber die anamisehe Form der Rhachitis. Kinder-\r/.t Leipz., 1902, xiii, 249-253.—Hagcnbaeli - Kurek- hardt (E.) Klinische Beobachtungen iiber die Musku- latur der Rachitischen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl 1904 lx, 471-487.— Hammer (T. M.) The diagnosis of rachi- tis. Med. Times, X. Y., 1904, xxxii, 270-273.—Heywood (C. C.) Thediugnosisof early rickets. Med. Mag., Lond 1903, n. s., xii, 397-399—Jacobi (A.) The muscles of rhachitical infants. Pediat., X. Y. & Lond., 1N96, ii, 55- 59. Also, Reprint.—Kisel (A.) Sluchal anglivskol' bo- llezni u rebyonka 2. mies. TRicketsin acliild two month's old.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1901, vi. 50-.^.—Kopllk (H ) The rachitic hand. Arch. Pediat.. X. Y., 1901, xxi, 770- 773 —Kubinyi (P.) Rhachitide vagy mikronielia? Cs;'iszarmetszesgy..-\ult esete kapesan. [Ricketsor mi- cromelia? A successful case of Cesarean section ] Kozlem. a Tauffer V. egyet. . . . n6i klin., Budapest, 1900 13-18.—Lange (B.) & Brion (A.) Die rachitische Hand. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 267-271— Lee (B.) Rachi- tis; its various manifestations, diagnosis, differential di- agnosis and prognosis. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1894, xi 640-648.— McDonnell (A.J.) Notes on a caseof rickets! Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi, 333.—Miele (A.) Note sur un cas de rachitisme. Ann. Soc. de med de Gand, 1900, lxxix, 141-146.—miiller (D. J. M.) Three cases of head-nodding and head rotation in rachitic in- fants. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1900, xvii, 561-569. Also, Reprint.—Miyake (H.) Kurnbio seinai honkaku. [Clinical notes on rickets.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 317, 3-6.—Myers (T. H. i Some clinical aspects of rickets. Am. Lancet, Detroit. 1*92, n. s.,xvi, 204-206.— Neurath (R.) Leber ein bi-her nicht gewiirdigtes Symptom der Rhachitis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, tills.—>ove-Josserand. Courburea rachitiques de l'extremite superieure du femur, donnant des svmp- tfimes de coxa vara. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 167-169.— Ohlmacher i A. P.) Epilepsy, rickets, and the lvm- phatic_ constitution. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1899-1900, "lvi, nsi-6s,.— Poynton (F. J.) Rickets; symptoms and diag- nosis. Rep. Soc.Study Dis.Child.,Lond., 1906-7, vii,59-65.— ttc^nuiilt (F.) Facies rachitique. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1896, xiv, 613-517.—Saunders i A. A case of rickets. West Lond. M. J., Lond.. 1906 xi L17.—Sheffield (H. B.) The differential diasno-is be- tween sporadic cretinism, rachitis, and achondroplasia. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1905, xx, 1268-1272 1 pl.—siclii (L. B.) Osservazione medica sopra la robbia e suo uscj nella rachitide, fatta e distesa per soddisfore alle richieste d'unsuoamico. In:Rae. diopuse. med.-pnit., s°, Firenze. 1778, iv, 20-46.—Simpson (J. W.) Symptoms and sigie of early rickets. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1901-2, n. s., xxi, 255.—Southworth (T. S.) The importance of the early recognition and treatment of rachitis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908,1, 89-93.—Stone (J. S.) Deformi- ties of the chest in rickets. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1898. xi, 337-346. Also, Reprint.— Symes(W.L.) Clinical pictures of children's diseases; rickets. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1904, cxvii, 165; 262. —Szego (K.) Az angolk6r ideges jelensegeirol. [The nervous phenomena of ra- chitis.] Mul'v. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1894, iii, 251-263 — Tedeschi (V.) Criteri di patogenesi della rachitide dedotti dal suo studio clinico. Pediatria, Napoli. 1905, 2. s., iii, 401-417.—Valentino (C.) Retrecissements du champ visuel chez des rachitiques et variations de ces retrecissements. Presse med., Par., 1902, ii, 727-729.— Varlot (G.) Les caracteres differentiels de l'hypotro- phie infantile et du rachitisme. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1905, 3. s., xxii, 72-79.—Veron. Ln nouveau-n6 pseudo-achondroplasique rachitique. Ob- stetrique, Par., 1905, x, 235-242.—West (J. P.) Ricket- in a four months' infant. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, ls96. n. s., xxxvi, 421—White (H. D.) A caseof rickets with exaggerated mouth symptoms. N. York M. J , 1895, lxi, 753— Wieland ( E. ) Klinische Lntersuchungen iiber Friihrachitis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1545-1551. Rickets (Epidern ic). See Rickets (History, etc., of). Rickets (Experimental). See Rickets (Causes, etc., of). Rickets (Fa m ilial). Bell (W. J.) Rachitic chest deformity in twins, with exhibition of cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 1102—Comby (J.) De la pretendue heredite du rachi- tisme. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1893,3. s., x, 486-489. Also: Union med., Par., 1893, 3. 8., lv, 809- 813.—d'Esplne (A.) & Jeanneret. An6mie pseudo- leucemique infantile chez deux jumeaux rachitiques. RICKETS. 609 RICKETS. Rickets (Earn ilial). \rch. de med. d. enf., Par., 1907, x, 641-650.—Frlsbie (E.G.) Multiple rachitic deformities in one family. Tr. M Soc. Calif., 1898, xxviii, 75-78. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1898. xli, 339-344.—Galippe (V.) & Mayel. Le rachitisme coiwdere eonime maladie de degeneres- cence- heredity du rachitisme; la famille rachitique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1903, 3. s., xlix, 500-506. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.]. Par., 1903, v, 121-123.—GIbert. Note sur un cas de rachitisme generalise d'une famille. Normandie med., Rouen, 1890, v, 261-264. —Hanse- niann. Rachitische Microcephalic bei zwei Geschwi- stern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 201. [Dis- cussion], 218-220. Also: Verhandl.d. Berl. med. Gesell- sch. (18991, 1900. xxx, pt. 1, 92; 102; 110.—Hutinel & Auseher. Note sur deux cas de rachitisme tardif fa- milial avec parapiegie progressive. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s,, xiv, 1012-1022. —Kisel (A.) Sluchal naslledstvennol angliyskol bollezni (s os- teomalyatsiyea) u rebyonka 1 g. i 2 mles. [Hereditary rickets"(witii osteomalacia) in a bov 1 year and 2 months old.] Dietsk med., Mosk., 1901, vi, 304-306—L.esleur. Rachitisme congenital dans une famille de cobayes, nes de mere tuberculeuse. Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1907, vi, 304.—Variot (G.) Sur une variete speciale de rachitisme; lesions rachitiques siruilaires du squelette chez trois freres avec troubles locomoteurs graves et pro- longes. Bull, et mem. Soe. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1897, 3. s.. xiv, 1358-1364. -----. Une famille d'enfants rachi- tiques alimentes prematurement a la panade. Ibid., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 575-579.—Zhukovski (V.) Sluchal semelnavo rakhitizma. [Hereditary rachitism.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1901, vi, 215-21S— Ziiiuueiii (A.) Sur un cas de rachitisme familial. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1901, xiv, 299-304, 2 pl. Rickets (Evtal). vox Geldern-Egmoxd (Friderica) Grafin. * Beitrag zur Casuistik der sogen. totalen Kachi- tis. 8°. Ziirieh, 1897. Gkotthoff (F. [J.]) * Ueber einen Fall von sogen. f otaler Rachitis (Chondromalacia f cetalis). 8°. Berlin, 1895. Scholz (L. ) * Ueber fotale Rachitis. 8°. Gottingen, 1S92. Smith (Mary A.) * Beitrag zu der Lehre der fiitalen Rachitis. [Ziirieh.] 8°. Liijfig. isso. Storp (J.) * Untersuchungen iiber fotale Rachitis. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1887. Abbott (F. C.) Intrauterine rickets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 597-599. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y.. 1901, xii, 400-408.—Ash by i H.) A case of so-called foetal rickets. Rep. 8<>c StudvPis. Child., Lond., 1900-1901, i, 166-169. A's;: Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 441.—Charrin & lie Play. Existence du rachitisme intra-uterin. Compt. rend". Acad. d. sc, Par., 1905, cxi, 327-329. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par.. 1905, vii, 17.—Fede (F.) & Cacace^K.i Del rachitismo fetale. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. 1899, n. s., liii, 421^152. Also: Atti d.Comr. pediat. ital. 1898, Torino, 1900, iii, 119-123.—Fede (F.)& Finizlo id.) Recherchesmicroscopiquesetnou- velles observations sur le rachitisme foetal. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de m6d. de l'enf., 549- 553. Also: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par, 1901, xix, 101-109. Also , transl.: Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Na- poli, 1901, n. s., lv, 59-102, 1 pl.—von Franque (O.) Leber sog. foetale Rachitis. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1893, so-93.— Gonzalez Al- varez. Raquitismo fetal. Rev. domed, y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1905, lxvii. 470-173.—Kirehberg (A.) A Mar- c-hand i F.) Ueber die sogenannte fotale Rachitis (Mikronvdia chondromalacia). Arb. a. d. path. Inst, zu Marb., Jena, 1893, 131-164, 1 pl.—Klein (A.) Neuere Arbeiten iiber die sogenannte fotale Rae Iritis. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1901, xii, 838-849.— Jlori (E.) Contributo alio studio ana'omo-patologico della rachitide endouterina. Riv. di ostet. e ginecol., Torino, 189, Iii, 513; 561, 2 pl.—PichI ML) Rachitide fetale e congenita di alcuni vitelli; considerazioni in- torno all' etiologia del rachitismo. X. Kreolani, Pisa, 1905, x. 228; 243; 261; 2x1; 301.—Salvetti iC) Leber die sogenannte fotale Rachitis. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1894, xvi, 29-42, 1 pl.—Sandwith 'G. M.)& Symmers (\V. St. <\) Acaseof foetal rickets. R'■c. Egvpt. Gov. Sch. Med.. Cairo, 1901, 157-163, 1 pl — S< heutliauer (G.) Rachiti- fcetalis. Budapesti k. orvosegv. 1893-iki evkonvve, 1*94. 19-21.—Simmonds. Ueber die sog. foetale Rachitis. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1901, xlviii, 1263. Rickets (Heredity of). See' Rickets (Familial). VOL XIY, 2d series----39 Rickets {History and statistics of). See, also, Rickets (Hospitalsfor). Koexen (G.) *Zur geographischen Verbrei- tung der Rhachitis. 8°. Munchen, 1886. M avow (J.) The mothers' family physician, or the infants' doctor; being a discourse of the disease in children, commonly called the rickets, shewing the signs, cause, symptoms, and prog- nosticks, together with a most accurate and easie method of cure, accommodated to the meanest capacity; to which is added a profit- able appendix touching weights and measures used in the composition of medicinal doses. 24°. Oxford, 1687. Zhukovski (V. P.) *Orazvitii angliyskoi bollezni (rakhitizma i rakhiticheskikh urodstv) sredi dletel rabochavo naseleniya g. S.-Peter- burga. [Development of rickets among the children of the working people of St. Peters- burg.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. Also [Abstr.], in: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1894, xli, 247-256. Albarel. Le rachitisme k la fin du xviiii<> siecle et de nos jours. Ann. de med. etchir. inf., Par., 1901, v, 649-655.—Analisi di una memoria del Sig. Bonhomo sulla natura e cura della rachitide di Halle? Ann. di chim. e storia nat., Pavia, 1794, vi, 53-78.—Aschoft" (L.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Rachitis im Alterthum. (Nachtrag zu dem Aufsatz von W. Ebstein im Janus 1900, Heft 7.) Janus, Amst., 1901, vi, 207— Baumel (L.) Distribution geographique du rachitisme. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, iii, sect. 6,110- 124 Also: N. Montpel. med., 1897, vi, 721; 741— Belnze. [Sur la frequence du rachitisme k Paris.] Courrier m6d., Par., 1897, xlvii, 167.—Bistroff (N. I.) O chastotle zabollevaniya rakhitizmom krestyanskikh dletel v Val- dalskom uyezdie Novgorodskol gubernii. [On the fre- quency of rickets among peasant children in the county of Valdai, Novgorod government.] Trudi V syezda obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i. 31S-325. Also: Med. Obozr. Mosk., 1894, xli, 240-247.— Bow les (R.) Cases of rickets. Polyclin., Lond., 1901, v, 21.—Burnet (J.) Historical notes on rickets. Brit. J. llhild. Dis., Lond.. 1907, iv. 15.— < allari (I.) II cancro acquaticoela rachitide osservatiin Palermo . . . nel 1898. Gazz.d.osp.,Milano,1899,xx,291.-----. Noma e rachitide in rapporto al la loro frequenza in Palermo. Atti d. Cong. pediat. ital. 1898, Torino, 1900, iii, 137— Delpeuch (A.) Le rachitisme et la medecine ancienne. Presse med., Par., 1900, ii, 383-385. -----. De l'anciennete du rachi- tisme; preuves tirees de l'art antique et de la philologie. Ibid., 1902, i, 27. — Dukelski (V.) Statisticheskiya danniya o chastotle angliyskol bollezni sredi ambula- tornikh bolnikh llechebnitsi Obshtshestva Podavaniya Pomoshtshi bolnim dletyam v g. Kievle. [Statistical data concerning the frequency of rickets among the dis- pensary patients of the hospital of the Society for Aiding Sick Children inKiev.] Vestnikobsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb., 1902, pt. 2, 1-26. Also [Abstr.]: Dietsk. med.. Mosk., 1902, vii. 71.—Ebbell (B.) Rakit paa Madagaskar. [La raehite a Madagascar. Res., 323.] Norsk Mas. f. La-gcvidensk., Kristiania, 1904, 5. R., ii, 311-319.—Ebstein (W.) Ueber das Vorkommen der Rachitis im Altertum. Janus, Amst., 1900, v, 332-337. See, also, supra, Aschofl.—Feer (E.) Zur geographi- schen Verbreitung und Aetiologie der Rachitis. Fest- schr. Ed. Hairenbaeh-Burckhardt, Basel u. Leipz., 1897. 67-134.—Fiebiii (M.) Rachitis als Volkskrankheit. Al- koholismus. Leipz., 1907, n. F., iv, 252-276.—Fo««iie (W. E.) Note on rickets in Dundee. Scot. M. 0. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1896, n. F., xiii, 273-283.—Mi iv a & Karasawa. Ueber die sogenannte mcikwurdige Krankheit in den Provinzen Toyama und [shikawa. [Japanese text. Ausz., Hft.23, pt. 2, 3.1 Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1906, xx, 911-959.—Morse (J. L.) The ire<[uency of rickets in infancy in Boston and vicinity. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 724- 726. Also, Reprint.— Muskett (P. E.) Australian rick- ets; the form of rickets met with in Australian children. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1890-91, x, 285-291.—Palm (T. A.) The geographical distribution and aetiology of rickets. Practitioner, Lond., 1890, xlv, 270; 321.—Ba- ehitis; 7 Fiille; 3 gebessert, 3 ungeheilt, 1 gestorben. Kindersp. in Basel. Jahresb. (1900), 1901, xxxviii, 142.— Segawa (S.) Nippon ni okeru kurobvo. [Rachitis in Japan.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 309, 1-4.— Sherman (H. M.) A study of rachitis in California. Tr. M. Soc Calif., San Fran., 1896, xxvi, 203-218. Also: Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1896, x, 429-438. — Shukowslty (W. P.) Die englische Krankheit und ihre Unabhangigkeit von der relativen Feuchtigkeit der Luft. (Beobachtungen iiber die englische Krankheit in der Krim und einigen Gegenden Russlands im Zusam- menhang mit dem Klima.) Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxviii, 233-244.—Snow (I. M.) An explanation of the great frequency of rickets among Neapolitan children in American cities. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N.Y., 1894, vi, 160-176. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1895, xii, 18-34.— Speechly (H. M.) Rickets on the prairie, with some other observations on practice. West. Canada M. J., Winnipeg, 1909, iii, 51-57.—Strzhelbitski (I. K.) K voprosu o rakhitle v Tulskom uvezdle. [Rachitis in Tula county.] Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1900, v, 101-115.—Thomas (J.J.) & Furrer (A. F.) A review of one hundred cases of rachitis. Cleveland M. J., 1907, vi, 491-495.—Voronott" (N. G.) Bolleznennost dletel pri rakhitle i pri prorlezi- vanii zubov. [Morbidity of children in connection with rickets and dentition.] Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach., Mosk., 1894-5, iii, 1-5.—Wallach. Zur Frequenz der Rhachitis in den verschiedenen Zeiten des Jahres. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 547.—West (J. P.) Rickets; its prevalence in Eastern Ohio. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 30-33.—Zesas (D. G.) Altes und Neues iiber Rhachitis. Centralbl. f. a. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1906, ix, 321; 369; 411; 457; 490; 539; 622; 661; 704.—Zhukovski (V. P.) Le rachitisme en Rus- sie. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, de sect. med. de l'enf., 585. Also, Reprint. Rickets (Hosp ita Is for). See, also, Scrofula in children (Seaside hospi- tals for). Discorsi detti il 20 dicembre 1885 inauguran- dosi il padiglione d' isolamento Edvige Frizzi nel pio Istituto dei rachitici di Milano. 8°. [Milano, 18S(L] Illieff (I.) * Ueber die Sterblichkeit der rachitischen Kinder nach Beobachtungen in der Univ.-Klinik fiir Kinderkrankheiten zu Berlin. 8°. Berlin <£• Charlottenburg, [1907]. Padiglione ( II) d' isolamento Edvige Frizzi nel pio Istituto dei rachitici di Milano. 8°. Milano, 1885. Altsehul (G.) Die italienischen Sommer-Seehospi- taler; nach dem Bericht des Dr. G. Pini in den "Atti del settimo Congresso della Associazione medica italiana, te- nuto in Torino 1876" zusammengestellt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 593-596.—Binda (A.) Quadri statistici degli ammalatipresentatisi all' Ambulatorio del- 1' Istituto dei rachitici nell' anno 1897. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1898, xv, 169-177.—Brunelli (F.) n biennio 1890-91 all' Istituto dei rachitici di Milano diretto dal Dott. Pietro Panzeri. Ibid., 1892, ix, 274; 438: 1893, x, 22; 160.—Galeazzi (R.) L' istituto dei rachitici nel trien- nio 1903-6. ifi/d.,1907, xxiv, 394-429.—Gamba (A.) Uno sguardo agli istituti pei rachitici in Italia. J&id., 1892, ix, 05-72.— Giaehi (G.), Guzzi (P.) & Pini (G.) II padi- irlione d' isolamento "Edvige Frizzi" nel pio Istituto dei rachitici di Milano. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d'.igv Milano, Rickets {Hospitals for). 1886, viii, 5-16— Monti (G.'; & Pantaleoni (C.) No- tizie e cenni statistici sulla scuola-asilo pei bambini ra- chitici annessa all' Istituto Ri/.zoli. Bull. d. sc. med di Bologna, 1901, 8. s., i, 135; 183— Pasinl (P.) Ln m'ese all' Istituto dei rachitici in Milano. Kaccoijlitore med Forli, 1889,5. s., vii, 165; 191; 224.—Pel lo (I\) II sessen- nio 1892-7 nelle infermerie dell' Istituto dei rachitici- quadri sinottici. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1899, xvi 28: 1900, xvii, 23; 71.—Salaghi (M.) Sei mesi all' Istituto dei rachitici in Milano, diretto dal Prof. Pietro Pan/.eri Sperimentale. Sez. clin., Firenze, 1895,28; 42— Zu iii ( a. j II biennio 1888-9 all' Istituto dei rachitici in Milano, di- retto dal Dott. Pietro Panzeri. Arch, di orton., Milano 1890, vii, 289; 353; 446. Rickets {Late). Amigues (P.) *Le rachitisme tardif; etude clinique ot pathogenique. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Bordet (G.) * Nanisme rachitique tardif. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Braun (F.) Die Konstitutionskrankheiten des Kindesalters mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der englischen Krankheit. 12°. Leijiziu, 1902. Deydier (H.) * Rachitisme tardif; etude anatomo-pathologique et clinique. 4°. Lyon, 1895. Reusing (F.) * Ueber Rhachitis sera sive adultorum. [Freiburg.] 8°. Warendorf i. IP., 1901. Weber (C. O.) Enarratio consumptions rachitic* in puella viginti duorum annorum observatae, adjectis nonnullis de rachitide et osteomalacia ad notationibus. 4°. Bonnie, 1862. Boinet & Stephan. Rachitisme tardif et chon- dromes multiples. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1903, i, 449- 466.—Brissaud (E.) & JTloutler (F.) Rachitisme tar- dif et scoliose des adolescents. N. iconog. de la Salpe- triere, Par., 1906, xix, 129-132, 1 pl.—Cautley (E.) Re- crudescent or late rickets. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 13.—Clutton(H. H.) Laterickets. St.Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1884, n. s., xiv, 105-115, 1 pl. -----. An ad- dress on adolescent or late rickets. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1268-1271, 1 pl. Also: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1906-7, xl, pp. lv-lxvi, 4 L, 4 pl.—Coutts (J. A.) Notes and com- ments on a case of late rickets. West. Lond. M. J., Lond., 1907, xii, 43-46. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1907, n. s., lxxxiii, 649.—Curschmann (H.) Ueber Rachitis tarda. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1904-5, xiv, 341-358.—Helton it (A.) Rachitis tarda. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1900, xlv, 118; 130; 142; 152.—Duplay. Un cas de rachitisme tardif des poignets. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 1397—Elmslie (R. C.) The continuation of active rhachitic processes in the bones into the adolescent period. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1907, xiii, 155-170, 2 pl.—Estor. Du rachitisme tardif. N. Montpel. med., 1896, v, 421; 449.—Freer (L.) Case of rachitis adolescentium. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc, Birmingh., 1896,i, 19.—vonGenser (T.) Traumatische Schiidelfissur; Rachitis tarda. Beitr. z. Kinderh. a. d. i. off. Kinderkr.-Inst. in Wien, 1893, n. F., iv, 29-39.—Gott- lieb (E.) Ein Fall von hochgradiger florider Rhachitis (sogenannter Rhachitis tarda) und dadurch bedingter Bildung von Kothtumoren bei einem 7i-jiihrigen Knaben. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 672.—Heitz (J.) Fu- sion osseuse partielle des os de la jambe, chez une vieille rachitique. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat.de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 720-722.—Hutchison (R.) Acaseof late rickets. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond., 1904-5, v, 181-183.—James (A.) Case of rickets, beginning at the age of seventeen years. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 22-35.— Jones (R.) Recrudescent or late rickets. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1896, xvi, 480-483.—Jouon (E.) Raccourcissement enorme du membre inferieur droit, probablement eon- secutif a,un decollement traumatique de 1'e.piphyse in- ferieure du fe-mur, survenu k onze ans chez une rachi- tique. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1906, 2. s., vii, 87.—Kir- misson. Rachitisme tardif. Med. mod., Par., 1904, xv, 1. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1904, xlix, 84; 94.—Lev rat. Le rachitisme tardif. Cong, franc. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1892, vi, 451-454.— Little (E. M.) Case of late rickets. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1899-1900, xxiii, 348. -----. An uncommon case of late rickets. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxix, 519- 521. -----. Two cases of late rickets. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1901-2, xxv, 335-338. -----. Case of late rickets. Tr. clin. Soc Lond., 1907, xl, 1, 1 1., 1 pl.—Looser (E.) Leber Spatrachitis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1905, Jena, 1906, 242-248. -----. Spatrachitis und Osteo- malacie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, RICKETS. 611 RICKETS. Rickets (Late). xxxii, 2100. -----. Leber Spatrachitis und die Beziehun- gen zwischen Rachitis und Osteomalacie. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1908, iv, 678-744.- Jlarsden (R. W.) Late rickets. Edinb. M. J., 1905, n. s., xvii, 344-363. 2 pl. Also: Pediatrics, N. V., 1905, xvii, 359; 411.— .Miesowicz (E.) O krzywicy poznej. [Late rickets.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w,1908, xiii, 271; 287. Also, transl.: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xxi, 983-986.— iMiro' (J.) Raquitismo tardio y adherencia cica- tricial del muslo al abdomen consecutiva a quemaduras. Med. de los ninos, Barcel., 1906, vii, 270-272.— Miiller (L.) Rhachitis tarda mit Enchondrom des Beckens. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1834.— Ortner (N.) Ein Fall von Rachitis tarda. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893. i, 631-634.— Peclikrane (S.) Krzywica w wieku mlodzienczvm (rachitis adolescentium). Medvcvna, Warszawa, 1907, xxxv. 20.V210.—Poneet (A.) A Lerielie i K.) Tuber- culose inflammatoire et rachitisme tardif; les deforma- tions osteo-articulaires essentielles de la croissance, sco- liose, genu valgum, pied plat douloureux, coxa vara, etc., sont souvent d'origine tuberculeuse. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1907, 3. s., lviii, 214-221. Also: Lyon med., 1907, cix, 597-604. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1907, n. s., xxxix, 663.—Bath (C.) Ein Fall von Spatrhachitis. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1907, xviii, 193-212.— Ridlon (J.) Adolescent rickets: report of a case. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass , Phila., 1897, x. 200-202, 2 pl. Also: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1897, xi, 37.—Boos (Hi Ueber spate Rachitis (Rachitis tardai. Ztschr. f. klin Med., Berl., 1903, xlviii, 120-114.1 pl.—Sabatucei (K.) Sopra un casodi rachitismo tardivograve. tiazz. med. di Roma, 1907, xxxiii, 365-378.—Seliiuorl (G.) Leber Ra- chitis tarda. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905, lxxxv, 170-210.—Timiner. Rachitis tarda. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xli, d. 1, 1017.— Toporkofl* (P. G.) Sluchal rakhitizma u molodavo soldata (rachitisme tardif). [. . . in a young soldier.] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1898-9, xi, pt. 3, no. 4,1-6!—Vim cut. Sur la guerison spontanee du rachitisme de la premiere enfance et sur le rachitisme des adolescents appele rachitisme tardif. Lyon med., 1906, cvi, 280. Rickets {Preeention of). Brauxberger (P.) * Etude d'hygiene infan- tile; rachitisme et creches. S°. Paris, 1902. (.tamba (A.) Cenni popolari sul rachitismo e sull' educazione fisica dei bambini. 8°. To- rino, 1877. Araoz All'aro (G.) Lptte sociale contre le rachi- tisme, lait, lactaires, etc. (lutte sociale contre le rachi- tisme et les dystrophies alimentaires infantiles). Cons'. internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 6, 276-290. Also: Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1906, ix, 710-724.— Faison (I. W.) Rhachitis; a plea for its prevention and early recognition. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., Wilmington, 1896, 14-18. Also: Charlotte [N. C.j M. J., 1896, viii, 767- 770. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1896, xxxvii, 317-321. — Fiirst (L.) Zur Behandlung beginnender Rhachitis. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1899, iv, 1-6.— Max. De la cure precoce du rachitisme par l'air marin. Clinique, Brux., 1895, ix, 657-663. — Monte- lueci. Qualche osservazione e qualche proposta intese a difendere il piu praticamente possibile i bambini dalla rachitide. Atti d. Cong, per Pig. d. allattam. d. prima inf. 1901, Firenze, 1903, ii, 260-269. — Politzer (A.) Az angolkdr prophvlaxisa. [Prophylaxis of rickets.] Or- vosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 657; 673. Also, transl: Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xli, 669-677. Also,transl. [Abstr]: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1900, v, 57-60.—Bous- seau-Saint-Philippe. Du rachitisme et de sa pro- phvlaxie par les gouttes de lait. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxxv, 80.5-809.—Sehreiber (E.) Prophylaxis und Therapie der Rhachitis. Aerztl. Prax., Berl. u. Leipz., 1901, xiv, 3; 24; 42. Also, Reprint.—Silva (G.) Profilassi della rachitide. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 90-93.— Troitski (I. V.) Obshtshestvenniya mieri borbi s rakhitizmom. [Public measures in the struggle with rickets.] Vrach.Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 533:561. Also, trans/.: Cong, internat. de med., Lisbonne, 1906-7, xv, sect. 6, 304-312. Also, transl.: Ann.de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1906, x, 256-264. Rickets {Treatment of). See, also, Rickets (Prevention of); Rickets (Treatment of, Operatiee, ete.); Rickets (Treat- mentof), with animal extrae-ts; Rickets (Treat- ment of), with phosphorus. Cartier (R.) * Contribution ii l'etude du rachitisme et en particulier de son traitement maritime. (Resultats observes a. Berek.) 4°. Paris, 1891. Rickets (Treatment of). Desmoueux (C. N.) An rachitidi tonica? 8°. Cadomi, [1755]. Goebel (W.) Die englische Krankheit (Ra- chitis) und ihre Behandlung. Gemeinverstand- lich dargestellt. 8°. Munchen, 1907. Also, in: Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen, 1906, ii, 183-188. Schulte ([F. C] E.) Rachitisehe Curva- turen und ihre Behandlung. [Halle-Witten- berg.] 8°. Halle a. S., 1906. Stoeltzner ( \Y.) Pathologie und Therapie der Rachitis. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Abt (LA.) The treatment of rickets. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1902-3, xvii, 443-450.—Albarel. Le traitement du rachitisme a la fin du xviii» siecle et de nos jours. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1903, vii, 289-294. —Al- bright (J. D.) A discourse on rickets, with several cases treated. N. Albany M. Herald, 1897, xviii, 80.— AI lard (F.) Les agents physiques dans le traitement du rachitisme. J. de med. int., Par., 1905, ix, 47. — Ber- nard. (H.) Traitement du rachitisme. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1901, xv, 710-712. Also: Mementos therap., Par.. 1902,149-157— Binda (A.) La terapia del rachitismo in atto. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1898, xv, 86- 96.—Boas (A.) Ueberdie Pflege rachitischer Kinder. Deutsche Krankenpflg.-Ztg., Berl., 1904, vii, 129-134.— Branson (W. P. S.) On the cause and bettertreatment of rickets. Hospital, Lond.,1907, xiii,257 Brudziiiski (J.) Najnowsze teorye krzywicy i najnowsze proby jej leczenia. [Recent theories of rickets and recent attempts at its treatment.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1902, 2. s., xxii, 1123; 1159; 1189; 1211. — Brtinimg (H.) Die Grundziige der modernen Rachitistherapie. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1907, 217-221. — Buchholz (E.) Ueber Lichtbe- handlung der Rachitis und anderer Kinderkrankheiten. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1904, Wiesb., 1905, xxi, 116-123. Also [Abstr.]: Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1904, xlv, 515.— Cleaves (M. A.) Hydrocephalus and rachitis; their treatment bv radiant energv, with report of cases. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1906, xxiii, 107-118. [Discussion], 129-131.— Comby (J.) Traitement du rachitisme. Med. mod., Par., 1894, v, 1245: 1257. -----. Therapeutique et prophy- laxie du rachitisme. J. de clin. et de thgrap. inf., Par., 1896, iv, 403-408. •-----■. Balneotherapie et electrotherapie dans le rachitisme. Presse med., Par., 1905, i, 204. — Di Bernardo (N.) Rachitismo e sua terapeutica. Arch. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1904, xx, 1-10. — Du- elaux (H.) Incurvations rachitiques des os de la jambe et leur traitement. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1908, x, 121. Also: Medecin prat., Par., 1908, iv, 437.—Ein- ieldt(W.) Lebertran-Emulsion bei Rachitis. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1908, iii, 335-337.—Ferrux (T.) Con- tributo alia terapia del rachitismo e dell' anemia infan- tile. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1906; xxxii, 596-598.—Fllatoflf (N. F.) Liechenive rakhita. [Treatment of rickets.] In his: Klin, lektsii, 8°, Mosk., 1900, i, 97-107.—Fox i.H.) Rickets (good recoverv). Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. 1900-1901, Lond., 1902, 77 —Friedmann. Rachitol bei Rachitis. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1900, xi, 200-202.—Fiirst (L.) Der gegen wiirtige Stand der antirachitischen Thera- pie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.,Berl., 1901,xxii,277.—«allo(G.) II bagnoidro-elettriconellacura del rachitismo. Stomaco, Napoli, 1906,xii, 1-3. Also: Arch.internaz. dimed.echir., Napoli, 1906, xxii, 471-474.—Cioliner. Zur diatetischen Behandlungder Rhachitis. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, lxi, 429—131. — tiuyot (J.) Cure marine dans le rachitisme. Progres med., Par., 1909, 3. s., xxv, 78-80.— Haaenbaeh - Burehhardt (E.) Behandlungder Rachitis. Handb. d. spec. Therap. inner. Krankh., Jena, 1894, v," 187-213. Also: Handb. d. spec. Therap. inner. Krankh., Jena, 1896, v, 187-213. Also: Handb. d. The- rap. inner. Krankh., 2. Aufl., Jena, 1898, vi, 5o;>-690.— Hille. Zur Behandlung der Rhachitis im Anfangssta- dium. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1900, xi, 81-84. —Hutchi- son (R.l Rickets; treatment. Rep. Soc Study Dis.Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 71-75.—Johaiinessen (A.) Bidrag til Studiet af Rakit tilligemed en Del Oplysninger om Almuens Behandling af denne Sygdom. [ . . ., with some explanations of the treatment of this disease by the common people.] Kgl. norske Fredericks Univ. Progr. 1896, Christiania, 1897, pt. 2, l-s4, 2 ch. Also, transl.: Janus, Amst., 1897-8, ii, 464; 550.—Ketch (S.) Rhachitic deformities; mechanical and constitutional treatment. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 173-179.— Klautseh (A.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der aniimi- schen Form der Rachitis. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1905, x, 123-126. -----. Beitrag zur Behandlung der Ra- chitis. Zentralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1908, xiii, 91-95.— Le Uendre (P.) & Broea (A.) Traitement du rachi- tisme. Mercredi med., Par., 1894, v, 37.—Leroux (C.) Influence du traitement marin sur le rachitisme. Med. inf., Par., 1894, i, 552-657. -----. La cure marine du ra- chitisme aux sanatoriums de Banyuls-sur-Mer et de saint- Trajan. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect. RICKETS. 612 RICKKTS. Rickets {Treatment of). de med. de l'enf., 554-558— Lowenthal (J.) Die mo- derne Therapie der Rachitis. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1891. iv. 297-303. Also: Med.-chii. Centralbl.. Wien, 1892, xxvii, is; 34.— .tlelut} re (C. W'. < Treatment of rickets. St. Louis Cli nil nic. Lm;',. xvi. 56-58.—.Harlan ( A.-B.) Traite- ment du rachiti-ine. Kev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1896, xiv, 337-342.—.Tlauro-tireco (C.) L'adrenaline dans le rachitisme. Rev. d'hyg. et de med. inf. [etc.], Par.. 1908, vii. 52-70.—Jiuzzarelli (A.) Deformita da rachitismo e loro cura. Corriere san., Milano, 1902, xiii, 70-NJ.—©stheimer(M.) Undiluted mil kin the chronic pi-troenteritisof rachiticinfants. Phila. M. J., 1901, viii, 4">v—Perier (F.) Cura igienica del rachitismo. Cor- riere san., Milano, 1896. vii.no. 14,4.—Peters. DieVor- teile der Rhachisanmedikation bei Rachitis. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz., 1909, iv, 53-58.— Quest (R.) Leber die Bedeutung der Nebennieron in der Pathologie und Therapie der Rachitis. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl., I9t).s, v, 43-49.—von Recklinghausen. Thio- niniiirbungcn an rachitischen Knochen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1901, Berl.. 1902, 119-152. 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 7.— Bottenbiller (O.) A rachitis balnootherapiaja. Or- vosi hetil.. Budapest, 1901, xlv,244.—Sau'retti (C.) Nuo- va i>atogenesie cura della rachitide. Attid. Coiik. pediat. ital. 1890. Napoli, 1891.337-350. Also: Gazz. med. diRoma, 1892. xviii, 409: 421; 4M; 505; 529—Salatihi ( M.) Malfor- mazioni della rachide e contenuto e loro cura. Arch, di ortop., Milano, ls99, xvi, 1: 86; 165; 277; 312; 429: 1900, xvii, 98; 213. — Seh0iiberii' ( K. ) Svek. [Rickets.] Norsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk.. Chri-tiania, 1892. 4. P.. vii, 1181- 1216. — Srlnvarz (J. ) sanatogen bei Kachitis. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 19no, xxvi, therap. Beil.,3-6.—Siettert (F.) Die Behandlungder Rachitis. Ibid., 1908, xxxiv,419-452. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1908. lxii. 169-171—Sutler (P.) Ver- gleichend-therapeutische Versuche bei Rachitis. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1435-1437.—Sobel (J.) The general management of rickets. Am. Therapist, N. Y., 1901-2, x, 181-184.—Sutherland (G. A.) A lecture on the treatment of rickets. Clin. J., Lond., 1906-7, xxix, 337-343.—Sympson (E. M.) Notes on the treatment of rickets in an out-patient department. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1899, ii. 474— de Valeourt. Traitement du rachitisme ei delascrol'ulep.irl'h drotherapiemarineenhiver. Cong. internat. d'hydrol. etdeclimatol. Compt.rend. 1889, Par., ls'.ni.ii. 159-1 oi.— \ a riot. Le rachitisme et son traitement. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1902, vi, 325-331.—Vin- cent. Sur la guerison spontanee du rachitisme de la pre- miere enfance et sur le rachitisme des adolescents appelfi rachitisme tardif. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon, 1905, viii, no. 10, 335-337.—Vulpius (O.) Ueber die Behandlung rachitischer Verkriimmungen. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1906, xi, 79-83. — Wattenberj>-. Vorbeugung and Behandlung der Rachitis. Arzt als Erzieher, Miin- chen, 1908, iv, 68-70.— Westaway (Mrs.) The care of rachitic children. Brit. J. Nur-ins;, Lond., 1906, xxxvi, 109-111.— Willard (De F.) Treatment of rachitic de- formities. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 721-725. Also, Reprint.—Wirt (W. E.) Rickets, and the treatment of its resulting deformities. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893. xx, 13-16. Also, Reprint. — Wo ley (H. P.) Rickets as treated in dispensary practice. N. Albany M. Herald, 1896, xvi, 1-5.—Young (J. K.) The treatment of rachi- tic deformities. Internat. M. Mag.. N. Y., 1900, ix, 504-506. Rickets (Treatment of. Operative and mechanical). Bonin (A.) * De la correction des courbures rachitiques du tibia et du perone chez l'enfant, par l'osteotomie; resultats-eloignes. [Lvon.] s°. Dijon, 1900. Carret (M.) * Traitement operatoire des deformations rachitiques des jambes, et en par- ticulier leur allongement par l'osteotomie longi- tudinale. s = . Lyon, 1900. Dlpoxt (A.) * Contribution ii l'etude du traitement des deviations du tibia rachitique. S°. Pari*, 1905. Gexxerich (\V.) * Ueber schwere rhachiti- sehe Curvaturen und ihre chirurgische Behand- lung, mit Besehreibung eines beinerkenswer- then Falles aus der Kieler chirurgischen Klinik. s=. Kiel, 1901. Oliva (V.) * Patogenesi e natura del rachi- tismo con speciale riguardo alia cura delle de- formita dal medesimo prodotte negli arti infe- riori. Dissertazione per 1' esame libera docenza Rickets {Treatment of Operative and mechanical). in patologia chirurgica nella r. Universita di To- rino. 8°. Torino. ISS'i. Roth (M.) Notes on rickets and rickety deformities; their prevention and treatment. S°. London, ISM. Webeksberger (D.) *Die chirurgische Be- handlung rachitischer Verkriimmungen des Untersihenkels. [Wurzburg] 8°. Miinchen 1SS.S. von Aberle i It.) Ueber die Wahl des Zeitpunktes zur Korrektur rachitischer Verkrummuimeii. Wien med Wchnschr., 1908, lviii, 391-395.—Albertin. He la the- rapeutique chirurgicale des deviations ra< hiti.jues des membres inferieurs, chez l'enfant, par 1'ostOocla-ie et osteotomie combinees. Rev. de chir., Par.. 1897, xvii 1063 — Blaneliard (W.) Rapid osteoclasis for the cor- rection of rachitic deformities of the lei;-. Tr. Am Or- thop. Ass. Phila., 1900, xiii, 108-123. Afro: Chicago M. Recorder, 1900, xviii, 453-466. Also, transl.: Ann. de chir et d'orthop., Par., 1900. xiii, 294-308. -----. Further ob- servations on rapid osteoclasis for the correction of ra- chitic deformities of the leers. Tr. Am. Orthop Ass Phila., 1901, xiv, 153-168. a/so: Chicago M. Recorder! 1901, xx, 540-551. — Boitlin. Chirunne rachidienne! Cong, franc, dechir. Proc.-verb.[etc.]. Par.. 1892, vi,517- 526.—Cltipault (A.) La seoliose rachiti.itie infantile et son traitement. Trav. de neurol. chir., Par., 1900, v, 193- 203— Clutton (H. H.) A clinical lecture on osteotomy for rachitic deformity. Clin. J., Lond., 1893-1, iii, 248- 253.—Conti (G.) Lndici osteotomie per deformity ra- chitiche degli arti inferiori. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1888, 5. s., vi, 3-11, 2 pL— Costa (T.) Sopra un caso di rachitismo e morbo di Little; indicazioni di chirurgia or- topedica. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1907. n. s., xxix, 1.54-159.— Cuinston (C. G.) Multiple deviations of both legs in a rachitic child; osteotomy of five bones performed in one seance: recovery. Med. News. Phila., 1894, lxiv, 100. Afro, Reprint.—Depage. Deformation rachitique des membresinl'erieurs: osteotomie; gu. risen. J. med. de Brux., 1904, ix, 81.—Durante. Osteotomie multiple per incurvamenti rachitici degli arti inferiori. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1892, ix, 38.V388. —Epstein (A.) Ein Schaukeisessel fiir kleine Rhachitiker und Schwach- linge. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Wiesb.. 19i>3, 116-126. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 303. —Herrmann (H.) & Evler (K.) Federnde streckapparate zur am- bulatorischen Behandlung rhaehitischer Yerkruininun- gen der Knochen der unteren Extremitaten und Ver- kriimmungen der Wirbelsaule. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 169.—Hunkin (S. J.) Surgical treatment of ra- chitic deformities. Occidental M. Times, San Fran., 1901, xv, 163-168.— Jeannel. Deviations rachiti- ques des membres inferieurs: osterxTasie, osteotomie, resection diaphysaire. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1905, xi, 169; 179. -----. Traitement chirurgical des incur- vations rachitiques des membres inferieurs. Langue- doc. med.-chir., Toulouse, 1905, xiii. 81. — Kirmia- son (E.) Des regies qui doivent presider a l'inter- vention operatoire dans les incurvations rachitiques du tibia. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1903, 2. s., iv. 129-132,1 pl — Kill likei- (T.) Osteotomie und Osteoklase bei rachiti- schen Deformitaten der unteren Extremitat. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1903, lxix,48-51.—Le Fort (RA Une indication particuliere de traitement chirurgical dans certains casde deviations rachitiques des osde la jambe chez l'enfant. Pediatric prat., Lille, 1903, i. 102-105.— Lievrat. Osteotomie de l'extremite1 superieure de la iambe pour courbures rachitiques. Cong, funic, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1*91, v, 435-437.—.Murray (R. VY.) The treatment of rickety deformities bv nicatw of osteoclasis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, IIS.— Ose* V.) Tratamiento del raquitismo en el Hospital de Nifios Pobres de Barcelona. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel.. 1899 xii,465-168.—Petroflf*(A. M.) Crura vara rachitica:dva sluchaya ot crura vara rachitica, izllekuvanie hrlc/osteo- tomia." [. . .; two cases cured bv . . .] spi«. na Sotiysk. Med. Druzh., 1901-2, ii. 49-LJ — Phocsi* t,G.j Sur une serie de 22 osteotomies pour courbures rachitiques pures ou compliquees de nvnu valgum. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1892, iii, 262-283. — Hue hit isclie Verkrummung der Unterschenkel, 1 Fall, Jahre-h. ii. d. chir. Abt. d spit. zu Basel (18921.1891.112.—Robinson (H. B.) Rickets; surgical aspect. Rep. Soc. Studv Dis. Child., Lond., 1906-7, vii, 69-71.—Salau'hi (M.) Malformazioni del- la rachide e contenuto e loro cura. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1*99. xvi, 1; 86: 165; 277; 342; 429: 1900, xvii, 9*.— Say re (R. H.) The treatment of rhachitic deformities. Jr. M. Soc. N. V., [Phila.], 1898,335-343. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond.. 1898, vi, 145-161.—Taylor iH. L.) The surgery of rickets. J. Am. M. A>>.. Chicavro, 1902, xxxix, RICKETS. 613 RICKETS. Rickets {Treatment <>f. Operative and mechanical). 901-903. Afro. Reprint. Also: Tr. sect. surg. & anat,, Am M. Ass. 1902. Chicago, 1903, 417-425.—Taylor (R. T.) The mechanical v. the operative treatment of rachitic deformities of the lower extremities, presenting a new osteoclast. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1903-1, i, 24-26 — Willard (De F.) Rhachitic deformities; operative treatment. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 180-189. Also, Reprint— \ounlu>spli<>- rus. Lepski (C. R.) *Zur Phc-sphortherapie der Rachitis. 8°. Berlin, 1905. Tintemanx (\V.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Rachitis mit Phosphorleberthran. 8°. Cbltingen, 1903. Concetti (L.) La cura del fosforo nel rachiticismo. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1903, i, 24-37. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1903, xlviii, 37; 48; 59 —fzerny [etal.]. Heilt der Phosphor die Rhachitis? Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1901, 389.— »e Bcnedictis (G.) Cura del rachitismo e dell' atrepsia col latte fosfato. Risveglio med., Lanciano, 1907, ii, 217-220.—Deiuine (R.) [Zur Werthschatzung der Phosphorbehandlung der Rhachi- tis.] Klin. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Kinderh. . . . d. Jen- ner'sch. Kindersp. in Bern. 1891, 79.—D0derlein (C.) Om fosforbehandlingen of rakit. [On the phosphorus treatment of rachitis.] Tidskr. f. d. norske La;gefor., Kristiania, 1895, xv, 175-180.— Fedele ( N.) Con- tributo alia cura del fosforo nel rachitismo. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze, 1904, ii, 20-25.— Flauiini (M.) V azione del fosforo sul ricambio delcalcioin bambini normali ed in bambini rachitici. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Siena, 1907,vi, 653-663.—Fruitniiiht (J. H.) The treatment of rachitis with the laotophosphate of lime. Arch. Pediat., N. Y.. 1893, x. 916-922. Also: Tr. Am. Pe- diat. Soc. N. Y., 1«93, v, 168-174.—Joiion (E.j De l'uti- litd d'une medication phosphatce particuliere et inten- Rickets (Treatment of) tvith phospho- rus. sive dans les retards de consolidation de certaines frac- tures et resections osseuses, et dans le traitement du ra- chitisme grave et des tuberculoses osseuses; faits person- nels. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1907, 2. s., xxv, 1005-1008.— K.aK»o\vitz. Phosphor bei Rachitis. Therap. Mo- natsh., Perl.. 1900. xiv, 173-178.—Leo (H.) Zur Phos- phorbehandlung der Rachitis. Therap. d. Gegenw. Berl.- Wien, 1901, n. F., iii, 644-550. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver- samml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. ii. Aerzte 1901, Wiesb., 1902, xviii, 145-148. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 19()1 Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 245.—Lop. De rin- fiuence de la racesurle rachitisme; son traitement par le phosphore. Rev.dethcrap.med.-chir.,Par.,1898,lxv.726.— Master tl.G.) Fosfor pri rakhitle. [Phosphorusin rick- ets.] Med.Obozr.,Mosk.,1891,xxxvi,535-541. Also,trans/..- Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1892, n. F., x xxiv,60-70.—Tlct- tekiheimer (C.) Leber die Behandlung der Rachitis mit Phosphor. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.,Lei|>/., 1891,n.F.,xxxii, 285-290.—Mi%va (s.) & Stoeltzner (W.) Hat die I'hosphorbehandlung der Rachitis eine wissenschaf cliche Begriindung? Ibid., 1898, n. F., xlvii, 153-175.—Monti. Bemerkungen fiber den Werth der Phosphortherapie bei Rachitis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 07-73.— Miiller (E.) Die Erfolge der Phosphortherapie bei 20 poliklinish behandelten rhachitischen Kindern. Cha- rite-Ann., Berl., 1898, xxiii, 453-182. — Shabad (LA.) Fosfor v terapii rakhita; vliyaniye fosfora na obmlen iz- vesti u rakhitikov i zdorovikh i'yudei. [Pliosphorus in the treatment of rickets; influence of phosphorus on the metabolism of lime in rickets and in health.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1907, xix, 1228-1245. — Shabanova ^ Anna N.) O llechenii rakhita fosforum. [Treatment of rickets with phosphorus.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb", 1888-9, iii, 55. [Discussion], 397.—Sittler (P.) Nouvelle medica- tion phosphoree dans le traitement du rachitisme. Rev. mens, d.'mal. de l'enf., Par., 1907, xxv, 407-409.—Spiet- schka (E.) Zur Frage der angeborenen Rhachitis und der Phosphorbehandlung. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl.,1904, lix, 335-344.—Stoeltzner (W.) Die Einwirkung des Phosphorus auf den rachitischen Knochenprozess. Ver- handl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Wiesb., 1904, xx, 198- 205. Afro: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 264-266.—Stoeltz- ner i W.) & Lissauer (\V.) Ueber Behandlung der Ra- chitis mitThymussubstanz. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1899, n. F., 1, 397-400.—Ungar (E.) Zur Phosphorbe- handlung der Rachitis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 999-1003.—Voute. Quelques remarques sur le traitement du rachitisme par le phosphore. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1891, exx, 302, 307. — Zwellel. Leber Rhachitis und deren Behandlung mit Phosphor- leberthran; Erwiderung an M. Kassowitz. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Iii, 117; 180. Rickets (Urine in). Guizol (G.) * Urologie du rachitisme. 4°. Toulouse, 1896. Ourradour (X.) '"Contribution a l'etude de la phosphaturie chez le rachitique. 8°. Ton- louse, 1898. Kamnann (L.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Be- schaffenheit des U ri ns bei der Rachitis. Jahrb.f. Kinderh., Berl., 1906, lxiv, 212-215.—Baumel (LA & (Echsner lie Coninck. Resultats d'analyses d'urines chez les rachitiques. Cong, period.degynec.,d'obst. etdepeediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 874.—Kh vorostanski (M.) Mocheviya kamni i rakhit. [Urinary calculi and rickets.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1905, xviii, 43: 1908, xxiii, 20. — Laborde ( E. ) Essai sur 1'excretion de l'acide phosphorique par les urines dans le rachitisme. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1891, ii, 460-470. Rickets in animals. Draseke. [Zwei Priiparate von rachitischen Tie- ren.] Ztschr. t. EthnoL, Berl., 1906, xxxviii, 751.—Flat- ten. Rachitis undErblindung bei einem Fohlen. Berl tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1904,168.—Frassetto (D.F.I Su alcuni casi di rachitismo nei primati. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg., 1901-2, iv, 365-379, 1 pl.—Frlede- rieli. Rachitische Veranderungen am Kopi'e eines Schweines. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr., 1903,685.—Froh- ner. Rachitische Kchale und rachitischerStelzfuss beim Pferde. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1903, xv,211- 216— apeutipue et d'un for- mulaire special. 408 pp. 12°. Bruxelles, A. Wahlen & Co., 1839. ------. Lectures on venereal and other diseases arising from sexual intercourse. Delivered in the summer of 1847, at the Hopital du Midi, Paris. Reported and transl. by Victor de Meric. viii, 13-290 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, K. Barrington & G. D. Haswell, 1849. -----. Compendio terapeutico per le malattie veneree. Traduzione del Angelo Ceriali. 2. ed. 114 pp., 1 1. 8°. Venezia, P. Xaratovich, 1851. [P., v. 2237.] Illustrationsof syphiliticdisease. Transl. from the French by Thomas F. Betton. With the addition of a history of syphilis, and a com- plete bibliography and formulary of remedies. Collated and arranged by Paul B. Goddard. xi, 12-383 pp., 50 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, A. Part, 1851. La syphilisation devant PAcademie na- tionale de medecine; discours prononces a cette occasion dans les seances des 3 et 19 aout 1852. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Malteste & Cie., 1852. Repr.from: Union m<5d., Par.. 1*52, vi. Lettres sur la syphilis adressees a M. le redacteur en chef de 1'Union medicale; avec une introduction par Amedee Latour. 2. ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. xvi, 472 pp. 12°. Paris, 1856. See, also. Academic imperiale de medecine. De la syphilis vaccinale [etc.]. >>-. Paris, 1^',:<. — Hunter Rieord (Phillippe)—continued. (John). Traite de la syphilis [rte,]. s°. Paris, is45 -----. The same. Abhandlung von der venerischen Krankheit [etc.]. S-. ihrlin. 1848.—Viennoi*. ; Alex- andre). Ex-amen des opinions emises recemment inr M. Rieord [etc.]. 8-. Paris, 1862. For Biography, see Bianclion (H.) Nos grands me- decins. 8°. Paris, ls;n. 3s'.i-;;;is. Su. also. Bull, et mem soc de chir. de Par.. I.v.i2. n. s., xviii. 22-12 iC. Monod) Also: Union med., Par., Is92, 3. s., liii. K5; 97; 12P 133 (C Monod). Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 77-s2 i Ter- rier). For Portrait, sc Collection of Portr. (Libr.i. ------& Aincda. Maladies secretes. Abwehr und einfache aber griindliche Heilung der Syphilis, zum wahren und rettenden person- lichen Sehutz gegen Charlatanismus und specu- lirende Quacksalberei. 2. Aufl. iv, 156 pp 12°. Geimiita ct Leipzig, 1850. Ricordcau P[aul Joseph-Emile]L *Contri- bution a l'etude des delires sejitiques.- 3ti pp 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 590. Ricordcl (Jean) [18(U- ]. * Etude sur une phase de revolution de Pozene et les indications therapeutiques qui en decoulent. 32 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1892. No. 178. Ricotli (Mauro). Del regio stabilimento bal- neo-sanitario del Signor Professore Pietro Pa- ganini di Oleggio. Lettere tre. 61 pp. 16°. Voghera, C. Ciani, 1827. Ricou (Joseph). * Essai sur les indications ac- tuelles de l'hysterectomie vaginale. 105 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 179. Ricoulleau (Jean-Georges-Adrien) [1874- ]. * Luxations congt'nitales de la rotule. s9 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 365. Riconx (Alexandre) [1875- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de l'otite dans la grippe et en par- ticulier de ses complications. 56 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 328. Ricoux (Georges) [1874- ]. * Contribution a la generalisation du traitement moral de Palie- nation mentale. IIS pp. 8°. Xancy, 1S9S, No. 21. Ricouv (Rene) [1877- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du probleme de 1'inflammation; des re- actions cellulaires consecutives a Pintroduction de poudres inertes dans l'organisme. 5s pp., 1 pl/ 8°. Paris, 1SHS. No. e>:\. Ricovero-Ospedalc in Castelfranco del- P Emilia. Regolamento d' amministrazione e d'online interno del .. . 21 pp. 8°. Bulo7]. Obituary. .1. Am. M" Ass.. Chicago. 1907. xlviii. 2135. Also: South. Clinic, Richmond, 1905, xxviii. 297- 302, port, [front.j. Riddcr (G. L). Sic (on ion (Julius Vitringa). Het woord [etch s' Breda. Is27. Ridder (Joannes Augustus). *De morbi no- tione. 33 pp. 4°. Lipsiie, ex of. Luugenhe- mia, 1767. [P., v. 1984.] RIDDER 617 RIECH. Riddcr (Joh. Gerardus Josephus Theodorus). *De causis partum efficientibus. 1 p. 1., 15 pp., 2 1. 8°. Groningie, A. Bomelingh, jr., [1848]. Riddcr (Otto) [1874- ]. * Ueber kriminelle Leichenzerstiickelung. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Eberimi, 1897. Rideal (Charles F.). See St. Hile (Katharine). Hands of celebrities or studies in palmistry, [etc.]. 12°. London, [1896?]. Rideal (Samuel) [1S63- ]. Disinfection and disinfectants (An introduction to the study of). Together with an account of the chemical substances used as antiseptics and preserva- tives, xii, 328 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, C. Griftin it Co., 1895. -----. The same. 2. ed. xii, 372 pp. 8°. London. 1898. -----. Sewage and the bacterial purification of sewage, ii (4 p. 1.), 278 pp. 8°. New York, J. Wiley it Sons, 1900. -----. The same. ' 2. ed. 5 p. 1., 308 pp. 8°. London it New York, J. Wiley it Sons, 1901. -----. Water and its purification. A hand- book for the use of local authorities, sanitary officers, and others interested in water supply. 2. ed. xvi, 346 pp., 1 tab. 8°. London, C. Lockuvod it Son, 1902. -----. Disinfection and the preservation of food. Together with an account of the chemi- cal substances used as antiseptics and preserva- tives. 4 p. 1., 494 pp. 8°. London, Sanitary Publ. Co.; New York, J. Wiley it Sons, 1903. Rideau (Frederic-Marie-Felix-Joseph) [1877- ]. *La larvngite grippale. 54 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 82. Ridel (I. D.) Novieishaya literatura o tiolie. [Recent literature on thiol.] 35 pp. 24°. Moskra, L N. Kushnerefi Ko., 1899. Ridel e Qusestlones medicse [etc.]. 4°. Monspelii, 1713. Ridge (John James) [1847-1908]. Alcohol and public health. 2. ed. vi (1 1.), 91 pp., 1 pl. 12°. London. H. K. Leans, 1893. For Bini/niphii, sie Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1399. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1908, i, 1729. Ridge (Joseph). Case of strangulation of the jejunum released by gastrotomy, with observa- tions on the diagnosis and treatment of intes- tinal obstructions within the abdomen. 20 pp. 8°. London, 1854. Repr.from: Assoc. M. J., Lond., 1854, i. Ridtfway (Robert) [1850- ]. Directions for collecting birds. 27 pp. 8°. Washington, God. Print. (Hfii-e, 1891. Bull. Nat. Mus.. no. 39, Pt. A. See, also, Illinois. Natural History Survey of Illinois. State Laboratory of N'dnml History. The ornithology of Illinois. Pt. 1, v. 1.8. Sprini/field, 1889. Riding. Anderson (E. L.) How to ride and school a horse. With a system of horse gymnastics. New ed. 8°. London, 1892. Ridley (ILonp/creg) [1053-1708]. Biography. Diet. Nat. Biug., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 283 (X. Moore). Ridley (Marl) [1560-1624]. Biography. Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 285 (N. Moore). Ridley (William Willie?) [1873-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1593. Rid Ion (John) [1852- ]. Contributions to orthoptedic surgery. 18 pp. 8°. New York, 1888. ------. A report of sixty-two cases of hip dis- ease. 12°. [New York, 1890.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1890, Iii. ------. The non-operative treatment of delayed union in fractures of the leg. 12 pp. 8°. Neiv York, Trow's, 1891. Repr.from,: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix. ------. Supracotyloid dislocation. 6 pp. 12°. [New York, 1891.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1891, liii. -----■. Syphilitic spondylitis in children. 8 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix. See, also, Jones (Robert) & Ridlon (J.) Contribu- tions to orthopaedic surgery, ii. 8°. Leicester, 1892.----- -----. Contributions to 'orthopaedic surgery, ix. 8°. [n. p., 1895.]—Practical (The) medicine series, v. 7, 12°. Chicago, 1906. Ridniek (Lea) [1879- ]. * Kystes hyda- tiques du foie et cholemie simple familiale. 76 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 363. Ridnik (Girsch) [1881- ]. * Ueber organo- therapie bei Erkrankungen der Schilddriise und des Pankreas mit Beriicksichtigung der Trans- plantations versuche. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1906]. Ridnovski (Grigoriy Semyonovich) [1*14-5*8]. [In memoriam.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 892. Riduzione (Per la) della media alcoolica di 15 gradi stabilita nel r. decreto 8 novembre 1889. Petizione dei fabbricanti di vino tipo Marsala. 23 pp. roy. 8°. Palermo, tipog. fratelli Puglisi, 1889. Rie (Oscar). See Freud (Sigmund) & Hie (Oscar). Klinische Studie [etc.]. 8°. Mew, 1891. Riebciisalun (Franz Gustav) [1883- ]. * Ueber die Diagnose des Lungen-Echinococcns. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer & Co., 1907. Ricbensalim (Walther) [1871- ]. * Ueber die Zersetzung der zweifach gebromten Bern- steinsiiuren durch Basen und Wasser. 75 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., B. Leupold, 1895. Riebensdorf. Adler (B.) Die deutsche Kolonie Riebensdorf im Gouvernement Woronesch. Globus, Brnschwg., 1905, Ixxxvii, 21; 37. Riebe§ (Otto Wilhelm) [1879- ]. * Ueber die Leukocyten bei der Sauglingsatrophie, nebst eigenen Leukocytenziihlungen an zwei atro- phischen Kindern. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speycr <& Kaerner, 1905. Riebold (KonstantinGeorg) [1877- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der Anthrakose der bronchialen Lymphdriisen und der Haut. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leif/zit/, B. Georgi, 1903. Riech'(Georg) [1874- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von mehrmals wiederholter, spontaner Yerei- RIECH. 618 KIEDEL. Riccli (Georg)—continued. terung einer bereits geheilten einfachen Frak- tur. 36 pp., 3 pl., 2 ch. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Rieciii, proiznesyonniya nad grobom Nikolaya Andreyevicha Vinogradova i chitanniya v ek- strennom zasiedanii obshtshestva vrachei 20-vo yanvarya 1886 goda, posvyashtshonnom pam- yati pokolnavo. [Orations delivered over the bier of Nikolai Andreyevich Yinogradoff and read in the extraordinary meeting of the Society of Physicians the 20th of January, 1886, dedi- cated to the memory of the deceased.] 41 pp., port. 8°. Kazan, 1886. Rieck (Carl Julius) [1875- ]. * Bericht iiber 34 Fiille von Carcinom des Corpus uteri. 39 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1901. Rieck (Clemens August) [1868- ]. *Ueber das Verhalten der Sehnenreflexe bei Paralysis agitans. 18 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, 1892. Rieck (Eduard) [1865- ]. * Ueber Masern- pneumonie. 25 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1891. Rieck (Hermann). * Ueber die Hyperostosen der Gesichtsknochen. 24 pp. 8°. Erlangen, A. Vollrath, 1892. Rieck ([Joh.] Heinrich [Friedrieh Martin]) [1863- ]. *Krebs-Statistik nach den Be- funden des pathologischen Instituts zu Miin- chen von den Jahren 1854-1903. 42 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner & Callwey, 1904. Rieck (Konrad Ferdinand Alexander). Wei- teres iiber Geosot (Dr. Wendt). 13 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1897. Repr.from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, xvii. -----. Ueber Geosot (Guajacol valerianic, Dr. Wendt). 22 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1898. Repr.from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1898, xix. -----. Further clinical observations on the use of the valerianate of guaiacol (geosot). Transl. front: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1897. Repr.from: Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1898. -----. Das Geosot (Guajacol valerian., Dr. Wendt). 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Marschner, 1899. Repr.from: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, xx. ------. Die Heilung der Schwindsucht; eine Entgegnung auf Dr. Liebe's Wert oder Unwert der Heilstiitten fiir Lungenkranke. 6 pp. fol. Berlin, [1903]. Repr.from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xxiii. Rieck (Paul [Georg Reinhold]) [1873- ]. * Ueber die Halbseiten-Lasion des Rucken- marks. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1897. Rieeke (E.) De zorg voor ons uiterlijk; hygi- ene van huid, haren en nagels. 4 p. 1., Ill pp. 12°. Baarn, Hollandia-Drukkerij, [n. d.]. ■ Rieeke (Ludovicus Henricus). See Gnielin (Philipp Friederich) & Rieeke (L. H.) Specificum antidotum [etc.]. 4°. Tabingse, [1750], Rieeke ([Rudolf] Erhard) [1869- ]. *Die Syphilis und der Guajak. 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a.S., C. A. Kaeiuuierer & Co., 1895. ------. Bedeutung und Gefahren der Ge- schlechtskraukheiten. 22 pp. 12°. Stuttgart, H. Moritz, 1904. -----. Hygiene der Haut, Haare und Nagel im gesunden und kranken Zustande. 200 pp., 10 pl. 12°. Stuttgart, E. LI. Moritz, 1905. Rieeke (Victor Adolf) [1805-57]. Die neuern Arzneimittel; ihre physischen und chemischen Eigenschaften, Bereitungsweisen, Wirkungen auf den gesunden und kranken Organismus und therapeutische Beniitzung. 2. Aufl. x, 666 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Hoffmann, 1840. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. iv, 644 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Hoffmann, 1842. Ricckcnber;; (Wilhelm). *Ein Fall von Brown-Sequardscher Spinal-Liihmung. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1893. Riecker (Eugen) [1874- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Solitiirtuberkel in der Hirnschenkel- haube. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg i. E. C. Muh, 1904. Riedei (Alfred). * Zur Casuistik der heutigen Behandlung complicirter Schadelbruehe. [Er- langen.] 20 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, F. Haffner, 1890. Riedei (Alfred [Richard]) [1871- ]. *Ein Fall von erworbener idiopathischer progressi- ver Hautatrophie. 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifs- wald, C. Sell, 1895. Riedei (Anton) [1844- ]. *Ueber (ilyeo- surie der Wochnerinnen und Schwangern. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle, W. Plbtz, [1869]. Riedei (Bernhard Moritz Carl Ludwig) [1846- ]. Ueber die Resultate der Wisinuth- behandlung im Aachener stadtischen Hospitale wiihrend der ersten drei Monate des Jahres 1883. 10pp. 8°. [Berlin, L.Schumacher, 1883.] Repr. from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1883, xxix. ------. Ueber akute Darmwandbruche, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Reposition und Opera- tion eingeklemmter Briiche im Allgemeinen, Herniotomia aperta. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1886, No. 147 (Chir., No. 42, 433-466). ------. Erfahrungen iiber die Gallensteinkrank- heit mit und ohne Icterus, viii, 183 pp. 8°. Berlin, [W. Gronau], 1892. -----. Anleitung zum Operieren an der Leiche und am Lebenden mit Riicksicht auf die iirzt- liche Praxis. Fiir Aerzte und Studierende. x, 119 pp., 3 pl. 12°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1896. See, also, Lauenstein (Carl). Zur Behandlung des Erysipels [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, [1889]. Riedei (Curt) [1881- ]. * Ueber akute Peri- colitis. 61 pp., 11. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1907. Riedei (Edmund August Albert). Die Dienst- verhaltnisse der koniglich preussischen Militiir- Aerzte im Frieden; mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der einjiihrig-freiwilligen Aerzte und der Aerzte des Beurlaubtenstandes. 3. Aufl., nach den neuesten Bestimmungen umgearbeitet und verbessert. vii, 256 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1891. Riedei (Ernst Friederich Wilhelm) [1875- ]. *Ein Fall von primiirem papillaren Endothe- liom der Pleura. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Greifswald, H. Adler, 1898. Riedei (Joh. Christoph Ludwig). Ein Beitrag zu den Erfahrungen iiber die nachtheilige Wir- kung der Leidenschaften und Gemiithsaffecte, hauptsiichlich der Furcht und des Schreckens, auf den menschlichen Korper. 31 pp. 16°. Leipzig, Engelman'sche Buchhandlung, 1828. Repr.from: Rust's Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Leipz. Riedei (Johann Gottlieb). * Ueber die Chlo- rosis. 29 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, C. W. Becker, 1841. Riedei (Karl Rudolf) [1877- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hirnabscesse (excl. der oto- und rhinogenen). 128 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1903. Riedei (Kurt) [1878- ]. * Ueber Bau.h- schiisse und ihre Behandlung im Frieden und im Kriege. Mit Beitriigen zur Friedens-Kasu- istik. 78 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Riedei (Max) [1868- ]. *Eine traumatische Linsenluxation in die Pupille mit Umdrehung der Lense. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1894. R1EDEL. 619 RIEDLIN. Riedei (Otto). Aziatskaya kholera yeya prois- khozhdenive, sushtshnost, preduprezhdeniye i llechenive." (Die Cholera, Entstehung, Wesen I und Verhiitung derselben. Berlin, 1887.) [Edi- | ted with preface bv] M. P. Affanassyeff. 138 pp., 3 pl. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Riedei (Paul Max Gustav) [1872- ]. * Ei- niges iiber das pflanzliche Amyloid, speciell uber Amyloid der Samen von Tamarindus in- dica. [Erlangen.] 64 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, C. Kiihn ct- Sohne, 1897. Riedei (Wilhelm [August]) [1872- ]. *Ein Fall von Hematoma ovarii bei einem Neuge- bornen. 19 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. H lie a. S., C. 1. Kaemmerer , xiii. Rielil (H. A.) * Ueber den Bau des Augenlides beim Vogel. [Ziirieh.] 82 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1908. Rielil (Oswalt) [1868- ]. * Beitriige zur Aetiologie der Chorea. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, G. Sdiade, [1891]. Rich in (Henry). See Hoetle (Mark Aurel). De scheikunde en het mikroskoop [etc.]. *-. Utrecht, 1849. -----. The same. 8°. Utrecht & Amsterdam, 1852. Kit Inn (Walther) [1882- ]. *Zur Frage der Simulation von Geisteskrankheit. [Tubin- gen. J 85 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1998. Riclun (Wilhelm). *Ein Fall von Fibrosar- kom des Ovariums. 18 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Pietzcker, 1896. Riehli (Wilhelm) [1876- ]. * Operationen am Magen (vom 1. April 1894 bis 13. Juni 1902). 112 pp., 21. 8°. Marburg, H Bauer, 1902. Ricke (Fritz) [1875- ]. *Ein Fall von pri- miirer Lungenaktinomvkose mit tbtlicher Blu- tung. 17 pp., lpl. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt & K/au- nig,f90S. Rieke (Hermann Christian August) [1877- ]. * Beitrage zur Frage der Arteinheit der Strepto- kokken. [Kiel.] 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1904. Rieken (ILnrl-< 'hrlstophe) [17i>7-ls7y]. [Biography.] Mem. Acad. rov. cie med. de Belg., Brux., 1m;'.i-'.m;, v, 178-180 (Sovet). Rieken (Hermann) [1867- ]. *Ueber Lum- balpunktion. [Kiel.] 37 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1895. von Riekhoff(Arnold) [1879- ]. * Ueber den Zusammenhang von Asthma und Lungen- odem. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf & Sohn, 1904. Ricliinder (Wilhelm August) [1875- ]. * Ueber die Beziehungen des Cholesteatoms zur Tuberkulose des Mittelohres. 26 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Marburg, 1899. -----. * Das Paroophoron. (Vergleichend ana- tomisehe und pathologisch-anatomische Studie.) Habilitations-Schrift zur Erlangung der Venia docendi einer hohen medizinischen Fakultiit zu Marburg. 116pp., lpl. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1904. Rieiiiann (C.) Schwerhbrige, Ertaubte und Taubstninme. Praktischer und piidagogischer Ratgeber fiir Ohrenleidende und deren An- gehbrige. 3. Aufl. 64 pp. 12°. Leipzig, T. Griebeu, 1903. Rieiiiann (Curt Wilhelm) [1879- ]. *Ueber 79 Fiille von Amputatio supravaginal uteri mit retroperitonealer Stielversorgmm wegen Fibro- myoma uteri. 50 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Brand- stetter, 1903. Rieiiiann (Hermann) [1877- ]. *Ein Fall von Zehencarcinom. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Miin- chen, C. Wolf & Sohn, 1902. Rieiiiann (Konrad Heinrich Otto) [1880- ]. * Vier Fiille von Pankreasnekrose. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Ricmbault (A.) Hygiene des ouvriers mi- neurs dans les exploitations houilleres. xiii, 316 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cfc fils, 1861. Ricmer (Joh. Andreas). *De obesitatis caus- sis pnocipuis. sm. 4°. Halic ad Salam, 1778. ------. Pharmacopcea castrensis borussica. 3. ed. 3 p. 1., 76 pp. 16°. Berolini, F. Maurer, 1794. Ricmer (Joh. [Paul]) [1879- ]. *EinSar- komrecidiv 5 Jahre nach der Enukleation. 34 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Greifsn-al,1, J. Abel, 1906. Ricmer (Karl) [1877- ]. * Leber Zucker- gussleber und fibrose Polyserositis. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt & Klaunig, 1906. Ricmer (Theodor Maximilian) [1871- ]. *Kritischer Bericht iiber 100 Fiille von Cata- racta traumatica. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1896. Ricinsclineider (Karl) [1871- ]. * Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Strychnin. 13 pp. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1900. van Ricmsdijk (A. D. ) Drinkwater en grondboringen te Utrecht in 1870. Memorie aan de gezondheidscommissie der stad Utrecht. En deel uitmakende van het verslag der vei- richtingen van genoemde commissie over het jaar 1870. 1 p. 1., 94 pp., 4 tab., 5 pl. 8°. Utrecht, J. van Boekhoren, 1871. -----. Mededeelingen uit de laboratoria van 's rijks munt. No. 3. 91 pp. 8°. Utrecht, 1880. van Ricmsdijk (Dirk Aart). *Over syphilis acquisita en longtuberculose. 4 p. 1., 100 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J II. de Bussy, 1899. van RiciiiMlyk (Franciscus Gulielmus). *De mortuorum cura. 2 p. 1., 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Gro- ningue, J. Bbrnelingh, [1828]. [P., v. 1972.] Ricnderhoff(F.) [1823-79]. Co-Editor of: Repertoriuiii (Het ),Amersfoort, 1847-8. Rienhoff (Fritz) [1873- ]. * Ueber Riesen- zellensarkome der weiblichen Brustdruse. 31 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. Lelimann's Nachf., 1903. Rienzo (Raffaele). La sinfisiotomia. 30 pp. 8°. Cassino, L. Ciolfi, 1901. Riepcr (Alfred) [i881- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Tumor cerebri ohne Stauungspapille (Sitz im Centrum semiovale, den grossen Gan- glien und der 1. u. 2. Stirnwindung). 28 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, II. Fiencke, 1906. Riepcr (Eduard [Albert]) [1874- ]. * Le- ber neurogene Temperatursteigerungen bei chronischen) Alkoholismus. 27 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Kiel, /'. Peters, 1898. Ricppi ( Luigi ). Dell' intervento chirurgico nelle occlusioni intestinali. 40 pp. 8°. Udine, 1903. Ries (Andreas). *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Darminvaginationen. 38 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner & Lossen, 1900. Ries (Christoph) [1876- ]. *Das elektri- sche Verhalten des kristallinischen Selens ge- gen Wiirme und Licht. [Erlangen.] 31 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, G. Hafner, 1902. RIES. 622 RIES8. [Ric« (Emil).] The anatomy of the endome- trium. 4 pp. 8°. Neir York, 1896. Repr.from: Am. Gynwc. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii. ------. Complicated laparotomies. 12 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1896. Repr. from: Chicago M. Recorder, 1896, xi. ------. How to improve the prognosis of carci- noma uteri. 13 pp. 8°. [Chicago, 1896.] Repr.from: N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1896, viii. ------. Ichthyosis uteri. 10 pp. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii. -----. On membranes discharged from the uterus. 16 pp. 12°. Chie-ago, 1896. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi. ------. Eine neue Operationsmethode des Uterns- carcinoms. 16 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, [1897]. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u.Gyniik., Stuttg., 1897, xxxvii. -----. On vaginal celiotomy, with report of cases. 10 pp. 8°. Chicago," 1897. Repr. from: Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xiii. ------. Plastic operations on the tubes. 4 pp. 8°. Boston, 1898. Repr.from: Ann. Gynsec. & Paediat., Bost., 1898, xi. ------. The most rational method of operation for hemorrhoids. 7 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1903. Repr. from: Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1903, xxv. Rics (J. N.). See Friedberger (Franz) & FrJJliner (Eugen). Pathologie et therapeutique, [etc]. 8°. Paris, 1891. Ries (Karl). * Ueber die angebliehen Bezie- hungen von Varicen und Ulcus cruris chronicum zum peripheren Nervensystem. 46 pp. 8°. Strassburg, C. Goeller, 1892. ------. Ueber unverschuldete geschlechtliche Erkrankungen. Vortrag gehalten im Zvveig- verein Wiirttemberg der deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bekampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten. 31 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1903. Ricsc (Ernst) [1858- ]. *DieSeekrankheit. 126 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schude, [1888]. Ricse (Frideric. Jacob.). See Dietz (Joh. Ludovicus FriderieuM. * [Pr.] qua- dam de irritabilitate. 4°. Uisste-Jfassorum, 1781. Riesc (Georg). *Zur Casuistik der subcutanen Nierenverletzungen. [Giessen.] 31 pp. 8°. Mainz, P. r. Zabe.ru, 1900. Riesen (Franciscus [Antonius Alexander]) [1813- ]. *De phlegmasia; albto dolentis causis et natura. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, Nietack, [1843]. Ricsenfeld (David). *Wird bei der zweiten Drehung des Geburtsmechanismus der Kopf vom Rumpf oder der Rumpf vom Kopfe nach vorn gedreht? [Erlangen.] 28 pp., 1 1. S°. Wiiizburg, F. Biihrl, 1890 Ricsenfeld (Nathan). *Die Loslichkeit des Quecksilbers in wiisserigen Salzlbsungen. 24 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, O. Klein, 1894. Rieshetillo (D[ionisiy] F[yodorovich]) [1845- ]. *Ob etiologii malyarii vbobshtshe i opit opredieleniya etiologii malyarii v bezbolo- tistof miestnosti. [The etiology of malaria in general and the experimentation to determine the etiology of malaria in non-marshy regions.] iv (1 1.), 148 pp., 1 pl., 4 diag., 1 tab. 8°. S.-Peterburg, V. Kirshbaum, 1890. -----. Bolotniya likhoradki v Palestinie; izslle- dovaniye prichin i opredieleniye mikrobrga- nizma bolotnikh likhoradok. [Malarial fevers in Palestine; investigation of the causes and de- termination of the microorganisms of malarial fevers.] 2 p. 1., iv, 189 pp., 2 1., 4 diag. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1891.] Forms, pt. 1, v. 9, of: Pravoslav. palest, sbornik, S.- Peterb. ' Rieshetillo (D[ionisiy] F[yodorovich])—con. ------. Prokaza; izlozheniye istorii, geografi- cheskavo rasprostraneniya, statistiki, etiologii, bakteriologii, raspoznavaniya, llecheniya, za- konodatelstva i obshtshestvennol prorilaktiki prokazl. [Leprosy; its history, geographical distribution, statistics, etiology, bacteriology, diagnosis, treatment, legislation, and public prophylaxis.] 2 p. 1., viii (1 1.), 515, xv pp., 1 1., 1 pl., 2 maps. 8°. S.-Peterburg, K. L. Bikker, 1904. -----. Llecheniye luchami Kcentgen'a s pred- varitelnim izlozheniyem Reentgenniogii i Kunt- genodiagnostiki; rukovodstvo dlya vrachel i studentov. [Roentgenotherapy, with prelimi- nary presentation of Roentgenology and Ru-nt- genodiagnosis; manual for physicians and stu- dents.] xiv, 490 pp., 1 1. 8b. Moskra, L N. Kushnereff & Ko., 1906. Ricsman (David). Albuminous expectoration following thoracocentesis. 11 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia & New York, 1902. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1902, n.s., cxxiii. ------. Aneurysm of the aorta rupturing into the right bronchus; origin of the left vertebral artery directly from the aortic arch. 4 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1901-2, n. s., v. -----. Uremic aphasia. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1902. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix. ------. Pericarditis; its symptoms and diagnosis. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1904. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. V., 1904, n. s., exxviii. ------. Some remarks on physical diagnosis. 1. Transmanual auscultation. 2. Ulnar palpation. 7 pp. 8°. Burlington, 17., & New York, 1905. Repr.from: Am. Med., Burlington, Vt.,ifc N. V.,1905,ix. ------. Acute pulmonary oedema, with special reference to a recurrent form. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1907. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. &N. Y., 1907, exxxiii. ------. The development of cardiac murmurs during attacks of biliary colic. 6 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1907. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii. -----. Hemorrhages in the course of Bright's disease; with especial reference to the occur- rence of a hemorrhagic diathesis of nephritic origin. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia ei- New York, 1907. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1907, n.s., exxxiv. ------. Address to nurses; delivered at the gradu- ation of nurses, Polyclinic Hospital Training School, November 11, 1908. 6 pp. 8°. New York, 1909. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1909. Ixxxix. See, also, Lloyd (.lames Hendric) A: Iti< snimi (!>.) Infectious endocarditis [etc.], 8°. [I'hihi.] -----, Wood (A. C.) ct Pfahlcr (G. E.) A case of gangrene of the lung cured bv operation. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia ev New York, 1903. Repr.from: Am.J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1903, exxvi. Ricss (Eugen) [1867- ]. * Ueber den Ein- fluss cles Bronchialkatarrhs auf die Aufnahme und Ausscheidung inhalierten Kohlenstaubes. 24 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg, M. Liedtke, 1892. Riess ( Friedrieh ). *Zur Pathologie der Schrumpfniere. 32 pp., 2 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, Memminger}8 BucJidr., 1900. Riess (J. Albin) [1853- ]. *Der Bau der Kiemenblatter bei den Knocheniischen. [Leip- zig.] 35pp.,3pl. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1KK1. RIESZ. 623 RIFLESSIONI. Riesz (Alfred) [1883- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tetraphenylenbernsteinsiiure. 24 pp. 8°. Konigsbergi. Pr., H. Jaeger, 1906. de Riet (Franciscus). *De organo tactus. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., B. Bonk, [1743]. [P., v. 1924.] Rieteina (F. A.). See van Dugteren (Benjamin Gerard Elisa Wesscl) & Kietema (F. A.) De prostitutiequaestie. 8°. Rot- terdam, 1898. Rietli (Hermann). * Ueber die Pentalnarkose. 19 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1893. Rietlier ( Gustav ). Ein Vormerkbiichlein (Lebensbuch) fiber das Gedeihen und die Ent- wicklung des Kindes, nebst den wichtigsten Vorschriften iiber Ernahrung und Pflege, haupt- saehlich fiir das erste Lebensjahr. 47 pp. 8°. TI7«i», A. Holder, 1902. -----. Therapie im Siiuglingsalter. 2 p. 1., 143 pp. 12°. Wien, A. Holder, 1904. Rietscli (Maximilien) [1848-1905]. Sur les essais k entreprendre par les viticulteurs pour se rendre compte de l'influence que les leviires cultivees pures exercent sur les qualites du vin. 15 pp. 8°. Lyon, J. Gallet, 1890. For Biography, see Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 164-166 (C. Livoni. See, also, Qu eirel <£ Rietscli. Rapport sur le traite- ment de la tuberculose, [etc]. s°. Marseille, 1891. Rictseliel (Hermann). Leitfaden zum Be- rechnen und Entwerfen von Liiftungs- und Heizungs-Anlagen. Auf Anregung . . . des Herrn Ministers der offentlichen Arbeiten ver- fasst. 2. Aufl. 2 v. xii, 307 pp.; iv, 47 pp., 22 pl. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1894. Rictseliel (Joh.) [1876- ]. * Ueber Pseu- dobulbiirparalvse. 30 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1903. Rictseliel (Martin Philipp Joh.) [1878- ]. * Ueber verminderte Leitungsgeschwindigkeit der in Ringer'schen Lbsung iiberlebenden Ner- ven. 22 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Repr.from: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1902, xcii. Rietz (Hans Martin Wilhelm Emil) [1869- ]. * Beitrag zur Kritik der balkenlosen Gehirne. 39 pp. 12°. Berlin, C. Vogts Buchdr., 1894. Rietz (Sigurd Valdemar) [1856- ]. *Om Kurmedlen vid Ronneby helsobrunnen samt deras indikationer. [On the mineral waters of Ronneby as a healing remedy.] [Lund.] 114 pp., 11. 8°. Karlshamn, E. G. Johansson, 1896. -----. The same. 114 pp., 11. 8°. Karls- hamn, E. G. Johansson, 1896. . Rietzkow ([Otto] Albert) [1864- ]. * Bei- trag zur Behandlung beginnender Lungentu- berkulose mit Koch's Tuberkulin. 34 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1891. Rieu (Maurice). *Des hallucinations psycho- motrices dans la paralysie generale. 102 pp., 1 1. 8° Paris, 1900, No. 334. Rieunicr (Alexis) [1850- ]. *Quelques mots sur la medecine au moyen-age d'apr&s le Speculum majus de Vincent de Beauvais (xiiie siecle). 60 pp. 4°. Paris, Oilier-Henry, 1892, No. 324. Ricux. See lltdecine legale. 8°. Paris, 1819. Ricux (Eugene) [1872- ]. *De la pleuresie sereuse droite consecutive aux abces du foie, forme latente. 48 pp. 4°. Li/on, 1895, No. 1098. Ricy (Gaston) [1878- ]. * Hypertrophic de la prostate et prostatectomie. 106 pp. 8°. MejHtpellier, 1901, No. 7. Riczanoft' (M[ikhail] M[ikhattovich)] [1875- ] * K voprosu o mekhanizmle vozniknove- niya poraneniy obolochennimi pulyami na Riezanoff(M[ikhail]M[ikhailovich])—cont'd. dalyokikh razstoyaniyakh na osnovanii opita russko-yaponskol voini i eksperimentalnikh izslledovaniy. [On the mechanism of the origin of wounds in distant localities, caused by jacketed bullets; based on experience in the Russo-Japanese war and on experimental inves- tigations.] [Odessa.] 195 pp., 2 1., 5 pl. 8°. Moskra, Tor. A. L. Levenson, 1908. Rieznikoff (Kh[ai'm] M[ikhalevich]) [1857- ]. *K ucheniyu o stroyenii sietchato! obolochki; izslledovaniye po metodu Golgi- CajaFya. [A study of the structure of the ret- ina; investigation bv the method of ... ] 82 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. "S.-Peterburg, 0. L Segaloff, 1897. Rifaux (Marcel) [1872- ]. *De l'aphonie cerebrale (aphonie dite nerveuse)', son traite- ment par le procede Garel. [Lyon.] 1 p. 1., ii, 101 pp., 11. 8°. Auxerre, 1899, No. 60'. ------. L'agonie du catholicisme? 3. ed. viii, 309 pp. 12°. Paris, Plon-Nourrit dc Cie., 1905. Riff (Jules-Henri) [1876- ]. *Sur la lipase du sang a l'etat normal et pathologique chez l'homme. 231 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1904, No. 9. Rifle (Jean-Louis-Eugene) [1869- ]. *Le typhus exanthematique a Paris en 1894. 116 pp. 4°. Paris, 1896, No. 489. Riffeault (Louis-Charles-Henri) [1875- ]. * Etude sur les phlyctenoses recidivantes des extremites. 60 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 112. Riffel (Alex.) Die Erblichkeit der Schwind- sucht und tuberkulosen Prozesse nachgewiesen durch zahlreiches statistisches Material und die praktische Erfahrung. vi, 111 pp. 8U. Karls- ruhe, F. Gutsch, [1891]. ------. Mittheilungen iiber die Erblichkeit und Infektiositiit der Schwindsucht. viii, 183 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Braunschweig, H. Bruhn, 1892. ------. Weitere pathogenetische Studien iiber Schwindsucht und Krebs und einige andere Krankheiten nach eigener Methodik angestellt. viii, 107 pp., 33 pl., 1 map. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., J.Alt, 1901. ------. Schwindsucht und Krebs im Lichte ver- gleichend-statistisch-genealogischer Forschung. I. Tabellarischer Teil. II. Beschreibender Teil. vi, 80 pp.; 41 pp. 4°. Karlsruhe, F. Gutsch, 1905. Riffel (Paul). * Ueber Ruckenmarksverande- rungen bei der akuten Alkohol - Neuritis. [Freiburg.] 35 pp. 8°. Karlsruhe, F. Gutscli, 1899. Rifle ranges. See, also, Eye (Accommodation of); Eye (Fielel of vision of). Bradley (J. W.) Rifle ranges and their public pro- vision. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Municip. & Co. Engin., Lond. & N. Y., 1900-1901, xxvii, 278-296, 3 pl.—liinestous (E.) 95. Rigliini ((Tiovanni). Commentario di prepara- zioni, analisi ed osservazioni chimiche e farma- ceutiche. 227 pp. 8°. Milano, P. A. Molina,1838. | -----. II nuovo vade-mecum del medico, del chirurgico, del farmacista e del popolo, ossia memoriale posologico farmaco-terapeutico in base ai medicamenti adottati dalla farmacopea; con nozioni sull' incompatibilita chimica di alcune sostanze medicamentose. 227 pp. 8°. Torino, G. Biancardi, 1858. Right and left handedness. See, also, Body (Human, Bight and left sides of); Left-handedness. Faure (L.) * Essai d'etude comparative de l'homme droit et de l'homme gauche. 8°. Lyon, 1902. Gould (G. M.) Righthandedness and left- handedness, with chapters treating of the writ- ing posture, the rule of the road, etc. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1908. Lueddeckexs (F. [K. A.]) Rechts- und Linkshandigkeit. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. du Pur (M. S.) *De homine dextro et sinis- tro. 8°. Lugd. Bat, 1780. Weber (E.) Ursache und Folgen der Rechts- handigkeit. 8°. Halle a. S., 1905. Wii.sox (Sir D.) The right hand; left-hand- edness. 12°. London & New York, 1894. Astley (H. D.) [Ambidexterity and primitive man.] Lancet, Lond., 1904, l, 1246.—Audenino (E.) L'homme droit, l'homme gauche et l'homme ambidextre. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1907, xxviii, 23-31.—Bald- win (J. M.) Right-handedness and effort. Science, X. Y., 1890, xvi, 302. -----. The origin of right-handed- VOL XIV, 2d series----40 Right and left handedness. ness. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1893-4, xliv, 606 - 615.— Barnes (R.) Right-handedness and left-brainedness Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 331.—Baudouin (M.) Droi- ture et gauchcrie oculaires. Gaz.med.de Par 1904 12 s iv, 3o3.—Biervliet (J.-J.) L'homme droit et l'homme gauche. Rev. phil., Par., 1899, xlvii, 113; 276; 371. ----- Lhomme droit et l'homme gauche; les ambidextres. Ibid. 1901, Iii, 409-427.—Bolk (L.) De oorzaken en beteekenis der reehtshandigheid. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1901, viii, 249-278 — Browne (,Si>T.) Of the right and left hand. In his: \\orks 8° Lond., 1894, i, 391-401. -(ampbell (H.) Kighi handedness and left brainedncss. Lancet, Lond 1903, 1.132.—Chamberlain (A. F.) Right-handedness; a primitive Australian theorv. Science, N. Y. & Lan- caster, Pa., 1903, n. s., xviii, 788.—Cock ere II (T. D A ) Ambidexterity. Nature, Lond., 1903-4, lxix, 317.—Cun- ningham (D.J.) Right-handedness and left-brained- ness. ,1. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1902, xxxii, 273-296, 2 pl.— Gould (G. M.) Dextrality and sinistrality. Pop. Sc Month., N. Y., 1904, lxv, 360-369. -----. Right-eyedness and Icit-eyedness. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1904, n. s., xix, 591-594. Also, in his: Biog. Clin., 12°, Phila., 1905, iii, 341-359. -----. The pathologic results of dex- troculanty and sinistrocularitv. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc Hartford, 1903-5, x, 306-319. Also: Ophthalmology, Mil- waukee, 1894-5, i, 10-15. Also, in his: Biog. Clin., 12°, Phila., 1905, iii, 363-373. -----. The nomenclature of dextral, sinistral, and attentioual organs and functions. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1907, n. s., xxvi, 592-595.-----. The origin of right-handedness. Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvii, 597-601. -----. Study of a case of two-handed synchronous writing. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxii, 717-725. -----. Why is a particular child right-handed or left-handed? Long Island M. J., Brook- lyn, 1907, i, 454^58. ----. The rule of the road. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1908, lxxii, 52-64. — Gowers (W. R.) Right-handedness and left-brainedness. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 1719.— Hecht (A.) & Langstein (L.) Zur Kenntniss der Rechts- und Linkshandigkeit. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 513.— Hughes (C. H.) Note on the conundrum whv we are right-handed. West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1890, xii, 147.— Jackson (J.) The physiology of simultaneous ambidextral work. Hospital, Lond., 1903-4, xxxv, 461.— Kellogg (G. M.) The physiology of right- and left- handedness. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 356-358. Also, Reprint.—Lattes (L.) Destrismo e mancinismo in relazione colle asimmetrie funzionali del cervello. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1907, xxviii, 281-303.— Mazel (F.) Pourquoi l'on est droitier. Rev. scient., Par., 1892, xlix, 112-114.—Merkel ( F. ) Die Rechts- und Linkshandigkeit. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch. 1903, Wiesb.,1904,xiii, 708-736.—Molle. L'homme droit ct l'homme gauche. Med. orient., Par., 1905, ix, 169-172.— More (J.) Right-handedness and left-brain- nedness. Lancet. Lond., 1903, i, 200.—Kollet (E.) L'homme druit et l'homme gauche. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1902, xvii, 177-183.—Sabrazes (j.) & liatt'orgue (F.) Sur la ligue ombilieo-mamelon- naire; variation chez les droitiers et les gauchers. Gaz. Irebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 62.—Sawyer (Sir J.) Ambidexterity. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1302.—Schuyton (M. C.) Over recht- en linkshandig- heid bij kinderen. [Sur la droiterie et la gaucherie des enfants. Res., 161.} Paedolog. Jaarb., Antwerp., 1904, v, 156-161, 2 tab.—Shaw (J.) Right-handedness and left-brainedness. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, I486.—Smith (E. N.) Ambidexterity; a plea for its general adoption. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 579. -----. The philosophy of posture and ambidexterity. Clin. J., Lond., 1903, xxii, 88-92.—Viviaiii (U.) Ricerche anatomiche sul des- trismo e sul mancinismo. Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1897, i, 3-9. Also, Reprint.—Weber (E.) Kine Erkliirung fiir die Art der Yererbung- der Rechtshiindigkeit. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1901, xviii, 425-432.—Wilks (S.) Right-handedness and left-brainedness. Lancet, Lond., 1902, ii, 1658: 1903, i, 266. -----. Ambidexteritv. Nature, Lond., 1902-3, lxvii, 462.—Wray (C.) & More (J.) Right-handedness and left-brainedness. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 683. Right and left handedness (Jurispru- dence of). Ottoleu.—Laiiiner (Caroline YV.) On the modi- fication of rigor mortis resulting from previous fatigue of the muscle in cold-blooded animals. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1898-9, ii, 29-46.—liee (F. S.) & Harrold (C. C.) Kigor mortis. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1901-2, xxxvi, 75— Likhacheff (A. A.) & Studenski (A. A.) O svyazivanii tyoploti pri trupnom okochenlciiii. [Sur l'absorption de chaleur dans la periode do rigidite cada- verique. Extr., 84.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1898, v, 75-77— Loclnr (R. W.) Rigor mortis in involuntary muscle. ,1. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Bait., 1907-8, x. 109.—McKee ( K. S.) Cadaveric rigidity instantaneous. South. M. iV. S., Chat- tanooga, 190s, ix, 149-151. Also: Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1908, xcix. 717-751. Also: Mod. Progress, Louisville, 1908, xxiv, 35S.-36L—JlaeWilliam (J. A.) Rigor mortis in the heart, and the state of the cardiac cavities a fter death. J.Physiol., Lond., 1901, xxvii, 336-349.—Jlagiianinii (R.) Sulle modificazioni dei corpi azotati durante 1' irri- gidimento cadaverico. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1902, xxviii, 41-55. -----. Su alcune modificazioni chi- miche che avvengono nei muscoli durante la rigidita cadaverica. Bull. d. Soc. La.ncisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1901-2. xxi, 3-41.—-Martin (E.) De la rigidite cadave- rique dans les membres atteints de contracture pendant la vie. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1898, xiii, 536-539, 1 pl.— Mazelier. Le spasme cadaverique. Rev. de med. leg., Par.. Is9s. v, 65.—Meltzer (S. J.) & Auer (J.) Rigor mortis and the influence of calcium and magnesium salts upon its development. J. Exper. M., Lancaster,Pa.,&X.Y., 1908, x, 45-77. AIso, Reprint — Mirto (D.) Diffusione di alcuni gas (CO, C02, H2S, N'Hj) nei tessuti del cadavere e loro influenza sul decorso della rigidita cadaverica e della putrefazione. Gior. di med. leg., Pavia, 1903, x, 101-123—itlodiea (O.) Le singole forme della rigidita muscolare nei cadaveri e loro cause. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1898-9, xxiv, 343- 391. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 683 — IVoore (Anne). On the effects of solutions of various electrolytes and non-conductors upon rigor mortis and heat rigor. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1902-3, vii, 1-24.— Osborne (W. A.) Rigor mortis and the formation of d. lactic acid. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Loud., 1900-1901, p. xlix.—Pellaeani (P.) & Folli. Sulla natura e sul decorso della rigidita cadaverica. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1*95, v, med. leg.. 64-68.— Pri- c-hard (R. A.) Rigor mortis forensically considered. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1893, n. s., xv, 44-47.— Koliiuaiin (F.) Kritisches und Experimentelles zur Frage nach der Siiurebildung im Muskel bei der Todten- starre. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1893-4, lv, 589- 6U5.—Simin (A. N.) Ueberdie Todtenstarre des Herz- muskels. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1904, xviii, 89-91.—Spasme (Xe) cadaverique. J. de m6d. de Par.. 1898, 2. s., x.128. — Stastny (J.) O stuhlosti po smrti ( rigor mortis). 'Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1866, v, 9\ — StrasKiuaiin (F.) Weitere Lntersuchungen iiberdie Todtenstarre am Herzen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1896, 3.F.,xii, Suppl.-Hft, 110-115.—Tamas- sia (A.) Dell' influenza del sistema nervoso sull' irrigi- dimento cadaverico. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emi lia, 1882, viii, pt. 2,1-20.— Tissot (J.) Recherches sur la rigidite cadaverique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1894, cxviii, 892-894. -----. Recherches sur l'excitabili- t6 des muscles rigides et sur les causes de la disparition de la rigidite cadaverique. Ibid., cxix, 242-24 L—Win- terstein (H.) Ueber die physiologische Natur der Todtenstarre des Muskels. Arch. f. d. ge*. Physiol., Bonn, 1907, exx, 225-248.—Zimin (A.N.) Ob okoche- nlenii serdechnol mishtsi. [Rigor mortis of the cardiac muscle.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 320. Rigor 'mortis infrtvs and still-born. Muller (L. W.) *Ein Fall von Rigor mortis des geburtsreifen Fotus in uterus. 8°. Mar- burg, 1880. Ballantyne (J.W.) Rigor mortis in the foetus; with notes of a case. Teratologia, Lond. & Edinb., 1896, ii, 96- 118—tJaruso (F.) Sulla rigidita cadaverica intraute- rina. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1905, xii, 193-217 — Feis (O.) Ueber intrauterine Leiehenstarrc. Arch.f. Gvnaek., Berl., 1894, xlvi, 384-395.—Fraser (N\ S.) An- tenatal rigor mortis. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1904, i, 1014.— Kedarnath Da«. Antenatal rigor mortis in a post- mature foetus. J. Obst. & Gvnac. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1903, i v, 545-548.—Lange (M.) Leber intra-uterine Lei- chenstarre. Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 1217- 1223. -----. Ueber Leichenstarre totgeborener Kinder. Frauenarzt,Leipz., 1905, xx,290-292.—Lavergne. Con- tracture et rigidite cadaverique chez le foetus et le nou- veau-ne. N. Montpel. med., 1*95, i v, 256-203.—Murphy Rigor mortis in foetus and still-born. (H. H.) Rigor mortis in stillborn children. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 1045.—Paddock (C. E.) Antenatal rigor mortis. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1903, xlviii, 145-154. [Discus- sion], 253-255.—Parkinson (C. H. W.) Rigor mortis in the stillborn. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 304.—Tar- letoniA.) Rigor mortis in the stillborn. Ibid., 1424 — Whitlield (D. W.) Case of rigor mortis in a stillborn child. Ibid., 1907, ii, 158L—Wolff (B.) Ueber intra- uterine Leichenstarre. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1903, lxviii, 549-575. Rigors. See Semeiology. Ritfot (Felix-Jean-Jacques) [1803-47]. Traite complet de 1'anatomie des animaux domes- tiques. 4 v. 8°. Baris, Bechetjeune ei- Labi; 1840-45. In v. 2, title-page and pages up to 3 are wanting. For continuation, see Lavocat (A[chille|). Traite complet de l'anatomie des animaux domestiques. 8°. Paris, 1847. Ritfot (Henry) [1872- ]. * Etude experi- mentale et clinique sur quelques persulfates alcalins et sur la persodine. 211 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 68. Rigot (Paul). * Considerations sur I'appendi- cite et plus particulierement sur son traitement. 47 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 605. Rigourd (Emmanuel). * Contribution a l'etude du traitement chirurgical du mal per- forant plantaire. 80 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1898, No. 37. Rigulet (Roger). * Contribution a, l'etude de la pathogenie et du traitement du goitre exoph- talmique. 71 pp. 8°. Paris, 1905, No. 531. Riis (Jacob August) [1849- ]. The battle with the slum, xi, 465 pp., port. 8°. Neiv York, Macmillan Co., 1902. Riis (Jes). *Zur Embolie der Arteria mesen- terica superior. 37 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, P. Scheiner 1884. Riis (Ohif) [1878- ]. *Erfolgreiche Stru- mektomie bei doppelseitiger Pneumonie. 16 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, H Fieneke, 1904. van Rijn van Alkemade (A. C.) Toepas- singen der theorie van Gibbs op evenwichtstoe- standen van zoutoplossingen met vaste phasen. Deel 1. No. 5. 65 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. Midler, 1892. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1. sect., deel 1, no. 5. Rijn berk (Nicolaas). See Binnendijk (J.) Al^emeen overzicht van de reglementen op het geneeskundisr onderzoek [etc.]. 8°. Utrecht, 1884. Rij ii tiers (J. Bartoiotti). See Berger (Paul). Leefregel voor mageren. s°. Grarenhage, 1887. ------ & Slruijeken (H. J. L.) Vivisectie is in het belang der menschheid. Een enkel woord tot beoordeeling der brochure, uitge- geven door den Ned. Bond ter bestrijding van vivisectie, 23 pp. 16°. Breda, B. B. Nieu- wenhuijs, 1898. van Rijsewijk (Karl Theodoor Haverkorn). Myocarditis tuberculosa. 59 pp. 12°. Botter- dnni, J. de Jong, 1900. Rikli. Sandoz (F. ) La cure atmosph^rique de Rikli; description et technique; emploi syst6matique des bains delumiere et d'air; bains de soleil. J. de physiotherap., Par., 1908, vi, 63; 235. Rikli ( Arnold ). Lehrbuch der Naturheil- kunde. 1. Theil: Die Fieberkrankheiten, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Blattern. Volksversttindliche Abhandlung, speziell den schweizerischen Kantonsriithen so wie dem ge- sammten Lehrerstande Deutschlands und der RIKLI. 628 KIXALDI. Rikli (Arnokl)—continued. Schweiz gewidmet. 8°. Leipzig, T. Grieben, 1886. ------. Bett- und Theil-Dampfbader. 5. Aufl. 40 pp., 1 pL 8°. Leipzig, Lj. Fernau, 1900. ------. Medecine naturelle et bains de soleil. Ouvrage traduit sur la 8. ed. allemande. 240 pp., port. 12°. Lausanne, G. Bridel cfc Cie., 1905. Rikli (August). *Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der Lepra. [Bern.] 34 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, [G. Beimer], 1892. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1892, cxxix. Riklin (Franz). *Hebungepileptischer Amne- sien durch Hypnose. [Ziirieh.] 30 pp. 8°. Ltipug, J. A. Barth, 1903. Rikolt" ( Alfons). * Beitrage zur Kenntnis bei- zenziehender Farbstoffe und einige neue Reak- tionen des asym. Chlordinitrobenzol. [Bern.] 61 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, B. Bechtoldd- Co., 1893. Rikugun bunai hiakukakutoku-ni kwan suru hokoku. [Report on the prophylaxis of the bubonic plague in the army.] 32 pp. 8°. Tokyo, 1899. Rikugrun iji to kei 1888-96. [Army medical statistical tables, 1888-96.] 2, 3, 163 pp., 3 ch., 2 diag., 1 pl. 8°. Tokyo, 1897. Japanese text. Riley (Cassius M.) [1844- ]. Toxicology. The nature, effects, and detection of poisons with the diagnosis and treatment of poisoning. 3. ed., revised and enlarged, v, 215 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakiston''s Son ci- Co., 1906. Riley (Charles Valentine) [1843-95]. Direc- tions for collecting and preserving insects, iv, 147 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Washington, Govt. Print. Ogice, 1892. 'Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus.. No. 39, Part F. ------. The ox bot in the United States. 16 pp. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] Repr. from: Insect Life, v. 4. -----. Speech of C. V. Riley at the second trustees' banquet. pp. 50-53. 8°. [n. p., 1892.] Repr.from: Rep. Missouri Botan. Garden, 1892, iii. ------. The Yucca moth and Yucca pollination. pp. 99-158, 10 pl. 8°. [n. p., 1892.] Repr.from: Rep. Missouri Botan. Garden, 1892, iii. For Biography, see Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash., 1900, xiii, 412- 416 (L. O. Howard). Also: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n.s., iii, 217-225 (G. B. Goode). Riley (Henry A.) Who can be medical ex- perts? 10 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1891.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix. Riley (J. B.) Antikamnia and the atmospheric tractor in obstetrics. 3 pp. 8°. St. Joseph, Mo., 1891. Repr.from: West. M. & S. Reporter, St. Joseph, Mo., 1891-2, iii. Riley (James Whitcomb) [1853- ]. Ru- baiyat of Doc. .Sifers. Illustrated by C. M. Relvea. x, 111 pp., 27 pl. 12°. New York, Century Co., 1897. Rilhae (Louis) [1873- ]. *Des courants de haute frequence; leur emploi en medecine, principalement dans le rhumatisme chronique. 85 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 488. Rilke (Otto) [1857- ]. * Ueber einen com- plicirten Fall von Torsions-Fractur des Unter- schenkels. 39 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 18S9. Rill (Johann P.) [1882- ]. * Beitrag zur Erkenntnis des Verhaltens von anorganischen Salzen in Methylacetat. [Giessen.] 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mainz, K. Theyer, 1907. Rille (Johann Heinrich) [1864- ]. Lehrbuch der Haut- und Geschleehtskrankheiten. 1. Abth. 177 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1902. Rilliet(Auguste). *Recherches sur la trans- formation des derives du pyrrol en bases pvri- diques. 69 pp. 8°. Geneve, W. Kiindig ei-'fils, 1907. Riliiet (Frederic) [1814-61]. See Barthez (Antoine-Charles-Ernest) & Riliiet (F.) Memoire sur les hemorragies [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1842.-----------. Memoire sur quelques parties de l'histoire de la broncho-pneumonie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1851.----------. Memoire sur la broncho-pneumonic vesiculate [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1852].----------. Traite clinique et pratique des maladies des enfants. 2. ed. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1853. Riliiet (Frederic). *De la mesure clinique de la pression sanguine. 103 pp. 8°. Geneve, C. Zoellner, 1904. Rima (Tommaso G.). See Dul'ouart (Pierre). Analisi delle ferite d' armi da fuoco [etc.]. 2 v. 12°. Milano, 1805-8. -----. The same. 12°. JS'apoli, 1820. Rimann (Hans). *Die Endotheliome des Uterovaginal-Schlauches Erwachsener. 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. ' Breslau, T. Schatzky, 1902. Rimbaeli (Eberhard). ChemischesPraktikum fiir Mediziner. 90 pp. 8°. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1903. Rimbaeli (Robert). *Zur Casuistik der En- terokystome. 43 pp. 8°. Giessen, C. von Miiu- chow, 1897. Rimbaud (Louis). * Vaccination et serothe- rapie antituberculeuses. Revue generale et nouvelles recherches experimentales. 150 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 60. Rimedi nuovi e formolario terapeutico. Nuova serie. Fasc. 1, 1896, 128 pp.; fasc. 2, 1897, 191 pp. sm. 4°. Biacenza, G. Fuvuri, 1896-7. Rimedi (1) nuovi e i nuovi metorii di cura. Prefazione del GiulioMoglie. viii, 208 pp. 16°. Boma, Societa editrice Dante Alighieri, 1900. ------. The same. vi (1 1.), 339 pp. 16°. Boma, [1900]. Rimedii (I) nuovi. v. 1, October, 188S, to De- cember, 1889. 8°. Boma. Rimettc (Georges). * Pronostic de l'avorte- ment. 104 pp. 8°. Boris, 1905, No. 343. Rimkevieli (M[arian] M[arianovich]) [1864- ]. * K voprosu ob agglyutiniruyushtshem svoistvie krovyanoi sivorotki bryushno-tifoz- nikh. [On the agglutinating quality of blood serum of typhoid patients.] 86 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1898. Rininiel (Eugene). The book of perfumes. 4. ed. 1 p. 1., xx (11.), 266 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lon- don, CltajHiian & Hall, 1865. Rfmovieli (F[eliks] Ffeliksovich]). *Kpa- tologii alkoholnoi ambliopii. [On the pathol- ogy of alcoholic amblyopia.] 50 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 86. S.-Beterburg, Trenke ct Fyusno, 1896. von Rimselia (Robert). * Chemische Unter- suchung einer falschen Chinarinde aus Brasi- lien. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, C. Mattiesen, 1891. Rimsha (A[dam Romualdovich]) [1860- ]. K ucheniyu o normalnom i uzkom tazle russkol zhenshtshini. [A study of the normal and narrow pelvis of the Russian woman.] ii, 42 pp. 8°. 41 pp. 4°. S.-Beterburg, S. N Khu- dekoff, 1892. In: Sborn. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved., 1894, ii. Rinaldi (Giovanni). See Ittercurialis (Hieronymus). Dell' arte ginnas- tica libri sei. Recati, [etc.]. 4°. Faenza, 1856. RINCHEVAL. 629 RINGENBACH. Rinelieval (Ludwig). * Ein Fall von Hpemato- metra und Htematokolpos unilateralis. [Wiirz- burg.] 39 pp. 8°. Did men, F. Schnell, 1889. Rinek (Theodor). Die Heilkriifte der Nordsee und ihre Bedeutung fiir Gesunde und Kranke. 2 p. 1., 53 pp. 16°. Nordeu ct: Nordernai, H. Braams, [1890]. Rinek (Walther) [1879- ]. * Ueber die Beziehung der perniciosen Aniiniie zum Magen- krebs. [Jena.] 30 pp. 8°. Erfurt, II. Buss- jitger, 1903. Riiiekenbaeli (Joseph). *De l'aphasie. 43 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 18(15, 2. s.. No. 847. Riiiekenbaeli (Lucien) [1872- ]. * Con- tribution ii l'etude du suicide chez les alienes pendant leur internement. 70 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 489. Rinderiiiann (Heinrich). * Ueber Pankreas- hiimorrhagieen. [Wiirzburg.] 23 pp. 8°. Heiligenstadt, F. W. Cordier, 1890. Rinder*pacher (L.) Die Lleal-Heil-Massage im Vergleich mit anderen lleilsvstemen. 36 pp. 8°. Leipzig, II. Hartung ii-Sohn, 1900. Rindfleiscli (Carl). * Ue'ber Wochenbetts- erscheinungen und ihren ursiichlichen Zusam- menhang. [Wiirzburg.] 31 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1889. Rindfleiscli (Georg Eduard) [1836-1908], Lehrbuch der pathologischen Gewebelehre zur Einfiihrung in das Studium der pathologischen Anatomie. 2. Aufl. xvi, 633 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1871. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. xviii, 626 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1N75. -----. The same. 6., vollig umgearbeitete Aufl. xii, 795 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1886. -----. Die Bosartigkeit der Carcinome, d'arge- stellt als eine Folge ihrer ortlichen Destructivi- tat. pp. 25-42. 4°. Leipzig, 1877. Cutting from: von Rinecker (F.) [Festschrift.] 4°. Leipzig. 1877. -----. Die histologischen Heilungsprocesse tu- berkuli iser Schleinihautgeschwtire unter Koch'- scher Behandlung. 4 pp. 8°. [Wurzburg, Stahel, 1891.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1S91. -----. Die Elemente der Pathologie. 3. Aufl. ix, 320 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1896. -----. Scirrus ventriculi diffusus. pp. 297-309, 1 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Stuber, 1905. Forms Xo. 8, v. 37, of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiirzb. For Bioe/raphy, see Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 26*2 (Bors't). ---—. See, also: Festschrift fiir Georg Eduard von Rind- fleiscli. roy. 8°. Leipz g, 1907. Mediclvische (Die) Fakultiit in Wurzburg. Herrn Franz von Rinecker ... 4°. Leipzig, 1877. Burst (M.) Zum 70. Gcburtstag. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii. 2148-2450, port. — Gerliardt. Zum 70. Geburtstag. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 2082. — Wissensehaftliehe Arbei- ten von . . . Festseiir. f. G. F. von Rindfieisch [etc.], Leipz., 1907, 615-619. Rindfleiscli (Walter). * Pericarditis carcino- matosa. 21 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, IT. Sturtz, 1889. RindflciKcli (Walter) [1872- ]. *Kin Fall von diffuser akuter Mvokarditis. 23 pp., 2 1. 8°. Ki'miegsberg i. P., M. Liedtke, 1898. Rindskopf (Carl) [1867- ]. Ueber das Verhalten der Muskelfasern in Bezug auf Va- Rindskopf (Carl)—continued. cuolenbildung und Hypertrophic nach Nerven- durchschneiduntr, 24 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1890. ' y Rindvicliziiclit (Die) nach ihrein jetzigen ra- tionellen Standpunkt. 2. Aufl. 2 v. xx, 795 pp.; xvi, 275, 290, 161 pp., 21 pl. 8°. Berlin, Wiegundt, Hempel & Parey, 1876. CONTENTS. v. 1. Anatomie and Physiologie der Rinder, von Fiirst- berg-Leisering. v. 2. Rneen, Milehwirthschaft, Ziichtung und Fatte- ning, von O. Rohdc. Rinecker (Franz) [1811-83]. See Bouehut ([J.-]E[ugene]). Handbuch der Kinder- krankheiten, [etc.]. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1854. Rinfreco. Sealabrino. Una nuova app'icazione dell' acqua del Rinfreco. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1902, xiii, 186- I 188. Ring (Allan Mott). The treatment of uterine diseases by means of the hot-air bath and hot- vaginal douche. 22 pp. 12°. Boston, A. Wil- liams ei- Co., 1882. Ring (Arthur H.) Psychology in medicine. 7 pp. 8°. Boston, 1908. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1908. clviii. Ring (Charles Augustus) [1854-1907]. Our in- sane patients and their hospital relations. 7 pp. 8°. Buffalo, 1894-5. Repr.from: Buffalo M. & S. J., ls'jt-5, xxxiv. For Biography, see Buffalo M. J., 1907-8, lxiii, 543. Also: Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1904, xv, 186-188, port. (F. H. G.). Ring (Edmund Cuthbert) [ -1890]. [Obituary.] Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 1363. Ring (John) [1752-1821]. An answer to Dr. Moseley, containing a defence of vaccination. 291 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1S05. ------. A caution against vaccine swindlers and impostors. 2 p. 1., 139 pD. 8°. London, J. Callow, 1816. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 309 (D'Arcey Power). Ring(M.) Einfluss der Yerdauung auf das Drehungsvermogen von Serumglobulinlosung. 13 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, 1902. Forms no. 1, v. 35, n. F., of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1902. Also, in: Arb. a. d. phvsiol. Lab. d. Wiirzb. Hochsch., 1899-1902, No. 6. Ring' of Bnndl. See Labor (Complicateel) from spasmodic action of uterus. Ringbom (Carl Henric). * Anmarkningar Of- I ver sviiltkurens anviindande i syphilis. 30 pp. sm. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell d- Sou., [1832]. [P., v. 136.] Ringbone. Loive (Ct. C.) Periarticular ringbone. Vet. J., Lond., 1907, lxiii, 71-79. Ringciscn (Alfons). * Ueber die Fractur des Oberarmhalses mit gleichzeitiger Luxation des Kopffragmentes. 32 pp. 8°. Strassburg, B. SchuItz & Co., 1890. Ringeling (H. G.) Het vraagstuk der voor- ziening van Amsterdam met drinkwater in tijd van vrede. 52 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1902. Forms nos. 9, and 12 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Harlem, 1902, ix. Ringenbacli (Joseph-Edouard) [1882- ]. * Contribution a, l'etude des microbes sapro- phytes des eaux. 46 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, I 1907, No. 58. RINGEXSSOX. 630 RIXN. Ringcnsson (Joh. Laur.) De inflammatione ossium. 20 pp. sm. 4°. Lundse, lit. Berlingi- anis, [1799]. Ringer (Sydney). A handbook of therapeu- tics. 5. ed. 3 p. 1., 597 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1876. -----. The same. By S. Ringer and H. Sains- bury. 13. ed. xi, 746 pp. 8°. Loneion, H. K Lewis, 1897. -----•. The same. 3. ed. 3 p. 1., 576 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood & Co., 1873. -----. The same. 4. ed. 2 p. 1., 632 pp. 12°. New York, 11'. Wood & Co., 1875. -----. The same. 7. ed. xii, 647 pp. 8°. Xew York, W. Wood d Co., 1879. -----. The same. 10. ed. xi, 688 pp. 8°. Xeu- York, W. Wood & Co., 1883. -----. The same. By S. Ringer and H. Sains- bury 13. ed. xi, 746 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood d-Co., 1897. -----. Notes on a case of athetosis, preceded by hemiplegia and hemiansesthesia, and accom- panied by unilateral swellings. 19 pp. 8°. London, 1877. [P., v. 2277.] Repr.from: Practitioner, Lond., 1877, xix. -----. Notes on a post-mortem examination on a case of athetosis, pp. 161-176. 8°. London, 1879. [P., v. 2277.] Repr.from: Practitioner, Lond., 1879, xxiii. -----& Morsliead (E. E.) On the physio- logical action of the bulb of the Buphane toxi- caria or Hemanthus toxicarius; Amaryllidaceee. 19 pp. 8°. New York, G. B. Butnam's Sons, 1880. Repr.from: Arch. Med., N. Y., 1880, iv. ----- & Murrell (William). The action of arseniate of soda and arsenious acid on frogs. pp. 213-256, 1 pl. 8°. London, [1878]. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: J. Physiol., Lond., 1878-9, i. ------------. Remarks on paroxysmal sneezing. 19 pp. 12°. London, 1888. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i. ----- & Sainsbury (Harrington). Note on gome experiments with ergotine. 4 pp. 8°. [London, 1884.] Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i. van Ringli (Antonius). *De cancro scorbutico ejusque differentiis a cancro carcinomatoso. 31 pp. 4°. Duisburgi, vid. Benthon, 1782. Ringhardtz ([Karl Julius] Hermann [Max Wilhelm]) [1870- ]. *Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wirkung des Metanicotin. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1895. Ringier (Carl). * Ueber Erkrankungen der Augen im Gefolge von Influenza, mit spezieller Beriicksichtigung der an der Basler ophthalmo- logischen Klinik und Poliklinik beobachteten Falle. 58 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Wittrner, 1892. Ringier (E.). See Pozzi (Samuel [Jean]). Lehrbuch der klinischen und operativen Gynakologie, [etc.]. 8°. Basel, 1892. Ringier (Georg). *Erfolge des therapeutischen Hvpnotismus in der Landpraxis. [Ziirieh.] ii, 204 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1891. c. ------. The same, viii, 205, ii pp. 8°. Mun- chen, J. F. Lehmann, 1891. Ringk (Joh.) *De sanguinis sputo ex pulmo- nibus. 17 pp. sm. 4°. Tubingse, G. Gruppen- bach, 1593. Ringland (A[rthur] Hill). Post-partum haem- orrhage, treated by the application of the solid perchloride of iron to the interior of the uterus. 5 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1874. Repr.from: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1874, lvii. Ringleb ( Heinrich ) [1841- ]. * Zur Dia- gnose einiger Magenerkrankungen aus dem Er- brochenen und Spiilwasser. 16 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. Halle, C. A. Kaemmerer & Co., 189!). Ringleb (Max). * Ueber die Endresultate der operativen Behandlung der Halslymphouie in der Bonner chirurgischen Klinik in den Jahren 1898-1900. 40 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bonn, S. Foppen, 1903. Ringleb (Otto) [1875- ]. *Zur Operation flxirter Blasenscheidenfisteln mit Loslosung der Blase. 18 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaem- merer & Co., 1902. Ringot (Georges) [1873- ]. *Du traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu par le salicy- late de methyle. (53 pp. roy. 8°. Lille, 1896, 4. s., No. 142. Rings (Surgical). Shaw (H. A.) Surgical rings. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1906, lxix, 221. Rings (P. Theodor) [1876- ]. * Ueber Pa- raftinprothesen. 32 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Eisele, 1904. Ringsted (Hans Christian) [1868- ]. Dia- gnose og behandling af placenta prsevia. 2 p. 1., 300 pp. 8°. Kobenham, V. Thaning & Appels Boghaniiel., 1900. Ringuet (Francois). * Considerations sur le forceps a branches paralleles et le forceps de Hubert modifie par M. le professeur Audebert. 82 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 712. Ringworm. See Tinea. Rinius (Benedictus). See Avieeima. Libercanonis, [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1555. -----. The same. fol. Basliese, [1576?]. Rink (D.). See Moreau [dc la Sarthe] (Jacques-L[ouis]). Natur- geschichte des Weibes [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, 1810. Rink (Gerhardus Joh.) *De sputo ut signo in morbis. 15 pp. 4°. Harderorici, J. Moojen, 1764. [P., v. 1935.] Rinke (Jan). Handleiding tot het teekenen van het menschelijk lichaam. 142 pp., 1 1. I 8°. Amsterdam, II. Meulenhoff, [1906]. Rinkel (Jacobus Joh.) *Bijdrage tot de ken- nis der voeding van den Neder:andschen sol- daat der landmacht in tijd van vrede. 1 p. 1., 101 pp. 8°. Leiden, E. Ljdo, 1891. Rinman (Carl) [1813- ]. Li 11a kirurgien, eller handbok i de mindre kirurgiska opera- tionernas forriittande, sasom aderlatning, kopp- ning, vaccination, siittande af hank och fonta- neller, anviindande af spanska flugor, senapsde- gar, bad, frottering, lavemang, bulnaders opp- nande M. M. for blifvande faltskarer, skol-liirare och klockare pa landet m fl. [Minor surgery, or manual for performance of minor surgical operations, as venesection, cupping, etc.] 1 p. 1., 94 pp. 12°. Stockholm, Marcus & Co., 1849. -----. Pieni haawa-laakari. Neuwoksi Suo- malaisille, warsinkin lukkareille ja rokonpani- joille. Ruotsalaisesta kirjasta suomentanut A. Rothman. [Select Finnish contributions. Es- pecially relating to the inoculation of variola. Minor surgery. Transl. from the Swedish into Finnish by A. Rothman.] 86 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Helsingissii, G. W. Edlund, 1873. Rinn (Paul) [1877- ]. *Le venin des vipe- res franeaises. L'envenimation viperique et la serotherapie antivenimeuse. 209 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1906, No. 22. ------. The same. 209 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. I Bailliere & fils, 1906. RINXE. 631 RIOLAN. Rinne (Ernst [Georg Karl]) [1878- ]. *Ein Keitrag zur Geschichte des Jugendirreseins. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1907. Rinne (Felix). * Das vom pharmakologischen Standpunkte aus wesentlichste ;ms Scribonii Largi "Compositiones". 126 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1892. Rinne's test. See, also, Audition; Deafness; Ear (Explora- tion of). Eseat (E.) Interpretation du Rinne positif para- doxal; technique destinee a prevenir ce resultat. Kev. hebd. delaryngol. [etc.], Par., 1906, ii, 641-649.—illackay (D. M.) A preliminary note on Rinne's test. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1040. — Thollon (E.) Sur le signe de Rinne. Languedoc med.-chir., Toulouse, 1900, viii, 160. Rintelen (Fritz). * Ueber Hodentuberculose mit Beriicksichtigung des doppelseitigen Auf- tretens derselben. [Wiirzburg.] 38 pp. 8°. Baderborn, A. Pape, 1888. Rintelen (Kurt Otto) [1877- ]. *Der para- vaginal Hiilfsschnitt nach Schuchardt, nach den Erfahrungen der koniglichen Universitiits- Frauenklinik zu Greifswald. 58 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1906. Rinny (Henri) [1873- ]. * Contribution & l'etude de la vaccine generalisee. 57 pp., 1 1. S°. Paris, 1897, No. 301. -----. The same. 57 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1897. Rio de Janeiro. 1° e 2° relatorio da Com- missao de melhoramentos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. 56 pp.; 40 pp. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Typog. naeional, 1875-6. Bound with: Vieira Souto (Luiz Raphael). O melhora- mentos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1875. Rio de Janeiro. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever ( Yellow, History, etc., of), Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, Description, etc., of), Leprosy (Hospitals for), Plague (History, etc., of), Sewerage (Disposal of), Statistics ( Vital), by localities. da Gama e Silva (C.) * Do soccorro medico de urgencia no Rio de Janeiro. 8°. Bio de Ja- neiro, 1905. DE GOUVEA (H.) & DE LlMA E CASTRO (J. C.) 0 contracto de saneamento do sulo do Rio de Janeiro. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1891. Bahier. Notes medicales sur Rio-de-Janeiro. Arch. de med. nav., Par., 1890, liv, 446-156.—Barao de La- vradio. Contribuic&oaoe^tudodus molestias mais fre- quentes nas criancas das classes pobro na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Ann. Acad, de med. do Rio de Jan., 1889-90, 6. s., v, 133-1)7— Barbosa (L.) O soccorro medico de urgencia no Rio de Janeiro. Brazil-med., Riode Jan., 1904, xviii, 2~>l-_'5s—Bosquejo historico da Academia de medicina Rio de Janeiro. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1898-9, 5. s., ii, 26-30.—Brandao (J.) Brief notice of the climate and diseases of Brazil, especially of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Con- cord, 1894, xix, 182-185.—Bulhoe* (arvalho. O es- tado sanitario do Riode Janeiro cm 1903. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1904, xviii, 220; '£':i.— «'. (B.) Estado sani- tario do Rio de Janeiro em 1904. Ibid., 1905, xix, 192- 194—Estatistica demographo-sanitaria do Riode Ja- neiro. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1896-7, 4. s., vii, 266: 1897-8, 5. s., i, 183.—Kosrlnnieder (H.) Die Massnahmen zur Verbesserung und Verschonerung der Stadt Rio de Janeiro. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1908, xxxiii, 321-332.— Pereira (M. V.) Les peuples du Rio-Nunez (cote occiden- tale d'At'rique'. M6m. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1883-*, 2. s.. iii. 42-7a. Riordan (William E.) Manual for army med- ical services, vii, 462 pp. 12°. London, Eyre S: Sprjftisuvode, [1890]. ------. The same. Addenda. 54 pp. 12°. London, Eyre d: Spottiswoode, [1895]. Bound u-ifh his: Manual [etc.]. 12°. London, 1890. Riory (Michel) [1859- ]. *L'empyeme et son traitement de choix par le procede du Dr. Gangolphe, la pleurorrhexie. 76 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. IS. Rio§ (David A.) *Clasificacion y discusiones sobre el tratamiento de la pulmonfa. 32 pp. 8°. Mlxico, C. Bamiro, 1877. de los Rio* (Jose Amador). &e Amador de los Bios (Jose). de los Rios (Jose Jfanuel) [1*:>9- ]. Maxriqle (J. M.) Biograffa del doctor Jose- Manuel de los Rfos. 8°. Caracas, 1891. Rio* (Antonio Ayala). s,e Ayala Rios (An- tonio). Riots. Bianehi (A. G.) 11 contagio delle sommoss. pepo- lari (note sulle sommo^se agricole nell' Alto Milan, -e) Arch, di psichiat. [etc.]. Torino, 1893, xiv, 43-52— Favr (V. V.) O sobitiyakh 10, 11 i 12 oktvabrvn 1905 g. v g Kharkovle. [Events of the 10th-12th October. 1905 in Kharkov.] Kharkov. M. J., 1906, i, 68: 157. —Zhhan- koff(D.) O travmaticheskol epidemii v Rossii. Kj.i- demic of "traumatism" in Russia.] J. Obdi. R'i-k. Vrach. vpam. Pirogova, Mosk., 1905, xi, lls-134. Riou (A.) [1867- ]. ^Contribution a l'etude des corps etrangers des svnoviales tendineuses. 64 pp. , 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 234. Rion (Emile) [1873- ]. *Les divers traite- ments de l'infection puerperale et le curage digital suivi d'ecouvillonnage. 128 pp 1 1. 8°. Boris, 1902, No. 339. Rion (Joseph) [1861- ]. *Cure radicale de la hernie epigastrique (indications, manuel ope- ratoire). 46 pp., 11. 4°. Baris, 1893, No. 152. ------. The same. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1893. Riou (Paul) [1882- ]. *De l'ichthyose dans , ses rapports avec les lesions du corps thvroide. I 51 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 135. Rioufol (Jules) [1874- ]. * Du cancer aigu du foie. 94 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 110. Riou - Kerangal ( Xavier - Gustave - Yves ) [1880- ]. *De la pyolabyrinthite et de son traitement. 67 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 87. Rioult ( Henricus Georgius ). *An magnis hpemorrhagiis convulsio supervenient mala? Pneses: Francisco Marescot. 4 pp. 4°. [Ca- domi, A. Cavelier & J. C. Byron, 1740.] Rioz y Pedraja (Afanuel) [1815-S7]. 1 [Biograf ia.J An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1895, I xv, 5-16 (G. de la Tuerta y R6denas). Ripa (Luigi). Igiene dei bambini. 117 pp., I 11. 12°. Badova, 1874. de Ripa (William). See William de Ripa. Ripamonti ( Antonio ). Note pratiche per 1' esame chimico delle orine e del contenuto gastrico. 48 pp. 8°. Milano, C. Bighini, [n. d.]. Ripamonti (Antonio). * Herpes zoster. 186 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Agnelli, 1905. Ripat (Pierre). *De Tabus du lait dans les troubles gastro-intestinaux chroniques de l'en- fant apres le sevrage. 142 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 57. Ripault (Armand) [1872- ]. * Contribution a 1'etude pathologique de la bourse sereuse pre- 11 itulienne; hygroma chronique sanguin. 46 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 193. Ripault (Henri). See Gougenheim (Achillea & Ripault (H.) Des abces peri-amygdaliens. 8°. Pans. 1x94.----------. Contribution a l'etude des tumeurs beni^ne* du voile du palais. 8°. Paris, 1896. Ripault (Henri) [1867- ]. ♦L'eredo-syphilis infantile; manifestations pharvngo-nasales et la- rynxes. 33 pp., 11. 4°. Boris, 1896, No. 122. Ripe. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale per gl' infermi poveri della parrocchia di S. Pellegrino, istituito nel comune di Ripe. 13 pp. 8°. Se- nigallia, G. Puccini & Comp., 1890. Ripening. A lbahary (J.-M.) Le phenomene de la maturation interprete par I'analyse chimique. Rev. scient., Par., 1909, 5. s.. xi, 76. Ripen«i« (Andreas Christianus 1. See Trineavellius( Victor). Enchiridion medicum I [etc.], 12°. BasUex, 1583. RIPERT. 633 RISLEY. Ripert (Adolphe-Vital) [1872- ]. *D'une espcce de chalicose dite maladie des ardoisiers. 08 pp., lpl. 8°. Lille, 1897, 5. s., No. 51. Ripley (George) [ -1490]. S(e < hymieal, medicinal, andchyrurgicaladdresses. IP. London, 1655. -----. Collectanea chymica. 24°. London, 1684. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 316 (R. Steele). Ripley (John Howard) [is 13-96], Ooiiiin^ (J.) Memoir. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1896, xiii. -7>-'>3. Ripley (William Z[ebina]) [1867- ]. The races of Europe. A sociological study (Lowell Institute lectures). Accompanied by a supple- mentary bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the city of Boston. 2 v. xxxii, 624 pp., 39 pl., 6 maps; ix, 160 pp. 8°. Neiv York, D. Appleton & Co., 1899. -----. A selected bibliography of the anthro- pology and ethnology of Europe, x, 160 pp. 8°. Boston, Trustees Pub. Library, 189D. -----. Races in the United States, pp. 745-759. 8°. Boston, 1908. Cutting from: Atlantic Monthly, Bost., 1908, cii. Ripon. See Hospitals (Cottage and Village). Rippe (E). See Przhibitek (S. A.) Kratkiy kurs farmatsiifetc.]. 8°. St.-Peterburg, 1899. Ripper (Hans). Fiinfzig Jahre Grafenberger Erinnerungen, besonders an Priessnitz und Schindler (mit Beitragen zur Naturheilkunde). Eingeleitet bei Chr. Diehl. xx, 183 pp., port. >sc. Leipzig, Kruger d; Co. [1906]. Ripperger ^Adam). Die Influenza; ihre Ge- schichte, Epidemiologic, Aetiologie, Symptoma- tologie und Therapie sowie ihreComplicationen und Nachkrankheiten. xii, 838 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. on 2 1. b". Mitudun, F. Lehmann, 1892. -----. ^Die Influenza - Epidemie 1889-90. [Wiirzburg.] 24 pp. 8°. Miiudien, Seitz dc Schauer, 1893. Ripping (Gabriel). De otitide. 1 p. 1., 74 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat, J. W. van Leeuwen, 1841. [P., v. 2080.] Ripping (Henricus). *Spec. med. exhibens positiones quasdam medico-practicas. 2 p. 1., 22 pp, 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam M. Cyf- veer, 1810. [P., v. 1946.] Ripping (Joannes). *Diss. obst.-med sistens quasdam de pelvi animadversiones. 1 p. 1., 50 pp., 21. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud Luzac dc van Damme, 1776. [P., v. 1926.] Rippoldsau, Black Forest, Gennfiny. Robert (A.) & Feyerlin (F.) Rippoldsau (Foret-Xoire) et ses sources minerales avec les nouvelles analyses de M. le prof. Bunsen, de Heidelberg. 12°. Strasbourg, 1862. Rique (Louis). * Sur les divers modes de traite- ment electrique des nevrites. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1901, No. 4. Riqiielme (Silvino). *Algunas consideracio- nes sobre la ischemia quiriirgica. 30 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1875. [Also, in: P., v. 2206.] Riquet (Pierre- Valentin) [1875- ]. *Des tumeurs primitives du squelette thoracique et de leur traitement. 56 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Bordeaux; 1899, No. 108. Riquoir (Gabriel) [1873- ]. * Etude com- paree des resultats de la symphyseotomie et de 1'operation cesarienne dans les bassins vici£s. 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 369. Riquoir (Gabriel)—continued. The same. Symphyseotomie et opera- tion cesarienne dans les bassins vicies. 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. I'aris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1899. Ris (Ch. Otto). * Contribution a, l'etude de la catatonie tardive. 52 pp. 8°. Berne, Fischer freres, 1906. Ris (Friedrieh). *Klinischer Beitrag zur Nie- renchirurgie nach Erfahrungen aus der chirur- gischen Klinik zu Ziirieh, 1881-90. [Zurich.] 91pp. 8°. Strassburg, Heitz d-Miindel, 1890. c. Ris (Henricus). *De pleuritide. 12 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzevier, 1708. [P., v. 2245.] Risa. Studie fiber die rituale Beschneidung vornehmlich im osmanischen Reiche. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1889, n. F., No. 438 (Chir., No. 123, 585-602). Risaelier (Paul). * Contribution a l'etude du thymol camphre comme agent de fonte des fongosites tuberculeuses. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris 1907 No. 431. Risen'(Bernhard) [1864- ]. * Acute Enste- hung der multiplen Sclerose des Gehirns und des Ruckenmarks. 44 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, C Georgi, 1892. Risehpler (August) [1868- ]. * Ueber drei Fiille von Eventration. 41 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Marburg, 1898. Risel (Hans) [1876- ]. * Ueber Nierenhy- poplasie. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer d: Kaerner, 1903. Rise 1 (W [ilhelm Otto]) [1873- ]. Ueber das maligne Chorionepitheliorn und die analogen Wucherungen in Hodenteratomen. vi, i70 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1903. Rislimiller (John H.) A series of interesting cases in the service of Horace Tracy Hanks at the Woman's Hospital. 24 pp. 8°. [New York, 1894.] Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1894, v. The employment of gauze in the uterine cavity. 5 pp. 8°. New York, J. D. Emmet, 1896. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, ix. ------. The limitation of hysterectomy for car- cinoma of the uterus. 4 pp. 8°. [New York, 1898.] Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1898, xii. Risliworth. See Halifax Union Combined Sanitary District. Risiform bodies. <'ava£iiis (V.) I corpi risiformi sono essi prodotti tuhcrcolari? Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1889, xi, 556.—Moulonguet (A.) Kystes a grains riziformes du poignet et de la main; adenite axillaire. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1892, x, 197-199. Risipola lombarda. See Pellagra. Risler (E.). See de Brevans (J.) Le pain et la viande. 12°. Paris, 1892. Risley (S[amuel] D[oty]) [1845- ]. A clin- ical study of the more frequently occurring forms of conjunctival disease. 6 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, 1877.] Repr.from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1877, xxxvi. ------. The comparative value of the mydria- tics. 29 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1881.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 1880-84, iii. ------. Incipient cataract; its aetiology, treat- ment, and prognosis. 10 pp. 4°. [Bhiladel- phia, 1889.] Repr.from: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i. A new apparatus for detecting and meas uring the anomalies of ocular muscles. 8 pp. 16°. Bhiladelphia, Binder d- Kelly, [1891]. Repr.from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxv. RISLEY. 634 RITCHEY. Risley (S[amuel] D[oty])—continued. ------. The relative importance of astigmatism in the production of asthenopia. (Second paper.) pp. 10-14. 8°. St. Louis, J. B. Bar- ker, 1892. Repr.from: Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis, 1892, i. ------. The mydriatics in ophthalmology. 9 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, 1893.] Repr.from: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v. ------ & Shumway (E. A.) Carcinomatous degeneration of a papilloma of the conjunctiva with infiltration of the eyelids. 6 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1901. In: Univ. Penn. Contrib. William Pepper Lab., Phila., 1901, ii, no. 16. Repr.from: Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1901, x. Riso (Paolo). See Komlti (G.) Servizio ginecologico [etc.]. 8°. Pisa, 1893. Risorius Santorini [pseudon.]. Macte Lister triumphator! Feuchtfrohlich-antiseptisches Va- demecum der inneren Chirurgie fiir den streb- samen modernen Arzt. 39 pp. 16°. Leipzig, Herbich dc Rapsilber, 1887. On cover: 2. Aufl. Luzernu. Leipzig (E. Nedwig), 1889. ------. Der Medicin Historia kurzweilig und in Verslein, da man sie in Prosa, wie bekannt, nicht stark goutirt im deutschen Land, mit 44 lieblichen illustrationibus verzieret von Dr. Corrugator Supercilii. 100 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C Garte, 1887. ------. Zur NaturgeschichtedesMedicus. Kurz- weilige Schattenrisse nach der Natur gezeich- net. Illustrirt von Dr. Corrugator Supercilii. 3. Aufl. 51 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C. Garte, 1887. The cover says: 2. Aufl., 1886. The title-page says: 3. Aufl., 1887. Also, transl. in: N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 553-560. Also, Reprint. Risos (Charidimos) [1874- ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude des sarcomes medaniques du pied. 44 pp., 2 1. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 116. Rispal (Joseph) [1869- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des troubles gastriques dans la phtisie pulmonaire. 53 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1893, No. 867. Rispal (M.-Augustin) _ [1867- ]. *Traite- ment de la forme ascitique de la peritonite tu- berculeuse. 40 pp. 4°. Toulouse, 1891, No. 4. Risposta all' accusa del chirurgo Guidetti figlio, falsamente et maliziosamente intentata contro i chirurghi dello spedale di Pammatone in Ge- nova. 24 pp. 16°. Genova, 1803. Risposta ad un articolo degli Annali di scienze e lettere, con alcune osservazioni sull' erronea divisione delle malattie in asteniche e steniche. 155 pp. 12°. Milano, G. Maspero, 1810. Risposta alle due lettere del Signor Rasis di Cefalqnia. 15 pp. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Riss (Edouard). *Les endocardites aigues con- secutives aux infections biliaires. 87 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 375. Riss (Joh. Conradus). See Spielniann (Jacob Reinhold) & Riss (Joh. Con- radus). *De causticitate. In: Wittwer. Delect, diss. med. [etc.], 8°, Norimb., 1781, iv, 175-211. Riss (Leon) [1885- ]. * Observations epi- demiologiques sur une epidemie de dysenterie bacillaire. 59 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1908, No. 83. Riss (Raymond) [1877- ]. *De la luxation congenitale de la tete du radius. 112 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 156. Risse (Joseph). See Soolbad Juliushall-Harzburg, [etc.]. 8°. Harz- burg- Wernigerode, \n. d.]. Rissik (G. H.). See SBeissl (Hermann) Un 1. s.l. Leerboek der con- stitutionele syphilis. 8°. Dordrecht, 1866. Rissiuann (Paul). * Einige Beitrage zu Senn's neuer Darmnaht. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzbura J. M. Richter, 1890. ------. Lehrbuch fiir Wochenbettpflegerinnen. 68 pp., 34 1. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1901. Risso (Arturo). Esperimenti sulla immunizza- zione di animali contro la difterite. 36 pp. Genova, A. Ciminago, 1893. Rissom (Johannes [Karl]) [1868- ]. -"Un- tersuchungen iiber den Stickstoffwasserstoff N3H. [Bonn.] 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1898. Rissom (Otto [Mogens Bernhard]) [1873- ]. * Ueber Erb'sche Schulter-Armlahmung. 27 pp., 1,sheet. 8°. Berl'n, E. Ebering, 1897. Rist (Edouard). * Etudes bacteriologiques sur les infections d'origine otique. 173 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 620. Rist (Emil). * Constitution des sogenannten Meta-Toluchinaldins. [Erlangen.] 21 pp. 8°. Munchen, F. Straub, 1889. Rist (Jean-Louis). * Considerations sur la luxa- tion de l'humerus. 10 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI (1803), No. 94. Ristelhueber (M.-A.-J.) *Des naissances tardives et des naissances precoces. 1 p. 1., 55 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Levrault, 1814. Ristenpart (Eugen) [1873- ]. * Ueber die Einwirkung von Ammoniak und Alkylaminen auf Bromaethylphtalimid. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Rister (Max). * Ueber Bleiliihmung und deren Behandlung. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, H. Lauppjr., 1891. Ristori (Giuseppe). Sopra i resti di un cocco- drillo scoperti nelle ligniti mioceniche di Monte- bamboli (Maremma toscana); nota paleontolo- gica. 34 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. roy. 8°. Firenze, suc- cessori Le Monnier, 1890. ------. Cheloniani fossili di Montebamboli e Cas- teani; memoria paleontologica, con appendice sui cheloniani fossili del Casino (Siena). 104 pp., 6 pl. roy. 8°. Firenze, 67. Carnesecchi dc figli, 1895. Risueno D'Amador (Benigno Juan Isidro) [1802-49]. Influence de 1'anatomie patholo- gique sur la medecine depuis Morgagni jusqu'a nos jours. Ouvrage couronne en 1836 par 1'Aca- demie royale de medecine dans le concours pour le prix fonde par M. le baron Portal, pp. 313- 493. 4°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1837. Repr.from: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1837, vi. -----. Memoire sur le calcul des probabilities applique a la medecine, lu a l'Academie royale de medecine dans sa seance du 25 avril 1837. 134 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1837. [P., v. 906.] Risus sardonicus. See, also, Cadaver. Richiee (J.) De risu sardonico. sm. 4°. Heidelbergse, 1683. Risveglio (II) farmaceutico marchigiano. Giornale di farmacia e scienze affini. Redat- tore: Antonio Fabbri. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-4, 1889-92. 4°. Senigallia, 1889; Macerata, 1890. Risveglio (II) medico. Rivista mensile illus- trata di medicina, chirurgia, igiene ed interessi professionali. Direttore responsabile: Carlo Bruni. v. 1-2, 1906-7. fol. Francavdla. Rit (Emmanuel) [1879- ]. *Du syndrome mitro-aortique chez les atheromateux. 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 31. Ritchey (John A.) [1841-1906]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1466. RITCHIE. 635 RITTER. Ritchie (Andrew) [1845-1902]. <". (J. M.) Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 156. Riteliie (Charles) [ -1878]. Clinical lec- tures on tvphus and continued fever. 20 pp. 8°. [Glasgow, W. Mackenzie, 1856.] [P., v. 1558.] Repr.from: Glasgow M. J., 1855-6, iii. Ritchie (Henry Robert) [ -1903]. Obituary. Intercolon. M.J. Australas., Melbourne, 1903, viii, 5M. Riteliie (J. J.) & Farrow (R.) Joint reports of the medical officer of health and sanitary in- spector on the sanitary condition of Leek, for the years 1883-99. 16°' & 8°. Leek, 1884-1900. Riteliie (James). General cvstic degeneration of the adult kidney, pp. 194-246, 10 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, [n. d.]. Repr.from: Roy. Coll. Phys. Lab. Rep., Edinb., iv. See, a/>», ITInir (Robert) A: Kiteliie (.Limes). Man- ual of bacteriology. 8°. Edinburgh, lv.>7.-----------. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh interno dello Ospedale Celesia in Rivarolo Ligure. Appro- vato dalla deputazione provinciate con delibe- raziqne 3 giugno 1S85, modiflcato dalla com- missione amministrativa con deliberazione 11 aprile 1889, approvata dalla giunta provinciale amministrativa con decreto 15 ottobre 1889. 23 pp. 8°. Genova, C. Morqndo, 1889. Riva's operation. See Peritonitis (Tubercular, Treatment of, Operative). Rivaiiri-Landraii. Etudes ophtalmiques. 192 pp. h°. La Guillotiere, J.-M. Baiat pere, 1852. Ri vault (Henri). * Paralyses oculaires post- diphteriques; action de la toxine diphterique sur les centres nerveux d'apres la clinique ophtalmologique. 55 pp. 8°. Boris, 1901, No. 321. Rive-de-.i-]t;.V). In his: Therap. d. vieux mai tres, 8°, Par., 1897, 1:17-112. Riverius (Stephanus). SeeStepliaiius(Carolus). De dissectione [etc.]. fol. Parisiis, 1545. Rivers. Knapp (H. F.) Lecture delivered before the polytechnique branch of the American Institute (Cooper Institute), April 24, 1879. River sur- faces. Do jetties raise the bed as well as the surface? Ergo, will every river in the Missis- sippi Valley finally overflow? Is a river bar as vitally necessary as a river bank? Natural drainage of the valley impeded by channel con- tractments, and its malarious conditions there- by intensified. 8°. [New York, 1879.] Loeschmann (E.) * Beitriige zur Hydrogra- phie der oberen Oder. [Breslau.] 8°. Treb- nitz i. S., [1892]. Shelpord (W.) On rivers flowing into tide- less seas, illustrated by the river Tiber. Edited by James Forrest. 8°. London, 1885. Desyatoft' (A. A.) K voprosu o ncstchastnikh slu- chayakh na vnutrennikh vodnikh putyakh. [Accidents on internal water-routes.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix.. .. syezda. 1904,S.-Peterb., 1905, v, 181-192.—Dubois (H. E.) Over den toevoer van na- trium en chloor door de rivieren aan de zee. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl., 1901-2, x, 493. Rivers (Pollution ani pur location of). See, also, "Rivers (Self-pur ificatioii of); Sew- age; Water (Supply of); anel under names of rivers. Bonne (G.) Die AVichtigkeitder Reinhaltung der Fliisse erlautert durch das Beispiel der Un- terelbe bei Hamburg-Altona. 8°. Leipzig, 1900. -----. The same. Neue Cntersuchungen und Beobachtungen fiber die zunehmende Verunreinigung der Unterelbe, eine Folge der gemissbrauchten Lehre von der Selbstreini- gungskraft der Fliisse. Gutachten zwecks Be- schwerde der der Elbe anliegenden Gemeinden bei der koniglich preussischen und der Ham- burger Regierung, sowie bei dem Reichsgesund- heitsamt, erstattet. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Boston. Report of a committee appointed to protect Charles River basin and to investigate Rivers (Perflation and purification of). as to the drainage of the riparian estates on the northerly side of Beacon Street. Sept 3 1895. 8°. [Burton, 1895.] Bi'rchell (W.) River sanitation. A short essay to induce a public movement for the prevention of river pollution. 8° London [1885]. Chester (County Palatine of). Supplemen- tary report of the medical officer of health on the state and condition with reference to their pollution or otherwise of all the rivers and streams in the administrative county outside the area under the jurisdiction of the Mersey and Irwell watershed committee. 8°. Chester, 1898. Copeman (S. M.) Report to the local gov- ernment board on the sanitary condition of the river Brent, in the county of Middlesex. Nov. 8, 1893. fol. London, 1893. Deffernez (E.) Des eaux residuaires indus- trielles et de la pollution des cours d'eau. 16°. Bruxelles, 1902. Game and Fish Protective Association of the District of Columbia. Pollution of rivers, etc. Memorial from the ... in support of bill (S. 2905) providing for the investigation of the pollution of rivers where the sanitary condition of the people of more than one state or terri- tory is affected. 55. Cong., 2. sess. S. Doc. No. 194. 8°. [Washington, 1898.] Gerardin (A.) Rapport sur Tarn-ration, la corruption et l'assainissement des rivieres. 8°. Baris, 1874. Goole. Report upon the pollutions of the river Aire. Presented to the Goole local board, by Jas. M. Wilson, medical officer of health. 8°. Goole, [1890]. Great Britain. Third report of the com- missioners appointed to inquire into the best means of preventing the pollution of rivers (rivers Aire and Calder, etc.). Vol. II. Min- utes of evidence end index. fol. London, 1867. ------. Rivers pollution commission. An- swers to queries relating to cities, boroughs, towns, and districts situate in the basins of the rivers Mersey, Ribble, and their tributaries. fol. [London, 1869?] ------. Rivers pollution commission (1868). First report of the commissioners appointed in 1868 to inquire into the best means of prevent- ing the pollution of rivers (Mercy and Ribble basins). Vol.11. Evidence. fol. Loudon, 1870. ------. Rivers pollution prevention. A bill to make more effectual provision for the pre- vention of the pollution of rivers and streams. 8 Feb., 1895. Bill 39. fol. London, 1895. Great Britain. Conservators of the River Thames. Thames conservancy General re- port of the conservators of the river Thames, with accounts of moneys received and expended by them, for the year 1883. fol. London, 1S84. Great Britain. BarUament. House of Com- mons. Thames (pollution). Return to an ad- dress of the House of Commons, dated 4th Au- gust, 1884, for "copy or extracts of correspond- ence which has passed between the secretary of state for the home department on the one hand, the metropolitan board of works, the authorities of the city of London, and others on the other, as to the pollution of the river Thames by sewage", fol. London, 1884. RIVERS. 639 RIVERS. Rivers (Pollution and purification of). Great Britain. Secretary for Scotland. Re- ports to Her Majesty's secretary for Scotland on the alleged pollution of the waters of Loch Long and Loch Goil, by Henry D. Littlejohn and Alfred E. Fletcher, together with report and tracing, showing the result of the re-sound- ing of a portion of Loch Long by Staff Com- mander J. E. Coghlan. fol. London, 1888. Great Britain. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Report upon inquiry as to the truth or otherwise of certain allegations contained in a memorial from the vicar and other inhabitants of Barking, in the county of Essex, calling attention to the pollution of the river Thames by the discharge of sewage through the northern main outfall sewer of the metropolitan board of works. By Robert Raw- linson. Together with minutes of proceedings, abstract, and index. November, 1869. fol. London, 1870. Illinois. State Board of Health. Report of the sanitary investigations of the Illinois River and its tributaries, with special reference to the effect of the sewage of Chicago on the Des Plaines and Illinois rivers prior to and after the opening of the Chicago drainage canal. 8°. Springfield, 1901. Lauterborn (R.) Die Verunreinigung der Gewiisser und die biologische Methode ihrer Untersuchung. 8°. Ludivigshafen, 1908. Leighton (M. O.) Pollution of the Potomac River and its relation to the water supply of the District of Columbia. 8°. [ Washington, 1905.] Long (J. H.) Illustrations of sewage decom- position in streams. 8°. [Easton, Pa., 1890.] Repr.from: J. Anal. Chem., Easton, 1890, iv. Low (R. B.) Report to the local government board on the pollution of the river Dee and its tributary streams by sewage and other impuri- ties. Jan. 9, 1896. fol. London, 1896. New York (Stale). Senate. An act to amend section 100 of article 5 of chapter 488 of the laws of 1892, as amended by chapter 974 of the laws of 1895, in relation to pollution of streams. No. 383. Jan. 31, 1900. Introd. by Mr. Willis. roy. 8°. [Albany, 1900.] Phelps (E. B.) The pollution of streams by sulphite pulp waste. A study of possible reme- dies. 8°. Washington, 1909. Report of Sir John Hawkshaw, the commis- sioner appointed to inquire as to the purifica- tion of the river Clyde, together with appendix and minutes of evidence, fol. Edinburgh, 1870. Schwenzer (P. [G.]) *Zum Nachweis von Flussverunreinigungen. 8°. Erlangen, 1906. Sclater-Booth (G.) The pollution of rivers. By a polluter. A letter. 8°. Manchester, 1875. Talbott (H.) Report on the pollution of rivers. 8°. Washinrgton, 1898. Walmsley (F. H.) Rivers pollution. The Irwell. Reprint of lectures addressed to the Manchester Guardian. 8°. Salford, 1887. Aet (An) topreventthepollution of rivers and sources of water supply. Rep. Bd. Health Minn., [Red Wing], 1891-2, xiv, 11. "[unpaged].—Ansted (D. T.) On rivers and their relation to public health. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health, Lond., 1877-8, 17-25.—Assainissement (L') de la Seine. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1899, xxi, 577-5*7.—Ba- snore (H. B.) Pollution of streams in Pennsylvania. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1900, xliv, 289-291.—Beysehlag [it al.]. GutachtenuberdieVerunreinignngderHaasedurch die Piesburger Grubenwasserund deren Folgen. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1900, xvii, 215-280, 1 ch.— Bonne. Die Sanierung der Unterelbe von Hamburg bis Blankensee in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Kultur der Geest-, Heide- und Hoch-Moorlandereien in Nordwest- Rivers (Pollution and purt-f cation of). Deutschland. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1899, xxiv, 146-157 — Bryce (P. H.) Pollution of streams. Rep. Bd. Health Indiana, Indianap., 1893, xi, 70-90. -----. Report of the committee on river conservancy boards of supervision Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord, 1896, xxi, 316-328.— Burrill (T. J.) River pollution and purification, fr Am. Microsc. Soc. 1903, Lancaster, Pa., 1904 xxv 105- 120, 3 pl.—Cassal (C. E.) Supply of a city from a tidal river subjected to pollution. Brit. Food J., Lond., 1899, i, 251-258. -----. Pollution of a river by refuse from pa- per works. Ibid., 287-2S9.—Chantemesse & Pomes. Batellerie fluviale et sante publique. Hygiene gen et appliq., Par., 1908, iii, 449-153.—Chi Ids (C.) The preven- tion of pollution of our streams and rivers. J. San. Inst. Lond., 1898-9, xix, 438-462.—Clark (H. W.) The pollu- tion of streams by manufactural wastes, and methods of prevention. J. N. Eng. Water Works Ass., Bost., 1900- 1901, xv, 600-513.—Classen (H.) Gutachten iiber die drohende Verunreinigung des Rheinstroms. Gesund- heit, Leipz., 1899, xxiv, 51-58. —Collins (VV. H.) On the pollution of rivers and canals by manufacturing and industrial operations; with special reference to recent processes for the prevention of such pollution. Tr. San. Inst. 1892, Lond., 1893, xiii, 196-203.—Been an (B. M.) River pollution. San. Jour., Glasg., 1897-8, n. s., iv, 364- 378.—Belabost, Lelort & Gaseard. Reglementa- tion de l'£coulement des eaux residuaires dans les cours d'eau de l'arrondissement de Dieppe. Dep. de la Seine Inf. Trav. du Cons, d'hyg. [etc.] 1905, Rouen, 1907, 29- 34. —Bfrouineau] (G.) Pollution des cours d'eau. Rev. San. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1890, vii, 149.— Biltselike. Die Reinhaltung der Wasserliiufe vom sanitatspolizeilichen und verwaltungspolizeilichen und verwaltungsrechtlichen Standpunkt. Deutsch. Med.- Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber., Berl., 1905, 72-95.—Easter- lie Id (T. H.) & Wilson (J. M.) The river Aire; a study in river pollution. Chem. News, Lond., 1890, lxii, 167-169.—Egbert ( S. ) The pollution of rivers and streams. Med. Bull., Phila., 1905, xxvii, 321- 325. —Erklarung des Internationalen Vereins fiir Reinhaltung der Fliisse, des Bodens und der Luft gegen die fortgesetzt iiber handnehmenden Flussverunreini- gungen. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1903, xxviii, 205-211.— Fowler (J.) The improvement of the river Tees. Proc. Ass. Municip. & San. Engin., Lond., 1884-5, xi, 78- 80. -----. Conference on river pollution; address. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1897-8, xviii, 317-326.—Gaseard, Leiort & Be bout. Reglementation de 1'ecoulement des eaux r&siduaires dans les rivieres de Sainte-Austre- berthe et de Safnnbec. Dep. de la Seine Inf. Trav. du Cons, d'hyg. [etc.] 1905, Rouen, 1907, 23-29.—German law concerning the pollution of rivers. Chem. News, Lond., 1894, lxx, 39.—Goodnongh (X. G.) Stream pollution and its prevention. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 674-677.—Greene. Death in the Nile. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 201-203.—Han kin (E. H.) On the microbes of Indian rivers. Tr. Indian M. Cong. 1894, Calcutta, 1895,240,1 diag. [Discussion], 245.—Hanriot. Les eaux de rivieres filtrees; adoption d'un vceu. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, 442-445. —Hartzell (J.) Stream protection under the Bense act. Ohio San. Bull., Columbus, 1909, xii, 153-164.—Haubenscumied (T.) Ueber die Verunreinigung der Isar durch die Miinchener Kanalwasser. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1902, xxvii, 129-134.— Horzberg. Was kann als Ersatz fiir Flussbadeanstal- ten, die wegen Flussverunreinigung aufgegeben werden mussen, geschaffen werden? Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl., 1904, ii, 604-608. —Hoist (A.), Geirsvold (M.) & Schmidt-Nielsen. Ueber die Verunreinigung des stiidtischen Hafensund des Flus- ses Akerselven durch die Abwasser der Stadt Christiania. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Berl., 1902, xiii, 153-217, 2 ch., 1 tab.— Hunt (A. C.) Report on inspection of streams. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey 1904, Paterson, 1905, xxviii, 163- 172.— Ivanoff (N. I.) O zagryaznenii r Dontsa sakhar- nimi zavodami. [Pollution of the Little Don by sugar refineries.] Vrach. khron. Kharkovsk. gub., 1900, iv, 275-281— Klilopin (G. V.) & Nikitin (A. F.) Vliya- niye neftyanikh pro'izvodnikh na ribnoye naseleniye riek i na'kachestvo ikh vodi. [Influence of naphtha products upon the fish from rivers and on the quality of their waters.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 1497- 1508. — Kilv ington (S. S. ) Statistics of river pollu- tion, with observations upon the destruction of gar- bage and refuse matter. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1*89, Concord, 1890, xv, 56-62. [Discussion], 260-270.— Klassner[e£ at.]. Die Reinhaltung der Wasserliiufe be- treffend. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1899, liii, 172-175.—Knight (A. P.) Effects of polluted water on fish life. Kingston M. Quart., 1900-1901, v, 151-159.— Kober (G. M.) The pollution of streams and the puri- fication of public water supplies; comparative efficiency of slow sand and mechanical filters. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1162-1166. Also, Reprint.—Kruse. Leber die Einwirkung der Fliisse auf Grundwasserver- sorgungen und deren hvgienische Folgen. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1900, xix, 113-149. — Killin (W.) Die Gefahren der Flussverunreinigen in Deutsch- RIVERS. 640 RIVERS. Rivers (Pollution and purification of). land Gesundh. in Wort u. Bild, Berl., 1908, v, 208.— Kit mme I (W.) Wasser versorgung und Flussverun- reinigung. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn-chwg., 1890, xxii, 377-389. —Kynsey (H. A.) A report of the pollution of the rivers Lee and Short. Bnt. M: J., Lond., 1899, ii, 156— Lauterborn (R.) Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der 4. biologischen Lntersuchung des Rheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1908, xxviii, 532-548— Leffmann (H.) The prevention of stream pollution by distilling refuse. Dietet. & Hvg. Gaz., N. Y., 1907, xxiii, 83.— Leiah (A. G.) Manufacturers and the rivers pollution prevention acts. J. San. Inst., Loud., 1903-4, xxiv; 486- 496.—Luerssen (A.) Ein Fall von Flussverunreini- gung durch die Abwasser einer Zellstoffabrik. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1907-8, lviii, 121-138.— ITlaeadam (s.) Pollution of streams; what are the means which should be adopted for the prevention of the pollution of streams, without undue interference with industrial operations, and for the preservation of pure sources of water supply? Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. So- cial Sc. 1880, Lond., 1881, xxiv, 565-592.—IllcLauglilin (T. N.) Presidential address: The pollution of the Po- tomac River and its dangers. Wash. M. Ann., 1905-6, iv, 321-337.—UI'L1iiitock(.J.) River pollution. San. Jour., Glasg., 1894-5, n. s., i, 485-500—Martin (A.-J.) Police et protection des eaux au point de vue de la salubrite et de l'hvgiene; pollution des eaux de la ville de Cherbourg par l'epandage des matieres fccales dans les communes riveraines de la Divette. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France 1890, Mclun, 1891, xx, 83-107.— Momigliano (E.) Ricerche chimiche e batteriolo- giche sull' inquinamento delle acque del Po; a Torino ed a valle, lino a Chivasso (km. 25). Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1902, xiii, 602-612.—Nash (J. T. C.) River and seashore pollution as it affects shell-fish. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii, 297.—Aaylor (W.) Rivers pollution standards. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1898-9, xix, 24-40.— Newell (F. H.) Investigation of stream pollution by the United States Geological Survey. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1900, Columbus, O., 1901, xxvi, 212-215.— Paskin (J. A.) The pollutions and obstructions in the river Calder, fromTodmorden toBrighouse. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1902-3, xxiii, 4*3-486.—Paton (D. N.) Observa- tions on the movements of the pollutions of the Tyne estuarv during the summer of 1901. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1902, ii, 141-149.—Petruseliky (J.) Flussverunreini- gung und Volksbader. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1903, xxviii, 385-389.—Phelps (E. B.) The prevention of stream pollution by strawboard waste. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1907, xx, 292-324. Also, Reprint.—Plau'iie (A) spot of the Midlands. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1*91, n. s., li, 512.—Pollution of streams, with special reference to the Chicago drainage channel. Scient. Am. Suppl., N Y 1900 xlix, 20356.—Pollution of water of Ausable River. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1899, Albany, 1901, xx, 169-184, 1 map.—Poulson (F. T.) On "rivers pollu- tion work,'from a sanitary inspector's point of view". J. San. Inst.*, Lond., 1898-9, xix, 23. [Discussion], 37-40 — Priilss. Die Stromuberwaehung bei Seuchengefahr. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, iii, 555-559.—Pro- posed (The) Nile reservoirs. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 1088.—Proust. De l'alteration des cours d'eau. De leur corruption: 1° par les produits industriels; moyens a. employer pour prevenir et combattre les consequences de cette alteration. 2° paries eaux d'egout; utilisation des eaux d'egout par le procede agricole. In: Cong, in- ternat. d'hvg. de Par., 8<>, Clichy, 1878, 71-92.—Ramsay (Sir W.) Rivers pollution, with special reference to the board proposed by the Royal Commission. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1908-9, xxix, 133; 202. —Kavold. Bac- teriologie examination of river water. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni St. Louis, 1899, 27*-2*8.—Renard (A.) Rapport sur l'infection des eaux de la Seine par les rc- sidus des usines de petrole du Petit-Quevilly. Dep. de la Seine-Inf. Cons, centr.d'hyg. [etc.], Trav. 1891, Rouen, 1892 31-38.— Report upon the pollution of the San- dusky River at Tiffin. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio, Colum- bus, 1899, xiv, 239-253.—Report on sources of pollu- tion to the water supply of Amsterdam. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1890, Albany, 1891, xi, 383-390, 1 plan.— Rey burn (R.) Pollution of the Potomac River. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. 1898, Wash., 1899, iii, 153. Also: Nat. M. Rev., Wash., 1898-9, viii, 421.—Bobbins (A G.) On the control of rivers and the prevention of floods. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1887-8, i, 1-16.— Robinson (H.) River pollution. J. San.Inst., Lond., 1896-7, xvii, 504-507.—Roeehling (H. A.) Rivers pol- lution and rivers purification. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Muni- cip. & Co. Engin., Lond. & N. Y., 1891-2, xviii, 336-384.— Rubner (M.) Das stiidtische Sielwasser und seine Be- ziehung zur Flussverunreinigung. Arch. f. Hyg., Miin- chen u. Berl., 1902, xlvi, 1-63. -----. Ueber die Beziehun- gen der Abwasser von Kalifabriken zur Flusswasser- verunreinigung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1902, 3. F.,xxiv,Supplhft., 1-28.—Rubner (M.) A: Sehmidt- mann. Ueber die Einwirkung der Kaliindustrie-Ab- wiisser auf die Fliisse. Ibid., 1901, 3. F., xxi, Suppl., 1- Rivers (Pollution and purification of). 24.—Russell (H. \V.) Prevention ot'pollution within the Thames watershed. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1901-2, xxii, 532-546. —Saiumlung von Gutachten iiber Flussverun- reinigung, i.-ix. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1**9, v, 209: 1890, vi, 305, 1 map: 1891, vii, 255: 1893, viii, 409 — Satterthwaite (T. E.) How to prevent river and stream pollution. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.|. 1896, 360-372. Also: Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1*90, ix, 211-216.—Saunders (C. E.) Legislation for the purifi- cation of rivers and its failures. Tr. Soe. M. ( HI'. Health, Lond., 1886-7, 74-90—Seliloesing & Buraiul-< layc (A.) De l'alteration des cours d'eau. De leur cor- ruption: 1° par les produits industriels; moyens a em- ployer pour prevenir et combattre les consequences de cette alteration; 2° par les eaux d'egout; utilisation des eaux d'egout par le precede agricole. Cong, internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., 1890, i, 1-70. [Rap. de Bouley et al.], 303-428. —Schmidt (A.I Flussverunreinigung durch die Abgiinge einer Stiirkeiabrik. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1906, xix, 481-493. — Sclineidler. Die Eindei- chung der Oder- Ohle- Niederung, ein hygienisches Er- fordernis. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1902, Bresl.,1903, lxxx, hyg. Sect., 1-6.—Schumacher. Probeentnahmeapparate fiir Flussuntersuchungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der im Hamburger hygie- nischen lnstitut in Anwendung befindlichen. Gesundh.- Ingenieur, Munchen, 1904, xxvii, 417; 434; 4,54.—Ser- geant (E.) The pollution of rivers, with special refer- ence to the Mersey and Ribble. Practitioner, Lond., 1891, xlvi, 61-71. Also: San. Rec, Lond., 1890-91, n. s., xii, 165-168.—Seuvre. Curage de la Vesle. Lnion med. du nord-est, Reims, 1892, xvi, 161-105.—Seymour (A. H.) The laws relating to the pollution of streams. 1'roc Confer. San. Off. N. York, Albanv, 1907, vii, 107-118. Also: N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1908, lvi, 253-204.— Smith (H. E.) Report of the investigations of rivers pollution and water supplies. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1893, N. Haven, 1895, xvii, 269-297.—Somerville (A. F.) The pollution of rivers by the sludging of mill-dams. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1904-5, xxv, 656-659.—Spinks (W.) The river Mersey. Proc. Ass. Municip. & San. En- gin., Lond. & N.Y., 1889-90, xvi, 202-228,1 plan.-----. On river pollution. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1894-5, xv, 585- 605. — Spitta. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber Fluss- verunreinigung. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Berl., 1902, xlvi, 64-120.—Staples (G. M.) Contamination of the potable waters of our river cities. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Du- buque, 1886-9, vii, 392-401.—Stephens (J. E. R.) Pol- lution of rivers and streams. San. Rec, Lond., 1903, n. s., xxxi, 561: xxxii, 1.—Tatlock. Pollution of the river Clyde and some of its causes. San. Jour., Glasg., 1894-5, n. s., i, 500-514, 2 tab.—Thibault (A.) Du curage et du faucardement des cours d'eau. Rev. prat, d'hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1908, iv, 294; 338; 403; 450; 498.- Thresh (J. C.) Pollution of streams by paper works. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 502.—Tjaden. Untersuchung uber die Verunreinigung von Lahn undWieseck durch die Stadt Giessen. Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Xat.-u. Heilk., Giessen, 1894-1902, xxxiii, 95-97. — Vallin (E.) L'enqueLe officielle sur les sources de l'Avre et de la Vanne. Rev. d'hvg., Par., 1901, xxiii, 296-340.—Vawser (R.) The rivers conservancy and floods prevention bill. Proc. Ass. Municip. & San. Engin., Lond., 1880-81, vii, 128-137—Water supplies and river pollution. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1142-1144. — AVeigelt (C.) L'assainis- sement et le repeuplement des rivieres. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux., 1903, lxiv, 1-608.— Wilson (II. McL.) The work of the West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers Board. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1903-4, xxiv, 476-4*5. [Discussion], 493-496— Wolf (K.) Die Einwirkung verunreinigter Fliisse auf dasim Ufergebiet derselben. sich bewegende Grundwasser. Arb. a. d. k. hygien. Inst, zu Dresd., 1903, i, 291-331.—Wood (C. B.) The pollution of streams, with special reference to the Monongahela River. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1901-2, v, 626-529. Rivers (Self-purification of). Jordan (E. O.) The self - purification of streams. 4°. Chicago, 1903. Lossen (K.) *l'el>er die bakteriologische Selbstreinigung des Rheins. 8°. Bonn, 1899. Prausnitz (W.) Der Einfluss der Miinchener Kanalisation auf die Isar, mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Frage der Selbstreinigung der Kliisse. 8°. Munchen, 1890. Allen (L.) The self-purification of rivers. ><. Eng. M.Gaz.,Bost., 1895, xxx, 520-527.—Rokorny (T.) Leber die Betheiligung chlorophyllfuhrcnder Ptlanzen an der Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1894, xx, 181-196.—Bonne. Zur Bedeutung der Flussufer fiir die Selbstreinigung der Flusse. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, % er.-Beil. [Discussion], 240. —Cazeneuve (P.) Sur l'assain'sse- ment spontanea des fleuves a propos de8 eaux du Rhone. RIVERS. 641 RIVIERA. Rivers (Self-purification of). Monit. scient.. Par., 1890,'l s., iv, 579-587.—Classen (H.) Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Grenzen und hydrometri- schen Werte der Selbstreinigung fiiessender'Gewasser. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1898, xxiii, 375-384. — Frank land (P. F.) The present state of our knowledge concerning the self-purification of rivers. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1*91, Lond., 1892, vii, 170-175.—Hetters- dbrf (F.) Ueber Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1908, xl, 615- 636.—Holer (B.) Die Theorie der Selbstreinigung der Fh'isse. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, pt. 2, 1465. Also: Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1905), 1906, xv, 47-60.—Jordan (E. O.) Some observations upon the bacterial self-purification of streams. J. Exper. M., N.Y., 1900-1901, v, 271-314, 1 map. -----. The relative abun- dance of Bacillus coli communis in river water as an in- dex of the self-purification of streams. J. Hvg., Cam- bridge, 1901, i, 295-320.—Kabrhel (G.) Bacteriologische und kritische Studien iiber die Verunreinigung und Selbst- reinigung der Fliisse. Arch. f. Hvg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1897, xxx, 32-68.—Konig (J.) [et at.]. Beitrage zur Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nah- rungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1900. 377-401. — Kolb. Ueber Flussverunreinigung und Selbstreinigung der Fliisse mit besonderer Riieksicht auf die Wasseruntersu- chungen der Rednitz zwischen Stein und der etwa 3 Km. davon gelegenen Fabrikanlage Neumuhle. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl.,1902, xxxi. 641-643.—Levashoff (V. A.) K voprosu o zagryaznenii i samoochishtshenii rlek. fPollution and autopurification of rivers.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1901, iii, 34; 129 — Meyer (A.) Systematische Untersuchungen iiber die Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1892. xxiv, 108-135.—Nelshtab (I.) & Kozfreflf(D.) O samdochistitelnlkh silakh rleki Dnlepra i ustrolstvle kanalizatsii v g. Yekaterinoslavle. [On the powers of self-purification of the river Dnieper and the construction of canalization in Yekaterinoslav.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. iprakt. med., St. Petersb., 1899, pt. 2, 944-960. — Nieolaus (E.) Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1904, xxix, 788; 822.—Nuss- baum ( H.C.) Die Verunreinigung und Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Munchen, 1901, xxiv, 69-72.—von Pettenkol'er (M.I Ueber Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1891. Leipz., 1892, lxiv, pt. 2, 433-448.— Rapp (R.) Ueberden Einfluss des Lichtes auf organische Substanzen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Berl., 1903, xlviii, 179- 205—Schenck (H.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Rhein- vegetation fiir die selbstreinigung des Rheines. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1893, xii, 365; 443.— Spitta (O.) Untersuchungen iiber die Verunreinigung der Fliisse. Arch. f. Hvg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1900, xxxviii, 160; 215, 1 ch.—Vi'olf (K.) Abtotung von Bak- terien durch Licht und Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1546. —Woodman (A. G.), Winslow (C. E. A.) & Hansen (P.) A studv of self-purification in the Sud- burg River. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1902, xv, 105-126. Rivers (E[dmund] C.) Cataract extraction. 9 pp. 16°. [New York, 1893.] Repr.from: N. York. M. J., 1893, lvii. Rivers (Edward George). The racuum system of low-pressure steam-heating. 9 pp. 8°. Lon- don, 1900. Repr.from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engin., Lond., 1889-1900, cxi, pt. 2. Rivers (William Halse Rivers). The influence of alcohol and other drugs on fatigue; the Croon- ian lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians in 1906. 136 pp. 8°. London, E. Arnold, 1908. See, also, Foster (Sir Michael). A text-book of physi- ology, etc. 8°. London & New York, 1900. Riverside Hospital, Buffalo. Annual an- nouncement. 11 pp. 12°. Buffalo, Beter Baul Book Co., [1900?]. A private hospital. Opened in 1892. There is a train- ing school for nurses connected with the hospital. Riverside laborers. Nikitin (A. F.) Opit klassifikatsii professiy rlech- novo sudokhodstva. [Classification of workers on river shipping.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1906, xiii, pt. 2, 177-201. -----. Plotorabochiye nashikh rlek. [Raft workerson ourrivers.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 193-196. Rives (Alfred) [1880- ]. * Essai sur les kystes chyleux du mesentere. viii, 9-86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 25. VOL xiv, 2d series----41 Rives (Landon Cabell) [1790-1870]. See Lizars (John). Anatomy of the brain, [etc.]. fol. Cincinnati, 1854. Rives (William C.) The baths of Nauheim in the treatment of diseases of the heart, and the therapeutic methods of the Doctors Schott. 30 pp. 16°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1896, lxiii. Rivet (Adolphe). * Essai sur les hernies de l'appendice vermiforme. 82 pp. 4°. Baris, 1894, No. 527. Rivet (Alfred Napoleon) [1865- ]. [Biography.] Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal, 1902-3, vi, 375. Rivet (Joseph) [1871- ]. *Etude sur le pemphigus foliace\ 83 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 268. Rivet (Louis) [1878- ]. *Des lipomes pe- riostiques. Etiologie, pathogenie. v, 7-55 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1905, No. 85. Rivet _ (Lucien). Recherches cliniques, bacte- riologiques et urologiques sur revolution des gastro-enterites infantiles (influence de divers regimes). 206 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1907. Rivet (Paul) [1876- ]. *Du traitement des grandes pleuresies chroniques sereuses par les ponctions r^petees. 85 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 30. Rivetti (Giuseppe). * Alcune osservazioni circa 1' influsrso del morale sul fisico. 28 pp. 8°. Bavin, Fusi dc Co., 1848. [P., v. 2227.] Rivier (Philippe) [1869- ]. *Deladiazo- reaction de Ehrlich. 80 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Baris, 189S, No. 392. ------. The same. 80 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1898. Riviera. Annuaire medical de la Riviera, donnant la liste officielle et les renseignements d'utilite' generale sur les docteurs, pharmaciens, chi- mistes, dentistes, etc., exergant sur la Riviera francaise d'Hyeres a Menton, y compris la principaute de Monaco. 8°. Nice, 1906. Grebner (F.) Riviera; zamietki o klimatle, meditsinskom znachenii i sanitarnikh uslo- viyakh stranl. S predisloviyem V. V. Podvisots- kavo. [Riviera; notes on the climate, me- dicinal value and sanitary conditions of the country. With preface by Podvisotski.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1898. Ivanofp (E. E.) Rivjera i yuzhniy bereg Krima, ikh llechebniya miesta i sredstva. [Riviera and the southern coast of the Crimea, their health resorts and resources.] 8°. S.-Be- terburg, 1897. Koeniger (K,) Gardone-Riviera am Garde- see als Winterkurort. 4. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1901. Barber (Ida). Klimatische Kurorte an der Riviera. Deutsche Krankenpfl.-Ztg., Berl., 1906, viii, 119-122.— Chuquet (A.) Les maladies chroniques de l'appareil respiratoire sur la Riviera francaise. J, de physiotherap., Par., 1907, v, 153-167. —Colin (M.) Kurorte an der Ri- viera Levante. Med. Woche, Berl., 1906, vii, 174-176.— Fishbourne (J. E.) The Riviera as a winter health resort for tropical invalids. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1889, viii, 28-31.—Goltz. Ueber Winterkurorte, besonders an • der Riviera. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, xxiii, 963.— Graupner. Ueber kohlensaure Solbader an der Ri- viera, mit Hilfe des mittellandischen Meerwassers be- reitet. Ibid., 85.— Hansen (E.) Menton og andre Vinterkursteder paa Rivieraen. [Mentone and other winter sanatoria on the Riviera.] Ugeskr. f. Lseger, K0benh., 1900, 5. R., vii, 121-130. — Health (The) resorts on the Riviera. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xli, 79; 304; 360; 387; 442; 498; 615: xiii, 108; 200; 226; 323; 463.— Janicot (J.) La Riviera francaise au point de vue de la protection contre le froid. Bull, med., Par., 1906, KEV1ERA. 64 Riviera. xx, 1-5. — Little (J. S.) Notes upon health resorts; a layman's view of the Riviera. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 1K5. — Jlignon (M.) Les maladies des voies res- piratoires superieures sur la Riviera (remarques de cli- matologie et d'hygiene). Bull, de larvngol., otol.et rhi- nol., Par., 1904, vii, 103-114.—Kendall (S. M.) & Linn (T.) A joint inquiry as to what kind of patients should be scut to the French Riviera. Climatologist, Phila., 1891. i, 235-238.—Sanitation on the Riviera; what will be done during the summer? Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, I860.—Nostomie et de la re- section dans 1'ulcere non complique' de l'esto- mac. 152 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 104. Riviere (J.-A.) Les bains d'acide carbonique; chlorures carbo-gazeux, leur action sur l'orga- nisme. 7 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Bouchy, 1901. Repr.from: Ann. de physicoth6rap., Par., 1901. -----. Traitement abortif et curatif des mala- dies aigues, de la typhoide et de I'appendicite, en particulier par le calomel, l'eau, la chaleur et la quinine donnes d'une facon judicieuse. 12 pp. 12°. Baris, F. Bouchy, 1901. Repr.from: Ann. de physicoth6rap., Par., 1901. Riviere (Lodoi'cus Josephus). *De diathesis corpus humanum mortifere. 7 pp. 4°. [Montpellier, 1807.] [P., v, 2141.] Riviere (Louis de G.) Etude de medecine philanthropique. La lutte contre la tubercu- lose chez le malade dans la famille, dans la so- ciete. Notions Alimentaires et conseils pra- tiques destines au public et aux malades. 97 pp. 16°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1898. Riviere (Louis-Pierre). * Considerations sur l'utilite du mariage et de la grossesse dans plu- sieurs maladies. 1 p. 1., 21 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1817, No. 515. Riviere (Paul) [1873- . ]. * Variations elec- triques et travail mecanique du muscle. 55 pp., 1 1., 6 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 79. Riviere (Paul) [1874- ]. * Des lesions non bacillaires des nouveau-nes issus de meres tu- berculeuses. 47 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 177. Riviere (Pierre-Louise-Charles) [1877- ]. * Dilatation cylindrique totale de l'oesophage. 57 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1901, No. 10. RIVISTA. Riviere (Prosper). *L'ether comme anesthe- sique de choix; methode d'etherisation massive et rapide; masque pliant et transparent. 86 pp., 1 1. 4°. Toulouse, 1S95, No. 75. de la Riviere (Raimundus). *An chirurgia medicinae principiorum inops sit manca? 4 pp 8°. Parisiis, G.-F. Qui/lau, 1730. See, also, Bougonrd (Olivarius). *An a spirituum animalium inordinatione tympanites? 4°. Parisiis, 1734. tie Rivilla Bonet y Pueyo (Joseph). Des- vios de la naturaleza, 6 tratado de el origen de los monstros. A que va anadido un compendio de curaciones chyriirgicas en monstruosos acci- dentes. 22 p. 1., 116 ff., 1 pl. 12°. Lima, J. de Contreras y A/varado, 1695. Rivington (Walter) [1835-97]. Address de- livered at the London Hospital Medical Col- lege, at the commencement of the winter ses- sion, 2nd October, I860. 51 pp. 12°. Lon- don, J. Churchill dc Sons, 1865. -----. Remarks on the necessity for a revision of the medical curriculum, made at the Medical Teachers' Association on Monday, March 16, 1868. 20 pp. 12°. London, Bivingtons, 1868. ------. Remarks on dislocations of the first and second pieces of the sternum. 17 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. E. Adlard, 1874. -----. Medical education and medical organi- zation. Being the oration delivered before the Hunterian Society on Feb. 12, 1879. 32 pp. 8°. London, Baillilre, Tindall dc Cox, 1879. ------. Rupture of the urinary bladder; based on the records of more than 300 cases of the af- fection. 160 pp. 8°. London, J. d-A. Churchill, 1884. ------. Neuroma of the median nerve removed by operation. 2 pp. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1255. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 1380. Rivinus. Was ist Krankheit? Beitrage zur Losung dieser Frage, fiir Aerzte und denkende Laien mitgeteilt. x, 116 pp. 8°. Birnbaum, H. Buchwald, 1893. Rivinu§ (Andreas). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Rivista (La), v. 8, 1889. 8°. Genova. Rivista (La) annuale della stampa medico- chirurgica e delle cliniche italiane ed estere. Fondata e diretta dal prof. Crescenzo Conca. v. 1, June, 1893. 12°. Napoli. Rivista di artiglieria e genio. v. 4, 1886. 1 v. 488 pp. 8°.t Boma. Rivista di biologia generale. Redattore: Paolo Celesia. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-7, v. 3, January to July, 1901. roy. 8°. Torino. Ended, v. 1-2 under title: Rivista di scienze biolo- giche. Rivista di chirurgia. Direzione: G. Gatti. [Semi-monthly. ] v. 1, Dec. 15, 1898, to March 31, 1899. 8°. Torino. Rivista (La) di chirurgia, Giornale quindici- nale di chirurgia pratica. Redattore: Gaetano Bernabeo. Nos. 1-13, v. 1, Jan. 1 to July 1, 1898. 8°. Napoli. Ended. Rivista clinica. Archivio italiano di clinica medica, pubblicato dai professori G. Baccelli, C. Bernabei [et al.]. [4 Nos. annually.] v. 27- 31, 1888-92. 8°. Milano. Title in 1865-S2 was: Rivista clinica di Bologna. In 1883-7: Rivistaclinica. Inl893continuedas: Archivio italiano di clinica medica. Rivista clinica di Bologna. In 1888 continued under title: Blvista clinica. Ar- chivio italiano di clinica medica. Bl VISTA. 643 RIVISTA. Rivista di clinica pediatrica. Direttori: G. Mya [et al.]. Redattori: C. Comba, F. Valogussa [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-7, 1903-9. 8°. Firenze. Current. Rivista clinica e terapeutica. v. 11-19,1889-97. 8°. Napoli. Continued under title: Nuova (La) Rivista clinico- terapeutica. Rivista clinica dell' Universita di Napoli. v. 10-11, 1889-90. 4°. Napoli. Rivista critica di clinica medica. Redattore: Giovanni Nesti. [Weekly.] v. 1-10, 1900-1909. roy. 8°. Firenze. Current. Rivista di diritto e giurisprudenza, patologia speciale e medicina forense sugli infortuni del lavoro. Direttori: S. Bernaechi [et al.]. [Monthly.], v. 1-5, 1899-1903; n. s., v. 1-3, 1904-6; 3. s., v. 1-2, 1907-8. roy. 8°. Modena. Current. Rivista generale italiana di clinica medica. Di- retta dal dott. Grocco. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-4, March 25, 1889, to Dec. 31, 1S92. 8°. Bisa. Ended, v. 1 complete in 18 nos.; v. 2 commenced Jan- uary, 1890. Rivista di ginecologia contemporanea diretta dal prof. P. G. Spinelli. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1897. 8°. Napoli. Issued with: Giornale internazionale delle scienze mediche. Rivista iconografica della sezione malattie ner- vose del Policlinico generale di Torino. Diretta eredattadal dott. Camillo Negro. [Monthly.] v. 1, Nov. 30, 1897, to December, 1900. 8°. Torino. Ended. Rivista d' igiene pratica e sperimentale. v. 2, 1889. 8°. Napoli. Continued under title: Ufficiale sanitario. Rivista d' igiene e sanita pubblica. Pubblicata dai signori dott. Pietro Canalis e Ing. R. Benti- vegna. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-20, April, 1890, to May, 1909. 8°. Boma. Current, v. 1 complete in 17 nos., April to December, 1890. v. 2 commenced January, 1891. -----. Indice generale delle prime dieci annate dal 1890 al 1899. 96 pp. 8°. Torino, 1900. Rivista di ingegneria sanitaria. Periodico quindicinale. Redattori capi: Riccardo Bian- chini e Ernesto Bertarelli. v. 1-5,1905-9. 4°. Torino. Current. Rivista internazionale di clinica e terapia. Pe- riodico quindicinale di medicina e chirurgia, diretto dal dottore Bruno (Domenico). v. 1-2, April, 1906-7. 4°. Napoli. Rivista internazionale d' igiene. Fondatore e direttore: Eugenio Fazio. [Monthly.] v. 1- 13, 1890, to March, 1902. 8°. Napoli. Ended. Rivista internazionale di terapia fisica. Pub- blicata dal prof. C.Colombo. [Monthly.] v. 5-10, 1904-9. 8°. Boma. Current. Rivista italiana di clinica medica. Pubblicata dal prof. E. Maragliano, redatta dal dott. L. De- voto. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1893-4. 8°. Milano. Ended, v. 1 complete in 6 nos., July, 1893, to Dec. 31, 1894. Rivista italiana di neuropatologia, psichiatria ed elettroterapia; diretta da G. d'Abundo. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1907-8; Nos. 1-4, v. 2, 1909. 8°. Cattania. Current. Rivista italiana di ottalmologia. Direttore: Oreste Parisotti. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, 1905-8. 8°. Boma. Current. Rivista italiana di patologia generale e anato- mia patologica. Diretta dai dottori Alessandro Lustig e Guido Banti. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1896. 8°. Torino. Rivista italiana di terapia ed igiene. v. 9-17, 1889-97. 8°. Biacenza. Ended. Rivista magnetica. Diretta dal prof. Vincenzo d'Amico. [Monthly.] v. 1-6, April, 1897, to December, 1902. 8°. Milano. In 1898 became quarterly. Rivista di malattie infettive. Redatta dal Al- fonso Montefusco. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2,1907-8; Nos. 1-2, v. 3, 1909. 8°. Napoli. Current. Rivista medica. Periodico mensile di medi- cina, terapia e d' igiene, della casa F. Bisleri & Co. v. 14-16, 1906-8. 4°. Milano. Current. Rivista medica della regia marina. Boma. Subtitle of: Annali di medicina navale, Roma. Rivista di medicina e chirurgia. 1894. 8°. Balermo. Supplement to: Archivio di farmacologia e terapeu- tica, Palermo. Also under title: Rivista sicula di me- dicina e chirurgia. Rivista di medicina legale e di giurisprudenza medica. Diretta dal prof. A. Severi [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, February, 1897, to Decem- ber, 1899. 8°. Milano. Ended. Rivista mensile di neuropatologia e psichiatria. Diretta dal prof. E. Sciamanna. v. 1-2, Julv, 1900, to July, 1901. 8°. Boma. Ended. Continuation of: Rivista quindicinale di psieologia, psichiatria [etc.]. Rivista mensile di psichiatria forense, antro- pologia criminale e scienze affini. Direttore: Pasquale Penta. v. 1-7,1898 to May, 1904. 8°. Napoli. Rivista neuropatologica. Periodico per i me- dici pratici. Direttore: C. Negro. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, November, 1906, to 1908. 8°. Torino. Current. Rivista omiopatica. v. 85, 1889 to June, 1890. 8°. Boma. Rivista di ortopedia e terapia fisica. Diretta dal dott. AttilioCurcio. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-2, September, 1901, to July, 1902. 8°. Napoli. Ended. Merged in: Archivio di ortopedia, Milano. Rivista di ostetricia e ginecologia. [Semi- monthly.] v. 1-2, 1890-91. 8°. Torino. Rivista di ostetricia, ginecologia e pediatria. Direttori: Domenico Tibone, Giuseppe Berruti [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1896-7. 8°. Torino. Ended. Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale. Diretta da E. Tanzi, A. Tamburini ed E. Morselli. [Monthly.] v. 1-13, 1896-1908. 8°. Firenze. Current. Rivista di patologia e terapia delle malattie della gola, del naso e dell' orecchio. Diretta dal dott. A. Toti. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1894 to May, 1896. 8°. Firenze. Ended. Rivista pellagrologica italiana. Organo bimes- trale del comitato permanente interprovinciale contro la pellagra [etc.]. Redattori: L. Peris- sutti [et al.]. v. 1-9, September, 1901, to Jan- uary, 1909. sm. fol. Udine. Current, v. 2 commenced January, 1902. Index to 1901-5 accompanies. RIVISTA. 644 KIZZOLI. Rivista di psichiatria forense, antropologia criminale [etc.]. Napoli. Sir Rivista mensile di psichiatria [etc.], Xapoli. Rivista di psieologia applicata alia pedagogia ed alia psicopatologia. Redatta da G. C. Ferrari. [Bi-monthly.] v. 3, September to October, 1907; v. 4, 1908, Nos. 1-2, v. 5, 1909. 8°. Bologna. Current. Rivista quindicinale di psieologia, psichiatria, neuropatologia, ad uso dei medici e dei giuristi. Redattore capo: Sante de Sanctis, v. 1-3, Ma , 1897, to September. 1899. 8°. Boma. Continuation of: Archivio delle psicopatie sessuali. Continued under title: Rivista mensile di neuropato- logia e psichiatria, Roma. Rivista sanitaria. Rassegna di prattica medica, delle pubblicazioni scientifiche e degli inte- ressi professional^ Direttore: Eugenio Bajla. [Monthly.] v. 4, 1903. 4°. Milano. Rivista scientifica e pratica di risieoterapia. Idroterapia, kinesiterapia [etc.]. Redattori: G. S. \Tinaj, F. Canova [et al.]. v. 3, 1902. 8°. Torino. Continuation of: Idroterapia (La) pratica, Biella. Rivista di scienze biologiche. Redattore: Paolo Celesia. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-2, 1899-1900. 8°. Torino. Continued under title: Rivista di biologia generale. Rivista sicula di medicina e chirurgia. Diret- tore: Viiuenzo Cervello. [10 Nos. annuallv.] v. 1-4, 1894-7. 8°. Palermo. Rivista sperimentale di fieniatria e di medicina legale in relazione con 1' antropologia e le scienze giuridiche e sociali. v. 14-34, 1888-1906. 8°. Beggio-Euiilia. Current. Rivista di tiflologia e di igiene oculare. Diretta dal dott. Alfonso Neuschiiler. [Bi-monthlv.] v. 1-4, 1905-8. 8°. Boma. Current. Rivista veneta di scienze mediche. v. 10-46, 1889-1909. 8°. Venezia. Current. Rivolta (Leopoldo). Modello-tipo di baracca d' ambulanza mobile presentato dalla ditta . . . di Milano al concorso della Croce Rossa per P esposizione d'Anversa, 1885. 27 pp. 8°. Milano, Gallidc Baimoneli, 1885. Rivolta (Sehaxtiano) [1832-93]. Galii-Valerio (B.i [Biographv.] Arch.de para- sitol., Par., 1899, ii, 377-3!" —RaboW (S.) Zur Erinne- rung. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, lxix, 32; 46. Rivron (Maurice) [1864- ]. *De la rupture du sinus circulaire. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 385. Rix (Joseph). See Armstrong (John). Lectures on the morbid anatomy, fete.]. s°. London, 1834. Rixa ( Alexander). Diseases of the blood. 2 1. 8°. [n.p.], 1896. Ri in .from: Practical Medicine, 1896. ------. Prevention of hay fever. 8 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1899. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii. Rixen (Peter) [1878- ]. * Bietet der quere Fundalschnitt bei der Sectio casarea gegeniiber dem Liingsschnitt durch die Corpuswand Vor- theile? [Giessen.] 73 pp., 11. 8°. Jilchen, 1902. Rixey (Presley M[arion]) [1852- ]. Med- ical and surgical report of the case of the late President of the United States. Extr. from Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, 1901. 24 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, 1901. Rixey (Presley M[arion])— continued. -------. Naval surgerv. In: Am. Text-Book Surg. (Keen & White), 4. ed., Phila N. Y. 24.—Kiclierand (Anthelme Balthasar). Grundriss dcrncuern Wundarzneikunst, [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1819-24. Robbinovitz (Samuel). Cause of premature separation of the placenta. 3 pp. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: X. York M. J. [etc.], 190*. Ixxxvii. Robbing (Chandler). Memoir of William Ap- pleton. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Massachusetts Historical Society, frontis- piece, 64 pp., port. 8°. Boston, J. Wilson dc Son, 1S63. Robbing (Charles Pern). Report of ten cases of tabes dorsalis. 16 pp. 12°. Danbuni, Conn., 1897. Repr.from: X. Eng. M. Month..Danbury, Conn.,1897,xvi. ------. The trinity of phvsical beauty. 16 pp. 12°. Danbury, t'onn., 1897. Repr.from: X.Eng. M. Month..Danbury.Conn.,1897, xvi. ------. On phvsical education. I. Exercise. 16 pp» 12°. Danbury, Conn., 1S99 Repr.from: X.Eng.M'Month..Danbury,Conn.,1899,xviii. ------. The same. II. Diet. 15 pp. 12°. Dan- bury, Conn., 1899. Repr.from: X.Eng.M.Month.,Danbury,ConnJ,1899,xviii. ------. The same. III. Bathing. 14 pp. 12°. Danbury, Conn., 1S99. Repr.from: X.Eng.M.Month.,Danbury,Conii.,1899,xviii. -------. The same. IV. Clothing. 14 pp. 12°. Danbury, Conn., 1899. Repr.from: X.Eng.M.Month.,Danbury,Conn.,1899,xviii. ------. The same. V. Rest. 8 pp. 12°. Dan- bury, Conn., 1S99. Repr.from: X.Eng.M.Month..Danbury,Conn.,1899,xviii. -----. The same. VI. Physiological methods. 23 pp. 12°. Danbury, Conn., 1899. Repr from: X.Eng.M.Month.,Danbury,Conn.,1899.xviii. ------. Physiatrics. 16 pp. 12°. Danbury, Conn., 1900. Repr.from.-~S. Eng. M. Month.,Danbury,Conn.,1900,xix. Robbing (D. C.) Review of the drug trade of New York for the year 1887. Prepared for the thirtieth annual report of the Chamber of Com- merce of the State of New York. 19 pp. 8°. New York, H. Bessy, 1888. Robbins (Emily R.) [1832-1903]. [Biography.] Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlix, 304. Robbing (F.) A peculiar case of infantile palsy of spinal origin. 3 pp. 12°. New York, 1906. Repr.from: X. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii. Robbing (Henry Alfred). Non-venereal syph- ilis; a clinical lecture. 10 pp. 12°. Bhiladel- phia, 1892. Repr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lx. ------. Third act of the drama of syphilis; a clinical lecture. 8 pp. 16°. Richmond, 1S92. Repr.from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1892-3, xix. ------. Organic syphilis; a lecture. 10 pp. 8°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1893. Repr.from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx. ------. Unmerited syphilis, and the third act of the drama of syphilis. 24 pp. 8°. Bichmond, 1894. Repr.from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi. ------. Cerebral syphilis. 16 pp. 8°. Rich- mond, 1895. Repr.from: Virginia M. J., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii. ROBBINS. 649 ROBERT. Robbing (Henry Alfred)—continued. -----. Lues venerea. 16 pp. 8°. [Bichmond, 1895.] Repr. from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895, xxi. ■-----. Syphilis of the vital organs; cerebral syphilis. 36 pp. 8°. Bichmond, 1895. Repr.from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1895-6,xxiii. -----. Lues venerea and the third act of the drama of syphilis. 24 pp. 8°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1896. Repr.from: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-6, xxi. -----. Syphilis of the innocent. 4 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1896. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1896, xxxiv. —----. Cerebral syphilis. 8 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1897, xxxvii. -----. Cerebral syphilis; inunction treatment. 5 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii. -----. Non-venereal syphilis. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1897. Repr.from:]. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1897, xv. -----.' Svphilis. 7 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii. -----. Svphilis of the abdominal organs. 6 pp. 8°. [Baltimore], 1897. ! Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1S97-8, xxxviii. -----. Svphilis of the eve, ear and throat. 6 pp. 8°. Baftinmre, 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii. ■-----. Syphilis of the nose and buccal cavity. 6 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii. -----. Syphilis of the thoracic organs. 7 pp. 8°. [Baltimore], 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii. -----. The toxine of syphilis. 5 pp. 8°. [Bal- timore], 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii. -----. The treatment of syphilis. 4 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1897. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1896-7, xxxvi. -----. Dangers of the barber shop. 4 pp. 8°. [Baltimore], 1898. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii. -----. Hereditary syphilis. 4 pp. 8°. Balti- more, 1898. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1898, xxxix. -----. Lues venerea. 51. 8°. Washington, [1898]. -----. A case of polymorphism. 3 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Baltimore, 1899. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xiii. -----. Gonococcus Neisser. 7 pp. 8°. Balti- more, 1899. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xli. -----. The mercurial vapor bath. 2 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1899. Repr.from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xiii. ----—. Hair and its anomalies. 11 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, 1900. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv. *-----. Is leprosy the fourth stage of syphilis? 7 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1902. Repr.from: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1902, vi. -----. Syphilis of the vital organs. 6 pp. roy. 8°. [St. Louis, 1907.] Repr. from: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi. -----. Chancre, chancroid, and bubo; a clinical lecture. 7 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1908. Repr. from: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii. ■-----. Evolution of the microscope; therapeutic action and dangers of the Roentgen and Beeque- rel rays; radium opsonic method of treatment Robbing (Henry Alfred)—continued. of dermatological diseases. 7 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1908. Repr. from: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1908, xii. ------. Symptomatology of syphilis. Treatment of svphilis at the Hot Springs of Arkansas. 4 pp" roy. 8°. St. Louis, 1908. Repr.from: Am. J. Dermat., St. Louis, 1908, xii. —----. Syphilis of the organs of sight, and hear- ing, and taste, and sense of smell, and the teeth, and accessory organs of digestion. 7 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1908. Repr. from: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis. 1898, xii. ------. The therapeutic action of iodine and its compounds and mercury in diseases, especially exclusive of syphilis. 16 pp. 8°. [ Washing- ton, 1908.] Robbing (Nathaniel A.) [1841-1909]. [Obituary.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1909, lxxv, 358. Robbing (William) [1860-99]. Obituary. Buffalo M. J., 1899-1900, n. s., xxxix, 458. Robe (R[obert] C.) A plea for national medi- cal legislation. 8 pp. 8°. Denver, [1899]. Repr.from: Denver M. Times, 1898-9, xviii. Robecolii (Paolo). Sulla immunity ai veleni vegetali studiata colla stricnina. 20 pp. 8°. Torino, 1895. Repr. from: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1895, lviii. Robeck (Johannes). Exercitatio philosophica de evXoyoo k^ayoayri sive morte voluntaria phi- losophorum et bonorum virorum etiam Judseo- rum et Christianorum. Recensuit perpetuis animadversionibus, notavit, prsefatus est, et in- dicem rerum locupletissimum addidit Joh. Nico- laus Funccius. 3 p. 1., hi, 320 pp., 101. 8°. Bintelii,J. G. Enax, 1736. de Robeconrt (Dehaussy). See Devergie (Marie-Guillaume-Alphonse). Medi- cina legale [etc.]. 8°. Venezia, 1839-40. Robetf (Constantin) [1870- ]. * Contribu- tion a 1' etude de la tuberculose verruqueuse de la peau. 66 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 105. Robelin(Hippolyle-Leon-Charles) [1870- ]. * Modifications organiques des rejetons de meres tuberculeuses (mecanismedeces modifications). 52 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 527. Robelo (Angel). * Estudio del diagnostico y tratamiento de las fracturas del cuello del femur. 21 pp. 12°. Cuernavaca, L. G. Miranda, 1893. Roberg's disease \Faclal hemiatrophy]. See Face (Atrophy and asymmetry of). Robert (Abel-Henry-Leon) [1874- ]. *Des lipomes del'encephale. 93pp., 11. 8°. Nancy, 1906, No. 18. Robert, (A[ime]) & Feyerlin (Fr.) Rippold- sau (Foret Noire) et ses sources minerales avec les nouvelles analyses de AI. le professeur Bun- sen, de Heidelberg. 71 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Stras- bourg, G. Silbermann, 1862. Robert {Albert-Bippolyte) [1843- ]. [Biography.] Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, suppl., 121. Robert ([Andreas] Friedrieh) [1857- ]. * Ueber Wiederbildung quergestreifter Muskel- fasern. 45 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klau- nig, 1890. Robert (Anton). * Ueber eine besondere Form von Erweichung im Kleinhirn. 26 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1897. Robert (Auguste) [1877- ]. *Dystocie par atresie cicatricielle du vagin. 101 pp. 8°. BarU, 1904, No. 546. ROBERT. 650 ROBERT. Robert (Bernard I.). See Wolir-Kisner (Alfred). The ophthalmic [etc.]. 8°. Kew York, 1908. Robert (C[esar]-Alphonse) [1801-62]. *De l'examen comparatif des diverses methodes pro- posees et employees pour le traitement de la fracture du col du femur. 20 pp. 4°. Baris, H Tilliard, 1832. [P., v. 2007.] Concours. -----. Traite theorique et pratique du rhuma- tisme, de la goutte et des maladies des nerfs. 360 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Baillilre, 1840. -----. Lettre k M. le docteur Civiale sur l'ure- trotomie. 11 pp. 8°. Baris, Hennuyer, 1855. Repr.from: Bull. g6n. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1855, xlix. -----. Des regies a suivre dans 1'administration des anesthesiques. Legons faites &, FHotel-Dieu, recueillies et publiees sous sa direction par M. le docteur Doumic. 72 pp., 2 1. 8°. Pom, 1859. For Biography, see'Verneuil (A.) Eloge de C. Alph. Robert. 8°. Paris, 1864. Robert (Claude-Simon). Dissertation sur la gymnastique medicale. 1 p. 1., 23 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1815, No. 445. Robert (Constant). Eclampsie puerp6rale, ac- couchement force. Nouvelle etiologie possible de l'eclampsie. Note sur la differentiation des albumines; analyses chimiques et microscopi- ques, par AI. Bellocq, pharmacien a Pau. Re- ponse a Al. le prof. Charpentier. 32 pp. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1896. Robert (Denis) [1878- ]. *De l'evidement des regions sous-mentonniere et sous-maxillaire dans le traitement de F epithelioma de la Ievre inferieure. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 18. Robert (E.) * Contribution a l'etude clinique de Fosteo-sarcome de l'os iliaque. 71 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 371. Robert (Emile) [1870- ]. * Contribution k l'etude des troubles trophiques cutanes dans la blennorhagie. Cornes cutanees. 74 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 300. Robert (Ernest) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du purpura dans la fievre typhoide. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 365. Robert (Ernest). * Contribution a l'etude du traitement des fistules storcorales (bouton de Murphy). 51pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 103. Robert (Ferdinand). See Boivin (Marie-Anne-Victoire-Gillain). Hand- buch der Geburtshiilfe, [etc.]. 8°. Cassel & Marburg, 1829. Robert (Franciscus) [1837- ]. *De dilata- tione pelvis halistereticae, in partu bis observata. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonnse, formis C. Georgi, 1859. Robert (Francois-Alexandre-Henri). * Syphi- lis de la rate. 87 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 490. Robert ([Franz] Theodor) [1868- ]. *Ueber Acholie. 21 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, B. Neusser, 1891. c. Robert (Gastonl. *Des myopathies dans la sclerodermic. 40 pp., 1 1. 4°. Baris, 1899, No. 381. Robert (Georges) [1874- ]. * Le cancer pri- mitif des capsules surrenales. 122 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 73. Robert (Georges). *La delivrance dans la presentation du siege. 68 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 308. Robert (Georges P.) [1873- ]. * Actonomy- cose des canalicules lacrvmaux. 86 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 313. Robert (Henri) [1871- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des kystes du vagin. (Kystes de la paroi posterieure.) 55 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 94. Robert (Henri-Francois-Joseph) [1875- J. *Potasse et soude urinaires. Contribution a l'etude de leur dosage et de leur excretion nor- male et pathologique. 150 pp. 8°. Nancy 1905, No. 20. Robert (Jean) [1866- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du traitement des imperforations ano- rectales; voie perineo-sacree; ouverture du peri- toine. 44 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1896, No. 1177. Robert (Jean) [1871- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des manifestations pleurales au cours des maladies du cceur et de l'aorte. 101 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 106. -----. The same. 101 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1898. Robert (Jean) [1874- ]. *De l'hemeralo- pie dans les malades generales. 104 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1901, No. 103. Robert (Jean) [1874- ]. *La ponction lombaire. Deux ans de pratique dans un ser- vice de maladies mentales. 77 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1905, No. 101. Robert (Jean) [1877- ]. *De la tubercu- lose du pubis. 56 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903, No. 38. Robert (Jean-Bap tiste-Edouard). [1878- ]. * Etude sur les intoxications par les vapeurs d'alcool; alcool ethylique, alcool amylique, ether sulfurique; etude experimentale et cli- nique. 142 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 9. Robert (Jean-AIarie-Lucien) [1852- ]. Con- tribution k l'etude des papillomes des fosses nasales. 42 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1889, No. 11. Robert (Joseph) [1875- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des resections du maxillaire superieur. 91 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 36. Robert (Jules). *Incompatibilites en phar- macie. Incompatibilite des preparations de quinquina. [Montpellier.] 97 pp. 8°. Nar- bonne, 1903, No. 28. Robert (Jules-Auguste-Maurice) [1879- ]. * La scoliose tuberculeuse. 64 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1904, No. 24. Robert (Leon) [1869- ]. *De l'accouehe- ment par la face, et en particulier de l'interven- tion dans les mento-posterieures. 99 pp. 4°. Baris, 1894, No. 545. Robert (Leonce) [1870- ]. * Des rayons .de Rontgen en medecine et en chirurgie. 122 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 621. Robert (Leopold). * Purpura hemorragique et tuberculose chronique. 77 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 31. Robert (Leopold-Henri-Marie) [1882- ]. *L'hygiene a bord des navires de commerce. 72 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1906, No. 24. Robert (Louis) [1879- ]. *De l'anemie pernicieuse de la grossesse et de son ameliora- tion possible apres l'accouehement spontane ou provoque. 44 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 145. Robert (Louis) [1883- ]. * Phiebites du membre inferieur gauche apres appendicecto- mie a. froid. 52 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 235. Robert [Louis-Joseph-Marie] le jeune [1771- 1846]. Nouvel essai sur la megalantropog£- nesie, ou l'art de faire des enfans d'esprit, qui deviennent de grands hommes; suivi des traits physiognomoniques propres k les faire reconnoi- tre, decrits par Aristote, Porta et Lavater, avec des notes additionnelles de I'auteur. 2. ea\, considerablement augmentee, et qui ne resem- ble a, la premiere que par le titre. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 395 pp.; 463 pp. 8°. Baris, le Normant, an XI [1803]. ROBERT. 651 ROBERTS. Robert [Louis-Joseph-Alarie] le jeune—cont'd. _____. Alanuel de sante, ou nouveaux elements de medecine pratique d'apres l'etat actuel de la science et ,1a methode analytique de Pinel et de Bichat. A. l'usage des medecins, chirurgiens, cures et autres habitans de la campagne. 2 v. 917 pp. (continuous pagination). 8°. Paris, Defervillc, an XIII [1805]. -----. Essai historique et medical sur les eaux thermales d'Aix, connues sous le nom d'eaux de Sextius. 380 pp. 8°. Aix, G. Mouret, 1812. -----. Notice historique sur le tremblement de terre du village de Beaumont, departement de Vaucluse. 40 pp. 8°. Aix, A. Bonder, 1812. Bound with the preceding. Robert (Alare) [1879- ]. *Les empoison- nements criminels au xvie siecle. Pour bien posseder une science il faut en connaitre l'his- toire. 2 p. 1., 88 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 31. Robert (Alarie-Eugene-Augustin) [1871- ]. *Du role de 1'intoxication dans les gastro- enterites. 52 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 21. Robert [Alarin-Jacques-Clair] [1732- ]. Re- cherches sur la nature et F inoculation de la petite verole. vi, 182 pp., 1 1. 16°. La Haye; Baris, B.-B. Didot, 1763. See. also, Demours (Antoine-Pierre). Queestio med. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Parisiis, 17*4.—Dussans (Josephus). *An bilis sapo [etc.]. 4°. Parisiis, 1759. Robert (Alelchior). See Villeneuve (L.) Cliniques chirurgicales, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1893. Robert (Paul) [1873- ]. *De F epilepsie consecutive a la trepanation. 48 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 168. Robert (Paul-Andre) [1858- ]. De l'acne decalvante. 44 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1889. Robert (Ulysse). Les signes d'infamie au moyen age; Juifs, Sarrasins, heretiques, lepreux, cagots et filles publiques. 1S9 pp., 6 pl., [2 col. pl.]. 12°. Boris, H Champion, 1891. Robert (Vital-Jean-Baptiste) [1870- ]. Contribution a l'etude des rapports de Fhysterie et de la paralysie generale. 118 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1897, No. 105. Robert Garrett Free Hospital for Children, Baltimore and Alt. Airy. Reports of the physi- cian-in-charge, for the years 1895; 1898. 22 pp.; 15 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1896-9. -----. [Circular of the management to the phy- sicians of Baltimore.] 1 sheet. 8°. [Balti- more, 1898.] Robert Koch's Heilmittel gegen die Tubercu- lose. 1.-5. Hft. 8°. Berlin dc Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1890-91. Repr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890-91, xvi-xvii. Robert Koeh's Komma-Bacillus ist nicht Ur- sache der Cholera. See Wall (A. J.) [in 1. s.]. Robert y Serrat (Jose). Tratado de ana- tomia descriptiva de los animales domesticos. v. 1. viii, 9-220 pp., 3 1. 8°. Zaragoza, 1876. -----. The same. v. 2. Sarcologia. 2. ed., corregida y aumentada. 736, 7 pp. 8°. Za- rar/oza, C. Arino, 1884. Robert Yarzabal (Bartolome) [1842-1902]. See Santa ITIarfa y Bustamente (Manuel). Lec- ciones .Ic clinica. [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1891. For Biography, see Gac. med. catal., BarceL, 1902, xxv, 751 (Sufie y Mol'ist). Also: Independ. mOd., BarceL, 1902, xxxii 122. Also: Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1902, xxviii 209-218, port. Also: Rev. espec. med. La oto-nno- laringol. espafl., Madrid, 1902, v, 157. Also: Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1902, lv, 83-85, port. (Codini Cas- tellvi) Also: Siglo med., Madrid,1902, xlix, 225 (Puiido). Roberth {Ernst) [1821-89]. Marcus (E.) Nekrolog. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1889), 1890, xxxiii, 282-285. Roberton(John) [1797-1876]. On the defects, with reference to the plan of construction and ventilation, of most of our hospitals for the re- ception of the sick and wounded. 16 pp., 1 1., lpl. 8°. [n. p.], 1856. For Bioiraphi/, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii, 379 (D. L. Roberts). Also: Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 373 (Sutton). Roberts (A. Sydney). Contributions to ortho- pedic surgery; with a brief biographical sketch by James K. Young. 298 pp., port. 8°. Bhila- delphia, Dornan, 1898. Roberts {Sir Alfred) [1823-98]. Obituary. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1899, xviii, 38-40.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 249. Roberts (Arthur). The Harrogate mineral waters; new analyses; with observations. 48 pp. 12°. Harrogate, B. Ackrill, 1894. Roberts (Charles) [1836-1901]. The physical requirements of factory children, pp. 681-733. 8°. [London, 1876.] Cutting from: J. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1876, xlviii. ------. Uxbridge Union rural sanitary authority. Annual medical reports, for the years 1889; 1890. 8°. Uxbridge, S. L. Torey, 1890-91. 1888, Cutting from: Watford Jour., March 1, 1890. ------. The medical inspection of, and physical education in, schools. 24 pp. 8°. London, J. Bale dc So7is, [1895]. Repr.from: Rep. Roy. Com. Sec. Ed., 1895. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 249. Roberts (C]harles] Hubert). Outlines of gynae- cological pathology and morbid anatomy, xxii, 332 pp., 141 pl. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Blakis- ton' s Sonde Co., 1901. See, also, Ortlimann (Ernst Gottlob). Handbook of gynaecological [etc.]. 8°. London, 1904. Roberts (Daniel). Remarks on the King's evil, or scrofula; with an account of a specii c medi- cine for the cure of it. iv, 5-44 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Phillips ct- G. Yard, 1791. Roberts (David Lloyd). Clinical history of three cases of placenta prsevia, in which podalic version was performed. 5 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Murray dc Gibb, 1861. [Also, in: P., v. 516.] Repr.from: Edinb. M. J., 1860-61, vi. ------. Pseudo-colloid ovarian tumour, in which the operation of ovariotomy was performed suc- cessfully. 10 pp. 8°. Dublin, M. H. Gill, 1861. [P., v. 524; 1438.] Repr.from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1861, xxxi. An ovular (?) cyst successfully removed by abdominal section. Weight of cyst and con- tents, 17f lbs. 3 pp. 8°. [Manchester, 1872.] Repr.from: Manchester & Liverpool Hosp. Rep., 1872. ----. The student's guide to the practice of midwifery. 2. ed. xii, 346 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1879. The same. 3. ed. xv, 381 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1884. Roberts (Deering J.) Anaemia and its treat- ment. 7 pp. 12°. Nashville, 1898. Repr. from: South. Pract., Nashville, 1898, xx. ------. As to the proprietary medicines. 7 pp. 8°. Nashville, 1906. Repr.from: South. Pract., Nashville, 1906, xxxm. Roberts (Dudley). Hospital dietetics. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1908, Ixxxvii. ROBERTS. 652 ROBERTS. Roberts (Ernest). Enteric fever in India and in other tropical and sub-tropical regions. A study in epidemiology and military hygiene. xi, 571 pp., 1 map., 1 tab. rov. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, 1906. Roberts (Frederick Thomas). The theory and practice of medicine. 9. ed. xvi, 1168 pp. 8°. London, II. K. Lewis, 1894. ------. The same. 10. ed. xiii, 1-732, 14 pp.; xi, 733-1368, 14 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1905. ------. The same. 2. Am. from the last Lond. ed. xv, 920 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, Lindsay dc Blakiston, 1876. -----. Notes on the additions made to the Bri- tish pharmacopoeia 1890. 22 pp. 16°. London, H K. Lewis, ism. See, also. Quain (.Sir Richard). A dictionary of med- icine, including general pathology [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1895. Roberts (George Scott). [Biography.] Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 281, port. Roberts (George ("VV.) The operative treat- ment of cancer of the rectum. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: X. Am. J. Homceop., X. Y., 1902, 3. s., xvii. Roberts (Henry) La reforme domestique, ou conseils aux personnes de la classe ouvriere pour Famelioration et la bonne tenue de leurs de- meures. Trad, de Fanglais. 16 pp. 8°. Neu- chdtil, C. Leldecker, 1856. ------. Healthy dwellings and prevailing sani- tary defects in the homes of the working classes. 48 pp. 16°. London, Jarrold dc Sons, [n. d.]. [P., v. 2205.] Roberts (Jacobus Watson). *De morbillis. 2 p. 1., 49 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour dc Smel- lie, 1786. Roberts (James) & Gollan (H. C.) The law relating to the public health of London, being the public health (London) act, 1891, fully an- notated, with references to all the cases bear- ing on its construction, together with an explan- atory chapter and other enactments and order relating thereto, xxiv, 382 pp. 8°. London, Butierworths, 1891. Roberts (John) [1843-1908]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 239. Roberts (John B[ingham]) [1852- ] The legal control of medical practice by a state ex- amination. 4 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, 1884.] Repr. from: Phila. Polyclin., 1884, i. -----. The policlinic never-leaking ether bottle. 1 galley sheet. Bhiladelphia, 1884. Repr.from: Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii. ------. Remarks on the bill proposed by the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania for the establishment of a state board of med- ical examiners and licensers. 10 pp. 12°. [Bhiladelphia, 1888.] -----. The science of successful surgerv. 24 pp. 12°. Chicago, Am. M. Ass., 1889. [P.;v. 2290.] Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xii. ------. The segment trephine and an aseptic trephine. 4 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, 1889.] Repr.from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., ls.sy, x. ------. Need of a state board of medical exam- iners. 14 pp. 12°. [Bhiladelphia, 1890.] Repr.from: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxii. ------. The relation of bacteria to practical sur- gerv. 16 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1890. Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1890, xxi. Roberts (John B[ingham])—continued. ------. Clinical contributions to brain surgerv. 16 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, ls91.] Rtpr.from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1891, xii. ------. The after-treatment in operative surgery. 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1892, ciii. ------. The cosmetic surgery of the nose. 7 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1892. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1892, xix. ------. Intra-cranial neurectomy of the second and third divisions of the fifth nerve immedi- ately in front of the Gasserian ganglion. 3 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. Repr.from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii. -----. Treatment of fractures of the lower end of the humerus and of the base of the radius. 41 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1892, xvi. ------. Tumor of the liver in which removal was attempted. 4 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1892. Repr.from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii. ------. The cure of complete prolapse of the rectum by posterior proctectomy. 6 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, cv, ------. Points of similarity between us and ho- moeopathic physicians. 12 pp. 8°. [Philadel- phia, 1893.] Repr.from: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1893, xiv. ------. Simplicity in the treatment of fractures. 9 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, 1893.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1893, xxiv. -----. A case of primary tuberculosis of the laminae and spinous processes of the vertebral column. 6 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1894. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xix. ------. Recent experience with tumors of the liver. 12 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, Lea Bros, dc Co., 1894.] Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., lv>4, cviii. -----. Some defects in anatomical teaching in the medical schools of the United States. 13 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton ct Co., 1894. Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1894, lix. ------. Modern medicine and homoeopathy; two addresses. 69 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Edwards dc Docker Co., 1895. ------. Surgerv of the nerves. In: Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila., 1895, ii, 867-918. -----. Cases of artificial anus and fecal fistule treated by intraperitoneal operation. 5 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1896. Repr.from: Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6,viii. ------. A clinical, pathological, and experimen- tal study of fracture of the lower end of the radius, with displacement of the carpal frag- ment toward the flexor of anterior surface of the wrist. 76 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, B. Bla- kiston, Son dc Co., 1897. ------. Exploratory incision in the treatment of closed fractures and dislocations. 11 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1897. Repr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1897, lxx. ------. The surgical treatment of suppurative pericarditis. 23 pp., lpl. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1897. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1897, cxiv. -----. Cases illustrating the beneficial effect of plastic operations upon the face for the cure of cicatricial and congenital deformities. 2 pp. 8°. Philad-elghia, 1898. Repr.from: Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii. ROBERTS. 653 ROBERTS. Roberts (John B[ingham])—continued. ------. Intestinal anastomosis for fecal fistula in the lumbar region. 3 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. Repr.from: Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii. ■-----. An outline of the proper organization of the surgical teaching in a medical school. 2 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. Repr.from: Phila. Polyclin., 189*, vii, -----. Recent advances in the treatment of fractures of the extremities. 5 pp. 8°. Pitts- burg, 1898. Repr.from: Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1898, i. ------. The surgical treatment of common de- formities of the face. 5 pp. 8°. Detroit, W. W. Warren, 1898. Repr.from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1898, xxii. ------. A manual of modern surgery; an expo- sition of the accepted doctrines and approved operative procedures of the present time. For the use of students and practitioners. 2. ed. 842 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Philadelphia dc New York, Lea Brothers d- Co., [1899]. -----. Notes on the modern treatment of frac- tures, vi, 162 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1899. ------. The success of operative treatment in facial disfigurement. 8 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, 1899.] Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1899, iv. ------. The operative treatment of ugly ears. 4 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1900. Repr.from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1900, lxxvii. ■-----. The surgical treatment of congenital and pathological disfigurements of the face. Ab- stract of the Mutter lectures of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia for 1900. 2 p. 1., 53 pp." 8°. Bhiladelphia, Bhila. Med. Publ. Co., 1900. Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1900, vi. -----. The same. The surgical treatment of disfigufements and deformities of the face. 2. ed., with a chapter on the reconstruction of syphilitic noses. 3 p. 1., 72 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Phila. Med. Publ. Co., 1901. ------. A case of gunshot wound of the kidney and stomach. 3 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1901, viii. ------. The doctor's fee; a plea for honorable dealing. 15 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1901. Repr.from: Phila. M. J., 1901, vii. ------. Suggestions for the reconstruction of syphilitic noses. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1901. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi. ------. Excision of the lumbar lymphatic nodes and spermatic vein in malignant disease of the testicle. 11 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. IAppincott, 1902. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1902, xxxvi. ------. The professional responsibility in acci- dent cases involving litigation. 2 1. 8°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc], 1904, lxxx. ------. The doctor's dutv to the state. 28 pp. 12°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx. ------. The direct fixation of fractures. 7 pp. 12°. New York, A. B. Elliott Bub. Co., 1905. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii. ------. A fatal case of bacillus pyocyaneus sep- ticaemia after surgical operation. 14 pp. 8°. New York, 1905. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii. Roberts (John B[ingham])—continued. ------. The gardener's spade deformity and the silver-fork deformity in fractures of the carpal end of the radius. 9 pp. 8°. New York, 1905. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1905, lxvii. ------. Clinical experiences with Meckel's di- verticulum and other vestiges of the omphalo- mesenteric duct. pp. 87-91. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1906. Repr.from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliv. ------. Some causes of inefficiency in medical practice. 7 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1906. Repr. from: St. Louis Med. Rev., 190G, liv. ------. Volvulus of the small intestine in ty- phoid fever, simulating perforation, pp. 243- 249. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1906. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliv. ------. Continuous passive hyperemia in delayed union of fractures and in hastening the con- solidation of fractures. 6 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1907, xxv. ------. An easy method of making osteoplastic flaps in cranial surgery, pp. 541-544. 8°. Gand, 1907. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch, internat. de chir., Gand, 1907, iii. ------. Improved methods in successful opera- tive treatment of cleft palate. 7 pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia, 1907. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1907, exxxiv. ------. Modern methods in the repair of cleft palate. 7 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1907. Repr.from: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1907, xvii. ------. Some surgical aspects of tuberculosis. pp. 163-170. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1907. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Internat. Clin., Phila., 1907, iii. ------. The value and safety of surgical explora- tion in the abdominal complications of typhoid fever, pp. 309-312. 8°. Gand, 1907. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch, internat. de chir., Gand, 1907, iii. ------. Anesthesia peril in American hospitals. 13 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1908. Repr.from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1908, xxxii. ------. The opportunities of the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery as seen by a retiring presi- dent. 2 1. roy. 8°. Pittsburg, 1908. Repr.from: Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1907-8, xi. See, also, Bryant (Thomas). A manual for the prac- tice [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881. Roberts (John Lloyd). Denbigh urban sani- tary authority. Annual report on the sanitary condition of the borough for the year 1875. 12 pp., 1 tab. 8°. London, Shaw dc Sons, 1876. ------. St. Asaph rural sanitary authority. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of the district for the years 1875-9; 1881-9. 8°. Lon- don dc Denbigh, 1876-90. ------. St. Asaph rural sanitary authority. Re- port on the water supplies of Llanfairtalhaiarn, Dvserth, Meliden, and Prestatyn. 8 pp. 8°. St". Asupli, 1878. Roberts (Milton Josiah) [1851-93]. Presenta- tion of two patients, illustrating the favorable progress of suppurative knee-joint disease, while wearing elastic tension splints permitting articular motion of affected joints. 4 1. 4°. [New York, 1886.] Repr.from: N. York M. Month., 1886, i. ROBERTS. 654 ROBERTSON. . _____ Roberts (Milton Josiah)—continued. -----. Remarks on a new spinal corset woven out of wire to fit the contour of the body. 3 pp. roy. 8°. [Bichmond], 1887. Repr.from: Practice, Richmond, 1887, i. ------. Catalogue of the library of the late Dr. . . ., including a portion of the library of the late Mrs. .Martha J. Lamb. 26 pp. 8°. New York, 1893. ------. Schedule of lectures on mechanical and operative orthopedic surgery. 10 pp. 16°. [New York, n. d.] For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Roberts (Owen) [1837-1908]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1808, i, 683. Roberts (Pedro F.) Clinica oftalmologica. x, 282 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, B. E. Coni, 1880. -----. Hijiene ocular; examen de la vision practicado en las escuelas ptiblicas de la ciudad de Buenos Aires (capital de la Republica Argen- tina). 95 pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, B. __. Coni, 1882. Roberts (R[ichard] Lawton). Illustrated lec- tures on nursing and hygiene, xxiii, 192 pp., 1 pl. 12°. London, LI. K. Lewis, 1890. Roberts (Richard Prltchard) [1856- 1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1655. Roberts (Miss Th. A.) Annual report of the Florence Medical Mission. 8., 1888-9. 21 pp., 11. 8°. [Florence, G. Barbera, 18811.] Roberts (W.) Portraits of William Harvey. pp. 388-390. 4°. London, 1903. Cutting from: Athenaeum, Lond., 1903. Roberts (W. Milnor). Preliminary report, with reference to extension of the new Pitts- burgh water works ... As made to water extension committee of councils, with accom- panying papers. 32 pp., 1 map. 8°. Pitts- burgh, Err ett, Anderson dc Co., 1869. [P., v. 2134; 2135.] ------. Report on the new water works. To the finance committee of councils of the city of Pittsburgh. Feb. 7, 1874. 56 pp. 8°. [Pitts- burgh, 1874.] [P., v. 2135.] Roberts (W. P.) The peculiar benefits of lati- tude and altitude on disease. Cutting from: Santa F6 Daily New Mexican, Aug. 27, 1891. Roberts (Sir William) [1830-99]. An address on the necessity for investigating the operation of the anatomy act, with a detail of proceedings as to an invention for facilitating its adminis- tration. 43 pp. 8°. London, Partridge, Oakey dc Co., 1855. ------. A practical treatise on urinary and renal diseases, including urinary deposits. Illustrated by numerous cases and engravings, xvi, 17-516 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1866. ------. The same. 2. ed. xx, 621 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder dc Co., 1872. -----. The same. 3. ed. xx, 625 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, II. C. Lea, 1879. ------. Studies on biogenesis, pp. 457-494. 4°. London, 1874. Repr.from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1874, clxiv. ------. Lectures on dietetics and dyspepsia, de- livered at the Owens College School of Medicine in February and March, 1885. 2. ed. ix, 92 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder dc Co., 1886. ------. Collected contributions on digestion and diet, xii, 261 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Bros. dc Co., 1891. Roberts (Sir William)—continued. ----—. On the chemistry and therapeutics of uric acid gravel and gout, being the Croonian lectures for 1892 delivered before the Royal Col- lege of Physicians of London, with additions. vii, 136 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder dc Co.. 1892. See, also, Consumption (The) of opium, Tete.]. 8° Calcutta. 1895. For Biography, ser Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1063-1066. Also: Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1901, Suppl. iii, 298 (D'A. Power). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 11.H4-1188. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxvii, 414. Also: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1x99, 3. s., i, 157-189 (D. J. Leach). Also, Reprint. Also: Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii, 636-640. Also: Proc Rov. Soc Lond., 1905, lxxv 68-71. Also: Scalpel, Lond., 1899, iv, 145, port. Roberts ( William Lahf [1815-1901]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 884. Roberts-Hawley lumg>h. Wilson (F. C.) Earfy experience with Brown-S6- quard's elixir, and recent experience with the Roberts- Hawley lymph. N. Albany M. Herald, 1901, xxi, 458-461. Robertson (Alexander) [1834-1908]. State- ment of the contributions to medical science, literature, etc., by . . . 3 pp. 4°. [Glasgow, 1874.] [P., v. 121)4.] ------. On some of the pathological and physio- logical relations of brain, mind, and higher nerve function; being the address delivered at the beginning of the session of the Pathological and Clinical Society of Glasgow. 21 pp. 8°. Glasgow, A. MacDougal, 1879. Repr.from: Glasgow M. J., 1879, xii. For Biography, see Glasgow M. J., 1909, lxxi, 39. Also: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1909, lv, 209 (W. W. Ireland). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1909, ii, 70. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., Ixxxvi, 731. Robertson (Archibald) [1789-1864]. *De dy- senteria regionum calidarum. 4 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, D. Schaw dcjil., 1817. [P., v. 1977.] For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, 402 (W. A. Shaw). Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1865, xiv, p. xvii. Robertson (Arthurus Grant). *De hydrope. 33 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour dc Smellie, 1783. Robertson (B.). See India. Census of India, 1891. The central prov- inces and feudatories, fol. Calcutta, 1893. Robertson ([Charles A.] Lockhart) [1826-97]. The alleged increase of lunacy. 1 p. 1., 23 pp. 8°. London, 1869. Repr.from: 3. Ment. Se , Lond., 1869, n. s., lxix. -----. Lunacy in England. (England's Irren- Wesen.) 19 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tin- dall d- Cox, [1881]. Repr.from: J. Psychol. M., Lond., [1881], vii. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1385. Robertson (Charte'S Archibald) [1829- 80]. Board of Public Instruction. Proceedings at a special meeting held April 2, 1880, to take action in relation to the death of Charles A. Robertson. 8°. Albany, 1880. Robertson (Charles M.) Otology, rhinology, and laryngology. 3 1. 8°. Waterloo, Lowa, H. G. Middleditch, 1899. Repr.from: Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Waterloo, 1899, xvii. Robertson (Dionysius). Konsten at curera hastar, eller grundelig underrattelse, at utus sielfwa grunden kiinna, hela och bota hwarje- handa bade ut- och inwtirtes hiiste-krampor, brackligheter och sjukdomar; jiimte anwisning, huru unga fohlar skola ansas, skjoras och handteras, tils de hinna den alder, at de finnas dugtige och tjiinlige til de behof, hwartil nan tanker bruka dem. Ny och formerad uplaga ROBERTSON. 655 ROBERTSON. Robertson (Dionysius)—continued. trvckt i Berlin iir 1767, til allmiinhetens tjiinst if ran Tyskan ofwersatt iir 1771 af P. L. [The veterinary art, or complete instruction in treat- ing horses, etc.] 1 p. 1., 322 pp., 5 1., 1 pl. 16°. Stockholm, J. G. Laiuje, 1772. Robertson (Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Ar- gyll) [1837-1909]. A new "operation for ectro- pion. 3 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, Larimer d- Gil- lies, 1883.] Repr.from: Edinb. Clin. & Path. J., 1883, i. For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J., 1909, cix, 249. Also: Brit, M. J\, Lond., 1909, i, 191-193, port. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1909, n. s., ii, 159-162, port. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 208, port. Also: Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1909, vii, 135- 141, port. Robertson {Duncan) [ -1906]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1341. Robertson [Francis Marion] [1806-92]. Mod- ification of the obstetrical forceps. 24 pp. 8°. [New York, 1872.] Repr.from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1872-3, v. For Biography, see North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1893, xxxii, 18-20 (J. Forrest). Robertson (George M.) The treatment of acute delirious insanity. 14 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh d- London, Y. J. Bentland, 1893. Repr.from: Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i. Robertson {James) [1S22-93]. A. (H. B.) Obituarv. Au-tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1893, n. s., xv, 85-90. —Obituary. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1902, x, 320. Robertson (Joannes). *De ophthalmia mem- branarum. 2 p. 1., 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy dc Walker, 1813. Robertson (John). Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the health commit- tee of the city of Birmingham. 32.-34., 1904-6. 8°. Birmingham, 1905-7. Robertson (John A.) [1869-1903]. Obituary. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1903, i, 134. Robertson (John W\) The Keeley treatment of alcoholism. 7 pp. 8°. San Francisco, 1893. Repr.from: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1893, xxxvi. ■-----. Cerebral localization; what is known, what surmised, and what is its surgical value? 16 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1894. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii. -----. Brain surgery and operations, based on cerebral localization. 12 pp. 12°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Am. Med. Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x. -----. The morphine habit, its causation, treat- ment and the possibility of its cure. 9 pp. 8°. San Francisco, W. A. Woodward dc Co., [1897]. Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1897, xxvii. Robertson (Noralie). See Sage. Mrs. Piper and the Society for Psychical Research [etc.]. 12°. New York, 1904. Robertson (R[obert]) [1742-1829]. Direc- tions for administering Peruvian bark, in a fer- menting state, in fever, and other diseases in which Peruvian bark is proper, and more espe- cially in such cases as the usual formulae of the bark are rejected by the stomach, or nauseated by the sick; with some experiments to ferment the Peruvian bark with different sweets. 14 pp. 8°. London, March dc Teape, [1799]. [P., v. 2018.] For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1896, xlviii, 413 (N. Moore). Robertson {Robert) [1842-99]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 112. Robertson {Robert Beedie) [1832-97]. Obituary. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlvii, 116-118. Robertson (W.) * Ueber den Leberechino- coccus mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seines abnormen Verlauf es und seiner Therapie. 48 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann, 1890. Robertson (W. E). SceS|iiller(WilliamG.),Kobertsoii(W.E.)[eil par contact direct. 44 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 172. ------. The same. 44 pp., 11., 1 sheet. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1902. Roccatagliata (Pietro). Analisi dell' acqua Gorgitello-Manzi e dei suoi rispettivi fanghi in Cassamicciola (Ischia), preceduta da alcune nozioni geografiche, storiche ed etimologiche sulF isola d' Ischia. 65 pp. 8°. Napoli, tipog. Baimontli, 1870. Roccella. See Meningitis (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), by localities. Roccbi (F. S.) R. Istituto ostetrico-gineco- logico di Roma. L' ambulatorio ginecologico nelF anno scolastico 1898-9. 63 pp. 8°. Boma, Unione coop, editrice, 1899. -----. I fibromiomi dell' utero curati nei due anni scolastici 1898-1900. 30 pp. 8°. Boma, 1900. ------. Del modo migliore di usare la gelatina nelle emorragie. 13 pp. 8°. Boma, L. Arturo, 1900. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Bull. d. Soc. Lancis. d. osp. di Roma, 1900, xx. ------. Delia morte apparente del neonato. 46 pp. 8°. Boma, 1901. Roccbi (Giulio). L' igiene ospitaliera e le ma- lattie dei bambini in Francia e in Inghilterra. 30 pp. 8°. Lucca, frat. Bocchi, 1904. Rocco (Henry). De gunstige en ongunstige invloeden van den alcohol op het menschelijk organismus. 63 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, Seyf- fardt, 1891. Gezondheids-Bibliotheek, no. 28. Rocco (Joh. Baptist), jr. *Ueber das primare und metastatische Carcinom im Ductus hepa- ticus und an der Vereinigungsstelle der drei grossen Gallengiinge. 52 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Basel, G. Bohm, 1905. Roch (Charles[-Louis]) [1867- ]. *Quel- ques considerations sur les complications de la periode initiale de la blennorrhagie. 55 pp. 4°. Nancy, 1895, No. 7. Roch (Claude-Marie-Ignace). * Dissertation sur l'emploi du tartrite de potasse antimonie" dans le rhumatisme chronique. 1 p. 1., 12 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1806, No. 216. Rocb (Franz). See Novak (Emil), Nowak (Gustav) & Booh (Franz). Synonyma apothecariorum [etc.]. 8°. Pra- gue, 1890. Rocb (Maurice). *Un cas d'hippus respira- toire. De l'innuence de la respiration sur les mouvements de l'iris. 90 pp. 8°. Geneve, Alar, 1903. Roch {Sampson) [1829-1906]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1906, ii, 1751.—Obit- uary. Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 1481. Rocha (Abelardo). * Temperamentos e dia- theses em cirurgia. 139 pp. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, B. Braga, 1905. da Rocha (Augusto) [1849-1901]. See Problenia (O) medico-legal no processo Ur- bino de Freitas. Uma replica. 8°. Coimbra, 1892.-----. The same. 8°. Coimbra, 1893. For Biography, see Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat.,Lisb., 1901,ix, 193. Also: Bnt.M. J.,Lond., 1901,i,434. Rocha (Dardo). See Buenos Ayres (Province of). Censo general [etc.]. fol. Buenos Aires, 1883. ROCHA. 663 ROCHE. Rocha (Johannes) [1875- ]. * Ueber Der- moide des Mundbodens. 24 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Halle, C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1898. da Rocha (Manoel Alexandrino). *Trepa- nacao da apophyse mastoide. 2 p. 1., 83 pp. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, Altina, 1902. Rocha (M[anuel]). *E1 jaborandi, notas his- toricas y experimentales sobre las acciones tisiologica v terapeutica de esta planta. 33 pp.' S°. Mexico, 1876. [P., v. 2206.] -----. * Knsayo de una clasifieaeidn general de las secreciones. 51 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. B. Blanco, 1879. Rochaix (Anthelme) [1881- ]. * L'ensei- gnement des sciences medicales et pharmaceu- tiques & Lyon de 1792 a 1821. 172 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 431. ---—. The same. 1 p. 1., 172 pp. roy. 8°. Baris d: Lyon, A. Maloine, 1906. de Rocbambean. Un nouveau cachet d'ocu- liste romain decouvert a Fontaine-en-Sologne (Loir-et-Cher). 7 pp. 8°. Baris, Didier dc Cie., 1880. Repr. from: Rev. archeolog., Par., 1880. Rocliard. Discours prononce a la rentree pu- blique de I'Ecole de medecine de Strasbourg, le 4 nov. 1808. 11 pp. 4°. [Strasbourg, 1808.] Rocliard (E[ugene]L Chirurgie d'urgence; indications, therapeutique, operatoire. iii, 311 pp. 12°. Baris, O. Doin, 1899. -----. Les hernies. 523 pp. 12°. Baris, 0. Doin, 1904. -----. Problemes cliniques; affections chirurgi- cales de l'abdomen; appendicite, occlusion in- testinale, cholecystite, kystes hydatiques du foie, cancer du foie, cancer de la tete du pancreas, pyelonephrite gravidique, tumeurs du mesen- tere, perforations typhiques, hernies, etc. 247 pp. 8°. Baris, O. Doin, 1907. See, also. Duplay (Emmanuel Simon), Rocliard (E.) & Demoulin (A.) Manuel de diagnostic [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1897. Rochard ([Jean-]Felix) [1808- ]. Traits des maladies de la peau. 404 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Delahgye, 1863. -----. Etudes eur les maladies de la peau. Nouveau mode de traitement des dartres. (Me- moires communiques a l'Academie des sci- ences.) 36 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Delahaye, 1865. Rochard (J[ules-Eugene]) [1819-96]. Les intoxications volontaires. 23 pp. 8°. Baris, Imp. nationale, 1890. -----. Questions d'hygiene sociale. vi, 336 pp., 1 1. 12°. Baris, Hachette dc de., 1891. -----. Traite d'hygiene publique et priv^e. xvi, 982 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Doin, 1897. See, also, Delvaille (C.) & Breucq (A.) Guide hygienique [etc.]. 2. ed. 12°. Paris, [1892].—Ency- clopedic d'hygiene [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1889. — L.e Pileur (Louis). Prophylaxie de la syphilis [etc.]. 8°. Clermont (Oise), 1887. jPor Biography, see Arch, de m6d. nav., Par., 1896, lxvi, 321-336 (Auffret). Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1264. Also: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1896, x, no. 39. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1908, n. s., xxxiv, 79- 104 (G. Felizet). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 1275. Also: M6d. mod., Par., 1895, vi, Suppl., 269; 588. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1896, xvi, 796 (F. Terrier). Also: Tribune med., Par., 1908, n. s., xl, 49; 65. -----& Rodet (D.) Traite d'hygiene, de me- decine et de chirurgie navales. iv, 699 pp. 8°. Baris, L. Battaille dc Cie., 1896. de Rochas d'Aijflun [Albert]. Les £tats profonds del'hypnose.^ 117 pp., 3 1. 8°. Ba- ris, Chamuel dc G. Carre, 1892. -----. La levitation. 110 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, B.-G. Leinneerie, 1897. Cover reads: Recueil de documents relatifs a la levita- tion du corps humain. de Rochas [d'Aiglun] (Henry). Traictedes observations nouvelles et vraie cognoissance des eaux mineral les et de leurs qualitez et vertus, cy-devant incogneues; ensemble de l'esprit uni- versel, dedie au Cardinal Richelieu. 1 p. ]., 302 pp. 16°. Pan's, //. de Bochas, 1634. For Biography, see Chron. med., Par., 1898, v, 753-763 (deRochas). Roc bat (Antony). NeeLauterburg (Otto), Jttilli'et (E.W.) ABochat (Anton). Alkohol und Alkoholismus. 8°. Bern, 1895. da Rocha Vaz (Juvenil). *Do typhus icte- roide apyretico. 108 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, Bapelaria Uniao, 1903. Rochaz (Gustave). Contribution a l'etude des ealcuis appendiculaires. [Lausanne.] 42 pp., 2pl. 12°. Genere, Aubert-Schuchardt, 1895. Also, in: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv. Rochdale. See Hygiene (Public, Beports on), Influenza (History, etc.,of), Sewag-e (Disposalof), Statis- tics ( Vital), by localities. Rochdale, England. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the health commit- tee of the town council for the years 1882-8. 8°. Bochdale, 1883-9. ------. Reports of the various committees of the council on works done during the year 1889-90. 50 pp. 8°. Bochdale, E. Wrigley dc Sons, 1890. Contains reports of the health officer, paving and sew- ering committee, and the waterworks committee. Roche (Albert) [1880- ]. *De l'osteomye- lite aigue de la croissance au niveau du coude. 68 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 270. Roche (Albin) [1869- ]. *Du salicylate de soude envisage comme cholagogue et antisep- tique biliaire. 63 pp. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 397. Roche (Andre) [1867- ]. *Du vitriolage au , point de vue historique et medico-legal. 1 p. 1., iii, 90 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1893, No. 813. Roche (Anthony) [1868-1908]. Some further notes on the use of bromide of strontium in epilepsy. 1 1. 12°. London, 1898. Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1898, ii. ------. The sanitary condition of our national schools. 11 pp. 8°. Dublin, Sealy, Bryers dc Walker, 1900. See, also, Imperial (The) health manual [etc.]. 8°. Dublin, 1896. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 482. Also: Tr. Med.-Leg. Soc, Lond., 1907-8, v, 186. Roche (Charles). Contribution a l'etude des paralysies oculaires traumatiques d'origine orbi- taire. 68 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 383. Roche (Charles-Armand-Felix) [1872- ]. * Influence de la menstruation de la nourrice sur l'enfant qu'elle allaite. 68 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bari.% 1901, No. 488. Roche (Edme-Hubert). *Essai sur les solu- tions de continuity. 1 p. 1., 62 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 4°. Strasbourg, an XL [1803], No. 46. Roche (Felix) [1870- ]. *Quelques locali- sations raresde l'echinocoque; appareil digestif, systeme nerveux, sereuses, appareil circulatoire, voies urinaires. 3 p. 1., 124 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1897, No. 3. Roche (F[rancois-Marie]) [1867- ]. Con- tribution I l'etude de Pemphyseme sous-cutane chez les femmes en couches. 80 pp. 4°. Baris, 1894, No. 310. Roche (Gaston). * Des injections sous-conjonc- tivales de sublime en therapeutique oculaire. 68 pp 4°. Bordeaux, 1892, No. 36. Roche (Georges). * Etude generale sur la peche au grand chalut dans le golfe de Gascogne. 2 p. ,1., 84 pp. 4°. Baris, G. Masson, 1892. Ecole de pharmacie de Paris. ROCHE. 664 ROCHESTER. Roche (Georges). * Des torsions de l'epiploon. 106 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, 1905, Xo. 154. la Roche (Hans Friedrieh Karl Otto) [1880- ]. * Tremor essentialis hereditarius. 104 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1904. Roche (Henri) [1868- ]. * Examen clinique et bacteriologique de cent trente-sept cas de diphterie de l'adulte traites a l'Hopital Lari- boisiere, pavilion d'isolement, janvier-octobre 1895. 105 pp. 4°. I'aris, 1895, No. 40. ------. Caries dentaires multiples; leur valeur diagnostique et pronostique en pathologie gene- rale. 11 pp. 12°. Bar-le-Duc, Facdouel, 1900. Roche (I.) * Anatomie comparee de la feuille des cistacees. [Paris.] 108 pp., 11. 8°. Lons- le-Smnier, 1906, No. 11. Ecole de pharmacie. Also, in: Trav. du lab. de mat. m6d. de I'Ecole sup. de Par. (1906), 1907, iv. Roche (Jean) [1S70- ]. Contribution a l'etude des sarcomes des parties molles de la region plantaire. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, B. Cassignol, 1895, No. 18. Roche (Jean) [1879- ]. *De la grossesse ovarienne. 68 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 8. Roche (Jean). Contribution a l'etude des poisons de l'organisme au cours de la grossesse. 82 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 128. Roche (Jean-Auguste) [1875- ]. Covaire des fibromateuses (anatomie pathologique). 164 pp. 8C. Bordeaux, 1904, No. 114. Roche (Jean-Paul) [1880- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude des fractures pathologiques chez les svphilitiques. 39 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, "No. 81. de la Roche (Josephus Dubois). .See Dubois de la Roche (Josephus). Roche (Leon) [1878- ]. *Stenoses intesti- nales tardives consecutives a 1'entanglement herniaire. 74 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 69. Roche (Louis) [1873- ]. *La pericystite lacrvmale. 92 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 336." ------. The same. 92 pp., 2 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1902. Roche (P.-E.) *De l'oligo-amnios. 136 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1904, No. 589. Roche (Philippe). *Les precurseurs de Pas- teur. Histoire des fermentations. 79 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 434. Rochebois (Gaston-Marie-Rene) [1869- ]. *Les cardiopathies au Mont-Dore. 36 pp., 1 1. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 374. Rochebrune ( Alphonse T. ) See Tremeau de Rochebrune (Alphonse). de Roche du Teilloy (Alexandre). Le re- cueil de remedes de Madame Foucquet, la mere des pauvres, 1590-1681. 61 pp. 8°. Baris dc Nancy, Berger-Levrault dc Cie., 1906. Rochefort. See, also, Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Influenza (History, etc., of), Small-pox (His- tory, etc., of), Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Geimaud ( J.-F. ) *L'arsenal maritime de Rochefort. Recherches d'hvgiene profession- nelle. 4°. Bordeaux, 1892.' Rochefort. Conseil municipal. Memoire a cons Iter sur la question relative a la suppres- sion de I'Ecole de medecine navale de Roche- fort. 34 pp. 8°. Bochefort, Mercier dc Devois, 1S50. [F., v. 1676.] Rochefort (E). Sir Foster (Sir Michael) & Balfour (Francis-Mait- land). Elements d'embryologie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1877. de la Rochefoucauld, due. See Appareils a fumigations [etc.]. 4°. Paris, 1810. Roche II (Albert). * Ueber Othsematom. 64 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1900. Rochelle (George I.) Clinical notes of a case of I yperchlorhydria successfully treated by mechanical vibratory stimulation. 2 1. sD Bhiladelphia, 1903. Repr.from: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1903, xii. de Rochelly (Charles-Johanny) [1873- ]. *Neuf annees de scarlatine a l'Hopital de la Charite (1891-1900). Statistique generale, contagiosity, complications. 5s pp., l 1. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 162. Rochelt (Emil). Ovariencvste; Ovariotomie; Heilung. 7 pp. 8°. [Wien, 1880.] Repr.from: Wien. med. Presse, 1880, xxi. Roche- Posay. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Rocher (Emile) [1861- ]. *De l'inegale repartition des lesions arterielles dans l'arterio- sclerose generalisee. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 587. ------. The same. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1897. Rocher (Ferdinand) [1875- ]. *L'hema- turie dans les neoplasmes du rein; sa valeur diagnostique et pronostique. 107 pp. 8°. Ba- ris, 1901, No. 472. Rocher ( G. ) *Cn nouveau jaborandi des Antilles francaises; etude botanique, chimique et pharmacologique du Pilocarpus racemosus. 84 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1899, No. 323. Rocher (Henri) [1876- ]. * Des metastases du goitre. 50pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1903, Xo. 150. Rocher (Henri-Gaston-Louis) [1876- ]. * Amputation haute dans la gangrene par arth- rite chronique. 278 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902, No. 76. Rocher (Henri-Hypolite) [1870- ]. Con- tribution a l'etude des terminaisons de la ste- nose congenitale de l'artere pulmonaire. 58 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897, No. 65. Rocher (Victor) [1865- ]. *De l'emploi du sublime et de la peritomie dans l'ophtalmie granuleuse. 96 pp. 4°. Baris, 1890, No. 33. Rocheron (Maurice) [1866- ]. * Analyse de quelques cas de perityphlite. 61 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 662. ------. The same. 61 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, Imp. nouvelle, 1892. Rochester, John Wlhnot {Earl of) [1647-80]. Aristocratic (An) quack. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1121. Rochester, England. () pp. 8°. Baris, L. Cordier, J. Janet, Goudar- Boblot, 1828. ------. Recherches sur la nature, les causes de la morve, et les m6yens a employer pour en diminuer les ravages, suivies d'un chapitre con- tenant de nouvelles preuves tirees de la com- paraison des details complementaire's sur les remontes. xii, 202 pp. 8°. Baris, L. Cordier [etal.], 1830. Rodet (Paul) [1854- ]. De la constipation et de son traitement par l'eau de la source salee de Vittel. Trente observations prises chez les alienes. 32 pp. 8°. Baris, 0. Doin, 1887. ------. De Faction des eaux de Vittel sur la nutrition et de leurs indications dans les mala- dies par ralentissement de la nutrition. 16 pp. 8°. Baris, O. Doin, 1889. ------ Memento d'accouchements; n'dige a l'usage des examens de sage-femme d'apres les theories de l'ecole de la Maternite. 174 pp. 16°. Boris, 1891. ------. Memento d'obstetrique; redige exclu- sivement a l'usage des candidats au 3e examen de doctorat d'apres les theories-de l'ecole de la Maternite Augmente d'un recueil de ques- tions posees par les professeurs et agreges de la Faculte. 174 pp. 16°. Baris, 1891. -----. Morphinomanie et morphinisme. Moeurs, symptomes, traitement, medecine legale. Ou- vrage couronne par l'Academie de medecine. vii, 331 pp. 12°. Pans, F. Alcan, 1897. ------. Nomenclature anatomique en quatre langues, latin (nomenclature de Bale), francais, anglais, esperanto, iv, 76 pp. 12°. Paris, Masson dc Cie., 1906. See, also. Beard (George Miller). La neurasthenie sexuelle, [etc]. 8°. Paris, 1896.—Duckworth (Sir Dyce). Traite de la goutte [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1892.— Engelmann (George Julius). La pratique des ac- couchements [etc.]. 8°. Pact's,1886.—Harley (Georges). Traite des maladies du foie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1890.— Paul (Constantin) & Rodet (Paul). Les eaux de table [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1892.—Traitement hydro- therapique, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1894. Also, Editor of: Archives generates d'hydrologie, [etc.], Paris, 1891-1908. Rodet (R.) Proprietes chimiques et physiolo- giques du vanadium applicables a la therapeu- tique d'apres les travaux de Laran et de Pecourt. 32 pp. 8°. Baris, [1899, vel subseq.]. Rodewald (Ernst). * Ueber quere Resektion des Fusses. 36 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1891. Rodewald (Ernst) [1868- ]. * Drei Falle von Bissverletzungen des Auges. [Kiel.] 18 pp. 8°. Hildesheim, A. Lax, 1896. Rodez. See Insane (Asylumsfor, Description, etc., of), by localities. Rodger (Ella Hill Burton). Aberdeen doctors at home and abroad; the narrative of a medical school, xv, 355 pp. 8°. Edinburgh dc Lon- don, W. Blackwood dc Son, 1893. Rodger (James) [ -1900]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 267. Rodgers (John R. B.) [1757- ]. Walsh (J. J.) [Biography.] N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1908, viii, 194. Rodiet (Antony). * L'alcoolisme chez l'enfant, ses causes et ses effets en pathologie mentale. 99 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 110. RODIGAST. 669 RODRIGUEZ. Rodigast (Joannes. Carolus). *Spec. inaug. quiedam de intestinis hominis exhibens. 22 pp 1 1. 4°. Harderovici, J. Moojen, 1765. [P.', v. 1931.] Rodiles (Francisco). * Breves apuntes sobre la histeria, seguidos de un apendiee sobre la locura histerica. 68 pp. 8°. Puebla, M. Co- rona, 1885. Rodin (H.) Lesplantes medicinales et usuelles des champs, jardins, forets; description et usages des plantes comestibles, suspectes, veneneuses, employees dans la medecine, dans l'industrie et dans f economie domestique. 3. 6d., revue et augmentee. Ouvrage adopte par Monsieur le Ministre de 1'Instruction Publique pour les bi- bliotheques scolaires et comme livre de prix. xx, 478 pp. 16°. Paris, J. Rothschild, 1876. Rodin (MosesK *Ueber Hvperemesis gravi- darum. 35 pp. 8°. Basel, F. Beinhardt,1907. Roding. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by localities. Rodion (Euchaire). Des divers travaux et en- fantemens des femmes. Le moyen pour sur- venir aux accidens qui peuvent eschoir devant et apres, divise en deux parties. Par Maistre . . . , et depuis tournez en nostre langue fran- covse, par M. Paul Bienassis de Poitiers. 7 p. 1.,'8-144 ff. 24°. Baris, N. Bonfons, 1586. Rodler (Karl Adam) [1877- ]. * Ein Fall von primiirem multiplem Karzinom des Magens und der Vulva. 32 pp. 8°. Erlangen. Junge dc Sohn, 1904. Rodman (James) [18-2D-1902]. Mathews i J. M.) Obituary. Louisville J. M. & S., 1901-2, viii, 381— Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 262. Rodman (John Stewart). See Rodman (William L.) & Rodman (John Stew- art). Amputations [etc.]. In: Am. Pract.Surg. [Bryant &Buck],N. Y., 1908, iv. Rodman (Lewis) [1860-90]. Porter (YV. G.) Memoir. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s.. xiv, 143-148. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Rodman (William L. ) Report on surgery. 23 pp. 16°. Louisrille, J. P. Morton dc Co., 1889. Repr.from: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1889, vn. -----. A regional studv of tumors. 28 pp. 12°. Louisville, J. P. Morton dc Co., 1890. Repr.from: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1890, ix. -----. The influence of race, sex, and age in surgical affections. In: syst. Surg. (Keen), Phila., 1908, iv, 1139-1160. -----. Diseases of the breast, with special refer- ence to cancer. 385 pp., 69 pl. 8°. Bhiladel- phia, P. Blafciston's Son dc Co., 1908. -----& Rodman (John Stewart). Amputa- tions and disarticulations. In: Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1908, iv, 263-366. Rodocanaehi (Georges). *Des icteres chro- niques simples. 143 pp. 8°. Boris, 1903, No. 508. Rodolfl (Rodolfo). *Cenni sulla cataratta arti- ficiale. 20 pp. 8°. Bavia, Fusi dc Co., 1849. [P., v. 2227.] Rodonalgia. HniilicN (C. H.) Rodonalgia phalanx or phalanges or ringer erethromelalgia, with a theory of causation. Alienist* Neurol., St. Louis, 1906, xxvii, 60-62. Rodovspomozlieniye v Rossii; sbornik dok- ladov na ix Pivogovskom syezdle. [Sostavil] G. E. Rein. [Obstetric aid in Russia; collec- tion of reports to the ninth Pirogoff Congress. Rodovspomozlieniye v Rossii, [etc.]—cont. Compiled by . . .] 1 p. 1., iii, 144 pp., 3 maps, 1 diag. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Tov. I. N. Kushnereff dc Ko., 1906. Rodrigo (Jose). SeeOuges ( Antoine-Louis). Manual de obstetricia, [etc.]. 16°. Madrid, 1837. Rodrigues (Alberto de Paula). See de Paula Rodrigues (Alberto). Rodrigues (D.-Hubert). Clinique medicale de Montpellier. Clinique; constitutions medicales et epidemiques; climat de Montpellier. viii, 422 pp. 8°. Montpellier, J. A. Dumas, 1855. Rodrigues (Raymundo Nina). &e Nina Ro- drigues (Raymundo). Rodrigues Alves (Eduardo). *Do triangulo de Grocco, sen valor semeiologico e sua semei- genesis. 79 pp., 16 pl. 4°. Bio de Janeiro, B. Braga, 1905. Rodrigues de Gusmao (Francisco Antonio). See de Gusmao (Francisco Antonio Rodrigues). Rodrigues Peixoto (J.) Novos estudos cra- niologicos sobre os Botocudos. pp. 205-256. 4°. [n. p., 1880, vel subseq.] Cutting from: Arch. d. mus. nac, v. Rodriguez (Angel J.) * Profilaxis de las afec- ciones venereo-sifiliticas en el ejercito. 34 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1891. Rodriguez (Antonio). * Breves apuntes so- bre la higiene de los tuberculosos. 58 pp. 8°. Mexico, L. Baz, 1894. Rodriguez (Enriquez) [1879- ]. * Ein Bei- trag zur Pathologie der Linse. 47 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Marburg, Koster dc Schell, 1905. Rodriguez (Felipe). *La flor del cempoalxo- chitl; algunas observaciones y experiencias so- bre su naturaleza y composition. 40 pp. 8°. Mexico, G. Horcasitas, 1884. nodvi%uex{Fmnci8colJ«stor)[183&-9S\. Necrologia. Arch, de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Ha- bana (1892-4), 1895, vi, 175-178, port. Rodriguez (Isidore) [1868- ]. *DePinci- sion du cul-de-sac posterieur et du drainage para-uterin dans les suppurations et hematomes pelviens; historique, manuel operatoire, indica- tions, resultats immediats et eloigues. 95 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 281. Rodriguez (Jose Alonso). See Alonso y Rodriguez (Jose). Rodriguez (Jose Francos). Cuestiones antro- pologicas. Higiene del cerebro, la antropo- logia jurfdica, el orden publico, una opinion de Olozaga, la mirada de los criminales, la guerra, medicina social, came rebelde. 181 pp., 1 1. 16°. Madrid, J. Buiz dc Co., 1895. Rodriguez (Juan). * Breves consideraciones sobre el cloroformo y sus indicaciones. 37 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1872. [Also, in: P., v. 2294.] odriguez (Juan Maria) [1828-94]. *Breves apuntes sobre la obstetricia en Mexico. 48 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. M. Lara, 1869. [Also, in: P., v. 2185; 2294.] ----. Una ruidosa cuestion de medicina legal. 68 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. M. Fernandez de Lara, 1872. ----. Teratologia. Estudio sobre varias mon- struosidades ectromelianas y mils particular- mente sobre Pedro Salinas, natural de Tejupilco (Estado de Mexico). Memoria leida en la So- ciedad Humboldt (sesion del dia 19 de noviem- bre de 1871). 23 pp. roy. 8°. Mexico, L Esca- lantedc Co., 1872. For Biographg, see Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico, 1908, vi, 136-150 (L. Troconis Alcala). Also: Gac. med., Mexico, 1895, xxxii, 4; 53, port* (L. Troconis Alcala). RODRIGUEZ. 670 ROE. Rodriguez (TeofiloJ.) * Estudio acerca de la higiene profilactica de las enfermedades trans- misibles. 47 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Mata, 1895. Rodriguez (Tomds Orduna). See Orduna Rodriguez (Tomas). Rodriguez A. (G.). See Israel (J.) Chirurgie [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1900. Rodriguez y Abaytiia (Nicolas) [1856- ]. Las transfusiones hipodermicas de suero arti- ficial (metodo de Cheron). 53 pp., 1 1. 8°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1S94. -----. Datos diagnosticos que se pueden deducir del interrogaterio de los gastropaticos. 43 pp. 8°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1895. -----. Las palpitaciones de origen dispeptico. 26 pp. 8°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1896. -----. La forma permanente de la gastro-suco- rrea 6 enfermedad de Reichmann. 29 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1898. -----. Tratamiento de la lilcera peptica en plena actividad por el reposo absoluto de la funcionalidad gastrica mitigado por la alimen- tation rectal. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1898. -----. Tratamiento hidrologico de las dispepsias hiperchlorhidricas. 31 pp. 8°. Madrid, N. Moya, 1901. For Biography, see Rev. m6d.-hidrol. espafi., Madrid, 1904, v, 33-36 (R. Castells). Rodriguez x*vila (Manuel) & Lopez Fer- nandez (Jose). Estudio fisico-qui'mico de las aguas medieinales de Chiclana, provincia de Cddiz, y resumen de los efectos fisiologicos y terapeuticos de dichas aguas, por el mencionado medico-director [Jose Lopez Fernandez]. 59 pp. 8°. Granada, J. Lopez Guevara, 1884. Rodriguez Canadell {Ignacio) [1864- 1903]. Nogiles (F. de A.) [Biography.] Gac. san. de Bar- cel., 1903, xv, 137-140. Rodriguez y Fernandez (Ildefonso). Com- pendio de historia critica de la medicina e in- troduction & la misma edad primera 6 de prepa- ration cientifica. 2 v. 1 p. 1., 556 pp., 3 1.; 651 pp., 11. 8°. Madrid, Bomo y Fussel, 1894-5. -----. The same. 2. ed., ampliada y correjida. v. 1. 726 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. Bomo, 1906. -----. Prehistoria. Ensayo de metodizacion. 712 pp., 18 pl., 1 ch. 8°. Madrid, A. Bomo, 1906. Rodriguez Guerrero (Jose) [ 1906]. G. (C.) [Biography.] Juventud med., Guatemala, 1906, viii, 1. Rodriguez Mendez (Rafael) [1845- ]. See Bassols y Prim (Agustin). Climaterapia es- pafiola [etc.]. 8°. Barcelona, 1888.— (Jatedra de hi- giene publica, [etc.]. 8°. Bart-dona, 1884.—Cod ilia y«Castellvi (J.) Demostracion clinica, [etc.]. 8°. Barcelona, 1895.—Elleaume (Alfred Henry). Tratado elemental, [etc.]. 8°. Granada. 1877.—Cii I (R. Martin). El arte de embalsamar, [etc]i 8°. Malaga, 1894. For Biography, see Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Mexico, 1899, iv, 704-710, port. (F. Fontanalis). Also: Lni6n med., Lerida, 1899, iii, 102-106, port. Rodriguez Rivera (Ramon). *Profilaxia de las enfermedades hereditarias. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mexico, Escalerillas, 1875. [Also, in: P., v. 2179.] Rodriguez y Rodriguez (Ambrosio). Con- tribucion al estudio de la higiene de los traba- jadores y enfermedades de los jornaleros. 442 pp., 14 pl. 8°. Gijon, [1902]. -----. Sociedades cientificas. Algunas sesiones literarias y artfculos de . . . publicados en el Siglo medico. 97 pp. 8°. Madrid, E. T. dc A. Amparo, 1907. Rodriguez Sanchez {Rem igio) [ 1904]. Castells (R.) [Biography.] Rev. med.-hidrol. es- pafi., Madrid, 1904, v, 133. Rodriguez-Soli* (E.) Historia de la prosti- tution en *Espana y America. 2. ed. 2 v. 406 pp.; 310 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Madrid, De Fernando Caoy Domingo de Vol., [1890, vel subseq.]. Rodriguez de la Torre (YV.) El enineo f la locura. xviii, 223 pp., 33 pl. 8°. Buenos Aires, . [M. Biedma, 1887, vel subseq.] Rodriguez de Tudela (Alonso). See Albucasis. Servidor, [etc.]. sm.4°. \ Valladolid. 1516.] von Rodt (Walther E.) *Musik und Narkose. 40 pp. 8°. Bern, Stiimpfli dc Co., 1903. Rod we II (George Farrer). On some effects produced by a fluid in motion. 19 pp. 8°. London, 1867. Repr.from: Phil. Mag., Lond., 1867. de Rodzaevska-Storojeff (Mme.) *Du reflexe rotulien, du clonus du pied et du syn- drome du clonus du pied avec reflexe rotulien normal, affaible ou aboli. [Geneve.] 359 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901. Rodzayevski (D[omentiy] K.) [ -1894]. Homeopatiya kak mediko-filosofskaya sistema v yeya proshlom i v nastoyashtshem; kritiko- istoricheskiy ocherk. [Homoeopathy as a med- ico-philosophical system in its past and present; critico-historical sketch.] 271, xiv pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiyev, V. L Zaradzki, 1891. -----. Spetsificheskiy iii pryamol sposob dle- fstviya liekarstv. [Specific or direct method of action of drugs.] 21pp. 8°. Kharkov, A. Darre, 1893. Repr.from: Zan. Imp. Kharkov. Univ., 1893. See, also, Kovalevski (P.I.) j Professor Dometiy Konstantinovich Rodzayevski. (Necrology. ] Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. 189.">, xx, 19.—Popoff (M. A.) Pro- fessor Dometiy Konstantinovich Rodzayevski l yevo literaturnaya dieyatelnost. [. . . and his literary work.] Sovrem. klin., Kharkov, 1895, iii, no. 3, 1-28. Rodzevieh (Anton Iosifovich) [1858- ]. *0 vliyanii chastichnavo udalleniya epiteliya bronkhov na lyokhochnuyu tkan; eksperimen- talnoye izslledovaniye. [On the influence of partial removal of bronchial epithelium upon lung tissue; experimental investigation.] 38 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, M. Stasi/ule- rich, 1895. Rodzevieh (H[enr. -Boleslav] I[osifovich]) [1849- ]. Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel rabot o kamennol bollezni i sposobakh yeya lleche- niya v Rossii. [Bibliographical index of works on lithiasis, and methods of its treatment in Russia.] 74 pp. 8°. Moskra, E. Lissner dc Yu. Boman, 1890. Rodzevieh (P[avel-Emmanuil] K[onstanti- novich]) -[1867- ]. *0 vliyanii rastvori- mavo metallicheskavo serebra (argenti colloida- lis Crede) na krov; eksperimentalnoye izslie- dovaniye. [Influence of ... on the blood; experimental investigation.] 124 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. Y. Milshtein, 1904. Roe (Alfreds.). See Massachusetts year book and city and town register, 1898-9. 8°. * Worcester, 1898. Roe (John O.) The relation of membranous croup to diphtheria. 20 pp. 8°. Buffalo, Haas, Nauert dc Klein,, 1880. a. l. a. Repr.from: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1879-80, xix. -----. Fracture of the larynx. 7 pp. 8°. [New York, 1881.] A. L. A. Repr.from: Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1881, ii. -----. The comparative value of atomized fluids in the treatment of diseases of the larynx. 4 ROE. 671 ROEDERER. Roe (John 0.)—continued. pp. 8°. [New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1882.] A. L. A. Repr.from: Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882, iii. -----. Laryngeal whistling. 3 pp. 8°. [New York, 1882.] A. l. a. Repr.from: Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1882, iii. —----. Discussion on "the utility or non-utility of local applications in chronic catarrhal laryn- gitis". 5 pp. 8°. [New York, 1883.] a. l.' a. Repr.from: Arch. Laryngol., N. Y., 1883, iv. -----. The pathology and radical cure of hay fever, or hay asthma. 21 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1883. a. l. a. -----. Retro-pharyngeal abscess. 23 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton d- Co., 1884. a. l. a. Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1884, xl. -----. Bronchiectasis. 11 pp. 8°. Buffalo, 1885. a. l. a. Repr. from: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1885-6, xxv. -----. The frequent dependence of persistent and so-called congestive headaches upon ab- normal conditions of the nasal passages. 17 pp. 12°. New York, Trow1 s Printing dc Bookbinding Co., 1888. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv. ■-----. The treatment of diseased tonsils when unattended with hypertrophy. 11 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1889. .Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1889, 1. -----. Stricture of the oesophagus from inter- stitial thickening of its walls, a fibroid hyper- trophy. 10 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, D. Apple- ton dc Co., 1891. .Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1891. liii. -----. The aseptic method as applied to intra- nasal surgerv. 10 pp. 12°. New York, 1891. Repr. from: "Med. Xews, X. Y., 1891, lviii. -----. .(Etiology of deviations, spurs, and ridges of the nasal s;eptum. 18 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1896. Repr. from: X. York M. J., 18%, lxiv. -----. The correction of nasal deformities by subcutaneous operations. 31 pp. 8°. New York, 1899. Repr. from: Am. M. Quart., X. Y., 1899, i. [Roe (Richard)] [pseud.]. Concubitus sine lucina, of het vermaek zonder smerte. Ant- woord op den brief, getyteld: Lucina sine con- cubitu. Uit het Fransch vertaald. 46 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, J. de Leeuw dc J. Dekkers, 1778. Written in reply to "Lucina sine concubitu'", by Abraham Johnson [pseud.]. Rober (Eugen [Franz]) [1867- ]. * Bei- trage zur Theorie der Losungen. 56 pp., 1 1- 12°.' Berlin, G. Schade, 1892. Roebroeek (Matheus Hubertus Maria). *Het ganglion supremum colli nervi svmpathici. 3 p. 1., 106 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Utrecht, J. van Boek- hoven, 1895. Roebuck Bay. Peggs (Ada J.) Xotes on the aborigines of Roebuck Bav, Western Australia. Folk-Lors, Lond., 1903, xiv, 326 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., 1881. ------. Ueber die untere Temperaturgrenze bei welcher niedere Thiere noch existieren konnen. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Friedldnder dc Sohn, 1886. Repr. from: Samml. naturw. Vortr., Berl., 1886. Roder. Wie kuriere ich meinen kranken Ma- gen? Rathschlage und Abhilfe fiir Magenlei- dende. iv, 137 pp. 12°. Erfurt, F. Bartholo- maus, [1901, vel subseq.]. Roeder {Friedrieh Carl Theodor) [1819- 95]. Limprieht (K. G.) Nekrolog. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1895, Bresl., 1896, lxxiii, Nekrol., 14. Roder (Gustav Wilhelm Oskar). Die Wirkung des Tuberkulins und sein Werth als Erken- nungsmittel der Tuberkulose unserer Haus- thiere. 23 pp. 8°. Dresden, G. Schbnfeld, 1901. -----. Chirurgische Operationstechnik fiir Tier- arzte und Studierende. vi, 154 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, B. Barey, 1904. Roeder (Hanns). See Neter (Eugen) & Roeder (Hanns). Ueber die Hautkrankheiten [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Roeder(HansOtto) [1870- ]. *Dieneueren Operationen am Processus mastoideus nach Otitis media purulenta mit Beriicksichtigung des otitischen Hirnabscesses. 68 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1897. Roeder (Joannes Jacobus). *De paracentesi abdominis evacuantibus internis in ascite an- teferenda et de eandem recte instituendi methodo. 32 pp. 16°. Erfordise, L C. Goer- ling, 1799. Roder (Julius). Medicinische Statistik der Stadt Wurzburg fiir das Jahr 1889 (mit Ein- schluss des Jahres 1888). 64 pp., 5 tab. & 2 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Forms No. 7, v. 25, of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesell- sch. zu Wiirzb. -----. The same. Fiir das Jahr 1891 mit Ein- schluss des Jahres 1890. 56 pp., 1 tab., 1 map. 8°. Wurzburg, 1893. Forms No. 1, v. 27, of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesell- sch. zu Wiirzb. -----. The same. Fur die Jahre 1884, 1895, 1896 und 1897. 71 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Wurzburg, 1898. Forms No. 4, v. 32, of: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesell- sch. zu Wiirzb. Roeder (Michaelis) [1824- ]. *De sterili- tatis causis utriusque sexus. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, typ. frat. Schlesinger, [1850]. Roder (Philipp). Neue Arzneimittel, ihre In- dikationen und Dosierung. 581pp. 8°. Wien, Jahodadc Siet/el, [1906]. Roederer (Carle). *La radiotherapie dans les tuberculoses ganglionnaires, articulaires et osseuses. 168 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 106. Roederer (Johannes Michael) [1740- J. Experimenta circa naturam bilis. 1767. In- Wittwer (P. L.) Delect, diss. med. argent. 8°. Norimb., 1777, i, 293-368. [Roederer (Pierre-Louis), le comte.] Des modes accidentels de nos perceptions ou exa- men sommaire des modifications que des cir- ROEDERER. 672 ROMER. [Roederer (Pierre-Louis), le comte]—cont'd. Constances particulieres apportent a l'exercice de nos facultes et a la perception des objets ex- terieurs. 64 pp. 12°. Baris, Delaunay, 1815. Rocdiger (Karl) [1876- ]. * Weitere Beitriige zur Statistik des Zungencarcinoms. [Heidelberg.] 36 pp., 11. 8°. Tubingen, H Lauppjr., 1901. Roe 11 (Guilielmus). * De ventriculi fabrica, et actione musculari. 22 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud J. vander Linden, [1725]. [P., v. 1922.] Roerkohl (Josef). *Die verschiedenen Me- thoden der Anlegung von Magenfisteln bei Oesophaguscarcinom. 31 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1896. Roeger (Hermann). * Sarcom der Nase mit hyaliner und amyloider Degeneration. [Tu- bingen.] 8 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Budolstadt, F. Mitzlaff, 1898. Roegglen (Hugo) [1865- ]. * Ueber De- rivate des Benzyl-o-amidobenzylanilins. [Er- langen.] 43 pp. 8°. Hannover, H. Holtje, 1894. Roegner (Gertrud) [1873- ]. *Ein En- terokystom des Mesenteriums und Netzes; Beitrag zur Kenntnis der cystischen Abdominal- tumoren. pp. 521-545. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1905. Cutting [with printed title] from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1905, clxxxi. Roher (Hans) [1879- ]. * Paralysis agitans und Trauma im Lichte der Unfallheilkunde. 37 pp. 8°. Bostock, C. Hinstorff, 1906. Roehl (Wilhelm) [1881- ]. * Ueber die Ausnutzung stickstoffhaltiger Nahrungsmittel bei Storungen der Verdauung. [Heidelberg.] 35 pp. 8°. Naumburg a. S., Lippert dc Co., 1905. Rohling (Alfred Eilhard) [1874- ]. * Mor- phologische und physiologische Untersuchun- gen iiber einige Rassen des Saccharomyces api- culatus. 58 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacobs, 1905. Rohmann (F[ranz]) [1856- ]. Anleitung zum chemischen Arbeiten fiir Mediciner. 2. Aufl. viii, 98 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1904. Roehrieh (Aug. W.) *Du traitement par le lit chez les alienes. [Geneve.] 82 pp. .8°. Baris, 1898. Roehrieh (E.) *Le code d'Hammourabi et la legislation de l'hexateuque; etude historique. 94 pp., 1 1. 8°. Geneve, 1906. Roleke (Curt) [1873- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Salze der Chromidcyanwasser- stoffsiiure. 55 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Feister, 1896. Roelfsema (W. J.) Het openbaar slachthuis der gemeente Groningen. 66 pp., 1 1., 1 plan. 8°. Groninegen, B. Noordhoff, 1900. Roeloff§ (John Theodor Rudolf). * Ueber Methylviolette als Antiseptica in der chirurgi- schen Praxis. [Wurtzburg.] 28 pp. 8°. [Leip- zig, [Badelli ii- Hille, 1890.] -----. A new automatic retractor. 3 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1895. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1895. Rohnier (Alfred) [1880- ]. * Zur Kenntnis des Triketopentans und seiner Derivate. Syn- these des Phenvlmethvltriketons. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, A. W Schade, 1902. Rohnier (Wilhelm [Andreas Max Conrad Louis Theodor]) [1878- ]. Latente Magenkrebse. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1902. Rohr (Hans) [1870- ]. * Ein Fall von Car- cinoma frontis cutaneum; dessen Heilung durch Exstirpation und Transplantation auf den Kno- chen. 28 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1K<>3. Rohrecke (B.). See ITIUllabiu.hr und Miillbeseitigung [etc 1 8° Berlin, 1901. Rohrer (Hans) [1879- ]. * Paralysis agi- tans und Trauma im Lichte der Unfallheilkunde. 37 pp. 8°. Bostock, C. Hinstorff, 1906. Roehrig (Arnim). De l'indication des eaux sa- lees bromurees et iodurees de Kreuznaeh (Prusse Rhenane) dans les maladies des femmes. Trad, de l'alleinand (Berliner klinische Wo- chenschrift) par Henri Martin. 27 pp. 8°. [Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus], 1878. Roehrig (Clemens) [1871- ]. * Ein Fall von Amoeben-Enteritis. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1896. Roehring (George). * Contribution a l'etude de la statistique criminelle dans la Confedera- tion suisse. De la mortalite par homicide de 1892 a, 1896. 32 pp. fol. Berne, Stiimpili dc Cie., 1899. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statist., Bern, 1H99. Roll is (Bernard) [1865- ]. * Ueber die Ex- stirpation des Thriinensacks. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, C. Bockel, 1890. Roelants (Jacobus Marius Albertus). *De na- tura humana, gravidarum saluti prospiciente. 3 p. 1., 90 pp., 11. 8°. Bugd. Bat., L. Her- dinghdcfil, 1825. [P., v. 2076.] Roelants {Joachim) [1520-58]. Van Doorslaer (G.) [Biography.] J. m6d.de Brux., 1905, xi, 92. Roelants (Jos.) & Peeters (Jos.) Praktis-he handleiding voor pensioenkassen en ziekengil- den. 94 pp., 11. 8°. Turnout, Jacobs-Broeseus, [1903]. Roelen (Friedrieh [Peter Ludwig]) [1873- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der Deformitaten des Unter- schenkels nach in friiher Jugend erlittener Fractur. Beobachtung eines Falles bei welchem eine solche Deformitat operativ beseitigt wurde, und bei welchem angeboren sich nebenbei halbseitige Makroglossie und abnorme Haut- pigmentation vorfanden. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1895. Roell (C. C.) Wetten te leven. 31 pp. 8°. Dordrecht, P. K. Braat, 1856. Rollmann (Paul) [1880- ]. *Ein Fall von osteoplastischem Magenkrebs. 32 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1904. Roe lvi nk (Anne Joannes). *De renunciatione lethalitatis vulnerum ad certum dierum nume- rum non adstringenda. 1 p. 1., 22 pp., 31. 8°. Groningie, J. Bomelingh, [1811]. [P., v. 2071.] Roemele (E[ugene] C.) Ecthol, local and in- ternal. 15 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1903. Roiner. Welchem Arzte soil ich mich anver- trauen? Eine Beantwortung dieser Frage fiir diejenigen, welche eine Wasserkur gebrauchen wollen. iv, 30pp. 16°. Leipzig, 0. Wigand,1847. Roiner (Arthur) [1876- ]. * Ueber Carci- nom auf luetischem Boden. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1903. Romer (A [ugust]) [1856- ]. * Psychiatrie und Seelsorge. Ein Wegweiser zur Erkennung und Beseitigung der Nervenschiiden unserer Zeit. viii, 343 pp. 8°. Berlin, Beulher dc Bei- chard, 1899. -----. Wie befrei ich mich von Stuhlverstop- fung und Hamorrhoidalleiden? iv, 120 pp. 12°. Erfurt, F. Bartholomdus, [1901, vel subseq. ]. ROMER. 673 ROEMER. Roiner (A[ugust])—continued. -----. Die Kunst des Krankenbesuchens. 56 pp. 8°. Berlin, Beuther dc Bei chard, 1902. .-----. The same. 2. Aufl. 70 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, Beuther d- Beichard, 1904. -----. Was schulden wir dem Alter? Rat- schliige und Mahnungen eines praktischen Arztes. 94 pp. 8°. Berlin, Beuther d- Beichard, 1905. Roemer (B[ernard]). Tetanus and tetanoid affections, with cases. 1 p. 1., 96 pp. 8°. St. Louis, B. F. Hobart dc Co., 1878. [P., v. 2262.] Roiner (C.) Ausftirhliche historische Darstel- lung einer hochst merkwiirdigen Somnambuie, nebst dem Versuche einer philosophischen Wurdigung des Magnetismus. Mit drey Abbil- dungen der von der Somnambuie in ihrem magnetischen Schlafe angegebenen Magnetisir- Maschine und deren Abiinderung beym Ge- brauche fiir verschiedene Krankheiten. 229 pp., 2pl. 8°. Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler, 1S21. Romer (Carl). *Zur Behandlung der chro- nischen Herzkrankheiten. 42 pp. 8°. Tubin- gen, H. Laupp,jr., 1891. Roemer (Ernst). *Beitrag zur Bestimmung znsammengesetzter Reactionszeiten. [Heidel- berg.] 4Spp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1890. Roemer (Ferdinand). Ueber die iilteren For- men des organisehen Lebens auf der Erde. 36 pp. S°. Berlin, 1S69. Forms Hft. 92 of: Samml. gemeinverstiindl. wissensch. Vortr., Berl. Romer (Ferdinand). The bone caves of Ojow, in Poland. Transl. by John Edward Lee. viii (2 1.), 41 pp., 12 ]., 13 pl., 1 map. 4°. London, Longman-!, Green dc Co., 188-1. Romer (Fritz). * Ueber den Bau und die Ent- wickelung des Panzers der Gurteltiere. 48 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Bischer, 1892. Romer (Fritz) [1881- ]. *Ueber die Spal- tung der Oxazole und Imidazole. Reduktion von Benzildioxim. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1906. Romer (Hans) [1878- ]. * Ueber die histo- logischen Initialveriinderungen bei Lungen- phthise und ihre Verwertung fiir die Theorie des Infektionsweges. 40 pp. 8°. Tubingen, G. Schnurlen, 1904. [Romer (Joannes Jacobus)] [1761-1819]. See Allionl (Carlo). Abhandlung vom Ursprung, [etc.]. 12°. Winterthur, 1794.—Delectus opusculorum [■■te.]. v.l. 8°. Turici & Lipsise,1791.—Dissertation um medicarum italicarum [etc.]. 8°. Norimbergse, 1797.— Haller (Albrecht). Tagebuch der medicinischen Lit- teratur [etc.]. 16°. Bern, 1789-91. von Romer (L. S. A. M.) Ongekend leed. De physiologische ontwikkeling der geslachteu in verband met de homosexualiteit. viii, 77 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, G. B. Tierie, 1904. -----. Het uranisch gezin; wetenschappelijk onderzoek en conclusion over homosexualiteit. Apologie vor het wissenschaftlich-humanitiire Komittee in Charlottenburg en den schrijver. Naar aanleiding van: Tegen het onnadenkend steunen van een ergerlijke en gevaarlijke pro- paganda, een waarschuwend woord van W. F. Rochussen. 125 pp., 10ch., 3 tab. 8°. Amster- dam, G. B. Tierie, 1905. ■-----. Die uranische Familie. Untersuchun- gen fiber die Ascendenz der Uranier. 1 p. 1., 106 pp., 1 1., 21 tab. 8°. Leipzig dc Amsterdam, Maas dc Van Suchtelen, 1906. Forms 1. Hft. of: Beitr. z. Erkenntn. d. Uranismus. Roemer (N.) Die Zuckerkrankheit, ihr We- sen, ihr Verlauf und ihre Behandlung; gemein- vol xiv, 2d series---43 Roemer (N.) — continued. verstiindlich dargestellt. 68 pp. 8°. Berlin, Deutsch. Ver!., [1905]. Romer (Oskar). Zahnhistologische Studie. 1. Th. Die Kolliker'schen Zahnbeinrohrchen und Tomes'schen Fasern. 2. Th. Nerven im Zahnbein. 50 pp., 8 1., 8 pl. 4°. Freiburg i. B., F. E. Fehsenfeld, 1S99. -----. Die Bedeutung der Zahnpflege fiir das Wohlbeflnden des ganzen Menschen, in allge- mein verstandlicher Darstellung. 2. Aufl. 10 pp. 8°. Freiburg (Baden), F. E. Fehsenfeld, 1900. See, also, Soli latter (C.) & Kouier. Verletzungen [etc.]. In: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. . . . Bergmann [et al.]. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1903, i, 686-783. Romer (Paul) [1873- ]. * Zur Anthropologie des Beckens. 39 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1896. -----. Die Durchblutung der Hornhaut. 38 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1899. Forms 8. Hft., v. 2, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh. -----. Ueber Lidgangriin. 18 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1899. Forms part of 4. Hft., v. 3, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh. -----. Die Bedeutung der Bakteriologie in der Pathologie des Auges. pp. 33-55. 8°. Wurz- burg, C. Kabitzsch, 1901. Forms 2. Hft., v. 2, of: Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamt- geb. d. prakt. Med. ---—. * Verkalkung der Retina bei chronischer Nephritis, zugleich ein Beitrag zur patholo- gischen Anatomie des Glaukoms und der Reti- nitis proliferans. [Habilitationsschrift.] [Wurtz- burg.] 24 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann, 1901. Repr.from: Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1901, Iii, 3. Hft. Romer (Paul Heinrich) [1876- ]. *Beitriige zur Auffassung des Faserverlaufs im Gehirn, auf Grund des Studiums von Kindergehirnen. 54 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. Marburg, B. Friederich, 1900. -----. * Ueber Tuberkelbacillenstamme ver- schiedener Herkunft. Habilitationsschrift zur Erlangung der Venia docendi in der Hygiene. 110 pp., 3 tab., 7 ch. 8°. Marburg, K. Gleiser, 1903. -----. I. Tuberkelbacillenstamme. II. Woh- nungsdesinfektion durch Formaldehyd. III. Trinkwasserversorgung. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 1903. Forms 6. Hft. of: Beitr. z. exper. Therap. -----. Die Ehrlichsche Seitenkettentheorie und ihre Bedeutung fiir die medizinischen Wissen- schaften. Mit einem Vorwort von Paul Ehrlich. viii, 455 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1904. See.also, von Bell ring (Emil Adolf), Roiner (Paul) & Kuppel. Tuberculose [etc.]. 8°. Marburg, 1902. Romer (Petrus Casparus). *De proprietatibus corporis et animiqme a parentibus in sobolem propagantur. 1 p. 1., 57 pp. 8°. Groningse, F. Wilkens, [1847]. Ronier (R.) De ontsteking van den blinden darm. 38 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1903. Forms no. 9 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1903, x. Roemer (Richard) [1880- ]. * Ueber zwei Falle von spontaner Querruptur der Aorta bei Aorteninsufficienz. 27 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1906. Roemer (Theodor) [1873- ]. * Ueber die Wendungsoperation nach der Statistik der Bonner Frauenklinik. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1902. ROMERBAD. 674 RONTGEN. Romerbad. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Roemert (Georg) [1868- ]. * Klinische Beitrage zur Wiirdigung des Trional. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1894. Romheld (Ludwig). * Beitrage zur Statistik der Knochenbriiche und Verrenkungen. 36 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Giessen, C. von Miinchow, 1893. c. Roemheld (Ludwig). * Ueber Ursachen und Behandlung der habituellen Friih- und Fehl- ^elmrten. [Heidelberg.] 47 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Mainz, II. Brickarts, 1895. -----. Ueber eine besondere Indication zur therapeutischen Anwendung des Tannalbin. 2 1. 8°. [Munchen, 1897.] Repr.from: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv. -----. Allgemeine Yerhaltungsmassregeln bei den einzelnen Krankheiten der Kinder. Die hy- gienisch-diiitetischen Verordnungen der Heidel- berger Kinderklinik zum Gebrauch fiir Aerzte. vi, 51 1. 16°. Heidelberg, 0. Betters, 1898. Roiiihild (Otto Julius Joh.) *De cura magis- tratus circa res puerperii. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Gattingic, typ. J. A. Barmeieri, [1786]. Roiniich (Wolfgang). * Ueber Favus und Favusbehandlung. 35 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., H. Epstein, 1891. -----. Die Wirkung des Hochgebirgs-Klimas auf den Organismus des Menschen. 37 pp. 12°. Essen, 0. Badke's Nachf., 1901. -----. Wie schiitzen wir uns vor Wieder- erkrankung an Lungentuberkulose? Vortrag zum Besten unbemittelter Lungenkranker. 45 pp. 8°. Essen, Thaden dc Schmemann, 1902. ------. Der Einfluss des Geistes auf den Korper zur Heilung von Krankheiten, besonders der Lungentuberkulose. 48 pp. 12°. Davos, H. Erfurt, 1906. Roiitgen (Wilhelm Conrad) [1845- ]. See BSntgen rays. 8°. New York & London, 1899. For Biography, see Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 1. Also: Rev. internat. d'eiectrother., Par., 1895-6, vi, 195. Rontgen rays. See, also, Radium; RSntg-en rays (Accidents, etc., from use of); Rbntg-en rays (Apparatus, etc., for); Rontgen rays (Biologic effects of); ROntgen rays (Diagnosis by); Rontgen rays (Diagnosis by, Fallacies of'); Rontgen rays (In- fluence of) on genital system; Rontgen rays (Ju- risprudence of); Rbntgen rays (Manuals, etc., of); Rontgen rays (Measurements of); Roent- gen rays (Methods in application of); Roentgen rays (Microbicide power of); Rontgen rays (Be- riodicals, etc., relating to); Rontgen rays (Bho- tography by); Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use of) [and subdivisions]. Rontgen rays, memoirs by Rontgen, Stokes and J. J. Thomson. Transl. and edited by George F. Barker. 8°. New York, Cincinnati dc Chicago, 1898. Rosenthal ( J.) Ueber Rontgenstrahlen. 12°. Miinchen, 1897. Repr. from: Beilage z. allg. Ztg., Sept. 30, 1897. Simon (S.) * Ueber das Verhaltnis von elek- trischer Ladung und Masse der Kathodenstrah- len. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Stokes (G. G.) On the nature of the Ront- gen rays. (The Wilde lecture.) 8°. Man- chester, 1897. Thornton (A.) The X-rays. 12°. Brad- ford, 1896. Trowbridge (J.) What are the X-rays? Cutting from: Century, N. Y., 1898. Voille (H.-J.) * Utilisation des sources d'energie et appareils de la telegraphie sans fil Rontgen rays. a la production des rayons X a bord des navires de guerre. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896. van Wasserberghe (A.) X-stralen. 8°. Antwerpen, [1902]. Adam (G.) A theory in reference to the origin and character of X-rays. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1898, xli 138-140.—Alexander (B.) A Rontgen-fele sugarakkai eMrheto eredmenyek. [The results attainable by the Rontgen rays.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1902, xlvi, 788.— d'Arsonval (A.) Observations au sujet de la photo- graphie a travers les corps opaques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 500.— Baelz (E.) Die Bedeutung der Rontgoskopie fiir die Anthropologic. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. L Anthrop., 1901, 216.—Barszrzcwskt (C.) Stanobecnyrentgenologii. [Present state of Roentgenol- ogy.] Medycyna, Warszawa,1900,xx viii,H)5-M)JS —liii it o- relli. Esperienze sulla luce K on tgen. Settimanamed.d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1896,1. <;7-f.3,02:;.—Borginan( J.-J.) & Gerelnm (A.-L.) Action des rayons de M. Rontgen sur les charges electrostatiques et la distance explosive. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par.. ls%, cxxii, 378— Bo- sanyi (B.) A Rontgen- buvarkndas jelen allasa. [The present position of the Rontgen investigation.! Gy6gyas- zat, Budapest, 189s, xxxviii, 332-330.—Bo»*alino (D.) Sulla visibilita dei raggi X. Ann. di ottal.. Pavia, 1906, xxxv, 254-271. Also: Clin, mod., Firenze, 1906, xii, 204. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1906r7, xlvi, 68-72. -----. Ancora una parola sulla visibilita dei raggi X. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1907, xxxvi, 364-366. Also: Boll. d. Osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma, 190\ vi, 73- 76.— Bottomley (J. T.) On Rontgen's rays. Nature, Lond., 1895-6, liii, 268.—Boucliacourt (L.) & Be- RONTGEN. 675 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays. inond (A.) Recherches experimentales sur la transfor- mation de l'energie electrique en rayons de Rontgen. Ann d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1900,iii,334: 1901, iv, 223.- de Bourgade la Bard ye <& Fredet (P.) Applica- tion de la radiographic a letude de l'angeiologie. Cong. internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'anat,, 100-1 os.— Bowles (R. L.) Roentgen rays and reflected solar light. Brit M J., Lond., 1896, i, 621.—Bragg (W. H.) La na- ture des rayons y et rayons X. Radium, Par., 1908, v, 213—Broca (.A.) La photographie de l'in\ isiblc. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1896, xliii, 112-114.—Broers (J.) Algemeene working der X stralen. Med. Rev., Haarlem, 1908 viii, 378-386. —Brown (P.) The relation of the Rontgenologist to the medical community. Providence M J., 1907, viii, 117-121.—Bruiinor (M.) Onajnowszych postepach na polu Rentgenografii i Rentgenoskopii. [On the latest progress in the field of Roentgenography and Roentgenoscopv.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii, 740- 772; 802.—Buguet (A.) Sur la direction des rayons X. ' Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 608.— Buguet (A.) & Gaseard (A.) Sur Taction des rayons Xsurlediamant. Ibid.Ab7.—Buka. Rontgenstrahlen von hoher Intensitat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 733.—Bumstead (II. A.) The heat- ing effects produced by Rontgen rays in different metals, and their relation to the question of changes in the atom. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1903, 4. s., xvi, 1-24. -----. The heating effects produced by Rontgen rays in different metals and their relation to the question of changes in theatom. Ibid., 1906,4.s.,xxi, 1-24.-----. Ontheheating effects produced bv Rontgen rays in lead and zinc. Ibid., 1908, 4. s., xxv, 299^304 — Burcli (O. J.) Rontgen photo- graphs of tissue. Proc. Phvsiol. Soc, Lond., 1896, p. L— Burdick (G. G.) Phvsics of the X-rav. Wisconsin M. Recorder, Janesville, 1903, vi, 176; 214; 246; 287; 333; 363.— Burns (E. E.) The story of Professor Rontgen's dis- covery. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 554-556 — Burry (J.) A preliminary report on the Roentgen or X-ravs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 402-404.— Buschke [A.] Demonstration von Praparaten, be- treffend die Wirgungsweise der Rontgenstrahlen. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1905), 1906, xxxvi, 23.— Calniette (L.) &Lihuillier (G.-T.) Sur la diffraction des rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 877.—de la Camp. Leber Versuche mittels der senkrechten Rontgenstrahlprojektion auf dem Fluo- reszenzschirm. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii. Ver.-BeiL, 289.—Campanile (F.) & Stromei (E.) Cna scintilla ed i raggi X- N. cimen- to, Pisa, 1896, 4. s., iv, 5-17.—Chabaud (V.) Trans- parence des mStaux pour les rayons X. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1896, cxxii, 237. -----. Sur quelques echantillons 'le verre soumis a l'action des rayons X. Ibid., 6 io —< happuis (.(.) & Nugues (E.) Une con- dition de maximum de puissance des tubes de Crookes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par.. 1.vj6, cxxii, 810-812.— Clendinnen (F.J.) The chemical effects of the X- rays. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1905, x, 481^83. Also [Abstr.]: Australas., M. Cong. Tr. 1905, Adelaide, 1907, vii, 95.—Colin (M.) Ueber den Wert plastisch wirkender Rontgenbilder. Deutsche med. Wchnsch., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 1122.—Cole (L. G.) Experimental research concerning direct, indirect, and secondary skiagraphic rays. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1904-5, ix, 275-287, 2 pl. -----. Further experi- mental research concerning direct, indirect, and secon- darv ravs. Am. Q. Roentgenol., Pittsburg, 1906-7, l, no. 4, 32-43 "l pl. Also: Arch. Physiol. Therap., Bost., 1906, iv, 263-269.—Colson (R.) Role des differentes formes de l'energie dans la photographie au travers de corps opaques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 598_600.—Comas L.laberia (C.) Los rayos X en la Facultad de medicina de Barcelona; sesi6n experimen- tal. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1896, ix, 19o-203.— Comas L-laberia (C.) & Pri6 (A.) Algunos pro- gresos de la Rontgenologia. Bol. med., Lenda, 1905, iv, 557; 573.—Corson (E. R.) The value of the X-ray in the study and demonstration of normal anatomy. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat. 1900, Wash., 1901, xiv, 43-46.—Costa (J.- R.) La pratique de la radiographic et de la radiotherapie en Allemagne let Angleterrel. Arch, d'electric med., Bor- deaux, 1905, xiii, 137; 189; 230; 268. -----. Los rayos X en Europa; impresionesde viaje (enero 1905). Rev Soc med. argent, Buenos Aires, 1905, xiii, 38-59.-Cowl (\\ .) Zur Intensitatsfrage. Verhandl.d. deutsch.Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 40-45.-Crzellitzer (A.) Zur Sichtbar- keit der Rontgenstrahlen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Ront- genstrahlen, Hamb., 1901-2, v, 245-252 Also [Abstr]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 309-311. . Leber neue Versuche zur Frage der Sichtbarkeit der Rontgenstrahlen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Ge- sellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 91-93.—B. Les rayons de Roent- gen. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1896, x, 118- 120 —Bariex & de Koclias. Sur la cause de 1 mvisi- bilite des rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 458 —Bavidsohn (F ) Die Entsteh- ung der Rontgenrohre. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., Rontgen rays. 1906, x, 166.—Be Falco (A.) Nuova teoria dell' onibra nella sehiaseopia. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1898, xlvi, 599-618.—Be Heen. Experience montrant que les rayons X emanent de l'anode. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 383.—Bessauer (F.) Zur Theorie des Rontgenapparates. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1900-1901, iv, 221-231.—Bestot. Radiographics anatomiques. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. se. C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, xxvi, pt. 2, 733.—Bolbear (C. E.) A demonstration of the Roentgen rays. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass., Chicago, 1896,192-195.—Bolley (C.S.) & Egbert (S.) Roentgen ravs present in sunlight. Sci- ence, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 357—Bou- mer(E.) Suldannodelleradiazionirontgeniche. Gior. di elett. med., Napoli, 1906, vii, 61-63.—Bueretet (E.) & liejeune (L.) Notice sur les tubes de Crookes (ma- tiere radiante); les rayons cathodiques de Lenard et les rayons X du professeur Rontgen. Rev. internat. d'eiec- trother., Par., 1895-6, vi, 197-205.—Dnlour (H.) Sur quelques proprietes des rayons Xde M. Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 460.—Butto (U.) Photographies du systeme arteriel obtenues avec les rayons de Rontgen. [Transl.from: R. Accad. d. Lincei, 1896, 5. s., v.] Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1896, xxv, 320.— ■experiences de M. Couttolenc sur les rayons X. Bull. Soc. mod. de Reims, 1896, n. s., ii, 94-96.— F. Decouverte du professeur Roentgen; photographie a travers les corps opaques; les rayons cathodiques et les radiations Roentgen. Echo med. de Lyon, 1896, i, 1-3.— Fabre. De la radiographic metrique. Lyonmed., 1899, xci, 395-405.—Faulhaber. Die Ein wirkung des rothen Lichtes auf Rontgenplatten. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1902, vi, 91-93. -----. Ueber eine durch Sckundarstrahlung bedingte Erscheinung auf Rontgenplatten. Ibid., 93.—Fontana (A.) & I niani (A.) Sur Taction mecanique emanant des tubes de Crookes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 840.—Forster (A.) Ueber den Einfluss von Rontgen- strahlen auf den elektrischen Widerstand von Selen- zellcn. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, 361-364.—Foveau de Courmelles. Les precurseurs de Roentgen. Actualite med., Par., 1896, viii, 35.—Frank (P.) Leber neue Be- obachtungen mit Rontgen-Strahlen. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1896, lxv, 509.—Franklin (M.) The X-ray. Med. Rec, N. Y.,1902, lxii, 652-654.—Freund (R.) Eine fiir Rontgenstrahlen undurchlassige biegsame Sonde. Vorliiufige Mitteilung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 29.—Friedburg (L. H.) The new radiance. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., 1896, 3. s., xi, 193-195, 1 pl.— Fritsch (G.) Welche praktischen Erfolge diirfen wir von dem neuen Rontgen'schen Verfahren erwarten? Internat. phot. Monatschr. f. Med. [etc.], Leipz., 1896, iii, 65-72, 1 pl.—Frost (E. B.) Experiments on the X-rays. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 235, 2 pl. _____. Further experiments with X-rays. Ibid., 465- 467 —Fiirstenau (R.) Ueber Leuchterscheinungen beim Reiben evakuierter Rohren. Munchen.med. Wchn- schr., 1905, Iii, 1286.—Gaitte (G.) Experiences sur le re- dressement du courant dans les tubes de Crookes par le procede de Villard. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1905 xiii, 113-116.—Galceran (A.) Los rayos de Ront- gen. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1896, xix, 97-106—Galit- zine (Prince B.) & de Karnojitzky (A.) Sur les cen- tres d'emission des rayons X. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par 1896, cxxii, 608.----------. Recherches concernant les proprietes des ravons X. Ibid., 717— Oariel (C. M.) Professor Roentgen's researches and photographing through opaque bodies. Med. Week, Par., 1896, iv, 49- 51 -----. Les recherches du professeur Rontgen et la photographie a travers les corps opaques. Semaine med., Par 1896, xvi, 41.—Gaseard (A.) Application de la radiographic stereoscopique a l'etude de l'anatomie. Rev med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, 117-122, 1 pl.— Gauticr (<;.)& Labat (J.) Two years' practice with the Roentgen rays. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass. 1898, Buffalo 1S99 viii, 271-274.—Gerard. Sur le point d'emis- sion et le mode de propagation des rayons X. Soc. roy. d. sc med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1896, 35-38.—Gerster. Rontgen und Reichenbach; ein Beitrag zum Lachen der Exakten. Hygieia, Heilbr., 1895-6, ix, 159-162.—Girard (C )&Bordas (F.) Sur les rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 604 — Goodspeed (A W ) Roentgen's discoverv. Med. News, N. Y., 1896, lxviii' 169 -----. Experiments on the Rontgen rays. Science N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 236,1 pl — Gossart & Chevallier. Sur une action mecanique 6manant des tubes de Crookes, analogue a l'action pho- togenique decouverte par Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d sc Par., 1896, cxxii, 316-318.—Graetz (L.) Ueber die Fortschritte in der Erkenntniss und Anwendung der Rontgen'schen Strahlen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896 xliii, 499; 520: 1897, xliv, 417; 446. -----. Ueber die angeblichen Handstrahlen. Ibid., 1898, xlv, 1053-1056.— Guillaume (C.-E.) Recherches recen tes sur les rayons de Rontgen. Nature, Par., 1896, xxiv.pt. 2,163-166. -----. Proprietes nouvelles des rayons X. Ibid., 1896-7, xxv, pt. 1,218-220.—Guilloz. Etude photographique sur la trans- RONTGEN. 676 RONTGKN. Rontgen rays. mission des rayons X par les substances suivant leur epais- seur. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 598- 60n—Haga (H.) La diffraction des rayons de Rontgen; recherches faites au laboratoire de physique de PUni- versite de (ironingue Arch, necrl. d. sc. exactes [etc.], La Have, 1903-4, 2. s., viii, 412-493, 1 pl.—Haga (11 ) & Wind(0. H.) De bulging der Rontgenstraalen. Versl. d. . . . wis- en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1902-3, xi, 350-356, 1 pL—Harris (L. H.) Roent- gen rays. Australas. M.Gaz., Sydney, l'JOl. xx, 12-19 A.— Hcidingsleld (M. L.) A 'tentative suggestion re garding the nature and character of X-ravs. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y., 1904, ii, 21-29.—Heime (L.) Einige Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Rontgen-Strah- len. Med. Woche, Berl., 1902, 385.—Henry (C.) Sur les rayons Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 787-790. -----. Sur la determination, par une me- thode photom6trique nouvelle, des lois de la sensibility lumineuse aux noirs et aux gris. Ibid., 951-954.— Hering (W.) A year of the X rays. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1896-7, 1, 654-662.—Hiekey (P. M.) President's address. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, Cincin., 1907, viii, 19-21. — Hoga (S.) [The Rontgen ravs.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo, 1899, 103-111.—HoItz (W.) Ein iilteres Analogon zu den Rontgen'schen Strahlungsver- suchen. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leijiz., 1896, lvii, 462.— Holzkneclit (G.) Die photochemisehen Grundlagen der Rontgographie, mit einem Anhang: Die verander- liche Gradationsfahigkeit der Platten und ihre Bedeu- tung fiir die Rontgenaufnahme. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1901-2, v, 235; 317. -----. Die Gleichmiissigkeit der Rontgenreaktion. Ibid., 1904, viii, 100-114.—Holzkneclit (G.) & Kienbock (R.) Eine einfache Modiflkation der Kompressionsblende. Paid., 1905-6, ix, 92-95.— Houston (E. J.) The physics of X- rays. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass., Chicago, 1896, 167-174.— Houston (E.J.) & Kennedy (A. E.) The Rontgen rays. J. Frankl. Inst.. Phila., 1896, cxli, 241-278.— Human (The) body as shown by the Roentgen rays. Scient. Am., N.Y., 1*96, xiii, Suppl., 17334.—Ililiatovski (A.) Sovremcnnove sostoyaniye nlekotorikh voprosov rentgenologii. [Present state of various questions in ...] Izvlest. Imp. Vovonno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1906, xii, 432; 571: xiii,80-1 li I.—luibert (A.)&Bertin-Sans (H.) Quelques experiences sur les ravons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1896. 10. s., iii, 167.-----------. Diffusion des rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 624. — Immelmann. Sammel- bericht iiber die letzten Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 613-615. -----. Wann kann der prak- tische Arzt von der Anwendung der Rontgenstrahlen Nutzen haben? Aerztl. Prax., Berl., 1907, xx, 121-124. -----. Ueber die Einrichtung und Fiihrung eines Rdnt- genlaboratoriums. Heilanstalt, Leipz., 1907, ii, 49-61.— Jankau (L.) Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Rontgen'- schen Strahlen. Internat.phot.Monatschr. f.Med. [etc.], Leipz., 1896, iii, 72-85— Johnston (G. C.) The present status of the Roentgen ray. St. Louis M. Rev., 1905, li, 209-212.—Juettner (<).) A contribution to the knowl- edge of the radio-activity of the X-ray tube. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1905, xxiii, 284^290.—K. (IE,) Ilepi ™» aKTiviav X toG Roentgen >cal rrjs <£ioTOypac/>TJs tou aopa- tou. raAT,vbs,'A9^ai, 1896,163-166.—Kalilenberg (L.) Roentgen's rays. Pharm. Rev., Bait., 1896, xiv, 59-63.— Kaye i C. W. C.) The selective absorption of Roentgen rays'. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 314-324. -----. The emission and transmission of Rontgen ravs. Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1908, s. A, lxxxi, 337. Also: Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 205. -----. Rontgen rays. Science Progr., 20. cent., Lond., 1908-9, iii, 299- 325.—Keen (W. W.) On skiagraphy of the head and trunk. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1896-7, v, 319-322, 3pl.— Keevil(G.M.) The Roentgen ravs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 433. —Kelvin (Lord), Beattie (J. C ) & de Smolan ( M. S.) Electrification of air by Rontgen rays. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1897, n. s., v, 139-141.— King (W. H.) Roentgen ravs. Tr. Am.Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1S96, 584-600.— Kropotkin (P.) Rontgen'sravs. Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 1896, 416-425. — Larombe (C. F.) The Roentgen rav. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Den- ver, 1896, 261-278.—Lal'ay (A.) Sur les rayons de Ront- gen electrises. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, S09; 837; 929. — Lange (S.) The present status of the Roentgen ray. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1907, n. s., lviii, 79-87. — Laquerriere & Belherm. La rontgenisa- tion, question sociale. Arch, d'electric. med., Bor- deaux, 1905, xiii, 798-804. — Larroclie (J.) Analyse qualitative et quantitative des ravons de Ronigen. Bull. med. de Toulouse, 1904, ii, no. 12, 1-4. — Las- serre fG.) A propos des rayons de Rontgen. .1. dc med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xxvi, 77. — Laurence (R. R.) The Rontgen rays. Nature, Lond., 1895-6, liii, 436. Also: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 357. — Lea (M. C.) Rontgen rays not present in sunlk'iit. Am. J. Sc., N. Haven, 1896, 4. s., i, 363.— Le Bon i'G.1 La lumiere noire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc . Par ,1896, cxxii, 188-190. -----. Nature etproprie- Rontgen rays. tes de la lumiere noire. Ibid., 386-390. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1896, 4. s., v, 241-243. -----. Sur quelques proprietes de la lumiere noire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 462. -----. La lumiere noire; re- ponse k quelques critiques. Ibid., 522-521. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1*96, 4. s., v, 303.—Led ue (S.) Les rayons Rontgen. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1895-6, xiv, 47-50.— Leduc (S.) & Morin (F.) La decharge electrique a travers les tubes a rayons X. Arch, d'electric, med., Bor- deaux, 1906, xiv, 429.—Leeeli (F.) The Riintgen rays. Maryland M. ,L, Bait., 1896, xxxv, 345-348. [Discussion], 352.—Leonard (C. L.) The past, present,and future of the Rontgen ray. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x. Ins2 1085.— Levy (M.) Abkiirzung der Expositions/lit hoi Aufnnh- men mit Roentgcn-Strahlen. Compt.-rend. Cong, inter- nat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, 700.—Levy-Horn. Erfahrungen und einiges Neue auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg Gesell- sch., Hamb , 1905, i, 95-98. Also: Arch. f. pjivs. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1905-6, i, 26-2S— Loliiistcin iR.) Die Rontgen'schen Strahlen. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl., 1896, x, 83-86.—Londe (A.) Note sur I'application de la m<5thode de M. Roentgen. N. iconog. de la Salpetri- ere, Par., 1896, ix, 1-4,1 pl.—niacin tyre (J.) The action of the X rays. Lancet, Lond., Is96, ii, 979. -----. Di- rect vision by means of Roentgen's rays (description of a binocular cryptoseope). Ibid., i, 876. -----. X ravs. Ibid.,ii, 1303.—Maragliano (E.) Ricerche coi raggi'di Roentgen. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1897, Roma, 1898, viii, 20-36— Maragliano (V.) Sui progres si della rontgenologia. Tommasi, Napoli, 1907, 7~>2; 773. Also [Abstr.]: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 1315.—Mar- pie iC. A.) Roentgen ravs. Am. Pract. & News, Louis- ville, 1S96, xxi, 161-164.—Matto. Los ravos Roentgen. Cr6n. med., Lima, 1896, xiii, 161-163.—Mayer (A. M.) Researches on the Rontgen rays. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1896, 4. s., i, 467-474.—Meslin (G.) Sur les rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1S96, cxxii, 459.—Miclielson(A. A.) A theory of the X ravs. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1896, 4. s., i, 312-314.—Miclielson (A. A.) & Stratton (S. W.) Source of X-ravs. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa.. 1896, n. s., iii, 694-696.—Moffat (A.) The energv of the Rontgen ravs. Proc Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1897-9) 1900, xxii, 430-138.—Monahan (G. J.) Some facts about X-rays. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1905, xi, 89- 91.—Moreau (G.) De la photographie des objets nie- talliques a. travers des corps opaques, au moyen dune aigrette d'une bobine d'induction, sans tube de Crookes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 238.—Moritz. Ueber die Bestimmung der wahren Grosse von Gegen- stiinden mittels des Rdntgen-Verfahrens. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 509.—Morrison (G. B.) The Roentgen ravs. Kansas CitvM. Index, 1896, xvii. 143- 150.—Munsterberg (IL) The X-ravs. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., ]s96, n. s., iii, H51-163.—Mulliolland (P.) On the electric field surrounding the X-ray tube. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1903-1, viii, 8-15.—Mil rani (O.) Si'erimenti sni raggi Rontgen. Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. c lett. CL cli lett. e sc. matemat. e nat., Milano, 1896, 3.s.,ix,l-19,6pl.—Murphy (J. B.) Some remarks on the value of the Roentgen rays. Am. X-rav J., St. Louis, 1902, xi, 1194-1199. Also: Plexus. Chicago, 1902-3, viii, 331- 339.—rValier (F.) Etwasfiber Rontgenstrahlen und Bo- genlicht. Arch. f. Lichttherap. [etc.], Berl., 1900-1901, ii, 196-202.— Niewciiglovvski (G.-H.) Sur la propriete qu'ontles rad hit ions <5mises par les corps phosphorescents, de traverser certains corps opaques & la lumiere solaire, et sur les expediences de M. G. Le Bon, sur la lumiere noire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 385.— NodonfA.) Experiences sur les rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 237.—Otto- lenglii(S.) La luce Rontgen e gli stati lticidi. Scuola positiva, Fiesole, 1896, vi, 65-67.—Pace d>.) Aneora sui raggi di Roentgen o sulla fotogratia dell' invisibile. Gior. internaz. d. sc, med., Napoli, 1896, n. s., xviii, 213- 217.— Pansini (S.) La fotogratia dell' invisibile od i raggi di Roentgen. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1896, n. s., xviii, 97-99.—Patiala. (F. J.) Professori Rontgenin tutkimukset. [The researches of Prof. Ront- gen.]" Terveydenhoitolehti, Helsingissii, 1896, viii, 17- 20.—Perrin (J.) Quelques proprietes des rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. si. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 186-188. Also, transl.: Chem. News, Lond., 1896, lxxiii, 61. -----. Origine des rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 716— Piccino (F.) 07-210.—Pupiii (M. 1.) Rontgen rays. Science, N. Y & Lancaster. Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 231-235, 1 pl. -----. Diffusive- reflection of Rontgen rays. Ilnd., 538-544 — Quad rone ( K.) Klinische und experimentelle Unter- suchungen fiber die Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen. Zen- tralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1905, xxvi, 593-597.— Kagues (P. V.) La radiograi'ia y fotograffa cat6dica; estudios de los rayos catodos y de los rayos X del Dr. Roentgen. An. r. Acad, de cien. med . . . de la Habana, 1896-7, xxxiii, 143-160.—Kanwez (F.) Application de la photographie par les rayons Riintgen aux recherches analvtiques des matieres vegetalcs. Compt. rend. Acad. d sc" Par., 1896, cxxii, 8-11.—Recent work on the Ront- gen ravs. Nature, Loud., 1896, liii, 622-524.—Recent work on the X ravs. Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1896, xlix, 103-110.—Reid (E. W.) <& Kueiien (J. P.) The Ront- gen ravs. Nature, Lond., 1895-6, liii, 119.—Remy & Contremoulins. De I'application des rayons X a Petude des muscles, tendons et ligaments. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 81.—Reuter (K.) Leber Rontgenatlanten. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Kntwck- lngsgesch., Wiesb., 1906, xv, 90-118.—Reyburn (R.) Power of X-ravs to penetrate through metals. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass. 1S99-1900. Phila., 1901, 29-33, 2 pl.— Ricliter (P. F.i A: lierliartz (,11.) Ueber die Einwir- kung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Fenncnte. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1908, xlv. 646-648.—IC iii Iii (.A.) Effets elec- triques des ravons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 601. -----. Sulle cariche elettriche generate dai raggi X sui metalli nel vuoto. Mem. r. Ac- cad. d. sc d. 1st. di Bologna (1901-3,), 1902-4, 5. s., x, 595- 609, -----. Phenomenes electriques produits paries ray- ons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. so., Par., 1896, cxxii, 376-378.—Riis (C.) R0ntgens X-Straaler. [Ront- gen's X ravs]. Hosp. Tid., Kj0benh., 1897, 4. R., v, 393; 425.—Robb (W. L.) A method of determining the rela- tive transparencv of substances to the Rontgen rays. Science, X. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 544 — Robinson (F. C.) & Huteliins (C. C.) Demonstra- tion of use of Rontgen rays. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Port- land, 1896, xii, pt. 2, 408-414.—Roentgen (The) rays. Nature, Lond., 1895-6, liii, 377-380.—Rontgen (V\. C.) Ueber eine neue Art von Strahlen. sitzungsb. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1895, 132-111. Also, transl.: Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 227; 726. Also transl.: Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 65-67. Also, transl. I Abstr. 1: Nature, Lond., 1895-6, liii, 274-276. -----. The X-ravs. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1896-7, Wash., 1898, 137- 155— Rollins (W.) Notes on X-light. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1904-5, ix, 287: 1905-6, x, 190; 222. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. & S..L, 1901, cxliv, 401-403. -----. Notes on X-light; note 208; the resistance of an X-light tube is not an accurate indication of the degree of the vacuum. Boston M. A; S. J., 1908. clviii, 932.— Rowland (H. A.), C'arinicliael (X. R.) & Briggs (L. J.) Notes of observations on the Rontgen rays. Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1876, 4. s., i, 247— Rudis-Jicinsky (J.) What are the X-ravs? Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 28. -----. In the hemisphere of X-ray activity. N. \ork M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 921-924.—Rydberg (J.-R.) Sur l'ac- tion mecanique emanant des tubes de Crookes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 715-Sacanella (E ) Applicaci6n de la radiografia a la tecnica anato- mica. Gac med. catal., Barcel., 1900, xxiii, 41,1 pl — Sagnae (G.) Sur la diffraction et la polarisation des ravons de M. Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896 cxxii 783-785. -----. La relation entre le voltage d'un tube de Crookes et le degre de penetration des ray- ons X. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xv, 243. -----. Les methodes d'<§tude experimentale de la trans- formation des rayons X et des rayons secondaires qui en resultent. Radium, Par., 1906, iii, 9-18— Salomonson (J. K. A. W.) Rontgens X-stralen. Nederl. Tijdschr v. Geneesk., Amst., 1896, 2. R., xxxii, pt. 1, 241-249, 1 pl.— Salvioni (E.) Studi sui raggi di Rontgen. Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1896, vm, 157-161. Also, Reprint. -----. Ricerche di criptocrosi; sul potere penetrante dei raggi X. Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med.- chir. di Perugia, 1897, ix,l-20. Also, Reprint—Sarazin. Les rayons X. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1*97, i, 53; 103.— Schaefer (C ) Die Lehre von den Kathoden- und Rontgenstrahlen. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk., Leipz., 1907, ix, 137-140.—Schellenberg (G.) Eine Rontgentrommelblende. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1905-6, ix, 95-97.—Schenkel(H.) Die bekanntesten Theorien fiber das Wesen der Rontgen- strahlen. Illust. Rundschau d. med.-chir. Techn., Berl., 1899, ii, 195-203.—Schlele (G. W.) Die Ableitung der Oberflachenelektrizitat von der Rontgenrohre. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 523.—Schubert (H.) On the nature of Roentgen's rays. Monist Chicago, 1895-6, vi, 324-336, 2 pl.-Schlirmayer (B.) Die Ront- gen'schen Strahlen. Med. Neuigk., Munchen, 1896, lxvi, 33 -----. Rontgenplatten und Einzelpackung. Zen- tralbl. f. d. Gesamtgeb. d. Med. [etc.], Wien u Leipz., 1908 iv 29-33 _____. Zur Kenntnis der chemischen Vor- gange beim Verderben der Emulsionen der Rontgen- Rontgen rays. platte und der hierdurch bedingten Entwicklungsfehler. Ztschr. 1. mod. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk., Leipz., 1908, x, 367-384.—Sellulx. (i). E.) &' Hoffmann (R. S.) Zur Wirkungsweise der Rontgenstrahlen. Jahresb. u. Arb. d. ii. chir. Klin, zu Wien 1904-5, Berl., 1906, 162-172.— Sohutte (VI. J. F.) Een geval van sterke inwerking der Rontgenstralen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 2, 1284-1287,1 pl.—Schwarz (G.) Leber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Ammoniumoxalat sublimatlosung. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1907-8, xi, 114-120.—Sco- perta (La) del Proi'cssore Rontgen. Boll. d. Ass. med. tridentina, Trento, 1896, xv, 60-63, 1 pl—Scoperta (Una) prodigiosa. Corriere san., Milano, 1896, vii, no. 7, 3.—Sehrwald (E.) Das Verhalten der Halogene gegen Rontgenstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 477-480.—Shields (P.) X-rayphenom- ena and phenomena not due to X-rays. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1903, n. s., 1, 371-377. [Discussion], 385-388.— Simancas y Garcia (J. de D.) Nota respecto de una nueva propicdad de los ravosX. Cong, internat. demed. C.-r. 1903, Madrid, 1904, xiv, path, gen., 190-192.—Soni- mer (E.) Leber das Wesen der Rontgenstrahlen und die Radioaktivitiit. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1904, xxxiv, 663-665. -----. Leber Rontgenstrahlen. Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Munchen, 1904, xi,241; 265. -----. Ueber Regenerierung von Rdntgenrohren. Phys.- med. Monatsh., Berl., 1905, i, 365-375.—Sous (G.) Les corps opaques et la lumiere. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xxvi, 156-159.—Stembo (L.) Ueber die schmerz- beruhigende Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wien, 1900, n. F., ii, 250-252.—Stenbeck (T.) Om den Rontgenska upptackten af X stralarne och dess historiska utveckling. [The Rontgen discovery of X ravs, and its historical development.] Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1896, lviii, 233-240.—Sternthal (A.) Ueber eine neue Rontgen-Rohre, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Radmm- wirkungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 2107-2113.— Stieda(A.) Beitrage zur Rontgenanatomie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 1330.— Strassmaun. Untersuchungen an Doppelmissbil- dungen mit Rontgenstrahlen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 191.—Theory (The) of Professor Roentgen. [Edit.] Times & Reg., Phila. & Bost., 1896. xxxi, 173.—Thiberge (N. F.) A talk on X-rays, with illustrations. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1905-6, lviii, 452-455.—Thompson (E. P.) Applica- tion of X-ravs for exhibiting invisible objects in mo- tion Mod. News, N. Y., 1896, lxviii, 268.—Thompson (J. J.) The Rontgen ravs. Nature, Lond., 1890-6. Im, 581- 1896, liv, 302. Also, transl.: Rev. scient., Par., 1896, 4 s vi 289-296.—Thompson (S.-P.) Observations.sur les ravons X. Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 807-809 —Trenkle (W.) Die Erzeugung sehr weicher Rontgenstrahlen. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc.zu Erlang. (19051, 1906, xxxvii, 312-315.— Trowbridge (J.) The X-ravs. Pop. Sc Month., N. Y. 1895-6, xlviii, ,71-,i9. -----. Latest developments with the X rays, iftid.,1899- 1900 lvi, 659-672.—Turehini. Rapport sur la puissance du tube a ravons X dans ses divers modes d'excitation. Arch, d'electric mod., Bordeaux, 1905, xm, 523-o25.— Turnbull (L.) The significance of the new rays. Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah, 1898, ii, 157-163, 2 pl.— Turner (D.) The Roentgen rays. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896 ii 1023 —Villari (E.) Du reploiement des rayons X derriere les corps opaques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. so. Par., 1896. exxiii, 418-421 — Voitsekhovski (A A.) K voprosu o dleistvii X-luchei, [On the action ot X rays.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1898, ix, 1176-1182.- Vulpius (O.) Zur Verwerthung der Rontgenstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berl., 1896. xxn 480. _____ Zur Casuistik der Rontgen'schen Schattenbilder. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 609-611.—Wade (W ) The newkindof radiation. Brit.M. J.,Lond., 18%, \ atfc.-Wainwright (J. W.) Roentgen rays. St. Louis M. Rev., 1908, lvii, 5-11-Walter (B.) /wei Hartoskalen fiir Rdntgenrohren. Fortschr.a.d.Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1902-3, vi. 68-74.-----. Ueber die Farbungen starkgebrauchter Rdntgenrohren. Ibid., 1903-4 vii 115-120. -----. Der Wechselstrom und seine Anwendung im Rontgenbetriebe. Ibid., 1904-5, vin, 1- 11 _____ Der Wechselstrom und seine Anwendung im Rontgenbetriebe. Ibid., 194-209 ----7^/lUe*-r.dlfie Geschwindigkeit der Rontgenstrahlen. Ibid 1905-6, ix 223-225. -----. Ueber die Vorgange in der Ront- genrohre. Ibid., 1907-8, xi, 203-209. -----. Leber die Strahlungsregionen der Rdntgenrohren und die Ab- sorption ihrer Strahlung in ihrer Glaswand ^.340- A case of X-ray der- matosis. Phila. M. J., 1902, x. 199. — Pusey(W. A.) X-ray burns. Phila. M. ,L, 1900, v, 187. -----. The danger of X-ray exposures. J. Am.M. Ass. .Chicago, 1906,xlvii, 1932.— B. (S. J.) Some effects of the X-rays on the hands. Na- ture, Lond., 1896. liv. 621.—Keid ( E. W.) Acaseof derma- titis as a sequel to exposure to X-ravs. Scot. M. ct S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 122-124.—Bockwell (A.D.) X-ray der- matitis as influenced by idiosyncrasy. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1904, lxv, 92.—[Roentgen ravs: effects on health] Mod. M. Sc, N. Y., 1896, ix, 472— Rollins (W.) Vacuum tube burns. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 39.—Rose (F. A.) A ease of Rontgen rav ulceration. St Barth. Hosp. J., Lond.. 1900-1901, viii, 122.—Rubel (M.i Death due to X-ray? J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago. 1902, xxxix. 1321- 1323— Rudis-Jieinsky i.T.i The so-called X-rav burn. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi. 38o.—Rusliton (\Y.) "Sunburn" by the Roentgen rays. Lancet, Lond, 1896, ii, 492.—Sala'(G.) Lesioniprodottedairaggi X. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. m6d. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 125-132. Also, transl.: Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1902, v, 7.53-760. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1902, lxi, 421-426. .4fao.-Gior.dielett. med., Napoli, 1902, iii, 241-253. — Salomon (O.) Ueber scleroder- mieartige Hautveranderung nach Rontgenbestrahlung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1902, lx, 263- 274.—Schmidt (H. E.) Zur Aetiologie der Fiihrreak- tion nach. Rontgenbestrahlung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1909, xxxv, 64.—Sehurmayer (B.) Die Schadigungen durch Rontgenstrahlen und die Bedeutung unserer Schutzvorrichtungen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1901, v, 44-48. -----. Rontgenverbrennungen und das theoretische Sachver- standigeu-Gutachten. Ibid., 48-51. ----- Naheres iiber Entstehung, Vorkommen und Verhalten der Rontgenver- brennungen. Deutsche Praxis. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1902, xi, 601-614. Also: Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1902. xii, 522-526. Also, transl.: Am. Electro- Therap. & X-ray Era, Chicago, 1903, iii, 192; 266.— Scott i,N. S.) X-ray injuries. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis, 1897, i, 57-66.—Se<| ii eira (I. H.) Case of chronic X-ray dermatitis of the bands; removal of warts by measured doses of the X-rays. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-m, i, dermat. Sect., 78-80.—Sherer (J. W.) Conjunctivitis from X-rays; incipient retinitis apparently due to the same cause; report of a case. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 543-545.—Skinner (C. E.) Two cases of severe X-ray necrosis, presenting some unusual features. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, Pittsburg, 1904, iv, 69-81. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxiv, 351-354. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.l: Am. Electro-Therap. & X-ray Era, Chicago, 1903, iii, 433.— Springer. Radiodermite chronique grave guerie par la cauterisation ignee profonde. Ann. med-chir. du centre, Tours, 1904, iv, 419.—Stover (G. H.) A protest against the fear of dermatitis originating from exposure to the Roentgen rays. West. M. & S. Gaz., Den- ver, 1897-8, i. 270-272. —Symposium on X-ray burns. J. Advanc. Therap., N.Y., 1907, xxv, 349-354.—Taylor (W J.) Explosions of X-rav tubes. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc 1902. Louisville, 1903.176-178—Thomson (E.) Roentgen ray burns. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis. 1898, iii, 451-453.—Tourey-Piallat. Les anciens mefaits des rayons X. Clinique. Par., 1907, ii, 26\—IJnna (P. G.) Zur Kenntnis der Hautveranderungen nach Durchleuch- tung mit Rontgenstrahlen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., Rontgen rays (Accidents and injuries from, use of). 1898. xix, 197. Also, Reprint. -----. Die chronische Rdntgendermatitis der Radiologen. Fortschr. a. d. Oeb. d, Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, viii, 67-91, 2 pl.—Volk (R.) Zum Kapitel Rontgenschaden und deren Behand- lung. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien u. Leipz., 1907, Ixxxvii, 63-79, 1 pl.—Wallace (Agnes McK.; Some serious effects 0f the X-ray. Kansas M. J.. Topeka, 1897, ix, 88.— Walsh (D.) Deep tissue traumatism from Roentgen ray exposure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897. ii. 272. -----. Focus-tube dermatitis. Arch. Roentg. Rav. Lond., 1898-9. iii, 69-74.—White (J. C.) -Dermatitis caused by X-rays. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 583.—Wieber tF. W. F.) X-ray burn. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navv, Wash., 1903. 275.—Wilbert (M. I.) On a source of danger to Roentgen ray experimenters. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 1014.— Wylie (A.j Skin lesion from exposure to Roent- gen rays. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1901, i, Sis.—Vamamura (M.) [Two cases of Rdntgendermatitis.] Hifubyog. kiu Hiniokibyog. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1906, vi 424-430. Rontgen rays (Accidents and injuries from, Protection against). Albers-Schonberg. Schutzvorkehrungen fiir Pa- tienten, Aerzte und Fabrikanten gegen Schadigungen durch Rontgenstrahlen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1903, xxx, 637-641. Also: Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrah- len, Hamb., 1903, vi, 235-238.—Bazy. Un procede de radiotherapie permettant d'6viter la dermite. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1906, n. s., xxxii. 451.—Beck (C.) The principles of protection against Rontgen-light dermatitis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1903, lxiii, 164-170. Also, transl.: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xl, 741.—Beelere (A.) Les moyens de protection du m6decin et des mala- des contre l'action nocive des nouvelles radiations; ra- vons de Rontgen et ravons du radium. Radium, Par., 1904, i, 133-140.—Belot (J.) Nouvel appareil protectcur localisateurpour radiotherapie, assurant la protection du medecin et du malade, nouveaux tissus protecteurs. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 72-78. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 153- 169.—Bergonie (J.) Sur une nouvelle m6thode depro- tection contre les rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1905, cxi, 15-66— Bettremieux (P.) Protection du globe oculaire pendant les seaucescle radio- therapie. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux. 19u'.. xiv, 511-514. Also: Clin, opht., Par., 1906, xii. 119.—Boggs (R. H.) Protection of patient during Roentgen exposure Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, .Cincin., 1907, viii, 103-120. Also: N. York M. J., 1907, Ixxxvi, 825-827. Also, Reprint.— Butcher (W. D.) Protection in X-rav work. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1905-6, x, 38.—Cooper (C. M.) A scheme for protection of the Rontgen rav operator. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, x, 1020.—Dessauer (F.) Sohutz des Arztes und des Patient en gegen Sehadigung durch Ront- gen-und Radiumstrahlen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 1827-1829.— Gallot (G.) Des precautions k prendre dans la manipulation des ampoules de Rontgen. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi,27-4n.— Gesse (E. R.) O vrednom vliyanii Rcentgen'ovskikh luchel i o predprinimayemikh protiv etovo predokhranitelnikh mlerakh. [The injurious influenceof Rcentgcn rays and on the preventive measures emploved against it] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1908, vii, 1499-150:;.—Geyser (A. C.) Using the X-ray without burning: addendum by B. P. Riley. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, 1. lol7-lol9.—Guil- leminot (H.) De l'emploi de l'interrupteur-redresseur Villard pour la production des rayons X et des courants de haute frequence en medecine. Arch, d'electric. m£d., Bordeaux, 1902, x, 287-298.—Hall-Edwards (J. F.) Protection and X-ray therapy. Folia Therap., Lond.,1908, ii, 51. -----. On X-ray dermatitis and its prevention. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. Lond., 1908-9, ii, electro-therap. sect., 11-34.—Hesse (E.) Ueber die sehadigende Wir- kung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Aerzte uud Patienten und die zu ergreifendenSchutzmassregcln. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1908, xxxiii, 715-719—Holding (A.) A warning and a protector for X-rav workers. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1905, lxvii, 456-158.—Holzkneclit (G.) & Grlinfeld (R.) Ein neues Material zum Selmtz der gesunden Haut gegen Rdntgenlicht und fiber radio- logische Schutzmassnahmen im Allgemeinen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1. 1202-1205— Kienbbek (R.) Ueber Prophylaxe des Radiologen gegen Bescha- digung beim Beruf. Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1904, xvii, 1382-1384. -----. On the technique of Roent- gen burns, and the means of determining the inten- sity of irradiation. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 160-169.—Lebon (H.) Moyens de protection contre Taction nocive des rayons Rontgen. Clinique, Par., 1907, ii, 35-38.—Lebmanh (W.) Danger and protection in X-ray work. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxix, 175-178.— Leonard (C. L.) The protection of the Roentgenolo- gist. Tr. Am. Roentgen Rav Soc, Cincin.. 1907, viii, 95- 102. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1905, xliv, 1423-1425. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, Ixxxvi, 917-920. Also, RONTGEN. 681 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays {Accidents and Injuries from, Protection against). Reprint.—Leonard (C. L.) & Boggs (R. H.) The protection of the Roentgenologist and of the patient during Roentgen irradiation. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 225-230.— Levy-Born , M.) Schutzmaass- regeln gegen Rontgenstrahlen und ihre Dosirung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 921-921.—.llorton (R.) Ecran protecteur employe a London Hospital contre les accidents produits par les rayons X. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.]. Par., 1904, vii, 749- 752.->ewcome tW. S.) Carelessness in the use of the Roentgen rays. St. Louis M. Rev., 1903, xlvii, 234.— Oudin (P.) & Ziiumeni (A.) Les dangers des rayons X: comment s'en preserver? Presse mod.. Par., 1908, xvi, 249.—Piffard (H. G.) Hand protection in Roent- gen praxis. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii, 6-11. Also, Reprint.—Puscy (W. A.) Protcctives against ef- fects of X-rays. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1902, ix, 652.— Kaukin (J. T.) Remarks on the dangers of Roentgen- oscopic work; some plans for minimizing them. Arch Physiol. Therapy, Bost.. 1905, ii, 289-292, 1 pl.—Rice (J. D.) A new method of protecting the scalp or skin from the X-rays. Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 119.—I una (P. G.) Schutzdecke gegen X-Strahlen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Der- mat.. Hamb., 1898, xxvi, 494-496.—Van Allen (H. W.) Dangers from the X-ray atmosphere to the operator; their prevention. Boston M. jHtratus and -imple- ments for production and use of). ii, 189-191.—Bispositii' transportable de radiographic de la maison Gaiffe: application du rupteur atonique de ,1. Carpentier. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1903, xi, 93-96.—Eckstein pi.) Einiges iiber das Rdntgenisiren mit kleinen Instruinentarieii. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1903, xxviii, 195-197. — FngeLken. Bericht aus dem Rontgenlaboratorium. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1904, xliii, Suppl.-Hft., 36-46. —Faulliaber. Eine bil- lige Kompressionsblende. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 2014.—Fox ( W. R.) Recent developments of the X-rav apparatus and in the use of the ravs. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1902, Hobart, 1903, 268-272, 3 pl.— Krauze (P. C.) A transparent plane of projection for ortho-diagraphy. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 322. -----. Das Herzmessstativ von Aug. Hoffmann in Verbindung mit dem Blendenverl'ahren. Phys. -med. Monatsh., Berl., 1905, i, 338. — Franze (P. C.)'& Be*- Mauer (F.) Rdntgenapparate fiir therapeutische Ver- wendung (BedurfnisnndKonstruktion). JI'id.. 301-305.— Friedrieh. (A.) Is the construction of our present X- ray tubes correct? Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond., 1907, viii, 145-148. — Gaiil'e (G.) Voiture automobile auto- nome pour radiographie, radioscopie et telegraphie sans til en campagne (svsteme Gaiffe;. Arch, d'electric. mod., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 181-188.— Ghilarducci ( F. ) Nuova macchinastaticaper radiografia ed elettroterapia. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1908, xxxiv, 208-217. Also, transl.: Arch, d'electric. m6d., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 397-405, 1 pl. — tiillet. Ein improvisierter Feld-Ront- gentisch nebst Stativ. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 345-347. —Gilmer (L.) & Steg- mann (R.) Ein Universalrdntgenuntersuchungstisch. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 51-58.—Goclit. Ueber Rontgenrohre* und Untersuch- ungen mit der Lochkammer. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 134-140. -----. Plas- tische Schutzmasken fiir die Rontgentherapie. Ibid., 197. — Goltman (M.) The X-rays; a few hints as to apparatus and technique. Alabama M. & S. Age, Annis- ton, ls;i7, ix. 441-446. — Granger (A.) The author's radiologic frame. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1908-9, lix, 689-696, 3 pl. — liirasliey. Der Perirontgenograph und seine Anwendung (bei Reposition vonFrakturen, Bestimmung von Fromdkorpern i. Verhandl. d. deutsch.Rontg.-Gesell- sch., Hamb.. 1905,1, 160— t.risson. Grisson-Resonator fiir Rdntgeiihetrieb ohne Unterbreeher. Ibid., 158-160.— Groedel (F. M.) jr. Ein sclbstzontrierendcr Rontgcn- rohrenhalter. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1907, xi, 209-213.—Guilloz (T.) Presentation d'une ampoule k rayons X autoregulatriee de son degro de vide. Soc de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mom., 1902-3, 7. -----. Nouvelles ampoules a rayons X. Arch. d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 795-797.—Hae- nischfG.F.) Ein neuer Apparat zur Orthophotographie, zugleich Trochoskopund Aufnahmetisch. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1907-8. xi, 99-103.— Harden (J.) Caldwells Rdntgenstrahlen-Stereoskop. Ztschr. f. Electroth., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, iv, 155 — Henne (L.) Ueber einen Rontgen-Apparat fiir prak- tische Aerzte. Med. BL, Wien, 1902, xxv, 592.—Hen- rard (E.) Quelques appareils accessoires de la radio- graphie ster6oscopique. Presse m6d. beige, Brux., 1903, lv, 129-131— Hildebrand [H.) Ueber einen neuen Apparat zur Herstellung von stereoskopischen Rontgen- bildern. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 190", iii. 171-174, 1 pl.—Holding (A.) The selection of apparatus for generating the Roentgen ravs. N. York Si ate J. M., N. Y., 1904, iv, 213.—Holzkneclit (G.) Ein radioskopisches Operationstischchen zum Anschluss an den chirurgischen Operationstisch. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 344-346.—Infroit (C.) Instrument nouveau; chassis double pour la radio- graphie. Arch, d'electric. mod., Bordeaux. 1903, xi, 735- 738.—lmmeliiiaiin. Beschreibung eines neuen Roh- renblendenstativs. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesell- sch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 77.—Janus (F.) Die neue Ideal- Maschine zum Betriebe von Rdntgenrohren. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk., Leipz., 1908, ii, 17-28.— Johnston (G. C.) A new direct reading X-ray meter. Am. Q. Roentgenol., Pittsburg, 1906-7, i, 8-13.— Ka- kels (M. S.) A new X-ray table. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1907, lxxi, 5M;.—Kassabian (M. K.) A new skiagraphic table and tube holder. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 113.—Kaulbars (N.) Tubes for the production of Rontgen rays. Nature, Lond., 1896-7, lv, 296-298.—de Keating-Hart. Unlocalisateur pour rayons X. Mar- seille med., 1905, xiii, 767.—Koch (F. J.) & Sterzel (K. A.) Leber schliessungslichtfreie Rdntgenrohren. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905. viii. 271-275.—K Jill ler (A.) Erfahrungen iiber Unterbreeher | imRdntgeninstrumentarium. Munchen.med.Wchnschr.. 1903, 1, 2012-2014.—Korolko (A. M.) Uproshtshenniy Roentgenovskiy kabinet. [Simplified Rontgen rav cabi- net.] Vrach. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1904, vii, 817—Kralt (H.) Das Rontgeninstrumentarium fiir den Praktiker. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903,1, 2011: 1904, li, 390. Su , Rontgen rays (Apparatus and imple- ments J or production and use of). a^o,»«i;;'((,Albers-.8cbdnberg.—Laval (E.) 'Voitureauto- mobile autonome pour radiographie et radioscopie (svs- teme Gaiffe). Caducee, Par., 1905, v, 17.5-177.—Lei y- Born(M.) EinneuesorthodiagraphischesZeichenstntiv Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, viii 123.-----. Ein universeller Blenden-und Sehutzapparat! Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1329. -----. Umiinderung vorhandener Rontgeneinrichtungcn fur unterbrecherlosen Betrieb. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 79-82. -----. Einige Neuerungen im Rontgeninstrumentarium. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1907, xi, 303-311.— Liebemiann (J. M.) A protective X-rav tube. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii, 854. Also', Reprint.— Loose (G.) Verbesserungen und Vervollkommnungen unseres Rdntgen-Instrumentariums. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1909, xiii, 168-163.—Lura- schi (C.) II radiolimitatore; nuovo apparecchio per la radiogratia'e la radioscopia. Gior. di elett. med., Napoli, 1901, ii, 145-155. -----. Nouvelle bobine intensive a cha- riot pour la production des rayons X avec variation de l'auto-induction du primaire et de la capacity du conden- sateur. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1902, v, 96-102. Also, transl.: Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1899, ii, 469- 472.—Machol(A.) EinUniversal-Rontgentisch. Ztschr. f. Elektrother., Leipz., 1906, viii, 285-307.—Macintyro (J.) Wthnelt's new interrupter; improvement in X-ray apparatus. J. Laryngol., Lond., 1899, xiv, 169. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 687. -----. New apparatus for the production of X-rays and high frequencv currents. Glas- gow M. J., 1904, lxii, 269-279—McNei 11 (It.) Inexpensive X-ray apparatus. Scient. Am., X.V.,ls9ii, lxxv, 27.— Mar- tin Gil (R.) Lostubosde radiografia. Gac.med. catal., Barcel., 1907, xxxi, 201-203.—Massa (F.) Alcune modi- fiche agli apparecchi per la formazione dei raggi X. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1905, n. s., xxvii, 598-600.— Matignon. L'appareil a rayons X del'armee japonaise en campagne. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 455-457.—Metzger (J. A.) A practicable portable X-rav equipment for army field service. Mil. Surgeon, Carlisle, Pa., 1908, xxii, 390-396.—Metzner. Her Lni- versal-Rdntgenapparat fiir den piaetischen Arzt. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, lxxi, 516. -----. Trans- portables Rdntgen-Universalinstrumentarium fiir den Gebrauch des praktischen Arztes. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1004. Also: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polytech., Berl., 1902, xxiv, 118-121—Miller (L.) Improvements in induction coils and high-frequency resonators. A;ch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1903-4, viii, 165- 172.—Moeller (N.) Un nouveau tube compresseur pour la radiographic Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1905, xii, 83-88. Also: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1905, lvii, 221-225 — Monell (S. H.) Crookes tubes and static machines. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, li, 190-192.—Nogier (T.) Ap- pareil localisateur radiotherapique s'adaptant au cadre de Beelere. Lyon med., 1904, ciii, 972-975.-----. Dia- phragme universel a, combinaisons multiples pour la ra- diographie et la radioscopie. Ibid., 1908. cxi, 1046-1050, 2 pl. -----. Pneumo-compresseur pour radiographie de precision. Bull. Soc med. d. hop. de Lvon, 1908, vii, 258- 261. Also: Lyon med., 1908, ex, 1343-1346.—Noire (H.) Des bonnes ampoules en radiotherapie. Presse med., Par., 1906, xiv, 92.—Nouvel appareil de Gaiffe a. grande puissance pour produire les rayons X et les courants de haute frequence. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 531-551. Also, transl.: Gior. di elett. med., Napoli, 1905, vi, 71-91.—Otto (W.) Ein neuer grundlegender Fortschritt im Rontgen-Instrumentarium. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1907, lxxvi, 617-619. Also: Prakt. Arzt, Leipz.. 1907, xlvii, 255-260. Also: Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1907, xxix, 294-297. Also: Ztschr. f. phvs. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1907-8, xi, 609-613. -----. A Roentgen- ray apparatus for war purposes. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, 1906, xviii, 49-53.—Oudin. Nouvelle ampoule pour radiotherapie. Bull. off. Soc franc, d'eiectrother., Par., 1903, x, 350-353. Also [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Acad. d.sc, Par., 1903, exxxvii, 891.- Paselie(0.) Ueber eine neueBlendenvorrichtunginderRdntgentechnik. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix. 266 — Pennington (J. R.) New X-ray tube. Chicago M. Recorder, 1903, xxiv, 114-116. [Discussion], 128-133. Also, Reprint.—Peters. Ein neuer Blendenschutzkasten. Fortschr. a. d. G eb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, ix, 381- 383. —Pl'ahle r (G. E.) A mechanical rocker for develop- ing Rontgen-ray negatives. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, vi, 303. -----. A Roentgen ray filter, and a universal diaphragm and protecting screen. Arch. Physiol. Therapy, Bost., 1905,ii, 219-252,2 pl.—Pilau in (H.) Uebereinen Crookes'- schen Apparat. Ann. d. Phvs. u. Chem., Leipz., 1896, lvii, 443-446.—Pnugradt (R.) Ein neuer Wandarm fiir Rdntgenrohren. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 397.—Piffard (H. G.) A safety X-ray tube. N. York M. J. [etc], 1905, lxxxii, 109-111. Also, Reprint- Porter (T. C.) The X-ravs produced by a Wims- hurst machine. Nature, Lond., 1896-7, lv, 30-32.—Putti (V.) Un tubo compressore e limitatore per radiografia. RONTGEN. 683 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays {Apjmratus and imple- ments for j)rod net Ion and ttseof). Arch, di ortop., Milano. 1907, xxiv, 5.5-72.—lie ich maim (M.) A modification of Gocht's compression diaphragm. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 1285.—Bemy (C.) Indicateur a rayons X materialises. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. mil., 115-122.— Biely (C.) Apparatus for developing X-ray negatives. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Phila., 1905, ii, 381.—Rippergcr (A.) Uebereinen neuen Lnterbrecher fiir Rdiugon-Ap- parate. N. Yorker med. Monatschr., 1908-9, xx, 12-18.— Bobinsohn (I.) Die Faszikolrohrblende; cine ver- besserte Kompressionsblende; vorlautigo Mitteilung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 270-278.—Koddc. Leber Schliessungslicht und Rdntgenrohren. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 91-93.— Kontgen-Strahlen; liistrumentarium zur Erzeu- gung und Verwerthung dciselben fiir medicinische Zwceko. Contr.-Bl.f.Chir,-Mech.,BcrL, 1898,9. s.,1; 17.— ■Collin* i \V.) An oral camera for Rontgen photographv. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 90. -----. On derma-ray tubes and portable nonradiable cases. Ibid., 1905, cliii, 155. 2pl.—Roques (C.-M.i Nouveau support d'ampoule de Maury. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 991-993.—Rosenthal i.l.) Ueber eine none regulierbare Rontgenrohre, die Yoltohm-E-Rdhre. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. etde radiol. mod. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 205-208. -----. Leber eine Rontgenrohre zur Erzielung besonders kontrastreicher Bilder. Phys.-med. Monatsh., Berl., 1905, i, 339. -----. Ueber eine neue Art von Rdntgenrohren. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Ge- sellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 82. -----. Leber einen neuen Rontgenapparat und einige mit diesem erziclten Re- sultate. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 296, 1 pl.—Ruhmer (E.) Schliessungslichtfreier Rdntgen- betrieb mit Strahlunterbrecher fur beliebige Gleichstrorn- spannungen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rdntg.-Gosellsch., Hamb., 1908, iv, 159-162 —>alomonson (W.) Kleine und grosse Induktorien. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 254-260.—SehaflFer. Neue Prinzipien bei der Konstruktion von Rdntgenrohren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxx ii, 1007.—Sehiele (G. W.) Bleikasten fiir Rdntgenrohren. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1907, liv, 268— Schilling (T.I Ein einfacher Hartegradmesser. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, ix, 312-314.— Schmidt i H. E.) Ein Krvptoskiaskop mit Hand- und Gt-sichtsschutz. Ibid., 1903-4, vii, 38-40.—Scholtz. De- monstration von Rdntgenrohren verscbiedener Kon- struktion und mit verschieden hohem Vakuum. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz., 1901, vii. 441-441.—Schopl'iF.) Rdntgenbrillen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 19U7, xx. 1326— Schiirmayer (B.) Riickblicke auf die iifin-te Entwicklung der Rbntgen- technik; Verbesserungen in der Konstruktion und im BetriebederRontgenapparate. Ztschr. f.Electroth., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, iv, 129-146.—Sgobbo (F. P.) Limitatore porta-ampolla per radioterapia. Gior. di elett. med., Napoli, 1906, 89-92, 1 pl.—Sharpe (W. S.) An improve- ment in X-rav tubes for use with static machines. Lan- cet, Lond., 1904, ii,958.— Sjogren (T.) Ein Aufnahme- stuhl fiir Kopfrdntgenstrahlen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1902, vi, 86-89.—Snook (H. C.) A new Rcjentgen generator. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 186-188.—Speder ( K.) Les tubes a rayons X a grande puissance. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 978-990.—Stcgmann (R.) Transportabler Schaukasten. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, viii, 121-123.—Stein (A.) Egyczelszeriidia- phragma. [A suitable diaphragm.] Gyogyaszat, Buda- pest, 1906, xlvi, 598-600.—St rater. Apparat zur Fest- stellung des Kopfos und der Gliedmassen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, vii, 318- 322.—Strong (F. V.) A new material for fluoro- scopic screens. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 47-49. — Vilches (E.) Indicador de rayos X materia- lizados. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1903, ix, 270-276— Villarello (J. D.) Ln nuevo fluoro- scopic). Mem. Soc cient. "Antonio Alzate", Mexico, 1906-7, xxiv, 63-72.— Violle (H.-.I.) Utilisation des sources d'energie et appareils de la telegraphie sans fil a la production des ravons X a bord des navires de guerre Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 323-336.— Wagner (R. V.) An X-ray tube with adjustable focus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1904, xiii, 830. -----. An im- provement in diagnostic ajiparatus. Med. Exam, ct Pract. N. Y., 1904, xiv, 22:'..—Walter (B.) Stereoscope fiirgrosse Bilder. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1902, vi, 18-24. -----. Das Rdntgeninstrumenta- riumfurdenPraktiker. Munchen.med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 22-98. -----. Ueber das Rontgensche Absorptionsge- setz. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb.. 1905, viii, 297-303. -----. Line none Schutzkappe fiir | Rdntgenrohren. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rdntg.-* lesellsch , Hamb., 1906, ii, 81. -----. ITeber die Vorgange in der Rontgenrohre. Ibid., 30-:;:',.— Westbu ry. Les progres realises dans la construction du tube de f'rookos pendant la derniere annee. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1902, Rontgen rays {Apparatus and imple- ments for production and use of). v, 228-233.—Wheatland (M. F.) A cheapand efficient X-ray coil. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 244- 250.—Wiesner (H.) Ein neues Rontgeninstrumenta- rium fiir den prakt isclicu Arzt. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1899, xlvi, 382. -----. Zur Bcstrahlungstechnik. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med.Techn., Leipz., 1907, ii, 161-164. Rontgen rays {Biologic infuences of). See, also, ROntgen rays (Accidents, etc., from use of); Rontgen rays (Influence of) on genital system; Rontgen rays (Microbicide power of); ROntgen rays (Therapeutic use of). Hi'dellet (('.-J.) * Action den rayons X sur le foie; recherches experimentales. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1907. Also, in: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 7-21. de Pissareff (A.) *L'action des radiations nouvelles (rayons de Roentgen et rayons de Beequerel) 8iir les etres vivants. 8°. Baris, 1903. Seldin ( a[. ) * Ueber die Wirkung der Ront- gen- und Radiumstrahlen auf innere Organe und den Gesamtorganismus der Tiere. 8°. Ki'migsberg i. Br., 1904. Albers-Schonberg. Ueber eine bisher unbe- kannte Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf den Organis- mus. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 1859.—Allen (S. W.) Notes on the analgesic effects of X-rays. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 461. -----. The effect of X-rays on living tissue. Div. Surg. M. Sch. Harv. Univ., Bost., 1902-3, 86-98, 3 pl. Also: 3. Med. Research, Bost., 1903, ix, 462- 474, 3 pl.—Ammann (E.) Zur Wirkung der Ront- genstrahlen auf das menschliche Auge Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1906, xxxvi, 487-493.—Antieo (E.) Ricerche intorno all' azione dei raggi Rontgen sul sistema neuro-muscolare. N. riv. clin.-therap., Napoli, 1908, xi, 396-406.—Aubertin (C.) & Beaujard (E.) Action des rayons X sur le sang et les organes hemato- poietiques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1905, lviii, 217-219. ----- -----. Sur le mecanisme de la leuco- penie produite experimentalement par les rayons X. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 343-315. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 410-112. -----------. Action des rayons X sur le sang et la moelle osseuse. Arch.de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1908, xx, 273-288. Also: Folia haematol., Leipz., 1908, vi, 31-41.—Axeni'eld (D.) Die Rontgen'schen Strahlen dem Insectenauge sichtbar. Centralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1896, x, 436—Baermann (G.) & Linser (P.) Ueberdie lokale und allgemeine Wirkung der Rontgen- strahlen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 996-999.— Bardet (G.) Action des rayons Xsur la retine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, exxiv, 1388. Also: Rev. d'hyg. therap., Par., 1897, ix, 308-310.—Bate Hi (F.) Sulia trasparenza dei tessuti dell' organismo rispetto ai raggi di Roentgen. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1896, vii, 61-68. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1896, xxv, 202-211. -----. Ueber die Durchsichtigkeit der Gewebe des Organismus, insbesondere der Augenmedia fiir Rdntgen'sche X-Strahlcn. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u.d. Thiere, Giessen, 1897, xvi, 384-394.—Belot (J.) On the influence of X-ravs on the hematopoietic organs. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 67; 108 — Benjamin ( E.) Beitragezur Einwirkung von Sonnenlicht und Rontgenstrahlen auf die Haut des Kaninchens. Verhandl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1905, xx, 151- 156.—Guilleniinot (H.) Action comparee des doses massi ves et des doses fractionnees de rayons X sur la cel- lule vegetale a l'etat de vie latente. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 951. -----. Comparaison des effets des rayons X et des rayons du radium sur la cellule vegetale. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 608. -----. Effets des rayons X et des rayons du radium ' Rontgen rays (Biologic infnen-,s of). sur la cellule vegetale. I. de physiol. et de path, gen Par., lVos. x, 1-16.—Hall-Fd wards (J.) The effects upon bone due to prolonged exposure to the X rays Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 144, 1 pl.— Ilar- nisch (F. C.) Experiments with the Roentgen ravs on the eye. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Loin's. 1896, v, 267-276.— Harvey (W. G.) On the pathological effects oi Ront- gen rays on animal tissues J. Path. A: Bacterie I Cam- bridge, 1907-8, xii, 549-556, 4 pl. —Hasebroek K.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf die Ent- wickelung der Schmetterlinge. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1907, xi, 53-5,8.—Heincke (H.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Tiere. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 2090-2092. -----. Leber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen aut innere Organe. Ibid.,1901. li. 7^5. -----. Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiher die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf innere Organe. Mitt. a. d. Crmizgeb. d. M. d. u. Chir., Jena, 1904-5, xiv. 21-94.—Helber i L\) A: Linser (P.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf das Blut. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905,Iii,689-691.—Heyerdahl (S.A.) R0111- genstraalernes indvirkning paa, indr>- organer. [Effects of Roentgen rays on interior organs.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lagefor., Kristiania, 1908, xxviii, 845; 893.— Hudellet (G.) Etude experimentale de Paction des rayons X sur le foie. Compt. rend. S>e. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 039.—Imbert (X.) L'action des rayonsXsur les poils blanchis. Rev. scient., Par., 1906, 5. s., vi, 141— 144. — Imperato (L.) Intorno all' azione dei raggi Rontgen sul sistema neuro-muscolare. N. riv. clin.- terap.. Napoli, I907. x. 5s:>: 633.—Joseph (H.) & Pro- irazek >S.) Versuche iiber die Einwirkung von Ront- gen-Strahlen am einige < irganismen, besonders auf deren Pla-mathatiffkcit. Ztschr. I. allg. Phvsiol., Jena, 1902, i, H2-15a—Kanoky (J. P.) The action of the Roentgen ray on nerve tissue. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1907, xi, 327.—KHeneberger & Zoeppritz. On the formation of a specific leucotoxin in the blood- serum as a consequence of Roentgen irradiation in leu- caemia, pseudo-leucaemia, and lvmphosarcoiiia. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 19; 71. — Kiililer (A.) Friihreaktionen nach Rontgenbestrahlung; zu dem gleichnamigen Artikel von H. E. Schmidt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.BerL, 1904, xxx, 1287.—Kothe fR.) Ueber den Einfluss photodvnamischer Substanzen auf die Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen. Ibid., 1384-1386.— Krause (P. 1 6z Ziegler (K.) Experimentelle Unter- suchungen iiber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf tierisches Gewebe. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 126-182, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 102-104.—Kulbin (X.I.) Fiziologicheskoye dlelstviye X-luchel. [Physiological action of X-rays.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix . . . svezda. 1904. S.-Peterb., 1905, iii, 12-16— Lacaille (E.) De Tac- tion analgesiante cles rayons X. J. de im'd. de Par., 1904, 2. «.. xvi, 487; !"- Lannelongue, Hartlielemy- & Oudiii. On the utility of photographs in hum .in pathol- ogy taken by nmans of" the X rays. Chem. News, Lond., ls'je. lxxiii, 61—Lecercle (L.) Action des rayons X sur la chaleur rayonnee par la peau. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897,'cxxv, 583. -----. Action des rayons X sur l'evaporation cutanee. Ibid.., 613.—Lepine 1,R.) De l'action des rayons de Rontgen sur les organes proionds. Semaine med..Par., 1905, xxv, 385-3^7.—Lepine (R.) & Koulud. Action des ravons X sur la nutrition. Lyon med., 1903, ci, 897; 950. [Discussion], 961.----------. Action chs rayons X sur les tissus animaux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. m-„ Par., 1904, exxxviii, 65-67, Also: J.de physiotherap.. Par., 1904, ii, 45-17.—L,e**li alt (P.) O primlenenii luchel Roiitgenak anatonucheskimizslledo- vaniyam zhivovo chelovleka. [ROntgi nra\ sin anatom- ical examination of living man] Izvlest. S.-Peterb. biol. lab., 1897-8, ii, no. 1, 51—Linser (P.) Beitrag zur Histo- logic der Rontgen wirkung auf die normale menschliche Haut. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1901. viii. 97-100.—Linser (P.) . Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1908, xxii, "200-204.—Maragliano (E.) Sulla radio- soopia normale e patologia dell' apparecchio respiratorio e circolatorio. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1113- 1116. Also: Riforma med.. Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 3, 738- 741. -----. II valore diagnostico dei raggi Rontgen nella medicina interna. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 1437-1439. Also: Tommasi, Napoli, 190S, iii, 766. Also: Tubercolosi, Milano, 1908-9, i, 189-193.—Marie (T.) Re- marques sur 200 applications des rayons X a la pathologie. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1899. v, 501; 517. -----. Applica- tions anatomiques et cliniques de la radiographie stereo- scopique. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect. depath. gen., 703-705.—Marie (T.) .—Sc-hlir- niayer (B.) Weitere Fortschritte der Theorie und Praxis derJRdntgen-Photographie. Internat. phot. Mo- natschr. f. Med., Munchen, 1900, vii, 28; 56. •-----. Die letzten Neuerungen auf dem Rontgen-Gebiete, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der RdntgenT'hotographie. Ibid., 182; 197; 220.—Sciallero (M.) I raggi di Roent- gen e le malattie dell' apparecchio respiratorio e circola- torio. Clin. med. ital,, Milano, 1898, xxxvii, 521-536.— Sechehaye (A.) Etude sur la localisation des corps etrangers au moyen des rayons Roentgen, contenant l'expose d'une methode nouvelle. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom.,Geneve,1898,xviii,653:1899,xix,5— Severino (G.) . Le odierne applieazioni clinico-diagnostiche dei raggi Roentgen in medicina. Clin.e prat.,Treviglio, 1906,iii,218- 234.—Shenton(E. W.H.) The examination of the hip- joint [by the X-ray]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 634-636.— Sgobbo (F. P.) FotografiadeH'immagineradioscopica. Gior. di elett. med., Napoli, 1908, ix, 97-100.—Siciliano (L.) Quale postooccupanoi raggi Rontgen nella semeio- tica odierna? Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1906, vii, 188-194.—Skinner (E. H.) The X-ray as a diagnostic aid. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1907, xiv, 310-313. -----. A plea for exactness in the diagnosis of kidney and bone lesions by the Roentgen method. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1908, n. s., xxvii, 444-447.— Sobotta (E.) Rdntgen- Diagnose und Rontgen-Therapie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, lxx, 777-779.—Speder (E.) Appareils k debit intensif pour la radiographie rapide. Arch. d'electric m6d., Bordeaux, 1909, xvii, 91-109.—Stechow (VV.) Sur la diagnose plus perfectionn6e, exigee par le service de sante, des lesions et alterations minimes a 1'aide des rayons X. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, dechir. mil. ,83-93. —Steinthal. Die diagnostische Verwertung der Rontgenstrahlen in der Chirurgie. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1907, lviii, 1-16.—Stembo (L.) Beitrage zur diagnostischen Ver- werthung der Rontgenuntersuchungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 454; 478.—Stepa- noft'fY.) Rentgeno-diagnostika v odontologii. Zu- bovrach. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1907, xxiii..S3; 161.—Stover (G. H.) Animproved X-rayforthestudyof boneinjuries and foreign bodies. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1905, xliv, 929-932. Also, Reprint—Striiter. Ueber Sehiidel-und Nierenaufnahmen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesell- sch., Hamb., 1905, i, lis.—Stumpff(J.E.) Radioscopie en radiographie van de longen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 2, 954-963, 3 pl.— Sweet (W.M.) Locating foreign bodies by the Roentgen ray. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, Pittsburgh, 1904, iv, 82- 88.—Tarkhaiioff* (I.) Forma v kakol slleduyet pri- mlenyat Crookes'ovu trubku pri fotografirovanii razlich- nikh chastel tlela X-luchami iii pri razsmatrivanii ikh tienelna fluorestsiruyushtshem ekranle. [The form of Crookes tube to be applied in photographing various parts of the body by X-rays or examining their shadows on a fluorescentscreen.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1897, viii, 457-459.—Thomson (H. C.) Radiography and the heart. Brit.M. J., Lond.,1896, ii,1417.—Thorn- ton (G.) X-rays in medical diagnosis. South African M. Rec, Cape Town, 1908, vi, 1-4. Also: Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg, 1907-8, iii, 262-266.—Tousey (S.) The value of the radiograph in diagnosis. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxi, 781-784.—Trolimoff (N. P.) Znacheniye rentgenoskopii pri raspoznavanii zabolievaniy lobnikh pazukh. [Importance of Rontgenoscopy in diagnosing diseases or the frontal sinuses.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix . . . svezda. 1904, S.- Peterb., 1905, ii, 217.—Variot (G.) & Chicotot (G.) Einige Anwendungen der Radioskopie fiir das klinische Studium der kindlichen Brustorgane. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1901, xxxii, 37-47.—Venjilovski (R. I.) Luchi Rontgen'ai primleneniye ikh dlya klinicheskavo izslledovaniya. [Rontgen rays and their application to clinical investigation.] Raboti ho-p. khirurg. klin. Dvakonova, Mosk., 1906, viii, 3 71— Wadsworlh (W. S.) Skiagraphs. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1898-9,n. s., ii, 127-129.—Walsh do) The Riintgen rays in medical diagnosis. Med. Briei. St. Louis, 1899, xxvii, 1633-1639.— Walz (K.) Leber die Inspection bei schiefer Beleuch- tung und fiber Schattenbewegungen. Centralbl. f. in- RONTGEN. 689 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Diagnosis by). nere Med., Leipz., 1899, xx, 145-151. - Weber (F. R.) Diagnosis of diseases of the chest and abdomen by the X-ravs. Milwaukee M. J., 1903, xi, 67; 136— Weigel (L A.) The diagnostic value of radiography in ortho- pedic and general surgery. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1899, xii, 76-79.—Weinberger (M.) Ueber die Unter- suchung der Brustkrankheiten mit Rontgenstrahlen. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, ii, Berne, 1903, 380-393. -----. Ueber die durch Erweiterung der Pulmonararterie im Rontgenbilde ent- stehende Schattenform. Ibid., 394-398. -----. Die Ent- wicklung und der gegenwiirtige Stand der Rdntgentech- nik und Rdntgendiagnostik innerer Krankheiten. Wien. Klinik, 1906, xxxii, 1-38, 6 pl.—Wenckebach (K. F.) Stereoscopic Roentgenography in the diagnosis of internal diseases. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 172-176, 2pL—Westbury. Recherches sur la radiographie et la radioscopie des muscles et des ligaments. [Transl.] Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.]. Par., 1902, v, 761-765.—Wilke (E.) Die diagnostische Verwertung der Rontgenstrah- len in der Unfallheilkunde. Monatschr. f. prakt. Was- serh., Munchen, 1907, xiv, 49-56. — Willard (De F.) Roentgen rav skiagraphy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1S97, xxix, 623-625". Also, Reprint.—Willey (V.J.) Some ex- periments with Roentgen tubes with respect to their use for diagnostic work. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, Cincin., 1907, viii, 157-181. Also: Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8. xii 248-260.—Williams (C.) The interpretation of , skiagraphs. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1899-1900, iv, 63- 67.—Williams (F. H.) A method for more fully deter- mining the outline of the heart by means of the fluoro- scope; together with other uses of this instrument in medicine. Boston M. & S. J.. 1896, exxxv, 335-337,1 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. The Roentgen rays in thoracic dis- eases. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc 1897, Bost., 1898, xvii, 519-540, 6 pl. Also. Reprint. -----. X-ray examina- tions in children. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxli,41. -----. Someof the wavs in which X-ravs assist in medical diagno- sis. J. Am.M. Ass,Chicago,1899;xxxiii,1207-1211.—Woh- lauer (F.) Die Bedeutung der Rontgenstrahlen fiir die interne Diagnostik. Med. Klin., Berl., 1908, iv, 535- 537.—V'anovskii A.K.) Diagnosticheskoyeznacheniye v khirurgii reiitgenoiogii. [Diagnostic importance of Rdntgeiiologv in'surgerv.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix. . . syezda. 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, ii, 56— Vurgenson (I. Kh.) Otchot o dleyatel- nostiRentgen'ovskavokabinetapriNikolayevskomMors- kom Hospitalleza 1906-7 g. [Reportof the activity of the Rontgen cabinet at the Nikolayev Naval Hospital in ... ] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte (1906-7), 1908, xliv, 72-79. — Zematski (I. F.) Ob opredlelenii mlestonakhozhdeniya postoronnikh tlel v organizmle na osnovanii rentgenogramm.l Determination of the posi- tion of foreign bodies in tne organism on the basis of Rdntgenograms.] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudi ix . . . svezda. 1904, S.-Peterb., 1905, ii, 57.—Ziegler(W.) Einige Erfahrungen beiRontgenauf- nahmen. F trtschr.a. d. Geb.d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1899, iii, 27-29— Zuppinger (H.) Die Grenzen der ra- diographischen Differenzierung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1906, xlix, 49-67. Rontgen rays (Diagnosis by, Atlases il- lustrating). See ROntgen rays (Manuals, etc., of). Rontgen rays (Diagnosis by, Fallacies of). See, also, ROntgen rays (Jurisprudence of). Bade i P.) Betrug durchrdntgenographische Unter- suchung lc-tgestellt. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen. Hamb., 1903-4, vii, 9s, 1 pL—Beck (C.) On a grave possible error in skiagraphy. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 5-7. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.BerL, 1900, xxvi, 38-40. -----. Errors caused bv the false interpretation of the Roentgen rays, and their medico-legal aspects. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 281-285. -----. Ueber Irrtiimer der Rdntgographie; Nachtrag. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, xxi, 690.— Beelere. Des pretendues erreurs radiographiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. mod. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 948. —Behring (F.) Bemerkungen iiber dia- gnostische Irrtiimer bei Durchleuchtung mit Rontgen- strahlen, nebst Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fibulafrak- turen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, lxxii, 335.—€ole (L. G.) Skiagraphic errors; their causes, dangers, and prevention. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 590; 635; 678. Also, Reprint.—Cotton (W.) The true and the false perspective of X-ray representa- tion. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1902-3, vii, 25-34,1 pl. -----. Some peculiarities of the X-ray image. Edinb. M. J., 1903, n. s., xiv, 33-36, 1 pl. -----. Some principles and fallacies of X-rav interpretation. Practitioner,Lond., 1906, Extra no. on X-rays, 100-112, 2 pL-Folet. Illu- sions radiographiques. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1900, iv 568—Gaston (J. MoF.) The use and the abuse of -U Rontgen rays (Diagnosis by, Fallacies of). the X-ray in surgerv. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1899, i, 87-91. —Gillet. Ueber Fehlerquellen bei der Ortho- rdntgenographie. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrah- len, Hamb.,1906,ix,379-381.—Grashey(R.) Fehlerquel- len und diagnostische Schwierigkeiten beim Rdntgen- verfahren. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 807- 811.—Guilloz (T.) Interpretation erron<5e d'une image fluoroscopique. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. 1899-1900, pp. xxxix-xlii. -----. Interpretation d'une illusion ra- diographique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1903, lv, 1689-1691. Also: Soc. dem6d.de Nancy. C.-r. et proc.-verb., 1903-4, 21. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1904, xxxvi, 79.—Hutchins (M. B.) Causes of loss of confi- dence in X-ray treatment. Atlanta Jour.-Rec Med., 1906- 7, viii, 1-3.—Keen (W. W.) I. A bullet in the popliteal space. II. A case of dilated esophagus; two cases show- ing the value of the X-rays and at the same time that in the first case they were misleading. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 28-32. Also, Reprint.—l.oiide (A.) Des causes de trou- bles apportes aux images radiographiques par emploi des ecransrenforcateurs Arch, d'electric m6d., Bordeaux, 1898, vi, 476-479.— Lucas-Championni&re (J.) Les erreurs de la radiographie. J. de mc-d. et chir. prat. Par., 1907, lxxviii, 801-807. Also: J. mod. de Brux., 1907, xii, 783-786. — Piffard (H. G.) A protest against radiologic misinformation. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 769-771.—Potlierat. Illusions radiographi- ques. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1905, n. s., xxxi, 370. — Springer (M.) & Serbanesco (D.) Recherches sur les causes des troubles de la crois- sance, k l'aide des rayons de Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, exxiv, 1116.—Tracy (E. A.) The fallacies of X-ray pictures. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 949-951. Also, Reprint. Also: 3. Electrother., N. Y., 1898, xvi, 237-243.—Turner (G. I.) O predielakh zna- cheniya Rcentgenoskopii v dielle raspoznavaniya i lle- cheniya perelomov. [Limits of the value of Rontgenos- copy i'n diagnosis and treatment of fractures.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1901 xxii, 1001-1004.—Walter (B.) Eine- bemerkenswerthe Unregelmiissigkeit eines Rdntgenbil, des. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen. Hamb. 1900-1901, iv, 211-245, lpl.—Weigel (L. A.) The falla- cies of X-rav pictures. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 369.—Wer- ner (IL) & von Lichtenberg (A.) Ueber den ein- fluss einiger Intoxikationen auf die Gewebsstrahlung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 105-107. Rontgen rays (Dosimetry of). See ROntgen rays (Measurement, etc., of). Rontgen rays (Influence of) on genital system. Blanc (J.) * Action des rayons X sur le tes- ticule. 8°. Lyon, 1906. Roulier (F.) * Action des rayons X sur les glandes genitales. 8°. Baris, 1906. Also [Abstr.], in: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii. 324-327. Ancel (P.) & Bouin (P.l Rayons X et glandes genitales. Presse med., Par., 1907, xv, 228.—Aubertin (C ) Action des rayons X sur les glandes genitales. Tribune mod., Par., 1906, n. s., xxxviii, 637-539.— Bergonie (J.) & Tribondeau (L.) Action des ray- ons X sur le testicule du rat blanc. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1904, lvii, 400-402.-----------. Action des rayons X sur le testicule. Arch, d'electric. med., Bor- deaux, 1906, xiv, 779-791,1 pl.-----------. Consequences theoriques et pratiques de Taction dos rayons X sur les glandes genitales. Arch, d'electric. mod., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 590-596.-Bro\vn (J. T.) & Osgood (A. T.) The present status, two years after the original report of eighteen male cases of Roentgen ray sterility. Am. J. Urol. N. Y., 1907, iii, 409-411, 2 pl. Also: Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-urin. Surg., N. Y., 1907, ii, 365-369, 2 pl.—Cleaves (Margaret A.) The Rontgen ray and sterility. Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond., 1905, vi, 65-68.—Dubreuil (G.) & Begaud (C.) Action des rayons de Rontgen sur le testicule du lapin. II. Modifications de l'cpithelium seminal; etatde lVpididyino. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1907, lxiii, 726-72S—Foveau cie I'onrmelles. Action atrophique glandulaire des rayons X. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1905, cxi, 606. Also: Bull, d'ocul., Toulouse, 1905, 3. s., xix, 39-42. Also: Gaz. de gynec, Par. 1905, xx, 113-116. Also, transl.: Rev. d. centro estud. de med., Buenos Aires, 1905, iv, 119-121. -----. Sterilisa- tion ovarique chez la femme par rayons X. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1907, cxiv, 954— Fraenkel (M.) Ein Abort durch Rontgenstrahlen. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1907, xxxi, 953-956.—Freund (L.) & Sachs (O.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber den Einfluss der Rontgenstrahlen auf die Prostata des Hundes. Ztsehr. f. Urol., Berl. u. Leipz., 1908, ii, 983-996, 1 pl. —Frieben. Hodenveranderungen bei Tieren nach Rdntgenbestrah- VOL xiv, 2d series- RONTGEN. 690 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Influence of) e>n genital system. lung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 2295.— Gran- irer(F. B.) The production of sterility by the X-ravs. J. Advanc Therap., N. Y., 1907. xxv. 620-626. Also: Chicago M. Times, 1908, xli, 115-1J0— llerxheimer (G.) & Hott'mann (K. F.) Ueber die anatomischen Wirkun- gen der Rontgenstrahlen auf die Hoden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1551-1553.—Hey- mann (P.) Action des rayons X sur le rein adulte. Arch.d'eiectricmed.,Bordeaux, 1908, xvi,7-13.—Jordan (A. C.) Sterility among X-ray workers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 15.—Laquerrifere (A.) A case of transitory azoospermia and sterility from X-ravs. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 324.—Lengleilner (K.) Ueber Versuche von Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Ovarien und den schwangeren Uterus von Meerschwein- chen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 2147.— Okinchil* (L. L.) K voprosu o rentgonizatsii ya'ichni- kov. [Rontgenization of the ovaries.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1906, xx. 979-988.—Perez Canto (C.) La esterilizacion jenesica por los ravos X. Rev. mod. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1905, xxxiii, 2N9-295—Preseott (E. E.) Destruction of germ life in eggs by X-ray and X-ray penetration. Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago, 1902, ii, no. 7,1-4.—Begaud. Lesions determinees par les rayons de Rontgen et de Becqucrel-Curie dans les glandes germinales et dans les cellules sexuelles chez les animaux et les hommes. Arch, d'electric med., Bor- deaux, 1908, xvi, 587-590.—Begaud (C.) & Blanc (J.) Effets generaux produits par les rayons de Rontgen sur les cellules vivantes, d'apres les resultats observes jus- qu'k present dans l'epithelium seminal. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lxi, 731-733.—Begaud (C.) & Dubreuil (G.) Action des rayons de Rontgen sur le testicule du lapin. I. Conservation de la puissance virile et sterilisation. Ibid., 1907, lxiii, 647-649.-----------. Action des rayons de Rontgen sur le testicule des ani- maux impuberes. Bull. Soc. med. d. hdp. de Lvon, 1908, vii, 413-420. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxv,293-395. Also: Lyon med., 1908,cxi,875-8x1—Kudis- Jicinsky (J.) Is sterility at will possible under the ap- plication of the Roentgen rays? J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 627-630. Also: Chicago M. Times, 1908, xli, 120-122.—Taylor (W. J.) The effect upon glandu- lar tissue of exposure to the X-rays. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. (1905), 1906, viii, 197-202. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 431-435.—Villemln (F.) Rayons X et ac- tivite genitale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxlii, 723-725. Also: J. de physiotherap., Par., 1906, iv, 186-188. Rontgen rays (Jurisprudence of). Perree (A.) Etude des rayons de Rontgen appliques aux expertises medico-legales. 8°. Baris, 1897. -----. The same. 8°. Pons, 1897. Physicians Defense Company. An X ray on the defense of malpractice suits. 24°. Fort Wayne, Lnd., [1903]. American Surgical Association. Reportof the com- mittee of the . . on the medico-legal relations of the X rays. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1900, exx, 7-36. Also, Re- print.—Beck (C.) Errors caused by the false interpre- tation of the Roentgen rays, and their medico-legal as- pects. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 281-285. Also, Re- print. -----. The medico-legal value of the Roentgen rays. Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago, 1902, ii, no. 11, 17-20. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxii, 202-207. -----. The medico-legal aspect of accidents caused by the Rontgen rays. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 288-293. Also. Reprint. Also, transl.: Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1904, vii, 581-595.—Benedikt (M.) Erwi- derung auf vorstehende Bemerkung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 619. -----. Das Rdntgenlicht im Dienste der Krankheiten des Schadels und des Gehirns und der gerichtlichen Medizin. Ibid., 405-407. See, also, infra, Holzknecht.—Bernacchi (L.) Osservazioni sull' impiego dei ragpi Rontgen nella pra- tica chirurgica e medico-legale. Riv. di diritto e giur. . . . s. infortuni d. lavoro, Modena, 1900, ii, 337-355.— Bordas (F.) Les rayons Roentgen et leur application en medecine legale. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1896, 3. a., xxxv, 385-396. -----. La radiographic en medecine legale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvi, 1170-1172.— Chauftard. Sur les conditions legales de l'emploi me- dical des rayons Rontgen. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1906, 3. s., lv, 50-64. Also: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1906, x, 73-85. Also: 3. de phvsiotherap., Par., 1906, iv, 52-73. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1906, xx, 17-21.—Co- mas (C.) & Pri6 (A.) Aplicaciones de la rontgenologia a la medicina legal. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1904, xviii, 132-146.—Corson (E. R.) A medico-legal case, involving X-ray testimony and its bearing on a re- cent proposal to regulate medical expert testimony. South. M. J., Nashville, 1908, i, 82-89.—Discussion stir | Rontgen rays (Jurisprudence of). les conditions legales de l'emploi medical des rayons Rontgen. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1906, 3. s., lv, 76-95. Also [Abstr]: Tribune med., Par., 1906, n. s.\ xxxviii, 33—Duiuont. Nccessite de la rcglcmenta- tion de l'exercice de la radiologic Rev. med., Par., 1906, xv, 43-47.—Emploi (De 1') des rayons X en m6decine legale. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 256.— Foveau de Counnelles. Appreciation medico- legale des lesions trauniatii|ues et determination de l'identite individuelle par les rayons X. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897, exxiv, 1179. -----. Repression de la radiotherapie iliegale. Rev. med., Par., 1905, xiv, 924.—Frenkel (H.) Le procede chromolitique de Bourinski pour photographier l'invisible, et ses applica- tions medico-legales. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1901, vii, 1; 29.—Freund (L.) Zur Therapie und forensisehen Begutachtung der Rdntgenstrahlendermatitiden. Fort- schr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, viii, 3X-43.— Galway (The) X-ray case. Med. Press Circ, Lond., 1904, n. s., lxxvii, 171.—Gastpar. Ueber die Verwendbarkeit des Rontgenverfahrens in der gericht- lichen Medicin. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1902, n. F., xxiii, Suppl.-Hft., 38-93.—Goldleld (J.) Die forensische Bedeutung der Rontgenstrahlen. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1900-1901, vi, 161-181.—Goodrich (W. W.) The legal status of the X-rav. Brooklvn M. J., 1903, xvii, 515-517. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Albany, 1904, xcviii, 235-241.—Heavy dam- ages awarded for X-ray burns. Lancet, Lond., 1906, i, 1573.— Hennecart. Nc'cessite d'une legislation spe- ciale pour les rayons Rontgen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 205-209. —Holz- knecht (G.) Das Rdntgenlicht im Dienste der Krank- heiten des Schadels und des Gehirns und der gericht- lichen Medizin; Bemerkung zu der vorliiufigen Mitthei- lung von M. Benedikt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 619.-----. Die forensische Beurteilung der sogenannten Rdntgenverbrennungen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1902-3, vi, 145; 177. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1903, Leipz., 1904, ii, 2. Hlfte., 609-612.— Inlinelmaiin. Die Bedeutung der Rontgenstrahlen fiir den arztlichen Sachverstiindigen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1904, xli, 1129-1131. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1904), 1905, xxxv, pt. 2, 306-312. [Dis- cussion] (1903) 1904, xxxiv, 92-94. -----. Die Bedeu- tung der Rontgenstrahlen fiir den arztlichen Be- gutachter. Ztschr. f. d. arztl. Prax., Berl., 1908, xxi, 173- 175.—Johnston (G. C.) The medico-legal status of the Roentgen ray. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1907-8, xi, 841-846.— Karewski (F.) Kannder Arzt fiir Unterlassungeiner Rdntgenuntersuchung verantwortlich gemacht werden? Repert. d. prakt. Med., Leipz., 1908, v, 343-346.—Kassa- bian (M.K.) The Roentgen rays in forensic medicine. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1901-2, xix, 407-419. Also: Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray J., Chicago, 1902, ii, no. 4, 1-4. -----. The medico-legal value of the Roentgen rays. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis, 1904, ix, 39-43—Kenyeres (B.) A flnyk6pez(is 6s a Rdntgenezes jelentdsege az igazsagszolg<at&sban. [The significance of photogra- phy and the Rontgen rays in the administration of jus- tice.] Gy6gya.szat, Budapest, 1901, xli, 11-13.—Kirch- berg (F.) Rdntgenschiidigungen und ihre rechtlichen Konsequenzen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 190.5-6, ix, 187-193.—Laquerrifere (A.) De la necessite medico-iegale de n'etre pas trop affirmatif sur la pseudo-innocuite de certaines doses en radiotherapie. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 406-409.—Lb. Radiographie vor Gericht. Med. Woche, Berl., 1902,181- 184.—Legal action on account of X-ray burns. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 897.—Legludic (H.) De l'utilite de la radiographie dans les expertises des accidents du travail. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1904, viii, 485; 517; 685; 634.— Leonard (C. L.) What reliance can be placed upon the image produced by the X-ray from a medico-legal standpoint? Tr. M. Soc N. Jersey, Newark, 1901, 268- 287. Also: Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii, 145-147—Levy- Dorn. Zum Prozess Schiirmayer vor der Ferienstraf- kammer des Landgcrichts zu Hannover. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 904.—Malprac- tice suit based upon injuries caused by X-rays. TEclit.] Medicine, Detroit, 1899, v, 58a— Medecin ayant occa- sion^ des brulures par radiographic; imprudence ou in- experience causes d'attenuatiou de la responsabilite. J. de m6d. de Par., 1907, 2. s., xix, 242.—Moyer (H. N.) The medico-legal relations of the Rontgen or X-rays. In: Text-Book Leg. Med. (Peterson & Haines), 8°, Phila., 1904, ii, 185-193.—Oudin. Rapport au sujet de l'affaire R . . .; accidents de radiographie. Bull. off. Soc. franc. d'eiectrother., Par., 1901, viii, 107-112. —Passover (L.P.) Rcentgenograliya pered sudom. [Rdntgenography in jurisprudence.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 639-641. Also, transl.: Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, vii, 306- 309.—Pierce (L. A.) Case of tissue injury by X-ray, and result of prosecution. Calif. M. J., San Fran., 1901, xxii, 77-79. —Becent (A) malpractice decision, in which the court recognizes the X-ray as an approved method. Am. X-Ray J., Chicago, 1903, xii, 49-51.—Beed RONTGEN. 691 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Jurisprudence of). (R. H.) The X-ray from a medico-legal standpoint. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr. 1897, Chicago, 1898, iv, 64-81,1 pl. Also: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1013-1019. Also, Reprint.—Regnier (L. R.) Importanza dell' elettri- cita medica e della radiografia nella terapia e nella medi- cina legale degli infortuni. Riv. internaz. d. terap. lis. Roma, 1904, v, 161-166.—Kientgen ray case at Hastings! Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1669.—Ross (F. W.) The X-ray in forensic medicine. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1898-9, xvi 142-149. Also: Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis, 1899, iv, 500-503 — Schiirmayer (B.) Die strafrechtliche Bedeutung der Rdntgenverbrennungon. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii 259- 266.—Skiagraphs admitted in U. S. court. Am X- Ray J., St. Louis. 1901, viii, 900.—Skiagraphy in med- ical jurisprudence. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago l'xl>7 xxix 191.—Stover (G. H.) Medico-legal value oi' the X-ray! Phila. M. J.,1898, ii, 801.—Suit (A) for malpractice for an X-ray burn. [Abstr] Am. Electro-Therap. ^ X-Ray Era, Chicago, 1903, iii, 185.— White (J. W.) Report of the committee of the American Surgical Association on the medico-legal relations of the X-ravs. Tr. \m Surg Ass., Phila., 1900, xviii, 429-461. Also: Am. J. M. Sc Phila. & N. Y., 1900, n. s., cxx. 7-36. ^4/so, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 1215.—Wight (J.S ) Recent researches in radioactivity and electricitv; their bearing on radiotherapy; legal status. Am. Med."Phila 1904, vii, 381-388. Rontgen rays (Laboratories for the ap- plication of). Deutsches (Ein) lnstitut fur radiologische For- schung. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1909, i, 85-88.— Huber (A.) A fo- es szekvaros szt. Istvankorhaza vljon- nan berendezett Rontgen-laboratoriumanak ismertese. [Description of the newly established Rontgen laboratory of the St. Istvan Hospital.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1908, Iii, 515: 530—Lenard (P.) Ein radiologisches lnstitut in Heidelberg. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1909, i 327. Rontgen rays (Manuals of production and use of). Albert-Sciionber<; (H.) Die Rontgentech- nik; Lehrbuch fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 8°. Hamburg, 1903. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Hamburq, 1906. Arthur (D.) & Muir (J.) A manual of prac- tical X-ray work. S°. London, 1909 [1908]. Atlas (An) of illustrations of clinical medi- cine, surgery, and pathology chiefly from orig- inal sources. Fasc. xxiv bis, or xvii of n. s. Radiographs of fractures and dislocation (chiefly upper extremity), fol. London, 1902. Atlas der normalen und pathologischen Ana- tomie in typischen ROntgenbildern. 4°. Ham- burg, 1900. Beck (C.) Die Rontgenstrahlen in Amerika. Akademie der Medicin in Xew York. 8°. Munchen, 1901. -----. Die Rontgenstrahlen im Dienste der Chirurgie. 2 Teile. I. Teil (Text). II. Teil (Tafeln). 8°. Munchen, 1902. -----. Rontgen ray, diagnosis and therapy. 8°. New York & London, 1904. Belot (J.) Traite de radiotherapie. Preface de L. Brocq. 2. ed. 8°. Baris, 1905. Boppe (H.) *De la technique des rayons de Rontgen et de leur application dans certaines affections chirurgicales. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Bote hacourt (L.) De l'exploration des or- ganes internes a l'aide de la lumiere eclairante et non eclairante, endoscopic, par les rayons de Rontgen. 8°. Baris, 1898. D'Alessandro (F.) I raggi Rontgen e le loro applieazioni medico-chirurgiche. 8°. Na- poli, 1898. Davidsohn (F.) Die Rontgentechnik; ein Hilfsbuch fiir Aerzte. 8°. Berlin, 1908. Dessauer (F.) Rontgenologisches Hilfsbuch. Eine Sammlung von Aufsiitzen iiber die Grund- lagen und die wichtigsten Hilfsmethoden des Rontgen rays (Manuals of production and use of). Rontgenverfahrens. Mit einem Anhang iiber Radioaktivitiit. v. 1. 8°. Wurzburg, 1905. Donath (B.) Die Einrichtungen zur Erzeu- gung der Roentgenstrahlen und ihr Gebrauch. (iemeinfasslich dargestellt insbesondere auch fur Aerzte und Kliniken. 8°. Berlin, 1899. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Dupont (E.) Manuel pratique de radiologic medicale. 12°. Bruxelles, 1905. Fove ,u de Courmelles. Traite de radio- graphie medicale et scientifique; cours libre professe a l'ecole pratique de la Faculte de me- decine de Paris, deuxieme semestre de 1896-7. Precede d'une preface de M. le Dr. A. D'Arson- val. 8°. Baris, 1897. -----. Traite de radiotherapie medicale et scientifique. 8°. Baris, 1897. -----. The same. 2. ed., revue et aug- ments. 8°. Baris, 1905. Freund (L.) Grundriss der gesammten Ra- diotherapie fiir praktische Aerzte. 8°. Berlin & Wien, 1903. -----• The same. Elements of general ra- diotherapy for practitioners. Transl. by G. H. Lancashire. 8°. New York, 1904. Gerard (L.) Siege d'emission des rayons X et leur mode de propagation dans Pair. 8°. Bruxelles, 1896. Gocht (H.) Lehrbuch der Rontgen-Unter- suchung zum Gebrauche fiir Mediciner. 8°. Stuttgart, 1898. -----. Handbuch der Rontgen-Lehre zum Gebrauche fiir Mediziner. 2. umgearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. 8°. Sutlgart, 1903. Grashey (R.) Atlas typischer Rontgenbil- der vom normalen Menschen, ausgewahlt nach chirurgisch-praktischen Gesichtspunkten, mit Beriicksichtigung der Varietiiten und Fehler- quellen, sowie der Aufnahmetechnik. 4°. Miin- chen, 1905. -----. The same. , Atlas de radiographie de 1'homme normal. Ed. francaise par A. Be- elere a Jaugeas. 4°. Baris, 1908. Hahn ( K. ) * Die ladende Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen. 8°. Giessen, 1905. Hansmann (Frida). * Beziehungen zwischen Wirkung der aus einer Rontgenrohre austre- tenden Strahlung zur Wirkung des Lichtes auf dieselbe Bromsilbergelatine. [Bern.] roy. 8°. Hamburg, 1901. Hesse (C.) Die Rontgenstrahlen, nebst Ab- handlung iiber die durch Beequerel, Curie, Gie- sel u. a. gemachten Entdeckungen. Allgemein verstiindlich bearbeitet. obi. fol. Frankfurt a. M., 1904. Howgrave-Graham (R. P.) X-rays simply explained; a handbook on theory and practice of radiography. 8°. London, [1903]. Hubler(H.) Rontgen-Atlas. Zum Gebrau- che fur Aerzte und Studierende. 1.-2. Lief. fol. Dreselen, 1901. German, French, and English text. I.mmelmann (M.) Rontgen-Atlas des norma- len menschlichen Korpers. fol. Berlin, 1900. Kocher (L.) Precis de radiologic medicale. 12°. Baris, 1905. Kolle (F. S.)# The X-rays. Their produc- tion and application. 8°. New York, 1898. Leitfaden des Rontgenverfahrens. Unter Mitwirkung von Hildebrand et al., hrsg. von F. Dessauer und B. Wiesner. 8°. Berlin,1903. RONTGEN. 692 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Manuals of production and use of). Leitfaden des Rontgenverfahrens. Unter Mitarbeit von A. Blencke, Hildebrand, A. Hoffa, A. Hoffmann, Guido Holzknecht, hrsg. von Friedrieh Dessauer und B. Wiesner. 8°. Leipzig, 1908. Loison (E.) Les rayons de Roentgen; appa- reils de production; modes d'utilisation; appli- cations chirurgicales. 8°. Boris, 1905. Londe (A.) Traite pratique de radiographie et de radioscopie technique et applications me- dicales. 8°. Part's, 1898. Lussana (S.) & Cinklli (M.) Sulla propaga- zione dei raggi Rontgen. 8°. [Firenze, 1896.] Mackintosh CD. J. ) Skiagraphic atlas of fractures and dislocations, with notes on treat- ment, for the use of students, roy. 8°. Lon- don, 1899. Meadowckoft (W. H.) The A B C of the X- rays. 12°. New York, [1896]. Mehelx (F.) De la nature des rayons X; reflexions sur la cause de leurs effets pathologi- ques et photographiques. 8°. Baris, 1897. Mitjavila y Ribas (J.) Tratado teorico- practico de radiografia y radioscopia clinicas; compendio del curso de radiologfa dado en el Instituto de higiene de sanidad militar. 8°. Madrid, 1902. Musky (J.-J.-L.) *De la radiographie stt'reo- scopique par la methode des reseaux. 8°. Nancy, 1904. Pacher (G.) Sui raggi di Rontgen. Pro- duzione, proprieta, natura, applicazione pratica per ottenere le ombre. 8°. Torino, 1896. Pasche (O.) Der Standpunkt der modernen Rontgen-Technik. 8°. Bern, 1903. Phillips (C. E. S.) Bibliography of X-ray literature and research (1896-7); being a ready reference index to the literature on the subject of Rontgen or X-ravs. 8°. London, 1897. Pusey (W. A.) & Caldwell (E. W.) The practical application of the Rontgen rays in therapeutics and diagnosis. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1903. ------------. The same. 2. ed., thoroughly revised and enlarged. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1904. Regnier (L.-R.) Radioscopie, radiographie, radiotherapie. Applications techniques et cli- niques. 12°. Baris, 190o. Rieshetillo (D. F.) Llecheniye luchami Rcentgen'a s predvaritelnim izlozheniyem Roentgenologii i Roentgenodiagnostiki; ruko- vodstvo dlya vrachel i studentov. [Rontgeno- therapy, with preliminary presentation of Rontgenology and Rontgenodiagnosis; man- ual for physicians and students.] 8°. Moskea, 1906. Ritter (M.) Die neuro-dynamische Thera- peutik im Anschluss an Studien und Erfahrun- gen iiber die photo-dynamische Wirkung von Fluorescenz- und Luminescenz-Stoffen auf Zel- lengebiete und Nervenendigungen. 8°. Leip- zig, 1905. Rontgen rays. Memoirs by Rontgen, Stokes and J. J. Thomson. Transl. and edited by George F. Barker. 8°. New York & London, 1899. Schmidt (C.) * Kasuistische Beitrage zur Rontgenuntersuchung aus dem Krankenhause Herisau und der eigenen Praxis. [Ziirieh.] sm. fol. Hamburg, 1899. Schmidt (H. E. j Kompendium der RiJntgen- Therapie. 12°. Berlin, 1904. Rontgen rays (Manuals of production and use of). ScHf rmayer (C. B.) Kurzer Ueberblick iiber die Grundziige der Rontgen-Technik des Arztes. 8°. Leipzig, 1904. Sommer (E.) Ueber Roentgenstrahlen. Die technischen Hilfsmittel zu ihrer Erzeugung und die Indikationen ihrer therapeutischen Verwendung (in elementar-wissenschaftlicher Darstellung). 8°. Miinchen, 1905. Spiess (P.) Die Erzeugung und die phy- sikalischen Eigenschaften der Rontgenstrahlen. 8°. Berlin, 1904. Stark (J.) Das Wesen der Kathoden- und Rontgenstrahlen. 8°. Beipzig, lb04. Stkchow. Das Rontgen-Verfahren mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der militarischen Yerhaltnisse. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Thompson (E. P.) Roentgen rays and phe- nomena of the anode and cathode. Principles, applications, and theories. Concluding chap- ter bv William A. Anthonv. 8°. New York, [1S9(>]. Tonta (I.) Raggi di Rontgen e loro pratiche applieazioni. 24°. Milano, 1898. Traite de radiologie medicale. Publie sous la direction de C. Bouchard, roy. 8°. _ Baris, 1904. Turner (D.) A manual of practical medical electricity; the Roentgen rays and Finsen light. 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1902. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. New York, 1904. Vaudet (P.) * Technique precise de radio- therapie (instrumentation pratique). Preface par E. Gaucher. 8°. Baris, 1905. ------. The same. 8°. Baris, 1905. van de Volkere CW. C.) Rontgentech- niek. Therapeutische beteekenis der X-straalen en der stroomen van hooge frequentie. 8°. Amsterdam, 1901. Walsh (D.) The Rontgen rays in medical work. With an introductory section upon elec- trical apparatus and methods, by J. E. Green- hill. 8°. London, 1897. ------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1899. ------. The same. Pt. I. Apparatus and methods, re-written by Lewis Jones. Pt. II. Medical and surgical (brought up to date, with an appendix). 3. ed. 8°. London, 1902. ------. The same. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1907. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1898. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. New York, 1902. Walter (A. E.) X-ravs in general practice. 8°. London, 1906. Weinberger (M.) Atlas der Radiographie der Brustorgane. obi. fol. Wien ct Leipziej, 1901. Williams ( F. H. ) The Roentgen rays in medicine and surgery as an aid in diagnosis and as a therapeutic agent; designed for the use oi practitioners and students. 8°. New York, 1903. Rontgen rays (Measurement anel control of)- See, also, Pelvimeters; Pelvimetry; Pelvis (Abnormities, etc., of); Rbntgen rays (Manuals, etc., of). Axgerer (E.) *Bolometrische Untersuchun- gen iiber die Energie der Rontgenstrahlen. [Munich.] 8°. Leipzig, 1906. Huguier(H.) *Sur les mesures exactes en radiotherapie. 8°. Baris, 1903. RONTGEN. 693 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Measurement and control of)- Rorcn (J.-B.) * Etude critique et experi- mentale des precedes de dosage employes en radiotherapie. 8°. Lyon, 1906. -----. L^s precedes de dosage en radiothe- rapie; chromoradiometre du Dr. Bordier; tech- nique et resultats. 8°. Lyon <£• Baris, 1907. Schoeps (K.) * Boloinetrische Untersuchun- gen iiber die erwarmende Wirkung der Ront- genstrahlen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1899. llayet. Les methodes de mesure en radiotherapie. Soe. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1905, lxiii, 79-M.—Beclfere (A.) La mesure indirecte du pouvoir de penetration des rayonsde Roentgen a, l'aide du spinter- metre. Bull. off. Soe. franc, d'eiectrother., Par., 1900, vii, 41-47. -----. Les mesures exaetes en radiotherapie. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, 4. s., iii, 60-68. ^■o.Bull. Soe. franc,', de dermat. et syph., Par., 1902, xiii, 17-25. Also: J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1902, xiv, 173-182. -----. Le dosage en radiotherapie et son trace graphique. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, xv, 117-125. Also: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1904, 4. s., v, 321-329. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1904,3. s., xxi, 21-25. -----. Le dosage en radiotherapie; precedes et instruments. Presse med., Par., 1904, i, 75-78.—Beequerel (H.) L'analyse du rayonnement des corps radioactifs. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 811-829.—Belot (J.) Les in- struments de mesure en radiologic medicale. Radium, Par., 1905, ii, 230; 262. -----. A propos des indications fournies par le radio-chronometrie de M. L. Benoist. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 123-127.— Benoist (L.) Le radiochronometre et la definition ex- perimentale des diverses sortes de rayons X et radiations similaires. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1902, x, 129- 134.—Bergoni6 (J.) Ueber die permanente Mess .ng des Hiirtegrades der von einer Rontgenrohre ausgehen- ilen Strahlen. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1907, xiv, 519-525.—Bertolotti (M.) La questione del dosaggio in radioterapia. Gazz. med. ital., Torino, 1905. lvi, 465- li.S— Bicsalski (,C ) Nouvel appareil de mesure pour les ravons de KuMitgen. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1898, i, 524-521).—Bordier (H.I Du dosage des rayons X en radiotherapie; nouveau chromoradiometre. Arch. d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 363; 415. Also [Abstr 1: Bull. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lyon, 1906, v, 9. Also [Abstr.]: Lvon med., 1906,cvi, 193. Also, transl.: Ann. di elett.med. [etc.], Napoli, 1906, v, 161-179. See, also, supra, Rouch. -----. Risultatl ottenuti con 1' uso del nuovo cromo-radiometro. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.] .Napoli, 1906, v, 241-251. -----. Sur quelques points de technique radio- metrique. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 491- 498. -----. Determination de la quantite de rayons X ab- sorbee par differents tissus sous des 6paisseurs croissantes. Ibid., 929-935. Also, transl.: Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 199-202. -----. Radiometric methods. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 4-13.-----. Lois de la repar- tition des quantites de rayons X emises par une ampoule dans les differentes directions. Arch, d'electric. med., Bor- deaux, 1908, xvi, 299-304. Also, transl.: Ann. di elett. med. [etc.],Xapoli, 1908,vii, 117-121. Also.transl.: Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 149-151.—Bordier (H.) &Gali- niard. Action des rayons X sur les platino-cyanures; consequences pratiques de cette etude. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lvon, 1905, iv, 182-185. Also: Lyonmed., 1905, civ, 1137-1141. Also: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 323-326. Also, transl.: Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 19i5, iv, 173-175. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1905-6, x, 70.-----------. Emploi des pastilles au platino-cyanure de baryum pour les do- sages radioth6rapiques; reponse k M. M. Sabouraud et Noir6. Lyon med., 1905, cv, 127-130. Also: Arch, d'elec- tric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 731-734. -----------. Una nuova unita di quantita dei raggi X, I'unita I. [Transl.] Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1906, v, 441-447.—Bor- mau (S. N.) O dozirovkie pri llechenii luchami Roent- gens. [Losage in the treatment by Rontgen rays.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1907, vi, 10.—Colombo (C.) Erroneita delle indicazioni radiomctriche fornite dal platino-cianuro di bario. Tommasi, Xapoli, 1905-6, i, 217- 249. Also, transl.: Arch. Physiol. Therapy, Bost., 1906, iv, 83-89. Also, trans!.: Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 102-107. -----. Per la dosimc- tria dei raggi di Rontgen. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 313-3i5. Also: Riv. internaz. di terap. fis., Roma, 1906, vii, 70-72. Also,treinsl.: 3. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 288-292. Also, transl.: Arch. f. phys.-diiitet. Therap., Berl., 1906, viii, 203-206.—Contremoullns (G.) Appareil de mensuration exacte du squelette et des organes donnant une image nette en radiographic. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1901, exxxii, 1006-1008. -----. Metroradiographie. Arch. d'61ectric. med., Bor- deaux, 1901, ix, 641-668, 4 pl.—Courtade (D) Surun nouveau radiometre. Bull. off. Soc. franc d'eiectrother., Rontgen rays (Measurement and control of). Par., 1905, xiii, 69. -----. Contribution a l'etude de la mesure quantitative des ravons X. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1908, lxiv, 258.—Cowl (W.) Ueber ein gang- bares Verfahren zur Messung der diagraphischen Kraft der Rontgenstrahlen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 308-310.—Curcliod. Des mesures exaetes en radiologic Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 858-866. Also: 3. de physiotherap., Par., 1906, iv, 100-108. -----. Surun nouveau dispositif de dosage cles rayons X. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 29-31.—Dessauer (F.) Eine neue Anordnung zur Rontgenbestrahlung. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1907, ii, 218-223.—Destot. A propos du sprintermetre detonateur. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1903, ii, 312-316.—Dunliam (K.) A measure for the quantity of X-rays. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n.s., lvii, 186— Durand (E.-J.) Une nouvelle unite de me- sure de l'intensite du rayonnernent d'un tube de Crookes. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 385-387.— Fitncr (E.) Beitriige zur Radiometrie. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 1293; 1367. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 101-107.—Fochier. D'un dispositif p'ermettant de faire des mensurations precises sur les epreuves radiographiques. Province med., Lyon, 1899, xiii, 290-292.—Franklin (M.) Amethodof measur- ingtheX-rays. N.YorkM. J.[etc], 1905,lxxxi,802-807. Also, Reprint.—Freund (L.) Ein neues radiometrisches Ver- fahren; vorlaufigeMitteilung. Wien.klin.Wchnschr.,1904, xvii, 417. Also, Reprint. -----. Radiometrische Unter- suchungen. Internat. dermat. Kong. Verhandl. u. Ber. 1904, Berl., 1905, ii, 437-450. -----. Die Radiometrie mit Quecksilberoxalatlosungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 1841-1848.—Freund (L.) & Oppenheim (M.) Radiometrische Untersuchungen. Zentralbl. f. pnys. Therap. u. Unfallh., Berl. & Wien, 1905, i, 321-334. ----- -----. Weitere Beitriige zur Radiometrie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xviii, 824-827.— Freund (R.) Ueber die gebriiuchlichen Messmethoden der Rontgenstrahlen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Brauchbarkeit in der Praxis des Rontgentherapeuten. Ztschr. f. med. Elek- trol. u. Rontgenk., Leipz., 1908, x, 248-255.—Gardiner (J. H.) Measurements of the absorbability of Roentgen rays. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1899-1900, iv, 90-98.— (ii-amegna (A.) Alcune ricerche di radiometria speri- mentale. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1907, xviii, 150-158.— Griinbaum (K.) Die therapeutische Verwendung der Rontgenstrahlen. Med. BL, Wien, 1902, xxv, 669-673.— Guilleminot (H.) Sur le dosage des rayons X en physiologie experimentale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 186; 213. -----. Nouveau quantitometre a rayons X. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 136-ilO. -----. Principes de quantitometrie rationnelle en radiotherapie. Ibid., 601. -----. Les quantitome- tres en radiographie et en radiotherapie. Ibid., 763- 772. -----. Quantite de rayons X absorbee et quantite transmise par les couches successives de tissus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1908, cxlvi, 597-599. -----. Le dosage des rayons X en experimentation biologique et en medecine. Res. g6n. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1908, xix, 652-658. -----. Intensitometer measurement of the quantity of the X-ray radiation. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 14-21— Hall-Edwards (J. F.) Some suggestions for perfecting a method of X-ray measurement. Ibid., 1906-7, xi, 20-22, 1 pl.— Ha ret (G.) Presentation d'un porte-radiometre. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 157. Also: Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 509-512.— Men rani. Le dosage des ravons X en radiothe- rapy. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1905, xxv, 163-170.— Hessmann. Zur Dosierung der Rontgenstrahlen in der Praxis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1908, iv, 85-89.-Holzkneclit (G.) Eine neue, einfache Dosirungsmethode in der Radiotherapie (das Chromoradiometer). Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 685-687. Also: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 377-379. Also: Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1902, Leipz., 1903, ii, 2. Hlfte., 519. -----. Ueber die Bemiihun- gen um die instrumentelle Dosierung des Rontgenlichtos. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 757-759.—Hopkins (G. G.) On the dosage in radiotherapy. Phila. M. J., 1902, x, 443.— Jirotka. Dosierung von Rontgenstrahlen fur therapeutische und rontgenographiseheZwecke. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Cesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 38- 40. Also: Fortschr. a.d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906 ix, 385-:;*.'.).— Johnston (G. C.) A new direct-read- ing X-ray meter. Arch. Physiol. Therapy, Bost., 1906, iv, 253; 258.—.Tones (H. L.) Note on the use of themilli- ampereometcr in X-ray measurement. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 13-17.—Kassabin (M. K.) A resume of the radiometric dosage of the Roentgen ther- apy. Am. Q. Rrentgenol.. Pittsburg, 1906-7, i, 14-34. Also: 3. Advance. Therap., N. Y., 1907, xxv, 333-348.—Kien- bock(R.) Leber Dosimeter und dasquantimetnsche Ver- fahren. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rcentgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, ix, 276-295. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, RONTGEN. 694 ItONTT.KN. Rontgen rays (Measurement and control <>f). 495-408. Also, transl.: Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1906-7, xi, 17-20.—Kliujielluss (F.) Ueber Messung und Dosie- rung der Rontgenstrahlen inabsoluten Einheiten; Rtint- genolyse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1536; 1886. -----. Ueber ein neues Messverfahren zur Dosierung der Rontgenstrahlen mittels Strom- und Spannungsmessung an der gedampften Welle. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.- Gesellsch. , Hamb., 1908, iv, 145-149.—Kohler(A.) Ront- genrohre mit Vorrichtung zur therapeutischen Dosierung der Rontgenstrahlen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 76-80. ■-----. Ueber Dosierung in der Rontgenthera- pie und Vorgiinge im Inneren der Rontgenrohre. Fort- schr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1907, xi, 1-12.— Kouimissionsberichte; Kommission zur Festset- zung fester Normen fiir die Messung der Intensitat der Rontgenstrahlen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesell- sch., Hamb., 1907, iii, 15-26.—Lebou (H.) Precedes et instruments de mesure en radiologic Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par., 1904, iv, 241-249.—Levy-Do ni. Dosierung der Rontgenstrahlen in der Praxis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch.,Hamb., 1906,ii, 35-38. Also: Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1906, iii, 416-419.—Laira- schi(C.) Leradio-intensimetre; nouvel appareil de me- sure de l'intensiteetde la quantite des rayons X emispar le tube de Crookes. A reh.d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 14-26.—JTlaignot(G.) & Beelere (H.) Le reglage k distance et le reglage automatique des ampoules k osmoregulateur de Villard. Ibid., 803-809. — Marie (T.) & Bibaut (H.) Mesure des profondeurs en radio- graphie st6r6oscopique. Ibid., 1899, vii, 512-521.—]Tlor- ton (R.) The measurement of the current passing through an X-ray tube. Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond., 1905, vi, 277-283.—Najselschmidt (F.) Kritisches zur Rontgendosierung. Ztschr. f. phvs. u. diiitet. Therap., Leipz., 1908-9, xii, 285-290—Pitta'rd (H. G.) Note rela- tive to the estimation of Roentgen dosage. Arch. Physiol. Therapy,Bost., 1906, iv,258-260. Also: Am. Q. Roentgenol., Pittsburg, 1906-7, i, 6.—Pirie (A. H.) A new meter for measuringthe dose of X-ravs. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 641-643. -----. The electrolytic method of meas- uring X-rays. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1908-9, xiii, 26. Also: Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Electro-Ther- ap. Sect., 92-100.—Pitkin (J. T.) Indexes of the degree of penetration of the Roentgen rays. Am. J. Progr. Ther- ap., Chicago, 1905, xvi, 11-13.—Power (H.) Measure- ment of the X-ray. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1909, vii, 62- 66.—Rood (O.N.) On the reflection of the Rontgen rays from platinum. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 463.—Buthon (V.) Du degre de precision des mesures radiom6triques actuelles en therapeutique. Gaz. m6d. du centre, Tours, 1906, xi, 307-310—Sabouraud & Noire. Reponse a la communication de MM. Bordier et Galimard sur Taction des rayons X sur les platinocya- nures. Lyon med., 1905, iv, 1328.—Salomonson (W.) On the measurement of the intensity of the Roentgen rays. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond.,1907-8,xii, 3-10.—Savill (Agnes F.) On the use of the Sabouraud pastile for the measurement of X-rays. Ibid., 340-343.—Schindler (C.) Die Gaiffe Waltersche Milliampere-Meter-Methode als Mass der Bestrahlungsenergie una die Kromayersche Normal - Rontgendosis von 6 Milliampere - Zentimeter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 786.—Schmidt (H. E.) Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Radiometer von Sabouraud und Noire. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 260-263.-----. Zur Dosierung der Rontgenstrahlen. Ibid., 1906, x, 41-46. -----. Die Benutzung des Milliamperemeters und der parallelen Funkenstrecke bei der Dosierung der Ront- genstrahlen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 923. •-----. Zur Bestimmung der Strahlen- dosen, welche beideneinzelnenzurRontgenbehandlung geeigneten .Erkrankungen erforderlich sind. Therap. Monatschr., Berl., 1908, xxii, 439-444.— Schwarz (G.) Die Radiometrie mit Quecksilberoxalatlosungen. Wien. med. Presse, 1906, xlvii, 2092.—Sequcira (J. H.) On X- ray dosage. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1907, ii, 639-641.—Stern (S.) A method for measuring the quantity of X ray. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N.Y.,1903, xxi,56s.-570.—Toiisey (S.) An intensimetric scale for X-ray dosage. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1906, xxiv, 122-124. -----. Measurement of the intensity of the Roentgen ray; an element of safety in radiography and of uniformity in therapeutic results. Ibid., 1907, xxv, 63-72.—Villard (P.) Instruments de mesure k lecture directe pour les rayons X. Arch, d'elec- tric med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 692-699.—Walter (B.) Ueberdie Kohlersche Rontgenrohre mit Vorrichtung zur therapeutischen Dosierung der Rontgenstrahlen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 609. -----. Ueber die Messung der Intensitat der Rontgenstrahlen. Verhandl. • d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 126-134.— Werner. Ein Bestrahlungskonzentrator fiir Rontgen- therapie. Verhandl.d.deutsch.R6ntg -Gesellsch.,Hamb., 1907, iii, 114-118—AVilliains (E.G.) The regulation and measurement of the therapeutic dose of the Roentgen ray. Arch. Physiol. Therapy, Bost., 1906, iii, 70-74. Rontgen rays (Methods in application of). See, also, ROntgen rays (Accidents, etc., from Brotection against); Rontgen rays (Apparatus, etc., for); ROntgen rays (Manuals of, etc.); • RSntgen rays (Measurements, etc., of)'; Rent- gen rays (Bhotography by ) ; RBntgen rays (Therapeutic use of, Methods in). Groedel (F. M.) Die Orthorontgenogra- phie. Anleitung zum Arbeiten mit parallelen Rontgenstrahlen. 8°. Miinchen, 1908. Lehmann (0.) *Das Rontgenverfahren und sein Wert fiir den praktischen Arzt. 8°. Kiel, 1907. Mrssv (J.-J.-L.) *De la radiographie ste- reoscopique par la methode des reseaux. 8°. Nancy, 1904. Niewexglowski (G.-H.) Technique et ap- plications des rayons X; traite pratique de radioscopie et de radiographie. 8°. Baris, 1898. Soret (A.) *Le tube de Crookes; applica- tions medicales et chirurgicales des rayons de Roentgen; de la precision dans les methodes ra- diographiques. [Paris.] 8°. Le Havre, 1903. Wright (C. A.) Notes on instrumentation; published in connection with the English trans- lation of Radio-therapy, bv Leopold Freund. 8°. New York, 1904. Alamilla y Requeijo ( E.) Sobre radiografia. Rev. med. cubana, Habana, 1907, xi, 77; 149.—Albers- Schonberg. Zur Technik. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1899-1900, iii, 30-34. -----. Die Rontgographie mit dem elektrolytischen Unterbreeher (Wehnelt). Ibid., 140-147. -----. Zur Technik der Riint- gentherapie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, xxxi, 1265- 1269. -----. DerRohrenverbrauch bei Benutzung kleiner and grosser Induktoren. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Ront- genstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 441. -----. Zur Technik der Orthorontgenographie; exakte Uebertragung der KorpermittellinieundderMamillen auf eine vomKorper unabhangige Zeichenebene. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905-6, ix, 208-211.-----. Eine neue MethodederOrthodiagraphie. Verhandl.d.deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 109-113.-----. Ueber die Herstellung plastisch wirkender Rontgenogramme. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 923. — Alexander (B.) Plastikus X-sugaras kepek. [I'lastik skiagraphs.] Gv6gvaszat, Budapest, 1906, xlvi, 4is; 43*; 452; 469, 1 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906,1, 388. Also [Abstr.]: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1906, xli, 733-735. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1906, xiii, 98o.-----. Plastikus Rontgen-kepek; valasz dr. Stern Adolf Megje- gyzesek plastikus Rontgenkepekkesziteseroiesgyakorlati ertekerol czimii kozlem6nyere. [Plastic Rontgen rays: an answer to Adolf Stern's article entitled: Observa- tions on the preparations of plastic Rontgen pictures and their practical value.] GyogyAszat, Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 45H53. -----. Az X-suga'rak raizkepessOgercM; lemezek, papirkepekes rajzok alapjsin.' [The capability of X-ray sketches; lamina, paper pictures and form of sketches.] Ibid., 694; 711; 752. -----. Plastic Rcentgenography. Arch. Roentg. Kay. Lond., 1907-8, xii, 216-225,2pl.—B. (J.) Appareil acccs^oire pour radiographie; minutiers pour poses radiograph ii i ues. Arch.d'electric,med..Bordeaux, 1901, ix, 429-431—Bade (P.) Zur Technik der Rontgo- graphie, speciell mit dem elektrolytischen Unterbreeher. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1901, xv, 309; 328.—Bailey (B. F.) Some hints for X-ray workers. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis, 1901, viii, 879; 906.—Baraduc (H.) La pho- tographie des etats hypervibratoires de la vitalite hu- maine;methodede radiographie humaine. Rev.de l'hyp- not. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1897-8, xii, 47-52—Barjon (F.) Dispositif tres simple permettant la regulation in- stantanee des ampoules de Muller au cours d'un examen radioscopique. Lyon med., 1904, ciii,389-393.—Bariium (0. S.) A simple "device to aid X-ray technique. Arch. Electrol.&RadioL, Chicago, 1904, iv,282-284.—Barthol- di (K.) Vereinfachtes Verfahren zur Stereoscopie von Rontgenbildern. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1902, xxix, 1225-1230.—Battelli (F.) Su alcuni inconvenienti e cautele nell'uso dei tubidiCrookes per l'esecuzione delle fotografle coi raggi di Rontgen. Gior. d.r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1896, 3. s., xliv, 194-199.—Beatty (M. C.) A new method of charging Bunsen batteries for X-ray work. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vi, 161.—Beck (C.) Ueber Irrtiimer der Rontgographie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., RONTGEN. 695 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Methods in application of)- Berl.. 1900. xxi, 593-596.—Becker (E.) UeberRontgen- stereoskopie. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1904, xxxi, 1114- 1119. —Beelere (A.) L'emploi du diaphragme-iris en radioscopie et son utilite pour la determination du point d'incidence normale. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1900, viii, 610-519. -----. De la necessity dene pas adopter une technique uniforme pour l'exploration radiologique. Ibid., 1907, xv, 578-580.—Be la (A.) A plasticus X-suga- ras kepekrol. [Plastic X-ray pictures.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1, 1072-1075. Also, transl.: Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 46-53,1 pl. Also, transl.: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rcintg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii,74-77.—Belot (J.) Le facteur distance en radio- therapie. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 245-256. -----. Rapport sur l'instrumentation et la tech- nique en radiotherapie. Ibid., 538-552. -----. Sur une objection faite au porte-reaetif du localisateur-Belot. Bull. Soe. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, xvii, 127. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1906, 4. s., vii, 247.— Bennett (H. C.) Post-operative X-radiation. Am.J. Clin. M.. Chicago, 1908, xv, 942-946.—Berber (W.) Das System Dessauer. Fortschr. a. d.Geb.d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 432-439.—Bci-onie (J.) De l'utilite des mesures electriques en radiographie. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. lsny. Par., 1900, xxviii, pt. 2, 1036-1044.-----. Des mesures electriques dans les applications des rayons X a la medecine. [Rap.] Arch. d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 561-572. -----. De l'emploi de la compression en radiographie et sur un modele nouveau de radiolimitateur compresseur. Ibid., 1905, xiii, 128-136, 1 pl. -----. De l'indication per- manente du degre radio - chronometrique du fais- ceau emanant d'un tube de Crookes par le voltmetre eiectrostatique. Ibid., 1907, xv, 123-135.—Bergonie (J.) & Tribondeau (L,. i Interpretation de quelques resultats de la radiotherapie et essai de fixation d'une technique rationnelle. Cnnpt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1906, cxliii, '.is, <.r- >.—Bertolotti (M.) Sulla radio- terapia degli organi interni; tecnica relativa ai diversi mezzi di produzione dei raggi Rontgen. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1906, vii, 198.—Bogus (R. H.) Methods used in radiography. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1904, xxii, 217-224. -----. Variations of radiothera- peutic technic Am. Med., Phila., 1904. viii, 929-931. -----. The adjustment of X-radiatimis for various phys- iological effects. Penn. M. J.. Athens, iy05-0, ix, 646-649. [Discussion], 652-655.—Bordier A: Nojjier. Augmen- tation de l'energie des bobines employees pour la produc- tion des rayons X et des courants de haute frequence par un electrolyte place en derivation sur le primaire. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 623.— Brautlecht i G.) Universalblende fiir Durchleuchtung und Bestralilung. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1906, x, 287-291 — Brickner (\V. M.) How to secure the best skiagrams; some practical points in the manipulation of vacuum tubes in radiography and radiotherapy. Internat. J. Surg., X. Y., 1903, xvi, 303-306.- Bruce (F.) Hints regarding the management and use of X-ray apparatus. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond.. 1906, vi, 403; 507: 646: vii, 17; 163; 266; 380, 1 pl.—Brush (C.) Convenient methods of making radiographs. Arch. Electrol. & Radiol., Chicago, 1904, iv, 37-44.—de la (amp. Demon- stration vonFrontalserienschnittenzw ecksmethodischer Organumgrenzungim Rontgenbild. Verhandl, d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1904, xxi, 564-566.—Chappuis (J.) Du temps de pose dans les photographies par les ra- yons X. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 777- 779.— Chieote (C.) Aplicaci6n de los rayos X al reco- nocimiento de las materias alimenticias. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac de hig. y demog. 1*98, Madrid, 1900, v, 200-220.—Cod man (E. A.) An important im- provement in radiography. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxiv. 522— Contremoulins (G.) De 1'unification des methodes en radiographie. Rev. scient., Par., 1905, 5. s., iv, 805; 837: 1906, 5. s., v, 46.—Cook (F. R.) Roent- gen ray flashes or intermittent X-ravs. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv, 828-831.—Corson (E. R.) X-ray appa- ratus and X-raymethods, and the linesalongwhich prog- ress has been made. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1902, 381-392. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1902, xx, 801-809. -----. The X-ray technic of H. Albers-Schonberg. N. York M. J. [etcj, 1904, lxxix, 65-69. -----. The X-ray and photographic technique necessary to bring out bone detail in the print. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiv, 560- 566, 2 pL—Cotton (VV.) Proportional representation and the comparison of radiographs. Bristol M.-Chlr. J., 1907, xxv, 326-336.—Cowl (W.) Eine Verbesserung im Rontgen verfahren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii, 265. -----. Zur Technik. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1898-9, ii, 104 — D'Arman (D.) Sul miglior modo di rendere gradua- bili i rocchetti per radiografia. Compt.-rend. Cong. internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 352-359. Also: Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], Napoli, 1903, ii, 163-169.—Dave > (B.) The X-ray in medicine and Rontgen rays (Methods in application of)- surgery; with a review of the work of the past year in the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospi- tal. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1908, xxiii, 968-974.—David- sohn (F.) Zur Technik der Rdntgenphotographic Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 911.—Davidson i.I. M.) X-rays and sensitive plates. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1907. n,632-634.—Decret"(J.) La radiografia estereosc6- pica. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1902, lvi, 81- s.).— Oeelen. Rontgenogrammen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 330.—Degouy. Quelques points de technique radiologique. Ga/.. med. de Picar- die, Amiens, 1903, xxi, 76-.S3.—De Nobele (J.) Disposi- tif pour l'obtention des radiographics stereoscopiques. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1903, vi, 361-368. ■-----. La stereoscopie appliquee a la radiographic Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1905, xii, 195; 207. — Darcourt. Des regies qui fixent l'opacite aux rayons X des di- verses poudres antiseptiques. Marseille med., 1902, xxxix, 303-307. —Desplals (R.) Principes generaux de la radiotherapie, comment on dose et comment on mesure la quantite et la qualite des rayons X en thera- peutique. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1905, i, 132-143.— Dessauer (F.) Zur Technik der Rontgenapparate. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1902,12; 24. -----. Neueres aus dem Gebiete der Rontgentechnik. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, 205; 209. -----. Das Coxin-Verfahren in der Rontgen-Methode. Med. Woche, Berl., 1908, 127. -----. Praktische Erfahrungen mit dem Rontgeninstrumentarium, System Dessauer, Aschaffen- burg. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 66.-----.'Die Frage des Weehselstrombetriebes bei arztlichen Anlagen (insbesondere Rtintgenanlagen). Ibid., 1904, li, 1788- 1790. -----. Die Schliessungsinduktion, ihre Schiidlich- keit und ihre Unterdriickung. Phys.-med. Monatsh., Berl., 1904, i, 207-212. -----. Einige Hilfsapparate und technische Massregeln zur Ausiibung der Radiotherapie. Ibid., 253-258. -----. Beitriige zur Bestrahlung tief- liegender Prozesse. Med. Klin., Berl., 1905, i, 526; 549. -----. Ziele der Rontgentechnik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 143-146. -----. Ziele der Rontgentechnik. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1905-6, i, 29-32. -----. Eine neue An- wendung der Rontgenstrahlen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1908, lv, 1285-1287.—Dessauer (F.) & Wiesner (B.) Ein weiterer Fortschritt in der Durch- leuchtungstechnik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 927.—Destot. De l'emploi de la machine statique dans la production des rayons Roentgen. Province med., Lyon, 1896, x, 607.---—. De l'emploi de la ma- chine statique dans la production des rayons X. Ibid., 1897, xi, 55. -----. Un point de technique radiographi- que. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon, 1902, i, 565.—Dii- lenbach (W. H.) Plastic X-rav pictures or Roentgeno- grams. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, Ixxxvi, 1056. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. Century, Chicago, 1908, xvi, 65-68.— Discussion on the radiography of soft tissues. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1898-9, iii, 97-99.—Dodd (W. J.) & Osgood (R.B.) The technique of radiographic work as applied to surgery, and the interpretation of radio- graphs. Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck], N. Y., 1906, i, 599-i;.ss, 1 pl.—Donnat (J.) Regiesgenerales pour l'ori- entation des 6preuves radiographiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. de Vaucluse, Avignon, 1907, iii, 543-546.— Driiner. Ueber die Lagebestimmung von Fremdkor- pern und iiber stereoskopische Messung im Rontgenbild. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 217-222.—Du Boistesselin (H.) Les interrupteurs eiectrolytiques en radiographie. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1903, vi, 731-742.—Dumont (L.) Conseils pratiques sur l'electricite et les rayons X k l'usage des medecins. Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1908, lxxv, 649-663.—Dunham (K.) X-ray technique Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1906, n. s., lvi, 115-121.—Edmondson (G. S.) Some uses of the X-ray in the hands of the gen- eral practitioner. Illinois M. .!., Springfield, 1908, xiv, 336-33*..—Eid. Radiographics obteuues avec le courant alternatif de secteur, redresse directementpar lasoupape Nodon. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de / radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 732-739.—I'llischer (G.) ifj. Plastikus Rontgen-kepek. [Plastic radio- graphs.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1906, 1,584.— Elischer (G.) u- vements fonctionnels des organes; emploi des ecrans de plomb. Tribune med., Par., 1900, 2. s., xxxii, 49.— Guilleminot (H.) Rapport sur la definition des in- cidences dans la radiographie clinique; definition de la situation du tube de Crookes par rapport au sujet et a la plaque sensible. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1899, Par., 1900, xxviii.pt. 2, 998-1017. -----. La technique dans la radioscopie medicale. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par..-1900, sect, de path. gen.. 685-693. -----. Pro- cede commode pour connaitre instantanement l'inci- dence au cours des examens radioscopimpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1^96, in. s..iii. t,n7— Inlroit i <".) La radiographie par la machine statique a la Salpe- triere. Arch, d'electric. med.,Bordeaux. 1V03, xi. 5-">4.— Ireland (T. W.) & Howlett (E. H.) X-rays, a simple method of increasing the efficiencv of the tubes. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1156. — Jaquet. [Leber die Kdhlersche Verbesserung der Rontgentechnik bei sehr starken Patienten. ] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxi, 244. —Johnson (A. B.) A personal experience in radiography; together with the technique of stereoscopic radiograph v. Moi. Rec, X. Y., 1901, lx, 364-371. Also [Abstr.]: Scient. Am. Suppl., N Y., 1903, lv, 22805. -----. Stereoscopic radiog- raphv. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1902, xxxv, 454-466, 6 pl. on 3 1.—Johnson (G. C.) The development of the radio- graph. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 224-228.- Jones (H. L.) Some practical applications of electric- ity and X-ravs. Med. Mag., Lond., 1908. xvii, 197-205.— Jnettner (O.) Modern skiagraphic technique. Arch. Physiol. Therapy, Bost., 1905, ii, 252-259. -----. Radio- graphic memoranda. Internat. J. Therapy, Cincin., 1906 i, 32s-33l— Juniiherr iE.) Die bisherigen Leistungen der Rontgenphotographie auf dem Gebiete der Rhinolo- gie, Larvngolotrie und Otologie. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk. [etc.],Leipz., 1908, x, 129-144— Jungmann (A.i Beitrag zur Technik der Rontgenbestrahlung. Wie'n. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx, 221.—Kaestle. Eine RONTGEN. 697 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Methods in application of)- neue Fixations- und Kompressionsvorrichtug fiir Ront- genographie. Munchen.med. Wchnschr.,1907, liv, 1085.— Karen-ski (F.) Kann der Arzt fiir Unterlassung einer Rontgenuntersuchung verantwortlich gemacht werden? Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1908, xlix, 118-122. — Kassa- bian (M. K.) Instantaneous skiagraphy. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc. 1902, Louisville, 1903,40-42, 4 pl. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. X-Ray J., Chicago, 1903, xii, 41-44. -----. A plea for accurate and scientific application of the Roentgen rays in the treatment of diseases. Ibid., 1903, xii, 289-291. -----. The value of stereoscopic ski- agraphy with practical demonstration. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1904-5, xxv, 247-252. — Kienbock (_R.) Ueber Methoden der Deutung und Reproduktion von Radiogrammen; autographische Kreidezeichnungen; Beispiele an Knochenerkrankungen: Malleolarfraktur, Sprunggelenkstuberkulose, gummose Ostitis und chro- nische Arthritiden an Fingergelenken, Akromegalie und Pes equinus. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1902, xvi, 825-831. -----. Eine neue Methode in der Rontgentherapie. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1905, i, 197. -----. Leber die Strahlungsregionen der Rdntgenroh- ren. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1906, xx, 597.—King (G. W.) Substitute for darkroom during tiuoroseopic exam- inations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, I486.— Klieneberger (C.) Einfache Hilfsapparate fiir ront- genologische Tischaufnahme und Tischdurchleuchtun- gen. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1908, xxix, 845- 849. — Kohler (A.) Eine Rohrenkabelspannvorrich- tung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1905, xix, 278. -----. Ein Vorschlag zur Verbesserung der Rontgentechnik von Nierengegend-, Wirbelsaulen-und Hiiftenaufnahmen sehr starker Patienten. Ztschr. f. Elektrother., Leipz., 1906, viii, 213-218. -----. The theory and technique of tele- Roentgenographv. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 311-314, 2 pl.—Kohl (M.) Die Einrichtung eines Rontgenzimmers. Aerztl. Polytech., Berl., 1904, 4-12. Also: Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Politech., Bed., 1904, xxvi, 4-13. — Kotovieh (I. O.) Sposob polucheniya Rontgen'ovskikh luchei ot peremlennikh (fazovikh) to- kov tsentralnikh elektricheskikh stantsiy posredstvom alyuminiyevavo vipryamitelya. [Method of obtaining Rontgen rays from alternating (phasic) currents of cen- tral electric stations by means of an aluminum trans- former.] Voyenno-med. J , St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvi, med.-spec. pt., 641-652.—Krauss (W.) Practical points in Roentgen ray technique. Memphis M. Month., 1904, xxiv, 225-233.—Kronecker. Ueber ein vereinfachtes Verfahren der Rontgenphotographie mit Demonstratio- nen. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1903, Berl.,1904, xxxiv, pt. 2,191-195. [Discussion], pt. 1, 66.-----. Ein sehr einfaches und wohlfeiles Vertahren zur Anfertigung von Rdntgenbildern. Aerztl. Prax., Berl. u. Leipz., 1904, xvii, 133.—Kurochkin (P. M.) Primleneniye elektro- staticheskikh mashin dlya polucheniya Roentgen'ovs- kikh luchei. [Use of electrostatic machines to get Ront- gen rays.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1904, ii, med. spec, pt., 175-177.—Lafay (A.) Surun moyen de com- muniquer aux rayons de Rontgen la propriete d'etre de- vies par 1'aimant. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 713-715.—Lain (E. S.) The value of the X-ray to the surgeon, its use in diagnosis and treatment, with re- port of cases. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., Guthrie, 1908, i, 179- 187.—Lambertz. Die Perspective in den Rdntgenbil- dern und die Technik der Stereoskopie. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1900, iv, 1-36, 3 pl — Landsmann (E.) Zur Herstellung von Rontgeno- grammen mittels Influenzmaschine. Prag. med. Wchn- schr., 1897, xxii, lo;.—Laquerriere (A.) Une radio- graphic pour etre utile a quelquefois besoin d'etre faite en dehors des conditions pretendues classiques. Bull. off. Soc. franc, d'eiectrother., Par., 1908, xvi, 14-18.—Le- bon (H.) Radiographic plastique et radiographie ste- reoscopique. Clinique, Par., 1908, iii, 264-260.—Leduc (S.) Emploi des machines eiectro-statiques pour la ra- diographie et la radioscopie. Compt.-rend. Cong, inter- nat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, 673.—Leonard (C. L.) Recent advances in the technique of Roentgen ray ther- apy. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1905, 3. s., xxvii, 8-15. [Dis- cussion], 28-33. Also: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1905, n. s., cxxix, 616-622. -----. The essentials of successful Roentgen rav therapy. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvii, 1249.—Leredde. Technique et indications de la radio- therapie. Bull. Soc. franc;, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904. xv, 153-159. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1904J 4. s., v, 42.5-431.—Lciy-Dorn (M.) Eine Vorrich- tung zum Schutz des UntersuchersgegenX-Strahlen und zur Erzielung scharfer Bilder. Illust. Monatschr. d. arztl. Polvtech., Berl., 1898, xx, 95-99. -----. Neues aus der Rontgen-Technik. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- s'rahlen, Hamb., 1898-9, ii, 106-109. -----. Neues aus der Rontgentechnik. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesell- sch., Hamb., 1905, i, 149-153.-----. Die Entwicklung der Technik des Rontgenverfahrens. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 675-677.—Lewisohn (R.) Zur Herstellung plastisch wirkender Rdntgen- Rontgen rays (Methods in application photographien. Ibid., 1906, xxxii, 1040.—Lilienstein. Ueber direkte Vergrosserungund Verkleinerung mittelst Rontgen- und Beequerel- Strahlen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1900, iii, 190. -Loewin- thai (W.) Ueber die Rontgenlumineszenz der Calcium- wolf ramate und einiger anderer rontgenlumineszierender Kdrper. Ztschr. f. d. iirztl. Prax., Berl., 1908, xxi, 258 — Londe (A.) Application de la methode de M. Rontgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 311.— Lowe (G. M.) Technique of Roentgen-rays in surgery and medicine. JAbstr.l Med. Mag., Lond., 1902, xi, 745- 749.—Luraschi (C.) I nuovi processi di elettrizzazione ossia le correnti alternate sinusoidali, le correnti alter- nate ad alta frequenza e loro rapporto colla produzione dei raggi di Rontgen. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1896, 173-216. -----. La tecnica e la teoria dei raggi X. Politerap., Milano, 1898, iiw109-132. -----. Un nuovo sop- porto pei tubi di Crookes per la radiografia e la radio- scopia. Boll. d. Ass. san. milanese, Milano, 1899, i, 85. — Mach (E.) On the stereoscopic application of Roent- gen's rays. Monist, Chicago, 1895-6, vi, 321-323. — Mil- chol (A.) Beitrag zur Blendentechnik. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1749-1753. -----. Die Fort- schritte der Rontgentechnik und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Chirurgie. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk., Leipz., 1908, x, 1-15.—Macintyre (J.) Direct vision by means of the Roentgen rays. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 944.—Magie (W. F.) The clinical application of the Rontgen rays; the apparatus and its use. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1896, xviii, 97-103.—Maragliano (V.) Rontgenologia e tecnica relativa. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1905, Roma, 1906, xv, 224. -----. Raggi X e tecnica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1906, xxvii, 55-58. — Marie (T.) Avantages de la radiographie stereoscopique sur la radiographie simple pour le diagnostic des maladies du thorax et de l'abdo- men. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1899, vii, 248-250. -----. Rapport sur la radiographie et la radioscopie ste- reoscopiques. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1899, v, 465; 489; 520. Also: Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1899, vii, 417^31. Also: Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1899, Par.. 1900.xxviii.pt. 1,395-406. Also: Rev.internat.d'eiec- trother., Par., 1899-1900, x,6-19. -----. Rapport sur les progres de la radiographie stereoscopique. Assoc franc pourl'avance.d.sc C.-r., Par., 1900, xxix, 288-297.-----. Radiographie stereoscopique de precision. Ann. d'elec- trobiol. [etc.], Par., 1901, iv, 77-85. -----. Des avantages de la radiographie stereoscopique sur la radiographie simple pour l'examen du pied. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 935-941. Also: Arch. med. de Tou- louse, 1905, xi, 221-227. —Marie (T.) & Ribaut (H.) Stereoscopie de precision appliquee k la radiographie. Arch- de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1897, 5. s., ix, 686- 697.----------■. Application k la radiographie des eva- luations de distances au moyen de la superposition des deux couples st6reoscopiques. Ibid., 1898, 5. s., x, 790- 796.—Marqufes (H.) Materiel transportable de radio- graphie. Montpel. med., 1905, xx, 638-642. — Matthias (F.) Ueber ein einfaches Mittel zur direkten Betrach- tung stereoskopischer Rontgenaufnahmen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, vii, 189-192 — Menacho (M.) Nuevo procedimiento de radiografia entereoscopica. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Barcel., 1905, v, 641-652, 2 pl. —Meslin (G.) Sur la reduction de temps de pose dans les photographies de Riintgen. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1896, cxxii, 719. — Mish (V.) Lektsii po prakticheskomu kursu rentgenografii. [Lectures on practical Rontgenography.] Sibirsk.vrach. vledom., Krasnoyarsk, 1905, iii, 249; 265; 285. —Mittei- lungen des elektrotechnischen Laboratoriums Aschaf- fenburg iiber Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Ront- genstrahlen. I. Mitteilung. Rdntgenrohren betreffend. Ztschr. f. Elektrother., Berl. u. Leipz., 1904, vi, 1-16.— Monell (S. H.) A study of maximum X-ray effects with the static machine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, li, 903- 905.—Morgan (D.) Plastic Roentgenography, or the reproducing of X-ray pictures in relief. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 195, 2 pl.—Morton (R.) Ad- vantages of the use of X-ray filters in radio-therapeutics. Am. Q. Roentgenol., Pittsburg, 1906-7, i, 35.—Mutz (C. M.) The proper methods in X-ray therapy. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1902-3, ix, 293-296. — Neuheiten aus der iirzlichen Technik: Rontgen-Schutzhaus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1906, ii, 853. — Niewenglowski (G.-H.) Developpement des radiotypes. Radium, Par., 1905, ii, 202-206.—de Nobele (J.) Technique et applications de la radiotherapie. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 695-710.—Oddi (O.) Del come si possa facilmente radiografare il cuore ed azione tonica della ginnastica sistema Zander sul centro circolatorio e respiratorio. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1902, 1, 507-514, 2 pl.— Olenziger (F.) Eine einfache Methode harte Rdnt- genrohren wieder brauchbar zu machen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 1092.—Orloflf (N. A.) Instruk- tsiya k polzovaniyu, pri pomoshtshi ruchnovo privoda i dinamomashini, bolshim induktorom (razryadnaya iskra 50 ctm.), dlya radioskopii i radiografii; sostavil . . ., RONTGEN. 698 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Methods in application of)- pod red N. G. Yegorova. [Instructions on the use of a large inductor (50 ctm. spark), by the aid of a hand com- municator and dvnamomachine), for radioscopy and radiography; compiled by . . . under the editorship of Yegoroff.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, med.-spec. pt., 3034-3048, 1 pl. -----. Prakti- cheskiya ukazaniya dlya polzovaniya bolshim Ront- gen'ovskim apparatom s ruchnim dvigatelem. [Prac- tical indications for utilization of the large Rontgen apparatus with a hand motor.] Ibid., 1904, iii, med.-spec. pt., 225-244.—von Papius (K.) Radiologic und Ront- gentechnik. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1903, xiii, 121-126.—Pasche (O.) Ueber eine neues Blendenver- fahren in der Rontgen-Technik. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte Basel, 1903, xxxiii, 286-288. Also, transl.: Arch. d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1903, xi, 259-263. -----. Ueber die Ausschaltung der Sekundarstrahlung durch beweg- liche Blendensysteme (mit Demonstrationen am Modell der A. E. G.). Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rdnt.-Gesellsch. Hamb., 1905, i, 146-148.—Passicr (h.) Les moyens d'immobilisation en radiographic Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1907, xv, 875-884.—Petit (P. C), Boni- face & Aubert. Sur une methode generale en radio- graphie; description du support universel; le radio-cor- recteur. Ibid., 1906, xiv, 942-954.— Plahler (G. E.) Notes on X-ray therapy and a screen for the protection of the patient. Phila. M. J., 1903, xi, 305—Pfahler (G. E.) & Schamberg (J. F.) Further observations upon the Roentgen ray filter. Am. Q. Roentgenol., Pittsburg, 1906-7, i, 57-72, 3 pl.—Photographiesobtenues a l'aide des rayons Roentgen. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1896, n. s., xxii, 377.—Piltard (H. G.) Note rela- tive to the more efficient utilization of the spark-gap ra- diations. J. Cutan. Dis. includ. Syph., N. Y., 1904, xxii, 265-269. -----. Second note relative to the more efficient utilization of the spark-gap radiations. Med. News, N. Y., 1904, lxxxv, 1057-1059. -----. Aids to accuracy and efficiency in radiotherapy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 965-968. Also, Reprint,— Pirie (A. H.) Anew method for using X-rays. Lancet, Lond., 1907, ii, 84 — von Poehl (A.) & von Tarchanott"(J.) Die Kom- bination der Radiotherapie mit Organotherapie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 457-460.—Power (H.) One of the causes of imperfection in the radiographic image. J Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xlv, 961.—Pratt (H. P.) Technique of X-ray therapv. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis, 1903, xii, 67-69.—Price (W. A.) The technique neces- sary for making good dental skiagraphs. Tr. Am. Roent- gen Ray Soc 1903, Pittsburg, 1904, iv, 137-152,5pl.—Putti (V ) Radiograrie plastiche. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1906, xxiii, 355-357, 2 pl.—Begnier (L.-R.) La radio- scopie et la radiographie dans la pratique journaliSre. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 639-641.—Beiniger, Geb- bert & Schall. Eine Reguliermethode fiir den Harte- erad von Rdntgenrohren. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Ront- genstrahlen, Hamb., 1903, vi, 230-232.—Bieder (K.) Zur Technik der Rontgenstrahlen-Therapic Ibid., 190o, viii 303-308.—Bieder (H.) & Rosenthal (J.) Ueber weitere Fortschritte in der Moment-Rontgenphotogra- phie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 806.—Bo- barts (H.) Correction of normal divergence and di- vergence by position of the X-rays. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis, 1899, v, 618-620.—Bobinsohn (I.) Zur Verein- fachung der Blendentechnik; die Winkelblende. Fort- schr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 183-191. _____■• Zur Technik der Fixation des Objektes bei radiologischen Aufnahmen. Ibid., 347-356.—Rol- lins (W ) Notes on X-light; vacuum tube regulations for X-light tubes. Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 429-431. _____ Notes on X-light; note 204; on cooled targets in X-light tubes. Ibid., 1908, clviii, 414-416.—Rosenthal (J ) Ueber die Bedeutung der Kurvenform des Sekun- darstrornes fiir die praktische Rontgenologic Verhandl. d deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1908, iv, 67-72.— Both. Ueber die praktische Anwendung der Rontgen- methode. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1903,344.—Bouch (J ) Influence de la lumiere sur le virage et le d6virage du platino-cyanurede baryum dansles mesuresradiothe- rapiques. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1906, xiv, 792-795 —Rudis-Jicinsky (J.) A skiagraphic study and researchesinthedirection of obtainingpictures which are both shadow and substance of bone, muscle, and ligaments. N. York M. J_ 1902, lxxv, 487-190. -----. Ra- diographie und Skiagraphie als Kunst. Ztschr. f. Elek- troth, Berl. u. Leipz., 1903, v, 63-68. — Salvioni (E.) Una condizione necessaria per ottenere ombre nitide coi raggi di Rontgen, e un fenomeno che offre il modo di rea- lizzarla Atti e rendic d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1896 viii, 162-165. Also, Reprint. -----. Un metodo per confrontare gli schermi fiuorescenti ai raggi X. Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1896, viii, 253-270. Also Reprint—Santos (C.) Aperfeicoamentosesimph- flcac'oesda technicarcentgologica. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1905 2 s , vii. 138-141. — Schachter (M.) Plastikus rontWen-kepek. [Plastic Riintgen pictures.] Gy6gvaszat, Budapest 1906, xlvi. 813-816.—Schellenberg (G.) Mit- Rontgen rays (Methods in application of)- teilung fiber die Herstellung plastisch wirkender Rdnt- genphotographien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 764. — Schill" it: ) Ueber eine neue Methode zur Konstanterhaltung von Rontgenstrahlen. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 178-185. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Ztschr. f. Electroth., Berl. u. Leipz., 1902, iv, 269.— Schiirmayer (C. B.) Der heutige Stand und die Fort- schritte der Technik der Rdntgen-Photographie. Inter- nat. phot. Monatschr. f. Med., Miinchen, 1898, v, 129; 153; 183; 207; 233. -----. Zur Plattenfrage in der Rcintgeno- photographie. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk. [etc.], Leipz., 1907, ix, 73-83.-----. Weitere kritische Betrachtungen iiber die Aufnahme und Entwicklungs- technikvon Rontgenplatten und fiber die Schadigungen der Plattenschichten bei Rontgenplatten mit Einzel- packung. Zentralbl. f. d. Gesamtgeb. d. Med. [etc.], Wien, 1908, iv, 133; 141— Schultz (F.) Zur Frage der Homogenbestrahlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1908, xxxiv, 1396.—Scoble (W. A.) The dis- tribution of Roentgen ravs from a focus-tube. Arch Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1907-8, xii, 108-110—Sch rwa Id. Das Wesen der Elektricitiit und Rontgenstrahlen. fort- schr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1898, ii,l-rj.— Shenton (E. W. H. ) Instantaneous radiography. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1900. xiv, 364, 2 pl. on 11. -—-. Screen localisation by the Rontgen rays. Physician & Surg., Lond., 1900, i, 515-518. -----. Notes on the setting • up and working of an X-ray installation. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1901, lv, 69-82. -----. A system of radiog- raphy. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1901-2, vi, 62-70, 3 pl — Shenton (E. W. H.) & Bryant (J. H.) A paper on in- stantaneous radiography. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1900-1901, xxxiv, 76-80, 3 pl.—Sjogren (T.) Om tekniken vid och resultaten at radiograflen. [The technique and re- sults of radiograph v.] Tidschr.i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1901, xxvi, 51-62.—Smith (J. F.) Permeability of rub- ber drainage tubing to X-ray. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, n. s., v, 578-580.—Snow (W. B.) Means and modes in radiography. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1902, xx, 371-378.—Sommer (E.) Das rontgenographische Dunkelzimmer und seine zweckentsprechende Beleuch- tung. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1906, i, 122-129.—Soret (A.) Les rayons X et l'ioaoforme. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlv, 387.—Steu- mann (K.) Schutz fiir Arzt und Patienten bei Roiit- genbehandlung. Wien. klin.Wchnschr., 1904, xvii, 1284.— Stein (A. E.) Ueber Kompressionsblenden bei Ront- genaufnahme. Ztschr. f.ilrztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1904, i, 73-75, 2 pl. -----. Rontgen-atvilagitasvagy f6nykepezes? [Rontgen transillumination or photography?] Gy6gya- szat, Budapest, 1905, xlv, 739-741. -----. Eine Universal- blende. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xix, 1259.-----. Plastische Rontgenbilder. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1529. -----. Megjegyzesek plastikus Rontgen- kepek keszites6rdl 6s gyakorlati ertekerdl. [Observations on the preparation of plastic Rontgen pictures and their practical value] Gy6gyaszat, Budapest, 1907, xlvii, 414- 416. See, also, supra, Alexander. -----. Ueber plastische Rontgenogramme. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1908, xii, 96-100.—Stern (S.) Unipolar X-rav. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxvi, 616.—Stern (W. G.) & Bosenberg (E.) Plastic radiography, apreliminary communication. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 751- 753.—Stiles (H. J.) Skiagraphy after injection of the blood vessels with mercury. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxxii, 83,-91. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1898, n.s., lxv,509.—Stover (G. II.) An improved X-ray for the study of bone injuriesand foreign bodies. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1905, xliv, 929-932—Thompson (G.) Practical hints for X-rav workers. Med. Rec N. Y., 1900, lviii, 37.—Tochessati (A.) La tecnica dei raggi Rontgen usata dal Prof. Albers-Schonberg. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1908, viii, 237-241.—Tousey (S.) An improvementin radiography; a print made by direct expo- sure and developed in halt a minute without a darkroom. N.York M.J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 402. Also. Reprint — TretrSp & Gects (V.) La radiographie sansbobine d'induction et sans accumulateurs. Ann. Soc de med. d'Anvers, 1898, lx, 49-51, 1 pl.—Tuffier. Radiographie plastique. Bull, et mem. Soc:. de chir. de Par., 1907, n. s., xxxiii, 1008.—Villard (P.) La stereoradioscopie par les courants alternat i is. Arch, d'electric med.,Bordeaux, 1901, ix, 205-210.—Vi reh ow (H.) Apparat zur Kon- trolle von Rontgenbildern. Ztschr. f. diiitet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1899, iii, 275-278, 2 pl. —Walter (H.) Ueber Rontgenstereoskope. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 418 — Walter (R.) Einige Versuche mit einem Dessauer-In- duktor. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 440.—Wassermann (M.) Die Bedeutung des Rontgenverfahrens auf dem Gebiete der Rhinologie und Larvngologie. Ibid., 1908, xii, 293-298. — Weigel (L. A.) Practical points in the use of the X-ray. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 41-49. Also, Reprint.—Weiss (L.)Use of series spark-gaps for X-ray work. Med. Rec, N.Y., RONTGEN. 699 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Methods in a judication of). 1901, lxvi, 211-213.—Wertheiin-Saloiuonson. Lei- stungsmessung an Induktorien. Verhandl. d. deutsch Rontg.-Gesellsch.,Hamb., 1905, i, 123-125.—Wiesner (B.) Eine Blende zu Rontgenaufnahmen. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1903, xvii, 116. -----. Beitrag zur Technik der stereoskopischen Rontgenaufnahme. Phys.-med Mo- natsh., Berl., 1904, i, 275-277. -----. Zur Technik der Rontgentherapie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii 2112.—Wiesner (B.) «fc Dessauer (F.) Uebereinen Fortschritt in der Technik der Rontgendurchleuchtung. Ibid., 1903, 1, 1387-1389. Also: Znhniirztl. Rundschau Berl., 1903, xii, Nos. 587-588.—Wi»lit (J. S.) Some new suggestions in X-rav photography. Phila. M J 1899 iii, 104. -----. The regulation of' the X-ray tube' N.York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx. 209.—Wilbert (M. I.) Systematic records and the routine use of the X-rays. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc. 1902, Louisville, 1903, 43-56. — Wild! (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Technik. Fortschr. a d. Gel>. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1899, iii, 17.—Willie. Plastische Rontgenbilder. Antwort auf die Keplik auf S. 946. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurtteinh. arztl. Ver stuttg 1907, lxxvii, 964.— Willey (V. .1.) The principles of photography for X-ray workers. Am. J. Progr. Therap., Chicago, 1905, xvii, 47-55. Also: Physician it Surg.. De- troit & Ann Arbor, 1905, xxvii. 538-547, 1 pl. -----. Mod- ern skiagraphic technique. Physician it Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1906, xxviii, 193-200.—Williams (E.G.) The regulation of the duration of exposure and the dis- tance from the tube in X-rav therapv. Tr. South Surg & Gynec. Ass. 1903. Phila,, 1904, xvi, 389-392. -----. Prin ciples governing the technic of Roentgen-ray therapy. Med. News, N. Y., 1905, Ixxxvi, 875. -----. The tube in Roentgen therapy. Arch. Physiol. Therap., Bost., 1906, iv, 260-263.—Williams (F. H.) Methods for determining the density of various parts of the bodv, especially the lungs, by means of the X-rays. Boston M. & S. J., 1906 civ, 185.—Wittek (A.) Zur Technik der Rontgenpho- tographie (Lendenwirbel, Blasensteine). Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1903-4, vii, 26, 1 pl. Rontgen rays (Microbiclele potcer of). See, also, Bacteria (Lnfluence of electricity, etc., on); ROntg-en rays (Therapeutic use of). Asehkinass (E.) Die Wirkung derBecquerel-Strah- len auf Bakterien. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1901. Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 467.—Bardccn i C. R.) The action of the X-rays on Paramecia. [Abstr.] Anat. Record, Bait., 1906-7, no. 3, 59.—Bean (W. H.) The effect of Roentgen rays upon certain bacteria. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 362.—Blaikie (J. B.) Note on the effect of the X rays on the growth of the tubercle bacillus and on diph- theria toxine. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 429-431.— Bonomo ( L.) & Gros (G.) SulP azione dei raggi Roentgen sui microrganismi. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1897, xlv, 568-584— Oipollina & Mara- gliano (V.) Sull' azione battericida dei raggi X. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1902, xxiii, 1533. A/so: Lavori d. Cong. di med. int. 1902, Roma, 1903, xii, 22, — (lough (H. T.) The X-ravs do not kill the microbes. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1895-6, ii, 495.—De Bcnzi (E.) SulP azione microbicida dei raggi Rontgen < raggi X ). Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1098.- Dunham (K.) The effects of X-rays upon lower animal life and the tubes best suited to their destruction. Tr. Am Roentgen Ray Soc, 1903, Pittsburgh, 1904, iv. 12^-136. Also: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait.. 1904, xv, 51-53. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1904, xiii, 338-344—Jastram (M.) Ueber die Einwirkung der R.-Strahlen auf Bakterien, Pflanzen- samen und Infusorien. Ztschr. f. Elektrother., Leipz., 1905, vii, 325; 369; 398.—Minek (F.) Zur Frage fiber die Einwirkung der Rontgen'schen Strahlen auf Bacterien und ihre eventuelle therapeutische Verwendbarkeit. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 101.—Bieder (H.) Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Bacterien. Sit- zungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen, 1898, xiv, 1-13. Also, transl.: Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par., 1899, ii, 588-593. -----. Weitere Mittheilung fiber die Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf Bacterien, sowie auf die menschliche Haut. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlv, 773. -----. Nochmals die bakterientodtende Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen. Ibid., 1902, xlix, 402- 406.— Buss (V. K. ) Einiges iiber den Einfluss der Rontgenstrahlen auf Mikroorganisinon. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Berl., 1906, lvi, 341-360.— Wilson (W. H.) Preliminary report of some experiments to determine the effects of X-ravs on bacteria and on the red bone- marrow. Clinique, Chicago, 1900, xix, 613-616.— Wol- fenden (R. N.j & Boss (F. W. F.) The action of Roentgen rays upon the growth and activity of bacteria and micro-organisms. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1898-9, iii, Z3-15. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 1762. Rontgen rays (Pathologic influences of). See ROntg-en rays (Accidents, etc., from use of); ROntg-en rays (Biologic influences of.) Rontgen rays {Periodicals and transac- tions of congresses and societies relating to). American Quarterly of Roentgenology. Pub- lished by the American Roentgen Ray Society. Edited l>v Preston M. Hickey [et al.]. v. 1, October, 1906, to July, 1907. 8°. Bittsburg. American Roentgen Ray Society. Transac- tions. Annual meetings. 3., 1902;" 4., 1903; 8., 1907. 8°. Louisville, 1903-8. American (The) X-Ray Journal. Edited by Heber Robarts. [Monthly.] v. 1-15, May, 1897, to December, 1904. 8°. Saint Louis & Chicago. Continued under title: American Journal of Pro- gressive Therapeutics. Archives of Clinical Skiagraphv. By Sydney Rowland, v. 1, May, 1N96, to April, 1897. 4°. London.. Continued under title: Archives of the Roentgen Ray. Archives of Electrology and Radiology. Ed- ited by F. W. Buttermann [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 4, 1904. Continued under title: American Journal of Progressive Therapeutics. 8°. Chi- cago. Continuation of: American Electro-Therapeutic and X-Ray Era. Archives of the Roentgen Ray. Edited by W. S. Hedley and Sydney Rowland. [Quar- terly.] v. 2-13, July,'1897-1909. 4°. London. Current, v. 1 under title: Archives of Clinical Ski- agraphy. Congres internat. d'electrologie et radiologic medicales. Catalogue de 1'exposition. 12°. Birne, 1902. French and German text. Congres international d'electrologie et de radiologie medicales. Comptes-rendus des se- ances du 2e . . ., Berne 1" au 6 septembre 1902. 8°. Berne, 1903. Deutsche Rontgen-Gesellschaft, Verhand- lungen. 1. und 4. Kongress, 1905-8. roy. 8°. Hamburg, 1905-8. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgen- strahlen. Hrsg. von Dr. Deyckeund Dr. Albers- Schonberg. v. 1-13, 1897-1909. 4°. Hamburg. Current. Henrard (E.) Le 2me Congres international d'electrologie et de radiologie medicales de Berne, en 1902. 8°. Bruxelles, [1902]. Medical Electrology and Radiology, an in- ternational quarterlv review. Edited bv W. S. Hedley [et al.]. v. 4-8,1903-7. 8°. London. Continuation of: Journal (The) of Physical Thera- peutics. Practitioner (The). A medical journal. Extra number on X-ravs in diagnosis. 8°. London, 1906. Rayons (Los) X. E. de Boutgade, redacteur en chef. [Weekly.] v. 1, Feb. 5, 1898, to April 22, 1899. fol. Baris. Ended. Roentgenovski Vestnik. [ Roentgen Ga- zette.] Nos. 1 & 2, v. 1, July to Dec. 1, 1907. 8°. Odessa. Rontgographie (Die) in der inneren Medi- cin. Hrsg. von H. von Ziemssen und H. Rieder in Munchen. 1. Lfg. fol. Wiesbaden, 1901. German and English text. Washington X-Ray Laboratory. The an- nouncement of the ... 8°. [ Washington, n. d.] Brickner (W. M.) & msing (E.) Report of the X- ray department. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep. 1901-2, N. Y.. 190:;. iii, 556-559.— Comas y Ldaheria (C.) & Frio y RONTGEN. 700 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Periodicals and transac- tions of congresses and societies relating to). L. Liberia (A.) Bericht iiber Rontgentherapie an die 73. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Hamburg. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1901, v, 56-63.—Congres international pour l'etude de la radiologie et de I'ionisation, Liege (12-14 septembre 1905). Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 715-724 — Grashey (R.) Der Rontgenkongress zu Berlin 30. April bis 3. Mai 1905. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1905, Iii, 925.—IrOison (E.) Installation et fonc- tionnement du Laboratoire de radiographie de l'Hopital militaire du Val-de-Grace. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1899, xxxiii, 334-352.—Sonimer (E.) Die Rontgenstrahlen auf dem 1. Berliner Komrr^-, Wien. klin. Rundschau. 1905, xix, 622; 656: 674. -----. Bericht iiber den ersten Rontgenkongress in Berlin, 30. April—3. Mai 1905. Arch. f. phvs. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz., 1906, i, 3; 276. Rontgen rays (Photography by). See, also, B,6ntgen rays (Methods in, etc.). Albert (L.) La photographie de l'invisible; les ravuiisX, suivi d'un glossaire. 16°. Baris, 1898." Canalejo y Soler (J.) La fotogratia asce- tica por medio de los rayos Rontgen. Foto- grafia de lo invisible. Teoria; procedimiento; aplicaciones. 12°. Barcelona, [n. d.]. Adams (W.) The new svstem of photographv. Tri- State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 91-100.—Alexander (K. B.) Az X-sugarak demonstrativ kepesseg6rol, atvild- gitas, lemezek 6s k£pek alapjAn, kiilonos tekintettel a csontszovet fejl6d6s6re. [Demonstrative transillumina- tion by the X-rays, plates, and pictures, and especially the development of bone tissue] Cvogvaszat. Budat>e-t, 1902, xiii, 52; 69; 105; 121; 169; lso: 201: 262; 296: 327;'360: 109; 439; 491; 504; 520; 568; 583; 599— Armaiiinac. La photographie Et travers les corps opaque-. Mem. et bull. Snc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1896), 1897, 65-68.— B. (V.) La photographie de l'invisible appliquee a la ehirurgie et k la medecine. Bull. Soc.mc5d.de Charleroi, 1896, xvii, 77-81.—Baeheren. Durch Rontgenstrahlen entlarvt. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztsrhr., Berl.. 1898. xxvii, 6-7-690.—Bardet i'G.) De la photographie a travers les corp- opaques et de ses applications a la mete,t/raphy In/). Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1901, fasc. 2,96-9.'.—< abezon (J. M.) Nuevas aplicaciones de la radiografia y radio- scopia; localizadores y fluoroscopios. An. san. mil. Bue- nos Aires 1900, ii, 306-315, 2 pl—Carpentler (J.) Sur la representation photographique du relief dune me- daille obtenue au moven des ravons de Rontgen. Compt rend. Acad. d. d. se., Par., 1896, cxxii. 526.—Clianoz (M.j Action des rayons X sur la plaipie photographique. Bull Soc. med. d. h6p. de Lvon, 1908. vii, 9Viuo. Also; Lvon med., 1908, ex, 616-620.— Cliapin H. I>. i a Morton (W. J.) A Rontgen pieture of a mara-mic infant. X York M. J., 1896, lxiii. .. in, 1 pl— < lendiiiiicii (F. J.) Notes on skiagraphy. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1899, Brisbane, 1901, 227-233— Codman (E. A.i Ex- periments on the application of the Roentgen ravs to the study of anatomy. J. Exper. M., X. Y.. 189\ iii, 383-391.— Colson >R.l Mode d'action des rayons X sur la plaque photosraphique. compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1X96, cxxii, 922— 4 ontremonlins ( G. ) La radiographie dans les hopitaux. Rev. scient., Par., 1901, 4. s.. xvi, tH3-622. -----. La question de la radiologie dans les hopitaux. Presse m£d., Par., 1903, ii, annexes, 409-411.— Corneille (P.) La radiographie dans les h6pitaux; son 6tat actuel- projet de reorganisation. Arch.gen.de med., Par., 1906, i. 1380; lt',30.—Cross (J. G.) The present status of the X-ray in medicine and surgerv. Northwest Lancet, Minneap., 1901. xxi,205-2U9.—Cuudrado (G. A.) La fotogratia de lo invisible. Rev. de cien. med.. Ha- bana. 1896, xi, 81-#3.—Davidson i.I.M.) Remarks on the value of stereoscopic photography and skiagraphy; records of clinical and pathological appearances. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1669-1671- Debierre. Photogra- phies stereoscopiques de pieces anatomiques. Compt. rend.Soc.de biol.. I'ar.. ]-92. 9. s.. iv, 568. See, also, infra, Doumer. — De Falco i A. ) Nuova teoria dell' ombra nella schiascopia. Gior. i ied. d.r. esercito [etc.1, Roma, 1898, xlvi, 599: 7^5: 897.—De Nobele (J.) La photogra- phie a travers les corps opaques au moyen des nouveaux rayons de Roentgen. Bull. Soc. de meL de Gand, 1896, lxiii, 111. -----. ( n ganisation du service de radiographie de l'Hopital civil de (land etson fonctionnement pendant les annees 1901 a 19o:i. Ann. Soc. de.med.de Gand, 1903, lxxxii, 73-96, 5 pl.—Doumer i E.) A propos de la com- munication de M. Debierre relative k de nouvelles photo- graphies stereoscopiques de pieces anatomiques. Compt. rend. soc. debiol.. Par.. 1892, 9. -,iv.659. Also: Brill, med. du nord, Lille, 1892, xxx. 329-331.—Du tour ( H. i Proofs obtained by means of Rontgen's procedures. Chem. News.Lond.,1896,lxxiii,62.—Foveau deCourmelles. Some interesting cases of radiographc. Tr. Am. Electro- ther. Ass. 1899-1900, Phila., 1901,"83-86.' -----. Dela radio- graphie andrologique et gynecologique. Rev. clin. d'an- drol. etde gynec. Par.," 189*. iv, :->3-5-3l5.—Franken- berger (O.) Radioskopie a radiograrie v laryngologii a rhinologii. Casop. 16k. Cesk.. v Praze, 1899. xxxviii, 30.— Garcia Julian (I.; El descubrimiento de Rontgen y su utilidad en el servieio sanitario de pa/, y de guerra. Rev. de san. mil.. Madrid, 1902. xvi, 119: 169. — Gird- wood (G. P.) Stereoskiagraphy. Montreal M. J.. 1899, xxviii, 193-1%, 2 p .—Grad H. < Radioirraphv. J. Ad- vanc. Therap., N. Y., 1904. xxii, 526: 602; 672: 1905, xxiii, 40; 99.—Grashey (R.) Leber Schnell- und Fernauf- nahmen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1908, iv, 92-94. —Groedel (F. M.) Leber Mo- ment- und Telerontgenographie. Ibid., 94-97. -----. Zur Technik der Telerontgenographie. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk.. Leipz.. 1908, x, 168-172.—t. run - maeh (E. ) La radiographic et la radioscopie des organes internes. [Kap.] Arch, d'electric. mM., Bor- deaux, 1902, x, 717-72s.—Harnisch iF. C.) & Schmidt (O. L.) Fourskiaeraphs. Chicago M. Recorder, 1896, xi, 101, 4 pl.—Harris (L. 11.1 The present position of the Rontgen ravs in medicine and surgerv. Australas. M. Cong. Tr. 1905. Adelaide, 1907, vii, 20-29". Also: Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1906, xxv, 78-85. -----. The Roentgen ravs, with special reference to renal radiographv. In- tercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. 1902. Hobart, 1903, 273- 280. — Haschek ( E.) & Lindenthal ( O. T. ) Ein Beitrag zur prakti-ehen Verwerthung der Photographie nach Rontgen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1*96, ix, 63.— Hauchamps L.) Quelques mots a propos des nou- velles installations radiographiques des hdpitaux de Bruxelles (compte rendu de 1'an nee 1904). J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1905, v. 125-129.—Hedley (W.S.I [Progress in radiographic art.] Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond., 1904, v, 8; 83: 112; 154; 199.—Heller (R.) Appareil pour la seance rapide des plaques photo- graphiques. Arch, d'electric m£d., Bordeaux, 1909, xvii, 31.—Hill (B.) & McLean (J. H.) The new pho- tographv. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond., 1896, xvii, 62s- 631.—Hulst (H.) General discussion on developers. Tr. Am. Roentgen Rav Soc. Cincin., 1907, viii, 25-33.— Imbert (A.) ller. Ueber Rontgen-Strahlen und iiber Verwerthung derselben in der prak- tisehen Heilkunde. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb., 1898, xxiv, 125-127.— Be van (A. D.) The present status of the X-ray as a means of diagnosis and a therapeutic agent. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1902, xx, 435-451—Bienfait (A.) L'utilisation des ravons X en medecine. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1906, xlv, 215-225.—Bilhaut. De l'utilit6 des rayons X en therapeutique psychologique. Cong, internat. de l'hypnot. exper. et the'rap. 1900, Par., 1902, ii, 234-236. Also: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phy- siol., Par., 1902-3, xvii, 11-14.—Bisserie & JTIezcrette. Statistique radioth£rapique. Bull. Soc. franc;, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, xvi, 129-136. Also: Ann. de dermat. etsyph., Par., 1905,4. s., vi, 345-352—Blacker (A. B.) Report of the X-ray department, 1899. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1901, 319-321.—Blackmarr (F. H.) Anestimateof the value of the X-rav. Am. Electro- Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago, 1902, ii, no. 5, 1-5.—Bla- lock (N. G.) X-ray thcrapv. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1903, xi, 10-1">.—Bleyer (J. M.) Crookes's X and other light rays; a problem vet to be solved in therapeu- tics, ete. N. York M..L, 1*96, lxiii,245-247. Also,Reprint.— Blum (V.) Ein Rontgen-Schadenersatzprozess (retro- spective Betrachtungen iiber das erste Quinquennium der Radiotherapie (1897-1902) mit einem Gutachten des Doc. R. Kienbock). Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1908, xii, 186-202.—Boggs (R. H.) X-ray as a means of diagnosis and as a therapeutic agent, with a re- port of cases. J. Advanc. Therap., N.Y., 1902, xx, 655-665 -----. TheusesoftheX-ravinmedicineandsurgery. Med. News,N.Y.,1904, lxxxv, 360-362.-----. Treatment of non- malignant diseases by tbe Roentgen ray. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1905, 3. s., xxvii, 16-22. [Discussion], 28-33.-----. The present status of Rontgen ray therapy. Med. Ree, N.Y., 1905, lxvi, 693-695. -----. Physiological actionsand therapeutical uses of the Roentgen rays. X. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiv, 275.—Bondurant (E. D.) Some of RONTGEN. 703 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use of). the therapeutic uses of the X-ray. Tr. M. Ass.' Alabama, Montgomery, 1902. 283-287. Also: X. York M. J. 190>' lxxvi, 194-196.— Bouchacou rt & Hunt. De i'endo- diathe>apie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch Hamb., 1905, i, 170-173.—Bowles (R. L.) "Pathological' and therapeutical value of the Roentgen rays. Lancet Lond., 1896, i, 655.— Bozzolo (C.) Sull' azione dei raggi X sugli organi leucopoietici. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med di Torino, 1904, 4. s., x, 401-406.—Branth (J. II.) Roent- gen rays in the treatment of cancerous and skin affec- tions, and epilepsy, and in diagnosis. N. York M I [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 1117-1122.—Breda. Relazione sulla radioterapia nell' Istituto radioterapico di Padova. Gior ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1906, xli, 38^11.—Brockinaii (D. C.) The therapeutic use of the X-ray. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1902-3, ix, 275-279. Also: Iowa M. J. Des Moines, 1903, ix, 74-77— Brokaw (A. V. L.) The X- raysas a therapeutic agent. Alabama M. J., Birmingham 1902-3, xv, 75-90. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1902 xxvii' 321-336. Also, Reprint.—Bruce (W. I.) The treatment of leukremia, exophthalmic goitre, sarcoma, etc by X- rays. Proc. Roy. Soe. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, elect-ther- ap. sect., 55-62.—Burdick (G. G.) Radiotherapeutic nihilism. Am. Med., Phila., 1905, ix, 116. Also- Arch Physiol. Therap., Bost., 1905, i, 24-26. -----. The present status of radiotherapv. Arch. Phvsiol. Therap Bost 1906, iii, 126-134.— Burger (H.) "Die Bedeutung der Rontgenstrahlen in der Rhino-Laryngologie. Monatschr f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1908, xiii, 166-174.—Buschke. De- monstration von Pr¶ten, betreffend die Wirkungs- weise der Rontgenstrahlen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1905 xiii, 131.—Butcher (W. D.) On the rationale of radio- therapeutic treatment. Med. Electrol. & Radiol Lond 1905, vi, 243-248.—Butler (T. L.) A report on radiother- apy. Louisville Month. J. M. & S., 1902-3, ix, 243-252. [Dis- cussion], 266-270. Also, Reprint. -----. Theprescntstatus of X-ray therapeutics. Louisville Month. J. M & s 1902-3, ix. 463-467.—de la Camp (O.) Rontgenver- fahren und interne Therapie. Therap. d. Gegenw Berl- Wien, 1903, n. F., v, 211-252. -----. Die medizinischen Anwendungsgebiete der Rontgenstrahlen. Med. Klin Berl., 1904-5, i, 3-6.—Campbell (W. F.) Experimental X-ray therapy. GaiHard's M. J., N. Y., 1904, lxxx, 7-9 — Carson (M. F.) The advantages of the X ray in the treatment as well as the diagnosis of certain surgical cases. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1901, 164-169.—Cen- ter iC. D.) Radiotherapy, with report of eleven cases Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1903-4, v, 158-161. Also: Inter- nat. J. Surg., X. Y., 1903. xvi, 310-312. — CernS & Cau- chois. Xotes de radiotherapie. Xormandie med Rouen, 1904. xix, 281: 1905, xx, 413.— Chaves (B.) Ra- diografia e radioterapia. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano 1900, xxxv, 336-338.—Childs(S. B.) The results of X-ray treatment. Colorado Med., Denver,-1903-4, i, 121-127.— Cod man (E. A.) Practical medical use of the X-ray. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxv, 50. -----. The use of the X-ray in surgerv. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1903, xiv, 120-124, 1 pl. Also, Reprint. —Cohn (M.) Erfah- rungen auf dem Gebiete der Therapie mit Rontgenstrah- len. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1905, xiii, 1211-1215.—Cole- man (J. E.) The value of the X-ray to the general prac- titioner. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1905, n. s., liv, 197-200.— Comas (C.) & Prid (A.) Los rayos Rontgen y sus aplicaciones medicas. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel., 1901, xv, 81-109.-----------. Rontgenterapia. Ibid., 1902, xvi. 87: 159. —---------. Consideraciones gene- rales sobre roentgenterapia. Cong, internat. de m6d. C.-r. pjij3. Madrid, 1904. xiv, sect, de dermat. et syph., 217-227.—Coomcs (M. F.) The present status of radio- therapv and radiography. Am. Pract. & News, Louis- ville, 1902, xxxiv, 287-294. — Coon (C. E.) Rontgen ray treatmentof disease. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 313-315.— Coromilas(G.-P.) Les rayons X comme moyen parego- rique et peut-6tre curatif contre certaines tumeurs, e'est- il-dire la radiotherapie en chirurgie. Trav. prat, d'obst. et degynee.. Par., 1907, 36-45.—Costa (J. R.) La practica de los rayos X. An. d. Circ. m*5d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1900, xxiii, 373-390. -----. Radioterapia. Rev. Soc. med. ar- gent., Buenos Aires, 1902, x, 708: 1904, xii, 293.—Crance (C. T.) Some experiences with the Roentgen ravs. A. O. D. Bull., Buffalo, 1903, i, no. 7, 1-3. —Crane (A. W.) Specific immunity and X-ray therapeutics. Tr. Am. Roentgen Rav Soc, Cincin., 1907, viii, 214-225. Also: Am. J. M.Sc,Phila. & X.Y, 1908, n.s., exxxv, 420-426.—Cura- tulo (E.) Die chemischen Strahlen in der gyniikologi- schen Therapie und die Anwendung der Photo-Therapie bei Krebs und Tuberkulose der Gebarmutter. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik.,Berl., 1905, xxii,60-70.—Cutts (W. B.) Roentgen ray therapy. Providence M.J.,1907, viii,187- 190. — Dalou* (E.) & Lasserre (J.) Sur le processus histologique des radio-epith61ites (action des rayons X sur l'6piderme normal et surles tissus 6pith61iomateux). Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1905, 4. s., vi, 305-314.— Dandois (L.) Un coup d'ceil sur la radiotherapie. Rev. m<'d. de Louvain, 1905, n s., ii, 81-90. Also: Med. Progress, Louisville, 1903, xix, 111-114.— Deleplne (S.) Therapeutic: u«e of Roentgen's rays. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, l, 559.—Delherm &. Laquerrifere. La roent- Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use of). fHlsa.^lon' Question sociale. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905 n, 1820-1825. - Bennett (D. C.) Radiotherapy n"JT' 0f Cases' Med- Rec- - N- Y-> 1904>lx v- 253-256.— JUeNobelefJ.) La radiotherapie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir d Anvers, 1905,x, 27-38,6 pl.—Dessauer (F.) Zur Frage der therapeutischen Dosierung der Rontgenstrahlen- einige Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von A. Kdhler. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 417. -----. Die Gefahren r^,K''-nlL;,'us,ruhlun^- Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1907, in, 299-301.—Destot (E.) .Action physiologique et thernpentique des rayons X. Echo med. de Lyon, 1898 in, 321-329.—Deutsch (E.) A Rontgen-sugarak szerepe a gyakorlatban. [The part of the Rontgen rays in prac- tice.] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, ii, 777-779.— Dhargalkar (L. B.) [On X-rays in medicine and surgery.] Tr. Grant Coll. M.Soc, Bombay, 1904-5,10-24— Ou-kson (C. R.) Some uses of the X-ray other than diagnostic. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1902, xix, 72- 76. Also: 3. Advanc Therap., N. Y., 1902, xx, 559-563. -----. Some therapeutic notes on the X-ray. J. Advanc Therap., N. Y., 1903, xxi, 353-361. - Dollingcr (F ) Dritter Bericht fiber die Anwendungen der Rontgen- strahlen auf dem Gebiete der Medizin in Frankreich Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1900, iii] 111; 147.—Donnat (J.) La radiotherapie par roentgeni- sation. Bull, etmem. Soc. demed. de Vaucluse, Avignon, 1905, i, 43-68. -----. Considerations pratiques sur l'eUat aetuel de la radiotherapie rcentgcSnienne. Ibid., 1907, iii, 528-535.—Dumeny (A.) La radiotherapie et ses indica- tions. Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes, 1906, vii, 22-30 — Dumstrcy (F.) Die Rontgenstrahlen in der Unfall- heilkunde. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1897 iv 333-336.—Duncan (J. H.) The X-ray as a therapeutic agent; classified report of forty-three cases. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1902, ix, 531-538.—Dunn (J. T.) The therapeutic uses of the X-ray, with report of cases. In- ternat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1903, xvi, 315-320.—Dwelshau- vers-Dery (F.-V.) L'emploi des rayons X en mede- cine. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1896, xvii, 343.—Eberhart (N. M.) Practical X-ray therapy. Med. Standard, Chi- cago, 1906, xxix, 241; 298; 364; 472; 527; 591; 647: 1907, xxx, 121; 185; 247— Ebcrlein. Ueber das Verstarken von unterexponirten und zu kurz entwickelten Rontgen- platten. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1898, x, 19-28. -----. Rontgentherapie bei Haustieren. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch., Hamb., 1906, ii, 68-73.— Edsall (D. L.) The attitude of the clinician in regard to exposing patients to the X-rav. J. Am. M. Ass. Chi- cago, 1906, xlvii, 1425-1429.—Edwards (G. P.) X-ray and X-ray therapeutics. South. Pract., Nashville, 1902, xxiv, 651-659. -----. Some observations in X-rav work. Internat. J. Surg., N.Y., 1903, xvi, 296-300.—Effets (Les) therapeutiques de la radiotherapie. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1904, lxxv, 641-646.—Ehrmann. Erfahrun- gen iiber die therapeutische Wirkung der Elektricitat und der X-Strahlen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 1417; 1466.—Emploi (L') des rayons X. Gaz. med. beige, Liege, 1905-6, xviii, 165-167.—Engel (K.) Ueber Ront- genschadigungen in der medizinischen Radiotherapie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1907, xxxiii, 22-24. -----. A belorvostani Rontgen-kezeles kapesan jelentkezo mellcjkhat&sokrol. [The after-effects of inter- nal treatment by Rontgen rays.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1907, li, 60-02.—Engman (M. F.) Reports upon radio- therapy. Interstate M. J.,, St. Louis, 1903, x, 377-379.— Espina y Capo (A.) Etudes sur la rectification de l'aire cardiaque au moyen des rayons X. Compt.-rend. 2" Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902 Berne, 1903, 426-430— Ewart (R. J.) X-rav therapeu- tics. Edinb. M. J., 1904, n. s., xvi, 424-429.—Fairfield (W. J.) Radiotherapy. Centr. States M. Mag., Ander- son, Ind., 1905, iii, 232-235. — Faulhaber. Soil der praktische Arzt sich ein Rontgeninstrumentarium be- schaffen oder nicht? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii, 855.—Fernandez Osuna (G. F.) Acci6n fisiol6giea general de la radioterapia. Gac. m*}d. d. Sur de Espana, Granada, 1906, xxiv, 478-481.—Fes- senden (C. H.) A few X-ray experiences. Arch. Elec- trol. & Radiol., Chicago, 1904, iv, 235-243.—Fessler (J.) Die Rontgenstrahlen und ihre Bedeutung in der Chirur- gie. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1904, 73; 102. —Finzi (N. S.) The present position of X-rav therapeutics. Folia Therap., Lond., 1907, i, 119.—Firt (R. H.) Empleo de los rayos de Roentgen para el servicio de sanidad militaren tiempodeguerra. An. san.mil., Buenos Aires, 1902, iv, 866-877.—Fischer (A. F.) The present state of X-ray therapeutics. Detroit M. J., 1904-5, iv, 69-72. Also, Reprint.—Forline (H.) A cell tonic adjuvant in X- ray therapy. Am. X-Ray J., Chicago, 1904, xv, 195-198.- Forssell(G.) KortofversiktofvernyareroninomRont- genterapien. [Short review of the later discussion on the Rontgen treatment] Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stock- holm, 1904, i, 481; 502.—Foster (B.) The present state of our knowledge concerning the therapeutic value of the X-ray. St. Paul M. J., 1905, vii, 676-680. Also: 3. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap., 1906, xxvi, 23-26.—Foveau de Courmelles. Des actions sp6cifiques, Electriques et ra- diographiques. Cong, internat. de med. C.r., Par., 1900, RONTGEN. 704 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use of). seet.de the rap.. 543-M7.-----. Radiopathologieet radiothe- rapie. Rev.med.,Par.,1903,xii.753:772. [Discussion],777. -----. Danger des vernisradife res. Actuality med., Par., 1908, xx, 100.-----■ De la radii'therai >ie infantile. Ann.de med. etchir. inf.. Par. 1901, v,l3;l*.-----. Fulguration et radiotherapie an i '< .ii-rr-dechirnrgie. Ann. de therap. dermat.etsyph.. Par..1907. vii.457-163.—Franklin (M.) Radiotherapv. X. York M. J. [etc.], 19U4. lxxx. 1011- 1011.—Frassi i A.) & Del Genovese (P.) Le applica- zionidei raggi Roentgen ela loroimportanza. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1899. vrw: 98.—Freund (Hi Die Bedeutung der Rontgenstrahlen fiir die Gebnrtshilfe und Gyniikologie. Deutsche med. Wchn-ehr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 667-669—Freund (L.) Leber Radiotherapie. Wien. med. Presse, 1*99. xl. 1285-1292. Also: Therap. Lexikon f. prakt. Aerzte, 3. Aufl., Berl. & Wien, 1901. ii, 658-669. Also, Reprint. -----. Verschiedene Strahlungen als therapeutische Factoren. Verhandl. d.Gesellsch.deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1901, Leipz., 1902, lxxiii, pt. 2, med. Abth., 460-465.-----. Beitrage zur Radiotherapie. Wien. med. Wchn-ehr., 1903, liii. 853-857. -----. Ueber Radio- therapie. Ztschr. i. diiitet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1903, vii, yo-io4.—Freund t L.) & SchifT(E.) Weitere Anweiidung-gebiete der Radiotherapie. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen. Hamb., 1899-1900, iii, 109. lpl. Also. Reprint.—Freund (R.) Die biologische Wirkung der Rontgenstrahlen und ihre Verwertung in der inter- nen Medizin. Ztschr. f.iirztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1907, iv, 458- 464—Fulton (C.) The Roentgen ray as a therapeutic agent. X. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxviii, 499-501.— Gagliardi (A.) Importanza terapeutica dei raggi Riintgen. Riv. med., Milano, 1906, xiv, 183: 1907, xv, 6; 2s; 57; ill.— Garavini (F.) Delle applieazioni dei raggi Rontgen dalla loro scoperta ad oggi nella pratica medic .-chirurgica. X. raccoglitore med., Imola, 1904. iii, 522-513.—Gar raud (T. i Rayons X; leurs dangers, leur application en therapeutique (radiotherapie). Limousin med.. Limoges, 1906, xxx, 205; 221; 237, 2 pl.—Oelgel (R.) Der gegenwartige Stand der Radiotherapie. Si- tzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., ly04. 133; 145. -----. Die"neuen Strahlen in der Therapie. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1905, v, 1*9- 216.—George (C), jr. A few results of Roentgen-ray therapy, with report of cases. J. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1906, v," 13-16.— Gibson (J. D.) X-ray therapv. Ala- bama M. J., Birmingh., 1902-3, xv, 247-252. -----. The X-ray in tubercular and malignant diseases. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond., 1904-5, ix, 124-126.—Gilmer. Rontgentherapie in der inneren Medizin. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Munchen (1906), 1907, xvi. 1-7—Girdwood (G P ) On the use of Roentgen ravs in medicine and surgerv. Montreal M. J., 1903, xxxiii, 161-171, 3 pl.— Gocht. Therapeutische Verwendung der Rontgen- strahlen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1897, i. 14-22.—Gorl (L.) Zur Rontgentherapie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li. 33*-340. — Goff (W P) The treatment of disea-e with the Roentgen rays. X.York M. .1. [etc!. 19U5. lxxxi, 1200-1263.— Gott- stein. Ausder Rontgeiipraxis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1906, xxxi. 20X-270,1 pl— Gradenwitz i A.) X-ray treat- ment of internal processes. Lancet, Lond., 1908, ii, 1679.— Gramm ( E. M. i The present status of X-rav therapy. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1903, xxxviii, 641-650.— Gray (A. L. i The present status of the Roentgen ray els a remedial agent, and reports of cases. Virginia Hosp. Bull., Richmond, 1904, i, 14-16. -----. A report of the surgical use of the X-ray. Mobile M. & S. J., 1904, v, 270- 272. -----. Some unappreciated uses of the X-ray. Richmond J. Pract., 1904, xviii, 81-83. -----. Some prac- tical points in X-ray therapy. South. M. &S.. Chatta- nooga, 1905, iv, 261. Also: Virginia M. semi-Month., Richmond, 1905-0. x, 324. -----. The po-ition of the X-ray specialist in the field of medicine and surgery. Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1'.*>?>, xxxii, 128— Graziani (G.'i Dei raggi Rontgen e della lora azione curativa in alcune malattie del sangue. Gior. di elett. med.. Napoli, 1905, vi, 29-35.—Greg (A. H.) Report of the X-ray depart- ment, 1902. St. Thomas's H-p. Rep.. Lond.. 1901. n. s., xxxi, 341-348. — Grouven. Tlierapenti-che Verwen- dung' der Rontgenstrahlen. Peut-che med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 1900, xxvi, Ver.-B.il.. l'.<7.—Groves (A.) The action of X-ravs on diseased sinn-mres. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1902-3. xxxvi, 463.— Gmbbe < E. H.) Therapeutic uses of X-rays. Med. Brief. St. Louis, 1903, xxxi, 678-6s3. —Grunmach (E.) Leber die diagno- stische und therapeutische Bedeutung der X-stra hlen fiir die innere Medicin und Chirurgie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 604-606.—GnaIdi (C.) Attuali c-onoscenze sull' impiego dei raggi Rontgen pei medici pratici. X. riv. clin.-terap., Xapoli. 1906, ix, 232: 2.^5; 353.— Guhr (G.) A rontgenezes haszna a bel- gyogya-zatban. [The use of the Rontgen rays in abdom- inal 'medicine.] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, ii, 106.—Guilleniinot (H.) Mesure en unites M de la quantite de ravons X reellement absorbee par les tissus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 3^9—Gyub- benet (F.) Znacheniye Rontgen'ovskikh luchel v me- ditsinle. [Value of Rontgen's rays in medicine.] Vo- Rontgen rays (Therap4-5s7.— Heyerdahl iS. A.) Fem-aars beretning fra Rigshos- pitalets Rontgen institut. [Rapport quinquennal sur llnstitut Rcentgeii de l'Universite de Christiania. Res., 83s] Xorsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania. 1904, 5.R.,ii, ,>2s-s33 —Holding (A.) The Rcentgen rays as a factor in medicine. Albany M. Ann.. 1906, xxvii, 97-101.-----. The therapeutic value of the X-ray. Ibid., 1907, xxviii, 671-677.— Holzknecht i G i DasRontgenverfahren in der inneren Medicin. Fort-chr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb.. 1901, v, 67-70. Also: Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1902, Iii, 746-750. Also, transl.: Presse med., Par., 1904, ii, 620. -----. Eine den besonderen Zweeken der therapeutischen Bestrahlung angepasste Rontgenrohre. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1903, vii, 101. -----. Die Grundlagen der Rontgentherapie. Halb- monatschr. f. Hant-u. Harnkr.. Wien. 1904, i, 17-21. -----. System der Strahlungstherapie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1904, li. 2uM. Also, transl.:Radium, Par., 1904,i, 177- 179. -----. La Rontgentherapie. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 17; 51. -----. Leber die Tiefenver- teilung der Strahlenwirkung. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1905, viii, 191. -----. Das Pro- blem der gleichmiissigen Rontgen-Durchstrahlung des Korpers zur Behandlung tiefliegender Prozesse. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1907, lvii, 2.553-2555. Also: Beibl. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med.. Wien, 190s. i, 37-40. Also ' [Abstr.]: Verhandl.d.deutsch. Rontg.-Gesellsch.. Hamb., 1908, iv, 73.—Holzknecht (G.) & Kienbock iR.) Die medizinische Radiologie als selbstandiger Zweig der medizinischen Wissenschaft. Wien. klin. Wchn-ehr., 1904. xvii. 1349-1354.—Hnber( A.) Zur Verwerthung der Rontgen-Strahlen im Gebiete der inneren Medicin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., Is96. xxii, ls2- 1>4. -----. Haladas a radiotherapia teren. [Progress in radiotherapy.] Bor- es bujakdrt., Budapest. 1903, no. 2, 1-3.—Hunter (J. W.), jr. The rationale of the Rcentgen ray. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. £ X~. Y.. 1906, n. s..cxxxi, 533- 540.—Hutchins (M. B.) X-ravs in external treatment. Tr. M. A-s. Georgia, Atlanta, l9i>5. lvi. 133-143. Also:Am. Med.. Phila., 1W6, xi, 176-178.—Imbert (A.) Sur la ra- diotherapie. Montpel. med., 1904, xix, 613-615. Alio: Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii. 3-6. ----. Radiologues medecins et non-medecins. Arch, d'elec- tric. med., Bordeaux. 1907, xv. 94-97.—Imbert i L. i cV Dupeyrae t.G.) Cancer et radiotherapie; etude statis- tiqne. As-oc. franc de chir. Proc.-verb. [tte.]. Par., 1907. 114-135.—lmlach (F.) The X-ravs as curative agents. Scalpel. Lond.. 1896,i,261-263.—liiimeliuann. Die Rontgenstrahlen als Heilmittel. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena,19o5, ii. 2>7-2s9. -----. Quando pud rica- vare il medico pratico un utile dalP uso dei raggi di Roentgen. Ann. di elett. med. [etc], Xapoli, 1907, vi, 203-208. — Jakab ( L.) Rontgenezes a sebeszetben. [Rontgenization in surgery.] Sebeszet. Budapest. 1905, 67-70.—von Jaksch (R.j Ueber Rontgendiagnostik und -therapie innerer Krankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1905, xiii, 3M: 134—Johnston (G. C.) The use and theabu-e of radiotherapv. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1902-3, vi, 453-45S. -----. The therapeutic uses of the Rontgen ravs, or radiotherapv. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1905, 16. s.. iii. 1-39. 32 pl.—Jones (E. A.) Three clin- ical ca-es treated i>v the X-rav. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1903, xxxviii. 453-157.—Jones (H. L.) The n-es of X-rays in medical work. St. Barth. Hosp. J.. Lond., 1904-5, xii, 147.—Judd (A.) Report of some cases reated in the X-ray clinic during the past two years. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1905. xx, 105l-106» — Juettner(0.) Principles and practice of X-ray ther- apy. Med.Brief.St Louis, 1905,xxxiii, »>77-e<4.—Jiime- llii. Apropos de la radiotherapie. Bull, et irem. Soc. I de chir. de Par., 1904, n. s., xxx, s.83-885.—Kahane (M.) RONTGEN. 705 RONTGEN. Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use of). Ueber einige neue Indikationen der Rontgentherapie. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1906, xiii, 251. Also: Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1906, xiii, 261.—Kaiser (G.) Vorlaurige Mittheilung fiber einige kleine Xeucrungen auf dem Gebiete der Photographie und Therapie mit Rontgen-Strahlen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 742.—Kassabian (M. K.) The Roentgen X-ravs in medical work. J. Med.-Chir. Coll., Phila., 1900, *i, 56. -----.The Roentgen ravs in therapeutics. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1903, lxxxviii, 1122-1124. Also, Reprint. Also: Penn. M.J., Pittsburg, 1903-4, vii, 185-189.—de Keat- ing-Hart. Deux malades traites par la radiotherapie. Marseille med., 1905, xiii, 485. Kienbock (R.l Radio- therapeutische Fragen. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med. 1902, Berne, 1903, ii, 365- 376.-----. Rapport sur l'etat actuel de la radiotherapie. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1904, xii, 483-491. Also: J. de physiotherap., Par., 1904, ii, 357-365. -----. Der gegenwiirtige stand der Radiotherapie. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1904, vii, 343-346. -----. Report on'radiotherapy. Arch. Roentg. Rav, Lond., 1904-5, ix, 126-129.—King (W. H.) Some therapeutical experiments with the X-rav. J. Electrother., X. Y., 1898, xvi, 104-111.—Kinnaird (J. B.) Therapeutics of X- rays. Am. Pract. & Xews, Louisville, 1902, xxxiv, 207- 214. -----. Therapeutics of X-ravs. Med. Age, Detroit, 1905, xxiii, 86-93.—Kirch berg (F.) Die Pflichten der Krankenhausdirektoren gegen ihre Rontgenassistenten und Angestellten. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb., 1906, ix, 307-312— Koch. Over Ront- gen-therapie. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1907, i, 1159-1163.—Kochcr (L.) Goitre et fibrome a hvdrorrhee traites par la radiotherapie. Rev. med., Par., 1906, xv, 224-228.—Kozorskl (A.i cV Gorkiewicz (S.) Roentgenol era pia. I'r/.egl.chor6bsk6r. i wen., Warszawa, 1907, ii, 265-291.—Krause (P.) Die experimentell gefundenen biologischen Grundlagen der Rontgenthe- rapie innerer Erkrankungen. Kor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen, Jena, 1908, xxxvii, 1-5.— Krauss (W.) Therapeutic value of the Roentgen ravs. Mem- phis M. Month., 1903, xxiii. 416-424.—Krone (F.) Ueber die Einwirkung der Rontgenstrahlen auf innere Organe; kurze Mitteilung aus der Praxis zur Arbeit von Heineke ■ in No. is. d. W. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1904, li, 927.— Lancashire (G. H.) The therapeutic employ- ment of X-rays. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 1328-1330.— Langenmantel (C.) Versuche fiber die therapeu- tische Verwertbarkeit der Rontgenstrahlen. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenb. zu Munchen (1896-7), 1899, x, pt. 2, 32-38.—Lapihski (W.) Leczenie wilka promie- niamiRoentgen'a. [Treatment by Rontgen rays.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, ls99, 2. s.. xix, 425>-431.—Laqiierrifere & Delherm. La radiographie et la radiotherapie k domicile. Progres med.. Par., 1905, 3. s., xxi, 193-195.— Lassar (O.) Zur Radiotherapie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1904), 1905, xxxv, pt. 2, 186-197. [Discussion], pt. 1, 130-142. -----. Zur Radiotherapie (Demonstration von Patienten und Projectionen). Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1904, xli, 534-539. Also: Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1904, xi, 407-416. -----. Stand der Radiotherapie. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1907), 1908, xxxviii, 7-12. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 85-87.-----. Der Stand der Rontgen-Therapie. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1907, xiv. 682-691.—Lassueur. Apercu critique sur la radiotherapie et la phototherapie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1904, xxiv, 159.- Lanson (D.) 'ogier (T.) Nouveaux resultats eloignes de la radiotherapie. Arch, d'electric. nied.. Bordeaux, 1908, xvi. 937-910.— Phillips i L. i X-ray therapy; clin- ical cases. Med. Century, X. Y.. 1902. xi, 17.—Phocas. La place de la radiographic en clinique. Nord med., Lille, 1902, viii, 157.—Piccinino yF.) La Rontgentera- pia nel gabinetto elettroterapico degli Incurabili. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1905, n. s., lix. 92-101. Also: Riv. internaz. di terap. ri-.. Roma, 1905, vi, 89-92.— Price (.1. C.) Clinical experiencein the use of X-ray as a therapeutic agent. Tr. Lackawanna Co. Med. Soc.. Scranton, 1905, i, 82-91.—Pusey (W. A.) Report of cases treated with Roentgen ravs. Chicago M. Recorder, 1902, xxii 269-304. Also: 3. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 911-919.—Renault (C.) Les rayons X:i laCom- pagnie du chemin de fer du Nord. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1908, xvi, 141-146.—von Huthkow- ski (W.) Aus dem Rontgenlaboratorium der I. med. Lniversitatsklinik [Leipzig] ; Bericht fiber die Jahre 1901-6. Ztschr. f. phy-. u. diiitet. Therap., Leipz., 1906-7, x, 5.s6-."v.iu.—Scliili' ( K.) Vorstellung von mit Rontgen- strahlen behandelten Kranken. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Ge-ell-eh.. Wien u. Leipz., 1901, vii, 368.— Schjerning <& Kranzfelder. Leber die von der Medicinalabtheilung des Kriegsministeriums angestell- ten Versuche zur Feststellung der Verwerthbarkeit Rontgenscher Strahlen fiir medicinisch-chirurslsche Zwecke. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 211-213.—Scott (J. X.) Some cases which can be treated by the X-ray. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use of, Cases and clinical reports of). 1909, xxxii, 61-64.—Taylor (W. 3.) Report of cases treated with the X-ray. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1902. n s.. xlix, 40-42.—Tessa ro iE.) it I'on tana (M.) Reso^ conto clinico-statistico delle cure radioterapiche eseguite nell' Istituto di cure ti-ichc in Padova. Riv. inter- naz. di terap. lis.. Roma, 1907, viii. 33-36.—Truchot iC.) Premiers resultats du service radiographique dc ]'H6tel- Dieu (Ecolcdc medecine de Clermont-Ferrand>. Arch. d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1899, vii, 36-39.— Vi an a Hi.) Per la casistiea dei vantaggi ottenuti con ]' applicazione dei raggi Rontgen. Riv. internaz. di terap. lis., Roma, 1905, vi. is,-is.) — Wenhardt t.I. i Agyogykiserleteka Rontgensugarakkal es azok neniely hata'sair61. [Thera- peutic experiments with the Rontgen rays, and some of their effects.] Ljabb gv6gvszer. es gvogvm6d., Budapest 1897, 9-11.—Williams (E. G.) X-ray therapv, with reportof eases. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. 1903, Richmond, 1904 63-72. Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use -925—Benedikt (H.) Mit- theilungen aus meinem Roiitgcn-Laboratorium. Wien. med. BL, 1898, xxi, 135; 1">1.—Brrgonie i.I. > La radio- therapie, son etat actuel. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1904, xxxiv, 601-603. -----. Sur l'etat actuel de la radiothera- pie. [Rap.] Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1905, xiii, 563-568.— Bergonie t,.l.) .»2.—Williams i F. H.) A new method of using the X-ravs in treating deep-seated diseases. Bos- ten M. cv. 18. J., 1905, Clii, 81-83. Rontgen rays. Memoirs by Rontgen Stokes, and J. J. Thomson. Transl. and edited by George F. Barker. 75 pp. 8°. New York d- London, Harper c(- 7>ros., 1899. -----. The same. 76 pp. S°. Neu- York, Cin- cinnati c0 Chicago, Am. Book Co., 1898. Rontgenism. See ROntgen rags (Therapeutic use of), etc. Rontgenograms. See ROntgen rays (Methods, etc., of). Rontgenography. See Rontgen rays (Methods of application in); Rontgen rays (Therapeutic use of), etc. Rontgenology. See RQntgen rays (and subdivisions). Rontgenoscopy. See Riintgen rays (Diagnosis by). Rontgographie (Die) in der inneren Medicim hrsg. von H. von Zieixtssen und H. Rieder in Munchen. Lfg. 1-5. Wiesbaden, J, B. Berg- mann, 1901-2. German and English text. Rontography. See ROntgen rays (Bhotography by). Roeper (Carolus Magnus Augustus Henricus). *De eclampsia. 30 pp. 8°. Bostochii, typ. Adlerianis, 1835. Roper (Karl) [1879- ]. *Ein Fall von traumatischer Exostosis bursata ( Abriss der peripheren Sehne des Biceps brachii), nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Bildung freier Korper in Gelenken und Bursen. [Wiirzburg.] 16 pp., lpl., 11. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1904. Repr.from: Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.],Wiesb., 1904, iii, 1. Hft. Roeper (Klemens) [1869- ] *Enthaltdie Muttermilch normaler Weise Mikroorganismen, speziell pathogene? 21 pp., 11. 8°. Marburg, H. B. Stein, 1896. Roeper (Werner) [1882- ]. *ZurCasuistik der retrograden Amnesie nach Kopftrauma. [Freiburg i. Br.] 30 pp. 8°. Warburg i. W., F. Quick, 1906. Roper (Wilhelm) [1874- ]. * Ueber Ty- phuspneumonie. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker 1901. Ropke ( Friedrieh ). Die Berufskrankheiten des Ohres und der oberen Luftwege. 147 pp. 8°. Wiesbaelen, 1902. Forms Hft. 2 of: Ohrenh. d. Gegenw. -----. Die Verletzungen der Nase und deren Nebenhohlen, nebst Anleitungzur Begutachtung ihrer Folgezustande. ix, 135 pp. 8°. Wies- baden, J. F. Beregmann, 1905. Roepke (Otto). * Ueber Morbiditiit und Mor- talitiit in der Erlanger Entbindungsanstalt in den Jahren 1890 bis 1894. [Erlangen.] 39 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1895. ----- Kurzer Leitfaden fiir die Wohnungsdes- infektion. 2. Aufl. 27 pp. 16°. Melsungen, A. Bernecker, 1906. -----. Zur Aufkliirung und Belehrung uber die Tuberkulose, ihre Entstehung, Verhiitung und Heilung. 3. erweiterte Aufl. 60.-70. Tausend. 55 pp 12°. Melsungen, A. Bernecker, 1906. ____-&HUM» (E.) UnterHuchungen iiber die Moglichkeit der Uebertragung von Krank eits- erregern durch den gemeinsamen Abendmahls- Roepke (Otto) & Slu** (E.)—continued. kelch, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Wahrschein- ■lichkeit solcher Uebertragung und Vorschliigen zu ihrer Yermeidung. 17 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1905. Roepke (Paul Erich August) [1876- ]. * Ver- gleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der Mvdriatica beim Pferde. [Giessen.] 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Stuttgart, 1906. Repr.from: Monatsh.f.prakt.Thierh.,Stuttg., 1906,xvii. Ropke (\Y[ilhelm]). * Ueber Thiersch'sche Traneplantationen. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, A. Kampfe, 1899. ------. * Die Bedeutung des Traumas fiir die Entstehung der Carcinome und Sarcome an der Hand des Materials der chirurgischen Kli- nik zu Jena beleuchtet. Habilitationsschrift zur Erlangnng der Yenia docendi einer hohen medizinischen Fakultiit zu Jena vorgelegt. 50 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1905. Repr.from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1905, lxxviii. Ropke (W[ilhelm Heinrich Friedrieh Chris- tian] ). *Das Caput obstipum, die Resultate der subkutanen Durchschneidung des Muskulus sternokleidomastoideus. 31pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. B. Kastner, 1893. Roerdamz (Walter) [1869- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis durch Sonnenlicht bewirkter che- mischer Synthesen. 2 p. 1., 71 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg, Karg & Mauneck, 1901. Rorig (Adolph). Das Wachstum des Sehiidels von Capreolus vulgaris, Cervus elaphus und Dama vulgaris, viii, 320 pp., 4 pl., 4 1. 4°. Stuttgart, B. Ndgele, 1904. Forms 4. Hft. of: Biblioth. med., Abth. A. Rorig (Friedrieh) [1869- ]. *Ueber die Heilung des Anus praeternaturalis. 39 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer & Co., 1897. Rorig (Konrad). * Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten des Acetons im menschlichen Orga- nismus. 30 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1898. Rorig (Reinhard). *Primares Cancroid des Magens. 23pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, B. Scheiner, 1895. Rorik (Hermann Henri). *Berechnung der Oberfliiche der Uteruskarunkeln (Semiplacenta materna) beim Rind. [Bern.] pp. 422-431, 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, B. Schumacher, 1907. Repr.from: Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tierh., Berl., 1907, xxxiii. Roermondt (Wilhem Conrad). *Diss.sistens glandularum renalium, seu renum succenturia- torum historiam, fabricam, usum. 32 pp. 4°. Duislmre/i ad Bhenurn, J. Sas. 1730. [P., v. 1951.] Roerseli (T. A. J.). See Handbotkje over gezondheitsleer [etc.]. 8°. Harderwijk, 1873. Roeseli (Carl [Heinrich]) [1808-66]. De Tabus des boissons spiritueuses, considere sous le point de vue de la police medicale et de la medecine legale. 3 p. 1., 191 pp. 8°. Pans, J.-B. Bail- lilre, 1839. See also, Hauflf" (Gottlieb Christian Friedrieh). Die Solidarpathologie [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1838. ------. See, also: Kirmsse (M.) Zur Erinnerung an seinen 100. Ge- burtstag. Ztschr. f. d. Erforsch. u. Behandl. d. jugendl. Schwachsinns, Jena, 1908, ii, 378-388. Roeseli (Paul) [1869- ]. * Recherches et considerations sur le meningisme chez les en- fants. 76 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 20. Ro§elilaub (Johann Andreas) [1768-1835]. Sec Brown (John). Sammtliche Werke [etc.]. 3 v. 8°. Frankfurt a. 31., 1806-7. Roseluiiaiin (Hermann) [1873- ]. *Fiinf Fiille von Ulcus ventriculi mit Beteiligung des Oesofagus und Duodenums. 19 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1899. ROSE 710 ROETHLER. Rose (Carl). * Ueber die Entwicklung der Ziihne des Menschen. [Habilitationsschrift.] [Freiburg i. B.] pp. 447^89. 8°. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1891. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1891, xxxviii. -----. Ueber Kieferbriiche und Kieferver- biinde. 53 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1893. ------. Contributions to the histogeny and his- tology of bony and dental tissues. [Transl.] 26 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1893. Repr. from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1893, xxxv. -----. Anleitung zur Zahn- und Mundpflege. 58 pp., 2 1. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1900. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. 59 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1901. Roese (Joannes Jacobus Nicolaus). *Departu facie prgevia mento ad os sacrum verso. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. Elwerti, 1852. Roesebeek (Curt). * Ein Fall von pernicioser Anaemie. 30 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Dieterich, 1894. Roseler (Friedrieh [Hermann]) [1866- ]. * Ueber die von 1886 bis 1890 in der Greifs- walder chirurgischen Klinik vorgekommenen Fiille schwerer septischer Infektion an der un- tern Extremitat. 36 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1891. Roeseler (Paul) [1869- ]. * Ueber die ope- rative Behandlung von Geschwiilsten der Harn- blase. 36 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, [1892]. -----. Beitriige zur Osteomyelitis mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Therapie und der Heilerfolge. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1899, No. 243 (Chir., No. 73, 1319-1348). Roesen (Leonhardt) [1869- ]. * Ueber die Charcot'schen Krystalle und deren Beziehung in den Faeces zur Helminthiasis. [Bonn.] 31 pp., 11. 8°. Crefeld, Sontag & Kohlenberg, 1893. Roeser (Hermann) [1877- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Chirurgie der Milz- und Leberverletzungen. [Heidelberg.] 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, 0. Francke, 1903. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1903, xxxvi, 1. Hft. Roeser (P[ierre]-H[enry]) [1850- ]. Lachi- mie alimentaire. Etudes de physiologie gene- rale. 362 pp. 12°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1906. Roeske (Georg Adolf) [1873- ]. * Ueber den Verlauf der Phosphorsiiure-Ausscheidung beim Menschen. [Greifswald.] 44 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Banzig, F. Baczkiewicz, 1897. Roeske (Hermann) [1872- ]. *Ueber die Nervenendigungen in den Papillae fungiformes der Kaninchenzunge. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1897. Rosier (Bruno Alfred) [1877- ]. *Ueber mehrfache Geburten derselben Frau bei engem Becken. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1903. Roslin (Eucharius) [ -1553]. Kreuterbuch; kunstliche Conterfeytunge der Baume, Standen, Hecken, Kreuter, Getreyde, Gewiirtze. Mit eygentlicher Beschreibung derselbigen Namen, Underscheidt, Gestalt, natiirlicher Krafft und Wirckung. Item von fiirnembsten Gethiern der Erden, Vogeln, und Fischen; auch von Metal- len, Gummi, und gestandenen Siifften, sampt Distillierens kiinstlichem und kurtzem Bericht. 4. Aufl. 17 p. 1., 348 ff., 11. fol. Franckfort a. M., C. Egenolffs Erben, 1569. Roesly (Alfred) [1868-1901]. Neorolo^ie. Rev. meVl. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1901, xxi, 312. Rosner (Arthur). * Ueber die Erregbarkeit verschiedenartiger quergestreifter Muskeln. 28 pp. 8°. Tubingen, 1900. Rttss (Georg) [1863- ]. * Beitrage zur Be- stimmung von Molekulargrossen. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1894. Rossel (Karl). *Ein kasuistischer Beitrag zur Laparo-Myomotomie mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der intraperitonealen Stielbehand- lung. 86 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1894. Rossig (Carl Gottlob). Oekonomisch-physika- lische Abhandlung iiber das Muttorkorn, dessen Entstehung und Bestandtheile und einige des- halb zu maehende Polizeyanstalten. 76 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. F. Schneider, 1786. Bound with: Taube (J.) Die Geschichte der Kriebel- Krankheit. 8°. Gottingen, l~s->. Rossing (Heinrich) [1865- ]. *Die Resul- tate von 105 Friihgeburtseinleitungen mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der dazu gebrauch- ten Methoden. 77 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, J. Hamel, 1891. Rossle (Albert) [1877- ]. * Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten der Leukocytenzahl im Pferdeblut: 1. Unter normalen (physiologi- schen) Verhiiltnissen. 2. Bei chirurgischen Eiterungen und Erkrankungen. [Giessen.] 50 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, B. Enzig, [1903]. Rossle (Robert). *Cystenhygrome des Halses. 76 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Munchen, Kastner ci- Lossen, 1900. Rossler (E.) * Ueber die Oxathylamine. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1892. Roessler (Friedrieh) [1850- ]. *Synthese einiger Erzmineralien und analoger Metallver- bindungen durch Auflosen und Kristallisieren- lassen derselben in geschmolzenen Metallen. 64 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1894. Roessler (Louis). *Zur Aetiologie der Erblin- dungen. 26 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1889. Rossler (Oskar). Geschichte der Biider von Baden-Baden. 42pp.,2pl. 8°. Baden-Baden, O. Byssel, [1904]. Rossner (Hugo Richard) [1867- ]. *Zur Kasuistik der akuten Osteomyelitis der Wirbel- saule mit priivertebralen Abszessen im Bereich der Brust- und Lendenwirbel, sowie des Kreuz- beins. 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1906. Roestel ([L. W.] Franz) [1869- ]. * Bei- triige zur Pathologie und Therapie der Crises gastriques bei Tabes d'orsalis. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, 1893. Rotenbeek (Johannes) [1606-34]. Bericht vom Schorbock; dem gemeinen Mann zum besten zusammen getragen und beschrieben. 112 pp. 16°. [Niirnberg, 1633.] See, also, Seoizius (Mel'chior). Exercitationes me- / dicse xli. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1626. Rotheln. See Rubella. Roether (Otto). *Uebersichtliche Darstellung der Untersuchungsmethoden und der Giftwir- kungen am Herzmuskel des Kaltbliitere. [Strassburg.] 76 pp. 8°. Beipzig, W. Wigand, 1891. Rotliig ([Oskar Moritz] Paul) [1874- ]. * Ueber Linsenregeneration. 31 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, 0. Francke, 1898. ------. Handbuch der embryologischen Technik. xii, 287 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1904. Roethler (Gustav) [1884- ]. *Ein Fall von multipler neurotischer Hautgangriin. 21 I pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Freudenberger, 1907. RCETHL1SBERGER. 711 ROGER. Rcetlilisberger (Paul). * Ueber die Ausspii- lungen der vordern Augenkammer bei der Star- extraktion an tier Basler ophthalmologischen Klinik. [Basel.] 59 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Bern, Michel ci- Biichler, 1893. _____. Zum Studium der kohlensiiurehaltigen Chlor-Natrium-Sehwefel-Thermen von Baden (Schweiz). 12 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1901-2. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. diiitet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1901-2, v, 8. Hft. _____. Contribution a l'etude des eaux ther- males gazeuzes sulfatees caleiques et chloru- rees sodiques de Baden (Suisse). 48 pp. 12°. Paris, 1902. Rottger (Heinrich). * Zur Kenntnis der Neu- bildungen an der Dura mater spinalis. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlangen, A. Vollrath, 1895. Rottger (H[ermann]). Lehrbuch der Nah- runsmittel-Chemie. 3. verbesserte und ver- mehrte Aufl. xiv, 901 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1907. Rottger (Theodor). *Ueber Pseudoleucsemia cutis. 46 pp., 1 1., 6 pl. S°. Jena, B. Engau, 1893. Rottger (Werner) [1869- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Malaria mit Methylen- blau. 28 pp., 7 charts. 8°. Kiel, L. Handorff, 1895. -----. (renussmittel, Genussgifte? Betrachtun- gen iiber Kaffee und Tee auf Grund einer Um- frage bei den Aerzten. 98 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Staude, 1906. Rover (Friedrieh). Ueber Waschen und Baden vorziiglich mit und in kaltem Wasser als die souverainsten Mittel, sich reine Haut, frische Farbe, rothe Backen, dauerhafte Gesundheit und ein kraftiges, verniigtes Alter zu ver- sehaffen. In Briefen au einen Freund. 1 p. 1., 84 pp. 16°. Magdeburg, W. Hemrichshoj'en, 1827. Rover (Friedrieh) [1876- ]. * Ein Fall von Nephritis syphilitica acuta praecox. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen. W. F. Kastner, 1902. Roman. Koblovsky (F.) Curort Roznau in Miihren. Fiihrer fiir Cur-Gaste. 12°. Wien, 1875. Polansky (F.) Roznauer Fiihrer. 3. Aufl. verbessert und vermehrt bis auf die neueste Zeit von Fr. Bayer. 12°. Wien, 1874. Roffla (Giovanni). La febbre miliare es^en- ziale. 39 pp. 8°. Mantora, eredi Segna, 1902. Rofs (Max Friedrieh) [1874- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre von den schnellenden Fingern. 16 pp. 8°. Kiel, IL Fiencke, 1904. Rogadeo (Vincenzo). L' Ospedale civile di Bitonto nel 1895. 30 pp. 12°. Bitonto, N. Garofalo, 1896. • Rogage (Ernst Erich Gotthardt) [1878- ]. * Zur Statistik der (iesichtslagengeburt. 34 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer & Co., 1802. Roganus Caetanus (Leo) [ -1558]. In Ga- leni libellum de pulsibus ad tyrones cornmen- tarius. In quo omnia quae Galenus sexdecim libris de pulsibus transegit, brevi exponuntur. Ejusdem de urinis libri tres ex Hippocrate et Galeno collecti, quorum primus de differentns urinarum est, secundus de causis urinarum, tertius de providentia ex urinis. 2 p. 1., 166 ff.; 2 p. 1., 69 ff., 1 1. 16°. {Neapoli, B. de Amato, 1556.] Roge (Eugene-Charles) [1876- ]. *De la sedentarite; quelques considerations d hygiene. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 39. Rogee (C.) Essai sur la curabilite de la phthisie pulmonaire, ou recherches anatomico- pathologiques sur la transformation des tuber- Rogce (C.)—continued. cules et la cicatrisation des affections tubercu- leuses des poumons. 53 pp. 8°. Baris, F. Locquin & Co., 1839. Repr.from: Arch. gen. de mr York, lsy.5. Rogers (Charles C.) Operations of the British navy and transport service during the Egyp- tian campaign, 1882. The bombardment of Alexandria, pp. 523-625, 1 map. 8°. [Annap- olis, 1882.] Cuttiiigfrniii: Proc. U. 3. Naval Inst. .Annapolis, 1882,viii. Rogers {Charles Henry) [1S18-U7]. Kent (J. B.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1898, cvi, 343-345. Rogers (E.\ A modern sphinx. A novel. 3 v. in 1. 12°. London, J. & B. Maxwell, 1881. Rogers (E. C.) A discussion on the automatic powers of the brain; being a defence against Rev. Chas. Beeeher's attack upon the philoso- phy of mysterious agents in his review of "spir- itual manifestations". 64 pp. 8°. Boston, J. P. Jewett A Co., 1853. Rogers (Edmund J. A.) Neuroma. (With report of a case.) 12 pp. 16°. [Bhiladelphia, 1892.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi. ------. Conservatism in accidental surgery. Read before the Colorado State Medical Soeietv, 1893. 9 pp. 12°. [Benrer, 1893.] ------. Successful operation for intestinal ob- struction in an infant sixty-four hours old. 7 pp. 8°. Benrer, Calhoun & Llolmes, 1897. Repr.from: Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1897. -------. Resection of the large intestine. 5 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1899. Repr.from: Phila. Month. M. J.. 1899, iv. -------. Clinical reports: (1) Operation for car- cinoma of the penis. (2) Operation for carci- noma of the anus. 2 pp. 8°. Benrer, 1900. .Repr. from: Colorado M. J., Denver, I'.'oO. vi. Sce.aho, Eskridge (J. T.) Tumorof the-pinctctr.'. 8°. Philadelphia, ls'.is.—Eskridge (J. T.,> A. Rogers (E. .1. A.) Neuralgia of the right trigeminal [etc.]. >D. Philadelphia, 1895. ------- & Eskridge (J. T.) Fracture of the skull; trephining; retro-anterograde amnesia; ROGERS. 713 ROGERS. Rogers (E. J. A.) & Eskridge (J. T.)—cont'd. recovery; death one month subsequently from other causes; autopsy. 14 pp. 12°. Bhiladel- phia, Lea Bras & Co., 1894. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv. Rogers (Francis Cubbon) [1864-1904]. Obituary. Brit M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1226. Rogers (George) [1618-97]. JHoore (N. i [B'iography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, 120. Rogers (George). Sic [Hamilton (R.)] Rules for recovering persons recently drowned [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1795. Rogers (Henry D.) A systematic arrangement of the dental formulae of the mammalia 8 pp. 8°. [Glasi/ou; K. it B. Buridson, 1865.] Rogers (Henry Raymond) [1822-1901]. Chol- era; its nature and its cure. 7 pp. 16°.' Chi- cago, 1893. Repr.from: 3. Am. M. As*., Chicago, 1893, xxi. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1717. Rogers (Henry Wade). The law of expert testimony, xxiii, 297 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Mo., W. H. Sierensan, 1883. Rogers ( 1.) Pharmacopcea navalis Rossica. v (7 1.), 191 pp., 1 1. 16°. Belropoli, 1806. Rogers (J. Frederick"). The effect of blowing upon wind musical instruments, with special reference to tuberculosis. 25 pp. 12°. Neiv York, W. Woud d- Co., 1906. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1906, lxx. Rogers (J. Smyth) [1794-1851]. An essay on tobacco, comprising a brief history of that plant, and a view of its effects on the human constitution, when employed as an article of luxury. Delivered as a lecture before the New York Anti-Tobacco Society. Published at the request of the societv. vi, 7-68 pp. 16°. New York, Honed: Bates,'"1836. Bound irith: Joubert (P.-Ch.) Nouveau manuel [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1844. Rogers (James B[lytheJ) [1803-52]. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Rogers (Joel J.) [1818-1902]. Obituary. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. 1902, Wilkes- barre, 1903, x. 151-154. Rogers ( John ). The treatment of chronic obstruction in the larynx and trachea. 46 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Bea Bros, 7. See, also, Gross (Frederic), Kolimcr (Joseph) & Vautrin (A.) Nouveaux elements |ete.]. 8°. Paris, 1*90-92. -----,-----,-----& Andre i P.) Nouvcv.ux Clements [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1900. Rohnier (Paul). * Ueber KnochenbildunK in i verkalkten endocarditischen und endarteriti- ROHMER. 717 ROKITSKI. Rohmer (Paul) —continued. schen Herden. [Strassburg.] 30 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1901. Repr. from: Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1901,elxvi. Rohnstein (R.). See Strauss (H.) & Ronnstein (R.) Die Blutzu- sammensetzung [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Rohon (Josef Victor). I'utersuchungen fiber den Bau eines Microcephalen-Hirnes. 58 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wen, A. Holder, 1879. Repr.from: Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien, 1879, ii. ■-----. Untersuchungen fiber Amphioxus lan- ceolatus; ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anato- mie der Wirbelthiere. 64pp.,6pl. 4°. Wien, K. Gerold's Sohn, 1882. Repr.from: Denkschr. d. k. Acad. d.Wissensch. Mathe- mat.-naturwiss. CI., Wien, 1882, xlv. -----. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Histologic der Psammosteiden. 31 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Brag, F. Bivndc, 1901. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch., Prag, 1901. Rohrbaeh (Franz). * Ueber das Trachom in Schleswig-Holslein. 16 pp., 2 1., 1 map. 8°. Kiel, B. Handorff", 1891. Rohrbaeh (Hugo [Eugen]) [1870- ]. *Ueber das primiire Carcinom der Vagina, nebst Mitteilung eines Falles aus der Universittits- Frauen-Klinik Greifswald. 25 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1894. Rohrbaeh (R.) * Ueber Gehirnerweichung nach isolierter Unterbindung der Vena jugu- laris interna. 1 p. L, 18 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1896. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1896, xvii. Rohrbeek (Hermann). Apparate und Utensi- lien zu bakteriologischen Untersuchungen unter Zugrundelegung des von Robert Koch ange- wandten Verfahrens. 104 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1887. -----. Zur Losung der Frage der Desinfection mit Wasserdampf. 4 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sit- tenfeld, 1889.] Repr.from: Deutsche, med. Wchnschr., Berl., 1889, xv. -----. Fabrik bakteriologischer, chemischer, physikalischer und technischer Apparate und Bauanstalt fiir Desinfectoren. 4 p. 1., 295 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, 1891. -----. The same. Manufacturer of bacteriolo- gical, chemical, physical and all kinds of tech- nical and scientific apparatus, and makers of disinfectors. 6 1., 295 pp. 4°. Berlin, 1891. -----. The same, xi, 143 pp., 21. 4°. Berlin, 1892. -----. Glasutensilien fiir medicinisch-chirur- gische Zwecke. 10 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1892. -----. Fabrik bakt., chem., techn. Apparate und Bau-Anstalt fiir Desinfectoren. Die Des- infectoren und Sterilisatoren. 78 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, 1892. -----. Wichtigere Apparate fiir chemische Laboratorien. Katalog No. 53. 45 pp. 4°. Berlin, [1897]. Rohrer (Fritz). *Der Rinne'sche Versuch und sein Verhalten zur Horweite und zur Per- ception hoher Tone. Habilitations-Schrift. 40 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Zurich, Schiller & Co., 1885. -----. Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde fiir Stu- dirende und Aerzte. xv, 240 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Leipzig & Wien, F. Deuticke, 1891. -----. Die Intoxikationen, speciell die Arznei- intoxikationen in ihrer Beziehung zu Nase, Rachen und Ohr. 96 pp. 8°. Jena, 67. Fischer, 1895. Forms 3. Hft., v. 1, of: Klin. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol. Rohrer (Fritz)—continued. -----. Das Verhaltiiiss der Ohrerkrankungen au den Augenaffectionen. 24 pp. 8°. Jena, 67. Fischer, 1897. Forms 5. Hft., v. 2, of: Klin. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol. Rohrer (Georg) [1874- ]. * Ueber die Wirkung von Coffeon und Theeoel auf die Re- spiration des Menschen. 27 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, A. Borst, 1902. Rohrer (Hermann) [1876- ]. *Ein Fall von Narben-Carcinom nach alter complicierter Fraktur. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., K. Henn, 1904. Rohrer (John S.). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Rohrer (Mauritius). *De sterilitate. 28 pp., 2 1. 12°. Vindobonie, ex typ. riduie Stbckholzer de Ilirschfeld, 1829. Rohrinann (Karl). *Einige Versuche fiber die Wirksamkeit des Bromalins bei Epilepsie. 32 pp , 5 tab. 8°. Gottingen, 1898. Rohten. Kudo. Toxicologische Untersuchungen fiber Roh- ten. [Ausz., 10. Hft.] [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1903, xvii, 405-437. Roi (Frederic-Edouard) [1871- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude de l'hematurie dans les n6- phrites. 81 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 25. Roig {Matins). Fajarnes y Tur (E.) [Biography.] Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1907, xxix, 21. van Roijen (Bernardus). *Diss. exhibens non- nulla circa diagnosin rheumatismi et arthritidis observata. 1 p. 1., 38 pp., 3 1. 8°. Groningu', C. M. van Bolhuis Hoitsema, [1828]. [P., v. 1972; 2078.] Roinet (Paul) [1877- ]. *Etude sur les cal- culs de Purethre chez la femme. 88 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 353. Roith (Otto) [1876- ]. *Die Ffillungsver- haltnisse des Dickdarms. [Munich.] 54 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1902. Roiti (Antonio) & Pasqualini (Luigi). Os- servazioni continue della elettricita atmosferica. 10 pp., 1 pl., 1 plan, 3 ch. roy. 8°. Firenze, tipog. successori Be Monuier, 1884. See, also, Pasqualini (Luigi) & Roiti (Antonio). Osservazioni continue [etc.]. Seconda memoria. 8°. Firenze, 1886. Rokiaeh (Abraham) [1872- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude pathogenique de la fievre bilieuse hematurique. 80 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 426. von Rokitansky (Carl), Freiherr [1804-78]. Der selbststiindige Werth des Wissens. Vor- trag gehalten in der feierlichen Sitzung der kai- serfichen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 31. Mai 1867. 38 pp. 8°. Wien, K. Gerold's Sohn, [1867]. See, also, Rennett (James Risdon). Der hitzige Was- serkopf [etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1*44—Christison (Sir Rob- ert). Ueber die Granular-Kntartung der Nieren [etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1841. For Biography, see Fleisclil von fflarxow (E.) Ges. Abhandl. 8°. Liipzijj, 1893. 503-508. See, also: Casop. 16k. cesk., v 1'raze, 1«79, xviii, 241-248 iJanovsky). Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1904. xvii, 193 (A. F.). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Pro- fessoren (Die) [etc.], v. -------. See, also: Festredon anlasslich der Enthtillungsfeier der Bus- ten der Universitatsprofessoren Rokitanskv und Skoda. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 559-564. Rokitski (A[leksandr] M[ikhai1ovich]) [1866- ]. x Morfologicheskiya izmieneniya krovi pri udalenii pancreas Aselli (u sobaki). [Mor- phological changes of the blood after removal of the pancreas of the dog (?).] 77 pp., 21. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [V. Kirshbaum], 1894. ROKITSKI. 718 ROLL Rokitski (V[ladislav] M[ikhatlovich]) [1870- ]. *K voprosu ob izmieneniyakh krovi poslle obilnavo krovopuskaniya (poopitam nad kormimimi i golodayushtshimi krolikami). [Changes in the blood after abundant bleeding (after experiments on fed and starving rabbits).] 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, M. M. Slasyule- nch, 1899. Rokilyanski (Fyodor [Aleksandrovich]) [1861- ]. *Izsliedovaniye zhira, dobitava iz kukuruznol muki. [Analysis of the fat, de- rived from Indian-corn meal.] 43 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, M. Merkusheff, 1894. [Roland.] Some foreign spas. 6 pp. roy. 8°. [n. p., 1886.] Roland (Edouard) [1875- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des deviations laterales et des modifi- cations d'accroissement des ds dans la tumeur blanche du genou. 170 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 127. Roland (F.) Les cures de Divonne. Manuel d'hygiene pratique a l'usage du baigneur. 127 pp., 1 map. 16°. Baris, 67. Steinheil, 1901. Roland (Joseph) [1870- ]. *La cirrhose alcoolique infantile. 97 pp., 2 1. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 533. Roland (P.-S.) * Essai d'un tableau physique et moral du Jura, ou considerations medico-phi- losophiques sur ce departement. 1 p. 1., 25 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an NIII (1805), No. 184. Roland (R[ene])., Les medecins et la loi du 30 novembre 1892. Etude historique et juridique sur 1'organisation de la profession medicale et sur ses conditions d'exercice. Avec une lettre- preface par M. le Dr. Chevandier. vi, 178 pp. 8°. Baris, Marchal & Billard, 1893. Roland of Barma [surnamed Capelluti]. De curatione pestis tractatus. Ed. nova cura H. Conringii. 16 pp. 4°. Brunsvigse, typ. Buncke- rianis, 1648. Bound with: Salmuthus (P.) Observationum [etc.], 4°. Brunsvigas, 1648. ------. [Fol. la:] Rolandi Capelluti Chrysopoli- tani philosophiparmensis,]. . . Tractatus de cu- ratione pestiferorum apostematum. [Adfinem:] Bene vale, et tuum Rolandum Capellutum . . . intelliio«, seu brevis [etc.]. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1675.—Jeliring (Joh. Christianus). Exercitatio medica [etc.]. sm. 4°. Jenx, 1664. For Biography, see Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehr- ten [etc.], 4°, Augsb., 1805,18, port. Rolin (Camille) [1878- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude bacteriologique de la dvsenterie bacil- laire. 116 pp. 8°. Byon, 190o, No. 123. Roiker (A. W.) The wild animal physician and his patients, pp. 367-378. 8°. New York, 1907. Cutting from: McClure's Mag., N. Y., 1906-7, xxviii. Roll (J[oannes] B[enjaminus]). Natuuronder- zoek en humaniteit. Een woord van verzoe- ning gesproken door eenen geneeskundige. Fit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. vi (11.), 58 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, C. 67. Van der Bost, 1862. HOLLAND. 719 ROLLET. Rolland. Influence de la musique sur la gue- rison des maladies, pp. 117-144. 8° Sens 1852. Cutting from: Bull. Soc. archeol. de Sens, 1852. Rolland (Camille) [1875- ]. *Surun casde fistule vesico-uterine ope ree par voie vaginale. Methode du dedoublement avec fente midiane du col uterin. 40 pp., 11. 8°. By on, 1905 No. 141. Rolland (E.) De l'epilepsie jacksonienne. xii, 192 pp. 8°. Baris, A. Delahaye & E. Lecrosnier, 1888. -----. Nouveau guide pour l'examen pratique de l'ceil fluxionnaire; expertise; contre-exper- tise; achat. Complement des lecons sur la fluxion periodique. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, Asselin & Houzeau, 1892. -----. La myopie des liseurs (exces d'allonge- mentde l'ceil); sa cause, ses dangers, sa cure. 124 pp. 8°. Toulouse, Bureau da Bull, ocul., 1899. -----. Comment on preserve l'ceil du liseur de la myopie: de ses progres, de ses complications. 48 pp. 12°. Baris, A. Maloine, 1900. -----. Myope et bossu par flexion de la tete pendant la lecture. 96 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Baris J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1902. Rolland (G.) Discours contre l'ordre des m6- decins, fait a Bordeaux le 3 avril 1898 4 pp fol. Bordeaux, 1898. -----. Anatomie de la bouche et des dents en vingt-cinq lecons. 3 p. 1., viii, 330 pp. 8°. Baris, O. Doin, 1904. Rolland (J oseph-Pierre) [1871- ]. *De la gastrostomie selon le procede Ssabanejew-Frank- Villar. 49 pp., 21. 8°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 20. Rolland (Maurice) [1877- ]. *Du forceps lyonnais ou forceps a branches paralleles. 58 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1905, No. 180. Rolland (Paul-Emile) [1863- ]. *Del'he- marthrose et de son traitement par la ponction. 93 pp. 4°. Baris, 1894, No. 400. Rolland (Victor) [1870- ]. De la tuber- culose intralinguale. 44 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1135. Rolie. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Rolie (Gaston) [1873- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des lesions traumatiques de la veine-cave inferieure. 62 pp. 8°. Baris, B. Boyer, 1901, No. 461. Rolie (H.). See Kossmassler (E. A.) Iconographie der Land- und Sii-«wasser-Mollusken [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1895. Roller (C.) Die mikroskopische Untersuchung des Schweinefleisches auf Trichinen und Fin- nen. Rathgeber fiir Fleischschauer in popularer Darstellung. 2. Aufl. 34 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Trier, H. Stephanus, 1886. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. vi (1 1.), 38 pp., 7 1., 6 pl. 8°. Trier, H. Stephanus, 1897. Roller [Christian Friedrieh Wilhelm] [1802- 78]. Beleuchtung der von der medicinischen Facultiit zu Heidelberg gegen die Errichtung der neuen badischen Irrenanstalt erhobenen Einwfirfe. 19 pp. 8°. [Heidelberg, 1837.] See, also, Beitriige zur Psychiatrie [etc.]. 8°. Ber- lin, 1872. For Biography, see Irrenschutz, Halle a. S., 1901-2, i, 61-68 (M. Fischer). Also: Psvehiat. Wchnschr., Halle a. S., 1901-2, iii, 415-426 (M. Fischer). Roller (Karl). Das Bediirfnis nach Schularz- ten fiir die hoheren Lehranstalten. 52 pp. 8°. Hamburg, L. Voss, 1902. Roller (Paul) [1864- ]. *Ein Fall von Dem. paralytica mit " Sauglingsreflex" (Stran- sky). 31 pp. s°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1908. RoUeston (Charles). The cloud over English life. pj). 30-40. 8°. New York, 1904. Cutting from: Westminst. Rev., N. Y., 1904, clxii. RoUeston (George) [1829-81]. Address to the department of anthropology (biological section) of the British Association, Bristol, Au- gust 25, 1875. 15 pp. 12°. [Bristol, 1875.] ---—. The modifications of the external aspects of organic nature produced by man's interfer- ence. 76 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes & Sous 1880. -----. Forms of animal life; a manual of com- parative anatomy, with descriptions of selected types. 2. ed., revised and enlarged by YV. Hatchett Jackson, xxxii, 937 pp. 8°. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1888. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897 xlix 167 (D'A. Power). Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1881-2' xxxm, pp. xxiv-xxvii. RoUeston (H[umphry] D[avy]) [1862- J. The Goulstonian lectures on the suprarenal bodies. 45 pp. 8°. London, 1895. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i. ------. The diseases and primary tumours of the thymus gland. 23 pp. 12°. London, Med. Pub. Co., [1897, vel subseq.]. ------. Clinical lectures and essays on abdom- inal and other subjects. 2 p. 1., 179 pp. 8°. London, S. Appleton, 1904. ------. The same. 2p. 1., 178 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1904. ------. Diseases of the liver, gall-bladder, and bile-ducts, viii, 793 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Bhiladel- phia, W. B. Saunders & Co., 1905. -----. Medicine and medical schools in Amer- ica. 5 pp. 8°. Bondon, 1907. Repr.from: St. George's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1907. See, also. Nothnagel (Carl Hermann). Diseases of the intestines [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1904.—Sys- tem (A) of medicine [etc.]. 8°. London, 19,05. —:— & Kanthaek (A. A.) Manual of prac- tical morbid anatomy, being a handbook for the post-mortem room, xix, 240 pp. 8°. Cam- bridge, Deighton, Bell & Co., 1894. RoUeston (J. D.) The clinical significance of enlargement of the liver in diphtheria. 3 pp. 8°. [Bondon], 1904. Repr.from: Metrop. Asyl. Bd. Rep., Lond., 1904. RoUeston (Samuel). "Oivoc, KpiUvoe,; a dis- sertation concerning the origin and antiquity of barley wine. 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Oxford, J. Fletcher, 1750. [P., v. 82.] -----. A philosophical dialogue concerning de- cency; to which is added a critical and histor- ical dissertation on places of retirement for necessary occasions, together with an account of the vessels and utensils in use amongst the ancients. By the author of the "Disserta- tion on barley wine". 47 pp. 4°. London, J. Fletcher, 1751. [P., v. 82.] Rollet (Alexander) [1834-1903]. Ueber die verschiedene Erregbarkeit functionell verschie- dener Nervmuskel - Apparate. 8°. [ Wien, 1875-6.] Cutting from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1874, lxx, 7-60, 3 pl.: 1875, lxxi, 33-80, 1 pL: 1875, lxxii, 349-392, 3 pl. -----. Ueber einen Nerven plexus und Nerven - endigungen in einer Sehne. pp. 34-53, 1 pl. 8°. [Wien, 1876.] Cutting from: Sitzuhgsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CL, Wien, 1876, lxxii, 3. Abth. ROLLET. 720 KOMAX. Rollet (Alexander)—continued. ------. Untersuchungen iiber Contraction und Doppelbreehung der quergestreiften Muskel- fasern. 58 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Wien, F. Tempsky, 1891. Repr. from: Denkschr. d. math.-naturw.,C1. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Wien, 1891, lviii. j ------. Die wissenschaftliche Medizin und ihre Widersacher von heute. Inaugurations-Rede gehalten von dem Rector magnificus der Grazer Universitat. 25 pp. 8°. Graz, Leuschner & Lubensky, 1903. For Biography, see Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1904, ci, 103-153, port. ((). Zotln. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., i 1904, i, 522. Also: Deutsche inert. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 910 (F. Kraus). Also: Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark. Gratz. 1903, xl, 269-271 (Fraydl). Also: Mitt. rl. Ver. rt. Aerzte in Steiermark.Graz, 1904,xli, 1-19 (R. Klemensiewiczi. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1903, xvi, 1332-1334 (V.von Ebner). Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1903, xliv, 1901. -----. See, also: Festschrift, Alexander Rollet zur Feier sei- nes dreissigjahrigen Jubilaums als Professor an der medicinischen Facultiit in Graz, gewidmet von einem Kreise seiner unmittelbaren Schfiler. fol. Jena, 1893. Rollet (Anton). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Rollet (Denis) [1874- ]. *La rougeole chez les diphteriques a l'Hospice de la Charite de Lyon. 92 pp. 8°. Lgjon, 1899, No. 4. Rollet ( Etienne ). Epididymite syphilitique tertiaire. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, 1893. Repr.from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1893, ii. ------. Cystostomie sus - pubienne chez trois prostatiques atteints d'accidents urinaires graves. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, 1893. Repr.from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1893, ii. -----. Traite d'ophtalmoscopie. ix, 379 pp., 25 pl. 8°. Paris, Masson & Cie., 1898. See, also, Cazeneiive (Paul) & Kollet (Etienne). Traitement de la bleniiurriigie [etc.]. 12°. [Li/on,1893.] ----- & Commandeur (F.) De la suture intra-dermique. pp. 24-28. 8°. Paris, [1896]. Repr.from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v. Rollet (Joseph) [1876- ]. * Des kystes hy- datiques du corps thyroide et de leur traite- ment par l'extirpation totale. 68 pp. 8°. Lynn, 1903, No. 183. Rollet (J [oseph-Pierre-Martin]) [1824-94]. De la plurality des maladies veneriennes. 87 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Sary, 1860. ------. Coup d'ceil retrospectif sur la syphilis et les maladies de la peau. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Vinytriiiier, 1864. -----. Influence des filtres naturels sur les eaux potables. 16 pp. 8°. Lyon, Giraud, 1882. For Bioe/raphy, see Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1894, 3. s., v, 1209-1219 (L. Jullien). Also: Arch. prov. de chir., Par,, 1894, iii, 601-604, port. (M. Baudouin). Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 452. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894,392. Also: Lvon m<§d., 1896, lxxxiii, 577:1897, lxxxiv, 11; 44; 81 (Horand). Rollet (Marcel) [1876- ]. *De l'extrac ion de la cataracte par le procede a pont kerato- conjunctival. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, 1901, No. 501. Rollier (Auguste). *Deux observations d'acro- megalie. Contribution a la symptomatologie de 1'acromegalic [Bern.] 67 pp. 8°. Chez-le- Bart, Konrad & Stnder, 1900. RoUin (Charles) [1866- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du tetanos puerperal. 64 pp. 4°. Baris, 1892, No. 276. RoUin (Franz). * Ueber Albumosurie und Pep- tonurie bei Darmkrankheiten. 22 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Scheiner, 1896. RoUin (Joseph) [1879- ]. * Contribution a l'etude du traitement de l'aetinomvcose. vi, 7- 35 pp., 1 1. ,s°. Montpellier, 1904,'No. No. RoUin (.Maurice). * Les tumeurs solides et pri- mitives du vagin. 192 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Baris 1905, No. 289. -----. The same. 192 pp., 8 pl. s°. Baris, G. Jacques, 1905. Rollinat. Grollety (L.) Souvenirs sur Rollinat. Chron. med Par., 1907, xiv, 365-373. Rollinat (Raymond). See. Martin (Rene) & Rollinat (Raymond). Ver- tebres sauvages du departement rte lindre. 8°. Paris 1894. Rollins (Theodorus). See Koltinc-lt (Werner). Diss, chimica de metallis perfectis [etc.]. sm. 4°. Jense, 16t;o. Rollo (John) [ -1809]. Se Hendy (James) & Rollo (John). Leber die DriLcnkraukheit in Barbadoes [etc.]. 12°. Frankfurt a. M.. 1788. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 169 (N. Moore). Rollong. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by localities. Rollwa^e (Hermann). *Ein Fall von priuia- rem Nierensarcom im Kindesalter. [Erlan- gen.] 25 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, A. Bimbach, 1901. Roily (Friedrieh). * Ueber einen Fall von Ade- nomyoma uteri, Uebergang in Carcinom und Metastasenbildung. [Heidelberg.] 30pp. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Repr.from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897, cl. Roloff (Ferdinand). *Ein Fall von Morbus Addisonii mit Atrophie der Nebennieren. [Tu- bingen.] 22 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1890. Roloff (Max). Geniigt die chemische Analyse als Grundlage fiir die therapeutische Beurtei- lung der Mineralwiisser? Ein physikalisch-che- mischer Beitrag zur Frage nach der Ersetzbar- keit der Mineralquellen durch Kunstprodukte. 46 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1903. Roloff (Paul) [1846- ]. * Ueber spontane Elimination der Uterus-Fibroide mit Ausgang in Heilung. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. Hae-he, [1873]. Rolssenn (Theodor). * Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Liingenmaasse des deutschen Darms. 53 pp., 11. 8°. Dorpat, H. Luakuiauu,\M9. Roluti (Giuseppe). Ceni sulle affezioni vene- ree curate nello spedale militare succursale del Maglio in Firenze. 66 pp. 8°. Firenze, C.Vo- ghera, 1871. Rom (Rudolphus). * De hydrophobia. 1 p. 1., 21 pp., 11. 4°. Groiilngse, T. Spoormaker, 1783. [P., v. 1934.] Roinain (Julie) [1875- ]. * Rapports du plan du detroit superieur avec les saillies osseu- ses de la region sacro - lombaire. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 78. Roman (Alphonse). * Ueber die Prognose der Eklampsie. 29 pp., 1 1., 7 tab. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1894. See, also, Krie^ (Robert). Atlas der Nasenkrank- heiten [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1901. Roman (Juan de M.) * Tratamiento de los abs- cesos de higado del hueco epigastrico por la puncion directa. 26 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1. Esca- I ante, 1879. Roman (Manuel). *Sobre las eqmmosis bajo el doble punto de vista de la patologia y de la medicina legal. 32 pp. 8°. Mexico, I. Ese-a- lante & Co., 1871. ROMAN. 721 ROMANO. Roman (Stanislaw) [1883- ]. *Giebt es iitiologische Beziehungen zwischen Diabetes mellitus und Geistesstorungen? [Wurtzburg.] 39 pp. 8°. Thorn, S. Bnszczynski, 1906. Roman (Th.) & Colin (E.) Bacteriologie des eaux minerales de Vichy, St.-Yorre, Hauterive et Cusset. Considerations sur leur purete a la source. Influence de la temperature, sur leur conservation, precautions a prendre pour di- minuer leur alteration dans le verre et les bou- teilles. ii, 84 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Baillihe & fils, 1892. ------------. Les microbes des eaux minerales du bassin de Vichy; morphologie et mensura- tion; demonstration experimentale de leur inno- cuite; leur rapport avec les matieres organiques et organisees des eaux de Vichv. vi, 102 pp. 8°. Baris, J. B. Baillilre & fils, 1S93. & Evesque (E.) De la deviation gauche observee dans les urines au polarimetre Lau rent; ses causes; ses variations dans les urines normales et pathologiques, en particulier chez les malades soumis au traitement de Vichy; conclusions. 15 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere <£• fils, 1893. Roman flowers. See Probadas flores romanas [etc.]. Romand (Victor) [1847- ]. * Revue d'un certain nombre d'annees de pratique medicale, de 1876 a 1898. Traitement des maladies gene- rales. 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 447. Roinand-^lonnier (Louis) [1874- ]. *La scoli'>se dans le mal de Pott. 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 159. Romane (A.) [1862- ]. * Etude physio- logique et bacteriologique de l'amygdale. 45 pp. 4°. Pari*, 1892, No. 356. Romanelli (Giuseppe). Brevi notizie intorno ai bagni termali Subveni Homini e la Pia Opera di S. Filippo Neri. [Le cure gratuite degP in- fermi poveri alia terrna Subveni Homini.] 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Napoli, G. Salrati, 1891. Romanelli (Luigi). Statistica dell' Ospedale di S. Eligio per gli anni 1889-90; con note etio- logiche, cliniche e terapeutiche. 71 pp. roy. 8°. Napoli, F. Giannini & figli, 1890-91. Romanenko (Lvdie) [1886- ]. Occlu- sion intestinale et grossesse. 39 pp. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1907, No. 4. Romanenko (Nina) [1884- ]. Contribu- tion a l'etude de la tuberculose diaphysaire chez l'enfant. 50 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Montpellier, 1906, No. 9. Romanes (George J.) [1848-94]. Physiolog- ical selection; an additional suggestion on the origin of species, pp. 337-411. 8°. [n. p., 1886.] Cutting from: Linn. J. Zool., 1886, xix. ------. L'evolution mentale chez l'homme; ori- gine des facultes humaines. Traduit de l'an- glais par Henry de Varigny. viii, 441 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1891. Darwin and after Darwin; an exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions. 3 v. 12°. Chicago, Open Court Pub. Co., 1897-1901. CONTENTS. v. 1. The Darwinian theory. 3. ed. v. 2. Post-Darwinian questions. Heredity and utuity. 2 ed v. 3. Post-Darwinian questions. Isolation and physio- logical selection. _____. Essays. Edited by C. Lloyd Morgan. 253 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green & Co., Romanes (George J.)—continued. ------. An examination of Weismannism. 2. ed. ix, 221 pp. 12°. Chicago, Open Court Pub. Co., 1899. See, also, Heidenhaln (Rudolf Peter Heinrich). Hypnotism [etc.]. 12°. London, 1888. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 177 (L. Morgan). Also: Progres med.. Par., 1894, i, 384. For Portrait, see Phil. Port. Series, Chicago, 1898. -------. See, also: Carter (M. H.) Romanes' idea of mental develop- ment. Am. J. Psychol., Worcester, 1899-1900, xi, 101-118. Romaneseo (Adrian). * Contribution a l'etude du manuel operatoire de reversion de la vaginale dans le traitement de 1'hydrocele. 48 pp. 8°. -Pari*, 1901, No. 198. Ronianet (Henry) & Pasquier (Maxime). Police sanitaire des animaux. Introduction par F.-L. Malepevre. viii, 356 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1904. de' Romani (Giovanni). Di Giovanni de' Ro- mani, inventore dell' apparecchio grande, me- moria storico-critica. 123 pp. 8°. Casalmag- giore, frat. Bizzarri, 1816. Romani (Samuele). .see Jullien (Louis). Trattato pratico delle malattie veneree, [etc.]. 8°. Napoli, 1881. Romania medicala. Comitetul de redactiune: V. Babes, Thoma Ionescu, N. Kalenderu [et al.]. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-8, 1893-1900. 8°. Bucurescl. Ended. Roinann (Alfred) [1876- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von subkutaner traumatischer Milzruptur. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. / Munchen, Kastner e Kinaki (A. S.) Del risanaraento di Venezia, [etc.]. 8°. Vene- zia, 1886. VOL xrv, 2d series- -4fi ROMANO. 722 ROME. Romano (Salvatore). Profilassi del vaiuolo; conferenza letta in Racalmuto a 11 novembre 1888. 25 pp. 8°. Balermo, frat. Vena, 1889. Romano (T[itus] ) [1865- ]. *H6pital Baudeloeque; kinesitherapie gynecologique (methode de Brandt); effets dynamogeniques (cardio-vasculaires) du massage abdominal; re- cherches cliniques et experimentales. 230 pp. 4°. Baris, 1895, No. 489. ------. The same. 230 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1895. Romanoff (A[leksiei] Ye[gorovich]) [1855- ]. Ob organizatsii ospoprivivaniya. [On the organization of vaccination.] 16 pp. 8°. [Saratov, 1893.] Suppl. to: Saratov, san. obzor, 1893, iii. ------. 0 zlokachestvennikh likhoradkakh v g. Saratovie. [On malignant fevers in Saratov.] 13 pp. 8°. [Saratov, 1894.] Suppl. to: Saratov, san. obzor, 1894, iv. Romanoscopy. See Sigmoid/raure (Exploration of). Romanoviteli (Dragontine). *Recherches experimentales sur l'isopral et en particulier sur son action cardiovasculaire. 104 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1905. Romanovski (Dmitriy Leonidovich) [1861- ]. * K voprosu o parazitologii i terapii bo- lotnol likhoradki. [Parasitology and treatment of malarial fever.] 116 pp., 2 1., 1 pl., 1 diag. 8°. S.-Beterburg, I. N. Skovokhodof, 1891. Romanovski (M[efodiy Viktorovich]) [1868- ]. O metodie v biologii; v oblasti hipotez i teoreticheskikh vivodov. [On method in bi- ology; in the field of hypothesis and theoretical inferences.] 200 pp., 1 1. 8°. Odessa, A. Shultse, 1898. Roinanowsky (Nicolaus) [1874- ]. *Ueber Entwickelung der Anzeigen zur Perforation, be- sonders in Deutschland. 29 pp., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, 67. Schade, 1900. Romant (Joseph) [1883- ]. *Les plaies d'entree par armes a feu courtes (revolvers). Donnees nouvelles; revue critique m6dico-le#ale. vi, 7-156 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1908, No. 78. -----. The same. Avec une preface de G. Garda. 160 pp. 8°. Montpellier, Coulet & fils, 1908. Romasliko (Konrad Pavlovich) [1855- ]. *Monographiya -vodyanovo orlekha (Trapa natans, L.) i khimicheskiya izsliedovaniya nad nim. [Monograph on the water nut. . . and its chemical analysis.] 40 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, A. Muchnik, 1891. Roinaro (Vincenzo). La pellagra 6 di chi la vuole. Igiene del contadino scritta in forma popolare. 83 pp. 12°. Badova, U. Bongandio, 1901. Romary (Lucien) [1873- ]. * Rapports de la region ante>ieure de la vessie avec le peri- toine aux differents ages. 81 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1163. Romayne (Nicholas) [1756-1817]. Walsh (J. J.) [Biography.] N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1908, viii, 135-137. Rombaeli (J. D. S.) Verloskundige waarne- mingen. 14 pp. 8°. ['s Gravenhage, 1852.] Repr.from: Nederl. Lancet, 's Gravenh., 1852, 3. s., ii. Rombaeli (Jan Jacob Cornells Antonie). *De loslating van de normaal gelegen placenta tijdens de zwangerschap. 84 pp. 8°. Leiden, E. Ijdo, 1894. Romberg (Edouard). Belligerents blessed pri- sonniers de guerre. A propos de la guerre his- pano - americaine. 104 pp. 8°. Baris, II. Charles-Laraurelle, [1898]. Romberg (Eduard). Aerztlicher Ratgeber fiir Radfahrer. Nach Dr. Fressel's "Was muss jeder Radfahrer unbedingt wissen"? Neu bearbeitet. 52 pp. 8°. Leipzig, II. Seemann Nachfolger, 1900. Romberg (Erich) [1873- ]. *Der Niihr- werth der verschiedenen Mehlsorten einer mo- dernen Roggenkunstmuhle. [Berlin.] 54 pp. 8°. Miinchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1896. Romberg (Ernst) [1865- ]. Ueber die Ent- wicklung der jetzigen therapeutischen Ansehau- ungen in der inneren Medicin. Antrittsvorle- sung, gehalten am 21. November 1896. 27 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Georgi, 1897. ------. Lehrbuch der Krankheiten des Herzens * und der Blutgefiisse. xii, 548 pp. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1906. Romberg (Moritz Heinrich) [1795-1873]. See Bell (Sir Charles). Physiologische und patho- logische Untersuchungen [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1836.— Henoch (Eduard). Klinische Ergebnisse [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1846. -----. The same. 8°. Berlin, 1851. Romberg's symptom. See Ataxia (Locomotor, Semeiology of). Rombey (A.) * Zwanzig Fiille von Einleitung der kiinstlichen Friihgeburt aus der Wiirz- burger Universitiits-Frauenklinik. 40 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, 1899. Rombouts (Gerard-Charles-Francois) [1869- ]. * Ueber multiple Darmresectionen. 63 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 1900. Rombouts (G[errit]). See Delalmrre (Antoine-Francois-Adolphe ) fils. Over de wijze van aetheriseren [etc.]. 8°. Tiel, 1848. Rombouts (K. H.) Verplichte verzekering tegen ziekte. 43 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1904. Rome. See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for), Chol- era (History, etc., of), Epidemics (History, etc., oj'), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Hospitals (Gynsecologic, etc.), Hospitals (Military), Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), Hy- giene (Municipal, Bams, etc., of), Influenza (History, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for, Bescrip- tion, etc., of), Leprosy (History, etc., of), Sew- ag-e (Disposal of), Small-pox (History, etc., of), Statistics (Vital), Universities, by localities. . [Cacherano (G. F. M.)] De' mezzi per in- trodurre ed assicurare stabilmente la coltiva- zione e la popolazione nell' agro romano. 8°. Boma, 1785. Gabelli (A.) Roma e i Romani. (Prefa- zione alia monografia statistica di Roma e cam- pagna romana, pubblicata dalla Direzione della statistica generale del regno.) 8°. Boma, 18S1. Guida igienica di Roma. 16°. Boma, 1896. Italy. Ministero di agricoltura, industria e commercio. Direzione delV agricoltura. Annali di agricoltura 1881. No. 31. Roma ed il Lazio dal punto di vista agrario ed igienico. Conside- razioni di Angelo Alessandrini. 8°. Boma, 1881. Lanciani (R.) Di alcune opere di risana- mento dell' agro romano eseguite dagli antichi. Memoria letta nella seduta del giugno 1879. roy. 8°. [n. p.], 1879. Cutting from: Mem. CL di sc. fis., iv. ROME. 723 ROMERO Y VEGA. Rome. Micara (C.) Delia campagna romana e del suo ristoramento. 8°. Bologna, 1827. Primaria Associazione cattolica, artistica ed operaia di carita reciproca in Roma. Divisione sanitaria. Rapporto sommario dell' assistenza sanitaria prostata ai soei dal 1° maggio 1880 a tutto aprile 1887. roy. 8°. Boma, 1887. Scalzi (F.) Illustrazione del quadro sulla salubrita regionale di Roma. 16°. Boma, 1882. Tommasi-Crudeli (C.) Della distribuzione delle acque nel sotto suolo dell' agro romano e della sua influenza nella produzione della mala- ria. Memoria letta nella seduta del 6 aprile 1879. 4°. [Boma, 1879.] Cutting from: Atti di r. Accad. d. Lincei. CL d. sc. fis., mat. e nat., Roma, 1879. -----. Studi sul bonificamento dell' agro romano. I. L' antica fognatura delle colline romane. 4°. Boma, 1881. Repr. from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei. CL di sc. fis., mat. e nat., Roma, 1880-81, cclxxviii. -----. The climate of Rome and the Roman malaria. Transl. from the Italian by Charles Cramond Dick. 12°. London, 1892. Ait ken (L.) The sanitary state of Rome. San. Rec, Loinl., 1881, n. s., iii, 6; 17.; 181. Also, Reprint.—B. (H.) Einitrcs iiber die hygienischen Einrichtungen des moder- nen K« mi. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1894, iv, 385-389.— Behring. Ueber neuere sanitiire Einrichtungen in Rom. Ibid., 1891, i, 405-416.— Brock (G. S.) "Rome as a winter resort" (Welsford). West. Canada M. J., Winni- peg, 1907, ii, 345.—Erhardt (W. F.) jun. Das medici- nische Rom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 737; 762; 786; 811. — Fauvelle. Duree moyenne de la vie des emploves romains a Carthage au deuxieme siecle de notre ere. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1890, 4. s., i, 359-371.— Galii (G.) Medizinische und hygienische Betrachtun- gen iiber die Campagna und die Castelli romani. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 469-^71 — Hamonic (P.) Impressions sur Rome. Rev. clin. d'androl. et de gvnec, Par., 1906, xii, 146; 174: 200; 233; 328: 1907, xiii, 51; 124: 1908, xiv, 171; 20:1: 276.—Hospitals (The) and clin- ics of Rome. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 707-711.—Mac- chiori (V) Die anthropologischen Grundlagen des romischen Wrfalls zur Kaiserzi-it. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Leipz., 1907, v, 557-581—Nice loro (A.) La mala vita a Roma e la sua reprtssione. Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1898-9 ii,331-333.—OUolenghiiS.) Osservazioneantro- pologiche forensi negli scavi fattisotto la colonna trajana. Atti di Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma, 1907, xiii, 323-340.— Pensuti (V ) Memorie dell' antica Roma. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1899, xxv, 337-352.-Petraglia (G.) La ques- tione dell' agro romano. Arch. clin. ital., Roma, 1881, xi 153— Predlerl (P.) Sulla bonifica dell' agro ro- mano; esame critico, sopra le principali opinioni esposte dall' ing. Antonio Marucchi. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d ig., Milano, 1881, iii, 26-50.—Terrlgi (G.) Ultenon ricerche sulle acque del sottosuolo del bacino di Roma. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1891-2, xvin, 624-629.— Tone 111 (C ) Le case operaie di Roma nel quartiere di Testaccio. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1887 ix, 16- 20 3 pl —Wendt (E. C.) The new Rome and the ques- tion of Roman fever. Med. Rec N. Y. 1892, xM3^ 238.—Young (D.) Rome. Med. Mag., Lond., 1893-4, n, 697-717. Rome, New York. See Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by locali- ties. Rome (J. L.) The Abbeville jaw, an episode in a great controversv, being a paper read before the Hull Literary and Philosophical Society, March lo, 1W4. 84 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Lon- don, Longman, Green & Co., [1864]. Rome (Province of). Regia prefettura della provincia di Roma. Norme per la cremazione dei cadaveri e per la conservazione delle ceneri. 3 pp. 8°. [Boma, tipog. Elzeviriana, 1883.] ------. Relazione sanitaria per la provincia di Roma del medico provinciale Cav. Prof. Bal- duino Bocei. Presentata al Consigho provin- ciale di sanita. Anno 1892. 30 pp., 1 tab. 8 . Henna, tipog. Elzeririana, 1893. Rome Hospital, New York. Report of the offi- cers to the members and subscribers, for the years 1884-5 to 1889-90 (1.-6.). 42 pp. 8°. Borne, N. Y., Beers & Kessinger, 1891. Incorporated March 24 and opened April 3, 1884. The 1.-6. reports in one. Rome State Custodial Asylum, at Rome, New York. See New York (State). Borne State Cus- todial Asylum, at Borne, New York. Rome (Rene) [1881- ]. *La valeur semei- ologique de l'6pilepsie jacksonienne. 184 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 34. The same. 1 p. 1., 184 pp. roy. 8°. Lyon, Lmp. reunies, 1906. Romeiek [Franz] [1864- ]. Desinfektions- wesen in landlichen Ortschaften. Referat er- stattet in der Medizinalbeamtenversammlung in Konigsberg i. Pr. am-14. Dezember 1903. 14 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. Leineweber, 1904. Romeiek (Franz Karl Robert) [1883- ]. * Ueber die spontane Ruptur des Herzens (auf Grund von neun Fallen). 56 pp., 11. 8°. Leip- zig, B. Georgi, 1907. Romeisen (Achatius Valentinus). *Diss. in- aug. phenomena paroxysmorum febrium inter- mittentium exponens. 25 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Etzerier, 1708. [P., v. 2245.] Romeny (M. B.) * Ueber die mit Darmverlet- zung complicirten penetrirenden Bauchwun- den. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiburg i. B., H. M. Boppen & Sohn, 1890. 4 Romeril (William G.) Sanitation of the Brit- ish mercantile marine. Being a brief outline of the more noticeable features met with in connection with sanitary matters on board trading vessels. For the information of ship- owners, ships' officers, superintendents, and builders, port sanitary authorities, and others. iv, 63 pp., 22 plans. 8°. London, "The Ship- ping World", 1898. Romero (Andres). * Breve estudio sobre el tratamiento del tumor bianco. 14 pp. 8°. Me- xico, 1878. Romero (Jose). *Ligero estudio sobre el empleo de la goma; resina del Schinus molle (vulgo pirul) en el tratamiento de la blenorra- gia. xxxii pp. 8°. Zamora, 1889. Romero (Jose Maria) [ -1891]. Lapeniten- ciaria. 2. ed. iii, 57 pp., 1 tab., 1 plan. 8°. Mexico, F. Diaz de Leon, 1892. For Biography, see Monitor med., Lima, 1891-2, vii, 129- 134, port. Romero (Sotero). * Algunos apuntes sobre la historia, higiene y estadistica del Hospital Jua- rez. 38 pp. 8°. Mexico, S. Sierra, 1877. Romero Almenara (Antonio). Trafico y consumo de carnes. Guia completa para los ganaderos, tratantes en carnes y tablajeros, con un estudio sobre: El problema de la came, por Enrique Guevara. 202 pp. 8°. Zaragaza, J. Sanz & Navarro, 1899. Romero Gilsanz (F.). See Manual complete de medicina legal [etc.] [in 1. s.j. 8°. Madrid, 1872-3. Romero Gilsanz {Jose) [1834-1902]. [Biography.] Bol. d. Col. prov. de med. de Valla- dolid, 1902, viii, 17-20. Romero Robledo {Francisco). [Biography.] Gac. de med. zool., Madrid, 1906, 4. ep., xxx, 81-83. Romero y Vega (Macario). *La infeccion purulenta es el resultado de la tendencia pio- genica que, en condiciones dadas de la economfa, ROMERO Y VEGA. 724 ROMORANTIN. Romero y Vega (Macario)—continued. comunica el pus al plasma sanguineo, a la ma- nera de un fermento. 3 p. 1., 16 pp. 8°, Mexico, J. Morales, 1870. [P., v. 2178.] Romershausen (E[lard]). Nachtrag zu der Schrift: Die magneto-electrische Rotationsma- schine und der Stahlmagnet als Heilmittel. 8 pp. 8°. Halle, E. Heynemann, 1847. -----. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des neuen elec- tromagnetischen Taschenapparats fiir arztliche Praxis, in Verbindung mit Dr. Romershausen's bewahrten Heilvorrichtungen. 10 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Marburg, J. B. Bayrhoffer, [1851]. Romey (Emil) [1866- ]. *Ein Epignathus mit cvclopoider Gesichtsbildung. 24 pp., 2 pl., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., M. Biedtke, 1892. Romeyer (Henri) [1872- ]. * Dosage de l'aldehyde formique. 47 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 10. Romeyn (Jakob Arend). *De operatieve be- handeling van werveltracturen. [Amsterdam.] 2 p. 1., 218 pp. 8°. Barneveld, G. W. Boonstra, 1894. Romiee (H.). &c Putzeys (Felix) .] Romieu (Frederic) [1877- ]. *Du zona dans le cancer du sein. 69 pp., 11. 8°. Byon, 1900, No. 79. Romieux (Marcel). *De la suture ligamen- teuse-fibro-periostee sans fils perdu dans les fractures recentes de la rotule. [Montpellier.] 109 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nimes, 1899, No. 14. Roinignot (Jules-Georges-Emile) [1876- ]. *Du role de la compression active dans la locali- sation des tendons. 74 pp. 8°. Lille, 1902, No. 88. Romijn (G.) Leiddraad voor het scheikundig drinkwateronderzoek. 15 pp. 8°. Zalt-Bom- mel, H. J. van de Garde & Co., [1904]. Romiti (Guglielmo) [1850- ]. La eartila- gine della piega semilunare ed il pellicciao nel negro, pp. 67-70. 8°. [Bisa, 1884.] Cutting from: Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat., Pisa, 1884, vii. -----. Una osservazione di terzo condilo occipi- tale nell' uomo, e considerazioni relative, pp. 57-66, 1 pl. 8°. [Bisa, 1884.] Cutting from: Atti Soc. to-c. sc. nat.. Pisa, 1884, vii. ------. Ragguaglio sui casi di malattie delle donne curati nei rr. Spedali di Pisa negli anni 1888-90. 42 pp. 8°. Bisa, T Nistri & Co., 1890. ------. L' anatomia dell' uomo esposta popolar- mente. Introduzione generale: Gli elementi anatomici ed i tessuti. 75pp., 11. 16°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1892]. -----. Servizio ginecologico nei rr. Spedali di Pisa diretto dal Prof. . . . Rendiconto clinico del biennio 1890-92, redatto dal Dott. Paolo Riso, assistente. 42 pp. 8°. Bisa, T. Nistri & Co., 1893. ------. Trattato di anatomia dell' uomo. Ma- nuale per medici e studenti. 2 v. ix, 1977 pp.; 1132 pp. 8°. Milano, Napoli, etc., F. Vallardi, 1893-8. ------. Sopra incompiutezza dell' arco zigoma- tico in un cranio umano notevole per altre vari- eta. Nota anatomica. 13 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bisa, T. Nistri & Co., 1894. Repr.from: Atti d. Soc. tosc. di sc. nat. Mem., Pisa, 1894, xiv. -----. II significato morfologico del processo marginale nell' osso zigomatico umano. 12 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Pisa, tipog. succ. frat. Nistri, 1898. Romiti (Guglielmo)—continued. ------. Compendio di anatomia topografica del- 1' uomo con speciali applieazioni alia chirurgia pratica. xv, 720 pp. 8°. Milano, 1905. See, also, Salvi Giunio). Manuale della dissezione [etc.]. 12°. Milano. [1903]. Romm (Max) [1881- ]. * Ein Fall von A t- lasluxation mit Abbruch des Zahnfortsatzes des Epistropheus. [Konigsberg i. Pr.] 19 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1905. Repr.from: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1906, lvii. Romme (L.). See Baglnsky (Adolfl. Traite des maladies des en- fants [etc.]. 8°. Paris, ls92.—Moll (Albert i. Les per- versions de l'instinct genital [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1893. Romme (R.) La lutte sociale contre la tuber- culose. 191 pp. 12°. Paris, Masson d> tie., [1901]. ------. L'alcoolisme et la lutte contre l'alcool en France. 171 pp. 12°. Bai-is, Masson d- Cie., [n. d.]. Rommel (Carl) [1861- ]. * Ueber die an- aesthesirende Wirkung einiger organischer Herzgifte auf das Auge. 38 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1892. Rommel (Ernst Johannes) [1875- ]. *Darmverschluss durch den persistierenden, am Nabel geschlossenen Dottergang. 36 pp. 8°. Giessen, O. Kinelt, 1903. Rommel (Otto) [1870- ]. *Ueber die Aus- scheidung der Alloxurkorper unter physiolo- gischen Bedingungen und bei Nephritis. 30 pp., 1 sheet. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1896. ------. Prematurity and congenital debility. In: Dis. Child. . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann, Eng. transl. roy. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1908, ii, 81-98. ------. Asphyxia and atelectasis. In: Dis. Child. . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann, Eng. transl. roy. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 1908, ii, 99-104. -----. Scleredema and sclerema. In: Dis. Child. . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann, Eng. transl. roy. 8°. Philadelphia & London, 190.s, ii, 105-110. [Rommel (Peter).] Discursus physico-medieus de foetibus leporinis, extra uterum repertis; aliisque tam de leporibus, quam etiam de con- ceptione extra-uterina raris et curiosis. 15 pp. 4°. Ulmx, hatred. C. B. Kuhn, 1680. See, also, SehriJder (J. L.) Pharmacopoeia medico- chymica [etc.]. 4°. Unite Suevorum, 1705. Rommel (Robert). *Kleinhirn und cerebel- lare Ataxie. [Gottingen.] 23 pp. 8°. Han- nover, A. Brager & Scherrer, 1900. Rommelaere (Guillaume-A.-V.) [1836- ]. De l'atelectasie pulmonaire. iv,. pp. 225-316. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1881. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Am. Univ. de Brux. Fac. de med., 1881, ii. For Biography, see Univ. de Brux. Notice hist..... 1834-84,190. Rommelaere (Willem). Recherches sur l'origine de l'uree. 1 p. 1., pp. 190-290. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1880. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Ann.del'Univ. de Brux. Fac. de med., 1880, i. See, also, Sand (Rene). La simulation. 8°. Paris, 1907. Rommeler (Gustav) [1878- ]. *Ueber Schussverletzungen der Leber. 38 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, O. Francke, 1906. Romorantin. I See Scarlatina (History, etc., of), by localities. Roiuorantiii. Bolice. Sentences rendues en la police de Romorantin sur les conclusions du procureur du roy, au profit des maitres chirur- i giens de cette ville; contre Jean Halle de la ROMORANTIN. 725 RONDELETIUS. Romorantin. Bolice—continued. Touche, dit Dujeren, se disant operateur privi- legie du roy. 8 pp. sm. 4°. [Blois, B.-J. Masson, 1753.] Roinpel (Joseph) Malaria, Parasit und Stech- miicke. Ein Abschnitt moderner biologischer Forschung. 36 pp. 8°. Hamm i.W., Breer & Thiemann, 1902. Rompfius (Ch. Constantinus). Sec Solnnitz (Joh. Andreas). Medicinae practicse compendium [etc.]. 16°. Lutetix Parisiorum, 1674. Ronalds (Edmund) [181i>-8!>].. Hartou (P. J.) [Biographv.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 201. Roiiander (C[arl] W[ilhelm] H [enrich] [1794- 1847]. Carlsbader-, Embser-, Marienbader-, Eger-, Pyrmonter- oeh Spaa-vattnens. Nvtta och bruk. [The advantages and use of Carls- bad, Ems, Marienbad, Eger, Pyrmont, and Spaa waters.] viii (1 1.), 73 pp. 12°. Stockholm, B. A. Norstedt & Siihner, 1827. -----. The same. 83 pp. 16°. Stockholm, L. J. Hjerta, 1837. Roneatflia (Giuseppe). Ostetricia. Appunti. 293, 40, 101 pp., 1 1. 12°. Modena, lit. G. Biz- zolotti, 1894-5. -----. Studio critico-clinico sui vari metodi di cura dei prolassi genitali. 215 pp., 11. 8°. Torino, Bosenberg & Seller, 1895. -----. Patologia della gravidanza. Appunti raccolti alle lezioni del Prof. Giuseppe Roncaglia. Anno accademico 1895-6. 302 pp., 1 1. 12°. Modena, lit. G. B. Bizzolotti, 1896. -----. Reparto ostetrico-ginecologico del Civico Ospedale di Mantova. Rendiconto del movi- mento clinico nel biennio 15 febbraio 1897—15 febbraio 1899. 89 pp. 8°. Modena, tipog. Soliani, 1899. Roneagliolo (Enrico). Tireoterapia; origini ed applieazioni sue, con osservazioni originali. Communicazione letta al Congresso sanitario degli spedali civili di Genova, la sera del 20 aprile 1897. 31 pp. 8°. Genova, A. Ciminago, 1897. Roneali (D.-B.) Contribution a l'etude des infections consecutives aux fractures compli- quees experimentales; recherches histologiques et bacteriologiques. 138 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Carre, 1896. -----. Di un nuovo blastomicete isolato da un epitelioma della lingua e dalle metastasi ascel- lari di un sarcoma della ghiandola mammaria, patogeno per gli animali, e molto simile, per il suo particolare modo di degenerare nei tessuti delle cavie, al "Saecharomyces lithogenes" del Sanfelice (contributo all' etiologia dei neoplasmi maligni). Notapreliminare. 12pp. 8°. Boma, frat. Centenari, 1896. Repr.fron: Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1895-6, xxii. ------. Intorno alia cura dei tumori maligni colle iniezioni delle toxine dello streptococco dell' erisipela associate con quelle del bacillo prodigioso e colle inezioni dei cosi^ detti sieri anticancerosi preparati coi metodi di Richet ed Hericourt e con quelli di Emerich e Scholl. Osservazioni sperimentali e cliniche. 20 pp. 8°. Boma, 1897. Repr. from: Policlin.. Roma, 1897, sez. prat., xiv. ------. Patologia e chirurgia dei traumi del ri- gonfiamento lombare del cono terminale e della coda equina, x (11.), 217 pp. roy. 8°. Boma, Soc. edit. Dante Alighieri, 1901. Ronealli (Francesco). Resoconto statistico della sezione rinolaringojatrica della Poliambu- lanza medico-chirurgica in Bergamo. 7 pp. roy. 8°. [Bergamo, F Cattaneo, 1891, vel subseq.] Ronealli-Parolino (Francisco) [1692-1763]. Europie medicina a sapientibus illustrata. 11 p. 1., 499 pp. fol. Brixix, ex typog. M.Vendra- meni, 1747. Roncati {Francesco) [1834-1906]. Da 11' Olio (V.l [Biography.] Rassegna med., Bo- logna, 1906, xiv, no. 9,1. [Obituary.] Lancet, Lond., 1906, ii, 964.—Peli(G.) In memoria. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1907, 8. s., vii, 11-14, port. Ronee (Henry). * Kystes hydatiques du pou- mon (diagnostic precoce par les rayons Ront- gen). 96 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 206. Roneeray ( Paul-Louis ). * Contribution a l'etude des lichens a orseille. 94 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°., Bans, 1904, No. 10. Ecole superieure de pharmacie. Ronehesc (A.-D.) * Methodes de dosage de quelques composes azotes ammoniaque, uree, acide urique. 72 pp. 8°. Baris, Lahure, 1908, No. 11. Ronehet (Henry) [1881- ]. *De I'ampu- tation abdomino-perineale du rectum cancereux. (Etude sur 12 cas personnels.) 130 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1907, No. 4. Ronelielli (Vittorio). La sierodiagnosi della infezione tifoide. 40 pp. 8°. Torino, 1897. -----. II tachiolo Paterno nella cura delle sup- purazioni dell' orecchio medio. 16 pp. 8°. Milano, V Bamperti, 1903. Roncin (Edouard). * Etude physiologique sur les fakirs. 150 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 522. Roneoroni (Luigi). Trattato clinico dell' epi- lessia, con speciale riguardo alle psicosi epilet- tiche. ix, 627 pp., 2 1., 1 tab., 11 pl. 12°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1894]. ------. Genio e pazzia in Torquato Tasso. vii, 231 pp. 8°. Torino & Milano, frat. Bocca, 1896. ------. Diagnosi speciale delle malattie mentali. 58 pp. 8°. Torino & Milano, frat. Bocca, 1897. Repr.from: Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1897, xviii. Ronda. Turner (W.) Notes on health resorts; Ronda, in Andalusia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 799. Rondani (Paul-Marie) [1863- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude des plaies pen&xantes de l'ab- domen par armes blanches et instruments tran- chants et piquants. 96 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 72. Ronde (Jacob) [1860- ]. * Untersuchung des blauen Farbstoffes welcher in den Kleber- zellen einiger Gramineen vorkommt. [Erlan- gen.] 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Wiegler, 1898. Ronde (Julius). *Zur Aetiologie der Herz- schwielenbildung. 30 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, B. Scheiner, 1893. Rondeau (Jean-Julien-Georges). * Quelques idees de physiologie pathologique sur les hy- dropisies cachectiques. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 249. Rondeau (Leon). *Des rapports du rachi- tisme congenital et de Pachondroplasie. 54 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 65. Rondeau (Philippe). * Contribution a l'etude des cancers primitifs du poumon et de la plevre (diagnostic histologique et histogenese). 112 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 471. Rondeletius (Gulielmus) [1507-66]. De ma- teria medicinalia, et compositione luculentus RONDELETIUS. 726 RONTALER. Ronde 1 e ti us (Gulielmus) —continued. et brevis methodus. 12°. Venetiis, apud V. Valgristum, 1562. In: Tractationes medicinales [etc.]. 12°. Venetiis, 1562, pt. 2, ff. 41-102. -----. Dispensatorium seu pharmacopolarum officina. 185 ff., 5 1. 24°. Colonise, J. Byre-k- mann, 1565. -----. Opera omnia medica, studio et labore J. Croqueri. 6 p. 1., 1359 pp. 12°. Genevse, sumpt. L. Chouet dc socii, 1685. See, also, JBoussuet (Francois). De natura aquati- lium carmen, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Lugduni, 1558. — Cordus (Valerius). Dispensatorium [etc.]. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1651. -----. The same. 16°. Lugduni, 1600. — Sch wenck- 1'eldt (C.) Thesaurus pharmaceuticus [etc.]. 16°. Ba- silese, 1587. For Biography, see Abbild.. . . d. Arznk. verd. Gelehrten [etc.]. 4°. Augsburg, 1805, 28, port. See, also: J. de la sante, Par., 1902, xix, pt. 2, 201 (Monpart). Rondelli (Alippio). See Buscalloni (Luigi) & Rondelli (Alippio). Sopra un nuovo metodo [etc.]. 8°. [Genova, 1894.] Rondelli (Giuseppe). Ospedale civile di Be_ vagna. Resoconto clinico-statistico delle opera- zioni chirurgiche eseguite dal 1° ottobre 1902 al 31 decembre 1903. 67 pp. 8°. Sanseverino- Marche, C. Bellabarba, 1904. Rondet, Mme. Memoire sur le prolapsus, ou chute de la matrice, et tous les autres deplace- mens des organes genito-urinaires de la femme, gueris par l'emploi de pessaires en caoutchouc pur. 55 pp. 8°. Baris, Moquel & Cie., 1833. Rondet (Jacques). * Action des sels halogenes du plomb et de l'argent sur le sulfure d'anti- moine. 62 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 16. Ecole superieure de pharmacie. Rondet (Jules) [1873- ]. *De l'anesthesie locale par infiltration (methode de Sehleich). 101 pp. 8°. Byon, 1900, No. 136. Rondke (Gustav August Wilhelm) [1868- ]. * Ueber subperiostale Amputationen. 27 pp. 8°. Marburg, 1892. Rondolini (Laurentius). *Diss. physiol. med. sistens funiculi umbilicalis historiam. 2 p. 1., 54 pp., 1 1. 12°. Vindobonse, J. Thorn, 1780. Rondorf (Wilhelm) [1871- ]. * Ueber schwere Geburtsstorungen nach Vaginofixatio uteri. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1900. Rondot (Albert) [1878- ]. *La periostite albumineuse. 42 pp., 3 1. 8°. Byon, 1903, No. 125. Rondot (Edouard) [1849-1908]. L'antipyrine. Lecons tirees du cours de therapeutique, pro- fesse a la Faculte de medecine de Bordeaux en remplacement de M. le professeur de Fleury. 61 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, B. Cassignol, 1892. -----. Le regime lacte. 200 pp. 12°. Baris, Buef & Cie., [1894?]. For Biography, see J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1908, xxxviii-, 620 (X.A.). Rondot (Louis) [1872- ]. *Des insertions vicieuses du cordon ombilical. 82 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 363. Ronesse (J.-H). See Vuessurlapropret6des rues de Paris [etc.] [inl.s.]. 8°. [Paris], 1782. Ronge (H.) Die moderne Behandlung Herz- kranker nach hygienischen und physikalisch- diatetischen Grundsiitzen in allgemein verstiind- licher und kritischer Darstellung. 2. Aufl. 8°. Gorlitz, B. Mey, 1904. .-----. Grundziige der Entstehung, Verhiitung und modernen Behandlung chronischer Krank- heiten. Dargestellt als Leitfaden fiir die Be- handlung und Kur in Sanatorien. 39 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1904. Rongier (Charles) [1874- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude de la tension arterielle dans la pneumonie. 64 pp. 86. Baris, 1900, No. 330. Rongier (Lfouis]). * L'anemie des nourris- sons dyspeptiques. 51 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 103. Ronna (A.) Assainissement des villes et des cours d'eau; 6gouts et irrigations. 1 p. 1., 459 pp., 8 tab., 2 pl., port. 8°. Baris, J. Baudry, 1872. Repr.from: Mem. Soc. d. ing^nieurs civils. Ronneaux (Georges). *Le paratyphus; les infections paratyphoidiques. 235 pp. 8°. Baris, 1904, No. 567. Ronneberg. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Ronneby. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Ronnet (A.). See Godon (Ch.) & Ronnet (A.) L'art dentaire aux Etats-Unis [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1894. Ronpliyle. La chyromantie naturelle. 7 p. 1., 77 pp. 24°. Baris, I. B. Boy son, 1665. ■See, also, H8clistftirtrefliclistes chiromantisch- und physionomisches Klee-Blat [etc.]. 16°. Niirnberg, 1696. Ronquelte (J.-P.) [1868- ]. *Contribu- tion a l'etude clinique des blessures de l'ceil par corps etrangers. 60 pp. 4°. Byon, 1892, No. 659. Ronqnillo y Morer (Carlos) [1838- 1900]. Herp (J.) [Biography.] Gac. san. de Barcel., 1900, xii, 65-76, port. -----. Apuntes necrol6gicos. Independ. meVL, Barcel., 1900-1901, xxxi, 361-366. de Ronsard (Pierre) [1524-1585]. Grenet (H.) La surdity de Ronsard. Arch.g6n.de med., Par., 1906, i, 810-813.—iUenier. La surdity de Kon- sard. Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1906, xxi, 211-215. Ronsin (Almire) [1857- ]. Variations de Puree, des chlorures et des phosphates dans la tuberculose. 107 pp. 8°. Bille, C. Bobbe, 1883. Ronsoviu*. See Rantzovius. Ronsse (1.) Etude comparee de Taction physio- logique et therapeutique des chlorhydrates d'hy- drastinine et de cotardine. pp. 207-287. 8°. [Gand & Baris, 1898.] Repr. from: Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Gand & Par., 1897-8, iv. Ron§seus (Balduinus). De magnis Hippocratis lienibus, Pliniique stomacace ac sceletyrbe, seu vulgo dicto scorbuto, commentariolus. Acces- sere ejusdem epistolte quinque ejusdem^ argu- menti, Joannis Echthii de scorbuto epitome, Joannis Wieri de scorbuto observatio, Joannis Langii epistohe duse de scorbuto. 5 p. 1., 278 pp., 8 1. 16°. Witebergse, C. Schleich, 1585. Bound with: Roussetis ( Franciscus). 'YtrrepoTOfiOTo- Kia, [etc.]. 16°. Basilese, 1588. -----. Miscellanea, seu epistolse medicinales. 3 p. 1., 242 pp., 3 1. 16°. Bugd. Bat., ex off. Blan- tiniana, 1590. Bound with: Varignana (Guilelmus). Secreta medi- cines, [etc.]. 16°. Basilese, [1597]. Rontaler (Stefan [Avgust Klementovich ] ) [1867- ]. *Sravnitelniyabakteriologo-khi- micheskiya izslledovaniya ob otnoshenii batsilla Massovskoi kholeri (cholera Massaua) k ptich- yemu vibrionu (Metchnikova) i Koch'ovskol zapyatol. [Comparative bacteriologo-chemical investigations concerning the relation of the ba- cillus of Massua cholera to Metchnikoff's vibrio and Koch's comma bacillus.] [Dorpat.] 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Ya. Trei, 1893. RONZONI. 727 ROOSA. Ronzoni (Gaetano). La pseudoleucemia nelle sue manifestazioni cliniche nei suoi rapporti con le altre malattie. iv (1 1.), 157 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. roy. 8°. Bavia, succ. Marelli, 1907. de Roo (L. \V. G.) De verkoop van opium op Java. 56, 71 pp. roy. 8°. Nijmegen, II. C. A. Thieme, 1892. de Rooek (Gerhard Johan Diederick). *De somno. 2 p. 1., 22 pp., 3 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat, L. Herdingh d fil, 1817. [P., v. 1931.] Rood {Ogden Nicolas) [1831-1902]. Stevens (W. Le C.) Ogden N. Rood; [obituary]. Science, K. V. £ Lancaster, Pa., 1902, n. s., xvi, 881-884. Roods (Henry CrowhurstL Spinal affections; a popular lecture on disorders and diseases of the spine, in which the causes, nature, symp- toms and curative treatment of these affections are investigated and explained. 57 pp. 16°. London, H. Bailliere, 1841. -----. Practical observations on the nature and treatment of sciatica, with an introductory dis- sertation on spinal irritation and inflammatory disease of nervous structures in general, viii, 9-56 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1859. [P., v. 2194.] Roof water. Porter (D.) The removal of roof-water from build- ings. Technol. Quart., Bost., 1888-9, ii, 220-228. Rooke (Thomas Jforley) [1826-1904]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 128. Rooms (Disinfection of). See Disinfection of dwellings, etc. Rooimeli-Kalholieke Ziekenverpleging te Amsterdam. Jaarverslag. 9., 1889. 4 pp. fol. [Amsterdam, 1890.] Rooney {Jo*ej>h G.) [ -1904/]. Martyrdom to professional duty. [Edit.] N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix, 266. Rooney (Rohert Fleming) [1842- ]. [Biography.] Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1907, v, 101. Roorda Smit (J. A.) De cholera in Cordova. 16 pp., 1 plan. 8°. [Amsterdam], 1887. Repr.from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, 2. R., xxiii. -----. Traitement du cholera par le calomel. 8 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. B. Beijers, 1888. Roorda van Eysinga (S. F. W.) Vivisectie en hooger onderwijs; open brief aan D. Bee- rends. 56 pp. 8°. 's Gravenhage, H. B. Smits, 1893. Rook (Alfred). *Ueber die Alkylester der aro- matischen Sulfonsiiuren. [Bern.] 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1893. Roo* (Ernst) [1866- ]. * Ueber das Vor- kommen von Kohlenhydraten im Harn von Tieren. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. Leh- mann, 1891. -----. * Ueber Schilddrusentherapie und Jodo- thyrin (friiher Thyrojodin genannt). [Habili- tationsschrift. Freiburg.] 78 pp. 8°. Frei- burg i. B. & Leipzig, J. C. B. Mohr, 1896. ------. The same. 78 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B. & Leipzig, J. C. B. Mohr, 1897. -----. The usage of vegetable albumen as a nourishment. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] van Roo* (H. U. L.) Medicinische Jahresbe- richte vom Marien-Krankenhaus fiir Arme in St. Petersburg. 1., 1836; 2., 1837. xv, 112 pp., 1 pl., 1 1., 6 tab.; xvi, 226 pp., 5 tab. 8°. St. Petersburg, C. Kray, 1837-8. de It..... (J. R. B.) Inleiding tot de beoefe- ning der crimineele aetiologie met gebruik- making van Nederlandsche gegevens. 3 p. 1., 280 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erren F. Bohn, 1908. Roos (Jacob). * Ueber Kochsalzinfusion bei acuter Anamie. 32pp., 21. 8°. Slrassburq, C. Miih & Cie., 1894. Roosa (Daniel Bennet St. John) [1838-1908]. Remarks on simulated and hysterical loss of sight; illustrated by cases. 10 pp. 8°. New York, G. B. Putnam's Sons, 1875. ------. I. On the value of operations in which the membrana tympani is incised. II. The clinical diagnosis of acoustic neuritis and of atrophy of the acoustic nerve. 180-219 pp. 8°. New York, 1881. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch. Otol., N. V., 1881,x. ------. The tuning fork in the differential diag- nosis of diseases of the middle and the internal ear. 7 pp. 8°. [New Bedford, 1881.] Repr.from: Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, 1881. ------. The effects of noise upon diseased and healthy ears. [Read before the Medical So- ciety of the County of New York, April 23, 1883.] pp. 103-121. 8°. New York, G. B. But- nam's Sons, 1883. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1883, xii. ------. Presbvkousis. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1885. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, N. Y., 1885. -----. Clinical observations upon the diseases of the mastoid process, with an historical sketch of the origin of operations upon it. pp. 93-133. 8°. [New York, 1887.] Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1887, xvi. -----. The old hospital and other papers. 2. revised and enlarged ed. of: A doctor's sugges- tions. 4 p. 1., 320 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood & Co., 1889. -----. The relation of errors of refraction and insufficiency of the ocular muscles to functional diseases of the nervous system. 24 pp. 16°. New York, Trow, 1890. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii. -----. A pocket medical lexicon, being a diction- ary of the words, terms, and symbols of medical science, collated from the best authorities, with the addition of new words not before introduced into a lexicon. 4. revised and enlarged ed. 323 pp. 32°. New York, W. Wood & Co., [1890]. -----. The causes of asthenopia. 5 pp. 8°. [Albany, 1891.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., 1891. -----. Constitutional conditions combined with ametropia the cause of asthenopia. 13 pp. 12°. [New York, 1891.] Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1891, liii. -----. A clinical manual of diseases of the eye, including a sketch of its anatomy, xx, 621 pp., 2pl. 8°. New York, W. Wood & Co., 1894. —■—. Defective eyesight; the principles.of its relief by glasses, ix, 193 pp. 12°. New York & London, Macmillan Co., 1899. -----. The old New York Hospital; an histor- ical sketch. 15 pp., 3 pl. 8°. New York, 1900. Repr.from: Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1900, xv. -----. Functional and paralytic strabismus. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1902. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902. lxi. RODS A. 728 ROOZEBOOM. Roosu (Daniel Bennet St. John)—continued. -----. Christian scientism. pp. 277-296. 8°. New York, W. B. Ketcham, [n. d.]. Cutting from: Christian Thought. See, also, Ethical (An) symposium [etc.]. 8°. New lork. 1883.— Stellwaii von Carion (Carl). Treatise on the diseases of the eye [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1870. For liiitiiraphtj. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, i, 787. Also: Contrib. Sc. Mel. & Surg. ... 25. anniv. founding of N. Y. Post-GrarL M. Sch. York, A. Ranney, 1854. Rooth {Samuel) [ -1908]. Obituary. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1908, n. s., lxxxv, 271. Roots (Edible). Furst (L.) Die physiologische, diatetische und kli- nische Bedeutung der Gewiirze. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1906, 341-344.—Ldebreicn (O.) Ueber den Nutzen der Gewiirze fiir die Ernahrung. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl., 1904, xviii, 6.5-68.—von Baumer (E.) & Spaeth (E.) Falschungen von Gewiirzen und anderen Nahrungsmit- teln. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1902, 407-411. de Rooy (Hermanus Johannes). *De insigni tunicae vaginalis testis degeneratione, aliorum- que organorum vitiis, in cadavere senis 104 annorum observatis. xii, 98 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat., L. Herdingh dc fil., 1823. [P., v. 2076.] van Rooye (Fredericus). * De apoplexia lactea. 28 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud C. Delfos, 1771. [P., v. 1926.] Roozeboom (H[endrik] W[illem] Bakhuis) [1854-1907]. Die Bedeutung der Phasenlehre. 29 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1900. ------. Die heterogenen Gleichgewichte vom Standpunkte der Phasenlehre. 1. Hft. Die Phasenlehre; Systeme aus einer Komponente. xiii, 221 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg, 1901. ROOZEBOOM. 729 R0RDAM. Roozeboom (H. W. B.)—continued. .-----. The same. 2. Hft. Systeme aus zwei Komponenten. 1. Teil. xii, 467 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieieeg <\- Sohn, 1904. For Biography, see Ztschr. f. Elektrochem., Halle a. S., 1907. xiii, 94-97 (E. Cohen). Ropeea (Horea) [1883- ]. *Zur Kenntnis der Tuberkulose des Unterkiefers. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin G. Schade, [1908]. Roper (Freeman C. S.) Catalogue of works on the microscope, and of those referring to micro- scopical subjects, in the library of . . . vii, 102 pp. 8°. Bondon, B. Close, 1865. Roper (George) [1823-98]. Some clinical re- marks on a certain class of cases of anteflexion of the uterus with corelated conditions. 15 pp. 12°. Bondon, J. E. Adlard, 1879. Repr.from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (18781, 1879, xx. -----. A statistical account of the deliveries in the eastern division of the Charity during 1875-8. With remarks on the influence of in- strumental aid on fo>tal and maternal mortality, more especially in regard to the beneficial or injurious results of the frequent or infrequent use of the forceps. 16 pp. 8°. Bondon, A. T. Boberts, Sond- Co., 1879. For Biniiraphti. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 664. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1898, ii, 726. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (18991. 1900, xli, 82-84. Roper (Thomas). See Porelier (W. P.) History of the Roper fund. J. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1905-6, i, 304-308. Roper (William). Statistics of Lancaster rain- fall and other local meteorological information. 11 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1883.] [P., v. 2027.] Ropers (Paul-Marie-Eugene) [1875- ]. *De la valeur comparee des traitements de la tuber- culose testiculaire. 48 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, X<>. 96. « Ropes (John Codman). See Codman (John). An American transport [etc.]. 12°. New York, 1896. Ropiteau (P.) *De l'association du trional avec la paraldehyde. Etude de quelques pro- prietes pharmacologiques particulieres a ce me- lange. 102 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 311. Roque (Germain). Les actuality medicales; les glycosuries non diabetiques. 92 pp. sm. 4°. Boris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1899. See also, Nouveau traite de medecine et de thera- peutique. Nos. 8 & 15. 8°. Paris, 1906. Roque (Joannes) [1877- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la reduction en masse des hernies inguinales non etranglees. 40 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1903, No. 165. Roquemaure. See Small-pox (History, etc., of), by localities. Roquemaure (Georges-Etienne-Jules) [1871- ]. *Hygiene alimentaire aux pays chauds. 53 pp., 11. 8°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 28. Roqueplane (Henri) [1881- ]. *Labron- cho-pneumonie complication de la coqueluche. 62 pp., 11. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 45. Roqueplo (Joseph) [1868- ]. * Traitement de la retention du placenta consecutive aux avortements par les injections uterines a 45°- 50°. 60 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1891, No. 642. -----. The same. 60 pp. 8°. Lyon, Bitrat aine, 1891. Roqueplo (Maurice) [1880- ]. *Delacra- niectomie au moyen de la scie de Gigli. 41 pp., 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 72. Roques. Embaumements par la methode du Dr. Sucquet, reconnue superieure aux autres procedes par le rapport de l'Academie imperiale de medecine. 8 pp. 12°. Boris, Beaule, 1857. Roques (Antoine-Sidoine) [1870- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude de l'ectropion non cicatriciel (pathogenie; traitement). 72 pp. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 224. Roques (Bernard-Maxime-Casimir) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'etude clinique des effets de l'opotherapie hepatique dans le diabete sucre\ 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 94. Roques (E.-G.) Contribution a l'etude des phiebites svphilitiques des gros troncs veineux. 86 pp., 1 1.", 1 pl. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 707. Roques (Ferdinand). * Recherches sur la cin- chonicine. 56 pp., 11. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 2. Ecole de pharmacie. Roques (Francois). *Les logements insalu- bres; la loi de 1902, le easier sanitaire des mai- sons. 95 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1906, No. 657. Roques (Gaston-Edouard) [1876- ]. * Con- tribution a l'etude de la keratite interstitielle dans la syphilis acquise, le rhumatisme et la vie genitale de la femme. 56 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1902, No. 54. Roques (Georges) [1864- ]. *De l'alcoo- lisme et de la paralysie g6n£rale dans leurs rap- ports reciproques. 85 pp., 1 1. 4°. Baris, 1891, No. 230. Roques (Joseph). Phytographie medicale; histoire des substances heroiques et des poisons tires du regne vegetal. 3 v. 8° & atlas 4°. Baris, E. Carnot, 1845. Roques (Lucien). *La me'decine des accidents et les hopitaux des corporations industrielles en Allemagne. 87 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 255. ------. The same. 117 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, C. Naud, 1901. Roques (Maurice) [1875- ]. *Les traite- ments de la coqueluche. 215 pp. 8°. Paris, 1903, No. 68. ------. The same. 215 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baillilre & 1ils, 1903. Roques (N.) [1867- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'influence de la folie sur les ma- ladies incidentes. 40 pp. 4°. Baris, 1893, No. 197. Roques (Zabulon) [1876- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des kystes hematiques du mesentere. 88 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1900, No. 105. Roquet (Eugene-Edmond) [1877- ]. *De l'osteomyelite du calcaneum. 109 pp. 8°. Lille, 1904, No. 21. Roquetaniere (Victor) [1875- ]. ♦Pro- nostic et traitement de la vomique dans les pleuresies purulentes a pneumocoques. 62 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 184. de la Roquette (Guillaume). Fille qui perd ses dents dans le grand remede, et qui prend a partie son chirurgien. [Memoire contre Marie- Anne Autou.] pp. 457-482. 16°. [Baris, 1738.] Cutting from: Causes celebres, Par., 1738, v. R0rdain (Holger). Apothekervaesents Oprin- delse og Udvikling sserlig i Danmark. _ [The origin and development of pharmaceutics, es- pecially in Denmark.] 150 pp., 1 1. 8°. K0- benharn, J. Lund, 1899. ------. Bidrag til belysning af Kampen mod Tuberkulosen. [Tuberculosis camps.] 1 p. 1., 179 pp., 1 1. 8°. K0benhavn, Gyldendal, 1904. ROS. 730 ROSCOE. Ros (Valentin) [1879- ]. *Les eaux (l'ali- mentation de la ville de Montpellier. Etude de la source du Lez. 88 pp. 8°. Montpellier, 1907, No. 54. Ecole de pharmacie. -----. *Sur les dangers de l'emploi des sels arsenicaux en agriculture au point de vue de l'hygiene publique. 62 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1908, No. 86. Rosa (Daniele). Sul Criodrilus lacuum, studio zoologico ed anatomico. pp. 167-180, 1 pl. fol. Torino, 1886. Cutting from: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. di Torino, 1886, 2. s., xxxviii. -----. La riduzione progressiva della varia- bilita e i suoi rapporti coll' estinzione e col- 1' origine delle specie. 135 pp. 8°. Torino, C. Clausen, 1899. Rosa (Francisco Joao). See Problema (O) medico-legal [etc.]. 8°. Coimba, 1893. de la Rosa (Juan J.) [1865- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude du tetanos. 75 pp., 1 1. 4°. Baris, 1892, No. 88. Rosa (Umberto) [1*71-1901]. Dalla Vedova (R.) Commemorazione. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1901-2, xxi, pp. ix-xii. Rosa (Vincenzo). Metodo di preparare e con- servare gli animali per un gabinetto di storia naturale. 76 pp. 8°. Bavia, Fusi dc Co., 1817. Rosa rubiginosa. Tliiselton-Dyer (W. T.) The sweetbriar as a goat extirminator. Nature, Lond., 1902, lxvi, 31. Rosacea. See, also, Nose (Bosacea of); Rhinophyma. Bcsnicr (E.) Hypertrophic rosacea of the forehead. Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. ... St. Louis Hosp., Lond.; Phila., 1895-7, 33-38, 1 pl— Brown (K. L.) Acne and rosicea. Med. & Surg. Monit., Indianap., 1904, vii, 115- 118—Galloway (J.) & Goadby (K.) An unusual bacillus found in the lesions of a case of rosacea. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med , Lond., 1908-9, ii, Dermat. Sect., 32-37.— Sellier. Memoire sur un traitement nouveau de la Couperose. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1857, xliv, 604. — Stammesliaus. Ken geval van rhino- phyma (acne rosacea) by een inlander. Geneesk. Tijd- schr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1*91, xxxi, 259-261, 1 pl.— Unna (P. G.) Rosacea; historisch, klinisch una thera- peutisch. Internat. Dermat. Cong., vi, 1907. Tr., N. Y., 1908, i, 78-136. Also: Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 1101; 1132; 1166:1194. Also, transl.: Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Bollezn., Kharkov, 1907, xiv, 221; 285. Rosado (Desiderio German). Estudio hecho de un insecto llamado "Cotijon ". [^4Zso:] Nue- vas pildoras vegetales. Todo mal tiene su re- medio en el seno de la naturaleza. 5 pp.; 5 pp. 12°. Mexico, J. 31. Sa fid oval, 1868. Rosalil ([Max Albert] Friedrieh) [1868- ]. * Erfolge der verschiedenen BehandJungsme- thoden bei 87 Fallen von Placenta praevia aus der Zeit vom 15./VI. 1887 bis 31./III. 94. 34 pp., 17 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1895. Rosain (Claude-Marie) [1867- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude des abces gazeux sous-diaphrag- matiques. 72 pp. 8°. Boris, 1897, No. 120. Rosaire (Ernest). * Contribution a l'etude de Tangle de declinaison de l'humerus a l'etat normal et a l'etat pathologique. 50 pp., 1 1., 5 pl. 4°. Byon, 1892, No. 749. Rosa I (Julian) [1866- ]. * Quelques consi- derations sur la nelviperitonite tuberculeuse. 115 pp., 1 1. 4°. * Baris, 1894, No. 153. Rosalino-Maria. See Monsters (Surgical operations on). Rosaniline. Inna (P. G.) Die Rosaniline und Pararosaniline. Dermat. Stud., Hamb., 1887, 4. Hft., 9-73. Rosanoff (A. J). See RosanofT (M. A.) it Koxanoff* (A. J.) Evi- dence against alcohol. 8°. Nnr Ynrk, 1909. Rosanoff (M. A.) & Rosanoff (A. J.) Evi- dence against alcohol, pp. 557-566. 8°. New York, 1909. Cutting from: McClurc's Mag., N. Y., 1908-9, xxxii. Rosanoff (Michel) [1872- ]. *Lemalde montagne. 66 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 287. Rosario cie la Frontera. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. del Rosario y Sales (A.) Apuntes para el estudio de un nuevo entofito. 27 pp., 1 pl., 1 1. 8°. Manila, Chofre dc Co., 1887. Rosart (Jules). Del'albuminurie et de l'eclamp- sie puerperales. Essai critique sur la genese de ces deux complications de la grossesse et sur quelques particularites du traitement des con- vulsions eclamptiques. 74 pp. 8°. Liege, H. Vaillant-Caruianne, 1874. von Rosas (Anton) [1791-1855]. See Liliarzik (J. P.) Das Examen bei Augenkrank- heiten, [etc.]. 8°. H'ien, 1843. Rosatzin. See L.ufoarseli (O) Zur Lehre von den Geschwul- sten [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1899. Roseli. Die wahre einzige Grundursache der meisten chronischen Krankheiten, besonders der bestandigen Leiden ties weiblichen Ge- schlechts. Zur Beforderung des Familien- gliicks, sowie ein Beitrag zur Gesetzgebung und Volksbildung. 2. Aufl. iv, 51 pp. 8°. Niirnberg, J. L. Lotzbeck, 1854. -----. Chronische vrouwenziekten tijens het huwelijk. 22 pp. 12°. Bussum, C. J. W. Greutzebtifh, [n. d.]. Roseli (Ernst). * Ueber die Dupuytren'sche Fingerkontraktur. Beitrage zur Casuistik der Fi ngerkontrakturen und ihrer Therapie. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg, C. Gidler, 1891. Rosclier (Alfred). *Ein Fall von juveniler progressiver spinaler Muskelatrophie. 22 pp., 11. 8°. Erlangen, 1898. Roseher ([Ceorg] Kurt) [1870- ]. *Blnt- untersuchungen bei septischem Fieber. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1894. Roseher (Richard). * Ueber die Echinococcus- cysten der Niere und des perirenalen Gewebes. [Freiburg.] 144 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1898. RoseBiig (Karl Georg) [1881- ]. * Unter- suchungen iiber die individuellen Verschieden- heiten der Grosshirnfurchen beim Rinde. 90 pp., 4 pl. 8°. [Stuttgart, B. Enzig], 1907. von Roseiszewski (Karl Bronislaw) [1873- ]. *Das Rind und dessen Haltung in der siidwestlichen Provinz Russlands. II. Theil. Das Rind. 74 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, B. Galle, 1897. von Roseiszewski (Sigismund) [1847- ]. * Zur Kenntniss der Dignathie. [Leipzig.] 23 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1875. Roscoe (Sir Henry E.) [1833- ]. Lessons in elementary chemistry; inorganic and or- ganic, viii, 488 pp., 1 pl. 16°. Bondon, Mnc- millan dc Co., 1873. -----. The same. viii, 500 pp., 1 pl. 16°. London, Macrnillan dc Co., 1875. -----. The same, viii, 383 pp., 1 pl. 16°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1871. -----. Spectrum analysis; six lectures delivered in 1868 before the Society of Apothecaries of London. 4. ed., revised and considerably en- larged by the author and by Arthur Schuster. xvi, 452 pp., 6 pl. 8°. London, Macrnillan dc Co., 1885. ROSCOE. 731 ROSE. Roseoe (Sir Henry E.)—continued. ------. Metropolitan board of works. Pre- liminary reports. 1. On the deodorisatioii of sewage in the metropolitan sewers. 2. On the deodorisatioii of sewage at the outfalls. Feb. 27, 1888. 9 pp. 8°. [London, 1888.] [P., v. 2042.] -----. Second report on the deodorisation of sewer emanations and on sewer ventilation, with appendix containing detailed reports by his assistant. June 19, 1888. 15 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Judd dc Co., [1888]. [P., v. 2042.] See, also, Picton (H. W.) The story of chemistry, [etc.]. 12°. London, [1889]. -----& Seliorleiiimer (C.) A treatise on chemistry. New ed., completely revised bv Sir H. E. Roseoe, assisted by H. G. Colman and A. Harden. 9 pts. in 3 v. 8°. London d New York, Macrnillan d- Co., 1889-95. CONTENTS. v. 1. The non-metallic elements. 1894. v. 2, pts. 1-2. Metals. 1893-5. v. 3, pts. 1-6. The chemistry of the hydro-carbons and their derivatives or organic chemistry. 1889-92. ------------. The same. Ausfiihrliehes Lehr- buch der Chemie, von Jul. Wilh. Briihl. Bd. VIII-IX. Die Kohlenwasserstoffe und ihre Derivate, oder organische Chemie. Bearbeitet in Gemeinschaft mit Edward Hjelt [etal.]. xxxix, 1045 pp.; xxxii, 525 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vien-eg dc Sohn, 1901. Roseoe [William] [1752-1831]. Sie Waketteld (Priscilla). An introduction to botany, [etc.]. 12°. Boston, 1811. Roscoff*. Baoot (L.) Etude de climatologie clinique a. Roscoff au point de vue medical. 8°. Baris, 1899. Fistie (A.-J.-P.-C. ) *Du traitement marin a Roscoff. 8°. Bordeaux, 1903. Bagot. Indications et contreindications du climat de Roscoff. Anjoumed., Angers, 1905, xii, 131-137. Also: Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1905, xlviii, 201-204. Also: Rev. prat. d. conn, med., Par., 1906, ii, 193-199. Roseuletz (Valerin) [1866- ]. * Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Genitalhockers beim Menschen und beim Schweine. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, [1890]. Rose ( A[chilles]). What is the significance of the splashing sound of the stomach? 5 pp., 1 tab. 8°. New York, 1895. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1895, lxi. -----. Greek anthropology. 7 pp. 12°. New York, 1897. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1897, lxvi. -----. Atonia gastrica und eine neue Methode der Behandlung derselben. 15 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, Seitz dc Se-hauer, 1901. Repr.from: Deutsche Prax., Munchen, 1901, x. -----. Floating kidney idol try; a polemic. 8 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1902. Repr. from: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1902, xxv. -----. Onomatologia gastrologica. 14 pp. 12°. [New York, 1905.] In: Tr. Am. Gastro-Enterol. Ass., N. Y., 1905. ------. Carbonic acid in medicine, ix, 259 pp., 3 port. 8°. New York, Funk dc Wagnalls Co., 1905. -----. Is nervous dyspepsia a disease sui gene- ris? 3 pp. 12°. New York, A. B. Elliott Co., 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1906, lxxxiv. ------. International tasks of the university. 12 pp. 12°. New York, 1906. Repr.from: Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1906, lxxxiii. Rose (A [chilles])—continued. -----. Modern methods in the medical treat- ment of gastric diseases. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, Ixxxvi. ------. Barbarism in medical language. 7 pp. 8°. New York, A. B. Elliott Co., 1907. Repr. from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. ------. Denkschrift iiber arztliche Kunstsprache, den in Marburg am 30. Juli 1907 zuzammen- kommenden Rectores magnifici aller deutschen Universitiiten zur Beratung vorgelegt. 16 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. -----.* The same. Memorial on medical lan- guage, presented for consideration to the rectori- bus magnificis convening in Marburg, July 30, 1907. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1907, xxxv. ------. .Etiology, pathology, and therapy of medical slang. 2 1. roy. 8°. Toledo, 1907. Repr.from: Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1907, xxxiii. -------. Ancient Greek medicine. 4 pp. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, lxxxviii. ------. Malaria in Greece. 11. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908, Ixxxvii. -----. Medical Greek; collection of papers on medical onomatology and a grammatical guide to learn modern Greek. 262 pp. 12°. New York, Beri Hellados, 1908. See, also, Hamilton (F. H.) Knochenbriiche und Verrenkungen [etc.]. 8°. Gottingen, 1877. ----- & 14enip (Robert Coleman). Atonia gastrica (abdominal relaxation), xi, 203 pp., 8 pl. on 4 1. 12°. New York, Funk dc Wagnalls Co., 1905. Rose (Arthur) [1872- ]. * Ueber nicht- medicamentose Schlaf mittel. 32 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1898. Rose (Caleb BurreJ) [1790-1872]. Bonney (T. G.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 226. Rose (Carl Wilhelm). Ueber die Zuliissigkeit der Ausfiihrungen, besonders durch Brechmit- tel, in hitzigen Krankheiten. 4 p. 1., 168 pp. sm. 4°. Augsburg, E. Kletts sel. Wittwe dc Franck, 1781. Rose (Edmund) [1836- ]. Die Mechanik des Hiiftgelenkes. 39 pp. 8°. Berlin, C. Un- ger, [1865]. Repr.from: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1865. ------. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Verletzungen des Rumpfes. 48. pp., 1 1., 2 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1865. Repr.from: Charite-Ann., Berl., 1865, xiii. ------. Beobachtungen iiber den Bruchschnitt. iv (1 1.), 131pp., 2 pl., 3 tab. 8°. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1866. Repr.from: Charit6-Ann., Berl., 1866, xiv. ------. Der Ziircher Hiilfszug zum Schlachtfeld bei Belfort. 40 pp. 8°. Zurich, C. Schmidt, 1871. ------. Ueber den plastischen Ersatz der weib- lichen Harnrohre. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1877. Repr.from: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1877, ix. -----. Zum Andenken an Wilhelm Baum. Ein Necrolog. 8 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirsch- feld, 1883. Repr.from: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1883-4, xix. ------. Ueber die Exstirpation gutartiger Bauchgewiichse (die Laparektomie). 29 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1883. Repr.from: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz. ,1883-4,xix. ROSE. 732 ROSEBRlXiH. Rose (Edmund)—continued. ------. AVeitere Beobachtungen iiber den Bruch- schnitt. 1 p. 1., 64 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1892. Repr.from: Deutsche Ztschr.f.Chir.,Leipz.,1892-3, xxxv. Der Starrkrampf beim Menschen. x, 625 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1897. Forms 8. Lfg. of: Deutsche Chirurgie, hrsg. von E. von Bergmann und P. Bruns. See, also: Kronlein. Alte Erinnerungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1906, lxxxiv, 277-287. Rose (Eduard) [1878- ]. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Komplementablenkung. 44 pp., 11. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Staudenraus, 1907. Rose (Frederick) [1867- ]. * Einwirkung des ^-Cumylhydrazins auf Zuckerarten, Ke- tone und Aldehyde. 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1894. -----. The use of shower baths in schools in England and on the continent. 24 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, 1906. Rose (Gilbert Lester) [1853-1906]. [Obituary.] Physician & Surg.,Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1907, xxix, 90-94. Rose (Heinrich) [1796-1864]. Ueber den Ei- sengehalt im Blut und iiber den Einfluss orga- nischer Substanzen auf die Ausscheidung des Eisenoxyds. pp. 81-90. 8°. [Leipzig, 1826.] Cutting from: Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz., 1826, lxxxiii. Rose (J[acob] S[ervoss]). Consumption cura- ble; a practical treatise on the lungs, to prove consumption a manageable disease; containing the causes, cures, and prevention of consump- tion. 119 pp., port. 8°. New York, W. H. Graham, 1847. [Also, in: P., v. 2110.] Rose (James) [1855-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 491. Rose (Johannes Adolf) [1858- ]. * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Borsaure und iiber eine direkte gewichtsanalytische Bestimmung der- selben. [Erlangen.]* 74pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, S. Foppen, 1902. Rose (John) [1822-99J. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 703. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1899, i, 804. Rose (J[oseph] N[elson]) [1862- ]. See United States. Department of Agriculture. Di- vision of Biological Surrey. North American fauna. No. 14. 8°. Washington, 1899. Rose {Jozef Konstant>j [1825-93]. [In memoriam.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1893, xxi, 41. Rose (Lucien-Joseph) [1881- ]. * Essai sur 1'hygiene de l'industrie du sel. 107 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1907, No. 5. Rose (Philip). vl6x6brales de I'enfance. 160 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1893. Rosenthal (Erich) [1878- ]. *Die Fiille von kunstlicher Losung der Placenta und deren Folgen (1890-1900). 32pp., 11. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Rosenthal (Ernst). * Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Bakterien-Flora der Mundhohle. [Er- langen.] 52 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. Dreyer, 1893. Rosenthal (Ferdinand). Unsere Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Niihrpriiparat Visvit. 4 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1906. Repr.from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1906, xliii. Rosenthal ([Franz] Martin) [1868- ]. *Zur operativen Behandlung der Pankreas-Ge- schwulste. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1891]. Rosenthal (Georges) [1872- ]. * Recher- ches sur quelques cas de broncho-pneumonie aigue. 192 pp. 8°. Boris, 1900, No. 394. -----. The same. Recherches bacteriologiques et cliniques sur quelques cas de broncho-pneu- monie aigue; diplocoque non capsule; cocco- bacille hemophile ou de Pfeiffer; diplostrepto- coque ou enterocoque; broncho - pneumonie latente des nourrissons cachectiques (Marfan). 192 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1900. Rosenthal {Heinrich) [1834-92]. Liebreicli (O.) [Obituary.l Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, lxi, 229. Rosenthal {Isaac M.) [1832-1906]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvii, 1670. Rosenthal (Isidor) [1836- ]. Ucheniye ob elektrichestvle dlya vrachel. Perevod prof. Danilevskavo. [Study of electricity for phy- sicians. Transl. bv Prof. Danilevski.] 131 pp. 8°. [St. Betersburg, 1865.] Bound with: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1865, xciii. -----. Von den elektrischen Erscheinungen. 2. Aufl. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1873. Forms 9. Hft. of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr., Berl. -----. Emil du Bois-Reymond. Ein Lebens- bild. pp. 153-166, port. 8°. [Berlin, 1878.] Cutting from: Nord u. Slid, Berl., 1878, vi. ------. Allgemeine Physiologie der Muskeln und Nerven. 2. Aufl. xv, 324 pp. 12°. Beipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1899. -----. Die Wiirmeproduktion der Tiere. 16 pp. 8°. Erlangen dc Leipzig, G. Bohme, 1901. -----. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Physiologie. Eine Einf iihrung in das Studium der Naturwis- senschaften und der Medizin. xi, 616 pp. 8°. Beipzig, A. Georgi, 1901. ------. Der physiologische Unterricht und seine Bedeutung fiir die Ausbildung der Aerzte. 96 pp. 8°. Beipzig, G. Thieme, 1904. -----. Sur un phenomene observe dans l'em- poisonnement par la strychnine. Note sur la force que le muscle de la grenouille peut de- velopper pendant la contraction. 4 pp. 4°. [Baris, 1867.] Repr.from: Compt.-rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1867, liv. See, aiso, Festschrift I. Rosenthal [etc.]. 8°. Leip- zig, 1906.—Huxley (Thomas H.) Grundzuge der Phy- siologie. 3. Aufl. 8°. Hamburg & Leipzig, 1891. For Biography, set Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 645. Also: Munchen! med.Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1361 (C.Rosenthal). ------ & Rernhardt (M.) Elektrizitatslehre fiir Mediziner und Elektrotherapie. 3. Aufl. von J. Rosenthal's Elektrizitatslehre fiir Medi- ziner. vi (11.), 521 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1884. Rosenthal (Joh.) * Zur Lehre von den pola- ren Stromwirkungen. 33 pp. 8°. Jena, B. Engau, 1895. ROSENTHAL. 742 KOSEN WASSER. Rosenthal (Job.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der erworbenen Stenose der Pulmonalarterie durch Verwachsung der Klappensegel. [Freiburg i. B.] 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. FFuncke, 1898. Rosenthal (Josef). * Ueber die electrisehe j Leitfahigkeit fester Electrolyte bei verschiede- nen Temperaturen. [Erlangen.] 29 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1891. Rosenthal (Joseph). Ueber Rontgenstrahlen. S pp. 12°. Munchen, 1897. Rosenthal (Leonid Smo)wvieh). Nekrolog. Zubovrach. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1906, xxii. 69 [port, in text]. Rosenthal (Ludwig). *Ein Beitrag zum Ver- halten des galvanischen Leitungswiderstandes der Haut. 29 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., A. Epstein, 181)4. Rosenthal (Maurice) [1874- ]. *Del'hy- pertrophie de l'amygdale linguale (quatrieme amvgdale). 78 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 111. Rosenthal (Max) [1869- ]. * Beitrage zur Lehre und Kasuistik des Erythems bei Angina und Diphtheric 28 pp., 2 1. 12°. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1896. Rosenthal (Max) [1877- ]. *Vier Briider mit Thomsenscher Krankheit (Myotonia conge- nita). 30 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, A'. Francke, 1902. Rosenthal (Max). * Ueber neuere Jodpn'i pa- rate Alpha-Eigon, Alpha-Eigonnatrium, Beta- Eigon, Jodipin. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1899. Rosenthal (Moise). *De la douleur dans la syringomyelie, sa valeur comme svmptoine ini- tiale dans cette affection. 58 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 519. Rosenthal (Moritz) [1833- ]. Ueber den Einfluss von Nervenkrankheiten auf Zeugung und Sterilitiit. In: Wien. Klinik, 1880, vi, 135-166. -----. A clinical treatise on the diseases of the nervous system. With a preface by Professor Charcot, transl. from the author's revised and enlarged ed., by L. Putzel. 2 v. ix (1 1.), 278 pp.; vi, 284 pp. 8°. Bondon, A. Low [and others], 1881. -----. Zur klinischen Charakteristik der Lepra amesthetica. 25-34 pp. 8°. [m>«, 1881.] Cutting from: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1881, viii. ------. Zur Kenntniss der basalen Schadelfissu- ren. In: Wien. Klinik, 1885, xi, 349-362. Rosenthal (0[skarj) [1852- ]. Therapie der Syphilis und der venerischen Krankheiten. 1 p. l", 254 pp. 8°. Wien dc Leipzig, A. Holder, 1904. Rosenthal (Oskar) [1879- ]. * Ueber die Infektion des Bindehautsackes und ihre Be- deutung fiir die Allgemeininfektion; die Brillen als Infektionsschutz und als Infektionsuber- triiger. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1905. Rosenthal (Otto) [1881- ]. * Ueber Ver- bindungen des vierwertigen Zinns mit fiinfwer- wertigem Vanadin, Phosphor und Areson. [Munich.] 45 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, G. J. Becker, 1906. Rosenthal (Paul) [1877- ]. * Ueber Harn- antiseptica mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Helmitols. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1902. Rosenthal (Paul-Andre) [1876- ]. *De l'utilisation des dents comme moyen de soutien des appareils de prothese immediate et dans le traitement des fractures maxillaires 56 pp., 5 pl., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1902, No. 29. Rosenthal (Pierre) [1877- ]. * Des troubles oeulaires surtout fonctionnels eausrs par la foudre. 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy, 1904, No. 1. Rosenthal (Rene) [1870- ]." * Des hemor- rhagies consecutives a l'extraction des dents. 1 p.J., 86 pp., 1 1. 4°. Nana/, 1896, No. 18. Rosenthal (Ricard) [187H- ]. *Zur Casuistik des Ileus. Drei Fiille von Ileus, ent- standen durch peritonitische Adhasionen. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1903. Rosenthal (Richard S.) The physician's (ier- man vademecum. A manual for medical prac- titioners for use in the treatment of German patients. Pt. II. General practice. 268 pp. 12°. Chicago, Bosenthal Co., [18,95]. Rosenthal (Robert) [1866- ]. * Ueber congenitalen Hydrocephalus. 48 pp., 11. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1891]. Rosenthal (Theodor) [1882- ]. * Ueber den Ausgang der fibrinosen Pneumonie in apu- tride anamische Nekrose. [Leipzig.] 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1907. Rosenthal (Therese) [1862- ]. * Quelques considerations sur la phlegmatia alba dolens puerperale et son traitement. 58 pp. 4°. Baris, 1892, No. 138. -----. The same. 58 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1891. Rosenthal (Werner). * Thermoelektrische Untersuchungen iiber die Temperaturverthei- lung im Fieber. [Erlangen.] 64 pp., 4 ch. 8°. Beipzig, Veit dc Co., 1893. -----. Die Pulsionsdivertikel des Schlundes. Anatomie, Statistik, Aetiologie. vii, 135 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1902. Rosenthal (Wilhelm). *Ein Fall von dop- pelseitigem Hydrophthalmos congenitus beim Kaninchen. 27 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Schei- ner, 1896. Rosentlialer (L[eopold]). Neue Arzneimittel organischer Natur. Vom pharmazeutiseh- chemischen Standpunkte aus bearbeitet. vii, 262 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1906. Rosentrager (Max). * Ueber einen Kaiser- schnitt nach conservierend^r Methode, nebst Statistik der Porro-Operationen. 54 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1889. Rosenwald (Lucien-Emmanuel). *Enseigne- ment de la deontologie medicale dans les facultes. 76 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 162. Rosen wasser (Marcus). What are the indica- tions for abdominal section in intra-pelvic hemorrhage? 19 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1893. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1893, ------. Clinical fragments. 44 pp. 8°. Cleve- land, 1894. Repr.from: Cleveland M. Gaz., 1892-4, viii-ix. ------. Exceptional location of the blood clot in a case of ruptured ectopic pregnancy. 3 pp. 8°. New York, 1895. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1895, vii. ------. A plea against the meddlesome treat- ment of acute gonorrhea in women. 6 pp. 8°. Cleveland, 1896. Repr.from: Cleveland J. M., 1896, i, ------. A practical consideration of gonorrhea in women. 6 pp. 8°. Cleveland, 1896. Repr.from: Cleveland J. M., 1896, i. ------. A ease of intraperitoneal gestation at term; operation after death of fetus; recoverv. 8 pp. 8°. New York, 1897. Repr.from: Am.J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxvi. ------. The ideal medical society. 7 pp. 8°. Clereland, 1897. Repr.from: Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii. ROSEN WASSER. 743 ROSIAU. Rosemvasser (Marcus)—continued. -----. The treatment of circumscribed pelvic hemorrhage. 7 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Chicago, 1897. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix. -----. The same. 6 pp., 1 tab. 8°. New York, 1897. Repr.from: Am. Gynaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1897, xi. Rosenzweig (Curt) [1873- ]. * Synthese zweier am Stickstoff athylierter Hydropicolyl- alkine und ihrer Derivate. 58 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, B. Galle, 1898. Rosenzweig (Elias) [1878- ]. * Beitrage zur Kenntnis des feineren Baues der Substantia gelatinosa Rolandi des Ruckenmarks. [Berlin. ] 29 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. Ambrosius, 1905. Repr. from: J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz., 1905, iv. Rosenzweig (Slata). * Statistische Zusam- menstellung der in den Jahren 1891-1905 in der Schweiz beobachteten Vergiftungsfiille. 19 pp. 8°. [Bern], 1907. Roseo (Rinaldo). Gono-artrocace conseeutivo a sinovite traumatica purulenta; azione terapeu- tica del tayuya. Apparecchio del Porta modi- ficato per la riduzione delle anchilosi angolari del ginocchio. Osservazioni cliniche. 16 pp. 8°. Boma, M. Armanni, 1879. Roseola. See Rubella; Syphilis (Secondary). Roseola pityriaca. See Pityriasis rossa. Roser (Franz Moriz). Die Anwendung und Erfolge des Wassers als Heilmittel, besonders in chronischen Krankheitsformen. Mit klinischer Beleuchtung der bei der Behandlung mit Was- ser noch herrschenden Irrthiimer und haufig vorkommenden Missbriiuche. Nach mehrjahri- gen Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen. vii, 126 pp., 1 1. 8°. Brag K. Andre, 1858. Roser (Karl) [1856- ]. Zwei Jahre chirur- gischer Thiitigkeit als dirigierender Arzt des Landkrankenhauses zu Hanau. 6 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Marburg, N. G. Elu-erth, 1891. -----. Wie behiitet man seine Kinder vor tu- berkulosen, Driisen- und Gelenkerkrankungen, vor Diphtherie und Gliederverkrummungen? Was kann man gegen die Entstehung der Blut- yergiftung, des Krebses und der Unterleibs- briiche thun? Nach einem offentlichen Vor- trage. 3 p. 1., 57pp. 12°. Wiesbaden, J.F. Bergmann, 1892. -----. Wilhelm Roser. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Chirurgie. 3 p. 1., 373 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1892. See, afeo,'Ro«.er i Wilhelm). Chirurgisch-anatomisches Vademecum fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 9. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1*97. Roser (Wilhelm) [1817-88]. Ueber Operation derBlasenscheidenflstel. pp. 217-220. roy. 8°. [Munchen, 1853.] Cutting from: Illust. med. Ztg., Munchen, 1853, iii. -----. Chirurgisch - anatomisches Vademecum fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 9., sorgf.iltig um- gearbeitete und mit der neuen anatomischen Nomenclatur versehene Aufl. besorgt von Karl Roser. viii, 238 pp. 12°. Leipzig, Veit dc Co., 1897. For Biography, see Ittedlclnisclie Fakultat zu Mar- burg. Zur Erinnerung an Wilhelm Roser . . . roy. 8°. Marburg, 1889.—Roser (K.) Wilhelm Roser. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte der Chirurgie. roy. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1892. ----- & Wunderlieh (C. A.) Ueber die Mangel der heutigen deutschen Medicin und iiber die Nothwendigkeit einer entschieden wissenschaftlichen Richtung in derselben. 32 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Elmer dc Seubert, 1841. Roses. Aleksleyevski (A. V.) K voprosu o terapevtiches- kom znachenii iiores rosae rubrae et rosae centifolise. [Therapeutic value of . . .] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb.. 1*90, i, 1212-1214.—Holmes (E. M.) The rose of Jericho. Pharm. J., Lond., 1905, 4.s., xxi, 757.—Nay- lor(W.A. H.) Note on the colouring matters of Rosa gallica. Pharm. J., Lond., 1904, 4. s., xix, 231-233. Also: Chem. & Drug., Lond., 1904, lxv, 321.—Sorauer (P.) Der Rosenkrebs. Ztschr. f. Pfianzenkr., Stuttg., 1907, xvii, 22-32. Rose's operation. See Neuralgia (Facial, Treatment of, Opera- tire). Rose's position. Clary (M.) *La position de Rose en oto- rhino-laryngologie. 8°. Baris, 1903. de Rose ville -Adet (Ernest) [1808-70]. * Propositions sur les presentations de la face, des epaules et des regions anterieure et poste- rieure du tronc, considerees comme derivees de la presentation du sommet, suivies de quelques autres propositions. These. 19 pp. 4°. Baris, 1834, No. 301, v. 278. -----. Cholera; de sa nature et de son traite- ment. Memoirepresente a l'Academie imperiale de medecine, dans sa seance du 9 Janvier 1866 par Jules Cloquet, au nom de . . . 16 pp. 8°. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, imp. H. Picault, [1866]. For Biography, see J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1870-71, xxxvii-xxxxiii, 79 (Caffe). ----- & Mercier (Mme. J.) Traite complet des manoeuvres de tous les accouchemens, avec 180 aphorismes sur les soins que reclament la mere et l'enfant pendant le travail, immediate- ment apres le travail et pendant les neuf pre- miers jours qui suivent la parturition, xi, 379 pp. 12°. Baris, Beville-Caeellin, 1836. Rosewater (Charles). Electrolysis in gynae- cology. 18 pp. 32°. [Omaha, 1891.] Repr. from: Omaha Clin., 1890-91, iii. -----. Some points bearing on the medicinal treatment of appendicitis. 6 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1900. Repr.from: Tr. Nebraska M. Soc, Lincoln, 1900. Rosewater (Nathan). Enteroptosis relative to disorders of the digestive tract and circula- tion. 12 pp. 8°. Cleveland, 1900. Repr.from: Cleveland J. M., 1900, v. -----. A case of lithaemic gangrene, a contribu- tion to Hair's uric acid theory. 25 pp. 12°, New York, A. B. Elliott, 1905. Repr.from: N.York M.J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii. Roshemius (Petrus). *IIepl rffi SitXTtvofjs, sive de transpiratione. 15 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam dc hseredes J. Elsevirii, 1671. [P., v. 1949.] Roshtshin (Fyodor Antipovich) [1841- 1905]. [In memoriam.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, i, med.-spec. pt., 419-423 [port, in text]. Rosi (Ugo). Cronaca del movimento operativo nell' anno accademico 1895-96. 43 pp. 8°. Bisa, T. Nistri dc Co., 1896. Repr. from: Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii. -----. Gastroenterostomia in una forma non comune di stenosi pilorica cicatriziale. 8 pp. roy. 8°. Viterbo, Agnesotti dc Co., 1899. Rosi (Ulisse). L'ostetrizia in campagna. 38 pp. 8°. Napoli, N. Jorene dc Co., 1903. Repr.from: Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1903,xii. -----. Condotta medico-chirurgica di Massa- Martana. (Casistica ostetrica, 1892-1904.) 50 pp. 8°. Napoli, N. Jorene dc Co., 1904. Rosiau (J.-J.) Medecine pratique populaire, secours a donner aux empoison n^s et aux as- ROSIAU. 744 ROSS. Rosiau (J.-J.)—continued. phyxies, et nouveau traite d'embryologie sa- cree. 3. ed. corrigee et augmentee. \ iii, 471 pp. 8°. Mamers d: Boris, Lagny, 1839. Rosier (Antoine-Marie). *De l'erysipele con- sidere dans son etat de simplicite. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1818, No. 548. Rosi ere (J.) Chamonix, station d'altitude. vii, 82 pp., 6 pl., 1 map. 16°. Baris, 1898. des Rosiers. See Desrozlers. R6ponse k la lettre [etc.]. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Rosiers ( Joseph - Antoine - Nicolas - Auguste ) [1866- ]. * Con tri bu tion ii l'etude del'oph- thalmoplegic d'origine nucl6aire. 82 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1891, No. 29. Rosin (H[einrich]). Physikalisehe Therapie der AnamieundChlorose; Basedowsche Krankheit. 26 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1906. Forms 15. Hft. of: Physikal. Therap. Rosina (Gaetano). Dissertazione chimico-fisio- logica intorno al cholera-morbus, sul modo di svilupparsi, di comunicarsi e propagarsi nel sistema animale colle norme atte a curarsi, pre- servarsi ed impedirne la comunicazione od al- meno mitigarne considerevolmente le conse- guenze, corredata di alcune osservazioni relative ai metodi di iinpiegare gli spurghi di Guyton- Morveau secondo la natura e qualita degli og- getti, ed alle cautele necessarie per evitare le gravi impressioni che possono recar nocumento agli organi della respirazione. 80 pp., 2 1. 12°. Milano, 0. Manini, 1831. Rosindon. Hasse (F.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Rosindone. 8°. Erlangen, 1892. Rosing-Hansen (C[arl]) [1864- ]. Pro- lapsus funiculi umbilicalis. 1 p. 1., 195 pp. 8°. Kjobenhani, G. E. C. Gad, 1897. Rosinski (Bernhard). Die Syphilis in der Schwangerschaft. vi, 206 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Stutt- gart, E. Enke, 1903. Roskowski (Wilhelm) [1875- ]. *Mus- kelverknochorung nach Traumen und Entziin- dungen bei Syringomyelic 23 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1903. Rosmini (Giovanni). Notes pratiques d'oph- talmologie. 54 pp. 8°. Milan, B. de J. Birola, 1890. ------. L' Istituto oftalmico di Milano ed il suo nuovo padiglione. 7 pp., 1 tab. 8°. [Milano, Galii dc Baimondi, 1892.] -----. Sur P operation de la cataracte. Lettre au Professeur Landolt. 23 pp. 8°. Milano, Capriolo dc Massimino, 1893. Rosmini Serbati (Antonio) [1797-1855]. Psy- chology. 3 v. 8°. London, Kegan,Baul[etal.], 1884-8. For Portrait, see Phil. Port. Series, Chicago, 1898. Rosnei* (Antoni) [1831-96]. Kwasnickl (A.) Antoni Rosner [in memoriam]. Przegl. lek., Krak6\v, 1896, xxxv, 481. Rosner (Emil) [1867- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Gelenk-Erkrankungen bei Blu- tern. 31 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1895. Rosner (Karl) [1879- ]. *Zur Sympto- matologie und Diagnose der Meningitis tuber- culosa. 15 pp. 8°. Kiel, Sch m idt dc Klaunig, 1907. ------. Shakspere's Hamlet im Lichte der Neu- ropathologie. Yortrag gehalten in der Gesell- schaft fiir psychologische Forschung, Munchen. 51 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Prag, Fischer, 1895. Rosolia. See Rubella. Rosolino (Fazio Francesco). Grippe; esposi- zione clinica. 10 pp. 8°. Palermo, 1890. ------. Difteria e sua cura. 13 pp. 8°. Palermo, 1892. ------. Casuistica chirurgica. 24 pp. 8°. Pa- lermo, 1899. Rosow (B.) & Snellen (H.) Aaneengroeiing van niet correspondeerende zenuwvezelen, na intercraniele doorsnijding van het vijfde paar. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1864, vel subseq.] Rosowsky (Aaron). *Ueber Coecal- und Ova- rialhernien im Kindesalter. 24 pp. 8°. Basel, Brin dc Cie., [1907]. Rosqvisl (Ina). Om tyfoidfeber-epidemin i Helsingfors under sonimaren och hosten 1896. [The typhoid fever epidemic in Helsingfors in the summer and autumn of 1896.] 31pp. 8°. [Helsingfors, Helsingfors Centraltryckeri, 1899.] Repr.from: Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1899, xli. See, also, Sievers (R.) & Kosqvist (Ina). Om be- handling [etc.]. 8°. Ilelsingjors, 1*97. Ross (Alejandro). * Breves apuntes sobre el pronostico en algunas enfermedades del cora- zon. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mexico, Flores & Comp., 1879. Ross (Alexander) [1590-1654]. Medicus medi- catus; or, the physician's religion cured, by a lenitive or gentle potion; with some animadver- sions upon Sir Kenelme Digbie's observations on religio medici. 7 p. 1., 112 pp. 16°. London, J. Young, 1645. ------. Arcana microcosmi; or, the hid secrets of man's body disclosed; first, in an anatom- ical duel between Aristotle and Galen, about the parts thereof; secondly, by a discovery of the strange and marvellous diseases, symptomes, and accidents of man's body. With a refuta- tion of Dr. Brown's vulgar errors, and the an- cient opinions vindicated. 8 p. 1., 292 pp. 24°. London, 1651. ------. The same. . . . With a refutation of Dr. Brown's Vulgar errors, the Lord Bacon's Natural history, and Dr. Harvy's book De ge- neratione, Comenius, and others; whereunto is annexed a letter from Dr. Pr. to the author, and his answer thereto, touching Dr. Harvy's book De generatione. 7 p. 1., 267 pp., 4 1. 12°. London, T. Nat-comb, Ki52. Ross (Alexander). Angularity of the human face, high cheek bones, and hard and square chins. With a description of mechanical con- trivances to remedy such. 15 pp. 8°. [Lon- don, n. d.] ------. The art and science of personal beauty exemplified by a narrative. 32 pp. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] ------. The florid nose. 31 pp. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] ------. The nose machine, by which an ill- shaped nose is diverted to symmetry or perfect beauty. Also some remarks upon noses gen- erally. 16 pp. 8°. [London, n. d.] Bound with his: Angularity of the human face, [etc]. 8°. [London, n. p.] ------. Second sight; a spiritual toilet tale. 30 pp. 8°. [London, n. d.] Ross (Alexander Milton) [1832-97]. Obituary. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 673. Ross (Andrew). Public health. (Read before the International Medical Congress meeting, 28. September, 1892.) 8 pp. 8°. Sydney, W. A. Gulliek, 1900. Ross (Araminta). Midwifery and gynaecolog- ical nursing notes. xi, 180 pp. 24°. Lon- don, Scient. Bress, 1907. ROSS. 745 ROSS. Ross {Sir David Palmer) [1862-1904]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, i, 1519. Ross {Elsey Fairfax) [1857-1902]. Obituary. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev, 1903, xxii 38.—Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i," 524.—Obit- uary. Lancet, Lond., 1903, i, 694. Ross (F. Ogilbv). Anatomical irregularities. 5 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1876. [P., v. 2092.] Repr.from: Proc. Dubl. Lniv. Biol. Ass., 1875-0, i. Ross (Friederich Adolf) [1873- ]. * Ueber die Behandlung der Darmkatarrhe bei Kindern mit Orphol (/i-Naphthol-Wismuth). 36 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi,_1898. Ross (George) [lSlo-75]. On ringworm, scall- head, baldness, and other parasitical diseases of the head and face; with an appendix on the constitutional relations of diseases of the skin, and principles of treatment, iv, 138 pp. 8°. London, LI. Henshau; 1862. [P., v. 2204.] -----. On the ventilation of schools, hospitals, law courts, and other public buildings. 29 pp., 1 plan. 8°. London, W. H. dc L. Collinqridge, 1871. [P., v. 2026; 2291.] Ross (George) [1845-92]. Typical case of Addi- son's disease. pp. 119-130. 8°. Montreal, Lovell d Co., 1811. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Tr. Canada M. Ass., Montreal, 1877, i. For Biography, see Montreal M. J., 1892-3, xxi, 475-480, port. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 699. For Portrait, see [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. RailwaySurg., Chi- cago, 1891, iv, facing p. 49. Ross (George G.) Perforation of the gastro- intestinal tract by swallowed bodies. 13 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, Ixxxvi. -----. Some thoughts on malignant growth of the mouth and lips. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, Ixxxvi. Ross (Gustav) [1818-61]. Beitrage zur plasti- schen und orthopadischen Chirurgie, nebst Pro- spectus des orthopadischen und chirurgisch- augeniirztlichen Instituts in Altona. 31 pp., 3 pl. 8Z. Hamburg, F. IL Nestler dc Melle, 1858. Ross {Isnnc Edgar) [1832-1901]. Obituary. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. 1901, Wilkes- btim-, 1902, ix. 197-199. Ross (Jacobus Arnoldus). *De cortice thyme- Leae (vulgo garou). 1 p. 1., 33 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., J. van Tiffelen, 1778. [P., v. 1936.] Ross (James) [1837-92]. Rukovodstvo kizuche- niyu bolieznei nervnol sistemi. Perevod s an- gliyskavo izdaniya s primiechaniyami M. M. Manaseinol. v. 1. [Handbook for the study of diseases of the nervous system. Transl. from the English, with remarks by Manasseina.] xii (4 1.), 909, xvi pp. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, L. Trel, 1882. For Biography, see, Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 265 (N. Moore). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 612. Also: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1891-2, xv, pp. i-iv. -----& Bury (Judson S.) On peripheral neu- ritis, vii, 424 pp. 8°. London, C. Griffin dc ■ Co., 1893. Ross (James F. W.) How should we proceed when abdominal tumors are complicated by pregnancy? 27 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1891. Repr.from: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1891, iv. -----. An inquiry into our present knowledge of the progress of myomatous tumors: 1. After the use of electricity. 2. After removal of the ovaries and tubes. 3. After the old treatment by ergot, rest, etc. 18 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1891. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1891, liii. -----. Abdominal section for purulent peritoni- tis resulting from ectopic gestation. 7 pp. 8°. Toledo, 0., 1892. Repr.from: Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, O., 1892, ii. ------. Cases requiring abdominal operations. 21 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1892. Repr.from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxv. Ross {John Jones) [1833-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1655. Ross (John W.) Three amputations of the thigh; two in the upper third, one at the middle. 9 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1894. Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1S94, lxv. —;—. Lessons drawn from practical profes- sional experience with trained women nurses in military service. 10 pp. 8°. [Carlisle, 1902.] Repr. from: J. Ass. Mil. Surg. TJ. S., Carlisle, 1902, xi. Ross {Joseph Presley) [1828-90]. L. (H. M.) Necrology. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1891, xli, 31-34, port. Ross {Lucretius D.) [1827-1902]. [Obituary.] Boston M. & S. J., 1902, cxlvii, 284. Ross (Mahel) [ -1904]. Brewis (N. T.) [Obituary.] Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1906, xviii, 390. Ross (Owen Charles Dalhousie). See Newell (F. H.) Irrigation reports [etc.]. 8°. London, 1893. Ross (Philip H.) Tick fever. In: Syst. Med. (Allbutt), Lond., 1907, ii, pt. 2, 301-306, 3ch. Ross (Ronald) [1857- ]. First progress re- port of the campaign against mosquitoes in Sierra Leone. 22 pp. 8°. Liverpool, 1901. -----. Malarial fever; its cause, prevention, and treatment. Containing full details for the use of travellers, sportsmen, soldiers, and resi- dents in malarious places. 9. ed., revised and enlarged, viii, 68 pp., 2 pl. 8°. New York, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1902. ------. Mosquito brigades, and how to organise them, x, 98 pp. 8°. New York, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1902. ------. Report on malaria at Ismailia and Suez. 24 pp. 8°. London dc New York, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1903. -----. A new parasite of man. pp. 79-82, 1 pl. 4°. Liverpool, 1903. Cutting from: Thompson Yates & Johnston Lab. Rep., Liverp., 1903, v, pt. 2. ------. Note on the bodies recently described bei Leishman and Donovan. 5 pp. 12°. Lon- don, 1903. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, ii. ------. The story of malaria, pp. 446-459. 8°. London, 1906. Cutting from: The National Rev., Lond., 1906, xlviii. ------. The public prophylaxis of malaria. In: Syst. Med. (Allbutt), Lond., 1907, ii, pt; 2, 28.5-288. -----. Report on the prevention of malaria in Mauritius, xvi, 302 pp. 8°. London, J. dc A. Churchill, [1908]. .For Biography, see Detroit M. J., 1905-6, v, 181-184. Also: J. Trop. M., Lond., 1903, vi, 7: 1904, vii, 77, port. For Portrait, see Arch, de parasitol., Par., 1902, vi. -----. See, also: Mitchell (S. W.) The literary side of a physician's life; Ronald Ross as a poet. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 852. -Horner ( Count). The Nobel prize for medicine, 1902. [Awarded to Major Ronald Ross; ad- dress.] Lancet, Lond., 1903, I, 122. -----, Amu II (H. E.) & Austen (E. E.) Re- port of the malaria expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Medical Para- sitology. With supplementary reports by G. M. ROSS. 746 ROSSKL. Ross (Ronald), Aunett (H. E.) & Austen (E. H)—continued. Giles and R. Fielding-Ould. 58 pp., 1 1., 5 pl., 2 maps. 4°. Liverpool, Philip, Son dc Nephew, 1900. Another copy bound with: Thompson Yates Lab. Rep. 1898-9, Liverp., 1900, ii. Ross {Thomas) [1811-1906]. [Obituary.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1906, xlvi, 672. Ross (William Chisholm) [1862-1903]. Obituary. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1903, xxii, 537. Rossu (Emil). Die gestielten Anhiinge des Ligamentum latum. 54 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1S99. Rossa macrosoma. Racovitza (E. G.) Mceurs et reproduction de la Rossa macrosoma (D. Ch.). Arch, de zool. exper. et g6n. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par., 1894, 3. s., ii, 491-539, 3 pl. Rossander (Carl Jacob) [1828-1901]. Om blennorrhcea urethral hos mannen. [On . . . in man.] 16 pp. 8°. Upsala, J. Sundvallson, [1852]. ------. Nya omraden for den antiseptiska sar- behandlingen. (Des conquetes recentes de la methode antiseptique.) 74, xi pp. 8°. Stock- holm, B. A. Norsledt dc Si'mer, 1879. Repr.from: Hygiea, Stockholm, l*7s, xl: 1879, xli. ------. De 1'operation radicale des hernies non etranglees. 16 pp. 8°. [Stockholm, 1894.] Repr.from: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1894, n. F., iv. For Biography, see Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1901, xxvi, 72-77, port. (E. Edholm). Rossano. See Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), by localities. Ross-Artzney-Bueh. Darinnen allerhandt Eigenschafften, Kranckheiten der Pferde inner- undt ausserhalb des Leibes, sampt bewerthen Remedien begriffen sein. [MS.] 2 pts. in 1 v. 308 pp., 13 1.; 212 pp., 9 1. 4°. [n. p.], 1606. Rossas (Cesar). *Do tratamento cirurgico dos prolapsos uterinos. 78 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, Bernard frlres, 1905. Rossbaeli (August). *Zur Kasuistik der Pan- kreashamorrhagie. 46 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Junge, 1900. Rossbaeli (Georg). * Ueber Triketone. 33 pp. 8°. Bern, 1898. Rossbaeli (Julius Rudolf) [1879- ]. *Ein noch unbeschriebener Faserzug aus der inneren Abteilung des Corpus restiforme zur Medulla oblongata. 20 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf & Sohn, 1903. Rossbaeli (Michael Joseph) [1842-94]. Physi- ologie und Pathologie der menschlichen Stimme auf Grundlage derneuesten akustisehen Leistun- gen. 1. Theil. Physiologie der Stimme. vi, 147 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Stuber, 1869. ------. Die rhythmischen Bewegungs-Erschei- nungen der einfachsten Organismen und ihr Verhalten gegen physikalische Agentien und Arzneimittel. 64 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wurzburg, Stahel, 1872. Repr.from: Verhandl. d. Wiirzb. phys.-med. Gesellsch., 1872, n. F., ii. ------. Pharmakologische Untersuchungen. 2 v. 244 pp., 11.; 1 p. 1., 283pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1876. ------. Kann man von der Haut des lebenden Menschen aus die Kehlkopfnerven und -Mus- keln elektrisch reizen? 8 pp. 8°. Berlin, Marschner dc Ste/ihan, [1881]. ------. Ueber die Schleimbildung und die Be- handlung der Schleimhauterkrankungen in den I Rossbaeli (Michael Joseph)—continued. Luftwegen. 49 pp. 4°. Beipzig, B. C. W. Vogel, 1882. Repr. from: Festschr. z. Feier d. 300jahr. Besteh. d. Julius-Maximilians-Univ. z. Wiirzb., Leipz., 1SS2. ------. Lehrbuch der physikalischen Heilme- thoden, fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 2. Aufl. *v, 627 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1892. Su; also, Bouchard (Charles-Jacques). De la me- thode en therapeutique, [etc.], 8°. Paris. 18ni.— tiv- sauimelte klinische Arbeiten, [etc.]. 8°. Jena, Imki.— INothnaiid (Carl Wilhelm Hermann) & JCoswb:i<-h (M.J.) Handbuch der Arzneimittellehre. 7. Anil. s< . Berlin, 1*91.-----------. The same. Nouveaux 616- ments de matiere medicale [etc.], 8°. Paris, is,xy._ PliarmakologiKclic Lntersuelmngen, [etc.]. 8°. fViirzburg, 1873-6. For Biography, see Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xli, 872, port. Rosse (Curt) [1874- ]. * Ein Fall von Ileus infolge Eiterung im kleinen Becken. 21 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1898. Rosse (Irving C. ) [1847-1901]. Illustrations of error in the diagnosis of some nervous diseases. 23 pp. 8°. New York, 1887. Repr.from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1887, xiv. ------. Clinical evidences of borderland insanity. 16 pp. 8°. Washington, Gednei/ d Boberts, 1891. Repr.from: J. Nerv. Spp. 12°. Verona, frat. Merit, 1H99. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Ragioni contra 1' uso delle vent< >se e delle sanguettole tratte dagli sperimenti filosofici, e delle osservazioni nuovamento avute in noto- mia. 42 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1701. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Allegazione medicofisica. 27 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1711. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Lettera in aggiunta alia allegazione medi- cofisica al Signor Dottor N. N. 6 pp. 8°. Verona, 1711. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Lettera terza al Sig. Dottor N. N. toc- cante 1' apologia contro 1' allegazione di . . . 28 pp. 8°. Badova, G. B. Conzntti, 1712. [P., v. 2112.] ------. II dardo rintuzzato divenuto asta d' Achille per me; lettera seconda al Sig. Dottor N.N. 32 pp. 8°. [Verona, frat. Merli, 1712.] [P., v. 2112.] ------. Lettera agli autori di quel foglio scritto a penna, che va col finto nome di Moro Molena. 4pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1717. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Lettera seconda all' . . . Francesco Merlo. 31pp. 8°. [ Verona, frat. Merli, 1717.] [P., v. 2112.] ------. Parere intorno alia morte di due uomini, entro un tinaccio ben grande con poca uva bol- lente. 12 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1717. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Primo avvertimento paterno ai suoi figli- uoli amatissimi, intorno a quel libro intitolato: II mondo disingannato da veri medici, etc. 23 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1719. [P., v. 2112.] ------. II medico padre. II. Avvertimento a' suoi figliuoli amatissimi, intorno a quel libro in- titolato: II mondo disingannato da' veri medici, opera d'un professore, etc. 19 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1719. [P., v. 2112.] ------. II medico padre. III. Avvertimento sull' ottimo gusto del secolo, e con 1' assistenza sempre d' Ippocrate e di Galeno. Lezioni tre ai suoi figliuoli amatissimi, intorno a quel libro intitolato: II mondo disingannato da' verimedici, opera d' un professore, etc. 21 pp.; 31 pp.; 25 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1720-21. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Rimedio da non ispregiare nel mal caduco proposto da Sebastiano Rotario a chiunque to volesse sapere. 11 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1722. [P., v. 2112.] ------. Lettera all' autore di quel foglio scritto a penna, che ci ragguaglia d' un male spavente- vole, e de i rimedj adoperativi attorno. 4 pp. 8°. [Yicenzn, 1723.] [P., v. 2112.] ------. Lettera ai suoi figliuoli amatissimi [in- torno al uso delle purgative medicine, delle polveri dette assorbitrici degli acidi, etc.]. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1723.] [P., v. 2112.] ------. Visione d'un cadavero. 2 1. 8°. [17- cenza, 1723.] [P., v. 2112.] ------. Avvertimento IV, del medico padre dato publicamente a' suoi amatissimi figliuoli 1' anno 1717, diviso ora in due lezioni. Intorno alle vanita de' rimedj di gran costo e di non poche composizioni medicinali, con i loro sustituti. 30 pp.; 30pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1724. [P., v. 2112.] ROTARIO. 751 ROTCH. Rotario (Sebastiano)—continued. _ ,_____. Insegnamento I, del medico padre ai suoi figliuoli intorno a quella spezie d' idropsia, che va col nome d'ascite. 32 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1724. [P., v. 2112.] Provvedimenti insegnati dalla ragione e confermati dalla sperienza. L' uno per anti- vedere V orrido pericolo che sovrasta dall' en- trare nelle cantine ristrette e architettate a volta, o in altre simili stanze di solajo alquanto basso, en cui vi sia uva furiosamente bogliente. L' altro per entrarvi a tutta fretta a sottrare chiunque per sua disgrazia disteso a terra sog- giace al medesimo pericolo, ed il terzo per rimettere essi sventurati in intera salvezza, se sia possibili. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merli, 1724. [P., v. 2112.] Lettera al signor Francesco Merlo in- torno a quel libretto, che ha per titolo: Ricordo novello a' medici pratici [etc.]. 16 pp. 8°. [Verona, 1724.] [P., v. 2112.] Riflessioni sopra la storia del male che soffri il conte Galeotto Pico, signore della Mi randola, della concordia, etc., fattada Bartolom- meo Maggi 1' anno mdl. 20 pp. 8°. Verona, frat. Merit, 1726. [P., v. 2112.] Rimedio alle catarrali molestie ed in conseguenza a qualsivoglia infiammazione, ed a qualunque altra malattia derivante da oppila- zione, che noi chiamiamo ostruzione, tratto dalle dottrine d' Ippocrate, e di Galeno, sos- tenuto dalla ragione, e confermato dalla speri- enza. Si riferiscono in appresso alcune rifles- sioni intorno alle sensibili qualita dell' orina fatte da un professore, in occasione di rispettoso medico contrasto. 31 pp. 8°. Verona, freit. Merli, 1730. [P., v. 2112.] -----. Lettera al signor Dott. N. N. [Intorno al uso del mercurio ed al uso del salasso. 11 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 2112.] Rotation. Aignan (A.) Sur le pouvoir rotatoire speciflque des corps actifs dissous. Mem. Soc. d. sc. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux, 1893, 4. s., iii, 331-451, 5 ch.—Bolin (G.) Sur les mouvements rotatoires des etoiles de mer et des ophi- ures. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 532- 534.—von Frey M.) Ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Tragheitsmomentes von Schreibhebeln. Arch. f. Phvsiol., Leipz., 1893,485-490.— Galii-Valerio (B.) Ri- cerche sperimentali sugli effetti della rotazione nelle cavie. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1894, 3. s., xiii, 128-137. — Schaefer (K. L.) Das Verhalten wir- belloser Tiere auf der Drehscheibe. Ztschr. f. Psychol. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1891-2, ni, 18-5-192. Rotatoria. See Rotifera. Rot berg ([Eduard] 0[skar] G[ustavovich]) [1869- ]. *0 tsielebnom dielstvii likho: radki, vizvannoi iskusstvenno podkozhnimi vpriskivaniyami peptona Witte, na niekotoriya infektsionniva bollezni; klinicheskiya nablyu- deniya. [Salutary action of fever, produced artificially by subcutaneous injections of Witte's peptone, on Various infectious diseases; clinical observations.] 123 pp., 1 diag., 6 pl. 8°. Yurgev, K. Mattisen, 1904. • Roteli (Thomas Morgan) [1848- ]. Notes on infant feeding. 22 pp. 8°. New York, 1889. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1889, vi. ------. The management of human breast-milk in cases of difficult infantile digestion. 13 pp. 8°. Neu) York, 1890. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1890, vii. The president's address before the Roteli (Thomas Morgan)—continued. original thought in the study of pediatrics. 6 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1891. ' Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1891, viii. ------. A case of double movable kidney. 10 pp. 12°. Boston, Damrell dc Upham, 1892. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1892, exxvi. The value of milk laboratories for the American Pediatric Society, on iconoclasm and advancement of our knowledge of artificial feed- ing. 12, xvi pp. 8°. New York, 1893. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893. ----. Pediatrics; the hygienic and medical treatment of children, xii, 1124 pp., 37 pl., 3 tab. 8°. Bhiladelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896. ----. The same. 3. ed. xxi, 1021 pp., 31 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, J. B. Lip- pincott dc Co., 1901. -----. The substitute feeding of infants. 16 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1896. Repr.from: Pediatrics, X. Y. & Lond., 1896, ii. The differential diagnosis of the acute exanthemata, with especial reference to scarlet fever. 31 pp. 12°. Boston, Damrell dc Upham, 1897. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvi. ----. The use of modified milk in health and disease. 18 pp. 8°. New York, 1897. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx. ----. Milk; its production, its care, its use. pp. 132-135. 8°. [Lansing], 1899. Cutting from: Proc. 4. General Conference of Health Officers in Michigan, Lansing, 1899. ----. Perforation of the stomach in an infant seven weeks old. 4pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1899. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1899, cxviii. —. A case of rhachischisis. 9 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1900. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1900, xvi. ----. The treatment of the proteids of cow's milk. 3 pp. 8°. Boston, 1900. Repr.from: J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1900, v. The American methods in the modifica- tion of milk in the feeding of infants. 46 pp. 8°. London, 1902. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, ii. ----. Essential principles of infant feeding and the modern methods of applying them. 31 pp. Chicago, 1903. Repr. from: ,1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xli. —. Infantile scorbutus. 8 pp. 12°. New York 1903. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii. ----. The study of pediatrics in its relation to medical education. 14 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Repr.from: J. Am. M.Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl. Tubercular peritonitis in early life; with especial reference to its treatment by laparotomy 14 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1903. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1903, xl. ----. The diarrheas of infancy and early child- hood. 24 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1904. Repr.from: Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii. ----. Some considerations regarding substitute feeding during the first year. 8 1. 8°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1904, xi. ----. Disease and the prevention of disease in early life. 18 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila., 1907, x. -----. Gonorrhoea and syphilis in infancy and early childhood, pp. 213-225. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1907. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Internat. Clm., Phila., 1907, 17. s„ ii. ROTCH. 52 ROTH. Roteli (Thomas Morgan)—continued. -----. An historical sketch of the development of percentage feeding. 17 pp. 8°. New York, A. B. Elliott Co., 1907. Repr.from: X. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. ------. The opsonic index in cerebrospinal men- ingitisinchildren. 7pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1907, xxii_ ------. The Pasteurization of milk for public sale. 10 pp. 8°. Boston, 1907. Repr.from: Am. J. Pub. Hyg., Bost., 1907, xvii. ------. The Roentgen ray in pediatrics. 11 pp.> 10 pl. 8°. [n. p.], 1907. See, also, Blake (Charles James) & Kotch (Thomas M.) Reflex aural symptoms, [etc.]. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1886.]—Boston City Hospital Training School for Xurses. The thirteenth year of the .. . 8°. Boston, 1891. For Bioi/raplu/, see Harrington (T. F.) Harvard M. School. 8°. Ac iv York, 1905, iii, 1124. See, also: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1893, x, 488, port. (W. P. Watson). ------& Cusliing (H. W.) A case of decapsu- lation of both kidneys (Edebohls' operation) in a boy nine and one-half vears old. 3 1. 8°. New York, 1903. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1903, xx. ------ & Dium (Charles Hunter). A case of pulmonary osteoarthropathy. 4 1. 8°. Neiv York, 1903. Repr./rum: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1903, xx. ------ifc Floyd (Cleaveland). The opsonic in- dex and the tuberculin test; their relative value in the diagnosis and tre tment of early tubercu- losis in children. 7 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1907. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xiix. ------& George (Wellington Arial). A study of normal living anatomy in early life. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1907. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1907, xlix. ------------. A study of the early conditions of osteomyelitis in young children by the Ront- gen ray. 4 1. 8°. New York, 1907, xxiv. Repr."from: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1907, xxiv. ------------. The living pathology of tubercu- losis of the bones in early life. 3pp.,5pl. 8°. [n. p., 1908.] ------ & Holt (L. E.) The nomenclature of diseases of the gastro-enteric tract. The report of the committee of the American Pediatric Societv, Mav, 1894. 4 pp., 1 tab. 8°. [New York, 1894.]' Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1894, xi. -----& Land (Maynard). Pernicious anemia in infants; with a preliminary report of a case. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1901. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1901, xviii. ------------. Two operative cases of pyloric stenosis in infants. 3 1. 8°. Nov York, 1905. Repr.from: Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1905, xxii. ------ & Low (Harry Chamberlain). Some blood cultures in children and their significance. 19 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1907. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii. ------ & JMurpliy (Fred Towsley). Gastro- enteric obstruction in early infancy; general diagnosis and treatment, with a report of two cases of pyloric stenosis and one of volvulus, successfully treated by laparotomy. 41 pp. 8°. Boston, 1907. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvi. Rotelia (Giacomo). Cremazioneoinumazione? 182 pp. 12°. Spoleto, 1891. Rolenburg. Ernstliche, trewhertzige Ordt- nung und Befelch, welcher massen sich alle Einwohner der Statt Rotenburg ob der Tau- ber und auff dem Land bey der befahren- ten, an vilen Orten der Nachbarschafft ein- Rotenburg—continued. gerissenen schiidlichen Seuchen der Pestilentz, zu ihrer selbsten Versicherung zuverhalten. Neben einf.iltigen, kurtzen unnd wolverniein- ten Bericht, wie sich vor derselben mit be- wehrten guten Artzney-Mitteln zuverwahren; auch auff begebendte Fall, da Jemandten, Arm oder Reich, Jung oder Alt, damit allbereit an- griffen, von derselben, durch Verleyhung Gdtt- licher Gnaden sicherlich zuerledigen sein mi'ige. Aus eines Erbarn, wolweisen Raths daselbsten, von dero ordentlichen, provisionirten Medic inae Doctoribus gestellt, und Jedermanniglich zu gut in Truck geben. 8 1. sm. 4°. Botenburg ob der Tauber, II. Kornlein, 1625. Rotcrmund (Karl Hermann) [1878- ]. * Ueber den Capillardruck besonders bei Ar- teriosclerose, nebst Bemerkungen fiber den Blut- druck bei Arteriosclerose. 23 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, 1904. Roters (Carl [Gerhard]) [1869- ]. *Ein Fall von primiirem melanotischen Carcinom der Fingerhant. 23 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1896. Rotert (K[arl] A[dolfovich]) [1876- ]. *0 degeneratsii i regeneratsii bakteriy. [Degene- ration and regeneration of bacteria.] 79 pp., 1 pl. S.-Beterburg, F. Valsberg ct- B. Gershunin, 1902. Rotgans (J[akob]. Het onderwijs in de chi- rurgie en de praktijk van den arto. [Amster- dam.] 42 pp. 8°. Meppel, H. ten Brink, 1893. -----. Chirurgie der galwegen. 10 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1894. Forms no. 12, v. 1, of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt. ------. Osteomyelitis (osteomyelitis pro-myco- tica endogena s. hsematogena). 32 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1897. Forms no. 7, v. 4, of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt. ------. Peritonitis. 26 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1902. Forms no. 1, v. 9, of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt. ------. De chirurgie der buikorgane. vi, 619 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de en-en F. Bohn, 1904. ------. De heelkundige behandeling der maag- zweer. 43 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven B. Bohn, 1906. Forms no. 6, v. 12, of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt. ------. Het kankervraagstuk. 40 pp. 8°. Am- sterdam, J. H. De Bussy, 1907. Rotli. Wegweiscr fiir Harnleidende; gemein- verstandliche Belehrungen und Ratschlage fiber die Krankheiten der Harnorgane. til pp. 12°. Ziltau, Bald, 1890. Roth. See Scarlatina (History, etc., of), by localities. Rotli (A.) Die Doppelbilder bei Augenmuskel- lahmungen in symmetrischer Anordnung. 1 broadsheet. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1893. ------. Sehproben nach Snellens Prinzip. 6 1., 4 tab. obi. 8°. Berlin, 0. En-din, 1899. -----. Selipriifungen; Beispiele nebst Fragen und Antworten. 2. Aufl. 24 pp. 8°. Berlin, 0. Enslin, 1899. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 24 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, G. Thieme, 1906. ------. Bollezni organa zrieniya (dlya voyen- nikh vrachel). Perev. s niekotorimi primle- chaniyami M. I. Reikha. [Diseases of the eyes (for armv physicians). Transl. with notes by Reikh.] " 189pp. 8°. s.-Beta-burg, 1902. ROTH. 753 ROTH. Rotli (A.)—continued. -----. Verwechselungs-Sehproben. 2 pl. 12°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, [1906]. See, also, Stereoscope (Das) [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Rotli (Adolf). DasGeheimnisderHessing'schen Apparatotherapie als epochale Revolution auf dem Gebiete der Orthopiidie. 2. Aufl. 93 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Neuwied, Heuser, 1890. -----. Neuer Blechspangenapparat als erste Hilfe und definitiver Gehverband bei Schuss- fracturen und Beinbriichen der untern Extre- mitaten. 15 pp. 8°. Budapest, S. Markus, 1896. Roth (Adolf). * Myositis ossificans multiplex progressiva. [Erlangen.] 22 pp. 8°. Mun- chen, 1898. Repr.from: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlv. Rotli (Angelo). Contributo alia patologia e te- rapia della ipertrofia prostatica. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Boma, F. Cuggiani, 1889. Repr.from: Spallanzani, Roma, 1889, 2. s., xvii . -----. Note cliniche e batteriologiche su osser- vazioni d' infezione tubercolare per la via geni- tale nella donna. 10 pp. 8°. Cagliari, 1889. -----. La fortuna del chirurgo; discorso inau- gurale del corso scolastico 1889-90. 20 pp. 8°. Cagliari, 1890. Rotli (Augustus H.) An experimental and clin- ical study of the value of clay-mixture poultices. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1905. Repr.from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii. -----& Guide (Andros). A case of congenital varix of the superficial epigastric vein and its anastomoses. 12 pp. 12°. New York, A. B. Elliott Bub. Co., 1905. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1905, lxxxii. Roth (Bernard). The early treatment of flat- foot. 3 pp. 8°. London, 1882. Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii. -----. A case of lateral curvature of the spine, illustrating its treatment without the use of me- chanical supports. 8 pp., 2 pl. 12°. London, J. E. Adlard, ]s83. Repr.from: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1*82-3, xxi. -----. Two hundred consecutive cases of lateral curvature of the spine treated without mechan- ical supports. 3 1. 4°. London, 1885. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii. -----. Scoliosiometry; or, an accurate and prac- tical method of recording cases of lateral curva- ture of the spine. 8 pp. 8°. London, 1888. Repr.from.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*88, xlviii. -----. The treatment of flat foot. 8 pp. 8°. London, J. Balfe dc Sons, 1888. -----. A note on the uselessness and harmful- ness of shoulder-straps, shoulder-braces, and hoc genus omne, for round shoulders, stooping, and incipient lateral curvature of the spine. 8°. London, [1888]. Repr.from. N. York M. J., 1888, xlviii. -----. The treatment of lateral curvature of the spine, with an appendix giving an analysis of 1,000 consecutive cases treated by posture and exercise exclusively (without mechanical sup- ports). 2. ed. viii, 141 pp., 7pl. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1899. Roth (Carl). Eine Anregung zur Bekampfung der Lungenschwindsucht durch Herstellung der trockenen Athmungsluft bevorzugter siidlicher Klimate. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, Schmitz dc Bukof- zer, [1899?]. Repr.from: Med. Reform, Berl., 1899, vii. -----. Zollnergedanken fiber Heilkunst; auch fiir Pharisaer. vi, 137 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Mohrmann, 1901. vol xiv, 2d series---48 Roth (Ch.) The student's atlas of artistic anat- omy. Edited, with an introduction, by C. E. Fitzgerald, viii, 50 pp., 34 pl. fol. Bondon, H. Grevel dc Co., 1891. [Roth (Didier)] [1800- ]. Clinique homceo- pathique, ou recueil de toutes les observations pratiques publiees jusqu'ti nos jours. 9 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1836-40. Under the pseudonym: Le docteur Beauvais (de Saint- Gratien). ------. Effets toxiques et pathog6n6tiques de plusieurs medicamens, sur l'economie animale dans l'etat de sante\ 11, 420 pp., 8°; 31 pp., fol. Boris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1845. Under the pseudonym: Le docteur Beauvais (de Saint- Gratien). ------. Histoire de la musculation irresistible ou de la choree anormale. 3 p. 1., 230 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1850. Bound with: Bull. Soc. med. homceop. de France, Par., 1850, viii. See, also, de Boenniiiirjiauseii (C.) Manuel de therapeutique homceopathique, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1846. Roth (E.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Frage der Yererbung erworbener Eigenschaften und Krankheiten. 181-194 pp. 8°. Wien, 1890. Forms 7. Hft., v. 16, of: Wien. Klinik, 1890. ------. Ueber einige Schutzeinrichtungen der Pflanzen gegen fibermiissige Verdungstung. 38 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1895. Forms No. 218, n. F., of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr., Hamb. ------. Die Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen. 50 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1896. Forms No. 242, n. F., of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wis- sensch. Vortr., Hamb. ------. Ueber bluthentragende Schmarotzen- pflanzen. 43 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1899. Forms No. 311, n. F., of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr., Hamb. ------. Schutzmittel der Pflanzen gegen Thier- frass und der Bluthen gegen unberufene Giiste. 31 pp. 8°. Hamburg, 1900. Forms No. 340, n. F., of: Samml. gemeinverstiindl. wissensch. Vortr., Hamb. Roth (Emanuel) [1850- ]. * Ueber das We- sen und die Behandlung der Hysterie. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Bange, [1874]. -----. Armen-Fiirsorge und Armen-Kranken- pflege mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der heutigen Stellung des Armenarztes und Vor- schliigen zu ihrer Reform, v, 90 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1893. ------. Die Weehselbeziehungen zwischen Stadt und Land in gesundheitlicher Beziehung und die Sanirnng des Landes. 74 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Braunschweig, Vieweg F. d: Sohn, 1903. ------. Kompendium der Gewerbekrankheiten und Einfuhrung in die Gewerbehygiene. viii, 271 pp. 8°. Berlin, B. Schoetz, 1904. ------. Gewerbehygiene. 156 pp. 24°. Leip- zig, G. J. Goschen, 1907. 'See, also, «ji«'\vorbeliys»ieiie. 8°. Jena, 1894.— Sclil'ockow (Isaac). ]>VrpreussischePhysikus, [etc.]. 8° Berlin, 1892. -----. Der Kreisarzt [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1900. -----. The same. 8°. Berlin, 1901. -----, Roth (E.)& Leppmann(A.). Der Kreisarzt [etc.] 8°. Ber- lin 1906.—Seliutzmassregelii bei ansteckenden [etc.]. 12°. Berlin, 1903. Roth (Emil) [1879- ]. * Versuche fiber die Einwirkung des Trimethylxanthins auf das Bacterium typhi und coli. [Berlin.] 2 p. 1., 30 pp. 4°. Munchen, B. Oldenbourg, 1904. Roth (Ernst). Bibliographie der gesammten Krankenpflege. 878 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Repr. from: Handbuch der Krankenversorgung und Krankenpflege. 8°. Berlin, 1903, ii, Abth. 2. Roth (Ernst) [1879- ]. * Ueber die chirur- gische Behandlung der Darminvagination im ROTH. 754 ROTH. Roth (Ernst)—continued. Kindesalter. [Freiburgi. Br.] 36pp., 11. 8°. Langensalza, J. Beltz, 1905. ------. The same. 34 pp. 8°. Beipzig, B. Konegen, 1905. Roth (Franz Ludwig). * Ueber Extrauterin- Schwangerschaft. 15 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1863. Roth (Friedrieh). Adalbert Friedrieh Marcus, der erste dirigirende Arzt des allgemeinen Krankenhauses zu Bamberg. Darstellung seines Lebens und Wirkens. 1 p. 1., 67 pp. 8°. Bamberg, F. Gottling, 1889. de Roth (Mile. G.) Contribution a l'etude de la leucemie et de ses complications. 102 pp. 8°. Geneve, 1895. Roth (Georg). * Beitrage zur Aetiologie kalter Abscesse. 22 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1889 Roth'(Georg Gustav) [1876- ]. * Ueber die subjectiven Besch werden im Beginn der Phthise. 24pp., 1 tab., 11. 8°. Marburg, Koster dc Schell, 1903. Roth (Gottfried). *Ueber aeutes Hautoedem. [Erlangen.] 22 pp., 1 1.. 8°. Bamberg, Han- dels-Druck, 1902. Roth (Henry). Thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, with a report of three cases. 10 pp. 12°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix. Roth (H[enry] Ling). The aborigines of Tas- mania. Assisted by Marion E. Butler and James Backhouse Walker, with a chapter on the osteology by J. G. Garson. Preface by Edward B. Tylor. 2. ed., revised and en- larged, xix, 228, ciii pp., 20 pl., 1 map. 8°. Halifax (England), F. King d- Sons, 1899. Roth (Jacob). * Ueber die Yariabilitat der Gasbildung bei dem Bakterium coli commune. [Heidelberg.] 57 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Chaste, 1898. Roth (Jacob J.) *Das Quinquaud 'sche Phae- nomen. [Zurich.] 45 pp. 8°. Gruningen, J. Wirz, 1908. Roth (Johan Joseph.) Den homoopathiska Lakekonstens anwandning emot asiatiska Cho- leran. xiv, 41 pp. 8°. Upsala, Balmbladd- C, 1834. Roth (Johannes Ernst Alexander) [1881- ]. * Ueber den interpleuralen Druck. [Marburg.] pp. 437-466. 8°. Wurzburg, 1905. Repr.from: Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tiiberk., Wiirzb., 1905, iv. Roth (Joseph Hermann). * Ueber einen Fall von Chondrodystrophia fcetalis (sog. fotale Rachitis). [Erlangen.] 60 pp. 8°. Bamberg, W. Gartner, 1894. Roth (Justus). Fluss wasser, Meerwasser und Steinsalz. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1878. Forms 306. Hft. of: Samml. gemeinverstandl. wissensch. Vortr., Berl. Roth (K.) *Ueber Hernien - Tuberkulose. [Heidelberg.] 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, IL Laupp, 1896. Roth (Karl). *Zur bacteriologischen und kli- nischen Diagnose und Therapie der Diptherie. [Strassburg.] 40 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. G. Teub- ner, 1894. Roth (Ludwig). *Ueber die Melanosis renum beim Rinde. [Bern.] 36 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Munchen, G. Birk dc Co., 1902. Roth (Ludwig) [1878- ]. *Ueber primares Lungensarkom mit einem kasuistischen Beitrag. 26 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1904. Roth (Ludwig). Die Aschaffenburger Ront- genkurse und ihre Beurteilung in der medizi- Roth (Ludwig)—continued. nischen Fachpresse. Anliisslich des funfund- zwanzigsten Kurses. 24 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Gebr. Bitdeking, 1906-7. Roth [M. D. A.]. See Miiller (K.), Rotli darinnen nicht nur wie in derselben vorkom- mende Operationes, und die aus denen Opera- tionibus entstehende Producta sondern auch die Prseparationes derer besten chymischen Medi- camenten aus der beruhmtesten Medicorum, sonderlich Ludovici, Wedelii, Stahlii, etc., Schrifften, nebst andern, die man sonst rar und geheim gehalten, aufrichtig gewiesen, und in- sonderheit die in dem andern Theile befindliche Processse alien Liebhabern zu besserem Ge- brauch ins Teutsche iibersetzt und beschrieben sind. 5 p. 1., 216 pp., 6 1. 16°. Leipzig, C. J. Eysseln, 1720. [P., v. 2176.] ------. Anhang zu seiner Chymie handlend von denen metallischen Saltzen und dem schmertz- stillenden Schwefel des Vitriols. 108 pp. 16°. Leipzig, C. J. Egsseln, 1720. [P., v. 2176.] Rothen (Joh. Philipp). See Nuck (Antonius). Chirurgische Handgriffe, [etc.]. 16°. Lubeck & Wissmar, 1709. Rothenaieher'sehc Sehprufungsscheiben mit einzeln einstellbaren Landolt'schen Sehproben. 4 pl. sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] German and French text. Rothenberg (Max). *Maligne Ovarialtumo- ren. 64 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Bfeffer, 1893. Rothenbiihler (Hans). *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mvriapodenfauna der Schweiz. [Bern.] pp. 199-271, 3 1., 3 pl. 8°. Geneve, W. Kundig dc fils, 1899. Cutting.from: Rev. suisse de zool., 1899, vi. von Rothenburg (Rudolf [Friedrieh Walran]) [1870- ]. * Ueber (3) Phenylpyrazolon. 45 pp.,1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1892. Rothenfusser (Simon) [1873- ]. *Der Schleimkorper des Leinsamens. 78 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1903. Rother (Alfons) [1875- ]. * Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Korsakow'schen Psy chose. 28 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Rotheram (John). See Cullen (William). First lines of the practice [etc.]. s°. New York, 1805. Rotheray. See Influenza (History, etc., of), by localities. Rotherham, England. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of the borough of Rother- ham, by the medical officer of health. 9.-16., 1882-9. 8°. Botherham, 1883-90. Reports for 1882-9, by Junius Hardwicke. Rotherham, England. See Cholera (History, etc., of), Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Sewage (Disposal of'), by localities. Rothert ( W [ladyslaw] ). Ueber Heliotropis- mus. viii, 215 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1894. Forms 1. Hft., v. 7, of: Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanz. Rotilery (Guy Cadogan). See Brown (Alexander Menzies). The natural ar- senical watersof La Bourboule [etc.]. 12°. London, [1896]. Rolhfuehs (Emil) [1866- ]. *Die Ovario- tomie im Kindesalter und ihre Eigentumlich- keiten. 43 pp. 8°. Marburg, 0. Ehrhardt, 1892. Rothfuehs (Rudolf) [1876- ]. * Ueber das Hiimatom der Vulva post partum. 25 pp., 1 1., 4 tab. 8°. Marburg, B. Friederich, 1900. Rothhaar ( Emil ). * Untersuchungen fiber Tuberkelbazillen beim Rinde. [Bern.] 24, xiii pp. 8°. Stuttgart, B. Enzig, 1908. Rothhammer (Friedrieh). -Ueber einen Fall von acuter Phosphorvergiftung und fiber die Beziehungen zwischen acuter Phosphor- intoxication und acuter gelber Leberatrophie. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wurzburg, B. Scheiner, 1890. Rothier (F). See Doyen (Engine) & Koussel (G.) Atlas de mi- crobiologic [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1897. Rotlilauf (Karl). * Ueber Haematoma vulvae. [Munich.] 11 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Deutsche Ver- lagsgesellschaft, 1907. Rothmaler (Otto) [1868- ]. * Ueber die Wirkungskraft von Strychnin und Brucin. 24 pp. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1893. Rothmann. Set Mikrophotoarraphlscher Atlas der patholo- gischen Histologic menschlicher Zahne. fol. Stuttgart, lh<)7. Rothmann (Joachim) [1877- ]. * Ueber das Vorkommen von Hydrocele bei Kryptor- chismus. 24 pp. 8°. Kiel, H. Fiencke, 1901. Rothmann (Joannes). Chiromantiae, theo- rica, practica concordantia genethliaca, vetustis novitate addita. 3 p. 1., 55 ff. sm. 4°. Er- phordise, excud. J. Bistorius, 1595. Rothinami (Solomon). *Ein Fall von cys- tischem Endotheliom der mannlichen Brust. 17 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Becker, 1891. Rothmund (Alfred). * Fiille von congenitaler Yerlagerung der linken Niere. 24 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, B. Schreiner, 1897. Rothmund (August) [1830-1906]. Zur Ca- suistik der fremden Korper. 22 pp. 8°. [Ber- lin, G. Beimer, 1859.] Repr.from: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1859, xi. See, also, Unlversltats-Augenheil-Anstalt zu Munchen [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1884. For Biography, see Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1906, xxxii, 20s4 (Horstmann). Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1082-1084, port. (O. Ever- busch). Rothmund (Carl) [1876- ]. *Controlle der Pavy'schen Methode fiir die quantitative Zuckerbestimmung, nebst einem Beitrag zur normalenReduktionskraftdes Harnes. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Heidelberg, K. Bossier, 1903. von Rothmund {Fr. Christian) [1801- 91]. Schelle. [Obituary.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 43. Rothroek (Addison). Saint Lazare. 11 pp. 8°. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1899. Repr.from: Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1899. ROTHROCK. 757 ROTIFERA. Rothroek (John L.). See Greene (Charles Lyman). A case of Landry's paralysis, [etc]. 12°. Philadelphia, 1898. de Rotlisehild (Adolphe). See Trousseau (A.) La fondation ophtalmologique [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1905. Rotlisehild (Alfred). * Ueber die Entstehung derHerzschwielen. 53 pp. 8°. Freiburg LB., H. Epstein, 1890. Rotlisehild (David). *Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Ziihigkeit der inneren Organe unserer wich- tigsten Sehlachttiere. 39 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, II. Stitrlz, 1897. ------. Der Sternalwinkel (Angulus Ludovici) in anatomischer, physiologischer und patholo- gischer Hinsicht. 3p. l.,92pp. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., J. Alt, 1900. ------. • Gedanken und Erfahrungen iiber Kuren in Bad Soden a. T. 61 pp. 12d. Frankfurt a. M., J. Alt, 1903. Rotlisehild (Harry) [1881- ]. * Ueber zwei Fiille von Purpura haemorrhagica mit sep- tischem Verlauf. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1908. de Rotlisehild (Henri[ -James- Nathaniel- Charles]) [1872- ]. Quelques observations sur l'alimentation des nouveau-nes et de l'emploi raisonne du lait sterilise. 152 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 0. Doin, 1897. ------. Notes sur 1'hygiene et la protection de I'enfance d'apres des etudes faites a Berlin, Saint-P£tersbourale. xiv, 510 pp. 12°. Baris, C. Beinwald dc Cie., 1893. ------. Les formes des animaux; leur debut, leur suite, leur liaison; l'embryologie comparee. xxvi, 1162 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Baris, C. Beinwald d Cie., 1894. ------. L'anatomie comparee des animaux basee sur l'embryologie. 2 v. xxvi, 1971 pp., con- tinued pagination. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1898. Roulet (Alfred). The use and abuse of anes- thetics. 16 pp. 8°. St. Louis, Berrin dc Smith, 1901. Repr.from: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1901, xliii. Roulet (Joannes Baptista Josephus). *Quaestio medica de medicamentis terreis. Prseside Ga- briele-Francisco Venel. [Montpellier.] 9 pp. sm. 4°. Biscenis, J. Fuzier, 1762. Roulier (Francois). * Action des rayons X sur les glandes genitales. 73 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 402. Roulland (Henri). *Des processus patholo- giques non infectieux des annexes et du bassin chez la femme (fausses annexites); pathoge- nie, symptomatologie, traitement. 136 pp. 8°. Boris*, 1907, No. 353. Roulleau (Georges) [1859- ]. Contribu- tion au traitement du glaucome chronique sim- ple. Sclerotomie suivie de malaxation, iridec- tomie peripherique partielle. 211pp. 8°. Ba- ris, 1898, No. 619. Roullet (Emile) [1865- ]. *Du pannus. De l'antipyrine dans le traitement local du pan- nus dit strumeux. 53 pp., 11. 4°. Baris, 1893, No. 134. Roullet (Gaston). *Le rhumatisme articulaire aigu; ses causes, son traitement. 84 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1907, No. 709. Roulliard (Sebastien). Capitulaire auquel est traicteq u' un homme nay sans testicu les apparens, et qui ha neanmoins toutes les autres marques de virilite\ est capable des ceuvres du mariage. Derniere ed. reveue et augmented de quelques autres opuscules du mesme autheur. 140 pp. 16°. Baris, F. Jacejuin, 1604. ------. Les gymnopodes, ou de la nudite des pieds, disputee de part et d'autre. 1 p. 1., 326 pp., 5 1., port. 4°. Baris, Olivier, 1624. Roullin (Paul) [1873- ]. Contribution a l'etude de la degenerescence amyloide. 54 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900,~No. 314. Rouma (Georges). Enquete scolaire sur les troubles de la parole chez les ecoliers beiges. 39 pp. 12°. Bruxelles, G. Meed d: Cie., 1906. Repr.from: Internat. Arch. f. Schulhyg., Leipz., 1906, ii. -----. La parole et les troubles de la parole. 1 p. 1., iii, 170 pp. 8°. Baris, H. Baulin dc Cie., 1907. Rouma (Joseph). Contribution a l'etude de la toxicite du serum sanguin normal et patho- logique. xv, 56 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1898, No. 262. Roumagoux (Eugene) [1877- ]. Contri- bution a l'etude des paralysies precoces du cu- bital consecutives aux fractures de l'extremite inferieure de 1'humerus. 51 pp., 2 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1902, No. 12. Roumaillac ( Jean - Leonce) [ 1872 - ]. *Electrotherapie et radiographie. 32 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 88. Rouinania. Buletinul ministerului agricul- turei, industriei, commerciului si domeniilor. Acte oficiale; statistica; raporturi consulare; Rouinania—continued. dari de seama de misiuni in tera si in strainatate; studii; diferite seiiute; climatologia. Anul 1, 1885, No. 9 si 10. pp. 993-1170, 3, 4, 3, 2 1. roy. 8°. Bucuresci, S. Mihalescu, 1885. Rouinania. See, also, Cholera (History, etc., of), Epi- demics (History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Hygiene (Bub/ic, Laws, etc., of), Leprosy (History, etc., of), Small-pox (History, etc., of), Statistics ( Vital), Vaccina- tion (History, etc., of), by localities. Annuaire medical et pharmaceutique de la Roumanie. Renseignements offieiels, memorial therapeutique, etc., par Michel Kohos, 1898. 12°. Baris dc Bucarest, [1898]. Babes (V.) Regenerareapoporulul roman. [Regen- eration of'the Roumanian people.] Romania med., Bu- curescl, 1900, viii, 433-449.—Coutzarida Gratunesco (Mine. M.) Description des ceuvres et institutions Sri- gees en Roumanie pour lutter contre la mortality in- fantile. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1907, xi, 763- 769.—Fische r (E.) Mir und Zadruga bei den Rumiinen. Globus, Brnschwg., W08, xciv, 254-256. -----. Leber den Ursprung der rumanischen Bojarenfamilien. Ztschr. f. EthnoL, Berl., 1908, xl, 343-361.—Geograplile medicale; la Roumanie. Independ. mecl., Par., 1901, vii, 185. Also: Arch, orient, de m&L et de chir., Par.. 1901, iii, 154-157.— Glepitfes (S. C.) Climatologie du littoral roumain de la mer Noire. Cong, internat. d'hvdrol. et de climatol. C.-r., Liege, 1898, v, 733-759.—KaindI (R. F.) Zur Volkskunde der Rumanen in der Bukowina. Globus, Brnschwg., 1907, xcii, 283-289.—Laurent (E.) Geo- graphie medicale; la Roumanie. Med. orient., Par., 1901, v, 287.—Leon (N.) Contribution it l'etude des parasites animaux de Roumanie. Bull. Soc. de med. et nat. de Jassy, 1908, xxii, 232-240.—Negreseo (G.) Rapport sani- taire du departement Ramnic Sarat (Roumanie). J. d'hyg., Par., 1906, xxxi, 51-53.— Pittard (E.) Etude de 30 cranes roumains provenant de Moldavie. Rev. de I'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1903, xiii, 369-381. -----. An- thropologie de la Roumanie; contribution d, l'etude des Tsiganesdits Roumains. Anthropologie, Par., 1902, xiii, 321-328. -----. Anthropologie de la Roumanie; contribu- tion itl'gtude anthropologique des Roumains du royaume. Ibid., 1903, xiv, 33-58— Saabner-Tuduri (A.) Les lacs et les etangs sales en Roumanie (Techir-Ghiol). Med. orient., Par., 1904, viii, 509-512. Roumanie (La) medicale. Comite de redac- tion: V. Babes, N. Manolescu, . xxxvii, 37^2. Also, Reprint.—Car- raseo (J.) Fibromioma del ligamento ancho; laparo- tomia; curaci6n. Rev. de med. y cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1908, lxxviii, 329-337.—Claiswe (A.) Pibromyome de la portion abdominale du ligament rond. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 21-28. Also: Ann. degynec. et d'obst., Par., 19m. liii, 307-312.—Collbca (E.) Sopra un caso di adenomioma del legamento rotondo. Gineco- logia, Firenze, 19U*. v. 725-732.—Courant. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Ge-ehwuLteii des runden Mutterbandes (Kystomalymphangiectaticum haemorrhagicum). Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik. Festschr. . . . (Fntsch), Leipz 1902,249-253.—Cui le n (T. S.) Adenomyoma of the round ligament. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1896, xxi, 672-577. Also, Reprint. -----. Adeno-myoma of the round liga- ment. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1896, vn. 112- 114, lpl. Also, Reprint.-----. Furtherremark-on adeno- myoma of the round ligament. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull , Bait., 1898, ix, 112— Delbet (P.; & Meresco (P.) Des fibromyomes de la portion abdominale du ligament rond. Rev. de chir., Par., 1896. xvi, 607-020.—De Faoli (E.) Contributo alia patologia del legamento rotondo; un caso di flbromioadenoma. Arch. ital. di ginec, Xa- poli, 1903, vi, 24-29, lpl.—Doorman (J. D.) Een tumor van het ligamentum rotundum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1891, iii, 165-172, 1 pl.— Emanuel (R.) Ueber Tumoren des Ligamentum ro- tundum uteri. Ztschr. f. Getmrtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1902-3, xlviii, 383-427. Also [Discussion]: Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1902, xlvii, 138-144.—Engel- hard t (G.) Noch ein Fall von Adenomyom des Lie:. rotundum uteri. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl. 1899, civiii, 556-567.—FInwterer (H.) Zur Kasuistik der Tumoren des Ligamentum rotundum uteri. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1908, lix, 247-260.—Fiscner (K F.) Fibrom und Dermoidcyste des Ligamentum rotundum; je ein Fall. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1897 v 317-320.— Franklin (M. M.) Report of a case of fibromvoma of the round ligament. Ann. Gynec & Pediat., Bost., 1903, xvi, 184-186. Also [Discussion]: Med. Dial, Minneap., 1903, v, 45.—CiottM lialk (S ) Haema- toma ligamenti rotundi uteri. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1887, xi, 329-336.- aladies des voies urinaires a l'usage des praticiens. Preface par le docteur Tuffier. viii, 272 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere d-fils, 1903. Rouvillois (Henri) [1875- ]. *Du syn- drome de Parkinson chez les jeunes sujets. 94 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, 1898, No. 45. de Rouw (Abrahamus). *De quartana. 16 pp., 2 1. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Eheeier, 1705. [P., v. 2242.] Rouwenhoff (Nicolaus Gulielrnus). * Theses medica? inaugurates. 9 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Belfosetfil., 1790. [P., v. 1932.] Roux. L'homceopathie appliquee au traitement du cholera-morbus epidemique. Observations recueillies en 1854 et en 1855, avec un appen- dice sur la question des doses infinitesimales. vii, 134 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Baillilre; Montpellier, Batrus, 1857. Roux. Sur 1'operation d'Alexander-Adams. 12 pp. 8°. [Geneve, 1888.] Repr.from: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1888, viii. Roux (A.) * Contribution a l'etude des der- matoses blennorrhagiques. 108 pp. 8°. Tou- louse, 1905, No. 638." Roux (Adrien-W.) *De la tuberculose mam- maire. 113 pp., 2 1., 3 pl. s°. Genere, 1891. ------. The same. 113 pp., 3 pl., 1 1. 8°. d'enere, Taponnier cfc Studer, 1891. Roux (Alfred). Le diviseur vesical gradue et ses applications dans les hematuries. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris 1903, No. 197. Roux (Andre). * Etude sur les injections hy- podermiques de quinine. 38 pp. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1895, No. 585. Ecole de pharmacie. Roux (Antoine) [1867- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'urologie clinique des cataractes. 48 pp. 4°. Byon, 1896, No. 1182. Roux (Auguste). De Fhygiene militaire: le vetement du soldat. 8 pp. 8°. Courberoie, chez I'auteur, [1882]. Roux (Auguste). *De l'anemie des mineurs et specialement des erreurs de diagnostic qu'elle produit. 88 pp., 11. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 727. -----. The same. 90 pp., 11. 8°. Lyon, A. Bey, 1892. Roux (Augustin) [1726-76]. See 4'oste [Jean-Francois]. Lettres s\ M. Paulet pour servir de reponse d. un factum de celui-ci [etc.]. 12°. Cantorbery, 1776.—Dupuy (Bertrandus). An in cachec- ticis quibusdam liceatjeto.]. 4°. [Parisiis, 1768. J For Biography, see Eloge de M. Roux. 16°. Amster- dam, 1777. Roux (Auxehce-Adolphe) [1851- 1. ''Con- tribution a l'etude de la persistance de Fhymen apres l'accouehement. 35 pp. 4°. Baris, 1896, No. 234. ROUX. 769 ROUX. Roux (C.) Obstetricia e ginecologia. xi, 291 pp.,1 1. 12°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [n. d.]. Roux (C.-Frederic). Essai sur les ressources de nature, contre les vices qui derangent les fonc- tions de l'homme. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, Giguet d- Michaud, an X [1802]. Roux (Cesar) [1872- ]. * Traitement chi- rurgical et orthopedique de la maladie de Little. 86 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 1. Roux (Charles) [1872- [. * Etude de quel- ques formes rares de contractures hvsteriques 56 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 202. Roux (Elie) [1875- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de Fulcus rodens. 62 pp., 1 1. 8° Lyon, 1901, No. 139. Roux (Emile) [1867- ]. * Traitement de la tuberculose pulmonaire par les injections hypo- dermiques de solutions concentrees d'huile cre- osotee. 48 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 152. -----. The same. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1892. Roux (Fernand). fitude therapeutique sur l'eau de la source Yvonne de Chatel-Guvon. 13 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, 188r>. -----. Vade mecum du praticien. Diagnostic et traitement des maladies internes. 391 pp. 12°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1894. -----. Formulaire aide-memoire de la Faculte de medecine et des medecins des hopitaux de Paris. 5. ed., completement refondue et aug- mentee par le dr. Lemanski. viii, 538 pp. 16°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1902. Roux (Fernand). * Essai sur la vie apres la mort chez les Israelites. 195 pp. 8°. Genh-e, H. Kiindig, 1904. Roux (Gabriel). Contribut on a l'etude du sang leucemique; recherches morphologiques sur les globules blanes et particulierement sur la sub- stance chromatique de leurs novaux. 48 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lyon, J.-B. Meyret, 1890. Repr.from: Province med., Lyon, 1890, iv. -----. Precis d'analyse microbiologique des eaux, suivi de la description sommaire et de la diagnose des especes bacteriennes des eaux; pre- cede d'une lettre de M. Arloing. xvi, 404 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere d: fils, 1892. -----. Precis de microbe et de technique bac- terioscopique. viii, 551 pp. 16°. Byon, A. Storck dc Cie., 1898. See, also, Lyons. Commission munieipale d'hygiene. Amelioration [etc.]. 4°. Lyon. 1890. Roux (Gabriel). * Valeur syinptomatique et diagnostique des nevralgies, et en particulier de la nevralgie ileo-lombaire dans les anevrysmes de l'aorte descendante. 76 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 224. Roux (G[aspard]) [1780-1839]. Traite sur la rougeole. xx, 211 pp. 8°. Baris, Gabon d- Cie., 1807. Roux (Georges) [1873- ]. *De Furticaire pigmentaire. 80 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1896, No. 10. Roux (J.) De l'emploi rationnel des farines dans l'alimentation du nourrisson. 73 pp., 6 tab. 12°. Baris, J. Bousset, 1906. -----. Puericulture; hygiene de l'enfant; precis a l'usage des meres. 1 p. 1., 144 pp. 12°. Baris, J. Bousset, 1908. Roux (Jean-Baptiste) [1864- ]. *Etudeana- tomo-pathologique et clinique du cancer et des kystes du pancreas. 81 pp., 1 1. 4°. Baris, 1891, No. 343. ------. The same. 81 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1891. voi. xiv, 2d series---49 Roux (Jean-Charles). *Les lesions du systeme grand sympathique dans le tabes et leur rapport avec les troubles de la sensibilite viscerale. 98 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 3S8. See, also, Matuleu (A.) & Roux (J.-C.) Maladies de l'appareil digestif [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1904. Roux (Joanny) [1866- ]. *Des rapports de l'hemianopsie laterale droite et de la cecite verbale. 64 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1106. ------. Psvchologie de l'instinct sexuel. 96 pp. 12°. Boris, J.-B. Bailliere d-fils, 1899. ------. Diagnostic et traitement des maladies nerveuses. Preface par J. Teissier, xvi, 560 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere ct fils, 1901. ------. L'instinct d'amour. 388 pp. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere d: fils, 1904. Roux (Joseph) [1874- ]. *Contribution clinique a l'etude de Involution maligne de certains molluscums. 70 pp. 8°. Luon, 1899, No. 107. Roux (Joseph-Gabriel) [1866- ]. Contri- bution a l'etude des sutures de la paroi abdo- minale apres la laparotomie. 32 pp. 4°. Saint-Etienne, 1895, No. 1146. -----. The same. 34 pp. 8°. Saint-Etienne, C. Boy, 1895. Roux (Joseph-Sim eon) [1827-96]. Ii. (C.) [Biography.] Marseille med., 1896, xxxiii, 701. Roux (Jules) [1863- ]. * Contribution a l'etude chimique du lait de vache naturel; constitution des laits de l'arrondissement de Rochefort-sur-Mer. 2 p. 1., xxii, 116 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1890, No. 32. Roux (Jules) [1871- ]. *De la fistule a l'anus et particulierement de la variete intra- sphincterienne; etude clinique et therapeu- tique. 61 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 623. Roux (Jules-Charles-Emile) [1869- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des calculs amyg- daliens. 58 pp., 1 sheet. 4°. Bordeaux, 1895, No. 47. Roux (Justin). *De Fetiologie de I'asthme. 110 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 450. Roux (L.) La sage-femme. pp. 177-184, 1 col. pl. roy. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] Cutting from: Les Francais peints par eux-memes. Roux (Leon). De la maniere de conserver les dents. 1 p. 1., vii, 8-126 pp. 8°. Baris, Labe, 1858. Roux (Leon) [1877- ]. * Contribution ft l'etude de l'aortite paludeenne. 74 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1902, No. 4. Roux (Louis) [1863- ]. *Huile,de chaul- moogra et acide gynocardique. Etude chi- mique et therapeutique; leur emploi dans le traitement de la lepre. [Paris.] 70 pp., 1 1. 4°. Boissy, 1890, No. 51. Roux (Louis) [1878- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la retention intra-uterine de l'oeuf mort dans la premiere moitie de la grossesse. 72 pp. 8°. Pan's, 1905, Xo. 56. Roux (Louis). * Ueber anaerobe Bakterien als Ursaehe von Nekrose und Eiterung beim Rinde. [Bern.] 15 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1905. Roux (Marcel) [1884- ]. *Des congestions pulmonaires a pneumocoques. 67 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 587. Roux (P.-M.) Coup d'ceil sur la fievre jaune et sur diverses mesures sanitaires auxquelles elle a donne lieu a Marseille, pendant les mois de septembre et octobre 1821; suivi de quelques reflexions sur la salubrite publique. 36 pp. 8°. Pan's, Gabon; Marseille, C. Guion, 1821. ROUX. 770 ROUXEL. Roux (Paul) [1872- ]. * Etude sur le ptery- gion; pathogenie, traitement. 72 pp. 4°. Byon, 1893, No. 865. Roux (Paul). Recueil des travaux du comite consultatif d'hygiene publique de France et des actes officiels de Fadministration sanitaire. Tables-repertoire des matieres contenues dans tomes i a xx, 1872-90, et notice sommaire sur l'organisation, le fonctionnement et la com- position du comite consultatif d'hygiene pu- blique de France depuis sa creation le 10 aout 1848 jusq'au 31 decembre 1890. xxvi, 169 pp. 8°. Melun, 1895. Roux (Paul) [1878- ]. *Dela folie par in- fection palustre. viii, 9-61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1905, No. 94. Roux (Philibert-Joseph) [1780-1854]. *Dela resection ou du retranchement de portions d'os malades, soit dans les articulations, soit hors des articulations. 55 pp. 4°. Baris, imp. de Mi- gneret, 1812. [P., v. 2006.] Concours. -----. Observations on a case of strabismus divergens, or squinting, which was cured in an adult subject, affected with it from his infancy. 12 pp. 12°. London, E. Cox dc Son, 1815. ------. Memoire sur la restauration du perin^e chez la femme, dans les cas de division ou de rupture complete de cette partie. pp. 384-417. 4°. [Baris, 1838.] Cutting from: Mem. sav. etrafig., Par., 1838, v. ------. Boyer et Bichat. Discours prononce a la seance de distribution de prix de la Faculte de medecine de Paris le 5 novembre 1851. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1851. Repr.from: Unionm6d., Par., 1851, v. For Portrait, see Corileu (A.) Centenaire Fac. de med. de Par. 4°. Paris, 1896. Roux ([Pierre-Paul-]Emile) [1853- ]. Het medische werk van Pasteur. 28 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1898. Forms no. 9 of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1898, v, 211-238. See, also, Chaillou (Auguste). La serumtherapie, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1896.— Marie (A.) La rage, [etc.]. 12°. Paris, [n. d.).—Materiel necessaire a la prepara- tion et k la production du serum [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1895.— ITIetclinikoir (Elie), Roux (Emile) & Laurelli- Salimbeni. The toxine and antitoxine in cholera. 8°. Calcutta, 1896. —Nicolle (M.) & Remlinger (P.) Traite de technique microbiologique, [etc.l. 12°. Paris, 1902.—Sergent (E.) & Sergent (E.) Guide pratique [etc.]. 12°. Paris, [1903],—Stephens (J. W. W.) & Cliristopners (S. R.) Etude pratique du paludisme [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1906. For Biography, see Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1895, viii, 475-477 (L. L.). Also: Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, Suppl., 521. Also: Progres med., Par., 1899, 3. s., ix, 94 (L. Napias). -----, Martin (L.) & Chaillou (A.) Trista sluchayev difterii, liechonnikh protivodifterit- noyu slvorotkoyu. [Three hundred cases of diphtheria, treated by antidiphtheritic serum.] [Transl.] 20 pp. 8°. [Moscow, 1894.] Bound with: Bibliot. vrach., Mosk., 1894, i. Roux (Robert) [1873- ]. *Sur un cas de carcinome cutane. 50 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 533. Roux (Wilhelm) [1855- ]. Beitrag zur Ent- wickelungsmechanik des Embryo. Ueber die morphologische Polarisation von Eiern und Embryonen durch den elektrischen Strom, sowie iiber die Wirkung des elektrischen Stromes auf die Richtung der ersten Theilung des Eies. 208 pp.,3pl. 8°. Wien, 1892. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.- naturw. CL, Wien, 1892, ci, 3. Abth. Loux (Wilhelm)—continued. ----. Ueber die Selbstordnung der Furchungs- zellen. Vorliiufige Mittheilung. Hft. 1-3. 3 pp.; 3 pp.; 5 pp. 8°. Innsbruck, 1893. Repr. from: Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1893, xxi. ----. Ueber die Spezifikation der Furchungs- zellen und fiber die bei der Postgeneration und Regeneration anzunehmenden Vorgange. pp. 612-625; 656-672. 8°. Leipzig, 1893. Cutting from: Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1893, xiii. ----. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsmechanik des Embryo. VII. Ueber Mosaikarbeit und neuere Entwickelungshypothesen. pp. 279-333. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1893. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Anat. Hfte., Wiesb., 1893, ii. ----. Gesammelte Abhandlungen iiber Ent- wickelungsmechanik der Organismen. 2 v. xix, 816 pp., 3 pl.; iv, 1075 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1895. CONTENTS. v. 1. Abhandlung i-xii, vorwiegend iiber functionelle Anpassung. v. 2. Abhandlung xiii-xxxiii, iiber Entwickelungsme- chanik des Embryo. ----. Ueber die Dicke der s^atischen Elemen- tartheile und die Maschenweite der Substantia spongiosa der Knochen. 24 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, [1896]. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., J.K95-6, iv. ------. Ueber die Bedeutung "gering'er" Ver- schiedenheiten der relativen Grosse der Fur- chungszellen fiir den Charakter des Furchungs- schemas, nebst Erorterung iiber die naehsten Ursachen der Anordnung und Gestalt der ersten Furchungszellen. 43 pp. roy. 8°. Halle a. S., Gebauer-Schwetschkesche Buchdruckerei, 1896. ------. Programm und Forschungsmethoden der Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. Leichtverstiindlich dargestellt. 203 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1897. ------. Ueber die Selbstregulation der Lebewe- sen. pp. 610-650. 8°. Leipzig, 1902. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch. f. Ent- wcklngsmechn. d. Org., Leipz., 1902, xiii. -----. Die Entwickelungsmechanik, ein neuer Zweig der biologischen Wissenschaft. xiv, 283 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 190b. Forms 1. Hft. of: Vortrage und Aufsatze iiber Entwicke- lungsmechanik (Roux). See, also, Schaper (A.) Ueber die Zelle [etc.]. 8°. Leipzig, 1906.—Vortrage und Aufsiitze [etc.]. 8°. Leip- zig, 1905. Roux de,Kadilliae (Jean-Baptiste) [1874- ]. * Etude sur les bassins vicies par para- lysie infantile au point de vue obstetrical. 68 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Bordeaux, 1900, No. 10. Roux de Brignoles (G.) Manuel des ampu- tations du pied. Preface de M. T. Oilier, vii, 123 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Baris, G. Masson, 1894. -----. Fractures de la colonne vertebrale. 105 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Baris, Masson dc Cie., 1898. Bouxean (Charles-Joseph- Victor) [ -1894]. [Biography.] Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1893-4, xii, 65. Rouxel. See Buclian (A.-P.) Observations pratiques sur les bains d'eau de mer. 8°. Pans, 1812. Rouxel (F.) * Etude sur les kystes synoviaux extra-poplites du genou. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 468. Rouxel (Felix-Francois) [1879- ]. *Les teignes a 1' Hopital civil de Brest depuis huit ans. 52 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1905, No. 38. ROUX'S. 771 ROWE. Roux's serutn. See Diphtheria (Treatment of) by serum; Streptococcus (Infection by, Serotherapy in). Rouye (Emile). * Contribution a l'etude de la selero-tubereulose du foie. 140 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 414. Rouyer (Emile) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de l'etiologie de la fievre typhoide a Lvon et de ses rapports avec les oscillations de la nappe souterraine. 88 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1151. Rouyer (Jules). Memoire sur les tumeurs de la region palatine constitutes par 1'hypertrophic des glandules salivaires. 23 pp. 8°. Baris, 1857. Repr.from: Monit. d. h6p., Par., 1857, iv. Rouyer (Jules-Henry) [1878- ]. *Lesloges de concierges au point de vue de 1'hygiene pu- blique etprivee. 64 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 87. Rouyer (Paul-Auguste) [1879- ]. * Contri- bution a l'etude de l'arthrite suppuree a gono- coques. 84 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nauci/, A. Barbier, 1908. No. 16. Rouzard (Maurice). * Frequence, prophylaxie et traitement des crevasses du mamelon. 82 pp. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 138. Rouzaud (Jules-Jacquemin) [1884- ]. *De l'etat mental dans le vertige auriculaire. 83 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1906, No. 24. Rouzet (Fraiieois-Joseph-Leon)[1795-1824]. Re- cherches et observations sur le cancer. 1 p. 1., 358 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, Gabon, 1818. Rovat. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Rovere (Michel). *Sur l'air considere dans ses rapports avec l'economie animale. 15 pp. 4°. Genes, 1810. [P., v. 2152.] Rovery (Maurice) [1879- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la lepre. 58 pp. 8°. Ljyon, 1905, No. 52. Rovescala. Pestalozza (F.) La rigenerazione igienica di Rovescala. Conferenze popolari. Serie prima. Fascicolo primo. 8°. Strudella, 1890. ------. The same. Fascicolo secondo. 8°. Stradella, 1890. Roviiflii (Alberto). Sifilide del sistema ner- voso. pp. 155-248. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [n. d.]. In: Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., Milano, [n.d.], ii, pt. 4. Rovigo. Pagliani (L.) L' approvvigionamento di acqua po- tabile per la citta e provincia di Rovigo. Ingegnere igien., Torino, 1901, ii, 13; 26. Rovilliu* (Gulielmus). See (larenna i.Iacobus Antonius). Clavis Claven- n»[etc.]. fol. Tariiisii.lMfi. Rovilli (Vittorio). Topografia e statistica me- dica del comune di Rapolano. Memoria ono- rata del premio di lire 500 istituito dalla Pro- vincia di Milano in occasione del Congresso dell' Associazione nazionale dei medici condotti del 1877. 110 pp., 11. 8°. Milano, G. Civelli, 1882. Repr.from: Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1882, iv. Rovinsky (Alexander). The physician as a social factor. 16 pp. 8°. New York, 1901. Repr.from: Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxix. See, also, Zaoliarin (G. A.) Clinical lectures [etc.]. 8°. Boston, lv>9. ^Koviu*. Brief aan Dr. Hetterschey. 14 pp. 12°. Tkl, C. Campagne, 1848. Rovsinjj ([Niels] Thorkild) [1862- ]. *Om Bkerebeuvndelsernes yEtiologi, Pathogenese og Behandling. Kliniske og experimentelle Un- ders0gelser. [On inflammation of the bladder; its causes and treatment.] 280 pp. 8°. Kj0ben- havn, P. Hauberg dc ('«., 1889. ------. Nyrens og Ureters. Chirurgiske Syg- domme efter Forelaesninger holdte ved KJ0ben- havns Universitet. [Kidneys and ureters.] 3 p. 1.,290 pp. 8°. Kjobeiihavn, Lybecker d Hirschsprung, 1895. ------. Crinorganernes Chirurgi fremstillet for Ltviier og Studerende. [Surgery of the urinary organs. Lecture for physicians and students.] 8°. Kjobenhavn, Li/becker c(- Hirschsprung, 1895-9. CONTENTS. 1. Deel. Nyrens og Ureters. 3 p. 1., 290 pp. 2. Deel. Blierens chirurgiske Sygdomme. 3. Deel. Urinreretsog Prostatas chirurgiske Sygdomme. 1 p. L. 227 pp.; 260 pp. ------. Kliniske og experimentelle Studier over Urinorganer»es infecti0se Sygdomme. [Clin- ical and experimental studies of the infectious diseases of the urinary organs.] 1 p. 1., 267 pp. 8°. KjObenhavn, Schubotheske Forlag, 1897. ------. Galdestensygdommen og dens Behand- ling. [Gallstone disease and its treatment.] 78 pp. 8°. Kjebenhani, Schuboth, 1900. ------. Die sogenannte Enteroptosis und ihre chirurgische Behandlung. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1906, n. F., xv, Xo. 431 (Chir, No. 120, 515-542). Rovsiiig's synij'torn [in appendicitis]. Hol'inann (A.) Zu dem Rovsing'sehen Symptom. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1908, xxxv. 533-536.—Lauen- steln (C.) Zur Frage der Bedeutung des Rovsing'sehen Symptoms. 76-td., 233.—Ro vising (T.) Indirektes Her- vorrufen des typischen Schmerzes an McBurney's Punkt; ein Beitrag zur Diagnostik der Appendicitis und Typhli- tis. Ibid., 1907, xxxiv, 1257-1259. -----. Zur Frage der Bedeutung cles Rovsing'sehen Symptoms. Ibid., 1908, xxxv, 374. -----. Zu dem Rovsing'sehen Symptom; Er- widerung an A. Hofmann. Ibid., 537. Rowan (Frederick] J[ohn]). See Goves (Charles Edward) & Tliorp (William). Chemical technology [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1S89. Rowan (M ) * On hepatitis. 28 pp. 8°. Bal- timore, J. Wane, 1815. Rowbotliam (S.) Biology. An inquiry into the cause of natural death, showing it not to arise from old age, but from a gradual process of consolidation, arising from substances which may be so far controlled as to preserve health and active life for an indefinable period. By Tryon. 2. ed. iv, 5-135 pp. 16°. Manchester, A. Hegwood, 1845. Roue (George H[oward] M[alcolm]). Public health; better legislation and enforcement. 21 pp. 12°. Boston, 1890. Repr.from: Boston M. & S. J., 1890, cxxii. ------. A plea for trained nurses for almshouse hospitals. 11 pp. 8°. Boston, G. H. Ellis, 1895. ------. Observations on hospital organisation. 17 pp. 8°. [Boston, S. J. Barkhill], 1902. ------. The hospital unit. 16 pp. 8°. Boston, Bogers dc Manson, 1904. ------. Historical description of the buildings and grounds of the Boston City Hospital, to- gether with chronological tables, statistics of appropriations, cost, maintenance, etc. 102 pp., 2 maps. 8°. Boston, 1906. Rowc (George Robert) [1792-1861]. Nervous diseases, liver, and stomach complaints, low- spirits, indigestion, gout, asthma, and disorders produced by tropical climates, with cases. 7. c d. 200 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1844. ROWE. 772 ROXBURY. Rowe (George Robert)—continued. -----. The same. 13. ed. 208 pp., 19 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1852. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 339 (D'A. Power). Rowe (J[ohn] T. W.) The causes of injuries among the insane. 6 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii. Rowe (Stuart H[enry]) [1869- ]. The lighting of school rooms; a manual for school boards, architects, superintendents, and teachers. xii, 94 pp., 7 pl. 12°. New York dc London, Longmans, Green dc Co., 1904. Rowe ( William Palmer) [1832-94]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1462. Rowell (George). The accidents of anaesthesia. pp. 433-465. 8°. London, 1892. Cutting from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1892, xlix. Rowell (Hubert N.) Diabetes in childhood. 3 pp. 12°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxix. Rowell (I.) Introductory address. 15 pp. 8°. San Francisco, 1856. Rowell (Joseph G). See University of California, Berkeley. Library bulletin no. 12. s°. Berkeley, 1894. Rowing. Compson (J. C.) Evils resulting from rowing; their cause and remedy. 8°. London, 1868. Passover (L. P.) *K voprosu o vliyanii grebli na zdorovye nizhnikh chinov i o rabotie grebtsa. [On the influence of rowing upon the health of the lower ranks, and on the work of the oars- men.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1893. Gruudelf (S. S.) O vliyanii grebli veslami na zdo- rovikh lyudcl. [Influence of rowing on health.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1889, x, 1103; 1122.—Klug (F.) [et al.]. Re- cherches physiologiques effectuees sur les quatre person- neS qui ont pris part au concours de canotage ayant eu lieu & I'occasion du viiie Congrfes international d'hy- giene et de demographie Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 6, 18-59. Rowland (E. D). Editor of: Georgetown Hospital Reports. Also, Editor of: British Guiana Medical Annual. Row I ami (Henry C.) The truth about Pan- ama. I. Sanitation and Colon, pp. 527-537. 8°. New York, 1906. Cutting from: Appleton's Booklover's Mag., N. Y., 1906, vii. ------. The same. II. The canal, pp. 563-571. 8°. New York, 1906. Cutting from: Appleton's Booklover's Mag., N. Y., 1906, vii. -----. The same. III. Labor and Panama. pp. 707-713. 8°. New York, 1906. Cutting from: Appleton's Booklover's Mag., N. Y., 1906, vii. Rowland (William). See Riverius (Lazarus). The practice of physick [etc.]. roy. 8°. London, 1672.-----. The same. 4°. Lon- don, 1678. Rowlands (William Cahden) [1S66- 1905]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 453. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 536. Rowley (Mary W.) The occurrence of atypical phagocytic cells in the circulating blood. 4 pp. 12°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. ■-----. A fatal anaemia with enormous numbers of circulating phagocytes, pp. 78-97, 10 pl. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: J. Exper. M., Lancaster, Pa., 1908, x. Rowley (W. S.) Preliminary report on Staf- ford mineral spring, near Vossburg, Miss. 39 pp. 8°. New Orleans, [1896]. lowley (William) [1742-1806]. Abhandlung iiber die regelmassige, unregelmiissige, atonische und laufende Gieht oder das Podagra, nebst Beschreibung des mit Salzsaure geschwiinjjrerten Bades. Aus dem Englischen. iv, 116 pp. 8°. Breslau, J. F. Korn, 1794. ----. Abhandlung iiber die gefiihrlichen Zu- falle an den Briisten der Kindbetterinnen, nebst verschiednen neuen praktisehen Bemerkungen iiber den Krebs und dessen Heilarten. Nach der 2. Ausg. aus dem Englischen uberzetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen begleitet. 1 p. 1., vi, 166 pp. 8°. Breslau dc Ilirsehberg, J. F. Korn, sen., 1794. ----. On the absolute necessity of encourag- ing instead of preventing or embarrassing the study of anatomy; with a plan to prevent vio- lating the dormitories of the defunct. Ad- dressed to the legislature of Great Britain. 18 pp. 8°. London, 1795. [P., v. 2085]. ----. Schola medicinse; or, the new universal history and school of medicine, translated into English from the original Greek and Latin edi- tion, containing: I. The history of medicine from the creation of the world to the present period, with the errors of medical sects, systems, and hypotheses. II. The anatomy of the hu- man body, illustrated by sixty-eight copper plates, with parallel descriptions in single op- posite pages. III. Physiology, or the animal, vital, and natural functions of man in health, and how they are performed and preserved. IV. Pathology, or the science of diseases, causes, symptoms, effects, on death, and putre- faction, etc. The whole arranged in a new mode, to facilitate the study of medicine, with the latest discoveries; intended for the contem- plation of the studious in the learned profes- sions of medicine, law, divinity, and for all who wish to comprehend the science of man. cxii, 216 pp., 6 p. 1., 54 pl. 4°. London, J. Barfield, 1803. ----. Cow-pox inoculation no security against small-pox infection, xii, 82 pp., 3 pl., 1 1. 8°. Bondon, J. Harris, 1805. [P., v. 2013.] For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 366 (N. Moore). Rowntree (Joshua). The opium habit in the East. A. study of the evidence given to the royal commission on opium, 1893-4. 108 pp., 1 map. 12°. Westminster, P. S. King dc Son; Scarborough, E. T. W. Bennis, 1895. Roxburgh, Berwick, and Selkirk District Board of Lunacy. Reports by the chairman of the board and the medical superintendent, for the years 1902-3; 1903-4; 1907-8. 8°. Selkirk, 1903-8. Roxburgh ( William) [1751-1S15]. [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 368 (G.S. Boulger). Roxbury. See, also, Dispensaries (Descry it ion, etc., of), Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Sewage (Dis- posal of), by localities. Society for Relieving the Sick Poor in Rox- bury. Annual report of the executive commit- tee to the public. 4., 1891. 8°. Boston, 189::. Roxbury Charitable Society. Annual report of the executive committee to the society. 104., 1897-8. 12 pp., 11. 8°. Boston, G. II. Ellis, 1898. Roxbury Home for Children and Aged Women. Annual reports of the board of managers to the subscribers and the public. 30.-34., 1885-6 to 1889-90; 37., 1892-3; 39., 1894-5; 41., 1896-7; 44., 1899-1900; 46.-52., 1901-2 to 1907-8. 8°. Boston, 1886-1908. ROXO GUIMARAES. 773 ROYAL. Roxo Guimartles (Heraclito). *Das injeccoes endovenosas de digitoxina e de trinitrina. [Rio de Janeiro]. 66 pp. roy. 8°. Nictheroy, Amerino, 1905. Roy (Albert) [1873- ]. *De l'arthrotomie et de la reduction a ciel ouvert dans les luxa- tions non reduites du coude. 72 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1899, No. 172. le Roy (Anthonius). *De peripneumonia. 23 pp., 4 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Elzeviev, 1711. [P., v. 2243.] Roy (Charles). * Recherches sur quelques pur- gatifs. 75 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Geneve, 1878. Roy (Charles) [1866- ]. Contribution a l'etude de l'urobilinurie et dela glvcosurie dans l'ervsipele. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, Xo. 294. Roy (Charles) [1867- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des cavernesmuettes. 64 pp. 4°. Byon, 1895, No. 1067. Roy (Charles-Gerard-Pierre) [1866- ]. * Contribution a l'etude des retrecissements du meat et de la portion balanique de l'urethre. 86 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 66. Roy (Charles S[mart]) [1854-97]. The form of the pulse-wave, as studied in the carotid of the rabbit, 81 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bondon dc Cam- bridge, [1880]. Repr.from: J. Physiol., Lond. & Cambridge, 1879-80, ii. -----. The elastic properties of the arterial wall. 35 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Cambridge, [1880]. Repr.from: J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1880-82. iii. -----. The phvsiologv and pathologv of the spleen. 203-228 pp./l pl., 2 ch. 8°. Cam- bridge, [1881]. Repr. fmm: J. Physiol., Cambridge, 1880-82, iii. See, also. 4 olmlieim (Jul.) & Roy (Charles S.) Un- tersuchungen iiber die Circulation in den Nieren [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1883.—Newton (Albert). A dictionary of birds [etc.]. 8°. London, 1893-6. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1031. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 954. Also: J. Pathol. & Bacterid.: Edinb. o-colites et de I'ap- pendicite chez l'enfant. 80 pp. 8°. Baris, 1906, No. 38. Roy (Faustin). * Revue historique des diffe- rentes theories qui ont eu cours pour expliquer l'origine des maladies infectieuses. 1 p. 1., 54 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 255. Roy (Ferdinand) [1836-1902]. „J*'nie.rrjr !le., 1885. ------. The same. From January, 1887, to January, 1888. 6 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Atkinson dc Co., [1888]. ------. Letters testimonial. Bye-laws relating to the education and examination of candidates, applicable to students who commence their study subsequently to May 1, 1882. February, 1885. 12 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Atkinson dc Co., [1885]. ------. Letters testimonial. Regulations relating to education and examination of candidates for students who commence study before Mav, 1882. February, 1885. 8 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1885.] ------. Preliminary examination, matriculation, and registration. Abstract of regulations. Feb. 1,1885. 4 pp. 8°. Dublin, J. Atkinson dc Co., 1885. -----. Fellowship examinations. July, 1903. 6 pp. 8°. Dublin, Bonsonby dc Gibbs, 1903. ------. Licence in dental surgery. Regulations. 8 pp. 8°. Dublin, Bonsonby dc Gibbs,' 1908. -----. Schools of surgery, including Carmichael and Ledwich schools, and an epitome of the regulations for the conjoint licence of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. 20 pp. 8°. Bublin, Bonsonby d Gibbs, 1908. -----. Application for fellowship examination. 1 sheet. 4°. [Dublin, 190-.] Royal College of Surgeons in London. See Royal College of Surgeons of England. Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The reg- ister of veterinary surgeons. Revised to Feb- rurary, 1897. 342 pp. 8°. London, Bailliere, Tyndall dc Cox, 1897. Royal Commission on the War in South Africa. Report of His Majesty's Commissioners ap- pointed to inquire into the military preparations and other matters connected with the war in South Africa. 4 v. fol. Bondon, Wyman dc Sons, 1903. Royal Cornwall Infirmary, Truro. Annual re- ports of the committee of management to the subscribers. 92.-109., 1890-91 to 1897-8. 12°. Truro, 1891-1908. Royal Dental Hospital of London and the Lon- don School of Dental Surgery, Leicester Square. Calendars for 1878; 1882-3; 1885-6; 1887-8; 1888-9; 1890-91; 1891-2; 1893-4; 1894-5; 1898-9; 1904-5; 1905-6. 8°. London, 1878-1905. Original title was Dental Hospital of London and the London School of Dental Surgery, Leicester Square. Adopted the present title in 1903. Royal (Dick) Veterinary College, Edinburgh. Prospectuses for 1889-90 (67.); 1896-7 (74.); 1897-8 (75.); 1899-1900 to 1908-9 (77.-86.). 16°. Edinburgh, 1889-97. Founded by the late Professor Dick in 1823, and en- dowed by him in 1866. Incorporated by act of Parliament on August 4, 1906. ROYAL. 777 ROYAL. Royal (Dick) Veterinary College [etc.]—cont'd. -----. Supplement to" prospectus 1897-8. 39 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, Turnbull dc Spears, 1897. Royal Ear Hospital, Soho, London. Annual reports of the committee of management for the years 1886; 1887. 4 pp.; 28 pp. 24°. London, B. Birkett, 1887-8. Royal Edinburgh Asylum for the Insane, at Morningside. Annual reports of the ordinary managers at the annual general meetings of the corporation. 41., 1853; 48., 1860; 70.-88., 1888- 1900; 90., 1902; 91., 1903; 95., 1907. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1854-1908. -----. Rules, directions, and rates of board for the admission of patients of the . . . and Craig House and South Craig, Plewlands, Edinburgh. 2 pp. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1892.] Royal Engineers Institute. >'te Professional papers [etc.]. 8°. Chatham, 1892 Royal Eye Hospital, Southwark, S. E., London. Annual reports of the council to the governors and subscribers. 32., 1887; 38., 1893; 39., 1894; 42.-52., 1897 to 1907. 12°. Bondon, 1888-1908. Formerly called Royal South London Ophthalmic Hos- pital. Royal families. Galippe (V.) L'heredite des stigmates de degenerescence et les families souveraines. 4°. Baris, 1905. Also^in: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1905, lxxviii, 903-906. Woods (F. A.) Mental and moral heredity in royalty. A statistical study in history and psvchology. 8°. New York, 1906. CarKe (K.i De medicinske hofstater paa Nykobing slot. [The royal medical attendance at Castle Nyko- bing.] Ugesk. f. Laeger. Kj0benh., 1908, lxx, 1439; 1473.— Woods (F. A.) Mental and moral heredity in roy- alty. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1902, lxi, 369; 449; 506: lxii, 76: 167; 261; 316; 497. Royal Free Hospital, London. Formulae of the ... in addition to those of the pharma- copoeia Londonensis. 27 pp. 24°. Bondon, [F. Warr], 1852. Founded Feb. 28, 1828, by William Marsden. -----. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 59., 1886; 60., 1887; 62., 1889; 65., 1892; 66., 1893. 8°. Bondon, 1887-94. -----. Report of the proceedings at the annual meeting of the governors on Feb. 13, 1890. 2 pp. 4°. [Bondon, 1890.] Repr. from: Charity Rec. Royal Free Hospital Medical College, London. Curriculum of study at the . . . Session of 1853-4. 17 pp. 8°. [London, 1853.] [P., v. 1991.] Royal General Dispensary, London. Annual report of the committee to the subscribers. 118., 1887. 4°. [Low Ion, 1S88.] Royal Hospital, Richmond, Surrey. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 12.-17., 1879-84; 23., 1890; 25.-31., 1892-8. 8°. Bichmond, 1880-99. Established in 1X68 under the title of Richmond Hos- pital. In 1894 the present title was adopted. Royal Hospital of Bethlem, Lambeth-Road, London. Annual reports of the resident phy- sician to the general court of governors, for the years 1844; 1848; 1900. 8°. London, 1845- 1901. Royal Hospital for Children and Women, Lon- don, S. E. Annual report of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers, for the year 1887. 12°. London, 1888. _____ [An appeal for aid to continue the work of the hospital.] 2 sheets. 4°. [London, 1892.] Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Lon- don. Statement to the governors by the coun- cil of the above hospital as to their action with regard to their late secretary, J. J. Austin. 24 pp. 8°. [London, 1889.] ------. Annual reports of the council to the governors and subscribers. 75., 1888; 76., 1889; 79., 1892; 82.-84., 1895-7; 87.-90., 1900-1903; 92.-94., 1905-7. 8°. London, 1889-1908. ------. [Alterations in laws recommended by the council of management, and to be submit- ted to the annual court governors on the 14th March, 1890.] 2 1. 4°. [London, 1890.] -----. Official report of the proceedings at the special court of the governors, held Nov. 28, 1889. 10 pp. 12°. London, "The Charity Record" Office, 1890. -----. Its work and wants. [Circular, stating subscribers' privileges, and plea for the con- sumptives.] 6 pp. 16°. [London, n. d.] Royal Hospital for Incurables, London. A letter to the subscribers, explaining the rea- sons for the resignation of the treasurer and the majority of the late board of management. 14 pp.' 12°. London, 1860. -----. Report of the committee for ascertaining the wishes of the subscribers to the ... as to the mode of selecting the patients. 7 pp. 12°. London, Spottiswoode dc Co., 1872. ------. Annual report of the board of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 25., 1878-9. 8°. London, 1880. Royal Hospitals of Bridewell and Bethlem. General reports of the Royal Hospitals of Bride- well and Bethlem, and of the House of Occupa- tions, for the years 1843; 1855; 1858; 1859. 8°. London, 1844-60. -----. Names of the governors of the Ifayal Hospitals of Bridewell and Bethlem. 35 pp. 8°. London, G. J. Balmer, 1852. Royal Humane Society. Transactions of the . . . from 1774 to 1784 with an appendix of miscellaneous observations on suspended ani- mation to the year 1794. v. 1. 635 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Bondon, [n. d.]. For Portraits, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Royal Infirmary of Aberdeen. Annual reports of the directors to the corporation for the years 1886-92. 8°. Aberdeen, 1887-93. Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Pharmacopoeia pauperum, in usum Nosocomii regii Edinbur- gensis. 2. ed. 76 pp. 16°. Edinburgi, Ham- ilton, Balfour dc Neill, 1763. -----. The same. Curante Thorn a Spens. v, 86 pp., interl. 16°. Edinburgi, A. Constable dc Soc, 1810. -----. The same. Pharmacopoeia of the . . . Compiled by Charles Arthur, xvi, 131 pp. 24°. Edinburgh, J. Thin, 1892. ------. Regulations respecting dresses. 1831. 5 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1831.] [P., v. 1990.] -----. Regulations respecting the inspection of dead bodies in the infirmary. 1831. 4 pp. 8°. [Eelinburgh, 1831.] [P., v. 1990.] -----. Regulations respecting the admission of patients into the house. 1836. 2 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1836.] [P., v. 1990.] -----. The clerks. [Regulations for their con- duct.] 10 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1840.] [P., v. 1990.] ------. Report on the diets of the . . . (Ap- proved of bv the managers on the 24th April, 1843.) 8 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1843.] [Also, in: P., v. 1990.] ROYAL. 778 ROYAL. Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh—continued. ------. Annual reports of the managers to the general court of contributors. 129., 1857-8; 161.-176., 1890-91 to 1904-5; 178., 1906-7. 8°. Edinburgh, 1859-1908. ------. Statistical tables of the patients under treatment for the year 1894-5. 46 pp. 8°. Edinburgh dc Bondon, Young J. Bentland, 1896. ------. See, also: Gibson (G. A.) Letter of application from and testimonials in favour of . . . candidate for the post of assistant-physician to the Royal Infirmary. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1890.] Ritchie (D.) Address delivered in St. An- drew Church on Sunday, 12th April, 1818, on occasion of intimating a collection for the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. 8°. Edinburgh, 1818. Russell (J.) A letter addressed to the treas- urer of the Roval Infirmary of Edinburgh. 8°. Edinburgh, 1818. Royal Infirmary School of Medicine, Liverpool. See University College, Liverpool. Medical Department (Boyal Infirmari/ Se-hool of Medicine). Royal (The) Institute of Public Health. List of the officers and council and of the honorary fellows, fellow, honorary life members, mem- bers, and associates. 1900. 47 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Bailliere, Tindall dc Cox, [1900]. ------. List of the honorary fellows, fellows, honorary life members, members and asso- ciates, 1900-1901. 42 pp. 8°. [Bondon, Bal- lilre, Tindall & Cox, 1901.] Royal Irish Academy. The charter of the Royal Irish Academy; together with its statutes and by-laws, as enacted, after revision, June, 1872. 30 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1872. ------. Cunningham memoirs. Nos. 1-7, 1880- 92. 4°. Dublin. ------. Proceedings. 3. s., v. 1-5; Nos. 1, 3, 4, v. 6, 1888. 8°. Dublin, 1889. ------. Transactions, v. 29; v. 30,1888-96. 8°. Dublin. ------. Todd lecture series, v. 4-6, 1892-5. 8°. Dublin. ------. List of the members. 1895. 32 pp. 8°. Dublin. ------. The same. 1898. 32 pp. 8°. Dublin. ------. See, also: Garstin (J. R.) Facts and reasonings ad- duced in support of the course taken by the Royal Irish Academy, respecting the recent action of certain government departments, for the purpose of (1) placing it under the English education board; and (2) amalgamating it with other societies in Dublin. 12°. Dublin, 1876. Royal Kent Dispensary, Greenwich. See Miller Hospital and Royal Kent Dispensary, Greenwich, London. Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields. Annual and biennial reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 1.-81., 1805-6 to 1885; 83., 1887. 8°. London, 1808-88. From 1831 to 1854 are biennial. Founded in 1804, by John Cunningham Saunders, and opened March 25, 1805, under the name of the London Dispensary for Curing Dis- eases of the Eye and Ear. Changes in title: In 1808, called London Infirmary for Curing Diseases of the Eye. In 1822, called London Ophthalmic Infirmary. The pres- ent title was adopted in 1837. The 1. report was pub- lished in 1808, and covered the period from its open- ing to March 25. 1808. The 5. report for nine months, ending Dec. 31, 1*09. From 1831 to 1855, inclusive, the reports were made biennially. Reports for 1805-6 to ls5o bound in 2 v. Report for 1868, also, in: P., v. 969; 1870, also, in: P., v. 976. Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital—cont'd. ------. Official papers of the London Infirmary for Curing Diseases of the Eye, No. 40, Charter- house Square, in which certain statements con- tained in the official papers published by order of the hon. directors of Greenwich Hospital, affecting the rights of the infirmary, and the merits of the late John Cunningham Saunders, esq., its founder and surgeon; by setting forth the pretensions of one of his pupils, Mr. now Sir William Adams, are scrutinized and dis- proved by the correspondence of Mr. Saunders, and other documents; and in which the claims of Sir William Adams, submitted by govern- ment to a distinguished medical committee, are examined by a medical committee of en- quiry, appointed on the part of the infirmary, and shown by the general committee to infringe the rights of the infirmary and to be highly injurious to the merits of the late Mr. Saunders. 40 pp., 2 pl., port. 8°. London, the General Committee, [1815]. Bound with: Reports, 1805-6 to 1820, v. 1. ------. Report of the committee of the London Infirmary for Curing Diseases of the Eye, occa- sioned by the false and calumnious statements contained in a letter addressed by Sir William Adams to the right hon. and hon. the directors of Greenwich Hospital. 107 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst [et al.], 1818. Bound with: Reports, 1805-6 to 1820, v. 1. ------. Pharmacopoeia nosocomii regalis oph- thalmici Londinensis. 16 pp., interl. 24°. Londini, Dewick dc filium, 1839. ------. The same. The pharmacopoeia of the ... 5. ed. 32 pp., interl. 24°. London, Sjiottiswoode dc Co., 1868. -----. Rules and regulations. 8 pp. 8°. High Holborn, B. Fletcher, 1844. Bound with: Reports, 1805-6 to 1820, v. 1. ------. Thesame. 10 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1856. Bound with: Reports, 1805-6 to 1820, v. 1. -----. Reports. v. 12-16, 1888-1906. 8°. London. Current. ------. General index to the . . . v. 1-12, 1857- 89. Compiled by W. G. Laws. 56 pp. 8°. London, 1893. ------. Special appeal in aid of the building fund. 3 pp. 4°. [London, 1897.] ------. See, also: Gill (T.) God is Light. A sermon for the benefit of the London Infirmary for Curing Diseases of the Eye. May 31,1818. 35 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst [et al.], 1818. Bound with: Reports, 1805-6 to 1820, v. 1. Royal Lunatic Asylum of Aberdeen. Annual medical reports of the superintendent to the corporation. 86.-92., 1886-92. 8°. Aberdeen, 1887-93. Royal Lunatic Asylum of Montrose. Annual reports of the house committee and medical superintendent to the managers. 102.-119., 1882-3 to 1899-1900. 8°. Montrose, 1883-1900. ------. The Sunnyside Chronicle. [Monthly.] v. 1-6, June, 1887, to Mav, 1893. 8°. Montrose, 1887-93. Royal Maternity Charity, London. Annual reports of the general committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 129., 1885; 131., 1887; 133., 1889. 12°. London, 1888-90. Royal Medical Benevolent College, Epsom. Election of pensioners and foundation scholars. 1872; 1877-9; 1885; 1886; 1888-1901. galley sheets. [London, 1872-1901.] ROYAL. 779 ROYAL. Royal Medical Benevolent College—cont'd. ------. Reports on the sanitary condition of Epsom College. 1. Dr. Jacob's report, Nov. 13, 1875. 2. Mr. Elkington's report, Jan. 5, 1876. 3. Resolution of the council, Jan. 5, 1876. 4. Dr. Jacob's second report, Dec. 9, 1879. 5. Mr. E. F. Griffith's report, Dec. 8, 1879. 6. Mr. Harding's report, Dec. 9, 1879. 7. Mr. Elkington's second report, Dec. 10,1879. 56 pp. 8°. Bondon, T. Bettitt, 1879. Private and confidential. ------. Annual reports of the council to the board of governors. 35.-48., 1887-1900. 8°. London, 1888-1901. In 1903 the name was changed to "Epsom College", which see for continuation. ------. Bye-laws, front., xv pp. 8°. London, Bettitt dc Cox, 1896. ------. List of donations and subscriptions. Cor- rected to 12th AiHiust, 1890. 170 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Bettitt dc Cor, 1S96. Bound with: Bye-laws, 1896. -----. [Information relating to pensions, an- nuities, and scholarships.] 8 pp. 8°. [Lon- don, 1898.] -----. [Circular letter to medical men, solicit- ing an increase of subscriptions. May 10,1898.] 8 pp. 8°. [London, 1898.] ■-----. The same. June 23, 1899. 2 1. sm. 4°. [London, 1899.] ------. List of scholarships and exhibitions. October, 1899. 1 sheet. 4°. [London, 1899.] ------. [Circular letter to the medical profession, soliciting additional annual subscriptions.] 2 1. 12°. [London, 1900.] Repr.from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii. ------. List of scholarships and exhibitions. Results of examinations, and address by the treasurer. 11. 4°. [London, 1900.] Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Society of Ire- land. Annual reports of the committee to the society. 22., 1863-4; 23., 1864-5; 33., 1874-5; 42., 1883-4. 12° & 8°. Bubl in, 1864-84. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of Lon- don. Proceedings. 3. s., v. 1-11, 1888-99. 8°. London, 1889-1900. -----. Medico:chirurgical transactions, v. 73- 90, 1890-1907. 8°. London. Ended. -----. Report of the building committee, as amended and adopted by the council, Feb. 5, 1891. 14 pp. 8°. [London, Adlard dc Son, 1891.] ------. Charter and bye-laws. 30 pp. 8°. London, 1897. Bound with: Transactions, v. 80. ------. Centenary 1805-1905. Written at the request of the president and council by Norman Moore and Stephen Paget. 337 pp., 4 pl., port. 8°. Aberdeen, University Bress, 1905. See, also. Climates (The) and baths of Great Britain. 8°. London, 1895. ------. See, also: Royal (The) Medical and Chirurgical Society's new house. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 503. Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. Catalogus librorum in Bibliotheca Societatis Medic;e Edinensis, secundum auctorum nomina ordine alphabetico digestus, cui adjungitur indiculus anonymorum. 163 pp. 8°. Edinse, typog. J. Moir, 1812. ------. Appendix Catalogi librorum in Biblio- theca Societatis medicse Edinensis. 54 pp. 8°. Edinse, typog. D. Schaw, 1818. Bound with: Catalogus, 1812. Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh—cont'd. ------. Instituted 1737. Incorporated by Royal Charter Dec. 14, 1778. Laws. 76 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh], J. Greig dc Son, 1873. See, also, Thesaurus medicus. 8°. Edinburgi, [n. d.]. ------. See, also: Maelagan. Inaugural address to the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh at the opening of the 137th session. Edinb. M. J., 1875, xx, 577-592. Royal Meteorological Society. Proceedings, April 16, 1873. 14 pp. 8°. [Bondon, 1873.] [P., v. 2027.] ------. Meteorology in relation to health. Con- ferences by the . . . July 17 & 18, 1884. 72 pp. 8°. London, W. Clowes dc Sons, 1884. [P., v. 2124.] Royal Microscopical Society. Charter and bye- laws. List of fellows, 1892. Corrected to May 18. 65 pp. 8°. [Lonelon, 1892.] Royal Mineral Water Hospital at Bath. An- nual reports of the committee to the annual court of governors. 98., 1834-5; 118., 1859-60; 136.-147., 1877-8 to 1888-9; 150.-154., 1891-2 to 1894-5; 155.-158., 1896-7 to 1899-1900; 161.- 165., 1902-3 to 1906-7. fol. & 8°. Bath, 1835- 1907. Reports prior to 1903-4 called annual statements. Royal National Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Annual reports of the board of management and the medical reports to the governors and sub- scribers. 22., 1890; 23., 1891; 25.-28., 1893-6; 32.-39., 1900-1907. 12°. Bondon, 1891-1908. ------. General appeal [for contributions, and a brief account of the hospital]. 23 pp. 24°. [London, 1892.] ------. [Circular letter to the board of manage- ment, stating the great need of the hospital, and soliciting donations, annual subscriptions, or legacies.] 2 1. 4°. [London, Barclay dc Fry, 1893.] ------. Description and views of the . . . Christ- mas, 1895. 36 pp. 12°. Bondon, Walerlow & Sons, 1895. Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Regent's Park, London. Annual reports of the com- mittee of management to the governors and sub- scribers. 2., 1906; 3., 1907. 70; 82 pp. 8°. London, 1907-8. Founded in 1838. Re-founded in 1905. The original title was Orthopaedic Institution, no. 6, Bloomsbury Square, where, in 1838, a house was taken for the treat- ment of out-patients only. Shortly after, accommodation was provided for the reception of six in-patients, and the Charity became known as the " Orthopaedic Hospital ". The word "Royal" was added to the title in 1846. In 1856 the buildings in Oxford street and Hanover Square were secured. Incorporated by royal charter in 1864. Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses, Lon- don. Annual report of council with accounts and balance sheet. 4., 1890. 11 pp. 4°. London, Sonthwood, Smith dc Co., 1891. Founded 1887. ------. General statement [including conditions of membership, rates of payment, and tables], "20 pp., 4 1. 12°. [London, 1891.] Royal Normal College and Academy of Music for the Blind, Upper Norwood, London An- nual reports of the executive committee and principal to thegeneral council. 33.-39., 1893-9; 41.-46., 1901-6. 8°. Upper Norwood, 1894- 1907. Opened March 1, 1872. Reports from 1898 and 1899 in one. Royal Northern Sea-Bathing Infirmary, Scar- borough. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 33., 1893; 35.-47., 1895-1907. 12°. Scarborough, 1894-1908. ROYAL. 780 ROYAL. Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, London. An- nual report of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 66., 1904. 56 pp. 8°. Lon- don, C. Hentschel, 1905. For continuation, see Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. Royal Orthopaedic and Spinal Hospital, Bir- mingham. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 65., 1881-2- 75.-82., 1891-2 to 1898-9; 84.-88., 1900-1901 to 1904-5; 90., 1906-7. 12°. Birmingham, 1882- 1907. Established in 1817 for the treatment of all bodily de- formities. In report for 1881-2 the title reads: Birming- ham and Midland Counties Orthopaedic and Spinal Hos- pital. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Laws of the . . . as altered at the legislative meeting, 15th March, 1842. 12 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1842.] y -----. Laws of the ... as enacted 17th of May, 1849. 7 pp. 8°. [n. p., 1849.] [P., v. 1990.] ------. Proceedings. Session 1854-5; session 1892-3. 8°. Edinburgh, 1855-93. Royal Pimlico Dispensary, London. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 53., 1884; 56., 1887; 57., 1888. 12° London, 1885-9. Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. Annual report of the directors at the annual general meeting. 24., 1906. 129 pp., 6 pl., 2 plans, 1 diag. 8°. Sydney, G. Watson, 1907. The word " Royal " was added to the title in 1903. Royal Public Dispensary and Vaccine Institu- tion, Edinburgh. Annual report of the mana- gers to the incorporation. 78., 1853. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill d- Co., 1854. Royal Sea-Bathing Hospital at Margate, Kent. Statements of receipts and expenditures for the years 1883; 1885-7. MS. 4°. [London, 1884-8.] ------. Annual reports of the directors to the governors and subscribers. 98., 1888; 117., 1907. 63; 92 pp., 6 pl. 8°. London, 1889- 1908. The original title was Royal Sea-Bathing Infirmary at Margate, Kent. Adopted the present title in 1898. ------. [Appeal of the directors to the public for means to place all the beds (220) in full work- ing order.] 1 sheet. 4°. [London, 1895.] ------. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] 12°. [London, 1895.] CONTENTS. Recommendation of governor for in-patient; recom- mendation for out-patient; form to be filled up by the certifying surgeon; warrant of the weekly board for in and out patient. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings, v. 17-25, 1889-1905. 8°. Edinburgh. ------. Transactions, v. 36-43, 1890-1905; Nos. 1, 2, 3, v. 45, 1907. 4°. Edinburgh. [Royal Society of London.] Auserlesene Abhandlungen. praktisehen und chirurgischen Innhalts, aus den philosophischen Transak- tionen und Sammlungen der Jahre 1699 bis 1720 gesammlet und iibersetzt von Nathanael Gottfried Leske. 5 pts. in 5 v. 8°. Lubeck dc Leipzig, J. G. Donatius, 1774-8. The translator's name appears only in pts. 1-2. ------. Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the . . . from 1800—Feb. 16, 1854, inclusive, v. 1-6, 1800- 1854. 8°. London, 1832-54. Continued as: Proceedings Royal Society of London. ------. Report of the meteorological council for the year ending 31st of March, 1884. 122 pp., 2 maps. 8°. London, Eyre dc Spottiswoode, 1885. [P., v. 2027.] [Royal Society of London]—continued. —;---. Philosophical transactions. A. Contain- ing papers of a mathematical or physical char- acter, v. 178-208, 1887-1908. 4°. London. —;---• Philosophical transactions. B. Contain- ing papers of a biological character, v. 178-199. 1887-1908. 4°. London. -----. Proceedings, v. 49-75, 1890-1905. 8°. London. -----. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1874-83. Compiled by the . . . v. 9-11. 4°. London, C. J. Clay dc Son, 1891-6. -----. Report of the committee on colour-vision. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, June, 1892. 118 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, Harrison dc Sons, [1892]. -----• Year book of the . . . 1898-1903; 1905; 1907; 1908. 8°. London. ------. Reports to the malaria committee of the . . . Nos. 1-8, 1900-1903. 8°. London. ------. Reports of the sleeping-sickness commis- sion. Nos. 1-9. 8°. London, Harrison dc Sons, 1903-9. -----. Reports of the commission appointed by the Admiralty, the war office, and the civil gov- ernment of Malta, for the investigation of Medi- terranean fever, under the supervision of an ad- visory committee of the Royal Society. Pts. 1-7. 8°. London, 1905-7. -----. Proceedings of the . . . Mathematical and physical sciences. Series A, v. 7(3-82, 1905-9. 8°. London. -----. Proceedings of the .... Biological sci- ences, v. 76-81, 1905-8. 8°. London. -----. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-1900. Subject index. Vol. I. Pure mathematics. lviii, 666 pp. roy. 8°. Cambridge, University Bress, 1908. -----. Genees- en heelkundige proeven en aan- merkingen, vervat in de Philosophical Transac- tions, van derzelver eerste uitgave tot den tegenwoordegen tyd. 1665-74, v. 1-9. [Abstract translations of Philosophical Transactions, Lon- don.] iv, 304 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 770.] See. also, Oalton (F.) Distribution of successes and of natural ability among the kinsfolk of fellows of the Royal Society. Nature, Lond., 1904, lxx, 354-3".6 — Royal (The) Society. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1906-7, lxix, 476-479.—Ryland (A.) Some notes upon the early days of the Royal Societv. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1905-6, xiii, 6-8. Royal Society of Medicine. Proceedings, v. 1-2, 1907-8 to 1908-9. 8°. Bondon. Royal South London Dispensary, St. George's ( ross. Summary of receipts and expenditures for the years 1885; 1887. 2 sheets. MS. fol. [London, 1886-7,] -----. Annual report of the committee to the governors and the public. 66., 1886. 8°. Lon- don, 1887. Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool. Medical, surgical, and pathological reports of the . . . 1901. v. 1. 310 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Liverpool, Bock- liffBros., 1902. G. P. Newbolt, C. J. Macalister, Lin Dimond, editors. Royal University of Ireland, Dublin. Calendars for the years 1889-1908. 20 v. 8°. Dublin, 1889-1908. ------. Examination papers, 1888-1907. A sup- plement to the university calendars for the vears 1889-1908. 20 v. 8°. Dublin, 1889-1908." Royal Veterinary College, London. Calendars for 1892; 1893-4; 1895-6; 1896-7; 1898-9. 16°, London, 1892-8. ROYAL. 781 ROYER-COLLARD. Royal Veterinary College, London—continued. ■-----. Inauguration of the winter session, 1897-8. 13 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh dc London, W. dc A. K'. Johnston, 1897?] Repr.from: J. Ccmp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1S97, X. Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin. Annual reports of the council to the annual general meetings of the corporation. 1.—11., 1897-1907. 8°. Dublin, 1898-1908. Incorporated by act of Parliament, 60 & 61 Vict. chap. cvi. Being the amalgamation of St. Mark's Ophthalmic Hospital, founded A. D. 1844 by Sir William R.Wilde, and the national Eye and Ear Infirmary, founded A. D. 1814 by Surgeon Ryall. Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Annual reports of the officers to the governors. 1.-5., 1894-8. 8°. Montreal, 1895-9. Opened Jan. 2, 1894. There is a training school for nurses connected with the hospital. See, also, Robson (J. J.l The Royal Victoria Hospi- tal, Montreal. Hosp., dispens. & nursing. Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.] 1903, Bait. & Lond., 1894, 415-417, 2 pl. Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women, Waterloo Bridge Road. Annual reports of the board of governors at the annual meet- ings. 87.-92., 1902-7. 12°. London, 1903-8. The following changes have taken place in the name and site of the institution: 1816. Foundation of "The Roval Universal Infirmary for Children ", at St. Andrew's Hill, Doctors' Commons, in the city of London, as a dis- pensary. 1823. Transfer to the present site in the Water- loo road. 1843. Change of name to "The Royal Inrirm- arv for'Children ". 1853. Change of name to "The Royal Infirmary for Children and Women". 1880. Change of name to "'The Royal Hospital for Children and Women". 1902. The present" title was adopted. Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Char- ing Cross, London, W. C. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. IS., 1834; 66., 1882; 77., 1893. 8°. London, 1835-94. -----. [Special appeal for rebuilding the hospi- tal. Issued in pursuance of a resolution passed at a public meeting, held March 6, 1893. With a statement shewing 10 years' work of the insti- tution.] 2 1. 4°. [London, 1893.] Royan. Bonrnevllle. Assainissement des villes; projet de distribution d'eau de source pour la ville de Royan. Progres med.. Par., 1897, 3. s., v, 385-389. Royat. .see Waters (Mineral), by localities. Royat-les-Bain§, Auvergne, France. 12 pp. 12°. Lonelon, 1895. Repr. from: Clin. Sketches, Lond., 1895. Royce (Josiah) [1855- ]. The meaning and the method of life. By George M. Gould. [Rev.] 7 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1893. Repr. from: Internat. J. Ethics, 1893. ------. Outlines of psychology; an elementary treatise with some practical applications, xxvii, 392 pp. 12°. New York, Macrnillan Co., 1903. Royce (Samuel). Deterioration and race edu- cation, with practical application to the condi- tion of the people and industry. 585 pp. 12°. Boston, Lee dc Shepard, 1878. van Roy en (Adrianus) [1704-79]. Carmen elegiacum de morbis setatum. 30 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat, S. dc J. Luchtmans, 1771. [P., v. 1942.] ------. Carmen seculare in natalem ducentesi- mum academiae Batavse quae est Leidse. 21 pp., 4 1 4°. Lugel. Bat., S. dc J. Luchtmans, [1775], [P., v. 1942.] . Royer.. Rapport general sur la station hydro- minerale de Challes (Savoie). Historique; topographie, climat, geologic Regime et ame- ;oyer—continued. nagement de la source; proprietes physiques, chimiques et analyse de ses eaux; etablisse- ment. Action physiologique. Action thera- peutique clinique de Challes. 110 pp. 8°. Chambery, Chatelain, 1883. Royer (Adolphe) [1865- ]. * Etude surles exostoses de croissance. 4°. Baris, 1893, No. 138. Royer (Charles) [1866- ]. *Traitement du rhumatisme articulaire aigu et subaigu par l'antipyrine. 84 pp. 4°. Baris, 1891, No. 32. Royer (Clemence [Augustine] ) [1830- ]• Boyer (M. J.) Sketch of C16menee Royer. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1898-9, liv, 690-698. Royer (Francois) [1875- ]. *Du moment et du choix de l'intervention operatoire dans la lithiase vesiculaire et principalement dans la lithiase du choledoque. 60 pp. 8°. Baris, 1902, No. 9. Royer (G.) [1868- ]. * Etude sur le chloro- forme par les petites doses. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Baris, 1892, No. 334. -----. The same. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, G. Steinheil, 1892. Royer (Gustave) [1879- ]. *Aphonie hys- terique et aphonie simulee (etude de medecine legale militaire). 62 pp. 8°. Byon, 1904, No. 39. Royer (Julien) [1877- ]. *De la formule leucocytaire dans les tumeurs malignes. vi, 7- 34 pp.; 1 1. 8°. Montpellier, 1904, No. 11. Royer (Leon) [1870- ]. * Nouvelles re- cherches sur l'insuffisance et le retrecissement mitral spasmodique. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 420. Royer (Louis-Georges) [1871- ]. *DePos- sification des moignons d'amputation. 50 pp. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 557. Royer (Lucien). *La ouate de tourbe et ses applications. 114 pp. 8°. Baris, Vigot freres, 1908. Royer (Maurice). *De Pabsolue necessite de l'assistance des enfants anormaux et de ses re- sultats au point de vue social. 139 pp., 1 ch. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 372. ------. The same. 149 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Baris, G. Jacques, 1908. Forms no. 31 of: Biblioth. contemp. de med. et de sc, Par. Royer (Pierre) [1870- ]. *Des hemorrha- gies dans les cas d'expulsion d'enfants morts et maceres. 105 pp., 11. 8°. Baris, 1896, No. 84. Royer-Collard [Antoine-Athanase] [1768- 1825]. Abhandlung iiber den Croup. Aus dem Franzosischen von N. Meyer. Mit einer Vorrede und Anmerkungen von J. A. Albers. xiv, 282 pp. 8°. Hannover, Bruder Hahn, 1814. -----. Des temperaments consideres dans leurs rapports avec la sant^. 135-169 pp. 4°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1843. Repr.from: Mem. Acad, de med., Par., 1843, x. ------. Extrait d'un memoire intitule: Organo- plastie hygienique ou essai d'hygiene compa- ree sur les moyens de modifier artificiellement les formes vivantes par le regime. 479-502 pp. 4°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1843. Cutting from: Mem. Acad, demed., Par., 1843, x. -----. Rapport sur un memoire de Baillarger, intitule: Recherches statistiques sur l'heredite de la folie. 19 pp. 8°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. Repr.from: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1847, xiv. ROYER-COLLARD. 782 ROZENKL. Royer-Col lard (Henri - Antoine - Raphael) [1844- ]. *Alcoolisme, coma alcoolique, re- sponsabilite legale des alcooliques. 58 pp., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1891, No. 30. Royere (Joseph) [1876- ]. *Des verrues chez l'homme et chez les animaux. 67 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Lyon, 1902, No. 56. Royet (A.) *Des gangrenes cutanees d'origine syphilitique. 84 pp., 1 1. 8°. Toulouse, 1905, No. 641. Royet (Gabriel). * Meningite cerebro - spinale d'origine otitique. 64 pp. 8°. Baris, 1905, No. 155. Royetski (I[osif] P[yotrovich]) [1850- ]. * K krovetvornol dieyatelnosti kostnavo mozga. [On the blood-producing activity of bone-mar- row.] 45 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1896. Royle (John Forbes) [1799-1858]. Ein Versuch iilier das Alterthum der indischen Medicin, nebst einer Einleitungs-Vorlesung zu einem Cursusder Materia medica und Therapie im King's Col- lege, aus dem Englischen iibertragen von J. Wallach, mit einer Einleitung und mit Zusiitzen versehen von C. F. Heusinger. 200 pp. 8°. Cassel, T. Fischer, 1839. ------. A manual of materia medica and thera- peutics; including the preparations of the phar- macopoeias of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, with many new medicines, xiii, 716 pp. 16°. London, J. Churchill, 1847. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 375 (B. B. Woodward). Royle (Peter) [ -18i»l], Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1294. Royo y Villanova (Ricardo). Diagnostico de las enfermedades de las vias digestivas (com- prendiendo el higado y el pancreas). Lecciones dadas en la Facultad de Zaragoza. viii, 398 pp. 12°. Madrid, 1893. ------. Diagnostico de las enfermedades del co- razon. vii, 433 pp., 11. 8°. Zaragoza, C. Gasca, 1900. ------. Patologia y clinica de la corteza cerebral; estructura, funciones y sintomas; causas, lesiones y curso; diagnostico, pronostico y tratamiento. Lecciones clinicas del curso de 1905 a 1906. 468 pp., 2 1. 12°. Zaragoza, E. Casanal, 1906. Roys-Gavitt (E. M.). Co-Editor of: Woman's (The) Medical Journal, To- ledo, O., 1893-8. Royster (L[awrence] T.) Vincent's angina. 2 pp. 12°. New York, 1906. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1906, lxxxiii. -----. The illegitimately pregnant woman from a socioeconomic standpoint. 13 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. ------. The medical profession's duty to the chil- dren of America. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 1908. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1908. Royston Cottage Hospital, Hertfordshire. An- nual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 17.-27., 1887-97. 8° & 16°. Boyston, 1888-98. Royston - Pigott (G. W.) On a searcher for aplanatic images applied to microscopes, and its effects in increasing power and improving defi- nition. 591-603 pp., 2 pl. 4°. London, 1870. Repr.from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1890, cix. Rozanek (Otokar). Nekolik kapitol o nekte- rych nemocech zen a o zpusobech jich leceni. [Some chapters on certain diseases of women and the methods of their treatment.] 42 pp. 8°. v Braze, Bursik dc Kohout, 1901. RozanoflT (Nikolai Yakovlevich) [1860- ]. * K patologicheskol anatomii kozhi pri rakovol kakheksii. [On the pathological anatomy of the skin in cancerous cachexia.] 98 pp., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 0. L Segaloff, 1896. ------. O venericheskikh bolleznyakh i sifilisle. [Venereal diseases and syphilis.] 63 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. Berezovski, 1907. Rozanoff(P[avel] G[rigoryevich]) [1853- ]. 0 samoubiystvie. [On suicide.] 1 p. 1., ii 149 pp., 11., 1 tab. 8°. Moskra, S. B. Yakor- leff, 1891. Rozas (Ignacio). * Contribucion al estudio me- dico-legal del envenenamiento por el cloro. 68 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1883. Roze (L.) La menthe poivree, sa culture en France, ses produits, falsifications de 1'essence et moyens de les reconnaitre. 46 pp., 1 1. 12°. Baris, J.-B. Bailliere dc fils, 1868. Roze (P.-A.-Felix). *De 1'hymen. 54 pp., 1 1., 1 pl., 1 1. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*865, 2. s., No. 872. Rozenbaeh (P[avel] Ya[kovlevich]) [1858- ]. Sovremenniy mistizism; kriticheskiy ocherk. [Contemporary mysticism; critical sketch.] 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. B. Bikker, 1891. Repr.from: Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psichiat. i nevropat., Pt. Petersb., 1891-2, ix. ------. O znachenii mozgovikh bolieznei dlya psikhologii. [Significance of diseases of the brain in psychology.] 42 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. B. Riklier, 1892. ------. Isteriya i nevrasteniya v obshtshedos- tupnom izlozhenii. [Hysteria and neurasthenia popularly presented.] 62 pp. 12°. S.-Beter- burg, 1899. Sputnik zdorov., Suppl., S.-Peterb., 1899, no. 14. ------. O prichinakh nervnikh i dushevnikh bolieznei. [Causes of nervous and mental dis- eases.] 109 pp., 1 1. 12°. S.-Beterburg, 1900. Sputnik zdorov., Suppl., S.-Peterb., 1900, no. 12. Rozenberg (N[ikolaI] K[onstantinovich]) [1876- ]. *Eksperimentalniye material! k ucheniyu ob otravnikh vospaleniyakh zritelnavo nerva i sietchatki. [Experimental data on toxic optic neuritis and retinitis.] 198 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. B. Meslitsherski, 1901. Rozenblat (Henryka) [1880- ]. * Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Wirkung des Kochsalzes und des doppeltkohlensauren Natron auf die Magensaftsekretion. 44 pp., 1 1. 8°. [Berlin, 1907.] Rozenblat (V[ladimir] V[ladimirovich]) [1864- ]. * K voprosu o kolebaniyakh v ko- lichestvle mikroorganizmov v fekalnikh mas- sakh zdorovikh lyudel pri sravnitelnom upotre- blenii gazirovannavo i prostovo korovyavo mo- loka. [On the fluctuations in the quantity of micro-organisms in fecal masses of healthy men in relative use of aerated and plain cow's milk.] 95 pp., 3 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. S. Ettin- ger, 1896. Rozenblat (Y[akov] I[osifovich]) [1867- ]. *Prichina smerti zhivotnikh poslle udaleniya shtshitovidnikh zhelyoz. [Cause of death of animals after thyroidectomy.] 83 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, E. Arnhold, 1894. Rozenblat (Ya[kov] M[oiseyevich]) [1869- Co-Editor of: Rentgenovskl Vestnik, Odessa, 1907,1. Rozenel (A[lfred] G[ermanovich]) [1852- ]. *Patologo-anatomicheskiya izmieneniya pochek pri skarlatinle. [Pathologo-anatomical alterations of the kidneys in scarlatina. ] 94 pp., 2 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. A. Tikhanoff, 1894. ROZET. 783 RUAIS. Rozet (Etienne) [1876- ]. * Resultats de la serotherapie antidiphterique a 1'Hotel-Dieu d'Orleans. 84 pp. 8°. Baris, 1903, No. 119. Rozlidestvenski {Ivan Aleksieyevich) [1844-1907]. I»iiinnoft"(S. N.) [In memoriam.] J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk., 1907, xiii, 769-780. Rozlidestvenski (I [van Aleksandrovich]) [1856- ]. *01okalizatsiislukhovikhoshtshu- shtsheniy. [On the localization of the per- ceptions of hearing.] iii, 3-42 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1887. Rozlidestvenski (Ivan [Ivanovich]) [1858- ]. * O vliyanii staticheskavo elektrichestva na tsentralnuyu nervnuyu sistemu. [On the influence of static electrify on the central nerv- ous system.] 1 p. 1., iii, 9-156 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Yablonski dc Berott, 1888. Rozlidestvenski (P[avel] I[osifovich]) [1856- ]. *BIelok i tsilindri v mochle sifilitikov pod vliyaniyem llecheniya preparatami rtuti (vtir. slerol rtutnol mazi, vpriskiv. salits.-kislol rtuti i sublimata). [Albumen and cylinders in the urine of syphilitics under treatment with preparations of mercury (rubbing with gray mercuric ointment, injections of salicylate of mercury and sublimate).] 76 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1896. Rozliitski\Ch[eslav] K[arlovich]) [1862- ]. Skeleti kharaktera; populyarniy psikhologiche- skiy ocherk. [Skeletons of character; popular psychological sketch.] 1 p. 1., 44 pp. 8°. Zhitomir, 1902. Rozhnoff ( Nikita [ Venediktovich ] ) [1824- 1902]. *Chuma u sobak. [The plague in dogs.] 2 p. 1., 46 pp., 11. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1849. For Biography, see Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1902, xxxii, 11. Rozier. Des habitudes secretes, ou de l'ona- nisme chez les femmes; lettres medicales, anec- dotiques et morales, a une jeune malade et a une mere, dediees aux meres de famille et aux maitresses de pension. 2. ed. xii, 311 pp. 8°. Baris, Beytieux, 1825. Rozier ( Gabriel - Victor - Abel ) [ 1866 - ]. *De la tuberculose testiculaire diffuse. 82 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1891, No. 18. Rozier (J.) [1875- ]. * Etude anatomo- pathologique du plancherde la caisse. [Paris.] 114 pp. 8°. Chdteauroux, 1902, No. 213. Rozier (Victor) [1866- ]. *L'epilepsie se- nile. 95 pp. 8°. Baris, 1898, No. 492. Rozierc [D.-L.] Traite sur le mode d'action du froid et du calorique applique a l'economie animale. viii, 254 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Baris, Ve. Lepetit, 1804. de Roziere de la Cliassagne. Manuel des pulmoniques, ou traite complet des maladies de la poitrine, ou Ton trouve la theorie la plus naturelle, les regies de pratique les plus simples et les plus sures pour combattre les maladies de cette cavite. On y a joint une nouvelle methode de reconnoitre ces memes maladies par la per- cussion du thorax, traduite du latin d'Auen- brugger. 319 pp. 16°. Baris, Humaire, 1770. Roziere* (Raymond). *De l'etat ponctue et des glandes s^bacees de la muqueuse labio- buccale. 51 pp. 8°. Toulouse, 1901, No. 430. [Roziers ( Francois ) & de la Tourette (Ant.-Louis-Claret).] Demonstrations elemen- taires de botanique, contenant les principes g6neraux de cette science, l'explication des termes, les fondemens des methodes, et les 616- mens de la physique des vegetaux. La descrip- [Roziers (Francois) & de la Tourette (A nt.-Louis-Claret)]—continued. tion des plantes les plus communes, les plus curieuses, les plus utiles, rangees suivant la methode de M. de Tournefort et celle du Che- valier Linne. Leurs usages et leurs proprietes dans les arts, l'economie rurale, dans la mede- cine humaine et veterinaire; ainsi qu'une in- struction sur la formation d'un herbier, sur la dessiccation, la maceration, 1'infusion des plantes, etc. 3. ed. 3 v. 8°. Byon, Bruyset frtres, 1787. Rozin. Repetitorium po obshtshel i chastnol patologicheskoi anatomii. Sostavil po ruko- vodstvam Ivanoskavo, Orth'a i Schmaus'a. [. . . of general and special pathological anat- omy. Compiled from the text-books of . . .] 158 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Beterburg, B. B. Betroff, 1898. Rozin (P[avel] N[ikolayevich]) [1865- ]. * K voprosu o vliyanii naturalnol i gazirovannoi vodi Kavkazskavo gorkavo Batalinskavo istoch- nika na vidleleniye efirosiernikh kislot v mo- chie u zdorovikh lyudei. [On the influence of natural and aerated water of the Caucasian bitter spring of Batalin [near Karras] on the secretion of ether-sulphuric acids in the urine of healthy men.] 41 pp., 7 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1897. Rozinai'nski (A[fanasiy] G[eorgiyevich] ) [1855- ]. *K voprosu o predokhranenii ot kholeri pri pomoshtshi khimicheskikh vaktsin; eksperimentalnoye izsliedovaniye. [ On the protection from cholera by chemical vaccines; experimental research.] 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.- Beterburg, B. I. Shmidt, 1894. Roznatovski (D[mitri] N[ikolayevich ] ) [1870- ]. Material! po voprosu o polnom udalenii predstatelnoi zhelyozi. [On complete removal of the prostate gland.] 251 pp., 1 1. 8°. Moskva, S. B. Yakovleff, 1904. Rozoff (S[ergiel] V[asilyevich]) [1863- ]. *Sravnitelnoye usvoyeniye zhirov svlezhei i kopchenol ribi; materiali k dietetikle. [Com- parative assimilation of fats from fresh and smoked fish; data on dietetics.] 48 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, A. Muchnik, 1891. Rozoy (Leon) [1873- ]. *Mai de Pott; du redressement de la gibbosite et du traitement operatoire de la paraplegic 287 pp. 8°. Ba- ris, 1901, No. 465. von Rozsaliegyi (Aladar) [1855-96]. See Renk (Friedrieh) [inl.8.]. Hygienische Tages- fragen. II. Leber Canalgase [etc.]. 8°. Braunschweig, ]882. — Orszagos ( Az ) kozegeszsegi egyesiilet [etc.]. Evkonvve. 8°. Kolozsvdr, 1893. For Jliniiraphy, see Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896, xl, 68. Rozzi (Renato). L' appendicitis. (Tesidilau- rea.) 1 p. 1., 37 pp. 8°. Civitanova-Marche, tipog. ed. Marchigliana, 1899. ------. Un caso di sclerosi a placche cerebro- epinali successiva ad influenza. 14 pp. 12°. [Borto S. Giorgio, Broperzi, 1900.] Rua y Martinez (Manuel). *La traqueoto- mfa en el tratamiento del crup. 51 pp. 8°. Madrid, sucesor de Cuesta, 1892. Ruais (Adolphe) [1873- ]. Contribution a l'etude des manifestations osseuses de la fievre typhoide. 66 pp. 8°. Baris, 1899, No. 528. Ruais (E.) [1874- ]. *Du pyo-pneumo- thorax de necessite. 63 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 293. Ruais (Guillaume-Marie-Adolphe) [1869- ]. * Revulsion et vesicatoire en therapeutique in- fantile. Etude historique et clinique. 53 pp. 8°. Baris, 1897, No. 439. RUALT. 784 RUBELLA. Rualt (Paul). *Les pansements au bismuth dans les maladies de l'estomac. 227 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Baris, 1907, No. 362. Ruata (Carlo). Poche parole di prolusione al corso di clinica propedeutica e di patologia speciale medica dell' anno scolastico 1888-9. 8 pp. 8°. Caslello, S. Lapi, 1889. ------. La sanita pubblica; conferenza popolare tenuta ai signori sindaci ed ai signori sacerdoti del circondario di Clusone il 9 settembre 1890. 1 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Citta di Castello, S. Bapi, 1891. ------. Trattato d'igiene pubblica. v. 1 (parte generale). x, 270 pp. 8°. Citta di Castello, S. Lapi, 1892. ------. Fonti ed estensione del diritto sanitario. Prolusione al corso di diritto sanitario. 25 pp. 8°. Cittd di Castello, S. Lapi, 1894. ------. Progetto di legge sanitaria redatto dal ... 26 pp. 8°. Citta di Castello, S. Lapi, 1897. ------. La monografia del Prof. G. Bizzozzero '' Sulla vaccinazione ed i suoi oppositori". Ap- punti del Dott. ... 59 pp. 8°. Berugia, 1898. ------. Le inoculazioni preventive e special- mente la vaccinazione jenneriana; discorso in- augurale dell' anno accademico 1898-9. 46 pp. 8° Berugiei, V Santucei, 1899. ------. Cura e guarigione della tubercolosi pol- monare. 102 pp., 1 1. 8°. Citta di Castello, S. Lapi, 1900. ------. The same. Pulmonary tuberculosis; its prevention and cure. With appendix concern- ing the British Congress on Tuberculosis, 1901. vi (1 1.), 143 pp. 12°. Bristol, J. Wright dc Co.; Bondon, Simjikin Marshall d: others, 1901. II conflitto anglo-boero. 20 pp. 8°. No- Citta di Castello, S. Lapi, 1901. Repr.from: Salute pubb., 1901, xiv. Ruata (Guido Q.). See Tonzig (Clemente) & Ruata (Guido Q.) zioni tecniche [etc.]. 16°. Citta di Castello, 1901.--- -----. Manuale pratico dell'igienista [etc.]. 16°. Mi- lano, 1907. Ruata (Teresita). La crioscopia delle urine nelle malattie infettive; ricerche ed osserva- zioni. 107 pp. 8°. Berugia, Unione tipogr. coop., 1901. Ruault (A.-E.-Albert) [1850- ]. Note sur le traitement du catarrhe de l'amygdale pharyn- gee et en particulier de sa forme circonscrite dite "angine de Tornwaldt". 5 pp. 8°. [Baris], G. Steinheil, [1892]. Repr.from: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1892, v. ------. Observation pour servir a l'etude de la stenose laryngee nevropathique. 3 pp. 8°. [Baris], G. Steinheil, [1892]. Repr.from: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1892, v. ------. Difteriya. (Iz Traite de medecine Char- cot i Bouchard'a.) Perevod s frantsuzskavo s primlechaniyami M. A. Raskinol. [Diphtheria. (From . . .) Transl. from the French, with re- marks by M. A. Raskina.] 107 pp. 8°. S.- Beterburg, [V. S. Ettinger], 1893. -----. Le phenol sulforicine dans la tuberculose laryngee. 91 pp., 1 1. 8°. Beiris, G. Masson, 1895. -----. Sur le manuel operatoire de 1'ablation des tumeurs adenoides du pharynx. 6 pp. 8°. Havre, Lemale dc Cie., [n. d.]. Ruault (Emile-Felix). * Recherches cliniques sur l'acidite du sue gastrique dans diverses ma- ladies. 76 pp. 4°. Lille, 1894, 4. s., No. 49. Rubadi (Carolus Andreas). *Nonnulla de venenis, et de quastione medico-legali an adsint signa, quae nobis certe de veneficio testentur? 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Genuie, ti/pog. H. Bonaudo, 1815. Ruban-Elissejewa (Eugenie). * Ueber eine Doppelmissbildung, Janiceps, Craniorhachisch- isis, Anencephalus. 21 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Ziirieh, A. Markwalder, 1905. Rubay (P.) Precis d'anatomie topographique du cheval. vi, 364 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. La- mertin; Baris, Asselin dc Houzeau, 1904. Rubbens (yEgidius). *De scorbuto. 5 1. 4°. Bugd. Bat., apud G. vander Marse, 1663. [P., v. 1949.] Rubber. See, also, Bandages (Elastic); Caoutchouc. Bulovski (A. I.) * Niekotoriya rezinoviya izdieliya s higi'enieheskol tochki zrleniya. [Cer- tain rubber articles from a hygienic point of view.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1896. Seabury (F. W.) An essay on vulcanizing rubber. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] Abonyi (J.) A kaucsuk 6s annak alkalmazasa az orvosi gyakorlatban, kulonos tekintettel a fogiszatra. [Caoutchouc and its employment in medical practice, especially in dentistry.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 550; 566. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1899, xxvii, 344—Dawbarn (R. H. M.) The vitality of rub- ber; with a new device regarding its longevity. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1906, xliii, 306.—Oltmar (R.) Ueber die Zuliissigkeit von Regeneration zu Gummimischen, aus welchen hygienische Gummiartikel hergestellt werden sollen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1907, Leipz., 1908, 2. Teil, 2. Hlfte., 534—Pond (F. A.) Red rubber; its possible connexion with appendi- citis and other intestinal disorders. Lancet, Lond., 1905, i, 1610.—Spenoe (D.) On the presence of oxydases in india-rubber, with a theory in regard to their function in the latex. Bio-Ohem. J., Liverp., 1908, iii, 165-181.—Tal (R.I.) O novom sposoble khraneniya kauehukovikh predmetov. [The new method of preserving rubber articles.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxix, med.-spec. pt., 201-211. Rubber (Workers in). See, also, Carbon (Bisulphide of, Toxicology of). Bacquais. Hygiene de l'industrie du caoutchouc. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1904, 4. s., ii, 79-82.—Hndelo. Note sur l'assainissement d'atelier de vulcanisation du caout- chouc. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1886, ix, 263-268.— India-rubber manufacturers and child labor. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1086.—Kabrliel (E.) Otravy sirouhlikov6 vindustrii kaucukovc", postrdncepsychick6, nervov<5 a zdravotni. [Sulphur carbonate poisoning in the caoutchouc industry, with reference to the psychic, nervous, and hygienic side.] Casop. p. vefej. zdravot., Praha, 1900-1901, ii, 19; 53; 78. — Laudenheimer (R.) Ueber nervose und psychist-he Storungen bei Gummi- arbeitern (Schwefelkohlenstoffvergiftung). Neurol. Cen- tralbl., Leipz., 1898, xvii, 681-691. —Marandoii de Montyel (E.) De Taction du sulfure de carbone sur le cerveau des ouvriers en caoutchouc. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlv, 236-269. Rubbreelit (Oswald). L'enseignement de la chirurgie dentaire dans les universites beiges. 39 pp. 8°. Bruges, Verbeke-Loys dc fils, 1901. de Rubeis (Dominicus). See Hbclistflirtrefllclistes chiromantisch- und physiognomisches Klee-Blat [etc.]. 16°. Niirnberg, 1695. Rubeli (Oscar). *Ueber den Oesophagus des Menschen und verschiedener Hausthiere. [Bern.] 64 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Berlin, L. Schu- macher, [1888, vel subseq.]. Rubella. See, also, Rubella (Anomalous form of) [Fourth disease]; Rubella (Anomalous form of) [Erythema infectiosum, Fifth disease]; Rubella (Diagnosis of); Caderas (E.) *La rubeole a Rennes en 1899. 8°. Paris, 1901. Cykler (J.) *De rubeola. 8°. Vindobome, 1^45. RUBELLA. 785 RUBELLA. Rubella. Didier (E.) * Contribution a l'etude de la rubeole. 4°. Paris, 1891. Dournel (L.) *Sur une epidemie de rubeole grave. 8°. Baris, 1906. Ersche (F.) * Ueber Rubeola, nach Beob- achtungen in der medizinischen Klinik zu Freiburg i. B. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Breisaeh, 1901. Flhrmaxn (L.) * Ueber Roteln. 8°. Er- langen, 1896. Godet (F.) *Contribution a l'etude clinique des larvngites rubeoliques. 4°. Baris, 1892. ----—. The same. 8°. Baris, 1892. Gontier (L.) * Nature et prophylaxie de la broncho-pneumonie des rubeoliques. 4°. Li/on, 1888. Hoepker (F.) * Ueber Roeteln. 8°. Frei- burg i. B., 1897. Hoon (D. \V. C.) An inquiry into the etiol- ogy of Rotheln (German measles). 8°. Bon- don, 1895. Lazard (Z.) *La rubeole en 1890. 4°. Baris, 1890. Peltz (A.) * Ueber Rubeola substantiva. 8°. Leipzig, 1868. Arnold (M. B.) An outbreak of an acute infectious eruptive disca.-e (rubella). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1908, ii, 1131.—Arnold. (W. J. J.) Notes on an epidemic of rubella. Ibid.. 1897, i, 147L—Arnozan (X.) Rotheln. Mem. etbull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1889), 1^90. 518-535.—Atkinson (I. E.) Rubella i K.'.thfln). Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, xciii, 17-34. Also, Reprint — Ausset (E.) La rubeole. Nord mod., Lille, 1898, iv, 159-162. -----. Dutubage dans les larvngites rubeoliques. Bull. Soc de p<§diat. de Par., 1900, ii, 122-132.—Bali rel t (H.) Beobachtungen iiber Rotelnepidemien. Munchen. mecL Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 940-942.—Barthelemy (P.) & Sebilleau (J.) Observation de rubeole, avec exa- men hematologique. Cong. nat. period, de gynec, d'ob- stet. etde paediat., Rouen, 1904, iv, 713-715.—von B<>- kay(J.) Rotheln; German measles, rubella. Dis. Child. . . . Pfaundler & Schlossmann. Eng. transl., roy. 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1908, ii, 321-325.— Bonneloy. Epidemie de rubeole & bord du Troude. Arch, de m£d. nav., Par., 1907, Ixxxvii, 298-305.—Brudziriskl (J.) Epidemia rozyczki (Rubeola. Kur). Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1899,2. s., xix, 849; 881.—Bryce (C. A.) The secondary fever in rubeola. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1900, xxiii, 263-265.— Cannae (C.) Note sur une epidemie de rubeole. X. Montpel. med.. Is92, i, 923-931—Castan. Epidemie de rougeole et rubeole. Montpel. med., 1890,2. s., xv, 149- 159.—Cli amp (J. H.) Noteson German measles. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1889, n. s., iii, 55.—(hauvean (H.) Ln cas de croup post-rubeolique, gueri apr&s 7 heures i de tubage. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1898, vi, 249.—Cliistovich (N. Y.) & Shestakova (O. A.) 0 morfulogicheskikh izmleneniyakh krovi pri krasnu- khle. [Morphological changes of the blood in rubeola.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1904, xi, 1.—Colqutioun (D.) On an epidemic of German measles or Rotheln. Aus tralas. M. Gaz., Svdney, 1898, xvii, 374-3>L— (ombj (J.) La rubeole. Med. mod., Par., 1892, iii. 397-400.— Comte (H.) Epidemie de rubeole au 28c de ligne -X Paris (1X971. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1901, xxxvii, 51-67— Dal ban (L.) Noma post-rubeo- lique. Dauphin<§ med., Grenoble, 1902, xxvi, 209-213.— Desplats (H.) Note sur une epidemie de rubeole, observee a Lille. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1886, 3. s., iii, 334-337—Dillingham (F. H.) Ru- bella. Am. Med.,Phila., 1903, vi,263-265.—Horn(N.F.E.) Over rubeola. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. (ieneesk., Amst., 1894, 2. R., xxx, pt. 2, 339-344.—Fa vier. Etude sur la ru- beole. Rev. de mM., Par., 1892, xii, 627-638—Feer (E.) Aetiologie und Epidemiologic von Rotheln (Rubeolse). Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc] 1897, Wiesb., 1899, iv, 186; 237.—Fontoynont. La rubeole sur les hauts plateaux de Madagascar. Gaz. d. mal. infant. [etc.], Par., 1903, v, 185.—Forchelmer (F.) Theenan- them of German measles. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1898, x, 118-128. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 189*, xv, 721- 731. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond., 1898, vi, 4-7. -----. German measles (rubella). In: Twentieth Cent. Prac, N. Y., 1898, xiv, 175-188.—Foveau de Cour- melles. Phototherapie rub6olique et post-rub6olique. [Rap. de Casse.] Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux 1902, 4. s., xvi, 446.—Fyffe (W. J.) A recent out- break of rotheln. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1892, x, 1-14 — Garratt (G. C.) An unusual case of German measles. vol xiv, 2d series---50 Rubella. Lancet, Lond., 1909, i, 93.— Glllet (H.) La rubeole dans les 6coles a Paris. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1905, vii, 178.—GoodalKE. W.) Rubella. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, epidemiol. sect., 101-116.—Griffith (J. P. C.) Rubella. Svst. Pract. M. (Loomis), N. Y. & Phila., .1897, i, 639-646.—Gumplowlcz (L.) Casuisti- sches und Historischcs iiber Rotheln. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1891, n. F.. xxxii, 206--j>s4—Guthrie (L. G.) On Rotheln. Treatment, Lond., lsys-9, ii, 385-393.—Har- rington (S. P.) Rotheln. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 131-133. Also, Reprint.—Harrison (A. J.) Cases of Rotheln and red rash which occurred at Clifton College in the summer of 1891. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1X92, i v, 112-116.—Hartigan (W.) An anomalous epidemic ('.') German measles. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1905, i, 822.— Hat- Held. (M. P.) Rotheln, or German measles. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1900, xxiii, 262.—Hildebrandt (W.) & Thomas (K.) Das Verhalten der Leukozvten bei Roteln. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 190(1, lix, 441- 454.—Hoche. Ueber Roteln unnd Soli weissfriesel. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1904, lx, 649-671.—Hood (D. YV. C.) An inquiry into the aetiology of "Rotheln ", German measles. Proc. Rov. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, v, 76-80.—Humphreys (B. F.) Rubeola; its complications and sequelae. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1890-91, viii, 267-273.—Jessner (S.) Die Rubeo- len. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1900, iv, 811-814.—von Jorgensen (T.) Rotheln. Spec. Path. u. Therap., . . . Nothnagel, Wien, 1896, iv, 3. Th., 2. Abth., 255- 278. -----. German measles (Rotheln; rubeola.) In: Nothnagel's Encycl. Pract. Med., Phila. & Lond., 1902, Diphth., 63.V65S.— Juhel-Renoy (E.) De la rubeole. Bull, et m£m. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 241-248. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 386; 415.— Kamenskaya- Shtshepetova (Iraida). Epide- miya krasnukhi v Kaluzhskolzhenskol gimnazii v 1901 g. [Rubeola epidemic of the female Kaluga high school in 1901.] Shorn, protok. i trud. Obsh. Kaluzh. Vrach. (1901- 2), 1903,107-114.—Kreh 1 (L.) Rubeola. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 9. s., iii, 170-176.—Lang (C. M.) Rotheln. Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 651.—Leiiaive (E.) La rubeole. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 9-15.—laboff (B. A.) K voprosu o skarlatinoznol krasnukhle, kak otdlelnol bolleznennol formle. [Scarlatinal form rubeola of as a special disease.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1902, ix, 58- 60.—Lockwood (T. C.) Rubeola; some remarks upon an epidemic. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1891, iii, 31.— manning (N. S.) The outbreak of Rotheln. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., li, 168-170.—Marsden (R. W.) Rotheln (rubella or German measles). Med. Chron, Manchester, 1902, 4. s., iii, 81-95.—Meredith (J.) An outbreak of Rotheln. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 192- 194.—Michael (May). Rubella; a report of an epi- demic of eighty cases. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1908, xxv, 598-606.—Miller (D. J. M.) Note on the duration of the prodromal period in Rotheln. Tr. Phila. Pediat. Soc, N. V., 1904-5, i, Papers, 16-21. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. Pe- diat., N. Y., 1905, xxii, 51. -----. A further note on the duration of the prodromal period in Rotheln. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1907, xxiv, 766.— Monnier (U.) De la rubeole chez l'adulte. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1903, xxi, 75-84.— Montgomery (F. H.) German measles. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 510—Morquio (L.) Epidemia de rubeola. Arch, latino-am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1905, i, 245-252. Also: Rev. m6d. d. Uruguay, Monte- video, 1905, viii, 277-2.V2.—Nieiiieijer (M.) Een kleine bijdrage tot de casuistiek der rubeolar. Med. WeekbL, Amst., 1898-9, v, 42.—Nodot. Quelques mots sur la rubeole. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, xxvi, pt. 2, 815-817. —Per rin (L.) Quel- ques cas de rubeole. Marseille med., 1891, xxviii, 408-413. — Plant (W. T.) Rubella. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2.ed., Phila., 1898,152-155.—Pospisehill (D.) Ueber Rubeolse und Doppelexantheme. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl.,'1904, lix, 723-776. — Preisich (K.i Rubeola. Pest, myd.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1909, xlv, 137-139— Pu-fraw ski (A.) Kilka s!6w o r6zyczce (rube- olas) z okazyi wlasnyeh spostrzezeii. [On . . . from per- sonal observations.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii, 485; 519.—Queirolo (G.B.) Rosolia. Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., Milano, [n. d.], i, pt. 2, 241-248.— Raymond (P.) Une epidemie de rubeole Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1888, vi, 112-119.—Rehn. Ueber eine Rubeolen-Epidemie. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Dresd., 1889, vi, 50-54. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1889, n. F., xxix, 2*2-286.—Reid ( D. J.) Rubella sinensis. (Synonym—Wind measles.) China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1890, iv, 55-59.—Riva (M.) & Bruzon (A.) Una epidemia de rubeola en el presidio de la Habana. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1891, xvii, 285-294. — Robinson (D. A.) Septic phlebitis, caused by Ger- man measles. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1895-6, ii, 473.— Rotheln (German measles) in Michigan in 1892. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. LS92-3, Lansing, 1895, xxi, 304.—Roger (H.) & Comte (A.) I nfection secondaire post-rubeolique d'origine intestinale; hepatite; pexihepatite; pleuresie RUBELLA. Rubella. putride. Presse med., Par., 1897, ii. 1*9-192— Ross (C.C.) Rotheln. Pediatrics, N.Y., 1902, xiii. 25 5-2 >9—Saillant (A.) La rubeole. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1905. lxxviii, 1563- 1569.—Sevestre. Quelques remarques sur la rubeole et la scarlatine. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1905, vii, 144- 119.—Sleeves Mi. VV.) Rubella. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1908, ii, 1132.—Stewart (J. P.) Rubeola and its complica- tions. Kansas M. J.', Topeka, 1894, vi, 355. — Sudour (E.) Lne epidemie du ros6ole miliaire. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 21-26.—Tobeitz (A.) Aetiologische und symptomatologische Daten aus der letzten Rubeola-Epidemie. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1899, xxxvi, 149-163. Also: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxviii, 386-392.— Townsend (C. W.) Concerning German measles. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 403.— Van de Aorst. Quelques cas de rub6ole. Ann. Soc de m6d. d'Anvers, 1895, lvii, 193-197. — Variot. Epidemie familiale de rubeole. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1902, lxxiii, 492- 495.— Vincenti. Nephrite aigue au cours d'une rub6ole. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. de Vaucluse, Avignon, 1907, iii, 631.—Warrington (L. P.) Rotheln. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 279.—Willcocks (F.) & Carpenter (G.) Notes on a limited outbreak of Rcetheln, with re- marks on the incubation period. Practitioner, Lond., 1887, xxxix, 183-198. Also, Reprint—Williams (D.) Rubella. Svst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, ii, 117-122.—Windle (J. D.) A case of Rotheln. Brit. M. J., Lond.,1901, ii, 1735—ZemblinofT (V. I.) Nicskolko slov ob epidemii krasnukhi v Kalugle v zimu 1901-2 g. [Rubeola epidemic in Kaluga during the winter of . . .] Sborn. protok. i t.rud. Obsh. Kaluzh. Vrach. (1901-2), 1903, 99-106. Hmhella(Anomalousform of) ["Fourth disease"}. Ardin-Delteil. La quatri&me maladie; k propos d'un cas observ6 a, la Clinique medicale. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1907, xviii, 349-356.—Austregesilo (A.) Rubeola ou a quartamolestia? Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1906, xx, 367-369.—Barani (F.) Alcune note sopra nn' epidemia di pseudo scarlattina epidemica, o quarto morbo del Dukes e Flatow. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1907, lxvi, 277-2*0.—Bokay (J.) A Dukes-fele negyedik betegsCg-rill (fourth disease). [Dukes's fourth disease.] . Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, 592-595. Also, transl.: Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1904, ii, 67-72. Also, transl.: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904, xxx, 1561-1563. Also: Handb. d. Kiaderh., Leipz., 1906, i, 717- 721. Also, transl: Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1904, iii, 1101- 1103. Also, transl. in: Dis. Child ... Pfaundler & Schloss- mann, Eng. transl, roy. 8°, Phila. & Lond., 1908, ii, 326- 329.—Bulling. De vierde ziekte. Med. Rev., Haar- lem, 1903, iii, 1-8.—Calvet y Nava. Un cuarto exan- tema. Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel., 1905, xxviii, 522-524.— Chase (C.) Infectious and contagious diseases of child- hood. III. Rubella, the "fourth disease," and erythema infectiosum. Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1909, xi, 37— Chei- nisse (L.) L'identit^ de la quatrieme maladie avec la rubeole scarlatineuse. Semaine med., Par., 1905, xxv, 145-147. -----. La rubeole est-elle toujours benigne? Ibid., 1906, xxvi, 613.—Curtis (F. C.) & Shaw (H. L. K.) Rubella scarlatinosa. Med. News, N. Y., J.902, lxxxi, 1166-1171. —Curtis (P. C.) An epidemic of the "fourth disease". J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxix, 492.—Belong (E.) Quatrieme maladie et ru- beole scarlatiniforme. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1907, xlix, 338-348. —Dukes (C.) On the con- fusion of two different diseases under the name of rubella (rose-rash). Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 89-94. Also, Reprint. -----. The fourth disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901 ii, 1379. Also: J. State M., Lond., 1901, ix, 713.— Fdson (B.) Dukes' disease. Brooklyn M. J., 1905, xix, 111-114. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1905, xvii, 423- 427.—Fabre (P.) Un quatrieme exantheme. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat, 1904-6, x, 234-237.—Fourth (The) disease. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 12. s., iii, 63.—Fourth (La) disease, ou maladie deDukes-Filatow. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1905, xxiii, 82-85.— Griffith (J. P. C.) Rubella and the fourth disease. Phila. M. J., 1902, ix, 659-661— Hassin (G. B.) Fourth disease of Dukes, or scarlatinal rubella of Filatov, a re- view. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1905, xxii, 255-260.—Hilsum (M ) De vierde ziekte. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1906, 2. r., d. 1, 2-12.—Ker (C. B.) Scarlet fever. measles, and German measles; is there a fourth disease? Practitioner, Lond., 1902, lxviii, 139-156.—Kinne (E. O.) The fourth disease. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. N. Y., On- eonta, 1906, i, 306-309.—Klein. [Flatow-Dukesche Krankheit.f Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1904 xxx, 1776.—Maeeroy (H.J.) The fourth disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 300.—Marer (J.) Dukes-fele "fourth disease" egy esete. [Acaseof Dukes's fourth disease! Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1904, ii, 536. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1904, xl, 719-721. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1904, ix, 424.—Nash (J. T. C.) Fourth disease from an evolu- RUBKLLA. Rubella (Anonmlousform of) [l"Fourth disease"]. tionary standpoint. Brit. M. J.,Lond.,1902, i. r.r..—Penna (J.) Rubeola; consideraciones sobre la 1> enfermedad (fourth disease) y el megaleritema cpidemico. Seruana med., Buenos Aires, 1905,-xii, 971-9*3. — Philip (P.) Die Dukes'sche vierte Krankheit. Ztschr. f. d. arztl. Prax., Berl., 1907, xx, 157-160. — Quarta (A) doenva. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1904, 2. s., vi, 354.—Rubeole (La) scarlatiniforme; la quatrieme maladie. Arch. de med. d. enf., Par., 1905, viii, 613-618. — Ruhe- mann (J.) Ueber die Filatow-Dukes'sche Krankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 105.—Saza (K.) [Remarks on Dukes's disease.] Iii Shinbun, Tokio, 1905, 117-121—Schereschewsky (J. W.) The fourth disease (Filatow-Dukcs'disease). Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash.. ]<«)7 xxii, 583-590.—Simpson iF. T.) • Lamellar desquamation in an epidemie of German measles or of fourth disease. Arch. Pediat.. N. Y., 1901, xviii, 692-701—Sternberg (G.) Filatow-Dukes-f61e negyedik kor esetei. [Cases of Filatow-Dukes fourth disease.] Gyermekorvos, Bu- dapest, 1904, 37. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Bu- dapest, 1905, x, 77-79.— JHiuli (O.) Ueber die vierte (Filatow-Dukes'sche) Krankheit. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1905, lxxxv, 1-9.— Weaver (J. J.) Fourth disease. J. State M., "Lond., 1901, ix, 700-712. Also: Pub. Health, Lond., 1901-2, xiv, 143-152.—Weaver (J.J.) it Ferguson (J. M.) The fourth disease. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, 364.—Wood (G. W.) A case of Filatow-Dukes' or the fourth disease. Wash. M. Ann., 1907-8, vi, 289-291. Rubella (Anomalous form, of) [Ery- thema infectiosum, '"Fifth disease"]. Ali. Megaleritema (eritema infettivo acuto dei bam- bini). Scuola salernit., Salerno, 1905, vi, 30. — Calvet yNava. Unaquinta enfermedad eruptiva. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1905, xxviii, 743. — Cheinisse (L.) Une cinquieme maladie Eruptive; le megalerythfeme 6pid6- mique. Semaine m6d., Par., 1905, xxv, 205-207. — Hei- niaiin ( A.) Erythema infectiosum. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1904, lx, 421-121. — de LaHarpe (E.) Quelques cas de cinqniememaladie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1905, xxv, 757-761.—Moussous (A.) Le me- galerytheme 6pidernique; quelques cas observes fi, Bor- deaux. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1905, xxvi, 589-591. Also: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1906, viii, 1-4. -----. Quelques cas de megal£ryth6me (Spidemique. Arch, demed. d. enf., Par., 1906, ix, 95-98.—Ortiz (R. V.) Tres casosdemegaleritemaepid^mico. Arch. Latino-Am. de pediat., Buenos Aires, 1908, iv, 192-197.—Pismen- niy i X. N.) Epidemicheskaya krasnukha i yeya razno- viduosti. [Epidemic erythema and its variations.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1903, lix, 504-516.—Plachte. Das Me- galerythema epidemicum, die Grossflecken (Erythema infectiosum Sticker); ein acutes Kinderexanthem. Ver- handl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. 1904, Berl., 1905, xxxv, pt. 2, 102-113. [Discussion], pt.l, 103-108.—Rovere (G.) Una piccola epidemia di "megalervthema epidemicum". Pediatria, Napoli, 1908, 2. s., vi, 43-50. Rubella (Diagnosis of). See, also, Rubella (Anomalous form of) [ilFourth disease"]. Dureau (G.) * Rubeole et scarlatin^ole. 8°. Baris 1906. Wi'rth(G.) * Zur Rubeolenf rage. 8°. Er- langen, 1892. Aly-Beli'adel (A.) Un nuovo sintoma precoce del morbillo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1907, xxviii, 1457.—At- kinson (F. P.) The diagnosis between Rotheln and scarlet fever; a lesson and a problem in preventive medi- cine. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 742—Aviragnet (E. C.) & Apert (E.) Relation de deux Epidemics de rub6ole avec remarques sur la symptomatologie etle diagnostic de cette maladie. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par., 1906, viii, 33-49. —Baumler ( C.) Rotheln (Rubeola, German measles, Rubella, Rubcolel, Dill'erentialdiagnostik der acuten Exantheme. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien, 1903, ii, 579-592.—Bambaee (F.) Nosologia e sintoma- tologia della rosolia; 1' ematuria come complicazione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1908, xxix, 439. — Batt (W.) Me- moria sulla distinzione generica di una malattia esante- matica sin ora poco osservata, e dai nosologisti erronea- mente creduta una specie di (rubeola) rosolia, ossia mor- billi. Mem. d. Soc. med. di emulaz. di Genova, 1802, i, pt. 2. 21-26. — Brownlee, ( A. J.) Rotheln (German measles) as a specific disease, with notes of cases. Glas- gow M. J., 1896, xlvi, 98-115.—Corbin (II. E.) Rubella; its identity and etiology. Proc. Rov. Soc. Med., Lond., 1907-8, i, Epidemiol. Sect.. 117-134.—Ilukes (('.) On the features which distinguish epidemic roseola (rose rash) from measles and from scarlet fever. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 791-795.—Forchheimer (F.) The diagnosis of RUBELLA. 787 RUBINO. Rubella (Diagnosis of). Rotheln (rubella sive rubeola). Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1892, iii, 53. — tialates ( D. ) Hepi SiaLyvuxri-tos t>)s poSa^s (Rotheln). 'IaTpiici) jrpdoSos, "Ei> Svpto, 1901, vi, 180 — Gillet (H.) Rubeole legere (forme morbilleuse). Rev. mens, d.-mal. de l'enf., Par., 1893, xi, 1; 71. — Koplik (H.) Beitrag zurgenauerenUnterscheidung der Rotheln von Masern oder Scharlach. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxix, 332-344. Also, transl: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1195-1199. —Kramsztyk (J.) Epidemija rozyczki (rubeola) i odry w bezpoSredniem po sobie nas"te.pstwie; kilka s!6w o r6zyczce i wysypkach podob- nych do skarlatyny. [Epidemic of Rotheln and measles following immediately thereafter; on Rotheln and rashes resembling scarlatina.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1891, xxx, 625; 637.—ft reh 1. Zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Ro- theln. Deutsches Arch.f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1898, lxii, 209.—liiiblinski (W.) Roteln und sekundare Angina. Med. Klin., Berl., 1907, iii, 15*3 — Maddox (J. D.) Ro- theln; unpublished symptoms. Am. Med., Phila., 1904, vii, 172.—MeClanahan (H. M.) Differential diagnosis between measles and rubella. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlix, 1916-1918. — Michaelis (A.) Zum Incuba- tionsstadium der Roteln. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1894, v, 65.—Miller (D. J. M.l Note on the duration of the pro- dromal period in Rotheln. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1905, xxii. 52-57. — Powell (H. H.) Rubeola following ru- bella. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 671 — Putnam (C. P.) Is German measpin. des vi. Halswirbels. 24 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, Bonitas- Bauer, 1889. Rubel (Joh. Friedrieh). Medicinische Abhand- lung, wie man in denen Krankheiten aus dem Urin, Schweiss, und aus dem Stuhlgang, ein richtiges Urtheil fiillen soil. 126 pp. 16°. Angsburg, J. J. Lotter, 1756. RUbsauien (Carl). * Ueber Pneumothorax, nebst einem Falle von rechtsseitigem Pyopneu- mothorax mit enormer Organ verdriingung. 21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1893. Riib§amen (Otto) [1864- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Laryngitis hypoglottica chro- nica hypertrophica. 36 pp., 2 1., 1 tab. 8°. Kbniegsberg i. Br., M. Liedtke, 1892. Ruehel (Hermann Karl August) [1879- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Verhaltens der Leu- cocyten bei der BlutkTtTr 0.— Dioscorides Anazarheas (Pedacius). De medicinuli materia libri quinque [etc]. 16°. Venetiis, 1538. Ruel de Sourouvre de Guefo§se (Joseph) [1872- ]. * Contribution ii l'etude de la ta- chycardie typhoidique; forme cardiaque de la fievre typhoide sans lesion du myocarde. 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Byon, 1898, No. 125. Riimelin (Gustav). Zeckvermogen und Genos- senschaft. Festschrift. 1 p. 1., 108 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann, 1892. c. Riimke (Christian Ludwig). *Over de wer- king van carpaine op het hart. 2 p. 1., 132 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1892. ------. Over doorstrooming van het geisoleerde hart. 46 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1897. Forms Nos. x, xi of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Kim. en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1897, iv. RIPING. 796 RUFFINI. Riiping (Karl). Ein Fall von Hernia retro- peritonealis Treitzii; eine Ovarialcyste vortiiu- schend. 19 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Tiibingen, F. Fues, 1895. Ruepp (Paul). * Ueber den Darmkrebs mit Ausschluss des Mastdarmkrebses. 119 pp. 8°. Ziirieh, F. Lohbauer, 1895. Ruschhoff (Clemens [Maria-Joseph-Hubertus]) [1867- ]. * Ueber Syphilome des Musculus sterno-cleido-mastoideus, nebst zwei Fallen. 32 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1890. Rust (Christianus Jacobus Fridericus). *Diss. sistens infarctus differentias. 14 pp., 1 1. 4°. Gtettingx, H. M. Grape, [1793]. In: Collect, diss. med. in Acad. Gcetting., 1793, ii, pt. 1. Rust (Georg Christian Eduard [1874- ]. *Zur Jequiritol-Therapie. 40 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1903. Riist (Joannes Carolus Fridericus j. *De me- tastasibus lactis. 20 pp. 4°. Gcettingse, H. M. Grape, [1793]. In: Collect, diss. med. in Acad. Goetting., 1795, ii, pt. 2. Ruete (Alfred E.) [1882- ] * Ueber Gal- lertcarcinose des Peritoneums. 23 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Mich dc Co., 1907. Riitli (Hugo). * Ein Fall von primiirem Sar- kom der Niere im Kindesalter. 45 pp. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf & Sohn, 1900. Riitlier (Anton) [1874- ]. *Ueberdiemit dem Behring'schen Diptherie-Heilserum in der chirurgischen Klinik zu Giessen vom 1. Januar 1897 bis 31. December 1901 erzielten Erfolge. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Giessen, Heppeler dc Meyer, 1902. Riitlier (R.) *Davaineamutabilis. [Giessen.] 21 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Hannover, A. Eberlein dc Co., 1901. Riitimeyer (Leopold). Ueber Bilharziakrank- heit. 39 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Basel dc Leipzig, 1894. Forms 12. Hft., 1. R.,of: Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. d. Schweiz. ------. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung und die Diagnose des Ulcus ventriculi rotun- dum mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des che- mischen Verhaltens des Magensaftes und der occulten Blutungen. Ein Beitrag zum regionii- ren klinischen Verhalten des Magengeschwiirs. 1 p. 1., 118 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1906. See, also, Kollmanii (Julius C. E.) & Riitimeyer (Leopold). Bericht iiber die ethnographische Sammlung [etc.]. 8°. Basel & Leipzig, 1894. Riitselii (Emil). * Beitriige zur Chirurgie der Hirntumoren nach Erfahrungen an der chirur- gischen Klinik des Dr. Kronlein in Zurich. 105 pp. 8°. Zurich, Orell Fiissli, 1905. von Riitte (E.) *Zu den durch elektrischen Starkstrom hervorgerufenen Ungliicksfiulen. 33 pp. 8°. Bern, Stiimpfli dc Co., 1901. Ruette (F.) Traite de l'asphyxie connue sous le nom de croup. 3 p. 1., xl, 210pp., 5pl. 12°. Baris, Allut, 1811. See, also, Bard. (Samuel). Recherches sur la nature [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1810. Riittermann (Jacob Heinrich Hugo) [1866- ]. * Parotitis nach Ovariotomie. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1893]. Riittimann (Hans). *Unfallstatistik der Bau- gewerbeklasse des Bezirkes Zurich vom 1. Ja- nuar 1894 bis 31. Dezember 1904. 36 pp. 4°. Bern, Steimpfii dc Co., 1904. Repr.from: Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statist., Bern, 1904. Riittimann ( Heinrich). * Statistischer Bei- trag zur Epidemiologie der Diphtherie im Kan- ton Zurich iiberhaupt in den Jahren 1881-7 und speciell in den Bezirken Winterthur und An- Riittiiiiann (Heinrich)—continued. delfingen in den Jahren 1884-6. 56 pp. 4°. Bern, Stdmpfli dc Co., 1899. Riitzon (Sophus). Dispensatorium Danicum. Nyere og seldre, ikke - ofhcinelle Formler. [Newer and older non-officinal formuhe.] 227 pp., 2 1. 16°. Kjobenharn, H. Hagerup, 1893. —:---. Lterebog i Pharmacognosi for Apotheks- disciple. [Manual of pharmacognosy for apoth- ecary-students.] 2 p. 1., 166 pp., 11. 12°. Kje- benharn, 1894. Ruez (Joseph Wilhelm) [1879- ]. * Ueber Kugelthromben des Herzens. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, II. Bauer, 1902. Ruf (Heinrich). * Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten der solitiiren und agminierten Darm- follikel des Kindes bei Enteritis und acuten Infektionskrankheiten. 35 pp. 8°. Breiburg i. Br., E. Kuttriiff, 1904. Ruff (Josef). Diiit und Wegweiser fiir Gallen- und Nierensteinleidende. 80 pp. 12°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1891. -----. The same. Mit einem Anhange: Karls- bader Kur oder Operation? 2. Aufl. 63 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, [1904]. Ruffer (Marc Armand) [1859- ]. See Kast (Alfred) & Rumpel (Theodor). Illustra- tions of pathological anatomv, [etc], fol. Wandsbek- Hamburg cfc London. [1893].—Oldtield (Josiah). Tuber- culosis, or flesh-eating, a cause of consumption, [etc.]. 12°. London, 1892. For Biagraphy, see Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 561. ------ & Plininier (Henry George). Further researches on parasitic protozoa found in can- cerous tumours. 23pp.,4pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Y. J. Bentland, 1893. Repr.from: J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond., 1893, ii. Ruffle (Antoine) [1851- ]. * Influenza et grossesse d'apres les faits observes ii Gemenoz (Bouches-du-Rhone). 79 pp., 2 1. 4°. Lyon, 1894, No. 976. ------. La gouttette, ou la diarrhee verte des nourrissons, et son traitement par le lait sterilise a l'usage des praticiens et des meres de famille. Preface de P. Budin. vii (1 1.), 276 pp. 12°. Boris, 0. Boin, 1899. Rutlier. La sante par la force. 224 pp. 12°. Baris, [B. Narbonne], 1908. Ruffier (James Edward). *Un procede de curage de l'aisselle au cours de I'amputation du sein cancereux. 56 pp., 1 1. 8°. Baris, 1901, No. 541. ------. Causes, effets et remedes de la demin- £o/JLivaiv epyutv rov Sianrrnxov iv rrj <1pxtaro Ottavio Fabiani [etc]. 12°. Genova, [1810?]. Ruggeri (Ruqgero) [ -1905]. IlalP Olio (V.) [Biography.] Rassegna med., Bo- logna, 1905, xiii, no. 12, 1. Ruggi (Giuseppe) [1844- ]. Nuova cannula per la trasfusione del sangue, e per lo svuota- mento sotto-cutaneo degli ascessi e delle raccolte di liquidi intra-articolari. 11 pp. 8°. [Bo- logna, Fava dc Garagnani, 1871, ] Repr.from: Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1871, i. ------ Alcuni esperimenti sulla medicatura alia Lister. 11 pp. 8°. [Pisa, 1878.] Repr.from: Comment, clin. di Pisa, 1878, ii. Del trattamento intraperitoneale del pe duncolo dope Y amputazione sopravaginale del corpo dell'utero. 1 p. 1. ,89 pp. 8°. Bologna, C. dc G. Zanichelli, 1890. RUGG I. 798 RUILLIER. Ruggi (Giuseppe)—continued. -----. Del metodo inguinale nella cura radicale dell' ernia crurale. ii, 94 pp., 21., 10 pl. roy. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1893. ------. Del vivere sociale nei suoi rapporti col- 1' esercizio della professione. Prolusione. 30 pp. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1896. _ . -----. Metodo per la cura radicale degli organi genitali muliebri prolassati. 26 pp., 3 1. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1897. ------. La simpatectomia abdominale utero-ova- rica come mezzo di cura di alcune lesioni interne negli organi genitali della donna 49 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bologna, N Zanichelli, 1899. -----. Lezioni di chirurgia. iii (1 1.), 464 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1901. ------. Contributo alia patogenesi ed alia cura della nevrastenia osservata in alcuni ammalati di nefroptosi. Memoria. 41 pp. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1904. -----. Patogenesi e cura delle lussazioni es- terne complete abituali della rotula. 23, 7 pp. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1905. ------. Ricordi, consigli e doveri. Prolusione. 28 pp. 8°. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1906. See, also, Gardini (Llisse). L' isterectomia vaginale [etc.]. 8°. Bologna, 1896. Ruggieri (Cesare) [1768-1828]. See Dizionario enciclopedico di chirurgia, [etc.]. 4°. Padora, 1805-10. Ruggieri (FraneeKeee). Editor of: Igiene dell' infanzia e medicina preven- tiva, Roma, 1892-6. Ruggles (Augustus D.) [ -1903]. Obituary. Boston M. & S. J., 1904, cl, 28. Ruggles (E. Wood). Monilethrix. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1900. Repr.from: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis.,N.Y.,1900,xviii. ------. The management of genital sores. 16 pp. 8°. New York, 1904. Repr. from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxxx. ------, The physician's relation to the social evil. 8pp. 8°. New York, A. B. Elliott Co., 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1907, lxxxv. [Ruggles (Samuel B[ulkley])] [1800-81]. The duty of Columbia College to the community, and its right to exclude Unitarians from its professorships of physical science. Considered by one of its trustees. 54 pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Trow, 1854. See, also, University of Albany. Speeches in behalf of the . . . [etc.]. 8°. Albany, 1852. Ruggles (Stephen Preston) [1808-80]. Obituary. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc, Bost., 1880- 81, n. s., viii, 433. Rugli (J. Torrance). A case of concurrent sar- coma and hip-joint disease. 5 pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia, 1895. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., ex. -----. An unpleasant experience with ethvl chloride. 3 pp. 8°. New York, 1907. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1907, Ixxxvi. See, also, Wilson (H. A.) [et al.]. Congenital disloca- tion of the hip. 8°. Philadelphia, 1903. Ruhberg (Max) [1862- ]. * Ueber Ziind- hiitchenverletzungen des Auges. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1889. Ruheniann (Arnold) [1859- ]. * Das p- Xylalphtalid und die Synthese des (/?)-p- Tolylisochinolins aus demselben. 53 pp., 1 1. 12°. Berlin, A. Seholem, 1892. Ruheniann (Heinrich) [1880- ]. * Zur Geschichte der kiinstlichen Eroffnung des schwangeren und gebiirenden Uterus (mit Ausschluss des Kaiserschnittes). 44 pp. 8°. Beipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Ruheniann (J[acob]) [pseud.: Weber (Ri- chard)]. Die Influenza in dem Winter 1889- 90; nebst einem Riickblick auf die friiheren In- fluenzapandemieen. Von der Berliner Hufe- land'schen Gesellschaft preisgekronte Schrift. iv (1 1.), 188 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1891. -----. Ist Erkaltung eine Krankheitsursache und inwiefern? . 1 p. 1., 151 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1898. -----. Wann und wie wird ein Geschlechts- kranker gesund? Die Tragweite der veneri- schen Leiden. 110 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Stei- nitz, 1899. -----. Neuere Erfahrungen iiber die Influenza. 19 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Forms 147. Hft. of: Berl. Klinik. -----". Aetiologie und Prophylaxe der Lungen- tuberkulose. 1 p. 1., 88 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1900. -----. Die endemische (sporadische) Influenza in epidemiologischer, klinischer und bakterio- logiscber Beziehung. 88 pp. 8°. Berlin dc Wien, Urban dc Segiwarzenberg, 1904. Forms 1. and 2. Hft., v. 30, of: Wien. Klinik. —---. La aspirina en el carcinoma. 4 pp. 8°. [n. p.], 1904. -----. Das Weib alsGattin und Mutter. Seine naturgemiisse Bestimmung und seine Pflichten. 3. neu bearbeitete Aufl. xvi, 293 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. Steinitz, 1906. Ruheniann (Konrad) [1864- ]. * Ueber Lungensyphilis. 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1888]. Rulmau (Franz) [1867- ]. * Ueber Intoxi- kationen durch Extractum fllicis eetherum lnit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines in der medi- zinischen Klinik zu Greifswald beobachteten Falles. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1897. Ruhr (Fritz). *Ein Fall von Elephantiasis des Arms. 31 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., C. Beh- mann, 1894. Ruliriih (John). A manual of the diseases of infants and children. 404 pp., 3 pl., 1 ch. 8°. Bhiladelphdi, W. B. Saunders dc Co., 1905. -----. The same. 2. ed., thoroughly revised. 423 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia dc Bondon, W. B. Saunders Co., 1908. -----. Measles, rubella, the fourth disease, ery- thema infectiosum. In: Mod. Med. (Osier). 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1907, ii, 373-400. -----. Whooping-cough. In: Mod. Med. (Osier). 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1907, ii, 452-462. ----. Mumps. In: Mod. Med. (Osier). 8°. Philadelphia & New York, 1907, ii, 463-468. Ruhwandl (Franz) [1878- ]. * Ueber mul- tiple Divertikelbildung im Intestinaltraktus. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1902. Ruijs (Th. M.) Onderhoud der tanden, ook met betrekking tot het algemeen welzijn. 15 pp. 12°. Alkmaar, Coster dc Zoon, 1901. Ruijsch (W. P.) See Ruysch (W. P.). de Ruijter de Wildt (J. C.) & de Ruijter de Wildt (H. O.) Finsen's lichtgeneesme- thode. De elementen onzer hemellichamen. De Marconi-telegrafie. 117 pp., 1 pl. 12°. Botterdam, B. van de Watering, 1905. Ruillier (Robert) [1875- ]. *Des troubles de la sensibilite de la region epigastrique chez les dyspeptiques. 102 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 463. ------. Thesame. 102pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- \ heil, 1900. RUINELLA. 799 RULAXD. Ruinella (Andr.) *Propositiones de lithiasi v5>v veippe&v. 7 1. 8°. Basilese Bauracoruui, Brylinger, lo82. Ruini (Henrici). *De aneurvsmate. 15 pp. 4°. Genux, 1810. [P., v. 2152.] Ruitinga (Pieter). *Over agglutinatie van tu- berkelbacillen ter herstenning van tuberkulose. 4 p. 1., 72 pp., 2 1. 8°. Amsterdam, J. IL de Bussy, 1901. -----. De tuberculeuze infectie bij den mensch. 35 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, She/tcma dc Holkema, 1903. Ruiz (Dan. L.) * Consideraciones generates so- bre la patogenia y etiologia de la fiebre amaril la (vomito). 34 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. F. Jens, 1879. Ruiz (Julian). * A lgunas consideraciones sobre la clinica de terapeutica. 41 pp. 8°. Mexico, Berrueco hermanos, 1886. Ruiz (Luis E.) *Tratamiento de la nfcumonia. 28 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Diaz de Beon, 1877. -----. *Bosquejo de un plan para el estudio de la higiene. 16 pp. 8°. Mexico, Jens if Zapiain, 1878. -----. Epidemic and endemic diseases observed in the ports of entry of the Mexican gulf. 16 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. B. Hoeck, 1892. Repr.from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Mexico, 1892. Ruiz (Pedro Alonso). See Alonso [y] Ruiz (Pedro). Ruiz (Ramon). * Estudio sobre el tratamiento de los calculos vesicales en los niiios. 23 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. 1*. Villada, 1878. [Also, in: P., v. 2179.] Ruiz Barroso (Jose M.). See Guibout (E.) Lecciones clinicas [etc.]. 8°. Madrid, 1878-81. Ruiz Cabanas (Manuel). *E1 venenillo. 22 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Mata, 1882. Ruiz Erdozain (Alfonso). See Erdozain (Alfonso Ruiz). Ruiz Olloqui (Augustin) [1*35-1904]. Soriano (M. s. i [Biographv.] Gac. med., Mexico, 1904, 2. s., iv, 220, port. Ruiz y Ortiz (Antonio M.) *Algunos apuntes sobre diagnostico del cancer del estomago. 47 pp. 8°. Mexico, Impr. del Gobierno, 1890. Ruiz de Pasanis (Antonio Mufioz). Alco- holismo: su influencia en la degeneration de la raza latina. 96 pp. 12°. Madrid, G. Carrion, 1906. Ruiz y Sandoval (Gustavo). *Estadfsticade mortalidad y sus relaciones con la higiene y la patologia de la capital. 79 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Mexit-o, 1872. [P., v. 2207; 2293.] ------. *La herencia en sus aplicaciones medico- legales. 29 pp. 8°. Mexico, Dublan y Chavez, 1877. Enfermedad coleriforme del estado de Chiapas. Lectura hecha ante la Academia de medicina de Mexico. 15 pp., 3 maps. 8°. Mexico, L. Escalante, 1883. See, also, Hidalsio y Carpio (Luis) & Ruiz y Sandoval (Gustavo;. Compendio de medicina legal. 8°. Mexico, 1877. Ruiz Vicent (Luis). See Recasens Girol (S.) Lecciones de ginecologia [etc]. 12°. Barcelona, 1900. Rukovodstvo chastnol patologii i terapii. See Traite de medecine etde therapeutique applique^ publie sous la direction de B. Brouardel [etc.]. 8°. Moskra, 1897-9. Rukovodstvo k flziologii, obrabotannoye G. Aubert'om [et al.]. Izdannoye L. Hermann'om. [Handbook of physiology, prepared by . . . Edited by . . .] v. 3, pt. 1, 1. & 2. half, paged Rukovodstro k flziologii [etc.]—continued. consecutively; v. 5, pt. 2, 2. half. 916, v pp.; 274, iii pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, Ya. Tret, 1887. CONTENTS. v. 3, pt. 1,1. half. Fick (A.) Dioptrika, pridatochnive apparati glaza i ucheniye o svietovom osvleshtshenii. [Dioptrics, accessory apparatus of the eve, and the sense of light.] Kuhne (W.) Khimicheskiye protsessi v slet- chatol obolochkle. [Chemical processes in the retina.] Perevod s niemetskavo M. M. Manase'inoi. [Transl. from the German by Manasseina.] v. 3, pt. 1, 2. half. Hering (E.) Prostranstvennoye chuvstvo i dvizheniya glaza. Perevod s niemetskavo M. M. Manaseinol. [The sense of space and movements of the eyes. Transl. from the German by Manasseina.] V. 5, pt. 2, half, von Wittich (\V.) Fiziologiya vsa- sivaniya, obrazovaniya limfl i upodobleniya. [Physi- ology of absorption, lymph-formation, and assimilation.] Mayer (S.) Dvizheniya pishtshevaritelnavo, otdlelitel- navo i polovavo aparuta, s prilozheniyem zamlechaniv ob obshtshel flziologii gladkikh mishts. [Movements of the digestive, secretive, and sexual apparatus, and the general physiology of smooth muscles.] Perevod s nie- metskavo A. Ya. Shtsherbakova. [Transl. from the Ger- man by Shtsherbakofl.] Rukovodstvo k obshtshel i chastnoi khirurgii, so vklyucheniyem topographicheskol anatomii i ucheniya ob operatsiyakh i povyazkakh, sos- tavlennoye Agatzom [etc.]. Pod redaktsiyel Pithi i Billrotha. Perevod s niemetskavo N. P. Ivanova. [Handbook of general and special surgery, inclusive of topographical anatomy, science of operations and bandaging. Prepared by Agatz [etc.] Edited by Pitha and Billroth. Transl. from the German by N. P. Ivanoff.] 3 v. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, Ya. Trei, 1882-7. CONTENTS. 1. Bd., 2. Abth., B, 3. Abschn., 6. Fischer (B.) Ob- shtsheye ucheniye o povyazkakh. [On bandages.] 2. Bd., 3. Abth., 5. Abschn., 2. Hft. Schede (M.) Ob- shtshiy ocherk amputatsii i eksartikuliutsii. [General sketch of amputations and exarticulations.] 548, 449 bis- 451 bis pp. 1882. 3. Bd., 2. Abth., A, 7. Abschn., 2. Schmidt (B.) Grizhi zhivota. [Abdominal herniee.] 457 pp.. 11. 1882 4. Bd., 1. Abth., A, 9. Abschn., 2. Mayrhofer (C.) Bezplodiye, poroki razvitiya i vospaleniya matki. [Ster- ility, faults of development, and uterine inflammations.] ii (11.), 258 pp. 1887. 5. Bandl (L.) Bollezni trub, svyazok, tazovol bryu- shini i tazovol soyedinitelnol tkani, so vklyucheniyem vnlematochnol beremennosti. [Diseases of the tubes, ligaments, pelvic peritoneum, and pelvic connective tissue, including extrauterine pregnancy.] vi, 318, xiii pp. 1887. Rukovodstvo k profilaktikle. Perev. s nie- metskavo I. A. Shabada, V. M. Ostrovskavo, M. B. Blyumenau i E. B. Blyumenau. [Transl- from the German by I. A. Shabad, V. M. Ostrov. ski, M. B. Blyumenau, and E. B. Blvumenau.] viii, 719 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1901. Issued by Prakt. med. Rul (M.) Vier Jahre in Griifenberg. Zusam- menstellung der hygienisch-hydropathischen Methode nach hinterlassenen Papieren des Priessnitz. Aus dem Franzosischen. xvi, 172 pp. 24°. Batibor, B. V. Wichura, 1859. Ruland (Herrmann). *Uterus myomatosus mit Cysten am Corpus und in der Cervix aus Ceberresten vom Wolff'schen Gang. 48 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner dc Lossen, 1900. Ruland (Joh. David) [1585-1648]. von Vamossy (S.) Johann David Ruland und seine Dreckapotheke. Wien. med.. Presse, 1902, xliii, 1363; 1405. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Ruland (Martin) [1532-1602]. Hydriatrice. Aquarum medicarum sectiones quatupr, qua- rum elenchus est in sequenti pagella. 9 p. 1., 72 ff., 13 1. 16°. [Bilingx, S. Mayer], 1568. Bound with: Nonus (Theop'hanus). De omnium parti- cularium morborum curatione [etc.]. 16°. Arge.ntorati 1568. RULAND. 800 RUMELY. Ruland (Martin)—continued. ------. Balnearium restauratum . . ., in quo eu- rantur morbi turn externi quain interni, per balneas naturales, artificiales, insessus, lixivia, sudationes: itemque per scarificationes ac phle- botomias, distinctum in lib. iii. 22 p. 1., 346 pp., 1 1. 16°. Basilese, ex off. H. Betrina, 1579. ------. Tractatus tres. I. De phlebotomia. II. De scarificatione et ventosatione. III. Oratio de ortu anima'. Praefixaesthisce praefatio Martini Rulandi F. ubi quaestio ilia: Utrum in omni pleuritide vena dextri cubiti sit secanda? ex- cutitur. 7 p. 1., 119 pp. 16°. Basilese, apud Ilenricpetrinos, 1627. Bound with his: Thesaurus Rulandinus [etc.]. 16°. Basileie, 1628. -----. Thesaurus Rulandinus, hoc est Martini Rulandi curationes empiric*; quae antea in de- cern centurias dissectae prodierunt, nunc vero, in compendiosum ordinem secundum partium corporis seriem redactae lucem aspiciunt. Ac- cesserunt hisce, ejusdem alii tractatus tres. I. De phlebotomia. II. De scarificatione et vento- satione. III. Oratio de ortu animae. 23 p. 1., 408 pp., 6 1. 16°. Basilese, omnia studio et opera J. Se-retse dc G. Sporlini, 1628. ------. Thesaurus medicus continens: Aurea medicamenta pro omni aetate et sexu, contra omnes morbos internos et externos, collectus longo tempore et experientia et conscriptus. 150 pp. sm. 4°. Francof. ad Meenum, 1691. Bound with: Spindlek (P.) Observationum. sm. 4°. Francof. ad Meenum, 1691. Ruland (Martin) jun. Tractatus de morbo un- garico recte cognoscendo et fceliciter curando, turn curatipnibus historicis, turn quaestionibus hactenus inter medicos controversis; adjecto rerum et verborum indice. Ed. 2. 7 p. 1., 743 pp., 161. 12°. Stettini, J. Mamphrasius, 1651. See, also, Rulandus (Martin). Tractatus tres [etc]. 16°. Basilex, 1627. Ruland (Michaelis Josephus) [1827- ]. * De inflexionibus uteri. 26 pp., 2 1. 8°. Be- rolini, frat. Schlesinger, [1853]. Ruland (Wilhelm) [1868- ]. *Zur Stati- stik der Schleimhautcarcinome des Gesichts. 22 pp. 8°. Bonn, B. Hiinewinkel dc Co., 1892. Rulers. Hamilton (A. McL.) Psychopathic rulers. 8°. New York, 1908. Cutting from: N. Am. Rev., N. Y., 1908, clxxxvii, 379-387. Rules and regulations of the New South Wales railways and tramways ambulance corps. 8 pp. 24°. Sydney, W. A. Gullick, 1899. Rulle (J.) Zur Phthisisfrage. Ein Vortrag ge- halten im Aerzteverein zu Riga. 18 pp. 8°. Biga, E. Plate, 1902. Rullier [P.] [ -1837]. See Amoretti (Giuseppe Agostino). Nuova teoria delle febbri [etc.]. 8°. Torino, 1816-17.— Beauchene, Kullier, Cloquet& Beclard. Memoiresen reponse a l'une des questions proposees au concours [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1812. Rullinann (Fritz). * Zur Casuistik combinier- ter Klappenerkrankungen mit Bezugnahme auf Lageveriinderung des Herzens. 26 pp. 8°. Giessen, C. von Mime-how, 18!) 1. c. Rullmann (Otto) [1876- ]. * Ueber Lym- phangitis carcinomatosa der Lungen im An- schluss an Magenkrebs. 24 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1905. Rullmann (AVilhelm). Chemisch-bacteriolo- gische Untersuchungen von Zwischendecken- fullungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Cladothrix odorifera. 46 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Miin- chen, F. St,-nub, 1895. de Rull y Xuriach (Juan) [1838-1U]. Planas y Vlves (G.) Biografia. Rev. de hig. y pol. san., Barcel., 1892, iii, 141-144, port. Rulot (Hector). De la febrinolyse dans lea solutions salines. 50 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1903. Forms fasc. 7 of: M6m. couron. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux., 1903-4, lxiii. Rum. Veley (V. H.) & Veley (L. J.) The micro- organism of faulty rum. 8°. London, 181(8. ITIicko (K.) Leber die Untersuchung des Jamaika- und Kunst-Rums und zur Kenntnis des typischen Riech- stoffes des Jamaika-Rums. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Gennssmittel, Berl., 1908, xvi, 433-451.— Fairault (A.) Notes sur la fabrication du rhum & la Guadeloupe. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon.. Par., 1899, ii, 214-227.—Saito (K.) Notiz iiber die Melasse-Rum- giirung auf den Bonin-Inseln (Japan). Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 2. Abt., Jena, 1908, xxi, 675-677.—Scala (A.) II rhum e le sue falsificazioni. Ann. d. Ist. d'ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma, 1890, ii, 159-176. Also: Selmi, Pavia, 1890-91, i, 2; 19. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1889-90, xvi, 469. -----. Prova Rose per la ricerca delle impurity nel rhum. Selmi, Pavia, 1890-91, i, 39-41.—Williams (W. C.) Some analyses of genuine Jamaica rums. J. Soc Chem. Indust., Lond., 1907, xxvi, 498-501. Ruma (R.) Po povodu kriticheskoi zamietki Bubnova na statyu " Higiena v niekotorikh gorodakh Zapadnoi Yevropi". [Concerning Bubnoff's critical note upon the essay: " Hygi- ene in some cities of western Europe".] 10 pp. 8°. [St. Betersburg, 1887.] du Rumain' (Charles de Trolong). See Du Rumain (Charles de Trolong). Rumbaeh (Ferdinand). *Des allongements hypertrophiques du col de l'uterus. 1 p. 1., 94 pp., 2 1. 4°. Strasbourg, 1865, 2. s., 2so. 849. Rumbaum (Christophorus). De partibus cor- poris humani exercitationes quaedam, quibus generatio, substantia, usus, sanitas, morbus et curatio illarum exponitur. 7 p. 1., 215 pp. 16°. Basilese, per S. Henricpetri, 1586. Rumbaum (Hans). * Beitrag zur Aetiologie des Hydramnions. 44 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, B. i*scJiPiYiPir 1893 Rumbold (Ignaz) [1862- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Echinococcuserkrankung. 32 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1890. Rumbold (Thomas Frazier) [1830-1901]. The Eustachian tube. The method of air-supply to the middle ear; the density of the air in this cavity; the cause of the uniform concavity of the membrana tympani, and the functions of the mastoid cells and the Eustachian tube. 42 pp. 8°. St. Louis, G. Rumbold & Co., 1880. [P., v. 2095.] Repr.from: St. LouisM. & S. J., 18S0, xxxix. ------. Hygienic and sanative measures for chronic catarrhal inflammation of the nose, throat, and ears. 2. ed. xv, 190 pp. 12°. St. Louis, Med. Bub. Co., 1882. ------. The relation of chronic nasal inflamma- tion to so-called nervous prostration; or the re- sult of excesses. 8 pp. 8°. [San Francisco, 1894.] Repr.from: Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1894. ------. The functions of the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles and incidentally the mechan- ism of tinnitus aurium. 16 pp. 8°. St. Bonis, 1897. Repr.from: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1897, iv. For Biography, see Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1900-1901, xix, 485. Also: Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1901, x, 465-467 (F. C. Ewing). Also: St. Louis M. & S. J., 1901, lxxxi, 50. Rumely (Edward A.) [1882- ]. * Ueber die Beziehungen der Appendicitis zu den weib- lichen Generationsorganen. 50 pp. 8°. Frei- I burg i. Br., Speyer dc Kaerner, 1906. RUMENOTOMY. 801 HUMMEL. Rumenotomy. See Surgery (Veterinary). Rumex. Fristedt (R.) & Fries (R.) Om twiinne i Sverige hittills misskiinda arter af viixtsliigtet rumex. [On two genera of vegetable rumex heretofore known in Sweden.] 8°. [n. p., n.d.] Saoet (P.) * Du fer et de l'etude anatomique des Rumex crispus et obtusifolius. [Montpel- lier.] 8°. Cusset pres Vichi, 1903. Gilbert iA.) & Lereboullot (P.) Contribution a l'etude du fer vegetal: emploi therapeutique du Rumex crispus. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 847- 850.—Tissier. Le fer vegetal (Rumex crispus). Rev. de med. et d'hyg. trop., Par., 1907, iv, 186-188. Rumex (Toxicology of). Biauclii (S.) Un caso d'avvelenamento per inges- tione di erba acetosa. Italia san., Milano, 1906, ii, 102.— Eiolilior«.t (H.) Todtliche acute Nephritis in Folge von Vergiftung mit Sauerampfer. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 449-451. — Flemyng (G. G.) Fatal cases of poisoning by ordinary sorrel (Ru- mex oxalis). Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1612.—Leiviii (L.) Ist der Sauerampfer ein Gift? Kin Beitrag zur Diagnose von Vergiftungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 485-487.—Jloinat (T.) Acht gevallen van vergiftiging na hetgebruik vanengelsche winterspi- nazie (Rumex patientia). Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1905, 2. r., xli, d. 1, 1195. —Soliweizer (K.) Ueber Sauerampfervergiftung bei Kindern. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xxiii, S25-S29. Rumford (Benjamin Thompson, Count) [1753- 1814]. Essavs, political, economical, and philo- sophical. v.*2. 4 p. 1., 310 pp. 8°. [Boston, D. West, 1798.] No title-page. For Biography, see furier i G.-L.-C.-F.-D.) Eloge his- torique du Comte de Rumford. In his: Rec. d. 61oges hist., sc. strasb. & Par.. 1819, ii. 190-231. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 190S, lxxiii, 32-51 (J. C. Dean). Rumford (The) Kitchen Leaflets. Nos. 7, 9, 10, and 12. 12°. [n. p.], 1893. CONTEXTS. No. 7. The food of schoolchildren and young students. By Kllen H. Richards. Xo. 9. Comparative nutrition. By Edward Atkinson. No. 10. Some suggestions about nourishment in acute disease. By Francis H. Williams. No. 12. Some points in the chemistry of proteids. By John J. Abel. Ruminants. See, also, Camel; Cattle; Deer; Giraffe; Rumination; Sheep. Gerhardt (U.) * Beitrage zur Anatomie der Wiederkiiuerniere. 8°. Berlin, [1899]. Cresoenzi (L.) & Antonini (A.) Contributo alio studio dei gangli ematiei nei ruminanti. Clin, vet., Mi- lano, 1906, xxix, 805: 1907, xxx, 81.—Oaobenton. Me- moire sur le mecanisme de la rumination et sur le tem- perament des betes a laine. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1768, Par., 1770,3*9-398.—Ellenberger. Leberdie Sehlund- rinne der \\ lederkauer und iiber ein Modell der Wie- derkauermagen. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1*98, xxiv, 390-396.—Gay (M.) Sopra un caso di parzia le adermogenesi in un piccolo ruminante. Moni- tore zool. ital., Firenze, 1903, xiv, 339.—Grosser (P.) Lnter-uchungen iiber den Magensaft der Wiederkauer. Zentralbl. f. Phvsiol., Leipz. u. Wien, 1905, xix, 265-270.— Ha'M-iiiann '((>.) Beitrag zur Lehre vom Stoffwechsel der Wied.rkainr. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, Suppl.- Bd. 111-140.—Larocat (A.) Nouvelle determination d'une pii'-ee nn'tatarsienne representant le pouce chez les ruminants. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1855, xli, 260.—Voltz <\V.) Untersuchungen uber die Verwer- tung des Betains durch den Wiederkauer (Schaf). Arch. f d. ges. Phvsiol., Bonn, 1907, cxvi, 307-333. -----. Ueber die Verwertung des Amidgemisches der Melasse durch den Wiederkauer. Ibid., cxvii, 541-563. Rumination. Kruger (E.) *Die Bedeutung des Glosso- pharvngeus fiir die Innervation des Wieder- kauaktes. [Bern.] 8°. Munchen, 1902. Cordier (J.-A.) Observations sur la vascularisation stomacale chez les ruminants et sur une fonction pro- VOL xiv, 2d series----51 Humiliation. bable des papilles du rumen et des cloisons cellulaires du reseau. Bull. Soc. philomat. de Par., 1892-3, 8. s., v, 31-:i:i.— Garms. Otriganiye zhvachki. [Chewing the cud.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1877, vii, 2. sect. 18-30.—llnzciiiaim (0.) Berichtigung und Ergiinzung zu dem Aulsatze: Beitrag zur Lehre vom Stoffwechsel der Wiederkauer. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, Suppl.- Bd., ;S82 —Kellner (O.) [etal.]. Untersuchungen iiber den Lin fluss des Asparagins und Ammoniaks auf den Eiweissimisat/. der Wiederkauer. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miin- chen u. Leipz., 1900, n. F., xxi, 313-376.—Krlieer (E.) Die Bedeutung desGlossopharyngeus fiir die Innervation des Wiederkanaktes. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Berl. 1902, xliv,28-44. Also, transl. r Abstr.]: Arch.ital. debiol., Turin, 1901-2, xxxvi, 161.—L,ederer(0.) Zur Lehre von der Rumination. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien, 1901, iii, 90.—Majrne (J.-H.) De la correlation des formes dans les animaux, considered sous les rapports de la physiologie, de l'hygiene et de l'etiologie des indigestions. Soc. Linneenne de Lvon. C.-r. (1841), 1842, 79-92.—Marc 111 (E.) Delia rum'ina- zione, con talune ricerche sperimentali su quella dei lat- tanti. Atti Cong. gen. d. Ass. med. ital. 1891, Siena, 1893, xiv, 723-733.— IVlaybaum (J.) Przyczynek do nauki o przezuwaniu. [On rumination.] Czasopismo lek.,E6d2, 1904, vi, 300-302.—Pariser (C.) Die Lehre vom Wie- derkauen. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1898-9, iii, 639-642.— Schmaltz (R.) Ueber Rumination. Jahresb. d. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1892-3, 161-172. -----. Ueber das anatomisch-physiologische Verhiiltniss der Speiserohrenmundung und Schlundrinnezum ersten und zweiten Magen beim Rinde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchn- schr., 1894, x, 315-319.—Scliitberg (A.) Ueber einige Organisationsverhiiltnisse der Infusorien des Wieder- kiiuermagens. Sitzungsb. d. phvs.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1891,122-137.—Sil (J.) Ueber Regurgitation und Rumination. Rev. de med. tcheque, Prague, 1908,i, 14.— Wiesner (A.) Ein Fall von Rumination. Ibid., 43. Also, transl.: Casop. 16k. Cesk., v Praze, 1908, xlvii, 428. Rumination in man. See Merycism. Rumine (Wladimir). * Recherches sur quelques derives de la quinoleine; methodes nouvelles pour la preparation de quelques derives du fluo- rane et de la xanthone. 34 pp. 8°. Geneve, C. Ztellner, 1907. Rumler. Les maladies sexuelles contagieuses ainsi que les principes fondamentaux de leur traitement. Description a la portee de tous. 15. ed., revueetcorrigee. 96 pp., 4 1. 8°. Ge- neve, C. Zcellner, 1902. ------. Causes, nature et guerison de la neuras- thenie en general ainsi que de la neurasthenie des organes genitaux en particulier. 6. ed. 377 pp., 3 1. 8°. Geneve, Bumler, 1903. ------. The same. 349 pp., 5 sheets. 12°. [Genere, n. d.] ------. The same. Ursachen, Wesen und Hei- lung der Nervenschwiiche (Xeurasthenie) im Allgemeinen sowie der nervosen Srhwachezu- stiinde des Geschlechtssystems im Besonderen. 17. Aufl. 350 pp., 4 1., port. 8°. Genf, F. J. Soehnlein, 1903. -----. Thesame. 350pp.,port. 8°. Genf, 1904. Riiinlerus (Joannes Udalricus). Observationes medicse; e bibliotheca Georgii Hieronymi Vel- schii, cum ejusdem notis. 63 pp., 6 1. 4°. [Auyustse Vindelicorum, G. Goebelius, 1668.] In: Velschius (Georgius Hieronymus). Sylloge cura- tionum, [etc.]. 4°. Augustx Vindelicorum, 1668. Ruiiiui (Christian). *Zur Kenntnis der Gift- wirkungderBordeauxbriihe und ihrer Bestand- teile auf Spirogyra longata und die Uredosporen. V. Puccinia coronata. [Bern.] 76 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Ndgele, 1895. Rummcl (Hans). * Zur Statistik der geburts- hiilflichen Perforation. Bericht iiber 60 Fiille der geburtshiilflichen Klinik zu Bern. [Bern.] 40 pp., 17 1. 8°. Bid, L. Heer, 1892. Rummel (Ludwig). *Ueber die Basedow'sche Krankheit. 48 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaest- ner, 1890. RUMMEL. 802 RUMPF. Ruuimel (Rudolf Willy) [1864- ]. *Ueber Myxoma chorii. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer dc Co., 1891. Rummler (Richard) [1876- ]. *Den Der- matosen analoge Schleimhauterkrankungen des Kehlkopfes. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Breslau, 1901. Rummo (Gaetano). Lezioni di clinica medica fatte all' Ospedale S. Chiara di Pisa nell' anno scolastico 1892-3. Malattie del sistema ner- voso. 309 pp., 1 1. 8°. Napoli, 1894. -----. Manuale di terapia clinica; formolario terapeutico ragionato, preceduto dal quadro diagnostico delle malattie. 6. ed. 1063 pp. 12°. Balermo, 1901. Also, Editor of: Terapia (La) clinica, Pisa, 1891-5. -----& Ferrannini (A.) Trattato di terapia medica generale. Parte la del volume 1°. 178 pp. 8°. Bisa, 1892. ------ & Hatoni (F.) Rtudi di termometria cranica. 20 pp. 8°. Napoli, A. Tocco, 1899. —----& Rubino (Alfredo). Manuale di tera- pia clinica. Formolario terapeutico ragionato preceduto dal quadro diagnostico delle ma- lattie. 3. ed., riveduta, emendata ed arrichita. 1 p. ]., 674 pp. 12°. Napoli, [A. Trani], 1890. ------ ------. The same. 4. ed., riveduta, emendata ed arricchita di molti capitoli e della sezione "Avvelenamenti". 1 p. 1., 799, viii pp. 12°. Napoli, Biforma med., 1894. Rummo's disease. See, also, Heart (Displacement of). Abrams (A.) Cardioptosis. Med. News, N. Y., 1903, lxxxiii, 337-339.—Barie (E.) La cardioptose. Bull.et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 213.— De Iiitca (B.) Studio clinico sulla cardioptosi (morbo del Rummo). Riforma med., Roma, 1901, xvii, pt. 3, 74: 86.—Einliorn (M.) Ueber Cardioptose und ihren Zusammenhang mit Hepatoptose. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1903, xl, 930-934.—Ferrannini (L.) & Sirleo (L.) Sulla cardioptosi (morbo di Rummo). Arch. ital. di med. int., Roma, 1901, iv, 3-53. — Firiczky (J.) Cardioptosis esete. [A caseof. . .] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1904, xlviii, 73. Also: Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1904, ii, 161— Oleiiard (F.) Sur une note de M. Bari6 relative a la cardioptose. Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. h6p. de Par., 1906, 3. s., xxiii, 253. —Kassai (J.) Cardioptosis esete. [Case.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1904, xlviii, 676. Also: Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1904-ik 6vi 6vkonyve, Buda- pest, 1904, 137. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Buda- pest, 1904, ix, 568. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1905, xli, 258.—Perrier. Cardioptose. Mont- pel. med., 1906, xxii, 589-598. — Rummo (G.) Sur la cardioptose. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de path, int., 595. Rump (J.) Hus-Spildevandsledningersamt en Fremstilling af hvorledes disse Anheg krreves udf0rte af Kjobenhavns Magistrat. [The water department; how it requires the supervision of the mayor of Copenhagen.] 26 pp. 12°. Kjobenhurii, W. Brior, 1891. Repr.from: Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh.,1891, 4. R., xxiii. ------. Sanitser-tekniske Forhold og Anlreg i danske Provinsbyer. [Sanitary-technical con- ditions and provisions in Danish provincial towns.] 3 p. 1., 220 pp. 8°. Kjdbenhaen, J. Frimodt, 1894. Repr.from: Kjobstadforeningens Tidsskrift. Ruiiipe (Robert) [1857- ]. Wie das Volk denkt; allerlei Anschauungen iiber Gesundheit und Kranksein. Vom Standpunkte des Arztes beleuchtet. viii, 131 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Vieu-eg dc Sohn, 1900. Rumpel (Alfred) [1879- ]. * Die Conjunc- tivitis granulosa in Wurttemberg. 34 pp. 8°. Tubingen, F. Bietzcker, 1906. Rumpel (Ferdinand Carl) [1874- ]. *Ueber Haemochromatose der Nieren. 46 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Borst, 1903. Rumpel (Ludov. Frid. Euseb.) *1V spina ven- tosa. 32 pp. 4°. Erfordite, lit. II. B. Nonnii, [1762]. Rumpel (Oskar) [1872- ]. * Ueber die Verwendung tuberkulosen Fleisches zu Genuss- zwecken. 31 pp. 12°. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1S96. -----. Ueber Geschwiilste und entzundlirhe Erkrankungen der Knochen im Rontgenbild. 49 pp., 23 pl. fol. Hamburg, L. Griife dc Sillem, 1908. Forms No. 16of: Fortschr. a. d. Geb.d. Rontgenstrahlen, Hamb., Ergnzngshft. Rumpel (Philippus Jacobus). *De tabe scor- butico. 15 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Bhenum, F. Halma, 1695. Rumpel (Theodor). See Kast (Alfred) & Rumpel (Theodor). Aus den Hamburger Staatskrankenhausern; pathologisch-anato- mische Tafeln, [etc.]. fol. Wandsbek-Hamburg, [1892], ----- -----. The same Illustrations of pathological anatomy, [etc.]. fol. Wandsbek-Hamburg <0 London, [n.p.]. Rumpelius(GeorgiusFridericus). *De purpura puerperarum. 24 pp. 4°. Jense, lit. Krebsianis, [1690]. Rumpelmayer (Alfred) [1871- ]. *Des injections rectales de serum artificiel chez les enfants dans la debilite congenitale et acquise. 82 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 253. -----. The same. 84 pp. 8°. Baris, G. Stein- heil, 1900. Rumpelt (Georg Ludwig). See Astruc (Johann). Abhandlung von Geschwiil- sten, [etc.]. 12°. Dresden & Warschau, 1761. — Paulet [Jean-Jacques]. Beytriige zu einer Geschichte der Vieh- seuchen, [etc.]. 8°. Dresden, 1776. Rumpen (Johannes) [1874- ]. *Beitriige zur chirurgischen Behandlung und Heilungs- statistik von Bauchverletzungen. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Griefswald, J. Abel, 1903. Rumpf (Ernst). * Ueber Neubildungen im Me- diastinum mit Beschreibung eines in der med. Klinik zu Freiburg i. B. beobachteten Falles mit ungewohnlich raschem Verlauf. 34 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Freiburg i. B., F. Wagner, 1894. -----. Ueber Tropon-Erniihrung bei Tubercu- lose. 7 pp. 8°. Giirbersdorf, 1898. Repr.from: Rothe Kreuz, Berl., 1898, xvi. Rumpf (Heinrich). * Ueber die Zuckerguss- leber. 19 pp. 8°. Beipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1895. c. Rumpf (Ludwig) [1877- ]. *Physikalische Veranderungen des Fleisches beim Koehen, Wassergehalts-, Dimensions- und Ziihigkeits- Bestimmungen. 54 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, A. Boegler, 1903. Rumpf (Th[eodor]) [1851- ]. Die Aetiologie der indischen Cholera. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1894, No. 109-110 (Innere Med., No. 33, 117-170). -----. Die Cholera indica und nostras. vi(ll.), 196 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1898. -----. Cholera nostras. In: Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y., 1898, xiv, 271-291. -----. Asiatic cholera. In: Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y., 1898, xiv, 293-446. -----. Medizinische Fakultiiten, medizinische Akademien und practischer Arzt. pp. 309-321. 8°. Berlin, G. Stille, 1905. Cutting from: Preussische Jahrb., Berl., 1905, cxxii. ------. Vorlesungen iiber soziale Medicin. vi, 290 pp. 8°. Beipzig, G. Thieme, 1908. See, also, Kiilz (Rudolph Eduard). Klinische Erfah- rungen iiber Diabetes mellitus. 8°. Jena, 1899.—ITIittoi- lungen aus den Hamburgischen Staatskrankenanstal- ten. v. 1, Hft. 1. 8°. Hamburg, 1897.—Sammlung von stercoskopischen Rontgenbildern [etc.]. "bl. 12°. Wiesbaden, 1901. RUMPF. 803 RUNGE. Rumpf (William [H.]) [1867- ]. *Alkali- metrische Untersuchungen des Blutes bei Krankheiten. 27 pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, II. Fiencke, 1891. ------. ^Etiology and pathology of extra-uterine pregnancy. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Am. Gynsec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, viii. Ruinpliiu* (Georgius Eberhardus) [11)27-1702]. See Valentini (Michael Bernhard) [in 1. s.]. Auri- fodina medica e tripliei naturae regno [etc.]. fol. (fies- sae <£ Francofurti, 1723. For Biography, see Apoth.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 410-412 (C. Hartwich). Also: Verhnndel. d. Koninklijke Aka- demie van Wetenschappen, Amst., 1871, xii, 1-65 (P. A. Leupe). For 1'ortrait, see Collection of Portr. of Phys. & Men of Se., 236. Ruinpler (Joseph August Oskar) [1873- ]. * Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Lehre der chirur- gischen Behandlung der Nierenentziindung. 47 pp., 11. 8°. Strassburgi. E., C. Midi dc Co., 1903. Ruiiitey (Charles Leslie). Consequences of dis- eases ot the nervous system upon the eye. 10 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1895. Repr.from: Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1895, xxx. Rumsey (Henry Wyldbore) [1809-76]. Med- ical relief for the labouring classes on the prin- ciple of mutual insurance, ii, 69 pp. 16°. Bon- don, J. W. Barker, 1837. [P., v. 242.] ------. Manchester Statistical Society. On the value of life tables, national and local, as evi- dence of sanitarv conditions. (Read Nov. 14, 1866.) A.—The'English life tables. 15 pp. 8°. [Manchester, 1800.] Cutting from: Tr. Manchester Statist. Soc, 1866-7. See, also, British Medical Association. Committee on qualification [etc.]. 8°. London, 1873. Run-around. See Paronychia. Ruuhorjg[ (Carl). See Kooli (Robert). Nya botemedel mot lungsot [etc.]. 8°. Stockholm, [1890]. Runek (August). * Beitrag zur Histologie der Bauchdeckenfibrome. 27 pp. 8°. Wurzburg, F. Fromme, 1891. Runek (Friedrieh) [1874- ]. * Ein Fall von Verblutung, die fiir septische Peritonitis gehal- ten wurde. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, C. Wolf d- Sohn, 1901. Runek (Theophil). * Beitrag zur Genese der sympathischen Ophthalmie. 23 pp. 8°. Wurz- burg, A. Boegler, 1897. Runcorn. See Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Statis- tics ( Vital), by localities. Rtiml (Eugen) [1871- ]. * Febris hepatica. [Berlin.] 29 pp., 11. 8°. Charlottenburg, Fdn- ger dc Heimann, 1895. Rund (Martinus). *De lue jam temporis mul- tas civitates atque regiones depopulante, videli- cet peste. 7 1. sm. 4°. Erfordix, typ. J. G. Hertz, 1, [1681]. RiiiiriM-liaii. Wochenschrift fiir die Interessen der Pharmazie, Chemie, Hygiene [etc.]. v. 15- 24, 1889-98. 8°. Brag. In July, 1898, No. 27, v. 24, continued under title: Pliarmacciitisclie Rundschau. Rundsehau fiir die gesammte Industrie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel unter Berucksich- tigungder Gesundheitspflege. Hrsg. von Adolf Bender. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-12, v. 1, Jan. 7 to June 26, 1894. 4°. Berlin. Ended. von Runustedl (Malita) [1866- ]. * Ue- ber einen Fall von Fixation und Abknickung der Flexura coli dextra. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Schmidt dc Klaunig, 1906. Runeberg (J[ohan] W[ilhelm]) [1843- ]. Ueber die Filtration von Eiweisslosungen durch thierische Membranen. 59 pp., 3 pl. 12°. [Leipzig, 1877.] Repr.from: Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1877, xviii. ------. Om behandlingen af inflammationer i och invid blindtarmen och dess anhang. [Treatment of tvphlitis and appendicitis.] pp. 345-363. 8°. * Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell dc Son, 1883. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Finska lak.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1883, xxiv. ------. Om albuminhalten i ascites viitskor. [The amount of albumin in ascitic fluids.] 15- 80 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell dc Son, 1883. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Finska lak.- sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1883, xxv. ---—. Om halten af fixa iimnen med undantag af albumin iifvensom om chloridhalten i de patologiska transsudaten. [Fixed substances, with the exception of albumin as well as chlo- rid, contained in pathological transudations.] 41 pp. 8°. [Helsingfors], 1884. Repr.from: Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1884, xxvi. ------. Om dodlicheten och dodsorsakerna i Helsingfors under de senaste tjugu aren. Akademisk inbjudningsskrift. [Mortality and causes of death in Helsingfors in the last twen- ty years.] 46 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, 1901. Runeberg (Johan Wilhelm), jun. *Om tu- berkulos mortaliteten i Helsingfors under de senaste tjugu aren (1881-1900). [The mortality by tuberculosis in Helsingfors in the last twenty years (1881-1900).] 55 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, Weilin dc Gobs, 1902. Runge (Alfred [Oscar Otto]) [1870- ]. *Zwei Fiille von angeborener Hydronefrose. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, G Jansen, 1895. Runge (Arthur Emil Gustav) [1880- ]. *Zwei Beitriige zur Frage der Blasenmole und des malignen Chorioepithelioms. 44 pp., 2 1. 8°. Greifswald, H Adler, 1907. Runge (Carl) [1875- ]. * Ueber die Base- dow'sche Krankheit. 64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gbttin- gen, B. Hofsr, 1902. Runge (Edward C.) [1856-1904]. Human rumination regarded in the light of atavic tend- ency. Report of a new case, with results of an investigation of its digestive chemism. 25 pp. 12°. [St. Bonis, 1894.] Repr. from: St. Louis M. Rev., 1894, xxx. ------. Our work and its limitations, pp. 53-67. 8°. Ctica, NY, 1899. Cuttinei [cover with printed title] from: Am. J. Insan., Utica, NT! V., 1899, lvi. For Biography, see Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1903-4, lx, 800- 803 (C. G. Chaddock). Also: Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1904, xi, 191-194 (G. Gellhorn & S. I. Schwab). Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1904, lxv, 306. Also: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1904, xxx, 186-188, port, [front.] (J. Grindon). Runge (Ernst Otto Paul) [1876- ]. *Ein- hundert supravaginal Amputationen und va- ginale Totalexstirpationen des myomatosen Uterus. 64 pp. 8°. Gottingen, W. F. Kaest- ner, 1901. ------. GvniLkologie und Geburtshilfe in ihren Beziehungen zur Ophthalmologic. 2 p. 1., 164 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1908. RUNGE. 804 urocco. Runge (F.) Nassau an der Lahn. Beobach- tungen auf dem Gebiete der Kaltvvasser-Kuren und der sogenannten Naturheilmethoden. 32 pp. 16°. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidef, 1869. -----. Kurmethoden und Kurerfolge in der Bade-Anstalt zu Nassau a. d. Lahn fiir H yd ro- und Elektrotherapie, 1869.^31 pp. 16°. Frank- furt a. M., C. Adelmann, 1870. —----. Beobachtungen auf dem Gebiete der Wasserkuren und anderer physikalischer Heil- methoden. 56 pp. 16°. Wiesbaden, Feller & Geeks, 1872. -----. Das Verhalten bei den Wasserkuren. 3., vollstiindig umgearbeitete Aufl. v, 67 pp. 12°. Berlin, [G. Bernstein], 1877. Die Wassercur. Allgemeinverstiindliche Darstellung des Wesens und der Aufgaben derselben und der bedeutenderen Wasserheil- anstalten. xii, 240 pp. 12°. Beipzig, J. J. Weber, 1879. Runge ([Fridericus] Guilelmus) [1817- ]. *De polypo uteri. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berolini, Nielack, [1841]. Runge (Georgius Andreas) [1738- ]. Fetr Biography, see Nicolai (Ernst Anton). [Pr.] quo demonstratur [etc.]. sm. 4°. Jense, 1760. Runge (G[eorgiy] K[arlovich]) [1860- ]. Otviet na otdlelnoye mnieniye prof. A. I. Lebedeva. [Reply to Prof. Lebedeff s separate opinion.] 33 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, S. N Khudekoff, 1892. Runge ([Heinrich] Max) [1849- ]. *Die Bestimmung der Grosse des Kindes vor der Ge- burt. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg, B. Schultz d Comp., 1875. -----. Versuche mit Einspritzungen von heis- sem Wasser bei uterinen Blutungen. 6 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Drueger, 1877.] Repr.from: Berl.'klin. Wchnschr., 1877, xiii. ■-----. Casuistik aus der Dorpater Frauenklinik. 24 pp. 8°. St. Betersburg, 1887. Repr.from: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1887, n. F., iv. -----. Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe. xiii, 504 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1891. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. xiv, S°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1894 ------. The same. 3. Aufl. Berlin, J. Springer, 1896. ----. The same. 4. Aufl. xvi, xvi, Berlin, J. Springer, ----. The same. 5. Aufl. Berlin, J. Sprim/er, 1899. ----. The same. 6. Aufl. Berlin, J. Spriut/er, 1901. ----. The same. 7. Aufl. 543 pp. 569 pp. 579 pp. xiv, 584 pp. xiv, 594 pp. xvi, 603 pp. Runge ([Heinrich] Max)—continued. The same. 5. Aufl. vi, 39 pp. Berlin, J. Springer, 1903. ----. The same. Uchebnik akusherstva (Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe.) Pere v. s nie metzkavo S. Z. Serebrennikov. Dopolnil po 2 niensetskomu izd. A. G. Feinberg. [Transl from the German by Serebrennikov. Supple- mented from 2. German ed. by Feinberg.) 19, 448 pp. 8° S.-Beterburg, [V. S. Ettinger], 1894. ----. Die Krankheiten der ersten Lebenstage. 2. Aufl. viii, 340pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1893. ----. The same. 3. umgearbeitete Aufl. xii, 386 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1906. ----. Das Weib in seiner geschlechtliehen Ei- genart. Nach einem in Gottingen gehaltenen Vortrage. 3. Aufl. iv, 39 pp. 12°. Berlin, J. Sprhufer, 1898. the same. 4. Aufl. vi, 38 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1904. Festrede im Namen der Georg-Augusts- Universitiit zur akademischen Preisvertheilung am 5. Juni 1899. Miinnliche und weihliche Frauenheilkunde. 25 pp., 1 1. 8°. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck d- Buprccht, 1899. ----. Lehrbuch der Gvniikologie. viii, 468 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1902. The same. 2. Aufl. viii, 493 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Springer, 1903. The same. 3. Aufl. viii, 522 pp. 8° Berlin, J. Springer, 1907. Runge (Hermann) [1876- ]. *Ueber einen Fall von Xanthoma tuberosum multiplex. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. Midi dc Co., 1905. Runge (Werner) [1882- ]. *Die Therapie der genuinen ICpilepsie, nebst einem Anhang iiber die Therapie der iibrigen Epilepsieformen mit Beriicksichtigung der Literatur der letzten 15 Jahre. [Heidelberg.] 4°. Wien, M. Berks, 1906. Runge (Wilhelm) [1877- ]. *Zur Aetio- logie der Pityriasis rosea Gibert. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. M'uh dc Co., 1906. Runkel (Alfred) [1861- ]. *Ueber cysti- sche Dottergangsgeschwiilste (Enterokystoma, Roth). 32 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Marburg, B. Friedrieh, 1897. Runkel (Johann) [1875- ]. * Ueber die Verwertung des Heroins in der Kinderpraxis. 31 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1900. Runners anel running. See, also, Locomotion. Bemies (C. O.) Physical characteristics of the run- ner and jumper. Am. Phvs. Educat. Rev., Bost., 1900, v, 235-245.—Blake (J. B.) & Larrabee (K. C.) Observa- tions upon long-distance runners. Boston M. & S. J., 1903, cxlviii, 195-198. Also. Reprint —Kennel ly (A. E.) Deductions from the records of running in the last Olym- piad. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1908, lxxiii, 385-391.— Knapp(P. C.) &Tnomas (J. J.) The reflexes in long- distance runners; a study of theinHueneeof fatigue upon certain reflexes. J. Nerv. & .Mint. Dis., N. Y., 1904, xxxi, 94-99. — Observations upon long-distance runners. Edited bv J. B. Blake and R. C. Larrabee. Boston M. & S. J., 1903. cxlviii, 195-206. Also, Reprint.—Richer (P.) Presentation a l'Academie de medecine d'un groupe en bronze reprcsentant trois coureurs. Rev. de cinesie, Par., 1900, ii, 160.—Stelzner (Helene Friederike). Das Wat- tenlaufen, ein therapeutischcr Sport. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1903, xxix, 789. Runic (Josef). * Der primiire Leberkrebs. 27 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Boegler, 1901. Runyon (F[rank] J.) Our recent epidemics of small-pox and the failure of glycerinated lymph. 15 pp., 1 1. 8°. Memphis, 1901. Repr.from: Memphis M. Month., 1901, xxi. Vaccine virus with special reference to the dangers of glvcerinated lvmph. 13 pp. 12°. Charlotte, N. "('., 1902. Repr.from: Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1902, xx, 'The vexed question of vaccination1 Berlin, J. Springer, 1900. again; have we a standard glycerinated virus? 9 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, 1902. Repr.from: Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iii. ------. Mucous colitis with special reference to treatment. 7 pp. 12°. New York, 1904. Repr.from: X. York M. J. [etc.], 1904, lxix. Ruoeeo (Francesco). Igiene dello scolaro; etiologia, patogenesi e profilassi delle malattie oculari e specialmente della miopia, pp. 283- 341. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, [1S95]. Forms no. 6 of: Collez. ital. di lett. s. med., Milano. RUOFF. 80J Ruoff (Christophorus Abrahamus). De morbis ex structura glandularum pra'ter naturam natis. 36 pp. 4°. Tubingw, 1694. In: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannse, 1758, vi. See, also, Sebizius (Melchior) [in 1. s.]. Exercita- tiones medica- xiv. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1623. Ruoft* (Fritz). * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Teta- nus. 27 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge d SoJin, 1898. Ruoll (A). See Elehhorn (Hermann Ludwig). Traite de patho- logie interne [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1889. Ruolte (P[aul]) [1862- ]. Kyste dermoide du bregma. 3 pp. 8°. Pam, 1896. Repr.from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v. ------. Quelques remarques sur les sections du nerf radial et leur traitement par la suture. 16 pp. -8°. Baris, 1896. Repr.from: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v. Rupe (Jan Hendrik Zilver). Proeve eener ge- neeskundige sterfte-statistiek der gemeente Dordrecht, over de jaren 18tiii en 1867. 96 pp., 1 1., 1 tab., 2 maps. 8°. Dordrecht, H. B. van Elk, 1869. Repr. from: Versl. v. d. Vereen. t. Vervet. d. Volks- gzndht., Ltrecht, 1867-8, ii. Rupeau (Jean) [1870- ]. *De quelques considerations generales sur les urines. 110 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 97. Ruperli (Joannes Valentinus). *De febre in- termittente tertiana convulsiva exanthematica. 6 1. 4°. Groningiv, J. Lenz, 1697. [P., v. 1951.] de Rupesei**a (Joannes). See Joannes de Rupescissa. R u pi a. Si e, also, Syphilides. .lli(< lxii (S. W.) Peculiar form of rupial skin dis- ease in an hysterical woman. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1893, n. s., cv. 23S-24I. 1 pi.—>oyes (A. W. F.) An extreme caseof rupial development. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1*94. n. s.. xvi. 407,1 pl.—Oliniann-Dumesnil (A.H.) Kupia. Tri-State M. .1.. St. Leeds, 1896, iii, 48-54. Also, Reprint.—Shoemaker i.I. V. i Rupia. Med. Bull., Phila., 1'JUJ, xxiv, 3_'s. -----. Kupia. Ibid., 1906, xxviii, 282. Rupitz (Valentinus Casparus). *Deasthmate. 30 1. 4°. Lne/el. Bat., apod vid. et hseredes J. E/seeirii, 1670.' [P., v. 1949.] -------. See, also: Carmixa votiva, in honerem Valentini Cas- pari Rupitii, [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1670. Rupp (Adolph) [1856-1907]. On syphilis of the external ear. 5 1. 8°. New York, D. Appleton dc Co., 1891. Repr.from: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1891, ix. -------. Aphtha; and diphtheria, their association and differentiation. 13 pp. 8°. New York, 1894. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1894, xxix. -------. Fish bones in the throat, and what they suggest concerning deglutition. 16 pp. 8°. New York, 1894. Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1894, lix. -------. Perforations of the nasal septum; etiol- ogy, clinical significance, and treatment. 24 pp. 8°. New York, Trow, 1S94. Repr.from: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi. -------. Concerning the aims and methods of hospital alumni societies. 7 pp. 12°. New York, 1895. Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1895, lxii. ------. Concerning bedsores; their aetiology, pa- thology, and treatment. 15 pp. 12°. New York, 1895. Repr, from: X. York M. .1., 1895, lxii. RUPPERT. Rupp (Adolph)—continued. ------. Remarks on antitoxin, diphtheria, the practitioner, and history. A practical view of antitoxin and diphtheria in private practice. Antitoxin, diphtheria, and statistics. 48 pp. 16°. New York, 1899. Repr.from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv: 1899, lv. Title on cover reads: Essays on diphtheria and anti- toxin. ------. Antitoxine results and diphtheria defini- tions. 10 pp. 12°. New York, 1900. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi. For Biography, see Boston M. & S. J., 1907, clvi, 258. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1907, xlviii, 820. Rupp (Adolf) [1881- ]. *Zwei Falle von Bulbnsruptur mit subkonjunktiver Linsenluxa- tion und Herausschleuderungen der Linse aus dem Auge. 32 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1907. Rupp (Friedrieh). * Ueber die Resultate der Wundbehandlung mit Creolin in der chirurgi- schen Klinik zu Strassburg i. E. 35 pp. 8°. Strassburg, 1889. Rupp (Gustav). Die Untersuchung von Nah- rungsmitteln, Genussmitteln und Gebrauchsge- genstiinden; praktisches Handbuch fiir Chemi- ker, Medizinalbeamte, Pharmazeuten, Verwal- tungs- und Justizbehorden, etc. xv, 472 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1900. Rupp (Johannes) [1879- ]. * Ueber Echino- kokkus im Beckenbindegewebe. Im Anschluss an einen in der chirurgischen Klinik der kgl. Charite operierten Fall. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Ber- lin, 0. Francke, 1905. Rupp (Walter) [1882- ]. * Ueber Aneurys- men der Arteria glutsea superior. 56 pp., 2 1. 8°. Konigsberg i. Br., 0. Kiimmel, 1907. Ruppaner (Antoine). Contributions to practi- cal laryngoscopy. Second series. Large fibrous polypus (fibro-sarcoma-polyposum) in the lar- ynx, removed by thyrotomy, preceded by lar- yngo-tracheotomy. 16 pp., 11., 1 pl. 8°. New York, 1879. A. l. a. Ruppe (Karl Bernard Christian) [1874- ]. * Ueber Gefiisse in den Herzklappen. 24 pp. 8°. Gottingen, L. Ho fer, 1904. Ruppe I (F). N:e Ziminermann (C. J. C.) & Kuppel (F.) [in 1. s. ]. Das neue allgemeine Krankenhaus in Hamburg- Eppendorf [etc.]. fol. Berlin, 1892. Ruppel (Ludwig) [1876- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Darmcarcinom nach Unterleibstrauma (secundarersubphrenischer Abscess, Peritonitis diffusa). 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Munchen, C. Wo/j dc Sohn, 1902. Ruppel (Richard) [1874- ]. * Ueber den Fettgehalt der Tier- und Menschenniere. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, B. Scheiner, 1904. Ruppel (Wilhelm G.) Die Proteine. xi, 207 pp. 8°. Marburg, N G. Elwert, 1900. Forms 4. Hft. of : Beitr. z. exper. Therap., Marb. Ruppentlial (Karl) [1876- ]. * Ueber zwei stereoisomere Oxime des Dypnons und Benzalacetophenons. 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Erlan- gen, E. T. Jacob, 1907. von Ruppert (Adolf) [1877- ]. * Die crou- pose Pneumonie auf der I. medizinischen Kli- nik und Abteilung des Ilerrn Geheimrats vm Ziemssen in den Jahren 1896-1900 incl. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. MiineBen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1901. Ruppert (Fritz). * Ueber einen Fall von Aneu- rysma der Aorta abdominalis. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner A Lassen, 1900. Ruppert (Johannes Georg Benno Ruppert) [1874- J. * Welche Bedeutung hat der nach dem Drehen um die Korperliingsachse auftre- RUPPERT. 806 RUSCIIEXBERGER. Ruppert (J. G. B. R.)—continued. tende Nystagmus fiir die Beurteilung des Zu- standes des Nervensystems? 52 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1906. Ruppert (Johannes Richard) [1878- ]. *TJe- ber einen Fall von Teratoma ovarii. 27 pp., 1 1. 8°. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1907. Ruppin (Carl) [1882- ]. * Nachuntersuchun- gen iiber die Bohm'sche Theorie der "habituel- len" Skoliose. 19 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Gion/i, 1907. Ruppin (Willi) [1871- ]. *AusdemAnti- dotarium des Henri de Mondeville (14. Jahrh.). 38 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1898. Ruppreelit (Johannes Bernhard Eduard) [1880- ]. * Ueber s.iurefeste Bazillen, nebst Be- schreibung eines Falles von spontaner Frosch- tuberkulose. [Freiburg i. Br.] 32 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Stuttgart, E. II. Moritz, 1904. Ruppreelit (Paul [Traugott Bernhard]) [1846- ]. Die Krankenpflege im Frieden und im Kriege. Zum Gebrauch fiir Jedermann, insbe- sondere fiir Pflegerinnen, Pfleger und Aerzte. 3. Aufl. xii, 443 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1898. ------. The same. 4. Aufl. xii, 460 pp. 12°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1902. ------. The same. 5. Aufl. xii, 464 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1905. Ruppreelit (W.) Die neue Naturheilmethode. Ein Ratgeber fiir Gesunde und Kranke zur naturgemiissen Behandlung der Krankheiten, nebst Mitteilungen iiber die Priessnitzsche und Kneippsche Heilmethode und die Luft-, Licht- und Sonnenbiider u. s. w. 210 pp. 12°. Ber- lin, S. Mode, 1905. Rupprielit. Nieren- und Blasenleiden, ihre Ursache und Heilung. Nebst Beseitigung der Unterleibskrankheiten nach der Methode Priessnitz-Griifenberg. 41 pp. 12°. Langen- salza, [1905]. ------. Wurmkrankheiten, Wassersucht, Ha- morrhoiden, Krampfadern, Aderknoten und Geschvviire. Die Entstehung und Heilung dieser Krankheiten gemeinverstandlich be- schrieben, nebst den An\vendung9formen der Naturheilmethode bei der hauslichen Kranken- pflege. vi, 170 pp. 12°. Langensalza, [1906]. Rupprielit (Friedrieh Wilhelm Georg) [1871- ]. *Uel>er Pseudarthrosen. 79 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. Wolf dc Sohn, 1901. Rupprielit (S.) Praktisk husliikarebok. En tillforlitlig radgifware for familjefader och mo- drar, hwilka utan lakares bitrade naste be- handla sjukdomar. [Practical domestic medi- cine book. A careful adviser to fathers and mothers who have to treat diseases without a j physician.] xxxv, 360 pp. 12°. Stockholm, S. Flodin, 1865. Rupreelit (F.) Material! dlya istorii Impera- torskol Akademii Nauk, po chasti botaniki. [History of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Section of Botanv.] 35 pp. 8°. Sanktpeter- burep 1865. Bound with: Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, S.-Peterb., 1865, vii. Rupreelit (Max). *Ein neuer Apparat zur Sterilisation elastischer Katheter. 41 pp. 8°. Tubingen, II. Laupp, 1898. ------. Ueber Starkstromanlagen und electro- medizinisehe Anschlussapparate, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung neuer Gleichstromumformer fiir Galvanokaustik. 1 p. l.,76pp. 12°. Ber- lin, Vogel dc Kreienbrink, 1904. Rupture. See Hernia. Rupture relieved by Rorick air-cushion truss. 32 pp. 16°. Washington, [1893]. -----. Thesame. 6. ed. 40pp. 16°. Wash-' inejton, [1893]. Ruptured (Societies for the relief of the). New Rupture Society. Instituted May 15, 1801, under the patronage of H. R. H. the Duke of York, for the relief of both sexes afflicted with herniary complaints and prolapses. Reg- ulations of the . . ., including a list of its gov- ernors, members, and officers, with a short ac- count of the present state of this institution. 8°. London, 1812. New York Society for the Relief of the Rup- tured and Crippled, New York City. Annual reports of the board of managers and surgeon- in-chief at the annual meetings. 1.-30., 18B3-4 to 1892-3. 8°. New York, 1864-93. Rr-'-TURE Society for the Relief of the Poor of ' Both Sexes, London. Annual report of the committee for the year 1884. 8°. London, 1885. Rupture-quacks. See, also, Trusses. Ashurst ( F.) Rupture-quacks. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1895, xxiii, 764. Rushby (Henry H.) The botanical names of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. 20 pp. 16°. [De- troit, 1892.] Repr.from: Bull. Pharm., Detroit, 1892, vi. ------. Vegetable medicines of the ipecac class. 15 pp. 16°. [New York, 1893.] Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1893, lvii. ------. The College of Pharmacy of the City of New York. pp. 115-124. 8°. [New York, 1894.] Cutting from: Am. Univ. Mag., N. Y., 1894. ------. Comparative action of the green and brown strophanthus seeds. 7 pp. 8°. Bhila- delphia, 1899. Repr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1899, xxxii. See, also, Arata ( Pedro N. ) & C'anzonari ( Fran- cisco). An investigation of the genuine Winter's bark, [etc.]. 10°. [Detroit, 18&9.] Ruseh (Johannes Heinrich Friedrieh) [1866- ]. * Untersuchungen fiber die Ernahrung des iso- lierten Siiugethierherzens, nebst geschichtli- chen Studien zur kiinstlichen Speisung des Herzmuskels. 72 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1898 Rusene (Waldemar Alfred Otto) [1882- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Blutgefiissgeschwiilste der Augenlider und der Orbita. [Giessen.] 38 pp. 8°. Miinster, S. Geibel dc Co., 1907. Rusehenberger (William* Samuel Waith- man) [1807-96]. Physiology and animal mech- anism. First book of natural history, prepared for the use of schools and colleges, xviii, 19-101 pp., 6 pl., 6 1. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Turner dc Fisher, 1841. ------. Elements of anatomy and physiology: prepared for the use of schools and colleges. From the text of Milne-Edwards and Achille Comte. xviii, 19-120 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bhiladel- phia, Bippincott, Crambo dc Co., 1852. ------. A sketch of the life of Casper Wister. 34 pp., port. 8°. Bhiladelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1891. Repr.from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1890, xii. RUSCIIEXBERGER. 807 RUSH. Ruselienberger (W. S. W.)—continued. _____. A sketch of the life of Dr. Gouverneur Emerson. 26 pp., port. 8°. Bhiladelphia, MacCalla d ('<>., 1891. Repr.from: Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1891, xxix. Se -dso. Pasteur (Louis). Researches on the molec- ular di-vmetrv [etc.]. 8°. [Philadelphia], 1862. For i:'i"orap'hy,see Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila. (1S9.">), 1890. 1 .J-li._' (E. J. Nolan). Also: Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1895, xxxiv, 301-304, port (D. G. Brinton). Also: Tr. Coll Phys. Phila., 1896, xviii pp., xxxv-lxi (J. Ash- hurst). Ruselienbuscli (Ernst). * Ueber Tuberku- lose der l.vmphdriisen. 34 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junq, d Sohn, 1891. Rusehhaupl (Erich) [1875- ]. *Ueberein myxomatos entartetes Gliom des Nervus opti- cus. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, Buchcn & Mihiie/, 1900. Rusehhaupt (Walther) [1874- ]. *Ueber ausgedehnte Darmresectionen. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, K. Drobnig, 1901. Ruseliilzka (Josephus). *De sassaparilla. 47 pp. 8°. Vindobonse, 1833. Ruseliiu* (Joannes Baptista). De visus organo libri quatuor. Affixa est de oculi dignitate pa- laestra. 2 p. 1., 104 pp. 8°. Baris, in bybli- otheca F. Tanaglii, 1631. Rmeluiiaiui (Wilhelm) [1878- ]. *Die Resultate der Sehnennaht. 56 pp., 1 1. 8°. Miinchen, Kastner dc Calluei/, 1904. Ruseoni (M[auro]) [177611849]. Developpe- ment de la grenouille commune depuis le mo- ment de sa naissance jusqu'a son etat parfait. Pt. 1. x. 61 pp., 4 pl. fol. Milan, B. E. Giusti, 1826. For Binoraiihu, see Bifli (S.) Sulla vita scientifica e sulle open- di anatomia e fisiologia comparata di Mauro Ruseoni. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1853, cxiv, 566: cxvi 54; 225. Also, in his: Op. compl., Milano, 1902, i, 239-368. Ruseoni (Ulrico). Esperienze cliniche sull' uso del borate sodico nell' ileo-tifo e nelle febbri palustri, istituite in un comparto medico fem- minile dell' Ospedale maggiore di Milano. 10 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Milano, frat. Bechiedei, 1875. Repr.from: Ann. univ. dimed.. Milano, 1S75, cexxxii. -----. Caso di completa ossificazione della lente cristallina. 7 pp. 8°. Milano, frat. Bechiedei, 1875. Repr.from: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1875, 7. s., vi. Rush, Michigan. Michigan, House of Bepresentatircs. A bill to authorize and empower the board of control of state swamp lands to make an appropriation of state swamp lands to drain and reclaim certain swamp and overflowed lands in town 8, north, of range 3 east, being the town of Rush, Shia- wassee County. File No. 284. H. of Rep. No. 372. Introd. by Mr. Sharts. March 28, 1879. fol. [Lansing, 1879.] Ru*li (Benjamin) [1745-1813]. Directions for preserving the health of soldiers, addressed to the officers of the army of the United States; published bv order of the Board of War. 14 pp. 8°. [Bhiladelphia, 1777.] Repr.from: Pennsylvania Packet, no. 284. ------. Medical inquiries and observations, v. 2. iv, 321 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bhiladelphia, J. Dobson, 1"93. r. , , Bound with: v. 1, 3. ed., London, 1794 [infra]. -----. The same. v. 1. 3. ed. viii, 261 pp. 8°. London, C. Dilly, 1794. ______. Thesame. 2 v. 3. ed., revised and en- larged, iv, 7-453 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, T. dc Rush (Benjamin)—continued. ------. The same. 4 v. in 2. v. 1. 4. ed. viii, 273 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, M. Carey, 1815. ------. Essavs, literary, moral, and philosophi- cal. 3 p. l.| 378 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, T. & S. F. Bradford, 1798. ------. Medical inquiries and observations upon the diseases of the mind, viii, 367 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, Kimber d: Bichardson, 1812. The same. 4. ed. vi, 7-365 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, J. Grigg, 1830. An inquiry into the effects of ardent spirits upon the human body and mind; with an account of the means of preventing and of the remedies for curing them. 8. ed. 36 pp. 24°. Brookjield, E. Merriam & Co., 1814. An account of the causes and indications of longevity and of the state of the body and mind in old age; with observations on its dis- eases, and their remedies. (First printed at Philadelphia, an. 1793.) 12 pp. 8°. New York, Boole dc Maclauchlan, 1872. ----. Old family letters relating to yellow fever. Series B. 108 pp. 8°. Bhiladelphia, J. B. Bip- pincott Co., 1892. -----. Lectures on pathology, therapeutics, and the practice of physic. MS. 226 pp., 11. 16°. [n. p., n. d.] -----. MS. notes on lectures by Benj. Rush. [By I. H. Bache.] 3 v. 4°. [n. p., n. d.] —. [Notes on the lectures of ... on the practice of medicine, taken during the years 1809-11 by Steph. Davis.] MS. 771. 4°. Phil- adelphia, [n. d.]. See, also, Coxe (Edward Jenner). A practical treatise on medical inhalation, (etc.] 3. ed. sm. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1854.—Family (The) physician [etc.]. 16°. Low- ell, 11864].—Priestley (Joseph). Scientific correspond- ence [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1891. For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 593-601 (W. Pepper.) Also: Med. Libr. & Hist. J., Brook- lyn, 1906, iv, 240-246 (H. G. Webster). Also: N. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 563. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1888, xx, 216-223 (J. H. Musser). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). See, also: W. Bradford [et al.'], 1809. Butler (G. F.) A little journey to the home of Ben- jamin Hush. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1909, xvi, 48-55 — De Forest (II. P.) Benjamin Rush's directions for pre- serving the health of soldiers, [etc.]. • Mil. Surgeon, Car- lisle, Pa., 1908, xxii, 182-195.—Gihon (A. L.) The great physician of the Revolution. Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton Pa., 1897, iii, no. 2, 120-131— Huntington (A. T.) A brief history of the Rush monument. Med. Libr. & Hist. J., Brooklyn, 1904, ii, 197-206.—Pilcher (J. E.) Benja- min Rush, surgeon-general of the middle department of the armv of the Revolution. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle, Pa., 1905, xvi, 439-442.—Richardson (B. W.) The American Sydenham. Inhis: Disciples of ^Esculapius, 8°, Lond., 1900, i, 62-75, port.—Riley (I. W.) Benjamin Rush as materialist and realist. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1907, xviii, 89-101.—Watson (E. W.) A medical lecturer of 1804, being abstracts 97, xlix, 439 i W. W.Webb'. Russell (James) [178t>-lSol]. 'Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 440i..W. W. Webb). Russell (Sir James Burn) [1837-1904]. Report of an outbreak of enteric lever connected with milk supplv. 7 pp. 12°. Glets1. Health [etc.] Mass., Bost., [1896]. ------. Public health administration in Glas- gow. A memorial volume of the writings of ... Edited by A. K. Chalmers, xxxii, 012 pp., port. 8°. Glasgow, J. Maclehose dc Sons, 1905. >"-.also, liittlejohn (Sir Henry Duncan) & Bus- *ell (James Burns). Report... on Glasgow City Poor- lj..M-e". 8°. [Olase/mr. 1KS7.1 For niogretjihn see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1904, ii. 1273-1275. Also: Boston M. tt S. J.. 1904, cli, 552 (J. B. Russell). Also: Glasgow M. J., 1904, lxii, 431-437, port. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1904, ii, 1387. -----& Chalmers (Arch. K.) Report on an outbreak of scarlet fever in Glasgow connected with an epidemic teat eruption on milch cows at Jaapston. WTith a report by E. Klein, on certain materials sent him. 26 pp. 12°. Glasgou-, B. Anelersou, 1893. Russell (James Samuel Risien). The bacteri- ology of epidemic exfoliative dermatitis. 8 pp. 8°. [London, J. Bale dc Sons, 1893.] Repr.from: Brit. J. Dermat.. Lond., 1*92 iv In: Rep. Dep. Path. Lniv. Coll. Lond., 1892-8. i. ------. An experimental investigation of the nerve roots which enter into the formation of the brachial plexus of the dog. 4 pp. 8°. [London, J. Bale dc Sons, 1893.] Repr.from: Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1S92. li. In: Rep. Dep. Path. Lniv. Coll. Lond.. 1892-3, i. -----. The abductor and adductor fibres of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. 12 pp. 8°. [Lon- don, J. Bale dc Sons, 1893.] Repr.from: Proc. Rov. Soc. Lond., 1892, li. In: Rep. Dep. Path. Lniv. Coll. Lond., 1892-3, i. -----. Defective development of the cerebel- lum in a puppy. 8 pp., 2 pl. 8°. London, J. Bale dc Sons, 1895. Repr.from: Brain, Lond., Is9">, xviii. ------. An experimental investigation of the cervical and thoracic nerve roots in relation to the subject of wry-neck. 24 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London, J. Bale, Sous dc Danielson, 1897. Ripr.from: Brain, Lond., 1897, xx. -----ec Taylor (James). A second series of cases treated by suspension at the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic, Queen square. S pp. 12°. Bondon, 1890. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 1890, i. Russell (John Elliott) [1860-LM.hs]. Obituary. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1908, li, 2231. Russell (John F.) The composition of the Russell emulsion of mixed fats, and a consider- ation of the importance of fat as a constituent of diet in acute febrile conditions. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1898. Repr. from: Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1898, xiii. ------. On the use of the Russell emulsion (emuls. sevi et olei comp.) in diseases other than phthisis pulmonalis, and methods of ad- ministration. 8 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1898. Repr. from: Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1898, xiii. ------. Weight and diet in pulmonary tubercu- losis. 11 pp. 12°. New York, 1902. Repr. from: Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1902, xvii. -----. The dispensary or home treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. 19 pp. 12°. Nen- York, 1902". Repr. from: Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1902, xvii. ■ -----. The management of exacerbations in the course of pulmonary tuberculosis. 19 pp. 12°. Xew York, 1903. Repr. from: Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1903, xviii. ------. Report of fifty-five apparent cures of pulmonary tuberculosis occurring in working people who were treated at a dispensary with- out interruption to their work; being an appeal for systematic treatment of consumptive work- ing people. 127 pp. 8°. New York, 1906. ------. Report of five more apparent cures of pulmonary tuberculosis occurring in working people who were treated at a dispensary with- out interruption to their work. 17 pp. 8°. Xew York, 1906. See, also, Beports of the committee of inspection [etc.]. 8°. New York, 1S9S— Report (Annual) of the committee [etc.]. 8°. Xew York, 1901-::. Russell (John WadJtams) [Isol-ST]. Larimore (F. C.) Obituary. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1887, 23S-242. Russell (Patrick) [1727-1805]. [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, xlix, 469 (E. T. Carlylej. RUSSELL. 810 Kl/SSIA. Rutsell (R. R). Editor of: Germicide fThe), Xew York, 1887-94. Russell [or Russel] (Richard) [1700?-1771]. A letter to Dr. Addington, of Reading, on his refusal to join in consultation with a physician who had taken his degree abroad, and was approved and licensed by the College of Physi- cians in London, v, 34 pp. 8°. Bondon, W. Russel, 1749. ------. (Economia naturae in morbis acutis et chronicis glandularum. 260 pp. 12°. Londini, imp. J. dc J. Bivington, 1755. Russell (R[ollo]). London fogs. 44 pp. 8°. Bondon, E. Stanford, 1880. [P., y. 2031.] ------. National strategy against infection. 16 pp. 8°. London, Nat. Bress Agency, 1888. ------. Epidemics, plagues, and fevers; their causes and prevention, xii, 508 pp. 8°. Lon- don, E. Stanford, 1892. ------. Strength and diet. A practical treatise with special regard to the life of nations. 649 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1905. ------. The reduction of cancer. 62 pp. 12°. London, New York, etc., Longmans, Green dc Co., 1907. Russell (Thomas). Instructions for voluntary observers. Prepared under direction of th e Chief of the Weather Bureau. 100 pp. 8°. Washing- Urn, 1892. ------. Meteorology, weather, and methods of forecasting. Description of meteorological in- struments and river flood predictions in the United States, xxiii, 277 pp., 44 1., 1 pl. 8°. New York dc London, Macrnillan dc Co., 1895. Russell (Thomas H.) Complete and perma- nent recovery by jejuno-ileostomy with Senn's bone plates in intestinal obstruction due to in- tussusception and sloughing of the intussuscep- tion. 5 pp. 12°. [New York, 1890.] Repr.from: X. York M. J., 1890, Iii. Russell (W. J.) On a simple method of esti- mating urea in urine. 5 pp. 12°. London, 1874. Repr.from: J. Chem. Soc, Lond., 1874, xii. ------. I. On London rain. II. On the amount of carbonic acid in London air. 16 pp., 4 pl. 4°. London, 1884. Repr.from: Appendix to the monthly weather report, April, 1884. ------. On the teaching of chemistry to students of medicine. 426-440 pp. 8°. London, Har- rison dc Sons, 1890. Cutting from: J. Chem. Soc, Lond., 1890, lvii. ------& West (Samuel). On the relation of the urea to the total nitrogen of the urine in dis- ease. 7 pp. 12°. London, 1880. Repr.from: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1880, xxx. ------------. On the amount of nitrogen excre- ted in the urine by man at rest. 6 pp. 12°. London, 1880. Bound tvith their: On the relation of the urea [etc.]. 12°. London, 1880. Russell (William)., A physical treatise, ground- ed, not upon tradition, nor phancy, but expe- rience, consisting of three parts. 1. A manu- duction, discovering the true foundation of the art of medicine. 2. An explanation of the gen- eral natures of diseases. 3. A proof of the for- mer positions by practice. 6 p.l., 179 pp., 6 1. 12°. London, J. Williams, 1684. Russell (William). Report on the state and progress of vaccination in Bengal during the years 180."> and 1806, submitted to the medical board at Fort William. 24 pp. 8°. Calcutta, 1807. [P., v. 1974.] Russell ( Wi/limn) [iWl-'.H)]. Tourtelott (L. A.) Biographical sketch. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila., 1S91. 458-461. Russell (William). An invalid's twelve years' experience" in search of health, and a guide to health and strength and the cure of weakness and disease, theoretically and practically. With a valuable appendix containing the experience of other invalids, extending from the vears 1831 to 1867. xi, 413 pp. 12°. Monks E/ei>/h, Suffolk, [B. B. Marten, 1891]. ------. Medical philosophy. Man's peculiari- ties, weaknesses, diseases, degeneration, and remedies; showing the simplicity of the science of health and disease, as taught by the best writers in all ages, in all parts of the world. xiv, 504 pp. 8°. Bondon, H. Kimpton, 1907. ------. Arterial hypertonus, sclerosis and blood- pressure, ix, 194 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Edinburgh dc London, W. Green dc Sons, 1907. See, also, Gibson (George Alexander) & HiimmcII (William). Phvsical diagnosis [etc.]. 12°. EUinhuml, & London, 1890. -----. The same. 12°. Xew York, 1891. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh & London, 1893. Russell (William L.) & Salmon (Thomas W.) Report of an epidemic of diphtheria in the Wil- lard State Hospital, Willard, Xew York. 53 pp. 8°. Albany, Brandow Brint. Co., 1905. Russell (W[illiam] W.) Hemorragic infarction . of the Fallopian tube. 8 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood dc Co., 1894. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx. -----. The clinical course of forty-seven cases of carcinoma of the uterus subsequent to hys- terectomy. 8 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1895. Repr.from: John Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1895, vi. ------. The operative significance of metastases and post-operative recurrences in carcinoma of the uterus. 14 pp., 3 pl. 8°. New York, 1896. Repr.from: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1S96, xxxiv. Russell Sage foundation. The campaign against tuberculosis in the United States; in- cluding a directory of institutions dealing with tuberculosis in the United States and Canada. Compiled under the direction of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tu- berculosis, bv Philip P. Jacobs, viii, 467 pp. 1 ch. 8°. Xew York, 1908. Russell's bodies. See Cancer (Bathology of). Russell's fasciculus. Van Gehuchten (A.) Le faisceau en crochet de Russell ou faisceau c<5r6bello-bulbaire. Xevraxe, Lou- vain, 1905-6, vii, 117-159. Russia. Regulamento para preservar da intro- duceao das molestias epidemicas os portos rus- sos, e costos dos mares Baltico e Branco. 15 pp. 8°. [Bisboa, 1816, vel subseq.] [P., v. 1258.] ------. Katalog materialam i pripasam inten- dantskavo dovolstviya dlya voyenno-vremen- nikh hospitalei na 200 bolnikh v mlesyachnof proportsii. [Catalogue of articles and commis- sary stores for hospitals in time of war for 20Q patients, par month.] 21. fol. [St. Betersburg, 1868.] ------. The same. Dlya postoyannikh i viv- menno uchrezhdyonnikh v mirnoye vremya hospitalei, po ikh klassam, v mlesyachnoi pro- portsii. [For permanent and temporary hos- pitals in time of peace, according to their class, per month.] 21. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. Katalog medikamentam i aptechnim pri- pasam dlya plekhotnikh polkov v sostavle 3000 eheloviek, v polugodovol proportsii. [Cata- RUSSIA. 811 RUSSIA. Russia—continued. logue of medicaments and apothecary stores for infantrv regiments of 3000 men, for half a vear.] 3 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. The same. Dlya kavaleryskikh polkov, artilleriyskikh brigad i otdlelnikh batalionov v sostavie 1000 chelovlek, v polugodovol propor- tsii. [For cavalry regiments, artillery brigades, and separate battalions, of 1,000 men, for half a year.] 3 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1808.] —----. The same. Dlya apteeimavo vyuka v tryokhrnlesyachnoi proportsii. [For the drug pack, for three months.] 11. fol. [St. Peters- burg, 1868.] ------. Katalog medikamentam i aptechnim pri- pasam dlya postoyannikh hospitalei, imleyu- shtshikh pri aptekie ustroyennuyu laboratoriyu na 100 bolnikh v godovol proportsii. [Cata- logue of medicaments and apothecary stores for permanent hospitals having a laboratory in connection with its drug store, for 100 patients a year. 5 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. Thesame. Dlya vremenno-uchrezhdaye- mikh hospitalei, v mirnoye vremya v godovol proportsii na 100 chelovlek bolnikh. [For tem- porary hospitals, in time of peace, for 100 pa- tients a year.] 5 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. The same. Dlya podvizhnavo divizion- navo lazareta na 160 bolnikh, v chetiryokh- miesyaehnol proportsii. [For a movable divi- sional hospital for 160 patients, for four months.] 2 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. The same. Dlya voyenno-vremennikh hospitalei na 200 bolnikh v tryokh mlesyach- noi proportsii. [For hospitals in time of war, for 200 patients, for three months. 3 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. Katalog medikamentam, materialam i pripasam dlya kommand, pri koikh nakho- dyatsya odni tolko feldshera, na 100 chelovlek zdorovikh, v godovol proportsii. [Catalogue of medicaments, articles, and stores for commands having only a feldsher, at the rate of 100 healthy men, per annum.] 21. fol. St. Petersburg, 1868. ------. Tabel khirurgicheskim instrumentam i apparatam dlya piekhotnikh i kavaleriyskikh polkov artilleriyskikh brigad i otdlelnikh bata- lionov. [Surgical instruments and apparatus for infantry and cavalry regiments, artillery brigades, and separate battalions.] 1 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. The same. Dlya postoyannikh i vre- menno-uchrezhdavemikh v mirnoye vremya hospitalei po ikh klassam. [For permanent and temporary hospitals in time of peace, ac- cording to their class.] 1 1. fol. [St. Peters- burg, 1868.] ------. The same. Dlya kommand gdle niet vracha. [For commands without a physician.] 1 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1868.] ------. The same. Dlya podvizhnavo divizion- navo lazareta na 160 bolnikh. [For a movable divisional hospital for 160 patients:] 1 1. fol. [St. Petersbury enact- ments, to which references are made in t he code. Government hospitals which are under the juris- diction of zemstvos and city governments, of boards of charities or institutions taking their place, and of councils of charities in the govern- ments of Poland. Private hospitals, organized and sustained by guilds, benevolent, learned, and other societies, as also by private indi- viduals. (Unofficial edition bv D. V. Chichin- adze.)] 46 pp., 1 1. 12°. S'-I'elerbun/. D. V. Chichinadze, 1894. ----. Spravochnaya knizhka dlya voyennikh vrachel (sistematicheskoye sobraniye pravi- telstvennikh rasporyazheniy, prikazov po vo- yennomu vledomstvu, tsirkulyarov Glavnavo shtaba, izvlecheniy iz Ust. distsiplinarnavo i vnutren. sluzhbi). Sostavil Dm. S-off. Ne- offitsial. izd. [Reference book for army physi- cians (systematic collection of government regulations, military orders, circulars from the chief of staff, extracts from the codes of disci- pline and internal service. Compiled bv Dm. S-off. Unofficial, ed.] viii (1 1.), 314 pp. 8°. Xovgoroel, 1896. ----. Sbornik zakonopolozheniy dlya farma- tsevtov, soderzhatelel aptek i drogistov. Sos- tavil P. N. Bulatoff. [Collection of laws for pharmacists, apothecaries, and druggists. Com- piled by . . . ] viii, 407 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K L. Bikker, 1897. Unofficial edition. ----. Alfabitniy ukazatel bolleznyam i tleles- nim nedostatkam pri osvidletelstvovannii lits, prizvannikh k ispolneniya voi'nskoi povinnosti. Sostavil, po nastavleniyu i rospisaniyu prikaza po V. V. ot 31 oktyabrya 1897 goda za No. 2W, E. Idelson. [Alphabetical index of diseases and corporal deficiencies in examining recruits drafted for military service. Compiled in ac- cordance with military order No. 299, of Oct. 31, 1897, bvE. Idelson.] 40 pp. 16°. Kazan, V. M. Klyuchnikoff, 1898. Unofficial edition.' -----. Prikaz po voyennomu vledomstvu No. 424. [Visochalshe povelieno: Vidlelit voyen- no-veterinarnuyu chast iz vledleniya okruzh- nikh voyenno-meditsinskikh inspektorov i okruzhnikhvoyenno-meditsinskikh upravleniy, a takzhe iz vledleniya korpusnikh i divizion- nikh vrachel; vozlozhitzaviedivaniye voyenno- veterinarnoyu chastyu na okruzhnikh i kor- pusnikh veterinarov.] [Order for the military establishment No. 424. By command of the Emperor: To eliminate the veterinary depart- ment of the army from the jurisdiction of army medical inspectors and circuit bureaux, and likewise from the jurisdiction of corps and di- vision physicians; to place its direction on cir- cuit and corps veterinarians.] 17 pp. '4°. [x.- Beterburg, Trenke dc Fyusno, 1902.] Bound with: Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1902, xiv. ------. Zakoni i rasporyazheniya po voyenno- veterinarnol chasti; spravochnaya kniga dlya voyennikh veterinarnlkh vrachel, shtabov, upravleniy, zavedeniy i chastel voisk. Sostavil A. M. Rudenko. Po 15 noyabrya 1904 g. [Laws and regulations concerning the army veterinary part; reference book for army vete- RUSSIA. RUSSIA. Russia—continued. rinary physicians, staffs, boards, institutions, and parts "of troops. Compiled by Rudenko. Up to Nov. 15, 1904.] xiii, 8(10 pp. 8°. N.- Beterburg, Trenke dc Fyusno, 1905. Unofficial edition. ------. Nastavleniye prisutstviyam po voinskol povinnosti, dlya rukovodstva pri osvidletelst- vovanii tleloslozheniya i zdorovya lits, prizvan- nikh k ispolneniyu sel voi'nskoi povinnosti. [Instruction to drafting commissions for guid- ance in examining the constitution and health of recruited candidates.] 24 pp. 12°. S.-Beter- burg, 1906. ------. The same. 23 pp. 12°. S.-Peterburq, [M. Aleueva], 1907. ------. Ispitaniya na zvaniya i stepeni lekarya, zubnavo vracha, povivalnol babki, provizora, aptekarskavo pomoshtshnika i aptekarskavo uchenika; svod uzakoneniy, rasporyazheniy, postanovleniy i razyasneniy Pravitelstva, pra- vila, trebovaniya, instruktsii, programmi dlya ekzamenatorov i ekzamenuyushtshikhsya. So- stavil N. Malinovski. [Examinations for the degrees of physician, dentist, midwife, pharma- cist, pharmaceutical assistant, and pharmaceu- tical student; code of laws, regulations, orders, and explanations of the government, rules, de- mands, instructions, programs, for examiners and those examined. Compiled by . . .] 293, x, iii pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, A. L Bazloff, 1907. Unofficial edition. Russia. Si.e, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for), Cholera (History, etc., of), Deaf-mutes (Asy- lums, etc., for), Diphtheria (History, etc., of), Epidemics (History, etc., of), Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Fevers (History, etc., of), Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Hospitals (Management, etc., of), Influ- enza (History, etc., of), Insane (Asylumsfor, Description of), Insane (Care, etc., of), by locali- ties; Ivan the Terrible; Lake Ing-ol; Lake Sabunday; Lake Shira; Leprosy (History, etc., of), Meningitis (Cerebrospinal, History, etc., of), by localities; Moscow; Pharmaco- poeias (Official), Pharmacy (Colleges and schools of), Pharmacy (Legislation relating to), Plag-ue (History, etc., of), by localities; Saint Petersburg-; Scarlatina (History, etc., of), Sewage (Disposed of), Small-pox (History, etc., of), Statistics ( Vital), Universities, Vaccina- tion (History, etc., of), Waters (Mineral), by lo- calities. Am.max (J.) Stirpium rariorum in imperio Rutheno sponte provenientium icones et descrip- tiones. Instar supplementi ad commentar. Acad, scient. imper. 4°. Betro/mli, 1739. Blyum (A. I.) *Travmaticheskiyapovrezh- deniya v Otdlelnom Korpusle Pogranichnol Strazhi; statisticheskiy material dlya polevol khirurgii. [Traumatic injuries in the Special Corps of Border Guards; statistical material in field surgery.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1905. Boxmariage (A.) La Russie d'Europe; to- pographic, relief, geologie, hydrologie, chma- talogie, regions naturelles; les peuples et leur mode de repartition. Essai d'hygiene generale. roy. 8°. Bruxelles, 1903. Borshtshoff (I.) Material! dlya botaniche- skol geografii Aralo-Kaspiyskavo kraya. [Bo- tanical geography of the Aral-Caspian region.] 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1865. Russia. Kapustin (M. Y.) Zadachi higieni v selskol Rossii. [Problems of hygiene in the Russian village.] 8°. Moskva, 1902. Yuryeff (N. P.) *K voprosu o materialnom polozhenii vrachel, sluzhashtshikh po vledom- stvu Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Diel v guber- niyakh i oblastyakh Rossii. [Material condi- tion of the physicians serving under the minis- try of the interior in the Russian governments and provinces.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1904. Bcrkusky (H.) Die Lage der russi'schen Fremdvol- ker. Globus, Brnschwg., 1909, xcv, 165; 186.—Garnak. Kratkiy ocherk klimata Yuzhno-Ussuriyskavo kraya. [Short sketch of the climate of South Ussurian region.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, exc, med.-spec. pt., 1047-1053.—tieographle medicale; Russie. Independ. m<5d., Par., 1901, vii, 217-219.—Healtli (The) of Russia, 1893-5. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 124-126.—Hucliard (H.) Une mission scientifique en Russie. (Notosetimpressions de vovage.) Rev. g6n.de clin. et de therap., Par., 1888, ii, 748; 761; 778: 1889, iii, 17; 655. Also, Reprint—Iatros [pseud.]. Izbiyeniye bolnovo solduta komandirom. [The beating of a sick soldier by his commander.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 207-209.—Kudryav- tseflE*(N. V.) Mediko-topograficheskiya sootnosheniya. [Medico-topographical correlations.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1893, xx, 2. sect, 49; 103. Also, Reprint.— Magnus-Levy (A.) Aus einer Studienreise in Russland. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1907, xliv, 585.—Oboznenho (P. E.) Ocherki sanitarnavo sostoyaniya seleniy peresclentsev-novoselov Omskavo uyezda Akmolinskol oblasti. [Sketches of the sanitary condition of the villages settled by immigrants from OmskCountv, AkmolinskTerritorv.] Vrach,St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 527; 559.—Pantyukhoff (I. I.) Vliyaniye pereseleniya v Zakavkazskiy kral na fizicheskoye razvi- tiye russkikh. [Influence of migration into Transcau- casia upon the phvsical development of the Russians.] Russk. Mi'il, St. Petersb., 1891, xvi,551; 567; 583.—Rus- sischc (lxi) Arzt und dessen Bedeutung fiir die kultu- relle Entwicklung Russlands. Med. Woche, Halle a. S., 1906, vii, 48; 62.—SokoIolf(D. A.) & Orebenslitslii- koff (V. I.) Smertnostv Rossii lborbas neyu. [Mor- tality in Russia and the struggle with it.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1901, xii, 1577; 1623; 166 k 1702.— Stieda (L.) Bericht iiber die anatomische, histologi- sche und embriologische Literatur Russlands. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Wiesb., 1906, xv, 899-1014.— Szmurlo (I.) O klimatycznem zuaczeniu stepow na poludniowschodzie Rosyi oraz leczeniu kumysem. [Cli- matic value of the southeast Russian steppes, likewise on koumyss treatment.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1904, 2. s., xxiv, 1011; 1065.—Tauber (A. S.) O sredstvakh raspro- straneniva khirurgicheskol pomoshtshi sredi selskavo naseleniva. [The means to extending surgical aid among the village population.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1886, vii, 245-248.—Verziloff (M. N.) K voprosu o sanitarnom sostoyanii nashikh okrai'n; Serpetski uyczd, Plotskol gubernii. [On the sanitary condition of our frontiers; Serpetsk Countv, of the Government of Plotsk.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1895, xxvii, 2. sect., 119-156.—Vishpolski (V.I Mediko-topografi- cheskiye ocherki Issik-Kulskavo uyezda (Przhevalskavo) Semirlechenskoi oblasti s opisaniyem preobladayushtsh- ikhbolieznei, vzavisimosti otpochvi, klimata ibltovikh usloviv, sredi naseleniva uyezda (za vremya s 1870-90 v grazhd. naselenii i s l.ssl-94g. v voyennom). [Medico- topographical sketches of the county of Issik-Kulsk, Se- mirlechensk Territory, with description of the prevalent diseases, depending upon soil, climate, and conditions of living, amidst the population of the county (for 1870-90 among the civil, and 1884-94 among the military, popula- tion).] Vovenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiv, 3. sect., 113-171.—Zavolski (K. I.) Put po Amuru; ocherki pokhodnol zhizni v Manchzhurii 1900g. [Along the Amur; sketchesof theManchurian campaign of 1900.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, ii, med.-spec. pt., 75-83. Russia (Anthropoloe/if of). Diebold (AV.) *Ein Beitrag zur Anthro- pologie der Kleinrussen. 8°. Dorpat, 1886. Eichholtz (E. R.) * Material! k antropo- logii blelorussov; Roslavlskiy uyezd. [Data on the anthropolopv of white Russians; Roslavl County.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1896. Florinski (V. M.) Pervobitniye slavyane po pamyatnikam ikh doi'storicheskol zhizni; opit slavvanskoi arkheologii. [Primitive Slavs after monuments of their prehistoric life; re- search in Slavonic archaeology.] Pts. 1 and 2. 8°. Tomsk, 1894-8. RUSSIA. 814 RUSSIA. Russia (Anthropology of). Latham (R. (i.) tlie native races of the Russian empire. 8°. London, 1854. Levat (E.-D.) Les Russes dans l'Asie cen- trale. < 'tiding from: Bull. Soc. d. geog. de Lyon, 1903. Pokhooski (E. A.) Russkiya dletskiya pod- vizhniya igri. [Games of Russian children.] 8°. Moskva, 1892. Tarenetzky (A.) Beitrage zur Craniologie der grossrussischen Bevolkerung der nordlichen und mittleren Gouvernements des europaischen Russlands. 4°. ,SY. Betersburg, 1884. Repr.from: Mem. Akad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Petersb., 1884, 7. s., xxxii. von Zockell (AV. J. E.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Behandlung der gewohnlichsten unter den Bewohnern der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands vorkommenden Krankheiten. Fiir die Gutsbesitzer dieser Provinzen. 3. Aufl., frei und mit Beriicksichtigung neuerer Erfah- rungen bearbeitet von W. Sodoffsky. 12°. Biga dc Moskau, 1845. Aleksandroft* (V. A.) K voprosu o fizicheskom razvitii krestyanskavo naseleniya Melitopolskavo uyez- da. [On the physical development of the peasantry of the Melitopol district] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. l'etcrsb., 1*95, xxv, sect 2, 22-39.— Anutscliin (1>. N.) ErKcbnissu der anthropologischen Erforschung Russlands. Globus, Brnschwg., 1901, lxxx, 249; 269. -----. Kussland in archaoloRiseher Beziehung. [Transl. from the Russian: Entsiklop. Slov., S.-Petetb., 1900, xxviii.] Internat. Centralbl. i. Anthrop. [etc.], Greifswald & Stettin, 1903, viii, 65; 129. Also, transl.: Anthropologie, Par., 1904, xv, 35l:;5*.—Bartels (M.) Aus dem Leben der weissrussischen Landbevolkerung im Gouvernement Smolensk. Ztschr. f. EthnoL, Berl., 1903, xxxv, 650-667.—Block (A.) Caracteres particu- liers du type Grand-Russien. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1897, 4. s., viii, 457-463.— 1'liantre (Iv) Aperyu sur l'authropometrie des peoples de la Transcaucasie. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. [etc.]. Cr. 1892, Moscou, 1893, ii, 43-56, 3 pl— C'lnijiuiiolf (S.) Anatomo-antro- pologicheskiya nablyudeniya. [Anatomo-anthropologi- cal observations.] Izvlest Imp. Tomsk. Lniv., 1902, xx, no. 4,1-43, 4 pl.—Ilworetzky (A.) Ein Bildchcn aus der Kultur- und Si ttengcschichte Russlands am Eingange des xx. Jahrhunderts. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 189.—Kliarnzin (A.) O tiple Kirgizov. [Type of the Kirghiz.] Svezd Russk. estestvo. i vrach.,'v S.- Peterb., 1890, viii, pt. .*, 19-23.—Kraus (E.) Rassen- kampfe in Russland. l'olit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach u. Leipz., 1902, i, 272-283—1dm berg (A.) The stateof the teeth of the children of Russia. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, x, 758-764.—JIatsokin (P.) Yeshtsho k voprosu ob alkoholizmle v Rossii. [On alcoholism in Russia.] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-Peterb., 1897, ii, 156-158.—Mikliai- lovskii (V. M.) Shamanism in Siberia and European Russia, being the second part of "Shamanstvo". [Transl] J. Anthrop. Inst, Lond.,1894-5, xxiv, 62; 126.—Nikolski (D. P.) O bashkirakh. [On the Bashkirs.] Syezd Kussk. estestvo. i vrach. v S.-Peterb., 1S90, viii, pt. .*', li- ii).— Petri (E. Yu.) V Kirgizskol stepi. [In the Kir- irheez steppes.] Ibid., 38-45.—Pokrowski (E.) Ma- teria u x p< >ur servir a l'etude de l'education physique chez les di He rents peuples de l'empire russe. Rev. d'ethnog., Par., 18S8, vii, 520-567. Also, Reprint.—Russisclien (Die) Sekten. Globus, Brnschwg., 1903, lxxxiv, 193 — Sclirader (F.) Le monde russe. Rev. de l'ecole d'an- throp. de Par., 1905, xv, 73-85.—Seeland (N.) Le pay- san russe de la Sib^rie occidentale sous lc point de vue anthropologique. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. 1900, Par., 1902, 477^87. Also: Anthropologie, Par., 1902, xiii, 222- ■232.—Sersi'i (G.) De combien le type du crane de la population actuelle de la Russie centrale differe-t-il du tvpe antique de l'epoque des kourgancs? Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. demed. 1897, Mosc, 1899, ii, sect. 1, 31-43.— Sopod£ko (T.) Poszukiwahia archeologiczne w po- wiecie Ihumeiiskim, gubernii Miriskiej w r. 1875 i 1S83 dokonaue. [Archaological researches in the county of Igumen, government of Minsk, in the year 1875, and finished in 1883.] Zbi6r wiad. do antrop. . . . Akad. Umiej. w Krakow., 1889, xiii, 56-62.—Stieda (L.) An- thropologische Arbeiten in Russland. Biol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1896, xvi, 660: 695.—Talko-Grintsevleli (I. D.) K antropologii narodnostel Litvi i Bielorussii. [Anthro- pology of the races in Lithuania and White Russia.] Trudi antrop. Obsh. p. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad. ]s93, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 156-18^, 1 cli—Tarnovsky (E.) [Sur la proportionnalitc des acquitments pour crimes et de- lits en Russie pendant la periode de 1889-93.] Bull.de l'lnst. internat. de statist. St.-Petersb. et Rome, 1899, xi, Russia (Anthro/mlogy of). livr. 1, pt 1,121-137. -----. Repartition geographique de la criminalite en Russie. Arch, d'anthrop. crim.. Lyon et Par., 1901, xvi, 117-12*. -----. Les crimes politique* en Russie (1901-3). Ilml., 1907, xxii, 40-57.— T*clie|»ur- kowskv. Zur Anthropologie der russischen Frauen. Arch. I. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1906. n. ¥.. iv. 224. —I va- rolf (M. S.) K voprosu o fiziologieheskikh osnovakh narodnavo blagosostoyaniya v Rossii. [On the physio- logical foundations of the people's well-being in Russia.] Vrach, St Petersb., 1899, xx, 533; 505.—Weinberg (R.) Rassen und Herkunft des russischen Volkes. l'olit.-an- throp. Rev., Leipz., 1904, iii, 484-508.—Wi Ike. Das Wan- dergewerbe in Russland. Hyg. Rundschau, HerL, 1895, v, 511-51*.—Worobjew (B. W.) Einige Tatsachen in betreff der Anthropologie der grossrussischen Frau, Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg.,1906, n. P., iv,23«-240.—Va- kovenku (V.) Zdoroviya i bolleznenniy a paroyavle- niya v psikhikle sovremennavo russkavo obshtshestva. [Healthy and diseased phenomena in the psychical life of contemporary Russian society.] J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk.,'1907, xiii, 269-287.— Zaborowski. Cranes anciens et modernes de la Rus- sie meridionale et du Caucase. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par., 1901, 5. s., ii, 640-666. -----. Origines des populations anciennes et actuelles de la Russie meridio- nale et du Caucase. Rev. scient, Par., 1901, 4. s., xvi, 385-393.—"Eograf(N.) Les types anthropologiques des Grands-Russes des gouvernements du centre de la Russie. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. [etc.]. C. r. 1892, Moscou, 1893, ii, 1-12. Russia (Famine in). See, also, Famine. Dworelzky (A.) Briefe aus Moskau. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1906, liii, 1634-1637.-----. Kvpie i\e-qcrov\ (Lord, have mercy on us!) Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1906, xxi, 1049-1055. — Lelunann ( C. A.) Eine Reise in das russische Hungergebiet Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 468-171. — Nazarolti M.) Itogi golodnavo goda. [Results of a famine year, 1905-6.] J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk., 1906, xii, 453-493.—R. (S.) Das hungernde Russland. Wien. med. Bl., 1900, xxiii, 832.—Sliislikoif < N.) Famine in Russia. Char- ities [etc.], N. Y., 1907, xvii, 995-998.—Slitslierbakolt' (P. F.) Istoriya pravitelstvennikli mleropriyatiy po na- rodnomu prodovolstviyu v Rossii. [History of govern- mental undertakings to supply food to the people of Russia.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Pe- tersb.,1897, xxxiii, no. 5, 2. sect.,257-2**.—SIi verin iT.) Rol golodaniya pri razvitii epidemiy. [Role played by starvation in the development of epidemics.] Med.be- sIeda,Voronezh,1901,xv, 25i-2r,3.—Wallliiss (W. E.) The ominous Russian famine. Charities [ete.f X. Y., 1907, xvii, 7x->-790.—tf libankott'i D. X.) O pomoshtshi golo- dayushtsliim. [Aid to the starving.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 15:17-1539. Russia (lie tilth resorts of). Ivaxoff (N. P.) Russkiy almanakh po ote- chestvennim vodam, morskim kupanyam, sani- tarnim stantsiyam i dr. liechebnim mlestam Rossii, sostavlenniy pod redaktsiyel . . . [Rus- sian almanac of national waters, sea baths, sani- tary stations, and other health resorts of Russia, arranged under the editorship of . . .] 16°. S.-Beterburg, 1894. ------. The same. Otechestvenniye kur- orti, vodi, morskiya kupanya, gryazi, klimati- cheskiya stantsii i drugiya llechebniya mlesta Rossii. Putevoditel dlya vrachel i publiki, s ocherkom balneoterapii i prakticheskim ruko- vodstvom k viboru kurortov. Izd. 2-e, isprav- lennoye i dopolnennoye pod redaktsiyeyu M. S. Galperina. [National health resorts, waters, sea baths, muds, climatic stations, and other health resorts of Russia. Guide for physicians and the public, with a study of balneotherapy and a practical manual for the choice of health resorts. 2. ed., corrected and completed under the editorship of M. S. Galperin.] 12°. S.-Be- terburg, 1897. Pasternatski (F. I.) Klimatollechebniye punkti na ehornomorskom poberezhyi Kavkaza. [Climatic points on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.] 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1899. Putevoditel po zagranichnim kurortam. Pod redaktsiyeyu G. M. Hertsenstelna. [Guide to RUSSIA. 815 RUSSIA, Russia (TTmitri- yeflf"(I. A.) O bezplatnosti meditsinskol pomoshtshi v zemskikhidumskikhlechebnikhuchrezhdeniyakh. [On unpaid medical aid in public medical institutions.] Dnevnik svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, Kiev, 18%," vi, no. 13, 17-23. - Goldgardt-Landau (M. A.) O dleyatelnosti vrachebno-prodovolstvennavo otryada v Odesskom uyezdle Khersonskol gubernii. [Medical aid in the cou'ntv of Odessa.] Trudi odessk. Otd. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Xarod. Zdrav. (1899-1900), 1901, iii, 105-110.—Kabalkin (X.) Orsranizatsiya i podacha meditsinskol pomoshtshi v Akmolinskol oblasti. [Med- ical aid in Akmolinsk Province.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh.,1905-6, xxiii,93-99.—Lavrovski L. A.) K voprosu o vrachebnol pomoshtshi nuzhdayushtshemusya nasele- nlvu Peterliunra. [On the question of medical help for the poor of St. Petersburg.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii, 239; 275.—Pasliutin (I.Y.) O dleyatelnosti vrachebno- prodovolstvennavo punkta v Akkermanskom uyezdle. [Medical aid in Akkerman Countv.] Trudi odessk. otd. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav. (1899-1900), 1900, iii, lOl-lu.5.—Kosto«zett'(G. J.) Die offentliche Organi- sation der arztlichen Hilfeleistung in Russland. Russ. med. Rundschau. Berl., 1903, 800-80*.—Shiperovieh (M. V.l Meditsinskaya pomoshtsh v LraNkol oblasti. [Medical aid in the province of Ural.] Soobsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (1894), 1895, xii, 19-33. Russia (Public charities of). See, also, Russia (Famine in). Short (A) historical sketch of the Mane edu- cational and charitable institutions. Under the immediate patronage of their Majesties the Em- peror and Empress. 8°. St. Betersburgh, 1893. S'. Beterburg, 1905-7. Continuation of: Ministry of the Interior. Medical Department. Russia. [Ministry of the Interior. Central Statis- tical Committee.] Statistika Rossiyskof Imperii. X. Sbornik svledleniy po Rossii za 1890 g. Sta- tistique de Pempire de Russie. X. Annuaire statistique de la Russie, 1890. vi, 344 pp., 4 1. 4°. S.-Peterburg, 1890. ------. Statistika Rossiyskof Imperii. 24; 33; 34; 38; 41; 45. Dvizhenive naseleniva v yevro- polskoi Rossii za 1889-94 gg. [Statistics of the Russian Empire. Movement of the population in European Russia for.. .] 4°. S.-Beterburg, 1893-8. ------. Statistika RossiyskoK Imperii. XIII. Prostitutsiya po obslfedovaniyu 1-vo avgusta 1SS9 g. Pod redaktsiyel A. Dubrovskavo. Statistique de l'empire de Russie. XIII. La prostitution a la date du 1/13 aout 1889. Sous la redaction de A. Doubrowsky. xxxvi, 85, 39 pp. roy. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1890. ------. The same. Supplement francais. 40 pp. roy. 8°. St.-Betersbourg, Trenke dc Fusnot, 1891. ------. Vremennik. No. 35, 1894; no. 41, 1897. Umershiye nasilstvenno i vnezapno v yevro- pelskoi Rossii v 1875-93 gg. [Periodical. No. 35, 1894; No. 41, 1897. Violent and sudden deaths in European Russia in . . .] xi, 67 pp.; v, 95 pp. sm. 4°. S.-Beterburg, [ Yu. Ya. Biman], 1894-7. Russia. [Miuistry of the Interior. Central Statis- tical Committee]—continued. ------. Sommaire des publications du comite central de statistique (ministere de l'interieur) parties jusqu'au ler aout 1895. !) pp. sm. 4°. St.-Betersbourg, [E. Evdokimow], 189fi. ------. Apercu bibliographique des publications du comite central de statistique de 1'Empire de Russie. 1.-2. livr. xiii, 181 pp. roy. 8°. St.- Petersbourg, E. Evdokimoff, 1895-7. First and 2 livr. continuous pp. ------. Statistique de 1'Empire de Russie. XL. Relev6 general des tableaux de l'annuaire sta- tistique de la Russie, 1896. 68 pp. sm. 4°, [St.-Petersbourg, V. P. Meshtsherski, 1897. ------. Raspredleleniyenaselyonnikh mlest Ros- siyskol Imperii po chislennosti ikh naseleniya. Razrabotano... po dannim pervof vseob- shtshei perepisi 1897 g. [Distribution of the in- habited places of Russia, according to the num- ber of inhabitants. Compiled by . . . from the first general census of 1897.] iv, 33 pp. 4°. [St. Petersburg, V. P. Meshtsherski], 1902. Russia. [Ministry of the Interior.] Medical Coun- cil.] Dleyatelnost meditsinskavo sovleta v 1881-m godu. [Activity of the medical council for 1881.] xii, 111 pp'. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. Bikker, 1884. ------. Nastavleniye meditsinskavo sovleta dlya povivalnikh babok pri ukhodie za beremen- nimi, rozhenitsami i rodilnitsami. [Instruction of the medical council for midwives in atten- dance in pregnancy, labor, and the puerpe- rium.] 20 pp. 12°. S.-Beterburg, K. Bikker, 1887. Repr.from: Pravitelstv. Vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1887. ------. Rossiyskaya farmakopeya. [ Russian pharmacopoea.] 4. ed. xii, 727 pp. 8°. Sankt- peterburg, 1891. ------. The same. 5. ed. xvi, 567 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. B. Bikker, 1902. ------. The same. 5. ed., supplemented, xv, 567 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, K. B. Bikker, 1906. Russia. [Ministry of the Interior. Medical Be- partment.] Archiv sudebnoi meditsini i ob- shtshestvennol higieni. [Archives of forensic medicine and public hygiene.] Years 5-7. roy. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1869-71. Want pp. 161-216, v. 3, pt. 3,1870. Four volumes a year. ------. Archiv veterinarnikh nauk. [Archives of veterinary sciences.] Years 1 - 19. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1871-89. ----. Sbornik sochineniy po sudebnoi medi- tsinie, sudebnoi psikhiatrii, meditsinskol politsii, obshtshestvennol higienle, epidemioloS7. Betersburg, 1875.] ------. The same. Dlya voyenno-vremennikh hospitalei na 200 bolnikh v tryokhmlesyachnol proportsii. [For hospitals in time of war for 200 patients for3 months.] 31. fol. [St. Betersburg, 1875.] ------. The same. Dlya aptechnavo vyuka, v tryokhmlesyachnol proportsii. [For the drug- pack for three months.] 11. fol. [St. Beters- burg, 1875.] ------. The same. Dlya kavaleiyskikh polkov, artilleriyskikh brigad i otdlelnikh batalionov, v spstavle 1,000 chelovlek, v polugodovol propor- tsii. [For cavalry regiments, artillery brigades, and separate battalions, of 1,000 men, for half a year.] 3 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1875.] ------. The same. Dlya piekhotnikh polkov, v sostavle 3000 chelovlek, v polugodovol propor- tsii. [For infantry regiments of 3,000 men for half a year.] 3 1. fol. [.SV. Petersburg, 1875.] ------. Katalog medikamentam, materialam i pripasam, dlya komand, pri koikh nakhodyat- sya odni tolko feldshera, na 100 chelovlek, zdorovikh, v godovol proportsii. [Catalogue of medicaments, articles, and stores for commands with only a feldsher for 100 healthy men for onevear.] 2 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, 1875.] ------". Prikaz. No. 136. Svod katalogov medika- mentam i aptechnim predmetam dlya snabzhe- niya voyennikh hospitalei, usilennikh i mlest- nikh lazaretov i chastel voisk. [Order No. 136. Catalogues of medicaments and apothecaries' articles to be furnished to military hospitals, la zarettos, and parts of troops.] 69 pp. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1899.] Suppl. to: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1899, cxcvi, offic. pt Russia. [Ministry of War. Army Medical Scien- tific Committee ] Rossiyskaya voyennaya farma- kopeya. [Russian military pharmacopoeia.] 2. ed. 476, iv pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, B. Golike, 1896. Russia. [Ministry of War. Imperial Army Medi- cal Academy.] Otchot o dleyatelnosti zavleduye- mol M. S. Subbotinim propedevticheskol khi- rurgicheskoi kliniki, 1890-92 g. [Report of the work of the propaedeutic surgical clinic, direct- ed by M. S. Subbotin.] 43pp.; 31pp. 8°. S.- Peterburg, S. X. Khudekoff, 1891-2. ------. Programmi ispitaniya na zvaniye lekarya v kommisii pri Imperatorskoi Voyenno-Medi- tsinskol Akademii. [Programs of examination for the degree of physician before the commis- sion at the Imperial Army Medical Academy.] 58 pp. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1893.] Sttppl. io: Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxvn, offic. pt. ______. Yezhegodnik . . . na 1895-6 uchebniy god. I. Pod redaktsiyel K. N. Vinogradova i F. I. Pasternatskavo. [Annual for the scholas- tic year 1895-6. Edited by K. N. Vinogradoff and F. I. Pasternatski.] xvi, 445 pp., 4 plans, 1 tab. 12°. S.-Peterburg, A. S. Suvorin, 1896. Russia. [Ministry of War. Medical Department] Voyenno-meditsinskiy jurnal. [Army Medical Journal.] v. 1-98. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1833-67. Russia. [Ministry of War. [Military Circuit of the Cauceisus.] Otchoti o zanyatiyakh v higieniches- kol laboratorii Kavkazskavo voyennavo okruga. [Reports of the hygienic laboratory of the mili- tary circuit of the Caucasus.] 1., 1885; 2., 1886. 21pp. 8°. [Tiflis, 1887.] Bound with: Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1887-8, xxiv. ------. Izvlecheniya iz otchotov o zanyatiyakh v higienicheskol laboratorii Kavkazskavo vo- yennavo okruga i otkritol pri nel (s 29 junya 1888 goda) Pasterovskol privivochnoi stantsii. S okt. 1887 po 31 dek. 1888 g. Otchot vi. [Ex- tracts from the reports of the experiments in the hygienic laboratory of the military district of the Caucasus, and of the Pasteur Institute opened in connection therewith (since June 29, 1888). From October, 1887, to Dec. 31,1888. Re- port vi.] 52 pp. 8°. [Tiflis, A. A. Mikhelson, 1889.] Bound with: Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1888-9, xxv. ------. Otchot voyenno-meditsinskol laboratorii Kavkazskavo voyennavo okruga. [Report of the army medical laboratory of the military circuit of the Caucasus.] 1894; 1896-1903; 1905-6. 8°. [Tiflis, 1895-1907.] Bound with: Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1895-6, xxxii: 1897-8 to 1904-5, xxxiv-xli: 1906-7, xliii; and Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1907-8, xliv. Russia. [Ministry of War. Principal Army Med- ical Bureau.] Voyenno-meditsinskiy jurnal. [Army Medical Journal.] v. 99-224. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1867-1909. ------. Meditsinskiy Sbornik Varshavskavo Uyazdovskavo Voyennavo Hospitalya. [Med- ical Magazine of the Warsaw Military Hospital.] v. 1-17, 1888-1904. 8°. Fars/iara,"l888-1904. ------. Otchot o grippoznol epidemii v russkol arniii v 1889 i 1890 g. Sostavlen S. P. Verekun- dovim, E. I. Tarnavskim i D. M. Filippovim, pod rukovodstvom i redaktsiyel V. F. Shol- kovskavo. [Report of the grippe epidemic in the Russian army in 1889-90. Compiled by Verekundoff, Tarnavski, and Filippoff, under the direction and editorship of Sholkovski.] xi, 395, 28, 12 pp., 11., 12 tab. 8°; atlas, 7 diag., 8 maps, oblong fol. S-Beterburg, L. Mor- clukhovskaya, 1891. ------. Otchot o sanitarnom sostoyanii russkol armii za 1889-1902; 1905; 1906 gg. [Report on the sanitary condition of the Russian army.] 16 v. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1891-1908. ------Dopolneniye k otchotu o sanitarnom sostoyanii russkol armii za 1894; 1897; 1898; 1900; 1900; 1906. Prilozheniye dlya mezhdu- narodnol voyenno meditsinskol statistiki. Po rasporyazheniyu Glavnavo Voyenno-Meditsin- skavo Inspektora, sostavleno sanitarno-statis- ticheskoyu chastyu Glavnavo Voyenno-Medi- tsinskavo Upravleniya. Supplement au compte- rendu sur l'etat sanitaire de 1'armee russe pen- dant les annees 1894; 1897; 1898; 1900; 1901; 1906. Contribution a la statistique interna- tionale de sante militaire. Par ordre de l'in- specteur general du service de sante militaire, arrange par la section de statistique medicale de la direction generate de sante militaire. 4°. S.-Beterburg, 1896-1908. ------. Svod prikazov, tsirkulyarov i postanov- leniy, obyavlennikh po Voyennomu Vledoms- tvu, o mlerakh po okhraneniyu voisk ot kholeri . . . Sostavil po offitsialnim svledleniyam A. Katalimoff. [Digest of orders, circulars, and rulings, made by the ministry of war, concern- RUSSIA. 819 RUSSKIY. Russia. [Ministry of War. Brincipal Army Med- ical Bureau]—continued. ing measures to guard the troops from cholera . . . Compiled from official data by A. Katali- moff.] ii, 98 pp. 8°. S.-Beterburg, L. A. Mor- dukhovskaya, 1892. -----. No. 4336. Ob otchotnosti o kholerle. [On cholera reports.] 19pp. 8°. [St. Betersburg, S. X. Khudekoff, 1893.] ------. Opisaniye perevyazochnavo otdlela i pos- lledovatelnavo khoda v nyom rabot po izgotov- leniyu perevyazochnavo materiala. [Descrip- tion of the bandaging division and the succes- sive course of work there in the preparation of bandaging material.] 16pp., 1 1., 2 plans. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 1895. Russia. [Ministry of Ways of Communications. Bureau of Internal Waterways and Macadam Boads.] Material! dlya izucheniya sanitarnavo sostoyaniya vnutrennikh vodnikh putel. VIII. Sbornik otchotov i dokladov vrachel sanitarnavo nadzora na r. r. Volgie i Kamie i na Mariinskol sistemie za 1903 god. [Data for the study of the sanitary condition of internal waterways. VIII. Collection of reports of the physicians for sani- tary control of the rivers Volga and Kama and the Mariinsk svstem for 1903.] 1 p. 1., 278 pp. 8°. ^S.-Beterburg, [I. X. Kushnereff dc Ko.], 1904. Russisclie medicinische Rundschau. Monats- schrift fiir die gesamte russische medicinische Wissenschaft und Litteratur. Unter Mitwir- kung hervorragender russischer Gelehrter und Aerzte hrsg. und red. von Semjon Lipliawsky und S. Weissbein. v. 1-4, 1902-6. 8°. Berlin. Current Russkaya Meditsina. [Russian Medicine.] v- 14-20, 1889 to March 26, 1895. 4°. S.-Beter- burg. Ended. Editors: v. 11-17, X. P. Ivanovski and P. A. Ilinski; v. 18, and nos. 1-13, v. 19, X. P. Ivanovski, D. P. Kosorotoff, and I. Ya. Fomin; nos. 14^8, v. 19, and v. 20, the name of N. P. Ivanovski is dropped. RusskayaKhirurgiya. [Russiansurgery.] Pts. 4, 5, 7, 9,10a, 13b, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34a, 35, 38. 8°. S.-Beterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1902-4. contents. Pt. 4. Dyakonoff (P. I.) & Rein (F. A.) Obshtshaya operativnaya khirurgiva. [General operative surgery.] iv, 256 pp. 1903. Pt. 5. Delitsin (S. X.) Obshtsheye i mlestnoye obezbo- livaniye. [General and local anaesthesia.] vi, 178 pp. 1904. Pt. 7. Tauber (A. S.) Ognestrlelniya povrezhdeniya pri sovremennom vooruzhenii armiy. [Gunshot wounds by modern arms.] iv, 138 pp. 1903. Pt. 9. Levshin (L.L.) * Povrezhdeniya i zabollevaniya pokrovov cherepa i litsa. [Injuries and diseases of the coverings of the cranium and face.] Ip. L, 148 pp. 1902. Pt. 10a. Levshin (L. L.) Povrezhdeniya cherepa i yevo soderzhimavo. [Injuries of the skull and its contents.] Ip. L, 184pp. 1903. Pt. 13b. Dyakonoff (P. I.) Vozstanovleniye razrushon- navo rosa. [Reestablishment of a destroyed nose.] 24 pp. 1902. Pt. 1«. Razumovski IV. I.) Vospalitelniye protsessl na sheve. [Inflammatory processes of the neck.] Ip. L, 24 pp. " 1902. Pt. 20. Dyakonoff (P. I.; & Lisenkoff (X. K.) Bollezni shei; vrozhdenniva zabollevaniya; povrezhdeniya: ane- vrizmi; novoobra'zovaniya. [Diseases of the neck; con- genital diseases; injuries; aneurisms; tumors.] 1 p. 1., 92 pp. 1902. Pt. 21. Razumovski (V. I.) Povrezhdeniya i zabone- vaniva shtshitovidnol zhelyozi. [Diseases and injuries of the thvroid gland.] 1 p. L, 58 pp., 1 L, 3 pl. 1903. Pt. 22. "Shtshegoleff (N. A.) Povrezhdeniya l khirur- gicheskiya bollezni grudnol klletki, okololyokhochnavo mleshka i lvokhkikh. [Injuries and surgical diseases of the thorax* mediastinum, and lungs] 1 p. 1., 180 pp. 1902. J . , , Pt. 23. Napalkoff (X. I.) Khirurgiya serdtsa l okolo- serdechnol sumki. [Surgery of the heart and pericar- dium.] Ip. L, 72pp. 1902. Russkaya Khirurgiya—continued. Pt 27. Rein (F. A.) Povrezhdeniva i zabollevaniya bryushnikh stlenok. [Injuriesand diseases of theabdom- mal walls.] 64 pp. 1904. Pt. 28. Zikoff (V. M.) Povrezhdeniva i zabollevaniya bryushini; o chrevoslechenii voobshtshe. [Injuries aiid diseases of the peritoneum; abdominal section in gen- eral.] iv, 232 pp. 1903. Pt. 29. Tseldler (G. F.) Povrezhdeniva i zabolleva- niya zheludka. [Injuriesand diseases of the stomach.l iv, 160 pp., 4pl. 1902. Pt. 30. Kadyan (A. A.) Povrezhdeniya i khirurgi- cheskiya zabollevaniya kishek i brizhelki, [Injuries and surgical diseases of the intestines and mesentery.1 1 p. L, 210 pp. 1903. Pt. 34a. Khirurgiva pecheni. [Surgery of the liver. 1 60 pp. 1902. Pt. 35. Bogolyuboff (V. L.) Khirurgicheskiya zabo- llevaniya i povrezhdeniya podzheludochnol zhelyozi. [Surgical diseases and injuries of the pancreas.1 69 pp. 8°. 1907. Pt 38. Podvizhnaya pochka. [Movable kidnev.] 44 pp., 2 1. 1902. Russkikh (N[ikolai] A[ndreyevich]) [1857- ]. (Krivok iz mediko-topograrii Yekaterin- burgskavo uyezda. [ Medico - topographical sketch of the district of Yekaterinburg.] 1 p. 1., 55 pp. 8°. Yekaterinburg, 1892. Suppl. to: Zapiski Lralsk. med. Obsh. v g. Yekaterin- burg, 1892, ii. Russkiy almanakh po otechestvennim vodam, morskim kupanyam, sanitarnim stantsiyam i dr. llechebnim miestam Rossii, sostavlenniy pod redaktsiyeyu N. P. Ivanova. [Russian al- manac of national waters, sea baths, sanitary stations, and other health resorts of Russia, ar- ranged under the editorship of N. P. Ivanoff.] ix, 307 pp., 1 map. 16°. S.-Beterburg, F. Shtshepanski, 1894. Russkiy Archiv Patologii, Klinicheskol Me- ditsini i Bakteriologii. [Russian Archives of Pathology, Clinical Medicine, and Bacteriol- ogy.] Editor: V. V. Podvisotski. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-14, 1896-1902. 8°. S.- Peterburg. Ended. Russkiy Jurnal Kozhnikh i Venericheskikh Bolieznei. Journal russe des maladies cutanees et veneriennes. Editor: I. F. Zeleneff. [Month- ly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-17, 1901-9. 8°. Kharkov. Current. Russkiy Khirurgicheskiy Archiv. [ Russian Surgical Archives.] Editor: N. A. Velyaminoff. [6 Nos. form 1 v.] v. 1, 1895; v. 18-23, 1902-7. roy. 8°. S.-Peterburg. Current. Continuation of: Kliirurgicheskiy Vest- nik. From 1896 to 1901, published under title: Lletopis Russkol Khiruredi. Russkiy Meditsinskiy Vestnik. [Russian Medi- cal Messenger.] [Monthly.] v. 1-7, 1899- 1905. 8°. S.-Peterburg. Ended. Editors: v. 1, P. I. Kovalevski, M. P. Mana- sei'n, and V. P. Rayeff; v. 2-5, P. I. Kovalevski and M. P. Manase'in; v. 6-7, M. P. Manasei'n, sole editor. Russkiy Sezonniy Listok. Populyarno-balneo- logicheskayagazeta. [Russian Season-Journal.] Editor: D. K. Filimovich. v. 2-5, 1890-93. 8°. Kerch. Published from April 15 to Sept. 1 each year, Russkiy Sllepets. Editor: O. K. Aderkas. v. 4, January to June, 1889. 8°. S.-Peterburg. In July, 1889, continued under title: Sllepets. Russkiy Vrach. Yezhenedlelnaya meditsin- skaya gazeta, posvyashtshonnaya vslem otras- lyam klinicheskol meditsini, obshtshestvennol i chastnol higi'enle i vsiem voprosam vracheb- navo bita. Organ, osnovanniy v pamyat V. A. Manasseina. [Russian Physician. Weekly medical gazette, devoted to all branches of clinical medicine, public and private hygiene, RUSSKIY. 820 RUSSO-JAPANKSK. Ku««dkiy Vrach—continued. and all questions of the physician's life. Organ founded in Manassein's memory.] Editors: V. V. Podvisotski and S. V. Vladislavleff v. 1-8, 1902-9. 4°. S.-Peterburg. Current. Russkoye Antropologicheskove Obshtshestvo pri Imperatorskom S.-Peterburgskom Universi- tetle. [The Russian Anthropological Society at the St. Petersburg University.] Protokoli za- zledaniy . . . izdanniye pod redaktsiyel sekre- tarya obshtshestva S. N. Danillo. [Proceedings . . ., edited by the secretary of the society . . .] v. 1-3, 1888 to 1890-91. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1889-92. Rtisskoye Fiziko-Khimicheskoye Obshestvo pri Imp. S.-Peterburgskom Universitetle. [Russian Physico-Chemical Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University.] Jurnal. v. 17-24, 1885-92; v. 28, 1896. 8°. S.-Peterburg. Rtisskoye Khirurgicheskoye Obozrieniye; dvukhmlesyachniy zhurnal, izdavayemiy Ob- shtshestvom Rossiyskikh Khirurgov. [Rus- sian Surgical Review, bi-monthly journal, issued by the Society of Russian Surgeons.] Editors: I. P. Aleksinski and A. V. Martinoff. v. 1-2, 1903-4. 8°. Moskva. Rtisskoye Khirurgicheskoye Obshestvo Piro- gova. [Russian Surgical Society of Pirogoff.] Protokoli i trudi. [Proceedings and memoirs.] v. 7-15, 1888-9 to 1896-7. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1889-97. ------. Protokoli. [Proceedings.] v. 13-23, 1894-5 to 1904-5. roy. 8°. [S.-Peterburg, 1895- 1905.] Bound with: Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1895, xi, 1902- 5, xviii-xxi; and: Lletop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1896- 1901, i-vi. Rtisskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo pri Im- peratorskom Varshavskom Universitetle. [Rus- sian Medical Society at the Imperial Warsaw University.] Trudi. [Memoirs.] v. 1-4. 8°. Varshava, 1889-93. Rtisskoye Obshtshestvo Okhraneniya Na- rodnavo Zdraviya. [Russian Society for the Preservation of the Public Health.] Trudi. . . [Papers.] Pts. 1-14. (Bound in 4 v.) 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1884-90. CONTENTS. Pts. 2, 4,6, 9,11,14: Protokoli i trudi iii. sektsii, po otdle- leniyu obshtshestvennavo zdravookhraneniya. [Pro- ceedings and papers of the 3. section, on the preserva- tion of the public health.] v. 1-6, 1884-90. Pts. 3, 7, 8, 10,13: Trudi otdleleniya balneologii i klima- tologii. [Papers of the section of balneology and clima- tology.] v. 1-5, 1885-90. Pt. 5: Protokoli i soobshtsheniya chetvyortoi sektsii. [Proceedings and communications of the fourth section.] V. 1, 1886. Pt. 12: Yubilelniy torn trudov vslekh otdleleniy. [Ju- bilee volume of the papers of all sections.] 1888. For continuation, see Jurnal Russkavo Obshtshestva Okhraneniya narodnavo Zdraviya, S.-Peterburg, 1891-2, 1898-1908. ------. Programma dlya sobiraniya svledleniy po pishtshevomu dovoistviyu naseleniya. [Pro- gram for collecting statistics of the food supply of the people.] 2 1. fol. [St. Petersburg, X. A. Lebedeff, 1890.] Boundw'ith: Listok narodn.stolov. Russk. obsh.okhran. narodn. zdrav., S.-Peterb., 1890, ii. ------. Programmi vserossiyskol higienicheskol vistavki v S.-Peterburgle. [Programs of the Pan-Russian hygienic exposition of St. Peters- burg.] 100 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, A. F. Shtedtsenburg, 1891. Another cupi/ bound with: J. Russk. Obsh. okhran. narodn. zdrav!, St. Petersb., 1892, ii. Russkoye Obshtshestvo [etc.]—continued. ------. Programma dleyatelnosti [i zhurnali za- sledaniy] komissii pitaniya. [Program of the activity [and the journals of the meetings] of the commission on food.] 40 pp. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1892.] Bound with: J. Russk. Obsh. okhran. narodn. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1892, ii. ------. Programma izslledovaniya sanitarnavo sostoyaniya uchebnikh zavedeniy, ucheniya i uchashtshikhsya. Sostavlennaya osoboyu ko- missiyeyu iv. sektsii. [Program for ascertain- ing the sanitary condition of educational insti- tutions, studies, and students. Compiled by a special commission of the iv. section.] 59 pp. 1 tab. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Another copy bound with: 3. russk. Obsh. okhran. na- rodn. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1X92, ii. ■-----. Visochalshe razrleshonniy 1-iy Yseros- siyskiy syezd dleyatelel po klimatologii, hidro- logii i balneologii. Programmi. [First Pan- Russian congress of climatologists, hydrologists, and balneologists. Programs.] 15 pp. 8°. S.- Peterburg, P. P. Sol kin, 1898. Another copy bound with: J. russk. Obsh. okhran. na- rodn. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1898, viii. ------. B. M. Shapiroff (predsledatel kommis- sii) i A. K. Pilatski (sekretar kommissii). Ot- chot kommissii zavledivayushtshel dletskimi [llechebnimi] koloniyami za 1899-1901 gg. (19.- 21.). [Shapiroff, president, and Pilatski, sec- retary, of the commission. Report of the com- mission in charge of infantile medical colo- nies for 1899-1901.] 54 pp., 7 pl.; 77 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, P. P. Soikin, 1900-1902. Bound with: J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1900-1902, x-xii. Russkoye Obshtshestvo Okhraneniya Narod- navo Zdraviya. Odesskiy otdlel. [Russian Soci- ety for the Preservation of the Public Health. Odessa section.] Trudi. [Papers.] i-iv. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900-1904. .Sec, also, Listok normalnol stolovoi [etc.]. 8°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1889-90. Russkoye Sifilidicheskoye i Dermatologiches- koye Obshtshestvo. [Russian Syphilidological and Dermatological Society.] Protokoli. [Pro- ceedings.] v. 1-5, 1885-6 to 1889-90; v. 7, 1891- 2; v. 8, 1892-3; v. 11-12, 1895-6 to 1896-7. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1887-94; [Moskva, 1896-7]. v. 11-12, 1895-7, bound with: Bibliot. Vracha, Mosk., 1896-7, iii-iv. Russo-Japanese war [1904-5]. See, also, Army (Bussian, Beports, etc., of); Medicine (Military, History of) in campaigns, etc., by localities — Busso - Japanese war; Port Arthur. Braisted (\V. C.) Report on the Japanese medical and sanitary features of the Russo- Japanese war to the Surgeon - General, U. S. Navy. 8°. Washington, 1906. Haldane (J. A. L.) Some lessons from the Russo-Japanese war. 12°. Bondon, 1906. Japan. Minister of War. Amtlicher Bericht iiber das Militiirquarantiinewesen im Kriege 1904-5 (37-38 Meiji). Hrsg. von dem Kriegs- ministerium zu Tokio 1907. roy. 8°. Tokio, 1907. Matigxox (J.-J.) Enseignements m£dicaux de la guerre russo-japonaise. roy. 8°. Baris, 1907. vox Oettixgex (W.) Studien aus dem Ge- biete des Kriegs-Sanitatswesen im russisch-japa- nischen Kriege 1904-5. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1907. Pavi«pff (E.) Na Dalnem Vostokle v 1905 godu; iz nablyudeniy vo vremya volni s Yapo- 21 RUSSO-JAPANESE. RUSSO-JAPANESE. Russo-Japanese war [1!M>4-5J. niyel. [In the Far East in 1905; observations during the war with Japan.] rov. 8°. S.-Be- burg, 1907. Richardson (Teresa E.) In Japanese hos- pitals during war time. Fifteen months with the Red Cross Society in Japan (April, 1904, to July, 1905). 12°. Edinburgh d- London, 1905. Sakurai (T.) Human bullets; a soldier's story of Port Arthur. With an introduction by Count Okunia. Transl. bv Masujiro Honda. Edited bv Alice Mabel Bacon. 12°. Boston d Xew York, 1907. Seaman (L. L.) The real triumph of Japan. The conquest of the silent foe. 12°. Xew York, 1906. Sturzenegger (Frl. C.) Bei den Kranken und Verwundeten in Tokio, oder die Liebes- thiitigkeit des, Jap. rothen Kreuzes und Volkes. Ein Erinnerungsblatt an den Russ.-Jap. Krieg. Sc. Yokohama, 1906. United States. War Department. Reports of military ol servers attached to the armies in Manchuria during the Russo-Japanese AVar. Part II. Reports of Colonels Valery Havard and John Van R. Hoff, Assistant Surgeons-General. S°. Washington, 1906. -----. Reports of military observers at- tached to the armies in Manchuria during the Russo-Japanese war. Part IV. Report of Major Charles Lynch, Medical Department, General Staff. 8°. Washington, 1907. Abrauiovich. Ob evakuatsii bolnikh i ranenikh poslle boya pod Sandepu i Mukdenom. [Evacuation of the sick and wounded after the battles of Sandepu and Mukden.] Trudi Vrem. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Kharbinie, 1904, ii, pt. 2, 76-81.—Ad am son (F. F.) Po- levoi hospital v yurtakh. [A field hospital of nomad tents.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvi, med.- spec. pt., 731-73V — de Alarcon (C. I.) Lvaeuaci6n de heridos y enfermos en el e.iOn-ito de la Mandchouria. Rev. desan.mil., Madrid. 1905, xix. 261-266.—Altsliuler (Y. S.) O dvizhenii i sposobakh llecheniya ranenikh v Polevom Zapasnom No. 1. Hospitalie, v Manchzhurii. [Movement and methods of treatment of the wounded in the Field Reserve Hospital No. 1, in Manchuria.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 1090; 1111; 1162; 1266.—Annin. Opisaniye dleyatelnosti perevyazochnikh punktov na krelserie 1-vo ranga Oleg v morskom srazhenii s yapon- tsami v Koreiskom prolivle 14-vo maya 1905 goda. [De- scription of the activity of the sick bays of the first-class cruiser Oleg in the sea-battle of the Corean Strait, May 14, 1905.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1905, pt. 2, 291-296. — Azarevich (I. I.) Khirurgiche- b-kiya nablyudeniyasteatra Russko-Yaponskol voini 1901 g. [Surgical observations from the theater of the Russo- Japanese war during 1904.] Vovenno-med. J., St. Pe- tersb., 1905, iii, med.-spec. pt., 259-266.—Banslitslii- koll'. Kratkiy ocherk boyevol sanitarno-meditsinskol sluzhbi na krelserie "Varyag". [Brief report of the medical service upon the cruiser "Variag" during the battle] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1906, pt. 2, O.j-s.s. — von Bergmann (E.) Deutsche Samaritcr in Ostasien. Rothe Kreuz., Berl., 1905, xxiii, 398.— Birikh (K.) & von Shiiuan (O. I.) Otchot ob evakuatsii ranenikh i bolnikh v vremennosanitarnom poyezdle no. 41 [etc.]. [Report of the evacuation of wounded and diseased in the temporary sanitary train no. 41.] Trudi Vrem. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Kharbi- nie, 1904, i, pt. 2, 56-60.—Birun (S. E.) Sanitarnoye dlelo v russko-yaponskuyu volnu. [The medical part in the Russo-Japanese war.] Vrach. (biz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 672; 609.—Boclikovski. Zarazniyabollezni vvoiskakh Omska vo garnizona za vremya s nachala mobilizatsii do 2-vo sentyabrya, po dannim Omskavo voyennavo hos- pitalya. '[Infectious diseases among the troops of the Omsk garrison, fiom the beginning of the mobiliza- tion to September 2, after data of the Omsk Military Hospital.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh. (1903-4), 1905, xxi, 241-243.— Bortshpolskl (E.) Postanovka diela prizrleniya dushevno-bolnikh na teatrle voyennikh dlelstviv'vo vremyarussko-yaponskol voini za perviygod veya. [J. tion of the war hospitals of the Manchurian armies.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, i, med.-spec. pt., 745- 756. -----. Organizatsiya i mleri borbi s ini'ektsionnimi bolleznyami v Russko-Yaponskuya volnu. [Organization and measures for struggling with infectious diseases in the Russo-Japanese war.] Ibid., 1906, ccxv, med.-spec. pt., 75-85.—Kliincnko (V. S.) Materyali k voprosu ob uchastii vrachel v Russko-Yaponskol volnle 1904-5 gg. [On the part taken by phvsicians in the Russo-Japanese warof 1904-5.] Ibid., 1907, ccxviii,med.-spec, pt.,404-416.— Koike. Kurze Lebersicht uber die Erfolge des Sani- tiitsdienstes der japanischen Armee wiihrend des japa- nisch-russischen Feldzuges 1904-5. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1906, xxxv, 449-458. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1907, i, 46-48. Also, transl.: Med. mil., espafi., Madrid, 1905-6, xii, 329; 365; 3*5; 419. Also, transl.: Se- maine med., Par., 1906, xxvi, 337-339. -----. Address on the medical services in the Russo-Japanese win . .1. Rov. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1906, vii, 62l-i',:;i.—Kolchi'n (P. F.) O raneniyakh v russko-yaponskuyu volnu po materialu Pervavo Baraka devyatavo svodnavo kharbin- skavo hospitalya. [Wounds in the Russo-Japanese war, according to data of the first barrack of the ninth Khar- bin hospital.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1907, xxii, 215-277.— Kozhushko ( M. A.) Ob etapalfh. [Stopping sta- tions.] Trudi Vrem. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Khar- binie, Mosk., 1906, ii, 35-39.—Kozlovskl (K. S.) Ob evakuatsii bolnikh i ranenikh v tekushtshuyu volnu. [Removal of the sick and wounded in the present war.] Trudi Vrem. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Kharbinie, 1904, i, 45; 96. -----Evakuatsiya poslle Mukdenskikh boyev (Shakhe). [Evacuation after the Mukden (Shakhe) fights.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 160-163.— Kozlovski (N.I.) Ostro-zarazniya bollezni i tsinga v dleistvovavshel Manchzhurskol armii. [Acute infec- tious diseases and scurvy in the active Manchurian army.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1908, ccxxiii, med.- spec. pt., 576-592.—Kravchenko (V.) Iz otchota o boye 14maya 1905 goda v Tsusimskom prolivle. [Reportof the battle of May 14, 1905, in the Strait of Tsusima.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1905, pt. 2, 217; 263. -----. Ocherk dleyatelnosti sudovikh vrachel Per- vol i Vtorol Tikhookeanskikh eskadr v russko-yapon- skuyu volnu 1904-5 gg. [Activity of the physicians of the first and second Pacific squadrons in the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-5.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1909, viii, 161- 164.—K.reIndel(I.S.) Iznablyudeniyvovremyarussko- yaponskol voini; vrachebno-saiii tarn! y ocherk. [Medico- sanitary observations during the Russo-Japanese war.] Ibid., 1905, iv, 1542. -----. Ob uluchshenii pomoshtshi ranenim na peredovikh pozitsiyakh. [Improved aid to the wounded in positions at the front.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, iii, med.-spec. pt., 783-788. ■-----. Iz nablyudeniy i vpechatlleniy vracha vo vremya russko- yaponskol voini. [Observations and impressions of a physician duringthe Russo-Japanese war.] Russk.Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 1023; 1054. -----. Preobladayushtshi- ya ambulatorniya bollezni v Manchzhurskol armii vo vremya Russko-Yaponskol voini. [Prevailing ambu- latory diseases in the Manchurian army duringthe Russo- Japanese war.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxv, med.-spec. pt., 332-335.-----. Evakuatsiya polya srazhe- niya i transportirovka ranenikh v Russko-Yaponskuyu volnu. [Removal and transportation of the wounded during the Russo-Japanc-e^war.] Ibid., 1908, ccxxiii, med.-spec.pt., 462-468.—Krimon*(A. P.) Opttobzoras vrachebno-sanitarnol tochkizrleniya mobilizatsii odnovo iz piekhotnikh polkov. [Review, from a medico-sani- tary view-point, of the mobilization of an infantry regi- ment.] Ibid., 1906, ccxvi, med.-spec. pt., 719-730: ccxvii, med.-spec. pt., 76-89. — Laval (E.) Notes de chi- rurgie navale sur la guerre russo-japonaise. Ca- ducee, Par., 1905, v, 328.—Levin (G. L.) Otchot o dleyatelnosti voyenno-sanitarnavo poyezda no. 1 Ussu- riyskol zh. d. ot sfirmirovaniya yevo do 1-vo yanvarya 1905 goda. [Report of the activity of the military hos- pital train no. 1 of the Lssuri Railroad from its formation to Jan. 1, 1905.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, ii, med.-spec. pt., 315; 548.—Lobl (V.) Orvosi kozlesek az orosz jap&n hiiborub61. [Medical communications from the Russo-Japanese war.] Budapesti orv. ujsag, 1905, iii, 779-785. — Lioiiiiq vist ( B. ) Kirurgiska erfarenheter fran rysk-japanska kriget. [Kriegschiurgische Erfah- rungen aus dem russisch-japanischen Kriege. Ref., pp. vi-viii.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1905, xlvii, 477-491, 1 pl.—liOinovskol (M.) [pseud.]. Na voyennol sluzhble: iz nabluydeniy zapasnavo vracha. [Observations of a physician of the reserve during the war.J Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1907, xiv, 519; 566; 621; 762; 860; 909; 944; 1438; 1460; 1492.—Lynch (<'.) A few wounds observed during the Japanese-Russian war. Post- Graduate, N. Y., 1906, xxi, 74S-758, 8 pl. -----. Practice of medicine and surgerv in the Russo-Japanese war. In- terstate M. J., St. Louis, 1907, xiv, 928-938. -----. Medical service in a modern army in war, as exemplified by the Japanese army in the Russo-Japanese war. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1908, lxxiv, 1028-1030.—Lyubarski (A. V.) Psi- khiatricheskoye otdleleniye pri Nikolskom mlestnom la- RUSSO-JAPANESE. 823 RUSSO-JAPANESE. Russo-Japanese war [l{M)±-e>\. zaretie v g. Nikolsk-l'ssuriyskoiu vo vremya Russko-Ya- ponskol voini. [Insane department in the hospital ot Ni- kolsk-Lssuri vsk during the Russo-Japanese war.] Obo/.r. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1907, xii, 77-85.—:?!<•- Caskey (D. G.) A letter from Japan: A military hos- pital of Japan; the Japanese Red Cross-Shibuya military branch hospital in Tokyo. Boston M. & S. J., 1905, cliii, 399-401.—-MakaroflF (G. A.) P^skadrenniy bronenosets "Oryol" v Tsusimskom boyu. [The battleship "Oryol" in the Tsusima battle. ] Med. pribav. K morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1906, 17-23— IMakaroff (M. V.) DIcyatelnost perevyazochnavo punkta 57-vo plckh. Modlinskavo polka za 23-25-oye fevralya. [Activity of the first-aid station of the 57th infantry regiment, Feb. 23-25.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, ii, med.-spec. pt.. 773-777—Hareos Fernandez de Ibarra (A.) El aspecto medico-quirurgico de la actual guerra entre Rusos y Japoneses; aire, alimento y ejercicio en la pre- veneion de la tuberculosis. Siglo med., Madrid, 1905, iii, 459-461.— .Haroou. Notes de guerre et de Russie. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1905, ii, 18St-iso3. -----. Notes de Russie. Ibid., 1906, i, 1058-1061.—Ylatignon (J.-J.) Ce qu'a fait la Croix-Rouge du Japou pendant la guerre russo-japonaise. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1906, i, 166; 235. -----. La question de l'eau potable dans l'ar- mee japonaise en campagne. Ibid., 1560-1568. -----. L'hygiene du champ de bataille chez les Japonais. Ibid., ii, 1750-1757. -----. Les hopitaux des prisonniers de guerre de Matsuyama. Caducee, Par., 1906, vi, lis.-----. Service de sant6 en campagne; Evacuations par navires japonais. Ibid., 190-192. -----. Les enseignements m6- dicaux de la guerre russo-japonaise. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1906, xxvii, 350-353. -----. Le service de sant6 en campagne pendant la guerre russo-japonaise. Rev. med., Par., 1906, xv, 602-696. -----. Les maladies cpid£miques dans l'armee japonaise pendant la guerre de Mandchourie. Med. mod., Par., 1906, xvii. 389-391. -----. Souvenirs de la guerre russo-japonaise; l'infir- miere de la Croix-Rouge. Ibid., 1907, xviii, 73. -----. Souvenirs de la bataille de Moukden; le relevement des blesses. Ibid., 113-115. -----. Souvenirs de la guerre de Mandchourie; evacuation des blesses sur route, sur rails, et par eau. Ibid., 195-197. -----. A propos des pertes du service de sante en Mandchourie; les medecins militaires doivent-ils etre eonsid6r6s comme des combattantsoudes non combattants? Ibid., 227. -----. Souvenirs de la guerre russo-japonaise; ceque j'ai vu de la bataille de Moukden au point de vue medical. Presse m6d., Par., 1907, xv. 193-196. -----. Lachirurgieauxformationsdel'avant de l'armee japonaise. Caducee, Par., 1907,vii, 131.—Mat- thiolins. Wounds in the Russo-Japanese war. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. C S., Carlisle, 1905, xvii, 552.—Mlkhnovski (A. I.) Slabosilniva komandi. [The weak troops.] Trudi Vrem. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Kharbinie, 1904, i, pt. 2, 21-24.—inline (X.) Die wahrend des russisch- japanischen Krieges von 1904 bis 1905 im Reserve-Hospital Hiroshima gemachten Erfahrungen. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1907, xi, 390-402.—iUinor (L. S.) Nleskolko statisticheskikh dannikh o porazheniyakh nervnol sistemi v minuvshuyu Yaponskuyu volnu. [Sta- tistics of diseases of the nervous system in the late Japa- nese war.] J. nevropat. i psikhiat . . . Korsakova, Mosk., 1907, vii, 875-885—Nestorovski (V. A.) Bol- nive i raneniye s teatra voyennikh dieistviy, polzovav- shiyesya v liechebnikh zavedeniyakh goroda Omska s 14-vo iyunya po 6-e oktvabrya 1904 goda. [Sick and wounded from the battlefields, treated in the hospitals of Omsk, June 14 to Oct. 6, 1904.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1904-5, xxii, 29-33.—Neumann. Kriegsiirztliche Berichte aus dem russisch-japanischen Feldzuge. Deut- sche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1906, 193-196. -----. Einiges arzt- lich Bemerkenswerte vom russisch-japanischen Kriege. Med.-Klin.. Berl., 1906, ii, 469. Also: Reichs-Med.- Anz., Leipz.. 1906, xxxi, 43^6. -----. Weitere arztliche Bemerkungen zu dem russisch-japanischen Kriege. Rciehs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1906, xxxi, 307: 1907, xxxii, 46 — Mkonotl' (S.) Kharbinskiya vpechatlleniya. [Harbin impression-.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 1092-1097.—Nimier. La guerre en Mandchourie et les blessures par balles de fusil. Caducee, Par., 1905, v, 107- 109. -----. La guerre en Mandchourie; les blessures par les projectiles d'artillerie, les grenades a. main et les mines terrestres. Ibid., 118-120.—von Oettingen. Erlebnisse auf dem mandschurischen Kriegsschauplatze. Zt-ehr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1906, xxviii, 255; 301.— Okhotnikolt'(A. A.) S Dalnyavo Vostoka; nablyude- niva i zamietki. [Notes from the Far East.] Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxvi, med.-spec. pt., 290; 182& [for 482].— Oleinikoff (G. P.) Evakuatsiya bol- nikh i ranenikh v Yaponskuyu volnu. [Removal of the sick and wounded in the Japanese war] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1905, xii, 1202; 1221.—von Pezold. Aus militararztlichen Berichten vom Kriegsschauplatz im fernen Osten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1905, Iii, 1202. -----. Aerztliches vom japanischen Kriegsschauplatz. Ibid., 1831—Podlevskl (L. V.) Ocherk postanovki u vapontsev voyenno-sanitarnavo dlela vo vremya voini 1901-5 goda. [Army medical affairs in Japan during Russo-Japanese war [19U4-5]. the war of 1904-5.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxxiii, med.-spec. pt., 07; 272; 037: ccxix, med. spec.pt., 58-07.—Foliibojjatotr (N. L.) K ustrolstvu peredo- vikh perevyazochnikh punktov vo vremya Russko-Ya- ponskol voini. [Construction of first-aid points at the front during the Russo-Japanese war.] Ibid., 1906, ccxvi, med.-spec. pt., 1906-2006 [for 490-500]. — Posple- loffl* (P. I.) O vliyanii perevozki po zhelieznol dorogie i nachalnavo prebivaniya v Manchzhurii na vies tlela i mi- shechnuyusilu soldat; nablyudeniya vo vremya Russko- Yaponskol voini. [Influence of railroad transportation and first entry in Manchuria on body weight and muscle strength of soldiers; observationsduringthe Russo- Japanese war.] Ibid., 1905, ii, med.-spec. pt., 86-98. -----. Voyenno-pokhodnaya zhizn v Manchzhurii i yeya bollezni. [Life at the front in Manchuria, and its diseases] Ibid., 1906, ccxv, med.-spec. pt., 294; 501.— Potloyonko (V. V.) Kratkiy otchot o khirurgiches- kol dleyatelnosti russkol bolnitsi Krasnavo Kresta v Mukdenle vo vremya Russko-Yaponskol voini. [Brief report of the surgical activity of the Russian Red Cross Hospital of Mukden during the Russo-Japanese war.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1906, xix, 198-225.—Potiralovskl (P.) K voprosu ob evakuatsii ranenikh v tekushtshel Russko-Yaponskol volnle. [Transportation of the wounded in the present Russo-Japanese war.] Vovenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1905, iii, med.-spec. pt., 160-166.— Pussep (L.) Pisma iz voini. [Letters from the war.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv, 199; 596. -----. Perevo- zochniya sredstva dlya ranenikh i bolnikh v minuvshuyu Russko-Yaponskuyu volnu. [Transportation facilities for the sick and wounded during the late Russo-Japanese war.] Ibid., 1906, v, 870-876. -----. Vpechatlleniya vracha na peredovlkh pozitsiyakh v minuvshuyu russko- yaponskuyu volnu. [Impressions of a physician at the front duringthe late Russo-Japanese war.] Ibid., 1906, v, 1479-1483.—Quenaidit. Guerre etsuggestion: Le soldat russe et le soldat japonais. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1904-5, xix, 170; 204.—Bomeyn (J. A.) Heelkundige lessen uit den Russisch-Japanschen oorlog. Geneesk. Courant, Amst., 1908, lxii, 219-223.-Bosen- berg (D.) O vozmozhnom izmienenii organizatsii pol- kovovo perevyazochnavo punkta. [On the possible change in the organization of the regimental bandaging point] Trudi Vrem. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Khar- binie, Mosk., 1906, ii, 112-114.—Bussow (K. E.) Feld- brief eines Arztes aus dem russisch-japanischen Kriege. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1905, xxvii, 184-187.—Sas- saparel (I. V.) Na peredovlkh pozitsiyakh. [Onposi- tions at the front.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxix, med.-spec. pt., 89-94.-----. Na peredovlkh pozitsi- yakh. [On positionsat the front.] Ibid.,ccxx, med.-spec. pt.,417-422.—Schal'er(F.) Mitteilungen iiber kriegschi- rurgische Erfahrungen im russisch-japanischen Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1905, xxxi, 13S7-1340.-Schaler (F.), Svenson (E.) 4-r>J. 51.—Violin (Y. A.) Evakuatsiya bolnikh i ranenikh s peredovlkh pozitsiy. [Evacuation of sick and wounded f rom pi >si t ions at t h e front.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1906, ccxv, med.-spec. pt., 305-314. -----. Nleskolko slov o voyenno-meditsinskoi otchotnosti voyennavo vremeni. [Army medical reporting in time of war.] Ibid., ccxv, med.-spec.pt.,735-763.-----. Opolevikhpodvizhnikh hos- pitalyakh. [Field movable hospitals.] Ibid.,1906, ccxvii, med.-spec.pt. ,90-104.-----. O svyazi peredovlkh perevya- zochnikh punktov so svoimi chastyami. [Connection of dressing stations at the front with their parts of troops.] Ibid., 1907, ccxix, med -spec, pt., 83-89. -----. Zhih- shtsha nashikh soldat v Manchzhurii vo vremya Russko- Yaponskol voini. | Dwellings of our soldiers in Manchu- ria during the Russo-Japanese war.] Ibid., ccxx, med.- spec. pt., 68; 236.—Vitkovski (M. M.) Postanovka meditsinskavo dlela na Dalnem Vostokle. [Medicine in the Far East.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1905, lxiii, 504-518 — Vladicliko (S. D.) Dushevniya zabollevaniya v Port- Arturle vo vremya osadi. [Mental diseases in Port Ar- thur during the siege.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1907, ccxviii, med.-spec. pt., 108; 318.— Vrod on ( R. R.) PismaglavnavokhirurgaManchzhurskol armii. [Letters of the surgeon in chief of the Manchurian army.] Ibid., 1904,iii, med.-spec. pt., 562: 1905, i, med.-spec.pt., 325: iii, med.-spec. pt., 849. -----. Iz nablyudeniy khirurga v russko-yaponskuyu volnu. [A surgeon's observations in the Russo-Japanese war.] Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1905, iv,1565-1568.-----. Pomoshtsh ranenim vsovremen- nol volnie na peredovlkh perevyazochnikh punktakh. [Aid to the wounded in the present war, at the front first- aid stations.] Voyenno-med.J.,St.Pctersb.,1905, iii,med.- spec. pt., 252; 477. — Yakubovlt-li (L. F.) Psikhia- tricheskaya pomoshtsh na Dalnem Vostokle v Russko- Yaponskuyu volnu (1904-5 g.) [Psychiatric aid in the Far East during the Russo-Japanese war.] J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk., 1907, vii, 589; 819.— Vastremski (F. P.) Formirovaniye i vnut- renniy bit polevovo hospitalya v Manchzhurii v 1900- 1902 gg. [Formation and internal condition of the field hospital in Manchuria in 1901-1902] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1906, xiii, 177; 210; 229—Vasujima (S.) & Vauiazaki (S.) The killed and wounded of the field artillerv regiment at the siege of Port Arthur. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1907, xxvi, 167; 179.— \ t>- vreinolf"(M. N.) Slabosilnaya komanda. [The weak troops.] Trudi Vrem. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Khar- binie, 1904, i, pt. 2, 16-21— Yudin (T.) Evakuatsiya ravenikh ot perevyazochnikh punktov do hospitalei v russko-yaponskuyu volnu. [Removal of the wounded from the bandaging stations to the hospitals during the Russo-Japanese war.] Russk. Vrach., S.-Peterb., 1906, v, 835-839.—Vurgens (E. M.) K voprosu o po- lozhenii stradavshikh ushnimi i gorlovimi bolleznyami vo vremya bivshel russko-yaponskol voini. [Thecon- dition of those suffering from diseases of the ear and throat during the recent Russo-Japanese war.] Yezhe- mles. T'slm., (Jorlov. i Nosov. Bollezn., S.-Peterb., 1908, iii, 268-271.—Karzhetski (K. A.) K plavaniyu na krelserie pervavo ranga "Vladimir Monomakh" v 1905 godu. [On board the first-class cruiser . . in 1905.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1907, 69-82. Russo Travali (G.). See De Blasi (L.) & Kusso Travail (G.) Muni- cipio di Palermo. Stazione di vaccinazioni antirabbiche. [etc.]. 8°. Palermo, 1888. Russula defica. Gessard (C.) Sur l'antiperoxydase de Russula de- lica. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1906, lx, 505.— \Volft"(J.) Sur quelques proprietes nouvelles des oxy- dases de Russula delica Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1909, cxlviii, 500-502. Rust. Finlayson (D.) Rust and mildew. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y.. 1908, lxv, 392-394.—Potonie (H.) Eisen- erze veranlasst durch die Tiitigkeit von Organismen. Naturw. Wchnschr., Jena, 1906, xxi, 161-168.—Schorlcr (B.) Die Rostbildung in den Wasserleitunsrsrohren. Centralbl.f. Bakteriol. [etc.] ,2. Abt.,Jena, 1905,xv,504-568. Rust (Vegetable). See Pathology (Vegetable). Rust (Ferdinand) [1877- ]. * Ueber Paro- titis bei Infektionskrankheiten. 36 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. Deargi, 1906. Rust (Joh. Nepoinuk) [1775-1840]. Helkologie, oder Lehre von den Gesx-hwiiren. Neue fiir Minderbegiiterte, besonders Studirende, veran- staltete Ausg. xvi, 597 pp., port. fol. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1844. Ser, also, Belcuchtung des Sendschreibens, die Cholera betreffend, [etc.]. 8°. Berlin, 1832. RUST. 825 KUTTLEY. Rust (Joseph Ludwig Franz). * Das Geschlecht der Fehl- und Totgeburten. (Nach den Ergeb- nissen der Strassburger Klinik in den Jahren 1*7.1-1900.) 48 pp. 8°. Strassburg i. E., C. dc J. Goeller, 1902. Rustan. To pinard (P.) Poids du cerveau de Rustan. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1883, 2. s., vi, 576. Rustat {Tobias) [160b^-94]. Courtney (W. P.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897. 1. 2. Ruslieus Blacentinus (Antonius). _ See Baverius (Jno.) Consilia [etc.]. fol. Papix, Rustieu* (Christophorus). Excollenda rusti- citas per octo gradus philosophic* ac medica? diseiplime publicte disputationi exposita. 2 p. 1., 174 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Satis, Bonetti, 1650. van Ruslingh (Salomon). Xieuw-gebouw der geneeskonst, gegrondvest op reeden en ervarent- heid, waar in op de alderkortste, bevatbaarste en zeekerste wijze geleerd word de geneezing der ziekten, beneffens hunne oorzaken. Met byvoegingvanwel-ondervonden hulp-middelen. 8 p. 1., 496 pp., 4 1., 1 pl. 16°. V Amsterdam, J. ten Hoorn, 1706. Rut. See Menstruation in animals. Rutcli (Fr.) *Die Kocher'schen Radicalopera- tionen des Larynxcarcinoms seit 1890. [Bern.] 41 pp. 8°. Beipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1899. Rutgers (J[ohannes]). Verplichte verzege- ling van geneesmiddelen. 32 pp. 8°. Bolter- dam, [1SS6, rel subseq ]. -----. Een boek voor jonge vrouwen en meisjes. Wenken voor het geslachtsleven. (Sexueele hvgiene.) viii, 117 pp., 1 1. 12°. Amsterdam, C. Daniels, [1900]. -----. Rasverbetering en bewuste aantals be- perking. Kritiek van het Malthusianisme en van het Nieuv-Malthusianisme. vii, 279 pp. SD. Botterdam, W. J. van Hengel, 1905. ----- & Hoiltema (M. W H.) De prosti- tutie te Rottepdam en de strijd tegen de regle- menteering in den gemeenteraad. 31 pp. 8°. Botterdam, J. M. Bredee, 1901. Rutgers (M.) *Beitriige zu den Operationen am Magen. [Freiburg i. B.] 90 pp. 8°. Beyden, S. C. Van Doesburgh, 1897. -----. Voorzorgsmaatregelen ter verkrijging van een ongestoord wondverloop. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1S99. Forms no. 7of: Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1899, vi, 225-214. Rutli (Paul) [1864- ]. * Ueber die Wirkung einiger Gelseminin- Verbindungen auf Kalt- bliiter. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1896. von Rutliendorf-Przevvoski (Otto Peter) [1871- ]. * Ueber die Befunde bei plotz- lichen Todesfallen. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, K Jansen, 1900. Ruthenium. Zwicker (J. H.) * Studien iiber das Ruthe- nium. 8°. Erlangen,^ 1906. .\icollc & Cantacuzene (J.) PropreLes colorantes de l'oxvehloriire de ruthenium ammoniacal. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1893, vii, 331-334. Rutherford (Daniel) [174D-1819]. Woodward (B. B.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, 1, 5. Rutherford (E[rnest]) [1871- ]. Radio- activity, x, 399 pp. 8 . Cambridge, Univer- sity Bress, 1904. -----. Radioactive transformations. 3 p. 1., 287 pp. 8°. Xew York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. Rutherford (Henry). Editor of: Glasgow Hospital Reports, v. 1,1898. Rutherford (James). .See tiriesingor (Wilhelm) [in 1. s.]. Mental pathol- ogy and therapeutics. 8°. London, 1867. -----. The same. 8°. Xew York, 1882. Rutherford (John) [1695-1779]. Clinical lectures. MSS. 249 pp., 2 1. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1751.] For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, 1, 6 (D'A. Power). ----- & Monro, sen. [Clinical lectures and cases; student's note-book.] MS. 574 pp. 4° [Edinburgh f], 1762. Rutherford (R. C.) Woolen or linen? A review of certain articles (editorial and con- tributory) in the Irish Textile Journal. 29 pp. 8°. New York, 1891. Repr. from: Sanitarian, N. Y., 1891, xxvii. Rutherford (William) [1839-99]. On the conditions that influence the attainment of the physiological ideal. 28 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, Darien Bress, 1890. -----. On the service rendered to mankind by medical science. 15 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver dc Boyd, 1891. [Also, in: P., v. 2289.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1891, xxxvii. -----. The tercentenary of the compound micro- scope. 21pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Xeill d Co., 1891. Repr. from: J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1890-91, xxv. -----. On the method of studying a natural science, such as physiology. 14 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Oliver dc Boyd, 1894. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1894, xl. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 564-567. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 538-541. Also: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, n. s., lxvii, 232. Also: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1899, iv, 355-358, port. (G. H.). Ruthon (Joseph) [1879- ]. * Diagnostic et traitement du cancer primitif de la vesicule biliaire. 61 pp. 8°. Byon, 1906, No. 117. Ruthon (Victor). *Sur un nouvel anesthe- sique. La stovai'ne. 61 pp. 8°. Boris, 1904, No. 89. Rutishauser (Fritz). * Experimenteller Bei- trag zur Stabkranzfaserung im Frontalhirn den Affen. [Ziirieh.] 27 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1902. Rutishauser (Rudolf). * Ueber die vier iso- meren Monooxyxanthone. 35 pp. 8°. Bern, Michel dc Bitchier, 1893. von Rutkowski [1S76- ]. * Ueber 28 Friihoperationen der Perityphlitis acuta. 22 pp., 2 1. 8°. Leipzig, B. Georgi, 1905. Rutland County, England. See Leicester- shire and Rutland Lunatic Asylum, Leicester. ICut sic in (Jacob) [1881- ]. * Klinik der Adenomyome des Uterus. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, E. Ebering, [1907]. Rutten [1868- ]. * Contribution a l'etude de la nephrite subaigue au cours de la svphilis secondaire. 55 pp. 8°. Baris, 1900, No. 500. Rutten. Un cas d'hemiatrophie faciale gauche. 26 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Namur, A. Godenne, 1903. Rutten (Louis). Pain sterilise; pain d'expor- tation, pain de marine, pain de guerre. 2 1. 8°. Lierre, A. Vermeiren dc Cie., 1906. Rutter (H[enry] C). See Ohio. Ohio Hospital for Epileptics, at Gallipolis. The bulletin of the . . . Jan., 1898. 8°. Cleveland, 1898. Rutter (Henry Fillmer). Notes on the work- ing of sand filters. 6 pp. 8°. London, 1901. Repr. from: Inst. Civ. Eng. Abstr. papers in For. Trans. & Period., Lond., 1900-1901, cxlvi, pt. 4. Ruttley (J. H.) Nature's secrets and the secrets of woman revealed; or how to be born and how to live. v. 1. ii, 210 pp., port. 12°. San Francisco, J. H. Buttley, 1875. RUTTORFFER. 826 RtlZICKA. Ruttdrffer (Johannes Jeremias). *De incubo. 18 1. sm. 4°. .feme, J. Xisus, 1665. Rutty {John) [1698-1775]. Moore (N.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Btog., Lond., 1897, 1,31. Rutty (William) [16S7-1730]. Moore (X.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, 1, 32. Rutz (Albert [Richard]) [1868- ]. *Be- handlung der congenitalen Hernien des Proces- sus vermiformin. 28 pp., 1 sheet, 1 1. 8°. Berlin, B. Schueler, 1896. Ruvettus. Hallopeau (H.) Apropos du serum de M. Query. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1908, lxiv, 507.—Knott- ier (J.) Le rouvet prfeieux dans le golfe de Gascogne. 76id.,500. Ruysch (Fredericus) [1638-1731]. Responsio ad Godefridi Bidloi libellum, cui nomen vindi- ciarum inscripsit. 47 pp. 4°. Amstelsedemi, J. Wolters, 1697. [P., v. 1104.] -----. Responsio, ad dissertationem epistolicam ... Jo. Christoph. Bohlii, quam, de usu nova- rium cavse propaginum in systemate chylopceo, nee non de cortice cerebri, conscripsit. 12 pp. 4°. Amstelodami, apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1727. [P., v. 1104.] See, also, Bidloo (Godefridus) [in 1. s.]. Vindicise quarundam delineationum [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1697. — Boerhaave (Hermann) & Ruysch (Frederi- cus). Opusculum anatomicum [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1722.-----------. The same. 4°. Amstehrdami, 1751.— Bohlius (Johannes Christophorus) [in 1. s.]. Disser- tatio epistolica [etcj. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1727— Camp- domercus (Joh. Jac.) Epistola anatomica. De glan- dulis. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1725. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1714. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1696. — Ettmuller (Michael Ernst). Epistola anato- mica, problematica, duodecima: De cerebri corticali [etc.], 4°. Amstelxdami, 1699. -----. The same. 4°. Am- stelxdami, 1721. -----. Epistola problematica ad F. Ruy- schium: De ovario novo. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1715. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1729.—Frentz (Gerard). Epistota anatomica, problematica quinta: De vasis san- guiferis [etc.]. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1696. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1725.— Gaubius (Johannis). Epistola problematica prima: De pilis [etc.]. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1696. -----. Epistola problematica, prima, secunda et tertia [etc.]. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1724.— Goelicke (A. O.) Epistola anatomica, problematica nona: De cursu arte- riarum [etc.]. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1679. -----. The same [in 1.8.]. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1718. -----.Thesame. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1724.—(iiirtz (Johann Henricus) [in 1. s.]. Epistola anatomica, problematica sexta: De arteria et vena bronchiali [etc.]. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1696. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1731. -----. Epistola ana- tomica, problematica septima: Le pia matre [etc.]. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1696. ----- [ml. s.]. The same. 4°. Am- stelxdami, 1718. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1724. -----. Epistola anatomica, problematica octava: De structura nasi cartilaginea [etc.]. 4°. Amstelx- dami, 1697. ----- [in 1. s.]. The same. 4°. Amstelx- dami. 1718. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1724.— Keonvolff (Bartholomseus) [in 1. s.]. Epistola anato- mica problematica decima: De auricularum cordis, [etc.]. 4°. Amstelodami, 1697.-----. The same. 4°. Amstelx- dami, 1720. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1725.— Leporin (Christian Polycarp). Kurtze dochgriindliche Erorterung, [etc.]. 4°. Leipzig & Quedlinburg, 1728.— Kau (J. J.) [ml. s.]. Responsio ad qualemcunque defen- sionem [etc.]. 8°. Amstelxdami, 17'00.-----.[»l.s,]. The same. 4°. Amstelodami, 1721. -----[inl.s.]. Epistola de Amstelxdami, 1719. Amstelodami, 1721.—a Reveriiorst'(Mauritius) [inl. s.]. Epistola anatomica, inventoribus septi scroti [etc.], -----. [in 1. s.l. The same. 4° problematica, quarta et decima: De nova artuum [etc.] 4°. Amstelxdami, 1701. -----. [inl. s.]. Thesame. 4°. Amstelxdami,ni4.—\-*ter[ Abraham) [inl. 8.]. Epistola anatomica, problematiea, decima et sexta: De viis ab- sconditis[etc.]. 4°. Amstelndami,17U.-----. [ml.s.]. Thesame. 4°. Amstelodami, 1727— Verlieyen (Phil.) [in 1. s.]. Animadversiones in anatomiam Blancardia- nam [etc.]. In his: Corporis humani anatomia, [etc.]. 12°. Lipsix, 1699, 577-622. -----. The same. 4°. [Colo- nix 1712.] -----. Thesame. Anmerckungen in die Ana- tomiam [etc.]. In his: Anatomie [etc.]. 12°. Leipzig, 1704, 689-742.—Wedel (Christian) [in 1. s.]. Epistola anatomica, problematica, tertia et decima: De oculorum Ruyseh (Fredericus) —continued. luinei- [etc.[. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1700.—Wolf (Joh. Christian) [in 1. s.]. Epistola anatomica, problematica undecima: De intestinorum tunicis [etc.], 4°. Amstrla- dami, 1698. -----. The same. 4°. Amstelxdami, 1721. For Biography, see Med. Standard, Chicago, 1899, xxii, 325, port, [front.] (F. W. Jay). -----. See, also: Leopardi (G.) Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie. In his: Prose [etc.]. 8°. [n. p.], 1903, 109-113. Ruyseh [W. P.] Lompenhandel en besmette- lijke ziekten. pp. 31-48. 8°. [n. p., 1880, vel subseq. ] Cutting. -----. Nog eens de lompen-quaestie. 12 pp. 8°. [n.p.], 1882. -. Kazerneering. 28 pp. 8°. [Amsterdam], 1882. Repr.from: Economist, Amst., 1882, Het VI. Internationaal Hygienisch Con- gres te Weenen. 16 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, 1887. Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1887, xxiii, 2. afd. Particuliere correspondentie. lets over de verpleging der krankzinnigen in Saksen. De cholera te Nietleben. 11 pp. 8°. Amster- dam, 1893. Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1893, xxix. See, also, van Deventer (J.) Szn., Ruijsch (W. P.) & Tellegen (A. O. H.) Rapport in zake de verbetering van het verplegend personeel [etc.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1890. & lUoutoii (J.-Th.) Les chiffons in- fectes. 3 pp. 8°. If ten, 1887. Forms pt. 1,17. Hft., of: VI. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. zu Wien. Ruyssen (Charles-Louis-Octave) [1871- ]. * Projet d'un enseignement medical de l'anti- alcoolisme. 139 pp. 8°. Lille, 1898, 5. s., No. 78. L'enseignement medical de l'anti-alcoo- lisme. Ouvrage couronne par la Societe fran- caise de temperance (medaille d'argent). Pre- cede d'une preface par le docteur Legrain. xli, 199 pp., 2 1. 12°. Baris, 1899. Ruyssen (Maurice) [1880- ]. *De l'exage- ration des reflexes dans les polynevrites. 145 pp. 8°. Lille, 1906, No. 22. de Ruyter (G[ ustav]) & KirehhofT (E[rnst]). Compendium der allgemeinen und speciellen Chirurgie; fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 2 pts. xii, 268 pp.; xvi, 321 pp. 12°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1892-3. CONTENTS. Th. 1. Allgemeine Chirurgie. Th. 2. Specielle Chirurgie. ----------. The same. [2. Aufl.] xii, 234 pp.; xvi, 340 pp. 12°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1896-8. The same. 3. Aufl. viii, 252 pp.; xvi, 348 pp. 12°. Berlin, S. Karger. 1900-1901. The same. Compendium der allgemeinen Chirurgie, 4. vermehrte und ver- besse'rte Aufl. viii, 264 pp.; xvi, 348 pp. 12°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1903-6. The same. Kompendium der speziellen Chirurgie fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 5. Aufl. xii, 355 pp. 12°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1908. Ruzieka (Stanislav) [1872- ]. ^ Pokusy o resorpeni schopnosti granulacnf tkane. [Ex- periments on the capacity for absorption of granulation tissue.] 6 pp. 8°. v Braze, Xa- kladem ceske Akad. cis Frantiska Josefa [etc. ], 1897. Forms no. 2 of: Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1897-8, 2. tfida, vii. RUZICKA. 827 RYBKA. Ruxi<>k:i (Stanislav)—continued. ______ Kriticke a pokusne studie o oLizee jedo- vatosti vydechovaneho vzduchu. [Critical and experimental studies on the question of the toxicitv of expired air.] 7 pp. 8°. r Braze, [899. Forms no. 9 of: Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1898-9, 2. tfida, viii. -----. O promenlivosti nekterych charakteris- tickych vlastnosti niikrobu. [On the changes of some characteristic properties of microbes.] 29 pp., 2 tab. 8°. v Braze, 1899. Forms no. 14 of: Rozpr. ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1898-9, 2. tfida, viii. ------. Pokusne studie o nekterych v praxi malo povsimnutych pramenech otrav kyslicnikem uhelnatym. [Experimental studies on some sources of poisoning by coal gas but little known in practice.] 4 pp. 8°. v Braze, ieske Akad., 1901. Forms no. 29 of: Rozpr. cesk<5 Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1900-1902, 2. tfida, x. ------. Pokus na sobe o vyuzitkov&ni vyzivnych latek pfi riiznych nmozstvich vody s potravou do zaludku zavedene. [Experiment on young reindeer to learn the nutrition material in special quantities of water with food in the average stomach.] 8 pp. 8°. v Braze, deske Akad., 1902. Forms no. 27 of: Rozpr. Ceske Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze, 1902-3, 2. tfida, xi. Ryabehenko (A. Ye.) Ustav meditsinskol politsii (sv. zak. t. xiii, ust. vracheb., kniga vtor., izd. 1857 g.) s izmleneniyami po prod. sv. zak. 1886, 1SS7, i 1889 gg., dopolnenniy: 1) uzakoneniyami, obnarodovannimi po 1-eavgusta 1892 goda, i 2) rasporyazheniyami pravitelstva: a) o prinyatii mier protiv kholernol epidemii i b) po veterinarnoi chasti. Izd. neoffitsialnoye. [Statutes for medical police (code of laws, v. 13, medical statutes, book 2, edition of 1857), with the changes as per codes of 1886, 1887, and 1889; supplemented by: (1) the enactments promul- gated up to Aug. 1, 1892, and (2) government orders: (a) concerning measures against the cholera epidemic, and (b) on veterinary police. Unofficial edition.] xxviii, 511 pp. 12°. »S'.- Beterburg, A. S. Suvorin, 1892. Ryan (Charles E.) With an ambulance during the Franco-German war; personal experiences and adventures with both armies, 1870-71. vii, 368 pp., 1 map, port. 12°. London, J. Murray, 1896. Ryan (Charles S[nodgrass]. Under the Red < Crescent; adventures of an English surgeon ' with the Turkish army at Plevna and Erze- roum, 1877-8; in association with John Sandes. xix, 435 pp., 1 map, port. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1897. Ryan (John). Homoeopathic infinitesimal doses, and their analogues in nature. Read before the Northern Homoeopathic Society at York, Octo- ber 9, 1863. viii, 94 pp. 16°. London, II. Turner dc Co.; Manchester, 1864. Ryan (Michael). * \<>r (M.) Ueber den Mahlprocess und die chemische Zusammensetzung der Mahlproducte einer modernen Roggen-Kunstmiihle. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1896, xxviii, 49-92, 1 pl — Kolberg (V.) Laboratornaya provierka sposoba izslieduvaniya rzhanoi muki apparatom Rakovicha. [Laboratory veri- fication of the examination of rye meal with Rakovich's apparatus.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1904, pt. 2, 319: 377— Kammul (A.i Izslledovaniye sta obraztsov rzhanoi muki na soderzbaniye sporinyi. [Ex- amination of a hundred samples of rye flour for ergot.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1904, 1541-1605.—Ribeiro do (onto (J.) O centeio e seus derivados. Rev. med. de S. Paulo, 1904, vii, 375-377. Rye (Maria 8.) Emigration of educated women. A paper read at the Social Science Congress in Dublin, 1861. 15 pp. 12°. London, Emily Faithful dc Co., [1861]. 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Egenolph, 1555.] —. _ Feld und Stattbuch bewerter Wundt- artznei. _ New widerumb ersehen. Zusampt dem Antidotari, Fursorg und Vorrath der Chi- rurgei 3 p. 1., 84 ff. sm. 4°. Franckfort am Meyn, ba C. Ege,„,l,bs Erben, 1556. re'm£'' r™aY«rius de liuola (J.) Consiliorum de .Hi?r^?a [°tC-K 4 • Argentina., vk.-nrnntivU\x\s. M riJm,"-!- Ne^ vollkommen Distillierbuch [etc.], tol. Franckjta-t am Matjn, 1597. —-•_ See, also: nv^Z-T}^^^^} 0 Ueber Kriiuterbader in der Frauen- \ Ai I-•Walther Hermann Reiff (Ryffius). Centralbl. 9Jr."o^ o'Rp- Heilverf., Worisbofen, 1902, ix, 223; 234; ; 256; 283. Ry»-e (Joannes Christianus). *De partu sero- tnio. l p. i 62 pp., 1 1. 16°. Kiltie, C. F. Mohr, [1806]. Ryiand (Frederick). A treatise on the dis- eases and injuries of the larynx and trachea; tounded on the essay to which was adjudged the Jacksonian prize for 1835. iv, 7-236 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey dc Hart, 1841. KyleyiS.). Elements of midwifry [etc.]. -1822]. [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., See Astruc (John). t>". London, 1766. Rymer (James) [ Nor»ate i G. LeG.) Lond., 1^97, 1, 65. Rymsza (Waclaw) [1862- ]. * Verglei- chende Untersuchungen iiber den Zusammen- hang zwischen dem Refractionszustande der Augen und dem Schiidelbau. 65 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1892. van Ryn. Ligue nationale beige contre la tu- berculose. Rapport general sur l'exercice 1900. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bruxelles, van Assche dc Cie., 1901. ------. Rapport sur le Congres britannique de la tuberculose (1901). 37 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, A. Lesigne, 1902. Rypophobia. See, also, Mysophobia. Blum (P.) Etude dun cas de rypophobie. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1904, i, 778-781. Ryscr ( Hans ). *Fiinfzig Fiille von Extra- uteringraviditiit als Beitrag zur ektopischen Schwangerschaft. 15 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Bern, O. Bolliger, 1902. Ryulman (A[nton Antonovich]) [1842- ]. * Izsliedovaniya o sovmiestnom dieistvii gortan- nikh mishts pri nlekotorikh, chasto vstriecha- yemikh, polozheniyakhgortani. [Investigations of the combined action of the laryngeal muscles in various frequently occurring positions of the larynx.] 59 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. S.-Beterburg, 0. I. Bakst, 1876. Ryumin (N[ikolai] N[ikolayevich]) [1867- ]. *Vliyaniye sakharnikh rastvorov raz- lichnoi kontsentratsii na rost i zhiznesposobnost bolieznetvornikh mikroorganizmov. [Influ- ence of solutions of sugar of different concentra- tion upon the growth and viability of patho- genic microorganism.] 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.- Peterburg, Braude, 1898. Ry woseli (David). * Ueber die giftige Wirkung der Gallensiiuren, nebst einem Anhange iiber die Giftlgkeit der Gallenfarbstoffe (Bilirubin und Biliverdin). 61 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dorpat, K. A. Hermann, 1891. [Rzeezniowski (Leon).] [See Bieliriski (Jan) & Rzeczniowski (Leon).] Zaklad wodoleczniczy [etc.]. 8°. Warszawa, 1886. von Rzehaczek (Karl Bitter) [1816- 97J. Nekrolog. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1897, xxxiv, 153. Rzeliak (A.) Die Briinner Trinkwasserfrage. 53 pp. 16°. Brixnn, F. Irrgang, 1899. ------. Der Unterkiefer von Ochos. Ein Bei- trag zur Kenntnis des altdiluvialen Menschen. 26 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Brunn, W. Bnrkhart, 1906. Repr.from: Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Briinn, 1906, xliv. END OF VOL. XIV, SECOND SERIES. ■MJLilTV "WM&mW)