T?^3H"^^IPP"WWBflppp«pP! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C. Bl9574 INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UXITED STATES ARMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. SEOOHSTD SEEIES. Vol. IX. L—JLYIRI. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 19 0 4. A re in. &75.M4- ser. 2 v. 9 I 904 C. 2 i War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, W. C, 2I(iyJj, 1904.. General Robert M. O'Reilly, Siirn-Gcn< ral, U. S. Army: General: I have the honor to present herewith the ninth volume of the second series of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of this Office. The list of abbreviations of titles of periodicals and collective works used in indexing, which is prefixed, is a consolidated list of all the abbreviations used in the rirst nine volumes of the second series of the Catalogue. This has been prepared to obviate the necessity of consulting, in some cases, several volumes in order to determine the precise scope of a given abbreviation. This volume includes 8,706 author-titles, representing 2,599 volumes and 8,291 pamphlets. It also contains 5,322 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets, and 31,481 titles of articles in periodicals. The Library now contains 149,566 bound volumes and 256,516 pamphlets. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue, as far as published: AUTHOR-TITLES. SUBJECT-TITLES. Titles. Volumes. Pamphlets. Book titles. Journal ar-ticles. Portraits. 176,364 6,346 15,732 11,112 9,628 6,825 15,589 6,225 10,704 8,706 85,663 6,127 6,383 4,873 4,133 2,695 5, 865 151,504 6,327 14,802 10,690 8,523 5,957 14.296 168,557 7, ,HS4 511,112 an a«4 4 335 Vol. II....................... 5,774 21.725 10,636 | 34,314 8,x28 28,316 7,645 40,045 5, 962 , 30,561 13,179 32,522 6,7:51 29,684 5,322 ! 31.481 Vol. Ill...................... Vol. IV...................... Vol. V...................... Vol. VI...................... Vol. VII..................... 2,692 j 8,157 5,330 j 9,897 2,599 8,291 Vol. VIII.................... Vol. IX...................... 267,231 126,360 238.444 239,518 790.144 Verv respectful 1}T, WALTER D. McCAW, Major and Surycon, TJ. iS. Army, Librarian, S. G. O. in A L PIIA P> E TI O A L LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS, EMPLOYED IN THE FIRST ZSTIZNTE VOLU^IES < >P^ THE SECOND SERIES OF THE IADEX-CATALOGIE.* EXPLANATIONS: The abbreviations are prepared as far as possible in accordance with the following principles: 1. To follow the exact order of the words of the title. . 2. To make them as brief as is consistent with clearness to those who are familiar with medical literature. 3. To follow strictly the orthographical usages of each language. This disposes of the question of capitalization. 4. To attain uniformity. Some exceptions to this last rule have been found expedient. An abbreviation which is quite intelligible in the body of a title is not always suitable as the first word, and the context may make an abbreviation sufficiently clear in a long title which in a short one would appear obscure. The convenience of the reader is regarded as of more importance than a rigid adherence to uniformity. The following minor details, with the list of single-letter abbreviations, will assist in the comprehension of the scheme: The article with which a title commences is omitted. Prepositions as well as articles are entirely omitted in English titles, and in other languages when their elision would not lead to obscurity. The place of publication is not added when it forms an integral part of the title; in such cases it is given without abbreviation, except in instances of constant recur- rence, as London, Paris, Berlin, etc., which are condensed into Lond., Par., Berk, etc., on all occasions. Nor is it added to the titles of Transactions or Journals the places of publication of which have been changed from time to time, as the references in each instance furnish the locality. The reader seeking explanation of an abbreviated title will find it under its first word (article excluded) in its alphabetical place in the list. *For preceding Abbreviations of Titles, see Vol. XVI of First Scries of the Index-Catalogue. [1] [2] SINGLE-LETTER ABBREVIATIONS. a. aan, alia, auf, aus, aux, etc. n. F. nene Folge. b. bei. In. P- n d.] no place, no date. d. das, degli, dei, del, della, der, des, det, die, o. och, oder, over. din, door, etc. [o. O. u. J.] ohne Ort und Jahreszahl. E. East. p. paa, par, pel, per, pour, pri, pro. e. ein, eine, eiuer. Q. Quarterly. F. Folge. R. R.ekke. f. for, for, fra, fran, fur. r. real, reale, reeks. g- gli, gorod (city), gorodskoi (of tbe city). S. Surgery, Surgical. H. Herrn. s. seines; series—e. g., 1. s., 2. s., n. s., h. het. new series; sul, sulla. J. Jahr, Jahres, Jahreszahl, Jorual, Journal. t. tegeu, ter, till, tot. k. kaiserlich, koniglich, koninklijk, koniuk-lijke. u. und. ii. iiber. k. k. kaiserlich koniglich. v. van, vid, von, voor, vor. 1. las, les, los, etc. V p. various places. M. Medical, Medicine, Medico, etc. V . s. various sizes. m. mit. W. West. N. North. z. zu, zuid, zum, zur. n. neue, neueste, new, uouveau, nuova, nya, etc. A. Abhandl. z. Gesch. d. Med., Bresl. Abhandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., Berl. Acad, de med. de Mexico. Mem. de ginec. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux Acta de la ses. pub. que en 1898 celebro la Real Acad, de med. y cirug. de Barcelona. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, inter- nac. de hig. y demog., Madrid. Actes de l'Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Bordeaux. Addr. . . . sect. otol. & laryngol. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Addr. . . . sect, state med. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Aerztl. Ber. d. Riga. Stadt-Kran- kenh. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien. Aerztl. Monatschr., Leipz. Aerztl. Polytech., Berl. Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzb. Aerztl. Reform-Ztg., Wien. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl. iEsculap, Berl. JEsculapian, Kansas City. Mexico. Memorias de ginecologia. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medicin. Breslau. 8°. Ahhandlungen der koniglich preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schafteu. Berlin. 4°. Acaderaia de medicina de Mexico, roy. 8C. Acade"mie rovale de Belgique. Bulletin de la classe des sciences. Bruxelles." 8°. Acta de la sesidn publica que en 25 de junio de 1898 celebr6 la Real Academia de medicina y cirugia de Barcelona. Barce- lona. 8°. Actas y naeniorias del ix. Congreso internacional de higiene y demografia. Madrid, 1898. Madrid. 8°. Actes de l'Acad^mie royale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. 8°. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section of otology and laryngology at the 42. annual meeting of the American Medi- cal Association, 1891. Chicago. 12°. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section of state medi- cine, at the 42. meeting of the American Medical Association, 1891. Chicago. 12°. Aerztlicher Bericht des Rigaschen Stadt-Krankenhauses. 8°. Riga. Aerztliche Central-Zeitung. Wien. fol. Aerztliche Monatschrift. Leipzig. 8U. Aerztliche Polytechnik. Berlin. 8°. Aerztliche (Die) Praxis. Wiirzburg. 4°. Aerztliche Refonn-Zeitung. Wien. fol. Aerztliche Sachverstandigen-Zeitung. Berlin, fol. iEsculap. Zeitschrift fur Medicin, Zahnheilkunde und Phar- macie. Berlin, fol. ^Esculapian (The). A monthly journal edited and published by students of the University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City, Mo. 8°. [3] iEsculap. Soc. Abstr. Tr., Lond. Alabama M. J., Birmingh. Albert Lea M. J., Albert Lea, Minn. Album d. Nat., Haarlem. Aliment. Rev., Jersey City. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago. Alkoholismus, Dresd. Allg. deutsche Nahr.- u. Genuss- mit.-Kunde, Miinchen. A. O. D. Bull., Buffalo. Alumni Bull. Univ. Virginia, Char- lottesville. Alumni Rep., Phila. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Rep., Chicago. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr., Chicago. Am. Dent. Week., Atlanta. Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago. Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray J., Chicago. Am. Gynec, N. Y. Am. J. Anat., Bait. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis. Am. J. Nursing, Phila. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost. Am. J. Physiol., Bost. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago. Am. M. Month., Bait. Am M. Quart., N. Y. Am. M. Rev., N. Y. Am. M. Temper. Quart., Battle Creek. Am. Med., Phila. Am. Midwife, St. Louis. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Bost. Am. Physician, Rahway, N. J. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), Phila. Am. Text-Bk. Gynec. (Baldy), Phila. .Esculapian (.The) Society. Abstract of Transactions. London. Alabama (The) Medical Journal. Birmingham, s . Albeit Lea (The) Medical Journal. Albert Lea, Minn. 8'. Album der Natuur. Haarlem, v. 1, 1903. w . Alimentary (The) Review. Jersey City, N. J. 12°. Alkaloidal (The) Clinic. Chicago. w . Alkoholismus (Der). l'-ine Vierteljahrsschrift zur wissenschaft- liehen Erorteruug der Alkoholfrage. Dresden. 8°. Allgemcine deutsche Nahrungs- und Genussmittel-Kunde. Miin- chen. fol. Alpha Omega Delta Bulletin. A monthly medical and fraternal journal. Buffalo, v. 1, 1903. 8 . Alumni (The) Bulletin of the University of Virginia. Published quarterly bv the Faculty, University of Virginia, Charlottes- ville. Charlottesville, Va. roy. 8°. Alumni Report. Published by the Alumni Association of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. 8°. American (The) Academy of Railway Surgeons. Official reports of meetings. Chicago. 8°. American (The) Academy of Railway Surgeons. Transactions. Chicago. s-\ American (The) Dental Weekly. Atlanta, Ga. 8°. American Electro-Therapeutic and X-Ray Era. Chicago. 4°. American Electro-Therapeutic and X-Ray Journal. Chicago. 4-. American Gynecology. New York. 8-. American (The) Journal of Anatomy. Baltimore. 8°. American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases. St. Louis. ,i?. American Journal of Nursing. Philadelphia. 8°. American (The) Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. Boston, v. 1, 1903. 8\ American (The) Journal of Physiology. Edited for the Amer- ican Physiological Society by H. P. Bowditch [et al.~\. Bos- ton. 8°. American (The) Journal of Sociology. Chicago, s \ American (The) Medical Monthly. Baltimore. 8°. American (The) Medical Quarterly. A magazine of the medicine of to-day. New York, s . American Medical Review. A monthly review of current med- ical literature. New York. 8°. American Medical Temperance Quarterly. Organ of the Amer- ican Medical Temperance Association. Battle Creek, Mich. ii-. American Medicine. Philadelphia. 4°. American (The) Midwife. St. Louis, fol. American Physical Education Review. Boston. 8°. American (The) Physician. Rahway, N. J. s . American (An) Text-Book of the Diseases of Children, includ- ing special chapters on essential surgical subjects, [ etc. ]. Edited by Louis Starr, assisted by Thompson S. Westcott. Philadelphia. 8°. American (An) Text-Book of Gynecology, Medical and Surgical, for practitioners and students. By Henry T. Byford, J. M. Baldy [et al.]. Edited by J. M. Baldy. 2. ed. Philadelphia. M Am. Text-Book Physiol. (How- ell), Phila. Am. X-Ray J., St. Louis. An. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana. An. Acad. nac. de med., Bogota. An. med. gaditanos, Cadiz. An. de oftal., Mexico. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires. An. Univ. cent, de Venezuela, Caracas. Anat. Schrift., Heidelb. Anjou med., Angers. Ann. di chim. Pavia. Brugnatelli, Ann. di chim. e storia nat. . . . Brugnatelli, Pavia. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.], Par. Ann. d'61ectrother., Brux. Ann. di elettr. med. [etc. ], Napoli. Ann. d. Fac. di med. e mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia. Ann. di farmacot. e chim., Milano. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux. Ann. d. 1st. psichiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma. Ann. d. Lab. di med. leg. d. Univ. di Bologna, Imola. Ann. di laringol. [etc.], Genova. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par. Ann. de la med. homoeop., Par. Ann. di med. nav., Roma. Ann. med.-chir., Dour. Ann. med.-chir. du centre, Tours. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis. Ann. de la Policlin. centr.de Brux. American (An) Text-Book of Physiology, by Heurv P. Bowditch, John G. Curtis [et al.~\. Edited by William H. Howell. Phila- delphia. 8°. American (The) X-Ray Journal. A monthly devoted to the practical application of the new science and to the physical improvement of man. St. Louis, Mo. 8°. Anales de la Academia de ciencias nieYlicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. Revista cientinca. Habana. 8C. Anales de la Academia nacional de medecina. Bogota". 8°. Anales medicos gaditanos. Peri6dico de medicina, cirujia, far- niacia y ciencias auxiliares. Sucesor de la Cr6nica oftalmo- 16gica y de la Gaceta me"dica. CaMiz. 8°. Anales de oftalmologia. Peri6dico internacional de clinica y terap£utica ocular. Mexico. 8°. Anales de sanidad militar. Bueuos Aires. 8°. Anales de la Universidad central de Venezuela. Caracas. 8°. Anatomische Schriften von G. Azzoguidi, J. B. Paletta und J. Brugnoni, hrsg. von E. Sandifort. Aus dem Lateinischen iiber- setzt und mit Zusiitzen vermehrt von Heinrich Tabor. Hei- delberg. 12c. Anjou (L') medical. Revue mensnelle de chirurgie, me"deciue, gynecologic, pharmacie et matiere me"dicale et des inte"r6ts professionnels. Angers. 8°. Annali di chimica, ovvero raccolta di memorie sulle scienze, arti, e manifatture ad essa relative di L. Brugnatelli. Pavia. 8°. Annali di chimica e storia naturale, ovvero raccolta di memorie Bulle scienze, arti e manifatture ad esse relative di L. Brugna- telli. Pavia. 8°. Annales de chirurgie et d'orthope"die. Paris. 8°. Annales d'electrobiologie, d'e'lectrothe'rapie et d'electrodiagnostic. Paris. f°. Annales d'e"]ectroth£rapie. Bruxelles. 8°. Annali di elettricita medica e terapia fisica. Napoli. 8°. Annali della Facolta di medicina e memorie della Accademia inedico-cbirurgica di Perugia. Perugia. 8°. Annali di farmacoterapia e chimica. Milano. 8°. Annales d'hydrologie et de climatologie m^dicales. Revue men- snelle publi^e par la Soci6te" d'hydrologie m6dicale de Paris. Paris. 8°. Annales d'bygiene et de me"decine coloniales. Paris. 8°. Annali d' igiene sperimentale. Roma. 8°. Annales de l'Institut chirurgical de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. 8°. Annali dell' Istitnto psichiatrico della r. Universita di Roma. Roma. 8°. Annali del Laboratorio di medicina legale dell' Universita di Bologna. Imola. 8°. Annali di laringologia ed otologia, rinologia e faringologia. Genova. 8°. Annales de me"decine et chirurgie iufan tiles. Revue pratique internationale. Paris. 6°. Annales de la m^deciue homceopathique. Paris. 8J. Annali di medicina navale. Roma. 8°. Annales uie"dico-chirurgicales. Dour. 8°. Annales m6dico-chirurgicales du centre. Tours, fol. Annals of Ophthalmology. A journal of practical ophthalmoloev. St. Louis. Sc. Annals of Otology, Rhiuology and Laryngology. St. Louis, Mo. Annales de la Policlinique centrale de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. 8°. [5] Ann, d. r. cliii. psichiat. e neuro- pat. di Palermo. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux. Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi. Ann. Soc. de med. phys. d'An- vers. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux. Ann. de therap. dermat. et syph., Par. Annee biol., Par. Annee psychol., Par. Annee sociol., Par. Anniv. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton. Anniv. (Nel xxv) di insegn. clin. d. prof. A. Riva, Parma. Annot. zool. japon., Tokyo. Annuaire de la Haute-Marne, Chaumont. Annual Eclect. M. & S., Chicago. Annual rep. trans. S. Durham & Cleveland M. Soc. Apoth. & N. Eng. Drug., Bost., N. Y. & Phila. Apothecary, Chicago. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl. Arb. a. d. biol. Abth. f. Land- u. Forstwirthsch. am k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl. Arb. d. chir. Univ.-Klin. Dorpat, Leipz. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Pestschr. Otto Eng- strom . . ., Berl. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Z. Feier ... v. Carl Ruge, Berl. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. klin. Chir., "Wien & Leipz. Arb. a. d. k. hygien. Inst, zu Dresd. Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. & Wien. Arb. a. d. padiat. Klin, zu Leipz. Arb. a. d. path. Inst, zu Helsing- fors, Jena. Annali della r. clinica psichiatrica e neuropatologica di Palermo. Palermo. 8- . Annales de la Societe beige de chirurgie. Bruxelles. s . Annales de la Sociote de nieYlecine legale do Belgique, fondeo en 18;-9. Charleroi. *°. Annales de la Koci6te de m6decine physikoloa;ie. Zur Feier der gojahrigcn Thatigkcit als Assistent fur inikro- skopische und ehemische Untersuchungen an der Berliner Uuiversitats-Frauen-Klinik von Prof. Dr. Carl Ruge hrsg. von A. Martin [et al.~\. Berlin. 4°. Arbeiten aus (bin Gebiete der klinischen Chirurgie. Mit Bei- triigen von Paul Albrecht [et al.]. Dem Andenken Hofrat Professor Dr. Carl Gussenbauers gewidmet von seinen dauk- baren Schiilern. Wien & Leipzig. 8°. Arbeiten aus den kgl. hygienischen Instituten zu Dresden. (Konigliclie Zeutralstello fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege und hygienisches Institnt der koniglich siichsischeu techni- schen Hochschule.) Dresden. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem nenrologischen Institute (Institnt fiir Anatomie und Physiologie des Centralnerveusystems) an der Wiener Uuiversitiit. Leipzig & Wien. £°. Arbeiten aus der piidiatrischen Klinik zu Leipzig. Leipzig. 8 . Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Helsingfors (Finn- land). Hrsg. von E A. Homen. Jena. 4°. [6] Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. Inst, zu Posen . . . R. Vir- chow zur Feier, Wiesb. Arb. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Zurich. Hochsch. Arb. a. d. Priv.-Frauenklin. v. A. Mackenrodt, Berl. Arb. a. d. psychiat. Klin, in Bresl., Leipz. Arb. a. d. stadt. Krankenh. zu Frankf. a. M. Festschr. . . . Arb. a. Unna's Klin. f. Hautkr. in Hamb, Berl. Arch, d'anat. micr., Par. Arch. d. Balneoth. u. Hydroth., Halle a. S. Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb. Arch. Clin. Skiag., Lond. Arch. Electrol. & Radiol., Chi- cago. Arch, farmacol. sper., Roma. Arch, di fisiol., Firenze. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel. Arch, de gynec. et de tocol., Par. Arch. f. d. homoop. Heilk., Leipz. Arch, internat. de chir., Gand. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Gand et Par. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze. Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli. Arch. ital. di med. int., Palermo. Arch. lat. de med. y de biol., Ma- drid. Arch. lat. de rinol., laringol. [etc. ], Barcel. Arch. f. Lichttherap. [etc.], Berl. Arch, de med., Lisb. Arch. med. d'Angers. Arch, de med. et chir. spec, Par. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par. Arch, dl med. int., Palermo. Arch. med. de Toulouse. Arch. Middlesex Hosp., Lond. Arbeiten aus der pathologisch-anatomischen Abteiluug des Konigl. hygienischen Instituts zu Posen. Herrn Geheimrat Professor Dr. R. Virchow zur Feier seines achtzigsten Gebmts- tage gewidmet von Professor Dr. O. Lubarsch. Wiesbaden. Arbeiten aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der Ziiricher Hochschule. [Zurich. ] 8°. Arbeiten aus der Privat-Frauenklinik von A. Mackenrodt. Berlin. 8-. Arbeiten ans der psychiatrischen Klinik in Breslau. Leipzig. 8:. Arbeiten aus dem stiidtischen Krankenhause zu Frankfurt am Main. Festschrift der achtnndsechszigsten Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte gewidmet von dem Vor- staud des stiidtischen Krankenhauses. Frankfurt a. M. 8°. Arbeiten aus Dr. Unna's Klinik fiir Hautkraukheiten in Ham- burg. Berlin. fc°. Archives d'anatomie microscopique. Paris. 8". Archiv der Balneotherapie und Hydrotherapie. Halle a. S. 8°. Archiv biologicheskikh nauk izdavayemiy Imperatorskim Insti- tutom eksperimentalnoi meditsinl v S.-Peterburgie. [Archives of biological sciences, issued by the Imperial Institute of experimental medicine in St. Petersburg]. S.-Peterburg. 4°. Archives of Clinical Skiagraphy. don. 4°. By Sydney Rowland. Lon- Archives of Electrology and Radiology. Chicago. 8C. Archivio di farmacologia sperimentale e scienze affini. Roma. 8°. Archivio di fisiologia. Firenze. 8C. Archiv fiir die gesamte Psychologic Leipzig. 8C. Archivos de ginecopatia, obstetricia y pediatria. Periddico quin- cenal ilustrado. Barcelona. 8°. Archives de gyneeologie et de tocologie. Paris. 8°. Archiv fiir die homoopathische Heilkunst. Leipzig. 8°. Archives interuationales de chirurgie. Gand. 8°. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie. Gand et Paris. 8°. Archivio internaziouale di medicina e chirurgia. Napoli. 8°. Archivio italiano di anatomia e di embriologia. Firenze. 8°. Archivio italiano di ginecologia. Periodico bimestrale. 8C. Napoli. Archivio italiano di medicina interna. Palermo. 8°. Archivos latinos de medicina y de biologia. Madrid, roy. 8°. Archivos latinos (antes internacionales) de rinologia, laringolo- gia, otologfa y lie las enfermedades de las primeras vias respi- ratorias y digestivas. Periddico mensual redactado en espanol, francos e italiano. Barcelona. 8°. Archiv fiir Lichttherapie und verwandte Gebiete. Berlin. 8°. Archivos de medicina. Lisboa. 8°. Archives me'dicales d'Angers. Augers. 8-. Archives de me'deciue et de chirurgie spe"ciales. Paris. 8°. Archives de meVlecine des enfants. Paris. 8°. Archivio di medicina interna. Palermo. 8°. Archives me'dicales de Toulouse. Toulouse. 8°. Archives of the Middlesex Hospital. London. 8°. m Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County Asyl. Claybury, Lond. Arch. Neurol. & Psycho-Path., Utica. Arch, de oftal. Hispano-Am., Ma- drid. Arch, orient, de med. et de chir., Par. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli. Arch, de parasitol., Par. Arch, di patol. e clin. infant., Napoli. Arch. f. Pharm. og Chem., Kjo- benh. Arch, de pharmacod., Gand et Par. Arch. f. phys.-diatet. Therap., Berl. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk., Leipz. Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena. Arch. prov. de med., Par. Arch. d. psicopat. sess., Roma. Arch, de psiquiat. y criminol., Buenos Aires. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond. Arch. d. sc. med. . . . de Buca- rest, Par. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Cassel. Arch, scient. d. r. Soc. ed Ac- cad, vet. ital., Torino. Arch. f. Unfallheilk., Stuttg. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl. Arch, zool., Napoli. Arsberatt. f. Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors. Arte med., Napoli. Arte ostet., Milano. Artz, of geneesh., Amst. Arzt, Hamb. Arzt im Hause, Berl. Ass. franc, p. l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par. Archives of Neurology, from the Pathological Laboratory of the London County Asylums Claybury, Sussex. Loudon. 8 . Archives of Neurology and Psycho-Pathology. Utica, N. Y. su. Archivos de oftalmologia Hispano-Amerieanos. Madrid. 8°. Archives orientales de medeeine et de chirurgie. Paris, s•-. Archiv fiir Orthopadie, Mechanofherapie und Unfallchirurgie. Wiesbaden. ^ . Archivio di ostetricia e giuccologia. Napoli. « . Archives de parasitologic. Paris, s . Archivio di patologia e. clinic* infantile. Napoli. 8°. Archiv for Pharniaci og Chemi. Kje-benhavn. 8'-. Archives de pharmacodynamic, (land [et] Paris. 8°. Archiv fiir physikalisch-diatetische Therapie in der iirztlichen Praxis. Berlin. 8 . Archiv der praktischen Arzneykunst fiir Aerzte, Wundiirzte und Apotheker. Leipzig. 8-. Archiv fiir Protistenkunde. Jena. 8 , Archives provinciales de medeeine. Paris. 8~. Archivio delle psicopatie sessuali. Rivista quindiciuale di psi- cologia, psicopatologia umana e comparata di medicina legale e di psichiatria forense. Roma-Napoli. 8°. Archivos de psiquiatria y crimiuologia. Buenos Aires. 8J. Archives of the Roentgen Ray. (Formerly Archives of Skiag- raphy.) Loudon. 4°. Archives des sciences m6dicales. Organe de l'Institut d'anato- mie et de chirurgie et de l'Institut de pathologic et de bacte> riologie de Bucarcst. Paris. 8-"'. Archiv fiir Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene, unter besonderer Beriicksichtiguug der Pathologie und Therapie. Cassel. <:>. Archivio scientifico della reale Societa ed Accademia veteriuaria italiana. Torino. 8°. Archiv fiir Uufallheilkunde, Gewerbehygiene und Gewerbe- krankheiten. Stuttgart. 8°. Archiv fiir Verdauungs-Krankhciten mit Einschluss der Stolt- wechselpathologie und der Diiitetik. Berlin. 8 . Archivio zoologico. Pubblicato sotto gli anspieii della Unione zoologica italiana. Na]>oli. *'-'. Arsberattelse (ran Maria Sjukhusi Helsingfors. Helsingfors. > Arte (L') medica. Giornale settimanale illustrate Napoli. >- . Arte (L') ostetrica; giornalo per i medici e per le levatrici. Milano. ~c. Artz (De), of genees-hcer; in aangcnaaine spectatoriaale ver- toogen, op eene klaare en eenvoudigo wyze leerende, wat men moet doen, om gezond, lang, en gelukkig to leven. Amster- dam. 8-. Arzt (Der). Line medicinische Wochenschrift. Neueste Aus- gabe. Hamburg. ^ . Arzt (Der) im Hause, ein Rathgebcr fiir (Jesunde und Krauke. Berlin, fol. Association francaise pour l'avancement des sciences. Comptes- rendus. roy. 8°. Association fra119ai.se do chirurgie. 7.-11. Congres de chirurgie. Proces-verbaux, nnSmoires et discussions. Paris. w . [8] Ass. franc, d'urol. Proc.-verb., Par. Ass. M. J., Lond. Assistance fani., Par. Assistance pub., Par. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med. Atlas d. path. Histol. d. Nerven- syst., Berl. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent., Firenze. Atti d. Cong. d. Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig., Palermo. Atti d. Cong. ital. p. 1' educaz. fis., Napoli. Atti d. Cong. med. interprov. d. Lomb. e d. Veneto. Atti d. Cong. naz. d' ig. [etc.], Torino. Atti d. Cong. naz. "Pro inf.", To- rino. Atti d. Cong. naz. p. 1' ig. d. allatta- mento mercen. [etc.], Milano. Atti d. Cong. naz. vet., Torino. Atti d. Cong, pellagrol. inter- prov., Udine. Atti Cong, region, ligure, Genova. Atti d. Conveg. med. interprov. d. regione Lomb.-Veneta. Atti d. r. 1st. d' incorag. di Napoli. Atti d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. Atti d. Soc. ital. di sc. nat., Milano. Atti d. Soc.piemont. d'ig.,Torino. Atti d. Soc. p. g. studi d. malaria, Roma. Augenheilanst. in Basel. Jah- resb. Austral. J. Dent., Melbourne. Awisatore san., Torino. Association francaise d'urologie. Proces-verbaux, mdnoires et discussions. Paris. 8\ Association Medical Journal. Edited for the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, by J. R. Cormack. Being a new series of : Prov. M. &■ S. J., Lond. roy. Assistance (L') familiale. Revue internationale bi-mensuelle. Paris. 8 . Assistance (L') publique. Journal bi-mensuel d'assistance publiqueet privet, d'hygieue, d'dconomie, d'interets profession- nels et du gronpeinent du personnel secoudaire des hopi- taux. Paris. 8-. Atlanta Joumal-Kecord of Medicine. Atlanta. 8-\ Atlas der pathologischen Histologic des Nervensystems. Hrsg. von V. Babes. P. Blocq [et «?.]. Berlin, roy. K-\ Atti della Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina. Firenze. S~. Atti del iv. Congresso della Federazione delle societa italiane d' igiene, tenuto in Palermo dal 1C al '21 maggio 1892. Pa- lermo. 8:. Atti del Congresso italiano per 1' educazione fisica. Napoli. 8°. Atti del Congresso medico interprovinciale della Lombardia e del Veneto. 1896. 8°. Atti del Congresso nazionale d' igiene, proniosso dalla Societa piemontese d' igiene. 1S9*. Torino. 8°. Atti del Congresso nazionale "Pro iufantia". Torino. 8-. Igiene della prima infanzia. L' allattamento mercenario e la salute del bambino. Atti del primo Congresso nazionale per 1' igiene dell' allattamento mercenario, indetto dalla pia istitij- zione provvidenza baliatica, tenuto in Milauo nei giorni 8-10 aprile 1899. L' esposizione d' igiene infantile, Milano, aprile- maggio 1899. Milano. 8°. Atti del Congresso nazionale veterinario. Torino. 8-. Atti del primo Congresso pellagrologico interprovinciale. Udine. 8 ■'. Atti del Congresso medico regionale ligure. Genova. 8;, Atti del Convegno medico interprovinciale della regione Lom- bardo-Veneta. Vicenza. 8°. Atti del reale Istituto d' incoraggiamento di Napoli. Napoli. 8°. Atti della reale Societa italiana d' igiene dal 29 dicembre 1895 all' 8 iuglio 1896. Milauo. 8°. Atti della Societa italiana di ostetricia e ginecologia. [v. p.] 8°. Atti della Societa italiana di scienze naturali. Milano. 8°. Atti della Societa piemoutese d' igiene. Torino. 8°. Atti della Societa per gli studi della malaria. Roma. 8°. Augenheilanstalt in Basel. Jahresberichte. Basel. 8C. Australian (The) Journal of Dentistry. Melbourne. 8C. Awisatore (L') sauitario. Legale; amininistrativo; professionale. Torino. 8°. B. Babyhood, N. Y. Bacillus, Chicago. Babyhood. Devoted exclusively to the care of infants and young children, and the general interests of the nursery. New York. 8°. Bacillus (The). Official organ Illinois Medical College Summer School of Medicine. Chicago. 8:. [9] Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. Balneol. Ztg., Berl. Banner Gold, Chicago. Bayer, arztl. Cor.-Bl., Miinchen. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Embryol. als Festg. Jacob Henle . . ., Bonn. Beitr. z. Anthrop. Elsass-Loth- ringens, Strassb. Beitr. z. Augenh. Als Festg. . . . A. von Hippel, Halle a. S. Beitr. z. Augenh. Festschr. . . . R. Forster . . ., Wiesb. Beitr. z. Augenh. Jubil. H. Prof. Schiess-Gemuseus, Basel. Beitr. z. Bauchchir., Berl. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Fest- schr. . . . Georg Lewin, Berl. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Fest- schr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. & Wien. BalneologisebeCentralzeitung. Organ desAUgenieineudeutschen Baderverhandes und des Schwarzwaldbiidertags. Berlin, fol. Balueologische Zeitung. Ofnziellcs Organ des Vereiues der Knr- orte und Miueralquellen- Iiiteressenteu Deutschlands, Oester- reich-Ungarns und der Sehweiz. Berlin, fol. Banner (The) of Gold. Chicago, 111. fol. Bayeriscbes iirztliches C'orrcspondenzblatt. Organ zur Erorte- rung aller den Arzt mt.eressiereuden wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Fragen. Miinchen. fol. Beitriige zur Anatomic und Embryologie als Fcstgabe Jacob Henle zum 4. April 1882 dargebracht von seinen Schiiiern. Bonn, fol Beitriige zur Anthropologic Elsass-Lothringens. Hrsg. von G. Schwalbe. Strassburg. 4°. Beitriige zur Augenheilkuude. AlsFestgabe ihremhochvcrehrteu Lehrer dem geheimen Medieiualrath Herrn Professor, Dr. A. von Hippel in Halle a. d. Saalc zur Feier seines fiinfuudzwanzig- jahrigen Professorenjubiliiums. Halle a. S. 8\ Beitriige zur Augenheilkuude. Festschrift zur Feier des siebzig- steu (iebnrtstags Herrn . . . R. Forster in Breslau gewidmet von Eduard Asmus [et a/.]. Wiesbaden. 8 . Beitriige zur Augenbeilkunde. Bei Anlass des 2.">jiihrigen Pro- fessoren-Jubilaums von Herrn Professor Schiess-Gemuseus. Basel. 4°. Beitriige zur Bauchchirurgie. Berlin. 8 . Beitriige znr chemischen Physiologic und Pathologie. Zeitschrift fiir (lie gesamte Biocheinie. Braunschweig. 8~. Beitriige zur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Festschrift gewidmet Georg Lewin zur Feier seines .JOjiihrigeu Doctorjubiliiunis am 5. November 189.">. Berlin. 8°. Beitriige zur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Festschrift gewidmet Herrn Hofrath Dr. I. Neumann. Leipzig «fc Wien. 8°. exper. Therap., Mar- Beitriige zur experimentellen Therapie. Marburg. Beitr. burg. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. Festschr. . .. (Fritsch), Leipz. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Festschr. ... Aug. Martin, Berl. Beitr. z. inn. Med. Festschr. d. Cong. f. ... in Karlsbad, "Wien. Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Wiesb. Tuberk., Beitr. z. klin. Med. u. Chir., Wien & Leipz. Beitr. z. Lehre v. Stoffwechsel [etc.], Berl. Beitr. z. Morphol. . . . Erlang., Stuttg. Beitr. z. path. Anat., Otto Bollin- ger z. Feier s. 60. Geburtst..... Wiesb. Beitr. z. Physiol. Festschr. f. Adolf Fick . . ., Brnschwg. Beitriige zur Geburthilfe und Gynaekologie. Hrsg. von den Vor- stiiuden der Uuiversitats-Fraueukliuiken . . . uuter Redaktiou von A. Hegar. Leipzig. 8 . Beitriige zur Geburtshilfe und Gyniikologie. Festschrift, dem Director der kgl. Uuiversitats-Frauenklinik zu Bonn Herrn geheimen Medieiualrath Professor Dr. Heinrich Fritsch bei Gele»enheif des 2r>jahrigen Bestehens des Centralblatts fiir Gyniikologie in Daukbarkeit und Verehrung gewidmet von seinen Scbiileru. Leipzig. 8\ Beitriige zur (ieburtshiilfe und Gynaekologie. Festschrift gewid- met August Martin zur Feier seines 25jjihrigeu Doctorjubilauin am ir>. Juli l-9.~>. Berlin. 8°. Beitriige znr inneren Medicin. Festschrift aus Anlass des Con- ".ioms fiir innere Medicin in Karlsbad im April 18W. Wien. 8 . Beitriige zur Keuntniss der Tuberkulose. Mittheilungen aus der Dr. Brehmer'schen lleilanstalt fiir Lungenkranke in Gorbers- dorf. Hr>g. von Felix Wolff. Wieshadeu. 8C. Beitriige zur kliuiscbeu Medicin und Chirurgie. Wien A Leip- zig. Beitriige zur Lehre vom Stoffwechsel des gesundeu und kranken M'nschen. Berlin. 8 . Beitriige zur Morphologic und Morphogenie. I'litersuchuugeu aus dem anatomischen Institnt zu Erlangen. Stuttgart. roy. 8°. Beitriige zur pathologischen Anatomie, Herru Obermedizinalrat Professor Dr. Otto Bollinger zur Feier seines sechzigsten Gcburtstaucs gewidmet von E. Albrecht [et a/.J. Wiesbaden, 1 v., 1903. 8U. Beitriige zur Physiologie. Festschrift fur Adolf Fick zum sieb- /ig-ten Geburtstage. Braunschweig. 8 . [10] Beitr. z. Psychiat., Berl. Beitr. z. psychiat. Klin., Berl. & Wien. Beitr. z. Psychol, u. Philos., Leipz. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Fest- schr. . . . d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . , ., Brn- schwg. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem. Benessere, Napoli. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. Ge- sellsch., Berl. Ber. a. d. 2. geburtsh. - gynakol. Klin, in Wien. Ber. ii. d. internat. Cong, gegen d. Alkohol., Leipz. Ber. ii. d. Kong. z. Bekampf. d. Tuberk. [etc.], Berl. Ber. & mededeel. d. Vereen. v. Lijkverbrand., 's-Gravenh. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. 5. Ver- bandst. deutsch. Bahnarzte, Niirnb. Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Amtsthatigk. . . . d. k. k. Reichshaupt- . . ., Wien. Berl. Aerzte-Corresp. Berl. zahnarztl. Vereinsbl. Bibliog. anat., Par. & Nancy. Bibliot. d. ges. med. Wissensch., Wien & Leipz. Bibliot. f. Laeger, K0benh. Biblioth. med.-phys. du nord, Lausanne. Bijdr. t. de natuurk. Wetensch., Amst. Bi-Month. Bull. Univ. Coll. Med., Richmond. Biochem. Centralbl., Berl. Biol. Bull., Bost. Revue scientifique et pratique. Gand- Beitriige aur Psychiatric. Hrsg. von Mitarbeitern der: Allge- meinen Zeitsehrift fur Psychiatrie durch Dr. med. Roller und Dr. med. Laehr. [Herrn Dr. med. C. Flemming . . . zum oUjaUri- gen Doctor-Jubilauni am 15. December 1871 . . . gewidmet]. Berlin. 8°. Beitriige zur psychiatrischen Klinik. Berlin & Wien. 8°. Beitrage zur Psychologie und Philosophie. Hrsg. von Gotz Martins. Leipzig. 8°. Beitriige zur wissenschaftlichen Medicin. Festschrift dargebo- teu den medicinischen Theilnehmern an der lxix. Versamni- lung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte v..... herzoglich braunschweigiscben Staatsministerium. Bearbeitet von Aerz- ten des Herzogthnms Braunschweig und hrsg. im Auftrage des geschiiftsfuhrenden und literarischen Ausschusses von Rudolf Beneke. Braunschweig. 8°. Belgique (La) me'dicale. Haarlem. 8°. Benessere (II). Propaganda d' igiene pubblica e privata. Napoli. Berichte der deutschen pharmaceutischen Gesellschaft. Berlin. 8°. Berichte aus der zweiten geburtsh.-gynakologischen Klinik in Wien. Hrsg. von R. Chrobak. Wien. 8°. Bericht iiber den internationalen Congress gegen den Alkoholis- mus. Leipzig & Wien. 8°. Bericht iiber den Kongress zur Bekampfung der Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit. Berlin. 8°. Berichten & mededeel in gen der Vereeniging vor Lijkverbranding. 's-Gravenhage. 8°. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen des 5. Verbandstages deutscher Bahnarzte. Niirnberg. 8°. Bericht des Wiener Stadtphysikates iiber seine Amtsthatigkeit und iiber die Gesundheitsverhaltnis.se der k. k. Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien in den Jahren 1871-93. Wien. 8°. Berliner Aerzte-Correspondenz. Organ des Geschafts-Ausschusses der Berliner arztlichen Standesvereine. Berlin, fol. Berliner zahniirztliches Vereinsblatt. Amtliches Organ der zahnarztlicheu Vereine Berlins. Berlin. 4°. Bibliographic anatomique. Revue des travanx en langue fran- caise. Anatomie, histologic, embryologie, anthropologie. Paris & Nancy. 8°. Bibliothek der gesammten medicinischen Wissenschaften fiir praktische Aerzte und Specialarzte. Wien & Leipzig. 8°. Bibliotek for Larger. Udgivet af Direktioneu for det classenske Litteraturselskab. K0beuhavn. 8°. Bibliotheque medico-physique du nord, ou Recueil periodique de ce (ju'il y a d'essentiel, d'int^ressant et de plus uouveau, sur- tout eu fait d'observations et de ddcouvertes, dans les collec- tions acad6miques, et dans les autres ouvrages des savants du nord,soiten medeeine, chirurgie et pharmacie, [etc.] . . . r6dige* par P.-R. Vicat. Lansaune. 8°. Bijdragen tot de natuurkundige Weienschappen. Amsterdam. 8°. Bi-Monthly Bulletin of the University College of Medicine. Edited under the auspices of the Alumni and Faculty, and devoted to the advancement of the medical, surgical, dental aud pharmaceutical professions. Richmond, Va. roy. 8°. Biochemisches Centralblatt. Vollstandiges Sammelorgan fiir die Greuzgebiete der Medicin und Chemie. Berlin. 8°. Biological Bulletin. Edited by the director and members of the staff of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. Boston. 8°. [11] Biometrika, Cambridge. Bl. f. Elekt.-Homoop., Regensb. Bl. v. hyg. therap., Amst. Bl.f.Volksgsndhtspfig., Miinchen & Leipz. Bol. Acad, de hig. de Cataluna, Barcel. Bol. Acad. nac. de med. de Lima. Bol. d. Col. prov. de med. de Valladolid. Bol. d. Dispens. y Hosp. de Nihos pobres de Barcel. Bol. farm., Barcel. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico. Bol. med., Lerida. Bol. mens. d. Col. de med. de Gerona. Bol. mens, de la Liga contra la tuberc. en Cuba, Habana. Col. de med. de Bol. ofic. d. Barcel. Bol. Soc. geog. de Lima. Boll. d. Ass. med. mantov., Mantova. Boll. d. Ass. med. tridentina, Trento. Boll. d. Ass. med.-chir. calabrese, Catanzaro. Boll. d. Ass. san. milanese, Mi- lano. Boll. d. Casa di Salute Fleurent, Napoli. Boll, clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano. Boll. d. lab. chim. farm. Zanardi e Vincenzi, Bologna. Boll. d. levatr., Bologna. Boll. d. mal. ven., sif. e d. pelle, Roma. Boll. med. di Salsomaggiore, Parma. Boll. med. trentino, Trento. Boll, med.-chir. d. 1st. politerap., Milano. Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Ge- nova. Boll. d. neurocomio priv. di Mes- sina. Boll. d. ord. d. san. di Catanzaro. Boll. d. ord. d. san. d. citta e prov. di Parma. Biometrika. A journal for the statistical study of biological problems. Cambridge. 8°. Blatter fiir Elektro-Homoopathie. Regeusburg. 8 \ Bladen voor hygienische therapie. Bijblad van de Hygienische bladen. Amsterdam. 8\ Blatter fiir Volksgesuudheitspflege. Gemeinverstiindliche Zeit- sehrift. Miinchen A. Leipzig. 4°. Boletin de la Academia de higiene do Cataluna. Barcelona. 8 . Boletin de la Academia nacional de medicina de Lima. Lima. Boletin del Colegio provincial de m6dicos de Valladolid. Valla- dolid. 8\ Boletin del Dispensario y Hospital de NiQos pobres de Barcelona. Pevista quiucenal de conociinientos y prtfeticas higi6uicas. Barcelona, fol. Boletin fannaccutico. Organo oficial de la Sociedad farmacCu- tica espaiiola. Barcelona. 8J. Boletin del Iustituto patoldgico. Peri6dico mensual ilustrado. Mexico. 8\ Boletiu medico. Revista cientifica y profesional. Lerida. 8°. Boletin mensual del Colegio de meaicos de la provincia de Gerona. Gerona. 8C. Boletin mensual de la Liga contra la tuberculosis en Cuba. Habana. 8°. Boletin oficial del Colegio de meaicos de Barcelona. Barcelona. 8-. Boletin de la Sociedad geogrsifica de Lima. Lima. 8°. Bolletino dell' Associazione medica mantovana. Mantova. 8-. Bollettino dell' Associazione medica tridentina. Toronto. 8°. Bollettino della Associazione medico-chirurgica calabrese. Catan- zaro. 8-. Bollettino della Associazione sanitaria milanese. Milano. 4-. Bollettino della Casa di Salute Fleurent. Napoli. 8°. Bolletino clinico-scientifico della Poliambulanza di Milano. Milano. 8 . Bollettino del laboratorio chimico farmaceutico dei Dott.ri Za- nardi e Vincenzi. Bologna. 8°. Bollettino delle bvatrici. Periodico nieusile illustrato. Bolo- gna. a . Bollettino delle malattie aeueree, sifilitiche e della pelle. Roma, Bollettino medico di Salsomaggiore, cdito dal Sanatorium. Bal- neoterapia; aereoterapia; meccanoterapia; climatologia; idrologia; igiene. Parma, roy. 8 \ Bollettino (II) medico trentino. Trento. 8 . Bollettino medico-chirurgico dell' Istituto politerapeutico. Milano. 8''. Bollettino dei musei di zoologia e anatomia comparata della r. Universita di Genova. Genova. 8°. Bollettino del neurocomio privato di Messina e rivista di neuro- patologia, psichiatria, criminologia. Messina. 8°. Bollettino dell' ordine dei sanitari di Catanzaro e provincia. Catanzaro. 8°. Bollettino dell' ordine dei sauitari della citta e provincia di Parma. Parma. 8°. VOL IX, 2D SERIES-----[2] [12] Boll. d. ord. d. san. di Piacenza. Boll. d. ord. d. san. d. prov. di Teramo. Boll. d. ord. d. san. d. prov. di Trapani, Trapani. Boll. d. Osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma. Boll. d. Policlin., Torino. Boll. d. Soc. Eustachiana, Came- rino. Boll. Soc. med. pisana. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze. Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma. Bononiensi sc. et art. Inst. . . . comment. B6r-es bujakdrt., Budapest. Brit. Food J., Lond. Brit. J. Child. Dis., Lond. Brit. J. Inebr., Lond. Brit. M. Ass. Daily J., Montreal. Brit. Phys., Lond. Budapest szekesf. kozkorh. evk. Budapesti orv. ujsag. Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1902 -ik evi evkonyve, Budapest. Biirgerspit. Basel. Jahresb. Buffalo M. J. Bui. asoc. gen. a med., Bucuresci. Bui. med., Bucuresci. Bull. Am. M. Temper. Ass., Bat- tle Creek. Bull, de l'Ass. internat. d. med.- exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux. Bull. Ass. M. Librar., Bait. Bull. Ayer Clin. Lab. Penn. Hosp., Phila. Bull. Chem. Soc. Wash. Bull. Cleveland Gen. Hosp. Bull, commerc, Par. Bull, continental, Geneve. Bull. Electrother. Lab. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor. Bull. Free Hosp. Women, Bost. Bollettino dell' ordine dei sauitari di Piacenza. Piacenza. 8 . Bollettino dell' ordine dei sauitari della provincia di Teramo. Teramo. 8°. Bollettino dell' ordine dei sauitari della provincia di Trapani. Trapani. roy. 8r. Bollettino dell' Ospedale oftalmico della provincia di Roma. Roma. 8-\ Bollettino del Policlinico generale di Torino. Torino. 8°. Bollettino della Societa Eustachiana. Camerino. v. 1,1903. 8°. Bollettino della Societa medica pisana. Resoconti delle sedute. . . . Pisa. 8 . Bollettino della Societa toscana di ostetricia e ginecologia. Firenze. 8~. Bollettino della Societa zoologica italiana. [Continuation of: Boll. d. Soc. roiu. per gli stud, zool.] Roma. 8°. Bononiensi (De) scientiarum et artium Instituto atqne Academia cominentarii. Bonouise. fol. B6'r-6s bujakdrtan. [Dermatology and the science of venereal diseases.] Supplement to: Magyar orv. lapja. Budapest, fol. British (The) Food Journal and Analytical Review. London. 4°. British (The) Journal of Children's Diseases. London. 1904. 8°. 1, British (The) Journal of Inebriety. London, v. 1, 1903-4. 8 . British Medical Association. Daily Journal. Montreal. 4C. British (The) Physician. A monthly jourual of modern materia medica, pharmacology, and therapeutics. London, roy. 8°. Budapest sz6kesf6v^ros kozkorha'zainak Evkonyve 1900. [Year- book of the Public Hospital at the capital, Budapest, for L 00] Budapest. 8\ Budapesti orvosi ujsag. [Budapest medical news.] Budapest. 4-. Budapesti (A) kir orvosegyesiilet 1902-ik 6vi eVkouyve. [The yearbook for 190:2 of the Royal Budapest Medical Society.] Budapest. 8;. Biirgerspital Basel. Jahresbericht. Basel. 8°. Buffalo Medical Journal. Buffalo. 8°. Buletiuul Asociatiunei generale a medicilor din tara. Bucure- sci. 8°. Buletiuul medical. Organ al Asociatiunel generale a medicilor din t6ra. Bucuresci. 4°. Bulletin of the American Medical Temperance Association. Bat- tle Creek, Mich. 8-. Bulletin de 1'Associatiou internatiouale des m^decins-experts de coinpaguies d'assurances. Bruxelles. 8 . Bulletin of the Association of Medical Librarians. Baltimore. 8 . Bulletin of the Ayer Clinical Laboratory of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia. No. 1, 1903. 8°. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Washington. Washington. 8°. Bulletin of the Cleveland General Hospital. Cleveland. 8C. Bulletin commercial. Journal des inte"rets scientifiques, prati- ques et moraux des pharmaciens. Paris. 8°. Bulletin (Le) continental. Revue mensuelle des interets de la moralite" publiqne. Organe central de la Federation britan- nique, coutineutale et generale. Geueve. roy. 8°. Bulletin of the Electro-Therapeutical Laboratory of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. 8J. Bulletin (The) of the Free Hospital for Women. Boston, v. 1, 1903. 4-. [13] Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Soc. de therap.....Par. Bull. Harvard M. Alumni Ass., Bost. Bull, de l'Hop. civ. franc, de Tunis. Bull, de l'lnst. gen. psychol., Par. Bull, de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par. Bull. Internat. Med.-Leg. Cong. Bull. Iowa Inst., Des Moines. Bull. Kentucky M. Ass., Louis- ville. Bull. Lab. Mount Hope Retreat, Bait. Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par. Bull. med. de l'Algerie, Alger. Bull. med. de Bordeaux. Bull, de med. et pharm. dosimet., Par. Bull. med. de Quebec. Bull. Med.-Leg. Cong., N. Y. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'hyg. pub. de Bordeaux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv., Cambridge. Bull. N. Car. Bd. Health, Raleigh. Bull. N. Y. Pub. Libr. Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. Sen., Chicago. Bull, d'ocul., Toulouse. Bulletin general de therapeutique medicate, chirurgicate, obste- tricale et pharinaceutique. Societe do therapeutique et phar- macologic. Paris. 8-'. Bulletin of the Harvard Medical Alumni Association. Boston. 8°. Bulletin de l'llopital civil fraucais de Tunis. Tunis. 8°. Bulletin de l'Institut generale psychologique. Paris. 8°. Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur. Paris. 8". Bulletin of the International Medico-Legal Congress, New York, iss't. NYw York. 8\ Bulletin of Iowa State Institutions. Des Moines. 8°. Bulletin Kentucky State Medical Association. Louisville, Ky. v. 1, 1903. 8 . ' Bulletin of the Laboratory of Mount Hope Retreat. Baltimore. Bulletin de laryngologie, otologic et rhinologie. Paris. 8 . Bulletin (Le) medical de l'Algerie. Alger. 8J. Bulletin medical de Bordeaux. 8°. Bulletin de medeeine et de pharmacie dosimetriques burggrae- viennes. Paris. 8-'. Bulletin (Le) medical de Quebec. Publie sous la direction de la Societe medicate de Quebec. Quebec. 8'. Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Congress. 1895. New York. 8-J. Bulletins et memoires de la Societe anatomique de Paris. Paris. Bulletins et memoires de la Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris. 8 . Bulletins et memoires de la Societe de chirurgie de Bucarest. Bucarest. 8 . Bulletins et memoires de la Societe d'hygiene publique de Bor- deaux, fondee en 1881. Bordeaux. 8°. Bulletins et memoires de la Societe de medeeine et de chirurgie pratiques de Paris. Ancieune Societe de medeeine pratique, fomtee en 180*. Paris. 8:. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College. Cambridge. S3. Bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health. Raleigh, X. C. 8'J. Bulletin of the New York Public Library. Astor, Lenox, and Tilden foundations. New York. 8-""-. Bulletin H'he) of the Northwestern University Medical School. Chicago. 8 . Bulletin (Le) d'oculistique. Journal des praticiens. Toulouse. Bull, off.de la Federat. med. beige, Dour. Bull. off. Soc. franc, d'electro- ther., Par. Bull. Ohio Hosp. Epilept., Galli- polis. Bull. Pasteur Inst., Danbury, Conn. Bull. d. sc. pharmacol., Par. Bull, scient. lab. Denison Univ., Granville, O. Bull, du serv. de sante [etc.], Brux. Bulletin officiel de la Federation medicate beige et de soctetes qui la component. Dour. 8°. Bulletin officiel de Societe francaise d'eiectrotherapie. Paris. 8 . Bulletin (The) of the Ohio Hospital for Epileptics. Gallipolis, (). Bulletin of the Pasteur Institute. Danbury, Conn. 8°. Bulletin des sciences pharmacologiques; organe scieutifique et professionnel. Paris. 8°. Bulletin of the scientific laboratories of Denison University. Granville, Ohio. 8 . Bulletin du service de sante et de 1'hygiene publique. Bruxelles. [14] Bull. Soc. beige de gynec. et d'obst., Brux. Bull. Soc. beige d'otol. [etc.], Brux. Bull. Soc. beige d'otol. et de laryngol., Brux. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon. Bull. Soc. d'hyg. publ. de Bor- deaux. BuU. Soc. internat. de prophyl. [etc.], Brux. Bull. d. soc. med. . . . du dep. de la Seine, Par. Bull. Soc. de med. homoeop. de Par. Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Lyon. Bull. Soc. med. de l'lle Maurice, Port Louis. Bull. Soc. de med. vet. prat., Par. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la Drome [etc.], Valence & Par. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille. Bull. Soc. scient. et med. de l'ouest, Rennes. Bull. Tokyo Anthrop. Soc. Bull. Union pharm. . .. Charleroi. Bull. Univ. Virginia, Charlottes- ville. Bulletin de la Societe beige de gynccologie et d'obstetriqne. Bruxelles. 8< . Bulletin de la Societe beige d'otoiogie, de laryngologie et de rhinologie. Bruxelles. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe beige d'otoiogie et de laryngologie. Bru- xelles. 8-". Bulletins de la Societe centrale de medeeine du departement du nord. Lille. 8-. Bulletin de la Societe de chirurgie de Lyon. Lyon. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe d'hygiene publique de Bordeaux. Bor- deaux. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe internationale de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. Bruxelles. 8-. Bulletin des society medicates d'arrondissement et du Conseil general des societes medicates du departement de la Seine. Paris. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe de medeeine homceopathique de Paris. Paris. 8:. Bulletin de la Societe medicate des h6pitaux de Lyon. Lyon. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe medicate de l'lle Maurice. Port Louis, fol. Bulletin de la Societe de medeeine veterinaire pratique. Paris. 8-\ Bulletin de la Societe medico-chirurgicale de la Dr6me et de l'Ardeche. Valence & Paris. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe d'obstetrique de Paris. Paris. 8C. Bulletins de la Societe de pediatric de Paris. Paris. 8°. Bulletins de la Societe des sciences medicates de Lille. Lille. 8°. Bulletin de la Societe . scientifique et medicate de l'ouest. Rennes. 8°. Bulletin (The) of the Tokyo Anthropological Society. Tokyo. 8C. Bulletin de l'Union pharmaceutique de l'arrondissement judi- ciaire de Charleroi. Charleroi. 8°. Bulletins of the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, Va. c. Caducee, Par. Caledon. M. J. Calif. State J. M., San Fran. Cambridge Nat. Hist., Lond. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto. Cannes-med. Carolina M. J., Charlotte. Casop. cesk. lekarn., v Praze. Caducee (Le). Journal de chirurgie et de medeeine d'armee. Paris, fol. Caledonian (The) Medical Journal. The journal of the Caledo- nian Medical Society. Rochester, 1891-4; Glasgow. 8C. California State Journal of Medicine. Published monthly by the Medical Societv of the State of California. San Francisco. roy. 8°. Cambridge (The) Natural History. Edited by S. F. Harmer and A. E. Shipley. London. 8°. Canadian (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Toronto, Cau. 8-". Candadian (The) Medical Review. Toronto. 8:. Canadian (The) Practitioner and Review. Toronto. 8°. Cannes-medical. Organe officiel de la Societe d'hygiene et de ntedecine et du Syndicat medical de Canues et de l'arrondisse- ment de Grasse. Cannes, v. 1, 1903. 8J. Carolina (The) Medical Journal. Succeeding the North Caro- lina Medical Journal. Charlotte. 8-. Casopis ceskebo tektfrnictva. Organ fannaceuticke spolecnosti v Praze a ccskych gremii. v Praze. 8°. [15] Casop. Cesk. zv£rol6k., v Tfebici. Casop. Klubu cesk. farm, v Praze. Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze. Casop. p. vefej. zdravot., Praha. Catching's Compend. Pract. Dent., Atlanta. Cellule, Lierre & Louvain. Centralbl. f. Anthrop. [ etc. ], Bresl. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena. Centralbl.f.Biblioth.-Wes., Leipz. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz. Centralbl. f. d. Kneipp. Heilverf, Worishofen. Centralbl. f. Stoffwechsel- u.Ver- dauungskr., Gotting. Centralbl. f. Zahnh., Berl. Centr.-Bl. f. Chir.-Mech., Berl. Centre med. et pharm., Gannat. Cesky zvgrolek., v Hoficich. Char. Rev., N. Y. Charing Cross Hosp. Gaz., Bland- ford. Charities, N. Y. Chem. & Drug., Lond. Chem. u. med. Untersuch. Fest- schr. . . . Max Jaffe, Brnschwg. Chiba Igakukuwai Zasshi, To- kyo. Chicago Clinic. Chicago M. Obs. Chir. internaz., Napoli. Chironian, N. Y. Chugai Yaku Ho, Tokyo. Ciencia mod., Madrid. Cinquanten. de la Soc. de biol., Par. Cinquanten. de la Soc. m6d.-psy- chol., Par. Circ. trop. dis., Manila. Clark Univ., 1889-99. Decenn. celebr., Worcester, Mass. Casopis 6eskych zverolekafu. v Tfebici. 8 . Casopis Klubu ceskych farinaceutu v Praze. Praha. 81-'. Casopis tekafu ceskych. Organ tekafske komory pro kralovstvl ceske, officiclni organ moravske komory tekafske pro cleny narodnosti ceske a ustfedni jednoty ceskyeli tekaru v kral. ceskem, markrabstvi moravskem a vevodstvf slezskem. v Praze. roy. 8°. Casopis pro vcrejne zdravotuictvi. Praha. 8°. Catchiug's Compendium of Practical Dentistry. Atlanta, Ga. Cellule (La). Recueil de cytologic et d'histologie generate. Lierre iV Louvain. roy. 8°. Centralblatt fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Mreslau. 8°. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektions- krankheiten. Jeua. 8°. Centralblatt fur Bibliotheksw esen. Leipzig. 8°. Centralblatt fiir die Grenzgebiete der Medizin und Chirurgie. Jena. > . Centralblatt fur Kinderheilkunde. Eine Monatsschrift fiir prak- tische Aerzte. Leipzig. 8°. Centralblatt fiir das Kueipp'sche Hcilverfahren. Worishofen. 80 Centralblatt fiir Stoffwechsel- und Verdauungs-Krankheiten. Gottingen. 8r. Centralblatt fiir Zahnheilkunde. Berlin. 8°. Central-Blatt fiir Chirurgie-Mechanik. Berlin. 8°. Centre (Le) medical et pharmaceutique. Organe officiel de la Societe des sciences medicates de Ganuat. Ganuat. 8°. Cesky zverotekaf. v Hoficich. 4°. Charities (The) Review, with which is uuited Lend a hand. New York. 8 . Charing (The) Cross Hospital Gazette. Blandford. 8°. Charities. A weekly review of local and general philanthropy. New York. 8°. Chemist (The) and Druggist. London, roy. 8°. Chemische und medicinische Untersuchungeu. Festschrift zur Feier des sechzigsten Geburtstages von Max Jaffe. Braun- schweig. au. Chiba Igakukuwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Chiba Medical Society. ] Tokyo. 8 2. Chicago (The) Clinic. Chicago. •* '. Chicago Medical Observer. A monthly review of medicine and surgery. Chicago. 8°. Chirurgia (La) internazionale. Napoli. 8 . Chironian (The). New York. 8°. Chugai Yaku Ho. [Domestic and Foreign Medical Journal.] Tokyo. 8. Ciencia (La) moderna. Revista ilustrada do medicina, higiene, ciencias anxiliares y conociihientos utiles. Madrid, roy. 8°. Cinquantenaire de la Societe de biologic. Volume jubilaire, publie par la Societe. Paris, roy. 8°. Cinquantenaire do la Societe medico-psychologique (1852-1902). Paris. ~"\ Circulars on tropical diseases. Manila, P. I. 8 '. Clark University, 18H9-99. Decennial celebration. Worcester, Mass. 4°. [16] Cleveland J. M. Cleveland M. J. Cleveland M. & S. Reporter. Climate, Lond. Climate, St. Louis. Clin. Chron., Cincin. Clin, dermopat. e sifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Genova. Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma. Clin. Excerpts, N. Y. Clin, de la Fac. de med. de Tou- louse. Clin. med. ital., Milano. Clin. med. ital. p. il giubil. clin. d. E. Galvagni, Milano. Clin, mod., Zaragoza. Clin, opht., Par. Clin, ostet., Roma. Clin. Recorder, N. Y. Clin. Rep. Rotunda Hosp., Dubl. Clin. Rev., Chicago. Clin. Stud., Edinb. Clinic Bull., Richmond. Clinique, Montreal. Collect, de diff. pieces [ etc. ], Par. Colorado M. J., Denver. Colorado Med., Denver. Com. de la tuberc, Par. Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat., Par. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. d'electrol. et de radiol. med., Berne. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med., Mosc. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de pharm., Par. Compt. rend. Cong, period, inter- nat. de gynec. et d'obst., Amst. Cleveland Journal of Medicine. The official journal of the Cleveland Medical Society. Cleveland, .--. Cleveland (The) Medical Journal. Cleveland. 8. Cleveland Medical^ Surgical Reporter. Cleveland. *-. Climate. A quarterly journal of health and travel. London. 8 . Climate. A magazine of medicine, devoted to the relation of climate, mineral springs, diet, preventive medicine, race, occu- pation, life insurance, and sanitary science to disease. St. Louis. 8C. Clinical (The) Chronicle. Au exponent of all that is progressive in nose, throat aud ear work. Published ter-aunually, Janu- ary, May, and September. Cincinnati. 12°. Clinica dermopaticae sifilopatica della r. Universita di Genova. Genova. 8°. Clinica dermositilopatica della r.a Universita di Roma. Roma. 8°. Clinical Excerpts. New York. 8~. Cliniques de la Faculte de medeeine de Toulouse. Toulouse. *-'. Clinica (La) medica italiana. Milano. 8°. Clinica (La) medica italiana, per il giubileo clinico del Prof. E. Galvagni. Milano. 8J. Clinica (La) moderna. Revista de medicina y cirujia. Zaragoza. Clinique (La) ophtalmologique. Journal international de cli- nique et de therapeutique oculaires. Paris. 4°. Clinica (La) ostetrica. Rivista di ostetricia, giuecologia e pediatria. Roma. 8°. Clinical (The) Recorder. New York. 8,J. Clinical Report of the Rotunda Hospitals, for one year, Nov. 1, 1896, to Oct. 31, 1897. Dublin. 8°. Clinical (The) Review. A journal of practical medicine and sur- gery, issued monthly. Chicago. 8°. Clinical Studies. A quarterly journal of clinical medicine. Edinburgh. 8°. Clinic Bulletin. [Formerly: Bi-Monthly Bulletin.] Richmond. 8C. Clinique (La). Revue de medeeine, chirurgie, gyitecologie, ophtahnologie, laryngologie, otologie, rhinologie et pharmacie. Montreal. 8°. Collection de differentes pieces, concernaut la chirurgie, 1'anato- mie et la medeeine pratique, extraites principalement des ouvrages etraugers. Paris. 16°. Colorado (The) Medical Journal. Denver, Colorado. 8-. Colorado Medicine. The official organ of the Colorado State Medical Society. Denver. 8°. Commission de la tuberculose. La propagation de la tuberculose; moyens pratiques de la combattre. Paris. 8°. Comptes rendus de l'Association des anatomistes. Paris. 8°. Comptes-rendus des seances du Congres international d'eiectro- logie et de radiologie medicates. Berne. 8~. Comptes-rendus du xii. Congres international de medeeine. 1897. Moscou. 80. Compte rendu du ixe Congres international de pharmacie, tenu a Paris du 2 an 9 aout 1900. Paris. P-\ Comptes rendus du Cougrfes periodique international de gyneco- logic et d'obstetrique. 1899. Amsterdam. 8°. [17] Compt. rend. Cons, d'hyg. de la Seine, Par. pub. Compt. rend. . . . serv. de chir. a l'hop. St.-Jean de Bruxelles. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de paediat. de Par. Confer, clin. ital., Milano. Confer, internat. p. la prophyl. de la syph. et d. mal. vin., Brux. Confer, internat. serv. san. d. chemins de fer [etc.], C. r., Harlem. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital. Pavia. Rendic, Cong, d'assain. et de salub., Par. Cong, beige de chir., Brux. Cong, franc, de med. Cong. gen. de statist., Brux. Cong, internac. de med. leg., Madrid. Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, Par. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. crim. C.-r. Cong, internat. d'anthrop. . .. et de zool., Moscou. Cong, internat. de l'assist. d. alien., Antwerp. Cong, internat. de bains de mer . . . C.-r., Par. Cong, internat. p. 1'etude d. quest. . . . d. sourds-muets. C. r., Par. Cong, internat. d'homceop., Cor- beil. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de de- mog. C.-r., Par. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de de- mog. C. r. et mem., Budapest. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r. sect, de gynec, Par. Cong, internat. de med. Organ. . . . enonce d. trav. [etc.], Par., 1901. Cong, internat. de med. Rap. sect, d'opht., Par. Cong, internat. d. med. de comp. d'assur., Brux. Cong, internat. de med. leg., Charleroi. Cong, internat. de med. profess. [etc.], C. r„ Par, Compte rendu des seances du Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departement de la Seine, publte sous la direction du pi-efet de police. Paris. 8°. Compte rendu auuuel du service de chirurgie du Dr. A. Depage a l'hopital Saint-Jean de Bruxelles. Anu6e 1900. Bruxelles. Comptes rendus de la Societ6 d'obstetrique, de gynecologic et de pa?diatrie de Paris. Paris. 8°. Dirette dal Achille De Giovanni. Conferenze cliuiche italiaue. Milauo. 8°. Conference iuternationale pour la prophylaxie de la syphilis et des maladies venerienues. Bruxelles. 8\ Conference internationale conccrnant le service sanitaire des chemins de fer et de la navigation. Amsterdam, 20 et 21 sep- tembre 189f>. Comptes reudus des travaux de la conference. Harlem. 8. Congresso dell' Associazione oftalmologica italiana. Rendiconto. Pavia. 8-". [Continuation of: Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital.] Congres d'assainissement et de salubrite. rendu et travaux. Paris. 8°. Paris, 1895. Compte Congres beige de chirurgie. 1902. Bruxelles. 8°. Congres fraucais de medeeine. Paris; Lyon. 8\ Congres general de statistique. [Bruxelles.] 4°. Congreso (El) internacional de medicina legal. Madrid. 8°. Congrfes international pour l'ameiioration du sort des aveugles. Paris. 8;. Congres international d'anthropologie criminelle. Compte rendu. Geneve. 8°. Cougrfes internationaux d'anthropologie et d'arch6ologie prehis- torique et de zoologie. Moscou. 8°. Congres international de l'assistance des altenes et specialemeut de leur assistance familialc. Autwerpen. 8°. Congres international de bains de mer et d'hydrotlterapie marine. Comptes-rendus et memoires. Paris. 8 . Congres interuational pour l'etude des questions d'education et d'assistance des sourds-niuets. Compte rendu des travaux. Paris. 8°. Congres international d'homceopathie, tenu a Paris, les 18-21 juillct 1900. Corbeil. 8°. Congres international d'hygiene et de demographic a Paris eu 1900. Compte rendu. Paris. 8°. Congres international d'hygiene et de demographic. Comptes- rendus et memoires. Budapest. 8°. Congres international de medeeine, xiii. Paris, 1900. Comptes rendus. Paris. 8-. Congres international de medeeine, Paris, 1900. Compte rendu de la section de gynecologic. Paris. 8"-. Congres international de medeeine. Tenu a Paris du 2 au 9 aoftt 1900. Organisation; assembtees generates; enouce des tra- vaux; liste cbiet der Heilkunde mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der wirthschaftlichen und Standes-Interesscn der Aerzte. Ber- lin, fol. Deutsche Praxis. Aerztliche Zeitschrift fur das Ausland. Miin- chen. 8°. Deutsche zahniirztliche Wochenschrift. Wiesbaden. 4°. Deutsche zahniirztliche Zeituug. Miinchen. fol. Diaetsis cs physikai gyogyit6m6dok. Budapesti. fol. Dletskaya meditsina. Zhurnal posvyashtshenniy vnutrennim boliez'uyam, khirurgii, ortopedii i higiene dietskavo vozrasta. Moskva. 8:. Digest (The) of Physical Tests and Laboratory Practice. A resume of practical' tests made in the laboratories of the world. Philadelphia. 8°. Division (The) of Surgery of the Medical School of Harvard University. Report of research work, 1902-3. Boston. 1 v., 1903. 8-.' Dnevnik Syezda Obshtshestva Russkikh Vrachei. Moskva. 4°. Dnevnik syezda Obshtshestva russkikh vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. Kiev. 4°. Doctor (The) of Hygiene. New York. 8 . Doctor's Magazine. Chicago. 8°. Dolgozatok az egyetemi bork6rtani iutezetbol. [Works from the public Dennatological Institution.] Budapest, fol. Dosintetrie (La) au Canada. Revue mensuelle de medeciue et de therapeutique. Montreal. 8-\ Dosimetric (The) Medical Review. A journal of alkaloidal thera- peutics. New York. 8°. Dosimetria (La). Revista mensual de medicina pr^ctica. Bar- celona. 8°. Dosimetria (A). (Revista mensal de medicina dosimetrica) baseada na physiologia e experimentacao clinica segundo o methodo do Dr. Burggraeve. Porto. 8'-'. Drugs and medicines of North America. A publication devoted to the historical aud scientific discussion of the botany, phar- macy, chemistry, aud therapeutics of the medicinal plants of North America, their constituents, products, and sophistica- tion. Cincinnati. 4°. Dwutygodnik higieny publicznej krajowej. Dodatek do Prze- gladu lekarskiego. [Bi-weekly of local public hygiene. Sup- plement to: Przeglad lekarski.] Krak6w. 4°. E. Echo med. d. Cevennes, Nimes. Echo med. de Lyon. Echo med. du nord, Lille. Echo med. et pharm. de l'ouest, Rennes. Echo (L') medical des Cevennes. Journal de medeeine et de chirurgie. Organe officiel des associations medicates du Gard. Nimes. 8 ~. Echo medical de Lvon. Journal de medeeine et de chirurgie. Lyon. 8°. Echo (L') medical du nord. Lille. 4°. Echo medical et pharmaceutique de l'ouest. Revue scientifique; medeeine, chirurgie, therapeutique, pharmacie, chimie, hygiene, histoire uaturclle; mattere medicate. Rennes. 8°. [il] Echo vet., Liege. Eclect. M. Gleaner, Cincin. Eclect. Rev., N. Y. Eco d. Consult., Madrid. Ecole . . . de med. et de pharm. de Marseille. Lab. de Livon. Trav. de physiol. exper., Par. Economic Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc. Educaz. d. frenasten., Siena. Educaz. d. sordomuti, Siena. Edwards' J. Health, Atlantic City. Egypte med., Alexandrie Eir, Reykjavik. Electro-Therap., Lima, Ohio. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago. Encycl. contemp. illust., Par. Engin. Rev., N. Y. Entire Rec. Med. - Surg. Pract. Sound View Hosp. Stamford, Conn. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.], Wiesb. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Wiesb. Ergebn. d. spez. path. Morph. u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., Wiesb. Ernahr. u. Gesundh., Leipz. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc. d'Edinb., Par. Eureka Springs Month., M. J. Evolut. med., Par. Examinat. med., Par. Experience, St. Louis. Exposit. univ. internat. de 1878. Confer. Palais Trocadero, Par. Echo (L') veterinairc. Liege. 8 . Eclectic (The) Medical (ileaner. Cincinnati. 8 . Eclectic Review. A monthly journal devoted to eclectic medi- cine and surgery. New York. 8°. Fee (El) del Cousultorio. Revista. practica quincenal de medi- cina ycirugia, redactada por el personal facultativo del Con- sultorio medico internacional. Madrid. v . Ecole de pleiu excrcice de medeeine et de pharmacie de Marseille. Laboratoire de M. le prof. Livon. Travaux de physiologic expdrimentate. Paris. 8-\ Economic (The) Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Dub- lin, v. 1, 1900. 8 . Educazione (L') dei frenastenici. Russegna medico-pedagogica. Siena. 8~. Educazione (L') dei sordomuti. Pubblicazioue periodica. Siena. Edwards' Journal of Health. Edited and published monthly by Joseph F. Edwards. Atlantic City. N. J. 4 . Egypte (L') medicate. Revue niensuelle de medeeine et de chirurgie pratique. Alexandrie. 8°. Eir. MiCuaSarrit handa aljjyfcu uni heilbrigSisruaT Reykjavik. Electro-Therapeutist (The). A mouthly journal of electricity as applied in medicine and surgery. Lima, Ohio. 8°. Electro-Therapeutic (The) aud X-Ray Era. Chicago. 4°. Eucyclopedie (L') couteinporaine illustree. Paris, fol. Engineering Review. A consolidation of Heating and Ventila- tion, and the Sanitary Plumber. New York. fol. Entire Records of Medico - Surgical Practice at Sound View Hospital, T. J. Biggs, M. D.: Stamford, Couu. 8-. Ergebnisse der allgemeinen Pathologie und pathologischen Ana- tomie des Menschen und der Tiere. Bearbeitet vou E. Albrecht [et a/.]. Hrsg. von (.). Lubarsch and R. Ostertag. Wiesbaden. Ergebnisse der Auatomie und Entwickelnngsgeschichte. Wies- baden. 8°. Ergebnisse der speziellen pathologischen Moipliologie und Phy- siologie der Sinncsorgane. Wiesbaden. 8 . Ernahrung uud Gesuudheit. Leipzig, v. 1, 1903. 8 , Essais et observations de medeeine de la Societe" d'Ediubourg, ouvrage traduit de l'anglois. Paris. l(i . Eureka Springs ( The ) Monthly Medical Journal. Eureka Springs, Ark. 8 . Evolution (L') medicate. Paris. - . Fxaminateur (L') medical. Paris. I . Experience. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of the general practitioner. St. Louis. 8\ Exposition universclle internationale de 18/8, a Paris. Confe- rences du Palais du Trocadero. Paris, s . I\ Fabriks-Feuerwehr, Wien. Farm. J., S.-Peterb. Fabriks-Feuerwehr (Die). Organ fiir Feuerschutz und Ret- tungswesen in Fabriken uud Werken und die Institution der Fabriks-Feuerwehren. Beiblatt der "Zeitschrift fiir Gewerbe- Hygiene, etc.". Wien. 4°. Farniatsevticheskiy Jurual. terburg. 4°. [Pharmaceutical Journal.] S.-Pe- [22] Farm, polski, Warszawa. Farm, vestnik, Mosk. Farmats., Mosk. Fascic. Malayenses, Lond. Feestbundel, Dr. Sape Talma [etc.], Haarlem. Perroterapia, Lodi. Festschr. f. Adolf Bastian . . ., Berl. Festschr. d. Albrecht-Ludwigs- Univ. in Freib. [etc.], Preib. i. Br. Festschr., . . . Benno Schmidt . . ., Leipz. Festschr. z. . . . Carl Gegen- bauer, Leipz. Festschr. . . . Carl Goschel . . . 25jahr. Jubil., Tubing. Festschr z. ffer, Jena. d. Carl v. Kup- Festschr. z. 1. Cong. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Bekampf. d. Ge- schlechtskrankh., Frankf. a. M. Festschr. Ed. Hagenbach-Burck- hardt, Basel & Leipz. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. Kran- kenh. d. Stadt Niirnb. Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Besteh. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Magdeb. Festschr. z. Feier . . . v. d. phys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb. Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. Stadt- Krankenh. zu Dresd.-Fried- richstadt, Dresd. Festschr. z. Feier d. 80jahr. Stiftungsf. d. arztl. Ver. zu Hamb., Leipz. Festschr. . . . Heinrich Abegg . . ., Danzig. Festschr. z. . . . Jubil. d. Ge- sellsch. pract. Aerzte zu Riga v. d. stadt. Irrenh.- u. Pflege- anst. Rothenberg, Riga. Festschr. z. . . . Krankenh. d. Barmherzigkeit zu Konigsb. i. Pr„ Berl. Farmaceuta polski; dawniej Przeglj^d farniaceutyczny; czaso- pismo poswiecone farmacyi, naukoni z ni^ zwii^zek niajacym, oraz sprawom zawodu. [Polish pharmacist; formerly Phar- maceutical Review; journal devoted to phaimacy, kindred sciences, also professional interests.] Warszawa. 8°. Farmatsevticheskiy vestnik; zhurnal visochaishe utverzhdyon- navo rossiyskavo farmatsevticheskavo Ob—va vza'imuavo vspomoshtshestvovaniya. [Pharmaceutical messenger; jour- nal of the Russian Pharmaceutical Society for Mutual Aid.] Moskva. 4C. Farmatsevt. [Pharmacist.] Moskva. 4°. Fasciculi Malayenses; anthropological and zoological results ol an expedition to Perak aud the Siamese Malay States. Lon- don, roy. 8°. Feestbundel, Dr. Sape Talma, bij gelegenheid van zijn 25-jarig hoogleeraarschap, den 6en October 1901, aangeboden en toe- gewijd door dankbare leerlingen. Haarlem. 8°. Ferroterapia (La). Periodico bimestrale di medicina, chimica e farmacia applicate alia cura dei ferruginosi. Lodi. 8°. Festschrift fiir Adolf Bastian zu seinem 70. Geburtstage, 26. Juni 189G. Berlin, roy. 8°. Festschrift der Albrecbt - Ludwigs- Universitiit iu Freiburg zum fiinfzigjahrigen Regierungs-Jubilaum seiner koniglichcn Hoheit des Grossherzogs Friedrich. Freiburg i. Br. 8°. Festschrift, . . . Benno Schmidt zur Feier der Vollendung seines siebeuzigsteu Lebensjahres vou Freunden und Schulern gewidmet und . . . hrsg. vou der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig den 3. Miirz 1896. Leipzig. 8°. Festschrift zum siebeuzigsten Geburtstage von Carl Gegen- bauer am 21. August 1896. Leipzig. 4°. Festschrift Herrn Hofrat Dr. Carl Goschel bei Gelegenheit seines 25jahrigen Jubilaunis als Oberarzt der chirnrgischen Abtei- lung des allgemeinen stadtischen Krankeuhauses ehrerbie- tigst gewidmet. Tiibingen. v. 1, 1902. 8°. Festschrift, zum siebenzigsteu Geburtstag von Carl von Kupffer. Jena. fol. Festschrift zum 1. Congress der dentschen Gesellschaft zur Bekampfung der Geschlechts-Kraukheiten, in Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurt a. M. 1 v., 1903. 8°. Festschrift Ednard Hagenbach-Bnrckhardt zu seinem 25-jahri- gen Professoreu-Jubilaum gewidmet von seineu Schiilern. Basel & Leipzig. 8°. Festschrift zur Eroffuung des ueilen Krankeuhauses der Stadt Niirnberg. Niirnberg. roy. 8°. Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens der medi- cinischeu Gesellschaft zu Magdeburg. Magdeburg. 8°. Festschrift zur Feier ihres fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens. Hrsg. von der physikalisch-medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. Wiirzburg. 4°. Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens des Stadt- Krankenhauses zu Dresden-Friedrichstadt. Dresden. 8°. Festschrift zur Feier des achtzigjiihrigen Stiftungstestes des iirztlichen Vereins zu Hamburg. Leipzig. 8°. Festschrift gewidmet . . . Dr. Heiurich Abegg . . . zum 50jah- rigen Doctor-Jnbilaeum vom iiiztlichen Vcrein zu Danzig am 2. Juui 1898. Danzig. 8°. Festschrift zum 75-jiihrigen Jubilaum der Gesellschaft practi- scher Aerzte zu Riga von der stadtischen Irreuheil- uud Pflege- anst Rothenberg. Riga. 8°. Festschrift zur Einweihung der neuerbauten Abteilung fiir Frauenkrankheiten in dem miter dem Protektorat Hirer Ma- iestiit der Kaiserin Augusfe Victoria stehendeu Krankenhause der Barmherzigkeit zu Konigsberg i. Pr.be, der 50jahr,gen Jubelfeier der Austalt am 18. Mai 1900. Berlin. 8°. [23] Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wien & Leipz. Festschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Zurich. Festschr___d. Prov.-Irren-Anst. zu Nietleben b. Halle a. S., Leipz. Festschr. z.Versamml. d.deutsch. anthrop. Gesellsch., Lubeck. Festskr___Prof. Heibergs [etc.], Kristiania. Fiftieth Anniv. Hartford M. Soc. Fiziol. sbomik (Danilevski), Kharkov. Flandre med., Gand. Forh. v. Finska Lak.-Sallsk., Helsingfors. Forh. v. nord. Kong. f. inv. med., Stockholm. Folia haematol., Berl. Food & Health [San. Rec], Lond. Foredr. og disk. p. 2den nord. kong. f. indre med., Kristiania. Forester, Wash. Forh. i d. kong. med. Selsk. i Kj0benh. Forh. med. Selsk. i Kristiania. Forh. v. nord. kirurg. foren. 3:je mode i Helsingfors 1897, Stockholm. Forh.. . . d. 6te norske laegem0de . . . Kristiania. Formulaire, Par. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rdntgen- strahlen, Hamb. Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr., W. Winternitz, Wien & Leipz. Fortschr. d. Vet.-Hyg., Berl. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag. Frauenspit. Basel. Ber. Festschrift gewidmet Moriz Kaposi zum iunl'undzwanzigjiihrigen Professorenjnbiliium. In Verehrung und Dankbarkeit von Collegen und Schiilern. Erganznngsband zum: Archiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wien «V Leipzig. 8 . Festschrift der naturrorschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich 1746- 1896. Den Teilnehmern der in Ziirich vom 2.-5. August 189(! tagenden 79. Jabresversaininlung der schweizerischen natur- forschenden Gesellschaft gewidmet. In zwei Teileu. Viertel- iabrssehrift der natnrforschenden Gesellschaft in Ziirich. 41. Jahrgang, 1896. Jubelband 1-2. Ziirich. 8°. Festschrift anliisslich des fiinfzigjahrigen Bestehens der Pro- vinzial-Irren-Anstalt zu Nietleben bei Halle a. S. von friiheren uud jetzigen Aerzten der Anstalt. Leipzig, roy. H3. Festschrift zur xxviii. Versammlung der dentscheu anthropo- logischeu Gesellschaft. Liibeck, August 1897. Lubeck. 8°. Festskrift i Anledning af Professor, Doctor medicina1 Hjalmar Heibergs 2"> Aars Jubiheuni som Professor ved Kristiania I'niversitet fra forhenvaBreude og nuvicreude Assistenter 24 de Mai 189.">. Kristiania. 8-. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Hartford Medical Society, founded September 1">, 1846. Proceedings at the celebration, October 26, 1896, at Hartford, Connecticut. Hartford, roy. 8°. Fiziologicheskiy sbomik; statyi i rabot! po biologii i eksperi- mentalnoi meditsinle iz laboratorii i pod redaktsiyel Alek- saudra Danilevskavo i Vasiliya Danilevskavo. [Physiological collection; essays on biology and experimental medicine from the laboratories of, aud edited by, Alexander Danilevski and Vasiliy Danilevski.] Kharkov. 8J. Flandre (La) medicate. Revue scieutifique et pratique. Gand. Forhaudlingar vid Finska Lakaresallskapets femtonde alliniinna mote i Helsingfors deu 16, 17 och 18 September 1895. Helsiug- fors. r~. Forhaudlingar vid nordiska Kongressen for invartes medicin i Goteborg den 27-29 Augnsti 1896. Stockholm. 8C. Folia haematologica. Internationales Zentralorgan fiir Blut- und Serumforschung. Berlin, v. 1, 1904. 8°. Food and Health. Supplement to the Sanitary Record. Lon- don. 8 . Foredrag og diskussioner paa 2den nordiske kongres for indre medicin i Kristiania den llte, 12te og 13de August 1898. Kort- fattet referat ved den n. hegeforenings sekretariat. [Kristia- nia.] 8°. Forester (The). A monthly magazine devoted to the care and use of forests aud forest trees and to related subjects. Wash- ington, D. C. 8°. Forhandlinger i det kongelige medicinske Selskab i Kj0benhavn. Kj0benhavn. 8n. Forhandlinger i det medicinske Selskab i Kristiania. Kristiania. 8~. Forhandlinger ved nordisk kirurgisk foreuings :i: je mode i Helsingfors, 12-14 August 1897. Stockholm. 8 \ Forhandlinger og foredrag paa det 6te norske lsegeni0de i Bergen 26de, 27de og 2*'le August 1>'Xk Kristiania. 8 . Formulaire (Le). Revue des medicaments nouveaux. Paris. 8". Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen. Hamburg. roy. 8 . Fortschritte der Hydrotherapie. Festschrift zum vierzigjiihrigen Doctorjubiliium des Prof. Dr. W. Winternitz. Hrsg. von Dr. A. Strasscr und Dr. B. Buxbaum. Wien &• Leipzig. 8°. Fortschritte der Veteriuiir-Hj'giene. Berlin, v. 1, 1903. 8°. Fort Wayne Medical Journal-Magazine. Fort Wayue, Ind. 8 . Frauenspital Basel. Berichte. Basel. 8 . p-q Fukuiken Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Fiileszet, Budapest. Fiirdo-es vizgyogyaszat, Buda- pest. Fukuiken Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Fukui. 8. Fiiteszet. [Otology.] [Supplement to: Magyar orv. lapja.] Budapest, fol. Fiirdo-es vizgy6gyaszat. [Bath and water medicine.] Buda- pest, fol. G. Gac. balneol., Madrid. Gac. de lit. de Mexico, Puebla. Gac. med. de Caracas. Gac. med. de Costa Rica, San Jose de Costa Rica. Gac. de med. vet., Madrid. Gac. de med. zool., Madrid. Galleria d. clin. ostet., Scansano. Gaz. d. clin., Par. Gaz. d. hop. de Lyon. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par. Gaz. med. beige, Liege. Gaz. med. du centre, Tours. Gaz. de pharm., Lisb. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli. Gazz. d. manic, di Macerata. Gazz. med. di Milano. Gazz. med.-farm., Bologna. Gazz. med. ital., Torino. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania. Geibi Iji, Tokyo. Gen. Pract., St. Louis. Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah. Gerichtl.-psychiat. Gutacht. a. d. Klin. Forel in Zurich, Stuttg. Gesunde Kinder, Hamm i. W. Gesundh.-Bl., Leipz. Gesundheit, Wien. Gaceta balneologica. Climatologia. Hidrologia medica. Hi- giene. Madrid, fol. Gacetas de literatura de Mexico. Puebla, 1831. 8°. Gaceta medica de Caracas. Publicacidn quincenal. Organo de la Sociedad de medicos y cirujanos de Caracas. Caracas: (Venezuela), fol. Gaceta medica de Costa Rica. Revista nacional de medicina, cirngia, farmacia € higiene. Publicacidn mensual. Organo de la Facultad.de medicina. San Jose de Costa Rica. roy. 8°. Gaceta de medicina vet>rinaria. Madrid. *•-. Gaceta de medicina zooldgica. Galleria della clinica ostetrica. Gazette des cliniques. Paris. Gazette des hopitaux de Lyon. Madrid. 8°. Scansano. v. 1, 1902. 8°. Lyou. 8°. Gazette des maladies infantiles et Journal de clinique et de thera- peutique infautiles renins; Journal de pediatric Paris, fol. Gazette medicate beige. hebdomadaire. Lie] Ginec. e 1' ostet. prat., Napoli. Gior. di elett. med., Nocera infer. Gior. di ginec. e di pediat., To- rino. Gior. ital. di laringol., otol. e rinol., Napoli. Gior. ital. d. sc. med., Pisa. Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed uff. san. [etc.], Napoli. Gior. di psichiat. clin. e teen, ma- nic, Ferrara. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino. Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet., Torino. Glasg. Hosp. Rep. Globus, Brnschwg. Glos lek., Lwow. Gorbersdorf. Veroffentl., Stuttg. Goteborgs Lak-sallsk. Forh. Grece med., Syra. Green Bag, Bost. Grenzfr. d. Nerv.- u. Seelenleb, Wiesb. Guerra a. tuberc, Catania. Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Gyak. orvos, Budapest. Gyermekgyogyaszat, Budapest. Gyermekorvos, Budapest. Gynaek. Klin., Strassb. Gynaekologia, Budapest. Gynec. catal., Barcel. Gynecologie, Par. Gineeologia (La) e 1'ostetricia pratica. Napoli. s . Giornale di elettricita medica. Nocera inferiore. 8°. Giornale di gineeologia e di pediatria. Torino. 8°. Giornale italiano di laringologia, otologia e rinologia. Napoli. Giornale (II) italiano delle scienze mediche. Bolletino dell' Ac- cademia medica di l'isa. Pisa. v. 1, 1903. 8°. Giornale per i niedici periti giudiziari ed ufficiali sanitari, desti- nato ad informare gli abbonati del moviinento scientifico ed ufticiale in rapporto all' esercizio pratico della medicina legale e dell' igieue. Napoli. 8°. Giornale di psichiatria clinica o tecnica niauicomiale (Bollettino del Mauicomio provinciate di Ferrara). Ferrara. 8°. Giornale della reale Societa ed Accademia veterinaria italiana. Torino. 8:. Giornale della reale Societa nazionale veterinaria. Torino. 8°. Glasgow Hospital Reports. Glasgow. 8 . Globus. Illnstrierte Zeitschrift fiir Lander- und VbTkerknnde. Braunschweig, fol. Gtes lekarzy; organ lekarzy Galicyi, Sla.8ka i Bukowiny, sub- wencyonowauy przez Galicyjskie izby lekarskie i przez towar- zystwo '•Samopomocy lekarzy". Lw6w. 1903. fol. Gorbersdorfer Veioftentlichuugen, hrsg. von Rudolf Robert. Stuttgart. 8C. Goteborgs Liikaresallskaps Forhaudlingar. Goteborg. 8°. Grece medicate. Recueil mensuel. Syra. 4°. Green Bag (The). An entertaining magazine for lawyers. Bos- ton. 8°. Grenzfragen des Nerven- uud Seelenlebens. Einzel-Darstd- lungen fiir Gebildete alter Stande. Wiesbaden. 8°. Guerra alia tubercolosi. Catania, fol. Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo. 8°. Gyakorie (A) orVos. Magyarorsza'g osszes orvosainak tulajdonit kepez6 kcizponti kozlony. Budapest, fol. Gyermekgydgya'szat. Budapest, fol. Gyermekorvos. Budapest. 4°. Gynaekologische Klinik. Strassburg. 8°. (j ynaekologia. A Budapesti kir. orvosegyesiilet gynaekologikus szakosztalyanak hivatalos kozlouye. Budapest, fol. Gynecologia (La) catalana. Primera revista medica escrita en llengua catalana. Publicacio mensual. Barcelona. > . Gynecologic (La), (ancieunement Nouvellcs Archives d'obstc- trique et de gynecologie). Paris. ~ . II Habana med. Hahneman. Advoc, Chicago. Hahneman. Inst., Phila. Hahnemannia, Berl. Halb. Jahrtaus. Festschr. Fac. med. Vindob., Wien. Habana (La) medica. Revista mensual de medicina, cirngia y ciencias auxilians. Habana. fol. Hahnemannian (The) Advocate. Chicago. 8°. Hahnemannian Institute. Philadelphia. 8°. Hahnemannia. Volksthiimlicho Blatter gegen die Vivisektiou, gegen den Impzwang, iiber N'aturheilverfahren, Volkshygiene uud iiber Homoopathie. Berlin. 4°. Halber (Ein) Jahrtausend. Festschrift, anliisslich des SOOjiihri- gen Bestandes d«r Acta Facultatis medica) Vindobonensis. Hrsg. vom Wiener medicinischen Doctorcollegium, redigiert von H. Adler. Wien. 8°. [26] Halbmonatschr. f. Haut- u. Harnkr., Wien. Halsovannen, Stockholm. Haudb. d. Anat. d. Mensch., Jena. Handb. d. Gesch. d. Med., Jena. Handb. d. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., ■Wien. Handb. d. Ohrenheilk. . . . Schwartze, Leipz. Handb. d. physikal. Therap., Leipz. Handb. d. spec. Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena. Handb. Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena. Handel, v. de Vereen. v. homoeop. Geneesh. in Nederl., Zwolle. Handel, v. h. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong. Harvard Grad. Mag., Bost. Harvard Univ. Bull. Bussey Inst., Cambridge. Health-Cult., N. Y. Health Mag., "Wash. Health Messeng., Lond. Health News, Lond. Heilkunde, Wien, [etc.]. Heilstatten-Bote, Frankf. a. M. Herinneringsb. Prof. S. S. Rosen- stein, Leiden. Higiene pop., Madrid. Hippocrate, Par. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc, Par. Hollands Mag., Harlem. Homeop. J. Surg. & Gynec, Chi- cago & N. Y. Homoeop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y. Homoop. Tidsskr., Aarhus. Hop. d'enf. S-te Olga a Mosc. C.-r. H6p. St.-Jean. Obs. med., Brux. Halbmonatsschrift fiir Haut- und Harnkrankheiten. Wieu. v. 1, 1904. 8°. Halsovannen. Tidskrift for allman och euskild halsovard. Stockholm. 8". Haudbuch der Anatomic des Menschen. Jena. 8°. Handbuch der Geschichte der Mediziu. Jena. 1901. Haudbuch der Laryngologie und Rhinologie. Wien. 8°. Handbuch der Ohrenheilkunde. Hrsg. von Hermann Schwartze. Leipzig. 8°. Handbuch der physikalischen Therapie. Leipzig. 1901-2. 8=. Handbuch der speciellen Therapie innerer Krankheiten. Jena. 8°. Handbuch der Therapie innerer Krankheiten. 2. Aufl. Jena. 8°. Handelingen van de Vereeniging vau homoeopathische Genees- heeren in Nederland. Zwolle. 8°. Handelingen van het vlaamsch natuur- eu geneeskundig Con- gres. [v. p.] 4°. Harvard (The) Graduates' Magazine. Boston. 8C. Harvard University. Bulletin of the Bussey Institution. Cam- bridge. 8°. Health-Culture. Devoted to practical hygiene. New York. 4°. Health (The) Magazine for every family. AVashington, Balti- more & New York. 8°. Health (The) Messenger. Food and cookery. London. 8°. Health News. A sanitary and social monthly journal. The official organ of the Anti-Adulteration Association. London. fol. Heilkunde (Die). Monatschrift fiir praktische Medicin. Organ fiir das Studium der Fortschritte auf alien Gebieten der Heil- kunde und zur Wahrung der Gesammt-Interessen des iirzt- lichen Standes. Wien, Leipzig und Teschen. roy. 8°. Heilstiitten-Bote (Der). Zeitschrift fiir Volksgesundheitspflege und Kraukheitsverhiitung. Frankfurt a. M. 4°. Herinneringsbundel Professor S. S. Rosenstein bij gelegenheid van zijn aftreden als hoogleeraar aangeboden door dankbare leerlingen en vrienden. Leiden. 8°. Higiene (La) popular. Madrid, fol. Hippocrate. Revue mensuelle de medeeine historique, patrio- tique, anecdotique. Paris. 8°. Histoire de l'Academie royale des sciences. Annees 1699-1723. Avec les memoires de mathematique et de physique, pour les menies annees. Tirez des registres de cette Academic. Paris. 4°. Hollands Magazyn, voorzien van aardrykskundige, historische, philosophische, geneeskuudige, regtsgeleerde, Godgeleerde, en poetische, aanmerkiugen, beschryviugen, brieven, proeven, schetseu, uittreksels, vraagen, waarnemingen, euz. Harlem. 83. Homeopathic (The) Journal of Surgery and Gynecology. Chi- cago & New York. 8°. Homoeopathic (The) Eye, Ear and Throat Journal. New York. 8°. Hom0opatisk Tidsskrift. Aarhus. 8°. Hdpital (L') d'enfants S-te Olga a Moscou Description de l'hdpital et comptes-reudns de son activite pendant 1887-93. Moscou. 8°. Hcipital Saint-Jean. Observations medicates recueillies dans le service de M. le Dr. Destree. Bruxelles. 8 . [27] Hosp. Life, Chicago. Hosp. Nursing Mirror, Lond. Hunterian J., Lond. Hydriat. Jahrb., Worishofen. Hyg. Bl., Amst. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. & Leipz. Hygea, Carlsruhe. Hygiea, Wien & St. Petersb Hypnot. Mag., Chicago. Hospital Life. A monthly magazine devoted to Ihe interests of hospitals, sanitariums, and training schools for nurses, and all who arc identified therewith. Chicago. 8°. "Hospital (The)" Nursing Mirror; being the nursing section of " The Hospital" newspaper. London. 8 . Hunterian (The) Journal being the Transactions of the Hun- terian Society. London. 8-. Ilydriatrisches Jahrbuch. Worishofen. 8°. Hygienische Bladen. Populair maandsclirift voor praktische en toegepaste gezondheitsleer. Amsterdam. 8°. Hygienisc lies Volksblatt. Berlin A Leipzig. 4°. Hygea. Zeitschrift fur Heilkunst. Hrsg. . . . von dem homoo- pathisi hen Yereine im Grossherzogthum Baden. Carlsruhe. Hygiea. Illustrirte Cur- und Bade-Zeitung. Internationale Zeitschrift liir Balneologie, Climatologic, Curorte, climatische statiouen, Gesundheitsptiege, Naturkunde uud Reiseu. Fami- lienblatt. Wien ,V St. Petersburg, fol. Hypnotic (The) Magazine. Devoted to au investigation of the science of hypnotism; its uses and abuses, and its therapeutic possibilities. Chicago. 8:. I. 'IazpiKi) itpooSos, ,Ev ~2vpco. ""larpiKoe, /ATjvvTGop, JA$r?vai. Idan, Tokyo. Idroterap. prat., Biella. Igaku Chuwo Zasshi, Tokyo. Ig. d. inf., Roma. Iji Kwai Ho. Ogata Byo-in . . ., Osaka. Ikai Ji Ho, Osaka. Illinois M. J., De Kalb. Dlinois M. J., Springfield. Illust. Rundschau d. med.-chir. Techn., Bern. Impfgegner, Dread. Independ. med., Par. Independ. scient. et med., Brux. Indian Lancet, Calcutta. 'larpikij 7zp6o6oq, /urjvlalov Trepiodacdv cvyypdfifia, endldofievov vtto 'lu. A. bovcravov. 'Ei> Svp^j. 4C. 'larpuibq /iTjvvrup. 'A&ijvai. fol. Idau. [Medical discourses.] Tokyo, roy. 8°. Idroterapia (La) pratica. Periodico bimestrale di idroterapia, climatoterapia, meccanoterapia, etc. Biella. 8°. Igaku Chuwo Zasshi. Tokyo. 1 v., 1903. 8-. Igiene dell' infanzia per le famiglie e per le scuole. Roma. 8°. Iji Kwai Ho. Ogata Byo-in Kenkiu Kwai. [Report of Medical Society. Ogata Hospital Society for Research.] Osaka. 8°. Ikai Ji Ho. [Journal of modern medicine.] Osaka. 4°. Illinois (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. De Kalb, 111. 8\ Illinois Medical Journal. The official organ of the State Medical Society. Springfield, 111. 83. Illustrirte Rundschau der medicinisch-chirurgischen Techuik. Internationale Vierteljahrsschrift. Bern. 8 . Impfgegner (Der). Organ der deutschen Impfzwanggegner- Vereine. Hrsg. vom Impfzwauggeguer-Vereiu zu Dresden. Dresden. 4°. Iudependance (L') medicate. Paris, fol. Independance (L') scientifique et medicate. Bruxelles. 8°. Indiana Dent. J., Indianap. Ingegnere igien., Torino. Init. Rep. Neurol. Lab. Phila. Polyclin., N. Y. Inouye Gankwa Dosokwai Kai Ho, Tokyo. Inst. Solvay. Trav. de Lab., Brux. VOL IX, 2d series----[3] Indian (The) Lancet. (Late The Medical Reporter.) The organ of the Medical Association of India. A fortnightly journal of medicine, surgery, public health, and of general medical intelligence. Calcutta. 4C. Indiana (The) Dental Journal. Indianapolis. 8^. Ingegnere (L') igienista. Rivista quindicinale d' ingegneria sanitaria. Torino, fol. Initial (An) report from the Neurological Laboratory of the Phil- adelphia Polyclinic. New York. 8°. Inouye Gankwa Dosokwai Kai Ho. [Gazette of the Society of Alumni of Inouye in Ophthalmology.] Tokyo. 8°. Institut Solvay. Travaux de laboratoire. Bruxelles. 8~. [28] Institute, Phila. Instituteur d. aveugles, Par. Intercolleg. M. J., Chicago. Intercolon. M. J. Australas. Melbourne. Intermed. d. biol., Par. Intermed. d. neurol. [etc.], Par. Internat. Atlas selt. Hautkr., Hamb. & Leipz. Internat. Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Ley- den), Berl. Internat. Centralbl. f. Anthrop., Greifswald & Stettin. Internat. Centralbl. f. Ohrenh., Leipz. Internat. Cong. Dermat. OfiF. Trans., Lond. Internat. contrib. med. lit. Fest- schr___Abraham Jacobi, N. Y. Internat. Otol. Cong. Trans., Lond. Internat. pharm. Gen.-Anz., Berl. Internat. phot. Monatschr. f. Med. [etc.], Leipz. Internat. Text-Bk. Surg. (War- ren & Gould), Phila. Internat. Tuberk. - Konf. Ber., Berl. Interstate M. J., St. Louis. Iowa Health Bull., Des Moines. Iowa M. J., Des Moines. Irrenpflege, Halle a. S. Irrenschutz, Halle a. S. 1st. di clin. chir. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Rendic. d. operaz. 1st. d' ig. d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Lav. di lab., Roma. 1st. di ig. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Omaggio ... p. la lotta antitu- berc, Pisa. Institute (The). Philadelphia. 8°. Instituteur (L') des aveugles. Journal mensuel. Paris. 8°. Intercollegiate (The) Medical Journal. Published every second month. Devoted to the study of the medical scieuces. Chi- cago. 8C. Intercolonial Medical Journal of Australasia. Melbourne. 8°. Intermediate (L') des biologistes. Organe international de zoo- logie, botanique, physiologic et psychologic Paris. 8°. Intermediate (L') des neurologistes et des alienistes; organe international trilingue de neurologie; psychiatrie; psycho- physiologic Paris. 8°. Internationaler Atlas seltener Hautkrankheitcn. International atlas of rare skin diseases. Atlas international des maladies rares de la peau. Hamburg & Leipzig, fol. Internationale Beitriige zur inneren Medicin. Ernst von Leyden zur Feier seines 70jahrigen Geburtstages am 20. April 1902 gewidmet vou seinen Freundeu und seinen Schulern. Ber- lin. 8°. Internationales Centralblatt fiir Anthropologie und verwandte Wissenschaften. Greifswald & Stettin. 8°. Internationales Centralblatt fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Leipzig. 8°. International Congress of Dermatology. Official Transactions. London. 8°. International contributions to medical literature. Festschrift in honor of Abraham Jacobi to commemorate the 70. anniversary of his birth, May 6, 1900. New York. 8°. Iuternatioual Otological Congress. Transactions. London. 8°. Internationaler pharmaceutischerGeneral-Anzeiger. Berlin, fol. Internationale photographische Mouatsschrift fiir Mediziu und Naturwissenschaften. Leipzig. 8°. International (The) Text-Book of Surgery, by American aud British authors. Edited by J. Collins Warren and A. Pearce Gonld. Philadelphia. 8°. Internationale Tuberkulose-Konferenz (Die Erste). La Premiere Conference internationale autituberculeuse. The First Inter- national Conference on Tuberculosis. 1902. Bericht. Berlin. v. 1., 1903. roy. 8°. Interstate Medical Journal. Formerly Tri-State Medical Journal and Practitioner. St. Louis, Mo. 8°. Iowa Health Bulletin. Published by the State Board of Health. Des Moines. 8°. Iowa Medical Journal. The official organ of the Iowa State Medical Society. Des Moines. 8°. Irrenpflege (Die). Monatsblatt zur Hebung, Belehrung und Un- terhaltung deslrrenptiegepersonals, mit besonderer Beriicksicb- tiguug der freieu Behaudlung, der kolonialen uud familiann Krankenptlege unter stiiudiger Mithiilfe erfahrener Irreniirzte und Anstaltsbeamten hrsg. von Dr. Konrad Alt. Halle a. S. 8°. Irrenschutz (Der). Monatsschrift den Mitgliedern der Irren- hilfsvereine des deutschen Sprachgebiets sowie alien Freunden der Irreusache [etc.]. Halle a. S. 4°. Istituto di clinica chirurgica della r. Universita di Pisa. Rendi- conto cliuico-statistico delle operazioui eseguite nei periodi estivo-autunuali 1898-1901. Pisa. 8°. Istituto d' igiene della r. Universita di Palermo. Lavori di labo- ratorio. Roma. 8°. Istituto di igiene della r. Universita di Pisa, diretto dal Prof. Alfonso Di Vestea. Questioni del giorno. Omaggio alia citta e provincia di Pisa e al coniitato locate per la lotta antituberco- lare. Pisa. 8°, [29] 1st. ortop. Rizzoli. Rendic, Bo- logna. 1st. ostet. - ginec. d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Rendic. clin. Items Interest. Izviest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ. Izviest. Imp. Voyenno - Med. Akad., S.-Peterb. Izviest. S.-Peterb. biol. lab Istituto ortopedico Rizzoli. Rendiconto clinico del biennio 1900- 1901. Bologna, 8°. Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico (Maternita) della r. Universita di Palermo. Rendiconto clinico. 1901. Palermo. 8°. Items of Interest. A monthly magazine of dental art, science and literature. Philadelphia, New York. 8°. Izviestiya Imperatorskavo Tomskavo Universitota. [Communi- cations of the Imperial Tomsk University.] Tomsk. 8°. Izviestiya ImperatorskoT Voyenno- MeditsinskoT Akademii. [ Communications of the Imperial Army Medical Academy.] S.-Peter burg. 4°. Izviestiya S.-Petcrburgskol biologieheskoT laboratorii. S.-Pe- terburjr. 8 \ J. J. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y. J. Alumni Ass. Cincin. Coll. Pharm. J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Bait. J. Applied Micr., Rochester. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond. J. beige d'homceop., Brux. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux. J. Cong. & Exh. San. Inst. Gr.- Brit., Lond. J. Cutan. Dis. inch Syph., N. Y. J. dermat. i sinlidol., S.-Peterb. J. Exper. M., N. Y. J. Eye, Ear & Throat Dis., Bait. J. Homoeop., Phila. J. Hyg., Cambridge. J. Infect. Dis., Chicago. J. Mass. Ass. Bds. Health, Bost. J. Mech. Surg., Bost. J. med. de Brux. J. de la med. homoeop., Par. J. de med. int., Par. J. med. khim. i organoterap., S.- Peterb. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, fol. Journal (The) of Advanced Therapeutics. New York. 8°. Journal (The). Published quarterly by the Alumni Association of the Cincinnati College of Pharmacy of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. 8". Journal (The) of the Alumni Association of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Baltimore. 8°. Journal of Applied Microscopy. Rochester, N. Y. 8^. Jourual of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Carlisle, Pa. 8°. Journal (The) of Balneology and Climatology. Being the jour- nal of the British Balneological and Climatological Society. London. 8°. Journal beige d'homceopathie. Organe des dispensaires homceo- pathiques du pays et du Cercle homceopathique des Flandres. Bruxelles. 8-. Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. [Boston.] 12°. Journal de chirurgie et annales de la Societe beige de chirurgie. Bruxelles. 8~. Journal of the Congress and Exhibition of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain held at Leamington, 1877. Londou. 8°. Journal (The) of Cutaneous Diseases including Syphilis. New York. 8\ Jurnal dermatologii i sifilidologii. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Journal (The) of Experimental Medicine. New York. 8°. Journal of Eye, Ear and Throat Diseases, published quarterly by the surgical staff of the Presbyterian Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. Baltimore, Md. 8°. Journal of Homoeopathies. Philadelphia. 8°. Journal (The) of Hygiene. Cambridge. 8°. Journal (The) of Infectious Diseases. Chicago, v. 1, 1904. 8°. Journal of the Massachusetts Association of Boards of Health. Boston. 8°. Journal (The) of Mechanical Surgery. Boston, Mass. 8°. Journal medical de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. 4C. Journal de la medeeine homceopathique. hahuemanuienne de Paris. Paris. 8°. Journal de medeeine interne. Paris, fol. Jurnal meditsinskoi khiinii i organoterapii. [Journal of medical chemistry and organotherapy.] S.-Peterburg. 8°. Publie par la Societe [30] J. de med. . . . d. pays etrang., Par. J. Med. Research, Bost. J. Ment. Path., N. Y. J. Mich. M. Soc. J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi. J. Morgan Co. M. Soc, Jackson- ville, 111. J. Mycol., Wash. J. de neurol. et hypnol., Par. J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. . . . Kor- sakova, Mosk. J. Nihonbashi-ku San. Ass., Tokyo. J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk. J. Obst. & Gynsec. Brit. Emp., Lond. J. Peking Orient. Soc, Tientsin J. de pharm. de Liege. J. Phys. Chem., Ithaca. J. Phys. Therap., Lond. J. de physiol. et de path, gen., Par. J. de physioth6rap., Par. J. Pract. M., N. Y. J. Psycho-Asthenics, Faribault, Minn. J. f. Psychol, u. Neurol., Leipz. J. de psychol. norm, et path., Par. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond. J. de la sante, Par. J. Sc. Med., Chicago. J. Soc. contre Tabus du tabac, Par. J. Soc. med.-chir. canad.-franc. de la Nouv.-Angl., Lowell. J. Surg. Technol., N. Y. J. Trop. M„ Lond. Journal de medeeine, on observations des plus fameux medecius, chirurgiens et anatomistes de l'Europe, tirees des jouruaux des pays etraugers et autres memoires particuliers. Paiis. 12°. Journal of Medical Research. Continuation of the Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Boston. 8°. Journal (The) of Mental Pathology. New York. 8°. Journal (The) of the Michigan State Medical Society. Detroit. 8°. Journal (The) of the Mississippi State Medical Association. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery, published by the Mississippi State Medical Association, embracing its transac- tions. Biloxi. 8°. Journal (The) of the Morgan County Medical Society. Jackson- ville, 111. 8C. Journal (The) of Mycology; devoted especially to the study of fungi in their relation to plant diseases. Washington. 8°. Journal de neurologie et d'hypnologie. Paris. 8°. Jurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, izda- vayemiy Obshtshestvom Nevropatologov i Psikhiatrov, sosto- vashtshim pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetie. Moskva. 8°. Journal (The) of the Nihonbashi-ku Sanitary Association. Tokyo. 8J. Jurnal Obshtshestva Russkikh Vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Journal of the Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoft's memory.] Moskva. 8°. Journal (The) of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Em- pire. London. 8°. Journal of the Peking Oriental Society. Tientsin. 8°. Journal de pharmacie de Liege. Revue scientifique et profes- siounelle. Ltege. 8°. Published at Cornell Journal (The) of Physical Chemistry. University. Ithaca, N. Y. roy. 8°. Journal (The) of Physical Therapeutics. London. 8°. Journal de physiologie et de pathologie generate. Paris. 8°. Journal de physiotherapie. Revue "mensuelle des applications des agents physiques a la therapeutique. Paris. 8°. Journal of Practical Medicine. New York. 8°. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics. Devoted to the care, training and treatment of the feeble-minded and of the epileptic. Faribault, Minnesota. 12°. Journal fiir Psychologie und Neurologie (zugleich Zeitschrift fiir Hypuotismus, Band XI). Leipzig. 8°. Journal de psychologie normale et patholoeique. Paris, v. 1, 1904. 8°. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. London, v. 1, 1903. roy. 8°. Journal de la sante. " Sante publique" et " Medeeine illustree" reunis. Paris. 8°. Journal of Scientific Medicine. Chicago. 8°. Journal de la Societe contre l'abus du tabac. Paris. 8°. Journal (Le) de la Societe medico-chirurgicale cauadienne-fran- caise de la NOuvelle-Angleterre. Revue mensuelle de mede- eine, de chirurgie, d'hygiene et des sciences accessoires. Le seul organe officiel de medeeine publie en langue francaise anx fitats-Unis, paraissaut le 25 de chaque mois. Lowell, Mass. 8°. Journal of Surgical Technology. New York. 8°. Journal (The) of Tropical Medicine. Londou. 4°. [31] J. Tuberc, Asheville, N. C. Jager's Monatsbl., Stuttg. Jahrb. d. bosn.-herceg. Landes- spit. in Sarajevo, Wien. Jahrb. d. pract. Med., Berl. Jahrb. d. schweiz. Gesellsch. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Zurich. Jahrb. f. sex. Zwischenstufen, Leipz. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. . . . d. Hyg., Brnschwg. Jahresb. d. k. poliklin. Inst. d. Univ. zu Berl. Jahresb. d. Kehr-Rohden'schen Privatklin. in Halberstadt, Guben. Jahresb. d. Klin. f. Laryngosk. a. d. Wien. Univ. Jamsetji Jijibhai Hosp. Bombay. Rep. Janus, Am st. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Stud, in typhoid fever, Bait. Johnston's Dent. Misc., N. Y. Jordemodern, Stockholm. Jo-san-no Shiori, Osaka. Juntendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zas- shi, Tokyo. Juventud med., Guatemala. Journal (The) of Tuberculosis. A quarterly magazine devoted to the prevention and cure of tuberculosis. Asheville, N. C. 8°. Jager's(l,rof. Dr. G.) Monatsblatt. Zeitschrift fiir Gesundheits- prlege und Lebcnslehrc Stuttgart. 8°. Jahrbuch des bosn.-herceg. Landesspitales in Sarajevo. Hrsg. von der Landesregierung fiir Bosnien und die Hercegovina. l.-iU-o. Wien. 8-. Jahrbuch der praetischen Medicin. Begriindet von Dr. Paul Bonier. ITrsg. von J. Schwalbe. Berlin. 8'-'. Jahrbuch der schweizerisehen Gesellschaft fiir Schulgesund- heitsptlege. Ziirich. 8 . Jahrbuch fiir sexuelle Zwischenstufen. Leipzig. h°. Jahresberieht iiber die Fortschritte und Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Hygiene. Braunschweig. 8 '. Jahresberieht des koniglichen poliklinischen Institutes der Uni- versitat zu Berlin. Berlin. 12 \ Jahresberieht der Kehr-Rohden'schen Privatklinik in Halber- stadt. Guben. * \ Jahresberieht der Klinik fiir Laryngoskopie an der Wiener Uni- versitiit. 1870. Wien. 8:. Jamsetji Jijibhai Hospital, Bombay. Hospital reports by the medical and professional staff of the Jamsetji Jijibhai Hos- pital and Grant Medical College. Bombay. 8°. Janus. Archives internationales pour I'histoire de la medeeine et la geographic medicate. Amsterdam. 8°. Johns (The) Hopkins Hospital. Studies in typhoid fever. Bal- timore. 4°. Johnston's Dental Miscellany. New York. 8°. Jordemodern. Manadsskrift for barnmorskor. [The midwife. A monthly for midwives.] Stockholm. 8 . Jo-san-no Shiori. [Guide to obstetrics.] Ogata Byo-in Jo-san- fn Ikwai. [ Ogata Hospital Midwives Medical Society. ] Osaka. 8°. Juntendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Juutendo Society for Medical Research.] Tokyo. 8°. Juventud (La) medica. Organo de los intereses de la Sociedad del misnio nombre. Guatemala, C. A. roy. 8°. K. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect. sc. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl., Bressl. Kansas City Lancet. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet. Kathol. Vlaamsche Hoogesch. Uitbreid. te Antwerp. Katilo-Lehti, Helsingissa. Kausale Therap., Hannov. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappeu te Amsterdam. Pro- ceedings of the section of sciences. Amsterdam. 8°. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetensehappen te Amsterdam. Ver- slag van de gewone vergarderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling van 28 Mei 1898 tot 22 April 1899. Amsterdam. 8°. Konigl. (Der) Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris, anato- mische, chymische und botaniscbe Abhandlungen, 1.-9. Theil, welche die Jabre 1092-17:57 in sich halten. Aus dem Franzo- sischen. Bresslau. 8'-. Kansas (The) City Lancet. [Continuation, in 1898, of: Langs- dale's Lancet.] Kansas City. 8°. Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet. Kausas City. 8°. Katholieke Vlaamsche Hoogeschooluitbreiding te Antwerpen. Antwerpen. 8°. Katilo-Lehti. [Midwife's journal.] Helsingissa. 8°. Kausale (Die) Therapie. Zeitschrift fiir kausale Behandlung der Tuberkulose uud anderer Infektions-Krankheiten. Han- nover, v. 1, 1903-4. 8°. [32] Kazan. Med. J. Kenner's J. Health, Louisville. Kgl. norske Frederiks Univ. Progr., Christiania. Khirurg'ia, Mosk. Kindersp. in Basel. Jahresb. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep., Lond. Kingston M. Quart. Klin. Handb. d. Harn- u. Sexual- org., Leipz. Klin. J., Mosk. Klin. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol., Jena. Klin.-exper. Beitr. z. inn. Med. Festschr. . . . Lazarus, Berl. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien. Kneipp-jour., Brux. Kokka Iji Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Korairyi Frigyes tiszteletere, Bu- dapest. Koseikwan Iji Kenkyu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Koshiu Iji, Tokyo. Kosmos, Leipz. Kozegeszsegugy, Budapest. Kdzlem. a Tauffer V. egyet. . . . n6i klin., Budapest. Krankenpflege, Berl. Kryt. lek., Warszawa. Ksiega pamiatkowa . . . Hoye- rowi . . ., Warszawa. Kurber. ii. Erfolge d. physik. diatet. Heilfaktoren, Leipz. Kyo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo. Kyoto Iji Eisei Shi. Kazanskiy meditsinskiy jurnal. Organ Obshtshestva Vrachei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Uni\ ersitetle. Kazau. HL. Kenner's Journal of Health. Louisville, Ky. 8°. Kgl. (Det) norske Frederiks Universitet, Program for 2det semester 1890. Christiania. 8°. Khirurg'ia. Yezhemlesyachnoye izdanie. Moskva. 8". Kinderspital in Basel. Jahresberichte. 1.-35., 18<>2-97. Basel. 8°. Kind's College Hospital Reports; being the annual report of King's College Hospital and the Medical Department of King's College. 1-93-4 to 1894-5. London. 8°. Kingston Medical Quarterly. Kingston, Out. 8°. Klinisches Handbuch der Harn- und Sexualorgane. Leipzig. 8°. Klinicheskiy jurnal. Moskva. 8°. Klinische Vortrjige ans dem Gebiete der Otologie nnd Pharyngo- Rhinologie. Jena. 8°. Klinisch-experimentelle Beitrage zur inneren Medicin. Fest- schrift Julius Lazarus zu seinem funfundzwanzigjahrigen Jubilaum als Arzt am Krankenhause. Berlin. 8°. Klinisch-therapeutische Wochenschrift. Wien. 4°. Kneipp-journal. Organe de la medeeine physiatrique. Bru- xelles. 8°. Kokka Iji Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo. 8°. Kor&uyi Frigyes tiszteletere, 1901 Aprilis 28-£n. [In honor of Frigyes Kor^nyi April 28, 1901.] Budapest, fol. Koseikwan Iji Kenkyu Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo. 8°. Koshiu Iji. Tokyo. 8°. Kosmos. Zeitschrift fiir einheitliche Weltanschauung auf Grund der Eutwicklungslehre in Verbiuduug mit Charles Darwin uud Ernst Haeckel [etc.]. Leipzig. 8°. Kozegeszsegiigy; kiilonos tekintettel az iskolaegeszsegiigyre. Budapest, fol. Ktizlemenyek a Tauffer Vilmos dr egyetemi ny. r. taniir vezetese alatt alio 2. sz. n6i klinik&rdl. Budapest, fol. Krankenpflege (Die). Monatsschrift fiir die gesammten Zweige dei Krankenpflege und Krankeubehandlung in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Berlin. 8°. Krytyka lekarska. Warszawa. 8°. Ksiega pamiatkowa wspolnemi silami spisana, najzacmejszemu Mistrzowi, professorowi Doktorowi Medycyny Henrykowi Hoyerowi dwudziestopi^cioletnia, rocznice, mozolnej a uzytecz- nej pracy obchodza.cenm w ofierze slozona przez wdzie,cznych uczniow i przyjaciol jego, wpohvlascicieli Gazety lekarskiej w Warszawie dnia xx grudnia r. p. mdccclxxxiiij. Warszawa. 4°. Kurberichte iiber Erfolge der physikalisch-diatetischen Heilfak- toren. Ceutralorgan fiir die gesamten Interessen der Kur-, Heil-, Bade-, Massage- u. orthopiid. Austalten und deren Per- sonal. Leipzig, roy. 8°. Kyo-rin-no Shiori. Tokyo. 8°. Kyoto Iji Eisei Shi. Kyoto, roy. 8°. L. Lab. sper. e sez. clin. d. patol. spec. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Laboratorio sperimentale e sezione clinica della patologia spe- ciale medica dimostrativa, della r. Universita di Pisa. Lavori aA ^comr^m,,; *.a„™i+o ,i«n> nrmo 1896. Prof. Carlo Fedeli, ed osservazioni raccolte nell' anno 1896. direttore. Pisa. ' [33] Labor, et Mus. et Clin., Berl. Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb. Lancet, N. Y. Languedoc med.-chir., Toulouse. Langsdale's Lancet, Kansas City. Laryngoscope, St. Louis. Lavori d. 1st. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Lavoro, Pavia. Lecture med., Par. Leipz. pop. Ztschr. f. Homoop. Lek. rozhledy, Praha. Lepra, Leipz. Levatrice ital., Roma. Levatrice mod., Roma. Liec. viestnik., u Zagrebu. Life & Health, N. T. Liga contra tuberc en Cuba, Habana. Livre jubil. . . . Van Bambeke, Brux. Lond. Co. Council. Rep. med. off. health [etc.], Lond. Louisville J. S. & M. Louisville Month. J. M. & S. Lucina, Bologna. Lutte antituberc, Par. Laboratoriiim et Museum et Clinicuin. Centralblatt fiir alio Ge- biete der Museums-, Laboratoriums-, Klinik-, etc., Einrichtung. Berlin, roy. 8°. Laitopis russkoT chirurgii. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Lancet (The), with which is incorporated the Archives of Gyne- cology, Obstetrics, aud Pediatrics. New York. 8°. Languedoc (Le) medio medeeine et de chirurj chirurgical. Revue bi-mensuelle de e. Toulouse. 8°. dical magazine. Kansas Langsdale's Lancet. A monthly City, Mo. 8-. Laryngoscope (The). A monthly journal devoted to diseases of the nose, throat, ear; for general practitioners and specialists. St. Louis, Mo. 8 \ Lavori dello Istituto di clinca medica della r. Universita di Pisa. Pisa. 8°. Lavoro (II). Rivista di fisiologia, clinica ed igiene del lavoro. Pavia. 8^. Lecture (La) medicate. Paris. 8J. Leipziger popuh'iro Zeitschrift fiir Homoopathie. Organ des Centralverbandes homoopathischer Vereine Deutschlands, des siichsischen Landesvereines, wie der homoopathischen Vereine im Konigreich Sachsen, in Berlin, Stettin, Bromberg, Elberfeld, Magdeburg, etc. Leipzig. 4°. Lekarske rozhledy. Mesi5nik pro prakticke tekafe. Praha. 8°. Lepra. Bibliotheca internationalis. Leipzig. 8°. Levatrice (La) italiana. Rivista di ostetricia, gineeologia e pediatria. Roma. 8-\ Levatrice (La) moderna. Rivista di ostetricia, gineeologia, pe- diatria. [Continuation of: Levatrice ital.] Roma. 8°. Liecnicki viestnik. Vlastnik i izdavatelj sbor liecnika kralje- vina hrvatske i Slavonije. u Zagrebu. 8°. Life and Health. A monthly magazine for the practical discus- sion of all subjects pertaining to life, health, and the enjoy- ment of longevity. New York. 8°. Liga contra la tuberculosis en Cuba. Habana. 8°. Livre jubilaire dedte a Charles Van Bambeke a l'occasion du 70e anni versa ire de sa naissance par ses eieves et ancieus eteves. Bruxelles. 8°. London County Council. Annual report of the medical officer of health of the administrative county of Londou. London, fol. Louisville (The) Journal of Surgery aud Medicine. Official organ of the Louisville Surgical Society. Louisville. 8°. Louisville (The) Monthly Journal of Medicine aud Surgery. Louisville. 8°. Lucina. Periodico mensile di ostetricia. Bologna. 8°. Lutte ( La) antituberculeuse. ( L'ceuvre autituberculeuse. ) Paris. 8-. JI. Maandbl. v. koudwater geneesk. v. N.- en Z.-Nederl., Haarlem. Maandbl. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem. Maandbl. t. de vervalsch., Amst. Maandbl. v. ziekenverpleg., Amst. Maandblad voor koudwater geneeskunde voor Noord-en Zuid- Xederland, gewijd aan de Kneipp'sche koudwatorgeneeswijze. Haarlem. 8°. Maandblad voor praktische verloskunde, hoofdzakelijk tcu dienste van vroedvrouwen. Haarlem. 8°. Maandblad tegen de vervalschingeu. Met een bijblad gewijd aan hygiene en Industrie. Amsterdam, roy. 8°. Maandblad voor ziekenverpleging. Amsterdam. 4°. [34] Maandschr. gew. a. de heilgymn., Arnhem. Madras Gov. Mus. Bull. Mag. Med., Atlanta. Magdeburg. Festschr. . . . d. 19. Versamml. d. deutsch. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. Magnet. Mag. f. Nied.-teutschl. Bremen. Magy. fogasz. szemle. A stoma- tol. [etc.], Budapest. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest. Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest. Mai. predom. n. paesi caldi e temperati, Roma. Malaria, Milano. Malthusian, Lond. Man, Lond. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp. Rep., N. Y. Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg. Massaggio, Torino. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal. . . Dis., Louisville. Med. Abhandl. Festschr. d. Stuttg. arztl. Ver. Med. d. accid. du travail, Par. Med. Adv., N. Y. Med. Adviser, St. Louis. Med. anecdot., Par. Med. Argus, Minneap. Med. besieda, Vidin. Med. Biblioth. f. prakt. Aerzte, Leipz. Med. BL, Wien. Med. Bull. Wash. Univ., St. Louis. Med. Century, Chicago. Med. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Krankenh. Deutschl., Berl. Maandschrift gewijd aan de heilgymnastiek. Orgaan van bet Genootscbat ter beoefeniug van de heilgymnastiek in Neder- land. Arnhem. 8C. Madras Government Museum Bulletin. Madras. 8°. Magazine (The) of Medicine. A medico-surgical literary maga- zine. Atlanta, Ga. 8?. Magdeburg. Festschrift fiir die Theilnehmer der 19. Versamm- lung des dentschen Vereins fiir offeutliche Gesundheitspitege. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Stadt Magdeburg. Magdeburg, roy. 8C. Magnetistisches Magazin fur Niederteutschland. Bremen. 12°. Magyar fogaszati szemle. A stomatologusok (fogorvosok) orsza"- gos egyesiiletenek hivatalos kozlonye. Ungarische zahnarzt- liche Revue. [Officielles Organ des ungarischen stomatolo- gischeu (zahnarztlichen) Landesvereins.] Budapest. 8°. Magyar orvosi Archivum. Budapest. 8°. Magyar orvosok lapja. [Hungarian sheet for physicians.] Budapest, fol. Malattie predominanti nei paesi caldi e temperati. Supplemento mensile agli Aunali di medicina navale. Roma. 8°. Malaria (La). Rassegna mensile popolare degli studi, dei mezzi di profilassi e cura della malaria. Milauo. 8°. Malthusian (The). A crusade against poverty. A monthly jour- nal. Organ of the Malthusian League. London. 4°. Man. A monthly record of anthropological science. Published under the direction of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Irelaud. London. 8°. Manhattan Eye aud Ear Hospital Reports. New York. 8°. Manitoba (The) and West Canada Lancet. A journal of medi- cine, surgery, physiology, chemistry, materia medica and sci- entific news, being the journal of the Winnipeg and Manitoba Medical Associations. Winnipeg. 8°. Massaggio (II). Rivista pratica mensile di kinesiterapia, orto- pedia, elettroterapia, vibroterapia, idroterapia, ginnastica medica, ginnastica igieuica, etc. Torino. 8°. Mathews' Quarterly Journal of Rectal and Gastro-Intestinal Diseases. Louisville. 8°. Medicinische Abhandlungen. Festschrift des Stuttgarter arzt- lichen Vereines zur Feier seines 25jahrigen Bestehens am 6. Miirz 1897. Stuttgart. 8°. Medeeine (La) des accidents du travail. Paris. 8°. Medical (The) Advertiser. A monthly journal devoted to the business interests of the medical profession. New York. 8^. Medical (The) Adviser. St. Louis. 8°. A scientific monthly medical journal. Medeeine (La) anecdotique, historique, litteraire. Receuil a l'u- sage des medecins, chirurgieus et apothicaires erudits, curieux et chercheurs. Paris. 8°. Medical Argus. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery and collateral sciences. Minneapolis, Minn. roy. 8°. Meditsinska besieda; miesechno populyarno spisanie. [Medical conversation ; monthly popular journal.] Vidin. 8°. Medicinische Bibliothek fiir praktische Aerzte. Leipzig. 8°. Medicinische Blatter. Wochenschrift fiir die gesammte Heil- kunde. Wien. 4°. Medical Bulletin of Washington University. St. Louis. 4°. Medical Century. A semi-monthly international journal of homoeopathic medicine, surgery, and collateral sciences. Chi- cago, roy. 8°. Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt fur die Krankenhauser, Klini- ken und Polikliuikeu Deutschlands. Berlin, fol. [35] Med. Council, Phila. Med. Critic, N. Y. Med. Dial, Minneap. Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond. Med. Era, Chicago. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y. Med. franc., Par. Med. d. Gegenw., Berl. Med. inf., Par. Med. inf., Par. Med. internat., Par. Med. ital., Napoli. Med. J. Oksa, S.-Peterb. Med. leg. et jurisp. med. Trav. Letc], Par. Med. Libr., Denver. Med. Libr. & Hist. J., Brooklyn. Med. mil. espan., Madrid. Med. Monog., Topeka, Kans. Med. napried., Soflya. Med. de los ninos, Barcel. Med. orient., Par. Med. Rec. Mississippi, Biloxi. Med. Recorder, Shreveport, La. Med. Reg., Richmond. Med. Rep. Soc. Lying-in Hosp. N. Y. Med. Rev., Haarlem. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y. Med. Rundschau, Berl. Med. sborn., Sofiya. Med. secular. Madrid. Med. & Surg. Monit., Indianap. Med. & Surg. Rep. Child. Hosp., Bost. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y. Medical (The) Council. A monthly journal for the physician and surgeon, devoting special attention to obstetrics, diseases of women, diseases of children, and stirpiculture. Philadel- phia. 8°. Medical (The) Critic. New York. 8. Medical (The) Dial. A monthly record of medicine and surgery. Minneapolis, roy. 8\ Medical Electrology and Radiology. London. 8°. Medical Era. Chicago. 8 '. Medical Examiner and Practitioner. New York. 4°. Medeeine (La) francaise. Le petit meuecin des families. Organe hebdomadairc de vulgarisation scieutifique. Paris, fol. Medicin (Die) der Gegenwart. Monats-Berichte aus dem Gesanit- gebiete der Medicin fiir die Praxis. Berlin. 8 . Medeeine (La) infantile. Lecons, fornmtes, observations recueil- lies dans la pratique des hopitaux do Paris. Paris. 8°. Medeeine (La) infantile. Revue pratique internationale. Paris. Medeeine (La) internationale. Journal mensuel. Revue analy- tique m6dicale et pharniaceutique. Paris. 8J. Medicina (La) italiana. Napoli. v. 1, 1903. 8°. Meditsinskiy jurnal doktora Oksa. S.-Peterburg. 8 . Medeeine legale et jurisprudence medicate. Travaux, rapports, jugements, etc. Paris. 8°. Medical Libraries. Devoted to the interests of medical libraries and bibliography. Denver, Col. 8°. Medical Library and Historical Journal. Brooklyn. 8°. Medicina (La) militar espanola. Publicacidn mensual. Madrid. Medical Monographs. Topeka, Kansas. 8°. Meditsinski napriedok; miesechuo, nauchno-meditsinsko i pro- fessionalno spisanie. Sotiya. 8°. Medicina (La) de los ninos. Barcelona. 8°. Medeeine (La) orientate. Revue mensuelle. Paris. 8°. Medical Record of Mississippi. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Biloxi, Miss. 8\ Medical (The) Recorder. Medicine, surgery and allied sciences. Shreveport, La. v. 1, 1904. 8 \ Medical Register. Issued monthly under the auspicies of the Faculty and Society of Alumni of the Medical College of Vir- ginia. Richmond. 8 . Medical Report of the Society of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. New York. 8°. Medische Revue. Maandelijksch overzicht der binnen- en bui- tenlandsche literatuur voor den practisoerenden geueesheer. Haarlem. 8C. Medical Review of Reviews. A monthly review of current medical literature. New York. 8°. Medi/.inische Rundschau. Zcntral-Organ fiir alle deutschen Aerzte im In- und Auslande. Berlin, fol. Meditsinski sbornik; spisanie na bolgarskitle Hekari. [Medical magazine; journal of Bulgarian physicians.] Sofiya. 8°. Medicina (La) secular. Madrid. 8°. Medical (The) and Surgical Monitor. A practical journal for practical doctors. Indianapolis. 8°. Medical and Surgical Report of the Children's Hospital, 1869- 9.'.. Boston. v<\ Medical and Surgical Report of the Presbyteriau Hospital in the City of New York. New York. 8°. [36] Med. & Surg. Rev. of Rev., Lond. Med. Temper. Rev., Lond. Med. Times, N. Y. Med. Times & Reg., Phila. Med. ukazatel, Mosk. Med. Woche, Berl. Med. World, Lond. Medd. f. Finsens med. Lysinst., K0benh. Medecin. Org. de l'Ecole med. beige, Brux. Medicus, Frederick & Wash. Med.-Leg. Bull., Fort Wayne. Med. - statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl. Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc, Par. Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux. Mem. chir. pubb. in onore Bot- tini, Palermo. Mem. Connect. Acad. Arts & Sc, N. Haven. M6m. couron. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg., Brux. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. d. sc. [etc.] de Belg., Brux. Mem. d. Inst. Ligure, Genova. Mem. de mathemat. et de phys. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc, Par. Mem. di med., Milano. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Al- zate", Mexico. Mementos therap., Par. Memphis Lancet. Merck's Arch., N. Y. Merck's Rep., N. Y. Methodist Episcop. Hosp. Ren N. Y. * *> Metrop. Asyl. Bd. Rep., Lond. Michigan M. News, Grand Rapids. Microg. prepar., Par. Medical (The) and Surgical ''Review of Reviews". London. 8°. Medical (The) Temperance Review. The official organ of the British Medical Temperance Associatiou. London. 12°. Medical Times. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery aud the collateral sciences. New York. roy. 8°. Medical (The) Times and Register. Philadelphia. 8°. Meditsinskiy ukazatel (yezhemtesyachuiy zhurnal). Moskva. 8:'. Medicinische (Die) Woche. Berlin, fol. Medical (The) World. A weekly record of the world's progress in medicine, surgery, dietetics, and hygiene. London. 8°. Meddelelser fra Finsens medicinske Lysinstitut ved Niels R. Fin- sen. K0benhavn. No. 1-6, 1899-1903. 8°. Medecin (Le). Organe de l'Ecole medicate beige. Bruxelles. fol. Medicus (The). [Successor to "The North American Medical Re- view" and "The Mississippi Valley Medical Journal".] Fred- erick, Md., & Washington, D. C. 8°. Medico-Legal Bulletin. Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 1, 1903. 12°. Medizinal-statistische Mittheilungen aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. (Beihefte zu den VerofFentlichungen des kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes!) Berlin. 8°. Memoires de l'Academie royale des sciences. Annees 1666-99. Paris. 4°. Memoires de l'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. 4°. Memorie chirurgiche pubblicato in onore di Enrico Bottini per il xxv0 anno del suo insegnamento. Palermo. 2 v. 1903. 4°. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. New Haven. 8°. Memoires conronnes et memoires des savants etrangers publies par l'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. 4°. Memoires couronnes et autres memoires publies par l'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Beleioue. Bruxelles. 8°. Memorie dell' Institute Ligure. Genova. 4°. Memoires de mathematique et de phvsique, presentes a l'Aca- demie royale des sciences, par divers scavans, et lus dans sea assembtees. Paris. 4°. Memorie di medicina. Milano. 8C. Memorias de la Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate" Mementos therapeutiques. ciens. Paris. 8°. Mexico, Publies par le Journal des prati- Memphis (The) Lancet. Memphis. 8°. Merck's Archives of the Materia Medica and its uses. A journal for the practicing physician. New York. 8°. Merck's Report. A practical journal of pharmacy, materia medica, aud chemistry. New York. fol. Methodist (The) Episcopal Hospital Reports. New York. 8°. Metropolitan Asylums' Board. Annual reports of the statistical committee and the medical superintendents of the infectious hospitals and imbecile asylums. London. 8°. Michigan Medical News. Grand Rapids, Mich. 8\ Micrographe (Le) preparateur. Journal de microscopic generate et de technique micrographique. Paris. 8°. [37] Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond. Midland M. J., Birmingh. Mie Eisei Zasshi. Mil. gov. Porto Rico. App. Epit. rep. [etc.], Wash. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem. Militcerlaegeii, Kj0benh. Millen. orszag. fogorvosi cong. Minist. d. Interno. . . . Sui fatti princip. riguard. 1' ig. e la san. pubb. d. regno.....Roma. Minist. d. Mar. XIII. Cong, in- ternaz. di med. X. Cong, in- ternaz. d' ig. e demog. Relaz. orig. e respc. d. deleg., Roma. Minist.-Bl. f. med. Unterrichts- Angelegenh., Berl. Minneap. Homoeop. Mag. Mino Igakkwai Hoko. Mississippi M. Rec, Vicksburg. Missouri Sanitarian, St. Louis. Mitt. a. d. Augenklin. d. Carolin. med.-chir. Inst, zu Stockholm, Jena. Mitt. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Bekampf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz. Mitt. a. Finsens med. Lysinst. in Kopenh. Mitt. z. Gesch. d. Med. u. d. Naturw., Hamb. & Leipz. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena. Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskranken- anst. Mitt. a. d. Kolner Biirgerhosp., Koln & Leipz. Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo. Mitt. a. d. med. Klin, zu Upsala, Jena. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens in Tokio. Mitth. a. d. gynaek. Klin. d. . . . O. Engstrdm in Helsingfors, Berl. Mitth. a. d. Tubing. Poliklin., Stuttg. & Leipz. Mitth. d. Ver. badisch. Thier- arzte, Karlsruhe. Middlesex (The) Hospital Journal. London. 8". Midland (The) Medical Journal. Birmingham, sm. 4°. Mie Eisei Zasshi. Mie. 8 , Military government of Porto Rico from October 18, 1898, to April 30, 1900. Appendices to the report' of the military gov- ernor. Epitome of reports of: I. The Superior Board of Health. II. The Board of Charities. Washington. 8°. Militair-geneeskuudig Tijdschrift. Haarlem. 8 •'. Militanhe^en. Udgivet af Militjerlaegeforeningen i Kj0benhavn. [The military physician. Published by the Union of Military Physicians in Copenhagen]. Kj0benhavn. H°. Milleniumi (A) orsziigos fogorvosi congressus (Budapest, 1^90, Aug. 2>-*.HM munkalatai. (Verhandlungeu des I. ung. zahn- arztlichen Congresses.) Budapest. 8°. Ministero dell' Interno. Direzione generale dell' Amministra- zione civile. Sui fatti priucipali riguardanti 1' igiene e la sanit:\ pubblica del regno dal 1° gennaio al 30 novembre 1897. Relazione al Consiglio superiore di sanita. Roma. roy. 8-. Ministero della Marina. XIII. Congresso internazionale dimedi- oina. X. Cougresso internazionale d' igiene e demografia (Parigi, agosto 1900). Relazioni originali e resoconti dei dele- gati. Roma. 8°. Ministerial-Blatt, fiir medicinal- uud medizinische Unterrichts- Angelegenheiten. Berlin. 8°. Minneapolis Homoeopathic Magazine. Minneapolis. 8°. Mino Igakkwai Hoko. Mino. 8°. Mississippi Medical Record. Vicksburg. 8°. Missouri (The) Sanitarian, devoted to public health, domestic hygiene and veterinary sanitation. Published monthly by the State Board of Health of Missouri. St. Louis. 8°. Mitteilnngen aus der Augeuklinik des Carolinischen medico- chirurgischen Instituts zu Stockholm. Hrsg. von J. Widmark. Jena. 8°. Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bekampfung der Gescklechtskrankheiten. Leipzig, v. 1, 1902-3. 8°. Mitteilungen ans Finsens medicinske Lysinstitut (Finsens medi- cinischem Lichtiustitut) in Kopenhagen. [v. p.] 1903. 8°. Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissen- schaften. Hamburg A- Leipzig, v. 1, 1902. 8°. Mitteilungen aus den Grenzgebieteu der Medizin und Chirurgie. Jena. - . Mitteilungen aus den Hamburgischen Staatskrankenanstalten. Hamburg. 8'\ Mitteilungen aus dem Kcilner Burgerhospital, hrsg. vom Ober- arzt Prof. Dr. Bardenheuer. Koln At Leipzig. 8°. Mitteilungen der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Tokyo. Tokyo. H - . Mitteilungen aus der mcdizinischen Klinik zu Upsala von S. E. Henschen. Jena. 8°. Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Volker- kundc Ostasiens in Tokio. Tokio. 4 . Mittheilungen aus der gynaekolo<>;iscken Klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engstrom in Helsingfors. Berlin. 8~>. Mittheilungen aus der Tiibinger Polikliuik. Hrsg. von Theodor vou Jiirgensen. Stuttgart & Leipzig. 8". Mittheilungen des Vereins badischer Thieriirztc Karlsruhe. 8°. [38] Mitth. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Lepra-Confer, zu Berl. Mobile M. & S. J. Mod. M. Sc, N. Y. Mod. Med., Battle Creek, Mich. Mois med., Par. Mois therap., Par. Monaco-med. Monatsb. . . . d. Krankh. d. Ham- u. Sex.-Appar., Berl. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl. Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. Monatschr. f. hyg. Aufkl. u. Re- form, Stuttg. Monatschr. f. Kinderh., Leipz. & Wien. Monatschr. f. orthop. Chir. [etc.], Berl. Monatschr. f. prakt. Balneol., Miinchen. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neu- rol., Berl. Monatschr. f. soziale Med., Jena. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz. Monde dent., Par. Monde me"d., Par. Mondo med., Napoli. Monitor dela farm, y de la terap., Madrid. Month. Bull., Providence, R. I. Month. Bull. Indiana Bd. Health, Indianap. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., Phila. Month. Retrosp. Med. & Pharm., Phila. Month. Weather Rev., Wash. Moody's Mag. Med., Atlanta. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep., N. Y. Miinchen. med. Abhandl. Municip. Affairs, N. Y. Municip. Rec & San. J., Edinb. Mus. de l'Hop. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par. lilungen und Verhandluugen der internationalen jvissen- ftlichen Lepra-Conferenz zu Berlin im October 1897. Ber- Mittheil Rcbaftlichen Lep lin. 8^. Mobile (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Mobile, Ala. 8°. Modern Medical Science. New York. 8°. Modern Medicine. Bulletin of the Laboratory of Hygiene, Battle Creek Sanitaiium. Battle Creek, Mich. 8°. Mois (Le) medical. Repertoire periodique de medeeine, de chi- rurgie et de pharmacologic Paris. 12°. Mois (Le) therapeutique. Paris. 4°. Monaco-medical. Organe officiel de la Societe medicate de Monaco et therapeutique par tea agents physiques reunis. Monaco, fol. Monatsberichte iiber die Gesamtleistungen auf dem Gebiete der Krankheiten des Harn- und Sexual-Apparates. Berlin. 8°. Monatsberichte fiir Urologic Berlin. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir Gesundheitspflege. Organ der osterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Gesuudheitspflege. Wien. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir hygienische Aufklarung und Reform. Stutt- gart. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir Kinderheilkunde. Leipzig & Wien. v. 1, 1902. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir orthopadische Chirurgie und physikalische Heilmethodeu. Berlin. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir praktische Balneologic Offizielles Organ des Allgeuieineu deutschen Biiderverbandes. Miinchen. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir Psychiatric und Neurologie. Berlin. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir soziale Medizin. Jena. v. 1, 1903. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir Unfallheilkunde mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der Mechanotherapie und der Begutachtung Unfall- verletzter. Leipzig. 8°. Monde (Le) dentairc Journal des dentistes francais. Paris. 8°. Monde (Le) medical. Revue internationale de medeeine et de therapeutique. Paris. 8-\ Mondo (II) medico. Rivista mensuale di mediciua, chirurgia ed igiene. Napoli. 8°. Monitor (El) de la farmacia y de la therapeutica. Revista decenal, cientifico-profesional. Madrid, roy. 8°. Monthly (The) Bulletin. Designed to . . . present a record of the public health, mortality and meteorology of Rhode Island. Providence. 8°. Monthly Bulletin Indiana State Board of Health. Indianapolis. 4°. Monthly (The) Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine and Universal Medical Journal. Philadelphia. 8°. Monthly Retrospect of Medicine and Pharmacy. Philadelphia. roy. 8°. Monthly Weather Review. United States of America. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Washington. 4°. Moody's Magazine of Medicine. A medico-surgical literary mag- azine. Atlanta, Ga. 8°. Mount Sinai Hospital Reports, v. 1, 1898. New York. 8°. Miinchener medicinische Abhandlungen. Miinchen. 8°. Municipal Affairs. Issued at quarterly intervals. New York. 8°. Municipal (The) Record and Sanitary Journal. Edinburgh. 8°. Musee (Le) de l'H6pital Saint-Louis. Iconographie des maladies cutanees et syphilitiques avec texte exphcatif. Paris, fol. [39] N. N. Am. J. Diagn. & Pract., St. Louis. N. Am. M. Rev., Kansas City. N. Eng. Druggist, Bost. N. Ercolani, Pisa. N. gior. d. piu recente lett. med.- chir. d' Europa, Milano. N. Hampshire San. Bull., Con- cord. N. Hampshire San. J., Concord. N. Heilkunst, Berl. N. med. Presse, Berl. N. medic, Brux. N. rac d' opusc. scient. e filol., Venezia. N. raccoglitore med., Imola. N. recop. de monog. mexican., Mexico. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli. N. Verhandel. d. eerste klass3 v. h. K.-Nederl. Inst. v.Wetensch. . . . te Amst. N. York Eclect. M. & S. J., Rochest. N. York Lancet. N. York State J. M., N. Y. N. York Univ. Bull. M. Sc. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington. N. Zealand Off. Year-Book, Wel- lington. Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch. zu Gotting. Geschaftl. Mitth. Naleez. v. d. Artz, of geneesh., Amst. Narod. zdrav., Beograd. Narodn. zdrav., S.-Peterb. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg. Off. Rep., Chicago. Nat. Guard Gaz., Columbus. Nat. Hosp. & San. Rec, Detroit. Nat. Sc, Edinb. & Lond. North American (The) Journal of Diagnosis and Practice. De- voted to tins interests of the practitioner. St. Louis, Mo. 8°. North American (The) Medical Review. Successor to The Mis- souri Valley Medical Journal. A monthly medical magazine. Kansas City, Mo. 8°. New (The) England Druggist. Boston. 4°. Nuovo (IH Ercolani. Archivio quiudicinale di veterinaria e zooteenia. Pisa. 8°. Nuovo giornale della pih recente letteratura medico-chirurgica d' Europa. Milano. 8°. New Hampshire Sanitary Bulletin. Published quarterly by the State Board of Health. Concord. 8°. New Hampshire Sanitary Journal. Concord, N. H. 8°. Xene (Die) Heilkunst. Familienblatt. Berlin, fol. Neue medicinische Presse. Berlin, v. 1, 1901. 4°. Nouvoaux (Les) medicaments. Bruxelles. 4°. Nuova raccolta d' opuscoli scientifici e filologici. Venezia. 16°. Nuovo (11) raccoglitore medico. Rassegna collettiva mensile di medicina e chirurgia. Imola. 8°. Nueva reeopilacion de monografias mexicanas y tesis inaugurates de materia medica. Mexico, fol. Nuova (La) rivista clinico-terapeutica. Napoli. 8°. Nieuwe Veihandelingen der eerste klasse van bet Koninklijk- Xetlerlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. Amsterdam. 4°. New York Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal. Adapted to popular and professional reading. Rochester. 8J. New York Lancet, with which is incorporated The Archives of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics. New York. roy. 8°. New York (The) State Journal of Medicine. Published monthly by the New York Medical Association. New York. 4°. New York (The) University Bulletin of the Medical Sciences. New York. 8°. New Zealand (The) Medical Journal. Wellington, N. Z. 8°. New Zealand (The) Official Year-Book, 1897. Wellington, N. Z. 8". Xachrichten von der konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottiugen. Geschaftliche Mittheilungen. Gottiugen. roy. 8°. Nateezing van den Artz, of geneesheer. Amsterdam. 8°. Narodno zdravljc; lekarske pouke narodu. Dodatek Srpskom arhivu za celokupno lckarstvo, organu Srpskog lekarskog drusfva. [Public health; medical instruction for the people. Supplement to : Servian archives of all branches of mediciue, organ of the Servian Medical Society.] Beograd. 8°. Narodnoye zdraviye. [Public health.] S.-Peterburg. 4°. National (The) Association of Railway Surgeons. Official Report of the 6. meeting, 18. Genova. roy. 8°. Ophthalmologische (Die) Klinik. Internationales Halbmonats- blatt fiir Pathologic und Therapie der Augenkrankheiten. Stuttgart. 4°. Ophthalmologist (The). Chicago. 8 . Optical (The) Journal. New York. 8°. [42] Optic J. Suppl., N. Y. Orig.-Mitth. a. d. ethnol. Abth. d. konigl. Museen zu Berl. Oir-, gege-es fiilgyogy., Budapest. Orvos. lapja, Budapest. Orvostud. ertek. gyttjt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest. Osaka Yoi Zasshi. Osnov. k izuch. mikr. anat. che- lov. i zhivotn., S.-Peterb. Osp. d. bambini in Milano. Rendic. Osp. S. Antonio Abate in Fiviz- zano. Resoc. clin. d. sez. chir., Pontremoli. Otchot. . . Dietsk. boln. Sv. Olgi v Mosk. Otchot o dieyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. Otchot o dieyateln___propedevt. khirurg. klin. [etc.], S.-Peterb. Oto-rino-laringol. espan., Madrid. Optical (Tbe) Journal Supplement. Devoted to the science of optometry. A magazine for students. New York. 8°. Origiual-Mittheilungen aus der ethnologischen Abtbeiluug der koniglichen Museeu zu Berlin. Berlin. 4°. Orr-, g6ge-£s fiilgydgyaszai. Budapest, fol. Orvosok lapja. Azelott: A gyakorlo orvos. Budapest. 4-'. Orvostudoma^iyi ertekezdsek gyujtenienye. Magyar orvosi archi- vnm. Budapest. 8°. Osaka Yoi Zasshi. [Gazette of the Associated Physicians of Osaka.] Osaka, 8°. Osuovaniya k izucheniyu mikroskopicheskoi anatomii chelovieka i zhivotnikk. [Fundamental principles of microscopic anat- omy of man and animals.] S.-Peterburg. 8?. Ospedale dei bambini in Milano. Le malattie dei bambini nel pedocomio di Milano. Rendiconto clinico e statistico. Milano. 8°. Ospedale S. Antonio Abate in Fivizzano. Resoconto clinico della sezione chirurgica dal 1° giugno '91 a tutto il '93 del direttore, Dr. Pozza Pietro. Pontremoli. 8°. Otchot o dieyatelnosti sostoyashtshei pod vlsochaishen yeya Im- peratorskavo Velichestva Gosudarini Imperatritsl Marii Feo- dorovni pokrovitelstvoin Dietskoi bolnitsl Sv. Olgi v Moskvie. [Report of the St. Olga Children's Hospital of Moscow, which is under the protection of Her Imperial Highness Empress Maria Feodorovna.] Moskva. 8J. Ochot o dieyatelnosti khirurgicheskoi kliniki Iverskoi Ob- shtshiul Sestyor Miloserdiya v Moskvie. [Report of the work of the surgical clinic of the Iverian Society of Sisters of Mercy in Moscow.] Moskva. 8°. Otchot o dieyatelnosti zavieduyenioi M. S. Subbotinlm pro- pedevticheskoi khirurgicheskoi kliniki pri Imperatorskoi Voyenno-Meditsinskoi Akademii. [Report of the work of the propedeutic surgical clinic directed by Snbbotin, of the Im- perial Army Medical Academy.] S.-Peterburg. 8°. Oto-rino-laringologia (La) espaiiola. Revista mensual de enfer- medades de oidos, nariz y garganta y obras completas del Dr. D. Jose" de Letameudi. Madrid. 8°. P. P. & S. Plexus, Chicago. Pacific Coast Dentist [etc. ], San Fran. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., San Fran. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran. Pacific Med.-Dent. Gaz., San Fran. Pacific Fran. Paedolog. Jaarb., Antwerp. Pammatone, Genova. Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hop- kins Univ., Bait. Paracelsus. N. Privatkrankenh. u. Augenheilanst. I. Ber., Ein- siedeln. Parole. Rev. internat. de rhinol. [etc.], Par. Stomatol. Gaz., San P. (The) & S. Plexus. Chicago. 8°. Pacific Coast (The) Dentist and the Stomatological Gazette. A monthly periodical devoted to dental science and literature. San Francisco. 8°. Formerly California Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy. Homoeopath. San Francisco, Cal. 8°. Pacific Dental Gazette. San Francisco. 8°. Pacific Medico-Dental Gazette. A monthly magazine of den- tistrv, oral surgery and medical miscellany. San Francisco. . 8°. Pacific Stomatological Gazette. A monthly magazine devoted to dental science and literature. San Fraucisco. 8°. Paedologisch Jaarboek. Antwerpen. 8°. Pammatone. Genova. £ Periodico mensile degli spedali civili di Genova. Papers from the Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. 8°. Paracelsus. Neues Privatkrankenhaus und Augenheilanstalt. I. Bericht iiber den Zeitraum vom August 1896 bis Dezember 1898. Einsiedeln. roy. 8°. Parole (La). Revue internationale de rhinologie, otologie, laryngologie et phone"tique experimeutale. Paris. 8°. [43] Path.-anat. Arb. . . . Joh. Orth z. . . . Prof.-Jubil., Berl. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond. Pediatric prat., Lille. Penn. J. Dent. Sc, Lancaster, Pa. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg. Peoria M. J. Peoria M. Rec. Per il xxv anno d. insegn. chir. di F. Durante n. Univ. di Roma, Roma. Period. Acad, de med. [de Mexi- co]. Petrus Camper. Nederl. bij dr. t. de anat., Haarlem & Jena. Pharm. Arch., Milwaukee. Pharm. Rec, N. Y. Pharm, Reformer, Wien. Pharm. Rundschau, Wien. Phil. Port. Series, Chicago. Phila. M. J. Phila. Month. M. J. Philos. hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Sc. Par.abr. . . . 1699 to 1720, Lond. Phys. Training, Bost. Physiat. Rundschau, Chemnitz i. S. Physician & Surg., Lond. Physik. gyogyitom., Budapest. Physiol. . . . liquor problem, Bost. & N. Y. Physio-Med. Rec, Indianap. Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. . . . St. Louis Hosp., Lond.; Phila. Plexus, Chicago. Podrecz. histol. ciala ludzk., Warszawa. Pathologisch-anatemische Arbeiten. Herrn Geh. Medicinalrath Johannes Orth zur Feier seines 25jahrigen Professoreu-Jubi- liiums gewidmet von den Gottinger Assisteuten, Schiilern und Freundeu. Berliu. 1 v., 1903. 8°. Pediatrics. A semi-monthly journal devoted to the diseases of infants and children. New York &. London. 8°. Pediatric (La) pratique. Journal de clinique et de therapeutique infantiles. Lille, v. 1, 1903. sm. 4°. Pennsylvania (The) Journal of Dental Science. A monthly record of the proceedings of the deutal societies and of dental scieuce in general. Lancaster, Pa. 8°. Pennsylvania (The) Medical Journal. The official organ of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Pittsburg. 8°. Peoria Medical Journal. A practitioners' monthly. Peoria, 111. Peoria (The) Medical Record. Peoria, 111. 8°. Per il xxv anno dell' insegnamento chirurgico di Francesco Durante nell' Universita di Roma. 28 febbraio 1898. Roma. 8°. Periddico de la Academia de medicina [de Mexico]. Mexico. Petrus Camper. Nederlandsche bijdragen tot de anatomic Uitgegeven door L. Bolk en C. Winkler. Haarlem & Jena. 8°. Pharmaceutical Archives. Milwaukee, Wis. 8°. Pharmaceutical (The) Record. A semi-monthly journal of phar- macy, chemistry, materia medica, and the allied sciences. New York. 4°. Pharmaceutischer Reformer. Hrsg. vom Allg. osterr. Pharma- ceuten-Verein. Wien. 4°. Pharmaceutische Rundschau. Wochenschrift fiir die Interessen der Pharmacie, Chemie, Hygiene und der verwandten Facher. Wien. 8°. Philosophical Portrait Series. Chicago, fol. Philadelphia (The) Medical Journal. Philadelphia, roy. 8°. Philadelphia (The) Monthly Medical Journal. Philadelphia. 8°. Philosophical (The) history and memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris or an abridgment of all the papers re- lating to natural philosophy, published by the members from 1699 to 1720. Loudon. 8°. Physical Training. A full report of the papers and discussions of the Conference held in Boston in November, 1889. Boston. 8-'. Physiatrische Rundschau. Zeitschrift fiir wisseuschaftliche Naturheilkunde und Volksgesundheitspflege. Zugleich Organ fiir die collegiaten und socialen Interessen der physiatrischen Aerzte. Chemnitz i. S. 8'\ Physician (The) aud Surgeon illustrated. A weekly review of the medical world. London, fol. Physikai gy6gyitem6dok. Budapest, fol. Physiological aspects of the liquor problem. Boston & New York. 2 v., 1903. 8°. Physio-Medical (The) Record. (Formerly the Indianapolis Polyclinic.) Indianapolis. 8°. Pictorial (A) Atlas of Skin Diseases and Syphilitic Affections in photo-lithochromes from models in the museum of the Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, with explanatory woodcuts aud text, by Ernest Besnier [et al.~]. Edited and anuotated by J. J. Pringle. London; Philadelphia, fol. Plexus (The). Monthly Magazine. Chicago. 8°. Podre,cznik histologii ciala ludzkiego. Warszawa. 8°. VOL IX, 2D SERIES- -w [44] Policlin., Brux. Policlin., Roma. Polit.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz. Politerap., Milano. Polnisch. Arch. f. biol. u. med. Wissensch., Lemberg. Polyclin., Lond. Post-Grad. lect. Univ. Toronto. Post, okul., Krakow. Pract. Arzt, Budapest. Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Prat, ostet.-ginec, Milano. Pratica d. med., Napoli. Praticien, Par. Pratico, Firenze. Pratique jour., Lille. Praxis, Wurzb. Pravoslav. palest, sbornik, S.- Peterb. Presa med. rom., Bucuresci. Presb. Eye, Ear & Throat Char. Hosp. Rep., Bait. Prescription, Danbury, Conn. Presse oto-laryngol. beige, Brux. Prevent, dis., Westminst. Prim. reun. d. Cong, cient. lat. amer., Buenos Aires. Princeton Contrib. Psychol., Princeton. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat. Proc. Am. Ass. Phys. & Surg., Indianap., Ind. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., [Utica, NY.]. Proc. Am. Micr. Soc. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost. Proc. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock. Policlinique (La). Recueil senii-mensuel des travaux de la Poli- clinique de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. 8°. Policliuico (II). Sezione pratica. Roma. 8C. Politisch-authropologische Revue. Monatsschrift fiir das soziale und geistige Leben der Volker. Eisenach & Leipzig. 8°. Politerapeutico (II). Giornale fondato e pubblicato per cura dei medici dell' Istituto politerapeutico. Milano. 8°. Polnisches Archiv fiir biologische und medizinische Wissenschaf- ten. Lemberg. 8°. Polyclinic (The); being the journal of the Medical Graduates' College, Loudon. London. 8°. Post-Graduate course of lectures. Medical Faculty, University of Toronto. Delivered December 17, 18, 19, 1890. Toronto. 8°. Postejj okulistyczny. Krakdw. 8°. Practische (Der) Arzt. Deutsche Ausgabe des Fachblattes: A gyakorld orvos. Budapest. 8°. Prakticheskiy Vrach; yezhened. meditsinskaya gazeta, posvya- shtshonnaya nauchnlm i bltovim interesam vrachei-praktikov, s yezhemiesyachuim zhurnalom "Sovremennaya Klinika". S.-Peterburg. 8°. Pratica (La) ostetrico-ginecologica. Bollettino bimensile. Uffi- ciale per la Societa italiana fra le levatrici (sezione milanese). Milano. fol. Pratica (La) del medico. Rivista mensile di medicina, chirurgia e scienze affini. Napoli. 8°. Praticieu (Le) et le ntedecin de reserve. Organe du Corps de saute de la reserve et de l'armee territoriale. Paris. 4°. Pratico (II). Giornale quindiciuale per i medici-chirurghi pra- tici, farmacisti e levatrici. Firenze. 12°. Pratique (La) jourualiere. Revue mensuelle de clinique et de tlterapeutique. Lille. 8°. Praxis (Die). Zeitschrift fiir die praktischen Aerzte in kleinen Stiidten und auf dem Lande. Wiirzburg. 8° & roy. 8°. Pravoslavnly palestinskiy sbornik. Izdanie Imperatorskavo PravoslavuavoPalestiuskavo Obshtshestva. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Presa medicala roniana. Bucuresci. fol. Presbyterian Eye, Ear & Throat Charity Hospital. Reports. Baltimore. 8°. Prescription (The): a monthly journal devoted entirely to practical therapeutics. Danbury, Conn. 8°. Presse (La) oto-laryngologique beige. Bruxelles. 8°. Prevention (The) of disease. Translated from the German. With an introduction by H. Timbrell Bulstrode. Westminster. 8°. Primera reunion del Congreso cientifico latino americano. Por iniciativa de la Sociedad cientifica argentina. Buenos Aires. 8°. Princeton Contributions to Psychology. Reprinted from The Psychological Review. Princeton, N. J. 8°. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, [v. p.] 8°. Proceedings of the American Association of Physicians and Sur- geons, from October 15, 1894, to January 18, 1896, including the second annual meeting. Indianapolis, Ind. 8°. Proceedings of the American Medico-Psychological Association. [Utica, N. Y.] 8°. Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. l.r».-17. annual meetings, 1^92-4. [v. p.] 8C. Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. Boston. 83. Proceedings of the Arkansas Medical Society. Little Rock. 8°. [45] Proc Calif. Acad. Sc, San Fran. Proc. 2d Confer. Health Off. in Mich., Lansing. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. Proc. Mass. Dent. Soc, Cam- bridge, Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal. Proc. Nat. Ass. Master Plumbers, Cincin. Proc. North Dakota M. Soc, Grand Forks. Proc. Orleans Parish M. Soc, N. Orl. Proc. Penn. Dent. Soc, Phila. Proc. Psychol. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond. Proc. State San Convent., Sacra- mento. Proc. Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, Phila. Proc. U. S. Vet. Med. Ass. Proc. Utah M. Soc, Salt Lake City. Proc-verb. Soc. d. sc. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux. Proc. "Wash. Acad. Sc. Proces celeb., Par. Progr. Cent., N. Y. & Lond. Progr. Med., Phila. & N. Y. Progres med. beige, Brux. Progress Med., San Fran. Progresso med., Torino. Protok. Kiev. Psikhiat. Obsh. Protok. med. Obsh. v g. Suvalk. Protok. . . . Obsh. Minsk, vrach. Protok. Obsh. Omsk, vrach. Protok. Obsh. Pskov, vrach. Protok. Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk. Protok. Obsh. vrach. Moghilev. gub. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Third series. Geology. San Francisco. Proceedings and addresses of the Second Annual Conference of the Health Officers iu Michigan, held at the State Laboratory of Hygiene, State University, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 14 and l.">, 1894, under the auspices of the .State Board of Health. Lausing. 8°. Proceedings of the Liverpool Biological Society. Session 1886-7 to session 1899-1900. Liverpool. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society, District of Columbia. Jan. 17, 18815, to June 10, 188f>. [u. p.] 8°. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Dental Society. Cambridge. 8°. Proceedings of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Montreal. Montreal. 8r. Proceedings of the annual convention of the National Associa- tion of Master Plumbers of the United States of America. 3. annual meeting, Ciucinnati, 1885. 8°. Proceedings of the North Dakota Medical Society for 1897. Grand Forks, N. D. 8 . Proceedings of the Orleans Orleans. 8\ Parish Medical Society. New Proceedings of the Pennsylvania State Dental Society. Phila- delphia. 8°. Proceedings of the Psychological Society of Great Britain. Lon- don. 8°. Proceedings of the Third Annual State Sanitary Convention, held under the auspices of the California State Board of Health in the Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Sacramento. 8°. Proceedings of the Tri-State Dental Meeting of the State Asso- ciations of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, held at Detroit, Michigan, June 18,19, 20, 1895. Philadelphia. 8°. Proceedings of the United States Veterinary Medical Association. [v.p.] 8-\ Proceedings of the Utah State Medical Society. Salt Lake City. 8°. Proces-verbaux des s6ances de la Soctete" des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. Paris & Bordeaux. 8°. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Wash- ington. 8C. Proces (Les) celebres. Revue niensnelle illustree des proces cede- bres de l'anne'e, avec les plaidoiries iu-extenso. Paris. 8°. Progress (The) of the Century. New York & London. 8°. Progressive Medicine. A quarterly digest of advances, discov- eries, ami improvements in the medical and surgical sciences. Philadelphia & New York. 8°. Progres (Le) medical beige. Bruxelles. roy. 8°. Progress of Medicine. San Francisco. 8°. Progresso (II) medico. Rivista quindicinale. Torino, fol. ProtokoU Kievskavo Psikhiatricheskavo Obshtshestva. Kiev. 8°. ProtokoU meditsinskavo Obshtshestva v g. Suvalkakh, s pri- lozheni'em trudov, za 1894 god. Suvalki. 8°. ProtokoU godichuavo i ocherednlkh zastedaniy Obshtshestva minskikh vrachei za 1893-4 g. Minsk. 8°. ProtokoU Obshtshestva Omskikh vrachei. Omsk. 8L'. ProtokoU Obshtshestva Pskovskikh vrachei. Pskov. ProtokoU Obshtshestva russkikh vrachei v Moskvie. 8°. ProtokoU Obshtshestva vrachei Moghilevskoi gubernii. lev n. D. 8°. IG . Moskva. Moghi- [46] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh. Protok. Russk. chir. Obsh. Piro- gova, S.-Peterb. Protok. i trudi fiz.-med. Obsh. v Saratove. Protok. i trudi Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach. Protok. i trudi Obsh. Khersonsk. vrach. Protok. d. Verhandl. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Bahnarzte zu Baden-Baden, Niirnb. Protok. zasied. Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. Protok. zasied. Obsh. psikhiat. v S.-Peterb. Protok. zasied. Russk. Antrop. Obsh. p. Imp. S.-Peterb. Univ. Protok. zasied. Obsh. Neiropat. i Psikhiat. p. Imp. Moskov. Univ. Providence M. J. Przegl. chir., Warszawa. Przegl. dent., Warszawa. Przegl. farm., Warszawa. Przegl. hyg., Lw6w. Przegl. wet., Lwow. Psych. Rev., Bost. Psychiat. Abhandl., Bresl. Psychiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst. Psychiat. Wchnschr., Halle a. S. Psychiater, Hospital, 111. Psychiat. - neurol. Wchnschr., Halle a. S. Psychol. Arb., Leipz. Psychol. Biblioth., Amst. Psychol. Bull., N. Y. Psycho-Therap. J., Lond. Pub. Clark Univ. Libr., "Worces- ter. Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y. ProtokoU Omskavo meditsinskavo Obshtshestva. Omsk. 8°. ProtokoU Russkago chirurgicheskavo Obshtshestva Pirogova. S.-Peterburg. roy. 8°. ProtokoU i trudi fiziko-meditsinkskavo Obshtshestva v Sara- tovie. Saratov. 8°. ProtokoU i trudi Obshtshestva Kaluzhskikh vrachei. [Contin- uation of: Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach.] Kaluga. 8°. ProtokoU i trudi Obshtshestva Khersonskikh vrachei. Kherson. 8°. ProtokoU der Verhandluugen der Versammlung deutscher Bahn- arzte zu Baden-Baden am 23. und 24. Juni 1900. Niirnberg. 8J. Protokol[i] zasiedani[y] Kharkovskavo meditsinskavo Obshtshe- stva. Kharkov. 8°. ProtokoU zastedaniy Obshtshestva psikhiatrov v S.-Peterburg. S.-Peterburg. 8°. ProtokoU zastedaniy Russkavo Antropologicheskavo Obshtshe- stva pri Imperatorskom S.-Peterburgskom Universitetie. S.- Peterburg. 8°. ProtokoU zastedaniy Obshtshestva Neiropatologov i Psikhiatrov pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetie. [Moskva.] 8°. Providence (The) Medical Journal. Providence. 8°. Przegla.d chirurgiczny: pismo poswie,cone chirurgii, oftalmologii, otiatryi, laryngologii, akuszeryi, ginekologii, syfilidologii i derinatologii. Warszawa. 8°. Przegla/l deutystyczny; miesiecznik, poswtecony chorobom zejbdw i jamy ustnej. Warszawa. 8°. Przegla.d farmacentyczny; czasopismo, poswi^cone farmacji i naukoui z nia. zwia,zek niaja,cym, oraz sprawom zawodu. War- szawa. 4°. Przeglad hygieniczny; organ Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Zdrowia. Lwdw. 8°. Przeglad weterynarski; organ Galicyjskiego Towarzystwa Wete- rynarskiego; czasopismo poswie,cone weterynaryi i hodowli. Lw6w. 8°. Psychical (The) Review. A quarterly journal of psychical science aud organ of the American Psychical Society. Bostou. 8°. Psychiatrische Abhandlungen. Hrsg. von Carl Wernicke. Breslau. 83. Psychiatrische en Neurologische Bladen uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Psychiatrie en Neurologie. Amsterdam. 8°. Psychiatrische Wochenschrift. Sammelblatt zur Besprechung alter Fragen des Irrenwesens und der praktischen Psychiatrie, einschliesslich der gerichtlichen. Irrenarztliches Correspon- denzblatt. Halle a. S. roy. 8°. Psychiater (The). A journal containing a report of scientific work at the Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane. Hospital, Illinois. 8°. Psychiatrisch-neurologische Wochenschrift. Halle, roy. 8°. Psychologische Arbeiten. Hrsg. von Emil Kraepelin. Leipzig. 8°. Psychologische Bibliotheek. Uitgegeven vanwege de Nederl. psychologische Vereenigiug. Amsterdam. 8°. Psychological (The) Bulletin, literary section of the Psvcholoei- cal Review. New York. v. 1, 1904. 8°. h Psycho-Therapeutic (The) Journal. London. 4°. Publications of the Clark University Library. Worcester v. 1, 1903-4. 8°. Publications of Cornell University Medical College. Studies from the Department of Pathology. New York. 8°. L47] Pub. Health, Phila. Pub. Health Engin., Lond. Pub. Health J., N. Y. Pub. Health Rec, N. Y. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash. Public Health: A quarterly journal of sanitation. 8°. Philadelphia, Public (The) Health Engineer. A Aveekly journal of sanitary, water, gas, and municipal engineering. London, fol. Public (The) Health Journal. Advocating a National Board of Health, a Cabinet Secretary of Health, and a National Exam- ining Board. New York. fol. Public Health Record. New York. 8°. Public Health Reports. Treasury Department, United States Marine Hospital Service. Washington, D. C. 8C. «*• Quart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis. Quart. Bull. M. Dep. Wash. Univ., St. Louis. Queen's M. Quart., Kingston, Canada. Queensland Geog. J., Brisbane. Quarterly Atlas of Dermatology. An illustrated quarterly jour- nal of skin aud venereal diseases. St. Louis. 8°. Quarterly Bulletin Medical Department of Washington Univer- sity. St. Louis. 8°. Queen's Medical Quarterly. Kingston, Canada, n. s., v. 1, 1904. 8. Queensland Geographical Journal. New series. Including the proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Queensland. Brisbane. 8°. R. R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb. Raboti hosp. khirurg. klin. Dya- konova, Mosk. Raboti v lab. Med. Fak. Imp. Varshav. Univ. Rassegna di bact.-opo- e siero- terap., Milano. Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania. Rayons X, Par. Real-Encycl. d. ges. Heilk. [etc.], Wien & Leipz. Rec. d. mem. s. 1. etab. d'huma- nite, Par. Rec. d. pieces ... p. le prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Rec. . . . Sound View Hosp., Stamford. Rec. SymptomatoL, Omaha. Rec. trimest. de statist, municip. de Par. Red Cross Notes, N. Brunswick, N.J. Reforma med., Mexico. Reforme, Den Haag. R. Accademia dei fisiocritici in Siena. Processi verbali delle adunanze. Siena. 8°. Raboti hospitalnoi khirurgicheskoi kliniki Prof. P. I. Dyakonova. Moskva. 8°. Raboti proizvedyonniya v laboratoriyakh Meditsinskavo Fakul- teta Imperatorskavo Varshavskavo Universiteta. Varshava. Rassegua di bacterio-opo- e sieroterapia.- Milano. v. 1, 1903. 8°. Rassegna internazionale della medicina moderna. Catania. fol. Rayons (Les) X. Annales de radiologic theorique et appliquec Paris, fol. Real - Encyclopiidie der gesammten Heilkuude; medicinisch- chirurgische Handwdrterbuch fur praktische Aerzte. 3. Aufi. Wien & Leipzig. 8°. Recueil de uteinoires sur les 6tablissemens d'huinanite. Paris. 8°. Recueil des pieces qui out concouru pour le prix de l'Academie royale de chirurgie;. Paris. 4°. Records of medico-surgical practice Avith auxiliary blood supply; Hsematherapy, or otherwise at Souud View Hospital. Stam- ford, Conn. 8°. Record of Symptomatology. Devoted to physical diagnosis. Omaha, Neb. 8°. Recueil trimestriel de statistique muuicipale de la ville de Paris. Paris. 8°. Red Cross Notes. New Brunswick, N. J. 8°. Reforma (La) medica. Organo del Circulo homeopfitico mexi- cauo. Mexico. 4°. Reforme. Geillustreerd artistiek maandschrift. Den Haag. sm. 4°. [48] Regeneracion fis., Madrid. Regeneracion med., Salamanca. Regular M. Visitor, St. Louis. Rendic. d. Ass. med. - chir. di Parma, Roma. Rendic. clin. d. r. 1st. ostet.-gi- nec, Palermo. Rendic clin. statist, d. 1st. ostet.- ginec. d. r. Univ. di Padova. Rendic. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital., Pavia. Rendic. d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital., Pavia. Rendic r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. Rendic. d. sedute d. Soc. ottal. ital. Cong, gen., Pavia. Rep. Agric. Exp. Station Univ. Minn., St. Paul. Rep. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Ed- ucat. Rep. Biol. Dep. N. Jersey Agric. Coll. Exper. Station. Rep. Cambridge anthrop. exped. Torres Straits, Cambridge. Rep. Cancer Com. . . . Harv. M. Sch., Bost. Rep. Cancer Research Lab. Mid- dlesex Hosp., Lond. Rep. Cincin. Hosp. Rep. Dairy Com. N. Jersey, Tren- ton. Rep. Dep. Health, Chicago. Rep. Imp. Bacterid., [Calcutta]. Rep. Lab. Path. Univ. Buffalo, Med. Dep. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. f. Ireland, Dubl. Rep. Malaria Com. Roy. Soc, Lond. Rep. Mass. Char. Eye & Ear In- firm., Bost. Rep. Mercy Hosp., Chicago. Rep. Middletown Homeop. Hosp., Albany. Rep. & papers bubonic plague, R. B. Low . . . Local Gov. Bd., Lond. Rep. Penn. Dep. Agric, Harrisb. Rep. Proc. Illinois Army & Navy M. Ass., Springfield. Regeneracidn (La) fisica. Revista de higiene, pedagogia. nu-di- ciua y antropologia. Organo de los maestros y aficionados ibero-americanos. Madrid, roy. 8C. Regeneracion (La) ntedica. Revista bimeusual de ciencias me~dicas e" intereses sociales, publicada por el Colegio de medicos de Salamanca. Salamanca. 8". Regular (The) Medical Visitor. St. Louis. 8C. Rendiconti della Associazione medico - chirurgica di Parma. Parma. 8°. Rendiconto clinico del sessennio 1895-1900 del r. Istituto oste- trico-ginecologico. Palermo. 8°. Rendiconto clinico statistico dell' Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della r. Universita di Padova. Padova. 8°. Reudiconto del XIV Congresso della Associazione oftalmologica italiana. Pavia. 8". Rendiconto dell' annuale Congresso della Societa ottalmologica italiana 1886 e 1887. Pavia. 8°. Rendiconto delle sessioni della r. Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Bologna. 8°. Rendiconto delle sedute della Societa ottalmologica italiaua. XL Congresso generate dell' Associazione medica in Perugia. Riunioue generate della Societa italiana d' ottalmologia. [1885.] Pavia. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Minuesota. St. Paul, Minn. 8°. Reports of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, [v. p.] 8°. Report of the Biological Department of the New Jersey Agricul- tural College Experiment Station for vears 1893-6; 1899. [v. p.] 8°. Reports of the Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits. Cambridge. 4°. Report (Annual) of the Cancer Committee to the Surgical Department of the Harvard Medical School. Boston. 8°. Reports from the Cancer Research Laboratories: The Middlesex Hospital. London. 8°. Report (Annual) of the Cincinnati Hospital to the Mayor of Cin- cinnati, 1895 (xxxv.). Cincinnati. 8°. Report of the Dairy Commissioner of the State of New Jersey. 1890 to 1890. Trenton, N. J. 8°. Report (Biennial) of the Department of Health of the City of Chicago. 1895-6. Chicago. 8°. Report (Annual) of the Imperial Bacteriologist. [Calcutta.] fol. Report of the Laboratory of Pathology of the University of Buf- falo, Medical Department. Buffalo. 8°. Report (Annual) of the Local Government Board for Ireland. Supplement. Dublin. 8°. Reports to the malaria committee of the Royal Society. Lon- don. ^3 Report of the Massachusetts Charitable Kye and Ear Infirmary 1897. Boston. 8°. Reports (Annual) of Mercy Hospital. Chicago. 8°. Report of the Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital at Mid- dletown, N. Y., 1893-4 (xxiv.). Albany. 8°. Reports and papers on bubonic plague by Dr. R. Bruce Low; with an introduction by the medical officer of the Local Gov- ernment Board. Loudon. 8°. Report (Annual) Of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Harrisburg. 8J. Report of Proceedings of the Illinois Army and Navy Medical Association. Meeting held for organization, Springfield, June 26, 1890. Also 2., 3., 5., and 6. annual meetiugs, 1891,1892,1894. aud 1896. Springfield. 8°. [49] Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond. Rep. St. Lawrence State Hosp., Albany. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash. Repr. papers sc. lab. Univ. Syd- ney. Anat., biol. [etc.]. Retrosp. M., Lond. Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Mexico. Rev. Asoc. med.-farm. . . . de Cuba, Habana. Rev. chilena de hij., Sant. de Chile. Rev. de cinesie, Par. Rev. de cinesie et d'electrother., Par. Rev. cUn. d'androl. et de gynec, Par. Rev. d. construct., Rio de Janeiro. Rev. dent, amer., Pilad. Rev. dent, mexican., Mexico. Rev. de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., Par. Rev. encicl., Barcel. Rev. espan. de sif. y dermat., Madrid. Rev. espec. med. La oto-rino- laringol. espan., Madrid. Rev. estomatol., Madrid. Rev. franc, de med. et de Phar- macol., Nice. Rev. frenopat. espan., Barcel. Rev. gen. de l'antiseps. et d. fer- ments therap., Par. Rev. gen. du lait, Lierre. Rev. g6n. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par. Rev. de gynec. et de chir. abd., Par. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par. Rev. homeop., Barcel. Rev. homceop. beige, Brux. Rev. d. hop. de France et de l'etrang., Par. Reports of the Society for the Study of Disease in Children. Loudon. 1901. Report of the managers of the St. Lawrence State Hospital, 1894 (viii.). Albany. 8°. Report of the United States National Museum, uuder the direc- tion of the Smithsonian'Institution. Washington. 8°. Reprints of papers from the science laboratories of the Univer- sity of Sydney, 1894-5. Part I. From the departments of anatomy, biology, geology, and physiology. For private cir- culation only. Sydney. 8 \ Retrospect (The) of Medicine: being a half-yearly journal, con- taining a retrospective view of every discovery and practical improvement in the medical sciences. London. 8J. Revista de anatomia patoldgica y clinica. Periddico quiucenal ilustrado. Mexico. 8 . Revista de la Asociaci6n me'dico-farmace'utica de la Isla de Cuba. Habana. 8-\ Revista chilena de hijiene. Publicada por el Instituto de hijiene de Santiago. Santiago de Chile. 8°. Revue de ciitesie; gymnastique ntedicale; massage, exercices hygieniques. Paris. 8 . Revue de ciitesie et d'Clectrotherapie. Paris. 8°. Revue clinique d'andrologie et de gynccologie (affections des orgaues urinaires et ge"nitaux). Paris. 8J. Revista des constructores. Rio de Janeiro, fol. Revista (La) dental americana. Filadelfia. 8°. Revista (La) dental mexicana. (5rgano de la Sociedad dental mexicana. Mexico. 8°. Revue de l'Ecole d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris. 8°. Revista enciclop^dica. Fisica, quimica, farmacia, higiene, antro- pologia, biologia, psicoterapia, bibliografia, conocimieutos utiles, economia y medicina dontesticas. Barcelona. 8-\ Revista espauola de sifiliografia y dermatologia. Madrid. 8J. Revista especialidades ntedicas; La oto-rino-laringologia espa- uola. Madrid. 8°. Revista estomatologica. Madrid. 8-. Revue francaise de utedecine et de pharmacologie. Nice. roy. 8°. Revista frenopatia espauola. Barcelona, v. 1, 1903. 8. Revue g6n6rale de l'antisepsie et des ferments tlterapeutiques. Journal mensuel pour la vulgarisation des progres scienti- fiques. Paris. 8°. Revue generate du lait. Lierre. 8°. Revue g^u6rale des sciences pures et appliqitees. Paris, roy. 8°. Revue de gyitecologie et de chirurgie abdominale. Paris. 8°. Revue hebdomadaire de laryngolo Paris. 8°. ;ie, d'otoiogie et de rhinologie. Revista homeopfitica. Organo oficial de la Academia utedico- homeop^tica de Barcelona. Barcelona. 8°. Revue homceopathique beige, publtee par M. le Dr. Martiny, fai- sant suite au Journal du dispensaire Hahnemann du docteur Mourcmans. Bruxelles. 8°. Revue des hopitaux de France et de ltetranger. Journal men- suel de clinique medicate et chirurgicale et de tlterapeutique pratique. Paris, fol. [50] Rev. d'hyg. et de m£d. inf. [etc.], Par. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid. Rev. illust. de polytech. med. et chir., Par. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par. Rev. internat. de therap. et Phar- macol., Par. Rev. internat. de therap. phys., Turin. Rev. internat. de la tuberc, Par. Rev. lusit., Lisb. Rev. d. mal. cancer., Par. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrit., Par. Rev. med., Mexico. Rev. med., Par. Rev. med., Quebec. Rev. med. de TAfrique du nord, Alger. Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Ha- bana. Rev. de med. contemp., Madrid. Rev. med. de la Franche-Comte, Besancon. Rev. med. du Mont-Dore, Cler- mont-Ferrand. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen. Rev. med. et pharm. de l'Afrique du nord, Alger. Rev. med. de Puerto Rico, San Juan. Rev. med, rural, Blanes (Ge- rona). Rev. de med. trop., Habana. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Monte- video. Rev. med.-hidrol. espan., Madrid. Rev. med.-quir., Quito. Rev. mens, de gynec [etc.], Bordeaux. Rev. mens, de med. [etc.], Ma- drid. Rev. mod. de med. et de chir., Par. Rev. Neurol. & Psychiat., Edinb. Rev. obst., Buenos Aires. Rev. pharm., Gand. Revue d'hygiene et de ntedecine infantiles et annales de la poly- clinique H. de Rothschild. Paris. 8°. Revista Ibero-Americana de ciencias ntedicas. Madrid. 8°. Revue illuatree de polytechnique ntedicale et chirurgicale. Revue mensuelle des inventions francaises et 6trangeres con- cernaut la ntedecine, la chirurgie et les sciences accessoires. Paris. 8C. Revue internationale de ntedecine et de chirurgie. (Revue ana- lytique de bibliographie.) Paris. 4°. Revue internationale de tlterapeutique et pharmacologic. Re- cueil mensuel. Paris. 8~\ Revue internationale de tlterapte physique. Turin. 8°. Revue (La) internationale de la tuberculose. Paris. 4°. Revista lusitana. Archivo de estudos philologicos e ethnologicos relativos a Portugal. Lisboa. 8°. Revue des maladies cance"reuses, clinique, exp6rimentale et bibli- ographique. Paris. 8°. Revue des maladies de la nutrition. Paris. 8°. Revista utedica. Mexico. 8°. Revue (La) ntedicale. Paris, fol. Revue (La) ntedicale. Quebec, fol. Revue (La) ntedicale (ntedecine humaine et v^terinaire) de l'Afrique du nord (Algerie et Tunisie). Alger. 8°. Revue (La) ntedicale du Canada. Montreal, fol. Revista de medicina y cirugia. Barcelona. 8°. Revista de medicina y cirujia de la Habana. Habana. 8°. Revista de medicina contempor&nea. (Continuaci6u de la Re- vista de medicina dosintetrica.) Madrid. 8°. Revue utedicale de la Frauche-Comte. Publication mensuelle de la Soctete de ntedecine de Besancon et de la Franche-Comte. Besancon. 8°. Revue ntedicale du Mont-Dore. Clermont-Ferrand. 8°. Revue (La) ntedicale de Normandie. Rouen. 8C. Revue (La) ntedicale (ntedecine humaine et animate) et pharma- ceutique de l'Afrique du nord (Alg6rie et Tunisie). Alger. 8°. Revista (La) ntedica de Puerto Rico. San Juan. fol. Revista ntedica rural. Publicacten cientifica y de intereses pro- fesionales. Blanes (Gerona). 8°. Revista de medicina tropical. Habana. 8C. Revista ntedica del Uruguay. Montevideo. 8°. Revista ntedico-hidrotegica espafiola. Madrid. 8°. Revista ntedico-quirurgica. Organo de la Sociedad ntedica de los hospitales. Quito, sm. fol. Revue mensuelle de gynccologie, obstetrique et paediatrie de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. 8°. Revista mensual de medicina, cirugfa, farmacia y veterinaria. Madrid. 8°. Revue moderne de ntedecine et de chirurgie. Paris. 8°. Review of Neurology and Psychiatry. Edinburgh. 8°. Revista obstetrica. drgauo de la Asociacten obstetrica nacional de parteras. Buenos Aires, 1903. 8°. Revue pharmaceutique. Organe de l'Union pharmaceutique de la Flandre orientate. Gand. 8°. [51] Rev. de Pharmacol, med., Par. Rev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb. Rev. du prat., Par. Rev. prat. d. mal. cutan. [etc.], Par. Rev. prat.d'obst. et degynec.Par. Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par. Rev. de psychiat., Par. Rev. de psychol. clin. et therap., Par. Rev. quincen. de anat. patol. [etc.], Mexico. Rev. san. mil., Bucuresci. Rev. de sc. nat. e sociaes, Porto. Rev. du serv. de l'intend. mil., Par. Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Jan. Rev. de stomatol., Par. Rev. theor. et prat. d. mal. de la nutrit., Par. Rev. trimest. microg., Madrid. Rev. trimest. Suisse d'odont., Basel & Geneve. Rev. d. troupes colon., Par. Rev. de l'Univ. de Brux. Rev. valenc. de cien. med., Va- lencia. Rev. vet., Toulouse. Ricerche di biol. . . . xxv anniv. di Pietro Albertoni, Bologna. Ricerche di fisiol. e sc. affini ded. al Prof. L. Luciani . . ., Milano. Richmond J. Pract. Riforma chim., Napoli. Riv. d. benefic pubb. d. ist. di previd. . . ., Roma. Riv. di biol. gen., Torino. Riv. di chir., Napoli. Riv. di chir., Torino. Riv. di clin. pediat., Firenze. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze. Riv. di diritto e giur. . . . s. in- fortuni d. lavoro, Modena. Riv. di ginec. contemp., Napoli. Riv. iconog. d. sez. mal. nerv. d. Policlin. gen. di Torino. Riv. internaz. di terap. fis., Roma. Riv. ital. di clin. med., Milano. Revue de pharmacologic ntedicale. Paris, v. 1, 1903. 8°. Revista portugueza de medicina e cirurgia praticas. Lisboa. 8°. Revue du praticien. Revue internationale des sciences me'dicales et Journal d'iuterets professionnels. Paris. 8°. Revue pratique des maladies cutane'es, syphilitiques et v6ne"- rienues. Paris. 8°. Revue pratique d'obstetriqne et do gyitecologie. Paris. 8°. Revue pratique des travaux de ntedecine. " L'Abeille ntedicale." Paris. 4°. Revue de psychiatrie, de neurologie et d'hypnologie. Recueil des travaux public's en France et ii. l'Ctranger. Paris. 8°. Revue de psychologie clinique et tlterapeutique. Paris. 8°. Revista quinoenal de anatomia patotegica y clinicas ntedica y quiriirgica. Mexico. 83. Revista sanitaria militara, Bucuresci. 8C. Revista de scieucias naturaes e sociaes. Orgao dos trabalhos da Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro. Publicacao trimestral. Porto. 8°. Revue du service de l'intendance militaire. Paris. 8 . Revista da Sociedade de medicina e cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro. Revue (La) de stomatologie. Paris. 8°. Revue tlteorique et pratique des maladies de la nutrition. Paris. Revista trimestral microgr^fica. Madrid. 8°. Revue trimestrielle suisse d'odontologie, puhltee par la Soctete" odontologique suisse. Basel & Geneve. 8°. Revue des troupes coloniales. Paris. 8°. Revue de l'Universite de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. 8°. Revista valenciana de ciencias ntedicas. Valencia. 8°. Revue ve"terinaire. (Journal des v6terinaires du Midi.) Publte a l'Ecole v6terinaire de Toulouse. Toulouse. 8°. Ricerche di biologia pubblicato per il xxv anniversario cattedra- tico di Pietro Albertiuo dai suoi discepoli. Siena, 1876; Bologna, 1901. Bologna, roy. 8C. Ricerche di fisiologia e scienze affini dedicate al Prof. Luigi Luciani nel 2r>° anno del suo insegnamento. Milano. 4°. Richmond Journal of Practice. Richmond. 8°. # Riforma (La) chimica. Rivista internazionale settimanale di chimica pura ed applicata. Napoli. 8°. Rivista della beneficenza pubblica delle istituzioni di previdenza e di igiene socialc Roma. 8°. Rivista di biologia generate. Torino. 8°. Rivista (La) di chirurgia. Giornale quindicinale di chirurgia pratica. Napoli. 8°. Rivista di chirurgia. Torino. 8°. Rivista di clinica pediatrica. Firenze. 8°. Rivista critica di clinica medica. Firenze. roy. 8°. Rivista di diritto e giurisprudenza, patologia speciale e medicina forense sugli infortuni del lavoro. Modena. roy. 8°. Rivista di gineeologia contemporanea. Napoli. 8°. Rivista iconografica della sezione malattie nervose del Policlinico generate di Torino. Torino. 8°. Rivista internazionale di terapia fisica. Roma. 8°. Rivista italiana di clinica medica. Milano. v. 1, 1893-4. 8°. [52] Riv. ital. di patol. gen. e anat. patol., Torino. Riv. magnet., Milano. Riv. di med. leg., Milano. Riv. mens, di neuropat. e psi- chiat., Roma. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli. Riv. di ortop. e terap. fis., Napoli. Riv. di ostet. [etc.], Torino. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze. Riv. pellagrol. ital., Udine. Riv. quindicin. di psicol. [etc.], Roma. Riv. di sc. biol., Torino. Riv. scient. e prat, di fisicoterap. [etc.], Biella. Riv. sicula di med. e chir., Pa- lermo. Riv. univ. di med., chir. e sc. affini, Roma. Romania med., Bucuresci. Rothe Krenz, Berl. Roy. Soc. Rep. sleep.-sick, com., Lond. Roy. Victoria Hosp., Montreal. Rozpr. Akad. Umiej. wydz. mate- mat.-przyr., Krakow. Rozpr. ceski Akad. cis. Frantiska Josefa [etc.], v Praze. Rozpr. wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad. Umiej., Krakow. Rundschau f. d. Interessen d. Pharm., Chem., Hyg. [etc.], Prag & Wien. Russ. med. Rundschau, Berl. Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb. Russk. Chir. Arch., S.-Peterb. Russk. Khirurg. Obozr., Mosk. Russk. J. Kozhn. i Ven. Boliezn., Kharkov. Russk. Med. Vestnik, S.-Peterb. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Rivista italiana di paiologia generale e anatomia patologica. Torino. 8~. Rivista, niagnetica. Milauo. 8°. Rivista di medicina legate e di giurisprudenza medica. Milano. 8-. Rivista mensile di neuropatologia e psichiatria. Roma. 8°. Rivista mensile di psichiatria forense, antropologia criminate e scienze affini. Napoli. 8°. Rivista di ortopedia e terapia fisica. Napoli. 8°. Rivista di ostetricia, gineeologia e pediatria. Torino. 8°. Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale. Firenze. 8°. Rivista pellagrologica italiana. Udine. roy. 8°. Rivista quindicinale di psicologia, psichiatria, neuropatologia ad uso dei medici e dei giuristi. Roma. 8°. Rivista di scienze biologiche. Torino. 8-. Rivista scientifica e pratica di fisicoterapia, idroterapia, kinesi- terapia, massaggio, elettroterapia, fototerapia, termoterapia, climatoterapia. Biella. 8°. Rivista sicula di medicina e chirurgia. Palermo. 8°. Rivista universale di medicina, chirurgia e scienze affini. Roma. 8°. Romania medicala. Bucuresci. 8°. Rothe (Das) Kreuz. Ceutral-Organ fiir die deutschen Wohl- fahrts- und Wohlthatigkeitsbestrebungeu [etc.]. Berlin, fol. Royal Society. Reports of the sleeping-sickness commission. London. Nos. 1-4, 1903. 8°. Royal (The) Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Annual reports. Montreal. 8°. Rozprawy Akademii Umiej^tnosci wydzial matematyczno-przy- rodniczy. w Krakowie. 8C. Rozpravy ceski Akademie cisafe Frantiska Josefa pro vedy, slovesnost a unteni v Praze. v. Praze. 8°. Rozprawy wydzialu matematyczuo-przyrodniczego Akademii Umiej^tnosci. w Krakowie. 8C. Rundschau fiir die Interessen der Pharmacie, Chemie, Hygiene uud der verwandten Fiicher. Prag & Wien. roy. 8°. Russische medicinische Rundschau. Berlin. 8°. Russkiv archiv patologii, klinicheskoi meditsini i bakteriologii. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Russkiy Chirurgicheskiy Archiv. S.-Peterburg. roy. 8°. Russkoye Khirurgicheskoye Obozrieniye; dvukhmiesyachnly jurual, izdavayemiy Obshtshestvom Rossiyskikh Khirurgov. Moskva. 1903. roy. 8C. Russkiy Jurnal Kozhnlkh i Venericheskikh Boliezuei. Journal russe des maladies cutanees et v6n6riennes. Kharkov. 8°. Russkiy Meditsiuskiy Vestnik. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Russkiy Vrach; yezheuedielnaya meditsiuskaya gazeta, posvya- shtshonnaya vsiem otraslyam klinicheskoi meditsini, obshtshe- stveunoi i chastnoi hig'ienle i vsiem voprosam vrachebuavo bita. Organ, osnovannly v pamyat V. A. Manasse'iua. S.-Pe- terburg. 8°. s. Saggi di chir. . . Bruno, Torino. giubileo di L. Saggi di chirurgia pubblicati in occasione del giubileo di laurea di Lorenzo Bruno, . . ., da suoi allievi D. Bajardi, G. Beisone [etal.], 10 giugno 1894. Torino, roy. 8°. [53] Saisei Gakusha Iji Shimpo, Tokyo. Saitake Gaku Zasshi, Tokyd. Salud, Barcel. Samariter, Miinchen. Samml. v. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nahrungsmit.-Hyg., Leipz. Samml. gemeinverstandl. wis- sensch. Vortr., Berl. Samml. gerichtl. Entscheid. a. d. Geb. d. off. Gsndhtspflg. [etc.], Berl. Samml. klin. Abhandl. ii. Path. u. Therap. d. Stoffwechs.- u. Ernahr.-Stoning., Berl. Samml. med. Schrift., "Wien. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh., Halle a. S. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Frauenheilk. u. Ge- burtsh., Halle a. S. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nasen-, Ohren-, Mund- u. Halskr., Halle a. S. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nerv.- u. Geisteskr., Halle a. S. San. Era, N. Y. San. Inspector, Augusta. San. Med., Westerville, O. San. Plumber, N. Y. Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo. Sankwa Fujinkwa Kenkiu Kwai Kai, Tokyo. Sante humaine, Par. Saratov, zemsk. ned. Saratov, zemsk. ned. VI. Med.- san. obzor. Sbirka pfednasek z oboru le- kaf sk., v Praze. Sbirka pfednasek a rozpr. z oboru lekafsk, v Praze. Sborn. klin., v Praze. Sborn. poliklin., v Praze. Sborn. trud. Kharkovsk. Vet Inst. Sborn. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved. Saisei Gakusha Iji Shimpo. Tokyo. 8°. Saitake Gaku Zasshi. Tokyo. 8°. Salud (La). Barcelona. 8°. Samariter (Dei). Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Samariter-und Rettungsweseu. Zeitung des deutscheu Samariter-Bundes. Miinchen. 4'. Sammlung von Abhandlnngen aus dem Gebiete der Nahrungs- niittel-Hygiene. Leipzig. 8°. Sammlung genieinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortriige, hrsg. von R. Virchow uud F. van Holtzendorff. Berlin. 8°. Sammlung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen auf dem Gebiete der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege, ausschl. Nahrungs- und Genuss- mittel. Berlin, roy. 8\ Sammlung klinischer Abhandlnngen iiber Pathologie und Thera- pie der Stoffwechsel- und Ernahrungsstdrungen, hrsg. von Carl vou Noordeu. Berlin. 8}. Sannnlung medicinischer Schriften. Hrsg. von der Wiener kliuischeu Wochenschrift. Wien. h°. Saiumlnng zwangloser Abhandlungeu aus dem Gebiete der Angenheilknnde. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf allgemein- iirztliche Interessen . . . hrsg. von A. Vossius. Halle, a. S. 8°. Sammlung zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Franenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der allgemein-arztlicheu Praxis . . . hrsg. von Max Graefe. Halle a. S. 8°. Sammlung zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Nasen-, Ohren-, Mund- uud Hals-Krankheiten. Halle a. S. 8C. Sammlung zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Nerveu- uud Gei3teskraukheiteu. Halle a. S. 8°. Sanitary (The) Era. New York. 4°. Sanitary (The) Inspector. A journal devoted to personal and public hygiene. Augusta. 8°. Sanative Medicine. A journal devoted to the principles and practice of the Physio-Medical School of Medicine. Wester- ville, Ohio. 8°. Sanitary (The) Plumber. Heating aud Ventilating Engineer. New York. fol. Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi. Tokyo. 8°. Sankwa Fujinkwa Kenkiu Kwai Kai. Tokyo. 8°. Sante (La) humaine; alimentation, hygiene, ntedecine. Paris. fol. Saratovskaya zemskaya nedtelya. Saratov. 81-. Saratovskaya zeinskaya nedtelya. VI. Mediko-sanitarnly obzor. Saratov. 8''-. Sbirka pfednaSek z oboru tekafskeho. v Praze. 8°. Sbirka preditesek a rozprav z oboru tekafske'ho. v Praze. 8°. Sbornik klinieky. Casopis pestoviui vedy tekarsko". v Praze. 8°. Sbornik poliklinicky. Pra'ce z ceske" universitni polikliniky za rok 1897. v Praze. 8°. Sbornik trudov Kharkovskavo Veterinarnavo Instituta. (Comp- tes rendus des travaux spe^ciaux de l'Institut v6terinaire a Charkow.) 1887-8. Kharkov. 8°. Sbornik trudov vrachei S.-Peterburgskavo Rodovspomogatel- navo zavedeniya, izdavayemly pod redaktsiyeyu pomoshtsh- nika Direktora I. M. Tarnovskavo. S.-Peterburg. 8°. [54] Scalpel, Lond. Schles. Aerzte-Corresp., Bresl. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Geneve. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Zurich. Science & Pract. Heating [etc.], NY. Scient. Am., N. Y. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb. Script, ophthal. min., Lips. Sebeszet, Budapest. Sebeszeti adatok, Budapest. Sei I Kwai Geppo, Tokyo. Select. Colon. M. Rep., Lond. Select, essays and monog., Lond. Semaine gynec, Par. Semanario de saude pub., Rio de Jan. Semi-Centen. Anaesthesia, Bost. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze. Shigaku Kensan, Tokyo. Shikwa Gaku Kwai Geppo, Tokyo. Shikwagakuho, Tokyo. Shikwaigaku Sodan, Tokyo. Shinkeigaku Zasshi, Tokyo. Shizuoka Eisei Kwai. Sibirsk. Vrach. Viedom., Kras- noyarsk. Sieroterapia, Roma. Sitz.-Protok. d. Aertzl. Ver. Niirnb, Miinchen. Sitzungsb. d. Aerztl. Ver. Niirnb., Miinchen. Skandin. Tandlakaref. Tidskr., K0benh. Soc. Alumni City Hosp., N. Y. Soc. beige de dermat. et de syph. Bull., Brux. Soc. cient. "Antonio Alzate" de Mexico. Rev. Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par. Soc. med. de I'arrond. de l'Ely- see. Bull. d. trav., Clermont (Oise). Scalpel (The). A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. London. 4°. Schlesische Aerzte-Correspondenz. Organ der Aerztekammer der Provinz Schlesien. Breslau. fol. Schweizerische Vierteljahrsschrift fur Zahnheilkunde. Hrsg. von der Schweizerischen odontologischeu Gesellschaft. Basel & Geneve. 8°. Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Chemie und Pharmacie. Or- gan des Schweizerischen Apotheker-Vereins und des Vereins schweizerischer analytischcr Cbeniiker. Journal suisse de chimie et pharmacie. Organe de la Soctete suisse de phar- macie et de la Soctete Suisse des chimistes analystes. Zurich. 8°. Science and Practice of Heating, Plumbing, Lighting. New York. fol. Scientific American. An illustrated journal of art, science, and mechanics. New York. fol. Scortish (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edinburgh. 8C. Scriptores ophthalmologic! minores. Edidit Justus Radius. Lipsia-. 8". Sebeszet. [A Magyar orvosok lapja sebeszeti melteklete.] Budapest, fol. Sebe"szeti adatok. Budapest, fol. Sei I Kwai Geppo. Tokyo. 8°. Selections from Colonial Medical Reports. London. 8°. Selected essays and monographs. Translations and reprints from various sources. London. 8°. Semaine (La) gyitecologique. Paris, fol. Semanario de saude publica pela Sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, fol. Semi-Centennial (The) of Anaesthesia. October 16, 1846, Octo- ber 16, 1896. Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston. 4°. Settiniaua (La) medica dello Sperimentale. Organo della Acca- demia medico-fisica fiorentina. Firenze. 4°. Shigaku Kensan. Tokyo. 8°. Shikwa Gaku Kwai Geppo. Tokyo. 8°. Shikwagakuho. Tokyo. 8°. Shikwaigaku Sodan. Tokyo. 8°. Shinkeigaku Zasshi. Himomoto Shinkeigaku Zasshi Kwai. Tokyo, v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. Shizuoka Eisei Kwai Hokoku. Shizuoka. 8°. Sibirskiya Vrachebnlya Viedomosti; gazeta vrachebnavo dtela v Sibiri. Krasnoyarsk. 1902-3. 4°. Sieroterapia (La). Rivista della specialita. Roma. 8 . Sitzuugs-Protokolle des Aerztlichen Vereins Niirnberg. Miinchen. 8-. Sitznngsberichte des Aerztlichen Vereins Niirnberg. Miinchen. 8°. Skandinaviska Tandlakareforeningens Tidskrift. K0benhavn. 8°. Society of the Alumui of the City (Charity) Hospital, New York. 12°. Soctete beige de dermatologie et de syphiligraphic Bulletin. Bruxelles. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Sociedad cientifica " Antonio Alzate" de Mexico. Revista cien- tifica y bibliogr&fica. Mexico. 8°. Soctete francaise de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. Bulletin. Paris. 8°. Soctete" ntedicale de l'arrondissement de l'EJysee (viiie arrondisse- ment). Bulletin des travaux de la Soctete pendant Tannic 1893. Clermont (Oise). 8°. [55] Soc med. d. Bureaux de bienfai- sance. Bull., Par. Soc de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mem. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Re- soc. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia. Rendic Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull. Sourd-muet beige, Liege. South African M. J., Cape Town. South African M. Rec, Cape Town. South. Illinois J. M. & S., Me- tropolis. South. M. J., La Grange, N. C. South. Med., Savannah. Southwest. M. Rec, Houston. Southwest. M. & S. Reporter, Fort Worth. Souvenir 17. anniv. First Dist. Dent. Soc. N. Y., Phila. Sovrem. Klin., S.-Peterb. Sovrem. med. i hig., S.-Peterb. Sovrem. terap., Mosk. Spec. Path. u. Therap.....Noth- nagel, Wien. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze. Spis. na Sofiysk. Med. Druzh. Sputnik zdorov., S.-Peterb. Srpski arh. za celok. lek, Beo- grad. St. Louis J. Homoeop. & Clin. Re- porter. St. Louis M. Gaz. St. Louis M. Rev. St. Luke's Hosp. Rec, Chicago. St. Mary's Hosp. Gaz., Lond. St. Mary's Hosp. J., Saginaw, Mich. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn. State Hosp. Bull., Utica. Statist, yezhegod. S.-Peterb. Stomaco, Napoli. StomatoL, Milano. Strassb. med. Ztg. Societe ntedicale des Bureaux de bienfaisance autorise~e le 31 decembre 18;,2. Bulletin de la Soctete, 1893. Paris. 8°. Soctete de ntedecine de Nancy. Compte rendu annuel et proces- verbaux des seances. Memoires de la Soctete. 1894-5 to 1895-6. Nancy. 8 J. Societa medico-cbirurgica di Bologna. Resoconto delle adu- nanze dell' anno I8*t4. Bologna. 8°. Societa niedico-chirurgica di Pavia. Rendiconti, 1892-3. Pavia. Soctete royale des sciences ntedicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Bulletin. 54'" anitee. Bruxelles. 8°. Sourd-mnct (Le) beige. Ltege. v. 1, 1903. 8°. South African (The) Medical Journal. A medical journal devoted to the interest of the medical profession of South Africa. Cape Town. 4°. South African Medical Record. Cape Town. v. 1, 1903. 4°. Southern (The) Illinois Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Me- tropolis, 111. 8°. Southern (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal of medi- cine and allied sciences. La Grange, N. C. 8°. Southern Medicine. [Continuation of: Georgia J. M. & S.] Savannah. 8°. Southwestern Medical Record. Houston, Texas. 8°. Southwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. A monthly journal devoted to practical medicine and surgery. Fort Worth, Texas. 8°. Souvenir. Seventeenth anniversary of the First District Dental Society of the State of New York. Philadelphia. 8°. Sovremennaya Klinika. S.-Peterburg. 2 v., 1902-3. 8°. Yezhemiesyachuly zhurnal: Sovremennaya meditsina i higiena. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Sovremennaya terapiya; yezhemiesyachnoye obozrienie uspie- khov v oblasti terapii po vsiem otraslyam meditsini i khi- rurgii u nas i zagranitsei. Moskva. 8°. Specielle Pathologie and Therapie, hrsg. von Hermann Noth" nagel. Wien. 8\ Sperimentale (Lo). Archivio di biologia. Firenze. 8°. Spisanie na Sofiyskoto Meditsinsko Druzhestvo. Sofiya. 8°. Sputnik zdorovya. S.-Peterburg. 4°. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo; organ Srpskog lekarskog drustva. Beograd. 8°. St. Louis Journal of Homoeopathy and Clinical Reporter. St. Louis. ^J. St. Louis Medical Gazette. St. Louis. 8°. St. Louis Medical Review. St. Louis. St. Luke's Hospital Record. Chicago. St. Mary's Hospital Gazette. London. roy. 8°. 8°. 83 St. Mary's Hospital Journal. Mich. 8°. Published quarterly. Saginaw, St. Paul (The) Medical Journal. Edited and published by the Ramsey County Medical Society. St. Paul, Minn. 8°. State Hospital Bulletin. A quarterly report of clinical and pathological work in the State hospitals (for the insane), and their Pathological Institute. Utica, N. Y. 8°. Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik S.-Peterburga. S.-Peterburg. 4°. Stomaco (Lo). Periodico mensile per te malattie delle vie dige- renti. Napoli. fol. Stomatologia (La). Milano. •* . Strassburger medizinische Zeitung. Strasflburg. v. 1, 1904. 8°. [f,6] Stud. Inst. M. Research Fed. Malay States, Singapore. Stud. Morphol. Lab. Univ. Cam- bridge, Lond. & Edinb. Stud. d. physiol. Inst, zu Amst., Leipz. & Heidelb. Stud. Physiol. Lab. Univ. Cam- bridge. Stud. Roy. Victoria Hosp., Mon- treal. Studi sassaresi, Sassari. Stylus, St. Louis. Siiddeutsche Apoth.-Ztg., Stuttg. Suggest. Therap., Chicago. Suggestions, Chicago. Suomen terveydenh.-lehti, Hel- Bingissa. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma. Suppl. a. Rac. di op. med., Bo- logna. Surg. Clin., Chicago. Svensk veterinartidskr., Stock- holm. Syezd Rossiysk. Khirurg., Mosk. Syezd vrach. i predstav. . . . Khersonsk. gub. . . . 1895. Dokladi. Syphilis, Par. Syst. Dis. Ear, Nose, & Throat (Burnett), Phila. Syst. Dis. Eye (Norris & Oliver), Phila. Syst. Gynaec. (Allbutt), Lond. Syst. Leg. M. (Hamilton & God- kin), N. Y. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), Lond. Syst. Pract. M. (Loomis), N. Y. & Phila. Syst. Pract. Therap. (Hare), Phila. Syst. Surg. (Treves), Lond. Syst. Surg. (Treves), Phila. Szemeszeti lapok, Budapest. Sziileszet es nogyogy., Buda- pest. Studies from Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States. Singapore. 8°. Studies from the Morphological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Edited by F. M. Balfour. London & Edin- burgh. 8°. Studien des physiologischen Instituts zu Amsterdam. Hrsg. von A. Heynsius. Leipzig & Heidelberg. 8°. Studies from the Physiological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Cambridge. 8°. Studies from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Montreal. 8°. Studi sassaresi. Pubblicati per cura di alcuni professori della Universita di Sassari. Sassari. 8°. Stylus (The). Louis. 8G. A record of clinical and hospital work. St. Siiddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung. Stuttgart, fol. Suggestive Therapeutics. Chicago. 8°. Suggestions. A monthly magazine. Chicago. 8°. Suomen terveydenhoito-tehti. Duodecim-seuran toimittama ja kustautama. Helsingissa. 8°. Supplemeuto al Policlinico. Periodico di medicina, chirurgia e igiene. Roma. 8°. Supplemeuto alia Raccolta di opere mediche moderne italiane e straniere. Bologua. 8°. Surgical (The) Clinic. Chicago. 8°. Svensk veterinartidekrift. Stockholm. 8°. Syezd Rossiyskikh Khirurgov. 1., 28-30 dek. 1900. Moskva. 8°. Syezd vrachei i predstavitelei zemskikh i gorodskikh uprav khersouskoi gubernii v g. Khersonie (10-18 oktyabrya 1895 goda). Dokladi, otchoti o zasiedaniyakh i pr. XIII. Kher- son. 8°. Syphilis (La). Revue mensuelle de ntedecine speciale. Paris. v. 1, 1903. 8°. System of Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. Edited by Charles H. Burnett. Philadelphia. 8°. System of Diseases of the Eye. By American, British, Dutch, French, German, and Spauish authors. Edited by William F. Norris and Charles A. Oliver. Philadelphia. 8°. System ( A ) of Gynaecology. Bv many writers. Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt aud W. S. Play fair. London. 8°. System (A) of Legal Medicine, by G. Allan McLaue Hamilton and Lawrence Godkin, with the collaboration of James F. Babcock, Lewis Balch [et al.}. New York. 8°. System (A) of Medicine. By many writers. Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt. London. 8°. System (A) of Practical Medicine by American Authors. Edited by Alfred Lee Loomis and William Gilman Thompson. New York & Philadelphia. 8°. System (A) of Practical Therapeutics. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare. Philadelphia. 8°. System (A) of Surgery, by Charles B. Ball, Arthur E. Barker [et al.~\. Edited by Frederick Treves. London, Paris, Mel- bourne. 8°. System (A) of Surgery, by Charles B. Ball, Arthur E. Barker [etal.]. Edited by Frederick Treves. Philadelphia. 8°. Szenteszeti lapok. Budapest, fol. Sziiteszet 6s ndgydgyaszat. Budapest, fol. [57] T. Tav. statist, d. manic. S. Servolo in Venezia. Teachers' San. Bull., Lansing. Technol. san., Louvain. Terap. vestnik, S.-Peterb. Tervey denhoitolehti, Helsin - gissa. Texas Clin., Dallas. Texas Dent. J., Dallas. Texas M. Gaz., Fort Worth. Texas M. News, Austin. Texas M. Pract., Dallas. Text-book Nerv. Dis. Am. au- thors (Dercum), Phila. Therap. p. 1. agents phys. et nat., Monaco. Therap. contemp., Par. Therap. Digest, Kansas City. Therap. Forum, N. Y. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl. & Wien. Therap. Month., Phila. Therap. News, N. Y. Therap. Notes, Detroit. Therap. Progr., N. Y. Therap. Rathgeber, Wien. Therap. Rev., Phila. Therap. Wchnschr., Wien. Therapist, Lond. Thierarztl. Centr.-Anz., Berl. Thierarztl. Centralbl., Wien. Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., Liverp. Tidskr. i mil. Halsov., Stock- holm. Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk., Batavia. Tijdschr. v. phys. therap. en hyg., Amst. Tavole statistiche del manicomio centrate maschile di S. Servolo in Venezia pel qninqueunio 18^.1-93, con uno studio sullanatura della psiche uniana desunto dalla condizione degli aberrati. Venezia. 8°. Teachers' Sanitary Bulletin. Published monthly by the State Board of Health, Lansing, Michigan. Lansing. 8°. Technologic (La) sanitaire. Moniteur des distributions d'eau et de l'hygiene appliqucY. Revue internationale bi-mensuelle. Louvain. 8°. Tcrapevtichesluy vestnik jouruala Sovremenniaya meditsina i higieua; dvukhncdlelnoye izdanie posvyashtshonnoye obzoru usptokhov terapii po vsiem niediko-khirurgicheskim spetsial- nostyam i terapevticheskoi higiente. S.-Peterburg. 8C. Terveydenhoitolehti. Duodecim-seuran toimittama ja kustan- tama. Helsingissa. S\ Texas (The) Clinic. A journal devoted te clinical medicine and surgery. Dallas. 8°. Texas (The) Dental Journal. A quarterly record of dental scieuce, devoted to the interests of the professiou. Dallas. 83. Texas (The) Medical Gazette. Fort Worth, Texas. 8°. Texas (The) Medical News. Austiu, Texas. 8°. Texas Medical Practitioner. A monthly magazine devoted to preventive and state medicine. Dallas. 8°. Text-book (A) on Nervous Diseases by American authors. Edited by F. X. Dercum. Philadelphia. 8°. Therapeutique (La) par les agents physiques et naturels. Monaco, fol. Therapeutique contemporaine. Recueil a l'usage des praticiens, Paris. 8°. Therapeutic (The) Digest. A monthly review of current medical literature. Kansas City, Kans. 8°. Therapeutic (The) Forum. [Issued with "The American Gynae- cological and Obstetrical Journal".] New York. 8°. Therapie (Die) der Gegenwart. Medicinisch-chirurgische Rund- schau fur praktische Aerzte. Berlin & Wien. roy. 8-. Therapeutic Monthly. A journal of reliable, practical and advance information for the physician. Philadelphia. 4°. Therapeutic News. New York. 8°. Therapeutic Notes. Detroit, Mich. 8°. Therapeutic Progress. New York. 8°. Therapeutischer Rathgeber. Beilage zur Aerztlichen Central- Zeitung. Wien. fol. Therapeutic (The) Review. Philadelphia, v. 1, 1904. 8°. Therapeutische Wochenschrift. Wien. 8°. Therapist (The). A monthly journal of reliable information for the physician and chemist. London. 8°. Thieriirztlicber Central-Anzeiger. Berliu. fol. Thierarztliches Centralblatt. Hrsg. vom Vereine der Thier- iirzte in Oesterreich. Wien. 8°. Thompson (The; Yates Laboratories Report. Liverpool. 4°. Tidskrift i militar Halsovard. Stockholm. 8°. Tijdschrift voor inlandsche geneeskundigen. Batavia. 8°. Tijdschrift voor physische therapie en hygiene. Amsterdam. 8°. [58] Tijdschr. o. plantenziekt., Gent. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haar- lem. Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. en openb. gzndhdsreg., Zwolle. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk., Utrecht. Tijdschr.v.veeartsenijk. Maand- bl., Utrecht. Tokyo Iji-Shinshi. Tokyo Yaku Ho. Tdrveny. es rendelet., Budapest. Toulouse med. Tr. Acad. M. Cincin. Tr. Acad. StomatoL, Phila. Tr. Acad. Surg. Phila. Tr. Alabama Dent. Ass. Tr. Alumnae Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila. Tr. Am. Acad. Dent. Sc, Phila. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.]. Oto-Laryngol. Sect., St. Louis. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass. Tr. Am. LaryngoL, Rhinol. & Otol. Soc. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, Allegheny, Pa. Tr. Am. Roentgen Ray Soc, Louisville. Tr. Arizona M. Ass. Tr. Ass. Am. M. Coll., Easton, Pa. Tr. Ass. Physicians Long Island, Rahway, N. J. Tr. Berks Co. M. Soc, Reading, Pa. Tr. Brit. Cong. Tuberc, Lond. Tr. Brit. Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond. Tr. Brit. LaryngoL,Rhinol. & Otol. Ass., Lond. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc, Birmingh. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. Tr. Dermat. Soc. Gr. Brit..... Lond. Tijdschrift over plantenziekteu. Gent. 8 . Tijdschrift voor praktische verloskunde, hoofdzakelijk ten dienste van vroedvrouwen, voortzetting van het Maandblad voor prak- tische verloskunde. Haarlem. S\ Tijdschrift van sociale hygiene en openbare gezondheidsrege- ling. Orgaan v. h. Nederl. Congres voor gezoudheidsregeling. Zwolle. S-. Tijdschrift voor veeartsenijkunde. Maandblad uitgegeven door de Maatschappij ter bevorderiug der veeartsenijkunde. Utrecht. 8-. Tijdschrift voor veeartsenijkunde. Maandblad. Utrecht. 8°. Tokyo Iji-Shinshi. Tokyo. 8°. Tokyo Yaku Ho. Tokyo, fol. Torvenyek 6s rendeletek. Budapest, fol. Toulouse ntedical. Organe officiel de la Soctete" anatomo-clinique de Toulouse. Toulouse. 8°. Transactions of the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. Cin- cinnati. 8°. Transactions of the Academy of Stomatology. January 28, 1877. Philadelphia. 8°. Transactions of the Academy of Surgery of Philadelphia. Phil- adelphia. 8°. Transactions of the Alabama Deutal Association, [v. p.] 8°. Transactions of the Alumnae Association of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 8°. Transactions of the American Academy of Dental Science. December 4, 1889, to December 2, 1896. Philadelphia, 8°. Transactions of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryugology (Oto-Laryngologic Section). St. Louis. 8°. Transactions of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association. [v. p.] 8°. Transactions of the American Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society. 1896-7. New York. 8C. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. Eighteenth annual meeting, 1895. Buffalo. 8°. Transactions of the American Proctologic Society. Allegheny, Pa. 8°. Transactions of the American Roentgen Ray Society. Louis- ville. 83. Transactions of the Arizona Medical Association. Tucson. 8°. Transactions of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 1900. Easton, Pa. 8°. Transactions of the Association of Physicians of Long Island. Rahway, N. J. 8°. Transactions of the Berks County Medical Society for the years 1890-9. Reading, Pa. 8°. Transactions of the British Congress on Tuberculosis for the Prevention of Consumption. Loudon. 8°. Transactions of the British Institute of Preventive Medicine. First series. London. 8°. Transactions of the British Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Association. London. 8°. Transactions of the British Orthopaedic Society, 1894-5. Bir- mingham. 8:. Transactions of the California State Dental Association, [v. p.] 8C. Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society from October, 1894, to October, 1895. Chicago. 12°. Transactions of the Dermatological Society of Great Britain aud Ireland, 1894-5. London. *c. [59] Tr. Ethn. Soc. Lond. Tr. Florida M. Ass. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gynaec. Soc. Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc, Bombay Tr. Internat. Homoeop. Cong., Lond. Tr. Internat. Ophth. Cong., Edinb. Tr. Internat. San. Convent. Am. Republics, Wash. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond. Tr. Lancaster City & Co. M. Soc. Tr. Louisiana Dent. Soc, N. Orl. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkes- barre. Tr. M. Ass. Central N. Y. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis. Tr. M. Soc. Washington, Spo- kane. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass. Tr. N. Dakota M. Soc. Tr. N. York Agric. Soc, Albany. Tr. N. York M. Ass. Tr. Nat. Ass. U. S. Pension Exam. Surg., Rochest., N. Y. Tr. Nat. Confed. State M. Exam. Bds., Easton, Pa. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass., Phila. Tr. Nat. Soc. Electrother., N. Y. Tr. Ohio Eclect. M. Ass., Cincin. Tr. Ophth. Div. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.], St. Louis. Tr. Ophth. Sect. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. Tr. Path. Soc. Manchester. VOL IX, 2d SEKIES- Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London. London. 8 \ Transactions of the Florida Medical Association. Jacksonville. Transactions of the Glasgow Obstetrical and Gynaecological Soci- ety, 1896-8. (Jlasgow. 8°. Transactions of the Grant College Medical Society, Bombay, 1894. Bombay. 8\ Transactions of the International Homoeopathic Congress, held in London, August, ls96. London. 8°. Transactions of the International Ophthalmological Congress, held in Ediuburgh in 1891. Edinburgh. 8°. Transactions of the first general International Sanitary Conven- tion of the American Republics. Washington. 8\ Transactions of the Jenner Instituto of Preventive Medicine (late British Institute of Preventive Medicine). 2. ser. London. - . Transactions of the Lancaster City and County Medical Society. Lancaster. 8 . Transactions of the Louisiana State Deutal Society. New Orleans. Transactions of the Luzerne County Medical Society. Wilkes- barre. 8\ Transactions of the Medical Association of Central New York. Buffalo. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni for the year 189s. St. Louis, Mo. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Washington. Spokane. 8C. Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow. Glasgow. 8D. Transactions of the Mississippi Valley Medical Association. Louisville, Ky. 8°. Transactions of the North Dakota State Medical Societv for the years 1897-9. St. Paul, Minn. 8°. Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society. 1867. Albany. 8°. Transactions of the New York State Medical Association. New York. 8°. Transactions of the National Association of United States Pen- sion Examining Surgeons. Rochester, N. Y. v. 1, 1903. 8 . Transactions of the National Confederation of State Medical Examining and Licensing Boards. Easton, Pa. 8°. Transactions of the National Dental Association. Philadelphia. Transactions of the National Society of Electro-Therapeutics. New York. 8°. Transactions of the Ohio State Eclectic Medical Association. Cincinnati. 8°. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Division of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngologv. St. Louis. 190:5. 8°. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Section of the American Medical Association at the 42nd meeting, held at Washington, D. C. Chicago. 8°. Transactions of the Otological Society of the United Kingdom. London. 8J. Transactions of the First Pan-American Medical Congress, held in the City of Washington, D. C, U. S. A., September 5, (i, 7, and 8, A. D. 1893. Washington. 8°. Transactions (The) of the Pathological Society of Manchester. Manchester. 8°. -[5] [60] Tr. Penn. Dent. Soc. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg. Tr. Reading Path. Soc. Tr. Sect. Gynec. Coll. Phys. Phila., N. Y. Tr. Sect. Surg. & Anat. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y. Tr. South. Dent. Ass. Tr. W. Virg. M. Ass., Wheeling. Tr. Wagner Free Inst. Sc. Phila. Tr. West Kent M.-Chir. Soc, Blackheath. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.], Ass. Ophth. Div. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.], Ass. Otol., LaryngoL & Rhinol. Div. Tr. West. Surg. & Gynec. Ass.j Lincoln, Neb. Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Cong., Chicago. Tr. Wyoming M. Soc, Denver. Trained Nurse [etc.], N. Y. Traite de chir. clin. et ope'r. (Le Dentu et Delbet), Par. Traite de chir. (Duplay et Re- clus), 2. ed., Par. Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., Milano. Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Geneve, Geneve. Trav. de neurol. chir., Par. Trav. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par. Trav. scient. Univ. de Rennes. Treatment, Lond. Tribuna med., Milano. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan. Tri-State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis. Trudi fiziol. inst. Imp. Moskov., Univ. Trudi inst. obshtsh. patol. Imp. Moskov. Univ. Trudi klin. dushevn. i nerv. bo- liez. v S.-Peterb. Transactions of tbe Pennsylvania Slate Deutal Society, [v. p.] 8°. Transactions of the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery. Phila- delphia. 8°. Transactions of the Reading Pathological Society. Reading. 8°. Transactions of the Section on Gynecology of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. New York. 8°. Transactions of the Section on Surgery and Anatomy of the American Medical Association. Chicago. 8°. Transactions (The) of the Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospi- tal. 1895-6. New York. 8°. Transactions (Official report of the) of the Southern Dental Asso- ciation, [v. p.] 8°. Transactions of the West Virginia State Medical Association. Wheeling. s°. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia, roy. 8C. Transactions and the thirty-seventh annual report of the West Kent Medico-Chirurgical Society, with [list of officers aud members. Instituted October, 185(5. Blackheath. 8°. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Division of the Western Ophthalmological, Otological, Laryngological, and Rhinological Association ait its 2. annual session, April, 1897. St. Louis. 8°. Transactions of the Western Ophthalmological, Otological, Laryngological and Rhinological Association. Otological, Laryngological and Rhinological Division at its 2. annual ses- sion, April, 1897. St. Louis. 8°. Transactions of the Western Surgical aud Gynecological Associa- tion. Lincoln, Neb. 8°. Transactions of the World's Columbian Dental Congress. 1893. Chicago, Illinois. 8C. Transactions of the Wyoming State Medical Society, 1898. Denver, Col. 8°. Trained (The) Nurse and Hospital Review. New York. 8J, Traite de chirurgie clinique et operatoire. Publte sous la direc- tion de A. Le Dentu et Pierre Delbet. Paris. 8°. Traite de chirurgie. Publte sous la direction de Simon Duplay et Paul Reclus. 2. eel. Paris. 8C'. Trattato italiano di patologia e terapia medica. Milano. 8°. Travaux du laboratoire de physiologie de 1'University de Geneve. Annies 1899-1900. Geneve. 8°. Travaux de neurologie chirurgicale. Revue trimestrielle. Din- gle par A. Chipault. Paris. 8°. Travaux pratiques d'obstetrique et de gynccologie. Paris. 8°. Travaux scientifiques de l'Universite de Rennes. Renues. v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. Treatment. A journal of practical medicine and surgery. Lon- don. 8°. Tribuna (La) medica. Giornale di medicina pratica. Milano. fol. Tribuna medica. Revista quinzenal de medicina e cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro. 8°. Tri-State (The) Medical Journal and Practitioner. St. Louis. Trudi fiziologicheskavo instituta Imperatorskavo Moskovskavo Universiteta. Moskva. 8°. Trudi instituta obshtsheT patologii Imperatorskavo Moskovskavo Universiteta. Moskva. 8°. Trudi kliniki dushevnlkh i uervntkh bolteznel v S.-Peterburgte. S.-Peterburg. 8C. [Gl] Trudi klin. nerv. boliez. Imp. Kazan. Univ. Trudi Obsh. Kievsk. vrach. Trudi Obsh. nevropat. i psichiat., Mosk. Trudi odessk. otd. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav., S.- Peterb. Trudi . . . syezda po obsuzhd. mier prot. sif. v Rossii [etc.], S.-Peterb. Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk. Trudi Tomsk. Obsh. Yestest- voisp. Tubercle, Chicago. Tubercol. inf., Par. Tuberculosis, Leipz. Tuberculosis, Lond. Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y. Trudi kliniki nervntkh boliezuei Imperatorskavo Kazauskavo Universiteta. Kazan. 8\ Trudi Obshestva Kievskikh vrachei, s prilozhenieni protokolov. Kiev. 8°. Trudi Obshestva nevropatologov i psichiatrov pri Moskovskom Universitete. Moskva. 8\ Trudi odesskavo otdlela Russkavo Obshtshestva Okhraneniya Narodnavo Zdraviya. S.-1'eterburg. 8". Trudi \ isochafshe razrleshonnavo syezda po obsuzhdeniyu nm r protiv sililisa v Kossii, bivshavo pri Meditsinskom Departa- mentTe s 1") po 22 yanvarya 1-97 goda pod predsledatelstvom directora meditsinskavo departamcnta L. F. Rogozina. S.- Peterburg. 4°. Trudi Syezda Russkikh Vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. Moskva. 8\ Trudi Tomskavo Obshtshestva YestestvoLspitatelel. Tomsk. Tubercle (The). A monthly journal and review of tuberculosis. Chicago. 4C. Tuberculose (La) iufantile. Revue bimestrielle. Paris. Tuberculosis. Leipzig. 8 . Tuberculosis. The journal of the National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and Other Forms of Tuberculosis. Loudon. 8°. Twentieth Century Practice. Au international encyclopedia of modern medical scieuce by leading authorities of Europe aud America. In twenty volumes. New York. 8°. I. Uchen. zapiski imp. Yuryev. Univ. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau animal indust, "Wash. U. S. Dep. Agric Div. entomol., Wash. U. S. Dep. Agric Farmers' bull., "Wash. U. S. Dep. Agric. Off. exper. sta- tions, Wash. U. S. Dep. Agric. Rep. Micr., Wash. Ungar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. & Wien. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest. Union med., Lerida. Union med., Sant. de Chile. Union med. de Mexico. Union med. de la Provence, Marseille. Unione med. ital., Torino. I'cheniya zapiski imperatorskago Yuryovskago Universiteta. Acta et commenrationes imp. universitatis Jurievensis (olim Dorpatensis). Yuryev. 8°. United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of auimal industry. Washington. 8°. United States Department of Agriculture. Division of entomol- ogy- Washington. .*". I'nited States Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin. Washington, c . United States Department of Agriculture. Office of experiment stations. Washington. 8°. United States Department of Agriculture. Report of the Mieros- copist. Washington. 8U. Ungarische Beitriige zur Augonheilkunde. Uuter Mitwirkung von FaehgenoNsen hrsg. von Wilhelm Schnlek. Leipzig & Wien. 8 . Ungarische medizinische Presse. Wochenschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Centralblatt zur Vermittluug der ungarischen medi- zinischen Forschung mit dem Auslande. Budapest, fol. Unten (La) ntedica. Organo oficial del Colegio utedico-quiriir- gico de Iterida. LeLida. 8U. Unidn (La) m6dica. Revista de la Sociedad del mismo nombre. Santiago de Chile. 8°. Unidn (La) ntedica de Mexico. M6xico. 8°. Union (L') ntedicale de la Provence. Orgaue officiel de la Soctete locale des ntedecins du departement des Bouches-du-Rhone. Marseille. 8°. Unione (L') medica italiana. Periodico settimanale di medicina, chirurgia, dermosifilopatia, oftalmoiatria, ostetricia, gineeolo- gia e pediatria. Torino, fol. [62] Univ. Calif. Pub. Physiol., Berkeley. Univ. Chicago. Contrib. phil. Stud. Psychol. Lab., Chicago. Univ. Chicago. Decenn. pub., Chicago. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle. Stud, psycho!.. Univ. Iowa. Iowa City. Univ. Izviest. [Protok. Fiz.- med. Obsh.], Kiev. Univ. de Leide. Rec. de trav. anat.-path, du lab. Boerhaave, Leide. Univ. libre de Brux. Trav. de l'lnst. de therap. Univ. M. J., Phila. Univ. Med., Galveston. Univ. Penn. Contrib. William Pepper Lab., Phila. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila. Univ. di Perugia. Ann. d. Fac di med. Univ. Toronto Quart. Univ. Toronto Stud. Anat. s. Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. s. Univ. Toronto Stud. Physiol, s. Univ. Toronto Stud. Psychol, s. Urologia, Budapest. Urquell, Leiden. Uveitis. Symposium [etc.], Chi- cago. University of California Publications. Physiology. Berkeley. v. 1, 1903. 8°. University of Chicago. Contributions to philosophy. Studies from the Psychological Laboratory. Chicago. 8°. University (The) of Chicago. The decennial publications. First series, Volume x. Chicago, 1903. 4°. University of Durham College of Medicine Gazette. Newcastle. 4°. University of Iowa. Studies iu psychology. Iowa City. tf°. Universitetskiya Izviestiya. [ProtokoU zastedaniy Fiziko- Meditsinskavo Obshtshestva i prilozheniya k nim.] Kiev v. 1-2. 8°. Universite de Leide. Recueil de travaux auatomo-pathologiques du laboratoire Boerhaave, publte par Dr. E. Siegenbeek van Heukelom. Leide. 8°. Universite libre de Bruxelles. Travaux de l'Institut de therapeu- tique (Pare L6opold). BruxelleB. 8°. Universal ( The ) Medical Journal ( formerly The Satellite ). A monthly magazine of the progress of every branch of medicine in all parts of the world. Philadelphia. 8°. University (The) Medical. A monthly magazine published by the Students' Council of the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of Texas. Galveston. 8°. University of Pennsylvania. Coutributions from the William Pepper Laboratory of Clinical Medicine. Philadelphia. 4°. University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin (formerly the Uni- versity Medical Magazine). Philadelphia. 4°. Universita di Perugia. Annali della Facolta di medicina. Peru- gia. 8C. University (The) of Torouto Quarterly. Torouto. 8°. Anatomical series. University of Toronto Studies. 1 v., 1900. 8°. University of Toronto Studies. 1 v., 1902. 8°. University of Toronto Studies. 1 v., 1900-1901. 8C. University of Toronto Studies. Toronto. Biological series. Toronto. Physiological series. Toronto. Psychological series. Toronto. Urologia. Budapest, fol. Urquell (Der). Line Monatschrift fiir Volkskunde. Leiden. 8°. Uveitis. Symposium of papers read before the Ophthalmolog- ical Section of the American Medical Association, June, 1902. Chicago. 8°. V. Varshav. univ. izviest. Verdad med.-social, Mayaguez. Verhandel. v. h. Batav. Ge- nootsch. v. Kunst. en We- tensch. Verhandel. v. h. Prov. Utrecht. Genootsch. v. h. Kunst. en We- tensch., Utrecht. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem. Verhandl. d. Com. f. Krebsforsch., Berl. Varshavskiya universitetskiya izviestiya. [Warshaw Univer- sity communications.] Varshava. 8°. Verdad (La) medico-social. Mayaguez, [Puerto Rico]. 8. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap vau Kunsten en Weteuschappen. Batavia. 8° & 4°. Verhandelingen van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van het Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Utrecht. 8°. Verhandelingen uitgegeeven door de Hollandse Maatschappye der Weetenschappen, te'Haarlem. Haarlem. 8°. Verhaudluugen des Comites fur Krebsforschung. Berlin. Hft. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. [G3] Verhandl. d. deutsch. Aerzte- tages, Leipz. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Ge- sellsch., Jena. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Ge- sellsch., Berl. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. Verhandl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Verhandl. d. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med. zu Kopenh., Stockholm. Verhandl. d. Sect. f. LaryngoL u. Rhinol. [etc.], Leipz. Verhandl. d. Tuberc-Com. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte in Miinchen, Berl. Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S., Miinchen. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl. Verhandl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Ohrenarzte in Miinchen, Berl. Vermont M. Month., Burlington. Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Bal- neolog. Oest., Wien. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbader, Berl. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Ver. f. Volks-Hyg., Miinchen & Berl. Vestnik, v Praze. Vestnik Idiotii i Epileps., S.- Peterb. Vestnik Khir., Mosk. Vestnik Klubu cesk. farm, v Praze. Vestnik med., Kharkov. Vestnik S.-Peterb. Vrach. Obsh. Vzaimn. Pom. Vet. feldsher, S.-Peterb. Vet. J., Lond. Vet. Mag., Phila. Vet. obozr., Mosk. Vet. Rec, Lond. Vet. sbirka, Sofiya. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond. Vita sez., Leipz. Verhandluugen des deutschen Aer/.tetages. Leipzig. I". Yerhandlungen der deutschen otologischen Gesellschaft. Jena. Verhandluugen der deutschen pathologischen Gesellschaft. Ber- lin. 8 . Verhandlungcu der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforschcr und Aerzte. Leipzig, s . Verhandluugen der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshilfe zu Leipzig im Jabre 189>. Leipzig. 8 . Verhandlungcu der Hufclaud'schen Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1895-6. Berlin. 8 -\ Verhandluugen des nordischen Kongresscs fiir innere Medicin zu Kopenhagen, 1900. Stockholm. pc. Verhandluugen der Section fiir Laryngologie und Rhinologie der r>9. Versammlung deutscher IS'aturforscher uud Aerzte, Berlin. Leipzig, fol. Verhandluugen der stiiudigen Tuberculosc-Couimissiou der Ver- sammlung deutscher Naturforschcr und Aerzte in Miinchen. Berlin. Verhandluugen des Vereins der Aerzte zu Halle a. S. Miinchen. Yerhandlungen des Vereins fur innere Medicin zu Berlin. Ber- lin. 8'. Verhandluugen der Versammlung deutscher Ohrenarzte und Taubstumnieulehrer in Miinchen. Berlin. 8°. Vermont (The) Medical Monthly. Burlington, Vt. 8°. Veroffentlichungen des Centralverbandes der Balneologen Oes- terreichs. Bericht iiber den 1. Oesterreichischen Balneologeu- Congress. Wien. 8C. Veroffentlichungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Volksbader. Berlin. 8°. Veroffentlichungen des deutschen Vereins fiir Volks-IIygiene. Miinchen & Berlin. Hft, 1-4, 1902-3. 8Q. Vestnik. Priloha "Casopisu tekaru ceskych". Praze. 8°. Vestnik Idiotii i Epilepsii. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Vestnik Khirurgii. Moskva. 8°. Vestnik Klubu ceskych fannaceutu v Praze. Praha. 83. Vestnik meditsini. Kharkov. 4 . Vestnik S.-Peterburgskavo Vrachebnavo Obshtshestva Vzaimnot Pomoshtsbi. S.-Peterburg. ^\ Veterinarniy feldsher; obshtshedostupnly zhurnal dlya selskikh zhitcleT i veterinarnlkh feldshcrov. S.-Peterburg. 8°. Veterinary (The) Journal. London. 8 . Veterinary (The) Magazine. A journal for the practitioner and for the advancement of comparative medicine. Philadelphia. 8'\ Veterinarnoye obozrtenio (Revue veterinaire); zhurnal izdava- yemiy Moskovskim Obshtshestvom Veterinarnlkh Vrachei. Moskva. 8-. Veterinary (The) Record. A weekly journal for the profession. London. 4°. Veterinarna sbirka; mtesechno spisanie po veterinaruata medi- tsina i skotovudstvoto; organ na Druzhcstvoto na veterinarni- tle ltekari v Bolgariya. Sofiya. 8°. Virchow's Archiv fiir pathologische Anatoinie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medicin. Berlin. 8°. Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly. Richmond, Va. 8°. Vita sexualis. Zeitschrift zur Eikenntnis des Sexuallebens und dei sexuellen Erkrankuugen dcsMenscheu. Leipzig, roy. 8°. [64] Vlaamsche genees- en heelk. bl., Amst. & Gent. Voix, Par. Volksgzndhd., Amst. Vopr. filos. i psichol., Mosk. Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev. Vortrags-Cyclus d. psychol. Ge- sellsch. zu Breslau, Berl. Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb. Vrach. Khron., Kharkovsk. gub. Vrach.-san. list. Simbirsk, gub. Vlaamsche genees- en heelkundige bladen. Amsterdam & Gent. v. 1, 1903. 8\ Voix (La) partee et chantee. Anatomie, physiologie, pathologie, hygiene et Education. Paris. 8°. Volksgezondheid (De). Amsterdam, v. 1, 1903. sm. 4°. Voprosi filosofii i psichologii. Moskva. 8°. Voprosl nervno-psikhicheskol meditsini. Zhurnal posvyashtshon- nly voprosam psikhiatrii, nervnoT patologii, tiziologicheskol psikhologii, nei vno-psikhicheskoi higienl ipr. Kiev. 8°. Vortrags-Cyclus der psycholpgischen Gesellschaft zu Breslau iiber die Entwickelung der Psychologie und verwandter Gebiete des Wissens und des Lebeus im neunzehnten Jahr- huudert. Berlin. 8C. Vrachebnaya Gazeta; klinicbeskaya vrachei. S.-Peterburg. 4°. i hltovaya gazeta dlya Vrachebnaya Khronika Kharkovskoi gubernii. Kharkov. Vrachebno-sanitarnly listok Simbirskoi gubernii. Simbirsk. 8°. w. Wash. M. Ann. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Bresl. Weekly Drug News, N. Y. Weekly M. Rev. & J. Obst. [etc.], St. Louis. Welch's Month., Phila. West. Clin. Recorder, Chicago. West Lond. M. J., Lond. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb. West. M. & S. Gaz., Denver. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr. Wilkinson's M. Digest, Omaha. Wills Eye Hosp. Rep., Phila. Wisconsin Drug. Exch., Janes- ville. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee. Wisconsin M. Recorder, Janes- ville. Wissensch. Mitth. d. Inst. z. Be- handl. v. Unfallverl. in Bresl. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamt- geb. d. prakt. Med. Washington Medical Annals. (Bimonthly.) Journal of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. Washington. 8°. Wochenschrift fiir Therapie und Hygiene des Auges. Breslau. fol. Weekly Drug News. A technical aud commercial journal, de- voted to drug, chemical, and pharmaceutical interests. New York. fol. Weekly (The) Medical Review and Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. St. Louis, roy. 8°. Welch's Monthly. Monthly magazine of dental art, science and literature. Philadelphia. 8°. Western (The) Clinical Recorder. Chicago. 8°. West London Medical Journal. Published quarterly under the auspices of the West London Medico-Chirurgical Society. London. 8d. Western Medical Review. A monthy journal of medicine aud surgery. Lincoln, Nebraska, roy. 8°. Western Medical and Surgical Gazette. Denver. 8°. Wiener zahniirztliche Monatsschrift. Wien. 8°. Wilkinson's Medical Digest. A monthly medical journal devoted to medicine aud surgery. Omaha. 4°. Wills Eye Hospital Reports. Philadelphia. 8°. Wisconsin Druggists' Exchange. Janesville. fol. Wisconsin (The) Medical Journal. Milwaukee. 8°. Wisconsin (The) Medical Recorder. A monthly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Janesville, Wis. 8°. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen des Instituts zur Behandlnng von Unfallvorletzten iu Breslau. Breslau. roy. 8°. Wiirzburger Abhandlungen aus dem Gesamtgebiet der prakti schen Mediziu. Wiirzburg. 8°. [«'>] V. Yakuseki Shimpo, Osaka. Year Bk. M. Ass. Gr. N. York. Yakuseki Shimpo. Osaka, fol. Year Book of the Medical Association of the Greater City of New- York. New York. LJ ;. Yearbook U. S.. Dep. Agric, Yearbook of the United Stales Department of Agriculture. 1894. Wash. Washington. 8 . Yubil. sborn. v chest. . . Sklifo- sovskavo, S.-Peterb. Yubileiniy sbornik v chest XL-lIetiya viachclmoT dieyatelnosti N. Y. Sklifosovskavo. S.-Peterburg. 4°. z. Z ii. lek. klin. v Praze. Zacchia n. secolo xx, Bologna. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl. Zahnarztl. WchnbL, Hamb. Zahnkunst, Bresl. Zahntech. Rundschau, Berl. Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, S. Peterb. Zatisi, Praha. Zbirn. mat.-prir.-lik. sekts. [etc.], Lvov. Zbirn. Sekts. mat. - prir. - Ilk. [etc.], Lvov. Zborn. zakona i uredaba u Kne- jevini Srbiji, Beograd. Zdravi, v Praze. Zdravie, Vidin. Zdravot. vestnik v Praze. Zemsk. Vrach, Chernigov. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz. Zool. Bull., Bost. Zool. Jahresb., Berl. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena. Ztschr. f. allg. Physiol., Jena. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl. Ztschr. f. Bekampf. d. Ge- echlechtskrankh., Leipz. Z ii. tekafske kliniky. Kliuicke' pr&co a sdeleni. [From the second medical clinic. Essays and communications. ] v Praze. -°. Zacchia nel secolo xx. Bollettino per 1' ordinamento delle perizie giudiziarie e per la pratica medico legale in armouia colla medicina scientifica. Bologna. 8-. Zahniirztliche Rundschau. Centralblatt fiir Zahnhcilkunde und Zahntechuik. Berlin. 4°. Zahnarztliches Wochenblatt. Korrespondeuz- und Anzeigeblatt fiir das gesammte Gebiet der Zahnbeilkunde. Hamburg, fol. Zahnkunst (Die). Wochenschrift des Vereins deutscher Zahn- kunstler. Breslau. fol. Zahutechnische Rundschau. Zentral-Organ fiir die beruflicheu Interessen des gesamteu Zahnkiinstlerstandes. Berlin, fol. Zapiski Imperatorskoi Akademii Nank. Sauktpeterburg. 8°. Za"tisi. Casopis veiiovany zajmum letnich sidel l^zenskyck a lecebnych mist a jich hosti. Praha. 4°. Zbirnik niatematichno-prirodopisuo-Likarsko'i sektsii Nankovoho Tovaristva inieni Shevchenka. Sammelschrift der tnathcma- tisch-naturwissenschaftlicb-arztlichen Sektion der Sevcenko- Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Lemberg. Lvov. 8U. Zbirnik Scktsii matematichno-prirodopisuo likarsko'i Naukovogo tovaristva imeni Shevchenka. Lvov. 8°. Zbornik zakona i uredaba u Knejevine Srbiji izdauich od 18 Augusta 1880 do "2<> Juna 1881. y Beogradu. 8 \ Zdravi. List praktickdho zdravotnictvi a hyieny skolnf. Orgau " Cesk6 spolecnosti pro vefejite zdravotnictvi". v Praze. 8°. Zdravie; mlesechno poj>ulyarno - meditsinsko spisanie. Vidin. 8". Zdravotuick^ vestnik. v Praze. roy. « . Zemskiy Vrach. Chernigov. 4". Zentralblatt fiir Chirurgie. Leipzig. 8°. Zentralblatt fiir Gyniikologie. Leipzig. 8 . Zentralblatt fiir innere Medizin. Leipzig. 8D. Zoological Bulletin. Boston. 8■'■. Zoologischer Jahresberieht. Hrsg. von raphie, Rdntgoskopie, Rdntgographie und der Licht- anwendung (Fortsetzung der Internat. photogr. Mouatsschrilt fiir Medizin). Miinchen. 8°. CATAL L. L.. Prova medico-legale della contagiosita del cholera dominante. e dati per regolarnc 1' e>tirpa- zione. Cenni ott'erti da P. L. Brera, etc.,Venezia, 1~:>6. Intorno alle antiche dottriue italiane sulla contagione, e ai fatti die le dimostrano vote. Memorie storico-critiche di G. Montesanto, etc.. Padova. 18:56. [Rev.] 8pp. 8C. [ lenezia, 18:>6. ] L,. A R. See il'Vvoii-y [in 1. s.]. Porte-feuille antiveueiien; ittlige d'ajires les lecons publiques de ~Sl. d'Vvoirv. 2i°. Battle. 17.».">. L>. (A. H.) The successful palliation of hay fever. i> pp. 10°. Philadelphia, 1888. nepr.from: Med. Xrws. Phila., 1888, liii. -----. The radical cure of hay-fever with chromic acid. 7 pp. 1(W. [Philadelphia, 1-80.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., iss'j, ]v. Li. (C.L.). See. Revillon (Clande) fin 1. s.]. Briefe eines Arztes [etc.]. 1J°. Gotha, 1781. Li. (Ch.) Noiivelles recherches sur les maladies de la poitrine, manic-re de prevenir et de guerir soi-meme la pulmonic, suivies de reflexions pra- tiques sur les rhnmes comment-ana, negliges, catarrhes aigus et chroniques, l'asthme, etc. 48 pp. >-. 1'aris, chez Vauieur. 1^'ii). Li. (D.) L'iuauguration du College de chirurgie, ode. 7 pp. 12:. Paris, Pranlt, 177.">. L,. (D.) Reflexions utiles a tons les homines. 10 pp. >-. Paris, I..-M. CeVot,1790. An essay in defense of pharmacy as an independent science. L.. (<;... See Floret (Pierre) [in 1. s.]. Documents chirurgicaux [etc.]. h'-. Lyon. 1MJ1. Li. (I.) Kratkoye rnkovodstvo k analizu mochi, j moloka i masla. [.Short manual for analysis of urine, milk, and butter. ] ii, :52 pp. 24-. S.-Pe- terburg, P. UoshtshitixLaga, 1-88. -----. Kratkiy povtoritelnly knrs higienl o pitanii i pi-htshevikh vesbtshestvakh. [Short review course of hygiene of nutrition and food stuffs.] 52 pp. 6°. S.-Peterburg, P. J'oshtshin- skaya, l-9o. Ei. (J. B.) Le magne'tisme [etc.]. See L[ou- bert] (J. B.). L. (J. ST.) Discursus medicus de abortu [etc.]. See Liiders (J. N.). L.. (P.). /S'eedeLi[igiiac] (P.) Natnikundige beschouwing van der man [etc.]. 8°. Rotterdam, 1772. Li. (R.) Des habitudes secretes, ou lettres me'di- cales et morales a une jeune malade et a une more de famille. xii, 312 pp. 8°. Paris, ltidot le jeune, 182:5. de L.. (S.) Nouvelles classes de maladies, qui, dans un ordre semblable a celui des botanistcs, compreiinent les genres et bs especcs de tontes les maladies, avec leur signes et leurs indica- tions. 2 p. 1., xxiv, 25-450 pp. 12°. Avignon, B. d'Aranville, [1731]. VOL IX, 2D SERIES----1 OGUE. LAAN. L«. (V.) Notice sur les ea.ux salines t herniates et lescaux ferrugiueusesfroidesd'Alet, presLimoux (Aude). A\cc un apercu sur leurs proprtetes medicates, par l'6lix Maynard. 14 pp. 8J. Pari*, M. Laradv, 1854. «I«'Li.(T.) Not icesur M. le docfeur Fiard. 8 pp. I- . Paris, Mme. de Laeombe, [ L-5:>]. Repr.from: Arcli. d. homines du jour. -----. Notice sur M. le docteur Adolphe Lenoir. 4 pp. 12°. Paris, Mme. de Laeombe, [n. d.~\. Repr.from: Arch. d. homines du jour. Li. (V.) Appuutidi anatomia patologica generale, preceduti da un rapido sunto d' istologia. Rac- colti per cura del Dott. . . . 124 pp., 11. 12u. Xapoli, Ji. Avallone efiglio, 1898. L<. (V. F.) Der Hausarzt am Wochenbett und in der Kinderstube. Fine Liebesgabe fur treue, sorgsame Miitter zur Belehrung iiber ihre eigene und ihrer Kinder Gesundheitspflege, sowie iiber das diiitetiscbe Verhalten bei eintretenden Krankheiten und die ersten Hiilfsleistungen bei denaelben vor Ankunft des Arztes. Mit einem Schwangerschaftskalender, durchgesehen und gepriift yon Karl August Koch. 2. Antl. xii, 164 pp., 1 tab. 12-. Leipzig, F. Vo>gt, 1858. Probably by Kail Christian Anton, who signs the preface. L. ( V. S. ) Dell' engastrimita, o ventriloquo. Dissertazione di . . ., in cui si fa la storia di quest' arte, e si dimostra se, sin veto o no, die gli engastrimiti parlin col ventre. 1. ed. 211 pp., 1 pi. 8'. Firenze, stamp. Bondttcciana, 182::. [P., v. 1(391.J Laabs (Albert). * Ueber tuberkelbacillenahnli- che Stiibcben in verschiedenen Kdrpersekreten und ihr Verlialten gegen einige der gebrauch- lichsten Methoden der Tuberkclbacillentarbung. 82 pp. 8'-'. Freiburg i. B., LI. JCpntein, 1894. Liaal>S (Alexander). * Ueber abnormes An ft re- ten von Broncbiiilatmen auf der gesunden To- la xhalfte bei akuter kruposer I'neunionie. 41 pp. 8J. Straxxbttrg, »'. (loellcr, 1892. Liiukinta - YlihallitiikM'lta. Ilmoitus cluintaudcista. suomessa. 1. l'ernarutto. [The superior sanitary council. Information on cattle disease in Finland. I. Anthrax.] :52pp. 12°. Helsingissa, ('. J. Lindegrist, | 1869?] Laakllianil (Wilhelm [Hermann]) [186:?- ]. "Leber maligiie Recidive nach Ovariotomien. (Aus der Frauen-Klinik zu Kiel.) 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel it. Leipzig, Lipsitts § 7V.sc/kt, 1890. Laail ( Hendrik Arnoud). * Over ge/ichts- scherpteen harebepaling. xv, 151 pp., 2 1. 8 . Utrecht, C. H. K. Breijer, 1901. van der Laail ( Henricus ). * De hydrope. [Marburg.] vi ii, 47 pp. 8 . Del phis Batavo- rum, C. <)• S. van Graauwenhaan, 1804. [P., v. 1862.] 1 LA AN. 2 LABAT. van der L\aan (Pedro Adriano) [1841- 88]. da Fonsrea (L.) Notas biographicas. Correio med. de Lisb., 18*8, xvii, 73. Laas (Rudolph). * Ueber den Einilussder Fette auf die Ausnutznng der Eiweissstoffe. 16 pp. ■°. Strassburg, K. .J. Triibtier, 1894. L pp., 3 1. 4°. Litgd. Bat., apud C. de Pecker J- J. le Mair, 1761. [P., v. 1937.] Labacli (Leopoldus Albertus ). *De lapide nianati. 11 1. 4°. Balm Magdeb., [1699] re- cusum lit. Henckelianis, 1710. [P., v. 1914.] Labadie (Ferreol) [1853- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'etude du cancer lingual d'origine leuco- plasiqne. 46 pp., 1 pi., 1 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1884, 6. s., No. 38. -----. ReseBa acerca de la historia de la par^- lisis general progresiva de los enajenados y sus formas clinicas. 30 pp. 8°. Mexico, L. Cum- plido, 1885. Labadie (Gnstave) [1871- ]. *Du cancer de la prostate. 86 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1895, No. 1136. Labatlie-Liagrave (F[rCdcric]) [1844- ]. Urologie clinique et maladies des reins. 1178pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4' E- Lecrosnier, 1888. Forms v. 4 of: Medeeine clinique. -----. La ftevre puerpOale d'autrefois et la ftevre puerpe"rate d'aujourd'hui. Etude clini- que. 44 pp. 8°. Havre, Lemale <$• Cie., [1891]. Repr.from: Ann. degyn6c. et d'obst., Par., 1891, xxxvi. -----. Traite des maladies du foie. 1083 pp. 8°. Paris, Vre. Babe' $ Cie., 1892. Forms v. 6 of: Medeeine clinique. -----. Traite des maladies du sang. 1 p. 1., 730 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Bataille $ Cie., 1893. Forms v. 9 of: Medeeine clinique. -----. Pathoge"nte et traitement des nephrites et du mal de Bright. 259 pp. 12°. Paris, Rueff$ Cie., [1893]. See, also, Medeeine clinique parG. See et le Dr. Laba- die-Lagrave. 8°. Paris, 1884-93. — Kegnier (L.-R.) Traitement des maladies des femmes |etc.l. 8°. Paris 1896. For Biography, gee Bianchon (H.) Nos grands medecins. 8°. Paris, 1891, 237-243. See, also: Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, suppl., 193. ■----- & Legiieu (Felix). Traite ntedico- cbirurgical de gynecologie. 2. eYl. 1 p. L, vi (1 L), 1258 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1901. Lahady (Ctement) [1870- ]. * Etude sur les luxations ntedio-carpiennes traumatiques. 73 pp. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 469. Labalbary (Guillaume-Paul) [1815-68]. Caffc (P.-L.-B.) Necrologie. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1868, xxxv, 159. L.abalette (Francois) [1865- ]. *Lesveines de la tete et du cou (systeme de la veine-cave superieure); applications physiologiques et ntedico-chirurgicales. 91 pp. 4°. Lille, 1891, 3. s., No. 98. Liabalte & Cie. Memoire sur Fentreprise de la distribution geiterale des eaux de Paris. 28 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, Delaguette, 1819. Labanhie (L6on-Aiute ) [1845- ]. *Des ulceres du col de l'uterns. 142 pp., 11 4° Lille, 1895, No. 97. JLabarbe (F.-A.) [1801-30]. Caffe (P.-L.-B.) Discours prononce" sur la tombe de F.-A. Labarbe, candidat en mede- eine. 12°. [Rouen, 1830.] Repr. from: J. de Rouen. Labarraquc (A[ntoine] -G[ermain]) [1777- 18.")0]. L'art du boyaudier. Memoire qui a obtcnu te prix fomte par le ptefet de police et propose" par la Soctete d'encouragenient pour l'industrie nationale. 138pp. 8°. Paris, Mme. Huzard, 1822. [P., v. 1632.] -----. De l'eniploi des chlorures d'oxide de sodium et de chaux. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Mme. Huzard, 1825. [P., v. 1789.] -----. The same. Over het gebruik van de chlorure de sonde en chlorure de chaux; ver- taald en met aaumerkingeu betreffende de berei- ding, zamenstelling, eigenscbappen en het ge- bruik dezer zouten, toegelickt door A. H. van der Boon Mesch. xvi, 136 pp. 8°. Leyden, Haak $ Co., 1827. -----. Rapport au conseil sur les exhumations des cadavres deposes dans les caveaux de l'e"glise St. Enstacbe, a la suite des jountees des 27, 28 et 29 juiltet 1830. 12 pp. 8°. [Paris, 1830.] [P., v. 1677.] -----. Modo de emplear el cloruro de dxido de sodio como preservative de las enfermedades cpid6micas 6 contagiosas cuales son el cholera- morbus, la peste, lafiebre amarilla, etc. (vduiito negro). 4 pp. 8°. Mexico, J. Uribe p., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1892, No. 763. Labat (A.) Etude sur la station et les eaux de Teplitz (Boheme). 47 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bail- Here, 1870. -----. Les bains de mer anglais et francais des cotes de la Manche. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, Gauthier- Villars, [1872]. Repr.from: Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1872, iv. -----. Note ntedicale sur Antelie-tes-Bains. 14 pp. 8°. Nancy, Berger-Levrault 4" Cie., 1877. Repr.from: Rev. d'hydrol., Nancy, 1877. -----. Le climat du sud-ouest de la France. Arcachon, Biarritz, Pau. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Lev4, 1891. Repr.from: Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1890, xxxiii. -----. Voyage en Italie. Congres de Rome 1894. 79 pp. 86. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1894. -----. Villes d'hiver et bains de mer de la cor- niche franco-italieuue. 90 pp., 11. 8°. Paris, J.-B, Bailliere, 1896. LABAT. 3 LABfiQUE. Labat (A.)—continued. -----. The same. 90 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- lure, 189-. ------. Eaux miiterales d'ltalie. 2 p. L, viii, 82 pp., 1 1. 8 \ Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1899. ------. Cliniat et eaux miiterales d'Angleterre. vii, 79 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1900. ------. Cliinat et eaux miiterales d'Espagne. 2 p. L, xiv, 78 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, J.-li. Hail- liere cj-fils, 1901. ------. Climat et eaux niine"ralcs d'Allemagne. 1 p. L, xvi, 94 pp., 1 1. 8\ Paris, J.-B. Hailliere S-fih, 1902. ------. Climat et eaux miiterales d'Autriche- Hougrie. xvi, 93 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ffils, 1903. See. also, de Ij« Harpe. Formulaire des stations d'hiver fete.]. 24°. Paris, 1895. Labat (Alfred) [1851- ]. 'Analogies et dif- ferences entre la tievre typhoiide de l'homme et les affections typhoides des solipedes. [Bor- deaux.] 82 pp., 1 L, 8 diag. 4-\ Toulouse, 1--3, 5. s., No. 26. Labat (Andte-Henri). Editor of: Journal de medeeine de Bordeaux, 1869-70. Labat (Ernesf-Xavier) [L-73- ]. * Contri- bution a reiuiio de la diazoreaetion en general et dans la syphilis en particulier. 47 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 110. Labat (L.) Histoire ntedico-chirurgicale de la maladie produite par la chi(|tie, iusecte parasite tres commun daus les contrees nteridionales de l'Anterique. 16 pp. 12c. [n. p., n. d.~\ Liabat (Maxime) [1-76- ]. *Les cystites daus la tievre typhoide et en particulier les cys- tites a bacilles d'Eberth. 36 pp. 8-. Paris, 1902, No. 434. Labat de Lambert (H.) [1-64- ]. *De la cure radicate de l'hydrocele vaginale simple par les injections d'acide pltenique pur. 62 pp., 11. 4J. Paris, 1—9. No. 34-. —----. The same. 62 pp., 1 1. 8C. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1—9. Titlc-])ii'_'e reads: H. de Lambert. Labat - Labourdette ( Francois - Robert) [1-6-- ]. * Contribution au traitement des adf'nites chroniques par les courauts continus. C>» p. 4C. Bordeaux, 1-9:5, No. 71. Labatt (Hamilton). Letters addressed by Ed- ward Jenner, M. D., to the late Samuef Bell Labatt, M. I).. of Dublin, on the subject of vac- cination. 10 pp. 8\ Dublin, M. H. Gill, 1859. Repr.from: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1859, xxvii. Labatt de Lambert (Edmond) [W,9- ]. 'Contribution ;t lVnnlede la pathoge'nie et du traitement de I'epilcp.ste. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, 1^96, No. 491. Labatlit (Arnaud-Fuyime) [ -188G], For Biography, see .7. de med. de Bordeaux, 1885-6. xv, :i>-:;:;0 (Pitres & Chabrely). Labaume (Joseph) [1-72- ]. 'Del'excision des ltemorrhoides par la mCthode de ^Whitehead. 70 ppy 1 1. 8°. Lyon, 1898, No. 93. Labbe (Alphonse). La cytologic experimentale Essai decytontecanique. viii, 187 pp. 8'-. I'a- ris, G. Carre $ C Naud. 189-. Labbe (Donatien j [1852- ]. De 1'ozone, apercu physiologique et tlterapcutique. 1 p. L, 42 pp. fi''. Paris, Asselin 4~ Houzeau, 18-9. ----- & Ondin. Om Behandlingcn af Lunge Tuberkulose ved Indaanding af ozoniseret Luft. [The treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs by the inhalation of ozonized air.] 10 pp., 1 1. H'-'J. Kfrbenhavn, C. Dahl 4- Co., [1891]. Labbe (Edmond) [1852- ]. * Considerations cliniques sur les pneumonies des diabdtiques. 72 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 165. Labbi"' (fJdottard) [18137-04]. [Biography.] Gaz. d. bop., Tar., 1895, lxvili, 313. Labbe (Jules) [1872- ]. 'Contribution a l'ctude du mal perforant plantaire. 5(i pp. 8 . Paris, 1898, No. 117. Labbe (L6011) [1832- ]. De la coxalgie. 140 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Paris, A. Delahage, Lw63. Concours. For Biography, see Itiiuielion (II.) Nosgrandsmede- cins. S\ I'ans, 1891, 2I.~> - 2.~>l. See, also: 5az.med.de Par., 1901!, 12. s., iii. ti.i. Aho: Med. mod., Tar., 1895, vi, suppl., 113: 189S. viii, suppl.. 25. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). ------ A Kemy (Charles). Traite des fibromes de la paroi abdominale. 1 p. L, 359 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4' B. Lecrosnier, 1888. Labbe (Marcel). * Etude du ganglion lympha- tiquo dans les infections aignc's. 180 pp., 4 pi. 8 . Paris, 1898, No. 383. ------. Hydrothorax. In: Traitk de mod. (Brouardel & Gilbert), Par., 1901, viii, 197-199. ------. Le sang. (Physiologic ge"iterale.) 95 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4'fils, 1902. Labbe (Kaoul). Le syndrome urinaire dans la scarlatine et la diphterio de l'enfance. 241 pp. 8 . Paris, J. Rousset, 1903. Labbee (Finest). Les medicaments nonveaux: coinmentaires tlterapeutiques. 79 pp. 8 . Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1896. See, also, Oiacomini (Carlo). Large communication entre la vcine porte et les veines ilia<|iies droites. 8°. Paris, 1874.—Giibler (A[dolplie-Mai ie]). Commentaire therapeuthiue du Uodex medicamentariua [etc. 1. 8°. Paris, 1895. Labberte (L.-D.). See Dissc (J. S. G.), liabbertc (L. D.) & van Kreel (H.) Anatomie en physiologie. 12°. Rotterdam, 1887. La Beaunie (Michael). Remarks on the his- tory and philosophy, but particularly on the medical efficacy, of electricity in the cure of nervous and chronic disorders, and in various local affections, as blindness, deafness, t^tc.; illustrated with many new and striking cases; together with observations on galvanism as au efficient substitute for mercurial remedies in bilious and stomach complaints. 2. ed., greatly enlarged, xix, 21-373 pp., 2 pi. 12°. London, F. Wart; 1820. ------. On galvanism, with observations on its chymical properties and medical eflicacy in chronic diseases, with practical illustrations; also remarks on some auxiliary remedies, xxvii, 271 pp., 1 I., 3 pi. 16-; London, Highley, 1826. | ------. Cases of indigestion from disorders of the stomach, liver, and bowels, and other com- plaints; as asthma, gout, blindness, deafness, lameness, etc.; cured by galvanism. 2. ed. 1 p. L, Ill pp., 1 L, 1 pi. 16°. London, Highley, 1827. Bound with the preceding. ------. On the air-pump vaporiser, for the imme- diate relief and cure of gout, rheumatism, palsy, diseased joints, etc.; with cases. 3. ed. ii, 48 pp. 16 . London, Highley, 1813. ------. On gal\anism and its eflicacy in the cure of indigestion, torpid and obstructed liver and bowels, asthma dropsy. 36 pp. 12°. London, S'nnpkins 4' Marshall, [n. d.~\. Lafoelle (Charles) [1872- ]. *l>ermatoso et onyxis professionnel.s. Mal des plongeurs. 51 pp. 8°. Paris, 1*98, No. 480. de La Bclliere (Th.) See de la Belliere (Th.) Labeque (Jean-Baptiste-Annand) [1861- ]. * Contribution a l'ctudo des inilammatious ai- gucs de ramygdalo linguale. 51 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894, No. 59. LABERNESSE. Labei'liesse (Ernst). * Contribution a l'etude de l'hypertrophie du cirtir ch' z renfantet l'ado- leseent. 72 pp. 4°. Toulouse, 1895, No. 100. Labes (Lriedrich [Carl]) [I8t)6- ]. * Pal.ho- logiscli-anatondscbc Beitriige zur Lehre von der Intiucnzapneumonie. 38 jip., 1 1. 8-. Berlin, ('. Vagi. [1>9"2]. Labesse (Paul) [1-61- ]. *Du glycerophos- phate de chaux et de la noix de kola. 72 pp. * . Paris, 1^97, No. 177. Labey (Georges) [1873- ]. * De l'iuterven- tion chirurgicale dans les formes graves des co- lites rebelles. 164 pp. 8\ Paris, 1902, No. 217. -----. The same. 104 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1902. Labeyrie (Georges j [1877- ]. *La tuber- culose dd pubis ct de la sympbyse pubienne. [Paris.] 10J pp., 1 1. 8°. Nantes, 1900, No. 136. Labliardt (Alfred). * Ueber traumatische Tu- Ueiculosen in der Chirurgie. [Basel.] 55 jqi. 8'-\ Aarau, G. Kellar, 1899. Labiche (Charles) [1866- ]. *L'<p. 4°. Bordeaux, 1883, 5. s., No. 21. 4 LABONNE. I LaboiNiie (Emile-Adrien) [1872- ]. * Des j tesions utetcro-renales an coins du cancer ute- rin. 82 pp. s . Bordeaux, 1-99, No. 96. La Bomiardiere. Precis d'hygiene pratique generate ct speciale. Premiere part ie : Hygiene generate. 2 p. L, ii, 247 pp. 12 . Lyon, A. Slorek .)■ Cie., 1901. La Bomiardiere (Jerome) [1h;2- ]. *l)e la disarticulation tibio-tarsienne et de l'ampu- tation de la jamhc au quart iuterieur avec Lim- beau talonnier douhte du peLioste calcaue'en. (MeLhededu professeur Oilier.) 89 pp., 1 ]., :{ pi. 8-. Lyon, 1897, 2. s., No. 8(1. La Bomiardiere (Jh.) * Introduction a la thalassotlterapie. 130 pp. 4°. Montpellier. 18ti5, No. 77. c. La Bomiardiere (Leon) [ Hil- ]. "Con- tribution a l'etude des rappoits do l'altenation mentalc etde la tuberculose. 79 pp. 8-. I yon, 1898, No. 120. Laboiilie (Henry). Comment on (tefend sa bouche; la lutte pour la conservation des dents. 2. ed. 3-< pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, [I900J. Collection "Comment on defend," no. 5. -----. Comment on defend ses cheveux; la lutte contre la calvitie-et contre la cauitie. 36 pp, 12°. Paris, 19lH». Collection "Comment on defend," no. 18. -----. Comment on se (tefend contre les maladies du Ibie; la lutte contre l'ictere, la colique hepa- tiqucet les ciirhoses. 47 pp. 12°. Paris, 1900. Collet tion "Comment on defend," no. 19. -----. Comment on se (tefend des maladies ner- veuses; la lutte contre la nenrastltenie et les ne"- vroses. 44 pp. 12°. Paris, [1900 f]. Collection " Comment on defend," no. 4. -----. The same. 2. e"d. 44 pp. 12°. Paris, [1900]. Collection "Comment on defend," no. 4. -----. Comment on (tefend ses intestins; la lutte contre les maux de ventre et l'appendicite. 56 pp. 12°. Paris, [1901]. Collection "Comment on defend," no. 50. -----. Comment on se de~fend de la donlenr; la lutte victorieuse contre la souffrance dans la plupart des maux. 76 pp. 12°. Paris, [1901]. Collection "Comment on defend," no. 40. -----. Comment ou se (tefend contre les fit-vies Onptives; la lutte contre la rougeote, la scat la- tine et la variole (varicelle, inbeole, rosCote sai- sonniere) 47 pp. 12°. Paris, [1901]. Collection "Comment ou defend," no. 51. -----. Comment on defend sa bouche; la lutte pour la conservation des dents. 38 pp., 11. 12°. Paris, [n. ur; la lutte pour la vie. 47 pp. 12°. Paris, [».■92. Arxis.eus (H.) Disquisitiones de partus hu- mani legitimis terminis, ejusdemque observa- tions et controversial auatoinicae. 16°. Franco- furti, 1641. Barbouk (A. H. F.) The auatomy of labour as studied in frozen sections, and its bearings on clinical work. 12c. Edinburgh, l*>-9. -----. The anatomy of labour, including that of full-time pregnancy and the fir>t days of the pnerperium, exhibited in frozen flections repro- dnced ad natnram. fol. Edinburgh 4' London, 1889. -----. The same. 3. ed. fol. Edinburgh 4' London, 1896. Budix (P.) Recherches physiolo<;ique8 et cliniques sur les accoucheinents. >-. Paris, 1876. Cheiiery (J.-X.-L.-M.) *Sur les accouche- mens. 4°. Strasbourg, 1-14. Doppelmair (J. 0. G.) *De partu legitimo. 4C. Jena;, [1767]. Drelixcurtius [ Drelincourt] (C.) De par- tu octimestri vivaci, diatriba. Euitio tertia, ad fidem autographi revocata, cum prior, ex apo- grapho duntaxat, autore ab.scnte; altera vero, super fide prioris, autore inscio, juris jiublici facta fnerit. 4-. Parisiis, 166*. Dumeril (H.-A.-A.) "L'evolution du fcetus. 8C. Paris, 1846. Gaulard (L.) Cours d'accouchements fait a la Faculty de ntedecine de Lille. Gro-sesse et accouchement physiologiques. 8'-. Paris, [1-97]. -----. The same. Maladies de la femme en- ceinte ; avortement; grossesses extra-uteiines. 8C. Paris, 1-97. -----. Th»; same. Questions principales d'anatomie et de physiologic, obste"tricale. 8°. Paris, [1*97]. -----. The same. Op6rations obstetricales. 8'-. Paris, [1*97]. finr.LKHMiN (A.) 'Diagnostic du travail de l'accouchemcnt. 4°. Paris, 1896. -----. The same. *-. Paris, 1896. Hautog (C. M.) *De klinische bcteekenis van de bewegelijkheid der bekkengewrichten voor de baring. [Utrecht] 8°. Haarlem, 1901. Heckmaxx (J.) MJeber das Verhiiltnis des Kopfes des Neugeborenen zum Kopf der Mutter. [Giessen.] 8°. Viernheim, 1896. Jesse (G.) * Die Bedeutung des Abganges von Kindespech wahrend der Geburt. 8°. Marburg, 1888. Koch (J. W.) * De partu naturali. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1697]. LABOE. Labor. Lemoixe (J.-B.) *Essai sur la parturition. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*16. LiNGitAM) (V.) Des pertes de sang physio- logiques dans les accoucheinents. 8°. Paris, 1872. [Nakuele.] Of the natural progress of labour. 8°. [n. p., n. d.~\ Feax (F. B.) * Posit i<»nes anatomical et chi- rnrgica- de partu. sin. 4°. Parisiis, 1778. I'ix.kis (S.) Opuscnlum physiologum, anato- micum (f>vctKuc vere adinirandum, librique duo- bus i istinctum; tractans analytice notas primo integritatis ct corruptionis virginum, deinde gruviditatein, et paxtuin naturalem mulierum, in quo ossa pubis et ilium distrain, dilucide docetur. 16c. Francofurti, 1.799. -----. The same. 24°. Lugd. Bat., 1634. -----. The same. 24 ■>. Lugd. Bat., 1641. ------. The same. 24L. Lugd. Bat., 1650. -----. The same. 24°. Amstelodami, 1663. -----. The same. AVahre Kennzeichen von den Geheimnissen der Jungferschaft, [etc.]. 12-. Erfurt .,- Leipz., 1759. Puinx (E. YV.) *De vitiis a retardata et ac- celerata fcetus evolntione oriundis. 8°. Erlan- ^,[1*14]. Khemelius (J. C.) Partus humanus, sive dissertatio perbrevis de humane partus natura, temporibus, et causis; ex meditullio verae medi- cin ;e eruta, et concinna methodo proposita. 16°. Xoribergee, 1624. Schneiders (J. M.) *Departnra. 4°. Ar- gentorati, 181"). Sciireiher (E.) * Beschreibung von Gefrier- durchsebnitten durch den Rumpf einer WJicb- neiin des 5. Tages. *J. Basel, 1895. Schwartz ( [ J. 11. ] H. ) Die vorzeitigen Athembewegungen. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Einwirkungen des Geburtsactcs auf die Frucbt. *'. Leipzig, 1858. Solayhes de Rexhac (F. L.) * De partu viribus inaternis absolute. 4°. Parisiis, 1771. -----. The same. Denuo edidit necnon prsefatione et annotationibus instruxit Kd.Casp. Jac. de Siebold. 8°. Berolini, 1*31. St.eijel (F.-J.) * Dissertation sur la nomen- clature des accoucbemens, et les diffcrens temps du travail. 4 . Strasbourg, 1806. Steix (G.W.) jun. DerUnterschied zwischeu Mcnsch und Thier im Gebiiren ; zur Aufklarung iiber das Bediirfnis der Gebiirtshiilfe fiir den Menschen. 8°. Bonn, 1H20. Sucker ([J.] M. [II.]) * De magnis mulieris prse ceteris aninialihns in partu naturali diffi- cnltalibns. 8°. Berolini, [1*54]. Tok.xgkkx (A.) Studicr of ver primara ne- dredclsliigen oeh lorldssningar. [Studies in first position and delivery. ) 1 . Helsingfors, 1**7. vox Wekdt (K.) * Leber den Linlluss des Gebiirt.sa.ctes auf die llcr/.thatinkeit des Lotus. [Zurich.] 8°. Bern, 1883. vox Wesitiialex (R.) Ueber das Verhalten des Mastdarms wahrend der Geburt. * . Strassburg, 1900. AVigand (J. H.) Die Geburt des Menschen, in physiologisch-diatetischer und pathologisch- therapeutischer Beziehung, grdsstentheils nach eigencn Beobachtungen und Versuchen darge- stellt. Hrsg. von Franz Carl Naegele. 8°. Berlin, 1*20. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. Hrsg. von Ro- bert Froriep. 2 v. in 1. 8'~. Berlin, 1839. Winter (E.) *Vaimon syunyttiinista ja ras- kauden tilasta. [Pregnancy and parturition.] 8". Helsingfors, I860. LABOB. 6 LABOE. Labor. Winter (G.) Zwei Medianschnitte durch Gebiirende. Eine anatomische Stndie. 8°. Berlin, lr89. Armand. L'accoucliement. Loire med., St.-Etienne, l'.Hil xx. 175. — Auvard (P.-V.-A.) Contribution a r'etude des annexes ovulaires et k celle de la delivrance, des derhirures vulvaires apres l'accoucliement, et de la hauteur del'uterus pendant le postpartum. In his: Trav. d'obst., Par., 18*8, ii, 199-503. -----. Des membranes ovulaires pendant faccouchement. Ibid., 378-409. -----. Du diagnostic de l'epoque de l'accouchement. Ibid., 1889, iii 357-^459 —Barbour (A. H. F.) Sectional anatomy of labour. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1886-7, xii, 8; 39; 100, 3 pi 1 tab. Also: Edinb. M. J., 188G-7, xxxii, 891; 990- 1082: 1887-8, xxxiii, 320; 408; 534, 3 pi., 1 tab. -----. Some recent results from the study of labour by means of frozen sections and casts. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii 1002; 1053, 10 pi. -----. Frozen sections from the eighth month' of pregnancy, the first and second stages of labour and immediately after delivery. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 8. Abth., 26-31.— Benjamin (D.) He-expansion of the uterus in labor. Phila M. J., 1901, vii, 79-81.—By ford (H. T.) The so- called physiological argument in obstetrics. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1888, xxi,897-903. Also Reprint— (!ova. Corn- portamento dei leucociti eosinoflli durante il travaglio di parto e nelle albuminuric gravidiche. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 148-159—van Dorl liroon (D. W. C.) Barings-nood. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1900-1901, vii, 665-608.—Buff (J. M.) Parturition as a factor in gynecologic practice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1900, xxxv, 465-468.—Eisenhart (H.) Ueber Ur- sachen undFolgendes Eihautrisses iu verschiedenen Zeit- punkten. Arch. f. Gyniik., Perl., 1889, xxxv, 386-423.— Fellner (O.) Ueber den Blutdruck in Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, xvi, 852-803.—Fore ((J.) L'influence de la tempera- ture exte'rieure sur le travail. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 17-19— •Sriswold (R. M.) "In sor- row thou shalt hi ing forth children." Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1888, n. s., iv, 47-54.—Hamilton (A. A.) Are most children born during the night? Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1890-91, ix, 222-224.—Hart (D. B.) On some of the phenomena of parturition iu their practical aspects. Edinb. M. J., 1880-81, xxvi, 1085-1088.—Hartog (C. M.) De kiinische beteekenis van de bewegelrjkheit der bek- kengewrichten voor de baring. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ver- losk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1902, xiii, 193-206, 2 pi.— HicliN (J. B.) On the condition of the uterus in unob- structed labour; and an inquiry as to what is intended by the terms "cessation of labour pains," "powerless la- bour", and "exhaustion". Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1868, ix, 207-239. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Select essays &nionog., Lond., 1901, clxxiii, 1-20.—Hofflieinz. Der'Hohestand des Fundus uteri bei der Geburt. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1888, xv, 432-439.—Jones (Mary A. D.) A talk on subjects relating to parturition. Times & Keg., Phila., 1892, xxv, 15!)-lfi4.—JToubert (L.) Del parto etdelledonnedi parto. Libro quarto. Chel'osso del pcttignone non s' apre niento per dare il passo al bambino. In his: La prima parto degli errori pop., 4°, Fiorenza, 1592, 132-159.—Kasetabaron" (J. A.) Ueber paradoxe Schliisse, zu denen man (lurch Betrachtung der Kontraktionen der Gebariuutter und der Vagina eines Kauinchens bei unmittelbarer Reizung dieser Theile durch den elektrischen Strom kommen kann. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 793-796.— Kehrer (F. A.) Zur Wochenbettslehre. In his: Beitr. z. klin. u. exper. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Giessen, 1879-90, ii, 219-258. 1 pi.— I.ailieraN (K. G) 2v. Ci on. med., Valencia, 1885-6, ix, 613-617.—Patellani (S.) L' intiuenzadel parto Bulla vita del bambino. Lucina, Bologna, 1902, vii, 45; Gl. — Parloff (A. P.) Izmleneniye nakloneniya taza pod vliyanivem rodov i poslierodovovo perioda. [ Al- tered inclination of the pelvis under the influence of labor and postpartum period.] Sborn. rabot akusli. i zheusk. bole/.. . . . Slavjanski [etc.], St. Peters!... lh!14. i, 481-503.—Probyn-Willinms (R. J.) &. Culler (L.) Some observations on the temperature, pulse, and respi- ration during labour and the lying-in. [ A bstr.] Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1895), 1896, xxxvii, 19-37. [Discussion], 152- 154.—Pnecb (P.) De la denomination du premier temps de l'accoucliement. Montpel. iu6d., 1903, xvii, 18-20.— Bey. De l'accommodation en obstetrique; discussion. Bull. & mem. Soc. obst. et gynec.de Par., 1892, 3-12. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1891, 7." s., viii, 560-570.—Bobinaou (N. P.) Normal labour. Montreal M. J., 1902, xxxi, 770- 775.—Rodriguez (J. M.) jCualdc los hombros, el an- terior 6 el posterior, sale primeramente del anillo vulvar en el parto aut6sico, y en vista de esto, c6mo debe hacerse la saca de los brazos cuando, salida la cabeza, se detieneu los hombros? Gac.med., Mexico. 1890, xxv, 261-267,1 pi.— Rouslacroix (A.) & Benoit (G.) Fonuule hemo- leucocytaire dans raccoiichetuent et les suites de couches. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1903, lv, 395-397.—Scbalz. Wanu tritt die Geburt ein? Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1902, Hi, 2364-2367— Sfameni (P.) Sulla coniposizione chi- mica della placenta e del sangue fetale nel momento del parto. Ann. di ostet., Milauo, 1899, xxi851: 1900. xxii, 1009. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901, xxxv, 379-389.—Smith (F. L.) Parturition. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1890, iv, 82-89.— Mteiu (G. W.) jr. Vcrwechseluug gar verschiedener Geburts- stadien. Ann. d. Geburtsh. [etc.]. Leipz., 1811, v, 20-30.— Swayne (J. G.) The hour of delivery. Bristol H. Chir. J., 1888, vi, 174-182.—Verdross (V.) Wochenbettver- haltnisse. Frauenarzt. Leipz., 1901, xvi, 290; 351.—Weber (M.I.) Ein neuer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Conformitat des Kopfs und Beckens. In: Nova acta physico-med.,40, Bonnae, 1823, xi, pt. 1, 413-428, 1 pi.—Webster (J. C.) Selected topics iu connection with the pathology of de- livery. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 18-31. Also: Illi- noisM. J., Springfield, 1900, n. s.. ii, 8-14.— - We-Ntermark (F.) Experi men telle Untersuchungeu iiber die Welien- thatigkeit des menschlichen Uterus bei der physiologi- schen Geburt. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1892, iv, 331-398, 3 diag. — Wheelock (K. K.) Eye symptoms in the parturient woman. Columbus M. J., 1897, xix, 278-287. Labor (Abnormities of). See, also, Labor (Complicated); Labor (Pain- less, etc.); Pregnancy (Extra-uterine). Bartholinus (T.) De insolitis partus hu- mani viis dissertatio nova. 8C. Hagoe Comitum, 1740. Becker (J. C.) Partus alvinus. In his: De submersoram morte [etc.]. sm. 4°. Jence, 1729, 93. Degos (J.-B.) * Considerations ge"ne>ales sur les aecoucbemens naturel et contre-nature. 4°. Montpellier, 1822. Ferrari (T.) Contributo alio studio della rottura precoce delle membrane fetali. 8°. Pa- dova, 1898. Galtier(A.-C) *De l'infection primitive du liquide amniotique apres la rupture prematnre'o des membranes de 1'uuf buinain. 4-'. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1895. Murphy (E. W.) Lectures on preternatural and complex parturition and lactation. 8°. London, 1852. Paschierse (J.) *De partu pneternaturali. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., [1744]. Atlee (L. \V.) Dry labor; report of a case with a pecul- iar history. Am. ,7. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xliii. 322-;t29.— Ban in (C.) Dry labor. Phila. Polyclin., 1897, vi, !I2.— Beebe (W. L.) A case of suspended labor. Tr. Minne- sota M. Soc, St. Paul. 1886, 138-140.— Bi< ketl (I. S.) Something singular (milk dropping from breasts with each labor pain). Louisville M. Month., 1890-,. iii. 60.—Brie;;- leb (K) Geburt eines lcbcndeu Kindes bei vollstandig zersctztem Fiuchtwasser. Centralbl. f. Gynak.. L. i|.z . 1892,xvi,571.—Brodbead (G.L.) Dry labor; its dangers LABOK. 7 LABOR. Labor (Abnormities of). and treatment, Gaillard's M. J., N.Y., 1898,lxviii, 331-337. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1898, liii, 685-088.—1'onte (A.) De l'hydropisie des fesses consideree comme cause essen- tielle de 1 'accom heincnt centre nature. Ann. clin. Soc. med.-prat.deMontpel..l 818,2.s..i.249-25i>. — t'rider (G.AV.) A bloodless birth. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. Is8f>. n. s., xvi, 575.—Rgan (P. B ) Pupture of the nicmbraues twenty- five days before the birth of a healthy child. Med. Pec, K. \\. 1890, xxxviii, 457. — VOnndrin. Anoinalie du temps de rotation chez une multipare. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par.. 18*.it), xxxiv, 282-2.-4.— Fonrnel. Anoma- lies de la force expultrice. Union med , 1'ai , 18St9. 3. s., xlvii, 421-425.—(iiiiKtou t-I. McF.) Normal labor accom- panied with abnormal phenomena in mother and child. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 18.-6, xvi.245-249.—«roner (P. J.) Premature rupture of membranes; one and-a-half pound baby. Med. Age. Detroit, 1886. iv. 562.—King (G.) Ob- servation sur un enfant tire par une ouveiture laiteaii bas- ventre, et sur une partied'nn autre qui est sorti par la voie des selles. Ks>ais et obs. de med. de la Soc. d'Ediub., Par., 1743, v, 5(>6-57i'.—It re lit?, ma ■■ n. Rupture of the mem- branes seventeen da\ s before ( oinniencement of labor, and constant escape of amniotic fluid during this time. Pa- cific M. J., San Fran., 1891, xxxiv, 720-724.—I.eavilt (F.) Rupture of the amniotic sac 25 days before deliv- ery. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1902. n. s., xxii, 317.— l/ebedctr (A. X.) Sluchal nenormalnikh rodov. [Case of abnormal labor.] Feldscher, St. Pcteisb., 1895. v, 425.— Leonard (T. K.i Au unusual case [labor; not a drop of blood, either before or after the birth of the child]. At- lanta M. A: S. J., 1889-90, n. s . vi, 697.- I.oviot. Rup- ture spontanee des membranes avec Ccoulement lent du liquide amniotique a la fin du 8r mois de la grossesse; sep- ticemic passagere avaut le travail par omission des precau- tions antiseptiques; enfant vivant: insertion du placenta sur le segment inferieur. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par.. 1892, 12-14— llai-h Sulla rottma precoce delle membrane ovulari umaue. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1903, xxv, 121-132. — Touriuiy, Grossesse de sept mois; poche amniotique rompue depuis trente-cinq joins; accouchement spoutane; enfant vivant; suites de couches nortnales. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1903, lv, 249-251. — Vallel. Rupture du chorion avant raccoucheiot tit. Pull. Soc. de med. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1887, 4. s., 112-116.—Vignolo (O.) Di alcuno particolari alterazioni delle membrane dell' uovo umanoin caso di rottura prematura e prec oee. A t < h. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1899, ii, 136-140. — Welherhv (IJ J.) A cast; of bloodless labor. Med. Rec, N. V'.. 1889, xxxvi, 181.— Winehexler (W. R.) Bloodless labor. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond. 189i>-91, xvii. 35o\—\Vri«ht (A . If) Div labor. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1902, xxvii, 669-681. Also: Homeop. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1903, xxv, 05-79. Labor (Accelerated). See Choreoptism; Labor (Forced); Labor (Forced) in dying or dead. Labor (Accidents in). See, also, Death (Sudden) in jtregnanry, etc.; Labor (Complicated) [and its subdirisions \; La- bor (Instrumental, Accidents, etc., oft; Labor Labor (Accidents in). (Presentation in); Labor (Syncope during); La- bor ( Wounds, etc., sustained during). [Begn*we.J Fractur mehrerer Schiidelkuochen des Kindes durch den Geburtsact. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Bran- denburg 1838, Berl., 1842, 128-130.—Bird (U. S.) Pelvic fracture during labor. Am. J. Obst., X'. Y., 1902, xlv, 80 88.— Davis (T. A.) Pract lire of the ischium during labor. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1892, 150.—Be L.ee (J. B.) The early recognition of impending obstetric ac- cidents. Chicago M. Recorder, 1903, xxiv, 400-405. [Dis- cussion], 440- 442.—Doberly (1). J.) Fractures and other injuries of the child during delivery. Am. Gynsec. & Obst. .1., N. Y., 1899, xv, 3'.i3-ll()'. — Newton (L.B.j Dislocation of hipdurine normal labor. Vermont M.Month., Burling- ton, 1902, viii. 2111-2(18. Also: Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1901, BrattlehotH.11HI2 I i«.)-io::. Also: Med.A»e,Detroit,1902,xx, 681-687. — Nebroeder (K.I Seltone Kntstehungsursacho einer Clavicularfraetur in der (ieburt, nebst Bemerkun- gen iiber die Zwerkmassigkeit des Zuges am kindlichen Kopfe zur Kntwickelung der Schultcrn. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg:, 1901, xlvi, 46-53. —Weebeyron. De l'eiifonceineut ciallien obstetrical; pronostic et traile- nient ; on cas de relevement op6ratoire (les fragments suivi de uiu i ison. Trav. do neurol. chir., Par., 1898, iii, 51-70.— 1Ve»*in;:er (J. A.) fractures during delivery. Am. Med., l'hila., 1902, iv, 170.—Wilkinson (E.) & Harvey iE.) Fracture of the femur near the hip joint during par- turition. X. York Polycliu., 1897, x, 138. Labor (Adhesion of uterus in). See Obstetrics (.Jurisprudence of). Labor (After-treatment of). See, also, Infants (Xetv-born, Care of); Infants (Premature, etc., Care of); Labor (Sequelce of); Labor-pains; Obstetrics (Antiseptic); Puerpe- ral sepiicamia (Prevention of); Puerperal state; Uterus (Injections into); Uterus after delivery. Brien (J. H.) *Le catheterisme et la mic- tion.snontance post-part tun (bins les niaternites de Bordeaux. 4°. Bordeaux, IS1.)."). Faikk (T.-A.-G.) 'Considerations critiques snr l'eniploi des injections iutra-utdrines apres Pacconcbeinent. 4C. Nancy, 1890. Gkttex (R.) *Les injections intra-nterines cbez les nonvelles acconcbdes. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1891. Harms (G.) *Ueble Zufalle bei Gebiirniut- terausspiiluugen im Wocbenbett. 8°. Bonn, ls9-^. Klkix (V.) * Ueber intrauterine Alcohol- Ausspiilungen post partuin. 8°. Marburg, 1900. Zheltukhin (V.) *K voprosn o faradizatsii poslicrodovoi matki. [Faradisation of tbe uterus after delivery.] 8'. S.-Peterburg, 1^8"). Allen (J.E.') A plea for the obstetric binder. Atlanta M.&S. J., 1894-5, n.s.,xi, 151-155. —Karber (i.R) The routine practice of administering ergot after the third stage of labor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 455- 457. — Itiillot (F) Lo taniponnemeiit de l'liteius apres l'accouchement. Scalpel, Liege, 1902-3, lv, 92 Itlanc (E\) Du tamponneinent antiseptique de la cavite uterine apres raocoiioliciiicnt. Province med.. Lyon, 1889, iii, 577- 579. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii.50.— Bonacio- Iiim (L ) Quo mensium numero quo ordine. ipiiil interim obstel rice agente partus aedatnr; (inibus pricsidiis partuin acceleiamus, quibusquo secundas, et emoituuni fcetum pellinius; quo demum paclo enixus puer pelluendus vin- ciendus(|iie est; cu.jus lacte pi iniuiu lactandus; qualisque nutrix oligemia. In his: De concept, indie., IIP, Argent., 1.538. sign. D4-F8.— Howe (P.) Du massage employe systeinatii|uenicnt dans les suites de conches normales, pour aether rinvoltttion uterine. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1899, v, G5-07.— Itui...... Demonstration cim-r \erbesserten P.auchbinde nach lloffa. Yerhandl. il. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, v, 121.— C'oe (II C.) The euro of 'the bladder before and after labor. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1S!H, xxiv, 709-777. [Discus- sion]. 873-881. Also, transl.: Frauenar/.t, Perl., 1892, vii, 38!■ 3Hs. — (olm (10.) Zur Physiologie und Diatetik der Nachgebui tspei iode. Ztschr. f. (ieburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 188(1, xii, 381-417. Also, Reprint.—Dotlerlein & 4»iinllier. Zur Desinfectiou des Gchiirtskanales. Arch. f. Cynaek., Berl., 1889, xxxiv, 111-129.—Frilweli (H.j Ueber das Einfliessen von Dcsinticieutien in die Uterusvenen bei der Irrigation. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1878, ii, 341-345. Also, Reprint. —Fry (II. D.) On the indications for examination of the uterus and the treatment of certain conditions iminediatelv following childbirth. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 189G, xxxiii, 18-28. Also, LABOR. 8 LABOR. Labor (After-treatment of). Reprint.— Fiirwt (('.) Ein neuer Beitrag zur intraute- riuen Antisepsis nach Geburten. Wien.klin. Wchnschr., 1891. iv, 549-552— (.aclies-Sai-raule (Mme.) Du net- toyage de l'uterus lmmediatement apres la (161iviance. Assoc. fran9. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1891, Par., 1892, pt. 2, 812-816.—Oalabin (A. L.) The change in size of the chest and abdomen during the lying-in period, and the effect of the binder upon them. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 601.—llaanen. Die Formveranderung des Unterleibes unddieLeibbinde. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1890, iv, 398- 401.—HaaN. Aproposde la question des injections vagi - nales apres l'accoucliement. Soc.de med.de Nancy. C.-r. ... Mem.,1895-6, 83-91. Also: Rev. med. de Test," Nancy, 1896, xxviii, 460-467. — Haveilm (W. V.) The hinder in obstetrics. Columbus M. J., 1891-2, x, 481-487.—Hirst (B. C.) The importance of a more careful examination and treatment of women after childbirth. Am. Med., Phila., 1902, iv, 849.—Horrocks (I'.) Is routine uterine or vagi- nal syringing necessary after parturition? Practitioner, Loud., 1897, lix, 379-384.—Hrdlicka (A.) A new form of abdominal bandauo for use after delivery. N. YorkM. .T., Is94, lix, 274.—Kinie (R. R.) Indications for and an- tiseptic technique of uterine drainage after labor and abor- tion. Tr. M Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1898, 185-195. [Dis- cussion], 2U7-216. — Laplace (E.) The application of electricity to the uterus after confinement; freezing with methvl chloride spray for neuralgia. N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1885-6, n. s.. xiii, 469-474— Lynda (J. G.) The care of cases after labor. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1896, xx, 552-559.—iTIcConville (W. E.) The antiseptic va- ginal douche after delivery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 501.—JTIe.Tlurtry (L. S.) A clinical note on intra-uterine irrigation after labor. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1891, Phila., 1892, iv, 26-40. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 1206-1209. [Discussion], 1247-1250.—M an ton (W. P.) Remarks on the after-treatment of normal midwifery cases. Physician &. Surg., Ann Arbor & Detroit, 1891, xiii, 205-211. Also: Tr. Detroit M. & Libr. Ass., 1891,102- 108. [Discussion], 112-115. Also: South. Clinic, Rich- mond, 1892, xv, 289-296. — Piering (O.) TJeber Bauch- binden. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1896, xx, 681-688.— Mprigj; (W. M ) A plea for the better care of women after labor. Am. J.Obst., N.Y.,1903,xlviii,80-82.—Steele (P.) What a flannel bandage may do. N. York M. J., 1897. n. s., xxxix, 843.—Tournay. L'injection anlisep- tique intrauterine apres l'accouchement. Presse nied. beige, Brux., 1892, xliv, 285-287.— Truzzi (E.) Dell' uso profi attico post partum dello zaffo endouterino. Clin. mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 155-158. Also: Levatrice cond., Roma, 1896, v, 1; 17; 37.—Wood (W. B.) The after- treatment of obstetric cases. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 126- 128. Also, Reprint. Labor (Anaesthetics in). See Anaesthetics in obstetrics; Labor (Hyp- notism in). Labor (Antiseptics in). See Obstetrics (Antiseptic). Labor (Bloodless). See Labor (Abnormities of). Labor (Cases of). See Labor (Statistics of); and generally under subdivisions of Labor. Labor (Causes of). See Labor (Mechanism of). Labor (Complicated). See, also, Emphysema in labor; Fistula (Redo-vaginal); Fistula (Vesico-vaginal); Fis- tula (Vesico-vaginal, Complications of); Fcetus (Injuries of) during pregnancy, e c.; Gonorrhoea in pregnane!/, etc.; Hymen (Persistent); Kidney (Movable, <'amplications, etc., of); Labor ( In- strumental); Labor (Lingering); Labor (Statis- tics of). Bock (J. F.) An Herrn Hofrath Ha gen zu Berlin. Ueberdossm Sendscbreiben an Herrn Hofrath D. Stark zu Jena, zwey hochstmerk- wiirdige und sell were Geburtsfalle betrefl'eud. 16°. Berlin, 171)1. Boisliniere (L. C. C.) Obstetric accidents, emergencies, and operations. 8°. Philadelphia, 1896. Bouchacoukt (A.) De l'accoucliement labo- rienx, de ses causes et de ses indications. 8°. Lyon, 185;"). Labor (Complicated). Clats (B. II.) *De partu difncili. 4°. Har- derovici, 1750. Davet (D.) *De la dystocie due a la con- tracture du muscle releveur de l'auus. 8°. Paris, 1900. Debus (H.) * Ueber Bewusstlosigkeit Avail- ' rend der Geburt. b1-. Tubingen, X^dti. A Devexter (H.) Extraordinary cases in midwif. ry extracted from tbe -writings of tbat very eminent pbysician aud man-midwife Dr. Deventer, of Leyden. 8°. London, [1754]. Duncan (W. A.) On tbe commoner accidents attending parturition, their immediate and re- mote effects; Avith treatment. 8-''. London, 1886. Fournier (C.) Accoucbement patbologique. Avec une preface par M. Maygrier. 16°. Paris, 1896. Gaillard (A.) * Contribution a l'etude de la dystocie due a la contracture du relevenr eoccypeTineal. 8°. Toulouse, 1902. Gerlacius (J. P.) *De partu difficili. 4°. Groningo?, 1740. Gutierrez y Pelasco (R.) *Estudio sob re la dystocia en Mexico. 8°. Mexico, 1872. Hagen (J. P.) Einige neue Enidekkungen und Aufklarungen in der Geburtsln'ilfe. In einem Sendscbreiben an E. G. Baldiuger, auf Veranlassnng einer Rezension in den Gotting'- scben gelebrten Anzeigen, 16°. Berlin, 1786. -----. Ausfiibrlicbe und genaue Bescbrei- bung zweyer hochstmerloviirdiger und sebwerer Geburtsfalle, in einem .Sendscbreiben an Jobann Christ. Stark. 16°. Berlin, 1791. Herbiniaux (G.) Trait6 sur divers accouche- mens laborieux et sur les polypes de la matrice. Nouv. e"d., revue, corrigee et augmented par les refutations des critiques de Mrs. Alphonse Le Roy et Baudeloque sur le parallelequ'on y avoit fait d'un nouveau levier avec le forceps. 2 v. 8°. Bruxelles, 1794. Immklmann (M.) * Acht Falle von Apoplexie in der Geburt. 8°. Berlin, [188U]. Lembke (H.B.L.) BeantAvortung der Scbrift, welche uuter dem Til el: Die Beschwerlich- keiten der Geburts-Hiilfe aus Beispielen erwie- sen von Jobann Julius Walbaum. 12°. Lubeck 4' Leipzig, 1769. , Levret (A.) Observations sur les causes et les accidens de plnsieurs accoucbemens labo- rieux, avec des remarques sur ce qui a 6t6 pro- pose ou mis en usage pour les terminer; et de nouveaux moyens pour y parvenir plus ais£- ment, 8°. Paris, 1747. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1750. -----. Tbe same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris. 1751. -----. The same. 3. ea. 8°. Paris, 1762. -----. Tbe same. 4. 6d., revue et corrigee. 8°. Paris, 1770. -----. Tbe same. Nouv. 6d., revue et cor- iige~e. 8°. Paris, 1780. -----. Wahrnehmungen von den Ursacben und Zu fallen vieler schweren Geburten, mit Aumerkungen fiber die bisbero v or •; esc hi agenen und angewaudten Mittel dieselbcn zu enden; nebst einigen neuen Mitteln, dazu viel leichter zu gelangen. Aus dem Franzosiscben iiber- setzt mid mit neuen Handgriffen und Werk- zeugen vermebret von Jobann Julius Walbaum. 12°. Lubeck, 1758. -----. The same. v. 2. 12°. Lubeck :b Mursinna (0. U.) Hcrichtignng des Send- schreibens des Herrn Hofrath Hagen in Berlin an den Herrn Hofrath Stark in Jena iiber zwey sehwere Geburtsfalle. <*\ Berlin, 1791. Kutertus (C. K.) * De partu laborioso sen dillicili et prreternaturali. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 174.!. Schreiberi S. (',.) * I >e partu difncili. 8in.4c. Eraneof cis Viadr., 17l>t>. Si.heswijk (A.) * Over de stoornissen gedu- rende de baring, waargenoniiii op de vcrlos- kundige kliniek te Amsterdam, gednrende bet jaar 1>71. [Utiecht.] ^. Amsterdam. 1.-7:1. Soek (A.) Verloskundige waarneiningen, van zwaare, zeldzaanie, eu o])inerUiug waerdige ge- vallen. 2. nifg. 8°. Leyden. 1792. Sohler (T. J.) * Ueber die Komplikation vou Schwangersehaft mit einem Beckeiiexsudat und die St(">ruu(P.) 'T geklemd hoofd geredt. *-°. Middelburg, [1754]. Zikger (F. C.) *De dvaronia. sm. AJ. Ar- gent orati, [1720]. Adler (L. R.) Some difficult obstetrical cases I have seen. Mass. M. J. Host.. 1*96. xvi, 52-54.—Allen (J.) Severed cord; still-born child : bom-glass uterus Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 18*7. ii 509— Amleberl (J.) De la dystocie et en particulier de la dystocie des 6panles, due a la con- traction, du releveurcoccv-perineal. Kev. mens, de gynec. ietc], Bordeaux, l!»0:i. v. "150-158.— Bilker (Fiedrica U.) ieport of two obstetiical cases. Clinique. Chicago, 1902, xxiii. 734-737.— Kallmann (A.I Seltene (leburtscompli- I cation. [Abscess.] Prakt. Arzt, Wet/.lar. 1902,xiii, 56-58.— Blc»h (A. L.) Two peculiar case... of labor: immense abdominal distention; ileus paralyticus: death. Kansas City M. Index, 1*91. xii, 307-369.— BoiM«ar.—ComMork (T. G.) Difficult ob- stetiical cases. Clin. Reporter, St. Louis, 18rl*, i, 253-257.— Cooper i A. M.) Moles, face presentation, and a ease. I.ehi-li Valle\ M. Mag., Baston. Pa., 1898, ix, 43-18. — (or- hin ('!'. \V.) Mill wifcry experiences. Austialas. M.Gaz., Sydney. 18 H-2. \i. 222-227.—Crouch (M.J.) Some un- usual cases in obstetrics. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 189(1, n. a., xxwi, 6*5-688. [Discussion], 695. — Culling worth. Two cases illustrating some of the more severe compli- cations of parturition. Lancet, Lond, 1896, ii, 882.— Culhbei't (M F.) Some unusual ca-es of labor. Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gvnec. Soc. 1891-5. N. Y., 1890. iv, 336- 341. A ho: Am. ,1. Obst,, N. Y., 1896, xxxiii. 111-116.— t'uttsiU. R.) Some causes of maternal dystocia. xVnn. G.\nec. &. Pediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii, 799-804. — Czar- neeki. Ein Fremdkdrper als Geburtshindeiniss. Deutsche med. Wcbnsc.hr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901. xxvii, 375. -----. Obcecialoprzeszkoda.prawidlowegoporodu. [For- eign body impeding normal labor.] Now. lek., Poznari, 1990, xii, 610-612.—Bean (G. R.) Puzzling points in la- bor. Tr. South. Surg. & Gvnec. Ass. 1894, Phila,, 1895, vii, 322-327. Also: Med & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894, lx\i, 817-819.— Be-Cnrolis (A.) TJn caso di parto dis- tocico e successivo puerperio anormale. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Porto ('ivitaiiova, 1896, iv, no. 1, 1; no. 2, 1; no. 3, 1 : no. 4. 1. — Be Gresforio (. Des- patureaux. 4-. [ Parisiis'], 1770. Dease (\Y.) Observa ions in midwifery, par- ticularly on the diffeient methods of assistiug women in tedious and difficult labours; to wbich are added, observations on tbe piiucipal disor- ders incident to women and children. f°. Dub Un, ITS*. -----. Bemerknngen iiber die Entbinriungs- knust in langwierigen und scliweren Geburten, nebst selir nnterriclitendcn Leiclienotfniingen sowolil vor, als nach der Geburt verstorbenen Personen. Aus dem Enolischen iiliersetzt und mit Aninerknngen begleitet von Chr. Friedr. Michaelis. 1'2°. Zittau 4' Leipzig, 17"^-\ Delattre (G.-A.) Dystocie pratique. 8-. Paris, 1--MJ. Dufocr (J.-B.) * De methodo quamdani par- tus praeternaturalis speciem, in natuialem con- vertendi. 4J. [Parisiis'], 177-2. Esi'knmuelek ( \V.) * Ueber operative Be- handlnng der Schwangerscbaft bei lebendeni Kinde. >°. Tubingen, I'-'.tO. vox Haaktmaxx (C. D.) Diss. acad. de iudi- cationibus perficiendi ant instrumentorum ant sola manunin ope periculosos difficilesque j>ar- tus. -J. Helsingforsiae, [lKi:{]. Hammeksciimidt (W. A. L.) *Ieber Anwen- dung der Kochsalzinfusion in der GebnrtshiiU'e im Anschluss an zwei gliicklicb verlaufene Falle. -P. Berlin, [1-*-]. Herman (G. E.) Difficult labour; a guide to its management for students and practitioners. 12L. London. Paris 4' Melbourne, 1 w!>4. -----. The same. U. Xeir York, 1-94. Lale (A. A.) *Quelle est la conduiie que doit tenir le mddecin appel6 aupn-s d'une feimne en travail d'enfantemeut et a terme, oprouvant une perte, des convulsions, ou quand il existe une inertie de matrice, des obliqnite's ex;igore>s de la matrice; enfin, quand le cordon ombilical sort de l'literus pendant raccouchcnienl ? 4°. Paris, IK50. Lindenberg M. D.) 'Diss, sistciis observa- tioiiem de partu laborioso. \j. Giessa; [\~8\~\. Sallix (C.) *An in partu difficili sola mantis instriinientum? Pneses J. F. G. Morand. X . [Parisii8~\, 17(ii. vax Walskm (G. G.) Over den invloed van den vooruitgang der techniek op de beoefemng der ziektekuudige ontleedkunde. 8°. Haarlem, 1901. Labor (Complicated, Trtatment of). \Vi:iim:k (F.) ' De vcmii sectione ad partum adbibenda. 8 . Vratislaviai, [1S04]. Altiinolo (S.) [Pseof the uterine brush in suspicious cases of childbed.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1900, 1466-1470.— Andi-bci-l. Injections de serum en obstetrique. Cong. period, de gvnec., d'obst. et de paediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., lsotl. 696-70,'!.—ISacon (C. S.) Uses of hypoder- matic injections of the normal saline solution iu obstetric practice. Tr. Illinois M. Soc., Chicago, 1897. 242-2.r>0. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1897, iii, 793-798. —It a y«-i- (II.) ITober goburtshillliehc Khktrot herapie bei kiinstlichen Friihgebui ten un 1 Ccr\ ixsti ikturen. Samml. klin. Voitr., Leipz.,is<)i). No. :!.->s (Gyniik., Xo. 103, 2609-2624).—Brian. grr. Precede ayant permis de faire renaitre les douleurs disparues depuis 36 heures, d'ainener une dilatation com- plete du col ct, par consequent, d'operer la version dans un casoh olio somblait impossible. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1887, ii, 38-40.—Komiiiiri- (lv) T)e la reduction du vo- lllliii' des epaules dans raccouehetiient dystocique. Presse med., Par.. 1900, i, 125-128. lirodn M L.) A new, safe and sure method to expedite ditlieult. cases of labor. Boston M. A- S. .]., exxvi, 112; 27s". Also: St. Louis Clin- ique. 1892, v, i:!5-137. — ltriiiiuiii^li:iiiN< n (H. J.) Etwas iiber Erleichtcrung sehwerer Geburten. Med.-chir. Ztg., Sal/burg, 1801, i, 246-252. Also: J. d. Krflnd. [etc.|, Gotha. 1X04-9, xi, 41. St., 3-1"..— Id imi (A.) L' angio- tripsia, nuovo proccsso di etnostasi. (iior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 3-16— 4 :iml<-lu (M.) Para- lelo clinico entre la histero-tomotocia y la celalotripsia. Siglo med., Madrid, 1888, xxxv, 386-391. Also: Cr6u. med., Valencia, 18X7-8, xi, 646-055. Also: Progreso ginec, Valencia, 1886-8, ii, 135-143.—tarazznni (T.) L'angio- tripsia, nuovo proeesso di emostasi. Gazz. d. osp., Mila- no, 1898, xix, 1200. i l< yel.-iiid (C.) Turner's angio- tribe, with the report id' a case. Med. Rec, N. V., 1899, lv, 51X.—Dalbesio (Luisa). II mctodo del prof. Leopold mil' assisten/.a al parto col solo esanie esterno. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1895, liv, 490. — l»a viiipoil (F. H.) The use of the angiotribe. Boston M. &S..I.. 19U0, cxliii, 4. [Discussion], 11.—DicliiiiMon (R. L.) The direction of the incision in episiotomy. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. Phila., 1892, xvii, 391-394, 4 pi. Also, Reprint'. — l>oi-yrr ( T. E.) Difficult labors and their man- agement. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Montgomery, 1900,333- 338. — Fiillerton (Anna M.) Some obstetric complica- tions and their management. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1895, xvi, 349-358. —Goflc (J. R.) The use of the angiotribe. Boston M. A S. J., 1900. cxlii. 372-376. Also: J. Surg. Technol.. X. V., 1900, i, 10-13.—«rijss« (A. C.) The study of certain obstetric conditions. Med. Times, N, T., 1903, xxxi 39-42. — IIanion (de Fresnay) (L.) La dystocie simplitiee; guide pratique de l'lioniine de Part dans les accoucheinents ditticiles el dangoreux. Ann. Soc. m6d.-chir. de Liege. 1878, xvii, 393; 457: 1.-79, xviii, 28; 83; 126; 209; 241; 301; 355; 383; 469: 1880, xix, 129; 197; 250; 290; 317; 356; 417; 449; 487: 1881, xx, 101; 133; 169; 216; 263; 301; 369; 468. AUo, Reprint. -----. Conduite k tenir dans les cas particulars de dystocie. Scalpel, Liege, 1894-5, xlvii, 2.— llaiiNOii (D. S.) Podalic version vs. forceps delivery. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1900-1, xv, 430- 433—Inyloll (G. F.) Irrigation of the intestines with hot water iii collapse during labour. Brit. M. •!., Pond., 1899, ii. 1287.—J one* (J. L.) Forceps vs. ergot in labor, with other causes for asphyxia in the new-born. Nnshville J. M. & S., 1X95, lxxviii, 282-285. — Kcim (G.) De l'ex- prcssion du lieluspar la voie abdominale. Presse med., Par., 1900. i, 25-27 —Ii an low (E.) A s/iilcs utdni ver/.e- sekrol, kiilonds tokintettol ;i- lcp6iiyidbszak kozclcserc [Post-part.11 in haemorrhage and treatment of third stage of labor.] Gvogyas/at, Budapest, 1894, xxxiv, 557. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir., Budapest, 1895, xxxi, 97.—I.nwlt (W. T.) The etiology and indications for treatment ot irregular uterine action during labor. >,'. York M. J., 1873, xvii, 561-577. Also, Reprint — Tl ai-lt «• I'siMotti (Rosa). Un caso di se<■ondamento artiticiale. Arte ostel., Milano, 1903, xvii, 60-02. — Randall (E.) SoiiK! practical lines upon treatment of various coinplica- tious in obstetrics. Univ. Med., Galveston, 1895-6, i, 100- IH5.- Kobb(YV. II.) h'aradisiu in the treatment of inertia of the uterus. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1897, xiv, 349-353.— Nnvii (E.) Alcuni casi di apjdicaziono di uncino acuto per varie indicazioni. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1898, v, 88-105. — Nt'hiiltz. (II.) Wcndung oder hohe Zangc. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1896, xxxiv, 174-198.—Wlovcr (C.) The treatment of inertia and subinvolution. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xl, 685-692.— Taylor (W. II.) The niamigenient of some forms of difficult, labor. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1X1I2, n. s., xxix, 848-850. [Discussion], 855-859.—Trornli (sai sur l'onvertnie artificielle du col do la matrice dans l'accouchement labo- rieux. 4°. Strasbourg, 1H>6. Mailhes (J.) *Qiuestio medica, an partni difncili hysterotomotokia? sm. 4°. Montpelii, 1713. Labor (Complicated, Treatment of, Oper- ative). Matthecs ( F. ) * Ueber Wocbenbetts - Er- kraiiknngeu nach gebiirtshillfliclien operativen Eingriffen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1900. Mombet (J.) * Les operations plastiques sur le vagin et sur le periuee au point de vue des accoucheinents. 8°. Paris, 1900. Mokisani (O.) Manuale delle operazione os- tetrichc ad uso dei medici e studenti. 4. ed. 8°. Milano, [n. d.]. Probsting (W.) Der deutsche H61ie. Ein Beitrug zur Lehre von der Brachiotomie, als Erleichteruugsmittel sehwerer Geburten. 8°. Hamm, 1847. Skutsch ( F. ) Geburtshilfliche Operations- lehre. Fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 8°. Jena, 1901. Ahlfelil (F.) Giebt Tympania uteri eine Indication zur Entfernung des Uterus in partu ? Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1896, xxxv, 171-179. — Akhsharu- moff ili.I.) O razriezie promezhnosti pri rodakh. | Peri- neotomy during labor.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1896, iii, 549-552.—Allen (J. E.) Obstetric sur- gery. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1897, 402-413.—A n- saloni. Notes de pratique obstetricale a propos d'un cas de presentation du front suivi de basiotripsie. Ann. m6d.-(hir. du centre, Tours, 1903, iii, 123.—ArniNtrong (G. E. ) Abdominal section after confinement. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montreal (1892-4), 1895, vii, 240-255 — Bacon (C. S.) The mutilating operations in obstetrics. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1900, xiii, 62-67. -----. Preparation for obstetrical operations; clinical lecture. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1900, xii, 165-175.—Baer (B. F.) Supravaginal hysterectomy for impossible labor, with intrapelvic treat- ment of the stump. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1896, n. s., cxi, 537-543.—Barkuian (V.) Pfisp6vek ku posouzeni hlu- bokych incisi India delozniho pfi porodu. [Contribution to tbe criticism of deep incisions of cervix uteri in par- turition.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1895, xxxiv, 781; 801; 824; 849. —Barnes (F.) Indications for Caesarian section as compared with those for symphysiotomy, cra- niotomy, and premature induction of labour. Compt. rend. Cong, period, internat. de gynec. et d'obst. 1899, Amst., 1900. iii. 659-662. Also: Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii, 723-727. Also: Med. Rec, N. V., 1899, lvi, 486-498. Also, transl.: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1899, xv, 341-343. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Par.. 1899, 2. s., xi. 510.—Barnes (K.) Tbe alterna- tives to craniotomy. Brit. M. J., bond., 1880, ii, 622-625.— Beiignics. Les accoucheinents chirurgicanx & terme; deux c.is. Gaz. m6d. de Liege, 1892-3, y, 64-66.-----. Accouchement commence depuis 48 heures; craniotomies symphysiotomies gangrene blanche; mort au \5m* jour. Rev. obstet. et gyn6c, Par., 1893, ix, 41-43. — lteynon (J. H.) The rank of Ca^sarean section, sympln seotomy, premature labor, and version compared. Med. Times, N. V., 1900, xxviii, 73. — ISoislini. i c (L. C.I Craniot- omy or Cesarean section.' Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 213-221.— Bolzoni (G.) Inttoduzione ad un corso li- bero teorico di ostetricia operatoria. Kiv. veneta di sc. med.,Venezia, 1887,vi, 525-544. Also, Reprint. ISnlliii'il (RoseT.) Episiotomv. South. Calif Pract., Los Angeles, 1890, v, 3-5—Bnrckharn (G.) Die Stellungdes Kaiser- schnittcs, der Symphyseotomie und der kiinstliclion Friih- geburt in der gebnrtshiilnichen Therapie. Therap d.Ge- genw., Berl. u.Wien. 1901, n. F.. iii. 492-501. Also, transl.: Eira, Stockholm, 1901, xxv. 703; 736.—CaMerini i(i.) Sulle indicazioni della operazione cesarea, della sintisioto- mia, della craniotomiae del partoprematuro. Arch, di os- tet. e ginec, Roma-Napoli, 1899, vi. 641-050.—Cnmlcla (M.) Paralelo clinico entre la histeromotocia y la cet'alo- fripsia. Actas . . . Cong, ginec. espan., Madrid. 1888. i, 69- 79. Also: Gac. med. de Granada. 1888, vii, 527-537.— Cecil (J. G.) Craniotomy, symphyseotomy, and Cesarean sec- tion. Tr. Kentucky M'. Soc, Louisville. 1895, n. s.. iv, 84- 90. Also: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1*95, xx, 121-126. [Discussion], 142-147.—Cent ce-sariennes de Leopold; no- nante symphyseotomies dePinard; statistique actuelle de ces deux operations h la Maternite de Liege (service deN. Charles). J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1898, xix. 342.—Charles (N.) Reflexions sur les deux operations: laparo-hyste- rotomie, et aceouchementpr6matureartificiol, relateesdi r- nierement; statistiques de la Maternity de Liege depuis sa fondation (1805). J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1889, x, 229; 241. Also. Reprint. — Ciccone (V.) Delia sezione artiti- cialedel perineoin alcuni casi di distocia. Progresso med., Napoli, 1891, v, 137-146.—Coe (H. ("''.) Shock in obstetric sucery. Am. Gynac. & Obst. J.. N. V., 1897. x. 441-448. [Discussion], 506-518.—Collins ("\V. T.) Vaginal hyster- otomy. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1885-6, i, 495.— Cnccn (C.) Rendiconto delle operazioni fatte nella sala ostetrica degl' incurabili nell' anno 1890. Progresso med., LABOE. 13 LABOK. Labor (Complicated, Treatment of, Oper- ative). Napoli. 1891. v. 254; 273.—Davis (E. P.) Osarean sec- tion and symphysiotomy for the relative indications; with report of" cases. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1894, 3. s., xvi, 101-109. Also: Med. News. Phila., 1894, lxiv,401-404. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895. xlvii, 041-643. -----. Supravaginal hysterectomy for impossible labor, with intrapclvic treat- ment ot' the stump. Am. J. M. Sc, l'hil.i., 1896. n. s., cxi. 543-550.-----. Cesarean section and sy in pli\ seotomy; with report of cases. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898. \xxvii. 218-222. [Discussion 1.242-245.—Davis (E. P.) A Itevan (D.) In- testinal bacteria as a source of infection complicating ob- stetric operations; with report of cases. Am. J. Obst., N. V.. 1890. xxxiv. 198-208, 1 pi. [ Discussion |. 283-285.— Uiili■'<■>< ■■ i A.) I'eber den "Werth der tiel'en Oorvix- iind Seh.hlen-Daniin-Linsehnitte in der Geburtshulfe. Arch. f. G\naek.. Berl.. 1800, xxxvii, 27 66. Also [Ab- str.): Allsr. med. (Yntr. - Ztir., Berl.. 1889. lviii, 24-39. Als., |"Abstr. 1: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 964. Also [Abstr. |: Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1890. xxv, 407. Also | Abstr ]: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesell- sch. (1889). 1,-90. xx, 186-188. -----. Zur Statistik der Cervix- und Seheideiidammeinschnitte. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1892. xvi, 141-143. -----. I'eber cbi- rnrgisclie Eortschiitte in der Geburtshulfe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896. xxii, 725-727.—Kd- gnr (.T. C.) Deep incision of the parturient cervix for rapid delivery. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1895, xx, 394- 426. 5 pi. Also: Am. J. Obst . N. Y., 1895. xxxi, 769-801, 1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: N. York M. J.. 1895, lxi, 55. Also r Abstr.): Am.Gymec. & Obst. J.. N. Y., 1895. vi, 918-921.— Floclincr. Perforation Oder Kaiserschnitt» Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii 590. —Fcl- seureieh. Zur blutigen Erweiterung des Scheidenein- ganv.es wahrend der Geburt. All;;. Wieu. me«'. Ztg.. 1893, xxxviii, 323.—Cien.\ (G.) Presentation de l'epaule irre- ductible avec bassin retreci et rupture uterine; eviscera- tion: l.iehitisnie; basiotripsie sur la tote derni^re; hyste.- rectoniie a'uooniinale. Bull, med., Par.. 1903. xvii, 253.— Flake i\V. M. L.i Episjotomy. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1891. xiii, 50.5-508.—Fonrnier. A propos de l'ac- couchement chirurgical. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 388-390. ----. Decbirures uterines et vesicales au cours d'une presentation de l'epaule: laparotomies hyste- rectomie abdominale totale; sutures et drainage de la vessie. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens. 1899, xvii, 315— 317.—Fredericq (S.) S\ mphys&otomie. accouchement premature artiticiel et operation cesarienne. Belgic|iie med., Gand-Haarlem, 1,-95, ii, 705; 737. — Kreyer- ■nuIII (E. G.) Surgical methods in obstetrics. N. Am. J. Homoeop.. N. Y.. 1901, 3. s.. xvi, 4-9-495. — Fry (H. D.i A report of two cases: 1. Symphysiotomy; IL Electric Ciesarean section. Am. Gvnac a- Obst. J.. X. Y., 1895. vi, 579-586. Also, Reprint. -----. The surgical treatment of un rotated occipito-posterior positions. Am. J. Obst.. N.Y., 1899. xl, 222-226. [Discussionl. 262. -----. j Clinical notes of three cases of (Cesarean section and two of basiotripsv. Wasli.M. Ann.. 1903, ii, 296-302.— Fuki (I.) O nedrlezakh shelki matki vo vremya rodov. (In- cising the uterine cervix during labor.] Pmtok. Obsh. Cheisonsk. vrach. 11892-3). 1894. xxii, 29-36. — i;n.]inr (E.) Embrv otomie. symphyseotomie et operation ei'-sa- rienne. Bull St>c. med. de Charleroi, 1891, xv, 112- 122. — (diiinliii i E. H.) The relative value of certain obstetrical operations (embryotomy. Cesarean section. symphysiotomy). Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1893. xxvii 492- 496. Also, Reprint. -----. Discussion of the relative va- lue of certain obstetric al operations (embryotomy, (,'asa- rean section, s\mpli\ >iotomy ). 1. General review of the op. rations. Tr. M.' Soc. N. Y., Phila.. 1893. 106-109.— (i i < < n Imlgli (Kj On the compatative merits of the C.e^iie,n itpcr.itinn and craniotomy in cases of extreme distortion of the pelvis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1865-6. vii, 270-289. Also, Reprint —von ti nera rd (H. A.) Kiilio tomie bei Gebiirtsstdruiig nach Venti iii \ur. Cenrralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., M10. xx, 531-531. — Hall (Lucy M.) A case of dystocia, ctaniotomy, and double phlegmasia do- lens. Brooklyn M. J.. 1888.'ii, 278-28-7.- Ilari-i. (R. P.) Which -hall we peiloim—craniotomy, ('a --a i inn section, or s.\ iuph\-colour.-? Med. Press A: Circ. Lond.. 1X94, n. 8., lvii 561.— Harrison iT.J.) Addnss in obstetrics [op- erative midwifery |. Montreal M. J., 1892-3, xxi 582-591.— Harvey (It.) On thesurgical aspects of impacied labour, j Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, xxv. 198-200.- II in-dulc (G.) Two complicated labors; deliveries by veision and by Cesarean section; recoveries. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii. 005.— IlirMl (B. C.) Two Casareati sections and three symphs siotomies: a year's work in the surgical treatment of insuperably obstructed labor. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1893. 3. s.. xv, 235-239 — Holme* (R W.) Cervical incisions iu labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 19u3, xlviii, 19-27. Also: Gaillaid's M.J ', N. Y., 1903, lxxix,267- 273. Also [Abstr.]: Am.Guiec, N Y., 1903. ii, 356. Also fAhstr.l: Chicago M. Recorder. 1903. xxiv, 285.—Hubert (E.) De I'iiccoiKdienient premature; 1'ope.ratinu cesari- enne et I'l-mljiyuloiiiie. Rev. med., Louvain, 1892, xi, 206; Labor (Complicated, Treatment of, Oper- atic e). 352.-----. Operation cesarienne, symphyseotoinie, era, niotomie, accouchement premature, compares. Kev.me.d.- Louvain, 1899, xvii, 385-392. — I Iteda (Y.) Beitriige zur operativen G ynakoloiiie und Goburtshiilfe. Ztschr f Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg.. 1901, \lv, 205-236.— ■ va- il oil' (A.I.) () razilczakh shelki matki vo vremya rodov i krovavom misilst vennom rodorazrleshcnii. [On slitting the uterine cervix during labor and on forced bloody child- birth.] Protok. zasad. akiish.-giiiok. Obsh. v Kieve (1894), 1895, viii, 2-8. —Jewell |C.) Nolo on episiototny. Brook- lyn M. J., 1890, iv. 707-709. Also: Obst. Gay..,Oiiicin., 1890, xiii, 606-608, —14.inK< :ioviot (F.) Considerations cliniques sur le placenta inserts anormalement, mais nun pnevia. J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii. 537. Also: Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1896, xii, 307.—Lyman (W. B.) Peculiar position of placenta as a cause of t< dious labour. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 597 .— l,ynds (J. G.) Hernia of the placenta through the muscular coat of the uterus dur- ing labor. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 77.—Mate (().) Presentation d'un placenta sextilobe extrait par deli- vrance artificielle. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 19(10, iii, 285.— ltlarx (M.) Accouchement premature provoque par une Evolution foetale; placenta marginal et cordon tre.s court; enfant bien constitu6 avec un doigt snppl6mentaire a chaque main. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec. Par., 1890, v, 644-646. — Ulayer. Doppelte Placenta bei einfacher Frucht; manuelle Lo3ung der zweiten Placenta. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1902, xv, 798-803.—Orloff (V. N.) Riedkiv sluchai plaeentse succenturiatoe. [Rare case of . . .] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 1554.—Perrct. Pre- sentation d'un placenta defcetns oxtrameinbranenx. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 79. — Tanrin. Placenta anormal irregulierement etale en couronne selon l'equa- teur de l'ceut; les deux bords extremes n'etant separ6s l'un de l'autre que par un pont membraneux de 3 centime- tres J. Rev. obstet. et gynec. Par., 1893. ix. 346-349.— Tnrenne (A.) Ectopia placentaria total; infeccidn am- ni6tica. Rev. me.d. d. Uruguay, Montevideo, 1902. v. 370- 380.—Vinclion. Observation (1'implantation du placenta sur le corps nterin, suivie d'anemie, de phenonienes ner- veux, de plebite ut6rine 16U.— Beekinaiin (W.) Schwangerscbaft und Geburt bei ITterus duplex septus sen bilocularis und Vagina septa. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1896, n. F., xiii, 355-358.—Rellmaiin. A case of labor in a bicornate uterus. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait.. 1902, xiii, 56.— Itlnne ( fi.) Uterus semi loculaire chez une multipara (ueuf pare) dont cinq grcssesses sur neuf ont etc rompliquces d'hcmoirhagios et suivies de delivrance artificielle. Mem. et coinpt.-rend. Soc.d.sc. nied.de Lyon (1887), 1.-88. xxvii, 169-181— Boin- aard & Conderl. Dvstocie par bride congcnitale dn va- gin. Bull. Soc. de.bst.de Par., 1901, iv. 71-74— IConi (A.) Uterus bicornis unicollis in rapporto alia gravidanza, al parto e al puorperio. Clin, ostet.. Roma. 1901, iii, 369; 430; 461.—Bradvd'. T.i Transvaginal band obstructing la- bor. Virginia M. Semi-Month.,Ri( hinond, 1901-2,vi,303.— Brock (J. 11. E.j A case of gestation and labour at full ten 11 in uterus didelphys. Lancet. Lond., 1902, ii, 1319-1321 .— It u Hi o (W. H.) Case of labour in a bifid uterus; the bet us in one corn u pi a< eutaiu the other. Brit. M. J..Lond.. 1892, i, 1U20.— It nr ineiiter. Puerperaler Uterus duplex supra septus. Zt-ehi. t'. Geburtsh. n. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1897, xxxvii. Hi'.'. — Itinion (V.) Ftei us unicornis ill relation to pregnancy and labor. Physician &. Sura., Lond., 1900, i, 502. — Campbell i-i.i Labor complicated by abnor- malities ot the cervix uteri and vaaina. I'.ril. M. J., Lond., 1897. ii, 1139.—C'aleriua iE.) Gravidanza in utero bicorue seguita da grave emorragia del seconda- meuto. Ai eh. di ostet. e ginec..Napoli, 1903, x. 272; 363.— Chadwick (J. P.) Seven cases of congenital and one of tiaumatic stenosis or atresia of the female genital canal. Obst. Gaz.. Cincin.. 1886, ix, 366-374.—Cheron (H.) De l'uterus didelphe considere principalement dans ses rap- ports avec la grossesse et raceouchemeut; a propos d'une observation reeueillie a la Maternite dans le service de M. IeDrBudin. Obstetrique. Par.. 1897, ii, 116-138. Also: Rev. m6d.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1897. xix, 333; 392.—Chiari i L.) Mehiere Falle von Schwangerscbaft bei Fterus-Bilduiias-Anninalien. Vrtlj-eln-. t d. prakt. Heilk.. Piag. 1-54. x ii, 93-98. 3pl.—Chrobak (R ) Zur Kenntniss der Dystocie durch Cer\ ixaiiomalicn. "Wien. klin.Wchnschr., 1890, iii,61-63. Also, transl.: Ann.Gynsec. & Paediat., Phila.. ]»90-91. iv. ls-24 — Coin. 1'n caso di gravidanza nella meta sinistra di un utero didclfo, eclamp- sia ; taglio cesareo. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Fi- renze, 19()2. i,85-93. — Coleman (J. S.) Case of transverse septum of the vagina obstructing delivery. Am. J. Obst., >". Y.. 1877, x, 459-4112. Also Reprint. — Cnlpin i 11«-1 (L.) jr. Partus bei Lterus dunlex. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1894. xviii, 610-612. —B-onjjhlic (C. W.) Twin piegnancy in an uterus bipart it us. Phila. M. J.. 1902, ix. 721.—BrnnilMin (A. A.) K kazui'^tikic beremen- nosti i rodov pri )ioro( Imom razvitii ]iolovovo kanala (ute- rus bicornis infra duplex s. bicollis vagina septa). [Preg- nancy and labor in a case of faulty development of the sexual canal. . ] Shorn, rabot akush. i zhensk. boliez. . . . Slavyanski [etc St. Petersb., 1894, i, 365-3x0. Also, Re- print.— Dronillnrd (Louise). Double abortion inacase of uterus bicornis following attack of dssentery; death from pyemia. Woman's M. J., Toledo, 1899. ix, 91-93.— Dudley (A. P.) Report on a case of double vagina. Am. Gynsec & Obst. J., X. Y., 1896, ix, 642-644.—Eher- lin (A.) Vaginasubsepta, kak piepyatstviyc pri rodakh. [Case of an im]iediinent in labor.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1-92. xxxvii, 323-327. —E Ikon rie (II. A.) A very remark- able obstetric case [labor, operation, double uterus]. Al- kaloid. Clin.. Chicago. 1903, x, 922—von Engel (G.) Geburt bei doppelten Geschlechtstheileii und doppelter Harnblase und liarnrohro. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1886-7, xxix. 43-52.— Fnvlaehe (G.) De I'i'it,6ruH double en oh- 8tetri<|iie. .7. d. se. „„ d. de Lille, 1895, ii, 313-324-Fer- Kiihmoii (W.) Was it a case of uterus bicomis unicollis.' Scot. M. & S. J. Edinb., 1897, i. 633-635.— Ferrarexi. Dei setti trasversali congeniti delhi vagina ml parto. Aft i d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1894, Poggibonsi, 1895, i, 153.— [labor (Complicated) from abnormities of the (jenitals. Ferri (A.) Distocia da restringimento circdiare conge- nito della vagina. Arte ostet., Milano, 1899, xiii, 9-12. -----. Contribute alio studio del parto nelle donne die hanno utero e vagina duplici. Ibid., 1900, xiv, 22-27.— Fibbi. Interno un caso di amputazione utero-ovarica per distocia delle parti molli. Ann. di ostet., Milano, ]885, vii, 430-132.—<«nrdner (W. S.) Two cases of transverse presentation due to uterus bicornis. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1892, xxvii, 573-575.—4'., l>9d. Bband (J. C.) *l)e secundis ainbitni o.stii inatricis inteini adfixis. 4-\ Lugd. Bat., 1770. [Christ.] Gescbiclite der Enibindnng ('er Madame N. 4°. [Frankfurt a. M., \82A.] CorsxoLS (A.) * Retention dn placenta sans complications apres l'avorteinent. Etude tbdra- pentitiue. 8°. Paris. 189-i. Cros (C.) * De la retention des membranes dans I'accoucbenient a ternie. 8J. Paris, 1^97. Davila(A. F.) * Tratamicntode hemorragias por retenei6n de la placenta despnes del parto. 8°. Lima, 1887. Dentu (G.) * Essai sur une can.se de retention des membranes. 4°. Paris, 18*7. Deubel (li.) * Die Storunoen der Nachge- burtsperiode mit besonderer Beriieksichtigiing der Placenta acoreta. 8J. Tubingen, 1*93 Eyehs (I. G. J.) * Retentio placentas post abortnin. 8°. Leiden, 1894. FlLLlOL(F.-D.) * Quelq ties reflexions et qnel- qujs observations stir la retention du placenta. 4°. Strasbourg, 1809. Kok (P.-E.) Dissertation sur le danger qui petit result er du sejonr trop lougtenips prolonge" du deTivrc dans la cavit£ uterine. 8°. Bruxelles, an LV [17913]. Labor (('omjriicated) from adherent or retained placenta. vax der Loeff (Al. J.) * De nimia placentae cum utero cobassione. 8°. Groningo?,, [1K59]. Ma ass (F. G.) * De absorbenda placenta post partuin in utero residua. b°. Rostochii, 18:W. Maleterre (J.) * Contribution a l'6tude de la intention du placenta a terme. 4W. Nancy, 1896. Mestixgii (D.) * Ueber Retentio placenta'. 8°. Giessen, 1884. Pekret (A.) * De la intention du placenta apres l'accouchenient. 4°. Strasbourg, 18(\(\. Petkrsen (().) * Ueber Paralyse der Placenta- insertionsstclle. 8°. Erlangen, 1*9*. Poihier (A.) * De la retention partielle du placenta apresraccoiicliemeiit. 4C. Paris, 1894. Schneider (A.) * De metrorrbagiis ex con- cretione placenta; cum utero oiiginem ducenti- bus. h°. Vratislaviie, [1*41]. Siemens (B. G.) * De ]ilacentas solntione arti- ficiali. 8°. Groninga; 1*75*. Tan .vex (A.) * Ueber Retention der Placenta. 8°. Wiirzburg, l**ti. Tiijal(J.-V.-A.) * Desadbcrencesdu placenta. 4°. Strasbourg. 1868. Trep (M.) * De la retention des membranes apres l'accoiicliemcnt a ternie. 8"-. Nancy, 1*96, Alilfeld (F.) Die Ursachen der Placental retention nach Geburten reifer oder nahezu reit'er Fi iu lite. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. n. Gyniik.. Stuttg., 1889, xvi, 302-317.— Alilfeld (F.) & Staehler (F.) Klinische Erfahrungen iiber l'laceutarretention, nebst bakteriologischen Unter- suchungeu. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Herb, 1900, xii, 671-688.—Aleltsandroil" (F. A.)' K voprusu o priroshtshenii dletskavo nilesta. [Adhesion of placenta.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez.. St. Petersb., 1900, xiv, 453-460, 1 pi.—AI ford (F. A.) Retention of placenta in utero five weeks. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 485— Andeberl. De l'eiichatonnenient du placenta. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1899, v, 417; 448; 409.—Andebert &. Sabrazc*. Ten- dances piolil'eratives et degeneratives du placenta retenu dans la cavite uterine. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst.. Par., 1897, xlvii, 287-299.— Auvaid (A.) Sur un cas d'adhe- rence phicentaire. Lull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1887, 78-81. Also: J. de mod. de Par., 1887, xii, 365-368. Also: Rev. obst6t. etg\nec, Par., 1887, iii, 112-115. Also, in his: Trav. d'obst., Par.. 1889, i, 163-168.— It I nine (F.) On the etiology and treatment of placental retention due to con- striction of the contraction-ring. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1890, iv, 40-46.— Backer (C.) Om Placentaretention. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1897, 4. It., v, 556; 569.—Boissard (A.) De la retention placentaire api e-s raccouchomeiit-ii ternie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xii, 513. — Boqnel (A.) De la retention de 1'arriere-faix. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1902, vi, 449; 500; 552.—Bi'nnnan (T. II.) Placenta retained. Cleveland .1. M., 181)8, iii, 395-397.—Bi-nnn (G.) Leber einen Full vou iieunzehu- tiigiger Retention einer Placenta im Uterus. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1889, ii. 92.— Bi'indcan (A.) Un cms de resistance e\ageie-e de l'ainnios. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1900, iii, 419-421. -----. Causes d'erreurs dans les cas de retention placen- taire. Ibid., 1902, v, 33-36. — Broer* (H. J.) Over absorptio placentas. Nederl.Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. [ 845-8], Utrecht, 1849, ii, 257-276. Also, Reprint, — Brown (R.) Contributions to the pathology of adherent pla- centa, with cases. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1896, Phila., 1897, ix, 311 -320. — Budin (P.) De la reten- tion d'un cotyledon placentaire dans la cavit6 uterine. Courrier med., Par., 1896. xlvi, 11. Also: Rev. obst. in- ternat.. Tout use, 1896, ii, 70-72. -----. Retention des membraues. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1899, xxvii, 377; 1900. xxviii, 1. -----. La retention des membranes dans l'accouchement normal. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1903, xvii, 116.—Buongiorno (S.) Su di un caso di puto prematura aitificiale con i itenzioue di placenta. Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec. Napoli. Ih97, vi,419; 542. 1 pi.— Carrel I (J. B.) Retained placenta due to spasmodic contraction of the uterus. Med. A: Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lx, 197.—Cavilan (A.-P.) La pression atmosphe- rique dans les retentions du placenta. (Moyeu pratique de delivrance.) Rev. gen. de (din. etde therap Par., 1891, v, 612-614. Also: Arch, (le tocol. et de gynec, Par.. 1892, xix, 195-200.— Chapnt. Deux cas de retention placen- taire; examen bistologii]iie. bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, Ixv, 6-9.—Chazan (S.i Ueber Plarentarretention nach rechtzeitiger Geburt. Samml. klin. Vortr.. n. I<\, Leipz., 1894, No. 93 (Gynakol., No. 35, 55-74).—tlopatoimki, LABOR 17 LABOR. labor (Complicated) from adherent or 1 retained placenta. Adherence anormale du placenta faisant corps avec le tissu de 1'uterus, suivie de mort. Bull. ■&. mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par.. 1890, 153-162. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1890, 2. s.. ii, 405-407. Also: Rev. obstet. et gynec. Par., 1890. vi, 320-327. Also [Abstr.]: J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1890[ xi! 161— t'ohiiHlein. Beitriige zur Lehre der Pla- centarverwachsung. Arch. f. Gynaek, Berl., 1889, xxxvi, 371-308.—C'ovirin y t'anedo (M.) Un caso extraordi- nario de rctencidn placental ia; expulsion natural de la placenta retcnida. Rev. de med. cirug. pract., Madrid, 1902, lvi, 161-164. -----. Un caso exti aordmario de re- teucion placentaria ( mas consideraciones acerca del mismo). Ibid., lvii, 369-372. — C'ree (\V. J.) Adherent placenta. Med. Council, Phila., 1902, vii, 2.4.—Dnbonf (E.) Hemorragies uterinespar ictention i>i:it -entaiio com- Sliquee, ou non, d'enchatonneinent du plinenta; de l.i con- uite a tenir dans des cas semblables. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par.. 1902. xvi, 678-680.—Dnllnx ( A. MeC.) Impossible extraction of placenta; death from septh a?mia; misuse of ergot. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 18'.<8. xv. 19,1.— Beak (Z.) Placenta retentio egy es.de. [A case . . .] Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest. 1s9i'i, xx. 65.— Dervnux. Un cas d'enchatonneinent du placenta. J. d. sc. med. de Lille. 1901, i, 433-H5.— I>iez Obelar 11"..) Obsorvaciones sobie un caso de reteneion placentaria. Siglo med.. Madrid, 1896, xliii, 438. -----. Mas sobre un caso de re- tenoion placentaria. Ibid.. 581.— I>i»lii (I. A.) Sluchai 19-ti dnevnavo zaderzhaniya ehasti dletskavo niTesta; tromboz obieikh beurennikh ven. sept i< heskaya inf. ktsiya sblagopolucbnim iskhodom. [A piece of placenta retained for 19 davs, thrombosis of both femoral veins, septic in- fection with happy result.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb.. 189". vi, 787-791 — Donthwnite (A. W.) Re- tention of placenta for thirteen days; hour-glass constric- tion; septicaemia; recovery. ChinaM. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1895, ix, 137. —Brozdoff (P.) Sluchai poluavo priro- shtsheniya dletskavo miesta. [Case of complete adhesion of placenta. | Feldscber. St. Petersb., 1896. vi, 211.—Do- roeher i M. .T. M.) Adberencia do placenta. Ann. Acad. de med. do Rio de Jan . 1-85-6.6. s.. i, 181-185—DyaliO- 1 neiiko (X. P.) [Slu.-hal nevikhoclvashtshivo po-lleda.] Cases of retained placenti. ] Protok. zasail. akush.- ".inek. Obsh. v Kieve (1895). 1896, ix. suppl. 2. 59-65.— Eager (J. L. B.) A case of adherent placenta. Ann. Gymec. & Psediat., Phila.. 1800-91, iv, 729-732. — E bei I. Ueber die Terbaltung von Placentarresteu nach reohtzei- tigi-n Geburten. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl., 1874 ">. iii, 57-70. — Falls (O.) Ueber die Lebensfahigkeit im I't.srus zuri'u-kgehaltener Deoidua. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gvnaek Per!.. 1-97, vi. 41-45, 1 pi.—Fenwick (K. X.) Retained placenta. Internat. Ciin , Phila., 1892, 2. s.. iii, 2«5->'.i. — Fernandez Nan Martin (A.) Un ■ caso de reteneion placentaria. Si-lo med., Madrid. 1896, xliii. 407.—Fernandez de la Vega (W.) Reteneion de la placenta adherida: ombligo auiiiiotico. Actas . . . Cong, ginec. espan.. Madrid. 18--, i, 131. — Font Jlonlcrow (j.) Metrorragias del alumbrainiento por reteneion placentaria. Rev. balear de i ien. med.. Palnia de Mallorea, 1903, xxiv, 217-22:. —Foster (W. I)./ The surgery of retained placenta. J Oritic. Surg.. Chicago, 1895-6. iv, 356. — Folheryill i\V. E.) On the ultimate fate of placental tissue retained in utero. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i. 294-296.— French (G. F.) Adherent pla- centa retained for years, simulating cancer. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1882-3, ii. 133.—Freund (H. W.) Leber die (lurch Verengerung des Contract ioiisringes bedingte Retention der Placenta. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1889. xvi, 1-15—Gallant (A. E.) Placenta re- tained in utero one year; impregnation ; be tal sac over os in- ternum ; hemorrhage as in placenta pra; via: Outerbridge's irrigatinz cervical divnlsor. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1895, xlvii, 619.—Gaujon i V.) Un cas de retention placentaire pro- longed N. Montpel. mod., 1901. xiii, 029-637.—Gerlach (A.7 Fin Fall von Paralyse der Placental-Insert innsstellc Miinchen. med.Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 427. — Gibert. Re- tention placentaire datant de dix-huit mois; nietrite h6- morragique consecutive. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1896. xvii, 63. Also: .7. de med. de Bordeaux, I 1896,xxvi.ll6.—CJoltmanf A.) Adherent placenta. Am. Gvnasc. .) Retention of the placenta for nine days- recovery. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 1900, i, 575. Also: Indian M. Rec., Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 317.-Groat (Fan- nie A.) Another case of long-retained placenta. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891, xl, 725.—Gniehnrd. Expulsion tar- dive d'un cntylGdon placentaire sninuineiairc; hvdrosal- pingite. Arch. mOA. d'Angers, 1807, i, 392-300.—Gnlelie (H.) Zur Kasuistik der totalen Placental relent i-m. Zt- schr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M.. 1896, v. 254.— Ilnnoe (Christiane). Vollstiindiges Zuriickbleiben (br Eiliautc. Allg. deutsche Hebam..Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 377. —Halle VOL IX, 2d series---2 jabor (Complicated) from adherent or retained placenta. (J.) Recherches bacteriologiqnes sur quelqucs eas do re- tentions placentaircs et desiip])iii'ations d'euigine gcnitale. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1899, li, 295-304. -Hart (1). B.) Oil undue adhesion of the membranes as a com- plication of the third stage of labour. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1900, vii, 30.>-309.- Ilarlinann (II.) & Tonpet (P.) Des consequences tardiws d • la intention partielle ou totale du placenta (endometiite dei idualo heaiiorrha- giqtie; placenta sclereux ; deciduoine beuiu; mole hydati- forme; sarcoine chorio-celliihiii e). Ann. de gynec. et d'obst.. Par., 1895, xliii, 285-306.—HnwkiiiN (L.) A re- tained placenta. Chicago M. Obs., 1898, i, 244.—Ilcnue ( K. ) Adhiirenz der Placenta. Ztschr. I. Gebnrtsli.il. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1901, xiv, 272 27!). - llermite. Reten- tion du placenta ot secretion lactee. llaiiphine med.. Ore- noble, 1898, xxii, 29-31. —Howard ( I. L.I Expulsion of a four-mouths' placenta one year after the delivery of the fetus. Am. Pract. A: News, Louisville. 1892, n. s., xiii, 220.—line ( V. I lb-icntioiis du placenta. Normandie med.. Rouen. 1885 6, i. 49 51.—[Iliiler.l Einspeirung der Nachgeburt. Encyolopad. Wiirtei b. d. med. Wis- sensch., Berl., 1831, x, 339-395.—IaleHiaw. Un caso de reteneion do la placenta despuesdel parto. An. r. Acad.de med., Madrid, 1880, ii, 12 21. — Illowy (IL) Retained pla- centa. Tr. Obst. Soc Cinciu., 1879-85, ii, 240-245.—John- non (II. P.) A case of retained placenta; retention of urine for five days. Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul, 1888 viii, 89.—JoMephNon (J. C.) A case of adherent placenta re- tained and discharged after a long process of decomposi- tion; recovery. Med. Rec, N. V., 1903, lxiii, 898— Ka- liwoda (II.I A caso of retained placenta. Denver M. Times, 18s8-9, viii, 125-128.—Keriuniiner (F.) Ein Fall vou Placentarretention mit Lutci-suchiing der rctinirten Eitheile. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, xvi, 975-979. —Kiistner ( O. ) Decidiiaretention ; Deci- duoiu; Adenoma uteri. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1881, xviii, 252-202,1 pi. Also, Reprint.—Knlin ("W. F.) A case of adherent placenta; death. Kansas City M. Index, 189'> xiii, 198-201.—Kuwn (Marie). Angewiichsene Nach- geburt. Allg. deutsche Ilebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 357.—I.nbiiMqniere. Retention du placenta suivie de phe'nomenes intectioux graves; extraction du delivre; guerison. Bult.et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec de Par. (1887), 1888, iv, 117-120.—I,amadrid (.J.J.) A case of retained placenta twenty-two days after a miscarriage of a four- months' fcetus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 570.— I.ain- binou (II.) Un cas de retention du placenta. J. d'ae- couch., Liege, 1892, xiii, 51.— l-angc. Ueber eiue be- sondere Art von Placentarretention. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gvniik.. Stuttg., 1888. xv, 30-36.—liavcrgne. La pression atiuospberiqne peut elle etre consideree comme une cause de retention placentaire; Arch, de tocol. ct de gyn6c, Par., 1895. xxii, 321-328. —I.nzarevieh (I. P.) O zaderzhanii plenki i drugikh obolochek yaitsa. [ Reten- tion of decidua and other membranes] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1887, i, 1-15.— I.eehat ( A.) Notesur un cas (I'accoucbenient premature avec retention des membranes. Arch. m6d. d'Angers, 1900, iv, 342-345. —lie- four. Retention de membranes dans la cavite uterine. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1890, xvii. 113. —I.e- inaixtre (P.) Extraction d'un placenta huit jours apres l'accouchcmeiit. J. Soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne. Li.....ges, 1887, xi, 102-105.—I,iuzzi (V.) Intorno a due casi diadcrenza tot ale. della placenta all' utero. Rac- coglitore med., Forli, 1891, 5. s., xii. 131-136.—I.o*lalol. Mel rite hCinorrha'ique; retention du iilacenta remontant a 6 mois. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 18,89, lxiv, 647-C49. — l.oviol. Retention du delivre pendant 52 beiires (apres un accouchement spontan6 a terme) par spasme partiel du corps do l'uterus; delivrance artificieile; guerison. Bull. &. mem. Soc obst. et gynec. do Par., 1891, 81-81. -----. Extraction m uiuello d'un arriere-faix rctenu depuis 27 heures i ten vide de put re fact ion; septiceinioconimencanto ; • •ue.ison. J. de med. de Par., 1892, 2. s., iv, 306.—.Tle- 4'siIm -Ualhi* (A.) Peculiarobslc-tric cx])eriences, fear complicating labor, jihlegmasia dolens and adherent pla- centa occurring in three successive labors. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta. 1803. iv, 386.—Tl'Grew (F. R.) Adherent placenta on completely inverted and extended litems; death. Med. Council, "Phila., 1902, vii, 351.—.Tie l-riin, Placenta retained for nine weeks after niiscarna cat three and abalf months. Am. .1. Obst., X. V., 1888, xxi, 60-02.— Uanero (E.) Ilistoriade un resto placentario retenido en el litem mas de ties alios. Cidn. med., Valencia, 1892, xv, 225-233. tinnHiirotT (N.) Sluchai prodolzhitelnavo zadcrzhaniva jioslleda. | Prolonged retention of tlie pla- ecntii.l Akushcrka, Odessa, 1902, xiii, 153-156.—itlnr- ehelliM (P.) Uterus laxatus a jiartu puclhe, pro secundi- nis mm pi-ocedentibus, ab obsb trice imperita manibiis nncna vi atlrai tus, et pnecipitatus, suboita illius innani- mafione ct gangrienii, illustiissiniie matrome mortis causiu. ' Inhis: ()bs. nied.-cbir. fetcb 8°, Lond., 1729.82.— .Tlavlini (E.) Leber das Zuriickbleiben von Eihaut und Placentairesten bei vol- und rechtzeitigen Geburten. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxv, 633; 053; 672— LABOR. 18 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from adherent or retained, placenta. .Ma.xwen (V. X.) K ucheniyu o zaderzhanii i prirashtshe- uii poslieda. [ On reteiition and adhesion of the pla- centa.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb.. 1897, xi, 487; 6si3, 3 pi.— flnthexoii (A. R.) The adherent pla- centa. Brooklyn M. J., 1891, v, 176-183.—.Tlalliien (E.) Retention nlacentaire prolongee. Bull. med. de Quebec, 1901-2, iii, 544-546. Also [Abstr.] : Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal, 1902, vi, 177.— Tlayyrier (C.) Insertion et enchatonnement du placenta dans une corne uterine anor- malement developpee, avec disposition singuliere du deli- vre. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1895, i, 139-142. Also [Abstr.): Ann. de gynec. ct d'obst., Par., 1895, xliv, 155. -----. De la retention des membranes aprds raceouche- meut. Cong, internat. de ni6d. C.-r., Par., 1900, Sect. d'obst., 454-461. A lso: Obstetrique, Par., 1900, v, 494-501 .— lVleiiNinga. Fiinfundzwanzigtagige Retention der Pla- centa post part urn ohne Fiiulnis. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1890, v, 301.— .HcolalF.) La ritenzione della placenta. Gior. internaz. d. se. med., Xapoli. 1891, n. s.. xiii. 413: 441; 481. Also, Reprint.—iTIi eh in ard (P.) Retained placenta. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. 1892, N. Oil., 1893, 94-98 Also: N. Oil. M. & S. J., 1891-2, n. s. xix. 881-884.—.tliller (C.J.) A caseof retained placenta. XT.Orl. M. & S.J., 1896-7, xlix, 633.—.VIorejAn (A.) Reteneion placentaria. Rev. de eien. med.. "Habana, 1890, v. 162.— Monlon (G. C.) Re- tention of placenta and collapse from excessive hemor- rhage after d livery. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond, 1903-4, viii, 121 — .»wman (S.) Retained placenta of two years; discharged with an abortion at the third month. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1884,141-143.—I\ie- meijer. Naur aanlciding van eene vastzittendeplacenta. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1903-4, vii, 146-150.— IVoble (C. P.) Three cases of partial retention of the pla- centa after 1 ibor at term. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 233-235. Also [with additions]: Ann. Gynsec, Bost. 1888-9, ii, 463-467. Also [with additions]:'Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1889, xii, 297-301.—lYordmnmi (A.) Zur i Frage der Placentaradharenz. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., ] 1901, lxv, 95-112.—JVynlasy (F. A.) Further observa- tions on the pathology of adherent placenta. Intereolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne. 1898, iii, 398-404—Oni & (jelle. Retention partielle du placenta apres un accou- chement & ternie; septic6mie; guerison. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. du nord, Lille, 1902, 274-277. —Fajol. A propos d'un cas de mort par retention du placenta; comment on doit conduire la d61ivrance; ce qu'il convient de faire quand le delivre reste retenu dans la matrice apres l'ac- coiichcmeiit ou l'avortement. Ann. de gynec., Par.. 1886. xxvi, 321-338. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1887,5.8., iii, 169-186.—Pashkevich (B.) Sluchai zaderzhaniya dletskavo miesta. [Retention of placenta.] Trudi Obsh. russ. vrach v Mosk. (1885), 1886, 118-123.—Pearson (J. C.) A case of adherent placenta with hour-glass contraction. Am. Pract. & News, Louis- ville, 1886, n. s., ii, 260. — Pestalozza. Ptesentazionedi preparati. B ill. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 69.—Phillips (J.) Uterus and adherent placenta | frompatientdvingot post-partum haemorrhage. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1890), 1891, xxxii, 195.—Pispires (J.) KAou/o) (itcAeTT) eVt tiihov o-ei5e7rta-^etTeio? 7rAa/co0i'TO?. Ibid., 705-710. — Poiton - Ouplessy. Observation dun cas d'adberence anormale du placenta complique d'hemorrha- gie. Bull, etnieni. Soc obst. et gyn6c.de Par., Is9l. 123-133. Also: Rev. obstet. et_ gynec',' Par., 1894, x, 229-233.— van de Poll (C. !N. ) Adhfesio placentae. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaecol., Haarlem, 890 ii, 197- 205.— Pottle (J. M.) Retained placenta. Physician .fc Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1886, viii, 241-243.'— Pueeh (P.) Retention prolongee du placenta et des mem- branes apres avortement. Presse med., Par., 1894, 246.— Kange. Observation remarquable (le r6tention placen- taire terininee apres une periode d'environ deux ans par l'expnlsion spontanee. Lyon med., 1882 xii, 463.—Reed (C. B.) Adherent placenta. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, 464-473. [Discussion], 525. Also: J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii. 971-975.- BSeiny (S.) Quelques con- siderations sur la retention o] icentaire. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1889. xvi, 769-774.—12~:c?iiiioii:I (N. G.) Placenta retained four months. Med. j.ec, N. Y., 1892, xii 52.— [Roper. Preternatural adh sion of the placenta follow- ing partial separation with haemorrhage. Lancet Lond , 1890, ii, 398.—Row* (J. F. W ) Retained pi'. Giracd (F.-L.) *Quel.] Landman' (N. J. B.) Bi.jdraoin tot de be- handelinsi der placenta adhwesa. 8°. 's Herto- genbosch, 1858. Lkpohix (C. P.) Kurtze doch griindlicbe Erorterung, einiger die znruckgebliebenc Nach- LABOR. 19 LABOE. Labor (Comj)licated) from adherent or retained placenta—treatment. Geburtli bctrcffenilen Fragm, worin zugleich die siclierste Methode der dabey erforderten Cur gezeiget wild, des . . . Froderici liuyschii, ana- toniiscbcn Abbandlung de musculo, iu i'undo uteri observato, beseheidentlicb entgegen g(>- setzet. 4°. Leip:ig 4' Quedlinburg, 17v.'s. Marmky (C.-I. ) *Lcs lesions annexiellcs feont-ellcs une centre-indication du curettage dans les retentions placentaires? s-\ Bordeaux, 1-97. Mt'KXXHU VA.) Welches ist das beste Mit- tcl zur Verhiititng der Placentarretention ? s\ Breslau, 187C>. RO(ivv.ri.o(J.) Traitement dela retention du placenta consecutive aux avortcments par les injections intra-uterines a 4W-f)0c. 8\ Lyon, is'91. SntAiss (P.) "Ueber Retention der Kibautc bei normaler Geburt und ihre Behandlnng. s . Wiirzburg, ]>9i.>. Vihkkt(L.) * Contribution a 1'etude du traitcincut de la retention du placenta dans l'avortcnient. 4°. Paris, 1-9J. Yolkfi: (H.) * Zur Frage der Behandhino der Eihautieti ntiouen. mbst Bcincrkungen iiber die Ursache derselben. - . II iirzbnrg. 1901. Vulliamoz-Blaxc. Troisiemc memoire ap- puy6 d'observations recentcs sur l'einploi de la grande eau en iujee'ion dans l'adherence anor- male du placenta. S-. Lausanne, 18-19. WlGAXD (J. H.) Vou den Frsachen und der Behandlnng der Nachgeburtszogerunoen. lti . Hamburg. 1-03. Wisakd(A.) * De liutervcution cbirurgicale dans bs retentions placentaires apres l'avorte- ment. 4C. Paris, 1-—. Audcbert (L.-J.) De renchatonuement du jilacenta (anatoinie pathologiquc pathogenic et traitement). Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par.. 1.-99. n. s.. iv, 625; 649.— It am ay i: Roland. Retention placentaire complete avec aiilie- iences: septicemie puerperale; enrage, ecouvillonnage et taiiipouiiement uterius; guerison. Echo med., Toulouse, le90. 2 s.. iv. 333-335. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii. 860-8U2. Also: .T. d. sages-femines. Par., 1890, xviii, 59. Also: X. Arch, d'ol st. et de gynec. Par.. 1890, v, 129- 132. — Barren a (A.) Condueta del tocologo en los casos de reteneion placentaria. Cion. med. -quir. de la Habana, 1891, xvii. 749: 781.—Bartolucci (A.) Xei casi di riten- zione della placenta nolle vacche, si deve fare il seconda- mento artificiale? Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad vet. ital., To- rino, 1*99. xlviii, 1015-1019. — Bamr ( E.) Ei t'olgreichcs expectati\es Verfaluen bei im In ins zurih kgebhebeneii Placentaresten. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte it Geburtsh., Win- nenden. 1878. xxix, 121-128 Bcntley (\Y. H.) Success- ful treatment of n i.iii.ed placenta by I lie use of Micajah's uterine waters. Med. Summary, Phila., ls93-4, xv," 191. Also. Reprint Hi u^iiicx-t'orbenii. Symphysentero- placentaire; delivrance artificielle au bout de 4* lieures; tractions et irrigations continues: guerison. Lull.et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par.. 1894. 73-78. Also: Caz. ni6d. de Liege, >93-4, vi, 412-414.- Blanc (E i Conduite k tenir dans la retention des meinbranes apres I'aeoouche- luent. Province med., Lyon, 1*89, iii, 3s8-391.— Bonnet (S.) Retention d'un placenta a terme: septicemie nvec metastase articulairc; contagion propagee, sous forme d'erysip&le, iiun enfant de 6 ans: ablation du placenta pu- t;6fi6, le 6" jour, par le curettage et l'ccouvillonnage suivis du drainage et de l'antisepsie rigoiireusc de luteins; gu6- risou X. Audi, d obst. et de gynec, Par., 1890, v, 589- 596. Borcl. Adherence* dn jilacenta; inefticaeite des injections; infection; extraction le sixifeme jour; guerison. Province m6d., Lyon, 1888, iii, 289.— Cnrlicr. Retention partielle du placenta; h6monh;igics iepet.es; accidents graves diiitermittente pemicieuse; sulfate de quinine, ton i<| in~i: guerison. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1857, xxiv, 127.— Ca«K'llN il'.) Extraccion manual de la jilacenta y jielignis que ofreceen casodeadherencias. An.deobst..gi- necopat.y pediat.. Madrid, 18X0, ix, 289-'_92. —Cawnno (G.) Conductadel tocologo en los casosde reteneion placentaria. An. r. Acad, de iihr<.K( n (A.) Zur Beliandlung der leiinirten Placenta bei Lehlgeburten. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1800, viii, 609-612.—Onmoiil. Contribu- tion a, l'etude des retentions placentaires dans l'avorte- inent; 2 cus do septicemic grave traites jiar lo curettage; guerison. Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1894, x, 233-242.— Ebrrliart (E.) Zur Krage der ISehnndbmg der Eihaut- retcutioncn. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik..' Stuttg.. 1889, xvi. 292-301.—IMiot (L.) Adherent jilacenta; its causes and management. A in.Gynec.J..Toledo, 181)2, ii, 144-147.__ <«arvid«- (\V. 15.) The curette tor removal of portions of retained placenta. Iloinmop. J. Obst., X. T., 1879-80, i, 132-137. — <»<>h<-. Accouchement normal k ternie; enkys- teiupnt dn placenta ; delivrance artificielle ; intoxication par le sublime; guerison. K. Arch, d'obst. ct de gynec., Par., 1888, iii, 147-154. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1888, xvi, 84-86.----—. Deux cas d'adherences anormales du pla- centa; extraction lnanuelle du delivre; observations et re- flexions. [From: Ann de la Policlin. de Toulouse, 1891]. Arch, de tocol. ei do gynec, Par., 1892, xix, 17-22. —Gilis (!''.) Observation dun cas de retention et adherence du placenta avec spasme de I'literus: delivrance artiliciollo on/ebeuresajnes lanaissance dol'enfant. Arch, de tocol., Par., 18114. xxi, 595-599. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1894, xii. 259. .il»o, transl.: Levatrice comb, Roma, 1895, iv, 52-55.—Hart (1). I!, i A contribution to tbe pathology, svmjitonis, and treatment of adherent jilacenta Tr.Edinb. Obst. Soc, 18^-9. xiv, 21-29. Also: Edinb. M. J.. 1888-9, xxxiv. 816-819. Also: Rep. Lab. Rov. Coll. Phys. Edinb., 1890, ii. 98-162.—llofmrier (M.) Ueber die behandlnng der Placentar- und Eihaiitieteiition. Deutsche Aerzte- Zt-g., Berl., 1902, 337-339.— Ilnlbrrt (G. E.) The treat- ment of retained jilacenta, with remarks upon the use of ergot therein, considered from a scientific standpoint. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1*87, xvi, 225; 253.—Jacob. Retention placenture ajnes avortement; inutilite de 1'ex- peclation; ce qn on doit attendre du ballon de ('hanajietier. Marseille med., 1^98 xx\v,7 11-744. — KIciiiNcliniiflt (ti.) Leber kiinstliche Lntrernuiig der Nachgeburt. K. I'niv.- Frauenkliu. in Miinchen 1884-90. Ber.'. . ., Leijiz., 1892, 655-605.— Klein wiicliU'r (L.) Die Therapie der Reten- tion der I'lacenla und deren Pirtikeln. Heilkunde, Wien [etc). 19(12. 433-415.—l.nvcrgiic De la conduite a tenir dans la i et cut ion du jilacenta ajnes lavortement. X.Mont- jiel. med. Suppl., 1896, v, 330-368, 1 pi —I.a via ( M. G.) Comlucla que debe seguir el jiartero en los casus de reten- ci6n placentaria. An. r. Acad, do cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1891-2, xxviii, 426-436.—f^-nf (A. 11. P.) Post pactum hemorrhage due to adherent fibrous jilacenta; rapid removal. Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lx, 9.— l,o- »iot. Retention d'un placenta abort if jiendant 101 hemes sans accidents; antisejisie; injections intra-iitcriiies chaudes au perinanganate dejiotasse; administration du sulfate do qui nine; ex pulsion sjiontanee des annexes; suites norimilcs. llox. prat, d'obst. et do g\ nee.., Par., 1898, xiv, 232-234.— I. n land (A.) A propos (In traitement de la re- tention placentaire dans l'nvoi'tement des premiers mois de la grossesse. ,T. de med. do Par.. 1895, 2. 8., vii, 559-501.— Tlarin iicliili (N. P. i Sluchai cba-tichnavo jiriroshtsho- ni\a poslieda i nieskol kn slov o llecheiiii podohuikh sosto- yaniy. Il'aitial adlu--ioii of the Jilaeenla, and treatment of similar conditions.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 1062- l(i6l. —.TlibbnoH'IS. I).) O zadeivhanii jdodnikh obolo- i-hek v tera]ie\ I icheskom olnoshenii. [On retention of lb- tal membranes t her.ipeut i'-nllv considered.! Lolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1807, viii, 217; 259; 296; 340; 381; 425; 528. .TIiNraclii (M.) Contribution (liniquo k l'etude du trailenient. do hi retention du delivre dans l'avorteineiit Jiar l'ecou\ illonnage antisejitiiniede 1'uterus. X. Arch.d'obst. etde gynec, Par.,18x7, ii, 190 (34) ; 221; 228; 308. ------. Traitement de riioinorragio par insertion vi- cieuse du jilacenta. Rev. geu. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1895. ix, pt. 2, 179-182.—IViijsjcI (I.) I'raktisi b geburts- hiilfliche Mittheilungen iiber melireder verschiedenen Zu- stande, unter denen der GeburtslK■ll'er zur Liisiing der Nachgeburt aufgefordert wird, sowie audi iiber den ver- schieuenen Sitz und die Beschiitfcnheit der ht/tcreu an sich, als aueli in Bezielnuig auf ihren Zusammenhang mit dem Gebiirorganc. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb.. 1848, ii, 574-586.—rVilol ]et al.\. SuiTeinploides curettes dans le traitement dela retention post-partuni. Trav. prat. LABOR. 20 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from adherent or retained placenta—treatment. d'obst. etde gynec, Par., 1898, 113-117.—Nynlasj (F. A.) Some observations on the pathology and treatment of ad- herent placenta. Intel-colon. M.J. Australas., Melbourne, 1896, i, 145-150, 2 eh.—Oui & CSclle. Retention d'une partie'du placenta aprfes raccoucbement k ternie; septi- cemie- curage digital et curettage instrumental; gu6rison. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1902, vi, 569.—Pajot. Reten- tion du placenta dans l'uterus; statistique; conduite k te- nir. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1876, lix, 132; 161. Also: Arch. de tocol., Par., 1886, xiii, 149-157. —Palmer (H. R.) A new method of removing a retained jilacenta. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xl, 727.—Panfilovicb (M.) Chetire slu- chaya'iskussivennavo pozduyavo otdieleniya platsenti. [Four cases of artificial late separation of the placenta.] Shorn, protok. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach. 1896. Kaluga, 1897, xxxv, 36-39.—Pillai (V. C.) Cold rectal injections for expelling a retained placenta. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vi, 177. —Pinatelle. Curettage pour retention placentaire et fcetale, datant de cinq mois et demi; curet- tage, guerison. Loire m6d., St.-Etienue, 1898, xvii, 84.— Polic)ciiko(V.V.) Zaderzbaniyeprirosshavodletskavo miesta vmatkie; chastichnoye otdleleniye poslieda rukoi; goryackiye vlagalishtshnive dushi; vizdorovleniye. [Re- tention of adherent placenta in the uterus; partial removal by the hand; hot vaginal baths; recovery.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1895, ix, 291.—Bamage (J.) Treatment of retained placenta with haemorrhage in case of miscarriage. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Loud., 1895, xxiii, 515— Beihlrn (M.) Zur Frage der Behandlung der Chorion-Retention. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berk, 1887, xxxi, 56-69.—Sanchez (R.) Conducta seguida en varios casos de reti nci6n placentaria. Rev. espec. m6d. La oto- rino-laryngol. espaii.. Madiid, 1903, vi. 33-36.—Schallcr. Wiesoll sich derPraktiker beim Zuriickbleiben von Nach- geburtsteilen veihalten ! Aertzl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1903, xiii, 486-488. -Khinlcy (G. T.) A novelty in obstet- rics. Boston M. A; S.,I., 1878,xcix,290-291.—Stover (G.H.) The management of retained placenta. Tr. Colorado M. Soc,Denver, 1895.489-492. Also: Denver M.Times, 1895-6, xv, 155-157.—Tarnier. Retention du placenta; expec- tation et curettage. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1897,viii, 131.—Valentino (M.) L' espressione pla- cental^ qual mezzo coadiuvante il secondamento artificiale per placenta incarcerata. Raccoglitore med., Porli, 1888, 5. s., vi, 473-478.—Vaiiverts. Contribution a l'etude du curettage dans les retentions jilacentaires. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 37-41.—Varnck (L. N.) Sluchai vidleleniya poslieda na pyatdesyativ den poslie rodov posredstvom postoyannavo vlagalishtshnavo orosheniya. [Expulsion of the placenta on the fiftieth day after labor by means of constant vaginal irrigation.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 502.—Verrier (E.) Observation d'enchatonne- inent avec adherences anormales du placenta; delivrance incomplete; septic6mie puerp6rale; guerison par les in- jections intra-uterines et vaginales antiseptiqucs. Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes.Par., 1889,xi. 144-150.— Weiss (R.) Conducta que debe seguir el partero en los casos do reteneion placentaria. Progreso med., Habana, 1891, iii, 321-326. Also: Arch, de ginec. y pediat., Barcel., 1892, v, 405; 425. Also : Arch, de la Soc. estnd. clin. de la Habana (1890-92). 1895, v, 144-164.—Weitzenblut (L.) O potrzebie narzedzia do wydobywania resztek jajaplodo- wego, jiozostalych -\v macicy, oraz opis lyzeczki lozysko- wej. [Need of an instrument for extraction of placentar remains, with description of a placen,t.r spoon.] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1881, lxxvii, 562-570.—Wolny (S.) Drei Falle von verhaltener und vier von kiinstlich geloster Placenta. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Pest, 1850-51, i, 401-403. liabor (Complicated) through the cervix uteri. [Elongation, obstruction, rigidity.] See, also, Labor (Forced); Labor in primiparw. JIoyer (A.) Contribution a l'6tude de l'ob- litenition du col uterin c-hez la fenime en couches. 8°. Paris, lt-90. DE Corkal Y Ona (T.) lie la obliteration del orificio uterino en el acto del parto y de la histerotomia vaginal. 8' . Madrid, 1845. Elstxeij (P.) *Die Hypertrophic der vorde- reu Muttermundslippe als Complication der Gc- burt. 8°. Breslau, [1875]. Hazard (H.) * Rigidite du col de l'uterus pendant l'accouchement en dehors de celle qui est occasionnee par les lumeurs. o°. Paris, 1902. Ivaxoff (A. I.) * K voprosu o krovavom ras- shhvnii zieva vo vremya rodov (hysterostoma- tomia Huh partu). 8°. Kiev, 1885. Labor (Complicated) through the cervix uteri, [Elongation, ohstrurtion, rigidity.] Naegklk (H." V. J.) * De niogostocia e con- glutinatione orificii uteri externi. 8°. Heidel- berga; 18XK Also, transl. in: Med. Ann., Heidelb., 1836, ii, 185-206. Taliun (V.-A.) *Du re'tre'eissement cicalri- ciel du col de l'litdrus an point de vue de rac- eouchemeut. 4°. Paris, 1.-95. Toledo (J.-I.) * Sur la rigiditd du col de l'uterus pendant le travail de l'accouche- ment; etude analytique et critique. 4°. Pans, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Arrive. Sur un cas d'oed&me du col jiendnnt l'accou- (henient avec elimination spi'iitanee penihint l'expulsion de la zone cervicale cedematicc. Rev. gen. do clin. et de therap., Par., 1901, xv, 503.—Anriebcrt. Du tamjionne- ment cervico-vaginal dans les fausscs rigidites du col. Arch, med., de Toulouse, 1899, v, 273-278. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1899, n. s., iv, 373.— Itailly. Atresie accidentelle du col de I'literus mettant .obstacle a l'expul- sion d'un oeuf de six semaiues. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1879, vi, 175-178.—Bain (D. B.) On a caso of complete occlu- sion of theosuteii. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1096-1098__ Balls-Headier (W.) A non-dilating cervix in labour. Austral. M. J., M'elbourne, 1892, n. s., xiv, 411.—Btnver (D. B. I).) A case of marked oedema of the labia uteri during parturition. Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii, 382.— Blanc (fi.) De la rigidite syjihililique du col coinme cause do dystocie. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1891, xviii, 241- 253. Boarilman (W. E.) The management of cases of rigidity of the os uteri in labor. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc., Bost., 1882-6, xiii, 581-597. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxv, 149-153. Also, Reprint. — Brown (J. H.) Occlusion of the os utetiat full term ofpregnancy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, i, 928 — Butlin (P.) Du cloison- nemeut transversal incomplet du col de l'uterus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s, iv, 193-1H7. Also: Progrfes m6d., Par., 1887, 2. s., v, 207-269. —Calileiini (G.) Distocia materna cervicale. Ateneomed. parniensc, Parma, 1888, ii, 102-110, 1 pi— Carrick (A. L.) Rigidity of the os uteri. Tr. Obst, Soc. Cinciu., 1877-9, i, 50-58.— Carroll (M. O.) Diflicult jiarturitioii ; jii'Otrusion of the uterus with undiluted os uteii. Med. Press &. Circ, Loud.. 1887, n. s., xliii, 16S. — Cartwriglit (S. S.) The use of belladonna in spasmodic rigidity of the os uteri during labor. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.], 1890, 246. Also .- Gail- lard's M. J., N. T., 1890, 1, 233-235.—Chaleix (M.) Note sur un cas de dystocie par ergotisme iiterin. Arch, de tocol. etde gyn6c., Par., 1892, xix, 401 -406. Also: J. d. sages-femmes,' Par., 1892, xx, 139-141. -----. Dystocie par resistance du canal cervical; lotus vivant; feicmo intec- t6e; acceleration du travail par manoeuvres manuelles, application du forceps. Rev. mens, de gynec. (etc.], Bor- deaux, 1900, ii, 73-78.—Charles tX.) Agglutination des le,vres ducol et rigidite organique chez une primijiare a 7£ mois de grossesse, avec foetus macere; dilatation manuelle de l'oriflce uterin et exlraction de l'enfant k l'aide des doigts; suites de couches heureuses. J. d'aecouch., Li6ge, 1895, xvi, 247. — Clivio (I.) Di un parto distocico per stenosi cicatriziale della bocca uterina. Ann. di ostet., Milauo, 1896, xviii, 237-256.—Clowes (E. F.) A case of rigid os uteri treated with cocaine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i. 1340.—Cochrane (R. S.) Occludedosat full time. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 358. — Coen (G.) Aborto al 5° mese; rigidita anatomica della bocca uterina; incisioni profonde alia Diihrssen. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1899, viii, 328-334.— Coopman (H. L.) Leber Rigiditiit des Muttermundes als Geburtshinderniss (Dys- tocia cervicalis). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 265.— Coromilas. Traitement dela iigi(lit6ducolderut6rus, du conduit vulvovaginal et du p6rin6e pur les aeents m6- dicamenteux et jiar la divulsion nianuelle pendant l'ac- couchement. Cong, jieriod. internat. de gynec-. et d'obst. C.-r., 2. sess., 1896, Geneve, 1897. C.-r., Obst., 294-300.— Crawford (G. E.) A case of difficult labor. Si. Louis Cour. Med., 1S95, xiii, 206.—Croci (A.) Parto scrolino; rigidity anatomica del collo uterino-, incrzia primitiya; stenosi pelvica; sviluppo abnorme (bd feto; dolicoeefalia; presentazione di faci ia, Arte ostet,, Milauo, 1962, xvi, J21 - 127. — ¥>avis ( E. P.) Surgical treatment of labor delayed by rigidity of the os uteri. Med. News, Phila,, 1892, lxi, 656-65S. Also, Re]irint.—Mavis (T. G.) Dysto- cia from cervical atresia. Ann. Gyniec, Bost., 11-89-90, iii, 110.—De Koninck (J.) De i'alloiigenient (edeiua- teux aigu intermittent du col pendant la grossesse et l'ac- couchement. Rev. med., Louvain, 1899, xvii, 107-112.— Denny (C. F.) Case of rigid os with elongation of an- terior lip. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1886-7. vi, 85- 87.—nichson (E. W.) A i-hsb of rigid os; discission by Diihrsseu's method. Tr. Ko.v. Acad. M. Ireland, Duhl., 1897, xv, 312-315.—von Dielerich (J.) Ein Fall von Atresia uteri gravidi. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1878, LABOR. 21 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) through the cervix uteri. [Elongation, obstruction, rigidity.] iii, 80-88 —Doleris (•!. A.) Des fausses rigidites du col uterin pendant raccouchemcnl. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1887. ii. 405-507.-Diihrnscn (A ) Leber ilio Bedeiituug d- r Cervix- und Scheidendainniincisionen in der Geburtshulfe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi, 964. -----. rebel-cinige-weitere Eiille von tiefen Cei vix- uud Sebeideiidaininincisioneii in der Gohurtshhlfe. The- lap. Monatsb., Berl., 1890, iv, 221-228.—Dnrlnchcr (S.) Kramptbafte Zusanmienziehung des Muttermuudes als relatives Gebiirtsbindernis Centralbl. f. Gyniik.. Lei|iz., 1902, xxvi, 1368-1370.— Fdjgm- 11'. G.) A case of conglu- tinatio et. atresia orificii uteri during jiarturitioii. Brit. M. .1.. Lond., 1900. ii, 163!).—Knyrlbneh. Dystocie jiar l igidite du col uterin. N. Audi, d'onst. d degMiec, l'ar., 1887, ii, 90-94.—Etienne (G.) Du g.uilh mentde la levre anterieuie du col uterin coinine cause de ralentissenient du travail et nioven (lv remedier. Audi, de tocol. et do gynec, Par., 1802' xi\, 203-214. — Fve (J. A.) Occb sion of the gravid uterus. Tr. Am (iynec. Soc. 1880, Host.. 1881,v, 167-174.—Fnrrar ol i A new and speedy method of di- lating a rigid os in pat lurition. Tr. Obst. Soc 1894, Lond., 189"., xxxvi, 321-324. -----. A* sjieedy method of dilating a rigid os iu parturition. Biit. M. J.,'Lond., 1898, ii, 790.— Fieux i(i.) Quelques cas de rigidite dite spasmodiquo du col traites par lu rujiture des membranes. Ann. de gynec. ct d'obst.. Par., 1897, xlvii, 431-442. —Fi«cher. Ein Fall von Conglutiiiatio orificii extend. Ztschr f. Wundiiizte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 18-5, xxxvi. 147 — ForluniK.i Oclusion del segnunto inferior del litero; embarazoprolon^ado Rev.de med. y ciru.j.dela Habana, 1898, iii, 165-loT — Krolova (Maria). Shu hill skleiva- niya naiuzhuavo zieva matki pri rodakh. [Occlusion of external os in labor.] Akusherka. Oib-s-a, lsoti. vii, 4nl.— Fullerton (Anna M.) The effect of tracheloi i haphy upon parturition. N. York J. Gynac. A: Obst., 1802. ii. 305-309.—Oardiner (B. H. J.) Dystocia from occlusion of cervix uteri. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i. 1300. — <»arlaiiil (H. R.) Hydrate of chloral as an anti-spasmodic on the rigid os uteri in parturition. Ma-s. M. J., Bost., 1903, xxiii, 433—442.—Grace (•). W.) Intra-uterine injection of glycerine in a case of rigid i s uteri. Nashville j. M. & S., 1893, lxxiii, 159— Griffith (S.) Hypertrojihic elonga- tion of the cervix as a cause of obstructed labour. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1*03. i. 94s.—C.rilliaut des Fon taincx. Un <-as ile dystocie par rigidite de l'orilice externeconsecu- tive a une ainjmtation du col. Setnaine gynec. Par., 1899, iv, 243.—GiiCiin- Valmale. Reinaiques sur les caute- risations intra-uterines k propos de trois observations de rigidite cicatricielle du col uterin. Moutpel. med., 1903, xvi, 667-672.—Haawiw. Verwacbsung des Muttermuu- des als Gebiirtshinderniss. Meinoiabilien, Heilbr., 1895, n. F., xiv, 71.- Ilahl (CM Striktur des Os internum uteri als (iehurtslniideinis-. Arch. f. Cynaek., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 6-4-694 — llancli. Zum Versch'luss des Mut- termundes, ( ■uiglii.inatio et atn-sia orificii uteri bei der Geburt. Aerztl. I'i.ix., Lei|iz . 1900, xiii, 168.—Ha wen (J.) Rigid os. Internat.M.Mag.,Phila., 1895-6,512-515.— Hcllmiilh (Iv.i Srosteni India deloky pfekdzkou pfi porodu. j Adlu—;pn of the neck of the uterus a hindrance to parturition | Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1883. xxii, 710.— Hernandez (E ) Nueva causa de rigidez anatomica del cuello utei ino durante el jiarlo. Progreso nu-d., Habana, 1899. ix, 164-174.—HillHman iV. L.) Occlusion of the os uteri com plica ting labor at term. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, At- lanta. 1893. 287-290. Also: South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1893, xxiii, 414—Hi •» lop (P. W.j Case of rigidity of the os uteri in,ted by hot b.ul.,. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1897, ii, 1639. Also : Austialas. M.iiaz., Sydney, 1898, xvii, 19. — II or Ion t.L H.) Rigid os. Edict. M. j. Cincin., 1896, Ivi, 167.— Jardine ill) Two cases of labour with comjilote occlu- sion of the os uteri. Glasgow M. J.. 1900, liv, 210-212. Also: Tr. Gla-gow Obst. &Gyuac Soc, 1901, ii, 198-200.— JeflTeriMH |\V. 11. S.i Case of obstructed labour due to occlusion of tbe os uteri. Brit. M. .1., Lond., 1896, ii, 194.— .lohiiNton (W. H.) A iare complication of labor. Med. Rec , N. Y., 1891, xl, 12.—.loiien ((.. tt'.i Dystocia from rigidity of the os uteri iiiol its management. Tr. Intermit. M. Cong., Wash., 18*7, ii. 181-489. —Kiny IK. II.) The rigid os as a comjilicai mn in labor. J. A m. M. Ass., Chi- cago. 1»!)3, xxi. 418 — K rnkciibcry ll',.) Leber Diihrs- 8en stiefeCei vix-nnd Scheiden Dauiin-Eiiischiiitte. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1802 xiii, 214-219— I, amadrid (J. J.) Labor delayed by rigidity of the os uteri. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii,'5L — I.andn (G. M.) Parto dist6cico por obliteracien completa del orificio externo del cuello de fa tnatri/.. Rev. de cien. med., Habana, 1893, viii, 73.— Eiefebvre (P.) Rigidite spasmodique et anatomique du col uterin. Gaz. m6d. de Picardie, Ainiens, 1896, xiv, 156- 159.— licim-ni-in jj (V. S.) Ocelusion of os uteri. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc, Lincoln, 1886-7, 446-456. — I.epa«e. La rigidite cicatricielle du col de l'uterus. Rev gen. de clin. et de theiaji., Pur., 1903, xvii, 582. — l.n«eol. Un cas de dystocie maternelle. J. de med. de Rouleaux, 1885-6, xv, 264-267. -----. Dystocie par obstacles dus au col. M6m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, Labor (Complicated) through the cervix uteri. [Elongation, obstruct ion, rigidity.] 1891, 251-2.">8. Also: ,7. duni6d.de Bordeaux, 1890-91, xx 481-433— I.iinU (YV. T.) Labor at full term; undilatablo condition of the cervix due to cicatricial tissue; s|iontt- neous rujiture of the uterus. N. York M. J.. 18.-0. I, 281- 283. —ITIacbav (I. D.) Carbolic acid in jmci -petal lbmr. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1880, ii, 920. — JVIae VI nllen ( J. C.) Occlusion of the os uteri. Australas. M. (iaz., Sydney, 1885-6, v, 90. — Unix (S.) Diihrssen's method of deep cervix incisions in cases requiring rapid hdivorv. Am. ■T. Obst , N. V., 1893. xxvii, 701-709. Also, transl.: Frnuen- arzt, Rerl , 1893, viii, 437 ; 484. — iTIa> er (I).) Rigid os. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1805 6. xxii, 598-600.— Tl ii \ j; i- i«i-. De la rigidite du col iiterin pendant l'ac- eouclieno nt. Semaine ined., Par., 1801, xi, 421. —ITIew- nai'd (KM.) Dystocie par accidents s\ phihtiques du col. Audi, dotocoi.. l'ar., 1801, xviii, 19 '-':;. —.Meyer* (F.) Notes on an uncommon complication of lal.....r. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1880, n. s., xi, 323 — IVIiK hell (E. W.) Rigidity of the os uteri. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1893, xxvii, 407-413. |Discussion|. 430. —.Tlorta rino ( Rosina). Parto artificiale jier riMlita del collo dell' utero. Lucina, Bo- logna, 1893, i, 74-76. — 111 ii Her (C.J.) Einige Erl'ahruii- gen mit dem Bossi'schcn Instrument zur schncllen Erweiteruug des M utli rummies bid Geburten. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. (!\naek. Festschr.....^ug. Martin, Berl., 1895, 173-177.— Muyjjia (R.) Sopra la ipertrotiadel collo uterino conic causa di distocia. Riv. di ostet. [etc.], To- rino, 1897, ii, 177: 209.—IV—r. Kranipachtige samentrek- king van den biiiirmoederniond als stoornisbij de baring. Tijdschr. v. ju-akt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1902-3, vi, 353-355.— IVaxh (L.) Occluded os at full term. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i. 251.—IVeale. Occlusion of the os uieri during four days' parturition, Maryland M. J., Bait . 1800-91, xxiv, 5i7.—Ouiinet (J.-A.) Sur la rigidite du col de l'ut6rus pendant le travail de l'aeconehenient. Clinique, Montreal, 1898-9, v, 266-274. -Porak. La rigidite du col pendant l'aeconehenient. J. de med. de Par., 1890, 2. s., ii, 483-487. Also: Rev. obstet. et gyn6c, Par., 1890, vi, 289-299. -----. Obliteration du col; dissociation des 616ments du cordon ; endo-periphlebite d'origine probable- ment syphilitique. J. de med. de l'ar., 1895, 2. s., vii, 581- 583. -----. Rigidite probahlement cicatricielle du col de Tuterus; accouchement premature; presentation do l'6paule; procidence du cordon; version; rupture uterine complete; laparotomies gu6rison. Ibid., 1898, 2. s., x, 567- 570.—Poroshin (M. N?) Sluchai beremeiiiiosti i rodov, oslozhner.nikh rubtsovim suzheniyem rukava. [ Preg- nancy and labor complicated by cicatricial narrowing of the cervix | •!. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1897, xi, 682-692.— Folorki. Dyst.cie Jiar rigidite du col, operation de Porro sept jours apres le debut du travail; guerison. Compt. lend. Soc d'obst., do gynec et do jia-diat. de Par., 1899, i, 229-243. (Discussion']. 201-308.— I'rendc r;;n»t (J. F.) A case of labor 'complicated by rigidity ol the os uteri and adherent jilacenta. Lniv. M. Mag., i'lula., 1802-3. v, 447-440 Beynold* (E.) A case of labor with threatening symptoms. Boston M. .v. S. J., 1888, cxix, 30. —Bice (A. P>.) A rare obstetiic case. Ilonucoj.. .7. Obst, N. Y., 1896, xviii, 164-169. — II filter (F. B.) Obliteration of the uterine cervix and occlusion of the os complicating labor. Tr. Am. Inst. Honi(eo|>., Phila., 1800, xliii, 607-612— Bonenylia (G.) Di una rara causa didistocianieccanica inaterna. Rassegna di sc med., Modena, 1890, v, 396-407. —Bnwenberjj (J.) Is a rigid os with placenta jinevla an absolute indication I'm Cesarean section? Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1892, xxv, 787- 790— Budanx (P.) De l'ligglut inalion des bonis de l'oritic.e externe du col jiciuhint le travail. Rev. jirat. d'obst, et de pa-dint., Par., 1902, xv, 255-267. — Miimni (Giulia). Di un caso di occlusion,) dell' orificio uterino es- terno come, causa di distocia in travaglio. Lucina, Bo- logna, 1807, ii. 71-77.—Navn (l-M Un caso di a-Hunga- mento ijicrtrolico ed edema della porzione sojira e sotto- vaginaledel < olio dell' utero laune causa di distocia. Arch. di ostet. e ginec, Roma Najioli, 1800, vi, 310-355.— Nehenh (F.) Hochgi adige frische Actzstenose del Cer- vix und des Fornix in der Schwangerscbaft; Geburt per vins milurales. Cenlralbl. f. Gvniik., Leip/,., lOUO, xxiv, 161-170.—Mchiele (\V.) Kin Fall von hoehgradiger Ri- gid it lit (br I'ortio vaginalis und Conglut inat io orificii uteri externi. St. Pidersb. med. Wchnschr.. 1805, n. F., xii, 189. — Mi'hmiil (10.) Sur uti cas de rigidite syphili- tique du col ile I'literus. N. Arch, d'obst, et de gynec, Par., 1894, ix, 410-414.— Mehwin« (KM O d\ sto'kiich, podminemyoh tuhosti (rigiditou) bianky zevni. [Dysto- cia from rigidity of outer passage.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Piaze, D8I, xxiii, 66; 83; 100; 114; 131, 167; 215; 229.— Minilli (T. C.) A case of hypertrophic (dongation of the infravaginal portion of the cervix uteri comjilicating jireg- nancv and obstructing labor. Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gynec. Soc. 1891-5, N. Y., 1896, iv, 348-355. Also: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1896, xxxiii. 35-42. | Discussion], 122. -----. Hyper- trojihie elongation of the cervix uteri obstructing labor. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.,lH97,xxxvi.94. [Discussion], 100-102.— I'nniier. Dystocie par rigidite syphilitique du col; LABOR. 22 LABOK. Labor (Complicated) through the cervix uteri. [Elongation, obstruction, rigidity.] i ort de la femme par p6ritonite, ayant fait son apparition I deux puns apres l'accoucliement. •!. d. sages fern nies, Par., 1893, xxi, 313-315.—Thierry. Cas rare de dystocie (obliteration comjdete du col). Bull. Soc de n ed. de Rouen (1889), 1890. 3. s., iii, 66-72.—Trachet. Note snr le cloi- soniiement transversal inconijilet du col de l'uterus. Arch, du tocol , Par., 1890, xvii, 845-852.—Van /audi (I. L.) A case of atresia of 1he cervix uteri, complicating child-birth. Texas Coiir.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1890-91, viii, 141. — Varnier (IL) De la rigidite du col de l'uterus pendant le travail. Rev. jirat. d'obst. ct d'hyg. de I'enf., Par., 1891, iv, 162-170.—Vinee A- Perochand. Obli- teration complete del'orifice externe du colchez une femme en travail; debridements; guerison. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1885-6, iv, 122.—Voinnlovich (E.) Eodipripol- noin zaioslitshenii shelki matki. [Labor in complete ob- literation of the cervix uteri.| Akusherka, Odessa, 1895, vi, 64. — Wnllich (V.) Etude histologique du col de l'uterus jienilant raceouchemeut dans deux cas de rigi- diie de 1'orilicc Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., I80U, Ixv, 75-77.— AValaon ( K. S.) Rigidity of os uteri: incisions: recov- ery, licit. M. •!., Lond., 1890, i. 233.—Wax ham (F. E.) Occlusion of the os uteri as au impediment to labor, with a leport of two cases. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 982- 984. [Discussion], 1173-1175. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1886. vii, 218. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv, 265. Also: Obst, Gaz., Cincin., 1886, ix, 404. [Discussion], 505-508. — Weiwenberg (B.) Another case of hyper- trophy of the cervix complicating labor. Am. J. Obst., N.Y..1896, xxxiii, 380-382.—Wells (G.M..) Hypertrophy of the cervix complicating labor. Ibid:, 28-34.— Wig- more (W.) A remarkable midwifery case; extraordinary thickening and induration of the os uteri. Lancet, Loud., 1887, i, 60—Wilkinson (C. P.) Dilatation of rigid os uteri. N. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1886-7. n. s., xiv. 848-851.— Wover (G.) Geburtsstorung (lurch Narbenstenose des Mutterniiiiiiles in folge von Syphilis. Wien. med. Presse, 1902, xliii. 2377-2.:8i.—Zinkv (E. G.) A case of posterior dislocation of a rigid os during the first stage of labor. Am. J. Obst , N. Y., 1892, xxvi, 384-387. liabor (Complicated) from contracted or deformed pel vis. See, also, Labor in primipara . Barbour (A. H. F.) 'Spinal deformity in relation to obs elrics. [University of Edin- burgh.] fol. New York, [18<5], Benzinger([G. J.] ^Y.) *Besehreibungeines ankylotisch schriig vercngtcn Beckons. s°. Marburg, 1889. Bernhardt (F.) *Ein Fall von kyphoti- | scbem Becken in der gcbnrtshilfliclieii Klinki zu Striissbiirg. [Strasburg.] b°. Bad Reinerz (Schles.), [>90]. Billeter(F.) *Ein ncuer Fall von hoehgra- diger Spondylolisthesis des Beckens. roy. 8°. Zurich, 1S(52. von Boexnixghausen (F.) * Zur Prognose der Geburt bei engem Becken. 1*2°. Berlin, 1895. Boiin (T.) * Kin nener Fall von Spondylolis- thesis des vveiblichen Beckens mit gliicklicbem Gebnrtsverlauf. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Bosmax (H. J. B ) *Eine Zusamnieustellnng in der Erlanger Fraueukliuik vorgekoinmener engcr Becken. [Erlaugen.] 8"-. Wiirzburg, 1.-90. Braxdau (J. V.; Beitrag znr Lehre voin all- gemein oder gleichniiissig zu engen Becken. 8°. Marburg, lstiii. BituxEAU (F.) * De l'accouchement spontane chez les femmes a bassin coxalgiquc 4\ Paris, 1.-92. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Buchta (A.) * De operationibns obstetri- ciis pclvi coaictata indicatis. 8°. Miinchen, 1 Mf,S. Clausius (G.G.) * Commentatio sistens casum rarissiinuni mogostocias pelvina:; additis obser- vatiouibus de discrimiue inter pelvim e rhachi- tide et pelvim ex osteomalacia adtiltorum de- formein. 4°. Franeof. ad M., 18:11. Dammaxx (J. P.) *Ein Fall von Rhachischisis anterior et posterior mit Hernia diaphragmatica Labor (Complicated) from contracted or deformed pelvis. und nniversalem Hydrops der Frncht. 8°. Ber- lin, [1-82]. Dupre-Lefebvre (L.) * Considerations eli- niques stir la gros-esse ct l'accouchement chez les cyphotiqnes d'apres les observation de la cli- nique obstdtricale de Lille, de 1.-80 a 1899. h . Lille, 1900. Ebermaier (J. C.) * De nimia pelvis mulie- bris amplitudine ejusque iu graviditatem et partuin inlluxu. 16°. Gottingce, [1797]. Fkis(0.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss des engen Beckens mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Therapie. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1889. Fieux (J.-M.-J.-G.) * Du passage de la tcte fcetale dans les bassins aplatis et dans les bas- sins a type infantile; recherches exporinientales et cliniques. 4°. Bordeaux, 1896. Flehixghaus (R.) * Mclctemata qtuedam de pelvibns nmliebribus vitiosis earumque in par- tuin vi, inprimis de pel'vi ubique jusio minori, una cum observatione clinica. 8°. Bonnie [187,9]. Friedexheim (B.) * Ueber eine Geburt bei fotal-raehitischem Zwergbecken. 8°. Strass- burg, 1^91. Fritsch (H.) Ein durch Fraetur schriiges Becken. fol. Halle, 1879. Fritsciie (L. A.) "Ein Fall von kyphoti- scheni Becken. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 243-247. Fuchs (L.) * Statistik der in den letzten 10 Jaliren in der Erlanger IJniveisitats-FrMienkli- nik Aorgekomiuenen engen Becken und ibre Therapie. [Erlangon.] 8°. Wiirzburg, lKHi. Glaskr (li.) * Fober spontane Geburten bei engem Becken. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Miinchen, 1.-08. (Jovix (E.) * Etude snr le bassin cyphotique pur au point de vue obstetrical. 4 . Paris, 189G. -----. The same. 8C. Paris, 1h9G. (iREXSER (P. \V. T.) * Ein Fall von querver- engtem Becken mit Nekrose des rechten Sitz- beines. 12°. Leipzig, 1861). Hammekschmldt (H.) *Z\vei Falle von kv- photischen Becken. 8C. Halle a. S., 1897. Horst (J. W. C.) *De klinische beteekenis van het kyphotisehe bekken. 8°. Leiden, 18f8. Huge (Al.) * De la dystocie lice aux parties niolles des bassins gencralement r6tr6cis. ft°. Paris, 1*99. Iberlisle (R. A.) * De l'accouchement non naturel par vice de conformation du de'troit su- perienr. 4°. Strasbourg, an NI [1803]. Jacobsohx (L.) Beitriige zur Therapie des engen Beckens mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der prophylaktischen Weudung. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Jamix (A.) * Etude anatomique de l'eugage- nient dans les bassins re~tr6cis. 4°. Lyon, L-80. -----. Tbe same. ~°. Lyon 4' Paris, 1S-9. Also, in: Province mGd., Lyon, 1889, iii, 481; 017. Joos (B.) * Die engen Becken der Frauen- klinik Ziirich in den Jahren 1881-90. 8°. Zii- rich, 1891. Kissixger (P.) * Zur Prognose der Geburt bei engem Becken. [Wurtzburg.] f-:. Mainz, 1897. Klaus (P.) *Das gonalgische schriig-ver- engfe Becken, nebst einer Zusammenstellung der bislicr veroffeutlichten Fiille von schriig- verengten Becken. 8°. Heidelberg, 1-90. Klein (T.) *Eine Geburt bei c-paltbecken. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Leipzig, 1*9?,. Also, in: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1892-3, xliii, 549-563. LABOR. 23 LABOR. liabor (Complicated) from contracted or deformed pelvis. koTTGEX (P. [('.]) * Znr Statistik des engen Beckens. 8 . Bonn, 1-95. Kohrt (G. L. J.) * Leber die Geburt beim engen Becken, nach dem Material der Tiibinger L'iiiversitat>-Frauenklinik. - . Tubingen, 1902. Ki rxer (A.) "Beitriige zur Erweiterungs- fahigkeit der Conjugata eim s engen Beckons. ,--'. ' Wiirzburg. L-9-'.' Ki'JUiri! (E.) * Die Piognose der Geburt bei engem l'eckt n. [Bern.] 8-'. Stuttgart, 18-G. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. C.vniik.', Stuttg., ISSti. xii, 418-429. 1 pi. I.axd.U' (M,) * I'eber infjinlileii Habitus, in- fantile mid Zwergbecken. - . Slrasshnrg i. /.'., 189 J. Lechler (F.i * Beitrag zur Lehre von den schriig ovalen lb cken. - . Rostock, 18.-5. Lehmaxx (P.) * Beobachtiingen wiederhol- ter Geburten bei engem Becken. - . Berlin, [1S91]. LEiroLivr (C) " Ein Beitrag /nr Behandlnng der (Jebuit 1 eiin engen Becken. - . Tubingen, 1-95. Litzmaxx (C. C. T.I L/aecouchement dans les retreci«-si ments dn 1 a-sin d'apris des obser- vations et des recherches personncllos. Traduit par A. Thoni.i-sef et public sous la direction de A. Fochier. .--. Lyon. 1-89. Also [Rev.], in .- Arch, de tocol., Par., 18s9. xvi, 401-411. Lowextiial (11.) * Leber deii Verlauf der vom 1. Janr.ar 1--5 bis zum 'MK Juni 18-li in der Konigl. Charite leob.ichteten Geburten bei en- gen Becken. 8:. Berlin. 1--G. Ludwig (F. 11.) ~iuenaiu sint et quomodo oriantur eie pelvis commutationes qua' rhaebi- tide et osteomalacia efficiuiitiir. --'. Rostochii, \-:,5. Lutkexs(K.) * Entwiekelung der Lehre vom | allgemein gleiehmassig verengten Becken mit Anschluss eines Falles von allgemein vcreng- tem. schriig verx-liobeiiem Becken. -". Frei- burg i. B., 18-9. vox Magnus (A. \V. E.) *Ein Beitrag zur Therapie des engen Beckens. ?•-. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1002. Maxz (P.) "" Leber einen Geburtsfall bei lum- bosacral kypboti-i-h querverengtein Becken. Heidelberg, 1-95. Mas.-o.v da Fox sec a (E.) * Indioaefies nos vicins de conformacao da bacia. 4. Rio de Ja- neiro, 1001. Matz g. von Carl Conrad Theodor Litzmann. S . Leipzig, 1-G5. Muller (F.) 'Leber die (ieburt beim ky- phousehen Becken. 8'-. Kbnigsberg, 1901. Mi'xcir (G.) Beitrag zur Lehre von dem os- teomalakisclieii Frauenbecken. 4'-. Giessen, 1-51. Neugebai i:r (V. L.) jr. "Audiatur ct altera pars!" Nicskolko zainiechaniy po povodu opu- blikovannoi | rof. D. Lyambl'em v no. 11-10 "Russk. Med. 1889." "Kriticheskiy razbor uclieniya o vivikhakh jiyatavo p<>\ asnichna\ o pozvonka (spondylolisthesis)." [b'euiarks apro- pos of Lyamhl's article: "Critical estimate of . . . ] 8r-M Varshava, 18K1. Nicolaej-i'(N.) * De forma pelvis tam rha- chitide, quam et osteomalacia vifiata at(|ue de causis utriiisque. s . Mosgntr, 1850. Labor ((Utmplicated) from contracted or deformed pelvis. Otto (A.) Leber dieLrsachen und die Ent- steliungsweise der schriig- oder einseitig vereng- ten Becken. -l . Leipzig, [b-GGJ. Patay (It.) * Do la scoliose au point de vue obstetrical. 4 . Paris, |,-{)5. -----. The same, s . Paris, 1895. Pirre (G.-L.-F.) "Consideration sur un cas de bassin cvpho-scoliotiquo lion rachitique. I . Lyon, 1-90.' Pignoi.et he Fkksne (A.[-M.-J.J) "Du re- trecissenient anI(;ro-posterieur au detroit infe rit ui'. I , Paris, 1-01. Pixm'ss vA.) Beitriige zur Lehre der Ge- burt beim engen Becken gei ingeicn Grades. - . 7>V>7j«, [ 1-02]. ItETZius ( M. C. ) Afliandling. Baekenfor- tiangning. [Treatise. Narrow pelvis.] .-'-. Stockholm, 1-4-. Rllil.IRO de Magaliiaes (F. A.) * llldieaeoes lies vieios de conformacao da bacia. 4 . Rio de Janeiro, 1.-90. h'icuKLET (J.) * Du bassin g6neralemenl re- treci au point de vue obstetrical. 4°. Paris, 1.-90. ------. The same. 8°. Paris, 189G. Riciiter (A. L. A.) * Allgemein vcrengtes Becken mit narbiger Stenose des Muttermundes. -J. Berlin, [1-Hrj]. Robert (F.) * De dilatatione pelvis haliste- reticie, in partu bis observata. 8°. Bonner, 1 -50. Kosler (B. A.) * Leber mehrfacbe Geburten derselben Fran bei engem Becken. 8°. Berlin, 190.5. Rouyer (J.) Considerations pratiques sur les vices de conformation du bassin,ct observations recueillies a la Clinique d'accouchemens de la Facultd de medeeine de Paiis. 8°. Paris, 1-55. Sartorius (AW) *Znr Casuistik der (ieburt beim schriig verengten Becken. .-'-. G'ussen, 1-92. SciiLi-.siEit C$1. [P. J.]) * Fin Fall von spon- dylolistbeiiscliem Becken. H . Halle a. s., 1890. Schmidt (V.) *Einige sellene Formen des engen Beckens. s . Tubingen. 1-02. Schneider (A. A. G.) *Sechs Fiille von verengtem Becken. s-\ Greifswald, 1802. Schneider (P.) "Die in der Gottinger Uni- versities-Fraucnklinik iibliehe Therapie bei engem liecken. 8°. Giitlingen, 1^05. S( iinorr (C.) * Leber :Jl(i Fiillovou (bMiurt bei engem Becken. - . Berl n, [18-9\. Schudt (K.) * Ein lieilrag zur I>ehre vom Trichterbecken. 8°. Marburg, 1.-90. Sciiul/.e-Bkrge (A.) "Ein Fall von schriig- verengtem Becken mit HiiltLteu/.beiiiankylose und Ankylose des Hiiftgelenkcs dei'stdben Seito. - . Bonn, 1--G. Silueusikix (A.) * Die Prognose der Geburt lieim sihriigNcrenglen Beckon. S". Berlin, 1.-97. Si ake.maxx [T. .LJ * Ein Geburtsfall bei kvphotiseh quel \crengtein Bei-ken mit Coinpli- kation von Coxalgie und 1'lacenta. pra-via. - \ Marburg, 1-0-. Si i.ger-Buei, (K.) *Zur Casuistik des kv- photisch quel \ erengten Beckens. [ Ziirich. J 8". Leipzig, L-'.lO. Tank (A.) * Leber das Strassliurger soge- nanniile kyphotische Jb-cken Nr. 4. 8U. Strass- burg, I--5. T( 'HEREPAKHIME (A.) * Cent vingt-deux ob- servations de bassin oblique ovalaire. Ktude criti(|iie d(s 54 d'entreclles au point de vue du pronostic (;t de la marelie de l'accoucliement L ABOIL 24 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from contracted or deformed pelvis. dans le bassin oblique ovalaire a ankylo.se sacro- iliaque unilaterale. 4°. Paris, lr93. Theret (J.-L.-V.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude de I'accoiicheinent spontane" dans les bassins vicics. .--. Lille, 1899. Thevenot (L.) * Du meLanisme de l'en- gagement dans les bassins asyni^triques. s-\ Lyon, 1899. Valency (J.-L.) * De l'accouchenient spon- tan6 dans les bassins retr^cis rachitiques. 8°. Paris, 1900. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Obstetrics, N. Y., 1901, iii, 193-217. Volkmann (G.) *Die Haufigkeit des engen Beckens und (lessen Folgen fiir die (ieburt; nach Beobachtiingen der Halle'schen Frauenklinik von 1805 bis 1900. ft°. Halle a. S., V. 00. Wedekind (W.) *Ein neuer klinisch und anatomisch beobachteter Fall von Spondylolis- thesis. 8°. Halle a. S., 1897. Weiden.muller (W.) *Zur Statistik des en- gen Beckens. (Aus der Konigl. Frauenklinik zu Marburg.) 8°. Marburg, le95. Westermark (F.) Om forlossningen vid trangt backen. Klinisk undersokning. [Par- turition with contracted pelvis.] fc°. Stockholm, 1900. Zimmer (G.) * Ein Fall von spondylolisihe- tisehem Becken. 8°. Erlangen, 1-87. Adam (J.) Case of exstrophy of bladder and split pel- vis complicating labour. ,7. Obst. & Gyusec. Brit. Enip.. Loud., 1902,ii,377-380. —Alilfeld. Ein linkylotisch schriig verengtes Becken. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1889, Leipz., 1890, 283.—Albergo 8 xiv -254-259. —FranUe (W.) Luges Becken und 'spontaneGeburt. Arb.a. d.k. Frauenklin. in Dresd.. Leinz 18'»5 ii "9-47.—Fiir*! ■ L. i Km eintach plattes, uicbt rachit.scbes Becken mit doppeltein Proiiiontoiiun.; Protildurchschiiiti nacb einem ^ti-oromii weiblicheii Leicbnam. Are!., t. Gwc-ek.. lit. 1 . W4-... vii. 40,-120, •>.,]—halliard A Bernard ill.) In bassin ostcoma- faciM.ie Bull. Soc d'obst. do Par.. 1898. 2.11-208.-«,a.- ciudieso(S.) A simlvof dvstocia : an upnuht symphy- sis uubisa cause of dystocia Tr. Pan Am. M.tong_ ls93. Wash Is') pt.l.935-937.-«erbnud. Ba«sin uniforme- mciit retreci; observalion de Muatre accouchement* con- secutifs. suivie de quelques considerations snr l'accroissc- mentde volume de- tetussuccessits. Montpel.nied., 1887 •> s ix 493-504 -«;ilmaii (TV. R.) Tbe diagnosis and treatment of cent.... ted pelvis X. Yoik M J-, 1903 Ixxvii 364-366.— Giordano. 1 Del vizi pelvici; del- 1' ostetricia; d( 1 mai i imouio ne l..ro niiitui lappmti; pre- lezionc al corso ostetrico ls01-02. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Torino. 1861, 2. s.. xiii, 321-346 -«. lot-Uner iILi Ueber einen abuoniien Gebuilsiiiechanisinus hei.bacbti t bei drei wesentlich nur in der Conjugala verengteii Becken. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u Gynak.. Stuttg HO, xviii,365-373.------ Beit.au-zur Lehre vom en gen Becken. Ibid., 1900, xiii, 547-575.-fioo- labor. Brit. M. J., Lond. Is U ii, 1509-Goodell (W l Tin- mechanism of natual .md artificul 1 ibor in narrow ,,,-lves Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Phila.. 1876. ,, , - i9o. Also Keniint.-Graetlins*'!-1 A.) Tin-contract,-d pelvis. Tr \Vis,,,i,si„M.Soc. Madi-on. 1891, xxv, 84-97.—Gram- matiUati (I X.i Ni.-ktoii\a klinicheskh a daniuya ob uzkikhtazakh. [Clinical data on nai row,, eh,es.] V rach St Petersb.. 1*80, vii.573; 597-«.irapow (M.) D e Indi- ca'tionsstellui.g bei engem Beckeir Ztschr. f. Gelmrtsh u. Gvnak.. Stuttg., 1889. xvii, s4-125 - «.reene (K: V .) Moderately contracted ,,.-1 -. e-. Med. Commi.meaL Mass. M Soc , Bost.. 1891. xv. 5o5-527. Also: Boston M. A S J., 1891 exxv 319-323.—Ori Ha Hi i'W. S. A.) Nae-eb pelvis. with »"The Humphry. Ti. Obst So,, 18Hi. Lond 1887, xxviii, 84-88. Also: J. Anat. & PI.> smb. 1 on. ., 1886-1, xxi 163-166.—«nse«onideali Aiiearnin i A.) Bacino obliquo ed imbiitit.-rme. Rissegna di sc med., Modena, 1890 v 309-323.--IIanion 39 — llerrgoll. Angustie pelviennc; (ijsione. Rev.m6d.di 1 est, Nancy, ISSfi.Xviji, 172-179. Also: Arch detocol Par 1X86. xiii. 247 -254. — llerxfeld (C. A.) Ein Fali'von Hpondvlolisthetisehem Becken. Allg. Wien. med Zt" 1892. xxxvii, 299-301.- Ilir-t (B. C.) A ky- Dhoticpe vis. Med. News. Phila.. 1887, 1, 510.-----. Two Sofobliquely-^ntractedpelvis. Ibid.jm.Ix.v, 347- II ■■ ber t. Bassin oblique ovalaire. Rev. med, Louvain, Labor (Complicated) from contracted or deformed pelvis. 1888, vii. 111.—Iliijjenberjjer (T.).sen. Ein kyphotisoh qiiervcrcngtes Becken aus dem Ilebaminen-liistitute ihrer kaiserl. Illicit der Fran Grossl'in stin Hele.no Pawlowna zu SI. Petersburg. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr.. 1868, xv, 205- 238, 1 pi. Also, llcprint. —llHiitiiijjtoii (W. C.) Prcg- niincy in a dwarf with deformed pelvis. Med. Age, De- troit,' 1888, vi, 130.—JelliiiiihniiM. Ein inner kliniscb bcob'acbteler Fall vou Spondvlolisthcsis. Arch. f. Gy- naek Berl., 1896, Iii, 428-434. -----. Zur Casuistik des spondylolislhetischeu Beckens. Ibid., 1898. lv, 43!M45:— liail'iuaneN ( T. ) Ilepi TUV eK t^s rre.Aoe ovotokuov. 'larpiKi, Trpoo^os-, 'I'.r Zvpio, 1901, vi, 150.- I4< illl (!',.) De l-i dvstocic lice mix parties molles des bassins at ropbiques. I'rcsso n.ed., Par., 1901, i, 1(52- 161. — Keller. I'eh is nana Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Boil., 1898, viii 723.— Kerr (J. M. M.) Diagnosis and treatment of medium degrees of pelvic deformity. Am. .1. Obst.. X. Y., 1903 xlviii 1-10. Also [Discussion |: Glasgow M. .)., 1903, lix, 200 217 -Klieifel*(M. N ) Slncbal roilov pri uzkom (ploskom) 1a/\e.oslo/.liiiivshikhsyalieiiiatoiiioi naruzbiiikli polovikb chaslcl. | Labor in a narrow pelvis, complicated liv hieniatoma of the external genitals.| Kjened. jour. "'Prakt. med.". St, Petersb., 1900, vii, 883-886 —Kino- mliila (M.) Kin Fall von Scbwangcrsehaft bei einem iiusserst vcrengtcii Becken. [Japanese text, | Miit.d. med Gesellsch. zu Tokvo, 191)2, xvi, 192-200.—Kirch- boller (C.) Bescbreibiing eines (lurch Fehler der ersten Bilduic qiicivcrengteii Beckens. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., P.erl 1840 xix 305-342—Klien (R.) Die Geburt beim kyphotiscbeii Becken. Arch, f Gynaek., Berk, 1895, 1, lJ.p>8 _____ Die. gcburtsbiltlicbe Bedeutung der Verenge- rungen des Beckenausganges, insbesoiidcre des Trichter- beckens. Samml. klin. Yortr., n. F., Leipz., 1896, No. 169 (GYuakol., No. 61, 687-7291. -----• Zur Casuistik der Geburt beim kyphotischen Becken. Arch. 1. Gynaek Berl, 1898, lvi, 41-46— Knapp (L.) Bericht uber 105 Geburten bei engem Becken aus den Jahren 1891-1895. Ibid. 1896, li, 489-585.—Konig (H.) TJeber das rachi- tisch-kypho-scoliotische Becken und seinen Einfluss aut die Geburt. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr., Stuttg., 1875 1,239-260. Also, Reprint.—Kohn (E.) Zur Kennt- nissderextraiu'edianenKoiifeiiistcllung. Zischr.f. Heilk., Pra>' 1888 ix, 433-452.—Konrad (M.) A szuk medencze bcf.iivasa, a sziil6sre. [Coiisei|Uenees of narrow pelvis in delivers ] Orvosi hetil., Budajiest, 1870. xiv, 581; 597.— Koieh. Sehr schwieriger Geburtsfall wegen Becken- ,„„,. |',i,v San. Ber. d.'k. Med.-Coll. zu Konigsb. (1834- 1 Sem ) 1836 38-40.—Konwer (B. J.) Eenige verlos, kiiiuli<'e' waariiemingcn bij bekkenvernauwing. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1901. 2. R., xxxvn, d.1. 921- 947—Kn Hera lb. Retrecissement du bassin: travail i>rolong6 par suite d'ineiirie; fietus putiefie; gangrene du va-'in- "iiCrison. Clinique, Brux., 1888, ii, 657-600.—de l„aii"e (K.) Afgeweken boofdligging bij een veinauwd bekken Maandbl. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1898-9, ii i7_> _|,;,i/|(o (W.) Die Ursachen der Abduktions- behindcrun" bei Osteomalakic. Verhandl. (1. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1895, vi, 839-846— Lauro (V.) Un caso di'ecccssiva incliiiazione del bacino. Ann. di ostet Milano, 1886. viii, 408-436. ------. Contribuzioue alio studio ib 1 bacino cifotico; studio teorieo es]ienmeii tale sulla viziatura cilbtica della pelvi. Ibid.. 501-538— Leo- pold (G.) Kin (lurch linksseitige angeborcue Huttge- lenksluxation asv.iimetrisches kimllichcs Becken. Arch. f Gynaek. P.erl J873, v, 409. Also: Mitth. d. Gesellsch. t. Gebuitsh. zu Leipz. (1873), 1874, p. X.------Veber die Ver- iinileriingciiilcr Beckcnfo. in (lurch einseitige angeborene oder ei woibene Ober.schenkelluxalioii. Arch. I. Gynaek., Berl 1873 v 446-193. Also: Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f be- burtsh. zu Leipz. (1873), 1874, 52-99. 2 pi.-I.evilsbi (G. G.) Kifotiohcskiv zbcnskiv taz. |Kvpbotic temale pel vis. J Protok /asaid. akush.'-giiiek. Obsh. v Kicve, 1894, vii, 71- 78 1 pi Ser also, infra, Noiigcbauer. ---—. Zhenskiy kifozniy ncri'ikbii iebe'skiv laz. [Female kyphotic non- i-ichilic pelvis | J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St, Petersb., 1897 xi 113" 1137. I.ewi* (D.) The obstacles to labor occasioned bV anomalies . f the body pelvis. ('hicago Clin. Itev 1895-6'v, 261-279.- I.indfor« (A.O.) Onilorloss- ningen hos puckelryggiga ocb siirskildt vid pa kylos beroende backer, li'.rl i aligning. I Parturition m hunch- backs and especially in pelvis contraction dependent on kyphosis.] I'psala Lakaivf Fiirh., 1898-9, n. F. iv, 347; 388 3 1)1 — roblein. Kntliiiiibing bei spondylobsthe- tiscbcin Becken Ber. d. obeibess. Gesellsch. f. Nat,-II. Heilk., Uiessen, 1899-1902, xxxiii, 135-137— I.oiiibnrd (F II ) A case of labor in a woman with spondylolis- thetic' pelvis. Boston M. & S. .1 . 1885, cxiii 169-172. Also Re lint.-l.iidwijj (H.) it. Savor (R.) Klun- scher Bericht iiber die Geburten beim engen Becken aus dem Zoitrauii.e 1M78-95. Be. ad. 2. ^1»"r*81»-^!,»k1°i' Klin iu Wien, 1897, 120-353.- l-yambl (D.) Kriticlie- 1X1111 111 W 1C.II, in:x, iiu-,i.'.J.-"j..------ \— -i -. - skiy razbor ucheniya o vivikhakh pyatavo poyasnichuavo poz'vonka (spondylolisthesis). JtJiiti nniv rakhitizmom. [Ky- photic female pelvis complicated with rickets.] Priloj. k pi otok.zasaid.()bsh.Kicvsk.vrach.,Kiev, 1885,17-28.—Wal- chcr (G.) Die Con.jugata eines engen Beckens ist kcine konslante Grrisse, sorulern liisst sich (lurch die Kdrperhal- tungderTriigerin verandern. Centralbl. f.Gynak.,Leipz., 1889, xiii, 892. -----. Die Erweiterungsfahigkeit der Con- jugata eines engen Beckens. Med. Cor.-Bl. (1. wiirtteinb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg.. 1890, Ix, 33-35.—vou Weber-Kben- liof. Zweineuespoiidvlolisthetische Becken. Vrtljsclir. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1874. exxi, 1-16. Also, Reprint.— Wegaclieider ( M. ) Ein kyphotis< h-querveiciigtes Becken aus der Sammlung der Gottinger Frauenklinik. LABOR. 27 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from contracted or deformetl pelvis. Arch. f. Gwiaek.. Beil.. 1892, xiii, 229-254. Also, Reprint.— von Wei»» id. i Deformation des Beckens veranlasst (lurch t-iue c\ stische Geschwilist im untern A lischiiitteder AVirbelsiiule! Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek.. Berl., 1899, ix. 308-322 Williamh (J. W.) The* frequency ot contracted peh is in Baltimore. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp.. Bait., 1896. vii. 104-168. -----. The fn queney of contracted ]ielves in the tirst thousand women delivered in the obstetrical department of the .Johns Hopkins Hospital. Obstetrics, N. V., 1899, i. 241 ; 333. -----. A case of spon- dylolisthesis with description of the pelvis. Am. J. Obst , N. Y.. 1899. \1. 145-171. 4 pi. [Discussion], 231— Winter (G.) Zur Tbeiapic des plat ten Beckens. Ztseln-. f. Ge- burtsh. n. Gyniik.. Stuttg., 1886, xiii, 260 207.—William (J. 1" ) Coiitinenieiit witheontracted pelvis. Cincin. Lan- cet-Clinic. 1899. n s., xiii, 135. [Discussion]. 152. Liabor (Complicated) from contracted or deformetl pelvis—treatment. Ste, also, Caesarean section: Symphysiot- omy. Alger. (J.) * De la dysplasio des parties inolles coiniuc eontre-indicalion a l'acconclic- nient pron ature provoque dans bs cas do bassin generaleinent retreci. > . Montpellier. 1>99. Attari.vx-Carac acii (A.) * Etude clinique et statistiquo snr le traiteinoiit des ba>sius \ icies depuis raiitisetisieobstctricale. 4J. Paris, 1>92. Becker (('. [B. s.]) Aus der Kdniglichen Uiiivi isitats-Kiauenkliuik zu Breslau: 25 Falle von kiinstiicher Friihgeburt bei engeni Becken. >-. Breslau, I-—-. Bektazzoli (A.) Contributo alio studio dcllo sviluppo f.-tale nelle stenosi pelviclie considera- zioui sulla ferapia dei bacini nstietti - . Mi- lano, 1-90. Bloch (M.) ~ De la- conduite a tenir dans le ca.s de dystocie pelviciine d'oiigine rachitique. e-. Paris, Hint). Bouikart (M.) * Contribution a ]'etude de l'emploi du forceps et de la version daus les bas- sins re tree is. ~J. Geneve, 1-92. Deltscii (E.) * Beitriige zur Hofineier'schen Metbode der Expression dis Kindskopl'es bei engem Becken unter Beriicksiebtignng des nor- malen. --. Berlin, [1-91]. Dfbris.vy CL.) Contribution a l'etude de la version dans les bassins retrcVis. 4-. Paris, 1-94. Fedoroff (I. [1.]) 'Material! k voprosu o terapii rodov pri uzkoin tazie; saniopro'izvol- nlye rod!, shtshiptsi, osvobozhdeniye posiledu- yusbt-hi-i golovki, povorot na nu/.liku s ekstrak- tsiyeyu ploda. prezlidevremennlyc rod!, perfo- ratstya, onibriotomiya i laparotomiya. [On (he treatment of labor in contracted pelvis; inde- pendent labor, forceps, freeing of tin- betid, podalic version with extraction of tbe fcetus, premature labor, perforation, embryotomy, and laparotomy.] <~°. Varshnra, 19 1. Fei> (').) * Beitriige zur K'mitnis des engen Beckens, mit besomleier Beriicksiebtignng der Therapie. * . Wiirzburg, 18-9. I'lUELMAXN (Julia). FUnf liundert fiinf und nennzig Fiille von engen Becken, mit besonderer Beriicksiclitigung der Therapie. 83. Bern, l^'.M. Fi.xck (C.) Die kiinstliclie Friihgelmrt und ihr Erfolg bei Beckenenge auf Gmnd von 22 an der Universitats-Fraueiiklinik zu Strassburg seit 1879-80 beobacbteten Fiillen. 8*. Strassburg, 1-90. Fixckii (J.j 'Ueber Einleitung der kiinst- lichen Friihgelmrt bei engem Becken. 8\ Tu- bingen, l-9:>. Fraenkel (J.) * Ueber die Kntstellung des Kopfes bei engem Becken und die hohe Zange. [Wurtzburg.] W-. Strassburg i. E., 1-92. Labor (CompUcatctl) from contracted or deform ed pel v is—trea t m en t. (ii.u'AXKLLi (M) Nota clinica sopra un caso di parlo preinaturo arliliciale pel' bacino ristietto. S '. Foligno, l8H-<. Ji'LLiARD (M.-.J.) "Contribution a retude de la therapeutique ohsteiricale des bassins rachi- tiques. [Bordeaux.'| H'. Limogts, 19U0. K runic: (B.) Die Therapie beim engen Becken. Die Indicationsstellung zu opera liven Eingiin'cn unter Zugrundelegung der in den Jiiliren 1-91-9 an der Uni versitats-Frauenklinik in Leip/ig (I'rof. Zweifel) bcoli.-o kteien Ge- bnrteu beiiu enuen Becken. Hc'. Leipzig, 1901. KrciiK.xDORF (D.) M'cb r kiinstliclie Friih- gelilirt bei Beekeneige. 8 . Wiirzburg, 18~7. La.mhri'.ciit 'II.) " Zehn Fiille son kiinst- iicher Friihgeburt. bei engem He'ken aus der Got I inger I nivor.sitats-Fraiieiiklinik. 8\ Got- tingen, 1-91. Lardemkr (H.) *Parallclo entre le forceps et la version dans les cas de retrecissenients moyens du bassin. 1 . Paris, 1.88,11. La Torre (F.) Du de~veloppement, du fcetus chez les feinmes a bassin vicid. liecherehes cliniques au point de vue de raceouchemeut premature' artiliciel. 8C. Paris, \8."7. Also [Alistr.]. in: X. Arch, d'ohst. et de gyn6c, Par., 1887, ii, 37-44. Lon (B.) * Ueber Abortus artificialis bei einem kvphotisch-(liierverengtem Becken. 8'--. Heidelberg, 1-if.l. Moi.lf.r (J.) * Beitrag zur Lehie von der kiinstlichen Friihgeburt, bei Beckenenge. Jena, 18^8. Novri'SKi (A. A.) * Sposobl rodoraziTesheniya pri uzkoin ta/.Te (pro'izvolniye rodi. nalozheniye shlshipfsov, povorot na nozhki, isknsstvenuiye prezlKievreinenniye lodi, probodeuiye golovki ploda i kesarskoye slecheniye); sr.,vuitelnaya otsb-nka ikli s t ichki zrieniya sovremennoi anti- septiki. [Methods of delivery in contracted pelvis (independent lab ir, use of forceps, po- dalic version, artificial, premature labor, per- foration of the head of the fmius and Ca'sarean section); their relative value from tbe viewpoint of modern antiseptics.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Fa.jot's nieuwe methode om het kind te ver- kleinen bij groote bekken-vernauwing met voor- liggemle. Naar zijne Fransehe brochure, niede- ge.deeld door G. Dresselhuijs. 8°. i7/V(7ii,1*6(>. I'anienski (.J.) *Zur Casuistik der kiinst- lichen Friihgeburt bei engem Becken und bei inneren Kr;inkheiten der Mutter. 8°. Berlin, [1**7.] I'locii (M.) "Elf Fiille kiinstiicher Friih- geburt bei Beckenenge. 8°. lu'initptbcrg i. Pr., 188r<. IiASCiikow (II.) "Ueber die Beileutung der kiinstlichen Friihgeburt bei Beckenenge fiir die Erhaltung des Kindesleliens. 8\ Kill, 1901. Itir.sE (II.) *Zur Therapie des allgeincin gleielnniissig vei'engten Beckens. 8 . Btrlin, [i8. Suchif.R (R. [K. O.]) "Acht Fiille kiinst- iicher Friihgebiirt bei Beckenenge. 8°. Mar- burg, [1874]/ Van Huevel (J.-B.) M6moire sur les divers nioyens propres a (161ivrer la femme. en cas de r6tr^ci.ssement du bassin, et sur le forceps-scie ou nonveau c6iihalotome, sui vi d'un appendice comprenant. la description abregeY du pelvime- tre geonnHrique. 8C. Bruxelles. 1842. -----. The same. 2. 6d. 8°. Bruxelles, 1843. Wagon (P.-J.-F.) * Contribution a l'elnde des quatre principales operations qu'on peut etre appebS a pratiquer dans les r6tr6cissements du bassin chez les femmes rachitiques. 8°. Lille, 1900. Warden (A. A.) * L'accoucheiuenfc provoque' dans les cas de bassins r6tre"cis; quelques re"- sultats a la maternitd de Glasgow. 8°. Paris, lr-9<>. Weidhaus (C.) * Historisch-kritiscber Bei- trag zu der Frage: Inwiefern indicirt enges Becken die Wendung auf die Fiisse? 8'-. Jena, 189:5. Woli'(M.) * Ueber den Worth der kiinstli- chen Friihgeburt bei engem Becken. 8C. Bonn, 1881 i. Zimmermaxn (A. [F. L. E.]) * Ueber die An- legung der Zange bei engem Becken und hoch- stehendeni Kopf. 8-. Halle a. S., 18*9. Alilfeld ( F. ) Die intrauterine liallonbehandlung zwecUs Einleitung der kiinstlichen Friihgeburt bei en- gem Becken. Beitr. z. Geburish. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1901, iv, 17 JO.—Ailkcn (C. C.) Transverse presentation in contracted pelvis; podalic version : delivery hy forceps. Brit. M.J., Loud., li-95,i, 249.—Albert (W.) Ueber die Be- handlung der (iehurt beim engen llecken durch die Wen- diiiigiuitsofortsichaiischliessenilcr Kxtraktion. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 529-533.— Alcksandioff (I. N.) O znachenii visyachavo palozheuiya Walcher'a pri uzkikh t-izakh. [On the hanging position of \Valcher in narrow pelves. ] Trudi Ohsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk. (1894). 1895, xxxiii. [pt. 2], 92-101.-Alexander (W.) A case of presentation of the head, cord, and foot; contracted pelvis; Ciesurean section; recovery. Lancet,Lond., 1900, ii, 1201.—Allen (.I.E.) The management of labor in cases of minor pelvic deformity. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1895-6, n. s., xii, 385-392. — Alhill. The induction of premature la- hour in cases of deformed pelvis. Proc. Duhl. Obst. Soc. (1852-3), 1-1.—Aiidrbcrt (J.-L. ) Parallele entre l'ac- coucheincnt premature et la symphyseotomie dans les bassins retrecis de 8 c. ?, k 9 e. i. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1897, xviii. 112: 123; 130; UK; 160; 171; 185; 195; 210; 219. Also Reprint—Aiivnrd (A ) Note sur un cas de hassin vicie par l'osteomalacie; quatrieine ac- couchement & ternie; cephalotomie; guerison. Ann. de fyuec , l'ar., 1884. xxi, 57-62. Also, in his: Trav. d'obst., 'ar., 1889, i, 51-55. -----. Accouchement p cniature arti- ficiel dans un bassin justo-minor. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. obst. et gynec.de Par. (1885), 1886, i, 195-206. — Avers ( E. A. ) The management of cases of cephalo - pelvic disproportion hy the general practitioner. N. York M. J., 1902, lxxv, 629-631. — Bacon ( C. S. ) The value of expression in cases of moderate contraction of the pelvic inlet. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899. 9. s., ii, 243-250. Also, Reprint.—Ballenghien (A.) Accouchement provoque dans la derniere quinzaino de la grossesse; bassin justo- minor; version par manoeuvres exteines; application de forceps sur le sonimet; presentation secondaire de la face; version par manoeuvres internes; deflexion de la tele et des bras; tentatives d'extraction par la mcthode deCharn- petier de Ribes et la manoeuvre de Prague; decollation; application du basiotribe. sur la tete; guerison. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1890, ii, 225-230.—Bar (I*.) Bassin retreci k 8 centimetres; version. J. d. sages-feinmes, Par., 1896, xxiv, 137; 145. -----. Contribution k l'etude des indica- tions de l'accouchement premature artiliciel dans le cas d'angustie pelvienne (resultats de 100 cas personnels). Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 253-296. -----. De la LallOl* (Complicated) from contracted or deformed pelvis—treatment. mise k execution de-< interventions dans le cas de clvstoric pelvienne. J. de med. de Par.. 1902, 2. s.. xiv, :i8; :!7ii. Also: Obstetrique, Par., 1902, vii, 10'i-177. Also: Presse med , Par., 19ui\ i, 327-330. Also: Rev.de med. leg., Par., 1902, ix. 323-334. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. ct de gynec, Par., 1901-2, xvii, 608; (.97. -----. I'no question ohsteiri- cale; dans le c s de violation pelvienne. le medecin peut-il aujouid'hui. sans engager sa rcsponsal.ilite morale, provo- quer l'accouclieineut.? pratiquer l'enibryotoniic sur l'cn- fantvivant.' Pivs-e med., Par.. 1902, i. 159-163.— Kiiiiirs (R.) On spomh lolisth.sis. with an account of a case of pel- vic contraction fioni that affection in which premature la- bour was induced bv the author's method. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond., 1864, vi, 78-99. 3 pi. Also, Reprint—Hciiid (L.) Successful inversion and delivery iu a dwarf. Phila. JI. J., 1899, iv, 191.—Berne. Dystocie obs etricale; bassin vicie de sept centimetres et rlemi au detroit superieui; version; succes pour la mere et l'enfant. J. do med. de Lyon, 1865, iv, 40li: 1866, vi, 405.—Briillnrr (O.) Zur Frage der Eiuleitung der kiinstlichen Fiiihgeburt bei Beckeiifnge. Arch. f. Gynaek., Beil., 1891-5, xlviii, 269- 323, 1 pi.— Bishop (M II.) Caasaiian section versus abortion or miscarriage in women with deformed pelves. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1903, 3. s., xiv, 539.-Black (M.) Three years' inductions of premature, labour for cent racted pelvis in the Glasgow Materuitv Hospital. Glasgow JI. J., 1898, 1, 415: 1899, Iii. 81. [Discussion], 1900, liii, 133- 143. Also: Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gyniec. Soc, 1901, ii, 52- 73. [Discussion], 118-128.—Bollenhagcn (II.) Spon- tane Geburt uud Walclu rschc Lage bei engem Becken. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. 11. Gynaek., Leipz., 1898, i, 469-484.— Borili' (L.) Parto a termine. iu donna pluripara affetta da bacini piccolo in totality (coniugata vera cm. 8); rot- tura pre oce delle membrane; infe/ione del liquido am- niotico; inerzia uterina; putrefazione del leto; travaglio della durata di piii di tie giorni; ripetuti tentativi opera- torii col forcipe (a don icilio) riusciti vani; grave settico- emia; colasso. cancrena della vagina e della vulva: ampio lacero perineale; estraziono del leto metre speciale artifl- cio opeiatorio; niorte della donna in pneiperio. Lull, d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1892, 7. s., iii, 167-182.—van den BoncIi. Bassin rachitique cypho-scoliotique; presenta- tion du sonimet; palper ties favorable; application du forceps Taniier; enfant vivant; femme gnerie. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1881, 3. s., xv, 849-859, 1 tab. Also, Reprint.—Bonrguet (L.) Aplatissement du bassin necessitant one application de forceps chez une femme avant eu auterieurement quatre accoucheinents na- ture's. Gaz. hebd d sc. med. de. Montpel., 1887, ix, 341.— Bonrrus (J.) Ilassin plat rachitique,; dianictreconjugne desix centimetres et.dcnii; grossesse geiiiellanc; accouche- ment provoqu6 artiflciellement a sept mois et demi; extrac- tion des fretus par la version. J. de 111ed.de Bordeaux, 1890- 91, xx, 61); 68.—Boxall. Contracted pelvis; induction of premature labour. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1891, Lond.,1892, 70 —Brcwiii (N. T.) Note of a case of lahourin a kyphotic pelvis. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 700-705.—Brisrgs (H.) On the delivery of the loose afier-eoining head "through the highly-contracted pelvis of a scolio-rachitic dwarf. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 699-701.—Bril. Vnutriulrohnaya spondilotomiya. [Case of infra-uterine spondylotomy.] Shorn, protok. Rostov n. D. med. Obsh. (1886-7), 1889, 11- 19.—Bud in (P.) Des applications de forceps au detroit superieur duns les bassins vicies par r.ichitisine. Progrfes m6d.. Par., 1894, 2. s., xix, 201; 2l9. Also. Reprint. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1894, xxi, 511-531. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Uassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli. 1894, iii, 189-228. ---•—. Bassins retiecis; methode k employer. J. d. sages-feinmes, Par., 1898, xxvi, llil; 169. -----. Bas- sin de 7 centimetres et demi; enfant inort pendant le tra- vail; basiotripsie. Ibid., 19 0. xxviii, 161; 169. -----. Bassin retreci, accouchement prematiii'6. Ibid.. 1902, xxx, 105. -----. Version faile exceptionnellemcnt dans un bas- sin retreci. Ibid.. 1903, xxxi. 249; 257. — Bnist (B. C.) Resources in narrow pelvis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901, 11. s., ii, 222-230. — BurlakoflT (V. H.) K yoprosu o llechenii rodov pri uzkoin tazie; tri sluchaya. [Treatment of labor in contracted pelvis; 3 cases.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891. xii, 1079. — Buschbeck. Beitrag zur kiinstlichen Friihgeburt wegen Beckenenge. Arb. a. d. k. Frauen- kliu. in Dresd., Leipz., 1893, i, 93-123.—Cnniinili <[M.] G.) Contributo al parto prematuro artificiale per vizio di bacino. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1900, ii. 89-92.—Cnpezzi (L.) Riflessioni sulla proclamata convenienza del parto prema- turo provocato ai sette mesi di gravidanza nei casi d' ecee- deute mala conforiuazione del bacino. Gazz. tosc. d. sc. med.-fis., Firenze, 1843, i, 131-133.—Charles (N.) Multi- pare rachitique k terme; bassin de 6J centimetres; pre- sentation du sommet en O. P. D.; perforation et c6phalo- tripsie; guerison. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1886, vii. 1-3. -----. Secundipara ayant un bassin de 8 centimetres; ac- couchement premature artiliciel au 8'»«mois de la grossesse; expulsion spontanee dun enfant vivant; suites heurenses. Ibid. 61._____. Fenuue rachitique. ayant un bassin aplati LABOR. 29 LABOK. Labor (Complicated) from contracted or deformetl pelvis—treatment. mesnrant 8.J centimetres; resume de ses dix premieres grossesses; onzieine uestntion, a ternie; presentation du soniniet; application infructueusc du forceps; perfoiation etcephalotripsie; elat syncopal graveproduit par le chloro- forme; adbereuces anoiniah s du placenta; delivrance arti- ficielle forcenieut retanlee jusqu an lendcinain : retention de debus placentaires; guerison sans accident sciieux. Ibid., 193; 205. ------. Secoudipare rachitique t\7 mois ile grossesse; bassin de 7 centimetres; accouchement prema- ture artiliciel; sortie spontanee d'un enfant vivant j suites henreuses pour la mere et l'eufant. Ibid., 253-255. —-——. Multipara rachitique ;\ 6J mois de grossesse; bassin do 6J centimetres; ses accoucheinents iintorieui s ; accouchement pramatiir6 artiliciel: presentation du siege avec proci deuce du cordou; extiaction manuelle; enfant inort-nc; suites de couches noi males. Ibid., 205-267. Also: J. d. sages-femmes. Par., 188S. xiv, 187. ------. Priiuipare ra- chitique a 7J mois de grossesse: bassin de 7J centimetres; accouchement premature aililiciel; expulsion spontanee d'un enfant vivant, en premiere position du soniniet; suites heureusos pour la mere ct l'eiifant. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1880, vii, 277-279. ------. Priiuipare rachitique ;i terme; bassin de 8J centimetres environ ; presentation dn soniniet en droite trans versale; forceps an 11 et roi I superieu r; occiput ramene en avant; enfant rappcle :\ la vie par la respiration artificielle; suites henreuses pour la mere et l'eufant. Ibid.. 18*7, viii, 25. ------. Multipara, a.wuit un bassin aplati de 8 centimetres; ses accoiulu nients ante- rieurs; accouchement premature artificicl; enfant vivant; suites henreuses pour lamereet l'enfant. Ibid , 157.------. Multipara rachitique; bassin de 6 eentiineties; ses ac- couchements anterieurs; septieme grossesse arrivee h 7 mois; travail primal ure aciidentel: niauvais etat filiation et cepbalotripsie; suites de com In-s henreuses. Ibid., 217. Aho: .1. d. sages-tenimes. Par.. Is87. xv, 347. ------. Tertipaic rachitique; bassin de 7 a 7J centimetres: ses deux a* couchements auterieurs: 3" grossesse au 8'inois; accouchenicnt premature artificicl: version podalique et extraction (inn enfant vivant: suites heureuses pour la nieie et l'eufant. J. d'aecouch . Liege. 18s7. viii. 229. ------. S.-eondipaie rachitique a0£ nioisde grossesse; bas- sin de 64_ centimetres: col nieconnaissable. uon ramolli, sans orifice appreciable an toucher ni k la vue; dilatation instrumeiitale; excitation du travail; rigidite persistante exigeant l'interveiitiou maunelle; perforation du crane et extraction avec les doigts; suites de couches henreuses. Ibid., 241-244. Also: .1. d. sages-femmes. Par.. IscS. xvi, 10-13. ------. Piimipare rachitique au 9'mois de la gros- sesse; bassin lie 7^ a 8 centimetres; application du forceps; tractions manuelles infructueuses; eiuploi i'e l'appareilde Joulin; enfant nortne: suites de couches heureuses. J. d'aecouch., Liege. 18*9. x, 121-123. Also: J. d. sages- femnits, Par.. 1888-9, viii, 291-293. ------. Multipara atteinte legen nient de rachitisme; I assin assez forte- nient reticci (7 k ~% centimetres); accouchenient pre- mature aitificiel a 7J mois; suites heureuses pour la mere et l'enfant. J. d'aecouch.. Li6ge, 1889. x, 145. ------. Multipara rachitique a terme: bassin de 6£ centimetres; operation cesarienne d'apr^s la methode do Samger: suites de couches norruales; enfant vivant. Ibid., 193; 205. ------. Priiuipare vicice. a 8 mois de grossesse; cypho-8colio.se considerable de la colonne vertebrate,bassin lvalue a 8 centimetres; accouchement premature aitifi- ciel, dilatation manuelle du col et application du forceps an d6troit supericur; suites heureuses pour la mere et, l'enfant. Ibid., 217-219. ------. Secundipara rachitique au 7e mois de la grossesse; bassin deCJ centimetres; ac- couchement premature artificicl; expulsion facile, du fcetus en 1" position du s.mimet; enfant vivant, inert 22 heures pins tard par suite de faibhsse eongeniale. Ibid . 265-267. ------. I*i imipare rachitique a 7 mois et quelques jours de sa lrr gios-esse ; bassin de6J centimetres; travail premature spontane; emploi £ cent.; paralieie entre raecoiclieincnt premature artiliciel et la symphyse- otomie. Ibid., 1897, xviii. 218. ------. Multipara a terme; bassin aplati de HS ecntim.; ((011101110111 premature, des eaux; dilatation du col avec le ballon de Chainpetier; mu- tation de presentation; veision podaliipie ct extraction d'un enfant rappcle k la vie; suites hem times pout la 111610 et '.'enfant. Ibid., 245. ------. Secoudipare k 8J mois de grossesse; bassin aplati 11011 rachitique de 9 centimetres; provocation du travail; suit's hemouses pour la mere et I'cufutit. Ibid. '.'.XS. ------. Piimipareracliitiqi.e a terme; bassin canaliculc, ayant seuleinent 7J cent, do sacro-pu- bien ; stimulation du travail; forceps aii-dessus du detroit supericur; enfant 11101t le lendcinain ; suites de couches as- sez bonnes Ibid , 426. ------. Multipara a 8 mois de gros- sesse; bassin de 8i centimetres; mutations multiples; ver- sion cephaliquc externe; provocation du travail; enfant mort-ue; suites de couches heureuses. Ibid., 1898, xix,162. ------. Symphyscotoiuie et forceps chez une multipara k terme; bassin tie 7J centimetres; soiuinet et cordon; enfant inert; feinine a\ ant suceombe 4 jours plus tard. Ibid , 210- 218.------■. Multipara rachitique, avec 1111 bassin de 7£cen- timetres; ses huit accoucheinents anterieurs; neuvieme grossesse teiinin6e spontaneinent a 7 mois par l'expulsion dun enfant vivant. Ibid., 1899, xx, 122. -----. Multi- pare rachitiqu ■ avec, un bassin de 8 centimetres; ses huit accoiichements anterieurs; neuvieine grossesse k 8 mois; accouchenicnt provoque ct forceps : enfant vivant. Ibid., 149. ------. Tertipare k 8J nioisde grossesse; bassin aplati non rachitique de 9 ecntim. environ: redeino et albuminu- ric; provocation du travail; enfant vivant; suiti s heu- reuses. Ibid., 158.------. Tertipare a 8J mois dc grossesse environ; bassin de 8J centimetres; accouchement pieina- tur6 artiliciel; enfant vivant; suites heureuses. Ibid., 383. ------. Paralieie entre les diverses operations prati- quees dans les bassins retrecis. Ibid., 401. ------. His- toire obstetricalc d'une famille hollandaise, dent les trois filles out le bassin niodereineiit retreci: resultats de six accoucheinents prematures artificiels. Ibid., 1900. xxi, 82. ------. Multipare a terme. albuniinurique et eclamptiqiie; bassin de 8i cent.; ses huit accoiichements aut6iicurs; ex- traction par le forceps d'un enfant avec une depression crAnienne; suites heureuses. J. d. sages-femmes. Par., 1900, xxviii, 98. ------. Sextipare a ternie ayant un bassin de 7 eeiitiiiieties J et syinpbyseotoniisee k sa 4" grossesse; ses diveis accoucfiements; basiotripsie; suites heureuses. J. d'aecouch., Li6ge, 1901, xxii, 379. Also: J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1901, xxix, 365. ------. Tertipare avec bas- sin dc 8J centimetres; accouchement ptcinaturc aitifi- ciel k 8 mois environ; resultat heiireux pour la mere et l'enfant. J. d'aecouch., Lii-ge, 1902, xxiii, 73. Also: .1. d. sages femmes, Par, 1902, xxx, 43. ------. Piimipare ii 8 mois de grossesse; bassin aplati-rachitiquo de 8J cent.de sacrn-piihioii: provocation du travail; resultat In un ux pour la incro et. l'eiifant. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1902, xxiii, 91. Also: J. d. sages-feinmes, Par.. 1902. xxx, 60. ------. Tertipare r.iohitique a 8 mois de grossesse; provo- cation dc lai couelii ment; enfant atleint dune depicssion parietale; mort postei ieuieinent; suites de couches favo- rabies. -7. d'aecouch., Li.'ge, 1902, xxiii, 190. Also:.I. d. sages -femmes. Par., 1902. xxx. 90. ------. Secondipnre ii terme: bassin aplati i\o ^^ cent.; deux essais infructueux du forceps a domicile; rcussilo de rinstriimeut ii la Mater- nite, avec la position de Walchcr; suites heureuses pour la mere ct lenfant. .(.d'aecouch., Liege, 1902, xxiii, 235. Also: J. d. sages feinines, Par., 1902. xxx, 146-148 -----. Soptipa'c ;l terme; bassin de 7J cent.; ses iiccouclienients anterieurs: syinphx seotomie, Ibrceps, spontane. cepbii- lotripsie, etc.; soininct et cordon inerlc; basiol ripsie; suites favorables. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1903, xxiv, 118. Also: J. d. sages femmes, Par., 1903, xxxi, 284.—CIhih- nii^ii)-. Retrecissement du detroit inferieur; forceps r- foration of head of betus; . . .] Casop. lek ecsk.,v Praze. 1874. xiii, 41; 50; 59. ------. Poiod v uzko piinvi; roz.ti- zeui delohy: craniotoniie plodo; snirr niatky zanclem po- brisiiiee. [birth from (ontracted pelvis; peiforatiou of womb; craniotomy of fietus; death of mother by peri- tonitis] Ibid., 237: 245. — I&roiiiu. Iiuiikationsstel- lung zu oporalivcn Kingriffcn beim engen becken. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. f. Cebuitsh. zu Leipz. (1901), 1902, 1-13. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 1333-13;i7. ------. 1'eoer Geburtsleitung beim niyii Becken. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Bell., 1902, j xxviii, Ver.- I'eil., l!-3- Krull. Leber die Wendung mit sicb nusi hliesseiuhr Extraction beim engen becken auf Uriind von :<20 Fiillen. Arch. f. Gyniik.. i'.cil., 1902. lxvii, 374-40-.— li. ■niitiiiarlicr. Krgcbnisse der Geburten ] und Opeiationeu bei engem Bcckin: 1,"5 allgemein ver- engte Becken. Charite Aon , Beil., 1903, xxvii, 412.— KiiH'era th. Retrecis-einent du bassin de 6J cm.: ap- plicalion th- I appareil eiytro-ptei \ goidc dc Chassagn ct du hasiotribe de Taiuier. Clinique. Brux., 1888, ii. 5 '- 566.— I.ayarde (A.) Algunas considcraciones sobre tr. enfermes que ofioeen viciaciones pelvianas y de las cual la primera fne operada de cranioclasia. la segunda dc ba siotripsia; cabeza ultima; y la te ecru de sintisiotoinia con exito para la mad re v il nino. Lev. Soc. med.. Argent., Buenos Aires. 1*94, iii, 146-156.—I.aiulnii (L ) Leber Iudiciition und "Werth der kiinstlielien Friihgeburt bei engem Becken. Arch. f. Gynaek., Boil.. 1877. xi, 1-21. Also, Reprint.— l.aii;;*'!- . Helene). Luges Beekeu : Zan- g.iigi hurt. Allg. deutsche llebam.-Ztg., Perl , 1903, xviii, H'.ii —I.anro iY.) Priniipiua attempat i in preda a set ticoeinia. xin lacino piatto r (hitico (('. v. nun. 70): testa limasta nell' utero per circa 20 ore in seguiio di strappa- mento del tiotno; impossihile cianiotomia; applicazione dell'unciuo aculo t cef'aloti ipsia: morte. Kiforma med., Napoli. 18:i(» vi. 1400. — !.«■< lei- Alme.) Deviation de la co'onne vertcbi-ale; -aillir de li hase on s;icium dans le bassin: adiniuistraii oi i.u -eigb- eigote: accouchement natun 1. J. (1. sagi s-feinines. Par., 1-74 ii, 1(4. — !.«■- febvrc. Luxation congcnitale dim' It iii- lalianche; ra- c hiti-m. du sacrum: double genu vulgum ; dy.-toeie; op6- liitinn cesarienne: guerison. Ann. d orthop. et de chir. pint., l'ar., 1895.viii. 321-321".— I. e lour. Bassin infantile; application de forceps iiu detroit superieiu ; enfant vivant avec enfoin ement du frontal. G z le bd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux. Is9>, xvi. 214-236.— l.cu: ■< re. Bassin scolio- tique irregulier: legcr relrecisseuieiit anteio-posterieur; hydramnios: application de forceps au dctioit supericur. Bull. Soc. anat.-cliu. de Lille, li-s7. ii, "l "5-164. Also: J. d. sc. med.de Lille, 1887, ix. 553-562.— l.cplat. Priiui- pare rachitique: retrecissement de 7 ceutiinetics: accou- chement premature : deflexion de l.i teteau deiroit supe- rieur; extraction par la method' de Prague; moit de l'eu- fant; autopsh. Bull. Soc. anal.-clin de Lille. 1888. iii 25- 30. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille. l.-8s xi. J25-230.—I.cv j (F.) Almindcligt fladt forsmevret Ba-kken: C. v. Setm., 2 Gg. Partus pragma! urns arthoseii IV og V paia. [Gen- erally flat narrow pelvi- . ; Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1889, 3. R., vii, 1353-L:57 — l,i wi< (H. F.) The management of impacted cases. Am. J. nli-t., X. Y, 1900, xiii, 51-62.— IiiUmaiiii (C.i'.'l.) Leber die Behaiidliing der Ge- burt liei engem Becken. Samml. klin. Yoi 11.. Leipz., 1887, No. 301 (Gyniik., No. 85, 2173-2198).—I,olil< ill (II.) Die; gebuilshiiiilii he Therapie bei ostooin iluoi-chor Becken- enge. In hit: Gyniik. Tagesfr., Wiesb. 1891-3, 107-129.— I.owcniia i P; inertie uterine; reduction manuelle: application dn forceps: modilie (luanche droitc. la premiere sans (16- croisemeut). liev. obstet. et gynec, Par, 1893, ix, 39-41.— lleHean (E. S.) Iniliiction of premature labor in rou- tine ted pelvis. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1884-5. xxi. 71.—von Tlajjiiii-. A.) Zur Therapie des engen Beckons. Monatschr. f Cehui tsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1903. xvii, 157; 319. .Harliu (.\.) Dystocie du detroit Hujx'riciir; ap- )>1 ic.it ion clinique du pr6heii8eur-lcviei - mensural cur de M. Faralieuf Xormaiidie m6d., Koueu, 1.-96. xi, 477; 517.— .TIa«»«-n (V. X.) Xahlyudeniya nad ttcheniycni iodov pii uzkoin tazie; perforatsh a i profilakticheskiy povorot. [Caii-u of labor in a contracted pelvis: perforation and prophylactic version] Shorn, rahot akush. izheiek. bolez. . . . Slavyanski [etc.]. St. Petersb., 1894. i, 437-470. ------. K voprosu o X'i'edokhraniteliiom i lleckcbnoin povoiotie «-ale < L. E.) Two cases of contracted pel- vis. Tr. M. \ Chir. Fuc Maryland, Bait., 1888,111-131. ------. I'icsarcan section vs. craniotomy upon the living fcetus; indications foi Cas ircan section Mankind M. J., Bait., 1S90-91, xxiv, 287-294. — i\rIn-1 (A.) Zur Behaiid- liing der Schwangerschaftbei Kyphoskolioso. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz.'; 1889, xiii, 888-892.—.\fcim (J.) Bachi- tickii vseobecne ziizena jiauev; zavedeni jifedeasneho porodu; poloha piienii; evolutio spontanea. [General rachitic contraction of pelvis; premature birth; cross pre- sentation; spontaneous evolution.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze 1879, xviii, 73.—IVernrkar (J. S.) Distorted pel- vis, r, suiting in difficult labour; Ciesai iau sect ion ; death. Indian M. Bee. Calcutta, 1899, xvii, 182. — rVoble (C. P.) Induced premature labor; delivery with high forceps; conjugate di meter, eight centimetres. Obst. Gaz., (in- ein., 1890, xiii, 59 ti::.— ObN?ctric operations in contracted pelves. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit,01894, xviii, 455-457.— Ooli'cil (J.) Panev ve vsech jiruineri eh inirnc ziizemi; dviijcata; klcstc a obrat. [Contracted pelvis in all rela- tions; twins; forci ]is and turning.] Casop. lek. cesk.. v Praze, 1871, x, 394-396. —Pantaleo (M.) Sull'inteivento ostetrico nolle stenosi della pelvi. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1890, ii, 725-730. Also: Atti il. r. Acad. d. sc. med. in Pa- lermo (1890), 1891, 87-92. — I'apc (II.) Zur kiinstlichen Friihgeburt bei Beckenenge; moditizierte Technik der Metreuryso und ihre Erfolge. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gy- naek., Leipz, 1902, vi, 51-69. — Paqny. Rctrccisseineut legerilu bassin, accouchenicnt premature; emploi de ])lu- sieurs proeedes; ditlicultes de ]ii-.ivoqiier des contractions nterines regulieres et efficaces. ltev. obstet. et gynec, Par, 1893, ix, 266-269. — l» a IK-r»oii ( C. S. ) A case of brow presentation in rickety pelvis, conjugate three and a quarter inches; turning twenty-seven I.....is after rupt- ure of membranes. Lancet, Lend., 1893, ii, 1185. — l»rr- roi. A vol foment provoqu6 a cinq mois et demi chez une miirn- atteiute du mill (le Pott. Arch. med. d'Angers. 1901, v. I5s-467.—Pf-lipnw. Aceouchcinent p'ovoquc au hui- tiemo mois dc la grossesse chez une rachitique. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1896, i, 30-31. Also: Arch, de g\ nee. et de tocol., Bar., 1896. xxiii, 569-571.—Pilot. Bel recisscineut du bassin a 0'" 08 (bins le diamelre conjuguc vrai; applica- ti n de forceps; insucces; version podalique puis eepha- lotripsie, tete (lerniere; ciu-i isoii do la feinine. J. d. sages- feinines, Par., 1886, xiv, 130— Pillot. X. te sur un cas de dystocie par retrecissement simple du bassin: operation eesaiienne ; quelques considerations pratiques .sur l'inter- vention dans lis accoucheinents artificiels. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Vonm- 1898, Auxeire, ls99. xxxix, 18-21. — Pi- iinril |.\.) (.'vphiiso; scolio ( y pilose; accouchement pro- voque. ,7. (1. sages-l'ei.....es, Par.. 1887, xv, 225.------. Due casi di bacino coxalgico; taglio cesareo c parte sponliineo. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1890, ii, 47-19.— ■*■ |>|>iu^sli<>lil (J.) Pall af lumbal kylbs med Iratt lorinigl I'iirl riingd barken. kefalotiijisi, partus iiiieniatiirus. |('aso ofluiuiiiir ky- phosis willi funnel-shaped penetrating pelvis; cepha- lotriiisy; iiartus |iiieinaturiis. ] I'in-ki liik. siilksk. haiKll., Helsingfors, 1873, xv, 256-259. I'biin lion (P.) P.assin iclieci; iliainetro iiroinonto-siis jiubu n : 7"", 1 ; bassin i n forme de cu-ur (le carte k jouer: accoiieheiuent piovoqiie; tcruiinaisiin s|nintiinee. I'.ull. Soc. d'obst. do Piir., 1900, iii, 202-206. —Pobi«-din«.lii iN. I.) K terupii pri uzkoin tazie. [Therapy in a inn row pelvis.] J. akush. i,jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1903, xvii, 31 17. — Porak. BaehitiqllO mesuraiil. I in. 30 detaille; I''" et 2° accouche- menls termines a tel'ine par basiotripsie; :)•• accouchement provoque, enfant mort; bassin aplati avec icdressenient do la courbure du sacrum incsuriiiitaudia metre p romon to-sous- pubieil 8 cent. 8; 4« accoiichemeiit, en travail, ii terme; sytu- ]ih\seotoinie d'einhl6e ; mere hieu portante; enfant survit. Bu'll. et ini'-iu. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1894, 289-298.— LABOK. 32 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from contracted or defor med pel vis—treatment. Pout (B.) l"n cas de version d ms un bassin vicie. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1896, ii, 97-104- Probating | (W.) Die Hiilfe bei Becken-Enge. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Koln, 1847, i, 257-294.—Purslow (C. E.) Case of contracted pelvis; induction of premature labour. Bir- iniiigh. M. Bev., 1893, xxxiv, 223-225.—Qucii-cl. La sym- physeotomie et le forceps au detroit sup6ricur. Ann. de gyhcc et d'obst., Par., 1896, xiv, 97-106. Also: Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1896, ii, 49-56. A Iso, transl.: Kassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli,1896, v, 451-456.—Qnelqnes con- siderations sur le mode dc terininaison des accoucheinents dans les bassins retrecis. Lev. g6u. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1895, ix, pt. 2, 157. — K. i K. S.) A rare form of con- tracted pelvis: difficult ( ephalott ipsy ; recovery. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1! 02. xvi, 401.—Raltiejeff (A. P.) Sluchai kesarskavo slechcniya po povodu opukholi taza. [Case of Caesareau section for tumor of pelvis.] J. akush. i.jensk. boliez.. St. Petersb., 1896, x, 800-804.— Kcmy (S.) Bassin r6trcci; presentation de la face; basiotripsie; ex- traction avec le forceps. M6m. Soc. de m6d. de Nancy (1887-8), 1889,113-117.-----. A propos d'un accouchement premature provoque dans le cas de bassin i6ti-eci. Bev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1895, xxvii, 463-467,1 pi.- Kcnoirle. Cn cas de ictrecissementprofouddii bassin; trans for it.ion. Bull. Soc ni6d. de,Charleroi, 1898, xix,43-46.—Kifoeinoiit- l>rNMaij;nc.»i (A.) De l'abaissement d'un bias, ou des deux bras, eomnie methode applicable k 1'extraciion du tronc apres hi basiotripsie dans les bassins retrecis. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1887, xxviii, 343-354.—Rocchi (F. S.) Sulla perforazione e riduzione della testa seguente nei bacini nstretti. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1894, Poggibonsi, 1895, i, 273-281.—Romaic (K.) Ln regime prophylai tique de la dystocie (regime de Prochownik). Presse med., Par.. 1902, i, 92.—Rosen ilia I. Die Wen- dung und Kxtraktion bei engem Becken. Alb. a. d. k. Frauonklin. inDresd., Leipz., 1893, i, 125-226. -----. Enges Becken und Colpeurynter. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.,1893-4, xiv, 139-156.—Ronx (J.) Bassin r6tr6ci; accouchement pi-em tine au»ificiel; succe.s complet. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1895, Ixviii, 695. Also: Marseille med., 1895, xxxii, 358- 362.—Marchi (P.) II parto precoce aitifieiale nidle ste- nosi pelviche pin comuui studiato dal lato storico c con speciale riguardo ai nuovi mezzi di allevamento dei bam- bini iminatiiri. Ann. di ostet., Milano. 1891, xiii, 41: 106; 207; 273, 1 pi —Niinsjer (M.) Znr Bcscction des Steiss- beins beim Trichterbecken; eine gcschichtliche Notiz. Arch f. Gynaek., Berl., 189s, lvi, 751 — Sal 11* (H.) Leber einen Fall von scbriigverengtein Becken, bedingt (lurch Ankylose im Ileusacralgelenke mit gh-ichzeitiger Hiift- geleiiksluxation derselben Seitc: Entbiiidung (lurch Kai- serschnitt. J&id.,1896,li,l~17.—Sani (A.) Stenosipelvica di secondo grado (78mm.) per rachitismo; interruzione della gravidanza al piincipio del nono mese; presentazione della fronte; iniuaccia d'asfissia del feto; tentativi di estrazione col forcipe Naegle; mortedel leto; cianioclastia col processo faciale; puerperio fisiologico. Ann. di ostet., Firenze, 1888, x, 122-126—Savanevslti (V. O.) Sluchai iskusstveiiuikh prezhdevremeiinikh rodov pri obshtshesu- zheniiom tazie. [Case of artificially induced labor for a pelvis narrowed generally.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 618-623.—Nawhill (W. F.) Induction of premature labor for deformed pelvis; report of a case. Tri-State M. J., Keokuk, 1893-4, i, 271-274.—Schatz. Leber intra- uterines Anschlingcn der Arme bei Wendung und Extrak- tion wegen engen Beckens. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1888, ii, 123-125.—Schoeclel (J.) Erfahrungen iiber kiinstliche Friihgeburten, eing. leitet wegen Beckenenge in den Jahren 1893 bis 1900 an der konig- lichen Frauenklinik zu Dresden. Arch. f. Gynaek. Berl 1901. Ixiv. 151-161.—Shtolts (V. I.) O vede'nii rodov pri naibolb ye chaste vsti lcehayushtshikbsya formakh uzkavo taza. [Management of labor in the commonest cases of contracted pebis. | J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb. 1892, vi, 639-717. Also, Eeprint. —Sloan (S.) On the treatment of labour (h layed hy obstruction at the pelvic brim Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 631; 735, 2 pl.-Solo- vyeff IV,. A.) Iskiisstvennive prezhdevremenniye rodi po povodu uzkavo taza (12 sluchayev). [Artificial prema- ture labor fore "iitraetid pelvis (12 cases).] Vrach Zapiski Mosk., 1894, i, 273-277.— Sii< bei. Accouchenientpr6ma- tuie provoque: retrecissement du bassin, chez, une femme piimipare seolin-rachitique, mesuraut 1" 36 et present mt de l'atrophie du membro inferieur droit a la suite de pai a- lysie infantile. Lev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1897, iii, 132-136—von Wwi<< i< hi. Ein Beitrag zum Prochow- nick-ehen Ersaizeder kiinstlichen Friihgeburt. Wien. lined. 111., 1890, xiii. 339.-Tait (L.) An address on the surgical aspect of impacted labour. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 657-601. —Tarn ier. Note sur un cas de bassin vicie paiTosteomalacie; quatrieme accouchement a terme; c6phalotomie; guerison. Ann.de gvn6c. Par.. 1884, xxi, 57-62. Also: J. d. sages-femmes. Par., 1884, xii, 90-92. ----• bassin retreci: application de forceps; mort de l'eufant. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1889-9, viii, 313-315. Labor (Complicated) from contracted or deformed pel vis—trea tmen t. -----. Bassin de 9J centimetres; accouchenicnt provoque 10 a 15 jours avaut terme. Ibid., 1892, xx, 121. — Tauf. fer (V.) Egy sziik medenczes utf 11-dik terhessegenei kovetendo eljaras megbeszele.se. | Model proceeding in 11 tli pregnancy of woman with narrow pelvis.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 117.—Taylor (I. E.) On the equally faulty or contracted pelvis, with the history of a case of labor, the non-delivery of the child, and the death of the mother after craniotomy and cephalotripsy. Tr. N York Acad. M., 1886, iv, 55-77.—Taylor (W. H.) For- ceps versus version in contracted pelvis. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 247— ThioaiK-ii. Primipiire k terme; bassin de 8 centimetres; applications rciterces et infructueuses du forceps; symphyseotomie et extraction d'un enfant qu'on ne peut rappeler :i la vie; suites de couches favorables. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1896, xvii. 367. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1897, xxv, 219.—TrinU* (O.) Nenere Kaiserschnittsfragen: Fundalschuitt, Ka- stration oder Porro bei Osteomalacic. Beitr. z. Geburtsh u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1898, i, 449-468.—Trimh (J.) Induc- tion of premature labor for contracted pelvis. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii. 142-148.-----. Premature labor for contracted pelvis. Ibid., 364-368.—Tiuzzi (E.) So- pra il parto premature e precoce artificiale nello pelviche ristrettezze. Gazz. med. ital. loiub., Milano, 1887, xlvii, 351; 361; 375. -----. Ancora sui risultati della moderns terapia chirurgica in casi di osteomalacia e sull' indole di tale affezione morbosa. Ann. di ostet.. Milauo, 1891, xiii, 601-628.—Turazza (G.) Bacino ovalare obbliquo; gra- vidanza geuiellare; parto prematuro artificiale. iii v. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1893, xix, 329-340. — ['«|><>ii«lii (Y. V.) K kazuistikie nepravilnostei zhonskavo taza; chetire sluchaya kla.ssicheskavo kesarskavo siecheniya. [Irregularities in the female pelvis; four cases of classical Cusarean section.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, xiv, 623- 632. — Van Hawse I. Retrecissement du bassin; reten- tion dela tete an detroit superieur; section du rachis et evidement du er&iie. Bull. Soc beige de gyn6c. et d'obst., Brux., 1893, v, 179- 182. — Vanhontte. Accouchement pr6inatur6 provoque chez une femme ayant un bassin reguliereinent retreci; introduction dela sonde de Kriiuse; douches sur le col; dilatation digit ale et rupture artifi- cielle des membranes; extraction au forceps; mort du foetus; autopsie. Bull. Soc. anal.-clin. de Lille, 1888, iii, 142-147. Also: J. d. sc. ni6d. de Lille, 1888, ii, 107-112.— Varnier (II.) De l'applicatiou du forceps au detroit superieur r6tr6ci. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 738-741. -----. Les bassins retrecis sont-ils di- latables sans symphyseotomies Ann. de gyn6c. et d'obst, Par., 1894, xiii, 428-449. -----. Simple com- paraison [methode de traitement des viciations pelvien- lies]. Ibid., 1895, xliii. 50-56.—Vcrchcre (F.) De l'ac- couchement premature artiliciel chez la femme k bassin vicie. | Bev. crit.] Francem6d., Par., 1887, ii, 1079-1082.— Verich. Obracovani co prostfedek k zachov&ni plodu pri uzk6 panvi. [Version as a.means of preserving the child iu a contracted pelvis.] Casop. lek. 6esk., v Praze, 1868, vii, 74; 82. —VySin (V.) Patiev osteomalaticM; umeie potraccni [Osteomalacitic pch'is; artificial mis- carriage.] Ibid., 1880, xix, 826-828.— Walter (K. A.) Om partus arte praunafiirus vid backenfortrangning. [Sur l'accouchenient premature artiliciel dans les r6ti-ecisse ments du bassin. C.-r., no. 23, 1.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1894, n. F., iv, no. 19, 1-55.-Werner. Ge- sichts-, resp. Stirnlage bei rhakitisch verengleni Becken; zweiinal misslungene Zangenversuche; spontane Aus- stossung des todten Kindes. Ztschr. f. Wuniliirzte 11. Ge- burt-h., Winnenden. 1881. xxxii, 33-38.— William* (J. TV) The indications for the employment of Cesarean section, symphyseotomy, and craniotomy in contracted pelvis. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1900. xliii, 339-346. Also: Kichmond J. Pract., 1900. xiv, 257-266. -----. The prema- ture induction of labor in contracted pelves. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1890-91. xxiv, 441-447. Also, Reprint.— Wold" (B.) Beitrag znr Lehre von der Wendung und Extraction beim engen Becken. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl., 1900-1901, lxii, 533-600. -----. Weiterer Beitrag zur Thera- pie der Geburt beim engen Becken. Ibid., 1903. lxix, 249- 304.—Wydcr (T.) Perforation, kiinstliclie Friihgeburt und Sectio csesarea in ihrer Stellung zur Therapie beim engen Becken. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1888, xxxii. 1-95. Also, Reprint. — Kinder. Einleitung der Friihsreburt bei ungiinstigen individnellen Becken-Verhaltnissen. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., "Winnenden, 1880, xxxi, 66-69.—Zirolla (G.) Contributo alio studio della scelta dell' iiitervento nelle stenosi pelviche. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1901, xvi, 121-127. Labor (Complicated) from disease or dis- placement of the uterus. See, also, "Labor (Complicated) from prolapse of the uterus, etc. Fekuelle(A.) *Chaucre sypbilitiuue du col LABOR. 33 LABOIl. Labor (Com2)licated) from disease or dis- placement of the uterus. de I'literus cause de dystocie; etude clinique et traitement. s°. Paris, 1902. Le Bigot (V.) * De 1'intiuence du chancre sypbilitique du col de I'literus sur raccouche- iuent. ^. Paris, 1.-99. Andeberl. Lne complication rare de la retroflexion de 1 iik r.is gravide: sialorrhee guerie par la reduction. Gaz. hebd. ii. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 423-425.__ Boilon iK ) Szi'iles transpositio visceruin totalis niel- lett ia terlics moli fakvesere vonatkozti nehany niegje- gyzessel). [Parturition -with . . . (with some remarks in reference to the position of the gravid uterus). | Orvosi hetiL. Budapest, 1897, xii, 19t — t'lialei v-Vi vie (M.) Ln cas de chancre syphilitique du vagin chez une feinine enceinte; dystocie ceivicale; grandes incisions du col; sutures ulterieiucs. Bev. mens, de tynec. |ctc.]. Bor- deaux. 1900, ii. 5(M-502.— t'ioja (A.) Distocia grave per sclerosi sitilitiea, del collo uterino. Ann. di ostet.. Milano, 1894. xvi, 487-501.—4*awlik. Przyczynek do kazuistyki porodow nieprawidlnwNch. [Abnormal labor] Pr.•('<•!. lek.. Krakow. 1872. xi. 217: 227; 237— TIcMianl (F..-M.) Dystocie par accidents syphilitiques du col. Arch, de Par., 1891, xviii. 19-23. Also: J. d. sa-, s-feinnies. Par.. 1891, xix, 218-220.— Parcel* (W. H ) An unusual ivm- plication of labor. M..1. \- Surtr. Reporter. Phila. 1896, lxxiv, 99.— I* ■ ii a r-341. Also, Reprint. — .<*lein (F.) Ein Fall von Partus extraabdominalis. Wien. med. BL, 1891. xiv. 769. Labor (Complicated) from disproportion, tumors, disease, or death of fat us. See. aho. Hydrocephalus (Congenital); Hy- dronephrosis ( Congenital). Blaxc (R.) *Die foetale Hydrocephalic in geburtshilflicher Beziehung. -J. Berlin, [1-9'A~\. Bokiir (E.) * Ueber Hydrocephalus congeni- tus iu geburtshilflicher Beziehung. 8-. Berlin, [1-6*]. j Dallmeyer (H. F. J.) * Schwangerscbaft I und Geburt bei abgestorbener Frucht. 8'-.' Halle a. S., 1-96. Dksmoxtils (A.-P.-H.) *Des cas de dysto- cie dus a Lexces de volume absolu ou relatif des epaules du hcttis. 4:. Bordeaux, 1>>7. Despixey.(P.) * Du d^fant d'os-itication du j crane (-omine cause de dystocie des fetes inolles. 4-. Lyon, 1 >•[)'■). Dijkcmoxt (E.) * De la petitesse de la fete foetale et de son rdle daus la dystocie. 8'-. Paris, 1^-91. Dnsois (H.) * Les gros enfants au point de vne obstetrical. - . Paris, 1-97. Also [Abstr.J, in: Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 1057. Fattori(P.) II volume straordinario del feto durante il travaglio del parto. 8°. Parma, 18k',. Facvel(£.) * Des different!* modes d'inter- vention dans les cas de dystocie par hydroee- phale. 4°. Paris, l-<-9. Frascaxi (V.) Di un caso di grande disten- sione della vescica urinaria iu un aborto di cinque mesi e mezzo. 8°. Pisa, 1^-91. Frese (H.) * De capite in partu pra-ternatu- rali excutiendo. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1712, Fuhr (O.) 'Ein Fall von Anasarca des Fo- tus als Gebnrfsliindornis. 8°. Giessen, 1*91. Goldmanx (S.) * De vi quam fcetus hydrope anasarca aft'ectus in partuin exhibere jiossit. H . Vralislar'w, [18">7], GR(iOti:xi>oi:st (N.) Beschryving van eene lano/aam voortgatinde arbeid, en daarop ge- vol^'e verlossing van eene zeer wanschappen vrucht. 8-. Utrecht, W)0. VOL IX, 2d series----3 Labor (Complicated) from disproportion, tumors, disease, or death offatus. Jilden (().) ' Ein Fall von Gcluirtsliinderais in Folge iiberniassiger Ausdebnung der kind- lichen Ilarnblase mit gleiclizcitigem Ascites. LFreiburg i. B.] 8''. Wiirzburg, b-90. Johns ((J.) * Ueber den Ge'burtsverla.uf bei Hydrocephalus. S :. B,rlin, 1903. Ka'ithnihi.u'Kkk (II.) Die gcburtshulfliche Bedeutiiiiii des Hydrocephalus congenitus. 8°. IUrlin, If-!).). KoVATCHKl-'K (E. A. D.) * Dystocie. fa-tale par retention d'urine. 8U. Lille, l!K)l. Marx (A.) * Febcr die geburtshililiche Be- deiilung der iibermassigcti Entwicklnng u«u- geborner Kinder. [Erlnngen.] 8°, Niirnberg, 1S!»:!. Nap (11.) * Die (Joburten ruacerirter Friichte in der zweiten Hiilt'teder SchwangerBchaft. H . Marburg, li-9(i. Kkxhodt (H.) * Die (ieburt bei Doppolmiss- bilduiigen. [Wurtzburg.] S=>. Coast I, [1KM?]. Rodi.khuhg (H. J.) * De hydrocepliali ortu ejusque in graviditatem et partuin innuxu. 8--. Jenw, bKi, Rl'XdK ([J.A.]W.) * Ueber Geb urtserschwe- rungdnrcb ungewolmliche Gnisse des kindliclien Rumpfcs. 8°. Halle a. S., 1890. KcxtiK (M.) * Die Bestininiung der Gn'isse des Kindes vor der Gebuit. 8°. Strassburg, lH9r>. Saint-Martin (G.) * Contribution a, l'etude de la dystocie par execs de volume de la poitrine et des epaules dn fcetus dans l'accouchement par le soniniet. 8°. Paris, 1900. Schilling (J. E.) * Ueber Geburtsanomalieu bei iiberiniissiger Grosse der Frucht. 8 '. Leip- zig, 1817. Sekp.kxt (E.) *De l'hydrocephalie intra- uterine dans ses rapports avec la grossesse et l'accouchement 8\ Paris, 1897. Valentin-Dksormkaux (C. ) De la deli- vrance dans le cas de fcetus mort et macere. 8°, Paris, lx-9. Vittingmoif (H. D.) ''Die Eigentuinlich- keitcii i~i Ycrlaufe der Sclnvangersehaft und Geburt niissbildeter Friichte. Casuistische Bei- triige und Beobachtungen dep Marburger Frauenklinik. 8"J. Marburg, 1897. Wkunickk (E.) * Ueber iotale Hydrocephtilie in gebuitshilfficher Beziehung. 8°. Berlin, Westpiial (W.) * Ein Fall von Geburtshiu- dernis bedingt durch die iibemiassig ausye- dehnte kindliche Harnbhise. 8°. Koniqsberg i. Pr., 1890. Wolff (B.) *Zur Casuistik der Geburtshin- dernisse (lurch lo-tale L\ stenniere. 8 . Bonn, 1-97. Ailloc de med. de Gand, 1893. Ix, 151-158.— Ciottsehalk. Hochgradiger Hydrocephalus; vorzeitiger Terschluss des Ductus Botalli: vebinientose Insertion der Nabelschnurget'asse. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1.-90. xxxiv, 293. — Oueuiot. Pcgi'iien'scence kystique des reins chezun foetus hydropique du terme de huit mois: cas grave de dvsiocie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxiii, 419-424. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii. 617-623. -----. Hydropisie generalisee d'un fietus ile 5 mois i avec placenta oedematic d'un vo- lume enorme. Bull, et mem. Soc..obst. et gym-c. de Par., 1893. 39-48. —Ciuerin-Vnlnialr. Hydrocephalie; hy- dramnios: hvilrorilue deciduale: presentation du siege; perforation de la tete dciniere. N. Montpel. med., 1901, xiii, 788-799.—Harris (J. 1\.) Birth of a child weighing fourteen pounds. Lancet Lond.. 1892. ii, 2.v,.— llaxn- camp .ii i Report of a case of labor complieated bv bv- dreuc phal.cele. Cleveland J. M.. 18'.>t'.. i. 324. Also) To- ledo M. a. S. Reporter, ls90. 45:'k — Herr^olt (A.) De l'accouchement dans les cas de foetus Thoiaeopages. Ann. d<-g\nec, Par. 1880. xxvi. 422-437. Also: Rev. med. de lest! Nancy.1-8,. xix, 69-81.—Hirisoyen (L.) Dystocie par hvdiocephalie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nod. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, I'll. — van 't HoflT (L.) Een door monster- vorming gestoorde baring. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem,189-. ix,215-219. — llopkinson (O.) A laiior complicated by congenital hydioi ephalus. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx'i, 15o. Also. Repi int.—II os ford (E.T.I An unique case [Difficult labor from spina bi- fida in foetus.] Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii. 16-18— BristodorescufM.) Mutafinne de prezentatie si pozi- ttune observata la o femee multipara cu un fet forte volu- minos. [Change of presentation and position in rt multipara with a large foetus.] Spitalul, Bucuresci 1887. vii. 201- 214. — Ide (C. E.) Broad shoulders complicating labor. Chicago M. Recorder, 1898. xv. 126.—Jenkins 1.7. Li A case of complicated labor. [Tumor attached to betas.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892. xviii, 94.— Jlohansi-n (M.) Leber die Geburt bei Hydromeningo- und Hydrencepha- loeele. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 4-8:— KaulTmann. Schwierige Geburt eines Kindes mit grosser Lneephalocele. Mitth. a.a. Sit/.-Protok.d. Gesell- sch. [f. Geburtsh. in Berl.], 1875, iv, 13— Kere« (A. B.) A case of inti a uterine hydrocephalus. Chicago M. Pec.. 1891, ii, 53-56. [Discussion], 70.—Kinnemaii ' ie- berdiu^. Cysliise Nicrendegeiieration des Kiitus als Geburtshiudcniiss. Sitzungsb. d. )ih\s.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1887,81-89. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchiisclu-., 1887, xxxiv, (nU.—.'V) lander (E.) Fdrlossniiigsfall vid hotan le uterusrupt ur, pa grund af liydrocephalus lies fos- tret. [A case of parturition with threatened rupture of uterus, on account of hydrocephalus in fietus] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898, lx, 359-362.—O'lVle.-n-a (F. A. T.) Notes of a caso of dilatation and h\ pcrtrophv of the bladder in a lotus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lend. (1887), 1888, xxix, 54. — Oui. Ln cas (('hydrocephalic, presen- tation du siege ileeonipl6t6, mode des fesses en S I G T; tfitc retcn ue au d6troit supei ieur; eniploi du proc6d6 de Van Huovcl it Tarnier; insucces; perforation du crane; extraction facile. Arch, de tocol. et de gyu6c. Par., 1891, xviii, 617-621. -----. Note sur la dystocie par execs de volume du fietus. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., do gyn6c. et de piediat. de Par., 1899, i, 60-63.—I'nliuedo (A.) Geburtssldrung durch Dopjielniissbildung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 186— I'ainart (R.) Un cas rare de dystocie foetale. M6d. mod., Par., 1900, xi, LABOR. 36 LABOR. liabor (Complicated) from disproportion, tumors, disease, or death of fcetus. 549.—Parisot (P.) Dystocie lietale eausee par une as- cite abdomiuale. Rev.'med. de lest. Nancy, 1892,-xxiv, 725-73:!. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec. Par., 1893, xx, 291-297.—I'autliicr. Contribuiion ii l'etude des monstres en obstet riqiie. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1891 47-54.—Perkins (J. M.) Tedious labor from largo size'of the fietus. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 241.— Perondi (G.) La clavicotomia. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1900. ii, 133-139.—Piei fer (J.) Lnusual size of foetus in relation to parturition. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxx, 292.— I'lii-iik. Dystocie par retention d'urine, hydrou6phrose, ib _cik iescence kystique des leins chez le foetus, pathogenie de l'ascite congenitale, et physiologic de la miction foetale Arch, de tocol., Par., 1885, xii, 1073- 1076.—Pozzoli (li.) Ln caso di distocia dovuto ad idro- cefalia ; svuotameuto del cranio attraverso lo speco verte- brale. Lucina, Bologna, 1899, iv, 167-169. — Praeger. Ein Fall von Sakralteratom des Fotus als Geburtshiuder- uiss. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 531.—Puech (P.) Des etats anormaux de la tete foetale autrcs que l'h\droi cphalie comine complication de l'accoucheinent. N.'Montpel. med., 1896, v, 961; 990: 1897, vi, 341; 371.— 4|neirel. Du crane mou en obstetrique. Cong, period. de gynec. d'obst. et do pajdiat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 623-625.—Raineri (G.) Ln feto mostruoso iu gravidanza complicata da idraranios acuto. Osservatoic, Torino, 1889, xl, 767-776. -----. Parto distocico da feto generali11cute edematoso. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1892, xliii, 21-27. —Randolph (J.) Case of dystocia. [Hydro- cephalic head and spina bifida.] Charlotte [N. C.J M. J., 1902, xx, 283. Also: South. Clinic, Richmond, 1902, xxv, 293.—Kerny (S.) Engagement trop profond de la tete daus l'excaviiiion pelviennc Arch, do tacol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 241-250.—Richmond (A.) Case of as- cites in a foetus causing great obstructions to delivery. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gyua;c Soc. (1900-1002). 19o:i, iii, 6. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1901, lv, 57.—Riczuiholl (0. A.) Sluch u vesma trudnikh rodov vsliedstviyc chivznilernoi velichini ploda; lii'cskoiko slov po povodu operatsii "elei- dotomia" prof. V. I. Fenomenova. [Case of very difficult labor because of extreme size of foetus; remarks on Fe.no- nienoff's operation of cleidotomy. | Yuzhuorussk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1896, v, 425-427.—Ross (E. F.) Case of dystocia due to the foetus having a doisal displacement of the arm. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 107.— Russell (L. E.) Anomaly or monstiosity complicating d-livery of fudus. Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1899, lix, 20-22.— Mains ( H. ) Leber Hydrocephalus in Beckencudlage. Centralbl. f. Gynak.. Leipz.. 1896, xx, 1325-1330.—Santo- vecchi ( It.) Distocia fetale in donna pluripara con gravid mza gemellare. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1807. xviii, 1484-1486.—Sato (K.) [A case of difficult parturition with rupture of abilominal wall and escape of viscera from unusual shape of foetus.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Z.isshi, Tokyo, 1900, ii, 617-624. —Savage (M.) Dys- tocia due to ascites in the fietus. Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1902, xiv, 205.-SehucHer (0.) Leber die fotale Dolicho- und lirachykcphiilic; ein Beitrag zur fdtnlen Schadelentwickelung und zu den Fragen von der Ver- erbung und den Gcburtseintliissen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1896, xxxv, 19-59. — Sell mitz. Ein selteues Geburtshinderniss. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1902, xii, 581. — Schroeder. Leber die Verschiedeuheiten in der grosse der Kdpfe neugebore- ner Kinder. Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb., 1868-9, v, 401-421.—Schwab. Observation d'un ti-es gros foetus. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi. 240-242.— Schwyzer (G.) Leber einen Fall von Geburtshinder- niss, bedingt (lurch hochgradige Erweiterung der fotalen Harnbiase Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1892-3, xliii, 333-346, 1 pi.—Senator (H.) Leber den Tod des Kindes in der Geburt. Vrtl.jschr. f. gerichtl. u. oft'. Med., Berl., 1865, n. F.. iv. Oil-144.—Seu de Rouville. Hydroc6phale; craniotoniie par forciiircssure. Bull. Soc. med.-chir. de la la Drome (etc.], Yalence ic Par., 1903, iv, 152— *i I ner- mann (M.) Oeburtshinderiiiss, bedingt (lurch die exces- siv erweiterte Harnblase des Fotus. Wien. ined. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 332-334.—Simone (M.) Distocia da eccessivo volume del feto. Atti d. Soc ital. di ostet, e ginec 1900 Roma, 1901 vii, 283-288.—Simpson (A. R.) Basilysis: A suggestion for comminuting the fu.-tal head in cases of obstructed labour. Edinb. M. J., 1880, xxv, 865-874, 4 pi.— Slaughter (B. M.) Very large child at birth; difficult delivery of hips, etc. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, D,ss-9. xv.179-181.—SmyckafJ.), Porody velkych deti. [The births of large infants.] Casop.lek.ceski,vPraze 1887. xxvi, 308; 523.-Squires (G. W.) Hydrocephalus complicating labor. Med. Rec, N. T., 1903, lviii, 775.— Mtahl (!•'. A.) A convenient, technique for the delivery of the aftercoming head where gross disproportion exists; with comparative considerations. Am. J. Obst,. N.Y.,1899, xxxix, 4h;s-50L —Sid* tM.) Lin Fall von Gebarmutter- zerreissungbei der (ieburt eines Hemicephalus, mit Bemer- kungen zur Aetiologie derselben. Ztschr. f. Heilk. Wien u. Leipz., 1900, xxi, Abth. f. Chir. [etc.], 309-328, 1 pi.— Labor (Complicated) from disproportion, tumors, disease, or death of fat us. Stone (I. (I.) A case of intrauterine hydrocephalus of unusual size; evacuation of the fluid through the spinal canal, followed by easy delivery of the head. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, lxx, 302. — Strassmann (P.) Leiche eiues Neugeborneu, bei dem ein von der rechten Seite des Halses ausgehender cystischer Tumor zum Geburtshin- derniss wurde. Ztschr. f Geliui'tsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg. 1893, xxvi, 200. — StrzalUo (J.) & El'iasberg (.1.) Zur Kasuistik der Geburtsanomalien (lurch Diti'orniitii- ten des Kiudes. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 593. — StnHer (G.) Diastasi dei muscoli retti, even- trazione e forte antivcrsione dell' uteio gravido; distocia meccanica da onfalocele fetale. Kasscgnadi sc. med., Mo- dena. 1898-9, xiii, 161-166, 1 pi., 2 clc —Swaync (J. G.) Hydrocephalus as a complication of labour. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1887), 1888, xxix, 405-421.—Tarnier. Foetusanen- cephalicn; erreur de diagnostic J. d. s iges-feinines. Par., 1889, xvii. 209.—Tcrza'ghi. Idrocefalia e presentazione di faccia in parto a termini- (casistica). Arte ostet., Mi- lano, 1902, xvi, 228-232— Truihiiiaiiii (J.i Leber einen seltenen Fall von schwieriger (Ieburt. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1889, xxxiv, 283.—Tlioycr-ltozat. ICxccs de vo- lume du foetus. Bull. Soc. d'obst. do Par., 1903, vi, 235- 240.—Torresi (V.) Ln caso non comun-.* di parto tardive* e mostruoso. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1381.__ Townscml (C. W.) On the modiflcal ion of labor due to extreme maceration of the fietus. Boston M. & S. J., 1892 exxvii, 238-240— Trumbull (J.) A large haul; weight! 18 pounds 4 ounces. Med. Rec, N. Y., 18X9, xxxv, 656.— Upshur (J. N.) A rare case of dystocia, ending fa- tally. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 929-931. — Urao- Ortega (A.) Idrocefalia ed idraranios; punziune. e rivolgimento. Ingrassia, Palermo, 1885, i, 173-175.— Vallois. Ln cas dc dystocie due au volume anornial dn fo-tus. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1894. xxi, 801- 800.—Vanverls (J.) &. Kamond (F.) L'ascite foetale. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de iiicdiat,, Par., 1896, ix, 146; 221.— Varnicr (H.) Des maladies du fu-tus au point devuede laihstocie. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'inf., Par., 1890, iii, 161; 193; 225; 237; 2s9; 353. — Veeehi (XI.) Ln casodi feto gigautesco per eccessivo sviluppo senzaaltera- zioui morbose. Arte ostet., Milano, 1902, xvi, 180-191.— Villa (F.) Mostruositk fetale ed idramnios acuto. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1892, xiv, 757-761.—Vitali (Carolina). Paito artificiale per esagerato volume della testa fetale ed eclampsia. Lucina, Bologna, 1897, ii, 27-29.—Yysiu (V.) Neobyce.inA velikost ploudu. [Lnusual size of lotus] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1881, xx, 811. -----. Congluti- natio, .stenosis et rigiditas ostii; hysterostomatoinie; ln- drocephalus; perforace. Ibid., 1889, xxviii, 755-757.— Ward (J.) Congenital hydrocephalus complicating" de- livery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 228. —War- ren (S. P.) Fetal ascites with dystocia. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1903, xlviii, 173-176.—Weidner (0.) Difficult labor caused by dropsy of the child. Obstetrics, N. Y., 1900. ii, 476-478.— Kin he (E. G.) Excessive fetal development a cause of dystocia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxv, 314-316.—Zirilli (Carmela). Ln caso di idrocefalia fetale durante il parto. Gior. p. le levatrici, Milano, 1887, i, 69-72. Labor (Complicated) from distended or displaced bladder or from calculus. Michklmaxx (R. P. F.) * Totule Harnblaseu- dilatation als Geburtsbiuderuis. 8°. Berlin, 1902. Buclibolz (Louise Z.) A case of cholelithiasis com- plicating labor. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc. N. Y., 1898, xxxiii, 249. — v Piediat., Host., 1894-5.viii. 820- 822. —Shtrnfkher (P.M.) Iv kazuistikie /hclchnikh kolik vo Vienna rodov. [Biliary colics during labor. 1 Vrach. gaz., S.-Pet.-rb., 1901, viii, 567— Zankel e, nebst einer Zusainineustelliing jihnlieher Fiille aus der l.itteratur. "> -. Tiibingen, 19^2. Mazikk (M.) * Contribution a l'eliule des rapports de la parturition et des affections car- diaques. 4D. Paris, 1895. >?( iirMACHER (H.) "Ueber Salpiughis uud Parametritis tionorrhoica im Wm-lienbett. "°. Halle a. S., 1-96. Vaeth ( Diphtheria (luring I .ilmr. [Cas,] Polyclinic, Phila inni --. y 86.— Duplnnt 1 F.) Etude comparative do deux cas d asystolii-et dun cas d'uileino aigu du poumon observ6s chez des partuin nlcs. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par . Is98. n. s., iii. 97-102. — Flcheverry (Mile 1 & f»rimoiiuaek.. Berl.. 1893, xliv. 119 164. — Jlaee. (O.) Trois ohsi 1 \ al ions de stcrcorcinie pendant la puer- peral it o. obsti irii|ii. , Par., 1901, vi, 203-208. (Discus- sion], 256— Out. Helix c,a,.-> de steicorcinio pendant les suites (le couches. Pull. Soc cclitr.de med. du nord, Lille. 1899,2.8.. iii, :tul-3(W. — I»nwtelle (J. M.) Fecal impac- tion obstructing an otherwise normal labor. Phila. M. J., LABOR. 38 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from fwcal impac- tion. 1899, iii, 63.—Pouliot. Cause assez singuliere de dysto- cie. [Tumeur due k la constipation.] Poitou med., Poi- tiers, 1898, xii, 265-267. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1899, xiii, 281. Labor (Complicated) from hour-glass con- traction of the uterus. See Labor (Complicated) from spasmodic action of the uterus. Labor (Complicated) from imperforate hymen. See Hymen (Persistent); Labor (Complicated) from obstruction in maternal soft parts. Labor (Complicated) from inversion of the uterus. See Uterus (Inversion of). Labor (Complicated) from laceration of the perineum. See, also, Coitus (Accidents in); Fistula (Rec- to-vaginal); Labor (Complicated) by laceration of the perineum, with immediate treatment of latter; Labor (Complicated) by perforation of the peri- neum; Labor in primipara;; Perineum (Lacera- tion of , Treatment of, Operative); Perineum (Sur-. gery of). do Amaral (L. P.) *Ruptura do perineo. roy. s \ Rio de Janerio, 1897. Ardopix (F.-J.) * Contribution a l'etude des de"chirures vtigino-periu^ales. 4 . Paris, 1889. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1889. Barnes (F.) Lacerations of tbe perinseum. 3. ed. V±°. London, lr-92. Ditten (O.) * Beitrag zur Keniitnis des ver- alteten totalen Danimrisses. 8J. Jena, 189G. Joukdan (A.) *Ueber Entstelmng, Form, Lage und Bedeutung der Scheiden- und Damm- risse. [Strasburg.] 8°. Mainz, 1888. Krantz (M.) Die Aetiologie der geburts- hiilniclieu Dammverletzuug und der Danini- scbutz. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1900. Obkrmuller (H.) * Ueber Danmirissc und Danimsclmtz. 8°. Tubingen, 1892. Soxdkn (M. ) *Anteckningar om ruptura perintei. 8°. Stockholm., 1874. Wiest (P.) * Beitrag zur Lebre yon den Damnirissen in der Geburt. 8°. Marburg, 1898. Williger ( F. ) *Der Dammschutz bei der Geburt. 8°. Jena, 1889. Abbott (A. W.) A note on the precise diagnosis of the lesions in old ruptures of thfe perineum. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1892, xii, 100. -----. The precise diag- nosis of lesions in old lacerations of the perineum, with suggestions as to treatment. Ibid., 214-216. — Adams (C. W.) Laceration of the perineum. Tr. M. Ass. Mis- souri, Kansas City. 1891, 46- 53. — Aiiraril (A.) Com- ment une mauvaise direction de la tete foetale peut favoriser la deohirure du p£rin6e. Arch, de tocol.. Par., 1888, xv, 276-281. Also, in his: Trav. d'obst., Par., 1889, i, 343-348.— Barnhill (J. U.) Laceration of the perineum; fre- quency, prevention, repair. Columbus M. J., 1899, xxii, 131-154. Also, Eeprint.— Itlaiilo* (J. H.) Laceration of perineum and rectocele. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1888, Birmingham, Ala., 1889, i, 278-282.—Bolton (J. P..) Laceration of the perineal body, and how to prevent It. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1895, n. s., xiv, 336-338.—Brick- ell (I). W.) Rupture of the perineum; with a description of a new operation. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1875, lxix, 322- 330. Also, Reprint.—Bndin (P.) Dechiruredu p6rinee. J. d. eages-femmes, Par., 1901, xxix, 257-259.—Run-age (W. L.) Notes on the repair of rupture of the perineum through the sphincter ani. Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 108-112. [Discussion], 115 —Burt (F. L ) Rupt- ure of the perinaeuni; observations from a study of seventy- six cases. Ann. Gynsec, Bost., 1887-8; i, 524-531. Also: Rep. Murdock Free Surg. Hosp. for Women 1887-8, Bost, . 1888. i, 37-44.—Carpenter (J. G.) Acute lacerations of tin- perineum. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville. 1894, n. »., iii, 122-134. Also: Am. Pract. Ac News, Louisville, 1894. xviii, 253-262. -----. Chronic lacerations of the peri- neum. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat, Bost., 1900-1901, xiv, 985- 992. — Carstcus (J. H.) Ruptured perineum. Harper Labor (Complicated) from laceration of the perineum* Hosp. Bull., Detroit, 1896-7, vii, 49.—Chambers (J. E.) Lacerated perineum. Med. Brief St. Louis, 1889, xvii, 209-211. — Champion (J. A.) Laceration of the per'- neum. Cincin. M. J., 1895, x, 95-99—Cbuwsagny. 8*fr la (bjchirure du p6rin6e. M6ra. et compt.-iend. Soc. d. sc med. de Lyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, pt. 2, 196— Chrobak! Ruptura perinei. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-IIeilanst. d. Di- A. Eder 1886, Wien, 1887, 129-131.—Cook (W.) Lacera- tion of the perineum in parturition. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1892. 142-145.—Currier (J. M.) Pregnancies following complete laceration of the pciinoum. Med. &, Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, 772. — DiekiaNon (R. L.) Does laceration through the sphincter ani ever occur in the median line? seventeen cases of lateral injury. Am Gynsec. & Obst. J., N. T., 1895, vi, 536-561. Also, Re print.—Duply. Dechirure complete du p6iin6e. M6d. mod , Par., 1898, ix, 737.—Fugelmaun (F.) Ueber eine sehr seltene Form von Dainmruptur. Centralbl f. Gynak., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 1225-1227.—Etheridgc (J. H.) The relation between some perinatal lacerations and the neuras- thenic state. Am. Gynsec. &. Obst. J., N. Y., 1898, xii 135-143. [Discussion], 233-239. — Falk (O.) Danunriss, Damm8chutzundDammnaht; Sammelbericht. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. n. Gynaek., Berl., 1900, xi, 1118-1134.—Fi. seller. Ueber Dammverletzungen nach (jeburten. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1877, xxviii, 308- 314. — Frank (L.) Perineal lacerations. Louisville M. Month.. 1896-7, iii, 441-443. -----. Lacerations of the peri- neal body. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1897, xl, 391- 399. — Oarriguew (H.J.) So-called laceration of the perineum. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii. 454-460. Also, Reprint. Also: Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1891), 1892, 2. s., viii, 79-98 —Haggard (W. 1).) The part the shoulders play in producing laceration of the perineum, with sug- gestions for its prevention. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, iv, 223-233 Hammond (F P.) Superficial laceration of the female perineum. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 357. — Hamon ( L.) Des dechirures perineales; des inoyens de les prevenir, ou, si possible, du raoins de les limiter. Scalpel, Li6ge, 1895-6, xlviii, 347.— Happel (T. J.) Dystocia, with lacerated perineum. South. Pract., Nashville, 1903, xxv, 559.—Harris (J. E.) Laceration of the perineum. Louisville M. Month.. 1895-6, ii, 241-243.—Heidcmauu (M.) Ueber den Einrluss der Schadelform auf den Sitz der Danimrisse. Mimatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek, Berl., 1899, x, 581-590. — Hipp (W. H.) Laceration of the perineum. Chicago M. Times, 1896, xxix. 86. — Hoover (C. A.) An unique case of lacerated perineum and vulva. Mi d. Sentinel. Portland, Oreg., 1898, vi, 75-77.—Huger (R. P.) Lacerations of the perineum. Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1900-1901. xii [xiii], 121-133. — Kehrcr (E.) Eine sehr seltene Form von Ruptnr des muskulosen Beckenbodens und des Perineum. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 1001-1010.—Kelly (J.K.) Laceration of perineum. Glasgow M.J., 1900, liii, 173.— Kime (R. R.) Transverse rupture of peiineum. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1902. 337. Also: Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1902, iv, 176.—Kinkcad (R. J.) Three cases of ruptured perinamm. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL, 1890, viii, 313-317. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1890, xc. 299-303.— Koch (W. A.) Ueber den Damniriss. Ztschr. f. Wuniliirzte n. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1884, xxxv, 262-266.—Kiistner. Die Narbenfigur der Damra- spalten. Verhandl.d. deutsch.Gesellsch.f. Gvnak.,Leipz., 1893, v, 390-395.—lia Torre (F.) Responsibility e doveri del medico e della levatrice nelle lacerazioni perineali. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1900, ii, 3-9.— MclVIulleu (J. C.) Complete rupture of perinseum, involving the rectum for an inch-and-a-half, with loss of control over sphincter ani. Australas. M. Gaz , Sydney. 1889-90, ix,42.—iVIt-Plialter (X.) Laceration of the perineum. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1891, 274-284.—IM arey (H. O.) Reconstruction of the pelvic structures incident to lesions of the perineum. N. Eng. M. Mouth., Danbury, Conn., 1899, xviii, 469-475.— Meade (C. C.) Perineal lacerations, regarding posterior positions. Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xxv, 21-29.— Iflouily (S. L. C.) Ruptured perineum; the mechanism of its causation ; its preventb n and treatment. Glasgow M. J., 1902, lvii, 432-436.— Montgomery (E. E.) Lacer- ation of the perineum and recto-vaginal fistula. Med. & Surg. Reporter Phila., 1894, lxxi, 109-111. — Nrviajski. De la dechimre centrale du perinee. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1899, xii. 289-308. — Onimet (A.) Des dechirures vagino-perineales; causes etiuecanisme. Union med. dn Canada, Montreal. 1893, n. s. vii, 119-125.—Farkc (W. E.) Perineal lacerations. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 670-672. — [Rnzriv promezhnosti.] [Torn perineum; 3 cases ] Otchot o dieyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1899-1900), 1901, 335-338.—Reynolds (E.) The relations of the anatomy of the perineum to the mechanics of its laceration. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. Phila.. 1891, xvi, 308-316, 8 pi. Also, Reprint.—Ritteuliou-e (W.) Laceration of the perineum. Med. Standard. Chi- cago, 1899, xxii, 48-50.—RubeSka (V.) Ruptura perinei completa et septi recto-vaginalis, stenosis vagina- cica- LABOR. 39 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from laceration of the perineum. tricosa. Casop. l£k. (-esk., v Praze, 1884, xxiii, 595.—Snn- gregorio (G.) Sulle lacerazioni di perineo durante il pat to. Gior. p. le levatrici, Milano, 1890,iv, 65-68.—Well i-ei- ber. Zerreissung des Mitielfleisches, mittelst der Kopt- naht. Prov. San.-Ber. d.k. Med.-Coll. zu Konigsb. (1841,2. Sem.),1843.65.—Nmith(C M.) Ruptun d perineum. Can- ada Lancet, Toronto, 1890-91, xxiii. 292-295 —•Xpanton ( W. D. ) On some practical points in connexion with rupture of the female perineum. Prov. M.J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 338-342. —Spencer (H. R.) Clinical lecture on ruptured perineum. Clin. .1., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 307-310.— Stevens (T. G.) On laceration of the female perinieuni; its varieties, mechanism of causation and treatment. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1896, Iii, 93-113.—Tainnotl (M. M.) K ucheniyu o tsentralnikh raziivakh promezh< nosti. [Central ruptures of pei ineum] Mcditsina, St Petersb., 1892, iv, 8; 18; 36. —Thomas (C. M.) Lac- eration of the female perineum. llalineman. Month. Phila., 1877-8, xiii, 225-235. Also, Reprint.—Thompson. (M. J.) Concerning some reflex phenomena incident to perineal rupture. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1889, 80-83.—Tucker (E. F.) The mechanism of lacerations of the pelvic floor. Am. Gymec. .v Obst. J., N. Y., 1*94. v, 627-631.—Voris (S. M.) Lacerations of the perineum; efl'ects and causes. Tr. Indiana M. Sec, Iiulianap., 1891, 226-240. Also: Med.Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii. 186 — Walker (H.) Laceration or relaxation of perineum and pelvic floor. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1889. xiv, 105.— Walking (T.J.i Perineal lacerations. Med.Kec.X.Y., 1889. xxxvi, 111. — Wells (A. E.) Central rupttuc of perineum. Lan- cet, Lond.. ls'.m, i, 540.— Hil.oii 111.11.) Perineal lacera- tions in country practice. X. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 342.— von Woerz (H.) Ueber die an der geburtshultlickeu Klinik Prof. Schauta's in Wien in den Jahren 1892 his ls94 In obachteten Yerletzungendesmiitterlichen Da mines. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. G\naek., Berl., 1895, ii. 7-24.— Wylie (S. M.) Laceration of the pei ineum. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago, 1892, xiii. 280-288. — Vamata (K.) Juo kaiun hairetsu no itji sitsuki-n. M'linieal oliserva- tious on rupture of the p.iiniuni.| ( h u^ai Iji Shiupo Tnkio, 1892. no. 305, 7-9. —Znngemeioter. 1". ber eine seltene Art vou Dammrissen i Yulvapiurhexis). Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 8si-s84. Labor (Complicated) by laceration of the perineum tcith immediate treatment of latter. Barbier (G.) * De la pe'rine'orrhapbie pratj- quee inime"diatenient apies la delivrance dans tons les cas de de"chhures vagiiio-pe>ine'ales. 4C. Paris, 1*92. Gallois (J.) * De la perinoorrhaphie iniine"- diate par la methode des sutures iuterstitiellea; procede dc M. le professeur Focbier. 4-. Lyon, 1895. Apfelstedt. Die Naht friseher Damunisse. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., ]?!»; xliii, 585-587.— Batman (W. F.) Immediate repaii of t: e \»-r iiii-iiTii. Fort Wayne M.Mag., 1896, iv. 279-2-3 —Itloom dl.C.) Primary op- eration for lacerated perineum. Phila. Polvolin.. 1894, iii 73-75.—Boland (E. S.) Immediate repair of perineal tears. Po-ton M i: S. J. 1900, cxliii, Is5-]s7. [Discus- sion], 189. —Cleveland ((.'.) Perineorrhaphy; a plea tor immediate repair, -with the (lescriptimi of a new method ofsnturing. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891, xxxix. 193-195. [Dis- cussion]. 213. Also, Reprint.— (oniliiiiiiii (]',.) I. j><■ la perineorrajihie, immediate par h- prncedr- de Fochier. II. Application k la peiint'-oir.iphio tanliw. I'rovinio med., Lyon, 1895, ix, 137; 150.—I»oleris. Perin6orrhaphie inimeiliati mei.r-aprfes 1'accoucheiuent au moyen (bs su- tures continues dites en surjet on en spirale, avec les fils de catgut resorbables. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1885, xii, 174- 192. Also, Reprint.—Fisher «'. K.) Immediate repair of the perineum. St. Louis .1. Hiuuu-op. & Clin. Reporter, 1896, ii, 298-303.— I lo i-lieini (l,.i Quand et comment faut-il pratiquer la perineoi i haphie ajuaf-^i raceouchemeut? Gaz. de gvTiec. Par.. 18!i8. xiii, 34-39. — Hammond ( F. C. ) Perina-al laceration and its immediate repair. Am. Gyntec. &. Obst. J.. X. Y., 1899, xiv, 615-617. [Dis- cussion], 689.— llaiii-i- II. II.) The immediate repair of injuries to the pelvic floor. Med. Rec, N. Y.,189o. x\xviii, 228.— Ilii—l (B. ('.) The primary repair of a bui-rated perineum. Mod. Xews, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 319. John- son (J. L i Ibiinai-y operation for lacerated perineum. Am. Prai t. 6. Xews Louisville, 1895, xix, 205-208.— Knhn iS. G.) Immediate repair; indications, method, and technique. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1899, 355-358.— Krakow (K.) Kilka slow w sprawic zaszywania kroc/.a gofo/nicy, p^knietego przy porortzie oraz opis modyfikaoyi leszczy porodowych. [On perineal suture after labor and a description of a modification of forceps. ] Medy- cyna, Warszawa, 1898, xxvi, 952 955.— I^andneei tV.) lielle lacerazioni perineal! durante il jiarto e del loro trat- Labor (Complicated) by laceration of the perineum with immediate treatment of latter. taineiito ininiediato. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1892, xiv, 329-350 — licavill (S.) Primary perimeorrhaphy. Cli- uique, Chicago, 1890, xi, 469-480.'-----. Technique of im- mediate perineoi rhaph v. Homo-op. J. Obst., N. V., 1894, xvi,487-490.— iTIc A rdl'e (T.E.) frimary perineorrhaphy. Tr. Wash. Obst. \ Gynec. Soc. 1885-7, [Wash., 18891, i, 130- 141.— Hi I.iiitii (A.) Immeiliate restoration of the peri- neum after labor. Am..I. Obst., X. Y., 1889, xxii, 937-942.— lTliinn (M. D.) The immeiliate treatinent of superficial ruptures of the perineum. 1 bid., 1874, vii, 464-473. Also, Reprint.—Clears (G.V.) The immediate repair of the per- ineum. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison. 1898, xxxii, 336- 340. — iVIorgcuNlcrn. Wyjasnienio. f Kxpluuatioii. ] Pam.Towar/. Lek. Wars/aw ., 1862, xlvii, 269-273. See, also, infra, Neii".ebaiiei ( L. A.)— -.Vlore ( K. A.) Perineal lacera- tions; their prevention and the necessity for their immedi- ate repair. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1902! xxi, 11-13.—rVeii- gebanei- (L. A.) Przypadek ro/.ilarcia, sie. srddkrocza u rodzacej dotknietej zrostem warg sromnych wiekszych i wy.stiuiii-nia t;[ droga. plodu w sposob nadzwyczajny. [Rupture of perineum in labor, caused by the union of the labia majora and expulsion of the lotus through that ex- traordinary way.] Pain. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1862, xlvii, 69-90. —■---. Oilpowiodz na artykul Dra Morgen- sierna oiiloszony pod t\tuleiii "Wyjasnienio". [Reply to Dr. Morgenstern's article iiublished under the title of "An , explanation".] Ibid.,xlviii, 112-125. Also, Rcpiiut.-----. Rozdarcie przegrody poebwo-wypustniczej i srddkrocza. (Ruptura septi vai;inoreetalis ct perinei.) Gaz.lek.. War- szawa, 1870, viii, 513-515. Also, Reprint. —^ohle ((,'. P.) Primary perineorraphy. Med. Ago, Detroit. 1890, viii, 457-4i:o.' Also, Reprint. — Kobb (H.) Laceration of the perineum and vaginal outlet; repair of the recent tear. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1889-90, i, 105-107.— Smith (J. M.) Rupture of perineum; immediate opera- tion; successful result. Lancet, Loud.. 1890, i, 192.— I'l-so-Ortega (A.) Della sutura immediatanelle roture del perineo. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc med. in Palermo (1892), 1893. 73-81.—Wallich (V.) Du traitement inime- diat des dechirures du perinee aprfes l'accouchement. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de pasdiat., Par., 1893, vi, 56; 95; 147. Labor (Complicated) from obstruction in maternal soft parts. See, eilso, Labor (Complicated) from abnormities of the genitals; Labor (Complicated) through the cervix uteri; Labor (Complicated) by tumors. Akhsharcmofi.' (B. I.) Sluchai rodov pri za- rushtsheniidievsfvennoi plevi. [Labor in a case of atresia of vagina. ] 8-\ [S.-Peterburg, 1898.] BiU'iiix(C) * Ueber die von den iiussern Ge- nitalien geset/.ten aussergewohnliehen Geburts- hindeinisse. r-. Bern, 18r*8. Coksikr ( lv ) * Ueber Geburishindernisso durcli Jiynienalc Balkeu und iScheidenzwischcn- wande. ft' . Marburg, 1900. CoUJxH'R (G.) * Contribution a l'etude des dy-tocies vaginales (vtigin borgne interne). s°. Lyon, 1901. Daxxkhkri; (K.) * Ueber Schwangerscbaft" und Geburt bei Atresie oiler Stenose der Selioide. 8'\ Wiirzburg, Ihh'J. Ksmann (V.) Oin Fcblslens Forl0b ved nied- f0dteoo ( rli\ er\cile (cicatricielle) Koran a-vringer i Vagina. [On tbe course of parturition with congenital and acquired (cicatricial) .strictures of the vagina,] M°. Kpbenhavn, 189(5. Kkamkk (S.) * Ueber Selieideiiverengerung tils G'otnplikiit ion der Geburt. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Miinchen, 1-H7. Ki'dbKU (T.) * Die S( heidcnstcnoHcn als Ur- Hiichen (b-r Gebtirtsverzogerung. s,J'. Breslau, 1HI59. Maiikxiiie-Hiistk (L.) *Klud(> sur le cloi- sonneinent trtinsversiil du vtigin au point de vue obstetrical. 4-. Paris, 189\. Rktaii-Lkat (L.) *I)e la dystocie par resis- tance exagcree de l'orilice vaginal. 4°. Tou- louse, \89i\. Sciionbek<;([C.F.]M.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Stenosen des Genitalciinals auf die Geburt unter besonderer Bcriicksichtiguug der Aetiolo- gie. 8°. Berlin, [1889]. !0 LABOR. LAI! OR. Labor (Complieated) from obstruction in maternal soft parts. Itadaloni (G.) Di un raro caso di atresia della va- gina, per cieatrici seguite ad cstesa cancrena. Resoc. Ac- cad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1885, xxxix, 52-58.—Boni. 1'n caso di distocia da ipertiofiadel collo dell' utero. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 23-26.—Kovee (J. W.) Vaginal stricture obstructing parturition; di- vision of stricture; recovery. Obst.. Gaz., Cincin., 1888, xi, 287. — Kruno v. Cloisonnement cicatriciel transversal du vagin chez une secoudipare k terme; rupture de l'ute- rus au niveau du col; mort dela meie etde l'enfant. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1895, xiv, 262-266. Also: Arch, de gy- n6c. et de tocol , Par., 1896, xxiii, 303-306.—B ml in. Deux cas de dystocie, dtis a la resistance de borifice vaginal. Progres med., Par., 189\ 3. s., ii, 115.—< liiaileoni (G.) Due casidi atresia della vagina iu gravidanza e sopraparto. Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, iN'apoli, 1899. viii, 193-199.— Clopatt (A.) Nagra fall af vaginalstriktur s&som for- lossningshinder. [Quelques cas de r6tr6cissement vaginal comme obstacle k l'accouchement. R6s., p. lviii.] Finska lak.-sallsk.handl., Helsingfors, 1889, xxxi, 475-496.—C'ntts (R. E.) Some causes of maternal dystocia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1899, xix, 44-46. —JDanyau. Rapport sur un cas de distocie causee par une inversion du vagin. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1S51', xxv, 483. Also: J. (1. conn. med. prat,, Par., 1852-3, xx, 94-97.—Downes (M. E.) Labor at full term complicated with atresia of vainna. Med. Summary, Phila., 1897-8, xix, 119. — Kbcrlin (A. M.) Rodi pri zarashtshenii i-ukava. [Labor in atresia of va- gina, | J. akush. i ji nsk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1896, x, 1100"- 1104, 2 pi. -----. Ueber zwei Geburten bei Scheidenatre- sie. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1899, xl, 12- l().—Ciallois (E.) Dystocie par ati-gsie cicatricielle com- plete du vagin. Dailphine 11161b, Grenoble. 1891, xv, 245- 253. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1892, vi, 25; 33; 41; 02. — CJei-osa-Fascc (Maria). Ristrettezza straordi- naria dell' orificio vaginale dovuta a cieatrici d' antica data; episiotomia; estrazione d' un feto di 7 niesi, asfittico nou 1 ianiinato. Levatrice cond., Roma, 1897, vi, 145.— Iliimelel. Verwachsung der Scheide und blutige Er- wciteriing derselben wahrend der Geburt. Prov. San.- Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Kdnigsb. (1841, 2. Sem.), 1843, 62- 64.—116 (11.) & Iii 11cIii (S.) Geburtshinderniss bei der erworbenen riiigiorinigen Scheidenstriktur, complicirtmit der lilasi-nscheidenfistel. [Japanese text ] Ztschr. d. . mod. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1895, ix, Hft. 4, 3-7.—Jaltlin. Strictura vaginas als absolutes Geburtshindernis. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 1902, Hi, 2269; 2325 —Jenlzer. Dysto cie par atrf^sie incomplete de ldrifice externe; degage- ment de la tete coiffee par les parois cervicabs lies allon- gees et ainincies. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii, 268-272, 1 pi. — liiiller. Stricture annulaire du vagin. Bull. Soc. beige de g\nec. et d'obst., Brux., 1898-9, ix, 109 — Kerinauaei- (F.) Schwangerscbaft und Geburtskom- plikationen bei Atresio und Steuo.se der Scheide. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, .xvi, 863; 1029__ KctiMler (L.) Ueber die Behandlung der Geburt bei voll- staioligenrVerschluss der Vagina. Perl. klin.Wchnschr., 18s7, xxiv, 527; 547; 596; 615. Also, Reprint, — Kok- liOI'C§ (11. C.) IIep(7rT(oo-(; (TTevuxrew; too KoAeoO fiera Svcr- Tosiav. TaAijvbs, 'ASt/voli, 1897, xxvii. 202-204. — i, n li rent Sc Ti-onehet. Lenteur d'aecuuehement par brides cl- catricielles cei vico-vaginales. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de pa> diat,, Par., 1898, xi, 75-80— I.ippitl (W. F.).,jr. Vagin- ismus complicating the third stage of labor. Mid. Rec, N. V.. 1889. xxxv, 69.—I.oweh. Entbindung niittelst Durchschneidens der vervvachseneii Vagina. . San.-Ber. d. Prov.Bramlenburg,1835, Berl., 1837. 289.—ITIahci- (J.J. E.) A study of one hundred cases of atresia and steuosis- vaginalis in labor, with thirteen fatal cases. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1897-8, ii. 176-179.— IVinlheron (J.J.) Rigidity of maternal soft parts during labor. Physician & Surg., Detroit k, Ann Arbor, 1900, xxii. 1-7. [Discussionl, 40—12.-—I\ewlan87, viii, 395. — Winil (G. G.),jr. Atresia vaginae complicating labor, with report of a case. Obstet- rics, X. V., 1899, i. 623-631. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. T., 1899, Ivi, 869. — Vaiovol (S. M.) Sluchai rodov pri rubtsovom suzhenii vlagalishtsha. [Labor in cicatricial stricture of the vagina.] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. vKieve, 1901, xiv, 08-7:;. Labor (Complicated) from pelvic presen- tation. See Labor (Complicated) from presentation of breech. liabor (Complicated) from perforation of the perineum. Delcroix (A'.) * fitnde sur la rupture cen- Irale dn perinee en accoucbenients. 4°. Paris, 1891. Nahm (J.) *Aetiologie und Genese der Rup- tura periuei centralis. 8°. Strassburg, 1895. Neviajski (S.) * Etude sur la d6cbirure een- trale du p6rine"e. 8°. Paris, 1899. Pauly (L.) * Ein Fall von centralein Damm- riss. 8°. Bonn, 1898. Sciit'i/rz (S. F. M.) *Die Durchborung des Mittelfleiscbes wahrend und durch die Geburt. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1KS7. Boiiiieaml. Dechirure centrale du p6rin6e par le bras de l'enfant au moment de l'expnlsion de la tete; gan- grene du p6rin6o; m6trite puerp6rale. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1887, 4. s., 129-131.—Choteau. Observation de dechirure centrale du p6rinee; expulsion de l'enfant et d61ivrance par la dechirure. ISord m6d., Lille, 1896, ii, 92.—C'ocq (V.) A propos d'un cas reniar- quable de rupture centrale du p (J. II.) * De jilacenta. jirtevia. 8°. Groningir, 1*50. Scni'i.z (P.) Ein weiterer Fall von Luft- euibolie bei Placenta jirtevia. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Sieisert (F. E. R) * Vierundzwan/.ig Fiille von Placenta, jirtevia. boobaclilet an der Greifs- walder geburtsliiilllicheii Klinik und Poliklinik. 8°. Gnifswnld, 1*99. Ntuaccii (A.) *Do placenta pnevia. * . I'ratisliiriie, [1*50]. Si kii.pkckk (G.) "Drei hundert zwei und zwanzig Fiille von Placenta prtevia. *°. Berlin, 1902. Tiikiiaci) (E.) * Plticenta pru-via jiar glisse- inent. *J. Paris, 1897. Tihonk (I).) Sulla placenta jin-via. Tavole oiiiologratiche jirejiartile sopra il eadavcre con- gelato di donna morta in travaglio di parto jx-i- metrorrtigia e considerazione. * . Atlas, elejih. fol. Torino, 1894. Wkhkh (F. 11.) Ctisuistischer Beitrag zur Placenta pnevia auf Grund vou 53 Beobachtuu- LABOR. 42 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from placenta pravia. gen in der Miinchener Frauenklinik. 8°. Ber- lin, 1892. Wessel (J. N.) * De partu cum haemorrha- gia ob placentam orificio uteri adbtereutein. sm. 4°. Basilece, [1753]. Wiesxer (F.) *De placenta pnevia. 8°. J'ratislariw, [1859]. Yaxitskaya (El[izabeta L.]) Placeuta praj- via centralis. 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1893.] Zedlek (R.) * Ueber Placenta prtevia. 8°. Greifswald] 1897. Abbe (A. J.) Partial placenta pnevia in an eighteenth pregnancy. Boston M. &. S. J., 1889, cxxi, 230.—Abbott ( F W ) Case of placenta previa marginalia. Tr. Nat. Eclect M. Ass., Cincin., 1897-8, xxv, 118.—Ahlfeld (F.) Die Eutstehung dei- Placenta praevia. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1891, xxi, 297-330, 1 pi. -----. Ein neuer Beitrag znr Lehre von der Placenta praevia. Centralbl. f- Gvnak., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 225-227.—Alters (J H.) Placenta previa. Atlantic M. Weekly, Provi- dence 1897, vii, 405-412.—Alexander (S.) Placenta prae- via. Brit.M.J., Lond.,1902.i,1144.—Allen (A. G.) Notes on three cases of jilacenta praevia. Montreal M. J., 1891-2, xx, 273-276.__Allipraudi. Storia di parto contro natura per inserzione della placenta snl collo uterino. Gior. d. sc. med., Torino, 1842, xiii, 309-380.—Amadei (E.) & Ferri (A.) Una centnrie di casi di placenta previanella pratica della Guardia ostetrica milanese. Arte ostet., Milano, 1900, xiv, 321; 337; 353.—de Andrade (C.) Um caso de placenta previa total. Rev. da Soc. denied, e cirurg., Rio de Jan., 1898, ii. 267-280.— Argyle (S.) A fatal case of placenta praevia. Intcrcolon. Al..J. Australas, Melbourne, 1898 iii, 530-5:;2.—Atlec (L. W.) Placenta previa. Am. J.oiist., N. V., 1900, xiii, 388-392.—Audebert. Insertion vicieuse du jilacenta. Bull. Sue. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1*94. xv, 95. — Auvard. Placenta praevia; extraction manuelle du foetus; sortie du placenta avec le fcetus; tatnponnenient intra-ut6rin; guerison. Arch, de tocol. et do gyn6c, Par., 1895, xxii,653-055 —Ayers (E. A.) Placenta jiraevia; its early recognition and treatment. N York M. J., 1902, lxxvi, 534-53S. — Baker (T. H.) Pla- centa previa. Obstetrics, N. Y., 18!)'.), i, 479-488.—Baldy (J. M.) Marginal placenta praevia. Med. Rec, N. T., 1887 xxxi, 545. — Barber (W.) Placenta praevia. Proc. Connect. M.Soc.. Hartford. 1888,n.s.,iv,180-189. —Barnes (R.) Placenta prajvia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 458-461. Also, Reprint. See, also, supra.—Bartlett (J.) A case of placenta praevia in which the jilacenta was expanded over the entire ovum. Marvland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv, 187. Also: Obst. Gaz, Cincin., 1886, ix, 344.—Barton (Amy S.) A case of placenta praevia, followed by purulent endome- tritis. Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 238-240. Also: Southwest. M. Gaz., Louisville, 1888, ii, 299-302.— Kii.slir (A.) Placenta praevia and twins. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1900, lvii, 965.—Bauduy (J. K.) Placenta praevia. Proc St. Louis M. Sue. Missouri, 1878, i, 109-114.—Baum- giii-tcl (G.) Placenta pravia. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1899, 1, 213-225. — Bayer. Ueber Placenta praevia. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gy- niik., Leipz., 1886, i, 27-51. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Gy- naek., Berl., 1886, xxviii, 451-453. Also [Abstr ]: Bres- lau. arztl.Ztschr., 1886, viii, 158. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Liip/.., !8K6,x, 410-412. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix, 803-805. -----. Die Hypertrophic der Muskelfaseru im graviden Uterus; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom unteren Segment und der Placenta praevia. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 539. -----. Cervixfrage und Placenta praevia. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik.. Leijiz., 1897, vii, 252-303.—Baylisg (R. A.) Note on a case of jilacenta jirsevia. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 98.— Beewton (J. L.) A case of placenta praevia, with ascitic fcetus. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 95.—Bell (J. W.) Placenta previa, or placental jiresenta!ion. Co- lumbus M. J., 1895, xv, 245-249.-Bel Inct-i (0.) Con- tributo alio stndio dell' etiologia della jilacenta jireviae del meccanismo di produzione delle emorragie da placenta pre- via in gravidanza. Rassegnad' ostet. eginec, Napoli, 1903, xii, 17-24.—Berry (C."W.) Placenta praevia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, lib, 599.—Bethune (A.) A case of placenta praevia with hydatids. Dominion M. Month..Toronto, 1895, v, 547-550. — Betrix. Insertion vicieuse du placenta. Gaz. de gyn6c., Par.. 1885-6, i, 301-303.—Bidwell (W. D.) Placenta praevia partialis. Boston M. & S. J., 1886. cxv, 376. Also: Kansas City M. Index, 1886, vii, 592.—Bielogla- zoflT(M.) Normalniye rodi jiri jilacenta praevia centralis. [Normal labor in . . .'] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Pe- tersb., 1902, xvi, 123-125.—Binu (Luigia). Placenta pre- via marginale. Arte ostet., Milano, 1902, xvi, 268-270.— Bii-il (U 8.) Placeuta previa, with death of fetus before term, and delivery -without hemorrhage. Am. J. Obst. N. Y., 1900, xiii, 223. - Blacker (G.'F.) Uterus with placenta praevia marginal is in situ. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. I^abor (Complicated) from placenta pravia. (1894), 1895, xxxvi, 194. — Bloliigovsknya (Kc- vekkal.) Sluchai placenta- prseviae centralis pri rodakh dvolnyami. [. . . with twins.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1896, x, 1409. — Bluinreicli (L.) Teller abnormeu Geburtstnechanismus bei Placenta praevia. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1900, lxi, 565-578.—Boxnll (R.) Placenta praevia associated with unusual size and shape of the placenta. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1892), 1893, xxxiv, 464.— Boyd (J. P.) A contribution to the study of pla- centa praevia. Med. Ann., Albany, 1883, iv, 217-225. Also, Reprint. — Brindeaii (A.) Quelques considera- tions thees de l'examen de trois cent douze arrifere-faix au point de vue do 1'insertiou laterale du placenta et des de- chirures du sinus circulaire. Obstetrique, I'.ir., 1896, i, 433-443.—Bromwrll (J. R.) Placenta previa. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 576-580.- Brown (P.) Margi- nal placenta praevia relieved spontaneously. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 435.—Bruce (G. A.) Placenta pra-via. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1903, xxxi, 595.—Bud in (P.) Insertion vicieuse du jilacenta. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1902, xxx, 121; 129; 137.— Bullnrd (W. E ) A case of placenta jiraevia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 425.— Burggraf (J. P.) Von einer fatalen Anwachsung der Placentas uterinaevor dem Orilicio uteri. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch., Breslau, Sommer-Quartal, 1726, 132- 137. — Burns (J. D.) Placenta jiraevia. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1897, xxxii, 452-458. —Campbell (J.) Two cases of placenta praevia treated with tamponing and turning. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 12-17.— I'iineio (F. A.) Placenta previa; presentation de ver- tice; cuarta position. Abeja med., Habana, 1892, i, 129.— Ccresa (Angiola). Distocia da placenta previa jiarziale; morte del feto per asfissia endo-uterina. Gior. p. le leva- trici, Milano, 1896, x, 85.—Chalcix. Insertion vicieuse du placenta. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bor- deaux, 1889, x, 128-130 —Chambrelcnt. Accouchement rapideincntacc61ere dansun cas d'hemorragie par insertion vicieuse du placenta; r6sultat heuretix pour la mfere et pour l'enfant. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bor- deaux (1902), 1903, 363-366.—Champetier de Ribes & Varnier. litude anatomique sur 1 insertion vicieuse dn placenta. [Rap. de Pinarib] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, 55-57.—Charles (N.) Un traitement de l'heniorragie par insertion vicieuse du placenta. J. d'ae- couch., Li6ge, 1897, xviii, 19. -----. Un cas mortel d'h6- morrhagie par placenta praevia chez une multipare k sept mois de grossesse. Ibid., 352. -----. Tertipare k 8 mois de grossesse; hemorragie par insertion marginale du pla- ceuta; rupture artificielle des membranes; procidence du cordon; refoulement digital; accouchement spontane et suites heureuses pour la m6re et l'enfant. Ibid., 1902, xxiii, 208. Also.- J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1902, xxx, 106.— Cheneviei-c (E.) Placenta praevia. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1886, vi, 271-278.—Cheney (W. F.) A case of placenta praevia, with prolapse of the cord. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 79-84.—Chevillot (P.) Placenta praevia total. Poitou m6.i., Poitiers, 1896, x, 45-47. —Cheyne (W.) A'case of jilacenta praevia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 506. — Chitticlt (W. R.) Placenta praevia, with report of a case. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1886, n. s., x. 128-130.— Clark (W. F.) A case of placenta praevia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1145.— Clopatofsky. Observation do placenta praevia com- pliqu6 d'une adheience anormale par (Ieg6n6rescence calcaire. Bull, et 1116111. Soc obst. et gyn6c. de Par., 1892, 79-84. Also: J. de m6d. de Par., 1892, 2. s., iv, 159-161.— Cocn (J.) Dystocie par rigidite du col ut6rin et placenta previa: incisions laterales jusqu'aux culs-de-sac vaginaux; guerison. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gyn6c, Par.. 1892, vii, 513-521.—Coggeshall (F.) A case of complete jilacenta previa. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxliv, 157. [Discussion], 100. —Collar (A. J.) Two eases of jilacenta jiraevia. Med. Age, Detroit, 1888, vi, 101— Cooper (J. M.) Case of placenta praevia. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1886, 332.—Craighill (J. M.) Two cases of jilacenta jiraevia, marginal imjilantation. Marvland M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii, 506-508. Aho: Med. Bull., Phila., 1888, x. 179-181. — Crcc (YV\ J.) Placenta previa. Physician & Surg., De- troit & Ann Arbor. 1895. xvii, 444/ [Discussion], 450. -----. Placenta previa. Med. Council, Phila., 1902, vii, 274. — Croci (Annetta). Un caso di jilacenta juevia parzialc. Gior. p.le levatrici. Milano, 1896, x, 75.—Crom- well (B. M.) A history of three cases of placenta prtevia, presenting unusual complications, with comments. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1886, xvii. 321-329.— Crossen (H. S.) A case of lateral implantation of placenta, with hemorrhage; twin pregnancy. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1896, x. 414-418.—Crossland (J. C.) Case of pla- centa previa wit li shoulder presentation. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxiii, 85.—Cronzat. Insertion vi- cieuse du placenta. Midi ui6d., Toulouse, 1892, i, 234; 253.-Cucca (C.) Otto casi di placenta jirevia. Rassegna d'ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1892, i, 33; 65.—Cunningham (S.) Placenta praevia; a ei-se. Daniel's Texas M. J., Aus- tin, 1888-9, iv, 158-163.—Delassus. Placenta double prae- LABOR. 43 LABOR. liabor (Complicated) from placenta pra'via. via. .T. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1903, i, 515.—Belore t\.) Thromboseet placentaninrgine. M6m.etcompt. i end. Soc d.sc med.de Lyon (1897). 1898, xxxvii, 30-::ti. — Be-l>aoli (G.) Osservazioni eliuiche sopra alcuui casidi placenta jne- via centrale. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec. Najioli, 1897, vi, 601-614. -----. Sui trattainento della placenta previa col metodoBossi. ("lin.ostet.,Roma, 1903.v,207-222.— B-epaul. Sur les heiiiorihagies qui se lient k linsei tion du placenta sur le segment inferieurde 1'nterus. Bull. Acad, do med., Par., 1S51-2, xvii, 849-877. Also, Reprint.— Dctwcilci- (A. J.) Kejiort of a case of placenta previa m uginnlis with infection of jilacenta hetoie delivery. St. Louis M. Rev., 1901, xliv, 5S.— I>cwi« (J. W.) Placenta previa centralis: report of a case. Boston M. &. S. J.. 1901. cxliv, 157. [Disciission], 161-163.— Dinkonenko (X.) Sluchai tsentr.iliiavo predlezhauiva dletskavo mlcsta v zenskol aknsherskolpi-aktikle. [Placentapraeviacoiiti-alisin coun- try practice.] P otok. zasaid akush -ginek. Obsh. v Kieve (1894). 1895, viii. in; -in: -Dibrrll (M.S.) A case of pla- centa previa tolloucd 1>\ tetanus J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock. 1895-tt, vi 101-164.— l>i*<-ii»»ion on placenta praevia. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1887, Concord, N. II., 1888, iv, 352-408.— l>i-cn«»iou (Al on jilacenta pnevia.] Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. 18.-9-90. w. 209-215.— Bixon (A.) A case of jilacenta jn. via. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louis- ville, 1896. n. s., v. 109. Also . Am. Pract. .v News, Louis- ville. 1806 xxii. 201. [Discussion] 21::--j15. Also: Med. Mirror. St. Louis. 1890. vii, 315. Also.- N l-'.ng.M. Mouth., Danbuiy, Conn.. 1,-90, xv, 490 — Dod«on iii.) Placenta praevia. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. Wilkosbarre. 1897, 86- 92.—Donzellini (G.) Esagerntosvilumm della jilacenta, causa d' impianto sulla zona cervicale dell' utero. Gazz. d. clin.. Torino, 1886, xxiv, 17: 36 —Dorautli i K.) Sta- tistisches iiher Placenta pi a-via. I'.ei. a. d. 2. ueburtsh.- gynakol. Klin, in \Yien. 1897. 77-97. —-—. Uebersicht iiher 216 Falle von Placenta praevia. Ibid.. 97-119.—1> or- al an (F. A.) riacenta jiraevia, with statistics from the last eleven thousand two hundred, deliveries of the Sloane Maternity Hospital. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1902, lxii, 321- 323— Drejer. Ni og fyiretyve tilfalde af plaeenta pne- via. | Sm 49 cis dc "placenta praevia. Res., I4:;2-1434.] Norsk Miil' f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania, 1901, 4. K , xvi, 1332-1422. —Druou (E.) Placenta praevia occupant les trois quirt*, ile 1 orifice uterin; jiremiere hemorrhagic, iViinjioi tauce considerable au debut du travail; inort de la in.'-!.- et de l'eufant. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1899, i. 253- 250.— Onkaie (J. S.) A case of placenta j>r. via. In~ (liana M. J.. Indianap.. lr-95-0, xiv, 308-310.—ISuloroy. Placenta insere sur le segment inferieur, feraiaiit absolu- ment 1'orifice uterin. Actualite iiu'-d.. Par., Is96. viii, 36- 40.—Dumollard. Iuseition centraledu jilacenta surle col; mort. J. Soc. de med. ct pharm. de ITsere, Grenoble, 1885-6, x. 268-270.—Uunioud (M. A.) Placenta jirtevia, with spontaneous arrest of hemorrhage. Med. Pec, N. Y., 1^9. xxxv, 377.—Duncan (J. M.) On the Inemor- rhage that occurs during the continuance of pregnancy in cases of placenta jira-via. Edinb. M. J., 1873-4, xix, 385- 398. .-li*o, Reprint. — Bupont (G.) Placenta praevia central. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1903. lxx\i, 2H.— Kiiiiiami (T.) Ein Fall von Placenta praevia. St. I'i tersb. med. Wchnschr., Is95. n F.. xii, 340.— F Ihcridgc (J. H.) Placenta previa. Physician Sc Surg.. Detroit ,v Ann Ar- bor, 1894. xvi. 347-353.— Fcinlicrg di.i Zur Kasuistik des Prolapsus jilacenta- li i noi iiialem Sitz iiltiunun. I'juige I'iille von Placenta pnevia. Aerztl. Prax., Wiirzh., 1899, xii, 245-248.—Ilnakc. Leber den Vorfall der Nachgeburt bei regelmiissigein Sit./.e derselben und aiisgetnigencin Kiiide. Arch. J'. Gynaek., Perl., 1899, lviii, 455-46'. - lladfield (E. J.) Placenta jirevia with malformed fetus. Am. .1. Obst., N. Y.. 1898, xxxvii, 508- 510.—llaight. Placenta previa coiiijilicaled with septi- cemia. Tr. Obst. Soc.Cincin.,1879-85, ii,245-248.—llalsey (F. S.) Placenta jinevia, with report ol four cases. Phila. Month. M..L. 1899, i, 522-527— llainill (P. II.)• 1'lacenta jirevia centralis. Am. J. Obst., N.V., 1887, xx, .1194. Also: Maryland M..L, Bait., 1887. xvii, 4(17— Hammond (.I.S.) Case of placenta Jirevia. Pacific M. Rec, Portland, Oreg., 1893, i, I 19. — Hammond ((1. C.) Four cases of placenta previa. Buffalo M. J., 1808 9, n.s., xxxviii, 608. — Har- rington (F. B.) Severe haniorrhage from antepartum scjiaration of tho jilacenta, with the infusion of sixty-six ounces of salt solution. Huston M. A S. J., 1886, cxiv, 197- 199.— llari-iMou (A. C ) Placenta jinevia; death from shock after delivery. Med. Pets.. N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 493— Harrison (G. T.) Remarks introductory to adiscussion on jilaeenla jirtevia. (Jailbird's M. J., N.Y., 1888, xiv. 211- 218.—Harrison (V.) Phicentaprcvia. Clin. Bull., Rich- LABOR. 44 LABOR. Ti.*ll»or (CompUcatctl) from jilacenta prtevia. mond. 1901, vi, 97-103.— Hart (D.B.) On placenta prae- via. Edinb. M. J., 1890-91. xxxvi, 416-420.-----. Placenta prtevia. Tr. Edinb. ()li-t. Soc, 1892-3, xviii, 25-35,6 pi. Also: Cong, period, internat. de g\u6c et d'obst. C.-r. 1892, Brux., 1894. 667-675. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Ann. de gvnec. et d'obst.. Par., 1892, xxxviii, 300-371.— Hawkins (V.J.) Report of a case of delivery at six and one half months, ou account of repeated hemorihages, in a case oi lateral placenta pnevia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul. 1890, x, 318.— Hayward (G. G.) Placeuta pra- via. Huston M. & S. J., 1892, cxxvii.421-427.—Redback (A. E.) Placenta previa occurring twice in the sarin pa- tient. St. Paul M. J., St Paul. Minn. 19,13. v, 48. Helvie (C. A.) Acaseof jilacenta jirevia. Med. News. N. Y.. 1899, lxxv, 76.—HcndrixMon (II.) Placenta previa. Colum- bus M. J., 1900, xxiv, 121-126. [Discussion], 134-142. Also: Gaillard's M. J., N.Y., 19(10, lxxii, 1112-1116.'—Henkcl. Ein in toto ausgestossenes 8 Mouate altes Placenta jn33- via-Ei. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1901. xiv, 177._Henrolay (•!.) Placenta praevia; mere et enfant vivaiits. Ann. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1899, lxi, 203-207.— Henry (J. G.) Seven cases of jilacenta previa. Boston M. 6c S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 632-634.—von Herd (O.) His- toriscbe Beiuerkung zur Entwh kiungsh lire von der Pla- centa praevia totalis. Centialld. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 649-652. — Hcuek (II.> Kin neuer Fall von Luft- emboliebei Placenta pnevia. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- niik., Stuttg., 1-91. xxviii, 140-144.—Hick» (J. B.) Intro auction to a discussion on placenta praevia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, v. 1205-1207. Also: Select essays A. monog., Lond., 1901, 8.,-9l. Also [Abstr.l: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s.. xlviii, 195-197. —Hill (P. Iv) A case of placenta praevia in a patient suffering Ironi mitral valvular disease. Lancet, Loud., 1891. ii, 14.— Hiudc(A.) Two additional cases of sjiontaneous delivery in jilacenta pne- via. Med. Rec, N. V., 1887, xxxi, 711—Hirigoycn (L.) Hemorrhagie i-etroplaci-ntaiie; accouchement, premature 8pontan6. Rev. incus, de gyn6c [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii, 275-277.—Hirth. Placenta praevia. Ztschr. f. Wund- artze u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1883, xxxiv, 73; 165.— Horacheluiann (E.) Fiinf Falle von Placenta praevia. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1901, n. E., xviii, 111- 113.— Hofmeier (M.) Ueber Placenta pnevia. Verhandl. il. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., l>-88, ii, 159-163. -----. Zur Entstehung der Placenta pnevia. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg , 1894, xxix, 1-17, 1 pi. -----. Zur Nomenklatur der Placenta praevia. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leijiz., 1895, xix, 617-620. -----. Zur Anatoinie der Placenta pnevia. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Lei|iz., 1895, vi, 621-627. -----. Ueber Placenta praevia. Ibid., 1897, vii 204-225. -----. Zur Anatomie der Placenta jiraevia. Ibid., 1901, ix, 486-490. Also: Sit- zungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zur Wiirzb., 1901, 28-30.— Holinaii (J. C.) Placenta pnevia. Texas M. J., Aus- tin, 1p97-8, xiii, 436-145. — Holt (G. E.) A case of pla- centa jnavia. St, Barth. llosji. J., Loud., 1901-2. ix, 136. — Hoolc (J.) A comjilicateil case of jilacenta praevia. Lancet, Lond., 1901. ii, 978.—Horubogen (A. W.) A case of placenta previa. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1892, iv, 294.—IIuberl (E.) Placenta praevia central et 61vtro- cyste. Rev. in6d.. Louvain, 1896-7, xv, 49-51. -----.'Pla- centa jinevia central: hemon ha-jies graves; accouche- ment jirovoqiie j)iu- reiytrocyste a 7A mois; enfant vivant; mere gin-rio. iijncs iihlegm-.tia al'-a dolens. Ibid.. 1897-8, xvi, 12-15.— II it III (II.) Ueber Lufteinbolie bei Placenta jinevia. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1600, xiii. 111-114.— [Hiiter. ] Placenta prasvia. Eucvclopad. Wdrtcrb. d. med. Wissensch., 8°, Berl., 1842, xxvii, 468-501. — Huff- man ((!. S.) Ileport of a caso of placenta previa. Kan- sas M. Cat., Fort Scott, 1893, iv, 200.—Hunt (O. G.) A case of placenta praevia centralis. N. Am. J. Homu-op., N. Y., 1888. 3. s., iii. 633-636 — H uutei- (II. M.) Pla- centa jinevia. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery. 1890, 375-3-U. Also: Alabama M. Ac S. Age, Anniston, i8s9-90, ii, 433-439. — IglcoiaM (M. S.) Placenta previa k causa de deslizamieiito. Gac med., Mexico. 1898, xxxv, 340-350.— Ingermlw (E.) Prolapsus placenta-. Hosp.-Tid., Kj - beuli . 1-92, 3. s., x, 849-852.-Irviug (P. A.) Placenta jnavia. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1897, 149-102. Also: P.i Month. Bull. Univ. Coll. Med, Richmond, 1897, ii, 192-200. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1897-8. ii, 373-379 — ,1 cIinoii (G. H.) Placenta praevia. Yale M. .L, N. Haven, 1896-7, iii, 134.—Jacob (L.) Pla- centa inscie sur h- segment inferieurde l'uterus; bemor- ragie grave au debut du travail; du traitement de ces liemorraiiie.s. Marseille med., 1901, xxxviii, 417-424__ Jardine (R ) Aute-jiartum haemorrhage, with an analy- sis of fifty-one cases of placenta praevia. Tr. Glasgow Obst. .fcGynaec Soc, 1896-8. i, 52: 89. \lso: Glasgow M.J., 1898, xlix, 11-27. [Discussion ], 216-219.—.1 en li i u m (G. F.) Two cases of placenta previa. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Des Moines, 1900. xviii, 157-163. Also: Obstetrics, N. Y.. 1901. iii. '.'74-278 .lcnuiii<-.. (It. G.) One of the maternal dys- tocia- Tr. M. Soc Aikaii.sav Little Rock, 1888, 92-96.— Johci»on (II. L. E.j A case of placenta praevia marginalis Labor (Complicated) from placenta pravia. with favorable termination without obstetric interference Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1890-91 xxiv,30-32. Also, I!eprint.— Jordan (M. I). L.) Placenta jinevia centralis. Memphis M. Month., 1890, x, 57-69. — Italia tE.i Placenta pnevia centralis, Zwillingsschu angei M-halt, Gehirnenibolic St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1895, n. P.. xii. 144 — Kallen- baeh (R.) Zur Pdthogene.se der Placenta jna>via. Zt- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1890, xviii, 1-8, 1 pi. Also [Abstr. J: Arch. f. Gvnaek., Bei I., 1889. xxxvi, 522- 524. — Kanesugi ( E.) [Placenta praevia marginalis.] Sankwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899-1900, ii, 209- 272.—Ka>iuio|T.| ['Ihrce observations of placenta pne- via.] Osaka Yoi Zasshi, 1888, no. 97. 1-18; no. 98, 1-10.__ Kowako (S.) [Two cases of jilacenta praevia.] San- kwa Fujinkwa Gaku Zasshi, Tokyo, 1902, 50-56. — Keil. ■■■ a a n (A.) Die Entwickeluntisbediugungen der Placen- ta pnevia. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. G.uiiik., Stuttg., 1895, xxxiii, 21-35. - Kelly (J. V.) Placenta jiraevia. Obst' Gaz.. Cincin., 1887, x. 119-12!. K(iii|if(E .1.) Placenta previa. West. M. Repiirtei-,('hicago, 188., ix, 273.—King (C.) A case of |ilacenta jirevia. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxii, 464. — King (K. W.) Statistics of jilacenta previa. Tr. Indiana M. Soc. Indianap., 1879, xxix. 43-92. Also, Reprint.— Kintcr (P. E.) Preulezhaniye poslieda. [Pla- centa pnevia. i Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk. (1884.. 18h5, 42-87.- Klein (E.) Ueber 138'Geburten bei Placenta pravia tl.s96-190tl). Ber. a. d. 2. geburtsh.• gyniikol. Klin, in Wien, 1902,297-332. Also, transl.: Ann. de gynec. et d obst. Par, 1902, lviii. 120-132.—Knox i.l.S.) Placenta jirevia. Marvland M. J., Bait., 1890, xxiii. 240- 242.—Kramer (A.) Ueber den Luftciutritt iu die Ye- nen des Uterus bei Placenta, praevia. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1888, xiv, 489-499. —Kruken ber j£. Demonstration eines Medianschnittsdurchein^ Kteissentle mit Placeuta prtevia. Ibid., 1893, xxvii, 181-188. — Kti- bia yi (P.) A Hofmeier-Kaltenhachfele placenta pnevia- thcoria tiimogatasa keszitmenynel. [The support of . . . by its results.1 Orvosi hetil., Budajiest, 1901, xiv, 31.— Laulaigue. Placenta jirtevia central. Arch. ui6d. d'Angers, 1903. vii, 23-29.—Leavitt (F.) Placenta jire- via. St. 1'aul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901. iii, 805-811__ Leiberg (Carrie K.) A case of placenta praevia. Med. Sentinel,'Portland, Oreg., 1897, v, 49-52.—Lemarchand (A. W.) A case of jdaenna jinevia. Lancet, Lond., 1902, i, 1176.— Leiiiiaiuli-r (K. G.) Tie fall af'placmia pras- via, i ettat fallen med varbildning i symphysis ossium pu- bis. [Three cases of. . . , one with suppuration in . . .] Ujisala Liikaref. Kiiih., 1889-90, xxv, 230-248.—Leopold. Ueber den Durchtritt des Kindes bei Placenta jinevia. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak. 1889, Leipz., 1890, 27".'.-2*l. —Le Page (J. F.) Placenta pravia. Prov. M.J., Leicester, 1887, vi, 301-305. AIso, Reprint— Ler- miiHcaii. Trois cas de placenta praevia. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege, 1889, xxviii, 359-363.—Le»»c (W.) Ein weiterer Fall von Lufteinbolie bei Placenta pnevia. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1896, xxxv. 184- 191.— Levy (ft.) Des hemorrhaging dues k l'iusertion vi- cieuse du jilacenta avant les Hois dernier mois de 111 gros- sesse. Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1885, xvii, 145-162.— Lewis iC. L.). jr. A case of jilacenta previa. Nashville J. M. 6c S., 1891, lxix. 149. — Libbj (E. A.) Report of a c ise of jilacenta jirevia complicated bv a transverse jiresentalion. J. Med. .1 Sc, Portland. 1899-1900. vi 226.— Lindwall (J. W.) Placenta pnevia. Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1*86, xlviii, 639-641.—Livingstone '(11. P.i Pla- centa previa. Canad. Pract. 6c Rev., Toronto, 1903, xxviii, 81 83 — Loekhart (V. D.) A complicated case ot labor; jilacenta previa; hvdramnios; fatty degeneration of the placenta. South. M. Rec, Atlanta, 1894. xxiv, 411-413.— Logan (G. D.) A rare complication in a case of placenta pnevia. Lancet. Loud., 18^7. i, 1029.—Lop. Placenta praevia et rupture du sinus circulairc N. Montpel. med., 1896, v, 1015-1020. -----. De l'hemorragie interne daus les cas de placenta praevia oude placenta um inalemeiit insere. Presse m6d., Par., 1898, ii, 1. - Lovejoj ( O. S. ) tour cases of placenta pra-via. Boston MA S. J., 1886, cxiv. 84.—Lowry |S. L.) A case of placental juesentation. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1.-86-7, ii, 273.—Lusk (Z.J.) Report of eight cases of placenta previa. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1894, vii, 66-69.—Lyle (K. P. R.) Placenta praevia. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1901 i M5. —Jlaenn (A. V.) Placenta jinevia, with liydnn-e|ihalus. Dubpu J. M. Sc, 1881, lxxi, 72-76. Also, Reprint — Tlacandrew 1II.) A case of placenta praevia, with ha-morrhage after di-liver\ N. Zealand M.J., Dunediu, 1894. vii, 15.— Tie* all ill. P..) Acaseof labor at full term complicated by placenta praevia; uterus being divided into two artificial chambers by a transverse septum of adventitious organic structuie, with a, central opening large enough to admit two lingers, through which cord descended from foetus above to pla- centa below, implanted over os. Cincin. Lancet-Cliuic, 1888, n. s . xx. 35-39. Also: N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 343-35(i— VEcftaughey (J. B.) Does laceration ot the neck of the uterus predispose to jilacenta praevia! North- west. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xi, 110.— JlcIlwraith(K. C.) LABOR. 45 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from placenta pravia. A case of placenta jinevia. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1902 3. xxxvi, 702.— .lliirkiii'NN (G. O. C.) Notes ou a ,ase of jilacenta praevia. Tr. Edmli. Obst. Soc, 1891-2, xvii. 1 Iii-120. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1892-3, xxx \ iii. 249-252.— Itlajoeehi iA.) Sopra un altro caso di jilacenta pre\ia centialc Arte ostet.. Milano, 1901, xv, 136-1 in. — ?lale- sani tL.) Caso di placenta previa centrale trattato col jiai to for/ato. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1890, xxv, 170. — IIiii-k (W. A.) Przypadck sztnc/nego odklejcnia lozyska wraz z warstwa, niie.sui maoiey. (Lii cas de deeol- lement irtiticiel du placenta avec.une eouche de fibres musculaires de l'uterus. Res , p. lxxix ] Pr/.egl. chir., Warszawa. 1893-4, i, 659-665, 1 jil—.Marlin (Iv D.) A case of placenta pnevia in jiriiuijiara with inertia of uterus. Proc Orleans Parish M. Soc. 1895, N. Oil., 1896. iii, pp. xxxv-xxxvii.— Marl ia i W. J.) Acaseof placenta previa. Tr. HoiiKi-op. M. Sot-. Penn.. Phila., 1886, xxii. 222-225.— [2?Inrtiuclti t.A.i] l-'.iuorragia gravissitna per jilacenta previa; minaccia di niorte jut sincojie ex vacuo; govenio speciale nell' ass>tenza a ipie-to parto. Ann. di o-tet., Milano, 1888. x. 29-32.—.Marvel P.) A ca-c of placenta praevia. J. Am. M. Ass.. (. Im -a no. lssS, xi, 591. — M a like (Anna). Yorliegende Nachgeburt mit gliicklrchem Yer- lanf. Allg. deutsche HebaiiT. Ztg.. Perl., 1902. xvii, 334. ------Yorliegeiuler Muttei kucben : Tod der Mutter und desKindcs. Ibid.. '■'< <'.—/Merle iL.) Insertion velamen- teuse et laterocideiice du coidon dans un cas de jilacenta prtevia.. Obstetrique, Par., 1896. i, eti-t'.i'.—Meyrau (L.) Insertion du jilacenta ties pres du col; quatre hemor- ' ragies dans le conrant de la gto.-scsse. J. d. sages- femmes. Tar., 1886, xiv, 155.— .Miller (W. H. ) Pla- centa previa. Med. Age, Detroit, 1902, xx, 444-448.— .Milne (A.) Remarks on placenta praevia, with a case. Edinb. M. J., K»07. xiii, 424-433. Also, Reprint.—IMilnrr (T. 0.) Placenta praevia. with report of case. South- | west. M. Sc S. Reporter, Fort Worth, 1895-6, i, 122-124 — .Moii»ioi-»hi >. i Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz von I Gubar. its: I'eb. r einen Fall von Placenta praevia. Moiiat- It. f. c. I.uitsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1898. vii, 308- 310.—Moore (M. L.) Placenta praevia; report of cases. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles. 1902, xvii, ir.8-170.— /Moore (W. G.) A bloodless case of jilacenta praevia. St. Louis (.'our. Med., 1903. xxix, 21. [Discussion], 57.— /Moran (-T. F.) Placenta jiraevia marginalis. complicated with inertia uteri. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. 1p91, I xviii, 767-770. ------. Placenta pi. via. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1903, xlviii, 76-80.—/Moreno .M.. Placenta jirevia: heinorragia; parto prematuro; septicemia consecutiva. | Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 189a. xvi. 121-128. —.floi-- lill id. L.i Case of placenta previa totalis; general adlii-Mun of the placenta: ncovciy after profuse bemor- j rhage. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1>87'. xx, 019-621. —.Mor- ris I J. i Labor comiilicated by pi icenta pnevia and an intramural fibroid tumor. Maryland M. J., Pair.. 18<-5-6, xiv. 263-266. Also: Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., W0. bv. 197. Also: N. Yoik M. J., Is86. xliii, 132. Also: North Car. M. J. Wilmington. I>s6,xvii, 75-80. —'-—. Placenta praevia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii, 141.—Piloses (G. A.) Placenta jirevia with eases. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xviii, 1-8. — .Moya (P.) Del valor que puede darse k la direccion segiin I i cual se ronipen las membranas. para el diagnostieo de plae. nta previa. Gac. med. d. Norte, Bilbao, 1895. i, 111: 124. — Mueller 1 A.1 Case of jilacenta praevia centralis, with arm presentation ; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., SmIiu-v, I?91-2. xi, 434 — Miiuehnieyer (F.) Ueber den Vorfall der Nachgeburt bei regelmassigem Sit/.e derselben. Arch. f. Gynaek., Bell.. 1888, xxxiii. 480-497.--.Vim-free (J. B.) Placenta previa. Nashville J. M- Sc S., 1-96 Ixxx, 103- 112.—.Murray (R. A.) Three cases of jilacenta jmevia causing abortion. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc . Phila.. 189(1. xv, 360-366.— .M* i-i-N 1 A. F.) Placenta jinevia, with notes of cases. Lehigh \';,lleV M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1890-91. ii, 44-48. A'-o: 1 nn. s Sc Reg.. N. Y. & Phila., 1890, xxi, 501- 504.—>a pier (A. \). L.) A foetus of four months' devel- opment contained within an unrujilured amnial sac with nlacenta praevia attached. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1892), 1893, xxxiv, 158.— .\eale (L. E ) Placenta pnevia, with report of a c ine. Mar\ land M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii, 143- 145. Also, Reprint. Also: Weekly M. Riv., St. Louis, 1888, xvii, 41-14— ,\elile«t (N. II.)' fasc of placenta prae- via centralis, with complete adhesion of jilacenta. Vir- ginia M. Month., Richmond, 18*9-90. xvi, 104. —X ell'U. P..) A case of placenta pnevia jiaitialis. Med. Minor. St. Louis, 1897, xxv, 180-192. — TVewman (V. L.> Placenta previa. Physician Sc Surg., Ann Arbor & Detroit, 1891, xiii, 385-390. Also: Tr. Detroit M. Sc Libr. Ass., 1891, 159- 164. — lVewmnii (H. P.) A report of five cases of pla- centa previa. Maryland M.J., Bait., 1890, xxiii, 332-335.— IVichollo (A. I!. C ) Clinical record of a case of placenta previa, followed 1,\ inn-iperA fever. Alabama M.&S.J., Birmingh.. 1886, i, 1*4 — >ijhoIf. Placenta pnevia (pro-' gnose 1 11 therapie). Mcil. Rev., Haarlem, 1902, ii. 573-585.— \ixoa 1 H. C.) Case of placenta jinevia. Med. Press & Lire. Lond., 1887, u. s., xliv, 173.—iVoer (J.) A case of j.'llior (Complicated) from placenta prtevia. placenta previa centralis. Med Xews, Phila., 1892, lxi, 679-681. Also, Reprint. — Nolo (A.) Placenta jirevia. 1st. ostet. ginec d. r. T'niv. di Palermo. Rendic clin. (1901). 1902, 60-63.—IVott (T. Iv), jr. A case ol jdaei nta praevia, with faulty position of the child. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1890-91, 11. s.,' vii. 072-674. —Oluershuw (.1.) Case of jilacenta praivia. Lancet, Loud., 1887, ii, i;oi. — Ort- iveiler (L.i Leber Phieenla pnevia. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aer/.lc Prankf. a. M., 1899, viii, 189; 536. 0»lr\ termination. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1900, xiv, 132. —Roberts (T. S.) A casoof central placeuta praevia. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1891, xiv. 232-234.— Robinson (A. II.) Uterus showing placenta pra-via. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (ls'.ldl. 1891, xxxii, 67. Rochet. Placenta pra-via lateral; mort de la mere et de l'cnfaiif. k la seconde hemorragic, avant qu'on ait pu terminer raceouchemeut. J. de med., chir. et phai inacol.. Ihiix.. Iss8, lxxxvi, 527-529. — Rokitansky (C.).jr. Leber Placenta jinevia. Ocsterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1873, xix, IM; 197; 213. Also. Reprint. — Rosenfeld. Fall von Placenta pnevia ohne voraiisgegangene Blutun- gen in der Scbwangerschaft. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Beil., 1892, xiii, 964. Also: Frauenarzt, Perl., 1893, viii, 10.— Ross (J.) Placenta pra;yia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 1014. — Rueder. Zwolf Fiille von Placenta jiraevia. Miinehen. med. Wchnschr., Is93. xl, 619-621.—Sal les (E.) Placenta pravia hemoriagiijue; accouchement inetbodi- qiiemciit rajiidc. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, 161-164— Nawur (E. W.) Partial rotation of the ovum in eailv juegnain \ a cause of jilacenta praevia. Tr. Am. Gynec'. So, . Phila., 18,-9, xiv, 317-324, 1 pi.—Saxe (G. G.) Placenta previa. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiv, 379.— Schal/.. Leber Placenta praevia. Yerhaudl.d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, vii, 226-252.—Schra- der (AY.) Zur Pathogenese der Placenta praevia. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1890, xix, 25-30.—Schro- der (C.) Ueber die Pedeutnng des Blasensjirunges bei Placenta pra-via lateralis. Ibid., 1877, i, 225-230. Also, Reprint.- *< liulil. Injections de serum artificicl dans un cas d'heniorragie grave due a une insertion vicieuse du placenta. Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 1897, xxix. 65-72.— Sili\«ab. Trois placentas lnargines offraut tous trois dis heinorrhagies par rupture du sinus circulaire. Bull. Soc d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 408.—Srhwarz (F.) Pla- centa jinevia in utero hicorn. unicoll. si-jit. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1891, xxxv. 294. Also transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, ls91, xxvii. 1 ni7. Also, transl.: Frauen- arzt, I'.eil.. Ie91, vi, 12-10. —Neott (S. R.) Case of pla- centa jii-n via. St. Barth. IIo-p. J , Lond., 1900-1901, viii, 122.—Mebillottc. Un cas de placeuta pra-via. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 146-149. [Discussion], 221-224.— Serbs Berichte iiber Geburten mit vorliegendem Mutter- kuchen. Allg. deutsche Ilebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 95-98.— Shannon (J. R.) Placenta previa, and rcjioi t of cases. Atlanta M. A S. J., 1896-7, n. s., xiii, 237.—Shel- ley (J. F.) Marginal placenta pnevia; aute-partum ha-monhnge, which diminished in intensity as pregnancy advanced; fatly degeneration of dependant part of pla- centa; spontaneous delivery jiremature; shoulder presen- tation. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1>90. xlix. 499.—Simons (T. G.) Laceration of the cervix uteri as a factor in producing pla- centa prtevia. Internat. M. Mag., Phda., 1893-4, ii.' 1105— 1108. Also, Reprint.—Simpson (J. ('.) Two cases of placenta jim-via. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890,ii,845.—Siunt- shi (I!. L.) K kazuistikie placentas praeviae centralis. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., ltWJ, xiv. 202-204.—Smith (P. M.) Placenta jirevia: a case in practice. South- west. M. (ia/., Louisville, 18.-8. ii. 162-164. ------. Placenta pievia. li. Indiana M. Soc , Fort Wayne, 1896, 11-15.— Smith iM. M.) Placenta pnevia, -with report of a case. Texas M News, Austin. 1899. viii. 215-218. — Niioi-p (J. P.) Placenta praevia centralis. In his: Yeilosk. bvdr. 8' Middelh., 1853,1-20.—Sonden i M.) Fall af placenta pra'- via, kompl med stort tibromyom i uterus. [Case of . . . complicated with large fibromyoma of uterus.] Sveiis. Lak.-Salllsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1886, 144—Sprinjjlc (J. A.) Case of placenta piaevia (centralis). Montreal M. J„ leUl-2, xx, 572-574.—Squires (G. AY.) Placenta Lal>01* (Complicated) frttm placenta prtevia. pnevia or detached placenta. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix 173— Stanton (II.) Plan nta jirevia. Am. J. Obst' N. Y., 1889, xxii, 535-544—Ntniilon (\V.) Placenta pre- via. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv. 801-8H3. —Ntapfer (H.) Intervention dans un cas d'insertion vicieuse du jilacenta et description d'tine pince percc membranes. Lnion med., Par., 1890, 3. s., xlix, 13-17. Slnudenuiayer. Placenta praevia centralis. Ztschr. f. Wundai zte u Geburtsh., Win- nenden, 1874-5, xxvi, 7-14.—Mlevensou (Sarah II.) A study of placenta previa, especially the causes of hemor- rhage. Chicago M. Recorder, 1891, vi, 83-89. Also: Tr. Paii-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash.. 1895, pt. l,879-s82.-Stew- art (R. W.) A case of jilacenta jirevi i centralis. Am. .1. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlvii. -HO 105. Strassuiaiiu (P.) Leber Placenta praevia. Ztschr. t. Ceburisli. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1900-1901, xliv, 529-546. | Diseiissioii|, 1901. xiv, 164-170. ------. Placenta pne\ ia. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.\ 1P02, xlvii, 112-275,1 pi.-Strata (C. II.) Peber Placenta praevia. Ztschr. f. Geburtsb. u. Gyniik., Stuttg.. 1*!i3, xxvi, 413-425, 1 pi.—Suler (II.) Report of a ease of partial . separation of the placenta, causing accidental hemorrhage during juegnancy and premature delivery. Tr. Wash. Obst.& Gynec Soc. 1891-5. N. Y., 1896, iv, 21-23.- Un eel- apple (II. A.) Placenta prtevia. Australas. M. (iaz., Sidney. 1902, xxi, 415. — Tarnier. Insertion vicieuse du placenta. J. d. sages-feinmes, Pan, 1890, xviii, 73. " ------. Ilemorragie par insertion vicieuse du jilacenta. Ibid., 1892, xx, 41-43. ------. n&moi'i hagie par insertion vicieuse du jilacenta. Ibid., 49-51. ------. lI6inorragies par insertion vicieuse du jilacenta. Bull, med., Par., 1894, viii, s'25-8'7. ------. Hemorrhagie par insertion vioieusn du jilacenta. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1896, xxiv, 25; 33; 41; 49; 57. ------. De l'iiisertion vicieuse du placenta. Gaz. med. de Par., 1896, 9, s., iii. 1-3. Also, transl.: Leva- vatrice coed., Roma, 1896, v, 165- 169 —Taylor (M. H.) Case of jilacenta jinevia. Lancet. Lond., 1887, i, s7i.— Todd (C. E.) Sc Sweelapple (II. A.) . A case of pla- centa praevia with ioui noted os and rigid cervix. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1902, xxi, 143.—van Mweringen (H. ) A case of placenta prtevia. .7. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 627. Townseail (C. W. ) Pla- centa pi-SBvia and uraemia in the same jiatient. Bos- ton M. Sc S. J., 1892, exxvi, 550. ------. Placenta prae- via at the Boston Lying-in llosjiital. Ibid., J893. exxix, G12-614. Also, Reprint. ------. Repoit of two cases of pla- centa jiraevia.with antepartum infection; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 424.—Traileseu (I.) Trei casurl de placenta'jirevia inarginala. Spitalul, Bucuresci. 19(10, xx, 241-241.—Trawick (G. C.) Placenta pra-via. South. Practitioner, Nashville. 1902, xxiv, 591-601.—Treub. A propos de 50 cas de jilacenta jmevia. Obstetrique. Par., 1898, iii, 246-249. Also: Presse med.. Par.. 1898, i. 228.— Trowbridge (G. li.) Two cases of placenta jirevia. Buffalo M. J., 1897-8, xxxvii, 423.—Trnsli. A case of placenta jiraevia centralis. Tr. Obst. Soc Cincin., Is79- 85, ii, 344-351.—Turk. Ein Fall von Lufteinbolie bei Placenta jmevia mit tiidtlichem Aus-ange. ■ Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg..Berl., 1902,lxxi,539. Also: Med.BL,Wien. 1902, xxv,443.—Tura/.za (G.) Sojiraun casoparticolaredi pla- centa prtvia. Riv.venetadi sc. med.,Venezia, 1901, xxxi'-, 201-208.—Turley (F. C.) Two cases of low implantation of placenta causing failure of contraction of lower uterine segment and post jiaitum hemorrhage. Woman's M.J., Toledo. 1899, ix,79.— Va a Hassel. Placenta pnevia cen- tral; jiyoht-tnie. Pull. Soc beige de gynec et d'obst.,Brux., 1893, iv, 135-112— Varnier (II.) Heinorrhagies de la fin de la grossesse et du travail dues k 1 insertion vicieuse du placenta sur le segment inferieur de I'literus. Rev. jirat. d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'euf.. Par., 18ns, i, 97; 129; 161; 505; 225. ------. Insertion vicieuse du jilacenta. Anjou med., Angers, 1894-7, 107; 125. ------. 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M.) A case of placenta-juevia in jiriniiniira, 31 years old; 8 months ami 20 days pregnancy. Med. Brief, St,Louis, 1899, xxvii, 536. —Way (J. II ) Ovulation with- out menstruation for twenty years; jilacenta pra-via; is it always a condition of extreme dangeri Nashville M. News. 1>87,i, 153-156.— Webster ol. C.) Two specimens of jdacenia jinevia. J OUm. .vGyna-c lirit, Eniji., Lond., 1902. i. 272-282.—von Weiss (0.) Leber Placenta meni- branacea und ihre P.e/iebungen zur Placenta praevia. Wien klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 915-919. -----. Zm Kasu- istik der Placenlajinevia centralis. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 641-649. -----. Zur Frage der Placenta praev;a corvicalis. Ibid., 1011-1013.----. Zur Kcuutnis der Placenta ura-via centralis. Jahrb. d. bosn.-heroes;. Landessjiit. in Satajeva 1894-6, Wien. 1898. 742-750 Weu- niiitf i \V. II.) A studv of the pathology of placenta pre- via Tr. Am. Ass. Obst". A Gynec. 1893. Phila., 1894. vi, 67- 88—West (II. A.) 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'IaTpiKij ir/>6o£o?, 'Ef 2uptii, 1901, vi, 7S-.-4. — Zoni iF.) Ein Fall von Lufteinbolie bei Pla- centa pnevia. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 567.— Zurlini (Clement in,, i. Un caso di placenta jirevia cen- trale. Gior. p. le levatrici. Milano, 1887, i, 52-55. liabor (Complicated) from placenta pree- via—(Nan a os is. Au varil. Thrombus de la levre anterienredu col ute- rin; jilao--nta jirsevia sans hemorrhagic et poche des eaux voluiuineu-e lormee vraiseinblablement jiar 1'amnios seul. Arch, de tocol , Par.. 18-8 xv .iCS-.vro. —Bnrsjer. Tritt Placenta praevia auch obne Illutung auf.' Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903. 1. 296. —Huntley (G. II i 1 he diagno- sis of accidental fasBiuoiThagi- lioin placenta jmevia. Mass. M. J.. Post.. 1896. xvi 304. —Lialhrop (W. II ) Appar- ent jilacenta praevia. Po-too M. V s. .)., 1889. exx, 582.— Koseafcld. Fall vi n PI icenta praevia obne vorans- gegatu'eiit Phitungen in der S< hwangerschaft. 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Cressox ;H.-V.) * Traitement des hdmor- rliagies placentaires des Irois derniers mois de Labor (CompUcatctl) from jilacenta pra- via—treatment. Li orossesso pai• 1Y\ aeualion iiifaleefc manuelle de l'uterus ou accouchement force. 8'-. Lille, 1900. ])ri'o.\T(A.-Y.) * Du placenta prtevia; el tide critique des princijiales mofhodes employees en Franco; vtiletir du tamjioniicinent tin point de vue du pratieien. S . Paris, 1898. Dyliox (Mile. Berta). * De I'insertion vici- euse du jiliicenta; «vss;»i de clinique Ihcrajiou- tique. -1°. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1890. Fleiscilmaxn (F.) * Fin Beitrag zur Thera- jiie Lei Placenta prtevia. 8' . Kiel, 1901. Gonzalez (G.) * Breves considcraciones so- Lrc la pntogeuia y tratainiento de las hemorra- oias pur inscrcion viciosa de la placenta. 8°. Mexico, 1887. IIeiluuonn (K.) * Ueher Placenta pneviti mit liesonderer Beriicksichtigung der Tamponade als therajieutisehes Yerfahren. 8°. Marburg, is**/. 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Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. Sc Beil., 1887, xiii, 725.— Aldcrson (F. H.) The treatment of placenta praevia; with report of two cases. Med. Press & Circ, LoniL, 1890, n. s., xlix, 527-529. Also. Reprint. Also: Prov. M.d ., Lei- cestei-,1890, ix,322-325. Also, Reprint.—Allen (J. E.) The treatment of placenta previa. Georgia J. M. Sc S., Savan- nah, 1902, x, 264-260.—A nanoff (S. I.) K liecheniyu pla- centa-praeviae. [Treatmentof. . .] Nauch. Besedy vrach. Zakavkazsk. Poival. Inst., Tiflis. 1889, iv, 49-57.—Aude- bert. Insertion centrale du placenta, traitee par la m6- thode de Braxton-IIicks. Toulouse m6d., 1901, 2. s., iii, 251; 253. Also: ficho med., Toulouse, 1901, 2. s., xv, 551; 577. Also [Abstr.]: J. d. sages-feinmes, Par., 1902, xxx, 76-7S.—A udry (C.) Du tamponnement intra-ut6rin apres la delivrance en cas de placenta pravia. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890,. xvii,.729-734. Also: Lyon med., 1890, lxiv, 75- 80. Also: Mom. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1890), 1891 xxx, 138-144.— Baker (O.) Champetier de "Ribes's has in placenta prasvia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1026.—Ball (R. R.) A case of placenta praevia cen- tralis, with its successful management. Med. Rec, N. T., 1889, xxxv, 346. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1889-90, xvi, 34-36.— Ballantyne (J. AY.) Placenta praevia; its dim trers and treatment. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898, 8. s., i, 48-56.—Banta (R. L.) Treatment of pla- centa praevia. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1885-6, xxv, 339-344.— Bar. Traitement du placenta praevia. J. d. sages-fem- mes, Par.,1894, xxiv,81-X3.—Barnes (R.) The theory.and tieatmeutofplacentapraevia. Lancet, Lond., 1887,i, 700.— Barnetehc. Insertion du placenta sur le col ut6rin; version. J. deincil.de Bordeaux, 1850,393-400.—Baronc (A.) Contribuzione alio studio del meccanismo e tratta- rn en to dell' emorragia per inserzione viziosa della placenta con 1' applicazione di un nuovo mt-todo terapeutica. Ras- segna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1897, vi, 65; 142; 209.— Kailcls Ueber Indicatiouen und Verfahrungsweisen bei Placenta praevia centralis. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berl., 1848, iii, 77-122. — B[atnaud] (J.) Traitement des hemorrhagies par insertion vicieuse du placenta. Rev. med.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1897, xix, 517-522. — Ban mm (P.) Zur Behandlung der Pla- centa praevia. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1895, xix, 1043-1045. Also: Frauenarzt, Berl., 1895, x, 529-531.— Billitteri (F.) Emostasiaeiidouterinanelleiuetrorragie postpartum da placenta previa centrale.' Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 3, 183. Also: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1894), 1895, 146-148. — Bishop (P. E.) A method of treating placenta previa, some points of which are not to lie found in the standard works of midwiferv. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1886, cxv, 225-227.—Blacker (G. F.) Treatment of placenta praevia by Champetier de Ribes' bag. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 979. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 1094. AUo: Am. J. Obst, X Y., 1897, xxxv, 833-836. Also: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1897), 1898, xxxix, 138-155.— Bleylc (H. C.) Management of hemorrhage incident to placenta praevia. Med.. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxii, 66-72. — Bonnaire (E.) Placenta praevia h6mor- rhagiqueetaccouchementniethodiqueinentrapide. Presse med., Par., 1897, ii. 85-89.—Boqucl (A.) Du traitement de I'insertion du placenta sur le segment infcriiur. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1899, iii, 392-408.—ten Bosch (J.) Pla- centa praevia centralis, insertio funiculi umbiliealis vela- mentosa; versie met opvolgendc extractie eener levende vrucht; moeder hersteld. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1889, i, 215-218,—Bourlct (P.) [et Labor (Complietttetl) from placenta pree- via—treatment. al.}. Placenta praevia occupant toute Paire dc l'oiiflce uterin dilate; accouchement a terme; extraction de l'en- fant par version podalique pratique-ea ti avers le placenta; enfant en etat de mort apparente, raniin6 apr^s 55 minutes (l'iiisufflation. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1899, i, 13-17.— Boyd (J. P.) Some facts relating to the diagnosis and treatment of placenta previa. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila., 1890, iii, 10-23. — Brehm (S. II.) The management of placenta pra-via. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1892, iv, 679-684.— Breisky. Ueber Pathologie und Therapie der Placenta praevia. Centralbl. f. d. ges.Thcrap., Wien, 1887, vii, 353-365. —Brown (15.) Contribution to the pathology of adherent placenta. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897, xxi, 76-80. Also, transl.: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1897, xxxii, 133; 161. —Burks ( C. R. ) Treatment of placenta praevia. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 1055-1062.—Campbell (J.) Pla- centa praevia centralis; report of a case; treatment, etc. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1894, iii, 5-8. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894, lxxi, 68-70. -Canton (E.) Primer corte sagital piacticado en Slid America en un caso de preiiez & t6rmino, con placenta previa total. Semana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1902, ix, 703-709.—t'hani- brelent. Accouchement rapidement aceel£re dans un cas d'h6morragie par insertion vicieuse du placenta; r6- sultat heureux pom la mere et pour l'enfant. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. do Bordeaux, 1902, xxiii, 4V1.—Charles (S.) Multipare k 5J mois do grossesse; insertion vicieuse du placenta; h6morragics r6pet6es; tamponnement; expul- sion du fcetus; guerison de la nifere; du tampon antisep- tique. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1886, vii, 85. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, l'ar., 18J-6, xiv, 75. -----. Multipare au 8° mois dela grossesse; insertion vicieuse du placenta; h6- niorragies r6p6tees; presentation de l'epaule droite en 1™ position; tamponnement; version podalique et extraction d'un enfant mort; suites de couches heureuses. J. d'ae- couch., Liege, 1887, viii, 13. -----. Multipare k terme, atteinte d'h6morrau'ie par placenta praevia; tamponife- ment, dechirure des membranes, version podalique et extraction d'un enfant mort; hypoderinochse; tamponne- ment combine postpartum; suites de couches jieu trou- bles. Ibid., 1897, xviii, 46. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1897, xxv, 228. -----. De la rupture des membranes dans I'insertion marginale du placenta; emploi de cctte ni6thode, (lite de Puzos, chez une multipare a,rriv6e k 8 mois de la grossesse; succes pour la mere et l'enfant. J. d'aecouch., Li6ge, 1893, xiv, 201.—Chawsaguy. De l'h6- niorrhagie avaut et aprfes l'accouchement dans les cas d'insertion du placenta sur le col; nouveaux moyens he- mostatiques. j. de med. de Lyon, 1868, ix, 145; 193.— Chiaki (Y.) [A case of placenta previa treated by the sac of Champetier de Ribes.} Tokyo Iji Shinshi, 1902, 390- 395.—Clarke (A. P.) The treatment of placenta jinevia. J, Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 463- 465. — Coen (J.) Dystocie par rigidity du col ut6rin et placenta previa; incisions lat6rales jusqu'aux culs-de-sac vaginaux; gue- rison. N. Arch, d'olj/it. et de gynec, Par., 1892, vii, 513- 520. Also: J d. sages-femmes, Par., 1893, xxi, 197; 204.— Ciimstou (C. G. ) Sudden death of women from pla- centa pra-via. withiemarks on treatment. Ann. Gyna-c. & Paediat., Phila., 1893-4, vii, 694-P97.—Ban forth (L.L.) The treatment of placenta praevia, with repoit of cases. Tr. Homoeop. M. Soc N. Y., 1897, xxxii, 95-101.—Be f.ee (•J. B.) The treatment of placenta praevia. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1900, xii, 329-338. -----. The treatment of pla- ceuta previa, based upon a studv of thirty eases. Am. G\nec, N. Y., 1902, i, 151-165. " Also: ('iiicimo M. Re- corder, 1002, xxiii, 88-100.—Be IHocrloose (Mile.) Trois cas de placenta praevia heureiisement terminus jiar la dila- tation artificielle du col. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1899, v, 54-56.—Be-Paoli (W.) Ueber die Behandlnng der Placenta praevia mit der Methode Rossi. Arch. t. Gynaek., Berl., 1903, lxix, 12-32. — Benmau (A. M.) Etiology and treatment of placenta previa. Southwest. M. & S.' Reporter, Fort Worth, 1895-6, i, no. 11, 43.—Don- ald (A. ) The treatment of placenta pnevia, with an analysis of twentv-seven cases. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892,' xvi, 162-167, 1 ch. — Bonkersloot (T. A.) Eeu nieuwe methode van hehandeling bi.i placenta praevia. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1895-6. ii, 161-164— Biihrssen (A.) Ueber die Behandlung der I lacenta jnavia mittels intra- uteriner Kolpeuryse. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.,Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx, 422-425. Also, Rejn int.—Eliot (L.) Pla- centa praevia; a plea for accouchement force.. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii. 217-221.—Everkc. Ueber die Behandlung der Placenta prasvia. Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 1891, v, 135-138.— Faueher (P. V.) Un petit coin de I'histoire dn traitement du placenta prasvia. Rev. med., Quebec, 1898-9, ii, 281.—Faucheux (A.) Placenta prae- via; hemorrhagic au debut du travail; extraction au forceps d'un fcetus niacer6; delivrance artificielle. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1903, i, 536-544. — Fen wick (C.) Cocaine in placenta praevia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, j 271. — Fest (T. B.) Auffassung und Behandlung der Placenta praevia in den Vereinigten Staaten. Mount- LABOE. 49 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from placenta pra- via—treatment. sehr. f Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1897, v, 161-167.— Fieux (G.) Cinq observations relatives an traitement de riiemorrhagie par insertion basse du placenta. Aim. de -vnec. et d'obst., Par., 1897, xlviii, 97 - 109. - Four. nier (C.) Accouchement force et version pour inser- tion vicieuse du placenta. Arch, de gynec. et de tocol., Par., 1896, xxiii, 39-43. -----. Accouchement force et ver- sion pour I'insertion vicieuse du placenta avec heinor- rhagies. Obstetrique, Par., 1898, iii, 385-393. -----. Sur l'accoucheiiient force dans le cas de placenta pra-via; pri- orite. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899. ii, 221-224. -----. Accouchement force pour I'insertion vicieuse du placenta avec heinorragie. Cong, internat. de med. ('. r.. l'ar., 1900 Sect, d'obst.364-308. Also: Obstetrique, l'ar., 1900,v, 502-509.—Freiidciiherjj. Die Behaiulliingdcr Placenta praevia im Ausland. 1 rauenarzt, Leipz, 1898, xiii, 534- 536.—Fry (H. D.) The relative merits of bipolar version, with slow extraction and accouchement foicc, in tin; treat- ment of placenta previa; leport of fourteen cases. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc. Phila., 1901, xxvi, 322-326. Also { A bstr.l: N. York M J., 1901, lxxiv, 289. Also: Am. Gvna-c. Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1901, xix, 1-8. Also, Reprint.—FuHi (J.) Zur Behandlung der Placeuta pravia. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xx, 918-920.—Serosa (Maria). Placenta previa centrale; presentazione podaliea incompleta; va- rietii natiche; rot turn aititii iale della placenta a 3 ecntim. di dilatazione: dt-rlessioiie protilattica di un arte; estra zione del feto vivo; guarinione della donna. Gior. p. le levatrici. Milano, 1896, x, til — «3oldstinc iM. T.) Pla- centa pnevia; its etiology and treatment, with a n pint of niue cases. ChicagoClim, 1902, xv, 242-246.—«»olo»chi- ller (M.) Opredlezhaniiplyatsenti: etioloi:i\a. liecheniye. iOn placenta praevia; etiology: treatm. nt.] Meditsina, St. •etersb., 1898, x, no. 14, 4: no. 15, 4.—«Jraves (N. A.) Clinical placeuta praevia; prognosis and treatment. Chi- cago M. Times, 1896, xxix, 361— Outhrie (Alice). A case of induced labor for placenta pi aivia with complica- tions rather unusual. Woman's M. J., Toledo. 1900, iii, 100-102.— CJutierrez (M.) Alguuas consideraciones acerca del mctodo de Braxton-Hicks para combam las bemorragias en los casos de placeuta previa. Gac. med.. Mexico. 1889. xxiv, 3-6.—(.uzzoni dcgli Aiiearani (A.) Una modiflcazione al metodo iii Btalino nella enra della jilacenta previa. Morgatnii. Milano. 1888. xxx, 701- 720. —Hammer. Beitrag zur Therapie der Placeuta prtevia. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1903, 1, 1501.— Hanion de Fresnay (L.) Quelques renseignements comiileineiitaires sur les divers agents utilises dans le trai- tement obstetrical du placenta praevia. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1888. Ixxxvi, 12-20. -----. Heinor- ragie profuse occasionnee par une presentation centrale dn~plaeenta; delivrance in extremis par le recours k des moyens complexes; tympanite suflocante; mort cinq jours apres 1'ai-cuiu hement. Courrier med., Par.. 1803, xliii. 199-201.—Harris iP.A.) A method of performing rapid manual dilaiation of the os uteri, and its advantages in the treatment of jilacenta previa. Am. J. Obst.. X. V, 1894. xxix. 37-49. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash. 1895 pt. 1, 882-889. 1 pi. Also, transl. : Iiiill.et mem. Soc. obst. et gvnec. de Par., 1894, 329-341— Harrison (G. T.) Placenta praevia; its pathogenesis and therapeu- tics. Virginia M. Semi Month , Richmond, 1898-9, iii, 303- 367.—Healy (J. S.) Yalue of thorough vaginal tampon- in" in pia,-.-nta piaevia. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1892, xiii. 704.— Heil (K.i Zur Therapie der Placenta prtevia. Therap. Wchnschr.. Wien, 1896, iii. 1017-1020. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1896, Leipz.. 1897, lxviii.pt. 2.2. Hlfte.. 226-2.I9. Also, transl.: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1897, xix. 568-570, 1 pi.—Ilerz (E.) Ueber Pla- centa praevia und den heutigen Stand Hirer Behandlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901. li, 1348; 1392; 1124; 1460; 1504; 1544: 1588; 1632; 1676; 1718; 1774; 1818; I860; 1918; I960.—Hig^ino (F. A.) The treatmentof placenta pre- via. Uosioii M.&S. J., 1902, cxlvi, 6-11. [ Discussion], 16-21. ----- I- n rther remarks on thetreatiiicntof placenta previa. Ibid., 1903. cxlviii, 362-304. — Iliriyoyeii (L.) Note sur le traitement du placenta piaevia. Com;, pei hid. de gynec, d'obst. et de paediat. M6m. et disc. 1'-95. Par., 1896, 689-696. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1896. xxvi, 75-77.—Hoehstetter. Placenta ina via. Charite-Ann.. Berl., 1891, xix, 4*9-492. — Hulberl (G. F.) Two fatal cas s of placenta pra;via, with treatinent. Weekly M. Rev.. St. Louis, 1887, xv, 427-431. - .landa (J.) Uvaha o leceni jifi nasedlem koliici. [Consideration of the treat- ment of placenta remaining at mouth of womb.] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1*76, xv. 355; 363; 373; 381; 389; 395; 403; 413.-Johnson 95--'!)8 — Nocr (J.) The management of placeuta jme- via with report of cases. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lxvui, 429^431.-IVordmaiin (A.) Zur Statistik und Therapie der Placenta pra-via. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl, 1888. xxxii, 133-158.—-Nunc* Humpclnyo 1 A.) Hemorratnas por placenta previa; alguuas retlexioiies sobre su mejor trata. LABOK. 50 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from placenta pree- via—treatment. niicuto. Correo m6d. castellano, Salamanca, 1887, iv, 259- 263>. Also: Pi ogreso ginec. Valencia, 1886-8, ii, 465-472.— Nyholl". Ein Verfabren zur Behandlung der Placenta praevia centralis. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. it. Gynaek., Berl., 1896, iv, 405-408 —Obermann. Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Placeuta piaevia. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1888, xxxii, 122-132.—Ott (D.) O vlivaniiv krovenosnuyn sistemu rastvora povarennoi soli pri ostrom malokrovii, obuslovlennom predlezhaniyem dletskavo miesta. [Injec- tion into the vascular system of common salt solution in acute anaemia following placenta praevia.] Vrach, St. Petersb., Is84, v, 202-204. —Oui (M.) Insertion vicieuse du placenta sans rupture pr6alable des membranes ; em- ploi du ballon de Champetier de Ribes. Presse med., Tar., 1894, 351. -----. Hemorrhagies par insertion vicieuse du placenta: traitement par la methode de Braxton-Hicks. ficho med. du nord, Lille, 1903, vii, 73. —Palmer (C. D.) The treatment of placenta previa. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1903, xlvii 294-299. [Discussion], 405-409. —.Partridge (E. L.) On some points in Ihe management of placenta praevia; with notes of four cases. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, 1881-5, iii, 139-146. —Perez (J. R.) Efectos del tapona- mieuto vaginal en los casos de jilacenta previa. Gac. m6d. de Caracas, 1896, iv, 129.—Pettazzi (A.) Sulla necessity di un intervento precoce nelle metrorragie da placeuta previa. Gior.di ginec. edi pediat., Torino,1901, i, 257-269.— Pileiderer ( R.) Zum therapentischen Yerhalten bei Placenta praevia centralis, nebst einem Fall aus der Laud- praxis. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1902, n. F., xix, 385-390. Also: Ztschr. f. Wundarzto u. Geburtsh., Fell bach, 1903, liv, 32-38.—Pfeiffer (C.) Die Quetschung der Placenta; ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Placenta jiraevia. Mo- natschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1863, xxii, 207- 215.—Piccinini (G.) La provocazione del parto prema- turo nella placenta jirevia, Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. (liRoma (1891), 1892, xi, 193-197.—Pierson (C.) Par- tial placenta praevia; delivery by version; inversion of uterus with fibroid complication and replacement by ma- nipulation ; recovery. X. Oil. M. & S. J., 1896-7, xxiv, 22- 25.—Pinard (A.) Traitement de I'insertion vicieuse du placenta. Echo med., Toulouse, 1888, 2. s., ii, 345; 357. Also, transl. [Abstr.J: Phila. M. Times, 1888-9, xix, 41-44. -----. Conduite k tenir dans les cas d'insertion vicieuse du placenta. Union med., Par., 1890, 3. s., 1, 13-17. -----. Desh6morragies causees par I'insertion vicieuse du pla- centa et de Ieur traitement, Bull. m6d., Par., 1896, x, 317- 321. Also: Echo med., Toulouse, 1896, 2. s.,x, 205; 217; 229. Also, transl..- Internat.Clin., Phila., 1898, 8. s., i, 264-275.— Pluim (EL G.) Loslating der placenta durante gravidi- tate met daaranvolgende baring zonder eenige verloskuu- dige kunstbemerkiug guustig voor de moeder verloopen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1894, v, 147. — Pomicr. Accouchement premature a huit mois; insertion centrale du placenta; hemorrhagic; tam- ponnement; enfant mort-ne; guerison de la mere. J.d. sages-feinmes, Par., 1886, xiv, 170.— Ponfick. Therapie der Placenta jiraevia totalis. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1902, Bresl., 1903, lxxx, med. Sect, 215-218. Also [Abstr.]: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, lxxi, 733. —Powell (W. M.) The value of electricity in pla- centa praevia. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1886-7, ii, 312-315.—Qvisling (N. A.) Om Behandiingen af placenta praevia. Norsk Mac f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1892, 4. R.. vii, 341-375. — Ribbius (!'.) Accou hement force bij placenta praevia. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1898-9, v, 1-8.— Ritchie (P.) Accouchement force in placi nta praevia centralis, with report of two cases. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1892, xvii, 395-399. -Rochet. Placenta praevia central; heinorragies; accouchement provoque; version; adherences placentaires; heinorragie post partum; in ere et enfant vivants. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1888, lxxxvi, 526. —Rosenberg (J.) A plea against ac- couchement force in the treatment of placenta piaevia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 298.— Runge (M.) Placenta praevia totalis; ausgetrageues Kind; Tod nach Ausliih- rung der coinbinirteu "Wendung an acuter Auatuie; anato- mische Beschieibung des Praparates. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1891-2, xii, 110-116 — Sack (A.) Zur Therapie und Aetiologie der Placenta piaevia. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 765-767.—Schuhl. Injections de serum artificial dans un cas d'heiuorragie grave due k une inser- tion vicieuse du placenta. Soc. de med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mem., 1896-7, 3-10. — Scbillotte. Rapport sur le traitement du placenta praevia. Obstetrique, Par., 1898, iii, 245. Also: Presse m6d., Par., 1898, i, 227.—Scqueira (H. J.) Case of placenta praevia treated by Dr. Champe- tier de Rtbes's bag. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 519.—Ser- zcdello (M.) Prenhez de seis mezes; placenta previa; hemoirhagia abundante; aborto provocado como mcio hemostatic!!; feto vivo evivendo27 boras apos aevacuac-ao uterina; cura da gest.mte em oito dias. Brazil-rued., Rio de Jan., 1894,83-84.—Shaw (J.) Two cases of placenta jiraevia centralis treated by means of Champetier de Ribes' bag. Brit, Gynaec.J.,Lond.,1894-5.x,545-518. A lso: Ann. Gvntec. A Paediat., Bost., 1894-5, viii. 824-826.—Miinpson (J. Y.) Some reiuarkson the treat ment of unavoidable haemorrhage Labor (Complicated) from placenta pra'- via—treatment. by extiaction of the placeuta before the child. Lond. M. Gaz., 1845, xxxvi, 10U9-1016. Also, Reprint.—Sinclair (A. D.) A case of partial placenta praevia in a multipara; recurrent haemoirhage between the seventh and eighth month; delivery by manual dilatation. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1889, exxi, 157.—Smith (A. L.) Case of placenta prtevia; with threatening uraemic convulsions; rapid manual dilata- tion of the os uteri; turning and delivery; recovery. Canad. M. Rec, Montreal, 1902, xxx, 433-436.—Smith (Q. C.) Placenta praevia; how to treat it. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Gal- veston, 1893, xxv, 198-204. Also: Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 240-243.—Stapfer (H.) De Ia con- duite k tenir dans le cas d'insertion vicieuse du placenta. Union m6d.,Par., 1886, 3. s., xiii, 073-077.—Sicin (E.) Ein Geburtsfall (Blutungen in dererstenHalfte tier Sehwanger- schaft; Tod der Frucht im 8. Monate ; Einleitung der Friih- geburt; Placenta praevia lat.; "Wendung durch die Heb- amme ausgefiihrt; Monstrum). Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 123-125.—Stradiotti (G.) Estudio critico so- bre el tratamiento de la placenta previa, Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel., 1903, xxvi, 65; 100; 135.—Swygcrt (S. L.) The management of placenta praevia. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Charleston, 1888, 117-119.—Szmakfefer (F.) Przyczy- nek do poste.powania przy lozysku przodujaeem Srodko- wem (placenta praevia centralis). [Treatment of . . .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2.S., xii, 347; 303.—Tarnier (S.) H6morrhagie par insertion vicieuse du placeuta chez une femme accouchant pour la qnatorzi^me fois, les treize premiers accoucheinents ayant 6te naturels; septieme mois de grossesse; tamponnement; enfant mort. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1893, xxi, 273-275. -----. Insertion vicieuse partielle du placenta; tamponnement; version interne ; en- fant mort. Ibid., 1894, xxii, 129-131.—Tarnier (S.) & Rudin (P.) H6morrhagies par insertion vicieuse du pla- centa: traitement. Ib\d.. 1901, xxix, 306; 314; 322; 330; 339; 356: 363; 372; 380: 1902, xxx, 4; 12; 20.—Temple (J. A.) Treatmentof placenta praevia. Internat. M. Mug., Phila.,1894-5,iii, 575-578.—Touniny. Insertion vicieuse dn placenta; heinorragie grave; dilatation manuelle du col; terminaison de raceouchemeut par la version podalique; suites heureuses pour la m6re et l'enfant. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1897, xviii, 84.-----. Secondipare k 8 mois de ges- tation ; h6morragie par placenta praevia: rupture arti- ficielle des membranes; refoulement manuel du cordon pro- lab6; ajiplication du dilatateur de Bossi par le Dr. Cocq; terminaison artificielle rapide de raceouchemeut indiquee parl'6tatpr6cairedela femme. Clinique, Brux., 1902, xvi, 567-572.—Townsend (C."W.) Remarks on the treatment of jilacenta praevia, with especial reference to the use of the intra-uterine tampon after delivery. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, exxxiv, 591. [Discussion], 596. A lso, Reprint.—T re lib. De behandeling van placenta praevia. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1898-9, v, 69.—Trush (J.) Case of forced deliv- eryiu placenta previa. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 296- 307.—Turazza (G.) Sulla cura della jilacenta previa. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 509-512.—Varnier (H.) De l'emploi du ballon dilatateur de Champetier de Ribes dans quelques cas d'insertion vicieuse du placenta. Rev. prat, d'obst. etde paediat., Par., 1892, v, 130-147.—van der Ven (G. G.) Uitdrijving der placenta voor de uitilrijving van hot kind, vreeselijke baarmoederbloeding, veisie en daarop volgende extractie; dood van moeder en kind. Ge- neesk. Courant, Tiel, 1887, xl, no. 11.—Veron. Placenta p-sevia bidiscoidal avec insertion vtlamentense du cordon; version podalique. Bull. Soc. scient. et meal, de l'ouest, Rennes, 1903, xii, 154-157.—Vinke (IL H.) Treatmentof placenta prtevia. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 314.— Vriamout. Bassin de8 centimetres; placenta jiraevia; accouchement provoqufe k 8 mois par l'appareil de M. Chas- sagny, forceps utilise comme levier; enfant vivant. Rev. m6d., Louvain, 1886, v, 63.—Warocquier. Pluripare k 8 mois; placeuta praevia-, accouchement provoque par l'61y- tro-pterygoide et tannine par version; enfant mort. Ibid., 1888, vii, 447-454. —W a sscrcug (D.) Co robic. przy jio- przedzaniu lozvska; [What to do in placenta jinevia.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1887, viii, 299-341.—Welti (E.) Zur Behandlung der Placenta praevia. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1896, xxvi, 497-508.—We lining (W. H.) Placenta previa, with special reference to treatment. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 513-530. Also: Buffalo M. J., 1897-8, xxxvii, 175-192. Aho: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst, A Gynec. 1897, Phila., 1898, x, 260-280.—AVenzel (H. P.) Placenta previa, its causes, diagnosis, and treatment; with three cases, all mothers and two children saved. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1890, xxiii, 480-494. —Wyder (T.) Zur Behandlung der Placenta praevia. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1890, xx, 441-448. Labor ( Complicated) from placenta prtevia—treatment by abdominal section. Kernays (A. C.) The first1 successful case of Caesarean section iu placenta praevia, and remarks on the method of operation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii, 687.— Royd (G. M.) Indication for Ca-sarean section iu pla- centa pravia. Proc. Phila. Co, M. Soc, Phila., 1901, xxii, LABOB. 51 LABOK. liabor (Complicated) from jdacenta prtevia—treatment by abdominal section. 117-127. Also: Obstetrics, X. Y., 1901, iii, 145-149.- C'ar- bouelli ( G. ) lie tagli ccsarei per jilacenta previa. Progresso med., Torino. 1902, i, 158. — Caruso (b\) Pro- poste relative al trattameiito chirurgico della jilacenta previa centrale. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Ronia-Najmli, 1900, vii, 403-409.—C'onroy (P. J.) Ciesarean section for placenta previa. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1902, cxlvi, 634.— Donoghue (F. D.) The treatment of jilacenta jirevia hy Ciesarean section, with report of a successful case. i'&t'ii., 1900, cxliii, 571-574. —---. What cases of jilacenta previa can be best treated by Cesarean section? J. Am. M. A.-s., Chicago. 1902, xxx'ix, 620-624. -----. lieniarks upon Cesarian section for placenta previa, with special reference to the life of the child. Ann. Gvnec. \ Pciliat., Bost., 1903, xvi. 463-465. Also, transl.' [ Abstr |; Rev. m6d. du Cauada, Montreal, 1903-4, vii, 71. — IJudley (A. P.) The modern Ciesarean section an ideal method ot treatment for placenta previa. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Port- land, 1900. xiii. 694-711. Also: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 754-760.—Ehrentest (H ) The impropriety of Ciesarean section in placenta praevia, with remarks on a rational method of treatment. Am. Med., Phila.. 1902, iii, 64-68.— Fry (H. D.) Is Cesarean section advisable iu the | treatment of placenta previa? Maryland M. J., Bait.. 1903. xlvi, 262-265. — Gillette (W.'j. ) Report of a case of Pono • Cesarean section for placenta previa centralis. Tr. Ohio M. Soc. Cleveland, 1901, 235-246. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii, 495-500.— Hamilton (J. W. ) Placenta jnavia with mal-pres- entation : hysterotomy for rinid os uteri. Daniel's Texas M. J." Austin. 'ls8i'>-7 ii. 2 5—Hare (C. H.) A ease of Ciesarean section for complete jilacenta previa. l!o-ton M. & S. J., 1901. cxliv, 151. [Discussion], 160.— .Vlultoli (A.) Timlin cesareo in placenta previa centrale. Arch. ital. di ginec Napoli. 1.-99, ii, 305-318.—Morris (R.T.) Hysterectomy for jilacenta previa. In his: Lect. on appendicitis. 8°, N. Y., 1895, 155.—!TI urray (R. A.) The treatment of placenta previa: is Cesarean section justifiable? Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. Phila., 1902, xxvii, 179- 195.—Raflfo (Y. F.) Considerazioui cliniche sopra un caso di placenta jirevi i centrale ojierato in condizioni gravNsitne con esito favorevole. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, -45-847.—Schauta ( F.) Cesarean section in cases of placenta ju-evia. Interstate M.J., St. Louis, 1902, ix, 177-179 —Mtradiotti i G. i Nuovo contributo alia casi.-tica del taglio cesareo per placenta previa. Arte ostet.. Milano, 1902, xvi, 257; 273. — Warner (F.) A plea for operative interference in cases of placenta jirevia. Columbus M. J., 1889-90. viii. 411-414 -Zinlte (E. G.) Is Caesarean section justifiable in the treatment of placenta previa? Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1901, Phila.. 1902, xiv, 137-163. 1 tab. Also: Am. Gvnac. A Obst. J., N. Y., 1901. xix. 334-346. 1 tab. Also, Reprint. Also: St. Louis M. Rev., 1901, xliv, 253-260. LabOB* ( Complicated) from jilacenta pnevia in animals. See Labor in animals. liabor (Complicated) from plural births. See, also, Birth (Multiple); Quadruplets; Quintuplets; Septuplets; Sextuplets; Su- perfcetatiou; Triplets; Twins. Sthassmann (P. [F.]) *Zur Lehre von der mehrftichen Nidiwangersehaft. -c. Berlin, [1—J]. AkatsatoflT (N. E.) Sluchai mnogojihidiiol borenien- nosti. [Multiple pregnancy.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., , St. Petersb.. 1900, xiv, 1201-1207.— IS■■ I lock (T. S.) Mul- tiple pregnancy, with repoitof two cases. Southwest. AL : Gaz, Louisville, 1887, i, :;",;—1-: v»injj (A. C.) Multiple pregnanes : a case. Am. Pract. Sc News, l»-87, n. s., iii, 325-328 Foy (G.) Plural births. Med. Press el<:ique med., Gand- Haarlem, 1897, iv, 513-516. — l>ichiii>oii (R. L.) Two ventral fixations, one ending in rupture and one in Cesa- rean section. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1901, xliv, 31-44. (Dis- cussion], 246-255.— Doleris (J.-A.) Influence ilcs ojiera- tions plastiqucs pratiqu6es sur le col ut6rin sur la con- ception, la grossesse et raceouchemeut. Gynecologic, Par., 1900, v, 132-147. — Doiland (W. A. V) Gesta- tional complications and dystocia subsequent to anterior fixation of the uterus. Univ. M. Mim, Phila, 1896-7, ix. 163- 188. Also, Re|irint. Also | Abstr. | : Am. ,1. Obst., N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 112-I 16. — Riihrssen (A.) Leber Geburts- stoiuiiti'i-n nach Vaginofixation, ihre lii-ileiilung, Behand- lung und Yerhutuiig. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, xxxiii, 278; 301.—Frniponl (F.) Quelques noiivcaux faits de grossesse apres l'h\ steropoxie abdoniiuale. Ann Soc. iinil.-cliii.de Liege. 1894, xxxiii, 268-275. — Fredcrico, (S.) Grossesse apres vaginntixal ion. Bull. Soc. de mod. do Gand, 1903, lx\, 16-18.—Ressner. Iliei Gcluirtsheob- achlungen bei aiitetixirtcin lterus. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1896. xxxv, 455-458. — Goodwill (Ilehua). Pregnancy following ventral fixation of the uterus. Am. .1. Obsi., N. V., 1891. xxx, 370-374.—«rnefc (M.) UeberschwereGol>urtsstorungi n infold- von Vagino- fixation uteri. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. G ynaok., Berl., 1895, ii, 472-477.—(.irilliu (C. F.) Case of dystocia follow- ing veiitro-lixation of the uterus. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1898, xii, 39. — «ilbarell" ( A. P.) Tyazho- loyo oslozheniye rodov poslle vcntrolixat in uteri, privyod- shoyo k kcsaiskomu siecheniyu. (Severe complication of labor nftcr . . . which led to Ciesarean section.| Medi- tsina, St. Petersb., 1895, vii, 130; 169. Als,,. transl.: Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 305.- i^ux.xoni dejjli Auenrani (A.) Parto distocico iu un' ojierala di colpori alia incdiana. Rasseunad'estet.eginec, Najioli, 1898,\ ii.705 710.—Han- ley (L. G.) Ro|iort of two cases of labor following ven- tral fixation. LuffaloM. J., 1901-2, n.s., xli,514.—Harris (W. J.) A case of accidental ventrofixation. Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y,, 1900, xxii, 525-527. — Hcatou (Lucia E.) )2 LABOE. LABOK. Labor (Complicated) from preceding sur- gical operations. Sacculation of the pregnant uterus, following ventro- fixation. Am. G vnaec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1897, xi, 411-414.— Hooper (J. W. D.) Cases of difficult labour after Em- met's mii-ration. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1892, n. s., xiv, 388-390.—Johnston (C. S.) Labour complicated by previous sigmoid colotomy. Brit. M. J., Lend., 1892, i, 909.—Kniiiaim (K.) Fall von rechtseitiger Geburt nach abdominal-vaginaler konservativer Naht einer violenten, completeu Utemsruptur. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- naek., Berl., 1903, xvii, 1230-1233. Also: Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1903, xvii, 277-280.—Keifler. De l'accouchement apr6s l'hyst6ropexie abdoniinale et aprds ramputation to- tale du col uteiin. Bull. Soc. beige de gyn6c. et d'obst., Brux., 1899-1900, x, 219.—Kriin (J. M.) Pregnancy fol- lowing ventral fixation of the uterus. Cincin. M. J., 1896, xi, 523-525—Leonard (C. H.) Report of a case of con- finement following a supposed double ovariotomy, compli- cated with an intestinal hernia through the old laparotomy wound. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1900, xxiv, 390-398. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 1900, lxxvi, 957-959.—Lindfors (A. O.) TvS, nya fall af forlossning cfter ventrofixatio uteri. [Zwei none Falle von Entbiudung nach Ventro- fixatio uteri. Uebers., p. xxv.] Upsala Liikaref. Forh., 1902-3, n. f., viii, 540-542. — Mathes (P.) Eine neue Beobachtung iiber Stoning des Geburtsverlaufes nach vaginaler Fixation des Uterus. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, xv, 410-414.—Menge. Schwan- gerscbaft und Geburt nach Hysterokoljiokleisis. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leijiz. (1900), 1901, 4-10. Also: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 339-345. — ITIiehaelis ( L. M.) Ventrofixation of the uterus; its effect on subsequent labor. Am. Med. Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, ix, 346-349.— Huialotl (A. A.) O nlekotorikh oslozhneniyakh poslie. oju-ratsii ukorocheniya kruglikh matochuikh svyazok vo vremya beremeunosti, rodov i v neberemeunoiii sostoyanii zhenshtshin. [De quelques comjilications apres l'op6ration du raccourcisse- ment des ligaments ronds de la matrice pendant la gros- sesse, pendant l'accouchement ct apres lagrossesse. Extr., 467.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Pe- terb., 1899, viii, 336; 427.—Noble (C. P.) Suspensio-uteri with reference to its influence upon pregnancy and labor. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, viii, 541: 1897, ix, 52. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Gyme.c. Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, ix, 223-236. Also, Reprint. -----. A clinical report on the course of pregnancy and labor as influenced by suspensio uteri. Am. Gynffic. Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1896, ix, 543- 551. | DiscussiouJ, 610-613. Also, Reprint.—Norris (R. C.) The manage- ment of labor complicated by ventrofixation. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1897, xxxv, 91-97. [Discussion], 116-122.— Pichcvin (R.) A propos de la dystocie caus6e par cer- taines operations gynecologiques. Semaine gyn6c, Par., 1899, iv, 81. —Pinard. Dystocie causce par lesojierations gynecologiques. Ibid., 82.—Pozzi. Contributo alia ca- sistica delle distocie da ventro-tissazioiie dell' utero. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 003-605.—Re- casens (S.) La amputacion del cuello del litero coino causa de distocia. Arch, de ginecop., Barcel., 1903, xvi, 250-255. Also : Sisilo m6d., Madrid, 1903,1,103-105.—Rec- tor (J. M.) An interesting caso of labor complicated by utero-.ibdominal fixation. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lvii, 411.—Riihl (W.) Ueber die Behandlung der Geburts- storuugen nach vaginaler Fixation. Centralbl. f. Gy- nak., Leipz., 1896, xx, 147-154. -----. Zur Behandlung sehwerer Geburtsstorunsren nach Vaginofixation des Uterus. Ibid., 1899, xxiii, 1513-1528. -----. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber Geburtsstorungen nach Vagiuae- fixatio uteri. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1901, xiv, 477-490.—Schiitte. Ueber Gehuitscomplica- tionen nach Veutrotixatio uteri. Ibid., 1899, x, 489-494.— Selhort (J. F.) Een geval van baring k ternie bij geven- trotixcerden uterus. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1896-7, iii, 529- 531.—Sen-me I ink (H. B.) Sc Veil (J.) Baringsstoornis na ventretixatio(eu koljiojicrincoplastick); section cassarea. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxxviii, d. 2, 529-542— Khurtletr (V. ('.) Ventro-flxation; cause of death in childbirth. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1903, xviii, 1-6.—Terry (H.) A case of labor in disloca- tion of the uterus following ventrofixation and appendect- omy. Providence M. J., 1901, ii, 186.—Thomas (R.) La- bor following amputation of cervix. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1901, xvii, 264.—Velde. Ein Fall von absolutem Geburtshinderniss nach Vaginalflxation des Uterus. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 793. —Vincberjj (H. N.) In- dications for vaginal fixation, with especial reference to the behavior of pregnancy and labor after the operation. Med. News, N. Y., 1896, "lxviii, 287-289. -----. Dystocia from adhesions subsequent to a laparotomy for ectopic preguancv. Am. Gynec, N. Y., 1902,, ii. 364. Also: Am. J. Obst.,N. Y., 1903,'xlvii,649.—Wells (T.S.) Childbirth after splenectomy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 205.—Wcr- der (X. 0.) Two cases of distocia following ventro-tixa- tion, one requiring Cesarean section. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gvnec. 1899, Phila., 1900, xii, 100-107. [Discusssion], 113-128. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1899, xl, 615-622. Labor (Complicated) from premature rupture of the membranes. See Labor (Abnormities of) Labor (Complicated) from premature sep- aration of the placenta. Aschkanasy (W.) *Zu Pathologie der vor- zeitigeu Losung der normalsitzenden Plticenta. 8°. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1902. Brains (H. [L. W. J.j) * Ueber vorzeitige Losung der Placenta vom uoruialen Sitz in den letzten Monaten der Schwangerschaft. 8°. Mar- burg, W.i. I)k Forin (Mile.). * Contribution a l'6tnde du decollement pre~niatur6 du placenta norniale- ment inse'r6. 4°. Paris, 1892. Dumakcet (L.) Du decollement premature" du placenta inseTe" normalement. 8°. Paris, 1892. Faure (T.) *Du decollement premature" du placenta, de son insertion normale pendaut la grossesse et pendant l'accoucliement. [Zurich.] 8°. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1899. Hempkl (P.) * Ueber vorzeitige Placentar- losung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung dea Prolapsus placentae. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Kaikes (M. N.) Ilepl tuv aipoppayiuv rye pip rpag, \6ia ruv £f; atroKoXX^aeuc tov n^aKovvrog 8~, 'Ev 'A-&?j'vaig, 1901. Khimmel (E.) * Ueber friihzeitige Losung der Placenta bei normalem Sitz. 8°. Tubingen, 1891. Ockek (C. F. A.) * Ueber vorzeitige Losuug der normalsitzeudeu Placenta in den letzten Monaten der Schwangerscbaft und wahrend der Geburt. 8°. Berlin, [1892]. Rohde (T.) * Erfahungen iiber Loslosung und Behandlung der Placenta wahrend zwolf- jahrioer Landpraxis. 8°. Marburg, 1896. Rousseau-Dumarcet (M.-E.-L.) *Du deeol- lement premature" du placenta iiise~re" normale- ment. 4C. Paris, 1.--92. Schaeffer (N. J. M. F.) * Over de aetiologie van de ontijdige loslating der placenta bij nor- male zitplaats gedurende graviditeit. 8C. Leiden, 1902. Itottesini (G.) Distacco precoce di placenta normal- mente inserta. Lucina, Bologna, 1899, iv, 118; 137.—Bu- din. Sortie du placenta avaut l'enfant. J. d. sages-fem- mes, Par., 18S8, xvi, 9.—Bue (V.) Decollement prema- ture du placenta a. insertion normale. Arch.do tocol. etde gynec,Par.,1894, xxi,481-493.—Caldwell (C.) Ante-par- tuin hiBiuorrhtige, caused by accidental separation of the placenta. Chicago M. J. '&. Exam., 1885, 1, 291-'-'93.— Chamberlain (W. A.) A case of partial placenta pre- via, with premature total detachment, com|ilete uterine inertia and dual fatality. Northwest. Lam et, Miuueap., 1903, xxiii, 195.—C'illusion (C. G-) Premature separation of the jilacenta. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii, 365-374.—Dc Liee (J. B.) A case of fatal hemorrhagic diathesis, with premature detachment of the placenta. Am. J. Obst.. N.Y., 1901, xliv, 785-792. [Discussionl, 860- 8G6.—Desprez. Decollement placentaire; hemorrhagic; accouchement. pr6matur6. Arch, de tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1892, xix, 15-17. Also: J. d. sages-femnies, Par., 1892, xx, 43.—Dislaceo di jilacenta nornialmente inseiita. Lucina, Bologna. 190J. vii, 117.—Doleris (J.-A.) Avorte- ment brusqu6 dans uu cas d'h6morihagie grave due au d6colleinent placentaire, au cours d'une coucho prolongee; incisions larges du col uterin. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gy- nec, Par., 1895,x,41-46.—Drejer. Om den tidlige losiiing af rigtig fyestet moderkage. Our le decollement pr6matur6 d'un placeuta ins6r6 normaleiuent. Res., 1348.] Norsk Mag. f. Lasgevidensk., Kristiania, 1897, 4. H., xii, 1*299- 1320.—Dnbrisaj- (L.) Decollement premature du pla- centa devenu pi sevia par glisseincnt. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1903, vi, 263-205.—Esmann (V.) Tilfaelde af fortid- lig Lesning af den normalt insererede Placenta, f A case of too early loosening of the. normally inserted placenta.] Bibliot. f. La-ger, Kobenh., 1903,8. R., iv, 339-345.—Fern (A.) Due casi di distacco di placenta normalmente inserta. Arte ostet., Milano, 1903, xvii, 145 -150.— Fienx (G.) Heinorragie par d6collement du placenta normalenu-iit in- sere. Lull, med., Par., 1899, xiii, 166-168. Also: Lev. mens ile gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1899, i, 410-415.—«Jotl- selialk. Zur Lehre von der vorzeitigen Losung der nor- LABOR. 5. 3 LABOR. liabor (Complicated) from premature sep- aration of the placenta. mal sitzenden Placenta. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897. vii, 492-501.—Ornefe. LJeber vorzeitige Losung der Flarenta bei nornialem Sit/. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr.. 1892. xxxix, 46. Also: Sit/.inigsb. d. Yer. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1,-91 -2, Miinchen, 1893, ii, 31-34. Also: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. G.Miak.,Stuttg., 1892, xxiii, 427—135.—CSryuniiig (R. B.) Piezhdevieiiiennove otdleleniye jiravilno prikrlejilennavo dletskavo mlesta. [Separation of the properly attached placenta before its time.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1903, xvii, 553-561— , 19i0. v, 205.—7Iaslovski (Y. F.) K etio- logii prezhdevremmenavo otilieh-niya db-takavo inie-tapri normalnom yevo polozhenii; endometritis decidoalis go- norrhoica. [On the premature separation of the placenta when norniallv situated; . . .] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1896, x, 781-799. Also, transl.: Monatschr f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek.,Berl., 1890, iv, 212-21H.—.TI aygrier. Presentation de I'literus d'une femme morte d'h6iiiorrhagie foudioyante k 8mois J de grossesse, par suited'un decolle- ment premature du placenta normalement insure. Lull. et mem. Soc. obst, et gynec. de Par.,1892, 162-100.—.Tleyer (H.) Die vorzeitige A bliisung der Placenta vom nonunion Sitz. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1891, xxi, 193-205.— Meyer(L) Fortidlig Loaning nfdeu paa normalt Sted in- sereiede Placenta. [Too early losing of the normally insert- ed placenta.] Bibliot. f. Laeger, Kobenh., 1898.7. R., ix, 321- 330.—Vlitcliell (T.T.) Acaseof early and entirely detach- ed placenta in labour, producing internal and concealed haemorrhage, of which t ho patient died soon after delivery. Tr.Obst. Soc. Lond. (18001.1867. viii, 282-284.—,TIuir(R.D.) A placenta from a ca«e of accidental haemorrhage. Ibid., (1893), 1894, xxxv. 338. — .\eiiliaus. Placentar-Losung durch einen Pfusclier; Verletzimg des Uterus, gefahrlichc Blutung; Stillungderselben (lurch Tamponade des Uteius mit Salicylgaze. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1891, iv, 130.—Oui. D6collement, au cours du 7" mois de la gros- sesse, d'un placenta normalement ins6rc; placenta albu- minuii(|iie. Bull. Soc centi. de nied.du nord, Lille, 1902, 295.— I* a l:i iiseussion]: 80.—Rosenthal (E.) Injuries to the new born in cross, complex, and breech presentation. Maryland M. J., Bait,, 1898, xxxix, 512-510.—Santos (F.) Parto dist6eico por preseutaci6n viciosa; espasmo e iner- cia uterina consecutiva; aplicaci6n de forceps; alumbra- miento artificial por enquistamiento y adberencia de la placenta; puerperio; catarro gastro-intestinal concomi- tante y gangrena de los genitales externos; muerte. Siglo Labor (Complicated) from jtrcscntaUon. med., Madrid, 1894, xii, 436-439.'— Mhaw (R. H.) A com- plicated midwifery presentation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 362. Also : Lancet. Lond., 1895, i, 1181— Vnrnier (H.) Des procidences. Rev. prat, d'obst. et ding, de l'enf., Par , 1890, iii, 321: 1891, iv, 1; 45; 05.—Vendeville. Un cas d'asynclitisme exag6r6. Gaz. med. de Picardie Amiens, 1899, xvii, 317-320. liabor (Complicated) from presentation of breech [including lower extremities]. Abraiiamsohn (II. ; * Ueber die Perfora- tion des nachfolgenden Kopfes. 8°. Berlin, [1888]. Akiisarlmoff (B. I.) O profilaklicheskom nizvedenii nozbki pri rodakb s predlezhaniyem yagodits. [On bringing down the foot prophy- lactically iu labor with breech presentation.] 8-'. [St. Petersburg, lc93.] -----. * Kvoprosuoprolilaklicheskoin nizve- denii nozbki pri vagodichuikk predlezhaniyakh. [Ou the question of bringing down the l'oi t pro- phvhictically in breech presentations.] 8C. S.- Peterburg, 1894. Bloc (H. ) *Du siege decomple'td mode des fesses. (Etude statistique.) 6°. Paris, 1K>7. Cahtron (M.-H.-A.) * Conduite a tenir dans la presentation du siege decoinplete' mode des fesses. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898. Cocagnk (A.-P.-L.-A.) *Du pronostic dans la presentation du siege. 4°. Paris, l89f>. Corkiez. *De la version par manoeuvres externes dans les presentations dn siege engage. 4°. Paris, 1888. Dahlem (J.) *Dic Aetiologie der Becken- endlage mit Beziehung auf die in den letzten 2| Jahren in der Frauenklinik zu Miinelien vor- gekouinieuen Beckenendlagen. 8°. Miinchen. 1880. Delannoy (C.-L.-J.) * Sur le pronostic et le traitement dans les presentations du siege. 4°. Lille, 1890. Drnus (E.-H.-J.) *Du choix compare- des methodes ninnuelles et des ni^thodes instrunien- tahs dans le degageinent de la tete derniere. 4°. Lille, 1887. Dyckhoff ([C.B.]M.) * Ueber Beckenend- laden, 1883-9;"). 8J. Greifswald, 1895. Fau (F.) *Du c6phala3inatome dans les pre- sentations du siege. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. FrXnkl(C) * Ueber die verscniedenen Ex- tractions -Methoden bei nachfolgendeni uud vorangehendeni Kopfe. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. Frangopollos (P.) *De la retention dans l'uterus de la tete veuant derniere. 8°. Lyon, 1901. Held (74. Schukmann (P.) * Ueber Beckenenlagen. 8Z. Marburg. 1897. Kos.v y Ortega (J. M.) * Breves considera- ciones sobre el parto por la extremidad pelviana. >c. Mexico, 1~72. Spangenberg (G. W.) * Diss, sistens obser- vationum obstetriciarum de partu clunibus prteviis peracto decadem. Gcetiingw, 17-0. A lso, in: Weiz (F. A.) NeueAusz. [etc.]. 12°. Frank/. u. Leipz., 1781, xiv, 87-107. Steinmetz (A.-G.) *Des presentations du siege decomplete", mode des fesses. H-\ Xancy, 1-98. Stephan (G.) *Die Sterblichkeit der Kinder bei der Geburt mit vorliegendeu Fiissen. S"1. Wiirzburg, 18:57. Sussmann (F. ) * Der Wigand-Martin-Win- ckel'sclte Handgriff znr Heransliefbrderimg des " nachfolgenden Kopfes. 8-. Gbttingen,l892. Ugel (H.) *De 1'abaisseinent des bras, et en particulier du bras anterieur dans Tex traction du fcetus par les pieds. 8°. Lyon, 1902. VoiGT (J. C.) De capite infantis abrupto, variis(|ue illnd ex utero extrahendi modi's. In: Hali.f.k. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausanne*. 1755, iii, 439-473, 1 pi. -----. The same. * Von dem abgerissenen Kopfe eines Kindes in der Gebiihrmutter und von der verschiedenen Art und Weise ilm von da heraus zu ziehen. In: Levket. Wahrnehm. v. d. Ursuchen . . . sehwerer Geburt. 12'--. Lubeck & Altona, 1758, 305-404. Waynbai:.m (I.) *Des differentes maiueuvres employees pour degager la tete derniere, et Ieur comparaison avec les applications de forceps. 4°. Paris, 1888. Wetzlar (G.) *De iis qua? in Agripparum partu observanda sunt. 4°. Giessat, 17(50. Wyss (H.) * Zur Lehre von der Beckenendla- gen auf Grund des Materials der Berner geburts- hilniclien Klinik. [Bern.] 8. Solothurn, 189\. Alilfeld (F-) Ueber Behandlung der gedoppelten Stcisslagen reifer Kinder bei Krstgebarenden. Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. (1872;. 1873, 18-20. -----. Steisslage im geraden DiiichmesHer auf dem Hoi-ken- eingangu verharrend. In his; Per. u. Arb. a. d. geburtsh.- Labor (Complicated) from presentation of breech [including lower extremities]. gynaek. Klin, zu Harb. 18X5-0, 8°, Leipz,., 1887, iii, 115.— Aletriuo (A.) Do achteiiiitgang van den verpleegs- tersstaud en deniiddelen oin dez.cn tegen te gaan. Nosoktf- nios. Tijdschr.d. Nederl. Vereen. . . . v.Verpleeg., Amst., 1901-2, ii,445-401.—Ai-noiilil. Accouchement par lesi^ge, t6te hydtoccjihalo reteiiuo dans l'litcnis njnes arrache- nient du from-. Hull. Soc. beige dc gynec. ct d'obst., Brux., 1893, v, 144-147. Also: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1894, xxi, 151-153.—Arthur (II. II.) Bivech ju'escntation j prolajise of the cord. Maryland M. J., Halt., 1894-5. xxxii, 193.—Auilelierl. Du cejiballiem 'tome dans les pr6sen- tations du siege. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1901, vii, 241- 240.— Km- & 'I'iNMier. Consequences inimediates et tardives do l'eni|iloi des lacs dans bs ens de presentations du siege; mode des fesses; presentation de pie.ee et dc nialadc! Hull, et nioin. Sue. obst., ct gvnec. de Par., 1895, 49-57, 1 pi. Also: Rev. obst. et gvuec.', Par., 1895, xi, 123- 131.— Itnrllelt (J.) A study ol Deventer's method of delivering the al'tei-eoniing bead. Tr. Intermit M. Cong., Wash., 18*7, ii. 438-440.- BelhiKxi <('.) Dell' uso del for- cijie sulle natiche del feto nel parto podalico artificiale. Mom. Ac, ail. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1881-2, 4. s., iii, 201- 215.— Itilili (R. II. L.) Compound presentation. Daniel's Te\as M. .1., Austin, 18811-90, v, 103-100. — Itonnaire. He ralniissement artiliciel du pied dans la presentation du siege. Semaine med., Par., 1893. xiii, 393. Also, transl.: Mul. Week, l'ar., 1893, i, 440-443. — Boimaire Sc Ncliwnb. Deformations plastiques du fietus dans la presentation dn siege. Bull. Si c. d'obst. de l'ar.. 1901, iv, 105-183 —Borde (L.) Parto a terinitio in donna piimi- juua, cloroaneinica; vaiiiua dojipia: uterus bicornis sep- tus; gravidan/.a nel eoino tlestru; feto vivo in presenta- zione di natiche; posiz.ione S. I I). P.; estrazione podaliea del feto; secoiidaiiien to artificiale; grave metro-ragia post- partum ; tamponanieiito endo-uterino; guaiigione. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1892, 7. s., iii, 194-200. -----. Parto alia flue del 5" mese in donna con ut ro Income nnilocu- lare; feto morto in presenta/.ione di natiche; posizione S. C. S. ; pueiperio regolnre. Ibid., 200-209. -----. Parto a termineiu donna la para con utero bilobato o cordiforme; feto iu presontaziono di natiche; posizione S. I. S. A.; es- trazione podaliea del feto, die muore di asfissia; pueiperio regolare. Ibid.. 209-217. — Boiilioure (G.-J.-A.) La postero-version de l'enfant qui nait par les extreniites in- f'erieures est un precepte alisurde et pernicieux; exposi- tion des motifs do cette opinion, et etablissement d'une manoeuvre differente. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1835-6, iii, 41-42—ISreisky (A.) TJeber die Entwickelung vatio- neller Anzeigen zur Extraction bei Beckenendelagen. Vrtl.jschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag., 1800, lxx xix, 1: xe, 74.— Briggs (II.) Basilysed head ; si-olio- rachitic pelvis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1892, xii, 242. —Brilton (D.D.) A caso of hviliocenhalus; breech presentation. South. Pract., Xasbville,'l895, xvii, 4'.iti.—Brown (G.A.) Two complicated breech cases of labour. Montreal M. J., 1S94-5, xxiii, 747-751.— IS ml in (P.) Presentation do l'ex,- tremite pelvienne; etude des sytujitoiiios et du diagnostic pendant le travail. J. d. sages fennnes. Par., 1887, xv, 377-379. -----. Presentation du siege; teutatives infruc- tueuses do version par mameuvres oxternes; enroiilement de latige fnniculaire autour dutrono; insertion velaraeu- teuse du cordon. Bull.Soc.de med. de Par. (1888). 1889, xxiii, 150-153. Also: Union med., Par., 18811, 3. s.. xlvii, 20-29. -----. Extraction de la tete derniere arretee sur le planclier perineal. In his: Lee. de clin. obst., 8 >, Par., 1889, 43-53. -----. Du passage do la tete derniere il travers le d6troit Kiijiei-iciir retreci. Ibid., 415-137. -----. Con- duite k tenir pendant lo travail dans lis cas de presenta- tion du siego doconi|ilel6; mode des fosses. Rev.gon.de clin. ot do therap.. Par., 1892, vi, 257-200.-----. Des pr6- sentations du sidgo lct6; mode des fesses. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1898-!!, xwi, 97; 105. -----. Pieseuta- tion du siege dccasliine. Sur une anomalie du md- canisme de l'accoucbeinent dans la presentation du siege d6compl6t6, mode des fesses. Rev. obst. internat., Tou- louse, 1895, i, 197-200.—Lcdraiii. Accouchement par le si6ge; pieds bots; spina bifida; hydrocephalic. Progres m6d., Par., 1894, 2. s., xx, 218.—I^cijjhtoii (S.) The man- agement of head-last labors. Mass. Al. J., Bost., 1903, xxiii, 145-154.—liitsehkns (L.) Zur Perforation des nachfolgenden Kopfes. Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1880, x, 633-636.—Lilzniaini (C. C. T.) Bemerkimgen iiher die Extraction des Kopfes nach geborenem Rumpfe. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1880, xxViii, 1-13.—Lomer (R.) Ueber die Anwendung dor Zange am nachfolgenden Kopf. Zt- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1880, xii, 111-116.— l.oviot (F.) Presentation de I'extr6mit6 pelvienne d6- compieteo (pieds); procidence du cordon; retrocession du travail; version c6phalique par manoeuvres exter- nes. Medecin clin., Par., 1886, ii, 301. -----. Version par manoeuvres internes et externes combin6es dans la presentation du siege. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et gyn6c. de Par. (1888), 1889, iv, 21-23. -----. Presen- tation du siege engag6; chloroforme; r6tropulsion du siege par manoeuvres vagino-abdoniinales. Ibid., 165— 167. -----. Presentation du siege; chloroforme; version par manoeuvres externes. Ibid., 167. -----. Presenta- tion du siege; version par manoeuvres externes sous le chloroforme, la poche des eaux 6tant rompue. I bid., 168- 170. -----. Presentation du siege; singuliere erreur. J, de m6d. de Par., 1889, xvi, 441. -----. Trois cas de pre- sentation des fesses. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et gynec de Par., (1892), 1893, viii, 177-183.—ITIacan (J. J.) On per- foration of the afier-coming head; an anulvtical digest. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1895-6, xi, 008-015.— UcKeough. Extractionof the after-coming head, with history of a case. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal, 1885-6, xiv, 624.—TleKer- rou (R. G.) The management of pelvic presentations. Practitioner, Lond., 1896, lvi, 600-606 -Manton (W. P.) Shall the forceps be applied to tbe after-coming head ? Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1888, n. s., xii, 126-128. Also, Reprint.— Ulartin (A.) TJeber die manuelle Entwicklung des nach- folgenden Kopfes bei raumlichem Missverhaltniss. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 661-663. Also: Ztschr. f. Geburtsb. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1887, xiv, 213-216.—Mas- brenier. Deformations de la tete foetale et absence de ballottenient cephalique dans un cas de presentation du siege avec oligo-amnios. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. etgyn6c. de Par., 1898, 104-106.—Maygrier. De la presentation du siege decomplete, mode des fesses. Ind6pend. med.. Par., 1898, iv, 369. See, also, infra. -----. Traitement de la pre- sentation du siege d6compl6t6, mode des fesses. enclave dans l'excavation. Bull, et m6m. Soc. obst. et, gynec. de Par., 1890, 222-234.-----. La presentation du siege decom- plete, mode des fesses. Bull. m6d., Par., 1902, xvi, 853-857. Also: Scalpel, Li6ge, 1902-3, lv, 312-314.—Merle. Appli- cation du forceps dans certaines presentations du siege, et possibilite d'eiimination des kystea de l'ovaire par les )7 LABOR. LABOR. Labor (Comjdicated) from presentation of breech [including lower extremities], voies naturellcs. Soc. d. sc. med. de Ganuat. C. r., Par., 1885, xxxix. 26-28.—IUenrer (R. J. T.) Over de prophy- laxis van stnitliggingen bij ib- baring. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaek.. Haarlem, 1899, x, 108-117.' Also: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 1, 432-438—van der .Tley iG. H.) Over stuitgoboor- ten. Nedoil. Tiidschr. v. Verlosk en Gviuvc. Haarlem, 1889, i, 177-193.— Tlile* (A. J.) Tbe forceps in difficult breech deliveries. Tr. Obst. Sue. Cincin., 1877-9, i, 155- lti::.—tie .Tlonehy (AL M.) Over de prophylaxis van stuitliggingcii bij de baring. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk.. Amst.. 190P, 2. K.. xxxvi, il. 1, 204-209.—TI Heller (A.) Zur Anwendung der Zange an dem nachfolgenden Kopfe. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Loin?.. 1890, xx. 9H7-1000. -----. Zur Behandlung der Steissgeburt. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898. xiv, 1279 — Mnrillo. Prosonta cion incompleta dc pelvis, posicion sacro-iliaca izquierda anterior. [2 eases.) Rev. mod. de Chile, Sant. de Chile. 1887-8, 159-161.-.TI nrray iK. A.) The management of breech presentations. Mcil. Kec. N. Y., Is8tj, xxix, 207 270. AZ*-o[Abstr.j: N.York M. ,1.. 1880. xliii, 305-307. Also [Abstr.]: Obst. Gaz. Cincin., 1880, ix. 206-211. -----. Man- agement of breech jiresentations. Aich. Gvna-c. Obst. & Paediat., X. Y.. 1891. vi. 253-257.—IXarieh' (1!.) Un nou- vean tracteur du siege. J. de 11161I. de l'ar.. 1892, 2. s., iv, 326-329. -----. Sur lemploi du lacs au point de vue des lesions qu'il pent produire; signalement de deux nouveanx dangers du lacs et de deux nouveaux avantages du tracteur du siege. Ibid., 189\ 2. s., vii, 514-517. — Nenle (L. E.) The management of breech presentations. Maryland M. J., Bait., 18s9. xxi. 161-172. — eVeugc- bauer (F.) Jeszcze 10 spostrzezen zatrzvmauia w ma- cicy glowki po nmy&luej lub wypadkowej dekapitacyi plodu przy ekstrakcyi za ndzki. [Ten more cases of re- tention of the head in tbe uterus after intentional or forcible decapitation of the foetus in extraction by the feet.J Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 18-.I8. 2. s., xviii. 121-126. -----. Siebzig Beobachtiingen von schwieriger Entfer- nung des kindlichen Schadels oder einzelner Knochen des- selhen ex utero bei mehr oder weuiger proti-ahirter Reten- tion nach Dekapitation oder Abreissuug des Rumpfes vom Scbadel bei Exnaktion des Kindes an den Fiissen. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 169; 193. — Olivier (A.) De l'interventiou dans la presentation du siege modedes fesses. Bull. Soc.de med.prat, do Par., 18'.n>. 773- 792. Also: Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., I»!i0-91, 1, 11-35. Also: J. demed.de Par., Is9u. 2. s., ii, 457; 475; 491. Also: Rev obstet. et -gynec , Par., 1890, vi. 299; 365.—Osier- maun (H.) Die Entwickelung desnachfolgenden Kopfes nnd der Daminschutz. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 468-470. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Nenigk., Miinchen, l»!t3, xliii, 165. — ©win;;* (J. H.) A breech-presentation, with fractuie of the f.-mur. Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxlii, 615.— Pajot. Transformation de la presentation pelvienne en pn'-sentation du soniniet. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, Is—Peak (J. H.) A breech presenta- tion with an nnusnal coinjilieation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 353. — Petit 11'.) Conduite a tenir dans la presentation du foetus par ]<• siege pendant le tra- vail. Concours m6d., Par., 1898. xx, 40; 09. — Phillip*. (H. C.) Imperforate anus ami hydrocephalus complicat- ing lire, f b presentations. Iirit. M. J., Lond . l>-97, i, 1089.— Pinard (A.) 9 ;. 2nX-216. -----. Presentation de la face en mento-iliaque-droite-posterieure: application de forceps; enfant vivant. J. d. saizes-binnies, Par.. 1903, xxxi, 241-243.—Bullitt (J. B.) A case of face presentation, with mtaroii into the sacral cavity. Med. Bee. X. T., 1894, xlvi 136. — C'andela. Lns presentaeiones de cam. Proiiieso ginec., Valencia. 18X6-7, ii. 353-358.— lurbonelli (G.) Alcune eonsiderazioni sui parto nella presentazione della fronte. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1894, xiv, suppl.. 125: 145.—Carpenter (Julia"W.) Acaseof face pi-es.-iit;itiiin Tr. Obst. Sue. Cincin., 1879-8."'. ii, 282- 2>6.—C'hainbreleiii. De raceouchemeut par le trout. Rev. nit il. ib- T..ut..ii-e. 18:»0, xxiv, 139-144.—Charles , (N.) Presentation de la face en mento-droite posterieure chez une piimipare a terme; ecoulement premature des eaux: travail ties lent, durant presquc2 jours; expecta- tion: terminaison henrense: suites normales. J. d'ae- couch., Liege, 1*92. xiii, 145-147. -----. Presentation de la face en mento-posteiieure droite chez une piimipare a terme; difficultes du diagnostic; absence de rotation et manoeuvres infructueuses poor la produire: application du forceps dans le diametre sacro-pubien; resultats heureux pour la mere et l'enfant. Ibid., 1894. xv, 241. Also: J. d. sages-femmes. Par. 1894, xxii, 123. -----. Multipare bien conformee, a terme; presentation de la face en niento- anterieure droite; tentatives infructueuses do fmcepset de version k domicile ayant amen6 une proeidence de la main; reduction de celle-ci et extraction de la tete a l'aide du forceps; suites heureuses pour la mere et l'lnfant. J. d'acconch.. Liege, 1*96. xvii, 385. -----. Erreurs relatives anx presentations de la face; deux exemples leeonts de terminaison facile et rapide. Ibid., 1903, xxiv, 37. Also: J. deml-d.de Par., 1903, 2. s., xv, 319-321.---—. Tertipare k terme: presentation dela face en mento-posteiieure droite; tentatives infructueuses de transformation a domicile; accouchement facile a la Maternite; suites henreuses pour la mere et l'enfant. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1903, xxiv, 2-. _.17*o: Gaz. med. do Par.. 1903, 12. s., iii, 290-292 — C'hia ventone (f.) L'n parto pel frontocon coinplicanze gravi eoinpiiitesi sinuitaui-amente. Corriere sail., Milano, 1899. x, 544-546. —Clark (F. S.) Acase of face presenta- tion; mentoposterior position. Cleveland M. J, 1903, ii, 182-184 —Collins if. U.) Brow presentations, witli re- port of a case. Peoria M. J., 1902, vii, 44-48, 1 pi.— Ban- forth (L. L.) The treatment of face presentations. Homceop. J. Obst., N. T., 1895, xvii, 201-215.—Davis IE. P.) The management of face presentation. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1894, xix, 82-94. A lso f Abst r. |: Med. News, Phila., 1894, Ixv, 45. Also. Reprint.— Hoiiylas (K.) Face presentations. South. Pract.. Na-hvillo 1900, xxii, 425-435. — Drejer. Lidt om Ansigtsfodslen og dons Behandling. [Sur la presentation de la face. Res., 318.] Norsk M;iLr. f. La-gevidensk.. Kristiania, 1X97, 4. 1!., xii, 296-314.—Duciii-rcCoKiiiiiil (M me.) Persist mice dela presentation ju*qu a la fin du travail; le maxillaire supe- rieur s'est fixe sous la symphyse piibienno; la vofito pala- tine est devenue le centre autour dui|iiel la tete a decrit son mouvement de flexion; duree du travail, huit heiires; terminaison heureuse pour la mere et l'enfant. .T. (l.sages- iei.imes, Par., 1893, xxi, 291—Kd«ar (J.) The treatment of brow presentation, with notes of two cases. Tr. Glas- gow Obst. & Gyntec. Soe., 1901, ii, 131-138. Alo: Glas- gow M. J., 1900, liii, 161-16X.—Puyolle (Marie). IV- si mation de la face dans un bassin reguhferement deve- Labor (Complicated) from presentation of face [including forehead], loppe; absence de rotation; nienloii enclave dans l'echan- eruro sciatii)ue, perdu dans les parties molles; rotation artificielle au moyi-n du doigt introduit dans la bouche; (16- gagoinent du ineuton; la rotation se complete aussitdt. J. d. sages-leinines, Par., 1891, xxii, 19. — Ficu.x (G.) TJne observation de presentation primitive de la face. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynec. et de paediat. de Par., 1900, ii, 225-228. Also: Kev.meus.de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii, 598-601. -----. Traitement de la presentation do la face. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de psodiat., Par., 19ul, xiv, 101; 193.—Fischer. Schwieriger Geburtsfall einer vollkom- men ausgebibleten Gesichtslage bei einer Erstgebiirenden. Ztschr. I. Wundaizteu. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1881, xxxii, 28-32.— Fournier (C.) Version dans l'accouchement par laface. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1898, xvi, 136-140.— Frciiilrnlii-i'i;. Casuist isohc Beit iii go zur Aetiologie der Gesichtslage. Frauonaizt, Berl., 1893, viii, 433-437.— <»essuer. Zur Aetiologie der Gesichtslage. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. il. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1897, xxvii, 302-320.— <*lil*cli (R.) Kin Beitrng zur Kliirung der Frage nach dor Iliilstehung der Stirnlagen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., lierl.. 1900, xii, 137-115.—<«ossniann (J.) Zur nianui lien I'mwandlung von Gesichts- in Ilinter- hauptslage. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 532- 534. — (pSriiricr (R.) De la conduite a tenir dans la pr6- sentation ile la face. Courrier med., Par., 1894, xliv, 41. See, also, sujna.— Hamilton (A. J.) Anomalies in face- presentation. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 437.— Hcinricius (G ) Accoucheinents par le front. N. Arch, d'obst. et do gynec, Par., 1886, i, 309; 392. -----. Sur les accouchements par le front. Cong. p6riod. in- ternat. de gynec. et d'obst. C.-r. 1892, Brux., 1894, i, 336-::39.—voii Ilelly (C. E.) Ueber den Gebrauch der Zanno bei Grsii litslaoen. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859, lxiii. 63-78.—Ilerzfeld (K. A.) Ueber die r.eliandl.ing der Vorderscheitellagen. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1896, xiv, 65; 129. -----. Beitrag znr Lehre von den Vorderscheitellagen. Wien. mod. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 233: 2x6; 349; 392; 453.—Hirst (B. C.) A hitherto undescribed anomaly in the mechan- ism of labor in face-presentations. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 341-343, 3 pi. Also, transl.: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1892, xix, 593-596, 3 pi.—Hu- bert (E.) Presentation du front; accouchement spon- tane; duree, neuf heiires; enfant vivant; couches nor- males. Bev. m6d., Louvain, 1891, x, 5. Also ■ Arch, de tocol., Par., 1891, xviii, 448-452. -----. Bassin de 7 cent. oblique; presentation du front; primipare en travail depuis quatre jours; transformation du crane; extrac- tion laborieuse ; couches normales. Rev. mod., Louvain, 1894-5, xiii. 115-117. — Hiiter. Eine Stirnm-burt. N. Ztschr. f. Gebnitsk.. Berl., 1843. xiv, 179- 192. — Jar- dine (R.) The treatmentof eases of face presentation. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1902, 12. s., iii, 213-217.—.lel- linghaus. Ueber fotale Schadelformen mit I'eriick- sichtigung der Hecker' schen Aetiologie der Gesichts- lagen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1896,li,33-48, 2 pi. -----. Zur Ileeker'schen Aetiologie der Gesichtslagen. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik.. Leipz.. 1898, xxii, 231-233.—Jewett (C.) The management of face presentation. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1894, xix, 76-8L—.lones (J. H.) Brief notes on three cases of face presentation. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1890-91, ii, 208-210.— .1 u n £ in nil n ( B.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Ge- siolitslngen durch manuelle Umwandlung in Hinter- hauptslagen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl.. 1*96, li, 189-206.— Kholiiiogoroir (S. S.) Sovremenniy vzglyad na torn piyu litsevikh polo/.heniy. [Modern view on the treat- ment of face presentations.J J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1902, xvi, 131-160, 17 tub.—Knorr (K.) Beitrag zur Behandlung der Gesichtslagen durch ma- nuelle I'mwandlung in llinterhauptslageii. Arb. a. d. Geburtsh. u. (ivnask. z. Feier ... v. Carl Ruge, Berl., 1896, 144-164. — lioliseher (G.) The modern treatment of face presentations. Chicago M. Recorder, 1900, xix, 184-188. Also: Memphis Lancet, 1900, iv, 8-12. —Kou- wer. f Drie obstetrische gevallen; therapie bij aan- gezicbtstigtjiiig. ] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1903, xiv, 43-47.— l.nyui-ile (A.) Traiisforiiiiicion en presentacion do vertice do una pre- sentacion do cara en mentoposterior. Bev. argent, de cien. tiu'-d., Buenos Aires, 1886, iii, 405-414.— I.jiiiIm-ii- burg (K. F.) Eine Gesichtslage bei Goburten derselben Flu u; eine geburtsh iii Hie be Studio. Fii nl'/.. Beitr. a. (1. Geb. d. Lres. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ver. (I. Aerzte d. Kiniigsbz. DiisseM., Wiesb., 1894, 567 -570.— Laurens. Ea pre- sentation de la face; elude clinique. Echo mod., Tou- louse, 1889, 2. s., iii, 523-528. Also: Arch, de tocol., Par., 18X9. xvi, 937-944. — l.inn-o (V.) Gontribuzione casistica al parto per la fronte, e eonsiderazioni. Arch, di ostet. n ginec, Napoli, 1896, iii 1H7; 561, — I.ewers (A. II. N.) Remarks on the use of axis-traction forceps in face, presentations. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 12(1. — I, in- denthal (O. T.) Ueber die Diagnose und I'.ebanillung tier abuormen Haltung der Extremitiiten bei Gesichtslage. LABOR. 60 LABOK. liabor (Complicated) from presentation of face [including forehead], "Centralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz., 1899. xxiii, 750-760.—I.orini (A.) Piimipa a a termini-; presentazione di veitice mu- tatisi in fronte e parto naturale perla faccia. Arte ostet., Milano, 1902, xvi, 54-59. — Coviol. Transformation manu- elle d'une face en soniniet. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gy- nec. de Par. (1888). 1889, iv, 270-281.— Custer (G. E.) Brow presentation ; its treatment as illustrated by a few cases in practice. Peoria M. Month., 1889-90, x, 421-423.— liiiz/.ani. Di una accertata causa di presentazione per la fronte. Arte ostet., Milano, 1903, xvii, 40-42.—.Hac- liiiv (II. M.) Cases of face presentation. Am. J. Obst,, X. V., 1888, xxi, 1162-1167.—itlcl-iean (M.) A contribu- tion to the management of face presentations. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1900, xxv, 261-268. Also: Med. News, N. Y., 19IIU, lxxvii. 127-129. — ITIaddaloni (Savina). Presentazione di faccia per eccessivo sviluppo della ghi- andola tiroidea. Gior. p. le levatrici, Milano, 1897, xi, 188.— Vlagnier (F.) Sept accoucheinents avec, presenta- tion de la face. Gaz. me,d. de Picardie, Amiens, 1896, xiv, 120-12.").—Marltoe (J. C.) Four cases of face presenta- tion in the same mother. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1885-6, v, 266-268.—.Martin (A.) Dela presentation du front. Cong, period, do gvnec, d'obst et de paediat. 1898, Mem. et disc, Par., 1900, ii, 404-407.—iTIarx (S.) Contri- bution to the study of face presentations. N. York J. Gynaec.& Obst., 1894, v,25-32. Ateo, Reprint.—.Maygrier. La presentation do la face et la presentation du front. Iud6- pend.med., Par., )899,v,329; 353.— Miguot. Observation (l'accouchement par la face. Centremed.etpharm.,Gannat, 1902-3,viii,28.—JMueller (A.) Wassind Stirnlagen'? Cen- 'tralbl. f. Gyniik..Leipz., 1901,xxv, 313-318.—lMiiagia (R.) Contributo all' eziologia della presentazione della faccia. Ann. di ostet., Milauo, 189"). xvii, 569; 641.—IVec-as (J.) Dva pfipady operativniho zakroceni za pficneho stavu poloby oblicejove. [Two cases of operative intervention in transverse position of face presentation.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1879, xviii, 106.—Olivier (A.) Note sur un cas de presentation primitive de la f ice. Bull, et m6m. Soc. d'obst. et gynec. de Par., 1887, ii, 202-212. Also : N. Arch, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1887, ii, 349-355.—Opitz (E.) Ueber die Vorderhauptslagen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1900, xliii, 405-408. -----. Erfahrun- gen mit der TJmwandlung der Gesichtslage in Hinter- hauptslage, insbesondere mit dem Thorn'schen Handgriff. Ibid., 1901, xiv, 100-141.—Ostrcil (A.) O polohach obli- cejovych. [La presentation de la face. Res., 415. J Shorn. klin., v Praze, 1900-1901, ii. 390-416.-----. Ueber Gesichts- lagen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1903, xvii, 94; 113; 132.— Palotai (A.) Arczfekvesekrol. [Face presentations.] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1902, 1-9.— Peters (II.) Eine seltene Abnorniitat bei Gesichtslage und eiuigo Worte iiber manuelle Uinwandlung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 450-453.—Phillips (J. D.) Face presentation, men to-posterior. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1889-90, vii, 64-67.—Poitoii-Duplessy. Presentation dela face; position mento-posterieure persistante. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst, et gynec. de Par., 1892, 108-112. Also: Rev. obst. et gynec, Par.. 1892, viii, 182-185.—Pollosson (A.) Du mecanisme de l'accouchement dans les presentations du front. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1892, xxxvii, 161- 193.—Popescul (M.) Gesichtlage, Kinn hinten. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1900, xxiv, 819-822.—Price (A.D.) Face presentations. Am. Pract. &. News, Louisville, 1892, n. s., xiii, 67-69.—Beamy (T. A.) Impacted face pres- entation. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1877-9, i, 46-50.—Rey- nolds (E.) A case of brow presentation converted into face; high forceps. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvii, 102. -----. The management of face presentation. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1894, xix, 63-75. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxx, 56-66. Also, Reprint—Riccioli Pan. tnno (G.) Contributo alia casuistica della presenta- zione di faccia primitiva. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1898, v, 513-517. — Rousse (I.) Des presentations fron- talis. Belgique med., Gand-Haarlem, 1899, i, 609-610.— Roper (G.) Note on some difficult cases of fronto-ante- rior positions of the foetal head. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (18981, 1899, xl, 271-276. —Rose (H.) Herabziehen des Gesichts am Oberkiefer bei Stirnlage. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1897, xxi, 1457-1464. -----. Stirnlagen und ihre Behandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, Ver.-Beil., 15.—Rundo (U.) Przy- padek polozenia twarzowego, zamidnionego na czaszkowe. [Case of face presentation changed to head presentation.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1896, 2. s., xvi, 807-812. —Sartori (E.) Un caso di parto per la fronte. Boll. med. trentino, Trento, 1902, xxi, 165-170.— Schaper (C.) Face presen- tation. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897, xxxi, 465- 471.—Schatse. Ueber die Stirnlagen. Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, Ixxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 185-187. [Discussion], 192.—Schrader. Zur Behandlung der Gesichtslagen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 149-153. — Schuhl. Note sur un ac- couchement dans une pr6sentation du front. Rev. med. ib-Test. Nancy, 1889, xxi, 106-110. -----. Pr6seutation du liabor (Complicated) from presentation of face [including forehead], front; tentatives do transformation en presentation du sonimet. Bev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1894, xxvi, 694-700. Also: Arch, de tocol. ct de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 366- 371.—SolovyotT (G. A.) K terapii lobnikh polozheniy. [Treatment of frontal presentations.] Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1898, xxxvii, pt. L, 128-134. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1898, xxii, 792-796. -----. K terapii lobnikh polozheniy. [Therapy of frontal pres- entations.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1902, xvi, 540-545.—de Soy re. De l'interveution dans les pres- entations de la face. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1887, xiv, 205; 241.—Swain (II. T.) A case of chin left posterior. Bos- ton M. &. S. J., 1901, cxliv, 352. [Discussion], 357.—Tate (M. A.) Management'of face presentations. Cincin. Lan- cet-Clinic, 1899, n. s., xliii, 461-467. [Discussion], 478-484. -----. Management of face presentations. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. A Gynec 1901, Phila., 1902, xiv, 338-346. Also : Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1901, xliv, 626-634. Also: Cincin. Lancet- Clinic, 1901, n. s , xlvii, 615-619. — Thorn (W.) Zur ma- nuellen Umwandlnng der Gesichtslagen iu Hinterhaupts- lagen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1886, xiii, 186-220. -----. Zur manuellen Uinwandlung der Gesichts- und Stirnlagen in Hinterhauptslagen. Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsh. ii. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1894, xxxi, 1-27 -----. Die Stellung der manuellen Uinwandlung in der Therapie der Gesichts- und Stirnlagen. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1902, No. 339 (Gynakol., No. 123, 745-770).— Trush (J.) Change of face-presentation to one of tho vertex, by internal manipulations. Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin., 1879-85, ii, 166.— Valloi*. Du forceps dans la presentation du front. M6ni. Soc. do med. do Nancy, 1892-3, 43-56. Also: Rev. med. do l'est, Nancy, 1893, xxv, 129-142. -----. Etude experimentale sur Vindication de la symphyseoto- mie dans les accoiichements en presentation du front. Arch, de tocol.. Par., 1894, xxi, 561-568.—Varnier (H.) Pronostic et traitement de la presentation de la face. Rev. prat, d'obstet. et de paediat., Par., 1893, vi. 289-307.— Veit (J.) Ueber die Vorderhauptslage. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, Ixxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 192-194. Also: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1900, xiii, 147-156.—Volland. Ein neuer Handgriff zur Korrektur sich falsch zur Geburt stellender Gesichtslagen. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1887, xi, 735-738. -----. Zur Behandlung der Gesichts- lagen mit nach hinten gerichtetem Kinn. Therap. Mo- natsb., Berl., 1894, viii, 391. -----. Zur Behandlung der Gesichtslagen mit nach hinten gerichtetem Kinn. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz.,1897, xxi, 1466.—Ward (Florence N.) Face presentation. Pacific Coast J. Homoeop., San Fran., 1902, x, 197.—Waseniue (H.) Om det manuella ofveiforandet af ansigtsliige. till hjiisslagc. [Transforma- tion manuelle d'une presentation de la face dans une pre- sentation du sonimet. Res., p. cxxvii.] Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1898, xl, 1225-1247.—von Weiss (0.) Zur Behandlung der Vorderscheitellagen. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1892, No. 60 (Gyniik., No. 25, 601-616). -----. Zur Behandlung der Gesichts- und Stirnlagen. Ibid., 1893, No. 74 (Gyniik., No. 29, 683-724). -----. Zur Behandlung der Gesichts- und Stirnlagen; Erwiderung anW. Thorn. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. ii. Gvnak., Stuttg., 1895, xxxii, 394-404. —van der Werff (E.) Aan- gezichtsligging. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem, 1903-4, vii; 132-134.—"Whittle (G.) Case of mentopos- terior impaction; successful raising and rotation of head. Hospital, Lond., 1895, xviii, 411. — Wichert. Zur Ca- suistik der Gesichtslagen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 693.—Wilkinson (A. I).) Face presentations and their management. Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896. xxxiv, 359-362.—Ziegcnspeck (R.) Bei- trag zur Behandlung der Gesichtslagen. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1886, No. 284 (Gyniik., No. 80, 2067-2086). -----. Beitrag zur Therapie der Gesichtslagen. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 917; 960. liabor (Complicated) from presentation of head. See, also, Labor (Complicated) from presenta- tion of face; Labor (Complicated) Jrom presenta- tion of occiput. Broers ( H. J. ) Praktische beBchoimingen omtreut het verloskundig handelen bij afwy- kende boofdpositien. Eene verloskuudige pro- eve. 8°. Utrecht, 1861. Clairfond (C. ) * Considerations cliniques sur la bosse sero-sanguine dans la presentation du sonimet. 4°. Paris, 1894. Corbiere (M. ) * Etude statistique sur les presentations du sommet (varices posterieures) au point de vue de la frequence et du pronostic. 4°. Paris, 1893. LABOR. 61 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from presentation of head. Gildemeistkk ( M. ) Ueber Reposition der vorgefallenen Nabelschnur bei Kopflagcn. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Heinrichs (G.) *Oni pannliigen ot-b pann- fbrlossningar. [Vertex presentation and deliv- ery.] roy. 8°. Helsingfors, 1883. Kostkk (W. A.) * De p.-irtu difficili et prictor- naturali ex situ capitis l'u'tus in quo orto. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 17tiT. Mtket (M.) *Des positions trtuisversiiles dn sonimet au detroit inferieur du bassin. 8°. Geneve. 1>94. A lso, in : Rev. mod. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1894, xiv. 50; 105. Also, in : X. Arch, d'obst. etdegyn'.'.">. Ahlfeld ( F.) Ein Fall von dorso-anteriorer Yonh-r- hanptslage. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz.. 1903, xxvii, 481- 483— Bataillartl. De la* conduite k tenir pendant lt- travail dans les varietes posterieures de la presentation du sonimet. Ann.de gym-e et d'obst.. l'ar.. 1,»89. xxxii, 98- 117. Also, Reprint.'— Bonifas. I'ositiou insolite dans la presentation du somnitt Noiniandie med.. Rouen, 1890, v. 1-'.i.— Broom (R.) Analysis of 100 consecutive cranial pre-entaiious. Australas. M. Gaz., S\dney. 1894. xiii, 261). — B roth' i-s ( A.) A case of ear presentation; premature o.-.-itb ation of child's head. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892. ii. 22-25.—Builin (P.) Rotation exageree de la tete pendant l'accouchenient. Bull. Soc. obstet. et gvnec.dePai. (1>93), 1894. 14 — ir.4. Also: Rev. obstet, et gynec, Par., 1>9:;, ix. 341-343.—Bui I oe"i (T. S.) Vertex presentation in the foiuth position. Obstetrics, X. Y.. 1901. iii, 72.—C'apuano. Cas remarquable d'un change- mentde presentation ee|ibalii|iieen presentation pelvienne, suite d'une chute. J. d. conii. med. prat., Par.. 1830-7. iv, 103.—t'o!e« fS.i Posterior rotation of the occiput in ver- tex presentation, with r- port i f thirtv cases. Am. J. Ob-t . X. Y . Ie99. xl. 37T-3.-2. —"Davis (E. P.) Abnormal rotation of the occiput, l'hila. Polyclin.. 1896. V, 511.— De Barn-rode lie Waelhelni. Observations d'ac- couchements en presentation de la tete, mais apre-s con- version de presentation du i line en • i lie di- la face. Re- pert.Soc.de med. de Boom, 1850. iii 26-32.—Oeyouj. Presentations d u sinciput. Gaz. nu'-il ib- Picardie. Am n-ns. 1898. xvi, 226-230.—Dime a n i.I.M.i On the caput suc- cedaneum, the presentation, i nd their relations in cases where the head comes tn-t. Edinb. M. J., 1861-2, vii. pt. 1. 8-12. Also, Reprint. — Fieux. Note, relative au degage- ment transversal ou oblujue ib la tete foetale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 75.-----. Intomo al (lis impenno transversale ed obliquo della testa fetale. lias- segna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1898, vii, 136-138. — I'lnn- ilrin. Sur un cas d'anomaliedu tempsde rotation interno dans une position iinterieure du sonimet. Dauphiiie med., Grenoble. 1890, xiv, 107-111. —Fournier. I'riseniai ion dn sinciput. Gaz.med.de Picardie, Ainiens, 1896, xiv. 153- 156.— Fry (H. D.) Manual rectification of faulty head positions. Am. J. Obst., N.Y., 1897, xxxv, 345-359. [Dis cussiouj. 413.— Fuehs. Lin Beitrag zur Einkeiluiur des Kopfes in das Lickeu. X. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Perl. 1850, xxvii, 252-270.— <^ ai riy lie- (H.J.) Ear presenta- tion. Am.J.M.Se. Pbilit.. Isltn. n. a., xcix, 576-578. Also. Reprint. — dierosa-Fasee (Maiia). Presentazione irre- gol.ne ilel vert ce, vatic ta del parietale sini-tio. Leva- fiice (.oiul.. lo.ma.. 1896. v, 106. —Henry (Mme). Po la torsion du con dans la presentation du somunt. Ann. de gvnec. it d'obst., Par., 1891, xxxv, 276-290. A lso, Re- print'.— II u Im rl (E.) Enclavement do la tete a it detroit inferieur. Rev. med.. Louvain, 1889, viii, 365-368. -----. Applications du forceps dans les positions trunsversales dn sonimet. Ibid., 1*92-3, xi, 433-438. — Keiser (E. E.) A caso of torsion of the neck in vertex presentation. TTniv. M. Mag., l'hila., 1893-4, vi, 467. — Koliseher (G.j Anterior vertex presentations; their complications and treatment. Chicago M. L'econb-i- lltnl, xxi, 318-32 '. [Dis- cussiouj, 361-372.—JIc-Kerron (li. G.) Anteroposterior liabor (Complicated) from presentation of head. positions of the head as a cause of difficult labor. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1899), 1900, xii, 142-150. — Ulouchotte (J.) Anomalies de la rotation de degagement dans la pre- sentation du soniniet. Rev. prat, d'obst. et do ptediat., l'ar., 1901, xiv, 215: 293.--iTtneller (A.) Zur Casuistik der Posilio vcrtiealis (Mittelscheitolhigo Kehrer's). Mo- natschr. f. (icburtsb.u. G.Mineh., I'.erl., 1902, xvi, 818-852.— I'eyssoimie (II.) Des ditliculte.8 a la .sortie des epaules dans les present a I ions ile la tete; causes et man ion- d'agir. Anjou mod., Angers, 1894-7, 277-283. — I'ied. Observa- tions sur deux cas ile dystocie dans la presentation du soniniet. Lull. Soc. nied. de l'Vonne 1886, Auxerro, 1887, xxvii. 68-70.— I'roliopyeir (G.) RIedkiy sluchai izrulo- neniya po/.itsii predb zbasbtsbet golovki v polosti taza vo vremya rodov. | Kai e case of change of position of a pre- sented bead in (be pelvic cavity during labor.] J. akush. i .jensk. bolie/.., St. Petersb., 1893, viii, 328-338- Kemy (S.) filmic cliniipie sur un mode (('application de forceps ilans les occipitotiansversos. Mem. Soc. do med. do Nancy (1889 !IU). 1891, 9-16. -----. Enclavement do la tete dan's les positions posterieures du sonimet et derapement du forceps. Aieli. do tocol. et de gynec., Par., 1892, xix, 146- 152.— Itccd (U. I>.) Deep transverse arrest of the head as an indication for forceps. Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1902-3, n. s., iv, 355-362.— Nan Juan (N.) Nuevos ex- perimeiitos y objceioiios en contra del trabajo del Dr. An- tonio Carbujal, en domic recomienda la introduecion de la mauo on el iecto para ayudar k convertir enanteriores las posiciones occipito v mento-posteriores. Gac. mod., M6- ,iico, 1886, xxi, 133-145.—Semnieliiilt (II. B.) De tang bij Imogen stand van den schedel. Geneesk. 151. u. Klin. en Lab. v. i\e, prakt., Haarlem, 1902, ix, 173-213. — Shah (T. M.) Third head presentation with impaction at brim ; uterine inertia; symphyseotomy; forceps delivery; rupt- ure of cervix and peiineuni; recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1898. xv, 53. — Smith (F. K.) Presentations of the parietal bone. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1893-4, ix, 574-580. Also, Reprint.—Mouthwiek (G. R.) Version or forceps in cranial presentations above the brim. N. Am. J. Ho- moeop., N. Y., 1889, 3. s., iv, 1-7. -----. The management of difficult labor in vertex presentations at the brim of the pelvis. Homeop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xxii, 509-512.— Nwavne (J. G.) On occipital presentations. Bristol M.- Cbir. J., 1898, xvi, 108-114. —Weiiiiiiijj iW.H.) Manual rectification of certain malpositions of the head in labor. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst, Sc Gvnec. 1891. l'hila.. 1892, iv, 289-298, lpl. Also: Am. Gynec! J.,Toledo, 1892. ii. 69-76.—Wheat (A.F.) A case of super-rotation. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1899, cxli. 521.— Winter. Ueber eine einheitliche Be- nennung der Schadellagen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1887, xi, 1-3. liabor (Complicated) from presentation of occiput. Bakr (J.) * Ueber die Hinierscbeitelbeineiu- ste'.lung. [Friebnrg i. B.] «~. Bbdelheim, 1895. Bailly (E.) Sur la rotation artificielle du crane dans les positions occipito-posterieures. 8 . Paris, 18(\9. Bataillakd (A.) * Etude statistique et cli- nique sur la duree et le pronostic. du travail, les modes de lerminnison et d'intervention dans les varietes posterieures de la prdsentatiou du soni- met, 4 . Paris, X889. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1889. Bayi.in (C.-K.) * De l'u-ili-iiie de la levre tinte- rieiire du col dans les positions occipito-poste- rieures (durant le travail). 1. Paris, lHH(i. Botkowskaia (Beila). *l)es occipifo-poste- rieiires. (f)\ tide stat istique,) H°. Paris, 1897. C'oitiMX (S.) * Etude sttttistique sur la duree et le pronostic do l'tiecoiieliemetit dans le d6- o-tigiiiiieiit en oc<;ipito-s:icr6e. 1 . Paris, 1897. -----. The same. h°. Paris, 1KD7. Fknnkk (K.) * Ueber Ilinterscheitellicinein- stellung. [(iiessen. ] 8'\ Miinsler i. W., 1898. Gt'KHKKKt) (A.) "Elude statistique et clini- que sur la diiice et le pronostic du travail de l'accouchenient dans les varietes postdrieures de la presentation du soniniet. 8°. Paris, 1897. Holm(K.F.W. T.) *U.-l.erUrsnche, Verlauf und Thenipio der hintcrcu und vorderen Sehei- tellieineinstelluno unter Bennt/uno von Beob- sichtungen der Maiburger Frauenklinik. 8°. Marburg, 18%. LAUGH. 62 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from presentation of occiput. Issaciiaxian (T.) * Ueber die Hintersc.heitel- beineinstellung. s-. Berlin, 1903. Kilian (H. F.) Die Geburt des Kindeskopfes iu derjeuigen Scheitelstellung, welche man Hinterbauptslage zu nennen pflegt. 8\ Bonn, 1830. Knospe (M.) *Beitragzur Eutstehuug ceti- traler Dammrisse bei Hinterhauptslage. 81-1. Greifswald, 1898. Lasselykn ( A.-J.-M.-A. ) * Contribution a l'e'tude de quelquesproc6d6s d'intervention (bins les positions occipito-posterieures, et en particu- lier du proc£d6 du docteur Loviot. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1890. Munch (F.) *Der tiefe Qnerstand bei Hinter- hauptslage. 8°. Marburg, 1889. Vallet (F.-E.) * Contribution a l'etude du degagement en occipito-sacree. 8°. Bordeaux, 1897. Alcock (R.) The treatment of occipito-posterior posi- tion of fietus. Treatment, Lond., 1900-1901, iv, 874-880.— Barney (C. N.), Twitchell (G. B.), Soluncr (A. E.) [et al.]. How do you manage occipito-posterior positions of the presenting head? if. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 638; 686.—Belt (J. H.) Diagnosis aud treatment of occipito- posterior positions. Cleveland J. M., 1898, iii, 15-18. [Discussion|, 35-37. — Blanc (15.) De la correction ma- nuelle des occipito-posterieures persistautes. Mom. et compt.-rend. Sue. d. sc. med. de Lyon (I8861, 1887, xxvi, 233-262. Also: Lyon med.. 1887, liv, 73; 110; 184. -----. Des occipito-posterieures irreductiblos. Arch, de tocol., Bar., 1888, xv, 552-559.— Hoyjjs (G. W.) Some remarks relative to posterior positions of the occiput in labour. Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix. 347-349.—Boislinicre (L. C.) The management of occipito-posterior positions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix, 193-196.—Bollenhagen (H.) Zur Frage der Hinterscbeitelbeineinstellung. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1900, xiii, 294-301.—Borya- kovski (A. G.) O primlenenii pryamikh shtshiptsov pri zadnem vidie teniyanikh prodlezhaniy. [An applica- tion of straight forceps in posterior parietal presentations.] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kieve, 1888-9, iv, 75-83.—Brotlhcail (G. L.) The treatment of persistent occipito-posterior positions of the vertex. Am. J. Obst., N. Y, 1900, xiii, 806-817. [Discussion], 856-862.— Budin (P.) Occipito-iliaques-droites posterieurs. J. d. sages- femmes. Tar., 1899, xxvii, 321; 329; 337: 345—Capuron. De l'application du foiceps dans les positions occipito- posterieures du soniniet de la tele. J. d. conn. m6d. p at., Par., ls.'s:i-4, i, 13.- Cnrbsijal (A. J.) Tratamiento de las preseutaciones occipito-posteriores, para evitar que se vuelvan permanent es. Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Mexico, 1898, 170-177. Also, transl.: Compt.-rend. Cong. internat. de med. 1897, Mosc., 1898, vi, sect. 13, 243-249. -----. Las preseutaciones occipito-posteriores en Mexico. Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Mexico, 1897. ii, 446-450.— Cavanagh (W. J.) The management of occipito-poste- rior positions of the presenting head. X. York M. J., 1903, lxxvii, 637. — Cecil (.J. G.) Occipito-posterior posi- tions. Am. Pract. Sc Xews, Louisville, 1892, n. s., xiii, 259.—Charles (X.) Des occipito-posterieures qui ne se r6duiseut pas spontanenient; methode de M. Loviot; ne- cessite de poser un diagnostic exact et complet; etnploi de cette methode chez une multipare ei terme; forceps; r6- sultat heureux pour la m&re et l'enfant. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1892, xiii, 73; 85.—Clark (F. S.) Occipito-poste- rior positions of vertex presentations; with report of cases. West. Reserve M. J., Cleveland, 1894-5, iii, 241-247 — Coiuitiandciir. Les tractions hilat6rales divertiontes sur les lacs du forceps; Ieur utilisation k la reduction des oocipito-posterieures. Province m6d., Lyon, 1902, xvi, 469-474. — Couistock (T. G.) Cases of labor with the occiput situated posteriorly. Clin. Reporter, St. Louis, 1889, ii, 71-77. Also: Homoeop. J. Obst., X. Y., 1889, xi, 265-270. — Conner (J. J.) The nccipito-iliac-posterior positions. Tri-State M. J. Sc Pract;., St, Louis, 1898, v, 554-558. — Davis (E.I'.) Deliveiy of occipito-posterior position in contracted pelvis; puerperal eclampsia; sum- mer dietetics in children. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 71-76. -----. The treatment of posterior rotation of the occiput during labor. J. Am.M. Ass.,Chicago, 1892, xix.9- 12.— B-ickinson (R. L.) Correction of occipito-posterior positions through seizure of the anterior ear by two fingers in the vagina. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 361.— Discus- sion on the treatment of occipito-posterior positions. Bos ton M. A S.J.,1888,cxviii,396-402.—Gillespie! W.) Occip- ito-positions of the vertex. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1901, xliv, 57-76. (Discussion], 111-118.—Glass (E. T.) Occipito- posterior positions and their management. Alabama if. & S. Age, Annistou, 1896-7, ix, 183-189,—Glidden (C. H.) Labor (Complicated) from presentation of occiput. The diagnosis and management of labour in occipito-pos- terior positions. Tr. X. York M. Ass., 1897, xiv, 295-3U3. -----. The diagnosis and management of occipito-poste- rior positions in laborcases. Med. News, X. Y., 1899, Ixxiv, 357-360.—Gociincr (A.) Zur Hinteisclieitelbeiueinstel- lung. Ztschr. f.Geburtsh.u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1894-5, xxxi, 402-416.—Gottschalk (S.) Zur Lehre von der hinteien Scheitelbein-Einstelluiig. Berl.klin.Wchnschi .,!894,xxxi, 59-62.— Graham (J.) The vectis in vertex-posterior po- sitions of the fetus. Med. Xews, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 382.— Grandin (E. H.) Xote on the manual reelilicution of occipito-posterior positions. Am. J. Obst.. X. V., 1892, xxv, 632-636. [Discussion], 672-674.—<» reen (C. M .) The etiology and treatinent of occipito-postei im positions. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. 1886, N. Y., 1887, xi, 451-458. Also, Re- print.-----. The value of posture in the treatment of occipito-posterior positions. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxl, 489.—Gutierrez (M.) jCual es el mejor tratamiento de los casos de parto en posici6u no -i| ito-posterior? Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Mexico, 1897, ii, 41-52.—If union de Fresnay (L.) Considerations pratiques sur les positions occipito-posterieures. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1884-5, vi, 250; 260; 269; 275; 284; 29*; 306; 314; 322; 330; 339; 349; 354; 363; 371 ; 379: 1886-7, vii, 3; 10. Also, Reprint. -----. A propos de deux cas de position occipito-posterieure, ayant abouti a la mort de» deux enfants. Paris med., 1887, xii, 89-92.—Hoag (J. C.) Management of occipito-pos- terior positions of the fetus. Chicago AL Recorder, 1898, xv, 29-31. [Discussion], 56-60.—Hubert (E ) Positions occipitu-posterieures. Rev. med., Louvain, 1890, ix, 49- 52.—Kallop (F.) Report of a case of posterior rotation of the occiput; attached membranes; high forceps. X. York Polyclin., 1896, viii, 87.—L:uidi» (EL G.) Occipito- posterior positious. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1885,197- 202.—I.aiigstaff (L. G.) Occipito-posterior presenta- tion. Brooklyn M. J., 1897, xi, 385-391.—I.eavitt (S.) The management of occipito-posterior positions. Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop., Phila., 1890, xliii, 584-590. A lso.- Ilomceop. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xii, 285-293.—liop. De l'accouche- ment dans les occipito-posterienrs (34 observations per- sonnelles). Cong, period, de gynec., d'obst. et de paadiat. 1898. Mem. et disc. Par., 1900, ii, 395-403. Also: Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1898, iv, 265; 276.— Loviot. Forceps avec reduction manuelle pour une vari6l6 post6- rieure du sonimet. Bull et mem. Soc. obst. et gyn6c. de Par. (1888), 1889, iv, 135-140. -----. De la reduction ma- nuelle suivie ou uon (l'application de forceps dans les va- rietes po-derieures du sonimet et de la face, particuliere- ment dans les oceipito-sacr6es. Ibid., 320-328.-----. Ap- plication de forceps apr&s reduction manuelle dans les varietes posterieures du sommet. Ibid., 1893,80-84. -----. A propos de la reduction manuelle daus h-s positious oci-i- pitoposterieures. Ibid.. 1894, ."i.—MacDonald (A. A.) Occipito posterior positions, ('amid. M. Rev.. Toronto, 1896,'iv, 61-66. Also: Med. Age, Detroit, 1890, xiv, 417- 419. — McIIwraith (K. C.) Posterior positions of the occipu'. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1900, xxv, 290.— Mantel iP.) A propos d'une occipito iliaquc gauche posterieiire. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1889. xxxii, 445-456. Also, Reprint—Mar* (A.) O nowyin zabiegu operaevjnym w cellu wydobyi ia plodu za posladki. [New operative method to extract the fcetus by the breech.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1889, xxviii, 249; 262.- Marx (S.) Clinical observations on occipito-posterior vertex presenta- tions. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1892, xxv, 177-184. -----. Fur- thur contribution to the study of occipito-posterior posi- tions of the vertex. Med. Roe, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 585-587. [Discussion], 601.—Mayjgricr (C.) Des positions occi- pito-posterieures. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par., 1901, lxviii, 181- 188. Also: T. d. sages-femmes. Par., 1902, xxx, 130; 139—Mercer (AY. S.) The treatment of occipito- posterior presentations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 250.— Meyer (J.) Zur Behandlung der Geburt in Scbadellage bei nach hinten gerichtetem Hinterhaupte. Arch. f. Gy- naek., Berl.. 1891, xl, 94-98.—Motta (A.) Zur Lehre der Hiiiteischeitelbeineinstelhing. Ibid., 1897, liv, 506-569.— Mueller (A.) Ueber hintere Hinterhaiiptslageu und Scheitellagen. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1898, vii. 382; 534. Also: Sitzuiigsb. d. Srztl. Yer. Miin- chen (1897), 1898, vii, 167-171. Also \ Abstr. 1: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 347.—Nash (H. M.) Impor- tance of early diagnosis of occipito-posterior positions, with suggestions as to their management. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1887,173-177.—Norris (It. C.) The man- agementof arrested posterior positi.msof the vi rtex. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1901,xxii, 106-112. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1901, 3. s., xvii, 234-237.—Paddock (C. K.) Occipito-posterior positions; their diagnosis and treatment. Chicago M. h'ocordcr, 1901, xxi, 315-318. [Discussion]. 361- 372—Pajot. Des presentations occipito-iliaques; nieca- nisme de i'accoucbenient. Gaz.d. hop., Par.,1886, lix,63L— Palmer (C. D.) What is the best management of occip- i to-post erior positions of the vertex ? Tr. A m. Gynec Soc, Phila., 1892, xvii, 275-294. Also: Am. J. Obst, X. Y., 1892, xxvi, 547-555, Also; Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1893, iv, 31-35.— LABOR. 63 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from presentation of occiput. Pinard (A.) A Varniev (H.) Snr une oooipito-sacrije au debut du travail. In their: fitudes d'anat. obst, norm. et path., fol., Par., 1892, 95-100, 18 pi.—Polak (J. O.) A contribution to the study of occipito-posterior position of the vertex. Med. Xews, Phila., 1895, lxvi, .64. Also, Re- print.— Price (E. C.) Occipito-saeio-iliae positions. X. Am. J. Ho nceop., X. Y'., 1890, 3. s., v. 579-584.—Priteh- nrd (E. L.) The treatment of occipito-posterior presen- tations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 849— Pueeh (P.) LV l'application du forceps sur les occipito-posterieures; ma- lueiivre do Loviot. X. Montpel. med., 1-95, iv, 905-917— Queirel. Des occipito-posterieures; mecauisme de l'ac- couchement dans les bassins normaux et retrecis. X. Arch, d'obst. et de gvnec, Par., 1887, ii, 447-465.—Rich- ardson (W. L.) Diagnosis and treatment of posterior positions of the occiput. Med. Coninmnicat. Mass. M. Soc. Host., 1882-6, xiii, 399-414. Also. Reprint.—Bosen- bersj pi.) The management of occiput-posterior posi- tions. X. York Polyclin., 1896. vii, 1-4- Nnwyi-r (E. \Y.) Remarks on the occipito-posterior position in vertex la- bors, with an anal-sis of thirtv-eigbt eases. Tr. Am. Gy- nec Soc. 1884. X. Y., 1885. ix. 237-258. Also. Reprint — *. 133; 157.—Stewart (R. W.) Occipito-dextro- jiosterior position of the fetal head. Am. J. Obst., X. Y.. 1897. xxxv. 541-548. Also: Am. Pract. A Xews, Louisville, 1897, xxiii, 367-375. [Discussion]. 380-389. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1897. n. s. xxxviii, 305-310. [Discussion], 317-323.— NtrosanoflT . Rev. obstet gynec,Par..1895, xi, 91-97. -----. Applications de forceps dans les occipito- iliaques-droites-posterieures. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1896, xxiv. 17-19. -----. Oceinitu-ilia<|U<--gauche-poste- rieure. Ibid.. 1897, xxv, 289— Temple (J. A.) Treat- ment of occipito-posterior positions. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887. ii, 4!i8-500. Also: Canad. Pract., To- ronto, 1887, xii, 303-305.—Towimrnd .l,,t et d'hyg do IYnf., Tar., 1889, ii, 193; 225. j -----. Dn degauenient de la tete >n position occipito- sacree. Ibid., 1891, iv, 33-44.— Warren (S. P.) Plans for deliverv of occipito-posterior positions. Am. J. Obst., XT. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 365-377. Also, Reprint.—Weiss (K.) Partes expontdneos en posici6n occipito sacra. Rev. de med. v cirui. do la Haliana. 1897, ii. 140-11) Also: Inde- pend.'med. I'.arcel., 1896-7, xxviii, 368-370.— Wheat (A.F.) Oi i inut left posterior. Boston M.& S..I.,D9i;,i xxxiv, 614.— Wliitinu (('. II.) Reportof acaseof labor; occipito-pos- terior position. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1886-7, iv, 201-2U8. Worcester (A.) Thetreatment of oeeipito-pos- terioi-positions. J. Am. M. A-s., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 15-17. Also, Reprint. — Zanyemcistcr (W.) Ueber Hinter- scheitelbeineinstellung. I'.eitr. /,. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek., Leipz., 1992, vi, 365-380. — Kanaka (F.) Diagnostico de las preseutaciones oocipito-po.-iteiioies. Gac. m6d., Me- xico, 1892. xxviii, 411-416, 2 pi. Labor (Complicated) from presentation of trunic [including shoulder and arm]. Alter (W. F. K.) ' *Zur Pa timbre und The- rapie der Querlage. (Beobachtunoen in der Poliklinik 1«94-1900 Juli.) 8". Breslau, 1902. Bierbach (J.) * Ueber versrhleppte Quer- lagen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1888. ■ abor (Complicated) from presentation oftrunlc [including shoulder and arm], BiKNiiAiM (lv.) * Beitrtio zur Kasuistik der Solbstentwicklung und Geburt " conduplicato corpore" bei Querl;ig,c. 8°. Kiel, 1900. Cohen (R.) * Ueber verschleppte Querlagen. 8°. Berlin, 1895. DuKorn (fi.) * Contribution a retude des presentations do l'dpaule. 8°. Paris, 1900. Falaschi (E.) Sui eompletainento artificiale della evolnzione pelvica nelle presentazioni della spalla. Osservazioni cliniche ed espe- ricn/.o. 4°. Siena, 1892. (i.vi'.DCKE (E.) *Zur Behandlung uncompli- cierter Querlagen. 8\ Berlin, [1889]. Gmelin (K. ) * Querlagen bei normalein Heeken. Ursacben und Behandlung. 8°. Ber- lin, 188(1 Goulakt Villela (C.) * Dissertacfio. Apre- sentaoTio de cspadoa, indicacoes desta apresenta- etio. 8°. Bio de Janeiro, 1886. Hatin be Saixt-Jfliex du Sault (J.) Me- inoire sur un accouchement contre nature. [Presentation de la region lalerale gauche du foetus, avec issue du bras correspondant et du cordon otubilical; version de l'enfant; rc'ta- blissement complet de la mere au bout de huit jours.] 1-2°. Paris, 1828. Herzfeld (K. A.) Ueber die Mechanik und Therapie der eingekeilteu Schulterlagen. 8°. Wien, 1890. Jaquet (A.) *Znr Behandlung der dorso- postcrioren Querlagen 8°. Berlin, lr-9*. Kemp (E. [C. J.]) * Zur Aetiologie uud The- rapie der Querlagen. 8°. Berlin, 1897. Kkemp (J. G. R.) * Querlage bei Erstgeba- renden. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1901. Neugebauer (L. A.) Przyczynek do nauki o rodzeniu sie, plodu barkieiu, w drodze t. z. wyklucia siq samowolnego (evolutio spontanea fcetus). [Contribution to theory of shoulder presentation and the so-called .. .] 12°. TTar- szawa, 1866. liepr.from: Tygodnik lek., Warszawa, 1865, n. s., x. Pajot (C.) De la pr6seutation de l'epaule dans les re"tr6cisseinents extremes du bassin et d'un nouveau proc6d6 d'( inbryotoniie. 8°. Pa- ris, 18(\5. Plaxohon (P.) * Presentations de l'6paule. fitnde o"tiologiqne. 8°. Paris, 1898. Radford (T.) Cases of torsion, doubling, and expulsion of the foetus, in shoulder presen- tations. 12J. Manchester, l8\8-9. DE Roche (H. A.) * Dissertation sur la po- sition transversale du fodus dans les accouche- ments. 4C. Strasbourg, 1823. Routier (A.) *De lit terminaison spontanee de l'accouchement dans la pr6sentation de l'epaule. 1 . Paris, 189:?. -----. Tito same. 8C. Paris, 1^93. Soiiultz (H.) *Dio Sehulterlagen in der ge- burtshiiltlichen Klinik und Polikliuik in Greifs- wald, wahrend der Zeit vom 1. .Januar 1878 bis 1. Jjinuar lHh>. 8^>. -Greifswald, 1892. Se.miaxnikoff (A.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Schieilagen. H°. Miinchen, 1-87. Simfla (G. N.) Riproduziono della presenta- zione del tronco nella stessa, donna ed in gravi- danze successive. 12°. Sassari, 1895. Stock (J. C.) [ Pr. ] partus difhcilis ex braehio foetus sinistro primum ex utero pro- deunte, et delirii a medicament! partum proyo- caiwtis abusu originem habenlis (-urationem sis- tens. [Cum vita caudidati Henrici Laudis.] 4°. Jena;, [1757]. LABOR. 64 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from presentation of trunk [including shoulder and arm], Vaillant (L.) * De la conduite a tenir dans la presentation de l'dpaule i|uaud le foetus est mort et petit. 8\ Paris, 1898. Vilpelle (£.) De la conduite a teuir dans les cas de dystocie due aux 6paules. 8i0. Paris, 1891. VON Wedekind (G.) Ueber die Nothwen- digkeit ein.er baldigen kiinstlichen Entbindung nach abgelaufenem Fruchtwasser bei Querlagen. l(iu. Darmstadt, 1823. Wright (F. W.) On eviscertitiou, should it ever be performed as a mode of delivery in cases of arm presentation? 8°. London, [n. d.]. Zexdkixi (G.) * Del parto spontaneo per la spalla. 8-'. Pavia, 1845. AiiiIitn (Frdulein). Berichtiiber eine Querlage. Allg. deutsche Hebain.-Ztg., Berl., 1903, xviii, 6.—van Aabel Traitement des presentations transversales irr6ductibles. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux., 1896, iii, 170-174. —Audc- berl (J.) Presentation de l'epaule irr6ductible; veision par manoeuvres internes; enfant vivant. Gaz. hebd. d. se. med. de Bordeaux. 1895, xvi, 173-175. -----. De la dystocie et en particulier de la dystocie des 6paules due k la contraction du releveur cocey-p6rin6al. Ann. Soc. med. de Gand, 1902, lxxxi, 156-165. Also [Ahstr.l: Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1902, lxix, 244.—B. (G.) Dis- tocia (fetale) prodotta da deviazione dell' arto destro pos- teriori^ nella pelvi, nella presentazione vertehro sacra. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1901,1,674-679.— Barbour (A. H. F.) Note ou a case of dystocia from dorsal displacement of the arm. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1886-7, xii, 129. Also: Eilinb.M. J., 18*7-8, xxxiii, 216-218. -----. Note on a case of decapitation. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc , 1890-91, xvi, 55-57.—Barlow (H. P.) Sloughing of abdominal wall and prolapse of foetal intestine in a trans- verse presentation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 987.— Barui-N (C. S.) Iteport of two cases of transverse position of the fetus, with prolapse of an arm and impaction. Am. Med., Phila., 1903, v, 55.—Barn.....(E. E.) Transverse presentations; history of a case, with a new method of treatment. Buffalo Si. Sc S. J., 1891-2, xxxi, 385-389.— Bidder (E.) Die mechanische Behandlung verschlepp- ter Querlagen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1881, vi, 333-351. Also, Reprint. — Bisson. Observations de deux aceouchemens, les en fans pr6sentant le bras: 1° Version cephalique; terminaison heureuse. 2° Version par les pieds; mort do l'enfant. Arch, gen de m6d., Par., 1835, 2. s., ix, 71-80. Also, Reprint.—Khinir (P.) Un cas de presentation franche du dos. Limousin m6d., Limoges, 1903, xxvii, 33. — Boncrisliani (M.) Parto distocico; presentazione trasversale; inerzia dell' utero; estrazione manuale del feto e della placenta. In his: Resoc. d. cusi . . . di Monte Castelli, 8°, Umbertide, 1893, 31-33.—Budin (P.) De la conduite k tenir dans les presentations de l'e- paule. Progres med., Par., 1889, 2. a., ix, 173-176. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1889, xvii, 267-270. Also, in his: Lee. de clin. obst., 8°, Par., 1889,135-148. -----. Deux pre- sentations de l'epaule; version par manoeuvres internes dans les deux cas. J. d. sages femmes,- Par., 1903, xxxi, 265; 273; 289; 297; 305.—de Bustamann- (A. S.) Pre- sentaciou de trouco, variedad dorsal, evoluci6u esponta- nea. Arch, de la Soc estud. clin. de la Habana, 1899- 1900, x, 126-159.—Butler (C. \Y.) Transverse presenta- tion; a case. Med. Advance, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1890, xxiv, 73-83.—BuHer (F. P.) An obstetrical experience. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxiv, 498. — Cald- well (C.) Enlarged thyroid or goitre, a cause of trans- verse presentation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, i\ 47»- 474. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887, xvii, 221. —Cecil (J. G.) On shoulder presentations. Am. Prnct. Sc News Louisville, 1886, n.s.,ii,324-326.—Cbarlea (X.) Secoudi- pare bien conforni6e, a terme; presentation de l'6paule gauche, en 2Ae position; forte retraction de la matrice; ver- sion tres lahorieuse, extraction difficile; nouveau-ne rap- pel6 a lit vie; suites heureuses pour la m6re et l'enfant. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1887, viii, 145. -----. Quintipare a terme; presentation transversale; tentatives infructueuses de version ; detroucation: suites favorahles. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1902, xxiii, 352.—t'lieeramoni (H. P.) A case of labour; arm presentation, with prolapsed funis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 147. — Christine (G. M.) Shoulder presentations. Homoeop. J. Obst., N. Y\, 1889, xi, 475-486. Also, Reprint. — Cipolla (S.) Contribu- zione alia patogenesi delle presentazioni di spalla e delle distocie in genere. Corriere san., Milauo, 1903, xiv, 160__ Coles (S.) Transverse position of the child, with pro- lapse of the arm and impaction. Am. Med , Phila., 1903, v, 18-20.— Coles (\V.) The management of shoulder pres- entations. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo. 1891, i, 563-568.— Coiirbon. De l'embryotomie dans les presentations du tronc. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 872; 879. Also .- Arch. liabor (Complicated) from presentation of trunk [including shoulder and arm], de tocol., Par., 1886, xiii, 865-875. - Cuzner (A. T.) Transverse presentation, ending in spontaneous version after a continuous labor of twenty-eight hours, present- ing a possibly new uterine stimulant. Med. Council, Phila., 1896, i, 108.— Davidson (D. C.) Transverse pres- entation on two consecutive occasions; evisceration j turning. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 610.—Be Silva (G. F.) Version by the bipolar method in a case of arm presenta- tion. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x, 418.—Be Windt. Presentation de l'6paule; version impossible; dangers du morcellementdel'enfant; operation cesarienne; gu6rison. Bull. Soc. dem6d.deGand, 1892,lix,223-232.—Dohyabhai (D.) A case of hand and shoulder presentation, with spontaneous evolution'. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1898, xii, 414.—Drejer. Et tilfajlde af selvudvikling. [Sur un cas de d6veloppement spontanee. Res., 760.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidonsk., Kristiania, 1900,4, R., xv, 699-704— Dupuy (L.-E.) Accouchement par manoeuvres internes favorisaut revolution spontanee dans une presentation de l'epaule. Progres ni6d., Par., 1893, 2. s., xviii, 453. Also: Arch, de tocol. etdegyn6c., Par., 1894, xxi, 421-425. -----. Presentation anormale du tronc; extraction facile; infec- tion rapide; autopsie. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 991__ Edgar (J. C.) Conversion of a vertex into a shoulder presentation by a Champetier balloon dilator; direct podalic version with recovery for both mother and child. N. York .7. Gynaec. Sc Obst.,' 1893, iii, 325-328. Also, Re- print.— Edson (B.) A series of complicated lahors; shoulder presentations; expulsion of child with head doubled upon the trunk. Med. Council, Phila., 1897, ii, 39.— Elliott (F. P. ) A case of presentation of the axilla at full term; spontaneous delivery of the foetus. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1901, xix. 130. — Kustaclic (G.) Presentation do l'6paule r6p6t6e 13 fois chez la menie femme. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1889, ii, 25-30. Also: J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1888-9, viii, 282-284. Also: N. Arch, d'obst. etdegyn6c, Par., 1889, iv, 239-243.—Fischer (E.) Schiefe Lage der Frucht; Vorfall der linken oheren Extreinitat; "Wendung auf die Fiisse. Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1886, xxi, 160. — Fouruel. Presentations do l'epaule. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 514-516.— Fonrnk-r. Presentation del'6paule; dechirures uterine et vesicale; version; laparotomie; bysterectomie abdonii- nale totale; sutures et drainage de la vessie. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 386-388. — Fiirst (L.) Kliuische Bctrachtungen iiher die verschiedeneu Lage- und Gestalts- veranderungen der Gebarmutter mit spezieller Beriick- sichtigung der Schieflage. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1870, xx, 297; 328; 874; 901; 920; 938; 1011; 1038; 1067. Also, Reprint.—Gaillard. Presentation de l'epaule gauche en acromioiliaque droite; rupture pr6matur6e des mem- branes; retraction uterine; embryotomie; hemorrhagic grave par inertie ut6rine consecutive arr6tee par des injec- tions intra-uterines trfes chaudes de liquide antiseptiqnej gu6rison. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1888, xv, 503-505.— GauN«. Vorgefallener Arm; Gangrandesganzen Armes. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1903, xlix, 156.— Gayme (L.) Presentation de l'6paule negligee; version par manoeuvres internes; emploi de la sonde intrauterine de Collin comme embrvotomie. Dauphin6 m6d., Grenoble, 1899, xxiii, 25-32.— German (I. S.) 0 poperechnikh polozheniyakh ploda s vipadeniyem ruchki. [Transverse presentations of the fcetus with prolapse of the hand.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1903, x, 511-513. — Gershun (B. E.) K kazuistikie poperechnikh polozheniy. [Trans- verse presentations.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lv, 186.— Giuliana (R. A.) A case of transverse presentation with prolapse of the arm and funis and placental ha-nior- rhage. N. York M. J.. 1898, lxviii, 677.—Golinelli (L.) Alcuni casi relativi alia presentazione della spalla con speciali eonsiderazioni; iudicazioni per 1' uso metodico degli uncini acuti, oppure per un nuovo processo opera- torio da sostituirsi alia decollazione, eseguito con uno strumeuto da chiamarsi vertebrotomo. Bull. d. sc. med. di Lologua, 1866, 5. s., v, 36-61. Also, Reprint.—Gomberg (M. B.) A case of elbow presentation. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1895-6, viii, 121.—Gossett (W. B.) [Case of a transverse presentation delivered by podalic version.] Louisville M. Month., 1398-9, v, 126.— Govin (E.) De la conduite k tenir nans la presentation do l'6paule. J._ d. sages-femmes, Par., 1900, xxviii, 3; 11. — Guic- ciardi. Sulla diagnosi di presentazione di spalla. Boll. d. Soc.tosc. di ostet. e ginec. Firenze, 1902, i, 129-132.— Guinier. Accouchement pr6matur6 spontane au 7" mois; presentation de l'6paule; tentatives de version; decollation. Montpel. m6d., 1888, 2. s., xi, 81. —Gupta (J. C. D.) A case of transverse presentation, with pro- lapse of both arms aud cord, and its successful deliv- ery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii. 5. — Guyot. Evolution spontanee dans un cas de presentation de l'6paule droite, premiere position, avec procidences dn cordon et dn bras. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1894, xxvi, 119. — Hammond (F. C.) Shoulder presenta- tion occurring twice in the °ame patient. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Boat., 1902, xv, 210-212—Hart (D. B.) Ou the LABOR. 65 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from presentation of trunk [including shoulder and arm], nomenelatuie of transverse presentation and of version, with remarks on the choice of the leg seized. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1900, vii, 1-7— II ay ward (G. G.) A case of labor at eight mouths; shoulder presentation, ver- sion; adheieut placenta: child with imperforate rectum: operation: recovery. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 18S7. cxvi. 467. [OiscussionJ, 475-477. Also. Reprint.— lleiiirieiuw ((I.) Sur leuiploi du crochet de Braun dans les presentations de l'epaule neglig6es. N. Arch, d'obst. et de gvnec., Par . 1893, viii, 289-30'-'. — Hepite* (T.) Presentation de l'epaule; ruptuie du vagin pendant 1 accouchement: ex- pulsion du fu-tus et du placenta dans la cavite abdo- niinale: enibryotoniie: guciison. Arch, roiini. do med. et chir.. Par., 1887. i, 33-41.— Hubert. Presentation de l'epaule, essais de veisiou: decollation: septieeniie; humt. Rev. med.. Louvain. IsSii. v, 107-111. — lnj;lolt (G. F.) Foetus, with duplicitv of right lower e\t rcmity . arm pivs- entation. I>1 it. M.I.. Loud. 1890, i 12S.— .lariliiie ( K. I Niture's methods of delivery in transverse pi osculations. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlviii.'224-226. Also: Tr. Glasgow OlisL & Gyua-c Soc. 1896-8. i, 33-35.—lullieu. Pre- sentation de l'epaule: retraction de 1'anneau de I'.aiull. Ga7 med. de Picardie. Amiens. 1900, xviii, 2.V.I--J61 — Kehrer iF.) De la conduite k tenir dans les presenta- tion^ de l'epaole negligees. Cong, pei-iod. de gvnec, d'obst .-t do pa-dint." Mem. et disc. 18:'"> Par.. 1896.703- 709. — Kiilbax-nko (I. S.) K voprosu o viluslitshenii vipavsuci i-uehki pri zapushtshennom popereclinom po- lozhenii. [Excision of the prolapsed hand in neglected transverse presentation.] Prak. Vrach, S.-Peterb., 1902, i, 1139.—Korlrighl (J. L.) Fnusiial mechanism in shoulder delivery' Med. Rec., N. Y.. 1890, xxxvii. 444.— Kii-luer (O.) Die Behandlung vernachlassigter Quer- lag- n and das Schultze'sche Sichelmesser. Centralbl. f. GvniiU Leipz.. IssO.i, 169-17> Also, Reprint. — I.aliaye. Presentation 86. 3. s., xv. Hil-K'..". — I.a Kouehardiere (J.) Easy method of decapitating the foetal head in transverse presentations when turning is not possible. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1903. xxiv. .">78.— l.aiijjer (Helene). Querlage mit vor- liegender Nachgeburt: Tod der Mutter. Allg. deutsche Hebatn. Ztg.. P.erl.. 1903, xviii, 165.— l.annin (Louise). A case of extra cephalic hernia with shoulder presenta- tion. Homoeop. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1892. xiv. 126-130.— Lalzko ( \Y.) Beitrag zur Therapie versehleppter Querlagen. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1901. li. 1287-1299.— I.eix'iiring (II. G.) Transverse presentation occur- ring three times in same jiatient. West. M. Rev.. Lin- coln. Neb., 1899. iv, 93-95.—I.e Rovy Cassa (J.) Notas sobre un caso de presentation de tor ix. Rev. i'e med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1896. i, 65-69. —I. ind for* (A. O.) Nagra ord om versio och evolutio spontanea vid tvar- liige. (Einige Worte iiber Versio un-I Evolntiu sponta- nea bei Querlage. Uebeis., p. xxiii (~p-*»la Lakaref. Fiirh.. 1902-3. n. f., viii, 432-438. _ |,o««-li«-r. Ueber einige Vortheile der Knie- und KlleniMigenlage. N. Zt- schr. f. Gebnrtsk., Berl., 1?43, xiv, 253-262.— I.oviot. Denx cas de presentation de l'epaule gam-he en dorso- posterieun . Pull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynee.de l'ar.. 1892. 183-1*8.— l.ncciarini (L.) Ah une osservazioni cliniche sopra un caso di presentazione di spalla. Rac- coglitore med., Forll. 1893, 5. s.. xvi, 357-364 — TlrCrea (Maggie L.) Transverse presentations. Proc. Kansas M. Soc., Topeka. 1894, 1 mi-1*8. Als;: Kansas M. ,L, To- peka. 1894, vi, 367-369. — .TI ace (O i Dos presentations de l'epaule negligees. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1902, xvi. 147- 150.— .VieLane (J. W.) Transverse presentation: impacted -houhb-r: ante-partutn hemor- rhage; rupture of uterus: death. Am. J.Ohst, N.Y., 1891, xxiv, 413. — Tlaxnon (L. R.) Shoulder and other more transverse pr. ■-• ntation-. N.York M. J.,18*8. xlvii. 573.— iriaygriera Mchnnli, Dystocie par retraction de 1'ori- flee externe il u col dans u n cas de presentation do le panic Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1898, 167-175.- tlerrier (Mine.) Accouchement contre nature; presentation du (los. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1837-8, v, 72. — .Vleriiiiiini (A.) Zur Behandlnng versehleppter Querlagen. (Viiir.iHil. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1*95. xix, 963-9C8. -.Tlelxlnr (C ) Pen ge'val van natuurlijke geboorte bij schoudeiiigging. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, 1890, ii, 259-265.— Miltra (N. C.) The treatinent of arm presentation in midwifery practice. Med. Reporter, Calcutta, 1893, ii, 165 — .Vlouk* (C.) A case of hand- and shoulder-presen- tation with spontaneous evolution. Lancet. Lond., 1896, ii, 1524.— Tlooilliar (X. V.) A few cases of hand presen- tation. Indian Lancet. Calcutta, 1903, xxi, 434.—Tloralew (J. F.) Parto espontaneo con presentacion detronco; feto muerto. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1902, xxviii, 399- 403.— Tliirillo. Presentaciiin (le tronco, piano lateral iz- qnierdo; posicidn i-efalo-iliaea derecha; version podtilica. Rev. m6d. de Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1887-8, xvi, 157-159.— Neugebauer (L. A.) Przypadek habitualnego stawia- nia sie. plodu do porodu w polozeniu popizeeziu'-ni, spo- wodowanego nieprawidlowa. budowa. macicy. [Case of habitual transverse presentation, caused by abnormal VOL IX, 2d series---5 Labor (Complicated) from presentation of trunk [including shoulder and arm]. structure of the uterus. | (lax. lek.,'Warszawa, 1866, i, 225- 229. Also. Reprint. — Ohm (F.) Ett egenilomligt for- lossningsfall. aningligen tviiiliige med evolutio spontanea. I Ein eigentiiiuliclier Entbinilungslall, verniutlich (Quer- lage mit Kvolntio spontanea, Pollers., pp. x\i-x\iii.] Upsala Liikan-f. Forh., 1902-3, u. 1.,viii, 429-431.—OnIi-i-iI (J.) Uttizeni hlavy od trupu pti porodu plodu nedonose- u6ho po obratu vykonan6ni pf-i poloze pfieni. |(iathir- ing lead from trunk of ituiuatuto .foetus before v liirlh after turning, performed for cross presentation.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1880, xix, 335-340.—Oui. Presenta- tion de l'epaule n6gligee; brachiotomie, evisceration, spon- dylotoinie, evolution forceo. Gaz. helid. d. sc. in6d. do Bordeaux, 1894, xv. 233-235.—Patay. Yersion pour pre- sentation do l'epaule; hemorrhagic niortello due k une 6raillnre du s -ginent inferieur. Pull. Sue. d'ohst. de Par., 1899, ii, 214-219. — Patron .Martinez ( A.) De la fre- cuencia do las preseutaciones del tronco en Yucatiin. (lac. mod., Mexico. 1899, xxxvi, 14-19.— Payer ( A.) Natur- hilfen aus Querlagen mit bosoiiderer Bei iicksiehtigiuig der Selbst-Eiitwiokelung. Mitth. d. Yer. d. Aerzie in Steier- niark, Graz, 1901, xxxviii, 233-250. — Pcnruildoeke (C.) Arm and shoulder presentation; spontaneous ex]iulsion (Douglas). Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887. i, 507.—Perry (G. K.) Shoulder presentations, with report of a case. Tr. Am. Inst. Iloinii-op., Phila., 1896, 900-905. — Punier. Beitrag zur Behandluiig versehleppter Querlagen. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1897, xxxviii, 49-52. — Pinaril. Presentation transversale; procidence des deux pieds et d'une main; basiotripsie, tete derniere. J. d. sages-feinmes, Par , 1887, xv, 345.—Piskacck (L.) Decapitation in a case of neg- lected shoulder presentation after efforts to perform po- dalic version had failed ; extraction of the severed head with the James Simpson forceps; recovery. Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlix, 208.—Polaillon. De l'uterus incom- pletement cloisonne comme cause de la presentation du tronc. Bull. Soc. dem6d.de Par.(1877), 1878, xii. 125-129.— Pollok (R.) Shoulder presentations in midwilerv prac- tice. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlvii, 412-417.—Potter'tJ. C.) Mode of delivery in a case of impacted shoulder presenta- tion. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1898, ii, 1428.— Poll* (W. A.) A case of negh cted transverse presentation ; delivery of a living child' by version. Lancet, Lond., 1899. ii, 1014.— Pri'-Nentatiou de l'epaule, sortie du bras; accouche- ment sponlau6. J. d. conn. med. prat., l'ar., 1848-9, xvi, 448.—Pnech (P.) Rupture pr6matur6e de la pocho des eaux; enfant mort; presentation de l'epaule; acceleration du travail par 1'introduction du ballon de Champetier de Ribes; evolution spontanee. N. Montpel. med., 1893, ii, suppl., 51. Also: Arch, de tocol. et do gynec. Par., 1893, xx, 284.—Querlage; Blutung im Wochenbeit; Tod der Woehnerin. Allg. deutscheHebam.-Ztg., Perl., 1903, xviii, 247.—Ram (1).) A case ef an unnatural labor. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 329-331. —Roberts (C. H.) Transverse presentations of the foetus. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1893-4, i, 35-37. — ISoy (S. K.) A case of trans- verse presentation delivered 1>\ evisceration. Indian Lan- cet, Calcutta, 1902, xx.875.—Kos.iinoli (P. <;.) K voprosu o mekhanicheskom posobii pri zapiislitsheiinikh poperech- nikh polozhoniyakh. [ Mechanical aid in neglected trans- verse present itions.] Pussk. Med., St.. Petorsb., 1891, xvi, 203; 2l8.-Ko/.nii,'iii-t (M.) NIekotoi iya literaturnivii danniya k voprosu o brakhiotomii pri liiel'otoinii. [Some literature data on the question of brachiotoiiiy ill breph- otomv.] Protok. zasaid. akush. - ginek. Obsh. v Kieve, 1892, v, 115- 120.— Kupitert (II.) Z kazuistyki zahie- g6w operacy.jnyeh przy zaniedbanem poprzecznein po- lozeniu plodu. |()fieralive procedures in neglected trans- verse positions of the fietus. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii, 835. —Neh in id t (.In lie). Querlage, vorliegender Muttei kin-hen, Tod dor Wochiu-riii infolgo von Aniimie (Blutleere). Allg. deutsche Hebam -Ztg., Perl., 1903, xviii, 290. —Neh mill (K. A.) Synopsis of live cases of shoulder presentation with prolapsed hand. I'e xas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1888-9, vi, 159-162.—Neiaky (A.) Presentation do l'6paule. procidence du cordon; decollation avec la ticelle, proc6(lcdu Prof. Pajot. Ann.de gvnec., Par,,1886,xxv, 137- 142—Nen (PC.) A caso of transversa presentation, with prolapse ol right arm and hand, and successful delivery of a living child. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1887, xxii, 110.— Shaffer (P. T. P>.) A disappointing footling. Med. Coun- cil, Phila., 1902, vii, 172.—Sharp ( W. IL j Transverse presentation; cases, with remarks on the treatinent. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1886, 266-272. — Nhilaud (J. T.) Tluee cases of shoulder presentation, illustrating the value of kiue and In east position. Albany M. Ann., 1893, xiv, 103-106. — Nilbersteiu (A.) O polozeniach plodu poprzecznyeli zaniedbanyeh. [On neglected trans- verse positions of fotus. | Przegl. lek., Krnlciw, 1897, xxxvi, 334; 347. — Noloweit»chvk (J.) A case of trans- verse presentation. N York M. ,L, 1890, li, 379. — Nom- inee (Uosiiio). Beendiguug einer Querlage dutch die Wendung. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1902, xvii, 377. — Npeneer (II. It.) On delivery in certain cases of impact ion of the trunk of the fcetus. Brit. M. J., LABOK. 66 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from presentation of trunk [including shoulder and arm], Lond., 1895. i, 808. — Np'ieny (T. F. H.) The genu-pec- . toral position in transverse and oblique presentations. Homceop. J. Obst.. N. Y., 188'.), xi, 383-386. — Ntark (S.) The causes of shoulder presentation ; with the report of a case. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxix, 364-367.—Ntewart (R. W. ) Crass presentations. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1899. n. s., xiii, 381-386. — Ntreng (,T.) Ueber Decapita- tion des Fotus bei Querlage wegen unmoglicher Wen- dung. Vrtl.jsclir. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1853, xxxviii, 68-74.—Nlyie« (S. F.) Six cases of shoulder presentation iu two thousand deliveries. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1887, 205-212.—dc Swieeieki (H.) Quelles sont les res- sources de I'm ganisnie dans les presentations obliques ou de l'epaule? En cas d'une presentation de l'epaule, peut- on compter sur les efforts seuls de la nature ou bien doit- on intervenir? Arch, do tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1892, xix, 252-259. — Tandan (R. K.) A peculiar case of hand and funis presentation; extraction of the child; re- sult. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, viii, 298. — Tar- nier. Presentation de l'6paulo droite; detroncation; ap- plication de forceps. J. d. sages-fennnes, Par., 1890, xviii, 9-11. -----. Deux presentations de l'epaule. Ibid., 1893, xxi, 265-268. — Tate (M. A.) Presentation of the arm. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1903, n. s., li, 196. — Thiaudiere (P.-D. ) Accouchement laborieux; presentation dun bras; version impossible k trois medecins. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1853-4, xxi, 101-104. — Thierry. Pre- sentation de l'epaule: rupture prematuree de la poche des eanx; fietus mort; retraction de l'anneau de Bandl; ob- stacles .1 la version. Ann. de gyn6e. et d'obst.. Par., 1899, li, 306—Thomas (0.1'.). Report of across birth. Cleve- land M. Gaz., 1893-4, ix, 199. — Tisaier & Desfosses. Rupture sous-peritoneale dans un cas de presentation de l'etiaule negligee: vaste thrombus remontant jusqu'au diaphragiue. Uev. prat, d'obst. et de gyn6c, Par., 1897, xiii, 176-178.—Toujan. Un nouveau cus d'embryotomie i-achidieiine. Arch, de tocol. etdegyn6c, Par., 1892, xix,561- 566. — Tom-nay. Presentation c6phalo-iliaque gauche de l'6paule droite; prolapsus du bras; enfant mort; bra- chiotomie; version bipolaire; Application du grand for- ceps; couches normales. Clinique, Brux., 1891, v, 209-211. -----. Presentation de l'6paule avec procidence du bras; resserrement tetaniquc de l'anneau de contraction; dechi- rure du segment inferieur de l'uterus; mort. J. d'aecouch., Li6ge, 1897, xviii, 10.—Van Aubel (C.) Traitement des Erescntatioiia transversales irreductibles. Presse m6d. elge, Brux., 1896, xlviii, 369-371.—Van IVye (C.) Acase of transverse presentation with rupture of uterus. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1895, xiii, 135. — Varnier ( H.) De la conduite a tenir dans la presentation de l'epaule. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hvg. de l'enf.. Par., 1888, i, 4; 33; 73: 1889, ii, 257; 289; 321; 362. —Vera (C. A.) Presentacion de cara en M*. I. D. P.; con procidencia jlel brazo iz- quierdo; opcracion; curacion. An. d. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1890, xiii, 385-390.— Walker (J. F.) A labor case made difficult by the faulty presentation and size of the child. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 293- 295. — Wells (E. F.) Shoulder presentations and their management. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1890, xxiii. 274-294.— Weston (W.) Case of transverse presentation; dorso- anterior; prolapse of the cord; podalic version; delivery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1888, xxiii, 141.—Willctt (J. A.) Two cases of transverse presentation. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1900-1901, viii, 154.—Zasyadko (N.) Sluchai zapushtshennikh rodov pri pervom poperechnom polo- zhenii ploda (situs transverrusprimus) sposlieduyushtshei embriotomiyei. | Neglected labor in . . . with subsequent embryotomy.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, xi, 366.— X bo ray (B.) A har&ntfekvesriJl. [The cross presenta- tion.] Gynaekologia, Budapest, 1902, 61-69. — Zweifel (P.) Ueber die Dekapitation und die Grundsatze der- Wendung bei dorsoposterioren Querlagen. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1895, xix, 521-539. liabor (Complicated) from prolapse of the bladder. See Labor (Complicated) from distended, etc., bladder. Labor (Complicated) from prolapse of the umbilical cord. Alberts (IT. ) * Zur Therapie bei Nabel- schnurvorfall. S-. Halle a. S., 1898. Bail (W. H.) *Die iu dem letzten Jahrzehnt an der Greifswalder geburtshiilflichen Klinik zur Beobachtung gekoiutuenen Falle von Nabel- schnurvorfall. 8°. Greifswald, ±899. Boyek (P.) * De la conduite a tenir dans les cas de procidence du cordon ombilical. 4°. Paris, 1892. Iia bor (Complicated) from prolapse of the umbilical cord. Clement (A.) Contribution a l'dtude de l'6tiiiuglement du cordou ombilical par des brides amniotiques. 8°. Paris, 1900. Crone (\Y. A.) *De prolapsu funiculi umb'ili- calis. 8°. Groningw, 1817. Dksvaux (J.) * De la procidence du cordon, et de ses rapports avec les r<5tr6cissemeiits pel- viens. 8°. Paris, 1900. Giboky (G.) * Contribution a l'6tude de la procidence et du procubitus du cordon ombili- cal. 4°. Paris, 1893. Gluskin (I.) * Ueber Nabelschnurvorfall. 8°. Berlin, 1903. Groz (P.) *Des procidences du cordon dans la poche des eaux. 8C. Lyon, l'J02. Hartmann (J. [J. M.]) * Ueber den Vorfall der Nabelscbnur. 8°. Greifswald, 1891. Hirsch (A.) * De fuuiculi umbilicalis pro- lapsi repositione. 8°. Berolini, [18515]. Jablonski (J.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologie des Nabelschnurvorfalles. 8°. Gtiefswald, 1893. Josephson ( M. ) * De funiculi umbilicalis juxta caput prolapsi repositione observationes xxviii. 8°. Kilia;. 1839. Kollegorsky (A.) * Ueber Vorfall der Na- belschnur. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1880. Kraus (0.) * Zur Therapie des Nabelschnur- vorfalls be; Kopflage. 8-1. Berlin, 1896. Lederiiolm (V.) * De prolapsu funiculi um- bilicalis. 8°. Mosquce, 1850. Lindemann (E.) * Ueber den Abfall der Na- belschnur mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der anatomiscben Verbaltnisse derselben. 12°. Ber- lin, [1880]. " ' MacLean (C.) * Ueber Reposition bei Na- belschnnrvorfall. 8°. Berlin, 1896. Michelsen (F. E.) *Beitrage zur Prognose und Therapie des Vorliegens und Vorfalls der Nabelscbnur dargestellt an 100 Fallen. 8-'. Kbnigsberg, 1901. Nitzelnadel (E.) * Zur Therapie des Nabel- schnurvorfalles bei Schiidellage. [Jena.] 8°. Altenburg, 1887. Pellisson (L.) * Des procidences nieconnues du cordon ombilical. 4°. Paris, 1890. Perrossier (P.) * La procidence et le procu- bitus du cordon ombilical a la clinique Baude- locque du 10 mai 1893 au ler Janvier 1900. 8 -. Paris, 1900. Reuter (F. ) * 1 lie Tberapie des Nabel- schnurvorfalls bei Koprlageu iu ihrer allmah- lichen Entwicklung bis zum heutigen Stande der Dinge. [Bonn.] 8\ Berlin, 1894. Rosing-Hansen (C.) Prolapsus funiculi um- bilicalis. 8°. Kjtftbenhavn, 1897. Ruhland (M. P.) * De partu prajternaturali ac difficili ob procidentiam fuuiculi umbilicalis juxta caput, sm. 4°. Argentorati, [1775]. Schaad (T.) * Ueber Vorlage und Vorfall der Nabelscbnur auf Grund vou 103 Fallen der ge- burtshiiln. Klinik und Poliklinik in Berlin. [Bern.] 8°. Schaffhausen, 1886. Schmidt (M. P. H.) * Ueber Nabolschnurvor- fall (205 in der Poliklinik beobachtete Fiille). 8°. Breslau, 1902. Schrader (T.) *Die Therapie bei Prolapsus fuuiculi umbilicalis. 8°. Berlin, [1890]. Spude (H. [G. C.T) *Zur Therapie des Pro- lapsus funiculi umbilicalis bei Kopflagen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1891. Witticii (F. M.) *De prolapsu funiculi um- bilicalis. 8°, Jenee, [1842]. Abraham* (R.) The Trendelenburg position for pro- lapse of the funis. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 740-743. Also, Reprint.—Astaford (F. A.) Ballooning the prolapsed LABOR. 67 LABOR, Labor (Complicated) from prolapse of the umbilical cord. umbilical cord. . Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1878, xi, 745-747.— Brady (E. J.) Funis presentation and funis prolapse, with notes of cases. Dublin ,1. M. Se., 1896, ei, "8-42.— Briiiioii (YY~.) Prolapse of the funis. Tr. M. A. Chir. Lac. Marvland, Bait., 1891, 68-75. Also : Marvland M. J., Bait., 1890-91, xxiv, 111-115. [Di-eussionl. 123 — SJrolher* (A.) A new postural method of treating prolapsus of the um- bilical cord. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1895, xxxii, 849-853.— Bml■ a (P.) Deux cas de presentation de la tete avec procidence du cordon, l'un accompagiic de procidence d'une main; l'un des enfants vivant. lautro mort; proci- denccsdu cordon engeneral. J.d. .sages-femmes Par.1902, xxx, 161; 169; 177; 185: 1993, xxxi. 193.—Caldwell (C.I I Repi r: of acaseof hernia of the umbilical curd. Obst. ' Gaz.. Cincin., 1886, ix, 337-343.— t'lmrle* (N.) Multi- j pare k terme: presentation du sonimet avec procidence du cordon; application de forceps; enfant vivant; suites de I conches normales; enfant atteint d'ophtaltnio purulente; guerison. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1 ~SO. vii, 157-159.—C'lin- t a rd. Prolapsus du cordon oinhilical: mort du fietus par asphyxie. J. demed.de Bordeaux, 1859, 2. s., iv, 461-469.— 1*. uimamlenr. Des procidences du cordon dans la poche des eaux ; d.ingeis pour l'enfant; niccanisine de la eonipiessiuii du cordon; conduite a tenir. Province med., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 529 -537. — t'ri«teniio ((' > L*ne cause d'erreur dans le diagnostic des laterocideiu-<-s du cordon. Bull, et mem. Sue. d« i hir. de Bucarest P.'oii-i'.itu, iii. 116- 119.—Davidson (I.I A dilliculty in pirtm ii ion. Lan- cet, Lond., 1889, i, 75— Be l.ee (J. B.) A case of flat rachitic pelvis; prolapse of the cord with the head: ver- sion and extraction. ,T. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1897. xxviii, 306.—Beneux (I..-C.) M6iuoire sur la sortie du cordon ombilical pendant le travail de l'enfantement. J. g6n. de med., chir. et pharm.. Par.. 1820, Ixxi. 148-186. Also, Reprint.— Buearre (Mme.) Procidence dn cordon avec presentation du sonunet en transversale droite dans nn bassin aplati sans rachitisme: reduction du cordon avec la main; enfant vivant. J. d. sages-femmes. Par., 1892, xx, 91.—Byce (R.) Cases ot postural treatment in pro- lapse of the funis. Med. Times .v Gaz., Lond., 1866, ii, 524. Also, Reprint.—Eekxein. Demonstration eines Fades von Hernia funiculi umbilicalis. "Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1902, xv, 928.—Ehrarooth (E.) Till kanne- doin om framfall af nafvelstraugen. f A la connaissanee de la procidence dn cordon ombilical. Res., pp. xcvii- xcix.] Finska lak.-sallsk. haudl.. Helsingfors, 1898, xl, 888-959.—Emery (Z. T.) An improved method of man- aging the cord in prolapsed funis. B ooklyn M. J.. 1891, v, 317-323.—Flynn (R. A.) The causes and treatment of presentation and prolapse of the funis. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud.. 1>98, n. 8., Ixvi. 5-7.—von Franqiie (0 ) AussergewohnlicheBeweLtlichkeitdesKindes wain ■ ndder Gehurt; Nabelschnnrvoi fall: Wendung; vorzeitige Athem- beweeung. Meconium in d< n Luftwegen. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr., 1861, ii, 113-122 -1 urwl (O. J.) Umbilical cord hernia. Langsdale's Lancet. Kansas City, 1898, iii. 138- 140.—Gallois. Mort du futus jiar procidence du cordon avant la rupture des membranes ct. le (16but apparent du travail. Dauphin6 med., (Jrenoble. 3s-'.14. xviii, lul-lo8.— i Gnerin-Valmale(C )&Guiraml< n ( i ) Htmlc st;i- ' tiatique des cas de prui idence du cordon ombilical de la Cli- nique obstetricalc de Moijipellior. Montpellii.r med.. 1902, 2. s., xiv, 625; 649; i;77; 702.—Haggard (\V. D.), jr. Another case of prolapsus funis. Am. J. Obst.. X. Y., 1897, xxxvi, 549.—HaMeinaii (J. S.) Prolapsus funis umbilicalis. Cincin. L.uu-i t-i linii . 1886, n. 8., xvii, 71- 74.—H anion (L.i Inewni.t. pen commune de prolap- sus du cordon oinbilie.il. I. d. -ages-fi-mmes. Par.. 18K2, x, 59—Harvey (L. J.) Prolapse of the funis. J. Mor- gan Co. M. Sue., .Jacksonville. 1898, i, 103-105. — Ileum- ( H. ) Zur Reposition des Xabelschiuu \ m falls. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak.. Leipz:., 1901, xxv, 1392— Hick* (.J II.) | Post-graduate lecture on prolapse of the funis. | Ali- sti.] Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., I«92, n. s., liii, 577.— Ilirth (S.) Vorfall der Nabelscbnur. Ztschr. f. Wund- iir/.te u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1884, xxxv, 346-355.— Kiihl (G. H.) On the postural treatment of prolapse of the funis. Dublin 0- J. M. Sc, 1868, xlvi, >-9-93. Also, Reprint.—Konigxlein (.7.) Zum XalieKehnurvoifall. Wien. med. BL, 1899. xxii, 55-58— Kowaltlii (II.) Ue- pozytoryum wlasnego pom.\~lu do wypadle.j pepowiny. [Replacer for prolapse of umbilical curd ] I'r/egl. lek., Krak6w, 1895, xxxiv, 3-5. — Krentzmnnn. l.'nge- wohnliehe Todesursache des Fietus bei Xabelechnur- vorfall. Med. Monatschr., X. Y., 1889, i, 565.—de I.ain- barri (Teresa M.) Los casos de prolapse del cordon um- bilical. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1897. ii, 228.— Levy (F.) Freinfald af Xavelsnoren ; Reposition, deraf- ter Vending og Tang paa sidstkommende Hoved. [Pro- lapsus of umbilical cord ; reposition; version with forceps for following head.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1890, 3. 11., viii, 120-123.— I.orhboehler (G. J.) Report of a ease of prolonged prolapsus funis in twin piegnancy. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1894, xxix, 47 S —I*Ie< iillough (J. W. S.) Unusual case of prolapsus funis. I bid., 1897, xxxvi, 233.— Labor (CompUcatctl) from prolapse-of the umbilical cord. .Vlalcher Nerzedello. Apresentacao do craneo; pro- cedencia do cordfto umbilical e do brnco direito; applica- ble de forceps. Brazil-med., Rio do Jan., 1896, x, 246.— ITIayjjriertC) Note sur deux cas de procidence du cor don ombilical survciino en dehors du travail. Progres med., Par., 1887,2. s., v, 475. Also, transl.: Med. Press A Circ, Lend. 1887, n. s., xliv, 590.—1TI ii Her (A.) Le- ber den Vorfall der Xibelschnur und (lessen Behandlung. Ztschr. f. \\'iindiir/le u. (ioburtsh., Stuttg., 1872-3, xxv, 1-2L—NerhayeiriN'. V ) Malcriali k voprosu o vipad. pupovini. | Prolapse of the umbilical cord. ] Med. Obozr.. Mosk. I860, xxxiii, 136- 149. — IVeugebaiier (L. A.) Peschrcibiing eines Fades von geliiiiLteiier Om- phalotaxis. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Bresl., 1852, iii, 44-47, 1 pi.—>eville (W. C.) The treatment of presentations and prolapses of the funis. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1886. iv, 272 291. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1886, 3. s., lxxxii, Id; 97 -!\icholl* (W. .1.) l'rolapso of the funis treated successfully by manual reposition. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 569.— Noriega (T.) A <;ntierrex (M.) Obser- vations critiques sur les procoih-s employes pour combat- tre la procidence du coidon ombilical; conduite suivie, dans cc cas, par les medecins mexicains. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. interna/. 1894, Roma, 1895, v, ostet., 182.—ONtri-il (J.) () pfepadnuti pupeeniku. [Prolapse of the umbilical cord.] Casop. U-k. cesk., v Praze, 1872, xi,o329-332. ----r. Pfipad kolacc veestneho sdruzeneiio v pruliehii porodu s pfepadnntim pujn cniku a pravc- dolni kon6etiny; s dob- lym vysledkem pro dile imatku. [Ilirth retarded by pla- cental obstruction and prolapse of umbilical cord and right lower extremity; good result for mother and child.] Ibid., 1882, xxi, 417-419.—Oai. Deux cas de procidence du cor- don ombilical. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1894, xv, 554-556.—Papin. Prolapse of cord. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1886, xv, 440-447. — Panlore (1.) L' oligoamnios consideratu co.ue fattoredi proc id en/.a del cordone edi sof- ferenze fetali. Riforma nicd., Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 4, 410-413.—PrrroNNirr (P.) La procidence et le procubi- tusdu cordon umbilical. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1902, xv, 128-132. —Renshaw (II. S.) Prolapsus of the umbilical cord. I'.rit, M. J., Lond., 1893, i. 519.—Ruiz t'asaviella (E.) Paito distocico con salida de un asa (lei cordon umbilical de 2 decimetros de extension; ini- pl uitacion de la placenta en el cuello del utero, estrangu- lacion de un cotiledon de la misnia del tamafio de medio huevo de gallina, hemorragia uteriua y presentaciou de vertice con salida del codo izquierdo. Sight med., Ma- drid, 1888, xxxv,438-410.—Sauti. Presentazione pi imitiva di fronte e laterocidenza del funiculi!. Poll. d. Soctosc.di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 19-23.—Mcroggie (J. G.) Prolapse of the umbilical cord. lirit.M.J., Lond . 1893, i, ;t48. — von Nli-oynowNki. Voifall einer pulsirenden Xabelsehmii icliliiigo (lurch den Mastdarm. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1886. x, 340.—Tarnier. Presentation de l'6paule a vec procidence d'un pied ; procidence du cordon ; mort de l'eiifant par asphyxie detertuin6e quelques heures apr^s les accidents asphyxiants. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1891, xix, 289-291. -----. Procidence du cordon ombilical. Ibid., 1896, xxiv, 185: 1897, xxv, 193. -----. Bassin 16gere- .ment retreci; piocidenco dn cordon ombilical; version podalique; enfant tics voluminenx; basiotripsie. Ibid., 1897, xxv, 257-259.—Tildewley (J. P.) Case of presenta- tion of funis; successful reposition, Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 631. — Wej{i«clieidrr ((I.) Kinigcs iiber lb position der vorgefalh-iien Xalielschnur. Verhandl. d.Cesellscli. f.Ge- burtsh. in Boil., 1852,6. lift.,96-132.— WiInoii i.I.O.) Re- marks on the postural treatment of prolapse of the funis; with cases illustrative of its successful employment. Clasgow M. J., 1866-7, 3. 8., i, 274-278. Also, Ilcpriiit. Labor (Complicated) from prolapse of the | uterus or vagina. Nta mm ( K. ) Ueber Uterusprolups b(-i Nel)waugorschaft ttntl fJcliurt. H\ Wiirzburg, 1898. A iy.pnrn (T.) Prolti]iso de la matrix durante el parto. An. de ol,„i., ginecopat. y |iediat., Madrid, 1887, vii, 193- 196.— ICai-lon (II. T.) Labour complicated by prolapsus and hypertrophy of tho cervix uteri; its progress and treatinent. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 15. — Itallen (J. M.) Prolapse of uterus in parturition. Tr. M. Sue. Penn., Phila., 1894, xxv, 327 - lti< Lhum (\V. S.) A case of labor complicated by prolapsus uteri, due to injury dur- ing pregnancy. N. Oi'l. M. Sc S. J., 1885-6, n. s . xiii, 870- rl'.l l>ny (.i.U.) Vaginal cystnci-lc complicating labor. Ilomieop. .1. Obst., X. Y., 1890, xii, 332.— Kaivre. De laei oiiclieineiit dans le prolapsus ut6rin irreductible. N. Arch, d'obst. et (le gynec, Par., 1890, v, 652-666. —Eel- Nenreieli. BeckenneiL'ung und Genitalprolaps. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 641; 691; 745; 791.—Fixe her. I'ussgebiirtniit ganzlicliein Vorfall des Uterus. Ztschr. f. Wuniliii/.te u. Geburtsh., Winnenden, 1881, xxxii, 146- 150. — Hall (J. N. ) Labor in a case with procidentia uteri. N. York J. Gyincc & Obst,, 1892, ii, 1029.— LA1JOH. 68 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from prolapse of the uterus or vagina. K:ic*ei- ( M. ) Meheloeses sziiles alatt. [Prolapse of uterus through parturition.] Gydgyaszat. Budapest,|1903, xliii, 439.—Kidd (F. W.) Notes and remarks on a case of complete prolapse of the cervical /one of the uterus, prcceuing labour at full term. Dublin ,T. M. Sc, 1890, fxxxix, 1-14. [Discussion |, 174. — l. Braga (F.) 'Rupturas uterinas durante o traballto do parto. 8' . Lisboa. 1886. Also [Abstr.], in: Med. contemp., Lisb., 1886, iv, 419- 422. Braun von Fernwald (R.) Ueber Uterus- ruptttr. 8°. men, 1894. Brossard (J.) * Etude sur le traitement des ruptures de l'uterus se prodnisant pendant le travail de l'accoucliement. 4°. Paris, 1890. By (G. C.) De rupto in partu utero. sm. 4C. [Parisiis, 1782.] Crantz (H. N.) Commentariits de rupto in partus doloribus a fcetu utero. 8U. Lipsias, 1750. -----. The same. 1*2°. Neapoli, 1776. Dan.nknberg (F. A. E. K.) * Ueber Uterus- rnptur. 8'\ Berlin, 1-97. Davidoff (H. L.) * K voprosu ob izmienenii elasticlieskol tkani matki pri samopro'izvolnlkh razrlvakh yeya vo vremya rodov i beremennosti. [On the alteration in the elastic tissue of the uterus in spontaneous ruptute during labor and pregnancy.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, lr*95. Also, in: J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1895, ix, 1057-1097, 1 pi. Deckner ( G. ) * Ueber Uterusruptur. 8C. Kbnigsberg i. Pr., 1898. Diepex (H. A.) * Ruptura uteri durante partu. 8 . Amsterdam, 1^94. Dischler (C. H. ) * Ueber subperitoneales Emphysem nach Ruptura uteri. 8°. [Bonn], 1898. Also, in: .Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1898, lvi, 199-217. Fehmkrs (C. H. A. T.) * Bijdrage tot de the- rapie bij ruptura uteri. [Leiden.] 8°. Rotter- dam, 1901. Forne (J.) * Etude compared des diff^rentes me'thodes de traitement utilises dans les rup- tures de l'ute'rus. 8°. Paris, 1900. Herlitzka (L.) Le rotture dell' utero in so- praparto ; eziologia, diagnosi, prognosi, cura. 8°. Pescia, 1900. Koblanck (A.) Beitrag zur Lehre von der Uterusruptur, nach achtzig in der kgl. Universi- tats-Frauenklinik zu Berlin beobachteten Fallen. 8°. Stuttgart, 1895. Kohler (F. X. ) * Ueber Geburten nach iiberstandener Uterusruptur. 8°. Strassburg, 1900. Kortii (M.) * Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Ute- rusruptur. 8°. Berlin, [1885]. Lebram (F. M.) * Ueber Rupturen im Fun- dus uteri. 8°. Kbnigsbirg, 1901. Le Cleke (\V.) 'Contribution a l'e'tude des ruptures incompletes de l'uterus avec throm- boses sous-pe>iton6ales se produisant pendant le travail de l'accouchement; anatoinie patholo- gique, symptdmes. 8°. Parts, 1899. Legal (J.) 'Ueber Uterusruptur wahrend der Geburt und wahrend der Schwangerscbaft. [Wurtzburg.] . 8°. Breslau, 1-97. LABOR. CO LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus. Maass (G.) 'Beitrag zur Casuistik der lie rusrupturen mit besonderer Beriieksichtigung der niikroskopischen Untersuohung eines spe- ziellen Falles tins der geburtshulniclien Station der kgl. Charite" zu Berlin. 8°. Berlin, [1898]. VON Mars (A.) Meriiansehnitt durch die Leiehe einer an Uterusruptur verstorbenen Kreissenden. Eine anatomische Studio. (Ue- bersetzung der in polnischer Spruche von der Akademie der Wissenschafteu iu Krakau heraus- gegebenen Abhandluug.) fol. Krakau, 1-90. Merz (K.) " Zur Behandlung der Uterusrup- tur. 8°. Berlin, 1893. Mt'LLER ( F. ) 'I'eber Uterusruptur; nach den Beobachtiingen der Hallenser Frauenklinik 1894-1900 mit besonderer Beriieksichtigung der Therapie. - . Halle, 1901. MCller (J. [K. H.]) * Ein Fall von spon- taner Uterusruptur. 8°. Greifswald, 1891. Neville (\Y. H.) On rupture of the gravid uterus during the act of parturition; with a case of perfect recovery from that accident. 8C. [London], 1-J9. Philippi ( A. ) * Ueber Uterusruptur. 8°. Bonn. 1891. l'lSTou (C. F.) * Diss, exhibens fcetum e rupto utero in abdomen prorunipentem. 1'2C. Argen- torati, 1726. Porak (C.) & Bogdan (G.) Considerations sur le traitement des ruptures nte~riues; avec une lettte-preface du Prof. Pajot. 12°. Jassy, 1892. Rkbex (M.) * Zur Therapie der Uterusruptur wahrend der Geburt. 8C. Berlin, [1879]. Salomon (A. ) *Ein Beitrag zu Ruptura uteri. >~. Wiirzburg, 1-95. Sara (E.) * Delle rotture uterine nel parto. Tesi per la libera ducenza in ostetricia e gine- eologia. (Parte prima.) -J. Xapoli. 1~9'.». Salvage (C.) *De 1'anatoinie jiathologiqne et dn traitement des ruptures ut6rines pendant le travail. 8°. Paris, 1902. -----. The same. -. Paris, 1902. Schaeffer (O.) * Ueber die Behandlung der Ruptura uteri mit completem Austritt des Kin- des. 8;. Miinchen. 1889. Also, in: Miinchen.med. Wchnschr.,1889, xxxvi,718; 735. Schaper (A.) * Beitrag zur Aetiologie und Therapie der spontanen UternHruptiir wahrend der Geburt. 8'-. Wiirzburg, 1901. Schmitt (F. A. C.) * Contribution a l'6tude des ruptures spontanees de l'uterus ]iendant le travail et l'accouchenient. 8'. Xaney, 1902. Schramm (E.) * Ein Fall vou Ruptura uteri spontanea wahrend der Geburt. 8°. Miinchen, 1875. SX'HROEter (L. P.) [Pr.] noiinulla de uteri ruptura, cum annexa observatione de utero in partu rupto foetuque in abdominis cavum pro- lapse sm. 4°. ltintelii, [1780]. Steidele (J. ) Sammlung merkwiirdig-r, und fiir Aerzte, Wundiiizte, hauptsiichlich aber fiir Geburfslielfer und Hebammen niitzlicher Beobachtiingen von der in der Geburt zerris- senen Gebahrmutter, mit Anmerkuugen. 8°. Wien, 1774. Struve(L. A.) *Diss. exhibens insignem castiin rnptnra; uteri, post-mortem pucrpera- demiim ex sectione cognita:. sm. 4°. Kilia; 1815. Wasmus (B.) *Ein Todesfall nacli Ruptur des Uterus trotz sofortiger Vernalmng des Risses. (Wah'rscheinlich infolge von Aetlier- pneumonie.) [Munich.] 8°. Braunschiveiq, 1899. Labor (Ctimplicatetl) from rupture of the uterus. Wilmaht (A.) Des ruptures ut6rines. 8°. Bruxelles, 1872. Wolf (K.) * Ueber einen Fall von Uterus- ruptur. 8L. Freiburg, 1:90. Wyciigel (G. J.)' * Her heutige Stand der Ruptura uteri. 8°. Berlin, lUOl). Attulnilze (I).) Sluchai dolgovrenioiinavn zaderzha- niya ploda v maikta pri razrivlo yeva. (Retention of the lii-tus in the uterus lor a long lime after its rupture.] J. akush. i jensk. holie/,., St. I'eteisb., 1*08. xii, 1035-1053.— Ail lei- (I!.) ('om ph'toZerreissii n « II (A. A.) Razrivi matki i iskhodi ikh v zavisimosli ut kharaktcra akushorskol pomoshtshi. | Rupture of the uterus und its consequences in relation to obstetric aid.) Kjened. jour. "Prakt. Med.", St. Petersb., 1894, i, 77 81.—Arppe (N.J.) Ruptura uteri-tapaus. [A case of. . .] Duoileciin, Helsinki, 1898, xiv, 77-79.—A nde- bei-l. Deux cas de dochiruie de l'uterus. Gaz. hebd. d. SC.med. de Bordeaux, li-9:i, xiv, 182-185. ------. Presenta- tion de l'6paiilo iii6ionnue; introduction dune branche de forceps a tin vers la paroi thnracique du fietus; rupture de l'iit6nis. Ibid.. 1894, xv, 571-57:1. ------. Rupture secon- dare de l'uterus. consecutive ft un ahees hit i a-pari6tal. Toulouse m6d , 1900. 2. s., ii, 193-liis. Also: fichu me-d., Toulouse, 1900, 2. s., xiv, 409-414—A vilikovicli (A. G.) Sluchai raziiva matki pri lodakh. (Rupture of the uteius during labor.] Otchet o diejatel. Obsh. Tulsk. vrach., Tula, 1895-0, xxxiv, 22-30. — Backer (J.) M6- hrepedt'-s esete. [A case of rupture of the uterus.] Orvosi het il.. Budapest, 1897, xii, 245. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1897, xxii. 50-52 ------. Rup- t 11a uteri. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 481.— Baiwch. Leber Zerreissung der Gebannutter in der Sehwiingei-se.liaft. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. n. Gynaek., Leipz., 19U3. vii, 219-283, 1 pi.—Bar. Rupture de l'iit6rus; ver- sion. J. d. sages femmes, Par., 1890, xxiv, 153.—Kara- noff(X.) Sluchai polnavo raziiva matki vo vremya ro- dov. [Complete rupture of the uteius during: labor.] Prakt. Vrach. S.-Peterb., 190:t. ii, 5(i5. — ISarbiei- (C.) Rupture de l'uterus oi c isionn6e par des mameuvres in- fructueuses de version. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1888), 1889, xxviii, pt. 2, 10. -----. Un cas de rupture de luteins. Lyon med.. 1888, lviii, 311- 314. Also : M6m. et compt.-iend. See. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1888), 1889. xxviii, pt. 2, 112-1 Hi—Bni-i-y (P. .1.) X,',tes of a case of ruptured uterus. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, DnbL, 1891-2, x, 247-251. .-llmi [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, i, 505 Also [Abstr. |: Med. Press A Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liii, 239.— BaNtaki (T.) Rupture de l'uterus; procidence du grand epiploon ; i;uerisoii. Arch. roiim.de mod. etchir.. Par., 1887, i. 115-119.—Ban r (K.J. F.) Ueber einen Fall von spontaiu r. kmiipleter Uterus- rtiptur; konservative Behandlung; lleiluni;. (Yntialbl. f. Gyniik.. Loipz., 1900, xxiv, 1009-1014. -----. Zwei com- ph-te Uteriisrupturen mit thi-ilwi-isi-m Austritt dor Frucht in die freic liaiichhohlo; lieide sind eoiiservaliv liehaiiilelt wordon und gem sen. Ztschr. f. (ieluutsh. u. Gyniik.. Stutlir., 1901, xiv 155-159. -----. Spontane complete I'teriisruptur. Ibid., 1902. xlvii. 313.— Bei-Hon (II. A.) Rupture of the uterus caused hy a previous injury of the womb, and slim tening of the cord li\ coils round the in ck of the child, causing unavoida- ble traction. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., It-Mi. ix, 113-116.-Bc- jnn (V.I.I (/iiatrieme grossesse; presentation du som- mel; I'utiiN hydrocephale; rupture de I'literus. Bull. Soc d. med. et nat. (le Jassy, 1891-2, V, 50-53.— Ill ii.-i.in (L.) Sulle lotlure dell' utero durante il parto. Gior. di ginec e di pediat., Torino. 19(>:(, iii, 209-273.—Bei-laz- zoli (A.) Sopra un caso di rottura spontanea incouipleta dell' utero in sopraparlo e sopra nn altro di ictiovt rsione parziale dell utero in uravidanza. Gazz. med. ilal. loliib., Milano. 1885. 8. s., vii. 181; 501.—Bewl (W. II.) A case of rujiture of the uterus occurring at the first onset of labour. Lancit, Lond., 1895, i, 925. — Blaek (M.) A case of rupture of the uterus. Glasgow M A.. 1897, xlviii, 218-220. Also: Tr. Glasgow Obst. A Gvnti-c. Sue., 1890-8, i, 27-29 Blaek (Ml ,fc Biieliamiu (R M.) Notes of a case of rupture of the uterus. Glasgow M. J., 1890, xlvi, 219-223— Blacker (G. F.) Ruptured uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1894), 1895, xxxvi, 316-318. — Blnck- «'i-ll (F. W.) Caso of rupture of uterus. Lancet, LABOR. 70 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the utt rus. Lond 1890, i, 18. — BogdanoflT ( P. F.) K kazuisti- kie r.iziivov matki. [Rupture of the uterus.] J. akush. i jensk boliez., St. Petersb., 1899, xiii, 357-365. —Boin- na ril \ Coudert. Presentation d'un ut6rusdont le seg- ment iuferieur est perfore sur son bord droit sur une hau- teui de (lix centimetres. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1901, iv, 69-71.—Bom hard a (M.) Ruptura do utero; morte; tentativa de aborto provocado/ Med. contemp., Lisb., 1894, xii, 301-305.— Bong. Ueber einen durch Secale cornutum hedingten Fall von Uterusruptur. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1898. xxiv, 336.— Bore- Iiiin (J.) Uterusruptur vid forlossning; laparotomie, uterussutiir; helsa. [.. . dm ing labor;. ..: recovei v. ] Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 252-268. — Boufle ile St.- Blaine. Arrachement de la portion vaginale du col ute- rin, par la tete foetale, pendant le travail de l'accouche- ment. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 51-56.—Bovee (J. W.) A case of complete rupture of the uterus during labor. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1893, xxvii, 376-380.—Brandt (K.) Ruptura uteri; tang; sutur af rupturen fra vagina af; levende moderogbarn. [Rupturode l'uterus; forceps; suture de la rupture, partout du vagin; la mere et l'enfant vivants. Res., 357.) Norsk Mag. f. Lregovidensk., Kris- tiania. 1901, 4. R., xvi, 2^4-280.—Brann von Fern- wald (C.) Ein Fall von Uterusruptur. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1*90, iii, 958.—Brann von Fernwald (R.) Uterusruptur, koniplicirt (lurch den Bestand einer Recto- vaginaltistel. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 273- 27*.— Brindeau (A.) A propos d'une dechirure ute- rine. Bull. Soc. d'obst, de Par., 1900, iii, 340-344. -----. Deux cas de rupture 8ous-p6ritou6aIe du segment inf6rieur de l'uterus. Ibid., 19til, iv, 130-132.—Bronai-del (P.) & I.aiigicr (M.) Rupture spontanee de l'uterus pendant . le travaii; application do forceps par un otiicier de sante; instruction judiciaire suivie d'une ordonnanco de nonlieu. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1888, 3. s., xix, 429-438.—BriiningN (T.) Tetanus uteri und drohende Uterusruptur. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., Is98, xxii, 369-374.—Brunou. Cloisonnemeiit cicatriciel transversal du vagin chez une secondipare k terme; rupture de I'literus au niveau du col; mort de la mere etde l'eiifant. Loire med., St.-lSti- enne, 1895, xiv, 262-266.—Bndin (P.) Retrecissement du bassin; diamfttre promonto-sonjj-pubicn; 10 centimetres J; rupture spontanee de l'ut6rus; application de forceps; extraction d un enfant mort du poids de 3950 grammes; guerison. Bull. Sue. d'obst.de Par., 1898,46-51.—Burger (F.) Ein Fall von Ruptura uteri. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1896, xliii. 590 — BurkboflT. Sluchai krugovovo razriva vlagalishtshnoi chasti matki. [Circular rupture of vaginal portion of uterus.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1888, xiii, 159.—Buxton (L. II.) A caso of rupture of the uterus, with recovery. Med. Reg., Phila., 1887, i, 103.-^- C'iiiim-i-oii (M.) Rupture of the uterus at full term, missed labour, and delivery nine weeks later. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1899, ii, 972.—Camp (E. T.) A complicated case of obstetrics with rupture of the uterus. South. Pract., Nashville, 1895. xvii, 489.—Carl. Ein gliicklich verlau- fener Fall von Uterusruptur. Deutsche med. Wchschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 362.—Ceccato (G.) Rotturo dell' utero. Boll. d. clin., Milauo, 1895, xii, 401-405.— Chariest ( X. i Rupture de l'uterus chez une femme multipare, bien conform6e, ayant subi en ville un grand nonibre d'.ipplii ations de forceps. J. d'aecouch., Liege, 1889, x, 253-255. -Cheron. Deux observations de rup- ture uterine spoutan6e. Bull, etmem. Soc. obst. etgyn6c. de Par.. 1896, 103-107. Also: J. de ra6d.de Par., 1896, 2. 8., \iii 225. Also: Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1896, xii, 162- 166.—Chevalier. Rupture de l'uterus. Bull Soc.d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 233-238. —Chiari (H.) Ueber den anatoniischen Befuud einer zwauzig Tagealten, inter partem eutstandeneii, in Heilung begritfenen, com- pleteu Uterusruptur. Prag med. Wchnschr., 1899, xxiv, 283-285.—Chunii (W. P.) Ruptureof the uterus. Mary- laud M. J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi, 233-235.—Coehet (G.) Pre- sentation du sonimet transform66 en presentation du tronc; placenta praevia; teutatives faites en ville pour l'extrac- tion; rupture de l'uterus et du vagin; decollation; gueri- son. Ann. de gyu6c, Par.. 1886, xxv, 106-118.—Colla- more (G. A.) A case of rupture of the uterus. Cleve- land J. M., 1897, ii, 221-223.—Colmer (P.) A case of rupt- ured uterus. Lancet, Loud.. 1897, i. 601. Also ■ Med. Press A Circ. Lond., 1897, n. s., lxiii, 104— CouiMtoek (T. G.) Rupture of the uterus. Clin. Reporter, St. Louis. 1888, i, 29n.—Cook (II. W. J.) A case of spontaneous ruptureof the uterus during the first stage of labour. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i,57L—Coriu (G.) Recherchessur certaines causes de ruptures de l'ut6rus au cours de l'avortement. Ann. Soc. de m6d. leg. do Belg., Charleroy, 1901-2, xiii, 116-130.— C'ouder. Rupture de l'uterus dans un cas de presenta- tion de la face. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1889, lxiv, 449. — Cox (R.) Case of rupture of the uterus. Tr.Obst. Soc. Lond. (1886), 1887, xxviii, 225-228. Also [Abstr.]: Am J. Obst.. N. Y., 1886, xix, 1294. Also [ Abstr.): Brit. M. J. Lond., 1886, ii, 721. — C'raudall (T. V.) Rupture of the utei us; recovery. Am. Gynasc. &. PaBiliat., Phila., 1890-91, Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus. iv, 351.—Dakin (W. R.) Uterus ruptured during unob- structed labour (with a microscropic section). Tr. Obst. Soc. Lend. (1898), 1899, xl, 29-32. — Dim forth (L. L.) Ruptureof the uterus; with report of a case. Honieop.J. Obst., N. Y., 1900, xxii, 213-217.— Bavin (E. P.) Treat ment of threatened rupture of the uterus by manipula- tion and posture. Med. News, Phila., 1887,1,156. -----. Prolonged labor in justo-minor pelvis; breech presenta- tion; rupture of the uter-is, and death. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 162.— De l.ee (J B.) Report of a case ot spon- taneous rupture of the uterus during labor. Chicago M. Recorder, 1898. xiv, 25-31. -----. Three cases of rupture of the uterus during labor. Am. Gynec, N. Y.. 1903, ii, 149-151. — Demelin. Rupture incomplete de l'uterus; hemorrhagic: mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887,1 vii. 549- 552.—Be iVIoerloose (Mile.) Presentation de l'epaule, variete brachiale; reserreiuent tetanique do l'anneau de contraction; dechirure du segment inferieur de I'literus; mort. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1897, iii, 9-12.— Dickinson (R. L.) Dangerous thinning and elongation of the lower uterine segment, including three cases of rupture. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc, 1898-9,14-27. Also: Am. Gvnec Sc Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 280-293. [Discussion|, 335. — Dobrowolnki (S.) Pe.kniecie macicy w ciazy. [Rupture of the uterus during labor.] Przegl. 16k.. Kra- k6w, 1902, xii, 711; 729; 742— Dohrn Ein Fall geheilti-r Uterusruptur. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1894, x \ iii, 249.—Doktoi-(S) M6hrepedes esete. [A case of rupt- ure of the uterus.] Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1897, xxiii, 346. -----. Graviditas abdominalis, a tei-hessi-g fol- yamau tort6nt iu6hreped6s kovetkezteben. [Abdominal pregnancy, with rupture of uterus in the course of preg- nancy. | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 260.— Doleris Sc Bonnun. Rupture uterine; arrachement du col; thrombus sous-p6ritoneal suivi d'hemorrhatie intra-peri- ton6ale; mort le 4° jour. Bull.et m6m. Soc. obst. et gynec. dc Par., 1896, 16-21. Also: J.de m6d.dePar., 1896, 2. s..viii, 173-175. Also: Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1890, xii, 133-139.— Doorman (J. D.) Oe behandelinti van ruptura uteri du- rante partu. Nederl. Tydschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaecol., Haarlem, 1893,v, 40-56.-----. Ruptura uteri durante partu. Ibid., 1894, v, 281-292.—Dow (E.S.) Ruptureof the uterus during labor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxii,741-743.— Drage (L.) Case of rupture of the uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc Lond. (1886), 1887, xxviii, 2-1. Dunn (S.) Rupture of the uterus: au unusual case. Am. Midwife, St. Louis, 1896, ii, 84.—Durlncher. Ueber einen Fall von Uterus- ruptur mit Durchti itt des abgesehnittenen Kopfes iu die Bauchhohle, mit eiuigen epikritischen Bemcrkungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 788- 790.—Edgar (J. C.) Rupture of the uterus and vagina during labor. N.York M. J., 1895, lxi,568.—Engeluiami (G. J.) Two cases of rupture of the uterus, and some re- flections upon the abuse of ergot in obstetric practice. Med. News, N. Y.. 1884, xliv, 380-383. Also, Reprint.— Enley(G.) Mehreped6s gydgyult esete. [Recovery froni rupture of the uterus.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 455. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1898, xxv, 307. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1898, xxxiv, 850.—von Ennen (G.) Ruptura cervicis uteri in partu. Duodecim, Helsingissa, 1888, iv, 126. — Finger. Ein Fall von Ruptura uteri. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 1031. — Fleming (R. A.) Case of rupture of the uterus. Tr. Edinb. Olist. Soc, 1888-9, xiv, 145-147. —Fox (C. J.) Report of a case of rupture of the uterus. Mari- time M. News, Halifax, 1889-90, ii, 66.—Franz (K.) Ue- ber Uterusruptur. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1900. Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 133.— Freund (H. W.) Neue Befunde bei Zerreisauiig derGe- banuutter und des Scheidengewiilbes. Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Jubil. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. in Berl., Wien. 1894, 223-239. -----. Deiuonstralioueii zur Uterus- ruptur. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gjuak., Leipz., 1895, vi, 296-320.—Fritnch (H.) Referat iiber die Behandluug der Uterusruptur. Ibid., 1-18. Also: Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1895, v, 369; 385. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvi. 881-891. [Discussion], 901-903. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Week, Par., 1895, iii, 277.- Cunek- Breutano (L.) Des causes de la rupture uterine pen- dant la grossesse et raceouchemeut. Rev. prat, d'obst. et depoediat.. Par.. 1898, xi, 361: 1899, xii, 43; 129.—«alabin (A. L.) &. Horrockn (P.) Rupture of uteius or vagina (5 cases). Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, 3. s., xxx, 48- 50.—Gardiner (P.) Complete transverse laceration of the womb. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1890, i, 719. — Geroia Fasce (Maria). Rottura completa dell' utero in travaglio di parto; applicazione del forcipe; fetomorto; puerpeiio morboso per peritonite settica: volvulo ; parametrite sup- purativa; guarigione. Levatrice cowl., Roma, 1895, iv, 97- 99. Also: Gior.p. lelevatrici, Milano. 1896,x,52.—CJensner (A.) Zwei Fiille von spontaner Uterusruptur. Centralbl. f. Gynak.Leipz.,1895,xix,33-40.—Gibbon(II. B.) Report of a case of rupture of the uterus. Cleveland M.Gaz., 1891-2, vii, 426-430.—Gibert. Bassin rachitique; manoeuvres diverses ayant auiene une rupture uterine; basiotripsie LABOR. 71 LABOE. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the ■ uterus. sur tete restee isol6e dans l'uterus; suture de l'uterus; mort; exanien de luterus et du bassin. Rev. mens, de gv- nec [etc.], Bordeaux, 1899, i, 126-132.—Gillilnnd (W. K.) Some of the causes of rupture of the os uteri. Peoria M. Month., 1885-6, vi, 554-561.—Girvin (J. H.) Ruptured uterus, with presentation of specimen. Am. J. Obst., N. Y-, 1903, xlviii, 540.- Gorokholl'(I). L.) K kazuis- tikie razrivov matki vo vremya rodov. [Rupture of tbe uterus during labor.] Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb.. 1902. ix, 893.—Goth (L.) Ein geheilter Fall einer completen Lte- rusruptur. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1903, xxxix, 577-579. — Giniirrmnii (G. L. ) Po povodu sluchaya ruptuife uteri completa- sub partu s iskhodom v vizdorov- lleniye. [Concerning a case of complete rupture of uterus in labor, with recovery] Vrach. Zapiski, Mosk., 1895, ii, 69-79.—Green (A. W.) Rupture of the uterus during la- bour, followed by recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 598.—Green (C. M.) A case of rupture of the uterus in labor at term, the child being born alive; recovery of the mother, and subsequent delivery of a full-term child in normal labor. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc., Phila., 1888, xiii, 209- 217. Also, Reprint. -----. Rupture of the uterus; palli- ative versus surgical treatinent. Ann. Gvna-e. A Psediat., Phila., lt>93-4. vii, 658-663—«irove (C.'K.) Rupture of uterus. Calif. Homoeop., San Fran . 1891. ix, 261-263.— Griiiiwnlri (J.) Uterusruptur mit Vorfall des Ovarium und der Tube. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iir/.tl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar. 1896, xxv, 162-105—Giien lot. Rupt lire de l'ute- rus avec passage d'une part ie du tutus dans lo peritoine, chez mie femme en travail d'accouchement; extraction de l'enfant par les voies natui ellcs; guerisou. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1890, 2. s . xxiv. 210-214. Also: Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1890, Ixiii, 831— Ilallbaeh. Ruptura uteri gravidi. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen 1844, Mini- ster, 1846,115.—von llaller i A.) Wahinehmungen vou der in der Geburt zenisseinn Gebahnuutter. In: Levret Wahrnehmungen v. d. Ursachen . . sehwerer Gebi.it. 123, Liibeck n. Altona, 175.-. 471-498.—Harrison iG. T.i Rupture of the uterus; its etiology, diagnosis, and thera- peutics. Virginia M. Semi-Mouth., Richmond 1897-8, ii, 697-702.—Hart (D. B.) On the treatment of ruptuie of the uterus. Edinb. M. J., 1*90-91,xxxvi. 35-39.—Harvey (R.) Rupture of the uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1885). 18-0. xxvii, 191-193— Hatch (H.) Ruptureof the uterus; recovery without operation. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1891, xxiv, 502. —Haven (G.) Rupture of the uterus, with the report of a case. Boston M. A S. J, 1>92, exxvi, 83.—Healy (J. J.) Two cases of spontaneous ruptureof the uterus during labor. 76td.,ls98,cxxxviii..'t09.—llcrk- ing. Riss dei Gebarmutter wahrend der Wehen. Gen.- Ber. d.k. rhein.Med.-Coll. 1827, Coblenz, 1830, 105. — Hek- toen (L.) Report of two cases of rupture of the uterus during abortion. Am. Gvnec. J., Toledo. 1892, ii, 623-627. Also: Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1*92, xxvi, 09-74. | Discussion], 89-91. Also: Tr. Chicago Gymc. Soc., N. Y.. 1892-3. i, 100- 107.—llcmennay i L. H.) Rupture of the uterus dur- ing childbirth. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1900, Burlington, 1901, 157-102. Also: Med. Times. N. Y., 1902, xxx. 111.— Hendernon (T.) Rupture of the womb through the fundus. Med. Age, Detroit, 1888 vi, 508.— Herman (G.E.) Ruptured uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc.Lond., (1891), 1892, xxxiii. 491.—Herrgolt (A.) Un cas de rupture de l'uterus. Ann. de gyn6c. et d'obst., Par., 1901, lv. 329- 337. Also: Rev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1901. xxxiii, 296- 305.— Herzfeld (C. A.) Ein Fall von Uterusruptur bei Hvdrooephnlus. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh. -gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien. 1889, ii, 53-55— Hint (15. C.) De- tachment and expulsion of the vaginal portion of the cervix during labor. Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvi, 653. -----. A ruptured uterus. Ibid., 1892, lxi, 604. Also: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1892, xvii. 562— Iloehwlcttcr. Uterusruptur. Oharite Ann., Berl., 1894, \i\, 497.— Hooper (J. D.) Notes on a case of incomplete rupture of uterus. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. I«80, viii, 306- 309.- II or roe k* (P.) Rupture of uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (18*9.. 1890, xxxi. 228 _llopkinx (S. R.) Rupture of the uterus during labor. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1903, xxiv, 605-609. IIticklenbroieh. Spon- tane Uterusruptur. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. n. Gynaek., Berl.. 1901, xiii, 614-617—Hypen (B. M.) Spontaneous rupture of uterus during labor and at term. Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1896, xxxiv, 879-882. [Discussion], 748-752. Also: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst Sc Gynec. 1896. Phila., 1897, ix, 234-251.—lien (U. G.) Shoulder jresi ntatioti with rupt- ure of the uterus. Surg. Clin., Chicago, 1903, ii, 37.— Ingrahain ill I).) The uterus; spontaneous rupture of its ho Iv during labor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 266-208—I vanoff (N.) Etiologio, prophylaxie et traitement des ruptures do l'uterus pendant, h-s couches. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1903, lix, 341-354— .lakiiin (W. V.) Case of rupture of the uterus. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1886, viii, 492-494 —Jaquel. Ein seltener Fall von Ruptura uteri. Ztschr. f Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg.. 1901, xlvi. 480-484.—Jui-dinc (R.) Case of in- complete rupture of uterus, showing the retraction ring. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus. Glasgow M. J., 1899, Iii, 211-213. -----. Case of spon- taneous rupture of the uterus. Tr. Glasgow Obst. Sc Gviia-c. Soc. (1900-1902). 1903, iii, 45-49, 1 pi. Also: Glas- gow M. J., 1901, lv, 291-295.—Jen kin« (T. W.) Rupturo of the uterus in a case of twin pregnancy. Glasgow M. J., 1891. xxxv, 204-206.—.1 u rink a (J.) Zwei Falle von Ulerusruplur wiihrend der Geburt. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u.Gynaek , Berl , 1897, vi,489-497.—Kakuahkiu (N. M.) l'ronikayushtshiy razriv matki vovremyarodov. (Rupturo of uterus during labor.] J. akush. i jensk. bo- liez., St. Petersb., 1890, iv, 132-141.—Kallenbach (R.) Complication von Uterusruptur und Cervieali iss. Deut- sche med. AVchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 1033-1035.— Klciiicrl:* (F.) Ein Fall von spontaner koiiiph-tcr I'tei iisruptiir. Oeiitralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 1041-1043. -----. Casuistische Beit nige zur In versio und Ruptura uteri. Mod. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttonib. arzt). Ver., Stuttg., 1902, lxxii,793; 809; 821.—ItochftkoflT (A ) Dva sluchava razriva matki. [Two cases of rupture of tin- ute- rus] 'Ljenod.jour." Prakt,Med., 'St. Petersb., 1K9I, i, 197- 202.— Kohlmunii. Leber einen Fall von Zerreissung der Gebarmutter mit Geburt in die Bauehhohle. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xii, 93-95.— Konrad (M.) Mehrepeil6s(Rupturti uteri). Orvosihetil., Budapest, ' 1897, xii, 402.—Kraskoyski (A. I.) & PiNcm»ki (G. V.) Sluchai razriva matki vo'vreinya rodov u zhenshtshiiii s kifoticheskim tazom. [Rupturo of uterus during labor in a woman with a eyphotic pelvis.] Protok. zasaid. akush.- ginek. Obsh. v Kievo, 1894, vii, 177-192, 1 pi. [Discussion], "1-34. — KrcbN (J.) Ueber Gehiirmutterzeri-eu-sung wahrend der Geburt. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. n. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, xvi, 204-225.—Krivski (L. A.) Sluchai vto- richnavo razriva matki vo vremya rodov. [Secondrupture of the uterus during labor ] .1. akush. i jeusk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1901. xv, 1097-1)00. Also, transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1902, xv, 9-20.—Kronlauri (M.) Peknieoic niaricy podczas porodu; wyzilrowieiii- . [Ruptureof the uterus during labor; recovery] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1897, 2. s., xvii, 834.—KruzciiNhteru (V. E.) Sluchai razriva matki i zadnyavo svoda vlagalishtsha vo vremya rodov. [Rupture of uterus and vagina during de- livery. ] Nnuch. Besedy vrach. Zakavkazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis, 1887, ii,207-283.—Hubinri (P.) Rujitura uteri com- pleta esete. [A case of.. .] Budapesti k. orvosegy. 1902-ik 6vi evkonyve, Budapest, 1903,96-98.-----. Ruptura uteri completa esete. [A case of. . .]. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902. xlvi, 197. Also: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1902, xxxii,394. A lso. transl..- l'est. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1902, xxxviii, 511. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse, Bu- dapest, 1902, vii, 298. — Kupfcrbcrg (H.) Ueber zwei Falle von nicht penetrirender Uterusruptur. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., lo92, xxxix, 908-910.— Kurtz (C.) Uterine nipture. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1893, viii, 259-264.— I,cIiiii:imi (L.) Twee waarnemingen van vernaauwing des bekkens met doodelijken uitgang voor moeder en kind gedui em le den actus der baring, ten gevolge van ruptura uterietvaginas. Nederl. Tiidschr. v.Geneesk., Amst,, 1869, 2. R., l.Afd., 97-107. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz.. 1809, cxliii, 188-193.—Leopold. Zur Behandlung der Uterusruptur. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1888, ii, 211-225. —I.etsiua (A.) K kazuistikie krugovovo otriva vlagali-htshnol chasti vo vremya rodov. [Circular rupture of the vagi- nal portion during labor] .1. akush. i .jensk. boliez... St. Petersb., 1892, vi, 8sI -nsK.-Lrwrrn (A. 11. N.) Rupt- ure of the uterus Curing pregnancy, with notes of a case. Proc M. Soc. Lond., 1887. x, 60-09. -----. A ruptured uterus with dermoid ovarian cvst the size of a child's head. Tr. Obst, Soc. Lond. (190(1),' 1901, xl, 95. — I.ihotzky. Demonstration eines Fades von geheilter Cteriisrnptur. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1889, ii. 11 — liitcrmorc (I. W.) Rupture of uterus during labor. Am. Med. l'hila., 1902, iii, 462. — Loin. Deux cas de rupture uterine complete pendant le. travail; un deces; une guerison. Clinique, Brux., 1894, viii, 177-180. Also: Arch, dr tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1894. xxi, 535- "> - l,(ionii« (H. P.) A case of rupture of the uterus. Proc, N. York Path. Sue. (1891), 1892, 57. Also: Med. Rec, N. V., 1892, xii, 247.— I.ove (II.) Rupturo of the uterus during labour. Lancet. Lond., 1891. i, 1312. —I.ovc (W. L.) A case of complete rupture of the uterus. X Am. J. Homo-op., N. Y., 1890, 3. s., xi, 480-482.—I.ovricli (J.) Violens iiterus-ruptura esete. [A case of. . .] Gynaikologia, Budapest, 1903, 45.-----. Zwei Fiille von Uterusruptur. Zentralbl. f. Gvniik., Leipz... '903, xxvii, 1209-1212. — liinill (V.) Et Tilltelde af Ruptura uteri under Finlselen med Ilelbredelse. [. . . during labor; rcnivi-n ] I'gesk. 1. Larger, Kjobenh., 1889. 4. R., xix, 275.—I.'yndM (J. G.) Hernia of the placenta tliiough the muscular coat of the uterus during labor. Med. News, Phila., 1893. lxii, 77. Also, Reprint - TI'Ocrinolt (T. L.) Rupture of the uterus during labor. Am. Pract. A News, Louisville, 1889, n. 8., vii, 5-8.-lTIacE vif I (.1.0.) Rupt- ure of the uterus. Med. Rec , N. V., 1896, 1, 159. — Mc- Lean (M.) Rupture of the uterus; a few clinical obser- LABOR. 72 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus. vations. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1892, xvii, 357-364.— .Tit-.Murray (W.) Case of twin pregnancy, complicated with ruptured uterus. Australas. M.Gaz., Sydney, 1885-6, v, 189.— Mains. Ein Geburtsverlauf bei retroflectirtem, fixirten Lterus mit Spoiitanruptur desselben. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1897, Bresl., 1898, lxxv, 1. Abt., med. Sect., 168-171. Also: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1899, lviii, 125-133.—.Tlnnton (W. P.i Rupture of the uterus. Detroit M. J.. 1901, i, 1 -4. — IHarcr (J.) Ruptura fundi uteri esete.' [A ca-^e of. . .] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 598-600. Also, transl.: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1898. xliii, 209; 221; 233; 245; 255. — IHari (V.) Due casi di rot tore uterine spontanee nel parto. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Roma-Xapoli, 1900, vii, 214-232.— Marshall (T. R.) Case of niptural uterus; death from postpartum hemorrhage. Med. Reg., Richmond, 1897, i, 102. — Martin (A.) Rupture d'un uterus flbroniateux et du vagin pendant raceouchemeut; passage du fcetus dans la cavite abdominalo; application de forceps; gu6rison sans operation. Normandie med., Rouen, 1890, xi, 461-469. -----. Rupture d'un uterus flbroniateux pendant raceouchemeut. Ibid., 1897, xii, 409. — Tlarx (S.) Two cases of rupture of the uterus in the puer- peral state. Am. J. Obst., X. V., 1886, xix, 1150-1150.— lTlathcaon ( A. A.) A case of rupture of the uterus. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1888-9. xiv, 10-11. Also: Edinb. M. J., 18s8-9, xxxiv, 713-716.-Maxwell (J. P.) On spon- taneous rupture of the uterus in placenta pra-via. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1901), 1902, xliii, 217-221.—van der M«-ij tG. H.) Over ruptura uteri gravidi. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 181-9, i, 235; 270.— flejiii (D.) Un caso importante de ruptura de la luatiiz. Gac. m6d., M6xico, 1887, xxii, 80-84.—.Heinle! (F.) Ein Fall vou TTierustuptui- iutra partum obne Ope- ration geheilt. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1902, xxviii,813.—'.Meii»ingn. II\ pertokie. Frauenarzt, Beil., 1896, xi, 241-243.— .Heredilli (W. H.) Rupture of the uterus during labor. Times Sc lien., Phila., 1889, xx, 784.—.Hetcalf (II.) Rupture of the uterus. Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1897, viii, 401. — IHcurer. [ Een geval van ruptura uteri.] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1903, 54-56.—-Hikhine. Un cas do r6culi ve de rujiture uterine. Ann. de gvnec it d'obst., l'ar., 1902, lvii. 403-409.—H itchell (E. W.) Ruptureof the uterus. Tr. Obst. Soc (Mucin., 1879-85, ii, 441-452.— JHobiiiM (O ) Spontaner Gebarnmtterriss unter der Ge- burt bei Querlage; Verschulden der Hebamme duch Ver- kenuungderKindeslago uud Untetlassung der Zu/.iehung eines Arztes. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beainte, Bell., 1901, xiv, 395-405.— Moldciihaiic r. Fall von Ruptura uteri. Mitth.d.GcseiLcli. f. Geburtsh.zu Leipz.(1873), 1874.p.xi.— IHoiimnoiin pen- A Oui. Un cas do rupture uterino; presentation de l'epaule. Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bor- deaux, 1893, xiv, 52-54.—.Hurct(M.) Rupture spuntan6e peuetrante de Interns pendant l'accouchement; laparoto- mie; guerison. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1895, xv, 1 "0-155. See, also, infra, Rapin.—.Hurray (R. M.) A case of spontaneous rupture of an apparently normal ute- rus at the commencement of labour. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1901-2, xxvii. 39-55. Also: J. Obst. Sc Gvna-c. Brit. Emp., Lond., 1902. i, 142-151. — .Tim-Minna (C. L.) Von einer zer- i issenen Gebai mutter, darauf ein pldtzlicher Tod ei folgte. In his: Med.-chir. Boob.. 12°, Bell., 1782, i, 145-154.— IVakajiuia ( J. ). Tsuji ( T.) \- ITIorinaga. Ueber die Uierusiutitur. [Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Ge- sellsch. zu Tokyo, 1899. xiii, 5. Hft , 7-13.—IVakamliiina. [A case ot rupture ot the uterus. | Saisei Gakusha Iji Shimpo, Tokyo, 1901, 987-991. — IMi-i'-im (,L> Zanedbauit poloha pi-iena; neuplnd trhlina In dla delohy; obrat a extrakce nutveho plodu ; zhojem. | Neglected transverse presentation; incomplete ruptuie of neck ofv uterus; versiou and extract ion of dead foetus; recovery.] Cisop.lek. cesk., v Praze, 1879. xviii, 97. -----. Ploclid, ptiuev CM. 10; poloba oblicejem ; sainodecii6 ueiiplme roztrzeni bulla delohy; obrataperforace hlavy nasledujici. [Flat pelvis. 10; face presentation; spontaneous incomplete rupture of neck of uterus; version and perforation of head following.] Ibid.. 90; 97.—."Vcumnun (A.) Kann Uterusruptur (lurch plot/lichen Blasi usprung bei Hydramnios zustando koninien ' [ Nebst Ki widening vim H. W. I'reund.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 701.— IVoi-i-im ( '.) Rupture of the uterus; from which the bacillus aerogeiies was isolated in cult ure. Proc. N. York Path. So,-. (1897-si. 1809, 87-91 —JYoto (A.) Rottura di utero. 1st. ostet.-ginec. d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Rendic. clin. (1901), 1902. 65. Orcllano (M ) Las rotuias ute- rinas durante el p-irto. Crou. ined.. Valencia, 1885-6, ix, 741-747.- Orlotl'(V N.) O razrivakh matki vo vremya rodov i ikh liechenii. [Ruptures of the uterus during labor, aud their treatment.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1901. xxii, 849-s53. —Ortega (A. U.) Rottura spontanea dell' utero al parto. Sicdia med., Palermo, 1890, ii, 740-745. Also: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1890), 1891, 102- 107 —Orlhniaiiu (E. G.) Zur Ruptura uteri. Monat- schr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1898, vii, 399-412, Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus. 1 pi. Also: Ztschr. f, Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1898, xxxviii, 302- 306.- Omi nId (E.) Ueber Utei tisruptur bei mauueller Placentarldsung. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek., Leipz., 1903, viii, 72-105.--Owen (II. C.) An uniipiocaseot ruptureof uterus. Med. Age. Detroit, 1888, \ i. 557.- Paeinotti (G.) Di uncasodi rottura dell' utero in travaglio di parto. Mem. chir. pubb. in onore Bottini, Palermo, 1903, i, 112-123.—Pnlleri (G.) Rett lira di'utero per presentazione trasvi is de trascurata con esito in gua- rigione. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1900, 6. s., vi, 3-7.— Paquy (E.) A propos d'un.cas de rupture spontan6o de l'uterus au coins du travail. Rev. prat, d'obst. et do gynec, Par.. 1903, 76-81.—Pauley (('. B.) Rupture of the uterus, with recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1903, i, 130.—Patton (A.S ) Rupture of the uterus. Brit.M.J., Lend., 1888, i.'ioi.—Pear«c(J.) A case of placenta pnevia and rupture of the uterus; recovery. Ibid., 1900. i, 379.— Pehnui (IL) Leber Uterusmpturen in Narben. Cen- tralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1902, xxvi, 87-94.—Pcrwou (G.) Rupture uterine; basiotripsie de l'enfant; mort de la mere par hemorrhagic interne. Union med.du nord-est, Reims, 1902, xxvi, 5-9.— Pcstalozza (E.) Sulla rottuia spon- tanea dell' utero in travaglio di parto. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1898, Hi, 1; 13. Also: Arch. ital. di ginec, Napoli. 1898, i, 452-457.— Petkevieh (M. M.) Ruptura uteri sub graviditate. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1896, x, 48-69, 1 pi. — Petro«"'(V. A.) Slu- chul polnavo raziiva matki vo vremya rodov s iskhodom v vizdorovleniye. [Complete rupture of the uterus during labor, with recovery.] Protok. i trudi tiz-med. Obsh. v Saratove (1893-4), 1895, pt. 2, 196-203.—Phillips (J.) Ruptured uterus occurring during labour aud after ex- ternal violence. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1890), 1891, xxxii, 375. -----. Ruptured uterus. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1894-5, Loud., 1896, ii, 233. — Piccinini (G.) Sulla rot- tura dell'utero. Policlin., Roma, 1893-4, i, 516-524. —Pier- ing (O.) Ueber einen Fall von Uterusruptur bei einem Abortus im 6. Luiiarmonate. Prag. med. Wchnschr , 1888, xiii, 233-236.—Pinzani. Rottura spontanea dell' utero nel 1" periodo del parto. Boll. d. Soc. tosc. di ostet. e ginec, Firenze, 1902, i, 77-85. — Polk. Rupture of the uterus; death from shock. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y., 1886, xix, 494-496.—PopoflT (1). D.) Raspoznavanive 1 neopi rativ- noye llecheuiyc polnikh razrivov matki vo vremya rodov. [Diagnosis aud non-operative treatment of complete rupt- ure of the uterus during labor.] Vrach, St. I etersb., 1901, xxii, 1309; 1342. Also, transl.: Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg., Berl., 1903, lxxii, 417; 440.—Porak Sc A ml ion (P.) Rupture incomplete de l'uterus. Compt. rend. Soc d'obst., de gyn6c. et de pajdiat. do Par., 1899, i, 244-247. — Poro- wInn (M.N.) K. etiologii samorodnikh razrivov matki vo vremya beremennost' i rodov. [On the etiology of idio- pathic ruptures of the uterus during pregnanes and labor.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 1175-1178. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1898, xxii, 183-187.—Pozzan (T.) Rottura spontanea dell' utero eon pasagglo del feto nel cavo peritoneale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 164- 167. — van Prang (F.) Een geval van genezen ruptura uteri. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1903. 2. R., xxxix, d. 1, 342-356. — Prieger. Zerreissung der Gebar- mutter. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll 1828,C'obleuz,1832, 61. — Prolns (F.) Ein Fall von Uterusruptur. Fiied- reich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb.. 1902, liii, 241-252.— Prow-fte ( W.) Transverse rupture of uterus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 531. Qiieimu-r. Geheilter Fall von Uterusruptur. Centralbl. f. G.\ niik., Leipz., 1895, xiv 1341. Also: Frauenai-7t, Beil., 1896, xi, 97. — Knpiu. Un cas de rupture do la matrice pendant un accouchement. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1892, xii, 761-765. -----. Reflexions au sujet du cas de rupture uterino presente par M. le I)r Muret. Ibid., 1895, xv, 210-213. — Reed (C. A. L.i Treatment of the ruptured parturient uterus, with report of two eases. Tr. Am, Ass. Obst. .x Gvnec, Phila.. 1X89, ii. 25-40. Also: N. York M. J.. 1889, 1. 505- 508—Rein (W. L.) Case of uterus ruptured on its left side for nearly its i ntire length, only a band of tissue at the os remaining. Tr. Glasg. Path. A Clin. Sue. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 239.—Remy (S.) Hemorrhagic grave provenaut d'une d6chirure du col nterin. Rev. med. de lest, Nancy, 18s7. xix, 516-520.—Reynold- (E.) Two cases of rupt- ured uterus treated expectantly. Boston M. A S.J ,1892, exxvi, 80-82. ----- A case of spontaneous rupture of the uterus. Ibid., 1896, exxxiv. 62. [Discussion]. 69.— Reynold* (L.) A case ot ruptured uterus Proc Kan- sas M. Soc, Wichita, 1893, xxvii, 122-124.- Richler. Spontanheiliing einer Ruptura uteri intra partuin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr, Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892, xviii, 1012. — Roberts i C. II ) Two cases of ruptuie of the uterus. Lancet, Lond.. 1800, ii.l 74s.— Rodriguez (J, M.) Caso de rotura perforante i el utero y de la paite superior dela vagina, durante el t abajo del parto. Rev. med. de M6xico, 1888. i, 17 : 40.—R©*« (J. F. W.) Rupture of the puerperal uterus [with cases]. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1899, xl 820-829. [Discussion], 847. Also: Tr Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec. 1899, Phila., 19u0, xii, 144-154.—Roulh (A.) Rupt- LABOR. 73 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus. urcd uterus and vagina. Tr. Obst, Soc. Loud. (1892), 1893, xxxiv "5'—Roywter (H. A.) An unrecognized rupture of the'uterus. North Car. M. J.. Charlotte, 1899, xliv, 71.— Rubc»kn (V.) 0 l upturaeh deloznieh za porodu. [Sur la rupturcdel uterus pendant le travail. Res.159] Shorn. klin., v Praze, 1902-3, iv, 147-160. — ltul>in»lti (M. M.) K kazuistikie razrivov matki i vlagalishtsha vo vremya rodov. [Rupture of uterus and vagina (luring labor] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1898, xix. 127— Rudniix (P.) Deux observations de rupture de l'literiisavoc passage du fietus dans la cavite .abdoniinale ayant fait croire a deux cas de dvstocie par flhrome. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de mediat., 1901 xiv, 74-83. -----. Rupture complete de l'uterus dans un cas d'hvdroc6phalie. Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gvnec. et de psediat. de Par., 1902, iv, 5. -----. Presen- tation du trout, rupture du see ment inferieur de 1'uterus. [Rap de Wallieh, 262-204. | Ibid.. 2til.—Riidberg (F.) | liiijiuua uteri gravidi. Hygiea, Stockholm. 1886, \hiii, C4H — Niiuger. Ruptura uteri. Veihandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch f Gvniik.. Leipz., 1895. vi. 19; 277. [Discus- sion], 333-373.—'Snleedo (S.) Sobre un caso de oblitera- ci6u del oriticio interne del cuello uterino, con ruptura del litero durante el trabajo, en una mujer de pelvis estre- I chada. An. d. Circ. med.argent,, Buenos Aires, 1895,xviii, 79_86.—SautON (C.) Ruptura do utero n'um casode dys- tocia por hydioeephalia. Med. contemp.. Lisb., 1895. xiii, 147-150 — Wnxl (1.1 A case of ruptuie of the uteius. Med. Rcc.X. V.. 1896. 1. 641.— Schiiflcr. Sjiontane Ute- rusruptur-wahrend der Geburt. Then p. Monatschr.. Beil.. 1897,xi. 379.—Schauta. Zur Diagnose und Therapie der Ulerusi uptur. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1891, v. 1993; 2u44.—Nchmaiic-h tG.) Ruptureof tbe uterus in pregnancy and during labor; its etiology, di gnosis, and treatment. Chicago M. Recorder, 1903, xxv, 95-114.— Schinit (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Therapie der Uterusrup- tur. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek.. Berl., 1900, xii, 325-342. Also, transl.: Obstetrics, X.Y.. 1900, ii. 503-523.— I Schwmz i F.) Uterusrupturen, hervorgerufen durch anssere (.cw.dtanwenduug. Centralbl. f. Gyniik . Leipz., I 1892, xvi. 28-3U. -----. Fusswandei ung rait lupturirtom Bchwaugerein Uterus. J&id..190u.xxiv.049. —Well wnrze. Uterusruptur am Ende der Schwangerscbaft beim Beginn ] derAVehen, alte Wirbelcaries uud Psoasahsce-s. Chaiit6- Ann., Berl.. 1892, xvii. 500 -5o2.-----. Sclnag verengtes Becken. Steissfusslage. Uterusrujitur. Ibid., 502.— Nclitvcndeiier (B.) Ueber einen Fall von angewachse- nti -Placenta und Uternsniptnr nach OrGde'scliem Hand- griff. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek.. Berl.. 1903, xviii, 371-379.—Nercha (M.) Przypadek pekniecia ma- t-icy podczas pieo.lu / powodu wddoglowia plodu; wyz- drowienie. [Rupture of uterus during labor caused by hvdrocephalus of fcetus: n.overv!. Pr/e 1. lek., Kra- kow, 1891. xxx, 529-531. —Seraieyenr ( D i O proboda- vushtshikh razrivakh vlagdisht-ha i matki vo v rem v a ro- dov [Complete ruptuie of vagina and uterus during la- bor.] Chir. Laitop.. Mosk., 1895. v. 214 -227. — :Whaler IG K.) Ruptureof the uterus: historvol case. Chicago M. Times, 1901, xxxiv, 400-402. — Khtraukh ( M. A.) Sluchai razriva matki sub partu. [ Rupture of tbe uterus . . .] Vrach. zapiski, Mosk., 1899, vi, 177-18.—Wimp»on (J. P.) A case of ruptured uterus in a nmliipaia. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1901, ii, 74. -Skinner <\V.) Rupto rede l'u- terus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1885, lx, 510. Wlechta (J.) Ruptury delohy. [Ruptures of the utei itn.| < 'asop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1891, xxx. 293; 318; 337: 375; 39.. Also, transl.: Fraueuarzt. Berl, 1-91. vi, 250; 295 Also, transl: Wien. med. BL, ]8:il xiv, 305; 333; 351-Hmyly (W.J.) A case of ruptured uterus. Brit. Gyna-r. J., Lond., 1892-3. viii, 87 s9 — Soloviy (A.) Prichinok do perervanya rodnitsi (Ruptura utei i >. Zbirn. mat.-prir.-li'k. sekts. [efi 1. Lvov, 1898. iv. Lik. zbirn., i, pt. 2, no. 4, 1-7. Also, transl: Monatschr f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1898. viii. 494-500 —Hpanuoeehi (T.) Rottura di utero in travaglio del parto. Raccoglitore med.. I'm II, 1896, 5. s.. xxi, 245-252.—Spencer (II. R.) Four cases of ruptuie ol the nterus siicc«-s-fii]lv treated by packing the tear with iodoform gauze. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1900), 1901. xiii, 14- 28. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1900. i, 78 Also [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond.. 1900. i, 100. Also [ Absti .| : Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., Ixix. 35—Npcuccr (W.) Rupture of uterus. Australas. M. Gaz., K\ilnc\ . 1895, xiv, 226.—Spinelli (G. B.) Un caso grave di distocia; rot- tura uterina; enorme idrocefalia; estrazione del feto con 1' uncino acute, previa perforazione del capo col cranio- tomo di Blot. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli, 1888. ix, 77.— Nt< vciimoii (E. S.) Rupture of the uu-rus during labour. South African M. J., Cathcart,, 1887-8 iii, 166.— Ntroganotr IV. V.) Tec.heniye rodov u zhenshtshiiii perenyosshei ranicye razriv matki. [Labor in a woman who had previously sustained rupture of the uterus.| Vubil. shorn, v chest . . . Sklifosovskavo, S.-Peterb., 1900, 326-333. Also, transl: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. G\nak., Stuttg., 1902, xlviii, 40-52.-Stachetkin (D.) Drainage (lurch die Lumbalgegeuden bei Ruptureii des Uterus und der Scheidengewblbe wahrend der Geburt. Centralbl. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus. f. Gyniik.. Leipz., 1897, xxi, 1481-1489. — NiiHiigi (M.) [Ruptureof the uteius in parturient.| Sankwa Fujink- wa Kenkiu Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1899, no. 47, 1-5.— Swnyiie (T.G.) Cases of ruptured uterus. Tr.Obst. Soc. Lond. (1881.1. 1887, xxviii, 213-225. Also | Abstr] : Am. J. Obst., N. V., 1886, xix, 1293.—Nweringen III. V.) A case of puerperal uterine rupture. Med \- Surg. Re- poiter, Phila.. 1887, lvi, 674-077 — Tnlko-4» rintMevich (V. 1).) Sluchai razriva matki i vlagalishtsha (Ruptura uteri ot vagina-). Meditsina, St, Petersb.. 1890, ii. 77-79. Also, transl.: Times Sc Reg., N. V. Sc Phila., 1890. xxi, 106-108.—Tniln«n. Ruptura uteri. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gwiiik. Festschr. . . . (Fritsch), Leipz., 1902, 92-94.— Targett (J. II.) A rare ease of extraperitoneal rupture of the uterus with extensive suppuration. Hunterian J., Load., 1897-8, 104-107.—Tarnier. Bassin rCtreci; sep- tieine accouchement; rupture de l'uterus; mort. J. d. sages-feiuines. Par.. 1891, xix, 193. -----. Accouchement simple; rupture do luteins. Ibid., 273-275. -----. Presentation de l'epaule droite en ceplialo-iliaquc-droite, dos en an iere ; nipt lire de l'uterus ; einbrvotoniie rachidi- enne. Ibid., 1892. xx, 33-35.—Talc (M. A.) Ruptureof the uterus. Cincin. Lam et-Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxii. 535- 543 —Tniimzk (K.) Slucaj riiptiiriranog interslicialnog graviditeta. [A case of interstitial rupture in pregnancy.] Liec, viestnik, u Zagrebu, 1903, xxv, 40 42 — Taylor (W. 11.) Rupturo of the uterus during labor at term ; with re- port of a case. Gaillard's M. J.,X. V., 1887, xliv, 235-239.—< Thomaii (E.) Ruptura uteri seipu-nte abort ii; Kxsu- datum peritoneale; Para-et perimetritis; Perioophoritis; Aniemia universalis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1895, xl, 144-146. — Tipyakoll" (V. V.) Sluchai polnavo prolzvo- lavo raziiva matki vo vremya rodov. [Case ol complete ruptureof the uterus in the course of lahor.]. Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1894, xiii, 505-509.—Tidier & l>e*fo«*e*. Ivyste hydatique du foie rompu dans l'abdomen depuis 18 ans; generalisation snr toutela surface, peritoiiealedel'in- testin, du mosoutore, des ligaments largos et de l'ut6rus; grossesse 6voluant jusqn'au terme; rujiture uterine au cours du travail; mort. Bull, et m£iu. Sue. obst. et, gynec. do Par.. 1897. 9-12. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec. Par., 1897, xiii, 205-208.----------- Rupture sims-pcri- tonealedans un cas de presentation de l'ep-iule negligee; vaste thrombus remontant jusqu'au diaphragine. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1897, 13-17—Toth (I.) Meht-epedes harom gydgyult esete. [Three eases of uterine rupture with recovery.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1902, xlvi, 49. — Townsend (C. W.) A case of spontaneous rupture of the uterus. Boston M. A: S. J., 1895 exxxiii, 589. -----. A report of a case of rupture of the uterus. X. Vork M. J.. 1890. lxiii, 150. —Treu (A.) Znr Casuistik der Uterusruptur. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1894, n. L.. xi, 415-417—Trotta (G.) Sulla cura delle rotture dell' utero. Aich. di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 190'' ix 160-173. — Turner (D.) Sc <*ille«pie (A. L.) [Rupture of the uterus] Tr. Edinb. Obst. So,.. 1890-91, xvi, 172. — Tweedy (L. H.) Observations on the first sta''e of libour: its causal relation to uterine rapture. Ti'ltoy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1902, xx. 291-298. Also [Abstr]: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lend., 1902. n. s., lxxiv, 433. — lib.....i ( C. M.) Intraabdoniinel blddning cfter bristniug af uteri peritonealboklailnad under forlossning; dod. [ . . . hiemorrhage after rupture of the peritoneal lining of the uterus during parturition; death] Gote- borgs Liik.-siillsk. Forh.. 1895, 12-15. — tp«hur (J. N.) A case of protracted labor; rujiture of the uterine wall; concealed hteinorrhage; subsequent extensive sep- sis and mural abscess, etc., ending in recovery. Practice, Richmond, 1896, x. 283-288. [ Discussion |. 290-298. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, |s06-7, i, 375-377. [Discussion] 305. Also: Texas M. J., Austin, 1896-7. xii, 231-235.- Vnnce ( YV. B.) A case of ruptured uterus. Australas. M Gaz . Sydney. 1903, xxii, 9. —Van HiimncI. D6chimie uterine. Uiill.'Soc beige de gynCc. et d'obst,, Brux., 1896, viii, 175-177. — ViinIcii (V.) K voprosu o lii-ehenii polnikh razrivov matki vo vremya rodov. [Treatment id' complete rupture of the uterus during labor.l Bolnitscli. ".az. Boikina. St. Petersb., 1894, v, 593-601. —van ileVelile. | Leu geval van utorus- ruptiiui. ] Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. on Gynaec, Haarlem, 1903. xiv, 56-61. -Ve-.elil-.ki (P. L.) Sluchai nopolnavo otriva matki (abruptio uteri) ot peredne-pra- vavo svoda s omertvleniyem lievol stleuki vlagalishtsha. [Incomplete rupture of the uterus from the dextro-ante- rior vault, with gangrene of the left, vaginal wall.] Dnevnik Kazan. Olish. vrach pri imp. Univ. 1886, x. 254- 259—Vina v. Sur un cas de ruptuie sjiontaneede l'uterus pendant le fi avail. Mem. et coinpt.-rond. sued. sc. med. deLyon (I89U). 1891. xxx, ]il. 2, 256-261. Also: Lyon med., 1891 ' lxvi, 39-43. — Von Kinmlohi-'C A.) Ruptureof the 'uterus at term, following primary inertia. Am. Gyna-c A Obst, J., N. V., 1897. x, -16-19. [ Discussion], 67- 7' —VyR.ze.iNNle liee (J. B.) Report of three cases of rupture, of the uterus during labor, and a consideration of the treatment based on ten cases. Am. J. Obst., N.T., 1903, xlvii, 289-294. [Discussion], 397-400.— l)i in mock (H.P.) Rupture of the uteius; fietus in the peritoneal cavity; operation; dea:th. Indian M.Pvec,Cal- cutta, 1902, xxii, 9. — Doctor (S.) Fall von Uterusruptur. Pest, med.-chir. Presso, Budapest, 1897, xxxiii, 911. -----. M6hreped6s a hasiiregbe kil6pett magzattal; csdSzarmet- sz6s; gyog\ ul&s. [Rupturo of uterus and passing of foe- tus into abdominal cavity; Cassarean section; recovery.J Orvosi hetil., Budapest, ' 1*99. xliii, 577-579. Also: Or- vosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1900, xxix, 219. Also, transl.: Ungar. med. Presse. Budapest. 1899, iv, 931-933. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 1537-1545. -----. Meiirepedes a hasiiregbe kilepett magzattal; csa- szdrmetszes; gy6gynl£s. [Rupture of the uterus with escape of fcetus into abdominal cavity; Csesarean section; recovery.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 438. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1900, xxxvi, 731. -----. Violens ruptura miatt per vaginam exstirp< uterus. [Exstirpatiou of uterus per vaginam on account of violent rupture. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 281.—Dona (R.) RupturS, sjiontanee a uterultiS gravid insotitH de espulsiunea foetulul si phicentel In cavitatea peritoneala: isterectomie abdominals total.1; viudecare. [Spontaneous ruptuie of the gravid uterus with expul- sion of fcetus aiid jdacenta into the peritoneal cavity; total abdominal hysterectomy; recovery.] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1901, xxi, 525-530. Also, transl.: Bull, et mem.Soc.de chir. de Bucarest, 1901-2, iv, 117-135. — Bona (Ii.) & rYanu (G.) Un caz de i-uptui& spontanee a utt-rului gravid in timpul facerel; histerectomie abdominal:! totulS,; viude- care. [A case of spontaneous rupture of the gravid uterus at the time of parturition; . . .; recovery.] Spitalul, Bucu- resci, 1902, xxii, 45-50. Also, transl' [Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. do chir. de Bucarest, 1902-3, v, 12. — Dra- ghiesco & C'rislcami. Sur le traitement des ruptures ut6rines, avec une statistique de77 cas. Ann. de gyu6c. et d'obst., Par., 1C02, lvii, 103-141— Dudley (A. P.) Idy experience with the immediate repair of uterine injury following labor. Am. J. Obst,, N. V. 1895, xxxi, 145-155.— Earle (II. M.) A case of rupture of the gravid uterus; abdominal section and removal of fo-tus and universally adherent placenta; euterectomy; recovers-. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. 1899, xxxiv, 328-330.—Everke. Uterus mit Spontauruptur in der alten Kaiserschnittnarbe. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1901, ix, LABOR. 75 LABOR. Labor (Complicated) from rupture of the uterus—operations. 484-486.—Fehling (H.) Ueber Uterussuptur. Samml. klin. Vortr.. u. F., Leijiz . 1892, No. 54 (Gynakol., No. 22, 507-522). — Fetherwtoii (R. H. J.) Notes of a case of labour, complic .ted by hvdroeephaloid foetus; rupture of the nterns; removal of the uterus; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1893, n. s.. xv. 610-614.—Fr'nscnni. Rot- tura coiujih-ta dell' utero; lajiarotomia; ainputa/.i.ine utero- ovarica; guai i^ione. Unssee.na d'ostet. e ginec, Najioli, 1897. vi, 014 oiti. — I'raner |N.I Report of a ease of rupt- ure of the uterus; laparotomy; recovers . Med. Xews, N V., 19D3, lxxxii. 1207-1210.—Freimd (II. W.) Indi- j ziert eine Ut- rusruptur den Kaiserschnitt bei wieder eintretender Sebwangersehaft I Zentialbl. f. Gyniik., Lt-ip/... 19i>3, xxvii, 234-238.—Oroinadzki (J.) Dwa przyjiadki pekuiecia niueicy podczas porodu, lec/one na drodze operaryjnoj (exstirjiatio uteri totalis per laparoto- niiam). [Two cases of rujiture of the uterus during labor, treated by . . 1 Medycyna, Waiszawa, 1895. xxiii. 786; 801.—Crosse i A .) Amplication do lecarteur de Tarnier chez une multijiaie pour lenteur du tra\ ail et souffiance du fcetus; rujiture de l'uterus pendant le travail; hyste- rectomie; mort Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst.. de gvnec. et de pediat. de Par., 1903, v, 78-S2. — d-zhihovNki (X.) Razriv matki vo vremya rodov; ehrevoslechenive: vizdo- rovleniye. [Rupture of uterus during labor; abdominal section; recovery.] Protok. zas lid. akush.-sinek. Obsh. v Kieve, 1894. vii. 135-148. — von Cuerard (H. A.) Uterusruptur bei Eclampsie; Zwillinsie; Austritt des Lies zwischendie Blatter des Lig. latum; Coeliotomie; Heilung. Monatschr. f. Geburtsb. u. Gynaek., Berl..[ls99. x. 638-644. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl . 1901, xxvii. 660.—Hartiiiann (H.) Technique de l'ablation de I'literus dans les ruptures completes de l'oi itane Ann. de iiyiiec. erd'obst.. Par., 1901, lvi, 280-286.—Ileim-ieiii« (G.i Ruptura uteri sub partu; Amputatio uteri supia- vaginalis. Centralbl. f Gvnak., Leipz., 1896. xx. 1040- 1(43.—Hery.feld (K. A.) Ein Fall vou completer Ruptur ' des Uterus mit Au-tiitt der Frucht iu die Bauchhohle; Laparotomie: IL ilung. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1*92, xxxvii. 559; 569. — Ilintze. Leber einen Fall von spon- taner Uterusrujitur. Centralbl. f. G\niik., Leijiz.. 1897, xxi, 516-519.— Biibl (H.) Ueber eine vaginale Total- exstirpation eines mpturirtenUterus vom sechsteu Lunar- monate bei einem hochgradig verengten osteomalacischen Becken. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1899. xii, s51-s.54.— Igelsrud (K.) Et tilfelde af uterus-ruptur mod delvis udtraertelse af fosterer: opeieret llmaaneder senere. [Sur un cas de rujiture de l'uterus avec expulsion p.ntielle du fo-tns; operation au bout de 11 mois. Res., si.] Xorsk Man. f. Laegevii'iensk.. Kristiania, 1899. 4. R., xiv. 20-26.— Iwanow (A. J.) Totale vaginale Exstirpation einer wahrend der Gebuit rupturirten Oebiii mutter. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz.. 1899, xxiii. 33-36.—Jaille. Lagastro- tomie dans les ruptures uteriues. Therap. cunteinp.. Par., Iss7. vii, 222: 238; 255; 270; 302; 493; 507; 584; 599; 672; 804.—Jasiri.xki (K.) Przypadek zujielnego p^kniecia macicy podczas porodu z wyjiadnieciem plodu do .jamy otrzewnej; lap.notomia. calkowite wyciecie macicy. [Comjdete rupture of uterus during labor, fietus falling into the peiitoneal cavity; laparotomy; total excision of the uterus] Mi-d\e\na. Warszawa." Is95, xxiii. 1008; 1022. — Johannov-liy 'V.) Zjt 'I h -rapie der Ltem>. | ruptur. Piag nn-d. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 350-353.—Jou- bert Sc Earle III Ml A ease of rupture of the gravid uterus; abdominal section and removal of fietus and uni- versally adherent placenta; enten-otoni\ ; neoverv. Lan- I cet, Lond., 1899, ii. 279—von Hiiniiil, Kin Fall von Uterusruptur intra jiartum mit Xetz\ oi fall (lurch Lapa- rotomie geheilt. Leutsehe med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl . 1902, xxviii, 743. — Kcliiir (F. A.) Zur Lehre von den Uterusrupturen. Zt~eln. f. prakt. Aerzte, Miinchen, 1900, ix, 833-842. — Kendall i K. D.) Two cases of rupt- ure of the uterus; post-mortem Ciesarean section; one child saved. Ann. Gynec. Sc Pediat.. Bost.. 1898-9, xii, 385. Also: Indian M. Rec., Calcutta, 1899, xvi, 490. Also: Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month.. Richmond, 189H-9. iii, 591.— Khol- liiogoroflT (S. S.) K voprosu o Ib-chenii jiolnikh razri- vov matki. [On the treatment of complete, ruptureof ute- rus.] TruiiiV syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v |iamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i, 518-525. — Kirieyeil